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Today we face an avoidable crisis that was predictable, actually predicted, willfully precipitated, but easily resolved by the application of common sense.

We are being told each day that war may be imminent in Ukraine. Russian troops, we are told, are massing at Ukraine’s borders and could attack at any time. American citizens are being advised to leave Ukraine and dependents of the American Embassy staff are being evacuated. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian president has advised against panic and made clear that he does not consider a Russian invasion imminent. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has denied that he has any intention of invading Ukraine. His demand is that the process of adding new members to NATO cease and that in particular, Russia has assurance that Ukraine and Georgia will never be members. President Biden has refused to give such assurance but made clear his willingness to continue discussing questions of strategic stability in Europe. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government has made clear it has no intention of implementing the agreement reached in 2015 for reuniting the Donbas provinces into Ukraine with a large degree of local autonomy—an agreement with Russia, France and Germany which the United States endorsed.

Maybe I am wrong—tragically wrong—but I cannot dismiss the suspicion that we are witnessing an elaborate charade, grossly magnified by prominent elements of the American media, to serve a domestic political end. Facing rising inflation, the ravages of Omicron, blame (for the most part unfair) for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, plus the failure to get the full support of his own party for the Build Back Better legislation, the Biden administration is staggering under sagging approval ratings just as it gears up for this year’s congressional elections. Since clear “victories” on the domestic woes seem increasingly unlikely, why not fabricate one by posing as if he prevented the invasion of Ukraine by “standing up to Vladimir Putin”?  Actually, it seems most likely that President Putin’s goals are what he says they are—and as he has been saying since his speech in Munich in 2007. To simplify and paraphrase, I would sum them up as: “Treat us with at least a modicum of respect. We do not threaten you or your allies, why do you refuse us the security you insist for yourself?”

In 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, many observers, ignoring the rapidly unfolding events that marked the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, considered that the end of the Cold War. They were wrong. The Cold War had ended at least two years earlier. It ended by negotiation and was in the interest of all the parties. President George H.W. Bush hoped that Gorbachev would manage to keep most of the twelve non-Baltic republics in a voluntary federation. On August 1, 1991, he made a speech to the Ukrainian parliament (the Verkhovna Rada) in which he endorsed Gorbachev’s plans for a voluntary federation and warned against “suicidal nationalism.” The latter phrase was inspired by Georgian leader Zviad Gamsakurdia’s attacks on minorities in Soviet Georgia. For reasons I will explain elsewhere, they apply to Ukraine today. Bottom line: Despite the prevalent belief, both among the “blob” in the United States, and most of the Russian public, the United States did not support, much less cause the break-up of the Soviet Union. We supported throughout the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and one of the last acts of the Soviet parliament was to legalize their claim to independence. And—by the way—despite frequently voiced fears—Vladimir Putin has never threatened to re-absorb the Baltic countries or to claim any of their territories, though he has criticized some that denied ethnic Russians the full rights of citizenship, a principle that the European Union is pledged to enforce.

But, let’s move on to the first of the assertions in the subtitle…

Was the crisis avoidable?

Well, since President Putin’s major demand is an assurance that NATO will take no further members, and specifically not Ukraine or Georgia, obviously there would have been no basis for the present crisis if there had been no expansion of the alliance following the end of the Cold War, or if the expansion had occurred in harmony with building a security structure in Europe that included Russia.

Maybe we should look at this question more broadly. How do other countries respond to alien military alliances near their borders?  Since we are talking about American policy, maybe we should pay some attention to the way the United States has reacted to attempts of outsiders to establish alliances with countries nearby. Anybody remember the Monroe Doctrine, a declaration of a sphere of influence that comprised an entire hemisphere? And we meant it! When we learned that Kaiser’s Germany was attempting to enlist Mexico as an ally during the first world war, that was a powerful incentive for the subsequent declaration of war against Germany. Then, of course, in my lifetime, we had the Cuban Missile Crisis—something I remember vividly since I was at the American Embassy in Moscow and translated some of Khrushchev’s messages to Kennedy.

Should we look at events like the Cuban Missile Crisis from the standpoint of some of the principles of international law, or from the standpoint of the likely behavior of a country’s leaders if they feel threatened? What did international law at that time say about the employment of nuclear missiles in Cuba? Cuba was a sovereign state and had the right to seek support for its independence from anywhere it chose. It had been threatened by the United States, even an attempt to invade, using anti-Castro Cubans. It asked the Soviet Union for support. Knowing that the United States had deployed nuclear weapons in Turkey, a U.S. ally actually bordering on the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader, decided to station nuclear missiles in Cuba. How could the U.S. legitimately object if the Soviet Union was deploying weapons similar to those deployed against it?

Obviously, it was a mistake. A big mistake! (One is reminded of Talleyrand’s remark..”Worse than a crime …”)  International relations, like it or not, are not determined by debating, interpreting and applying the finer points of “international law”—which in any case is not the same as municipal law, the law within countries. Kennedy had to react to remove the threat. The Joint Chiefs recommended taking out the missiles by bombing. Fortunately, Kennedy stopped short of that, declared a blockade and demanded the removal of the missiles.

At the end of the week of messages back and forth—I translated Khrushchev’s longest—it was agreed that Khrushchev would remove the nuclear missiles from Cuba. What was not announced was that Kennedy also agreed that he would remove the U.S. missiles from Turkey but that this commitment must not be made public.

We American diplomats in Embassy Moscow were delighted at the outcome, of course. We were not even informed of the agreement regarding missiles in Turkey. We had no idea that we had come close to a nuclear exchange. We knew the U.S. had military superiority in the Caribbean and we would have cheered if the U.S. Air Force had bombed the sites. We were wrong. In later meetings with Soviet diplomats and military officers, we learned that, if the sites had been bombed, the officers on the spot could have launched the missiles without orders from Moscow. We could have lost Miami, and then what? We also did not know that a Soviet submarine came close to launching a nuclear-armed torpedo against the destroyer that was preventing its coming up for air.

It was a close call. It is quite dangerous to get involved in military confrontations with countries with nuclear weapons. You don’t need an advanced degree in international law to understand that. You need only common sense.

OK—It was predictable. Was it predicted?

“The most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War”

My words, and my voice was not the only one. In 1997, when the question of adding more members to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), I was asked to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In my introductory remarks, I made the following statement:

“I consider the Administration’s recommendation to take new members into NATO at this time misguided. If it should be approved by the United States Senate, it may well go down in history as the most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War. Far from improving the security of the United States, its Allies, and the nations that wish to enter the Alliance, it could well encourage a chain of events that could produce the most serious security threat to this nation since the Soviet Union collapsed.”

The reason I cited was the presence in the Russian Federation of a nuclear arsenal that, in overall effectiveness, matched if not exceeded that of the United States. Either of our arsenals, if actually used in a hot war, was capable of ending the possibility of civilization on earth, possibly even causing the extinction of the human race and much other life on the planet. Though the United States and the Soviet Union had, as a result of arms control agreements concluded by the Reagan and first Bush administrations, negotiations for further reductions stalled during the Clinton Administration. There was not even an effort to negotiate the removal of short-range nuclear weapons from Europe.

That was not the only reason I cited for including rather than excluding Russia from European security. I explained as follows: “The plan to increase the membership of NATO fails to take account of the real international situation following the end of the Cold War, and proceeds in accord with a logic that made sense only during the Cold War. The division of Europe ended before there was any thought of taking new members into NATO. No one is threatening to re-divide Europe. It is therefore absurd to claim, as some have, that it is necessary to take new members into NATO to avoid a future division of Europe; if NATO is to be the principal instrument for unifying the continent, then logically the only way it can do so is by expanding to include all European countries. But that does not appear to be the aim of the Administration, and even if it is, the way to reach it is not by admitting new members piecemeal.”

Then I added,

“All of the purported goals of NATO enlargement are laudable. Of course the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are culturally part of Europe and should be guaranteed a place in European institutions. Of course we have a stake in the development of democracy and stable economies there. But membership in NATO is not the only way to achieve these ends. It is not even the best way in the absence of a clear and identifiable security threat.”

In fact, the decision to expand NATO piecemeal was a reversal of American policies that produced the end of the Cold War and the liberation of Eastern Europe. President George H.W. Bush had proclaimed a goal of a “Europe whole and free.” Soviet President Gorbachev had spoken of “our common European home,” had welcomed representatives of East European governments who threw off their Communist rulers and had ordered radical reductions in Soviet military forces by explaining that for one country to be secure, there must be security for all. The first President Bush also assured Gorbachev during their meeting on Malta in December, 1989, that if the countries of Eastern Europe were allowed to choose their future orientation by democratic processes, the United States would not “take advantage” of that process. (Obviously, bringing countries into NATO that were then in the Warsaw Pact would be “taking advantage.”) The following year, Gorbachev was assured, though not in a formal treaty, that if a unified Germany was allowed to remain in NATO, there would be no movement of NATO jurisdiction to the east, “not one inch.”

These comments were made to President Gorbachev before the Soviet Union broke up. Once it did, the Russian Federation had less than half the population of the Soviet Union and a military establishment demoralized and in total disarray. While there was no reason to enlarge NATO after the Soviet Union recognized and respected the independence of the East European countries, there was even less reason to fear the Russian Federation as a threat.

Willfully precipitated?

Adding countries in Eastern Europe to NATO continued during the George W. Bush administration (2001-2009) but that was not the only thing that stimulated Russian objection. At the same time, the United States began withdrawing from the arms control treaties that had tempered, for a time, an irrational and dangerous arms race and were the foundation agreements for ending the Cold War. The most significant was the decision to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty) which had been the cornerstone treaty for the series of agreements that halted for a time the nuclear arms race. After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Northern Virginia, President Putin was the first foreign leader to call President Bush and offer support. He was as good as his word by facilitating the attack on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, which had harbored Osama ben Laden, the Al Qaeda leader who had inspired the attacks. It was clear at that time that Putin aspired to a security partnership with the United States. The jihadist terrorists who were targeting the United States were also targeting Russia. Nevertheless, the U.S. continued its course of ignoring Russian–and also allied–interests by invading Iraq, an act of aggression which was opposed not only by Russia, but also by France and Germany.

As President Putin pulled Russia out of the bankruptcy that took place in the late 1990s, stabilized the economy, paid off Russia’s foreign debts, reduced the activity of organized crime, and even began building a financial nest egg to weather future financial storms, he was subjected to what he perceived as one insult after another to his perception of Russia’s dignity and security. He enumerated them in a speech in Munich in 2007. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates responded that we didn’t need a new Cold War. Quite true, of course, but neither he, nor his superiors, nor his successors seemed to take Putin’s warning seriously. Then Senator Joseph Biden, during his candidacy for the presidential election in 2008, pledged to “stand up to Vladimir Putin!” Huh? What in the world had Putin done to him or to the United States?

Although President Barack Obama initially promised policy changes, in fact his government continued to ignore the most serious Russian concerns and redoubled earlier American efforts to detach former Soviet republics from Russian influence and, indeed, to encourage “regime change” in Russia itself. American actions in Syria and Ukraine were seen by the Russian president, and most Russians, as indirect attacks on them.

President Assad of Syria was a brutal dictator but the only effective bulwark against the Islamic state, a movement that had blossomed in Iraq following the U.S. invasion and was spreading into Syria. Military aid to a supposed “democratic opposition” quickly fell into the hands of jihadists allied with the very Al Qaeda that had organized the 9/11 attacks on the United States! But the threat to nearby Russia was much greater since many of the jihadists hailed from areas of the former Soviet Union including Russia itself. Syria is also Russia’s close neighbor; the U.S. was seen strengthening enemies of both the United States and Russia with its misguided attempt to decapitate the Syrian government.

So far as Ukraine is concerned, U.S. intrusion into its domestic politics was deep—to the point of seeming to select a prime minister. It also, in effect, supported an illegal coup d’etat that changed the Ukrainian government in 2014, a procedure not normally considered consistent with the rule of law or democratic governance. The violence that still simmers in Ukraine started in the “pro-Western” west, not in the Donbas where it was a reaction to what was viewed as the threat of violence against Ukrainians who are ethnic Russian.

During President Obama’s second term, his rhetoric became more personal, joining a rising chorus in the American and British media vilifying the Russian president. Obama spoke of economic sanctions against Russians as “costing” Putin for his “misbehavior” in Ukraine, conveniently forgetting that Putin’s action had been popular in Russia and that Obama’s own predecessor could be credibly accused of being a war criminal. Obama then began to hurl insults at the Russian nation as a whole, with allegations like “Russia makes nothing anybody wants,” conveniently ignoring the fact that the only way we could get American astronauts to the international space station at that time was with Russian rockets and that his government was trying its best to prevent Iran and Turkey from buying Russian anti-aircraft missiles.

I am sure some will say, “What’s the big deal? Reagan called the Soviet Union an evil empire, but then negotiated an end of the Cold War.”  Right! Reagan condemned the Soviet empire of old—and subsequently gave Gorbachev credit for changing it—but he never publicly castigated the Soviet leaders personally. He treated them with personal respect, and as equals, even treating Foreign Minister Gromyko to formal dinners usually reserved for chiefs of state or government. His first words in private meetings was usually something like, “We hold the peace of the world in our hands. We must act responsibly so the world can live in peace.”

Things got worse during the four years of Donald Trump’s tenure. Accused, without evidence, of being a Russian dupe, Trump made sure he embraced every anti-Russian measure that came along, while at the same time flattered Putin as a great leader. Reciprocal expulsions of diplomats, started by the United States in the final days of Obama’s tenure continued in a grim vicious circle that has resulted in a diplomatic presence so emaciated that for months the United States did not have enough staff in Moscow to issue visas for Russians to visit the United States.

As so many of the other recent developments, the mutual strangulation of diplomatic missions reverses one of the proudest achievements of American diplomacy in latter Cold War years when we worked diligently and successfully to open up the closed society of the Soviet Union, to bring down the iron curtain that separated “East” and “West.” We succeeded, with the cooperation of a Soviet leader who understood that his country desperately needed to join the world.

All right, I rest my case that today’s crisis was “willfully precipitated.” But if that is so, how can I say that it can be…

Easily resolved by the application of common sense?

The short answer is because it can be. What President Putin is demanding, an end to NATO expansion and creation of a security structure in Europe that insures Russia’s security along with that of others is eminently reasonable. He is not demanding the exit of any NATO member and he is threatening none. By any pragmatic, common sense standard it is in the interest of the United States to promote peace, not conflict. To try to detach Ukraine from Russian influence—the avowed aim of those who agitated for the “color revolutions”—was a fool’s errand, and a dangerous one. Have we so soon forgotten the lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Now, to say that approving Putin’s demands is in the objective interest of the United States does not mean that it will be easy to do. The leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties have developed such a Russophobic stance (a story requiring a separate study) that it will take great political skill to navigate the treacherous political waters and achieve a rational outcome.

President Biden has made it clear that the United States will not intervene with its own troops if Russia invades Ukraine. So why move them into Eastern Europe? Just to show hawks in Congress that he is standing firm? For what? Nobody is threatening Poland or Bulgaria except waves of refugees fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and the desiccated areas of the African savannah. So what is the 82nd Airborne supposed to do?

Well, as I have suggested earlier, maybe this is just an expensive charade. Maybe the subsequent negotiations between the Biden and Putin governments will find a way to meet the Russian concerns. If so, maybe the charade will have served its purpose. And maybe then our members of congress will start dealing with the growing problems we have at home instead of making them worse.

One can dream, can’t one?


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Jack F. Matlock served as US ambassador to the USSR (1987-1991). A member of the board of director of ACURA, he writes from Singer Island, Florida.

Biden Dials Back Belligerence Toward Russia

February 15th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The White House readout of US President Joe Biden’s conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday conveys the impression that its leitmotif was Washington’s threat of  sanctions against Russia if it attacked Ukraine. But it is a hackneyed message that wouldn’t have taken more than a minute or two to convey. Yet, the conversation lasted “a bit over an hour.”

The Kremlin readout is still to be released, but Putin’s aide Yuri Ushakov gave a briefing to the media last night itself. Ushakov revealed that the conversation took place at an urgent US request that was conveyed in writing and citing fears of an allegedly imminent “invasion” of Ukraine by Russia. The call was originally scheduled for Monday, but the Kremlin brought it forward.

As Ushakov put it,

“The conversation came amid an atmosphere of unprecedented hysteria by US officials over Russia’s supposedly imminent ‘invasion’ of Ukraine.” 

Indeed, the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had given a special briefing just the previous day where he made the famous apocalyptic prediction, which shook world capitals, that a Russian invasion of Ukraine “could begin during the Olympics, despite a lot of speculation that it would only happen after the Olympics.” 

Ushakov said Putin took exception to such hysterical allegations, which, taken together with the massive quantities of military equipments pouring into Ukraine, would only serve one purpose, namely, “conditions are being created for possible provocative actions by the Ukrainian armed forces.” Putin also spoke about Kiev’s “destructive policies” to “sabotage” the Minsk Agreements and pointed out the West’s failure to put pressure on the Ukraine leadership. 

However, the most interesting part of Ushakov’s briefing was that Biden’s reference to sanctions, etc. was actually not even the main part of the conversation. To quote Ushakov,

“Joe Biden mentioned possible anti-Russian sanctions, which was expected, given the tense situation around Ukraine. At the same time, this issue was not at the centre of the fairly long conversation,” which, all in all was constructive and “businesslike.” 

According to Ushakov,

“The two presidents agreed that Moscow will carefully study the views that Biden expressed and if possible, take them into account when working on a reaction to the documents on the US and NATO’s positions.” 

Putin also informed Biden that Moscow had almost completed the “interagency consultations… on the possible steps and an announcement will be made in the near future. We will soon inform our partners and the public of our reaction.” This was while referring to the US response to Russia’s demands for security guarantee. 

Ushakov said Putin put in perspective the history of Russia’s relations with the US and NATO, pointing out that in the 1990s, “we seemed to be friends, though even then, the policy that the US and NATO pursued towards Russia was far from constructive.” However, since then NATO’s expansion continued and “the alliance came close to Russia’s borders.” As a result, the security situation has “dramatically deteriorated” and NATO expansion now concerns Russia’s security. 

Ushakov said Biden in turn recalled that the American and Soviet leaders did everything in their power to avoid the disaster of a major conflict between the two countries, and although “our two great powers are still rivals now, they must do their best to maintain stability and ensure security throughout the world.”

Biden emphasised that it was necessary to do everything possible to avoid the worst case scenario in the current crisis around Ukraine.

“The presidents agreed on further contacts at different levels on all the issues discussed by the phone today… As Joe Biden said, he wants interstate relations between Russia and the United States to be built on the foundation of mutual respect,” Ushakov said. 

Overall, Ushakov’s briefing conveyed a positive drift. On its part, White House too has since followed up with a background press call highlighting that the discussion between the two presidents was “professional and substantive.” The briefing acknowledged that “the stakes of this are too high not to give Russia every chance to avoid an action that we believe would be catastrophic.” 

Importantly, it eschewed the belligerence that Sullivan had showed just the previous day and his apocalyptic predictions. The senior US official said Biden prefers “a mode of problem solving and finding solutions that are in our interest, the interest of our partners and Allies, and that can address at least some of the concerns that Russia has raised.” 

The senior official admitted that the White House has no information whatsoever that Putin had taken a decision to attack Ukraine. He clarified:

“We are basing this assessment on what we are seeing on the ground with our own eyes, which is a continued Russian build-up… beyond that, that, I don’t think we have any real insights to offer.” 

Plainly put, the White House has distanced itself from Sullivan’s fiery rhetoric and irresponsible allegations on Friday. Something seems amiss here. Of course, there is a long history of wheels within wheels in the US-Russia relations where elements within the US establishment plugged own agenda. 

The infamous Steele Dossier during Hillary Clinton’s campaign against Donald Trump in the 2016 election is a case in point. By the way, Sullivan, as foreign policy advisor to Hillary Clinton was a key figure peddling the Trump-Russia “collusion” narrative. And, Hillary Clinton blames Putin personally for her defeat in 2016.

Can it be a coincidence that the British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told Sunday Times today that there is “a whiff of Munich in the air”? The point is, although it is entirely conceivable that Europe will condemn Russia in the event of any military attack on Ukraine, it does not lend credence to the war hysteria in Washington. 

In fact, French President Emmanuel Macron also spoke to Putin on Saturday and reports from Paris said later that they did not believe that Moscow “is preparing an offensive” against Ukraine. To be sure, there is also the gnawing doubt in the European mind about the consistency of US policies amidst such acute polarisation in its domestic politics. 

Interestingly, Politico reported on Friday — the same day as the release of the White House document “Indo-Pacific Strategy” — that the European Union and Chinese leaders are set to hold a virtual summit on April 1 after repeated delays, which is “a high-stakes diplomatic effort to calm the recently escalating trade and geopolitical tensions between the two… Many in the EU institutions have raised concern about too much focus on systemic rivalry with China in recent months, hoping to give the two other elements in EU-China relations — partnership and economic competition — more attention.” 

Clearly, it is important to note such undercurrents hinting at growing unease about the US’ transatlantic leadership and where all these cascading tensions, especially the haunting spectre of a war in the continent, are leading to at a time when Europe’s economies are struggling. Significantly, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba revealed today that due to opposition from European countries, the delisting of Russia from the SWIFT international payment system is not being considered.

Ushakov’s account of the “constructive and business like” conversation between Putin and Biden does convey the impression that the latter too is conscious of the complexities of the current impasse and the urgent need to rein in the tensions with Russia. 

Thus, the White House readout on Biden’s call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky earlier today steers clear of making any allegations of an imminent Russian invasion as such, in a marked departure from the US pronouncements lately. Zelensky himself has been lately voicing frustration over the contrived war hysteria in Washington.  


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Below is a compilation of excerpts from articles pertaining to the topic.


Russian State Duma announces preparation of “serious military provocation in Ukraine”

By 112 Ukraine

February 11, 2022

Following a recent statement by US President Joe Biden urging Americans to leave Ukraine, Vyacheslav Nikonov, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for International Affairs of the State Duma of Russia, said that “Ukraine is under US external control, it is possible that there is a serious military provocation”.

He wrote about this on his Facebook page.

“An important event today is Biden’s statement urging Americans to leave Ukraine immediately. As Ukraine is under US external control, it is possible that a serious military provocation is being prepared there,” the statement reads.

In addition, Nikonov stressed that there are currently 30,000 Americans in our country.

“This is a very large number. In addition, there are 3,000 American citizens with diplomatic passports in Kyiv. These are the people who run Ukraine. Given the scale of arms supplies that have been going to Ukraine in recent weeks, I admit that some kind of signal for an attack may follow,” the Russian politician wrote.


Kiev designs plan for military solution of Donbass conflict – Pushilin

By Donetsk News Agency

February 11, 2022

The Ukrainian leadership aims to resolve the Donbass conflict by force, Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin said at a press conference in Donetsk on Friday.

“Ukraine is getting more insolent; probably not for nothing as it is drawing a plan for seizing Donbass by force and military resolution of the conflict,” Pushilin said. “Ukraine has such a plan. If we look at the latest events and the forces and hardware on the contact line, everything becomes clear: Ukraine is preparing for war.”

Tensions in Donbass have been mounting since mid-January. After the New Year and Christmas holidays, Ukrainian forces stepped up strikes in Donbass and began to deploy reinforcements to the region. The DPR militia said that enemy group had been reinforced with radicals, multiple launch rocket systems and NATO weapons. Drills by chemical warfare troops were reported as well.


Movement of Ukrainian MLRS recorded next to contact line

By Donetsk News Agency

February 11, 2022

The Donetsk People’s Republic intelligence has recorded the movement of Ukrainian army multiple launch rocket system next to the contact line, DPR People’s Militia deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Friday.

“The movement of enemy MLRS and reload vehicles was recorded in the Konstantinovka, Zhelannoye, Ilyinka, Khlebodarovka and Topolinoye settlement areas in the responsibility zones of 95th, 53rd, and 36th Brigades, at a distance of less than 30 kilometers from the contact line,” Basurin said.

He also said that Ukrainian army units were ready to deliver strikes at vital civil infrastructure facilities in the DPR territory.

Tensions in Donbass have been mounting since mid-January. After the New Year and Christmas holidays, Ukrainian forces stepped up strikes in Donbass and began to deploy reinforcements to the region. Earlier, DPR militia said that enemy group had been reinforced with radicals, multiple launch rocket systems and NATO weapons. Drills by chemical warfare troops were reported as well.


Kiev army fires 37 ammunition rounds at DPR over 24 hours

By Donetsk News Agency

February 11, 2022

Ukrainian armed formations opened fire at the Donetsk People’s Republic territory three times over the past 24 hours, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported on Friday.

Strikes were delivered at the Vesyoloye village area and the Lozovoye settlement on the Donetsk axis and the Golmovsky settlement area on the Gorlovka axis, the JCCC said. The enemy used grenade launchers and small arms, firing 37 rounds of ammunition of calibre over 12.7mm. There were no reports on civilian casualties or new damage.

In the previous reporting period, Kiev forces violated the ceasefire twice.

No ceasefire violations were recorded on the contact line between Ukraine and the Lugansk People’s Republic over the past 24 hours.

The package of tighter ceasefire control measures has been formally in effect in Donbass since July 27, 2020. The document bans, among other things, the use of weapons, deployment of hardware next to settlements and engineer works at troops’ positions. Tensions in Donbass mounted after the New Year and Christmas holidays.


Situation in Europe becomes increasingly tense, and Russia not to blame – Shoigu


February 11, 2022

The situation on the European continent is becoming increasingly tense, and it is not Russia’s fault, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said during the meeting with his UK counterpart Ben Wallace Friday.

“I am happy to welcome you in Moscow, in the Russian Defense Ministry. The military and political situation in Europe is becoming increasingly tense. And it is not our fault at all. We do not entirely and not always understand the reasons behind the escalation of those tensions. Still, we see that the tensions are growing,” Shoigu said.

He expressed his hope that it would be possible to discuss the “pressing issues on reduction of these tensions” during the meeting.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from Stars and Stripes

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Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky has demanded the US provide evidence of its claims that Russia plans to invade his country on Wednesday February 16, warning against provoking panic.

He said that he has not seen details regarding Russia’s alleged plans amid claims of a major psy-ops and misinformation campaign being waged through Western media.

“If you have additional, 100 per cent certain information about a Russian invasion of Ukraine, please share it with us. We are aware of all risks and we realise the risks are there,” Mr Zelensky said.

He reiterated previous calls urging the media to stop provoking hysteria and fears of an all-out war.

“Panic is the best friend of our enemy, and all this information only creates panic, it doesn’t help us,” the Ukrainian leader said.

The Ukrainian Communist Party has warned of an “information genocide” with the closure of the opposition NASH TV the latest act of censorship by Kiev.

Its general secretary Petro Symonenko called on journalists and all opposition forces “to unite to fight the political, legal and economic lawlessness of the ruling regime and the neonazi scum…”

“The silence of democratic Europe clearly shows that, together with the United States, they are accomplices and inspirers of the civil war in the Donbass, patrons of neonazis and criminals who seized power in Ukraine,” he said.

The communist leader was referring to the 2014 EU-backed fascist coup which ousted the elected government of Viktor Yanukovych after he rejected a deal with Brussels.

Washington has continued to ratchet up tensions in the region with claims of an imminent Russian invasion drawing comparisons with the confabulated “weapons of mass destruction” used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Ukraine has amassed some 120,000 troops, including British and US-trained fascist militia close to the Donbass contact line with officials in Donetsk and Lugansk saying they fear an imminent invasion.

The US has flooded Ukraine with weapons and mobilised thousands of troops to forward positions in Poland and other countries.

Separatist leaders accused Kiev of breaching a fragile ceasefire on at least three separate occasions over the weekend.

The southern Donetsk village of Kominternovo was struck by four grenades in the latest aggression by armed forces, monitors of the ceasefire said.

Russia continues to deny plans for military intervention, calling on Washington to abide by the 2014 Minsk Accord and promises that Nato would not expand eastwards.


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Featured image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (centre) attends the drills of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during his working trip to the Kherson region, Ukraine, Saturday, February 12, 2022 (Source: Morning Star)

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Farmers in Brazil with a history of deforesting the Amazon have somehow been allowed to receive government-subsidized loans to buy tractors and other equipment to use on their blacklisted farms, an investigation has found. The loans were granted by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), through a program aimed at fostering agriculture and livestock. The program is run by John Deere Bank, through which the farmers can buy equipment from the manufacturer of the same name.

In all, BNDES and John Deere granted 28.6 million reais ($5.4 million) in loans to five farmers who had embargoes issued against them for deforestation by IBAMA, Brazil’s federal environmental protection agency. A resolution by Brazil’s Central Bank bars embargoed farms in the Amazon from accessing credit, but a loophole allows their owners to obtain loans for other farms. This opens the way for maneuvering by so-called ruralists, who declare that the equipment will be used in a legal location, but then use it on lands where it would be banned by IBAMA.

An investigation by Repórter Brasil shows that, in some cases, the farmers don’t even bother using this subterfuge; in these cases, the loans are approved in municipalities where the applicant has only one property, which happens to be embargoed.

A loophole in Central Bank regulations allows environmental violators to purchase John Deere tractorsand other farm equipment. Image by Victor Moriyama/Greenpeace.

Repórter Brasil developed a map of the properties in question, based on the Forests and Finance data platform, which also shows loans given to producers who had failed to pay fines for environmental violations. In all, 11 farmers who bought John Deere machines under the loan program owe 31.4 million reais ($6 million) in unpaid environmental fines. The total amount of BNDES loans issued — 39.7 million reais ($7.6 million) — could have paid for these fines.

“That’s taxpayers’ money for agribusinesses that are deforesting,” Philip Fearnside, a scientist at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) and member of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) when it won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

“In addition to paying interest rates that are much lower than any other loan, producers can have their debts pardoned in cases such as pest attacks, droughts or any problem that harms their harvest,” Fearnside said. “It is a risk that should fall on soy farmers, but the public treasury ends up paying for it.”

The loans investigated in this article were of the “automatic indirect” type, in which BNDES provides the money but the contract is signed with another financial institution. That way, the state-owned bank can reduce its exposure to risks and default.

In response to questions from Repórter Brasil, BNDES said it requires borrowers to “sign statements attesting to the absence of environmental violations prior to entering into any contract.” It also said the responsibility for verifying “compliance with such requirements” belongs to the partner bank, in this case John Deere Bank, a Luxembourg-based entity that’s wholly owned by John Deere. On its website, however, BNDES admits its responsibility for approving the loans: “Step 4: BNDES assesses the request, verifies whether it complies with the rules and, if so, authorizes the loan.”

John Deere said in a response that it “strictly complies” with the rules for granting loans, “with careful assessment of the area that will benefit from a given product.” Read the full statements here.

System flaws and lack of transparency

Repórter Brasil was unable to verify the legality of the loans granted by BNDES to deforesters and channeled through John Deere Bank. BNDES declined to provide the Rural Environmental Register (CAR) number used to apply for the loans, which makes it impossible to know whether they complied with the Central Bank resolution. The request for the CAR numbers, which are associated with individual properties, was based on Brazilian legislation ensuring the right to access information produced by federal agencies. BNDES said it was nonetheless “unable to provide them.” Read the full statement here.

Despite the refusal, three cases stand out in which loans were granted for properties in the same Amazonian municipalities where the recipients have embargoed farms — a strong indication that the rules may have been ignored. A previous investigation by Repórter Brasil has already shown that BNDES failed to comply with its own rules when issuing loans to meatpackers caught buying cattle raised in deforested areas or to farms that use slave labor.

Soy farmer Alexandra Perinoto has only one active CAR number, for a property in the municipality of Cláudia, in Mato Grosso state. Between 2016 and 2019, she was granted 4.5 million reais ($856,000) in BNDES loans to buy John Deer tractors and other equipment for that location. In 2021, her property was embargoed after authorities found 1.2 million hectares (3 million acres) of deforestation “of native forest in the Amazon Biome in a Legal Reserve Area, without proper authorization by the relevant environmental agency.”

According to the Central Bank’s rule, “in case of interdiction after the operation is contracted, payment of installments will cease until the complete environmental regularization of the property.” Nevertheless, loans on Perinoto’s behalf are listed as “assets” on the BNDES Transparency portal.

In a statement, the Central Bank said that nothing “prevents the releases from being suspended based on evidence of an irregularity” and that it will “initiate interactions with the financial institution cited in order to investigate the facts reported.”

The Central Bank prohibition is credited with preventing the devastation of 270,000 hectares (667,000 acres) of forest from 2008-2011 alone, according to an estimate by the Climate Policy Initiative. “This rule is one of the only things that had consequences for illegal deforestation, because fines are rarely paid,” Fearnside said. But Perinoto’s case seems to have gone unnoticed.

“Banks are responsible for monitoring and inspecting rural credit operations, enforcing laws or any regulations applicable to land use and economic activities,” the Central Bank said in a response that can be read in full here.

Alexandra Perinoto, a farmer known for producing in a deforested area, received 11 million reais ($2.1 million) in loans to buy John Deere equipment. Image by Victor Moriyama/Greenpeace.

Perinoto has two other embargoed properties in the municipality of Marcelândia, where BNDES also issued loans for the purchase of John Deere equipment. Among the producers investigated in this report, she was fined the highest amount for environmental violations — 18 million reais ($3.4 million), almost double the 11 million reais ($2.1 million) in loans that she was granted. She has never paid her fines for environmental violations.

A previous investigation by Repórter Brasil showed how Perinoto, despite the problematic nature of her operations, managed to sell soy to companies that are signatories to the Soy Moratorium — an industry pact that bans trade in soy produced in areas of the Amazon that were deforested after 2008. Perinoto’s soy buyers include suppliers to some of the world’s biggest trading companies, such as Cargill, Bunge and Cofco. Perinoto is also a defendant in a pending lawsuit for deforestation in the municipality of Sinop; she’s being investigated in the context of the Amazônia Protege operation carried out by federal prosecutors.

Repórter Brasil attempted unsuccessfully to contact Perinoto for her views on the allegations. In May 2021, she declined to answer questions. “I have nothing to declare. You’ll have to prove whatever you publish,” she said at the time.

‘IBAMA is wrong’

Another farmer with just a single CAR-registered and IBAMA-embargoed property in a municipality where he was approved for a loan is Milton Casari. Between 2018 and 2020, he was granted almost 1 million reais ($190,000) to buy John Deere equipment in Paranaíta, Mato Grosso — the same municipality where his farm has been embargoed by IBAMA since 2012.

The geographic coordinates of the embargo don’t correspond to Casari’s land, although the interdiction was issued against his name. The embargoed area is located about 1.5 kilometers, less than a mile, from his property, according to the boundaries he self-declared to the National System of the Rural Environmental Register (SICAR).

In a statement to Repórter Brasil (read full text here), Casari said he used to lease the area from a neighbor to raise cattle but was not responsible for the illegal deforestation. In his administrative appeal to get the embargo reversed, “the environmental agent’s conclusion about the destruction was based on false reports” from people interested in the land, Casari said. He also characterized IBAMA’s description of the violation as “inaccurate.” “I don’t have any area under interdiction. There is a court decision saying that IBAMA is wrong,” he said.

Casari also received another 3.8 million reais ($723,000) in loans in neighboring Alta Floresta municipality. While the two properties lie in different municipalities, they adjoing each other on the border between Alta Floresta and Paranaíta. That would make it easy to use the John Deere equipment on both properties and even within the embargoed area.

Deforesting a protected area

The second-largest debtor of environmental fines who benefited from the BNDES loans to buy John Deere equipment was Adão Ferreira Sobrinho, who still owes almost 7 million reais ($1.3 million) in unpaid environmental fines. Unlike the other farmers identified in this investigation, he didn’t deforest the Amazon, and therefore the Central Bank’s rule barring him from accessing credit wouldn’t apply to him. John Deere, however, said that “the veto [of financing from its bank] to embargoed areas is applied regardless of the region and/or Biome where it is located.”

Sobrinho has six interdictions against his name for properties in different municipalities for which he obtained loans. He’s responsible for deforesting 2,000 hectares (4,900 acres) of native vegetation in the Cerrado savanna biome, including 192 hectares (474 acres) inside Nascentes do Rio Parnaíba Park, an ostensibly protected area. The park lies in the border of region of the states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia, known by the acronym Matopiba and considered Brazil’s new agricultural frontier.

In 2020, Sobrinho was sentenced to two years in prison for environmental violations, but this was later waived for a fine and community services. Despite that, he went on to receive new loans from BNDES. Then he repeated the violations and was fined four more times, adding a another 1.7 million reais ($323,000) to his debt to the state for clearing another 457 hectares of native forest in the Cerrado.

Sobrinho said in a statement that he doesn’t recognize the conviction: “IBAMA issued notices of violation but they are not valid, so I presented an administrative defense and a court defense.” He also said that “the property benefiting from the loan is located more than a thousand kilometers away from those to which the notices of violation were issued.” Read his full response here.

Brazilian market is crucial for John Deere

Brazil’s favorable agrarian credit policies reflect the importance of agribusiness to the country’s economy; in 2020, the industry accounted for 26.6% of Brazil’s GDP. This also makes the country the second-biggest market (after its native U.S.) for John Deere, the world’s leading agricultural equipment manufacturer.

The nearly two-century-old company’s investors include Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who owns 9.3% of its shares. Investment management firm BlackRock, which in 2020 announced its withdrawal from environmentally damaging investments, also holds a stake in John Deere.

Most Brazilian contracts for agricultural machinery purchase in Brazil, about 65%, are subsidized by BNDES; effectively, they’re underwritten with public money. According to the BNDES ranking, in the past decade, John Deere Bank was the third-largest lender under its Safra Plan, used mainly to finance equipment purchase and replacement programs.

However, granting loans to known environmental offenders goes against efforts to curb global warming in Brazil, where deforestation is the main driver of carbon dioxide emissions, according to the latest IPCC report. It also contradicts the principles espoused by the president of John Deere in Brazil, Paulo Herrmann, who advocates “locking up the illegals” who burn the forest. Herrmann has said that agribusiness can grow “without deforesting anything.”

Granting loans under these conditions also violates the slogan featured on the BNDES website, which bills the institution as the “national sustainable development bank.”

Technology doesn’t prevent deforestation

John Deere knows down to the inch where its machines are at all times, but hasn’t stopped them from being used in deforested areas. Image courtesy of John Deere.

The machines financed by Brazilian taxpayers for deforesters aren’t simple tractors. They feature state-of-the-art technology, as explained by scientist and sociologist Arilson Favareto, head of sustainability at the Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) and a researcher in sustainable food systems at the University of São Paulo.

“There is a technological revolution underway with the increase in computerization — that’s Agriculture 4.0,” Favareto said, referring to tractors equipped with GPS, automated harvesters, and pesticide-spraying drones.

John Deere doesn’t downplay its technological prowess in the field. “Today we know where a machine is with 2-centimeter [less than 1 inch] precision,” Herrmann said in an interview with Forbes magazine. But that tracking capability hasn’t stopped the company from selling its equipment to farmers who have a history of environmental crimes.

“Mechanization causes severe environmental impacts because it enables advances in deforestation and production in large areas, so the soil is increasingly destroyed,” said Adriana Charoux, a strategist at Greenpeace Brazil and leader of the NGO’s agriculture and food team.


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This story was first published in Portuguese on Repórter Brasil.

Featured image: Tractors in a soy plantation in Bahia state, in the Brazilian Cerrado. Image by Victor Moriyama/Greenpeace.

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This incisve article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was first published by From the Trends Journal 8 years ago (Spring 2014)


When the Soviet Union collapsed, it cleared the way for the rise of the neoconservatives and their ideology of U.S. world hegemony. The neoconservatives concluded that the Soviet collapse brought the end of history, by which they meant that history had chosen “American democratic capitalism,” which is neither democratic nor capitalist, as history’s final statement. History’s choice gives the government of the “exceptional, indispensable” American people the right to world hegemony. The problem for the neoconservatives is that not all of the world agrees with “history’s choice.” Independent states, such as Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Iran, China, and Russia did not see themselves as provinces in Washington’s empire. Neither do India, Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

The neoconservatives made a concerted and successful effort to take control of U.S. foreign policy and military doctrine. With the Clinton regime’s attack on Serbia, Washington began eliminating governments that are obstacles to its hegemony.

The U.S. government has overthrown the Iraqi and Libyan governments with military force, instigated a military attack by outside Islamist forces on the Syrian government, demonized Iran as a precursor to military attack, captured the former Russian province of Georgia in a U.S.-financed “color revolution,” overthrown the elected Honduran government, unleashed orchestrated protests against the government of Venezuela, threatened Bolivia and Ecuador, routinely attacks with drones and missiles populations in Pakistan and Yemen, and has been at war against the Taliban in Afghanistan for 13 years.

Iran, Russia, and China are being surrounded with U.S. military bases, and now the neoconservatives in Washington have captured Ukraine with a Washington-sponsored coup against a democratically elected government. Washington claims that the Ukraine government was corrupt. Corrupt like who — Washington and the EU?

Washington Confronts Russia with a Strategic Threat

Washington’s coup in Ukraine brought not only a threat to the Russian population in Ukraine but also a direct strategic threat to Russia itself. The Russian government got in the way of Washington’s march to hegemony by, together with the UK parliament, blocking Obama’s military invasion of Syria and by producing a diplomatic solution to Iranian enrichment of uranium for nuclear energy. Washington was much annoyed as Washington had invested much time and money in setting up Syria and Iran for military attack.

Washington concluded that Russia needed to be confronted with, or distracted by, problems that would leave the Russian government less confident or able to counter Washington’s aggression elsewhere.

Ukraine presented the perfect opportunity for Washington to advance its hegemonic agenda. Ina speech at the National Press Club last December, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland boasted that Washington had invested $5 billion in non- governmental organizations (NGOs) in Ukraine. Allegedly, the purpose of NGOs is to “teach democracy.” However, Ukraine already had a democracy. In reality the NGO organizations are U.S. fifth columns that can be used to organize protests and to provide support for Washington’s candidates for the Ukraine government.

Western pressure was applied to the democratically elected government of President Victor Yanukovich to join the EU. The Ukrainian government considered the proposal and decided rationally that the Ukraine economy was integrated with the Russian economy and that the trade, subsidy, and loan advantages of its association with Russia were worth more than EU membership, which would likely bring an IMF adjustment program that would result in the looting of the Ukraine economy. When Ukraine declined EU membership, Washington set in motion its NGO fifth columns. Protests began in Kiev demanding that the elected government change its mind and join the EU.

The protests were nonviolent until well-organized ultra-nationalist organizations, such as the Right Sector introduced violence and took over the protests, changing the demands from joining the EU to overthrowing the democratic government. President Yanukovich had reached an agreement with EU representatives to implement constitutional changes that could result in Ukraine being voted into the EU, but this agreement fell by the wayside with the rise of the Right Sector’s takeover of the protests.

It is unclear whether Washington worked with the Right Sector or overlooked it. The ultra nationalists and Washington’s stooges are at odds. It is unclear how the differences will be resolved.

Washington did overlook important facts about modern day Ukraine. For about 300 years Ukraine was part of the Russian empire and the Soviet Union. The Russian Black Sea naval base is located in Crimea. Crimea, a Russian province for most of the period since the time of Catherine the Great, was added to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine in 1954 by Khrushchev at a time when Russia and Ukraine were parts of the same country. The Crimean population is mainly Russian. Other parts of present day southern and eastern Ukraine are Russian territories included in the Soviet Republic of Ukraine by Lenin. When the Soviet Union dissolved and Russia allowed Ukraine to become independent, these Russian territories remained part of Ukraine. Consequently, Ukraine is an untenable combination of Russian people and Russophobic Ukrainians in the western part of present day Ukraine.

The Ukrainian government confronted the orchestrated protests with unarmed police and followed up this mistake with another — the police were disbanded. Lacking protection, Yanukovich and his party fled or went into hiding. A Washington stooge, Yatseniuk, was appointed, not elected, prime minister. Yatseniuk is the person selected by Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the U.S. Ambassador in Ukraine in their telephone conversation in which they choose the members of the stooge government. Transcripts and recordings of the leaked conversation are abundant. See, for example, here and here.

Washington’s stooge government, once installed, either lacked all judgment or went straight to work setting up confrontations with the Russian provinces in Ukraine. The stooge government passed a law outlawing the official use of the Russian language. Proposals were introduced to arrest residents who retained dual Russian/Ukrainian citizenship. Many Russophobic statements were issued. For example, former prime minister Tymoshenko, released by the coup from prison where she was serving time for corruption, declared in an intercepted telephone conversation that “it’s about time we grab our guns and go kill those damn Russians together with their leader.” See this.

The Right Sector destroyed Soviet war memorials dedicated to the memory of the Russian troops who liberated Ukraine from Hitler’s armies. Videos are available online of Right Sector thugs attacking  Russians on the streets in cities in eastern Ukraine.

The violent words and deeds issuing from the Washington-installed government alarmed the Russian speaking populations in Crimea and southern and eastern Ukraine. The elected government in Crimea voted to separate from Ukraine, and the Crimean population in a high vote turnout of 84% voted 97% to rejoin Russia. Washington misrepresented this democratic act of self-determination as a “Russian invasion and annexation.” Washington’s blatant lie was trumpeted by the Western presstitute media worldwide.

A Serious Miscalculation by Washington

On March 10 the U.S. Department of State issued a document listing President Putin’s “10 False Claims about Ukraine.” In fact the document was Washington’s “10 lies about Russian aggression against Ukraine.” The latest lies from the Obama regime, repeated endlessly by the presstitute media, are that Russian troops and tanks are massing on the Ukraine border. This lie has been disputed by NBC News. See this.

Washington’s puppet states in Eastern Europe are calling for US aircraft and NATO troops to protect them from a nonexistent threat of a Russian invasion of Eastern Europe. Washington is pressuring its NATO puppets to spend more on armaments and to speed up forward deployments of troops to Russia’s borders. NATO announced that it has suspended civilian and military cooperation with Russia. See this. NATO member foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels to work out details of a planned military escalation in Eastern Europe. See this. Washington is conducting numerous war games on Russia’s borders and is establishing NATO relationships with Moldova, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. See this. The unelected stooge government in Ukraine has agreed to participating in military exercises with NATO. See this.

No one in Washington or Europe has the wits to consider how all this bellicosity and saber-rattling looks to Putin and the Russian government. The lies are so thick that Putin and the Russian govern- ment have lost all belief in the integrity or word of Washington and the EU. Washington overthrows an elected government in Ukraine and declares an unelected government imposed by Washington to be “legal and legitimate,” but self-determination by Crimeans is “illegal and legitimate” and requires sanctions against Russia. The very governments who organized a coup against the elected Ukrainian government now call on Russia “to take immediate steps to return to compliance with international law.” What this means is that Russia should ignore Crimean self-determination and hand Crimea to Washington’s stooge government in Kiev so Washington can evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base, thereby blocking Russian access to the Mediterranean Sea. Without access to the Mediterranean, Russia cannot defend its naval facility in Tartus, Syria, the only naval base in the Mediterranean Sea not under the control of the U.S. or U.S. puppets.

This arrogance from Washington comes after Russia has observed Washington’s strategic moves against Russian national interests and sovereignty for two decades.

Washington’s promises to Russia that NATO would not be expanded into Eastern Europe were broken and NATO was taken to Russia’s border. Washington withdrew from the ABM treaty, which prohibited escalating the arms race with anti-ballistic missile systems designed to negate an opponent’s strategic nuclear deterrent, thus making nuclear war “winnable.”

Washington arranged with a deranged Polish government to deploy anti-ballistic missile bases on Poland’s border with Russia, thus dooming Poland to annihilation if war breaks out. In 2010 Washington deployed Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles in Morag, Poland, about 35 kilometers from Russian territory. This is the first permanent deployment of land-based interceptor missiles outside the U.S. In 2018 advanced versions of interceptor missiles are to be positioned on Russia’s borders under Phase 3 of the European Phased Adaptive Approach U.S.-NATO Plan. To reassure Russia, Washington has talked about perhaps not going forward with the additional deployments, but certainly will use the crisis that Washington has instigated as justification for going forward with the additional ABM missiles on Russia’s borders. The U.S. and NATO have guided missile destroyers and cruisers equipped with interceptor missiles in the Mediterranean and will complete the surrounding of Russia with deployments to the Black, Baltic, Barents, and Norwegian Seas.

At this point it becomes easy to indwell Putin’s mind:

“The Americans tell us the fantastic lie that the purpose of American missile bases in Poland is to protect Europe from non-existent Iranian ICBMs. The Americans change their war doctrine to elevate their nuclear weapons from a retaliatory deterrent to a pre-emptive first strike force. The Americans pretend that this change in their war doctrine is directed at terrorists, but we know it is directed at Russia. The Americans have financed ‘color revolutions’ in Georgia and Ukraine and hope to do so in the Russian Federation itself. The Americans support the terrorists in Chechnya. The Americans trained and equipped the Georgian military and gave it the green light to attack our peacekeepers in South Ossetia. The Americans have financed the overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine and blame me for the anxiety this caused among Crimeans who on their own volition fled Ukraine and returned to Russia from whence they came. Even Gorbachev said that Khrushchev should never have put Crimea into Ukraine. Solzhenitsyn said that Lenin should not have put Russian provinces into eastern and southern Ukraine. Now I have these Russian provinces agitating to return to Russia, and the Americans are blaming me for the consequences of their own reckless and irresponsible actions.

“The Americans say I want to rebuild the Soviet Empire. Yet, the Americans witnessed me withdraw from Georgia when I had this former Russian province in my hands, thanks to Russia’s victory in the short-lived war instigated by the Americans.

“There is no end to the American lies. I have done everything possible to respond to provocations in a low-key reasonable manner, offering to work things out diplomatically, as has my Foreign Minister Lavrov. But the Americans continue to provoke and to hide their provocations behind lies. The Americans brazenly bring to me a strategic threat in Ukraine, a former Russian province. They intend to put Ukraine in NATO, the purpose of which expired with the Soviet collapse. They intend to put more missile bases on Russia’s borders, and they intended to evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base, our warm water port.

“Americans have no intention of working anything out. They intend to subjugate Russia. Washington wants Russia powerless, surrounded with ABM bases that degrade our strategic deterrent to uselessness. These Americans will not work with me. They will not listen to me or to Russia’s Foreign Minister. They only hear their own call for American hegemony over the world. My only alternative is to prepare for war.”

The government of China, having read Washington’s war plans for war against China and being fully aware of Washington’s “pivot to Asia,” in which the “indispensable nation” announced its “safe-guarding of peace” by surrounding China with naval and air bases, understands that it has the same Washington enemy as does Russia.

Washington, overflowing with hubris and arrogance and filled with confidence from its choice by History as the hegemonic power, is driving the world to the final war.

As this edition of the Trends Journal publishes, pro-Russian separatists are holding fort in Ukrainian communities along the eastern border, as Kiev threatens to intervene. It’s a battle Ukraine cannot win. Washington’s grand scheme to envelope all of Ukraine into EU and NATO embrace backfired because Russian and Russian-speaking Ukrainians would not buy in. Crimea is already lost. Others can easily follow. Washington grossly miscalculated and is incapable of admitting its own miscalculations. As a result, Washington is left with no other choice but to push this conflict further, perhaps even to the brink of war.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Donbass Insider

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Killing the Bill of Rights

February 15th, 2022 by Philip Giraldi

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In 2005, President George W. Bush allegedly addressed a meeting of Republicans discussing whether to renew the Patriot Act due to its possible unconstitutionality by angrily blurting out that the Constitution was “just a goddamned piece of paper!” If the story is true, it partly explains the numerous crimes committed by Bush and his associates, including the invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq based on hyped and even fabricated intelligence. It also suggests the unwillingness of proponents of overriding executive authority to accept that the American people are the inheritors of a number of inalienable liberties to include freedom of speech and association, both of which were impacted negatively by the Patriot Act and the other legislation that followed.

I often think of George Bush when I observe the antics of Joe Biden and his claque of Trotskyites at work. To be sure, thanks to the Bill of Rights you can currently say anything you want in the United States, though there are limits on that freedom if one goes so far as to offend those who are powerful. If you do upset the oligarchs who run our country through corruption of public officials, they have a thousand ways to get you. I recently wrote an article on the use of lawfare to block people and views one objects to by taking them to court on some pretext and bankrupting them through legal fees and penalties. The court system hardly represents the people in any country. It is inevitably heavily politicized by the politicians that grant it its authority and ultimately represents the big money interests that the judges consider their real peers in the Establishment.

The United States government has in fact embraced the suppression of unpopular views and the nations and groups that it finds offensive through the use of sanctions, which are essentially punishments doled out arbitrarily as the government can issue a sanction on its own authority without having to provide any evidence or make a case. And when the White House sanctions a foreign government or group, secondary sanctions kick in to prevent anyone from exchanging goods or services with the targeted entity. I recently was on the receiving end of a Department of the Treasury demand that I stop writing for a foreign website which had been sanctioned. I was warned that I might be subject to a $311,562 fine if I failed to comply. Insofar as I could determine, the foreign website was only guilty of having strongly condemned United States foreign policy, as do I and many other Americans, but the threat of the government coming down with its thousands of lawyers meant that I and other US contributors terminated our relationship.

The federal government was telling us that we had a right to free speech and association except in cases where we were interacting with groups that the Treasury Department disapproved of. In a system as hopelessly corrupted as the US federal government, it is inevitable that powerful groups will surface that will be able to dictate what is acceptable and what is not. That very often comes down to what might once have been regarded as free speech and association issues. The Democratic Party might reasonably be described as a group of satrapies representing certain special interests, most visibly homo-and transsexuals, “choice” women, blacks and Jews. The balancing act required to keep all the subsets under control frequently strains credibility. Joe Biden recently made an impassioned speech demanding that the so-called Equal Rights Amendment should immediately become part of the Constitution because it is “the clear will of the American people.” Ironically, Joe heads a government that believes that gender discrimination is okay as long as it is directed against white men. He is also currently pushing for national education reform, which some refer to as either dumbing down or reverse racism, to bring more “diversity” and “equity” into the system. Doing so of course will require Affirmative Action style discrimination based on race and the president is also pledged to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice based solely on skin color and gender, not on qualifications or preparation for the position. Other candidates need not apply even if they are better qualified and “equal rights” depend on who you are in the Democratic Party pecking order. Leondra Kruger, reportedly a leading candidate is black, a woman and also Jewish.

So Joe Biden either understands the meaning of the words and expressions he uses, or he doesn’t. He probably thinks it doesn’t matter as he is speaking to a receptive and not very critical audience, which includes his mainstream media allies. And there is also his Chief of Staff Ron Klain there to poke him in the ribs when he is hesitating and has to say anything or look presidential.

In another speech in Atlanta regarding the so-called “right to vote,” Honest Joe explicitly compared skeptics in the Senate who would prefer to have the states determine who is a legal resident and citizen for voting purposes to historic racists Bull Connors and George Wallace. He then denied that he had been calling the dissidents out as racists. George Orwell’s “newspeak” is definitely on the way as the “right to vote” is little more than a pious slogan that is an invitation to widespread electoral fraud benefiting the Democrats through mail-in voting and registration without documentation.

And there is of course Israel, which has an entire government department dedicated to the propagation of expressions like “holocaust denial, “surging anti-Semitism” and “right to defend oneself.” January 27th was International Holocaust Remembrance Day and some of the antics engaged in by presumably well-educated adult politicians and government officials perhaps offer a glimpse into what is coming in terms of the waning ability to speak one’s mind. The United Nations approved an Israeli motion calling for a crackdown on “holocaust denial,” and the Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan demanded that such content be banned from social networking media worldwide. He claimed that “Holocaust denial has spread like a cancer. It has spread under our watch. It has spread because people have chosen to be irresponsible and to avoid accountability…As you dodge responsibility, evil grows… Social media giants can no longer remain complacent to the hate that spreads on their platforms.”

To be accurate, the “avoiding accountability” claim sounds more reminiscent of Israeli and US behavior than that of those social media sites alleged to be in denial. And the malady appears to have taken hold in “liberal” Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has denounced protesting truckers as “fascists” and “racists.” He is beginning to sound like Joe Biden and Naftali Bennett and I am waiting for the “domestic terrorist” and/or “anti-Semite” label to be applied to quell what is a genuine populist reaction to draconian government policies. To cite Orwell again, what Israel, Canada and the United States understand is that when it comes to establishing the preferred narrative “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past… The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” Labeling opponents as racists or Nazis delegitimizes them so you will not have to deal with their grievances or arguments, which is precisely what is intended.

The irony is that free speech is already a distant memory in many countries. Orwell opined that “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” Constitutions guaranteeing a right to free speech proliferate in the Old World but are ignored or circumvented by governments, particularly if one is addressing almost anything having to do with the Second World War. Witness how in Europe the issue of presumed “holocaust denial,” now sometimes referred to in the US as “holocaust denialism” as if it were a disease, has been widely criminalized. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the negation or revision of “clearly established historical facts — such as the Holocaust — … would be removed from the protection of free speech under the European Convention on Human Rights.”

Bear in mind that “holocaust denial” includes any questioning of any aspect of the standard narrative endorsed by the US and other governments. Interestingly, a bit of pushback against a holocaust exemption for free speech appeared in an issue of Foreign Policy magazine, entitled “First they came for the Holocaust Deniers and I did not speak out”. The author Jacob Mchangama observes how hate speech and similar legislation has an unfortunate tendency to propagate and be used by governments to block all kinds of speech and writing that is actually quite innocent of any agenda but disapproved of by those in power. He cites how in 2014 a Russian blogger named Vladimir Luzgin was arrested and imprisoned after writing quite innocently on social media that Communist Russia and Nazi Germany collaborated to invade Poland in 1939 and thus began World War 2. His account was undoubtedly historically accurate, but the way it was presented offended someone in power and he was found guilty of misrepresenting the accepted narrative relating to the “Great Patriotic War against Germany.”

It is not completely clear what kind of Brave New World the Democrats are intent on creating, but it should be accepted as certain that once free speech goes and the universities go “woke” there will no longer be platforms to challenge the status quo. Conservative or otherwise dissenting publications will come under pressure to toe the line or the arbiters of decorum in Washington will be quick to make sure that the message is received that there will be consequences. We have entered into a strange twilight zone where what really happens and happened in the past will not be subject to examination. Will it be a better or safer world because of that? Undoubtedly no, but living now in what are likely to be the twilight years of our tottering republic we can only hope that somehow sanity will prevail and we will again be able to experience real freedom.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

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Convoy organizer Tamara Lich and Brian Peckford, Canada’s only surviving signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, hold a press conference on February 14th, 2022 in response to today’s announcement that Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government will be moving to implement the emergency measures act upon peaceful Canadian men, women, children, elderly and disabled protesters.


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Making Sense of the Ukraine Standoff.

February 15th, 2022 by Eric Zuesse

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Someone asked me:

Can you make sense out of the current Ukraine situation/stand-off? You indicated in an earlier note that you didn’t think Putin would invade Ukraine unless Ukraine invaded Donbass. So, what is going on right now?  Why the massive Russian build-up on the borders (assuming the news isn’t exaggerating)?

I answered:

Putin intends to assure that if Ukraine invades Donbass, the residents in Donbass will win. He has armed and trained them how to use the weapons, but if Russian soldiers would need to enter Donbass and fight there against Ukraine, he also will need to defeat the Ukrainian soldiers there. He is waiting for Ukraine to invade Donbass.

Biden wants Zelensky to order the invasion; Zelensky doesn’t want to do it, because then the EU almost certainly will never allow Ukraine into the EU. Ukraine needs the EU because it lost its main trading-partner, Russia, on account of Obama’s 2014 anti-Russian coup in Ukraine.

The EU won’t support Ukraine if Ukraine starts the invasion to occupy Donbass, except if it is responding to a prior Russian entrance into Donbass, in which case Ukraine wouldn’t be blamed for the carnage there. That is the reason why Biden wants Ukraine to set up a false-flag event, so as to make a Ukrainian invasion SEEM to be a defense against Russian aggression.

For a long time, there have been allegations that nazis in Ukraine were preparing a false-flag event and were threatening Zelensky with a coup to overthrow him if he refused to do it, to give the go-ahead. He’s walking a tightrope.

But recently, American media have been reporting that U.S. intelligence shows that Putin has planned a false-flag event in order to ‘justify’ a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The EU’s position is to demand Ukraine to fulfill its promise under the February 2015 Minsk II accord to negotiate with the Donbass government so as to accept Donbass back into Ukraine without hostility and with independence like Crimea had inside Ukraine during 1954-2014 which was when Crimea had been part of Ukraine instead of part of Russia (of which it was a part during 1783-2014). But if Zelensky were to go forward with the Minsk II deal (to which Hollande, Merkel, and Putin had forced both Ukraine and Donbass to sign), then the nazis would almost certainly overthrow him.

I believe that Zelensky is doing all he can to comply with EU and not with U.S. (and Ukraine’s own nazis — whom the U.S. had, essentially, hired and trained, along with others from other countries, in order to carry out the 2014 coup) but still stay alive. However, Ukraine’s and America’s billionaires both are demanding that Ukraine invade Donbass and are the biggest lobbying group in Washington right now; so, almost all members of Congress are backing Biden on this.

As regards whether or not the U.S. Government’s desire to go to war against Russia will be allowed by the rest of the world to succeed, a (typically) masterful analysis has already been posted by the great geostrategic analyst Alexander Mercouris on February 13th, titled “NATO military build up in Slovakia as US takes over airbase”, and it is especially understandable in light of the neoconservative Victoria Nuland (Obama’s organizer of the ultimate 2014 Ukrainian coup) famous “F—k the EU” phone-call that was leaked online on 4 February 2014, in which she selected the leader of Ukraine’s soon-to-be-imposed coup-government, who did become officially appointed only a few weeks thereafter, which led to the new Ukrainian government, which then quickly started their ethniccleansing campaign in Ukraine’s former (now-breakaway) Donbass region, which region had voted 90% for the Ukrainian President (“Janukovych”) whom Obama’s coup had overthrown, this ethnic-cleansing being imposed there in order to get rid of those voters, so that no such (anti-NATO, pro-Russia) voters would be voting in futureUkrainian elections, and thereby America’s control over Ukraine would become virtually permanent.

This ethnic-cleansing was succeeding, but the Minsk II accord, that was arranged between Hollande, Merkel, and Putin, and which they forced both Donbass and Ukraine to sign, greatly reduced the carnage, though Ukraine still refuses to go forward with its main commitments under it — which has led to the present predicament. If Zelensky would try to get Ukraine’s government to comply with it, he might end up not only overthrown by another U.S.-backed coup, but dead. And that is HIS predicament. So: nobody knows what the result will be.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Selected Articles: World Awakening – Freedom Convoys

February 15th, 2022 by Global Research News

Video: World Awakening – Freedom Convoys

By Marcel Irnie, February 15, 2022

Watch this important video on mass movement across the world where people are rising up to mandate freedom and rights.

America’s Cold War on China. Uyghurs: To Put an End to Fake News

By Roger Keeran, February 15, 2022

Xinjiang is the largest province of China, embracing a largely uninhabitable 620,000 square miles, located in the far northwest of China next to central Asia, and  containing 25 million inhabitants of which 45 percent of whom are Uyghurs.

West Exaggerates Russian Invasion Claim as Zelensky Loses Control of Narrative

By Paul Antonopoulos, February 15, 2022

On Friday February 11, perhaps one of the most ridiculous predictions made by the Western campaign to artificially manufacture a crisis in Ukraine was said by the Deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, Melinda Haring.

Ukraine and the Eastern European NATO States Against Russia

By Belgrade Forum, February 14, 2022

The campaign for tough sanctions and further armament of Ukraine and the Eastern European NATO states against Russia is taking on ever tougher forms – also in the media. In view of the current situation, we would like to send you a special issue of magazine Current Concerns with fundamental contributions.

Video: Up to Seven Years in Prison for Four Year-old Facebook Posts?

By Resistance GB, February 14, 2022

Tahra of the Freedom Festival faces trial in the Old Bailey, with up to seven years in prison if declared guilty, over a pair of Facebook posts from four years ago, widely distributed by The Times newspaper six months after being posted.

Worldwide Freedom Movement against Covid Mandates, QR Codes and Restrictions: The Global Elite’s Technological Coup d’État Against Humanity

By Robert J. Burrowes, February 14, 2022

Opposed to vaccine mandates, QR codes and other restrictions on our rights and freedom? Refusing to wear a mask, have the vaccine and stay locked-down when ordered? Attended a number of demonstrations protesting the government-imposed restrictions in your country? Involved in or supporting the truckers convoys?

COVID-19 and Democracy – Nicaragua vs. Canada

By Stephen Sefton, February 14, 2022

From 2018 onwards, Canada’s government has denounced Nicaragua in international forums as a repressive dictatorship and followed the US authorities in imposing illegal unilateral coercive economic measures damaging Nicaragua’s people.

UK Government Data Proves the COVID-19 Injections Cause Damage to the Innate Immune System that Worsens by the Week

By The Daily Expose, February 14, 2022

UK Government data proves that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to a point where the not-vaccinated populations immune system if far superior to that of the fully vaccinated.

77 Years Ago, U.S. and Russia Signed Historic Agreement at Yalta

By Jeremy Kuzmarov and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, February 14, 2022

Today’s deeply Russophobic political climate provides an opportune moment to look back to an era of promise in the U.S.-Russian relationship—when U.S. leaders were more sober minded and rationale.

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

By Colin Todhunter, February 14, 2022

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

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Video: World Awakening – Freedom Convoys

February 15th, 2022 by Marcel Irnie

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People around the world are rising up, mandating freedom and rights. 

Governments hate it when people unite. 

Watch the video below.


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The United States government is ratcheting up a cold war against China. The Biden administration’s  agreement to supply Australia with nuclear submarines, its decision to create a new department in the CIA aimed at countering China, and its recent decision to impose a diplomatic boycott on the Chinese Winter Olympics are just three recent signs of the aggressive posture taken by the U.S. in the new cold war. A key part of the new cold war is a tidal wave of ideological attacks on China aimed at showing that China is a threat—to human rights, democracy, women’s rights, labor rights, and American security.   All of this is geared to justify American belligerence toward China and generate support for this belligerence and a frightened public’s willingness to pay for it. (Recently the Senate passed a bill previously passed by the House calling for $768 billion appropriation of Defense Department, $24 billion more than either Biden or the Pentagon sought.) A centerpiece of this ideological offensive that the mass media amplifies on a daily basis is that China is committing genocide against its Moslem Uyghur minority in the Xinjiang autonomous region.

Even though most politicians, as well as the general population, have no idea who the Uyghurs are, where Xinjiang is on a map, what Chinese policy toward the Uyghurs is, or even how to pronounce Uyghur, they buy the idea of Uyghur genocide. The widespread ignorance makes Maxime Vivas’s book  so valuable. Vivas not only provides a primer on the Uyghurs and Xinjiang, but also explains the Chinese policy in Xinjiang, and makes a forceful argument that the charge of genocide is of apiece with other lies like those about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that serve to justify American imperial belligerence.

Vivas’s book provides an antidote to the anti-Chinese poison. Since Vivas’s book is only available in French, it deserves a summary in English.

Xinjiang is the largest province of China, embracing a largely uninhabitable 620,000 square miles, located in the far northwest of China next to central Asia, and  containing 25 million inhabitants of which 45 percent of whom are Uyghurs. The Uyghurs are largely rural and Moslem. Like many European countries, China has faced a problem of growing Islamic fundamentalism and the repeated terrorist attacks it has fostered. Since 2008 terrorist attacks by Muslim fundamentalists that have taken scores of lives. These included an attack preceding the Chinese Olympics in 2008 that killed sixteen, a 2014 knife attack on passengers in a railroad station that killed thirty-three, and most horrifically a machete attack on Han miners in Xinjiang in 2015 that killed thirty-one.

Since 2015, China has moved forcefully to combat the threats of Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism, and separatism in Xinjiang. Part of this policy has involved increased surveillance and arrests. Between 2014 and 2019, China arrested 12,955 alleged terrorists and confiscated 2,052 explosives. For the most part, however, the policy has been to combat Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism and separatism by raising the cultural, educational, and economic level of the Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples. This has involved investing in factories and mines in Xinjiang, building mosques and museums, and establishing educational centers to teach the Uyghurs vocational skills.

The western media have treated the Chinese policies as if they constituted a nefarious policy to eradicate the Uyghur people and their culture. Sources in the West portray the education centers as concentration camps and the training brainwashing. Vivas catalogues the charges: the Chinese have imprisoned Uyghurs for not eating pork or not drinking alcohol, have herded millions of Uyghurs in concentration camps, have harvested organs from living people to sell abroad, have sterilized women, have raped women and men, have brainwashed people, have made children denounce their parents, have demolished mosques, and so forth.  China has flatly denied these charges.

Vivas demonstrates that some of the most sensational charges are demonstrably false, are contradicted by verifiable facts, or have been dismissed by independent investigators.

Take the case of Adrian Zenz, a Christian fundamentalist, who calls himself an independent German researcher. In 2019, Zenz  claimed that 1.8 million Uyghurs were interned in concentration camps and that the falling number of births among the Uyghurs is evidence of genocide. The birth rate among Uyghurs has fallen, but Vivas points to several benign causes including the growing urbanization, the rising living standards, and the increased educational level of the Uyghur people. Moreover, Vivas points out that the death of Uyghur children has declined dramatically from 420 to 600 per thousand sixty years ago to 10.03 per thousand today. Also, in the past four decades the Uyghur population has grown from 5,550,000 to 12,720,000.  This is hardly what one would expect for a population supposedly undergoing extermination.

In a celebrated case used against the Chinese, a Uyghur woman, Zumret Dawul, claimed that Chinese authorities imprisoned her in a re-education camp and forced her to undergo the surgical removal of her uterus. The Chinese said that she was never enrolled in an educational center, and that after giving birth to her third child, she had had her tubes tied at her own request. Dawul’s brother claimed her story was a lie, and the hospital produced a document that Dawul had signed authorizing the surgery.

In another celebrated case, a Uyghur doctor living in the United States told Radio Free Asia on March 15, 2019 that he and rich Saudi Arabians were involved in an illegal scheme to harvest “halal organs” among Moslems in China. Six days later, he recanted and apologized for promoting a “hoax.” Though, this doctor has confessed criminal activity, no entity has brought criminal charges against him.

As for the charge that the Chinese were destroying mosques, Vivas replies that only mosques that have been demolished were unsuitable or dilapidated, and that in consultation with religious leaders and the congregations, these were replaced by new and often larger mosques. In seventy years, the number of mosques in Xinjiang has increased from 2000 to 24,400. In Xinjiang there is one mosque for every 530 Moslems.

In 2019, the World Bank loaned China $50 million to build five colleges to train professionals. Faced with allegations that the Chinese were using the money to build concentration camps, the World Bank conducted an on-site investigation. The Report of the World Bank published in Washington on November 11, 2019 concluded: “The examination did not corroborate these allegations.”

Most importantly, Vivas points out that in spite of the impression widely spread by the mass media and U.S. officials,  the accusation of Chinese genocide against the Uyghurs has not been supported by the United Nations. The impression that the United Nations backs these charges arose after August 13, 2018 when Gay Johnson McDougall, an American lawyer specializing in human rights who is also a researcher in residence at the Leitner Center of International Law and Justice of Fordham University, made a sensational charge at the UN headquarters in Geneva that China was holding millions of Uyghurs in detention centers or concentration camps. Though McDougall provided no verification other than saying her information came from credible sources, the charges were retailed widely by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and other news outlets. These papers  made no independent effort to substantiate the charges, aside from checking with so-called human rights organizations, such as the World Uighur Congress and  Chinese Human Rights Defenders, groups financed by the National Endowment for Democracy.

Moreover, when the United States tried to have the UN pass a resolution asking China to respect the rights of Uyghurs in Xinjiang only, 39 of the 193 member states of the UN supported it. For the most part the charges of genocide are the product of individuals or groups connected to the CIA, or the National Endowment for Democracy. For example, a major source of attacks on China’s treatment of the Uyghurs comes from the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), a self-proclaimed human rights organization founded in Munich, Germany in 2004, that advocates for the independence of Xinjiang, which it calls East Turkestan. Several leaders of the WUC had posts with Radio Free Asian and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, both CIA creations. Moreover, the WUC is generously financed by the National Endowment for Democracy, the soft arm of the CIA.

Vivas is a former postal worker and former member of the French Communist Party (but not a member of any pro-Chinese party) who made himself a writer after his postal facility closed. Before this book on the Uyghurs, he wrote a book on Tibet and on the Chinese policies there. Though Vivas has visited Tibet and Xinjiang (twice),  his inability to read or speak Mandarin or Uyghur naturally limited his research. Nevertheless, using firsthand observations and sources available to any enterprising journalist, Vivas has produced a valuable book and a convincing argument that the charge of Chinese genocide against the Uyghurs not only is bogus but also has been systematically promoted by groups financed by the U.S. government.


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On Friday February 11, perhaps one of the most ridiculous predictions made by the Western campaign to artificially manufacture a crisis in Ukraine was said by the Deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, Melinda Haring. She tweeted:

“Putin has big weekend plans in Ukraine: 1) he’s going to cut power and heat, knock out Ukrainian navy and air force, kill general staff and hit them with cyber attack; 2) then install pro-Russian president and 3) resort to full-scale military invasion if Ukraine doesn’t give in.”

Of course, the weekend passed and none of these bold predictions occurred, as was obvious. What it does demonstrate though is that Western hysteria regarding the narrative of an impending Russian invasion of Ukraine has reached unprecedented levels. Such an over exaggeration distracts from the fact that it was Kiev, and not Moscow, who abandoned the Minsk agreements.

The Minsk agreements, written in 2014 by the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine, consisting of the Kiev government, Russia, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), with mediation from France and Germany in the so-called Normandy Format, seeks to end war in the mostly Russian-speaking Donbass region of eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is desperate to stay in power and is afraid that a Maidan-style coup will oust him. To avoid such a situation, he abandoned the Minsk agreements to instead appease the Ukrainian military and its Far-Right militia allies by authorizing in February 2021 the mobilization of troops towards the frontier with Donbass – a fact ignored by Western leaders and commentators.

The Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that it has no intentions of invading Ukraine, but US President Joe Biden has remained unrelenting in pushing this notion. On February 13, Zelensky invited Biden to visit Kiev, saying that such a visit in the coming days would help de-escalate the situation.

Believing Biden’s visit would de-escalate the situation contradicts the American president’s actual actions to date though which are contrary to stability. For example, the Anglo Alliance (US, UK and Australia) began withdrawing diplomats from Kiev in late January, something that the Ukrainian president said “was a mistake.” This not only had a negative consequence on the Ukrainian economy, but was also followed by EU member states Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden urging their nationals to leave Ukraine.

Zelensky cautioned Western leaders on February 12 against stoking “panic” and a day later promised to pursue “diplomacy and deterrence” after speaking with Biden. It is in this conundrum that Zelensky finds himself in an impossible position –  attempting to find a balance between the fear of an impending Russian invasion to serve Western interests and appease the Ukrainian military, and not having this fear mongering affect his country’s economy.

Having 12 of the 27 EU member states, including economic powerhouse Germany, recall their citizens from Ukraine is not conducive for trade and a stable business environment, thus making it impossible to improve Ukraine’s declining economic situation. The economic situation will only become worse as airlines now, such as KLM and SkyUp, are cancelling and/or diverting their flights to-and-from the Eastern European country.

On January 28, Zelensky said that $446 million in investments flowed out of the country due to the manufactured crisis. This number would have at least doubled since then, especially as major EU countries have called for the repatriation of their citizens and airlines are now cancelling/diverting flights from Ukraine.

However, it cannot be overlooked that it was Zelensky who began this impending Russian invasion narrative and allowed Western media and political leaders to latch onto it. The belief of an impending invasion has descended in such a way that Zelensky has now lost control of the narrative as Western leaders, media and commentators become more exaggerated in their claims, just as Melinda Haring.

It is also not lost that the US claims to have picked up intelligence that Russia has February 16 as their target date to begin their invasion of Ukraine. The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly and did so only on condition of anonymity according to AP, would not say how definitive the intelligence was. None-the-less, despite the unnamed source unwilling to reveal how definitive the intelligence was, the news circulated all across Western media, giving new headlines that the impending invasion will begin on February 16.

Reporting such news, no matter how weak the information might be, ultimately undermines the Ukrainian economy further. The AP report, which broke the news, wrote that “Zelensky has urged against panic that he fears could undermine Ukraine’s economy.” However, it is not a “fear” that an invasion narrative could undermine Ukraine’s economy, but a reality and a fact, as revealed by Zelensky himself on January 28

In this way, the vicious cycle continues. Kiev violates the Minsk agreements, which will be continually ignored by the West, but the Russian invasion story will persist despite its detriment to the Ukrainian economy and people. In this way, Ukraine has not strengthened itself despite gaining some military equipment from NATO, but rather has exposed major vulnerabilities in its economy and uncovered the true nature of alliances it thought it had with much of the West.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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Who has the right to make laws? Who has the authority? Who has the right to enforce them?

These questions beg the questions: What does ‘authority’ mean? Who decides what ‘human rights’ are? And what do these terms mean in practice?

And what is a ‘law’? That is to say: differentiating law in the sense of pertaining to the legalities of courts and enforcement of human laws in society, from laws in the sense of observable patterns in phenomena of the natural world belonging to scientific disciplines such as physics.

In the ‘normal’ course of events, before the continuing saga of Covid, the Great Reset, and the ever-variable parade of ‘new’ normals, most people did not give these questions much thought. Normality and morality were more or less taken for granted in our busy day-to-day lives.

Normally ‘the state,’ as usually thought of, has the prerogative, the ‘right’ to make laws, and to enforce them—force being also the prerogative, the right, of the state. The presumably legally, fairly, democratically installed and enthroned apparatus of a state acts, rules, making rulings and laws, with the consent of those it rules over: those it ‘governs.’ The whole collective shebang is, through long and sometimes tedious customary usage, known as ‘The Government.’

Now, it seems, all these customary and usually unquestioned usages are thrown into question. Just as ‘questioning the authorities,’ ironically enough, is being declared an illegality. 

So does not only questioning the legality of state edicts, but also the very legality of the state itself illegal?

The right of the state to ‘rule over us,’ as those brought up in Britain sing of our Queen, has for many of us almost the force, logic and gravitas of the law of gravity. But for many, this ‘right’ every day seemingly becomes more and more illegitimate. 

What is a state without legitimacy in the eyes of the people it purports to govern? Does it become a ‘rogue state’?

Does the state come before the people or do the people come before the state? What is the difference between a nation and a state? Can the term ‘nation state’ be winkled apart into its separate components? And what does that mean?

This is a vital question for historians and legal scholars as, almost unbelievably in Canada, the land of ‘peace, order, and good government’ teeters on the edge of becoming a police state, seemingly about to throw all pretence of democratic process out the window.

Dictators of the past have begun with the mantle of legitimate democratic rule draped over their shoulders, but ended by ruling by decree, by diktats ruled only by the whim of the dictator.

Is this where we find ourselves now? Are we to follow the path, enshrined in infamy, well-trodden by the likes of historical dictators of the tyrannical kind? 

For myself, this is a close encounter devoutly not to be wished.


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S.M. Smyth was a founding member of the 2006 World Peace Forum in Vancouver, and organized a debate about TILMA at the Maple Ridge City Council chambers between Ellen Gould and a representative of the Fraser Institute.

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Considering the fact that the incident took place near Urup and not near any of the Kuril Islands that Japan claims as its own, the US can’t plausibly claim that it was ‘operating safely in international waters’ since Russia’s writ over Urup is universally uncontested even by Tokyo.

The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed on Saturday that it employed “appropriate means” to chase away a US submarine that intruded in the country’s territorial waters near Urup (not to be confused with the island of Iturup that Japan claims as its own alongside several others), which is one of Russia’s Kuril Islands, and refused to surface after being demanded to do so. The US military attaché in Moscow was summoned to the Ministry of Defense where he was handed over a note. The Pentagon officially denied that the incident took place but wouldn’t comment on the location of its submarines, with a representative only saying that “we do fly, sail, and operate safely in international waters.” Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov also said that Presidents Putin and Biden didn’t discuss the incident during Saturday’s call.



The conflicting narratives from each side prompted confusion about what really happened. It’s extremely unlikely that Russia would completely fabricate this incident and even go as far as summoning the US military attaché in Moscow if it was entirely made-up. This very strongly suggests that something really did happen even though the US would prefer to keep mum about it. It’s also a relief that there was no clash between these two nuclear superpowers’ forces, especially considering the extremely tense ties between them brought about by the undeclared USprovoked missile crisis in Europe. It would be inaccurate to describe this as a non-incident but it also wasn’t a crisis either, just a serious scandal. The US was very clearly trying to test the Russian Navy’s defenses in the Northern Pacific.

Considering the fact that the incident took place near Urup and not near any of the Kuril Islands that Japan claims as its own, the US can’t plausibly claim that it was “operating safely in international waters” since Russia’s writ over Urup is universally uncontested even by Tokyo. It’s curious to note that this happened the day after the US unveiled its latest Indo-Pacific strategy, suggesting that America was attempting to flex its muscles in Russia’s part of this bi-oceanic space but was humiliatingly caught doing so and subsequently chased away in shame. Since the incident wasn’t brought up during Saturday’s call between their leaders, it seems as though President Putin understood that it most likely wasn’t linked to their US-provoked tensions in Europe and hence thought not to discuss it.

All told, this scandal is worth discussing even if only to prove that the US will dangerously saber-rattle against Russia’s conventional forces even within its own maritime territory irrespective of the current tensions between them. This speaks to America’s arrogance, which is a holdover from its fading unipolar hegemony that US leaders still cling to in delusion. There is absolutely no way that Russia would ever accept any foreign military forces, let alone a US nuclear-powered submarine, intruding in its territory. The Russian Navy should be commended for promptly responding to this unprecedented provocation in the calmest but most professional way possible that avoided unnecessarily escalating the situation while the US should be harshly condemned for irresponsibly risking World War III.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Ukraine and the Eastern European NATO States Against Russia

February 14th, 2022 by Belgrade Forum

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The campaign for tough sanctions and further armament of Ukraine and the Eastern European NATO states against Russia is taking on ever tougher forms – also in the media.

In view of the current situation, we would like to send you a special issue of magazine Current Concerns with fundamental contributions.

Among the articles in the special issue are the following:

1.  Power and World Order by Professor Dr Dr h.c. mult. Hans Köchler 

“It cannot be the irrevocable fate of the human species to sacrifice reason – which is given to the individual – on the altar of the collective action for the preservation and increase of power of sovereign states that see each other as foes (as threats to their existence).”

2. Who is the aggressor? NATO and Russia with a view to Germany and Ukraine by Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Jochen Scholz, Berlin 

The propaganda in the German mainstream press about aggressive Russia is now adopted by many in German politics and society. At best, this shows complete cluelessness. This also applies to the question of why relations between Germany and the Russian Federation are now so desolate. It is therefore necessary to clarify what to make of the military threat to Ukraine posed by Russian troops, as claimed by NATO – just now again at its meeting in Riga – and as recently expressed by the German Lieutenant General (ret.) Brauss. Brauss was NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Force Planning from 2013 to July 2018. Today, he is a “Senior Associate Fellow at DGAP (German Council on Foreign Relations), working in the fields of European security and defense, NATO development, and NATO-EU cooperation.”

3. Might makes right – for how much longer? Important research results on the topic of NATO East enlargement by Karl-Jürgen Müller 

The following is recorded from the weeks before the beginning of the NATO war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was contrary to international law: At a meeting in Belgrade, a US general urged a high-ranking Serbian politician to stop listing terrorist attacks on civilians or even police and military emanating from Kosovo. His reasoning: “For Serbian policy, it’s the American perception of reality that matters, not reality as such.” The example expresses very vividly what it means when might makes right in international relations. 

4. What Putin really wants in Ukraine. Russia seeks to stop NATO’s expansion, not to annex territory by Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Centre 

As 2021 came to a close, Russia presented the United States with a list of demands that it said were necessary to stave of the possibility of a large-scale military conflict in Ukraine. In a draft treaty delivered to a US diplomat in Moscow, the Russian government asked for a formal halt to NATO’s eastern enlargement, a permanent freeze on further expansion of the alliance’s military infrastructure (such as bases and weapons systems) in the former Soviet territory, an end to Western military assistance to Ukraine, and a ban on intermediate-range missiles in Europe. The message was unmistakable: if these threats cannot be addressed diplomatically, the Kremlin will have to resort to military action. 

5. NATO expansion to the East is up for discussion after all by Ralph Bosshard 

A few days ago, the eagerly awaited talks on the security guarantees demanded by Russia took place. In the heated atmosphere, the protagonists dampened expectations before the talks. For the Western part, the time pressure to hold comprehensive consultations had indeed been high. The climate for talks was apparently not as bad as occasionally portrayed, even if one apparently did not get beyond an exchange of opinions.1 Those who had expected much more were probably not quite realistic. 

6. Constructive steps for negotiated solutions. Switzerland wants to strengthen the OSCE with its Action Plan 2022–2025 by Eva-Maria Föllmer-Müller 

In the same week that the talks between Russia and the USA in Geneva, the dialogue between Russia and NATO in Brussels and talks with Russia within the framework of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna as well as other talks have taken place, Switzerland is taking constructive steps and offering a hand. This shows once again that Switzerland can go its own independent way. 

Click here to download the Current Concerns Special Edition.

Current Concerns is the English version of Zeit-Fragen monthly magazine based in Switzerland.

Our thanks to Zeit-Fragen.


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Tahra of the Freedom Festival faces trial in the Old Bailey, with up to seven years in prison if declared guilty, over a pair of Facebook posts from four years ago, widely distributed by The Times newspaper six months after being posted.

Whilst the Times has faced no repercussions, despite having spread the posts to thousands of people, Tahra faces prison for sharing to Facebook.

Supporters speak near the Old Bailey and question the ethicacy, implications and motives behind her prosecution.


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Featured image: Tahra Ahmed gestures to her supporters outside the Old Bailey where she was jailed yesterday (TOLGA AKMEN FOR THE TIMES)

What Whipped Up the Latest Round of Russian War Hysteria?

February 14th, 2022 by Andrew Korybko

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The described backdrop to the latest round of Russian war hysteria is especially dangerous since it suggests that President Zelensky has lost control of the situation and that the prerogative for initiating hostilities rests on the shoulders of those mercenary forces that are under foreign control.

PBS national security correspondent Nick Schifrin became the talk of the internet on Friday after tweeting that three Western and defense officials told him that “The US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, and has communicated that decision to the Russian military”. This added some unverified “certainty” to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s earlier warning about the impending outbreak of hostilities at “any time”, which Bloomberg then reported “could start as soon as Tuesday” in spite of that outlet having already cried wolf after “accidentally” publishing a fake news headline the week prior claiming that “Russia Invades Ukraine”. Politico cited its own sources to also report that US President Joe Biden told American allies that the “attack” will begin on that day.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to this hype and the US’ associated plans to deploy even more forces to Europe by declaring that “The hysteria of the White House is more revealing than ever. The Anglo-Saxons need a war. At any price.” Prior to that, Kremlin Deputy Chief of Staff Dmitry Kozak lamented the nine hours that he wasted on negotiations during the latest Normandy Four talks in Berlin that failed to align the Russian and Ukrainian positions over the UNSC-backed Minsk Accords. Zakharova also warned that the plethora of fake news about Russia hinted at impending anti-Russian provocations. This was preceded by Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressing concern over reports of the US considering Ukraine’s request for THAAD “anti-missile systems”.

It’s important to point out that the undeclared USprovoked missile crisis in Europe was triggered by Russian intelligence’s concerns as expressed by President Vladimir Putin himself that America plans to deploy strike weapons – including hypersonic ones – to the region and potentially even Ukraine on the pretext of “defending” that former Soviet Republic in the event that Kiev initiates a third round of hostilities in Donbass and under the possible cover of being “anti-missile systems”. One of the Donbass militias also earlier warned that Kiev was plotting acts of sabotage and terrorism as part of a false flag provocation against Russia. Additionally, a different Donbass militia claimed that Kiev already deployed S-300s, artillery, and even foreign mercenaries near the front line too.

On the topic of mercenaries, the infamous Machiavelli whose insight is renowned the world over centuries after his passing unforgettably wrote that “Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious, and without discipline”. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s disagreements with his American counterpart over the likelihood of a so-called “Russian invasion” are well known and were even reported by passionately pro-government CNN among many other partisan sources that wouldn’t have any motivation to lie about the US’ Democrat administration. This prompts concern that US-backed mercenaries might provoke a conflict with Russia despite Kiev’s disapproval.

The described backdrop to the latest round of Russian war hysteria is especially dangerous since it suggests that President Zelensky has lost control of the situation and that the prerogative for initiating hostilities rests on the shoulders of those mercenary forces that are under foreign control. One spark is all that it could take to trigger a larger conflict that could quickly spiral into a global crisis considering the threat that the strike weapons scenario that Russian intelligence warned about poses to the Eurasian Great Powers’ nuclear second-strike capabilities. Although Ukraine’s S-300s and reportedly desired THAADs aren’t sufficient on their own to undercut Russia’s deterrence, this “anti-missile” trend could rapidly scale to the point where it seriously risks crossing that country’s red lines.

From the presumed Russian perspective, President Zelensky doesn’t want to de-escalate since his government refuses to implement the Minsk Accords that could otherwise remove the pretext for prompting the US’ strike weapons plan that Russian intelligence warned about. He’s also clearly lost control of the military dynamics after allowing American-backed mercenaries to operate near the front line where they could easily engage in acts of sabotage and terrorism for provoking a war with Russia, including through false flag attacks. The latest full-fledged fake news assault against Russia might be interpreted by Moscow as preconditioning the global public for this escalation scenario. Under such circumstances where Russia could regard a conflict as inevitable, it might be tempted to act first.

These speculations, based as they are upon educated conjecture of that country’s grand strategic calculations amidst the worrying American-driven miliary dynamics around Donbass, could explain why the US might have genuinely concluded that Russia is prepared to preemptively defend its national security red lines as early as next week. It might also be the case that the US decided to act first by approving a false flag attack by the mercenaries under its control in Eastern Ukraine, predicting that it’ll be high-profile enough to provoke Russia into responding in one way or another. Even though it would remain unclear what form Moscow’s reaction could take, it might still be deemed sufficiently likely that it would be a kinetic one of some sort to conform to the preconditioned narrative of a “Russian attack”.

For what it’s worth, Israel announced on Friday that it’s evacuating most of its diplomats and all their family members from their embassy in Kiev while continuing to run their operations on a skeleton staff of less than 10 people. Its Foreign Minister told Axios in an exclusive interview earlier this month that “the [Israeli] assessment is that we don’t see a violent confrontation soon. I also don’t think a world war is about to start there” so this abrupt change of policy during the latest round of Russian war hysteria suggests that something serious must have influenced Tel Aviv to reverse its stance. Regardless of one’s feelings towards it, the Mossad is recognized as among the world’s top intelligence agencies, so if its latest implied assessment is that a war might soon begin, then this scenario shouldn’t be dismissed.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Opposed to vaccine mandates, QR codes and other restrictions on our rights and freedom?

Refusing to wear a mask, have the vaccine and stay locked-down when ordered?

Attended a number of demonstrations protesting the government-imposed restrictions in your country? Involved in or supporting the truckers convoys?

Already celebrating some lifting of restrictions in some countries?

Unfortunately, there is one simple reason why the sorts of actions nominated above cannot win back our rights and our freedom: Our various protests are not integrated parts of a comprehensive strategy designed for the purpose. Moreover, in the case of the truckers convoys, they also complicate one already serious problem: supply chain disruptions that are causing serious food shortages.

See ‘The Global Elite’s “Kill and Control” Agenda: Destroying Our Food Security’.

And, rest assured, there is nothing to celebrate unless you do not understand what is happening beneath the surface.

Which, uniquely in this case, requires a strategy that recognizes, and addresses, the technological coup d’état that is being carried out against us.

As anyone conversant with the history of peoples’ struggles is well aware, that history is littered with the ‘bodies’ of failed social movements and national liberation struggles, even if some of these ‘bodies’ are still twitching rather than dead.

Ever wondered why the anti-war movement goes around in circles?

Or whatever happened to the Occupy Movement? Or why so many environmental and social justice movements go nowhere? Or even why so many national liberation struggles fail, or lose vital gains subsequently to an initial victory.

Well, there are clearcut reasons for their failure and they can be readily identified. I have previously discussed some key reasons in the article Why Activists Fail’.

So let us consider the current freedom movement and analyze why it is on the course to failure at the moment and see if we can turn it around before it is too late. And to do this, we need a sound strategic framework.

Nonviolent Strategy

Sound nonviolent strategy has twelve components – see the Nonviolent Strategy Wheel – and, unfortunately, most social movements and (nonviolent) national liberation struggles are devoid of a comprehensive strategy simply because only the rarest activist has a sense of what strategy really means.

So what is strategy? Very simply, strategy is a planned series of actions (tactics) conducted over an appropriate timeframe that is designed to achieve the two strategic aims that govern the strategy.

You can read more about nonviolent strategy on the Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy website.

For any strategy to be effective, it must be based on a thorough understanding of the conflict in question.


Sound strategy in any conflict begins with a deep analysis of what is taking place so that we can identify who is driving it, why they are driving it, how they are driving it, what they intend to implement and what they intend to achieve if successful?

Hence, if we deeply analyze what is taking place around the world at the moment, we can start by observing that we are being told by the World Health Organization, national governments, medical authorities and the corporate media that the human population is at risk of catching a virus (labeled ‘SARS-CoV-2’) that causes a life-threatening disease (labeled ‘Covid-19’) and that we need a long series of restrictions (including lockdowns and QR codes) as well as several injections to protect ourselves from this alleged disease.

So, obviously, any serious analysis must begin with identifying proof that the virus exists, given that it is the supposed cause of everything that follows. Then we can investigate its projected harm.

However, if we seek proof of the isolation of this virus, we quickly discover that there is none.

In fact, since the very beginning of this ‘pandemic’, an increasing number of doctors, scientists and researchers have gone to some trouble to scientifically document for us that, in fact, this ‘virus’ does not exist. See, for example, ‘COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed!’ and ‘Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)’.

And for an account of researcher Christine Massey’s search over the course of more than a year to find evidence of an isolated virus, via Freedom of Information requests to health/science institutions all over the world, see

‘169 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’.

Of course, beyond this, as is well known in some quarters: ‘there is no original scientific evidence that definitively demonstrates that any virus is the cause of any disease’. See

What Really Makes You Ill? Why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong.

However, doctors, scientists and researchers who present evidence such as this are all being censored by government and corporate media and social media. In this context, there is very little space for meaningful debate, let alone space for the truth to emerge into wider view.

If there is no virus, of course, there is no need for any of the restrictions that have been imposed and there is no need for any vaccine. So why have all these restrictions and ‘vaccines’ been imposed?

By this point in any serious investigation, research will have exposed the role of the World Economic Forum in promoting the ‘pandemic’ narrative and, under cover of these ‘virus’/‘vaccine’ lies, progressively implementing its ‘Great Reset’ program.

Any careful reading of this documentation quickly reveals that the ‘Great Reset’ is designed to utterly transform human society and even human life in accord with elite wishes, which is why the rest of us have not been consulted. This is because the detail outlined in the ‘Great Reset’ documentation, which anyone can investigate for themselves, clearly identifies intended changes to some 200 areas of human activity, essentially characterized as part of the ‘fourth industrial revolution’.

Beyond this, however, other important components of the elite agenda are easily identified. In essence, these include those related to the elite’s intention to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population (using a variety of measures including the ‘injectables’) and enslave those left alive in a technological prison, as is now happening. See, for example,

‘The Global Elite’s “Kill and Control” Agenda: Destroying Our Food Security’,

‘Taking Control by Destroying Cash: Beware Cyber Polygon as Part of the Elite Coup’ and

The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life’.

And any remaining pretense that some of us live in a ‘democracy’ has been finally exposed as the delusion it has long been, with our rights and freedom eviscerated and the assassination of (now) five national presidents who resisted the elite narrative just the most graphic illustrations of this point.

See ‘Killing Democracy Once and for All: The Global Elite’s Coup d’état That Is Destroying Life as We Know It’.

The point is that democratic governance was subverted long ago: it just has many manifestations. As Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, declared at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017: ‘What we are very proud of is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders… like Justin Trudeau.’

See ‘WEF’s Klaus Schwab Boasts of Young Global Leaders Penetration of Western Cabinets’.

These ‘Young Global Leaders’, which means those, including politicians, who represent the Global Elite rather than the people of their countries, include a range of current (or immediate past) national leaders, such as Emmanuel Macron (France), Angela Merkel (Germany), Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand). See

‘World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders’ and ‘World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders”’.

So any careful investigation of what is happening globally reveals four fundamental points:

  1. Who? The Global Elite is implementing this technological coup d’état. Hence, what little is left of the sovereignty of governments is being destroyed by the coup, and governments are powerless to restore the fundamental rights and freedom that are stake in this conflict. Of course, governments might be allowed to remove particular mandates in some contexts as the importance of particular mandates is superseded by other components of the Elite agenda. Similarly, legal challenges can bear minimal fruit, and not on the primary program.
  2. Why? The Global Elite, using the World Economic Forum as its vehicle, seeks total control of the human population and the Earth’s resources.
  3. What? This elite agenda, labeled the ‘Great Reset’, encompasses what is called the fourth industrial revolution but includes other components in relation to eugenics and transhumanism as well. The intention is to kill off a substantial proportion of humanity and utterly transform human life and human society for those left alive. See ‘Killing Off Humanity: How the Global Elite is using Eugenics and Transhumanism to Shape Our Future’ and ‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’.
  4. How? The ‘Great Reset’ is being implemented by using elite agents such as the World Health Organization, national governments, official medical associations, the pharmaceutical industry and the corporate media to promote the Elite’s lies – that the deadly SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ exists and that an onerous series of measures ranging from mask-wearing to lockdowns to multiple injections are necessary to address it – while employing heavy-handed censorship to ensure that the truth, and the evidence to explain it, about the deeper elite agenda is suppressed. Meanwhile, unaware people throughout society are playing their part in implementing the ‘Great Reset’ on behalf of the Global Elite.

So what can we do?

If we are to defeat this (fundamentally technological) elite coup against humanity, our strategy must undermine the power of the Global Elite to conduct it. Unfortunately, our protests (whether in person or by blockading with trucks) against particular mandates cannot undermine, in a strategic sense, the foundations that make possible the underlying elite agenda being inflicted upon us. Briefly, this is because they are incorrectly targeted (at governments rather than foundational elements of elite power in this context) and they are the wrong tactics in this circumstance (especially because of their failure to identify and address the technological elements of the coup), among other shortcomings.

So we have two choices: We can keep doing things that don’t work or refocus what we are doing so that it does have strategic impact.

Strangely, this doesn’t mean that we should stop conducting rallies or even cease the convoys. But it does mean that we need to use these events to explain the deeper agenda behind what is happening and to raise awareness of the strategic actions the wider public must take if we are to defeat the elite program.

Otherwise, while they build relationships and even a sense of solidarity, rallies and convoys are, strategically speaking, a waste of time.

So what does ‘strategic impact’ mean in this context?

Once we understand that the Global Elite is driving the ‘Great Reset’ to impose a global order that serves elite interests, we can identify the appropriate set of strategic goals for defending ourselves and then thoughtfully consider what actions we might take to achieve these goals, that is, actions that actually make a difference.

So what does ‘make a difference’ mean in this context? It means designing and taking action that undermines the power of those driving what is happening to achieve what they want. If an action is simply designed to allow us to express our complaint (often expressed as a list of specific demands that particular things be changed) – as the mass rallies and truck convoys are essentially doing – there is no reason for anything to be achieved. Elites have enormous experience of ignoring us and understand how well it works.

As former US Secretary of State Alexander Haig once noted about a massive anti-war demonstration: ‘Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.’ See Alexander Haig. As a four-star general, Haig, not regarded as the most intelligent Secretary of State in US history, certainly understood the importance of tactical choice. Most activists have no idea.

Which is why the history of mass mobilizations in these forms failing to achieve significant change is long. And this list starts with the largest demonstration in human history when, as part of a series of large demonstrations that was occurring, up to 30 million people in 600 cities protested the imminent US invasion of Iraq on 15 February 2003. See ‘The World Says No to War’.

And remember the Occupy Movement in 2011? It was huge, mobilizing people to camp in public places in cities all over the world. It’s focus? The 1% (wealthy individuals who own and control the major corporations and manage the financial system in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority while undermining democracy). Its strategy? Essentially occupying public locations. The movement ended after it had been heavily infiltrated – see ‘FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring’ – and police forcibly removed encampments a few months after it had taken off globally.

So why do these movements fail? It is always the same reason: poor strategy, invariably including inadequate analysis, inaccurate identification of target and wrong tactical choice, and often including failure to deal adequately with infiltrators and provocateurs. Although, it should be emphasized, movements usually make a series of ill-informed decisions so that the details of the poor strategy vary from one movement to the next. The point is that people generally do not understand the concept of strategic resistance; they simply confuse any form of mass mobilization with resisting strategically.

Identifying What We Must Resist

Once we identify who is driving the conflict – in this case, the Global Elite, not governments – as well as why and how they are doing it and what they intend, we can identify those foundational components that make possible what the Elite wants to achieve.

So, as noted above, a careful reading of the key documentation soon exposes that the Global Elite intends to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population (using a variety of measures including the ‘injectables’) and enslave those left alive in a technological prison. And this is now happening.

How, exactly, is the Elite doing this?

In relation to its eugenics program, it is using four primary measures: the injections, the massive redistribution of wealth from poor to rich, the destruction of global supply chains (including those in relation to food) and the deployment of 5G. For explanations of these measures, see ‘The Global Elite’s “Kill and Control” Agenda: Destroying Our Food Security’.

In relation to its program of enslavement, it is using a substantial combination of measures which will make those futuristic films look archaic. For a start, the injection, if you are one of those who survive, is intended to turn you into a transhuman slave. See ‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’.

But even those who resist the injection will be enslaved. Using drones, smart phones, GPS devices, smart TVs, social media, smart meters, surveillance cameras, facial recognition software, online banking, license plate readers and driverless cars, you will live under constant surveillance and be readily controlled whether in your home, car or out in the community. And you will be photographed many times each day. As John and Nisha Whitehead have noted: ‘We’re on the losing end of a technological revolution that has already taken hostage our computers, our phones, our finances, our entertainment, our shopping, our appliances, and now, our cars.’ See ‘The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life’.

Beyond even this, remember that Covid-19 test to which you submitted? Do you know what happened to your DNA? It was recorded and can be sold. You do not even own your personal DNA! See ‘The Coronavirus (Retention of Fingerprints and DNA Profiles in the Interests of National Security) (No. 2) Regulations 2020’.

Moreover, as Whitney Webb has explained, plans are well advanced to ‘require a digital ID to access and use the internet as well as eliminate the ability to conduct anonymous financial transactions. Both policies would advance the overarching goal of both the WEF and many corporations and governments to usher in a new age of unprecedented surveillance of ordinary citizens.’

See ‘Ending Anonymity: Why the WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens the Future of Privacy’. Obviously, this would also dramatically advance elite control.

In addition, using a combination of technologies largely dependent on 5G, the intention is to digitize our identity and connect it with our bank, health, legal and other records, and create a social credit score that will determine what we can and cannot do and where we can do it. In short, we will be locked in a technological prison, whether it is our own home, our car or our local community, in a ‘smart city’. Physical prisons won’t matter because everywhere will be the prison. Human volition will be unknowingly surrendered by those unaware of the degree of technological control they accepted each time they purchased the latest gadget.

A vital part of this control is explained by Catherine Austin Fitts in this short video on the ‘financial transaction control grid’ being created.

See ‘Digital Concentration Camps’.

And, as the World Economic Forum has advertised, by 2030, ‘You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.’

See ‘8 predictions for the world in 2030’.

Welcome to your imminent technocratic dystopia. Human freedom? Gone. Human rights? Gone. Human identity? Gone. Privacy? Gone. Free will? Gone. Anything else that makes life worth living? Gone.

So with this briefest of summaries, hopefully you can see why these rallies and convoys, in themselves, cannot achieve anything significant. Powerlessly begging governments to remove certain vaccine mandates and even other now-familiar restrictions, while ignoring the ongoing technological measures being implemented ‘behind the scenes’, is not impeding, in any way, the elite program to entrap you in a technological prison, assuming you survive the death needle.

Hence, if we wish to resist this elite program effectively, we must identify its foundational components; that is, those components that make what the Elite wants to achieve possible. And then resist these components.

Resisting Strategically

So what are the components that give the Global Elite the power to inflict its agenda upon us?

These include the injections; deployment of 5G; the technologies that enable comprehensive (not just mass) surveillance, digitization (of our identity, banking, health, legal and other records to generate our personal social credit score) and robotization of the workforce; measures to restructure the global economy in favour of the mega-corporations and consolidation of ownership and control of agricultural land as well as the production, distribution and even nature of the world’s food supply. It also includes the power to control the narrative by using government and corporate media and social media to promote Elite propaganda while censoring the truth.

Hence, we must resist these if we are to undermine the power of the Global Elite to control us.

As noted above, rallies and convoys are only useful if we use them to educate people about the true nature and full extent of the threat and inform those involved how to effectively resist this threat. To reiterate, while we are focusing on governments, the various lockdown restrictions and ‘vaccine’ mandates, and employing the wrong tactics, people will be mobilized to no avail. This is because there are plenty of tactical options – see ‘198 Tactics of Nonviolent Action’ – but understanding what has strategic impact in any context is crucial.

Why? Because the nonviolent actions and the numbers participating, in themselves, are not determinative. It is the strategy that determines the outcome.

In short, we must give people the range of actions that will make a critical strategic difference; that is, the precise actions that will undermine the power of the Global Elite to inflict their overall program on us. Unless we do this, our rallies and convoys (and those people who speak at these events) are simply failing to inform their audiences of the vital information that is necessary for us to be successful.

So mass gatherings of resistance (such as protest demonstrations, truck convoys, religious services…), in whatever variation they take, can be useful because they mobilize people with a shared perspective but they only have strategic impact if these people are then ‘deployed’ to take action that undermines the elite’s power to inflict this coup upon us.

To illustrate this point: What is the value of mobilizing an army in war? So that you can send it out to fight a strategically-chosen series of battles. What activists do not understand is that we need to mobilize our activist ‘army’ – which is the primary value of the mass mobilizations – but we need to use these mobilizations to inform activists what tactics we need them to undertake subsequently.

Otherwise we have simply mobilized rally participants to be told to go home again and do nothing or, in the case of the convoys, to remain until a very limited set of demands, which do not address the fundamental technological agenda, are granted (which is one option the Elite might consider as the simplest means of dissipating the dissent in this instance).

And given clear indications that police are gathering intelligence about the activists – see ‘Ottawa Police announce digital surveillance of Freedom Convoy protesters, supporters, and donors’ – this can later be used to deal with individuals, which is obviously easier than dealing with large crowds. Moreover, this can occur even if the trucks are not removed by the police and military, although this remains in option, particularly in cities where crowds are smaller, even though it would not necessarily be easy.

See ‘Removing trucks could be almost “impossible,” say heavy towing experts’.

Of course, activists can work to build relationships with the police and military as one part of the effort to prevent violent removal.

See ‘Nonviolent Action: Minimizing the Risk of Violent Repression’.

Fortunately, this has been happening for some time in some contexts during the past two years, leading to some active police and military officers standing down and encouraging their colleagues to do likewise.

See, for example, ‘Freedom Convoy – Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski’ and ‘Conscientious Resignation of Police Officer in Australia’.

But much more effort could be usefully expended in this direction.

Again, however, in itself, this will not undermine the technological nature of the Elite coup.

Nor will using violence, despite what an occasional author is suggesting will be necessary. See ‘The Elite Gathers Its Forces for a Counterattack on the Truckers’.

What Can We Do?

If you are interested in strategically resisting the Global Elite’s technological agenda and other measures associated with the ‘Great Reset’, you can read how to do so on the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ website which offers further analysis, resources and a list of 29 strategic goals for doing so.

This includes campaigning to cause civilian and military scientists and technologists to refuse to do any research or undertake any work associated with the fourth industrial revolution and/or transhumanism, to cause workers to refuse to do any work (by producing, distributing or installing any technology) associated with the fourth industrial revolution and/or transhumanism, and to cause consumers to refuse to buy or otherwise acquire any product associated with the fourth industrial revolution and/or transhumanism.

That is, to campaign to cause all sectors of society to refuse to develop and make available, or to purchase/use, technologies associated with the fourth industrial revolution and transhumanism (including 5G and 6G, military weapons, artificial intelligence [AI], big data, nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things [IoT], and quantum computing) because these technologies will subvert human identity, human freedom, human dignity, human volition and/or human privacy.

See ‘Strategic Goals related to resisting the fourth industrial revolution and/or transhumanism’.

In addition and more simply, you can download a one-page flyer that identifies a short series of crucial nonviolent actions that anyone can take. This flyer, now available in 15 languages (Czech, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish & Slovak) with more in the pipeline, can be downloaded from here:

‘The 7 Days Campaign to Resist the Great Reset’.

Notably, these latter actions avoid certain problems. Because they involve actions by people dispersed throughout the population, rather than people concentrated in one location (as with rallies), they are extremely difficult to interrupt. Hence, they virtually eliminate the risk of violent repression.

If strategically resisting the ‘Great Reset’ appeals to you, consider joining the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ Telegram group.


For the first time in history, all of humanity is threatened by a coup d’état that is killing vast numbers of people through a complex series of measures while destroying human liberty and human rights for those not killed outright.

Moreover, for the first time in history, this coup is being implemented by a series of technological measures that promise to imprison those left alive in a hi-tech prison from which there will be no escape.

Hence, given that several foundational elements of this coup are not yet quite fully in place, 2022 will be the most critical year in human history to date.

But to defeat this hi-tech coup we need to be strategically savvy and mobilize enough people to participate. You are welcome to join us.


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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COVID-19 and Democracy – Nicaragua vs. Canada

February 14th, 2022 by Stephen Sefton

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From 2018 onwards, Canada’s government has denounced Nicaragua in international forums as a repressive dictatorship and followed the US authorities in imposing illegal unilateral coercive economic measures damaging Nicaragua’s people. In fact, between April and July 2018, opposition militants in Nicaragua killed over 20 police officers with 400 officers suffering gunshot wounds. Mobs of opposition militants and hired thugs set fire to public buildings, businesses and private homes.

They operated roadblocks and barricades demanding money to allow people to pass, searching and often stealing people’s personal effects, assaulting government supporters, subjecting women and girls to sexual abuse. The roadblocks were used as bases from which opposition thugs marauded and terrorized local people.

They were the front line of an explicit, extremely violent opposition campaign aimed at overthrowing Nicaragua’s elected government. Despite that extremely violent context, Nicaragua’s government agreed to opposition demands to withdraw police from the streets as a condition to start talks to end the crisis.

Only after all efforts at a negotiated settlement of the crisis failed and in response to popular outcry against the widespread serious crimes provoked by the opposition’s terror campaign, did Nicaragua’s government deploy its security forces to clear the roadblocks which they achieved successfully with minimum loss of life. The individuals responsible for those crimes sought to provoke another crisis around last year’s elections. They are now in jail.

Currently, Prime Minister Trudeau is deploying Canada’s security forces to try and suppress demonstrably peaceful protests defending fundamental freedoms which in no way pose any kind of violent threat to Canada’s elected government. Canada is now the scene of the most internationally well known expression of popular resistance to North American and European government attacks on fundamental rights, on children, on working class people and on the millions of people who depend on small businesses. The Canadian authorities, fronted by Prime Minister Trudeau, and supported by Canada’s State and corporate media, allege that the protests led by truckers pose an extreme right wing minority challenge to the government and a major threat to public health because they are resisting vaccine mandates and other repressive measures.

Canada 2022. Truckers protesting peacefully in Ottawa with broad-based support across the country

In reality, the protests and the blockades they involve are overwhelmingly peaceful and supported by people from across Canada’s political spectrum. People in Canada are now experiencing for themselves domestically the cynical deceit and gross hypocrisy their country’s government has deployed consistently in foreign affairs affecting tens of millions of people in countries from Ukraine, Iran and Syria to Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua. But that is not the only stark contrast with the Canadian government’s policies in the context brought about by the authorities’ response to Covid-19.

Nicaragua introduced preventive measures against Covid-19 starting in early February 2020. The authorities started health controls at the country’s borders and airport, identifying people possibly infected with the virus, encouraging voluntary quarantine with close medical supervision and careful contact tracing. The health ministry trained specialist staff, set aside 19 hospitals across the country to treat patients affected by the virus and activated a massive, nationwide education and monitoring campaign involving over 30,000 community health promoters. The health ministry devised effective prophylactic treatment for people with symptoms of the virus and issued effective guidance for the protection of the elderly and patients with chronic illness.

Once the pseudo-vaccines that prevent neither infection nor transmission became available thanks to donations from India, Russia and other countries, the Nicaraguan authorities initiated a staged voluntary campaign for those who wanted to receive the injections. Following UNESCO guidance, Nicaragua did not close its public schools nor did the government apply restrictions to the country’s economic activity. Wearing masks is still required for now in public offices, on some public transport, at some public events and in many business premises, but has never been obligatory for people generally. The introduction and application of these policies addressing Covid-19 in Nicaragua have been much more humane and democratic than those imposed in North America, Europe and most of Latin America.

In addition to needing to address genuine public health concerns while defending their people’s overall well being, Nicaragua’s authorities also faced corporate driven pressure to conform from the Bill Gates dominated World Health Organization and Western governments and from domestic opposition fear campaigns trying to cause widespread panic among the country’s population, as they did in 2018. Despite those pressures, impoverished Nicaragua has been probably the most successful country in the Americas addressing the public health problems caused by Covid-19 in a genuinely democratic way.

By contrast, like practically all the governments of the supposedly democratic Western countries, Prime Minister Trudeau’s government has applied restrictive measures damaging people’s economic well being. The education authorities applied measures ruining children’s education and seriously damaging their emotional development. The health authorities imposed mandatory pseudo-vaccination, as well as inflicting relatively very high levels of serious adverse reactions in comparison with genuine vaccine treatments for other diseases.

Compared to Nicaragua, Canada and all its fellow wealthy OECD member countries have failed abysmally in terms of both public health and democratic governance. In terms of public health, Canada failed to protect people vulnerable to the virus, generally failed to offer effective, timely treatment to those sick with the virus, and failed to protect either the overall economic well-being of its population or the well-being of the country’s children. In terms of democratic governance, the Canadian authorities have sought to suppress and censor dissent. The pseudo-vaccine mandates have caused extreme distress to hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people, especially workers, who reject them with good reason.

Western governments in general have failed to protect the vulnerable, grossly mismanaging care for the elderly in particular. They failed to offer readily available, timely treatment and care to people sick with the virus, trashing and smearing highly respected doctors advocating cheap and effective drugs for early treatment of symptoms. They failed to introduce rational preventive measures protecting their peoples’ overall well being. Now Canada’s authorities are mobilizing security forces so as to repress widespread peaceful protests resulting directly from their public health failures, their anti-democratic economic measures and their assault on the basic rights of children. The classic fascist union of corporate and State power across North America and Europe has never been more clear.

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This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal.

Stephen Sefton, renowned author and political analyst based in northern Nicaragua, is actively involved in community development work focussing on education and health care. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Nicaragua 2018 – police officer Gabriel de Jesús Vado Ruiz, tortured, murdered and set on fire by opposition thugs in Masaya in 2018 (Photo from opposition social media video)

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The Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) sought to use podcaster Daniel Dumbrill, a long-time Canadian resident in China, for propagandistic purposes. The media savvy Dumbrill was prepared for this.

Said Dumbrill,

“Today, I’m going to indisputably and unmistakably demonstrate how mainstream media shapes your views and opinions through manipulation, dishonesty, and outright lies.”

Influenced by the late journalist Robert Fisk, I avoid the term “mainstream media” for the simple reason that state/corporate media is not my mainstream. So I call such media what it is “state/corporate media” or “monopoly media” à la Ben Bagdikian or “mass media.” I prefer independent media or independent writers that, is my mainstream. I keep tabs on the monopoly media because it, unfortunately, has an audience and is influential. So an awareness of the content and monopoly media’s message is necessary to reveal and refute its factual inaccuracies and twisted narratives. Dumbrill is finely attuned to the realities of China and acutely aware of the geopolitical intrigues in the world. He is able to intellectually cut through disinformation without difficulty and reframe it into a honest representation.

Steven D’Souza, a senior reporter with CBC interviewed Dumbrill on China and propagandizing. Dumbrill knew to expect dishonesty from the CBC.

When allegations were brought up about Chinese machinations in Xinjiang, Dumbrill revealed the source, the Australian so-called think tank ASPI, as a tool of imperialist disinformation as evidenced by its funders. Despite this, D’Souza ignored what Dumbrill had informed him and used ASPI disproportionately as an information source in his program without informing viewers of ASPI’s affiliations and funding. Dumbrill’s counter-argument about ASPI was omitted.

The biggest offense of the CBC, according to Dumbrill:

“was their desperate attempt to find something they could pull out of context from a near half hour interview with me and ending up with only 3.5 seconds of usable footage to twist into their narrative.”

D’Souza suggested that Dumbrill was participating as a paid influencer to propagandize for the Chinese state. Dumbrill firmly closed the door on that innuendo saying,

“I don’t benefit financially from anything I do. As a matter-of-fact I go through through great expense, both time-wise and financially to do what I do. I’m not belonging to any kind of a state apparatus here. I can travel around freely and see everything for myself as well…”

Nonetheless, in the program aired by CBC, a 3.5-second comment is attached to an unrelated and out-of-context narrative, positioning Dumbrill as a paid influencer of Chinese propaganda.

Dumbrill decries the absence of journalistic integrity, calling such manipulation “unethical, dishonest, and even fraudulent behavior.”

When questioned by Dumbrill why he had done this, D’Souza evaded the question, saying he was too busy.

So Dumbrill gives D’Souza one more time to set the record straight publicly:

After reflecting on our conversation and watching your final product, do you stand by that work — both in a personal and professional capacity? It will be useful if you dare say that you stand by this kind of reporting, and I don’t suspect that you could admit that you are ashamed of this piece without risking your pay check. Therefore, I think your silence, which I think you are inevitably going to go with, will at least give us enough hope that at bare minimum you are self-aware enough to recognize that you are a sell-out and everything you are pretending to look for in this report.

By all means, watch the Dumbrill piece and reach their own conclusions.

Because of his integrity, knowledge, and ethics, Daniel Dumbrill is one trusted source for my mainstream information.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp at Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

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The heroic actions performed by the Canadian truckers are having powerful reverberations throughout the world. Inspired by the honesty and sheer determination of these brave citizen’s push- back against a mandatory vaccination programme, suddenly a whole new horizon has been illuminated for where this can go.

No longer is the talk solely about stopping the super dictatorial Justin Trudeau’s forced vaccination programme on truck drivers. Now the rapidly swelling call is for a much larger demand to be met: recovering the freedoms, liberty and basic human rights stolen from people right across the length and breadth of the planet.

We must all seize this moment for it is the expression of a unique confluence of events. Events that could tip the balance in favour of a domino effect collapse of all the stolen power that is being used to hold the human race to ransom. That violent anti-human/anti-life centralised control system which is trying to take fascism into its next dimension of pre-meditated murder.

This is a critical moment. The Canadian authorities have clearly decided to try to starve-out the truckers. They will no doubt use every trick in the trade to break their will and that of the supportive protesters. At a moment like this we must all become part of the battle to vanquish our tormentors.

Source: Children’s Health Defense

Many of us can feel a tingling in our veins when we hear of ordinary (extraordinary) people of Canada sacrificing their working lives and salaries for the sake of a great cry for freedom and truth. It touches a universal collective unconscious link between all of us.  We cannot leave them to carry the full burden of this giant stand for a liberated humanity; we must all rise-up, put our shoulders to the wheel and shove like never before!

While further supportive trucker, farmer, protester convoys also move into action across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the prospect of a truly dynamic people’s uprising spanning all counties, races, colours, creeds and social standings is on the cards for the first time in human history.

Such an uprising will demand a level of maturity and determination never before fully achieved. It will bring a multidisciplinary factor into the equation that has the potential to unite doctors, lawyers, scientists, human right proponents, social workers, thoughtful academics, police, military personnel, business leaders, artists, working people in general and, dare I say it, even journalists.

Because all these – and many more – know in their hearts that their professions have been corrupted beyond measure by that tiny global anti-human ‘elite’ whose aim is to capture this planet for their own diabolical ends,  and in so doing spread mayhem and grief amongst decent honest people the world over.

As the working people climb to their feet and proceed to throw-off the yoke of intolerable repression, doctors and lawyers are forming unprecedented alliances whose significance is particularly striking and will lead-on to a thorough examination of how these two professions can come back on course (be transformed) to support the true health and welfare of the people; rather than lining their pockets with the wealth of the corporate pharmaceutical behemoths and the soulless tycoons who run the blatantly top-down weighted legal system.

The far sighted action know as ‘Nuremberg 2’ is another vital initiative that is underway as I write.

Its team of leading lawyers, medical experts, whistle blowers and geopolitical specialists, will ensure that the full horror of ‘Covid crimes against humanity’ are pragmatically exposed and documented; so that those responsible for these acts of mass genocide are fully identified and officially held responsible for their indefensible deeds.

This action, while unacceptable to the official legal matrix, therefore impossible to stage in the classical courts of Europe and North America, will clear the way for the actual trials of those indicted  once ‘we the people’ have fully risen to our task and achieved an unstoppable momentum which will sweep aside the intolerable blocks placed upon our God-given freedoms.

Everywhere peoples’ hearts are swelling with a new found sense of pride. A pride inspired by those who are showing what humans can do when faced by the necessity to make a steadfast commitment to ‘hold the line’. Hold the line for freedom, justice, truth and love, at a time when these are right on the brink of being lost forever.

There is nobody who can’t play their part in this extraordinary challenge/opportunity to liberate the planet from the forces of darkness.

Be the first to step out of your dangerously pacifying ‘comfort/safe zone’ so as to defy the fake authorities whose goals count on continued submission to their blind and brutal decrees.

There is a great need for all of us to send energetic positive thought waves to all those at the centre of the storm. There is real power in this form of energy transference and it could just make all the difference. So, if you haven’t already done so – start transmitting today!

We can and we must – without hesitation – step up to the task at hand and keep going until victory is finally secured.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher.  He is President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside.

His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see  He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is by Emilijaknezevic, CC BY-SA 4.0

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UK Government data proves that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to a point where the not-vaccinated populations immune system if far superior to that of the fully vaccinated.

The Covid-19 figures for England are produced by the UK Health Security Agency (see here).
Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

Page 43 contains data on Covid-19 cases in England by vaccination status from 3rd Jan 22 to 30th Jan 22 and reveals that the majority of cases in January were among the triple vaccinated.

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The following chart shows the Covid-19 case-rates per 100,000 by vaccination status for each age group over the age of 18 in England, plus the average case rate per 100,000 for all adults in England –

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Concerningly the case rights have been highest among the double vaccinated population in every age group, but the triple vaccinated also have a car right far higher than the not-vaccinated population. This isn’t good news.

Now that we know the case-rates, we can use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / Unvaccinated case rate = Vaccine Effectiveness
e.g. Double Vaccinated 18-80+: 1,846.38 – 5,226.1 / 1,846.38 = minus-183%

Therefore, the average real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness in England for all adults as a whole is MINUS-183%. This means fully vaccinated adults are more likely to catch Covid-19 than unvaccinated adults. This is what vaccination has done to the people of England.

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But vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

Vaccines train the immune system to act and then once they’ve done the training they disappear. If you encounter the Covid-19 virus after being vaccinated then it isn’t the vaccine that springs into action to defend you against it, it’s you vaccine trained immune system that’s meant to spring into action. Therefore,

when authorities tell you that the effectiveness of a vaccine wanes over time, what they really mean is the immune system performance of the vaccinated wanes over time.

But to work out immune system performance we have to alter the calculation used to work out vaccine effectiveness slightly and divide our answer by either the largest of the vaccinated or unvaccinated case rate.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / largest of the unvaccinated / vaccinated case rate = Immune System Performancee.g. Double Vaccinated 18-80+: 1,846.38 – 5,226.1 / 5,226.1 = minus-65%

This means on average, fully vaccinated Brits currently have a 65% lower immune response than the unvaccinated have to Covid-19, but the following chart shows the true extent of the damage by age group as well –

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Therefore, the average fully vaccinated person in England is down to the last 35% of their immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc.

So now we know for certain from UK Government that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to the point where a not-vaccinated persons immune system is much better at preventing infection. But what about when it comes to protecting against serious disease and death?

Well unfortunately, the same UK Government data shows the Covid-19 injections also damage the innate immune system to the point where a not-vaccinated persons immune system is much better at protecting a person against death as well.

The following chart shows the Covid-19 death-rates per 100,000 by vaccination status for each age group over the age of 18 in England, calculated from the number of deaths found in the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report and the size of the double vaccinated population –

The double vaccinated population have the highest death rate per 100k in every age group except for the 18-29, and 40-49-year-olds. But we can expect in coming weeks for that rate to switch among the two anomalies based on historical trends that show things get worse for the vaccinated population by the week.

Now that we know the death-rates, we can again use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

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Real world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness against death in England between 3rd Jan and 30th Jan 22 was as low as -110.24% in the over 80’s, -97% in people aged 70-79, and -98.14% on average in all adults over age 18.

Here’s what that means in terms of the fully vaccinated populations immune system performance against death –

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-120-1024x795.png

Keeping in line with historical trends that show the Covid-19 vaccines have caused damage to the immune system that worsens by the week we can see that the lowest immune system performance is among those who were vaccinated first, with the over 80’s recording an immune system performance of -52.4%, and then the 70-79 age group recording an immune system performance of -49.2%.

There is however a concerning anomaly in this data in that we should expect to see a positive immune system performance among the 30-39 age group of around 29%, but instead it is currently at -15.4%. There could be several explanations for this but none of them are good.

Either the 30-39 year-olds are genuinely doing worse, or all other age groups are doing much worse than what we are being told.

Either way we can be sure that the data is reliably telling us the Covid-19 injections are not just ineffective, but damage the innate immune system to the point where a not-vaccinated persons immune system is much better at protecting a person against death as well.

But what does this mean?

Well, there could be several possibilities for what’s happening here but again none of them are good.

One possiblilty could be that the Covid-19 injections cause Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease leading to conditions such as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. This is a real possibility because even Pfizer warned about the theoretical risk of this occurring in confidential documents produced in April 2021.

Source – Page 11

Another possibility could be that the vaccinated population are developing some new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome induced by the Covid-19 injections.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a condition that leads to the loss of immune cells and leaves individuals susceptible to other infections and the development of certain types of cancers. In other words, it completely decimates the immune system.

This doesn’t mean it’s the same condition that is supposedly induced by the HIV virus, but it’s a very similar condition that has instead been induced by the experimental jabs.

Further evidence to support the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome theory can also be found in the same UK Government data on page 52.


The UKHSA has found the vaccine interferes with the body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.

This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein even after infection and recovery.

It’s impossible to say exactly what’s happening because Governments around the world and the Big Pharma scientists are doing their best to sweep all of this under the carpet. But call it what you want, all we know is that UK Government data confirms the Covid-19 vaccines damage the innate immune system, and it is damage that worsens by the week.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Plan to Turn You Into a Genetically Edited Human Cyborg

February 14th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The U.K. Ministry of Defense and the German Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning Human stress that human augmentation needs to be a key area of focus to win future wars

Human augmentation will not be restricted to the military ranks. It’s really a way to further separate classes of humans, with the rich and powerful elite eventually using their augmented “super-human” status as justification to rule everyone else

The goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution — introduced and pushed by the World Economic Forum — is transhumanism, the merging of man with machine

Human augmentation can directly affect behavior, either positively or to the detriment of that person

In the transhumanist view, the human body is a “platform” that can be augmented in myriad ways, physically, psychologically and socially


A May 2021 project report by the U.K. Ministry of Defense, created in partnership with the German Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning, offers shocking highlights of the dystopian cybernetics future that global technocrats are pushing mankind toward.

The report, “Human Augmentation — The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project,1 reviews the scientific goals of the U.K. and German defense ministries, and they are precisely what the title suggests. Human augmentation is stressed as being a key area to focus on in order to win future wars.

But human augmentation will not be restricted to the military ranks. It’s really a way to further separate classes of humans, with the rich and powerful elite being augmented “super-humans.” It’s worth noting that anything released to the public is a decade or more behind current capabilities, so everything in this report can be considered dated news, even though it reads like pure science fiction.

“… the field of human augmentation has the potential to transform society, security and defense over the next 30 years,” the report states. “We must begin to understand the implications of these changes and shape them to our advantage now, before they are thrust upon us.

Technology in warfare has traditionally centered on increasingly sophisticated platforms that people move and fight from, or artefacts that they wear or wield to fight with. Advances in the life sciences and converging developments in related fields are, however, beginning to blur the line between technology and the human …

Many technologies that have the potential to deliver strategic advantage out to 2050 already exist and further advances will undoubtedly occur … Our potential adversaries will not be governed by the same ethical and legal considerations that we are, and they are already developing human augmentation capabilities.

Our key challenge will be establishing advantage in this field without compromising the values and freedoms that underpin our way of life …

When we think of human augmentation it is easy to imagine science fiction inspired suits or wonder drugs that produce super soldiers, but we are on the cusp of realizing the benefits in a range of roles now. Human augmentation will help to understand, optimize and enhance performance leading to incremental, as well as radical, improvements.”

Changing What It Means To Be Human

As noted in the report, “Human augmentation has the potential to … change the meaning of what it means to be a human.” This is precisely what Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has stated is the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution.2

WEF has been at the center of global affairs for more than 40 years, and if you take the time to dive into WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution material, you realize that it’s all about transhumanism. It’s about the merger of man and machine. This is a dystopian future WEF and its global allies are actively trying to implement, whether humanity at large agrees with it or not.

Schwab dreams of a world in which humans are connected to the cloud, able to access the internet through their own brains. This, of course, also means that your brain would be accessible to people who might like to tinker with your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behavior, be they the technocratic elite themselves or random hackers. As noted by history professor Yuval Noah Harari in late 2019, “humans are now hackable animals.”3 As noted in the featured report:4

“Human augmentation will become increasingly relevant, partly because it can directly enhance human capability and behavior and partly because it is the binding agent between people and machines.

Future wars will be won, not by those with the most advanced technology, but by those who can most effectively integrate the unique capabilities of both people and machines. The importance of human-machine teaming is widely acknowledged but it has been viewed from a techno-centric perspective.

Human augmentation is the missing part of this puzzle. Thinking of the person as a platform and understanding our people at an individual level is fundamental to successful human augmentation.”

Key words I’d like to draw your attention to is the affirmation that human augmentation can “directly enhance behavior.” Now, if you can enhance behavior, that means you can change someone’s behavior. And if you can change a person’s behavior in a positive way, you can also control it to the person’s own detriment.

Theoretically, absolutely anyone, any random civilian with a brain-to-cloud connection and the needed biological augmentation (such as strength or speed) could be given wireless instructions to carry out an assassination, for example, and pull it off flawlessly, even without prior training.

Alternatively, their physical body could temporarily be taken over by a remote operator with the prerequisite skills. Proof of concept already exists, and is reviewed by Dr. Charles Morgan, professor in the department of national security at the University of New Haven, in the lecture below. Using the internet and brain implants, thoughts can be transferred from one person to another. The sender can also directly influence the physical movements of the receiver.

The Human Platform

On page 12 of the report, the concept of the human body as a platform is described, and how various parts of the human platform can be augmented. For example:

  • Physical performance such as strength, dexterity, speed and endurance can be enhanced, as well as physical senses. One example given is gene editing for enhanced sight
  • Psychological performance such as cognition, emotion and motivation can be influenced to activate and direct desired behavior. Examples of cognitive augmentation include improving memory, attention, alertness, creativity, understanding, decision-making, intelligence and vigilance
  • Social performance — “the ability to perceive oneself as part of a group and the readiness to act as part of the team” — can be influenced. Communication skills, collaboration and trust are also included here

They list several different ways to influence the physical, psychological and social performance of the “human platform,” including genetics (germ line and somatic modification), the gut microbiome, synthetic biology, invasive (internal) and noninvasive (external) brain interfaces, passive and powered exoskeletons, herbs, drugs and nano technology, neurostimulation, augmented reality technologies such as external holograms or glasses with built-in artificial intelligence, and sensory augmentation technologies such as external sensors or implants. As noted in the report:

“The senses can be extended by translating frequencies beyond the normal human range into frequencies that can been seen, heard or otherwise detected. This could allow the user to ‘see’ through walls, sense vibrations and detect airborne chemicals and changes to magnetic fields.

More invasive options to enhance existing senses have also been demonstrated, for example, coating retinal cells with nanoparticles to enable vision in the infrared spectrum.”

They also point out that, from a defense perspective, methods to de-augment an augmented opponent will be needed. Can you even imagine the battlefield of the future, where soldiers are barraged from both sides with conflicting inputs?

As for ethics, the paper stresses that “we cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us.” There may even be “moral obligations” to augment people, they say, such as when it would “promote well-being” or protect a population from a “novel threat.”

Interestingly, the paper notes that “It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline.” This appears to be a direct reference to mRNA and vector DNA COVID jabs. If so, it’s an open admission that they are a human augmentation strategy in progress.

The Challenge of Unintended Consequences

Of course, there can be any number of side effects and unintended outcomes when you start augmenting an aspect of the human body or mind. As explained in the featured report:

“The relationship between augmentation inputs and outputs is not as simple as it might appear. An augmentation might be used to enhance a person’s endurance but could unintentionally harm their ability to think clearly and decisively in a timely fashion.

In a warfighting context, an augmentation could make a commander more intelligent, but less able to lead due to their reduced ability to socially interact or because they increasingly make unethical decisions. Even a relatively uncontentious enhancement such as an exoskeleton may improve physical performance for specific tasks, but inadvertently result in a loss of balance or reduced coordination when not being worn.

The notion of enhancement is clouded further by the intricacies of the human nervous system where a modifier in one area could have an unintended effect elsewhere. Variation between people makes designing enhancements even more challenging.”

Still, none of that is cause to reconsider or slow down the march toward transhumanism, according to the authors. We just need to understand the human body better, and for that, we need to collect and analyze more data on human performance, behavior, genetics and epigenetics. As noted by the authors:

“Devices that track movement, heart rate, oxygenation levels and location are already commonplace and will become increasingly accurate and sophisticated, making it possible to gather an increasingly wide array of performance data in real time. We can also analyze data in ways that were impossible even five years ago.

Artificial intelligence can analyze massive sets of information almost instantaneously and turn it into products that can inform decision-making. This marriage of data collection and analytics is the foundation of future human augmentation.”

Lab-Grown Designer Babies

As mentioned, by the time a technological advancement is admitted publicly, the research is already a decade or more down the road. Consider, then, the February 1, 2022, article in Futurism,5which announced that Chinese scientists have developed an artificial intelligence nanny robot to care for fetuses grown inside an artificial womb. According to Futurism:6

“The system could theoretically allow parents to grow a baby in a lab, thereby eliminating the need for a human to carry a child. The researchers go so far as to say that this system would be safer than traditional childbearing.”

As of now, the AI robot is only in charge of lab-raised animal embryos, as “experimentation on human embryos is still forbidden under international law.” However, that could change at any time. In May 2021, the International Society for Stem Cell Research went ahead and relaxed the rules7 on human embryonic experimentation.8

Up until then, the rule had been that no human embryo could be grown in a lab environment beyond 14 days. Human embryos may now be grown beyond 14 days if certain conditions are met. In some countries, laws would still need to be changed to go beyond 14 days, but regardless, there’s no doubt that as transhumanism gets underway in earnest, ethical considerations about growing babies in laboratories will be tossed out.

Combine the announcement of an AI robot nanny to care for lab-grown embryos with the 2018 announcement that Chinese scientists were creating CRISPR gene-edited babies. As reported by Technology Review, November 25, 2018,9 “A daring effort is underway to create the first children whose DNA has been tailored using gene editing.”

The embryos were genetically edited to disable a gene called CCR5, to make the babies “resistant to HIV, smallpox and cholera.” The embryos were then implanted into a human mother using in vitro fertilization. At the time, the lead scientist refused to answer whether the undertaking had resulted in a live birth, but shortly thereafter it was confirmed that one trial participant had indeed given birth to gene-edited twins in November 2018.10

In June 2019, Nature magazine published an article11 questioning whether the CRISPR babies might inadvertently have been given a shorter life span, as research had recently discovered that people with two disabled copies of the CCR5 gene were 21% more likely to die before the age of 76 than those with one functioning copy of that gene. The babies might also be more susceptible to influenza and autoimmune conditions, thanks to this genetic tinkering.

Should We Breed Chimeras to Satisfy Need for Organs?

Ethical considerations about animal-human hybrids (chimeras) will probably also fall by the wayside once transhumanism becomes normalized. Already, human-monkey hybrid embryos have been grown by a team of Chinese and American scientists.12

The hybrid embryos are part of an effort to find new ways to produce organs for transplant patients. The idea is to raise monkeys with human-compatible organs that can then be harvested as needed. Here, the embryos were grown in test tubes for as long as 20 days — and this was done before the ISSCR officially agreed to relaxing the 14-day rule.

The question is, if this kind of research ends up being successful, and the creation of animals with human organs is actually feasible, at what point does the chimera become a human?

How do we know that what looks like a monkey doesn’t have a human brain, with the intelligence that goes with it? Taking it a step further, even, what’s to prevent scientists from growing human organ donors? Human clones, even? It’s a slippery slope, for sure.

Privacy in the Age of Transhumanism

Perhaps one of the greatest concerns I (and many others) have is that not only are we moving toward a merger of man and machine, but at the same time we’re also increasingly outsourcing human morality to machines. I cannot imagine the end result being anything but devastating. How did that happen? Timandra Harkness, a BBC Radio presenter and author of “Big Data: Does Size Matter?” writes:13

“As the recent pandemic years have shown, the desire to be free from scrutiny unless there’s a good reason to be scrutinized is widely seen as, at best, eccentric and, at worst, automatic grounds for suspicion.

We simply can’t articulate why a private life is valuable. We have no sense of ourselves as autonomous beings, persons who need a space in which to reflect, to share thoughts with a few others, before venturing into public space with words and actions that we feel ready to defend …

Part of the appeal of technologies like AI is the fantasy that a machine can take the role of wise parent, immune to the emotion and unpredictability of mere humans. But this tells us less about the real capabilities of AI, and more about our disillusionment with ourselves.

The urge to fix COVID, or other social problems, with technology springs from this lack of trust in other people. So does the cavalier disregard for privacy as an expression of moral autonomy.

Technology ethics can’t save us, any more than technology can. Even during a pandemic, how we regard one another is the fundamental question at the root of ethics. So we do need to treat technology as just a tool, after all. Otherwise we risk being made its instruments in a world without morals.”


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1, 4 Human Augmentation — The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project May 2021

2 WEF The Fourth Industrial Revolution

3 CNN November 26, 2019

5, 6 Futurism February 1, 2022

7 ISSCR Guidelines

8 STAT News May 26, 2021

9 Technology Review November 25, 2018

10 AP News November 26, 2018

11 Nature June 3, 2019

12 Newsweek April 16, 2021

13 Unherd January 2022

Featured image is from Mercola

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Video: Coronavirus Investigative Committee Grand Jury

February 14th, 2022 by Grand Jury

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Historical Background

A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modeled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.

Through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop – the proceeding is meant to create awareness about

  • the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence
  • the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty, and
  • the necessity to first stop this plandemic’s measures by refusing to comply, and
  • the necessity to jump-start their own new system of health care, education, economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitutions will be reestablished.


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Embalmer Reveals 93% of Cases Died from the Vaccine

February 14th, 2022 by Steve Kirsch

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Anna Foster is an embalmer with 11 years of experience in Carrollton, MO. In this exclusive interview, she reveals that 93% of her last 30 cases died due to clots from the COVID vaccine.

The big news is that she found the unusual clots in 93% of the last 30 people who she embalmed. This is significant because she isn’t selective about who she embalms.

Not all embalmers will see a 93% clot rate. Richard Hirschman only sees these clots in 65% of his cases.

Either way, we have identified what is the #1 cause of death in America today; a killer that is much bigger than COVID.

This is a massive health issue since it is killing a huge number of people. Her embalmer friends have noticed it as well and have never seen it before in their careers.

The clots are only associated with people who have been vaccinated. They were only observed after the vaccines rolled out.

The clots are life threatening and are almost certainly the root cause of death in all of these cases.

The doctors and coroners in her area are completely unaware of the problem.

When 93% of people who die are killed by a single cause, this merits immediate investigation by the CDC as to the cause.

However, I am certain that the CDC and all legacy media will continue to ignore this story.

I will continue to interview more and more embalmers who will relate the same story as you will learn in this video.

I am hopeful that after over 100 embalmers say similar things, someone in Congress will take action on what is likely the most serious preventable health problem in our nation’s history.

If the vaccine doesn’t kill you, it can rob you of a limb

Will the vaccine also sterilize men?

In other news, attorney Reiner Fuellmich, says that the COVID shots sterilize men for good. I know there has been a drop in births in other countries after the vaccine rollout. I haven’t seen the statistics for new births in the US.

Has anyone looked into validating this?

This was not tested in the clinical trials. We are the clinical trial here, but the doctors forgot to warn us about this.

We will find out very soon whether or not we have just sterilized 80% of our population. This is the biggest clinical trial in history.

One more unexpected side-effect: AIDS

I got a call earlier today from a scientist who wants funding to test people for AIDS. At first I was confused. Why would you want to do that?

Just now, I saw a post which explains everything:

See also this article UK Government data suggests the Fully Vaccinated Elderly & Vulnerable have developed AIDS and the young are not far behind them.

Mathew Crawford finds the same result (massive number of deaths), but using a completely different method

Check out Mathew’s latest article which references this article.

In the comments to this article, he wrote, “We have not seen a crime on this scale anywhere in the world since Mao.”

The bottom line is duh, there is absolutely no question these vaccines are killing massive numbers of people, but everyone in power believes whatever the CDC tells them that the vaccines are “safe and effective” and no amount of facts or science is going to make a damn bit of difference because it will all be written off as coming from “anti-vaxxers.”

We will all be ignored and later arrested by DHS and locked away without a chance for a trial. This sure looks to me to be the way things are heading.

So we wanted to let you all know that before we just “disappear.”


The COVID vaccines are the largest clinical trial in world history.

What we have learned so far from the embalmers is troubling: it appears the vaccines have overtaken heart disease as the #1 leading cause of death in America today.

The CDC doesn’t have a clue it is happening. They still think that nobody has died from the vaccine. They refuse to look at the safety signals in VAERS and DMED. They don’t want to see any safety signals and they will not meet with anyone who challenges their point of view.

Death is one of many symptoms. Other side effects are a wide variety of cardiovascular, neurological, and autoimmune diseases, paralysis, loss of limbs, and potentially sterilization and AIDS. After a 90 day honeymoon period, vaccine efficacy turns negative. They also are known to increase cancers.

Stay tuned as we learn more in this clinical trial of the vaccines. I’m sure this isn’t the end of the story.

The California legislature is expected to mandate soon that everyone who works in California get vaccinated (AB 1993). This will increase the numbers and allow us to get the test results sooner. California is literally sacrificing its residents for the benefit of the rest of the country.

Although I live in California, I am self-employed. I suspect I will need to fire myself soon. I will not willingly comply with their law


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Two recent articles from PolitiFact, a purported fact-checking organization, suggest that the message of the organization regarding experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots that the United States government has been pushing people to take for over a year is this: Just trust the US government claim that the shots are safe irrespective of the fact that two of the US government’s own systems for tracking health data are flashing major warning signals regarding danger from the shots.

On December 10, Samantha Putterman wrote at PolitiFact that the reporting to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) managed Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of much higher rates of adverse events including death and major health problems among people who took the experimental coronavirus shots than among people who took other vaccines should be totally disregarded. You read that right. The “fact checker” says, to know if the shots are safe, it is best to totally disregard the US government system that was created to track such adverse events in order to alert people to potential dangers from vaccines.

The “fact check” concludes that it is a “pants on fire” falsehood to suggest that the extraordinarily high rate of adverse events reports to VAERS for coronavirus shots indicates any danger whatsoever from the shots. Why? Putterman writes: “Health officials and experts said that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and comparable to others, and that they would have been discontinued if they had caused many deaths.”

In other words, Putterman is saying, ignore the dire signals from the data and instead just nod your head in agreement with the “health officials and experts” that endorse the “the shots are safe” narrative. Of course, other people with expertise in health matters strongly disagree with this narrative and see the VAERS numbers as indicative of serious problems with the experimental coronavirus shots. But, the “fact checker” disregards these experts along with the incriminating government data.

The preposterousness of this propagandizing disguised as fact checking is well captured in the abbreviated version of the “fact check” presented in the PolitiFact article for people whose “time is short.” Here it is:

  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are the most deadly, citing deaths reported in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, an open database where anyone can report anything.
  • Health officials say that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and comparable to other vaccines.

The abbreviated version, and the long version, of the “fact check” is better described as for people who are short on willingness to exercise critical thinking.

The pattern of telling people in a so-called fact check to disregard damning government data suggesting danger from coronavirus shots and to, instead, just trust the hand-picked shots-pushing experts’ claims the shots are safe continued with a January 31 article by Jeff Cercone at PolitiFact. Here is the conclusion of that purported fact check:

An Instagram post said that miscarriages among military members were up 300% in 2021 over a five-year average, and that cancer diagnoses were up 300% and neurological disorders were up 1000%.

However, the numbers used to compute the five-year average were greatly underreported, giving the false impression of a significant increase in 2021, a spokesperson for the Armed Forces Surveillance Division said.

The database has been taken down to identify and correct the problem.

We rate this claim False.

The “false” rating is very deceptive even if you accept every assertion in this PolitiFact article that supposedly supports the “false” rating. The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) that records billing codes associated with military members and their family members receiving different medical diagnoses and services from the military did indicate that there were huge spikes in the occurrence of these and many other medical problems in 2021 compared to the average of the previous five years. That is a fact that PolitiFact presents no information to dispute. Yet, PolitiFact announced its “false” rating for reporting what the data indicated because it turns out that, after whistleblowers made this DMED information public and people reported on it, the US military reacted by one of its spokespersons stating the military’s major medical tracking system, while working fine last year, had major snafus in the previous five years. These snafus supposedly made the DMED data entirely unreliable, and remained unfixed, over those five years. However, no one, including PolitiFact, is disputing that the actual DMED data was as revealed by the whistleblowers.

PolitiFact’s DMED data “fact checking” is devoid of basic reasoning. But it does bend over backward to promote the government line, as did PolitiFact’s “fact checking” regarding the VAERS data, that the experimental coronavirus shots are safe. Move along, there’s nothing to see here, asserts PolitiFact deceptively.

The US military’s sudden assertion of its huge failure that just so happens to advance the high priority “the shots are safe” narrative sure seems odd. But, hey, maybe things could be that screwed up. The military is a big government bureaucracy. It is not immune to incompetence.

So what is actually true? Daniel Horowitz, who has written extensively at The Blaze about the DMED data and its relation to the safety of the shots, concludes the following:

One of two things is true: Either there was mass vaccine injury in the military, or our military has been very unhealthy and the Pentagon completely lost control over epidemiological surveillance of these health issues for years. Either way, this is the story of the year.

But you won’t see any real investigation into a story like that at PolitiFact. To report that story would require searching for and communicating actual facts instead of just parroting the US government’s line.

If you want the facts regarding the VAERS data or the DMED data, PolitiFact appears to be of little use, unless you start with the assumption that what PolitiFact terms false is worth looking into further as likely true.

Fortunately, some people are providing helpful information regarding the VAERS and DMED data and its relationship to the experimental coronavirus shots.

Megan Redshaw wrote Friday regarding the latest developments in adverse events associated with experimental coronavirus shots being reported to VAERS. Her article is at the website of Children’s Health Defense, an organization that has done great work in exposing the ineffectiveness and dangerousness of coronavirus shots. PolitiFact target Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the organization’s chairman.

Daniel Horowitz has written several fascinating articles regarding the disturbing DMED data and the US military’s actions in response to whistleblowers revealing the data. You can read his articles at The Blaze here, here, and here. Also, Robert Malone, who is an expert in matters related to the coronavirus shots but who we cannot expect the writers at PolitiFact to defer to as an authority for the truth given that he challenges US government assertions regarding the shots, wrote an interesting article regarding the matter. You can read his article, posted on Monday at the Independent Institute website, here.

Regarding the experimental coronavirus shots, PolitiFact can be expected to keep pushing US government propaganda instead of providing real fact checking. To find the truth, instead of the “political truth,” people will need to look elsewhere.


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President Biden on Friday took steps to take half of the $7 billion of Afghan funds held by the US Federal Reserve and give it to the relatives of victims of the September 11th, 2001, attacks as millions of Afghans are facing starvation.

Biden signed an executive order that will make $3.5 billion available for 9/11 families through lawsuits. The other half will be put into a trust with the intent of being used for humanitarian aid for Afghanistan.

The US seized the $7 billion as the Taliban took over Afghanistan, and another $2 billion in Afghan reserves held in other countries was frozen. In the wake of the US withdrawal, Afghans are facing a dire humanitarian crisis. The UN’s World Food Program estimates more than half of Afghanistan’s population, about 23 million people, are facing extreme hunger.

On top of the frozen funds, the US still maintains sanctions on Taliban leaders who are now part of the Afghan government. The sanctions discourage international companies and banks from doing business in Afghanistan, making it harder for Afghans to find relief.

History shows that sanctions and other economic pressure do little to change the target government and only hurt the civilian population. The Afghan people also had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks, Osama bin Laden just happened to be in Afghanistan when they happened, and the Taliban had offered to hand him over.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image: Kathy Kelly and Maya Evans walk with children at the Chamin-E-Babrak refugee camp in Kabul, Afghanistan, January 2014. (Abdulhai Darya)

US Steals Billions in Afghan Bank Funds

February 14th, 2022 by Patrick Martin

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In an action that combines brazen theft, imperialist brutality and unlimited hypocrisy, the Biden administration announced Friday that it will seize control of $7 billion in Afghanistan financial assets, held largely at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, rather than return them to the Afghanistan central bank.

Media attention has largely been devoted to Biden’s splitting of the $7 billion, with $3.5 billion set aside to meet the legal claims of survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and $3.5 billion to be used for “humanitarian aid” to the people of Afghanistan. Both actions are cynical diversions from what is an effort to starve the country and avenge the humiliating defeat which US imperialism suffered last summer.

The $3.5 billion supposedly to be used for aid will not be available for many months, if ever, as State Department officials acknowledged over the weekend, ensuring that nothing will reach the starving population of Afghanistan during the winter months. According to the UN World Food Program, some 23 million Afghans face hunger and malnutrition this year, while UNICEF warns that as many as one million Afghan children could die of severe malnutrition and outright starvation.

The delay is due to the administration’s decision to allow legal claims against the Taliban amounting to $7 billion, awarded by default in a court proceeding nearly a decade ago, to go forward. Some of the plaintiffs are likely to challenge the 50-50 split in Afghan bank funds, which could tie up any allocation more or less indefinitely.

That appears to be the real purpose of the Biden decision: to allow millions to suffer and starve in Afghanistan, while claiming to be above the battle. “It’s all up to the courts,” Biden will declare, washing his hands of the spectacle of mass death in Central Asia, just as he has facilitated mass death in the COVID pandemic.

In addition, by refusing to return any portion of the $7 billion to the central bank of Afghanistan, the Biden administration intensifies its vengeful wrecking operation against the Afghan economy. Without a functioning central bank—and outright collapse is now a distinct possibility now that its main reserves have been confiscated—Afghan banks and businesses cannot function, workers cannot be paid, no international corporation will do business with the country, and few aid organizations will be able to operate.

Afghan-American groups and aid groups overwhelmingly condemned the action, pointing particularly to the impact on the overall economy. It is not the lack of aid, in itself, but the inability of the economy to function which is the principal cause of mass suffering in Afghanistan.

The message to the Afghan people is clear. As long as you are ruled by the Taliban, you will starve. It is not necessary for American imperialism to bomb the country back to the Stone Age, as military warmongers threatened in Vietnam. They can do so by cutting off all credit and international commerce to a country they have already bombed for 20 years.

The Biden action is illegal on a number of levels. Even the Washington Post, which published an editorial enthusiastically supporting the decision, had to acknowledge that the White House position is self-contradictory: The Biden administration refuses to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan; at the same time, it authorizes the use of Afghan national bank resources to pay off a legal judgment against the Taliban.

The invocation of 9/11 is particularly monstrous and cynical. As numerous commentators in Afghanistan, Pakistan and internationally have pointed out, none of the 9/11 hijackers hailed from Afghanistan. Most were Saudis, citizens of a country that is the closest US Arab ally and the recipient of hundreds of billions in US arms sales.

Even if one accepts, for the sake of argument, the claim that the Taliban protected Osama bin Laden against US government demands for his surrender, there is no evidence that the Taliban had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. More fundamentally, why should the people of Afghanistan be punished for this, on top of 20 years of US conquest and occupation, which have left their country in ruins?

It is particularly cynical to suggest that Afghan children not even born on September 11, 2001 should suffer because of the actions of terrorists like bin Laden, a Saudi multi-millionaire who began his career fighting in the CIA-backed mujahadeen war against Soviet troops. The US military-intelligence apparatus had far closer connections to Al Qaeda than anyone in Afghanistan, and these connections resumed in 2011 when the Islamists served as the CIA’s ground troops in Libya and Syria.

The Taliban government in Kabul denounced the Biden decision. “The theft and seizure of money held/frozen by the United States of the Afghan people represents the lowest level of human and moral decay of a country and a nation,” Taliban spokesman Mohammad Naeem said on Twitter.

Faiz Mohammad, a Kabul resident, made another critical point in an interview with Iran’s Press TV. “First, I don’t think the US has the right to use Afghanistan’s money to compensate 9/11 victims,” he said. “The US had no reason when it attacked us, but a lot of people died in the past 20 years. So, it’s the US that should compensate us, and they should not spend our money.”

There is no doubt an additional consideration in the White House action: the pressure of the fascist right, which is uppermost in Biden’s political calculations. Releasing even a small portion of Afghanistan’s assets will come under fire from Fox News, Breitbart, Donald Trump, and the bulk of the Republican Party. “After the surrender to the Taliban, comes the payment of tribute”: the script for know-nothings like Tucker Carlson almost writes itself.

Similar charges were made about the Iran nuclear pact, where the release of a fraction of Iran’s own assets, held in foreign bank accounts that handle payments for oil exports, was portrayed as “paying tribute to the ayatollahs.”

So, to protect his right flank, Biden invokes the scarecrow of 9/11. White House officials claimed that a lawsuit by 9/11 survivors and relatives required action on Afghan assets by February 11 because of a court-imposed deadline, but this is a transparent pretext.

More than 20 years after 9/11, a tragedy that has never been fully investigated because connections with the Saudi monarchy and the US military-intelligence apparatus had to be covered up, the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans is still utilized to serve the interests of the American ruling class.


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Featured image: US President Biden enters Roosevelt Room in the White House to give a statement on US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Aug 24, 2021

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On the latest episode of The Hill’s “Rising,” political commentator Kim Iversen broke down concerning new language in a U..S. Department of Homeland Security bulletin about domestic terrorism that could have potential ramifications for anyone questioning government institutions.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Feb. 7 released a “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland” bulletin.

According to journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen, the bulletin “actually labels what is typically considered free speech as terrorism.”

The bulletin reads:

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.”

“Remember, this is a bulletin about domestic terrorism threats to the homeland and they’re saying that we’re in a heightened threat environment because of what they label mis- or disinformation,” Iversen said. “Which they’re saying could be spread by American citizens — so that’s you and me.”

We could all be in “hot terrorism water,” Iversen said, for either knowingly or unknowingly spreading misinformation, disinformation or malinformation (MDM) — even though the definitions of those terms keep changing.

Throughout the pandemic, many people accused of spreading disinformation or conspiracy theories turned out to be right all along.

“It was originally a conspiracy theory that there would be vaccine mandates. It was misinformation to say the vaccine doesn’t prevent spread,” Iversen said.

According to the DHS bulletin, people who spread MDM, “are possibly threat actors seeking to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

“So they’re saying that if you spread information that undermines public trust in a government institution like the Centers for Disease Control, or Federal Drug Administration, or the Pentagon or Congress it could lead to violence,” Iversen said.

To prevent these “theoretical” acts of violence that stem from engaging in speech that undermines public trust in government institutions “you could be labeled a terrorist threat,” she argued.

“By issuing this bulletin they’ve effectively given themselves the freedom to halt any dissent they don’t like under the guise of ‘it could lead to violence,’” Iversen said.

The DHS bulletin also states:

“The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content.”

“So they’re saying it could just be you,” Iversen argued. “You don’t need to be affiliated with a known neo-nazi group or some other flagged organization. If you acting alone to air grievances against the government they deem to be potentially threatening, you could be flagged as a domestic terrorist.”

The bulletin referenced “widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives” regarding COVID, stating:

“COVID-19 mitigation measures — particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates — have been used by domestic violent extremists to justify violence since 2020 and could continue to inspire these extremists to target government, healthcare, and academic institutions that they associate with those measures.”

“Besides angry parents at school board meetings and angry airline passengers I don’t remember any violent extremist attacks due to COVID,” Iversen said.

She described the bulletin as “pretty alarming” as it labels any speech or government dissent, “or sowing any sort of discord amongst a government institution is potentially domestic terrorism.”

Watch the full segment here:


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Obtuseness on Iran

February 14th, 2022 by Jacob G. Hornberger

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An op-ed in the Washington Post this week shows how obtuse some people can be when it comes to Iran. The article was written by a man named Barry Rosen, who is a former U.S. diplomat who was taken hostage in Iran during the Iranian revolution in 1979 and held in captivity for 444 days. Rosen recounts that during his captivity, he was “beaten, tortured, forced to endure mock executions, starved and used as a political pawn” and that “the experience left [him] with deep scars, but gave [him] a platform to advocate policies that put people over politics.” 

Rosen says that Iran is still taking and holding hostages. Last month, he traveled to Vienna to deliver a message to U.S. diplomats who are negotiating a restoration of the Iran nuclear deal, which would presumably involve a lifting of the brutal economic sanctions that the U.S. has imposed on the Iranian people. His message is: Don’t enter into any deal until those hostages are released. He’s also gone on a hunger strike to emphasize his message.

As with other U.S. officials and many members of the U.S. mainstream press, Rosen’s history begins with the Iranian revolution. Based on his article, he apparently blocks out of his mind the events that took place prior to the revolution. 

In 1953, the CIA engineered a coup in Iran that succeeded in destroying Iran’s experiment with democracy. In an operation that ended up killing hundreds of innocent people, the CIA’s coup ousted from power Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, a man named Mohammad Mossadegh, who was widely admired and respected in Iran as well as in other parts of the world. In fact, he had been named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year.”

What was the CIA’s justification for committing this act of aggression against another country, one that had never attacked the United States or even threatened to do so? The CIA said that Mossadegh was leaning toward communism and the Soviet Union. In the minds of CIA officials, that gave them the authority to oust him from power. 

How did the CIA conclude that Mossadegh was leaning toward communism and the Soviet Union? Mossadegh had nationalized British oil interests in the country, much like President Franklin Roosevelt had nationalized people’s gold holdings in the United States in the 1930s. In the minds of CIA officials, that meant that Mossadegh was leaning toward communism and the Soviet Union. It’s probably worth mentioning that British oil companies had asked the CIA to help them get their oil wells and oil refineries back.

But the more important question is: So what if Mossadegh was leaning toward communism and the Soviet Union. Why didn’t he have the right to do that? What moral and legal authority did the CIA have to oust from power a foreign political leader who was leaning toward communism or the Soviet Union?

The fact is that the CIA had no such authority. Its coup against Mossadegh and its destruction of Iran’s democratic system were the epitome of evil, especially since they involved the deaths of hundreds of innocent people.

Adding insult to injury, the CIA then restored to power the Shah of Iran, who turned out to be one of the world’s cruelest and most brutal dictators. It’s didn’t help that the CIA helped turn his regime into one of the world’s most tyrannical. In fact, the CIA helped the Shah to establish his domestic police force, which was a combination Pentagon, CIA, NSA, FBI, Gestapo, and KGB and then helped the Shah to train it in the arts of dark-side practices and procedures that ensured a totally tyrannical regime.

Then, for the next 25 years, the U.S. government funneled large amounts of U.S. taxpayer money into the coffers of this dictatorial regime to ensure that it maintained its iron dictatorial control over the Iranian people. 

By the time 1979 rolled around, the Iranian people had had enough of this brutal U.S.-supported tyranny. The only way to oust the Shah from power was through violence. That’s usually the nature of revolutions. 

Any person who went to work for the U.S. government knew — or should have known — of this evil history on the part of the U.S. government. This is especially true for people who agreed to work in the U.S. embassy in Iran. After all, what did they expect — that the Iranian people, who had been suffering under this U.S.-installed brute for a quarter-century, would welcome them with open arms? 

When a person goes to work for a regime that engages in evil, that person should know that there exists the distinct possibility that the people who are the victims of that evil are going to respond. We can talk all day long about how the Iranian revolutionaries had no right to take U.S. diplomats hostage but that doesn’t get to the practicality of the situation, which is that when a person goes to work for a regime that is engaged in evil against a foreign populace, he is knowingly taking a very dangerous risk, especially when he chooses to work within the country in which the evil is taking place.

Rather than working as a U.S. diplomat in Iran, Rosen could have (and should have) resigned his position as a federal bureaucrat and gone to work in the private sector. That would have been the moral thing to do rather than go to work in the diplomatic corps of a regime that had inflicted horror and brutality on the Iranian people. 

Why did the Iranian people take those diplomats hostage? The Shah had come to the United States for medical treatment. The revolutionaries were convinced that U.S. officials, including those in the CIA, intended to squelch their revolution and restore the Shah or some other U.S. stooge to power. Their taking of hostages was intended to prevent that from happening. 

Their actions were obviously not justified under international law or under basic moral principles, but there can be no reasonable doubt that that is precisely what U.S. officials would have done. For 25 years, they had controlled the Iranian populace through their brutal puppet, the Shah. They were not ready to surrender that control so easily to the Iranian revolutionaries.

In fact, U.S. officials have never lost the urge to continue that control. That’s what the brutal economic sanctions that U.S. officials continue to enforce against the Iranian people are all about. Their aim is to force the Iranian people, through death and impoverishment, to initiate another violent revolution, one that will put another pro-U.S. dictator back into power. 

Unfortunately, the Iranian revolution was unable to restore the democratic system that the CIA succeeded in destroyed in 1953. They ended up with a theocratic dictatorship that is arguably as tyrannical as that of the Shah, if not worse. But that’s the fault of the CIA, not the Iranian people. 

Barry Rosen should be calling on the U.S. government to lift its deadly and destructive sanctions against the Iranian people and to finally leave Iran alone. That’s the best way to secure the release of any hostages being held by Iran. It would go a long way toward restoring a semblance of morality to U.S. foreign policy. It would also enable Rosen to demonstrate his philosophy of putting “people over politics.”


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Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at and from Full Context. Send him email.

Featured image is from FFF

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NATO’s Joint Force Command is based in Norfolk, Virginia which also hosts NATO’s Allied Command Transformation and the world’s largest naval base, Naval Station Norfolk. The command was inaugurated last year in conjunction with NATO’s Joint Support and Enabling Command in Ulm, Germany. The first expedites the shipment of troops, arms and equipment across the Atlantic, the second accelerates their transit from Western to Eastern Europe, NATO’s Eastern Flank, the current war zone.

Also see: Battle of the Atlantic: Citing Nazi Germany as model, U.S. military chief hails new NATO command


Joint Force Command Norfolk and Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation sign Technical Arrangement

By NATO, Joint Force Command

February 12, 2022

A Technical Arrangement between Joint Force Command (JFC) Norfolk and the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (NDLO) was signed on Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 during a virtual ceremony.

“Today marks an important milestone for Joint Force Command Norfolk as this Technical Arrangement both solidifies the strong transatlantic bond between us and the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, and enhances our logistical network between North America and Europe,” said JFC Norfolk Commander, Vice Admiral Daniel Dwyer.

JFC Norfolk serves as NATO’s operational bridge between Europe and North America. It relies on a command network to coordinate Allied activity in the North Atlantic and High North, from seabed to space. Norway, as a signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding that established JFC Norfolk, has been heavily involved in the Alliance’s newest operational command.

The role of the NDLO is to ensure that the Norwegian Armed Forces’ equipment is maintained and available….The signing of this Technical Arrangement will enable JFC Norfolk to establish a Joint Logistic Support Network (JLSN) with NOR JLSG that will strengthen the logistics required to execute NATO activity in the High North. The JLSN will consist of, but not be limited to: points of debarkation, lines of communication, logistic bases, convoy support centres, staging areas and forward logistics sites.

Vice Admiral Dwyer welcomed the Norwegian Defence Attaché to the United States and Canada, Major General Odd-Harald Hagen, to witness the signing in Norfolk. Across the Atlantic Major General Lars Aamodt, Commander of the NDLO, put pen to paper in Oslo completing the ceremony.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from the US Navy

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Kiev Demands OSCE Meeting to Discuss Security Crisis

February 14th, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Tensions remain high in Europe. Ukraine demanded a meeting of OSCE members, including Russia, within forty-eight hours in order to discuss the current security crisis on the continent. The Ukrainian request is nothing more than the result of Western hysteria about a possible Russian invasion plan against Kiev. The potential meeting could be either a productive way to ease tensions or a useless dialogue that further escalates the crisis, all depending on how NATO members deal with Russia during the talks.

The Ukrainian government demanded this Sunday, February 13, a meeting within the next 48 hours with Russia and all member countries of the Vienna Document of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The reason for the summit would be the lack of response from Moscow to Kiev’s ultimatum, made the previous Friday, to provide in detail data about Russian military activities on the western border. The deadline for the response was this Sunday and, as no response was given, Kiev decided to demand a meeting.

The ultimatum given by Ukraine to Russia had been “justified” in the terms of the Vienna Document. According to Kiev’s argument, Moscow should provide accurate and detailed data on all its activities on the western border (mainly in Crimea) as a way of preventing a worsening of tensions and ensuring that there is no plan of invasion or war. For this reason, Moscow’s lack of response has been seen as a violation of European security standards, which prompted the Ukrainian government to convene the meeting.

These were some of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba’s words about the case:

“Russia failed to respond to our request under the Vienna Document. Consequently, we take the next step. We request a meeting with Russia and all participating states within 48 hours to discuss its reinforcement and redeployment along our border and in temporarily occupied Crimea. If Russia is serious when it talks about the indivisibility of security in the OSCE space, it must fulfill its commitment to military transparency in order to de-escalate tensions and enhance security for all”.

It is interesting to note how “occupied Crimea” is a common term in the speeches of Ukrainian authorities, who insist on considering Crimea as part of Kiev’s national territory. This is an important point to understand how Russian movements of troops in Crimea are interpreted as incursions against the Ukrainian territory, even though Crimea is legally considered part of Russia since the 2014 intervention. When Kiev demands information from the Russian government about its activities in Crimea it is simply demanding that Moscow provide data about its military activities in the interior of its own territory, which is inconvenient and does not justify any ultimatum or call for summit. Kiev sees Crimea as part of Ukraine and tries to monitor it, but this is not the material reality and there is no such right for the Ukrainian government to monitor the region.

It is not the duty of any government to provide details of its military activities to another government. Such an obligation, if not guaranteed by international agreement, would be a clear violation of state sovereignty. Russia has the right to maintain its military maneuvers in Crimea and other parts of its western border, as well as on its sovereign Black Sea coast. And it is also the Russian government’s right to keep certain details of these activities confidential, even more so in the face of a rival government and in a situation of tension and insecurity like the current one. OSCE membership does not oblige Russia to provide its military data to Ukraine, it only obliges Moscow to cooperate for peace on European soil – and this has already been done since the moment that the Russian government assured that there will be no invasion against Ukraine under any circumstances.

The problem, however, is that the OSCE itself also seems to be embracing anti-Russian paranoia. As European countries adopt the NATO discourse, the OSCE is consequently “contaminated” by this type of mentality. Russia is a member of the organization, but it is a minority party if compared to pro-Western states – and this situation becomes a problem as NATO fuels the security crisis. Recently, the OSCE decided to relocate all the members of its observation mission in Eastern Ukraine, alleging concerns about the beginning of a possible conflict, which reveals the lack of intra-institutional trust, considering that Russia, which is a member of the organization, guarantees that such a war will not happen.

In any case, if all OSCE members agree to arrange a meeting, this could be a positive opportunity to ease tensions. This would require pro-NATO European governments to agree to talk diplomatically and with mutual trust with Moscow. As Russia will guarantee that there will be no war, it will be up to the West to believe and decline its attempts to operate “preventive” military maneuvers, demilitarizing Eastern Europe – which, consequently, will generate a retreat of Russian troops on the western border.

On the other hand, if European states insist on anti-Russian paranoia, there will be no possibility of bilateral dialogue, maintaining the status quo: NATO militarizes Eastern Europe and, in response, Russia militarizes the western portion of its territory, without any sides start a conflict, but keeping the current atmosphere of tensions and fear – and unfortunately this is the most likely scenario.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

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Average folks in many Western countries are increasingly rising up against what they sincerely regard as anti-scientific mandates being imposed upon the population for political reasons related to unprecedentedly strengthening the state’s power over its citizenry in violation of their constitutionally enshrined rights.

Jacinda Adern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, maligned her country’s anti-mandate protests as “imported” after pointing to the presence of some Trump and Canadian flags in the crowd. Her narrative is just as false and self-interested as her Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau’s, who’s claimed something similar in recent days. Both leaders hope to paint the overwhelmingly peaceful protesters in their countries as far-right radicals inspired by the former American President and possibly even connected to the QAnon conspiracy cult.

This is politically convenient from the perspective of external messaging in order to make it seem like their people truly aren’t rebelling but are simply being misled by foreign forces who are supposedly orchestrating an anti-mandate Color Revolution. To be sure, the participants are indeed employing classic Color Revolution tactics and strategies of the sort first masterminded by the late Gene Sharp, but that doesn’t automatically mean that they’re functioning as the “useful idiots” of some puppet masters abroad.

Rather, these political technologies have proliferated in the decades since they were first introduced to the point of being available to practically anyone who wants to attempt to utilize them in pursuit of whatever agenda it is that they support. What’s ironic is that these same tactics and strategies have finally boomeranged back against the West after first being weaponized by their governments against non-Western countries. That being the case, this was already on full display during summer 2020’s nationwide spree of urban terrorism in the US led by Antifa and BLM as well as the 6 January events.

Now, however, average folks in many Western countries are increasingly rising up against what they sincerely regard as anti-scientific mandates being imposed upon the population for political reasons related to unprecedentedly strengthening the state’s power over its citizenry in violation of their constitutionally enshrined rights. It’s unimportant whether observers agree or disagree with their motives since all that’s being asked is for them to accept that such views exist and are arguably the driving force behind this spree of purely grassroots de facto Color Revolutions across the West.

While it might be the case that there’s some foreign funding involved through various online platforms, that in and of itself doesn’t automatically mean that other governments are involved in these rallies since it’s completely unbelievable that the Biden Administration would support the Canadian and New Zealander protesters. What seems to be happening is that other average citizens across the West want to support their “fellow travelers” out of solidarity exactly as many others did by donating to Antifa and BLM in spite of those two movements being much more chaotic and violent.

These observations suggest that partisan forces across the world are independently networking with one another even though the liberal-globalist ones represented by Antifa and BLM ultimately ended up being exploited as pawns by the Democrats and their supporters in the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) as part of their regime change campaign against former president Donald Trump. No such foreign “deep state” trace has credibly been discovered in Canada or New Zealand, nor is any likely due to their resistance to these movements.

It’s difficult for so-called “model democracies” like Canada’s and New Zealand’s to accept, but their governments aren’t perfect and their people aren’t always happy with everything that their rulers have imposed upon them over the past two years on the pretext of being in their “best interests”. Aware of their constitutionally enshrined rights, these people have independently and peacefully assembled to rally against their leaders’ contentious decisions. Some are obviously inspired by other “fellow travelers” abroad but such imagery isn’t automatic proof of any foreign “deep state” plot.

The increasingly frequent employment of Color Revolution technologies and the regular enhancement of their efficiency speaks to just how successful the late Sharp was in popularizing his regime change tactics and strategies. Establishment forces across the West have consistently denied that Color Revolutions even exist, even to this day mocking Russia and China’s warnings about them in spite of these very same techniques being utilized in those same Western countries right now. To acknowledge Color Revolutions at home would be to grant credence to those non-Western countries’ concerns.

That, however, might soon be happening if Trudeau and Adern’s deceitful messaging catches on and becomes the Western Establishment’s new narrative. Such a scenario would speak to how desperate they are to discredit these genuinely grassroots movements that they’d even finally grant credence to their foreign rivals’ prior claims about how destabilizing these political technologies can be. This suggests that those demonstrators are making a very powerful impact on shaping their respective countries’ discourse over mandates and might actually stand a chance of changing some policies.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Inflation is plaguing consumer markets, putting pressure on the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates to tighten the money supply. But as Rex Nutting writes in a MarketWatch column titled “Why Interest Rates Aren’t Really the Right Tool to Control Inflation”:

It may be heresy to those who think the Fed is all-powerful, but the honest answer is that raising interest rates wouldn’t put out the fire. Short of throwing millions of people out of work in a recession, higher rates wouldn’t bring supply and demand back into balance, a necessary condition for price stability.

The Fed (and those who are clamoring for the Fed to raise rates immediately) have misdiagnosed the problem with the economy and are demanding the wrong kind of medicine. …

Prices are going up because crucial inputs—labor, electronics, energy, housing, transportation—are in short supply. Normally, the way to solve this imbalance would be to give workers and businesses incentives to increase their supply. …

The Fed has been assigned the job of fixing this. Unfortunately, the Fed doesn’t have the tools to do it. Monetary policy works (in theory) by tweaking demand, but it has no direct impact on supply.

The Dire Effects of the “Wrong Kind of Medicine”

Not only will raising interest rates not fix the supply crisis, but according to Alasdair Macleod, head of research at GoldMoney in London, U.K., that wrong medicine is likely to trigger the next financial crisis. He thinks it is imminent and will start in Europe, where negative interest rates brought the cost of doing repo trades to zero. As a result, the European repo market is now over €10 trillion ($11.4 trillion), far more than the capital available to unwind it (to reverse or close the trades). Rising interest rates will trigger that unwinding, says MacLeod, and the ECB lacks the tools to avoid the resulting crisis. Meanwhile, oil prices have risen over 50% and natural gas over 60% in Europe in the past year, “due to a supply crisis of its governments’ own making,” writes Macleod. Member governments are heavily in debt, yet European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde wants to borrow more to finance the transition to carbon neutral. Macleod writes darkly:

As for the euro’s future, it seems unlikely that the ECB has the capability of dealing with the crisis that will unfold.… The deconstruction of this shabby arrangement should prove the end of the euro and possibly of the European Union itself.

German journalist Ernst Wolff paints an even darker scenario. He contends that the globalist European leaders heading the World Economic Forum (WEF) are crashing the global economy intentionally, in order to clear the chessboard for the WEF’s “Great Reset.” They’re doing this, he says, because they have to. The global bankers’ boom-and-bust financial system is now so top-heavy and debt-laden that it cannot be sustained. Problem/reaction/solution: desperate people will welcome the WEF’s Great Reset, in which they will own nothing but will be offered a marginally adequate Universal Basic Income with onerous strings attached. This subsistence income will be doled out through a central bank digital currency (CBDC) controlled nationally by the country’s central bank and globally by the IMF as issuer of the reserve currency and, ultimately, of a single global currency.

There are indications, however, that the U.S. Fed is not going along with this Eurocentric globalist push. Financial blogger Tom Luongo points to Jerome Powell’s clash with Christine Lagarde in May last year over her insistence that central banks require private banks to monitor the business of their clients, and to the Fed’s raising its repo rate to 0.25% in June, attracting investors earning zero interest in the European repo market into the U.S. dollar and away from the euro. Luongo suggests that the Fed’s resistance to the globalist plan comes from the Wall Street banks that own the New York Fed, which are not willing to give up the U.S. dollar’s status as global reserve currency and could be driven out of business by a CBDC distributed directly through individual central bank accounts.

Preserving the current Wall Street-dominated system, however, hardly helps Main Street. The pandemic added $5 trillion to the fortunes of the billionaire class; but government-instituted lockdowns permanently shuttered more than 100,000 U.S. businesses and left vast portions of the population living on the edge. According to a recent study from Johns Hopkins University, the detrimental impact of global lockdowns substantially outweighed their public health benefits.

Is It Time to Amend the Federal Reserve Act?

The U.S. dollar is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States: it retains its value because the American public is willing to take it in exchange for their goods and services. But the public has not been allowed access to the bottomless pool of central bank liquidity that backstops this public credit.

According to Cornell Law School Prof. Robert Hockett, however, the framers of the Federal Reserve Act intended for Main Street businesses to be able to tap this liquidity pool. He argues that the Fed already has the monetary tools it needs to rescue the real, productive economy. They just haven’t been used – for over a century. The Fed can stay in its own lane and stimulate local production using monetary policy baked into the Federal Reserve Act itself.

Cornell Law School’s Prof. Robert Hockett wrote in Forbes in March last year that the Federal Reserve System was originally designed to be “something akin to a network of regional development finance institutions. … Each of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks was to provide short-term funding directly or indirectly (through local banks) to developing businesses that needed it. This they did by ‘discounting’ – in effect, purchasing – commercial paper from those businesses.” Investopedia explains:

Commercial paper is a commonly used type of unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by corporations, typically used for the financing of payroll, accounts payable and inventories, and meeting other short-term liabilities…. Commercial paper is usually issued at a discount from face value and reflects prevailing market interest rates.

In determining what kinds of commercial paper to discount, wrote Hockett, “the Federal Reserve Act both was – and ironically remains – quite explicit about this: Fed discount lending is solely for ‘productive,’ not ‘speculative’ purposes.”

In a follow-up article, Hockett explained that the drafters of the Federal Reserve Act, notably Carter Glass and Paul Warburg, were essentially following the Real Bills Doctrine (RBD). Previously known as the “commercial loan theory of banking,” it held that banks could create credit-money deposits on their balance sheets without triggering inflation if the money were issued against loans backed by commercial paper. When the borrowing companies repaid their loans from their sales receipts, the newly created money would just void out the debt and be extinguished. Their intent was that banks could sell their commercial loans at a discount at the Fed’s Discount Window, freeing up their balance sheets for more loans. Hockett wrote:

The RBD in its crude formulation held that so long as the lending of endogenous [bank-created] credit-money was kept productive, not speculative, inflation and deflation would be not only less likely, but effectively impossible. And the experience of German banks during Germany’s late 19th century Hamiltonian ‘growth miracle,’ with which the German immigrant Warburg, himself a banker, was intimately familiar, appeared to verify this. So did Glass’s experience with agricultural lending in the American South.

According to Prof. Carl Walsh, writing in The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Newsletter in 1991:

The preamble sets out very clearly that one purpose of the Federal Reserve Act was to afford the means of discounting commercial loans. In its report on the proposed bill, the House Banking and Currency Committee viewed a fundamental objective of the bill to be the “creation of a joint mechanism for the extension of credit to banks which possess sound assets and which desire to liquidate them for the purpose of meeting legitimate commercial, agricultural, and industrial demands on the part of their clientele.”

“Liquidating” loans backed by “real bills” basically meant turning a company’s receivables into bank-issued credit that could be spent on the workers and materials needed to produce its goods and services, bringing supply in balance with demand. That “monetization” of debt might not drive up prices, but external factors obviously could. Today those factors include supply chain problems, worker shortages, and resource shortages. In the 1920s, the trigger was speculation in the stock market.

The real bills policy was discredited after the stock market crash of 1929, due to overly-strict application by the Fed. As the tale is told in Wikipedia:

Fed Board member Adolph C. Miller in 1929 launched his Direct Pressure initiative. It required all member banks seeking Federal Reserve discount window assistance to affirm that they had never made speculative loans, especially of the stock-market variety. No self-respecting banker seeking to borrow emergency reserves from the Fed was willing to undergo such interrogation, especially given that a “hard-boiled” Fed was unlikely to grant such aid. Instead, the banks chose to fail (and the Fed let them), which they did in large numbers, almost 9000 of them.

But the policy’s original objective remains sound: “creation of a joint mechanism for the extension of credit to banks which possess sound assets and which desire to liquidate them for the purpose of meeting legitimate commercial, agricultural, and industrial demands on the part of their clientele.”

Walsh noted that discount window borrowing is currently available only for easing very short-term reserve shortages. When the Fed wants to expand bank lending, it purchases government securities from the banking sector, allowing bank reserves to expand. But he observed that this maneuver does not necessarily increase bank lending, and that some commentators argued that the Fed should be allowed to purchase existing loans from banks that could then use the funds to back new loans on the “real bills” theory.

Compare North Dakota’s “Mini-Fed”

How might that work today? For some idea, we can look to the highly successful state-owned Bank of North Dakota, which has been described as a “mini-Fed” for the local banks of that state. Again quoting Wikipedia:

The BND serves as a wholesale bank for the state’s community banks and credit unions. It participates in loans created by the local banks by expanding their size, providing loan guarantees, and “buying down” interest rates. Additionally, it buys loans from bank portfolios as well as community bank stocks. The bank provides other banking services to local banks, such as clearing checks, acting as depository for their reserves, and providing federal funds.

According to a May 2020 article in The Washington Post titled “North Dakota Businesses Dominated the PPP”:

Small businesses there secured more PPP [Paycheck Protection Plan] funds, relative to the state’s workforce, than their competitors in any other state ….

What’s their secret? Much credit goes to the century-old Bank of North Dakota …. According to Eric Hardmeyer, BND’s president and chief executive, BND connected the state’s small bankers with politicians and U.S. Small Business Administration officials and even bought some of their PPP loans to help spread out the cost and risk.

… BND offers few retail services or direct loans, with the notable exception of student loans. Instead it partners with local banks, multiplying their lending power and guiding them through the ever-evolving global financial system….

BND has already rolled out two local successor programs to the PPP, intended to help businesses restart and rebuild. It has also offered deferments on its $1.1 billion portfolio of student loans.

Updating the Federal Reserve Act

The Paycheck Protection Plan was one of many relief programs established in March 2020 that were funded with Fed credit and capitalized with money from the Treasury. But Treasury backing would not actually be necessary to restore the Fed’s Discount Window to its original function. The Federal Reserve Act would just need a bit of tweaking to bring it into the 21st century.

To start, Hockett says we need many more Federal Reserve branches than the original twelve, which are not distributed proportionately to today’s populations. The three-month limit on commercial loans and six-month limit on municipal government loans in Federal Reserve Act §10b also need to be extended; and we need a national funding agency for infrastructure, similar to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation that restored the depression-ridden U.S. economy in the 1930s. Hockett has drafted a bill for implementing his proposals, found here.

That could work for long-term production, but families faced with rising food and energy bills need help right now. Until production catches up with demand, the innovative Cornell professor suggests that the Fed can counteract the speculation that is driving up those prices with “Open Market Operations,” using its new Chicago Fed trading desk to short them in the market. Direct market intervention is highly controversial and could obviously be misused; but the tool exists, and, if properly directed, it could help satisfy the Fed’s mandate to maintain consumer price stability. For more on that rather complicated subject, see here and here.

To sum up: today’s price inflation was triggered not so much by “too much money” as by “too little supply,” due to lockdowns and mandates. The Fed can help restock consumer supplies using tools already in its toolbox. They include Open Market Operations to counteract speculation, and the Discount Window to purchase loans from local banks that would be willing to fund Main Street businesses if they had some help from the national Lender of Last Resort. We need the sort of Discount Window envisioned by the drafters of the Federal Reserve Act, one providing the liquidity to backstop bank advances against the future productivity of local businesses.


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This article was first posted on ScheerPost.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of DebtThe Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Trudeau Threatens Canadians Who Uphold the Charter and the Basic Tenets of Democracy

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On February 10 the U.S. Naval Institute website published a report that four more Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers had been sent to the Mediterranean Sea. The deployment, in addition to four (and soon to be six) of the warships permanently rotated out of the Naval Station Rota in Spain, was described by a Navy spokesman as designed to allow them to “participate in a range of maritime activities in support of the U.S. 6th Fleet and our NATO allies.”

The four ships, USS Donald Cook, USS Gonzalez, USS Mitscher and USS The Sullivans, joined their counterparts USS Arleigh Burke, USS Porter, USS Roosevelt, USS Ross and the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group operating in the Mediterranean Sea already.

The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, which has “been on station near the entrance to the Black Sea since late December under orders from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin,” recently engaged in the Neptune Strike 22 joint exercise with the French carrier Charles de Gaulle and Italian carrier Cavour strike groups. Harry S. Truman can accommodate 90 fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. Sixth Fleet reports it currently hosts nine squadrons of the Carrier Air Wing One.

Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Bainbridge, USS Gonzalez, USS Gravely and USS Ross and Ticonderoga-class cruisers USS Cole, USS Jason Dunhamand USS San Jacinto participated in the drills. All of the above except for USS Rosswere assigned to the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group; USS Ross was assigned to the Charles de Gaulle strike group. The three cruisers are assigned to the U.S. Fifth and not Sixth Fleet. The latter operates in the Mediterranean; the former in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and part of the Indian Ocean. They were deployed to the Mediterranean for the occasion.

In all that adds up to ten destroyers and three cruisers that are part of Lockheed Martin’s Aegis Combat System, which is an integral component of NATO’s missile defense system. It is the naval, and almost the entirety, of the Pentagon’s ballistic missile defense (BMD) system.

The U.S.’s 68 Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers and 22 Ticonderoga-class cruisers, equipped to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles, also provide the delivery capabilities for the Navy’s Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System as they can also launch Standard Missile 3 surface-to-air missiles to intercept ballistic missiles and satellites. An Arleigh Burke destroyer carries 56 Tomahawk missiles. A Ticonderoga cruiser accommodates 26. The entire fleet of Aegis warships, then, can fire 4,380 cruise missiles and an undetermined amount of Standard Missile 3 interceptors.

The above is a formidable armada, which is several times more lethal than all other nations’ capacities combined (the U.S. also has all the world’s eleven supercarriers and those eleven are the sole nuclear carriers except for France’s Charles de Gaulle), and the deployment of at least thirteen of its anti-ballistic warships in the Mediterranean-Black Sea region is a dangerous escalation of tensions in an already tense environment.

In addition, the U.S. has recently deployed additional warplanes, including nuclear-capable bombers, to Poland, Romania and Britain.

See also: NATO holds drills with three carrier strike groups, seven interceptor warships in Eastern Mediterranean.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) steams near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. July 14, 2020 © U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Anthony Collier

Guatemala on Trial: Maya Land Rights Case Reaches International Court

February 14th, 2022 by María Inés Taracena

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The Maya Q’eqchi’ community of Agua Caliente is nestled in the mountains surrounding Guatemala’s Lake Izabal, in the sacred Valle del Polochic. With plentiful rainfall and tropical weather, the grass and trees are vivid green, and the fertile soil is lush with crops of rice, beans, corn, cacao trees, and many fruits. Located in the municipality of El Estor, Izabal, Agua Caliente is also known for its abundant deposits of nickel, a highly sought-after commodity mainly used to make stainless steel. These riches have for decades made El Estor a target of looting by multinational corporations seeking to exploit and profit from the land and resources. Resisting those incursions is a struggle that locals like Rodrigo Tot have dedicated their lives to, fighting for the protection of Q’eqchi’ ancestral lands and natural resources.

It’s a lucha that took one of Tot’s sons, Edin Leonel Tot Sub, in October 2012, when he was killed in a staged robbery in the presence of his 9-year-old child. “I’ve received countless threats, but the most painful loss was my son. He is who I think of to keep fighting,” said Tot, a Q’eqchi’ elder and leader. “My son’s murderers thought I’d stay silent. But what’s motivated me the most is that since my son’s assassination, more leaders have stepped up, like me, to fight for our land.” Another one of his sons, Wilfrido Rodrigo Tot Sub, was terribly injured in the same attack.

On February 9, Tot, who was awarded the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2017, testified in front of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in San José, Costa Rica, in a historic land rights case against the Guatemalan state. The court’s ruling could force the Guatemalan government to finally recognize the Q’eqchi’ people’s collective rights to their ancestral lands and their right to protect their natural resources from exploitative megaprojects—including the destructive open-pit Fénix nickel mine that stands on the banks of Lake Izabal. This is the first time the Guatemalan state has faced judgement in an international court for violating the ancestral land rights of Indigenous communities.

A ruling in favor of Agua Caliente would be a victory for all 16 Q’eqchi’ communities in the municipality of El Estor, whose demands to be consulted on the Fénix mine and other megaprojects have been repeatedly ignored. Their resistance has historically led to deadly repression at the hands of the Guatemalan government, whose longstanding priority has been to protect foreign investors and Guatemala’s business and political elite. A win would also set a precedent for Indigenous communities across Latin America and have monumental implications in the fight to protect the environment and the safety of communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

“The scientific community, conservation organizations, and many governments of the world have agreed that securing collective land ownership for Indigenous peoples is the best strategy to…fight climate change,” said Leonardo Crippa, an attorney with the Indian Law Resource Center and a member of Agua Caliente’s legal team. “The court can also set rules [for] Guatemala to prevent human rights abuses [from continuing] to occur in a country where the majority of the population is Indigenous, and where all of the land conflicts are somehow involved with mining and other [transnational] operations.”

Land Claims Long Ignored

With the legal backing of the U.S.-based Indian Law Resource Center and the Defensoría Q’eqchi’, a Q’eqchi’ rights group based in El Estor, the case is spearheaded by Tot and other residents of Agua Caliente who have been fighting for formalized titles for their lands for over four decades. Tot is one of the few residents of Agua Caliente who speaks Spanish, and he has been crucial in keeping the community informed and organizing meetings to collect evidence and consult local residents.

This land has belonged to Q’eqchi’ people for centuries, but the colonial Guatemalan state requires documentation to legitimize ownership. The Agua Caliente community began their land titling process in 1974. “Since then, [the community] began to meet all the requirements imposed by law, in order to achieve the legal certainty that would allow residents to continue living in community, in full harmony with the environment and free from any external threats from state and private actors,” legal documents said.

A map of the Fénix mine area. Areas currently under extraction marked in orange. (Indian Law Resource Center)

A map of the Fénix mine area. Areas currently under extraction marked in orange. (Indian Law Resource Center)

A provisional title was issued in 1985 for the Lote 9 lands, and the community began making payments to the Guatemalan government. But then, in the midst of Guatemala’s brutal U.S.-backed civil war, records of Agua Caliente’s land ownership disappeared, according to the Indian Law Resource Center. Official documentation crucial for the land titling agency to complete the process was cut out from a registry book. Decades later, in 2002, Agua Caliente issued its final land payment, but a permanent title has yet to be granted. Although a government agency, FONTIERRAS, was created after the 1996 peace accords to facilitate land access for rural communities, in practice very little has been done to address the gaping land inequality that sparked the armed conflict, leaving communities like Agua Caliente vulnerable.

Without a response from FONTIERRAS, the community took its fight all the way to Guatemala’s highest court. In a landmark 2011 ruling, the Constitutional Court recognized the Q’eqchi’ community’s collective land rights. It also ordered the Guatemalan government to replace the missing registry documents and issue land titles to the residents of Agua Caliente. The community had built its case using jurisprudence on collective Indigenous land rights from other countries, including the historic 2001 Inter-American Court ruling that ordered the Nicaraguan government to issue land titles for Awas Tingni, a Mayagna (Sumo) community in the Miskito Coast. This was the first time an international tribunal, with legally binding authority, found a government in violation of the collective land and resource rights of Indigenous people. The Indian Law Resource Center was also part of the legal team in that case.

The Guatemalan government hasn’t enforced the Constitutional Court’s 2011 ruling. This is a familiar pattern in Guatemala, where the interests of multinational corporations and the country’s business and political elite often take precedence over people’s rights, particularly in Indigenous and Black communities. “This is an example of a community that has been consistently believing in the rule of law,” said Crippa. “Unfortunately, this case shows that the rule of law doesn’t exist for a community.” Having exhausted legal options in Guatemala, Agua Caliente turned to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which referred the case to the Inter-American Court in 2020. “This is the final stage in the international litigation,” Crippa noted. “The decision that the court will issue will be final and binding.” A ruling in the case is expected in March.

A History of State Violence

From Agua Caliente, residents can see black smoke rising from the Fénix nickel mine’s processing plant across Lake Izabal. The mine’s pollution has stained the clear blue sky, contaminated the air, poisoned the water, and impacted crop growth, threatening the livelihoods of Q’eqchi’ community members who rely on agriculture and fishing for work. “Our community believes mother nature is very important,” Tot said. Don Rodrigo, as he’s called by many, has lived in Agua Caliente since he was 12 years old, when he moved in with uncles and aunts after his parents passed away. He’s now in his 60s. “This is where we grew up and we’ll be here defending our territory.”

The Fénix mine (Baudilio Choc / Radio Victoria)

The Fénix mine (Baudilio Choc / Radio Victoria)

The Fénix mining project, previously known as the EXMIBAL mine, is operated by Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel, now a subsidiary of the Switzerland-based Solway Investment Group, which also has ties to Russia. Its destructive presence in the region dates back decades, starting in 1965—in the initial years of Guatemala’s civil war—when the U.S.-backed military regime took advantage of the violent instability and rising global nickel prices to introduce a new mining law and begin issuing permits to multinational mining companies. EXMIBAL was granted a 40-year lease in the area between Chichipate and the town of El Estor in the department of Izabal.

At the core of Guatemala’s war were government efforts to steal Indigenous lands and grant free rein to foreign investors and their allies in the Guatemalan elite. As the war intensified, so did the violent conflicts over Indigenous territories. The Fénix mine offers one example of how the Guatemalan government historically has collaborated with multinational corporations by providing military and police forces that essentially function as companies’ private security and hitmen.

In 1978, EXMIBAL—at the time a subsidiary of a Canadian mining company—was involved in an armed attack against a group of farmers in the village of Chichipate. The farmers were shot at by assailants riding in an EXMIBAL vehicle. That same year, in the neighboring department of Alta Verapaz, soldiers and EXMIBAL employees executed four people in the village of Santa María Cahaboncito, according to Guatemala’s Truth Commission. Then, in 1981, Chichipate community leader Pablo Bac Caal was abducted by police officers traveling in an EXMIBAL vehicle. Caal was later found murdered. Perhaps one of the most gruesome attacks around this time was the 1978 massacre of Panzós in Alta Verapaz, where the Guatemalan army opened fire on dozens of Q’eqchi’ people who had led a protest demanding their land rights be respected and denouncing the disappearance of community leaders taken by soldiers. Although EXMIBAL temporarily left Guatemala in the 1980s, the Fénix mine resumed operations in 2014 after a spate of violent attacks that are now the subject of a set of precedent-setting civil lawsuits against a mining company in Canada.

“This is what the community has faced for years,” Tot said in a press conference ahead of the Agua Caliente Inter-American Court hearing. “In the years of the armed conflict, our leaders suffered. Many were disappeared fighting for their rights.”

It’s been 25 years since the signing of Guatemala’s so-called peace accords, but the same genocidal, oppressive mechanisms are still in place. Like all Indigenous communities across Guatemala, Q’eqchi’ land and water defenders continue to face abductions, arbitrary imprisonment, violent evictions, and extrajudicial killings by Guatemalan security forces and private security personnel working as the lapdogs of multinational corporations. Last October, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei issued a state of siege in El Estor in response to Q’eqchi’-led protests and roadblocks. The demonstrators had cut off access to the Fénix mine and its processing facility to reiterate their longstanding demands for consultation. Soldiers and police in riot gear flooded El Estor, carrying out dozens of raids and arrests.

“The protests and the roadblocks should give the understanding that our people do not support what’s happening to their lands,” Tot said. “The Guatemalan government is quick to issue [a state of siege] in response to the demands of Indigenous communities, but when it comes to our actual demands [on the land], they give us no answer.”

In December, just weeks after the violent crackdown, Prensa Comunitaria reported the Fénix mine’s consultation process with the El Estor community had ended—a fraudulent process since dozens of Q’eqchi’ leaders were excluded and the consultation itself took place under a state of siege, which suspends civil rights. The completion of the process cleared the way to reactivate the mine’s license, which the Constitutional Court had suspended in 2019 pending consultation. A union of fishery workers, the Gremial de Pescadores Artesanales, had secured the halt through a legal battle over the government’s failure to conduct an environmental impact study and consult communities affected by the mine. However, communities maintain that the Fénix mine ignored that ruling and never paused its operations.

Now, the Agua Caliente case being heard by the Inter-American Court has brought hope that things could change. And a judgement in favor of the plaintiffs could offer not only reparations for Agua Caliente, but also new legal tools for Q’eqchi’ communities in the region in their fights against other catastrophic megaprojects and monocrops, including African palm plantations.

“The community has decided to fight, and that’s why I’ve given my life to fight for them,” Tot said. “I want Guatemala to recognize the harm it’s caused us. And I want to ask [Indigenous] communities, not only in Guatemala but in other countries, to unite. This is a valuable struggle that’s worth fighting for.”


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María Inés Taracena is a journalist from Guatemala currently based in New York City. She’s a news producer at the independent media outlet Democracy Now! focusing on Central America, asylum seekers, among other stories. She was previously a reporter in Tucson, Arizona, where she wrote about the immigrant community, the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, education, and homelessness in southern Arizona.

Featured image: Rodrigo Tot (center) speaks with Agua Caliente community members. (Goldman Environmental Prize)

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According to CTV News: “Sunday afternoon, counter-protesters were still blocking Elgin Street to northbound vehicles. Police eventually closed Elgin Street and the Metcalfe off-ramp from the westbound Queensway.” 


Trudeau’s Counter-Offensive

A “mass movement” of Ottawa citizens in support of Justin Trudeau.

Not more than 30 frustrated protesters accusing the Ottawa Police of “Colluding with Terrorists”.

And the media applauds.

Elgin Street


“Authoritative” CBC Report

The counter protest movement “appears to be growing” according to the CBC:

As an ongoing protest against COVID-19 public health measures continues through its third weekend, resistance from Ottawa residents appears to be growing.

Counter protests began on Saturday, with hundreds marching through Ottawa’s Glebe neighbourhood, and continued Sunday morning as a group of people blocked a major intersection to prevent a number of vehicles from joining the main protest downtown.

The impromptu blockade began to form on Sunday morning at about 9 a.m., when roughly 20 residents stepped into the intersection at Bank Street and Riverside Drive.

My Question to Trudeau. Do you have the Support of the Canadian People?

1,4 million residents in the Greater Ottawa-Gatineau Metropolitan area. According to reports, a couple of hundred residents showed up.

And only “20 residents stepped into the intersection on Bank and Riverside Drive”.

And another 30 residents blocked Elgin at Argyle. (as reported by CTV)


How Many Canadians will Vote for Justin Trudeau?

Another relevant question. Do you have support within the Liberal Caucus?

Several Liberal members of Parliament support the Freedom Convoy. Alberta and Saskatchewan have scrapped the “Vaccine Passport”:

A backbench lawmaker from Justin Trudeau’s own caucus is accusing the prime minister of dividing and stigmatizing Canadians by politicizing vaccine mandates and Covid-19 restrictions. (Politico)

Is Your “Fringe” Minority Government on Its Way Out?


The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

“protects those basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians that are considered essential to preserving Canada as a free and democratic country. It applies to all governments – federal, provincial and territorial.”

Justin Trudeau is not only in blatant violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, he is now threatening Canadians who uphold the basic tenets of Canadian democracy. 

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Covid mandates filed a lawsuit in Federal CourtThe main applicant of this important legal procedure is the former Premier of Newfoundland  Brian Peckford, who was a  signatory of the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

 “When I heard Prime Minister Trudeau call the unvaccinated ‘racists,’ ‘misogynists, ‘anti-science’ and ‘extremist’ and his musing ‘do we tolerate these people?’ it became clear he is sowing divisions and advancing his vendetta against a specific group of Canadians—this is completely against the democratic and Canadian values I love about this country”,

These are some of the baseless accusations directed against Canadians by Prime Minster Trudeau (February 2, 2022)

According to Brian Peckford, Trudeau’s Covid mandates violate Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Video below:

Listen carefully to what Trudeau is saying in this nationwide address. 

His political rhetoric is despicable.

He is now threatening Canadians for abiding by the Charter (CRF) which he as Prime Minister of Canada has violated:

“If you joined the protests because you’re tired of Covid, you now need to understand that you are breaking laws

You don’t want to end up losing your license, end up with a criminal record, which will impact your job, your livelihood….

“”Severe consequences”, it’s “time to go home.”


Trudeau accuses the protesters of being “extremists”. 

See Global Research’s Video: The Protesters are Honest and Respectful


There was a specific court injunction in Windsor, Ontario (on behalf of City of Windsor and a manufacturing association), which allowed “police to remove protesters at critical bridge to the US”.

But this injunction does not apply to the protest movement in Ottawa and across Canada.



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This Judgment of the Appeals Court is of utmost importance for  Canada.

It has direct bearing on:

Canada’s Freedom Convoy Movement and the Vaccine Mandate decision by the Trudeau Government

In the U.S, it went through a legal procedure. Biden’s Executive Order was challenged and rejected in the Court of Appeal.

Feds for Medical Freedom et al v. Biden, Jr. et al, No. 3:2021cv00356 – Document 36 (S.D. Tex. 2022)

See below. Text of original January 21, 2022 procedure.




A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday refused to reinstate a vaccine mandate for federal employees, declining to overturn a ruling by a federal district court that had frozen the policy and setting the stage for a Supreme Court battle.

In another judicial defeat for the Biden administration, a U.S. appeals court on Wednesday refused to reinstate a COVID vaccine mandate for federal employees, declining to overturn a ruling by a federal district court that had frozen the policy.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 vote, declined to issue a stay against the injunction issued Jan. 21 by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas-Galveston division.

Instead, both parties to the case were requested to file arguments in March.

In its ruling in the Feds for Medical Freedom et al. v. Joseph R. Biden et. al. lawsuit, the 5th Circuit did not include an explanation.

Feds for Medical Freedom, a grassroots organization with about 6,000 members throughout the federal civil service, in December 2021 filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration and several federal agencies in December 2021.

Other parties to the lawsuit include AFGE Local 918, a union representing employees in the Federal Protective Service and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and several other individuals and federal contractors.

In their lawsuit, the groups sought to block two COVID vaccine mandates: one covering federal employees and the other for federal contractors.

In its initial ruling, the district court declined to rule on the contractor portion of the lawsuit, as that mandate is already subject to a separate nationwide injunction issued by a Georgia court in December 2021.

Although the 5th Circuit, in upholding the lower court’s ruling, declined to explain its reasoning, it did state it would expedite review of the case and the Biden administration’s request to place the district court’s ruling on hold would be “carried with the case” — meaning the appeals court would not rule on that request until a more thorough review of the case was conducted.

The vaccine mandate for federal workers, issued in a Sept. 9, 2021 executive order, required workers to receive COVID vaccines by Nov. 22, 2021 or face disciplinary action or termination. It applied to an estimated 3.5 million federal workers.

The executive order also removed the option for workers to apply for a medical or religious exemption.

In the original 20-page ruling by the lower court, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown found the president and his administration do not have the authority to impose such a mandate.

Lawyers for the government had argued federal law permits the president to “prescribe regulations for the conduct of employees in the executive branch,” and that the act of getting vaccinated falls under this definition of “conduct.”

The plaintiffs, however, claimed the conduct in question must fall under the specific definition of “workplace conduct” in order to be regulated by the president. As such, the plaintiffs argued Biden “acted beyond his lawful delegated authority” in issuing the mandate.

Brown, in his ruling, agreed with the assertion that the conduct did not fall under the definition of workplace conduct.

Brown also sided with the plaintiffs on the issue of “irreparable harm,” stating federal employees would meet that legal standard if faced with a choice between “violating a mandate of doubtful validity or consenting to an unwanted medical procedure that cannot be undone.”

As disciplinary actions against non-vaccinated federal employees were set to begin as soon as Jan. 21, Brown found this placed those employees at risk of “imminent harm” and required that his order take effect on that day.

Brown questioned the president’s power to mandate federal employees undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment, writing in his decision:

“This case is not about whether folks should get vaccinated against COVID-19 — the court believes they should. It is not even about the federal government’s power, exercised properly, to mandate vaccination of its employees.

“It is instead about whether the president can, with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress, require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment.

“That, under the current state of the law as just recently expressed by the Supreme Court, is a bridge too far.”

The ruling by Brown also extensively referenced the Jan. 13 U.S. Supreme Court decision which effectively struck down the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) vaccine mandate for private companies with 100 or more employees.

Brown found the Supreme Court’s decision made it clear a federal agency can impose workplace safety standards, but not public health measures:

“So, is submitting to a COVID-19 vaccine, particularly when required as a condition of one’s employment, workplace conduct? The answer to this question became a lot clearer after the Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this month.

“… [the law] authorizes the president to regulate the workplace conduct of executive-branch employees, but not their conduct in general. And in NFIB [the court case against the mandate for private corporations], the Supreme Court specifically held that COVID-19 is not a workplace risk, but rather a ‘universal risk’ that is ‘no different from the day-to-day dangers that all face from crime, air pollution, or any number of communicable diseases.

“The Supreme Court has expressly held that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate is not an employment regulation. And that means the President was without statutory authority to issue the federal worker mandate.”

Brown further stated his ruling would be applicable to all federal agencies nationwide, as it would be overly complicated to selectively block enforcement of the mandate only for the specific plaintiffs involved in the lawsuits or the particular agencies they are employed by.

Specifically, Brown’s ruling is applicable to federal civilian employees but is not applicable to a separate vaccine mandate issued for uniformed members of the military, which is facing a number of other lawsuits.

Brown added there was a high likelihood the employees in question would be terminated if the mandate was not blocked:

“The court does not have to speculate as to what the outcome of the administrative process will be. Many plaintiffs have not only declined to assert any exemption but have also submitted affidavits swearing they will not. The court takes them at their word.

“Many of these plaintiffs already have received letters from their employer agencies suggesting that suspension or termination is imminent, have received letters of reprimand, or have faced other negative consequences.”

In his dissent, District Court Judge Stephen A. Higginson wrote:

“Today, our court too refuses to rule. Thus, a presidential order affecting millions of federal employees has been enjoined nationwide, yet two separate federal courts have failed to rule on the Government’s emergency request for a stay.

“The only court that can now provide timely relief is the Supreme Court.”

Reacting to the lower court’s decision, Marcus Thornton, president of Feds for Medical Freedom, told The Epoch Times:

“Today’s decision by Judge Brown is a victory for the thousands of men and women who want to serve their government without sacrificing their individual rights.”

“The 6,000+ members of Feds for Medical Freedom want nothing more than to continue their service to this country without being subjected to unconstitutional mandates.

“For the time being, the court’s ruling grants them that wish, but the fight is far from over. We will continue to pursue every lawful avenue available to ensure our members’ rights are respected and their service is honored appropriately.”

Following the lower court’s decision, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) appealed the ruling, leading to the Feb. 9 decision by the Fifth Circuit.

The DOJ also separately challenged the injunction of the mandate for federal contractors.

As implied by Higginson in his dissent, legal observers believe the case is now likely to reach the Supreme Court.

The White House claimed, as of Jan. 21, 98% of federal employees had been vaccinated.


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

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First published by Global Research on February 8, 2022


On February 1st, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin highlighting the dramatic rise in adverse events reported in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) after the vaccines were rolled out to the military. If the vaccines are truly “safe and effective,” these increases are difficult to explain.

The original data 

Here are the resources with the original data:

  • Johnson’s 3 page letter to DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin III
  • Renz Law home page (includes video interviews)
  • Renz Law page on the DMED data with graphs (summary of the data)
  • The Excel spreadsheet with all the numbers. Note that the numbers in the purple coded rows are the “corrected” data which was issued after the “glitch” was noticed. Hospitalized means the patient was in the hospital. Ambulatory are the stats for outpatients. Also note that the percentage calculation is wrong: they should have subtracted 1 since a “2X increase” is the same as a “100% increase.”

About DMED

You can read about DMED here. Essentially, it is the official database of the 1.4M active duty DoD servicemen.

For a quick intro to the database, I highly recommend you watch this 2-minute video of Dr. Robert Malone talking about the DMED database: Dr. Malone states DoD is deleting data from its database to cover up damages done by the “vaccines”.

Why the DMED data is so important

There are 14 reasons why the DMED data is very important.

1. The individual doctors themselves realize that the vaccines are causing the harm documented in the DMED database. According to an insider I spoke to, around 40% of military docs realize what is going on, but doctors in the military can’t speak out against the vaccine because they are ordered not to say anything. So all these doctors have to remain silent. The data in DMED is their voice.

2. The original DMED data appears to be very reliable. It is hard for anyone to make excuses for the increased rates in the DMED database quoted in this letter because the event types with increases are all confirmed in the VAERS database. Unlike VAERS, this database cannot be dismissed using hand-waving arguments. DMED is not a self-reported database where reporting rates are unknown. It is a fully reported database where all the reports are from healthcare providers. In short, if the vaccines are safe, the DMED data is hard to explain. For example, you can’t pin the rise in events in 2021 on COVID since total hospital event rates declined in 2020 (relative to 2019) in both the original and corrected results. Note: The DoD now claims the 2016-2020 data was wrong and issued corrected values (graph on the right):

3. These are absolute rate increases. In VAERS, we’ll often compare a baseline rate of an event in prior years with the current year to look for a signal. This is a “differential signal” so high values are possible. For example, the reported VAERS rate for pulmonary embolism is 3 per year. Say it goes to 300 per year, a 100X jump. But if the baseline rates of PE are 1000, then on an absolute basis, this is just a 0.3X increase. So large absolute number jumps are very significant. This is exactly what we have in the DMED database: very large absolute jumps.

4. The effect sizes are huge. For example, the rates of hypertension increased by 21X from average in 2021. Nervous system diseases increased by a factor of 10.

5. Nobody can explain it. If it wasn’t the vaccine causing these huge increases in adverse events, what was it?

6. The military is deleting cases to make the effect size smaller.

7. It’s a great “conversation starter” with your pro-vax friends, local lawmakers, local health authority, and favorite fact-checkers. You simply ask a simple question, “How do you explain these dramatic rate increases in 2021 vs. the 5 year average?” This works particularly well at City Council meetings, school board meetings, and with lawmakers.

8. Symptoms with increases match the VAERS data. It is tough to claim the elevation in event rates is due to something else because a) the range of elevated symptoms is so large and b) the symptoms in DMED that are elevated match the symptoms in VAERS that are elevated.

9. The DoD is in a panic about this leaking out. This data wasn’t ever supposed to leak out. The only reason it leaked out is due to the efforts of three whistleblowers inside the DoD. According to an insider I spoke to, the DoD has no idea how they are going to cover it up. The only thing they’ve done is claim the 2016-2020 data is underreported, but this doesn’t match reality as I explain below.

10. Deliberate mainstream press cover-up. There is evidence that mainstream media reporters have been instructed not to cover this story or talk to Tom Renz. I verified this myself searching for articles about Renz in The New York Times and CNN. So you’ll only hear about it from alternative media. Think about it… this is one of the most explosive stories of the year (if not the decade) and the mainstream press isn’t covering it at all? What does that tell you? You don’t have to have a lot of critical thinking skills to figure that one out. It pretty much tells you everything you need to know: there is a massive cover up of adverse events.

11. It destroys the credibility of the CDC. I just finished watching the latest ACIP meeting where CDC officials said there were no safety signals (other than myocarditis) in both the VAERS and VSD system. Amazingly, there were no deaths from any mRNA vaccine. Zero. It also begs the question how they could possibly completely ignore all the safety signals in the DMED database. They didn’t even consider it. However, they are unlikely to ever answer that question. But when the Republicans come into power in the Senate in 2023, I’d expect that Senator Johnson will ask Rochelle Walensky why the CDC is ignoring this database.

12. The military can’t effectively refute it. After being confronted with the data, they now claim the 2016 to 2020 data was wrong. The problem is their new numbers are nonsensical as I explain below.

13. Symptoms that were not associated with the vaccines were not elevated in 2021. Symptoms unrelated to the vaccines weren’t elevated. So if there was a data glitch causing reduced reporting rates, how come only events related to the vaccine were elevated in 2021?

14. Total hospital event rates declined in 2020 (relative to 2019) in both the original and corrected results. What’s unique about the DMED database is that military hospitals don’t get COVID incentives. Total hospital event rates declined in 2020. If COVID is so dangerous, how do they explain that?

I spoke to a doctor in the military who confirmed the high incidence of vaccine-caused events in his practice

This doctor estimates that 85% of the military has been vaccinated, although the military official total is 93%.

The doctor is responsible for thousands of service members and has dozens of significant vaccine injuries that are VAERS reportable (most of which have not been filed).

This is a significant adverse event rate of more than 0.75%, i.e., nearly 1 in 100 soldiers are vaccine injured, some very seriously.

It’s important to note that the soldiers are tough and don’t want anything on their medical records that could limit their responsibilities. So many simply don’t report severe symptoms. So our .75% vaccine injury rate is likely an underestimate. And remember, this is in a very healthy young population.

This doctor has had zero VAERS reportable injuries in nearly two decades. So this suggests that the increased rate of reportable adverse events from these vaccines is far more than 500X. But other physicians I know with larger practices report elevated rates of from 600 to over 20,000 from the shots this year. In short, the number of adverse event reports from these vaccines is off the charts compared to other vaccines. This suggests that the 30X increase in the rate of adverse event reports in VAERS is because the vaccine is dangerous, not from reporting bias. It also suggests that VAERS is severely under-reported this year relative to other years by at least a factor of 10. The FDA has assumed that VAERS is over-reported compared to previous years by 30, our estimate is that VAERS is under-reported compared to previous years by 30. Note that this estimate (comparing the propensity to report between years) doesn’t change our minimum 41 under-reporting factor estimate for events this year.

This doctor had no doubts that the vaccine is causing these injuries. Over and over again, severe reactions (some never seen before in his/her career) all started happening shortly after the soldier was vaccinated.

DoD spokesman claims that the DMED database was underreported in 2016-2020 

A PolitiFact “fact check” noted that:

“But Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, told PolitiFact by email that ‘in response to concerns mentioned in news reports’ the division reviewed data in the DMED ‘and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020.’

Officials compared numbers in the DMED with source data in the DMSS and found that the total number of medical diagnoses from those years ‘represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses’. The 2021 numbers, however, were up-to-date, giving the ‘appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020’.

The DMED system has been taken offline to ‘identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption’.

What’s interesting is that only the event counts related to adverse events caused by the vaccines (as determined in VAERS) were affected by this “corruption”. That is, huge increases observed prior to the correction were only on symptoms that were vaccine-related, not on other symptoms. That makes their “corruption” explanation hard to explain. Very hard to explain.

How could a glitch in the computer only affect symptoms associated with the COVID vaccine? That would be the most amazing glitch in computer history. I would love to hear the explanation for that.

Why did the corruption only affect the years 2016 to 2020 and not 2021? Why, when we looked at the data before the corruption were only symptoms related to the vaccines elevated?

Others are shocked by this data as well 

I’m not the only one with doubts:

  • Evidence of Manipulation of Disease and Injury Data in US Military Database Suggests Fraud and Cover Up
  • DMED is a game-changer on vaccine safety

The more they try to cover this up, the more complicit they become.

You can easily determine for yourself who is lying

I wanted to see for myself who was lying so I picked an event that I’ve said for a long time has been highly elevated by the vaccines: pulmonary embolism. I didn’t cherry-pick this event. It was mentioned in my public ACIP testimony on January 4th, before I ever looked at any of the DMED data. But I’ve long highlighted pulmonary embolism as an elevated adverse event from the COVID vaccines.

If you download Renz’s spreadsheet, look at the spreadsheet tabs where it has the original data on the left and the “after the corruption was fixed” data on the right.

In the case above, I looked at the pulmonary embolism tab in the spreadsheet. The incidence of PE is estimated to be approximately 60 to 70 per 100,000 in the general population. This means that for the 1.4M members of the military in the DMED database, we’d expect fewer than 839 to 979 events per year since people in the military are healthier in general than the overall population.

On the left in the chart below are the numbers before the data was “fixed” by the DoD on January 31st, 2022. The rates on the left experienced nearly exactly match what would be expected. In four of the 5 years before the vaccine, the numbers were below 839. And even in the peak year (2020), the numbers are below 979.

The rates on the right-hand side after the “corruption” was corrected are simply too high to be believed, roughly around 3 times higher than the normal rates. How do they explain that?

But there are other examples of data manipulation that was done that are even more obvious, even to totally untrained observers. I’ll reveal those later since I don’t want to help them clean up the manipulated data… those smoking guns will be revealed later.

The corrected increases from the letter

Note that the percentage increases were improperly calculated in the spreadsheet and the letter (which just used the numbers from the spreadsheet). The correct numbers are shown below (a 200% increase means the numbers increased by a factor of 3).

1. Hypertension – 2,081% increase

2. Diseases of the nervous system – 948% increase

3. Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 794% increase

4. Multiple sclerosis – 580% increase

5. Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 524% increase

6. Guillain-Barre syndrome – 451% increase

7. Breast cancer – 387% increase

8. Demyelinating – 387% increase

9. Neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 374% increase

10. Female infertility – 372% increase

11. Pulmonary embolism – 368% increase

12. Migraines – 352% increase

13. Ovarian dysfunction – 337% increase

14. Testicular cancer – 269% increase

15. Tachycardia – 202% increase

This data (and the subsequent cover-up attempt) is a smoking gun

The symptoms that are elevated in DMED match up with the elevated symptoms in VAERS?

How do they explain that away?

Ask your pro-vax friends, doctors, reporters, public health officials, school board members, city council members, and local, state, and federal lawmakers the next time you see them to explain the DMED data. They will tell you they are “looking into it and will get back to you” and never will.

Comments from Jason Fields, active-duty in the Air Force

One of my readers, Jason Fields, is an active-duty Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force serving in a United States Space Force unit. He has declined to take the COVID-19 vaccine and is seeking a vaccine accommodation waiver from Space Systems Command for both the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines.

He pointed this out:

“One of the problems, as mentioned in the post, is that a lot of the military medical community is not willing to recognize and/or record possible vaccine injuries. I have a number of documented cases where military members who believe they have suffered a serious vaccine injury are totally blown off by the military medical community. The military members are told ‘there is no way‘ or ‘I guarantee the issues are not related to the vaccine’. Imagine the numbers if the medical community took this seriously. In any other situation it would be considered medical malpractice to not fully investigate these medical issues and the root cause.

Faith in military medicine among the force was already somewhere near the garbage can pre-COVID…now it is sitting somewhere 6 feet under in the landfill. Between the mask and vaccine coercion the rank and file’s trust of the medical community is at an all time low.

The obvious answer to the rhetorical question of ‘What is the justification for him not issuing such an order?’ is there is no justification and obviously he won’t do it. Nobody likes to admit they were wrong…especially the government and military.

General Austin needs to step up for transparency

General Austin isn’t being transparent with the American people.

If General Austin were to issue a blanket order directed to all military doctors to speak freely and honestly about patient statistics without fear of retribution, we would be hearing a far different story than we are hearing now.

But General Austin, who could easily issue such an order, never will because it would destroy the “safe and effective” narrative and he would be fired.

In the current situation, now that “the cat is out of the bag,” the fact that he’s not issuing such an order for transparency so that America could hear the truth tells you everything you need to know.

No mainstream “fact-checker” is going to ask General Austin why he doesn’t issue such an order. The mainstream press will not either; they will not touch this story with a ten-foot pole. I guarantee it.

If our men in uniform are injured, it should never be due to a deliberate order from their commanding officers requiring them to inject themselves with a known dangerous substance that could kill or disable them. They have a right to know the truth about the vaccines. Ordering the mainstream media and military doctors to remain silent (which is the case today) is not the way for the truth to come out.

Every American should demand that General Austin allow military doctors to speak the truth and protect them from retribution

Every American should demand that General Austin immediately order all military doctors to speak truthfully about what is going on with their own patients after being vaccinated and protect all those doctors from any retribution.

Is there any justification for him not issuing such an order? I can’t think of one.


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All images in this article are from The COVID World

“The Truth Of COVID-19: The India Statement.”

February 13th, 2022 by Walter Gelles

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The Honourable Prime Minister of India
Shri Narendra Modi
New Delhi, India

Dear Prime Minister:

On 22 December 2021 a group of distinguished doctors, medical scientists, and epidemiologists from India and around the world sent you an urgent document, “The Truth Of COVID-19: The India Statement.”  Supported by a 61-page dossier citing the relevant scientific literature, plus the signatures of Indian civil servants, civic organizations, and many “deeply concerned mothers, fathers, husbands and wives,” they requested you to take immediate action to halt the COVID-19 vaccination program.

(“The India Statement” can be accessed via this link)

It is evident from your recent statements and from developments in India that their urgent message has thus far gone unheeded by you.  That would be a tragic mistake.  I know you care very deeply about the people of India and the Indian nation, and you work tirelessly on their behalf like no other Indian leader has done.  So I am writing this “Open Letter” in the hope that you will rethink India’s strategy for coping with the Covid situation.

Key points to consider

First, let me briefly recap some of the main points in “The India Statement.”  It is a historic document and speaks for itself:

  • “A corona virus vaccine has never before been used successfully. One problem has been the development of Antibody Disease Enhancement (ADE). The vaccine produces antibodies, but sometimes this does not prevent disease – it instead makes the disease more serious and ADE can extend into the future.”
  • “All vaccines use the spike protein. It was thought to be a good idea at first, because the virus uses its spike protein to attach to the host cells. However, we now know this is a blunder and a major catastrophe. The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus that causes major (vascular) disease. It is confirmed that the synthetic spike protein of the vaccines is also toxic and is similarly causing clotting and bleeding disorders etc.”

“Many thousands of people taking the vaccine have died.  The data of adverse effects and deaths as a result of the vaccines is sending shock waves in the scientific community and recipient human population in all countries.”

  • “…It is now conclusive that the vaccine leaves the injection site, which is the arm, and contrary to what was assumed, and unexpectedly, travels into the bloodstream, ie spreads all over the body including with concentrations in the ovaries, in the bone marrow and lymph nodes….Given what is known of the spike protein and its ability to cause major disease, this is very dangerous. The potential to cause diseases of the bone marrow and in the long term, to affect the reproductive ability of women is unknown. 
  • “Mass roll-out of the vaccines is putting selection pressure on the virus to evolve into a strain that is resistant to the vaccine, like the Delta Variant, which emerged in India.  Now we have Omicron. This is well-known science that follows the same pattern as for example, in antibiotic resistance.”

“The protective effect of the vaccines is waning rapidly and is now below the required regulatory efficacy of at least 50%.”

  • “Unlike vaccine immunity (which is also narrow, variant-specific), people who recover from Covid-19 develop natural immunity, which is long lasting with antibodies that are effective against several viruses/variants. Such persons need not be vaccinated, saving the exchequer crores of rupees. Indeed, it is potentially dangerous for such persons to be vaccinated. A large percentage of the Indian population, around 70%+, already have this natural immunity according to the ICMR [Indian Council of Medical Research]. This is called ‘Herd Immunity’, which also means that infections will die down. Vaccines are not required.”
  • “The US FDA is withdrawing the current RT-PCR because in its present form @ high Cts (cycle thresholds) and faulty assays, the Covid and Flu viruses are not distinguishable. It is widely acknowledged by experts that determination of Covid cases has been significantly faulty, giving rise to great numbers of false positives. The ramifications have been severe on India (and worldwide), including causing widespread panic.” 
  • “First, routine RT-PCR testing as presently conducted, including on asymptomatic cases should be discontinued. They have fueled a significantly wrong statistic of Covid infections, resulting in flawed policy-responses, have caused panic and great harm. 
  • “Second, given the facts, it is clear that the vaccines have failed to provide immunity. They also fail to stop transmission from those vaccinated. Thus, they have failed to perform as vaccines….Under these circumstances, medical science does not support the continued roll-out of these vaccines. We risk more variants, (ADE) a potential medical nightmare.”

“Moreover, the recent findings that the vaccine spike protein is biologically active means that it is very dangerous and we are endangering our population through the mass vaccination drive. This fact allows us no alternative. Prime Minister, India must stop vaccinations with immediate effect. (emphasis added)

“…Finally, and not least…we are confident in the solutions to Covid-19, which is an entirely treatable disease.  Preventive measures, early treatment and treatment protocols through all the stages of the disease with Ivermectin (Pg 58-60) and other off-label drugs are proven (Ref Pt. 12 (Pgs. 56- 60))….Very early on, India took exemplary action with regard to the ICMR guideline on HDQ (hydroxychloroquine) and Uttar Pradesh State with its public health measure of dispensing Ivermectin, which was an acknowledged success. We need to widen these measures across India. Both are ‘repurposed’ drugs, are medically proven and safe solutions, and there are others in our toolkit of medical products, along with vitamins (D, C and zinc).”

“India can be a beacon of light to other nations, to show the way.”

Are the gene-based vaccines a depopulation tool?

Prime Minister, please refer to the signed letter in “The India Statement” from Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice-President and Chief Science Officer for Allergic and Respiratory.  In interviews and articles, Dr. Yeadon has stated that all the gene-based Covid vaccines amount to “premeditated murder.”

Basing his conclusion on his 30-year medical research career, Yeadon finds only one conceivable purpose for these vaccines: depopulation.  Many other distinguished physicians, immunologists, virologists, molecular geneticists, epidemiologists, and public health officials have reached the same conclusion, but their voices are silenced by the Mainstream Media which is heavily controlled by Big Pharma and globalist corporate interests.  So are the so-called “Fact Checkers,” who twist the truth-tellers’ words, while Social Media censors and demonizes these independent voices.

Dr. Yeadon in his letter estimates that the rate of vaccine-induced deaths from the COVID-19 jabs is greater than that from any previous vaccine—on the order of 60-fold!  He says the “astonishingly high” rate of adverse events and deaths following COVID-19 vaccination constitutes “the greatest failure of medicinal product regulation in relation to reproductive health since thalidomide and is very much greater in terms of societal impact.” (emphasis in original).  Calling for the immediate suspension of all the vaccines, Dr. Yeadon continues: “We have NEVER, since thalidomide, exposed women of childbearing potential and ESPECIALLY NEVER pregnant women to ANY novel, experimental pharmaceutical product without that product first having completed a full battery of reproductive toxicology tests” and follow-up pilot studies.  This was not done with the Covid vaccines.

Dr. Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize-winning French virologist who led the team that identified the AIDS virus (HIV), states that because of the Covid vaccines “We are currently facing the greatest risk of worldwide genocide in the history of humanity.”  He calls the mass vaccine program for COVID-19 “an enormous mistake…a scientific error as well as a medical error….The history books will show that.”   Dr. Montagnier believes, along with many other scientists,  “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”  These virus variants are resistant to the vaccine, so in every country “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”

Furthermore, Dr. Montagnier warns the COVID-19 vaccines “are likely to cause neurological diseases, very serious brain diseases.  Sometimes the neurological signs already manifest themselves after the second booster shot.”

Prime Minister Modi, please look closely at “The Vaccine Death Report,” a comprehensive 52-page study co-authored by Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D., former personal physician of President Donald Trump, and investigative journalist David John Sorensen (pdf downloadable).  The scientific data presented in this report convincingly demonstrates that millions of people around the world have died from the mRNA Covid injections, while hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects that often permanently disable the victims for life.  Both the mRNA shots (Pfizer and Moderna) and the adenoviral-vector shots (Oxford-AstraZeneca, Covishield, Johnson & Johnson) force the human body to manufacture hundreds of millions of synthetic spike proteins.

“We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide,” the authors of ‘The Vaccine Death Report’ warn.  “The  data  shows  that  we  are  currently  witnessing  the  greatest  organized  mass  murder  in  the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise up to the defense of billions of innocent people?  Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit?  Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are rising up against this criminal operation. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice.”

Official data support the equation: COVID-19 vaccines = mass murder

Prime Minister, the death toll in this so-called pandemic has been vastly exaggerated.  SARS-CoV-2 has an average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.26% to 0.27% according to dozens of peer-reviewed studies—roughly the same as the seasonal flu.  There was never any need for lockdowns, masks, or for that matter, vaccines.  But the Mainstream Media’s relentless fear-mongering campaign corralled millions of people into the pen of vaccine compliance.

And when you take into account “the fudge factor,” the Infection Fatality Rate is actually much lower.  By this I mean the statistical manipulation—counting of “death with the presence of COVID-19″ as “death by COVID-19.”  That is unscientific and a fraud.

On top of that, the bogus RT-PCR test can’t differentiate between COVID-19 and the seasonal flu.  The Polymerase Chain Reaction technique was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool.  It is incapable of diagnosing any infectious disease, as was emphasized by Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR technique.

The RT-PCR test approved for the pandemic was funded by Bill Gates through his support for a shady virology research group in Berlin.  Gates then promoted this invention to his friends at the World Health Organization (WHO), which approved it despite its multiple documented shortcomings.  Gates controls the WHO through his billions of dollars in funding.

Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the WHO have admitted the worthlessness of the test, it continues to be used in India and elsewhere to generate mountains of junk data.  The rapid antigen test also has a high rate of false positives,

VASTLY UNDERREPORTED by the health authorities and the news media are the deaths and injuries directly caused by the COVID-19 vaccines.  The official data of the adverse-events reporting systems of the United States, United Kingdom, and European Union clearly indicate that the Covid vaccines are responsible for unprecedented numbers of deaths, permanent injuries, and hospitalizations.  

In the United States, the CDC’s VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) reports:

  • 21,745 Covid vaccine-related deaths
  • 4,986,087 vaccine injuries (as of 7 January 2022)

VAERS is a passive reporting system that registers “fewer than 1% of adverse reactions” (including death) according to a US Department of Health and Human Services/Harvard Medical School study. That means potentially 2.1 million people have been killed by the COVID-19 jabs, with countless injuries including permanent paralysis,  multi-organ system failure in children and adults, permanent vision loss, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, strokes, large blood clots, mini-clots blocking the capillary network, hemorrhage, miscarriage, stillbirth, Guillain-Barré disease, damage to lungs, kidneys, and pancreas, inflammation of heart and brain, brain tumors, spinal damage, immune system impairment, painful Bell’s Palsy (facial paralysis) lasting weeks, anaphylactic shock, profound non-stop fatigue, and many other negative outcomes. 

In their first four months, the experimental COVID-19 vaccines racked up more deaths and severe adverse events than all other vaccines COMBINED in VAERS’s entire 31-year history.

Prime Minister, that’s one reason why Dr. Vernon Coleman, beloved best-selling British medical authority, has called the COVID-19 genetic vaccine “the most lethal medical product in history.”

The official figures for the UK and EU are just as horrifying.  Their reporting-systems are said to capture, at best, only 10% of vaccine-related deaths and adverse events.  Here is the total for USA/UK/EU:

  • 61,654 COVID-19 injection related deaths
  • 9,755,085 injuries reported (as of 28 January 2022).

The Mainstream Media is silent about this ongoing holocaust.  If a news story does mention such a death, it’s called “a coincidence,” no relation to the vaccine.  Yet innumerable vaccine victims die within 1-3 days after getting the jab, and millions more immediately go downhill post-inoculation, progressively deteriorate, and never recover.

This is no coincidence.  It is mass murder.

And what is the situation in India?

The situation in India with respect to the vaccine drive is exactly as outlined above, but it is kept well-hidden from the public.

The Awaken India Movement publishes an ongoing compilation of the reported deaths which have occurred post-vaccination in India. As of 4 February 2022 the document lists 12,586 deaths—more than 90% of them from the Covishield injection.  In India, as you know, Covishield accounts for 86% of doses administered and Covaxin for 13% (Times Of India, 17 January 2022).  Covaxin is a “traditional” vaccine that does not force the body to manufacture spike proteins, yet it has also been linked to at least 100 deaths and vaccine injuries in India, as per the report.  I urge you to read it.  It can be accessed here.

By comparison, India’s official Adverse Events Following Immunization reporting system records only 1,013 deaths following the jab and at least 70,102 adverse events as of 30 January 2022.  A government panel concluded that over half of the serious adverse events were due to anxiety (!)  This is clearly a whitewash.

Covishield, manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, is the rebranded AstraZeneca vaccine, which has been linked to many deaths globally from blood clots and other side effects;  the AstraZeneca vaccine has been suspended in many countries.

Bharat Biotech, manufacturer of the Covaxin vaccine, “was backed since its inception by Bill Gates and the international pharma lobby,”

an exposé by reveals.  “Bharat Biotech is the first Indian company to receive massive grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for vaccine against Rotavirus called Rotavac. The vaccine was given green light by the authorities even before its trials were complete, and its efficacy is mired in controversy till today with cases pending in the Supreme Court.”  (How Bill Gates Created Bharat Biotech – India’s “Swadeshi” COVID-19 Vaccine COVAXIN Maker, Jan. 24, 2021)

The official vaccine casualty data cited above for India are the tip of the iceberg, just like in the USA, UK, and EU.  As Yohan Tengra, a founding member of the Awaken India Movement, explains, “India’s vaccine adverse events reporting system has narrowed its criteria in order to make it more difficult to link post-injection death or injury to the jab.  It has been rigged by the vaccine manufacturers.  Earlier, India had a much more meaningful system in which the adverse event was rated on a scale of probability (possible / likely / very likely linked to the jab).  That system was discarded.”

“We are seeing a lot of myocarditis, thrombosis, and many other adverse events in India.  But the health bureaucracy hasn’t advertised the system so almost no one knows about it.  The general population are hesitant to blame the vaccination for an adverse event because they have been deluged with TV propaganda.  Even if someone files a complaint, it goes from local committee to state committee to national committee.  The national committee has been thwarted by the vaccine manufacturers.”

Mr. Tengra’s critique is supported by a letter dated 16 March 2021 to top government officials in charge of India’s pandemic response.  Written by 29 eminent Indian health professionals and others, it calls for an “urgent investigation of deaths and serious adverse events following administration of COVID-19 vaccine.”  This letter and the Indian government’s wishy-washy response suggest a massive cover-up of the harmful effects of the Covishield vaccine. (Experts Press Officials in Charge of Vaccine Drive for Info on Adverse Events)

Prime Minister, the evidence is overwhelming that the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines are causing massive, unprecedented deaths and injuries in India and around the world.

This needs to stop.  Do you want your legacy to be willing participation in this slow-burn genocide?  Do you want to be remembered as the Prime Minister who presided over—and did nothing to halt—a man-made genocide worse than Winston Churchill’s mass-murder of millions of Indians in the engineered Bengal famine of 1943-44?

Indians are gradually waking up to the grave dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines and the vastly exaggerated fake pandemic.  There are many YouTube channels (mostly in Hindi) exposing these truths.  Resistance is building to the unnecessary, destructive lockdowns, masks, the vaccines and health “passports”  which violate the Nuremberg code of medical ethics.  Recent protests have been held in Mumbai and Meghalaya.

The truth will eventually become known to a multitude of Indians.  The people whom you care deeply about. 

Stop the Covid vaccination of children

Prime Minister Modi, India’s Covid vaccination program aimed at children is unwarranted, wholly unnecessary, basically a huge cash bonanza for the Big Pharma vaccine companies.  It’s true that so far, only the “traditional” vaccine Covaxin is permitted for persons under age 18 in India.  However, Covaxin has been linked to many deaths in boys and girls as young as age 15, as documented in the Awaken India Movement’s compilation cited earlier. Many of these young people suffered excruciating adverse events shortly after getting the jab and died a short time later.

These reported cases, as I mentioned, are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.  Even more alarming, India plans to roll out Covovax, a gene-based, spike-protein-producing vaccine for children within the next few months.

Prime Minister, if I may speak bluntly, that would be a criminal mistake.  Your aggressive push to vaccinate all 15- to 17-year-olds, and to extend that jab campaign to 12- to 14-year-olds by the end of February will only make matters worse.  “We can’t vaccinate our way out of this,” as Dr. Peter McCullough, prolific expert on COVID-19 treatment, explained.  The Covid vaccines have been a spectacular failure despite the vaccine companies’ grossly inflated claims.  These vaccines don’t provide immunity or prevent transmission of the virus.  People will need a booster, then another and another.  In fact, there is much epidemiological and clinical evidence that the vaccines are spreading disease.

Children have essentially zero risk from Covid infection, whereas the risks posed by the vaccines are severe.  Children have strong natural immunity, a thousand times stronger than the temporary protection offered by any vaccine, and their natural immunity also protects them against viral strains.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, leading German immunologist and microbiologist, says: “If you give your child the Covid jab, you are committing a crime.”  Please look at these two short videos:

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “These Vaccines are Killing the Young and the Old, They are Killing our Children

If you give your child the jab, you are committing a crime

Dr. Geert vanden Bossche, eminent virologist and vaccine developer, calls the Covid vaccination of children “an unforgivable sin.”  He maintains that the COVID-19 jabs suppress natural antibodies that children need to fight a host of diseases.  Dr. vanden Bossche is a former senior officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and has worked with pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis.

Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the core platform technology used for the Pfizer and Moderna shots, warns that the gene-based Covid vaccines

“often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including: their brain and nervous system; their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots; their reproductive system, and this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.  The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable….And this vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family”

Prime Minister, please see the testimonial in “The Indian Statement” from Dr. Theresa Lawrie, M.D., Ph.D.  She calls for the immediate suspension of all the COVID-19 vaccines for all children and adults in the UK. Dr. Lawrie is director of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy in the United Kingdom.

Finally, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, top Canadian pathologist, declares: “Vaccination of children amounts to despicable child sacrifice.”  He explains: “Historically we never vaccinate the healthy to protect the sick.  Children should never be vaccinated as they do not die of the infection (unless severely immunocompromised), do not spread the disease, and are particularly susceptible to devastating complications such as myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).” 

Dr. Hodkinson adds:  “None of the mandates have any consensus in the medical literature for effectiveness.  I include in that statement: masks, social distancing, travel bans, and lockdowns.  In fact, they have had terrible adverse consequences involving physical and mental health, and particularly the economic circumstances of the poorest strata of society.”

Prime Minister, if you continue down this road, you will be creating a whole generation of youth with irreversible heart damage, blood-related problems, and compromised immune systems.

The vaccine drive aimed at children must be halted at once.  You don’t want your legacy to be the murder and maiming of India’s younger generation, under the direction of a globalist cabal that has largely shaped India’s public health policies.  This globalist cabal does not mean well for you, or for the Indian people. 

The Great Reset

Prime Minister, a tiny group of super-wealthy oligarchs—perhaps One-Thousandth Of One Percent of humanity (or less)—is seeking to reshape the world by subverting democratic governance, drastically reducing the Earth’s population, and installing a totalitarian One World Government managed by technocrats and a super-rich ruling elite.  The engineered COVID-19 pandemic is the opening salvo in this war against humanity.

This globalist cabal is centered around the World Economic Forum which predicted that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”  In the WEF’s Great Reset, billions of “useless eaters” will be eliminated, harmful genetic vaccines will be mandatory, a digital social-credit system (as in China) will monitor people’s behavior, and those who do not comply will be eliminated.  Architects of this totalitarian scheme include World Economic Forum CEO Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the World Health Organization, Big Pharma, and Communist China.

Does this sound like a “conspiracy theory” to you?  It is already happening in Australia, New Zealand, France, Austria, Germany, Italy and numerous other authoritarian regimes throughout the world.  It’s no longer a conspiracy theory, it is conspiracy fact, documented in several well-researched scholarly books (listed below).   

In India, this One-Thousandth Of One Percent is hard at work.  Public health policy in India is to a large extent steered by a globalist cabal that includes Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, World Bank, USAID, and vaccine manufacturers, as documented by Yohan Tengra in his exhaustive analysis, “India’s Covid-19 Task Force & ‘Experts’ Exposed: Conflicts of Interest in Our Public Health System” (See this).

The Public Health Foundation Of India (PHFI), which influences all pandemic policy and COVID-19 vaccine decisions in India, counts among its heavy financial donors the Gates Foundation, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, USAID, Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, World Bank, PATH (a Gates-funded NGO), Eli Lilly,  Bayer, and U.S. National Institutes of Health.  PHFI was started with initial funding of 65 crore given by the Gates Foundation and 65 crore given by the Indian Government.

All of this creates massive conflicts of interest, meaning that India’s key health agencies serve globalist puppet-masters pulling the strings rather than serving the Indian people, according to Tengra.  He notes that the same globalist cabal has deep connections to members of India’s National Task Force for COVID-19 which has been responsible for the aggressive push for lockdowns, mandatory mask requirements, forced testing of asymptomatics, dropping ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from the national protocol, and suppressing vaccine adverse events.

Moreover, as the exposé discloses, “The pharma lobby behind these COVID-19 vaccines are directly tied to the British Eugenics Movement. The Wellcome Trust, GAVI [Gates’s “Vaccine Alliance”], and the Galton Institute have direct longstanding ties to the UK Eugenics movement.  The latter organization, named for the ‘father of eugenics’ Francis Galton, is the re-named UK Eugenics Society, a group notorious for its promotion of racist pseudoscience and efforts to ‘improve racial stock’ by reducing the population of those deemed inferior for over a century.” (emphasis added)

“British-led GAVI has managed to infiltrate India’s healthcare policy-making, thereby gaining a strategic position to dictate India’s response to coronavirus.  GAVI is largely funded by the British government and Bill Gates….Known as the Vaccine Cartel or Pharma Cartel by critics, its vaccines have been accused of causing at least 38 million premature deaths worldwide.  There are currently no laws in India that would protect victims of the COVID-19 vaccine side-effects according to legal experts. There is no law for vaccine compensation in India.”

A course-correction is urgently needed

Prime Minister, please read Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s important “Appeal For An Anti-Globalist Alliance” (excerpted below):

“For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders. All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices. Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency….

“This global coup d’état deprives citizens of any possibility of defense, since the legislative, executive, and judicial powers are complicit in the violation of law, justice, and the purpose for which they exist. It is a global coup d’état because this criminal attack against citizens extends to the whole world, with very rare exceptions. It is a world war, where the enemies are all of us, even those who unwittingly have not yet understood the significance of what is happening. It is a war fought not with weapons but with illegitimate rules, wicked economic policies, and intolerable limitations of natural rights.

“Supranational organizations, financed in large measure by the conspirators of this coup d’état, are interfering in the government of individual nations and in the lives, relationships, and health of billions of people. They are doing it for money, certainly, but even more so in order to centralize power so as to establish a planetary dictatorship. It is the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. It is the plan of the New World Order, in which a Universal Republic enslaves everyone….

“In the face of this global coup d’état, it is necessary to form an international Anti-Globalist Alliance, which gathers all those who want to oppose the dictatorship, who have no intention of becoming slaves to a faceless power, who are not willing to cancel their own identity, their own individuality, their own religious faith….

“I call upon rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an Alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point-by-point the errors and deviations of the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a political program inspired by the common good….” (See this)

Prime Minister, I will close this long letter by quoting one of your eloquent, moving poems, “Song of a New Direction”:

I want to draw the picture of a new direction

And give it the shape of progress….

I want to sing the song

Of mid-afternoon’s hot sun.

Instilling the radiance in those very children

Just you wait and see.

In the album after this day there will be no stain

But alas, before this moment

The warm blood of so many children

Has infused these stalks, and flowed into this earth

This is why I beseech you,

Stop growing these unkind shoots

For I want to sing the song of a new direction,

Of progress so true.

Prime Minister Modi, you can take India in a new direction, saving the children and adults of India from a manufactured crisis.  You can free India from the globalist yoke, thereby restoring sanity and health to your people.

India will then set an example for the whole world to follow.

Most respectfully,

Walter Gelles


This “Open Letter” was emailed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at [email protected] and [email protected]

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This was first published on StateoftheNation.

Different methods in choosing and employing judges form a possible factor in the contrasting judicial reception to schemes for mandatory injections in the United States and Canada.

The fact that some judges in the United States are elected, might make the US judicial system more prone to reflect political tensions like those that set state authorities against federal structures of power and influence.  


This is Part II of Professor Anthony Hall’s analysis. To Read Part I click below:

A Power-Grab at Levels Never Before Seen in the History of the World? The Coronavirus Hustle Exposed

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 25, 2021


In Canada too, judges tend to be creatures of politics but in ways less obvious than the elected judges of the United States. All Canadian judges derive their positions from selection processes led by elected officials. In the current climate, this process of judicial appointment seems to make the Canadian judiciary more prone to go along with government initiatives done in the name of fighting COVID-19.  

For whatever reasons, judges have not been inclined to look diligently into the extensive data amassed by some litigants alleging that governments have misrepresented the true facts of the matter.

They have not seriously investigated the arguments that the aggressive restrictions on civil liberties have been completely disproportionate with the actual scale of the supposed medical emergency. Judges have not been diligent in following evidence-based science. Instead of doing due diligence, most judicial arbiters of the restrictions done in the name of emergency measures in Canada have been content to accept at face value government rationales for government policies and actions. 

The fact that virtually all elected officials in the Canadian Parliament are virtually in lockstep on COVID policies, is increasing the pressure felt by magistrates to join the government consensus. This judicial failure of independent arbitration has added to the failure by leading figures in the media and academia to provide the necessary checks and balances to reign in government malfeasance just at the time when such correctives are needed the most. 

It is fair to question what is going on behind-the-scenes when all of society’s most powerful agencies, including the Canadian judiciary, have coalesced so tightly in support of such a nonsensical agenda. In today’s world the evidence has become overwhelming that bribery, extortion and blackmail figure prominently in the exercise of power. This propensity is especially prominent in places where the concentration of influence and wealth is most pronounced. 

The wheels of deception and repression are especially well greased in the manufacturing of this COVID crisis. The evidence is overwhelming that huge flows of black budget money have been circulating. It can easily be surmised that much of it is ending up in the pockets of politicians, public health officials, medical mafioso, union personnel, jurists, professors, and other so-called “public intellectuals. 

The money is changing hands as payments for echoing and implementing the talking points stated by the likes of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and their huge entourages of lawyers, fixers, enforcers, spin doctors, and creative accountants. The money is being used to mount the theatrics of political manipulation in venues that once upheld enlightened principles and practices of public health. 

In concluding the essay where the co-authors outline some of the financial aspects of the COVID scam being pressed upon us, Dr. Elizabeth Vliet and Ali Shultz explain,

Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life.”

The rigging of the system in Canada, the USA and the world is to usher in new ways of life and death in a polarized society of masters and slaves. The ultimate funders pushing this agenda are the world’s top echelon of private central bankers whose core institution is the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements. These top bankers tend to see themselves as chosen ones who have acquired sovereign charters to make debt-laden money materialize out of thin air.

This tiny cabal of international financiers at the top of global organized crime have launched yet another coup. Their transhumanist reset is in part a war aimed especially at eliminating middle class people, including millions of small business owners. Small business owners and decently-paid professional people tend to retain some measure of financial independence.  

This independence often translates into the ingredients of more self-determination in personal life and in procedures of governance. It is this form of individual and collective autonomy that a coalition of multi-billionaires and bankers are now trying to set aside altogether. This aim is ultimately to sabotage the little that remains of democracy and the fragile remnants of the rule of law.  

A key to the viability of the rule of law lies in the integrity of the systems of checks and balances. The subjugation of checks and balances by the power of money, but especially by off-the-books-black-budget money, is now on public display for those with attentive eyes to see and sensitive ears to hear.      

The refusal of several Canadian judges to find legal fault with the design and implementation of COVID policies, has repeatedly come down to the judiciary’s assertion that the adversaries of government actions have failed to prove “irreparable harm.”  In a December 13 ruling on on a case brought against the government of Canada by an employee of a federal contractor, Justice Simon Fothergill ruled,

Put simply, a vaccine mandate does not cause irreparable harm because it does not force vaccination… The loss of employment, while a significant and important consequence, is something that can be compensated in monetary damages.”

This strange ruling follows a prior decision in Saskatchewan that supports the vaccine mandates coercively imposed on employees of Crown corporations including SaskTel, SaskEnergy, and SaskPower. The presiding judge decided that the applicants for an injunction to block the mandated jabs, failed to prove “irreparable harm.”

The need in Canadian law to prove “irreparable harm” as a necessary condition for obtaining injunctions from the courts, goes back to a precedent set in 1994. The need for proof of irreparable harm was established in a tobacco case brought by RJR-Macdonald Inc. against the government of Canada.

It is ironic that the sanctioning of vaccine mandates in Canada depends on judicial rulings that highlight the supposed failure to prove “irreparable harm.” The evidence has become overwhelming that the COVID injections are significant sources of irreparable harm whether taken voluntarily or as a condition of either employment or access to education.

How much irreparable harm has already been inflicted by COVID jabs?

Systems of government record keeping on COVID injections have become so inept that they seem to have been purposely designed to undercount the real number of vaccine deaths and injuries.

This chicanery with numbers is a telling hallmark of those that have been busily manufacturing this COVID crisis. They have been fudging all sorts of counts including, for instance, those that vastly overstate the numbers of COVID “cases” and COVID deaths. At the same time they have been aggressively undercounting and covering up injection casualties.

Even within the framework of the COVID Officialdom’s unreliable and often dishonest system of keeping and reporting records, the published numbers in the USA, UK, and the EU combined, show many tens of thousands of vaccine mortalities as well as millions of adverse side effects.

Many of the so-called adverse events involve rare or unheard-of ailments new to medical science. How is it that the evidence of injection deaths and injuries was left unaddressed in Canadian judicial rulings arguing that the citizen litigants failed to prove irreparable harm? Why is the Canadian system of counting death and injuries even more sketchy than those in the US, the UK and the EU?

The evidence is overwhelming that significant portions of humanity subjected to mass vaccinations have been irreparably harmed? The jabs- for-jobs ultimatums kicked into high gear in the transition period from the summer to the fall of 2021. In the course of this transition the majority of doctors declined to uphold their Hippocratic Oaths.

Too many doctors reneged on their primary professional promise by participating in rolling out the irreparable harm wrought by COVID jabs causing such high rates of vaccine injury and death.  Then when the news began to break in hospitals about the extent of the damage being wrought, many medical professionals chose to deny and cover up the phenomenon.

How many jabbed patients diagnosed with new cases of COVID-19 were really vaccine injuries being misrepresented?

The pathological secrecy and dishonesty of the statistical reporting can now be looked at in retrospect through a recent release of previously-hidden Pfizer documents. The documents were obtained through a successful Freedom of Information procedure. In an internal report intended exclusively for the eyes of Pfizer officials, it was recorded that Pfizer shots resulted in 1,200 reports of vaccine deaths and tens of thousands more of adverse events.

From the very beginning of this massive medical experiment on human subjects, then, it was well known by the leading vaccine maker that high injury and death rates were inflicting irreparable harm on an unacceptably high proportion of those on the receiving end of the company’s jabs. Pfizer’s withholding of this data clarifies the company’s unwillingness to allow the option of informed consent to the human subjects participating in the most massive experiment ever conducted on human subjects.

The frequent twisting of contorted language and logic in the manufactured COVID crisis often complicates rational assessments of what is really taking place. Dr. Joseph Mercola highlights the linguistic contortions with special reference to those of the American Medical Association. The leadership of the AMA decided to use its influence by instructing its members to downplay or ignore altogether the deaths and injuries being caused by the COVID injections.

The confusions linking the concept of immunity with the identification of various kinds of human herds, offers an example of devious linguistic alterations. The very idea of describing groups of human beings in the same language usually applied to cattle, suggests the very terminology of the manufactured COVID crisis is calculated to denigrate human dignity.

The basis of so-called “herd immunity” was formerly considered a function of high numbers of people with healthy natural resistance to disease. As the manufactured COVID crisis unfolded, however, the term was quickly appropriated to describe the intended outgrowth of high rates of vaccination.

Those who have been able to avert “herd stupidity” will well understand that recognition that the front line of protection against the invasion of infections lies in the good health of our innate systems of natural immunity.

The term, immunity, also has important meaning in the language of legal concepts. For instance, the makers of the COVID jabs are made to enjoy immunity from being sued for the harm caused by their products? Ironically, part of the menace of COVID jabs and the so-called “boosters shots” that are following them is that they attack and degrade the natural immune system of injection recipients.

The destruction of natural immunity through repeated vaccination is a part of a process of creating the kind of dependencies on which the pharmaceutical industry thrives. The pharmaceutical business together with its agents and proponents in the medical profession have developed techniques for degrading human health in ways that profit them over the long run. The accelerating cycle of mounting health problems has the effect of increasing the demand for widening arrays of prescription drugs as well as medical procedures and devices such as nebulizers.

The unleashing of the fear campaign accompanying the introduction of COVID-19 pushed sky high the worst features of the pharmaceutical industry’s primary business model. Many of those who ended up taking injections were convinced by the false promises they would be protected from COVID infections or from passing the contagion along to others.

Of course injected people experienced no such outcomes. In fact all over the world, populations receiving high rates of vaccinations subsequently experienced high death rates. COVID injectees can “catch” the contagion and infect others. In fact it seems they become more infectious after the injections that have been shown to do much more harm than good.

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These of the words of a duly elected head of government, who claims to represent Canadians:

“The small fringe minority who are on their way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views that they’re expressing do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values as a country.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Jan 26, 2022) [1]

First published on February 5, 2021


Starting on January 22, one week after the mandates were implemented, the first stage of a convoy of truck departed Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It travelled down the Trans-Canada Highway until finally reaching the nation’s capital – Ottawa.


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A few weeks ago, the mood of many Canadians was very low.

With the arrival of Omicron, deaths, hospitalization and misery were back on the rise. Which means we were once again approaching lockdown

And we were seeing increasing tendencies to institute even more vaccine mandates.

Finally, on January 15, the requirement for truck drivers to vaccinate if they want to enter and return from the United States or else be prepared to quarantine for 14 days was put into effect.

Vaccine mandates have been applied to students and professors in universities, and to federal government employees. And to people employed at personal care homes, private and community service providers, fire departments, arenas, gyms, fitness studios, dance studios, restaurants, cinemas, bingo halls, personal services establishments, ….

But when it came time for the truck drivers turn to ante up, a number of them finally decided they and the people of Canada had had enough.


Starting on January 22, one week after the mandates were implemented, the first stage of a convoy of truck departed Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It travelled down the Trans-Canada Highway until finally reaching the nation’s capital – Ottawa.

As of January 29, the Convoy had planted their vehicles on the streets as close as possible to Parliament Hill. They will stay in place until the prime minister ends all mandates and restrictions relating to COVID-19.

The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has no intention of ending or reversing the vaccine mandates, referring to the Convoy of truckers as a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views.” Several of the thousands of visitors from across the country intend to dig in their heels and hang in there no matter what the cost.

This historic event demonstrating the full POWER of the truckers once their patience has run out is instructive. And galvanizing! As written in The Toronto Star, the famous Canadian road trip is “forming the template for an international populist movement against COVID-19 restrictions…  from Cyprus to Argentina to New Zealand.”

This week’s episode of the Global Research News Hour will be examining in more detail this true episode of populism in action. It will re-examine the stories of “racism” and “White Supremacy” dominating media narratives of this event (so far) and come to terms with what actually is occurring on the ground there and where it is likely to lead.

In this episode we hear brief clips by Justice, Freedom Convoy head organizer Tamara Lich, Clay Farnsworth of Police On Guard, Ethics Professor Julie Ponesse and on the ground truckers and activists of “Team Vegan!”

(Global Research News Hour Episode 342)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.



The Fear Not to Be: Edward Curtin

February 13th, 2022 by Edward Curtin

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This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be.  Widely read in the days when an educated public read books, it is long forgotten.  In it, Tillich surveys the history of anxiety and fear and their relation to courage, religious faith, and the meaning of life.  His closing sentence – “The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt” – became acclaimed as an astute description of the existential need to find a foundation for faith and courage when their foundations were shaking.

His writing profoundly influenced many, even when they didn’t wholly agree with him.  This included Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who, commenting on Tillich’s death in 1965, said,

“His Christian existentialism gave us a system of meaning and purpose for our lives in an age when war and doubt seriously threatened all that we had come to hold dear.”

I mention The Courage to Be not to engage in a recondite theological and philosophical analysis, which is the last thing we now need, but to contrast his call for spiritual courage with what we have been experiencing pouring forth from the mass corporate media for years  There is a drumbeat of fear-mongering so intense and constant that it is almost comical if it weren’t so effective in reducing people to quaking, frightened children.

Primarily about Covid and the need to obey the authorities and submit to being jabbed with mRNA Covid “Vaccines” – the idolatrous religion of bio-security – this  religion of fear goes much further and much deeper.  Scenarios of fear have been rehearsed and produced for decades by the intelligence/IT/media giants on a multitude of issues, large and small.  They are rooted in a spiritually nihilistic political propaganda campaign that is exponentially increasing fear, anxiety, and despondency on a vast scale, which is its intent.  Fearful people are easily cowered and controlled.

The elites know that regular people throughout the world are fed up with being subjected to violence and abuse in multiple forms, and if courage triumphs over their fears, they might join in worldwide solidarity and revolt, as they have been doing in various places recently. To prevent this, the authorities must use terror tactics to divide and conquer them. If people dare to rise up and even question the propaganda, they have been and will be called terrorists for doing so.  Dissent is now equated with terrorism and thus it must be censored.

All this fear-mongering draws on people’s normal fears of “not to be,” meaning dead. It is of course understandable not wanting to be dead, but living in constant fear is a living death.  Tillich, who suffered deep trauma as a chaplain in the trenches of WW I and was later dismissed from his teaching position in Germany when Hitler came to power, wrote that courage is rooted in the spiritual acceptance that underlying our individual lives is the power of Being, by which he meant God, and that fear and anxiety about our fates can be confronted only through the courage to accept in faith this foundational reality.

I think it is self-evident to anyone who glances at the mainstream media that fear is their staple.

In just the last week or so, I have seen The New York Times, an official organ of propaganda if there ever were one but known historically as the Grey Lady for understatement, tell its readers in a hyperventilating style that anxiety about climate change has spawned a growing field of therapeutic treatment for sufferers, how deer in your back yard are infected with Omicron, how the Russians are coming, etc.  This is the typical fear promoting propaganda that headlines all the media sites every day and has been doing so for years.  Any casual observer can list them on a daily basis, from major to minor matters to fear.

Yet despite this constant, blatant propaganda, governments flip the truth and warn that anyone who questions this are conspiracy theorists intent on causing trouble and therefore must be watched and refuted. Just the other day the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland,” saying:

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.

After twenty years of such obvious propaganda, you would think these people would be embarrassed, but they obviously are not and intend to propagate this bullshit for years to come.  They and their media accomplices have taken their lingo lessons straight from Nineteen Eighty-Four.

On the bio-security religious front alone, Kit Knightly of Off-Guardian has recently reported that the authorities have warned us that there is a vast underdiagnosis of heart disease that may stealthily be coming to get us (not from “vaccines,” of course) and that HIV testing and vaccines look to be the next big push, for there is now the claim that a new variant of HIV is spreading in Europe.  President Biden declared in December 2021 that his administration was aiming to “end the HIV/Aids epidemic by 2030.”  While Covid restrictions may be easing, the mRNA “vaccine push” is not, and their promoters will only find different germs to defeat with “vaccines” and tests to ease the fears of the propagandized public, so many of whom have been turned into hypochondriacs.

The promulgation of the fear of germs and disease and foreign and domestic “threat actors” is permanent.  For anyone naively thinking that there will be an easing of this elite war of lies, I would suggest they rethink that assumption.  The state of siege that is the Covid crisis will be followed by many more, and this germ warfare includes a vast array of foreign variants, led by Russia and China.  We are in a permanent crisis and emergency engineered by the ruling classes to maintain their control.

This elite war against regular people has no end in sight.  The elites know that people get worn down over time and lose hope; thus, they plan for the long haul and keep hammering away.  Paul Tillich’s book is important because of its stress on the need for courage in the face of the fear-mongering.  Without a spiritual foundation to sustain one for the long haul, depression will lead to despair or surrender.  History should teach us this. The evil ones often win, at least in the short run, and each of us doesn’t have a long run.  Our time is brief.

The great dissenters and rebels of the past, even when not overtly religious, kept faith with their comrades and causes because they felt a deep, unbreakable, invincible connection.  It is called different names or none at all.  Maybe faith is the best word.  Faith in what?  Some call it God, as I do. Words can’t explain it; I feel it. Others say nothing and just carry on, sustained by the invisible. Some call it faith in human solidarity.  The names don’t matter.  It is not about naming but experiencing. The poet D.H. Lawrence said wisely that we are transmitters of life, “and when we fail to transmit life, life fails to flow through us.”  And he added in his inimitable style: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.  But it is a much more fearful thing to fall out of them.”  It is not easy, but fear helps us fall out.

There were those who called Tillich an atheist because his philosophical explanation sounded too abstruse, which is true.  But he made a fundamental point about how as human beings we participate in Being, which is the ground of our existence.  We are part of something that is far larger than our puny selves –  beings in the sea of Being.  Who can deny that?  His call to courage hit a resonant cord with believers, agnostics, and atheists alike.  Not a poet but a German trained immigrant scholar who emigrated to the U.S.A., his language was steeped in heavy philosophical verbiage, yet it found a wide audience in its analysis of fear, anxiety, and especially courage because it was about fundamental truths.  Courage is fundamental, as is faith.

The Spanish poet Antonio Machado put it less philosophically and more elegantly:

I talk always to the man who walks along with me;
– men who talk to themselves hope to talk to God
Someday –
My soliloquies amount to discussions with this friend,
Who taught me the secret of loving human beings.
And when the day arrives for the last leaving of all,
And the ship that never returns to port is ready to go,
You’ll find me on board, light, with few belongings,
Almost naked like the children of the sea.

We are children of the sea and courage keeps us afloat.

Humor also helps, for we are funny creatures.

It is not often that one escapes an unintended assassination attempt.  I am glad to say that I have.

This is an example of the power of fear. Where I live, the winter has been quite cold and there was a recent ice storm with thick ice everywhere on top of snow.

My wife was fearful of falling and so had bought hiking poles for herself and me as Christmas gifts.  I said I didn’t want them and wouldn’t use them; that I wasn’t afraid, that I had faith in my ability to sustain myself.  So I didn’t use them, which angered her.  One day when the ice in the driveway and on the car was inches thick, she cajoled me into using the sticks to reach the car.  She set them for me with their clips at the proper height, since they are adjustable.  We toddled down the pathway to the car, setting one pole out ahead of the other in turn.  I exaggerated my need for them, bending far over as if I were in great need of the crutches.  Approaching the driveway, I extended my right hand pole out in front and it collapsed because the clips weren’t set tight and I went flying face forward onto the ice.  She looked at me in fear, not sure if I was dead or hurt or if her fear had made her into an accidental assassin.  She needn’t worry.  It was funny.

We all fall eventually, but in the meantime, worrying about it is self-defeating.  It is a reaction to fear.  Worrying is a form of preying on oneself (etymology: to seize by the throat with one’s teeth and kill), and it can be induced – and is – by the campaigns of fear that we are being subjected to.

The courage to be was Tillich’s way of saying that we are upheld by far more than we know.  Call it Being, Tao, the Great Spirit, or God.  Courage is contagious and will carry us on.  It is what we need to resist the fear-mongers who are at our throats.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image is from TruePublica

He is the author of Seeking the Truth in a Country of Lies

To order his book click the cover page.

“Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a dazzling journey into the heart of many issues — political, philosophical, and personal — that should concern us all.  Ed Curtin has the touch of the poet and the eye of an eagle.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Edward Curtin puts our propaganda-stuffed heads in a guillotine, then in a flash takes us on a redemptive walk in the woods — from inferno to paradiso.  Walk with Ed and his friends — Daniel Berrigan, Albert Camus, George Orwell, and many others — through the darkest, most-firefly-filled woods on this earth.” James W. Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

“A powerful exposé of the CIA and our secret state… Curtin is a passionate long-time reform advocate; his stories will rouse your heart.” Oliver Stone, filmmaker, writer, and director

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Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau has cornered himself. The right move for Trudeau to extract himself now is to end the useless jab everyone, shut down everything, everywhere prolonged mandates, for which he will inevitably lose some credibility and face. His other options seem to be to wait out the convoy, systematically disrupt the convoy (e.g. parking fines, confiscating jerry cans, continuing the demonization of the protestors), or call in police as he has already done or even the army. Those are all losing options because it signals that he has not read the pulse of the nation and became trapped by his own unpopular mandates. Trudeau has to go. Here is why:

First of all, one expects a prime minister of a country to try and represent all citizens of the country. Yet, Trudeau smears a large chunk of the population. A commonly heard factoid is the claim that 90 percent of truck drivers are vaccinated.

So what? Even if that is 100 percent accurate, it does not take into account all the vaccinated types who regretfully drank the Kool-Aid of the government and its flunkies.

It does not account for those pissed off at contracting COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated.

It does not account for those who were coerced into being vaccinated. For a leader to threaten citizens with job loss for not surrendering their bodily autonomy is morally corrupt.

Such actions expose Trudeau as unfit to lead. Besides, even if 90 percent of the people were fully informed and willingly accepted being vaccinated that still leaves 10 percent of the population as unwilling.

Granted, the trucker convoy may well be a minority that does not represent the views of the majority of Canadians, but does Trudeau not realize that he is the leader of a minority government? And is his divide-and-rule strategy acceptable for governing a country?

It is well known that more bees are attracted to honey than vinegar. But Trudeau has been pouring vinegar on the truckers and their many supporters. He channels George W Bush’s dismissal of millions of anti-war demonstrators as a “focus group” by calling the trucking convoy a “fringe group” holding “unacceptable views.”

In saying so, he has vainly appointed himself as an arbiter of what views are acceptable and unacceptable. Obviously, in pursuing a path of splittism, Trudeau precludes presenting himself as a uniter. Trudeau again seems to channel Bush and his false dichotomy of being either with or against.

“Over the past few days, Canadians were shocked, and frankly, disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital,” Trudeau said. “I want to be very clear: we are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless.”

Not intimidated? So fearless was Trudeau that he tested positive for COVID-19 and went into quarantine as the truckers arrived. Sick or not, Trudeau, whose vaccine status is questioned by some, stands as an exemple that the vaccinations he promotes do not confer immunity to the virus. Finally, courageously or not, he has pointedly refused to speak with the truckers.

Said Trudeau,

“People of Ottawa don’t deserve to be harassed in their own neighborhoods, don’t deserve to be confronted with the inherent violence of a swastika flying on a street corner, or a confederate flag, or the insults and jeers just because they’re wearing a mask. That’s not who Canadians are.” Trudeau lambasted truckers and their supporters protesting mandates as showing “disrespect to science” and championing “hate, abuse and racism.”

Trudeau criticizes the disruption posed to residents of Ottawa. Ottawans are not a monolith. The convoy assuredly is a nuisance to some Ottawans, but assuredly other Ottawans, perhaps again a minority, are supportive and find the convoy refreshingly and brazenly defiant, awe-inspiring, and festive. At the same time, not just Ottawans but Canadians everywhere are being disrupted by the mandates. In essence, the trucker convoy is fighting fire with fire: causing disruption to end the disruption.

On several occasions, one could hear Trudeau urge Canadians to follow the science, but he has never, as far as I know, presented or divulged specifically what science people should follow. That is hardly persuasive for people who demand evidence, as the scrutinization of evidence is a sine qua non for science.

And if Trudeau’s respect for science is so profound, then why does he try to censor doctors and scientists whose research and understanding reaches a different conclusion? Besides, the vaccines are still experimental, and the science is clear on wearing masks to protect against respiratory viruses: the masks don’t work.

I haven’t seen Trudeau pointing to any scientific study that says masks work. And it wouldn’t matter if he could find one such randomized controlled study that rejects the null hypothesis (that there is no difference in the variables being studied) because of the surfeit of studies that all accept the null hypothesis.

Thus, the possibility that these are all Type II errors (mistaken rejection of a false null hypothesis) is extremely unlikely. Since the null hypothesis has already been accepted, then rigorous science demands the alternative hypothesis be rejected. [See Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (New York: Routledge Classics, 2005) or the layman’s language of Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (Headline Book Publishing, 1997): 34.]

As for hate, all people of conscience must decry hate. First, truckers are not a monolith. Neither are the truckers in the trucker convoy a monolith. That one or a few truckers might be fueled by hatred does not imply that the vast number of truckers nurture hatred.


Moreover, Trudeau immodestly asserts that he knows the story, the protestors do not:

“This is not the story of our pandemic, our country, our people. My focus is standing with [some] Canadians [the ones who comply with his mandates] and getting through this pandemic.” [bracketed comments added]

Despicably, Trudeau stole the platform of the trucker convoy, tweeting:

Canadians have the right to protest, to disagree with their government, and to make their voices heard. We’ll always protect that right. But let’s be clear: They don’t have the right to blockade our economy, or our democracy, or our fellow citizens’ daily lives. It has to stop.

Let’s unpack that tweet: The truckers, says Trudeau, don’t have a right to blockade the economy. But that is what his government’s mandates are doing, stifling the economy.

And the mandates are disrupting every citizen’s life. When one cannot attend school, enter a restaurant, play hockey at the rink, travel, etc is that not a disruption of daily life that so many citizens are fed up with?

Trudeau respects the right to protest but says,

“It has to stop.” It is a familiar refrain from Trudeau. Elsewhere, when the Wet’suwet’en and their supporters were protesting corporations invading their territory, Trudeau said, “… the barricades must come down.”

There has been talk of the army being called in against its fellow Canadians. Trudeau was non-committal on calling in the military to end the trucker convoy standoff saying it is “not in the cards right now” — the Canadian equivalent of “all options are on the table.”

Given the political lineage in his family, one would suppose that Trudeau was brought up to read the political winds. But mandates are dropping in European countries and now in two Canadian provinces.

Even Canadian high school students, those lucky enough to currently have classes, are boycotting classes in opposition to the mask mandate.

Yet, Trudeau seems estranged from the political Zeitgeist. And now, Brian Peckford, a political figure from the past has stepped to the fore.

Former prime minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, the father of Justin, had envisioned a Canada united with equal rights for all Canadians.

Pierre was joined in the signing of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by former Newfoundland premier Peckford.

Disturbed by the mandates, Peckford has launched a legal fight for those rights and freedoms. Apparently, Justin is not a chip off the old Trudeau block.

Throughout all this, the state/corporate media bias has been palpable. The demand is not on how the protestors’ concerns can be fairly depicted or dealt with. No, the focus is on how the protestors can be removed.

Statement of Prime Minster Trudeau on February 2, 2022

But pictures can speak a 1000 words (in video form):

Video by Global Research

Justin Trudeau will likely try and hang on to power, but maybe it is time for him to take a cue from his father and go for a walk in the snow.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp at Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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“Nazi flags, Confederate flags, and other symbols of racism and hate exhibited have no room in peaceful protests. Equally concerning is the affiliation of some of the Convoy organizers with overtly racist, white supremacist groups.”

Amnesty International has issued a statement Friday smearing the peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters in the city of Ottawa as violent racists.

The international non-governmental organization focused on human rights joined the mob that’s attempting to frame the largely peaceful trucker demonstration as a scene of violence, despite abundant footage of hugging, dancing, and singing.


A Note by Global Research

Millions of Canadians from coast to coast have supported and continue to support the Freedom Convoy 2022.

Statement of Prime Minster Trudeau on February 2, 2022

Global Research video. Are the protesters really what he claims them to be?



“Amnesty International Canada is deeply troubled by the reports of violence, harassment, intimidation, and hate speech which have surfaced since January 29th,” said Amnesty International Canada Secretary General Ketty Nivyabandi. “Nazi flags, Confederate flags, and other symbols of racism and hate exhibited have no room in peaceful protests. Equally concerning is the affiliation of some of the Convoy organizers with overtly racist, white supremacist groups.”
The UK-headquartered group claimed that the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation Tribal Council, and Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg have also expressed “concerns about the misuse and appropriation of sacred, traditional objects and ceremonies.”

Amnesty International’s statement clashes with video evidence of Indigenous groups actively taking part in the protests themselves. An Indigenous Clan Mother blessed the Freedom Convoy on its second day of protest in Ottawa. Other minorities such as two Indian protesters joked on camera, calling themselves the “white fringe minority” that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned of.
“Authorities hold an equal international obligation to protect people from violence and harassment, and to respect the rights of all protesters to peaceful assembly and expression of their views. Violence and harassment however are not part of exercising the right to freedom of peaceful assembly,” Nivyabandi said.
Amnesty International is calling on authorities to “take immediate and appropriate action to facilitate peaceful protests, while investigating and holding those perpetrating violence or inciting hate to account,” added Nivyabandi.*
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Featured image is from TPM

Video: Police Showed Up to Arrest …and Canadians Did this.

February 13th, 2022 by mistersunshinebaby

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Watch this inspiring video, a kind of unity and solidarity that aims to bring freedom and justice to all Canadians regardless of race, age, gender and status.

If video is unresponsive below, click here and watch directly on YouTube.


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If there was an award for the world’s most hypocritical political party, the Liberal Party of Canada would be frontrunners to take the prize.

In their bid to ramp up tensions between nuclear armed NATO and Russia, this country’s top two politicians flagrantly intervened in Ukrainian affairs while maintaining other nations must stay out of ours.

Last week the Globe and Mail reported that Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau both called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to demand that he block legal proceedings against former president Petro Poroshenko. His political rival is accused of treason.

How does pressuring Zelensky respect Canada’s stated aim of supporting Ukrainian “sovereignty”? Also, didn’t they tell us repeatedly they couldn’t stop the deportation of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou to the US because they opposed interfering in the legal system?

More important than Liberal party hypocrisy, intervening to support Poroshenko reflects Canada’s promotion of militaristic, regressive, political forces in the Ukraine. In the 2019 election Zelensky trounced (73% to 25%) Poroshenko by running on a pro-peace and anti-oligarch platform. Out of office Poroshenko has worked to scuttle Zelensky’s efforts. Alongside well organized (if electorally insignificant) far right groups, Poroshenko promoted demonstrations and provocative stunts that undermined Zelensky’s peace efforts with Russia and the breakaway republics in the eastern Donbass region.

Having come to power in the aftermath of the US and Canada backed EuroMaidan coup in 2014, Poroshenko is “a fiercely anti-Russian figure in Ukrainian politics”. At the Halifax International Security Forum (HISF) in mid-November Poroshenko instigated the latest bout of ‘Russia will invade’ rhetoric. According to the Globe and Mailreport: “Poroshenko says ‘extremely possible’ Russian military could cross border into Ukraine”. At the NATO-sponsored forum, the former president also called for a Ukrainian Membership Action Plan to “be adopted at the next NATO summit in June.”

Poroshenko has attended the last two HISFs, which receives $3 million a year from Canada’s Department of National Defence. In 2020 HISF President Peter Van Praagh put out a release noting, “in the best interests of Ukraine’s democratic future, President Zelensky should call an immediate halt to all proceedings against Mr. Poroshenko.”

Ottawa and Washington’s support for Poroshenko is part of their assistance to pro-NATO, anti-Russian and anti-socialist political forces in the Ukraine. Over the past three decades Canada has channeled over $1 billion to bolster their political allies in the Ukraine while the US has spent many billions of dollars more.

Canadian support for nationalist, anti-socialist, forces in the Ukraine has a longer history. In 1952 External Affairs Minister Lester Pearson launched a Ukrainian section of Radio Canada International (RCI) to disseminate the Canadian government’s perspective there. The previous year Pearson told Parliament that RCI was “playing a useful part in the psychological war against communism.”

RCI bolstered anti-Soviet, nationalist, elements among the émigré community. The Canadian government has alsosupported ultranationalist Ukrainian émigrés more directly. In 1940 McKenzie King’s Liberal government facilitated the creation of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to undercut more socialist and internationalist elements within the community. In “The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and its Fascist Roots” Richard Sanders writes, “their explicit goal in orchestrating the creation of this umbrella organisation was to rally all anticommunist Ukrainians into one body in order to squash the then-powerful influence of leftwing Ukrainians whose forebears had come to Canada during earlier waves of migration.” After World War II the UCC benefited from Canada opening its door to tens of thousands of Ukrainians nationalists, many of whom had fought with the Nazis against the Soviets.

Over the years Ottawa has provided various forms of financial and other support to the UCC. In so doing, they’ve helped the organization maintain its hegemony over Ukrainian Canadian politics and its sizable international influence. For the last 13 years Canadians have led the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), which was set up as an anti-Soviet organization. The heads of the UWC and UCC met Poroshenko at the HISF in November.

The UWC, UCC and Canada’s large diaspora community more generally is influential in the Ukraine, which has by far the lowest per capita GDP in Europe. (Ukraine’s per capita GDP is 40% of Mexico’s and 1/12 Canada’s.) Chrystia Freeland provides a stark example of Canadian influence over Ukrainian politics. Long before she convinced President Zelensky to intervene in a legal case against his rival, Freeland was actively promoting a nationalist, anti-socialist position. During a 1989 visit, reports the Globe and Mail, Freeland “delivered cash, video- and audio-recording equipment, and even a personal computer to her contacts in Ukraine.” Freeland’s support to anti-Soviet, Ukrainian nationalists got her followed by the KGB and labeled by the press as an “anti-Soviet bourgeois nationalist.” Freeland represented the UCC and Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at a 1989 congress of the Ukrainian People’s Front.

After the breakup of the Soviet Union Freeland supported Ukraine maintaining its nuclear weapons arsenal. Her mother also helped draft the Ukraine’s inaugural constitution.

Freeland’s family are hardline nationalists. Her grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was a Nazi propagandist during World War II. Chomiak edited a Ukrainian language newspaper that published speeches by Hitler and Goebbels, as well as the Nazi’s anti-Jewish/Soviet screeds. Fleeing the Ukraine after the Soviets defeated the Nazis, Chomiak was influential in Alberta’s Ukrainian community through the 1980s. Freeland has repeatedly praised him.

As Freeland highlights, Canada has nurtured ultranationalist forces in the Ukraine. While framed as defending that country from Russian imperialism, it’s hard to take Ottawa’s commitment to Ukrainian “sovereignty” seriously when top Canadian politicians flagrantly interfere in the country’s internal affairs.

But there is a broader question at hand as well. Amidst the pandemic, climate crisis and staggering inequities, do Canadians want to devote more resources and soldiers to ramping up tensions with Russia?

Let’s not forget that the US and Russia possess enough nuclear weapons to wipe out humanity.

On February 16 the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute will be hosting a webinar on “Canada, NATO, Russia and the Crisis over Ukraine”.


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The four free covid-19 rapid tests President Joe Biden promised in December for every American household have begun arriving in earnest in mailboxes and on doorsteps.

A surge of covid infections spurred wide demand for over-the-counter antigen tests during the holidays: Clinics were overwhelmed with people seeking tests and the few off-the-shelf brands were nearly impossible to find at pharmacies or even online via Amazon. Prices for some test kits cracked the hundred-dollar mark. And the government vowed that its purchase could provide the tests faster and cheaper so people, by simply swabbing at home, could quell the spread of covid.

The Defense Department organized the bidding and announced in mid-January, after a limited competitive process, that three companies were awarded contracts totaling nearly $2 billion for 380 million over-the-counter antigen tests, all to be delivered by March 14.

The much-touted purchase was the latest tranche in trillions of dollars in public spending in response to the pandemic. How much is the government paying for each test? And what were the terms of the agreements? The government won’t yet say, even though, by law, this information should be available.

The cost — and, more importantly, the rate per test — would help demonstrate who is getting the best deal for protection in these covid times: the consumer or the corporation.

The reluctance to share pricing details flies against basic notions of cost control and accountability — and that’s just quoting from a long-held position by the Justice Department. “The prices in government contracts should not be secret,” according to its website. “Government contracts are ‘public contracts,’ and the taxpayers have a right to know — with very few exceptions —what the government has agreed to buy and at what prices.”

Americans often pay far more than people in other developed countries for tests, drugs, and medical devices, and the pandemic has accentuated those differences. Governments abroad had been buying rapid tests in bulk for over a year, and many national health services distributed free or low-cost tests, for less than $1, to their residents. In the U.S., retailers, companies, schools, hospitals, and everyday shoppers were competing months later to buy swabs in hopes of returning to normalcy. The retail price climbed as high as $25 for a single test in some pharmacies; tales abounded of corporate and wealthy customers hoarding tests for work or holiday use.

U.S. contracts valued at $10,000 or more are required to be routinely posted to or the Federal Procurement Data System, known as But none of the three new rapid-test contracts — awarded to iHealth Labs of California, Roche Diagnostics Corp. of Indiana, and Abbott Rapid Dx North America of Florida — could be found in the online databases.

“We don’t know why that data isn’t showing up in the FPDS database, as it should be visible and searchable. Army Contracting Command is looking into the issue and working to remedy it as quickly as possible,” spokesperson Jessica R. Maxwell said in an email in January. This month, she declined to provide more information about the contracts and referred all questions about the pricing to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Only vague information is available in DOD press releases, dated Jan. 13 and Jan. 14, that note the overall awards in the fixed-price contracts: iHealth Labs for $1.275 billion, Roche Diagnostics for $340 million, and Abbott Rapid Dx North America for $306 million. There were no specifics regarding contract standards or terms of completion — including how many test kits would be provided by each company.

Without knowing the price or how many tests each company agreed to supply, it is impossible to determine whether the U.S. government overpaid or to calculate if more tests could have been provided faster. As variants of the deadly virus continue to emerge, it is unclear if the government will re-up these contracts and under what terms.

To put forth a bid to fill an “urgent” national need, companies had to provide answersto the Defense Department by Dec. 24 about their capacity to scale up manufacturing to produce 500,000 or more tests a week in three months. Among the questions: Had a company already been granted “emergency use authorization” for the test kits, and did a company have “fully manufactured unallocated stock on hand to ship within two weeks of a contract award?”

Based on responses from about 60 companies, the Defense Department said it sent “requests for proposals” directly to the manufacturers. Twenty companies bid. Defense would not release the names of interested companies.

Emails to the three chosen companies to query the terms of the contracts went unanswered by iHealth and Abbott. Roche spokesperson Michelle A. Johnson responded in an email that she was “unable to provide that information to you. We do not share customer contract information.” The customers — listed as the Defense Department and the Army command — did not provide answers about the contract terms.

The Army’s Contracting Command, based in Alabama, initially could not be reached to answer questions. An email address on the command’s website for media bounced back as out-of-date. Six phone numbers listed on the command’s website for public information were unmanned in late January. At the command’s protocol office, the person who answered a phone in late January referred all queries to the Aberdeen Proving Ground offices in Maryland.

“Unfortunately, there is an issue with voicemail,” said Ralph Williams, a representative of the protocol office. “Voicemail is down. I mean, voicemail has been down for months.”

Asked about the bounced email traffic, Williams said he was surprised the address — [email protected] — was listed on the ACC website. “I’m not sure when that email was last used,” he said. “The army stopped using the email address about eight years ago.”

Williams provided a direct phone number for Aberdeen and apologized for the confusion. “People should have their phone forwarded,” he said. “But I can only do what I can do.”

Joyce Cobb, an Army Contracting Command-Aberdeen Proving Ground spokesperson, reached via phone and email, referred all questions to Defense personnel. Maxwell referred more detailed questions about the contracts to HHS, and emails to HHS went unanswered.

Both the Defense and Army spokespeople, after several emails, said the contracts would have to be reviewed, citing the Freedom of Information Act that protects privacy, before release. Neither explained how knowing the price per test could be a privacy or proprietary concern.

A Defense spokesperson added that the contracts had been fast-tracked “due to the urgent and compelling need” for antigen tests. Defense obtained “approval from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, & Technology to contract without providing for full and open competition.”

KHN separately searched for the contracts on the website during a phone call with a government representative who assisted with the search. During an extended phone session, the representative called in a supervisor. Neither could locate the contracts, which are updated twice a week. The representative wondered whether the numbers listed in the Defense press release were wrong and offered: “You might want to double-check that.”

On Jan. 25, Defense spokesperson Maxwell, in an email, said that the Army Contracting Command “is working to prepare these contracts for public release and part of that includes proactively readying the contracts for the FOIA redaction.” Three days later, she sent an email stating that “under the limited competition authority … DOD was not required to make the Request for Proposal (RFP) available to the public.”

Maxwell did not respond when KHN pointed out that the contracting provision she cited does not prohibit the release of such information. In a Feb. 2 email, Maxwell said “we have nothing further to provide at this time.”

On, the covid spreadsheets include a disclaimer that “due to the tempo of operations” in the pandemic response, the database shows only “a portion of the work that has been awarded to date.”

In other words, it could not vouch for the timeliness or accuracy of its own database.


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Covid-19 Vaccine: Myocarditis Cover-up Exposed

February 13th, 2022 by Dr. Vernon Coleman

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This is video 303 and it’s February 2022.

Back in December 2020 I warned that the mRNA covid jabs could cause a huge number of serious adverse events – including myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes.

The warning, the first in the world I believe, was largely ignored. Doctors sneered and ignored it and fact checkers denied it – even though the warning was based on evidence from the American Government.

Click here to watch the video.

And then a few months ago I revealed evidence proving the link between the covid jabs and myocarditis.

The video had over a million views on Brand New Tube alone.

Once again, however, the mainstream media ignored the evidence.

Now at last the mainstream media can no longer ignore what is happening.

Sports professionals, as fit as you can get, have been dropping down with heart trouble. There are so many heart problems among school children that there is a call to put defibrillators in all schools.

But the mainstream media is not, as you might expect, warning that the covid jabs are causing myocarditis and heart attacks.

They’ve found other, sometimes bizarre, explanations for this new epidemic of heart disease.

The Evening Standard in London says that up to 300,000 people are facing heart related illnesses due to something called Post Pandemic Stress Disorder. It’s even got an acronym PPSD so you know it’s real.

Tahir Hussain, a surgeon, is quoted as saying he has recently seen a big increase in thrombotic related vascular conditions.

I bet he has.

Thrombotic related vascular conditions are a known problem with the covid jabs.

‘Wales online’ reports that TV doctor Amir Khan, whom I have dealt with in a video before, says that the huge increase in energy prices is responsible for the increase in heart attacks and strokes. If it were the 1st of April I would think this an April Fool’s joke.

Maybe Khan would like to debate this and other covid issues with me on one of his live TV appearances. Or maybe he wouldn’t.

The Daily Record says that paracetamol, the painkiller, increases heart attack risks and the risk of strokes. So maybe that’s what’s causing all those footballers to fall down.

On the other hand the Daily Express could be right. They had a headline which read: ‘Heart attacks: Does skipping breakfast increase your risk?’

The Daily Mirror in Sri Lanka says the Delta variant of covid can cause heart trouble in patients with no previous history of problems.

And the Daily Mirror in the UK says there is now a new miracle jab to save 1000s of lives by preventing heart attacks. Make ‘em ill with one jab and mend ‘em with another. That’s pretty standard drug company policy. The Mirror seems to have become very fond of the drug industry these days.

ABC7 in Los Angeles reports that doctors have warned that Super Bowl games may trigger heart attacks – though doesn’t explain the heart attacks which happen between Super Bowl games and to be honest with you I’m doubtful that all those people collapsing with myocarditis are sick because of a Super Bowl game disappointment. But you have to give them points for trying.

The Mayo Clinic in the US says that stress and chaos can cause heart disease. Well, wow. I first pointed that out in 1978 in a book called Stress Control. I was widely vilified for saying that. But now it seems stress is running amok.

The Sun reports that the weather can cause heart attacks. I bet the climate change cultists love that one.

It’s even been argued that all the heart attacks are caused by people eating too much good food.

And there is word that vitamin D shortages can cause problems. Interestingly, I made a video about that very early on. YouTube took it down of course, presumably because it might have saved lives.

Scientific American says that covid-19 can lead to heart damage among people with no symptoms at all. Nothing. Secretly. And the big problem is myocarditis. Gosh.

National Geographic says that covid can cause heart palpitations, chest pain and blood clots.

And Bayer, a drug company, argues that long covid increases heart trouble.

Now that’s interesting because a French study of 26,000 people suggested that the symptoms of Long Covid are actually caused by things other than covid – and are largely psychological. Even the wretched fact checkers agree with that.

Which makes the report that 25% of companies now say that Long Covid is a major cause of long term staff absence rather interesting.

What a surprise. People who took a year off on full pay now don’t want to go back to work. And they’re blaming Long Covid for all those attacks of myocarditis and other heart problems.

We mustn’t call Long Covid malingering of course. Even if it largely is.

Governments don’t care. It’s all part of the Great Reset plan to destroy the global economy. The bottom line is that alleged Long Covid sufferers are helping the conspirators.

The amazing thing is that despite all these sometimes bizarre theories, as far as I know not one major newspaper, TV station or radio station anywhere in the world has admitted that all these heart troubles, strokes and other illnesses are caused by the damned jabs.

If you know anyone who doubts that the jabs are causing the heart trouble ask them to take a look at two videos.

First the one I made in December 2020 warning that there would be big problems with myocarditis etc.

And second, the one I made last year proving the link between the covid jab and myocarditis. That video was called ‘Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is Murder’ – and that was published on 22nd November 2021.

There are links in the box below to both videos.

Those who work for the mainstream media will, I suspect, continue to prefer to suppress the truth – that the covid jabs are responsible for all this heart trouble – and keep thinking up bizarre reasons for the epidemic of heart disease suddenly sweeping the world.

How about this.

All the people who’ve had heart trouble in the last year have worn shoes.

What do you think, Dr Khan? Could wearing shoes be causing all the heart trouble?

Or maybe watching you on the TV is making people sick?


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Vernon Coleman’s novel ‘Balancing the Books’ is available as an eBook and a paperback. It’s a black comedy about a widow who avenges her husband’s suicide by killing the people she believes were responsible. He was an author and the people she kills were all online reviewers. The ways she kills them are most imaginative…

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Canadian Vets Armed Forces assembled in front of Canada’s Parliament this February morning to express support for the truckers of the 2022 freedom convoy.


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Freedom Convoy students in Manitoba walk out against mandates.

Watch the video below.


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In the name of a supposed health emergency, governments have assigned to themselves all sorts of new powers. This state of emergency was deemed to be a necessary requirement to facilitate the fight against the spread of the supposedly new coronavirus. To this day the government claims the existence of a dire health emergency on the basis of alleged evidence that has never been subjected to a thoroughgoing judicial evaluation in court. See this. 

These claims of emergency have never been seriously spelled out, let alone proven, in front of judges. Hence our judges have shown themselves to be unequal to the responsibilities of defending the rule of law when it is most subject to severe attack. Just when we needed fair and balanced arbitration the most, judges in many jurisdictions backed away from testing the rigged data put in front of them by the very governments that gave them their judicial appointments.

Now Ottawa is the site of yet another government claim that another emergency measure is warranted.

This time the real reason for the claim that added government powers are needed, is to facilitate the criminalization, harassment, and ejection of a group of justice-promoting truckers seeking an audience with our national government in Canada’s national capital.  The goal is to politicize the work of the Ottawa police force and put the agency at the disposal of the minority Liberal government led by a mentally unstable Justin Trudeau.

Ottawa police have already been declared exempt from vaccine mandates. This happened in the wake of Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly admitting that his staff had played a role in persuading GoFundMe to hold back $10 million in public donations. These donations were meant to facilitate the travels and political actions of the Truckers Freedom Convoy. See this. 

While the members of the Ottawa police force have been granted freedom from jobs-for-jabs tradeoffs, the same is not true of truckers. According to the dictates of the Trudeau and Biden regimes, truckers cannot pass back and forth across the Canada-US borders without being jabbed.    

The current fiasco unfolding in Ottawa shows that the criminal justice system is no more independent than the biased legacy media. The people directing the corrupt media venues have chosen to make themselves political instruments of the ruthless lobby pushing the fear mongering.

The 24/7 media instigation of public hysteria, panic, and social division remains the principal force driving the manufactured COVID crisis.

Now one more emergency measure is being added to a long chain of emergency measures. This extension of actions that empower government by disempowering citizens is making our degraded political culture even more insidious. This time the object of adding more power to a government is helping the Ottawa Police Force to become a political instrument of the minority Liberal government led by the psychologically unbalanced Justin Trudeau.

Part of the process of transforming the Ottawa police officers into armed instruments of Trudeau’s political control, was to exempt Ottawa cops from vaccine mandates

The observation is not made lightly that Trudeau seems to have come unhinged in his lunatic obsession to only talk about, rather than with, the representatives of the Canadian Truckers’ Convoy. The truckers are holding their ground in Ottawa until they are invited to negotiate terms with Canada’s national government.

In his currently crazed condition, Justin Trudeau makes no allowance for the fact that the truckers have attracted large and enthusiastic support when they wheeled across the country. In doing so they became envoys of a demonstrable popular upsurge felt by many Canadians. Hundreds of thousands of them went out into the mid-winter cold of northern North America to stand on guard for thee along the Trans-Canada Highway.

This popular demonstration of love of country combined with a growth of hostility to Canadian governments has made a big impact. It became more concrete with the arrival of the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa on January 29.

Canadians responded to the passage of the truckers through their communities by seeking help from convoy members in sending messages to the coddled class of politicians and civil servants who set the pace in our national capital. Some Ottawa residents and their municipal representatives have failed to recognize the special responsibilities that fall on their shoulders.

Ottawa residents should blame Trudeau, not the truckers, who are holding their ground until Justin comes out of hiding and acts like a Prime Minister rather than a fugitive.

A large mass of Canadians is being insulted because the cowardly Trudeau would rather send the nation’s envoys packing without providing the truckers a positive forum to hear their grievances. All kinds of political strings are being pulled to protect a dysfunctional political leader presently doing massive damage to Canada, to Parliament, to the Liberal Party, and to himself as well as to his seemingly estranged family.

Even with the propaganda onslaughts of a biased, bought-and-paid-for media, the truckers register way higher on the popularity scale than Justin Trudeau  and his scandal-ridden and ineffective Liberal Party. If the “Trudeau Team” of Liberals ever attempted a cross-Canada convoy, how many Canadians would stand in the cold by the roadside just to witness a bunch of political gangsters drive by?

Under these circumstances there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Trudeau’s neurological system has been injured by his three injections with lethal and injurious COVID injections. The issue of degenerate neurological inflictions being inculcated by the gene-modifying COVID injections has come into focus with the release of some previously hidden data.   

At a recent Washington DC hearing led by US Senator Ron Johnson, the issue of high numbers of neurological injuries from the COVID injections came up. Among members of US Armed Forces, neurological ailments went up in 2021 by nine times from 100,000 to 900,000.  

It turns out that the Pentagon has built up and preserved one of the most comprehensive databases that highlight the range and intensity of serious health problems generated by the COVID-19 jabs.

Here is a list of increases in patterns of infection, disability and illness plaguing US soldiers.

1. Hypertension – 2,081% increase

2. Diseases of the nervous system – 948% increase

3. Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 794% increase

4. Multiple sclerosis – 580% increase

5. Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 524% increase

6. Guillain-Barre syndrome – 451% increase

7. Breast cancer – 387% increase

8. Demyelinating – 387% increase

9. Neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 374% increase

10. Female infertility – 372% increase

11. Pulmonary embolism – 368% increase

12. Migraines – 352% increase

13. Ovarian dysfunction – 337% increase

14. Testicular cancer – 269% increase

15. Tachycardia – 202% increase

See this. 

There is no reason to imagine that the percentage increase in ailments suffered by jabbed soldiers is any different than the outcomes for jabbed people in general.

Accordingly, there is no reason to dismiss the possibility that Justin Trudeaus incoherence is part of a trend of dramatic increases in neurological ailments brought on by the COVID injections. Our Prime Minister incessantly pushes these injections with the intensity of an undercover nark.

Trudeau is presenting himself as an embittered raving madman. He seems to think that his unrelenting and unsupported defamation of a group of Canadian truckers and their supporters, is somehow consistent with his own self-delusion that he is a champion of national unity and inclusion. I dont see how he can ever put behind him the fool he has made of himself during the last few days.

In crossing Canada, the Canadian truckers and their wide array of allies and supporters kept in the forefront the illogical, unscientific and tyranny-based character of the injection mandates and of the segregationist vaccine passports.

As the days went by and thousands of miles passed in the Freedom Convoys‘ journeys, the truckers clearly took on board the sentiments they absorbed from the crowds that greeted them, fed them, and cheered them onwards.

In their engagement with the salt-of-the earth Canadian people along the Trans-Canada Highway, the truckers became sounding boards for many well-justified popular resentments.

The sense of popular betrayal was directed against the frauds and malfeasance heaped on us by many governing authorities. Attention was drawn to the excesses of often pointless or health-destroying restrictions. Emphasis was put on the endless stream of lies, exaggerations, and deceptions from our governments and their media propagandists.

With the much-anticipated arrival of the truckers in Ottawa, it seemed that many Canadians who have been badly let down by our governments, our media, our universities and our courts, had found a credible mouthpiece. It seemed that finally a credible group had stepped forward to convey a very popular insistence that enough is enough when it comes to this scamdemic. 

The failure of the federal government even at this late date to negotiate with envoys of the Canadian people does not bode well for the future. The evidence grows that we need  a thoroughgoing remaking of our institutions to make sure that our society is never again engulfed in such a monstrous plot to impose medicalized tyranny or any other kind of tyranny for that matter. We need changes that point away from, rather than towards, the Great financial Reset being promoted by the likes of Trudeau, Horgan, Legault, Schwab, Soros, Drosten, Newsom and Gates. See this.

Rights and Freedoms Not Protected When We Need Them the Most 

The disastrous lockdowns are among the most consequential restrictions forced on populations by the puppet dictators that appear to be in charge of many of the world’s governments. The pervasive imposition of a new form of universalized house arrest was justified on the basis of government lies. These lies conveyed fake news of vastly inflated numbers of  “COVID cases” and unsubstantiated voodoo science deployed to present fiction as fact concerning “asymptomatic” COVID carriers. These lies discredited real natural remedies and lauded COVID jabs as if they were safe and effective.

The lockdowns were weaponized to attack our ability to put up organized resistance against the onslaughts of illegal government incursions to block the exercise of our rights and freedoms. The lockdowns were used by governments intent on misleading us into thinking we had already become wards of governments. Since the spring of 2020 these governments began to stray far outside the realm of existing laws and far outside the many social contracts governments have historically negotiated with their constituents. This abandonment of rules extended to the abandonment of most precautionary measures in the development of the contents of the COVID injections.

Lockdowns were deployed to attack our morale and obliterate what remained of our social harmony. They were seized upon as a means of diminishing our physical, mental and domestic health. The lockdowns began the process of stripping down average people through a host of economic assaults.

These economic assaults multiplied unemployment and undermined the viability of small businesses, the middle class, and supply chains. The lockdowns were part of the process of discontinuing many forms of recreation, entertainment, travel, sports, and culture. This list is far from complete. 

The lockdowns are responsible for elevating rates of suicide, depression, addictions, domestic violence and unnecessary deaths from the cancellation of needed medical procedures including surgery.

The lies and crimes of the protagonists behind the manufactured COVID crisis have subjected millions of injected people around the world to plagues of mortality and injury whose full extent is still being kept hidden from the public. The restrictions and mandates have also pre-empted scores of constitutionally-guaranteed human rights and freedoms. The government violations include blocks on freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, as well as the freedom of expression, conscience, movement, travel, religion, and bodily autonomy.

In Canada the Charter of Rights and Freedoms should have protected Canadians. We should not have been subjected to the restrictions and mandates put in place by all levels of government in the name of fighting COVID-19.

Justin Trudeau has consistently argued that politicians are entitled to downgrade and disregard the Charter if they think it is “reasonable” to do so. Unfortunately those Canada’s judges who all gave green lights to the COVID restrictions, went along with Trudeau’s very political determination that the Charter, part of Canada’s “supreme law,” did not apply to the COVID lunacies.

Trudeau’s strategic insistence that, as Prime Minister of Canada, he is entitled to override the rights and freedoms of Canadians has caused much consternation. An influential critic of Trudeau and a champion of the Charter is Brian Peckford, Premier of Newfoundland from 1979 to 1989. Peckford helped draft and enact the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms in 1981 and 1982. Peckford’s stance coincides with that of many Canadians including most of the truckers in Ottawa.

Peckford has been an integral part of the contingent that has induced an eruption of public hostility against the manufactured nature of the COVID crisis. On January 29, the day the truckers rolled into Ottawa, Peckford addressed a huge gathering at the British Columbia Legislature in Victoria.

There Peckford announced he is taking the Canadian government to court for violating the free travel provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He makes a compelling case addressing the need for the Canadian government to conduct its affairs within the framework of the Canadian nation’s supreme law.

Criminality in Statecraft

What is to be said of the Ottawa government’s effort to invoke yet another round of emergency powers in the effort to shut down demonstrations by the truckers highlighting two years of repeated government malfeasance?

This pattern of repeating mistakes in the misguided quest to fix old mistakes seems to be a continuing feature of government activity throughout the COVID hoax so far. For instance, it makes no sense to respond to COVID injections that have not worked to prevent infection and transmission by advising people to take more unsafe, ineffective and sometimes lethal booster shots. It makes no sense to repeat old strategies that do not work. 

Like most of the world’s governments, the governments of Canada and its provinces have gone on an emergency-measure binge to which they are now obviously addicted. The government of Ottawa is acting pretty much like the governments of many cities during the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011. Occupy Wall Street emerged first in New York as a kind of variation on the demonstrations earlier in 2011 at Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt.

I took part in the Occupy Wall Street movement in many locations including in London England, Oakland California, and Calgary Alberta. In all these places the organizers eschewed short demonstrations. They emphasized, rather, setting up tent villages devoted to prolonged discussions, negotiation and enactments aimed at trying to identify and fix underlying problems driving the political economy of oppression.

In the effort to blot out the Occupy Movement, governments went to court seeking to eject the occupants of tent villages. By and large this strategy “worked.” Key phrases in domestic constitutions and international conventions dealing with the need to protect human freedoms were preempted by mere municipal bylaws and such. The same scenario seems to be currently playing out in Ottawa.

The menace to society is great when governments enact all kinds of unnecessary and unjustified emergency measures. This process of societal degradation took place in spades after the 9/11 false flag event. In the responding to a concocted interpretation of what transpired, the Global War on Terror was declared. It involved outright invasions of many Muslim-majority countries.

The post-9/11 violations of many rights and freedoms effectively undermined basic safeguards like the need to prove guilt in court before punishment is imposed. This tended to translate into incarcerating mostly innocent Muslims who were often tortured in US black sites. The resulting attack on the rule of law has been augmented again and again especially over the last two years of the engineered COVID panic.

In 2011 and in 2020-2022 it happened that the constitutional provisions that exist supposedly to protect us were simply suspended when put to the test. The system is so rigged that it most often protects the criminality of elites, a pattern as true in Ottawa as in Washington DC or in London England.

Meanwhile, too often the law is deployed as a means of controlling regular citizens in the quest to hold them back from impinging on the self-interested imperatives of elites. This pattern is well demonstrated by Ottawa Police Chief Peter Stoly being assigned to perform political dirty work for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Criminalizing the Innocent to Protect the Guilty

The effort by a coalition of the powerful to smear, criminalize, harass and eject the truckers gathered in Ottawa is reflective of the impoverishment of the rule of law these days. Efforts are made to discredit the political representations of working people through media smear campaigns sometimes combined with the effort of law enforcement officials to criminalize and harass those that offend the interests of power.

On the other hand serious allegations, like those advanced by David E. Martin in describing Justin Trudeau’s mishandling of the manufactured COVID crisis, are conspicuously disregarded by legacy media. Martin explained a number of alleged felonies by Trudeau involving racketeering, collusion, illegal restrictions on trade, and anti-trust violations. Martin entitled his spoken word essay, “On Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “Covid” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many.”

See this.

The petty complaints directed at the truckers in Ottawa pale in comparison to the major charges being pressed in courts against some of the leading figures of COVID Officialdom including Justin Trudeau. Excerpts from the much reproduced essay by Joachim Hagopian indicate the breakthroughs being made in pressing charges on the likes of Justin Trudeau, Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. Hagopian explains, for instance

Not only is Britain’s largest police force now actively involved in the probe, but the Hammersmith Police alongside the International Criminal Court at the Hague in the Netherlands are also working conjointly together in what’s being called the world’s largest international crime investigation ever.

Under the formal banner of the Hammersmith CID (Criminal Investigation Division) Police Station, Case Number 6029679/21, this landmark criminal case was lodged in conjunction with the International Criminal Court (ICC Case Number OTP-CR-473/21)….

Though these monumental legal cases in both the Hague and UK have been confirmed legitimate, neither has been publicized whatsoever by the corporate lamestream press for the very same reason that MSM has been the principal truth-suppressing co-conspirator throughout the pandemic. These two enormously important lawsuits filed a month ago, in UK spearheaded by Dr. Sam White, MD, retired constable Mark Sexton and attorneys Philip Hyland and Lois Bayliss, is receiving further support from such international notables as Robert Kennedy Jr (JFK nephew and bestselling author of The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health), German-American lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and former Pfizer Vice President Dr Michael Yeadon, along with dozens of other professional experts and authorities. The crimes against humanity involve charges of malfeasance and misconduct in public office, gross negligence, manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, murder and conspiracy to commit murder and genocide. For our future, these two cases filed on behalf of humanity, kept under such close Deep State wraps by the criminals, are both huge.

See this

The integrity of the rule of law cannot be sustained if the failure continues to hold top officials legally accountable for committing very high-level crimes.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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You might have recognized that something is gravely amiss with the narrative regarding COVID.

You might have a general sense that you are being deceived or have even noticed the large discrepancy between public policy and medical evidence in terms of lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, vaccine mandates, early outpatient treatment of COVID, etc.

You might be asking, what is going on?

Before we can begin to answer this question, it must be first understood that preemptive tactics have been employed, most likely without your awareness, to limit your ability to openly consider this question. A common technique used in propaganda focuses on pre-programming one’s reactions by linking a particular label to a notion of illegitimacy.

In this way a susceptible individual will be unable to objectively assess the content from any source once this label has been applied. Multiple entities, including mainstream media, have worked diligently to illegitimatize the term “conspiracy theory” by aggressively linking it with extremism, paranoia, and delusion. This is a dangerous misconception intended to undermine the basis of critical thinking.

What is a conspiracy theory? Put simply it is a theory about a conspiracy. But let’s further dissect these terms. 

The first component of this term is conspiracy. Are conspiracies the self-talk of paranoid schizophrenics or do actual conspiracies take place, specifically in the United States involving the US government and private sectors with the intent or effect of deceiving and manipulating American citizens?

The fact is that many such conspiracies have taken place in the United States in recent history. The details of these events are well established and typically disclosed when the documents are declassified, often after the government is pressured to divulge the information. This requires a significant amount of time to have elapsed after the event and, more importantly the persistent effort of critical thinking American citizens.

These events are often shocking and appalling. As the details are easy to find I will simply provide a short list of such conspiracies in no particular order. If these terms are unfamiliar, I encourage you to educate yourself on these important elements of recent US history. 

Cointelpro, Gulf of Tonkin incident, MK-Ultra, William Binney and NSA warrantless surveillance,

Dark alliance and Gary Webb,

Operation Mockingbird,

Project Sunshine, Operation Sea Spray, Operation CHAOS, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke, QK-Hilltop, MK-Delta,

Pentagon bacteria test and over 200 similar tests on unknowing US citizens,

Salk Vaccine Dr. Bernice Eddy and SV40,

Operation Northwoods,

Ed Snowden documents,

Dept of Treasury Poisoned Alcohol,

Operation Paperclip,

“Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis in the negro male”,

Nayirah testimony,

FEMA Ricin toxin poisonings,

Michael R. Tayor Monsanto VP/FDA Deputy Director, Operation Berkshire,

Atomic Energy Commission radiation experiments including Fernald school radioactive oatmeal,

University of Rochester Uranium and University of Iowa radioactive iodine in pregnant women which prompted the formation of the ACHRE, U.S. military race-based testing of mustard gas. 

The list goes on and on.

The very recent declassification of UFO documents demonstrating the decades long cover-up of UFO sightings is a stark reminder. Not only was there an active cover-up right up until 2021, but these documents remain highly redacted[1-2]. Furthermore, the government admits that a significant portion of these documents remain classified[3]. Thus, portions of this cover-up actively continue. 

The bottom line is that the belief that conspiracies do not take place is naïve and frankly false.

In fact, there are so many nefarious government conspiracies that have taken place in recent history in the United States that there has not been a time in the last 80 years that a conspiracy was not taking place. While one could, and certainly should, debate about what conspiracies are taking place currently, the stance that no conspiracy is taking place is simply irrational. 

The second component of this term is theory. The message from mainstream media is that “theory” equates with falsehood, misconception, or inaccuracy. In science however, theory is not such a dirty word. On the contrary, the term theory is closely associated with truth.

Theory is an integral part of the scientific method for discovering truth.

All studies based on the scientific method begin with a hypothesis. The investigator then goes about seeking evidence to either support or refute the hypothesis. If refuted the hypothesis is rejected and then not considered a viable theory.

If the evidence does support the hypothesis, this becomes a theory that is accepted as probable.

Take for example the germ theory of disease. This is the theory that diseases are caused by germs or pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites etc. Although the major model used to explain disease in western medicine, germ theory does not completely explain disease, which can occur via other mechanisms and is clearly influenced by other factors including factors intrinsic to the diseased individual.

This theory has an interesting history.

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, who was a highly respected physician, was committed to a mental asylum by his colleagues in 1865 simply for proposing this theory. Another common scientific theory is heliocentric theory: the theory that the earth revolves around the sun. We of course have an immense amount of evidence to support this theory. Einstein’s general theory of relativity explains gravity among other things. Cell theory is the theory that living things are composed of one or more cells. There are many theories that are widely considered a close approximation of truth. 

A civilian who is aware that conspiracies take place, but unable to prove their existence usually for decades after they occur, is in a challenging scenario. One can only speculate about conversations that occur in high places and behind closed doors. The power of government level entities to cover up details of such events leaves the rest of world relatively blind.

Nonetheless the pursuit of truth in this regard is vital to the health of any free nation.

Indeed, it is the duty of the citizens to press for this truth. So, what can be done? In the world of science there is a parallel that can be drawn upon from the study of physics, particularly astrophysics.

No one knows for sure what is happening light years away or what occurred billions of years ago. Nonetheless there is a burning desire to understand these events.

Thus, the field of physics is divided into two subdisciplines: theoretical physics and experimental physics.

The theoretical physicists, such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, pose theories based on a combination of observation, calculation, and creativity, often with little actual evidence. Although the theories can never really be proven, the experimental physicists take these theories and try to disprove them by running experiments. They will take the stance for example that if the theory is valid, then x would also be true. They then test x. If a theory stands up to this scrutiny it remains a viable theory. Most theories are disproven. Others become the defining model of our universe. No one considers theoretic physicists to be delusional. They play a vital role in the pursuit of truth. 

The next time you hear the term “conspiracy theory”, pay attention to the intent of the speaker.

Is it being used in an attempt to invalidate the theory or persuade you to immediately reject the content of the theory without consideration? If so, this is a gross misuse of the term.

Also pay attention to your immediate intellectual reaction. Do you find yourself more apt to reject the content in question simply because it has been so labeled? Do not succumb to such manipulation.

The very fact that aggressive propaganda has been issued in this regard with increasing frequency should be an indication of the presence of an active conspiracy which is working to avoid discovery. I am not suggesting conspiracy theories be immediately accepted as fact.

Instead begin with the notion that the content is potentially valid and should be applied to an exercise of thought, exploring the evidence to either support or refute such a theory. Ask yourself if the content being discussed is actually a theory or is it simply evidence being presented that implies that a conspiracy exists.

Perhaps a theory has not even yet been overtly formulated. In that case, do not shy away from generating a theory to explain such information, then go about testing your theory with the evidence available. This is not a radical or fringe approach. This is a normal intellectual method for processing new information and discovering truth. 

The Covid Narrative

For the purpose of this paper, I will assume you are one of the many people who have come to recognize that a group of extremely powerful individuals have gone to unimaginable lengths to make a COVID vaccine mandatory and are intent on ensuring every person on earth receives it.

They created the virus and the “vaccine”, released the virus on the world, made sure that it spread, exaggerated the number of infections, exaggerated its lethality, attempted to block all effective treatment, circumvented informed consent and the Nuremberg code in administering the inoculation, refused to disclose the ingredients, covered up deaths and injuries that have resulted from the inoculation, effectively silenced all dissenting voices, destroyed the life of anyone who spoke out and have managed to get the majority of the world’s health care providers and leaders to ignore all of this and instead promote a false narrative through a combination of bribery, threats, retaliation and outright brainwashing. Establishing the above is beyond the scope of this paper, but if you are not convinced these are at least probable realities I encourage you to continue to explore the validity of the narrative you are being told. 

Given the above, the question then becomes: why? Why did they go to such lengths to establish the norm of universal global vaccine mandates? The exact details have not yet been revealed; therefore, we are left to develop theories. There is a significant amount of evidence that can be drawn upon to guide and support such theories, which we will examine. Like the investigator of any crime, we must first identify the motive. You might be tempted to consider that the money generated by the vaccines is the primary motive.

There are certainly massive conflicts of interest between government regulators and Big Pharma.

Until you consider the breadth of entities across the entire planet that have conceded and even contributed to this agenda in a highly coordinated and nearly simultaneous fashion from the very beginning. The United States is the only nation in the world that allows pharmaceutical companies to engage in direct-to-consumer advertising, other than New Zealand, which imposes very strict regulations on what can and cannot be said[4]. If pharmaceutical companies cannot even get the German or Australian governments for example, to let them run an ad on TV for any cost, does it stand to reason that they would comply with the most draconian vaccine mandates in history simply to financially benefit Pfizer? Also keep in mind that a vaccine dose costs about $40.

In contrast monoclonal antibody treatments cost about $450 up to $2300 per dose[5-6]. That’s a 10 to 50-fold potential increase in revenue per dose, yet monoclonal antibodies are being aggressively blocked. These products are manufactured by some of the largest and most influential pharmaceutical companies in the world including Roche, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca. Roche alone spends more money than Pfizer in lobbying every year[116]. This behavior is not consistent with a motive of making money for big pharma.

Finally, the cost of the pandemic, and especially lockdown measures, that has been incurred by essentially every sector and industry of the global economy, dwarfs the revenue generated by the handful of pharmaceutical companies who have benefited from COVID vaccinations[7-9

]. As an increasing mass of people become aware of the sinister agenda unfolding, and the evidence of nefarious intent becomes more apparent, I suspect the new false narrative will indeed become a collusion between big pharm and a few bad actors in high positions. These individuals may even take the fall. Make no mistake, this is a scapegoat, a distraction meant to hide the true intent of the scheme. Fauci is a patsy. Do not be duped into participating in spreading this false deception. Much grander ambitions are being pursued. 

We know that whoever is behind this agenda is extremely powerful.

Powerful enough to exert control over the governments, media, major corporations, and healthcare institutions of essentially every nation on the planet. Knowing this, establishing a motive is simple, and it is not money. Any individual or group with this much power and influence has more money than they could ever spend. The motivation of every leader of any large group, at any point in time is the same: control. Specifically control over human behavior. Not only does this feed into the ego drive of a leader, because this equates with supreme power, but it is also the most fundamental and functionally necessary target to achieve any other goal. As a leader you want your nation and your people to function as efficiently as possible, like a well-oiled machine. What is the barrier? The inability to control human behavior. As a modern leader, if you desire preservation of natural resources, longevity of earth’s ability to support human life, optimal population numbers, optimal productivity, minimal waste or even crime control, safety, and compliance in any fashion, you need to control human behavior.

The problem is that if you conflict too much with the desires and motivations of your people, they will ultimately revolt or fail to comply and you will lose control rather than gain it. Thus, there has always had to be a balance. The 40-hour work week, the cost of goods, even speed limits are examples of this balance. Traditional methods of controlling human behavior are well known: laws, punishment, manipulation of religion, establishment of cultural norms and expectations, etc. During the industrial revolution, the methods for obtaining control over human behavior became scientific. Frederick Taylor is famous for devising methods in the early 1900’s to optimize the efficiency of factory workers and mitigate the demands of highly skilled laborers by imposing a system of extreme divisions of labor.

The goal was to transform skilled and creative individuals into uniform, easily replaceable cogs in a wheel. His methods were quickly embraced by Mussolini and Lenin. Despite the undeniable effectiveness of Taylor’s methods, there were consequences. In their article “Where Have All the Robots Gone”, Harold Shepherd and Neal Herrick described that Taylor’s methods have diminishing returns beyond a certain point. Workers become dissatisfied and alienated, developing increasing resistance towards the system and even unfavorable voting patterns[10]. Taylor’s methods are felt to be a major contributor to Russia’s Kronstadt Rebellion of 1921[11]. 

Thus, over the last century a more equitable balance had to be struck between worker and employer. Other methods of control in the modern era include the institutionalization of education and propaganda through television and other media. While these methods have been effective, their success has been limited. Human behavior continues to pose a major barrier to the goals of world leaders. What else can be done? How can they achieve better control without diminishing returns and without people realizing or resisting? 

Medicine and Technology to Modify Human Behavior

The quest to utilize medicine and technology to manipulate human behavior began in the US around the time of World War II. Josef Mengel was educated at the Rockefeller Foundation funded German eugenics program before going on to become the “angel of death” at Auschwitz[85].

Several Nazi doctors who carried out this work under Hitler’s regime were brought illegally to the US via operation paperclip[12-13]. Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke officially began in the early 1950’s. These gave rise to MK-Ultra along with QK-Hilltop, MK-Naomi, and MK-Delta, all of which led to MK-Search. These CIA operations were explicitly aimed at human mind control and behavior modification. Thousands of American citizens underwent brutal and tortuous experimentation without their informed consent[13-14]. Despite the extensive experimentation on human subjects using various drugs, the most productive experiment was when they implanted microchips into animals.

In 1965 the CIA was able to literally remote control a group of dogs through a field by way of microchips implanted in their brains. Per declassified documents, the primary limitation noted by the investigators was that the dogs could only be controlled within a range of about 200 feet and plans were described to continue experimentation in “other species”[15-16].

In the same year Dr. Jose Delgado succeeded in remotely manipulating the behavior of a bull, also using an electronic device implanted in its brain[17]. Delgado continued his work on mind control using implanted devices through Yale University and published over 100 papers. After performing similar experiments in cats and monkeys he moved on to human trials. In a story published in Scientific American, writer John Horgan describes, “Delgado could induce fear, rage, lust, hilarity, garrulousness and other reactions” in his human subjects[18]. 

MK-ultra was exposed in 1974 by Seymour Hersh, a journalist with a long career of exposing government cover-ups via anonymous sources[19-20]. The program was subsequently investigated by a committee led by then Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.

The CIA claimed at that time that the program had conveniently been self-terminated just one year prior in 1973. Unfortunately, most of the documents of MK-Ultra were destroyed. Still tens of thousands of pages were ultimately declassified and made available to the public thanks to the freedom of information act. In keeping with the CIA narrative, documents only lead up to 1973.

Documentation beyond that point remains classified. Despite the narrative that MK-Ultra ended in 1973, there is no proof that these projects and the quest for control over human behavior was ever actually discontinued. In fact, following the completion of the investigations into CIA mind control experimentation, President Ford penned an executive order in 1976 prohibiting “experimentation with drugs on human subjects, except with the informed consent, in writing and witnessed by a disinterested party, of each such human subject.”[13, 20-21] Aside from the redundancy of this statement, which simply reiterates already well-established codes of medical and bioethics including the Nuremberg code, this executive order is suspiciously limiting.

Why was it necessary to add the phrase “with drugs”? Whether intentional or not, there is clear omission of any prohibition of experimentation using implantable devices, despite this being a component of MK-Ultra. In 2004 John Greenwald, founder of The Black Vault, a site which catalogues declassified government documents, uploaded the MK-Ultra documents. It was later discovered by a man named Oscar Diggs that thousands of pages were missing, and Mr. Greenwald subsequently requested these missing documents from the CIA in 2018. 

Remarkably the CIA replied that these pages were intentionally omitted from the original request because they pertained to “behavior modification” rather than “mind control”, which was the subject of the investigation into MK-Ultra[22-23]. In other words, the CIA considers “behavior modification” a separate component of their activities from “mind control”. While the actual distinction is nebulous at best, the fact that the CIA considers these to be distinct operations further supports the notion that at least the “behavior modification” component of their activities has indeed persisted. 

In 1965 a computer was roughly as large as a full-sized refrigerator yet had roughly the processing power of a basic handheld calculator[24]. In contrast, Intel’s most current 2021 processor is just 7 nanometers (nm) large[25-26]. For perspective, 1nm is one billionth of a meter, smaller than the wavelength of visible light. A single atom has a width of 0.5nm. If living animals could be controlled like remote control cars in 1965, it is not hard to imagine how far the trajectory of technological advancement would take us nearly 60 years later.

While the technology possessed by government entities typically well exceeds that available in the private sector, we can nonetheless look to known and published technology in the private sector today to give us an idea of what might be currently possible. One field of science that is relevant to the goal of control over human behavior is genetic modification. Our DNA can be altered in a nearly infinite number of ways. This technology has been around for decades, hence the prevalence of GMO (genetically modified organism) food. One can hardly find non-GMO corn anywhere in North America now. Genomics is one of the largest fields of science in practice and focuses on the function and editing of genomes[27]. Genetic modification is powerful, and the possibilities are limitless, but the changes are permanent and difficult to control, particularly with regard to manipulating behavior. 


Nanotechnology and specifically nanobots offer a form of technology that seems more attractive and is certainly more in line with the evolution of techniques that were being explored in the 1960’s. These are robots 50 to 100nm wide. This is about 1/10,000 the size of a human cell or 1/1,000 the size of the nucleus. They can be made of a variety of materials, are of course invisible to the naked eye and can easily be injected through a needle and syringe. They can enter the brain, target areas that control certain behaviors and influence those behaviors[28-31].

The largest barrier to nanorobot’s ability to enter the brain is the blood brain barrier, a highly selective semi-permeable border that protects the brain from elements in circulation. Spike protein is known to aggressively disrupt the blood brain barrier[32-33]. This may be the very reason for the spike protein having been placed on the virus and why the “vaccine” contains the mRNA to generate spike.

More importantly, the mRNA itself is encapsuled in lipid nanoparticles and we know the jab contains significant amounts of this ingredient. Lipid nanoparticles were designed as a vehicle to assist in the transit of materials across the blood brain barrier and into the brain. Indeed, this is precisely how they have primarily been used prior to the development of COVID vaccines[120].

When a sufficient number of nanomachines assemble, they become a microchip or computer processor. They can receive and transmit information via electromagnetic waves[34-37]. Thus, behavior could be remotely controlled and modified in a certain fashion one minute and modified differently the next.

This is not science fiction but rather an entire established field of science with such a large body of ongoing published literature that there are over 75 different peer reviewed periodic journals in print dedicated just to keeping up with the literature related to this field[38-43]. One subdiscipline of nanotechnology involves using DNA to build these nanobots, called DNA origami nanomachine technology[44]. In 2014 researchers in Israel injected DNA origami nanobots into a living cockroach and built what the investigators described as a computer to manipulate certain tissues[45].

DNA Origami

I have read through a considerable amount of the literature on DNA origami nanotechnology and from what I have seen, the vast majority comes out of Asia and third world countries. It seems unlikely that the United States and European countries would not have an interest in this field. Perhaps research from the west is not being published because of the obvious implications of what they are developing. Meanwhile, in a 2015 webinar Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, openly asserted, “In the 2030s we are going to send nano-robots into the brain.”[46-48].

This statement came off as more of a threat than a prediction, which was endorsed in the same year by Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab, and James Friend, a professor of mechanical engineering at UC San Diego. In fact, Dr. Friend estimated in 2015 that we were only two to five years away from human brain nanobots[47]. Despite their enthusiasm in this regard, according to a 2014 pew research survey 72% of Americans are not interested in a brain implant even if it could improve memory or mental capacity[49]. Apparently, this technology may not be implemented based on choice. 

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) tracks adverse events that occur in association with vaccinations. VAERS was established in 1990 and is managed by the CDC and the FDA. The system allows the lot number of the vaccine dose in question to be entered along with the reported event, providing the ability to track adverse events in relation to a particular lot or set of lots[50]. The adverse events associated with COVID have been historically unprecedented in comparison to prior vaccines[51].

As you might imagine the rate of adverse events in a given vaccine, for example the seasonal flu shot, will be relatively consistent across batches, i.e. low lot-to-lot variability. Isolated lots that are contaminated or corrupted will show up as outliers and thus can be identified using this system to facilitate a recall and root cause analysis. Based on an unpublished analysis of VAERS data from COVID vaccines performed by Paardekooper et. al. there has allegedly been extreme lot-to-lot variability in association with COVID vaccines, far beyond what would be expected from any naturally occurring variability and highly unusual based on other vaccines in the system.

According to their review this phenomenon is present across all three COVID vaccine manufacturers distributing in the US. Many lots have few or even zero serious adverse events while many others have thousands of serious adverse events. If this is accurate, it would indicate that COVID vaccine lots do not all have the same contents. Their data suggest that there are at least 2 or 3 distinctly different categories of lots within a given product, each containing different ingredients, or at least a different ingredient, that is responsible for this very high rate of adverse events, including deaths and miscarriages[52]. It is important to understand that those who wish to examine the contents of a vaccine vial, including the FDA or any independent lab, cannot simply identify all the contents.

There is no method or technology that accomplishes this task. This is a basic limitation of toxicology. Instead, one must test a sample for a specific ingredient. In this manner you can check for the presence or absence of any given known ingredient but will be incapable of identifying the presence of an ingredient you do not specifically look for.

This highlights just how little is known about what these injections contain. It is well known that the FDA does not have all the drug and/or vaccine information on a given product during their review processes and are at the mercy of the manufacturer to provide this information. Such information has often been nefariously withheld by the manufacturer, which was recently well demonstrated during the Purdue OxyContin debacle[53-54].

It is another matter entirely however when the FDA is seen to actively collude with the pharmaceutical industry to hide safety information from the public. Shockingly, after a group of more than 30 academic professors and scientists requested the FDA share the data it utilized to determine the safety of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty vaccine via the Freedom of Information Act, the FDA requested the courts allow more than 55 years to provide this information.

This is a glaring indication of these two entities conspiring to hide something about the vaccine, potentially related to its contents. The courts ultimately granted at least 8 months to provide this information. As of the time of this writing Pfizer is stepping in to intervene in the lawsuit as well as to “help redact those pages” during this release process. Also remember this only pertains to the Comirnaty formulation, which is not actually being administered to anyone at this time. We can know absolutely nothing about any of the EUA vaccines, which include the legally distinct EUA version of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, as none of these products have been granted FDA approval[56-58]. 

Some have suggested that the intent of the vaccinations may be to kill off a percentage of the population or directly decrease biologic fertility. This theory is certainly supported by the Gates and Rockefeller family ties to the eugenics movement as well as Bill Gate’s longstanding contention that overpopulation is one of the greatest problems facing humanity[59-64].

In addition, the lot-to-lot variability data, if accurate, indicate the presence of an experimental design to assess the lethality and fertility effects of a given ingredient or set of ingredients. Keep in mind, however, that you do not need to kill people, or even render them infertile to decrease the population if you can control their behavior, particularly their drive to reproduce. Furthermore, it is important to note that the planet is actually approaching a population decline in the next twenty years if current trends continue. Global fertility rates have been steadily declining for decades and now over 95 countries have either fallen below replacement fertility levels, including the United States and every country in the European union, or will be at sub-replacement levels within the next 3 years[65-70]. There is no question that those behind this will want to be extremely selective of which demographics they adjust and at what rate. They will need to be able nimbly adjust reproduction rates, and they are just as likely to want to increase those rates versus decrease. 

To review, based on the preponderance of evidence the primary goal of those behind the COVID agenda is most likely to achieve control over human behavior via the introduction of a highly effective and covert means for such manipulation. As Dr. McCullough has pointed out, “all roads lead to the vaccine”. The nanotechnology currently available can manipulate human behavior and can be implemented via an injection. Spike protein and lipid nanoparticles in the vaccine will facilitate entry into the brain.

The US government has a decades long history of performing dangerous interventions on US citizens aimed at mind control and behavior modification without their knowledge or consent and there is no proof this was ever discontinued. While we have no way of knowing everything that is in the vaccines, VAERS data, the open efforts of both the FDA and Pfizer to withhold the safety data, and Pfizer’s attempts to deceive the public regarding the distinctions between its various formulations[56-58], indicate that we are being lied to about their contents. 

If the effects of this manipulation were to become apparent to the unvaccinated, most of those individuals would never willing submit to inoculation. There would be a war. Therefore, the entire population must be inoculated before the effects are evident. Three potential scenarios, or a combination thereof, then exist. The first is that the technology has the ability to lay dormant until everyone has received the inoculation, at which point it can be activated remotely. Based on the current state of technology this is absolutely possible. Alternatively, the current injection does not actually contain this technology. In this scenario the purpose of this phase is simply to normalize universal global vaccine mandates with the intention that during a future pandemic or wave there will a brisk global acceptance of the technology-containing inoculation within a short timeframe. Finally, the current vaccinations are intended to test this technology on mass scale for future implementation. A combination of the above is most likely. 

Bill Gates has been very outspoken regarding his intention to vaccinate the entire planet

He has been integrally involved with every facet of the global response to the pandemic since well before it began.

There are multiple hints that indicate that Gates and others behind this agenda are planning on facing significant resistance to full compliance with the vaccine.

Ultimately, they are not planning on this being voluntary, nor are they planning that simply making it a law or a mandate will lead to compliance.

This will need to be strictly enforced under harsh penalty for their objectives to be met. Bill Gates has funded MIT to develop an application of what is known as Quantum dot technology to create a sort of tattoo which is placed simultaneously with a vaccine.

The Quantum Dot Imprinting Technology 

It is invisible to the naked eye but can be read by a cell phone camera and will contain the vaccine data along with any other personal health information[70-72]. Quantum dot imprinting is done using a bioluminescent enzyme called luciferase or luciferin, which is noted 60 times in the Moderna COVID vaccine patent US 10,898,57474-75. Although this enzyme has other uses, together these facts raise concern that those who have received this inoculation may have already received a Quantum dot imprint without being aware. In 2018 Gates filed a patent for an implantable sensor which tracks your “biometric data” and links this information to the generation of cryptocurrency. According to the patent, the device will “award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified”. This application was filed around the time that event 201 was being drafted[76-77].


Also, around this time Bill Gates teamed up with Google and Ripple, the company who developed the cryptocurrency XRP and who develops financial exchange technology, to create Mojaloop Foundation.

According to their website Mojaloop’s mission is to develop software to be used for digital payment systems to enable financial services between individual users, banks, government entities, merchants, mobile network operators, providers, and technology companies – connecting the underserved with the emerging digital economy.

They aspire for their system to get “people to use digital payments instead of cash” and state that there must be “full involvement of the private sector”[78-80]. Together these technologies point to a plan to control access to finances based on compliance with vaccination. 


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