Nicaragua: Chronicle of a Slandered Election

December 18th, 2021 by John Perry

On November 7, Nicaragua held elections in which current president Daniel Ortega received 75% support and, as a result, begins a new term of office in January. Not surprisingly, the US government described the election as a “sham.” Of more concern is that many on the left seem to agree. William Robinson’s NACLA article, Nicaragua: Chronicle of an Election Foretold, is a scathing critique, repeated in an interview with The Real News. 

In this article, we will show that Robinson’s claims are based on falsehoods and elite bias. He appears to be out of touch with the reality faced by most Nicaraguans. 

Robinson says Ortega’s election was foretold because “Seven presidential candidates are imprisoned [and]… opposition figures [are] detained without trial”

Prior to the elections, several people were accused of treason because of involvement in US attempts to overthrow Nicaragua’s elected government. They allegedly violated new laws controlling the use of foreign money for “political purposes” as well as older ones which penalize seeking foreign intervention in Nicaraguan affairs. Some of the detainees aspired to the presidency, but none were credible contenders. Here are the seven “presidential candidates”:

Arturo Cruz, who lives most of the time in the US, is an academic who has never been a leading figure nor a candidate of any kind in Nicaraguan politics. He was charged after openly lobbying for sanctions against Nicaragua. 

Cristiana Chamorro denied wanting to run for election but changed her mind shortly before her arrest. Her “non-profit” Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation received millions of dollars from USAID to influence the elections via an array of opposition media outlets, several owned by the Chamorro family. She refused to comply with new transparency laws and closed her foundation. She is under house arrest as the sources of $7 million found in her personal bank accounts are being investigated. 

Juan Sebastián Chamorro has never been a leading figure nor a candidate in Nicaragua’s electoral politics. His non-profit, FUNIDES, received money under US regime-change programs. He is charged with seeking foreign interference, military intervention and sanctions against Nicaragua.

Félix Maradiaga has never been a leading political figure or electoral candidate. His non-profit, the Institute for Strategic Studies and Public Policy (IEEPP), has been a major conduit for US funding and interference. He was actively involved in the violent coup attempt in 2018 and sought sanctions against his own country at the Organization of American States (in June 2018). 

Medardo Mairena has been disowned both by the mainstream Constitutionalist Liberal Party (PLC) and his own anti-canal movement. He was convicted for organizing the murderous attack on the Morrito police station in 2018, when five people were killed. He was released in the 2019 amnesty. 

Miguel Mora, another “candidate” unlikely to have been selected, was guilty of inciting the violent attack against Radio Ya in 2018. Also released in the amnesty, he would have been ineligible to stand. Mora is notorious for publicly suggesting a Panama-style invasion of Nicaragua by the United States. 

Noel Vidaurre is a well-known politician from the Conservative Party, which has collapsed into electoral insignificance. Vidaurre never had sufficient support to be a candidate but while seeking it  he called for economic aggression against his own country. He is under house arrest and accused of treason.

Robinson says, “The repression particularly decimated the left-leaning opposition party Democratic Renovation Union (UNAMOS), formerly called the Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS).”

Robinson calls the MRS/UNAMOS “left-leaning”, completely ignoring its rightward shift in the last two decades. 

One leading member, the former Sandinista Dora María Téllez, supported right-wing candidates in recent elections; she praised the 2019 coup in Bolivia and actively collaborated with US plans to end Sandinista (FSLN) rule. Both she and Ana Margarita Vigil, who also has a lengthy history of collaboration with the US, are charged with inciting foreign interference in the elections. Tellez was one of the main organizers of the violent roadblocks in 2018, seen distributing money, drugs and food to the thugs running them. 

The author Sergio Ramirez is a former Sandinista, Nicaragua’s Vice-President from 1985 until 1990, who founded the MRS in 1995 in opposition to Daniel Ortega. When he competed for the presidency in 1996, he received a derisory 7,665 votes nationwide.  Clearly, he is more popular among elites abroad than in his homeland. Since opposing the FSLN, Ramirez’s non-profit organization, Fundación Luisa Mercado has received US money via the Chamorro Foundation. He must have forgotten that in 1988 he said it was a “crime” to receive US government funds, “because they are part of a campaign against Nicaraguan sovereignty and integrity.”

Robinson appears to blame the opposition’s rightward shift on “repression” but does not explain why, when its supposedly radical young leaders came to the US, they were celebrated by the far right in Washington – Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – and looked to Trump for help. 

Robinson says, “There is little evidence to corroborate the claim that the 2018 mass uprising was instigated by Washington … or that the United States has since carried out a destabilization campaign aimed at overthrowing the regime.”

Ever since the FSLN regained power in 2007, the US has been funding anti-government media and “civil society” groups. At the influential Council on Foreign Relations, Elliott Abrams spoke out aggressively beginning in 2015. Kenneth Wollack, now chairman of the state-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), bragged to the US Congress on June 14, 2018 that they had trained 8,000 young Nicaraguans to take part in the uprising. Yorlis Luna has described in detail the indoctrination process. An article for Global Americans, which Robinson has disparaged elsewhere, gave some details of the NED “laying the groundwork for insurrection.” 

When the uprising and coup attempt failed, the US increased its open opposition to the Nicaraguan government with the Nica Act. Washington imposed sanctions on Nicaraguan government officials and opposed international loans to Nicaragua in bodies like the World Bank, which halted its funding for three years as a result. Rather than stepping back, Washington escalated its interference. In 2020, it was revealed that Washington was planning for “government transition” in Nicaragua. A major contract called Responsive Assistance in Nicaragua (RAIN) outlined different transition scenarios.

It is reasonable to assume that non-public agencies such as the CIA were also active. 

Robinson suggests the US government was actually helping the FSLN government and says, “USAID also granted several hundred million dollars directly to the Ortega government from 2007 until 2018.” 

Robinson’s assertion is untrue. The vast majority of USAID funds went to non-governmental organizations and other “partner organizations.” The USAID Nicaragua website shows they provided $115 million from 2014 to 2018 with the majority to “support Nicaraguans in their efforts to restore democratic norms and practices.” To give just one example, over 2,000 Nicaraguans received so-called “political party training.”

It is understandable that any country might object to this and see it as interference in its domestic affairs. What is not understandable is how Robinson got this basic information so wrong. 

Robinson says, “The independent organization Urnas Abiertas reported an abstention rate of approximately 80 percent after the opposition called for an election boycott.”

The organization Urnas Abiertas claims that only 830,000 voted, not the 2,921,430 votes officially recorded, implying that some two million were falsified. The near impossibility of two million votes being faked has already been explained. Urnas Abiertas provides no evidence of how it was done, nor have they quoted any of the thousands of poll watchers from opposition parties who would have seen it happening. While Robinson calls Urnas Abiertas “independent,” Ben Norton has shown that it is heavily dominated by opposition figures. 

Official results show 66% of registered voters took part, which was far from unexpected given that 2.8 million voters had earlier checked their entries on the electoral register. 

Robinson says, “CID-Gallup…found that 76 percent of the country’s electorate believed the country was moving in the wrong direction. The poll reported that 19 percent of the electorate planned to vote for Ortega, 65 percent stated they would favor an opposition candidate….”

Out of an electorate of almost 4.5 million, 2,759,743 cast a valid vote (62%) and of these 2,093,834 (75%) voted for the Ortega-Murillo ticket. Opinion polls by M&R had shown Ortega’s support at 70%. 

Methodologically, the M&R polls are strong, using face-to-face interviews of over 4,200 potential voters. However, Robinson chooses to focus on results from CID-Gallup (not part of the international Gallup group) which found that only 19% would vote for Ortega. While Robinson says M&R polls are “contracted by the FSLN” he offers no proof, and fails to say that at least some of the CID-Gallup polls are paid for by the opposition, and in this case rely on just 1,200 cell phone interviews. In the past, he has pointed out that CID-Gallup was employed in US government propaganda campaigns in Nicaragua. 

Robinson says, “The vote was carried out in a climate of fear and intimidation, with a total absence of safeguards against fraud”

Some 160 international witnesses, covering all regions of the country, reported enthusiastic participation in the elections by Nicaraguans young and old. Families frequently came together on foot or on motorcycles, some on crutches or in wheelchairs. Eyewitness reports are here, here, here, and here. A 4-minute video captures images from the day. 

Safeguards against fraud included having opposition “poll watchers” in the 13,459 voting stations from start to finish. Votes are counted at each voting station with all parties ratifying the results, which are then posted outside for the public to see. Detailed results can be checked at the CSE website.

Robinson says, “As part of the crackdown the government also banned 24 civic organizations and professional associations…” “…a spate of laws… allows authorities to criminalize anyone who speaks out against the government.”

One element of the information war against Nicaragua is to spread false claims. This included a tsunami of social media posts fomenting violence in 2018, much of it produced by troll farms. More recently, 24 NGOs were closed which include 15 medical bodies which broadcast false information about Nicaragua’s response to Covid-19, undermining the government’s efforts (see below) and making people hesitant to go to public hospitals. A new law specifically penalizes the publishing of false information “likely to spread anxiety, anguish or fear.”

Nicaraguans are free to speak out against the government and they do so without fear. Here is an article which documents interviews with various Nicaraguans, both favorable and opposed to the FSLN. 

Robinson says, “the economy began to tank in 2015.”

This is untrue. From 2009 to 2017, World Bank figures show that economic growth never fell below 4.4%. It only did so in 2018-20, when the coup attempt was quickly followed by the pandemic. 

The FSLN government’s achievements over 14 years are remarkable. In a letter to a cynic, Becca Mohally Renk, points out that they include: infant mortality reduced by 61% since 2007, the percentage of people with a university degree rising from 9% to 19%, electricity coverage growing from 54% to 99%, the lowest homicide rates in the region, and many more. Far from “suppressing” students, workers, feminists, and environmentalists as Robinson claims, the government ensures free university provision, promotes trade union rights, has an unparalleled record on gender equality and recently became the first Latin American state to grant territorial rights to all its indigenous communities.

Robinson says, “Nicaragua… has the lowest rate of vaccination in Latin America, with only 4.9 percent of the population inoculated as of October.

While it’s true that vaccination against Covid-19 proceeded slowly at first because of limited supplies, by December over 70% of the population aged 2 and above had received at least one dose, and many older people had received booster doses. UNICEF and the World Health Organization congratulated Nicaragua on its vaccination campaign.

Nowhere are the Nicaraguan government’s advances more obvious than in healthcare. With 21 new public hospitals built since 2007, and thousands more trained health workers, Nicaragua was much better prepared for Covid-19 than neighboring countries. With community healthcare, door-to-door education and contract tracing, Nicaragua has kept Covid deaths to levels which are 55% of the average for Latin American countries, according to the respected Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 

Robinson says, “The worldwide Left similarly demanded sanctions against apartheid South Africa, sought to block U.S. and international financing for the Pinochet dictatorship, and currently calls for ‘boycott, divestment, and sanctions’ against Israel.”

The comparison of Sandinista Nicaragua to apartheid South Africa, Pinochet’s Chile and apartheid Israel is an indication of how wrong Robinson is on this topic. Nicaragua has endured over 100 years of US sponsored attacks, invasions, occupations, and dictatorships. They have a huge need and legitimate right to defend their sovereignty. It is disgraceful that some former progressives are supporting Washington’s escalating attacks and sanctions on Nicaragua.

Robinson says, “Ortega will now start his fourth consecutive term in office… in the midst of economic and political crisis. With its legitimacy shattered in the aftermath of the 2018 mass uprising and its violent repression, the regime has to rely more on direct coercion to maintain control.”

Robinson talks about “the government’s repression of the popular uprising” in 2018. He appears to acknowledge that support for the uprising faded almost as quickly as it began, but he completely misreads the reasons, which were that people realized they had been misled about state violence by the fake news spread on social media. Then they experienced the opposition’s house burning, looting, destruction of public buildings, kidnappings and murder. They saw that Sandinista sympathizers were targeted and that the police, confined to their stations by the government as a step towards a negotiated peace, were directly attacked and 22 police officers killed. 

It is not surprising that Nicaraguans rejected the opposition’s call to abstain from the elections, opting instead for the peace and stability offered by continuing Sandinista government. That is what more than two million Nicaraguans voted for on November 7, and the international left, including William Robinson, should now accept this result.

Rick Sterling is a journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He can be contacted at [email protected]. John Perry lives and works in Masaya, Nicaragua and can be contacted at [email protected]. 

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Germany’s new Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock came into office on December 8th without her knowing that America’s stationing missiles in Ukraine on Russia’s border, and only a 7-minute flying distance away from Moscow, would be even more unacceptable to Moscow than, in 1962, would have been, to Washington, the Soviet Union’s stationing missiles in Cuba, fifteen minutes of flying-time away from Washington, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. She’s evidently so much of a neoconservative (supporter of U.S. imperialism) that Baerbock had been ignoring this crucial and simple fact of international relations throughout her entire prior 17-year career in politics, before becoming appointed as Germany’s Foreign Minister.
She had ignored it so much so that Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, during his introductory phone-conversation with her on December 14th, found in the course of the conversation with her, that he had to explain it to her. This is rather shocking.
She didn’t even know why Germany’s leader, during 2005-2021, Angela Merkel, had — along with France’s leader Francois Hollande — established in the Minsk agreements for settling the Ukrainian war the “Normandy Format” for negotiations between Ukraine (on Russia’s border) and its 2014 breakaway Donbass region, in order to establish, at Minsk, a truce-agreement between those two sides (Ukraine and its breakaway region) and agree to negotiate between themselves a permanent peace-settlement, by which Donbass would again be a part of Ukraine and voting in Ukrainian Presidential elections, but would be granted, by Ukraine, some degree of internal autonomy (and guaranteed peace). It would peacefully settle the Ukrainian war.
Baerbock hasn’t yet committed herself on whether to honor or even respect the armistice treaty that Merkel, Hollande, and Putin, had jointly achieved between Ukraine and Donbass, at Minsk. However, she has committed herself clearly on all other issues as supporting the same views that the U.S. Government has endorsed. The U.S. Government did not participate, in any way, in the Minsk agreements, and so she could come out rejecting them — or else endorsing only the Minsk provisions that the Ukrainian side had favored, and rejecting the provisions that the Donbass side had favored. In other words: she could come out seeking to replace the Minsk agreements, or even as outright endorsing a resumption of Ukraine’s 2014-2015 effort to conquer Donbass militarily and treating all residents there as being “terrorists” until those residents become conquered.
Baerbock’s ignorance serves well the U.S. Government’s long-term goal of conquering Russia (because it allows her to be the neocon that she has always been), but it disserves the people of Germany by subordinating the interests of the German people to the interests of America’s billionaires who own oil-and-gas (and other) companies that are in competition against ones in Russia, and it could even lead to another World War in which Europe (including especially Germany) would be the main battleground. This is clearly NOT in the interests of the German people.
Baerbock, in service to America’s billionaire investors in fracked gas that becomes liquefied into canisters and then would be shipped into Germany and other EU countries to replace the much cheaper pipelined gas from Russia, has always criticized Germany’s policy of buying the far less expensive German gas; but in these times of soaring gas prices in Europe, her policy is even more costly to Germans than it had previously been. She is apparently determined to do everything to prevent the recently completed Nord Stream 2 gas-pipeline from Russia into Germany from being allowed to begin operation — and she does this in order to serve American investors, who aim to increase their sales to Europe.
She also was apparently ignorant about the Minsk accords and their Normandy format and the reasons why Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande had created them in order to establish a constructive truce in the hot war that was then raging between the invader Ukraine and its former region Donbass (which people Ukraine’s Government routinely referred to as “terrorists” in Ukraine’s “Anti-Terrorist Operation” or “ATO”). And that is what is not only psychopathic (like her insistence on buying U.S. gas instead of Russian gas), but shocking.
On December 17th, NATO’s chief, its Secretary General (who always expresses the U.S. President’s viewpoint) Jens Stoltenberg, contemptuously called Russia the “aggressor” and rejected Russia’s “red lines” (national-security demands), and he especially emphasized that Russia would have no say, whatsoever, regarding whether or not NATO will accept Ukraine’s bid for membership in the anti-Russian military alliance. Since Baerbock has consistently endorsed the views that have been expressed by NATO’s Secretaries General, one may reasonably expect that she will ignore what Lavrov had said to her on December 14th. If she, on this matter, will not ignore the information she received from Russia, that would indicate a fundamental change in her expressed positions, and the likelihood for a Third World War will then be considerably reduced.
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Korea’s soaring number of Covid infections follows the exact pattern we see in other areas with very high rates of mRNA injections of the population.

South Korea was hailed in 2020 as the champion of Covid control. At first, the country had much lower case counts and deaths than most European countries. Then came the experimental “vaccines.” On Thursday, South Korea, which is almost entirely “vaccinated,” announced that it would reinstate stricter social distancing rules. The decision comes after the number of new infections and serious cases spiral out of control.

The government will be imposing the country’s strictest corona restrictions since the pandemic’s beginning. On January 2, 2021, gatherings will be limited to four people as long as they are fully vaccinated. In addition, restaurants, cafes, and bars will be forced to close by 9 p.m., while movie theatres and internet cafes are open until 10 p.m.

The tighter restrictions will leave few options for the unvaccinated. They will be mandated to dine out alone or rely on takeout.

Cases Soar Despite 92% of the Population Receiving Two Jabs.

South Korea was only six weeks into its newly implemented “living With COVID-19” policy, which had placed no restrictions on opening hours and allowed gatherings of up to eight people regardless of their “vaccination” status.

The number of new Covid cases has almost quadrupled since last month. In addition, the number of severe cases has tripled, despite more than 92 percent of South Korean adults being fully “vaccinated.”

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) registered more than 7850 new cases on Tuesday, setting a new daily record. The following day they reported 7,622 cases, and last week, more than 7,000 cases were reported for the first time.

The number of serious cases has reached an all-time high, with some 87 percent of intensive care unit beds taken up in the Seoul metropolitan area and about 81 percent in use nationwide. In addition, many ‘breakthrough infections’ are registered.

Daily Confirmed COVID-19 Cases per million people

Below is a graph of South Korea’s 7-day rolling average. According to Our World Data’s site, the number of confirmed cases is even lower than the actual number of infections due to limited testing.

‘Vaccinated’ Areas See Spike In Covid Cases

Korea’s soaring number of Covid infections follows the exact pattern we see in other areas with very high rates of mRNA injections of the population. Three of the most ‘vaccinated’ countries, LithuaniaWaterford, Ireland, and Gibraltar, also had to go into new lockdowns due to massive Covid infection spikes.

Note: A dramatic increase was recorded following the November 26 announcement regarding the Omicron Variant. 


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First published on October 12, 2021



Imagine humanity would one day – very soon – decide to stop wearing masks. In unison. Not in the streets, not in restaurants, not in shops, not in sports events – simply nowhere. Against all orders of a good portion of the 193 UN member governments, or at least the western governments. And, indeed, against the entire UN system – against the orders of Mr. Antonio Guterres, himself. Yes, indeed. Many of the UN agencies, not all yet, have started mandating vaxxing for their staff… or else.

How come, it hasn’t occurred to everyone yet, that there is something wrong? Badly wrong. Can it be that it is simply cognitive dissonance? You know that there is something horribly wrong, but your comfort zone doesn’t allow you to admit it? That was the case in the Third Reich – that brought forward Hitler’s tyranny. The rest is history.

The alternative to imagine would be that all those who have decided not to get vaxxed – stick to it and make it public. They defy the totally illegal and unconstitutional orders of the government, the UN system which gets their marching orders from the dark invisible cult, that threatens with death, those who don’t comply.

But just imagine, nobody would listen to these absurd and anti-constitutional orders, not even the police, nor the military – both law enforcement bodies would side with the people – with the very people, whose rights they have sworn to defend.

Actually, the latter has happened more than once already around the globe, where police brutality used to be particularly strong, suddenly a group of front-line police have taken off their helmets and marched with the people – in France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and elsewhere. Lately, a similar trend may be crystallizing, in Australia’s State of Victoria, where people of Melbourne have been in a lockdown literally for months.

A police lady quit and came to the fore giving interviews and divulging that the majority of her colleagues think alike, but they are afraid of losing their jobs and / or being punished by Victoria’s tyrannical governor. This is a good start. See this.

It has to happen in unison. In solidarity. In most European countries you are not allowed to go to restaurants or any public event unless you can show the vaxx-certificate – an infamous QR-code on your cell phone, that would be read by another cell phone, programmed to read your QR-code.

You have no idea what is or what will eventually be put on this QR-code. The goal is all your personal information, from your complete health record to your criminal record, your bank accounts – just everything. But you wouldn’t know. You cannot read what is on the QR-code. “They” can, since it is programmed that way.

The objective is to have in essence this QR-code implanted in your body. That’s pretty much what Klaus Schwab proudly said in his brief (about 2 min video below ) interview with the French Swiss TV in 2016. He frames it something like this: Humans will become “transhumans”.

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

Click here to link to bitchute version

The video has since been “fact-checked” out of the internet. Mr. Microsoft, Bill Gates, actually spoke of an implanted Operating System in the human body. So, we, humans, need to have a body that can respond to electromagnetic waves, in other words our bodies have to be transformed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). That’s being done, by the mRNA- “vaxx” that is injected into our tissues.

Have you noticed, Pfizer and Moderna, the frontrunners of mRNA – which are absolutely not vaccines, you better believe it – are the only ones that are allowed in the West? Now they have added AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson — they are only different in as much as their “killing” mechanism is different.

They also produce blood clots and spike proteins. The former may lead to respiratory blockages all the way to embolisms of the lung or brain, or even heart. The spike protein spreads to all your cells. They eventually attack your immune defense system making you much more vulnerable to any kind of disease, especially cancers. Why are they not allowing the Russian Sputnik V or any one of the Chinese vaccines, both of which are based on traditional vaccination methods?

The Russian and Chinese ones do not work for the population reduction agenda.

See this, well-researched horror story / video by Dr. MadejDr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, Horrific Findings Revealed. No, this is not to scare anyone. This is to bring reality into your comfort zone and hopefully throw you out of comfort into a world that you and everybody must help resisting.

Do you know that the mRNA vaxxes inject you with graphene, a highly poisonous fluid, that creates of your entire body an electromagnetic field (EMF), receptive to 5G and soon 6G ultra-short shortwaves that eventually will be able to manipulate your brain and all your info, now gradually being stored on your personalized QR-code, transforming you, human, into – in Klaus Schwab’s words, a “transhuman” – no longer in possession of your own will or your bank account?

Your money, by the way, if you haven’t noticed already, will soon no longer be physical money that you can touch and hand over to a cashier or a provider, but it’s going to be all electronic, digital money, over which you still may have control, because “they” let you. But once they decide that you must give up control, it will be gone.

Have you noticed at what speed ATM machines are disappearing? How cashiers in banks disappear? They will soon no longer be necessary, because you don’t control cash anymore. There are entire countries in northern Europe which are almost there: Full digitization. In some countries, among them Sweden, some people have already voluntarily let a nano-chip be implanted under the skin of their wrist. The chip works like a built-in bank account. Young people love it. It’s so cool. You swipe your hand, not even a card anymore – and the payment is made. Except, these people have no idea, how this will be played out in the future.

Mind you, this only applies to the people who survive the false vaccination – or rather inoculation campaign. Because, do you know, that considerably more people have died and are dying from receiving the poisonous mRNA-jab, than from covid itself? – No, of course not. Government and the paid mainstream media won’t tell you about it. The MSM gets billions from governments for lying to you.

So, all the above only applies to those people, who survive the inoculations in the long run. Because chances are you may not survive. From the false vaccine, not from covid. See this: Video: A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon.

Let’s go back to mask wearing. This was the first step – in the Lockstep Phase – remember the 2010 Rockefeller Report – where the authors describe the “Lockstep Phase”, as meaning that all 193 UN member countries do the same at the same time – in “lockstep”? – Well, we are already beyond this phase now.

This Lockstep phase has every government in the world order their people to wear masks, everywhere. Unbought science has long proven that mask wearing does not prevent covid nor any viral disease, but causes tremendous damage, as it reduces oxygen intake by 20 to 50 percent, depending on the type of mask. Instead, you are breathing your own CO2.

But that’s not all, the psychological damage done by forced mask wearing is tremendous. It’s sheer humiliation; it’s depressive. You talk to people, but you cannot recognize them in many cases, the voices are muffled, often difficult to understand – and the facial expression that says so much in a conversation is gone. Depressions have skyrocketed, and so have suicides. But the governments and the well-paid mainstream media, as well as the bought science, do not report about these disastrous effects.

About the “bought science”: Many people can simply not imagine the corrupt world we have become in the span of, say, two decades.

Let’s put the beginning of the countdown at 9/11.

That’s when the Big official lies started, and the coercion of the truth tellers took hold. Most scientists, police or other first-hand witnesses have families, they have a career, they have a steady income. They do not want “trouble”. And trouble can go from harassment, to job loss to death. This is no joke. That’s how the “system” works today. You are either in the Matrix and live a life of a certain comfort, or you take the Red Pill – and you are on your own.

Lately it has gone a step further – to the internet, “the goldmine” of all information, is being severely censored.

All inconvenient information is either completely deleted or is being “fact-checked’ away. If you check who is behind the fact-checkers, something most people don’t do, you see that they are big interest groups, in the case of covid, mostly pharmaceuticals, helped by Bill Gates et al. It is therefore ever more difficult to find referenced information.

Youtube just declared that any information, no matter how scientifically proven it is, that goes against the classical “climate change narrative” will be deleted. So simple. We are dominated, no – more than we – the TRUTH – is being dominated and manipulated by private interests.

Yes, the world needs a Great Reset, but no à la Klaus Schwab, not according to the WEF, but according to a design growing out of the people. That’s why solidarity and not submission is so important. – When do we wake up to this simple matter?

There are nevertheless some excellent exceptions. In the US at least Texas and Florida and others, mostly Republican States, do not follow the mask-wearing mandate, nor all the consequential narrative that goes with it, like testing. People are free to wear or not to wear. Most don’t wear. And the covid-incidence is actually also less than in other States, say California, where this absurd rule is strictly enforced. Maybe this “lesser covid incidence”, like in Texas, goes hand-in-hand, with the number of people who do not opt getting the jab and also, State Government reporting is more honest than in vaxx-mask-imposing states.

Something to think about.

To increase the cadence of fear – Bill Gates declared already in 2018 that there may be a much deadlier disease than covid waiting for humanity, a Marburg-R epidemic. See this.

It is a hemorrhagic fever which was first described in 1967, with a brief outbreak that killed 376 people. It’s described as being about as deadly as Ebola. In the video below is a message from Kieran Morrisey – University Hospital Manager, Dublin. See also this.

Real or false? It doesn’t matter. It’s first designed to instill fear, and fear, we now know, lowers our defense system and makes us vulnerable to obey orders – just what we as humanity should stop doing and becoming ourselves again: Sovereign human beings.

The next step is full digitization. Make-believe vaccination which are coerced by any means by the Biden Administration, which is a prime example for many European countries, and the QR-code are progressing fast, without the people not even noticing.

Don’t forget Agenda ID2020 – also a Bill Gates invention – is in full Swing. See this and this.

It’s now being tested in West Africa, where people have “volunteered” to partake in an exercise where they have access to their money only through a body-implanted “bank account”. This account can and is being monitored from outside. It’s part of what is awaiting us in the west as the great reset takes hold. See also this (last third of same video as above) Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, Horrific Findings Revealed.

To some extent it’s also being tested by some people in Sweden who have voluntarily implanted a chip under their skin that caried the details of their bank account. Maybe more and they don’t know it?

This is the future QR-codification of the world.

Therefore, be aware of what QR-codes are really destined for, what they can and will do in the future, if we do not stop them. It’s time and again the same question. We have to be aware – and we have to become free of fear, we have to become disobedient and instead becoming ourselves again. We have to return to what we were born to be, sovereign human beings.

And – we have no time to lose. We must act fast.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image: Public domain image from Wiki’s COVID-Protest page.

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That’s the one precept every religion has in common. The Golden Rule…None of us practice it. And if we did, a miracle would happen. Joy and justice would be inter-twined in our journeys! And the world we create because we’re writing our own history.

“Then, and then only, will there be light at the end of the tunnel!

– Paul Hellyer (From his last presentation to Winnipeg. Oct 20, 2016) [1]


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

Warm. Friendly. Courageous as hell. Gentle as a warm summer breeze.

Those are the thoughts I have of Paul Hellyer from his last visit to Winnipeg now more than five years ago. He left me and a crowd of well over a hundred people engaged in spite of not having particularly dynamic oratorical skills. Such were the power of the man, his ideas and the urgency with which he learned and taught his ideas to major cities all across the country.

Hellyer was a high profile federal cabinet minister in the 60s. He ran for the leadership of both the Liberal and the Progressive Conservative parties. In the late 90s he founded and led the Canadian Action Party. [2]

Mr. Hellyer was a Canadian nationalist and a political campaigner. He was notable essentially for his critiques of the Free Trade Agreements, beginning with the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement in the 1980s. But he was also a fervent believer in the Bank of Canada remaining a public bank, and remaining the prime lender at low or no rates of interest for major government projects as it was before that focus was removed by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1974. [3]

In spite of all his accomplishments, and him also being the longest serving member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, this author can personally attest to the complete lack of interest of a local visit by this man now past his 93rd birthday.[4]

Paul Hellyer has authored fifteen separate books including Agenda, a Plan for Action (1971), Funny Money: A common sense alternative to mainline economics (1994), One Big Party: To Keep Canada Independent (2003), The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis (2014), and Liberation! The Economics of Hope (2020)

And now, sadly, as Christmas approaches, Paul Hellyer will not be joining Winnipeggers, or anyone, to greet the holiday season. His long and exciting life came to a close on August 8 of this year.

To mark the passage of a dear member of the Canadian community, and a good friend, we present this tribute in audio made up of the voices of a number of individuals who knew his record and met him. We also include a brief message of his own from an except of our last full interview with him in 2016.

As a bonus, we include on this page a copy of his talk in Winnipeg.

Ronald Stagg is a Professor of History at Ryerson University. He has taught there over three decades. His research interests include Canadian social history and Canadian-American relations, and his teaching interests are in social protest and in the relationship between film and history.

Howard Bertram was a member of the Canadian Action Party, founded and led by Paul Hellyer.

Barrie Zwicker has been a journalist for a time spanning 7 decades. He is also a media critic and a documentary producer. He met Paul Hellyer in person during 9/11 visibility conference in 2004.

Rocco Galati has been a constitutional lawyer for 32 years. He is the Executive Director of the Constitutional Rights Centre Inc. In the past he won multiple suits against the government. Galati was named twice by Canadian Lawyers’ Magazine as one of Canada’s top 25 lawyers.

Grant Cameron is a UFOlogist. His  interests have turned to the involvement and actions of the President of the United States in the UFO problem. He has made over 20 trips to the National Archives and most of the various Presidential archives looking for presidential UFO material. HE recently wrote the book, THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT UFO STORY: The Wilbert Smith Files.

Victor Viggiani is the News Director of Zland Communications an international news service, and a close friend to Paul Hellyer.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 337)


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  2. Taylor C. Noakes (Aug 13, 2021), ‘Former federal defence minister Paul Hellyer dies at 98’, The Canadian Press;
  4. “Current Chronological List of Members of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada”. Privy Council Office. Archived from the original on February 15, 2016. Retrieved June 17, 2013.

Deathbed Use of Ivermectin to Save Lives Faces Major Obstacles

December 17th, 2021 by Joel S. Hirschhorn

Seriously ill patients facing death from late stage COVID infection increasingly face hospital protocols that have a terrible record of saving lives.  In fact, nearly all such patients die.  This explains why over 1,000 Americans are dying every day from COVID.  In a week, more people die from late stage COVID than died in the 9/11 attacks.  Yet this is not major news on mainstream media outlets.  Getting used to COVID deaths has produced complacency rather than rage.

As we approach 800,000 COVID related deaths in the US it is important to note that many and probably most of these occur in a hospital.  The evidence clearly shows that approved hospital protocols for seriously ill COVID patients in intensive care units are ineffective.

Patients suffer in ICUs on a ventilator, getting oxygen, perhaps a steroid, often with pneumonia, and worst of all being given remdesivir that has a terrible track record, does not save lives and has deadly side effects.  Staying many weeks in an ICU until they die means big money for the hospital.

Some may ask why doctors are not standing up and fighting for these patients, fighting to save their lives.  Few doctors are brave enough to stand up against the entire medical establishment to administer IVM to a dying patient. Almost all US physicians in hospitals have capitulated to the evil, ineffective public health system.  They rather let their COVID patients die than truly follow the science and save their lives.  So, here is the science case for this use of IVM.

Late stage COVID disease

Patients and their families desperate for a better outcome often find evidence for using IVM.  This usually happens after they see their relative getting worse and worse in the ICU as the hospital keeps using the government approved protocol.

In fact, there is some solid medical research that supports using IVM for late stage COVID disease.  Peter McCollough, the preeminent medical expert on COVID agrees there is a valid scientific explanation of why IVM works in late stage COVID infection.  Beyond its anti-viral character, it is also an anti-inflammatory medicine.

Here is the title of an April 2021 medical research study: “Anti-inflammatory activity of ivermectin in late-stage COVID-19 may reflect activation of systemic glycine receptors.”  It noted that “the clinical utility of ivermectin in the cytokine storm phase of COVID-19 reflects, at least in part, an anti-inflammatory effect.”

Dr. Pierre Kory, widely seen as a leading expert on IVM, has said: “In more advanced stages, the drug is useful thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.  Contrary to many other drugs, ivermectin is beneficial in all stages of the infection.”

A Yale University professor and renowned cancer researcher Dr. Alessandro Santin said “he has seen ivermectin work at every stage of COVID.”  He is positive about hospitalized patients receiving treatments like steroids and oxygen also getting IVM.  He noted that it can work “quelling the destructive cytokine storm in late infection.”  He said “Ivermectin can really be the game-changer against COVID-19.”  And reported seeing cancer patients “radically improve their shortness of breath and oxygenation” within 24 to 48 hours of their first dose.

A published medical 2021 study of patients hospitalized with confirmed severe acute COVID respiratory syndrome at a four-hospital consortium in South Florida.  There were 280 patients with 173 treated with IVM and 107 in the usual care group.  There were lower mortality rates in the group treated with IVM as compared with the group treated with usual care: 15.0% vs 25.2%, respectively, a big reduction in deaths.  Mortality was even lower for a subgroup of patients with severe pulmonary involvement (what most court cases are): 38.8% vs. 80.7% for IVM and usual care, respectively, a very significant result.  The study said: “We showed that ivermectin administration was associated significantly with lower mortality among patients with COVID-19, particularly in patients with more severe pulmonary involvement.”

To be clear: This controversial generic has been used globally for many years and is very safe and cheap.  The official public health system, however, does not support the use of IVM for addressing COVID despite its very wide use globally, including very successful use in India where its use has wiped out the pandemic in most of the country.  Normally, IVM has been used as an early treatment and with very successful outcomes; this being explained by the drug’s ability to kill the virus in the initial stage of COVID infection called viral replication.  The protocols of a number of front-line doctors include IVM who have used it for early treatment to keep patients out of the hospital and alive.

Using courts and fighting hospital opposition

Below are some case examples of critically ill patients seen as being on their death bed who were given IVM, when hospitals capitulated to court orders sought by family members, and then fully recovered!

In the past year there have been over 100 court cases trying to get access to IVM for very ill patients, usually for whom hospital doctors say have little chance of surviving.  Sadly, only about 10% of these legal actions have been successful.  Hospitals are literally killing late stage COVID victims by withholding IVM.  Few judges have been willing to conclude that what hospitals are doing are not saving lives and that it is medically and morally appropriate to give these patients a chance at recovering with IVM use.  There seems to be inadequate use of the medical evidence given above.

Nor has there been strong calls for CDC and FDA sanctioning use of IVM as compassionate off-label drug use for late-stage patients.

Case of Sun Ng, age 71

In Illinois  a court forced a hospital to capitulate to family demands to give a very sick elderly patient IVM.  The hospital used the approved ways to treat the patient, including the unsafe and very expensive drug remdesivir, intubation and ventilator use for a month in the ICU.  None of it worked and Mr. Ng was given only a 10 to 15% percent chance of surviving.

Ng’s only child, Man Kwan Ng, with a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering, did her own research and decided that her father should take IVM.  The hospital refused.  The daughter went to court.  Judge Paul M. Fullerton of the Circuit Court of DuPage County granted a temporary restraining order requiring the hospital to allow IVM be given to the patient.  As usual, this hospital refused to comply with the court order.  But the legal fight continued.  One physician who testified described Sun Ng as “basically on his death bed.”  The judge was informed IVM can have minor side effects such as dizziness, itchy skin, and diarrhea at the dosage suggested for Ng.  And the judge said that the “risks of these side effects are so minimal that Mr. Ng’s current situation outweighs that risk by one-hundredfold.”

The judge issued a preliminary injunction that day directing the hospital to “immediately allow … temporary emergency privileges” to Ng’s physician, Dr. Alan Bain, “solely to administer Ivermectin to this patient.”  [As of several months ago, Dr. Bain had treated over 40 patients with IVM.]  But the hospital resisted the order.  Then the judge admonished the hospital and restated that it must allow Bain inside over a period of 15 days to do his job.  Then the hospital filed a motion to stay the order but judge Fullerton denied it, again directing the hospital to comply.  The hospital finally gave in.  He passed a breathing test that he hadn’t been able to pass in the prior three weeks, looked more alert and aware.  The first dose of IVM showed immediate results and he got it for four days.  He recovered from COVID-19 and was discharged by the hospital some six weeks after admission.

The attorney in this case was Kirstin M. Erickson of Chicago-based Mauck and Baker.

New York cases

Ivermectin was at the center of three successful court cases in three upstate counties of New York involving hospitalized COVID patients – 65, 80 and 81 years old.  The three patients were in ICUs and on ventilators when given IVM and had little chance of living.  All were given IVM under court order and recovered and were discharged.

The attorney for these cases was Ralph Lorigo.  He has helped many families, with about 100 similar cases nationwide, he was the subject of an article titled “Ralph Lorigo has built a potentially lucrative brand as the go-to guy for desperate people willing to buck science in the pandemic’s fourth wave.  Lorigo called hospitals “arrogant” in the matter. “They only stick to their protocols,” he said. “It’s like they think they’re gods.  They wear white coats, but they’re not God.”  Absolutely correct.

The case that received the most attention was for a 80-year-old Buffalo woman with COVID whose feisty, take-no-prisoners family took a hospital to court.   Judith Smentkiewicz was on a ventilator when her family was told she’d likely spend another month in the ICU, where they gave her a 20 percent chance of survival.  The family did some research and read about IVM’s success.  They pressed an ICU doctor to give it, and, on day 12 of infection, he did.  Within 48 hours of a single dose, Smentkiewicz had improved so much that she was moved out of critical care.

But doctors on the new unit declined to continue IVM even as the woman’s condition declined.  The family went to court. The hospital fiercely objected.  Smenkiewicz’s personal physician for 20 years was called in.  “We reviewed the limited studies on the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 and recommend [his emphasis] she receive 15 mg orally Day 1, Day 3 and Day 5,” wrote Dr. Stephen Scravani in a letter to the court.  The judge ordered the treatment resumed.  The result, Smentkiewicz was released to a rehabilitation facility shortly, recovered from COVID.  “It is a miracle from where she was,” Lorigo said.

Texas case

A 74-year-old man battled his COVID infection for almost a month and was put on a ventilator.  Pete Lopez’s was previously prescribed IVM at a VA hospital, but was admitted before he was able to take it.  The family won a court order against Memorial Hermann in Sugar Land, Texas to treat him with IVM but the hospital refused to administer the drug.  And so, Lopez died.

Pennsylvania case

Keith Smith age 52 was on a ventilator in a medically induced coma from COVID.  His wife got a complicated court order to force the hospital to give IVM; but there were two frustrating days of lawyers negotiating its implementation.  The brief order denied the request for an emergency injunction to force UPMC [hospital] to administer IVM.  However, the order directed UPMC to allow the doctor who had prescribed the drug or another physician or registered nurse to administer it under the doctor’s “guidance and supervision.”  Like most situations there was a legal battle.  After too long a delay, about a month, Smith, who was getting dialysis treatment received his first dose of IVM.  Sadly, he died.  IVM works, but if major body organs are devastated with use of the standard protocol, it can be too late for IVM to save the life.

Virginia case

Kathy Davies was hospitalized for several months, including being placed on a ventilator and given remdesivir that has a terrible record compared to IVM.  According to attorney Thomas Renz, the death rate for COVID patients prescribed remdesivir (26%) exceeds the fatality rate of COVID patients prescribed ivermectin, which is recorded by the CMS database at 7.2%.

Her family fought for several weeks for her to get IVM.  But hospital doctors refused, so the family hired a legal team, and the court hearing the case said the patient had the right to try IVM, if it was prescribed by her doctor.  But the hospital blocked the doctor.

The hospital in Warrenton, Virginia, was held in contempt by a court that had authorized the use of IVM treatment for Davies according to a report from Just the News.  Fauquier Health was ordered to provide the dose authorized by the court or it could be fined.  Supposedly the hospital agreed to comply – following a week of arguing with the court.  But it did not.

Next, as the report confirmed, “Judge James. P. Fisher, of the 20th Judicial Court of Virginia, agreed with the arguments presented by the Davies family attorney and ruled to hold the hospital in contempt of court and compel the $10,000 a day fines, which could be applied retroactively.  The hospital, at this point, complied and allowed the Ivermectin to be administered to the long-suffering patient.”

After 41 days on a ventilator, Kathy received her first dose of IVM and continues receiving it.

Florida Case

In November it was reported that a Florida teacher who drew national attention for trying to get a hospital to administer her IVM died from COVID.  Tamara Drock, 47, died 12 weeks after being admitted to Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center for treatment.  Her husband sued the hospital in an attempt to require it to administer IVM.   “If she had walked out of the hospital, she could have had the medication.  Every person in Florida has a constitutional right to choose what is done with their own body,” he said.  A doctor at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center agreed to give Drock IVM, but the family’s attorney, Jake Huxtable, said the proposed dosage was too low.  Palm Beach County Circuit Judge James Nutt rejected the initial lawsuit.  This case brought up the option that has not been widely seen, namely late stage COVID patients leaving the hospital if they could arrange for an independent doctor providing IVM.

Montana and Idaho conflicts

One Montana hospital went into lockdown and called police after a woman threatened violence because her relative was denied IVM.  Another Montana hospital accused public officials of threatening and harassing their health care workers for refusing to treat a politically connected COVID patient with IVM or hydroxychloroquine, that 82-year-old patient died.  And in neighboring Idaho, police had to be called to a hospital after a COVID patient’s relative verbally abused her and threatened physical violence because she would not prescribe IVM or hydroxychloroquine.  These three conflicts occurred from September to November.

Several Illinois cases

In May, a DuPage County judge ordered Elmhurst Hospital to allow a comatose COVID patient to receive IVM after none of its physicians agreed to administer it.  The woman’s daughter said she improved and ultimately returned home after an outside doctor gave her the drugs.

A Springfield judge reached a different conclusion, ruling against a woman seeking to force Memorial Medical Center to provide IVM to her 61-year-old husband, who reportedly had been hospitalized with COVID for nearly six weeks.

In another case, friends and supporters of Veronica Wolski, besieged Chicago’s Amita Health Resurrection Medical Center with hundreds of calls and emails demanding that Wolski, who was hospitalized with COVID-related pneumonia, be given IVM.  The hospital said it did not use IVM to treat COVID, and Wolsk soon died.

In another DuPage case, court documents show a winding road that led Leslie Pai, a 68-year-old photographer, to Advocate Condell’s intensive care unit.  According to the lawsuit, Pai entered NorthShore Glenbrook Hospital with COVID- on Aug. 31.  She was already taking IVM as a preventive measure and brought some to the hospital, but according to the complaint, officials there threw it out, saying it was not allowed in the facility.  The staff at NorthShore Glenbrook wouldn’t budge in their opposition to IVM, the complaint said, so on Sept. 11 Tiffany Wilson had her mother transferred to Advocate Condell, where she was placed on a ventilator and put into a medical coma.  Advocate Condell doctors weren’t willing to give her IVM, either, so Wilson filed suit in DuPage County, home of the hospital’s parent company.  Hayes granted a temporary injunction allowing an outside physician, Dr. Alan Bain, to give her the drug.  But things did not go well because hospital doctors said Pai had harmful effects from IVM.

The hospital’s lawyers said Pai had received a “mega dose” of the drug, but Jon Minear, one of Pai’s attorneys, said doctors misunderstood the dosage Bain prescribed.  He added that her medical records indicated that her condition had improved.  The daughter Wilson in an affidavit said her research into IVM led her to believe its risks are “infinitesimally small,” and that it offers her mother an excellent chance at a full recovery.  The hospital maintained its opposition and the legal battle continued.

Kentucky case

A judge denied a request to force doctors at a Louisville hospital to treat a COVID patient with IVM.  Angela Underwood filed a lawsuit in Jefferson County Circuit Court to compel doctors at Norton Brownsboro Hospital to give her husband, Lonnie IVM; she represented herself in the case.  “As a Registered Nurse, I demand my husband be administered ivermectin whether by a Norton physician or another health care provider of my choosing including myself if necessary,” Underwood wrote in her complaint, which was later amended to request her husband be treated with “intravenous vitamin c.”  Jefferson Circuit Judge Charles Cunningham wrote in a ruling that the court “cannot require a hospital to literally take orders from someone who does not routinely issue such orders.”  Cunningham wrote that Underwood could try to find a hospital that “believes in the efficacy of these therapies.”  “This is impractical because it is likely that no such hospital in the United States, or certainly in this region, agrees with Plaintiff,” Cunningham wrote. “Moreover, her husband’s medical circumstances may make such a transfer unjustifiably risky.  Interestingly, initially, Circuit Court Judge Judith McDonald-Burkman did order the hospital to treat Underwood with IVM “if medically indicated and ordered by an appropriate physician,” and that judge granted “emergency injunction to administer intravenous Vitamin C.”  But Cunningham stepped in as judge at some point.

Ohio case

An Ohio judge ruled that a local hospital cannot be compelled to give IVM to a COVID patient.  Common Pleas Court Judge Michael Oster Jr. issued the ruling as a 14-day temporary injunction granted by a different judge expired.  Julie Smith asked for an emergency order for the use of IVM for her husband Jeffrey Smith, 51.  He was in the intensive care unit of a Butler County hospital for weeks.  Initially, Judge Gregory Howard gave the go-ahead to Dr. Fred Wagshul’s prescription of 30 milligrams of IVM daily for three weeks, as requested by his wife.

The second judge wrote that Smith and her lawyers did not overcome the high burden needed to maintain the injunction.  Oster said there was no clear evidence that IVM is effective against COVID-presented in court and that he must also consider the rights of the hospital and the impact that forcing a hospital to give a drug could have.  “The FDA, CDC, AMA and APhAA and the doctors of West Chester Hospital do not believe that ivermectin should be used to treat COVID-19,” Oster wrote.  He said that Jeffrey Smith could be moved to another hospital where the drug could be administered.  Kelly Martin, spokeswoman for UC Health which operates West Chester Hospital, said “We do not believe that hospitals or clinicians should be ordered to administer medications and/or therapies, especially unproven medications and/or therapies, against medical advice.”


There is no consistency among all these cases.  With one exception.  Hospitals invariably fight all attempts by families, attorneys and courts to get IVM to seriously ill COVID patients.  They are totally on the side of the government and refuse to acknowledge benefits from IVM use in late stage COVID disease.  Like government agencies, hospitals are unwilling to follow medical science, even in the face of failure of government approved protocols for such patients.

While there has been some success with patients recovering because of IVM, in many cases patients die because they get IVM too late or not at an effective dose.

Most judges seem unwilling to see the near certainty of death being outweighed by the possibility that IVM can save a life.  They are stubbornly wed to the idea that hospitals and their doctors know what works best, despite the very high death rate for late stage COVID patients put on the normal protocol.

Emergency preparation

More people should think about taking these actions:

1. Have a stock of IVM in your household.

2. Line up an independent physician who does not work for any hospital or health care corporation; even if only available through telemedicine.

3. If a love one gets stricken with late stage COVID, is seriously ill and gets hospitalized and is given the standard care protocol, be prepared to take that person out of the hospital (without hospital approval), to your home where IVM can be administered, preferably with guidance on dosage from a physician that is pro-IVM.  This should be considered after just a week or so in an ICU and preferably before being put on a ventilator.

4. This sounds drastic, but staying in the hospital on a ventilator for weeks in an ICU is in almost all cases a death sentence.

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Mr. Blue and Maria: A Musical Dream

December 17th, 2021 by Edward Curtin

Sixty years ago in the late fall and early winter, a seventeen-year-old blue-eyed Bronx boy went by himself to see an afternoon showing of West Side Story on Fordham Road in the north Bronx. 

He took the bus to the theater but walked the few miles home in a romantic daze, in love with Maria and yearning for a girl like that for himself.

The movie had mesmerized him, and though he knew about gang fights and the enmity between different ethnic groups, especially white prejudice against Puerto Ricans and blacks, he had never been involved in such violence. 


It was real and not-real for him, and he was smart enough to realize that a movie was not real life and that great music had the anodyne power to enchant, and together with colorful moving pictures it could put one into a dream state that could be very powerful.


West Side Story (1961)


There was a reason why Hollywood was called the “Dream Factory.”

But he liked to dream and went to the movies to lose himself in fantasy like so many others. But West Side Story had hit him especially hard, and as he walked home through the winding streets, he felt unreal, as though the spell the movie cast on him was everlasting.  He wanted to be Tony, not dead but alive, and Tony taking Maria away from the violent streets to a somewhere place where love and happiness were possible.

His fascination, however, was tinged with foreboding, a sense that despite what felt like a window of optimism and hope in 1961 with the new young president John Kennedy in the White House, something bad was coming round the corner or whistling down the sky since shortly before the U.S. and the Soviet Union had faced off with tanks at the recently erected Berlin Wall, and weird things were happening around the world such as the Bay of Pigs invasion earlier in the year and the recent death of the Secretary General of the UN Dag Hammarskjöld, one of the boy’s heroes. (image right)

In those years before cynicism swept the country, people had heroes, as did the boy: his father, JFK, Hammarskjöld, Paul Newman, and the basketball star Bob Cousy, obviously different in kind and stature.

For the boy was a romantic at heart but his head thought dark thoughts. He didn’t know why, but he felt an odd mixture of hope and dread, and he kept thinking of Tony and Maria and how they fell in love at first sight. He wondered if this was just a movie thing. Was it fate that Tony got shot?

He kept thinking back to seven years earlier when his seven-year-old cousin accidentally shot and killed his nine-year-old brother and the weirdness of accidents and horrible evil and love and sex and death and how his blue-eyed red-haired sister had married her Puerto Rican boyfriend despite the sick norms of the time – his mind was a merry-go-round of inchoate thoughts and impressions going in circles till the music stopped when he got home without a partner to share his deepest thoughts with, and no hand to hold – and so he went twice more by himself to see the movie, hoping to discover some secret embedded in its tale, thinking that perhaps the beautiful music hid a revelation and so he would have to listen again and again.

He kept all this to himself, not daring to share his heart’s desires and fears with anyone, since he was an athlete and the only boy with seven sisters and his role was to be strong and brave and stoic and swallow his loneliness.

The previous month he had come out of high school basketball practice on East 85th St. in Manhattan in the early evening only to ask a stranger for the time. The stranger in the tan cap and coat was his hero Paul Newman, the star of the recently released movie The Hustler in which he played Fast Eddie Felson, the pool hustler.

The boy, who loved movies and went dreaming in them, had identified with Newman and his character’s desire to win, and when Newman, who introduced himself as Paul, very nicely took a few minutes to ask his name and talk to the boy about his school and basketball, the boy was thrilled, and the thrill was compounded when Newman called after him as the boy was leaving, “See you later, Fast Eddie.”

They shared blue eyes and for some reason blue now seemed to color so much of what the boy saw and felt, the blue of the open sky’s freedom and the blueness of Tony’s eyes and his death and the Virgin Mary blueness of the aptly names Maria of the dark eyes, just like the talismanic miraculous medal of Blessed Mary that hung around the boy’s neck, kept there to protect and guide him to something that felt just out of reach and that perhaps he needed a miracle to reach.  Who knows?  He didn’t, but he felt that something was coming if he could only wait in hope, something very hard to do with his impetuous and passionate nature.

He had just gotten into a stupid fight at a basketball practice with Louis Alcindor, who later became Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, which left him feeling weird and wondering about young men and fighting and now he had just seen Tony get killed in a tragic twist of fate in a game run by forces bigger than the Sharks and the Jets could imagine. What did it mean to win?  And even though Tony wasn’t real, only an actor playing a part, his death resounded in the boy’s mind, just as did Maria’s anguish as she held her dying lover.

Somewhere someday, he thought, love might conquer all this madness and we’ll find a new way of living and I’ll find my Maria and it will be love at first sight.

The next year the boy went with a friend to The Gaslight Café in Greenwich Village. It was around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis when the world teetered on the edge of nuclear war.

The unknown blue-eyed Bob Dylan was performing there that fall and it was when he first sang

“A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.” 

The boy kept hearing his words: “And what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?

And what’ll you do now, my darling young one?”

And a hard rain did fall, although nuclear war was avoided, Kennedy was soon shot dead for seeking peace between two gangs far more deadly than the Sharks and the Jets.


And the boy had to decide what he would do, for the music played on but nobody was listening and there were guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children and napalm and rifles in the hands of young men in distant jungles.

He wondered if there really was a place for us somewhere, a place to find a new way of living, for it didn’t seem like this was the time for it with blood everywhere, bad blood, good blood, puddles of blood, streams of blood, blood in the songs and songs in the blood, Dallas, New York, Memphis, the city of Angels, Saigon, San Juan, Hanoi down through the years as he wandered in tears and wondered where it was all going, all this blood.

Blue entered his soul, a blueness of the deepest deep that was not a technicolor blue but a Billie Holiday blue, the Bronx buried Billie near the boy’s dead young cousin Jimmy, dead with a bullet to the heart because of an adult’s carelessness, the adults who made the wars in the ghettos and the jungles and caused the deaths of so many all across the world, those unfeeling ones who killed Billie and Bobby and Jimmy and Tony and Johnny and Bernardo, and did their best to try to extinguish blue skies in the hearts of young people everywhere, to drug them and wipe their minds clean of hope and idealism and the feeling that miracles could happen and the world is full of light with suns and moons all over the place, wild and bright going mad, shooting sparks into space because love is found and love abides.

For the boy, as he walked through the years and became a man, the blueness in his soul always also harbored a certain blue that counteracted the blues, a blue like singing the blues defeats the darkness.  For him it was this inner image of Maria, Mary, Marie, the lady in blue, the Blessed one, the mother of all sorrows and hope that kept him company all along his journeys and sang to him as she held his hand.

Who can explain it, who can tell you why?  He wasn’t foolish enough to try.  One day, the boy who became the man, now a reluctant young professor, walked into a room to teach a course on death and meaning, and there was his beautiful Maria looking at him, she of the long dark hair and dark eyes, resurrected, and he saw her and the world went away, death departed, they stared at each other spell-bound, and he knew this wasn’t a movie but was real love at first sight.  Time flew away and yet a hard rain kept falling and it’s falling still.

The sky still weeps and the blood keeps a-flowing.  The boy learned to tell it and “speak it and think it and breathe it and reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it,” and is still doing his best. He and Maria, no longer young, just went to the movies together to see the remake of West Side Story.

The theater was nearly empty. He was expecting to find much to criticize.  Instead, he found Tony and Maria again and the same old story, the fight for love and glory for a new time and place but with new faces in the same race to defeat the old hate that never seems to die.  It was only a movie.  But as he took Maria’s hand he knew that love abides, and he whispered to himself: “Always you, every thought I’ll ever know/Everywhere I go you’ll be, you and me.”  It was a miracle, not a dream.

Edward Curtin, prominent author, researcher and sociologist, Western Massachusetts, U.S.

Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

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Putin, Xi Running Circles around Biden’s Hybrid War

December 17th, 2021 by Pepe Escobar

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin spent an hour and 14 minutes in a video conversation on Wednesday. Geopolitically, paving the way for 2022, this is the one that really matters – much more than Putin-Biden a week ago.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, who generally carefully measures his words, had previously hinted that this exchange would be “extremely important.”

It was obvious the two leaders would not only exchange information about the natural gas pipeline Power of Siberia 2. But Peskov was referring to prime time geopolitics: how Russia-China would be coordinating their countercoups against the hybrid war/Cold War 2.0 combo deployed by the US and its allies.

While no substantial leaks were expected from the 37th meeting between Xi and Putin since 2013 (they will meet again in person in February 2022, at the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics), Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov did manage to succinctly deliver at least two serious bits of information.

These are the highlights of the call:

Moscow will inform Beijing about the progress, or lack thereof, in negotiations with the US/NATO on security guarantees for Russia. Beijing supports Moscow’s demands on US/NATO for these Putin and Xi agreed to create an “independent financial structure for trade operations that could not be influenced by other countries.” Diplomatic sources, off the record, say the structure may be announced by a joint summit in late 2022.

They discussed the Biden-hosted “Summit for Democracy,” concluding it was counterproductive and imposed new dividing lines.

Of all of the above, the third point is the real game-changer – already in the works for a few years now, and gaining definitive momentum after Washington hawks of the Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland kind recently floated the idea of expelling Russia from SWIFT – the vast messaging network used by banks and other financial institutions to make money transfer instructions – as the ultimate sanctions package for the non-invasion of Ukraine.

Putin and Xi once again discussed one of their key themes in bilaterals and BRICS meetings: the need to keep increasing the share of the yuan and ruble in mutual settlements – bypassing the US dollar – and opening new stock market avenues for Russian and Chinese investors.

Bypassing a SWIFT mechanism “influenced by third counties” then becomes a must. Ushakov diplomatically put it as “the need to intensify efforts to form an independent financial infrastructure to service trade operations between Russia and China.”

Russian energy businesses, from Gazprom to Rosneft, know all there is to know not only about US threats but also about the negative effects of the tsunami of US dollars flooding the global economy via the Fed’s quantitative easing.

This Russia-China drive is yet another dimension of geoeconomic, geostrategic and demographic power rapidly shifting towards Eurasia and possibly foreshadowing the advent of a new world system related to other matters Putin-Xi certainly discussed: the interconnection of Belt and Road with the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), the expanded reach of the  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the coming Chinese presidency of BRICS in 2022.

The US – with US$30 trillion in debt, 236% of its militarized GDP – is virtually bankrupt. Russia-China have already experimented with their alternative payment systems, which will inevitably integrate.

The most important banks in both countries will adopt the system – as well as banks across Eurasia doing business with them, and then vast swaths of the Global South. SWIFT, in the long run, will be used only in exceptional cases if China and Russia have their way.

Maidan redux

Now to the heart of the geopolitical puzzle.

Ushakov confirmed that the Russian Federation has submitted proposals on security guarantees to the US. As Putin himself had confirmed even before talking to Xi, it’s all about “indivisible security”: a mechanism that has been enshrined all across the territory of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe since a 1975 summit in Helsinki.

Predictably, under orders of the powers that be, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg already rejected it.

Both Xi and Putin clearly identify how Team Biden is deploying a strategic polarization gambit under good old divide-and-rule. The wishful thinking at play is to build a pro-American bloc – with participants ranging from the UK and Australia to Israel and Saudi Arabia – to “isolate” Russia-China.

That’s what’s behind the narrative thunderously splashed non-stop all across the West – to which Biden’s Summit for Democracy was also tied. Taiwan is being manipulated against Beijing while Ukraine is being literally weaponized against Russia. “China aggression” meets “Russian aggression.”

Beijing has not fallen into the trap but has asserted at different levels that Taiwan will eventually be integrated into the mainland motherland, without any ludicrous “invasion.” And the wishful thinking that massive American pressure will lead to cracks inside the Chinese Communist Party is also likely generating zero traction.

Ukraine is a much more volatile proposition: a dysfunctional nightmare of systemic instability, widespread corruption, shady oligarchic entanglements and poverty.

Washington still follows the Zbigniew Brzezinski-concocted Maidan plan laid out for cookie distributor Nuland in 2014. Yet seven years later, no American “strategist” managed to understand why Russia would fail to invade Ukraine, which has been part of Russia for centuries.

For these “strategists”, it’s imperative that Russia faces a second Vietnam, after Afghanistan in the 1980s. Well, it’s not going to happen because Moscow has no interest whatsoever in “invading” Ukraine.

It does get more complicated. The ultimate fear dictating all US foreign policy since the early 20th century is the possibility of Germany clinching a new version of Bismarck’s 1887 Reinsurance Treaty with Russia.

Add China to the combination and these three actors are able to control just about the entire Eurasian landmass. Updating Mackinder, the US would then be turned into a geopolitically irrelevant island.

Putin-Xi may have examined not only how the imperial hybrid war tactics against them are floundering against them, as well as how the tactics are dragging Europe further into the abyss of irrelevance.

For the EU, as former British diplomat Alastair Crooke points out, the strategic balanceis a disaster:

“The EU has virtually ruptured its relations with both Russia and China – at the same time. Washington’s hawks wanted it. A ‘European Brzezinski’ certainly would have advised the EU differently: never lose both in tandem – you are never that powerful.”

No wonder the leadership in Moscow-Beijing can’t take anyone in Brussels seriously – be it assorted NATO chihuahuas or the spectacularly incompetent Ursula von der Leyen at the European Commission.

A faint ray of light is that Paris and Berlin, unlike the Russophobic Poland and the Baltic fringe, at least prefer having some sort of negotiation with Moscow over Ukraine as opposed to slapping on extra sanctions.

Now imagine Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explaining the ABCs of foreign policy to a clueless Annalena “Grune” Baerbock, now posing as German foreign minister while displaying a fresh mix of incompetence and aggressiveness. She actually placed the phone call.

Lavrov had to meticulously explain the consequences of NATO expansion; the Minsk agreement; and how Berlin should exercise its right to pressure Kiev to respect Minsk.

No leaks about it should be expected from Ushakov. But it’s fair to imagine that with “partners” like the US, NATO and the EU, Xi and Putin should conclude that China and Russia don’t even need enemies.

Follow Pepe Escobar on Twitter: @RealPepeEscobar

Pepe Escobar is a frequent contributor to Global Research

The Digital Dehumanisation of Mankind

December 17th, 2021 by Julian Rose

“Raymond Kurzweil is described in Wikipedia as “an American inventor and futurist. He is involved in fields such as optical character recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments” 


Ray Kurzweil doesn’t have a God to honour. He has a machine, and he wants us all to shift to this digital version of the divine. He wants us to become super-computers in all but name. He calls it ‘the singularity’, a name with a quasi-religious ring to it. The singularity stands for ‘the fusion of the real with the synthetic’. 

Kurzweil sees this as a supreme act that will end the need for human evolution by transferring the meaning and purpose of life into a ‘real-time’ electro-digital encyclopedia composed of trillions of soulless electrical circuits that ape what we call ‘knowledge’.

He’s not alone in this way of thinking, there’s Zuckerberg, Schwab, Musk and who knows who else.  And then there’s a whole trail of followers stretching out behind, all travelling the same way. Tens of millions, if not billions of them. They don’t describe themselves as believers in ‘the singularity’, they simply worship the same digital totem and allow it to gradually take-over their lives – megabyte by megabyte, gigabyte by gigabyte – until they can no longer be described as human. 

When you see people constantly looking downwards, you realise that they are metamorphosing into something less than human. Aspiration – the desire to grow, learn and be more than one is – is an upward moving action. The impulse of aspiration to a state of higher consciousness, is an upwardly rising movement. As a tree or flower reaches for the light, so do we humans.

But those seduced by their cell phones, I pods, tabs et al. always look down. Down into a place where the only light is the LED powered glow on the face of their appliance.

Slowly but surely humans are being transformed into that which they are addicted to. They are losing their ability to see and respond to the actual Light, their guiding angel and innate link with universal cosmic consciousness. They are loosing their humanity. Their soul is being overridden, short-circuited, deleted.

Whenever one sits in front of a glowing screen one is the subject of hypnosis. One is subconsciously becoming reliant upon that which is the gateway technology into another world of being and perceiving: ‘a virtual world’.

Kurzweil and those billions who adopt his fascination with a virtual existence, are placing a great burden on the rest of life. They are dead weight imposed upon living matter. They are the receivers and transmitters of distorted energy fields – and these fields pollute the natural vibratory fields responsible for the health and well being of all living matter.

People who only look down ‘shed’ their negative vibrations on others in their vicinity. This is a vibratory reality. And when coupled with the actual EMF radiation emanating from that to which they are addicted, the circadian rhythms of the biosphere are drowned-out by a pervasive electro smog.

The Schumann Resonance (7.86 Hertz) which maintains balance of the natural environment, including humans, wildlife and plant life, is pushed into the background, while the synthetic radiation frequencies beamed out from 3,4,5G towers and transmitters, become the predominant energy field. 

A voltage field that is dispersed and accentuated by the little pocket time bombs that some 95% of those living and working in Western societies cannot bear to part company with. 

But when your best friend is a machine you easily fall victim to its powers.

Man’s love-affair with technology has intensified with each passing decade. There has always been a fascination with that which appears to make daily life more navigable and more ‘convenient’. 

But the price to be paid for the ever more high-tech and ‘unrepairable’ digitalised props of the modern age, is far too high. They cannot simply be dismissed as something ‘one can’t do without’. 

Food, water, clothes, shelter and medicine belong in that category, but not convenience technologies that kill.

We humans are not machines. We have sensitive physical bodies, astoundingly brilliant brains and exquisite powers of perception and spirituality. The role of the machine is to support this condition, not to override it. To accentuate a creative ‘human scale’ sense of proportion and responsiveness in daily life.

Today’s multifarious tech toys have been weaponised. They were born out of military research and development. They were conceived and designed as intentional weapons and surveillance tools, combined into one.

They come with no health warning, aside from some precautionary small print, less obvious than that associated with plastic toys. Children are urged to enter into long-term relationships with these toxic electro magnetic play things, and with the virtual worlds they draw their owners into – like moths to the flame. They are military accessories, sweetened and domesticated into tools of ‘friendly’ torture. Silent weapons seductively distorting the divine human condition.

Now we begin to see the dire results of having adopted such a blind degree of faith in the fake one-eyed god called ‘progress’, with its Faustian promise of taking us ever closer to the promised land of technological perfection. The transmutation of warm, spontaneous, creative human beings into sterile, soulless cyborgs. 

That is the Kurzweil, Zuckerberg, Gates and Schwab agenda for the future of humanity; “genocide of the human soul”.

So guard your precious, responsive souls with your very life. Never let them be technologically enslaved. Give them the true breathing space they need to make themselves known to you. 

For your soul alone knows the true direction to the Promised Land.

Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. He is co-founder of HARE The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology see Julian’s acclaimed book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see 

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U.S. military members involved in a lawsuit challenging the military’s COVID vaccine mandate on Dec. 10 filed an amended complaint seeking a new injunction.

The move came after a judge last month rejected the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) assertion the Pfizer-BioNTech and Comirnaty COVID vaccines are “interchangeable, but before the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Marines began discharging unvaccinated service members.

In an interview with The Defender, attorney Travis Miller, who represents the 18 plaintiffs in Doe et al v. Austin, told The Defender:

“Our clients face comparable challenges. As our amended complaint alleges, the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s] ‘approval’ of the Comirnaty vaccine excluded testing on large segments of the American population, including those with previous COVID-19 infections (an alleged 3% of trial participants), pregnant women, and individuals with serious pre-existing conditions.

“The clinical trials were inappropriately truncated, with trial participants being observed for an average of four months, instead of the FDA’s recommended period of one to two years.”

On Nov. 12, U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida denied plaintiffs’ original request for a preliminary injunction against the military’s vaccine mandate.

However, in his order denying the injunction, Judge Winsor acknowledged that under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) statute, “recipients of EUA drugs must be ‘informed’ … of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product.”

Judge Winsor also pointed out that DOD’s guidance documents explicitly state only FDA-licensed COVID vaccines are mandated.

While this would be applicable to the Comirnaty vaccine, the judge noted:

“The plaintiffs have shown that the DOD is requiring injections from vials not labeled ‘Comirnaty.’ Indeed, defense counsel could not even say whether vaccines labeled ‘Comirnaty’ exist at all.”

Miller said the FDA’s “wrongful conclusion” that two distinct vaccines can be ‘interchangeable’” is one of the claims in the amended complaint.

Miller told The Defender:

“Τhe FDA incorrectly determined that the EUA Pfizer vaccine can be used interchangeably with the licensed Comirnaty vaccine. Whether the FDA can make that determination is currently being litigated. And this FDA determination presents a significant problem for military service members. With the Comirnaty vaccine being unavailable, those in the military are improperly being forced to take an EUA vaccine.”

DOD violated own vaccine mandate guidance, plaintiffs allege

The plaintiffs’ amended complaint cites five primary causes of action, including two new causes related to the FDA’s “wrongful conclusion that two distinct vaccines can be ‘interchangeable.’”

Miller said black letter law states products issued under a EUA are rescinded once a fully licensed alternative becomes available.

On this basis, the plaintiffs filed a claim of action in relation to the armed services’ violation of the DOD’s own vaccine mandate, wherein service members are being mandated to receive the vaccines administered under a EUA instead of the Comirnaty vaccine, which the military claims is “unavailable.”

As part of their amended complaint, the plaintiffs are now once again requesting injunctive relief from the court, including declaratory judgment from the “unlawful” mandate, which they argue is in violation of AR 40-562, DOD procedural requirements, the APA, and federal informed consent laws.

Furthermore, the plaintiffs are requesting a declaratory judgment on the basis that federal law only permits fully licensed vaccines to be mandated for members of the armed service, and to that end, “implementation of the mandate are [sic] unlawful to the extent that they permit or require an EUA product to be administered pursuant to the mandate.”

The plaintiffs additionally request that any implementation of the DOD vaccine mandate be enjoined, that plaintiffs “with natural immunity due to previous infection are entitled to a medical exemption from COVID-19 vaccination under AR 40-562,” and that the DOD and the armed services be enjoined from treating the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine “as if” it were the licensed Comirnaty vaccine, and that this practice be declared unlawful.

The FDA is also the target of the plaintiffs’ claims for relief, as they are requesting that the FDA’s approval of the Comirnaty vaccine be declared unlawful, and that this decision be vacated and remanded, “for reconsideration consistent with [applicable] laws and regulations.”

Accordingly, the plaintiffs further request that a declaratory judgment be issued against the FDA presenting it from simultaneously treating “the same product as an EUA product and licensed product for the same indication and use” or using the BioNTech and Comirnaty vaccines “interchangeably” or in a way where they can be “substituted” for each other.

As The Defender reported, even though the Comirnaty vaccine was fully licensed by the FDA, an EUA for the very same vaccine was also issued, shielding it from liability laws applicable only to licensed products.

Trial is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022.

At stake for plaintiffs: health, livelihoods and careers

The amended complaint introduced each of the individual service members and their unique circumstances, ranging from the non-availability of the licensed Comirnaty vaccine, to rejection of medical and religious exemptions and other pre-existing health risks.

Miller said for the plaintiffs, there is more at stake than the refusal to take a vaccine for any reason, or the willingness of some to only receive a licensed vaccine.

“What’s at stake for refusing this vaccine? Everything. Their careers, their livelihoods, everything they’ve sacrificed and worked for,” Miller said.

The plaintiffs, and their reasons for refusal, are summarized below:

  • Army Major and board-certified family physician Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, who was stationed in Arizona as the medical director for Fort Huachuca, was relieved and suspended from treating patients, due to his granting medical exemptions from the DOD mandate to several of his patients, and for prescribing alternative treatments, including Ivermectin. He subsequently received a negative counseling statement and is the subject of a pending investigation due to his refusal, based on applicable legal and ethical principles, to provide the names of his patients that were granted medical exemptions.
  • Air Force Master Sergeant Nickolas Kupper, stationed at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, had previously applied for, and been granted, exemptions from other required vaccines. He has also recovered from a previous COVID infection. His requests for medical and religious exemptions are pending. He confirmed, both from his base immunologist and from a Pfizer representative, that the Comirnaty vaccine is unavailable. He has submitted a complaint to the DOD inspector general regarding the validity of the order to take an unlicensed EUA vaccine.
  • Air Force Captain Taylor Roberts, stationed in New Mexico, requested a medical exemption based on a genetic predisposition to increased likelihood of adverse requests from vaccination. While this exemption was temporarily granted, it was subsequently revoked. He has also challenged the lawfulness of the vaccination order on the basis of being asked to take the EUA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine instead of the Comirnaty vaccine. This complaint was, however, dismissed.
  • Air Force Captain Jordan Karr is stationed at Hurlburt Field, Fla. She is a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP) and would likely be injured by the vaccine due to a medical disorder. She has been told that the Comirnaty vaccine is unavailable and that she would be required to take an EUA-labeled vaccine.
  • Air Force Master Sergeant Joseph Connell, stationed in Hurlburt Field, Fla., had his medical exemption request, submitted in relation to his prior history with cancer, denied.
  • Air Force Captain Sean Cothran, stationed at Hurlburt Field, Fla., was refused a medical exemption on the basis of prior infection and natural immunity. He did not receive a response from his base’s immunology department regarding the availability of the licensed Comirnaty vaccine.
  • Air Force Captain Blake Morgan, stationed at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., also submitted a request for an exemption based on prior exemption, via a positive serology test. This request was denied, and he has been required to cancel mission-critical travel as a result.
  • Similarly, Marine Corps Major Eric Kaltrider, stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC, was denied a medical exemption based on previous infection. As a result, he has been withdrawn from assignment.
  • Non-commissioned Air Force officer David Lund, stationed at Fort Walton Beach, Fla., was also told that the licensed Comirnaty vaccine was not available. His objection, based on a previous COVID-19 infection, was rejected, and he was obliged to receive the EUA Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.
  • Air Force Staff Sergeant Samuel Craymer, stationed at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, inquired about the availability of the Comirnaty vaccine after receiving his vaccination orders in September. He was told that it was unavailable and that he was required to take an EUA vaccine, and was shown several vials of the vaccine being administered, which was the Pfizer-BioNTech EUA vaccine. Upon challenging the lawfulness of the order to take the EUA vaccine via a complaint filed with the DOD Inspector General, he received an Article 15 violation for “failing to follow a lawful order.” A religious accommodation request remains pending.
  • Similarly, Air Force Major Kacy Dixon, in response to the vaccination order she received, inquired about the availability of the licensed Comirnaty vaccine from pharmacies and other healthcare providers. Upon being told it was unavailable, she sought clarification as to whether she was being obliged to take an unlicensed vaccine, and was informed that she must take the “interchangeable” Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Her subsequent request for a medical waiver on the basis of “lack of [licensed] vaccine supply” was denied, as was her appeal. Moreover, her request for a medical exemption, filed because she is breastfeeding, was also denied.
  • Brain Stermer, Sergeant First Class in the Army Reserve stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, also was previously infected with COVID-19. He has also challenged the legality of the vaccination orders obliging him to receive an EUA vaccine due to the unavailability of the Comirnaty product. He has been threatened with administrative action and separation from the Army if he does not comply.
  • Marine Corps Major Nicholas Harwood, stationed at Camp Pendleton, California, also was informed that the Comirnaty vaccine was unavailable. In response to his refusal of the EUA vaccine, he has faced “adverse employment and disciplinary action,” including removal from his position, severe duty restrictions, and a withholding of his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, while continued refusal to receive the vaccine will result in a “refusal of a lawful order” counseling statement, which will launch the process for his administrative separation or dismissal from the Marine Corps. Such a process has already been completed for 11 Marines in his unit and is in progress for an additional 11 Marines.
  • Marine Corps Master Sergeant Michael Thompson, stationed at MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina, also inquired about the availability of the licensed Comirnaty vaccine and was told that it was not available. He nevertheless observed that medical records for at least one other service member who was given an EUA vaccine indicated that Comirnaty had been administered. He is currently under a non-deployable status and has received a “Page 11 counseling statement” which will form the basis for his administrative separation. According to him, other Marines at MCAS Cherry Point have been processed for administrative separation due to their refusal to receive EUA vaccines.
  • Andrew Snow, a Major in the Air Force Reserve stationed in Delaware, was denied a religious exemption. His appeal remains pending. He has confirmed that the Comirnaty vaccine is not available at his base. He currently faces severe duty and flight restrictions, and will be placed under “no point, no pay” status if his appeal is denied. After two months, he will then be dismissed for cause.
  • Navy Chief Benjamin Coker, stationed in Washington, D.C., and Kalem Cossette, a Chief Warrant Officer-3 in the Marine Corps who is stationed in Twentynine Palms, California, had their religious accommodation requests denied.
  • Similarly, Navy Commander James Furman, who had been stationed in Arlington, Virginia, had his request for a religious exemption denied. He opted to retire and end his 22-year military career.

Congress weighing bill that would prohibit military members from being discharged for noncompliance with mandates

The issue of service members facing dishonorable discharge simply due to not receiving the COVID vaccine, has reached Congress.

The Senate on Wednesday passed a draft of the new National Defense Authorization Act that includes a rider forbidding the DOD from dishonorably discharging servicemembers for not getting the vaccine.

The rider was included in the larger bill by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), a vocal opponent of President Biden’s vaccine mandates, to “prevent Joe Biden from dishonorably discharging servicemembers for choosing to not get the COVID vaccine.”

The bill now is headed to Biden’s desk for his signature. However, Biden may choose to veto this bill and demand changes to it before signing it.

According to Miller though, “the proposed legislation does not go far enough to protect the rights of military service members.”

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This study can hardly be more official. The researchers were not critics of vaccination either.

They studied a Corona outbreak in a prison in Texas in July 2021. In the following weeks, regular smears and tests were taken from a selected group of inmates. The result: There is no difference whatsoever between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated inmates.

No statistically significant difference was detected in the duration of viral culture positivity between participants who were fully vaccinated (median: 5 days) compared with those who were not fully vaccinated.

Not a single one of the infected prisoners died of Covid-19, although over 70 percent were overweight or obese, according to the study. One vaccinated and one unvaccinated were hospitalized. The most common symptoms were a runny nose, impaired sense of taste and cough. Since a prison is a confined space, the results are very revealing for hospitals, nursing homes, office complexes and enclosed spaces in general.

As this study shows, every vaccinated nurse or doctor is infectious for as long and just as severely as an unvaccinated doctor or nurse. This gene therapy does not bring about clinical or sterile immunity.

They warned health practitioners to “consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons. These findings are critically important, especially in congregate settings where viral transmission can lead to large outbreaks”.

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Leaders of 18 American faith and faith-based humanitarian organizations appealed to President Joe Biden this week to eliminate general U.S. economic sanctions against nations that are dealing with the ravages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as with the disruptions caused by the sanctions themselves.

In a letter delivered to the White House and congressional offices Wednesday, leaders representing Quaker, Mennonite, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Unitarian, and Lutheran congregations and groups, said that these unilateral sanctions were in many cases exacerbating humanitarian crises that are affecting the most vulnerable populations, including women and children, the most.

“Several of our organizations work to support the most vulnerable people in some of the most heavily sanctioned regions in the world, including Iran, Syria, and North Korea, and we witness first-hand the harmful impacts of U.S. economic sanctions,” the leaders warned.

“Although we are told that sanctions are intended to influence the policies of governments, they often have harmful effects far beyond their intended targets, claiming the lives of innocent men, women, and especially children,” they said.

The letter, signed by Jim Winkler, the president and general secretary of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, and Susan Henry-Crowe, the General Secretary of the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, among others, comes at a time of growing controversy about the utility of U.S. sanctions as a foreign policy tool to persuade or force hostile or abusive governments to change their policies and how to mitigate the humanitarian costs that their imposition has caused.

While the United States has long used sanctions against states Washington considered hostile — its famous trade embargo against Cuba was imposed in 1960 — their application proliferated beginning in the 1990s and reached a torrid pace under former President Donald Trump whose administration imposed an average of almost 1,000 sanctions against various foreign entities over his four-year term.

Many such sanctions are selective or targeted against specific individuals or companies accused of trading with previously sanctioned countries, committing human rights abuses, supporting terrorism, or participating in certain programs, such as arms development or sales. Comprehensive or general sanctions — as against Iran and Syria — have been designed to make it as difficult as possible, if not impossible, for targeted countries to participate in international trade or access international financial networks.

While the impact of all sanctions necessarily ripples through target economies, comprehensive sanctions have been aimed at forcing governments to surrender to Washington’s will or face a popular or elite uprising resulting in “regime change.” Either way, the impact of such sanctions has normally exacted a huge toll on the welfare of target populations, often causing dire shortages of basic necessities, such as food and medicine, as well as sharp increases in unemployment and inflation.

Although successive administrations have issued waivers and exemptions for U.S. and foreign companies and charities supplying humanitarian goods, as well as banks that help finance such transactions, the administrative processes for obtaining them have generally been slow, complicated, and cumbersome. Even when exemptions have been forthcoming, many suppliers and banks have proved reluctant to follow through due to concerns that they may transgress other sanction laws or regulations.

“Even when technical exemptions for food and medicine are in place, they don’t work, because the fear of secondary sanctions have a chilling effect on humanitarian transactions by governments, financial institutions, and relief organizations,” the faith leaders observed in their letter.

The controversy over the humanitarian consequences of sanctions has intensified since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic when the delivery of vaccines and other medical supplies needed to contain the virus in several hard-hit countries, particularly Iran and Syria, has been hindered or substantially delayed by the application — or the fear among relevant providers or shippers that they could run afoul — of those same sanctions.

One study by the Brookings Institution found that the lives of 13,000 Iranians who fell victim to the virus could have been saved in just the four months between last May and September had their country not been subject to U.S. sanctions.

Hopes had been high that a U.S. Treasury study ordered by Biden early in his term would result in a major reconsideration of the use of sanctions and their humanitarian impact. But reform advocates were deeply disappointed when Treasury’s nine-page report simply recapitulated what was already widely known. And while his administration has delisted several unilateral sanctions imposed by Trump by executive order, it has yet to show any inclination to conduct a major review.

In their letter, the faith leaders called on the administration to “show moral leadership by ending the use of broad economic sanctions that too often result in the deaths of innocents and fail to change government behavior.” It can do that, they said, by ensuring that manufacturers will never face sanctions for providing vaccines and other COVID-related materials to sanctioned countries, encouraging the same manufacturers to share patents for vaccines and increase vaccine production, and lifting barriers that prevent multilateral institutions — including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank — from providing emergency loans to fight COVID.

They also called on the administration to expedite exemptions and licensing for humanitarian trade and suppliers to treat and prevent COVID’s spread, as well as other health infrastructure in sanctioned countries in consultation with civil society and aid groups to ensure they are not subject to sanctions.

Invoking Pope Francis’s call on governments to “stop aggression, blockades and unilateral sanctions against any country anywhere on earth,” as well as the appeal to governments and pharmaceutical companies by 150 of their colleagues earlier this year to vaccinate the world against COVID-19, the 18 groups insisted that “the majority of those harmed by economic sanctions are not political leaders, but ordinary people and particularly the most exploited and the most vulnerable — the poor, the displaced, racial and ethnic minorities, widows and orphans.”

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“Physician and Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long is a rare, courageous truth-teller willing to probably jeopardize a military career for the greater good.  To try and steer the Department of Defense to policies that protect military personnel from dangerous and unnecessary COVID vaccines … “.  (Joel Hirschhorn, September 2021)

First published by Global Research on October 15, 2021


“U.S. military members involved in a lawsuit challenging the military’s COVID vaccine mandate on Dec.10 filed an amended complaint seeking a new injunction after a judge last month rejected the U.S. Department of Defense’s assertion the Pfizer-BioNTech and Comirnaty COVID vaccines are “interchangeable.” (The Defender)



On August 24, 2021, The Pentagon approved the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. It is compulsory for  all military personnel:

“After careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, and with the support of the President, I [Lloyd Austin] have determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people,” (Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, memorandum, August 24, 2021, see screenshot below).

“Careful consultation”? With Joe Biden, the Commander in Chief?

Visibly no serious consultations were undertaken.

“Mandatory Vaccination … To Protect”. Nonsensical statement by the Secretary of Defense.

The adverse events and injuries pertaining to the Covid vaccine are amply documented: thrombosis, heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, neurological impacts.

Indelibly these vaccine related “health risks” will affect vaccinated military personnel as well as the performance and capabilities of “US fighting forces”.

Pentagon analysts are mum on the subject, because they are told that the “vaccine is safe”.

But the vaccine is not safe. Look at the figures:

USA (December 2020 to end of August 2021. Reported on September 1, 2021: 14,506 Covid-19 injection related deaths and 3,146,691 injuries, (VAERS database).

The official figures (reported by VAERS) are but a small percentage of the actual figures. Based on historical data (Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS, p. 6):

“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. … less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. (emphasis added)

While we are not in a position to establish precise estimates, we are able to establish an order of magnitude.

Multiply the official figures (registered and recorded) by the relevant parameter to get the REAL NUMBERS of deaths and injuries.

3,146,691 injuries multiplied at least by 10. 

The Pentagon’s Dilemma. Military Capabilities and Performance Impaired by the Covid Vaccine

The Pentagon vaccine mandate will inevitably impair the capabilities of the US military including Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps pilots as well as Army infantry and ground combat forces. The strategic and operational implications are far-reaching.

This applies to vaccinated pilots at high altitude who may be suffering from a Covid vaccine adverse event, e.g. blood clots.

U.S. Army doctor and specialist in aerospace medicine Lt Col Theresa Long “has made an unprecedented call to Pentagon leaders, asking them to ground all pilots in all services who have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine”. 

According to Dr. Theresa Long 

The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination. … Additional boaster shots add more risk. … Use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force presents a risk of undetermined magnitude, …

Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. …  All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination.”

Civil Aviation Pilots Speak Out

This issue has also been raised by civil (commercial) airline pilots who are facing the same predicament. The civil airline pilots have also expressed their concern for the security of passengers.

Vaccine related adverse events can occur at 34,000 feet. According to American Airlines pilot Joshua Yoder: This may be the greatest safety-of-flight issue the airlines have ever faced”:

 “What if myocarditis becomes a larger issue, and pilots start to lose their medicals, let’s say three or four years in; it could completely bring the aviation industry to its knees, if they have pilots who can’t pass their medicals in a couple of years. … This may be the greatest safety-of-flight issue the airlines have ever faced, …

Lawsuit against U.S. Department of Defense

The August 24 DoD memorandum  was immediately followed by a federal lawsuit filed on August 30 against Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Homeland Security Director Xavier Bacerra and U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Janet Woodcock.

The suit, filed August 30 in U.S. District Court in Colorado, seeks immediate injunctive relief.

The two plaintiffs, Daniel Robert, a 33-year-old drill sergeant at Fort Benning Army base in Columbus, Georgia, and Hollie Mulvihill, a 29-year-old staff sergeant at the Marine Corp base in Jacksonville, North Carolina, are asking the court for a temporary restraining order preventing the forced injections before a full hearing can be scheduled. They are ultimately seeking a permanent injunction and declaratory judgment against Biden’s Department of Defense.

The two defendants represent 220,000 other U.S. military active-duty members who have natural immunity and do not want any of the three synthetic gene-based “vaccines” shot into their bodies. (Leo Hohmann, September 3, 2021)

Commander in Chief: Joe Biden “In A Bind”

What happens if Joe Biden authorizes a Covid-19 Vaccine Exemption for military personnel with a view to avoiding “the health risks” as well as safeguarding the capabilities of Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Army ground force personnel?

From a “political” and public relations standpoint, that’s the option which President Joe Biden would rather wish to avoid. It could potentially break the legitimacy of his vaccine mandate applied to civilians. A decision of this nature would also expose the “health risks” related to  the Covid vaccine.

On the other hand, if the vaccine mandate applied to all military personnel continues to be enforced, this could undermine Joe Biden’s credibility as Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces. Amply documented, the Covid Vaccine will impair the capabilities of U.S. Fighting Forces.

While the need to ground vaccinated Air Force pilots is real, President Biden in all likelihood will continue to dismiss the occurrence of  vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” such as blood clots and myocarditis. In so doing, he would turn a blind eye on the vaccine related  “adverse events” and injuries, which in all likelihood will affect the performance of vaccinated forces in a war theater or combat zone.


According to Time Magazine, the prevalence of unvaccinated US Forces undermines National Security. The unvaxxed are tagged as “extremists”:

“There’s a more insidious infection of extremism in the ranks, and it shows in the shockingly high percentage of troops who are refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine—as many as one third of service members have opted out.

These troops may not be co-opted by domestic terrorists, but they are clearly influenced by conspiracy theorists online and they just don’t trust basic science. That is dangerous for U.S. national security. In an increasingly complex digital world, we need our troops to guard against disinformation, trust the data, and believe in science because it is increasingly vital on the battlefield. (emphasis added)

“Influenced by conspiracy theorists”? US military personnel read the (official) VAERS reports on Vaccine related deaths and injuries. VAERS is an entity of the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“The first step is for our military leaders to simply convince their troops to get the vaccine. America will be safer and stronger once they do”, says Time Magazine.

“America will be Safer and Stronger”: A nonsensical statement by Time Magazine. It’s the other way round. “Unsafe and Weak”: Imagine what would happen if a vaccinated pilot of a  F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter plane cruising at high altitude were to develop symptoms of myocarditis.

What we can conclude is that: The vaccine and it’s “adverse events” weaken the performance and capabilities of the US military.

“Use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force presents a risk of undetermined magnitude” says Lt. Colonel Dr. Theresa Long.

Have the strategic and operational implications been analyzed? Ask Joe Biden, he’s  Commander in Chief.

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Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes

(1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and

(2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to  CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, “CMS has granted ‘waivers’ of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.” She notes that “rights do not come from the hospital or CMS and cannot be waived, as that is the antithesis of a ‘right.’ The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

Creating a “National Pandemic Emergency” provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.

The hospital payments include:

  • A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
  • Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
  • Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
  • A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
  • Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
  • More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
  • A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.

Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

What does this mean for your health and safety as a patient in the hospital?

There are deaths from the government-directed COVID treatments. For remdesivir, studies show that 71–75 percent of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to ten days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death. Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of remdesivir showed similar adverse effects.

In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving more than 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45 percent in COVID-19 patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, increasing to 84 percent in older patients. Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.

Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America’s hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.

We now see government-dictated medical care at its worst in our history since the federal government mandated these ineffective and dangerous treatments for COVID-19, and then created financial incentives for hospitals and doctors to use only those “approved” (and paid for) approaches.

Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life. Patients need to now take unprecedented steps to avoid going into the hospital for COVID-19.

Patients need to take active steps to plan before getting sick to use early home-based treatment of COVID-19 that can help you save your life.

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White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci suppressed effective treatments against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to get the emergency use authorizations (EUA) for the experimental and deadly vaccines railroaded through the government.

This prevented Big Pharma from being challenged by cheap and effective medications that could have prevented them from profiting off the pandemic.

Lawyer, author and health freedom activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made this revelation regarding Fauci during the Dec. 14 episode of the “Thrive Time Show” on Brighteon.TV, where he was interviewed by host Clay Clark and co-host Dr. Robert Zoellner.

Kennedy explained that, thanks to his 40 years working as a lawyer fighting against government agencies, he understood deeply how corrupt they can be and how the agencies that are supposed to regulate corporations end up becoming “sock puppets” for them instead. “It’s something that happens with every regulatory agency,” he said.

“But the public health agency is on steroids,” he added. “And so, when COVID-19 happened, I had known about Anthony Fauci. I knew him, I knew how corrupt he was, I knew that he would try to channel America towards profit-making vaccines and he would ignore public health altogether.”

Kennedy explained that, for Fauci’s entire career, his main goal has always been to make sure Big Pharma companies can make a profit during public health emergencies.

During the AIDS crisis, Fauci developed a playbook to suppress older and effective treatments in favor of new, experimental and deadly medications developed by Big Pharma. This tactic became the blueprint in suppressing effective treatments against COVID-19, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and monoclonal antibody treatments.

“He has to kill the other treatments because, under federal law, it is illegal to give an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if it can be shown that there is no approved medication … that is shown to be effective against the target disease,” explained Kennedy. “So if he ever acknowledged that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were effective against COVID, it would have been illegal for him to roll out the vaccines and the EUA. And the entire thing would have collapsed.”

Fauci should be investigated for criminal wrongdoing

Because of this and Fauci’s many other actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy believes he should be investigated for criminal wrongdoing.

During an appearance on the podcast of former President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, Kennedy said Fauci’s policies have probably caused around 80 percent more COVID-19 deaths.

“Around 80 percent of the people who died from COVID should not have died,” he said. “We have the biggest body count in the world because of his policies. We have 4.2 percent of the global population, we have 14.5 percent of the COVID casualties. Why is that a success? He should be criminally prosecuted because what he did was clearly, clearly demonstrably purposeful.”

Kennedy further alleged that billionaires like Bill Gates are funding and colluding with mainstream media outlets, corporations and politicians to further enrich themselves at the cost of continuing the pandemic.

“The most important productive strategy or the big talk around the oligarchs and the intelligence agencies and the pharmaceutical companies who are trying to impoverish us and obliterate democracy, their strategy is to create fear and division,” said Kennedy.

“So orchestrate fear, divide Republicans from Democrats and Blacks from Whites and get a lot of infighting so nobody notices that they are making themselves billions and billions, while they impoverish the rest of us and execute the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.”

Clark, Zoellner and Kennedy have a lot more to say regarding Fauci, the COVID-19 pandemic and the experimental and deadly vaccines. Watch the entire Dec. 14 episode of “Thrive Time Show” with Clay Clark and co-host Dr. Robert Zoellner, featuring guests Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Mark Sherwood here:

The “Thrive Time Show” with Clay Clark airs from Monday to Friday at 3:30-4 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. has more on Fauci and his support for Big Pharma and COVID-19 vaccines.

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“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.(Lord Acton)

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” (Voltaire)

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”   William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)


The word gaslighting and its derivatives are used here to refer to absurdity and falsehood repeatedly delivered in the guise of fact and truth.

When ‘authorities’ and mass media cooperate to gaslight the public, while also censoring pertinent truth, large parts of society will be misled, and confused, and make decisions based on false assumptions

Plutocracy refers to effective overarching power being wielded by those of very great wealth.

Oligarchy refers to effective sovereignty or decisive influence being held over society by a relatively small number of powerful people via shared ideologies and/or interests, and cooperative arrangements.

The current “apocolypse’ being waged against humanity – the COVID crime and subsequent atrocities – was planned by and is being carried out by a veiled complex of power and influence that could roughly be described as a transnational hybrid of Oligarchy and Plutocracy.

This network of power has gained control over and corrupted many institutions, and has large numbers of unwitting, as well as corrupt and witting, accomplices, and an array of powerful technologies.

This ‘cabal’ has now revealed itself as having genocidal intent and capability. I will refer to it in its totality as the Transnational Oligarchic and Plutocratic Criminal Complex, or TOPCC.

Oligarchic or Plutocratic (O/P) rule can be overt or covert. The most effective O/P rule is that which is invisible to its subjects. Transnational O/P hegemony has largely been hidden from public view until lately. A favorite hiding place has been behind soothing, misleading terms like “Representative Democracy” or “Republic” or “Constitutional Monarchy.”

Over the last two years, despite the gaslight’s prodigious mesmerizing power, the reality of transnational O/P power, and its deeply deranged nature and intentions, has become evident to countless millions.

This article attempts to provide context to the attempted human destruction project that we are experiencing, and adds comments on reconstruction.

Blitzkrieg by gaslight

When Spanish sailing ships first appeared offshore in the Americas, it’s been said that those on shore couldn’t ‘see’ the ships: The ‘apparitions’ on the horizon were unknown to experience and dream.

This attack on humanity, formally publicly launched in March of 2020, too, was remote from all experience.

Few could even guess let alone understand what was being initiated.

Although growing numbers of people had come to realize that modern mass media was not to be trusted, and that the words ‘politician’ and ‘liar’ were commonly used as near synonyms, never before had humanity been exposed to so intense a barrage of falsehood and absurdity in the guise of truth, science, concern, and fact.

Never had the gaslight burned so spellbindingly and blindingly, fueled by public health officials joining with politicians and global mass media to endlessly deliver the same fearful and deceitful script around Earth.

The global COVID all-out fear-stoking assault on truth and common sense and normality left much of humanity worried or in dread, wondering where safety lay.

The public was told that a deadly new pathogen was running rampant, urged or commanded to muzzle up, keep apart, wait for the curve to flatten, and otherwise stop normal behavior and comply with official commands and unprecedented measures ‘justified’ by the ‘dire emergency’, and ‘explained’ by the constant refrain of ‘pandemic’ and ‘deadly virus’.

And the follow-up operation, again prepared and propelled by intense gaslighting, was also beyond the imagination let alone understanding of most people.

Portrayed as safety from the ‘dreaded new virus’, solution to the COVID scourge, the means to back to normal, the way to be a responsible person, the “safe and effective” jab/shot was rushed into production ‘at warp speed’, presumably by brilliant scientists working feverishly to save humanity. And when in record time the ‘salvation’ was declared ready, the COVID ‘vaccine’ was praised non-stop by authorities and mass media, and rushed gratefully and fatefully towards by hundreds of millions becoming billions.

In boxing, the jab is a quick blow seldom alone capable of a knockout, while a shot in common usage is what a loaded gun does, when the trigger is pulled.

How could good, innocent people see the “safe and effective” wonder for what it really was: a fiendishly clever bio-weapon that included the potential to mass maim, and mass murder, and mass sterilize, and create mass chaos, and to genetically modify humans, and foment societal disunity and disintegration, and advance high tech means of mass surveillance and control, as well as to provide massive profit for the perpetrators; all this and more planned and implemented by deeply deranged megalomaniacs under the covert banner of healing the Earth by disposing of much of humanity, and fully and permanently subjugating the dehumanized remnants by hi-tech- enabled totalitarian rule. [1]

Malign intent without limit is conceivable as the pathology of unhinged sociopathic individuals. But when genocidal malign intent comes in the guise of health and safety and public responsibility from political leaders and public health officials near and far, and when the bio-weapon of mass destruction is wielded by nurses and doctors and pharmacists urging you on and reassuring you, it was impossible for most to detect the devil in the details.

What has become increasingly apparent to those who have been diligent in trying to determine what is happening, and who are not under the spell of the gaslight, is that the COVID operation does indeed include an extremely well financed, carefully planned, highly organized and deadly serious attempt to wreck society as we know it, and maim or cull much of the human race and establish global totalitarian control.

Given that the COVID crime involves close near-global coordination, and massive funding, the operation required decisive transnational power, power able to wield control or exert great influence locally, nationally and internationally.

Near unanimity of constantly repeated false messages was achieved, by way of politicians, public health officials, and mass media.

Thus, the perpetrators must be closely linked to those hegemonic over, or wielding great influence over, the global financial system, transnational corporations, national and regional politics, and critically, mass media near and far. For nearly two years now, the public has been subjected to a constant barrage of lies and absurdities, and the censorship of pertinent truths, pertaining to the COVID crime against humanity.

Criminal absurdities inflicted on the global public since early 2020

A pandemic was declared in March of 2020 by the corrupt corporate lobby called the World Health Organization. [2]

But there was no pandemic in any normal sense of the word. [3] This falsehood – that there is a pandemic – is then repeated day after day as evident fact by authorities and media.

The false official declaration of pandemic was enabled by preparatory absurdity, for the WHO had transmuted the definition of the word pandemic in 2009, redefining minor global disease problems as catastrophic global disease problems: this fraudulent pandemic declaration in turn created the rationale for corrupt or idiotic governments and public health officials to declare states of emergency.

This in turn enabled political and medical authorities to introduce new measures often amounting to de facto martial law, leading to further officially-sanctioned coercion and crime and harm and absurdities, including the repudiation of Constitutions and Common Law, and basic human rights. [4]

The effect of ‘medical martial law’ also included the destruction of countless small businesses while large corporations remained open, the cessation of religious and political gatherings, while liquor stores remained open, the curtailment of family visits to loved ones, and greatly increased stress, depression, drug abuse, and family financial problems. But ironically, and perhaps of eventual great benefit, many people now had time from their usually busy lives to plunge into investigating what was really going on.

The word case in normal usage in medicine signifies some actual illness or disease: Reference to cases of pneumonia, or cases of mumps, means people actually had pneumonia or mumps. However, in the spirit of the gaslight, the word case has been used in two nefarious ways: First, as an outright false identification of the nebulous COVID-19; second, as the dubious result of anecdote, or of the extremely dubious result of testing, often a PCR test. [5]

The conjuring up of requisite numbers of so-called cases has been used to ‘justify’ lockdowns, quarantines, tracking, surveillance, economic turmoil, and general hysteria at home and school and work and play and travel and at church and so on, in many countries.

While authorities cited so-called cases which were not cases in normal usage of the word, the public simultaneously was inundated with the falsehood that there were no effective treatments for actual cases of illness that had symptoms of a new flu.

This false declaration of no available effective treatments was necessary to provide ‘legitimate’ justification for the deployment of the bio-weapon: had the truth been told, effective and inexpensive treatment for illnesses with symptoms labeled COVID could have been universally used. But the gaslight burned with evil intensity, effective and inexpensive treatments were ignored, denied or denounced, even made illegal, and their widespread success censored by the controlled mass media. Countless thousands have in effect been murdered by those deploying falsehood and ‘legal’ barriers to deny proper treatment. [6]

Repeated falsehood was also deployed to create a new public danger: healthy people, otherwise now called asymptomatic carriers.

Gaslight-fueling medical authorities seemed oblivious to the concept of a robust immune system, remained silent on how to support the immune system, and ignored or scorned the benefits of acquired natural immunity.

Ever creative, operators of the COVID gaslight have deployed a new falsehood: the huge number of health problems caused by the shot/jab, are redefined as COVID cases. [7]

And more recently, one after another ‘worrisome variant’, aberrant offspring of the original dreaded scourge, are introduced to stoke fear, and to ‘justify’ a renewed all-out battle against the relentless minute adversary, which of course can be reduced to a simple formula: take another jab from the bio-weapon.

The use of the word vaccines to describe the ‘COVID’ jabs and shots is a constant falsehood: in fact, it is unknown what any particular jab/shot contains, since some of the garbage in them is secret and variable. [8] What is clear now is they are diabolical bio-weapons that harm the wonderful human immune system, and are not effective protection against so-called COVID-19. [9]

Video: Charles Hoffe. Impacts of the covid-19 vaccine

An ultimate evil crime against humanity is now being committed in deploying the bio-weapon against children and young people. The risk of the jab to children – including maiming and murdering – is real, and completely unnecessary, and signifies the crossing of an absolute red line by the perpetrators: the young are at minuscule to zero risk from the new flu-like illness labeled COVID-19. And this horrific crime against the young is cheered on by brainwashed parents, and ignorant or sociopath high profile politicians, medical authorities, and mass media. [10]

The testing procedure up into the back of the nose, which has been demanded of so many, so as to provide testing material for tests that as noted are largely nonsense, is still being inflicted on even very young children. A friend’s two year old has had that outrage done to her several times, before she gets to take masked part at a day care. The child has had a series of eye infections after the prod. Medical authorities declare this intrusive, unnecessary, sometimes painful and potentially dangerous procedure, necessary and harmless. [11}

Facemasks remain required in many public places in many jurisdictions, based on continual advocacy by media, politicians and health officials. Their incessant refrain implies that masks will be a net health benefit. But masks impede normal respiration, communication and social interaction, become repositories of various pathogens, and are associated with a wide range of health problems, while not preventing disease agent transmission. Furthermore, masks dehumanize, and some jurisdictions have made the unmasked wonders of the human face illegal, or deemed to be a threat to others. In some jurisdictions a healthy happy unmasked human face has been transmuted into a socially irresponsible act, worthy of police cudgels. The masks, like social distancing, are human-dog obedience training. [12]

The gaslight has been especially hard at work denying the damage done by the jab/shot. Even to refer to adverse reactions to the vaccine is misleading. First, again, it’s not a vaccine. Second, when intentional harm is done to someone, the damage is not appropriately deemed an adverse reaction.

Nevertheless, since the adverse event reporting system is what we have, what has been established, before and after the COVID-19 evil was implemented, is that the system is extremely dysfunctional or misleading, reporting on an unknown but tiny percentage of actual adverse reactions. Whether one percent or less or more than one percent of harm done by the jab/shots is actually reported is unknown, but the number of deaths due to the jab/shot managing to get reported in Europe has now exceeded 30,000, and in the United States is near 20,000. Again, the real number of deaths is far greater. Reports of harm from the bio-weapon are now in the millions, and the real total is far greater. [13]

A Detroit ABC broadcaster asked their Facebook audience in September of 2021 for stories about COVID harm among the unvaccinated. The response by the audience was to inundate the station with this: many tens of thousands of comments of the damage done by the so-called vaccine.

Recent reports of large numbers of young athletes dropping dead or having serious health problems after the jab/shot are part of massive evidence that the jab/shots have already harmed countless millions of people. [14]

Of the many more evils that the barrage of falsehood and absurdity has promoted, of note is the widespread medical repudiation of an ethical and legal fundament of medicine – informed consent: Since the jabs and shots are by definition experimental, and with unknown ingredients, and with ultimate effect unknown, no one could possibly make a well informed decision about them. It is now apparent that the jab/shots are pernicious and don’t give the benefit they claim, but this information is being widely denied, and withheld. People continue to be coerced into submitting to the injection.

Many more absurdities could be mentioned: for example, ‘back to normal’ has become a constantly retreating mirage, as face masks and social distancing and such have been maintained after a large part of the population have been injected with the bio-weapon. And those ‘vaccinated’ are in many instances now fearful of, and hostile towards, those refusing the bio-weapon. The so-called vaccine passports have nothing to do with health, since the jabs/shots do not prevent people from either getting or spreading COVID-like health problems. The evidence mounts that the ‘jabs’ are far more dangerous that the ‘deadly virus’. [15]

Last, a brief note on another seemingly unrelated topic of potentially deadly implication, which has burned bright via the gaslight for some decades now, effective preparation for the mass maiming, murder and destruction process underway. I am referring to the absurdity that human beings are driving climate change, and thus destroying Earth, and thus irredeemably bad. I will comment more on this issue later. For now, the ‘humans are bad’ theme, buttressed by the human-caused climate change absurdity, can be understood as a key preparatory absurdity for the human culling and subjugation project.

On genocidal gaslighting’s one-two punch, the ‘deadly germ’ and ‘protective vaccine’

As noted above, three main initial aims of the COVID operation were to create dread in the public, ‘justify’ totalitarian measures by ‘authorities’, and to ‘pave the way’ for ‘salvation’, the ‘blessed bio-weapon’. A primary task was to camouflage the genesis of the scourge.

Thus, early in 2020 the TOPCC’s global propaganda system began to seed media with a series of ‘possible explanations’ and ‘plausible scenarios’ and the like on the subject of the origins of the dreaded mysterious entity. Variously, a bat virus had swooped in ‘from the wild’ and infected humanity, or maybe it came from some item in a meat market in China, or maybe it escaped from some lab, and now, look at the mess we’re in.

David E. Martin, PhD, has contributed much to our understanding of the origins of the ‘deadly virus’, also commonly referred to as a ‘new corona virus’, or as SARS-COV-2, and commonly cited as the cause of COVID-19 flu-like health problems, but perhaps better described by words such as ‘mysterious terrorizing entity’.

Martin’s background includes having created a company that is at the forefront of deep and careful patent research. [16]

Here is a portion of his introductory remarks to his Nov. 5th, 2021 presentation at the Wise Traditions Conference:

“I am going to put my life energy on a single focus. And that is until we hold the criminal conspiracy accountable, and we end the emergency use authorization we’re not done. And there is no other topic, right now, and I don’t care what topic you love, there is no other topic that I am concerning myself with save the preservation of the next generation from a mass murdering, genocidal, psychopathic group of criminals who’ve decided that they can look at a five year old with contempt.” [17]

Here are a few comments by Martin, first from a Jul 20th, 2021 interview by Stew Peters, and then from a presentation published as an article by Dr. Martin in the August/September edition of Common Ground.

Peters: “So, there really is no virus.”

Martin: “No!…. this ‘novel virus’ thing … in 2002 Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina [and others] file a patent on what they referred to as an infective, transmission-defective form of corona virus. Now think what I just said: …. What does that mean?”

“In 1999 Anthony Fauci wanted to … use a virus as a vaccine. …. That is actually a bad idea. But what he wanted to do was to take … the corona virus, and he wanted to make it mutated and chimerically altered and recombinated so that he could … target human lung epithelium …. And what Ralph Baric’s team did in 2002 they patented a whole bunch of and variations of corona virus, which would make it more infectious to humans. ….”

“When you make an infectious replication-defective virus that is meant to target human lungs so that it’s more toxic … you built a Frankenstein! And in 2002 we knew that that Frankenstein was what it was. And remember that was the year before SARS number 1 …. We didn’t have SARS until we made the weapon. ….”

[Media hype about -RS] “…where did the [so-called new corona virus-RS] come from is actually a total misdirect. …. The problem is nothing started in Wuhan. Nothing!”

Peters: “[So] the vaccine wasn’t brought here to fight a virus, but the virus was here to introduce the vaccine.”

Martin: “Correct!” 18]

From Martin’s article in Common Ground:

“… 1998 … an enormous number of crimes using the patent system … [were found].

… 1999 … violation[s] of biological weapons treaties … [were uncovered].

And in 1999 going into 2000, we reported on the weaponization of biologic materials in violation of biological … weapons treaties.

… gain of function research in 1999 … [turned] a naturally occurring [corona virus] pathogen into an ‘infectious non-transmissible pathogen’

In 2002 the weaponization of the corona virus was complete.

There is no novel corona virus. There is a weaponized version of a computer simulation of a fragment that is in fact modeled to be a spike protein, analogous to what we’ve been told is the spike protein associated with SARS-COV-2.

… Canada’s role in this has received [virtually no media coverage].

[The so-called covid vaccine] … is not in fact a vaccine. It’s a gene therapy to create a bio-weapon.

This particular injection that we’re dealing with right now … is an mRNA model computer generated, not derived from … organic material.

[They call it a vaccine] “… because they wanted the shield of immunity of liability.”

[Masks and social distancing] … were decoys to distract us from the crimes that were being committed.

The crimes that are being committed are racketeering, bio-weapons, and in fact at least, reckless homicide, if not willful murder of massive numbers of our population.”[19]

There are a growing number of scientists and investigators who are trying to determine what is actually in the various jabs/shots, and what the various effects are. The gaslight has responded with unrelenting denunciation of unwelcome observations, even those coming from prestigious sources. [20]

I will include a few links in the footnotes, but materials reported include graphene oxide, various parasitic life forms, deadly chemicals, unknown contaminants, and weird structures, and saline solution. The effects of the jab/shots include clotting large and small, heart problems, sterility, miscarriage, cancer, impaired cognitive function and a wide range of serious neurological problems, sudden death, extreme fatigue, weird blue tooth connection, and magnetic effects.

Dr. Ariyana Love, in a Nov. 11th interview by Stew Peters, referred to a recent study from the University of Stockholm, which reached this catastrophic conclusion:

“COVID vaccines are deleting genes responsible for repairing DNA in humans ….” [21]

On the positive side, it is now evident that the human immune system is typically quite able to handle the weird little terrorizing entity, especially if given sensible help. [22]

When surveying the falsehood and pernicious acts characterizing the COVID operation, the scale of the corruption is immense. What explains the tenacity with which hordes of officials and prominent institutions have endorsed absurdities and facilitated crimes against humanity?

What is underlying so much corruption? How has it come to this? How did it happen that so many people would embrace the lie and defend the indefensible and commit so many vile deeds, including mass murder? How did so many people of weak or despicable character gain so many important positions?

‘Traditional’ means by which corrupt power attained corrupt minions include bribes, intimidation, blackmail, alluring ideology, and falsehoods. In the present situation there is chemical and electromagnetic involvement in the manipulation of people. But a key factor in the successful recruitment of so many people willing to kill, do harm, and lie, in conjunction with a widespread passivity and compliance in the face of apocalyptic evil, may be found in gradual multifaceted insidious processes during the many decades in which corrupt power has infiltrated and metastasized throughout society.

To be continued in Part II


Robert Snefjella is retired. Worked as an organic farmer and contractor.


[1] Dr. Shankara Chetty in the short video linked below: “the spike protein is one of the most contrived poisons or toxins that man has ever made. The aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing. So it’s a poison with an agenda. Now we’ve got an engineered virus and we’ve got a mandated vaccine…. The vaccines make absolutely no sense…. The vaccines have no group benefit.

[2] WHO corruption is of long standing. For example, the WHO in 1959 made a secret agreement with the nuclear lobby IAEA to give the nuclear industry effective control over what the public was told by the WHO pertaining to radioactivity’s impact on human health.

In 2009 the swine flu scam was facilitated by the WHO, making vaccine producers billions, and prompting Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg to call it “the medicine scandal of the century”. ttps://

The WHO early in the COVID scam process predicted a death rate of 3.4%, which would be a dreaded scourge. The actual death rate, inflated by fraud, and despite enormous impediments thrown up against sensible treatment, was in 2020 more or less normal. Curiously, the flu just about disappeared when the COVID scam appeared.

[3] When the ‘pandemic’ was declared the number of supposed ‘cases’ were 44279, and 1440 deaths supposedly due to COVID, outside of China, as cited by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky in his COVID timeline at

[4] Since Constitutions form foundational or primary laws for the people of a political jurisdiction, and all are subject to these basic rules, the act of abrogating or over-riding the Constitution signals the onset of tyranny. Natural Law gives all life the right to defend itself from lethal aggression. Common Law validates people’s common sense right and duty to defend against criminal aggression.

The effect of ‘medical martial law’ also included the destruction of countless small businesses while large corporations remained open, the cessation of religious and political gatherings, while liquor stores remained open, the curtailment of family visits to loved ones, and greatly increased stress, depression, drug abuse, and family financial problems. But ironically, and perhaps of eventual great benefit, many people now had time from their usually busy lives to plunge into investigating what was really going on.

[5] Hospitals eager to fuel the gaslight for financial benefit have stooped to recording any convenient death as a COVID death.

The PCR test has been used to manipulate the number of so-called cases of the ‘dreaded scourge’, with its wildly exaggerated dangers. The PCR test’s inventor, Dr. Kary B. Mullis, deemed the technology not appropriate for diagnosis, and able to find “just about anything in anyone.” A Portuguese court sensibly ruled in effect that it was absurd to make public policy on the basis of the PCR tests as used. The test as commonly used has been found to produce 97% false positive results, and furthermore, miniscule amounts of viral RNA detected do not demonstrate an infectious situation.

[6] Of countless examples of doctors being attacked by medical ‘authorities’ for practicing good medicine in response to patients with COVID-19 symptoms, Druthers Nov. 2021 edition, published Dr. Daniel Nagase’s powerful speech given on the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code, describing his experience in Alberta, Canada, in 2021. Dr. Nagase had the temerity to try to save lives with proper treatment, and for that he was relieved of his duties. He said: “We are here to remember every doctor who stopped patients from having a life saving medication.” and “Nuremberg will happen again.”

Many hospitals insist upon protocols which ensure death or injury to patients. Here is a recent report of a patient saved from the hospital’s deadly protocol by a determined family member and a determined judge:

[7] Many whistleblowers have now come forward to declare that their hospital has been overwhelmed with vaccine injured people, who are falsely described in mass media and by hospital officials and politicians as an inundation of serious cases of COVID in people not having received the bio-weapon. The Stew Peters show alone has had a number of such whistleblower interviews. One example from Sept. 17, 2021:

[8] What is in the jabs? Dr. Luis De Benito found Bluetooth connectivity in a large majority of ‘jabbed’ people, and none in the ‘un-jabbed’.

Thousands have shown that magnets and metals stick to their bodies after having been given the bio-weapon.

In Japan, Moderna vials were found to contain contaminants.

graphene oxide has been found by various researchers.

Other researchers have found parasites.

[9] More and more evidence accumulates of so-called COVID vaccine’s harm:

Dr. Ryan Cole on increase in cancers and immune system damage from the bio-weapon:

Dr. Charles Hoffe states 62 percent of his jabbed patients show blood clot damage

[10) Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, known for his highly effective COVID treatment protocol, was asked why anyone would inject the young with the bio-weapon: “only if you believe in child sacrifice”

[11] The goals of the COVID scam include doing harm in subtle ways to people. The nose swab prod obviously presents another way in which harm can be inflicted. The swabs have been found to be made of various materials, including weird structures of indeterminate actual intent.

The following link includes several further links with troubling info on the swabs :

[12] The mask craze is an experiment intended to create social division, ill health,and human-dog obedience training. It does not have overall health benefit. Masks are associated with various health problems:

Here is a link to Anthony Colpo’s shredding of the CDC’s mask pretensions: From Colpo: “Masks are supposed to protect one from infection with airborne viruses. Blaming the failure of masks on those who don’t wear masks is every bit as stupid as blaming the failure of vaccines on the unvaccinated.”

[13] As of Oct. 19, 2021, in the UK, EU, and USA, there were a total of 45, 250 deaths related to Covid-19 injections, and 7, 418, 980 injuries. It is well established that these reported totals represent a small percentage of the real totals.

[14] On athletes suddenly dropping dead:

[15] More and more irrefutable evidence is accumulating that the injected bioweapon is far more dangerous than the hyped and nebulous Covid-19 mini-scourge:

[16] David Martin’s website:

[17] link to David. E. Martin’s speech at the Wise Traditions Conference:

[18] Stew Peter’s July 20, 2021 interview of David E.Martin:

[19] Common Ground:

20] Twitter doesn’t want you to know that the American Heart Association reported heart damage from jab

[21] Nov. 11th 2021 interview of Naturopathic Dr. Ariyana Love by Stew Peters:

[22] natural immunity as superior to ‘vaccine’:

An independent derivation of the VAERS URF using the CMS death data leads to a URF of 44.64 which then leads to a 388K excess death estimate.

My estimate of the VAERS under-reporting factor (URF) at 41 was based on anaphylaxis rates reported in the Blumenthal paper published in JAMA.

I have argued that the anaphylaxis rate is an appropriate number to use to (under) estimate deaths because I believed that deaths would be less reported than anaphylaxis to VAERS for two reasons: 1) usually lacks the time proximity to vaccination, 2) the person seeing the death may not know the vaccination status of the victim and may not technically be required to report the death.

Some people have quibbled with that assumption, including my friend Professor John Ioannidis, who argued that there is no evidence that that is true and it could be the other way around. It’s a fair point and I told John it’s only an estimate and I’m happy to modify it when we have more data.

That day has arrived courtesy of Wayne at VAERS Analysis. Wayne did a URF computation using death data in CMS. This overcomes any objections about the validity of using anaphylaxis rates as a proxy for death rates.

The VAERS URF he computed was 44.64.

This seems reasonable to me. It’s really not far from the 41 I calculated.

Also, Wayne subsequently looked at the numbers for 9 states. The average value was 40, not far from the 41 I calculated from anaphylaxis.

I had two team members (Albert Benavides and Jessica Rose) double check his numbers. No mistake.

Now, let’s see what that means.

As of Dec 14, 2021, there are 9,136 deaths reported into VAERS for domestic deaths (if you are using OpenVAERS, flip the switch at the top to see the US only deaths). If we subtract out more than twice the total number of deaths reported in any previous year (to be super conservative about estimating background deaths):

So our new best estimate of the number of “excess deaths” caused by the vaccine is 388,000. Because there isn’t a plausible mechanism of excess death other than the vaccine (certainly our “always vigilant” CDC has never suggested an alternate cause), the process of elimination leads us to conclude the obvious: that these excess deaths were, in fact, caused by the vaccine.This should really be a surprise to anyone paying attention to the clinical trials.

For example, in the Pfizer trial, you were much more likely to die if you got the vaccine than if you got the placebo. They simply forgot to mention that in the abstract of the paper (and they were incapable of accurately counting the number of deaths in each group as well). In short, the vaccine is a killing machine.As the clinical trial showed, it was more likely to kill you than to save you. America still refuses to actually acknowledge that fact.

Today, our best estimate of vaccine fatalities using the VAERS data is that the US Government is responsible for killing 388,000 formerly healthy Americans. For no reason or societal benefit. Under the guise of saving them.And we’re not done yet. Those kids with myocarditis? Half of them could die in 5 years. We just don’t know. Prion diseases… we don’t know. Autoimmune diseases… we don’t know. Reproductive issues… unknown. Original antigenic sin? Possibly. You get the idea.By contrast, the Vietnam War was a long, deadly struggle that took place from 1954 to 1975 between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished over the 21 years. Here, we’ve killed more than 6 times as many people in a fraction of the time… just 11 months.

No one in mainstream media will dare talk about this. They won’t even ask the question. Not a single reporter.

Nobody in Congress will discuss it either. I tried to bring this information to the attention of Congressional staff, but they have ignored my requests.

Of course the FDA and CDC have no comment other than they “disagree” with me. They won’t say why. Wow. We have a discrepancy of 388,000 Americans dead and they won’t even say why I got it wrong.

I’m guessing that they can’t say why because I used their numbers (they maintain VAERS and CMS) and their methodology and there were no math errors. So they have to go with the “hand waving” argument that “we disagree” since they can’t go with facts, evidence, data, or methodology errors.

As for all the bogus arguments about VAERS and causality that are used by the “so-called fact-checkers” to attack my work, I thoroughly dismantle those in my 63-page article. That is why none of the people at the FDA or CDC are willing to talk on the record to me: because I know how to dismantle their bogus excuses for looking the other way. They won’t talk to any of my associates either. They just don’t want to hear it.

Let me know in the comments if you find an error.

Finally, I know some of you are still unconvinced by all the data including the stunning athlete data. I’m OK with that. I just have one request. Please consider sharing this article with your social network before you get your booster. OK?

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“The real purpose behind the historic, unprecedented push to vaccinate the very young, even against diseases like COVID that do not pose a threat to them, is to fold the current generation of children into the blossoming global digital identity system. 

In the U.S. and throughout the world, there has been a recent push to implement a variety of “vaccine passport” regimes, many of which rely on digital technologies such as mobile applications to carry a record of — so far, at least — one’s COVID-19 vaccination records.

These “tools” are presented by public officials and significant sections of the media in recent weeks and months as an inevitability of sorts, a technological progression as natural as breathing.

They are also presented as a “new” response to an unprecedented crisis.

These technological applications are touted as a means of keeping businesses open and ensuring “peace of mind” for members of the public who remain wary about entering public spaces.

But just how new is this “new” technology? And will the use of technology be limited to COVID vaccinations, or for purposes of “health?”

International ‘alliances’ backing the melding of ‘Big Tech’ and ‘Big Health’

It was the beginning of the preceding decade, January 2010, when Bill Gates, via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, proclaimed “[w]e must make this the decade of vaccines,” adding that “innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before.”

In launching this so-called “Decade of Vaccines,” the Gates Foundation pledged $10 billion in funding. But Gates wasn’t the only actor behind this initiative.

For instance, the “Decade of Vaccines” program used a model originating from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health to project the potential impact of vaccines on childhood deaths throughout the decade to come.

And the announcement for the “Decade of Vaccines” initiative was made at that year’s annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

These same actors — the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the WEF — organized the now-notorious Event 201 pandemic simulation exercise, in October 2019, just before COVID entered our lives.

Moreover, in 2010, a “Global Vaccine Action Plan” was announced as part of this initiative. It was a collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), with Dr. Anthony Fauci serving on the leadership council.

As the Gates Foundation stated at the time:

“The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups — national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations — and will identify critical policy, resource and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines.”

The steering committee for the “Global Vaccine Action Plan” included a member from the GAVI Alliance. Notably, the initial announcement for the “Decade of Vaccines” was made in the presence of Julian Lob-Levyt, then-CEO of the GAVI Alliance.

What, or who, is the GAVI Alliance? Also known as the “Vaccine Alliance,” it proclaims a mission to “save lives and protect people’s health,” and states it “helps vaccinate almost half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases.”

GAVI goes on to describe its core partnership with various international organizations, including names that are by now familiar: the WHO, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank. (Far from helping the world’s poor, the World Bank has been described by a former insider, John Perkins, as an organization that uses “economic hit men” to subjugate financially crippled countries).

In 2018, GAVI, through its INFUSE (innovation for update, scale and equity in immunization) Initiative, put forth the following “food for thought”:

“Imagine a future in which all children have access to life-saving vaccines no matter where they live — a future in which parents and health workers ensure their timely vaccination, a future in which they have their own digitally stored health record that cannot be lost or stolen, a future in which, regardless of gender, economic or social standing, this record allows each child (and parents) to have access to a bank account, go to school, access services and ultimately build a prosperous life.

“This future is possible today. With the latest advances in digital technologies that enable more effective ways to register, identify births and issue proof of identity and authentication for access to services — we are on the brink of building a healthier and more prosperous future for the world’s most vulnerable children.”

This would be accomplished, according to GAVI, through the INFUSE initiative, specifically by “calling for innovations that leverage new technologies to modernize the process of identifying and registering the children who are most in need of life-saving vaccines.”

As described by investigative reporter Leo Hohmann:

“Don’t be confused by the bit about ‘building a healthier and more prosperous future.’ That’s just window dressing. This is all about data collection and has nothing to do with health.

“The real purpose behind the historic, unprecedented push to vaccinate the very young, even against diseases like COVID that do not pose a threat to them, is to fold the current generation of children into the blossoming global digital identity system.”

GAVI itself confirmed the above statement, as it has described potential uses of these “new technologies” as going beyond the issuance of a “digital child health card” toward encompassing “access to other services,” including the broadly defined “financial services.”

Limitations on “access” to such “other services” are already apparent in jurisdictions where COVID passports restrict access to businesses, banks and other private spaces for the non-vaccinated

The GAVI Alliance also closely collaborates with the ID2020 Alliance, founded in 2016, which claims to advocate in favor of “ethical, privacy-protecting approaches to digital ID,” adding that “doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties.

Unsurprisingly, there is no clarification provided regarding the potential loss of civil liberties for individuals who choose, for any reason, not to be vaccinated and who are therefore excluded from large swaths of society in areas where COVID passports have been implemented and enforced.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

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The mass rollout of COVID-19 vaccines should be halted immediately. These experimental vaccines pose serious dangers. That is the message contained in a statement from concerned citizens soon to be forwarded to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The statement’s signatories include medical scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, civil servants, civil society organisations and “deeply concerned mothers, fathers, husbands and wives”.

Concerned citizens of India can sign on to the ‘The Truth of COVID-19 The India Statement’ prior to its dispatch to the PM in the link provided at the end of this article.

Internationally renowned professionals in the field of medical science have also joined this effort by offering their expertise, including  Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Roger Hodkinson, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Tess Lawrie.

The statement comprises two parts.

Part one is a five-page summary of the main points and recommendations.

This is supported by part two, a 62-page document which quotes the relevant literature and has dozens of references to back up the assertions made about the vaccines, COVID-19 and the vaccination programme. 

Some of the key points and recommendations contained in part one are summarised below.

The statement begins by saying that a coronavirus vaccine has never before been used successfully. One problem has been the development of antibody disease enhancement (ADE). The vaccine produces antibodies, but sometimes this does not prevent disease – it instead makes the disease more serious and ADE can extend into the future (this has been seen before, for example regarding the rollout of a Dengue vaccine in Manila).

All the vaccines use the spike protein and this was thought to be a good idea at first because the virus uses its spike protein to attach to the host cells. But the statement notes this is a blunder and a major catastrophe.

The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus that causes major (vascular) disease. It is now confirmed that the synthetic spike protein of the vaccines is also toxic and is similarly causing the likes of clotting and bleeding disorders.

Many thousands of people taking the vaccine have died.

The vaccine leaves the injection site in the arm and, contrary to what was assumed, and unexpectedly, travels into the bloodstream, spreading all over the body including with concentrations in the ovaries, bone marrow and lymph nodes.  

Moreover, the mass rollout of the vaccines is putting selection pressure on the virus to evolve into strains that are resistant to the vaccine, like Delta and Omicron. This is well known science that follows the same pattern as, for example, in anti-biotic resistance. Dr Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the AIDs virus, has raised an urgent warning about this phenomenon. The statement notes that this process of new variants will not stop as more and more people get vaccinated.

Data from Israel (where the vast majority are vaccinated) show an increase in hospitalisations and deaths among the vaccinated. This is a repeated pattern occurring in other countries and was predicted by Dr Montagnier and other leading virologists.

The protective effect of the vaccines is also waning and is now below the required regulatory efficacy of at least 50%. The US health agencies are already advising a booster third dose. However, leading vaccine experts and immunologists and the vaccine manufacturers knew this all along. It was hidden though from the public.

It is clear that people who recover from Covid-19 develop natural immunity, which is long lasting with antibodies that are effective against several viruses or variants. A large percentage of the Indian population, around 70% or more, already have this natural immunity. The statement concludes that vaccines are therefore not required.

As the vaccines can produce antibodies to a protein, syncytin, which, in the future, may cause abortions in women, the assertion is that women of child-bearing age (50 and below) should not be given the vaccines.

The statement notes that children have not had much problem with Covid, but some doctors are suggesting that a third wave will affect them. This is based on speculation, not science. Moreover, the long-term impacts of these vaccines and in particular the toxic spike protein are unknown. It would thus be quite unconscionable to risk the future of children. Given the data, it is clear that the risks of Covid-19 vaccines far outweigh the benefits for children.

India has a major disease burden in terms of communicable diseases, (TB, diarrhoeal, etc) and children are seriously impacted (more than 2,000 children die every day). On the other hand, the incidence and deaths due to COVID-19 are negligible. Children are not impacted by this disease.

In India, levels of serious malnutrition are worrying (and the COVID-related lockdown of the country can only have exacerbated this). According to the statement, stopping unneeded vaccinations would release the huge sum of Rs 35,000 crores (almost 4.1 billion euros) for a public health system in dire need of resources to deal with killer childhood diseases and for improving the health of the population.

The statement notes that at the very heart of the problem of unsafe vaccines is the endemic conflict of interest that engulfs the institutions of health worldwide, not least in the US (NIA/FDA/CDC) the UK (MHRA) and the WHO.

It is for all the reasons mentioned above that vaccine manufacturers demand to be indemnified from any harm their vaccines may cause. Pfizer and Israel have made an agreement to hide Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions for 10 years. Yet, these adverse effects are key to understanding vaccine science.

The statement also says that routine RT-PCR testing as presently conducted, including on asymptomatic cases, should be discontinued. PCR-driven ‘cases’ mislead the public on Covid infections. Furthermore, it is clear that the vaccines have failed to provide immunity and also fail to stop transmission from those vaccinated. India has acquired ‘herd immunity’ and does not need these vaccines. Medical science therefore does not support their continued rollout.

The statement concludes:

“India must stop the vaccines with immediate effect… Preventive measures, early treatment and treatment protocols through all the stages of the diseases with Ivermectin and other off-label drugs are proven… very early on, India took exemplary action with regard to the ICMR [Indian Council of Medical Research] guideline on HDQ (hydroxychloroquine) and UP state with its public health measure of dispensing Ivermectin, which was an acknowledged success. We need to widen these measures across India. Both are ‘repurposed’ drugs, are medically proven and safe solutions, and there are others in our toolkit of medical products, along with vitamins (D, C and zinc).”

The PM will be urged to implement the recommendations set out in the statement and these will be at a fraction of the cost of vaccines. The funds released will allow the government to invest in overall health infrastructure (children’s health in particular), the economy, farmers and agriculture and the environment.

Concerned citizens of India can sign on to the statement here, where links to both parts of the statement are provided.

Colin Todhunter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

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The Omicron Fraud. The WHO Now Says It’s “Super-mild”

December 16th, 2021 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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This is a followup of my earlier article entitled:

The Covid-19 Omicron Variant: Towards a Fourth Wave Lockdown? Pretext to Introduce New Repressive Policy Measures


Omicron Update (December 16, 2021)

In many countries, Omicron has now become the pretext for implementing partial lockdowns, restrictions on travel as well as confinement and stay at home mandates.

These restrictions are imposed despite the fact that the WHO officially repealed the statement of its (corrupt) technical advisory group. (See below)

These measures are political in nature. They have no scientific basis. They sustain the fear campaign prior to the Christmas holiday period. They trigger a new wave of economic and social chaos.

They are sustained by a 24/7  media disinformation  campaign

The rapidly spreading Omicron coronavirus variant means Canadians should be “ready to pivot” their travel plans within the country during this holiday season, said medical experts studying COVID-19.

“If [you] can avoid travel, avoid it,” said Dr. Peter Juni, the head of Ontario’s COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. “We just need to really seriously cut down on our contact.”

What media reports indicate is that omicron has been detected using the standard PCR test.

What they fail to mention is that the PCR test cannot under any circumstances identify or detect the original virus (SARS-CoV-2) or its numerous variants. What it identifies are genetic sequences. This is corroborated both by the WHO as well as numerous scientific studies.  

According to Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR technique: “The PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself.” According to renowned Swiss immunologist Dr B. Stadler

So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left.

These omicron tests have no scientific basis. 

Michel C. December 16, 2021


There is ample evidence of outright political fraud. A new variant detected in South Africa is used to justify a new wave of restrictions and violations of fundamental human rights. 

The  Omicron (B1.1.529) variant was immediately categorized by the WHO’s “technical advisory group” as a Virus of Concern (VOC), ie. a “highly infectious” variant of SARS-CoV-2.

That happened on Friday November 26 at WHO headquarters in Geneva. This is their authoritative statement: 


…In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021.

This variant [omicron] has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, as compared to other VOCs. The number of cases of this variant appears to be increasing in almost all provinces in South Africa. 

emphasis added

The TAG-VE (Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution) is integrated by hand-picked expert appointees from medical schools, foundations, UN entities, etc. It does not include WHO staff members.
In all likelihood, the Gates Foundation (which constitutes a major source of funding of the WHO) played a key role in selecting TAG-VE appointees.
The TAG-VE’s recommendations are “advisory”. They do not constitute an official statement on behalf of the WHO.


The Omicron Fear Campaign

The November TAG-VE advisory was then used by governments and the media to justify partial lockdowns and restrictions on air travel. The omicron fear campaign went into high gear. The stated intent was to “save lives”.

In the words of Dr. Anthony Fauci,  in a contradictory statement  Omicron “is already in the United States but has yet to be detected”. “when you have a virus that is showing this degree of transmissibility and you’re having travel-related cases they’ve noted in other places already, when you have a virus like this, it almost invariably is going to go all over,”  (NBC, November 26, 2021)

Meanwhile stock markets collapsed coupled with an increase in the shares of the Big Pharma vaccine conglomerates.

The WHO TAG-VE advisory also contributed to the ongoing bankruptcy of the airline industry Worldwide, undermining business transactions, international commodity trade and production.

On Wall Street, manipulation, inside information, foreknowledge and speculative trade prevail. The Omicron Virus of Concern (VOC) has contributed to a steep  increase of  Big Pharma shares. CNN Business.

Omicron Chronology 

Friday November 26.

The TAG-VE advisory was released by the WHO

Sunday November 28

A Mysterious WHO Update on Omicron Two Days Later

On Sunday (28 November) in Geneva, the WHO issued a statement entitled Update on Omicron   

It was drafted in a rush following the Friday TAG-VE advisory. It was published on Sunday.

While the Official WHO Update on Omicron passed virtually unnoticed, it invalidates the technical advisory group’s (TAG-VE) November 26 advisory as well as the “Warnings” of the WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom.

It also refutes the decision of the (TAG-VE) group to categorize the Omicron Variant as  a Virus of Concern (VOC).

Below are excerpts of the Update. To read the complete text click here

Severity of disease:

It is not yet clear whether infection with Omicron causes more severe disease compared to infections with other variants, including Delta.  

Preliminary data suggests that there are increasing rates of hospitalization in South Africa, but this may be due to increasing overall numbers of people becoming infected, rather than a result of specific infection with Omicron.

There is currently no information to suggest that symptoms associated with Omicron are different from those from other variants.  …. (emphasis added)

Monday, November 29, 2021.  

Reports by medical practitioners in South Africa confirm unequivocally that the TAG-VE advisory is fake.

According to Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a Private Practitioner and Chair of the South African Medical Association,

“What we are seeing clinically in South Africa — and remember I’m at the epicenter of this where I’m practicing — is extremely mild, for us [these are] mild cases. We haven’t admitted anyone, I’ve spoken to other colleagues of mine and they give the same picture.” (See Video Interview on CNBC)

Video: Interview with Dr. Angelique Coetzee

Despite the TAG-VE advisory, WHO staff has opposed the disruption of air travel.

“The WHO’s regional director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, called on countries “to follow science” and international health regulations in order to avoid using travel restrictions”.

In an article entitled “Sigh of Relief in South Africa as Omicron Variant Appears to be ‘Super Mild‘ the author states the following:

The WHO and Coronavirus experts are increasingly convinced the new Omicron variant is ‘super mild’ and has, so far, not led to a jump in Covid death rates anywhere in Southern Africa.

The WHO is calling this morning for countries to drop travel restrictions and end the mass hysteria, and instead be cautiously optimistic as more and more reports out of South Africa suggest the new Omicron variant is not more lethal than the previous Delta variant.

In fact, there have been no reports of hospitalisations or deaths as a result of anyone being diagnosed with Omicron.

Most patients merely experience a severe headache, nausea, dizziness and a high pulse rate, according to hospitals and medics across Southern Africa. (Michiel Williams, December 6, 2021, emphasis added)

According to Dr Catherine Smallwood, Senior Emergency Officer at WHO’s Regional Office for Europe regarding travel restrictions:

“Those types of extreme measures are not our recommendations …  “These types of interventions are not sustainable”. 

November 29, 2021

The WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom’s position is a political scam, totally at odds with that of his own staff.

Below is Dr. Tedros Adhanom’s November 29th “Warning” (video below),

Tuesday December 1st, 2021

The WHO Director General then holds a press conference on the Omicron Variant.

“The emergence of the Omicron variant has understandably captured global attention.

At least 23 countries from five of six WHO regions have now reported cases of Omicron, and we expect that number to grow.

WHO takes this development extremely seriously, and so should every country.

But it should not surprise us. This is what viruses do.

And it’s what this virus will continue to do, as we long as we allow it to continue spreading.

We are learning more all the time about Omicron, but there’s still more to learn about its effect on transmission, severity of disease, and the effectiveness of tests, therapeutics and vaccines.

emphasis added

Concluding Remarks 

The WHO sponsored Technical Advisory Group’s (TAG-VE) statement has no scientific basis.

It serves political interests. It creates economic and social chaos. It does not reflect the position of the WHO as a representative inter-governmental body of the United Nations.

It has contributed to feeding the fear campaign, largely with a view to justifying a new wave of repressive Covid-19 policy measures including the brutal enforcement of the vaccine mandate.

Ironically, the TAG-VE advisory was immediately refuted 2 days later by the WHO staff in an official “Update”.

Corruption in the upper echelons of the WHO.

Divisions within the WHO?

The WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom should resign.

You Will Never be “Fully Vaccinated”

December 16th, 2021 by Kit Knightly

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Yesterday, in a statement to Parliament on the UK’s planned “vaccine passport”, Health Secretary Sajid Javid admitted the NHS Pass would require three shots for you to be considered “fully vaccinated”.

“Once all adults have had a reasonable chance to get their booster jab, we intend to change this exemption to require a booster dose,”

While many of us predicted this would be the case, it is the first time any British politician has actually said it out loud, and in front of parliament too.

This incredibly cynical “evolving definition” of “fully vaccinated” is not a new phenomenon, and is not isolated to the UK either.

Israel changed their definition of “fully vaccinated” to include the booster months ago. New Zealand’s ministry of health is “considering” doing the same, as is Australia.

The EU isn’t far behind either, with proposals in place to make travel dependent on having a third dose.

The US hasn’t formally adopted a new definition yet, but you’d have to be blind not to see the signs. Just yesterday the LA Times headlined:

Should the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ be changed to include a booster shot?

An article on Kaiser Health News asks the same thing.

Tony Fauci is quoted in the Independent as saying it’s only a matter of time before the definition is updated:

“It’s going to be a matter of when, not if” getting a booster shot will be considered being “fully vaccinated,” Dr Fauci said.

Opinion pieces are already appearing asking is it safe to hangout with the unboosted”?

(This headline was so unpopular, the Atlantic changed it only a couple of hours after it was published, and even the archived version appears to have been scrubbed).

All in all it seems pretty clear that, by the time 2022 rolls around, most of the Western world will require three shots in order to qualify as “fully vaccinated”.

It’s also clear that this won’t stop at three. Already, just last week, Pfizer were claiming they may need to “move up the timeline” for a fourthvaccine dose.

This change is being blamed on Omicron, with articles warning the “new variant” can “hit” the vaccinated. Fortune reports:

Omicron is making scientists redefine what it means to be ‘fully vaccinated’ against COVID

So, the third (and maybe fourth) doses are (allegedly) for Omicron…but that model can extend to perpetuity. In order to go to five, six or seven they’ll only need to “discover” more “new variants”.

It will just keep going and going.

But there is good news in all this, every time the powers-that-shouldn’t-be change the rules in the middle of the game, it’s a chance to knock people out of their media-induced hypnosis.

There are promising signs that millions of already-vaccinated will reject the booster. We can build on that.

So tell your single and double jabbed friends, try to open their eyes to the path they are starting down.

They may consider themselves “fully vaccinated”, but the government doesn’t, and never will.


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Major hospital systems have had to reevaluate their coercive COVID-19 jab policies after crucial employees, especially nurses, have opted to quit rather than get the experimental injections.

Facing serious staffing shortages, some of the largest and most prominent hospital systems in the United States, including HCA Healthcare Inc., Tenet Healthcare Corp., AdventHealth, and Cleveland Clinic have been forced to backpedal on their COVID-19 jab mandates in hopes of retaining crucial employees, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday

Townhall reported that University Hospitals in the Cleveland, Ohio area also recently announced the reversal of its jab mandate for hospital workers.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the major hospital systems have been forced to reevaluate their coercive COVID-19 jab policies after needed healthcare industry employees, especially nurses, chose to quit rather than get the experimental injections.

“Vaccine mandates have been a factor constraining the supply of healthcare workers, according to hospital executives, public-health authorities and nursing groups,” the report noted, adding that “thousands of nurses have left the industry or lost their jobs rather than get vaccinated” for COVID-19.

The Journal cited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in reporting that as of September, unvaccinated employees accounted for a massive 30% of workers employed by over 2,000 U.S. hospitals.

Many people, including healthcare professionals, have been skeptical of the push toward mass immunization. The CDC reports an infection survival rate of greater than 99.95% for those under age 50. Meanwhile, the list of FDA-recognized adverse events has grown from severe anaphylactic reactions to include fatal thrombotic events, the inflammatory heart condition myocarditis, and neurologically disabling disease like Guillain Barré Syndrome, as well as thousands of recorded deaths and permanent disabilities.

The staggering percentage of healthcare workers who have refused to comply with the jab requirements imposed by their hospital systems — many of whom are vitally necessary nursing personnel — could have a crippling effect on America’s hospitals if the establishments move to fire all noncompliant workers.

Recognizing this dilemma, an employee-benefits lawyer has suggested that hospitals that don’t mandate the jabs could see an influx of interested applicants fleeing hospitals with more coercive policies.

“It’s been a mass exodus, and a lot of people in the healthcare industry are willing to go and shop around,” Wade Symons, head of the consulting firm Mercer’s U.S. regulatory practice, told the Journal.

News of the major hospital systems dropping their injection mandates comes after a federal judge in Louisiana blocked the Biden administration’s top-down federal COVID-19 jab mandate for healthcare workers that would have impacted at least 10 million Americans.

The judge’s late-November decision was in response to President Joe Biden’s September 9 announcement of a series of vaccine mandates for public and private sectors, including one with no testing option for millions of healthcare workers employed by medical facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has subsequently announced it will temporarily halt enforcement of its healthcare worker mandate pending appeal of a federal injunction blocking the measure.

“I don’t think the mandates were helpful and I think the court in Louisiana did everyone a service,” Alan Levine, chief executive officer of Ballad Health, told The Journal. 

Levine, who told the newspaper his company employs about 14,000 people, of whom roughly 2,000 have opted not to get the shot, said firing “[t]hat many people … would have been devastating to our system.”

Before the Louisiana judge blocked the mandate, at least 22 states had joined a duo of joint lawsuits against the Biden administration over the rule.

States, companies, and private individuals have filed a raft of lawsuits taking issue not only with the mandate for healthcare workers but also the mandate for federal contractors and another for businesses with 100 or more employees.

In early November, a federal court blocked the mandate for large businesses, just two days after it was published. The mandate would have used the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to impose massive fines on noncompliant companies and individuals for failing to get the experimental shots.

By early December, all three of the Biden administration’s private sector jab mandates were stalled by federal judges.

The latest mandate to be blocked was halted December 7 by a federal judge who sided with South Carolina’s attorney general and Republican governor and stopped the Biden administration’s COVID-19 jab mandate for federal contractors, freezing the requirement nationwide and marking the third federal injection mandate to be blocked across all 50 states.

A shift in public policy toward the reversal of coercive jab mandates comes as many Americans remain concerned that the experimental drugs on the market have not been sufficiently studied for negative effects given their accelerated clinical trials. Many also harbor serious moral reservations about the use of cells from aborted babies in the development of the shots.

Still others simply consider the injections unnecessary given COVID-19’s high survivability among most groups, low risk of asymptomatic spread, and research indicating that post-infection natural immunity is either just as protective against reinfection or provides even greater protection.


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This video was originally published in June 2020.

You may have heard of it: Event201 – a pandemic exercise staged by Bill Gates, John Hopkins University and the World Bank in autumn 2019, which rehearsed exactly for the pandemic we are alleged to be COVID-19.

But who were the people involved?

Why were banks, PR experts, hotel and logistics companies present but no doctors?

Why do these people have the power to make global plans and make international decisions?

Because not a single one of them was democratically elected .

In this video, we take a close look at Event201 like no one has done before, depicting the entanglements of those involved and, above all, the many hair-raising, “prophetic” statements that they made in autumn 2019, and which have since followed each other.


Vielleicht haben Sie schon davon gehört: Event201 – eine von Bill Gates, John Hopkins Universität und Weltbank inszenierten Pandemieübung aus dem Herbst 2019. Dabei wurde genau für den Pandemiefall geprobt, den wir mit COVID-19 angeblich haben.

Doch wer waren die beteiligten Personen? Warum waren Banken, PR-Experten, Hotel- und Logistikunternehmen anwesend, aber keine Ärzte? Warum haben diese Leute die Macht, globale Pläne zu schmieden und internationale Entscheidungen zu treffen? Denn demokratisch gewählt wurde kein Einziger von ihnen..

Wir sehen uns das Event201 ganz genau an, wie es keiner zuvor tat, stellen die Verwicklungen der Beteiligten dar und vor allem die vielen haarsträubenden, «prophetischen» Aussagen, die sie im Herbst 2019 trafen, und die mittlerweile nacheinander zur düsteren Realität werden.

Important video: English subtitles


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On 26 November, the British government officially banned Hamas “in its entirety” as an “Islamist terror group,” with both its members and “those who invite support” for the movement facing jail terms of up to 14 years.

The military wing of Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, has been proscribed by London since 2001. As such, it’s only reasonable to ask why this move – vehemently opposed by Palestinian factions within the illegally occupied Gaza Strip and clearly concerned with erasing the very real distinction between separate wings of the wider movement, in the process delegitimizing it as a whole – has been taken at this particular point in time, or even at all.

Emails obtained by The Cradle reveal that an intensive pressure campaign waged by Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and the Zionist Federation, two highly significant Israeli lobby groups, had forced Whitehall’s hand. Missives dispatched to their respective members – the latter group totaling over 50,000 – ecstatically hailed the Hamas prohibition with accompanying subject lines respectively proclaiming the words ‘VICTORY!’ and ‘Activism counts!’

In its accompanying message, the Federation noted that earlier in 2021, it had, in conjunction with “other pro-Israel organizations,” undertaken a “letter writing campaign calling on [London] to proscribe the political wing of Hamas … in its entirety. YOUR [emphasis in original] participation in that campaign has paid off.”

The email by CUFI, which branded anti-Zionism a “hateful ideology,” thanked the “thousands” of supporters who contacted their local parliamentarians, thereby “joining calls for Hamas to be banned in its entirety,” confirming the existence of a concerted effort across ostensibly separate Zionist initiatives, and adding that, “once again [emphasis added], it has been proven that speaking out is so important and effective.”

It’s unknown to what precisely this refers, although journalist Asa Winstanley has previously caught the organization inviting its backers to demand the British government prohibit Israel Apartheid Week, an annual series of actions and events intended to draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians, from university campuses across the country.

Higher education institutions that refused to adopt the definition of anti-Semitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance were to be particularly targeted, despite the definition’s own architect acknowledging it to be inadequate and ripe for abuse.

The email by CUFI concluded with the words: “One way we bless Israel is by standing up against the evil forces that are intent on its destruction … Britain has made a small step in demonstrating its support for Israel in its fight against terror. But we know that there is still much more the UK can do. With your help and support, CUFI can make an impact in the UK through even more targeted and bigger campaigns [emphasis added], ensuring that this nation remains faithful to Israel and the Jewish people.”

CUFI, Israel’s ‘crisis’ manager

CUFI was founded in 2006 by Texan pastor John Hagee, a Christian fundamentalist who preaches that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler – who he brands a “half-breed Jew” – purged Europe of its Jewish population in order to shepherd them to Palestine, and that the Holocaust was actively willed by God for this divine purpose.

Having grown rapidly, today CUFI is the largest pro-Israel organization in the US, a highly competitive category indeed, with its membership reportedly exceeding over eight million. CUFI’s website boasts that this vast network of foot soldiers “enables us to make a difference during crucial moments.”

Whenever Israel “faces a crisis,” its US-wide network of “dedicated activists” are enlisted to “immediately take action and rally support on Capitol Hill, in the pulpits across America, in every available media outlet, and on college campuses.”

Examples of its lobbying efforts include vast email campaigns targeting lawmakers in support of the relocation of Washington’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a move slammed by rights groups when it came to pass in 2018, and goading Congress to pass the Taylor Force Act, which deprived the Palestinian Authority – an illegitimate and brutal Zionist entity in any event – of US financial aid. In the latter instance, over one million emails were purportedly fired off by CUFI activists.

The organization professes to be “carefully committed to putting every dollar of our funding towards the most effective and innovative initiatives,” and it’s clear that some of its budget flows directly from the Israeli government.

Records show that the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, primarily charged with battling the BDS movement overseas until its closure in June, provided CUFI with nearly $1.3 million in February 2019 alone, bankrolling 10 week-long pilgrimages to Israel for 30 “influential Christian clerics from the US” per visit.

There, the clerics met with high-ranking Israeli officials. As the sums were spent abroad, rather than stateside, CUFI was able to circumvent laws designed to thwart foreign interference in US politics, despite it being likely – and indeed desired – that these trips affected participant actions, activities, and statements once home.

It’s uncertain if Israeli financing was in any way involved in the organization’s expansion into the UK in 2015, although its official launch event in June that year had clear connections with the Israeli embassy in London.

A founding history of campaigns

The Zionist Federation, an umbrella for the wider movement in the UK, was founded in 1899, to campaign for a permanent Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Chaim Weizmann, who later became Israel’s first President, was appointed its chief in October 1917. A mere month later, British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour issued his infamous, eponymous declaration, widely considered to be the Zionist state’s foundational document. Weizmann was heavily involved in its drafting.

Following the creation of Israel in 1948, Zionist Federation activities evolved to aggressive advocacy and practical support for ‘Aliyah’ – the immigration and absorption of Jewish diaspora to Tel Aviv – lobbying, and cultural diplomacy.

Then, as now, its funding sources were markedly opaque. Today, it also manages dedicated operations attempting to counteract the BDS movement, identify and groom future Zionist leaders on British campuses, and “runs regular campaigns on a number of issues affecting Israel … mobilizing thousands to get behind the State, and support Israel’s right to freedom.”

Tantalizingly, the Zionist Federation cites “proscribing Hezbollah” as an example of one such campaign. The largest political force in Lebanon, in February 2019 its political wing was banned without warning by then-Home Secretary Sajid Javid. Parts of the movement were criminalized by London in 2001 – the same year the Al-Qassam Brigades were outlawed – and its military arm prohibited since 2008.

Friends in high places

The diaries of former British foreign office minister Alan Duncan, encapsulated in his book, In the Thick of It: The Private Diaries of a Minister, and published in April, suggest that the Zionist initiative was not the only one involved in swaying Whitehall policy towards Hezbollah.

Contemporaneous entries assert that the Home Office was “just sucking up” to Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), a highly influential parliamentary cluster affiliated with the ruling Conservative party, and which has been dubbed “by far Britain’s most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group.”

Duncan wrote that its members were “gloating … about having deployed their [House of Commons] troops in Israel’s cause,” lamenting that “we are too willing to let others pull our strings.”

On the CFI website, a prominent banner lists a quote from former prime minister Theresa May, stating: “Britain would not be Britain without its Jews. Likewise, the Conservative party would not be the Conservative party without CFI. You play a vital role, for which we are hugely grateful.”

However, Duncan reveals CFI has all too often played a ‘vital role’ in undermining and besmirching those few Conservative parliamentarians possessed of pro-Palestinian sympathies, such as himself, despite the CFI having around 80 percent of the Conservative party’s elected representatives as its members.

Indeed, Duncan alleges, “they just want to belittle and subjugate the Palestinians … whereas they pretend to believe in two parallel states, it’s quite clear they don’t, so [they] set out to destroy all genuine advocates for Palestine.”

Two years earlier, the minister had been informed by Al Jazeera that it had secretly recorded an Israeli embassy representative in meetings with CFI members speaking of the need to “destroy” him, so that he never became foreign secretary.

In response, Duncan telephoned Mark Regev, then-Israeli ambassador to Britain, who alleged that the embassy official in question, Shai Masot, was a junior “local hire” with no formal diplomatic status.

“It’s all total bollocks,” Duncan was recorded as saying, “what on earth is the point of Regev stating something that is so blatantly untrue, and about which we both hold the facts?”

In reality, Masot was an Israeli Defense Forces veteran who had served as the embassy’s senior political officer since November 2014, acting as chief point of contact between the Israeli embassy and the Foreign Office.

Over the course of the covertly taped conversations, it was revealed that MP Crispin Blunt – a longtime critic of Israel who consistently condemned its illegal settlement expansion, and as recently as 24 November this year referred in parliament to the Palestinians as “an occupied people” who “have a right to resist” – was on Masot’s “hit list.”

‘Pro-Israel infiltration into very centre of our public life’

The disclosures of Al Jazeera went some way to explaining why six months earlier, Duncan had been primed to become ‘Minister for the Middle East’ within the Foreign Office, only for it to be denied to him after prolonged back-and-forth discussions.

On the evening of the very day Duncan accepted that post, he met with then-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who told him that “a massive problem has arisen,” as CFI was “going ballistic” over the proposal, eventually leading Downing Street to rule that Duncan simply couldn’t assume the role.

Duncan remarked in his diary that the conduct of CFI representatives responsible would “in any other country … be seen as entrenched espionage that should prompt an inquiry into their conduct.”

“Our own national interest is being taken for a sucker … This is improper. It’s wrong … but the whole system buys into it without realizing how wrong it is,” Duncan said.

“It reeks, it stinks, it festers, it molders – all rotten to the core,” Duncan wrote.

“The rules of propriety, and all the morality and principle that goes with it, are discarded and rewritten to accommodate this exceptional pro-Israel infiltration into the very centre of our public life,” Duncan went on to write. “…The CFI and the Israelis think they control the Foreign Office. And they do!”


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Monsanto has pleaded guilty to multiple environmental crimes in Hawaiʻi for the second time in less than four years, and the island communities are left asking “when is enough enough?”

In the most recent case, Monsanto will plead guilty to 30 environmental crimes in Hawaiʻi, related to pesticide use violations and putting field workers at risk.  In both cases they admit that they knowingly violated pesticide law and put field workers in harmʻs way.  They will pay a $12 million fine this time, bringing their criminal fines and “community service payments” to a total of $22 million since 2019.

At the center of these cases is that the Monsanto field workers had to transport, apply and be exposed to these toxic and banned pesticides as part of their job.  In small island communities of Hawaiʻi, Monsanto workers are our friends and family. Folks live just downwind and next door to these fields.  We are concerned about their health, and those concerns are glaringly missing from news reports and in the distribution agreements for the community service payments.

There are two separate incidents that have become related because of a deferred prosecution agreement between Monsanto and the courts.

From March 2013 through August 2014, Monsanto stored 160 pounds of Penncap-M hazardous waste at a facility on Molokai.  In 2014, they transported Penncap-M to its valley farm on a neighboring island, and “failed to use a proper shipping manifest to identify the hazardous material and failed to obtain a permit to accept hazardous waste at its Valley Farm site.”

Monsanto admitted using Penncap-M on corn seed and research crops at its facility on Maui, knowing that its use was prohibited after 2013 because of a “cancellation order” issued by the EPA, a news release said. Monsanto also admitted that, after the 2014 spraying, it told employees to reenter the sprayed fields seven days later — even though Monsanto knew that workers should have been prohibited from entering the area for 31 days.

Source: Beyond Pesticides

If we center the story around Monsantoʻs workers, and other people who were put in danger, this is what happened: A hazardous pesticide was being stored at a site on Molokaʻi, a small island community, for over a year. It was transported by truck, and airplane or boat without proper documentation, which means that any crash, accident, or spillage could not have been handled properly, putting transportation crews and the environment at risk. On Maui, workers were told to spray a banned pesticide, and then to enter the sprayed fields during the do-not-enter period, exposing and re-exposing themselves to a toxic, banned pesticide.

In the 2019 Penncap-M case, Monsanto pleaded guilty to these offenses, and paid $10 million – a $6 million criminal fine and $4 million in community service payments to Hawaiian government entities. No mention was made of compensation for workers, or funds to assist them with long-term health monitoring and care.  The government also agreed to dismiss the felony charges in two years if Monsanto abides by the agreement, which in addition to the fines, included successfully completing a two-year period of compliance with the agreement’s terms, and maintaining a comprehensive environmental compliance program at all of its facilities in Hawaii to ensure compliance with all federal environmental laws.

Monsanto did not maintain compliance.

In 2020, Monsanto instructed workers to use Forfeit 280 on Oahu corn fields.  Then, they instructed workers to enter the fields to check for weeds, insects and disease 30 times during a six-day “restricted-entry interval.”  A restricted-entry interval is established by EPA based on the acute toxicity of the active ingredients in the pesticide and is meant to limit the exposure of pesticide residues to workers or other persons. In these cases, workers were knowingly sent into treated fields during the periods of time that have been deemed unsafe to humans.

The 2020 Forfeit 280 incidents mean that the company violated the terms of the 2019 deferred prosecution agreement, along with racking up another 30 misdemeanor charges.

Monsanto is now pleading guilty to the second serious charge of knowingly violating pesticide law by using banned pesticides and exposing multiple individuals to pesticide residues at work.

Advocates and leaders in Hawaiʻi are angry.

“Maui will not continue to be predated by this company. People of Kihei are living just downwind of Monsanto, now Bayerʻs, clandestine and apparently often illegal operations.  Their open windows are exposed to everything they spray. Itʻs time for the chemical company/seed industry to leave Hawaiʻi.  Their mono-crop toxic tech doesnʻt fit with the Hawaiian values of mālama ʻāina (to care for the land).  They contribute little to our economy. Big Ag practices are killing our reefs, the real driver of our economy,” says State Representative Tina Wildberger, whose South Maui district contains two large outdoor Monsanto facilities.

In the news releases, court findings and fine distribution details, Monsantoʻs actions are at the center, but the workers are overlooked. Again, if we center the most vulnerable people in the story, it reads differently.

Monsanto didnʻt spray a banned pesticide, putting them in danger of exposure.  Workers did.

Monsantoʻs health wasnʻt put in danger by having to enter sprayed fields and be further exposed to a toxic pesticide. Workers did.

Monsanto doesnʻt have to worry for the rest of their life if small symptoms that develop may be a sign of long term health effects due to pesticide exposure.  Workers DO.

A plea agreement, filed in U.S. District Court in Honolulu, calls for the company to serve three years of probation and pay $12 million, including a $6 million criminal fine and $6 million in community service payments to four state agencies.

The agencies that each will receive $1.5 million from the additional $6 million in community service payments are the Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Use Revolving Fund — Pesticide Disposal Program/Pesticide Safety Training; the Department of the Attorney General, Criminal Justice/Investigations Division; the Department of Health, Environmental Management Division, to support environmental-health programs; and the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources.

None of these agencies have been tasked with assisting Monsanto workers with health care costs, exams, or regular checkups as follow up care to pesticide exposure. Residents of Maui are fed up, and looking for recourse. In 2014, Maui voters passed a ballot initiative calling for a moratorium on the production of genetically engineered (GE) crops, until their production and associated pesticide use could be proven safe with studies. Monsanto sued the County of Maui and the ballot initiative was overturned in court. Seven years and $22 million in fines later, we are still forced to share neighborhoods with this company, residents say.

Two Maui residents who live directly downwind from their fields are currently suing Monsanto over birth defects. “Monsanto’s reckless use of pesticides and harmful chemicals near a residential neighborhood have put numerous Maui families at risk,” said Ilana Waxman, partner at Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, in a news release last week. “Monsanto knew these dangerous substances would drift into nearby communities.”

The movement to evict Monsanto from Maui has birthed a new generation of activists, organic farmers, and elected officials that do put mālama ʻāina at the center of their work, and statewide GE seed production has decreased.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the value of Hawaii’s seed industry was estimated at $106 million for the 2018-19 season. That’s a 13% drop from the previous year – and a 56% decline from 2011, when the industry’s value peaked at $241.6 million. There is still much work to do though, while community members continue to be affected by Monsantoʻs egregious pesticide use.


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Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Press Release

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Verizon and AT&T are hoping new swaths of C-band cellular radio spectrum will help make the 5G hype closer to reality, but the big mid-band 5G rollout may have a side effect. Airplanes rely on radio altimeters to tell how high they are above the ground to safely land when pilots can’t see, and the FAA is now instructing 6,834 of them to not do that at certain airports because of 5G interference.

The FAA ruled on Tuesday that those thousands of US planes (and some helicopters) won’t be able to use many of the guided and automatic landing systems that are designed to work in poor visibility conditions, if they’re landing at an airport where there’s deemed to be enough interference that their altimeters aren’t reliable. “Landings during periods of low visibility could be limited due to concerns that the 5G signal could interfere with the accuracy of an airplane’s radio altimeter, without other mitigations in place,” FAA spokesman Lynn Lunsford tells The Verge.

That likely means flight delays:

“These limitations could prevent dispatch of flights to certain locations with low visibility, and could also result in flight diversions,” reads a portion of the FAA’s written explanation.

“We are engaged with the wireless operators, as well as our interagency partners, to do everything possible to make sure the mitigations are tailored to prevent disruptions,” Lunsford tells us.

The FAA ruling does give airlines and pilots an out — if they can prove their airplanes have altimeters that are protected or are otherwise not going to be affected by interference. No airline would comment to The Verge on expected delays, nor would the Airlines for America industry group that the airlines pointed us to.

It’s not yet clear which specific airports might restrict low visibility flight, but you can imagine that they’d likely be in the same places where the carriers are deploying mid-band 5G — with a few exceptions, they’re the United States’ most-populated cities. As of December, the planned rollouts (PDF) are in 46 markets designated as Partial Economic Areas (PEAs), including 1-4, 6-10, 12- 19, 21-41, and 43-50. (You can see a full list of PEAs here (PDF).) The FAA plans to issue notices for specific airports later.

Verizon and AT&T did agree to push back the launch of C-band by one month (to January 2022), and also offered to dial back the power of 5G towers for six months past that to address concerns. Carriers and their lobbying group, the CTIA, have suggested that there isn’t a valid reason to fear interference, but the FAA has so far not been convinced. Nor was an aviation lobbying group, the Aerospace Industries Association, which sent a letter to the FCC on Monday suggesting that AT&T and Verizon’s proposed power limits don’t go far enough for safety. The FCC, not the FAA, is the entity that regulates wireless interference.

While C-band 5G and these radio altimeters don’t actually operate in the same band, the bands are close enough that the fear exists. One possible solution is a band filter for those altimeters, but organizations like the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) have warned (PDF) that it might take years to certify them and retrofit all the planes.


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Assange’s Father Says His Son Has Been Vaccinated

December 15th, 2021 by Joe Lauria

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Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton, has told a French interviewer that his son has been given a Covid-19 vaccine in Belmarsh Prison.

“He has been vaccinated, of course,” Shipton told the show Thinkerview, live-streamed on Monday. “So he has no choice in this. No choice about anything. He has no control over his body.”

Shipton said every medicine Assange accepted in prison would go on his record and wind up in court. Likewise any medicine he refused would also be reported.

There is “not a mandated Vax” in the prison, Shipton told Consortium News in an email. “I was attempting to illustrate that Julian’s body is not under his control. All actions, as I understand it, are noted and available to [the] prosecution. The psychiatric staff and medical staff write reports which are available.”

Shipton told CN that “if [the] Vax [is] not taken, I presume prison administration, no less than other institutions …” would report it. “Thus a freedom which in practice does not exist,” he said.

Shipton told the French interviewer: “He only has choice about what he might think about from this minute to the next minute. What his thoughts are, are his. The rest is in the complete control of the jail administration because it is a maximum security prison. Everything … is supervised. ”

According to testimony at his September 2020 extradition hearing, Assange had been reluctant to discuss his health with prison doctors, fearing he would be put in isolation.

The imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher has a chronic lung condition. His block at Belmarsh had an outbreak of the virus last year and was locked down.

Assange has said nothing on the record either way about vaccines or public health measures like lockdowns or wearing masks. He has been incommunicado directly with the public since Ecuador shut off his internet connection in March 2018 inside its embassy in London where Assange had been granted political asylum in 2012.

In August, the U.K. Ministry of Justice told Consortium News in an email that a vaccine was made available to all inmates at Belmarsh Prison, where Assange has been held since April 2019. He remains there on remand pending the U.S. appeal of a judgement not to extradite him.

“All prisoners have been offered a vaccine,” wrote MoJ senior press officer Sarah Fairely. “As it is a personal health matter we don’t hold the figures on those who have taken the vaccine.”

In July, Insidetime, a British newspaper for prisoners, reported that more than 50 percent of prisoners in U.K. jails had refused a Covid-19 vaccine.

“At four London prisons – Wandsworth, Belmarsh, Thameside and Isis – a total of 2,722 men had been offered the vaccine by early June, of whom 1,254 (46 per cent) turned it down,” the newspaper reported.

Without saying a word about vaccines, Assange has been swept up in the contentious issue, which has divided parts of his supporters. Some Assange backers have made their support for him visible at anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests.

Courting France

Shipton spent the majority of the interview making his case to France to help his son. He praised the French who “since the Bastille fell” have been among the most politically aware and active people in the world.

Thirty-nine deputies in the French parliament recently called for France to offer diplomatic asylum to Assange.

In the interview Shipton shifted the focus away from his son and onto the immense crimes that Assange’s work at WikiLeaks had uncovered. “Everyone focuses on Julian Assange, not the seven million people [in the war on terror] who are slaughtered, not the pall of grief that hangs like a dark cloud over the entire Middle East,” Shipton said.

He spoke of one release in the Diplomatic Cables, in which a U.S. military unit entered a house in Iraq and massacred the entire family inside. A cable describes how the soldiers, realizing they had committed a crime, called in an airstrike to entirely destroy the house and all the evidence inside.

That incident led the Iraqi Parliament to not support the renewal of the government’s status of forces agreement with the U.S.

“A revelation stopped a war,” Shipton said.


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Joe Lauria is editor-in-chief of Consortium News and a former U.N. correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and numerous other newspapers. He was an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times of London and began his professional work as a 19-year old stringer for The New York Times.  He can be reached at [email protected] and followed on Twitter @unjoe  

Featured image is from Lawyers for Assange

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Who knew that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the biggest importer of sophisticated weaponry in the developing world going back a generation and more, is SO fragile?

Apparently, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board thinks so. Last week, it published an alarmed editorial that relayed the Saudis’ urgent pleas “for America for help as it runs out of ammunition to defend against the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.”

As if the Houthis, also known as Ansarallah, are raining down drones and missiles throughout Saudi territory, it asserted that the “more than 70,000 Americans in the Kingdom … could become victims” and, in a curious choice of words suggested that the threat posed by the Houthis to the most hyper-armed state in the Middle East could be “existential.”

If that weren’t enough, the Journal published a longer, arguably more alarming op-ed by its former publisher and managing editor, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Karen Elliott House. “The threat to Saudi Arabia is real,” she declares. “The Journal reports that the Houthis have conducted 375 cross-border attacks on Saudi Arabia this year. This Monday Saudi air defenses intercepted a ballistic missile over the capital. In March the Houthis unsuccessfully attacked a major Saudi oil port. A sophisticated attack on Saudi Aramco’s oil facilities in September 2019 forced a brief suspension of Saudi oil production.”

House failed to note that most experts believe that the last attack was carried out from Iraqi or Iranian territory despite Houthi claims that they had carried it out. But then her op-ed fails to mention a remarkable number of relevant facts and context.

It omits any mention of cross-border bombing raids by Saudi Arabia that have been going on since Riyadh intervened in Yemen nearly seven years ago — a total of 23,000 between March 2015 and September of this year, or an average of ten a day — according to a report by UN experts that concluded that those strikes have killed or wounded at least 18,000 Yemeni civilians.

House also didn’t mention the war’s total death toll of well over 350,000. An estimated 70 percent of those have been children under the age of five who died primarily as a result of hunger and preventable diseases due in major part to the destruction of health facilities and other basic civilian infrastructure by the Saudi bombing campaign and a Saudi-led blockade of Houthi-controlled territory amounting to what the UN’s humanitarian agency has called the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

There was also no mention of the kingdom’s use of “incentives and threats” — including the threat of denying citizens of predominantly Muslim members of the UN Human Rights Council permission to making the haj pilgrimage to Mecca — as part of a successful lobbying campaign to shut down a UN investigation of war crimes committed by all parties to the Yemen conflict earlier this fall.

The reader clearly doesn’t need to know any of that context, according to House who wonders why, oh why, Biden is ignoring Saudi “begging” for Patriots. “One Saudi theory is that he and his progressive allies are intent on punishing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his alleged role in the 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi.” Maybe, she opines, he’s worried that progressive Democrats would oppose his Build Back Better bill if he transfers the Patriots. That makes perfect sense.

But MBS and the Saudis are doing wonderful things that presumably deserves Patriots, she insists. “A country that banned movie theaters until 2018 now hosts Justin Bieber concerns, Formula One races, international golf tournaments and female sports teams.”

“…To continue this modernizing path, the kingdom needs stability. Efforts to build a tourism industry along the Red Sea, for instance, won’t succeed if Saudi territory is constantly threatened with attack.” Worse, by not providing the kingdom with the help it says it needs, she concludes, it is “encouraging Iran to step up its decades-long effort to,” among other things, “lay claim to Islam’s holiest sites and Arabia’s oil.”

Credit where credit is due. Unlike House, the Journal’s editorial does recognize, albeit summarily, that the Saudis has not behaved well in Yemen. “The Saudis aren’t always attractive friends, and they have fought the Yemen war in often brutal fashion, though less so with the help of U.S. trainers during the Trump years,” the latter being a somewhat questionable assertion. “But,” the Journal adds somewhat mysteriously, “in the Saudis’ neighborhood, the military choices can be existential,” apparently implying that, had the Saudis not acted with brutality, the Houthis could have somehow destroyed the Saudi state, another questionable assertion to say the least.

It’s not that the Houthis are angels, and, as the UN experts and international human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have documented, they should be held to account, including for their missile and drone attacks on civilian sites in Saudi Arabia. Nor is it untrue that Iran hasn’t lent them material support and guidance, although many experts agree that the amount of that assistance, as well as the influence Tehran may enjoy with the Houthis, have been greatly exaggerated by both the Saudis, their coalition partners (mainly the United Arab Emirates), and their highly paid shills in Washington.

But the fact remains it was the Saudis who intervened in what had become a civil war in Yemen and who bear primary responsibility for a substantial majority of both the direct and indirect physical and human devastation that the Arab world’s poorest country has since incurred over the past seven years, Justin Bieber concerts notwithstanding. (Civilian Saudi losses, as regrettable as they are, have been tiny, virtually infinitesimal by comparison, international golf tournaments notwithstanding.)

If the Journal and House want to protect the poor Saudis, whose military budget this year came to a measly $50 billion — or roughly twice Yemen’s entire 2021 gross domestic product — from the Houthis, the most obvious and speediest course to do so might be for Riyadh to lift the blockade and stop the bombing, the two conditions which the Houthis have laid down for halting their operations against targets in Saudi Arabia. That would also be the most cost-effective way: bombing runs are very expensive, and Patriot missiles cost more than $3 million a pop. Cost-effectiveness should appeal to the Journal’s readers.

And finally, what would a compelling Wall Street Journal editorial on the Arab world be without citing Bernard Lewis, “the late, great scholar of the Middle East [who] once quipped to us that while it is dangerous to be America’s enemy, it can be fatal to be its friend” — the point being that the Biden administration has been a faithless friend to Saudi Arabia by not providing the Patriots? That’s the same Bernard Lewis who introduced Ahmad Chalabi, the greatest con man of the 21st century, to both the Journal’s editorial board and Dick Cheney and who convinced them both that U.S. troops would be welcomed in Iraq as liberators. It’s also the same Bernard Lewis who warned on the Journal’s op-ed page that Iran would try to bring about “the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world” on August 22, 2006.

Yet people still ask why the Journal doesn’t have a comics section.


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Russia-China Alliance at the Tipping Point

December 15th, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The initiative by Beijing to propose a virtual meeting between President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday radically transforms the geopolitics of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s relentless eastward expansion and the Western military deployments on Russia’s borders. 

The announcement of the meeting in Beijing came within a day of a G7 meeting of foreign ministers in Liverpool, Britain, on Sunday, which echoed Washington’s rhetoric over an alleged Russian military build-up on Ukrainian border and threatened Moscow with “massive consequences and severe cost in response.” 

The G7 meet itself was intended as a new show of western unity against Russia and China to get the west on the front foot. For the first time, ASEAN countries were also included in the G7 ministerial as a part of US President Joe Biden administration’s plans to begin a new “Indo-Pacific economic framework” in a renewed attempt to roll back China’s influence in the region. 

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ambassador Wang Wenbin, said on Monday that the virtual meeting between Xi and Putin is expected to “take stock of the bilateral relations and cooperation outcomes over this year, make top-level design for the relations next year, and exchange views on major international and regional issues of common concern.” 

Ambassador Wang anticipated that the Xi-Putin videoconference “will further enhance our high-level mutual trust, vigorously promote China-Russia “back-to-back” strategic coordination and the robust development of all-round practical cooperation.” And he concluded, “This will provide more stability and positive energy for the complex and fluid international landscape.” 

The Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has since disclosed that Putin and Xi will address during the talks the NATO’s belligerent rhetoric and the tense situation in Europe. To quote Peskov,

“[The two leaders] will exchange their views on international affairs. The recent developments in international affairs, especially on the European continent, are now very tense and this definitely requires discussion between the allies, between Moscow and Beijing.”

Peskov added that Russia is facing “a very aggressive rhetoric both from NATO and the US,” which also needs to be discussed. In effect, Peskov has highlighted that the emergent tense situation on the European continent warrants Russia holding consultation with its close ally China. 

No doubt, this signifies an extraordinary dimension to the Russian-Chinese alliance. What role, if any, China is going to play in the evolving scenario will be keenly watched, in particular, as winds for a perfect storm are howling in both Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific. 

Most important, would the discussion today fall within the ambit of the plan for Russia-China military cooperation for 2021-2025, which the two countries signed on November 23? While signing the document, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu was quoted as saying, “China and Russia have been strategic partners for many years. Today, in conditions of increasing geopolitical turbulence and growing conflict potential in various parts of the world, the development of our interaction is especially relevant.” 

Specifically, Shoigu drew the attention of his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe to increasingly intensive flights by the US strategic bombers near Russian borders. He said, “This month, 10 (US) strategic bombers practiced the scenario of using nuclear weapons against Russia practically simultaneously from the western and eastern directions” and came as close as 20 kilometres to the Russian border. 

Shoigu also noted a rise in the number of US bomber flights over the Sea of Okhotsk where they practiced the launch of cruise missiles, saying that it posed a threat to both Russia and China. “In such an environment, the Russian-Chinese coordination becomes a stabilising factor in global affairs,” Shoigu had said. 

In a brief statement, China’s defence ministry said at that point that the two sides would “continue to deepen strategic cooperation between the two militaries, continue to strengthen cooperation in strategic exercises, joint patrols and other areas, and continue to make new contributions to safeguarding the core interests of China and Russia and maintaining international and regional security and stability.” 

Yet, Shoigu was speaking only a fortnight ago. Reporting on the pact, the South China Morning Post commented that China and Russia “are edging closer to a de facto military alliance to counter growing pressure from the United States.”

At the very least, the signing of the road map on military cooperation signalled Russia and China’s willingness to resist US pressure by relying on combined military efforts, if necessary. 

The US is unable to simultaneously confront both China and Russia militarily and if the latter were to significantly pool their military power and foreign policy objectives, that would alter the Eurasian balance of power and disadvantage the US. 

The US still has the most capable military in the world and there is no question that the US is more powerful than China or Russia alone, but a newfound unity among the latter two can be strategically draining for Washington. 

Lyle Goldstein, an expert on China and Russia who served for two decades as a research professor at the Naval War College up until October, told Newsweek on Monday, “I think Moscow and Beijing calculate that they can really keep us (Washington) in a kind of maximum confusion, because the theatres are so distant from each other, and the forces involved are quite different. I do think they see a gain here in kind of pulling us in two directions at once.” 

Curiously, in Goldstein’s estimation, “I don’t think the United States is prepared to go to war in Ukraine. I don’t think the United States is prepared to go to war over Taiwan. I stand by both those points. So to do both, no, absolutely not.” 

He explained that the Ukraine and Taiwan scenarios in particular “are maximally stressing as they involve high-intensity warfare in theatres that are extremely difficult against opponents that have that single measure of focus. Either one of them on their own would be highly stressing and I would argue, if we were to get involved, there’s a good possibility that we might lose.”

Be that as it may, the video call today sets the stage for Putin’s visit to Beijing at Xi Jinping’s personal invitation as the chief guest at the upcoming Winter Olympics (4-20 February.) 

From the look of it, the two leaders’ face-to-face meeting in Beijing in early February will be an event of great significance for global stability and the further consolidation of the strategic partnership between the two countries. 

Conceivably, the virtual meeting today amidst the rising tensions in Russia’s relations with the US is a display of the realisation in Beijing that “only by joining hands can China and Russia counter the attack from the US-led clique and avoid falling into passivity,” as Cui Heng, the well-known Chinese scholar at the Center for Russian Studies of East China Normal University, told the Global Times. 

Lest it gets overlooked, the Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation signed by China and Russia in 2001 enshrines that “Russia recognises the government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government representing whole China. Taiwan is a constituent part of China.” The pact is a foundational document on which the Sino-Russian alliance is anchored.  


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“If the Pentagon wants to come clean about this horrific event, it will release documents and videotapes that show who was responsible for key decisions and what technological failings were responsible.”

In a continuation of a long history of impunity for U.S. troops who harm noncombatants during wartime, the Pentagon said Monday that none of the military personnel involved in an unmanned aerial drone strike that killed 10 civilians – seven of them children – during the final days of the war in Afghanistan would be punished.

When asked if anyone would be held accountable for the August 29 strike that killed aid worker Zamairi Ahmadi and nine of his relatives, including children as young as two years old, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said during a Monday press conference that he does “not anticipate there being issues of personal accountability to be had” regarding the attack.

Kathy Kelly of the advocacy group Ban Killer Drones said in a statement that “US attacks slaughtering civilians have been routine.”

“The unusual aspect of the August 29th attack was that international media exposed the murder of civilians and the pernicious initial claim that this was a ‘righteous attack,’” she added.

Following a long-established pattern of initially denying that US airstrikes harm civilians, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley first described the botched bombardment as a “righteous strike” that targeted a vehicle believed to be transporting explosives. US Central Command claimed the strike triggered “significant secondary explosions from the vehicle,” which “indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material.”

“We are confident we successfully hit the target,” a Pentagon spokesperson asserted, claiming the attack thwarted “an imminent ISIS-K threat to Hamad Karzai International Airport” – a reference to the so-called Islamic States’ Khorasan branch.

However, investigations by The New York Times and The Washington Post revealed that there were no explosives in Ahmadi’s car and that the “suspicious”-looking man and the people with him were loading containers of water into the vehicle.

Ahmadi, who worked for the California-based nonprofit Nutrition and Education International (NEI), had applied to resettle in the United States as the Taliban re-conquered Afghanistan after 20 years of U.S.-led war and occupation.

In an interview with the Times, NEI founder and president Steven Kwon called the Pentagon’s decision to not punish anyone for the strike “shocking.”

He asked, “How can our military wrongly take the lives of 10 precious Afghan people and hold no one accountable in any way?”

Accountability and punishment for civilian casualties are the rare exception to the rule in the US military, which has killed an estimated 900,000 men, women, and children during the 20-year so-called War on Terror and millions of noncombatants since waging nuclear war against Japan in 1945.

“The broader context the Pentagon should acknowledge was clarified by Daniel Hale, the drone whistleblower who disclosed that innocent Afghan civilians were killed in 90% of the US drone attacks during a five-month period,” said Kelly.

Hale was sentenced in July to nearly four years behind bars for sharing classified information about the US drone assassination program with a journalist. He was the latest in a long line of whistleblowers from Daniel Ellsberg to Julian Assange, John Kiriakou, Chelsea Manning, and numerous others who have been imprisoned for exposing war crimes whose perpetrators almost always go unpunished – and are sometimes even rewarded.

Nick Mottern, also of Ban Killer Drones, said that “if the Pentagon wants to come clean about this horrific event, it will release documents and videotapes that show who was responsible for key decisions and what technological failings were responsible.”

Mottern added that if President Joe Biden “was involved in the decision, we must know that.”


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Brett Wilkins is staff writer for Common Dreams. Based in San Francisco, his work covers issues of social justice, human rights and war and peace. This originally appeared at CommonDreams and is reprinted with the author’s permission.

Featured image is from The Last Refuge

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In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”.But this view is far too simple.

There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission. In Massachusetts, USA, a total of 469 new COVID-19 cases were detected during various events in July, 2021, and 346 (74%) of these cases were in people who were fully or partly vaccinated, 274 (79%) of whom were symptomatic. Cycle threshold values were similarly low between people who were fully vaccinated (median 22·8) and people who were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown (median 21·5), indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated.2
In the USA, a total of 10 262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26·6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9·7%) were hospitalised, and 160 (1·6%) died.3 In Germany, 55·4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals,and this proportion is increasing each week. In Münster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of 380 people who were fully vaccinated or who had recovered from COVID-19 and who attended a nightclub.5
People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatising parts of the population for their skin colour or religion. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatisation of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.


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1. Goldman E, How the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19: a Darwinian perspective. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2021; 118e2114279118

2. Brown CM, Vostok J, Johnson H, et al. Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 infections, including COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections, associated with large public gatherings—Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021; 70: 1059-1062

3. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigations Team. COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC—United States, January 1–April 30, 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021; 70: 792-793

4. Robert Koch Institut. Wöchentlicher Lagebericht des RKI zur Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19)—14·10·2021—aktualisierter Stand für Deutschland. Date: Oct 14, 2021 Date accessed: October 18, 2021

5. Von Dolle F. Münster: Inzwischen 85 Infizierte nach 2G-Party im Club. Date: Sept 20, 2021 Date accessed: September 23, 2021

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Turkey Tests World’s First Laser-Equipped Drone

December 15th, 2021 by Joe Saballa

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Turkish military engineers have tested a new bomb disposal drone capable of penetrating a carbon steel plate using a high-powered laser beam.

According to the state-run Anadolu Agency, the cutting-edge “Eren” drone fired a laser from 100 to 500 meters (328 to 1,640 feet) away, burning a hole in three millimeters of steel in 90 seconds.

Developed by Asisguard and Tubitak, the world’s first laser-equipped drone is designed to destroy explosive devices and has a maximum flight altitude of 3,000 meters (9,842 feet).

The drone was presented at the 8th Konya Science Festival in October, attracting the attention of defense officials, according to the outlet.

Once all trial phases are complete, the drone will be transferred to the Turkish armed forces.

Turkish Drone Development

In addition to the Eren, Turkey has developed the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle to bolster the country’s defenses amid evolving aerial threats.

With a payload capacity of 150 kilograms (330 pounds), the medium-altitude long-endurance drone is equipped with a triple-redundant avionics system and a 100hp internal combustion engine, allowing it to travel up to 150 kilometers (93 miles).

Last month, Turkish aerospace firm Baykar Defence announced that it would supply more Bayraktar TB2 combat drones to the Ukrainian armed forces to strengthen its defense capabilities. Morocco has also reportedly received its first delivery of Bayraktars.

Turkey also manufactures the Anka drone, which can carry up to 200 kilograms (440 pounds) of payload.

The Anka features a next-generation electro-optic camera for capturing high-resolution imagery and video day and night. It also includes an identification friend or foe (IFF) system, laser designator, and laser range finder.


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Featured image: Laser-mounted Turkish drone developed by Asisguard and Tubitak. Photo: Anadolu Agency

Key Body Demands Complete Ban on Glyphosate in India

December 15th, 2021 by Colin Todhunter

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In October 2020, Pesticide Action Network India and PAN Asia Pacific released the report ‘State of Glyphosate Use in India’. It concluded that the use of the world’s most widely used herbicide is rampant. Despite this, it noted that its disturbing effects on the environment and the health of farmworkers and the public are not being addressed (see: State of Glyphosate Use in India | Pesticide Action Network (PAN) India (

Although Punjab, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and several other states have moved towards banning glyphosate due to their concerns for consumers, farmers and environment, the report – based on a field survey in seven states (300 respondents – 30 retailers, 270 farmers/farmworkers) – noted at least 20 non-approved uses of glyphosate, with 16 of them in food crops.

It concluded:

“In the light of mounting evidences on the unacceptable health and environmental outcomes of glyphosate, the ground reality of its use in India is seen as an ‘anarchic’ scenario. This would have undesirable impacts on soil health, farm productivity, food safety, agriculture trade, public health as well as environmental wellbeing in the country. The scenario of glyphosate use thus necessitates the urgent need of eliminating it from India.”

The report documented many disturbing features of glyphosate use, not least in terms of its impacts on farmers and farmworkers.

Now in December 2021, the influential Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM) has demanded a complete ban on the use of glyphosate in India, arguing it is carcinogenic and damages ecology and that it adversely impacts cultivators and their livelihoods.

The SJM has close ties to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has consistently adopted a critical stance on the government’s pro-foreign direct investment policies and the ‘globalisation’ (dependency) agenda.

National Co-convenor of the SJM Ashwani Mahajan recently submitted a petition with 201,609 signatures of people favouring a complete ban on glyphosate to Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar.

The organisation argues that the government’s stated intent to restrict (not ban) the use of glyphosate (see Government moves to restrict use of glyphosate – The Hindu BusinessLine) is meaningless.

The SJM informed the agriculture minister that, though there is a restriction on the use of glyphosate (aside from on tea plantations and non-crop areas), the weedicide is blatantly being used for illegally grown genetically engineered herbicide tolerant (HT) cotton. It added that this has been going on for years with the full knowledge of the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee and the state governments.

The minister was informed that, at present, some “miscreant seed companies” are trying to illegally spread HT Bt cotton, on hundreds of thousands of acres of land, to promote the use of glyphosate.

The SJM says glyphosate is being used both for weed control and to desiccate crops prior to harvesting and there is a strong opposition to this as the weedicide and its adjuvants are absorbed by the plant and consumed by humans.

Glyphosate is a known carcinogen and endocrine disruptor and is linked with several serious illnesses. The SJM informed the minister that there are more than 100,000 cases pending against Monsanto/Bayer company for damages by the users of its glyphosate based herbicide after they (the litigants) developed 10 different types of cancer, including non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The herbicide has been declared carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Despite this, the push to get illegal HT genetically engineered crops into Indian fields persists. In 2017, for instance, the illegal cultivation of HT soybean was reported in Gujarat. There are also reports of HT cotton illegally being cultivated in the country.

In a 2017 paper in the Journal of Peasant studies, Glenn Stone and Andrew Flachs show how cotton farmers have been encouraged to change their ploughing practices, which has led to more weeds being left in their fields. The authors suggest the outcome in terms of yields (or farmer profit) is arguably no better than before. However, it (conveniently) coincides with the appearance of an increasing supply of HT cotton seeds.

Stone and Flachs observe:

“The challenge for agrocapital is how to break the dependence on double-lining and ox-weeding to open the door to herbicide-based management…. how could farmers be pushed onto an herbicide-intensive path?”

They show how farmers are indeed being nudged onto such a path via the change in practices and also note the potential market for herbicide growth alone in India is huge. Writing in 2017, the authors note that sales could soon reach USD 800 million with scope for even greater expansion. Little wonder we therefore see the appearance of HT seeds in the country. These seeds are designed to be used with glyphosate or other similar toxic argrochemicals such as glufinosate.

A report in the Indian press (June 2021) (Sale of illegal HT Bt cotton seeds doubles – The Hindu) states that the illegal cultivation of HT Bt cotton has seen a huge jump over a 12-month period, with seed manufacturers claiming that the sale of illegal seed packets had more than doubled. Industry lobbyists had been openly encouraging farmers to plant the seeds in violation of government regulations.

Industry lobbyists and industry-funded scientists often refer to regulatory agencies across the globe which have approved the use of glyphosate in their attempts to invalidate calls for imposing a ban. But if we turn to Europe, long-time campaigner against glyphosate Dr Rosemary Mason says:

“The only reason it has to date remained on the market in Europe is because of the companies behind the European Glyphosate Renewal Group (GRG).”

The GRG is a collection of companies seeking the renewal of the EU authorisation of glyphosate in 2022. Its current members are Albaugh Europe SARL, Barclay Chemicals Manufacturing Ltd., Bayer Agriculture bvba, Ciech Sarzyna S.A., Industrias Afrasa S.A., Nufarm GMBH & Co.KG, Sinon Corporation and Syngenta Crop Protection AG.

In the run up to the decision on whether to relicense glyphosate in 2022, Mason adds:

“These member companies joined forces to prepare a dossier with scientific studies and information on the safety of glyphosate. This dossier was submitted to the evaluating member states and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as part of the EU regulatory procedure to continue the authorisation of glyphosate and glyphosate-containing products on the EU market.”

It is telling that researcher Claire Robinson (see: Glyphosate: EU assessment report excludes most of the scientific literature from its analysis ( now notes that the preliminary EU report on glyphosate prepared by the Dutch, Hungarian, French and Swedish (the states tasked with evaluating glyphosate) regulators, failed to take into account the overwhelming majority of studies published in the scientific literature.

Robinson notes that of the 1,550 studies on the toxicity of glyphosate that the organisation Générations Futures found had been published in the literature over the last ten years, only 11 were deemed reliable by the evaluating states. Of the 1,614 ecotoxicity studies identified, once again only 11 were considered reliable. The rate is even lower for endocrine disruption effects: out of 4,024 published studies, only eight are considered reliable by the evaluating states.

Générations Futures notes that the studies presented by the manufacturers were treated with greater leniency and ended up forming the basis of their (the evaluating member states) assessment – in spite of there being “significant methodological flaws”.

Key studies indicating the toxicity of glyphosate from Asia or South America were not accounted for in the evaluation.

Robinson asks:

“Are the studies provided by pesticide manufacturers in support of the glyphosate re-authorisation application subject to the same scrutiny?”

She goes on to explain that this has not been the case. The system is designed to favour the manufacturers.

Rosemary Mason has been compiling data and citing official and peer reviewed reports on glyphosate for more than a decade. In her dozens of reports (on the website), she has been documenting the devastating health and environmental impacts of glyphosate.

In an era defined by the notion of ‘protecting public health’ and ‘flattening the curve’ to reduce the strain on health services, it must be asked why the agrochemical companies are granted free rein to continue to roll out their health damaging products that – as Mason and many others show – are fuelling a decades-long spiralling public health crisis and result in burdening health services.


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Over the past month, in a break from its usual focus on COVID-19, the Western mainstream media has dedicated a sizeable amount of coverage to unverified claims by unnamed US intelligence officials that the Russian Federation is planning an imminent military invasion of its western neighbour Ukraine – under the rule of the successive US-EU friendly governments of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky since 2014, when the CIA-orchestrated Euromaidan colour revolution toppled the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych, following his November 2013 decision to suspend an EU trade deal in favour of pursuing closer ties with Moscow.

The coverage, which comes at a time of increased tensions in Eastern Europe amidst a build-up of refugees on the Belarus-Poland border being labelled as an attempt by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko to destabilise the European Union, has resulted in widespread condemnation of Moscow by the Western media and political establishment, culminating in the G7 issuing a statement on Saturday threatening massive sanctions should Russia make any incursion into Ukraine – Russia having been a former member of the then-G8 until the successful reunification of the historically Russian peninsula of Crimea with the rest of the country in 2014, the pretext for which being the dangerously high anti-Russian sentiment of the newly-formed Western-backed Poroshenko government, resulted in Moscow’s suspension from the forum, with a later decision being made by the Kremlin in 2017 to formally leave the group altogether.

This widespread condemnation of Russia by the Western establishment however, for claims that Moscow itself has denied, is in stark contrast to the silence of mainstream media pundits and politicians in response to Israel’s open threats to carry out a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities amidst the current Vienna talks regarding the Iran nuclear deal, with Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz announcing less than 24 hours prior to the G7’s Russia statement that he had consulted with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken regarding such a move – one that in a similar vein to any possible Russian incursion into Ukraine, would immediately result in a devastating regional conflict, a conflict that could easily spiral into a full-blown war between East and West.

To understand this wildly-differing approach to both Moscow and Tel Aviv by the Western political and media establishment, one must look at the wider geopolitical relationship between the US-NATO hegemony and both Russia and Israel.

Formed in 1948, in line with the 1917 UK-authored Balfour Declaration, which called for the establishment of a Zionist State in the Middle East, Israel has always received military, financial and political support from the United States and its allies – culminating in a US-led coalition invading Iraq on behalf of Israel in 2003, which in turn would lead to Washington and its allies launching a regime-change operation against neighbouring Syria in 2011, with Damascus, like Baghdad, also being a long-time opponent of the Zionist State.

Russia on the other hand, and in particular since the election of Vladimir Putin as President in 2000, has been diametrically opposed to this US-NATO foreign policy carried out in line with Israeli interests – with a Russian military intervention on behalf of the Syrian government in 2015 perhaps playing the most decisive role in ensuring the Presidency of Bashar al-Assad has remained in place despite the decade-long attempt to remove his leadership via a US and Israeli-backed colour revolution.

The aforementioned 2014 reunification of Russia and Crimea also put a halt to the Neocon aim of establishing a US Naval base in the key strategic Crimean port of Sevastopol – a plan that would have surely come to fruition had Crimea remained under the pro-Western rule of the current Kiev administration.

Hence, it is in this successful countering of US-NATO imperialism that Russia finds itself demonised by the West and the target of a current smear campaign accusing Moscow of planning to start a global conflict via a military intervention in Ukraine – in stark contrast to the media silence and tacit political support offered to US-ally Israel in response to its open intentions of carrying out the very same action in Iran.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Many westerners trying to make sense of the events in the “dark continent” of Africa have many barriers standing in the way of their minds and reality. This must be the case, for without such filters of spin proclaiming Africa’s problems to be self-induced (or the consequence of Chinese debt slavery), we in the west, might actually feel horrified enough to demand systemic change. We might come to recognize that the plight of Africa has less to do with Africa and more to do with an intentional program of depopulation, and exploitation of vital resources.

Despite a rich history and over a billion people living on the continent, Africa suffers from the lowest per capita rates of electricity and potable water in the world. Of the 30,000 children who die needlessly each day from preventable causes (disease, water availability, hunger, etc), the majority are from Africa. Living standards are in turn abysmally low for the 340 million Africans who live in extreme poverty while insufficient healthcare infrastructure, and sanitation has resulted in a massive rate of infant mortality that reaches as high as 80-100 deaths per 1000 for many African nations.

To the degree that certain uncomfortable facts are kept obscured, this façade has been maintained.

Recently, a stone has been thrown at the glass artifice of false narratives that has attempted to maintain the belief that Africa’s problems arise from authoritarian governments or “not enough democracy”.

On November 23, a zoom conference call involving American, British and Finish and French diplomats went public, having been filmed and leaked by an unnamed participant. What made this zoom call relevant is that the topic of the call dealt with the need for regime change in Ethiopia, and the main speaker of the call was Berhane Gebre-Christos, former Ethiopian Foreign Minister (2010-2012) and now spokesman of the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Movement. The call itself was hosted by the Peace and Development Center International which is a cardboard cut-out operation partnered with the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID (both proven CIA fronts) and set up days before the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front attacked Ethiopian government’s northern command on November 3, 2020 which launched a year of armed atrocities.

Featured among the participants of the conference call were none other than Vicki Huddleson (former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs), Donald Yamamoto (former U.S. Ambassador to Somalia), Tim Clark (former EU ambassador to Ethiopia), Robert Dewar (former British Ambassador to Ethiopia) and a plethora of other rules-based orderistas. The point driven home is the need to force international pressure on the current Ethiopian government of Ahmed Abiy to treat the foreign supported insurgency of the TPLF as a legitimate group in arranging a restructured Ethiopian government OR simply depose of Abiy directly by all means necessary.

Despite the fact that the TPLF have been found complicit in trying to stage a civil war in Ethiopia and also having been caught using child soldiers, and using terrorism, the same Obama-era team running the Biden administration that carved up Sudan and brought about the humanitarian destruction of Libya and Syria have continued to give support to the rebels. Over the past months this has taken the form of sanctions, the cancelling of civilian loan programs affecting millions of lives, and consistently demanding Addis Ababa treats the rebels as a legitimate power broker.

Why the Regime Change Effort in Ethiopia?

The situation in Ethiopia is rather simple to understand as long as you don’t believe western media spin doctors.

For one, Ethiopia is the only nation of all sub-Saharan Africa to have successfully resisted colonization. Ethiopia is thus also among the economically most sovereign nations of Africa, capable of emitting sovereign bonds for large scale infrastructure projects (which it has done since 2011 to build the Grand Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile) and also one of the nations most interested in working closely with China and the emerging Belt and Road Initiative.

In recent years, Ethiopia has also resisted pressure to bend to the depopulation lobby which exerts vast influence across Washington, Brussels and London.

It hasn’t merely said no to depopulation regimes, but has driven forward with the construction of the largest infrastructure project seen on this continent for generations: the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Once completed this dam will generate over 6200 megawatts (mW) of electricity for not only its own 118 million people, but for all of the Horn of Africa which currently represents 255 million souls. Most importantly, this dam, the largest in Africa’s history, will become a driver for industrial development for the entire continent, providing electricity for all residents and establishing a successful model for other nations across Africa to follow. With the growth of the multipolar order led by China’s successful win-win model of cooperation, idea of “managing poverty” in Africa is quickly becoming superseded by the higher drive to end poverty through industrial progress. This sentiment was loudly conveyed by leaders of the global south amidst the fanatical drive to impose de-carbonization regimes onto the entire globe during COP26.

Ethiopia has been one of the closest friends to China, which has provided expert training, funding and diplomatic assistance to Addis Ababa in recent years (which is an active member of the Belt and Road Initiative). Among the top Chinese-sponsored projects is the 756 km Addis Ababa- Djibouti standard gauge railway which has connected the landlocked Ethiopia with its Red Sea neighbor and driven home new industrial corridors that the World Bank had never permitted in the nation.

Although the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam had been envisioned by the great Pan African leader Haile Selassie (and assisted with engineering surveys conducted by the United States of JFK), the project was killed with Selassie’s ouster in 1974, and only revived in 2011 through the tireless efforts of Sigmenew Bekele. Bekele was an engineer and nation builder who organized the construction of several major hydroelectric dams in Ethiopia and became known as “the public face of the GERD” until he was suicided in his car in 2018. When western powers refused to finance the dam, Ethiopia decided to do it themselves by rallying the population to purchase $5 billion in bonds which is ironically exactly how Abraham Lincoln financed the trans-continental railway during the Civil War and how the USA paid for much of WWII.

China’s presence in Ethiopia frightens many western game masters who are afraid of losing Africa to the prospect of win-win cooperation as they have already begun to lose the Middle East. In March 2021, the two nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding to “protect major projects under the BRI framework”, with Ethiopia’s Commissioner General stating:

“Ethiopia and China are countries with long history, ancient civilization, and splendid culture. To achieve our goal, the support from China and its esteemed embassy plays a significant role… We like to see a continuation of our joint efforts for building a long-term and strategic partnership and today’s event comes at an important moment.”

More recently, on December 2, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited PM Abiy and recommitted China to defend Ethiopia’s sovereignty. Standing next to Abiy, Wang Yi stated“China will not interfere in internal affairs of any countries. We don’t interfere in the internal affairs of Ethiopia as well”. Speaking to those seeking to sever the two nations, Wang Yi also said the “Ethio-China friendship is very solid and unbreakable.”

Having failed to break the Belt and Road Initiative’s growth within the center of Mackinder’s World Island with Russia stopping the regime change operation in Syria during the dark years of Obama, and now China extending a powerful vision of east-west development corridors through the Middle East, the same bag of tricks has been deployed to Ethiopia using rebel fighters from the Horn of Africa.

The TPLF: More Terror and Less Rebel

The Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (now renamed the Tigray Defense Forces) are not a “democratic peoples’ movement” as western propaganda portrays.

In fact, this group has been caught conducting mass atrocities across occupied cities like Mai Kadra and Lalibela, broken cease fire treaties, using child soldiers and working closely with foreign Anglo-American interests in pushing regime change in Ethiopia as the leaked Zoom conference call demonstrates. Anyone doubting these claims need only read the rigorously compiled essays produced by one of the most competent investigative journalists Jeff Pearce living in Ethiopia whose articles can be found here.

In fact, only one month ago, on November 5, the TPLF announced a new “United Front of Ethiopian Federalist and Confederalist Forces” at the National Press Club in… Washington D.C.! This new insurgency group has attempted to link as many ethnic minority interests of Ethiopia together under one umbrella organization in order to project a semblance of legitimacy to this obviously undemocratic operation. The group’s press release stated: “This united front is being formed in response to the scores of crises facing the country; to reverse the harmful effects of the Abiy Ahmed rule on the peoples of Ethiopia and beyond; and in recognition of the great need to collaborate and join forces towards a safe transition in the country.”

At the press conference Berhane Gebre-Christos threatened the government of Adiy saying: “We’re trying to bring an end to this terrible situation in Ethiopia, which is created single-handedly by the Abiy government. Time is running out for him.”

It’s all Perception

The fact is, that none of these groups has the means to actualize their objectives under current conditions, with the Ethiopian population both in Africa and among the diaspora rejecting the western-directed propaganda. Protests across the world in defense of Ethiopian sovereignty, and the government’s success in combatting these scattered rebel forces indicates that reality is far different from the projection which perception managers wish be believed.

Just as we were told repeatedly that Venezuela would fall to the democratic movement of Juan Juan Guaidó, or that Navalny’s democracy forces would depose of Putin’s authoritarian system, or that Syrian rebel forces would topple the “Butcher Assad”, or that Hong Kong and Taiwan would certainly win their freedom from evil Beijing… the rulers of the unipolar system have shown themselves to be little more than modern day illusionists caught one too many times trying to scam credulous townsfolk.

As Geopolitics.Press outlined in extraordinary detail, the replication of perception management operations used in Syria have taken the form of the Command and Control Fusion Center (C2FC) based in Kenya which gives the U.S. Government the ability to “conduct cohesive multi-pronged operations against the Government of Ethiopia across the domains of economic, information, diplomatic and kinetic warfare”… [the C2FC] has delegated some of its tasks to disparate subsidiary fusion cells that enjoy some degree of operational autonomy but organizational dependence on the fusion center.”

The Danger of Libya 2.0

If this fails, as it will, the greater danger waiting in the wings, is that the trans Atlantic population will be so confused and misinformed about the nature of the Ethiopian crisis that they will give their consent to a U.S.-led attack onto the nation, as was done in Afghanistan and Iraq in the wake of 9/11. In a November 9, 2021 Bloomberg op ed former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, James Stavridis called for American-led forces to intervene into the civil war both “to counter Chinese influence” and avoid a new Rwandan-style massacre from occurring.

African analyst Lawrence Freeman, recently echoed this danger eloquently in an interview with the Addis Media Network on November 18 saying:

“The enemies of Ethiopia will use humanitarian concerns as an excuse to potentially deploy military forces under the pretext of protecting the Ethiopian people from their own government. This doctrine, known as R2P-the responsibility to protect- was created by George Soros and Tony Blair. Samantha Power and others in the Obama administration used R2P to justify the overthrow of President Kaddafi and the destruction of Libya.”


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . He is an author for the Strategic Culture Foundation where this article was originally published.

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Vaccines Pose 7 Times Higher Death Risk than COVID for Young People, Japanese Experts Warn

By Raymond Wolfe, December 14, 2021

A review in the most recent issue of Med Check, a bimonthly bulletin published by the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance (NOPJIP) as a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), found that the death risk of the jabs may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people.

Unvaxxed in Austria Could be Imprisoned for a Year

By Paul Joseph Watson, December 14, 2021

People in Austria who remain unvaccinated could find themselves imprisoned for a year, according to critics of an amendment to an administrative law. Susanne Fürst of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), which voted against the amendment, warned that it could be used to punish the unjabbed with much harsher sentences.

The Christmas Baby Born in a Police State: Then and Now

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, December 14, 2021

The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There being no room for the couple at any of the inns, they stayed in a stable (a barn), where Mary gave birth to a baby boy, Jesus.

“Every Option Is on the Table”: US Prepping for Libya-Style Intervention in Ethiopia

By Alan MacLeod, December 14, 2021

Amid a bloody civil conflict and increasing great-power competition between the United States and China, there are a number of alarming signs that Ethiopia will become the next Libya – an African nation where the U.S. intervenes militarily under the pretext of stopping an impending genocide.

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Jailing Former Immigration Minister: Denmark’s Inger Støjberg

December 15th, 2021 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It’s not the sort of thing you encounter regularly.  A member of a government cabinet, responsible for arguably one of the country’s most important portfolios, found both wanting and culpable for their actions after leaving their post.  But this is what former Danish immigration minister Inger Støjberg found when she was convicted for illegally separating asylum seeking couples arriving in the country.

A Danish court of impeachment, in finding the former minister guilty for intentionally neglecting her duties under the Ministerial Responsibility Act, sentenced her to 60 days in prison.  Of the 26 members of the court, only one found for the ex-minister.

It was only the third time since 1910 that a politician has been referred to the impeachment court. The last was in 1993, when former Conservative justice minister Erik Ninn-Hansen faced proceedings for illegally halting the family reunification of Tamil refugees in 1987 and 1988.

Interest in the proceedings centred on an order the ex-minister issued in 2016, which directed that if a member of a married couple were underage, they should be separated and housed in separate centres.  This was irrespective of whether they had children.  At the time, Støjberg argued that the measure was necessary to protect “child brides”.  “They have to be separated,” the then minister told the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, “because I will not accept that in my system there could be examples of coercion.”

Some 23 couples were mandatorily separated by the Danish Immigration Service without an individual examination of their circumstances.  One couple, a 17-year-old pregnant woman and her 26-year-old husband, filed a complaint with the Danish Parliament’s ombudsman, who found the separation to be illegal.

The impeachment court also found the policy to be unlawful and a breach of European human rights law as the arrangement did not include exceptions and individual assessments by the immigration service.

Ministers tend to find such intrusions of the law into their discretion disconcerting.  Were executive power to be curtailed by such legal actions, firm, tearless decisions would be hard to make.  When the trial commenced, Støjberg was confident that the Court members would see good sense.  “I know exactly what I said and did.  That is why we are seeking an acquittal.”  So confident was she of the outcome that the conviction came as something of a shock.  “It’s the only scenario I had not prepared for because I thought it was completely unrealistic.”

Støjberg was quick on the draw regarding the principles which she followed in making her decision.  “I think it wasn’t just me that lost today, it was Danish values that lost today.”  (Every political figure found fouling the law is bound to hide behind a set of values.)  If, she said, she “had had to live with the fact that I had not protected these girls – that would actually have been worse than this.”

The values game is always precarious and immigration ministers claiming to protect the vulnerable are rarely trustworthy sorts.  Scratch the surface, and you are bound to find a sadistic reactionary.  For Støjberg, it meant adopting a line against the swarthy hordes seeking sanctuary in Europa’s bosom populist, anti-immigration figures found attractive.  Between 2015 and 2019, she served in a centre-right government bolstered by the support of the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party and presided over 110 amendments restricting the rights of foreigners.  Memorably crass, she celebrated the passage of the fiftieth restriction on immigration with a cake.

Amongst those measures was the “Jewellery law”, a stipulation that asylum seekers surrender their jewellery and cash above 10,000 kroner to help fund their stay in Denmark.  The Ministry of Immigration guidelines made modest concessions: wedding rings or engagement rings were to be left untouched, though individual officers could determine what sentimental value was attached to others.

Like her counterparts in other countries, Støjberg sought to place unwanted and undesirable arrivals on a remote island – Lindholm – a plan that raised eyebrows in the United Nations.  While the facility was intended to detain foreign nationals convicted of crimes and set for deportation, UN Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet warned about “the negative impact of such policies in isolation, and (they) should not replicate these policies.  Because depriving them of their liberty, isolating them, and stigmatising them will only increase their vulnerability.”

Støjberg, self-proclaimed protector of child brides, was merely contemptuous of such concerns.  “I’m quite impressed that you can sit in New York and comment on a deportation centre when not a single shovel has yet touched the ground, and when we have clearly said that we will stay within the conventions we are signed up to.”

The modern immigration minister has become a plain clothes member of the country’s police force.  Suspicion is preferable over charity.  Judgment comes before understanding.  Separating families, tormenting parents and children, are not infrequent things.  But in all fairness to Støjberg, her measures did not lack parliamentary approval and degrees of public support.  Not only was she encouraging cruelty, she also being encouraged to be cruel.

Indeed, Denmark’s harsh refugee policy is being further developed under the guidance of the centre-left Social Democrats, who have adopted some of the world’s harshest refugee policies.  Recently, an agreement barring foreigners with suspended sentences from ever becoming Danish citizens was struck by the government with right-wing parties.

In June, Parliament gave the government a mandate to establish an internment camp system outside European borders to process asylum-seeker claims.  “If you apply for asylum in Denmark, you know that you will be sent back to a country outside Europe, and therefore we hope that people stop seeking asylum in Denmark,” warned government spokesman Rasmus Stoklund.

The smug view expressed by such papers as Politiken, that no minister is above the law, ignores the point that Støjberg became a post girl for reaction, a model emulated rather than dismissed.  Had she tinkered more with her “child brides” order, conditioning it with less severity, she may never have faced the impeachment court.

Immigration ministers in other countries should take note but the lessons of this case are unlikely to be learned in Australia.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Roger Wicker, member of the Armed Services Committee of the US Senate, stated in an interview with Fox News (8 December) that he did not rule out a direct US military intervention against Russia to “defend Ukraine” and, without being asked by the interviewer, added: “You know that we do not rule out first-use nuclear action”, that is, using nuclear weapons first. This is a cross-cutting message to Moscow about U.S. determination to support a possible Kiev attack on the Russians in the Donbass. It would certainly be presented as a response to an attack carried out by the Donbass Russians. In the minds of those who have been implementing the strategy of tension against Russia since 2014, this would still be a winning move.

Moscow would have two alternatives: not to intervene militarily in defense of the Russians in the Donbass, leaving them to be overwhelmed by the Ukrainian attack supported de facto by NATO and forced to leave the region by taking refuge in Russia, a decision that would be traumatic for Moscow especially internally; or to intervene militarily to stop the Ukrainian attack, exposing itself to international condemnation for “aggression and invasion of a sovereign state”.

Ukrainian generals have warned that they would not be able to “repel Russian troops without a massive infusion of military aid from the West.” The infusion has already begun: the U.S., which has already given Kiev a military aid of 2.5 billion dollars, provided in November another 88 tons of ammunition as part of a “package” of 60 million dollars, including Javelin missiles already deployed against the Russians in the Donbass. At the same time, the U.S. has sent more than 150 military advisers to Ukraine who, flanked by those of a dozen NATO allies, actually direct operations.

The situation is even more explosive because Ukraine – today a partner but in fact already a NATO member – could be officially admitted as the 31st member of the Alliance, with the consequence that, according to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, the other 30 NATO members would have to intervene militarily on the Donbass front in support of Ukraine against Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry asked NATO not to admit Ukraine, so as not to further increase military and political tension in Europe, recalling that since the end of the Cold War Russia has received repeated assurances that NATO jurisdiction and military forces would not advance one inch to the East, but that such promises have not been kept. As a result, the Russian Foreign Ministry proposed that NATO open negotiations for long-term agreements that would prevent further NATO expansion eastward and the deployment of weapons systems in close proximity to Russian territory. The proposal was sharply rejected on December 10 by NATO, through the mouth of Secretary General Stoltenberg: “The relationship of NATO with Ukraine will be decided by the 30 members of the Alliance and Ukraine, and no one else”.

Immediately after, yesterday December 13, the Foreign Ministers of the G7 (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan) and the High Representative of the European Union, meeting in Liverpool, have declared to be “united in condemning the military build-up of Russia and its aggressive rhetoric towards Ukraine” and that “Russia should have no doubt that further military aggression against Ukraine would have as a response massive consequences and serious costs”.

Meanwhile Finland, EU member and active NATO partner against Russia, announces the purchase of 64 F-35A fighter jets from Lockheed Martin at a price of 8.4 billion euros that, including infrastructure, rises to 10 billion, to which the government will add another 10 billion euros for their maintenance and modernization. The 64 F-35A nuclear attack aircraft will be deployed on the border with. Russia, just 200 km from St. Petersburg, in fact under the command of the U.S. which, as Senator Wicker recalls, does not rule out using nuclear weapons first.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Video: Doctors for COVID Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II

December 15th, 2021 by Doctors for COVID Ethics

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First published on October 26, 2018


With Allied armies pushing ever northwards through the “tough old gut” of Italy, and German forces pulling out, Benito Mussolini took a long look at the situation before departing Milan on 25 April 1945. It was, fittingly, Italy’s Liberation Day as the despot fled Milan in his red Alfa Romeo, with long-time mistress Clara Petacci in the passenger seat.

A few days before, Petacci, aged 33, had spurned the chance in escaping to safety with her family – as arranged by Mussolini – choosing instead to stay with him while his fascist rule crumbled. Petacci would pay dearly for her attachment to the dictator.

Next day, 26 April 1945, the Alfa Romeo was discarded as Mussolini and Petacci joined an SS-led motorcade, which sought to cross the northern Italian border and reach Switzerland. From neutral Swiss territory, the deposed Duce would travel the 1,000 kilometers or so by aircraft to fascist Spain.

On Spanish soil, Mussolini could be assured of safe haven under the wing of that country’s autocrat, General Francisco Franco. However, by 27 April 1945, the SS convoy concealing Mussolini was travelling through territory controlled entirely by Italian communist partisans. They had erected a number of checkpoints along the route to Switzerland’s border.

The Italian guerrilla forces were allowing German units to advance unharmed, providing they handed over any hidden compatriots of theirs. Petacci had easily been spotted and captured at an earlier halting point, though for now she was unrecognized.

The SS lieutenant, Fritz Birzer, acting as Mussolini’s personal guard from 18 April 1945, implored him to put on a German overcoat and helmet. Mussolini was aware the region was commanded by partisans so reluctantly he heeded Birzer’s advice, while also putting on sunglasses.

Now 30 miles from the Swiss frontier, Mussolini’s SS convoy was stopped at a final checkpoint near the village of Dongo, on Lake Como’s north-western shore.

During this last inspection Urbano Lazzaro, a commissar of the 52nd Garibaldi Partisan Brigade, walked up to the German truck that Mussolini was hiding in. Lazzaro, in his early 20s, had not long before escaped from German captivity before joining the anti-fascist partisans in northern Italy. His eyes zoned in on the 61-year-old Mussolini, hunched over in the truck’s rear, pretending to be asleep. Unfortunately for Mussolini his unusual features, the distinctive square jaw and broad mouth, betrayed itself to Lazzaro who quickly identified him.

Mussolini’s booking file following his arrest by the police on 19 June 1903, Bern, Switzerland (Source: Public Domain)

Lazzaro later recalled that the Duce “seemed completely lacking in will, spiritually dead” and that his face revealed “utter exhaustion but not fear”. Mussolini was carrying a machine gun and pistol but made no attempt to fire them.

Three months before, in January 1945, Mussolini said,

“Seven years ago, I was an interesting person. Now, I am little more than a corpse… I am finished. My star has fallen. I have no fight left in me. I work and I try, yet know that all is but a farce”.

In his over two decades in power, one of Mussolini’s fatal errors was an inability to recognize the Italian psychological makeup lacked the soldierly virtues required to fight large conflicts – unlike the Germans who had undertaken numerous, significant battles over past generations.

Waging wars can require blind, bloody-minded devotion and the common Italian soldier betrayed a more insubordinate, ill-disciplined nature than his German equivalent. When the fighting turned sour, Mussolini’s men often melted away into the landscape, requiring crucial Nazi support in Greece and Africa during the early 1940s.

Mussolini’s driving ambition had been to emblazon himself upon the world as a new Julius Caesar – the Roman dictator and general who, almost 2,000 years before, became the first leader of Rome to cross both the English channel and the Rhine.

In 1932 Mussolini had said,

“War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energies, and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to meet it”.

By the middle of 1933, and now more than a decade in control, Mussolini planned to launch attacks against first Yugoslavia, and then France no less. Any such ventures would likely have been doomed to failure. Italy was further hampered by being a resource-poor country, lacking the raw materials essential in conducting lasting wars. Mussolini only cancelled the invasions after learning that French intelligence had cracked some of his military codes.

Following the Italian troops’ insipid performance during their 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, Mussolini would thereafter have been wise to acknowledge the reality of his situation. Within the under-resourced Ethiopian army some soldiers were equipped merely with swords and spears, others with 19th century military equipment. Yet still the Ethiopians scored successes against their Italian enemy, such as during the Christmas Offensive of December 1935.

Mussolini should have firmly opposed joining the war on Hitler’s side in June 1940, instead offering mere tacit support. Four months later in October 1940 Mussolini’s fascist counterpart, General Franco, withstood Hitler’s overtures to ally Spain behind the Nazi war effort. It was a decision that largely ensured Franco would remain in power for three decades after the war. Mussolini did not quite possess Franco’s cunning, however.

The Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who for over 50 years survived the assaults of an American empire to the north, said that Italy’s dictator,

“declared war, but Mussolini thought he could count on the Roman legions. He’d forgotten that, in the end, the Roman legions were made up of barbarians – and that the Rome of olden days, of the age of Julius Caesar, no longer existed. The Italians were a peaceable people, with another culture, another mindset; they no longer had those militaristic traditions that the Romans always had – whereas the Germans had maintained them – so Italy entered the war and you know what happened: defeat after defeat”.

Now, with the fighting in Europe reaching its end, it was in many ways fitting that Mussolini was captured wearing a German uniform. Over the preceding four years, Hitler and his men had come to the Italians’ rescue repeatedly; during the war’s final 18 months, Mussolini was propped up entirely by German military strength in northern Italy, and was little more than a Nazi instrument as he was too aware. Mussolini’s arrest by Italian guerrillas stood as a further humiliation, but worse was to come.

The following day, 28 April 1945, Mussolini and Petacci were executed by firing squad at 4.10 in the afternoon. Early next morning, their bodies were unloaded from a vehicle in Milan at the town square of Piazzale Loreto – where they were severely despoiled by a growing crowd, then strung up by their heels outside a half-built service station. In August 1944, Mussolini had overseen at this precise spot the death of 15 partisans, yet it was still an ignominious end.

In the early afternoon of 29 April 1945, as Soviet troops were now but one mile from Hitler’s underground headquarters, he heard of Mussolini’s fate by radio. Hitler is claimed to have said, “This will never happen to me!” While news of Mussolini’s ignoble end may have bolstered Hitler’s determination not to be caught, he had already decided to do away with himself, leaving little trace. Hitler felt this would deny any foes the satisfaction of defiling his body, and prevent his remains from being made a spectacle of.

Six days before, on 23 April 1945, Hitler informed the war minister Albert Speer that,

“I shall not fight personally. There is always the danger that I would only be wounded and fall into the hands of the Russians alive. I don’t want my enemies to disgrace my body either. I’ve given orders that I be cremated… Believe me, Speer, it is easy for me to end my life. A brief moment and I’m freed of everything, liberated from this painful existence”.

Hitler had wanted to take his life on 22 April 1945, hours before Speer went to see him in the Führerbunker for the last time. On 22 April, the Soviets appeared set to take Berlin within a couple of days. The SS General Gottlob Berger informed Speer of Hitler’s intention to kill himself that day, as likewise did Eva Braun. Hitler’s mistress, a close confidante of Speer’s, confided to the armaments minister in the bunker that,

“Yesterday [22 April 1945] the situation was so terrible it seemed the Russians would quickly occupy all of Berlin. The Führer was on the point of giving up”.

As Hitler’s subordinates deserted him in growing numbers, he feared the Red Army would simply waltz into the heart of Berlin. Yet it would not be until 30 April 1945, the day Hitler ended his life, that Stalin’s troops finally came within striking distance of the bunker. The Nazis fought bitterly to the death, killing at least 70,000 Soviet soldiers during the Battle of Berlin alone, which finally finished on 2 May 1945.

By early May, Hitler was now little more than a charred corpse – in the early hours of 29 April 1945, he had dictated in his final political testament that,

“I do not want to fall into the hands of enemies”.

A suicidal tendency comprised part of Hitler’s nature, and it is likely he had previously contemplated turning a gun on himself. Following the disastrous Munich Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923, Hitler fled south to the country home of Ernst Hanfstaengl, a businessman and then intimate friend of the Nazi leader. Hitler reached the Hanfstaengl house in a disreputable state, face and clothes covered in mud, while straining with a dislocated shoulder.

The following day the police were closing in on Hanfstaengl’s residence, when Hitler is reported to have said “Now all is lost – no use going on”, before picking up his revolver from a nearby cabinet. Hanfstaengl’s other half, Helen, claims that upon seeing Hitler take the gun she “grasped his arm and took the weapon away from him”, shouting, “What do you think you’re doing?” Hitler is said not to have resisted, as he was fond of Hanfstaengl’s wife, allowing himself to be arrested instead.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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China’s BRI investments in many of these member states have resolved their prior transportation challenges and thus given them the chance to finally fulfill their full potential if they have the will to do so.

The 15th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) leader’s summit was held in the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat late last month. This group brings together Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It’s one of the most promising integration formats in Eurasia but hasn’t yet come anywhere close to reaching its full potential. That’s because of the two-decade long US occupation of Afghanistan and lack of connectivity infrastructure.

The American withdrawal from Afghanistan revolutionized the regional geo-economic and geostrategic situation. It also came as three regional connectivity projects continued to mature into viable East-West transport corridors. These are the Belt & Road Initiative’s (BRI) flagship project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CECWAEC), and the Middle Corridor between China and Turkey via Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

The first two are formally part of BRI while the last can be regarded as unofficially part of this global connectivity network. There’s also the potential for a China-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran corridor too, which is being advanced by Beijing’s investments in Tajikistan’s eastern roads. Furthermore, CPEC could be expanded westward through the W-CPEC+ vision to connect with the Islamic Republic. That country is so important to China since the two reached a 25-year strategic partnership deal earlier this year.

With these observations in mind, two developments can be described as breathing fresh life into this organization: the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Chinese-led Eurasian integration investments through BRI and those projects that are related to it like the Middle Corridor and the prospective Trans-Afghan Corridor. These provide a solid basis upon which the ECO can finally begin to fulfill its promising potential considering the new regional geo-economic and geostrategic reality.

Nevertheless, even with the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ECO would still struggle to surmount its greatest challenge had it not been for BRI’s regional investments over the past few years. The lack of transport infrastructure handicapped this organization and served as the top obstacle to comprehensively expanding relations between its many diverse majority-Muslim members. China literally changed the game through BRI, which thus inspires hope for the ECO’s future.

This bloc should concentrate on several interconnected objectives. First, it must ensure that the situation doesn’t spiral out of control in Afghanistan. To this end, its members can not only promise to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid, but also propose various investment projects that could sustainably unlock its economic potential upon its ultimate stabilization. The Lapis Lazuli Corridor, for instance, could connect with CPEC and be invested in by Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.

Second, the ECO countries need to work towards harmonizing their customs regimes, which is easier said than done since Turkey is an aspiring EU member while Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are part of the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAU). Nevertheless, they must find practical ways to facilitate trade and investment between them otherwise they’ll never reach the full potential that they’re destined to achieve.

Third, there are concerns among some ECO members that expanding trade ties with Iran could prompt the imposition of the US’ threatened unilateral secondary sanctions in response. This has enormously held back the bloc’s comprehensive integration but hopefully its members can agree on a blueprint for what to do in the event that Washington and Tehran successfully renegotiate the nuclear deal and these economic-financial deterrents are no longer a factor like predict might eventually happen.

Fourth, efforts should be undertaken to optimize relevant transregional connectivity projects, both existing ones like CPEC and potential projects like the Trans-Afghan Corridor between China and Iran. This can be done by brainstorming ways in which they can be expanded, paired with one another, and the larger role that they’re expected to play in the ECO’s workings, both as an organization and also with respect to each member state’s economies.

And fifth, the ECO members should seriously consider the wisdom of inviting China to become either a dialogue partner or observer. The modalities for granting such are already met by the People’s Republic in accordance with what’s written on the organization’s website. The ECO would immensely benefit by establishing some formal relations with China considering the fact that their goals are complementary with BRI’s and Chinese investments in these countries have breathed new life into this bloc.

All told, there are high hopes that this year’s leadership summit will tangibly advance the ECO’s integration goals considering the new geo-economic and geostrategic reality in which these countries are meeting following the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. More importantly, though, China’s BRI investments in many of these member states have resolved their prior transportation challenges and thus given them the chance to finally fulfill their full potential if they have the will to do so.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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India-Bangladesh Ties at Inflection Point

December 14th, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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It is becoming increasingly obvious that US propaganda aimed at demonizing China and poisoning the world against serves to set up a long-discussed limited, conventional conflict waged along China’s shores to cripple its economy and prevent it from surpassing the West irreversibly.

Western propaganda is even openly discussing this as if to introduce and accustom the public to talk about starving 1.4 billion people into submission to the West.


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Asia Times – Defending Taiwan: Think globally and ‘look up’:

RAND Corporation – War With China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable (page 14):

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If you have a friend or relative who needs to be awakened to the rise of evil, give them a Christmas present of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. There is no better eye opener for insouciant Americans than this book.

The book begins with a quote from Dr John Abramson, Harvard Medical School, to remind us that the primary function of NIH- and Big Pharma- funded medical research is not public health but return on pharmaceutical investment.

Fauci’s one man control through NIH, the Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust gives him control over 57 percent of worldwide medical research, thus solidifying his personal control over the Covid narrative. Fauci and his acolytes at NIH receive six figure annual royalty payments on products they helped develop and ushered through the FDA approval process, including the Covid vaccine, and this is on top of Fauci’s taxpayer-funded salary, the highest in the US federal government. The CDC itself, allegedly a taxpayer-funded regulatory agency, owns and profits from 57 vaccine patents and spends 41% of its annual $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines. NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and profits from the sale of products it regulates. Try to comprehend the conflict of interest in this fact: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) receives 45% of its budget from Big Pharma.

Little wonder that Fauci engineered the creation of Covid with research grants, and the virus somehow was released in the interest of Big Pharma vaccine profits. The conservatives protect Fauci by blaming China, the country where Fauci shifted the research funding from the University of North Carolina.

Kennedy, one of the last true Americans, shows that the “Covid Pandemic” is an orchestrated coup against public health and Western democracy and accountable government. Kennedy also exposes the coverup roles played by the presstitute media — CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NY Times and other presstitute organizations, along with Big Tech robber barons and the military and intelligence organizations, in controlling the Covid narrative:

“The disturbing story that unfolds here has never been told, and many in power have worked hard to prevent the public from knowing it.”

It is our task to help our insouciant friends and relatives to wake up. If Robert Kennedy’s book doesn’t wake them up, they are a total lost cause. As Americans succumb to propaganda and brainwashing, the life of liberty grows dimmer. My own fear is that even with my advanced age I will outlive the “free world.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Julian Assange are the two greatest persons of our time. The totally corrupt and utterly evil American establishment intends to destroy both of them. Support them or you will go down with them. Now is the time to fight or to kiss freedom and liberty good-bye.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Under the aegis of its new Chancellor and former Minister of the Interior (overseeing the police) Karl Nehammer, Austria’s plans for criminalisation of the unvaccinated come into force next month.

I have been sent this video, which is one young Austrian man’s horrifying account of exactly what is planned for the unvaccinated in his country. It is a desperate plea for our help to bring international pressure to bear on his government. It needs to be shared as widely as possible. He asks us to make representation to our own MPs. He explains in detail what should be setting alarm bells ringing across Europe but that mainstream media are failing to properly report – in effect they are turning a blind eye. Unbelievably, history is repeating itself.

He details not just the plans for repeated fining of the unvaccinated, but also the planned imprisonment for those who refuse to or cannot pay the fines in a special prison for up to a year. This is the direct criminalisation of the unvaccinated who he says constitute one third of the Austrian population. It is unprecedented and in direct conflict with democracy. It cannot be allowed to happen.


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Kathy is Editor of The Conservative Woman. She is @KathyConWom on Twitter.

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Fauci on your Phone?

December 14th, 2021 by Rep. Ron Paul

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If the Senate follows the House of Representatives lead and passes the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (HR 550), Americans who do not get the recommended number of covid vaccines can look forward to receiving a text like this: “This is Dr. Anthony Fauci. According to government records you have not yet received your monthly covid booster shot. Until you prove you are following vaccine protocols, your vaccine passport will be revoked, resulting in loss of your privilege to work, worship, and visit your family.”

According to the bill’s chief sponsor, New Hampshire Representative Ann Kuster, HR 550 will “bolster and quicken our nationwide vaccine rollout” by “improv[ing] and expand[ing] information-sharing between state and federal governments, as well as public and private health care providers.” According to a statement issued by Rep. Kuster, HR 550 will allow the government to “…remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine.” It goes without saying that this power will likely also enable the government to punish those who refuse to comply with vaccine mandates.

HR 550 accomplishes its goal by empowering federal bureaucrats to create national standards for databases containing vaccine records. State and local governments and private health care businesses will be bribed (with money taken from current and future taxpayers) to adopt the national standards.

Government “reminders” of when we are due for our shots will almost certainly be expanded to other medical procedures. If the government can remind us of when we need covid vaccines, why wouldn’t it then start reminding us to get regular physicals and teeth cleanings, refill our prescriptions, and follow our doctors’ advice regarding diet and exercise?

The government could also use these records to deny care to people not following federal health care “recommendations.” Those tempted to dismiss these concerns should consider that there are calls to deny medical treatment to the “unvaccinated.” There have also been efforts to deny medical treatment to people who smoke or are obese. Rationing is common in countries struggling with the burdens of socialized medicine. There is even an effort in the UK to deny health care to those who use racist or sexist language.

According to the most recent Medicare Trustees Report, the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will be able to pay only 91 percent of its bills by 2026. When these shortfalls occur, Congress will likely raise taxes, cut benefits, or do both.

Congress will try to rely on the Federal Reserve’s monetization of debt to raise taxes by stealth. But that can only go so far. Eventually, the cost of Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and other programs will result in denial of medical care to those Dr. Fauci and his federally-funded cohorts deem unworthy.

The push for a centralized system to monitor every American’s vaccine status is being used to justify repealing the ban on using taxpayer dollars to develop a “unique patient identifier.” Giving every American a unique patient identifier would be the final step toward creating a system of government surveillance, and control, over our personal health care choices.

If the government can monitor and control something as fundamental as our health care choices, then no part of our lives is off limits to the nanny state. All who value liberty should join the fight for health freedom.


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Ukraine Receiving Weapons and “Military Instructors” from NATO

December 14th, 2021 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Once again, the West seems to be investing in aggressive maneuvers in Ukraine, promoting an unnecessary escalation of tensions and heightening instability in Eastern Europe. In an alleged reaction to the non-existent Russian “invasion plan”, NATO appears to be sending armed militants into Ukrainian territory, disguising them as military instructors. The militarization of Ukraine is an extremely dangerous attitude, considering the current anti-Russian racist ideology that drives the attitudes of the Kiev’s pro-Western government, which results in more and more violence day after day.

In a recent statement, Maria Zakharova, official spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said that NATO countries are signing several multi-billion-dollar contracts with Ukraine with the supposed aim of improving the country’s defense potential in the face of possible “threats” coming from Moscow – considering that both NATO and Kiev endorse the conspiracy theory of a “Russian invasion plan”. These were some of her words during a recent interview:

“The region, in particular Ukraine, is being pumped up with weapons. I am speaking about direct supplies, contracts for future, multimillion, multibillion contracts. Moreover, militants are being sent there under the guise of military instructors”.

It is still unclear what role will be played by such suspected NATO militants or advisers on Ukrainian soil, but much speculation can be made considering the current political and social reality of Ukraine. They can work with the various neo-Nazi gangs and paramilitary militias serving the Ukrainian government. It is very possible that there is some move in the sense of trying to create a Ukrainian unified force, bringing together government soldiers, militiamen and private agents, and that NATO is, in its provocative plans, encouraging this type of organization by sending advisory missions.

Historically, the country that most sponsors anti-Russian paranoia in Ukraine is the US, but now new NATO actors are willing to get into the game. For example, Turkey has expanded its actions in Kiev with the aim of creating tensions with Russia. Ankara and Moscow have increased their frictions recently, mainly due to Turkish support for the deployment of NATO bases in the post-Soviet central Asian space and Turkey’s destabilizing action in the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis. As a result, the Turkish government has boosted its activities with other NATO powers to foment tensions and instability on the Russian western border.

Washington and Ankara are currently committed to militarizing Ukraine and conveying a message of security and cooperation to Zelensky’s pro-Western government. Various military equipment of American and Turkish origin has been deployed on Ukrainian soil, including air vehicles (such as the famous Turkish drones Bayraktar) and anti-missiles systems (such as the American Javelines), as well as an enormous communication and intelligence apparatus. Last week, the US government approved a 300 million dollars military aid package for Ukraine. In addition, another 20 million dollars is being invested by the US in a specific project to strengthen the border security service in Ukraine. Similar aid has also come from the UK and the European Union. Turkey still helps in a more veiled way, without announcing large packages of economic aid, but it has been ready to send more and more weapons and agents.

This kind of “help” coming from the West creates a false sense of stability and security for Ukraine. NATO acts very simply: it invents the threat (in this case, the so-called “Russian invasion plan”) and proposes its own solution. The Ukrainians believe that they are really being threatened by Russia and that is why they are increasingly asking for help from the West, which fills Ukraine with militants and military equipment and encourages Kiev to act more and more aggressively on the border. Indeed, the Ukrainian government appears to have full confidence that, if the situation ever really gets worse and a conflict does arise, NATO will immediately come to help and neutralize any threat. But this is a very dangerous illusion.

Ukraine’s role in the NATO security scheme is to serve as an agent provocateur and destabilize the Russian strategic environment. Kiev has no value to the West beyond what it can do to harm Moscow. NATO allocates weapons and militants on Ukrainian soil and encourages conflict, but this goes up to a certain limit. No NATO country would risk going to war with Russia to save Ukraine – which is not even part of the alliance. Luckily for the Ukrainians, Russia has another strategic plan, which does not include any act of violence against Kiev. But if such a conflict were really about to happen, surely all Western “help” would cease immediately, with NATO troops retreating and the Ukrainians having to deal alone with a combat situation in which they have no chance of winning.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

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The Medical Profession Implodes

December 14th, 2021 by Dr. Steve Karp

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In “normal” times, the practice of medicine has many challenges, some from within and some from outside the profession.  If you let it, much of your daily practice follows specialty guidelines, insurance company criteria, hospital formularies, and other annoyances.  None of those entities have any liability when it comes to our patients.  For the most part, liability lies with the treating physician.

Each specialty plays a particular role in a patient’s care and specialists often view issues from different angles while wearing their tunnel-vision glasses.  For instance, some physicians view elevated cholesterol as an indicator to assess other potential underlying medical issues, while a cardiologist will just write a prescription for a statin drug, just as a cat reflexively chases a mouse.

What changed overnight and across the board, was an anti-science attitude across all specialties to everything related to COVID.  A viral infection is not something requiring government management, rather, its encounter is part of a physician’s daily medical practice.  The government has seemingly accomplished what medical insurers, medical boards, and hospitals tried, but had not yet succeeded at: complete mind control of physicians.  And with that, the last vestige of respect I had for my profession died.

I’m often in attendance at medical meetings where the fine points of immunotherapy and monoclonal antibodies are discussed as part of the treatment for cancer patients.  For physicians, it is their version of science in regard to a drug’s indications, mechanisms of action, dosing, management of side effects, and the studies justifying one drug or combination over another, the latter often supported by questionable statistical analysis.

After the science-lite discussion ends, the personal chitchat begins regarding COVID and vaccines, and the point is reached where any remaining rationality becomes akin to that heard among nursery school attendees.

The tone becomes one of acceptance of the government line, all medical knowledge and cognitive abilities having vaporized.  There is no talk about the fine points of the various PCR tests, the science of personal isolation or masking, the appropriate use of indoor ventilation systems and their management, the changing of standard and long-extant medical definitions, the introduction of gene therapy used as vaccines.

Expecting any discussion regarding electron microscopy’s effect on clinical medicine, techniques of viral isolation and culturing, or the number of Nobel Prize-winning ideas now scientifically abused is not within anyone’s ken. Instead, the conversation becomes who got their booster, when they are next due, how they interact, or not, with those around them so as to stay safe, how they worry about their child being exposed, and much other utterly time and life-sucking conversational trivia.

Apparently, most physicians have not bothered to review yearly influenza data, the time frame for vaccine development, refresh their memory on definitions such as vaccine, vaccination, and immunization, or their cell biology regarding DNA, RNA, mRNA and reverse transcriptase.  Nor had they read up on symptoms commonly associated with influenza-like illness, vaccination effectiveness for influenza, or potential issues while ‘vaccinating” during active mutation of infectious diseases.

These concepts should be easily grasped by those managing cancer patients. But when it comes to COVID and vaccination, they are inverted, viewed backward or inside out, bearing no resemblance to any known medical principles or care.  All things COVID have become the medical exception, and have remained so for nearly two years.

Regarding the lapse of critical thinking skills, here are some examples that should have given physicians pause in digesting the propaganda diet they were fed.  If I can easily spread COVID to someone by breathing on them, why is there the need to swab the deep recesses of the nose?  Why is the PCR test’s methodology omitted from reports sent to physicians?  When were masks ever recommended except for those with a known contagious disease such as active tuberculosis, or those with transient low white blood cell counts?  When has gene therapy ever been used other than in incurable diseases?

Viral illness prevention is another topic that instigates a deer-in-the-headlights look.  Vitamin D is essential for many body functions including the immune system, while obesity sets one up for many medical problems and old age signals that your remaining days are limited.  Nearly all those supposedly severely ill or dead from COVID were afflicted with most if not all of these factors.  Though you cannot change your age, you can change your vitamin D intake, lose weight, stop smoking, etc.  Going off-script regarding prevention other than vaccination or monoclonal antibodies for treatment is considered unscientific.

From the time that our government issued a pandemic alert to the rollout of the vaccines, where was the inquisitiveness of physicians?  If I, certainly not first in my medical school class, could figure out that these directly applied to the issues at hand, certainly those ahead of me in my class should have.

Wisdom is a combination of knowledge, experience, and judgment.  Knowledge can be imparted, experience gained, but judgment is an inherent quality, not acquired through instruction.  You either possess good judgment or you don’t.  For some reason, many physicians are not well equipped when it comes to that leg of the stool.

Or is the seeming lack of judgment purposeful?  Certainly, the increasing number of physicians who are employed by others, most notably hospitals, plays a role. Remember: “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”  Do you think physicians are immune to that adage?  Physicians are just like everyone else, except they spent their relative youth in an expensive trade school.

It is not an uncommon occurrence for patients, family, and friends to tell me that no matter what the issue they present with to a physician, the first question asked is “Have you had the COVID vaccine?” or “Have you had your booster?”  Any answer in the negative is often followed by a harangue about its necessity.

The dilemma for physicians’ seeming lack of judgment does not lie in the future since the future is now, represented by VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).  Significant adverse events and deaths due to the vaccine are getting harder to hide, or hide from.

Although stated in regard to the Vietnam War, this entire situation reminds me of a quote by John Kerry that I will modify for the circumstances we find ourselves in today; “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die from the COVID vaccine? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”

All things COVID will eventually pass.  Few things last forever. But at some point, physicians may pay a price for their poor judgment in suspending critical thinking.  The question is, who will judge them?


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High-vaxxed Vermont Releases Numbers… and We Have Questions

December 14th, 2021 by Rational Ground

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The bottom line from this data: the CFR of fully vaccinated individuals in Vermont is significantly higher than national numbers and the CFR for unvaxxed. This probably should be a warning to reset expectations for vaccination performance but also problems with stats across the country.

From our esteemed colleague, Don Wolt:

Vermont, the most highly vaxxed state (87% with ≥1 dose), reports 95 deaths among 9277 vaxx breakthrough infections for a BTI CFR of 1.02%. Compare this to an overall pandemic CFR of 0.81%, an Overall CFR for 2021 (the vaccine period) of 0.57% or an Unvaxxed 2021 CFR of 0.45%.


While, VT vaxx rates are high across all but the very youngest (<12) age cohorts, the vaxxed population probably still has a significantly higher avg age than the unvaxxed. So, perhaps we’d expect the BTI (Vaxxed) CFR to be higher than the CFR of the Overall or Unvaxxed groups.





Note, however, that Vermont’s BTI CFR (1.02%) is 2.3X that of the Unvaxxed CFR (0.45%) for 2021 – the period in which vaxxes became available. Did we expect the difference to be quite so big? Those who raised age-based CoV2 risk differences pre-vaccines were scolded for doing so.

If the reason for the big variance in CFRs is that the Unvaxxed are mostly young who suffer very few severe outcomes, why are we then pushing vaccines on younger & younger age groups, especially when we know that their protection against infection is only fleeting?


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Ortel talks about how, after leaving Wall Street to become a complex financial fraud investigator and exposing accounting and valuation irregularities at General Electric, he has been investigating financial fraud within the Clinton, Bush and Obama non-profits and says the Clinton Foundation is a massive charity fraud protected by the Justice Department and the IRS.


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La polveriera ucraina e la miccia

December 14th, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

Roger Wicker, membro della Commissione per i servizi armati del Senato degli Stati uniti, ha dichiarato in una intervista a Fox News (8 dicembre) di non escludere un intervento militare diretto Usa contro la Russia per «difendere l’Ucraina» e, senza che l’intervistatore glielo avesse chiesto, ha aggiunto: «Sapete che non escludiamo l’azione nucleare di primo uso», ossia di usare per primi le armi nucleari. È un messaggio trasversale a Mosca sulla determinazione degli Stati uniti a sostenere un eventuale attacco di Kiev contro i russi del Donbass. Esso sarebbe certamente presentato come risposta a un attacco effettuato dai russi del Donbass. Nella mente di chi dal 2014 ha attuato la strategia della tensione contro la Russia, questa sarebbe comunque una mossa vincente.

Mosca avrebbe due alternative: non intervenire militarmente a difesa dei russi del Donbass, lasciando che vengano travolti dall’attacco ucraino sostenuto di fatto dalla Nato e costretti ad abbandonare la regione rifugiandosi in Russia, decisione questa che sarebbe traumatica per Mosca soprattutto sul piano interno; oppure intervenire militarmente per arrestare l’attacco ucraino, esponendosi alla condanna internazionale per aggressione e invasione di uno Stato sovrano.

I generali ucraini hanno avvertito che non sarebbero in grado di «respingere le truppe russe senza una massiccia infusione di aiuto militare da Occidente».

L’infusione è già iniziata: gli Stati uniti, che hanno già dato a Kiev un aiuto militare di 2,5 miliardi di dollari, gli hanno fornito in novembre altre 88 tonnellate di munizioni nel quadro di un «pacchetto» da 60 milioni di dollari, comprendente anche missili Javelin già schierati contro i russi del Donbass.

Allo stesso tempo gli Usa hanno inviato in Ucraina oltre 150 consiglieri militari che, affiancati da quelli di una dozzina di alleati Nato, dirigono di fatto le operazioni. La situazione è ancora più esplosiva perché l’Ucraina – oggi partner ma, di fatto, già membro della Nato – potrebbe essere ufficialmente ammessa quale 31° membro della Alleanza, con la conseguenza che, in base all’Articolo 5 del Trattato Nord Atlantico, gli altri 30 membri della Nato dovrebbero intervenire militarmente sul fronte del Donbass a sostegno dell’Ucraina contro la Russia.

Il Ministero degli Esteri russo ha chiesto alla Nato di non ammettere l’Ucraina, per non accrescere ulteriormente la tensione militare e politica in Europa, ricordando che dalla fine della guerra fredda la Russia ha ricevuto ripetute assicurazioni che la giurisdizione e le forze militari della Nato non sarebbero avanzate di un pollice verso Est, ma che tali promesse non sono state mantenute.

Il Ministero degli Esteri russo ha quindi proposto alla Nato di aprire trattative per accordi di lungo termine che impediscano l’ulteriore espansione della Nato ad Est e lo spiegamento di sistemi d’arma nelle immediate vicinanze del territorio russo. La proposta è stata seccamente respinta il 10 dicembre dalla Nato, per bocca del segretario generale Stoltenberg: «Il rapporto della Nato con l’Ucraina sarà deciso dai 30 membri della Alleanza e dall’Ucraina, e da nessun altro».

Subito dopo, ieri 13 dicembre, i ministri degli Esteri del G7 (Stati Uniti, Canada, Regno Unito, Francia, Germania, Italia, Giappone) e l’Alto Rappresentante dell’Unione Europea, incontratisi a Liverpool, hanno dichiarato di essere «uniti nella condanna del rafforzamento militare della Russia e della sua retorica aggressiva verso l’Ucraina» e che «la Russia non dovrebbe avere dubbi sul fatto che un’ulteriore aggressione militare contro l’Ucraina avrebbe come risposta massicce conseguenze e gravi costi».

Intanto la Finlandia, membro della Ue e attivo partner Nato contro la Russia, annuncia l’acquisto di 64 caccia F-35A della Lockheed Martin al prezzo di 8,4 miliardi di euro che, comprese le infrastrutture, salgono a 10 miliardi, a cui il governo aggiungerà altri 10 miliardi di euro per il loro mantenimento e ammodernamento. I 64 F-35A da attacco nucleare saranno schierati ai confini con la Russia, ad appena 200 km da San Pietroburgo, di fatto sotto comando degli Usa che, come ricorda il senatore Wicker, non escludono di usare per primi le armi nucleari.

Manlio Dinucci

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The focus of the second pathology conference held by the Reutlingen team of specialists in Berlin on December 4, 2021 was 15 people who had died between seven days and six months after their Covid vaccination.

The press conference of German pathology professors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang, which included concerns of a doctor from Sweden, maintaining that vaccinations could lead to the turbo growth of breast cancer, was another blow to vaccine salespeople.

The 15 deaths are seven men and eight women who died between seven days and six months after their Covid vaccination. However, death did not occur in all of them – as one might suspect from media reports – in the intensive care unit or in the hospital.

Five people died at home, some on the street, one in the car, and one at work. One person came from assisted living and died there under palliative treatment. In the case of two people, the place of death is still being determined. Of the eight people who died outside of the hospital, pathologists assume that they appeared to be “in good health” at the time of vaccination and immediately before death and that death occurred suddenly.

In 12 of the 15 people, it can be assumed that vaccination contributed to death. The diagnosis of myocarditis was the most common finding with the youngest victim only 27 years old.

The reports of serious damage to health as well as death connected the current vaccinations against Covid-19 have not stopped. Strong evidence points to turbo-cancer tumours developing after vaccination and a significant, possibly long-term suppression of the natural immune system.

The first part of the pathology conference on September 20 already painted a bleak picture regarding a causal connection between serious injuries and vaccination against Covid-19.

In 7 of the cases, the pathologists determined a “very likely” connection with the vaccinations, as Prof. Burkhardt explained. Lymphocyte myocarditis was a major contributor in almost all cases. It is often claimed that heart inflammation and myocarditis are not so dangerous, but Burkhardt explained that this was not the case as many patients die within 10 years.

There are already up to 60 times more side effects as with previous vaccinations.

Some 5 percent of those vaccinated suffer terrible consequences and even death. Burkhardt said he suspected that there may be a connection between injecting the mRNA vaccines directly into the blood vessels.

The micro embolisms found by prof. Bergholz and his team are a serious indication that this was indeed the case despite claims to the contrary by the WHO. He therefore made a pathological incision of the corresponding part of the body and placed a syringe needle over it. In doing so, he clearly showed that the needle was certainly able to enter the vessel.

Mass spectrometry can be used to read which proteins were involved in mortality. This procedure is the gold standard in the delimitation of virus proteins and it is absurd that people are still relying on the useless PCR test. With mass spectroscopy, one can also differentiate between different Corona variants, explained prof. Walter Lang.

The team is awaiting Lang’s results on mass spectrometry which will be available soon and show what role spike proteins played in mortality.

Prof. Lang worked as a pathologist at the Hannover Medical School from 1968-1985. Afterwards, for 25 years, he directed a private institute for pathology in Hanover, which he founded, specializing in lung pathology, transplant pathology, extragynecological cytology and thyroid tumors. He has performed in-depth consultation diagnostics for 12 major lung clinics in Europe.


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Early on in the pandemic, before the vaccines were available, the Southern Brazilian city of Itajai offered Ivermectin as a prophylaxis against the disease.

Between July and December of 2020, roughly 220,000 people were offered a dose of 0.2mg/kg/day (roughly 18mg for a 200lb person) as an optional treatment for 2 days, once every two weeks.

133,051 people took them up on it, while 87,466 did not.

After analyzing the data, a team of researchers spanning several Brazilian institutes, the University of Toronto, and Columbia’s EAFIT concluded in a December pre-print study that hospitalization and mortality rates were cut in half over the seven month period among the Ivermectin group.

The authors adjusted for relevant confounding variables, including age, sex, medical history, previous diseases, and other conditions.

The analysis contradicts an October report by Business Insider which claims, based on a Brazilian ICU doctor’s anecdotal evidence, that the experiment was a failure.

Study limitations:

The authors note, “Being a retrospective observational analysis, it is uncertain whether results would be reproducible in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial, but likely, since groups of ivermectin users and non-users had  similar demographic characteristics, and rates were adjusted for the relevant confounding variables.”

We’re sure the ‘fact checkers’ are already hard at work trying to debunk the pre-print, however they may also want to take a look at – a real-time meta analysis of 70 studies which found that Ivermectin works as a prophylaxis 83% of the time. In peer-reviewed studies, it was found effective 70% of the time as an early treatment, and just 39% of the time as a late treatment.

As we noted during the whole ‘horse paste’ controversy:


This widely prescribed anti-parasitic which is also used in horses has shown meaningful efficacy worldwide in the treatment of mild and moderate cases of Covid-19, plus as a prophylactic. India’s Uttar Pradesh province, with a population of over 200 million, says that widespread early use of Ivermectin ‘helped keep positivity [and] deaths low.’

Separately, there have been several studies funded by the Indian government, primarily conducted through their largest govt. public medical university (AIIMS).

  • Role of ivermectin in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers in India: A matched case-control study (source)

Conclusion: Two-dose ivermectin prophylaxis at a dose of 300 μg/kg with a gap of 72 hours was associated with a 73% reduction of SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers for the following month.

  • Ivermectin as a potential treatment for mild to moderate COVID-19 – A double blind randomized placebo-controlled trial (source)

Conclusion: There was no difference in the primary outcome i.e. negative RT-PCR status on day 6 of admission with the use of ivermectin. However, a significantly higher proportion of patients were discharged alive from the hospital when they received ivermectin.

  • Clinical Research Report Ivermectin in combination with doxycycline for treating COVID-19 symptoms: a randomized trial (source, double-blind randomized, peer-reviewed)

Discussion: In the present study, patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 infection treated with ivermectin in combination with doxycycline generally recovered 2 days earlier than those treated with placebo. The proportion of patients responding within 7 days of treatment was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the placebo group. The proportions of patients who remained symptomatic after 12 days of illness and who experienced disease progression were significantly lower in the treatment group than in the placebo group.

Here are more human studies from other countries on the ‘horse dewormer’:
  • Sharp Reductions in COVID-19 Case Fatalities and Excess Deaths in Peru in Close Time Conjunction, State-By-State, with Ivermectin Treatments (source, peer-reviewed, University of Toronto, Universidad EAFIT)

For the 24 states with early IVM treatment (and Lima), excess deaths dropped 59% (25%) at +30 days and 75% (25%) at +45 days after day of peak deaths. Case fatalities likewise dropped sharply in all states but Lima

  • The effect of early treatment with ivermectin on viral load, symptoms and humoral response in patients with non-severe COVID-19: A pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial (source, University of Barcelona, peer-reviewed)

Findings: Patients in the ivermectin group recovered earlier from hyposmia/anosmia (76 vs 158 patient-days; p < 0.001).


  • A Comparative Study on Ivermectin-Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Therapy on COVID-19 Patients (source – peer reviewed, though not govt funded)

Conclusion: According  to  our  study,  the  Ivermectin-Doxycycline combination therapy has better symptomatic relief, shortened recovery duration, fewer adverse effects, and superior patient compliance compared to the Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin combination. Based on this  study’s  outcomes,  the Ivermectin-Doxycycline  combination  is  a  superior  choice  for  treating  patients  with  mild to moderate COVID-19 disease.

  • A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness (source, peer-reviewed double blind randomized, though small sample size)

Discussion: A 5-day course of ivermectin resulted in an earlier clearance of the virus compared to placebo (p = 0.005), thus indicating that early intervention with this agent may limit viral replication within the host. In the 5-day ivermectin group, there was a significant drop in CRP and LDH by day 7, which are indicators of disease severity.

Why does Ivermectin, a ‘horse dewormer’ work? For starters, it’s a protease inhibitor. Interestingly, Pfizer’s 2x/day Covid-19 prophylactic they’re trialing right now is also a protease inhibitor.

Perhaps the most damning evidence in favor of Ivermectin is the medical establishment’s position that it’s essentially snake oil, despite the fact that it’s had a glowing safety profile for decades, until now.


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The Christmas Baby Born in a Police State: Then and Now

December 14th, 2021 by John W. Whitehead

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“When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.” ― Howard Thurman

The Christmas story of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one.

The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There being no room for the couple at any of the inns, they stayed in a stable (a barn), where Mary gave birth to a baby boy, Jesus. Warned that the government planned to kill the baby, Jesus’ family fled with him to Egypt until it was safe to return to their native land.

Yet what if Jesus had been born 2,000 years later?

What if, instead of being born into the Roman police state, Jesus had been born at this moment in time? What kind of reception would Jesus and his family be given? Would we recognize the Christ child’s humanity, let alone his divinity? Would we treat him any differently than he was treated by the Roman Empire? If his family were forced to flee violence in their native country and sought refuge and asylum within our borders, what sanctuary would we offer them?

A singular number of churches across the country have asked those very questions in recent years, and their conclusions were depicted with unnerving accuracy by nativity scenes in which Jesus and his family are separated, segregated and caged in individual chain-link pens, topped by barbed wire fencing.

Those nativity scenes were a pointed attempt to remind the modern world that the narrative about the birth of Jesus is one that speaks on multiple fronts to a world that has allowed the life, teachings and crucifixion of Jesus to be drowned out by partisan politics, secularism, materialism and war, all driven by a manipulative shadow government called the Deep State.

The modern-day church has largely shied away from applying Jesus’ teachings to modern problems such as war, poverty, immigration, etc., but thankfully there have been individuals throughout history who ask themselves and the world: what would Jesus do?

What would Jesus—the baby born in Bethlehem who grew into an itinerant preacher and revolutionary activist, who not only died challenging the police state of his day (namely, the Roman Empire) but spent his adult life speaking truth to power, challenging the status quo of his day, and pushing back against the abuses of the Roman Empire—do about the injustices of our  modern age?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer asked himself what Jesus would have done about the horrors perpetrated by Hitler and his assassins. The answer: Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler for attempting to undermine the tyranny at the heart of Nazi Germany.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn asked himself what Jesus would have done about the soul-destroying gulags and labor camps of the Soviet Union. The answer: Solzhenitsyn found his voice and used it to speak out about government oppression and brutality.

Martin Luther King Jr. asked himself what Jesus would have done about America’s warmongering. The answer: declaring “my conscience leaves me no other choice,” King risked widespread condemnation as well as his life when he publicly opposed the Vietnam War on moral and economic grounds.

Even now, despite the popularity of the phrase “What Would Jesus Do?” (WWJD) in Christian circles, there remains a disconnect in the modern church between the teachings of Christ and the suffering of what Jesus in Matthew 25 refers to as the “least of these.”

Yet this is not a theological gray area: Jesus was unequivocal about his views on many things, not the least of which was charity, compassion, war, tyranny and love.

After all, Jesus—the revered preacher, teacher, radical and prophet—was born into a police state not unlike the growing menace of the American police state. When he grew up, he had powerful, profound things to say, things that would change how we view people, alter government policies and change the world. “Blessed are the merciful,” “Blessed are the peacemakers,” and “Love your enemies” are just a few examples of his most profound and revolutionary teachings.

When confronted by those in authority, Jesus did not shy away from speaking truth to power. Indeed, his teachings undermined the political and religious establishment of his day. It cost him his life. He was eventually crucified as a warning to others not to challenge the powers-that-be.

Can you imagine what Jesus’ life would have been like if, instead of being born into the Roman police state, he had been born and raised in the American police state?

Consider the following if you will.

Had Jesus been born in the era of the America police state, rather than traveling to Bethlehem for a census, Jesus’ parents would have been mailed a 28-page American Community Survey, a mandatory government questionnaire documenting their habits, household inhabitants, work schedule, how many toilets are in your home, etc. The penalty for not responding to this invasive survey can go as high as $5,000.

Instead of being born in a manger, Jesus might have been born at home. Rather than wise men and shepherds bringing gifts, however, the baby’s parents might have been forced to ward off visits from state social workers intent on prosecuting them for the home birth. One couple in Washington had all three of their children removed after social services objected to the two youngest being birthed in an unassisted home delivery.

Had Jesus been born in a hospital, his blood and DNA would have been taken without his parents’ knowledge or consent and entered into a government biobank. While most states require newborn screening, a growing number are holding onto that genetic material long-term for research, analysis and purposes yet to be disclosed.

Then again, had Jesus’ parents been undocumented immigrants, they and the newborn baby might have been shuffled to a profit-driven, private prison for illegals where they first would have been separated from each other, the children detained in make-shift cages, and the parents eventually turned into cheap, forced laborers for corporations such as Starbucks, Microsoft, Walmart, and Victoria’s Secret. There’s quite a lot of money to be made from imprisoning immigrants, especially when taxpayers are footing the bill.

From the time he was old enough to attend school, Jesus would have been drilled in lessons of compliance and obedience to government authorities, while learning little about his own rights. Had he been daring enough to speak out against injustice while still in school, he might have found himself tasered or beaten by a school resource officer, or at the very least suspended under a school zero tolerance policy that punishes minor infractions as harshly as more serious offenses.

Had Jesus disappeared for a few hours let alone days as a 12-year-old, his parents would have been handcuffed, arrested and jailed for parental negligence. Parents across the country have been arrested for far less “offenses” such as allowing their children to walk to the park unaccompanied and play in their front yard alone.

Rather than disappearing from the history books from his early teenaged years to adulthood, Jesus’ movements and personal data—including his biometrics—would have been documented, tracked, monitored and filed by governmental agencies and corporations such as Google and Microsoft. Incredibly, 95 percent of school districts share their student records with outside companies that are contracted to manage data, which they then use to market products to us.

From the moment Jesus made contact with an “extremist” such as John the Baptist, he would have been flagged for surveillance because of his association with a prominent activist, peaceful or otherwise. Since 9/11, the FBI has actively carried out surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations on a broad range of activist groups, from animal rights groups to poverty relief, anti-war groups and other such “extremist” organizations.

Jesus’ anti-government views would certainly have resulted in him being labeled a domestic extremist. Law enforcement agencies are being trained to recognize signs of anti-government extremism during interactions with potential extremists who share a “belief in the approaching collapse of government and the economy.”

While traveling from community to community, Jesus might have been reported to government officials as “suspicious” under the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” programs. Many states, including New York, are providing individuals with phone apps that allow them to take photos of suspicious activity and report them to their state Intelligence Center, where they are reviewed and forwarded to law-enforcement agencies.

Rather than being permitted to live as an itinerant preacher, Jesus might have found himself threatened with arrest for daring to live off the grid or sleeping outside. In fact, the number of cities that have resorted to criminalizing homelessness by enacting bans on camping, sleeping in vehicles, loitering and begging in public has doubled.

Viewed by the government as a dissident and a potential threat to its power, Jesus might have had government spies planted among his followers to monitor his activities, report on his movements, and entrap him into breaking the law. Such Judases today—called informants—often receive hefty paychecks from the government for their treachery.

Had Jesus used the internet to spread his radical message of peace and love, he might have found his blog posts infiltrated by government spies attempting to undermine his integrity, discredit him or plant incriminating information online about him. At the very least, he would have had his website hacked and his email monitored.

Had Jesus attempted to feed large crowds of people, he would have been threatened with arrest for violating various ordinances prohibiting the distribution of food without a permit. Florida officials arrested a 90-year-old man for feeding the homeless on a public beach.

Had Jesus spoken publicly about his 40 days in the desert and his conversations with the devil, he might have been labeled mentally ill and detained in a psych ward against his will for a mandatory involuntary psychiatric hold with no access to family or friends. One Virginia man was arrested, strip searched, handcuffed to a table, diagnosed as having “mental health issues,” and locked up for five days in a mental health facility against his will apparently because of his slurred speech and unsteady gait.

Without a doubt, had Jesus attempted to overturn tables in a Jewish temple and rage against the materialism of religious institutions, he would have been charged with a hate crime. Currently, 45 states and the federal government have hate crime laws on the books.

Had anyone reported Jesus to the police as being potentially dangerous, he might have found himself confronted—and killed—by police officers for whom any perceived act of non-compliance (a twitch, a question, a frown) can result in them shooting first and asking questions later.

Rather than having armed guards capture Jesus in a public place, government officials would have ordered that a SWAT team carry out a raid on Jesus and his followers, complete with flash-bang grenades and military equipment. There are upwards of 80,000 such SWAT team raids carried out every year, many on unsuspecting Americans who have no defense against such government invaders, even when such raids are done in error.

Instead of being detained by Roman guards, Jesus might have been made to “disappear” into a secret government detention center where he would have been interrogated, tortured and subjected to all manner of abuses. Chicago police have “disappeared” more than 7,000 people into a secret, off-the-books interrogation warehouse at Homan Square.

Charged with treason and labeled a domestic terrorist, Jesus might have been sentenced to a life-term in a private prison where he would have been forced to provide slave labor for corporations or put to death by way of the electric chair or a lethal mixture of drugs.

Indeed, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, given the nature of government then and now, it is painfully evident that whether Jesus had been born in our modern age or his own, he still would have died at the hands of a police state.

Thus, as we draw near to Christmas with its celebration of miracles and promise of salvation, we would do well to remember that what happened in that manger on that starry night in Bethlehem is only the beginning of the story. That baby born in a police state grew up to be a man who did not turn away from the evils of his age but rather spoke out against it.

We must do no less.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president The Rutherford Institute. His books Battlefield America: The War on the American People and A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State are available at He can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are frequent contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

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Amid a bloody civil conflict and increasing great-power competition between the United States and China, there are a number of alarming signs that Ethiopia will become the next Libya – an African nation where the U.S. intervenes militarily under the pretext of stopping an impending genocide.

A considerable military buildup is now underway. Last week, the U.S. military announced it was sending over 1,000 National Guard members to nearby Djibouti. This is on top of the special operations forces already sent in November. Perhaps most notably, a government official told CNN that the aircraft carrier USS Essex – along with two other large amphibious vehicles – was steaming towards the Horn of Africa and standing by for further orders.

For weeks, the drums of war have been growing louder in our nation’s media. “Ethiopia’s civil war is a problem U.S. troops can help solve,” Admiral James Stavridis, former supreme allied commander of NATO. wrote in Bloomberg and The Washington Post. “Sending peacekeepers to the pivotal nation of East Africa wouldn’t be popular domestically, but may be the only way to stop the conflict,” he added. Meanwhile, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer argued that the West should establish a “no fly zone” across Ethiopia – a country of 115 million people and twice the size of France.

When it comes to Ethiopia, said head of USAID Samantha Power, one of the architects of the U.S. intervention in Libya, “every option is on the table” – using a phrase that has long been understood to be a threat of war. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also refused to rule out sending troops into Ethiopia when directly asked.

Given its bloody record, the talk of a “humanitarian” invasion has many Ethiopians worried. “The U.S. is looking for a pretext for military intervention in Ethiopia. The play books of interventions in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia, and Libya are being referred to,” Dr. Berhanu Taye, an Ethiopian physician and member of the Global Ethiopian Advocacy Nexus, told MintPress.

The military buildup comes on the back of economic actions already taken. In September, President Joe Biden labeled Ethiopia a national security threat as he imposed sanctions upon government officials. Last month, the U.S. also placed sanctions on Eritrea, whose troops are also heavily involved in the fight against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

The White House is currently withholding over a quarter-billion dollars of aid from Ethiopia and has ended the country’s special trade status under U.S. law, which had allowed it to export goods freely to the United States. Critics say that this could have the effect of crashing the already shaky economy, threatening over a million jobs.

Earlier this week, a number of Western governments (including the U.S.) signed a statement condemning the Ethiopian government for its human rights violations while fighting the TPLF, which they did not censure. The State Department is reportedly considering labeling the actions in Ethiopia a “genocide,” a word that would have considerable implications, given NATO’s self-declared “right to protect” doctrine, whereby it claims it has the right to intervene anywhere in the world to stop ethnic cleansing.

A year of deadly fighting

Bordering Eritrea and Sudan, Tigray is Ethiopia’s northernmost region, home to 7 million people. Although ethnic Tigrayans constitute only around 6% of Ethiopia’s population, they play an outsized role in public life, as the TPLF controlled the country between 1991 and 2018, when popular protests forced them out of power.

Tigrayans were near ubiquitous in the upper ranks of the country’s military and intelligence services, and were greatly overrepresented among its economic elite. This, for Dr. Taye, amounted to no less than a system of informal “Apartheid” that was ignored by most of the West. MintPress also contacted a spokesperson for the TPLF, but did not receive a response.

Since coming to power in 2018, the new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, has moved against the TPLF in a set of changes that supporters see as much needed reforms to reduce corruption and the TPLF’s grip over public life, but opponents see as overstepping his mandate and as the persecution of an ethnic minority.

The spark for war came in November 2020, when Ahmed attempted to remove military officers belonging to the TPLF from their command. The TPLF fought back, attacking Northern Command headquarters in Mekelle, the capital of the Tigray region. Later that month, TPLF forces also shelled Asmara, the capital of Eritrea. As the TPLF reportedly have drawn closer to the capital, Addis Ababa, a number of the country’s sports stars, including long-distance running hero Haile Gebrselassie, have volunteered for government military service.

The fighting has continued since then, save for a unilateral government ceasefire in the summer in order that the country’s harvest would not be ruined. Nevertheless, the humanitarian costs have been extremely grave. More than 9 million people live in conflict regions, an estimated 400,000 of those suffering under famine-like conditions, according to the United Nations. Tens of thousands have died in the conflict, which has seen documented atrocities from all sides. The number of displaced people, already high, has now grown to an estimated 4 million.

The TPLF maintains that the Ethiopian government is blocking international aid convoys from reaching Tigray and that Prime Minister Abiy must step down. Yet Abiy won a landslide victory earlier this year, and was only inaugurated in October. While there were clear drawbacks with the process (voting did not take place in war-ravaged regions like Tigray, for instance), it is difficult to interpret his party winning over 90% of the seats contested as anything other than a national mandate.

Media’s demonizing chorus

Thus, the conflict is ultimately a struggle between two political forces for the control of Ethiopia’s economy. Yet this is not at all how corporate media have presented the issue, preferring instead to frame it as the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments exterminating an ethnic minority group. CNN, for example, wrote:

Eritrean troops aren’t just working hand in glove with the Ethiopian government, assisting in a merciless campaign against the Tigrayan people; in some pockets they’re fully in control and waging a reign of terror… [that] bears the hallmarks of genocide and has the potential to destabilize the wider Horn of Africa region.

The New York Times has followed a similar line in much of its reporting. Embedding themselves with the TPLF, they described their companions as “a scrappy force of local Tigrayan recruits” that had, against the odds, “scored a cascade of battlefield victories against the Ethiopian military, one of Africa’s strongest.”

Many Ethiopians have been critical of this coverage. Dr. Kassahun Melesse, an Ethiopian economist from the Oregon State University, noted:

Let alone the framing, the mainstream media got the most fundamental fact about the military conflict wrong: the date the military conflict between the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and the TPLF began. For instance, in virtually all of its reporting on conflict, The New York Times has stated that the federal government launched the war on Nov. 4, 2020. And because the media got this basic fact wrong, all the major theories and framing based on this premise are wrong.”

Taye was even more blunt. “Western mainstream media continue to fabricate lies and disseminate disinformation intended to demonize the Ethiopian government,” he said.

One example of bias pro-Abiy Ethiopians have pointed to is the Times’ apparent whitewashing of the TPLF’s alleged use of child soldiers. Possibly referring to this, the Times describes the TPLF as consisting largely of “highly motivated young recruits.” Even more incriminating, the article’s co-author shared a series of (since deleted) images on his Instagram to promote the story, one of which shows not only children but obviously pre-pubescent boys carrying rifles, complete with a caption seemingly describing them as “highly motivated young recruits.” The TPLF maintains that it does not use child soldiers.

Unfortunately, many individuals challenging the established Western media narrative are now being excised from social media, including massive accounts – like @HornofAfricaHub, Simon Tesfamariam (@STesfa) and Abdirahiman Warsame’s @SomalianFacts – some of which had millions of followers. Ethiopian journalist Hermela Aregawi claimed that Twitter Senior Program Manager Martha Wolday, herself a Tigrayan, appeared to be abusing her position to ban anti-TPLF and pro-Abiy voices and suppress the anti-interventionist hashtag #NoMore.

Libya: a warning from history

At the height of the Arab Spring in 2011, demonstrations against Muammar al-Gaddafi broke out across Libya. Gaddafi had historically been a thorn in the side of the West, refusing to follow orders and attempting to unite both the Arab and African worlds against the established order. Seeing their chance, Western nations immediately began warning that the dictator was on the verge of massacring all those protesting his rule. Immediately, media were filled with lurid and false stories about Gaddafi giving his soldiers Viagra before making them rape protestors. We were, if accounts were to be believed, on the edge of genocide.

Obama era officials like Samantha Power and Susan Rice were among the loudest voices demanding a military response, invoking the controversial “Right to Protect” doctrine, which stated that NATO could intervene anywhere in the world to prevent human rights violations.

Media interest in Libyan human rights went through the roof, peaking in mid-March at the time of the intervention, before falling off a cliff and barely being discussed in the decade since, according to data from Google Trends. Despite the PR blitz, Americans remained dead against military intervention. Thus, it was intially sold to the public as merely imposing a “no-fly zone” on the country, to prevent Libyan planes from bombing forces we now know to have been U.S.-supported Jihadists.

Of course, NATO’s intervention quickly escalated far beyond a no-fly zone, turning the tide of the war and helping the beleagured Jihadists take Tripoli and depose Gaddafi. Since then, Libya has descended into chaos, replete with slave markets where one can buy humans for as little as $400. Today, Rice and Power are back in charge and there is already serious talk of imposing a no fly zone on the Horn of Africa. For many Ethiopians, things are starting to feel worryingly similar to 2011.

US legitimizes TPLF insurgence

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front came to power in 1991 after a long and bloody conflict against the military government of Mengistu Haile Mariam. The same conflict ultimately led to the independence of Eritrea from Ethiopia.

During their 27 years in office, the TPLF enmeshed itself into the state, with Tigrayans continuing to occupy senior positions across the country. Throughout this time, Ethiopia was a loyal ally of the United States, in contrast with the Marxist-Leninist Mengistu. Ethiopia helped the U.S. carry out its foreign policy objectives across the region. This support led to the United States turning a blind eye to many of its excesses. In 2015, for instance, President Barack Obama endorsed the country’s elections, where the TPLF coalition won 100% of the seats, as legitimate, while his State Department described Ethiopia as a “democracy.”  This was in contrast to Human Rights Watch, which claimed it was “one of the most inhospitable places in the world for people speaking out against government policies, as well as for any human rights research and advocacy,” noting that the TPLF held thousands of political prisoners in the country’s prison system.

Melesse said that, by refusing to formally take a side between an elected government and a group that it has declared a terrorist organization, the U.S. has effectively legitimized the TPLF struggle. The reasons for this position, he argues, include “the return of several Obama-era officials in the U.S. State Department, USAID, and other U.S. government agencies who are sympathetic to the causes of the rebels in Tigray,” and “the misguided view within the U.S. foreign policy establishment that conflates support to the people of Tigray with support to the TPLF.”

In November, the TPLF met with nine opposition political groups in Washington, where they signed an agreement to work together to depose Abiy and to form a rival government of their own. “As a response to the major crisis facing various nations of the country and to reverse the harmful effects of Abiy Ahmed’s autocratic rule, to our peoples and beyond, we have recognized the urgent need to collaborate, join our forces towards a safe transition in the country,” a spokesperson told gathered reporters. The symbolism of holding the event in Washington could hardly be missed.

The government fired back, claiming that their war was not only against the TPLF, “but also with colonialism of the powerful states of the West.”

US “Help” unwelcome

The background of this conflict also includes the wider geopolitical struggle between the United States and China. As part of its Belt and Road Initiative, a long-term plan to develop much of Afro-Eurasia and bring it economically closer to China, Beijing has been investing massively across Africa, with Ethiopia one of the continent’s top recipients of Chinese investment. Between 2000 and 2018, Ethiopia borrowed $13.7 billion from China, compared to $9.2 billion from the U.S. Most of that money has gone into huge infrastructure projects or to developing Ethiopian manufacturing.

Chinese money has helped build more than 50,000 kilometers of new roads since 2000, including an $86 million ring road for Addis Ababa. It has also funded the construction of a $475 million light railway system for the capital and the 750 kilometer Addis Ababa to Djibouti railroad, which will greatly boost trade and has reduced transport times from three days to ten hours. The Chinese-built port of Djibouti is rapidly becoming one of the world’s most advanced and busiest trading centers.

Walking the streets in Addis Ababa, individuals are as likely to see Chinese brands as American ones. Huawei and Tecno far outrank Apple in smartphone sales, with Infinix and Itel poised to overtake the California giant as well. China has signed dozens of memoranda of understanding with Ethiopia, helping it to become, by most measures, the country’s number one import and export partner. Currently, there are more than 10,000 Chinese firms doing business in the country.

The big loser in this is the U.S., which was long ago overtaken as Ethiopia’s primary economic partner. Americans have warned that this relationship is little more than debt-trap diplomacy, and that China is engaging in neocolonialism across Africa.

In recent years, the United States has become increasingly alarmed by China’s economic rise, and has attempted to stymie it. In addition to sanctions on Beijing, it has also tried to block the growth of Chinese tech companies like Huawei and TikTok, all the while building up its military in the South China Sea, under the guise of protecting Taiwan. Thus, there are fears that, as it is losing economic control over Ethiopia, the U.S. could be preparing to reassert control militarily.

For its part, the Chinese government has unequivocally backed Abiy. “China will steadfastly stand with the Ethiopian people, and keep to the consistent position of opposing external intervention in Ethiopia’s internal affairs with the disguise of human rights or democracy,” Zhao Zhiyuan, Chinese ambassador to Ethiopia, said last week.

However, it would be a mistake to label Abiy as some sort of communist Trojan Horse. As Melesse noted, this rupture with the U.S. was unexpected, as his government, “both in ideology and practice is more aligned with the West’s capitalist, liberal democratic order than was the TPLF-led regime it succeeded.” The new prime minister has passed a number of pro-market reforms and privatized government-owned businesses. He has also been willing to borrow money from both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, two institutions often seen as extensions of American power.

The conflict in Tigray and other regions has devastated Ethiopian society. With the TPLF in a strong position and promising to march all the way to Addis Ababa to depose Abiy, it is unlikely that there will be any decisive military victory one way or another any time soon. This means that the humanitarian crisis will continue. Tens of thousands of refugees have fled to neighboring states, while continued violence threatens supplies of food and medicines.

While many clearly need help, judging by the large rallies held across the world, including in Washington, demanding “No More” U.S. intervention in Ethiopia and Eritrea, it seems clear that they are aware that the Biden administration’s idea of “help” might not be exactly what they had in mind.


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Alan MacLeod is Senior Staff Writer for MintPress News. After completing his PhD in 2017 he published two books: Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting and Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent, as well as a number of academic articles. He has also contributed to FAIR.orgThe GuardianSalonThe GrayzoneJacobin Magazine, and Common Dreams.

Featured image: Samantha Power meets with ministers from donor countries to drum up financial support for Tigray. Photo | DVIDS

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At least 15 lawmakers who hold powerful positions on a pair of House and Senate committees that control US military policy have financial ties to prominent defense contractors that together were worth nearly $1 million in 2020, according to an Insider analysis of federal financial records.

And throughout 2021, both Democrats and Republicans serving on the congressional Armed Services committees have continued to invest in or cash out of the most important players in the military and defense industry.

Some of the world-renowned weapons makers and defense-technology developers peppered across the committee members’ financial disclosures were Lockheed Martin Corp., Boeing Co., Raytheon Technologies Corp., Honeywell, and General Electric. All are companies that also annually spend millions of dollars lobbying the federal government to prod elected officials, shape policy, and win lucrative government contracts.

Lawmakers with investments riding on defense contractors’ well-being — some worth upward of five figures — include seasoned Capitol Hill veterans and Washington newcomers, Insider found when analyzing documents disclosing their personal financial holdings for 2020.

The tally is part of the exhaustive Conflicted Congress project, in which Insider reviewed nearly 9,000 financial-disclosure reports for every sitting lawmaker and their top-ranking staffers.

House investments

Atop the list is the 16-term Rep. Jim Cooper, a Democrat of Tennessee who chairs the House panel’s Strategic Forces Subcommittee. He reported owning up to $65,000 worth of stock in General Electric at the end of 2020, with up to $50,000 worth of it held in a tax-favored individual retirement account and up to $15,000 worth held in a brokerage account established for one of his children.

A diversified company that produces a variety of products, GE describes itself as a “leading supplier of integrated systems and technologies for combat aircraft, military transport, helicopters, land vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles.”

Democratic Reps. Joe Courtney of Connecticut and Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey reported briefly owning defense-related stocks during 2020. Courtney is in his eighth term and chairs the House panel’s Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee. Sherrill is a second-term lawmaker and considered a more junior member of the House Armed Services Committee.

Click here to read the full article.


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Featured image: From left: Rep. Jim Cooper, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Sen. Jacky Rosen, and Rep. Pat Fallon.US House of Representatives; US Senate; Marianne Ayala/Insider

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In a miserable travesty of justice which is actually no surprise in our decayed western civilization – or rather non-civilization, Julian Assange is about to be extradited to the United States from the UK’s most notorious Maximum-Security Prison, Belmarsh.

For what? He had originally been arrested for “raping” two women in Sweden. Pressed for the truth, the women admitted it was consensual sex, but “he didn’t wear a condom”. They were clearly coerced to accuse Julian Assange with rape. Because Washington wanted Sweden to extradite him.

But Assange escaped to the UK, where he found political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, under Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, from 2012 to 2019. Correa’s successor, Lenin Moreno, under US pressure, kicked Assange out from the Ecuadorian embassy in London and under pressure from the US, he was immediately imprisoned in Belmarsh prison camp.

Sweden dropped the charges. But the real “criminals” the US of A, wanted him for high treason, because he disclosed in Wikileaks thousands and thousands of pieces of information divulging to the public high war crimes by the US in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. War crimes that pale those judged by the 1947 Nuremberg trials. That’s why Julian Assange has to be punished. If indeed extradited, he faces a 273-year prison term (sic).

We live in a dystopian world. And most of us have no clue.

Julian is a hero.

Had he written about crimes – even invented by the West  – committed by Russia or China, he might be a candidate for the Peace Nobel Prize. That’s the sick sick world we live in.

This 14 min video (in Spanish) by Ramon Freire, a Chilean Political Analyst, describes extraordinarily well what is happening to Julian. It depicts the world we are living in – the West in particular – all civilization is gone. Ethics are gone. How can we still live with ourselves?

We cannot. The human race has seized being human – as humanity is linked to solidarity. May this be the reason, why it appears so easy to transfer “humans” into “transhumans” — as per Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset”?


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Selected Articles: The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative

December 14th, 2021 by Global Research News

Dear Readers,

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Amongst our most important articles.

A review of Pfizer’s “Confidential Report” released as a result of Freedom of Information (FOI), entitled Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Mandate.

An important statement by Canada’s “Mounties for Freedom” focussing on the mandate of Law Enforcement officers in relation to the vaccine mandate to Preserve the Peace and Uphold the Law and abide by fundamental constitutional rights.

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We call upon police officers in Canada, the US, and Worldwide to take a stance regarding the vaccine mandate and the responsibilities of law enforcement officers.

Also read the outstanding analysis regarding the pandemic by Dr. Thomas Binder entitled “The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative”.

Also of significance several articles on the deportation of Julian Assange including the incisive articles by Kurt Nimmo, John Pilger and Paul Craig Roberts. Also Shane Quinn‘s incisive analysis of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 80 years ago.

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Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 14, 2021


Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data

By Global Research, December 11, 2021

In a twisted irony, the data revealed in this “insider report” refutes the official vaccine narrative peddled by the governments and the WHO. It also confirms the analysis of numerous medical doctors and scientists who have revealed the devastating consequences of the mRNA “vaccine”.

“The Forced Coercive Medical Intervention of Canadians”: Mounties for Freedom Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki

By Mounties for Freedom, December 13, 2021

We respectfully submit this open letter to express our most sincere concerns and resolute stand against the forced coercive medical intervention of Canadians, and against the undue discrimination experienced by those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy.

The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative

By Dr. Thomas Binder, December 13, 2021

Worldwide, the prevailing corona narrative was established in a very short period. At the same time, humanity was divided into its supporters and opponents.

U.S. Charges against Assange. I Don’t Want to Hear Any More About the “Free World.” There Is None: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 13, 2021

The charges against Julian Assange make no sense. Assange is not an American citizen, but the charges against him assume that he is a US citizen in the pay of a foreign government.

Assange Suffers Stroke While Governments Implement Panopticon Surveillance. The Imposition of 1984 Tyranny

By Kurt Nimmo, December 13, 2021

It’s being reported today Julian Assange suffered a stroke while interned and tortured at Belmarsh Prison in the UK. It’s said the stroke occurred after Assange learned he will be extradited to the US to face espionage and computer hacking charges.

“Pandemic Policy Mandates”: Who Will be Held Responsible for this Devastation? “The Unvaccinated are the Scapegoats”

By Jeffrey A. Tucker, December 13, 2021

If the pandemic policy response had taken the form of mere advice, we would not be in the midst of this social, economic, cultural, political disaster. What caused the wreckage was the application of political force that was baked into the pandemic response this time in a way that has no precedent in human history.

Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID. Vitamin D

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 13, 2021

Ladapo has now issued a statewide public service announcement in support of commonsense COVID prevention strategies such as optimizing your vitamin D, staying active, eating nutrient-dense foods and boosting your immune system with supplements such as vitamin C, quercetin and zinc.

Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on ‘Vaccines’ – Requires Informed Consent

By Abraham Greenhouse, December 13, 2021

Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented.

Is the World Adopting the Ways of Nazi Germany?

By Michael J. Talmo, December 13, 2021

Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond governments and churches were authorized to burn people at the stake for heresy and witchcraft usually after severely torturing them. Naturally, these sadistic idiots thought what they were doing was virtuous and necessary. Just because official government authority and experts authorize something doesn’t make it holy, right, or true.

The Bombing of Pearl Harbor and Japan’s Early Conquests 80 Years Ago

By Shane Quinn, December 13, 2021

From the outset of World War II, the Franklin Roosevelt administration envisaged that America would emerge from the conflict in a position of global dominance. The United States had boasted the world’s largest economy since 1871, surpassing Britain that year, and the gap increased through the early 20th century and beyond.

A Day in the Death of British Justice

By John Pilger, December 13, 2021

For those who may have forgotten, WikiLeaks, of which Assange is founder and publisher, exposed the secrets and lies that led to the invasion of Iraq, Syria and Yemen, the murderous role of the Pentagon in dozens of countries, the blueprint for the 20-year catastrophe in Afghanistan, the attempts by Washington to overthrow elected governments, such as Venezuela’s, the collusion between nominal political opponents (Bush and Obama) to stifle a torture investigation and the CIA’s Vault 7 campaign that turned your mobile phone, even your TV set, into a spy in your midst.


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