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On the latest episode of the “The Defender” podcast, British funeral director John O’Looney told Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. what he witnessed while working on the frontlines of the COVID pandemic in the UK.

O’Looney told Kennedy how the UK media misrepresented COVID to scare the public, how powerful sedatives were overprescribed in senior care homes and how do not resuscitate (DNR) orders were assigned to patients without consent.

O’Looney described how early on in the pandemic, the BBC contacted him for an interview — then turned the interview into a propaganda piece to spread fear. He said the BBC journalist spent 20 minutes going over “what she wanted [him] to say.”

“[The BBC] got me to dress up in full PPE and a face mask, which is not something I would usually do,” he said.

O’Looney told Kennedy that as a funeral director, he witnessed many deaths wrongfully labeled as COVID deaths. For example, he recalled the case of a man “who was hit by a car and [died with] tire marks from his head to his shoulder.” The man’s death was attributed to COVID, O’Looney said.

O’Looney said senior care homes pushed the powerful sedative midazolam on older people. Through the UK’s equivalent of a Freedom of Information Act request, O’Looney discovered UK government purchases of midazolam rose by 300% to 1,000% during the pandemic.

In the U.S., the drug is used for state-sanctioned lethal injections.

O’Looney discussed how during the height of the UK’s COVID spike, DNR orders were given to COVID patients without the patient’s consent or the patient’s family’s consent.

The UK media reported these DNR orders were given predominantly to those with learning and other disabilities.

O’Looney dismissed claims that he’s “anti-vax,” saying he’s had “all vaccines throughout his lifetime with the exception of the COVID vaccine because I see firsthand the damage it’s doing.”

O’Looney also told Kennedy he’s seen an “unprecedented” number of deaths following COVID vaccination.

Listen to the interview here: 

Click here to listen to the podcast.


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Jeremy Loffredo is a freelance reporter for The Defender. His investigative reporting has been featured in The Grayzone and Unlimited Hangout. Jeremy formerly produced news programs at RT America.

Featured image is from CHD

Vaccine Victims Share Adverse Reactions, Loss of Loved Ones

November 26th, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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For 15 years, I rigidly followed all vaccine guidelines, until one of my patients patiently shared a personal testimony about her vaccine-injured son, Jack

She opened my eyes to a reality that I was previously unaware of: that informed consent was practically nonexistent and there were serious medical risks of vaccines being covered up by pharmaceutical companies and the federal government

Serious adverse reactions to COVID-19 shots are occurring, but victims are being silenced and discredited

Vaccine mandates have led to injuries, devastation and deaths — while the brainwashing “get your vaccine now” campaign is being used to divide and conquer

If you want your voice to be heard, I will help you share your testimony; please share your story with us, and encourage others you know who have a story to share theirs


Click here to watch the video.

I want to share a very personal story and confession with you. When I was in medical school in the late ‘70s, I was on the front cover for the national medical student handbook. I’m sharing this photo with you that shows me administering a vaccine. At that time and for the next 15 years, I rigidly followed all vaccine guidelines.

Even when I started seeing patients at my own clinic, I never once questioned the safety of any vaccine and I rejected information from people voicing their concerns. In the late ‘80s, one particularly kind patient of mine, a mother, patiently shared a personal testimony about her vaccine-injured son, Jack.

She opened my eyes to a reality that I was previously unaware of and did not want to accept. She confronted me with clinical data that I could no longer ignore. In the years that followed, I saw more and more parents who had serious fears about certain vaccines; I slowly came to the realization that informed consent was practically nonexistent and there were serious medical risks being covered up by pharmaceutical companies and the federal government.

We are now in the midst of vaccine mandates that have affected nearly every person on the planet. If you don’t know someone personally who has suffered a reaction to these vaccines, you are likely in the minority.

Victims of Adverse Vaccine Reactions Need To Be Heard

Watch the video here.

Sheryl Ruettgers, who is the wife of former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman Ken Ruettgers, is among those who have suffered severe adverse effects from a COVID-19 injection.

Four days after receiving the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 shot in January 2021, Sheryl experienced a severe neurological reaction. She is still experiencing muscle pain, numbness, weakness and paresthesia that inhibit her daily activities.1 When she connected on social media with others who had been injured by the injections, the private pages were shut down.

After connecting with doctors, nurses and other individuals who had experienced firsthand accounts of adverse reactions, the group wrote a letter to Dr. Janet Woodcock, acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It stated:2

“We deserve and strongly request transparency and acknowledgment of these vaccine reactions so that there can be a beginning to the discoveries and developments in the care that we desperately need. Until acknowledgement of these adverse reactions exists, it will be impossible for people to receive care.

We are pleading that you make the medical community aware of these reactions so we can get the medical care that we need and hopefully recover and return to our previously healthy lives.”

The group received no response from federal officials, which led Ken to start the website C19 Vax Reactions,3 for people to share their stories. There you can read over 500 real testimonies of adverse reactions to the shots and view dozens of videos detailing individuals’ reactions.

In one example, 17-year-old Everest Romney received his first dose of the Pfizer shot, and experienced extreme swelling in his arm and neck that night.4 Two days later, the previously healthy athlete was unable to lift his head due to the pain and swelling. A pediatrician dismissed the concerns, blaming them on a sports injury.

His mother insisted on a CT scan, which revealed a blood clot inside his jugular vein on the same side he got the shot. Rare blood clots in his brain were also later revealed. He ended up in the ICU, where doctors still refused to acknowledge that the clots could be linked to the shot.

Adverse Reactions Are Being Ignored

Medical observations from doctors, nurses, first responders, general practitioners and other medical professionals regarding negative vaccine reactions are also included at C19 Vax Reactions. For example, Karen W. stated:5

“I work in andrology in a fertility clinic. The rumors about the increase in miscarriages is not a rumor. It’s real. We are seeing it, and it started when the shots rolled out to the general public, in March/April.”

Another medical professional, Dr. Katherine R., said:6

“I have seen pulmonary emboli, DVTs, psoriasis exacerbations/ diffuse rashes, peripheral neuropathy, and CVAs from the shots. I purposefully look to see when the patient has received their shots. None of my colleagues care to look or ask. It is a nonissue for them. A potential reaction after vaccine is likely to be a coincidence, I’m told.”

Y.D., another doctor, similarly stated:7

“I’ve seen 2 instances of previously localized cancers turn metastatic within a month of the second dose. I’ve seen 1 instance of polyarticular arthritis in an otherwise healthy mid 30’s male. 1 instance of disseminated mucosal vasculitis in a 20 something female. 1 death from a rhinovirus infection after vaccination.”

This is the type of data that need to be collected, analyzed and studied in the midst of this unprecedented injection campaign, but instead those who speak out are silenced or discredited. Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer, developed pericarditis, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and reactive arthritis following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot.8

An ER doctor refused to believe it was an adverse reaction to the jab and instead blamed it on a “psychotic episode.” At the Real, Not Rare rally held in Washington, D.C., Warner spoke before politicians to make a difference in the support level for vaccine-injured people — which is nonexistent in the U.S. — and voice opposition to vaccine mandates.

Their mission is to gain acknowledgement from elected officials and federal health agencies of vaccine adverse reactions and raise awareness within the medical community about these reactions. The Real, Not Rare website has also collected dozens of stories from people who have been injured by COVID-19 shots.9 They also want to stop the denial of certain vaccine exemptions and stop vaccine mandates:10

“Real lives are being affected by ‘not so rare’ consequences. Many vaccine injured individuals are seeking acknowledgment by the media and government so they can receive better healthcare and treatment. Vaccine injured individuals did their part by getting this vaccine, and now they need your help.”

Without Acknowledgment, ‘We Don’t Exist’

In a second letter to the CDC and FDA, dated September 4, 2021, the “ever-growing group of Americans who have suffered severe and ongoing neurological adverse reactions” to the COVID-19 shots, asked for acknowledgement that these reactions exist. “Until you acknowledge us, we simply do not exist,” they wrote, adding:11

“Doctors tell us repeatedly that if neurological reactions were occurring, the medical community would be promptly notified by the CDC and FDA … The experts at the NIH have stated that they believe these reactions are treatable and that early intervention is key to reducing the severity and duration of these disabling reactions.

Given that these adverse reactions are being denied recognition, it is impossible for those who are injured to receive any early intervention and, therefore people remain hopelessly injured.”

Four Categories of Adverse Events Described

While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports cannot be silenced forever. Board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough12detailed the nonfatal syndromes that are occurring after COVID-19 shots, which cause symptoms similar to that of long COVID in many cases. The shot-induced syndromes fall into four areas, the first being cardiac.

In addition to myocarditis, a recognized adverse reaction to the shots, atrial fibrillation in young people and pericarditis can also occur post-COVID-19 shot. The second category of shot-induced syndromes is neurologic, which causes neurological symptoms similar to those among COVID-19 long haulers, as well as additional, more serious, effects. This includes Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can be fatal, bell’s palsy, seizures, persistent headaches and blood clots in the brain.

The third category is immunologic, which includes suppression of lymphocyte count and reactivation of other viral syndromes, including Epstein-Barr virus and shingles. The fourth category — hematologic — occurs about two weeks after the shot and describes vaccine-induced thrombocytopenic purpura.

Signs include bruising all over the body, bleeding from the gums and nose and dark urine. If you notice these signs in the weeks after receiving a COVID-19 injection, get to a hospital immediately.

For those suffering from these shot-induced syndromes, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group’s I-RECOVER13 protocol for long-haul COVID syndrome has been used to treat shot-induced symptoms with similar success. The protocol can be downloaded in full,14 giving you step-by-step instructions on how to treat reactions from COVID-19 injections.

Let Your Voice Be Heard

I am dedicated now more than ever to individuals and families who have been injured by these vaccines. They were not informed of the risks. They believed what they were told — that the vaccines were safe and effective. These people’s lives have been changed forever. They have been isolated, unsupported and shamed; wading through grief in the wake of vaccine mandates established “for the greater good.”

The more devoted I became in supporting the ethical principal of informed consent to medical risk taking — which includes the legal right to make voluntary decisions about getting an experimental injection — the more the attacks from the media, the government and pharmaceutical companies were compounded.

People recognize truth when they see and hear it. We are united in our philosophical opposition to government health officials intimidating, threatening and coercing citizens to violate their conscientiously-held beliefs. Censorship is pervasive; big tech has colluded with dictators and pharmaceutical companies to bury the harms occurring through these experimental vaccines, including death.

If you want your voice to be heard, I will help you share your testimony. Vaccine mandates have led to injuries, devastation and deaths — while the brainwashing “get your vaccine now” campaign is being used to divide and conquer.

One parent’s personal grief shared with me nearly 30 years ago changed my life and opened my eyes. One spark is all that is required to start a fire. There is a revolution building — a revolution for freedom to live your life without medical mandates or dictators calling the shots.

Please share your story with us, and encourage others you know who have a story to share theirs. It’s never been more important than now, for you and your family, to take control of your health.


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1 Ron Johnson, July 2, 2021

2 Children’s Health Defense July 20, 2021

3 C19 Vax Reactions

4 C19 Vax Reactions, Everest Romney’s Mom Speaks Out

5 C19 Vax Reactions, Real Medical Observations, Karen W.

6 C19 Vax Reactions, Real Medical Observations, Katherine R.

7 C19 Vax Reactions, Real Medical Observations, Y.D.

8 YouTube, Dr. John Campbell, Kyle’s Vaccine Complication October 21, 2021, 1:01

9 Real Not Rare, Real Stories

10 Real Not Rare, Our Purpose

11 C19 Vax Reactions, Letter to CDC and FDA, September 4, 2021

12 YouTube October 25, 2021

13, 14 FLCCC Alliance, I-RECOVER

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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‘These rental companies are taking the law into their own hands. If we allow this to happen, what will be next and who will find themselves without a place to live?’

A prominent rental housing provider in the Canadian province of Alberta has told all tenants and prospective tenants that they must get COVID jabs if they want full access to his buildings.

“Vaccination of everyone in our community is the only way we are going to get through this pandemic and back to a sense of normalcy,” said Riaz Mamdani, founder and CEO of Strategic Group, in an October 28 press release. 

“The safety of our team and our residents is a top priority, so ensuring full vaccination across the board is the least we can do.” 

Many people do not want to take the COVID-19 inoculations, however, because they are not proven to be safe. Millions of injuries and thousands of deaths have been reported in connection with the jabs. Meanwhile, many Catholics and other Christians are opposed to the novel medical products because cell lines derived from aborted babies were used in either their development or their testing.

Strategic Group’s  press release says that the property company “now requires that all employees, residents, and prospective residents be vaccinated.” 

Even someone who wants to view one of the Strategic Group’s apartments must prove he or she has had the COVID jabs.  

Existing tenants will be required to show they have been jabbed to access fitness facilities and recreation rooms.  

Strategic Group says that anyone “unable to be vaccinated (i.e., children under the age of 12) is exempt until able to receive a vaccine.” 

“These rules apply to all of Strategic Group’s residential communities in Alberta.” 

The company owns over 1,500 one- and two-bedroom apartments in Calgary and Edmonton.  

“And we’d like to see other landlords implement the same policy… It will help to end this pandemic,” Steman continued. 

“We’ve had really good feedback from our tenants.”  

CEO Mamdani said that the company’s new policy was inspired by residents telling them that “they value knowing that all their neighbours are vaccinated—they feel even safer in their own homes.” He also claimed that there had been no “pushback from prospective residents when we ask for proof of vaccination prior to doing tours.”  

Mandating the COVID jab for renters ‘sets a dangerous precedent’ 

Eva Chipiuk, a lawyer for the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), told LifeSiteNews that landlords imposing COVID jab mandates “sets a dangerous precedent in Alberta and in Canada.”  

“According to this renter’s policy, you do not deserve a roof over your head unless you have taken an experimental injection,” said Chipiuk. 

“Such a policy, utterly unthinkable two years ago, is now frighteningly announced with pride,” she added.   

“Under what authority is this policy being made?”  

Chipiuk told LifeSiteNews that even laws about “not smoking indoors went through rigorous debate in government houses.” 

“This is not the same. These rental companies are taking the law into their own hands. If we allow this to happen, what will be next and who will find themselves without a place to live?” the lawyer asked.  

The Canadian Press reported that John Dickie, the president of the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations, said that the Strategic Group’s COVID jab mandate is the first he has heard of in Canada.  

Dickie said that he thinks it “possible” that some landlords will follow the Strategic Group’s jab policy, but he does not think this would be “very widespread.”  

“We’re not the health police,” said Dickie.  

“Rental housing providers realize people need housing. We’re not in the habit of inquiring into people’s political views.”  

Landlord-tenant lawyer says landlords have ‘no control over a tenant’s guests’ 

In August, Caryma Sa’d, a Toronto-based landlord-tenant lawyer, wrote a legal analysis called ““Can landlords demand tenants be vaccinated, unvaccinated?” for the online Lawyers’ Daily.  

Sa’d wrote that “landlords cannot simply make unilateral changes to the terms of the agreement, which would include imposing proof of vaccination as a condition of the tenancy.”  

“This would prevent a landlord from attempting to evict a tenant based on vaccination status, unless it can be established that the tenant is substantially interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of others within the unit or otherwise causing serious problems at the residential complex because of their vaccination status,” the lawyer continued.  

Sa’d noted that a landlord has “no control over a tenant’s guests, including their vaccination status.” 

“The landlord can only intervene if those guests are contributing to overcrowding of the rental unit or engage in belligerent or disruptive behaviour that affects other tenants and the reasonable enjoyment of their own units.” 

When it comes to new renters, Sa’d wrote that a landlord “cannot discriminate on prohibited grounds such as age, race, gender, and disability under the Code when choosing between prospective tenants.” 

Sa’d noted that many people have refused the jab due “to potential health complications” and that excluding them would “directly contravene the Code on its face unless a reasonable accommodation — such as waiving the vaccine requirement — is provided.”  

Sa’d also wrote that it is “unlikely that evictions will be granted based on vaccination status. Similarly, considering vaccination status when selecting prospective tenants is discriminatory on its face.” 

The COVID-19 injections approved for emergency use in Canada, including the Pfizer jab for residents age 5 and up, all have connections to cells derived from aborted babies. 

Despite the Canadian government praising the effectiveness of the COVID jabs, trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. In fact, their advocates no longer claim they reduce hospitalization; the measure of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19. 


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The pandemic is contrived for sinister motives. Everything connected with Covid is Junk Science foisted on a fearful and gullible world. The virus, the lock downs, the masks, the abuse of PCR for diagnosis, the temperature checks at commercial entrances, the ubiquitous little bottles of alcohol, the relentless propaganda and most especially the soon-to-be-mandatory lethal injections are all Junk Science.

The people behind all this are masters – or hire masters – of crowd psychology and have the most sinister and evil intentions for all of us. – Anonymous, Comment 651, “The Covid Debate: To Vaxx or Not to Vaxx,” Unz Review, 15 August, 2021

Doing More Harm Than Good

The development, distribution and injection of COVID jabs gives new meaning to the term, “deregulation.” From beginning to end, the whole process appears to be devoid of hard-and-fast rules. Tried-and-true methods have been overturned for no apparent reason. Old methods have been set aside. These abandoned methods have sought to priorize the safety, wellbeing and security of patients over the business interests of drug makers, hospital owners and medical practitioners.  

It is made to seem like the only imperative that is consistently pursued is the push plunge COVID jabs into as many arms as possible as fast and as widely distributed as possible. Other than that, the underlying philosophy could be described as… dam the reports of extremely harmful health impacts… full steam ahead.

Nothing is allowed to get in the way of the carrot and stick approach to raising the numbers of injected people. No matter how lethal, how injurious, or how fraught with other catastrophic consequences, the mass inoculation project is being pushed forward at warp speed without any decent regard for the precautionary principle.

Great precaution should accompany the introduction into the biosphere of all new technologies, but especially those affecting living organisms and delicate biological relationships among them. The precautionary principle has particular bearing on experiments that alter the biological workings of human beings, both individually and collectively as when contagious illness is involved.

A mostly compliant medical profession is largely going along with the infraction of many professional promises, sacred trusts, and obligations in pushing forward the scheme of jabbing every arm with untested medical products. By being instrumental in advancing the project of near-universal inoculation, scores of medical practitioners as well as the leadership of most of their professional associations and colleges are conspicuously going against a core provision of the Hippocratic oath.

On an unprecedented scale, medical doctors have been violating their professional vow that they will do no harm. In Israel, for instance, 59% of new hospitalizations for COVID-19 are fully vaccinated. This statistic is just one of a barrage of indicators that the push towards the universal vaccination of national populations is doing more harm than good.

Many vaccinated people are themselves spreading viral contagion and becoming sick themselves reportedly from the “Delta Variant.” The Delta Varian is one of many mutations of the supposedly new coronavirus. 

See this.

The propagandistic press to maximize the number of injection recipients exposes a pervasive disregard for the terms of the Nuremburg Code. The Nuremburg Code was created as part of the victors’ justice trial of the Hitlerian brain trust. The Nuremberg Code stipulates that human subjects in medical experiments must not be coerced into taking part. Nor should those seeking to become human subjects in medical tests be denied the conditions enabling them to give truly informed consent for their decision to participate.

Vaccines and Bioweapons

How can the requirements of informed consent be fulfilled by glitzy advertising campaigns that consistently overstate the benefits and blatantly ignore the risks of taking the jabs? What does the publicized testimony of movie stars, pop singers, sports heroes, and business moguls have to do with enabling human subjects in medical experiments to realistically evaluate the nature of the possible dangers facing them?  

In this instance, basic experimental protocols were left behind when the designers of the experimental procedures made humans stand in for lab rats and guinea pigs in the course of initial tests.

A decision was made to bypass the usual medical procedure of trying out new medical products by administering them first to animals.

Our thanks to Large and JIPÉM

This caricature by Large + JIPÉM  explains our predicament:

Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”,

Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”

There is good reason to believe that this strategy was deployed because, every attempt so far to make vaccines that would stop the spread of coronaviruses came to an end with the death of animal test subjects. Both the common cold and the flu infections are caused by coronaviruses that form the proprietary basis of at least 4000 patents according to patent attorney David E. Martin.  See this. 

Martin’s research and professional involvement in what might be labeled the coronavirus industry call into question whether COVID-19 is a genuinely new coronavirus. In his publications and filmed commentaries, Martin is developing compelling characterizations of the overlap between the development of bioweapons and vaccines that create the context from which COVID-19 virus and the COVID jabs emerged.   

Image on the right is from Children’s Health Defense

The experimental phase in the production of the COVID jabs is still underway.

In fact the COVID jabs continue to be the objects of the largest experiment on human subjects ever mounted. Martin makes it clear that, in his view, the proper culmination of this saga of malfeasance should end up with the multiple criminal prosecutions of the likes of Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Zheng-Li Shi, Bill Gates, Dr. Neil Ferguson and many more.   See this.

David Martin also takes aim at an elaborate Canadian aspect of the unfolding scandal. This scandal continues to swirl in and around the nefarious business activities of many culprits including those of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. See this.

Martin points to the role of the Life Sciences Institute at the University of British Columbia in developing systems for the movement of lipid nanoparticles in the architecture of “gene therapy” products including the COVID jabs developed by Pfizer and Moderna. See this.

The UBC initiative produced two spin-off companies, Arbutus Biopharma and Acuitus Therapeutics. Along with Alnylan Pharmaceuticals, these entities seem to have a place in the combination of military and medical research that has been taking place at the Level 4 Pathogen Biolab in Winnipeg Manitoba. Many questions have been asked about the movement of lethal viruses from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.  See this.

This questioning led to a significant finding by investigative journalist Elaine Dewar. She discovered that Xiangguo Qui, who held high-ranking research positions in both the Winnipeg lab and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, collaborated closely with Wei Chen, a prominent Chinese virologist who holds the rank of Major-General in the People’s Liberation Army. Qui, for instance, helped General Chen in conducting Ebola research in the Winnipeg Lab.

The Wuhan Lab is the home institution of Zheng-Li Shi, an authority in bats and coronaviruses. Zheng-Li Shi worked closely with Ralph Baric and other US-funded researchers at the University of North Carolina on Gain of Function projects. Gain of Function research seeks to render viruses more dangerous to human health. Some of this research activity took place after 2014 at the Wuhan Lab, the institution with the world’s largest collection of coronaviruses. See this.

The Canadian facet of this narrative forms an aspect of the still answered questions about where COVID-19 virus originated. Only recently it was deemed to be heresy to veer away from the interpretation that the virus jumped from an animal to COVID victim number one in an open market in Wuhan.

Then suddenly it became acceptable to surmise that the virus has some of its origins in one or more labs, including possibly the Fort Detrick Lab in Maryland. Those who think the organism leaked from a Chinese lab sometimes point to Xiangguo Qui’s operation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Ron Unz counters this interpretation by arguing that COVID-19 is a US-made bioweapon released by a US soldiers at the Wuhan Military Olympics in October of 2019. See this.

Citizens and Wards

The mass inoculation is being pushed forward without even rudimentary adherence to the need for medical screening and consultation on a case-by-case basis. Instead, the one-size-fits-all approach is being deployed with a stunning degree of disregard for the unique set of medical issues adhering to every individual patient. This standardized approach to mass vaccinations treats all recipients as if they are identical organisms being processed on a medical assembly line.

Such a stark display of deregulatory zeal in this hit-and-miss display of health care on-the-fly is unlike anything that has come before it. I am not aware of any episode in history that even comes close to the systemic failure of many professional figures to adhere to even the most basic rules, standards, procedures and protocols in the creation, distribution and delivery of COVID jabs. The jabbing began in the final days of 2020.

To re-iterate, it seems that the existing public health rulebook has been trashed in the rush to come as close as possible to universalizing the jabs. These COVID jabs do not prevent disease transmission even as they set up vaccine recipients as major sites of viral mutations meant to perpetuate the manufactured COVID crisis. The weight of evidence points to the conclusion that the decision to draw out and exploit the crisis, rather than to end it, has been entirely purposeful on the part of those seeking to extend the magnitude of their wealth and worldly power.

Image below: Dr. Mike Yeadon (Source: The Last American Vagabond / Odysee)

The program of mass vaccinations is meant to advance the global imposition of vaccine mandates as the basis of more elaborate systems of so-called vaccine passports. Former Pfizer Vice-President, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has warned us of a major motivation driving this imposition of vaccine mandates. These mandates are meant help create the foundations for the future development of a standardized and universalized means of amassing data on every person on earth. See this.

The imposition of vaccine passports by various authorities is already quite far advanced in, for instance, France, Italy and Israel. There the imposition of medical apartheid, separating out the Vaxxed from the unvaxxed, is being pushed ahead against considerable popular resistance.   See this.

If rendered pervasive and comprehensive, the extension of the vaccine passports could be exploited to bring about many new departures in history.  The collection of data could extend beyond the health realm to cover, for instance, finances, education, employment, networks of friends and families, police records, sexual orientations and proclivities, as well the DNA attributes of every person on earth. This list is far from complete. The process of vaccination is one means of inserting into humans the nanotechnology of bio-digital interfaces.

So far China is leading the world in the collection of genetic information from human genomes that can be readily computed and conveyed on the Internet. See this.

The Chinese government’s collection of DNA data is thought to extend beyond its own people to other parts of the world including the United States. In fact questions have been raised about whether or not DNA information is being garnered from COVID-19 testing and then channeled to China. See this. 

Genetic information on individuals and groups is increasingly valuable in many applications including in the development of Artificial Intelligence. The combination of advancements in biological and AI research is extending the potential of so-called transhumanism into deepest recesses of consciousness, capacity and behavioral modifications. The mastery of data systems facilitating the extension of surveillance and control provide their owners and operators with levers to repress, enslave and rule a tyrannized civilization on scale far more menacing than anything we have seen thus far.

One means of repression would be to combine control of the movement of money in a cashless society with a system of social credits and demerits. Social credit systems could be made to merge with the means of switching on or off the conditions of life or death, the conditions of incarceration or freedom of movement.  

One way of conceptualizing the changes being sought through vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, or “green passes” as already exist in Israel, is to picture these initiatives as procedures to remake fundamental attributes of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The promise of a return to something like citizenship is apparently to be reserved for those who agree to risk their lives and future health by receiving the injections.

This promise of citizenship for the vaccinated comes after people began to be treated in 2020 without their consent as wards of their respective governments. The demotion of populations from citizens to wards occurred along with the mass submission of people to the house arrests, also known as lockdowns. The relationship between wards and governments is similar to the legal relationship that puts children under parental custody.

Tens of Thousands, or Hundreds of Thousands, or Millions of Injection Deaths?

2021 is the year when the COVID jabs came on stream. The producers of these jabs received contingent emergency use authorization from corrupted regulatory agencies that have broken many of their own rules. This failure of regulation forms an aspect of deregulation. A telling marker of this autocratic control of health care is that that we cannot presently be sure whether the number of deaths already caused by the jabs is to be counted in the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or the millions.

This astounding level of uncertainty is not only allowed, but it is seemingly tightly guarded by government and media authorities that have allowed themselves to become tools of those who have engineered this manufactured COVID crisis. How could a medical experiment of this magnitude be allowed to go forward without a credible overseeing agency to capture, assess and report on core indicators of the success or failure in this venture into the medical terra incognito?

The uncertainty over the number of vaccine injuries and deaths is a recent manifestation of the web of deception accompanying most statistical evaluation of the pandemic. So-called “case numbers” were tremendously inflated through the misapplication of inaccurate PCR tests. These tests were produced with the intent of obfuscating statistics to create public acceptance of lockdowns.

Similarly, the numbers used to report COVID deaths have were radically inflated in ways that allowed significant changes in the wording of rules for issuing of death certificates. Many nursing home occupants who died of co-morbidities were automatically counted as if they passed away exclusively from COVID-19.

Now the focus of controversy has shifted to the numbers of people suffering vaccine deaths and injuries. Instead of inflating the statistics as happened in in the reporting of COVID cases and deaths, the emphasis is now on deflating numbers of fatalities and disabilities caused by the injections.

One of the difficulties in this process is that every country has its own system for counting vaccine deaths and injuries. Moreover, where GAVI-connected organizations like the World Health Organizations and the Johns Hopkins medical establishment were fast to present the big global picture on supposed COVID cases and deaths, the same is not true when it comes to the reporting of the international rate of deaths and injuries from the COVID vaccines.

The United States has the VAERS system. See this.

The European Medicines Authority reports similar figures for the EU area. The Yellow Card system does the same for the United Kingdom. Other reports come from, for instance, Canada, Australia, Israel, India, Malaysia and Japan. Generally speaking the effort seems to be to leave the public in the dark about the negative consequences flowing from primary means on offer to lower COVID symptoms.

While the VAERS system reports about 13,000 vaccine deaths as of mid-August, a whistle blower earlier declared in an affidavit that the real figure is more like 45,000. A study of the effectiveness of the VAERS system estimated that only 1% of vaccine deaths and injuries get reported. If that assessment is accurate, then the real number of deaths in the United States alone could be 1.3 million.

Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-!9 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.

Below are the latest data as at 30 August 2021:

EU/EEA/Switzerland to 28 August 2021 – 23,252 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 2,166,285 injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.

UK to 18 August 2021 – 1,609 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 1,165,636 injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.

USA to 20 August 2021 – 13,627 Covid-19 injection related deathsand 2,932,001 injuries, per VAERS database.

TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 38,488 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 6,263,922 injuries reported as at 30 August 2021.   

Source: D4CE

Copious anecdotal evidence points to the insistence of many medical authorities that they do not want to investigate let a lone report and treat vaccine deaths and injuries. The reporting takes a considerable amount of time and it is not remunerated. Some medical professional clearly fear that by even acknowledging let alone treating vaccine deaths and injuries, they will bring on the professional reproaches of their colleagues.

The failure to set up reliable and credible systems for reporting vaccine deaths and injuries before embarking upon this huge medical experiment is indicative of incompetence or bad intent or both. Joseph Mercola discussed this phenomenon in early July of 2021 just before he was targeted by the Biden White House as one of the “Disinformation Dozen.” In an article entitled, “COVID Vaccine Deaths and injuries Are Secretly Buried,” Mercola writes

Failing to require vaccine makers to put together a comprehensive system to capture adverse event data is a sign of incompetence at best. But that’s not all. The FDA really starts appearing deceitful when refusing to acknowledge that the VAERS reports indicate there are problems. To call “coincidence” more than 35,000 times is simply not believable, and to dismiss the risks of permanent disability and death as being “worth it” is beyond heartless, seeing how we have safe and effective treatments and no one actually needs to gamble their health on an experimental gene therapy. See this.

The inability of people to know if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of humans have already died from vaccines is indicative of a highly deregulated process. This phenomenon edifies the great weight of evidence that deception and obfuscation are being made to prevail, not the precision and transparency associated with conscientious adherence to the scientific method.

Another indicator of bad faith by unethical regulators is the paucity of autopsies done on the corpses of people who die shortly after vaccinations. In the manufactured COVID crisis, autopsies are either not encouraged or outright discouraged. What would account for such a lack of curiosity to get to the bottom of what is really going on in causing vaccine deaths? Neither are health officials encouraged to collect and analyse vaccine vials, a frequent practise in the era before the supposedly new coronavirus dominated the entire infrastructure of health care. See this.

Clot Shots

Among lethal ingredients of the witches’ brews in the clot shots being pushed upon us so aggressively, are ingredients whose effect is the mass replication of HIV-containing spike proteins. The fertility-destroying clot shots contain the means of replicating blood-damaging spike proteins throughout the huge extent of the inside surfaces of the veins and arteries and many miles of tiny capillary channels that constitute our cardio-vascular systems. The disruption of blood cells and blood flows is particularly intense in female uteruses and male testes so that the COVID jabs may well be creating the basis for much infertility.

Expectations that the COVID vaccines contained the capacity to generate blood clots, blood hemorrhaging, thrombosis, and ailments of the heart were already well advanced among many medical practitioners well before these problems began to attract significant publicity. In a letter dated 28 February, 2021 to Emer Cooke, Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency, twelve medical authorities, all distinguished in their respective medical fields, demanded answers to key questions. They asserted that these questions deserved evidence-based answers before the granting of emergency use authorization to the three vaccine makers.

The terms of the request by Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE) were outlined as follows:

Should all such evidence not be available, we demand that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn until all the above issues have been properly addressed by the exercise of due diligence by the EMA. [Their bold italics]

There are serious concerns, including but not confined to those outlined above, that the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by the EMA was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute “human experimentation”, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

In view of the urgency of the situation, we request that you reply to this email within seven days and address all our concerns substantively. Should you choose not to comply with this reasonable request, we will make this letter public See this.

Of the 7 points outlined, 3 of them contend that the gene therapy vaccines would do extensive damage to vascular systems and the blood flowing through them. Not surprisingly the language is quite technical beginning with a reference to “endothelial damage.” Such damage would involve injury to the inside walls of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The doctors explain,

4. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that endothelial damage with subsequent triggering of blood coagulation via platelet activation will ensue at countless sites throughout the body. We request evidence that this probability was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

5. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that this will lead to a drop in platelet counts, appearance of D-dimers in the blood, and to myriad ischaemic lesions throughout the body including in the brain, spinal cord and heart. Bleeding disorders might occur in the wake of this novel type of DIC-syndrome including, amongst other possibilities, profuse bleedings and haemorrhagic stroke. We request evidence that all these possibilities were excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

6. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on platelets, which results in their activation Thrombocytopenia has been reported in severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Thrombocytopenia has also been reported in vaccinated individuals. We request evidence that the potential danger of platelet activation that would also lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was excluded with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.

Here is yet more evidence that the European drug regulators were negligent in heeding the intervention of well-known authorities in their fields. In ignoring the well-founded scientific intervention of 28 February, the regulators only heeded the interests of the pharmaceutical companies, not the interests of the public. Negligence in regulation tends to translate into effective deregulation.

Deregulation and the Public Interest

Generally speaking, deregulation subjects most people together with our governments to increased levels of corporate rule. Hence, deregulation favors the power of wealth over the power of average people. The proliferation of deregulation itself is a reflection of the reality that ordinary people have been shown to “have little or no independent influence” on government policies. See this.

Deregulation is a word popularized in the 1980s when US President Ronald Reagan promised that he would free corporations from intrusive government interference in their business activities. The deregulation of the Wall Street-based financial services industry in 1999 led directly to huge excesses in the manipulation of a large array of weird financial instruments known as derivatives. Derivatives derive value from underlying assets including commodities, money, and stocks. In 2008 the exuberant excesses of betting on derivatives crashed stock markets and local economies throughout the world.

The very financial institutions whose excessive speculation had caused the financial debacle in the first place were then empowered to raid national treasuries. In the name of deregulation, the big Wall Street banks and their international partners helped themselves to $29 trillion in bailout funds This Federal Reserve giveaway to large financial institutions was funded on the basis of secretly foisting massive debts on the shoulders of taxpayers. See this.

With Wall Street’s BlackRock Inc serving as a kind of proxy for the big banks that own controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the deregulated money spigots are once again being opened up in 2021. The creation of new money is finding its way into all manner of nefarious activities including the creation of political slush funds to reward cronies of governing kleptocrats. The secretive expansion of the money supply stems largely from the attempt to smooth over the economic wreckage brought about through the proliferation of house arrests, unemployment, and small business failures done in the name of government-mandated COVID lockdowns.

The current round of highly-inflationary money creation is replicating and extending many of the most kleptocratic patterns established in response to the bank-generated economic meltdown of 2008. See this.

Once again a disproportionately large portion of the new money being generated, is going to enrich the already wealthy by further indebting the most indebted class of citizens. This pattern is being replicated across many forms of deregulation. Typically, most of the rewards of deregulation go to the interests of privilege while the financial security, health, and overall wellbeing of those inhabiting the middle and bottom portions of socio-economic hierarchies are severely undermined.

The waging of class assault directed downward on the masses from the very pinnacles of wealth and power is well illustrated by the financial dimensions of the manufactured COVID crisis. This crisis is providing cover for secret manipulations by financial insiders in the process of bringing about the greatest upward transfer of monetary wealth in history. Billionaires are making a killing while the middle class is being decimated to create a society polarized between rich and poor with very little in between.

This propensity is well demonstrated during lockdowns when big box store chains like Costco and Wal-Mart can remain open while local governments regularly shut down ma-and-pa businesses by the score. Wall Street gets the gravy while the small business entrepreneurs on Main Street are regularly shut down and forced out of business. See this.

The Industrial Capture of Regulatory Agencies 

Deregulation is not always bad. Sometimes regulatory regimes become so onerous and complex that they need to be cut back. Deregulation, however, generally has grave destructive impact when industries succeed in taking over regulatory agencies in ways that impact the quality of our food, air, and water.

The same is true of pharmaceutical drugs, a commercial realm where pharmaceutical companies seed their own agents throughout government agencies like Health Canada, the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Authority, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the National Institute of Health. Throughout the manufactured COVID crisis Anthony Fauci, a major owner of patents in fields where he exercises regulatory authority, has become an embodiment of the kind of conflict-of-interest where the industrial capture of the regulatory authority of governments has become the rule rather than the aberration.  

The manufactured COVID crisis is presenting us with an especially stark example of how readily the deregulation of the provision of health care can be exploited by the interests of wealth and power. This exploitation gravely disadvantages the public interest. The public interest is best expressed in the application of common sense to public policy.

With deregulation, industries took control of regulating their own commercial activities.

A major aim of most deregulation is to privatize the accumulation of more wealth by the already wealthy and to leave the expense of, say, industrial clean up or the rehabilitation of injured or traumatized workers to be covered out of the purses of taxpayers. A classic illustration of this pattern is the government agreement going back to 1986 to indemnify vaccine manufacturers against being sued.

Pharmaceutical companies thereby privatize profits from the vaccine business even as they pass on to average citizens the expense of the damage their industry leaves behind. The heaviest weight of this expense comes in the form of the gruesome suffering accompanying vaccine deaths and injuries imposed on victims and their families.

The government decision to render drug companies immune from the damage that they do continues in full force at this point in the manufactured COVID crisis.

The corruption of the regulatory process was put on full display in the sweetheart deal extended by the FDA to the Pfizer Company in late August. Pfizer was able to retain the emergency use authorization extended to its existing COVID vaccine. This emergency use authorization is based on the false claim that vaccines are the sole remedy available to fight the viral illness. Along with unfounded claim comes a continuation of Pfizer’s immunity from being sued.

At the same time the FDA gave full approval to a presently non-existent vaccine to be named Comirnaty. The closed-door process leading to the granting of this approval did not entail even a meeting of the FDA’s already rigged oversight committee. It seems that the approval to Pfizer is intended to weaken resistance to the imposition of vaccine mandates on many classes of workers, soldiers, students, travellers and such.

The new Comirnaty product has “approval” but it lacks indemnification for Pfizer against being sued. It seems unlikely that Pfizer will release for public distribution the Comirnaty gene therapy concoction until it is indemnified. It remains unclear if Comirnaty will do double duty as the replacement for the current Pfizer BioNTech product as well as a booster shot against the Delta Variant that is said to be targeting vaccinated people most aggressively.  See this.

The whole boondoggle of the emergency use authorization depends on the fiction that vaccines offer the only remedies for COVID-19. That thesis has been shown to be false by Drs. Vladimir Zelenko and Didier Raoult. There are a number of very effective remedies for the viral infection named COVID-19. These include hydroxychloroquine with zinc as well ivermectin. These more natural remedies are not patented. Hydroxychloroquine was wrongfully sidelined through a very ambitious fraud involving Lancet magazine and a concocted company of liars known as Surgisphere. See this.

Immunizing Ourselves Against Herd Stupidity

The violation of so many fundamental rules of scientific methodology, standard medical procedures, and normal public health practices are by and large not inadvertent. The violations have instead been calculated to establish a host of very significant precedents. Taken together these precedents are meant to set in motion significant transformations in the political economy of human interactions with one another and the rest of nature.  

These precedents are being set at a moment in history when humanity is at the point of almost unfathomable change. We are facing ecological, financial and government breakdown on a massive scale. We are facing the breakdown of family values and all manner of social cohesion in a milieu where we are subject to destructive assaults coming at us from many directions. These assaults are emanating especially from Israel First Zionists of various religious backgrounds.

Unlike the fictions attached to Muslim patsies set up on 9/11 as enemies to be spurned and invaded, the malicious dividers seem genuinely to despise our freedoms. These foes clearly want to sabotage the best of our Western civilizational inheritances that are currently being both protected and menaced by competing streams of Christianity.    

While these are times of tragic breakdown and wreckage we also face a range of new opportunities that could be ours if we could get a sane and constructive handle on many powerful new technologies already in our midst or fast coming our way. We cannot surrender to the exclusive jurisdiction of the very rich the design of how these new technologies are to be configured.   

Presently Bill Gates embodies the very antithesis of this sane approach we need to technological innovation. Gates’ career trajectory from the Microsoft monopoly to Monsanto’s GMOs and now to depopulation through vaccine eugenics represents a concerted and profoundly destructive effort to limit the range of our possible destinies.

The manufactured COVID crisis is calculated to chain us to a future of captivity before we have had a chance to properly survey, assess, and debate the full range of our options in a time of great technological transformation.

We have much to sort out and discuss before rushing ahead with any plan to alter ourselves genetically or to mix our biology with the computational power of Artificial Intelligence. In order to regain some say in determining our own destinies we must insist on a return to informed consent as the basis of every aspect of our self-governance.

The manufactured COVID crisis created a platform for those who seized the initiative to display the utter poverty and profanity of their xenophobic conception of where we should be headed.

The lack of any focus on the phenomenal character of our natural immunity reveals the Godless and sterile style of their impoverished thinking. Let’s begin to make our stand by actively cultivating and exercising the tremendous capacities of our own immune systems. Let’s immunize ourselves against anymore lapses into herd stupidity.    


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Dr. Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research

Featured image is from Inga –

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As more data revels less benefit to vaccination status; and additional data reveals vaccinated individuals are becoming the group with the most adverse health outcomes; the scientific and medical community -writ large- are facing increased scrutiny to justify the public benefit of a seemingly endless booster approach with little upside.

In essence, what good are all these vaccinations; and specifically all the rules of proving your vaccinated status vis-a-vis passports; if the vaccinated can still be infected and spread the virus?   The voices asking this question are growing more loud by the day.  Then, all of a sudden….

Isn’t that convenient?  A new variant that tamps down the issue of questioning science about why the vaccine doesn’t seem to work.  It appears the COVID science always has a way to explain why the COVID science may not work.

SKY NEWS – Scientists have raised concerns about a new variant of coronavirus that has an “extremely high number” of mutations that vaccines may not protect the human body against.

The B.1.1.529 variant was first detected in Botswana, Africa in November with subsequent infections confirmed through genome sequencing in South Africa and in a traveller from Hong Kong after returning from the Rainbow Nation.

Only ten cases have been reported across the world but health experts believe it could have spread further than three countries as nations ease COVID-19 restrictions and restart international travel.

The latest variant has 32 spike mutations in the spike protein, the part of the virus that most vaccines use to boost the immune systems against the highly infectious disease.

Mutations in spike protein can affect the virus’ ability to infect cells within the body and spread but also makes it difficult for immune cells to attack the pathogen. The worrying number of mutations mean it could evade immunity.  (read more)

Not to worry, I’m confident a few more scientific lockdowns, distance rules, masks, travel restrictions, compliance checks and booster shots will be able to overcome it.  After all, it would be terrible if those COVID quarantine camps were built and then not used.

Nancy Pelosi is a smart lady:


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Everyone thinks that if the jabs were really dangerous, doctors and other healthcare workers would be speaking out about it. They are wrong. Here are the four main reasons they do not speak out.

It’s too hard to ignore all the vaccine injured kids showing up in the ER nowadays.

I just heard a story from a friend who went to the lab for a stress echocardiagram.

In the waiting room with her are 4 kids aged 7 to 10 years old with their moms. She talked to the moms. The kids were all suffering from tachycardia (heart rate that beats way too fast) and waiting to be tested.

Two important things you need to know:

  1. All the kids were recently vaccinated.
  2. Kids that age NEVER get tachycardia (i.e., the medical experts I’ve talked to have never seen it before in their careers).

There are close to 10,000 adverse event types elevated by the COVID vaccines. Here’s a list of the adverse events most elevated compared to “normal.” In the #2 position: heart rate, elevated by nearly 8,000 times normal.

So why aren’t we hearing about these stories from mainstream doctors?

Here are some reasons very few people are speaking out:

  1. Fear of job loss. Nobody wants to lose their job. Look what happened to Deborah Conrad and others who speak out. Fired within hours after speaking out. So the lab technicians who are now seeing kids with tachycardia just keep their mouth shut. They know something is very wrong, but their job is more important. Besides, if they spoke out, it wouldn’t make any difference since they are just a lab technician. Doctors have a similar problem. The medical system, despite claims of physician autonomy, actually offers very little, as it takes very little to be thrown out of the system. Medicare, the FDA, a state medical board, a malpractice insurer, the DEA, a hospital medical staff, an employer – you only have to cross one of these to have your career ruined. Combine that with the idea that most physicians wouldn’t be willing to stand against a medical establishment agency such as the CDC (the ones who will have long since been ostracized) and that to do so would require a huge amount of energy and time spent on medical paper research to make a case (and most docs don’t have time for that) and that most of medicine is necessarily a form of group think anyway. Then add on to it that the policy makers in large medical corporations roles are more immediately to protect the interests of the corporation than to “save the world,” and you arrive at our current situation.
  2. Belief that COVID is even worse than the vaccine injuries. Many people are deceived by erroneous reports that the number of vaccine cases (e.g., of myocarditis) are occurring far less often now that the vaccines have been rolled out. Dr. John Su is the big culprit here because he’s never told the world that VAERS is under-reported. The pediatric cardiologists know what is going on, but they aren’t going to say anything due to #1. So I see doctors tweeting the myth that “sure, there is myo after the vaccine, but the rates due to COVID are worse so the vaccine is the better of the two options.”
  3. Belief that the injuries are really rare. I know a doctor who treats vaccine injured patients. He has no clue whether these are every single vaccine injured patient in the US or he’s only seeing a tiny fraction of the injuries. He believes he’s seeing them all so writes it off as just “coincidence” and “bad luck” since if it was the vaccine, the CDC would have spotted it.
  4. Cognitive dissonance/trust in authority figures. They are so convinced the vaccines are safe (since nobody else is speaking out), that any adverse events that happen must be due to something else. Positive feedback loop.
  5. Belief that they can treat you for your vaccine side effects, but that they can’t treat you if you have COVID. So lesser of two evils. And of course, they think no early treatments work, so they think they are doing you a favor by telling you to get the vaccine.
  6. Belief that there is no viable alternative for treating COVID and that the vaccines work. So even 100,000 dead or injured people is better than 750,000 dead people from COVID.
  7. Trust in the NIH and CDC. If it was a problem, the CDC would tell people. Telling people isn’t their job. Their job is to follow the direction set by the experts.
  8. Fear of being ostracized. People who do research fear if they speak out they would be labelled as anti-vaxers and their research would thus be discredited.
  9. Critical thinkers have been fired. Hospitals and medical facilities have already fired vaccine hesitant employees per vaccine mandates thereby self selecting for vax believers.
  10. They think that the side-effects show that the vaccine is “working.” This is more of a patient thing. It’s how the patients look at their adverse events… as a positive thing. (You really can’t make this stuff up.)
  11. They are being paid to look the other way. The federal government gave “grants” (aka BRIBES) to hospitals and physicians to promote the vaccines. If they speak out against them now, the government will demand the grants are repaid. [A physician reported this to me on Telegram. You really can’t make this stuff up.]
  12. They will lose their research funding if they publish their results. See this tweet.

Some of the best comments from my followers

Texan First wrote:

Easy to explain, from one point of view. They made it impossible for independent Drs to practice medicine. They have had to join large group practices or work for an organization like Kaiser, etc. or hospital systems. They quickly lose their autonomy to practice medicine, as they now have a “boss”. So if they speak out about the vaccines, fired, can’t prescribe certain meds(ivermectin)fired. Hubby is an MD and one of 3 independent internists in town. They all prescribe ivermectin. Only one pharmacy (local independent) will fill them. The rest of the town is owned by the regional medical center and 3 big pharmacies, which won’t prescribe as a policy. They encourage/demand the vaccine as a policy. Just my small take on a really large problem.

Ashly Palmer wrote:

They are trying to lay low hoping they can retain their jobs… then they get sacked. If you live in a blue state know that the healthcare workers are either so brainwashed and ignorant they believe the vax rhetoric unquestioned or, they know the truth but are willing to sacrifice their own health for a paycheck. They would think nothing of sacrificing yours also.

CoCo wrote:

As a nurse, I feel it’s on them now. I was taught in school I’m responsible for anything I inject in a patient. I need to know the indications and contraindications and administer medications with that in mind. How any medical staff can continue to inject is beyond me.

They remind me of nurses during Nazi war crimes against Jewish folks. They just go along with it.

The courageous people who dare to speak out

Some are speaking out. Here are some links of people who are speaking out:

Deborah Conrad interview

Registered nurse Melissa McKinney, who shared her concerns with her legislator, State Representative Mike Echols

There was a startling admission during the House Health and Welfare meeting yesterday that caught all of our attention.

Solicitor General Liz Murrill provided testimony at Monday’s House Health and Welfare VAERS hearing, but she did not speak on behalf of her office


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Two weeks from yesterday marks 80 years since the Congress last issued a declaration of war as required by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution: The Congress shall have power to declare war. Invoked to launch or defend against wars 3 times in the 19th and twice in the 20th century, that Constitutional requirement has become as outdated as a dial telephone used to spread the news of the last one, December 8, 1941.

Once established as the world’s supreme superpower, American presidents, beginning with Harry Truman in 1950, decided to abandon the need to ask Congress to declare war. Incredibly, Congress went along with this enormous transfer of the war power to the president. When Truman decided to intervene in the Korean conflict, he simply called it a police action and began a military campaign that took several million Korean lives as well inflicting 128,000 U.S. casualties, of which 36,500 died. That’s some ‘police action’.

In the 71 years since, the US has engaged in dozens of wars, some so secret most Americans are oblivious to their occurrence. But in all that time Congress has never explicitly granted the 13 presidents succeeding Truman the power to unilaterally wage war. Congress pays lip service to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11, occasionally even making efforts to take it back.

But a troubling new law proposed by a couple of Congressional hawks may explicitly authorize the president to wage war with China at any point in the future should China move to bring the island nation of Taiwan back under control of mainland China.

It’s called the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act, introduced by Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) and Representative Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA). Besides pre-authorizing war upon China, the bill contains 10 other provisions that strengthen US ties to Taiwan in direct conflict with 5 decades of honoring the ‘One China’ policy. Called ‘strategic ambiguity’, that policy largely ignored escalating tension with China over Taiwan.

Scott and Reschenthaler use extreme rhetoric to promote their blank check for the president to declare war on China. “It is no secret that General Secretary Xi is bent on world domination. The United States cannot sit back and let this happen” (Scott). “The Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act empowers and strengthens Taiwan by authorizing the president to use military force to defend Taiwan against a direct attack” (Reschenthaler).

Apparently, Scott and Reschenthaler are attempting to update Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 to read, The Congress shall have power to declare war…in advance.


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Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

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The OpenVAERS Red Box Report

November 26th, 2021 by OpenVAERS

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A few weeks ago we announced that you can now search COVID VAERS reports by STATE. We have heard from many people across the country who have used the “by STATE” feature to educate elected officials about vaccine injuries happening in their jurisdiction.

In this week’s OpenVAERS Red Box Report we have produced a chart that adds some extra context to the state reports. Below we graphed the number “Fully” vaccinated (divided by 1,000), the number of covid vaccine injuries reported to VAERS, and the population (divided by 1,000) for all 50 states. As you can see, the number of covid vaccine injury reports in each state corresponds to the number of people fully vaccinated in that state. This adds yet more evidence that we are witnessing the greatest safety signal in the 31 year history of VAERS.

The OpenVAERS Team

State population data comes from here.

Vaccination data comes from here.

Click to download the PDF of this week’s report numbers. The new version includes the numbers and a space for you to write on.‍


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The Oscar-winning director told Afshin Rattansi how he was baffled by President Joe Biden’s decision to once again postpone the release of classified files on the assassination of the 35th president, John F. Kennedy, in 1963.

A White House memo written last month alleged that, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Archives and other agencies needed “additional time” to prepare the Kennedy files for publication. The release of the documents was delayed until December 15, 2022.

“That was the official reason. I don’t know how that applies because I don’t know why you can’t read or think while you have Covid,” Stone told the host of RT’s ‘Going Underground’.

Former President Donald Trump released around 19,000 declassified documents, many of them with redactions, from the JFK case in 2018. However, others were withheld on the grounds of national security.

“Not only he backed down at the last second and refused to release roughly 20,000 documents that we’re interested in,”Stone said of Trump. “He illegally added a step: he said that the next time the National Archive had to be also consulted. It was originally a decision made by Congress that the president was the last one to say anything to stop [the publication].”

Stone’s new documentary, ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass,’ premiered at the Cannes Film Festival last summer. Stone told Rattansi in July that Kennedy may have been killed in “a very organized black op” for his anti-colonial policies and desire to end the Cold War.


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Austria recently announced a total lockdown of the entire population, vaxxed or unvaxxed, and compulsory vaccination as of 1 February 2022, see this. Both of these measures have raised a lot of resistance, especially the second one; it is a direct interference in people’s basic Human Rights.

This is however not enough for Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, to withdraw the draconian and illegal request for obligatory vaccination. Instead, the Austrian Government, like so many other western governments in Europe and the US, has initiated an incentive scheme for the non-vaxxed that basically works as a lottery.

For example, under a vaccination lottery, the unvaxxed can now win a house, for a “limited time” if they submit to the jab. The news was announced on 23 November and is apparently valid until just before Christmas. See this.

But the most hilarious, and as far as I know, never heard-of before “incentive scheme” is a 30-minute free-brothel time with a prostitute, if one accepts the jab. Yes, you have read correctly: Austria offers the unvaxxed – presumably primarily men – a prostitute, free for 30 minutes, meaning the government pays for the prostitute’s time. See this CNN report.

The CNN reporter – a lady – pointedly, with a smile, says it’s a win-win solution: More men get vaxxed and the brothel makes more business. Fabulous.

This just shows how desperate governments around the world get to meet their “outside” imposed “vaxx-quotas”.

What’s the real agenda?

It becomes increasingly clear that this vaccination campaign – one can no longer call it a campaign, it is rather coercion of the worst kind with a specific goal – has a clear plan: implement as fast as possible a eugenist agenda. And that before people wake up to realize what they have been forced to accept – a highly probable lethal shot, or series of shots.

According to Dr. Elisabeth Eads, these mRNA Covid jabs are diminishing your immune system drastically, the first one by about 30%, the second one another 30% and the so-called “booster” shot by about 20%. Since the West is in the midst of the “booster campaign”, on average the western population may be losing about 80% of its immune system after receiving the three injections. Of course, there are different reactions by different people. This is an average. This means, a considerably higher vulnerability to ANY viral and infectious disease, including the common flu – which is, as we know, registered as Covid.

Would this, plus the endlessly propagated and forced “testing-testing-testing”, maybe account for what they say is an almost exponentially increased “case” load? And this, of course, in the Northern Hemisphere’s flu season. – See this.

In healthy people, and especially younger people, like children, the immune system recovers over time, more or less rapidly. Is this the reason, why some “scientists” predict already that a “booster” shot will be necessary at least once a year? And that children are coerced to get a “booster” jab?

To be repeated: The agenda is massive depopulation, as fast as possible, before people wake up.

In other disturbing but related news, the professional Journal “Circulation” offers a molecular biological explanation on how Covid vaxxes may harm people lethally. See this, as well as the short abstract below (published 8 November 2021).



Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is based on changes from the norm of multiple protein biomarkers including IL-16, a proinflammatory cytokine, soluble Fas, an inducer of apoptosis, and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)which serves as a marker for chemotaxis of T-cells into epithelium and cardiac tissue, among other markers. Elevation above the norm increases the PULS score, while decreases below the norm lowers the PULS score.

The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients. This report summarizes those results. A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot.

Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac. We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.


In a 4-min video, Dr. Vernon Coleman calls this mRNA mechanism sheer murder. He also calls for an immediate stop to all “vaccination”. 

It is high time that people collectively around the world stand up – at once — against this murderous tyranny and vaccination, and that everybody rejects further vaccination. It’s not just tyranny for total domination and the implementation of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – it is tyranny to drive people to walk or run into their own grave by fear.

We can and must stop this.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Mercola

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By late September 1941, it was becoming clear to much of the watching world that the German-led invasion of the USSR had not unfolded as the Nazis expected. Three months into Operation Barbarossa the Soviet Union’s position was still very serious, however.

At this point the Red Army had suffered at least two million casualties, while the Germans had lost a modest 185,000 men, which gives a firm indication of the Wehrmacht’s superiority over the Soviets, in 1941 at least. In north-western Russia, Leningrad was already surrounded from 8 September 1941 by German-Finnish forces. Leningrad was enduring bombardment from the air and the ground, while its inhabitants were being mercilessly starved by blockade. In the coming winter, as much as 100,000 people in Leningrad would die of hunger each month.

To the south, the Ukrainian capital Kiev had fallen on 19 September 1941 to a German pincers movement; as the Red Army suffered an unprecedented loss of around 750,000 men in the Kiev area, the vast majority of them taken prisoner. With Kiev in German hands Army Group South, led by Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, plunged deeper into Ukrainian territory.

As part of Army Group South the German 11th Army, under its new commander Erich von Manstein, occupied Perekop on 27 September 1941, an urban settlement which connects the Ukrainian mainland to the Crimean peninsula. General von Manstein would become one of the Wehrmacht’s most formidable commanders of the war.

In early October 1941, the German 11th Army proceeded to link up with Ewald von Kleist’s Panzer Group 1, now reinforced and called the 1st Panzer Army. They promptly encircled large elements of two Soviet armies east of Melitopol, a city in south-eastern Ukraine and near the Sea of Azov, a body of water slightly greater in size than Belgium. This encounter was, as a result, titled by the Germans as the Battle of the Sea of Azov, a conflict mostly forgotten today.

Elements of the German 3rd Panzer Army on the road near Pruzhany, June 1941 (Source: Public Domain)

As the noose tightened, the German divisions captured over 100,000 Soviet troops beside the Sea of Azov. The Russians lost more than 200 tanks here and almost 800 guns, while the commander of the Soviet 18th Army, General A. K. Smirnov, was killed in action by artillery fire on 8 October 1941. The historian Aleksander A. Maslov wrote of Smirnov, “The Germans who buried the general placed a plywood board on his grave, with an inscription in Russian, German, and Romanian, exhorting their soldiers to fight as bravely as this Soviet soldier”.

With their column of panzers and infantrymen stretching for miles across the horizon, the Germans swept up the coast along the Sea of Azov. The 1st Panzer Army captured Berdiansk, a Ukrainian port city, on 6 October 1941. Two days later, just over 40 miles further east along the shoreline, Mariupol fell, on the north coast of the Sea of Azov. The fighting in this region of south-eastern Ukraine ended on 11 October 1941, with a decisive Wehrmacht victory. British scholar Evan Mawdsley acknowledged that the Battle of the Sea of Azov “was certainly one of the half dozen great Red Army defeats of 1941”.

The Marcks Plan was the original German plan of attack for Operation Barbarossa, as depicted in a US Government study (March 1955). (Source: Public Domain)

The advance itself astride the Sea of Azov continued, as the Germans crossed the Ukrainian frontier into south-western Russia. On 17 October 1941, two SS divisions from the 1st Panzer Army reached Taganrog, home to around 200,000 inhabitants. The SS divisions were followed from behind by Wehrmacht soldiers.

The German 11th Army had, meanwhile, marched westwards to join forces with Marshal Ion Antonescu’s Romanian 4th Army, which had surrounded Odessa in southern Ukraine and on the Black Sea. The engagement here revealed some serious flaws in the Romanians’ fighting capabilities, and they were grateful to see the German 11th Army arrive. After two months of stoic opposition, Odessa fell on 16 October 1941 as the Soviet Army retreated from the city.

In following days the Romanian forces, assisted by SS units, would murder tens of thousands of Odessa’s Jewish inhabitants (the Odessa massacre). About half of Odessa’s Jewish population got out of the city in time. Yitzhak Arad, the former Soviet resistance fighter, wrote that “Odessa had the largest Jewish community with a population of over 205,000” and “between 108,000 to 110,000” of these residents “were evacuated”.

Through August and September 1941, the majority of Red Army reserves had been shifted by Joseph Stalin to the crucial Moscow theatre in the center. Von Rundstedt’s Army Group South, in part because of this, made steady progress. Army Group South’s advance was threatening the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov, a great industrial center, while under peril too was the Donbass, an important coal-mining area along with Rostov-on-Don, a Russian city considered to be “the gateway to the Caucasus” and its oil fields.

In the drive towards Kharkov, the Soviet Union’s fourth largest metropolis, the German 6th Army captured Sumy on 10 October 1941. The 6th Army was led by Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau, a committed Nazi, and having taken Sumy they were 90 miles from Kharkov. The Jewish Virtual Library (JVL), an encyclopedia detailing Jewish history, outlined that von Reichenau “encouraged his soldiers to commit atrocities against Jews in the territory under his control”.

Kharkov was in a dire position. Not only was the German 6th Army advancing rapidly towards the city, but Kharkov’s population had swollen to over a million people, as Soviet citizens previously fled from other areas to avoid Nazi occupation. Kharkov’s pre-war populace was 840,000, but some estimates state that by September 1941 it almost doubled to 1.5 million.

On 15 October 1941, the Germans took the town of Okhtyrka, just over 60 miles north-west of Kharkov. Twenty-four hours later Bohodukhiv was taken, less than 40 miles from Kharkov. In following days the German 6th Army continued to move forward and, by 20 October, the Soviets completed their evacuation of industrial enterprises from the city. Four days later, on 24 October, von Reichenau’s men entered Kharkov and swiftly captured the city.

Kharkov’s demise came as a considerable blow. It was an industrial stronghold, where the Soviet T-34 tank had been produced at the Kharkov Tank Factory. Von Reichenau, upon inspecting a captured T-34 tank, reportedly said “If the Russians ever produce it on an assembly line we will have lost the war”. He would certainly have been disconcerted to know that, even with the loss of Kharkov, the Soviets built 12,000 T-34 tanks in 1942. Nevertheless, there were fewer than 1,000 T-34s available when the Germans invaded in June 1941; and most of those were destroyed when the really critical fighting was taking place in 1941. With Kharkov subdued, the German 6th Army proceeded to occupy the Donbass in south-eastern Ukraine.

The 1st Panzer Army, supported by the German 17th Army, was marching towards Donetsk (Stalino), 155 miles south of Kharkov. Although the Germans were hampered by supply issues and the start of the autumn rains, they captured Donetsk on 20 October 1941.

By mid-October von Manstein’s 11th Army was free to advance into the Crimean peninsula. Hitler had stated in his 21 August 1941 directive, “The Crimea has colossal importance for the protection of oil supplies from Romania. Therefore, it is necessary to employ all available means, including mobile formations, to force the lower reaches of the Dnepr rapidly before the enemy is able to reinforce his forces”.

In late October 1941, the panzers broke clear into the Crimea with a costly frontal assault. On 1 November the German 11th Army took Simferopol, the Crimea’s second biggest city. On 9 November the Wehrmacht captured Yalta, the southern Crimean resort city, and one of the Soviet Union’s most popular holiday destinations. Stalin held possession of a residence in Yalta and he had vacationed there in the summers.

A week after Yalta fell, on 16 November 1941 the German 11th Army occupied Kerch, a coastal city in eastern Crimea. The Germans had overrun almost all of the Crimea and, in doing so, they destroyed 16 Soviet divisions and captured more than 100,000 Red Army troops. Yet the Crimea’s largest city, Sevastapol, in the peninsula’s far south-west, remained in Russian hands for the time being and was effectively a fortress. Sevastapol was bolstered by the Soviet garrison which had been evacuated from Odessa in October.

The German 6th Army took the Russian city of Kursk on 3 November 1941. Army Group South had now established a line stretching more than 300 miles across, extending along Kursk-Kharkov-Donetsk-Taganrog. Hitler’s attention in this region turned further east again to Rostov-on-Don. Rostov contained over half a million people and lay 245 miles south-west of Stalingrad. The taking of Rostov would enable the Wehrmacht to advance towards the Caucasus and Stalingrad.

Luckily for the Germans, in early November 1941 the heavy Russian rainfall (rasputitsa) stopped, to be replaced by clearer weather and colder conditions. With the presence of light frost, the soil hardened and this allowed the panzers, trucks and motorcycles to shift into gear and move across the ground with relative ease.

The German 3rd Army Corps raced ahead to take Rostov, but Sepp Dietrich’s SS “Adolf Hitler” motorised division entered the city first. Rostov was captured on 21 November 1941. Nearby, the Germans seized intact the railway bridge over the frozen Don River. They were further able to cut the Caucasus oil pipelines, which Soviet Russia was heavily dependent on.

The Russians, correctly discerning the importance of this sector, launched fierce counterattacks across the Don River against the German positions in Rostov. Soviet casualties were severe, as were the German, and they were too heavy for the latter to endure. Field Marshal von Rundstedt, in overall command of all German divisions in the south-western USSR, asked Hitler for permission to retreat from Rostov.

The 65-year-old von Rundstedt was also a very experienced officer, but Hitler refused his request, and the former resigned in protest on 1 December 1941. Von Reichenau, previously the 6th Army commander, replaced von Rundstedt at the head of Army Group South.

Assessing the situation at Rostov, von Reichenau immediately came to the same conclusion as his predecessor: he therefore asked Hitler for authorisation to retire from Rostov. On 2 December 1941, Hitler took a flight from East Prussia to Mariupol, not far from Rostov and just 60 miles from the front line, in an attempt to resolve the problem himself.

Entering a world with driving blizzards and subzero temperatures, this was a far cry from what Hitler was used to at his Wolfsschanze headquarters, sheltered in the dense Masurian woods. Hitler realised the extent of the crisis and gave way to von Reichenau’s arguments. In early December, the Germans relinquished Rostov.

In some confusion, the invaders retreated 30 miles or so westwards, to a winter line behind the Mius River. It was the first major German reverse of the Nazi-Soviet War. Stalin was delighted at these developments and he publicly praised “the victory over the enemy and liberation of Rostov from the German-fascist aggressors”.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


Aleksander A. Maslov, Fallen Soviet Generals: Soviet General Officers Killed in Battle, 1941-1945 (Routledge, 1st edition, 30 Sep. 1998)

Jewish Virtual Library, “Walter von Reichenau, 1884-1942”

Imperial War Museums, “Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s Failure in the Soviet Union”

Yitzhak Arad, The Holocaust in the Soviet Union (University of Nebraska Press, 25 July 2013)

Evan Mawdsley, Thunder in the East: The Nazi-Soviet War, 1941-1945 (Hodder Arnold, 23 Feb. 2007)

Valery Dunaevsky, A Daughter of the “Enemy of the People” (Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 5 Mar. 2013)

David M. Glantz, Barbarossa Derailed: Volume 3 – The Documentary Companion Tables Orders and Reports Prepared by Participating Red Army Forces (Helion & Company; Reprint ed. Edition, 15 April 2022)

Anthony Heywood, “Battle for Stalingrad”,, 11 May 2019

Featured image: German troops at the Soviet state border marker, 22 June 1941 (Source: Public Domain)

Video: State of Chaos in Northern Syria

November 26th, 2021 by South Front

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Turkey is preoccupied with what is going on within its borders, but the general stat of chaos in northern and central Syria refuses to subside.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continuing to target militants violating the ceasefire in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib.

On November 24th, at least 40 rockets and artillery shells were targeted at militant positions around the towns of Kafr Taal and Tadil in the western Aleppo countryside.

The attacks killed a member of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the ruler of Greater Idlib.

On the same day, SAA targeted a position of the al-Qaeda-linked Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) in the town of Ain La Rose in the southern countryside of Idlib. Two militants of the TIP were killed in the pinpoint strike.

In the southern province of Daraa, where the reconciliation agreement was concluded between the Damascus government and the former rebels, still the situation is not calm.

On November 24th, a special operation was carried out by a commando unit from the SAA’s 5th Division.

The operation targeted three wanted militants who were taking shelter in a farm located between the towns of Nahtah and Mlaiha al-Sharqiyah. All three militants were killed during the operation.

A few days earlier, the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) carried out a similar special operation near the town of Khirbet Ghazaleh in the countryside of Daraa. A wanted man was killed and two others were apprehended.

While the SAA was focused elsewhere, Israel reminded of itself by targeting the Homs countryside in the north.

In the early hours of November 24, a new wave of Israeli airstrikes hit several targets in the central region of Syria.

Most of the Israeli missiles were successfully intercepted by Syrian air defenses. One of the anti-aircraft missiles fired by a Syrian S-200 long-range air-defense system fell off the shores of the northern Israeli city of Haifa.

Initially, the SANA reported that two civilians were killed in the airstrike, while two others and six Syrian soldiers were wounded. Later however, official Syrian sources confirmed that at least three soldiers were also killed.

The conflict is simmering currently, with all sides still expecting Turkey to start moving against the Kurdish groups in the north. The large-scale military operation seems to be on hiatus, as Ankara deals with its internal issues, but it is likely just a matter of time.

Meanwhile, the militants in Greater Idlib continue their ceasefire violations, challenging the SAA and its allies, namely Russia, to a more assertive stance and begin a ground operation against HTS and the other al-Qaeda affiliated groups.


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Video: #Yes, It’s a “Killer Vaccine”: Michel Chossudovsky

Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 20 , 2021

Operation Coronavirus: How the Masses Were Hypnotized into the COVID Cult

Makia Freeman, November 18 , 2021

The Awake Versus the Unawake: When Fear Destroys Common Sense

MB Bose, November 19 , 2021

Myth vs. Reality in COVID Russia

Riley Waggaman, November 18 , 2021

Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets

Alan MacLeod, November 18 , 2021

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When in 1951 American secret services started work on Project Artichoke, they had set their goals as follows: “Evolution and development of any method by which we can get information from a person against his will and without his knowledge… Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?”.

This publication in the New York Times was a result of the scandal caused by the abuse of the patients at the Canadian mental hospital Allan Memorial Institute. In another CIA report quoted in the New York Times article it is stated:

“Many phases of the research in the control of human behavior involve a high degree of sensitivity. The professional reputations of outside researchers are in jeopardy since the objectives of such research are widely regarded as anti-ethical or illegal” .

This classified research is going on until present time. The only difference is that when some 200 American diplomats and CIA employees were exposed to attacks by pulsed microwaves the American press started writing on the subject (see this and this),  without disclosing the whole range of effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human nervous system.

As a matter of fact the human nervous system is filled with electrolyte (solution of water and salt, full of ions), which functions as an antenna, which can transform the electromagnetic  signals coming from the outside into electrical currents which will propagate in nervous tissue and produce the firing of neurons. In this way the activity of the human nervous system can be controlled by electromagnetic waves or microwaves, if they are pulsed in the frequencies corresponding to the frequencies of the activity of the human nervous system (click on “Psychoelectronic threat to democracy“ and at the bottom of the page open the link).

Billions of dollars and euros, that were invested into brain research in the past years, made it possible to map the frequencies of the brain activity and in this way open the road to the manipulation of human perceptions, emotions and even thoughts and memories by electromagnetic radiation. The scientists in California developed a device that  can interpret the vowels and consonants in our brain for effective writing, or in other words, write down people’s  thoughts. According to the researchers, this device is at least 90% accurate.  In 2017 scientists believed that this machine could  be linked to smartphones within the next few years.  Device that Translates your Thoughts in to Words will be in Smartphones soon – Research Snipers, which means that it will  connect the brains of people directly to cell phone system and the internet.

Knowing the brain frequencies of vowels and consonants enables scientists to reverse this procedure and transmit thoughts into the brains of people. In 2007 The Washington Post published an article where it wrote:

“In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented…  a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head…  In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent — records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear — the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it“ (Mind Games,

When the phrases, transmitted into the brain, will be converted into ultrasound, people will not realize them, because they will not hear them, but the phrases will reach their brain anyway and in this way will  become the targeted persons “thoughts“. In this way the goals of the research, cited at the beginning of this article, were reached. If you do not believe it think about the fact that in 2019 scientists in the USA were capable of implanting into the memory of mice a memory of an odor they had never smelled, and made the mice react to it, see this. Also, in August 2020, the scientist Rafael Yuste, teaching at the U.S. Columbia University told the New York Times  that “once the manipulation goes directly into the brain… you will not be able to tell you are being manipulated”, see this.

In Russia this kind of brain research had already started in the thirties of the past century. In August 27, 1991 the Russian newspaper ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ published the statement by Victor Sedletski, the vice president of the League of Independent Scientists of the USSR, where he wrote:

“As an expert and juridical personality I declare: In Kiev (and this is serious) the mass production … of psychotronic biogenerators was launched. I can not assert that during the coup d‘etat exactly the Kiev generators were used… All the same the fact that they were used is evident to me. What are the psychotronic generators? It is an electronic equipment producing the effect of guided control in the human organism“ (electronic copy of the article – Authors of Project Zombie discovered in Kiev).

In  1992 the Russian Independent Institute of Foreign Policy published in the weekly ‘Stolitsa’ the article “MC-ultra program“ (the title was inspired by the CIA mind control program from the sixties, that was quoted at the beginning of this article). In the article Victor Sedletski informed that in 1982 the USSR started the development of quite new radar system, which allowed it to control any place on the planet and that the system could be used for the creation of “psychotronic field for mind control“. He did not say exactly which project he was talking about, but it seems that he was talking about the system Sura, which was built in 1981 near the city Nizhnyi Novgorod in the central part of Russia. It was financed by the Russian ministry of defense and later it was controlled by Radiophysical Science Research Institute. See this and this.

By pulsing electromagnetic waves, the radar system Sura can produce in the ionosphere varying electrical currents and those currents then will produce electromagnetic waves in the frequencies of pulses, which will reach vast areas of the planet. If the pulsing of electromagnetic waves corresponds to frequencies of human brain activities, the electromagnetic frequencies produced by electrical currents in the ionosphere will influence the functioning of brains of whole populations.

In 1994 the USA started building the system using the same principles, but producing greater energies called HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). On the building of the system HAARP   wrote a son of the former Alaskan senator Nick Begich together with the journalist Jeane Manning a book entitled “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP“. In their book they described all the possible military uses of the HAARP system.

Though Europe was used to not opposing USA politics, in this case it became alarmed and invited Nick Begich to testify in the European Parliament on the HAARP system. As a result of his testimony the European Parliament approved, on January 28th, 1999, a resolution number A4-0005/1999 on Environment Protection and Security and Foreign Affairs.

In the resolution the European Parliament called „on the European Union to seek to have the new ‘non-lethal’ weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions“, declared that it

“considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing“.

It expressed its regret over

“the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the HAARP program currently being funded in Alaska“.

Finally it called “for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings” See this. (item 30).

In February 2000 the Russian daily Segodnya (Today) published the article “Riders of Psychotronic Apocalypse“. The largest part of the article was dedicated to “psychotronic“ weapons, thus suggesting that Russians were aware of the possible use of the HAARP system for the control of the brain activity of the Russian population. It said:

“It is necessary to admit that our potential adversary is presenting us all grounds to talk about ‘psychotronic‘ or ‘psychic‘ weapon as a fact which we have to consider to be real… The point is that the non-lethal weapon,  which is being developed in Los Alamos, is, according to Russian military classification, tightly connected with so -called ‘information weapon’… such a weapon is capable to affect not only the soldiers of the adversary… but the whole population of the country“.

The article in the daily Segodnya described Russian reactions to the findings of the FAPSI agency at the international as well as national level. On the international level the State Duma and then Inter Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States addressed in 1997 the United Nations, OBSE and European Council, with a proposal to introduce the  international convention on the ban of information wars and restriction of circulation of the information weapon. According to the article the Russian initiative went so far that in March 1998 the issue was discussed at the meeting with the Secretary General of the UN Kofi Anan and at the initiative of Russia was included in the agenda of the Assembly General of the UN. Apparently this Russian effort was put to a stop by the unwillingness of the USA  and its allies from NATO to join the international convention.

The Russian Department of Defense and the Russian government also reacted to the threat. The Commission on Military Construction included means of information war among the three priority factors of the country’s potential to fight against the possible aggression from the outside. The daily  Segodnya wrote that mysterious means of information-psychological effects are fully capable not only to impair the health,  but to also cause “blocking, on subconscious level, of  the freedom of will of a human being, loss of ability of  political, cultural and other self identification of a human being, manipulation of societal consciousness” and even “destruction of indivisible informational and spiritual space of RF” [Russian Federation]. See this.

In 2019 the Chinese daily China Morning Post wrote that  China tested the Russian system Sura and that the American system HAARP is capable of generating 4 times higher energy than the Russian system Sura. As a result of those tests China started building its own more advanced radar system with possible military use in  Sanja, in province Hajnan, which could manipulate the ionosphere  over the whole South China sea. It also wrote that according to some critics, those systems are capable of influencing the activity of human brains, see this.

If world superpowers were interested in defending the freedom of human mind and thinking, they would have to organize an international agreement banning the development and use of any systems enabling remote control of the human nervous system and human brain activity.

To make such an agreement possible, they would have, as well, to agree that they will stop the competition to acquire military control of the world.

Russia evidently can not accept such an agreement for as long as the USA is surrounding its territory by military bases and China is in the same situation, when American navy is operating in the South China sea. This American military pressure against China and Russia justifies, in the eyes of part of Russian and Chinese citizens, the lack of democracy in those countries.

The Russia radar system Sura, just like American system HAARP,  and in the future the Chinese system, are or will be able to eradicate inhabitants of large areas of our planet, but such use may not be necessary.  It will be satisfactory to gain control of people’s thinking in those areas.

To achieve  the same effect it should be possible to add pulses in brain frequencies to transmissions of cell phone networks.  Recently the U.S. Department of Defense searched for speakers at the conference, where military use of the fifth generation of cell phone technology should be discussed, see this. It is not by accident that the USA warned their allies against the use of HUAWEI technology.

They evidently know what all it can be used for. In the sixth generation of cell phone systems  it is planned to connect human brains to the internet. Already the omnipresence of the signals of the fifth generation should alarm people.  In October 2018 a scientist from the American military research agency DARPA  James Giordano told in a lecture to cadets that his agency produced nanomaterial, which can be aerosolized and when breathed in, penetrate the human brain and make it more susceptible to manipulation by pulsed microwaves (watch the video below from 37:16). Such a possibility was already disclosed in an article by The Huffington Post in October 2017. In this article the scientists predicted that this technology will be produced within 2 to 5 years.

If the world politicians or actual rulers will not manage to control the lust for power as a basic principle of their activity, we can expect that a new electronical totalitarian power will be established in the world, which will be impossible to „vote out“ or overthrow, because people will not be able to even think about it.

In 1994 the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College published a study ”Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War”, where possible use of this technology was described: ”Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ‘potential’ or ‘active’, with sophisticated computerized personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each”, see this.

On September 30, 2021 the senate in Chile approved a law establishing the right to personal identity, free will, and mental privacy for Chilean citizens. The Chilean senator Giulio Girardi said “the law is to protect ‘the last frontier’ of the human being: the human psyche“ see this. As well the initiator of this legislation Chilean scientist Rafael Yuste advocated at the United Nations  to add five “NeuroRights” in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see this. Those are the good news.

The bad news is that  big media around the world did not inform about those events, thus keeping in secret the technologies that the governments have at hand. Under such circumstances the willingness of the world governments to reach an agreement banning the use  of those technologies against people, remains questionable for as long as people will not oblige them to do it.



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Mojmir Babacek was born in 1947 in Prague, Czech Republic. Graduated in 1972 at Charles University in Prague in philosophy and political economy. In 1978 signed the document defending human rights in the communist Czechoslovakia „Charter 77“. Since 1981 until 1988 lived in emigration in the USA. Since 1996 published articles on different subjects mostly in the Czech and international alternative media. In 2010 published a book on 9/11 attacks in the Czech language. Since 1990s striving to help to achieve the international ban of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system and human minds with the use of neurotechnology.

Featured image is from Graphene Flagship

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On Nov. 2, members of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine advisory committee voted 14–0 to recommend Pfizer’s pediatric COVID shot for children 5 –11 years old. Were their decisions driven by science and conscience — or their ties to drugmakers?

On Nov. 2, the members of ACIP voted 14–0 to recommend Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID shot for children 5 –11 years old.

Committee members readily voted “yes” despite many unknowns about long-term safety, including a complete lack of data on the risk of heart problems like the ones experienced by some adolescents who received COVID vaccines.

Neither the disgracefully unscientific vote nor CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s prompt endorsement came as a surprise. Though billed as “independent,” the 14 ACIP members — like the 17 members of FDA’s VRBPAC who voted the same way the previous week — have deep ties to pharma, with careers that hinge on promoting and rubber-stamping the United States’ destructive one-size-fits-all vaccination agenda.

Describing the VRBPAC and ACIP meetings as “a total sham,” Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland said, “Sadly, approval from these committees means nothing in terms of safety.”

Political scientist Toby Rogers agreed, stating the ACIP meeting “was not a scientific review. It was banal bureaucrats announcing plans for a Blitzkrieg and the bought white coats were cheering them on.”

With their vote to give young children the dangerous injections, ACIP members signaled that they, too, deserve to be shunned, along with the powerful institutions with which they are affiliated. The latter include the nation’s top universities and leading pediatric hospitals.

Without exception, all the universities at which ACIP members have appointments — Brown, Drexel, Harvard, Michigan State, Ohio State, Stanford, University of Maryland, University of Washington, Vanderbilt and Wake Forest — have mandated COVID vaccines.

Pediatric hospitals, meanwhile, are playing a frontline role as COVID vaccination sites. Promoting the injection for 5-year-olds, First Lady Jill Biden visited Texas Children’s Hospital straight away, applauding the hospital for the 39,000 pediatric vaccine appointments it had already scheduled.

Also worthy of shunning are the 20,000 individual vaccine providers who were pre-positioned to “hit the ground running” and “get shots in little arms.”

Within two days of ACIP’s and Walensky’s verdicts, these providers had administered the jab to thousands of 5- to 11-year-olds, and within the first week, according to the White House, 900,000 children had been injected.

New dangers emerging

Community vaccination sites such as pharmacies and pop-up clinics have attracted recent attention for egregious vaccine administration errors in young children:

  • In Texas, a pop-up clinic gave adult doses of the Pfizer jab to 6- and 7-year-old boys “two days before a proper dose of the vaccine was even approved for that age range.”
  • In Virginia, a pharmacy (subsequently ordered to stop administering the shots) gave 112 children in the 5–11 age group the wrong COVID vaccine formulation.
  • A pediatric practice in California also gave 14 children an incorrect dose of the Pfizer jab, not disclosing “whether the kids got too much or too little.”
  • In addition, pharmacies have “mistakenly” given adult COVID shots to children under age 5 whose parents had requested flu shots.

With censorship rampant, many parents may be unaware of these transgressions. They also may not know that the experimental product FDA and CDC are unleashing on children is coming under increasing fire from Pfizer whistleblowers.

The same day as the ACIP vote, The BMJ published a whistleblower’s hair-raising account of “data integrity issues” in Pfizer’s “helter-skelter” clinical trials. According to Brook Jackson — a trained clinical trial auditor — Ventavia Research Group (one of the contract research organizations engaged by Pfizer) “falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events.” Quality control staff, Jackson further reported, were “overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”

When Jackson shared her concerns with both Ventavia and FDA in September 2020, Ventavia fired her. FDA ignored her warnings and granted EUA status to Pfizer’s injection in December.

Melissa Strickler McAtee, until recently a quality control employee at Pfizer’s plant in McPherson, Kansas, described, in an interview with Project Veritas, Pfizer’s efforts to deceive the public about the use of fetal cell lines in creating the COVID shot.

Equally disturbingly, Strickler McAtee told other journalists that Pfizer’s vaccine exhibits an unusual fluorescent blue glow, stating she had “never once [previously] seen anything do that, not even close” during her 10-year career inspecting “hundreds of thousands of units” of vaccines. She also reports that her co-workers at the plant are being unprecedentedly kept in the dark about what the vaccine’s ingredients are.

Pfizer has a lengthy history of quality control problems in addition to a business model predicated on habitual fraud. The Kansas plant, which Pfizer acquired when it strategically purchased injectable drug company Hospira in 2015, has been repeatedly “dinged” by FDA for problems with quality, cleanliness and contamination.

In the three years leading up to its acquisition by Pfizer, Hospira had to issue more than 40 recalls, and Pfizer/Hospira has continued to be a frequent offender on FDA’s recall list since 2015, receiving another warning letter from FDA in 2017.

FDA’s tsk-tsking of Pfizer clearly represents a hollow rebuke, however, as this week’s FDA request to a federal judge made plain: FDA is asking for 55 years to make public the data and information it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

These and other clinical trial shenanigans strongly intimate that “the data that the FDA and CDC have been pretending to base their decisions on for the last year, are fiction.”

Below are the ACIP members who signed off on Pfizer’s pediatric vaccine, and their conflicts of interest.

ACIP Chair Grace Lee

Grace Lee

Dr. Grace Lee ([email protected]) chaired the November ACIP deliberations. Lee has been associate chief medical officer for practice innovation at Stanford Children’s Health and a pediatrics professor at Stanford School of Medicine since 2017, after having spent two decades at Harvard and Boston-area hospitals.

In addition to policy work focusing on financial rewards and penalties to reshape hospital performance, Lee has built her reputation by shoring up the pretense that the nation has a functioning vaccine safety surveillance system.

Lee served as past principal investigator for the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a large database that includes comprehensive longitudinal medical and vaccination records for two million children and seven million adults. Although VSD analyses have the potential to permit enlightening vaccinated-unvaccinated comparisons of health outcomes, the CDC has sole access to the data.

In the words of CHD’s chief scientific officer Dr. Brian Hooker, CDC has “shut [VSD] up like a fortress, despite the fact that it’s taxpayer-funded.”

In VSD-based publications — some of which include fellow ACIP member Matthew Daly — Lee has made a habit of downplaying vaccine risks. For example, she encourages women to get Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis) shots during pregnancy, even while data show an increased risk of placental and amniotic fluid infection in vaccinated pregnant women.

She also has whitewashed risks of flu shots in children under age 5 despite finding “an apparent dose-response for vaccine and allergic reactions in the 1- to 3-day risk window.” She dismisses post-vaccination anaphylaxis risks as “rare,” though the package inserts for most vaccines on the childhood schedule prominently list anaphylaxis as an adverse event.

Another VSD study co-authored by Lee documented a safety signal for febrile seizures linked to influenza vaccination of children in their first five years, particularly if administered along with pneumococcal vaccination; massaging the troubling conclusion with vaccine doublespeak, Lee and colleagues proposed placing their findings “in a benefit-risk framework to ensure that population health benefits are maximized.”

While in Boston, Lee served as associate director of the FDA-funded Mini-Sentinel Project, one of several newer vaccine safety surveillance mechanisms trotted out over the past decade.

As noted by CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in a letter to Biden advisor David Kessler in December 2020, studies published using Sentinel data — all authored by the same small pool of insiders — focus on an extremely narrow subset of adverse outcomes and reflect methodological decisions “that could easily constrain researchers’ ability to detect outcomes of interest.”

When a Sentinel study of the two rotavirus vaccines routinely given to American children identified a “significant risk” of intussusception after dose 2 — a bowel complication that forced CDC to revoke its recommendation for an earlier rotavirus vaccine — Lee and co-authors deployed more doublespeak, once again advising the public to consider the risk “in light of the demonstrated benefits of rotavirus vaccination.”

Discussing myocarditis last June, Lee admitted, “clinical presentation of myocarditis cases following vaccination has been distinct, occurring most often within 1 week after dose two, with chest pain as the most common presentation.”

This did not stop Lee from joining with other public health officials in passing off myocarditis as “an extremely rare side effect” and claiming that young people are likely to “recover on their own or with minimal treatment.”

Many experienced health professionals, including Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Dr. Steven Pelech, fiercely dispute the notion of “mild” myocarditis.

Also of note:

  • In September of this year, Lee co-authored a paper in JAMA belatedly conceding that a large segment of the population (“women and those with a history of allergic reactions”) is at “elevated risk” of experiencing allergic reactions to mRNA COVID vaccines due to the presence in the injections of polyethylene glycol (PEG). CHD issued urgent warnings about PEG and its entirely predictable anaphylaxis risks a full year earlier, in September 2020.
  • Stanford receives extensive vaccine funding from the Gates Foundation, including for the development of 3D-printed vaccine microneedle patches (a strategy that would allow “vaccination without a shot”).
  • Stanford is the second-largest university beneficiary of funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, which is aggressively funding COVID vaccination of U.S. Latinos.
  • Not only does Stanford require all students to be COVID-vaccinated, but it also urges vaccination for students’ children.

Lynn Bahta

Lynn BahtaLynn Bahta, RN, MPH ([email protected]) is an immunization program clinical consultant for the Minnesota Department of Health, with a 25-year career focused on promoting vaccination.

During the pandemic, Bahta has been giving talks about “vaccine hesitancy in the time of COVID,” offering “key communication strategies to build confidence among those who are hesitant.”

Vaccine “hesitancy” appears to have been her bailiwick long before COVID, however, and her publications suggest a particular interest in coaxing Minnesota’s immigrant, migrant and refugee populations into higher vaccination rates.

Loyal to the fraudulent CDC party line that denies any link between MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccination and autism, Bahta has published articles dismissing the well-founded autism concerns of Minnesota’s Somali community as “misinformation.”

Somali children in Minneapolis suffer the highest known rate of severe autism in the world. Somali parents allege that the reaction of public health officials like Bahta has been one of indifference.

Discussing COVID vaccines, Bahta claims that the “great majority, usually over 90%” of adverse reactions “are not serious.”

In fact, while stating that she “never disagrees with people who believe they were injured by vaccines because it’s difficult to know,” she clearly sides with public health officials in viewing “unverified reports” to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as “misunderstood by the public and exploited by skeptics in a way that is undermining immunization efforts against COVID-19.”

Bahta disingenuously opines that “people naturally but incorrectly associate injuries with recent events.”

Also of note:

  • Bahta’s was one of the core “yes” votes in favor of recommending Moderna’s COVID shot last December.
  • When ACIP deliberated over COVID booster shots in September, Bahta was willing to recommend boosters for adults age 50 and up and individuals with underlying conditions but not for some groups of younger adults. At the time, Bahta argued for the need to “stay with the science,” stating, “I don’t think we have the data.”
  • By November, Bahta apparently was untroubled by the paucity of safety data available for the 5–11 age group, stating, “We know more than what we don’t know.”

Beth Bell

Beth P. Bell, MD, MPH

Beth Bell, M.D., MPH ([email protected]) is a clinical professor in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington (UW) School of Public Health. Until 2017, Bell spent most of her career at CDC, including as Director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic [animal/insect-to-human] Infectious Diseases.

At UW, Bell is on faculty at the UW Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness (formerly called, until fall 2020, the MetaCenter for Pandemic Preparedness and Global Health Security), which “harness[es] big data and forward-thinking strategies to devise more unified approaches to current and future health security risks.”

“Health security” and biosecurity are the linchpin buzzwords that global technocrats are using to push for complete control over people’s “ability to work, to socialize, to travel, conduct business, access public services and to purchase essential goods and services.”

Like many of the individuals who make their way onto FDA and CDC committees, Bell started her CDC career as an officer in the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), a branch that journalist Jon Rappoport has dubbed the “medical CIA.”

As Rappoport notes, EIS graduates’ occupancy of “key positions in the overall medical cartel” furnishes an “unparalleled opportunity” to control information — and disseminate disinformation.

During COVID, Bell has positioned herself as a champion for vaccination “equity,” stating “If we’re serious about valuing equity, we need to have that baked in early in the vaccination process.”

Bell’s comments about wanting to make sure “socially vulnerable” communities and people of color have access to COVID shots echo troubling racially oriented remarks made by Melinda Gatesearly on in the pandemic. Located in Gates’ backyard, UW not only benefits from close ties with and extensive funding from the Gates Foundation — an organization tainted by allegations of medical experimentation and an underlying eugenicist ideology — but also enjoys extensive support from Microsoft.

Also of note:

  • As co-author of a CDC paper summarizing ACIP’s May recommendation that 12- to 15-year-olds get the Pfizer shot, Bell and colleagues inaccurately argued that “COVID-19 in adolescents is a major public health problem” and that “desirable [vaccine] effects” outweigh “any undesirable effects in most settings.” The authors did not mention the teens who are dying of post-vaccination cardiac arrest.
  • Regarding COVID booster shots, Bell first stated, “I have my own concerns that we appear to be recommending vaccines for people who I don’t think need it”; she later agreed, however, that “moving forward with the recommendations makes sense for the sake of being clear.”
  • Regarding COVID jabs for young children, Bell claimed, after the November vote, “if she had a grandchild, she’d get the grandchild vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Oliver Brooks

Oliver Brooks, MD, FAAP

Oliver Brooks, M.D. ([email protected]) is chief medical officer and a member of the executive team at Watts Healthcare Corporation in Los Angeles. Watts Healthcare provides primary care services under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and also receives federal funding for other services, including those related to HIV/AIDS.

Brooks is immediate past president of the National Medical Association (NMA), which he describesas “the oldest and largest organization representing African-America’s physicians and the guardians of the health of African-Americans.” As such, Brooks — like Beth Bell — made “health equity” his calling card, with vaccination of minority groups one of his signature goals as NMA president.

CDC celebrates Brooks’ “leadership roles focusing on disparities in vaccine coverage rates.”

Brooks speaks frequently “on the science and the implementation perspective of vaccine utilization,” is a board member and past president of the California Immunization Coalition, chairman of the Immunize LA Families Coalition and member of the national Leadership Panel for the Adolescent Immunization Initiative.

During the pandemic, Watts Healthcare has received millions in funding from Kaiser Permanenteto promote COVID vaccination in L.A.’s Hispanic and African American communities.

In March 2021, Watts Healthcare also received $4.3 million via the American Rescue Plan to increase the federally qualified health center’s “ability to get more shots in arms.” The nonprofit is further beholden to the federal government for a $5.18 million coronavirus-related Paycheck Protection Loan approved in April 2020.

Brooks co-chaired California’s COVID-19 Vaccine Work Group, working to “get the vaccine out more rapidly” through “more points of distribution.” Early on in the vaccine rollout, one of those “points of distribution” in San Diego was forced to pause vaccine administration when numerous recipients suffered severe allergic reactions.

Since 2014, Brooks has received $118,439 (350 general payments primarily for consulting or speaking engagements) from biopharmaceutical companies that include Pfizer as well as Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis, Seqirus, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Meda, AbbVie and Theratechnologies.

Also of note:

  • At over $271,000, Brooks’ annual salary is second only to that of the Watts Healthcare CEO.
  • Watts Healthcare and another South LA nonprofit received $3 million in COVID-related funding from the Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation in July 2020. The media tycoon — one-time member (along with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner and others) of an elite “club” of billionaire philanthropists — urges compliance with mask mandates and uses her influential platform to tell those who are not vaccinated to “reconsider.”

Wilbur Chen

Wilbur H. Chen, MD, MS, FIDSA, FACP

Wilbur Chen, M.D. ([email protected]) is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, with research interests “in developing vaccines against pathogens which afflict low- and middle-income countries” as well as in vaccine development for the elderly. Chen has headed up vaccine trials for influenza viruses, enteric pathogens and “agents of bioterror.”

Chen is co-investigator for two entities funded by the Anthony-Fauci-led National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID): the Vaccine Treatment and Evaluation Unit (composed of 10 academic centers throughout the U.S.) and the Collaborative Influenza Vaccine Innovation Centers (a network of research centers developing “novel vaccine candidates and delivery platforms”).

In advance of the ACIP vote on the 5–11 age group, CHD joined numerous citizens in arguing (unsuccessfully) that Chen be removed from the committee for blatant financial conflicts of interest. In 2020 alone, Chen accepted $437,251 from vaccine makers GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Emergent BioSolutions — a fact “researched and exposed by average citizens” rather than disclosed by CDC. Chen’s payments since 2014 total over $476,880 and include monies from Janssen, Seqirus, MedImmune, Astellas Pharma, Valneva Austria and BioFire Diagnostics in addition to the two companies already mentioned.

Chen also receives research funding from the Gates Foundation and from the Seattle-based global health organization PATH. PATH’s former CEO, Christopher Elias, now serves as president of the Gates Foundation’s Global Development Division, leading efforts in areas such as vaccine delivery and family planning; Elias was a leading Event 201 participant.

Also of note:

  • In addition to serving as a voting member of ACIP, Chen is a core member of NIAID’s Data and Safety Advisory Board.
  • During COVID, Chen has been a staunch advocate of “aggressive nonpharmacologic intervention and control measures,” including “aggressive recognition and isolation and quarantine of cases and contacts.”
  • Despite the well-documented risks and failures of influenza vaccination, Chen continues to insist that “Vaccination is by far the best method to prevent and control influenza.”
  • Chen recently voted to make a highly reactogenic Ebola vaccine obligatory for healthcare personnel, lab workers and support staff at facilities that handle Ebola specimens, arguing against letting workers make their own risk-benefit decisions.

Sybil Cineas

Sybil Cineas, MD, FAAP, FACPSybil Cineas, M.D. ([email protected]), a Harvard Medical School graduate, is an associate professor of medicine, pediatrics and medical science at Brown University, and, as associate program director of Brown’s combined residency program in internal medicine and pediatrics, is “highly involved in the training of residents and medical students.”

According to CDC, Cineas has “20+ years of experience teaching about and promoting vaccination.”

Like fellow ACIP members Beth Bell and Oliver Brooks, Cineas frequently cites health equity to justify her vaccine votes. For example, as a member of the ACIP Hepatitis Work Group, which recently recommended hepatitis B vaccines for everyone age 59 and younger while issuing a more qualified risk-based recommendation for adults age 60 and up, Cineas wanted to recommend universal hepatitis B vaccination for all ages. She argued, “A simplification of this recommendation [would] reach more individuals at risk … and promote health equity.”

Also of note:

  • CDC has given Brown researchers $4.9 million to study COVID vaccine effectiveness in seniors; the researchers state that “the urgently needed research will be used to inform recommendations about vaccine booster shots for nursing home residents.”

Matthew Daley

Matthew F. Daley, MDMatthew Daley, M.D. ([email protected]) is a senior investigator and practicing pediatrician at Kaiser Permanente Colorado, described by CDC as having “extensive research experience in the areas of vaccine safety, parental vaccine hesitancy, and immunization services delivery.”

Daley’s published studies on vaccine “hesitancy” cover topics such as social media interventions to increase vaccine acceptance, barriers to adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, under vaccination patterns and parent-provider trust. (In one study, parents reported trusting pediatricians on topics such as nutrition but “did not believe their pediatrician provided ‘balanced’ information on both the benefits and risks of vaccination.”)

Daley also conducts Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) studies on a variety of topics, including safety of newly licensed vaccines, vaccine safety during pregnancy and, according to the CDC, safety of the childhood immunization schedule.

After the Institute of Medicine acknowledged that studies “to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted” — and identified the VSD as “an important resource for conducting this research” — Daley and CDC co-authors wrote a white paper to describe how this could be done but shrouded their remarks in so many caveats about potential studies’ “inherent complexity” as to make their feasibility seem highly doubtful.

Daley’s VSD studies, some co-authored with ACIP colleague Grace Lee, have identified potential safety signals, but in each case, Daley and co-authors have found reasons to reject or mask their own conclusions.

Examples include attributing a statistically significant association between hepatitis A vaccination during pregnancy and small-for-gestational-age infants to “unmeasured confounding”; putting forth “seasonality” as the likely contributor to a statistical signal for Bell’s palsy in adults age 25 and up following H1N1 influenza vaccination; and dismissing as “rare” two types of adverse events (anaphylaxis and fainting) significantly associated with live attenuated influenza vaccination in children 2 through 17 years of age.

Also of note:

  • After the vote recommending the COVID shots for younger children, Daly professed to not be surprised by parents’ hesitation, stating that parents “may be more risk-averse about their child.” However, though Pfizer’s clinical trial in children was too short and too small to assess the risk of myocarditis, Daley confidently asserted that “younger children are at a greater risk of developing myocarditis after a COVID infection than from the vaccine.”
  • A current VSD/CDC study by Daley is assessing “factors associated with COVID vaccination or non-vaccination” in the general population and among pregnant women.

Camille Kotton

Camille N. Kotton, MD, FIDSA, FASTCamille N. Kotton, M.D. ([email protected]) is clinical director for Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and an associate professor at Harvard Medical School. CDC describes Kotton as a “national expert in vaccination and zoonotic infectious diseases in the immunocompromised,” including solid organ transplant recipients.

Since 2014, Kotton has received over $304,000 in general payments and associated research funding from companies like Merck, GSK, Roche, Quiagen Sciences, Oxford Immunotec, Astellas Pharma, Shire, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, BeiGene and Biotest.

In voting to give younger children the COVID injections, Kotton stated, “the safety data in children looked very good” and added, “she would feel comfortable having her own children immunized if they were in that age group.”

Although few children suffer ill effects from COVID-19, Kotton argued that children should be vaccinated “both to prevent death as well as to prevent major long-term effects of having this devastating infection.”

Also of note:

James Loehr

James Loehr, MD, FAAFPJames Loehr, M.D. ([email protected]) owns Cayuga Family Medicine in Ithaca, New York. According to CDC, for 30 years Loehr has counseled patients “every day on the benefits of vaccines.” Loehr was a member of ACIP’s influenza working group for more than 10 years.

In 2015, Loehr authored an article with detailed instructions telling physicians how to “minimiz[e] costs and maximiz[e] reimbursement” to “make immunizations profitable.”

Describing how Cayuga Family Medicine “enjoys steady revenue from immunizations, with vaccine reimbursement sometimes exceeding that for the rest of the visit,” Loehr outlined a series of strategies to improve a practice’s financial viability through vaccination, including becoming a “savvy vaccine shopper,” taking advantage of manufacturer discounts and doing “a bit of additional work” when coding for the service to obtain extra reimbursement for “brief counseling” and multiple vaccine components.

At an October ACIP meeting focused on Moderna boosters that was, according to Stat, driven by a “sense of the inevitability of [the] outcome,” Loehr stated, “There are probably many people who are going to get a Moderna booster who don’t need it. However, given the situation that we’ve already approved a Pfizer [booster] and there are enough people who are looking for a booster, I am inclined, reluctantly, to just go ahead and recommend a similar pattern for the Moderna booster.”

Loehr was similarly wishy-washy the previous month when he stated, “I … feel that we’re getting too much ahead of ourselves and that we have too much hope on the line with these boosters.”

He then added, “However, having said that, we shouldn’t let the perfect be in the way of the good. And if we can do a little bit of good by giving boosters to people over 65 I’m in favor of that.”

Loehr is a past Vaccine Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Speaking for AAFP, Loehr has noted that the medical trade group “does not support nonmedical immunization exemption policies.” AAFP does support COVID-19 vaccine mandates for health and long-term care workers, and last August, it also started lobbying FDA to authorize the vaccines for children under age 12.

Also of note:

  • Like most of his ACIP peers, Loehr promotes himself as an expert on “strategies for addressing and overcoming vaccine hesitancy,” stating that “most patients…are not truly resistant to immunization” but just want “clarification and reassurance.”

Sarah Long

Sarah S. Long, MDSarah Long, M.D. is a professor of pediatrics at Drexel University College of Medicine and a physician at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. In addition to her role on ACIP, Long has served on VRBPAC and as a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Infectious Diseases.

Long was widely quoted in the press following her “yes” vote on COVID injections for children. Though she expressed several concerns and voted “no” in September regarding Pfizer boostersfor healthcare workers, Long “threw her full support behind the pediatric recommendation.”

Fully aware that “CDC was not able to conduct a full benefit-risk analysis for myocarditis post-vaccination in this age group,” Long is nevertheless telling mothers that the shot’s risks are preferable to the myocarditis that could arise from COVID illness.

Without citing any evidence, Long states that “vaccine-related events are completely different, and much less dire, than typical myocarditis,” adding that “she’d rather treat many people with vaccine-associated myopericarditis than a single case of viral myocarditis.”

Claiming that “Nobody has died of myopericarditis, and children are dying of coronavirus,” Long has concluded that “of course it’s a benefit-risk ratio that comes out in the direction of vaccination.”

The hundreds of teens who have experienced post-vaccination myocarditis — some now dead — might beg to differ.

Ironically, Long’s bio includes numerous “awards and honors for her outstanding work to improve the health and well-being of children.” After the “yes” vote on COVID shots, she reportedly joked, “I, believe it or not, have no questions. I have just a comment: I am very supportive of this recommendation in its fullest extent, as a ‘should,’ not a ‘may,’ for all children in this age group.”

Long continued, “I think the data support that we have one more vaccine that saves lives of children, and that we should be very confident to employ it to the maximum to do what it is meant to do, without significant concerns of serious adverse events. So, I couldn’t be more supportive.”

Also of note:

  • Drexel University received half a million dollars from the Gates Foundation in June 2020 “to evaluate the use of a digital health platform to make care for COVID more accessible to marginalized populations.”
  • The Gates Foundation is also supporting the work of other Drexel researchers in areas such as diagnostic test development.

Veronica McNally

Veronica V. McNally, J.D.Veronica V. McNally, JD ([email protected]) is a law professor and an assistant dean at Michigan State University. McNally is ACIP’s “consumer representative.”

Having lost an infant to pertussis, McNally describes herself as a “public health advocate” in addition to being an attorney.

She is founder and president of the Franny Strong Foundation — framing a mission to “promote pertussis awareness and boost childhood immunization rates for all vaccine-preventable diseases” — and founded the I Vaccinate Campaign, which, on November 16, excitedly reportedthat “nearly 1 million kids ages 5-11 will have their first COVID shots by the end of today.”

McNally is seemingly unaware of the many failures of a pertussis vaccination program that is widely acknowledged to be making vaccinated children more rather than less susceptible to pertussis over their lifetimes.

Also of note:

  • McNally is a CDC darling, having been named “Childhood Immunization Champion” for Michigan in 2018 — the same year in which she was appointed to her four-year term on ACIP.

Katherine Poehling

Katherine A. Poehling, MD, MPHKatherine A. Poehling, M.D., MPH ([email protected]) is a professor of pediatrics and epidemiology at North Carolina’s Wake Forest University School of Medicine. CDC cites her expertise “on the community impact of vaccines, specifically pneumococcal and influenza vaccines.”

As an ACIP insider, Poehling has headed up past ACIP presentations on pneumococcal vaccines.

Poehling has published on “ethics and academic pediatrics” but apparently sees no conflict in sitting on ACIP while receiving, according to Open Payments, over $523,000 in general payments and associated research funding from MedImmune and AstraZeneca since 2014.

Poehling endorses CDC’s astonishingly fact-free claim that COVID has caused “substantially more misery than other childhood diseases,” stating, “that information helped convince her to strongly support COVID-19 vaccines for elementary school children.”

Poehling also buys into Long’s non-evidence-based assertion that COVID-19 disease is responsible for more heart problems than the vaccine. During a May review of Moderna data, Poehling enthusiastically favored making multiple vaccines available — to “increase access.”

Also of note:

  • When endorsing COVID boosters for the immunocompromised, Poehling stated, “the benefits are tremendous and the potential negative impacts are minimal and so I agree that we should recommend.”
  • Many of Poehling’s publications seem intended to address the burden of diseases such as influenza for which vaccine “solutions” can then be promoted. It seems likely that her published articles about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) will be used to lay the groundwork for an mRNA vaccine for RSV.

Pablo Sanchez

Pablo J. Sanchez, M.D.Pablo J. Sanchez, M.D. ([email protected]) has been a professor of pediatrics at Ohio State University since 2013 and directs Clinical and Translational Research in Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. Sanchez previously held positions at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Sanchez’s 80-page self-congratulatory curriculum vitae reveals that he is a consummate insider fluidly bridging academia, public health agencies and private industry. Sanchez’s invited participation and lectures include appearances at public health agencies like CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO); COVID-vaccine-promoting trade groups like the AAP and March of Dimes; and biopharma companies like AbbVie, GSK (formerly Smithkline Beecham), ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inhibitex, MedImmune and Ross Laboratories.

Sanchez also lists hundreds of thousands in research monies received from these same entities.

Since the 1990s, Sanchez has been funded by Abbott Laboratories, American Lung Association, BioStar, Biosynexus, Burroughs Wellcome, CDC, F. Hoffman-La Roche, Gerber Foundation, MedImmune, NIAID, NICHD [National Institute of Child Health and Human Development], Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Ross Laboratories and Smithkline Beecham/Glaxo/GSK.

According to Open Payments, since 2014, Sanchez has pocketed roughly $221,000 in general payments and associated research funding from AbbVie, AstraZeneca, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, MedImmune, Medtronic, Merck, Novartis, Sanofi Pasteur, Seqirus and Sobi.

The database lists AstraZeneca, MedImmune and Merck as the “top companies making associated payments,” with notable payments from Merck in Fall 2020.

In June, Sanchez hedged his bets on the topic of COVID vaccines and myocarditis. While declaring that the benefits of vaccination outweigh myocarditis risks, he also noted, “we need to be very upfront in terms of mentioning this as a potential risk of COVID messenger RNA vaccination. Hopefully, the parents and patients are aware of this before vaccination.”

Sanchez did not repeat these remarks at the November meeting when he okayed the jab for 5-year-olds.

Also of note:

  • In 2010, Sanchez served as a “Pfizer visiting professor.”
  • Sanchez served on VRBPAC from 2007–2010 as well as on FDA’s vaccine-focused Pediatric Advisory Committee from 2010–2012. In Texas, he chaired the Texas Pediatric Society’s Committee of Infectious Diseases and Immunizations from 2004–2009 and served on the committee from 1995–2013.
  • Many of Sanchez’s publications focus on amplifying concern about illnesses attributed to viruses— such as cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, RSV and Zika — for which Moderna and other companies now anticipate developing mRNA vaccines.

Helen Keipp Talbot

Helen Keipp Talbot, MD, MPHHelen Keipp Talbot, M.D., MPH ([email protected]) is associate professor of medicine at Nashville’s Vanderbilt University, where she has held various appointments since 2002. Talbot’s research and publications (sometimes co-authored with fellow ACIP member Poehling) center on adult vaccination, influenza vaccination, human coronaviruses and vaccine trials for respiratory illnesses such as RSV. The focus on coronaviruses pre-dates COVID; from 2007–2009, Talbot was principal investigator on an NIH-funded study on the “epidemiology of human coronaviruses.”

According to Talbot’s curriculum vitae, her recent research funding comes from both the federal government (CDC, National Institutes of Health [NIH]) and Sanofi Pasteur, primarily for the study of pandemic preparedness (in 2015) and influenza vaccination. Sanofi and MedImmune have been recurrent funders since 2009, along with AstraZeneca, Gilead, Protein Sciences, VaxInnate and Wyeth (since acquired by Pfizer).

Open Payments lists Talbot’s receipt of roughly $1.4 million in research payments and associated research funding since 2014 (417 total payments) from these companies, along with 29 general payments totaling $17,000.

In December 2020, Talbot was the “lone dissenter” objecting to ACIP’s recommendation that long-term care residents “be at the front of the line” for COVID vaccines. At the time, Talbot argued that vaccination of long-term care residents was “risky” because they “have a high rate of medical events that could be confused as side effects of vaccination and undermine confidence in the vaccines.”

Talbot stated, “And I think you’re going to have a very striking backlash of, ‘My grandmother got the vaccine and she passed away.’” Talbot elaborated: “I fear a loss of confidence in the vaccine…. [T]here will be temporally associated events and people will be scared to use the vaccine.”

Talbot exhibited no scruples in voting to administer COVID vaccines to young children. On the same day as the “yes” vote, Talbot told the press, “I have vaccinated my kids” (who, presumably, were at least 12 years of age at the time of injection).

Also of note:

  • In 2008, Talbot received a Sanofi Pasteur Advanced Vaccinology Course travel grant.
  • Talbot is on the editorial board of the journal Vaccine.

And … Rochelle Walensky

Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH (@RWalensky) / TwitterNo overview of ACIP would be complete without noting the conflicts of interest surrounding CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, who used ACIP’s vote to immediately green-light vaccination of younger children.

As reported by independent media outlet RedState (but not by the mainstream media), Walensky’s husband, Loren Walensky, became scientific co-founder and board member of early-stage biotech company Lytica Therapeutics in October 2019.

In December, the Biden administration announced Rochelle Walensky’s pending appointment as CDC director, and in February 2020, Lytica received the first installment ($5.3 million) of a $16.9 million grant from HHS, representing the “only funding this new company [had] received to date — nearly two years after its founding.”

Even before becoming CDC director, Walensky had been “directly associated with HHS for more than a decade,” including close participation on committees and panels with Anthony “Tony” Fauci. According to RedState’s exposé, “when ‘insiders’ were surprised that Walensky was picked [to head CDC], it was revealed that Fauci had a lot to do with her appointment.”

Loyal to Fauci, Walensky has written opinion pieces for leading media outlets “about how to fairly and effectively distribute Remdesivir,” the ineffective, expensive and dangerous drug promoted by NIAID and Fauci as virtually the sole treatment option for hospitalized COVID patients.

A former Boston colleague of Walensky’s stated the CDC director “has a lot of Tony in her,” including the “ability to take complex information and convey it in clear and concise messaging.”

Shunning and Nuremberg 2.0

As bad as the ACIP (and VRBPAC) decisions were, vaccine-risk-aware observers are even more shocked that CDC and FDA are “blithely” allowing Pfizer’s shot to be administered to children and adolescents with other vaccines at the same time.

As Informed Choice Washington put it last May regarding the authorization for kids ages 12 and up:

“As unethical as it is to expose children to investigational liability-free products that have seen unprecedented levels of vaccine adverse reactions and deaths reported … when ACIP opened up the shots to be co-administered with other vaccines, including those with adjuvants, they stepped fully into crimes against humanity. Not a single clinical trial has been done administering the COVID-19 shots with any other vaccine. There is zero safety data.”

Other observers agree with this assessment, arguing that “Every single person associated with the ACIP meeting today must be tried for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg 2.0.” Some are also calling for a second Nuremberg trial for “perpetration of COVID-response policies that led to forced shutdowns, destroyed businesses, impoverished families, broken lives and a spike in suicide rates.”

In the meantime, it is time to shun ACIP members. And because it is inconceivable that ACIP members would behave in such a corrupt manner without the approval and say-so of their institutions, shunning actions necessarily must also extend to the universities and other institutions that have these individuals’ backs.

  • Send a Notice of Liability to each ACIP member — see examples at the Doctors for Covid Ethics website.
  • Check the campaign contributions of ACIP members at If they are donating to a politician who represents your state or Congressional District, call or write your representative and ask why they are accepting donations from people who are seriously compromised by the pharmaceutical industry and harming our children.
  • Refrain from appointing ACIP members to the Boards of community organizations — or revoke their current Board appointments. These types of “good citizen” positions should not be offered to people who are not behaving as “good citizens.”
  • All universities benefit from state and local appropriations; contact your legislators, explain that academic operations at these universities are clearly supporting federal corruption and demand that the legislators revoke the appropriations.
  • Write to the board of trustees or person who manages the university endowment. Demand they disclose their investments in companies that are harming our children and explain how these investments support active participation in federal corruption by those affiliated with the university.
  • Stop donating to the universities and academic departments in question and let them know why. When asked for an update by your university alumni group, ask to be removed from the alumni email list and database, and explain you have stopped donating to the university as a result of its support of federal corruption.
  • Cancel your season tickets and other participation in sports and cultural events at the university. Explain why.
  • If you are involved in recruiting for your company, remove these universities from your recruiting lists. Write to the university’s placement office to explain why.
  • Ask local newspapers to publish copies of the letters you write to university officials. Organize to support members of the independent media in researching and publishing information regarding ACIP members’ conflicts of interest, as well as the university conflicts of interest that compromise the institutions’ intellectual resources and activities in science, medicine and technology.
  • Write to the university chaplain and ask for prayers for the university to be released from the spirit of corruption. Provide details.
  • Identify the banks involved in managing the university’s bank accounts, financial assets, endowment and pension funds; where applicable, demand to know why the university is doing business with banks that have compromised our federal government accounts and are financing policies at the federal level that are harming our children.
  • Do not buy or hold stocks in companies with which ACIP members are connected.
  • Do not buy products or drugs that ACIP members have developed or patented.
  • Make it clear — through letters to the editor and letters to the institutions — that you will not forget ACIP members’ decision to enable the needless harming of young children.


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Epidemiologist Dr Paul Elias Alexander is a former assistant professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine and research methods. He’s also a former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis consultant advisor to WHO-PAHO Washington, DC (2020) and former senior advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in Health and Human Services (HHS) Washington, DC. He recently published an article for the Brownstone Institute with a list of 130 research studies regarding natural COVID immunity, pointing out,

“Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.”

The Brownstone Institute

Unlike the short-term protection offered by the vaccines, the protection generated by infection has been shown to be both durable and broad. If governments hadn’t been so hasty to get the vaccines out and had demanded six months of follow-up rather than two, the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines wouldn’t have been approved due to the severe decline in efficacy over time.

Furthermore, COVID vaccines do not reduce transmission as pointed out by Alexander in his article. I also provide several examples in an article I recently published here. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated as politicians have claimed. The most vaccinated nation on the planet is currently experiencing a large outbreak, and deaths and hospitalizations among the vaccinated are increasing.

In fact, of the top five counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies four of them as “high” transmission counties.

According to Dr. Steven Pelech, a professor of immunology from the University of British Columbia, Canada,

“This concept that the vaccine-induced immunity is superior in any way to natural immunity is sheer nonsense. Anyone who says this should consult a first-year immunology textbook…We now know that these Covid vaccines that use the RNA or that use the adenovirus for delivery, the immunity does not last. Even with double booster shots in Israel we see that 90% of the people that are in hospital in Israel are double-vaccinated.”

Why hasn’t government health policy acknowledged the power of natural immunity? With COVID having a 99.97% survival rate for children, and a similar survival rate for healthy people under the age of 70, why can’t people have the right to choose what goes inside their body?

For some, the risk of injury from the vaccine itself may be greater than the risk of injury, death, and hospitalization from COVID. If the vaccine does a poor job at stopping transmission, how is one protecting another by getting vaccinated?

Study / report title, author, and year published followed by their predominant finding on natural immunity

1) Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals, Shrestha, 2021

“Cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was examined among 52,238 employees in an American healthcare system. The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection remained almost zero among previously infected unvaccinated subjects, previously infected subjects who were vaccinated, and previously uninfected subjects who were vaccinated, compared with a steady increase in cumulative incidence among previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated. Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study. Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination…”

2) SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls, Le Bert, 2020

“Studied T cell responses against the structural (nucleocapsid (N) protein) and non-structural (NSP7 and NSP13 of ORF1) regions of SARS-CoV-2 in individuals convalescing from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (n = 36). In all of these individuals, we found CD4 and CD8 T cells that recognized multiple regions of the N protein…showed that patients (n = 23) who recovered from SARS possess long-lasting memory T cells that are reactive to the N protein of SARS-CoV 17 years after the outbreak of SARS in 2003; these T cells displayed robust cross-reactivity to the N protein of SARS-CoV-2.”

3) Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections, Gazit, 2021

“A retrospective observational study comparing three groups: (1) SARS-CoV-2-naïve individuals who received a two-dose regimen of the BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine, (2) previously infected individuals who have not been vaccinated, and (3) previously infected and single dose vaccinated individuals found para a 13 fold increased risk of breakthrough Delta infections in double vaccinated persons, and a 27 fold increased risk for symptomatic breakthrough infection in the double vaccinated relative to the natural immunity recovered persons…the risk of hospitalization was 8 times higher in the double vaccinated (para)…this analysis demonstrated that natural immunity affords longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization due to the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.”

4) Highly functional virus-specific cellular immune response in asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, Le Bert, 2021

“Studied SARS-CoV-2–specific T cells in a cohort of asymptomatic (n = 85) and symptomatic (n = 75) COVID-19 patients after seroconversion…thus, asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–infected individuals are not characterized by weak antiviral immunity; on the contrary, they mount a highly functional virus-specific cellular immune response.”

5) Large-scale study of antibody titer decay following BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 infection, Israel, 2021

“A total of 2,653 individuals fully vaccinated by two doses of vaccine during the study period and 4,361 convalescent patients were included. Higher SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody titers were observed in vaccinated individuals (median 1581 AU/mL IQR [533.8-5644.6]) after the second vaccination, than in convalescent individuals (median 355.3 AU/mL IQR [141.2-998.7]; p<0.001). In vaccinated subjects, antibody titers decreased by up to 40% each subsequent month while in convalescents they decreased by less than 5% per month…this study demonstrates individuals who received the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine have different kinetics of antibody levels compared to patients who had been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with higher initial levels but a much faster exponential decrease in the first group”.

6) SARS-CoV-2 re-infection risk in Austria, Pilz, 2021

Researchers recorded “40 tentative re-infections in 14, 840 COVID-19 survivors of the first wave (0.27%) and 253 581 infections in 8, 885, 640 individuals of the remaining general population (2.85%) translating into an odds ratio (95% confidence interval) of 0.09 (0.07 to 0.13)…relatively low re-infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria. Protection against SARS-CoV-2 after natural infection is comparable with the highest available estimates on vaccine efficacies.” Additionally, hospitalization in only five out of 14,840 (0.03%) people and death in one out of 14,840 (0.01%) (tentative re-infection).

7) mRNA vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells recognize B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants but differ in longevity and homing properties depending on prior infection status, Neidleman, 2021

“Spike-specific T cells from convalescent vaccinees differed strikingly from those of infection-naïve vaccinees, with phenotypic features suggesting superior long-term persistence and ability to home to the respiratory tract including the nasopharynx. These results provide reassurance that vaccine-elicited T cells respond robustly to the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants, confirm that convalescents may not need a second vaccine dose.”

8) Good news: Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection, Bhandari, 2021

“Months after recovering from mild cases of COVID-19, people still have immune cells in their body pumping out antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a study from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Such cells could persist for a lifetime, churning out antibodies all the while. The findings, published May 24 in the journal Nature, suggest that mild cases of COVID-19 leave those infected with lasting antibody protection and that repeated bouts of illness are likely to be uncommon.”

9) Robust neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 infection persist for months, Wajnberg, 2021

“Neutralizing antibody titers against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein persisted for at least 5 months after infection. Although continued monitoring of this cohort will be needed to confirm the longevity and potency of this response, these preliminary results suggest that the chance of reinfection may be lower than is currently feared.”

10) Evolution of Antibody Immunity to SARS-CoV-2, Gaebler, 2020

“Concurrently, neutralizing activity in plasma decreases by five-fold in pseudo-type virus assays. In contrast, the number of RBD-specific memory B cells is unchanged. Memory B cells display clonal turnover after 6.2 months, and the antibodies they express have greater somatic hypermutation, increased potency and resistance to RBD mutations, indicative of continued evolution of the humoral response…we conclude that the memory B cell response to SARS-CoV-2 evolves between 1.3 and 6.2 months after infection in a manner that is consistent with antigen persistence.”

11) Persistence of neutralizing antibodies a year after SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans, Haveri, 2021

“Assessed the persistence of serum antibodies following WT SARS-CoV-2 infection at 8 and 13 months after diagnosis in 367 individuals…found that NAb against the WT virus persisted in 89% and S-IgG in 97% of subjects for at least 13 months after infection.”

12) Quantifying the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 reinfection over time, Murchu, 2021

“Eleven large cohort studies were identified that estimated the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 reinfection over time, including three that enrolled healthcare workers and two that enrolled residents and staff of elderly care homes. Across studies, the total number of PCR‐positive or antibody‐positive participants at baseline was 615,777, and the maximum duration of follow‐up was more than 10 months in three studies. Reinfection was an uncommon event (absolute rate 0%–1.1%), with no study reporting an increase in the risk of reinfection over time.”

13) Natural immunity to covid is powerful. Policymakers seem afraid to say so, Makary, 2021

Makary writes “it’s okay to have an incorrect scientific hypothesis. But when new data proves it wrong, you have to adapt. Unfortunately, many elected leaders and public health officials have held on far too long to the hypothesis that natural immunity offers unreliable protection against covid-19 — a contention that is being rapidly debunked by science. More than 15 studies have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infectionswere 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated. This affirmed a June Cleveland Clinic study of health-care workers (who are often exposed to the virus), in which nonewho had previously tested positive for the coronavirus got reinfected. The study authors concluded that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” And in May, a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.”

14) SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless of disease severity, Nielsen, 2021

“203 recovered SARS-CoV-2 infected patients in Denmark between April 3rd and July 9th 2020, at least 14 days after COVID-19 symptom recovery… report broad serological profiles within the cohort, detecting antibody binding to other human coronaviruses… the viral surface spike protein was identified as the dominant target for both neutralizing antibodies and CD8+ T-cell responses. Overall, the majority of patients had robust adaptive immune responses, regardless of their disease severity.”

15) Protection of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar to that of BNT162b2 vaccine protection: A three-month nationwide experience from Israel, Goldberg, 2021

“Analyze an updated individual-level database of the entire population of Israel to assess the protection efficacy of both prior infection and vaccination in preventing subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospitalization with COVID-19, severe disease, and death due to COVID-19… vaccination was highly effective with overall estimated efficacy for documented infection of 92·8% (CI:[92·6, 93·0]); hospitalization 94·2% (CI:[93·6, 94·7]); severe illness 94·4% (CI:[93·6, 95·0]); and death 93·7% (CI:[92·5, 94·7]). Similarly, the overall estimated level of protection from prior SARS-CoV-2 infection for documented infection is 94·8% (CI: [94·4, 95·1]); hospitalization 94·1% (CI: [91·9, 95·7]); and severe illness 96·4% (CI: [92·5, 98·3])…results question the need to vaccinate previously-infected individuals.”

16) Incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 infection among previously infected or vaccinated employees, Kojima, 2021

“Employees were divided into three groups: (1) SARS-CoV-2 naïve and unvaccinated, (2) previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, and (3) vaccinated. Person-days were measured from the date of the employee first test and truncated at the end of the observation period. SARS-CoV-2 infection was defined as two positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests in a 30-day period… 4313, 254 and 739 employee records for groups 1, 2, and 3…previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 were associated with decreased risk for infection or re-infection with SARS-CoV-2 in a routinely screened workforce. The was no difference in the infection incidence between vaccinated individuals and individuals with previous infection.”

17) Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but vaccination remains vital, Wadman, 2021

“Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had an already highly effective COVID-19 vaccine…the newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.”

18) One-year sustained cellular and humoral immunities of COVID-19 convalescents, Zhang, 2021

“A systematic antigen-specific immune evaluation in 101 COVID-19 convalescents; SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG antibodies, and also NAb can persist among over 95% COVID-19 convalescents from 6 months to 12 months after disease onset. At least 19/71 (26%) of COVID-19 convalescents (double positive in ELISA and MCLIA) had detectable circulating IgM antibody against SARS-CoV-2 at 12m post-disease onset. Notably, the percentages of convalescents with positive SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell responses (at least one of the SARS-CoV-2 antigen S1, S2, M and N protein) were 71/76 (93%) and 67/73 (92%) at 6m and 12m, respectively.”

19) Functional SARS-CoV-2-Specific Immune Memory Persists after Mild COVID-19, Rodda, 2021

“Recovered individuals developed SARS-CoV-2-specific immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies, neutralizing plasma, and memory B and memory T cells that persisted for at least 3 months. Our data further reveal that SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG memory B cells increased over time. Additionally, SARS-CoV-2-specific memory lymphocytes exhibited characteristics associated with potent antiviral function: memory T cells secreted cytokines and expanded upon antigen re-encounter, whereas memory B cells expressed receptors capable of neutralizing virus when expressed as monoclonal antibodies. Therefore, mild COVID-19 elicits memory lymphocytes that persist and display functional hallmarks of antiviral immunity.”

20) Discrete Immune Response Signature to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination Versus Infection, Ivanova, 2021

“Performed multimodal single-cell sequencing on peripheral blood of patients with acute COVID-19 and healthy volunteers before and after receiving the SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine to compare the immune responses elicited by the virus and by this vaccine…both infection and vaccination induced robust innate and adaptive immune responses, our analysis revealed significant qualitative differences between the two types of immune challenges. In COVID-19 patients, immune responses were characterized by a highly augmented interferon response which was largely absent in vaccine recipients. Increased interferon signaling likely contributed to the observed dramatic upregulation of cytotoxic genes in the peripheral T cells and innate-like lymphocytes in patients but not in immunized subjects. Analysis of B and T cell receptor repertoires revealed that while the majority of clonal B and T cells in COVID-19 patients were effector cells, in vaccine recipients clonally expanded cells were primarily circulating memory cells…we observed the presence of cytotoxic CD4 T cells in COVID-19 patients that were largely absent in healthy volunteers following immunization. While hyper-activation of inflammatory responses and cytotoxic cells may contribute to immunopathology in severe illness, in mild and moderate disease, these features are indicative of protective immune responses and resolution of infection.”

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“Government requires make-believe. Make believe that the king is divine, make believe that he can do no wrong or make believe that the voice of the people is the voice of God. Make believe that the people have a voice or make believe that the representatives of the people are the people. Make believe that governors are the servants of the people. Make believe that all men are created equal or make believe that they are not.” — Edmund S. Morgan (1916-2013)

What if the government’s true goal is to perpetuate its own power?

What if the real levers of governmental power are pulled by agents and diplomats and by bureaucrats and central bankers behind the scenes?

What if they stay in power no matter who is elected president or which political party controls either house of Congress?

What if the frequent public displays of adversity between Republicans and Democrats are just a facade? What if both major political parties agree on the transcendental issues of our day?

What if the leadership of both political parties believes that our rights are not natural to our humanity but instead are gifts from the government?

What if those leaders believe the government that gives gifts to the people can take those gifts away?

What if the leadership of both parties gives only lip service to Thomas Jefferson’s assertions in the Declaration of Independence that all persons “are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” and that when the government assaults our natural rights, we can “alter or abolish” it?

What if the leadership of both parties quietly dismisses those ideas as Jefferson’s outdated musings? What if Jefferson’s words have been enacted into federal law that all in government have sworn to uphold?

What if the leadership of both political parties believes that the constitutional requirement of due process somehow permits mothers to hire doctors to kill babies in their wombs, out of fear or convenience?

What if the leadership of both political parties believes that the president may lawfully kill any foreigner out of fear, because due process is an inconvenience?

What if the last four presidents — two from each political party — have used high-tech drones to kill innocent people in foreign lands with which America was not at war and claimed that they did so legally, relying not on a declaration of war from Congress but on erroneous and secret arguments that claim American presidents can kill with impunity?

What if the Constitution requires a congressional declaration of war or due process whenever the government wants anyone’s life, liberty or property, whether convenient or not, and whether the person is American or not? What if due process means a fair jury trial, not a secretly ordered killing?

What if most members of Congress from both political parties believe in perpetual war and perpetual debt?

What if the political class believes that war is the health of the state?

What if the leadership of that class wants war so as to induce the loyalty of its base, open the pocketbooks of the taxpayers and gain the compliance of the voters? What if the political class uses war to enrich its benefactors? What if the government has been paying for war by increasing its debt?

What if the $28 trillion current federal government debt has been caused by borrowing to pay for wars and false prosperity? What if the federal government collects about $4 trillion annually but spends about $6.8 trillion? What if the feds borrow money to pay $500 billion in interest annually?

What if it is insane to borrow money to pay interest on borrowed money?

What if American taxpayers are still paying interest on debts incurred by Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and every post-World War II president?

What if the banks have borrowed the money that they lend? What if they can’t pay it back? What if the stock market is soaring on money borrowed at artificially low interest rates?

What if the government demands transparency from us but declines to be transparent to us? What if government leaders assert the make-believe that they work for us but recognize silently that we work for the government?

What if the federal government has access to all our electronic communications, bank accounts, medical and legal records, and utility and credit card bills? What if the government knows more about us than we know about it?

What if the federal government stays in power by bribing the states with cash, the rich with bailouts, the middle class with tax cuts and the poor with welfare?

What if the government thinks the Constitution is make-believe and doesn’t apply in bad times? What if it thinks it can cure disease by forcing experimental drugs on the healthy? What if it mocks the Bill of Rights?

What if the government the Founding Fathers gave us needed our permission to do nearly everything? What if today we need the government’s permission to do nearly anything?

What if, on Thanksgiving Day, our gratitude is not to the government that assaults our freedoms and steals our wealth but to God, who gave us our freedoms and our ability to earn wealth?

What if, on Thanksgiving Day, our gratitude is for life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the exercise of free will and human reason?

What if these are integral to our humanity despite the government’s assaults on them?

What if the Thanksgiving holiday has become a four-day oasis from a fractious government that is blind to the consequences of its borrowing, killing and assaults on freedom?

What if, on Thanksgiving Day, we are most grateful that we are free creatures made in God’s image and likeness?

What if, on Thanksgiving Day, we begin altering or abolishing the government, make-believe or not?

Happy Thanksgiving.


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Dangerous and Useless Vaccines Continue to Kill

November 25th, 2021 by Rodney Atkinson

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There is evidence that the vaccinated are more likely to die than the unvaccinated.

In the UK for instance between March and September 2021 (based on weekly data from the British Government) vaccinated English adults under 60 were dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age. See this.

Statistics published by the Office for National Statistics on the 13th of September 2021 showed deaths by vaccination status between the 2nd of January and 2nd of July 2021 were

  • All deaths regardless of vaccination status 265,982
  • Unvaccinated 104,134
  • vaccinated 166,859

And deaths of children in the UK are 44% higher than the 5 year average since the Government defied the advice of the JCVI and “offered” vaccination to over 12s. See this.

In the USA, Vermont, the state with the highest vaccination rate (89% of over 18s) in the United States, is experiencing a virus surge at levels not seen since the pandemic’s peak last winter. The number of cases in Vermont is at a record level, hospitalisations are close to the records of last winter, and the state recorded the deadliest day and the second deadliest month of the pandemic in September.

In Malta, Iceland, Belgium and Singapore among the most highly vaccinated countries, cases and deaths have risen.

In Waterford, Ireland, where 99.7 percent of all adults are now “fully vaccinated”, saw cases rise to 719 per 100,000 people the highest in Ireland. (for comparison the average English rate is 445 per 100,000. The second most vaccinated, County Carlow, has the second highest virus rate! Hardly a coincidence. How are the fraudulent “fact checkers” going to get out of that one? See this.

More Evidence of Infectiousness of the Vaccinated

In a recent post I quoted an Oxford University published study showing massively higher viral loads in the vaccinated. Now the American Centre for Disease Control and the Wisconsin State Health Department released a study Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination, which reviewed swab specimens from 36 counties in Wisconsin from the end of June to the end of July 2021.   They then checked the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in each swab. What did they find?  High viral load in “158 of 232 unvaccinated (68%…) and 156 of 225 fully vaccinated (69%…) symptomatic individuals.”

Meaning there was effectively no difference between the symptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of who was carrying, and therefore spreading, the virus.

Another paper from the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies titled Increase in COVID-19 are unrelated to level of vaccination across 68 countries and 2,497 counties in the United States.  It found that, “the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with a higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”

UK Vaccinations Cause Big Infection Rise

The rise in UK vaccinations between 23rd September and the 3rd October produced (with an approximate 14 day delay) a big rise in COVID infections between 6th October and the 20th October. Between 23rd September and 12th October the vaccinations seven day average rose by 55% resulting in a rise in daily infections between 3rd October and 19th October of 66%.

As can be seen from the table there was a slight fall off in vaccination rates between 3rd October and 9th October which would explain the fall in the infection rise towards the end of October. (cases fell between 22nd October and the 7th November)

The devastating picture from these statistics is that, as already pointed out on this website, both within the UK and around the world vaccinations have produced a rise in cases and the vaccination of children in schools has (as I predicted here) caused more infections as the newly vaccinated pass on infection to their families.

So we know both from the statistics and from academic studies that

  • the most vaccinated countries have seen the biggest rises in infections
  • some of the least vaccinated countries have seen among the biggest falls in infections
  • the vaccinated can still get COVID
  • the vaccinated can pass on infection to others
  • the vaccinated are being hospitalised and are dying more than the unvaccinated (see the Scotland stats in the above mentioned post and the British and Irish stats above)
  • the rise in vaccination numbers lead to a direct rise in infections (see above Harvard study and previous Freenations post)
  • the Delta variant took off in the UK in April 2021 – after one of the world’s fastest  vaccination programmes, fulfilling the prognosis by Professor Luc Montagnier that vaccination can promote variants

Despite this dismal, disastrous picture of failure the corporatist cabal of big Pharma and Governments, propagandised by corporate media and big tech, continue to wage a vaccine war against the people, censoring and blocking the use of proven remedies from which big Pharma does not profit. 

They ignore and censor some of the world’s leading experts in this field (Professor Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone and Geert Vanden Bossche) while Pfizer and Moderna alone have garnered $93 billion from their vaccines so far.

Vaccine Deaths Continue

In the UK just under 1,800 people have died following the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccinations with more than 1.2 million adverse reactions. Some put the deaths at 35,000 because of chronic under reporting. Virtually none of these deaths (between 6 and 120 per day since vaccination began) are reported by the mainstream media – who are nevertheless eager to report hysterically anyone who is unvaccinated who dies of COVID. This manipulation helps the establishment stop “informed consent” among the population before they are vaccinated.

One of the many despicable crimes against humanity which we must one day see tried in court.


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This article was originally published on Freenations.

Featured image is from Free West Media

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Early in the OPCW’s Douma investigation, expert toxicologists ruled out chlorine gas as the victims’ cause of death. Leaks expose how senior OPCW officials censored this explosive finding — and then targeted the inspector who raised the alarm.

In the early days of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ investigation of an alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, expert toxicologists ruled out chlorine gas as the cause of death for the more than 40 civilians reported at the scene. Instead of publishing this finding, senior OPCW officials concealed it, and then launched an investigation of a veteran inspector who questioned the censorship.

The suppression of the toxicologists is among a series of deceptions by the OPCW leadership to corrupt the Douma probe’s scientific process, as detailed in this new multi-part investigation by The Grayzone. More than three years later, the high-level campaign of censorship and muzzling has mired the world’s top chemical weapons watchdog in scandal.

The manipulation began when the OPCW’s Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) produced a 115-page report in June 2018. The report found no evidence of a chemical weapons attack in Douma. This undermined the stated pretext for US-led air strikes on Syria two months prior, and raised the possibility that insurgents had staged the April 7, 2018 incident to frame the Syrian government.

But as leaked documents later revealed, this original report was kept from the public. Instead, senior OPCW officials tried to rush out a replacement, doctored version that falsely claimed evidence of chemical weapons use. The original report’s chief author, Dr. Brendan Whelan, thwarted the release of the bogus substitute only after discovering it at the last minute and sending an email of protest.

Whelan’s successful June 22nd intervention proved to be one of his last. In the following months, a tense standoff ensued between OPCW team members who wanted to follow the facts, and senior officials determined to reinforce the US-led narrative that a chlorine attack had occurred. A delegation of US representatives was brought in to lobby the inspectors. The original team that deployed to Douma was usurped by officials who never set foot there. And Whelan was effectively sidelined until his scheduled departure from the organization in September 2018.

When the OPCW released its final report on the Douma incident in March 2019, the science lost. Contradicting the original report, the final report now claimed that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe that a chemical attack occurred in Douma, and that “the toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine.”

The US, which had bombed Syria in April 2018 along with the UK and France, claimed vindication.

“The conclusions in the FFM report support what the United States determined in our assessment of the attack last April – that the regime is responsible for this heinous chemical weapons attack that killed and injured civilians,” a State Department spokesperson said.

Although the final report of March 2019 purported to be the OPCW’s verdict, a trove of leaked internal documents and emails has since surfaced, at Wikileaks and The Grayzone, that undermine the US-led narrative.

Drawing on these published documents, OPCW sources, and previously undisclosed leaks, this multi-part investigation by The Grayzone uncovers the OPCW leadership’s extensive and systematic effort to manipulate the science.

This installment details how senior OPCW officials censored the conclusions of expert toxicologists who ruled out chlorine gas as the cause of death in Douma. The OPCW not only suppressed the toxicologists’ findings but concealed the fact that they were ever consulted.

In a previously unreported incident, the OPCW also targeted Whelan for trying to raise alarm about this act of subterfuge. In August 2019, Whelan reached out to colleagues who were aware of the censored toxicologists’ conclusions. But instead of eliciting support to question the suppression, Whelan found himself the subject of an OPCW probe.

By erasing and blocking the findings of leading specialists — and investigating Whelan for voicing concern in response — the OPCW leadership ensured that an organization committed to “a world free of chemical weapons” would in fact become, in its high-stakes Douma probe, free of world-leading chemical weapons expertise.

How the OPCW concealed an inconvenient conclusion

How the 40 plus victims died in Douma on April 7 2018, has been one of the most contested and controversial aspects of the OPCW’s investigation. It is also where the most blatant suppression of evidence and scientific deception took place.

In video footage supplied by insurgent-tied groups, the Douma victims were filmed in piles strewn across an apartment building referred to by the OPCW as “Location 2.” Many had profuse frothing from the nose and mouth, and numerous victims showed discoloration of the skin around their eyes. A gas cylinder could be seen above a crater on the roof.

In the immediate aftermath, two toxic chemicals were suspected: sarin, a deadly nerve agent; and chlorine gas, a much less, but still toxic chemical widely used in industry and water treatment plants.

Outside experts, however, quickly rejected the likelihood of chlorine. On April 10th, toxicologist and Professor Alastair Hay OBE, then-member of the OPCW’s Education and Outreach board and recipient of its Hague Award, dismissed the notion that victims could have been poisoned by chlorine gas. The victims’ symptoms, Hay told the Washington Post, were “much, much more consistent with nerve-agent-type exposure.”

“It’s just bodies piled up…There’s a young child with foam at the nose and a boy with foam on its [sic] mouth. Chlorine victims usually manage to get out to somewhere they can get treatment,” Hay observed. But in Douma, the victims “have pretty much died where they were when they inhaled the agent. They’ve just dropped dead.”

Other experts interviewed by the Post agreed with Hay’s analysis, concluding that “the speed with which the victims died suggested that a nerve agent was used,” as “chlorine usually takes longer to work.” To date, there are no recognized chemical weapons experts who have gone on record to state that the Douma victims’ rapid, and in some reported cases immediate onset, of profuse frothing is consistent with chlorine gas exposure.

On the ground in Douma, the OPCW team collected dozens of samples at the scene of the alleged attacks. If a nerve agent had indeed been used, then these samples would likely detect it. But on May 22nd, two weeks after their return to headquarters at the Hague, the inspectors received some puzzling results.

The OPCW’s Designated Labs that were contracted for analysis found no evidence of nerve agents in either environmental or biological samples. The labs only reported finding traces of innocuous chemicals known as chlorinated organic compounds (COCs). The COCs’ presence left open the possibility that the samples might have been in contact with something as deadly as chlorine gas, or as benign as household bleach. (Here, too, the science became highly contested, as this series will address in a follow-up article).

Regardless of whether there was evidence of chlorine gas or not, the finding that no nerve agents were present raised an obvious conflict.

Like Professor Hay, the OPCW inspectors knew that rapid or immediate onset of profuse frothing from the mouth and nose was a classic sign of nerve agent exposure. It was most certainly not consistent with chlorine poisoning — if indeed there had been any chlorine release at Location 2, which was still not a given.

The ramifications were huge. The disconnect between the victims’ signs of nerve agent poisoning on the one hand, and the absence of nerve agents in samples, on the other, immediately called into question the possibility that a chemical attack had occurred.

It was a call too large for the inspectors to make. Experts were needed to resolve the discrepancy and provide a definitive evaluation.

A mission to Germany

In early June 2018, four OPCW officials flew to Germany to meet with toxicologists/pharmacologists, all recognized world experts in chemical weapons poisoning. The trip was approved at the highest levels through a Mission Warning Order. The delegation consisted of Dr. Brendan Whelan and Dr. Sami Barrek, both senior members of the Douma investigation team; Dr. Marc Blum, the Head of OPCW Laboratory; and Dr. Soumik Paul, the Head OPCW Health and Safety Branch.

The German experts were shown numerous photos and videos of the victims, and were informed of what alleged witnesses had described to the inspectors. Some alleged witness had claimed rapid, even immediate onset of severe frothing from exposure to a toxic chemical (Original Report para 7.82). As the final report recounted, “Casualties began arriving [at the hospital known as Location 1] shortly after 19:00 with excess salivation or foaming from the mouth.” (para 8.56). The alleged attack took place at about 19:00 (para 8.58).

Within an hour, the toxicologists easily confirmed what the OPCW team and other experts had already suspected – that such a rapid onset of profuse frothing was incompatible with chlorine exposure. According to leaked minutes from that meeting, previously published by Wikileaks:

…the experts [toxicologists] were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure. In particular, they stated that the onset of excessive frothing, as a result of pulmonary edema, observed in photos and reported by witnesses would not occur in the short time period between the reported occurrence of the alleged incident and the time the videos were recorded (approx. 3-4 hours).

The experts were also of the opinion that it was highly unlikely that victims would have gathered in piles at the centre of the respective apartments at such a short distance from an escape from the toxic chlorine gas to cleaner air.

At a June 2018 meeting, German toxicologists “were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure,” leaked minutes show.

Immediately after their consultations with the toxicologists, the OPCW officials met and agreed that “the key ‘take-away message’ from the meeting was that the symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine.”

The evidence was now overwhelming that the more than 40 victims filmed at Location 2 had not been killed by either nerve agents or chlorine gas. But the Douma samples turned up no other toxic chemicals that could have caused the rapid frothing. Was it possible that the highly toxic offending chemical had not been picked up in the samples? The OPCW team and the German toxicologists discussed this possibility, but found it unlikely.

“The experts tried to consider what other known toxic chemical might be consistent with the symptoms observed and their rapid onset”, but “no other obvious candidate chemical could be identified,” the minutes of the meeting stated.

Upon returning to The Hague, the inspectors added the toxicologists’ input to their 115-page report. “The rapid, and in some reported cases, immediate onset of frothing described by victims is not considered consistent with exposure to chlorine-based choking or blood agents,” the original report said. “The opinion of a number of toxicologists, specialists in chemical-weapons-related intoxication supported this assessment.”

The toxicologist assessment left a disturbing unanswered question. If the profuse frothing from the victims’ mouths and noses was not a result of poisoning by nerve agents (because none were found in the samples); chlorine; or any other identifiable chemical — what then caused the heavy foam-like secretions?

The original team report tried to address this question by noting an integral element of epidemiological studies. To establish a possible connection between chemical weapons use and the deaths of the victims, the report said, “there must not be any likely alternative explanation for the symptoms.” (para 7.71) This same criterion was later included in the final report (para 8.70) but with no attempt to consider alternative scenarios. In the original report, however, the inspectors did follow proper scientific inquiry and considered what else could have killed the victims and caused the symptoms, if it were not nerve agents or chlorine.

When the original report was being finalized, there were still dozens of samples remaining to be analyzed. Accordingly, the inspectors left it open that further analysis could in theory turn up new evidence and hypothesized that:

 a. The victims were exposed to another highly toxic chemical agent that gave rise to the symptoms observed and has so far gone undetected.

Given that the inspectors had no explanation for the symptoms displayed by the victims, and failing to identify the elusive highly toxic chemical, it was now also reasonable to consider that the victims did not perish from chemical poisoning. So, the inspectors offered a second hypothesis:

 b. The fatalities resulted from a non-chemical-related incident.

The inspectors knew that such a hypothesis would be controversial, as it hinted at the possibility of a staged incident in Douma. They were circumspect in their claims, however, and stressed that the investigation would need to continue to gather evidence to support  one or the other hypothesis.

“The team has insufficient evidence at this time to be able to formulate an authoritative conclusion in either regard. To this end, the investigation remains on-going,” the report said.

In this censored passage of the OPCW’s original report on Douma, “a non-chemical-related incident” is listed as a possibility.

This passage — with its mention of the toxicologists’ assessment and a hypothesis leaving open the possibility of a staged incident — was never published by the OPCW. And the team would never get the chance to continue this critical area of investigation.

Erasing the experts

By the time the final report was published in March 2019, Dr. Brendan Whelan had left the organization seven months prior. In that period, senior OPCW officials buried the original report’s key findings — including those of the toxicologists.

The final report made no mention of the German toxicologists’ clear and unequivocal conclusions ruling out chlorine as the cause of death in Douma. There could only be one reason: if the report was going to declare that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe chlorine was used as a chemical weapon, the inconvenient toxicology assessment from the Germans had to go — along with any mention of the meeting itself. In its detailed timeline of the OPCW mission, the final report omits the team’s visit to Germany in June 2018.

The “Mission Timeline” of the OPCW’s Final Report omits the June 2018 mission to Germany, where expert toxicologists ruled out chlorine gas as the cause of death in Douma.

Instead, the report states: “The FFM consulted with four toxicologists and one toxicologist and medical doctor, all versed in chemical weapons or toxic industrial chemical exposure.” The timeline states that this happened in September and October 2018, clearly not referring to the German toxicologists.

As for what these replacement toxicologists concluded, the final report does not say. But we can surmise that they — just like the now-omitted German experts – did not find the deaths consistent with chlorine gas exposure. Otherwise, the report would have said so. It instead vaguely concedes that: “It is not currently possible to precisely link the cause of the signs and symptoms to a specific chemical.”

This crafty choice of words let the OPCW off the hook for having to issue a judgment on whether chlorine gas could have been a cause of the Douma victims’ symptoms – while simultaneously allowing it to later make the incoherent conclusion that chlorine gas was the weapon “likely” used. With this sleight of hand, the OPCW was hiding the inconvenient, now-deleted original toxicologists’ unequivocal conclusion that “symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine.”

When veteran inspector flagged censorship, OPCW investigated him

The final Douma report was an affront to scientific integrity and particularly to those OPCW scientists who had fought to defend it. For Dr. Whelan, it was not the end of the matter.

In an August 2019 email, detailed here for the first time, Whelan wrote to two OPCW officials who had accompanied him to Germany for the toxicology assessment. Whelan asked the pair if they would be willing to join him in raising concern about the suppression of the toxicologists’ critical findings with the Organization’s Director General, Fernando Arias.

“I would like to know your opinions on this potentially serious irregularity and, given the information all three of us are privy to, whether you are willing to jointly raise the issue with the DG,” Whelan wrote to his now former colleagues. (Whelan had left the OPCW at the scheduled end of his tenure in September 2018).

When the original toxicology assessment had been done in June 2018, Arias had not yet taken the helm. Neither was he there, later that month, for the suppression of the original report containing the inconvenient assessment. Whelan was concerned that the new Director General was either not aware of this key omission from the final report, or didn’t grasp its significance.

Months earlier, in an April 2019 letter previously published by The Grayzone, Whelan had raised his concerns with Arias. But the DG’s indifferent response, Whelan told his colleagues in the August email, left him worried that close aides were insulating Arias from the inconvenient facts.

I have written to the Director General informing him of my concerns. Though I received a response from him, it was an entirely unsatisfactory one. I get the impression, however, that the DG himself may be getting an unbalanced account from sources that would prefer such inconsistencies or irregularities not be highlighted.

In any case, Whelan sought a reasonable explanation for the omission of the toxicology assessment — even being open to the possibility that there might be one.

I believe it is our professional and moral obligation to ensure the DG appreciates the gravity of the matter. There may be a justified reason for the omission – though I can’t imagine what. At a minimum a satisfactory explanation has to be provided.

In an August 2019 email, Dr. Brendan Whelan asks two OPCW colleagues to help him raise concern about censored toxicology findings. Instead, the OPCW investigated him.

But the OPCW was not interested in explanations. Instead, Whelan’s correspondence soon got into the hands of two external investigators from the UK and US, two nations with a vested interest in preserving the chemical attack narrative around Douma. The investigators had been appointed to investigate the very first leak in the Douma scandal, an engineering assessment by another OPCW veteran, Ian Henderson.

Whelan’s email to his colleagues — intended to alert the Director General of possible fraud — was instead used as a pretext to instigate a formal “independent” OPCW inquiry against him as part of that probe into the leaked engineering report. The inquiry’s report ultimately characterized Whelan’s email of concern about scientific censorship as a cynical crusade against the OPCW.

“As late as August 2019, [Whelan] contacted members of the Organisation to attempt to convince them to join his campaign to challenge the final Douma report,” the report said.

Even the private letter Whelan sent to the Director General the previous April was also depicted as a sinister act of subversion. “This included a letter to the Director-General, challenging the findings in the final Douma report,” the investigators wrote.

The Grayzone sent detailed questions about the omission of the toxicologists’ assessment to one of the OPCW officials who attended the June 2018 meeting in Germany and received Whelan’s August 2019 email. The official, who is no longer with the OPCW, did not respond.

The outcome of the OPCW’s high-profile investigation against Whelan and Henderson was presented to Ambassadors from member states who were summoned to the OPCW for what the British journalist Peter Hitchens called “The Show Trial of A and B., Kafka comes to the Hague.”

The Director General condemned the inspectors as “individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence. When their view could not gain traction, they took matters into their own hands and committed a breach of their obligations to the Organisation.” Western media outlets like The Guardian  were quick to publish the Director’s derisive words and pitch the outcome as a “blow to Russian denials of Syria chemical attack.”

As a result of Whelan’s attempt to flag fraudulent conduct, Arias then formally banned him from ever working again with the OPCW, even as a consultant. In practice, this punishment was tantamount to a life ban from any UN body.

Arias was sending a clear message to any would-be dissenters. And in public appearances, he has continued to send a message that chemical weapons expertise, when it comes to Douma, is not welcome within his walls.

Speaking before the European Parliament in April, and at the United Nations Security Council in June, the Director General was asked about the exclusion of the toxicologists’ findings from the final report. In his remarks, Arias spent ample time offering false excuses about why he has refused to address the Douma probe’s alleged scientific fraud and attacking the dissenting inspectors, as The Grayzone has previously reported.

But when it came to the missing toxicologists, Arias avoided the issue entirely.


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Aaron Maté is a journalist and producer. He hosts Pushback with Aaron Maté on The Grayzone. In 2019, Maté was awarded the Izzy Award (named after I.F. Stone) for outstanding achievement in independent media for his coverage of Russiagate in The Nation magazine. Previously, he was a host/producer for The Real News and Democracy Now!.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

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Global Research Editor’s Note

There are indications yet to confirmed that the Prime Minster of Canada’s vaccine inoculation was fake. See the related article entitled:

Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 14, 2021



A crisis has hit the eastern European country of Slovenia, with a whistleblower nurse telling the public that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication.

In a video on Facebook, which has been deleted by YouTube, the woman claiming to be the head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving and managing the jab bottles for politicians, resigned and gave a press conference on the scandal.

During the conference she showed codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits, and then explained the meaning of those numbers.

Note: Daily Telegraph understands from our sources in Slovenia the original video has now been removed from Facebook.

Number 1 is the placebo, saline. Number 2 is a the mRNA. The number 3 is an mRNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 3 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within two years of receiving the jab.

Slovenia fake vax news

She says she personally witnessed the jab of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone who received the number 1 bottle, claiming they received the saline solution, a placebo. This explains why the same person administers the jab to politicians when they take pictures for the media.


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Details about life inside the Australian quarantine camps are beginning to leak out through the internet. Although the information cannot be directly verified, due to the importance of this issue, TheCOVIDWorld has decided to report on this story since it’s unlikely the Australian government is going to release such information themselves.

An anonymous poster has detailed their experiences in an Australian quarantine camp. The poster claims he was confined after flying into Australia from Singapore.

Despite being vaccinated and having taken 3 tests on his trip, which were all negative, he was forced to attend the camp.

A proof of position photo from inside an Australian COVID Quarantine Camp

In the post, the writer says that he was forced onto a bus with blacked-out windows by armed guards for a two-hour ride to the quarantine camp. Inmates are allegedly forced to take the vaccine, but also tested regularly and watched by cameras and armed guards. Detainees are charged $2,500 for their two-week involuntary stay.

Although the inmates have internet, which is presumably monitored, GPS is blocked, making them unable to determine exactly where they are. However, other posters suggested that he was imprisoned at the Howard Springs ‘National Resilience Center’.

Page from information booklet given to inmates

“They asked me about if I was vaccinated, I declined to answer, they threatened me and told me to come with them and called for backup, I was questioned, told to follow them and I boarded a bus with others and we had to sit rows apart and we were brought here. Windows were blacked out.”

“I don’t know how long I can post here but I came to let you know it is worse than you know.”

“There was a girl here who fought a guard and we haven’t seen her for six days since then.”

Another anonymous poster claimed he was next door to a 77-year-old man who had recently drunk himself to death after being repatriated. He further claimed that detainees could only leave their rooms once every 3 days to do laundry, that there were armed police ‘everywhere’, and that you would be yelled at if you stopped or walked too slow.

The poster does however report that the food is ‘pretty good’ and dropped off to inmates once a day at 6 pm. They get one hot and two cold meals.

An example of food served to inmates at the camp

The anonymous poster claimed he did not have the $2,500 to pay for his ‘stay’, and wondered what would happen if he didn’t pay. He also said he would comply with whatever the guards ordered ‘within reason’.

Contents Page of the Inmate booklet

A map of the Howard Springs ‘National Resilience Centre’

The Howard Springs facility has been in the news recently due to the decision of the Northern Territory government to begin forcibly shipping 38 aboriginal people from Binjari to the camp. The facility has the capacity to house 3,000 people; 2000 international and 1000 domestic travelers. It is unknown how many people are currently detained at the camp.

Northern Territory Premier Michael Gunner announces the forced removal of Aboriginal Australians to Quarantine Camp

We will keep an eye on this developing story.


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All images in this article are from The COVID World

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Kiev’s aggressive rhetoric about using the American-made Javelin anti-tank missile systems in Donbass, as well as accusations of Russia’s invasion plans, creates an explosive situation and encourages the escalation of conflict. Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service, also claimed that Kiev’s forces used the American Javelin system in Donbass for the first time. This is further evidence that the Minsk agreements, which are extremely important for regulating the crisis and ceasefire in Donbass, is being violated.

Budanov claimed that the Javelin systems were also used against Russian forces. This of course does not correspondent with reality, and rather the allegation was made because Kiev falsely claims that the defense forces of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics are part of the Russian army. According to the head of the Intelligence Service, the American anti-tank missile system, together with the Turkish-assembled Bayraktar drones, will become a significant factor in curbing the Donbass defense forces. At the same time, he believes that Ukraine will need American support and urged Washington to provide assistance as soon as possible.

This is an open provocation by Ukraine. The very fact that the Ukrainian military is armed with Javelin systems creates the conditions for provocations against the Donbass defense forces to be carried out. The use of anti-tank weapons enables the destruction of not only mobile armored targets, but also other military equipment. In fact, by having such a missile system, it might embolden Ukraine to use even more powerful weapons against the republics of Donbass.

The announcement by Ukrainian officials on the use of the American system in Donbass is an attempt by Kiev to show its strength, to demonstrate Western support and at the same time attempt to provoke a reaction and retaliation. Kiev, together with its Western partners, is actually creating a hostile atmosphere in anticipation of a potential conflict, thus creating an explosive situation.

Javelin missile systems are expensive and not every country can buy them. None-the-less, their use shows the extent of American direct military assistance to Ukraine.

It is recalled that in mid-November, it was announced that Ukraine received 80 tons of ammunition from the US. According to the US Embassy in Kiev, it was the fourth delivery of $60 million in additional aid that President Joe Biden sent to Ukraine in August. Earlier, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that Washington had set aside more than $2.5 billion since 2014 to support the Ukrainian military.

Despite the statements about the use of the Javelin system in Donbass, it does not actually give the Ukrainian military any special advantage. However, in combination with statements about the use of Bayraktar drones and allegations that Russia will attack Ukraine soon, a general atmosphere of hostility and tension is created. This atmosphere could lead to mistakes or misunderstandings that have the potential to escalate into a military confrontation.

Rather than alleviating the situation, American media further fuels tensions by spreading the false claim that, according to American intelligence services, Russia could invade Ukraine at the beginning of next year from Crimea, Belarus and the east. According to Bloomberg, the US gave intelligence to its European allies last week about the alleged accumulation of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border.

This obvious lie is being spread by Western media in order to force European governments to apply additional pressure against Russia, demonstrating once again that Ukraine will continue to be a serious cause of tension between Moscow and Brussels. Organized information leaks are dangerous because they encourage Kiev to continue a policy of misinformation and confrontation.

By encouraging such behavior, Ukraine could feel emboldened enough to begin new provocations in Donbass, just like it had done in 2014. This stimulates the current regime in Kiev to take more active actions, and thus destabilize the region in a seriously intensifying manner. Kiev’s tension raising comes despite Moscow repeatedly stressing that it has no intention of attacking any country or violating another country’s sovereign territory. The new accusations against Moscow serve as a screen for Kiev’s aggressive aspirations to solve the Donbass problem through militarily means rather than through the implementation of the Minsk agreement and negotiations.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The USA has deployed at least 30 self-propelled howitzers Paladin near the Belarusian-Polish border, the news agency reports.

According to the source, after dozens of tanks, armored vehicles and several thousands of NATO military personnel were relocated to the Belarusian border; it was revealed that in addition to that the USA moved at least 30 155mm self-propelled howitzers M109A7 Paladin to the Belarusian-Polish border.

The howitzers were delivered from Germany by several trains. Taking into account their firing range, they can fire into Belarus’ territory.

The USA has yet to comment on the deployment of its weapon systems and military hardware near the Belarusian border.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Big Brother Israel a ‘Stalker State’

November 25th, 2021 by Michael Jansen

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In an interview with The Washington Post, Israel’s Breaking the Silence, an ex-soldiers rights organisation, has highlighted Israel’s comprehensive surveillance of Palestinians living under occupation. Breaking the Silence, which collects testimonies of abuses reported by soldiers, points out that Israel’s employment of advanced techniques amount to “massive escalation in Israel’s pursuit of total control over the Palestinian civilian population in the West Bank, and raises some serious questions on the role of technology within the context of the occupation”.

According to Breaking the Silence’s testimony collection director Shai Daniely,

“Soldiers are making it clear to the Palestinians that Big Brother is watching them, gathering every piece of information about their lives and recording their movements.”

It is ironic that “Big Brother”, the state, in George Orwell’s predictive novel “1984” was published in 1948, the year of Israel’s war of establishment. Orwell sought to warn against the threat of total control of citizens’s lives practiced by totalitarian regimes like those emerging in the wake of World War II. In this book, he did not envisage the uses of state-of-the-art technologies to control a population living under the hostile occupation of a democratic country, like Israel.

Elizabeth Dwoskin, reporting in the Post on November 8th, wrote that Israel is “conducting a broad surveillance effort in the occupied West Bank to monitor Palestinians by integrating facial recognition with a growing network of cameras and smartphones, according to descriptions of the programmeme by recent Israeli soldiers” belonging to Breaking the Silence, which opposes the occupation.

The effort involves a smartphone technology called “Blue Wolf” which soldiers use to photograph Palestinians of all ages with prizes for the most photos accumulated by involved units. The Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem has released video of an Israeli soldier lining up sleepy Palestinian school children and photographing them during a late night raid on their home.

B’Tselem observed, “It seems that for the military, all Palestinians, including school-age children, are potential offenders. At any time, it is permissible to wake them up at night, enter their homes and subject them to a lineup.”

The Israeli military responded to this report by saying soldiers were seeking to identify chidren who threw stones.

Thousands of Palestinians have been photographed, some multiple times, and their photos stored in a data base. When a soldier photographs a Palestinian, an app matches it to a stored profile and flashes red, yellow or green to signal whether a person should be arrested, detained for questioning, or permitted to pass.

One soldier told the Post that “this database is a pared-down version of another, vast database, called ‘Wolf Pack’, which contains profiles of virtually every Palestinian in the West Bank, including photographs of the individuals, their family histories, education and a security rating for each person”.

The “Wolf Pack” database identifies Palestinians as “terrorists” or “potential terrorists”, encouraging the Israeli army to treat them as such.

Another smartphone app, dubbed “White Wolf”, has been used by Jewish colonists since 2019 to scan a Palestinian’s identity card before he or she enters a colony. Israeli checkpoints also employ facial recognition equipment to identify Palestinians seeking to enter Israel “proper”.

Israel has also installed cameras in Hebron — where 200,000 Palestinians contend with 500-800 aggressive Israeli colonists, to scan faces and identify Palestinians approaching checkpoints before they show their identity cards. The Post also reveals that closed-circuit television cameras provide “real-time monitoring of the city’s population”, not colonists but Palestinians, some of whose homes can be accessed by these cameras.

Israelis have, naturally, rejected the deployment of facial-recognition equipment in their cities, towns and neighbourhoods.

Face-recognition and spying via closed-circuit television are not the only means Israel uses to monitor Palestinians and others. Military-grade Pegasus spyware created by NSO, an Israeli firm, not only hacks into Palestinian phones on behalf of the Israeli army but is also sold to governments for hacking the phones of journalists, businessmen, and others.

NSO spyware was used to hack the phones of staff of six Palestinian human rights organisations which were subsequently declared “terrorist organisations” by current Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz, Middle East Monitor writes. The hacking was exposed by Dublin-based Front Line Defenders, which investigated 75 phones and found Pegasus spyware on six. Three of the six targets belonged to Al Haq, Bisan Centre fpr Research and Development, and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association based in Jerusalem. The other three blacklisted organisation are Defence for Children International, the Union of Agricultural Workers, and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees which is connected to the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

Gantz charged them with working on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine which Israel regards as a “terrorist organisation” although these groups have cooperated for years with the UN, the International Court of Justice at The Hague, and the International Court of Justice. The “terrorist” designation has prompted criticism from the US and Europe and led UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, to say the organisations are some of the “most reputable human rights and humanitarian groups in the occupied Palestinian territory” that have worked closely with the UN for decades.

“Claiming rights before a UN or other international body is not an act of terrorism, advocating for the rights of women in the occupied Palestinian territory is not terrorism and providing legal aid to detained Palestinians is not terrorism.” she stated.

Middle East Eye (MEI) reports another Israeli firm, Candiru, has misused Microsoft’s Windows operating system to target human rights activists, politicians, journaists, academics, embassy staff and political dissidents, half of whom dwell in enclaves administered by the Palestinian Authority. MEI says it was targeted by Candiru along with other sites promoting the Palestinian cause. The firm sells spyware which can identify people who visit an infected website. This effort could impact thousands of people around the globe who simply seek to keep up-t0-date with regional developments.

Unable to set up cameras in besieged and blockaded Gaza, Israel uses cameras on the border, phone hacking and drones to monitor its 2 million inhabitants, making the total 5 million of inhabitants of the West Bank are added.

Big Brother Israel has become a “stalker state” which uses what it calls its “fight against terrorism” as a means to subject Palestinians under its control to constant, increasingly invasive and intimidating surveillance.


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UK About to Transfer Important Military Base from Canada to Oman

November 25th, 2021 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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London appears to be close to taking another step towards global expansionism. According to recent reports made by some media outlets, the British government plans to transfer one of its main military bases abroad from Canada to Oman. The measure will certainly start a new series of tensions between the West and Iran, which is why it must be considered an unnecessary affront to international peace, deserving disapproval and sanctions. In a post-Brexit context, the UK is rushing to expand as quickly as possible its zone of influence outside the Western European space – and for this London is investing heavily in fighting the main geopolitical enemies of the West as a way to demonstrate power at the global level.

According to data released by The Telegraph website, London plans to transfer one of its main military bases from North America to the Middle East. The article reports that Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is about to announce that the British Army will move more than 1,000 vehicles, including tanks and helicopters, from Alberta, Canada, to Oman, in a move aimed at increasing British strategic focus on Iran. It is also possible that some equipment and agents will be transferred to tense areas in Eastern Europe, as a way to reinforce surveillance over Russia and strategic support to Ukraine.

One of the anonymous British Army’s sources who allegedly revealed the plan to The Telegraph during the interview stated: “If you only have 148 tanks and 22 of them are stuck in Canada, that’s 22 tanks that aren’t readiness and not available to do anything operational (…) “If they are training in Poland or Duqm, the logic is that they are having a more operational and deterrent effect.” As we can see, the aim is to place as many agents and equipment as possible close to Russia and Iran, which reveals the high level of diplomatic antipathy that the UK is adopting in its foreign policy.

The British Army Training Unit Suffield (“Batus”), in Alberta, has existed since 1972, being a center focused on operations with mechanized infantry and heavy artillery. The base has a vast territorial extension, with more than 1,600 square miles, making it one of the largest London’s military units outside the UK. Since the end of the Cold War, when the British government began removing its former units from its occupied zone in Western Germany, the Alberta base has established itself as the main focus of British military action abroad.

However, despite the base’s current enormous relevance, the British Ministry of Defense appears to have reached the conclusion that its location has been losing strategic value in recent years. Although The Telegraph’s denunciation has yet to be formally confirmed by the government, in several recent pronouncements, British experts and officials have argued that deploying forces in Eastern Europe and the Middle East is more consistent with the UK’s current role in global geopolitics. In this sense, Duqm, in Oman, is the most expected city to host the base, considering that since 2019 the UK and Oman have maintained a military cooperation agreement that allows the allocation of troops and equipment from London in the country.

Certainly, this new measure will be received by Tehran with great disapproval. The Persian country already faces several threats in the region due to the strong presence of joint US-Israel military bases. Dealing with the growing British presence will be a very unpleasant challenge for the Iranians, who will certainly respond by significantly increasing their defense investments, their international partnerships with other Western enemy nations, and becoming less and less interested in the nuclear deal dialogue. In other words, opening a new Western military base in the Middle East is a step backwards in the search for international peace – an unnecessary and provocative affront to Iran at a time of diplomatic fragility.

Also, it must be remembered that London has recently opened another base in Duqm. In a public-private partnership between the government and the British defense company Babcok, a vessel allocation unit was inaugurated, which is currently undergoing rapid expansion. With the new base, Duqm will become a true British occupation zone, which reveals a possible intention of the government to resume the colonial ties between the UK and Oman that lasted between 1891 and 1970. The measure is clearly in the scope of the current Britain’s quest to expand its geopolitical zone of influence after Brexit – investing in regaining ties with its former colonial zones and deploying troops in as many conflict zones as possible has been London’s main strategy.

It remains to be seen to what extent it will be interesting for the UK to invest in growing the possibility of conflicts rather than seeking to boost diplomacy and establish peaceful relations with other nations. Although London is a historic ally of Washington in all conflicts of relevance on the international arena, it would be more viable for the British government to invest in a more neutral and peaceful posture, seeking to expand alliances in a post-Brexit context, rather than increasing the number of enemies. The American experience of recent years shows how any attempt to invest in a strategy of global expansionism tends to fail (Afghanistan and Iraq are demonstrating this clearly). London is making a wrong bet – and perhaps it realizes this too late to avoid conflicts.


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Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Featured image: British flag sewn into an army uniform (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Dawn M. Weber/Released)

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Ethiopia might suspect that the US has ulterior motives in threatening an uninvited military intervention into the country on the pretext of evacuating its citizens who thus far don’t even want to leave because they still feel safe in the capital.

CNN reported on Tuesday that “The US military has positioned US special operations forces in Djibouti to be ready to provide assistance to the US Embassy in Ethiopia if the situation worsens, according to one military official and two sources familiar with the movements.” This comes after US State Department spokesman Ned Price denied last week that an Afghan-like evacuation was being considered despite not being prompted to compare the two. Associated Press reported Matt Lee then challenged Price as to why he’d even bring that up, which resulted in a tense exchange between them.

There’s some more background context that the reader should be familiar with in order to understand how dangerous it is that the US is now flirting with the Afghan scenario in Ethiopia. Despite denying that it’s taking any side in Ethiopia’s ongoing conflict, the US has indeed tacitly supported the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that’s designed by that country’s democratically elected and legitimate government as terrorists. The TPLF used to be the most influential faction of the former ruling party before falling out with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed last year.

The TPLF’s surprise attack against the Ethiopian National Defense Force’s (ENDF) Northern Command in the Tigray Region in November 2020 provoked the latest war which Addis Ababa originally conceived of as a law enforcement operation that’s since morphed into an anti-terrorist campaign. The US has been pressuring Addis to regard the TPLF as political equals and enter into talks with them, with the latest instance occurring during US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent trip to Africa. Congress also introduced a bipartisan bill that threatens more sanctions against the Ethiopian government.

Misleadingly called the “Ethiopian Peace and Democracy Promotion Act of 2021” (EPDPA), it demands exactly what Blinken did under the threat of sanctioning officials who continue the war as well as the country’s foreign arms partners. Following the TPLF’s military advances earlier this month in the neighboring Afar and Amhara Regions that they invaded over the summer following the ENDF’s withdrawal from Tigray as part of the state’s unilateral ceasefire, senior US General William Zana told the BBC that his country’s troops in Djibouti were “here to respond to crisis” in Ethiopia.

That provocative pronouncement prompted Djiboutian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssef to tweet that his government won’t allow its American military guests to use their base there “for hostile intervention in the neighboring countries.” Nevertheless, US officials continued to fearmonger that its citizens should urgently evacuate the Ethiopian capital. In response, Ethiopian Ambassador to the US Fitsum Arega told Russia’s Sputnik that “It is regrettable that some should try to weaponize fear and alarm as a pressure strategy in aid of the TPLF.” He also claimed that Addis is safe and peaceful.

Making everything all the more dramatic was the US’ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) advisory last week that the TPLF “likely possess a variety of anti-aircraft capable weapons, including rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank weapons, low-calibre anti-aircraft artillery, and man-portable air-defence systems” that could pose a threat to civilian aircraft if the group advances closer to Addis. They therefore urged Americans to comply with their government’s advice to evacuate the capital. The emerging dynamics are that while the US denies an Afghan scenario in Ethiopia, it’s nevertheless fearmongering such.

This is extremely dangerous since Ethiopia is a sovereign state that doesn’t want the US military entering its territory without permission in order to evacuate the American citizens that have thus far voluntarily declined to heed their government’s advice to leave. Washington’s tacit support of the TPLF strongly suggests that it isn’t a neutral party in this conflict. Addis might therefore suspect that the Pentagon has ulterior motives in threatening an uninvited military intervention into the country on the pretext of evacuating its citizens who thus far don’t even want to leave because they still feel safe in the capital.

These tensions are a way of coercing Addis into treating the terrorist-designated TPLF as its political equal. The US is taking that group’s side since it regards them as an instrument for internally partitioning Ethiopia per the Bosnian scenario that was proposed last month by Alex Rondos and Mark Medish in an opinion piece for Politico. The first served until July 2021 as E.U. Special Representative to the Horn of Africa while the second served on the Dayton Peace implementation team and at the U.S. Treasury and National Security Council in the Clinton Administration. They’re very influential Western figures.

The reason why this scenario is being pursued by the US via proxy through the TPLF is to weakenEthiopia for geostrategic reasons connected to its New Cold War with China. Prior to the conflict, that country pragmatically balanced between both Great Powers, but Washington’s zero-sum geostrategic mindset regards any country’s mutually beneficial ties with Beijing as being to the US’ detriment. Since Ethiopia has historically led the continent’s anti-imperialist and pan-African movements, it could set a positive example for all others to follow if the US doesn’t punish it for defying its hegemonic will.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Today the mainstream media made a big deal about new weekly unemployment claims hitting a record low of only 199,000 last week. But the truth, as always, is in the details and not the headlines.

There are three reasons why new claims are at record lows:

1. In September the Biden administration allowed unemployment benefits for independent contract workers (gig, freelancers, etc.) expire altogether. There are at least 10 million such workers in the US. If there’s no longer an unemployment benefits program with which to file for benefits, that fact will of course eliminate a large number of new claims. Independent contracts may be jobless but they won’t file a new claim because there’s no program any longer.

2. At least 4 million workers have dropped out of the labor force altogether since the start of Covid in Feb. 2020. At least three and a half million are still dropped out. Probably 1-2 million are early retirees. Ordinarily if they were in the labor force they’d file for unemployment benefits–i.e. new claims. However, if they’re drop outs they are no longer eligible for filing a claim for benefits.

3. Also ineligible to file a claim for benefits are workers who just quit their jobs. We know job quits are high and continue as workers refuse to go back to low paid dead end jobs. (see my post ‘The Great Strike of 2021).

These three trends have been continuing since last August, and steadily reducing the number of new unemployment claims. Of course, some people have been going back to work as the holiday season approaches. But don’t think that is the full explanation for this week’s new unemployment claim lows.

Along with the news about new claims, the media is also trumpeting the message the economy is recovering robustly. Consumer spending is up. Personal income is up. And 4q2021 US GDP will be up.

What they don’t explain when they report consumer spending (2/3 of US GDP) is that the numbers reflect spending on goods and services, the prices of which are a big part of the increase. It’s mostly inflation in other words.

And we know inflation is surging. Officially the CPI rose around 6% last month. But that’s a low ball estimate–with gasoline prices up 35%, food prices up 10%-20% for many items and just about everything rising, with rent prices double digit (but lowered by assuming homeowners are paying themselves rent at 2% inflation). Inflation is at least 10% year on year, and more for median income families where the weights assigned to food, lodging, gas, etc. are greater than for all the income groups. So take consumer spending numbers with a grain of salt, as they say.

That’s not to say there hasn’t been some consumer spending increase recently–as typically occurs as holidays near. But even that is distorted by end of year ‘seasonality adjustments’ to the numbers that always boost the real actual spending greater due to the statistical operation called ‘seasonality adjustment’.

The slowing of the US economy in third quarter was quite clear. After a 6.5% GDP annualized growth rate in the 2nd quarter, GDP rose only 2.1% in July-September. And now we have supply chain problems in the current 4th quarter, probably not as much business inventory accumulation (that mostly drove the 2nd quarter), and the lack of government fiscal stimulus as the spring’s $1.9T American Rescue Plan has mostly been spent, the Build Back Better plan hasn’t been passed, and the Infrastructure Plan means no actual spending into well into next year..

The US economy is now moving sideways, at best, just as Covid appears about to surge again this winter. And just as the Fed is going to raise interest rates earlier and faster. And just as consumer inflation is obviously not a ‘temporary’ phenomenon and will likely cut into real consumer spending right after the holidays.

The not so temporary inflation appears increasingly as business across the board taking advantage of global supply chain–and domestic supply problems–to raise prices everywhere. In other words, it’s a supply problem, but one that is overlaid by rising inflationary expectations by business resulting in business price gouging almost everywhere. Inflationary expectations may also be beginning on the consumer side as well, which will lead to even more entrenched price inflation driven now by rising demand pressures as well.

For all these reasons, the 1st quarter of 2022 will be a critical juncture in the already weak economic recovery. And I am not as sanguine as the mainstream media about the condition of the US economy beyond just occasional weekly or even monthly headlines for this or that economic indicator,

So that’s my ‘not so short’ short note on the current state of unemployment, inflation, and the much hyped by media US recovery.


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On November 28, the Swiss people will vote in a referendum on the so-called ‘COVID-19 law’, including whether to retain the COVID pass, which ties inalienable human rights and freedoms to COVID vaccination or test status.

It is an historic and important vote, which will send a signal to the world. We bring urgent messages from Prof. Sucharti Bhakdi MD, Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Thomas Binder to VOTE NO.

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD

In German

In English

“Switzerland – all over the world, the cornerstones of freedom and democracy are being trampled underfoot. Whenever it really mattered, the Swiss stood up and fought for what is right, with courage, independence and honesty.

This vote is not only about corona. It is about the defence of Swiss principles. Principles that have made this country unique in the past.

You have the chance to set a sign for the whole world. A sign that will go down in the history books and that your children and your children’s children will be proud of.”

It is now about standing up for your self determination and for your freedom. Say NO.

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi MD

Catherine Austin Fitts

“I pray the Swiss people vote no to Covid laws this November 28th. If you do not, the Covid certificates will be used to strip your assets from you.

Are you a Swiss Citizen who’s been vaccinated? The Covid certificates are part of a financial transaction control grid that will strip you of your property. Are you a Swiss citizen who is unvaccinated? It’s the same. Vaccinated and unvaccinated are in this together.

Do you think that Covid certificates offer you inclusion into society? Certificates offer you inclusion into slavery, as the billionaires grow richer, and are free to travel and prosper.

If the Swiss vote no on November 28th, you will send a powerful inspiration to everyone everywhere that human liberty and freedom stand.”

Covid certificates and laws are the end of human liberty in the West. Please vote NO on November 28th.

– Catherine Austin Fitts

Dr. Thomas Binder

In German


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Five years ago, November 25, 2016 Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. His legacy will live forever. 

The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.

In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration in the relentless struggle against colonial domination and US imperialism.

Fidel Castro was the embodiment of these struggles against global capitalism, committed to a World of Peace, a World of truth, where people join hands,  a World of understanding, a World of tolerance and respect.

Fidel Castro was “a man of tremendous integrity, with an acute mind and sense of humor, committed in the minute detail of his speech to social progress and the advancement of humankind, conscious of the dangers of the US led war and the Worldwide crisis, with exceptional skills of analysis and understanding of his fellow human beings, with a true sprit of internationalism and a tremendous knowledge of history, economics and geopolitics.” (quoted from my 2o10 introduction)

Fidel’s passing occurs at a time of crisis and upheaval of the World capitalist system.  

The World is at a critical crossroads. At this juncture of our history, most progressive movements towards socialism have been destroyed and defeated through US led wars, military interventions, destabilization campaigns, coups d’etats.

The socialist project in Cuba prevails despite the US economic blockade, CIA intelligence ops and dirty politics.

Let us be under no illusions. Washington’s intent is not only to destroy and undermine the Cuban Revolution but also to erase the history of socialism.

Fidel Lives.

The battle against war and neoliberalism nonetheless prevails. 

For the concurrent demise of neoliberalism and militarization which destroy people’s lives,

For the outright criminalization of America’s imperial wars,

For a World of Social Justice with a true “responsibility to protect” our fellow human beings,

Long Live Fidel Castro  

Fidel Castro Ruz at the United Nations General Assembly in 1960 (left)

*      *      *

Below is the introduction of my conversations with Fidel Castro on World War III and the Dangers of Nuclear War followed by the transcript of Fidel’s statement on the Dangers o Nuclear War

To read the full text of the conversations click here

Conversations with Fidel Castro: The Dangers of a Nuclear War

First published in November 2010

In October 2010, I had the opportunity of spending several days at Fidel Castro’s home in the suburbs of Havana. Our conversation and exchange which was subsequently published focussed on the dangers of nuclear war.

I had read Fidel Castro and Che Guevara during my high school days in Geneva, Switzerland and later at university in Britain and the US. When meeting him in person, I discovered a man of tremendous integrity, with an acute mind and sense of humor, committed in the minute detail of his speech to social progress and the advancement of humankind, conscious of the dangers of the US led war and the Worldwide crisis, with exceptional skills of analysis and understanding of his fellow human beings, with a true sprit of internationalism and a tremendous knowledge of history, economics and geopolitics.

On a daily basis, Fidel spends several hours reading a large number of detailed international press reports (As he mentioned to me with a smile, “I frequently consult articles from the Global Research website”…).

We focussed in large part on the dangers of nuclear war. Fidel Castro has the knack of addressing political details while relating them to key concepts. We also covered numerous complex international issues, focussing on the role of prominent political personalities, heads of State, authors and intellectuals. On the first day, when I met Fidel at his home, he was reading Bob Woodward’s best-seller The Obama Wars which had just been released. (See Picture below).

In this broad exchange of ideas, Fidel was invariably assertive in his views but at the same time respectful of those whom he condemned or criticized, particularly when discussing US presidential politics.

Fidel is acutely aware of the mechanisms of media disinformation and war propaganda and how they are used to undermine civil rights and social progress, not to mention the smear campaign directed against the Cuban revolution.

A central concept put forth by Fidel Castro in our discussions was the ‘Battle of Ideas”.  The leader of the Cuban Revolution believes that only a far-reaching “Battle of Ideas” can change the course of World history.

In addressing and understanding this Worldwide crisis, commitment to the Truth and analysis of the lies and fabrications which sustain the corporate and financial elites is of utmost importance.

The overriding powers of the Truth can, under appropriate conditions, be used as a revolutionary instrument, as a catalyst to unseat the war criminals in high office, whose role and position is sustained by propaganda and media disinformation.

In relation to 9/11, Fidel  had expressed his solidarity, on behalf of the Cuban people, with the victims of the tragic events of September 11 2001, while underscoring the lies and fabrications behind the official 9/11 narrative and how 9/11 has been used as a pretext to wage war.

Our focus was on nuclear war, which since our meeting last October [2010] has motivated me to write a book on the Dangers of Nuclear War. (Michel Chossudovsky, Towards a World War III Scenario. Global Research, Montreal, 2011)

The corporate media is involved in acts of camouflage. The devastating impacts of a nuclear war are either trivialized or not mentioned. Against this backdrop, Fidel’s message to the World must be heard; people across the land, nationally and internationally, should understand the gravity of the present situation and act forcefully at all levels of society to reverse the tide of war.

The “Battle of Ideas” is part of a revolutionary process. Against a barrage of media disinformation, Fidel Castro’s resolve is to spread the word far and wide, to inform world public opinion, to “make the impossible possible”, to thwart a military adventure which in the real sense of the word threatens the future of humanity.

When a US sponsored nuclear war becomes an “instrument of peace”, a “responsibility to protect” condoned and accepted by the World’s institutions and the highest authority including the United Nations, there is no turning back:  human society has indelibly been precipitated headlong onto the path of self-destruction.

Fidel Castro Ruz, October 15, 2010

Fidel’s “Battle of Ideas” must be translated into a worldwide movement. People must mobilize against this diabolical military agenda.

This war can be prevented if people pressure their governments and elected representatives, organize at the local level in towns, villages and municipalities, spread the word, inform their fellow citizens regarding the implications of a thermonuclear war, initiate debate and discussion within the armed forces.

What is required is a mass movement of people which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of war, a global people’s movement which criminalizes war.

In his October 15, 2010 speech, Fidel Castro warned the World on the dangers of nuclear war:

“There would be “collateral damage”, as the American political and military leaders always affirm, to justify the deaths of innocent people. In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!”

The “Battle of Ideas” consists in confronting the war criminals in high office, in breaking the US-led consensus in favor of a global war, in changing the mindset of hundreds of millions of people, in abolishing nuclear weapons. In essence, the “Battle of Ideas” consists in restoring the truth and establishing the foundations of World peace.

“The Battle of Ideas” must be developed as a mass movement, nationally and internationally, waged by people across the land.

Fidel Castro Ruz has indelibly marked the history of both the Twentieth and Twenty-first Century.

Below is the transcript and video of Fidel’s historic October 15 2010 speech focussing on the dangers of a nuclear war, recorded by Global Research and Cuba Debate in his home in Havana in October 2010.

The American and European media in October 2010 decided in chorus not to acknowledge or even comment on Fidel Castro’s October 15, 2010 speech on the Dangers of Nuclear War. The evolving media consensus is that neither nuclear war nor nuclear energy constitute a threat to “the surrounding civilian population”.

*       *       *

Fidel Castro’s October 15, 2010 Message on the Dangers of Nuclear War

The use of nuclear weapons in a new war would mean the end of humanity. This was candidly foreseen by scientist Albert Einstein who was able to measure their destructive capability to generate millions of degrees of heat, which would vaporize everything within a wide radius of action. This brilliant researcher had promoted the development of this weapon so that it would not become available to the genocidal Nazi regime.

Each and every government in the world has the obligation to respect the right to life of each and every nation and of the totality of all the peoples on the planet.

Today there is an imminent risk of war with the use of that kind of weapon and I don’t harbour the least doubt that an attack by the United States and Israel against the Islamic Republic of Iran would inevitably evolve towards a global nuclear conflict.

The World’s peoples have an obligation to demand of their political leaders their Right to Live. When the life of humankind, of your people and your most beloved human beings run such a risk, nobody can afford to be indifferent; not one minute can be lost in demanding respect for that right; tomorrow will be too late.

Albert Einstein himself stated unmistakably: “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”. We fully comprehend what he wanted to convey, and he was absolutely right, yet in the wake of a global nuclear war, there wouldn’t be anybody around to make use of those sticks and stones.

There would be “collateral damage”, as the American political and military leaders always affirm, to justify the deaths of innocent people.

In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!

Fidel Castro Ruz

October 15, 2010

The following pictures wer taken after the filming of Fidel’s speech against Nuclear war, October 15, 2010 . Below is a Toast to World Peace.

Left to Right. Fidel Castro, Film Crew, Michel Chossudovsky, Randy Alonso Falcon

From Right to Left: Fidel Castro Ruz, Dalia Soto del Valle, Michel Chossudovsky. A Toast for World Peace. 

From Right to Left: Fidel Castro Ruz, Dalia Soto del Valle, Alexis Castro Soto del Valle, Randy Alonso Falcon and Michel Chossudovsky (Left)

Right to Left: Fidel Castro Ruz, Randy Alonso Falcon, Michel Chossudovsky, October 15, 2010. Copyright Global Research 2010

Photos: Copyright Global Research 2010

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Eight Current Trends of “Operation Coronavirus”

November 25th, 2021 by Makia Freeman

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Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends I summarized in August, September and October this year. Mass protests around the world are a good sign that some have awoken to the tyranny, but not enough yet to halt the agenda, which is progressing in various ways. It would seem that things are going to have to get even worse before they can get better. Below are 8 COVID trends as of November 2021.

COVID Trend #1: Australia Forces Tribal Residents (Aborigines) into COVID Isolation Camps

The tyranny in Australia keeps escalating. The chief minister of the Northern Territory Michael Gunner is giving Dictator Dan (Victorian Premier Dan Andrews) a run for his money. You can listen to Gunner’s rant here as he belligerently tries to claim that anyone who opposes his Draconian vaccine mandates is an anti-vaxxer, regardless of their personal vaccination status and regardless of whether they have been vaccinated themselves. Talk about sociopathic insanity. Gunner has brought in the Australian Army to round up and abduct 38 tribal, indigenous Australians (Aborigines), forcibly detaining them in the newly constructed COVID quarantine camps there, which are isolation, detention and internment camps. Concentration camps may be a better term. These camps are being built worldwide, including in Canada, the US (Washington State) and other states of Australia such as Victoria and Queensland. Some are claiming the tribal residents were forced-vaccinated. The situation seems dire. Australian tribal leaders are putting out an SOS to the world:

“We need international attention focused on what’s happening here in our communities. We have the Northern Territory government force-vaccinating our people, pressuring them, using military, using foreign military, foreign police officers and local military and local police officers, to pressure our people into taking this bioweapon. They are not informing the people, they are lining them up, they are pressuring them. They are telling them they can’t eat in the shops. They can’t leave the community. They can’t go shopping elsewhere. Those who are fleeing … from this forced vaccination or fleeing to get food are actually being fined $5000 for leaving the community. So this is martial law. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity, and everything that is being implemented on humanity has been tried on the tribal people of this continent. We are the guinea pigs. We are the dry-run for everything. What they are doing in our community right now – do not think because you live in major cities you are void of it. This is a dry-run for the rest of the country and the rest of the world … they tried the Universal [Basic] Income … the New World Order agenda – everything has been tried and practiced on the sovereign tribal people of this continent.

What they are doing now is they are forcing this genocidal weapon onto us, through coercion, through force, through the relief of getting a fee or food or money – they are pressuring us in every way. Now they are going in with the military. They are locking down entire communities. They are not letting people in or out …

Our people are scared, our people are frightened … This is torture! Do not be mistaken! This is torture! We’re calling for the international community to bring this to the attention of the world.”

COVID Trend #2: Austria Goes Back into Lockdown

Lockdowns were a heavy feature of the first months of the COVID scamdemic, and unfortunately, they have returned. Austria recently re-introduced lockdowns, but this time for the unvaxxed, part of the continuing COVID trend of punishing the unvaccinated, with some footage of police strolling the streets to check papers. There was significant opposition to this, both in terms of popular protests and in terms of the police siding with the people (see below). The Netherlands has implemented a partial lockdown, while the Czech Republic has banned the unvaxxed from public events and services.

COVID Trend #3: Austrian Police Reportedly Side with Protestors

Although some police are enforcing the lockdown, others are not. Some Austrian police have reportedly sided with the protestors, although this has been difficult to verify. This article quotes a report from French Daily News:

“The police and the army refuse to monitor health passes in the name of freedom and human dignity. They will join a large demonstration against forced detention on November 20, 2021 in Vienna. Just days after Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg made the decision to restrict unvaccinated people, politicians and trade unions are calling for a large-scale uprising against this purely fascist measure. Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Herbert Kickl called for a “mega-protest” on 20 November in Vienna. Shortly thereafter, Manfred Haidinger, President of the Union of the Armed Forces of Austria (FGÖ), followed suit and joined the call in a letter published on 14 November. He intends to “defend fundamental rights and freedoms.” FGÖ points out that everyone is allowed to participate in protests, even if they are in a confined space.”

This is not the first time the Austrian police have sided with the people; here is footage of them doing so in January 2021 earlier this year.

COVID Trend #4: FDA Asks for Pfizer Trials Not to Be Fully Released Until 2076

If you thought the continuing 58-year cover-up of the JFK assassination was just an American anomaly, think again. The FDA, a captured agency by any meaning of the term, just had the audacity to ask a judge in this FOIA case if they could release Pfizer’s clinical trial data at the rate of 500 pages per month – meaning it wouldn’t be fully released until 2076. This is the data by which everyone was told that Pfizer’s COVID fake-vaccine was – you know the mantra – “safe and effective.” So the FDA can look thorough Pfizer’s 329,000 pages very quickly to provide an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for a vax, but now it needs 55 years to fully release the files publicly. Hmmm.

One could assume they chose 50-60 years so that everyone involved in making, authorizing or approving the fake-vaccine would be incapacitated or dead. The NWO controllers insist everyone “follow the science” while they hide the science and conduct worldwide and historically unprecedented mass human experimentation in violation of informed consent and other benchmarks of the Nuremberg Code.

As far as the JFK murder goes, even if the files are mandated to be released by law, it doesn’t mean anything. Both Trump and Biden caved in the CIA demands to hold back JFK files despite being legally obligated to release them.

COVID Trend #5: NWO Frontman Bill Gates Warns about Smallpox

Eugenicist, computer geek, COVID scamdemic ringleader and NWO frontman Bill Gates has popped up again to make headlines, this time claiming that humanity must practice germ games to prepare for the resurgence of things like … smallpox? Wait, wasn’t that eradicated 100 years ago? Well, apparently not, and with Gates and friends, you can be sure that it may well be resurrected (after being properly and appropriately simulated, of course). The website of a company called SIGA who makes a pharmaceutical drug for smallpox called TPOXX (FDA approved) quotes Gates:

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus.”

It is a sad reflection of the current state of humanity that Gates is still walking free and spouting his dystopian visions as predictive programming, when the evidence is so overwhelming that he planned for this. Are the NWO orchestrators planning the next scamdemic, this time based around smallpox? It would appear so.

COVID Trend #6: Young Athletes Are Dying in Droves

A recent COVID trend is the disturbingly large number of athletes and sport players who have suddenly died, especially from heart-related issues. This article mentions that “German newspaper Berliner Zeitung has published a report seeking to answer why an “unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently.”” It is well known that the COVID vaccine has been causing myocarditis, pericarditis, heart inflammation and other heart problems. This is happening to athletes worldwide.

COVID Trend #7: Vax Depopulation Effects Kick In: Canada Records Sharp Increase in Stillbirths

A doctor from Toronto, Canada, by the name of Dr. Nagase, has blown the whistle on the dramatic increase in stillbirths in Canada. You can watch and listen to his account here. He knows the baseline statistics so was able to perceive there was a big problem. Shockingly, he reveals that of the 86 stillbirth baby deaths from Janary to July in Waterloo, Ontario, 100% of the mothers vaccinated. Is this the depopulation agenda kicking in?

“Dr. Daniel Nagase, MD, and Dr. Mel Bruchet, MD, shed light on an emerging public health disaster that governments and mainstream media have suppressed. Doulas that work in women’s and children’s hospitals spoke up about an alarming rate of stillbirths in British Columbia, Canada.

Dr. Nagase reported the doulas had 13 stillbirths in 24 hours in British Columbia. He stated another horrifying statistic that comes from Waterloo, Ontario. From January to July, Dr. Nagase claimed there were 86 stillbirths. The typical stillbirth rate is 5-6 per year, but the startling rate from Waterloo is 14-15 per month. Dr. Nagase stated he has confirmed from the Waterloo, Ontario report that all 86 stillbirths were fully vaccinated mothers.”

COVID Trend #8: Definition Trickery

I elaborated on this point more fully in my recent article Being Fully Vaccinated is an Endless Destination but I will touch on it here again briefly. If you can’t win the information war on even grounds where facts defeat propaganda, then you can always resort to changing definitions so hide the truth. The CDC insists on defining those who have taken the COVID vaccine as “unvaccinated” if it is only 14 days since they took it. This way, if those people get injured or die from complications or adverse effects, they are counted in official statistics as unvaccinated injuries or unvaccinated deaths. Either the WHO and the CDC has changed its definitions for key terms vaccine, vaccination and herd immunity; the WHO also changed its definition for pandemic years ago. Dr. Fraud-ci said he wants (i.e. the NWO wants) the definition of “fully vaccinated” to change. The basic takeaway is this: the NWO wants what the NWO wants. It will say anything, regardless of its contradictions and changing of history, to push forward the agenda.

Final Thoughts

Although the above listed COVID trends represent an advancement of tyranny in many ways, it is highly significant when law enforcers, whether police or military, decide to disobey their orders and side with the people, as reportedly happened in Austria. The NWO COVID agenda will fall apart once those in law enforcement raise their consciousness and expand their perception, because then they will naturally refuse to follow unjust directives. The very tiny group of NWO manipulators rely heavily on unquestioning footsoldiers to carry out all their COVID edicts and regulations, and their control of the narrative is tenuous. Meanwhile, as the damaging and often lethal effects of the COVID fake-vaccine continue to ravage the worldwide population of all ages, including the unborn, one wonders how long it will be until the truth reaches a tipping point where it can clearly outweigh all the scamdemic lies in the minds of many.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Odysee/LBRY.


Featured image is from The Freedom Articles

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Brunswick, Georgia in the southern region of the state, served as a flashpoint during the early months of 2020 when a young African American man was chased and shot to death by white racists claiming they acted in self-defense while trying to carry out a “citizen’s arrest.”

Ahmaud Arbery had committed no crime and was only out jogging in the area when he was targeted, chased and brutally murdered by the assailants.

Wanda Cooper-Jones, the mother of Arbery, said she had never thought the day would come where the men who killed her son faced sentencing on multiple counts of murder. The attorney for Cooper-Jones, Lee Merritt, praised the mother’s persistent quest for justice.

Lee Merritt noted that:

“Eighteen months ago when she learned about the murder of her son, they told her that she would just have to deal with it alone. They told her that there would be no arrest, that there would be no accountability, that there would be no justice. And she made her son a promise before she laid him in the ground, that his mom would fight for justice for him.”

Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and their neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan, Jr. on February 23, 2020, pursued Arbery after he had stopped at a construction site to view the work that was being done. The African American had taken nothing from the location and had no property on his person when he was attacked, assaulted and murdered by the vigilantes.

Garin Flowers reported in an article for Yahoo News saying:

“The makeup of the jury also caught heat during the selection process for its lack of diversity in a state still haunted by the memory of lynchings. Glynn County, where the trial took place in southeastern Georgia, is about a quarter Black, but only one Black juror was chosen. The state accused the defense of eliminating Black jurors based on race. Walmsley said at the time that the ‘court has found that there appears to be intentional discrimination’ in the jury selection process, but allowed the trial to move forward. He said the defense had met the legal standard necessary to dismiss the potential jurors, coming up with reasons beyond race for removing them. The three men also face federal hate crime charges in a trial scheduled for February 2022.”

Historical Context of the Verdict

Later in 2020 after the murder of Arbery, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, was killed by police while in her own apartment. The shooting was a case of mistaken identity, yet no charges were ever filed against the law-enforcement officers who fired the fatal shots which resulted in Taylor’s death.

Obviously, the tipping point was the public police execution of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25 of last year. The videotaped murder of Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis fueled the already existing outrage over police brutality and racist violence against African Americans and other people of color across the United States.

Cities and towns all over the country exploded in mass demonstrations and urban rebellions from coast to coast. The protests against the police killing of Floyd spread around the globe with manifestations in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean and Canada. The uprisings even prompted the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to hold a full hearing in Geneva, Switzerland on the question of racist violence in the U.S. The UN hearing was held at the aegis of several African states utilizing a resolution of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor of the African Union (AU), based upon a resolution motivated by Malcolm X during his July 1964 visit to the Second OAU Summit held in Cairo, Egypt.

The brother of George Floyd, Philonise, testified at the UNHCR hearing on June 18, 2020 and appealed to the international body to take action aimed at ending racist violence in the U.S. The then administration of President Donald Trump evoked the slave-era Insurrection Act of 1806 deploying federal agents and troops to cities in various regions of the U.S. Trump demanded that the authorities dominate the streets. In essence he was calling for the use of maximum and lethal force in quelling the demonstrations and rebellions.

Dozens of people were killed along with thousands being arrested from the time of the George Floyd killing and extending for several months. With the demonstrations continuing throughout the summer of 2020, it left an indelible mark on the political landscape of the country. The civil unrest following the murder of Floyd exposed to the world even further the institutionally racist and genocidal character of the U.S. state.

The three white men who murdered Arbery were claiming self-defense based upon a slavery-era law related to making “citizen’s arrests.” This law was overturned even in the Georgia state legislature in 2020.

Wisconsin Releases Vigilante After Killing Two and Wounding One

In another similar case, Kyle Rittenhouse of Illinois, was acquitted of murder after killing two people and injuring a third in another state, Wisconsin, on August 25, 2020. The deaths at the hands of Rittenhouse came during anti-racist demonstrations in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the aftermath of the shooting of Jacob Blake, an African American man wounded seven times by the police while he was moving away from the officers.

Blake’s shooting which resulted in his permanent paralysis, was a source of mass demonstrations and even a one-day strike by National Basketball Association (NBA) players in the aftermath of the incident. Of course, due to the role of the judge in the Rittenhouse trial, none of this social background information was allowed to be presented as evidence of racist motivations on the part of the defendant.

The deceased, who were also white: Joseph Rosenbaum (36), Anthony Huber (26), and the one wounded, Gaige Grosskreutz (27), were not allowed to be described in the proceedings as victims of gun violence. The judge admonished the prosecuting attorney for ostensibly introducing a line of argument forbidden by the bench.

Under these circumstances it was not surprising to many that Rittenhouse was allowed to walk away from such a blatant act of murderous violence. How could anyone seriously claim self-defense after crossing the state line with a high-powered AR-15 rifle under the guise of protecting private property. There were no concerns on the shooter’s part in regard to those demonstrating to demand justice for Blake. These and other factors clearly illustrate the inherent bias and institutional racism within the U.S. legal system.

Historically there have been thousands of lynchings in the U.S. which have not been investigated by the authorities and often declared “justifiable homicide” by the courts. This process of utilizing law-enforcement personnel, prosecuting attorneys and the courts remains in force well into the 21st century.

In regard to the Rittenhouse verdict of not guilty, the federal government through the Justice Department could file Civil Rights violation charges against the 18-year-old. Evidence related to his right-wing connections and subsequent support received during the prosecution could be introduced as elements which motivated the acquitted shooter in traveling to Kenosha and feeling emboldened enough to confront protesters exercising their purported first amendment rights.

Moreover, what right did Rittenhouse have to exercise maximum lethal force against anyone acting in response to a racial crisis in Kenosha? After being charged with the killing of two people and the wounding of someone else, Rittenhouse was defended by elements within the white community which called for his release.

These two divergent verdicts in Wisconsin and Georgia, illustrate the inconsistencies within the U.S. political and legal system. Although Wisconsin had been considered a progressive state in decades past during the 20th century, it is the state which produced Senator Joseph McCarthy who made a political career out of persecuting communist and those considered subversive to the capitalist and racist power structure. Wisconsin during 2011, was the focal point of right-wing political attacks on public sector unions and educational institutions which set a standard for replication throughout the midwestern region and throughout the U.S. as a whole.

Georgia was built on the forced removal of the Indigenous nations and the super-exploitation of the African enslaved people. Voter suppression and racist violence remains the stock-in-trade of the ruling class within the state and throughout the South. This verdict, many claim, is an anomaly within the social trajectory of the methodology used to maintain the status-quo.

What these two verdicts confirm is the necessity of transforming the entire system to eliminate the material basis for racism, national oppression and economic exploitation. Until the capitalist system is removed, and socialism is enacted, the problems of racist violence, vigilante and police terrorism will remain.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Ahmaud Arbery mural with niece in Georgia (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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Turkey is evidently slipping into a crisis, as the lira hit record lows on November 24th.

The currency dawned on exactly 13 lira against the US dollar, after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan defended recent sharp rate cuts. Turkish currency crashed by eight percent on November 23rd alone.

Lower rates will help spur economic growth and create jobs, Erdogan said, as people took to the streets to protest the dire situation.

Hundreds of people took to the streets in Turkey, calling on Erdogan’s government to resign.

Videos on social media showed police forces intervening and blocking the path of protesters gathered in Istanbul and the capital Ankara.

Erdogan has applied pressure on the central bank to pivot to an aggressive easing cycle that aims, he says, to boost exports, investment and jobs.

This happens against a backdrop of inflation soaring to near 20% and the currency depreciation accelerating, eating deeply into Turks’ earnings.

Many economists called the rate cuts reckless while opposition politicians appealed for immediate elections.

After a meeting between Erdogan and central bank Governor Şahap Kavcıoğlu, the bank issued a statement saying the selloff was “unrealistic and completely detached” from economic fundamentals.

It doesn’t help the situation that Erdogan has replaced three central bank governors in the past two years, undermining investor confidence.

The current protests and calls for resignation could have potentially been avoided if Ankara hadn’t missed its window to focus people’s attention on a military operation in northeastern Syria.

Forces were deployed, positions were reinforced, attempts to escalate the situation were carried out. It all led to nothing, as both the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies, and primarily Russia carried out the necessary steps to largely deter any large-scale hostilities.

As a result, Turkey’s population is now focused on what is happening internally, and it is expected to blindly follow Erdogan’s plans that seem to make no sense, as a massive share of people’s savings are being eaten through.

It is expected that protests will continue in the following days, and it is likely that clashes with police will increase in severity as well as in frequency. Few were detained in the first two days, but protests were quite small-scale. The lira continues to plunge, and promises to lead to an even the harsher crisis. The signals for the catastrophe were detectable for months, but little was done to avoid the crash.


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NATO Conducting Provocative Drills in Latvia

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 24, 2021

Once again, NATO is conducting a rather dangerous maneuvers in Eastern Europe with the aim of provoking Russia. Latvia is the new military drill arena for the Western Alliance, with the country receiving troops from across the Atlantic for a military event called the Winter Shield.

Establishment Journal The Lancet Publishes Rare Dissenting Voice on COVID-19 Vaccines

By Calvin Freiburger, November 24, 2021

A dissenting perspective from COVID-19 orthodoxy has found its way into one of the medical establishment’s most prestigious voices, with a letter by a German epidemiologist criticizing the narrative that COVID now represents a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Breaking: Australian Army Begins Transferring Contacts of COVID-19 Positive Cases to Quarantine Camps

By Patricia Harrity, November 24, 2021

The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.

With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s Covid Deaths Remain Far Below Europe and the US

By Ryan McMaken, November 24, 2021

Since the very beginning of the covid panic, the narrative has been this: implement severe lockdowns or your population will experience a bloodbath. Morgues will be overwhelmed, the death total toll will be astounding. On the other hand, we were assured that those jurisdictions that implement the lockdown would experience only a fraction of the death toll.

A Memorial to the Terrorists. Michael Moore

By Michael Moore, November 24, 2021

Every life is precious. But let me give this some perspective. By any means of mathematics, history, or honesty, when it comes to creating terror and killing the innocent, the USA is the modern day Genghis Khan and Bubonic Plague rolled into one.

30 Flights, Some Only 12 Miles Away: U.S. Bombers Practiced Nuclear Attacks on Russia

By Rick Rozoff, November 24, 2021

US Air Force strategic bombers have significantly increased their activity close to the Russian eastern border as the pilots are practicing missile strikes, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

Dilma Rousseff

Lula Willing to Establish Automatic Alignment with EU in Possible New Term

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 23, 2021

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has become known around the world as a moderate leftist leader who, internally, pushed social changes in favor of the poor population and, in foreign policy, strengthened Brazil’s position as a non-aligned country, close to the BRICS and emerging powers.

US-NATO Drums of War: From ‘Saddam’s WMDs’ to ‘Russia Is Preparing to Invade Ukraine’. Familiar “Regime Change” Propaganda Now Targets Moscow

By Gavin OReilly, November 24, 2021

According to the CBS article, the key factor in preventing these alleged invasion plans from coming to fruition is an intervention from the West – or in other words, the war drums of Washington’s Neocons and regime-change lobby are now beating towards Moscow; and one only has to look at the results of previous regime-change lies to grasp the consequences that they entail.

German States with a High Vaccination Rate Have the Highest Excess Mortality

By Free West Media, November 24, 2021

Bergner, who formerly belonged to the FDP parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament, has meanwhile switched to the Citizens for Thuringia party. She had commissioned two statisticians to investigate whether there was a connection between the vaccination rate and excess mortality in the 16 German federal states.

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First published on Global Research on November 18, 2021



The main vaccines used in Italy in the “Covid-19 vaccine plan” are produced by three U.S. pharmaceutical companies – Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – owned and controlled by the three largest U.S. investment companies: BlackRock, the largest in the world, Vanguard and State Street. These three financial firms also own and control the U.S. pharmaceutical company Merck, which first produced the “anti-Covid pill.”

BlackRock, headed by Larry Fink, has thousands of companies from all sectors in its portfolio. The capital it manages has grown in the last ten years from 3,500 to 9,500 billion dollars (more than 5 times the GDP of Italy) and is increasing further. In this way, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street have a decision-making voice in the boards of directors of the major multinationals and banks, including central banks. The largest U.S. investment bank, Goldman Sachs (of which Mario Draghi was vice-president), is owned and controlled by the same “Big Three”. The same is true of Standard & Poor Global, the rating agency that monitors the world’s economies, failing or promoting them.

These facts show that behind the Great Reset there is Big Finance, which is implementing a plan to centralize power and social control with tools such as the “green pass”.

To these are now added others that leverage, in addition to the “pandemic risk”, the “climate risk”. As BlackRock states, “climate risk will fundamentally reshape finance and drive a significant reallocation of capital.”

To that end, while making a spectacle of global warming by announcing imminent catastrophe, they ignore the continuing deterioration of air quality, which, according to the European Environment Agency’s 2021 report, causes about 65,000 deaths per year in Italy, roughly the same number attributed to Covid-19.

The episode of Grandangolo can also be seen on this website.


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Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Civil Disobedience: As Long As I Breathe, I Hope

November 25th, 2021 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Gandhi JayantiRecently, free media have been reporting more and more exemplary activities of civil disobedience. “Civil disobedience” is “non-violent self-defence” and a form of political struggle in the sense of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

It gives rise to hope among citizens to survive the worst crisis in modern history. With his motto “Dum spiro spero”, Cicero (106 to 43 BCE) expresses this hope and the anxious question of many citizens about “To Be or Not to Be” succinctly and prosaically.

The daily horror reports about state terror measures and the path already taken towards a new fascism leave deep traces of despair and hopelessness in young and old. Who still believes in protecting the health of the population?

However, the examples of civil disobedience somewhat mitigate this omnipresent horror. The full text of Cicero’s Wisdom of Life can still inspire the budding hope. In the original letter to his friend Atticus, he writes: “Dum spiro spero; dum spero amo; dum amo vivo.” That is, “As long as I breathe, I hope; as long as I hope, I love; as long as I love, I live.”

How a nation of 80 million was plunged into misfortune

Since every awake citizen feels the new measures of violence and terror first hand, I will not repeat them here. Instead, as a “post-born” person, I will reproduce what my two parents – born in 1913 and 1923 – told me as contemporary witnesses of German fascism and what I have read about it in post-war literature. Both have been indelibly “burned” into my memory. The parallels to today’s developments are striking.

My parents told me how the “Third Reich” came about: they told me about the street battles and talked about how the “Blockwarts” were installed, how freedom of expression was suppressed, the police instrumentalised and a “SA” and “SS” created. At the same time, people were flooded with misinformation. This was very perfidious because there were no lies or truths told – they were half-truths.

When people are inundated with such half-truths, my parents said, they can no longer distinguish between what is a lie and what is the truth. And it was through this agitation and propaganda of the “Third Reich” that a Hitler had come to power and an 80-million-strong nation had been plunged into disaster.

In this context, I would also like to mention two novels that made a great impression on me and confirmed what my parents told me: Oskar Maria Graf’s oppressive portrayal of the rising fascism in the German provinces in the novel “Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen” and Lions Feuchtwanger’s book “Erfolg” from the novel trilogy “Der Wartesaal”. These three works of German exile literature deal with the events between the wars of 1914 and 1939 in terms of content and report on the “re-emergence of barbarism in Germany and its temporary victory over reason” (Feuchtwanger).

Reports of actions of civil disobedience give rise to hope

Even in a second “Nuremberg Trial”, corrupt politicians will not be able to plead obedience to so-called “leaders” for crimes committed against humanity. With their behaviour, they have promoted and helped to realise the current policy. According to Hannah Arendt, the word “obedience” in adult politics is just another word for “consent” and “support”.

The answer to political decisions that increasingly restrict the individual and social lives of citizens, eradicate the love of freedom from human hearts, and forcibly lock people into an iron band of terror so that the space for action disappears, is not obedience but civil disobedience. While civil courage ranks at the top among democratic virtues, the willingness to engage in civil disobedience is suspected of disturbing the peace of law and undermining the foundations of liberal democracy.

But since the “silent” dictatorship of democracy has been “transformed” into an “open” dictatorship in many states, civil disobedience is the order of the day. And indeed, the free media are reporting ever more impressive examples of civil disobedience around the world, despite the fact that supervisors as well as workers from all professions are suffering temporary social and financial losses as a result of their actions.

For example, both chambers of the Florida legislature recently passed a law that also bans compulsory vaccination. Like the majority of US states, they are thus relying on reason and respect for civil and fundamental rights. In doing so, they are clearly acting against the administration of the US president.

Public figures accept their media “execution” and insist on their right to bodily integrity. More and more doctors are courageously refusing to vaccinate their patients against Covid-19 because of the many incalculable side effects and are being banned from practising. Formerly responsible directors of large pharmaceutical companies are leaving the company for ethical reasons and have since been educating the public.

Courageous citizens from all over the world are not impressed by announced repressions by governments and employers, claim their right to non-violent self-defence and take to the streets. This list of examples of civil disobedience could go on and on. Please, dear citizens, inform yourself in the free media. Every single example gives hope and will find imitators.

In the end, we can be curious to see which side will prevail in this undeclared war against civil societies and this unequal struggle – after all, it is about the existential question: “To Be or Not to Be”.


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Dr Rudolf Hänsel is a retired rector, educationalist and qualified psychologist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

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Following Saturday’s news report by corporate-owned US media outlet CBS, which outlined alleged plans by Russia to invade Ukraine in the coming weeks as the Winter sets in, based on unverified information given to the media network by unnamed US Intelligence officials, anti-Russian hysteria in the Western mainstream media has again stepped up a notch – with Moscow already being accused of playing a key role in the ongoing migrant crisis at the Belarus-Poland border, where thousands of immigrants, many of whom are fleeing the wars and colour revolutions imposed on their countries by the US-NATO hegemony, are attempting to enter the European Union.

According to the CBS article, the key factor in preventing these alleged invasion plans from coming to fruition is an intervention from the West – or in other words, the war drums of Washington’s Neocons and regime-change lobby are now beating towards Moscow; and one only has to look at the results of previous regime-change lies to grasp the consequences that they entail.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, and the subsequent US-led invasion of Afghanistan one month later in October of that year, the wars drums against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq would soon begin to beat in Washington – despite the fact that 20 years on, little to no evidence has been produced linking either Iraq or Afghanistan to the attacks, in stark contrast to the evidence found linking US-allies Israel and Saudi Arabia to the atrocities.

In a similar vein to their accusations of Afghanistan harbouring Osama Bin Laden, thus justifying a US-led invasion, the Western mainstream media, alongside Neoconservative think tanks such as the Project for the New American Century and AIPAC, using Benjamin Netanyahu as its spokesman, would all, in lockstep, promote the narrative that Saddam Hussein’s leadership had acquired weapons of mass destruction, and had also harboured members of Bin Laden’s CIA-created Al-Qaeda network – thus enabling another US military intervention.

In March 2003, these propaganda efforts would come to fruition with the US-led war on Iraq, leading to more than half a million deaths, the modern-day refugee crisis, and as a result of the power vacuum following the removal of Hussein’s leadership, the takeover of vast swathes of the previously secular nation by Al-Qaeda’s Iraq branch – a precursor to the wider ISIS network which would be established a decade later.

Despite the disastrous impact of these regime-change lies becoming globally apparent to onlookers, the US and its allies would again play out the same script less than eight years later, this time in Libya, who’s then-leader Muammar Gaddafi, a long-time thorn in the side of the White House and its allies, was planning a Gold Dinar currency, one which would have ended any reliance by Tripoli on the US Dollar – and which would also seal his fate in the eyes of the US-NATO hegemony.

In February 2011, the US, Britain and France would authorise a regime-change operation against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya which saw the arming, funding and training of the same Salafist terrorists that the coalition had supposedly went into Iraq to combat in the first place – with the intentions of halting the planned Gold Dinar currency and removing Gaddafi’s secular leadership via a colour revolution.

In response to alleged ‘human rights abuses’ by Tripoli against said colour revolution and the terrorists implementing it, a no-fly zone would subsequently be launched over the North African country by NATO in March 2011, with the military alliance effectively acting as an air force for their terrorist proxies; by October 2011, Gaddafi was dead, his once-thriving nation in ruins, and the flow of migrants trying to escape from what was once the most prosperous nation in Africa substantially exacerbating the refugee crisis.

At the same as this regime-change disaster was playing out in Libya, a similar colour revolution, which again saw the arming and support of Salafist groups, would also be launched against the Syrian Arab Republic, which with a similar history to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya of also refusing to kowtow to the demands of Washington and its allies, had drawn the ire of the regime-change lobby following Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s 2009 refusal to allow US-ally Qatar to build a pipeline through his country – one which would have undermined his key relationship with Russia.

In stark contrast to the fate which befell Libya however, Damascus has successfully been able to withstand the terrorist onslaught over the past decade, with an Iranian intervention at the request of the Syrian government in 2013 playing a key role in the defence of the Arab Republic, and a further Russian intervention in 2015, again at the request of Damascus, perhaps playing the most decisive factor in the conflict so far.

True to form however, Washington’s hawks would step up their propaganda efforts in a bid to counter this successful countering of their regime change attempts – in 2017 and 2018, two separate false flag chemical attacks were launched in the terrorist-held town of Khan Shaykhun and the city of Douma, the blame being attributed to the Syrian government in both situations, and both incidents resulting in the US launching cruise missile and air strikes against Syrian government targets – just stopping short of a Libya-style no-fly zone which could have easily triggered a wider conflict between NATO and Russia.

This is where similarities to the current situation involving Ukraine come into play, with Kiev having come under the control of the pro-Western leaderships of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky since the 2014 Euromaidan colour revolution was launched against the Eastern European country in response to then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s 2013 decision to suspend an EU trade deal in favour of pursuing closer ties with neighbouring Russia.

With the noticeable anti-Russian sentiment of the new Western-friendly government becoming dangerously high, the mainly ethic Russian Donbass region in eastern Ukraine broke away to form the independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in April 2014, following Crimea’s successful reunification with Russia the previous month – and sparking a now seven-year long conflict against both Republics by Kiev, which now, perhaps with a Syria-style false-flag attack in the region intended  to implicate Moscow, threatens to expand into a wider conflict between Ukraine and Russia, one that could have grave consequences for the entire continent of Europe and indeed, the world.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News.

Featured image is from danielo / Shutterstock

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Last week attorney Aaron Siri of Injecting Freedom reported that the FDA is going to take 55 years, or until 2076, to disclose all of the data and information it relied on before approving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.

Following its publication, we expected the usual constellation of conflicted neerdowell ‘fact checkers’ to shoot it down – or at least, spin what was going on.

To our surprise, that wasn’t the case. In fact, Reuters whose founder and former CEO sits on the board of Pfizer, looked into the matter and was apparently shocked:

Here’s how they explain it:

The 1967 FOIA law requires federal agencies to respond to information requests within 20 business days. However, the time it takes to actually get the documents “will vary depending on the complexity of the request and any backlog of requests already pending at the agency,” according to the government’s central FOIA website.

Justice Department lawyers representing the FDA note in court papers that the plaintiffs are seeking a huge amount of vaccine-related material – about 329,000 pages.

The plaintiffs, a group of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown, filed suit in September in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, seeking expedited access to the records. They say that releasing the information could help reassure vaccine skeptics that the shot is indeed “safe and effective and, thus, increase confidence in the Pfizer vaccine.”

But the FDA can’t simply turn the documents over wholesale. The records must be reviewed to redact “confidential business and trade secret information of Pfizer or BioNTech and personal privacy information of patients who participated in clinical trials,” wrote DOJ lawyers in a joint status report filed Monday.

The article explains how the FDA proposed releasing 500 pages per month on a rolling basis – informing the court that they only have 10 employees in the branch that would handle the review, and are currently processing around 400 other FOIA requests.

“By processing and making interim responses based on 500-page increments, FDA will be able to provide more pages to more requesters, thus avoiding a system where a few large requests monopolize finite processing resources and where fewer requesters’ requests are being fulfilled,” wrote DOJ attorneys, citing other cases in which the 500 monthly page production was upheld.

The plaintiffs, on the other hand, point out that the FDA has 18,000 employees and a budget of $6 billion – and “has itself said that there is nothing more important than the licensure of this vaccine and being transparent about this vaccine.”

Since the first batch of documents were released, people have already noted some disturbing findings. What could the rest of the documents reveal?


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Since the very beginning of the covid panic, the narrative has been this: implement severe lockdowns or your population will experience a bloodbath. Morgues will be overwhelmed, the death total toll will be astounding. On the other hand, we were assured that those jurisdictions that implement the lockdown would experience only a fraction of the death toll.

Then, once vaccines became available, the narrative was modified to:

“Get shots in arm and then covid will stop spreading. Those countries without vaccines, on the other hand, will continue to face mass casualties.”

The lockdown narrative, of course, has already been thoroughly overturned. Jurisdictions that did not lock down or adopted only weak and short lockdowns ended up with covid death tolls that were either similar to—or lesser than—death tolls in countries that adopted draconian lockdowns. Lockdown advocates said locked-down countries would be overwhelmingly better off. These people were clearly wrong.

Undaunted by the increasing implausibility of the lockdown narrative, the global health bureaucrats are nonetheless doubling down on forced vaccines—as we now see in Austria—and we continue to be assured that only countries with high vaccination rates can hope to avoid disastrous covid outcomes.

Yet, the experience in sub-Saharan Africa calls both these narratives into question: Africa’s numbers have been far, far lower than the experts warned would be the case.

For example, the AP reported mid November 2021 that in spite of low vaccination rates, Africa has fared better than most of the world:

[T]here is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said….

Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.

Yet disaster for Africa has long been predicted for several reasons even beyond the availability of vaccines. For instance, it is known that lockdowns are especially impractical in the poorest parts of the world. This is because populations in places with underdeveloped economies can’t simply sit at home and live off savings or debt. Rather, these people must go out into the world and earn a living on a day-to-day basis. Starvation is the alternative. Moreover, much of this work is done in the informal economy, so enforcing lockdowns becomes especially difficult.


Source: Our World in Data (Confirmed Deaths per Million, November 19, 2021Share of People Vaccinated against Covid-19, November 19, 2021).

It was also assumed that covid would be especially deadly in Africa due to the fact many large households live in small housing units.

But that “conventional wisdom” flies in the face of the reality of covid in Africa, which is that there have been fewer deaths.

The “experts” have groped around, looking for possible explanations.

Some sources, for example, insist that the low death totals are only an artifact of incomplete reporting on covid infections and that “a lack of good qualitative data was the issue.”

But Richard Wamai at Northeastern University rejects the claim it’s all about case reporting, and says that “local systems for reporting deaths in Africa make it difficult to hide COVID-19 casualties.” In a paper for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Wamai and his coauthors conclude,

“[T]here is no evidence that COVID-19 mortality data is less accurately reported in Africa than elsewhere” …

“While the true picture of infections and mortality in the continent has yet to fully emerge, the quality of data for other diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, indicates that Africa has the capacity to collect and report valid disease surveillance data.”

In any case, the World Health Organization reports that covid deaths in Africa make up only 2.9 percent of covid deaths Worldwide, while Africa’s population is 16 percent of the global total.

Africa’s covid total could double or triple, and Africa would still be faring far better than Europe and the Americas.

Wamai et al. also note that at this point

“[i]t is likely that SARS-CoV-2 has already been widely disseminated through Africa…. If so, widespread infection is likely to also result in widespread natural immunity.”

In other words, continued claims by health officials—both in Africa and elsewhere—that mass death is right around the corner with the “next wave” look increasingly implausible.

It looks increasingly likely that the lack of covid mortality in Africa is not due to a data issue nor a situation in which covid has been “contained” up until now. So then why is Africa doing so much better than the wealthy West?

Naturally, the advocates of forced lockdowns and coerced vaccines would prefer to ignore this issue altogether, but the undeniable reality of Africa’s experience has forced mainstream researchers to publicly admit the many ways that many factors can explain covid’s prevalence beyond vaccination rates and mask mandates.

For instance, mentioning that obesity is an important factor in covid mortality has in the past been likely to get one savaged in the media for “fat shaming.” Yet the Africa situation has forced the well informed to admit that yes, obese populations clearly suffer more from covid. In Africa, not surprisingly, we find that obesity rates are far below those found in North America and Europe.

Other possible explanations forwarded as reasons for Africa’s situation include past exposure to other coronaviruses, youthful populations, fewer patients lacking zinc and vitamin D, past use of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination, climate, genetic background, and parasite load.

In addressing the African “enigma” one group of researchers in the journal Colombia medica dared even suggest it’s possible—although not conclusively shown at this point—that “a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use.”


Source: “Global Obesity Levels,”, last modified March 27, 2020; Our World in Data (Share of People Vaccinated against Covid-19, November 19, 2021).

In the West, however, the media drumbeat around covid has consistently been “Shut up, stay home, get jabbed, and stop doubting the experts on forced vaccines.” Fortunately, however, the African situation has forced many researchers to ask inconvenient questions.

In fact, it’s amazing Africa has not been overcome by mass death considering that covid lockdowns and covid economic and social “mitigation” measures have contributed to the impoverishment and mass starvation on the continent. Or as Germany’s DW News puts it,

“Measures put in place to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus are pushing millions of people in Africa into severe hunger.”

And as Wamai notes,

“[S]ome of the excess deaths in Africa “can be attributed not to the disease, but to lockdown measures that cut off access to medical care for other illnesses.”

But Africa hasn’t gotten the bloodbath that was promised, and as one Nigerian put it, “They said there will be dead bodies on the streets and all that, but nothing like that happened.”



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A Pandemic of the Vaccinated

November 24th, 2021 by Jon Rappoport

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Daily Mail, November 18, 2021:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said waning immunity from the initial shots is leading to a rise in severe cases among immunized Americans. ‘What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted’…”

NY Times podcast, November 12, 2021; Fauci states:

“They are seeing a waning of [vaccine-induced] immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly.”

Translation: The vaccine is severely injuring and killing MANY people, but of course we’re calling those injuries and deaths “COVID-19 disease.” Also, our solution to this catastrophe is piling on MORE injections (boosters), which will hospitalize and kill even MORE people.

The has the much deeper story:

“The public are being repeatedly lied to by elected officials, unelected advisors, and the mainstream media, with all of them claiming that the world is currently experiencing a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated. This could not be further from the truth.”

“But the lie has now been used to justify locking down the unvaccinated in Austria, and locking the unvaccinated out of society in Australia.”

“Now Germany is about to follow suit, Scotland is about to ban the unvaccinated from pubs and restaurants under the advice of a qualified nutritionist posing as a Pandemic expert who goes by the name of Devi Sridhar, and the authorities and media in England have gone into overdrive on the advice of the ‘nudge unit’ to sway the population into supporting a lockdown for only the unvaccinated.”

“But it all makes absolutely no sense because official Public Health data shows that over the past three months… two-thirds of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people who get very sick from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and a frightening 91% of Covid-19 deaths [people who die from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and projections shows things are about to get a lot worse.”

“…in the week beginning November 6th a total of 773 Covid-19 hospitalisations [people injured by the shot] were confirmed in Scotland. Of these 137 were among the unvaccinated population, whilst 363 were among the vaccinated population.”

“…the fully vaccinated accounted for the majority of hospitalisations [in Scotland] between October 16th and November 12th, and again by taking into account hospitalisations as far back as August 23rd we can see that things have been getting progressively worse for the fully vaccinated by the week.”

“In the week beginning August 21st the vaccinated accounted for 68% of hospitalisations, but fast forward to the week beginning November 6th and we can see that the vaccinated accounted for 73% of hospitalisations.”

“The worst week so far for the vaccinated however, in terms of hospitalisations, came in the week beginning October 16th which saw the vaccinated population account for 79% of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people injured by the shot].”

“[In Scotland]…the fully vaccinated accounted for the overwhelming majority of Covid-19 deaths [deaths from the shot] between October 9th and November 5th 2021. But by also taking into account the number of…deaths by vaccination status as far back as August 14th we’re able to see that things are getting significantly worse for the fully vaccinated population by the week…”

“…the week beginning August 14th the vaccinated accounted for 78% of deaths, but fast forward to the week beginning October 30th and we can see that the vaccinated accounted for 85% of deaths.”

Switching from Scotland to England:

“The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 [people killed by the shot] have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.”

But don’t worry, be happy. The solution—endless toxic boosters—will surely save the day. And by “save the day,” I mean tens or even hundreds of millions of lives will be ruined and ended.

And by “save the day,” I also mean the news media will cover all this up and continue to promote an alternative fantasy of a universe, in which the vaccine is a rescuing rainbow and the unvaccinated are terrorists.

There’s magic at work here. If you believe what the news media are telling you, then you’ll remain vibrant and healthy (if you take the vaccine and all the boosters). If you don’t take the vaccine, you’re doomed. It’s really quite something. Those talking news heads are elves from the forest. With every word they utter, they cast powerful spells.

That’s why the really smart people trust the news and embrace the elves.


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The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption

November 24th, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO) contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic”

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of health at the Council of Europe, explains that a pandemic used to be associated with widespread severe illness and death, but by changing the definition, removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO can now make a pandemic whenever it wants

COVID-19 was a “test” pandemic, not a virus pandemic, because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects fragments of coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years, a fragment of virus too small to make you ill or a fragment of COVID-19 that was there weeks ago

The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention

As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an internal medicine doctor and former head of health at the Council of Europe, spoke with Planet Lockdown on the fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization and how it contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic.”1

The seeds were sown more than a decade ago during the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic. In 2010, Wodarg accused pharmaceutical companies of influencing WHO’s pandemic declaration, calling swine flu a “false pandemic” that was driven by Big Pharma, which cashed in on the health scare.2

According to Wodarg, the swine flu pandemic was “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.”3 As noted by Planet Lockdown, Wodarg, then a member of the German Parliament, “knew something wasn’t right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic”:4

“He dug into the issue and discovered a hornet’s nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO. He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions.”

With a Definition Change, WHO Could Create Pandemic Anytime

Secret agreements were made between Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France with the pharmaceutical industry before the H1N1 pandemic began, which stated that they would purchase H1N1 flu vaccinations — but only if a pandemic level 6 was declared by WHO.

Six weeks before the pandemic was declared, no one at WHO was worried about the virus, but the media was nonetheless exaggerating the dangers.5 Then, in the month leading up to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, WHO changed the official definition of pandemic, removing the severity and high mortality criteria and leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”6

This switch in definition allowed WHO to declare swine flu a pandemic after only 144 people had died from the infection worldwide.7 While the swine flu scare was eventually deflated, this wasn’t so with COVID-19, even though the real signs of a pandemic are absent. As Wodarg explained, it used to be that a pandemic was associated with widespread severe illness and death, but that’s no longer the case:8

“There was an explanation of what a pandemic is and it always was going with many, many people dying from infections. Many severe diseases, hospitals being overcrowded. It was such a catastrophe … and everyone in the street would notice that there is a pandemic because the neighbors would get ill, the people at work would get ill. In the bus, you would see people coughing.

In a pandemic … it’s something each of us would experience. This was a pandemic. And WHO changed it.”

By removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO could make a pandemic whenever they wanted. “The pandemic is just a picture spread by the media, making us afraid. But what the people experience is not what we used to understand when we used the word epidemic or pandemic,” he said.9 Now, the word pandemic has to do with fear, not illnesses. “It’s a brand for fear.”

COVID-19 Is a ‘Test’ Pandemic

If there hasn’t been a true pandemic, in the old definition of the word, then how are the media and government getting all of these high case numbers for COVID-19? This is due to the PCR test.

“It was accepted by WHO, and they said when the test is positive, we have a case of COVID-19. And this is how they started counting the cases,” Wodarg said. “What they counted was the activity of testing. And the more they tested, the more cases they found.”10

Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive (noninfectious) viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.11

Inactive and reproductive viruses are not interchangeable in terms of infectivity. If you have a nonreproductive virus in your body, you will not get sick from it and you cannot spread it to others. Further, many if not most laboratories amplify the RNA collected far too many times, which results in healthy people testing “positive.”

The higher the cycle threshold (CT) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — the greater the chance of a false positive. While any CT over 35 is deemed scientifically unjustifiable,12,13 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended running PCR tests at a CT of 40.14

A test known as the Corman-Drosten paper and tests recommended by the World Health Organization were set to 45 cycles.15,16,17 When labs use these excessive cycle thresholds, you end up with a grossly overestimated number of positive tests, so what we’re really dealing with is a “casedemic”18,19 — an epidemic of false positives.

Wodarg says COVID-19 “was a ‘test’ pandemic. It was not a virus pandemic,”20 because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years. He explained:21

“The SARS viruses, they are very long RNA viruses. There are 30,000 letters in this genetic information. The PCR test only takes a very small part of them, or two parts of them. So two words out of a whole book … before you start testing, you can already estimate how often this test will be positive. If you take a sequence which is in many varieties of viruses, you will have many positive tests.”

The PCR test only tests for certain sequences of the RNA. It gives a positive result when it only finds a small fragment; it doesn’t need the whole virus. If the virus was there weeks ago or you have a touch of the virus present, but no infection, it can still test positive and add another COVID-19 “case,” even though you’re not actually sick.

COVID-19 Shot Conflicts of Interest Putting Lives at Risk

The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention. As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine.

“This is a very serious matter,” he said, which has nothing to do with health or hygiene — “it has to do with criminology”:22

“When they want to sell their vaccines, they need people who are ill so they can make clinical studies. So when there is an outbreak, and they want to make clinical studies with their vaccine to protect people against this disease just breaking out … there is a conflict of interest.

If you have normal ways to stop the infection, with hygiene, with distancing, with isolating, with consulting with people, giving advice how to behave … if you stop the disease quickly, you’re not able to have enough cases for your study.”

So we have a “pandemic” that’s based on a test that doesn’t prove infection, but what it did do was make people afraid. And that fear was the basis for saying we need a vaccine. The shots, however, aren’t effective.

In November 2020, Pfizer, in a joint venture with Germany-based BioNTech, announced that their mRNA-based injection was “more than 90% effective” in a Phase 3 trial.23 This does not mean that 90% of people who get injected will be protected from COVID-19, however, as it’s based on relative risk reduction (RRR).

The absolute risk reduction (ARR) for the jab is less than 1%. “Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the jab, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a jab, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs,” researchers wrote in The Lancet Microbe in April 2021.24

Nonetheless, the jabs received emergency use authorization, which has paved the way for vaccine mandates and other assaults to your freedom and health.

Will Vaxxed People End Up Sicker?

The lack of effectiveness is one key reason why Wodarg believes most people do not need a COVID-19 jab. The other reasons include serious risks of adverse events from these experimental jabs, and the fact that, Wodarg says, cross-immunity exists due to multiple previous exposures to other coronaviruses in most people.25 “The genetically produced so-called vaccines are not necessary, because we have immunity.”26

As he stated, your immune system is well-equipped to protect you, and new viral exposures each year help to keep this complex system updated. Risk increases when you avoid regular viral exposures to keep your immune system ready:27

“Those new ones that come, this is some work for your immune system to get an update, but it doesn’t make most people very sick, only in a few, rare cases.

When we are not trained, or we didn’t have contact with viruses for a very long time, because we were isolated somewhere alone, not having our grandchildren on our knees, not experiencing any training — it’s the same when you are out of training and you suddenly have to climb a high mountain. Maybe your heart goes into failure and you die — maybe you die when you have contact with something your immune system has forgotten.”

The spike protein that the shots stimulate your cells to produce is also deeply concerning, since it’s toxic:28

“Vaccines are made to stimulate our cells, we don’t know which cells, or where the injection goes, but those cells that get contact with the vaccine, they produce spike proteins, which are very toxic. Normally, those spike proteins don’t come into the blood, this is why we don’t get seriously ill from coronaviruses. When you inject them, you bypass the natural immunity.”

This is a likely reason why there are so many side effects associated with the shots, as injecting these spike proteins is unnatural and very dangerous. It’s since been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.29

Further, Wodarg says, once your body has been injected with the spike protein, it may have an overreactive response the next time it comes in contact with a typical coronavirus, potentially leading to a dangerous cytokine storm.

When counting COVID-19 cases this winter, Wodarg believes it is important to ask whether the person received a COVID-19 shot or not. “I am quite sure,” he said, “that those people vaccinated will be the severe cases and that those who are not vaccinated will just experience a normal flu.”30

What’s more, once you’re vaccinated, they have all your data — the batch of the shot, the date and time. So, you’re essentially part of a clinical trial that you’ve never agreed to, and there’s no transparency about the risks involved. Wodarg believes that the pandemic “emergency” is being prolonged from month to month because it helps their injection studies, even as there are massive conflicts of interest involved.

If you listen to the media, you’ll be brainwashed that the jab is necessary, but don’t fall for the hype, including that getting the shot will earn you your freedom back. Wodarg said:31

“You won’t be free to travel. You will be controlled nevertheless, because the next virus already comes, the next jab is waiting. They want to perpetuate this game with us, with vaccines and with vaccine passports. It’s just the perfect control by this market and it has nothing to do with health. So we have to stop it.”


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1, 4 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021

2 Daily Mail January 17, 2010

3 The Times of Israel May 14, 2020

5, 7 BitChute, TrustWHO

6 Wayback Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness September 2, 2009 (PDF)

8 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 2:05

9 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 5:40

10 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 8:50

11 CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel July 13, 2020 (PDF)

12 The Vaccine Reaction September 29, 2020

13 Jon Rappoport’s Blog November 6, 2020

14 CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions, July 13, 2020 (PDF) Page 35

15 Diagnostic detection of Wuhan Coronavirus 2019 by real-time RT-PCR, January 13, 2020 (PDF)

16 Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCOV by real-time RT-PCR, January 17, 2020 (PDF)

17 Eurosurveillance 2020 Jan 23; 25(3): 2000045

18 PJ Media October 27, 2020

19 AAPS October 7, 2020

20 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 14:02

21 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 9:40

22 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 16:30

23 Pfizer November 9, 2020

24 The Lancet Microbe April 20, 2021

25 Medical Hypotheses November 2020, Volume 144, 110049

26 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 29:03

27, 28 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 25:15

29 Circulation Research March 31, 2021

30 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 28:16

31 Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 34:57

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

COVID Vaccines Are a War on Children

November 24th, 2021 by Stella Paul

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The first battles in the Covid War on Children began with the lockdown, forcing kids into isolation, depriving them of education, smothering them with masks, strangling their innate joy and playfulness, and denying them contact with God-given images of human faces.

The tyrants won those first battles, vanquishing our kids. Children are committing suicides in numbers never before seen; their health has plummeted with terrifying rates of obesity and diabetes, their intellectual and social development is languishing, and they are suffering intensely.

Now with children sicker and weaker than ever before, and with parents desperate for a return to “normal,” the tyrants are moving in for the kill with vaccines. The Pop Culture Brigade unleashed Big Bird to tweet about the joys of the jab, promised kids super powers from the vaccines in a grotesque Pfizer ad, and invited a pop star to the White House to push “Let’s end this pandemic together” to kids.

The medical establishment enthusiastically joined the attack. The American Medical Association urged parents to “seize the opportunity to vaccinate younger kids against Covid-19,” warning them, “Now it is time for parents to act.”  The American Academy of Pediatrics flogged the need for instant FDA approval, while its New York branch demanded vaccine mandates for kids to attend school, helpfully adding that “religious or philosophical exemptions should not be given.”

And, of course, the government struck hard with the ultimate power of coercion. California became the first state to mandate vaccines for kids ages 5 and older, denying kindergartners an education until they’re jabbed. New York, fresh from deploying Covid to kill 15,000 nursing home residents, pivoted to kids with a bribery campaign conceived in the pits of hell.  Mayor de Blasio announced that jabbed kids are eligible for a $100 gift, which he cheerfully informed them “buys a whole lot of candy.” Sugar destroys the immune system and sets up kids for a lifetime of metabolic dysfunction, but who cares about that? The vaccines are for their health!

The tyrants have been consistent in their messaging onslaught from the beginning: healthy living and natural immunity play no part in overcoming Covid; only the divine gift of pharmaceutical experiments can confer redemption from the viral demon. Now the tyrants are salivating at the profits to be made by plunging lucrative gene modulators into children’s flesh. Already, Pfizer is boasting that it will make as much money from its Covid vaccine in 2021 than it made from all its products in 2020. And wait until 2022, when Fauci assures us that even babies and toddlers will be stabbed with the jab! The tyrants have decreed their right to colonize and exploit your children’s bodies, and your job as parents is to thank them, pay them, and submit.

In this face of this blitzkrieg of intimidation, coercion, and agitprop, how can parents protect their children? What weapons do parents have to fight back? As in any war, the way to win is through courage, unity, and knowledge of the enemy. So, I’ve provided some facts to fortify your information and share with others.

The vaccine is already proven to be dangerous. On November 12th, the CDC released the latest figures from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). To date, children ages 12 to 17 have suffered 22,782 total adverse events, including 1,400 rated as serious, and 29 reported deaths. Among the deaths: a 17-year-old girl from Washington, a 12-year-old girl from South Carolina, a 13-year-old girl from Maryland, and a 17-year-old girl from Texas. 59 cases of life-threatening anaphylaxis were reported in this age group – with 96% attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine. 552 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) were reported, with all but 10 linked to Pfizer, and 131 cases of blood clotting disorders, with 100% linked to Pfizer.

Vaccine injuries in kids are being censored from the media and buried by the FDA. Maddie de Garay is a 13-year-old girl in Ohio whose mother signed her up for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine clinical trial. She is now catastrophically disabled and has been hospitalized three times in recent months. Yet Comcast refused to show an ad about Maddie, frustrating Maddie’s mother who hoped it would force those responsible to admit to Maddie’s injuries. You can see Maddie’s ad here.  Mrs. de Garay documented Maddie’s medical records and submitted them to the CDC, FDA, and NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke without getting any meaningful response. Pfizer has categorized Maddie’s systemic injuries as “functional abdominal pain.”

Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Taiwan have stopped vaccinating younger groups because of reported heart damage and other injuries. (See here, here, and here.) All four countries report worrisome rates of myocarditis and pericarditis, which cause heart inflammation, in younger people injected with Covid vaccines. And in Germany, federal data shows that children aged 12 to 17 were far more likely to be damaged from Covid vaccines than from Covid. Children were hospitalized post-vaccine with myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Around the world, children are suffering from Covid vaccines.

Pfizer conducted NO long-term studies on their vaccine’s impact on kids – none, nada, zilch, zip. Pfizer admits in its application to the FDA that they will study the long-term effects on kids AFTER they receive authorization. Pfizer’s clinical trials consist of just two small studies of approximately 2,000 kids each. One group was followed for about two weeks after vaccination; the other for two months. That’s it. Two months! That’s the entire basis for injecting millions of kids with experimental vaccines that have unknown consequences for their genetic, reproductive, neurological, immunological, respiratory, and cardiovascular health. What on earth happens to our future if something goes wrong?

Fauci and the FDA admit they don’t know if the vaccines are safe for kids. “The real question that we have not yet answered is the safety data of an mRNA vaccine in young people vis-a-vis myocarditis,” Fauci told Reuters in October. And Dr. Eric Rubin, a voting member of the FDA panel that endorsed the vaccine and editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, casually noted, “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.” In other words, what’s important to these “experts” isn’t protecting your kids. It’s protecting the vaccine, with your kids as the unfortunate guinea pigs.

Children’s risk of Covid death or serious illness remains extremely low. Large studies in Britain confirm that children’s risk of being hospitalized or dying from Covid is negligible. 25 children out of 12 million kids in Britain died of Covid, and most of them had severe co-morbidities. Furthermore, children are not significant drivers of infection, and pose almost no risk to adults. They do not get frequently infected, and if they do, they typically have mild symptoms.

Prominent doctors have formed The Unity Project to help partents and groups fight vaccine mandates for children.

The tyrants who want your children’s bodies are relentless. They’ve orchestrated the battlefield so that you’re mandated to permanently alter your children’s biology with unknown substances for protection against a disease for which they’re not at risk. In times of chaos and despair, return to the time-tested basics. The best way to shield your kids is by bolstering their God-given immune system with healthy whole foods, sunshine, joyful play and exercise, sleep, and family time for gratitude. The war will be won by parents who protect their kids.


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In an appalling breach of human rights, 38 indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory have been hauled into quarantine camps by the army.

The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner announced today that the “Residents of Binjari and Rockhole no longer have the five reasons to leave their homes,.” The five allowable reasons to avoid lockdown that he referred to are buying food and supplies, exercising for up to two hours, care or caregiving, work, or education. It is a case of if it can’t be done from home, and to get vaccinated at the nearest possible location.

Howard Springs, Quarantine Camp, Northern Territory

“They can only leave for medical treatment, in an emergency, or as required by law.” says Gunner, he continues that “It’s highly likely that more residents will be transferred to Howard Springs today, either as positive cases or close contacts,” adding “We have already identified 38 close contacts from Binjari but that number will go up. Those 38 are being transferred now.”

Gunner said that he had contacted the Prime Minister last night and that they are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF personnel, as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts – and to support the communities. He also said “We are doing an assessment today of what extra resources we might need from the Feds, and the Prime Minister is ready to help further – I thank him for that.”

The video below shows the Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner as he announces the news.

Quarantine facilities

There are two mandatory supervised quarantine facilities in the Northern Territory; Centre for National Resilience in Howard Springs, Darwin, and the Alice Springs Quarantine Facility, Alice Springs. As stated on the Northern Territory Government website, A person in quarantine must;

  • stay in the person’s allocated room, including on any veranda space allocated to the room, unless permitted by an authorised officer; and
  • when not in their room, or on their veranda, residents must take all reasonable measures to stay at least 1.5 metres away from any other person in the quarantine facility, except for the person’s spouse, de facto partner, child or parent; and
  • wear a face mask when outside their room unless an authorised officer permits the person to remove the face mask; and
  • comply with any directions given by an authorised officer to avoid people congregating in a quarantine zone; and
  • must not leave the quarantine zone in which the person’s allocated room is located unless the person is escorted by an authorised officer, except in an emergency.

Chief Health Officer Direction 52 of 2021 sets out what a person must do when in quarantine at the Centre for National Resilience and at Alice Springs Quarantine Facility.  This direction is law – every person in quarantine must do what the Direction says. If a person does not follow the Direction, the Northern Territory Police may issue an Infringement Notice with a financial penalty. (Source)

The Northern Territory as of today, November 22nd, 2021, has a total of 38 “Cases” of what they deem to be COVID-19, which makes it even more blatantly obvious that the excessive new measure has nothing to do with a virus.


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A dissenting perspective from COVID-19 orthodoxy has found its way into one of the medical establishment’s most prestigious voices, with a letter by a German epidemiologist criticizing the narrative that COVID now represents a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Dr. Günter Kampf is associate professor for hygiene and environmental medicine at the University Medicine Greifswald, Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine in Germany. His letter, published in The Lancet’s November 20 edition, highlights “increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission” of the virus, and therefore the idea that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated” is “far too simple.”

“In the USA, a total of 10,262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2,725 (26.6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9.7%) were hospitalized, and 160 (1.6%) died,” Kampf explained. “In Germany, 55.4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals, and this proportion is increasing each week.”

“Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatizing parts of the population for their skin color or religion,” Kampf concluded. “I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.”

Kampf elaborated on these concerns in an October 29 essay published by the Brownstone Institute. There he added that the vaccinated can contribute to the development of virus variants, and may actually accelerate the spread of COVID by changing their behavior after getting their shots.

“Vaccinated people usually behave in a more risk-taking way, they have more contacts, go to concerts and parties more often,” he explained. “They are no longer tested in Germany and are not quarantined. It is a carte blanche for an almost normal social life. If they become infected, they often have no or only mild symptoms and thus do not recognize their infection or recognize it too late. As a result, the expected wave among the vaccinated would hardly be visible.”

In the United States, a body of data suggests that the mass vaccination strategy for defeating COVID-19 has failed. The federal government considers more than 196 million Americans (59% of the eligible) to be “fully vaccinated” (a moving target given the vaccines’ temporary nature), yet ABC News reported in October that more Americans died of COVID-19 this year (353,000) than in all of 2020 (352,000), according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Meanwhile, vaccine hesitancy persists thanks to unaddressed concerns about the vaccines’ safety, stemming largely from the fact that they were developed and released far faster than any previous vaccine.

Defenders stress that their development did not start from scratch, but rather relied on years of prior research into mRNA technology; and that one of the innovations of Operation Warp Speed was conducting various aspects of the development process concurrently rather than sequentially, eliminating delays unrelated to safety. However, those factors do not fully account for the condensing of clinical trial phases — each of which can take anywhere from 1-3 years on their own — to just three months apiece.

While cases of severe harm reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) after taking COVID shots represent less than one percent of total doses administered in the United States, a 2010 report submitted to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) warned that VAERS caught “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events.” May reporting from NBC News quotes several mainstream experts acknowledging “gaps” in federal vaccine monitoring.

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US, Australia, UK Sign Key Deal in Nuclear Sub Alliance

November 24th, 2021 by The Economic Times

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Australia formally embarked Monday on a hotly-contested programme to equip its navy with nuclear-powered submarines in a new defence alliance with Britain and the United States.

Defence Minister Peter Dutton joined US and British diplomats in signing an agreement allowing the exchange of sensitive “naval nuclear propulsion information” between their nations.

It is the first agreement on the technology to be publicly signed since the three countries announced in September the formation of a defence alliance, AUKUS, to confront strategic tensions in the Pacific where China-US rivalry is growing.

The deal will help Australia to complete an 18-month study into the submarine procurement, Dutton said after signing it in Canberra with US Charge d’Affaires Michael Goldman and British High Commissioner (ambassador) Victoria Treadell. 

Details of the procurement have yet to be decided, including whether Australia will opt for a vessel based on US or British nuclear-powered attack submarines. 

“With access to the information, this agreement delivers, coupled with the decades of naval nuclear-powered experience our UK and US partners have Australia will also be positioned to be responsible and reliable stewards of this technology,” Dutton said in a statement. 

Ahead of the signing, US President Joe Biden said in a memorandum approving the deal on Friday that it would improve the three countries’ “mutual defence posture”. 

Under the AUKUS deal, Australia would obtain eight state-of-the-art, nuclear-powered but conventionally armed submarines capable of stealthy, long-range missions. It also provides for sharing cyber, artificial intelligence, quantum and unspecified undersea capabilities. 

The agreement has angered China, which describes it as an “extremely irresponsible” threat to stability in the region. 

It has also infuriated France, which discovered at the last moment that its own diesel-electric submarine contract with Australia — recently estimated to be worth Aus$90 billion ($65 billion) — had been scrapped. 

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been unapologetic about his handling of the agreement, insisting it was in his country’s national interest and that he knew it would “ruffle some feathers”. 


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The battle in Yemen has almost entirely shifted to Ansar Allah’s favor, after several weeks and months of successful military operations.

Marib, the Saudi-led coalition’s last bastion in northern Yemen, is an “impenetrable wall,” said Yemen’s puppet government’s foreign minister.

The Houthis (Ansar Allah), who seized the capital Sanaa in 2014, have intensified their fight for Marib this year, but have come under heavy bombardment from the Saudi-led military coalition, and still their offensive continues.

Meanwhile, on November 20th the Iran-aligned Houthi movement said it had fired 14 drones at several Saudi Arabian cities, including at Saudi Aramco facilities.

The Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said that the group had attacked Aramco’s refineries in Jeddah as well as military targets in Riyadh, Jeddah, Abha, Jizan and Najran.

Curiously, the Ansar Allah statement mentioned the wrong name for the international airport in Jeddah and the wrong location for the King Khalid base, saying it was in Riyadh when it is actually in the southern part of the kingdom.

The Saudi-led coalition said that it had destroyed three drones launched towards southern Saudi Arabia and a fourth over Yemen. It said the group “failed to launch two ballistic missiles” and that they fell inside Yemen.

Riyadh’s forces also responded, by attacking 13 targets in Yemen. The operation hit weapons depots, air defense systems and drones’ communication systems in Sanaa, Saada, and Marib provinces, the coalition said.

In addition to Marib, al-Hudaydah and Taiz are becoming increasingly volatile points.

Earlier, the Saudi-led coalition partially withdrew from the port city to redeploy forces and likely to support the fight for the central city of Marib. It is quite possible that this is part of a larger plan to attempt and stretch Houthi forces and resources in defending and attacking several locations.

On November 21, Saudi-backed forces managed to expel the Houthis from the district of Hays, some 100 km to the south of the al-Hudaydah provincial center.

Saudi-backed forces also advanced in the districts of al-Jarrahi and Jabal Ra’s. At the same time they managed to secure some positions in the district of Maqbanah in the nearby province of Taiz.

The coalition claims that the decision to withdraw from al-Hudaydah was the result of the Houthis’ repeated violations of the UN-brokered ceasefire and the group’s control over several Red Sea ports, including that of al-Hudaydah, but it is obvious that supporting Marib was the main reason.

Saudi-backed forces kicked off a military operation in the central province of Shabwah on November 20, just to pressure the Houthis.

Clashes around Marib and other locations throughout Yemen are likely to intensify before the end of the year, as the increased activity on both sides is more than evident. The Houthis appear to have the upper hand, but no crushing blow of any sort has been dealt to the Saudi-led coalition.


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A Memorial to the Terrorists. Michael Moore

November 24th, 2021 by Michael Moore

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Eleven days ago on Veterans Day, while watching the cable news, I learned that our Congress, never missing a chance to ingratiate themselves with what they think Middle America wants — more money for the military, more flags flying everywhere, more fake patriotism and more pandering to the fake patriots — decided it was time to create a brand new national memorial on the already overcrowded National Mall in Washington, D.C., between the Lincoln Memorial and the U.S. Capitol building. The memorial will be called “The Global War on Terrorism Memorial.” I’m not making this up. 

And what patriotic politician or red-blooded American wouldn’t be in favor of that!

Well, me. I’m not in favor of it. And I hope you won’t be, either.

A memorial to the victims, the brave Americans who’ve died in The Global War on Terrorism. Is this an Onion prank? An Orwell novel? Because my first question is — the victims of whose terrorism? The scattered actions of a few crazed Muslims?

Or the massive, organized, government-sponsored terror from a half-crazed Christian nation where half of its people still worship an orange man in a long red tie?

It turns out, this proposed memorial is not to honor those Third World people who’ve been slain by the sword in our hands. It’s for our dead! Would anyone mind if I stated an inconvenient fact? Other than the horrific, tragic loss of nearly 3,000 people in just two hours on that one day in September of 2001, the total number of Americans slaughtered by foreign terrorists over the past 50 years, is perhaps an average grand total of 10-20 people a year.

Every life is precious. But let me give this some perspective. By any means of mathematics, history, or honesty, when it comes to creating terror and killing the innocent, the USA is the modern day Genghis Khan and Bubonic Plague rolled into one. Whether it’s the four million we killed invading and bombing Southeast Asia in the 60s and 70s, or the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by the sanctions we’ve imposed on Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, the former Yugoslavia and Syria over the years, or the 200,000 George W. Bush killed in his 2003 Iraqi invasion, or the one million Iranians who died when Bush’s Daddy and Reagan backed and armed Saddam in his invasion of Iran in the ‘80s (and when that killing wasn’t enough, we switched and began selling arms to both sides, just for fun).

As D.H. Lawrence once pointed out, “the essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer.” Our European ancestors came here and committed an unimaginable genocide of the Native Peoples, and it would not be until the democratically-elected Adolph Hitler came to power that the world would once again see such a level of bloodshed and madness.

While we were killing off the American Indians, our European forefathers also went to Africa to kidnap human beings and bring them in chains to America and force them, under the most brutal conditions, to build this new country for us, to farm it for us, to raise many of our children — all while our white slave masters raped their women on a daily basis and lynched any of them who dared to learn to read. Terror? Oh, ya. We wrote the user’s manual on it.

But this new potential National Monument on Global Terror is not about the terror we’ve committed. It’s to honor Americans who’ve been killed by foreign terrorists. And to honor our troops who have killed those terrorists and their innocent families. The irony is so rich and so depressing. A nation that terrorized and slaughtered the people who were already here, and that has been killing Black people from 1619 right up through George Floyd and beyond, a nation populated by numerous white supremacist terrorists who will never see a day in jail (in fact, they now get seats in Congress), and the nearly two million people of color incarcerated, hunted, detained, chained by an ankle bracelet — mostly to terrorize their neighbors and families to prove to them just exactly who it is that runs this damn country.

So now the chief terrorists are planning to build a memorial to themselves, to heap praise on themselves over how valiantly they have fought terrorism. Wow. Talk about hubris! Like the Brits constructing a memorial to themselves for how well they fought off the Catholics in Belfast.

Or the Spanish honoring their vicious Inquisition.

Or the Israelis building a monument to how many Palestinian civilians they’ve killed.

Or a statue to “Feminist Leader Mitch McConnell” for his work in getting the government to take control over women’s reproductive organs.

Please. Let’s get our definition of terms straight. It is terrorism when thousands of police are hired to contain the poor in slums and trailers. It is terrorism to seize a family’s home because they can’t pay their child’s hospital bill. It is terrorism to send those children to dilapidated schools ensuring their lifetime of poverty. It is terrorism when 40 million people in your country are hungry, 50 million can’t read or write above a 5th grade level, and a million others must sleep on the streets or under bridges. Infrastructure! It’s all about the optics when terrorizing the poor is the main idea.

And what good terrorist wouldn’t want to claim the mantle of the victim instead of being the terrorizer? Of course, many whom we have labeled as “terrorists” are in fact the victims of ours or others’ terror. Is a Palestinian mother whose home has been bulldozed and her children killed — and then she responds in what we would call the self-defense of her family and country with an act of violence against those who did the killing — is she a terrorist? Or is she a patriot, a colonial, a Yank, a freedom fighter? When we invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, and then some of those civilians in turn made IEDs and placed them on the roads to kill our invading troops, were they the “enemy terrorists,” or were they simply trying to defend their homes and save their own lives?

The nation that terrorizes not only the world but its own people (as we do) does not have the moral right to build a memorial to itself as the “victims” of terror and the defenders of the innocents. And to build it right next to the Vietnam War Memorial, a monument that exists to remind us of our own senseless acts of terrorism on the Vietnamese people, a memorial that stands with its nearly 60,000 names as an apology to our young dead, a monument that sorrowfully screams NEVER AGAIN. A granite wall that is inscribed with the names of the nine boys from my high school who were sent there to die. In vain. For nothing. That’s why you honor them with a memorial.

But our current Congress hopes we will stand by and allow a monument to a Lie sit beside the World War II memorial to my uncle killed in the Philippines, your grandfather who died on the beach in Normandy, your father who sacrificed his life that day in Pearl Harbor. Let’s not allow this degradation of their lives by those who seek to politicize our National Mall. We already have numerous 9/11 memorials. We need a Wounded Knee memorial. We need restitution (or something similar) to the descendants of slaves. We need a monument to the millions of American women raped by American men, and the hundreds of millions of women who since our beginning have been held back, held down, the door shut in their face, the better job denied, only allowed, to this day, to hold just 26% of the seats in Congress when they are, in fact, the majority gender. We need a Rosa Parks Day.

We need someone to forgive us.


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On November 28, more than 5 million Hondurans will be asked to elect the President of the Republic, 128 deputies to the National Congress, 20 to the Central American Parliament, 298 mayors and more than 2 thousand municipal councillors.

As the election date approaches, the political atmosphere has become polarized, conflict has intensified and social tension grown.

No one has forgetten the violent repression of 2017 against those who protested against the gross electoral fraud that prolonged the agony of the current government regime. At that time, more than thirty people lost their lives violently and these crimes have remained in total impunity.

The bloody events of the last few days reawaken the ghosts of that violence and repression.

On November 11, a Liberal Party candidate for councillor, Óscar Moya, was shot several times in Santiago de Puringla (La Paz). Two days later the mayor of Cantarranas (Francisco Morazán) and candidate for reelection for the Liberal Party, Francisco Gaitán, was assassinated.

The following day the leader of the opposition Libertad y Refundación (Libre) Party, Elvir Casaña, and a Liberal Party activist, Luis Gustavo Castellanos, were killed in San Luis (Santa Bárbara) and San Jerónimo (Copán), respectively. Two other activists were wounded in the deadly attack on Castellanos.

On November 15, another attack killed Dario Juarez, a Liberal Party vice-mayor candidate in the municipality of Concordia (Olancho). Two days later, unknown persons made an attempt on the lives of Héctor Estrada, independent candidate for mayor of Campamento (Olancho) and Juan Carlos Carbajal, candidate for mayor of El Progreso for the Salvador Party of Honduras.

According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Honduras and the National Violence Observatory (ONV) of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), more than 30 violent deaths have been registered in the context of the current electoral process, which is shaping up to be even more violent than that of 2017.

The Observatory reported at least 64 cases of electoral violence up until October 25, including 27 homicides and 11 attacks. To these must be added the most recent attacks that took the lives of five people in five days (as detailed above) and other non-fatal attacks.

The OHCHR condemned these acts of electoral violence “that affect the right to political participation” and urged the authorities to carry out “prompt, thorough and impartial investigations”.

A legacy of impunity

“These murders of local leaders are a prelude to what could happen during and after the elections. Let us remember that all this is happening after the approval in Congress of reforms and laws that deepen the criminalization of social protest and citizen mobilization,” warned Bertha Oliva, coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh).

“They have been practically legalizing repression against those who demonstrate their discontent and defend human rights. These are the results,” she added.

In 2017, repression against those protesting the electoral fraud orchestrated by the ruling National Party claimed the lives of 37 innocent victims (Cofadeh 2018). Of all these cases only one was successfully prosecuted and the charges against the police officer accused of shooting and killing were dismissed.

“The chain of command was never investigated, nor the context in which these deaths were caused. The dictatorship gave the military police guarantees of impunity to capture, torture and execute opponents in the streets. This only generates the conditions for similar and even more violent events to be repeated”, predicted the human rights defender.

In this sense, Cofadeh will be monitoring and denouncing any electoral crimes committed before and during Election Day, as well as violations against people exercising their right to vote.

Three for the presidency

Of the 16 presidential aspirants, only three have a real chance of winning: Xiomara Castro of the opposition Libre Party, who leads most polls; Nasry “Tito” Asfura Zablah of the National Party, main opponent of the former first lady and Yani Rosenthal of the Liberal Party, representing the other traditional party in Honduras but with little chance of victory.

For Xiomara Castro, this is her second attempt to reach the presidency of the country, after the allegations of fraud around the questionable defeat she suffered in 2013 at the hands of Juan Orlando Hernandez.

After the public presentation of her “Government Plan to Refound Honduras 2022-2026”, Castro and Salvador Nasralla (of the Salvador Party of Honduras) formed an alliance, joined by the Innovation and Unity Party (Pinu), some sectors of the Liberal Party and an independent candidacy. In order to join efforts and potential votes, Nasralla renounced his presidential candidacy and supported Libre’s candidacy.

Nasralla, an eccentric, well known sports talk show host, was the 2017 presidential candidate of the Opposition Alliance against the Dictatorship, which also included Libre and Pinu and which received the support of a wide range of social, popular and union organizations.

On that occasion, the Alliance denounced the unconstitutionality of a new candidacy of Juan Orlando Hernández, since in Honduras the Constitution prohibited presidential reelection. The Alliance also mobilized for weeks against the electoral fraud that deprived Nasralla of the presidential seat, with the tacit consent of the United States, the European Union and the OAS.

“Tito” Asfura, popularly known as “Papi a la orden”, has been mayor of Tegucigalpa for two terms (2014-2022) for the ruling National party. A businessman with more than 30 years occupying governmental and legislative positions, he was a shareholder of an offshore company in Panama while still a public official. In the end, the said company ended up under the control of Banco Ficohsa, owned by the powerful Atala Faraj family.

In June of this year, the Court of Appeals suspended a pre-trial hearing against Asfura for abuse of authority, use of false documents, embezzlement of public funds, fraud and money laundering. In order to reactivate the hearing, the Superior Court of Accounts will have to carry out a special audit on the funds investigated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

According to information published in recent days, the former mayor of Tegucigalpa has also been linked to the notorious “Diamante” corruption case involving the mayor of San José, Costa Rica, Johnny Araya, who is being investigated by Costa Rican authorities for alleged bribes in exchange for public works.

The third candidate is former congressman and banker Yani Rosenthal, who in 2017 was indicted and sentenced to three years in prison in the United States for participating in financial transactions using illicit proceeds (drug money laundering). He voluntarily turned himself in and was held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York but returned to Honduras in mid-2020.

Both the investigations carried out by US prosecutors and the media Pandora Papers investigation revealed the connection between the Rosenthal family, one of the richest in the region, and several offshore companies that may have been used to launder money.

Programs and proposals

In her government program, Xiomara Castro points out the need to rebuild the democracy broken by the 2009 coup and to re-found the country through a Constituent Assembly that “gathers all sectors to agree on the legal bases of their future coexistence in a new consensual order”, leading the nation towards the construction of a democratic socialist state. While, by contrast, both Asfura and Rosenthal propose the same worn out neoliberal recipes that have led Honduras to be among the poorest and most unequal countries of the continent.

“Xiomara proposes a government of national reconciliation that includes all sectors of the opposition. A government that aims to overcome these disastrous years that have deepened the neoliberal model, privatizing services, ceding national territory, handing over public goods, expanding extractivism, putting national sovereignty up for sale,” said Gilberto Ríos, candidate for congressman for Libre.

The social movement leader explained that Libre’s government plan proposes to move from a deeply oligarchic State to a democratic socialist one. Among many other points, it intends to repeal all those laws and reforms approved by the dictatorship, which deeply harm the interests and rights of the immense majority of the Honduran population.

Thus, we are talking about, among others, the Hourly Employment Law that deepens labor insecurity and annuls the rights of workers, the Secrecy Law that blocks public auditing of State funds, as well as the Surveillance Law  that allows spying on the political opposition and too the Organic Law of the Economic Development Zones (ZEDEs) that violates national sovereignty. It is also expected to reverse reforms made to the Penal Code that criminalize social protest and mobilization.

“It will be a more redistributive government, of social works and projects, that defends human rights, consistent with the needs and security of the population. In this sense – clarified Ríos – we differentiate ourselves from the other candidates and political parties because they are openly neoliberal and represent the interests of the Honduran oligarchy, transnational capital and the old bipartisanship. That is what it is all about: defeating the traditional bipartisanship and neoliberalism”.

How is Honduras now?

The Central American country arrives at these elections in difficult conditions, to put it euphemistically.

Honduras currently ranks among the most unequal countries in Latin America, with 62 percent of the population mired in poverty and almost 40 percent in extreme poverty (EPHPM 2020). According to a recent report by the National Institute of Statistics (INE 2021), removed from the institution’s website twelve hours after its publication, in July 2021 poverty had reached 73.6 percent of the population.

That increase is also the result of disappointing government management in the face of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the two hurricanes that struck the country last year.

According to figures from the Technical Unit for Food and Nutritional Security (Utsan), 1.3 million Hondurans face food insecurity and almost 350 thousand people are in a “critical situation”. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate has reached 10% of the economically active population (EAP), perhaps the highest in the Latin American region. There are at least 4 million Hondurans with employment problems and more than 700 thousand unemployed workers.

Faced with this scenario, thousands of families have taken irregular migration as their only option, the vast majority of whom are being held up at the borders. It is a portrait of one of the deepest tragedies of the last 40 years.

“In the last ten years Honduras has had a frank deterioration, not only in the rule of law in general, in democratic institutionality, in the population’s access to basic services and in the fight against poverty, but also socio-economically. When one looks at all these indicators, one realizes that rather than a failed state, we should speak of a dead state,” said Ismael Zepeda, economist at the Social Forum on Foreign Debt and Development of Honduras (Fosdeh).

Currently Honduras’ public debt exceeds 70% of GDP: the country’s economic growth is concentrated mainly in three sectors: financial, energy and telecommunications.

“These are sectors that do not produce development, nor do they generate redistribution, rather they produce more concentration of weath. In addition, we have an army of more than 250,000 public employees who absorb almost 50% of the budget, while there is a worrying drop in revenue. The situation is unsustainable and will represent a very heavy burden for whoever wins the elections”, explained Zepeda.

For years, the National Party has maintained a supernumerary staff, mainly composed of party activists. In practice, it has plundered the State so as to employ its political leaders and create client networks so as to stay in power.

State reengineering

For the Fosdeh economist, an immediate reengineering of the government, a reconversion of the productive system, a fiscal pact to dynamize the economy and efforts towards progressive taxation are necessary. Likewise, it is imperative to guarantee transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption, while promoting a strategy of internal and external debt reduction.

Finally, the generation of decent jobs, the creation of programs that prevent the deepening of poverty, more equitable management and redistributive policies to reduce social inequality, are also key elements the new government must implement.

“When a country is mired in a multiple crisis and has badly deteriorated, it is easy, so to speak, for a candidate to make promises. The most important thing, then, is not so much what is offered, but the way in which things eventually get done”, concluded Zepeda.

Labor insecurity

The 2009 coup d’état in Honduras not only broke the institutional framework and strengthened the oligarchy and elite power groups, but also allowed the governments that followed the coup to deepen the neoliberal extractivist model, encouraging the plundering of national territory and public wealth and increasingly deregulating the labor market.

For Joel Almendares, secretary general of the United Confederation of Honduran Workers (CUTH), the impacts of these policies on labor and union rights have been devastating for the vast majority of the population.

“There has been a growing deregulation of labor, coupled with the deepening of labor flexibilization and insecurity. One of the most nefarious laws has undoubtedly been the Hourly Employment Law: rights have been lost and permanent jobs have been made precarious,” said Almendares.

“There were also companies or institutions that simply changed their name or corporate name and did away with unions. Others created parallel unions to counteract a genuine organizing process,” he added.


All of these anti-worker measures have negatively impacted the safeguarding of rights.

“There are clear setbacks in the right to free unionization and collective bargaining. The programs to generate employment have been a mockery, tailored to the interests of large transnationals. Juan Orlando Hernández has definitely been a disaster for the labor and union sector”, stated the CUTH general secretary.

Another factor contributing to the deepening of the crisis has been the behavior of the government’s labor authorities.

“Shielding themselves behind the need to generate employment and supposed development, they have been biased and have systematically protected the interests of big national and transnational capital. They have done so at the expense of the rights of workers, abandoning them and allowing the violation of their rights. They have not protected them, and have been their executioners instead,” he lamented.

In view of this situation, the CUTH presented the Libre candidate with the political proposal of the union sector where, among other points, it calls for the immediate repeal of the above mentioned laws, to put a stop to outsourcing and labor insecurity, and to guarantee respect for the Teachers’ Statute and the ILO conventions[1].

The cancer of corruption

On November 17, the feature film “At the edge of the shadows” (you can see it here) was released in a movie theater in Tegucigalpa, a documentary that reflects the web of corruption, impunity, territorial dispossession and violence experienced by the Honduran people, forced to confront perverse plans that operate from the shadows.

Luís Méndez, member of the collective ‘La Cofradía’ that made the documentary, explained that the objective of the work is precisely to show citizens how corruption networks are formed and how they are articulated to involve politicians, public officials, national and transnational economic groups in a way cutting across all society.

The documentary addresses four crucial areas: the looting of Social Security and the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the dispossession of territories and pubic wealth, the co-optation of the justice system and its collusion with corruption, organized crime and the criminalization of protest. The fourth area has to do with the concept of democracy in a context as broken as the Honduran one.

Through key characters and experts, and with the participation of the current head of the Specialized Prosecutor Unit against Corruption Networks (Uferco), Luis Javier Santos, to tie up loose ends, the film rocks the country’s foundations, shaking up the conscience of the people, showing how Honduras is controlled by a criminal network that has ruled since the 2009 coup, and has become entrenched in the state apparatus.

“The documentary provokes disappointment, anger and rage, but also leaves the feeling that we are not defeated, that it is possible to fight, as many organizations and people do from the territories and cities.

In the midst of so much State violence, in the midst of a State held hostage – continued Méndez – there is resistance and struggle. As Berta Cáceres said, our peoples know how to do justice and they do it following their own trajectory, from their resistance, from their struggle for emancipation”.

Enough is enough!

A few days before the elections, the Convergence against Continuity, a platform made up of several organizations and personalities, made a public statement and recalled that these elections “are being held in a context of narco-dictatorship, whose creators came to control the State by violent and unconstitutional means and are not willing to hand over power by democratic political means”.

In this sense, the Convergence ratified its repudiation of “the mafia led by Juan Orlando Hernandez” and warned of the possibility that, in view of an imminent defeat, “he may orchestrate a new and violent electoral fraud by manipulating the voting process and vote counting”.

Finally, they made a vehement call to the Honduran people to “mobilize massively to the polls” and defend their vote “from these anti-democratic machinations”.

They also urged them to punish with their vote “the criminal group that has hijacked the State” and to vote for those candidates “who have shown firm signs of being against the narco-dictatorship, of fighting against corruption and for the defense of national sovereignty”.

Violence against human rights defenders

Several international reports, including “Last Line of Defense” published this year by the British organization Global Witness, point to Honduras as one of the most dangerous places in the world for human rights defenders, especially for those who defend land and common wealth.

The emblematic cases of the murder of Berta Cáceres, the disappearance of the Garífuna activists of Triunfo de la Cruz and the illegal imprisonment of the eight water and life defenders of Guapinol are a clear example of what is happening in the country.

The use and abuse of the justice system and the collusion of the State with extractive companies are two of the elements that characterize the systematic violation of human rights in Honduras.

According to Global Witness, in 2020 at least 129 Garifuna and indigenous people suffered attacks for opposing extractive projects and 153 defenders have been murdered in the last decade. In addition, the Center for Information on Business and Human Rights (Ciedh) points to Honduras as the country with the most judicial harassment against human rights defenders.

The situation of women and LGBTI people is also dramatic.

The Women’s Human Rights Observatory of the Women’s Rights Center (CDM) reports that in the first five months of the year, the Public Ministry registered a total of 1,423 complaints of sexual crimes (9.5 per day). Of these, 1,238 were attacks against women (8.1 per day) and 63.4 percent (785) were against minors. These data confirm that in Honduras a woman or girl is sexually assaulted every 3 hours.

In the last ten years, 4,707 women have been murdered in Honduras. 710 were killed in the last two years (2019-2020) and 301 women were victims of femicide up until November 15 of this year. Impunity is practically absolute.

According to the Observatory of Violent Deaths of the Catrachas Lesbian Network, in just over 12 years 390 LGBTI people have been murdered, 17 so far this year. Ninety-one percent of the cases remain in complete oblivion and impunity. Only 9 percent of perpetrators are convicted.

In recent months, a large and representative group of women’s and feminist organizations held a discussion with Xiomara Castro to present their demands and proposals. The activity led to the signing of a ‘State Pact’, the content of which will be implemented if Xiomara is elected as the first woman president of Honduras.

Similarly, in her government plan, Xiomara pledged to implement public policies safeguarding the existence and guaranteed access to fundamental human rights for LGBTI people (p.64).

Voting against the dictatorship

The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (Copinh) added its voice “in moments of the battle for survival in the face of the maximum expression of dispossession, fear and violence in the history of our country under a de facto and authoritarian government.”

Although the ballot box will not change Honduras – explains the Copinh communiqué – voting against the dictatorship that governs us will be a step. The Honduran people, for the most part, will cast a vote of rejection in the face of all the accumulated suffering.

The organization co-founded by Berta Cáceres alerted the population that “the conditions for fraud are in place” and expressed that as citizens “we are preparing to reject the electoral fraud at grass roots”.

Finally, Copinh urged the immediate convocation of a Popular and Democratic Constituent Assembly “that will give rise to the reconstruction of our country, assuming the historical demands of the indigenous, black and peasant communities, women, migrant communities, workers, LGBTI community, church sectors, among others, to repeal all legislation that exposes the peoples to the surrender of their territories and the violation of their rights”.

“We call on the peoples – concludes the communiqué – to activate the organizational, articulation and debate processes to achieve Berta Cáceres’ urgent dream of re-founding Honduras. The people of Honduras need a people’s government to confront the economic sectors that have enriched themselves unjustly in these 12 years of attacks on indigenous, black and peasant peoples and the majority of the population”.

The challenge of putting an end to neoliberalism

Undoubtedly, next Sunday’s elections represent a very important move on the Honduran political and social chessboard.

“The citizenry has an enormous desire for change. They want to have an alternative to what they have had to live through during these years. They expect a process to begin of recovery of lost rights. They want to have opportunities, that their territories and national sovereignty be respected,” explained sociologist and political analyst Eugenio Sosa.

“Honduras is at a crossroads. It must choose between the continuity of a regime and its failed model or the beginning of a process of openness and change”, added the analyst.

Will the regime respect an eventual defeat or will it seek, as in 2017, an illegal way to retain power, asks Sosa.

“People have not forgotten what happened four years ago. There is a lot of uncertainty around how the electoral authorities will behave, the vote count, the transmission of results, the identification of poll station personnel to avoid the purchase of credentials. At the same time there is a determination never seen before and Xiomara (Castro) has been able to rescue and bring together a consensus of wide and diverse sectors of Honduran society”, he concluded.


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This article was originally published in Spanish here.


[1] Conventions on freedom of association, collective bargaining, labor relations in the public administration, domestic workers, violence and harassment in the world of work, free, prior and informed consultation.

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Bergner, who formerly belonged to the FDP parliamentary group in the Thuringian state parliament, has meanwhile switched to the Citizens for Thuringia party. She had commissioned two statisticians to investigate whether there was a connection between the vaccination rate and excess mortality in the 16 German federal states.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer and Dr. Gregor Kappler analyzed the period from week 36 to week 40 and the results are truly disconcerting. The summary of the analysis states that excess mortality can be found in all 16 states.

The number of Covid deaths reported by the RKI in the period under review consistently only represents a relatively small part of excess mortality and above all cannot explain the critical issue – the higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality.

The most obvious explanation however is that being fully vaccinated increases the likelihood of death.

Of course, other explanations are possible but not very likely:

  • The higher the proportion of old people, the higher the vaccination rate and excess mortality. Therefore, the vaccination rate and excess mortality also correlate. (This explanation is not very plausible, however, as the proportion of old people would have to have changed significantly between 2016-2020 on the one hand and 2021 on the other.)
  • Higher vaccination rates are achieved through increased stress and anxiety in the country concerned, and the latter lead to higher numbers of deaths.

“Further explanations are by no means excluded. Some of them may be backed up with numbers and should be investigated further. We are very grateful for suggestions of this kind,” Bergner said.

Thuringia (4 percent) and Saxony (2 percent), the two states with the lowest vaccination rates, also have the lowest excess mortality. The front runner is Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with a vaccination rate of 66 percent and an excess mortality rate of 16 percent. All the vaccinated states showed a double-digit increase.

Results require ‘urgent clarification’

The correlation coefficient is +0.31. In the eyes of the two data scientists this is “astonishingly high”. Especially since the believers in the vaccine are claiming the opposite but provide no proof for their notion of “protection”. One should at the least expect a different relationship: the more vaccinations, the lower the mortality. After all, the intention was to protect people.

“The excess mortality increases with the increase in the vaccination rate. This requires urgent clarification,” demanded the two statisticians. Furthermore, in view of “the pending political measures aimed at containing the virus […] this figure is worrying and requires explanation if further political measures are to be taken with the aim of increasing the vaccination rate.”

The study was handed over to the Thuringian state parliament for assessment.

At the end of her speech, Ute Bergner emphasized: “A person’s worth does not depend on their vaccination status.”


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The UK is sleepwalking into a racist two-tier system of citizenship following the revelation that Home Secretary, Priti Patel, had quietly introduced a highly controversial plan last week to strip people of citizenship without giving them notice to appeal. The question is, is this really about combatting Daesh terrorists or does Patel have a new target in mind?

New proposals smuggled into the Nationality and Border Bill, will give power to British officials to deprive a person of their citizenship while exempting the government from having to give notice if it is not “reasonably practicable” to do so.

Revoking someone’s citizenship is generally seen as a highly controversial move and a feature of extremely repressive authoritarian regimes. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines having a nationality as a right and forbids governments from arbitrarily depriving someone of their citizenship. A UN convention from 1961 goes further, and bans the withdrawal of citizenship based on race, religion or someone one’s political views.

Governments that have included revocation of citizenship in their authoritarian arsenal usually justify it on the grounds of combatting terrorism, a term which, in recent years, has been abused to include political opposition and, in Israel, human rights groups that have been exposing the occupation state’s many violations. Critics point out that, not only is revocation of citizenship a modern form of banishment, it also inadvertently hampers global security by leaving terrorists abroad, rather than imprisoning—or at least controlling—them domestically.

As is often the case with draconian laws, justified invariably on the grounds that they will be used in exceptional circumstances, the revocation of citizenship has become a standard practice uniting autocrats and dictators across the world with democracies.

In the UK, where the power to strip British nationals of citizenship was introduced as far back as 2005 following the terrorist attack in London, the practice has been constantly on the rise. Though this power was used on rare occasions at the beginning, a decade later it became a feature of the Tory government. In the five years during which former Prime Minister, Theresa May, served as Home Secretary, 33 individuals were stripped of their British nationality, a report by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found. These numbers continued to increase, reaching to as high as one hundred in 2017 that were stripped of their citizenship in a single year.

With the new proposals introduced by Patel, the Tory government is set to remove all constraints and weaponise citizenship in a manner not seen in the UK. Under current rules, the Home Office must make some effort to notify the person before revoking citizenship. This is no longer the case. The proposal also grants powers to strip citizenship retrospectively to cases where an individual was stripped of citizenship without notice before the clause became law, raising questions about their ability to appeal.

Unsurprisingly, the proposal has been met with strong condemnation. “This clause would give Priti Patel unprecedented power to remove your citizenship in secret, without even having to tell you, and effectively deny you an appeal,” Maya Foa, the Director of Reprieve is reported saying. “Under this regime, a person accused of speeding would be afforded more rights than someone at risk of being deprived of their British nationality. This, once again, shows how little regard this government has for the rule of law”.

Arguing that the proposal violated the basic principle of the rule of law, a Guardian editorialdescribed the move as an “unfair and draconian measure that MPs ought to be ashamed to pass into law.” It also raised concerns over the proposal’s targeting of British Muslims saying that “despite being born and brought up in the UK and having no other home, their citizenship is far from secure.”

A petition to block the proposal coming into law is nearing 100 thousand signatures. Pointing out that even the worst criminals are allowed the right of appeal, the petition warned that the proposal is “especially problematic to British Asian Muslims against whom this law has been used.” It also stressed that Muslims born in the UK will be living in constant fear and that their protected status as a citizen will no longer carry the same value as the protected status of all other groups in society. Interestingly, a petition which ran for six months urging the UK government to revoke citizenship only received eight signatures.

Patel’s timing of the proposal, which coincides with her designation of Palestinian resistant movement Hamas as a terrorist organisation, has also raised suspicion over the intended target of the proposal. “The quick succession in which the government’s right to remove anyone’s citizenship without notice, and the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation, were passed, could not have been a coincidence” said British political commentator, Dr Anas Al-Tikriti.

It does not take much imagination to see how the designation of Hamas as a terrorist group could pave the way for the Tory government to target pro-Palestinian activists and aid workers raising money for the two million besieged Palestinians living under Israel’s brutal siege and strip British activists of their citizenship over alleged support of another group added to the ever-growing list of terrorist organisations.

Patel is, after all, a great friend of Israel. She sparked controversy in her previous role as British aid minister when she asked officials within her department to look into whether UK development aid money could be funnelled into serving the Israeli army; conducted 12 secret meetings with high level Israeli officials, discussed British government business with former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, without Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) officials being present and ignored strict government ministerial guidelines demanded of her office.

When details of her unauthorised meetings with Israeli officials were uncovered, Patel apologised for misleading the public. She initially claimed she had gone on a family holiday to Israel when, in fact, her trip was organised by the Conservative Friends of Israel lobby (CFI). Not only was Patel accused of running a private parallel foreign policy, senior Conservative MP’s also complained that the British media were turning a blind eye to the corrupt relationship that has allowed Israel to “buy access” in Westminster. Israeli opposition politician, Isaac Herzog, and the current President described Patel’s fall from grace as a “great loss for Israel.”

To repeat Al-Tikriti “Who gets to benefit from over 4 million British citizens constantly worrying whether or not a letter will come through declaring them non-nationals and ordering them to leave?”

It’s hard to see how Patel’s attempt to drag UK further to the right and align the country with Arab autocrats and an apartheid Israeli regime that labels peaceful human rights advocacy groups as terrorists, serves in any shape or form Britain’s interest.


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It is increasingly apparent that America’s political and military elites are almost never held to account for their blunders or even outright crimes. The latest episode is the Pentagon’s multi-year campaign to conceal information about a March 2019 airstrike in Syria that killed as many as 64 civilians, including women and children. Despite the New York Times’ expose, there is no indication that the individuals responsible for that atrocity or the subsequent cover up will face any serious consequences.

The military’s behavior in that case is essentially the same as its obfuscation and reluctant backpedaling about the August 2021 drone strike in Kabul that killed an innocent aid worker and his family. At the time the attack took place, the Pentagon insisted that the targeted individual was a terrorist affiliated with ISIS-K, and that “secondary explosions” after the drone missile hit the van he and the other passengers were riding in proved that the vehicle was carrying bombs and bomb-making components. Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, went out of his way to describe the drone response not just as a necessary military action, but as a “righteous strike.”

Washington’s official version of events soon unraveled. Yet even when the military belatedly recanted the initial cover story and admitted that numerous children had been killed, Pentagon leaders simply shrugged off the incident as a regrettable “error.” Typically, not only were the personnel who negligently authorized the attack shielded from punishment, so were the official propagandists who had lavishly circulated the original misinformation.

None of this should come as a surprise. The latest episodes are reminiscent of the Navy’s behavior when one of its warships in the Persian Gulf, the USS Vincennes, shot down an Iranian airliner with 290 people aboard in July 1988. Navy spokesmen initially insisted to a credulous news media that the Iranians were entirely responsible – that the flight took place outside the boundaries of the civilian air corridor, that the plane was not sending signals on a proper civilian transponder, and that the plane was descending in a potentially threatening manner toward the Navy vessel. All of those statements were false. Even when the truth finally began to emerge months later, though, no disciplinary actions were taken against the individuals responsible for the tragedy or their colleagues who tried to cover it up. Indeed, some of them were awarded medals.

Given that the institutions guilty of such misconduct are not held to account, it is hardly surprising that the leaders of those power centers enjoy similar immunity. Indeed, even when it is indisputable that they have committed outright crimes, they escape punishment entirely or receive nothing more than the proverbial slap on the wrist. Several cases in recent years confirm that corrupt reality, especially the sweetheart deals given to Bill Clinton’s former national security adviser, Samuel R “Sandy” Berger, former CIA director David Petraeus, and FBI assistant general counsel Kevin Clinesmith. .

After leaving the Clinton administration, Berger served as a top foreign policy adviser to Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) during Kerry’s 2004 run for president. But evidence emerged during the campaign that in 2000 Berger had illegally removed classified documents on two separate occasions from the National Archives – reportedly by stuffing them down his pants before exiting a secure reading room. The following year, after months of negotiations with federal prosecutors, he entered a guilty plea to a single misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified material.

It was, to put it mildly, an extremely generous offer by the government. Berger had to pay a $50,000 fine and relinquish his security clearance for three years. The court also sentenced him to 100 hours of community service. Someone with Berger’s economic status likely could pay $50,000 out of the family’s petty cash account, and losing access to classified material for only three years instead of permanently was stunningly mild.

The Petraeus case appeared to be an even clearer example of the Washington establishment protecting one of its own. His criminal conduct occurred when he served as the commander of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan, although it did not come to light until later when he was head of the CIA during Barack Obama’s administration. After a lengthy FBI investigation, Petraeus admitted that he gave highly-classified journals to his lover, Paula Broadwell, who was writing his biography. He also admitted that he had lied to FBI and CIA investigators about his conduct when first questioned.

Despite such misconduct, he only had to plead guilty to a single misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified information. As part of the plea bargain, the general did not have to serve a single day behind bars. His sentence consisted of two years’ probation and a $100,000 fine. Although the latter might seem to be a significant financial penalty, it is reportedly less than Petraeus still charges for a single speaking engagement on his very active lecture circuit.

A similar sweetheart deal occurred in January 2021, when federal judge James Boasberg sentenced Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted falsifying evidence submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court for a warrant to spy on onetime Trump foreign-policy adviser Carter Page. Clinesmith’s principal offense was altering an email (which confirmed that Page had been a CIA source) to create one that said the exact opposite. One might think that committing forgery to mislead the FISA court so that the bogus Russia collusion investigation could continue would be considered a serious, criminal offense, but apparently it was not deemed so. Boasberg sentenced Clinesmith to 12 months’ probation and 400 hours of community service.

One need only compare such treatment of elite political insiders with the penalties meted out to whistleblowers who dare expose the crimes of US military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies to see a flagrant double standard in operation. CIA agent John Kiriakou was given 30 months in federal prison for leaking documents confirming the Agency’s misdeeds. Daniel Hale, an analyst with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, who disclosed classified information in the course of highlighting US government lies and abuses, also discovered the perverse double standard. Hale leaked documents from the US military conceding that up to 90 percent of people in drone strikes were not the intended targets, but were in many cases innocent civilians. Hale received 45 months for his temerity. Army Private Chelsea Manning’s penalty was the most shocking and draconian of all. For exposing the military’s war crimes in Iraq to WikiLeaks, including a fatal attack on Reuters correspondents, she was sentenced to 35 years, although President Obama commuted her sentence once she had served seven years. One can only imagine what Edward Snowden or Julian Assange will face if US authorities ever get their hands on either man.

The current political and legal system crucifies whistleblowers and other critics who expose the misdeeds of – or even just embarrass – the mandarins in charge of national security policy. Conversely, high-level officials and the institutions they serve are rarely, if ever, held accountable, even when there is evidence of criminal misconduct. It is then unsurprising that there is even less likelihood that they will face any meaningful consequences merely for malfeasance or incompetence. It is notable, for example, that no civilian or military official – none – has been fired for the spectacularly mismanaged withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. America’s inept, corrupt, and pampered elites just sail on unimpeded, leaving the mounting wreckage of a country in their wake.


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Ted Galen Carpenter, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, is the author of 12 books and more than 950 articles on defense, foreign policy, and civil liberties issues.

Featured image is from the US Department of Defense

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This report should be no surprise to visitors to this site. From the Russian government’s TASS news agency

US bombers practiced using nuclear weapons against Russia this month – Shoigu

Also see: B-52s join fellow nuclear-capable U.S. bombers in skies of Europe

U.S. expands deployment of all three strategic/nuclear-capable bombers to Europe

U.S. nuclear bombers complete latest deployment to Baltic and Black Seas

NATO chief: U.S. nuclear weapons could be transferred to nations bordering Russia

Russia sees US strategic bombers’ intensified activity in close proximity to its borders, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Tuesday.

“We are witnessing a considerable increase in the US strategic bombers’ activity near the Russian borders. Over the past month, they conducted about 30 flights to the borders of the Russian Federation, or 2.5 times more compared to the same period of last year,” Russia’s defense chief said during talks with his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe.

As the Russian defense minister stressed,

“this month, in the course of the US Strategic Command’s Global Thunder exercise, 10 strategic bombers practiced employing nuclear weapons against Russia actually simultaneously from the western and eastern directions.”

“The minimal distance from our state border was 20 km,” Shoigu pointed out.

US strategic bombers stepped up flights near eastern Russia, Shoigu says

US Air Force strategic bombers have significantly increased their activity close to the Russian eastern border as the pilots are practicing missile strikes, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

The flights also threaten China, he said during talks with China’s Defense Minister Wei Fenghe. There were 22 such flights in 2020 over the Sea of Okhotsk, up from three in 2019, Shoigu said.

‘’In the course of these activities, US bomber crews conduct practice approaches to cruise missile firing points with subsequent mock missile strikes,’’ Shoigu said.

From last year.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

NATO Conducting Provocative Drills in Latvia

November 24th, 2021 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Once again, NATO is conducting a rather dangerous maneuvers in Eastern Europe with the aim of provoking Russia. Latvia is the new military drill arena for the Western Alliance, with the country receiving troops from across the Atlantic for a military event called the Winter Shield. This event is annual and provides the opportunity for forces from Latvia and the rest of NATO to act together, training war tactics for possible combat scenarios. However, as has become tradition in NATO, each year the exercises become more aggressive, bringing together a large number of agents, equipment and resources for the sole purpose of showing strength against Russia.

The Latvian armed forces issued a statement earlier this week in which it is possible to read: “From 21 November to 4 December, Latvia will host international military exercise ‘Winter Shield’ to test and upgrade the combat capabilities of Latvian and allied Armed forces units along with their integration and interoperability within Baltic region’s collective defense system”. Since Sunday, the forces of Latvia and other nations of the Alliance have been conducting maneuvers in the country, with a huge presence of agents and equipment from different countries.

Despite the presence of troops from the most diverse armies, the units that most allocated people to conduct drills were the Land Force Mechanized Infantry Brigade, National Guard, Special Operations Command, NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group, Baltic Battalion, and the US Special Operations Command Europe. As was to be expected, the Baltic countries sent in the greatest number of troops. It is also notorious the presence of foreign agents in the other Baltic nations during the exercises, with no restriction to the Latvian territory.

The Winter Shield is an annual military event, which is why its occurrence in 2021 was expected by all experts in geopolitics and military matters. However, this year the strength of the event seems to stand out even more. It is known that NATO has been concerned with making its operations in Eastern Europe – especially in the Baltics – more and more severe, significantly increasing the level of aggressiveness in its conduct in the region. With that, there is an effort for the exercises to show progressively more strength. While on previous occasions the maneuvers in Latvia did not receive much attention due to the large number of NATO simultaneous tests in the region, this year the event tends to be emphasized by the experts, both due to its long duration (two weeks) and for its intensity.

Apparently, one of the biggest focuses of the Winter Shield 2021 will be strengthening tactical air-to-land integration operations. In the announcement from the Latvian armed forces it is written: “A significant aspect of the exercise is also air to land integration with various air assets, including ‘AH-64 Apache’ Attack Helicopters from the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade falling under US Army Europe (USAREUR) and Operation ‘Atlantic Resolve’”. The tactical value of this type of operation grows every day, in a military context with great emphasis on the role played by air war vehicles.

In the same sense, these exercises complement the air-sea integration, which has been prominent in NATO’s Black Sea maneuvers. It is notorious that the Western alliance is creating a combat strategy focused on land operations in the Baltics and naval operations on the Ukrainian coast, with air warfare as the tactical integration point. The objective is to militarily occupy Eastern Europe in all possible ways, intensifying the encircling strategy against Russia.

Indeed, the main problem with these exercises is that they promote an unnecessary escalation of tensions amidst a complicated context of Russian-NATO relations. Recently, bilateral diplomacy between Moscow and the alliance was broken, after Russian diplomats were expelled from NATO headquarters due to unsubstantiated accusations of “espionage”. The organization has also been conducting increasingly dangerous operations in the Black Sea and progressively encouraging the extremist anti-Russian stance of the Kiev government – which is currently largely shared by the Baltic states.

There is also the issue of Central Asia, where NATO is openly considering allocating dozens of military bases in the coming months, under the excuse of “fighting terrorism”, further expanding its anti-Russia encircling strategy. So, the current moment is problematic and tense. Carrying out events with large military exercises in the current situation is admitting a high possibility of frictions and conflicts.

Unfortunately, for NATO, the possibility of conflict no longer appears to be a problem, but a goal. All recent episodes of aggressive military conduct and diplomatic disrespect have occurred on the part of NATO, which is increasingly violating the Russia-NATO Founding Act (a 1997 bilateral agreement which establish terms for peace between Moscow and NATO). In fact, the organization appears to be intensely seeking to create a conflict situation, which should be reason enough for international sanctions to be imposed as soon as possible on all member countries of the alliance that participate in such provocative maneuvers.


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Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

The War on the ‘Unvaccinated’ Is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize and Destroy the Control Group

By Jordan Schachtel, November 23, 2021

Not a single “public health expert”-hailed mitigation or suppression measure, including the COVID shots, has done anything significant to solve the reality that lots of people get sick during their area’s annual respiratory season. This global war on a virus is going about as well as the War on Afghanistan went when it came to eliminating the Taliban.

Justin Trudeau Served with Legal Paperwork. You Too Can Serve Your Own Notice of Liability Especially if You’re a Parent Wanting to Protect Your Child!

By Howard Bertram, November 23, 2021

This PDF is a Notice of Liability to: Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, Dr Theresa Tam Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Attorney General for Canada David Lametti and Superintendent Brenda Lucki, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness

By Mike Whitney, November 23, 2021

Mortality is rising because more people are dying. And more people are dying because more people have been vaccinated. There’s a link between rising mortality and the Covid-19 vaccine.

World-renowned ICU Doctor Sues Hospital for the Right to Use Safe and Effective COVID Treatments

By Dr. Leon Tressell, November 23, 2021

Dr Paul Marik, one of the world’s most published intensive care specialists, has filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk Hospital to overturn its prohibition on him using FDA approved repurposed medicines in the ICU he oversees.

“Death Sentence of WEF’s “Great Reset”: Uniting Local Farmers with Local Buyers. The Imperative of Our Time

By Julian Rose, November 23, 2021

Independent small and medium sized farms have been handed a death sentence by Klaus Schwab head of The World Economic Forum. Schwab, and fellow architects of top-down control, have officially let it be known that under the policy known as ‘Green Deal’ traditional family farms are no longer wanted and the foods they produce are to be replaced by laboratory and genetically engineered synthetic lookalikes.

VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years

By Brian Shilhavy, November 23, 2021

While we reported on Saturday that the latest data dump into the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed 2,620 fetal deaths, which are more fetal deaths than are reported following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years in VAERS, one “symptom” that is tracked in VAERS that I did not account for, is an ectopic pregnancy which also results in a fetal death.

Global Organization Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 23, 2021

If you suspected censorship was being coordinated on a global scale, you’d be right. The International Grand Committee on Disinformation (IGCD) consists of “an international array of legislators, policy advisers, and other experts” who work together “to forge international alliances that bring shared, effective strategies into the battle against online disinformation.” What could possibly go wrong?

Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, November 23, 2021

For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.

At Arms, the Enemy Is at the Gates! Frenzied US-NATO Militarization Escalation against Russia

By Manlio Dinucci, November 23, 2021

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg met President Draghi on November 17 in Rome to address “the current security challenges” arising from “Russia’s military build-up in and around Ukraine”. Stoltenberg thanked Italy because it “contributes to our presence in the Baltic Region with the air policing and troops”.

Will the Unvaccinated Become an Enemy of the State? Close to the Breaking Point of Total Tyranny

By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 23, 2021

Fascism has made its way back into Europe as Austria has become one of the first countries in the world to declare war on the unvaccinated as they recently announced that a lockdown will be in place for those who refuse the experimental injections, but they also decided to do the same for the vaccinated resulting in another lockdown of the country.

History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa, Analysis of Fighting, The Germans Surround Kiev and Leningrad

By Shane Quinn, November 23, 2021

In the second half of August 1941, the German strategic plan in their invasion of the USSR was drastically altered. Most of Army Group Center’s armor was dispatched southward to the Ukraine, with the Wehrmacht’s advance on Moscow postponed temporarily.

Remembering John F. Kennedy’s Vision for the Future that Should Have Been

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, November 23, 2021

Where China and Russia are currently leading a new paradigm of cooperation and development, it is too easily forgotten that America itself had once embodied this anti-colonial spirit under the foreign policy vision of John F. Kennedy. Even though the young leader died in office before the full effect of his grand vision could take hold, it is worth revisiting his fight and stated intention for a post-colonial world governed by win-win cooperation.

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On Sunday November 21, the international media began to report that the ousted interim Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok in the Republic of Sudan had been reinstated by the leader of the military junta General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.

Hamdok had been held under house arrest after being deposed by the military on October 25 amid mass demonstrations, an earlier reported attempted coup and fierce debates over the future of the oil-rich state.

The revised deal between Hamdok, some technocratic leaders and others appointed to the al-Burhan-created new Sovereign Council, provides for the reconfiguration of yet another transitional administration that will oversee the country’s affairs until elections can be held supposedly during July 2023. Immediately skepticism was voiced by numerous opposition parties, mass organizations, trade unions and youth groupings.

Demonstrations which were scheduled for November 21 continued prompting even more repression by the police and military against the people. Several people were killed by the security forces as hundreds of thousands went into the streets to demand that the military junta leave their positions of absolute authority in Sudan.

The civilian-led Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) have categorically dismissed the Hamdok statement made on November 21 as evidence that the military coup of October 25 is still in force. Hamdok was echoing the military plans to create what they have referred to as a “technocratic” cabinet that would obviously remain under military domination.

FFC elements among others are demanding a complete return to civilian rule. The military in their opinions have forfeited any capacity to govern Sudan without state repression. Since the October 25 coup led by al-Burhan, more than forty people have been killed in demonstrations and resistance related activities.

In an article published by the Sudan Tribune it says of the response of the opposition that:

“’We were surprised by the signing of a political declaration between His Excellency Mr. Abdallah Hamdok, the Prime Minister, and His Excellency General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces,’ said the FFC in a short statement issued on Sunday (Nov. 21). The political coalition further stressed they were not part of the deal and voiced its support for the demand of the Sudanese people to restore civilian rule. The FFC supported protests calling for the release of Hamdok and the other detainees and to restore the civilian-led transition…. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) which led the December revolution against the regime of ousted President Omar al-Bashir also rejected the ‘treason agreement’…. The Sudanese Congress Party, Sudanese Communist Party, National Umma Party, Unionist Alliance, SLM led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur, and Resistance Committees rejected the agreement.”

Although the FFC had included as a main demand within their program that Hamdok be released from custody, the ultimate objective of the democracy movement is to remove the domineering influence of the military within the Sudanese political and economic structures. Many sectors of the national economy are utilized by the military elites to enrich themselves while maintaining hegemony over the functional operations of the state.

Sudan and the International Situation

The al-Burhan regime, which has called itself the Transitional Military Council (TMC), has close ties with the monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which after they seized power in April 2019, pledged several billion dollars in direct assistance. Moreover, Washington under the former administration of President Donald Trump and his successor, President Joe Biden, have demanded the payment of hundreds of millions of dollars by the Sudanese state to survivors of victims of several bombing attacks carried out in Kenya (1998), Tanzania (1998) and the Gulf of Aden (2000).

In exchange for these payments, the U.S. is removing Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. This agreement will make Sudan eligible for loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other global financial institutions.

However, to date, the Sudanese masses do not appear to have benefited from any of these deals struck with the interim administrations which have come and gone since April 2019. With the advent of a renewed Hamdok-military alliance, many are unconvinced that the situation will improve for the tens of millions of youth, women, workers, professionals and impoverished people in general.

Neighboring Egypt, a state closely aligned with the United States, is seeking to maintain its relations with the military regime in Sudan. Egypt opposes the filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project (GERD) which has caused tensions with the Addis Ababa government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Sudan has once again raised the issue of a border dispute with Ethiopia while Addis Ababa itself is battling a Washington-backed insurgency attempting to overthrow the administration of Prime Minister Abiy.

Therefore, the domestic crisis in Sudan has regional, continental and international implications due to the geographically strategic location of the country and its vast oil and other natural resources. The initial Sovereign Council under Hamdok and al-Burhan, signed onto the Abraham Accord which ostensibly normalized relations with Tel Aviv even though such a maneuver is in violation of the Israeli Boycott Act of 1958. The decision to boycott Israel was made by an elected parliament and national government just two years after the independence of Sudan from British imperialism in 1956. Any move to reverse this course at the aegis of the U.S. and its allies, would surely appear to be in contravention of Sudanese constitutional law. Until an elected government of the people can be established, there cannot be any real political debate on the relationship of Sudan to those occupying Palestinian land.

Forcing the Abraham Accord on as many states within West Asia and Africa as possible is designed to further undermine the Palestinian struggle for statehood and independence from Israeli control. Yet the Palestinians are continuing to resist the colonial occupation as was evident in the uprising which occurred during May 2021.

The political balance of forces within Sudan is of importance to imperialism and its allies throughout the African continent and West Asia. Consequently, Washington under Trump or Biden does not want a revolutionary government taking power in Khartoum. A genuinely revolutionary democratic government in Sudan would inevitably be in solidarity with the Palestinians and all progressive forces throughout Africa and the world.

According to a report written by Joseph Krauss for the Associated Press and reprinted by the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) as it relates to the role of Tel Aviv in the Sudanese internal political crisis:

“Israel is also seen as a potential ally of the generals, who were the guiding force behind Sudan normalizing relations with it last year in exchange for removal from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism…. Israel’s Walla news website reported that an Israeli delegation met with Sudan’s generals days after the coup. The Israeli government has not commented on the coup or its aftermath.”

Although the U.S. has expressed opposition to the military coup of October 25, the objective of Washington in the short-term is a partnership between the Sudanese military and a technocratic elite to govern the country. The U.S. does not want a civilian administration that would oppose its designs on Sudan.

Nonetheless, this is exactly what is needed inside Sudan and other territories throughout the African Union (AU) member-states. U.S. dominance over the internal and foreign affairs of post-colonial African governments has served as the major impediment to genuine development, sovereignty and revolutionary social transformation.

Sudan through the independent initiatives of the mass organizations, youth, women, trade unions and professional groupings, could serve as an example for a revolutionary movement which emerges from the people. Under such a dispensation, relations with other neighboring states would be based on the principles of peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Beijing’s top envoy in Washington has pushed back against US assertions that China should obey “traffic rules” set by the White House and accused the United States of trying to erect another “Berlin Wall” to contain China.

In his first remarks since US President Joe Biden’s meeting with President Xi Jinping, Qin Gang, China’s ambassador to the US, questioned the US’ mandate to assert those rules.

“The US says that its China policy is for defending the ‘rules-based international order’ and ensuring the implementation of ‘rules of the road’,” Qin said at a Brookings Institution event on Thursday, according to a transcript released by the Chinese embassy in Friday.

“But what are the rules? Who made these rules? Who are the traffic police? The US has not made itself clear on these questions.”

Observers said the Qin’s remarks underlined Beijing’s deep discontent with the Biden administration and cast doubt on prospects of a temporary detente, despite the conciliatory tone the two leaders struck on Tuesday.

On Saturday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also urged Washington to honour its summit commitments on Taiwan and avoid a new cold war with Beijing.

Wang also denounced Washington’s alliance-based approach to counter China, which he said would “create barriers and divisions [and] provoke conflicts and confrontations”.

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The implications of the Baghuz Massacre should deeply underscore the integrity, morality, and vital importance of WikiLeaks and its heroic publisher and political prisoner Julian Assange. The Baghuz Massacre was a failed cover-up by the United States. WikiLeaks is the journalistic enterprise that shines a spotlight on the egregious crimes of states.

Assange is imprisoned under tortuous conditions because he exposed how the US governmental-corporate-military machine operates. WikiLeaks published the video “Collateral Murder” wherein a US Apache helicopter crew gunned dead 12 civilians walking in a New Baghdad street.

The Baghuz massacre points to how the criminal state operates, by covering up its crimes. WikiLeaks threw light on the crimes in support of the public’s right to know what their country is up to.

Baghuz is part of a long line of murderous military actions. It begins with several extermination campaigns against the Original Peoples of Turtle Island, among them the Gnadenhutten Massacre, to the Wounded Knee Massacre, and the Trail of Tears. The massacres spread overseas to subjugate and colonize the Philippines; at the tail end of WWII there was the Tokyo firebombing and the obliteration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by nuclear bombs. Then it was on to the Korean peninsula which was cut in two by the US. Among the gruesome US exploits were the No Gun Ri massacre in South Korea and the Sinchon Massacre in North Korea. North Korea was devastated by a massive scorched earth campaign. Next up was the My Lai Massacre in Viet Nam. In Iraq, among the war crimes were the Amiriyah shelter bombing and Haditha massacre. In Afghanistan there have been wedding parties bombed, the infamous Bagram torture facility, the Kandahar massacre, etc. The US has continued its murderous swath through Haiti, Honduras, Libya, and on to Syria. None of these countries had attacked the US. (Even 9-11 is purportedly carried out by Saudis according to American authorities.)

In Syria, the US intelligence has either been duped or complicit in blaming president Bashar al Assad for chemical weapon attacks to launch missile attacks, to support the ISIS terrorists, and to loot Syrian oil. Along the way, the deeply concealed Baghuz Massacre that killed dozens of Syrian civilians in a 2019 bombing has bubbled to public awareness.

The US is not alone in the war crimes extravaganza. Much of the western world is participating in the criminal militarism or otherwise colluding with the US. Sweden stands out as a neutral country that set the trap to ensnare Assange, so that Britain might hold him for extradition to the US. It is no wonder that the western-state apparatus that conspires to bury exposure of its war crimes has carried out a merciless campaign to eliminate Assange who exposes the crimes for the public.

The Baghuz Massacre is just another ripple in the ocean of massacres that would require a voluminous manuscript to chronicle. Assange and WikiLeaks are the exposing tonic needed to halt the war machine.

The Baghuz Massacre adds fuel to the calls for Assange to be released forthwith so that WikiLeaks and its publisher may, if Assange is up to it after the psychological trauma he has endured, shed a spotlight on war crimes. Awareness of the crimes of state can point the way for peoples of the world to renounce forever violence and warring — leading instead to peaceful co-existence.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp@gmail. Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The SDF besieging al-Baghuz Fawqani, 12 February 2019 (Source: Public Domain)

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“Americans are scared to death…. People are walking off the job, not because they want to lose their jobs, but they don’t want to die from the vaccine! … They say, ‘Listen, I don’t want to die. That’s the reason I’m not taking the vaccine.’ It’s that clear.” Dr. Peter McCullough

A report in the U.K. Telegraph explains how the Covid-19 vaccine has led to a sharp rise in excess deaths. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons, as experts called for an urgent government inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable….

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that England and Wales registered 20,823 more deaths than the five-year average in the past 18 weeks. Only 11,531 deaths involved Covid.” (“Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths“, UK Telegraph)

Mortality is rising because more people are dying. And more people are dying because more people have been vaccinated. There’s a link between rising mortality and the Covid-19 vaccine. Naturally, the media wants to shift responsibility for the fatalities to “delayed treatments” and “the lack of preventable care”. But this is just a diversion. The primary cause of death is the injection of a toxic pathogen into the bloodstreams of roughly 70% of the population. That’s what’s causing the clotting, the bleeding, the pulmonary embolisms, the heart attacks, the strokes, and the premature deaths. It’s the vaccine. Here’s more

“Weekly figures for the week ending November 5 showed that there were 1,659 more deaths than would normally be expected at this time of year. Of those, 700 were not caused by Covid.

The excess is likely to grow as more deaths are registered in the coming weeks.

Data from the UK Health Security Agency show there have been thousands more deaths than the five-year average in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions and diabetes since the summer.

The number of deaths in private homes is also 40.9 per cent above the five-year average, with 964 excess deaths recorded in the most recent week, which runs up to November 5.” (“Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths“, UK Telegraph)

The sudden surge in mortality is not a meaningless blip on the radar. It’s a red flag indicating a significant break in the five-year trend. Something has gone terribly wrong. Mass vaccination was supposed to reduce the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Instead, the fatalities continue to rise.


The answer to that question can be found in the data itself. As the author admits, there has been a sharp uptick in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions and strokes. (Diabetes is the outlier) These are precisely the ailments one would expect to see if one had just injected millions of people with a clot-generating biologic that triggers a violent immune response that attacks the inner lining of the blood vessels inflicting severe damage to the body’s critical infrastructure. So, yes, all-cause mortality is up, and it is certain to climb even higher as more people are vaccinated and gradually succumb to the (frequently) delayed effects of a hybrid concoction that is the cornerstone of a malign plan to dramatically reduce global population. Check out this chart followed by a brief comment by diagnostic pathologist, Dr Claire Craig:

Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath

“Since summer there have been twice as many covid deaths, but seven times as many excess deaths as last year.” (Twitter)

And here’s another blurb from Craig:

“If you start at week 22 and add up all the deaths since for each year, then something very abnormal is happening this year among 15-19 yr old males.”

So, not only are more people dying, but the demographic has shifted downwards as younger and younger people are drawn into the vaccine vortex. Simply put, the number of young people dying from vaccine-inflicted cardiac arrest and myocarditis continues to increase with no end in sight.

Not surprisingly, all-cause mortality is higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated which, again, makes it easier to trace the problem back to its root, a cytotoxic “poison-death shot” that suppresses the innate immune system, damages vital organs and shaves years off the lives of normal, healthy people.

Perhaps, you’ve seen one of the many short videos of fit, young athletes who suddenly have dropped dead on the field of play or been rushed to hospital shortly after getting injected. If not, here’s a link to two of them. (Athletes collapse following vaccination: See here and here)

According to Israeli Real-Time News, there has been a “500% increase in deaths of players in 2021… Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died!”

“500% increase in the deaths” of athletes?!? What are we to make of this?

For starters; the Covid-19 vaccine is not a medication. It is the essential component in the elitist plan for industrial-scale extermination. It is designed to inflict severe physical injury on the people who take it. It’s shocking that people are so deep in denial that can’t see what’s going on right before their eyes. (Please, watch the video clips of the athletes. These are the fittest people on the planet and, yet, they are being struck down by the mystery substance in the vaccine.) Here’s how South African doctor Shankara Chetty summed it up in a recent video posted on Bitchute:

“The pathogen that is causing all the deaths from the illness is the spike protein. And the spike protein is what the vaccine is supposed to make in your body. …Spike protein is one of the most contrived poisons that man has ever made. And, the aim of this toxin, is to kill billions of people without anyone noticing it. So it is a poison with an agenda.” (“South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty Talks about “The Bigger Plan”, Bitchute)

There it is in a nutshell. And Chetty is not alone in linking the vaccine to the agenda of the globalist elites who plan to use the cover of a pandemic to implement their “population management” scheme. Former Pfizer vice president, Mike Yeadon, offered a similar view just days ago on his website. He said:

“We are in the midst of the biggest depopulation program the world has ever seen, where most of humanity are acting as useful idiots to it and to their own demise.”

Indeed, and we have tried to provide as much information as possible on the biologic agent that is being used to pursue this malign agenda, the spike protein. In early reports we passed along the research of Dr. Patrick Whelan who grasped the danger of the spike protein before anyone else. Here’s a brief recap of his analysis from a letter he submitted to the FDA on December 8, 2020:

“I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.

… Meinhardt et al…. show that the spike protein in brain endothelial cells is associated with formation of microthrombi (clots)… In other words, viral proteins appear to cause tissue damage without actively replicating virus…. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) is composed of an mRNA that produces a membrane-anchored full-length spike protein. The mouse studies suggest that an untruncated form of the S1 protein like this may cause a microvasculopathy in tissues that express much ACE2 receptor.

…it appears that the viral spike protein… is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney. Before any of these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart…. As important as it is to quickly arrest the spread of the virus by immunizing the population, it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs. (“FDA shrugs off dire warning about lethal spike protein“, Truth in the Age of Covid)

From the very beginning, government regulators and their allies in public health establishment have ignored (or censored) the warnings of capable physicians and researchers. They also waved-off career immunologist and vaccinologist, Dr Byram Bridle who was the first in his profession to identify the spike protein as “a specific causative agent of disease”; aka–“a pathogen”. Here’s Bridle:

“‘We have known for a long time that the spike protein is pathogenic…. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it’s in circulation. Now, we have clear-cut evidence that . . . the vaccine itself, plus the protein, gets into blood circulation.’”

Once that happens, the spike protein can combine with receptors on blood platelets and with cells that line our blood vessels. This is why, paradoxically, it can cause both blood clotting and bleeding. ‘And of course the heart is involved, as part of the cardiovascular system… That’s why we’re seeing heart problems. The protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage.…

‘In short,… we made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We didn’t realize that by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”… (“Vaccine scientist: ‘We’ve made a big mistake’“, Conservative Woman)

Here again, we have a highly-regarded immunologist, with more than 3 decades of experience under his belt, who offered his informed and evidence-based research on an issue that should have been of great interest to the regulators that were making decisions about the long-term safety of the experimental drug they were foisting on millions of people across the country. But there was no interest at all. Despite the fact that the science supported his conclusions, Bridle was viciously attacked, censored, dragged through the mud, and forced to leave his place of employment.


Because he drew the same conclusions as Dr. Patrick Whelan. There’s really no substantive difference between the two except that Bridle’s comments attracted more attention in the media which made him a greater threat to the “universal vaccination” strategy. That was his real crime; he discovered the truth and made his findings available to the public, basically alerting them to the dangers of the “poison-death shot”. For that he was crushed.

Bridle has since made other claims that should concern anyone whose cancer might be in remission. Here’s what he said in a recent interview:

“What I’ve seen way too much of is people who had cancers that were in remission, or that were being well controlled; their cancers have gone completely out of control after getting this vaccine. And we know the vaccine causes a drop in T-cell numbers, and those T-cells are part of our immune system and they are part of the critical weapons our immune system has to fight off cancer cells; so there’s a potential mechanism there. All I can say, is I’ve had way too many people contact me with these reports for me to feel comfortable. I would say that is my newest major safety concern, and it’s also the one that’s going to be the most under-reported in the adverse data base, because if someone has had cancer before the vaccine, there’s no way public health officials will ever link it to the vaccine.” (“Dr Byram Bridle speaks”, Bitchute, :55 second-mark)

So, the vaccine suppresses the immune system?

Yes, it does, and author Alex Berenson provided evidence of this just recently in an article he posted on Substack. Here’s an excerpt:

“… the British government…. admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that:

“N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23)

What’s this mean?…

What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus….

This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE

… it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.” (“URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER”, Alex Berenson, Substack)

Berenson’s observations square with research that was compiled earlier in the year by scientists in The Netherlands and Germany who:

….warned that the … (COVID-19) vaccine induces complex reprogramming of innate immune responses that should be considered in the development and use of mRNA-based vaccines… the research team from Radboud University Medical Center and Erasmus MC in the Netherlands… showed that the vaccine altered the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells following stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific stimuli.

Following vaccination, innate immune cells had a reduced response to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TLR7 and TLR8 – all ligands that play an important role in the immune response to viral infection…. an unexplored area is whether BNT162b2 vaccination has long-term effects on innate immune responses

This could be very relevant in COVID-19, in which dysregulated inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis and severity of the disease,” writes the team. “Multiple studies have shown that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines or infections.” (Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses, new-medical-net)

Berenson’s finding also align with with cutting-edge research showing that the spike protein greatly “impedes adaptive immunity” by preventing DNA from repairing damaged cells. The paper suggests that the spike protein does in fact “impact on the nucleus of the cell, where we store our DNA, our core genetic material.” Here’s more from Berenson’s breakdown of the paper:

“…. our cells have mechanisms to repair their own DNA.

But – at least in the experiments these two scientists ran – the spike protein appeared to interfere with our own DNA repair proteins: “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.”

To be clear, the scientists did NOT prove the spike protein was causing these problems in people, or even animals… Nonetheless, at a time when advanced countries that have high mRNA (and DNA/AAV) vaccination rates are seeing unusually full hospitals and higher-than-normal death rates, they are yet more cause for concern. As the authors explained:

“Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.” (“URGENT: Worrisome paper about the spike protein’s impact on DNA and DNA repair”, Alex Berenson, Substack)

Bottom line: If the vaccine does in fact inhibit the body’s innate immune response, then people are going to get alot sicker from seasonal infections that routinely spread through the population. Their path to recovery will also be alot more difficult.

But rather that belabor the immunity angle, let’s move on to the research of Dr Charles Hoffe who was the first physician to provide hard evidence that the vaccines generate blood clots by triggering an immune response in which the body attacks the thin layer of cells lining the walls of the blood vessels. Hoffe found that 62% of his patients that had been vaccinated tested positive for blood clots on a D-dimer test. Naturally, he was alarmed by what he found, particularly since the vaccine “was causing serious neurological events, and even death.When he raised his concerns with the BC College of Physicians, they immediately implemented a gag order, and reprimanded him in an attempt to intimidate, and silence him.”

Hoffe has been interviewed a number of times and always provides a detailed and riveting account of his findings. In a recent interview, he predicted that some vaccinees suffering from clot-related issues would likely die in just three years. Here’s what he said:

“… once you block off a significant number of blood vessels to your lungs, your heart must pump at a much greater resistance to get the blood through your lungs. That causes a condition called pulmonary artery hypertension, which is high blood pressure in your lungs because so many of the blood vessels in your lungs are blocked. And the terrifying thing about this is that people with pulmonary artery hypertension usually die of right-sided heart failure in three years… And not only is the long-term outlook very grim, but with each successive shot, the damage will add and add and add. It’s going to be cumulative because you are getting more and more damaged capillaries.” (“Shock: Doctor Warns That Majority Of Vaccinated Patients Could HavePermanent Heart Damage, Some May Die Within Three Years”Permanent Heart Damage, Some May Die Within Three Years”, Infowars; Minute 6:10)

Once again, there is no discrepancy between the analysis of Whelan, Bridle and Hoffe. And while the focus of their attention might vary slightly, their conclusions are the same. These experimental injections pose serious risks for anyone who allows himself to be inoculated.

Now check out how similar Hoffe’s analysis is to Dr. Rochagne Kilian who was an Emergency Room physician at the GBHS hospital until she resigned in protest. This is a particularly important video as it describes the “oddball” symptoms and exceedingly rare conditions that are now presenting in emergency rooms everywhere following the mass vaccination of millions of people with the “poison-death shot”. (I transcribed the video myself, so there could be errors.)

Dr Rochagné Kilian – Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels

“What I was seeing in my ER department especially in the last 8 to 9 months is related to the D-Dimer levels. We use D-Dimers specifically related to pulmonary embolisms as well as Deep Vein Thrombosis. D-Dimer detects any thrombosis (clots) in the body but it doesn’t give you a diagnosis it gives you a basis for going further and doing an ultrasound and CT scan to either confirm or deny the presence of a pulmonary embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis.

The first part of 2020 was probably the slowest ever in the emergency department, but when we went into 2021 and the vaccination rollout started, we ended up seeing an increase in stroke, transient ischemic attacks and stroke like presentations. (There were) definitely significant larger numbers of those people coming in. I ended up doing D-dimer tests on these people and never before in my clinical experience had I seen D-dimers and the amount of people with positive D-dimers higher than 2,000, higher than 3,000 and higher than 5,000. My clinical experience told me a needed to go look for a large clot either in their legs or their lungs. And I ended up doing a CT scan on these people. Most of them, and I will say almost all of them, had negative scans which started making me think that if there was not a significant clot in their lungs, but my D-dimer was so much higher than what I was usually seeing, it might not be concentrated in one clot. But that it is multiple micro-thrombi extended throughout the body, and that is so easy to miss because the CT scan is not going to pick it up.

“These people coming into the ER were all people anywhere from about a week to four months after receiving their 2nd injections. There are certain factors that can influence a D-dimer test that can give you a sense of a higher level than would be expected in the body. That said, the patients I was doing D-Dimer tests on did not have a level of maybe a positive 500 or 400 reading. It was more than 3500, more than 5000 ng/ml. So those are significantly positive without any proof of having a pulmonary embolism. If I was seeing high levels of D-dimer without a definite diagnosis, I needed to ask more questions.

One study said, never ignore extremely elevated D-dimer levels. They are specific for serious illness, including venous thrombosis, sepsis, and/or cancer. Even if sharply elevated D-dimer are a seemingly solitary finding, clinical suspicion of severe underlying disease should be maintained.

There were two conditions that stood out and the first one was disseminated intravascular coagulation also known as DIC. The second one is antiphosphlipid syndrome. Both of these conditions are related to an abnormality in either the initiation or the feedback of the coagulation pathway as well as thrombosis or the thrombosis cycle where clots are being broken down. DIC is a serious sometimes life threatening situation in which the proteins in the blood involved in blood clotting become overactive. It’s a cascade that’s difficult to stop once it’s reached a certain level. There are certain conditions that trigger DIC; significant sepsis, underlying viruses, trauma, major surgery, pregnancy and childbirth. And less common causes toxic drug reaction, blood transfusion reaction, and organ transplants. So there was a connection with intravascular products and a possible DIC.

Most cases of DIC are diagnosed rapidly and suddenly which is the acute presentation. But there are cases where it develops gradually, occurring over a longer period of time. This is known as a chronic form of DIC and I would go as far to say a subacute form of DIC that is very easy to miss. Simultaneous clotting and bleeding can occur with chronic DIC. The bleeding part comes in blood in the urine, headaches and other symptoms associated with brain bleeds, bruising, inflammation of red, small dots on the limbs, bleeding at sites of wounds and mucosal bleeding. which means bleeding out of the gums and nose. I definitely saw an increase in nose bleeds and bleeding from previous wound sites. ulcers, as well as rashes that couldn’t be explained. Blood clotting symptoms and signs were symptoms like chest pains, heart attacks, strokes, TIAs, and headaches either related to bleeding or not. As well as symptoms related to kidney failure, because of the clotting of those smaller blood vessels that go to the kidneys. Antiphosphlipid syndrome is a very similar type of condition. But the basis of the antiphosphlipid syndrome is an autoimmune disorder meaning that the body’s immune system makes proteins–known as antibodies–that mistakenly attacks its own body or tissues. That gives the skin the cascading effect of clotting disorder but it is linked to an autoimmune trigger. Basically, it presented in exactly the same way; high blood pressure which I was seeing alot of; first diagnosis of high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, TIAs, heart valve problems, repeated headaches or migraines, vision loss, balance and mobility problems, difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly,

The astute listener would start forming a picture of what we’ve been told about Covid-19, and there are research papers connecting Covid 19 with an underlying vascular disease. One of these was a study called “Covid 19; unraveling the clinical progression of Nature’s Virtually perfect Biological weapon.”

“SARS-Cov-2, presenting as Covid-19 syndrome, was not a respiratory basis, but an underlying vascular basis. which had certain phases of incubation, pulmonary phase, pro inflammatory phase, (which once again comes into a cytotoxic inflammation process) then moves into a protothrombic phase . Covid-19 is a thrombotic disease. implications for prevention, antithrombotic therapy and follow up…..

This picture shows us certain risk factors, Homeostatic Abnormalities, as well as clinical outcomes. It indicates increased D-dimer levels. It also mentions Venous Thromboembolism, Myocardial Infarction, and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation that is connected to postulated mechanisms of coagulathopy as well as parthenogenesis of thrombosis in Covid-19…

I started asking the question, if we are able to detect certain connections between vascular abnormalities and Covid-19, and we based our proposed treatment on the spike protein, which includes the Pfizer and Moderna injections, shouldn’t we be looking for similar side effects or complications from that same injection?

If we are mandating certain treatments, we do need to do the due diligence to make sure what the side effects and complications especially in a time where there has not been long term studies.”And that’s what led me to focusing on D-dimers.” (“Dr Rochagné Kilian – Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels“, Bitchute)

Kilian’s statement should be read over and over again. It is the most detailed description we have of the mysterious and deeply sinister machinations of a laboratory-engineered bioweapon that, in effect, turns the vascular and immune systems against the person who was vaccinated. Disseminated intravascular coagulation and antiphosphlipid syndrome are names that are entirely unknown to the American people, and yet, these freakish conditions are now responsible for a growing number of patients that are experiencing bleeding, clotting, headaches, rashes, bruising, high blood pressure, and inflammation . And– in more extreme cases– chest pains, heart attacks, strokes, heart-valve problems, and brain bleeds. One can only guess how the media will try to cover-up these extraordinarily-rare and potentially life-threatening conditions??

When Kilian asks:

“If we are able to detect certain connections between vascular abnormalities and Covid-19… shouldn’t we be looking for similar side effects or complications from that same injection?”

Bingo! If the spike protein produced by the vaccines, inflicts the same internal damage as Covid-19, then shouldn’t doctors expect to see the same symptoms?

Yes, they should. And if the symptoms are the same, then there’s a good chance that vaccine-induced injuries are being misdiagnosed as Covid-19.

Think about that for a minute. That would be the perfect scenario for the pandemic managers and their billionaire backers who’d love to see the impending mountain of carnage blamed on the waning virus instead of on their own poison-death shot.

And that is the evil-genius of the globalist strategy; to remove the fingerprints from the smoking gun before the investigators even arrive at the scene of the crime.

The amount of planning that must have gone into this scam, is simply breathtaking.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney, renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from The Unz Review


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I wanted to turn your attention to a side-by-side comparison map comparing the COVID pandemic of last year to this year. It is a true “photo is worth a million words”:

The symmetry is indeed amazing. And the conclusion, after over 600 days of COVID mania, could not be more clear.

Not a single “public health expert”-hailed mitigation or suppression measure, including the COVID shots, has done anything significant to solve the reality that lots of people get sick during their area’s annual respiratory season. This global war on a virus is going about as well as the War on Afghanistan went when it came to eliminating the Taliban.

The lockdowns failed to stop a virus.

The universal masking regime failed to stop a virus.

The millions and millions of societal restrictions and business closures failed to stop a virus.

And now it’s become pretty clear that the highly-touted “miracle”  mRNA shots are failing to stop a virus.

Instead of accepting this reality, world governments are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on the madness. Despite incredibly high compliance rates, with an estimated 7.5+ billion COVID shots delivered in arms, the mRNA “cure” has not lived up to its admittedly impossible to achieve standards.

In the span of 6 months, we went from:

“You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations”


Vaccinated people don’t get the virus and don’t get sick”


“All three vaccines are 100 percent effective against hospitalization and death:”

To our current reality of another season of lockdowns, restrictions, and the usual, nonsensical “public health measures.”

7.5+ billion shots later, those of us who’ve followed the data closely have found out that all of the aforementioned statements, endorsed by the most renowned Government Health officials in the world, were complete nonsense. Weapons-grade nonsense. They were nowhere near remotely close to even representing a scintilla of truth.

Today we know that the shots serve as something akin to a potential 6-9 month prophylactic with unknown long-term side effects. The expiring efficacy, which was best observed through first-mover nations like Israel and Ireland, brought about the booster shot regime, but no recognition from world governments that the shots seem to be expiring. The boosters have been sold under this weird idea that you can get “extra protection,” even though you’ve been told you were already “fully vaccinated.”

Government Health officials and major pharmaceutical companies have leveraged these half-truths, as part of a CYA campaign for elected officials, and a money grab for Pfizer, Moderna, and those interested in injecting 5-year-olds with expiring experimental shots.

And the booster, which is the exact same formulation as the original shots, unsurprisingly seems to have the same lack of virus-killing power as the first two shots. In Gibraltar, the most vaccinated place on Earth, 100% of the population is vaccinated and 40% with booster, but:

But you and I, we’re not the majority here, sadly. Those of us who are thinking clearly about this issue are a growing coalition, but we still face an uphill battle.

World governments, with the assistance of Big Tech, have convinced the masses, without any legitimate evidence, that it’s the “unvaccinated” who are responsible for our continuing COVID problem.

Check out the logic used by the leader of Austria, the first Western country to mandate COVID shots on the entire population.

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, who has imposed a nationwide lockdown on his country, told the media this weekend:

“Increasing the vaccination rate — and I think we’re all in agreement on this — is our only way to break out of this vicious cycle of viral waves and lockdown discussions for good. We don’t want a fifth wave, we don’t want a sixth and seventh wave.”

Austrian police randomly check the vaccination status of shoppers after lockdown of unvaccinated:

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said:

“It hurts that such measures still have to be taken.”

Schallenberg is lying and he knows it. The shots will not prevent another wave of sickness. These “waves” are simply the reality of a seasonal respiratory effect that happens every single year. The global ruling class has been lying to the masses for a long time. They’d rather not admit to all of these sunk costs, so the political elite will continue to uphold the myth that the COVID shots are still some kind of magic bullet that they are not.

Those who did not comply from the beginning of COVID Mania serve to pose the biggest threat to the power of these maniacal politicians. That’s why they’re attacking us so ferociously. The political elite pretends as if they care about COVID, but it’s not the virus that is keeping them up at night. It’s those pesky individuals who refuse to bend the knee – those are the ones in the crosshairs. The control group is the biggest threat to the people in power. They simply can’t survive the political ramifications of a control group outperforming the citizens living under the weight of destructive COVID Mania mandates and societal edicts.


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This PDF is a Notice of Liability to: Prime Minister of Canada, Justin TrudeauDr Theresa Tam Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Attorney General for Canada David Lametti and Superintendent Brenda Lucki, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

“This letter constitutes a request on behalf of Canadian parents of 5 to 11 year old children that a criminal investigation be immediately opened with regard to fraudulent submission of Pfizer Corp. regarding the provision of the Pfizer Vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age.”

(Submitted by Jeffrey Rath, L.L.B. of Rath&Company, Barristers&Solicitors, Foothills, Alberta, Canada)

Here is also an open letter and Notice of Liability from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the members of the European Parliament regarding Covid-19 vaccination.

Also here is an International Tribunal Order to Cease and Desist to:  Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, Dr Theresa Tam, Canada Chief Health Officer and Dr Supriva Sharma, Chief Medical advisor for Health Canada.

and finally …

A PDF “Vaccine” Notice of Liability for parents to fill out and serve accordingly.

Ironically, on November 6, 2021, leading physicians from all over the world gathered to talk about their recent Physicians’ Declaration update, which includes their commitment to fighting authoritarian public health measures, such as:

  1. Forced child vaccination,
  2. Mandatory vaccination of the COVID recovered, and
  3. Questionable interference with physician practices, such as early intervention.

Hosted by Florida physician Dr. John Littell, speakers and panelists included Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Heather Gessling, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Dr. Mollie James, Dr. Paul E. Alexander and Dr. Peter McCullough.

This summit emphasized that under no circumstances should children be vaccinated with these new experimental gene therapies.

Dr Peter McCullough directly and indirectly, brought forth at this Summit a reminder to all Politicians, Public Servants, Public Health Officials, Doctors and Hospitals, Employers and anyone else including a biased and censored Media in his talk entitled:

Dr Peter McCullough – Our Public Health Agencies Are Getting In The Way Of Saving Lives, watch the video here.

at 00:18:00:

“I have been following my patients carefully – 70% of my patients took the vaccine in December, January, February and like a good doctor I didn’t encourage them or discourage them.

Remember the vaccines are all research, they’re all research!

If I told a patient in one of my research studies (and I have a lot of them) that you have to be in my research study in order for me to see you in my office … you have to be in my research study … do you know what … I would be called on the carpet by the Institutional Review Board. I would probably be put up for FDA review. I would probably be incredibly penalized for that improper conduct.

There is a code of conduct it’s called the Nuremberg Code and that means under no conditions will a doctor ever, ever put any pressure, coercion or threat of reprisal for someone to either participate or not participate in research.

So every single doctor, every single medical society, every single employer that has stepped over that line and told somebody that they should be involved in vaccine research or suffer some consequence has trampled over a fundamental bioethics.”

If you forward this e-mail or International Tribunal Order to Cease and Desist and/or initiate your own Notice of Liability:

Please keep a record of all the individuals, politicians, government officials, public and private agencies including public health, workplaces, schools and school boards, etc. you send this out to so when litigation explodes in a post covid world – these leaders and public/private officials will not use the excuses:

1) we were not aware (there is a plethora of ignored valid research that demands an immediate STOP to this ‘vaccine’ insanity)

2) we were only following orders (for a politician their excuse would be – Health Canada, Dr Tam, WHO, Bill Gates etc.)

Unfortunately we do not have a Prime Minister or a Provincial Premier that is as independent thinking and competent as Governor Desantis of Florida.

It’s up to We The People to say: I no longer consent to medical and political tyranny!

It’s time to draw that red line in the sand!

It’s time to protect our children!


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