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During the 76 session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 20, 2021, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres lunged into a dire warning saying:

“I am here to sound the alarm.  The world must wake up.  We are on the edge of an abyss—and moving in the wrong direction.  Our world has never been more threatened or more divided.  We face the greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes… A surplus in some countries.  Empty shelves in others.  This is a moral indictment of the state of our world.”

While these words appear very truthful on the surface, sitting as we are upon a systemic meltdown of the world economy and potential collapse of population levels unseen since the days of the 14th century dark age, it is worth asking: What are the primary causes for the collapse into an abyss which Guterres is so concerned about?

Is it neocolonialism managed by a financier oligarchy which has kept the majority of the global south poor, indebted, starved, divided and at war?

Is he concerned about the drive for full spectrum first strike nuclear hegemony by Anglo-American unipolarists?

Or is it the immanent collapse of the $1.2 quadrillion financial bubble masquerading as the western economy?

It is in fact none of those things.

In Guterres’ mind, the existential crises which demands a total overhaul of all human collective behavior, thinking and traditions is shaped by the boiling of the earth caused by man-made global warming (which has less to do with anthropogenic CO2 than you might image) and a pandemic which has a 99.8% survival rate.

What sort of solution does Guterres envision?

The Great Reset Magic Wand

In June 2020, just months after the World Economic Forum signed a strategic partnership to merge its functions with the United Nations, Guterres laid out his vision stating:

“The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call. We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face.”

This was merely a rehashing of the words of World Economic Forum President Klaus Schwab who just days earlier said:

“The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions… Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

Upon reading this, one might interject “but isn’t it true that capitalism has proven itself too corrupt to salvage and that a new system is needed that is driven by moral values?

Certainly, worshipping money is as bad as Guterres and Schwab frequently attest and additionally a new system driven by moral values is needed to bring us out of the abyss… but is the system now imploding referred to by Klaus actually “capitalism” or has a slight of hand occurred?

It is my contention that the thing labelled “capitalism” outlined by Schwab in his Great Reset speech above was never capitalism at all.

Self-Cannibalism by Another Name

Capitalism requires the creation of capital to merit the name.

Under nationalist statesmen like John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, William McKinley, Franklin Roosevelt and JFK in America (and many like minded figures internationally) the past 250 years has seen amazing leaps of progress under the form of capitalism. Large scale, government directed credit, protective tariffs and social programs merged the needs of the nation with the liberty of the individual and free enterprise.

On the other hand, the consumer society cult created during the 1970s was never about creating anything at all… but only consuming what previous generations had created and leaving nothing durable for the future but unpayable debt, never-ending wars, addiction to cheap labor and atrophied infrastructure.

The global transformation unleashed with the 1971 destruction of the gold reserve standard was always driven by an intention to replace national systems of economic planning with a new anti-nation state system driven by myopic speculation.

In this new liberalized system, being a good citizen meant only being a good consumer where the worship of short-term gains blinded corrupt fools to the reality that a hive of oligarchs were taking control of all media, science, academia, corporate governance and the civil service of governments across the Trans Atlantic. What they called “capitalism” was merely a looting operation that emerged over the dead bodies of patriots such as Franklin Roosevelt, John F Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Enrico Mattei and many others.

The network which ran this systemic transformation within the USA was a powerful group called “the Trilateral Commission”.

Co-founded by Chase Manhattan bank president David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the manifesto for this group was outlined by Brzezinski in his 1970 book ‘Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era’.

In this manifesto, Brezinski wrote:

“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

The Bomb is Set

In order to get from one obsolete age of nationalism and the belief in scientific progress to a new age of post-nationalist world government, an intermediary period had to be created “in between two ages”. That intermediate age would call itself capitalism on the surface and America would be a Leviathan-like enforcer of this system of looting on a global stage.

During this time, supranational consortiums of international finance, corporate power and intelligence agencies beholden to no nation state would increasingly use the deregulation of the system under globalization to re-colonize western nations stripping them of all actual economic sovereignty and leaving them sovereign in name only.

The system that emerged under this new order was less capitalism and more an elaborate time bomb.

By virtue of its emphasis on the increased rates of fictitious capital accumulation, this new system of self-cannibalism would kill long term investments required to sustain society, and create a speculative bubble premised on ever increasing mountains of unpayable debt. This bomb would blow up like the early bubbles that had been set to pop in 1929 New York and even earlier in 1923 Germany with “scientifically managed” forms of fascist governance offered as solutions.

As the Trilateral Commission was taking control within the USA, a former student of Kissinger named Klaus Schwab was co-founding a new organization in Switzerland called the World Economic Forum (originally named the European Management Fund).

This new organization would serve in tandem to the Bilderberger Group established in 1956 by Dutch Prince (and World Wildlife Fund co-founder) Bernhardt and serve as an influential platform for the world’s elite to plan and coordinate a supranational game plan designed to nudge the world into a new utopia.

World Economic Forum co-founder (and later chairman) was a Canadian Rockefeller protégé named Maurice Strong who had leapt from mining executive to leading controller of Canada’s Liberal Party during the 1960s to become an international leader of the neo-Malthusian revival heading the United Nations’ first environmental conference in Stockholm in 1972. Described lovingly by Schwab as “my mentor”, it was at Davos that Maurice Strong began openly advocating world government and population control which became a loud theme throughout his life. It was in reference to the Davos group that Strong had mused in 1991:

”What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no’. The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

One frequent WEF guest was another Trilateral Commission member who had first coined the term “Davos man” in 2004. His name was Samuel P. Huntington, and in 1975, he took part in a Trilateral Commission study called “Crisis in Democracy” where he wrote:

 “We have come to recognize that there are potential desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of democracy… a government which lack authority will have little ability to impose on its people the sacrifices that will be necessary”.

Here a theme is raised which is characteristic of all techno-feudal thought: The nation state’s only purpose is to serve as an appendage for a supranational elite in order to enforce: 1) limits to growth onto civilization, and 2) draconian sacrifices that no democratic people would willfully permit being imposed onto themselves or their children.

On the Verge of a New Age

Today, the new age which golden collar elites of the Davos clique have made their religious mission to bring online as part of an anti-Christian scientific paganism, has been called “the fourth industrial revolution”.

To recap: The period of chaos launched in 1971 with the floating of the dollar was never capitalism.

It was always just a temporary social Darwinist age of pillage and hedonism masquerading as capitalism which could do nothing but collapse by its very nature.

Over fifty years into this age of chaos, nation states of the trans Atlantic community have been systematically stripped down of anything which rendered them economically sovereign.

Yes, there are still certain confused sparks of life from republican forces in piecemeal form within parts of the USA, and Europe which still value freedom, but the sort of political or economic sovereignty once enjoyed during the times of Kennedy and de Gaulle are long gone. Privatizations, outsourcing of industry and atrophy of infrastructure has resulted in a transfer of power to the hands of an immensely wealthy oligarchical class.

The defenders of humanity today are found among the Multipolar Alliance led by Russia, China and a growing array of nations who want to have a future.

These are nations which are being led by statesmen who recognize the existential value of real economic growth, nationalism, long term planning, and scientific progress which are needed to bring humanity out of the fire sweeping across the world and into a future worth living in.

It is this emerging new paradigm which a frightened Guterres referred to when he said:

“I fear our world is creeping towards two different sets of economic, trade, financial, and technology rules, two divergent approaches in the development of artificial intelligence—and ultimately two different military and geo-political strategies.  This is a recipe for trouble.  It would be far less predictable and far more dangerous than the Cold War.”

In a future report we will dig more deeply into the question of “HOW did this oligarchical clique embed itself within the United States during the Cold War and induce an emerging baby boomer generation to democratically de-construct Judeo Christian civilization?”


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide FoundationThe author can be reached at

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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In his latest video, John Campbell, Ph.D., compared ivermectin, whose use as a COVID treatment has been widely criticized by mainstream media, with Merck’s new COVID drug, Molnupiravir, which is garnering positive media coverage.

In his latest video, John Campbell, Ph.D., compared ivermectin, whose use as a COVID treatment has been widely criticized by mainstream media, with Merck’s new COVID drug, Molnupiravir, which has been the subject of glowing media attention.

Campbell, a UK-based nurse teacher, cited several studies as he compared the two treatments on the basis of effectiveness, safety and cost. He first turned to a paper in the Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, “Drugs Shown to Inhibit SARS-Cov-2 in COVID-19 Disease: Comparative Basic and Clinical Pharmacology of Molnupiravir and Ivermectin.”

The peer-reviewed paper refers to ivermectin as the most studied “repurposed” medication globally, and notes that it is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and “classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an ‘essential’ broad spectrum antiparasitic, antibiotic, and has demonstrated broad antiviral activity against RNA viruses, including HIV, Zika, MERS and coronavirus.”

“And of course, ivermectin also won the Nobel Prize in 2015,” Campbell said.

According to the paper, Campbell said, Molnupiravir — though still going through trials and safety testing — is believed to “work against seasonal and pandemic flu, MERS, coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2.” The paper’s author noted that Molnupiravir does not inhibit inflammation, whereas ivermectin does.

How do the two drugs compare on cost? Ivermectin is exponentially cheaper than Merck’s new Molnupiraravir.

The cost of a complete five-day course of Molnupiravir is $700 — or $70 per pill. That amounts to a 4,000% markup over what it costs Merck to make the drug.

Citing 2013 prices provided by the WHO, Campbell said a five-day course of ivermectin — 10 3mg pills — costs $0.53. (However, at today’s U.S. prices, 10 3mg pills cost about $39).

On effectiveness, Molnupiravir is lacking data. The only publicly available clinical data on Molnupiravir comes from a Merck press statement claiming the new drug is 50% effective against hospitalizations and deaths, when used as an early treatment.

For ivermectin, using publicly available data, Campbell referred to one peer-reviewed study that pegs ivermectin’s effectiveness in early treatment at 62%, and an ongoing meta-analysis which shows ivermectin is 66% effective in early treatment and 86% effective as a prophylactic.

Using VigiBase, a WHO database on pharmaceutical safety data, Campbell showed that out of  3.7 billion doses given of ivermectin there have been only 5,693 reports of adverse events — far fewer, according to Campbell, than the number of adverse event reports associated with amoxicillin and ibuprofen, both widely used and considered safe.

Comparable safety information for Merck’s Molnupiravir is not yet available, as trials and studies are still ongoing. But Campbell did raise concern about  Molnupiravir’s mutagenic properties. He cited the Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics paper which states, “there is some concern about the safety of [Molnupiravir’s] NHC-nucleoside triphosphate, which is mutagenic to mammalian cells.”

According to Campbell, Merck denies this is a problem. But the paper suggests, at the very least,” it needs looking into,” Campbell said.

Watch the video here:


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Jeremy Loffredo is a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

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No doubt, none of us can recall a time when the world at large has faced so many problems and crisis that impinge upon the well-being and mortality of billions of people. For over a year and a half, we have been overwhelmed with anxiety, dread, depression and anger, desperately seeking solutions to ameliorate an all-pervading angst as society is completely being reconfigured in the image of those who hold power, influence and wealth.  There was a time in the past when we believed our elected officials would enact laws to protect the citizenry and provide a climate for sustaining a normal, productive life. The Covid-19 pandemic and those who would capitalize on the opportunities it provides for non-democratic agendas as changed all of that.  In its place the masters of government and industry have assured us that existential angst is our new fate.  Faith in any institutional security has collapsed into a tragic theater as the younger generations face an uncertain future and life loses its purpose and meaning. 

The majority of people’s beliefs are grounded and conditioned upon the input and information they receive. And today that information has been completely corporatized through a media that spoon-feed the consuming public a heavy dose of fear and confusion. Those who make efforts to pull back the curtain to expose the global Oz’s wicked wizard are marginalized, officially canceled by Silicon Valley and an army of faux fact checkers.  Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the culture of non-transparency draping the halls of Washington, the international health institutions, professional medical associations, and the pharmaceutical complex would spark public suspicions about conspiratorial attentions to shred democracy and individual rights and freedoms.

Objective skepticism, the ability to turn towards the mind’s faculty for critical thought, has rapidly declined in American society for several decades. Yet a healthy skepticism is necessary for questioning both the rhetoric and misinformation of “official” views and propaganda, including hints of what is commonly ridiculed as conspiracy.  The word “conspiracy” has lost its meaning and credibility in the American lexicon. Rarely does mainstream media, professional associations and think tanks, and official federal public relations and propaganda contextualize the term to simply implicate wrongdoing and corruption. When used by authorities, “conspiracy” is almost always pejorative, a means to slander, accuse and marginalize people as loons and quacks.  As a result we are led to believe the gospel word of officialdom: the Warren report, the 911 Commission, and more recently everything spouted from Anthony Fauci and the mouths of the White House and federal health agencies regarding the Covid pandemic and the wave of pro-vaccine mania.

Very often conspiracies are ridiculous, bordering on the absurd. However, past examples of politically motivated black flag operations and secretive agendas created in corporate boardrooms and government halls cannot rule out that conspiracies don’t exist or never have.  When there is sound reason to question the integrity of a politician, health official, media pundit, or a corporate executive, it is natural for the inquisitive mind to explore more deeply the hidden motivations and goals underlying the thoughts and actions of conspiracies’ physical footprints.  In most cases it is the evidence of contradictions, hypocrisies and confirmed blatant lies by individuals in authority that give birth to the conspiratorial mind.

Conspiracies conducted by the government, which resulted in unnecessary violence and death, are proven to have occurred and others were been planned:  the Gulf of Tonkin, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the CIA staged coup to oust Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, and the failed Operation Northwood scheme by the CIA and Pentagon to launch acts of terror against Miami residents. Before the 2001 anthrax scare identified any individual or group behind the toxic letters, according to an FBI whistleblower, the Bush White House instructed the FBI to blame the attacks on al-Qaeda; later it was revealed that the threats were carried out by one or more US government employed scientists.

In addition, the US government frequently launches conspiratorial misinformation campaigns through the major corporate media and Silicon Valley complex in order to support its clandestine and long term agendas.  Before the 2001 anthrax scare identified any individual or group behind the letters, according to an FBI whistleblower, the Bush White House instructed the FBI to blame the attacks on al-Qaeda. Later we learned that the threats were carried out by one or more US government scientists associated with Fort Detrick.  Furthermore, the mainstream media makes every effort to seduce us into believing that we don’t have conspiracies in the banking system, the pharmaceutical industry, and the government intelligence apparatus.

NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander claimed publicly that intelligence surveillance of the American public “foiled” 54 terrorist attacks by extremists. Independent research confirmed that in fact only one, and a possible second, attack, could be directly associated with the war on terrorism.  The media never questioned the accuracy of Alexander’s claim nor provided evidence to the contrary. Repeatedly Obama lied to the American people about the largess of the national security state and its infiltration into the lives of average citizens, including massive data collection of private phone calls, emails and internet activity.

The federal government is a vast sea of conspiracies operative at every moment. The NSA revelations of Edward Snowden documented proof that intelligence surveillance is far more extensive than officially reported. But others can be cited throughout the recent activities of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, FISA courts, USDA and FDA and CDC, and the Justice Department. Additional confirmed conspiracies planned by our executive branch, the CIA, military and other federal agencies include:

  • A US Congressional committee acknowledged that the CointelPro campaign included the FBI employing provocateurs from the 1950s to 1970s to carry out terrorist acts in order to blame civil political activists.
  • Bush’s justice department Attorney General John Yoo recommended that the US create a false terrorist organization for the purpose of conducting terrorist attacks that could be blamed on al-Qaeda.
  • Overwhelming scientific evidence now can debunk the official report that the three World Trade buildings could not have collapsed in free fall from jet-fuel fires alone.
  • Government has covered up conspiracies waged against Americans by other nations. The Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty and the planting of bombs in US diplomatic facilities in Egypt by Israeli terrorist cells are two examples.
  • State Department documents show the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff planned to bomb the US consulate in the Dominican Republic in order to win popular support for an invasion of the country.
  • During the US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, American soldiers were instructed to leave weapons near bodies of innocent civilians they killed in order to make the claim they were terrorists.
  • The Tuskegee Syphilis Study conducted by the US Public Health Service between 1932 to 1972, which experimented with unknowing poor African American men in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
  • The 2000 Simpsonwood meeting convened by the CDC with major health agencies and executives of vaccine makers to cover-up scientific evidence that mercury in vaccines were contributing to the increase in autism.
  • The whistleblower document dump by a senior CDC epidemiologist, Dr. William Thompson, revealing that the health agency under Julie Gerberding’s directorship destroyed internal research proving the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine contributed to a 250 percent higher rate of autism in African American boys. Gerberding went on to become president of Merck’s vaccine division with a $2.5 million salary and $38 million in stock options.
  • The thirty-year asbestos covered up of prior knowledge about asbestos’ association with respiratory illness and cancer in order to avoid lawsuits
  • The CIA’s mind control operations known as MK Ultra from the 1950s into the 1970s before being exposed by the Church Committee.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair in 1985 to secretly sell arms to Iran in order to fund Nicaraguan Contras.
  • The October Surprise during the Carter-Reagan presidential election when Reagan insiders met with Iranian revolution leaders in Europe to prevent the release of American hostages until after Reagan’s inauguration if he won the election.

These are only examples indicting factions within the federal government with treason to conduct conspiratorial acts.  When the brilliant journalist I.F. Stone wrote, “Every government is run by liars, and nothing they say should be believed,” he may have just as well been speaking about the entire gambit of federal agencies. Examples of legalized terror are aplenty and reveal actions solely for the pursuit of profit at the cost of Americans’ health. This has become particularly epidemic in private industry

  • Merck’s withholding evidence from the FDA that its blockbuster drug Vioxx had serious health risks, including heart attack, stroke and death. The drug was responsible for at least a very conservative toll of 60,000 deaths.
  • In 2009, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion for what was then the largest healthcare felony settlement in US pharmaceutical history for illegally promoting its drugs, including its painkiller Bextra. $1.2 billion was for the criminal fine then the largest imposed in the US.
  • The US Justice Department charged Johnson and Johnson $2.2 billion in criminal fines for marketing its autism and anti-psychotic drug Risperdal for unapproved uses. Forty-five states filed civil lawsuits against J&J in the scandal
  • Lawsuits continue to pile up against Merck for punitive damages, negligence, strict liability with failure to warn, manufacturing defects and common law fraud due to injuries associated with its HPV vaccine Gardasil.
  • A group of CDC scientists who called themselves SPIDER (Scientists Preserving the Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research) turned anonymous whistleblowers after releasing a written complaint criticizing the agency for operating as a tax-funded subsidiary of the drug industry in partnership with the FDA.
  • The legal suits against the agricultural giant Monsanto hid years of research and evidence of its active Round Up chemical glyphosate being responsible for DNA damage, birth defects, and a variety of cancers
  • Federally funded researchers forcefully administered highly toxic AIDS drugs in experiments on foster care children in a New York children’s center;

Besides withholding truthful claims, individuals, groups, companies or governments targeted in conspiracy theories share an atmosphere perceived as clandestine and secret.  In the private sector, conspiracies are voluminous and are permitted to continue behind the backs of federal crime authorities.

For decades independent voices have suggested that Wall Street has undue influence over government economic policies and the nation. On the contrary, tens of thousands of articles, books and opinion essays, reinforced with solid scholarship, reveal we do in fact have an epidemic of conspiracies in our midst.  Yet there is barely a legislator or journalist in corporate media with the courage to independently investigate the trail of leads behind current events. The major corporate media is also complicit in our nationwide conspiracy of corruption and criminal behavior.

The media wonks of public opinion, at the behest of federal and corporate pressure, control the issues that the public should or should not hear. Consequently our media engages in campaigns of psychological terror against society at large by keeping the public in doubt and fear.  Something is terribly wrong when there is such disparity between official rhetoric and the destruction of civil freedoms, justice, sovereignty and constitutional guarantees now decimating human rights and the quality of life across the US.  For example, recently the Biden White House instructed the justice department on the behalf of local school boards nationwide to consider any and all parents who challenge school board’s polices and rules. Instead parents should be identified as and pursed as domestic terrorists, thereby stifling all free speech that challenges government policies.

America is awash in conspiracy. Every firm on Wall Street and in the large private industrial complexes—oil and fossil fuels, nuclear energy, military and national security contractors, the pharmaceutical industry, agro-chemical firms, insurance firms—regularly and repeatedly engage in conspiracies against the American public. Private corporations and their employees have settled many thousands of lawsuits. On occasion accused individuals, usually propped as patsies and fall guys, have gone to jail. But in the vast majority of cases companies negotiate settlements and walk away without remorse and are able to retain their ill-gotten gains.

JP Morgan settled on $13 billion for mortgage fraud, which left thousands of families homeless.  Wachovia was slapped for a mere $800 million for money laundering hundreds of billions of dollars including dark money associated with the illegal drug trade. In every private industry we discover numerous resolved class action suits with underlying conspiratorial intentions to deceive the public and federal regulators.  Corruption is systemic throughout corporate America and increases with every bill to further deregulate.

A seductive characteristic of many reasonable conspiracy theories is that they  cannot be ruled out entirely. This is why they become so popular.  Research conducted by psychologists Michael Wood and Karen Douglas at the University of Kent in the UK, and findings by political scientist Lance DeHaven in his book Conspiracy Theory in America, indicate that conspiracy theorists are more sane and intellectually mature than our naïve leaders in government and the major two political parties who more fanatically attach themselves to anti-conspiracy beliefs.[i]  For example, the Kent studies showed that two of three viewers of mainstream media reporting on the events of 911 disbelieved the networks.

Now with full throttle efforts to impose anti-scientific policies to lessen the Covid pandemic entering dystopian territory, a flurry of conspiratorial charges are being leveled against the vaccine makers, Antony Fauci, the NIAID, the CDC and the Biden administration. Since conspiracies arise due to observable inconsistencies, contradictions and obvious misstatements, there is every reason for a critical thinking person to realize that the official narrative is contrary to the growing number of first person accounts of deception at every level.  Numerous medical professionals and physicians have now spoken out against:

  • The accuracy of PCR testing to track the pandemic and determine case counts;
  • The manner in which Covid-19 deaths were recorded, which included deaths caused by other medical conditions including pneumonia and other infectious diseases;
  • Unwarranted changes in the World Health Organization’s definition of a pandemic and herd immunity;
  • The violation of international laws by enforcing an experimental vaccine on the public;
  • Suppression of accurate data and reports of Covid vaccine injuries and deaths;
  • The suppression of effective and inexpensive lifesaving drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine;
  • Years of scientific evidence against the effectiveness of masks and social distancing and lockdowns;

The widespread censorship of scientific voices within the orthodox medical community is only the tip of the iceberg; however, it provides certainty that the policies and strategies being endorsed are by no means science-based.  Similar to the worst kinds of religious fundamentalism that represses and engages in violence against non-believers, the commercial based medicine advocated by Fauci, the federal health agencies and the government’s network of medical institutions, drug companies and philanthropists like Bill Gates are determined to kick out of the scientific community and excommunicate those who criticize their dogma.  In every worse possible way the medical establishment is emulating religious institutions that have been totally intolerant of dissenters.

We can and should have enormous respect for science when conducted in an objective methodological manner aligned with ethical intent, but we should show no respect whatsoever for science that is dogmatic, fundamentalist and intolerant. The official propaganda about Covid-19, the SARS-2 virus, the vaccines, and the demonization of safe, cheap and effective treatments is no friend to real science anymore than religious militants are to authentic ethical-based religion.  The federal medical complex’s handling of the crisis has been an utter failure from the start. And now we are witnessing the larger cost of this incompetence appearing in unexpected harm such as enormous spikes in mental health disorders, suicides and violence.

The latest example, with disastrous consequences, is the recent discovery of the Covid vaccines are being incorrectly administered.  Medical personnel administering the vaccines in clinics and pharmacies across the nation are failing to first aspirate the syringe to assure that no vein was punctured, which could cause a potentially lethal injury to the heart. This gross negligence is now being observed in people afflicted with blood clotting, myocardia and other heart problems following vaccination.

However, the more disconcerning problem is that the CDC and WHO are giving false information by stating that aspiration is unnecessary.  Again, our health officials are completely wrong despite millions of vaccines doses having administered. We can only imagine how many injuries and deaths were caused by this gross medical negligence.

Fortunately the pandemic is being exposed as a scam more quickly every day as federal inconsistencies and new information further implodes their narrative. The public will then need to rise up, along with the dissenting medical community, and demand legal accountability for the perpetuators of this pandemic terrorism.


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow

They are frequent contributors to Global Research.


[i] Kevin Barrett, “New Studies: Conspiracy Theorists Sane; Government Dupes Crazy, Hostile,”  Press TV, July 12, 2013.

Featured image is from OneWorld

The US Cannot Defend Taiwan, and China Knows It

October 11th, 2021 by Scott Ritter

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The US is playing a dangerous game of putting a public face on a policy of defending Taiwan from China, for which it has zero capability to implement.

Following a recent escalation of tensions between Beijing and Taipei, Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed on Saturday to pursue “reunification” with Taiwan by peaceful means and warned foreign nations about meddling in the issue.

For the past several years, the air force of the People’s Republic of China has been flying sorties into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ, as a means of sending a signal to Taipei that China does not recognize its claims of independence and, as such, any notion of an ADIZ is null and void. These incidents, which have been escalating over the years, recently reached a crescendo: China, according to Taipei, flew 38 aircraft in two waves into Taiwan’s ADIZ on October 1, 39 more on October 2 (also in two waves), and 16 the following day.

In response, the US State Department spokesman Ned Price issued a statement.

“The United States is very concerned by the People’s Republic of China’s provocative military activity near Taiwan, which is destabilizing, risks miscalculations, and undermines regional peace and stability. We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan.”

China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying replied

“Taiwan belongs to China and the US is in no position to make irresponsible remarks. The relevant remarks by the US side seriously violate the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communiqués and send an extremely wrong and irresponsible signal.”

On October 4, Taipei said that China sent its largest wave of aircraft yet into Taiwan’s ADIZ, some 56 in total, including 36 J-16 and Su-30 fighter jets, 12 nuclear-capable H-6 bombers, 2 Y-8 anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft and two KJ-500 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.

Alarmed by these developments, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen declared that

“Taiwan does not seek military confrontation. It hopes for a peaceful, stable, predictable, and mutually beneficial coexistence with its neighbors. But Taiwan will also do whatever it takes to defend its freedom and democratic way of life.”

‘Whatever it takes’, however, is an infinite concept backed up by the finite reality that Taiwan has a military of about 165,000 active-duty troops and about 1.6 million reserve soldiers which has been equipped with billions of dollars of advanced American-made military equipment.

While Taiwan’s military may look good on paper, it is ill-prepared for the realities of the kind of full-scale combat that will be directed at them if China ever decides to go through with an invasion. As the world learned in Afghanistan, impressive numbers on paper do not automatically translate into an impressive fighting force on the ground. And China would be delivering violence on a scale several orders of magnitude above what the Taliban could ever contemplate.

If China ever decided to invade Taiwan, the working assumption would be that it had conducted an extensive intelligence-based assessment of its chances of victory, which would have to be near-certain in order for China to undertake an action that would bring with it the condemnation of much of the world. China would have located with pin-point precision the garrisons and deployment locations of every major Taiwanese ground combat unit. It would have done the same with every combat-capable aircraft in the Taiwanese inventory. And it would have identified the logistics bases used by Taiwan to sustain its frontline combat forces. All of these would be subjected to extensive pre-assault bombardment by the Chinese air and ballistic missile forces.

Any surviving Taiwanese units would then be faced with the daunting task of repelling a massive invasion which would likely comprise a combination of amphibious and air assault forces. Assuming enough units survived the pre-assault bombardment to put up a competent defense, they would rapidly run through their on-hand stocks of ammunition, fuel, and food. Units that were cut off from resupply would begin to surrender, and the notion of surrender would become contagious. Pockets of die-hard defenders could survive to fight on for a period, but the reality is that Taiwan would fall in less than a week.

Much has been made about the US ability to come to Taiwan’s defense. While the US may have made great waves sailing its navy through the Taiwan Strait, such a maneuver would be suicidal in a time of conflict. The US Navy would be relegated to standing by far to the east of Taiwan, out of the range of China’s deadly ballistic missile capability, launching aircraft which would have limited combat capability given fuel and weight limitations. The same holds true for the US Air Force. The fact is, any aircraft the US dispatched to defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion would be rapidly attritted, with no replacements available in a time frame that could change the course of the battle on the ground in Taiwan.

Much has been made about media reports concerning the presence of US forces in Taiwan for the purpose of training the Taiwan military. These forces are not part of any formal alliance or defense pact, but rather part of what is known as “foreign internal defense” training missions, in this case involving a few dozen US Special Forces and US Marines doing small-unit training. This is not the kind of large-scale operational training undertaken by formal alliances such as NATO, where interoperability is essential for any joint combat operations.

The best the US could hope to do when it comes to defending Taiwan would be to modify existing warplanes for the reinforcement of South Korea. This war plan, known as OPLAN-5027, has a subsection known as a Time-Phased Deployment List, or TPFDL, which has identified the forces and equipment necessary to reinforce South Korea in time of war. At one time, the TPFDL had earmarked 690,000 troops, 160 Navy ships, and 1,600 aircraft for deployment from the US to South Korea within 90 days of a war breaking out on the Korean peninsula.

Two things come to mind—by the time the US cavalry was ready to arrive in Taiwan, they would be about 83 days too late. And, more importantly, China would have consolidated its hold on Taiwan making any US effort to retake it suicidal. OPLAN-5027 envisions US forces flowing into South Korean ports that are controlled by the South Korean government. It is not an amphibious assault plan, and any effort to transform it into one would fail.

This is the reality-based state of play today when it comes to the defense of Taiwan by the US. The only alteration that could be made would be for the US to use nuclear weapons in defense of Taiwan. This, of course, would trigger a general nuclear war with China, and the US is not prepared to commit national suicide for a nation it doesn’t even have a formal defensive pact with.

Ned Price might want to keep all of this in mind the next time he approaches the microphone to speak about defending Taiwan. He and the rest of the US government are writing checks with their mouths neither Taiwan nor the US military can cash. A better course of action would be to work with China and Taiwan toward the goal of peaceful unification which preserves intact the democratic system of government that exists in Taiwan.


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘SCORPION KING: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. Follow him on Twitter @RealScottRitter

Featured image is from The Grayzone

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This important article was frost published by Children’s Health Defense in July 2021


Immunologist and former NIH scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are “clear signals” of neurodegenerative disorders.

As cases pile up (445 as of July 9) of the reportedly “rare” neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome in people who received a COVID vaccine — forcing the sluggish U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to add a warning label to the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot — scientists are issuing urgent warnings about a possible tsunami of other types of neurological injuries.

Immunologist J. Bart Classen, one-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract scientist and proprietor of Classen Immunotherapies, a Maryland biotechnology firm, published a paper in February outlining the potential for messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines to trigger development of prion diseases as well as other chronic diseases.

Prion or “prion-like” diseases include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and others. A hallmark of these neurodegenerative diseases is the formation and clustering of misfolded proteins within the nervous system.

Classen’s February conclusions were based on analysis of RNA from the Pfizer injection.

Now, Classen has published a second paper on prion disease risks that draws on actual adverse event data from the United Kingdom following vaccination with the AstraZeneca or Pfizer COVID vaccines.

These data show the risk of neurodegenerative adverse events is far from theoretical. In fact, the AstraZeneca vaccine is already producing a safety signal for Parkinson’s disease, and the Pfizer vaccine may not be far behind.

Clear signal

Classen’s analysis focuses on roughly six months’ worth of data (through mid-June 2021) for two of the experimental COVID injections currently authorized in the UK — the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine that deploys genetically engineered adenoviruses and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reliant on lipid-encapsulated synthetic mRNA. (Due to insufficient data, Classen was not able to include the Moderna shot.)

The UK government’s Yellow Card adverse event reporting system organizes the data by organ system and symptom or disease.

Though both vaccines aim to spur production of coronavirus spike protein and related antibodies within the recipient, the two injections are “quite different in their composition,” according to Classen.

This might explain the first startling finding generated by Classen’s scrutiny of adverse reaction data: Thus far, the UK has seen 3.55 times more adverse reactions reported for the AstraZeneca injection compared to the Pfizer injection (745,965 vs. 210,168). Each AstraZeneca report describes an average of 3.63 adverse reactions versus 2.84 reactions, on average, for each Pfizer report.

This general pattern also holds true for “Nervous Disorders,” with 4.14 times as many such reactions reported for the AstraZeneca shot as for the Pfizer shot (statistically significant at the p=0.00001 level).

Within the “Nervous Disorders” category, Parkinson’s disease reactions display a “highly significant and specific increase … in the AstraZeneca reports compared to the Pfizer vaccine reports.”

The statistically significant findings include:

  • 185 reported Parkinson’s reactions following AstraZeneca vaccination versus 20 for the Pfizer injections (primarily identified through a specific symptom called “Freezing Phenomenon”)
  • 9,288 versus 937 reports of tremor (another potential Parkinson’s symptom) for AstraZeneca and Pfizer, respectively
  • 58 versus 4 reports of sleep disturbances (a hallmark symptom of a prion disease called “fatal familial insomnia”)

Describing these findings as a “clear signal of a specific prion disease, Parkinson’s disease,” Classen notes the findings are biologically plausible because they are consistent with what is known about the pathogenic coronavirus spike protein.

In addition, the stand-out symptoms of freezing, tremor and sleep disturbances match up to the “well accepted pathophysiology of prion disease.”

Accelerated disease process?

Ordinarily, scientists believe it takes years (or even decades) for the abnormal folding of certain proteins to produce prion disease. How, then, could Classen detect a “clear signal” for Parkinson’s disease just months after the vaccines’ rollout?

Classen offers several explanations which are not necessarily mutually exclusive. First, he suggests COVID vaccines could be accelerating disease progression in individuals who either already have subclinical prion disease or have mild prion disease that has not been properly diagnosed.

In addition, there is evidence indicating the vaccine spike protein can prompt misfolding of essential RNA/DNA binding proteins called TDP-43 and FUS and catalyze a toxic “chain reaction.”

The vaccine spike protein may also cause proteins “including [normal] prions already in cells” to form abnormal clumps (called Lewy bodies) that can result in “relatively rapid cell death.” Research has shown development of Lewy bodies in monkeys exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Notably, Lewy bodies “cause some or all of the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.”

Precisely because the spike protein can so quickly set abnormal protein clumping into motion, Classen speculates this “could allow fairly rapid detection of prion disease after immunization.”

At the same time, Classen cautions that flawed adverse event reporting systems will likely fail to capture neurodegenerative diseases that take more time to develop. Most vaccine adverse event reports are for acute events, he says, whereas few of the adverse events that occur “years or decades after administration of a pharmaceutical are ever reported.”

Moreover, prion disease symptoms are often non-specific or overlap with other conditions, making diagnosis difficult and underreporting probable.

For these and other reasons, Classen suggests that the clinical relevance of his findings “could be logs in magnitude higher” than the Parkinson’s signal he was able to detect in the Yellow Card data.

Pfizer reactions waiting in the wings?

Classen makes a point of stating his analysis “is not intended to indicate that one COVID vaccine is safer than another in regards to prion disease.”

Classen stated:

“Imbalances in rates of reactions detected … can be explained by the striking differences in composition of the two vaccines allowing one vaccine to induce some prion diseases quicker. The AstraZeneca … vaccine may concentrate in the gastrointestinal system to a greater extent leading to faster transport of the spike protein via the vagus nerve to the brain. By contrast over the long run, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine may induce more TDP-43 and FUS to form prions and lead to more prion disease.”

Another  explanation for why there may have been more adverse reactions and reports for the AstraZeneca injection versus Pfizer’s could have to do with the number of vaccine doses of each type administered in the UK. Classen was unable to ascertain the proportion of total doses attributable to each company. As of mid-July, however, the UK had ordered equal numbers of doses (100 million) from both vaccine makers.

Prion disease, Guillain-Barré and what else?

COVID shots are far from the only vaccines adversely affecting the nervous system. Among the nearly 400 adverse reactions profiled in the package inserts for U.S. childhood vaccines, symptoms considered red flags for neurological problems abound. These symptoms include dizziness, headaches, numbness, balance disorders, muscle weakness, paralysis, seizures, visual changes, disturbed sleep and tremors.

And well before COVID-19, the inserts for at least 20 other vaccines listed Guillain-Barré syndrome (a disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves) as an adverse event reported either in clinical trials or post-marketing.

Some individuals recover from the weakness, tingling and paralysis characteristic of Guillain-Barré — but in 4% to 7% of cases, the syndrome leads to death. Thus, when the FDA added its Guillain-Barré warning for the J&J COVID-19 vaccine in mid-July, the agency was grudgingly letting the world know some COVID vaccine recipients can expect serious or fatal neurological outcomes.

Nearly one-fourth (23%) of COVID vaccine recipients responding to a July Economist/YouGov survey (Table 13) reported experiencing “negative reactions to the vaccine,” adding to the cascade of evidence showing COVID injections are an unprecedented train wreck.

Was this why White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who recently urged young people to get COVID shots, slipped up and stated “these vaccines … can still kill you even if you are under the age of 27?”

As Pfizer gears up to ask for authorization to roll out its experimental injection to 5-11 year-olds, while getting a priority review from FDA for full U.S. licensure, it would behoove us to pay attention to Classen’s urgent warning about short-term and longer-term adverse neurological impacts.

As Classen states, the politicians and public health officials who are heavy-handedly pushing COVID vaccines have “a dismal record of protecting the health of the public.”


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Dozens of Chinese military flights through parts of Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the past month have caused an unwarranted panic that hawks in the U.S. have stoked and exploited for their own purposes.

Media hysteria and misinformation about these events have served to ratchet up tensions unnecessarily and to create an impression with the public that China is behaving far more aggressively than it is. The eagerness with which some national security analysts and reporters have mischaracterized what these flights represent has been alarming, because it shows how quickly any Chinese actions can be used to create a crisis atmosphere when there is no reason for it.

As U.S.-Chinese tensions increase due to mutual suspicion and distrust, these false alarms will likely become more frequent and potentially much more dangerous. If the United States is to keep these tensions from spiraling out of control, it should not take any provocative actions that could trigger a real crisis.

Contrary to many sensationalist reports and social media posts, Chinese forces have not violated Taiwanese airspace, nor have they flown “over” Taiwan. In fact, these Chinese flights have mostly taken place in one corner in the southwest of Taiwan’s ADIZ hundreds of miles from the island, and they have all been operating in international airspace. Whether through sloppiness or a desire for clicks, media outlets and analysts that should know better have effectively misled their audiences into thinking that China has been routinely committing acts of aggression against Taiwan when it has not done that. Kevin Baron, the executive editor of Defense One magazine, claimed that the flights had gone “over” Taiwan, compared the flights to Russian military intervention in Ukraine, and then suggested that the Chinese government was “testing” the United States and preparing to do something similar here.

An ADIZ is defined as an area well beyond a country’s airspace, and that airspace extends only 12 miles out from the coasts. Several countries, including the United States and China, have established ADIZs to provide them with advance warning of approaching aircraft, and other governments send their own planes into these zones without notifying the other side on a semi-regular basis. The U.S. has repeatedly sent bombers through the ADIZ that China established over the East China Sea in 2013, and Russia sometimes sends its planes into the American ADIZ around Alaska. Part of Taiwan’s ADIZ even overlaps with a portion of the Chinese mainland itself. As Michael Swaine observed earlier this week, the unprecedented number of flights is genuine cause for concern, but it is not cause for the alarmist reaction that we have seen.

So why is China sending so many planes through part of Taiwan’s ADIZ? As Bonnie Glaser told The Guardian this week,

“The Chinese are using these flights increasingly for training purposes and this is actually the end of the typical annual training cycle. The other purposes they serve is to signal to the United States and Taiwan not to cross Chinese red lines. And to stress Taiwan’s air force, to force them to scramble, to stress the aircraft, the pilots, force them to do more maintenance and test the responses of Taiwan’s air defence system.”

These flights are annoying, and they do place some strain on Taiwan’s air force, but we should not exaggerate the danger they pose to the island. The worst thing that Washington could do is to overreact and take its own provocative actions in response.

Threat inflation is a given in U.S. foreign policy debates, but it has been remarkable to see once again how easily media coverage can turn into full-blown fearmongering at the drop of a hat. Much of the coverage of this story in the last week has been very poor and inflammatory, and in some cases the commentary has been completely inappropriate. It is disturbing to think how a real crisis in the Taiwan Strait would be covered. It is worth asking whether our media outlets are even capable of responsibly reporting on such an important issue.

The Biden administration accurately criticized the flights for being provocative, but it has not blown them out of proportion. President Biden said earlier this week that he had spoken with Xi Jinping, and he stated that both had agreed to abide by what the president vaguely referred to as “the Taiwan agreement.” However, this affirmation of the status quo may no longer be enough to calm things down.

As Swaine noted: “Formulaic repetition by Washington of its continued adherence to the One China policy, and Beijing’s continued verbal support for a peaceful solution to the problem will not put a halt to this dangerous dynamic either.” The constant agitation in Washington for a more aggressively anti-Chinese posture in the region undermines Biden’s affirmations of the status quo. Recent arguments for giving Taiwan an explicit security guarantee have only contributed to the problem further.

Nothing could turn an imaginary crisis into a real one faster than an explicit U.S. pledge to defend Taiwan. Not only would this be an abrupt break with the status quo that has kept the peace for four decades, but a policy of “strategic clarity” would represent a direct challenge to China over a matter of vital importance that the Chinese government could not ignore. An American pledge to defend Taiwan would likely be tested early on, and it is doubtful that anyone in our government has fully thought through the implications of what such a commitment would require. The public is wholly unprepared for what a conflict over Taiwan would involve and what it might end up costing the United States.

Decades of waging war against much weaker states and terrorist groups have helped Americans forget how dangerous it is to court unnecessary conflict. As Daniel Davis recently pointed out, “the very best outcome we can hope for is a U.S. military that is left severely damaged, thousands of service members killed and wounded, and a massive security and financial burden of defending Taiwan indefinitely,” and that best-case scenario is not the most likely outcome. An explicit security guarantee to Taiwan would put the U.S. on a path for war with China sooner or later, and there is a good chance that this is a war that we would lose.

The United States can and should continue assisting Taiwan to prepare its own defense to discourage China from ever making an attempt to seize the island by force, but it should not make an explicit guarantee to go to war on Taiwan’s behalf. Making such a guarantee is more likely to trigger a crisis and a war than it is to prevent one. The best thing to be done under the circumstances is to seek to reduce tensions with China and to back away from the militarized rivalry with them that our government has been pursuing. Unfortunately, the irresponsible hawkish fearmongering over this week’s events threatens to move the U.S. in the opposite direction.


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Featured image: A Chinese H-6K bomber (file photo) reportedly flown into Taiwan air defense space in recent days. (Govt. of Japan/Creative Commons)

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Those of us who starting twenty-two years ago warned that the U.S. and NATO were abetting plans to carve a Greater Albania out of no less than six nations in Southeastern Europe were marginalized or ridiculed.

Dismissed when we pointed out that the Kosovo Liberation Army, with whom and on behalf of whom NATO waged a 78-day war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, were no sooner given control of the Serbian province of Kosovo in June of that year but – with the full connivance of the U.S. and NATO – it invaded neighboring territories under assorted aliases: the National Liberation Army in Macedonia and the Liberation Army of Preševo, Medveđa and Bujanovac in south Serbia, with spillover in Montenegro and similar designs on Greece (the Liberation Army of Chameria).

During the Italian occupation of Albania in World War II, the government of Benito Mussolini encouraged Albanian irredentist designs on Kosovo and Chameria (Epirus).

I received an email in 2000 from someone who is now a prominent American journalist detailing his first-hand experience in watching an American military helicopter providing cover for fighters of the Liberation Army of Preševo, Medveđa and Bujanovac in Serbia.

We were also criticized when we remarked that the six stars on the Kosovo flag might represent the component parts of a Greater Albania: all or part of Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and south Serbia.


Albanian PM’s statement on unification with Kosovo unacceptable – Russian Foreign Ministry

Moscow views the statement made by Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama on unification of the country with Kosovo as absolutely unacceptable, official spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in a comment.

“We consider the statement of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the unification of Albania and Kosovo as absolutely unacceptable. Promotion of ‘Greater Albania’ creation plans grossly contradicts provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and undermines stability in the region,” Zakharova said.

It is particularly strange to here that violation of the document that is fundamental for Kosovo settlement “is declared as the key goal in the political career of the leader in one of countries in the Balkan Region,” the spokeswoman noted….

“We look forward to an appropriate response of Western tutors of the Kosovo ‘nation-building’ project to this brazen provocation. We are highly surprised they miss such undermining calls, while they direct criticism against Belgrade in connection of its ‘Serbian world’ humanitarian concept, justified and consistent with the international law,” Zakharova noted.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Yahoo! News (9/26/21) published a bombshell report detailing the US Central Intelligence Agency’s “secret war plans against WikiLeaks,” including clandestine plots to kill or kidnap publisher Julian Assange while he took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Yahoo! News: Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA's secret war plans against WikiLeaks

Yahoo! News (9/26/21) reported that “discussions over kidnapping or killing Assange occurred ‘at the highest levels’ of the Trump administration.”

Following WikiLeaks‘ publication of the Vault 7 files in 2017—the largest leak in CIA history, which exposed how US and UK intelligence agencies could hack into household devices—the US government designated WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service” (The Hill, 4/13/17), providing legal cover to target the organization as if it were an adversarial spy agency.

Within this context, the Donald Trump administration reportedly requested “sketches” or “options” for how to kill Assange, according to the Yahoo! expose (written by Zach Dorfman, Sean D. Naylor and Michael Isikoff), while the CIA drew up plans to kidnap him. (Assange was expelled from the embassy in 2019 and has since then been in British prison, fighting a demand that he be extradited to the US to face charges of espionage—, 11/13/20.)

Shortly after publication, former CIA director Mike Pompeo (Yahoo! News, 9/29/21) seemed to confirm the report’s findings, declaring that the former US intelligence officials who spoke with Yahoo! “should all be prosecuted for speaking about classified activity inside the CIA.”

Ghoulish indifference

It would seem that covert plans for the state-sanctioned murder on British soil of an award-winning journalist should attract sustained, wall-to-wall media coverage.

Independent: The CIA plot to kidnap or kill Julian Assange in London is a story that is being mistakenly ignored

Patrick Cockburn (Independent, 10/1/21): “The scoop about the CIA’s plot to kidnap or kill Assange has been largely ignored or downplayed.”

The news, however, has been met by Western establishment media with ghoulish indifference—a damning indictment of an industry that feverishly condemns attacks on press freedom in Official Enemy states.

BBC News, one of the most-read news outlets in the world, appears to have covered the story just once—in the Somali-language section of the BBC website (Media Lens on Twitter, 9/30/21).

Neither the New York Times or Washington Post, two of the world’s leading corporate news organizations, have published any articles about Assange since July 2021.

To its credit, since the story first broke on September 26, the Guardian has reported twice on the CIA-led conspiracy to kill or kidnap Assange. But to offer perspective, during the week after Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was reported to have been poisoned by the Russian government, the Guardian published 16 separate pieces on the issue, including video reports and opinion pieces.

Similarly, a Nexis search of British newspapers for the word “Navalny” brings up 288 results from August 20–25, 2020. The same search for “Assange” between September 26–October 1, 2021, brings up a meager 29 results—one of which, a notable exception, was a Patrick Cockburn piece in the Independent (10/1/21).

Crucial relief

As is typical of stories that embarrass the Western intelligence services, independent media provided crucial relief to the backdrop of chilling indifference, with the Grayzone’s Aaron Maté (YouTube, 9/30/21) conducting a rigorous interview with one of the report’s authors, Michael Isikoff.

Image on the right: Aaron Maté (PushBack, 9/30/21) interviews Yahoo!‘s Michael Isikoff about the CIA’s plans to assassinate Assange.

PushBack: Inside the CIA plot to kidnap, kill Julian Assange

Indeed, the Grayzone (5/14/20) was the first outlet to provide evidence of a CIA-linked proposal to “kidnap or poison Assange” in May 2020. The story, however, was almost universally ignored, suggesting that, as Joe Lauria wrote in Consortium News (10/2/21), “until something appears in the mainstream media, it didn’t happen.”

One thing the corporate media cannot be accused of with regards to Assange, however, is inconsistency. After a key witness in the Department of Justice’s case against the publisher admitted to providing the US prosecution with false testimony, a detail that should ordinarily turn a case to dust, the corporate media responded by ignoring the story almost entirely. As Alan MacLeod wrote for (7/2/21):

The complete uniformity with which corporate media have treated this latest bombshell news raises even more concerns about how fundamentally intertwined and aligned they are with the interests of the US government.

Even after it was revealed that the UC Global security firm that targeted Assange had also spied on journalists at the Washington Post and New York Times, neither outlet mounted any protest (Grayzone, 9/18/20).

Perhaps most remarkably, UK judge Vanessa Baraitser relied on a falsified CNN report (7/15/19)  to justify the CIA’s spying operation against Assange (Grayzone, 5/1/21). Now, CNN’s website contains no reports on the agency’s plans to kill or kidnap Assange.

The prevailing silence has extended into the NGO industry. Amnesty International, which refused in 2019 to consider Assange a prisoner of conscience, has said nothing about the latest revelations. Likewise, Index on Censorship, which describes itself as “The Global Voice of Free Expression,” hasn’t responded to the story.

The establishment media’s dismissal of Assange supports Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s framework of “worthy” and “unworthy” political dissidents, with Assange situated firmly in the latter camp.

‘Only barrier is pride’

The present circumstances become even more deplorable upon consideration of the corporate journalists who arrogantly diminished, or even delighted in, Assange’s concerns for his own safety.

Guardian: The only barrier to Julian Assange leaving Ecuador’s embassy is pride

This James Ball column (Guardian, 1/10/18) has not aged well.

The Guardian’s James Ball (1/10/18) published a now infamous article headlined, “The Only Barrier to Julian Assange Leaving Ecuador’s Embassy Is Pride.” “The WikiLeaks founder is unlikely to face prosecution in the US,” the subhead confidently asserted. The column concluded:

Assange does not want to be trapped in Ecuador’s embassy, and his hosts do not want him there. Their problem is that what’s keeping him trapped there is not so much the iniquitous actions of world powers, but pride.

In a later article (3/29/18), Ball insisted that Assange “should hold his hands up and leave the embassy.”

Ball, at least, has written something on the latest revelations, but his article in the London Times (10/03/21) remains typically scornful of Assange’s persona.

The Guardian’s Marina Hyde (5/19/17) took a similar angle. Under the headline “The Moral of the Assange Story? Wait Long Enough, and Bad Stuff Goes Away,” Hyde wrote that “Captain WikiLeaks will get out of pretend-jail eventually.” More than four years later, Assange is in Belmarsh prison, “the closest comparison in the United Kingdom to Guantánamo,” accordingto the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Hyde has said nothing of the very real plans to murder or kidnap him.

In the same vein, journalist Suzanne Moore—who had previously publicly mocked Assange on a number of occasions—wrote in the New Statesman (4/12/19) after Assange’s arrest:

We are all bored out of our minds with Brexit when a demented-looking gnome is pulled out of the Ecuadorian embassy by the secret police of the deep state. Or “the met,” as normal people call them.

Moore, winner of the Orwell Prize for journalism in 2019, was not the first of her colleagues to ridicule WikiLeaks and its supporters as paranoid about an increasingly powerful state security apparatus. A column by the Guardian‘s Nick Cohen (6/23/12)  offered “supporters of Julian Assange” as a “definition of paranoia”:

Assange’s supporters do not tell us how the Americans could prosecute the incontinent leaker. American democracy is guilty of many crimes and corruptions. But the First Amendment to the US constitution is the finest defense of freedom of speech yet written. The American Civil Liberties Union thinks it would be unconstitutional for a judge to punish Assange.

And, in any case, “Britain has a notoriously lax extradition treaty with the United States.”

Blinded by propaganda

Medium: Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange

Nils Melzer (Medium, 6/26/19): “Once telling the truth has become a crime, while the powerful enjoy impunity, it will be too late to correct the course.”

It is of little surprise, then, that the Guardian, among other news outlets, refused to publish the words of UN special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer, who wrote in June 2019:

In the end, it finally dawned on me that I had been blinded by propaganda, and that Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed. Once he had been dehumanized through isolation, ridicule and shame, just like the witches we used to burn at the stake, it was easy to deprive him of his most fundamental rights without provoking public outrage worldwide.

The Assange case once again demonstrates that when erroneous reporting falls on the right side of the US and UK foreign policy establishment, editorial standards are set aside, and journalistic failures are met with zero accountability.

As such, it’s important to remember those journalists who watched on, pointing, laughing, comfortable in the knowledge that their work would never produce the impact nor risk of WikiLeaks—and then said nothing as the right to a free press was removed in broad daylight.


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John McEvoy is an independent journalist whose work has featured in the International History Review, Declassified UK, the Canary, Tribune, Brasil Wire and others.

Featured image is from FAIR

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UK government funding for land mine clearance in Lebanon, Iraq and South Sudan, as well as three other countries, has been scrapped in what humanitarian organisations called a “catastrophic collapse in support”.

The Mines Advisory Group (MAG) released a statement earlier this week estimating that UK funding for mine action removal will be reduced by 80 percent following the British government’s decision to slash overseas development aid. 

Six countries – South Sudan, Lebanon, Iraq, Zimbabwe Myanmar and Vietnam – will no longer receive any support from the British government as a result of the cuts, leaving vulnerable communities at risk of unexploded weapons and with restricted access to arable land.

CEO of MAG Darren Cormack spoke to The New Arab from Senegal and said the UK government’s decision was “shortsighted”.

“It shows naivety from a development, trade and security perspective,” he added.

In South Sudan, said Cormack, land mine clearance helps maintain “political stability”.

However, following a 100 percent cut in UK funding, vital work removing unexploded weapons and freeing up more land for farming is under threat, said Cormack.

Around 8.3 million people in South Sudan need humanitarian assistance, and over 60 percent of the population is acutely food insecure.

“Lebanon is a country on its knees,” said MAG’s CEO.

The country will also be hard hit by a 100 percent funding cut to mine action removal. Over a hundred staff were already made redundant as a result of cuts.

Cormack said that the economic instability could urge more people to take risks and use arable land that has not been cleared of weapons – resulting in more injuries and deaths.

New UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss will review these spending cuts following the ousting of her predecessor Dominic Raab. MAG hopes this will lead to funding being restored.

“We welcome the new leadership,” said Cormack and are “encouraged by Liz Truss’ plans to review the cuts.”

However, there is no certainty that the decision will be reversed.

Landmines and unexploded bombs affect 60 million people in the world, with 15 people killed or injured by these weapons every day.


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Selected Articles: Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable

October 11th, 2021 by Global Research News

Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable

By Joachim Hagopian, October 10, 2021

By now – October 2021 – it’s more than evident that the Big Pharma-Great Reset globalist elite are currently committing human genocide, carrying out their eugenics depopulation agenda.

The Lord of “Vaccines” and the “Health Terrorist Ideology”. Where Do you Think this is Going? Get Off That Crazy Train

By Dr. Pascal Sacré, October 10, 2021

If they wanted to save you, they would have told you a long time ago to move more, to eat better (really, not diet products that poison you as much as “heavy” products, Reassessing the risks of aspartame. New experimental and epidemiological data), to manage your stress on a daily basis, to take care of your microbiota, to take food supplements, some of them all year round in a country like Belgium (vitamin D).

The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”

By Dr. Nicole Delépine, October 08, 2021

Several months ago, we expressed at least “theoretical reservations” about vaccinating cancer patients or former patients who had been cured, because of the underlying mechanism of the gene injection on immunity.

The Dangers of Human Gene Editing

By Ulson Gunnar, October 10, 2021

While the process of synthesizing and arranging genetic code has many processes, perhaps none has been as promising as the CRISPR-Cas system. From laboratory experiments to emerging software used to create code genetically almost as easily as code for a computer, gene editing has never been easier, opening the door to never-before-possible applications.

Monsanto/Bayer Giant Moving to “Genome Edit” Fruits and More

By F. William Engdahl, October 10, 2021

Not surprising, Monsanto, today hidden behind the Bayer logo, as the world leader in patented GMO seeds and the probable carcinogenic Roundup herbicide with glyphosate, is attempting to quietly patent genetically modified or GMO varieties of fruits using controversial gene-editing.

Billions in Offshore Bank Accounts. Saving for a Very Rainy Day.

By Eric Margolis, October 10, 202

An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just examined a massive leak of 11.9 million records of offshore financial firms that have been evading taxes and financial disclosure for their many clients. The result of what is known as The Pandora Papers has been a cascade of scandals.

Video: Censorship and the “Smoking Guns” of a Manufactured Pandemic

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Kristina Borjesson, October 10, 2021

Economics professor Michel Chossudovsky describes the “smoking guns” indicating that the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud and details the devastation that already has occurred as well as what is to come with the so-called “second wave,” which he says is also based on flawed statistics and testing.

Global Totalitarianism: “You are Being Colonized”. Analysis by Patrick Henningsen

By Patrick Henningsen, October 10, 2021

We will be posting the full presentation by renowned author and geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen when it becomes available.

‘We’re in the Middle of a Major Biological Catastrophe’: COVID Expert Dr. Peter McCullough

By Dr. Peter McCullough and Patrick Delaney, October 08, 2021

In a recent lecture, Dr. Peter McCullough presented alarming data related to COVID vaccines, the fraud of national health authorities, the ‘Therapeutic Nihilism’ being exercised in hospitals, and the urgent necessity of active resistance.

Pfizer Lobbying Hits Decade High as Dozens of High-Profile Political Appointees Become Big Pharma Reps

By Natalie Winters and Raheem Kassam, October 08, 2021

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent vaccine rollout, pharmaceutical giants including Pfizer and Moderna have substantially increased their lobbying efforts, a National Pulse investigation has revealed.

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The Vaccine Mandate Is a Hoax

October 11th, 2021 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Dear Readers, below is a collection of articles that will help you to understand: (1) the danger of the vaccine compared to the danger of Covid and (2) the power Big Pharma has to bypass safety standards in order to maximize profits.

As for Biden’s “vaccine mandate,” no such mandate exists. The US president is not a dictator and cannot issue laws or edicts. Any such laws or edicts originating in the White House would be struck down by federal courts. Congress is the source of law. Even if Congress passed a vaccine mandate and Biden signed it, if the courts follow the Constitution the law would be struck down.

Even more importantly, any mandate or law that violates informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Laws used to execute German National Socialists after World War II for violating informed consent in their medical experiments.

Biden’s “mandate” was nothing but a press release statement encouraging private employers to do what the President of the US cannot do and issue vaccine mandates to employees. But, of course, private employers have no legislative power. They certainly have no legal authority to violate the Nuremberg laws.

The Biden “mandate” is just another hoax relying on the whore media to make it a fact.

When your employer tells you, whether you are a nurse or a software engineer or Walmart cashier, that you must accept what is without doubt a dangerous injection or be fired, sue him when he fires you.

All fired employees can join a master civil lawsuit that has the possibility of bankrupting the corrupt employers who collaborate in breaking US and international laws.

Here is the chance for a real revolution. The establishment is on the wrong side of the law. Once the morons fire massive numbers of people, the morons will be in the dock. If the federal courts also abandon the Constitution, US law, international law, and the people, the only recourse is violent revolution. As the people vastly outnumber the criminal establishment, the employers could end up hanging off of lamp posts where the people increasingly think they belong.

Virus Dangers vs. Vaccine Dangers – Fact Sheet

Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely Reported

“We’re in the Middle of a Major Biological Catastrophe” — Dr Peter McCullough

The Political & Medical Establishments Intend to Kill Us Off. Do Not Take the Jab. Your health and your life are worth more than your job.

The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”

The FDA Protects Big Pharma, Not Us

Big Pharma Owns the US Government

Examining the Methods and Means of COVID Propaganda Dissemination

The Vaccine Campaign Is a Mass Murder Campaign

The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People

Emergency Physician Dr. Rochagné Kilian Exposes Health Care Corruption

COVID Vaccine Contents, What’s Inside the Vial? Scientific Findings Reveal Microscopy Images


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Daily Sceptic

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A group of airline professionals have banded together to fight back against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination mandates. They call themselves the “U.S. Freedom Flyers.”

From their website:

US Freedom Flyers currently encompasses all travel and transportation-affiliated industries, including all employees, unionized or not, who are affected by the Federal Government’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. Whether you’re a pilot, flight attendant, mechanic, dispatcher, gate agent, or ramper, we have room for you!

In addition, we seek to be an inclusive organization contributing to the support of other industries. If you are in other transportation industries, such as shipping, trucking, bussing, etc. please join our organization! If you are in an industry other than transportation and travel, we welcome you also, and want to collaborate with you to help preserve our medical freedoms!

They have teamed up with Leslie Manookian of Health Freedom Defense Fund, George Wentz of Davillier Law Group, and Airline Professionals For Justice (AP4J) to fight back against mandatory COVID-19 shots for the airline industry.

US Freedom Flyers is a group of transportation industry employees who have come together to fight federal and state mandates which aim to strip Citizens of their right to medical freedom. Together, in partnership with Health Freedom Defense Fund and The Davillier Law Group, we lead to preserve Informed Consent and defend Constitutional rights.

In addition to our federal mandate fight, we have teamed up with Airline Professionals For Justice (AP4J). AP4J was founded to support our diverse work groups in the airline industry and we believe in individual and religious liberty and bodily autonomy. We will put our very livelihoods on the line to resist being coerced into taking a vaccine to which we object, by requesting genuine religious and/or medical exemptions as guaranteed under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We understand that we have the right to request “reasonable accommodations” in lieu of the vaccine AND that these accommodations, by law, cannot place an undue hardship upon the company.

US Freedom Flyers is all of us:  anyone who cherishes the freedom to move about the country and the world.  From passengers to crewmembers, and everyone in between, this movement is for you, your neighbors, your family and your friends!

Whether your travel is by plane, ship, train, taxi or your own car, our mission is the same:  to protect your inalienable freedom to move freely without government hindrance based on your vaccination status.  Now is the time for all of us to remind policy makers of their duty to uphold the Constitution.


We are a group of transportation professionals representing the air, rail, and trucking industries who are spearheading efforts to protect medical health freedom.  Our goal is to push back against the US government’s threats of vaccine mandates for private businesses. We know this effort is not simply a matter of employees versus companies, but citizens opposing illegal and tyranical mandates by the US government. (Source.)

These Freedom Flyers have just published a video with written messages from more than 60 of them, ranging from ramp agents, to flight attendants, to pilots and captains, to even a “senior vice president.”

The pictures fly by fast in the video, as there are over 60 of them, so you will need to hit “pause” often to read them all. Here are a few of them we screen captured.

Watch the full video. This is on our Bitchute and Rumble channels.


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The Newest Big Pharma Scam Exposed

October 11th, 2021 by Thom Hartmann

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Big Pharma’s obscenely-priced drugs developed w/tax dollars will continue to drain working people of income, savings, and – ultimately – their health until America recognizes healthcare as a right

Molnupiravir is the new pill that’s been all over the news recently because it can cut hospitalizations and deaths of unvaccinated Covid-infected people by as much as half and doesn’t require folks to go to the hospital or an infusion center, like the monoclonal antibody treatment.  Just take four pills every day for five days and you’re good.

It was originally developed by Emory University to treat horses infected with Venezuelan equine encephalitis with a $10 million grant from the Department of Defense and $19 million from the National Institutes of Health.  In other words, its invention was paid for with your tax dollars.

Emory University passed along the patent on molnupiravir to a small company, Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, which in turn passed it along to the pharmaceutical giant Merck.

Manufacturing cost for molnupiravir, according to a report from researchers with the Harvard School of Public Health, is around $17.74 for a 5-day course of treatment.

Merck just signed a contract with the federal government to sell 1.7 million treatment courses for the government to distribute to infected people for … wait for it … $712.00 each.

This price-gouging hustle was both made possible — and, ironically, perhaps made illegal — by a piece of legislation passed back in 1980 that gave universities the ability to sell patents to inventions funded with federal money to non-profit organizations and small businesses…but not to major corporations.  Since then, small businesses like Ridgeback have served as middlemen handing off profitable pharmaceuticals developed with our tax dollars to giant corporations like Merck.

Back in 1980, Senators Birch Bayh and Bob Dole got passed, over then-President Jimmy Carter’s objections (it was first shot down and only passed during the lame duck session by being attached to must-pass legislation) the Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act, now usually referred to as Bayh-Dole.  Industry and trade groups loudly sing its praises, although they’re worried about a provision of the law(that’s apparently never been used) called “March-in Authority.”

“March-in” allows the federal government to say, essentially, “We paid to develop this drug so you have to sell it to us at a reasonable price; we think you’re ripping us off right now so we’re going to claw back that patent from you and assign it to somebody else.”

As professors Peter Arno and Michael Davis wrote in The Washington Post:

“Bayh-Dole is a provision of U.S. patent law that states that practically any new drug invented wholly or in part with federal funds will be made available to the public at a reasonable price. If it is not, then the government can insist that the drug be licensed to more reasonable manufacturers, and, if refused, license it to third parties that will make the drug available at a reasonable cost.”

So Big Pharma called up their lobbyists and Trump’s billionaire Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross (who Forbes magazine said “could rank among the biggest grifters in American history”), jumped into the act.

In the last year of the Trump administration, Ross’s Commerce Department began the process of stripping “March-in” out of Bayh-Dole so Big Pharma could rip off the US government as much as it wanted, whenever it wanted.  In the Federal Register it was phrased this way:

“(7) Clarify § 401.6 to include a provision that march-in rights shall not be exercised by an agency exclusively on the basis of business decisions of a contractor regarding the pricing of commercial goods and services arising from the practical application of the invention.”

The issue is still live before the Biden Commerce Department, so watch this space.

Meanwhile, big Pharma is buying off members of Congress to encourage an end to “March-in” and block any efforts to regulate the cost of drugs or let Medicare negotiate prices.

That little provision draining billions every month from the Medicare fund, along with the privatization of Medicare through the Medicare Advantage Scam, came to us courtesy of the George W. Bush administration, after Bush tried and failed to entirely privatize both Social Security and Medicare.

Most recently, when legislation was before the House of Representatives to allow Medicare to radically cut their expenses by negotiating drug prices (just like the VA and major insurers do), it was shot down in committee by every single Republican joined by three paid-off “Problem Solver” Democrats: Scott Peters of California, Kathleen Rice of New York and Oregon’s Kurt Schrader.

Drugs have become a huge rip-off of the American people, making Big Pharma’s executives and shareholders fabulously rich and generating a huge pot of money that 5 conservatives on the Supreme Court ruled, in Citizens United, drug companies are welcome to use to corrupt politicians.  A recent study found:

  • “For 17 of the 20 top-selling drugs worldwide, drugmakers made more money from U.S. sales than from sales to all other countries in the rest of the world combined.
  • “For 11 of the 20 top-selling drugs worldwide, U.S. sales revenue was double or more the revenue for sales in the rest of the world.”

We are, uniquely in the world, being robbed.

As Congressman Ro Khanna told The Daily Poster, “The pharmaceutical lobby is very savvy. They pick the one or two people they need to block things, on the relevant committees or at the relevant time.” And this time, they’ve “picked” Senator Kyrsten Sinema, pouring a flood of cash into her pockets so she will block any efforts to control drug prices in Biden’s reconciliation Build Back Better legislation.

As I lay out in my new book, The Hidden History of American Healthcare: Why Sickness Bankrupts You and Makes Others Insanely Rich, until America joins the rest of the developed world in considering healthcare a right rather than a privilege, these giant, multi-billion-dollar-a-year scams like Medicare Advantage and obscenely-priced drugs developed with our own tax dollars will continue to drain working people of their income, savings, and — ultimately — their health.


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Featured image is by Septimiu Balica from Pixabay

Video: Censorship and the “Smoking Guns” of a Manufactured Pandemic

October 10th, 2021 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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Awarding winning journalist  and author Kristina Borjesson interviews Michel Chossudovky on the Covid 19.

Author’s Note

This is what was discussed a year ago in an interview with Kristina Borjesson, Whistleblower Newsroom (October 10, 2020). 

The interview was immediately taken down by Youtube. We subsequently posted it on Vimeo. 

Censorship was applied to a discussion of the PCR test and the interpretation of so-called Covid positive cases.  

The interview also focussed on the March 11, 2020 Lockdown, which was conducive to the closure of the national economies of 190 member states on the UN. 

We were put on a blacklist for telling the truth. 

Minor edits of original text which follow the video.

Michel Chossudovsky, October 10, 2021


VIMEO (click screen) Michel Chossudovsky and Kristina Borjesson

Economics professor Michel Chossudovsky describes the “smoking guns” indicating that the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud and details the devastation that already has occurred as well as what is to come with the so-called “second wave,” which he says is also based on flawed statistics and testing.  

“Closing down the Global Economy as a means to combating the Killer Virus. That’s what they want us to believe. If the public had been informed that Covid-19 is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat…”

Confirmed by prominent scientists as well as by official public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Covid-19 is a public health concern but it is NOT a dangerous virus.

click image to access on vimeo

Video Youtube. The Youtube version was taken down almost immediately.

For the Audio Click here to listen  Progressive Radio Network  

or Download the audio file

Corrections:  On January 30th, 83 cases Worldwide.


On January 29, 2020, the day preceding the launching of the PHEI (recorded by the WHO), there were 5  cases in the US, 3 in Canada, 4 in France, 4 in Germany.

There was no “scientific basis” to justify the launching of a Worldwide public health emergency. 

Screenshot of WHO table, January 29, 2200,

One day prior to the WHO decision to declare a global public health emergency


For the Audio Click the image below to listen  Progressive Radio Network   

or Download the audio file

Download the audio file

The data and concepts have been manipulated with a view to sustaining the fear campaign.

The estimates are meaningless. The figures have been hyped to justify the lockdown and the closure of the national economy, with devastating economic and social consequences.

  • Covid-19 is Similar to Influenza 
  • The whole exercise of PCR testing and establishing data of Covid-19 infection is flawed.  
  • The figures are fabricated and so are the death certificates.
  • Confirmed Cases” are not confirmed.
  • The RT-PCR Test Does not isolate the Covid-19 virus. 

These inflated Covid positive “estimates” (from the PCR test) are then used to sustain the fear campaign. The hype in Covid-19 deaths is based on flawed and biased criteria.

Governments are currently involved in increasing the number of PCR tests with a view to inflating the number of so-called Covid-19 positive cases.

The RT- PCR tests do not prove anything:

“Today, as authorities test more people, there are bound to be more positive RT-PCR tests. This does not mean that COVID-19 is coming back, or that the epidemic is moving in waves. There are more people being tested, that’s all.”

This procedure of massive data collection is there to provide supportive (fake) “estimates” to justify the so-called Second Wave.

The Endgame is to maintain the economic lockdown, enforce the compulsory wearing of the face mask, social distancing including the closure of schools, colleges and universities.

The tendency is towards a police state. It is all based on a Big Lie.

We need a mass movement, nationally and internationally to reverse the tide.

Mass demonstrations barely reported by the corporate media have taken place in major European capitals including London, Dublin and Berlin.

Corrupt politicians in high office must be (peacefully) removed.

Revealing the lies and deceptions is the first priority. Dismantling the fear campaign. Reveal the media disinformation campaign.

National economies must be reopened… 


The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky


About the Author

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983)

He is the author of twelve books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005),  The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015).

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at [email protected]

See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note

Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research


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We will be posting the full presentation by renowned author and geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen when it become available


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Before the Taliban took control of Kabul in August, the U.S.-backed Afghan commandos known as Zero units were the ghosts of the Afghan battlefield. Along with their CIA advisers, they were feared and, in recent years, virtually invisible.

But in the hectic, violent weeks between the Taliban victory and the U.S. military withdrawal, fighters belonging to a Zero unit known as 01 — and other linked militias known collectively as National Strike Units, or NSUs — helped the Americans secure Hamid Karzai International Airport. Firing warning shots day and night, 01 fighters sought to corral and search crowds of Afghans and foreigners trying to enter the airport to board evacuation flights, much as Taliban fighters struggled to maintain control at other airport entrances around the same time.

One evening in late August, an Afghan 01 commander whose fighters were guarding the airport’s northwestern gate asked an Intercept journalist taking photographs to identify himself to the fighter’s American handler. The handler, who was wearing a baseball cap and had a pistol strapped to his waist, suggested that if the journalist wanted to leave on an evacuation flight, he should do so immediately. Soon, the man said, he’d be evacuating “my guys,” referring to the 01 fighters. After that, the gate would be closed for good. The American then turned to the 01 commander and explained the value placed on a free press by citizens of the country to which he and his fighters would soon be flown.

The CIA prioritized the evacuation of Zero unit members from Afghanistan, flying out as many as 7,000 of the former commandos and their relatives even as thousands of vulnerable former U.S. government and military employees, human rights activists, and aid workers were left behind. NSU commandos refused to allow a former U.S. government interpreter through the airport gates unless she gave them $5,000 each for herself, her husband, and their three children, Al Jazeera reported. The woman, who said she and her relatives were beaten by NSU members at the airport, could not afford the bribe. Two former members of a different U.S.-trained military unit, the Afghan National Army’s KKA, or Afghan Special Unit, told The Intercept from a safe house in Kabul that no formal effort was made to evacuate them and that unit members who were able to board flights did so through personal connections. The two former members themselves had been turned away by 01 militiamen after approaching the airport’s northwestern gate. Since then, they said, at least four KKA members have been tracked down by Taliban fighters and killed.

The CIA’s ability to evacuate its allies appears to have far outstripped that of other U.S. government entities and signals its pivotal role in the war. The agency evacuated as many as 20,000 Afghan “partners” and their relatives, the Washington Post reported, nearly one-third of the 60,000 Afghans the U.S. has taken in overall. The CIA did not respond to a request for comment.

Most coverage of the CIA’s efforts has been laudatory. But the Zero units were known for deadly night raids that killed an untold number of civilians across Afghanistan. The Intercept documented 10 raids conducted by 01 in Wardak Province, southwest of Kabul, in which at least 51 civilians, including children, were killed — many at close range, in execution-style assaults. Most 01 missions were led by a small number of CIA “advisers,” as their Afghan fighters knew them, or U.S. special forces borrowed from the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command.

“The U.S. should not be offering safe haven to those who committed war crimes or serious human rights abuses,” said Patricia Gossman, associate director for the Asia division at Human Rights Watch, who wrote a reporton the units’ abuses. “In Afghanistan, these forces were never held accountable for their actions, which included summary executions and other abuses. The U.S. and any other countries resettling members of these units should screen arrivals and investigate any for their possible involvement in human rights violations.”

Most of the Zero unit members were flown to Qatar, where CIA paramilitary officers worked to get their former Afghan colleagues sent to the U.S., according to a former senior U.S. intelligence official with direct knowledge of the operation. The former Afghan commandos are being housed on U.S. military bases, including two in Virginia and New Jersey, and at Ramstein Air Base in Germany while they await resettlement, according to the former senior U.S. official, two former senior Afghan intelligence officials, and a former commando from a different Afghan unit who was evacuated to the same U.S. base as some Zero unit members. Another small group of Zero unit members is in the United Arab Emirates, but they are expected to come to the U.S. within weeks, one of the former Afghan officials told The Intercept. Both former Afghan officials said they have spoken with relatives who previously belonged to the Zero units and are now in the United States.

Once known within the U.S. government as the Mohawks, Zero units started as an irregular commando force controlled by the CIA. The intelligence agency trained the teams to serve as guerrilla fighters out of small U.S. outposts, mainly in the north and east of the country, near the Pakistan border. Much of the original purpose of the program was to enable the CIA to conduct cross-border raids into Pakistan, a politically fraught and rarely approved activity for U.S. personnel.

The Zero units allowed the U.S. to conduct deniable operations and avoid accountability and were similar in some respects to the CIA’s Phoenix program during the Vietnam War. For that program, the agency created Provincial Reconnaissance Units comprised mostly of South Vietnamese guerrillas led by American commanders. Like the Afghan Zero units, the PRUs gathered intelligence and assassinated suspected Viet Cong.

In 2010, the Afghan government signed an agreement with the CIA to turn the NSUs into a joint program with Afghanistan’s former intelligence service, the National Directorate of Security, or NDS, according to the two former senior Afghan officials, who were involved in the arrangement. While the missions would be jointly run, the units continued to be funded exclusively by the U.S. government, the two former Afghan officials told The Intercept. The change allowed the CIA to claim plausible deniability against accusations of human rights abuses or war crimes.

But in 2019, Afghanistan’s most senior defense official, then-Afghan national security adviser Hamdullah Mohib, told The Intercept that 01 was controlled by the CIA. “Quite frankly, I’m not fully aware … of how they work,” he said at the time. “We’ve asked for clarification on how these operations happen, who are involved, what are the structures of this. When they were set up, why are they not in Afghan control?”

Just after President Joe Biden took office in January, the CIA gave the NDS one year’s budget and said the agency would no longer support Zero units or continue funding them, one of the former Afghan intelligence officials told The Intercept.


A spray-painted reference to the American-backed 01 unit is seen on Sept. 6, 2021, inside Eagle Base, a few miles northeast of downtown Kabul, where the CIA and 01 were based before the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Photo: Andrew Quilty

Eagle Base, the sprawling CIA and 01 compound on a hillside northeast of Kabul, used to be off-limits to all but America’s closest allies.

From the highway, passersby could see a shooting range cut into the side of the hill and a narrow road snaking up to a cluster of beige structures. Less visible was the complex of helicopter hangars, ammunition depots, and barracks as well as the former CIA black site known as the Salt Pit, where interrogations and torture were carried out in the earliest years of the war.

Perimeter security was extreme, even by Afghanistan’s standards. A ditch ringed an earthen wall 6 feet high. Next came concertina wire, faded red bollards linked by steel cables, and a 10-foot mud and concrete wall topped with more concertina wire, with elevated guard posts every 300 feet. Floodlights illuminated the entire circumference at night.

Before 2019, 01 fighters left Eagle Base in vehicle convoys for nighttime missions. That changed when convoys on two Wardak missions were ambushed, according to a former NDS counterterrorism officer who used to accompany 01 on raids in the province. Thereafter, almost all 01 missions were flown into Wardak aboard American Chinook helicopters. Residents living near Eagle Base told The Intercept in 2019 that they heard the distinct thwap of the dual-rotor helicopters several times a week, departing early in the evening and returning before dawn. Otherwise, 01 fighters were rarely seen.

But the Taliban knew who occupied Eagle Base. On July 25, 2019, a suicide car bomb targeted CIA officers traveling in unmarked Toyota Land Cruisers arriving at the gate, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said in an interview that year. Local residents confirmed that a bombing took place against white Land Cruisers at the compound gate that day. The incident attracted little media attention. A spokesperson from Resolute Support, the now-defunct U.S. military mission in Afghanistan, told The Intercept that he was unaware of any foreign military casualties in Kabul that day. The CIA declined to comment.


Scores of burned-out civilian and military vehicles are seen within the CIA’s Eagle Base on Sept. 6, 2021. An ammunition depot, an armory, and several other structures were also destroyed by explosives and fire before the U.S. departure. Photo: Andrew Quilty

Taliban fighters have occupied the expansive facility since parts of it were destroyed by fire and explosives in the final days of the American military withdrawal from Afghanistan at the end of August. In early September, a week after the last U.S. military aircraft had departed Kabul, Taliban fighters clad in a darker version of fatigues with the same tiger-stripe pattern worn by 01 escorted journalists through the ruins of Eagle Base, leading them through areas they said had been cleared of land mines and booby traps left by the Americans and their Afghan partners.

The fighters were from the Taliban’s “Badr” 313 Brigade, an elite commando unit named for the Battle of Badr 1,400 years ago, when the Prophet Mohammad is said to have overcome enemy forces with just 313 men. They were led by an English-speaking Taliban member in his 40s wearing traditional clothes, sunglasses, and a surgical mask.

Nearly two weeks earlier, at dusk on August 26, a suicide attack at the airport and subsequent gunfire had killed about 170, including 13 U.S. service members. Kabul residents were on edge. When another huge explosion was heard across the city before midnight, many feared that there had been a second deadly attack. But that explosion was a controlled detonation, one of several that destroyed ammunition depots, armories, and vehicles as well as various facilities inside Eagle Base that the CIA didn’t want to leave for the Taliban once the agency finally abandoned it. Brian Castner, Amnesty International’s senior crisis adviser for arms and military operations and a former U.S. Air Force explosive ordnance disposal officer, said The Intercept’s photos from the site suggested “a very hasty and messy withdrawal.”

Constellations of bullets, mortars, and grenades littered the charred foundations of ammunition depots destroyed by fire. In the burned-out shell of what appeared to be an armory, the barrels of Kalashnikovs, belt-fed PKM and DShK machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and mortar tubes lay in piles like pick-up sticks.

Inside a dormitory building, the Zero units’ trademark tiger-stripe uniforms hung from hooks and littered the floor. In a steel locker, amid the discarded packaging of tactical gadgets and passport photos of a young family, a military patch in the shape of a pentagon read “The Shield & Swords of Afg, NSU (01).”


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Featured image: Afghans hoping to gain entry to the Hamid Karzai International Airport are contained by fighters from the notorious CIA-backed paramilitary unit known as 01, in Kabul on Aug. 24, 2021. Photo: Andrew Quilty

Meet COVID-19 Early Outpatient Treatment Expert Dr. Harvey Risch

October 10th, 2021 by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler

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Harvey Risch is a brilliant contributor to the knowledge base of biomedical research. Dr. Risch was the first to publish on hydroxychloroquine, very early in the pandemic, summarizing in the American Journal of Epidemiology evidence that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was associated with lowered mortality risk in a dose-dependent manner. He advocated very strongly that the world should not wait for the outcome of long-term randomized clinical trials, showing a correct understanding of the level of evidence required for off-label prescription during emergencies. This publication has had more than 140,000 views. You can read his, and the world’s first review of the clinical evidence of hydroxychloroquine here.

Dr. Risch also served as the principal scientist in the large Brazil hydroxychloroquine trial, published in Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. That study found day 6 use of HCQ, prednisone or both significantly reduced hospitalization risk by 50–60%. It is inconceivable that in the review of the evidence Dr. Risch presented that individuals like Anthony Fauci could not have known about what the studies were truly indicating. You can read the large Brazil HCQ study here.

Dr. Risch has also worked tirelessly to educate the public on hydroxychloroquine and other aspects of COVID-19, such as this piece in Newsweek in July, 2020 “Tireless” does not truly capture his efforts; he has appeared in interviews on television at least 76 times to date, and had provided testimony for important proceedings, giving decision makers no reason not to see and understand the value of HCQ for outpatient care for COVID-19.

It is a near universal truth that academic training, especially in the medical and biological sciences, attempts to force specialization. When individuals in academia continue to gather new skills via formal training, they break the mold. In addition to his medical training, Dr. Risch obtained a PhD in mathematical modeling of infectious epidemics and has actively published on that challenging topic.  He is Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, widely recognized as one of the premier public health institutions in this country, and has published over 350 peer-reviewed scientific research papers. His publications have generated over 41,000 citations of those papers in the medical and scientific literature.

One of the distinctions that Dr. Risch carries is that he has no financial conflicts of interest in HCQ or any early treatment for COVID-19. Dr. Risch’s early vision has been supported by the clinical experience of many physicians – and he is co-author on the landmark “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” with world-renown COVID-19 authority Dr. Peter McCollough.

Critics of Dr. Risch accuse him of weakening the standards for clinical adoption of treatment for COVID-19. These critics are hazards to public health in part because they fail to respect that off-label use is allowed when no standard of care exists (such as with COVID-19), and that Emergency Use Authorization (EUAs) do not require the same high level of evidence that clinical options require for success in translational efforts for medical options during non-emergencies. They apparently are unaware that the rules have changed for COVID-19 related studies: Real World Data and Real World Evidence can now be given full consideration by regulatory agencies (See FDA Guidance, 9/30/2021).

One of Dr. Risch’s interviews was with Dr. Naomi Wolf on The Daily Clout. Co-guests included Dr. Howard Tenenbaum, and Dr. Paul Alexander.

And here is a highly informative academic presentation (aired June 25, 2021) that tells the story of hydroxychloroquine and its abuse by false accusations and fake studies. He also highlights the Bradford-Hill Criteria for causality, a topic we’ll be reviewing in courses at IPAK-EDU.

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci has rejected hydroxychloroquine using language like “all the credible studies”. There are limitations to the available science on hydroxychloroquine, not the least of which have included faked studies conducted and published to cast dispersion on the inexpensive drug. Other limitations include small sample sizes of some studies; however, if Fauci and Francis Collins had prioritized large, well-conducted studies of hydroxychloroquine, this would not be a limiting issue. The massive number of studies to date that find an effect place hydroxychloroquine high among the candidates for likely to succeed in a thorough, objective analysis.

The fact that people are still dying without any ambulatory in-home care is the crime of the century.


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Storable food mega-supplier Augason Farms has ceased operations for 90 days, citing, “global raw-material shortages” and “substantial delays” in procurement and production.

“Regrettably, BCG [the parent company owner of Augason Farms] cannot fulfill your orders on time; therefore, this letter communicates our decision to suspend business for the next 90 days, effective immediately,” says an October 7th, 2021 letter issued by Mark Augason, President of Augason Farms, to Augason Farms distributors and retailers (see letter below).

“During these 90 days, we will secure and stockpile raw materials and take measures to accelerate our round-the-clock production output,” the letter continues. “We are confident that this reset period will help us better serve you with on-time, complete shipments in the future,” the letter adds.

Augason Farms has been a large-scale retailer on, Walmart and many other retail outlets, typically offering non-organic dried fruits, vegetables and meal mixes to the preparedness and survival community.

The full letter is shown here:

In addition to this letter to its distributors and retailers, the Augason Farms website has announced it is no longer processing online orders from customers. “Due to an extremely high order volume through all sales channels we are currently not able to receive any orders through our web site,” said an on-site message on Oct. 8th.

“We expect to turn this site back on just as soon as possible.”

For the record, we were disturbed to learn about this development. It is yet further evidence of the accelerating collapse of food supply lines. As we have repeatedly warned, the world is about to be plunged into a “Dark Winter” of extreme food scarcity, power grid / energy scarcity and accelerating spike protein fatalities occurring among the vaccinated.

The shuttering of Augason Farms for 90 days is only going to worsen the food scarcity at retail, causing people to scramble even more aggressively to try to locate dwindling food supplies.

In my opinion, the brain dead Democrats only seek to throw more stimulus money at this problem, creating yet more fake fiat currency chasing an ever-shrinking supply of goods. And since you can’t eat stimulus money, all the stimulus in the world is pointless if the supply lines are collapsing. The problem in today’s economy isn’t a lack of stimulus money, it’s a lack of labor due to all the COVID lockdowns (which are completely nonsensical and based on irrational junk science). This lack of labor is getting translated into food supply chain disruptions and transportation / logistics nightmares that mean fewer goods are available to end customers.

If this continues, the mass starvation and power grid failures will probably kill far more people than COVID ever could.

Our own storable foods operations at have been heavily impacted by the collapsing food supply chain. As we reported weeks ago, commercial food purchase contracts that we traditionally signed with food providers for 12 months of food deliveries have all but vanished. Commercial food suppliers told us in July that they, “could not guarantee any food deliveries beyond 90 days out.” Suppliers that used to offer credit terms are now demanding payment up front, or full payment upon delivery. And many commercial food orders are resulting in only partial deliveries, typically representing half of what was originally ordered.

The last time we put storable food buckets into our online inventory, they sold out in 90 minutes. We have remained out of stock ever since. (Our current production run will put items back into inventory on Nov. 11th, assuming the power grid stays up.)

There is no question whatsoever that the food supply chain in North America is rapidly collapsing. This is because elections have consequences, and the Democrats would seemingly rather see America locked down than working in productive jobs. If you pay people to stay home and not work, people will stay home and not work. Before long, the shelves are empty. It’s a page ripped right out of communist-style centrally-planned economies… which history has proven are horribly inefficient and lead to exactly the kind of supply chain failures we are witnessing at this very moment.

Those who remain in denial about this reality won’t be able to deny it for much longer, as the retail shelves are starting to run dry as well. Every nation, they say, is but nine meals away from a revolution. Those nine missed meals are arriving this winter, it seems.

We wish Augason Farms the best in resuming operations in 2022, should supply lines improve. However, we are extremely concerned that the picture is going to be far worse 90 days out. And those who fail to stockpile food in the next 30-60 days may find themselves literally starving to death in January / February (or begging FEMA for emergency food handouts).

The US power grid won’t even be reliably functioning by then, according to energy industry insiders. Hear the full details of the coming USA power grid blackouts in my most recent podcast:


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Taliban Back in the American Swing Chair

October 10th, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The US state department admitted belatedly late last night that the first face-to-face meeting between American officials and the Taliban since the regime change in Kabul would take place in the weekend at Doha. 

Much planning has gone into this development. The poignancy is at once obvious. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had threatened that Washington would make the Taliban a ‘pariah’ and exactly the opposite is happening.

The US’ capacity to make U-turns in policies is a legion but the alacrity with which this is unfolding is simply breathtaking.

Former US special representative on Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad stands excluded from the US delegation for the talks. Instead, his deputy, Tom West, is leading the team. West is profoundly experienced in South Asian politics (including India) and has served in the National Security Council and had a stint as advisor to then Vice President Joseph Biden too.

Importantly, the West is also an old Carnegie hand when CIA Director William Burns was heading the think tank. Thus, the CIA is de facto taking over the negotiations with the Taliban. That is a signpost for the Biden Administration’s road map.

The entire Doha process, retrospect, was primarily geared to achieve one objective — namely, Taliban’s acquiescence to an open-ended US intelligence presence in Afghanistan. As quid pro quo, the Trump administration offered to replace Ashraf Ghani with an interim government under Taliban leadership. But in a deal so secretive and delicate, there is always the slip between the cup and the lip.

And that was what happened. Ghani balked (with robust support India) and dug in; US couldn’t deliver on commitments over the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners; Taliban retaliated by refusing ceasefire; and, eventually, Biden lost patience, withdrew troops and announced the end of the ‘forever war.’ The rest is history.

The US is now picking up the threads. Fortuitously, the deck has been cleared — Ghani’s regime simply imploded; Taliban took over in Kabul without a shot being fired; foreign occupation of Afghanistan has ended; and, an interim government has indeed come into being.

Doomsday predictions of ‘resistance’, ‘civil war’, et al, have dissipated. The Taliban regime is a reality.

But there is a catch — in fact, two. One, Taliban lacks the skill and cadres to run a government; two, there is no money in the Treasury. Washington has sized up the seamless potentials of the emergent situation to plot its return to the centrestage by exploiting the impasse — Taliban being in ‘control’ of the country but cannot govern and lacks legitimacy.

Now, the demonising of the Taliban all along has been so through and systematic that the best-kept secret is still that it is actually a rather pragmatic interlocutor. An emblematic photo last week showed the Talibs protecting the site of the Bamiyan statues from further vandalism, awaiting resumption of work by the French archaeologists restoring the cultural heritage!

The American security establishment has a very good assessment of the Taliban leadership’s strengths and weaknesses — including or especially, the Haqqani Network’s. Burns’ unpublicised visit to Kabul in August to meet Mullah Baradar in the backdrop of the chaotic situation at Kabul Airport testifies to the quiet confidence in Langley that a deal with the Taliban is always possible.

Thus, after a minimal ‘cooling-off’ period — six weeks exactly —  the US is back in business. This time around, the CIA will assume a ‘hands-on’ role, given the misgivings about the role of Khalilzad (a Trump appointee.)

Through recent weeks, the Biden Administration has been finessing a massive financial package aimed at injecting money into the Afghan economy and shoring it up from collapse. In reality, Washington is offering a vital lifeline to the Taliban.

The point is, Russia and China are tight-fisted — and Iran is broke — and none of them has the political will or capacity to bankroll the Afghan economy, which only the US can. The Taliban is well aware that the return of the international funding institutions and the UN is the imperative need of the hour and that Washington holds the key to it. Therefore, the prospects are that the revamped US strategy will work.

A big plus factor is that Pakistan is passionately advocating the US’ re-engagement with the Taliban. Conceivably, the recent reshuffle in Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) will significantly strengthen the ‘moderate’ faction within the Taliban.

The special meeting of the National Security Council that Prime Minister Imran Khan convened on Friday in Islamabad took stock of the forthcoming US-Taliban re-engagement and has set up a special body for coordinating Afghanistan-related matters in the period ahead.

The statement on the NSC meeting said that Imran Khan “directed the establishment of a dedicated cell to synergise various streams of efforts on Afghanistan across the government, including international coordination for humanitarian assistance and effective border management to prevent any negative spillover into Pakistan.”

For the first time, perhaps, in the past 40 years, an ‘all-of-government’ approach is being introduced. This will strengthen Imran Khan’s leadership role.

Imran Khan has been lobbying hard personally in the recent weeks with the international community — Washington, in particular — to persuade it to engage with the Taliban regime, grant it recognition, and resume development assistance so that the prospects of viability of the new set-up could improve.

His tenacity has met with success. While the recognition issue depends on Taliban meeting the broader US demands, it is a quintessentially matter of optics, while Washington is indeed gearing up to provide assistance to avert a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. (Read my blog Taliban receives overtures from near and far, Indian Punchline, October 8, 2021.)

To be sure, Imran Khan will be supportive of the talks at Doha in the weekend. The NSC meeting has commended that “The importance of international coordination on constructive political and economic engagement with the interim government in Afghanistan was also highlighted.”

Significantly, Sarah Charles, a veteran hand at the USAID (formerly a member of the National Security Council from 2013 through 2017) with a range of experience in refugee issues, poverty alleviation, Sustainable Development Goals, role of Multilateral Development Banks, etc. is part of the team negotiating with the Taliban ministers in Doha in the weekend.

The Taliban delegation is led by acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi and includes top Shura Council member and Minister of Information and Culture Khairullah Khairkhwa, the director-general of intelligence Mullah Abdulhaq Wasiq, deputy interior minister (deputy to Sirajuddin Haqqani) Malwlawi Noor Jalal, senior leader in the negotiating team based in Doha Shabuddin Delawar and the acting Governor of the Afghanistan Central Bank Haji Mohammad Idris.

From the composition of the two delegations, substantive talks can be expected to set the ball rolling for a comprehensive US engagement with the Taliban authorities in Kabul. A strategic inflection point has been reached, for sure.


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Iceland Suspends Moderna for All Age Groups

October 10th, 2021 by Free West Media

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The Chief Epidemiologist of Iceland has decided that the Moderna vaccine against Covid-19 will not be used in Iceland. More information is needed on the safety of the vaccine for booster vaccinations and therefore not only people younger than 30 will be excluded, but everyone.

An announcement by the state concluded that in recent days there has been data from other Nordic countries on the increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with the Moderna vaccine in addition to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

According to the epidemiologist, the Moderna vaccine had for the past two months been used almost exclusively in Iceland for booster vaccinations after the Janssen vaccine and after two-dose vaccinations for the elderly and immunocompromised. Very few individuals are said to have received the second dose of Moderna.

In Sweden, the use of Moderna has been restricted to individuals born before 1991. In Norway and Denmark, it has been emphasized that the Pfizer vaccine is recommended rather than Moderna for 12 to 17 year olds.

In Iceland, only the Pfizer vaccine has been recommended for primary vaccination at 12 to 17 years of age since the vaccination of this particular age group began.

According to the Chief Epidemiologist, the decision was made to suspend the use of Moderna as there is a sufficient supply of the Pfizer vaccine for defined priority groups and basic vaccinations of those who have not yet been vaccinated.


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The Corruption of Britain

October 10th, 2021 by Ian Birrell

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Last week, a man called Malcolm Offord joined the Government as a minister in the Scottish Office. This was a surprising appointment. His electoral experience seems limited, although he did fail to win a Lothian region seat in the Holyrood vote earlier this year. He was also backer of a pro-Union group in the 2014 referendum.

But the financier’s real qualification for office seems to be the accruement of a fortune so great that it enabled him to donate £147,500 to the Tories. So now he has been given a lovely lifetime place in parliament to rule over us with a peerage, plus the added bonus of a ministerial job with all those nice perks of office and status.

Offord will find himself in good company in the House of Lords. The Financial Times last year worked out that the elevation of billionaire Tory benefactor Michael Spicer made him the 22nd former donor to be given a peerage in 13 years. Between them, they had given more than £50m to the three main parties.

Boris Johnson displays a special fondness for placing pals and party donors in the upper chamber; such folk comprise about one quarter of the people he has ennobled. The prime minister even overruled the appointments’ commission to force disgraced former party treasurer Peter Cruddas into the Lords. Lo and behold, the grateful new peer bunged another half a million into Tory coffers a few days after taking up his seat.

Yet Britons like to believe their country is not corrupt, preferring to lecture others on good governance. The harsh truth is the House of Lords, an archaic institution stuffed with people who bought seats or inherited titles, serves as a grotesque symbol of the blatant corruption that stains our nation. Instead of hiding the fact that well-connected people can buy power and influence, we hand them fancy titles, silly crests and scarlet robes.

Perhaps this is part of the same deluded exceptionalism that makes many Britons believe their empire was less brutal, damaging and greedy than others. Yet once again, we see how Britain is being built on foundations of stolen loot, led by the City of London as its accountants, bankers, estate agents, financiers and lawyers wash mountains of dirty cash for the planet’s dodgiest people. Another scandal has broken with the Pandora Papers, the latest massive cache of leaked papers, giving a glimpse into the hidden wealth, tax dodging and money laundering of some of the world’s richest and most powerful people. And with sickening inevitably, we see once again how our nation sits at the epicentre of these tawdry activities.

Take the revelations about the Aliyevs, the ruling family of oil-rich Azerbaijan which is led by a friend of Prince Andrew and has been home to huge British investment. When I visited Baku in 2012, I met an astonishingly brave woman called Khadija Ismayilova, who has endured blackmail, been filmed on hidden cameras having sex in her home and been imprisoned on trumped-up charges to stop her exposing corruption.

Another activist told me why he always locked his car: “Not just to stop people taking things but to stop the police planting drugs or a weapon.” Now we learn that a network of offshore companies tied to this gruesome family and its close associates has traded almost £400m of UK property over the past 15 years — including flogging a £67m property to the Queen’s crown estate.

Yet this is an autocratic regime frequently condemned for its nefarious activities that include rigged elections. Ismayilova and other journalists risked their liberty to fight for the democratic values we claim to espouse, revealing how their first family benefitted from state contracts awarded through hidden shell companies — including the £177m showpiece Crystal Hall used for the Eurovision Song Contest, which gave me cover to enter the country as a journalist. The European Union and human rights groups have condemned the “widespread and pervasive” corruption that scars Azerbaijan. Yet the Aliyevs were not stopped from buying and selling many lucrative properties in Kensington, Knightsbridge and Mayfair. One purchase was even made through an offshore company owned by the ruler’s son when he was 11.

Again, these sleazy disclosures cut deep into the heart of the UK establishment. They include one Russian businessman whose companies have backed 34 Tory MPs and made millions from an allegedly corrupt Russian pipeline deal, while another prominent Tory donor who backed Johnson’s leadership campaign was reportedly involved in one of Europe’s biggest corruption scandals. Only last month it emerged that George Osborne won business from a firm run by Oleg Deripaska, an oligarch close to Vladimir Putin and banned from the United States. It came through his friendship with the firm’s chairman Lord Barker, a former Tory minister in the coalition given a life peerage.

Similarly, half of Russian money-laundering involves Britain while our lawyers earn fortunes from their oligarchs fighting legal battles in London’s courts. No wonder Putin sees the West as so weak. The Pandora Papers show how even Raffaele Amato — the mobster tied to a dozen murders who inspired the gangster TV show Gomorrah — was able to use a shell company registered in the UK to buy property.

Five years ago, David Cameron hosted a landmark anti-corruption summit in London that underlined the self-deception — just a few weeks before losing the Brexit ballot and going off to lobby for Lex Greensill. We pour vast sums in aid into combating corruption around the world, then ignore how much of it is stolen by repulsive regimes.

The current chancellor Rishi Sunak seems complacent, claiming Britain’s track record on tackling money laundering is “very strong” while promoting freeports, So is it any wonder the Government does so little to stem the flow of dirty money, let alone shut down the tax havens under our jurisdiction that do so much harm to the world? Looters and thieves need help to stash their stolen cash. And according to the Tax Justice Network, the three places that do most to support such practices are the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Bermuda — all of which come under our flag. An analysis of these latest documents by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists found 956 companies in offshore havens tied to 336 leaders, politicians and senior officials — with more than two-thirds set up in the British Virgin Islands.

Westminster could stop providing cover for crooks, despots and dodgy oligarchs with ease, if it were not so complicit. The Government has repeatedly pledged to bring in a register of the owners of the 100,000 offshore-owned properties; instead, we discover former Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie saved themselves £312,000 in stamp duty using such tactics. The National Crime Agency’s international corruption unit has an annual budget of about £4m — which one quarter of the sum spent by its target, Zamira Hajiyeva, wife of a fraudulent Azerbaijani banker, in Harrods on jewellery and designer clothes. Needless to say, her £15m Knightsbridge home was owned by a company based in the British Virgin Islands.

Meanwhile, governments encourage City advisory firms to spread like knotweed in the undergrowth of Whitehall, where they rake off big sums from taxpayers even as they advise plutocrats and multinationals how to avoid paying fair dues to the exchequer. The “Big Four” accountancy firms have been accused by parliament of using expertise from staff seconded to the Treasury to help clients avoid tax. But as the civil service was cut back, ministers increased use of these consultancies. The pandemic boosted their earnings again as normal rules on tendering were ditched. So we see a firm such as Mckinsey pay out fines over links to a destructive South African corruption scandal and its lethal role in the US opioid addiction crisis, yet its advisers are still hired on hefty daily rates by Whitehall.

Britain needs to wake up. The mother of democracy has given birth to a system that aids kleptocrats and thieves. And as the famous saying goes, a fish rots from the head down. When appointing his latest minister, Johnson claimed he scoured the country for the best talent and gave Offord the job and peerage because he had “a huge amount to offer”. Few will be fooled.

The Prime Minister’s words drip with contempt for all those artists, carers, doctors, factory workers, retailers, teachers, scientists and soldiers who might contribute far more to the benefit of our nation in return for the £323 attendance allowance in the Lords — a tax-free daily sum roughly the same as the weekly minimum wage. Behind our facade of democracy, led by such a selfish and soiled elite, lies a country hideously stained with corruption.


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Ian Birrell is an award-winning foreign reporter and columnist. He is also the founder, with Damon Albarn, of Africa Express.

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The really wealthy, vexed by tax collectors, pesky relatives, ex-wives and just plain thieves, long ago learned the wisdom of hiding their money and property. This is twice true for politicians.

An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just examined a massive leak of 11.9 million records of offshore financial firms that have been evading taxes and financial disclosure for their many clients. The result of what is known as The Pandora Papers has been a cascade of scandals.

This column has long maintained that the US has been deeply involved in massive international corruption. Chief tawdry examples are the largest recipients of US ‘aid,’ Israel, Afghanistan and Jordan. Washington spent over two trillion dollars on the now lost, 20-year Afghan conflict.

All that money has vanished. Among the largest recipients was the Afghan Communist Party and the drug mafias that made US-run Afghanistan the world’s largest producer of illegal heroin and morphine.

The third recipient of US largess, Jordan, has gotten $22 billion from the US since the 1950’s. Last year it received $1 billion alone from Washington, mostly to support the Trump administration’s crude attempts to buy, threaten and cajole Arab dictatorships into a security pact with Israel that seriously screws the Palestinians. In addition, the US has also given $ 1.7 billion to Jordan to care for the large numbers of Syrian refugees it shelters. But they were the result of a war stared by the US to overthrow Syria’s Assad regime, one of the last independent Arab nations.

In addition, Jordan’s royal family received tens of millions in secret funding from Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and, reportedly, from Israel. Jordan and Oman have long been known as favorite dependencies of Britain’s MI6 intelligence service and the CIA.

All this money for a small, barren nation of only 10 million is remarkable. Yet one must understand that it is a key piece of the US Mideast Empire’s architecture. Interestingly, 60% of Jordan’s population is believed to be made up of Palestinian refugees from the creation of Israel in May, 1948. Today, 20% of Israel’s population is Palestinian.

Britain and then the US kept Jordan’s ruling Hashemite dynasty in power. It turned out to be one of the region’s more civilized and efficient rulers though it too often relied on the US-trained secret police to crush unrest. My mother interviewed the late King Hussein in the 1950’s and at that time discovered that one million Palestinian refugees were subsisting in tents. Many still do today.

Jordan is a very poor nation that lives on the edge. So why was King Abdullah II secretly buying more than $100 million of prime property in Malibu, London and the French Riviera? All through a web of complex companies designed to disguise the ownership?

Palace spokesmen claim it was only to assure security. Saudi and other Gulf royalty make the same claim for their important holdings in Spain and France. So does Spain’s recently deposed monarch, King Juan Carlos.

Many of the Mideast’s monarchs and dictators received secret US cash and property. This has been a fact since the days of Egypt’s Anwar Sadat, who was on the CIA’s payroll since 1952. France is in charge of payoffs to North African and black African leaders. It’s hard to find an African leader who does not own luxury buildings on the French Riviera or chic Alpine ski resorts. Why not? These strongmen risk being overthrown daily. Make hay while the sun shines.

Interestingly, some of the Third World leaders most vilified by the west have been relatively honest rulers. Good examples are Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt, Khomeini and Ahmadinejad in Iran, and Arafat of Palestine. But it was the crooks and cleptos like Iran’s late Shah, or Afghanistan’s Ashraf Ghani who got all the good press in the West.


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Monsanto/Bayer Giant Moving to “Genome Edit” Fruits and More

October 10th, 2021 by F. William Engdahl

First published by Global Research on January 19, 2019


Not surprising, Monsanto, today hidden behind the Bayer logo, as the world leader in patented GMO seeds and the probable carcinogenic Roundup herbicide with glyphosate, is attempting to quietly patent genetically modified or GMO varieties of fruits using controversial gene-editing. The “beauty” of this for Monsanto/Bayer is that in the USA, according to a recent ruling by the US Department of Agriculture, gene-edited agriculture needs no special independent testing. The developments are not good for human health or safety, nor will it do anything to give the world better nutrition.

The agrichemical and GMO giant Monsanto, which today tries to keep a lower profile inside the German agrichemical and GMO giant Bayer, is moving into the highly controversial domain of gene-editing of new crop varieties. In 2018 as the company was being deluged with lawsuits over its use of the probable carcinogen, Roundup, Monsanto invested $125 million in a gene-editing startup called Pairwise. The link is anything but casual.

Former Monsanto Vice President for Global Biotechnology, Tom Adams, has taken the post of CEO of Pairwise. In short, this is a Monsanto gene-editing project. In a press release, Pairwise says it is using the controversial CRISPR gene-editing technology to create genetically edited produce. Among their goals apparently is a super-sweet variety of strawberry or apples, just what our sugar-saturated population doesn’t need.

CRISPR gene-editing, a stealth attempt by the global agribusiness industry to promote artificial mutations of crops and, as the world was shocked recently to hear, even humans, as in China, is being advanced, much like GMO crops falsely were, as solution to world hunger. Pairwise founder, Keith Joung, told media that their CRISPR gene-edited fruits, “will speed innovation that is badly needed to feed a growing population amid challenging conditions created by a changing climate.” How sweeter genetically-edited strawberries will solve world hunger he leaves to the imagination. Pairwise also says that gene-edited fruits would somehow also cut down on food waste. One has to be also skeptical there as well, even if it makes nice promotion copy. In addition to super-sweet strawberries, Monsanto plans to use its work with Pairwise to develop new varieties of gene-edited corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and canola crops. And because the USDA unfortunately has given the green light, the new genetically modified foods will undergo no independent testing for health and safety.

USDA’s Foolish Ruling

The US Department of Agriculture recently made a ruling that CRISPR and other new gene-editing of food products need no special regulatory oversight or independent testing. USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue announced in 2018 reaffirmation of an Obama-era ruling exempting gene-edited crops from special testing. In a press release, Purdue stated that the USDA won’t regulate plant breeders who use gene-editing techniques without introducing genes from another species, or “plants that could otherwise have been developed through traditional breeding techniques.” The statement added that, “USDA seeks to allow innovation when there is no risk present.” The problem is that there has been no exhaustive scientific testing by any us government agency or others to prove no risk in gene-edited plants.

Fortunately, in a ruling that takes the health and safety of the population more seriously, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) — the highest court in the European Union — ruled last year that gene-edited products should be treated like genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are subject to substantial regulation in the EU.

That ruling has drawn howls of protest from the likes of Monsanto/Bayer but to date, it stands. This makes the USA the focus of agricultural gene-editing developments, likely bad news for the American population which is already–as a result of an executive policy ruling made by then-president G.H.W. Bush in 1992–consuming a diet heavily saturated with GMO soy, rice, corn, potatoes, sugar beets and other products, even GMO insulin for diabetes.


The recent attention given to a Chinese biophysicist who went public with claims he had successfully gene-edited a human embryo to make the new-born twins “HIV-immune” has turned the world attention to the relatively unpublicized genetic manipulation technology known as gene-editing. That was bad news for companies like Monsanto/Bayer who had been hoping to advance their dreams of genetic manipulation under the rubric of “biotechnology,” to avoid the Frankenfoods label the world put on the earlier GMO technology.

Whether the current USDA Secretary Perdue simply relied on the earlier arguments of bureaucratic appointees of the previous pro-GMO Obama administration, clearly it warrants a serious re-examination.

The CRISPR-Cas9 technology which has transformed the gene-editing landscape is merely five or so years in existence. The risks have largely been left to individual scientists to reveal. In one such study, published in May, 2017 in Nature magazine, gene-editing researchers reported they were shocked to find an unexpectedly high number of secondary mutations in a mouse model of gene therapy. In other words, results were not predictable.

When Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui shocked the world in December, 2018 by announcing he had used CRISPR to alter a gene in human embryos in the womb of a woman, who gave birth to twin girls in November, the Chinese authorities tried to silence the affair by putting He under house arrest, some suggesting he may even have been sentenced to death. What biophysicist He did, obviously with little regard to the genetic consequences, was gene-editing of the so-called germ-line. Changing the genes in an embryo means changing genes in every cell. If the method succeeds, the baby will have alterations that will be inherited by all of the child’s progeny in incalculable ways. If the mouse studies are any indication, the unintended consequences could be horrendous, not just for the two unwitting Chinese newborn twins.

The implications of gene-editing using CRISPR and its modifications are so grave as to warrant the utmost caution before unleashing it on to the world market. Unfortunately, the opposite seems to be the case. Gene-editing kits can be bought by anyone online without proof of scientific qualifications, and for little money. Calls for a moratorium on gene-editing until the technology has been proven or disproven go unheeded. President Obama’s Director of Intelligence, James Clapper, even had genome-editing on the list of “weapons of mass destruction and proliferation.” The Pentagon DARPA is reportedly doing research on weaponizing certain varieties of mosquitoes. Anything is possible

It is long overdue to invoke the prudent “precautionary principle” by imposing a global moratorium on gene-editing pending far more controlled independent research before we perhaps one day learn that gene-edited strawberries, ever so sweet, can destroy life inadvertently or by design.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.

F. William Engdahl is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image is from NEO


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

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first published on February 15, 2021


This year marks a seminal turning point in human history. For the first time since human civilization began, our species is being genetically modified. Vaccine manufacturers have now made it possible for the human genome to be permanently altered—and humanity’s relationship with nature forever changed—by means of an experimental pharmaceutical injection that is being falsely referred to as a “vaccine.”

In light of this defining event, I believe we must take a sober look at the motives and acts that are revamping humanity as we know it. Simultaneously, we must examine our increasingly destructive treatment of the natural world. 

In order to investigate the many variables that are hastening the demise of humanity and sabotaging our unique role as stewards of the earth and its billions of plant and animal species, I have divided this study into four main parts, which will appear as separate articles: 

In Part I: The Microbiome and The Virome, we will discover that we are literally swimming in a vast sea of genomic information that was essential for life to begin and flourish on this precious earth and that is still trying to help all species survive. The matrix of organisms that make up the microbiome have built a viromic information stream that has allowed for adaptation and biodiversity to occur on the planet. And that very same viromic information stream is responsible for building the human species.

In Part lI: Our War Against Nature, we will explore how our own reckless behaviour is destroying the environment, thereby moving us toward the sixth mass extinction. By that I mean, I will be covering the real environmental catastrophe, not the billionaire-funded “global warming/climate change” hoax initiated by the Club of Rome and further promulgated by the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

In Part III: What Happened in 2020-21, we will examine how this real environmental devastation has contributed to the “pandemic” that was rolled out in 2020, that led to the mass experimental injections of unknown substances into human “subjects” in 2021, and that has no foreseeable end. (I put “pandemic” in quotes because of its fraudulent character. Indeed, it is more accurately and aptly described as a plandemic, a scamdemic, a pseudo pandemic or any other term indicating fakery.)  

In Part IV: Our Response, we will analyze the irresponsible and irrational response of most people on the planet to this so-called pandemic. 

Read parts I and II here:

“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome

By David Skripac, August 15, 2021

Our War Against Nature. Humanity’s March Toward Extinction?

By David Skripac, August 20, 2021


Part III.  What Happened in 2020-2021. The Pandemic


In the months leading up to 2020, the earth experienced a series of unprecedented wildfires fires from Australia to the Amazon and from Indonesia to California. In California alone, the wildfire season of 2019 destroyed more than 250,000 acres of land, along with 732 structures. All told, global wildfires in 2019 sent 7.8 billion metric tons of CO2 and carbon particulate into the stratospherethe highest level of PM2.5 since 2002. Once in the stratosphere, the carbon particulate was able to travel thousands of kilometers from its source. Many cities around the globe, such as Canberra, Wuhan, New York, and Milan, experienced extremely low air quality as a result of the extremely high levels of PM2.5.  

It turns out that one of the most toxic substances generated by the combustion of synthetics such as plastics, nylon, wool, and silk—combustion caused either by wildfires or by industrial chemical reactions—is cyanide. Specifically, hydrogen cyanide gas. Cyanide is a highly toxic agent that causes vascular hypoxia and even death if not treated properly. 

Thus, as we entered flu season in the latter half of 2019 and the start of 2020, we had the perfect storm of toxicity circulating the globe. The abnormally high levels of PM2.5, in conjunction with high levels of industrial by-products like sulfur, mercury, arsenic, carbon, glyphosate, and cyanide, created ideal conditions for suppressing the innate immune system, especially in the frail and elderly, who are in many instances already dealing with serious underlying medical conditions. 

To make matters worse, most of the patients afflicted with these underlying conditions—hypertension, diabetes, obesity, coronary artery disease, and renal disease—are placed on commonly prescribed drugs, which include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) to control blood pressure and statins to lower cholesterol. However, we now know, thanks to a study first published on March 31, 2020, in the American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology (Volume 318, Issue 5), that ACE-I and statin drugs upregulate the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor by which the coronavirus enters the body.

ACE2 is a protein that sits on the surface of many types of cells in the human body, including the intestine, kidney, uterus, testes, brain, heart, and, most importantly for our coverage of this topic, the lungs and nasal and oral mucosa. 

The ACE2 enzyme plays an important role in helping the body to regulate blood pressure and in the healing of wounds and inflammation. In addition, the ACE2’s amino acids help capture and chop up a harmful protein called angiotensin II, which drives up blood pressure and damages tissues. That is why physicians in the Western world will normally prescribe ACE-I in an effort to boost ACE2 expression, thereby reducing the risk of high blood pressure. What’s more, when the ACE2 enzyme is upregulated, it can very easily capture—or snag—any one of the numerous spike proteins emanating from the surface of a coronavirus.  

While we are on the topic of spike proteins, I would like to make a few comments, in the form of a Q&A, on gain-of-function (GoF) research in this field.

Gain-of-function research is research that seeks to alter the functional characteristics of a virus with the aim of enhancing a viruses’ ability to infect a species and to potentially increase its impact as an airborne pathogen. By making a virus more “deadly,” it is believed that it could then be used as a biological warfare weapon (bioweapon) against a potential foe. We know there are GoF labs in Wuhan, China, and at the US Army installation at Fort Detrick, Maryland. (As of 2018, at least 15 other countries beside the US and China, including Canada, the UK, France, Israel, Germany, and Russia, had documented biological weapons programs and bioweapon research laboratories.)   

(1) Is it possible that either both or one of the Wuhan and Ft. Detrick labs may have manipulated one of the spike proteins on a coronavirus that would make it even more apt to connect to the ACE2 receptor, as this document from the Human Microbiology Institute in New York suggests? Absolutely. 

(2) Does Dr. Anthony Fauci have deep financial ties to the Wuhan lab through his position as director, since 1984, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases (NIAID)? Absolutely. 

(3) By extension, is the US government either indirectly or directly involved in funding the Institute of Virology in Wuhan? Absolutely. 

(4) Have both Dr. Fauci and University of North Carolina GoF specialist Ralph Baric received millions of dollars in research grants from several federal agencies—NIH, DARPA, and NIAID—to study GoF in coronaviruses, as this dossier by Dr. David Martin clearly outlines? 

Nevertheless, we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that all of this coverage of GoF may actually be a cleverly disguised psychological operation meant to conveniently distract us from the fact that we have zero peer-reviewed scientific proof that a coronavirus causes the respiratory syndrome known as COVID-19. 

In addition, the sudden, intense media focus on Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan connection may be a tactic designed to deflect the blame to China for creating the “crisis,” all the while cleverly obscuring the fact that numerous players from many nations and organizations, like the WEF, the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are working in concert with China to “enslave” all of humanity in “a technocratic dystopian nightmare”. 

Or, is it possible that the real gain-of-function bioweapons are the unapproved experimental injections (called COVID-19 vaccines) now being rolled out around the world? Time will tell.  

Returning to the events of 2020, we can see that by upregulating the ACE2 receptor that is sitting on the surfaces of the lungs and nasal mucosa, we made it very easy for a coronavirus, in conjunction with the PM2.5 particles that were carrying with them cyanide and other possible pollutants, to get snagged and pulled into the respiratory track. Once in the respiratory track, the toxins eventually go into the bloodstream and enter the body’s red blood cells. When a toxin enters the red blood cell, it changes the shape of the hemoglobin protein that carries the oxygen in the red blood cell and causes the red blood cell to become unable to carry oxygen. This process literally starves the body of oxygen. Therefore, with that combination of variables, the stage was set in the latter half of 2019 for the perfect delivery system enabling cyanide poisoning to take place. 

Cyanide poisoning causes a condition known as histotoxic hypoxia. The condition includes these symptoms:

  • Changes in the colour of the skin (ranging from blue to red)
  • Confusion
  • Cough
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Shortness of breath (due to the loss of the red blood cell’s capacity to carry oxygen)
  • Sweating

Consequently, in late 2019 and the early part of 2020, health professionals in Hubei Province, in northern Italy, in the New York metropolitan area, and elsewhere were dealing with patients who were presenting symptoms of cyanide poisoning. As outlined by an April 2020 JAMA article, these symptoms have all the hallmarks of histotoxic hypoxia but none of the symptoms of either pneumonia or respiratory failure. In other words, they had no fever (afebrile), no fluid buildup in the lungs, and no white blood cell elevation (which one would expect to see if there were an infection present). 

We must conclude, then, that these patients in acute distress, many of whom were in their senior years, had to have been initially suffering from hypoxia, not from pneumonia and not from respiratory failure. The pneumonia and micro blood clots, which eventually killed them, occurred several days or weeks after the initial poisoning event—and that was only because their innate immune system had been so weakened that their bodies succumbed to the cascading effects of secondary infections. 

Incidentally, all of the people who were acutely affected by SARS in 2002 and by MERS in 2012 showed the same symptoms of histotoxic hypoxia—not of viral infection. That is to say, their symptoms were identical to the acute cases in 2020 of what was erroneously labeled COVID-19. 

Ultimately, most of the patients hospitalized in 2020 died from a toxicology event—which was misleadingly named “COVID-19” after what was called a new strain of coronavirus—not from the so-named infectious disease. Even at the height of the “pandemic,” the purported COVID-19 accounted for a very small percentage of the total deaths in Italy and elsewhere. 

Fortunately, the reported overall infection mortality rate of the COVID-19 syndrome is only slightly higher than the alleged seasonal flu. Equally fortunately (though not for its victims), the syndrome posed a danger to only one major population group—elderly people who had two or more major chronic diseases. The presence of comorbidities—heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer—made up the vast majority of their deaths. But for people under 70 without these comorbidities, the risk of dying in a car accident is higher than the risk of dying from what is being billed as the disease COVID-19. Indeed, severe illness and death from COVID-19 occurred only in younger people who had immune deficiency disorders—obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and hereditary immunodeficiencies. 

Nevertheless, these deaths, though tragic, in no way justify any government violating citizens’ natural rights. These rights include the freedom to . . . 

. . . move about (including leaving one’s home at any time of day or night) 

. . . travel (including between states, provinces, countries, and continents)

. . . associate (that is, gather with friends and family in person) 

. . . assemble (in peaceful protests against unjust edicts, corrupt practices, and censorship) 

. . . worship (including meeting together with fellow believers) 

. . . express one’s individuality (including choosing whether or not to wear a mask) 

. . . enjoy bodily autonomy (including not being psychologically coerced or physically forced into receiving experimental injections of any kind) 

. . . stay in business (instead of being deemed by tyrannical politicians and public health bureaucrats to be “nonessential”—a label that forced millions of small companies to shut their doors, often permanently).

Dr. Bush summarizes the cases of severe acute respiratory illnesses he saw in 2020 this way: 

“Unfortunately, we didn’t look at this as a poisoning; we looked at this as an infection. We kept believing that these people who were dying were dying of infection. I believe they were very clearly being overloaded with PM2.5 bound to cyanide that was being trafficked into the lung environment and ultimately into the bloodstream by the virus. The virus is naturally designed to actually enter the body through lung and vascular tissue and neural tissue like our nasal sinuses. We see all of this loss of taste and scent in people exposed to this virus because it’s trafficking through the ACE2 receptor on the surfaces of all these tissues. The ACE2 receptor binds to the coronavirus and pulls cyanide straight into the [red blood] cell to poison the human body with high amounts of air pollution that were not being breathed in but were literally being smart-targeted into the bloodstream by the innocent bystander of a virus that was in our environment for a very long time.” 

From his detailed description, we can clearly see that people were dying from environmental toxicity, not from a viral infection. That is precisely why there is no scientific, peer-reviewed study providing conclusive evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a fatal disease named COVID-19. Such evidence doesn’t exist, because the coronavirus, so-called, is not out to harm anyone but is merely presenting a viral update to those who need it. 

In summary, we had two different scenarios taking place in 2020:

In one scenario, we saw people with an inflammatory event marked by fever, congestion, loss of appetite, elevated white blood cell count, and malaise. All of these symptoms are what would be expected when a new variant of a coronavirus triggers the innate immune system—and eventually the adaptive immune system—to do what it always does in order to bring us back into balance with a new genomic update from a virus. Remember, coronaviruses give us genetic information that regenerates our bodies; they work on our behalf and are not infecting us with diseases. 

In the other scenario, we saw people with serious, sometimes-multiple comorbidities eventually succumbing to a toxicology event, as described by Dr. Bush above. 

Granted, in both scenarios the coronavirus is present, but only benignly. As I explained earlier, a virus does not try to take over the mechanics of any cell in the body. It does not cause or force anything. It is simply present—another example of guilt by association, just like the false link   between the HIV virus and AIDS that I described above. 

However, instead of differentiating between the two scenarios, public health officials everywhere, instructed by the utterly corrupt WHO leadership, conveniently grouped them under a single category: COVID-19. They did this by using the monstrously inappropriate and inaccurate RT-PCR test, which its inventor Kary Mullis insisted (before his untimely death in August 2019) was not meant to diagnose disease but was designed simply to ascertain the presence of a viral load. 

Despite its easy-to-falsify-and-thus-frequently-falsified results, the PCR test is still being used around the world as a replacement for clinical analysis. Why? The only logical answer is that testing for the coronavirus is a form of control meant to create public hysteria. Not understanding that most positive readings are fraudulent, that the scary words “positive case” do not signify the presence of an infection, and that asymptomatic people can neither have nor spread disease, the public has been deceived into believing that a dangerous pathogen is killing a large percentage of the population. 

By fanning fear, governments around the world have been able to justify harmful, totally ineffective lockdown measures and mask mandates as well as nonsensical physical distancing measures. But why intentionally induce panic and why clamp down like dictators? Politicians and public health officials must be either obeying threatening orders or taking irresistible bribes or just following instructions from their superiors, naïvely believing that they are doing the “right thing” in the interest of public safety. In most cases, they have to be induced, by hook or by crook, to persuade citizens to take part in the largest medical experiment in history—a worldwide mass “vaccination” campaign devised for the purpose of injecting every compliant human with an untested, unapproved, experimental gene-therapy called COVID-19 mRNA. (In a few places, like Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Tajikistan, even the non-compliant are compelled to submit to the COVID-19 needle.)

The parallels between the “AIDS epidemic” and the “COVID-19 pandemic” are too striking to ignore. Both feature, as the central actor, a benign virus that can conveniently be blamed as the root cause of a professed disease, despite the absence of any peer-reviewed, truly scientific evidence to support that assertion.

Also, in both cases the virus can be used as a cover to obscure decades of environmental degradation spawned by government and corporate entities, whose ringleaders never pay for their crimes in fines or jail time.

Finally, in both cases, the virus story provides immense profits to the global pharmaceutical industry, which is never held financially liable for the injuries and deaths caused by its vaccines or its drugs—the latter as long as they are not discovered to be the real cause of death (think AZT).


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David Skripac has a Bachelor of Technology degree in aerospace engineering. During his two tours of duty as a captain in the Canadian Air Force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Using an inquisitive mind, a keen eye for detail, and problem-solving skills honed during his university years and throughout his career, David devoted over one hundred hours to researching the latest scientific findings in the fields of virology and microbiology to bring this article to fruition. 

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

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The plenary session of the NATO Military Committee ended with a briefing with Georgia. The Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer and the Commander of the Georgian Defense Forces, Major General Giorgi Matiashvili summarized the issues discussed at the session.

According to the senior military official of the Alliance, the fourth visit of the Military Committee is an opportunity to reaffirm NATO’s unwavering support for Georgia.

“Yesterday Prime Minister Prime Minister and Defense Minister Burchiuladze meetings had highlighted the opportunity to point out that NATO and the unique partnership linking, which over time will only become stronger. “Our partnership is always mutually beneficial,” said Admiral Rob Bauer.

Major General Giorgi Matiashvili focused on the special partnership between Georgia and NATO and said that as a result of the ongoing transformation process in the Defense Forces, Georgia has emerged as one of the most compatible and active partners of the Alliance….”In this regard, the essential NATO-Georgia package stands out, which is one of the main practical mechanisms of cooperation with NATO and includes the development of critical military capabilities in line with NATO standards, “- said the Commander of the Georgian Defense Forces.


A plenary session of the NATO Military Committee and Georgia was held in Tsinandali

The second day of the visit was opened at the Radisson Collection in Tsinandali with a plenary session of the NATO Military Committee and Georgia. Georgian Defense Minister Juansher Burchuladze and the new Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer welcomed the senior military officials of the Alliance and the Georgian side.

The security environment in the region and the challenges in this area, the security of the Black Sea and the practical aspects of cooperation in this direction, the ongoing reforms in the defense system and defense forces and the prospects of deepening military cooperation with NATO were the main issues the parties focused on. Representatives of NATO’s highest military body positively assessed Georgia’s training capabilities, new infrastructure and systems, and noted the high level of preparedness and compatibility of Georgian units….

Video from Georgian Ministry of Defense. As with all NATO events, conducted exclusively in English.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The University of California, Irvine has placed their Director of Medical Ethics, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, on ‘investigatory leave’ after he challenged the constitutionality of the UC’s vaccine mandate in regards to individuals who have recovered from Covid and have naturally-acquired immunity.

Last month Kheriaty, also a Professor of Psychiatry at UCI School of Medicine, filed a suit in Federal court over the mandate.

Natural immunity following Covid infection is equal to (indeed, superior to) vaccine-mediated immunity. Thus, forcing those with natural immunity to be vaccinated introduces unnecessary risks without commensurate benefits—either to individuals or to the population as a whole—and violates their equal protection rights guaranteed under the Constitution’s 14th Amendment,” Kheriaty wrote in a Sep. 21 blog post.

“Expert witness declarations in support of our case include, among others, a declaration from distinguished UC School of Medicine faculty members from infectious disease, microbiology/immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, pediatrics, OB/Gyn, and psychiatry,” the post continues (click here to read the rest).

…there is now considerable evidence that Covid recovered individuals may be at higher risk of vaccine adverse effects compared to those not previously infected (as seen in studies here, here, and here, among others). -Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

In a Wednesday update, Kheriaty writes that he’s been placed on ‘investigatory leave’ over his failure to comply with the mandate:

Via Human Flourishing:

Here is the latest move by the University of California in response to my lawsuit in Federal court challenging their vaccine mandate on behalf of Covid-recovered individuals with natural immunity. Last Thursday Sept 30th at 5:03 PM I received this letter from the University informing me that, as of the following morning, I was being placed on “Investigatory Leave” for my failure to comply with the vaccine mandate. I was given no opportunity to contact my patients, students, residents, or colleagues and let them know I would disappear for a month. Rather than waiting for the court to make a ruling on my case, the University has taken preemptive action:

You might be thinking, a month of paid leave doesn’t sound so bad. But the language is misleading here, since half of my income from the University comes from clinical revenues generated from seeing my patients, supervising resident clinics, and engaging in weekend and holiday on-call duties. So while on leave my salary is significantly cut. Furthermore, my contract stipulates that I am not able to conduct any patient care outside the University: to see my current patients, or to recoup my losses by moonlighting as a physician elsewhere, would violate the terms of my contract.

It came as no surprise that, since my request for a preliminary injunction was not granted by the court, the University would immediately begin procedures to dismiss me. However, in the complicated legal game of three-dimensional chess I did not anticipate this particular development: the current administrative designation, where I am neither able to work at the University nor permitted to pursue work elsewhere, was not a development I had anticipated. The University may be hoping this pressure will lead me to resign “voluntarily,” which would remove grounds for my lawsuit: if I resign prior to being terminated by the University, I have no legal claim of harm.

I have no intention at this time of resigning, withdrawing my lawsuit, or having an unnecessary medical intervention forced on me, in spite of these challenging circumstances. You may be wondering about the CA Department of Public Health vaccine mandate mentioned in the University’s letter above: yes, I am subject to two mandates, the UC mandate as a faculty member and the CA State mandate as a healthcare provider. Regarding the latter mandate, I filed a similar lawsuit in Federal court last Friday against the State Public Health Department. I will post more later on that case as it develops.

Although this is a challenging time for me and my family, at this time I remain convinced that this course of action is worthwhile. I am grateful for your ongoing encouragement, prayers, and support. I want my readers to know that am taking legal action not primarily for myself, but for all those who have no voice and whose Constitutional rights are being steamrolled by these mandates. As I wrote in my first post:

In my position, I came to see the importance of representing those whose voices were silenced, and to insist upon the right of informed consent and informed refusal. I have nothing personal to gain by this lawsuit and a lot to lose professionally. In the end, my decision to challenge these mandates came down to this question: How can I continue to call myself a medical ethicist if I fail to do what I am convinced is morally right under pressure?

Many of you have asked how you can support me and my efforts to challenge coercive mandates. My first answer is to consider becoming a paid subscriber to this newsletter if you are not already, and share this newsletter with others who are interested in following these issues. In the coming weeks I will be expanding my work on this Substack platform with live podcasts and audience Q&A for paid subscribers.

(Subscribe here)

For those who may wish to contribute more: I serve as Senior Fellow and Director of the Program in Health & Human Flourishing at the Zephyr Institute in Palo Alto, California. For the foreseeable future, the Program I direct there will focus on gathering and supporting experts, scholars, and leaders who are questioning various aspects of our response to this pandemic, and who are offering more effective solutions to the challenges we are facing. You can contribute to my work at the Zephyr Institute by making a donation HERE and specifying that you want your gift to support “Dr. Kheriaty’s work in the Health and Human Flourishing Program.”

This legal fight is important not only to set appropriate limits to vaccine mandates. It is also important for the future that—now in this crucial moment—we refuse to allow our institutions to set dangerous and unjust precedents. Today’s precedents could later facilitate even more coercive mandates and infringements on civil liberties by unelected officials, done during a declared “state of exception” or emergency that has no defined terminus—a dangerous precedent for a democratic society.

I want to thank all of you for being a part of this movement and for engaging with and encouraging my work on this issue. I could not do this without you.


Kheriaty’s situation is similar to that of Canadian ethics professor, Dr. Julie Ponesse, who made headlines last month after filming a now-viral tear-filled statement before she was fired by Huron University College in Ontario.


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The situation in Mali and the Sahel is steadily getting worse, with each passing day.

On October 6th, a jihadist attack left at least 16 Malian soldiers dead, and 17 wounded. In the subsequent clash at least 30 jihadists were slain, according to a local official.

The terrorists are reportedly linked to ISIS.

Mali’s army said that troops had repelled a “complex IED attack,” referring to an improvised explosive device.

Malian soldiers, as well as French forces that support them, and United Nations peacekeepers are frequently targeted in central and northern Mali by the armed groups.

Mali has been struggling to contain fighting that first erupted in the north in 2012 and has since killed thousands of military personnel and civilians.

The entire Sahel is a chaotic area, between 5 countries, with porous borders and almost entirely infested with terrorists who torment civilians and pillage numerous villages. Central Mali has become one of the most violent hotspots of the Sahel-wide conflict, where ethnic killings and attacks on government forces are frequent.

On October 2nd, an IED attack on an UN convoy by unknown jihadists left one Egyptian “blue helmet” dead. The UN Stabilization Mission for Mali said that its resolve would only be strengthened by this “cowardly attack”.

Four Malian soldiers were killed by an IED blast in the region on September 20. Another ambush also killed five soldiers in central Mali on September 12.

Both those attacks were claimed by the al-Qaeda-aligned Group to Support Islam and Muslims (GSIM).

GSIM also said that it was responsible for an attack on a mining convoy in western Mali on September 28, which killed five gendarmes.

Instead of increasing assistance and attempting to solve the situation, French President Emmanuel Macron announced a major reduction of France’s military presence in the Sahel and the end of the existing Barkhane operation there.

Relations between Paris and Mali have been strained since two coups in the Sahel country happened in August 2020.

Most recently, on October 6th, Mali summoned the French ambassador over criticism of the government put forward by Macron.

At the UN General Assembly, Choguel Kokalla Maiga, Mali’s interim prime minister, accused France of a “sort of abandonment in full flight.”

Macron answered that Maiga’s comments were “unacceptable” and suggested that Mali’s government was “not even really one.”

Meanwhile, Mali turned to Russian mercenaries to pick up the fight and provide some semblance of security. There are numerous examples of effective work in African countries by Russian instructors and mercenaries, and the new Malian government hopes that the Sahel would be yet another successful example.


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Israeli forces continued to commit crimes and multi-layered violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse, and attacks on civilians, turning the West Bank into isolated blocks of land. Dozens of Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians in Hebron under Israeli military protection. The Israeli settlement expansion works continued on Palestinian lands and properties. Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip enters its 15th year under closure, exacerbating the humanitarian hardships across the territory.

Army shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity:

Israeli forces killed 2 Palestinians, including a woman, and wounded 4 others in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. On 30 September 2021, the army killed Israa’ Khaled ‘Aref Khuzemiyah (30) under the pretext that she attempted to carry out a stab attack near al-Silsila Gate , one of the al-Aqsa Mosque’s Gates in the occupied East Jerusalem. Also on Thursday, soldiers shot and killed Mohammed M. A. Abu-Ammar (40) while he was setting up a bird-hunting net. Both crimes are yet another stark example of the occupation army’s unjustifiable relaxed shooting standards in disregard for Palestinian civilians’ lives. PCHR also documented the army wounding 2 Palestinians in attacks on a protest in Beit Dajan, Nablus; and 2 others in occupied Jerusalem.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli Navy ships opened fire 3 times at fishing boats in the Gaza Sea, and twice on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza.

Army incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

The Israeli army carried out 126 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 79 Palestinians were arrested, including 14 children, two journalists, and two women.

In the Gaza Strip, the army conducted two limited incursions into eastern Rafah and Khan Younis. Two Palestinians were arrested while attempting to cross the Gaza border area.


  • Occupied East Jerusalem: Palestinian man forced to self-demolish part of his house; 2 others were forced to demolish their houses in Beit Hanina and Sur Baher. Israeli forces demolished a house in Silwan and continued bulldozing stone chains in Samarin family’s lands in Silwan.
  • Hebron: excavator confiscated in Dura; demolition notices served against 4 water wells in Yatta, also another excavator was confiscated in Yatta. Demolition notice served against agricultural room in Susyia, and cease-construction notice served against a house in Laseefer.
  • Nablus: 6 demolition notices served against barracks and houses.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

The Israeli occupation authorities continued to ban the entry of dozens of goods, including construction materials, in collective punishment measures against the Gaza Strip as the Israeli closure imposed on the territory entered its 15th year, without an end in sight that would fulfil Palestinians’ right to enjoy their economic, social, and cultural rights.

Meanwhile, occupation authorities continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the 2000 Second Intifada -still closed to this date- and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest, especially at al-Karama border crossing, alongside the Palestinian-Jordanian border.

I. Shooting and other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity

    • In occupied East Jerusalem, a Palestinian woman was shot and killed by the army under the pretext that she attempted to carry out a stab attack against one of the Israeli soldiers stationed near al-Silsila Gate, which leads to al-Aqsa Mosque. The investigations confirmed that the army was capable of controlling the woman without using lethal force against her.
      • At approximately 06:30 on Thursday, 30 September 2021, Israeli forces opened fire and killed Israa’ Khaled ‘Aref Khuzemiyah (30), from Qabatiya in Jenin governorate, under the pretext that she attempted to carry out a stab attack near al-Silsila Gate , one of the al-Aqsa Mosque’s Gates in the occupied East Jerusalem. The Israeli police claimed that a Palestinian woman raised soldiers’ suspicions when they approached to check her ID card; the army alleged that she took out a knife and attempted to stab the soldiers, but they shot her immediately.
      • After the incident, the army closed all the gates of the al-Aqsa Mosque, denied workers and students access to their workplaces and schools and obstructed their movement for over an hour.
    • Also on Thursday, in eastern al-Buraij refugee camp in Central Gaza Strip, soldiers shot and killed another Palestinian civilian while he was setting up a bird net trap; he was dozens of meters away from the border Israeli fence. He was in an outdoor space and was not posing any threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers, so there was no justification for killing him, noting that several civilians used to come to this area to set up nets and hunt birds during this season.

According to information obtained by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), at approximately 10:30 on Thursday, 30 September 2021, the military stationed along the Gaza border area, northeast of al-Bureij camp, opened fire against a group of civilians who were setting up birds net traps 100 meters away from the west of the border fence. As a result, Mohammed M. A. Abu-Ammar (40), from al-Buraij camp, sustained a live bullet to his neck causing his death immediately. Ammar was transferred to Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah via a Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) ambulance, then transferred to the Department of the Forensic Medicine of al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

The eyewitness, Mahmoud Saqer Mohamed Abu Awwad, gave the following statement to PCHR’s fieldworker:

“At approximately 06:00 on Thursday 30 September 2021 from Gaza, I went to hunt birds near the border area, others were there hunting as well. Between 10:30 – 10:45, while I was standing at least 80 meters from the border area with a Field Security officer, Mohammed Abu-Ammar was standing nearly 50 to 60 meters ahead of me. He was setting up his gear when the Israeli soldiers fired at us. I ran west to the Field Security office, and there I learnt that Mohammed was wounded. We called an ambulance, and a PRCS ambulance arrived in 20 minutes. The paramedic was informed that he cannot approach the victim until security clearance is granted by the Israeli side; a Field Security officer approached Mohammed and called on a colleague to bring a stretcher from the ambulance. They carried Mohammed onto the ambulance, and I went home.”

PRCS paramedic stated to PCHR fieldworker that they received a signal that a man was wounded in eastern al-Bureij at approximately 11:58. An ambulance was dispatched to the area and parked 300 meters from the border area. A Field Security Officer transported Mohammed Abu-Ammar to the ambulance. Abu-Ammar was already dead as a live bullet penetrated the neck

He was taken to Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital, where he was officially pronounced dead.

Later, the Israeli military spokesperson announced that the military identified three Palestinians in close proximity to the border area in the Gaza Strip. An individual was seen digging in the ground while holding a suspicious looking bag; the army opened fire at him. The incident is under investigation.

  • At approximately 15:30, Israeli forces stationed along Gaza border area opened fire on and off in eastern Beit Hanoun. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:00, Israeli Navy gunboats in the northern Gaza sea chased Palestinian fishing boat sailing at 3 nautical miles and opened fire at them, stirring fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 13:30 on Friday, 1 October 2021, a peaceful protest took off in Beit Dajan, Nablus, against the occupation and settlements. The protest marched towards an area of the village that was seized by settlers a year ago, where a road was constructed under military protection, a cattle farm, and a hut. As the protest approached the area, Israeli forces fired rubber-bullets at the protestors and wounded 2 of the in their lower extremities: Khaled H. M. Soboh (64), member of the political bureau of the Palestinian People’s Party, who was previously threatened by the army over the course of 2 weeks not to return to the area; and Azmi E. M. Hanaysheh (56) local village council member. Others suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The wounded were taken to hospital for treatment.
  • At approximately 17:00, dozens of Palestinians gathered near annexation wall between Bayt Duqu and Bayt Ijza in northwestern occupied East Jerusalem. They threw stones and Molotov cocktails in protest to the occupation authorities withholding the corpses of 3 Palestinians from Bidu village, who were extrajudicially executed by the army a week ago. As a result, Khaled M. Dawoud (23) and Montaser D. Rayan (20) were shot and wounded with rubber bullets. They were taken to hospital for treatment.
  • At approximately 18:00, Israeli Navy gunboats in the northern Gaza sea chased Palestinian fishing boat sailing at 3 nautical miles and opened fire at them, stirring fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli Navy gunboats in the northern Gaza sea chased Palestinian fishing boat sailing at 3-6 nautical miles. The Navy opened fire and bumped water at them in the 1-hour attack, stirring fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:50 on Wednesday, 6 October 2021, the occupation army stationed along the Gaza Strip border area in Khan Younis, opened fire at agricultural lands in eastern Abbassan al-Kaberia. No casualties were reported.

II. Incursions and arrests

Thursday, 30 September 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces arrested Mahdi Omar Badawnah (24), after raiding and searching his house in ‘Azza refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces arrested Omar Ahmed Karara (36), after raiding and searching his house in Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 09:00, Israeli forces arrested the Aqsa Mosque’sguard, Yazan Abdul Qader ‘Aabdeen (34), while present near al-Asbat Gate (Lions’ Gate), one of the Aqsa Mosque’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 12:30, Israeli forces arrested Anas Abdul Fattah (24), from Nablus, while present near al-Majlis Gate (al-Nazir Gate), one of the Aqsa Mosque’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces arrested Entisar Abdul Fattah Ghatashah, from al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron, while passing through Checkpoint (300), north of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces handed Noha Attiya (58) a summons to refer to Moscovia Detention Center, after raiding and searching her house in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. It should be noted that Noha Attiya is the mother of the activist Murad Jamal Attiya (24), who was arrested last June without any charge according to his lawyer. The residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood are fear that the arrest of Attiya comes under the context of pressurizing them to renounce their case. It should be noted that Attiya is one of the 28 families who are living in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood under the threat of eviction in favor of the Israeli settlement associations.
  • At approximately 19:00, Israeli forces deployed in Hebron’s Old City’s neighborhoods, arrested Obaida Tawfiq Baryoush (17), claiming that he was in possession of a knife, then he was taken to the investigation center of Kiryat Arba’ settlement, east of Hebron.
  • Israeli forces carried out (4) incursions in Dura, Sa’ir and Surif in Hebron, and Tubas. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 01 October 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces arrested Khaled Mohammed al-‘Amla (42), after raiding and searching his house in Bayt Ula, west of Hebron.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed Khader al-Horoub (39), after raiding and searching his house in Dayr Samet, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron.
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed Faraj Nassar (44), after raiding and searching his house in Hebron.
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces handed Munir al-Dar’awi (22) a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services, after raiding and searching his house in al-Shawawra village, east of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 03:50, Israeli forces arrested 5 civilians after raiding and searching their houses in Qabatiya, southeast of Jenin. The arrestees are: Mohannad Hasan Abu al-Rab (24), Mousa Abdul Latif Abu al-Rab (26), Mohammed Khaled Abu al-Rab (27), Hasan Rabea’ Loubani (20), and Khalil Yousef Abu al-Rab (25).
  • Israeli forces carried out an incursion in Jamma’in, southeast of Nablus governorate. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 02 October 2021:

  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces arrested Mahmoud Isma’el al-Sweity (37), after raiding and searching his house in Bayt Awa, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron governorate.
  • At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces arrested Saleh Mahmoud al-Ja’bari (19), after raiding and searching his house in Dayr Samet, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron.
  • At approximately 05:00, Israeli forces stationed inside the border fence with Israel, east of al-Shawka, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, arrested Ali Nasrallah al-Hessi (21) and Ahmed Suhail Abu Sultan (19), while attempting to sneak through the border fence. Army spokesperson stated that the Israeli soldiers arrested 2 Palestinians in possession of a bag containing hand grenades while infiltrating into Israel, and then they were referred to investigation.
  • At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed Isma’el al-Hawamdah (28), from Samu, south of Hebron, after stopping him at a temporary military checkpoint established at the entrance of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.
  • At approximately 15:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Fayez Salhab (22), while present near al-Sahera (Herod’s) Gate, one of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Gates.
  • At approximately 23:30, Israeli forces arrested Tha’er Abdullah Turkman (15), after raiding and searching his house in Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin governorate.

Sunday, 03 October 2021:

  • At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces arrested Sami Subhi Abu Hamada (36), after raiding and searching his house in Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus.
  • At approximately 02:50, Israeli forces arrested Omar Mohammed al-Barghouthi (28), after raiding and searching his house in Kaubar, north of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces arrested 3 civilians after raiding and searching their houses in al-Bireh, north of Ramallah governorate, and released them after 3 hours of interrogation in “Beit El” settlement, north of the city. The arrestees are: Tawfiq Ahmed Omar, Ali Hani Abu al-Khair and Ameed al-Nahed.
  • At approximately 06:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Mustafa Mousa (20) and Mohammed Nahed al-Khawaja (18), after raiding and searching their houses in Ni’lin, west of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 06:50, Israeli forces arrested ‘Asef Abdul Mo’ti al-Rifa’i (20), after raiding and searching his house in Kafr Ein, northwest of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces arrested Waleed Ahmed Khwais (16), while present near Bab al-‘Amud (Damscus Gate), in the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces arrested Na’eema Jamal Qabaja (34), while present at Bab al-‘Amud (Damscus Gate), in the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • Israeli forces carried out (8) incursions in Birzeit, Bayt Liqya, Dayr Ghasana, Deir Abu Masha’al and Shuqba in Ramallah governorate; Halhul, Surif and Bani Na’im in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 04 October 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces arrested Qusai Ra’ed al-‘Aruj (19), after raiding and searching his house in al-‘Aruj village, east of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces arrested Ibrahim Mohammed Jubran (29), after raiding and searching his house in Hindaza, east of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces arrested (5) civilians after raiding and searching their houses in Isawiya, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Ali Sufian Obaid (18), Adam Shafiq Obaid (21), Eyas Hussain Obaid (20), Mohamed Bassam Alian (23), and Mohammed Bakr Mustafa (24).
  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed Nabhan Saqer (56), after raiding and searching his house in Askar refugee camp, northeast of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces arrested Abdul Rahman Shanyour (37), after raiding and searching his house on Oman street, east of Nablus.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces arrested Waleed Yousef al-Horoub (43), after raiding and searching his house in Dayr Samet, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron governorate.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces arrested Ra’ed Mohammed Ayesh (35), after raiding and searching his house in al-Dawha village, west of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohannad Mahmoud Abu Malash (38), after raiding and searching his house in Yatta, south of Hebron governorate.
  • At approximately 04:00, Israeli forces arrested Amro Mohammed al-Barghouthi (22), after raiding and searching his house in Tira neighborhood in the southern side of Ramallah.
  • At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces reinforced with several military vehicles moved 100-meter to the east of Fukhkhari village, southeast of Khan Younis. They levelled and combed lands adjacent to the border fence to the south before they deployed again.
  • At approximately 10:00, Israeli forces arrested Ayham Sami Abu Omar (23), after raiding and searching his house in Anata village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 19:00, Israeli forces stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, arrested Alaa Hamdan Abu Khader (47), and confiscated his vehicle without providing any justification.
  • At approximately 21:00, Israeli forces arrested Saleem Ishaq al-Ja’ba (47), from al-Thuri neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem, after referring to the Moscovia Detention Center in West Jerusalem, on a prior summons.
  • Israeli forces carried out an incursion in Ein Qiniya village, southwest of Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 05 October 2021:

  • At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces arrested 2 civilians including a journalist after raiding and searching their houses in Hebron. The arrestees are: Radi Ahmed Karama (34), a journalist in Masader Radio, and Abd Rabboh Mahmoud Ashour (36).
  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces arrested Sameh Awad Manasra (36), a freelance journalist, after raiding, searching, and damaging the contents of his house in Tulkarm.

Islam Masnasra, Sameh’s brother, stated that:

“At approximately 02:00, IOF stormed our house and started damaging the furniture and the house contents without letting us know what they want, as we live on the ground floor and my brother, Sameh, live in the first floor. Meanwhile, they ordered me to bring my ID card, but when I told them that I lost it several days ago, they got angrier started damaging the house contents with revenge. Later, the Israeli officer asked my father about his sons, my father replied that he has got 5 sons, and I am the only one who is living with them and Sameh is living upstairs. Immediately, they took my father and jogged to Sameh’s house, my father knocked on Sameh’s door for 7 minutes but he did not open, so the soldiers were about to blow up the door, but Sameh woke-up and opened the door in the right time, so they arrested Sameh and withdrew.”

  • At approximately 02:40, Israeli forces arrested Lo’ay Sami al-Ashqar (45), after raiding and searching his house in Seida village in Tulkarm.
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces arrested Waleed Sa’di Safadi (26) and Fawwaz Ghassan Safadi (23), after raiding and searching their houses in Urif village, southeast of Nablus.
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Abdullah Jaradat (39), after raiding and searching his house in Sa’ir, north of Hebron.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces arrested Yousef al-Sheikh (27), after raiding and searching his house in Beit ‘Anan village, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed Abd Rabboh Halayqa (40), after raiding and searching his house in Shuyukh, north of Hebron.
  • At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces reinforced with several military vehicles and bulldozers moved 100-meters from al-Shawka, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, adjacent to the border fence with Israel. The combed and levelled lands before they deployed again after several hours.
  • At approximately 10:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Hatem Thawabtah (21), while present near the western entrance of Bayt Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces arrested a child, Mohammed Etaf Abdullah (14), while present near his school in Wadi Rahhal village, south of Bethlehem. The army released him after several hours.
  • At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces Hamdi Jabr Shuqair (38) and Tal’at Fayez Badwan (33), after raiding and searching their houses in Bayt Surik, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces arrested Rabah al-Sayyad (14) and Salah al-Hedra (15), after raiding and searching their houses in al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.
  • At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces arrested Khalil Ibrahim Shaheen (32), from Bayt Sahur, east of Bethlehem governorate, after referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services on a prior summons.
  • At approximately 20:00, Israeli forces arrested Akram Fadi Mustafa (21), from Isawiya village, north of the occupied East Jerusalem, while passing through al-Zaeem military checkpoint, east of the city.
  • At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces arrested Abed Yehya Ayyash and Ahmed Nabil Abu Eid, both from Bidu village, northwest of the occupied East Jerusalem, while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services on prior summonses.
  • Israeli forces carried out (4) incursions in Hable, south of Qalqilya; Kifl Haris, Qarawat Bani Hassan and Iskaka in Salfit governorate. No arrests were reported.

Wednesday, 06 October 2021:

  • At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces arrested Diaa Habeeb Deriyah (16), after raiding and searching his house in Bayt Fajjar, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces arrested Alaa Yousef al-Sweity (27), after raiding and searching his house in Bayt Awa village, southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron governorate.
  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Salah al-Hourani and Bader Ibrahim Shahine, after raiding and searching their houses in Bayt Sahur village, east of Bethlehem governorate.
  • At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces arrested Osama Khaled al-‘Amour (30), after raiding and searching his house in Yatta, south of Hebron governorate.
  • Around the same time, Israeli forces arrested Ali Khalil al-Tarayra (34), after raiding and searching his house in Bani Na’im, east of Hebron.
  • At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces arrested (7) children after raiding and searching their houses in al-Isawiya, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Abdullah Bakr Mustafa (15), and his brother Ali (13); Mousa Haitham Mustafa (16), and his brothers Marwan (14) and Qais (13); Qusai Mohammed Derbas (17), and Ahmed Fathi al-Afghani (15).
  • At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces arrested Fadi Rami Abu Rabea’ (17), after raiding and searching his house in Nablus’s Old City.
  • At approximately 14:00, a group of undercover “Mista‘arvim” (Israeli Special Unit dressed like Palestinian civilians) sneaked into Jenin, using a mini-bus with a Palestinian registration palate. They stationed near al-Razi Hospital and arrested Islam al-Qombo’ (26), from Jenin.
  • At approximately 16:00, Israeli forces arrested Alaa Arafat Banat (19), from the southern area of Hebron, after stopping him at Checkpoint (160), east of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron’s Old City.

III. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank

a. Demolitions, Confiscations, and Notices

  • On Friday 01 October 2021, Mohammed Ya’qoub Yaghmour self-demolished part of his family house in al-Thawri neighborhood, south of occupied East Jerusalem, pursuant to Israeli Municipality’s decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction.
    • Mohammed Yaghmour said that his family built a second floor 16 years ago in his grandfather’s house built in 1967. Yaghmour added that the old house was very small of 40 sqms and only had two rooms and a kitchen while the added part included a room, a living room and their facilities of 50 sqms. Yaghmour said that the Israeli municipality has chased the family for 8 years and imposed on them two fines for the added part; one was 10,000 shekels while the other was 16,000 shekels. Yaghmour said that the Israeli court has issued lately a final decision to demolish the added part, forcing him to self-demolish it for fear of being fined with thousands of shekels for the municipal demolition expenses.
  • At approximately 14:00 Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with an Israeli Civil Administration vehicle moved into ‘Ein Fares, east of Dura, south of Hebron. The soldiers deployed in the Palestinian lands and stopped an excavator belonging to Mohammed Khelaf from working in establishing a road, claiming the land is located in Area C, where work is banned except with a prior permission. The excavator, which was taken to “Ghosh ‘Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem, was working in a plot of land belonging to Hamzah Mohammed Thiab Abu Saleh and is located next to “Adora” settlement established on parts of Dura village.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Sunday, 03 October 2021, Israeli Nature Authority crews accompanied with police officers moved into Wadi al-Rababah neighborhood in Silwan village and continued levelling the stone chains in Samarin family lands in the neighborhood after assaulting the owners and forcefully dispersing them.
    • Shadi Samarin, one of the lands’ owners in Wadi al-Rababah neighborhood, said that the Nature Authority crews stormed the family lands in the neighborhood and started levelling the stone chains and fences, resuming the demolition and land-razing operations started in the area years ago. These operations come in favor of establishing settlement projects such as the light rail, biblical parks, and gardening projects at the expense of Palestinians’ lands, houses and properties. Samarin said that his cousin, Ahmed Adam ‘Awad Samarin, was one of the lands’ owners who attempted to stop the razing operations but were dispersed forcibly by soldiers. He added that the Israeli police assaulted his cousin with rifle butts and hit him on the head, causing him wounds in the eye and mouth. Samarin said that his cousin was then arrested and held in a Magen David Adom ambulance, where he and his 12-year-old daughter, Sondos, were assaulted when she tried to help her father. One of the soldiers hit her with the rifle butt on her shoulder and then pushed to the ground, causing her bruises.
  • In the same morning, ‘Arafat al-Rajabi self-demolished his house in Beit Hanina village, north of occupied East Jerusalem, pursuant to the Israeli Municipality’s decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction.
    • Al-Rajabi added that he built his 50-sqm house comprised of 2 bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in the beginning of this year to live with his wife and 8 children, adding that he only moved in 3 months ago. Al-Rajabi said that the Israeli municipality did not give him enough time to live happily in his house as only days ago an administrative demolition decision was issued, giving him 4 days to self-demolish or the municipality would send its crews to demolish it and impose on him tens of thousands of shekels. Al-Rajabi said that he had to carry out the demolition himself like all those living in Jerusalem who are forced to self-demolish their houses fearing the high fines.
    • He added that, “I will set a tent next to my house rubble as I cannot afford paying 4,000 shekels to rent a house in the area.”
  • On Monday, 04 October 2021, Mohammed Ahmed al-Khatib self-demolished his house in Sourbaher village, south of occupied East Jerusalem, pursuant to the Israeli municipality’s decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction.
    • Mohammed al-Khatib said that he started building his house 2 years ago to live in it after he got married. Al-Khatib said that his 80-sqm house is still under construction and he could not finish it because the Israeli municipality issued a decision to stop construction works in it. Al-Khatib added that he hired a lawyer to freeze the decision and managed to do so. However, the Israeli municipality issued a new decision to stop construction works in the house and then another decision to demolish it, forcing him to self-demolish his house so that the municipality would not send its crews to carry out the demolition and fine him with tens of thousands of shekels. Al-Khatib added that he had already paid 70,000 shekels for the lawyer during the past 2 years and he cannot afford paying any further fees or fines.
  • At approximately 11:00, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with an Israeli Civil Administration vehicle moved into Khelet al-Dabe’a area, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The Civil Administration officer notified 4 water collection wells funded by the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture within an area allocated as a pastoral reserve of 260 dunums donated by Dababsah and al-‘Amour families. The military decision no. 1797 allows just 96 hours for the demolition.
  • At approximately 1:00 on Tuesday, 05 October 2021, the army backed by a military vehicle and accompanied with a Civil Administration vehicle in Sousiya village, south of Yatta, south of Hebron. The Civil Administration officer handed Mahmoud Ahmed Nawaj’ah a notice to demolish a 40-sqm unroofed agricultural room of bricks within 7 days, noting it was built in July 2020 and a family of 3 was supposed to live in it. The Israeli authorities gave a notice on 11 August 2021 to stop construction works in the room under the pretext of unlicensed construction and confiscated construction materials and equipment used in the construction.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Tuesday, 05 October 2021, the army backed by a military vehicle and accompanied with a Civil Administration vehicle moved into Laseefer village, east of Yatta, behind the annexation wall. The officer handed Mahmoud Khalil Abu Qabitah a notice to stop construction works in his under-construction house of 100 sqms built of bricks and tinplate under the pretext of unlicensed construction, noting that his family of 12, including 6 children and a person with disability, was supposed to move in.
    • Laseefer village is located behind the annexation wall, which is established around “Beit Yatir” settlement. Abu Qabitah and his family reach their houses by crossing the military checkpoint established at the wall via permits issued by the Israeli authorities, which sometimes refuse so to tighten the screws on them to leave the houses.
  • At approximately 10:00 on Wednesday, 06 October 2021, Israeli municipality bulldozers demolished a house belonging to Mohammed Mahmoud Matter in ‘Ein al-Lozeh neighborhood in Silwan village, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City after the house’s owner demolished part of his house last June, pursuant to the Israeli municipality decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction.
    • Matter said that he built his 60-sqm house in 2011 and lived there with his wife and 5 children. Matter said that the Israeli municipality has chased him since 2014 and issued a decision at the time to demolish the house. In 2015, the Israeli municipality imposed on him a fine of 30,000 shekels, which he was committed to pay in monthly payments. Matter said that the Israeli police raided his house on 21 July and handed him a notice to evacuate and implement the demolition decision against him within 21 days. Matter added that he had to demolish part of the house, which was a bedroom and balcony. He said that the Israeli municipality crews again raided his house and handed him a notice to demolish the house completely, but he refused to self-demolish it. He said that he was surprised the next morning to see the army and their vehicles raiding and surrounding his house while he and his family were forced to evacuate and the vehicles then started the demolition.
  • At approximately 11:00, the army accompanied with an Israeli Civil Administration SUV al-Lahf Kafet al-Faras area in Huwara village, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank. The Civil Administration officer notified six facilities of demolition under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.

The notified facilities were as follows:

1. ’Akef Fayez Mustafa ‘Odah – A 90-sqm tinplate barrack for grazing sheep

2. ’Omer Mohammed ‘Ali Mohammed – A new 2-story house; the first floor is 100 sqms, the second is 260 sqms

3. Nawras Tawfiq Mahmoud ‘Odah – An under construction 120-sqm house

4. Reda Tawfiq Mahmoud ‘Odah – A 100-sqm barrack used for grazing sheep

5. ’Abdullah Mahmoud Salim ‘Odah – A new 3-story house; the first and second floor are 150 sqms for each while the third floor is 70 sqms

6. Ahmed Khaled Ahmed ‘Odah – A 130-sqm barrack used for grazing sheep

At approximately 11:30, the army backed by military vehicles and accompanied with an Israeli Civil Administration vehicle and a truck mounted crane moved into Ghaziwah area, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The soldiers deployed between civilians’ houses and confiscated a caravan belonging to Ahmed ‘Issa al-Yatim.


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Sentenza epocale del tribunale di Milano: dichiarate l’illegittimità dei licenziamenti degli OSS (Operatore Socio Sanitario) e ribaltate le decine di sentenze contrarie fino ad ora emesse. Ricadute di questa sentenza sui sanitari e sul personale scolastico

La sentenza n. 2135/2021 del Tribunale del Lavoro di Milano che ha statuito l’illegittimità della sospensione dal lavoro da parte del datore di lavoro in forza dell’art. 2087 c.c.

Gli OSS (Operatore Socio Sanitario) sono stati i primi soggetti colpiti dalla repressione, in relazione alle forzature finalizzate all’obbligatorietà di Green Pass, un modo subsolo per ricattare chi liberamente ha scelto di NON vaccinarsi.

Dice l’avv. Sandri, il vincitore di questa battaglia: Sono stati brutalmente licenziati dai datori di lavoro, in genere cooperative ad apparente assenza di scopo di lucro, in realtà macchine da profitti spesso molto opachi perché realizzati grazie ad appalti pilotati.

Vi era stata una prima sciagurata pronuncia negativa, ampiamente ripresa dal Mainstream, e poi a ruota, decine di altri provvedimenti analoghi sempre enfatizzati dai giornali di regime, quali deterrenti per canalizzare questi operatori sanitari verso la rassegnazione e la rinuncia a difendere il proprio diritto alla salute ed al posto di lavoro.

I furbetti del Parlamento continuano a sfornare Decreti Legge ( 105-111.112.121-122 ecc…) violando la Costituzione che vieta questo utilizzo compulsivo di una modalità legiferante eccezionale al di fuori di ogni realtà.

Ormai,tuttavia, è chiaro ai giuristi più avveduti, che la violazione della Costituzione, rimane, per ora, impunita. La sentenza sugli OSS di due giorni fa dovrebbe insegnare,comunque, che non esiste immunità e violare la legge non determina l’impunità…

L’attacco efficace alle leggi liberticide va portato, comunque, in questo momento, sul terreno della prova della falsità medico-scientifica dei loro fondamenti. Occorre provare che i vaccinati contagino perché, altrimenti, in autunno, le prospettive più fosche paventate da qualcuno potrebbero effettivamente realizzarsi.

Il mutamento di strategia è avvenuto con la causa avanti al Tribunale Europeo e prosegue con la causa avanti al Tribunale ordinario italiano, con la richiesta di sospensione dell’applicazione di tutti i Green Pass come attualmente strutturati.

Non posso che ripetere che solo una partecipazione corale alle cause con questo focus di merito rappresenta la polizza assicurativa di chiunque voglia evitare l’attacco alla propria salute, dignità, vita di relazione.

Ora rimane da distruggere l’altro baluardo della narrativa vale a dire che i non vaccinati siano più pericolosi dei vaccinati, ma questa è un’ altra battaglia già in corso in sede europea: l’unica dove si può decidere.

Grazie Avv. Mauro Sandri

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Sentenza epocale del tribunale di Milano: dichiarate l’illegittimità dei licenziamenti degli OSS e ribaltate le decine di sentenze contrarie fino ad ora emesse.

Nella trasmissione si parlerà anche delle ricadute di questa sentenza sui sanitari e sul personale scolastico.

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C’era una volta un re che diceva sempre voglio, voglio e non diceva mai per favore. Un giorno mentre passeggiava nel bosco incontro’ un’erba che aveva dei fiorellini gialli tanto carini.

Quei fiorellini gialli piacquero moltissimo a re, che penso’:

“Quest’erba fa dei fiori molto piu’ belli di quelli del mio giardino. Non e’ giusto che sia qui nel bosco.”

Il re comando’ subito al suo seguito: “Voglio che quell’erba sia portata nel giardino reale e messa sotto la mia finestra, perche’ voglio vedere i fiorellini gialli la mattina quando mi sveglio. Voglio che il real giardiniere venga immediatamente qui a prendere l’erba e la trapianti subito nella reggia.”

E cosi’ fu. Ma le cose non andorano come il re voleva: nel trasporto dal bosco ai giardini reali i fiorellini gialli si staccarono dall’erba ed anche quando l’erba fu trapiantata i fiorellini gialli non crescevano.

Tutte le mattine il re, quando si svegliava, apriva la finestra e guardava se l’erba aveva fatto i fiorellini gialli, ma non si vedevano neppure i boccioli. Il re si metteva a strillare:

“Voglio i fiorellini gialli, che mi piacciono tanto! Voglio i fiorellini gialli, che mi piacciono tanto! Voglio che il giardiniere venga qui immediatamente!

Voglio che l’erba sia innaffiata tutti i giorni, anzi due volte al giorno, voglio che gli sia messo il miglior concime, voglio i fiorellini gialli”

Il povero giardiniere faceva di tutto, ma i fiorellini gialli non crescevano.
Il re disperato fece un bando in cui si diceva che chi sarebbe stato capace di far crescere i fiorellini gialli, sarebbe stato nominato principe.

Vennero giardinieri da tutte le parti del mondo. Il re li portava nel giardino e gli diceva:

“Voglio che quell’erba faccia i fiorellini gialli: mi piacciono tanto! Fate di tutto per farli crescere! Se ci riuscite diverrete un principe.”

I giardinieri non ottenevano nessun risultato e l’erba stava cominciando a seccarsi. Il re si disperava sempre di piu’ ma non sapeva che fare.

Un giorno arrivo’ a palazzo uno strano personaggio con un cappello alto alto che disse al re:
“Io sono il mago Babalu’ e so come far crescere l’erba che fa il fiorellini gialli.”

“Voglio saperlo! Voglio saperlo!” grido’ subito il re.

Il mago sorrise:

“Non so se vostra maesta’ ne sara’ capace. Bisogna chiedere all’erba di crescere sempre per favore e non bisogna mai dire ‘voglio’ in sua presenza, ne’ all’erba, ne’ a nessun altro. Non appena l’erba sente ‘voglio’, smette di crescere, anche se sta nei giardini del re.”

Il re dapprima si arrabbio’ moltissimo; penso’:

“A sentire questo insolente non dovrei dire ‘voglio’. Io che sono il re! Che sono diventato re a fare, se non posso nemmeno dire ‘voglio’ in presenza di un erba. E poi l’erba sta proprio sotto le mie finestre: non potrei mai piu’ dire ‘voglio’ a nessuno. No, non ne sarei capace!”. Il re stava quasi per comandare: “Guardie, voglio che prendete il mago Babalu’ e gli tagliate la testa! Voglio che impari che non si parla cosi’ ad un re.”, quando si rese conto che, se faceva cosi’, non avrebbe mai piu’ visto quei bei fiorellini gialli: gli venne quasi da piangere. Cerco’ di calmarsi e disse:

“Mago Babalu’, ti ringrazio moltissimo dei tuoi consigli, mi sei stato davvero utilissimo. Se quello che hai detto e’ vero, voglio, anzi desidero che tu sia nominato principe; ma sta attento: se mi hai mentito ti taglio subito la testa!”.

Finite le udienze il re usci’ di corsa ed ando’ subito nel giardino dall’erba e le disse:

“Erba, erbuccia mia, vuoi fare per favore quei fiorellini gialli che a me piacciono tanto? Ti innaffiero’ quando vuoi e ti portero’ i migliori concimi.”

Il re ebbe l’impressione che l’erba annuisse.

La mattina dopo, quando il re si affaccio’ alla finestra, vide che l’erba aveva fatto dei bellissimi fiorellini gialli.

Il re fu contentissimo: nomino’ principe il mago Babalu’ e gli fece sposare una sua figlia. Si fece una grande festa, che duro’ tre giorni: da tutte le parti del regno vennero principi e principesse, baroni e baronesse, dame e cavalieri. Da quel giorno in poi il re non disse mai piu’ voglio e fu sempre gentile con tutti.

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Regulatory agencies, says Encyclopedia Britannica, are a uniquely American institution. Though conceptualized as mere advisory bodies at the time of their emergence in the late 19th century, federal regulatory agencies have since acquired comprehensive legislative powers and even quasi-judicial powers — exercising “social control through rulemaking” with “almost no supervision by other branches of government.”

As legal scholars tamely explain, “unique pressures and influences … invariably push [regulators’] actions, and their decisions on policy questions, in a direction favored by regulated firms.”

This phenomenon, known as regulatory capture, has become the norm — not least because lucrative “revolving door” jobs generally await tractable regulators once they exit their government posts.

In the crowded field of captured agencies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one of the standouts. FDA gets 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, and fast-tracks more than 50% of the drugs it approves.

Consumer watchdog groups accuse the FDA of having evolved from a “hard-charging tiger of an agency” a century ago, to a “pliant pussycat” today.

FDA states that drug recalls are initiated either “by FDA request” or “on a company’s own initiative.” According to the consumer website Drugwatch, however, FDA “can only recommend” but not force a recall.

Vaccine recalls, too, are “almost always initiated voluntarily by the vaccine manufacturer.” In 1976, public outcry forced the government to pull the plug on a dangerous swine flu vaccine after just 10 weeks, but only after 40 million Americans had received it.

Although manufacturers do withdraw dangerous drugs, vaccines and consumer products from the market from time to time (sometimes after FDA has obligingly looked the other way for decades), many observers believe such recalls represent the tip of the iceberg — a placatory bone thrown to persuade the public that the nation has a functional oversight system.

Is the FDA at least scrupulous about which drugs and vaccines it lets out of the starting gate?

As a long line of drug fiascoes suggests, the clear answer is no — experimental COVID vaccines are the latest example.

The still timely tale of thalidomide

Thalidomide never received FDA approval, but the saga illustrates how, even 60 years ago, the FDA had already cast its lot with industry.

In the late 1950s, German firm Chemie Grünenthal (now Grünenthal) developed thalidomide with the help of former Nazi scientists (including Hitler’s IG Farben adviser on chemical warfare), promoting the drug for nausea and other discomforts of pregnancy.

In some countries, thalidomide was an ingredient in children’s cough syrups. Chemie Grünenthal sold thalidomide in 46 countries for five years before admitting the drug posed risks of severe birth defects, including missing or deformed limbs and injuries to major organs.

In the U.S., Chemie Grünenthal gave two pharmaceutical giants (companies that dominate the American market to this day) permission to manufacture thalidomide: first Smith Kline & French (now GlaxoSmithKline) and then Richardson-Merrell (now Sanofi).

Richardson-Merrell expected smooth regulatory sailing, but after it ignored repeated requests for pregnancy safety data from Dr. Frances Kelsey — a newly minted FDA employee with untarnished integrity — Kelsey “took a bold stance against inadequate testing and corporate pressure” and refused to approve thalidomide’s U.S. release.

Mistakenly confident that “corporate pressure” would eventually bear fruit, the company went ahead and distributed, “in an uncontrolled fashion,” more than 2.5 million doses of thalidomide to 20,000 pregnant women under cover of “clinical trials.”

When Kelsey still would not approve the drug, the company was forced to give up, but threatened to sue Kelsey after she tried to track down thalidomide babies. Neither the FDA nor the U.S. attorney backed up Kelsey.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy shone a light on Kelsey’s efforts by giving her a President’s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service. Even so, thalidomide survivors allege the FDA and Richardson-Merrell kept the full story of thalidomide buried for decades.

In fact, not only did FDA squelch efforts to locate thalidomide victims, but it produced a whitewashed report stating that Richardson-Merrell’s “unauthorized marketing program” had produced just 17 thalidomide babies — a bogus estimate emphatically denounced by survivors.

At some point, FDA appears to have quietly changed its tune. In an undated presentation on its website, the agency states: “By late 1961, it was obvious that thalidomide had caused serious birth defects in thousands of children.”

In 2013, a GSK researcher published a surprisingly frank dissection of the thalidomide disaster, describing how the drug established a template for industry and regulatory behavior that is still relevant today:

“Strong marketing pressure in an industry hungry for new medicines brought an inadequately tested drug to the market, targeted outsourcing quickly expanded the client base and finally market forces prevented timely withdrawal, even when evidence was emerging of disastrous side-effects. […] [M]any of the pressures that led to the thalidomide disaster exist today with record high management and shareholder pressures to achieve success, parallel worldwide marketing, increased numbers of targeted outsourcing by small companies forming alliances with ‘Big Pharma’ and…a breakdown in the system of checks and balances that have existed in the regulatory authorities …”

In the intervening decades, thalidomide has undergone a “dramatic revitalization.” Undaunted by its horrific teratogenic track record and other serious adverse effects such as blood clots, nerve damage and neurotoxicity, the U.S. today permits thalidomide as a treatment for multiple myeloma. The hunt is also on for dermatological and other uses.

DES and Vioxx

Self-congratulatory regulators claim the thalidomide disaster gave birth to stricter regulations and safer drugs. However, it is not hard to find examples that undermine this assertion.

For instance, despite numerous danger signals, it took the FDA until 1971 to issue a warning about pregnant women’s use of diethylstilbestrol (DES) — a drug the FDA approved in 1947, in the pre-thalidomide era.

No ban accompanied FDA’s soft-pedaled 1971 warning, however, so mothers-to-be continued to receive DES for at least another decade.

Scientists now acknowledge DES provokes calamitous epigenetic effects in future generations, with DES grandchildren showing increased risks of preterm delivery, neonatal mortality, cerebral palsy and “malformations of any type.”

Merck’s infamous painkiller Vioxx is another example of FDA foot-dragging — a “cautionary tale of masterful public relations, aggressive marketing and ineffective regulation.”

Just six months after Vioxx’s May 1999 approval, an FDA-convened data and safety monitoring board identified a “disconcerting” trend of serious heart problems and deaths in patients taking Vioxx  — a risk confirmed one month later to be twice as high as that in the group taking a comparison painkiller.

Despite this early evidence, the FDA said little, leaving it up to well-paid Merck consultants to massage the data.

According to subsequent independent analyses, Vioxx produced elevated cardiovascular riskseven with short-term use, and the risks persisted long after the individual stopped taking the drug.

At its peak, Vioxx was marketed in 80-plus countries.

In September 2004, after roughly 20 million Americans had taken the drug — credited with causing tens of thousands of premature deaths from heart attacks and strokes in the U.S. alone — Merck finally withdrew Vioxx.

That same month, FDA reviewer Dr. David Graham blamed the FDA for failing to protect public safety, telling the Senate Finance Committee that his agency’s “procedures and culture made it impossible to adequately investigate drugs.”

In Europe, a Scottish scientist characterized the episode as “quite possibly” one of the worst drug disasters in history.

Describing the FDA’s willingness to turn a blind eye to the drug’s harms as “the equivalent of allowing ‘two to four jumbo jetliners’ to crash every week for five years,” Graham noted he had been “ostracized,” asked by superiors to “soften his conclusions” and “subjected to veiled threats” and “intimidation.”

The FDA’s response to safety concerns, Graham also asserted, was “almost always one of denial, rejection and heat.”

Recall roulette

Readers ready to dismiss the examples of thalidomide, DES and Vioxx as ancient history should check out the FDA’s webpage of more recent drug recalls.

From Aug. 30, 2017 to Oct. 1, 2021, manufacturers have recalled 381 drugs or drug lots — an average of approximately eight recalls per month. Notable entries include drugs or products by COVID vaccine makers Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and AstraZeneca (or their subsidiaries).

In 2015, Pfizer acquired Hospira, “the world’s leading provider of injectable drugs and infusion technologies.” At the time, Hospira’s track record was less than stellar, with more than 40 recalls in the prior three years.

The conservative FDA recall list shows at least 12 more Hospira recalls since September 2017. Other “urgent” Hospira recalls have not yet appeared on FDA’s list.

Nearly all of the Pfizer-Hospira recalls have been for potentially life-threatening production failures — such as mislabeling of one product for another, microbial contamination, cracked vials(and other defects jeopardizing product sterility) and presence of particulates (including glass and human hair).

Kaiser Health News reported in early 2021 that “a decade’s worth of FDA inspection reports” had flagged one of Pfizer’s Hospira manufacturing plants as a “repeat offender” for bacterial and mold contamination.

Pfizer also appears several other times on the FDA recall list:

  • In July and August of this year, Pfizer began recalling lots of its prescription anti-smoking drug Chantix due to the presence of carcinogenic nitrosamines above the “acceptable daily intake level.” By September, Pfizer had expanded the recall to include all lots. The FDA acknowledges the “potential increased cancer risk” but says that smoking is worse.
  • In August 2019, Pfizer issued an urgent recall of some lots of its migraine drug, Relpax, due to “potential microbiological contamination.” The contamination, the company stated, poses a risk of “bacterial dissemination from the gut to the bloodstream potentially resulting in serious, life-threatening infections.”
  • In August 2018, Pfizer recalled one lot of children’s Advil due to product mislabeling and “concerns the mislabeling could potentially cause an overdose.” The FDA did not publish its own announcement of the recall until March 2020.

Over the past two decades, merger-happy Pfizer has spearheaded three of the ten largest pharmaceutical mergers in history, with Wyeth (2009), Pharmacia (2003) and Warner-Lambert (2000).

In August 2021, Pfizer added cancer drug maker Trillium Therapeutics to its roster — right around the time concerned health providers were reporting an uptick in aggressive cancers in COVID mRNA vaccine recipients.

Wyeth was the manufacturer of two notorious diet pills recalled in 1997 for causing long-lasting heart valve injuries — fenfluramine (Pondimin) and dexfenfluramine (Redux), both part of the “fen-phen” cocktail of diet drugs.

Pondimin had been allowed to remain on the market for 24 years before being pulled. One year after Pfizer’s acquisition of Wyeth, Pfizer also issued a recall of Wyeth’s fatal and liver-damaging leukemia drug, Mylotarg, which had received accelerated FDA approval a decade earlier.

More speedy approvals on the horizon

The FDA is far from the only captured agency. Many critics of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for example, blame the EPA’s “completely broken” and “reckless” safety review process for prioritizing corporate profits over public health and encouraging use of some of the world’s most dangerous pesticides, including glyphosate.

Unfortunately, new opportunities for FDA corruption are emerging, particularly in the arena of “biosimilars.” Biosimilars are biologics (such as vaccines) that the FDA considers “highly similar to and [with] no clinically meaningful differences from an existing FDA-approved reference product.” As such, they are eligible for an “abbreviated licensure pathway.”

In 2016, biosimilars were projected to become “the single fastest-growing biologics sector.”

American vaccine scientists are salivating over the prospect of proving biosimilarity for future mRNA vaccines. Though the legal terrain has yet to be consolidated, biosimilarity would guarantee lightning-fast approvals.

Coincidentally or not, Pfizer’s Hospira subsidiary is a “global leader in biosimilars.”

Japan, which has some of the most cautious vaccine policies in the world, recently recalled 1.6 million doses of Moderna’s mRNA injection against COVID, after two men injected with stainless-steel-contaminated batches died.

Don’t expect anything similar to happen in the U.S. No matter how shoddy Pfizer’s or Moderna’s manufacturing practices may be, and no matter the safety signals, the FDA’s primary goal seems to be to ensure an endless profit pipeline for the vaccine and drug manufacturers that are the agency’s own bread and butter.


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October 8th, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

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The Facebook outage was a planetary-scale demonstration of how essential the company’s services have become to daily life” headlines the New York Times, pointing out that Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger are fundamental to the economy, politics, education, and health care. Worldwide, about 2.8 billion people, on average, use at least one Facebook product per day.

Facebook collects billions of pieces of information every day from all over the world in its data centers, 13 of which are located in the United States, 3 in Europe and 1 in Singapore. In a similar way Google works, with its platform Youtube whose users have risen to 1.9 billion. This immense amount of data, centralized in the U.S., serves not only economic purposes but political purposes, giving increasing power of control to those who manage them. For example, Facebook removed more than 20 million posts for “violating the Covid-19 misinformation rules.”

The 2Africa Pearls undersea cable 

This power of control is now being greatly enhanced by a Facebook project that is well underway: the 2Africa Pearls undersea cable, more than 45,000 km long (more than the Equator), connecting 33 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. According to Facebook, it will “bring high-speed, affordable Internet” above all to Africa. However, it does not explain how it will be used by the over 600 million inhabitants of Sub-Saharan Africa who do not have electricity.

What this broadband network will be used for in Africa is demonstrated by the partnership that Facebook has established with the Atlantic Council, an influential “nopartisan organization” based in Washington that “promotes US leadership and commitment in the world”. Through the network, the Atlantic Council “will ensure the proper use of Facebook in African elections, helping media and politicians uncover fake news, educate citizens and civil society.”

The reliability of the Atlantic Council, which is particularly active in Africa, can be deduced from the official list of donors who fund it: the Pentagon and NATO, Lockheed Martin and other war industries (including Italy’s Leonardo), ExxonMobil and other multinationals, Bank of America and other financial groups, the Rockefeller and Soros Foundations.

(Topic covered on October 8 on Grandangolo, international press review on national TV channel 262 Byoblu)


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent vaccine rollout, pharmaceutical giants including Pfizer and Moderna have substantially increased their lobbying efforts, a National Pulse investigation has revealed.

The lobbying apparatuses at both vaccine-reliant companies – in terms of the number of lobbyists hired and the overall budget deployed to influence government officials – have seen dramatic increases since 2019.

The news comes one day after hidden camera footage revealed a Pfizer scientist admitting: “Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now.”

Democrat Operatives Turn Vax Lobbyists.

Many of the new Big Pharma hires have come from consulting firms with deep and historical links to the current White House, and President Joe Biden himself.

In October alone Pfizer tapped Sudafi Henry, Joe Biden’s former legislative affairs director from his days as Vice President.


Another recent hire is Kwabena Nsiah, a former staffer for Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and top aide to director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.

Nsiah also worked in Congress for over eight years, most recently as Policy Director for the Congressional Black Caucus and on the Joint Economic Committee as a Senior Policy Advisor.

RINOs Turn Vax Lobbyists, Too.

Among Pfizer’s robust lobbying team are alumni of Republican presidential administrations and Congressional offices.

Justin McCarthy, who served under George W. Bush as a Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, and Ben Howard, who served as a Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs under Donald Trump, both lobby for the pharmaceutical giant.

David Schiappa, a longtime Republican staff member of the Senate holding the role of Secretary for Leader Mitch McConnell, is also lobbying for Pfizer.

Pfizer, which recently received approval for a third booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine, has substantially increased its lobbying budget. In 2019, the company spent $11,000,000 on lobbying efforts before increasing the total to $13,150,000 – the highest total since 2010.

In 2019, the company retained 77 lobbyists before the total grew to a team of 102 lobbyists in 2020. So far in 2021, Pfizer has declared 92 lobbyists.


While Moderna retained just one lobbyist throughout all of 2019 and added one lobbyist the following year, in 2021, the company has already hired an additional twelve lobbyists, representing a 600 percent increase in the company’s total lobbying force.

In 2019, Moderna spent $40,000 on lobbying and $280,000 in 2020, and just halfway into 2021, the company has already spent $290,000.


The real scandal, however, is represented in the sheer number of political operatives who have recently gone on to work for Big Pharma, from both Democrat and Republican offices.

The National Pulse has assembled a list of those declared by Pfizer and Moderna alone, below. The list includes their previous jobs or affiliations. Of the 83 listed below, many come from high level backgrounds such as the White House, presidential candidates, the Speaker of the House’s office, and a number of congressional offices.

The swamp, revealed:


  1. Justin McCarthy, Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs under President George W. Bush
  2. Brian Arthur Pomper, Chief International Trade Counsel to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus
  3. Bill Morley, General Counsel to Senator Arlen Specter
  4. Remy Brim, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Senator Elizabeth Warren
  5. Mark Mioduski, Democratic Clerk for the Committee on Appropriations in the U.S. House of Representatives
  6. Brian Griffin, Senior Leadership Advisor and Floor Policy Director for Democratic Policy Committee Chairman Senator Byron Dorgan
  7. Ben Howard, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs under President Donald Trump
  8. Kate Keating, Chief of Staff to Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Congressman Joseph Crowley
  9. David Schiappa, Secretary to Senate Republican Leaders
  10. Lavita Legrys, Director at the Office of Legislative Affairs in the Department of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama
  11. Mike Mckay, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Gregory Meeks
  12. Cristina Antelo, Legal Fellow with the Senate Democratic Steering Committee
  13. Tom Davis, former Congressman
  14. Michael Werner, Policy Advisor to Senate Democrats Policy Committee
  15. Daniel Elling, Staff Director for the House Committee on Ways and Means
  16. Cookab Hashemi, Chief of Staff to Representative Raul Ruiz and Representative Jackie Speier
  17. Robert Holifield, Staff Director of the Senate Agriculture Committee
  18. Hannah Smith, Legislative Correspondent to Senator Blanche Lincoln
  19. Blanche Lincoln, Former Senator and Congresswoman
  20. Colin Roskey, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services under President Trump
  21. Thomas Scully, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Bush.
  22. Brian Diffell, Legislative Director to Senator Roy Blunt
  23. Kelli Briggs, Chief of Staff to Representative Pat Tiberi
  24. Anne Wilson, Legislative Director to Representative Anna G. Eshoo
  25. Peter Wallace, Legislative Correspondent to Representative Ric Keller
  26. Katharine Hayes, Legislative Correspondent to Representative Mark Schauer
  27. Akshai Datta, Senior Legislative Assistant to Representative Ami Bera
  28. Darrel Thompson, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intergovernmental and External Affairs to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
  29. Shanti Ochs Stanton, Floor Assistant to the Democratic Leaders Office
  30. Natalie Farr, Chief of Staff to Senator Cory Gardner
  31. Steven Elmendorf, Chief of Staff to House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt
  32. Steven Irizarry, Senior Counsel for Senate Special Committee on Aging
  33. Stephen Northrup, Health Policy Advisor to Senator Michael Enzi
  34. Jennifer Swenson, Deputy Legislative Director to Senator Pat Roberts
  35. Catherine Robinson, Law Clerk on the Committee on Ways and Means
  36. Emily Mueller, Deputy Legislative Director to Senator Pat Roberts
  37. Stephen Claeys, Trade Counsel on the Committee on Ways and Means
  38. Paula Burg, Director and Senior Advisor for Health and Entitlements on the Senate Budget Committee
  39. Elissa Alben, Senior Counsel for International Trade and Competitiveness on the Senate Committee on Finance
  40. Karissa Willhite, Deputy Chief of Staff to Senator Robert Menendez
  41. Gordon Taylor, Chief of Staff to Representative Chris John
  42. Tucker Shumack, Tax and Finance Counsel to Senator Olympia Snowe
  43. Todd Novascone, Chief of Staff to Senator Jerry Moran
  44. Jerome Murray, Chief of Staff to Representative Stacey Plaskett
  45. Moses Mercado, Deputy Chief of Staff to Representative Richard Gephardt
  46. Tim McGivern, Chief of Staff to Senator Jim Brownback
  47. Chris Giblin, Chief of Staff to Representative John Carter
  48. Tony Bullock, Chief of Staff to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  49. Dee Buchanan, Chief of Staff to House Republican Conference
  50. Dean Aguillen, Advisor to Speaker Nancy Pelosi
  51. Eden Shiferaw, Representative Marcia Fudge
  52. Jane Loewenson, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
  53. Andrea LaRue, Counsel to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle
  54. Brady King, Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Kendra S. Horn
  55. Joshua Fay Hurvitz, Legislative Director to Representative Anthony D. Weiner
  56. Lisa German Foster, Senior Policy Advisor to Senator Jack Reed
  57. Irene Bueno, Special Assistant to President Bill Clinton in the Domestic Policy Council and Chief of Staff’s Office
  58. Ashley Gunn,  Senior Director of Cabinet Affairs to President Trump
  59. Monica Popp, Chief of Staff to Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn
  60. Hazen Marshall, Policy Director to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
  61. Christopher Wilcox, Staff Assistant to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  62. Marti Thomas, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs under President Clinton
  63. Karina Lynch, Legislative Director to Representative Scott McInnis
  64. Cheryl Jager, Senior Health Policy Advisor for House Republican Leadership
  65. Matthew Hoekstra, Legislative Director for Senator Ben Lujan
  66. Susan Hirschmann, Chief of Staff to Representative Van Hilleary
  67. Christopher Hatcher, Legislative Director to Representative Scott McInnis
  68. Ann Marie Buerkle, Congresswoman
  69. Shimon Stein, Senior Advisor to House Majority Leader/Republican Whip
  70. Kristi Remington, Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice under President Obama
  71. Malloy McDaniel, Policy Advisor to Senator Mitch McConnell
  72. Craig Kalkut, Chief Counsel of Senate Antitrust Subcommittee
  73. Ashley Davis, Special Assistant to Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge under President Bush
  74. Greg Nickerson, Tax Counsel to Representative Bill Thomas


  1. Darren Willcox, Assistant to Speaker Dennis Hastert for Health Policy
  2. Erin Strawn, Legislative Associate to Representative Joe Cunningham
  3. Valerie Henry, Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Greg Walden
  4. James Derderian, Chief of Staff to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
  5. Carmencita Whonder, Advisor on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee to Senator Chuck Schumer
  6. Marc Lampkin, General Counsel for the House Republican Conference
  7. Araceli Gutierrez, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Graduate Fellow
  8. Emily Felder, Counsel to the House Energy and Commerce Committee
  9. Nadeam Elshami, Chief of Staff to Representative Nancy Pelosi


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Featured image is from The National Pulse

Awakening: Martin Luther King and the Poor People’s Campaign

October 8th, 2021 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

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In the days ahead we must not consider it unpatriotic to raise certain basic questions about our national character.

We must begin to ask: Why are there forty million poor people in a nation overflowing with such unbelievable affluence?

Martin Luther King Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? [p141]

The usage of the term ‘woke’ has spread rapidly in the last ten years from meaning awareness of racial prejudice and discrimination to describing the identity politics of various ethnic groups in the USA. The term has a long history reaching back to the 1930s when Black American folk singer-songwriter Huddie Ledbetter, a.k.a. Lead Belly finished a song advising people with the words to ‘best stay woke, keep their eyes open.’

The history of ethnic- or identity- based politics has long been a long one in the United States going back to the ethnocultural (ethnic, religious and racial identity) politics of the 19th century. Identity- based politics resurfaced in the 1960s with the Black Panther Party (BPP) (originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense), a Black Power political organization founded by college students Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton in 1966. In the 1970s, identity politics were seen with the Black feminist socialist group, Combahee River Collective, and spread with the LGBT movements of the 1980s. Today ‘wokism’ is associated with identity-based groups such as Black Lives Matter (BLM).

The complexity of identity politics in all its positive and negative forms has become more prevalent in recent years with the production of many ‘woke’ films. These could be described as films that have women in leading positions, gender or racial swaps, and the inclusion of gay characters in a diverse cast, etc. However, prior to this change in ideology there was also the identity politics of dominant heterosexual white men, so for some there is also the satisfaction and feeling of social justice with the depiction of racial and gender reversals.

One prominent and popular TV series to look at both sides of the complexity of identity politics was The Sopranos. The episode “Christopher” is the 42nd episode and the third of the show’s fourth season. The teleplay was written by Michael Imperioli, from a story idea by Imperioli and Maria Laurino and was directed by Tim Van Patten. It aired on September 29, 2002. Imperioli, who played Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos, is an American actor, writer, and director, and it seems he was also impressed with Howard Zinn’s book A People’s History of the United States which this episode is based on.

He even has Tony Soprano’s son reading the book for school over breakfast at home. The episode focuses on Columbus day and the different perceptions of Columbus by individuals of various ethnic backgrounds. The influence of the book on this episode can be seen in the historical and political awareness of the history of identity politics that is depicted. Imperioli not only shows the complexity of various  identities in the USA but  also how these identities are manipulated to foment strife between different groups both on the street and in the mass media.

Agent provocateur in combats, black jacket and black beanie

This is very cleverly done in a scene where the Sopranos arrive at an anti-Columbus demonstration being held by Native Americans and students. A bottle is thrown and fighting ensues. It is interesting to see how the different characters are picked out in this scene. The Native Americans look generally like Native Americans (skin color, hair etc), the students (long hair, denim) and the character who threw the bottle is distinguished by combats, black jacket and black beanie (connoting the military, the state, undercover i.e. agent provocateur). This scene happens so fast it is almost an easter egg (I had to slow it down frame by frame to get a screenshot). Thus, like in real life, the provocateur gets lost in the mayhem and the later clashes seen on the news are described as ‘tragic’.

Ralphie holds up poster of Iron Eyes Cody

The complexity of ethnic identity feeds some of the humour in the show, when, for example, Dr. Del Redclay doesn’t realise that Iron Eyes Cody who portrayed Native Americans in many Hollywood films was actually Italian; Pauli didn’t know that James Caan’s heritage is German, not Italian; and Chief Doug Smith, ‘Tribal chairman of the Mohonk Indians and CEO of Mohonk Enterprises’, announces: “Frankly, I passed most of my life as white until I had an awakening and discovered my Mohonk blood. My grandmother on my father’s side, her mother was a quarter Mohonk.” Even Redclay’s TA, Maggie Donner, turns out to be one-eighth Italian – her “great-great something-or-other”.

Chief Doug Smith, ‘Tribal chairman of the Mohonk Indians and CEO of Mohonk Enterprises’

The same humour is used in the title of Maria Laurino’s memoir, Were You Always an Italian?, which was a national bestseller and explored the issue of ethnic identity among Italian-Americans.

Chief Doug Smith represents the use of ethnic identity for private gain. In the 1970s the Supreme Court had ruled that only Indians have the authority to tax and regulate Indian activities by Indians on Indian reservations. Academia does not get off lightly either, as Professor Longo-Murphy, who is invited to give a lunch-time talk on modern Italian-ness to the Italian community, is obviously half Irish.

By having Tony’s son read about Columbus and his encounters with the ‘savages’, Tony’s power position as dominant white male is illuminated as he defends Columbus’s actions and thereby shutting down any real discussion of the realities of history while maintaining ethnic group myths (“in this house Christopher Columbus is a hero. End of story.”)

Tony’s son reads Howard Zinn’s book A People’s History of the United States

It’s interesting that this episode touched many nerves. In an article on this episode a writer describes the Native Americans as ‘fanatics’ (the author missed the agent provocateur) and describes the dialogue as being “like it was written by an eighth-grader assigned by his history teacher to write up Columbus’s pros and cons.” The whole Columbus theme is described as ‘clunky’, even though in many TV shows the political and cultural life of their characters is generally completely ignored. Out of 86 episodes this was the only one that touched on the cultural and political history of the Soprano family, and still managed to raise a lot of hackles. The reality is that often people dont know much about their own history and cling to nationalistic biases or myths. For example, a recent survey (2019) discussed in the New York Post noted that:

“Americans have an abysmal knowledge of the nation’s history and a majority of residents in only one state, Vermont, could pass a citizenship test. The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation surveyed 41,000 Americans in all 50 states and Washington, DC, the organization said Friday. Most disturbingly, the results show that only 27 percent of those under the age of 45 across the country demonstrate a basic knowledge of American history. And only four in 10 Americans passed the exam.”

The complexity of identity politics was further developed when Furio, an actual Italian gang member from southern Italy agrees with the negative analysis of Columbus:

“But I never liked Columbus. In Napoli, a lot of people are not so happy for Columbus because he was from Genoa. The north of Italy always have the money and the power. They punish the south since hundreds of years. Even today, they put up their nose at us like we’re peasants.”

Italy, the country, the nation, arose out of many different regions, ethnic groups and languages (only a small percentage of Italians spoke Italian at the time of unification in the 19th century). Indeed, the potential for Italy to break up into regions is never too far away either. Gianfranco Miglio, a political scientist wrote in 1990:

“Lega Nord, a federalist and, at times, separatist political party in Italy, proposed “Padania” as a possible name for an independent state in Northern Italy. According to Miglio, Padania (consisting of five regions: Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna) would become one of the three hypothetical macroregions of a future Italy, along with Etruria (Central Italy) and Mediterranea (Southern Italy), while the autonomous regions (Aosta Valley, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sicily and Sardinia) would be left with their current autonomy.”

Italian unification (By Artemka – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Thus, the definition of ethnic or even national identity can be rewritten at any time. The lines of the map of Europe were constantly being drawn and redrawn depending on the political and military strength of local elites who bring their ‘people’ with them and redefine their identity when and how it suits them. As elites gain strength they demand more autonomy, in defeat they are integrated into a larger region e.g. Catalonia.

The only way people can stop being a bobbing cork on the sea of international geopolitics is to switch from the vertical structure of ethnicity (full class structure) to a horizontal structure of class (e.g. trade unions). The particularist policies of identity politics leaves groups open to manipulation and divide and rule. The American journalist Christopher Lynn Hedges has written that identity politics: “will never halt the rising social inequality, unchecked militarism, evisceration of civil liberties and omnipotence of the organs of security and surveillance.”

King was arrested in 1963 for protesting the treatment of blacks in Birmingham.

It seems that Martin Luther King came to the same conclusions about the weakness of identity politics when he wrote in Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?:

“Too many Negroes are jealous of other Negroes’ successes and progress. Too many Negro organizations are warring against each other with a claim to absolute truth. The Pharaohs had a favorite and effective strategy to keep their slaves in bondage: keep them fighting among themselves. The divide-and-conquer technique has been a potent weapon in the arsenal of oppression. But when slaves unite, the Red Seas of history open and the Egypts of slavery crumble.” [p132]

In 1968, King was involved in organising the Poor People’s Campaign to bring economic justice to all those struggling to make ends meet.  It was a “multiracial effort—including African Americans, white Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Indigenous people—aimed at alleviating poverty regardless of race.”

The Poor People’s Campaign

“sought to address poverty through income and housing. The campaign would help the poor by dramatizing their needs, uniting all races under the commonality of hardship and presenting a plan to start to a solution. Under the “economic bill of rights,” the Poor People’s Campaign asked for the federal government to prioritize helping the poor with a $30 billion anti-poverty package that included, among other demands, a commitment to full employment, a guaranteed annual income measure and more low-income housing. The Poor People’s Campaign was part of the second phase of the civil rights movement.”

Demonstrators in the Poor People’s March at Lafayette Park and Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. in June 1968

The necessity for unity between black and white is made more explicit by King in his book, where he writes:

“This proposal is not a “civil rights” program, in the sense that that term is currently used. The program would benefit all the poor, including the two-thirds of them who are white. I hope that both Negro and white will act in coalition to efect this change, because their combined strength will be necessary to overcome the fierce opposition we must realistically anticipate.” [p174]

King was not naive about the potential conservative backlash such unity would create but saw it as the only way forward, as the movement would encompass ever greater numbers of people. As we have seen the fluid nature of identity politics can be summed up with the observations that: maps change (independent city-states and regional republics, ‘Padania’), identities can be complex  (North vs South, intermarriage), identities are not fixed (Cody, Caan), and identities can be manipulated (Divide and Rule, ethnic ‘leaders’). King came to the realisation that any campaign group will be limited by the size of the movement and the breadth of its ideology, and soon moved away from his own prejudices and biases, although he was not able to bring his dream to fruition.


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Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. 

Featured image: Lead Belly with a melodeon c. 1942

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It is useful to identify and examine the many facets and the all encompassing nature of American/Western propaganda systems in our efforts to better understand why so many people have great difficulty in sorting truth from fiction regarding the “covid pandemic” narratives.  The following outline and commentary are an effort to more clearly identify the ubiquitous nature of Western covid propaganda in order to better understand its impacts on the public mind.

One method of propaganda dissemination during the promotion of the covid narratives has been major medical journals printing false covid related disinformation posing as “science.”  Early in the propaganda operation both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine had to retract fraudulent articles dismissing the efficacy and falsely inflating the danger of using hydroxychloroquine in treatment of covid patients. (1). MSM widely promoted the fraudulent claims, but of course expressed no interest in their subsequent retractions.

That two of the world’s most widely esteemed medical journals were both guilty of publishing what were essentially disinformation pieces rife with conflicts of interest and essentially constituting what MSM calls “fake news” shines a bright light on the corruption of objective science which has now been captured by powerful monied pharmaceutical and commercial interests.

Print and web based legacy media such as the NYT, WAPO, Guardian, BBC, etc. have all been engaged in credulous daily promotion of the “official” covid narratives. They have done so while refusing to publish counter-narratives even by world renowned scientific experts, and while shaming, demeaning, and ridiculing any who question the “official science” of the CDC and WHO.

The official covid narratives are also promoted daily on all mainstream television news outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, PBS, BBC, etc. as well as on their web-based presence on platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Adding to the seamless nature of public exposure to the official covid propaganda narratives are their constant presence in mainstream print (and web based) specialty and/or alternative media such as  Daily Beast, Politico, TYT, Rolling Stone, Huffington Post, National Geographic, Scientific American. (2)

The radio airways provide yet another means for our ingestion of the endless daily repetition of the official covid propaganda narratives.  These include of course all MSM radio affiliates, ubiquitous talk radio, and of course NPR. (3)

As if one has not been subject to enough official covid propaganda by bedtime, the late night comedians continue the daily onslaught often during their monologues.  A standard format in this aspect of propaganda promotion is that one must have properly ingested one’s daily dose of covid propaganda in order to “get the joke” and thus be able to identify with one’s favorite comedian.  Covid propaganda is simply the background “wallpaper” on the shows of the “hip” late night comedians such as Trevor Noah, Steven Colbert, John Oliver, etc.  

However, propaganda as “humor” sometimes moves beyond simple recitation of official narratives and the shaming of the unvaccinated.  In some cases it engages in the more sinister openly proclaimed dehumanization of the unvaccinated as “other” to be shunned, scorned and even denied medical care as evidenced by the recent monologue comments of late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel. (4)

Sports reporting both web and radio based also act as outlets for official covid narratives, including the shaming of those who question such narratives and/or who refuse to be vaccinated.  This is true of sports pundits for a variety of outlets.  Youtube based sports pundit Rich Eisen recently used his platform to confront Draymond Green of the Golden State Warriors basketball team because Green dared to defend the right of one of his team-mates Andrew Wiggins to exercise his freedom to make his own decision on rejecting a vaccine.  Wiggins has since succumbed to pressure and accepted the vaccine. (5)  

Escaping the pernicious presence of the official covid narratives is virtually impossible unless one simply swears off all contact with the major forms of Western media. 

Censorship & Demonization of Dissenting Voices 

To insure proper absorption of the official propaganda narratives a regime of outright censorship has become normalized.  This includes the removal of specific  examples of “offending” material from web based platforms like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, etc. This sort of open censorship, of even expert scientific opinion, has become part of the so called “new normal.”  Offenders are often put on notice that further such violations of “community standards” for example, will lead to further sanctions.

Youtube interviews with world renowned scientists have been demonetized and/or  removed due to such scientists simply sharing their own scientific opinion.  This is done should that expert opinion differ from the “official narrative” according to the censors employed by Tech platforms. One of the co-inventors of the mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone experienced such censorship several months ago. (6)  Three days after being censored and removed from Youtube for expressing his concerns about the safety of vaccines delivered by technology he helped create, Wikipedia suddenly rewrote Dr. Malone’s biography in the process hiding his contribution to the creation of mRNA technology. (7).  One can be forgiven for wondering if this was done by Wikipedia in a nod to Orwell’s 1984 “Party” maxim – “Ignorance is Strength.”

Image on the right: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Complete de-platforming on web based social media of well respected voices is also now becoming normative.  A recent example is the complete removal from Youtube of the site of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s Children’s Health Defense and Dr. Mercola’s medical site, along with others who challenge the official covid narratives. (8).  Similar removal/de-platforming of medical professionals and scientists on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other web based media have also occurred.  

Another area of web based censorship is the removal of user generated Facebook groups created by those wishing to share their negative post-vaccination reactions with others given the silence and lack of support from within the medical community itself for such individuals. (9).  Multiple such user groups have been banned from Facebook for simply providing a forum for users to share their own personal experiences.

The impact of such overt censorship has been to put all who post material and opinions on platforms like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter to consciously engage in self-censorship in order to not risk being de-platformed.  News and analysis sites like Jimmy Dore, Dark Horse Podcast, Joe Rogan, and many others now openly discuss avoiding using or discussing certain words, phrases, or topics related to the official covid narratives that might lead to “warnings” or de-platforming.  Self censorship has become yet another aspect of our new normal.  

An invisible and too seldom discussed stealth method of the censorship of any of us who are questioning the official covid narratives is the Big Tech use of internet search algorithms designed to suppress or completely hide the existence of the material challenging official narratives.  I find my own Google searches for topics such as “covid vaccine adverse reactions” end up providing endless pages of material  simply censoring out and/or debunking the very idea that such adverse events could be anything but “fake news.” 

I have found that the suppression of any articles questioning the official narratives that isn’t presented as “fake news” is almost virtually complete in my own Google searches.  This means one must know before one searches the actual name of the post you are looking for or of the name of an alternative independent media site like Global Research or OffGuardian, because it appears that Google will now routinely use its algorithms to do everything in its power to avoid taking you to anything but articles and sites supporting the official narratives.

We now live in a world in which MSM outlets across all platforms routinely refuse to publish general articles, opinion pieces, video interviews, or even reference peer reviewed scientific journal articles by world renowned scientists if that material diverges from the official CDC/WHO opinion and stated policy.  One cannot help but note the rather seamless nature of this entire propaganda operation.  It is indeed impressive from a prospective of totalitarian narrative control. 

However, even this massive ability to dominate narrative construction and dissemination appears not to be sufficient in the opinion of those at the helm of the oligarch controlled structures of media power.  Thus independent popular media platforms are subject to what appear to be well orchestrated and coordinated attacks from MSM outlets should they report material that questions or in any way challenges MSM covid reporting. 

A recent example of such attacks was the MSM wide disinformation campaign aimed at popular Youtube personality Joe Rogan who self-reported his own positive Ivermectin experience in treating his covid.  His use of Ivermectin was not only widely panned and demeaned across MSM, but was also routinely intentionally and deceitfully distorted to suggest he had used the “animal version” of the drug scornfully referred to in MSM reports as a “horse dewormer.”  This disinformation was widely disseminated even though Rogan had clearly stated he received the Ivermectin prescription from his own doctor. (10).  

Such MSM attacks are designed to intimidate and although they likely did no significant damage to someone with Rogan’s large audience base, they may certainly cause others in independent media who have smaller audiences to hesitate to share their own similar experiences for fear of such negative repercussions. 

Such attacks by MSM, and censorship by Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, are now normative even when reporting the results of peer reviewed scientific journal articles that suggest possible efficacy of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in covid treatment.  Clearly it is not “the science” that MSM is protecting with such attacks, but the official propaganda narrative.

Medical professional organizations, medical licensing boards, hospitals and related entities are now literally threatening doctors with loss of hospital privileges and/or license to practice for simply having and sharing a medical opinion that diverges from the official narratives. (11)

Newsweek reported “a joint statement issued by the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Board of Pediatrics” pointed out quite clearly exactly what type of “medical opinion” by a practicing physician might endanger his/her license to practice.  “The evidence that we have safe, effective and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming. We are particularly concerned about physicians who use their authority to denigrate vaccination at a time when vaccines continue to demonstrate excellent effectiveness against severe illness, hospitalization and death.” (11)

The need for such an overt threat from these higher levels of the medical establishment makes clear that at least some physicians retain both independence of thought and the moral integrity required to form their own opinion.  However, the issuance of such a ham-handed threat based upon clearly unscientific and unsupported reassurances of “vaccine safety” suggests that these higher echelons of the medical establishment in the United States are now captive to monied interests, thus completely undermining the integrity of American medical practice.

My own medical care is through a large southern California university based consortium.  I recently asked my physician if she would prescribe a prophylactic dose of Ivermectin that I could keep on hand should I begin to develop covid symptoms.  She explained she was not allowed to do so, but that she would forward my request to the consortium’s “infectious disease specialist” who promptly responded that my doctor could not in fact prescribe Ivermectin for me because “the reliable evidence available does not support the use of Ivermectin for treatment or prevention of COVID-19.”  My own research into the available information on Ivermectin suggests this contention is clearly not accurate, but there is of course no recourse to challenge this institutional policy.

I cannot help but reflect on the irony that this same medical practice can and does continue to prescribe statin medications for their patients in spite of the now massive scientific research indicating that “the reliable evidence does not support” statin use for a large percentage of those who will continue to be put on statins, in spite of the many known dangerous side-effects.

Although I have great respect for my own primary care physician, she is literally not allowed to practice medicine independently in treating covid, but must instead seek permission to simply prescribe a globally used medication known to be safe that has clearly shown great efficacy around the world in covid treatment.  Instead the official opinion of the higher-ups controlling my physician’s medical practice appears to be “If you get sick enough show up at the ER, but otherwise we refuse to treat you.” Needless to say even while refusing to issue an Ivermectin script, I continue to receive regular email notices from my medical consortium reminding me to “schedule my covid vaccination.” 

Many doctors are now expressly forbidden from publicly discussing or reporting vaccine adverse reactions, and are forbidden to use their professional expertise in order to treat their own patients should that entail prescribing officially “demonized” medications such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  

Clearly we have never seen such draconian attempts at controlling the treatment options available to physicians and thus to their patients.  Nor have we seen the professional opinions of highly respected front-line acute-care medical providers who actually “treat” covid on a daily basis overtly demeaned in MSM.  Bedside acute-care physicians are thus being thwarted using overt threats to their licensure in order to enforce such “new normal” Orwellian control. 

Meanwhile, the demonization of the unvaccinated in MSM using these widely varied methods of propaganda dissemination is now ubiquitous.  There are now two relatively new categories of “human beings” inhabiting planet earth – the righteous and obedient “vaccinated” and the unclean, unworthy and dangerous “unvaccinated.”  This represent the latest in oligarchy’s endless efforts at “divide and conquer.”   

Clearly much appears to be at stake in the opinion of said global oligarchy.  The uber-wealthy and their public representatives seem to be pushing all of their chips to the center of the table as they place massive bets on this covid propaganda campaign.  Those bets are wagered against the credibility of what now amounts to almost all Western institutions.  Given the completely fatuous nature of the official covid narratives one can assume a significant level of desperation must exist among our global elites.  They appear to be dedicated to finding some means, any means, that might allow them to maintain their own power and control in the world.  A world in which a literal “house of cards” global economy, combined with ever greater ecosystem degradation and dis-regulation, is able less and less to ensure their continued future dominance.

Manipulation of Data and Definitions to Support the Propaganda Narratives 

One cannot help but notice the importance of language in any propaganda operation.  Words have meaning, as do those sets of words we call “definitions.”  What are we to make of the WHO changing the definition of “herd immunity” so that herd immunity is no longer achieved through a population being exposed to a pathogen and developing a protective immune response, but rather is now to be understood in terms of “vaccines?”(12) 

The new WHO definition reads: “herd immunity,’ also known as ‘population immunity,’ is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.” (12)  Since when has this EVER been the definition of herd immunity?  Answer, since the WHO changed the definition during the covid propaganda operation. 

In a public presentation the WHO director general explained this Orwellian decision to change the definition using suitably Orwellian double-speak: “Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak, let alone a pandemic.  It is scientifically and ethically problematic.” (12)  

Of course the simple unassailable “reality” here on planet earth is that we have as a species ALWAYS relied historically over endless millennia on the development of herd immunity by surviving whatever pathogen we were collectively exposed to.  It is only at this very moment in time, in the midst of the covid propaganda operation, that it has ever been necessary to “deny” that rather elementary fact of our collective human history.  

Additional examples of changing an official institutionally based definition to support the covid propaganda narratives is the CDC changing its definition of both “immunity” and “vaccine.” (13)

A final example on altering definitions and of data manipulation is the WHO changing how the actual cause of death on death certificates is reported, done clearly in order to inflate covid deaths thus promoting the official “pandemic” narrative. (14) (15). These changes smack of a Three-Stooges level of slapstick absurdity when it comes to simple common sense.  Under the new rules one could have essentially been perfectly healthy one moment, but had just been exposed by proximity to someone with a covid infection the next, or given a false-positive PCR at 45 cycles, and then immediately struck by a bolt of lightening and killed.  Then, by the new definitions, while in defiance of all common sense, the coroner would be given enough wiggle room so that he could still make a case for “death by covid” on one’s death certificate. (16)  “Orwellian” doesn’t quite do justice to this level of unscientific absurdity.

Manipulation of what constitutes a covid ‘case’ has been an essential propaganda tool in creating the “impression” of a pandemic. The pandemic hysteria itself is based more than anything upon fraudulent “false positives” obtained with the PCR test.  MSM quickly shifted early in the propaganda rollout from concern about supposed covid deaths, to focusing more on such false-positive “cases” which they dishonestly portrayed as actual illness. These daily touted “cases” appear to be primarily people registering a false positive on a PCR test given at a grossly inflated and therefore meaningless 35-45 cycles.  

Massive numbers of such false positive or “asymptomatic cases” were thus created out of thin air.  Voila!  Instant proof of a pandemic.  Most of these supposed “cases” were admittedly “asymptomatic,” but not because they had a mild version of the illness. They were most likely asymptomatic because they were not sick at all.  Thus the pandemic narrative has been fueled by simply defining “well people” as “sick people” based upon a known fraudulent testing regime. (17)

How do we know the use of PCR testing at 35-45 cycles was known by authorities to be fraudulent?  Because now that the vaccine program has been rolled out the vaccinated are only given PCR tests at a reasonable 28 cycles, while the unvaccinated continue to be subjected to the fraudulent 35-45 cycle PCR testing. (18). This of course deceptively insures that the unvaccinated continue to generate completely asymptomatic false positives, and can then be made to appear to be driving the spread of the illness.  

Meanwhile the vaccinated are much less likely to test positive given their testing is now, indefensible by any scientific measure, conducted at the lower 28 cycle threshold when compared to the unvaccinated conducted at 35-45 cycles.  The MSM promotion of the “trust the science” phrase has become simply a new addition to Orwellian “double-speak.”  To the Party slogans from Orwell’s book 1984, “War is Peace,” “Love is Hate,” and “Ignorance is Strength,” we can now officially add “Trust The Science.”

Covid death numbers have been even further inflated by the use of false positive PCR tests to label patients who are already terminally ill from other diseases (i.e. cancer, COPD, renal failure, etc) as “covid deaths” in official reporting because they died within 28 days of a meaningless fake ‘false positive’ PCR test.  Even in the complete absence of covid symptoms a hospice patient dying from another illness can be called a “covid” death in official data collection. (19)

Further distortion and manipulation of data in support of the official narratives involves not counting someone as “vaccinated” until 14 days after the “second dose” in two dose vaccines.  Thus someone who dies after the first dose, or within 14 days of the second dose, is “defined” as “unvaccinated” and can be counted fraudulently in that category. (20). This of course further promotes the narrative that it is mainly the “unvaccinated” who are being hospitalized and are dying.  One is hard pressed to imagine a more blatantly corrupt and amoral “public health policy.”  This is a policy which is designed of course to minimize the association between the vaccines and post-vaccination deaths, while simultaneously blaming the unvaccinated as being those who are hospitalized and dying. 

The weekly updated VAERS data from the CDC clearly shows massive numbers of both serious adverse vaccine reactions and deaths though it is known to vastly undercount such events.  However this highly concerning VAERS data is being silently ignored by the CDC itself, the MSM, the political class, and most of the medical establishment. (21). Meanwhile a consistent propaganda theme is one of omission in which the MSM either completely fails to report on such obviously important health data, or dismisses the idea that the VAERS reports themselves justify any further scrutiny.

A party interested in truth rather than in promoting propaganda would surely ask where autopsies are for those who died unexpectedly in close proximity to vaccination.  The MSM in support of the official narrative simply of course never poses such a logical straight forward question, as it would unravel the entire charade.  Clearly if the CDC does not “look for” possible links between vaccinations and unexpected deaths it will certainly be guaranteed “not to find them.”  

One is reminded how NIST proclaimed there were no explosives involved in the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings, only to have to admit that they NEVER LOOKED for any evidence of explosives.  The CDC is taking the same tack in simply refusing to do autopsies on the many thousands who have died post-vaccination while the MSM pretends any discussion of such deaths is “fake news” by “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-vaxxers.”

Another rather telling mode of propaganda promotion is the complete fabrication out of thin air of “news” that supports the covid narrative. This involves the subsequent spreading of such fabricated stories throughout MSM, and even failing to retract them once they are proven completely false. A recent such fabricated article in the magazine Rolling Stone that was widely repeated throughout MSM is a case in point. (22).  The story was that ERs in Oklahoma were overrun with people over-dosed on the livestock version of Ivermectin, thus denying even gunshot wound victims access to emergency care.  The story was shown to be a complete fabrication.  It was an obvious disinformation piece, yet was credulously repeated throughout MSM.  

This episode in blatant “fake news” propaganda, since it supported the official narratives demonizing Ivermectin, of course aroused no noticeable concern among those who proclaim to find such fake news unacceptable. The MSM pundits and the big tech platforms supposedly devoted to censoring “fake news,” appeared to have no problem with this blatantly fabricated disinformation piece posing as news.  Clearly fake news in support of the propaganda operation is simply standard operating procedure.  Another example of “the new normal.”  

Invisible Psychological Operations 

In a previous article I discussed the implications of Terror Management Theory (TMT) in promoting and assisting the public’s unconscious acceptance of the official covid propaganda. (23)  I continue to think that TMT offers an important window into understanding how the manipulation of our natural fears of death makes us more vulnerable to being propagandized.  It does so by over-riding one’s normal ability to think critically and rationally when such death fears are being repeatedly triggered day after day. 

Reminders of death and our mortality, delivered both consciously and unconsciously, have shown in hundreds of TMT experiments to increase unconscious support for, and greater compliance with, our underlying cultural norms.  This drives the population toward an unconscious position of becoming more trusting of institutional authorities, causing people to engage in more compliant behavior with the dictates of such authorities.

When recalling the initial propaganda images out of China depicting people standing in public places who suddenly simply fell over dead I am reminded of the astute observation made by Daniel Boorstin in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America.”  As Boorstin explained, “Strictly speaking, there is no way to unmask an image.  An image, like any other psuedo-event, becomes all the more interesting with our every effort to debunk it.”

Are those being propagandized more likely to believe the images they see with their own eyes?  Or to believe those of us who are trying to “unmask” and “debunk” those images?  The power of such covid propaganda images should not be underestimated, in part because they seamlessly trigger the TMT “death fears” that so effectively short-circuit our ability to think clearly and critically.  Images of people falling over dead, images of piles of bodies, images of hospitals over-run, images of the faceless masked, are immensely powerful propaganda tools because of their deep psychological impacts often experienced not only consciously, but also at quite unconscious levels. 

Lastly, and perhaps the most frightening aspect of these psychological propaganda operations comes from large segments of the population being vulnerable to the covert behavioral modification techniques associated with simply “being connected” in our modern web-based world.  Professor Shoshana Zuboff provides a very detailed and chilling examination of the operant/instrumental conditioning techniques now routinely used by what she terms “surveillance capitalism” in her book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power” (24)  

Professor Zuboff painstakingly outlines the almost unimaginable extent to which big tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Facebook are surreptitiously capturing (“rendering” as Zuboff calls it) vast amounts of our personal data from literally all electronic web based devices.  However, it is not the loss of privacy that is of greatest concern in her analysis.  Rather, it is the ever increasing ability of big tech companies to compile, aggregate and with ever more powerful AI tools to utilize that data in order to shape and change our behavior through means that are literally beyond our own conscious awareness.  

Behavioral change is accomplished utilizing these ever more powerful AI tools in conjunction with continuously analyzing the behaviors and responses of billions of people across the globe. It is the ability to analyze personal opinions, then provide a new psychological “reward” or “punishment,” and then again measure those opinions, over and over with ever more powerful tools, in close to real-time, that poses the most dangerous threat to our ability to resist propaganda.  This level of “shaping” and “manipulating” the public mind both for the profit of corporations which Zuboff refers to as surveillance capitalism, and in service to the hidden agendas of the State intelligence apparatus, is not part of some future sci-fi world, but is an invisible aspect of our current reality, whether we are aware of that reality or not.

Already surveillance capitalism has shown the ability to surreptitiously modify and shape human thinking and behavior in marketable ways in pursuit of profit.  These operations are being conducted by the same big tech companies Edward Snowden outed almost a decade ago for their deep cooperation with and connections to the Western intelligence apparatus.  These were intelligence agencies engaged in propaganda operations aimed at Western citizenry. (25)  Much has changed in the world since Snowden shed light on these operations, including the development of ever more powerful AI based programs that capture our personal data, monitor our behavior, AND then shape our behavior beyond our human awareness. 

Zuboff’s book, Snowden’s revelations, and the implications of that convergence deserve a much more thorough detailing and discussion in the future.  However, I will for today end with what I feel is perhaps the most insidious aspect of what is implied through this coalescence of unseen forces.  Which is that we can be both surreptitiously monitored, and our thinking and behavior shaped, in what increasingly approaches close to real-time fashion.  Connected to the ubiquitous “web,” our thoughts and behaviors are no longer our own.  They can be, and are being, manipulated and modified outside of the realm of our conscious awareness.  This is not being done to meet our needs, but rather to meet the agendas of those who comprise a new class of “surveillance capitalists” who work in conjunction with the massive power of the Western intelligence gathering services.

In spite of all the wide-ranging aspects of the covid propaganda promotion I detailed earlier, I don’t think any of them alone or in combination hold as much potential to control and shape public consciousness as the ever more powerful tools of surveillance capitalism combined with the means and methods of the intelligence services.  

It is inconceivable to me that these tools are somehow not in continuous use 24/7, monitoring real-time public responses on web platforms and social media, to our searches, to what we read, to what we share with others, to our comments, spanning everything from new lockdown measures in a particular city, to the loosening of restrictions somewhere else, from responses to various forms of vaccination mandates in one part of the country compared to another, etc. 

No doubt there is consistent monitoring and evaluation examining which AI based interventions are most effective in “tuning, herding, nudging and shaping” (24) our perceptions and behaviors toward the propaganda ends of the oligarchic system of control.   For a very simple unsophisticated example it is child’s play for Facebook using the tools already at its disposal to insure you see nothing but posts from your Facebook “friends” who have gotten the vaccine, and no material from anyone who refused it.  This can be done in an effort to shape your behavior toward the desired end of you “making your own decision” to eventually do what you are being manipulated to do, to get the vaccine.  Why wouldn’t you submit to the vaccine since literally “all of your ‘friends’ are doing so” and since not doing so will put you in the cognitively uncomfortable position of now being in a publicly demonized “out group.”

I fear however that Zuboff’s and Snowden’s revelations portend something much darker and more sinister than my simple and rather obvious example touches upon.  A world in which much of humanity is manipulated, shaped, and controlled in both thought and behavior 24/7 without conscious awareness that this is happening.  Our thoughts someone else’s, but experienced as our own.  We don’t really need more information or another whistleblower like Edward Snowden to know where we stand.  What we do need is a much deeper familiarity and understanding of these hidden tools and processes in order to unmask them, publicize them, and resist their ever growing impacts.


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Gary Weglarz retired in 2014 from practice as a clinical social worker.  He worked with, and learned from, Alaskan Native peoples who were attempting to heal the damage inflicted by the collective ongoing intergenerational trauma of colonization.  Currently he is engaged in research and writing regarding the relationship between past mass trauma in Western societies, and the subsequent colonial violence that has characterized the behavior of Europe and her colonies. He was actively involved in Central American solidarity efforts throughout the 1990’s, traveling with human rights delegations to Nicaragua, El Salvador and Colombia. 

























(24) The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight For A Human Future At The New Frontier Of Power, by Shoshana Zuboff, 2019.


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It was announced today that Pfizer has now petitioned the FDA in the United States to give them emergency use authorization to begin injecting the COVID-19 shots into children between the ages of 5 and 11.

FiercePharma reports that while there is “significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children,” Pfizer went ahead and requested permission to start injecting children between the ages of 5 and 11.

This will broaden their market in the U.S. to another 28 million people who will now be able to get the shots, all children.

Pfizer and BioNTech have asked the FDA to authorize their vaccine for children aged 5 to 11, the companies revealed on Thursday.

An FDA advisory committee has scheduled a meeting on Oct. 26 to discuss authorization. The submission potentially sets up the vaccine for emergency use approval late October or early November, but the companies may face a tough sell trying to convince parents that the shot is safe. (Source.)

Pfizer is undoubtedly counting on support from people like California Governor Newsom, who just decreed that all children in public and private schools will need to be injected with COVID-19 shots to get an education.

I wonder how much money Pfizer is spending to get government officials mandating their shots to children as a condition for receiving an education?

If you are a parent and you allow your children to be injected with the experimental COVID-19 shots, you and you alone will be responsible before God for their injuries and/or deaths.

Ignorance of the risks is no excuse, and neither is rolling the dice on their lives just because it is too inconvenient for you to keep your children home and educate them yourselves.

As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, using the government’s own data on adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots, teens are 50x more likely to develop heart disease, and teenagers have 7.75 X more deaths, 15 X more disabilities, 47 X more ER visits, and 46 X more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving. (Source.)

I have produced this video report of teenagers and young people who have died or suffered crippling injuries after being injected with a COVID-19 shot, including testimonies from grieving parents who deeply regret their choice to allow their child to receive one of these shots.

This is on both our Bitchute and Rumble channels.


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In a recent lecture, Dr. Peter McCullough presented alarming data related to COVID vaccines, the fraud of national health authorities, the ‘Therapeutic Nihilism’ being exercised in hospitals, and the urgent necessity of active resistance.

Prominent physician Dr. Peter McCullough recently provided a well-documented lecture on the “catastrophe” of COVID-19 “gene-transfer” vaccines, the “loaded weapon” of the spike protein they produce, and the high effectiveness early treatments.  

He also detailed the malfeasance, fraud, and conflicts-of-interest committed by U.S. medical officials. 

McCullough, who has made the case that he is the world’s foremost authority on the topic, set the tone for his remarks when he began to address a full hotel ballroom in Michigan on September 24. 

“I think the reason why everybody’s here is we have a sense that something very bad is going on in the world. And I’m here to tell you, I think it is,” he said.  

“If you feel tension right now and you feel some emotional distress and if you feel as if things aren’t going right … I think your perceptions are correct,” the physician continued. 

“And if your perceptions are correct, now’s the time for action.” 

McCullough calmly explained how his professional titles are being taken from him. 

“Today I was stripped of the editorship of Cardiorenal Medicine, a Swiss-based journal and in the last year, I have lost my job at a major health system, with no explanation and no due process,” he said. 

“I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, [and] a threat letter from the American Board. 

This has happened because of his “lawful” participation “in a topic of public importance,” he said. 

“What’s not lawful, and what’s not right, is what’s happening with respect to censorship and the threat of reprisal.” 

McCullough predicted that the eight professional acronyms behind his name, “will be progressively erased.” This is “going to happen because there’s powerful forces at work, far more powerful than we can possibly think of, that are influencing anybody who is in a position of authority.” 

Explaining his background further, he described how in his distant past he was “on President Clinton’s advisory panel to healthcare,” and had been “on C-SPAN for seven hours getting fried by the senators.” And thus, he explained, “I’m not new to the national scene.” 

Needing “a window to America,” McCullough recently started his own radio program and podcast on America Out Loud. Now he can get important medical information out quickly;   medical journals, of which he is an editor of two, are aimed at doctors and take a long time to publish. 

Absence of safety reports ‘a gamble of extraordinary implications’  

McCullough emphasized that safety is of paramount importance in every industry, including the automotive and building sectors. He said it was ‘beyond astonishing” that “there has been an injection of a substance into half of Americans’ bodies and there’s yet to be a report to America on safety.” 

This “wasn’t the case back in 1976” for the Swine Flu vaccination campaign, he said. After the emergence of 25 deaths and 550 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, the government shut it down. Although it was debated whether or not the vaccine caused the damage, “it didn’t matter,” the physician recalled.  

“Unexplained deaths [occurred, so it] didn’t matter. Shut down the program, [it’s] not safe. It was considered a debacle.” 

Today, in testing out new technology on, not just the nation, but the world, the government and big pharmaceutical authorities are taking “a gamble of extraordinary implications,” McCullough said. 

The gamble is genetic gene-transfer technology. The FDA [Food and Drug Administration] considers the current American vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, as gene-transfer tech.” 

McCullough explained how these gene transfer technologies work. He also voiced his concern that, although “normally a messenger RNA is used once and disposed of,” with these mRNA injections by Pfizer and Moderna, messenger RNA is “used over and over … again and stays in the cells for a [very] long time.” 

“We are working with scientists all over the world, and there is a belief now that the messenger RNA can survive cell division, [and] so a parent cell can give it to daughter cells,” he explained. 

“For the first time in human history, we have a biologic product that’s telling our body to produce an abnormal protein,” he said. 

The mRNA enters cells and causes them to create spike proteins, a “kind of a ‘loaded weapon,’ if you will. … It’s now known that the spike protein itself is independently pathogenic: it causes damage itself” to the cells in which it is produced, and then circulates in the body for about two weeks. 

“As this protein circulates, it damages organs, it damages endothelial cells, blood cells, causes blood clotting,” McCullough said.  

“There is nothing about the spike protein that’s good. They’re lethal.” 

‘Colossal misstep’ of omitting independent safety monitor boards 

 McCullough decried the lack of independent safety regulators in monitoring the situation. 

“If we don’t have safety boards, data safety monitoring boards, critical event committees, human ethics committees, assigned to these programs, we have no hope of shutting this down or even evaluating for safety,” he said. 

“I’m not fooling around when I say our governments owed it to us from the beginning to have a Data Safety Monitor Board (DSM). Where’s the DSM?”  

The only monitors right now are the FDA, the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], and pharmaceutical companies with a stake in the outcome, he explained.  

“We never let the company decide on causality of a problem. We never let a company tell us if a product is safe,” McCullough said. 

“Not having a Data Safety Monitoring Board will go down in history as a colossal misstep in public health,” he continued.  

“How in the world can we take the sponsors of the program, the FDA, the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna, and let them be in charge of safety? And even worse, how can we let them not ever produce a safety report? We never do a safety press briefing, nothing.” 

The eminent physician also described doctors he meets as ashamed and confused, particularly about injecting pregnant women with the experimental jabs. 

“I have a lot of interaction with doctors,” McCullough said.   

“I don’t [know] a single doctor who can look me in the eye and support what’s being done to pregnant women. What I see in their eyes is fear, shame, guilt. They know they’re wrong, but they’re confused.” 

According to McCullough, many doctors and medical personnel are currently “in a trance.”  

“They’re in a mass psychosis, and it’s worldwide,” he declared. 

“They’re in lockstep. They’re thinking the same way. They’re frightened. They’re confused. They’re kind of scrambled. They can’t really explain or justify what they’re doing.” 

When pressured to take the vax, focus on the lack of safety reporting 

McCullough has chaired 24 data safety monitoring boards, and he advises those who are asked what they think of the new vaccines to focus on the lack of safety reporting.  

“’Listen, I’m concerned there’s been no report card,’” he suggesting saying.

“The CDC and FDA hold all the data. You don’t. They hold all the data. Where’s the report card? They work for us. Demand it,” he continued.  

“Every time you’re confronted with this, ‘Oh, my employer wants me to take a vaccine.’ [Ask] ‘Where’s the report card from the CDC and FDA?’ Demand a report card. Until we get transparency of data, this thing is not going to be corrected.” 

To underscore the importance of safety, he cited a paper which demonstrates that the chance of a youngster being hospitalized with myocarditis because of the gene-based injections “is greater than that child being hospitalized with COVID-19.”  

“You can’t make this thing up,” McCullough marveled. “It’s not a proposition that anyone would take.” 

The physician also takes a dim view of authorities minimizing the seriousness of vaccine injuries. 

“The other thing I think is malfeasance is to call anything ‘rare,’” he said.  

“We never do that in clinical research. Never. The correct term in safety pharmacovigilance is ‘tip of the iceberg,’ he explained.  

“Whatever we’re seeing now in sporadic reporting is ‘tip of the iceberg.’ VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] could be an underrepresentation by a hundredfold, or even more.  

“When we think we’ve done some analysis on this, using CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service], we think on mortality—maybe it’s a multiplier of five—but the point is, we never would say ‘rare.’  And what the CDC has done … very disingenuously, is when they had 200 cases [of myocarditis] in June, they divided it by everybody who took the vaccine and said, ‘It’s rare.’ Well, you can’t do that unless you check everybody for myocarditis, unless you do an EKG and troponin. You can’t declare they don’t have myocarditis unless you check for it.”  

Early treatment more effective than vaccination 

McCullough also discussed the importance of early treatment compared to the effectiveness of the experimental vaccines. 

“You know what determines who gets hospitalized or doesn’t get hospitalized in the United States? If they got early treatment,” he said.  

“That’s what makes a difference, not a vaccine. Take a look at these papers. Every single paper that makes a claim a vaccine prevents hospitalization and death, your next question [should be] ‘Who received early treatment [and] who didn’t?’”

The physician then presented evidence that the Pfizer vaccine has “completely and totally failed,” using data from Israel to predict what can happen in the U.S.  

“Israel’s post-vaccination curve in their country is bigger than their pre-vaccination curve,” McCullough said.  

“If you had asked the question, ‘Would Israel have been better off not to vaccinate a single person?’ the answer is, ‘Yes,’ from an epidemiology perspective. Yes, [the Pfizer vaccine] is a complete and total failure,” he continued.  

“Yet, what are they doing in Israel? Doubling down. Boosters. They’ve got 11 million people in the country, [and] they’ve already boosterized two million people.”  

Nevertheless, these boosters have failed as well. 

Early treatment vs Therapeutic Nihilism 

When many more serious cases of vaccine injuries started emerging in the U.S., the authorities  created a narrative blaming busy hospitals on patients who refused the vaccines. 

“… The CDC made some decisions [on] May 25th of what’s called biased asymmetric reporting,” McCullough said. 

“This fabricated the books. It cooked the books to make the vaccine failures look small and make the problem starting May 25th forward look like it was going to be a ‘crisis of the unvaccinated’,” he continued.  

“And we started to hear talking points like ‘Oh my gosh, the hospitals are filling up and they’re all unvaccinated,’ and people would kind of say ‘unvaccinated’ with kind of a snarl.” 

Furthermore, Dr. Anthony Fauci has lied about ivermectin, McCullough alleged.  

 “…Ivermectin is supported by over 60 studies, over 30 clinical trials,” the Texas physician said.  

“When our director of the national allergy and immunology branch [Fauci] … got on TV and said categorically there is no evidence supporting ivermectin, he was committing fraud,” he charged.  

“You don’t say, ‘No evidence’ when there are over 30 randomized trials in aggregate that support it.” 

 In addition, hospitals are refusing to use hydroxychloroquine. 

“Do you know hydroxychloroquine [HCQ] today is not used in a single hospital despite a high-quality study [having confirmed its effectiveness]? It’s a crime,” McCullough said.  

“What’s going on is absolutely a crime against humanity.” 

Meanwhile, there should be nothing to stop physicians from prescribing these early treatments, for doctors are “completely entitled to prescribe hydroxychloroquine [and] ivermectin … according to regulatory law,” McCullough added. 

In Italy, “they have announced zero cases, but they use a hydroxychloroquine-based program,“ he stated.  

“In one of the major Indian provinces, just two days ago, they announced zero deaths with an ivermectin-based protocol. [The successful] Mexico City [results also used an] ivermectin-based protocol,” he explained. 

McCullough classifies the general denial of early treatments practiced by much of the medical industry today as Therapeutic Nihilism.

“Therapeutic Nihilism is this intent to do nothing” when facing the threat of a potentially fatal disease,” he explained.  

“With such an omission we promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death.” 

The physician called this approach unethical, immoral, and illegal.  

“It’s called malpractice, and there will be judgment for this,” he promised. 

Therefore, McCullough believes that the “the best place in the world” to have COVID-19 is by a doctor willing to treat patients “early with a sequence multi-drug approach.  

“Demand it, and tell your family members to demand it,” he advised. “Vaccinated or not, demand it.” 

As one example of Therapeutic Nihilism, McCullough flagged a news story about a California woman who sued a hospital to force doctors to treat her ailing husband with ivermectin. 

“Since when do we actually have to sue hospitals to use simple affordable generic medicines that may help patients of which we have some randomized trials to support?” McCullough asked.  

He revealed that the last time he treated a patient with a big heart attack in the ICU, he and the patients’ family negotiated “drugs all day long.”  

“Suddenly, with COVID, there’s no negotiation,” he said.   

“None. ‘No, sorry, we’re not going to do it.’ Therapeutic Nihilism. It’s in the minds of doctors, hospital administrators, nurses and others to actually cause harm,” he continued, 

“And that thought pattern is something you need to smell out, recognize, call out, and we’ve got to extinguish [it].” 

McCullough discussed the importance of “natural immunity.” He believes that early treatment and the large numbers of people soldiering through the illness will get the world to that state. 

“Natural immunity is the way out of this. Listen, if we don’t recognize natural immunity, when is this going to end?,” he asked. 

Recognition of natural immunity must by demanded of the CDC and the government, he added.  

“We have to … be relentless on this.” 

“Medical freedom is related to social freedom is related economic freedom.” 

McCullough urged his hearers to convince others that “freedom is at risk.”  

“We’re at the beginning of, I think, a dark time,” he said.  

“Now is the time to talk about it … to get activated … and [start] talking to as many people [as you can]. And you have to try to clear their eyes… conversation by conversation.” 

McCullough recalled what rock musician Eric Clapton, who came to his home after suffering  a COVID-19 vaccine injury, told him about the relationship of medical freedom to other freedoms. 

“He said, ‘Listen, there’s a circle of medical freedom, and if this is broken, then it’s going to break social freedom, and then economic freedom. So, right now, we have got to shore up that medical circle no matter what’.” 

This medical circle includes “medical freedom to get the treatment that people need, medical freedom to demand good care in the hospital and get it, and medical freedom to decide what goes in your body,” McCullough said. 

“It’s very very important: No one, under any circumstances at all—approved, unapproved, I don’t care—no one can receive any pressure, coercion, or threat of reprisal for [accepting] something injected into your body that you can’t take out, period.” 

“That is the line.”   

McCullough has discouraged patients who ask him which vaccine is best, just wanting to get through the ordeal to save their jobs.  

“I said, ‘How much is this going to buy you? … Are they going to guarantee you 10 years of employment? …You’re not guaranteed anything for taking a vaccine.” 

McCullough warned that censorship is harming medical science, and pointed to the so-called “trusted news initiative,” including the BBC, CNN, MSNBC and all big social media.   

The physician believes that these organizations have virtually said,

“We are going to do everything to promote the vaccine, and we’re going to do everything to crush any vaccine hesitancy, including crushing early treatment and crushing anything on vaccine safety.”  

“That’s the reason why we haven’t heard anything [about] vaccine safety,” he stated.  

“Everything is wide open, there’s no trickery here.” 

McCullough also informed his hearers of incidents of conflict of interest, alleging that key players have profited personally from choices that have harmed Americans.  

“Rick Bright, the guy who blocked hydroxychloroquine inside the White House, and starved America of hydroxychloroquine, he has joined the Rockefeller Foundation,” the doctor stated. 

“Stephen Hahn, the FDA Commissioner who put all these negative blankets on hydroxychloroquine and the other drugs, he has joined the Venture Capital firm who basically is the funder of Moderna.”  

Regarding the National Institutes of Health, for which Fauci and Francis Collins work, McCullough said that “they co-own the patent for the Moderna vaccine.”  

“It’s in the wide open. Scott Gottlieb, former chairman of the FDA is on the board of Pfizer. This is in the open,” he added. 

“The conflict of interest is absolutely unavoidable and is crushing the lifeblood of medicine.”   

‘We’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe’ 

McCullough said that he and his audience were not alone in the knowledge that we are in dark times.

“I’m telling you, we are not the only ones who realize that we’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe,” he said.  

He explained that he has recently been called by at least one head of state, by two individuals “up pretty high in the Vatican,” and individuals at the federal reserve bank. 

Knowledge can be dangerous. After showing his audience a letter from the American Board of Internal Medicine threatening to revoke his medical license, the eminent internist said that medical boards are going to “hunt” doctors like him. 

“And the question is, how far are they going to go, and how much are we going to lose?” he said.    

“I can tell you, personally, I’m willing to lose it all.” 

McCullough warned that if Americans don’t get active now, the future holds the same lockdowns, oppression and violence that has happened in Australia.  

“There are powerful forces in place that want this to happen, very powerful forces,” he said. 

“The challenge is to break [them], and the only way to break these powerful forces is to just say ‘no’.” 

People as high-profile as FOX News’s Tucker Carlson have asked McCullough what is behind this crisis. Although he could not answer, the eminent doctor did promote a new book by Peter and Ginger Breggin titled COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.  

“It has a thousand references; it’s meticulous,” McCullough said.   

“It’s largely going to tell you who’s profiting from this and the web of stakeholders here and what’s driving it. I don’t think it’s the root cause, but I think it’s who’s behind a lot of what’s going on. I can tell you, everything we’re living through right now was planned.” 

McCullough confesses that he is being so outspoken because he doesn’t know what else to do.  

“I can’t save every person who calls me, but if I can actually help you and help others and help everybody who comes into my circle, we can get some awareness and awakening,” he said.  

“We are going into a really bad time right now. We have very little time left to get active, [and] I mean really active.” 


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The Glasgow Climate Agenda: Global Warming to 2⁰C and Beyond

October 8th, 2021 by Dr. Andrew Glikson

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“Burning all fossil fuels would create a different planet” (Hansen, 2016)

While at present the world is necessarily investing in medical research in order to save the lives of millions, global warming is threatening the lives of billions over the century. Yet, authorities are hardly listening to what climate science is projecting regarding the lives of billions, as the Earth is heating.

Since the Paris climate conference in April 2016, when the mean atmospheric carbon dioxide level reached 403.3 ppm, induced by annual emissions of some 400 billion tons of CO₂, the atmospheric level has risen to near 420 ppm, growing at peak rates of 2.5-3.0 ppm/year, the highest recorded since the dinosaur mass extinction of 66 million years ago.

Although the target of the Glasgow meeting is to reach agreement for limiting mean global temperature to 1.5⁰C, due to the short-term mitigating effect of ~0.5–1.0⁰C by aerosols on global temperatures mean global warming is already tracking toward 2⁰C (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Extreme heatwaves, like the one that affected Europe in the summer of 2006, are projected to become widespread at 1.5 degrees Celsius warming. This map, derived from NASA MODIS Terra satellite data, depicts the July 2006 land surface temperature anomaly with regard to the period from 2000-2012.

Hopes that the coming Glasgow climate meeting would help avert a disastrous climate catastrophe depend on:

  1. Binding agreements for a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions rates to pre-peak rates of about ~1ppm/year or lower, requiring world-wide transformation of agricultural, industrial and transport systems.
  2. Attempts at sequestration/drawdown of CO₂ to near-350 ppm or lower (Hansen et al. 2013). Although the engineering efforts and the costs of such attempts cannot be overestimated, in principle such attempts could be achieved by a diversion of funds from the astronomical budgets invested in the military-industrial complex world-wide, currently just under $2 trillion, an underlying factor in previous world wars and ultimately aimed at future wars.

A sequestration of CO₂ is essential due to the amplifying feedbacks of global warming, which is pushing temperatures up in a chain reaction-like process, as follows:

Mean global temperature however do not represent an accurate picture of the effects of global warming. According to NOAA the impacts of climate change haven’t been spread evenly around our planet … the strongest warming is happening in the Arctic during its cool seasons, and in Earth’s mid-latitude regions during the warm season.” (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Global climate changes to 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius. Temperature change is not uniform across the globe. Projected changes are shown for the average temperature of the annual hottest day (top) and the annual coldest night (bottom) with 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming (left) and 2 degrees Celsius of global warming (right) compared to pre-industrial levels.

The acceleration of warming due to amplifying feedbacks from land and oceans, envisaged by Wally Broecker and others, leads a climate chain reaction such as is believed to have pertained about 55 million years ago during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). Peter Ward and others refer to early examples of mass extinctions triggered by biological processes related to ocean anoxia, acidification, release of methane (CH₄) and hydrogen sulphide (H₂S), and development of “purple” and “green” algae and sulphur bacteria. In a similar sense anthropogenic global warming constitutes a biological process which the originating organism, Homo sapiens, has not to date been able to limit.

The critical factor which drives climate change, namely the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, which rose by near-50% since pre-industrial time, is only rarely mentioned by the media and by politicians. Nor are other quantitative measures of climate change, such as the level of methane and nitrous oxide, which were elevated about 3-fold, being highlighted. While opinions by journalists, politicians, economists and social scientists are widely promulgated, less attention is given to what is indicated by climate science, a reluctance rendering the global response to the looming climate calamity increasingly irrelevant.

Many scientists are reluctant to warn the public of the full implications of global heating for the habitability of Earth. Issuing public warnings Cassandra-like may incur a heavy price, including social and professional isolation, psychological effects and loss of professional position. Many either self-censor or were suppressed or dismissed within institutions. This includes a common reluctance by the media to publish climate articles.

According to John Schellnhuber, Germany’s former chief climate scientist: “The Earth system’s responses to climate change appear to be non-linear… If we venture far beyond the 2 degrees guardrail, towards the 4 degrees line, the risk of crossing tipping points rises sharply”.

According to Hansen (NASA’s former chief climate scientist) et al. (2012)

Burning all fossil fuels would create a different planet than the one that humanity knows. The palaeoclimate record and ongoing climate change make it clear that the climate system would be pushed beyond tipping points, setting in motion irreversible changes, including ice sheet disintegration with a continually adjusting shoreline, extermination of a substantial fraction of species on the planet, and increasingly devastating regional climate extremes”.

Considering that the last glacial termination (LGT), i.e. the transition from the last ice age to the Holocene, incurred a rise of about 4 to 5 degrees Celsius over a period of about 7.5 kyr (0.00053 to 0.00066⁰C/year), the Anthropocene global warming (~+1.5⁰C in 270 years; 0.0055⁰C/year) is reaching an order of magnitude faster than the LGT within a century or so, constituting a recipe for a global disaster.


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Dr Andrew Glikson is an Earth and Paleo-climate scientist, Canberra, Australia. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


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For 26 long years the UN and their tame media have promoted their expensive annual climate carnivals. This month they will flock to Glasgow for COP 26 but they will not arrive on Shetland ponies, penny farthings or sailing boats – hydro-carbon energy will get most of them there and keep them warm and well fed.

These jamborees are designed to spread climate lies and green energy propaganda.

In the beginning, the witch-doctors of the global warming religion spread lurid tales of drowning polar bears, rising sea levels, dying corals and spreading deserts – all blamed on the wicked coal, oil, cattle and cars that they claim are destroying our green planet. Those disasters never happened. Now truant school kids (who learn their version of climate “science” from smart-phones and social media) are promoting emission reduction by gluing themselves to roads.

The media love scare stories. But despite alarming model projections, decades have passed with no unusual global warming, so their shock stories changed to “wild weather” and every cyclone, tornado, drought, bushfire or flood was trumpeted as proof of looming disaster. “Storms” morphed into “super-storms”, “bushfires” became “fire-storms” and now the media can report “super-tornadoes” without defining them.

It’s time for: “Truth-telling in Glasgow”.

The coming northern winter will confirm the first energy truth – wind, solar, batteries and electric vehicles will not keep people warm and well fed.  The soaring demand for hydrocarbon fuels, the coming electricity blackouts and rationing, and bare grocery shelves will reveal what the media won’t. In the interests of accuracy, COP26 should be rebranded “Cut Our Power 26”.

It’s also time for truthful climate models. Even with sneaky revisions of past records and reinvention of the Hockey Stick, the model forecasts have been wrong for over 40 years – there is no dangerous global warming.

It’s also time to bury the myth that “the science” supports global warming alarm. Hundreds of thousands of qualified and experienced scientists have joined sceptic lists over many years.

The Glasgow tourists should take a pre-COP trip to cold Norway where yet another group of sceptical scientists will launch at the University of Stavanger on the 12th of October.

Maybe they will get a chance to take pictures of iced-up wind turbines or snow-covered solar panels. However the one-eyed media probably prefers pictures of immature school girls chanting slogans and blocking roads?

It looks likely that Glasgow will kick some spectacular own goals. Only an incompetent alarmist would organise a Global Warming meeting in cold Glasgow, with winter approaching and with threats of food, electricity and fuel shortages. Maybe Boris is secretly on our side?


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On August 23rd, 2021 during a town hall meeting, Dr. Rochagné Kilian resigned her clinical position at the five hospital Grey Bruce Health Services (G.B.H.S.) system, where she was employed as an emergency physician, IN PROTEST of the impending vaccine mandate.

In this groundbreaking interview, Dr. Rochagné Kilian, MB.Ch.B, C.C.F.P., C.C.F.P.(E.M.) reveals what led up to her decision to resign in protest, recounting her shocking observations and experiences as the “pandemic” unfolded and eventually the “vaccine” rollout occurred. The South African born and trained emergency medicine specialist and infectious disease expert details to Dr. Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D. the horrific contrast between her extensive clinical training, experience & observations, with the contradicting, suppressive, deceptive, and downright harmful protocols and policies enacted by the hospital system in which she was employed.

In addition, it is revealed that upon seeing an explosion of what appeared to be vascular issues among vaccinated patients presenting to the ER, Dr. Kilian independently initiated d-dimer testing (similar to Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi) with disturbing results….

Finally, Dr. Kilian also addresses much of the unscientific, non-evidence-based and harmful government oversight of the pandemic, from the mandating of injections for our children, to the existence yet suppression of effective treatment modalities, to the blatant lack of informed consent and the backwards policy of isolating the young and healthy to protect the vulnerable (contrary to The Great Barrington Declaration), personified by her poignant question, “Did we ever ask Granny what she wanted?”

NOTE: The last 26 minutes of this video consists of this town hall meeting, where you can hear Dr. Kilian’s objective and expert questioning of the President & C.E.O. of G.B.H.S. regarding the mandate, and the subsequent deflections, “buck passing”, unsubstantiated and unscientific declarations, and blatant misinformation given as actual answers.


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COVID vax contents are beginning to be exposed by various independent doctors around the world. In previous articles, I covered the evidence and/or analysis presented by Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Carrie Madej, which included the discovery that some of the COVID fake-vaccines included graphene, metallic nanoparticles, PEG and parasites such as self-aware critters and threads. In this article, I will present the findings of 2 other doctors who have conducted their own research and analysis. The findings are, unfortunately but unsurprisingly, horrific. On the one hand, they further validate what Young and Madej have already shared with the world. On the other hand, they introduce new never-before-seen substances to the world. The more we know about the COVID vax contents, the more it becomes apparent these concoctions are full of dangerous toxins and synthetic life that absolutely, under no circumstances, belong inside the human body.

COVID Vax Contents: Dr. Zandre Botha

Dr. Zandre Botha from South Africa, a certified live and dried blood analyst of 15 years, appeared on the Stew Peters show to discuss her recent images relating to the COVID non-vaccine. Botha studied both the COVID vax itself as well as the blood of COVID-vaccinated patients. She used vials of COVID vax (Johnson and Johnson) in her analysis. Botha confirmed that the results were highly disturbing and that she had never seen anything like this in her 15 years of blood microscopy analysis. She stresses several times in the interview that she is not an expert however she has been looking at blood and samples under microscopes for a decade and a half.

COVID vax contents

Blood of COVID vaccinated patient under the microscope, showing deformed red blood cells and mysterious dark substance. Image credit: Dr. Zandre Botha / Stew Peters

When she analyzed the blood of her vaxxed patients, she saw horrible examples of rouleau (the stacking and clumping of red blood cells together in columns). Dr. Young talked about rouleau (and the corona effect) way back in 2020 at the start of this scamdemic. She also discovered a weird black substance/structure among the red blood cells. Notably, Dr. Botha found this in every single vaxxed patient with symptoms!

What she found in the vials was even more disturbing. First of all, she found the exact same aforementioned black structure in the vial as in blood. She also found dark or black symmetrical circles that could be metallic, held together by connectors (see the featured image of this article). It looked engineered and was self-assembling! On another slide, she shows that black lines had started to form. Dr. Botha states that she had seen air bubbles before in blood analysis, and that these substances were not air bubbles. She also conducted a dark-field analysis, and found that particles were reflective.

Check out Botha’s interview with Peters to see more images.

She has been working both with patients recovering from COVID and recovering from the COVID vaccine. Check out her website for her alternative treatment protocols in both cases.

COVID Vax Contents: Analysis by Dr. John B

A “scientist, lecturer, father and whistleblower” with 30,000+ Twitter followers has analyzed the newest incarnation of the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA vaccine called Comirnaty. I have not been able to verify how he obtained Comirnaty, since my understanding of the recent FDA approval was the Comirnaty got approval but BNT162b2 didn’t, and that Comirnaty was not yet available on the market. However, Dr. John B. published his results on his Twitter page, with the first photograph showing a gloved hand holding a vial marked Comirnaty. I will include some but not all of his images. As always, please read on, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. He specifies many measurements in his images, so for reference, 1 meter (m) = 1,000 millimeters (mm) = 1,000,000 micrometer (µm) = 1,000,000,000 (nm). This means there are 1 thousand nanometers in 1 micrometer. He starts off by showing how he is zooming in one 1 drop:

COVID vax contents

“Zooming in, the larger particles were found to have a diameter of about 1 µm. For comparsion: Diameter of a human hair: 70-90 µm (See this), human red blood cell: 8 µm (See this), SARS-CoV-2: 90-100 nm (See this)”

COVID vax contents aggregation

“Some particle aggregations were also visible in the liquid”

COVID vax contents fibers threads

Fiber-like structures can also be seen. Their diameter is in the nm-range. (Remember, a human hair has a diameter of about 70-90 µm). Some of them look like a continuous fiber (a, c), some have branches (b, d).

COVID vax contents ring

“Ring-like structure also seen.”

COVID vax contents light refraction

A futher class of particles: comparatively large and with unique light refraction properties. They come in different shapes (e.g rod-like, squares)

COVID vax contents

COVID vax contents

COVID vax contents

The last 3 images contain very strange-shaped objects, some of which look like shards of glass and some of which are clearly iridescent, luminescent or fluorescent. Again, to state the obvious, what are these substances and what the hell are they doing in a solution designed to be injected into the human bloodstream?

Common Themes

By now, with more and more independent doctors and scientists conducting their own analysis of the COVID vaccine vials, we can form a picture of what is really in them. The common themes of the COVID vax contents include:

  • weird shaped objects like shards of glass
  • threads (some of which have branches growing from them) (see also COVID masks and Madej’s evidence)
  • bright luminescent or fluorescent colors (see Madej’s evidence and John B.’s evidence), suggesting luciferase and/or a computing system
  • synthetic/engineered substances (look symmetrical, e.g. ring-like structures making a perfect circle, or the black circular grid int eh featured image)
  • self-assembling

Final Thoughts

The NWO controllers must have known people would eventually analyze the contents of the vax under microscopy and discover what was in them. At the start of the scamdemic, it seemed that access to the vials was tightly controlled, but now, many independent doctors are getting their hands on them. Did they really think they would get away with hiding the contents from the public forever? Or do they think their plan is too far advanced for this exposure to matter? Or are they glad for it to come out now, so as to induce a sense of learned helplessness in the masses? The evidence discovered by these doctors and presented here (and in previous articles) could easily be used in a court of law in countless cases relating to the fake COVID pandemic and emergency. Humanity is literally being injected with synthetic substances, some of which self-assemble and may even be self-aware.

Transhumanism is not coming; it’s here.


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This article was originally published on The Freedom Articles.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Odysee/LBRY and Steemit.


All images in this article are from TFA unless otherwise stated

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The European Gas Crisis keeps hitting new high after new high as gas prices around the world go ballistic.  While this isn’t just a European problem, if you read the MSM, that’s all they seem to care about.

You know, it snows in Japan as well folks, and China.

Prices keep skyrocketing in Europe because there is no shortage of idiocy at the top of the European power structure. The confluence of the pressurizing of Nordstream 2 with the release of the “Pandora Papers” and the beginnings of German coalition talks just after the beginning of Q4 should have everyone’s Spidey-Sense shutting down like your adrenals do after a long period of self-inflicted stress.

And honestly, whose adrenals aren’t on the verge of collapse after eighteen months of ‘flatten the curve,’ ‘follow the science,’ and ‘just roll over to the Communism, already, you disgusting plebe!’ that we’ve been going through.

I guess that’s yet another thing we have to try and factor into our analysis of what collapse is the most imminent?

Because when you put this gas crisis in Europe into its proper context it should be clear where the battle lines are being drawn as the extreme pressure cooker of today’s geopolitical landscape forces everyone off the sidelines and into the fray.

On the one hand we have natural gas prices in Europe approaching coffin corner. On the other we have Russia browning out gas deliveries to Europe. China is experiencing major energy shortages and the entirety of the coal delivery network around the world is buckling.

These are facts. There are more I could list but let’s stay focused here.

The thing that makes no sense, seemingly, is that no one has an answer why these facts exist in the first place.

Because all anyone official ever wants to do is blame the sneaky Russians to avoid their own responsibility for this.

Finally, after a couple of weeks of this howling, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the issue from their side.

I suggest strongly you read his remarks carefully. Because in there you’ll find a couple of ‘facts’ which make this entire crisis in Europe seem like yet another staged ‘false flag’ for political gain. Ready?


The two middle points are the ones the no one want to report on but are the key to the understanding of this.

Europe is engaged in a game of idiotic brinksmanship with its people and the capital markets over gas supplies. They do this to construct a narrative and distort markets for political benefit.

When the reality is that this entire ‘crisis’ is a manufactured one because of their unwillingness to bow to the forces their policies have unleashed.

Gas prices in Europe are this way because of Europe’s own mistakes in trying to remake its economy (Putin Point #4).

Moreover, Putin also urged Gazprom, as a gesture of good faith despite his misgivings, to ship gas through Ukraine even though it would be better to turn on other capacity.

“Gazprom believes that it is economically more viable, it would even be more profitable to pay a fine to Ukraine, but to increase the volume of pumping through new systems precisely because of the circumstances that I mentioned – there is more pressure in the pipe, less CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Everything is cheaper, around 3 billion a year. But I ask you not to do this,” the President said.

Does this sound like the mustache-twirling tyrant that’s portrayed in the odious British, US and German media?

Of course not. Now, I’m not accusing Putin of being an angel here or anything, he’s throwing scraps back to people who have put themselves in a position to starve and freeze to death, both literally and politically.

The goal here is to highlight just how moronic the EU’s stance on energy has become, to finally to break up the logjam.

He’s happy to see Gazprom (and possibly Rosneft if need be) sell all Europeans as much gas as it can supply and they demand, but only on terms that benefit everyone, supplier and demander. As I’ve talked about in previous blog posts, the EU thinks they have a monopsony on Russian gas and because of this can dictate terms to them.

This is patently untrue, and Gazprom shifting around supplies for a few days here and there proves that point dramatically. Like Jay Powell draining the world of eurodollars with just five basis points, Putin and Gazprom can expose the the extent of Eurocrat mendacity with just a few days of slowing gas exports.

That’s why this brinksmanship over gas supplies and electricity prices isn’t aimed at the Russians, who clearly have other customers for their gas, but with the people of Europe themselves and the capital markets all structured around one-sigma price volatility they are now extremely vulnerable even if things begin to return to normal.

The Russian Bogey Man is simply the cover story for what is a much deeper and, frankly, much more disturbing game.

So, while Zerohedge is correct about gas supply brown outs in Europe it’s only partly for reasons abundantly clear to even first-year geopolitical analysts:

Flows dropped as Gazprom has booked only about a third of the gas transit capacity it was offered for October via the Yamal-Europe pipeline and no extra transit capacity via Ukraine.

Gazprom declined to comment. It has repeatedly said it was supplying customers with gas in full compliance with existing contracts and said additional supplies could be provided once the newly built Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was launched.

Ball. Court. Germany.

Yes, Germany needs Nordstream 2. Hell Europe needs Nordstream 3 if these Davos ninnies are wrong about Climate Change, which they are.

Germany is the country caught in the middle of this titanic battle for the future of the world and Davos is the group creating this false flag to force a shift in sentiment negatively towards Russia.

That’s what’s driving this current crisis, one that, I think, is now threatening the future of the European Union itself. If those are the stakes, then eventually someone will finally do the right thing. Putin just offered the smallest of olive branches. Now let’s see if the European Commission has three collective brain cells to rub together and figure out how to save face (and their backsides).

Beating up and demeaning your neighbor is not a winning strategy, nor is it a path to lower prices and stable markets. At some point they, the Russians, realize that the situation is exactly what it looks like from the outside, war. And, in this case the Russians under Putin are finally treating the EU commissars as enemy combatants because that’s who they are.

That’s why his comments were structured to put the onus of the crisis back on Europe’s leadership rather than blaming the people keeping the lights on in the first place.

Whenever things like this happen Capitalism is always blamed. But, it’s always Commie vandals like the EU Commission who created the problem, either deliberately with dumb things like the Third Gas Directive or malinvestment of capital which leaves the world vulnerable to a hot summer in Asia.

And this is the essential point no one wants to confront. The EU picked this fight purely for political purposes because they have an agenda — energy instability for political benefit — but it has come back to bite them in the ass.

Because, as I said, the markets are so tight it takes only a small shift in sentiment to see the prices of things with inelastic demand, like energy, rise dramatically with a marginal shift in either supply, demand or, in this case, both.

Russia doesn’t act this ‘by the book’ at this moment in time without a plan. Treating the EU like the enemies they are is the strategic play. Whining about it in the media only accentuates their weakness and lack of leverage.

My friends at are positively despondent because they see this power play for how it affects Italy, which is that it will carve the country up into pieces over divergent needs for inflation and deflation between it and Germany since one of these two countries need to exit the Euro-zone.

There’s no way this massive ‘drop’ in Russian supplies to the EU occurs without a longer-term strategic plan by the Russians.  Putin has made it clear he is fully fed up with EU shenanigans and this is the time for him to put the most pressure imaginable on Brussels to break the EU into tiny pieces.

How?  It’s again, all about Germany.

When Nordstream 2 was announced and I was writing Gold Stock Advisor for Newsmax in 2013 I talked then about how the difference between how gold was accounted for between the ECB and the Fed.  That put Germany squarely in the middle between the U.S. on one side and Russia on the other.

Russia and China still hadn’t signed the big deal for the Power of Siberia pipeline at the time. They are now working on Power of Siberia 2, which will open up the massive mineral deposits in Mongolia.  So, even then, in my naïve way of seeing the world then as a first-year geopolitical analyst, I understood that Russia’s foreign policy had to be focused on getting Germany to side with them versus the U.S.

The political establishment in Germany was never going to let that happen because under Obama Davos was running the operation to cleave Ukraine from Russia.  To date, both have been partially successful.  Both Ukraine and Germany are being torn apart from within as domestic leadership bows to internationals forces forcing them to pursue policies which go completely against their countries’ wishes and best interests.

So, now, fast forward to today.  The day after the German elections brings a mess but with a highly likely outcome that the SPD will ally with the Greens and the FDP. With Christian Lidner (FDP) as Finance Minister (at least temporarily) we have a German government at war with itself.

As Alex Mercouris brought up after I left the chat with Crypto Rich last week, the Greens are fracturing over the Russia issue.  Part of them want a restoration of good Russian relations, the other are neocon/Davos infiltrators trying to constantly move the goalposts on both Climate Change and geopolitics.

The SPD are pure Davos scum at this point so expect nothing good from them.  This is why I think Putin ‘shut off the taps’ the day after the election.  Like everyone else, he can see what Davos is doing and doesn’t like it.  So, in order for him to make his point he does exactly what he should, stop trading with those who have unofficially declared war on Russia and push the political scene in Germany to a breaking point.

Because here’s where this goes.  Germany needs to either control the purse strings of the EU or it needs to leave the euro-zone and be independent of the sinking ship.  Putin realizes that the best way to achieve this is to pour gasoline on a raging firestorm in the energy markets (oh, the humanity of the puns!) and remind German voters just who is truly responsible for their €2000/month electricity bills.

It’s not Putin.  It’s Berlin.  So, Berlin needs to sign off on Nordstream 2 and then ram it down the EU Commission’s throat.  And they better do it soon because Winter is Coming, after all.

And they just voted for more of this while Merkel, who has been the biggest obstacle to AfD’s inclusion in any government, is leaving the scene.  The CDU leadership got whacked across the board.  Most of the big names will not be in the Bundestag this time around, so the party will be doing a lot of self-reflection.

Inflation of the type Putin is ‘forcing’ on Europeans today is the type a country only recovers from with a political inversion.  This is why today we’re seeing surprise rate hikes from Poland, for example. It’s why Serbia is begging Russia to increase gas supplies there and Hungary signed a 15-year deal to secure its energy future.

While there is no appetite for a political inversion in Germany today after last week’s vote, there will be in about 3 months if coalition talks stall. Because the ECB under Christine Lagarde cannot raise rates but is powerless to stop them rising ultimately if the market senses that there is no political leadership capable of reining it in.

That ship sailed a few months ago after the Fed called Lagarde’s hawkish bluff and actively drained more than $1 trillion from overseas dollar markets and just increased the capacity to drain even more, without tapering QE.

Now let’s go back to the Fed and Wall St.  If there is a real backlash within some areas of the U.S. ‘big money’ against Davos which is showing up as Fed monetary policy, per my consistent analysis of the situation and events playing out to support it, then they are tacitly coordinating with Putin to give Germany what it wants, an excuse to leave the euro and conduct independent trade and energy policy.

Think about it.  On the one hand the Fed is drying up dollars.  On the other Putin is spiking energy prices making it impossible for Germany to fight inflation within the EU.  On the third hand, China is cracking down on property speculation domestically, kicking out the foreign NGOs and reminding foreign investors that the rules in China are not the same as they are in the West.

You can and will lose all your money if you invest behind the Great Wall, as so many Evergrande bondholders just found out.

Now let’s square the entire circle. If Europe’s energy crisis is a constructed false flag event to spook capital, encourage speculators and effect political change, then can’t you make the same arguments for the concurrent fight on Capitol Hill regarding the Democrats, the debt ceiling and the spending bills?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been adamant that the Democrats do not need any help in passing a debt ceiling resolution. They can do it any time they want to. But, the Democrats won’t do this? Why? They are manufacturing a narrative that there is crisis on the horizon — default on U.S. bond payments.

This is the one outcome no investor wants to contemplate. So, the Democrats, like the Europeans, are arguing against themselves in order to blackmail the world into giving them their cookie or they will hold their breath until they collapse global markets.

Let me repeat. There is no debt ceiling crisis. There is no U.S. default crisis. There is only a bunch of Mafiosi on Capitol Hill doing what they’ve been told to do while purposefully scaring everyone into believing there is a crisis when none exists.

Do I have to invoke a classic Who song to make my point?

What’s the goal? Chaos and the continued undermining of faith in politics, capital markets, energy production and seizing supply chains as we approach the winter in the Northern Hemisphere where susceptibility to pesky things like the flu, the latest iteration of COVID-9/11 and blatant political bullshit swells like a boil on the back of a government bureaucrat blocking a permit for some basic, but eminently important thing.

That Putin came out and told the world he’s ready to work with Europe to do his part alleviating the energy supply problems in Europe I’ve not heard one encouraging word from those that would benefit from this the most.

Their silence is deafening.

And that brings me back to Germany where, unless this gets resolved quickly, the most likely downstream outcome is Germany leaving the euro, reinstitute the Deutsche Mark, watch it fall vs. the dollar in the near term but outcompete the euro.

With the euro in freefall after a disastrous Q3 close and German Bunds getting prepared for their next big sell-off, perhaps, maybe, for the first time in a long time, the markets are beginning to wake up from their central bank induced SOMA injections and get real with the possibilities that forces are now aligned to do the unthinkable, break up the EU.

But that only happens with a political inversion where the CDU/CSU ally with AfD and the FDP to form a real government after the current parties can’t form a coalition or any three-way coalition formed fails as inflation crushes the German middle class.

If the AfD were smart now they would be blaming all of this on Merkel’s moronic energy policy.  Now we’re seeing calls for delaying shutting down Germany’s nuclear reactors.  They can’t import enough coal to feed the plants.  BASF has shut down ammonia production, so food production is threatened.

There is no Agenda 2030 on the horizon if Germans freeze to death in their homes or get decimated by COVID-9/11 because they can’t afford to heat their homes.

This will crush France and Macron, overthrow Davos at the mid-terms here in the states and break the European Union in the process.

Germany is the lynchpin to the entire Davos edifice.  Without a compliant and beaten Germany there is no further Great Reset.  A Germany that breaks from the euro becomes a Germany that realigns with Russia and Eastern Europe. It’s a Germany no longer hell bent on internal European mercantilism and the establishment of the Fourth Reich through the EUSSR.

The German people keep asking for that policy to end but aren’t given the options by their leadership to make that happen.  Then again, they keep giving their leadership just enough power to forestall their having to make a real decision. That decision is coming at them, fast.

As it is everyone across the West in various guises.

So, as as Powell with five little basis points is under extreme pressure to go full MMT retard but so far has held his water and Putin with a few million BTUs of gas, these men are forcing open fault lines in the aristocracy that thinks it deserves to run the world and can bring down the whole rotten edifice.


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Tom Luongo is publisher of the Gold Goats n Guns. Ruminations on Geopolitics, Markets and Goats.

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The former Monsanto Co., now owned by Bayer AG, notched its first win in the mass tort U.S. Roundup litigation on Tuesday, defeating at trial a mother who alleged her use of Roundup exposed her child to the pesticide and caused him to develop cancer.

Ezra Clark was born in May 2011 and diagnosed in 2016 with Burkitt’s lymphoma, a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) that has a high tendency to spread to the central nervous system, and can also involve the liver, spleen and bone marrow, according to the court filings. Ezra’s mother, Destiny Clark, is the plaintiff in the case, which was heard in Los Angeles County Superior Court. A different Roundup trial is underway in San Bernardino County Superior Court.

Ezra Clark was “directly exposed” to Roundup many times as he accompanied his mother while she sprayed Roundup to kill weeds around the property where the family lived, according to court documents. Ezra has autism and his mother said it calmed him to play outdoors while she worked in the yard, which meant he often played in areas freshly sprayed with Roundup, according to the court filings.

Fletch Trammell, lead attorney for Clark, said his case was subject to a bifurcation order that organized the case into two phases. In the first phase he was limited to presenting evidence that focused on the child’s personal exposure to Roundup and whether or not it could have been enough to have contributed to his disease. The case would have proceeded to a second phase had the plaintiff won the first phase, but the loss in the first phases ends the trial.

“This was nothing like any of the other three trials,” Trammell said.

The jury was asked to address one key question in the first phase: Whether or not the child’s exposure to  Roundup was a “substantial factor” in his development of Burkitt’s lymphoma.

In a 9 to 3 decision, the jury found that it was not.

Trammell said the jury decision was because the jury doubted the child’s exposure to Roundup could have been enough to cause cancer. The decision did not address the larger question of the alleged carcinogenicity of Roundup overall, he said.

But Bayer, which bought Monsanto in 2018 as the first Roundup trial was getting underway, said the jury’s decision was in line with scientific research showing glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is safe and does not cause cancer.

“The jury carefully considered the science applicable to this case and determined that Roundup was not the cause of his illness,” the company said in a statement.

80 hours

During the trial, Trammel presented evidence indicating Ezra was exposed to Roundup for about 80 cumulative hours over the years his mother sprayed with him at her side. He paired that with research showing there could ben an increased risk of NHL associated with repeated spraying of glyphosate herbicides, such as Roundup. And he noted language on Roundup labels in Canada that advise users to wear protective gloves and avoid getting the chemical on bare skin.

“The studies… they show that Roundup does three different things when it gets to your lymphocyte cells…   It can kill cells, which is bad enough; but it also causes the exact DNA damage that results in Burkitt’s lymphoma; it also, in a variety of ways, devastates your body’s ability to repair DNA damage,” Trammell told jurors in his closing argument.

Trammell also sought to counter problems with deposition testimony given by Destiny Clark. Trammell said the mother also has suffered from cancer, a cervical cancer that metastasized to her brain. The illness and treatments she has undergone made it difficult for her to recall details and she “made a lot of mistakes” in the deposition she gave to Monsanto’s attorneys, Trammell told jurors. But she was very clear, he told jurors, on recalling her use of Roundup nearly “every weekend” when Ezra was young.

Monsanto attorney  Brian Stekloff told jurors that Ezra’s exposure was in doubt. He told jurors that while they might have sympathy for the family, they could not ignore inconsistencies in Destiny Clark’s testimony about how often her son was exposed, and could not ignore statements by other family members that they did not see her spraying around Ezra.

“And there is an old adage or old saying, and it goes like this: The truth is simple because there’s nothing to remember,” Stekloff told jurors. “When you tell the truth, you don’t mix up the facts. It’s when it didn’t happen that you can’t remember what you said the first time and the next time, and the next time, and the next time. And the inconsistencies start piling up and piling up, and the explanations start coming and piling up and piling up. And that’s what you have seen here in this trial.”

Stekloff told jurors the evidence did not support a finding that exposure to Roundup was a substantial factor in causing his cancer.

“This is not a popularity contest. This is not a referendum on Monsanto. It’s not even a referendum on Roundup,” he said in his closing argument. “Roundup did not cause Ezra Clark’s Burkitt’s lymphoma.”

Clark is one of tens of thousands of plaintiffs who filed U.S. lawsuits against Monsanto after the World Health Organization’s cancer experts in 2015 classified glyphosate – the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicides – as a probable human carcinogen with an association to NHL.

Monsanto lost each of the three previous trials, after lawyers for the plaintiffs presented jurors with multiple scientific studies finding potential health risks with glyphosate and Roundup  The plaintiffs lawyers also used internal Monsanto documents as evidence, arguing the so-called “Monsanto Papers” showed intentional efforts by the company to manipulate regulators and control scientific research.

The jury in the last trial ordered $2 billion in damages though the award was later shaved to $87 million.

Bayer has maintained that there is no cancer risk with the glyphosate herbicides it inherited from Monsanto, but it has agreed to pay close to $14 billion to try to settle the litigation and said it will remove glyphosate products from the U.S. consumer market by 2023. The company will continue to sell the herbicides to farmers and other commercial users.

Mike Miller, who heads the Virginia law firm that won two of the three previously held Roundup trials, i but who was not involved in the Clark case, said the verdict does not change anything about the litigation, nor Bayer’s liability.

“Nothing about that verdict change the fact: Roundup causes cancer,” he said.


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Featured image: Roundup’s active ingredient, glyphosate, is the most heavily-used agricultural chemical in history. (Photo: Mike Mozart/Flickr/cc)

Face Masks: Enough Already

October 8th, 2021 by Michael J. Talmo

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It’s been over a year-and-a-half since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic and the battle over wearing masks is still going on. Who would have thought.

Cities and school boards in some states like Florida are defying governors who got rid of mask mandates claiming that they have the authority to impose them.

Other school districts like some in York County Pennsylvania are refusing so-called CDC guidelines, which aren’t laws, and won’t impose mask mandates. President Joe Biden is being sued multiple times for imposing his latest mask mandates. And let’s not ignore the fact that nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say a president can mandate anything. He has absolutely no right to tell anyone what to do except for government employees and even then there are limits.

It both angers and saddens me that so many of my fellow Homo sapiens are utterly clueless. I’m truly fed up with all of the nitwits I see walking around in masks. What is it going to take to wake them up? I see frail sickly old people hobbling along in masks. These people need all the oxygen they can get. The last thing they need is a diaper on their face. I just recently saw a guy at the gym I go to wearing a mask while exercising with heavy weights who almost passed out. He was literally gasping for air. But he wouldn’t take off his trusty mask. The first time I ever saw him, I politely pointed out that the WHO explicitly states not to wear a mask while exercising. He assured me that he knew what he’s doing because he’s a doctor. Somebody, anybody, God, space aliens, beings from another dimension, please rescue us. We need HELP!

Fauci Fatigue

Back in early March 2020, three days before the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, Anthony Fauci was interviewed on 60 Minutes. He emphatically stated that “people should not be walking around with masks…there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” He then later retracted that statement as reported in the Washington Post in July 2020, explaining that he was concerned about a shortage of masks or personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers, and that “We didn’t realize the extent of asymptomatic spread.”

Yet, at a press conference back in January 2020, Fauci clearly stated that “in all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type asymptomatic transmission has ever been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.”

All the way back in May 2019, months before anyone even heard of COVID-19, Fauci was interviewed on the David Rubenstein Show. The entire interview can be watched here. It was all softball questions. But at the end of the interview Rubenstein asked Fauci if he was his doctor what would be the best way for him to prevent getting an infectious disease, “wearing a mask?” Fauci ridiculed the idea, referring to it as “paranoia” and told him a “low tech” approach was the best way to go, as in eat right, exercise regularly, don’t smoke or consume alcohol, and get plenty of sleep. Here is the excerpt.

What’s going on? Is Fauci, lying, insane, senile, or a combination of all three? For the Fauci apologists who still think he is all knowing, all wise, and that some new scientific evidence must have come out that contradicts what he previously said about masks, read this March 31, 2020 NBC news report. This was three days before Fauci started telling everyone to wear masks on April 3. It says:

“While the science behind whether masks can prevent a person from catching the coronavirus hasn’t changed (a mask does not help a healthy person avoid infection), public guidance may be shifting.”

The article further declares:

“There is no scientific evidence that wearing face coverings would have a measurable impact on flattening the coronavirus curve.”

Is it any wonder that a recent Rasmussen poll shows that “Fauci fatigue” has set in. Less than half the country has a favorable view of Fauci. I’ve got them all beat. I’ve been fed up with Fauci since the AIDS fiasco back in the 1980s. In my case, it’s Fauci exhaustion.

Hypocrites and liars all

Once COVID-19 was declared a pandemic government officials all over the world at every level turned into petty tyrants. But it also rapidly became abundantly clear that these little Hitlers and Mussolinis didn’t think that their stupid rules should apply to them. They have flagrantly violated their own mask and social distancing rules with impunity.

Here are but a few examples:

Tucker Carlson reported that at a $30,000. per plate Democratic fund raising event in Napa Valley California last August, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave a speech. In spite of Pelosi being a mask zealot who imposed a mandatory mask rule on the House of Representatives back in July 2020, neither she nor any of the people attending wore masks. As pictured here, they all sat at long tables huddled together—no masks, no social distancing. But the peons serving them had to wear masks.

Source: Duty to America News

Back in September 2020, NBC News reported that Pelosi who chided then President Donald Trump and other Republicans for not following coronavirus safety protocols, got her hair done at a San Francisco beauty salon that was closed to the public due to the lockdowns which violated the city’s COVID-19 rules. Security camera footage showed Pelosi with wet hair and no mask.

Here is a YouTube video of Anthony Fauci, the poster boy for mask virtue, quickly removing his mask when he thinks the cameras aren’t rolling. A July 2020 WUSA9 article also caught Fauci with his mask pulled down at a baseball game. He claims he was dehydrated and that he pulled it down to drink some water. The cell phone in his hand doesn’t look like a water bottle. In another photo he’s sitting with his mask pulled down and doesn’t have anything in either hand.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, another raging petty tyrant, also played hippity-hop to the beauty shop to get her hair done back in April 2020 despite the fact that such businesses were shut down due to the state’s stay-at-home order. Lightfoot shamelessly defended her haircut by saying she’s the face of the city and out in the public eye. This is the same Lightfoot who vowed to vigorously prosecute anyone who violated stay-at-home orders. And last May she was caught partying maskless at a restaurant after declaring she will continue to wear masks in public and urged everyone else to do the same.

Check out more acts of blatant hypocrisy by government officials in this and other countries here.

And let us not forget back in September 2020 when Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and state legislator Wendy Ulman didn’t realize that the podium mic at a press conference was turned on and laughed about masks being “political theater.”

Connect the dots folks. How come we weren’t told to wear masks in previous flu seasons or pandemics? How about because during the 1918 Spanish flu mask mandates were passed in some cites and studies from that time showed that they didn’t work. How about the numerous quality studies that have been done long after that time and in modern times that also show masks don’t work? So, why did public policy on masks shift when there is no scientific evidence that wearing them does any good? The fact that government officials violate the COVID restrictions they are imposing on us should tell you that they know all of this is a gigantic fraud. Wise up people: you’re being played.

Real science vs junk science

Ah, but hold on a second. Last September the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) cited three new studies showing that masks work. In reality, these were observational and modeling studies which prove nothing. Here is why.

There are two main types of medical research: observational and experimental along with a murky third type called computer modeling.

Observational studies deal with statistical correlations or epidemiology and the study of human behavior and emotions without any kind of intervention. Cohort studies, case control studies, asking people how they feel while doing something or after they did something, cultural observation, such as anthropologists living among primitive peoples to learn how they think and behave—the proverbial “fly on the wall.” Such studies are usually cheap, can be conducted over a long period of time, and sometimes they are all that can be done in regard to what is being studied.

The worst kind of scientific research to rely on is computer modeling. It is used to create simulations and representations of real world events as well as make predictions or explain what might happen in certain situations or areas. In other words, it explores the great WHAT IF. But computer models aren’t reality and can’t know all of the variables. To quote Science Learning Hub: “Models have always been important in science and continue to be used to test hypotheses and predict information. Often they are not accurate because the scientists may not have all the data.”

Example: computer models used to flesh-out and determine the size of the prehistoric mackerel shark otodus megalodon which swam in our oceans for almost 20 million years before going extinct about 2.6 million years ago. It was the largest fish that ever lived and had a bite force more powerful than Tyrannosaurus Rex. Turns out the original models were wrong and instead of 50 feet long it was more like 65 ft. long. The size uncertainty is because shark skeletons are mainly cartilage which doesn’t fossilize so all paleontologists have to work with are its teeth and jaws—the only parts that were bone. But the new estimate could just as easily be wrong and so what.

If computer models are wrong about how fleshed-out dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals looked and behaved it’s no fuzz of my peach. No harm done. But if inaccurate computer models are used to determine public health policies then it matters a whole lot.

Case in point: epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, also known as “Professor Lockdown” of London’s Imperial College. This is the fool who did a flawed computer model showing that there would be 510,000 COVID-19 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million deaths in this country unless, as reported in Business Insider on April 25 2020, “herd immunity” was scrapped in favor of a “suppression strategy” or “weeks of lockdown.”

Herd immunity means that people go about their normal lives, the virus runs its course, and the surviving population, which is just about everyone, develops antibodies and is immune. This is the nonintervention strategy governments should have followed instead of listening to an idiot like Ferguson who’s computer models suck. Read MSN’s 9-18-2021 report on Ferguson’s reign of error.

The third type of scientific research are experimental studies which involve testing, measuring and examining an actual something. This kind of scientific research is the realm of controlled experiments which are a lot more expensive to do, but are the best way to determine the truth. The gold standard of controlled experiments are randomized controlled trials with verified outcomes (RCTS) along with meta analysis (combining different studies) and systematic reviews of RCTs. When testing a drug or a vitamin supplement RCTs are referred to as double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

All observational mask studies can do is claim that there is a correlation between wearing masks and COVID-19 cases and death numbers. Such studies are contradictory. There are plenty of observational studies that show masks don’t work. They are also heavily subject to bias because there are too many variables in the real world. There is no way to know who wore masks consistently, if they wore them properly, and it’s easy to cherry-pick data. As the old saying goes: “correlation doesn’t prove causation.” In other words, when it comes to masks, you have to verify observational studies with RCTs because they eliminate bias and speculation by testing the masks directly to see if they actually work. Get it folks? You don’t need to rely on weak observational and computer studies when you’re dealing with an actual something like a mask.

The Journal of the American Medial Association (JAMA), one of the world’s top ten medical journals, warned about relying on observational studies to guide policies on COVID-19 in a July 2020 article because they might “reduce the likelihood of a properly designed trial being performed, thereby delaying the discovery of reliable truth…if leaders, commentators, academics, and clinicians cannot restrain the rush to judgment in the absence of reliable evidence, the proliferation of observational treatment comparisons will hinder the goal of finding effective treatments for COVID-19—and a great many other diseases.”

The WHO’s “Interim Guidance” on page 6 states that there is no high quality direct scientific evidence that supports the use of masks by the general public. Instead, they admit that it is “a growing compendium of observational evidence,” the kind of evidence that JAMA warned against relying on, that indicates their possible effectiveness.

Every properly conducted RCT on masks ever done over the past 80 years has shown that masks regardless of what kind, cloth, surgical, N95, are worthless against viral diseases. There has never been an exception which includes the Danish study, the first RCT conducted to determine if masks are effective against the COVID-19 virus, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine last November. It found the benefits of wearing masks “was not statistically significant.” Read the results of some of the other rigorous RCT mask studies here, here, and here.

Notice that I said every properly conducted RCT. This excludes the recent Bangladesh mask study. it was the only RCT that showed some benefit to wearing surgical masks. But there were all sorts of problems with it and proper protocols weren’t followed. In spite of this, the study also found what all the properly conducted RCTs found: cloth masks are utterly useless. N95 masks, also known as respirators, weren’t included in the study. For a thorough debunking of this flawed RCT read Dr. Denis Rancourt’s article and Dr. Scott Atlas’s interview on Fox News here.

Bottom line: masks don’t work—even a lot of the packages they come in say that they won’t protect you from SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. For example, a study from the University of Waterloo, Canada found that blue surgical masks were only 10% effective in stopping COVID-19 infection. This is because all masks, regardless of what kind, have a network of microscopic pores which are larger than the viruses they are supposed to keep out. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to breathe in them at all. Viruses go right through masks as Fauci pointed out in a February 2020 email.

This is demonstrated in mechanistic studies which test masks to determine the quantity of viral particles and droplets they block. The studies, such as this one, always show that plenty of viral particles will go through and around the sides of any mask. This is especially true in the case of men who have beards. The FDA admits some of this here. But saying that masks are 75%, 80%, 95% or even 99% effective is saying that they are 0% effective. This is why N95 masks, which means they filter out at least 95% of pathogens, fare no better than other types of masks in RCT studies. If you want to use an anthology, don’t think of a raincoat and umbrella preventing most parts of you from getting wet in a torrential rain storm. Instead, think of a screen door on a submarine because that’s how useless masks are.

Wearing a mask isn’t a small thing to ask

A common mantra uttered by some members of the brainwashed public along with politicians and bureaucrats who’s mental processes have atrophied from non use is that wearing a mask is small thing to ask—no big deal—a minor inconvenience. Oh, really? I think not.

As explained in some of my previous articles, numerous studies in the scientific literature demonstrate that masks are extremely damaging to the health of adults and children in numerous ways. A huge comprehensive review of those studies was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health last April. It included numerous systematic reviews and meta-analysis of experimental and observational studies.

The study documents that by obstructing the nose and mouth, oxygen deprivation increases CO2 levels in the blood causing: hypoxia,hypercapnia, facial lesions, damage to teeth and gums such as gingivitis that along with less oxygen increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, cancer due to lower oxygen levels and toxic substances in the masks, psychological deterioration, physical and mental exhaustion, headaches, and confusion which the authors of the study call MIES (Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome). Masks are even more harmful to children.

Masks create a warm moist environment on the face which is a veritable petri dish for all sorts of pathogenic microbes that “can cause clinically relevant fungal, bacterial or viral infections.” In addition, mask wearers exhale more fine microscopic aerosol particles than non mask wearers which can remain suspended in the fluid air for hours and are the primary mode of viral transmission, not droplets. This is why plastic shields at store counters are worthless. The viral aerosols are everywhere and everyone is breathing the same air.

The study further explains: “The mask-induced adverse changes are relatively minor at first glance, but repeated exposure over longer periods in accordance with the above-mentioned pathogenic principle is relevant…According to the scientific results and findings, masks have measurably harmful effects not only on healthy people, but also on sick people…”

No, folks, wearing a mask isn’t a small thing to ask—it is far too much to ask.

Additional facts to consider

When you hear some doctor or scientist extolling the benefits of wearing a face diaper, keep in mind that there is no such thing as a PhD in masks. Medical doctors can specialize in many areas, but none are specialists in masks. No such zebra exists. Like everyone else, MDs and PhDs have to educate themselves on this topic or they won’t know jack. It doesn’t matter how many diplomas are hanging on their wall.

A doctor may learn how to use masks and respirators in medical school. For example, surgeons are taught to use masks in operating rooms to prevent droplets from their nose and mouth from going into a patient’s open wound. But this doesn’t mean that they know if masks actually work. Doctors aren’t taught to question the procedures they learned in medical school who’s curriculum is heavily influenced by Big Pharma.


And let us not forget that a lot of doctors and scientists are paid whores. For centuries science was dominated by wealthy aristocrats and innovative thinkers who did science for the pure joy of it. But as Dr. Peter Duesberg, PhD explained in his 1996 book “Inventing The AIDS Virus,”the lone pioneer, the Isaac Newton, the Albert Einstein, intrepidly exploring the mysteries of the universe in his laboratory has been kicked out of mainstream science. In his place is a huge bureaucracy that controls teams of scientists who are dependent on huge government grants.

To get along in science today you have to follow whatever the corporate agenda is or you won’t get funded. If doctors don’t play along they can lose their medical license. This creates a herd mentality that ostracizes doctors and scientists who dare to speak out. As Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) put it: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Some people will argue that they are educated and informed on a topic because they watch a lot of news or read the paper. Dead wrong! They aren’t educating themselves—they are brainwashing and indoctrinating themselves because they aren’t verifying if what they’re being told is true. And this doesn’t mean verifying what Wolf Blitzer is saying on CNN by listening to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC because they are all reading from the same corporate script as demonstrated here. Some good reporting creeps in here and there, but for the most part you’re in an echo chamber getting spoon-fed propaganda by a bunch of corporate lackeys who are there to please their advertisers. Bringing the public reliable news isn’t a priority. For example, look at all the pharmaceutical ads on TV. That’s billions of dollars in network revenue—most are not going to upset the Big Pharma applecart.

Also consider that if COVID-19 is so deadly, why aren’t there any biohazard bins for discarded masks? How come we can just throw them in the garbage and litter our streets with them?

Masks along with all other irrational COVID rules are about maintaining the illusion of a pandemic. Masks create the illusion that there’s something to be afraid of. They also divide us. Unmasked people and those actively opposing this global tyranny threaten the fearful brainwashed masses because they make a lot of them think that if there isn’t a scary icky microbe to be afraid of maybe they should get off their asses and fight for their rights. They resent this because they need to believe they’re being righteous and patriotic by following the rules rather than realize that all they are doing is contributing to their own oppression.

People wearing masks because Anthony Fauci and other authority figures told them to is a classic example of groupthink. Another name for groupthink is mass stupidity.

Masks are about virtue signaling. The exhaustive study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health that I cited earlier documents Fauci, the WHO, the New England Journal of Medicine, etc. admitting this.

Virtue signaling to promote lies isn’t new. With AIDS it was condoms. With COVID-19 it’s masks. At least condoms usually worked when it came to preventing unwanted pregnancies and venereal diseases. They didn’t work when it came to preventing AIDS because there was never any virus to transmit. And if condoms aren’t your thing because for a lot of people they ruin the sex act, there are other ways to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. But masks are utterly useless. There is no reason for anyone to be wearing them.

Wake the hell up

Get it through your heads once and for all folks. Masks are not about controlling the spread of COVID-19—they are about controlling the spread of freedom. Masks are about controlling you. I beg you, I implore you, wake the hell up. All you’re going to get by obeying authoritarian orders are more authoritarian orders. The longer you comply with this nonsense the longer it will go on.

Even if you aren’t bothered by wearing a mask you are still being oppressed because there is no reason to wear a mask. By continuing to wear a mask you are advertising your submission to the tyrannical world order that they are trying to impose on us. Masks make it easier to identify who the sheep are. So stop complying. There are lots of ways to get out of wearing masks.

In areas where there are no mask rules it’s easy. Just take off the masks. Stop wearing them. It’s that simple. If you’re in an area that has mask mandates and ordinances and confrontation isn’t your style you don’t have to die on that hill. Read the masks mandates and rules for your area and you will find that they very likely allow exemptions for medical, religious, and in some cases even psychological reasons. Just politely tell a business that requires masks that you have an exemption and that will usually be enough. Read the CDC and WHO mask guidelines as well. Get a medical mask exemption letter from your doctor. If your doctor won’t give you one try other doctors. Keep at it.

See if your employer will recognize mask and vaccine exemptions. If not, look for another job that will. There are plenty of jobs available now which in some cases is due to a lot of people being afraid to work because they believe the fear narrative. But the main reason could very well be because a lot of people have died and been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines. Just keep in mind that masks, like the tests and the vaccines (except for the Comirnaty vaccine), are under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). Under Federal Law you have the right to refuse to wear them as explained here and here. Additional websites to resist mask rules: Peggy Hall, Peggy Hall interview, Jason Hommel.

And to all businesses who are tired of this mask nonsense listen up.

My physical therapist who I’m seeing for a shoulder injury is an example of what not to do. She had stopped wearing a mask for quite a while once the mask mandates in our state were repealed. She’s a wonderful person who I like a whole lot. She has read my articles. She knows the science. She knows that masks are worthless. But she told me that a couple of masked customers complained and now the mask is back on her face and she won’t take it off even if no one else in the place has a mask on.

I implore all business people who think like my physical therapist: take off those stupid, ridiculous, useless masks and throw them in the garbage. Losing some customers isn’t worth losing your freedom. It isn’t worth the destruction of our world as we know it. It isn’t worth the dystopian world order you will be leaving to your children and to future generations. Don’t help the Bill Gates and Klaus Schwabs of this world bring about your demise. Don’t allow other people’s fear to control you. Start educating brainwashed mask wearing people. Get them out of this cult. Because that’s what mask wearing is: a cult ritual. Refuse to go along with it any longer.

Grow a spine and throw those masks away.


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Michael J. Talmo has been a professional writer for over 40 years and is strongly committed to the protection of civil liberties. He also did three music videos on COVID-19. The Masker Mash, COVID Vaccine Man, and The Corona Globalists. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image is from the author

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In the new episode of the program “National Security Council,” Tetiana Popova discussed with General Ben Hodges, the former Commanding General of United States Army Europe, an agreement between Ukraine and the United States on strategic defense cooperation.

POPOVA: What do you think about Zelensky’s trip to the United States? How successful was it?

HODGES: …It highlights the need for a strategy for the greater Black Sea region where Ukraine fits inside an American strategy for the Black Sea region….It’s also important to remember that the United States, including the support of the Congress, continues to provide military support for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

HODGES: …the United States will continue to provide military equipment that Ukraine requests for land forces, for maritime forces…..I would anticipate we’re going to see increased cooperation on the defense industry side so that the American-Ukrainian industry is working together. It should include some intelligence-sharing agreements….There is this idea of air and missile defense, supported by the Congress, to provide this system called Iron Dome. I don’t know that that’s going to happen. I’m not sure it is….

POPOVA: Do you have a similar agreement with the United States in Georgia, or is Ukraine more advanced here? Because there were some agreements between Lockheed Martin and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. But I’m not sure that Israel’s protection is the same as that of Lockheed Martin.

HODGES: Of course, it is really a system that the United States has recently purchased and we’re not even sure that this is exactly what the United States needs. Either the whole concept of integrated air and missile defense is more than just the rockets of the interceptors. It’s about exercises, it’s about command-and-control, it’s about the radar sensors that have to be out there. That’s why I have been reluctant to advocate too strongly for a particular system for Ukraine. Because you have to have the entire package, not just the launcher. And I think that Ukraine has the technology actually to move much of this already, but there must be ways how the United States can help in a key moment. The key moment for air and missile defense is exercising, testing the ground system, sensor on the Black Sea, sensor in the air. And practically integrating them is the only way sure if you can identify the gaps that you need to address.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Stars and Stripes

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The Corruption of the Afghan Presidency

October 8th, 2021 by Zack Kopplin

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Before last month, when he fled in disgrace as his country fell to the Taliban, Afghanistan’s former president, Ashraf Ghani, was unusual among American-backed despots. He appealed to Washington’s foreign-policy elite, with his technocrat pedigree and a doctorate from Columbia University.

Unlike Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, or Iraq’s former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Ghani was an intellectual and social peer. He made a good dinner party guest. Between TED Talks and think-tank forums, Ghani had written a book on fixing failed states. His favorite utensil, presumably, wasn’t a bone saw.

Ghani, a former U.S. citizen, had American sensibilities that charmed his benefactors. “​​He knew the right words to say,” wrote The Atlantic. After his election in 2014, the august magazine reported approvingly on how, unlike his predecessor, Ghani had never confronted any American politicians with inconvenient pictures of Afghan children cowering in fear during Pentagon night raids. Afghanistan was America’s “good war,” and Ghani was America’s good warlord. He was also good at covering his tracks.

Even now, outside of his decision to abandon his country when there was still a chance to negotiate a political settlement with the Taliban, Ghani has largely been eulogized as a flawed but incorruptible visionary. This is a facade. Attributing Ghani’s failures to his professorial management style and personal cowardice allows American elites to avoid confronting the truth behind the Taliban victory. Military occupations fail because they are corrupt and brutal, and the Ghani regime, enabled by the Pentagon and its backers in Washington, was as corrupt and brutal as any.

From the moment he came to power in 2014, Ghani’s rule was tainted. Leaked tapes revealed election officials stuffing ballot boxes in Ghani’s favor. “[G]iven the apparent closeness of the election and the involvement of the chief electoral officer in fraud, it is almost impossible that we will ever know who won,” said a leaked State Department memo, obtained by The New Yorker. Ghani officially became president after the United States brokered a power-sharing agreement with his closest rival. Then–Secretary of State John Kerry called the undemocratic deal a “triumph of statesmanship.” But during Ghani’s 2019 re-election campaign, which was plagued by similar allegations of ballot-stuffing, Afghans, who did not trust the legitimacy of the election, voted in record-low numbers.

Ghani’s reign was maintained by violence, warlordism, and terror. His first running mate was Uzbek war criminal Abdul Rashid Dostum, a mass-murdering rapist and longtime ally of the CIA and American Special Forces. Dostum is accused of countless crimes against humanity, including suffocating and baking thousands of prisoners in shipping crates, driving tanks over others, directing the ethnic cleansing, including rape, extortion, and execution, of captured civilian populations, and personally overseeing the rape of a kidnapped political opponent with an assault rifle. While human rights activists viewed Dostum’s appointment with horror, foreign-policy experts saw it as a sign of political maturity. “Ghani was showing that he, too, could play politics the old, dirty way,” wrote The New Yorker about the deal with Dostum. And beyond Dostum, the Ghani government was also filled with other notorious war criminals.

Apologists might justify making deals with warlords as a political necessity, but war crimes were also carried out by forces directly under Ghani’s command. The country’s intelligence agency, the feared National Directorate of Security, assassinated Ghani’s political opponents. They also coordinated with the CIA and U.S. Special Forces on feared night raids known for extrajudicial killings of civilians in rural villages. The regular Afghan military wasn’t much better. A recent New Yorker article accused a powerful general, Sami Sadat, of ordering mass killings of civilians as collective punishment after their villages were captured by the Taliban. “We knew they were civilians,” one Afghan helicopter pilot reportedly said after gunning down civilians in a market.

These atrocities helped push rural Afghans into the arms of the Taliban. But for his American backers, with the occupation costing trillions of dollars, at least Ghani wasn’t that dirty.

Except he was. Ghani, during his nearly seven years in power, found ways to enrich his brother, his brother-in-law, and other members of his inner circle. This April, I co-authored a two-year-long investigation, published by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, that revealed the Afghan president’s office had approved unique extralegal rights for the subsidiary of an American military contractor to purchase, process, and sell the metal chromite from local Afghan mines. Normally, buying from these types of mines was prohibited because it risked funding groups like the Taliban and the Islamic State’s Afghan affiliate. But this subsidiary was special.

Secret documents obtained from the United Arab Emirates, where Ghani fled after being deposed, show that his brother, Hashmat Ghani, owned 20 percent of the military contractor’s subsidiary that had won these rights.

A few years earlier, Afghanistan’s Pajhwok News uncovered another crooked contract. A Beirut based company, Khatib & Alami, obtained $16 million in sole-source contracts from the Afghan government, without going through a public bid process or receiving a valid work permit from the government. Later, Afghan government officials acknowledged the contract had been brokered by Riad Saada, the brother of Afghanistan’s first lady, Rula Ghani.

Ghani was personally in attendance as the Afghan National Procurement Authority signed off on a different questionable deal in 2019. The government granted an $11 million telecommunications and fee collection contract to the owner of a small defunct airline company, the Bustos Group, which had no prior telecommunications experience. Leaked messages from the company’s CEO, Josh Bustos, explained that Afghan officials had guaranteed him the contract prior to its being awarded. “No bribes no under the table issues up front,” he wrote. “Back end I am sure I will be hiring some specific Afghans to management roles.”

Despite these deals, the narrative around Ghani’s incorruptibility has remained. To the Washington foreign-policy elite, Ghani represented the belief that if you put an educated technocrat in charge, you can maintain an occupation of drone strikes and commando raids forever. But it’s clear, now that the Taliban have taken Kabul, that this was a fantasy. An educated technocrat is also corruptible.


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Zack Kopplin is an investigator at the Government Accountability Project, a whistleblower protection organization.

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The U.S. could not vanquish the Taliban, failed to defeat Al-Qaeda, and were unsuccessful in leaving behind a pluralistic, tolerant and economically-sustainable Afghan state. Washington failed to induce good governance in Afghanistan and to stop Pakistan’s multifaceted support for the Taliban. After twenty years of war with the U.S., the Taliban now confronts the hard challenge of governing and managing the economy.

Formal legal incomes make up a small portion of Afghanistan’s revenues as it is dependent on foreign aid and illicit economies. In July 2020, former President Ashraf Ghani said that 90% of Afghans live below the government-determined poverty line of $2 a day and 30% are acutely food insecure. For an economy suffering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the withdrawal of U.S. forces has the effect of spurring a drastic economic decline as Afghanistan becomes more globally isolated.

Pakistan has been engaging with key international and regional stakeholders with a message that Afghanistan should not be left alone and that the incoming government, likely to be led by the Taliban, should be given a chance. Recently, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan sought the world’s support for the Taliban. During the high-level ministerial meeting on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan convened by the UN, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi linked the observance of human rights by the new Taliban government to the financial aid Afghanistan receives. Khan’s key cabinet members, like Federal Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar, regularly calls for the Taliban government to receive international financial assistance.

Currently, the Taliban faces the loss of billions of dollars that had been allocated to Afghanistan. The U.S. immediately froze $9.5 billion worth of central bank assets. The International Monetary Fund blocked access to $460 million, and the EU has suspended aid. International donors had been providing 75% of the government’s operating budget, and the U.S. and NATO paid around $4 billion each year to fund the Afghan military. Iran, although struggling economically because of U.S. sanctions, is seeking good relations with the Taliban but cannot offer generous economic aid. Only China and the monarchies of the Gulf have deep pockets, but the question is if they will. Although Pakistan has been providing military and intelligence aid, its own economy is stagnating and wholly reliant on China.

The Taliban has no experience in delivering or maintaining existing state services, such as electricity or water, let alone tackling complex issues like setting macroeconomic policies. The immediate effects of the financial squeeze saw cash liquidity in Afghanistan drop, driving up inflation – including food prices, resulting in immense hardship to the population.

If the Taliban continues to engage in purges of non-Sunnis and implement regressive Sharia laws like public hangings and mutilation, educated Afghans will continue to flee the country, thus provoking a new brain drain. International actors will maintain sanctions on the Taliban and perhaps even intensify them. The new government will also struggle to find jobs for the many now-unemployed soldiers of the Afghan security forces.

The illegal poppy cultivation can only offset a part of those losses. However, the Taliban has promised to make Afghanistan drug free, and it is recalled that at its first press conference on August 19, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid promised that the new government would not turn what is already the world’s leading opium producer into a fully-fledged narco-state.

None-the-less, undeniably heroin production has helped fund the Taliban, and despite proclamations that they will struggle to wean themselves off the profitable trade, it is likely that economic pressures will force them to continue cultivation for some time as banning it would be socially immiserating for Afghanistan’s poorest.

Now that the Taliban are in power, they will find it difficult to maintain cohesiveness across its many different factions that have varied ideological intensity and material interests. The Taliban will also need to ensure that its key commanders and soldiers are paid enough to not be tempted to split off, like many did when Islamic State established itself in the country in 2015. A key element of the Taliban’s blitzkrieg this summer was bargaining with regional militias and promising them access to local economic rents, such as mining and logging.

The Taliban needs Chinese money, but persisting violence and corruption could deter economic investments. Beijing opposes any support for Uighur militants based in Afghanistan, including the Taliban’s Uighur units. Russia, Iran and the Central Asian states also want to ensure that the spread of the Islamic State into their territories does not occur.

Taxing the transport system in the country has long been a Taliban strategy for revenue raising. Whether the Taliban manages to keep the lucrative transport trade will depend on whether it sufficiently satisfies the counterterrorism interests of China, Iran, Russia and Central Asia. If the Taliban continues to support terrorist groups like they did in the 1990’s, this could see Afghanistan have only Pakistan as a trading partner and become wholly reliant on it for survival.

The Taliban understands how to deliver a brutal order, suppress crime and provide swift dispute resolution. Despite this, it does not have the capacity to build hospitals and deliver medical care, build modern water, electricity, and infrastructure systems, and provide high quality education. Afghanistan’s economic outlook remains uncertain and blanket sanctions and global isolation will worsen the suffering in the country. In this way, although the Taliban won the war against the U.S., it still has a long and difficult task of delivering not only security to the Afghan people, but also economic stability and opportunity.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

Featured image is from OffGuardian

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Selected Articles: Twenty Years Ago: US Invasion of Afghanistan

October 8th, 2021 by Global Research News

Silencing Julian Assange: Why Bother with a Trial When You Can Just Kill Him?

By Philip Giraldi, October 08, 2021

CIA responded by preparing to foil Assange’s possible Russian-assisted departure to include potential gun battles with Moscow’s spies on the streets of London or crashing a car into any Russian diplomatic vehicle transporting Assange to seize him.

The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”

By Mike Whitney, October 07, 2021

The Spike Protein is a “uniquely dangerous” transmembrane fusion protein that is an integral part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. “The S protein plays a crucial role in penetrating host cells and initiating infection.”

October 7, 2001, US-NATO Invades Afghanistan: It was an Act of Self Defense. “America was Attacked by an ‘Unnamed Foreign Power’ on 9/11”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 07, 2021

The legal argument used by Washington and NATO to invade Afghanistan was that the September 11 attacks constituted an undeclared “armed attack” “from abroad” by an unnamed foreign power, and that consequently “the laws of war” apply, allowing the nation under attack, to strike back in the name of “self-defense”.

Moon Jae-in Suggests Ending the Korean War; Pyongyang Agrees, but Says It’s an Unfavourable Time

By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, October 07, 2021

The South Korean President speaking at the UN had previously proposed to declare an end to the Korean War, in 2018 and 2020. He added specifics, indicating that the ROK, the DPRK, the USA and China should participate in the process.

US Stealth Jets Become First Fighters to Fly from Japanese Ship Since WWII

By Zero Hedge, October 07, 2021

In yet another move signaling the deepening US-Japan military relationship, two US stealth fighters practiced taking off and landing on Japan’s largest warship, the JS Izumo.

Pfizer Leaks: Whistleblower Goes on Record

By Project Veritas Action, October 07, 2021

Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine.

Sweden, Denmark Pause Moderna’s COVID Vaccine for Younger Age Groups Citing Reports of Myocarditis

By Megan Redshaw, October 07, 2021

Sweden and Denmark on Wednesday said they will pause the use of Moderna’s COVID vaccine for younger age groups after reports of possible rare side effects, including myocarditis.

Australia’s Intelligence Organizations Helped Overthrow the Allende Government in 1973

By Dr. Rodrigo Acuña, October 07, 2021

On June 2, the Australian government conceded for the first time that the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) supported CIA covert operations in Chile in the early 1970s.

Without Lockdowns, Sweden Had Fewer Excess Deaths than Most of Europe

By Ryan McMaken, October 07, 2021

It’s now been more than eighteen months since governments began the new social experiment now known as “lockdowns.” Prior to 2020, forced “social distancing” was generally considered to be too costly in societal terms to justify such a risky experiment.

Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase – 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials

By Dr. Daniel Nagase, October 07, 2021

On the Steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery on October 1st, celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, Dr. Nagase gave this powerful speech. He has a story he’d like to share with you about what happened after he gave Covid patients Ivermectin in a small hospital west of Red Deer.

Twenty Years Ago: US Invasion of Afghanistan

By Shane Quinn, October 07, 2021

The US offensive started with aerial bombing raids over Afghanistan’s capital and largest city, Kabul, while American air attacks were simultaneously launched against targets in the country’s second biggest city Kandahar, 300 miles south-west of Kabul, and Jalalabad, less than 100 miles east of Kabul.

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The achievement heralded in the headline of this article was accomplished, coincidentally, on the 20th anniversary of that fateful day the world calls “9/11.” Such an important milestone is worthy of a closer look.

Let’s think about what it means to be a verified signatory to the petition of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth — to stand on the front lines of such a monumental mission.

The more than 3,500 architects and engineers who have signed AE911Truth’s petition exhibit the highest order of honor and courage. They have placed allegiance to their professional disciplines above personal gain. In a society whose leadership still seeks to marginalize and slander them, casting them aside as pariahs, they have made the choice to stand proudly for what they know to be right. They have shown the utmost integrity and commitment to their oath to protect the public welfare. They are not just professionals; they are truly champions.

Each architect and engineer who signs our petition must prove their credentials in order to be validated and displayed on our petition as an “AE.” We require each professional signatory to have a four-year degree or higher in their engineering or architectural discipline — or substantially equivalent professional licensing.

At AE911Truth, it is our duty to rigorously verify our petition signers. Over the years, an additional 2,000 people beyond the actual 3,500 AEs tried to sign our petition, claiming to be architects or engineers. Most of them probably are, but for one reason or another they either did not complete our verification process or did not fully meet the requirements. Or perhaps they didn’t receive our requests for further information. Whatever the case, the 3,500 verified mark we reached last month reflects a figure and process that 9/11 Truth activists the world over can count on.

As an aside, it’s no secret that algorithms can be devised to throttle the spread of information, channel communications to spam folders, or even now relegate phone calls to “suspicious caller” categories. So, if you’re an engineer or architect who signed our petition, whether ten days ago or ten years ago, please visit this and ensure that you are properly displayed. If you are not, then kindly follow through and contact AE911Truth to complete the process. Your signature and support matter!

Xander Arena

Xander Arena verifies AE911Truth petition signers with the help of his conure, Aurora.

Verifying our thousands of supporters is a labor-intensive task, performed by generous and service-oriented volunteers who make great sacrifices to help “Team Truth.” And though our loved ones likely lament the lost time — the hours we put into verifying AEs instead of hanging out with family and friends — the intrinsic reward of helping to amplify the call for a new 9/11 investigation is a satisfaction that is without equal. As a volunteer verifier, I consider it a great honor every time I send the following message to our confirmed AE signatories: “We thank you so much for your courage and support. You are indeed on the right side of history!”

Once one understands the importance of what AE911Truth does, it is hard to sit on the sidelines. Signing our petition is itself an act of service — one I, too, chose to make some time ago. As a member of our “general public” category, I am proud to find my name amongst physicists and physicians, mathematicians and musicians, pilots and flight attendants, social workers and construction workers, psychologists, attorneys, veterans, firefighters, nurses, law enforcement professionals, homemakers, school teachers, restaurant owners, grocery clerks, and tens of thousands of other admirable thinkers and doers.

Our “general public” category, replete with concerned and capable citizens who have taken the brave stand of speaking out and being heard, now has more than 30,000 signatories. Many of them hold jobs that are termed “professional.” I point this out to emphasize that codes of conduct and ethical standards exist not only in the building profession — compelling engineers and architects to take a stand for truth — but also in all professional disciplines, demanding that their constituents not be silent in the face of criminality.

If you peruse the AE and the general public categories, you will see that some signatories make interesting statements expressing their ethical concerns, explaining their expertise, and offering their support, while many others simply add their name to the ranks. Both actions are equally important.

Undoubtedly, many people fear the implications of publicly expressing a desire for “a truly independent investigation with subpoena power, which seeks inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have caused the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.” Yet the very pillars of truth we stand upon protect our signatories. Indeed, those who fairly and thoroughly examine AE911Truth’s evidence and claims come away understanding that we are on the right side of the argument. The light of 9/11 Truth eviscerates even the darkest of shadows.

Acknowledging we have not yet received an honest and impartial investigation into the worst crime in American history, whose consequences have harmed the entire world, is a psychological turning point in many peoples’ lives. Grappling with a betrayal of that magnitude may even be scary, but to not speak out only perpetuates additional abuses. Individuals and societies have been able to overcome harrowing histories of violence and walk forward into the future. Such fortitude creates strength, trust, and respect.

The world deserves the truth. We deserve governance by truthful leaders and institutions. We deserve an open and honest accounting of what transpired before our very eyes and cost us all so dearly.

If you have not yet signed the petition calling for a real investigation, or if you are an architect or engineer who has not completed the verification process, I urge you to please do so expeditiously. Our collective future depends on it.


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Featured image is from The Greanville Post

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A New York Times Sunday edition article on September 26 devoted an entire page, excluding an ad for luxurious furniture, to an examination of various efforts in the United States to initiate measures aimed at addressing historic discrimination and institutional racism.

Reparations, the demand for material and monetary compensation for the exploitation and national oppression of African Americans from the periods of colonial and antebellum enslavement right through the enactment of legalized segregation (Jim Crow) to the contemporary unequal social status and police misconduct, has gained considerable attention over the last five decades.

The New York Times begins its report with a focus on Detroit where during the post-World War II years, thousands of African American families were forcibly removed from the lower east side in the areas known as Black Bottom, Paradise Valley and others. In the mid-1950s, utilizing eminent domain, the white administration ordered people to leave certain areas of the city with almost no provisions for relocation or restitution.

Later, by the early 1960s, people living, working, worshipping, and conducting business along Hasting Street and neighboring areas were told to leave so that the Chrysler and Fisher Freeways could be constructed. These highways were designed in part to transport whites from their places of employment in the city out to the suburbs where homes and business complexes were being built. The Times article says that over 43,000 people were dislocated from the eastside within a decade.

Detroit Rebellion erupts on 12th and Clairmount, July 23, 1967 (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

In 1956, the Federal Aid Highway Act, also known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act, was passed and signed into law by the then administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. It should be noted that the defense component of the legislation was enacted under Eisenhower who was Commander of the European Theater during World War II for the U.S.

A group of lawyers and political activists within the Detroit Democratic Party apparatus have placed a proposal on the upcoming November 2 ballot which would establish a taskforce to examine what reparations would look like in the city. The language on the proposal is quite vague and there has been no real discussion on how issues such as the displacement of Black communities, by not only the existing municipal administrations at the time, but more importantly, acknowledging that these policies stemmed from the profit motives of real estate firms, banks, the automotive industry and the federal government.

Since the 1950s, the population of the city of Detroit has declined every single census period to the present. From its peak at 1.8 million people in 1950, some 70 years later the number of people estimated to be living in Detroit is 637, 601. With the encouraged abandonment and forced removals of approximately 1.2 million residents over seven decades, any task force looking at reparations would demand a program for repopulation of the city with a principal focus on African Americans and other nationally oppressed groups dislocated by the combination of private and governmental forces.

Yet the current economic trajectory of the corporate interests and their imposed-Mayor Mike Duggan does not include the reconstruction of Black communities in Detroit as part of their agenda. Even though the existing administration may not directly oppose the proposal on the November ballot, the question remains as to what type of approach will the taskforce take in recommendations to ameliorate the present situation stemming from a historical legacy of policies which negatively impacted African Americans.

After being forced from Black Bottom and Paradise Valley many within the African American population relocated to the westside area of Virginia Park. It was in this very neighborhood that the 1967 rebellion erupted on July 23rd of that year. This uprising was the largest of its kind initiated by African Americans up until that time. The Rebellion ushered in a period of resistance within the auto industry, schools and colleges, neighborhoods and unrepresentative political structures.

The election of the Detroit’s first African American Mayor Coleman A. Young was a direct result of the struggles emanating from housing discrimination, dislocation, super-exploitation within industry, corporate media distortions, the fight against police brutality and policy neglect from the successive municipal and federal administrations. Since the period of 1974-1993 when Young was in office, the consistent erosion of any semblance of political power in Detroit among African Americans is an apparent social reality.

Other Local Efforts for Reparations

An announcement by the City of Evanston, Illinois, located north of Chicago, that it would enact a reparations program by providing housing assistance grants to African Americans. The city leaders say they are recognizing the discrimination in housing which has existed for decades in major urban areas and their suburbs.

These efforts have drawn criticism from both whites as well as people within the African American community. The conservative whites are claiming that any project to assist Blacks represents “preferential treatment” and “reverse discrimination.  On the other hand, many African Americans contend that the realization of any genuine form of reparations extends far beyond the role of local governments and must hold the federal government and the multinational corporations accountable for their role in the oppression and exploitation of African Americans.

The New York Times article from September 26 reports that:

“’There are a number of detours away from what I would call true reparations, and one of those are these alleged local programs,’ said William A. Darity, Jr., an economics professor at Duke University who has studied reparations for decades. Mr. Darity argues that an adequate reparations program, totaling about $11.2 trillion for an estimated 45 million Americans — more than 13 percent of the U.S. population — who would qualify for it, can only exist on the federal level. Where cities plan to get these funds to support a local reparations program remains to be seen. Some of these local officials are looking for answers that don’t automatically equate to a huge cash payout.”

In Tulsa, Oklahoma where the centenary of the 1921 race massacre was recently commemorated, the demand for reparations is rising from the community. Over 300 African Americans were killed on May 31-June 1 when white racist mobs including police, elected officials and national guard troops destroyed churches, homes, small businesses and social organizations which dislocated thousands.

For years the City of Tulsa and the State of Oklahoma deliberately withheld information about the race massacre and instead described it as a “riot.” Three survivors of the 1921 murderous spree in Tulsa are demanding reparations for their suffering and loss of generational wealth.

The Oklahoman newspaper wrote on this question in May emphasizing:

“Across the United States, renewed calls for reparations to help right decades-old racial injustices have been part of a racial reckoning that seemed to gain momentum in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.

As the centennial of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre is commemorated and survivors of the tragedy are honored, a demand for justice in the form of reparations will continue to be part of the conversation. Damario Solomon-Simmons, lead attorney for a landmark reparations lawsuit against the city of Tulsa and other entities, said the case for reparations has successfully been made in other situations across the country, and reparations for massacre survivors and their descendants are long overdue.”

Reparations and the Existing Power Structure in the 21st Century

Many scholars have documented the causal relationship between the rise of the Atlantic slave trade, colonialism and the advent of industrial capitalism. Writers such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Eric Williams, Walter Rodney, among many others, have long ago made the case for the rejection of the false narratives enunciated by the beneficiaries of exploitation and national oppression.

The growth and prosperity of capitalism and imperialism in Western Europe and North America is not due to the superiority or ingenuity of the white ruling class. The profits accrued from African enslaved labor and colonial exploitation provided the economic basis for every major industry which emerged during the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, in the 21st century, a reckoning on the part of the oppressed is mounting.

With specific reference to Detroit, the African American community has played a leading role in the development of the reparations demand. The Nation of Islam (NOI), which was founded in Detroit in the early 1930s, later during the 1960s called for the allocation of substantial portions of land within or outside the U.S. where African Americans would form their own nation. The NOI believed that the descendants of slave masters owed a debt to the former enslaved mandating that this independent Black state be subsidized by the federal government for 20-25 years.

Later in Detroit during March 1968, over 500 delegates to the inaugural conference of the Republic of New Africa (RNA) demanded the granting of five southern states to Blacks in the U.S. to form their own territorial nation. The following year, in April 1969, the National Black Economic Development Conference was held at Wayne State University in Detroit. A Black Manifesto was drafted by former Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Executive Secretary and International Affairs Coordinator, Dr. James R. Forman, and adopted by the gathering of several hundred people.

Forman’s Black Manifesto began with a resounding call for Black Liberation and Socialism in the U.S. The document demands the payment of $500 million to $3 billion in reparations which would be utilized to build educational institutions, media and publishing outlets, cooperative housing and agricultural programs. Forman became an executive board member of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW) and the International Black Workers Congress (IBWC) which grew out of the post-Rebellion work of the Black proletariat within the auto plants, service sectors, communities and schools of Detroit.

In 1989, African American Congressman John Conyers, Jr. of Detroit submitted House Resolution (H.R.) 40 which would set up a research committee to study the payment of reparations to descendants of enslaved Africans. The bill was reintroduced every year until his departure from Congress. As a result of the mass demonstrations and rebellions of 2020, the bill has gained new life after being voted recently out of committee for the first time in 2021.

These actual historic examples of the demands for reparations must be studied in order to place the contemporary emphasis on localized efforts in their proper perspective. The call for reparations cannot be divorced from the continuing struggles against national oppression, capitalism, imperialism and the need for socialist construction.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: James Forman and Lucius Walker issue the Black Manifesto in May 1969

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An English friend recently learned about the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to either kidnap or kill journalist Julian Assange and quipped “I’ll bet he’s happy to be safe and sound in Belmarsh Prison if he has a chance to read about that!” I replied that his time in Belmarsh has been made as demeaning as possible by an English judge and the British are just as capable of executing a Jeffrey Epstein suicide or “accident” if called upon to do so by their American “cousins.” He agreed, reluctantly. Indeed, the roles of American allies Britain and Australia in what is turning out to be one of the world’s longest-playing judicial dramas has been reprehensible.

For those readers who have missed some of the fun of the Assange saga, a recap is in order. Julian Assange, an Australian citizen who was living in London, was the Editor in Chief and driving force behind Wikileaks, which debuted in 2006 and was one of the alternative news sites that have sprung up over the past twenty years. WikiLeaks was somewhat unique in that it often did not write up its own stories but rather was passed documentary material by sources in government and elsewhere that it then reprinted without any editing.

Assange attracted the ire of the ruling class when he obtained in 2010 a classified video from an unidentified source that showed an unprovoked 2007 shooting incident involving U.S. Army helicopters in Baghdad in which a dozen completely innocent people were killed. The government’s anger at WikiLeaks intensified when, in 2013, Edward Snowden, a National Security Agency contractor, fled to Hong Kong with classified material that demonstrated that the U.S. government was illegally spying on Americans. WikiLeaks also reportedly helped to arrange Snowden’s subsequent escape to Russia from Hong Kong.

The bipartisan animus directed against WikiLeaks intensified still further in the summer of 2016 when the group’s website began to release emails from the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The immediate conclusion propagated by Team Hillary but unsupported by facts was that Russian intelligence had hacked the emails and given them to WikiLeaks.

It was perhaps inevitable that Assange’s reporting, which has never been found to be factually inaccurate, was in some circles claimed to be based on information provided to him by Russian hackers. Even though he repeatedly denied that that was the case and there are technical reasons why that was unlikely or even impossible, this led to a sharp Russophobic response from a number of intelligence and law enforcement services close to the United States. Assange was charged in Britain in November 2010 on an international warrant demanding that he be extradited to Sweden over claims that he had committed rape in that country, an accusation which later turned out to be false. He posted bail but lost a legal battle to annul the warrant and then skipped a preliminary hearing in London in June 2012 to accept asylum in the Ecuadorean Embassy, which has diplomatic immunity. He stayed in the Embassy for eighty-two months, at which point a new government in Quito made clear that his asylum would be revoked and he would be expelled from the building. He was preparing to leave voluntarily in April 2019 when police arrived and he was arrested on a charge of his failure to appear in court seven years before which was regarded as “bail jumping.” He was sent immediately to Belmarsh high security prison, where Britain’s terrorist prisoners are confined.

After his arrest, Assange continued to be incarcerated due to a U.S. Justice Department extradition request based on the Espionage Act of 1918, apparently derived from possible interaction with the Chelsea Manning whistleblower case. Assange has now been in Belmarsh for 29 months in spite of increasing international pressure asserting that he is a journalist and should be released. The British have hesitated to extradite him on the basis of the evidence produced by the U.S. government, which included the claim that Assange aided the former U.S. Army analyst Manning break into a classified computer network in order to obtain and eventually publish classified material, but they have likewise failed to release him. The British judge denied extradition in January, suggesting that if he were to be returned forcibly to the U.S. he would likely commit suicide, but she also denied Assange bail as he was considered to be a flight risk. The U.S. appealed that verdict and the next hearing is scheduled for the end of October. It should be noted that no evidence produced by the Justice Department has plausibly linked Assange to the Russian intelligence services.

Which brings us to the Yahoo news revelation regarding the CIA plot to shoot, poison or kidnap Assange while he was sheltering in the Ecuadorian Embassy. It goes something like this: in 2017, Assange’s fifth year in the Embassy, the CIA debated going after him to end the alleged threat posed to government secrets by him and his organization, which was still operating and presumed to be in contact with him. WikiLeaks had at that time been publishing extremely sensitive CIA hacking tools, referred to as “Vault 7,” which constituted “the largest data loss in CIA history.”

In an April 2017 speech, Donald Trump’s new CIA Director Mike Pompeo said “WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service and has encouraged its followers to find jobs at the CIA in order to obtain intelligence. It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia.” It was a declaration of war. The label “non-state hostile intelligence service” is a legal designation which more-or-less opened the door to non-conventional responses to eliminate the threat. CIA Stations where WikiLeaks associates were known to be present were directed to increase surveillance on them and also attempt to interdict any communications they might seek to have with Assange himself in the embassy. A staff of analysts referred to as the “WikiLeaks Team” worked full time to target the organization and its leaders.

At the top level of the Agency debate over more extreme options prevailed, though there were legitimate concerns about the legality of what was being contemplated. In late 2017, in the midst of the debate over possible kidnapping and/or assassination, the Agency picked up alarming though unsubstantiated reports that Russian intelligence operatives were preparing plans to help Assange escape from the United Kingdom and fly him to Moscow.

CIA responded by preparing to foil Assange’s possible Russian-assisted departure to include potential gun battles with Moscow’s spies on the streets of London or crashing a car into any Russian diplomatic vehicle transporting Assange to seize him. One scenario even included either blocking the runway or shooting out the tires of any Russian plane believed to be carrying Assange before it could take off for Moscow. Pompeo himself reportedly favored what is referred to as a “rendition,” which would consist of breaking into the Ecuadorian Embassy, kidnapping Assange, and flying him clandestinely to the U.S. for trial. Others in the national security team favored killing Assange rather than going through the complexity of kidnapping and removing him. Fortunately, saner views prevailed, particularly when the British refused to cooperate in any way with activity they regarded as clearly illegal.

So Assange is still in prison and what does it all mean? The only possible charge that would convincingly demonstrate that Assange was spy paid by Russia would be related to his possibly helping Chelsea Manning to circumvent security to steal classified material, but there is no real evidence that Assange actually did that or that he is under Russian control. So that makes him a journalist. That he has embarrassed the United States, most often when it misbehaves, is what good journalists do. But beyond that the disgraceful CIA plans to kill or abduct Assange as an option to get rid of him reveal yet again the dark side of what the United States of America has become since 9/11.

More to the point, getting rid of Assange will accomplish nothing. He worked with a number of like-minded colleagues who have been more than able to pick up where he left off. He has been largely incommunicado since he has been languishing in Belmarsh Prison and it is his associates who have continued to solicit information and publish it on their site. Mike Pompeo’s unapologetic response to this assassination or kidnapping story was “They were engaged in active efforts to steal secrets themselves, and pay others to do the same …” Of course, if all that were true Mike and the government lawyers have had an opportunity to demonstrate just that in a British court. They couldn’t do so and instead promoted the easier option of just killing someone for publishing something true. And assassination is a blunt instrument that rarely accomplishes anything. One recalls that in January 2020 Pompeo certainly participated in the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi Militia Leader Muhandis in Baghdad. What did that accomplish apart from turning a nominally friendly Iraq hostile to the U.S. presence?

Or, as Assange’s lawyer put it more to the point, “As an American citizen, I find it absolutely outrageous that our government would be contemplating kidnapping or assassinating somebody without any judicial process simply because he had published truthful information.” Unfortunately, that is not all that the Assange case is about. It is not just a question of truth or fiction and journalistic ethics, but rather an issue of the abuses enabled by powerful men who believe that their power is unlimited. That is the real abyss that the United States has fallen into and the only way out is to finally hold such people, starting with Pompeo, accountable for what they have done.


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Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is https://councilforthenationalinterest.orgaddress is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Another Day in the Empire

How to Challenge Online Censorship. Support Global Research

October 8th, 2021 by The Global Research Team

Dear Readers,

For much of this year, independent media – including Global Research – has felt the sting of increased online censorship”, in the form of a “crackdown on news that challenges official government narratives”.

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Pfizer Leaks: Whistleblower Goes on Record

October 7th, 2021 by Project Veritas Action

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Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine.

Watch the video here.

Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.

“HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus,” Dormitzer said. “On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry.”

Vanessa Gelman, who serves as Pfizer’s Senior Director of Worldwide Research, encouraged staff to be careful when talking about human fetal cells in the company’s vaccine program.

“From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there,” Gelman said.

“The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there. We have not received any questions from policy makers or media on this issue in the last few weeks, so we want to avoid raising this if possible,” she said.

In another email thread, Gelman doubled down on being secretive about this information.

We have been trying as much as possible to not mention the fetal cell lines…One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program,” she said.

The whistleblower who shared these emails with Project Veritas, Pfizer manufacturing quality auditor Melissa Strickler, said she was not sure whether aborted fetal tissue made it to the final COVID vaccine product.

“They’re being so deceptive in their emails, it’s almost like it is in the final vaccine. It just made me not trust it,” she said.

Strickler said that Project Veritas was the only place she could go to tell her story.

“I have no one else to turn to when my own company won’t be honest with me. What I was told to do was to trust Project Veritas and to go with you guys by lawmakers, by lawyers,” she said.

The whistleblower has created a GiveSendGo crowdfunding campaign for herself now that she has gone public. People can support her directly by donating at the following web address:


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Sweden and Denmark on Wednesday said they will pause the use of Moderna’s COVID vaccine for younger age groups after reports of possible rare side effects, including myocarditis.

The Swedish health agency said it would pause the vaccine for people born in 1991 and later, as data pointed to an increase of myocarditis and pericarditis among youths and young adults who had been vaccinated, Reuters reported.

“The connection is especially clear when it comes to Moderna’s vaccine, ‘Spikevax,’ especially after the second dose,” the health agency said in a statement.

The health agency said it now recommends Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty vaccine instead. People born 1991 or later who received a first Moderna dose — approximately 81,000 people — will not get a second Moderna jab.

Earlier this week, the Swedish health agency said 12- to 15-year-olds would only get Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Denmark said that, while it was already using the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as the main option for 12- to 17-year-olds, it had decided to pause the Moderna vaccine for people under 18 as a “precautionary principle.”

“In the preliminary data … there is a suspicion of an increased risk of heart inflammation, when vaccinated with Moderna,” the Danish Health Authority said in a statement.

The agency referred to data from a yet unpublished Nordic study, which will be sent to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for further assessment once the data is finalized, the agency added.

Norway, which already recommends the Comirnaty vaccine for minors, reiterated Wednesday rare side effects could happen, particularly in boys and young men, and mainly after receiving a second dose.

The EMA approved the use of Comirnaty in May, while Spikevax was approved for use in children over 12 in July, U.S. News reported.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, myocarditis can result from infections, but “more commonly the myocarditis is a result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

Pericarditis is inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart that can cause sharp chest pain and other symptoms.

According to the the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, there have been 6,561 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis reported following COVID vaccines, with 5,874 cases attributed to Pfizer, 1,515 cases to Moderna and 161 cases to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 24, 2021.

Among 12- to 17-year-olds, there have been 617 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis, with 603 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

VAERS is the U.S. government-run system for reporting vaccine adverse events, but some of the reports sent to the system come from outside the U.S.

On June 25, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for both Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines suggesting an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis — particularly following the second dose and with onset of symptoms within a few days after vaccination.

The FDA’s update followed a June 23 meeting which included a review of information and discussion by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — a committee within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that provides advice and guidance on effective control of vaccine-preventable diseases.

During the meeting, the committee acknowledged 1,200 cases of heart inflammation in 16- to 24-year-olds, and said mRNA COVID vaccines should carry a warning statement.

Health officials said the benefits of receiving a COVID vaccine still outweigh any risks. But physicians and other public commenters during the June 23 meeting accused the CDC of exaggerating the risk of COVID to young people, and minimizing the risk of the vaccines.

The FDA approved Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for emergency use in the 12 to 15 age group in May, and approved a biologics license application for the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine Aug. 23 — leaving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization.

A third booster dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was approved for the immunocompromised and those in “high risk” professions in September — in what was deemed a controversial move by the CDC and FDA, both of which overruled the recommended guidance issued by their vaccine advisory committees.

In June, Moderna asked the FDA to expand emergency use of its COVID vaccine in adolescents aged 12 to 17. A decision has yet to be made.

Both Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) have asked the FDA to approve booster doses of their COVID vaccines for emergency use. The FDA will convene its advisory panel next week to review booster data from both J&J and Moderna.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from CHD

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On June 2, the Australian government conceded for the first time that the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) supported CIA covert operations in Chile in the early 1970s. These operations created the climate for a coup against the democratically elected socialist president Salvador Allende and his Popular Unity government. The National Security Archive (NSA) recently published some of the ASIS’ station reports in Santiago, and the story has drawn attention in the Australian media.

The subject of ASIS and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) activities in Chile have been the subject of inquiry by journalists, politicians, and researchers for decades. But the Australian government has long worked to cover its paper trail in Chile. Even though the declassification of these documents for the first time is a significant development, few details are revealed by the heavily redacted documents beyond the admission that Australia had an ASIS station in Santiago and collaborated to some degree with the CIA.

Clinton Fernandes, a professor of politics at the University of New South Wales began the process to declassify the ASIS’ station reports in Chile in 2017 with barrister Ian Latham and solicitor Hugh Macken. According to Fernandes, when he started searching for the archives on ASIS records in Chile, the Australian “government’s response was that we can’t even confirm or deny the existence of records.”

On May 26, Fernandes and his legal team filed a 16-page set of arguments for the declassification of ASIS records on Chile and in early June, Fernandes was finally given files on ASIS activities in Chile.

Decades of Secrecy

Fernandes was not the first to look into ASIS’ activities in Chile in the early 1970s. Journalist Ian Frykberg published an article in October 1974 in the Sydney Morning Herald citing two former intelligence agents who claimed it was likely that the Australian mission in Chile was working with the CIA by “acting as the conduct for money passing from the CIA to newspapers and individuals leaking propaganda information to newspapers and other influential people.”

On December 2, 1974, Clyde Cameron, the Labor and Immigration Minister wrote to the Attorney General Senator Lionel Murphy about ASIO agents in Chile.

“I am particularly disturbed to learn that ASIO agents have been posing as migration officers in South America,” Cameron wrote, “and I am now convinced—though firm denials are to be expected—that the reports of ASIO collaboration with the CIA in bringing about the overthrow of the Allende Government is very close to the mark.”

In 1977, a Royal Commission into Australia’s Intelligence and Security (popularly known as the Hope Royal Commission) was tabled before the Australian Parliament. At the commission, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam stated:

“It has been written—and I cannot deny it—that when my Government took office, Australian intelligence personnel were working as proxies of the CIA in destabilising the government of Chile.”

In 1983, Seymour Hersh published a biography on ex-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger entitled The Price of Power. In that book, the New York Times investigative journalist claimed that since the CIA was aware that its agents were under close surveillance by the new Allende administration, Washington turned to its allies— in this case, Australia. By 1971, Hersh argues that the CIA station in Santiago “was collecting the kind of information that would be essential for a military dictatorship in the days following a coup–lists of civilians to be arrested, those to be provided with protection, and government installations to be occupied immediately.” A year later, Australia “agreed to monitor and control three agents on behalf of the CIA and relay their information to Washington.”

Australia’s involvement in the events following the coup continued for decades. In 1989, journalists Brian Toohey and William Pinwill published a book on ASIS entitled Oyster: The Story of The Australian Secret Intelligence Service. Another Labor administration in Canberra took the authors to court to prevent them from publishing any material on ASIS that had not been vetted by the government. Toohey and Pinwill’s final manuscript was negotiated with officials from ASIS and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It reported that, while the November 1970 CIA proposal for ASIS to become involved in Chile was accepted by the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, ASIS itself “noted there was no vital Australian political or economic interests in Chile at that time.”

In recent years, Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) journalist Florencia Melgar broke the international story that notorious Pinochet secret police agent and alleged torturer Adriana Rivas (at the time on the run from Chilean authorities) was living in Sydney. For the story, Melgar said she submitted a formal request to the Australian government to investigate ASIS activities in Chile, but her request was turned down, and she was “warned” that she “risked legal prosecution” if some of the material she obtained  through Chile’s Foreign Affairs official records went to print.

Thus what Fernandes and his legal team achieved is no small feat. Australia, as an article in the New York Times accurately noted recently, may be the world’s most secretive democracy.

The Contents of the ASIS Station Reports

Although this was the first time reports officially recognized that the Australian government had an ASIS station in Santiago, Chile from 1971 to July 1973, the information published at the NSA is mainly technical. According to the NSA itself, the “documents turned over to Fernandes contain few revelations of actual covert operations, intelligence gathering or liaison relations with the CIA in Chile; those sections of the records are completely censored.”

Most of the communications relate to the difficulties that Australians faced carrying out their tasks in Chile. Reports include comments on everyday events like communication delays, station vehicle deliveries, agent lodgings, and observations like “[a] fluent knowledge of Spanish in SANTIAGO is a necessity.” According to Fernandes, another document notes the difficulty ASIS had in getting a safe while “there are several mentions about how beautiful Chilean women are.”

Despite these seemingly insignificant reports, an April 1973 memorandum states that if Australia’s role in Chile at the request of the CIA became public, Prime Minister Whitlam “would find himself in an extremely difficult political situation as, quite clearly, it would be impossible for him to present the MO9 [ASIS] presence in Santiago as being in the direct Australian national interest.”

The importance of the April 1973 memorandum cannot be understated. Domestically, Whitlam came to power with the support of a large movement against the war in Vietnam. Once in office, his was the most progressive administration Canberra had seen in decades, promoting a wide range of social policies. If Australia’s activities in Chile had been discovered during Whitlam’s term in office, a section of his own Labor base could have become hostile.

By July 1973, the ASIS station was allegedly disbanded, although NSA documents indicate that  “one ASIS agent reportedly stayed in Santiago until after the September 11, 1973, military coup.”

During the time that this final Australian ASIS agent was allegedly in Chile, leftists were being violently tortured and executed by the Chilean military. Peter Kornbluh, Director of Cuba and Chile Documentation Projects at the NSA would not speculate on that agent’s activities.

“That information” said Kornbluh “is contained in still-classified documents that the Australian government should release for the verdict of history.”

Australia and the Pinochet Connection Today

In November, former Pinochet secret police agent Rivas will return to the Federal Court in Sydney to continue fighting her extradition. She is wanted by the judicial system in Chile for the alleged kidnapping and disappearance of seven members of the Chilean Communist Party. Rivas, a former member of the Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (Directorate of National Intelligence, DINA) and personal secretary to Manuel Contreras, the head of Chilean intelligence (1973-1977), has already lost two appeals. The eventual conclusion of her case could set a precedent.

According to Chilean-Australian journalist Juan Miranda, there is “real proof that other members of Pinochet’s secret service” could be “living in Australia.” Miranda claims these possible members of the regime are being investigated, and at some point their presence will be raised with authorities in Australia.

Diego Andrés Peñaloza Pinto is a 28-year-old law graduate from the University of West Sydney whose family emigrated to Australia from Chile in order to escape political persecution. Several of his family members were disappeared or killed by the Chilean secret police.

“It is concerning and disappointing to know that the Australian taxpayer was duped into funding Australia’s involvement in the toppling of a democratically elected government,” said Peñaloza after ASIS’ activities in Chile were confirmed.

Peñaloza’s mother, Sandra del Carmen Pinto, added that it saddens her “that the country that gave me so much helped people that took so much from me.”

Together with 70 Chilean-Australians, Pinto has added her name to an open letter sent to Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) demanding that the Australian government apologise for its participation in the overthrow of the Allende government. The open letter also requests that “the government of Australia declassify all necessary files regarding ASIS activities in Chile in the 1970s.”

Although his work led to the Australian government admitting ASIS role in the overthrow of Allende, Fernandes has few hopes that he will ever see the full declassification of Canberra’s reports on Chile or countries like East Timor and Cambodia. If those reports were published, Fernandes is sure that they would show Australia’s intelligence agencies’ “total immersion in the CIA’s activities.”

The Australian government signed the new strategic defence alliance AUKUS with the U.K. and United States last month to build a series of nuclear-powered submarines and deepen cyber and artificial intelligence cooperation. In light of a recent series of Australian journalists and whistle blowers being threatened with legal actions or even arrested for their attempts to expose abuses by the Australian government, Fernandes’ comments should come as no surprise. Australia’s secretive nature, and who its key international allies are, has largely remained unchanged since September 11, 1973 when president Allende was violently removed from office in Chile.


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Rodrigo Acuña is an independent journalist on Latin American politics and host of Alborada’s Indestructible Podcast. He holds a PhD from Macquarie University. You can follow him on Twitter at @rodrigoac7.

Featured image: President Salvador Allende in Rancagua, Chile in 1971. (Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional Chile, Wikimedia Commons)