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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

An international cat federation has banned all Russian-owned and bred cats from competing in international competitions, in a move that’s sure to stop Putin’s attack on Ukraine.

No, this isn’t a Babylon Bee story.

The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) issued a statement saying it “cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing.”

The federation has decided that “no cat bred in Russia may be imported and registered in any FIFe pedigree book outside of Russia. … No cat belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may be entered at any FIFe show outside Russia.”

The ban will apply until at least the end of May and will punish popular breeds such as the Russian Blue, Peterbald and the Siberian cat, which can cost up to $4,000 dollars.

The story attracted condemnation from Chinese users of Weibo, with one asserting, “Animals should not have nationalities.”

As any rational person will surely understand, this is virtually guaranteed to send battle tanks scurrying back to Moscow

As we explain in the video below, the outpouring of utterly moronic moral exhibitionism in the aftermath of the attack on Ukraine is now manifesting itself in a very dangerous form of vitriolic Russophobia.

It’s also a crusade being taken up by leading politicians.

In the United States, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) wants to expel all Russian students from universities, while in the UK Conservative MP called for all Russian citizens to be deported.


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By the beginning of 1942 Adolf Hitler had led Nazi Germany into a desperate situation, from which there was probably no escape. At the time, this was not easily apparent to the Wehrmacht or the German population, nor indeed to the Third Reich’s enemies, particularly those in the West.

The failure of Nazi Germany’s Army Groups to deliver a lethal blow against Soviet Russia in 1941, meant that the Wehrmacht had missed its chance to win the war; and well prior to the defeat at Stalingrad, which confirmed to the world that the Germans were unlikely to emerge victorious. As 1942 began, the sands of time were moving rapidly against the Nazis and their Axis allies, principally Benito Mussolini’s Italy and Ion Antonescu’s Romania, both of whom were dependent on German success to ensure their own survival.

The Soviet Union of Joseph Stalin, with its greater industrial power and much larger population than the Reich, could only strengthen as the conflict continued and the Germans could only weaken. However, the USSR itself would never completely recover from the devastation inflicted by the Wehrmacht on their state, at a minimum 25 million Soviet deaths suffered and tens of thousands of towns destroyed (1); along with the effort simply expended in the struggle against the German war machine.

English historian Chris Bellamy wrote that the Nazi-Soviet War had ongoing implications, not merely for Germany but for Russia too, and was a leading factor which “ultimately broke the Soviet Union” in 1991. The other central cause behind the USSR’s disintegration was “the succeeding struggle against the West – which followed without any respite”. (2)

Bellamy recognised that Soviet Russia “was a long-term casualty of the Great Patriotic War [1941–45]” (3). Had Hitler known this as he raised a pistol to his head in the Führerbunker, and furthermore that the Soviet Union would collapse without a shot fired, he presumably would have gone to his grave in a more serene state of mind. Russian military journals conceded that the Soviet victory over the Germans was achieved at too great a cost. (4)

During the Nazi-Soviet War, the turning of the tide took far longer than Stalin and his regime had expected. From January 1942 until the high summer, the Soviet hierarchy continued to claim complete triumph was achievable over the Wehrmacht that year (5). The Germans proved to be made of sterner material than Napoleon’s army, in their ill-fated 1812 attack on Russia.

The lingering effects of Stalin’s purges of the Red Army high command (1937-41) should not be underestimated. After the war, Marshal Georgy Zhukov said the purges had inflicted “enormous damage” on “the top echelons of the army command” (6). As Zhukov knew, the repercussions were felt strongly in the war with Nazi Germany. The Red Army had a shortage of top class commanders. It was further deprived of the initiative to make independent decisions when needed, especially early in the conflict against Nazism when Stalin was personally caught by surprise with the German invasion.

Moreover, British scholar Evan Mawdsley observed, “the purges made foreign governments – potential allies as well as potential enemies – assume that the Red Army was a broken shell” (7). The British and French presumed it to be so. As did Hitler’s Germany who had taken advantage of the circumstances.

Red Army intelligence agent Leopold Trepper wrote in his memoirs,

“The Germans exploited this situation to the full, instructing their Intelligence Services to convey to Paris and London the alarming facts – and they really were alarming – on the state of the Red Army after the purges”. (8)

It was the case also that the purges were a factor which influenced Hitler to attack the USSR, on 22 June 1941, otherwise he may have held off until 1942 or later. Proof of the damage imparted on the Soviet armed forces was evident in the Winter War with Finland (30 November 1939–13 March 1940), which the Soviet authorities had predicted would last for between 10 to 12 days. (9)

The Nazis were subsequently confident that a war against Soviet Russia would be a routine one. This confidence grew after the German divisions brushed aside French and British forces, during the summer 1940 Battle of France.

With 1942 continuing from its opening weeks the German high command, on paper at least, still had cause for hope. Most of eastern Europe and European Russia was under Nazi occupation, and there was no immediate threat of a large-scale Anglo-American landing in the West. Though by some distance the world’s strongest country, America and its war industry was shifting slowly into gear after the Great Depression, and would not reach its potential until late in the global conflict.

Much to Stalin’s dismay and frustration, it was the Japanese, and not the Germans, who would then endure the brunt of US industrial might. Stalin and his entourage’s growing suspicions, that the Anglo-American powers hoped the Nazi-Soviet War would last for years, were based on well-founded concerns.

This desire had already been expressed in part by Harry S. Truman, future US president, hours after the Wehrmacht had invaded the Soviet Union.

Truman, then a US Senator, said he wanted to see the Soviets and Germans “kill as many as possible” between themselves, an attitude which the New York Times later called “a firm policy” (10). The Times had previously published Truman’s remarks on 24 June 1941, and as a result his views would most likely not have escaped the Soviets’ attention.

The area of landmass conquered by Nazi Germany increased substantially again through 1942. Expanding to its peak, the Third Reich’s territory was equal to the size of terrain conquered by the legendary Macedonian king, Alexander the Great, in the 4th century BC (11). Alexander the Great had ruled over a land area from the eastern Mediterranean all of the way to north-western India. Hitler’s dominion stretched across the entirety of continental Europe, much of north Africa and had breached into the fringes of western Asia.

As early as 18 October 1941, the Germans had taken captive at least 3 million Soviet troops. Bellamy noted,

“The total of 3 million was almost 10 times the figure of 378,000 admitted by Stalin on 6 November [1941], on the eve of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the 1917 October revolution. By the end of 1941, 3.8 million Soviet servicemen and women had surrendered or been captured”. (12)

Stalin was not assuming responsibility for the fall of Kiev, in the middle of September 1941, which had resulted in 665,000 Soviet soldiers taken prisoner by the Germans, an unequalled number in the military annals. By refusing to allow the Ukrainian capital to be abandoned for strategic reasons, Stalin had overruled the pleas of commanders like Zhukov and Semyon Budyonny. The latter was a distinguished cavalryman, but this did not prevent Budyonny from being scapegoated for the Kiev calamity and sacked on 13 September 1941.

Geoffrey Roberts, a specialist in Soviet history, wrote that

“Stalin fully shared these misconceptions and, as Supreme Commander, bore ultimate responsibility for their disastrous practical consequences. As A.J.P. Taylor noted [a British historian], Stalin’s dedication to the doctrine of the offensive ‘brought upon the Soviet armies greater catastrophes than any other armies have ever known’. There were many occasions, too, when it was Stalin’s personal insistence on the policy of no retreat, and of counterattack at all costs, that resulted in heavy Soviet losses”. (13)

Among Hitler’s goals for the 1942 offensive was to deal a devastating blow on the Red Army, by destroying its divisions in the south-western USSR; and thereafter seizing control of the Soviet oil fields of the Caucasus, primarily at Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The fossil fuel sources there supplied the Soviet Union with almost 90% of its fuel, a remarkable total. Roberts outlined,

“Unlike in 1941, Hitler did not necessarily expect to win the war in the east in 1942” (14). He did expect to place the Reich in an insurmountable position, self-sufficient by enjoying mastery over rich oil deposits and, in doing so, depriving Soviet Russia of those reserves.

Should they fail Hitler acknowledged, “If we do not capture the oil supplies of the Caucasus by the autumn, then I shall have to face the fact that we cannot win this war” (15). German plans for the 1942 summer campaign expounded that the Russian infiltrations, behind Wehrmacht lines, were to be wiped out once and for all. The surrounded German garrisons in the Russian towns of Demyansk and Kholm were to be relieved, and the Soviet pocket at Volkhov, 70 miles east of Leningrad, was earmarked for eradication. (16)

German objectives further stated that the 60 mile Soviet salient near the city of Izyum, in eastern Ukraine, should be cleared of Russian forces; as would the Kerch peninsula in the east of Crimea, while the city of Sevastopol in southern Crimea was to be taken.

The German Army of 1942 was still very powerful, and it remained much stronger than its Soviet counterpart. Between January and June 1942, the Germans would inflict 1.4 million casualties on the Soviet Army, while in those same 6 months the Wehrmacht lost 188,000 men, Mawdsley highlighted (17). The Germans therefore had less than one-seventh (13.4%) of Soviet personnel losses during the first half of 1942.

The German high command had contemplated remaining on the defensive through 1942, so as to build up its strength to something like that of 1941. The primary argument against this once more loomed large, in that the Germans could not afford to let the war drag on indefinitely, and had no alternative but to revert to attack.

The maximum Russian goal in the Winter Campaign was to encircle and annihilate German Army Group Centre, the largest and strongest Wehrmacht force. Were this achieved, the war would have been practically decided in the Russians’ favour in 1942, but it was not to be. By late January 1942 it was clear the operation had failed, largely because of robust counterstrokes launched by the German 9th Army commander, Walter Model, known as Hitler’s “fireman” (18). The less ambitious but realistic Russian aim, supported by Zhukov, of forcing the enemy back to the city of Smolensk, 230 miles west of Moscow, also fell short of being reached.

At the beginning of February 1942, the Eastern front was stabilising, and the threat of a capitulation akin to that suffered by Napoleon had disappeared. The German high command achieved this in part by removing tired commanders when necessary, and replacing them with energetic and skilful officers (19). Perhaps most notably General Model and Field Marshal Günther von Kluge, the new commander of Army Group Centre, who had replaced the disgruntled Fedor von Bock on 19 December 1941. Mawdsley described the 59-year-old von Kluge as “one of Hitler’s most talented and effective leaders”. (20)

In the second week of February 1942, Field Marshal von Kluge issued a positive report about Army Group Centre’s fighting capacity. This account was accurate and warmly received by Hitler and the military staff at the Wolf’s Lair headquarters. The Germans had altogether lost 48,000 men in January 1942, hardly a shattering number (21). In mid-February 1942, Hitler informed his commanders that the “danger of a panic in the 1812 sense” was “eliminated”. (22)

Most senior German officers agreed with Hitler’s wish to instigate another offensive for 1942 but, as the year before, they favoured a major drive through the centre – in order to finally capture Moscow, the heartbeat of Soviet Russia, which had narrowly eluded the invaders at the start of December 1941. The centre of Moscow was just 100 miles from the most advanced German positions (23). If the capital went uncaptured, the Soviet Union would remain in the war beyond 1942. The taking of Stalingrad would not have changed that.

Hitler had recklessly postponed Army Group Centre’s march on Moscow in August 1941, instead dispatching separate panzer formations northward and southward towards Leningrad and Kiev. Undeterred, he intended reverting to this plan for 1942, of holding in the middle and attacking on the flanks; but Hitler accepted (for the time being) that he would have to be less grandiose than in 1941, because his armies were now not as large. The Nazi leader temporarily put to one side capturing Leningrad by storm, so the city would continue to be strangled and bombarded.

In March 1942, after nine months of fighting, the Germans had suffered 1.1 million casualties, a fraction of Soviet losses, but still serious (24). Of the German casualties, by 20 February 1942 about 10% of them (112,627) comprised of frostbite victims (25). This was not surprising in the midst of one of the worst Russian winters ever recorded.

German losses were insufficiently replenished during the winter fighting, with Army Group Centre receiving a modest 9 fresh divisions. Hitler could not restrain himself, however, and he was encouraged by General Erwin Rommel’s victories in North Africa: such as the recapturing in late January 1942 of Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city on the Mediterranean coast.

Before long, Hitler was dreaming not only of advancing through the Caucasus, but of linking up with Rommel’s panzers in North Africa – and then advancing to the oil rich Middle East nations of Iran and Iraq, while another thrust was to be implemented along the Caspian Sea in the direction of Afghanistan and India. (26)


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


1 Geoffrey Roberts, “Last men standing”, The Irish Examiner, 22 June 1941

2 Chris Bellamy, Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War (Pan; Main Market edition, 21 Aug. 2009) p. 6

3 Ibid.

4 Geoffrey Roberts, Stalin’s Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939-1953 (Yale University Press; 1st Edition, 14 Nov. 2006) p. 10

5 Evan Mawdsley, Thunder in the East: The Nazi-Soviet War, 1941-1945 (Hodder Arnold, 23 Feb. 2007) p. 119

6 Andrei Gromyko, Memories: From Stalin to Gorbachev (Arrow Books Limited, 1 Jan. 1989) p. 216

7 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 21

8 Leopold Trepper, The Great Game: Memoirs of a Master Spy (Michael Joseph Ltd; First Edition, 1 May 1977) p. 67

9 Bellamy, Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War, p. 74

10 Alden Whitman, “Harry S. Truman: Decisive President”, New York Times, 27 December 1972

11 Bellamy, Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War, p. 18

12 Ibid., p. 23

13 Roberts, Stalin’s Wars, p. 100

14 Ibid., p. 119

15 Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War (Harper, 17 May 2011) Chapter 10, The Motherland Overwhelms the Fatherland

16 Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 3 April 1985) p. 446

17 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 147

18 Goodspeed, The German Wars, p. 407

19 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 123

20 Ibid., p. 128

21 Ibid., p. 147

22 Ibid., p. 124

23 Ibid., p 151

24 Roberts, Stalin’s Wars, p.118

25 John Toland, Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography (Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 3 Feb. 2007) Part 8, The Fourth Horseman

26 Albert Speer, Spandau: The Secret Diaries (Collins/Fontana, 1 June 1977) p. 56

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With tensions between the U.S. and Russia at historic levels and threat of a hot war breaking out in Ukraine, we would do well to remember FDR’s visionary leadership and pursuit of diplomacy

Reuters reported last week that the Ukrainian military was carrying out war games with newly delivered American military hardware in preparation for a conflict that could break out at any time.

For years now, the U.S. media has been demonizing Russia, accusing its leader Vladimir Putin of being an iron-fisted dictator who has interfered in U.S. elections, poisoned opponents, and carried out aggression by illegally annexing Crimea.

With Russia having amassed over 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border, the U.S. Congress is prepared to pass a “sanctions bill from hell” whose purpose would be to cripple Russia’s economy.

Mississippi Senator, Roger Wicker, the second highest Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, went so far as to suggest in an interview with Fox News that the U.S. should not rule out a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia if it invaded Ukraine.

A screen cap of Roger Wicker on Fox News


Today’s deeply Russophobic political climate provides an opportune moment to look back to an era of promise in the U.S.-Russian relationship—when U.S. leaders were more sober minded and rationale.

Seventy-seven years ago today, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt brokered a deal with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin that offers a particular model of diplomatic engagement.

Under the terms of the Yalta agreements, Stalin agreed to enter the war in the Pacific in exchange for the return of Russian territory that had been lost during the Russo-Japanese war.

Stalin further agreed to the division of Germany and to stay out of Greece’s civil war. In return, the U.S. and Great Britain agreed to a Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe to avoid the prospect of Germany ever invading Russia again.

A group of people sitting around a table Description automatically generated

Leaders of the Big Three at the negotiating table at the Yalta conference. [Source:]

Conservatives have compared FDR’s performance at Yalta to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler at the Munich conference in September 1938.

In May 2005, then-U.S. president George W. Bush stated in a speech in Latvia that “the Yalta Agreement followed in the unjust tradition of Munich and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Once again, when powerful governments negotiated, the freedom of small nations was somehow expendable.”

However, as historian Jacques Pauwels shows in the below account drawn from his book, The Myth of the Good War, Stalin was in fact a pragmatic statesman who made many concessions at Yalta. He agreed to the Allies terms because he legitimately feared a renewed German-Western alliance and replication of the Allied invasion of Russia in 1918-1919 following the Russian civil war.

Image on the right is from

The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War, revised edition: Pauwels, Jacques R.: 9781459408722: Books

After World War II, the Yalta accords broke down when both Russia and the U.S. violated their terms. FDR’s successor, Harry S. Truman was no longer committed to U.S.-Russia cooperation, having gained power following the purging of Henry Wallace, Roosevelt’s Vice-President from 1940-1944, who had wanted to continue the policy of détente.

In a history of the Yalta agreements published in 1970, Diane Shaver-Clemens wrote “we are living with the problems of a world that could not benefit from the experience at Yalta. It is perhaps relevant to ask what the world would have been like if the spirit of Yalta had triumphed.”[1]

The same question, I think, is relevant today.

Below is an excerpt from Jacques Pauwels’ book, The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War, rev ed. (Toronto: Lorimer Publishers, 2015), dealing with Yalta. Pauwels’ account debunks historical misconceptions and stereotypes that still prevail about Russia today and gives us a model of diplomatic cooperation that hopefully will prevail again.

Yalta, February 1945: Indulging Stalin?

The events of the years 1943 and 1944 in countries such as Italy, Greece, and France had shown all too clearly that it was the liberators who determined how the local fascists were chastised or spared, how democracy was restored, how much input the antifascist resistance movements and the local population in general were permitted in the reconstruction of their own country, and whether political, social, and economic reforms were introduced or not.

In Italy for example, the American and British liberators had sidelined the leftist resistance movement, established a regime (under Marshal Badoglio) that was sarcastically described as “fascism without Mussolini,” and – violating previous inter-allied agreements – had excluded the Soviets from any input into the postwar arrangements for the country.

This unsubtle conduct set a fateful precedent: it implicitly gave Stalin carte blanche to proceed similarly in countries in Eastern Europe that were destined to be liberated by the Red Army. However, this symmetry was far from perfect. First, until the summer of 1944 the Soviets continued to fight almost exclusively in their own country. It was only in the fall of that same year that they liberated neighbouring countries such as Romania and Bulgaria, states which could hardly rival Italy and France.

A picture containing text, outdoor, person, old Description automatically generated

Soviet parade after liberation from Nazi rule in North Bessarabia in Romania. [Source:]

Second, a sphere-of-influence formula agreed upon between Stalin and Churchill (during WC’s visit to Moscow in the fall of 1944.) afforded the Western Allies a small but possibly important percentage of input in some countries of Eastern Europe, which the Soviets did not enjoy anywhere in Western Europe. Regarding their prospects for influence in the post-war reorganization of Europe, then, the situation of the Americans and the British did not look bad at all toward the end of 1944.

And yet, there were also reasons for concern. After the failure of Operation Market Garden, the September 1944 attempt by the American and British to cross the Rhine, it had become obvious that the war in Europe was far from over. A considerable part of the continent still awaited liberation, and Nazi Germany itself had yet to be conquered.

In the meantime, it was evident that Poland would be liberated in its entirety by the Soviets, a prospect that alarmed the conservative and strongly anti-Soviet Polish government-in-exile in London. This government, incidentally, did not consist of devoted democrats, as is too often taken for granted, but represented the autocratic Polish regime of the prewar period, a regime that had connived with Hitler himself and that on the occasion of the Munich Pact had followed his example by pocketing a piece of Czechoslovakia.[2]

Furthermore, by the start of 1945 at the latest it was as good as certain that the prestige of marching victoriously into Berlin would fall to the Red Army, and not to American or British troops. The advance of the British-Americans in the direction of the German capital was first checked in the Netherlands at the time of Operation Market Garden and was strongly impeded again between December 1944 and January 1945 by Field Marshal von Rundstedt’s unexpected counteroffensive in the Ardennes.

The latter episode was destined to enter the American collective consciousness as well as American history books as a gigantic and heroic clash, the Battle of the Bulge, and was celebrated in due course in an eponymous Hollywood production. In reality, however, the confrontation in the Ardennes represented a serious setback for the Americans. Von Rundstedt’s counteroffensive did eventually end in failure, but initially the German pressure was considerable.

World War II: Battle of the Bulge

Scene from the Battle of the Bulge. [Source:]

The Americans battled back heroically on many occasions, for example at Bastogne, but there were also cases of panic and confusion, and the danger would not be fully averted before the end of January 1945.[3] It was therefore decided to call once again on the unloved but useful Soviet partner.

Responding to an urgent American request, the Red Army unleashed a major offensive in Poland on January 12, 1945, one week earlier than originally planned.

Forced to face a new threat in the east, the Wehrmacht had to divert resources from its project in the Ardennes, thus relieving the pressure on the Americans.

But on the Eastern Front the Germans could not stop the Soviet steamroller, which forged ahead so quickly that in a few weeks it reached the banks of the Oder. In early February, the Soviets arrived in Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, a town situated less than one hundred kilometres from the German capital.

The Americans had reason to be grateful for the military favour rendered by Moscow, but they were far from happy that in the undeclared inter-Allied race to Berlin the Soviets had thus taken a huge lead over their Western partners, who had not even reached the banks of the Rhine and were still separated from Berlin by more than 500 kilometres.[4]

Already after the failure of Market garden, it became apparent to the American and British leaders that they would lose the race to Berlin and that the Red Army would eventually control the lion’s share of German territory, so that in keeping with precedents set by the liberators in Italy and elsewhere, the Soviets would be able to impose their will on post-war Germany.

This produced much pessimism, and doomsayers like General MacArthur, who opined in November 1944 that all of Europe would inevitably fall under Soviet hegemony, undoubtedly gained additional credibility at the time of the setback suffered in the Battle of the Bulge.[5] It was true that if military developments alone would be allowed to determine things, the eventual outcome would be very unfavourable to the Western Allies. However, the result might be different if the Soviets could be talked into agreements which would be binding regardless of military developments.[6]

Precisely this is what the British and the Americans hoped to achieve in a series of meetings with Soviet representatives in London in the fall of 1944. They proposed to divide Germany into three roughly equal occupation zones regardless of the position of each ally’s army at the end of the hostilities. (A fourth occupation zone would be assigned to the French much later.)

This arrangement was clearly in their own interest, but Stalin accepted the Western proposal. It was a major success for the BritishAmericans, which must have dumbfounded pessimists such as MacArthur. “In brief,” writes the American historian Gabriel Kolko, “the Russians agreed not to run Germany unilaterally despite every indication of an imminent military victory that would permit them to do so.”[7]

An additional unexpected bonus for the Western Allies turned out to be the fact that the Soviets also agreed that the capital, Berlin, like Germany as a whole, would be divided into three occupation zones, even though it was obvious that the Red Army would take the city and that Berlin would be situated deep in the occupation zone assigned to the USSR.

That a “West Berlin” could later exist in the heart of East Germany was due to the accommodating attitude displayed by Stalin in the fall of 1944 and again the successes of the Red Army and the Yalta Agreements during the winter of 1944-45.

Indeed, the London Agreements regarding the future occupation zones in Germany, and the agreements reached by the Big Three (Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin) at the Yalta Conference between February 4 and 11, 1945, can be properly understood only from the perspective of the conundrum of the Western Allies at the time of the setbacks of their own armed forces and the simultaneous successes of the Red Army in 1944-45.

It has often been said that in the Crimean resort of Yalta the shrewd Stalin managed to dupe his Western colleagues, and above all President Roosevelt, who was already a very sick man at the time. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, it was the British and Americans who had nothing to lose, and everything to gain, from such a meeting. The reverse applied to the Soviets, who might arguably have been better off without this conference.

Indeed, the Red Army’s spectacular advance deep into the German heartland put more and more trumps into Stalin’s hands. On the eve of the conference General Zhukov stood on the banks of the Oder River, a mere stone’s throw from Berlin.

This is why Washington and London, and not Moscow, insisted on a meeting of the Allied leaders. Precisely because they were so desperate to meet Stalin in order to reach binding agreements, Roosevelt and Churchill also proved willing to accept his precondition for a conference, namely, that it be held in the USSR.

The American and British leaders had to undertake an inconveniently long voyage, allowing the Soviets a kind of “home-game advantage” during the tug-of-war that the conference promised to be. But these were minor imperfections compared to the advantages that a conference might bring and compared to the huge disadvantages certain to be associated with the anticipated occupation of most of Germany by the Red Army. Stalin had not needed or wanted a meeting of the Big Three at this stage of the war.

However, as we will soon see, he had reasons of his own for agreeing to hold such a conference, from which he of course also expected to derive certain advantages for the Soviet side, and he also had good reasons to reveal himself accommodating vis-à-vis his Western partners.[8]

Second, the agreements which eventually resulted from the Yalta Conference were indeed favourable to the Western Allies. Roosevelt’s secretary of state, Edward Stettinius Jr., who was present at the Crimean resort, later wrote that in this conference “the Soviet Union made more concessions to the [west] than were made to the Soviet Union.”[9]

And the American historian Carolyn Woods Eisenberg emphasizes that the U.S. delegation left Yalta “in an exultant spirit,” convinced that thanks to the reasonableness of the Soviets not only the Americans but mankind in its entirety had “won the first great victory of the peace.”[10]

Yalta Conference - Wikipedia

Famous photograph of Big 3 at Yalta—Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. [Source:]

With regard to Germany, the London Agreements were officially confirmed in Yalta by the Big Three. As mentioned, the division of Germany into occupation zones was advantageous to the Americans and the British, because already in the fall of 1944 and even more so at the time of the Yalta Conference it appeared likely that the Red Army, which stood in Frankfurt-on-the-Oder in the east, might find itself in Frankfurt-on-the-Main in the West when the hostilities concluded.

Furthermore, the British and Americans were assigned the bigger and richer western part of Germany. It was also agreed in principle on the Crimean Peninsula that after the war Germany would have to make reparation payments, as had been the case after the First World War.

Both Roosevelt and Churchill found it justified and reasonable that half of these payments, then roughly estimated at 20 billion dollars, would go to the Soviet Union, where the Nazi vandals had conducted themselves in a particularly barbarous and destructive manner. (The amount of 10 billion dollars assigned to the USSR has been considered by some to be too high, but in reality it was “very moderate,” as the German historian Wilfried Loth has put it; a few years after the Yalta Conference, in 1947, the total war damage suffered by the Soviet Union was conservatively calculated at no less than 128 billion dollars.)

To Stalin, the issue of reparation payments was crucially important. It is very likely that he revealed himself to be so accommodating toward his Western partners regarding the division of Germany into occupation zones because he craved their cooperation in the matter of reparations.[11]

Conversely, to obtain the Soviet leader’s ratification of Germany’s division into occupation zones and his acceptance of other arrangements that were advantageous to themselves, the Americans and the British also indulged Stalin in some respects. In return for Stalin’s renewed commitment to eventually declare war on Japan, for example, Roosevelt offered American assent to the Soviet recuperation of the Far Eastern territories that czarist Russia had lost as a result of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-05.[12]

Crimean conference Left to right: Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Maj. Gen. L. S. Kuter, Admiral E. J. King, General George C. Marshall, Ambassador Averell Harriman, Admiral William Leahy, and President F. D. Roosevelt. Livadia Palace, Crimea, Russia

Yalta American Delegation in Livadia Palace from left to right: Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Maj. Gen. L. S. Kuter, Admiral E. J. King, General George C. Marshall, Ambassador Averell Harriman, Admiral William Leahy, and President F. D. Roosevelt. Livadia Palace, Crimea, Russia. [Source:]

No definitive decisions for Germany’s future were arrived at in Yalta, even though particularly the Americans, and to a certain extent also the Soviets, showed some interest at the time in the widely publicized plan of the American secretary of the treasury, Henry Morgenthau.

Morgenthau reportedly proposed to solve the “German problem” by simply dismantling the country’s industry, thereby transforming Germany into a backward, poor, and therefore harmless agrarian state. In reality, this plan amounted to not much more than a rather vague and incoherent series of proposals, far less draconian than its opponents claimed and many Germans still believe.[13]

What was not properly realized at the time, neither in Washington nor in Moscow, was that not only major moral but also serious practical objections could be raised against the Morgenthau Plan.

For example, the plan could hardly be reconciled with the expectation that Germany was to pay huge reparations; this presupposed a certain measure of wealth, and for such wealth there was no room in Morgenthau’s scenario. “The logical inference of the Morgenthau Plan,” writes the German historian Jörg Fisch categorically, “was that there could be no question of reparations payments.”[14]

Moreover, as the American historian Carolyn Woods Eisenberg points out, Morgenthau’s plans for a “pastoralization” of Germany were totally “out of step with the thinking of the most important US . . . policy-makers,” who had good reasons for favouring the alternative option, “the economic reconstruction of Germany.”

Certain American politicians feared that the Plan would drive Germany into the arms of anarchy, chaos, and possibly Bolshevism. Businessmen realized that one would not be able to do any profitable business with a poor Germany.

And influential Americans worried about the possibly extremely negative implications of the Morgenthau Plan regarding the fate of Opel, Ford-Werke, and other highly-profitable German branch plants of American corporations.[15]

It was not a coincidence that precisely the representatives of firms with huge investments in Germany—such as Alfred P. Sloan, the influential chairman of the board of GM, the parent firm of Opel—were most categorically opposed to the Morgenthau Plan. (The Soviet ambassador to the U.S., Andrei Gromyko, was not far off the mark when he remarked that the opposition against the Morgenthau Plan was spearheaded by America’s “imperialist circles.”)

The Plan would thus gradually and quietly disappear from the scene during the months that followed the Yalta Conference. Morgenthau himself, a good friend of Roosevelt, would be dismissed from his high-ranking government position on July 5, 1945, by the new president, Truman.[16]

From the perspective of the Western Allies, then, the sometimes vaguely formulated agreements concluded in Yalta regarding Germany were important and advantageous. In addition, Stalin was prepared to discuss the future of the Eastern European countries liberated by the Red Army, such as Poland, even though the Big Three had never discussed the postwar fate of Western European countries such as France, Italy, and Belgium.

Stalin had no illusions regarding Western Europe, and he did not want to jeopardize the relationship with his British and American allies for the sake of countries that happened to be far away from the borders of the Soviet Union, the “socialist fatherland” whose survival and security had obsessed him since the beginning of his career.

With respect to Eastern Europe in general, however, and with Poland in particular, the situation was very different. The Soviet Union was keenly interested in the post-war makeup of neighbouring countries whose governments had formerly been unfriendly and sometimes totally hostile to the USSR, and whose territories formed the traditional invasion road to Moscow.

As for the postwar reorganization of Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe, Stalin had good reasons and, in the form of the Red Army’s presence in these countries, effective means to demand for the Soviet Union at least the same kind of input that the Americans and the British had permitted themselves in Western Europe.

Stalin had not challenged the Western Allies’ modus operandi in Western Europe; it may be supposed that he felt that it was now the turn of his Western partners to give him a free hand in Eastern Europe.[17]

In spite of all this, however, in Yalta Stalin was prepared to discuss the fate of Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, even though the topic of Western Europe remained unmentioned. In addition, the actual Soviet demands turned out to be minimal and far from unreasonable, as Churchill and Roosevelt could hardly deny: the so-called Curzon Line should form the border between Poland and the Soviet Union (for which Poland would receive compensation in the form of German territory to the east of a line formed by the Oder and Neisse rivers) and no anti-Soviet regimes would be tolerated in Poland and other neighbouring states.[18]

Curzon Line, map enlargement


In return for their agreement to these demands, the Americans and the British received from Stalin what they wanted in the liberated countries of Eastern Europe, namely, no social and economic changes along communistic lines, free elections, and continuing input for themselves—together with the USSR, of course—In the future affairs of these countries.

This kind of formula was far from unrealistic, and variations of it were to be implemented successfully after the war in Finland and Austria.

The Yalta Agreements, then, did not award the Soviet Union the monopoly of influence in Eastern Europe, that is, the kind of exclusive influence that the Americans and the British already enjoyed, with Stalin’s silent approval, in Western Europe, even though they assigned “controlling influence” in Eastern Europe to the USSR.

The Yalta Agreements thus represented a considerable success for the Western Allies. It has often been said of Churchill that he had grave misgivings about the “concessions” that Roosevelt allegedly had made in the Crimean resort. In reality, he was totally euphoric when the conference ended,[19] and with good reason, since the British and Americans had fared far better at Yalta than they would have dared to hope when it started.

The allegation that in the Crimean resort the shrewd Stalin wrung all sorts of concessions from his Western colleagues is therefore totally false. It is true that afterwards the Yalta Agreements would not be properly implemented, for example regarding Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe. This had a lot to do with Stalin’s reaction to America’s “atomic diplomacy” of the summer of 1945, after the “nuking” of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when Washington believed that it could impose its will on the presumably defenseless Soviets, and also with the irreconcilable, and totally unrealistic anti-Soviet attitude of the Polish government-in-exile in London.

The London Poles did not even want to recognize the Curzon Line as the future eastern border of their country, which had been acknowledged by Roosevelt and Churchill as both fair and inevitable, and which had been officially accepted in Yalta.[20]

Owing to the intractability of the London Poles, Stalin increasingly played the card of a communist and pro-Soviet Polish government-in-exile, the “Lublin Poles,” and this would eventually lead to the installation of an exclusively communist regime in Warsaw.

The Americans, like the British, would complain loudly about this, but their protest was hardly reconcilable with the uncontested fact that after the war they themselves would install or support dictatorial regimes in many countries, such as Greece, Turkey, and China, and that in those dictatorial client states they never insisted on the kind of free elections that they urged Stalin to organize in Poland and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

Stalin was a realist. On the occasion of the London Agreements and the Yalta Conference he proved to be accommodating vis-à-vis Churchill and Roosevelt not because he wanted to be so, but because he correctly calculated that he could hardly afford not to be.

The war in which the USSR had suffered grievously and had just barely escaped total obliteration was not yet over. The Soviets’ military situation in early 1945 was excellent, of course, but all sorts of disagreeable things could still come to pass. As the end approached for the Third Reich, for example, the propaganda machine of Goebbels aggressively pursued an ultimate rescue scenario for the Nazi state, namely, the project of a separate armistice between Germany and the Western Allies, followed by a common crusade against the Bolshevik Soviet Union.

This plan was not nearly as naive and unrealistic as one might assume, because Goebbels knew only too well that leading circles in Great Britain and virtually everywhere else in the Western world had considered Bolshevism as the “natural” enemy, and simultaneously viewed Nazi Germany as the spearhead in the coming anti-Soviet crusade.

The Nazi propaganda minister was also keenly aware that during the war quite a few Western leaders found the Soviets a useful ally but continued to despise the communist state and were determined to eliminate it sooner or later.

As for the USSR, all this meant that after years of superhuman efforts and huge losses, when victory seemed tantalizingly near, the order of the day continued to be survival—the survival of the country and the survival of “socialism in one country,” which had always been Stalin’s great obsession.

The Soviet leader worried about Goebbels’ scenario, and not without reason. In the camp of the Western Allies several leading personalities, generals as well as statesmen, found this scenario quite attractive. After the war some of them would openly express regret that the American and British armies had not continued to march eastward in 1945, preferably all the way to Moscow.

Churchill himself flirted with the thought of this kind of initiative and actually ordered preparations to be made for what was codenamed Operation Unthinkable.[21]

Operation Unthinkable: Churchill's plan to start World War III - Russia Beyond

Churchill had his sights set on the Soviet Union. [Source:]

Stalin harboured no illusions with respect to the true Western feelings for the Soviet Union. His diplomats and spies kept him well-informed about opinions and developments in London, Washington, and elsewhere.

For the Soviet leader, who remembered the historical precedent of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, the possibility of a reversal of alliances, a combined German-Western undertaking against the Soviet Union, constituted a genuine nightmare. He tried to exorcize it by not giving Churchill and Roosevelt the slightest excuse to undertake something against the USSR.

Thus it becomes possible to understand why he refrained from criticizing their conduct in Western Europe and in Greece, and why he revealed himself to be so accommodating at Yalta.[22] In any event, in Yalta in February 1945, Roosevelt and Churchill did not indulge Stalin, to the contrary, the Soviet leader indulged his “Anglo-Saxon” counterparts.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). Jeremy can be reached at [email protected].

Jacques Pauwels holds PhDs in history (York University) and political science (University of Toronto) and has taught history at numerous universities in Ontario, Canada. He is author of books on Nazi Germany, World Wars I and II, the French Revolution, and the origins and meaning of the names of peoples and places.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

Jacques can be reached at [email protected].


  1. Diane Shaver-Clemens, Yalta (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971) quoted in Jeremy Kuzmarov and John Marciano, The Russians are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2018), 65. 

  2. Alvin Finkel and Clement Leibovitz, The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion (Toronto: Lorimer Publishers, 1997), p. 206; Dpmrovp Losurdo Stalin: Storia e critica di una leggenda nera (Rome: Carocci Editori, 2008., pp. 179–180. 
  3. Philip Knightley, The First Casualty (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002), pp. 324–25; Helen Keyssar and Vladimir Pozner, Remembering War: A U.S.-Soviet Dialogue (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990) p. 153. 
  4. Richard Overy, Why the Allies Won (New York: W.W. Norton, 1997), pp. 256–60; Gabriel Kolko, The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945 (New York: Random house, 1968), pp. 350–52; Robert J. Maddox, The United States and World War II (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992), pp. 250–51; Keyssar and Pozner, Remembering War, p. 154. 
  5. MacArthur’s opinion is cited in Erich Schwinge, Bilanz der Kriegsgeneration (Munich: Universitas, 1997), pp. 10–11. 
  6. Edward M. Bennett, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Search for Victory: American-Soviet Relations, 1939–1945, (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1990), p. 156. 
  7. Rolf Steininger, Deutsche Geschichte 1945–1961: Darstellung und Dokumente in zwei Bänden. Vol. 1 (Frankfurt-am-Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983), pp. 20–22; Kolko, The Politics of War, pp. 353–55, quotation from p. 355. 
  8. Fraser J. Harbutt, The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War(New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 82. 
  9. Stettinius quotation from Michael Parenti, The Anti-Communist Impulse (New York Random House: 1969), p. 131. 
  10. Carolyn Eisenberg, The American Decision to Divide Germany, 1943-1949 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 61. 
  11. Wilfried Loth, Stalins ungeliebtes Kind: Warum Moskau die DDR nicht wollte (Berlin:, Rowohlt, 1994), pp. 14-15; Steininger, Deutsche Geschichte 1945–1961: Darstellung und Dokumente in zwei Bänden. p. 28. 
  12. Francis L. Loewenheim, Harold D. Langley, and Manfred Jonas (eds.), Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence (New York: Saturday Review Press, 1975), p. 656. 
  13. Harbutt, The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War, p. 72; Loth, Stalins ungeliebtes Kind: Warum Moskau die DDR nicht wollte, p. 18; Michaela Hoenicke, “Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (1933–1945),” in Klaus Larres and Torsten Oppelland (eds.), Deutschland und die USA im 20. Jahrhundert: Geschichte der politischen Beziehungen (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1997), p. 293 ff.; Wolfgang Krieger, “Die amerikanische Deutschlandplanung, Hypotheken und Chancen für einen Neuanfang,” in Hans-Erich Volkmann (ed.), Ende des Dritten Reiches — Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Eine perspektivische Ruckschau (Munich and Zurich: Piper, 1995), pp. 36, 40–41; Kolko, The Politics of War, pp. 331, 348–49; Werner Link, Deutsche und amerikanische Gewerkschaften und Geschäftsleute 1945–1975: Eine Studie uber transnationale Beziehungen (Düsseldorf: Droste, 1978), pp. 107–08; Lloyd C. Gardner, Architects of Illusion: Men and Ideas in American Foreign Policy 1941–1949 (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970), pp. 250–51. 
  14. Jörg Fisch, Reparationen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Munich: Beck, 1992), p. 48. 
  15. Jacques R. Pauwels, Big business and Hitler (Toronto: Lorimer, 2017). 
  16. Eisenberg, The American Decision to Divide Germany, 1943-1949, p. 26; Gromyko’s comment is from Hoenicke, “Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (1933–1945),” p. 302. 
  17. Parenti The Anti-Communist Impulse, p. 135; Bert Cochran, The War System (New York: Macmillan, 1965), p. 42. 
  18. Parenti, The Anti-Communist Impulse, p. 137. 
  19. Gerhard L. Weinberg, A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 809; Jost Düllfer, Jalta, 4. Februar 1945: Der Zweite Weltkrieg und die Entstehung der bipolaren Welt (Munich: Drutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1998), p. 29. 
  20. Parenti, The Anti-Communist Impulse, p. 139. 
  21. “Operation Unthinkable,”
  22. John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the Origins of the Cold War 1941–1947 (New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1972), p. 88; Christopher Simpson, The Splendid Blond Beast: Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century (New York: Grove Press, 1993), pp. 118–19; Loth, Stalins ungeliebtes Kind: Warum Moskau die DDR nicht wollte, p.16. 

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TGIF: When History Begins – Russia, Ukraine & the US

March 5th, 2022 by Sheldon Richman

Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

An understanding of history is important.

It is absolutely essential that Freedom of Speech prevail as a means to resolving this crisis which potentially threatens the future of humanity.

Global Research,  March 4, 2022

Contrary to what hypocritical U.S. rulers and their loyal mass media suggest, two propositions can both be — and indeed are — true:

  1. that Russia has grossly, brutally, and criminally mishandled the situation it has faced with respect to Ukraine, and
  2. that the U.S. government since the late 1990s has been entirely responsible for imposing that situation on Russia.

If you want the fine details, you can do no better than to watch my Libertarian Institute colleague Scott Horton’s excellent cataloging of the irresponsible misdeeds of Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joseph Biden in this recent lecture.

If, after absorbing this shocking record of indisputable facts, you are seething at what the U.S. government has done to squander a historic chance for good relations with Russia, you will be fully justified — and then some. (See also this 2015 lecture by John Mearsheimer, the respected “realist” foreign policy analyst at the University of Chicago.)

To appreciate what bipartisan U.S. foreign policy has wrought, think about 1989 when the undreamt-of virtually bloodless dismantling of the Soviet empire began. At that point humanity was on the verge of a new chapter in which the world’s largest nuclear superpowers would no longer confront each other, holding everyone hostage. Think about that, and then learn how the U.S. government blew it deliberately, despite all the warnings that the consequences would be dire. (Over-optimism about what might have been is always a danger. In 1990, when President George H. W. Bush ordered Iraq’s Saddam Hussein to remove his army from Kuwait, Bush declared a “New World Order,” admonishing, “What we say goes.” The Russians no doubt noticed.)

How so? By kicking the Russian people in the teeth repeatedly in all kinds of ways when they were reeling from seven decades of communism. If the U.S. government’s intent had been to destroy the chance for this historic turn, it couldn’t have done a better job.

Americans have a funny way of thinking that history began the day of the latest crisis. The politicians and media feed this bad habit. So if Russia invades Ukraine, the only explanation is that he’s power-mad, if not just plain mad. The idea that the U.S. might have set the stage isn’t allowed to be entertained. With social-media magnates sucking up to the power elite, this is serious stuff.

Do Americans want to know why Russia went to war? They might not like to hear that “their” government must shoulder a good deal of blame, but it’s undeniable that since World War II the power that occupies Middle North America has had its heavy hand in virtually every part of the world.

The rules of international law that all nations are supposed to observe simply don’t apply to the United States. Just look at the invasions and regime changes that have gone on since 2001, not to mention back to the early 1950s. That’s what it means to be the exceptional nation. The rules apply to everyone except America’s rulers. (See Robert Wright’s “In Defense of Whataboutism.”)

This history forms the larger context in which the unconscionable Russian war on Ukraine — with all the terror it’s inflicting on innocents — is taking place. It is unseemly for an American president to piously admonish the Russian government about its breaches of national sovereignty in light of the shameful U.S. record.

Since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, U.S. presidents have taken a series of actions that seemed designed to make the Russians distrust the West in the new era. This is not hindsight. As noted, many respected establishment foreign-policy figures warned against such measures.

The measures included the bombing of Russia’s ally Serbia in the late 1990s; the repeated expansion of NATO, the postwar alliance founded to counter the Soviet Union, to include former Soviet allies and republics; the public talk of including the former Soviet republics Ukraine and Georgia in the Western alliance; the trashing of long-standing anti-nuclear-weapons treaties with Russia; the placing of defensive missile launchers (which could be converted to offensive launchers) in Poland and Romania: the attempts to sabotage the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline deal; instigating the 2014 regime change in Ukraine (following earlier regime-changes operations in Ukraine and Georgia); the arming of Ukraine since 2017; the conducting of NATO war exercises, with U.S. personnel, near the Russian border; the years-long evidence-free effort to persuade Americans that Russia manipulated the 2016 presidential election to elect Donald Trump; and much, much, much more. Trump — recall his goading of NATO members into spending more on their militaries — was among the offenders: his anti-Russia moves, including NATO expansion like all of his 21st-century predecessors, would fill a list as long as Wilt Chamberlain’s arm. If he was a Russian puppet, as the Democrats, intelligence apparatus, and mainstream media want us to believe, then the Russians have a great deal to learn about puppeteering.

Take one of the biggest spurs to war: the eastward expansion of NATO, which the U.S. government and Western Europe promised would not happen after Germany was reunited while the Soviet Union was heading toward termination. It happened anyway, but not because Russia had behaved badly toward the West. It hadn’t. In fact, after 9/11 Russian ruler Vladimir Putin was the first to call Bush II to offer his support. Later Putin even suggested that Russia be invited to join NATO, something President George H. W. Bush had once mentioned. One wonders why NATO was even necessary with the Soviet Union gone, but if Russia could join — really, what was the point?

The expansion of NATO by 1,200 miles toward Russia demonstrates how myopic American rulers can be. American critics repeatedly pointed out that no president would not have tolerated Russia’s inviting Mexico and Canada into its now-defunct Warsaw Pact. Yet NATO now includes the Baltic states — those former Soviet republics on the Russian border, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia –and Eastern European states that were once in the Warsaw Pact.

Indeed, we already know how the U.S. government reacts when its security concerns are flouted. In 1962 President John F. Kennedy was ready to launch a nuclear war against the Soviet Union when it placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. For days the world sat on the edge of its seat wondering if the end was near. (I remember it!) Finally, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev withdrew the missiles, but only when Kennedy secretly agreed to remove American nuclear-tipped missiles from Turkey.

Later American presidents forgot about that crisis. Clinton added Warsaw Pact states late in his second term. Then it was Bush II’s turn. At its April 2008 Bucharest summit, NATO declared that it “welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO.” This was a fateful move. As noted, pillars of the foreign policy establishment from George Kennan to Paul Nitze to Robert McNamara had already forcefully spoken out against the first rounds of NATO expansion, which included the Baltic states. No less a figure than Willian Burns, Bush II’s ambassador to Russia and now Biden’s CIA chief, said in 2008,

Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.

Putin responded to the summit declaration, saying he deemed it a “direct threat” to Russia. A few months later, the emboldened president of Georgia, on Russia’s southern border, attacked EU-authorized Russian peacekeepers in the Republic of South Ossetia, which had earlier broken away from Georgia. Russia responded by invading and occupying Georgia. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili thought — no doubt lead on by the U.S. government — that the West would back him up, but it did not. Washington, London, Paris, and the rest of NATO were not willing to go to risk a nuclear war with Russia over South Ossetia. (Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky seems to be imitating Shaakashvili.)

This is all too similar to what’s going on today, but with something more. After talking about bringing Ukraine into NATO, the U.S. and EU in February 2014 instigated a coup in Kyiv, in which opponents of the government, including neo-Nazis, drove a democratically elected and Russia-friendly president, Viktor Yanukovych, from office. A leaked recording of a phone call between U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (now a Biden official) and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt revealed that the coup and the new leadership of the country were orchestrated by the U.S. State Department. This followed billions of dollars in U.S. aid to “pro-democracy,” that is, anti-Yanukovych, organizations.

Yanukovych had been willing to deal with the European Union, but when he balked at the terms of the proposed loan, Russia offered Ukraine $15 billion under more favorable terms. This the EU and U.S. government could not tolerate. Yanukovych had to go.

Keep in mind that eastern Ukraine and Crimea, which is filled with Russian-speaking people, had voted heavily for Yanukovych, with the western part going for his opponent. So driving out the elected president was a direct slap at the ethnic Russians. When the new government came to power, it downgraded Russians from official-language status and tried to cut back on the autonomy of the far-eastern provinces, the Donbas region, which borders Russia. Violence erupted and has continued. Meanwhile, Russia annexed Crimea, which has been a Russian security concern and the home of its only year-round warm-water naval base since the 18th century. Russia could not take the risk that Crimea would become a base for NATO forces. The predominantly ethnic Russians in Crimea approved of the annexation. But one thing Russia refused to do was to accept an annexation invitation from the people in the Donbas.

As a result, the U.S. government sent large amounts of aid to Ukraine, but Obama refused to send weapons because he did not want to escalate the conflict or risk direct war with Russia. He noted, properly, that Ukraine was a core security interest of Russia but not of the United States and that in a conflict over nearby Ukraine, Russia would have a large advantage over the United States, despite America’s much larger military. Trump, however, reversed Obama’s policy and sent massive arms shipments to Ukraine, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.

As Russia increased pressure on Ukraine over the last year, with a buildup of troops near the border, it made clear its demands: no NATO membership for Ukraine and no missile launchers in Eastern Europe. Since taking office, Biden has talked tough, proclaiming that the United States would support Ukrainian sovereignty, while also saying, first, that U.S. troops would not be committed, second, that Ukraine would not be joining NATO anytime soon, and third, that offensive nuclear missiles would not be placed in Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, he scoffed at Russia’s demands, insisting that no one but NATO would decide who became a member. This sounded like schoolyard pettiness, with Biden refusing to formalize for Russia his disavowal of things that Biden had already said he would not do.

Would Russia have shelved plans for the invasion had Biden not been so wrongheaded? Who can say? But what was there to lose?

So here we are. The situation is dangerous in a global sense because, in the fog of war, shit happens. (Sorry.) It doesn’t help that some prominent Americans, still in the minority, want the U.S. government to do more than impose sanctions, send even more troops to neighboring NATO countries, and further arm Ukraine, all of which Biden is doing — some, like President Zelensky, are calling for a U.S.-enforced no-fly zone over Ukraine, which would bring America into direct military conflict with Russia. Some are even calling for regime change in Russia. Need we be reminded that, like the U.S. government, Russia has thousands of hydrogen bombs ready to launch. Are these people nuts?

No, history did not begin on February 24, 2022, or even March 18, 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea.

What now? It’s ridiculous to think that Russia — given its $1.5 trillion GDP (smaller than Italy’s and Texas’s) and $60 billion military budget (6 percent of the total U.S. military budget) — is out to re-establish the Russian empire of old or the Soviet Union. To put things in perspective, the U.S. government has had recent annual increases in military spending that exceeded Russia’s entire military budget.

The goal must be a ceasefire. Biden can facilitate that by doing what he should have done long ago: put in writing that Ukraine and Georgia will not join NATO, that the missile launchers will be removed from Eastern Europe, and that the war exercises on Russia’s border will end. Ukraine could help by accepting the status of neutrality with Finland-like assurances that it will not let its territory be used offensively against Russia. Biden should also propose that the arms-control treaties trashed by Bush II and Trump will be reinstated in talks with Russia.

Russia, of course, should pledge to leave Ukraine and offer compensation, while the heavily ethnic Russian areas in the east are given the freedom to join Russia.

We need not be at war — even if it’s a new cold war — with Russia.

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By Courtney Radsch 

Many of the world’s most popular platforms and services have sought to stymie Russia’s information operations and propaganda amid its illegal invasion of Ukraine. Meta, Google, Twitter, TikTok, and others have de-platformed, de-monetized, and de-amplified Russian state media and official channels, making them official participants in the information war that they largely refused to wade into in the months and years leading up to the war on Ukraine.

Apple joined in by removing RT and Sputnik from its App Store outside of Russia and went a step further and stopped all product sales and Apple Pay services in the country, a move that will undoubtedly affect ordinary Russians far more than the ruling class. Netflix has refused to carry Russian channels, and Warner Bros. and Disney have nixed upcoming movie releases in the country. Ukraine has encouraged this and recently asked Xbox and Sony to block Russian and Belarusian accounts and prevent gamers and teams from participating in or hosting esports events.

But Ukraine wants to go even further by kicking Russia off the internet.

On Monday, Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation sent a letter to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, the body that oversees the domain system that forms the backbone of the open web. The letter asks ICANN to shut down Russian-administered domain names (think .RU, .SU, and .рф) and root servers in the country; to revoke Russia’s control of its top-level domain name system root servers; and to revoke the digital signatures that authenticate domain names. This is all a bit technical, but it basically means that the part of the internet run by Russia would not work. Most Russians won’t be able to access their email or apps, search the web, or access local websites because they resolve using the country-level domain. It would also create substantial security risks for anyone trying to navigate to one of those sites.

The domain name system, or DNS, is like the internet’s phone book, allowing anyone to type in a web address and get to the right place without having to figure out the corresponding string of numbers. The ability to authenticate a site is a crucial part of combating disinformation by preventing tampering and impersonation—which means that if you tried to get to (the website of the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, whose editor Dmitry Muratov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021), you either would be stuck or could be directed to a spoofed site. The letter claims that “these measures will help users seek for reliable information in alternative domain zones, preventing propaganda and disinformation.”

But it would do the opposite, shutting down some 5 million domains—including those belonging to local news outlets, nongovernmental organizations, and civic groups—and potentially kicking much of the country offline. While it wouldn’t be a full-scale internet shutdown, “this is basically like kicking Russia off the internet,” according to Ephraim Kenyanito, a senior program officer at Article 19 whose work focuses on DNS and censorship. (Disclosure: I’m the U.S. adviser for Article 19.)

Local businesses, news outlets, and civil society would have to scramble to find new hosting services, which could be difficult given the increasing pressure to deny services to Russians. “Government ministries of health would be taken offline, including information on COVID. Basically it would prevent Russians from accessing information, and it would do disproportionate harm,” says Kenyanito.

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Sanctions are Revenge. Sanctions Are Genocide!

March 4th, 2022 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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We citizens run the risk of accepting economic and social sanctions imposed on a country and/or its president as “normal” and “understandable” because they have been very popular for years and not a single shot is fired, not a missile is detonated and not a tank is set in motion. Information about their consequences is rarely given.

But sanctions are not an alternative to war, they are war – only by other means. They are invisible wars and perfect instruments of revenge. If we get used to accepting such things, there is nothing more we will not accept.

“The UN Sanctions Regime in Iraq.”

This is the subtitle of the book published in 2005 by Hans-C. Graf Sponeck: “Another War” (1). Hans von Sponeck was the UN coordinator in charge of the “Oil for Food” programme in Iraq from 1998 to 2000. In his book, he uses figures to prove the fatal consequences and the failure of the UN Security Council in its Iraq policy: increase in child mortality and illiteracy, inadequate food supply and non-functioning of important parts of the infrastructure.

In early 2000, von Sponeck resigned as head of the UN aid programme in protest against the genocidal Sanctions Regime. A short time later, I met him personally on a lecture tour in Switzerland and told him that as a German I was very proud when I learned of his honourable resignation. A long friendship developed with this humanly admirable German diplomat.

A completely different experience was the hair-raising answer of former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to a journalist’s question: on the TV show “60 Minutes” on 12 May 1996, Lesley Stahl asked the US Secretary of State:

“We’ve heard that half a million children have died (because of the sanctions on Iraq). I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And – tell me, is it worth the price?”.

Albright replied:

“I think it’s a very difficult decision, but the price – we think it’s worth the price.” (2)

Sanctions as the perfect instrument of revenge (3)

The years of sanctions against the Iraqi civilian population have inflicted serious economic, social and psychological wounds. The dramatic impoverishment of the population and the social and economic decline of the country were, according to experts, unprecedented in the history of the modern world (4). Desperate need and hopelessness kept the population in suspense and robbed them of the strength to rebel. Only the civilian population was affected by the sanctions. The regime of the then President Saddam Hussein got off scot-free. How are we to evaluate such a political punitive measure?

The sanctions against Iraq are only one example among many: The punitive measures against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the more recent ones against Venezuela, North Korea, Yemen or Syria are equally well remembered. In this context, it should be pointed out that the paralysis and partial destruction of state institutions opens the door to organised crime, i.e. it greatly promotes the rapid emergence of mafia structures and machinations.

Soon it will become clear what economic, social and psychological wounds the sanctions taken by the Western world under the leadership of the USA will inflict on the civilian population of Russia and to what extent the Russian president’s position of power will be shaken as a result? Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro – once himself a “victim” of US sanctions – strongly condemned the Western sanctions. In a newspaper article on 3 March, he described the punitive measures, including in the banking sector, as crimes against the Russian people and pleaded for diplomatic ways out of the crisis (5).

It is not yet clear what fatal effects the sanctions will have on the daily lives of the sanctioning countries: Experts are already warning of higher inflation rates, energy shortages and bottlenecks in the production and distribution of food.


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a retired rector, educationalist and graduate psychologist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


(1) Graf Sponeck, Hans C. (2005). Another war. The UN sanctions regime in Iraq. Hamburg





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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

The  Video and text provides a factual review of developments on the ground.


As of March 3, the situation near Kharkiv remains difficult for both sides of the conflict. Russian units, that suffered losses in the previous days, do not seek to go deeper into the city. At the same time, they carry out targeted strikes on military facilities and hideouts of the Ukrainian military. On the night of March 3, Russian special operations forces continued their activities in the city, aimed at identifying the main defense nodes and eliminating the command staff. The encirclement of Kharkiv has not yet been carried out.

Mariupol remains blockaded by the joint forces of Russia and the DPR. Fighting is going on the outskirts of the city. The major assault has not started, but several clashes have taken place in the outskirts. No attempts of counter-offensive attacks by Ukrainian forces were reported.

Given the large number of military personnel and nationalistic fighters in the city, it will not be possible to take it quickly. However, Kyiv has no forces in the region to deblockade the city. The roads leading to Mariupol are cut off. On March 2, the DPR units closed the ring around Mariupol and took control over the settlements of Primorskoye, Priazovskoye, Shevchenko and Berdyansk.

DPR and Russia organized the evacuation of civilians and created a green corridor from Mariupol. However, the nationalist battalions, which are hiding in large numbers in residential areas, are in no hurry to let their ‘human shields’ go.

In Kyiv Region, Russian units continue their successful encirclement of the capital. Throughout March 2, there was fighting near Irpen. To the southwest of Irpen, there were battles for control over the Kiev-Zhytomyr highway. Russian troops encircling Kyiv from the southwest were spotted on the outskirts of Vasylkiv.

The Ukrainian military blew up a bridge in Baryshevka. This settlement is 10 km north of the Kiev-Boryspil-Poltava-Kharkiv highway. It can be assumed that Russian troops are close to this highway and that they are preparing an operation to intercept it with further advance to Boryspil.

In the direction of Mykolaiv, Russian units attempted to encircle the city in order to blockade it and get a passage to Odessa. On March 2, the Russians failed to cut off the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog highway. On the same day, airborne troops allegedly landed from helicopters on the outskirts of Mykolaiv. The success of the operation as well as the objectives of the action are unclear.

Despite the fact that the main forces of Russia and the DPR were previously sent to break through to Mariupol, which ended yesterday with a complete encirclement, on March 2, Russian troops continued to strengthen their positions, moving north.

The Russian army took control over the town of Kamenka-Dneprovskoye and Vasilevka in Zaporizhia Region.

On March 1, it was announced that the Zaporozhye NPP, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, located in the city of Energodar, came under the control of Russian  forces in order to avoid provocations from Kyiv. However, local sources said that armed locals continue to block the road to the nuclear plant.

LPR forces continue their offensive north and northwest toward the junction with Russian units near Kharkiv. Meanwhile, Russian units took control of Balakleya and approached Izyum with further plans to advance toward Slavyansk.

As of March 3, the most threatening situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces is developing in this theater of the military operation. Tens of thousands of servicemen may be completely surrounded.

DPR units are fighting positional battles to the West and Northwest of Donetsk. In this section of the front, DPR units act as an anvil, waiting for a hammer blow to the flanks of the largest grouping of Kiev forces in eastern Ukraine

On the one hand, the seventh day of the conflict demonstrated a certain tiredness of the advancing Russian troops. On the other hand, the Russian command seems to have taken into account the mistakes of the past days and the Russian offensive became a full-scale army operation rather than a cavalry special operation on the enemy’s rear. The morale and technical condition of the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian military is deteriorating. Both Ukrainian servicemen and fighters of nationalist battalions in all eastern and southeastern parts of the front are surrendering.


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Amid the abusive wave of sanctions against Russia due to the special operation in Ukraine, some specific rumors have caught the attention of experts, suggesting that there are plans on the part of the Western states to simply pressure to remove Russia’s permanent seat on the UN Security Council (UNSC). This kind of illegal maneuver is a real coup attempt and could lead to the end of the UN.

Apparently, an effort is under way to diplomatically isolate Moscow and even challenge Russia’s right to a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, alleging that Russia took the seat of the former Soviet Union in 1991 without proper authorization – which in fact is nothing more than a public “justification” to promote such an illegal maneuver.

Currently, there are reports circulating on several websites alleging that Western diplomats, mainly American and British, are starting a research work to investigate whether there is a legal possibility of removing Russia from its position on the UNSC within the current international documents. Obviously, this type of “research” is useless and there is no possibility of carrying out this such a maneuver within the limits of public international law. In practice, when reporting that diplomats are investigating this kind of maneuver, it is only possible to conclude that they are somehow conspiring to carry out a coup against Moscow at the United Nations.

This absolutely absurd idea has become a common discourse in the Western media recently. This is due to the fact that the West has become furious with the Russian veto on the American resolution against the operation in Ukraine, voted on at the UNSC last week. Western political analysts began to say that “administrative reform” was needed at the UN to prevent “aggressor nations” from vetoing sanctions against themselves. Shortly thereafter, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelesnky, during one of his online speeches, claimed that Kiev “demands” Russian removal from the Council, strengthening Western discourse.

Quite unexpectedly, diplomats seem to have paid attention to this utterly unrealistic idea suggested by Zelensky and some ideologically fanatical analysts, initiating the current plan, in which Western officials plan to form a legal argument about the “illegitimacy” of the Russian presence on the Council. It is expected that some document will soon emerge containing various distortions and arbitrary interpretations of the norms of international law, just in order to justify the idea of removing Russia.

It is questionable whether the analysts and diplomats involved in this type of maneuver are taking into account all the consequences of this attitude. This irresponsible, illegal, rude and anti-diplomatic act could simply generate the biggest crisis in international relations since the Second World War, directly threatening the stability of global peace.

The very existence of the UN will lose its meaning without the Russian presence in its Security Council, considering the country’s military and nuclear importance. If that happens, the Russian attitude may simply be to abandon the UN, as it will have become a mere pro-Western international organization. China would certainly take the Russian side in this dispute as it would also have its interests affected by the coup in the Security Council. Russia and China would perhaps form a new organization together. And that would be the end of the UN as the regulator of world peace. The UN would have the same end of its predecessor league and this is something that everyone wants to avoid – except the Western officials who are planning the coup against Russia.

Obviously, administrative reform is needed at the UN and until a few days ago there was a consensus on the need to expand the Security Council’s permanent seats, including new emerging states of geopolitical relevance, such as India, Pakistan, Brazil, among others. Trying to reduce the Council is absurd considering that the world is increasingly multipolar. This would be a mere attempt on the part of NATO to carry out a global coup d’état, but instead of controlling the world, it would only bring about the end of the UN.

It is necessary that good sense prevails in the UN, in order to such an illogical project to be promptly rejected, so that the organization survives. The attempt to “cancel” Russia cannot go beyond the limits of international law. It is essential that the main world powers are on the Security Council and that the most important of them have veto power to prevent the interests of one side from prevailing over those of the other. It is this structure that guarantees world peace. It is necessary to increase the permanent seats, giving this right to new world powers, adapting the UN’s structure to the multipolar world. Any attempt to the contrary threatens the very existence of the organization.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Featured image is from the UN/Mark Garten

The Ukraine War and the “Good” Refugee

March 4th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

“These people are not people we are used to… these people are Europeans.” – Kiril Petkov, Bulgarian Prime Minister, Associated Press, March 1, 2022

In the history of accepting refugees, countries have shown more than an erratic streak.  Universal human characteristics have often been overlooked in favour of the particular: race, cultural habits, religion.  Even immigration nations, such as the United States and Australia, have had their xenophobic twists and turns on the issue of who to accept, be they victims of pogroms, war crimes, genocide, or famine.

The Russian attack on Ukraine has already produced refugees in the hundreds of thousands.  By March 2, with the war one week old, 874,000 people were estimated to have left Ukraine.  The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that up to four million may leave, while the European Union adds a further three million to the figure.

This is already producing a growing capital of hypocrisy on the part of receiving states who have shown deep reluctance in accepting refugees of other backgrounds from other conflicts.  Tellingly, some of these conflicts have also been the noxious fruit of campaigns or interventions waged by Western states.

Refugees care for each other near Polish-border train station Przemyśl Główny (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Offers of generosity – least to fair Ukrainians – are everywhere.  Poland, which will be a major recipient and country of passage for many Ukrainians, is showing ample consideration to the arrivals as they make their way across the border.  They find themselves playing moral priests of salvation.

A report from the UNHCR notes facilities at various border crossings stocked with “food, water, clothes, sleeping bags, shoes, blankets, nappies and sanitary products for people arriving with only what they can carry.”  Anna Dąbrowska, head of Homo Faber, notes the sentiment.  “Our two peoples have always had close relations… Of course, we help our neighbours!”

Such solidarity has been selective. Those of African and Middle Eastern background have faced rather different treatment at the border – if and when they have gotten there.  The number of accounts of obstructions and violence both within Ukraine and at the border, are growing.

Polish authorities have also been accused of explicitly targeting African students by refusing them entry in preference for Ukrainians, though the Polish Ambassador to the UN told the General Assembly on February 28 that this was “a complete lie and a terrible insult to us.”  According to Krzysztof Szczerski, as many as 125 nationalities have been admitted into Poland from Ukraine.

The sceptics have every reason to be doubtful.  Only last year, Minister of the Interior Mariusz Kamiński, and the National Defence Minister, Mariusz Błaszczak, gave a very different impression of welcome, suggesting that refugees of swarthier disposition – those from the Middle East, in particular – were immoral types tending towards bestiality.  Such arrivals were also accused of being weapons used by the Lukashenko regime in Belarus as part of a program of “hybrid warfare”.  President Adrzej Duda also signed a bill into law to construct what has been described as “a high-tech barrier on the border with Belarus to guard against an influx of irregular migrants.”

People in Warsaw take part in a protest rally on October 17 in solidarity with migrants who have been pushed back at Poland’s border with Belarus. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

It’s all well to accuse the Russians of disinformation, but Polish authorities have not been averse to sowing their own sordid variants, targeting vulnerable arrivals and demonising them in the process.  In 2021, those fleeing Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Yemen were left stranded by their hundreds in the freezing woods along the Polish-Belarusian border.  Eight individuals perished.

In this cruel farce of inhumanity, the European Union, along with Poland and the Baltic States, notably Lithuania, must shoulder the blame.  The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has been openly calling Lukashenko’s fashioning of irregular arrivals as “a hybrid attack, a brutal attack, a violent attack and a shameful attack.” Doing so makes it easier to care less.

Globally, the war in Ukraine is now giving countries a chance to be very moral to the right type of refugee.  They are fleeing the ravages and viciousness of the Russian Bear, the bully of history; this is an opportunity to show more accommodating colours.  If nothing else, it also provides a distracting cover for the more brutal policies used against other, less desirable irregular arrivals.

This is a strategy that is working, with media outlets such as USA Today running amnesiac pieces claiming that Ukrainian families, in fighting “Putin’s murderous regime”, were engaged in a “battle … for life and death; there is no time for debates about political correctness.”

Countries in Western Europe are also showing a different face to those fleeing Ukraine.  The UK, which is seeking to adopt an Australian version of refugee processing – the use of distant offshore islands and third countries, lengthy detention spells and the frustrating of asylum claims – has now opened arms for 200,000 Ukrainian refugees.

Hungarian volunteers assisting refugees (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Distant Australia, whose participation in the illegal war against Iraq which produced refugees and asylum seekers that would eventually head towards the antipodes, is now offering to accept a higher intake of refugees from Ukraine and “fast track” their applications.  The same politicians speak approvingly of a system that imprisons asylum seekers and refugees indefinitely in Pacific outposts, promising to never resettle them in Australia.  The subtext here is that those sorts – the Behrouz Boochani-types – deserve it.

In the words of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), “The Morrison Government has presided over the dismantling of Australia’s refugee intake, leaving Australia unable to adequately respond to emergencies”, with 2022 “marking the lowest refugee intake in nearly 50 years.”  True, the global pandemic did not aid matters, but COVID-19 did little in terms of seeing a precipitous decline in refugee places.  Australia’s refugee intake cap was lowered from 18,750 persons in 2018-2019 to 13,750 in 2020-2021.

The reduction of such places has taken place despite Canberra’s role in a range of conflicts that have fed the global refugee crisis.  Australia’s failure in Afghanistan, and its imperilling of hundreds of local translators and security personnel, only saw a half-hearted effort in opening the doors.  The effort was characterised by incompetence and poorly deployed resources.

The grim reality in refugee politics is that governments always make choices and show preferences.  “Talk of moving some applications ‘to the top of the pile’ pits the most vulnerable against each other,” opines the critical founder of the ASRC, Kon Karapanagiotidis. “This is a moral aberration and completely out of step with the Australian public.”

Sadly, the good people at the ASRC are misreading public sentiment.  This is an election year; accepting Ukrainian refugees will be seen as good politics, just as indefinitely detaining boat arrivals from impoverished and war-ravaged lands – many Muslim majority states affected by the policies of Western states – will continue to be praised.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Ukrainian refugees arriving in Przemyśl in Poland (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Nina of Arabia: A Novel

March 4th, 2022 by Marina Bulatović

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by Barbara Ellis-Uchino

Nina, growing up in Belgrade, is a different kind of child – she prefers cleaning her parents’ apartment to playing with her younger sister and their friend. Nina cleans so thoroughly that she throws out all the socks her father leaves lying around the apartment – by tossing them off the balcony.

As young adults with good jobs, Nina, her sister, and their best friend enjoy the single life of Belgrade – until her sister marries at 29.

Many years later, Nina is in her 40s… That’s when she meets Filip. “Finally I would have a family of my own, just when everyone had written me off.” After a dismal “vacation” in Toronto in the winter, including an awkward dinner with his ex-wife Selena, they marry in her hometown, with 100 guests invited to the wedding.

Immediately after the wedding, Filip’s surprise new job takes him to Saudi Arabia. Nina is game, if wary. How, living in close quarters, will she adjust to Filip’s foibles? To the rules for women in this alien country? To the loneliness? Can she work? She cannot. And finally, will love win in their long-awaited marriage?

“If I lived in New York, I would have run to my shrink, lay down on the couch and told him this nightmare. I would feel better at once. Then I could meditate in Central Park with other stressed-out people struggling with difficult jobs, unpaid bills and loan payments, dissatisfied spouses, weeping (abandoned) lovers… but I lived in the Arabian Gulf and I had to be my own psychiatrist.”

Nina solves these problems by observing and writing about the men and women and the customs of Saudi Arabia, by dreaming about how to make the abaya a fashion statement, and most of all, by fantasizing that one day, she will fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a Manhattanite.

Nina turns her observations into a novel – Nina of Arabia. It is published to accolades, enabling her to make her dream of Manhattan come true. Faced with the realization that they could lose each other, as they quarrel often, Nina and Filip understand that what they have together is indeed true love. They move to Manhattan and throw a birthday party for all the family and friends who have supported them, both in their marriage and in the writing of the book. The novel ends (utterly believably) with success on every level.

What is it that you can find in the novel Nina of Arabia? And why would you be interested in her adventures at all? And who is this Nina, after all?

Moving from Europe to a different continent (Western Asia) in her early 40s, Nina finds herself momentarily without a clear direction in life, but her spirits are still up.

You will discover that it is her ‘karma’ to always be the second wife to her husbands (Alex and Filip). Why she craves marijuana while driving down Saudi highways.

How Donna Karan helped her to overcome the fashion trauma instigated by wearing the black abaya, but also how her Chinese neighbors, with whom she had hidden in the same bomb shelter, brought delight into her life.  How she coped with the fact that she had no children… Why she thinks that New York  is the capital of our planet – on what occasions she wears her lucky Calvin Klein panties. How often the ghost of Lawrence of Arabia haunts her – why she sometimes pities Saudi men (not women!). How she ended up sleeping in the same bed that Nicholas Cage once slept in. Why she thinks that her acquaintance with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson is inevitable and written in the stars. Why she is keen on Selena (a new friend) whom she had met under very strange circumstances in Canada. Why she believes that Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla are still friends up there, in Heaven. Why she sometimes longs to move to the Himalayas and live with the Hunza people. Why she had been persistent in inviting King Abdullah while he was alive to be her guest, and all the things she promised him… and much, much more.

My novel “Nina of Arabia” is being sold in three countries: Serbia (publisher: Mali Nemo); Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (publisher: Nova knjiga).

The manuscript of my novel was translated into English by Alice Copple-Tošić and was then edited by Barbara Ellis-Uchino, who also wrote the synopsis.

My husband and I spent 10 years in Saudi Arabia, and that is where my novel originated, inspired primarily by my life in this Kingdom, but also by numerous travels that we took together.

Since I think that nothing in life happens ‘by accident’, therefore neither did my move to such a faraway and unknown country, it got me thinking: What is my purpose? Why did I, of all the countries in the world, have to move to this particular place? Since I had been one of the pioneers of the PR profession in Serbia, and had been writing for magazines in Serbia and Montenegro for years – writing presented itself as a natural choice, spurred on by a desire to chronicle the world around me.

Image on the right is from the author

“Nina of Arabia” is a modern fairytale and if you catch a glimpse of its magic world, you will discover why love is all around us. It will inspire you to observe your surroundings with hope and optimism.

Considering that societies around the world are founded on multiculturalism, I am sure that the target demographic for my novel will be broad, because my novel promotes these values.

I have written from my heart, with utter sincerity, hoping that readers who are members of my “energy tribe” and share my sensibility will recognize this. Here, I particularly mean women from 25 to 75 years old.

The novel “Nina of Arabia” could easily be adapted into a movie or a TV series script.

Therefore, I believe that Nina of Arabia, a century after the legendary Lawrence of Arabia, could reveal many unknown and interesting details about life in this Kingdom, and inspire people to turn their lives into a FAIRYTALE, regardless of where they live. Lawrence’s Arabia doesn’t exist anymore, and thanks to Nina, you will find out how much it has changed since the beginning of the 20th century.

My novel has 243 pages, and is a work of literary fiction. The book that it could be likened to is Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson, or Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding.


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Marina Bulatovic has been a member of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) since 1998. Today, she is a freelance journalist and is working on a new novel, under the title “Happy Serbian New Year”.

Featured image is from Marina Bulatovic Barny/Facebook

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Official data hidden within News Reports published by the New Zealand Ministry of Health has revealed that the fully vaccinated population account for the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations in New Zealand, with some days seeing the triple/double jabbed account for 100% of people admitted to hospital.

The Expose – On the 16th Feb 22 the New Zealand Ministry of Health published a News Report containing information on Covid-19 Hospitalisations by vaccination status. In it they confirmed that of the current hospitalisations among the Northern Region, the unvaccinated population accounted for 2 hospitalisations, whilst the fully vaccinated accounted for 23 hospitalisations.

So we took a look back at previous news reports published by the New Zealand Ministry of Health to paint a picture on the current alleged Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the country.

These are the reports we analysed, dating back to 25th Jan 22.

The following chart shows the total number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status each day in New Zealand between 25th Jan 22 and 16th Feb 22 –

As you can see, every single day has seen the fully vaccinated account for the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations, and as of the 16th Feb 22 things look like they are getting progressively worse for the fully vaccinated but improving for the unvaccinated.

On the 25th Jan 22 just 6 people were hospitalised with Covid-19, with the fully vaccinated accounting for 5 hospitalisations, and the unvaccinated accounting for 1 hospitalisation. But by the 16th Feb 22, there were 25 people hospitalised with Covid-19, with the fully vaccinated accounting for 23 hospitalisations, and the unvaccinated population accounting for just 2 hospitalisations.

The following chart shows the percentage of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status in New Zealand between 25th Jan 22 and 16th Feb 22 –

Six of the 19 days have seen the fully vaccinated account for 100% of Covid-19 hospitalisations, this is despite approximately 79% of the New Zealand population being considered fully vaccinated.

The most recent 2 days of data has seen the fully vaccinated account for 90% of hospitalisations on the 15th Feb and 92% of hospitalisations on the 16th Feb 22.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health has refused to publish the number of Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status, but we think it’s plain to see by the very limited data they have quietly published on Covid-19 hospitalisations, that the country is very much in the midst of a Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated, and it looks like Covid-19 vaccination has offered zero benefit in preventing hospitalisation.

In fact, from the numbers given it appears vaccination has made things worse.


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

And THAT’S why the US media and the government are so shocked and outraged.

The history of the world up until now has been one of peace.


I do seem to recall, though—so long ago it’s quite dim in memory—the US conducted war in Iraq more than once, and Afghanistan as well. And there was no outrage in the US press then.

And wasn’t there a US war in a place called Vietnam, or am I mistaken?

American journalists are now on wartime alert, fanning every flame of anti-Russian sentiment they can find.

And real red-blooded patriots should shout down and blot out anyone who dissents from absolute hatred of Russia.

Forget the fact that, for many years, the US government has been moving nuclear missiles closer to Russia. If more of those missiles were set up in the Ukraine, it would constitute an even greater threat.

Forget those moves, because they weren’t war. They were FOREIGN POLICY, which is quite different.

Americans aren’t supposed to think about that strange animal called foreign policy. It’s a subject every loyal patriot should make sure he never understands. It’s part of the patriot code.

For example, here is a secret piece of foreign policy carried out by a beloved President who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. You might remember him. Barack Obama. As you read the following details, make sure you don’t think they constituted WAR. There was absolutely no reason for the American press to report on them, or to stir up anti-war sentiment in the public.

The Guardian, January 9, 2017, “America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign,” by Medea Benjamin:

“…in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.”

“While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.”

“One bombing technique that President Obama championed is drone strikes. As drone-warrior-in-chief, he spread the use of drones outside the declared battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly to Pakistan and Yemen. Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.”

“President Obama has claimed that his overseas military adventures are legal under the 2001 and 2003 authorizations for the use of military force passed by Congress to go after al-Qaida. But today’s wars have little or nothing to do with those who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001.”

“Given that drones account for only a small portion of the munitions dropped in the past eight years, the numbers of civilians killed by Obama’s bombs could be in the thousands. But we can’t know for sure as the administration, and the mainstream media, has been virtually silent about the civilian toll of the administration’s failed interventions.”

“In May 2013, I interrupted President Obama during his foreign policy address at the National Defense University. I had just returned from visiting the families of innocent people killed by US drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan, including the Rehman children who saw their grandmother blown to bits while in the field picking okra.”

“Speaking out on behalf of grieving families whose losses have never been acknowledged by the US government, I asked President Obama to apologize to them. As I was being dragged out, President Obama said: ‘The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to’.”

“Too bad he never did.”

Again, that was foreign policy, not war.

Shh. Don’t tell the children.


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The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Featured image is from Donbass Insider

The War Between Russia and Ukraine Has Been Brewing Since 1991

March 4th, 2022 by Prof Rodrigue Tremblay

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

“I think it is the beginning of a new Cold War… I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn over in their graves. We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way.” George F. Kennan (1904-2005), American diplomat and historian, (in an interview with Thomas L. Friedman in the New York Times, May 2, 1998, about the U.S. expansion of NATO)

[NATO’s goal is] “to keep the Russians out [of Europe], the Americans in and the Germans down.”Hastings L. Ismay (1887-1965), first NATO Secretary-General (1952-1957)

We [the State Department] have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.” Victoria Nuland (1961- ), Under Secretary at the State Department, in a speech, Dec. 13, 2013.

“The North Atlantic Alliance continues to expand, despite all our protests and concerns… Despite all that, in December 2021, we made yet another attempt to reach agreement with the United States and its allies on the principles of European security and NATO’s non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain… For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation.” Vladimir Putin (1952- ), Speech to the Nation, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022.

The tragic and illegal war of aggression launched by Russia (pop. 146 million) against Ukraine (pop. 44 million), its neighbor, on Thurs. February 24, 2022, has raised much emotion and many reactions in the West, and for good reasons.

Most people would much prefer that international conflicts between states be settled through diplomacy, or at the very least, through peaceful arbitration. Unfortunately for humanity, this is not yet the case. It is inadmissible that wars of aggression still rage today. In the end, it is ordinary people, the poor and the young, in particular, who end up paying, often with their lives, for the mistakes and failings of so called ‘leaders’.

At a time when weapons are increasingly lethal and destructive, it would appear that there is no longer any credible arbiter in the world to avoid military conflicts. This makes for dangerous times.

Therefore, several questions come to mind.

Will Europe, which was a large battlefield in the first half of the 20th Century, become embroiled in military conflicts again, in the 21st Century? Has the United States, which controls NATO, pushed that alliance’s expansion into Eastern Europe and Russia too far? Why do the institutions of peace that the world created after World War II seem to have withered away to the point of being incapable of preventing wars? Is it still possible to reform these institutions in order to prevent the world from falling back into the practices of past centuries?

Considering the complexity of today’s world and the divergent interests involved, it could be useful to identify the main reasons for the deterioration of international order over more than the last quarter of a century, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union, in December 1991.

  • There is a clear danger of repeating the mistakes of the past in isolating countries from international life

The brinkmanship policy of isolating, humiliating and threatening foreign countries is a very dangerous approach in international relations. Such a policy, pursued against Germany by the French and other allied powers after World War I (1914-1918), through the imposition of heavy war reparation payments on Germany, is credited with having created the conditions that ultimately led to World War II (1939-1945).

Today, the world is again facing a European war between Russia and Ukraine, a war that should have been avoided, with a little more goodwill, leadership and perspicacity. Also, such a war of aggression illustrates very clearly how humanity risks returning to the geopolitical situation that prevailed before the Second World War.

It was a time when the League of Nations was paralyzed; much like the United Nations is today. It was also a time when major nations had been humiliated during the aftermath of World War I. They harbored resentment towards the victorious countries, which, in their eyes, only looked after their own narrow interests.

Let us remember that the United Nations was created in 1945 to prevent wars. But in the 21st Century, wars of aggression are still with us. Only during the past twenty years, the world has seen two major wars of aggression, both illegal under the U.N. Charter: the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003, by the United States and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24 of this year.

This may be an indication that the politico-legal system put in place in 1945 to prevent war is not working, at a time in human history when a war involving nuclear weapons could be more than catastrophic.

  • The dangerous mentality prevailing today at the State and Defense Departments in the U.S.

Analysts and decision makers at the U.S. State Department and at the Pentagon rely on war games with simulations of military strategies of action-reaction, using computers, as if foreign policy were a kind of video game. That leaves little space for rational thinking, human feelings and imagination.

Relying on such ‘games’ is very dangerous because such a use of programmed computers could lead to huge mistakes in real life, and because they can make destructive military hostilities seem trivial and inconsequential.

  • NATO as a substitute to the United Nations

After the fall of the USSR, in 1991, some so-called ‘planners’ in the American government saw an opportunity to place the U.S. government as the sole arbiter of international foreign relations in the post-Cold War world. They viewed the United Nations as a cumbersome body where five countries (USA, Russia, China, U.K. and France) held sway over the U.N. Security Council with their veto.

The idea was to rely on the ‘defensive’ NATO, created in 1949 to secure peace in Europe, with the goal of countering the threat posed then by the Soviet Union. It was believed, no doubt rightly, that NATO would be more favorable than the U.N. to U.S. interventions in the world. However, contrary to the U.N., NATO is a war machine, which has no legitimate mechanism to bring about peace.

Even though in the past the U.S. government has often had the backing of the United Nations for its interventions abroad, humanitarian as well as military—the Korean War (1950-1953) was a good example of the latter—things changed in 1999. Then, under President Bill Clinton, U.S. Armed Forces started a bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, under the NATO flag, but without the authorization of the U.N. Security Council. This was a precedent.

Since that questionable decision, all U.S. military interventions abroad have been conducted under the cover of NATO, and not under the U.N. Charter. And that is where the world stands today.

  • Why the beleaguered Russia is in a position similar to defeated Germany in the 1930’s

The shock of the fall of the Soviet Union was to Russia what the shock suffered after its defeat in the First World War was for Germany. In both cases, these involved large populations subjected to foreign interference, lasting several years. The interests of these two countries were ignored in the new international order.

The fall of the Soviet Union raised two fundamental questions. The first: What would become of the two military defense alliances, the Warsaw Pact of 1955 and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of 1949? Both were organizations of mutual assistance, mainly military, against each other during a period of Cold War (1945-1989). The second: How to achieve the reunification of West Germany and the German Democratic Republic (GDR)?

From a geopolitical standpoint, these two questions were interrelated, especially from a Russian point of view. Russia conserves the historical memory of having been invaded by two great armies, by France under Napoleon, in 1812, and by Germany under Hitler, in 1941.

The fall of the Soviet Union meant the automatic dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. Would the same be true of NATO? Not necessarily.

Indeed, for the U.S. government, NATO was its main source of influence in Western Europe. Containing the Soviet Union was not the only objective in creating NATO. Therefore, the George H.W. Bush administration and its Secretary of State, James Baker, had no intention of dismantling NATO.

On the Russian side, the position was that if NATO continued to exist, either as a defensive or an offensive military alliance, it was essential that it commit to not expanding into Eastern Europe and not threaten Russia.

Declassified documents show that the government of George H.W. Bush, through his Secretary of State James Baker, and the governments of major member nations of the alliance, were willing to promise the Russian government that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe, as long as the Russian government accepted the reunification of the two Germanys (1990-1991). History has recorded the colorful expression of James Baker, on February 9, 1990, to the effect that NATO would not expand “one inch Eastward”.

  • The growing influence of neoconservatives (neocons) in U.S. foreign policy

American foreign policy changed dramatically in the 1990’s, notably under the Democratic administration of Bill Clinton (1993-2001), and even more so under the Republican administration of George W. Bush (2001-2009).

Even though President George H.W. Bush used to dismiss the neocons, at least those working in the U.S. government, as “the crazies in the basement” a small group of them did succeed in dominating American foreign policy later on. Their ideas provided the foundations of ‘The New American Empire’, (which is also the title of a book I wrote in 2004).

The neocon hegemonic mantra was very simple: The United States should take advantage of the demise of the Soviet Union and of its unparalleled military power to impose a “Pax Americana” similar to the Pax Romana during the Roman Empire.

In short, the United States must take advantage of its status as the undisputed military superpower in a unipolar world and adopt a very interventionist foreign policy, while putting emphasis on “national greatness”. And above all, they rejected any policy of accommodation or détente with Russia, just as they had done toward the USSR.

Armed with this doctrine, subsequent U.S. administrations, from the Bill Clinton administration on, have more or less followed its dictates. In particular, they have de facto abandoned the U.N. as the arbiter of world peace, and instead have increasingly relied on NATO to impose a Pax Americana.

  • The coup that overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014

There is an important event not to forget. In 2014, there was a coup in Ukraine that overthrew the pro-Russian government of President Viktor Yanukovych, elected four years earlier, with strong support from the Russian-speaking population in the eastern part of the country.

The above quote of American Under Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland, would indicate that the U.S. government had spent billions of dollars to support various organizations in Ukraine.

In the fall of 2013, a protest movement called the ‘Maidan Revolution’ began peacefully in Kiev, the country’s capital. The protestations were directed against the Ukrainian government and its refusal to sign a bilateral commercial trade agreement with the European Union. However, things escalated when initially peaceful protests turned violent, in February 2014. Then, despite elections being scheduled for May of the same year, the Ukrainian parliament summarily dismissed the incumbent president and formed a new government.

That episode may help in understanding the future turn of events in Ukraine.

  • The war between Russia and Ukraine is to a large extent a response to the progressive military encirclement of Russia by NATO

Since 1991, Russia has opposed NATO’s eastward expansion and has many times requested security guarantees that this would not happen.

Nevertheless, in spite of promises made by the George H.W. Bush administration and other governments, some subsequent U.S. administrations did go ahead and expand NATO eastward.

For instance, in 1999, the Clinton administration accepted that Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic join NATO. In 2002, George W. Bush accepted seven more eastern countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) into NATO. In 2009, it was Albania and Croatia’s turn to join. The most recent adhesions to NATO are Montenegro, in 2017, and North Macedonia, in 2020.

Things went even further when, in December 2014, the Ukrainian parliament voted to renounce its non-aligned status, a step harshly condemned by its neighbor Russia. Ukraine—a former Soviet republic, which became independent in 1991—has made it clear that it wishes to join NATO. And more recently, in 2021, Ukraine became an official candidate for NATO membership. The rest is history.


In these troubled times, an outside and independent moral authority should perhaps intervene to prevent the world from falling into the abyss of military conflicts. Possibly, an invitation could be made to either the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, or to Pope Francis, to serve as conciliator, in order to stop the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, before the Ukrainian people suffer irreparable loses, and before other countries intervene and turn the conflict into a world war.

And afterwards, the world had better recapture the spirit of 1945 and set about reforming its international institutions so that they are truly capable of preventing destructive wars, not in theory but in practice.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay.

International economist Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay is the author of the book about morals “The code for Global Ethics, Ten Humanist Principles” of the book about geopolitics “The New American Empire“, and the recent book, in French, “La régression tranquille du Québec, 1980-2018“. He holds a Ph.D. in international finance from Stanford University.

He is a Research Associate of  the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

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On incidents centering Ukraine, media reports said:

French President Emmanuel Macron thinks “the worst is yet to come” in Ukraine after talking with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday.

A senior French official said Macron’s warning came after the two leaders spoke for 90 minutes, which did not yield any diplomatic progress.

The official said Putin was determined to carry out the ongoing war in Ukraine until “the end.”

Putin also told Macron that Russia’s goals in Ukraine would be “fulfilled” and that the war was going “according to plan,” Reuters reported, citing a statement issued by the Kremlin.

Oil Prices Surge To Highest Level Since 2014

Global oil prices soared and U.S. stocks sank Tuesday.

Stocks fell as investors tried to measure how the conflict would impact the global economy. The S&P 500 dropped roughly 68 points, or 1.6%, to close at 4,306. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost nearly 598 points, or 1.8%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq dropped 1.6%. The declines add to the market’s losses after a two-month skid for the S&P 500.

The bigger moves came from the markets for oil, agricultural commodities and government bonds. Oil has been a key concern because Russia is one of the world’s largest energy producers. The latest bump in prices increases pressure on persistently high inflation that threatens households around the world.

U.S. benchmark crude oil jumped 8% to $103.41 per barrel, reaching the highest price since 2014. Brent crude, the international standard, surged 7.1% to $104.97.

The crisis in Ukraine prompted an extraordinary meeting of the International Energy Agency’s board, which resulted in all 31 member countries agreeing to release 60 million barrels of oil — half of which will come from the U.S.’ Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

President Joe Biden dipped into the SPR in November 2021, releasing 50 million barrels of oil at the time to tamp down high gas prices facing American consumers.

“Moving forward with the release reflects the magnitude of expected disruptions to global energy markets driven by sanctions on Russia,” Clayton Allen, director, and Raad Alkadiri, managing director of energy, climate & resources at Eurasia Group said. “Disruptions will also highlight the importance of U.S. domestic production,” the analysts said.

Europe remains highly exposed to Russia in some sectors, particularly energy,” analysts with TD Securities said in a report. “As the West rushes to sanction Russia, Europe is likely to feel the hit the hardest. This poses a typical stagflationary shock, and growth is likely to be lower, and inflation higher, than otherwise.”

Brent crude oil, the international benchmark, climbed to over $119 a barrel to a 10-year high on Thursday as the war in Ukraine continued to stoke supply concerns.

It briefly touched $119.30, its highest level since March 2012, before later retreating slightly meaning Brent has gained $20 in just a week since Russian troops pushed into Ukraine.

West Texas Intermediate was also trading above $115 on the day, its highest since 2008.

Earlier this week, the U.S., along with Japan and other major consumer nations, agreed to release 60 million barrels from their stockpiles in an attempt to stabilize global energy markets.

However, Russia’s key role as an exporter of oil and gas is driving more chaos in energy markets, while the region’s importance for other key commodities means panic is spreading through markets.

After the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, Russia is the third largest oil producer globally, and is also the world’s largest natural gas exporter.

“With Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (OPEC+), refusing to respond to the sharp spike in oil prices by sticking to its 400,000 barrels per day increase in output in March and with the market unfazed by the IEA’s global crude reserve release, the geopolitical tensions look set to push oil prices higher with Brent crude on track to breach $120 or even $125 as the next major resistance hurdles,” Victoria Scholar, head of investment at Interactive Investor, said.

Russian deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who attended the OPEC+ talks on Wednesday, said he hoped oil market volatility would ease and that Russian output was expected to reach pre-pandemic levels in May.

Benchmark European natural gas prices jumped as much as 20% to €198 per megawatt-hour on Thursday.

The Dutch April gas futures contract has gained more than 12% to €186 per megawatt hour, setting a new record, while the UK equivalent is also approaching the record high hit at the end of last year.

It is currently 8.3% higher at 426.9p per therm, not far from the all-time high of around 450p in December.

UK drivers are now facing record petrol and diesel prices amid soaring oil prices. February marked the fourth month of rising fuel prices with petrol and diesel both shooting up by £4.5p a liter to new record highs, according to RAC.

Energy analysts warn prices could even reach £1.60 a liter causing yet more pain for motorists with no end in sight.

“February was undoubtedly a shocking month for drivers. A rise of 4.5p in any month is bad enough but when it takes pump prices to record levels, it’s bound to hurt households across the UK,” said RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams.

“Motorists are having to endure successive months of rising prices and, sadly, it doesn’t look as though February will be the last.”

‘Not Our War’: Gulf States Resist Pressure To Raise Oil Output

The oil-rich Gulf monarchies have so far resisted Western pressure to raise output, prioritizing their own strategic and economic interests.

The OPEC+, led by Riyadh and Moscow, failed Wednesday to respond to a call to produce more and faster, despite pressure on the Gulf states in particular.

The group argued that the “current volatility is not caused by changes in market fundamentals but by current geopolitical developments,” according to a press release.

“Gulf countries are testing their ability to have a strategic autonomy, to defend their own national interests,” Hasan Alhasan, a Middle East specialist at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told AFP.

The Gulf countries, which had suffered from declines in oil prices since 2014, now seem all the more reluctant to take immediate action as they benefit from the short-term price surge.

If the barrel stays above $100, this will mean that none of the six Gulf Cooperation Council countries will face a budget deficit by 2022, wrote researcher Karen Young of the Washington-based Arab Gulf States Institute.

Amena Baker, an analyst with Energy Intelligence, said that according to OPEC+ “there is no physical shortage of crude in the market.

“The impact of the Western sanctions against Russia’s hydrocarbon exports is still unknown,” she told AFP.

Baker said the only two OPEC+ countries able to truly open the floodgates are Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, but that even they would be unable to make up for Russian exports.

“Overall our calculations put spare capacity of OPEC+ at 2.5 million barrels per day and that’s much less than what Russia exports. Russia’s exports are closer to 4.8 million bpd,” she said.

However, producing countries are aware that high prices risk depressing the global economy and accelerating the energy transition away from fossil fuels, at a time of fragile post-Covid recovery.

“What is most important for Saudi Arabia is oil price stability,” said Alhasan, who added that the kingdom counts on Russia’s cooperation in this.

The last time Saudi Arabia and Russia clashed over production quotas, it led to a price war and a collapse of prices, he recalled.

Baker agreed that “keeping Russia as part of OPEC+ is also seen as very important by member states … That’s the only way to ensure an effective market managing tool in the years to come.”

Alhasan said the pressure the U.S. has exerted on its close Gulf partners has been “limited” so far, adding that “we will see if the pressure will increase in the coming days”.

According to the analyst, the “Gulf countries have said: ‘This isn’t our war.’ A very similar message, by the way, to the one consistently sent by the U.S. to the Gulf states on Yemen over the past several years.”

Saudi Arabia and the UAE — close diplomatic and military partners of the United States — have intervened in Yemen since 2015 to support government forces against Huthi rebels, who are backed by Iran.

Riyadh and Abu Dhabi would like stepped-up support from Washington against the rebels, but the US has been reluctant to engage further in a conflict where all parties have been accused of war crimes.

The UAE hosts U.S. troops and has been a strategic partner to Washington for decades, but its ties with Russia have also been growing.

In its current role as holder of the UN Security Council’s rotating presidency, the UAE abstained last Friday from voting on a U.S.-Albanian draft resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

US-UAE relations now face a “stress test”, said Yousef al-Otaiba, the Emirati ambassador to the U.S., but he voiced confidence that “we will get out of it and we will get to a better place”.

Volunteers Cross Polish Border Into Ukraine To Fight Russian Forces

Small groups of men were heading in the direction to fight the Russians.

Most appeared to be Ukrainian émigrés in their 20s and 30s, but some could also be heard speaking other languages. Many of the men had black tactical boots hanging from their duffle bags.

Judging by the license plates of the cars dropping them off at the crossing in this Polish border town, they had come from as far away as Italy and Germany.

Among those heading east into Ukraine was a man with a military bearing from Great Britain who identified himself only as Ian and said he was 62.

“I’m going to fight,” Ian told NBC News correspondent Jay Gray.

Then Ian walked up to the Ukrainian border guards, who looked him over, checked his papers and sent him to the left to join the other hard-eyed men waiting for a bus bound for the battle against the Russians.

Ian and the others were answering the call that embattled Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted on his website Sunday for “friends of peace and democracy” to join their new brigade, the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, and help them fight the Russians.

Zelenskyy said Thursday that some 16,000 foreigners have already joined the brigade, a number NBC News could not immediately confirm.

In France, the Ukrainian Embassy has been actively recruiting former soldiers to join the fight, and it set up a Facebook page with information and paperwork they would need to fill out, The New York Times reported.

More than 1 million Ukrainians, mostly women and children, have fled in the eight days since the Russians invaded their country, and the pace at which civilians have been crossing the border into Poland has been accelerating as the fighting has grown fiercer.

An army of Polish volunteers backed by relief workers from other countries has set up refugee aid centers in nearby cities, like Przemysl, an ancient city of some 61,000 people.

From there, Ukrainian refugees have been bused to major Polish cities like Warsaw, Krakow and Gdansk, as well as to Germany, Austria and even Denmark.

There have been outbursts of anger from Ukrainians frustrated by the bureaucracy on both sides of the border. And there have been allegations of racism lodged by Africans and Asians who had been living in Ukraine and who say their escape was delayed by Ukrainian border guards.

Rather than marching across the border, most of the escapees boarded buses provided by Poland’s national fire department on the Ukrainian side.

Russia Is Stopping Rocket Engine Sales To U.S., ‘Let them fly on their broomsticks’

Russia has stopped selling rocket engines to the US in response to sanctions, Dmitry Rogozin, the head of Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Thursday, Reuters reported.

“In a situation like this, we cannot supply the United States with our world’s best rocket engines. Let them fly on something else, their broomsticks, I do not know what,” Rogozin said on state-run TV.

Rogozin claimed that since the 1990s, Russia had delivered 122 RD-180 engines to the U.S., and 98 have been used. As part of the decision, Russia will stop servicing rocket engines, meaning that the 24 that are unused will be without the Russians’ assistance.

On Thursday, Roscosmos also announced that it will no longer collaborate with Germany on research at the International Space Station.

Dollar’s Weaponisation Threatens Its Global Dominance

The weaponisation of dollar-based global finance might pose long-term strategic and economic threats to the dominant position the US currency at present enjoys, according to an op-ed for The Hill by Vivekanand Jayakumar, an associate professor of economics at the University of Tampa in Florida.

He noted that the dollar-based global finance system, which has already been facing challenges from America’s spending policies and trade deficits, is now facing a threat of a China-Russia economic and strategic partnership. Jayakumar explained that China has long sought to replace the dollar as the reserve currency and now, seeing how the western nations can voluntarily cut a nation’s banks off SWIFT and slap them with sanctions, Beijing has all the more reason to promote renminbi and digital yuan abroad.

“Recent moves by the West to weaponise dollar-based international finance may yet provide the necessary spur for China to speed up measures to reduce its reliance on the US dollar and create an alternate global financial payments system”, Jayakumar wrote.

The professor noted that Beijing might grow cautious of the existing financial system and try to minimize its exposure to it, in case the situation around Taiwan – its breakaway province – escalates.

Jayakumar said that Beijing’s push for spreading digital yuan and to create alternative payment systems are part of China’s plan to deal with these potential issues. China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative will, in turn, broaden the acceptance of the Chinese currency, the professor said. He sees Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “inward-looking policies” and unwillingness to open its markets fully as the only barrier on this path (and the only hope for the US to maintain the dollar’s dominance).

“Any genuine moves to increase the global acceptance of the renminbi/digital yuan will require China to fully open its capital markets to foreigners. But such a step may not be in accordance with Xi’s dual-circulation economic strategy,” Jayakumar wrote.

The economist stressed that the dollar’s position is already undermined by the expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet, growing public debt and a “sizeable trade deficit” with China, which has grown over the past few years.


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

The speed of Western retaliation over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has raised eyebrows among Yemenis who have endured a relentless bombing campaign and deadly air, land, and sea blockade for 2,520 consecutive days.

“We’re brutally bombed every day. So why doesn’t the Western world care like it does about Ukraine?!!… Is it because we don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes like Ukrainians?”  Ahmed Tamri, a Yemeni father of four, asked with furrowed brows about the outpouring of international support and media coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the lack of such a reaction to the war in Yemen.

Over the weekend, a member of Tamri’s family was killed and nine relatives injured when their family home was targeted in a Saudi-led Coalition airstrike in the remote al-Saqf area in Hajjah Governorate. Tamri claims that al-Saqf has been subjected to a brutal Saudi bombing campaign for the past seven years – more so, he says, than all of Ukraine has endured since it was invaded by Russia.

Despite the horrific bombing campaign against Yemeni civilians, Saudi Arabia’s human rights violations and war crimes have garnered nowhere near the level of coverage and sympathy that the mainstream Western media has rightfully given to Ukraine. “They shed tears for the Ukrainians, and ignore our tragedies… What hypocrisy and racism!” Tamri told MintPress News.

Yemenis ask the obvious

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues into the sixth day, an outpouring of support for Ukrainians continues to be seen across the Western world. Severe sanctions against Russia have been imposed by the United States, Europe, Australia, and the West in general, amid a flurry of emergency talks at the UN Security Council. The speed of Western retaliation – which includes banning Russia from the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) international banking network and calls to treat Russians as international pariahs in sports, culture, and even science – has raised eyebrows among Yemenis who have endured a relentless bombing campaign and deadly air, land, and sea blockade for 2,520 consecutive days.

Since Thursday, when Russian forces began their wide-ranging assault on Ukraine, the Saudi-led Coalition, supported by the United States, has launched more airstrikes in Yemen than Russia has in Ukraine. In Hajjah, a province surrounded by heavy Saudi artillery, Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched more than 150 airstrikes on the cities of Haradh, Heiraan, Abbs, and Mustab, killing scores of civilians, including a father of six killed over the weekend by a Saudi drone that targeted his car as it traveled between Shafar and the Khamis Al-Wahat market.

Since Russia’s incursion into Ukraine began, dozens of civilians, including a number of African migrants, have been killed and hundreds wounded by Saudi artillery and airstrikes in Yemen’s heavily populated Saada province, declared a military area by Saudi Arabia at the start of its military campaign in March 2015.

As news cameras and solidarity protests gave much-needed sympathy to Ukrainian civilians, in Sana’a, Yemen – which has effectively been turned into a large prison for the city’s more than four million residents and refugees, thanks to a crippling Saudi blockade – warplanes bombed a number of densely populated areas, including the airport. An additional 160 airstrikes were launched on the provinces of Marib, al-Jawf, al-Baydha, Taiz, Najran, and Hodeida, the main entry point for commercial goods and aid into a country facing the worst man-made famine in the 21st century.

In fact, it seems as though the Saudi regime is taking advantage of a distracted media in order to escalate attacks on a number of sensitive targets along the Yemen-Saudi border and strengthen its hold over the Al-Mahra Governorate. The UAE, the other major Western-backed oil monarchy occupying Yemen, is likewise making hay, accelerating its project to change the demographics on the prized Socotra Island by displacing locals in favor of settlers more aligned with UAE policies. And while the U.S. readies massive shipments of arms and military aid to Ukrainian “freedom fighters” defending against a Russian invasion, Yemeni “rebels” downed an American-made MQ9-1 drone flown by the UAE in al-Jawf and two American-made Boeing Insitu ScanEagles in Marib and Hajjah.

As countries that have spent the past decades building literal and figurative walls to keep out desperate brown and black refugees fleeing violence and foreign invasion in their own lands open their arms, homes, and hearts to fleeing Ukrainian refugees, Saudi Arabia unleashed a force of Yemeni mercenaries upon their homeland with a promise of a Saudi green card and safety for their families if they turn on their fellow countrymen. Ironically named the “Happy Yemen Forces,” the unit was finalized in late 2021, according to leaked military documents, with a mandate to secure Saudi Arabia’s border with Yemen and ensure Saudi security in exchange for a green card and access to the Saudi social services that come with it.

If we are to compare

In terms of the sheer cost of human life, the tragedy in Yemen has been much more deadly than that in Ukraine, where 325 Ukrainians, including 14 children have tragically lost their lives according to Ukrainian officials. Granted the war in Yemen has raged on unabated for more than six years, but comparatively the numbers are astonishing. Since 2015 the death toll has reached an estimated 400,000 people, including 3,900 children.

Those deaths have included attacks on civilians so egregious that they did garner fleeting media attention but, inevitably, no sanctions, little international condemnation, not even a cessation in the military aid and support to the perpetrators. Bombed-out schools, funerals, wedding halls, refugee camps, even a school bus full of children targeted by the most advanced U.S. weaponry on offer have not been sufficient to elicit the reaction that Ukraine has garnered in less than one week.

Since 2015, Saudi-led Coalition warplanes have pounded Yemen with over 266,000 airstrikes, according to the Yemeni Army Operations Room, which records airstrikes against civilian and military targets. Seventy percent of those strikes have hit civilian targets. The rising smoke, rubble and flames now seen in Ukraine have been the status quo in Yemen for years, with Western media often deeming the images that appear on local Yemeni television stations, of parents pulling pieces of their children out from the rubble of their homes or schools, too graphic to display.

Thousands of Yemen’s economically vital facilities like factories, food storage facilities, fishing boats, food markets and fuel tankers have been bombed by the Western-backed Saudi Coalition. Critical infrastructure – including airports, seaports, electrical stations, water tanks, roads and bridges and countless more schools, agricultural fields, and places of worship – have been destroyed or damaged. A Saudi blockade and airstrikes on hospitals have crippled Yemen’s health system, leaving it unable to deal with even the most basic public health needs and leaving the 300 facilities that remain in the entire country barely functioning as COVID-19 spreads like wildfire.

As the outpourings of condemnation of Russia’s invasion continue, Western governments have sent massive aid packages to Ukraine and social media campaigns fill in the gaps – while in Yemen the United Nations announced that by March it would likely cut aid to 8 million people in a country that it calls home to the worst humanitarian crisis on earth. Household food insecurity in Yemen hovers at over 80%. Almost one-third of the population does not have enough food to satisfy even basic nutritional needs. Underweight and stunted children have become a regular sight and the worst is yet to come, as the Russian invasion has led to increased fuel and food prices and as humanitarian funding dries up, according to the UN World Food Programme.

Picking and choosing which invasion to condemn

In March 2015, more than 17 countries led by the oil-rich monarchy of Saudi Arabia launched a military invasion of Yemen, a sovereign state and a member of the United Nations. Ostensibly, the war was launched to restore President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to power after he was ousted following popular protests amid the Arab Spring.

By March 26 of that year, the Saudi-led Coalition, backed militarily and diplomatically by the United States, would begin a bombing campaign that has indiscriminately killed, maimed, and destroyed for seven years. Not only has Saudi Arabia, arguably the most repressive dictatorship on earth, forced Hadi back into power under the guise of protecting democracy, but it has also occupied huge swaths of southern Yemen from al-Mahara to the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

Yemeni journalists, activists and politicians have been left to ponder why Western governments – in particular, the Biden administration – condemn Russia for invading Ukraine under the pretext of national security while defending the Saudi regime’s “legitimate right” to invade Yemen under the very same pretext.

Despite the horrific human rights violations carried out by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, Western nations, and the United States in particular, have not only provided lethal weapons, training, maintenance, intelligence, and political and diplomatic cover to the monarchy but have imposed media restrictions on coverage of the Saudi regime’s human rights abuses in Yemen, pressuring tech and social media companies to deplatform and outright ban Yemeni activists and media critical of the war.

As mainstream Western media gives glowing coverage to Ukrainians resisting their foreign invaders and occupiers – with Western leaders applauding the steadfastness and resistance of Ukrainians and sending aid, weapons and moral support to them – they label Yemenis taking up arms as terrorists and target them with American-made smart bombs and drone attacks. Yemenis who take up arms against invading Saudi and Emirati forces are sanctioned and dismissed as proxies of Iran by liberal media institutions that claim to stand against war.

On Monday, the United Nations Security Council extended an arms embargo and travel ban on Yemeni forces. The resolution strongly condemned what it called cross-border attacks by the “Houthis,” a derogatory term used to refer to Ansar Allalh, the single largest force challenging the Saudi invasion and occupation. It went on to condemn “attacks on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates” referring to Ansar Allah’s missile and drone attacks on Saudi-led Coalition airports and oil storage facilities.

Commenting on the resolution – which came as the UAE refused to publicly condemn Russiaover its invasion of Ukraine, hoping to gain Russian backing for its own invasion of Yemen – Ansar Allah leader Mohammed al-Houthi made one simple request: that Saudi Arabia’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Yemen lead to a Saudi weapons ban. Essentially, al-Houthi asked for a lifting of double standards, apparently an impossible request in today’s political climate.


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Ahmed AbdulKareem is a Yemeni journalist based in Sana’a. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as well as local Yemeni media.

Featured image is from MintPress News

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Important article by Eric Zuesse first published by GR on December 9, 2021 analyses the Biden-Putin conversation (December 7, 2021).

The outcome of this conversation confirms Biden’s outright refusal to accept the legitimacy of the Minsk accords:

  1. Biden is demanding that America now replace the Minsk agreements by an agreement that will be forced upon the Donbass by Russia.
  2. Putin said no. He said that the two warring parties need to come to an agreement, and that he won’t allow the United States to nullify the commitments that both sides (Ukraine v. Donbass) signed onto in those agreements.
  3. America’s demanding that Ukraine’s side in the conflict be imposed upon Donbass — so that Ukraine’s violations of Minsk are allowed but Donbass’s violations in response are prohibited — is not acceptable to him. He especially emphasizes this because ONLY Ukraine’s side wants the Minsk agreements to become nullified.

The two-hour December 7th Biden-Putin conversation (via video-conference) focused mainly on the conflict between Ukraine and its breakaway former Donbass region, which is in Ukraine’s far east and borders on Russia.

In order to understand the conversation, some basic history that produced the current situation there needs to be stated, because this is the point-of-reference behind the summit-conversation that occurred on December 7th:

The 5 September 2014 Minsk Protocol, and its followup 12 February 2015 Minsk II Agreement, established the agreements between Ukraine and the Donbass breakaway region, that ended the intense hot war; and both of the two Minsk agreements were negotiated directly between the two warring sides, in order to stop the hot war, in which the Donbassers were defending themselves against the bombs and missiles from Ukraine, and to peacefully establish the framework — called “The Normandy Framework” — in which a final settlement between the two sides in that war would peacefully become settled, by its two participants.

That “Normandy Framework” was between the two warring regions — Ukraine versus the breakaway former region of Ukraine — being advised by three nations that were not directly, but only indirectly, involved, and which three nations wanted the matter to be settled without restoring the full-fledged warfare which had existed in 2014: these three were France, Germany, and Russia.

France and Germany were involved because they led the European Union, and because the EU wanted Ukraine to become a member of the EU. Russia was involved because both Ukraine and Donbass are on Russia’s border, and Russia doesn’t want U.S. missiles to be placed less than a ten-minute flying time to hit Moscow. Obama wanted Ukraine in the EU as a preparation for Ukraine to become admitted into NATO so that America can then place its missiles in Ukraine.

The United States was not invited into the Normandy framework, because its Government wanted restoration of the warfare between those two regions and a conquest of Donbass by Ukraine.

The initial idea for the Normandy framework had been worked out between Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Francois Hollande, in order to enable Ukraine to be restored to peace so that all member-states of the EU could then vote favorably on Ukraine’s admission into the European Union. (Otherwise, a veto by one or more of the EU member-nations would be certain, in accord with the EU’s still-unratified ‘Constitution’, because the EU’s “Rule of Unanimity” would apply, and because any attempt to override that “Rule” would collapse the EU altogether.)

Hollande and Merkel would not have initiated the Minsk agreements unless they were dissatisfied with the way that Obama was dealing with the Ukraine issue. In other words: America was being shut out of the matter entirely, by the EU.

Biden is demanding that America now replace the Minsk agreements by an agreement that will be forced upon the Donbass by Russia.

Putin said no. He said that the two warring parties need to come to an agreement, and that he won’t allow the United States to nullify the commitments that both sides (Ukraine v. Donbass) signed onto in those agreements.

America’s demanding that Ukraine’s side in the conflict be imposed upon Donbass — so that Ukraine’s violations of Minsk are allowed but Donbass’s violations in response are prohibited — is not acceptable to him. He especially emphasizes this because ONLY Ukraine’s side wants the Minsk agreements to become nullified.

The big hang-up in implementing the agreements is, and has been, the refusal by Ukraine to allow the breakaway region to become a special administrative district of Ukraine as Crimea had been during the 60 years (1954-2014) during which Crimea was transferred by the Soviet government of Nikita S. Khrushchev away from Russia (of which it had been a part since 1783) and forced into Ukraine.

Because of the resistance by Crimeans, Crimea became allowed to be largely self-ruled within Ukraine. The U.S. regime refuses to allow Ukraine to agree to treating the breakaway Donbass region in that way.

The U.S. has the full backing, in this, of the two Ukrainian racist-fascist, or nazi, Ukrainian Parties, “Right Sector,” and (originally called the “Social-Nationalist Party of Ukraine” in honor of Nazi Germany) the “Freedom” Party, or “Svoboda” (which means freedom in Ukrainian); and those two Parties had been the on-the-ground forces whom the CIA trained (inside the U.S. Embassy, and also in Poland) to perpetrate the U.S. coup that occurred in Kiev in February 2014. The coup’s preparation began no later than 2011.

An extermination plan was promptly instituted after the coup, by the new Ukrainian government, against the supporters of Donbass autonomy, and the war against Donbass began, in order to force the residents there to remain in the new, U.S.-imposed, nazi Ukraine. (Among their “Commanders” who admitted this was Ruslan Onishchtschenko, who even admitted that their “mission, being employees of the Ministry of the Interior, is to clean the cities after the army has worked this territory with aircraft, artillery and heavy military equipment.”) Obama wanted the residents eliminated from there, because 90+% of them had voted for the Ukrainian President (“Janukovych”) that Obama overthrew. (Obama overthrew him because that Ukrainian President didn’t want Ukraine to become a NATO-member.)

If those people, in Donbass, were to vote in another Ukrainian Presidential election, then the U.S. control over Ukraine would terminate. The U.S. regime doesn’t want that to happen, because it wants to place its missiles there.

It also planned to turn Russia’s biggest naval base, which was (and remains) in Crimea, into a U.S. naval base, but Russia succeeded in thwarting that aspect of his plan.

Although most EU member-nations wanted Ukraine to become a member of the EU, they objected to America’s plan for a hot war against Russia, even though they were hostile toward Russia.

On 26 April 2015, the Financial Times headlined “Germany urges Ukraine to fulfil Minsk ceasefire agreement”, and that neoconservative news-medium reported:

In the UK, which has followed the US in taking a tougher line against Moscow, an official said Ukraine should fulfill its side of the Minsk deal and “not give Russia the space to criticise them”.

The latest Minsk accord, agreed in February under pressure from Germany and France, has reduced fighting and led to the withdrawal of some heavy weapons from frontlines, though soldiers and civilians still die almost daily.

But Berlin is worried that Kiev is dragging its feet over other parts of the fragile deal, notably in trying to postpone political decentralisation until after local elections are staged in separatist-held territory. [That “until after local elections are staged in separatist-held territory” turned out to have been a false excuse, because those elections soon did occur and Ukraine continued its refusal nonetheless.]

For Ukraine this is critical because it does not want to hand over power to separatist leaders in the Donbas region, who are not recognised by the international community. EU diplomats say, however, that while local elections are indeed envisaged under Minsk, the accord does not insist that they take place before decentralisation.

The “17th EU-Ukraine Summit Joint Statement” was issued on 27 April 2015 and was the 17th EU Summit. It was the first EU Summit that included Ukraine (though still not a member, and still at war), and they stated that the EU nations

expressed their full support for the Minsk Agreements including the Package of Measures of 12 February 2015, endorsed by UNSC Resolution 2202 of 17 February 2015.

12. The leaders called on all parties to swiftly and fully implement the Minsk Agreements and honour their commitments and underlined the Russian authorities’ responsibility in this regard.

They tried to lay the blame upon Russia if the agreements were to turn out not to be complied with. But soon thereafter, no doubt could any longer exist that it was their own side — the Ukraine side — that refused to allow the basic provision, which was that Ukraine must negotiate a settlement with Donbass, to be fulfilled. The EU leaders were either willingly conned, or else they were lying throughout.

Already, on 12 April 2015, Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) had bannered “French Secret Service: Russia never planned to invade Ukraine” and reported:

“The real difficulty with NATO is the fact that US intelligence dominates while French intelligence is only occasionally taken into account. That is why it is important for us to appoint sufficient NATO commanders of French origin. NATO has announced that the Russians are preparing to invade Ukraine. However, based on the findings of the DRM, this claim could not be upheld. In fact, we found that the Russians had neither set up command posts nor took any logistical measures, such as setting up field hospitals. There were no activities to be undertaken in preparation for a military invasion. At the second level of command there was no corresponding cause. As a result, it became clear that our assumptions were correct. The Russian soldiers actually seen in Ukraine acted as if they were carrying out a maneuver to put pressure on Ukrainian President Pororschenko rather than an imminent invasion.”

With this statement, which surprisingly was not discussed further in the committee, the French general contradicts the official NATO doctrine, according to which Russia had made massive preparations to invade Ukraine.

Gomart is a seasoned officer in the French Army and was only appointed Chief of Military Intelligence in 2013.

His statements coincide with the criticism of Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who complained about NATO Commander-in-Chief Philip Breedlove because of obvious differences in intelligence about the situation in Ukraine. The US general was exaggerating Russia’s military role since the crisis began, Der Spiegel reported a few weeks ago. Accordingly, the Chancellery spoke of “dangerous propaganda”, while Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier intervened with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Steinmeier said there was no intervention, only inquiries. “It is true that I myself have had two inquiries myself in situations in which the information we had from our sources did not completely agree with information that came either from NATO or the American side.” A dispute arises because the federal government has no interest in that [American view]. He is in close contact with US Secretary of State John Kerry so that such differences do not arise. …

In the EU, there is growing resistance to the escalation in relations with Russia, as it is being pursued by the US hawks ( see the notorious thought leader Zbigniew Brzeziński ). Italy and Greece want to get out of the spiral of sanctions because their own economies are being damaged. France must be saved because the coalition of conservatives and social democrats must prevent the Front National from winning at all costs in order not to endanger the euro zone substantially. The fact that the official NATO version about Ukraine is now being described as incorrect by France (of all places) is indelicate in this context.

few weeks ago, US President Barack Obama surprisingly called for a withdrawal and temporarily stopped sending US soldiers to Ukraine. NATO had announced that it would take over some of the training of the Ukrainian army from March. In the course of this training, the right-wing extremist militias in Ukraine are also being trained by the Americans. They are to be integrated into the regular Ukrainian army, but are allowed to continue to act autonomously. The right-wing extremists reject the Minsk Agreement.

On 25 April 2015, DWN headlined “USA and Russia are preparing for a new escalation in Ukraine” and reported:

The ceasefire in the Eastern Ukraine is deceptive: Apparently the Russians and the Americans are preparing for new military actions. The US government wants to keep the issue on the boil, to put the EU and the proposed Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership treaty under pressure [force European governments to accept it, which was a major Obama project to increase their bond with America and their separation from Russia]. The US has fallen in an energy-war tight spot, since Moscow announced it will no longer manage its natural gas from 2019 through Ukraine. The next military incident seems to be only a matter of time.

The President as a perpetual commander: the US has an economic interest that Ukraine remains a controversial land.(Photo: Reuters)

While somewhat keeping the warring parties in eastern Ukraine to the agreements of Minsk, there are, running in the background, obvious preparations for a new escalation. The Financial Times is already writing about a “war of words”. Such propaganda war is inherently favorable to escalation. France and Germany have noted that the US government has indeed recently been criticized for manifest misinformation. But this doesn’t prevent the US officials to maintain the chosen course. The US envoy Geoffrey Pyatt is tweeting almost maniacally about new threats every hour. …

The US government has only recently come under fire from France and Germany for blatant misinformation. But this does not prevent the US representatives from maintaining the course they have chosen. …

On 30 April 2015, Voice of America bannered “Carter Pleased with Russia’s Embrace of Minsk Agreement” and reported:

“In an exclusive interview with VOA after meeting with President Putin, [Jimmy] Carter said the Elders were pleased with Russia’s allegiance to the Minsk agreement. ‘There’s not any doubt in our mind that the Russians genuinely want to see all the aspects of that concluded.’ … [But, General ‘Breedlove’, the NATO Commander,] said many of Russia’s actions are ‘consistent with preparations for another offensive’ into Ukrainian territory. … [And,] Commenting on Carter’s remarks, the U.S. State Department said Thursday it would not speculate on the reasoning behind his [Carter’s] statements. ‘We know that Russia has continued to undermine the Minsk implementation plan and the Minsk agreements.’”

The Obama Administration was determined to discredit that prior Democratic Party U.S. President’s obstructionist pronouncements.

On 2 May 2015, DWN headlined “Chaos in Kiev: Ukraine army now fighting against their own militias” and reported that a U.S.-supplied battalion of nazis (far-right ‘volunteers’, or mercenaries, whom Ukraine’s Government allowed to fight against the Donbass residents and to be led by leaders of the Right Sector and Svoboda parties) were now being attacked by some members of Ukraine’s regular army. Basically, the U.S. regime, which had imposed this government upon Ukraine, was now goading it to provoke Russian forces into the war, perhaps in order for America then to have ‘justification’ to go to war against Russia itself, so as to defend the Ukrainian government that America’s own Ukrainian coup had installed.

As a wrap-up here, the great geostrategic analyst, Alexander Mercouris, headlined, on 8 December 2021, “Following Putin-Biden summit, Neocons push for war”, and he and others listed there the ways in which the entire Biden Administration’s international-affairs team are not only incompetents, but hate-driven incompetents, who are maniacally determined to destroy Russia, if they possibly can.

So, Putin’s rejection of Biden’s demand for the U.S. Government to replace the Minsk agreements by an ‘agreement’ that would be imposed upon Donbass by the U.S (and any perhaps willing U.S.-vassal-nation such as Poland) is actually little else than an application by him of his previously stated “red line” that must not be crossed or else Russia will instantaneously be in a hot war against any nation that does.

The world will soon know whether Biden has finally gotten the message. *

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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research 

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Proposed Navy Radio Towers Threaten Community

March 4th, 2022 by Pat Elder

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Webster Field Annex, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland plans to build six radio towers to aid drone warfare.

Locals are concerned about radio frequency radiation and the disturbance of contaminated groundwater and surface water.

The six towers the Navy plans to construct on Webster Field will emit various levels of radio frequency radiation, (RFR). Epidemiological studies and research on laboratory animals link RFR with impacts on the heart, brain, and other organs.

Several human studies indicate that proximity to base stations correlates with headaches, dizziness, depression and other neurobehavioral symptoms, as well as increased cancer risk. Animal studies also indicate that these effects may be cumulative.  This is the take-away from a study by Michigan Technological University that urges caution regarding the placement of towers that emit RFR. The study says a 500-meter (1,640’) buffer may help reduce risk for vulnerable populations.  Given the current research, the study says cell towers should be cautiously placed this far away from “lots of sleeping people.”

The quantity used to measure the rate at which Radio Frequency (RF) energy is absorbed in a body is called the “Specific Absorption Rate” or “SAR.” A Maximum Permissible Exposure is recommended by various federal agencies for electric and magnetic field strength and power density. The threshold level is a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value for the whole body of 4 watts per kilogram.

(Questions to the Navy in bold.)

The width of St. Inigoes Creek varies from 800’ at the tip of the Lucas Cove peninsula to 2,000’ at the mouth of the creek.

If I am on my dock, 1,600 feet from the shores of Webster Field, can you provide an estimate of the SAR in watts per kilogram from each tower?

If I’m in my boat, directly across from my property, along the shores of Webster Field, can you provide an estimate of the SAR from each tower?

A number of reports have appeared in the scientific literature describing the observation of a range of biological effects resulting from exposure to low levels of RF energy.  Tissue damage in humans can occur as a result of long-term exposure  because of the body’s inability to cope with or dissipate the excessive heat that may be generated.

Have you performed studies that estimate the levels of radio frequency radiation from the types of towers you are constructing? If so, could you share them with us?

If you have not performed a study, are you willing to commission a study in this regard and share the results with us?

We know that guidelines for maximum permissible exposure are different for different transmitting frequencies.  The most restrictive limits on whole-body exposure are in the frequency range of 30-300 MHz where the human body absorbs RF energy most efficiently when the whole body is exposed.

What frequency ranges will the Navy be using at each of the six towers?

The FCC authorizes and licenses devices, transmitters and facilities that generate RF radiation.  It has jurisdiction over all transmitting services in the U.S., but not over the DOD.

Facilities under the jurisdiction of the FCC having a high potential for creating significant RF exposure to humans, such as satellite-earth stations, etc. are required to undergo routine evaluation for compliance with RF exposure guidelines whenever an application is submitted to the FCC for construction or modification of a transmitting facility or renewal of a license.  This oversight is not extended to DOD facilities. Even if it did, the FCC has been failing in its responsibility to enforce health and safety guidelines.

Is the Navy willing to submit to civilian authority in this matter?  

The amount of RF energy to which the public might be exposed as a result of antennas depends on several factors, including the type of station, design characteristics of the antenna being used, power transmitted to the antenna, height of the antenna and distance from the antenna.

Could you describe for us the exact type of stations you are planning to build?

What are the design characteristics of the antennas being used?

How much power will be transmitted to the antennas? 

Calculations can be performed to predict what field intensity levels would exist at various distances from an antenna.

Can you provide the amount of RF energy generated at each tower in terms of increments of 100 feet heading north toward the Rosecroft community?

Also, since energy at some frequencies is absorbed by the human body more readily than at other frequencies, both the frequency of the transmitted signal and its intensity is important.

Could you provide this information for each tower?

We have compelling reasons to be skeptical that the DOD and the federal government are taking steps that are protective of our health. The Children’s Health Defense won a historic case against the Federal Communications Commission in August, 2021. The case challenged the agency’s decision not to review its 1996 health and safety guidelines regarding the latest wireless-based technologies.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled that the FCC failed to consider the non-cancer evidence regarding adverse health effects of wireless technology when it decided that its 1996 radiofrequency emission guidelines continue to protect the public’s health.

Children’s Health Defense Chairman and attorney for the case Robert F Kennedy, Jr. said, “The court’s decision exposes the FCC and FDA as captive agencies that have abandoned their duty to protect public health in favor of a single-minded crusade to increase telecom industry profits.”

We’ve witnessed the same abdication of federal power among several agencies regarding the threat posed to human health by PFAS contamination.

Is there  a potential for radio frequency interference with our communication equipment such as radios, TVs, wireless, cell phones, garage door openers, etc.?

What is the Navy doing to ensure RFI does not occur?

Is there a project test plan that addresses RFI and RF human exposure issues?

Soil, Groundwater and Surface Water Issues

Carcinogenic PFAS foam gathers on my beach on the north shore of St. Inigoes Creek in St. Mary’s City, Maryland.. Webster Field is shown 1,600’ across the creek. The foam was tested and found to contain nearly 5,000 parts per trillion of PFAS while the European Union limits the chemicals to .65 ppt. in surface waters.

This narrative on soil and groundwater contamination at Webster Field is followed by several questions for the Naval command regarding the proposed construction of the six towers on base.

Webster Field is a trainwreck of toxic chemicals. The Navy has reported that high concentrations of aluminum, arsenic, cobalt, iron, manganese, and thallium are present in surface soil samples, while cobalt, copper, cyanide, manganese, mercury, thallium, vanadium, and zinc were recently found in subsurface soil samples.

The construction of the towers may result in contaminated waters draining into the creek and the river.

 The base was used as a bombing range in the 1940’s and 1950’s, leaving massive concentrations of poisons in the soil. Just a few years ago Navy contractors unearthed Twelve 3-pound practice bombs – depths ranged from 2 to 32 inches. The Navy classifies these as MPPEH –  material potentially presenting an explosive hazard.

Navy reports say the primary mechanisms for transport of MPPEH and related constituents from the potential source areas may include:

  • Transport or migration of munitions-related items by erosion or soil disturbance
  • Transport of contaminated soil particulates via overland surface runoff to downgradient terrestrial areas and/or surface water bodies
  • Transport of contaminated soil particulates via wind or soil disturbing activities to surrounding terrestrial areas and/or surface water bodies
  • Leaching of chemicals from surface/subsurface soils into groundwater via infiltrating precipitation, and potential discharge of contaminated groundwater into downgradient surface water bodies
  • Uptake by biota from soil and trophic transfer to upper trophic level receptors (the poisons enter the seafood we consume)

The last item is most important because many in the neighborhood still consume the seafood from these contaminated waters.


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Featured image: In order to estimate the visual effect, the Navy flew drones to 150’ – the height of the proposed towers, then photo-shopped an estimated appearance of the tower onto an image taken from the water adjacent to the historic properties. This is the location of Maryland’s first settlement by English Catholics in 1634. Webster Field was purchased by the Navy from the Jesuits in 1943. The Jesuits acquired the property when Maryland was founded.

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

South Korean Trade Minister Yeo Han-koo secured an exemption from US export sanctions on Russia, something that will shift economic advantages to East Asia as the European Union has decided to sacrifice access to Eurasia to serve an Atlanticist agenda instead. The South Korean Ministry of Trade announced on its website that South Korean companies will not have to apply for licenses to export technology products to Russia. However, South Korea’s export restrictions will be in line with the sanctions of Western states.

“The US side noted that export restrictions of the Republic of Korea against Russia correspond to measures of the international community and agreed to add South Korea into the list of countries with the exception made from the foreign direct product rule,” the Ministry said. “The government will take further measure of export control in accordance with the like measures of the international community and the US.”

The US Department of Commerce has issued a foreign direct product rule (FDPR) regarding Russia. According to this regulation, companies from third countries that use American technology in manufacturing will need a US government license to export products to Russia. At least 32 countries have received such an exemption.

In this way, South Korean manufacturers have fought for their interests so they do not lose access to the Russian market, something that the European Union has already restricted itself from doing. What is evident is that Seoul’s position on sanctions against Russia is clear. In fact, the majority of Asian countries will likely support this position as they view events in Ukraine as far off and something best not to get involved in, especially in the context of the US-China rivalry raging in their own region.

The current election campaign in South Korea is also having a significant impact on the situation in the country. The next presidential election is scheduled for March 9 and current President Moon Jae-in will not run as each person can only be elected as the head of state of South Korea once.

Interestingly, despite the South Korean election only days away, which means we can expect many different policy suggestions as every presidential candidate has their own vision, there appears not to be a negative attitude towards Russia. In fact, it appears that the Ukrainian Crisis is very far low on Seoul’s pecking order of priorities to address or deal with.

However, it is the belief of Professor Lee Sang-chung of Kunming University that South Korean companies will continue to search for foreign trade opportunities, just as they did even during the Cold War.

“Our companies will be willing to continue trading if there are buyers willing to buy their goods,” he said.

His comment came as news began filtering in that South Korea had gained some kind of immunity from US export sanctions on Russia – in exchange for imposing export control measures. However, according to the professor, not being forced into sanctions does not help improve the economic situation in South Korea too much as the global market is still in limbo.

However, the global market will not remain in limbo forever, especially as we begin exiting the COVID-19 pandemic and because the crisis in Ukraine will not wage on forever, especially if Russia remains truthful to its claim that its operation in Ukraine is only aimed at the de-Nazification and demilitarization of the country.

Seoul has not yet formulated a position on sanctions, likely because of the upcoming presidential election. Due to this, there is still much uncertainty that could affect trade with Russia.

“Big companies will try to take some preparatory measures, but small and medium-sized businesses, as far as I know, have stopped and are in a state of tension over how the war will end,” Professor Lee Sang-chung explained.

South Korea has so far only announced a ban on the export of strategic materials. Additional export controls will be announced soon though. Seoul has imposed sanctions against some Russian banks, including Sberbank, VEB, Promsvyazbank, VTB, Otkritie, Sovcombank and Novikombank and its subsidiaries, but it will still be allowed to make transactions related to the supply of agricultural, energy and medicinal products.

However, once the war in Ukraine is over and the long path towards normality is being trotted on again, it will be countries like South Korea and other Asian states that will benefit as Moscow will certainly place more trust in Eastern partners that did not get to involved in the Ukraine war, unlike the European Union.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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“There are always those who will want to profit from war or the threat of war, as unscrupulous as it may seem,” said one critic. “And for the American oil and gas industry there is no exception.”

The U.S. fossil fuel industry is poised to benefit from an expected expansion of gas exports to Europe after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday suspended approval of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in response to Russian military aggression toward Ukraine.

Completed in September but awaiting certification by Germany and the European Union, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which bypasses Ukraine by running under the Baltic Sea, could double the flow of gas from Russia to Germany.

While the $11 billion pipeline—owned by Nord Stream 2 AG, a subsidiary of Gazprom, the Russian majority state-owned energy company, with Western partners including the United Kingdom’s Shell, France’s Engie, and Germany’s Uniper—has been criticized on ecological and geopolitical grounds, Scholz had been reluctant to connect the permitting process to deescalation efforts in Ukraine, calling it a “private sector project.”

Two weeks ago, Sludge journalist David Moore shed light on the potential reason for Scholz’s hesitancy to halt the Nord Stream 2 pipeline:

With Russia massing its military presence along the border with Ukraine, the Kremlin could seek to weaken the international blowback by constricting gas supply delivered through pipelines in Ukraine. The result would be to ratchet up already near record-high costs for German businesses and households. Germany is projected to have enough gas in reserve for the cold months ahead and has been investing in renewable energy, and energy industry experts say it’s unlikely that Russia would entirely cut off the flow of gas because of the severe economic risks to its export markets. But Russian gas accounts for about a third of German supply and over 15% of its electricity generation, making up Europe’s largest gas source, so the pinch could be real.

But after Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday formally recognized the independence of two separatist territories in eastern Ukraine and deployed troops to the Donbas region—a move that U.S. President Joe Biden said last month would spell death for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline—Scholz took steps to shut down the project.

“We have been in close consultations with Germany overnight and welcome their announcement,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tweeted Tuesday. “We will be following up with our own measures today.”

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been the subject of increased lobbying and fierce congressional debate on Capitol Hill, including last month’s failed attempt, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), to hit the project with sanctions.

Now that Germany has officially pulled the plug on the Russian pipeline, U.S. fossil fuel corporations—along with Cruz and other members of Congress who are heavily invested in oil and gas companies such as Houston-based Enterprise Products—stand to profit further from increased liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to Europe, an ongoing trend that is likely to intensify amid the conflict in Ukraine.

In an opinion piece published on Monday, Oil Change International’s Andy Rowell wrote that

“there are always those who will want to profit from war or the threat of war, as unscrupulous as it may seem. And for the American oil and gas industry there is no exception.”

“As Ukraine and Russia stand on the brink of a potentially lethal and bloody conflict, the American Petroleum Institute and its allies have been active on social media, arguing that now is a perfect time to expand LNG exports,” Rowell continued. “It is a flawed and short-sighted argument and one that will only cause more problems and chaos in the long term.”

As Moore noted earlier this month, the U.S. fossil fuel industry “rushed to link domestic gas exports with European security,” as seen in a recent blog post by an operative from the American Petroleum Institute—Big Oil’s most powerful lobbying group—and the Wall Street Journal‘s right-wing editorial page.

Emphasizing that Russia and the U.S. “have a decades-long history of competing over the European energy market,” Guy Laron, a senior lecturer in International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, argued two weeks ago that “the crisis plays right into the hands of American shale gas companies, which are reaping a windfall.”

“American liquefied natural gas exports to Europe increased by 40% in the last quarter of 2021 and are expected to be much higher during the first quarter of 2022,” he added. “American energy executives have declared in recent weeks that they were eager to replace Russian pipeline gas with American liquefied gas.”

Although U.S. exports, Moore noted, “would not be enough to make up for the vast Russian supply, they would serve to develop trade channels for future shipments of fracked fossil gas to Germany.”

Despite numerous scientific warnings about the need to block new fossil fuel projects to have a chance of avoiding the most catastrophic consequences of the climate crisis, extraction is on the rise in the U.S., which is projected to become the world’s top LNG exporter in 2022.

Last decade’s drilling and fracking boom turned the Permian Basin into the “single most prolific oil and gas field” on the planet, and Congress’ decision to lift a ban on crude exports in late 2015 precipitated a massive build-out of pipelines and related infrastructure.

“Well-connected American gas companies,” stressed Moore, “are poised to capitalize on the export boom.”

Meanwhile, the U.S., U.K., and E.U. have all vowed to impose economic sanctions against Russia, heightening fears that the Kremlin might retaliate by cutting off gas supply to Europe.

In the wake of recent developments in Ukraine, oil prices surged to nearly $100 per barrel on Tuesday, the highest in more than seven years, and European gas futures spiked by as much as 13.8%.

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and now deputy chairman of its security council, suggested that prices could double: “Welcome to the brave new world where Europeans are very soon going to pay €2.000 for 1.000 cubic meters of natural gas!” he tweeted.

According to Reuters, “Putin did pledge, however, that Russia would not interrupt any of its existing gas supplies.”

Rowell, for his part, argued that “there may be a case for increasing short-term LNG exports to Europe, especially if the conflict between Russia and Ukraine intensifies, but you cannot do that long term if you want to solve the climate crisis or deescalate tensions in the region. Because a Europe addicted to gas will always be vulnerable.”

“The only way to deescalate this crisis across Europe,” he added, “is to speed up the transition away from fossil fuels.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Featured image: 15 May 2019, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lubmin: View of the construction site of the receiving station of the Baltic Sea pipeline “Nord Stream 2” near Lubmin. The 1,200-kilometer-long gas pipeline will transport around 55 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas from Russia to Germany every year. The first Russian natural gas is expected to flow through the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline at the end of the year. So far, half the pipes have been laid. Work in Germany is concentrated on the landing site near Lubmin. Photo: Stefan Sauer/dpa

Important article first published by Global Research on March 14, 2014, in the immediate wake of  EuroMaidan.

Provides a broad understanding of the history of the Ukraine crisis.


Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.


The hypocrisy that is part and parcel of US foreign policy throughout the globe has never been more glaring and blatant than now being demonstrated in Ukraine. Rather than succumb to the propaganda-disinformation blitz that it is Russia acting as the bad guy-oppressor, a slightly deeper examination of recent behind-the-scenes events in Ukraine would clearly indicate the opposite.

Since November it was the US and NATO forces in the form of a US State Department cover that launched an all out assault on the democratically elected Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych and his government.

That now infamous statement made by profanity-carping Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland obscured what otherwise was a transparently intended plan for the coup that was attained in February [2014] when armed US backed demonstrators and mercenaries began shooting and killing dozens of Ukrainian citizens in its capitol Kiev that then drove the Ukraine President fleeing his country to seek refuge in Moscow. While the Putin and Yanukovych governments are clearly not saints, the US government that carries on the charade of being so exceptionally virtuous and benevolent is even more clearly anything but.

What historically used to be the not so covert actions of the CIA and joint CIA-military operations throughout the world assassinating and triggering countless government overthrows and regime changes has undergone a not so hidden transformational shift to a covertly led, increasing US State Department role that funds and relies on Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) with humanitarian window fronts to do its dirty work, craftily distancing and further obscuring any and all accountability and culpability in the growing destabilization of nations around the globe.

This shadowy transformation of US foreign policy has mirrored the development in recent decades of a slithering shadow elite that has formed a loose and informal neocon network of various linked organizations such as think tanks, NGO’s, private corporate sponsors and lobbyists acting as no bid contractors, university research grants, and various intertwined government and mainstream media organizations all designed to seal the cloak of secrecy and deception that permit the oligarchic global cabal to tighten its control, effectively conceal both its overt and covert misdeeds along with its enormous money laundering scam operation from all public scrutiny and accountability.

In recent months five billion dollars at taxpayers expense were invested and poured into Ukraine to topple the government to in effect, install and buy the current puppet regime. The systematically aggressive deployment of a widespread and pervasive strategy to turn every former outer Soviet nation-state against Moscow has been underway ever since the breakup of the Soviet Empire in 1991. One by one all the nations that comprised the former Iron Curtain are now solidly aligned with NATO, the European Union and the US-Western alliance complete with its ongoing schedule of anti-missile defense deployments providing the missile shield directly aimed at Russia along its border. Of course this has Russia reacting with its own missile shield deployment in what has once again ushered in a renewed arms race.

The intended US foreign policy in Eurasia is to cut off Russia from the rest of Europe and all its Central Asian neighbors, thereby weakening Russia’s geopolitical influence and economic power in the region. Once the US has Ukraine in its back pocket which of course this recent coup effectively secures, the gas pipelines that drive Europe’s dependency on Russia to supply 90% of its natural gas will quickly be eliminated and instead the oil and gas rich Ukraine can then be “groomed” as Europe’s new main supplier. So all that protesting since November in Ukraine calling for closer democratic ties to the West was a mere propagandist ploy designed to appear as though it was actually another impromptu, so called populist movement uprising (not unlike the other fake Arab spring neo-con job) ostensibly demanding more democratic freedom and civil liberties, sadly the very same rapidly disappearing freedom and liberties since 9/11 that have been usurped by US government tyranny and oppression in the militarized police state that has now come to firmly roost here in America.

Like a caged animal that for years has been backed into the corner and repeatedly prodded, Russia’s President Putin finally reacted in self-defense to this ever so thinly veiled US assault on his nation by invading Crimea, the part of Ukraine made up nearly entirely of fellow ethnic Russians under the guise of protecting his own people. But in actuality Putin’s so called defiantly offensive move into the Ukraine was a mere reactive gesture out of desperation directly caused by the rising US Empire hegemony and its imposing global, across-the-boards military, geo-political and economic dominance, purposefully designed to severely undercut and weaken Russia’s regional power and influence. In effect, it was Putin acting in self-defense in the face of the US’s full frontal assault on his nation. Yet predictably America is now gleefully leading the charge in its sanctimonious and self-righteous condemnation to impose immediate sanctions in order to swiftly punish Russia for its feeble, desperate attempt to defend itself from the US-led onslaught.

Meanwhile, under the radar it is the United States that has been the insidious and aggressive attacker of sovereign nations around the world, not Russia. It is the United States that has military occupiers waging covert wars in 134 nations around the world, not Russia. It is the United States that possesses over a thousand active military installations around the world on every inhabitable continent, not Russia. It is the United States that has made the world far more armed and dangerous today than any prior time in human history, supplying near twice as much arms including weapons of mass destruction to the rest of the world, not its next distant competitor Russia.

It is the United States that spends more money on its military than the rest of the world combined, not Russia. It is the United States that has murdered thirty million human beings waging nonstop wars around the world ever since World War II, not Russia. In actuality it is the American Empire that is the true enemy of the world, not Russia. Psychopathic lies of deception that constantly twist and distort the true reality are currently being used once again to maliciously demonize the US Empire’s next biggest foe Russia.

It is the covert manipulation of the United States that is center stage aggressively pushing the buttons and pulling the strings behind the Oz-like curtain, ready to be exposed as the true instigator of the resurging cold war now boiling over. But the pathology of US lies consistently used to cover up the systematic raping and plundering of this earth is about to be exposed for all the world to see like never before, and that it in fact is the United States that is the true world bully, serial nation-killer, serial mass murderer and brutal enemy of the rest of the world.

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

How convenient for western leaders that every time another country defies the West’s projection of power, the western media can agree on one thing: that the foreign government in question is led by a madman, a psychopath or a megalomaniac. 

At a drop of a hat, western leaders are absolved of guilt or even responsibility for the terrible events that unfold. The West remains virtuous, simply a victim of the world’s madmen. Nothing the West did was a provocation. Nothing they could have done would have averted the disaster.

The US may be the most powerful state on the planet by far, but its hands are apparently always tied by a deranged, implacable foe like Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Putin, we are told, is not advancing any rational – from his perspective – geopolitical or strategic interest by invading his neighbour, Ukraine. And so no concession could or should have been made because none would have prevented him from acting as he has.

The West, meaning foreign policy hawks in Washington, gets to decide when the timeline of events started, when the original sin occurred. The compliant western media give their blessing, and our hands are washed clean once again.

The subtext – always the subtext – is that something must be done to stop the “madman”. And because he is irrational and a megalomaniac, such action must never be framed in terms of concessions or compromise – that would be appeasement, after all. If every enemy is a new Hitler, no western leader will risk a comparison with Neville Chamberlain.

Instead, what is needed urgently, western politicians and media agree, is the projection – whether overtly or covertly – of yet more western power and force.

Unmitigated catastrophe

The US and British invasion of Iraq nearly two decades ago is a particularly pertinent and telling counterpoint to events in Ukraine.

Then, as now, the West was supposedly faced with a dangerous, irrational ruler who could not be made to see sense and was unwilling to compromise. Saddam Hussein, western leaders and their media insisted, had allied with his arch-enemies in al-Qaeda, the perpetrators of the Twin Towers attack of 9/11. He had weapons of mass destruction, and could launch them towards Europe in 45 minutes.

Except, none of that was true – not even the madman bit. Saddam was a hard, cold, calculating dictator who, like most dictators, kept himself in power through a reign of terror over his opponents.

Nonetheless, the western media faithfully amplified the tissue of evidence-free claims – and patent lies like that preposterous alliance with al-Qaeda – concocted in Washington and London to usher in the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.

United Nations inspectors could find no trace of stockpiles of Iraq’s former biological and chemical weapons arsenal. One, Scott Ritter, went unheard as he warned that any possessed by Saddam would have turned to “harmless goo” after many years of sanctions and inspections.

The improbable 45-minute claim, meanwhile, was not based on any kind of intelligence. It was lifted straight from a student’s speculations in a doctoral dissertation. Iraq’s invasion by the US and Britain was not only illegal, of course. It had horrifying consequences. It led to the likely deaths of around a million Iraqis, and spawned a terrifying new kind of nihilistic Islamism that destabilised much of the region.

Those interests, of course, were largely concealed because they were so ignoble, flagrantly violating the so-called “rules-based order” Washington claims to uphold. But despite being an unmitigated catastrophe, the US-led invasion of Iraq was no more “irrational” than Putin’s current invasion of Ukraine. Washington’s neoconservatives advanced what they regarded as US geopolitical interests and a strategic vision for the Middle East.

What the neoconservatives wanted was variously to control Iraq’s oil, to eliminate regional pockets of resistance to its own and its client Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East, and to expand the region as an economic market for US goods and weapons.

Saddam fell into the trap set for him because he was equally motivated by his own narrowly defined “rational” self-interest. He refused to admit he had no meaningful weapons systems left after the western sanctions and inspections regimes because he did not dare to look weak, either to his own population or to hostile neighbours like Iran.

The western media’s refusal to consider the real motivations on either side – the neoconservatives’ in Washington or Saddam’s in Iraq – made the 2003 invasion and the suffering that followed all the more inevitable.

Spheres of influence

The same predilection for the simple-minded “madman” narrative has once again pushed us squarely into another international crisis. And once again, it has served as a way to avoid examining the real background to, and reasons for, what is happening in Ukraine and wider eastern Europe.

Putin’s actions – though potentially no less disastrous than the US-led invasion of Iraq, and certainly as illegal – are also rooted in his own “rational” assessment of Russian geopolitical interests.


But unlike Washington’s reasons for invading Iraq, Putin’s grounds for threatening and now invading Ukraine were not concealed. He has been quite open and consistent about the rationale for years, even if western leaders ignored his speeches, and western media rarely cited anything more than his most tub-thumping, jingoistic soundbites.

Russia has realistic objections to the behaviour and bad faith of the US and Nato over the past three decades. Nato, we should remind ourselves, is primarily a creature of the Cold War, a vehicle for the West to project an aggressive military posture towards the former Soviet Union under the cover of a “defence” organisation.

But following the USSR’s dissolution in 1991, the western military alliance was not disbanded. Quite the reverse. It grew to absorb almost all of the former east European states that had belonged to the Soviet bloc and it made a new bogeyman of Russia. Western military budgets climbed year by year.

Russia expects a so-called “sphere of influence“, in the same way that the US demands one. What’s been going on instead for the best part of 30 years is that the US, as the world’s sole superpower, has expanded its own sphere of influence right up to Russia’s doorstep. Like Washington, Putin has the nuclear arsenal to back up his demands. To ignore either his claim for a sphere of influence or Russia’s ability to impose it by force if necessary is either hypocrisy or foolishness.

That too paved the path to the current invasion.

Cold war mentality

But Putin has other reasons – from his perspective – to act. He also wants to show the US that there is a price to be paid for Washington’s repeated broken promises on security arrangements in Europe. Russia dissolved its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact, after the fall of the Soviet Union in a sign both of its weakness and its willingness to reorder its relations with its neighbours.

The US and the European Union had a chance to welcome Russia into the fold, and make it a partner in Europe’s security. Instead the Cold War mentality persisted even more in western capitals than in Moscow. The West’s military bureaucracies that need war, or at least the threat of it to justify their jobs and budgets, lobbied to keep Russia at arm’s length.

Meanwhile, eastern Europe became a large, and profitable, new market for western arms makers. That paved the path to this crisis too.

And finally, Putin has every incentive to deal more decisively with the eight-year festering wound of a civil war between anti-Russian, Ukrainian nationalists and ethnic Russian fighters from the Donbas region, in Ukraine’s east. Even before the current invasion, many thousands had died.

Ukrainian nationalists want entry into Nato so it is sucked into the Donbas bloodbath on their side – fuelling a war that could spiral out of control into a direct confrontation between Nato and Russia. Putin wants to show Nato and militant Ukrainians that will be no simple matter.

The invasion is intended as a shot across the bows to dissuade Nato from moving its high-wire act into Ukraine.

Western leaders were warned of all this by their own officials way back in 2008, as a leaked US diplomatic cable reveals: “Strategic policy considerations also underlie strong opposition to Nato membership for Ukraine and Georgia. In Ukraine, these include fears that the issue could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”

But even now, the West is undeterred. It is losing no time in pouring yet more weapons into Ukraine, further fuelling the fire.

Dangerous caricatures

None of this, of course, means Putin’s actions are virtuous, or even wise. But for some his invasion of Ukraine looks no more irrational or dangerous than Nato’s decades of provocative moves against a nuclear-armed Russia.

And here we get to the nub of the matter. The West alone defines what “rational” means – and on that basis, its enemies can always be dismissed as deranged and evil.

Western media propaganda only serves to deepen these trends in humanising, or otherwise, those caught up in events.

As the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association observed at the weekend, much of the coverage has been blatantly racist, with western commentators noting with sympathy that those fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, unlike apparently those displaced by western invasions of the Middle East, are “like us”, “civilised” and don’t “look like refugees”.

Similarly, there is a stark contrast between the celebratory reporting of a Ukrainian “resistance” making improvised bombs against the advancing Russian army and the media’s routine demonisation of Palestinians as “terrorists” for resisting Israel’s decades of occupation.

Equally, US global dominance means it dictates the military, political and diplomatic framework of international relations. Other countries, including potential rivals like Russia and China, have to operate within that framework.

That forces them to react more often than act. Which is why it is so critically important that the western media report on the events fully and honestly, not resort to easy tropes designed to turn foreign leaders into caricatures and their populations into heroes or villians.

If Putin is a madman, like Iraq’s Saddam, Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders before him, then the only solution is the use of force to the bitter end.

In global power politics that potentially translates into a third European “World War”, the overthrow of Russia’s government, and Putin’s trial at The Hague or his execution. The “strait-jacket” strategy. Which is precisely the catastrophic destination towards which western leaders, aided by the media, have been pushing the region over the past three decades.

There are far less dangerous ways of resolving international crises than that – but not so long as we keep peddling the myth of the “madman” enemy.


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Jonathan Cook is the the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at:

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from CovertAction Magazine

Did NATO Just Declare War on Russia?

March 4th, 2022 by Mike Whitney

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

“No matter who tries to stand in our way… they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history…. I hope that my words will be heard.” Vladimir Putin issues warning to any country that tries to stop Russia’s “Special Operation” in Ukraine​

In a move that can only be regarded as a major escalation, NATO officials announced on Friday that they would deploy troops from its Combat-Ready Response Force to support the Ukrainian regime in its war with Russia. The Alliance will also send additional weapons which will be used to blunt the Russian offensive that has already seized large parts of the country and obliterated most of Ukraine’s defensive capability.

It is impossible to overstate the gravity of NATO’s action which assigns such importance to preserving its ‘junta regime’ in Kiev that they would willingly pit NATO against a nuclear-armed Russia in what could become a much broader regional war. Clearly, the strategic objectives of this murky conflict go far beyond the mere control of an ethnically-divided, failed state situated between Europe and Asia. Ukraine is no longer just a geopolitical trophy for western elites, but a last-gasp effort for Washington to prove it still controls the levers of global power. Here’s the story from Reuters:

“NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday the alliance was deploying parts of its combat-ready response force and would continue to send weapons to Ukraine, including air defences, while saying that Russia was trying to topple the Ukrainian government.

“We see rhetoric, the messages, which is strongly indicating that the aim is to remove the democratically elected government in Kyiv,” he told a news conference following a virtual meeting of NATO leaders.
(“NATO allies to provide more weapons to Ukraine, Stoltenberg says”, Reuters)

Stoltenberg’s decision gives Russian president Vladimir Putin no choice but to locate and destroy whatever weapons or troops enter the country that could be used to kill or injure Russian servicemen. Naturally, the killing of NATO personnel could be used to further escalate the conflict plunging the region into a much wider and more violent conflagration. Here’s more from Stoltenberg’s press conference on Friday:

“Yesterday, NATO Allies activated our defense plans… on land, at sea, and in the air…. The United States, Canada and European Allies have deployed thousands more troops to the eastern part of the Alliance… We now have over 100 jets at high alert operating in over 30 different locations… and over 120 ships from the High North to the Mediterranean… including three strike carrier groups….

We have many planes operating in the eastern part of the Alliance (and) several Allies have partly already assigned troops and forces to the NATO Response Force.” Weapon support also includes “air defence systems…” (which could be used to enforce a no-fly zone.)

This is the most serious security crisis we have faced in Europe for decades….... It is about how Russia is actually challenging core values for security, and demanding that NATO should withdraw all forces and infrastructure from almost half of our members. And they have stated that if we don’t meet their demands, there will be “military-technical consequences.” So, we have to take this seriously. And that’s exactly why we are now deploying the NATO Response Force, for the first time in a collective defence context.” (NATO’s Virtual Summit, Feb 25, 2022)

Stoltenberg is right, Russia is challenging NATO’s core values on security, and demanding that Alliance roll back its forces and infrastructure from Russia’s doorstep. What Stoltenberg fails to mention is that NATO expansion poses an existential threat to Russia by placing missile sites, military bases and combat troops on its border. He also fails to mention that NATO expansion violates agreements (to which all of the NATO members are signatores) stipulating that all parties to the agreement will refrain from any action that could affect the security interests of the other members. In Istanbul (1999) and in Astana (2010), the US and the other 56 countries in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) signed documents “that contained interrelated principles to ensure the indivisibility of security.”

What that means in practical terms, is that nations cannot put military bases and missile sites in locations that pose a threat to other members. It means that parties must refrain from using their respective territories to carry out or assist armed aggression against other members. It means that parties are prohibited from acting in a manner that runs counter to the principles laid out in the treaty. It means that Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO if its membership poses a threat to Russian security.

So, yes, Russia is challenging NATO’s approach to security, mainly because NATO’s approach is built on the rubble of treaties that the member states already signed and approved but now refuse to honor because it doesn’t advance their geopolitical objectives.

Stoltenberg would like us all to believe that joining NATO should simply be a matter of personal choice (“Every nation has the right to choose its own security arrangements”) like choosing which flavor of ice cream one wants to eat. But that is not how leaders protect their countries from potential threats.

Those threats can only be mitigated when other nations agree that they “will NOT strengthen their own security at the expense of the security of others.” That’s the bottom line and that is never going to change. National security is every leader’s highest priority and it always will be. Stoltenberg rejects this fundamental tenet of global security, and his rejection has paved the way to war. If you want to know who’s responsible for the war in Ukraine: Blame NATO. Here’s how Putin summed it up:

“Over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.

Why is this happening? Where did this insolent manner of talking down from the height of their exceptionalism, infallibility and all-permissiveness come from? What is the explanation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to our interests and absolutely legitimate demands?”

“For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.”(“Address by the President of the Russian Federation“, Kremlin, RU)

It’s worth noting, that Stoltenberg has been chosen to become Norway’s next Central Bank chief which illustrates the cozy relationship between the Big Money and the geopolitical machinations that invariably end in war. We can only wonder whether this risky gambit in Ukraine is actually an attempt to preserve a western financial system that is so thoroughly-marinated in corruption that its markets require monthly infusions of billions of dollars in digital cash to prevent a system-wide meltdown followed by a precipitous decline in the value of the dollar. By keeping Russia down, Stoltenberg’s backers might be hoping they can breathe new life into the rotting corpse of the imperial system. But whatever the reason may be, the deploying of NATO Combat-Ready Response Force greatly increases the chances of a miscalculation that could lead to disaster. Check out this short blurb from an article by Ulrich Kühn who points out the risks of current strategy:

“President Biden and other Western leaders have made it clear repeatedly that they would not send forces to Ukraine. ….That does not mean, however, that unintended actions by Russia… or by individual NATO member states could not spark a larger conflict that no one planned. During the next hours, days, and weeks, the risk of what strategists call “inadvertent escalation” will increase….

Another possible scenario for inadvertent escalation is linked to western calls for arming Ukrainian forces. A day before the Russian assault, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced, “the UK will shortly be providing a further package of military support to Ukraine. This will include lethal aid in the form of defensive weapons and non-lethal aid.” As morally justified such calls might sound in the current environment, the question remains: How will weapons be transferred to Ukraine, now that Russia has established air dominance over the country? They would almost certainly not be flown in but would have to be provided using land or sea routes. It would thus be in the interest of the Russian military to gain quick control over Ukraine’s western borders with NATO allies. Possible efforts by individual NATO member states to send additional military equipment via the Ukrainian land borders could be met with fierce Russian resistance and may lead to skirmishes between Russian and NATO personnel.”(The pathways of inadvertent escalation: Is a NATO-Russia war (now) possible?” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists)

So, what does this excerpt tell us?

It tells us that the foreign policy establishment has already “gamed-out” the developments we now see unfolding. NATO would like to lure Putin into attacking their supply-lines, so the action could be used to justify greater involvement in the conflict. In other words, what we’re seeing is a calculated effort to (incrementally) increase the probability of a war between Russia and NATO. There’s nothing that would please Uncle Sam more than to see Russia bogged down in bloody quagmire that further isolates Moscow from Europe and prevents the type of economic integration needed to draw the continents together into the world’s largest free trade zone. Washington wants to avoid that scenario at all cost. Check out this quote from Russian economist Sergie Glaziev:

“To maintain their world dominance, the (US) is provoking another war in Europe. A war is always good for America.They even call the Second World War which killed 50 million people in Europe and Russia, a good war. It was good for America because the US emerged from this war as the world’s leading power. The Cold War which ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union was also good for them. Now the US again wants to maintain its leadership at the expense of Europe. US leadership is being threatened by a rapidly rising China. The world today is shifting to yet another cycle, this time political. This cycle lasts centuries and is associated with the global institutions of regulatory economics.

We are now moving from the American cycle of capital accumulation to an Asian cycle. This is another crisis that is challenging US hegemony. To maintain their leading position in the face of competition with a rising China and other Asian countries Americans are starting a war in Europe. They want to weaken Europe, break up Russia, and subjugate the entire Eurasian continent. That is, instead of a development zone from Lisbon to Vladivostok, which is proposed by President Putin, the US wants to start a chaotic war on this territory, embroil all Europe in a war, devalue to European capital, write off its public debt, under the burden of which the US is already falling apart, write off what they owe to Europe and Russia, subjugate our economic space and establish control over resources of the giant Eurasian continent. They believe that this is the only way they can maintain their hegemony and beat China….

Russia and Ukraine are the victims of this war which is being fomented by the Americans. But Europe is also a victim because the war aims to target European welfare and to destabilize Europe. Americans expect the European capital and brain drain to America will continue. That’s why they are setting all of Europe on fire. It’s very strange that European leaders are going along with them.” (Watch this extraordinary 2014 Interview with Russian intellectual Sergei Glaziev that was posted at The Saker website nearly 10 years ago)

The deployment of NATO’s Combat-Ready Response Force provides more evidence that the Alliance is an aggressive and war-mongering​ organization which undermines European security and puts the entire world at risk. As America’s cat’s-paw on the continent, NATO invariably acts in Washington’s interests. With that is mind, we should expect to see a steady intensification of hostilities directed at Russia, all of which are designed to further divide the continents while tightening Washington’s grip on power.


NATO troops will not operate within Ukraine but exclusively in NATO member states. This was not clear from NATO’s original communique. The question remains, however, is the providing of heavy weapons an act of war?

In my opinion, it would be quite easy for NATO to end the fighting by simply agreeing to make Ukraine permanently neutral, implementing the Minsk​ Protocol, and abandoning all plans to deploy nuclear missiles to Poland and Romania. Putin’s only demand is that NATO seriously address Russia’s legitimate security concerns.


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Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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While Global Research does not normally publish articles pertaining to biblical texts or religious cults, the following 2 articles focus on how religious beliefs, concepts and symbols contained in the Book of Revelation (New Testament)  have been (mysteriously) alluded to by powerful Big Money actors.

“Biblical phrasing” is thereby used to provide “self-legitimation” (cognitive dissonance) to the enforcement of far-reaching Covid-19 actions of a criminal nature which derogate fundamental human rights. 

We bring to your attention the analysis of Peter Koenig, distinguished author and former senior economist with the World Bank followed by the incisive article of Michael Mustapich.

What is at stake is a controversial quotation in the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse of John, Revelation to John) in the New Testament which bears a canny resemblance to the restrictions imposed on the non-vaxxed, those who do not have the QR code or a vaccine embedded digital ID: 

[John stated that this beast] “causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name… his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”[666] (Revelation 13:16-18) emphasis added. 

M. Ch. Global Research, March 3, 2022



by Peter Koenig

The article below by Michael Mustapich was first published on 4 June 2021, in its Spanish version in

The article begins with a reference to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, also known as The Apocalypse, To further enhance the point of the Apocalypse – or the Triumph of the Beast – it also refers to the Triumph’s predecessor, the “Mark of the Beast” which in the context of Covid crisis could be construed (according to the Mustapich) as the Covid or Green Passport (or the QR Code) referring to the forced, or coerced falsely called vaccination. 

See also – Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph of the People. UN Agenda 2030 vs. Triumph of the People. 

The article by Mustapich then dives into the science behind what we call the SARS-Cov-2, or Covid-19 plandemic. It is scientifically understood and proven that Covid-19 and its many “derivatives” or “variants” all the way up to Omicron, have never been isolated or identified.

The Tierra.Pura article by Michael Mustapich describes what the false vaxxes inject into people’s body – a potentially highly deadly poison, Graphene Oxide, an electromagnetic (EM) substance that is extremely susceptible to EM ultrashort-waves, like 5G. Thus, graphene oxide may be used to manipulate the human brain – of those who are vaccinated.  According to Klaus Schwab, They then become “transhumans”.

See Klaus Schwab’s statement in the first 3 minutes of the video below .

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

Click here to link to bitchute version

The Vaccine Contains Graphene Oxide

Interestingly, the chemical composition of the graphene oxide is 666. It is also symbolically and mystically referred to as the number of The Beast. Is this relevant? Remains to be ascertained.

The composition of graphene is that of a two-dimensional hexagon consisting of 6 carbon atoms. The carbon atom is composed of 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons. 

Bill Gates’ Patent Number 060606. Digital Cryptocurrency Microchip “Using Body Activity Data”

Bill Gates was talking about a microchip — implanted or not under the skin — which bears the Patent Number 060606. Below is the patent filed by Bill Gates on behalf of Microsoft on June 20, 2019, published on March 26, 2020.

In any case, today it looks very much as if the personal ID or the original Bill Gates, and WEF supported, Agenda ID2020, will be integrated into the QR code technology. The QR code may well be in one form or another put under individuals’ skin. Chip-volunteers are already testing such under-the-skin options in Sweden.

The QR coding system has literally unlimited storage capacity for information about each citizen, so that a worldwide network of human, or eventually transhuman surveillance mechanism could be set up – following every step you take, every move you make, and every penny you spend and even the food you eat. It also will allow the system to block your bank account, if We the People do not stop it. Soon we will have only electronic, digital money. No more cash. We are totally controlled, enslaved and swamped by an all-digitized world.

A Profit Driven “Dark Cult” Managed by “Big Money

Indeed, at closer observation, it becomes increasingly clear that we are dealing with a “dark cult”, perhaps a Luciferian cult, directed and managed by an extraordinarily wealthy elite of financial oligarchs, who are the patrons of the pharmaceutical industry, the media and of those who keep the 193 UN member countries in check – all at once. This means, principally the mega-fund managers, BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity.

Their partnership is shareholder-interlinked, so as to control together assets of some US$ 20 to US$ 25 trillion which gives them a leverage power of more than US$ 100 trillion (2021 world GDP is estimated at US$ 90 trillion). With that power, they can move every government in the direction that suits them. Governments that may want to object or even bail out – as was the case on several occasions in Africa – are in great danger.

Manipulation, punishment and death for disobedience would be an easy feast. Like with every cult – especially dark and diabolical cults – they are vulnerable to people waking up. In the first place, for them to reach their goals, as a cult-rule, they have to divulge in whatever hidden way, what their plans are and what they are up to. They have quite successfully done this over the past several decades – see this.

The Crisis in Ukraine

What if the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is part of the globalist agenda, supposedly leading to Armageddon – or the Triumph of the Beast? All is possible in the warped world and minds of the diabolical masters, with the aim of total global control over Mother Earth, her resources and her inhabitants.

Is it a war that may lead to a World War III Scenario as part of the Apocalypse? In parallel with the vaxx pass agenda, a control instrument of the survivors? Thereby enhancing the population reductionist agenda of the globalists, synonymous with the WEF’s Great Reset?

Would the “Triumph of the Beast” be equal to the Great Reset?

When you own nothing but are happy? A sort of ultra-neoliberal “socialism”, where a small elite owns everything and provides the critters, or more literally the serfs, with the necessary amenities and food to survive? And all is digitally controlled, so no serf can exit the Matrix. Mind you, if he or she would try, the subject could be remotely “neutralized”.

Is that the world we are moving towards and the current hot conflict between Russia and Ukraine is playing right into it?

Incidentally, today, March 2, in an exceptional meeting under the auspices of the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly met on the Ukraine crisis (the first such special meeting since 1982) and condemned Russia as an unjustified aggressor by 141 votes, against four votes for Russia (Eritrea, Belarus, Syria, North Korea) with 35 abstentions including China. The text of the UN resolution deplores Russia’s “aggression against Ukraine” and requests an immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine’s territory. While the vote is not binding, it serves as a stark anti-Russia propaganda. 

So far it looks like it is but a local war and the entire western world is up in arms about it, screaming and yelling and propagating Russia-Russia-Russia slurs and condemnations, no matter whether they are substantiated or not. 

But is it really only regional? Australia and the UK have already openly committed they would send troops to help defend Ukraine. How many others will follow to please the decaying empire? Almost all EU countries have promised to send weaponry to Ukraine, including of course, the US.

Suddenly it could resemble a WWIII scenario – Escalation up to Nuclear Weapons?  

The United States adopted in 2002 under the Bush Administration’s doctrine of “pre-emptive” nuclear strike (2002 Nuclear Posture Review).

This is not a Russian policy. Should Washington decide that they are threatened, they could easily be the first to use a nuclear device on Russia. No doubt, Russia would immediately retaliate. And Bingo! There we go – a live WWIII scenario.

Let’s not forget, Washington needs one or several armed conflicts for their defense (war)-industry and simply for the US economy that depends to almost 60% on the American war machine and related industries and services. The 4-year Trump Administration has not given them a war. So, they are falling behind.

A little “False Flag”, accompanied by a worldwide media propaganda blitz and the entire (and entirely bought) UN system would support and justify Washington’s first nuclear hit.  

Let’s hope and pray from the bottom of our hearts in worldwide solidarity that this will not happen, that enough people will wake up to the danger and meditate for PEACE.

As has often been said, We, the People, are many – and they, the globalist commanders of The Reset, are few.

The Book of Revelations talks about several wars, one of them a Final One between East and West.

Is the  world currently in the fangs of cult-driven “decision makers”? 

Is it possible that this war currently in Ukraine and if Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the EU, has her way and will not only arm Ukraine with EU taxpayer’s money but also the opposition in Belarus – that this “conflict” may soon evolve into a “regional war” and from there…?

Could this potentially escalating war game be part of the “Mark of the Beast”, in the view of those who aim at a consolidated One World Order (OWO) leading perhaps by 2030 — target date for the UN Agenda 2030 — to an all-digitized, all-controlling world; with a fraction of today’s population, under the command-scepter of a few super-rich oligarchs, who are emotionless, and remote from human suffering?  

As more and more of their – the obscure cult’s – secrets and intentions come to the fore, We, the People, may evolve and gain a superior consciousness to overcome.

Time is fast running out.

Time to act NOW is of the essence.

With confidence trust and solidarity



Apocalypse, COVID Vaccine and the Mark of the Beast

by Michael Mustapich

For most of human history, civilization has been shaped by belief in gods and divine laws. The major religions have guided man’s morality, and their sacred scriptures were taken as the ultimate authority.

But with the degradation of religious institutions and the assumption of science as the new god, man lost contact with the divine, and atheism grew, fueled by disillusionment, rebellion against dogmas and the pursuit of limitless hedonism.

In a decadent society, what is presented as progressivism can only accelerate the fall of civilization. That is why the idea of returning to tradition is gaining momentum, and along with it the study of the sacred scriptures in search of answers.

The book of Revelations in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, also known as The Apocalypse, is attributed to St. John the Apostle and is considered to be prophetic in nature. It narrates his visions while he is imprisoned on the island of Patmos in Greece (1st century AD). It describes with images rich in symbolism the events accompanying the battle between Good and Evil and the Day of Judgment.

One of the parts circulating strongly on social networks for its possible connection to the Covid pandemic, vaccination and the restrictions imposed is the following:

“To all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, shall be given a mark on the right hand and on the forehead, and that no one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark and the number of the beast, or the number of his name…” (Revelation 13:16 ).

The Covid Passport, also known as Green Passport is already a reality, and is being imposed in the USA and the EU, and in other countries in the form of APP for cell phones or vaccination cards. Anyone who does not have it will not be able to travel, study, work or access shows, restaurants, cinemas….

But what is most disturbing in relation to this issue is what is associated with the vaccine….

“Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, and his number is 666” (Revelation 13:16).

Comment from Peter Koenig:

Bill Gates developed a kind of a micro-chip in the form of a tattoo with the patent number 060606 – it would eventually incorporate also his invention Agenda ID2020 – today in the form of an QR code with unlimited information storage capacity. Any reference to this patent has been “fact-checked” out by google and other “fact-checkers” – see for yourself. What they are actually “fact-checking” away is giving away “the fact”. It will tell you what you want to know. “Fact checking” is like “there is no smoke without a fire”.

Serious allegations by experts point out that the components of the Covid vaccine include graphene nanoparticles.

Graphene is a material, that has among other characteristics, biocompatibility, superconductivity and properties of acquiring electromagnetism that makes it attractive in the development of nanotechnology and neuroscience.

Numerous studies are applying it in nanoparticle form next to neurons to send and receive information. They have already managed to manipulate the behavior of living organisms in laboratory tests.

Comments from Peter Koenig:

See this Spanish “Fifth Columns” Doctors and researchers analyzing the mRNA Covid Injections – Graphene Oxide – and the Substances Impact on the Human Body; and this Video: Graphene Hydroxide in the mRNA Vaccine Vial: Assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack. Shortly after or even during producing this video, Dr. Noack was arrested and then mysteriously found dead in his apartment – indications of murder? See this)

See also these links: State of the Nation – Stealthy Global Depopulation Scheme, explained in details (text and video 12 min by Dr. Shankara Chetty of South Africa) Covid-19 Vaccine – a Highly Advanced Bioweapon for Mass Genocide and Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself by Dr. Ariyana Love.

One of the driving forces behind the development of this technology is Bill Gates, funding several universities and companies, and it is also in line with the ambitions of the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, in his desire to implement transhumanism (the symbiosis between human and machine).

Graphene nanoparticles have not only been found in the misnamed Covid vaccine, but also in the masks and swabs used for PCR tests.

The composition of graphene is that of a two-dimensional hexagon consisting of 6 carbon atoms.

The carbon atom is composed of 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons?

Is it related to the number of the beast?

Is it part of an agenda to access total population control?

Is it connected to the numerous cases of magnetism found in people who had the vaccine?

Does 5G play a role in inducing or controlling these nanoparticles?

Comments from Peter Koenig:

See this: Video: Ex-Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon: Mass Murder with Vaccine Passports/Top Up Vaccines

Unfortunately, those who dare to ask such questions today are considered eccentric or conspiracy theorists. There is no choice but to continue investigating, keeping alert so as not to fall into either the official version or those attractive conspiracy theories, although in the long run they end up being, as they often are, true.

The opinions and ideas expressed by the author of this article do not necessarily represent the position of Pure Earth. TP does not obtain a personal benefit or interest with these publications, but only seeks to inform and hopes that readers exercise discernment, broaden their minds and develop a critical and upright thinking.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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I am starting to think I need to file a First Amendment lawsuit over that insane bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security on Feb. 7.

In case you’ve forgotten, that report – a public declaration of the federal government’s official view of terrorism – called the top terrorist threat to the United States:

false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.

Their words, not mine.

Trying to “undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions” is now a terrorist act?

Then I’m a terrorist.

Especially since the bulletin specifically mentions COVID-19: there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.

There’s that word “misleading” again. As this White House has made clear, “misleading” facts are those that lead people to opinions of conclusions it doesn’t like.


No, no one has knocked on my door or threatened to arrest me.

But that does mean the government is not targeting me – along with other prominent Covid and vaccine skeptics. Per the bulletin, the Department of Homeland Security in 2021 expanded its evaluation of online activity as part of its efforts to assess and prevent acts of violence.

The government has other tools against people it classifies as terrorists too, including plenty of secret ones.

And remember, to be a terrorist under these terms, your speech simply has to potentially inspire acts of violence.”


If this isn’t a government effort to discourage lawful speech, I don’t know what is. The question is whether it is so broad and dangerous that I can prove it will have a chilling and unconstitutional effect on me (and other people) even if I do not know I am being targeted. It feels like a form of prior restraint, all the worse for being so broad.

Will courts agree? There may be only one way to find out.

And quickly, if I do it. The Rocket Docket in the Eastern District of Virginia feels like the place.


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD).

The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and permit details for bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. But now the US government is scrubbing these documents from the internet and becoming less transparent with this critical information.

This comes at a time when the world population is waking up to the reality of gain-of-function bioweapons research, lab leaks and predatory vaccine and diagnostics development. These bio-labs generate pathogens of pandemic potential that exploit human immune systems and are the foundation for which medical fraud, malpractice, vaccine-induced death and genocide originates.

Could the existence of these bioweapons’ labs have something to do with Russia’s “special military mission?” For years, Russia has accused the US of developing bioweapons near its borders. Are the Russians currently gathering evidence from these labs? What is the current status of these facilities?

The U.S. erected a vast network of bio-labs in Ukraine and is scrubbing details from the net

The US DOD funded at least 15 different bio-labs in Ukraine. These are not Chinese or Russian bio-labs. At least eight of these are bioweapons labs are operated exclusively by the US. These laboratories “consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern” to conduct “enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures” through “international research partnerships.” Each facility costs the US taxpayers anywhere from $1.8 to over $3 million. The DOD facilitated the permit process to allow Ukrainian scientists to work with pathogens of pandemic potential.

The US DOD works directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences and the Ministry of Defense. This network of bio-labs includes facilities in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Kiev, Kherson, Ternopil, Crimea, Luhansk and two suspect facilities in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv.

In recent years, many of these labs have reached Bio-safety Level 2 status, allowing scientists to experiment with viruses and bacteria. Over the past two years, these laboratories, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, erected four more mobile laboratories to conduct epidemiological surveillance of the Ukrainian people. These laboratories are part of a multi-national working group that creates disease surveillance networks that “strengthen global health security.”

Up until February 25, 2022, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories. All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed. What is the US embassy trying to hide?


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

While Global Research condemns Russia’s military incursion, the following report coupled with videos provides a factual and informative understanding of what is happening on the ground.


By the seventh day of the operation in Ukraine, the Russian military has changed its tactics, both in terms of conducting military actions and its attitude towards the civilian population.

Numerous unmanned reconnaissance vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces were observed in the skies over Ukraine. Rear and supply columns began to move with combat guards.

The movement of armored vehicles, both on the march and in urban areas with infantry on armor, was noted.

The presence of strike aircraft in the skies of Ukraine has increased.

Coordination and interaction between various units have intensified.

Artillery is used wherever possible. Additionally, the Russians began striking military facilities that they had apparently previously planned to seize relatively undamaged.


The reaction of Russian units to provocative actions on the part of civilians and especially members of the so-called territorial defense forces has also changed.

Kiev urges civilians to resist by forcefully throwing Molotov cocktails at vehicles, blocking roads and launching surprise attacks, approaching under the guise of peaceful intentions.

Until March 1, Russian servicemen had orders to avoid retaliating to provocations in every possible way.

Now, the order seems to have changed and Russian units started to act in accordance with the standards of behavior on enemy territory.

For example, on March 1, in response to an ambush by units of the territorial defense near Kherson, who attempted to throw Molotov cocktails at a Russian convoy, brutal retaliatory fire was opened on the enemy. Video records at least 10 dead.

The change in the tactics is attributed to the experience of the first five days of the conflict and the fact that combat generals and senior officers with extensive experience of combat operations in various regions were brought in to command.

The Ukrainian authorities refuse to provide evacuation assistance to their population. Residents in Kyiv are being given up to the mercy of fate. The railway station is jammed. Police and law enforcement forces are absent. Looting and chaos are on the rise.

Russian units are in no hurry to enter the capital. They are expanding the zones of control around it. Russian troops are now close to Brovary, where they have gained a foothold.

On March 1, Russian forces entrenched on the outskirts of Kharkiv, amid heavy missile and bombing strikes against key military infrastructure facilities.

There is intermittent exchange of fire in the outskirts. The city administration rejected negotiations on the opening of a humanitarian corridor. Units of nationalist battalions shoot at cars of civilians that try to leave the city.

DPR and Russian units completely surrounded Mariupol. Almost all of the neighboring settlements are under the control of “Eurasian Coalition” forces. The humanitarian corridors will be open until the end of March 2. After that, the final mopping up of the city is likely planned.

Fighting is going on in Volnovakha, the key stronghold of Kiev in Donbas. Ukrainian units are trying to provide cover for the withdrawal of their main forces from the region.

The DPR military officially confirmed that the headquarters of the Ukrainian Task Force “North” was completely destroyed. Almost all the officers were killed. The headquarters of the “East” task force was also destroyed.

LPR forces also enjoyed considerable success. As of March 2, Starobelsk and a number of nearby villages were liberated. Progress is being made towards Severodonetsk and Rubizhne. Svatovo has been blockaded. Russian troops reached Izyum and entrenched their attack positions.

Meanwhile, Russian forces are breaking through defenses near Vasilievka, the stronghold that covers Zaporizhia. Losses on all sides are reported.

These events came amid the complete takeover of the important regional center of Kherson. The administration is cooperating and doing its best to maintain a peaceful situation in the city with the help of the Russian Armed Forces. The disarmament of the members of the “territorial defense” began. The police, ambulance and emergency services are working as usual.

Russian forces are encircling Nikolaev city. As of March 2 morning, the city is already semi-enclosed. The Nikolayev – Krivoy Rog road is cut.

The war in Ukraine from 2014 to the present has already become the bloodiest conflict in Europe in the last 77 years, surpassing all of the Yugoslav wars combined. Over the past six days, according to sources inside the conflicting parties, at least 2 730 personnel on the Russian and LDPR side and 11 150 on the Ukrainian side, including deserters, have been killed or missing.


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Ukraine: A Wider War Is in Prospect?

March 3rd, 2022 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research does not support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

It looks like what began as a highly successful Russian military action is being turned into a clown act by the Kremlin civilians who are so anxious to show that Russia means well that they risk turning the Ukraine intervention into a farce that might end in a wider European conflict.

The Ukraine doesn’t have much of a military, but it has a powerful word that stops the Russian military in its tracks:  negotiation.

Zelensky uttered the word, and Putin stopped the invasion. 

The Kremlin fell for the trick a second time and sent negotiators to Gomel where Zelensky was again a no-show.  It is a curious situation when it is the country that is winning the war which is so anxious for negotiations. Indeed, neither Lavrov nor Putin can shut up about how willing they are to negotiate. A person might conclude that Russia is losing the war. Putin even felt obliged to assure Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that Moscow remains open to talks with Kiev. As Israel is supporting the Ukrainian Nazis, you would think it would be Israel giving the reassurance. See this. 

Normally, halting an invasion provides the enemy with time to recover from the shock and reform lines.  Surely Shoygu knows this. Even worse, by delaying the outcome, it allows the hysterical and completely stupid West to widen the war by getting involved.

The US/NATO are beefing up their European deployments of troops and sending weapons to Ukraine. Stoltenberg is issuing threats he cannot back up.

A collection of Finnish idiots are trying to get a vote on Finland joining NATO, an act of insanity that Putin has already said would not be permitted. Germany has changed its mind and now says Germany is sending weapons to Ukraine.  Will Germany, US, NATO also change their minds about sending troops?  Every hour’s delay in Russia finishing the task gives the Western morons more chance to blunder into war.

As Union war criminal William Tecumseh Sherman said, “war is hell.” 

The Kremlin is trying to conduct war without the hell.  Consequently, the Nazi militias have ensconced themselves and their weapons systems amidst civilians.  As the Russian military is under orders not to fire into civilian areas, the conquest is stopped in its tracks.  

One can understand the Kremlin’s decision to spare civilians as once Ukraine is de-nazified, Russia hopes to have good relations with Ukraine. 

But the Kremlin is mistaken if it expects kudos for good intentions from the West. 

Whatever Russia does will be painted in the blackest terms.  Already the Ukrainian Nazi militias are being praised as “freedom fighters.”

The function of the Western media is to turn fiction into fact and lies into truth. 

The narrative of Russian war crimes was already established by the second day of the war.  Here is, for example, Bloomberg Evening Briefing Feb 25, but all the presstitutes say the same thing:

“The Russian invasion has been marked by indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas and strikes on protected facilities such as hospitals, Amnesty International said. . . . Russians shelled a kindergarten and an orphanage.” 

Despite all the alleged attacks and indiscriminate shellings, Amnesty International can only get the kill list up to 140 people, and Bloomberg doesn’t say whether this is civilians only or includes soldiers and the neo-Nazi militias. So far it seems that the Russian invasion hasn’t killed as many people as one US strike on a children’s soccer game, or a wedding or funeral.

On the military front Russia is predominate, but on the propaganda front she is always outgunned.

The reason is that Russia always fails to take the initiative, instead remaining purely reactive.  Russia’s response to sanctions has so far been entirely feeble. 

Russia continues to supply Europe with energy when she can turn off the pipelines and shut down German industry.  But she does nothing as Germany announces arms support for Ukraine Nazi militias.

Russian assets are seized and Russia is evicted from the SWIFT clearing mechanism on which Russia (and China) still so foolishly rely, and Russia has not nationalized all Western investment in Russia.  One gets the feeling that Russia likes to be run over as long as it is not militarily. 

But even here Russia’s determination to show herself as so well-intentioned that she risks stalemate and a wider war makes one wonder if she even wants to win the war.  It is really quite astonishing how much Russia is hurt by words and how defensive words can make her.  

It was Machiavelli who said “it is better to be feared than loved.” 

If Russia were feared, the Finns would not be pushing to join NATO.

The Germans and French would not be sending weapons to the Ukraine Nazis.

The US would not dare personally sanction the President of Russia. 

If Ukraine develops into a wider war, much of the blame will reside in Russia’s reactive character and delay upon delay in using its superior force.

However Brutal Russia has to be, it is much better for Russia to reach a solution, because the price of delay can be much higher.  This is what delay has brought  us to:

“Putin Orders Russian Nuclear Forces to Be on Highest Alert”

Putin explains:

“Western countries are not only taking unfriendly actions against our country in the economic area. I’m speaking about the illegitimate sanctions that everyone is well aware of. However, the top officials of the leading NATO countries also make aggressive statements against our country as well.” See this.

Again, the moronic and arrogant West did not hear what Putin said:

“I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.”

The consequences will indeed “be such as you have never seen in your entire history.”

Wake up you insouciant fools in the Western populations. Your moronic “leaders” are about to lead you into suicide.

UPDATE: Ramzan Kadyrov, the  leader of the province of Chechnya commands some of Russia’s most feared combat units. He said Russia’s tactics are not working because they are too sluggish.  The West has armed Ukraine with a new generation heavy artillery and weapons, while Russia is not using its heavy artillery and weapons such as TOS. It seems that even when he goes to war, Putin really doesn’t want to use much force.

Now Turkey is saying that it will close Russia’s passage into and out of the Black Sea, another stupid NATO decision that escalates the conflict.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Supratim Barman

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Besides providing lethal drone warfare technology to Ukraine and closing Bosphorus straits to warships, effectively blockading Russia’s Black Sea fleet and cutting it off from the Mediterranean fleet, Turkish President Erdogan has also reportedly introduced Syria’s battle-hardened militants to the Ukraine conflict.

During the neo-Ottoman Sultan’s official visit to Ukraine last month following the escalation of hostilities, selling and co-producing Turkish-made drones to Ukraine’s security forces was publicly discussed between the two delegations, but in secret negotiations between security officials of Turkey and Ukraine, Ankara also pledged to dispatch Syrian mercenaries to Ukraine.

Numerous brigades of neo-Nazis fighting alongside Ukraine’s security forces, specifically in the Russian-majority Donbas region, is a documented fact. But introducing Syrian militant groups to Ukraine’s proxy war is a new development that would further aggravate the already complex hybrid warfare in Ukraine.

The foremost reason several contingents of Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechen forces are taking part in the Ukraine war alongside Russia’s security forces is to hunt down Kadyrov’s ideological rivals, the Islamic jihadists. Several contingents of Syrian militant groups had already left for Ukraine and were taking part in some of the most hard-fought battles against Russian security forces north of Kyiv and in Kharkiv and Mariupol and the rest were on their way, according to Turkish security officials who spoke with the correspondent on the condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak.

One of the principal reasons the Russian armored corps has lost so many tanks and armored personnel carriers during the week-long offensive is that Syrian mercenaries are especially skilled at using Javelin anti-tank weapons—which they dubbed “the Assad-tamer” during Syria’s decade-long conflict—as they were trained in the use of American-made TOW anti-tank munitions by Turkish security officials during the CIA’s Operation Timber Sycamore and the Pentagon’s $500 million train-and-equip programs to provide guerrilla warfare training and lethal weaponry to rebels battling the Syrian government at the training camps located at border regions of Turkey and Jordan.

Despite having immense firepower at its disposal that could readily turn the tide in conflicts as protracted as Syria’s proxy war, the Russian advance in Ukraine has been slower than expected according to most estimates because Kremlin is doing all it can to minimize collateral damage, particularly needless civilian losses in the former Soviet republic whose majority population is sympathetic to Russia.

So much so that on Tuesday, March 1, Russia even gave an advanced warning before striking Ukraine’s Security Service (SSU) headquarter and the main center for information and psychological operations in Kyiv to avoid civilian casualties. Thus far, Russian security forces have only targeted military installations and battalions of combatants posing an imminent danger to Russian troops.

Rather than mitigating suffering of Ukraine’s disenfranchised masses held hostage by the Volodymyr Zelensky-led oligarchy, the self-styled champions of human rights are doing all they can to lure Russia into their “bear trap project,” a term borrowed from the Soviet-Afghan War of the eighties when Western regimes used Pakistan’s security forces and generous funding from the oil-rich Gulf States for providing guerrilla warfare training and lethal weaponry to Afghan jihadists to “bleed the security forces” of former Soviet Union in the protracted war.

Of the $10 billion humanitarian and military assistance for Ukraine announced by the Biden administration, the top brass of the Pentagon is reportedly making preparations for allocating a significant portion of the funds for providing military training and arms to over half a million refugees who have fled Ukraine following the war.

The Machiavellian plan of NATO’s military strategists is to establish refugee settlements with the “humanitarian assistance” in the border regions of Ukraine’s neighboring countries Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, and then provide guerrilla warfare training and lethal arms to all able-bodied men of military age in order to “bleed Russia’s security forces” in the ensuing irregular warfare once Kyiv falls to advancing “40-mile-long” column of Russian tanks and heavy artillery from the north.

Western military-industrial complex is a flourishing industry. It not only sells armaments to “friendly regimes” but also provides “gainful employment” to myriad militant groups across the globe to destabilize adversaries.

As for NATO’s “gracious favor” of deciding not attempting to enforce no-fly zone over Ukraine, which is being propagated as a “concession to Russia” and “peaceful intentions” of the trans-Atlantic military alliance by the corporate media, it’s worth pointing out that no-fly zones could only be enforced against Third World countries, such as Gaddafi’s Libya or Saddam’s Iraq, whose air forces only had several dozen creaking old aircraft bought in scrap following the Second World War.

Though it stretches credulity, even if NATO decides to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, who is going to implement the impossible decision. If anything, Russia is now going to enforce no-fly zone for hostile aircraft in Ukraine’s airspace by deploying S-400 missile defense systems following the impending fall of Kyiv. Taking a backseat in the Ukraine conflict by the NATO powers isn’t a “goodwill gesture” to Russia, rather it’s an issue of lacking military capacity to confront resurgent Russia under Putin’s astute leadership.

How ironic that despite investing trillions of dollars over decades on their lethal military-industrial complex, all the global bullies could do is sow chaos and mayhem across the Third World but are left with no other choice than turning the proverbial other cheek when confronted with equal military powers, such as Russia and China.

Regarding the neo-Ottoman Sultan’s decision of introducing Syrian mercenaries as cannon fodder in the Ukraine conflict, it’s worth recalling that during the four years of the Trump presidency, Erdogan acted with impunity in regional conflicts, from Syria and Libya to Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan, because he had forged a personal bonhomie with Donald Trump, as Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was a business partner of Erdogan’s son-in-law and former finance minister of Turkey Berat Albayrak, who was summarily dismissed from the ministry as soon as Trump lost the US presidential election in November 2020. Biden tightened the screws on Erdogan after being elected president, and now the “Turkish strongmen” is bending over backwards to reconcile with the Biden administration to regain his lost international prestige.

Besides mounting several military incursions into northern Syria and illegally occupying northwestern enclaves Idlib and Afrin and several strategic areas east of Euphrates, Erdogan also sent thousands of Syrian jihadists, drones and military hardware in support of the Tripoli government against eastern Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar’s military campaign in western Libya lasting from April 2019 to June 2020. After defeating Haftar’s forces in Tripoli, Turkish proxies had set their sights on Sirte but a peace process involving international mediators has since begun.

Similarly, during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan that lasted from September to November 2020, Armenia’s ambassador to Moscow alleged that Turkey had sent thousands of fighters from northern Syria to Azerbaijan. Armenia also accused that Turkish military experts had fought alongside Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, and that Turkey had provided drones and warplanes.

Two Syrian fighters, from Turkish-backed rebel groups in areas of northern Syria under Turkish control, told Reuters [1] in Oct. 2020 they were deploying to Azerbaijan in coordination with Ankara. “I didn’t want to go, but I don’t have any money. Life is very hard and poor,” said a fighter who had fought in Syria for Ahrar al-Sham, a jihadist group that Turkey has supported.

Both men said they had been told by their Syrian brigade commanders they would earn around $1,500 a month – a substantial income for Syria, where the economy and currency have collapsed, thanks to Washington’s sanction and for squatting over vast oil and gas reserves in eastern Syria in collaboration with Kurds.

The fighter said he had arranged his assignment with an official from the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) in Afrin, a region of northwest Syria seized by Turkey and its Syrian rebel allies. The other fighter, from the SNA-affiliated Jaish al-Nukhba militia, said he had been told thousands of Syrian militants were set to be deployed to Azerbaijan.

The irony is that almost all the militant groups that had fought against the Bashar al-Assad government during the decade-long conflict were Sunni jihadists, whereas Azerbaijan is an ethnically Turkic, Shiite-majority country. So practically, these jihadist mercenaries had fought in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict alongside their sworn enemies in Syria’s proxy war.

Rather than ideological convergence, Turkish support for Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, however, was about personal camaraderie between Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev, the longtime eccentric autocrat of Azerbaijan. Lacking grassroots support, Aliyev inherited the presidency from his father in 2003 and became a laughing stock when he appointed his trophy wife as the vice president of the country.

16% of Iran’s 83 million population is Azeri, which obviously sympathized with their co-religionists during the proxy war in Syria. Nevertheless, against the wishes and religious sentiments of the native Azeri people, Aliyev provided material support to jihadists in Syria at the behest of his Turkish patron Erdogan.

Regarding Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev’s support to Turkey-backed militants in Syria’s proxy war, a Bulgarian investigative reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva authored a report [2] for Bulgaria’s national newspaper Trud News in August 2017 which found that an Azerbaijan state airline company, Silk Way Airlines, regularly transported weapons to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey under diplomatic cover as part of the CIA covert program to supply weapons to militant groups in Syria. Gaytandzhieva documented 350 such “diplomatic flights” and was subsequently sacked from her job for uncovering the story.

Similarly, a joint investigation by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) uncovered [3] the Pentagon’s $2.2 billion arms pipeline to the Syrian militants.

It’s pertinent to note that $2.2 billion was earmarked only by Washington for training and arming the Syrian militants, and tens of billions of dollars worth [4] weapons and ammunition that the oil-rich Gulf States pumped into Syria’s proxy war have not been documented by anybody so far.

Notwithstanding, Turkish militarist policy of introducing Syrian mercenaries to the Ukraine war is the outcome of a long-running feud between two strongmen, Erdogan and Putin, who’ve previously crossed swords lending military support to opposing militant factions in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh.

In order to please his NATO patrons, Erdogan even wanted to militarily intervene in the Afghanistan conflict by offering to secure Kabul airport following the announcement of withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan by the Biden administration, and by lending military support to ethnically Turkic Uzbek militants in the Northern Alliance.

Uzbek warlord Rashid Dostum sojourning in Istanbul didn’t voluntarily return to Afghanistan endangering his life on the eve of evacuation of US forces. He was persuaded by his Turkish patron Erdogan to lead the first contingent of battle-hardened Syrian mercenaries who were ordered to prepare for their next assignment fighting for Northern Alliance comprising Uzbeks, Tajiks and Hazaras against the Pashtun-led Taliban in Afghanistan.

Besides Syrian militants, there are also a large number of Afghan refugees residing in Turkey who were detained during the last decade while fleeing the Afghan civil war to seek economic opportunities in Europe. It wouldn’t be surprising if Turkish security forces had made similar $1,500 a month offer to desperate Afghan refugees to fight alongside the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan.

In fact, Turkey’s former Chief of the General Staff and current Defense Minister Hulusi Akar visited Islamabad in August, likely sensing the mood in Islamabad as to how it would react to deployment of Turkish proxies in the Afghan civil war. But the precipitous fall of Kabul on August 15 was so sudden that only did it take most military strategists by surprise but also scuttled Turkish plans of sending proxies to buttress the Northern Alliance.

Being Islamists themselves and out of deference for Erdogan’s self-avowed credentials as the leader of the Islamic World, the diplo-Taliban subsequently requested Turkey to help the nascent government managing the Kabul airport. But the megalomaniac contemptuously shunned them as ragtag militants too far below the lofty stature of the neo-Ottoman Sultan and Washington’s NATO ally. Now Qatar and UAE are jostling for the strategically significant contract to run the airport.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Af-Pak and Middle East regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military-industrial complex and petro-imperialism.

He is a regular contributor of diligently researched investigative reports to Global Research.


[1] Turkey deploying Syrian fighters to help ally Azerbaijan

[2] Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights

[3] The Pentagon’s $2.2 billion Soviet arms pipeline to Syria

[4] Mark Curtis’ book review, Secret Affairs: How Britain Colluded with Radical Islam?

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

A motley crew of militant Ukrainian nationalists and pro-Western activists wanted to change their democratically elected government. Eight years on, the results look disappointing.

The events that transpired in Ukraine in 2013-14, dubbed the Euromaidan, still resonate in people’s memory. While each side in the conflict views them differently, it’s clear to all that the Ukraine once familiar to everyone has changed beyond recognition since then.

People’s revolution or coup d’état?  

The impetus for the dramatic events was the decision of the then-president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, to suspend the conclusion of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and his subsequent failure to sign it during the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. According to Ukraine’s prime minister at the time, Nikolai Azarov, Ukraine’s transition to European industry standards was to cost the country €150-160 billion. The question arises as to what the Ukrainian authorities were thinking during the long preparation of the agreement, but the decision had the effect of an exploding bomb.

On November 21, immediately after the announcement of this decision, Ukrainian blogger Mustafa Nayyem published a call to action on social networks: “We will meet at 22:30 under the Independence Monument. Dress warmly, bring umbrellas, tea, coffee, a good mood, and friends.” It was this that kicked off the Euromaidan. However, as subsequent events confirmed, the protest was not the initiative of an opposition blogger and a few students. Soon after the protests began, a number of political heavyweights got involved. On November 30, MP Irina Gerashchenko said on a talk show that riot police had used violence against the protesters and a Western journalist had been injured. Her political opponents suspected this was deliberate disinformation, as the real clashes between the police and the activists in the main city square started only the next day. Gerashchenko’s statements could have been a provocation meant to spark them. That having been said, radical nationalists had begun attacking police much earlier, in fact. According to some evidence, the first violent episodes occurred on November 23.

With the active support of the United States and EU member states, preparations for launching and organizing the protests, as well as deploying the media, began long before Viktor Yanukovich’s decision to postpone signing the agreement with the EU. The most notable outlet covering the Euromaidan was an internet channel called (Public TV), which received a $50,000 grant from the US Embassy in September 2013. Another $95,000 was added by the Embassy of the Netherlands. The former head of Ukraine’s security service, the SBU, Alexander Yakimenko, later reported that it was then that the volume of diplomatic mail increased, and fresh dollar banknotes began to appear on Kiev’s main square, the Maidan Nezalezhnosti, which would go on to lend the revolution its name.

The West made no effort to hide its interest. Western politicians spoke openly on the Maidan, and EU diplomats attended speeches. Victoria Nuland, an official representative of the US State Department, was not only personally in the Maidan, but also discussed the appointment of the future rulers of Ukraine. She later acknowledged that the US had allocated $5 billion to Ukraine to “promote democracy.”

On February 20, 2014, events entered a decisive stage. In the morning, firearms began to be used on the Maidan, which led to the deaths of both protesters and police officers. Those events have never been investigated. Some reports claim that snipers from Georgia took part in the shooting of protesters. General Tristan Tsitelashvili, the former commander of Georgia’s elite Avaza unit, has stated that one of his former subordinates, Koba Nergadze, participated in the operation, along with Alexander Revazishvili. The former two men gave official testimony to Alexander Goroshinsky and Stefan Reshko, the lawyers representing former members of Ukraine’s Berkut special forces in Kiev’s Svyatoshinsky District Court. According to sources in the Georgian military, the orders were given to them by Brian Christopher Boyenger, a US Armed Forces officer. One of the snipers allegedly involved in the shootings told the BBC about the events, but the Western media paid little attention to their testimony.

On February 21, President Yanukovich, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, and Eric Fournier, Head of the Continental Europe Department of the French Foreign Ministry acting for the EU, along with representatives of the opposition, signed an agreement on settling the crisis in Ukraine. In particular, the document provided that “within 48 hours after signing this agreement, a special law will be adopted, signed, and promulgated that will restore the effect of the Constitution of Ukraine of 2004.” 

From that moment on, the coup d’état can be tracked literally minute by minute:

February 21, 4:40pm: the UNIAN news agency publishes information about the signing, which requires Yanukovich and the Verkhovna Rada, the parliament of Ukraine, to fulfill their obligations under the agreement by 4:40pm on February 23, 2014.

Night of February 21-22: Euromaidan activists occupy government buildings and the parliament.

22 February 2014, 12:29pm: The head of the Verkhovna Rada, Vladimir Rybak, is removed from office.

12:34pm: Alexander Turchinov is elected as chairman in his place.

1:08pm: The Verkhovna Rada assumes political responsibility for the situation in Ukraine.

5:11pm: The resolution ‘On the self-removal of the president of Ukraine from the exercise of constitutional powers’ is adopted.

23 February 2014, 12:36pm: A resolution is passed to assign the duties of the president to the chair of the Verkhovna Rada.

Though the deadline stipulated in the agreement for amending the constitution had not yet been reached, the EU recognized as legitimate the appointment of the chair of the Verkhovna Rada to be the acting president of Ukraine.


Policeman hit by a firework ©  Olga Sukharevskaya, 2013

Who started the war and the repressions?  

Officially, the war in the Donbass began on April 13, 2014, when Turchinov announced the launch of an “antiterrorist operation,” following the Donetsk People’s Republic’s declaration of independence on April 7. The Lugansk People’s Republic declared independence on April 27, by which time Kiev’s operation was already underway.

In fact, Ukrainian forces were deployed to the Donbass in March 2014, long before these regions declared their independence. It’s true that the locals, protesting against the Euromaidan movement coming to power, started seizing government buildings. However, it was the Maidan activists who had used this tactic first, back in January 2014.

Meanwhile, people living in the pro-Russian southeastern regions of Ukraine simply organized protests at the weekend, hoping the new government would listen to them. Unlike their opponents, the 30 protesters who were burned alive in the Trade Unions Building in Odessa were not armed. It all came to light in ‘The Masks of the Revolution’ – a French documentary by Canal+ that the Ukrainian Embassy demanded be banned in Europe.

On May 9, 2014, Ukrainian tanks entered Mariupol city center, where unarmed people were marching in celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Later that day, there was a shootout in front of a local police station that involved the far-right Azov Battalion and resulted in casualties among policemen and civilians.

Even though the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights called for investigations, none have been conducted. On top of that, the repressions machine kicked into high gear, making prison sentences for anti-Euromaidan comments or likes on social media commonplace. A recent example is what happened to a Sumy Region local, who was convicted under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for once liking a post on the Odnoklassniky (Classmates) social network that spoke of unity between Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. A couple of days ago, Deputy Head of National Police Alexander Fatsevich said “‘Russian world’ enthusiasts will be detained and brought to justice.” And, recently, the SBU charged prominent journalist Miroslava Berdnik, who recently had serious back surgery, with undermining Ukraine’s territorial integrity. The daughter of the Ukraine Helsinki Group co-founder Oles Berdnik, she is a human rights activist staunchly following in her father’s footsteps. Miroslava Berdnik even addressed the Israeli Knesset, outlining the issues of Nazism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine.

The Kiev government is ignoring the concerns of international organizations and preventing Russian artists from performing in Ukraine, as well as banning Russian books and Russian and even Ukrainian TV channels. The forced Ukrainization continues despite all  resolutions passed by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Matilda Bogner, head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, has pointed out incidents involving online bullying, threats, intimidation, and incitement to violence against those who are against Ukrainization or “who expressed positive views about the Russian language or otherwise expressed opinions perceived as pro-Russian.” 

The infamous Myrotvorets (Peacekeeper) website that has collated the personal data of thousands of people, including EU and US nationals, remains operational. Recently, it added the President of Croatia Zoran Milanović and former head of the German navy Vice Admiral Kai-Achim Schönbach to its blacklist. But while high-profile figures in the Myrotvorets database have the means to ensure their own safety, people such as journalist Oles Buzina and head of the Joint Military Union of Ukraine Oleg Kalashnikov ended up dead.

Justification and spread of Nazism 

Due to the active participation in the Euromaidan protests of radical far-right ultra-nationalists, who inherited the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists’ (OUN) ideology dating back to World War II, today’s Ukraine condones support for Nazism. Despite the fact that the OUN was condemned by the European Parliament in its resolution of 25 February 2010 on the situation in Ukraine, in 2015, Kiev adopted a law ‘On the legal status and honoring of the memory of the fighters for the independence of Ukraine in the 20th century’. This law elevated the OUN and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), who were abettors of the Third Reich, to the status of fighters for Ukraine’s independence. Among the leaders of these organizations were Stepan Bandera, recruited by Nazi Germany’s military intelligence agency, Abwehr, for espionage, and Roman Shukhevych, a hauptmann of the German Shutzmannschaft 201 auxiliary police battalion and one of the commanders of the Nachtigall Battalion.


Nazi symbols drawn by Euromaidan activists, graffity says «Death to police» ©  Olga Sukharevskaya, 2013

The Act of Restoration of the Ukrainian State, announced by the OUN on 30 June 1941, is considered an important date in today’s Ukraine. Article 3 of this act reads as follows“The newly formed Ukrainian state will work closely with the National-Socialist Greater Germany, under the leadership of its leader, Adolf Hitler, which is forming a new order in Europe and the world and is helping the Ukrainian people to free itself from Muscovite occupation.” 

Addressing the UN Security Council, Elena Berezhnaya, head of the Irina Berezhnaya Institute for Legal Policy and Social Protection, said that glorification of the SS Galicia Division has become common practice in Ukraine, as has the erection of monuments to commemorate Bandera and his supporters, and government funding of neo-Nazi groups under the guise of patriotic education of the youth.

Today’s neo-OUN has deeply infiltrated both Ukraine’s government and law enforcement structures. The George Washington Institute of Public Policy has published a report saying that the Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy, Ukraine’s premier military training institution, which is supported by the US administration, has been home to the far-right group Centuria.

And the activities of Ukrainian nationalists are not limited to Ukraine’s territory – they are actively promoting Nazi ideas in Western countries too. According to US outlet Politico, the Azov Battalion – which is controlled by an ex-member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Andriy Biletsky – has established a link with the Nordic Resistance Movement, a neo-Nazi group with official chapters operating in Sweden, Finland, and Norway. One of the Rise Above Movement’s founders, American white supremacist Robert Rundo was among those invited to attend a meeting with members of the battalion. The same article states that there is a connection between the same militia and Brenton Tarrant, an Australian white supremacist who killed 51 Muslims in an attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. It also reports that US Army veteran Craig Lang, who is wanted for the 2018 slaying of a Florida couple, had been active on the front line in eastern Ukraine, where he had fought on Kiev’s side.

As outlined in a new report published by the US-based Soufan Center, which focuses on global security challenges and foreign policy issues, “Ukraine has emerged as a hub in the broader network of transnational white supremacy extremism, attracting foreign fighters from all over the world. Where jihadis travel to fight in places like Syria, white supremacists now have their own theater in which to learn combat – Ukraine, where the conflict between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian government forces has been raging since 2014, attracting fighters from around the globe who are fighting on both sides. Recent research shows that around 17,000 foreigners from 50 countries, including the United States, have gone to fight in that conflict.” 

However, the demand voiced by the US Congress that the Azov Battalion – which was incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard in November 2014 – be officially placed on the US’ list of foreign terrorist organizations has not been met, and neither has the ban imposed on funding it and other Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia been implemented.

Economic failure amid militarization  

Ukraine’s military spending is now more than eight times higher than it was back in 2013, but the economy on the whole is in a deepening recession. In 2021, Ukrainian GDP stood at a record $195 billion (compared to $182 billion in 2013), but that was negated by inflation. When it came to certain goods, consumer inflation reached 11%, hitting a record high in the past three and a half years. The CEO of the CASE Ukraine think tank, Dmitry Boyarchuk, points out that, “in a number of areas, this growth is in name only: the prices on our exports were simply higher than the prices on our imports. But in terms of volume, our exports have been shrinking. We produce exactly as much as before, if not less, but we earned more because of the prices in the global markets.” 

At the same time, the debt has been growing. In 2013, Ukraine’s external debt amounted to $27.9 billion, but by the end of 2021,  it had reached $47.7 billion.

Ukraine has been gradually transforming from an industrial and agrarian country into a raw-materials supplier. In 2013, machine-building exports accounted for 18.9% ($12.9 billion), while, in 2017, they were down to 9.9% ($4.3 billion). The foreign trade structure for 2021 confirms this trend. Ukraine’s top exports last year were ferrous metals ($13.95 billion, up 81.4% compared to 2020), grains ($12.34 billion; +31.2%), and animal and vegetable fats and oils ($7.04 billion; + 22.5%). As for the imports, apart from energy resources, Kiev needs machines and equipment ($14.2 billion; +22.9%), as well as products of the chemical and related industries ($9.74 billion; +32.8%). It is ironic that the US ambassador said Ukraine must become an agrarian superpower. The “granary of the USSR,” as Ukraine was once known, is now importing more and more food. In 2021, it imported $8 billion worth of food products (+19% compared to 2020).


A destroyed armored vehicle in Kiev ©  Olga Sukharevskaya, 2013

At the same time, we’re seeing deindustrialization. In 2014, the Lvov Bus Factory was closed, and, in 2018, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated over the Zaporozhskiy Automobile Building Plant. In 2016-2019, the Antonov aircraft manufacturer didn’t produce a single plane. In July 2021, the Nikolayev Shipyard – once a key part of the Soviet shipbuilding industry – was officially closed. Yuzhmash, a large aerospace and rocket factory, has been barely staying afloat since 2014. In 2013, 50,449 cars were manufactured in Ukraine, but, by 2021, the number had decreased to 7002.

Living standards are also falling. Utilities rates keep rising, and, as of now, the utilities debt has reached $3 billion, owing to International Monetary Fund (IMF) requirements. Ukrainian political analyst Vladimir Chemeris explains that “the tariffs will keep rising. Back in summer 2020, our government signed a memorandum with the IMF, agreeing that gas prices should be fully market-determined. Market price means higher price. The IMF also underlined this requirement time and time again, and our government agreed, hoping for more and more loans to at least pay off the previous ones.” 

Having terminated its gas supply contracts with Russia, Ukraine has had to deal with an energy crisis. On top of that, Kiev has to pay more for gas than even the EU countries. In October, gas prices across the EU ranged from €300 to €700, while, in Ukraine, it reached €1,100.

And so Ukrainians are leaving the country en masse. In 2020, 601,200 received EU residence permits. According to the Ptoukha Institute of Demography and Social Studies, in 2021, the number of migrant workers stood at 2.5 to 3 million people, while 1,068,000 Ukrainians obtained Russian citizenship in 2014-2021. In the first 10 months of 2021, the population outflow exceeded 600,000 – a record high in the past 11 years.

A survey carried out by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology shows that 64.7% of Ukrainian citizens believe things are going in the wrong direction. One in four Ukrainians and one in three young people want to move to a different country.  All in all, this can hardly be called a victory for the Euromaidan.


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Olga Sukharevskaya, a Ukrainian-born ex-diplomat and author

Featured image is from the author

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire declared an “all-out economic and financial war” against Russia for launching its military operation against Kiev last week. It is hoped that such an economic war will ‘punish’ Russia – but shortly after making his comment, Le Maire was quick to change his rhetoric after probably being given a stern warning from within the Champs-Élysées to not make bombastic comments that intensifies tensions and could actually lead to war between Russia and NATO.

Responding to Moscow’s decision to go to war with Ukraine, Washington and its closest allies have imposed a string of sanctions aimed against Russia’s central bank, government officials (including President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov), and barred some Russian banks from the SWIFT international payments system.

When describing the sanctions, Le Maire said they are proving to be “extremely effective.” However, it was his next comments that raised eyebrows as he told France Info radio that:

We’re waging an all-out economic and financial war on Russia. We will cause the collapse of the Russian economy. The Russian people will also pay the price.”

This of course is extremely alarming as he effectively revealed the intention to impoverish more than 140 million Russian citizens without considering that Moscow has its own retaliatory measures that will also hurt the average European citizen. Le Maire later clarified to AFP that he had misspoken and that the term “war” was not compatible with France’s efforts to de-escalate tensions surrounding the Ukraine conflict, adding: “We are not in a battle against the Russian people.”

This ‘clarification’ was of course made after former Russian Prime Minister and President, Dmitry Medvedev, who is now the deputy Chair of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, chillingly tweeted:

“Watch your tongue, gentlemen! And don’t forget that in human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones.”

For this reason, the Kremlin said on Tuesday that it was placing temporary curbs on foreigners seeking to remove their investments from the country, thus stopping an investor exodus driven by the sanctions which are aimed at shutting out major banks from the international payments system and capital controls choking off money flows.

What the Europeans do not realize is that Moscow sees this current crisis as an existential battle for survival. When Putin announced on TV his “special military operation,” he warned:

“To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside – if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history.”

Recirculating in western media after this statement was Putin’s comment in a 2018 documentary:

“…if someone decides to annihilate Russia, we have the legal right to respond. Yes, it will be a catastrophe for humanity and for the world. But I’m a citizen of Russia and its head of state. Why do we need a world without Russia in it?”

Returning to the situation in Ukraine, Putin said at a meeting with businessmen that there was no reason to destroy a system which they live in, unless Russia were to be excluded from it. If the Europeans wanted to destroy the Russian economy and impoverish millions of Russian citizens, it cannot be excluded that Moscow with a touch of a button can turn off the gas supplies and bring the entire continent’s industry and economy to a halt – while civilians freeze.

This of course would completely destroy the Russian economy at the same time, but from Moscow’s perspective, why would they continue providing energy to a bloc that has already declared an “all-out economic and financial war.” It is extremely curious that the EU believes that Moscow would not make any retaliatory measures, measures that would spell bad news for European citizens. This is especially critical as it seemingly appears that European leaders and decisionmakers are completely naïve to the responses and retaliations that Russia can make.

For now, gas to Europe from Russia via Ukraine is flowing at full capacity. This accounts for at least $1 billion a day to the Russian economy, and threatening to end this will likely be considered a casus belli. With Russia’s nuclear forces already on alert, it remains to be seen whether the EU will pursue an “all-out economic and financial war” against Russia.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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Everything Biden said about COVID vaccines was nonsense.

These are the points he made

“First, stay protected with vaccines and treatments. We know how incredibly effective vaccines are. If you’re vaccinated and boosted, you have the highest degree of protection.  …We will never give up on vaccinating more Americans. Now, I know parents with kids under 5 are eager to see a vaccine authorized for their children.  … If necessary, we’ll be able to deploy new vaccines within 100 days instead of many more months or years.  … And with 75% of adult Americans fully vaccinated and hospitalizations down by 77%, most Americans can remove their masks, return to work, stay in the classroom, and move forward safely.”

Actual data contradicts what Biden said. If COVID vaccines were really effective, then how can the nearly one million COVID deaths be explained with 75% percent of adults vaccinated? The US COVID death rate is incredibly high compared to other nations. Biden failed to acknowledge the many hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died or suffered serious illness from the COVID vaccines, not the infection.

No one who follows actual medical science and looks at the benefits and risks of vaccination would seriously question whether they or their children should get the shot.

The public needs to know about a CDC database that has not received media attention. Here is the story.

The less visible and accessible data are in the CDC Case Surveillance File. Here are the main key data points through the first week in February that sheds better light on the full and real extent of the pandemic.

Whereas the total deaths being reported in the press has been nearly 950,000, the CSF figure is almost 785,500. How is this explained? One possible explanation is that the CSF data are for accurately diagnosed cases and deaths definitely attributable to COVID. Perhaps the higher figure is linked to deaths with but not from COVID.

Of that total number of deaths, 425,726 happened in hospitals, and 79,988 in ICUs.

CSF indicates a total of 2,087,643 hospitalizations. That means that about 20% of hospitalized patients died.

This is a very high death rate and supports the fear among many people that being admitted into a hospital is a likely death outcome. This high COVID death rate is higher than for most stroke victims in most hospitals, about 15%. This is also the figure for heart attack victims in the best hospitals.

That high level of death suggests hospital protocols are not very effective. But the medical establishment has refused to seriously reexamine how late state COVID disease is managed. In particular, those who believe in the efficacy of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would be in favor of using those generics for hospitalized COVID patients to save lives. And there is solid clinical evidence that both generics have been effective for seriously ill hospitalized COVID patients.

The current case number reported in the press is nearly 80 million, compared to about 61.3 million in the CSF. Why are there nearly 20 million fewer cases in the CSF data? Are the higher numbers for cases and deaths being over-reported and featured in the press in an attempt to maintain public fear so that people are motivated to get the jab? That seems likely.

Also, note that the CDC just announced that nearly 150 million Americans whose blood was tested for antibodies against the COVID virus were infected at some point. That huge number means that nearly half the population had obtained natural immunity that many medical research studies have shown more effective, safer, and longer-lasting than vaccine immunity.

Interestingly, blood testing was done on samples collected by commercial laboratories doing testing for other reasons. That means the privacy of millions of Americans was violated. Individuals would benefit from knowing whether they had achieved natural immunity. That information could have caused them to reject COVID vaccines.


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This article was originally published on America Out Loud.

Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder and many articles and podcasts on the pandemic, worked on health issues for decades, and his Pandemic Blunder Newsletter is on Substack. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine.

As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers.  He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years.  He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors.

Featured image is an official White House photo/Facebook

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When The Washington Post does a front page story on myriad heart problems plaguing people who recovered from COVID infection it is big news.  Cardiology practices across the country are being overwhelmed by post-COVID heart patients.  “Long” COVID has been getting increased attention.  Huge numbers of people are suffering long after getting through the initial infection.

What is important is the lack of attention to what research has found to be an important impact of spike proteins, namely micro blood clots.  Toxic spike proteins invade bodies from COVID infection and also the major COVID vaccines.  Those spike proteins can cause widespread micro blood clots.  They can impede oxygen getting to all organs and the brain, leading to myocarditis or heart inflammation, heart attacks and strokes, for example.

There is no attention in the Post story to either micro blood clots or whether COVID victims also were recipients of COVID vaccines.  There is a very high probability that recovered COVID victims succumbed to all the government coercion and propaganda and got the vaccine shots, even though they have natural immunity that the government has not given credit for.

Physicians also are likely seeing “COVID” patients who never had proven COVID infection but were vaccinated.  Surely there have been millions of Americans who might have been infected but were asymptomatic and did not have a positive test result.  They may assume they were infected!  And they very likely got vaccinated.  Physicians seeing these people who are complaining of long COVID symptoms may actually be seeing people suffering from vaccine impacts.

Key research study

Feeding the Post story was a new medical research article titled “Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19.”  The Post noted that one of the authors describes the pandemic as an earthquake. “When the earth stops shaking and the dust settles, we will have to be able to deal with the aftermath on heart and other organ systems,” he said.  “Governments around the world need to pay attention…We are not sufficiently prepared.”

But this study did not assess whether COVID vaccination played a role in heart problems.  The researchers compared more than 150,000 veterans who survived for at least 30 days after contracting COVID-19 with two groups of uninfected people: a group of more than five million people who used the VA medical system during the pandemic, and a similarly sized group that used the system in 2017, before SARS-CoV-2 was circulating.

The study found that there is a high risk of 20 diseases of the heart and blood vessels for at least a year after a COVID-19 diagnosis.  The rates of many conditions, such as heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the disease.  This was the case even for those who were under 65 years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes.

Here are two illustrative findings: COVID victims were 52% more likely to have had a stroke than the contemporary control group, and risk of heart failure increased by 72%,

Long covid has clot cause

Medical research has found micro clots as the likely cause of “long” COVID.  Yet the mainstream media is ignoring this.

In October 2021 the material in this article discussed what was originally published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology in August 2021 titled “Inflammatory micro clots in blood of individuals suffering from Long COVID.”  The research was done at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.  Researchers found an overload of various inflammatory molecules, ‘trapped’ inside insoluble microscopic blood clots (micro clots), in the blood of individuals suffering from lingering symptoms associated with long COVID.

This important finding was made by Prof. Resia Pretorius, a researcher in the Department of Physiological Science at Stellenbosch University.

“We found high levels of various inflammatory molecules trapped in micro clots present in the blood of individuals with Long COVID.  Some of the trapped molecules contain clotting proteins such as fibrinogen, as well as alpha(2)-antiplasmin,” Pretorius explained.

The insolubility of the micro clots became apparent through specific analysis of blood plasma samples from both individuals with acute COVID and long COVID.  The researchers found that in both cases there was the same cardiovascular and clotting pathologies.  In other words, this research connects both conditions with micro blood clots.

The Guardian article

Though ignored in the US, this research was seen as a very important development in a January 2022 article in The Guardian with the heading “Could microclots help explain the mystery of long Covid?”  It was written by Resia Pretorius.  “My lab has found significant microclot formation in long Covid patients.  Unfortunately, these are missed in routine blood tests.” They are also missed by scan and imaging technologies.

Here are more excerpts from this article that was aimed at informing the world about the importance of micro clots.

“One of the biggest failures during the Covid-19 pandemic is our slow response in diagnosing and treating long Covid.  As many as 100 million people worldwide already suffer from long Covid.  That staggering number will eventually be much higher, if we take into account that diagnoses are still inadequate, and that we still do not know what the impact of Omicron and future variants will be.”

“Patients with long Covid complain of numerous symptoms, the main ones being recurring fatigue and brain fog, muscle weakness, being out of breath and having low oxygen levels, sleep difficulties and anxiety or depression.  Some patients are so sick that they cannot work or even walk a few steps.  There is possibly also an elevated risk of stroke and heart attacks.  One of the biggest sources of concern is that even mild and sometimes asymptomatic initial Covid-19 infection may lead to debilitating, long-term disability.”

“Since early 2020, we and other researchers have pointed out that acute Covid-19 is not only a lung disease, but actually significantly affects the vascular (blood flow) and coagulation (blood clotting) systems.”

“The presence of persistent microclots and hyperactivated platelets (also involved in clotting) perpetuates coagulation and vascular pathology, resulting in cells not getting enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions (known as cellular hypoxia).  Widespread hypoxia may be central to the numerous reported debilitating symptoms.”

If COVID vaccines create the same type of micro blood clots, then the same health impacts would be expected!

And here is what long COVID victims need to know:

“So why can long Covid patients not go to their nearest clinic or health care practitioner to find treatment options?  Currently there are no general pathology tests readily available to diagnose these patients.  Desperately ill patients are told that their pathology test results are within normal/healthy ranges. Many are then told that their symptoms are possibly psychological and they should try meditation or exercise.  The main reason the traditional lab tests do not pick up any of the inflammatory molecules is that they are trapped inside the fibrinolytic-resistant microclots (visible under a fluorescence or bright-field microscope, as our research has shown). When the molecular content of the soluble part of the plasma is measured, the inflammatory molecules, including auto-antibodies, are simply missed.”

The same would hold true for vaccinated people with micro blood clots.

Autopsies find micro clots

The medical literature provides findings of micro blood clots from autopsies.  An article published in 2020 by Dr. Amy Rapkiewicz, the chairman of the department of pathology at NYU Langone Medical Center is important.  Describing the work in a news story was this: “The clotting was not only in the large vessels but also in the smaller vessels.  And this was dramatic, because though we might have expected it in the lungs, we found it in almost every organ that we looked at in our autopsy study,” the researcher said.

This too was noted in another news story: “We knew that clinical people were finding clots in these [COVID] patients,” she said. “So although I knew that that was going to be there, I didn’t expect it at the microscopic level to the degree that I saw it.”  Her autopsy study found blood clots in small vessels of the patients’ lungs, hearts, kidneys and livers.

In another news story this was noted in 2020 about research at Harvard University:

“Researchers also noted that patients with the novel coronavirus suffered many microscopic blood clots.  In a stark difference with lungs infected with the flu, the micro-clots were nine times as present in areas of the lungs that allow the passage of oxygen into the patient’s bloodstream while carbon dioxide is emitted.”

This is from the published medical study: “Histologic analysis of pulmonary vessels in patients with Covid-19 showed widespread thrombosis with microangiopathy.  Alveolar capillary microthrombi were 9 times as prevalent in patients with Covid-19 as in patients with influenza.”  In other words, micro blood clots were uniquely associated with COVID infection.

This is the title of a May 2020 medical article: “Pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2: Targeting of endothelial cells renders a complex disease with thrombotic microangiopathy and aberrant immune response.  The Mount Sinai COVID-19 autopsy experience.”  Here is the summary of the findings; note the word micro:

“Autopsies were performed at the Mount Sinai Hospital on 67 COVID-19 positive patients and data from the clinical records were obtained from the Mount Sinai Data Warehouse.  The experimental design included a comprehensive microscopic examination carried out by a team of expert pathologists, along with transmission electron microscopy.”

“We report a comprehensive autopsy series of 67 COVID-19 positive patients revealing that this disease, so far conceptualized as a primarily respiratory viral illness, also causes endothelial dysfunction, a hypercoagulable state [an increased tendency to develop blood clots], and an imbalance of both the innate and adaptive immune responses.  Novel findings reported here include an endothelial phenotype of ACE2 in selected organs, which correlates with clotting abnormalities and thrombotic microangiopathy, addressing the prominent coagulopathy and neuropsychiatric symptoms.  Another original observation is that of macrophage activation syndrome, with hemophagocytosis and a hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-like disorder, underlying the microangiopathy [disorder involving small blood vessels] and excessive cytokine release.”

Screenshot from ResearchGate

In other words, this study also found evidence of micro clots in COVID victims.

Micro clots caused by COVID vaccines

All the results on micro clots in COVID and long COVID victims should be seen as holding for the same type clots in vaccinated people.

The work of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is critical.  He has noted:

“immune and blood-related categories of risks from vaccines: (1) Clotting from the direct action of spike protein in the bloodstream; (2) Further clotting from the immune system attacking spike-producing endothelial cells.”  This too was said: “The RNA injected into your body [from vaccines] are going to enter the cells that line blood vessels.  He points to spiny spike protein that these cells will generate and protrude outwards to attract blood platelets and form micro-clots.  Days after vaccination, white blood cells known as lymphocytes as well as antibodies will begin to mount an attack against these cells.  If you dare to repeat this (get the second jab), “God help you” warns Dr Bhakdi.”  He warned about the blood clot side-effects months before the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines.

Canadian doctor blew the whistle about micro clots from vaccines

Months ago in July 2021 a brave and smart Canadian doctor, Charles Hoffe, went public with his findings on COVID vaccinated patients.  Using the d-dimer test of blood he found that 62% of hundreds of his vaccinated patients had high numbers indicating the presence of micro blood clots.  A d-dimer test measures the amount of degraded fibrin in the blood.

He did more than just release that finding.  He said that the use of mRNA vaccines would “kill most people through heart failure.”  This supports invoking vaccine shots as a cause of what is now being associated just with long COVID.

In plain language he said that the mRNA shots are programmed to turn a person’s body into a spike protein “factory,” and that over time these mass-produced spike proteins cause progressive blood clotting.

He said what other medical experts have expressed, namely that only 25 percent of the ‘vaccine’ injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm.  The other 75 percent is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA invade your body.  And in a single dose of Moderna ‘vaccine’ there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules.

Dr. Hoffe said that while these packages were designed by Big Pharma to be absorbed directly into people’s cells, the only place they can actually be absorbed is around the blood vessels and into capillary networks, which are the tiniest blood vessels where blood flow is slow and where genes are released.

“Your body then gets to work reading and then manufacturing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins,” he said.  “Each gene can produce many, many spike proteins. The body then recognizes these are foreign bodies so it makes antibodies against it so you are then protected against COVID.  That’s the idea.”

Now we know that this theory does not assure destruction of the virus or transmission of it, nor effective immunity.

Here is what you need to understand: Though the claim has long been that these spike proteins act as a deterrent to viral infection after being injected into a person’s body, the reality is that they actually become part of the cell wall of a person’s vascular endothelium or linings of the blood vessels.  In very small diameter blood vessels, the spikes have a big impact on blood flow.

Your blood vessels are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly.  After spike proteins invade your body the small blood vessels have these little spikey bits sticking out which impede blood flow and can cause clots.  And if you get a lot of clots, then your blood platelet count can greatly decrease, and this can lead to bleeding problems.

Dr. Hoffe says it is an inevitability that the vaccine injected will develop blood clots because as the vaccine-inserted spike proteins embed themselves within blood vessels and capillaries, blood platelets circulate around trying to fix the problem by creating increasingly more clots.

“So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel,” he writes.  Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots.  They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed.”

What must be remembered is that these blood clots are different than the “rare” ones spoken about by physicians that show up on CT scans and MRIs or even ultrasound images.  These are microscopic and do not show up on those tests; they can be detected using the d-dimer blood test, that is not routinely used.

Why some people do not get the clots is not entirely clear.  They may benefit from a very healthy vascular system.

“The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot [regenerate],” he said. “When those tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are permanently damaged.”  That is the deadly issue for understanding why there are huge numbers of vaccinated people who have suffered death or a broad array of serious health impacts from COVID vaccines.


The central medical thesis of this analysis is that micro clots are a condition in three groups: those infected by the COVID virus, those suffering from long COVID, and those who have received COVID mRNA vaccines.  The harmful health impacts in all three groups are extensive and myriad.  Ordinary medical testing does not find micro clots.  Most physicians seem oblivious to this blood disorder and its impacts on the body, including serious cardiac conditions and deaths.


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This article was originally published on Pandemic Blunder Newsletter.

Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder and many articles and podcasts on the pandemic, worked on health issues for decades, and his Pandemic Blunder Newsletter is on Substack. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine.

As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers.  He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years. 

He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors and a regular contributor to Global Research

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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The New York Times, floundering in the deep waters of truth and desperately trying to stay afloat in the shallows by continuing its history of lying for its CIA masters, has just published a front page of propaganda worthy of the finest house organs of totalitarian regimes.  Right below its February 26, 2022 headline denouncing Russia and Putin as evil dogs pursuant to the American empire’s dictates concerning Ukraine, it posts an unflattering photo of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sandwiched between American flags with the title of its hit piece, “A Kennedy’s Crusade Against Covid Vaccines Anguishes Family and Friends.”

Screenshot from the New York Times

It’s an exquisite juxtaposition: Putin as Hitler and Kennedy as a junior demon, suggestive of the relationship between C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape and his nephew Wormwood in The Screwtape Letters.  Evil personified.

The Times is big into anguish these days, not only for Nazis in Ukraine and upper class apartment hunters who can’t find a place for less than a few million, but for Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s family and friends.  It’s very touching.  That his sister, Kerry Kennedy, would harshly criticize him once again is genuinely pathetic, but of course she has to add how much she loves him, ostensibly to take the sting out of her inability to remain sisterly silent.

If he is so wrong about his work with Children’s Health Defense and his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, rather than ripping him to the press, why doesn’t she or her siblings, who agree with her, write a comprehensive article or book refuting his facts?

They don’t because they can’t; so the next best thing is to criticize their brother to media glad for any way to disparage the Kennedys.  One senses a very weird masochistic family dynamic at work.

Kennedy’s siblings do not seem to understand why the media have been attacking him for years.  His stance on vaccines and Anthony Fauci are the cover story they use to criticize him, and his siblings don’t get it.  That their brother has become a major thorn in the side of the CIA escapes them, the CIA that has caused so much devastation to their family and the world.  The CIA that has been deeply involved in the global vaccine push, working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc.  Calling your brother brilliant while ignoring his book’s searing, evidence-based indictment of the intelligence-run Covid-19 operation is more than sad, especially when doing so to The New York Times, the CIA’s paper of record together with The Washington Post.

Character assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is what the CIA and its media mouthpieces have been doing for years. This has become more and more necessary as they have realized the great growing danger he poses to their agenda. Calling him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and names far worse, is part of a concerted smear campaign to turn the public away from his message, which is multi-faceted and supported by deep research and impeccable logic. Like his father and uncle, he has become an irrepressibly eloquent opponent of the demonic forces intent on destroying the democratic dream.

The Times article by Adam Nagourney is a blatant hatchet job filled with sly jabs, innuendos, and ignorant lies.  As is par for the course, his hack piece completely avoids Kennedy’s arguments but relies on a form of social gossip that substitutes for logic and evidence.  He seems to have learned much from The National Enquirer and The New York Post’s “Page Six” whose styles the NY Times has emulated.

Nagourney tells the reader that RFK, Jr.’s work as the face of the vaccine resistance movement has “tested,” “rattled,” “anguished,” and “mystified” family, friends and his Hollywood crowd; that this man “of the often troubled life” …. “has effectively used his talent and one of the most prominent names in American political history as a platform for fueling resistance to vaccines that could save countless lives.”

Translation: Kennedy, a Hollywood hobnobber and former drug addict, is so mentally unbalanced that he will betray his family and friends and kill people with medical advice that runs counter to the truth.

No evidence is required to establish this “truth,” just Nagourney’s word and those of those he can get to say the same thing, in other words.  Such as:

His conduct ‘undercuts 50 years of public health vaccine practice, and he’s done it in a way I’ve never see [sic] anyone else do it,’ said Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. ‘He is among the most dangerous because of the credibility of who he is and what his family name has brought to this issue.’

Notice the implication:  that these experimental mRNA so-called vaccines have been around 50 years and Kennedy is against all vaccines, both of which are false.

Furthermore, Nagourney says RFK, Jr. not only “inveighs” against vaccines, especially Covid vaccinations, but has adopted other weird “unorthodox” views (implication: orthodox views are good) over the years.

One is his claim that Sirhan Sirhan did not kill his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  Nagourney might do a smidgen of research and discover that Kennedy is correct; but doing so would disrupt the flow of his ad hominem attack.  All serious writers on the case know that the senator was not shot by Sirhan; they know there are deep CIA connections to the assassination. The evidence conclusively proves, as the autopsy has shown, that Sirhan was in front of the senator when he fired his pistol but RFK was shot from the rear at very close range with all bullets entering his body from the rear.  Nagourney either knows nothing about the assassination or is dissembling the facts, which must be “unorthodox.”

Sounding like a U.S. government spokesmen telling the press something is true without an iota of evidence, he writes the following sentence as if it were true simply because he wrote it, while making sure not to mention the book’s title – The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy – a brilliant, deeply researched and sourced book The Times will not review:

In a best-selling new book, he claimed that Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who is President Biden’s top medical adviser for the coronavirus pandemic, and Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, were in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry to profiteer off dangerous vaccines.

Notice Nagourney’s insidious method.  State RFK’s claim as if it’s false because Nagourney stated it, when in fact it is so abundantly true and backed up by massive evidence that if Nagourney dared to engage in actual journalism by checking Kennedy’s book he would discover it.  But his job is not to search for truth but to defile a man’s reputation. He accuses Kennedy of circulating false information on the coronavirus and the vaccines but of course doesn’t say what that is or why it is false.

His entire article is an ad hominem attack by statement with the author cunningly hidden behind deceitful objectivity.

He writes:

To the public distress of his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, Mr. Kennedy invoked Anne Frank, the young German-Dutch diarist who died in a Nazi prison camp, as he compared government measures for containing the pandemic with the Holocaust at that rally in Washington.

However, that is not what he said.  He said that during the Holocaust Anne Frank could hide for a while and others could flee out of Germany, but with the new “turnkey totalitarianism” being introduced today, which is technological, it will be harder to escape, for every aspect of life will be monitored by the authorities in a digital dystopia. Such a perspective is in no way unusual, for it is shared by many scholars of technology and only the most naïve would consider it eccentric. His point and words were twisted to serve others’ purposes and to paint him as an insensitive Holocaust denier.  Here’s what he said:

What we’re seeing today is what I call turnkey totalitarianism. They are putting in place all of these technological mechanisms for control we’ve never seen before. It’s been the ambition of every totalitarian state since the beginning of mankind to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct, of thought and to obliterate dissent. None of them have been able to do it. They didn’t have the technological capacity.

Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did. I visited in 1962 East Germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped, so it was possible. Many died … but it was possible.

Yet his sister Kerry also ripped him for making a statement that was clearly true if you accept his argument about the technological lockdowns in progress.  You can disagree (I don’t) but to impugn his intentions and his words is really despicable, but Nagourney adds it to his ad hominem attacks, making sure to include his sister Kerry’s Tweet:

Bobby’s lies and fear-mongering yesterday were both sickening and repulsive. I strongly condemn him for his hateful rhetoric.

Nagourney: “ Even his most prominent critics say they do not doubt his sincerity, even as he has become one of the most prominent spreaders of misinformation on vaccines.”

Translation: RFK, Jr. means well but he’s deluded.

Big Daddy Fauci is introduced to tell the young whippersnapper the following after Kennedy delivered a briefing at The National Institutes of Health:

When it was over, Dr. Fauci walked Mr. Kennedy out of the conference room.

“I said, ‘Bobby, I’m sorry we didn’t come to any agreement here,’” he said. “‘Although I disagree factually with everything you are saying, I do understand and I respect that deep down you are really concerned about the safety of children.’ I said that in a very sincere way.”

Condescension and sincerity overflow as the “conspiracy theorist” patient is told by the good doctor that he means well but needs help.

Then, making sure to include The New York Times endlessly repeated CIA talking point, our no-nothing author writes:

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, his uncle, in 1963, when Robert was 9, helped foster a modern culture of conspiracy theories. Now, many of the arguments that Mr. Kennedy has embraced — including that Dr. Fauci is part of a “historic coup d’état against Western democracy” — recall the theories of a secret assassin helping Lee Harvey Oswald from the grassy knoll in Dallas.

That it was the CIA that weaponized the use of the term “conspiracy theory” in a 1967 dispatch – #1035-960 – in order to disparage those questioning The Warren Commission and it’s cover-up of the CIA’s role in JFK’s assassination is another fact that our fair-minded scribe conveniently omits while insidiously implying that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.  Yes, there are magic bullets and magical tricks used to make sure RFK, Jr. is seen as a “sincere” nutcase.

RFK, Jr. has been and is an astute critic of the CIA and all its machinations, including its involvement in the assassinations of his uncle JFK, his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy, its involvement in the COVID propaganda, and in its extensive deadly deeds and disinformation at home and abroad.  His critical siblings praise him for his great intelligence and political acumen but seem clueless themselves.  So they ally with the same media that have been stenographers for the CIA.  The Kennedy family may be very well known, but in these ways they are very typical of American families that are divided by those who know and those who don’t know who the real devils are.

But let me make two final points about this sickening piece of character assassination.

RFK, Jr. has spent decades as an environmental lawyer fighting the pollution of our air, earth, and water.  In other words, the pollution also of human beings who live in nature while nature lives in us. Some people know the outside and the inside are connected.  Yet Nagourney bemoans the tragic turn he took from such good work with the environment to such terrible work with Children’s Health Defense and vaccines. He writes:

The swerve in Mr. Kennedy’s career, from the environment to vaccines, is particularly startling because for many family members and other Kennedy associates, Robert Kennedy Jr. is the sibling who most recalls the level of charisma and political appeal of his late father.

Startling?  No, very consistent for one who can think.  There is an obvious link between the major corporate polluters of the outside environment and the major polluters of human bodies.  Big pharmaceutical, oil, chemical, agribusiness, military, etc. are an interrelated lot of criminal enterprises despoiling all life on earth.  Kennedy’s lifetime work has followed a natural trajectory and underlying it all is his critique of the CIA and its media accomplices, such as The New York Times.

Yes, those family and friends who say he’s brilliant are right, and he is following in his father’s footsteps in ways they do not grasp; for he is able to connect the dots, diagnose the patterns, and expose with facts the criminal syndicates that are destroying democracy and so many lives.

The reason The New York Times publishes hit pieces like this and does not review his recent books is because his critique of these nefarious forces has gained a large audience and as a result many people are awakening to the truths concealed by the likes of the paper of record” with its propaganda.

Hit pieces like Nagourney’s should cause anyone reading it intense “anguish.”  There is nothing “mystifying” about it.

It’s simply disgraceful and deceitful.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

He is the author of Seeking the Truth in a Country of Lies

To order his book click the cover page.

“Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a dazzling journey into the heart of many issues — political, philosophical, and personal — that should concern us all.  Ed Curtin has the touch of the poet and the eye of an eagle.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Edward Curtin puts our propaganda-stuffed heads in a guillotine, then in a flash takes us on a redemptive walk in the woods — from inferno to paradiso.  Walk with Ed and his friends — Daniel Berrigan, Albert Camus, George Orwell, and many others — through the darkest, most-firefly-filled woods on this earth.” James W. Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

“A powerful exposé of the CIA and our secret state… Curtin is a passionate long-time reform advocate; his stories will rouse your heart.” Oliver Stone, filmmaker, writer, and director

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

The guilty can be devious in concealing their crimes, and their role in them.  The greater the crime, the more devious the strategy of deception.  The breaking of international law, and the breaching of convention, is a field replete with such figures.

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has presented a particularly odious grouping, a good number of them neoconservatives, a chance to hand wash and dry before the idol of international law.  Law breakers become defenders of oracular force, arguing for the territorial integrity of States and the sanctity of borders, and the importance of the UN Charter.

Reference can be made to Hitler’s invasions during the Second World War with a revoltingly casual disposition, a comparison that seeks to eclipse the role played by other gangster powers indifferent to the rule and letter of international comity.

Speculation can be had that the man in the Kremlin has gone mad, if he was ever sane to begin with.  As Jonathan Cook writes with customary accuracy, western leaders tend to find it convenient “that every time another country defies the West’s projection of power, the western media can agree on one thing: that the foreign government in question is led by a madman, a psychopath or a megalomaniac.”

It might well be said that the US-led Iraq invasion in 2003 was a product of its own mental disease, the product of ideological and evangelical madness, accompanied by a conviction that states could be forcibly pacified into a state of democracy.  Where there was no evidence of links between Baghdad and al-Qaeda operatives responsible for the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, it was simply made up.

The most brazen fiction in this regard was the claim that Iraq had the means to fire weapons of mass destruction at Europe within 45 minutes.  Showing that farce sometimes precedes tragedy, that assessment was cobbled from a doctoral dissertation.

When the invasion, and subsequent occupation of Iraq, led to sectarian murderousness and regional destabilisation, invigorating a new form of Islamicist zeal, the neocons were ready with their ragbag excuses.  In 2016, David Frum could offer the idiotic assessment that the “US-UK intervention offered Iraq a better future.  Whatever [the] West’s mistakes: sectarian war was a choice Iraqis made for themselves.” Such ungrateful savages.

On Fox News Sunday, this nonsense was far away in the mind of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  She could merely nod at the assertion by host Harris Faulkner that “when you invade a sovereign nation, that is a war crime… I mean, I think we’re at just a real, basic, basic point there.”

Jaw-droppingly to those familiar with Rice’s war drumming in 2003, she agreed that the attack on Ukraine was “certainly against every principle of international law and international order.”  That explained why Washington was “throwing the book at [the Russians] now in terms of economic sanctions and punishments is also part of it.”  She also felt some comfort that Putin had “managed to unite NATO in ways that I didn’t think I would ever see again after the end of the Cold War.”

As Bush’s National Security Advisor, Rice was distinctly untroubled that her advice created a situation where international law would be grossly breached.  She was dismissive of the role played by UN weapons inspectors and their failed efforts in finding those elusive weapons of mass destruction and evidence of an Iraqi nuclear program. “The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons,” she warned in 2002.  “But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”

As the seedy conspiracy to undermine security in the Middle East and shred the UN Charter gathered place in 2002, those against any Iraq invasion were also denouncing opponents as traitors, or at the very least wobbly, on the issue of war.  Frum, writing in March 2003, was particularly bothered by conservatives against the war – the likes of Patrick Buchanan, Robert Novak, Thomas Fleming, and Llewellyn Rockwell.  Thankfully, they were “relatively few in number, but their ambitions are large.”  They favoured “a fearful policy of ignoring threats and appeasing enemies.”

In the Ukraine conflict, the trend has reasserted itself.  Neoconservatives are out to find those appeasing types on the Right – and everywhere else.  “Today,” rues Rod Dreher, “they’re denouncing us on the Right who oppose war with Russia as Neville Chamberlains.”  Conservatives are mocked for daring to understand why Russia might have an issue with NATO expansion, or suggest that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is not, in the end, of vital interest to Washington.  “It’s Chamberlain’s folly,” comes the improbable claim from Matt Lewis of The Daily Beast, “delivered with a confident Churchillian swagger.”

A more revealing insight into neoconservative violence, the lust for force, and an almost admiring take on the way Putin has behaved, can be gathered in John Bolton’s recent assessment of the invasion.  Bolton, it should be remembered, detests the United Nations and was, just to show that President George W. Bush had a sense of humour, made US ambassador to it.  For him, international law is less a reality than a guide ignored when power considerations are at play – an almost Putinesque view.

Almost approvingly, he writes in The Economist of the need to “pay attention to what adversaries say.”  He recalls Putin’s remark about the Soviet Union’s disintegration as being the 20th century’s greatest catastrophe.  He notes those efforts to reverse the trend: the use of invasions, annexations and the creation of independent states, and the adoption of “less kinetic means to bring states like Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan into closer Russian orbits.”

With a touch of delight, Bolton sees that “the aggressive use of military force is back in style.  The ‘rule-based international order’ just took a direct hit, not that it was ever as sturdy as imagined in elite salons and academic cloisters.”  And with that, the war trumpet sounds.  “World peace is not at hand.  Rhetoric and virtue-signalling are no substitute for new strategic thinking and higher defence budgets.”  In this equation, the UN Charter is truly doomed.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: At the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on Baghdad, known as “shock and awe.” (Source: Consortiumnews)

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the western public has been carpet bombed with the claim that Russian president Vladimir Putin is some sort of unhinged madman. This notion is being feverishly spread by the establishment and those in its pay: the political class, the media and the commentariat, career diplomats and technocrats as well as those connected to the security and intelligence communities.

The most remarkable thing about the Mad Vlad claim is that it is obviously false.

Whatever Vladimir Putin may be, he is certainly no madman. This much should be obvious to everyone with eyes to see.

A former KGB operative, Vladimir Putin is a wily person of demonstrated ability. After all, he managed to bring control and order to a vast country which was largely in disarray when he took over at the age of 48. He adroitly managed to keep himself in power for over two decades while navigating and overcoming a number of crises and challenges along the way. Through it all, he has shown himself to be intelligent, steel-willed, calculating, shrewd, self-controlled, determined and patient.

These are hardly the qualities of a lunatic.

We have dealt with Putin for 22 years and during that whole time no one seriously suggested or maintained that he was crazy. Quite to the contrary, for almost a decade after his ascent he was viewed as a capable man of considerable talents.

For years the Western establishment considered Putin a “man with whom we could do business.” He was seen as “liberal, humane, and decent European.” He was described as a person of “’alert, controlled poise’ and ‘well-briefed acuity,’ who was open to anything, even Russia joining NATO.”

And yet less than a week ago, on the day he invaded Ukraine, Vladimir Putin was nearly unanimously declared – contrary to all evidence of the past twenty years – a “madman” by members of the Western establishment.

The question is, why did they decide to suddenly gaslight and brainwash people with such a patent lie that so obviously contravenes reality?

Here is the answer: They did this to hide and conceal the gargantuan blunder they have committed over Ukraine.

By convincing the public that Putin is a madman, they can portray his move on Ukraine as an irrational, unexpected, impulsive and unjustifiable act of an unbalanced mind.

Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Putin’s move was not irrational, impulsive or unjustifiable. And it was certainly not unexpected.

For years Putin had warned that inclusion of Ukraine in NATO was a red line for Russia. It should not be difficult to understand his position. It is not unreasonable for Russia to object to the presence of what it perceives to be a hostile military alliance on its border with a country that has historically been either part of Russia or within its sphere of influence. Russia does not want to allow such a threat to its security for similar reasons the United States would not allow Russia to build a military base in Cuba.

In their drive to implement a New World Order, however, Western globalists have been dismissive of Russia’s security concerns. Russia continued its strenuous objections and warned that if they were not taken seriously, they would take the necessary action to keep Ukraine out of NATO. The last time Russia made this clear was in November of last year.

This is how Wikipedia describes this occasion:

“On 30 November 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that an expansion of NATO’s presence in Ukraine, especially the deployment of any long-range missiles capable of striking Russian cities or missile defence systems similar to those in Romania and Poland, would be a “red line” issue for Russia. Putin asked U.S. President Joe Biden for legal guarantees that NATO would not expand eastward or put “weapons systems that threaten us in close vicinity to Russian territory.”

Do you want to know what kind of response Putin received to his legitimate security concerns? It was given by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. This is what he told Putin:

“It’s only Ukraine and 30 NATO allies that decide when Ukraine is ready to join NATO. Russia has no veto, Russia has no say, and Russia has no right to establish a sphere of influence to try to control their neighbors.”

Do you get the insult and the humiliation of this response? Not only the pompous globalist Stoltenberg refused to address Russia security fears, he implied that pip-squeak countries like North Macedonia, Portugal – who happened to be members of NATO – have a greater say than Russia in whether a large country that it borders joins the alliance.

Having ridden roughshod over their populations for nearly two years with their lockdown and vaccine regime, the Western globalists grew arrogant, overbearing and overconfident. They lost touch with reality and assumed that everyone would submit to their chicanery in the same way that their own docile populations went along with their random edicts and mandates.

Putin, however, would not bend to the globalist chicanery and did exactly what he had kept warning about for years if Russian concerns were not adequately addressed: He invaded Ukraine to stop NATO’s expansion into the country with which he shares nearly 1000 kilometres of border, and which once hosted Russia’s capital.

The invasion of Ukraine was a pre-announced, rational act of a strongman who felt increasingly encircled and threatened by what he deems to be an antagonistic military bloc.

Putin’s move came as a great shock to the Western elites who could have not imagined someone standing up to them in such a bold way. They were completely unprepared for the obvious and went into panic mode as they realized how many innocent lives could be lost to their incompetence and pomposity.

As the Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Putin exposed the globalists’ hubris and ineptitude. As the Russian military advanced speedily through the vast expanses of that land, the shocked elitists were nowhere to be seen. It was only the heart-breaking bravery of the Ukrainian people that saved them from complete exposure and humiliation.

And it is at this juncture that their patently absurd “Putin is a madman” misinformation play comes in.

The “Putin is a madman” canard is meant to shift the blame in the eyes of the public for the Ukrainian tragedy on the allegedly irrational act of a “crazy” man rather than assigning it to the right people: the overbearing, domineering, arrogant Western globalists who treated the legitimate security concerns of a great nuclear power with contempt.

In Putin they encountered reality in the form of an unyielding cunning strongman who would not yield to their edicts and hollow pronouncements in the submissive way they were used to from their own badgered populations.

They were in for a rude awakening. For two years the pompous globalists had been enriching themselves while tormenting peoples of the world with their useless and destructive lockdowns and dangerous and largely ineffective injections. If you think this is a harsh exaggeration, please read this from Yahoo News:

“Lockdowns during the first COVID-19 wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% in the U.S. and Europe, according to a Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of several studies. “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted,” the researchers wrote. “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” The researchers – Johns Hopkins University economics professor Steve Hanke, Lund University economics professor Lars Jonung, and special advisor at Copenhagen’s Center for Political Studies Jonas Herby – analyzed the effects of lockdown measures such as school shutdowns, business closures, and mask mandates on COVID-19 deaths.”

While the people suffered under their nonsensical edicts, the globalists kept accumulating untold riches. Consider this headline from CNN: “As millions fell into poverty during the pandemic, billionaires’ wealth soared.”

Greedy for ever more money, the globalists sought to pull Ukraine into their World Order so they could suck out money from it to line up their own pockets even further. They have been shown the way by none other than Globalist-in-Chief Joe Biden whose family has already siphoned millions of dollars out of Ukraine via his son Hunter. It is fully in character that Biden is also a Covidista par excellence who forced millions of unwilling Americans to take the Covid injections by pressuring employers to institute illegal mandates.

Now the globalists’ arrogance and ruthlessness got us into the Ukrainian crisis where we face the possibility of nuclear war.

The clever guys that they always are, the wreckers who got us into this mess have already managed to blame it all on the Mad Vlad.


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Last Friday, I expressed my increasing concern, echoing those of world leaders and citizens of the world alike, over the events unfolding in Ukraine.

Today, I wish to announce that I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine, as rapidly as possible.

Ukraine is not a State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or the “Court”), so cannot itself refer the situation to my Office. But it has twice exercised its prerogatives to legally accept the Court’s jurisdiction over alleged crimes under the Rome Statute occurring on its territory, should the Court choose to exercise it. The first declaration lodged by the Government of Ukraine accepted ICC jurisdiction with respect to alleged crimes committed on Ukrainian territory from 21 November 2013 to 22 February 2014. The second declaration extended this time period on an open-ended basis to encompass ongoing alleged crimes committed throughout the territory of Ukraine from 20 February 2014 onwards.

I have reviewed the Office’s conclusions arising from the preliminary examination of the Situation in Ukraine, and have confirmed that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with opening an investigation. In particular, I am satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to believe that both alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed in Ukraine in relation to the events already assessed during the preliminary examination by the Office. Given the expansion of the conflict in recent days, it is my intention that this investigation will also encompass any new alleged crimes falling within the jurisdiction of my Office that are committed by any party to the conflict on any part of the territory of Ukraine.

I have already tasked my team to explore all evidence preservation opportunities. The next step is to proceed with the process of seeking and obtaining authorisation from the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Court to open an investigation. An alternative route set out in the Statute that could further expedite matters would be for an ICC State Party to refer the situation to my Office, which would allow us to actively and immediately proceed with the Office’s independent and objective investigations.

I will also be asking for the support of all States Parties and the international community as a whole as my Office sets about its investigations.  I will be calling for additional budgetary support, for voluntary contributions to support all our situations, and for the loan of gratis personnel. The importance and urgency of our mission is too serious to be held hostage to lack of means.

I will continue to closely follow developments on the ground in Ukraine, and again call for restraint and strict adherence to the applicable rules of international humanitarian law.

If anyone has information relevant to the Situation, this can be submitted to my Office via: [email protected].


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Racism Thrives in Western Liberal Europe and Ukraine

March 3rd, 2022 by Steven Sahiounie

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Black Lives Matter, except on the Polish-Ukraine border. In a blatant show of racism, African students fleeing the fighting in Ukraine were refused entry into Poland because of the color of their skin. It would appear that Europe might be western and a liberal democracy, but they also have a serious problem with racism.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has called on Poland to let in all people who are trying to flee Ukraine, saying they “have the same right to safe passage under U.N. convention, and the color of their passport or their skin should make no difference.”

Emily, a 24-year-old medical student from Kenya, told the Guardian that she was able to reach a hotel in Warsaw only to be refused a room because she was Black. She was told by hotel staff the rooms were only for Ukrainians.

Isaac, a Nigerian man trying to get into Poland, told the BBC that Polish border staff told him they were “not tending to Africans“.

“They stopped us at the border and told us that Blacks were not allowed. But we could see White people going through,” said Moustapha Bagui Sylla, a student from Guinea told France24. He said he fled his university residence in Kharkiv as soon as the bombing began.

“They won’t let Africans in. Blacks without European passports cannot cross the border (…). They’re pushing us back just because we’re Black!” said Michael, a Nigerian student to France24. “We’re all human,” he added. “They should not discriminate against us because of the colour of our skin.”

How people look, the color of their skin and hair, as well as the language they speak, and where their grandparents came from are all sources of racism, and the western liberal media has a problem with racism as well.

On Saturday, David Sakvarelidze, Ukraine’s former deputy general prosecutor, spoke to the BBC, suggesting that it was harder for him to watch white people fleeing conflict.

“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed,” he said.

NBC News correspondent Kelly Cobiella also came under fire from fellow journalists after she stated on air that “these are not refugees from Syria, these are refugees from Ukraine… They’re Christian, they’re white, they’re very similar.”

Racism turned to genocide in the case of the Armenian Genocide, the first time that term was used, when the Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1916 killed 1.5 million Armenians and Syrian Christians. Later, Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party used the Armenian Genocide as an example to follow when killing Jews and others in Europe.

Russian President Putin has accused Ukraine of Genocide in the Donbas region. Just days before Putin gave the order to enter Ukraine the new German leader Olaf Scholz stated publically that Putin’s accusation was “ridiculous”.

Christian Amanpour of CNN interviewed Dmitri Trenin of the Carnegie Moscow Center on February 23.  Trenin commented that Olaf Scholz’s very undiplomatic ridicule of Putin’s accusation of Genocide may have been a contributing factor leading Putin to giving the final order to enter Ukraine.

According to Trenin,

“…the inefficiency of the Minsk process, the Germans, the French, and the Americans failing to convince Minsk — to convince Kyiv to fulfill Minsk, the chance remark by the German chancellor about genocide in Donbas being ridiculous, and the comment by President Zelensky of Ukraine that maybe it’s time to revisit the non-nuclear status of Ukraine. Those things, I think, may have been the proverbial straws that broke the camel’s back.”

Genocide is a very powerful accusation.  The Azov Battalion is one of several Nazi (White Supremacist) militias operating in Ukraine and officially integrated into the Ukrainian Army.  The UN has accused them of war crimes.  Russia has filed a report with the United Nations alleging that Ukraine’s military has committed “crimes” against residents of the eastern Donbas region, according to documents viewed by the Wall Street Journal.

In 2014, a civil war broke out in the Donbas region of Donetsk and Lugansk. Residents there were made up of ethnic Russians who speak Russian. More than 14,000 people have lost their lives in seven years of conflict in Donbas.  The Ukrainians had arms, militias and were allowed and encouraged by the central government in Kyiv to target and kill the Russians living in Ukraine.  This is called ethnic cleansing, and was part of the President Volodymr Zelensky government policy.  Mass graves, destroyed homes and racism from 2014 to 2022 evolved into a full scale war.

If the Zelensky government was the western, liberal democracy that the US, EU and NATO claimed they are, then why didn’t they ever eradicate the Azov Battalion, and the others like it?  Why was the Donbas allowed to suffer and fester under the stench of ethnic cleansing?

Black lives matter and Russian lives matter.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist, and Chief editor of MidEastDiscourse News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from @AM_Friedman/Twitter

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

With a determination and cruelty reminiscent of the Roman Catholic Inquisition, the forces that have lined up to manufacture a sensationalist narrative about Russian figure skater Kamilia Valieva, and all of Russia’s athletes in general, have succeeded in destroying her as a human being on every knowable level of her identity.  At least, for the present time. These forces brandishing their pitchforks impugned her personal integrity by accusing her of cheating, criticized her failure to withstand their unrelenting pressure and posting of humiliating photographs, shunned her as a legitimate Olympic athlete (Team USA walked out in protest as she was about to perform), and insulted both her coach Eteri Tutberidze and her native country of Russia.

So many aspects of this incident are beyond troubling in moral and ethical terms, but one unexplored subject can reveal a deeper malaise suffered by the sports and political elites who engineered this fiasco.  It is the two-headed monster of self-perpetuating envy, and the loss of the feelings for beauty and innocence.  Common sense, reason, and the suspicious and unprofessional handling of the details of the possible doping by Valieva point to a carefully-timed set-up in order to manipulate the relative standings of the figure skaters.  Kamila Valieva did nothing wrong and broke no rules; it is the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) that bent their own rules and guidelines for this type of situation.

But perhaps the loss of the feeling for beauty and innocence is not entirely disconnected from the lack of moral integrity in Western double standards when Russia is concerned. In Russian Orthodoxy religious understandings, national mentality, beauty, and the good are manifestations of each other. Attacks on all things Russian – from denying the Soviet Union’s contribution to the eradication of fascism to attributing to Russians an almost genetic propensity for cheating and lying,[i] to allegations of widespread doping in sports– are designed to strip Russia of any moral authority.  These attacks aim to vilify the country and its people as eternally corrupt and unworthy. It would follow then that Russia does not deserve to be treated as an equal, and it cannot have legitimate security concerns and national interests. Readers can note how often “moral inequivalence” is cited when comparable actions on the part of the West and Russia are discussed.  However, genuine ethics and beauty go hand in hand.

International actors have separated along predictable lines: those who demonize Russia at every turn opine that, of course Valieva “cheated” because she is Russian, while those taking a more reasonable approach argue to wait until all the evidence has been examined.  This same divide is playing out in the immediate aftermath of Pres. Vladimir Putin’s recognition on February 21, 2022 of the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk: Russia’s detractors in the U.S. and European Union are already blaming Russia for a genocide playing out that Russia did not create, while those countries such as China and Serbia manifest an understanding of why Russia carefully made its decision: Draginja Vlk of the Belgrade City Parliament noted that the step Russia took  “‘will help prevent further escalation of conflict and save the people from the danger they are in,’ referring to tens of thousands of refugees currently pouring into Russia.”[ii]

Image on the right: Valieva at the 2019–20 Junior Grand Prix Final (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

One does not have to be an expert on figure skating to recognize the artistic beauty, even fairy-tale-like otherworldliness of this youngest athlete in the Beijing Olympics of 2022 that suffuse each moment of Valieva’s performances.  Her breathtaking, seemingly effortless movements on the ice, combine with a childlike innocence free of the dirt of the world that the “experienced” among us have lost—these qualities have left her admirers spellbound.  Valieva’s artistry and light-as-a-feather physical skills are extraordinary: an NBC Sports commentator noted during Valieva’s short program at the European Figure Skating Championships of 2022, “a talent like this comes along once in a lifetime.”[iii] The same commentator several seconds later called Valieva’s performance “magical.”[iv]

Journalist Finian Cunningham, who refers to Valieva’s skating skills as “sublime, balletic talent,” also points out, “Kamila is a victim of Western media pushing a narrative to justify confrontation against Russia.”[v]  Cunningham continues: “This is nothing short of a campaign to incite conflict in Ukraine against Russia, a conflict that would then serve to justify hitting Russia with economic sanctions, axing the Nord Stream 2 gas project and piling on international opprobrium. The United States is using the crisis over Ukraine to revive Cold War divisions between Russia and the rest of Europe.”[vi]

To be sure, the superb routines of medal-winners Anna Shcherbakova and Alexandra Trusova deserve all the recognition these fine athletes received.  But their awards and accolades should not come at the expense of the ruination of their teammate Valieva.  Just as the Ukrainian government’s ongoing, yet empty promises of peace should not stop the rescuing of the population of Donetsk and Lugansk from the annihilation these people face.

For the envious elites, it is precisely Valieva’s otherworldly beauty and innocence, especially when connected with Russianness, that must be destroyed.  Cunningham notes, “Such a beauty could not be tolerated for it destroyed the US media campaign to otherwise demonize Russia and instill enmity towards that nation.”[vii]  They detest the Russianness that manifests sheer joy and freedom from their control, at the same time envying the culture that could provide such fertile soil for beauty to flourish.  How, they say, can a nation of barbarians and Untermenschen grow such magnificent flowers?  Ultimately, they want to banish the “alien” country that dares to remind them of what they have lost—the feelings for beauty and innocence.  Because beauty is both an aesthetic and spiritual category in which perception of something outside the self can resurrect the human being, it also encompasses feelings for one’s homeland, its flag, and its national anthem.  Perhaps this tearing away of these sources of pride and inspiration for Russian Olympic athletes are part of the carefully curated humiliation imposed on Russia as a result of dubious charges of doping, both individual and institutional.

The circulation of suspicions about institutionalized doping in Russia began after the success of the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games. These were followed a documentary by Hajo Seppelt that exposed some Russian athletes who had used prohibited substances, which initiated two investigations of the matter led by Richard McLaren and later Denis Oswald. Seppelt’s documentary and McLaren’s report rely on the  testimony of only three people: the former head of the Moscow Laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov (the chief culprit under investigation in Russia for providing athletes with doping cocktails) and two whistleblowers, Vitaly Stepanov (an official at the Russian Anti-Doping Agency–RUSADA) and his wife Yuliya (who was disqualified for using performance enhancing substances supplied by her husband).  All three now reside in the US.

Many accusations and moral outrage followed in the media, resulting in various bans and restrictions on Russian athletes. While violations by some athletes did in fact occur, and Russian authorities admitted to serious flaws in the work of RUSADA (headed at that time by Grigory Rodchenkov), statistical data from WADA itself show that Russian violations are not exceptional, while relevant reports provide little evidence to justify the level of hysteria and unprecedented discrimination against clean Russian athletes.

WADA’s 2016 report (curiously removed from WADA’s page) discloses the ten nationalities with the highest number of Anti-Doping Rule Violations[viii]:

In the current doping accusation at the Beijing Olympic Games, the timing of the news of the banned substance found in Valieva’s Sample A test is suspicious.  One recalls that the U.S.-supported coup of Ukraine took place during the Sochi Olympics of 2014.  Is the Valieva event being used as a distraction from the U.S. / NATO’s attempts to better control Ukraine?  Clearly one goal is to attempt to discredit Russia—Russia cheats in sports, Russia wants to invade Ukraine, etc.  This discrediting matters to the U.S. for reasons of attaining economic dominance in oil and natural gas, and specifically concerning the Nordstream II pipeline connecting Russia and Germany.  The project was initiated, not by Russia, but by German and European investors.  The U.S. aims to block Nordstream because it will bring Germany /Europe and Russia closer together.  Thus if Russia is made to look villainous enough, as the logic goes, the Europeans will be too embarrassed to continue Nordstream and will buy US natural gas (the U.S. Department of Energy’s “molecules of freedom”) instead.

The manufactured uproar over Russia’s athletes may ultimately serve as a distraction from the U.S.-NATO / Russia disputes over global security concerns and Russia’s demands that the West guarantee no further enlargement of NATO to the east.  Surely this crisis supports the concepts of a more limited government (rather than the bloat accompanying systems with hundreds of military bases abroad and zeal for interfering in the affairs of foreign countries), disbandment of NATO, lowering of taxes on the American people, and attending to their healthcare, educational, and infrastructure-related needs?

The available evidence suggests that the anti-doping “system” does not work, allowing for politicization of competition and persecution of innocent athletes.  Possible conclusions arise:

  • Why not eliminate anti-doping protocols altogether? The playing field will never be totally level, since human beings are different. Allow athletes to make their own choices about their bodies and the drugs they use or don’t use.
  • Why not disqualify an athlete from the Olympics for life upon a verified (samples A and B) first test of drug use?Apply the principle of zero tolerance, with no exceptions.
  • Have the Olympic Games run their course, and should they be ended?Should a new international sports structure be established to replace the current, clearly biased Olympic Games?  The beauty, fairness, and innocence of the Games has been irretrievably lost.

Arguably the two most Russophobic geographical areas of the world are the U.S. and Western Europe (including the UK).[ix]  In this regard, it is perhaps not surprising that just at the peak of Valieva’s brilliance at the Beijing Olympics, “Two days later the teen’s life was turned into a nightmare after she was unmasked by the little known British media outlet Inside the Games.[x]  It is no coincidence that historically these parts of the world have coveted, often violently, Russia’s natural resources and boundless expanses. Wealthy economically, they have nevertheless become impoverished culturally.  If Europe is, as Dostoevsky famously put it, a “precious cemetery,” how can the U.S. be described?  In its drive for supremacy in all areas and utilitarian worldview, the U.S. privileges function over form.  The concept of beauty and inspiration gained from beautiful things has been forgotten and almost lost.

In architecture, for example, typical schools and public buildings can resemble state prisons.[xi] Russian writer Vladimir Soloukhin remarked on the necessity for beauty for the health of a culture and civilization in a Nobel Symposium lecture titled “Civilization and Landscape,” presented in Göteborg, Sweden on September 12, 1978.  According to Soloukhin, and supported in the essay by his thorough research on the topic, a lack of inspiration can deaden a civilization’s feelings for beauty and understanding of beautiful things in general. He argues convincingly that “people preoccupied with only economic or political considerations may lack one simple criterion: “How will it look?  How will it look today and, moreover, how will it look tomorrow?”[xii] Highly-esteemed medievalist and culturologist Dmitry Likhachev similarly devoted a large body of his writings to articulating connections among beauty, spirituality, and the moral-ethical values of a country.

What happens to a nation that has lost its understanding of beauty?  Soloukhin notes in the lecture, “A feeling for one’s native surroundings has always entered and still enters into a concept as important as love for one’s homeland, along with a feeling for the history of one’s own country and people.”[xiii] We can imagine how distraught Team Russia at the Beijing Olympics felt at not being able to see their country’s flag or hear the Russian national anthem.  These are deeply-rooted and significant symbols underscoring their team’s connection to a particular country and particular culture.

While not intending to tarnish all the people of these two areas of the world, we reasonably suggest that leaders in sports and politics do not arise in a vacuum.  They are perfect products of their cultural environments—and media brainwashing.  If persecution of others and twisting of narratives is how these individuals and groups approach competition, what does this indicate about their countries of origin? Soloukhin reminds us, “Beauty lives in a person’s soul and engenders his or her physical need for it, akin to that for eating and drinking.”[xiv] Have these countries lost their soul, their feelings for beauty and innocence?


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Dr. Valeria Z. Nollan is professor emerita of Russian studies at Rhodes College.  Between 1985-the present she has made over thirty extended research trips to the Soviet Union and Russia.  Her current project is a new biography of Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Dr. Alexandra G. Kostina is associate professor of Russian studies at Rhodes College.  A linguist and folklorist, she hails from Novgorod, Russia and travels extensively to international locations for her research.


[i] See Stephen Cohen’s discussion, which includes a reference to former DNI James Clapper’s statement:,%5Babout%20almost%20any%20other%20group%5D%2C%20and%20nobody%20protested



[iv] Ibid.


[vi] Ibid.

[vii] Ibid.

[viii]  Consortium News also made use of this pie chart on WADA’s website in an article dated August 11, 2016, but for some inexplicable reason the pie chart is no longer available on the WADA site.  See

[ix] See Guy Mettan’s Creating Russophobia: From the Great Religious Schism to Anti-Putin Hysteria (Clarity Press, 2017).

[x]–wild-speculations-1093123491.html.  See also–russia-null-until-b-sample-test-conducted-in-skaters-presence-1093082967.html

[xi] See James Howard Kunstler,

[xii] Vladimir Soloukhin, A Time to Gather Stones [Vremia sobirat’ kamni), trans. Valerie Z. Nollan (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1993), 233.

[xiii] Ibid., 230.

[xiv] Ibid., 232.

Featured image: Kamilia Valieva (Licensed under CC BY 3.0)

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A whistleblower lawsuit alleging fraud during Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials is moving forward, after a district court judge unsealed the complaint, including 400 pages of exhibits.

Brook Jackson in January 2021 sued Pfizer and two companies the drugmaker contracted with to work on the trials: Ventavia Research Group and ICON PLC.

Jackson worked for Ventavia for a brief period in 2020 before being fired after she filed a complaint with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over alleged improprieties she observed during the vaccine trials.

She also gave The BMJ a cache of internal company documents, photos and recordings highlighting alleged wrongdoing by Ventavia.

Jackson filed the complaint in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division, under the False Claims Act. The lawsuit includes several charges of fraud and retaliation on the part of both Ventavia and Pfizer.

The complaint remained under seal until Feb. 10, when U.S. District Court Judge Michael Truncale ordered it unsealed.

Pfizer ‘deliberately withheld crucial information’ about vaccine’s safety

According to Jackson’s lawsuit, Pfizer, Ventavia and ICON “deliberately withheld crucial information from the United States that calls the safety and efficacy of their vaccine into question.”

The lawsuit states:

“Defendants concealed violations of both their clinical trial protocol and federal regulations, including falsification of clinical trial documents.

“Due to [the] Defendants’ scheme, millions of Americans have received a misbranded vaccination which is potentially not as effective as represented.”

The core allegations of Jackson’s lawsuit include claims against Ventavia and Pfizer of:

  • Making or using false records or statements to cause claims to be paid.
  • Presentation of false and/or fraudulent claims.
  • Making or using false records or statements material to false and/or fraudulent claims.
  • Retaliation.

For instance, Jackson alleges:

“From 2020 to the present, Defendants [Ventavia and Pfizer] knowingly made, used, or caused to be made or used, false records or statements that were material to false and/or fraudulent claims paid or approved by the United States [Department of Defense, or DoD]. These false records or statements include the clinical trial protocol Pfizer submitted to the United States and the falsified source documents and data behind Defendants’ trial results and EUA application.

“By creating and carrying out their fraudulent schemes, Defendants knowingly and repeatedly violated … the False Claims Act. Defendants’ false records were material to Pfizer’s claims for payment for the vaccine at issue. The United States DoD would not have paid Pfizer if it knew that the clinical trial protocol was not complied with by Defendants, because the protocol violations call the integrity and validity of both the entire clinical trial and Pfizer’s EUA into question.

“Defendants’ false records also went to the very essence of the bargain the United States contracted for. DoD contracted to purchase vaccines found effective by a valid clinical trial conducted according to the protocol submitted by Pfizer. The integrity of the entire clinical trial was compromised by the trial protocol violations, false source documents, and the false data that resulted, which calls the vaccine’s EUA into question. Had the United States DoD known of Defendants’ false records, it would not have paid Pfizer.

“Defendants’ use, or causation of use, of material false records was a foreseeable factor in the United States DoD’s loss and a consequence of Defendants’ schemes. By virtue of Defendants’ actions, the United States DoD has suffered actual damages and is entitled to recover treble damages plus a civil monetary penalty for each false and/or fraudulent claim.”

Jackson is requesting damages, including back pay, in addition to reinstatement of her position with Ventavia.

Ventavia, which describes itself as the largest privately owned clinical research company in Texas, operated several sites where clinical trials were taking place on behalf of Pfizer.

Jackson, a regional director for Ventavia, was hired by the company when Pfizer contracted with it to conduct its phase 3 vaccine trial.

Jackson, who possessed over 15 years’ worth of experience working with clinical trials, “repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns and data integrity issues” during the approximately two weeks she was employed by Ventavia.

On Sept. 25, 2020, Jackson emailed the FDA, listing a dozen concerns she said she had witnessed. These included:

  • Lack of timely follow-up for patients who experienced adverse events from the trial.
  • Protocol deviations that went unreported.
  • Retaliation against and targeting of Ventavia employees who reported such problems.
  • Trial participants being placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff.
  • Vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures.
  • Wrongly labeled laboratory specimens.

Jackson provided documents indicating falsified data, blind trial failures and awareness on the part of at least one Ventavia executive that members of the company’s staff were “falsifying data.”

Jackson’s documents also provided evidence of administrators who had “no training” or medical certifications, or who provided “very little oversight” during the trials.

Several internal company emails would be copied to a Pfizer official, who would respond to some of the correspondence.

The documentation provided by Jackson also demonstrated that she had discussed with Ventavia executives the possibility of the FDA conducting an unannounced inspection. The executives were described as “dreading” such a possibility.

According to Jackson, she received an acknowledgment email from the FDA and a follow-up phone call from an FDA inspector, but no further communication.

Ventavia fired her within hours of her contacting the FDA.

Ventavia executive on Pfizer vaccine trial: ‘cleanup on aisle five’

As reported by investigative journalist Matt Taibbi, a recording of a Ventavia executive revealed the individual in question referred to the problems with the vaccine trial as “cleanup on aisle five” and that this same executive pressed Jackson as to whether she had revealed information to outsiders.

This led Jackson to contact The BMJ, which in November 2021 published an article based on the evidence she had provided highlighting Ventavia’s repeated failures.

Journalist Paul Thacker, who had previously investigated financial ties between “Big Pharma” and physicians for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, wrote The BMJ article.

In November 2020, Ventavia appeared to have confirmed its knowledge of problems that occurred with the vaccine trial, and claimed that it would conduct an investigation.

Nevertheless, Pfizer continued its relationship with Ventavia, hiring it as a research subcontractor for at least four other trials, including trialing the COVID vaccine for children, young adults, pregnant women and the safety of a booster dose.

The FDA, despite knowledge of the allegations against Pfizer and Ventavia, went ahead and granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, including for children 5 to 11 years old.

The FDA in August 2021 stated that it inspected only nine of the trial’s 153 sites. None of Ventavia’s sites were included. (A 2007 report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General found the FDA inspected only 1% of clinical trial sites).

Ventavia went on the offensive against Jackson, claiming that:

“Ms. Jackson worked for us for only 18 days and, as a result, did not complete the requisite training for the role for which she was hired. We are confident in our practices and procedures in conducting clinical trials, and, should her case move forward, we will respond to the litigation accordingly.”

Ventavia later, in a Feb. 11 statement, modified its claims about Jackson, writing:

“Although Jackson was hired to oversee certain sites and aspects of clinical trials, she was only employed with Ventavia for 18 days, and, as a result, did not have the longevity with the company to complete the training for the role for which she was hired.”

However, according to Thacker, “[s]everal documents show that Jackson worked on Pfizer’s clinical trial.” These documents include a clinical trial delegation log which lists Jackson as a participant.

Also, according to Thacker, dozens of media organizations also failed to issue retractions of their reports which alleged Jackson had no direct involvement with the vaccine trials.

Jackson threatened to file a separate defamation lawsuit against Ventavia over its characterization of her employment.

The BMJ, in turn, was targeted for publishing the report. Facebook throttled the report and issued warnings to its users not to share it, following a report by one of the company’s contracted “fact checkers,” Lead Stories, claiming the report would not “disqualify” the overall trial of the Pfizer vaccine.

Lead Stories went so far as to describe The BMJ as a “blog.”

The BMJ said that it is “considering all available options” in terms of a potential legal claim against Facebook, which recently admitted in a court of law that its “fact checks” are “pure opinion.”

Feds won’t intervene in whistleblower case … for now

The documents pertaining to Jackson’s lawsuit were released after U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys declined to intervene on her behalf in the case.

The DOJ filed a “notice of election to decline intervention,” asking the court to get “written consent” in the event the parties to the lawsuit wish to dismiss or settle the case.

The government also reserved the right to intervene at a later date.

Neither the DOJ lawyers nor the FDA offered an explanation for why the DOJ chose not to intervene.

Jackson said that she was not surprised the federal government opted not to intervene, but expressed her “total disappointment,” adding that “[w]e’re going to pursue the case without the help of the government.”

While Jackson has stated her belief that the likelihood of her case succeeding is low, she also said that “[i]t’s just a chance I have to take. I just feel like somebody has to be held accountable.”

Ventavia also remarked upon the government’s refusal to intervene. Lauren Foreman, the company’s director of business development and communications, wrote in an email to Just the News, “[w]e are gratified the government has declined the case.”

Jackson apparently lost her original Texas-based lawyers in October 2021, but was able to attain new legal representation in December 2021, headed by Los Angeles-based attorney Robert Barnes.

The federal government’s refusal to intervene comes in contrast to the FDA welcoming Pfizer’s offer to intervene in a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the agency.. A federal judge ruled Pfizer must disclose redacted versions of nearly 400,000 pages of documents pertaining to its issuance of an EUA for the Pfizer vaccine.

The FDA claimed it could not release the documents at a fast enough rate to meet the demands of the court or the plaintiffs in the case.

Pfizer then asked the court to intervene, ostensibly to “help” the FDA with the process of releasing the documents.

A federal court rejected Pfizer’s bid to intervene.

Pfizer lobbies to limit False Claims Act

Jackson’s primary lawsuit against Pfizer, Ventavia and ICON pertains to the False Claims Act — a piece of legislation dating back to the Civil War which rewards whistleblowers who file anti-fraud lawsuits against contractors on behalf of the government.

The law, originally enacted in response to defense contractor fraud during the Civil War, has to date returned $67 billion to the U.S. government.

While the False Claims Act has been in place since the Civil War, it was significantly eroded by a 2016 Supreme Court decision, Universal Health Services v. United States, which found a lawsuit filed under the False Claims Act could be dismissed if the contractor in question continued to be paid by the government.

This resulted in a series of federal court decisions in which fraud cases were dismissed, while the DOJ, via its 2018 Granston Memo, instructed government attorneys to reject more False Claims Act lawsuits.

In the two years that followed, dismissals of False Claims Act cases indeed increased.

The decision significantly expanded the scope of a legal principle known as “materiality.” As interpreted by the court, if the government continued paying a contractor despite the contractor’s fraudulent activity, then the fraud was not considered “material” to the contract.

The issue of materiality is a core component of Jackson’s lawsuit against Ventavia, Pfizer and ICON.

Proposed legislation, the False Claims Amendments Act of 2021, which was introduced in Congress in July 2021, would again bolster the law, strengthening the original law’s anti-retaliation provisions by installing new safeguards against industry-level blacklisting of whistleblowers seeking employment.

The proposed act also would adjust the materiality standard to include instances where government payments have continued despite knowledge of fraud.

This could affect Pfizer, which has contracts with the U.S. government to provide COVID vaccines.

The bill passed through committee by a 15-7 vote and was added to the Senate’s legislative calendar on Nov. 16, 2021. However, no action has been taken since.

Perhaps not coincidentally, Pfizer hired a well-connected lobbyist, Hazen Marshall, and the law firm Williams & Jensen to lobby against the False Claims Amendments Act of 2021, as previously reported by The Defender.

Notably, under the terms of a 2009 settlement, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines — the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) — in a False Claims Act case stemming from allegations of illegal marketing of off-label products not approved by the FDA.

Pharmaceutical companies such as AstraZeneca and Merck have also been forced to pay multimillion-dollar settlements resulting from False Claims Act cases.


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

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Dangerous Crossroads: A World War III Scenario at the Height of the Corona Crisis

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 02, 2022

Unprecedented in World history, this diabolical project affecting more than 7 billion people Worldwide was implemented simultaneously and concurrently in the course of the last two years with the planning and strategic deployment of US, NATO and military allied forces against Russia and China.

Pfizer Withdraws EUA Application for COVID Shot in India After Regulator Asks for Independent Safety Study

By Rishma Parpia, March 02, 2022

Pfizer was the first pharmaceutical company to apply for an EUA to distribute a COVID biologic in India in 2021. However, India’s regulatory agency approved two other COVID vaccines that are more cost effective: AstraZeneca/Oxford University’s experimental AZD1222 vaccine and the locally-manufactured BBV152 (“Covaxin”) vaccine by Bharat Biotech.

The Pandemic Has Proven Democracy Is an Illusion

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 02, 2022

As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pulled out all the stops to quash the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, without ever having actually listened to their complaints, a truth emerged, clear as day. Democracy has been an illusion.

Ukraine and the Broader Context of US-NATO Led Wars

By Gavin OReilly, March 02, 2022

Since early last Thursday, in what has seemingly finally brought an end to the two-year long COVID-19 corporate media narrative, a Russian military intervention in neighbouring Ukraine, launched in response to almost nine years of NATO provocations following Kiev coming under the rule of the successive pro-Western governments.

A No-fly Zone in Ukraine Will Backfire

By Aris Roussinos, March 02, 2022

As the Biden administration’s spokeperson Jen Psaki very sensibly observed last night in her attempt to persuade journalists to tone down their rhetoric, a No-Fly Zone “would essentially mean the US military would be shooting down planes, Russian planes. That is definitely escalatory. That would potentially put us in a place where we’re in a military conflict with Russia. That is not something the President wants to do.”

Follow the Money: US Sanctions, Will Russia Be Able to Bypass Western Economic Warfare?

By Pepe Escobar, March 02, 2022

About the possible introduction of a new Russia-China payment system bypassing SWIFT, and combining the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) with the Chinese CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System), Hudson has no doubts “the Russian-China system will be implemented. The Global South will seek to join and at the same time keep SWIFT – moving their reserves into the new system.”

EU Plans to Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine Fall Apart

By Dave DeCamp, March 02, 2022

The plan announced Monday by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrel was meant to give Ukraine old Russian-made MiG-29 and Su-24 fighter jets, which Ukraine’s pilots are already trained to fly. Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovakia were reportedly lined up to transfer the planes, but officials from each country denied the plan.

The State of Our Nation: In the U.S. “Things Are Getting Worse, Not Better”

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 02, 2022

Let me tell you about the state of our nation: things are getting worse, not better. Easily distracted by wall-to-wall news coverage of the latest crisis and conveniently diverted by news cycles that change every few days, Americans remain oblivious to the many governmental abuses that are still wreaking havoc on our freedoms.

International Criminal Justice Bares Its Colonial Fangs

By Robin Philpot, March 02, 2022

The inhuman manner in which the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) treats Rwandans who have been acquitted or who have been freed after serving their sentences obliges us to reexamine totally the body created by the UN Security Council in late 1994 (it is now known as the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, also referred to as the IRMCT or the Mechanism).

Who Gains from a War in Europe? U.S. Targets Supply of Russian Gas to Europe

By Manuel Raposo, March 02, 2022

At this moment, the events in Ukraine are shrouded in the cloud of smoke that characterizes war propaganda. Official positions, rather than clarifying facts and reporting the progress of negotiations, aim to crush their opponents’ arguments and convince public opinion to back one side of the dispute. To understand the role of each of the adversaries, what each of them wants, and how far they can go, we must explore the origins of what is now an extreme conflict.

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Last January, the Minister of Health in the province of Ontario, Christine Elliott, put out a letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO). She indicated that the expression of measures of treatment for the COVID-19 illness practiced and promoted by some doctors that lie outside of what is allowed under the rules of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Canada given the danger of the pandemic was “unacceptable.”

She would urge the CPSO to consider all options to remedy the situation involving such “dissident doctors” including the removal of their license to practice medicine.

Global Research had an opportunity to interview such doctors to hear their side of the story.

They will explain their problems with WHO/Health Canada standards for treating COVID-19, and the price of defying the norm.

The doctors in the interview are Dr Patrick Phillips and Dr Sam Dubé.

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Everyone Loses in the Conflict Over Ukraine

March 2nd, 2022 by Ralph Nader

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

When two scorpions are in a bottle, they both lose. This is the preventable danger that is growing daily with no end game in sight between the two nuclear superpowers led by dictator Vladimir Putin and de facto sole decider Joe Biden.

Putin’s first argument is Washington invented the model of aggressive, illegal invasions, and destruction of distant countries, that never threatened U.S. security.

Millions have died, been injured, and sickened in defenseless countries attacked by U.S. armed forces. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney killed over a million innocent Iraqis and devastated the country in so many ways that scholars called it a “sociocide.”

Putin’s second argument is that Russia is being threatened on its sensitive western border which had been invaded twice by Germany and caused the loss of 50 million Russian lives.

Soon after the Soviet Union collapsed the West’s military alliance against Russia began moving east. Under Bill Clinton, NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) signed up Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic in 1999, leading to major arms sales by the U.S. giant munitions corporations.

More recently, Putin sees U.S. soldiers in these countries, ever closer U.S. missile launchers, U.S.-led joint naval exercises in the Baltic Sea, and intimations that Ukraine and Georgia could soon join NATO. Imagine if the Russians were to have such a military presence around the U.S. borders.

Even often hawkish New York Times columnists – Thomas Friedman and Bret Stephens – made this point this week about the brazen U.S. history of military hypocrisy while tearing into Putin. Stephens brought up the Monroe Doctrine over the entire Western Hemisphere in raising repeatedly the question, “Who are We?”

The chess game between Russia and the West has become more deadly with Putin’s military moves followed by immediate Western sanctions against some Russian banks and oligarchs close to Putin.

Travel bans and freezing the completion of the second major natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany are in place with promises of much more severe economic retaliation by Biden.

These sanctions can become a two-way street. Western Europe needs Russian oil and gas, Russian wheat, and essential Russian minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Sanctions against Russia will soon boomerang in terms of higher oil and gas prices for Europeans and Americans, more inflation, worsening supply chains, and the dreaded “economic uncertainty” afflicting stock markets and consumer spending.

The corporate global economy gave us interdependence on other nations instead of domestic self-reliance under the framework of corporate-managed free trade agreements.

So how many billions of dollars in costs and a weakened economy will Joe Biden tolerate as the price of anti-Putin sanctions that will blowback on the American people?

How much suffering will he tolerate being inflicted on the long-suffering Russian people? What will be the impact on the civilian population of more severe sanctions? And who is he to talk as if he doesn’t have to be authorized by Congress to go further into this state of belligerence, short of sending soldiers, which he said he would not do?

Is Congress to be left as a cheerleader, washing its hands of its constitutional oversight and foreign policy duties?

Also, watch Republicans and Democrats in Congress unify to whoop through more money for the bloated military budget as pointed out by military analyst, Michael Klare.

What energy will be left for Biden’s pending “Build Back Better” infrastructure, social safety net, and climate crisis legislation?

In recent weeks, the State Department said it recognizes Russia’s legitimate security concerns but not its expansionism. Well, what is wrong with a ceasefire followed by support for a treaty “guaranteeing neutrality for Ukraine similar to the enforced neutrality for Austria since the Cold War’s early years,” as Nation publisher and Russia specialist Katrina Vanden Heuvel urged. (See: Katrina vanden Heuvel’s Washington Post article and her recent Nation piece).

Putin, unable to get over the breakup of the Soviet Union probably has imperial ambitions to dominate in Russia’s backyard. Biden has inherited and accepted the U.S. Empire’s ambitions in many other nation’s backyards.

Events have polarized this conflict over Ukraine which is not a security interest for the U.S., into two dominant egos – Putin and Biden – neither of whom want to appear weak or to back down.

This is a dangerous recipe for an out-of-control escalation, much as it was in the lead-up to World War I. Neither the people nor the parliaments mattered then as seems to be the case today.

Putin isn’t likely to make a cost-benefit assessment of each day’s militarism. But Biden better do so. Otherwise, he will be managed by Putin’s daily moves, instead of insisting on serious negotiations.

The Minsk II Peace Accords of February 2015 brokered by Germany, France, and the United Nations, that Russia and Ukraine agreed to before falling apart due to disagreements over who should take the first steps still makes for a useful framework.

It is too late to revisit the accords to stop the invasion but it should be proposed to introduce a climate for waging peace.

Already, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has spoken about an increase in cyberattacks and ransomware demands in her state in recent weeks.

Has Biden put that rising certainty in his self-described decades-long foreign policy expertise?

Watch out for what you can’t stop, Joe.


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Pfizer, Inc. has withdrawn its emergency use authorization (EUA) application for its experimental BNT162b2 (also known as “Comirnaty”) messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 biologic (developed in collaboration with Germany’s BioNTech) in India.1

Pfizer was the first pharmaceutical company to apply for an EUA to distribute a COVID biologic in India in 2021. However, India’s regulatory agency approved two other COVID vaccines that are more cost effective: AstraZeneca/Oxford University’s experimental AZD1222 vaccine and the locally-manufactured BBV152 (“Covaxin”) vaccine by Bharat Biotech.2

During Pfizer’s meeting with India’s drug regulatory agency, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), the pharmaceutical decided to withdraw its application after the regulator requested a local trial on the vaccine’s safety and immunogenicity specifically for Indians.3

After a meeting with Pfizer officials, CDSCO said, “After detailed deliberation, the committee has not recommended grant of permission for emergency use in the country at this stage.”4

Pfizer Refused to Conduct Local Safety Trial for Its COVID Biologic Before Being Denied EUA in India

In order for the CDSCO to grant Pfizer an EUA for BNT162b2, the drugmaker was required to conduct a local clinical trial in India to determine if the vaccine is safe and generates an adequate immune response in its citizens.5

Vinod K. Paul, head of India’s government panel on vaccine strategy said that all foreign developed vaccines have to undergo a “bridging trial” in India in order to receive approval. A “bridging trial” is required to determine the immune response and safety record of the vaccine in population with a different genetic makeup than in Western nations.6

Pfizer applied for an exemption from India’s “bridging trial” requirement by citing that it has received EUA approvals in other countries based on clinical trials conducted in the United States and Germany. Although there are provisions under India’s law to waive the requirements of “bridging trials” in certain circumstances, India’s regulatory agency decided not to waive the requirement for BNT162b2.7

The CDSCO’s website states:

The firm presented its proposal for emergency use authorization of COVID19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b before the committee. The committee noted that incidents of palsy, anaphylaxis and other SAE’s have been reported during post marketing and the causality of the events with the vaccine is being investigated. Further, the firm has not proposed any plan to generate safety and immunogenicity data in Indian population. After detailed deliberation, the committee has not recommended for grant of permission for emergency use in the country at this stage.8

Since BNT162b2 must be stored at a low temperature of minus 94 Fahrenheit, Indian Health Ministry officials said that the biologic is not the best option for the country given that it requires expensive freezers that are not readily available in India.9

Currently, a local pharmaceutical company in India known as Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories is conducting a “bridging trial” for Russia’s COVID vaccine called Sputnik Light (a component of Sputnik V) developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, which is expected to be approved for EUA in India.10


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1 CNBC. Pfizer withdraws application for emergency use of its Covid-19 vaccine in India. Feb. 5, 2022.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Deutsche Welle. India: Pfizer withdraws COVID vaccine application for emergency use. Feb. 5, 2022.

5 Das K. Pfizer drops India vaccine application after regulator seeks local trial. Reuters Feb. 5, 2022.

6 Deutsche Welle. India: Pfizer withdraws COVID vaccine application for emergency use. Feb. 5, 2022.

7 Das K. Pfizer drops India vaccine application after regulator seeks local trial. Reuters Feb. 5, 2022.

8 Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. Recommendations of the SEC meeting to examine COVID-19 related proposal under accelerated approval process made in its 141st meeting held on 03.02.2021 at CDSCO, HQ New Delhi. Feb. 3, 2022.

9 Deutsche Welle. India: Pfizer withdraws COVID vaccine application for emergency use. Feb. 5, 2022.

10 Das K. Pfizer drops India vaccine application after regulator seeks local trial. Reuters Feb. 5, 2022.

Featured image is from TVR

The Pandemic Has Proven Democracy Is an Illusion

March 2nd, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pulled out all the stops to quash the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, it became clear that democracy has been an illusion

For many years, the technocratic elite, with their global authoritarianism goals, have infiltrated governments around the world and pushed for surveillance and national security tools intended to suppress dissent

A key part of that dissent-crushing system is the surveillance apparatus that has been erected. While sold as a tool to hunt down dangerous criminals, its primary purpose is to stifle dissent among peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Financial warfare — banning people from using financial services — is another

Dissent is also stifled by applying criminal terms to those who disagree with the narrative. Case in point: “Anti-vaxxers” and anyone who disagrees with pandemic measures are now labeled domestic terrorists or domestic extremists. Using terms of criminality allows those in power to justify the use of unconstitutional repression and punishment

The U.S. must repeal both the Patriot Act and the new biopreparedness initiative, or else all privacy and freedom will be destroyed


As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pulled out all the stops to quash the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, without ever having actually listened to their complaints, a truth emerged, clear as day. Democracy has been an illusion. That’s the conclusion drawn by Canadian journalist Matthew Ehret in a February 18, 2022, Strategic Culture article.1

“Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny?” Ehret asks.

“Countless thousands of patriots have driven across the country to bunker down in Ottawa in peace and high festive spirits which I had to see with my own eyes to believe demanding something so simple and un-tainted by ideology: freedom to work, provide for families and a respect for basic rights as laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms …

Mainstream media and political hacks have been working overtime to paint the Freedom convoy that converged on Ottawa on January 29 as an ‘insurrectionist movement’ full of ‘white supremacists,’ ‘Russian stooges,’ and ‘Nazis’ out to ‘overthrow the government.’

Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that ‘this is sedition’ and that ‘those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law’ …

Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate.

This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal ‘rules-based’ order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the ‘liberty’ of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony.

The moment genuine self-organized labor movements arise demanding basic rights be recognized, then the masks come off and the rage of tyrants show their true faces.”

Tyrants Are Showing Their True Colors

As reported by Ehret, the Deep State of Canada is now using the Emergency Measures Act to do precisely what Carney called for, namely identify and punish anyone who dares stand up for freedom.

The Act grants extraordinary powers to the banking industry to search people’s social media accounts and private bank records, and to seize the bank accounts of anyone suspected of supporting the Freedom Convoy, either in spirit or through online donations, including cryptocurrencies.

Victims will have no recourse, as the banks have been given full legal protection from lawsuits by those whose lives they destroy. Business owners in Canada who support freedom can also have their insurance policies canceled, and truckers can lose their drivers’ licenses, either temporarily or permanently.

Still, the protesters did not give up. If anything, the threats appeared to have had the opposite effect. According to Ehret, the protestors were “renewing their commitments to remain in place,” which they did until Trudeau sent in police2 to arrest protestors and tow their trucks.

While Trudeau remained dictatorial until the truckers had been cleared from the Parliament area, the political establishment, on the other hand, showed signs of cracking. Two Liberal Party members, MP Joel Lightbound and MP Yves Robillard broke with party ranks, calling for an end to the unpopular and unnecessary COVID measures.3 Then, finally, in a surprise turnabout, Trudeau buckled February 23, 2022, and said he would revoke the Emergencies Act he’d invoked earlier.4

On a global scale, the silence of leaders of democracies and republics around the world is as informative as Trudeau’s power grab. By now, we would have expected leaders of the U.S., the U.K., France and any number of others, to have stepped up to the microphone to denounce the Canadian government’s actions.

But they haven’t, and that tells you everything you need to know about where they stand on the issues of democracy and freedom. Worse, some have vocalized support for Trudeau’s dictatorial actions.

In a February 10, 2022, tweet, Juliette Kayyem, former assistant secretary of Homeland Security under U.S. President Obama and a frequent CNN commentator, suggested the Canadian regime ought to slash the truckers’ tires, empty their gas tanks, arrest the drivers, move the trucks, cancel their insurance, suspend their drivers’ licenses and prohibit their recertification in the future. In her own words, “I will not run out of ways to make this hurt.”5

The Illusion of Liberal Democracy Has Collapsed

As noted by Ehret, while we don’t yet know how it will end, one thing we can be sure of is that “the illusion of liberal democracy … has collapsed.”6 That doesn’t mean the globalist cabal will pack up their briefcases and retire. No, they’re going to fight to stay in power until the bitter end.

But the hill they’re standing on is getting steeper and slipperier by the day. Everyone can see that they’re saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. You can’t lay claim to being a defender of democracy, freedom and equal rights for all while simultaneously declaring peaceful citizens the enemy of the state. It’s just not credible. As noted by historically left-leaning journalist Glenn Greenwald:7

“When it comes to distant and adversarial countries, we are taught to recognize tyranny through the use of telltale tactics of repression. Dissent from orthodoxies is censored.

Protests against the state are outlawed. Dissenters are harshly punished with no due process. Long prison terms are doled out for political transgressions rather than crimes of violence. Journalists are treated as criminals and spies. Opposition to the policies of political leaders are recast as crimes against the state.

When a government that is adverse to the West engages in such conduct, it is not just easy but obligatory to malign it as despotic. Thus can one find, on a virtually daily basis, articles in the Western press citing the government’s use of those tactics in Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and whatever other countries the West has an interest in disparaging …

That the use of these repressive tactics render these countries and their populations subject to autocratic regimes is considered undebatable. But when these weapons are wielded by Western governments, the precise opposite framework is imposed: describing them as despotic is no longer obligatory but virtually prohibited.

That tyranny exists only in Western adversaries but never in the West itself is treated as a permanent axiom of international affairs, as if Western democracies are divinely shielded from the temptations of genuine repression.

Indeed, to suggest that a Western democracy has descended to the same level of authoritarian repression as the West’s official enemies is to assert a proposition deemed intrinsically absurd or even vaguely treasonous.

The implicit guarantor of this comforting framework is democracy. Western countries, according to this mythology, can never be as repressive as their enemies because Western governments are at least elected democratically. This assurance, superficially appealing though it may be, completely collapses with the slightest critical scrutiny.”

The Dangers of Majority Despotism

As explained by Greenwald, the premise of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights is that “majoritarian despotism is dangerous in the extreme.” “Despotism” means government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. Usually, this entity is an individual, but despotism can also arise out of majority rule.

It’s interesting to note that while the Founding Fathers probably had no term for what we now know as the psychology of “mass formation,” they were clearly aware of the dangers posed by an irrational majority.

As noted by Greenwald, “the Bill of Rights consists of little more than limitations imposed on the tyrannical measures majorities might seek to democratically enact.”

For example, even if a majority of people agree that certain ideas and views should be criminalized, the Bill of Rights prohibits it. The Bill of Rights also prohibits the abolishment of religious freedom, even if a majority were to support it. Likewise, “life and liberty cannot be deprived without due process even if 9 out of 10 citizens favor doing so.”

The Founding Fathers were clever enough to realize that majority rule can easily become just as destructively despotic as any dictatorship. Hence, they ensured that individual freedoms were enshrined in such a way that even if you’re the last person in the country who wants to practice religion, you have the right to do so. The majority cannot take that away from you.

Waking Up to Reality as It Is

Greenwald goes on to explain how the signs of tyranny in the West have been evident for well over a decade. We just weren’t paying attention. Only now, as we stare tyranny in the face first-hand, are we starting to really see it for what it is:

“The decade-long repression of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, standing alone, demonstrates how grave neoliberal attacks on dissent have become. Many are aware of key parts of this repression … but have forgotten or, due to media malfeasance, never knew several of the most extreme aspects.

While the Obama DOJ under Attorney General Eric Holder failed to find evidence of criminality after convening a years-long Grand Jury investigation, the then-Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), succeeded in pressuring financial services companies such as MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Bank of America to terminate WikiLeaks’ accounts and thus banish them from the financial system, choking off their ability to receive funds from supporters or pay their bills.

Lieberman and his neocon allies also pressured Amazon to remove WikiLeaks from its hosting services, causing the whistleblower group to be temporarily offline.

All of that succeeded in crippling WikiLeaks’ ability to operate despite being charged with no crime: indeed, as the DOJ admitted, it could not prove that the group committed any crimes, yet this extra-legal punishment was nonetheless meted out.

Those tactics pioneered against WikiLeaks — excluding dissenters from the financial system and coercing tech companies to deny them internet access without a whiff of due process — have now become standard weapons. Trudeau’s government seizes and freezes bank accounts with no judicial process.

The ‘charity’ fundraising site GoFundMe first blocked the millions of dollars raised for the truckers and announced it would redirect those funds to other charities, then refunded the donations when people pointed out, rightly, that their original plan amounted to a form of stealing. When an alternative fundraising site, GiveSendGo, raised millions more for the truckers, Canadian courts blocked its distribution.”

Greenwald also highlights how American politicians have pressured Big Tech monopolies and the financial system to act as a joint censorship arm of government. Blocking people and companies from being able to use servers and financial transaction services have been key strategies to silence critical voices.

Why Assange Was Targeted

According to Greenwald, Assange’s capture was precipitated by his denouncement of the Spanish government’s violence against citizens of Catalonia in 2017 and 2019. Catalonia wanted autonomy from the Madrid-based Spanish government, and the government responded with shocking force.

“Spain treated the activists not as domestic protesters exercising their civic rights but as terrorists, seditionists and insurrectionists,” Greenwald writes. “Violence was used to sweep up Catalans in mass arrests, and their leaders were charged with terrorism and sedition and given lengthy prison sentences.”

Assange did not actually express support for Catalonian independence. He objected to the Spanish government’s violent assault on civil liberties. This was why Ecuador rescinded Assange’s asylum and handed him over to British authorities in April 2020. Since then, Assange has been held in a high-security prison in Belmarsh, even though he’s never been convicted of a crime.

“All of this reflects, and stems from, a clear and growing Western intolerance for dissent,” Greenwald writes.8 “This last decade of history is crucial to understand the dissent-eliminating framework that has been constructed and implemented in the West. This framework has culminated, thus far, with the stunning multi-pronged attacks on Canadian truckers by the Trudeau government.

But it has been a long time in the making, and it is inevitable that it will find still-more extreme expressions. It is, after all, based in the central recognition that there is mass, widespread anger and even hatred toward the neoliberal ruling class throughout the West.”

Surveillance Apparatus Was Created to Crush Dissent

In response to the growing anger against the ruling class, the technocratic cabal has “opted for force, a system that crushes all forms of dissent as soon as they emerge in anything resembling an effective, meaningful or potent form,” Greenwald notes.

A key part of that dissent-crushing system is the surveillance apparatus that has been erected all around us.9 While sold as a tool to hunt down dangerous criminals, we’ve come to realize that rarely is the system ever used to go after true criminals. Instead, it’s used to identify people who disagree with a given narrative. Its primary purpose is to stifle dissent among citizens.

As noted by the ACLU,10 while most Americans think the Patriot Act’s surveillance powers are there to facilitate the identification and roundup of terrorists, it “actually turns regular citizens into suspects.” Dissent is also stifled by applying criminal terms to those who disagree with the narrative. Case in point: “Anti-vaxxers” and anyone who disagrees with pandemic measures are now labeled domestic terrorists or domestic extremists. As noted by Greenwald:

“Applying terms of criminality renders justifiable any subsequent acts of repression: we are trained to accept that core liberties are forfeited upon the commission of crimes. What is most notable, though, is that this alleged criminality is not adjudicated through judicial proceedings — with all the accompanying protections of judges, juries, rules of evidence and requirements of due process — but simply by decree …

Few things are more dangerous than a political leader who convinces themselves that they are so benevolent and well-intentioned that anything they do is inherently justified in light of their noble character and their enlightened ends …

Within the logical world where one is convinced that they really are fighting a white nationalist, fascistic, insurrectionary global movement to overthrow liberal democracy, then all the weapons we were long taught to view as despotic suddenly become ennobled …

And it is through this self-glorifying tale which Western neoliberals are telling themselves that they have become exactly what they shrilly insist they are battling.”

We Must Repeal the Patriot Act and Pandemic Powers

In September 2021, the White House announced a $65 billion biopreparedness initiative as part of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan.11 As I’ve explained in many previous articles, Build Back Better is part and parcel of The Great Reset, which in turn is a technocrat-led attempt to implement global authoritarianism. As reported by Biospace:12

“The first goal is to transform medical defense, including an improvement and expansion of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics against known threats, and lay the groundwork for unknown pathogens … Secondly, the plan calls for ensuring ‘situational awareness’ regarding infectious disease threats. This includes early warning and real-time monitoring of these viral threats.”

In a nutshell, what this biopreparedness initiative entails is more invasive biosurveillance — meaning, the monitoring of your internal biology. Right now, claims that government wants to monitor people down to their body chemistry will earn you the title of paranoid conspiracy theorist, yet the writing is on the wall. That’s where we’re headed, even if we’re not there yet.

I believe the U.S. must repeal both the Patriot Act and the biopreparedness initiative, or else all privacy and freedom will be destroyed.


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1, 3, 6 Strategic Culture February 16, 2022

2 The New York Times February 19, 2022

4 Washington Examiner February 23, 2022

5 Fox News February 10, 2022

7, 8 Glenn Greenwald Substack February 21, 2022

9 October 26, 2016

10 ACLU Surveillance Under the Patriot Act

11, 12 Biospace September 7, 2021

Featured image: Edmonton police are among the city employees fighting against COVID-19 shot mandates. (Source: Kaytoo /

Ukraine and the Broader Context of US-NATO Led Wars

March 2nd, 2022 by Gavin OReilly

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Since early last Thursday, in what has seemingly finally brought an end to the two-year long COVID-19 corporate media narrative, a Russian military intervention in neighbouring Ukraine, launched in response to almost nine years of NATO provocations following Kiev coming under the rule of the successive pro-Western governments of Petro Poroshenko and Voldymyr Zelensky since the 2014 Euromaidan colour revolution, has dominated media headlines worldwide –with Moscow coming in for levels of global condemnation not seen since the Cold War.

US President Joe Biden, in tandem with the other G7 members, immediately announced wide-ranging sanctions targeting the Russian economy, President of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen banned Russian broadcasters RT and Sputnik News across the EU’s 27 member states, and in the wake of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s earlier suspension of the proposed Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Germany and Russia, following Moscow’s formal recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk’s People’s Republics last Monday, more than 140 staff were laid off by the pipeline’s Swiss-based operator Nord Stream 2 AG in the wake of wider sanctions following the Russian intervention, with the company considering an outright declaration of bankruptcy altogether.

Of course, the obvious reaction to these sanctions by onlookers familiar to the actions of the US-NATO hegemony would be to ask why nothing similar was carried out when allied states were carrying out war crimes, such as Israel’s Summer 2014 bombardment of Gaza, leading to the deaths of more than 2,000 Palestinians over the space of seven weeks, or Saudi Arabia’s now seven year long war and blockade against neighbouring Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab Peninsula, and one which has now suffered the largest Cholera outbreak in recorded history and a famine resulting in the deaths of more than 85,000 children owing to Riyadh’s Western-backed actions – with perhaps the most demonstrable display of this hypocrisy being Monday’s declaration by football world governing body FIFA that Russia would be suspended from the upcoming 2022 World Cup, due to be held in a country that has played a key role in the now eleven year long Western proxy war against Syria resulting in an estimated 350,000 deaths – Qatar.

In 2009, following a refusal by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to allow US-allied Doha to build a pipeline through his country, one which would have undermined his relationship with key ally Russia, a plan was quickly hatched by the US,Britain, Saudi Arabia and Israel to instigate a violent coup in the Arab Republic in order to remove Assad’s government and replace it with a Western-friendly leadership.

In March 2011, one month after a similar Western-orchestrated regime change operation took hold in Libya, the CIA’s Timber Sycamore initiative would see Salafist terrorists groups, armed, funded and trained by the West and its allies, launch a brutal terrorist campaign against Damascus – one that would see vast swathes of the secular nation coming under their control, resulting in the ethnic cleansing of groups such as Christians and Shia Muslims.

In June 2013, Iran and Hezbollah intervened at the request of the Syrian government, with Tehran knowing that the toppling of Assad’s rule would embolden the regime change lobby to quickly place the Islamic Republic in its sights, an intervention that played a key role in defending the Arab Republic from NATO-backed terrorist groups, though what would perhaps be the most decisive factor in turning the tide in Damascus’ favour would come in September 2015 – an air campaign launched by Russia against the terrorist groups, again at the official request of Damascus, and which ensured that eleven years on, the government of Bashar al-Assad still remains in place.

Russia Bad, Qatar Good – FIFA’s Hypocrisy

This is not to discount the devastation inflicted on Syria since 2011 however, with thousands killed and billions of pounds worth of damage caused to vital Syrian infrastructure – devastation that Qatar, via its funding and arming of the terrorists who carried it out, played a key part in, though in stark contrast to the wide-ranging sanctions imposed in the Western response to the Russian intervention in Ukraine, has been rewarded with the hosting of a prestigious sporting tournament instead.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from South Front

Playing with Fire in Ukraine

March 2nd, 2022 by Eric Margolis

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Having been a soldier and correspondent in 14 wars, I’m trying to see through the inevitable fog of war that beclouds the current conflict in Ukraine.

This is no easy task. Moscow has done a poor job of explaining its position and scared the hell out of everyone with its nuclear alert.

Western media has championed the cause of Ukraine in a totally one-sided manner. So, we have plucky David v. evil Goliath. Never mind that civil war between Ukrainian nationalists, militant rightists and the Kiev regime has been flaring for 14 years.

Russia, which ruled Ukraine with a few pauses since the 1700’s, sought to rapidly overthrow the western-backed Ukrainian nationalist government in Kiev by launching what the French calls ‘un coup de main’, a lightening attack to seize Ukraine’s centers of power.

But this effort did not work out. Ukrainian government forces, secretly armed with the latest anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons by the Western powers, blunted Moscow’s initial attacks. I strongly suspect the presence of US and/or British Special Forces. More heavy offensives appear to be on the way. An initial attack on the key port of Odessa quickly petered out.

Did the Russian soldiers lack enthusiasm? Hard to say at this point. Many were reportedly loathe to attack their Ukrainian ‘brothers.’ This conflict was not popular in Mother Russia.

We have not yet seen any eruption of ever-mighty Russian nationalism that was so powerful in World War II. Nor the pure racial-religious hatred seen in the crushing of Chechen independence in 1990. In that gruesome conflict, Russia destroyed the Chechen capitol and many towns across Chechnya. But the fierce Chechen were Muslims, not fellow Orthodox Slavs.

So far, Russian forces, whose doctrine calls for massive artillery use, have been sparing in their use of big guns and rocket batteries. Much more is very likely to come. The Russian Air Force and Black Sea Fleet have also been notably absent. Perhaps President Vladimir Putin has sought to keep the Ukraine conflict to a low-key punitive action.

But many other dangers are evident. Turkey says it will adhere to the important 1936 Montreux Convention that limits the entry of warships into the Black Sea. The US Navy plans a very aggressive campaign against Russia in the Black Sea – and around Vladivostok in the North Pacific. Will Turkey bar the US Navy from that inland sea?

Regarding the nuclear scare. President Putin has previously stated that because of Russia’s reductions in its conventional forces it would henceforth rely increasingly on tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. Anyone who attacked Russia could expect at least a limited nuclear riposte.

Western politicians have had a field day denouncing the ‘barbarity” (Boris Johnson’s words) of Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets. This is shameless bunkum. British pilots and mechanics have kept the Saudi air forces pounding Yemen’s cities and villages. The US Air Force and Navy have destroyed many of Iraq, Libya’s and Syria’s urban areas, notably Falluja, Aleppo and Mosul. Israel’s US-supplied air force flattened parts of Gaza.

Our side is not without sin.

The western powers need to abate their righteous jeremiads against Russia and work to find a face-saving way for Russia out of this dangerous morass. France has made a good start. By contrast, Germany has again shown its total lack of independent policy.

As much as we feel sympathy for Ukraine, we must also remember that Russia remains a great power of sorts and needs to be shown a clear exit from this mess. America must not be carried away by glee at Russia’s discomfort and try to complete the destruction of the once mighty Soviet Union into an eastern Yugoslavia.


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A quem interessa a guerra na Europa?

March 2nd, 2022 by Manuel Raposo

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Neste momento, os acontecimentos na Ucrânia estão envoltos pela nuvem de fumo que caracteriza a propaganda de guerra. As posições oficiais destinam-se não a esclarecer os factos e o andamento das negociações, mas a anular os argumentos adversários e a cativar a opinião pública para um dos lados da contenda. É preciso ir às origens do conflito, agora extremado, para se perceber o papel de cada um dos contendores, o que cada um deles pretende e até onde pode ir.


Nos anos mais recentes, tudo começou com dois propósitos partilhados pela UE e pelos EUA. Um é a expansão económica da UE (capitaneada pelas suas maiores potências, designadamente a Alemanha) para leste. A chamada Parceria Oriental visava atrair para a órbita europeia países tão distintos como a Geórgia, a Arménia, o Azerbaijão, a Moldávia, a Bielorrússia ou a Ucrânia todos nas fronteiras sul e ocidental da Rússia.

Outro propósito é a expansão militar do bloco ocidental, de que a NATO é o instrumento, no sentido de completar o cerco às fronteiras da Rússia. E é sobretudo aqui que o interesse dos EUA como potência hegemónica, no caso em apreço, leva ao casamento com as ambições económicas da UE.

Um revés

No que toca à Ucrânia, a Parceria Oriental sofreu um revés com a proposta pela Rússia de vantagens económicas ao então governo de Kiev que neutralizou os avanços europeus. A resposta da UE e dos EUA foi o golpe de estado de 2014, apoiado em milícias fascistas ucranianas, que colocou no poder um presidente “colaborante”, a que se seguiu uma perseguição sangrenta da população de origem russa. Em resposta, a região de Donbass, na fronteira com a Rússia e de população russa, não aceitou a autoridade do novo regime reaccionário de Kiev e constitui-se em duas, assim designadas, repúblicas populares (Lugansk e Donetsk), com o apoio de Moscovo.

Acordos por cumprir

O fim das hostilidades militares foi estabelecido pelos acordos de Minsk, supervisionados pela OSCE, em que a Ucrânia se comprometia a aprovar um regime de autonomia para aquelas repúblicas, dentro do estado ucraniano. Ora, nem o regime ucraniano, nem a OSCE, nem, ainda menos, a UE e os EUA aceitaram cumprir o acordo. Pelo contrário, a Ucrânia tem vindo a ser armada e instruída para resolver pela força a resistência das duas repúblicas, acoimadas de “separatistas”.

As reclamações da Rússia

E é aqui que se pode encontrar uma das origens próximas da escalada a que se assiste. A Rússia percebeu que o esmagamento das repúblicas do Donbass seria o prenúncio da integração da Ucrânia na NATO e da colocação de tropas e armamento em mais uma das suas fronteiras, com a agravante de lhe condicionar o acesso ao Mar Negro. Por isso as exigências da Rússia se centram numa negociação com os EUA (e, por inerência, a NATO) de um acordo de segurança que trave a expansão para leste das potências ocidentais e estabeleça termos de coexistência duradouros.

A quem interessa o clima de guerra

Os esforços do presidente francês e do chanceler alemão no sentido de se obter um acordo político que ponha água na fervura, por muito incipientes que sejam, não agradam nada aos EUA que receiam ver a UE adoptar uma posição de meio termo entre russos e norte-americanos. A campanha de Biden tem procurado, por isso, anular todas as vias de negociação que não sejam as que ele próprio promove. Inclusive, os EUA contrariam as afirmações dos próprios dirigentes ucranianos que apelam ao apaziguamento e criticam o dramatismo posto na propaganda ocidental. Por várias vezes, a “invasão” da Ucrânia foi dada como “iminente” (com data marcada e tudo…), coisa que só se compreende em quem quer à força acirrar um clima de guerra. A última declaração do patético Biden, dia 18, é disso mais um exemplo.

Estratégia e negócio

Este clima de guerra “iminente” interessa em exclusivo aos EUA. Em dois sentidos. Um, que se pode chamar de natureza estratégia e que consiste em manter a Rússia debaixo de pressão política e militar, ao mesmo tempo que subordina mais ainda a UE aos desígnios políticos norte-americanos. O fantasma antigo de que “Vêm aí os russos!”, não só atira o odioso da situação para cima da Rússia, como coloca naturalmente as populações europeias na defensiva e receptivas à “ajuda protectora” dos EUA e da NATO.

Um segundo sentido é de pura guerra económica. Os EUA querem a todo o transe vender o seu gás de xisto, que se acumula sem clientela à medida da produção, e para isso nada melhor do que estragar o negócio do gás natural russo que abastece, desde há décadas, meia Europa. Isto seria de dupla vantagem para os EUA: fazer bom dinheiro (ainda por cima o gás norte-americano é muito mais caro que o russo) e manter a Europa numa maior dependência económica face ao “aliado” transatlântico.

“Libertar” a Europa

Políticos e comentadores repetem a cada passo o argumento de “libertar” a Alemanha e a Europa da dependência energética face à Rússia. Mas todos eles acham natural a dependência face aos EUA. Não vêem sequer que, dependência por dependência, a Alemanha e a UE têm muito mais capacidade para lidar em pé de igualdade com a Rússia, cuja força económica é ainda débil, do que para competir com o poderio económico-político-militar dos EUA. E é esta perspectiva de alforria — mesmo remota, considerando a ligação umbilical do imperialismo europeu ao imperialismo ianque — que põe em alerta o poder norte-americano e o leva a boicotar qualquer iniciativa que vá nesse sentido.

À semelhança do Iraque

As declarações recentes das autoridades norte-americanas lembram o tom que precedeu a invasão do Iraque: fim da diplomacia, “provas inquestionáveis” dos serviços secretos, anulação das tentativas negociais feitas por países terceiros — tudo no sentido de demonstrar que só resta a força militar.

Tudo leva a crer, portanto, que o plano dos EUA — com o acólito de sempre, chame-se ele Blair ou Boris — será levar tão longe quanto possível o conflito com a Rússia, provocando-a até ao ponto de a forçar a uma intervenção militar. Seria a situação ideal para mostrar ao mundo quão “diabólico” é Putin e para anular as veleidades europeias de se conduzir por uma política própria e procurar entendimentos com a Rússia.

Condições diferentes 

As condições contudo são diferentes das de 2003. O teatro do conflito é a Europa e não o Iraque, o adversário é a Rússia e não um exército debilitado, os danos colaterais afectariam não o Médio Oriente mas os próprios aliados dos EUA.

Por outro lado, as declarações de Merkel, quando Trump mostrou a face, de que os EUA não eram de confiança e de que Europa teria de tratar de si própria não descansaram o poder norte-americano, porque valem para além do mandato de Trump. O mesmo com a afirmação do actual chanceler Scholz, depois de conferenciar com Putin, de que a segurança europeia não pode ser conseguida contra a Rússia — coisa que choca com os planos dos EUA e da NATO. Trata-se de meras declarações, é certo, mas elas mostram que a conflitualidade própria das potências imperialistas tende a vir ao de cima sempre que se abre uma crise de grande dimensão, como é o caso.

Guerra por procuração, mais uma

Para os EUA, a solução será então subcontratar a provocação: empurrar o exército ucraniano (onde as milícias fascistas têm forte presença) contra as repúblicas do Donbass, submetendo as populações russas a violências como as que foram cometidas em 2014. É o que está a acontecer com o municiamento das forças ucranianas e com o incentivo para que ataquem as posições adversárias em Lugansk e Donetsk.

Enquanto lançam alertas constantes acerca das provocações que os russos estariam a preparar para justificar uma invasão, os serviços secretos dos EUA não estão certamente parados — e é legítimo pensar, com a prática que se lhes conhece, que estejam eles mesmos a montar as provocações que sirvam os seus propósitos.

Que esperam os EUA ganhar?

Nem os ucranianos nem os europeus estão interessados numa guerra em casa ou à porta de casa, que contribuiria para afundar o Continente numa crise de dimensões incalculáveis. Apenas os EUA podem ver vantagem em tal situação. Que esperam eles ganhar com isso?

  • Juntar pretextos para agravar as sanções económicas contra a Rússia, convocando toda a Europa a participar na campanha, como faz com Cuba, Venezuela ou Irão.
  • Condicionar os movimentos políticos e os negócios da Rússia na Europa e, por essa via, bloquear a influência do bloco Rússia-China no Ocidente, nomeadamente a expansão da Nova Rota da Seda.
  • Resignar os europeus a aceitarem o reforço da NATO, pagando eles para isso, e a porem de lado as ambições de “independência estratégica” — ideia que colide com a dependência face aos EUA — de que timidamente têm falado alemães e franceses.
  • Cavar ainda mais fundo a trincheira que separa a troika imperialista da aliança China-Rússia, na perspectiva de que o futuro há-de trazer mais conflitos e de maior gravidade.

Contra a NATO

A solicitude do presidente da República e do governo português em seguir as determinações dos EUA e da NATO, sem laivo de distanciamento; o pronto envio de militares para zonas de conflito; a campanha mediática a alimentar o clima de guerra e a diabolizar os russos — repetem a prática que tem pautado o comportamento das autoridades portuguesas desde sempre.

Mas merece particular lembrança o desgraçado exemplo da cimeira das Lajes, que antecedeu o ataque ao Iraque em 2003, responsável pela destruição do país, por centenas de milhares de mortos e por milhões de refugiados. Mais recentemente, a retirada do Afeganistão trouxe à luz do dia o descalabro causado por vinte anos de ocupação em que tropas portuguesas estiveram também envolvidas.

De pouco servem as lamúrias sobre o que deveria ter sido feito e não foi — a questão está no envolvimento, como serviçais, nas aventuras guerreiras dos EUA. É por aí que tem de se começar: tem todo o sentido e toda a actualidade renovar uma campanha de opinião pública pela retirada de Portugal da NATO e pela dissolução da Aliança que não deixe as autoridades portuguesas de mãos livres.

Novos confrontos no horizonte

Entrámos numa época em que se contam espingardas. A euforia da globalização, do livre comércio e do mais festivo liberalismo deu o que tinha a dar. O recuo das grandes potências para os seus redutos nacionais, o proteccionismo com que resguardam as suas economias e a frenética busca de alianças que levam a cabo são sinais de que chegou ao fim quer a expansão económica das últimas décadas, quer a coexistência, aparentemente pacífica, que a acompanhou.

Agora é altura de as potências reunirem forças e formarem blocos. São os preparativos para um confronto de escala global que decida quem vai ter a supremacia no mercado mundial.

É neste confronto concreto que a esquerda tem de desempenhar o seu papel próprio — começando pela denúncia dos propósitos hegemonistas e guerreiros do imperialismo, atacando os governos e os meios de informação que os sustentam, e esforçando-se por criar um movimento de opinião que lance as bases de uma corrente política independente, de base popular. Se o conseguir, dará um importante contributo para que os movimentos de protesto disseminados pelo mundo passem da dispersão e do defensismo em que se encontram para uma progressiva convergência de esforços e uma postura ofensiva.


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Abolish Violent and Corrupt Police Forces

March 2nd, 2022 by Michael J. Talmo

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All over this world police forces physically abuse, rob, and kill innocent people on a daily basis. These appalling facts have been brought to light through court cases, news reports, videos, civil rights groups, special government commissions, scientific studies, and even other cops. Nevertheless, politicians continue to call for more police to fight a plethora of social ills while police departments continue to hide the brutality of their fellow officers behind the proverbial “blue wall of silence.”

How brutal the police are depends on the country. Some places are worse than others. But data reported by CNN in a June 2020 article shows that cops in my country, the US, are among the worst.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury For Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan and former associate editor of the “Wall Street Journal” summed it up best in a 2013 article:

“At the state and local level every American faces brutal armed psychopaths known as the police.The ‘law and order’ conservatives and the ‘compassionate’ liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grand mothers, murder double amputees in wheelchairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children…If a person Googles ‘police brutality videos, he will discover that there are more videos that can be watched in a lifetime.”

Dr. Roberts isn’t exaggerating. Here are some examples:

March 14, 2005: a five-year-old girl was arrested and handcuffed by three cops for throwing a tantrum at her school in St. Petersburg, Fla. The whole disgusting incident along with the child’s screams were captured on video. If you acted up in class when I went to school you were sent to the principal’s office, given detention, or your parents were called. This and similar acts of child abuse are not unique events as reported in a 2013 article published in Mother Jones.

November 22, 2014: Tamir Rice, age 12 was killed by policeman Timothy Loehmann in Cleveland Ohio. Loehmann and training officer Frank Garmback were responding to a call about a guy pointing a gun at people. Turns out the weapon was a pellet gun and was tucked in Rice’s waistband when the cops pulled up, Loehmann got out the car and shot the kid. As the video shows, there was no reason for the cop to draw his gun. Loehman was fired, but no charges were brought against him. It also turned out that Loehmann had previously resigned from another police department rather than get fired. The other police department was going to fire him because he lacked the emotional stability to be a police officer. In June 2020, the peer review journal Nature reported that “officers who are fired for misconduct are frequently rehired.” Obviously, a practice that needs to end.

Cops Shooting family dogs has become an epidemic according to a 2019 article in Counterpunch and it doesn’t have to be a vicious dog. Friendly dogs, and even little dogs are all fair game. For example, a sheriff’s deputy shot a chihuahua, a tiny dog that usually weighs less than five pounds, for barking too much. The dog survived, but her jaw was shattered and had to eat out of a feeding tube. This story was also reported in the Washington Post. In this case the cop was fired, but usually nothing happens because cops can claim, as they do with humans, that they felt threatened so they had to shoot and the courts have upheld this nonsensical reasoning. Why do cops think that their safety is more important than the safety of the public? Imagine if firefighters thought this way and refused to rescue people from burning buildings.

July 5, 2011: Kelly Thomas, a homeless man diagnosed with schizophrenia, was beaten to death by three cops in Fullerton, CA. It was later described as “one of the worst beatings in (US) history.” The bones in Thomas’ face were broken, he choked on his own blood, and compression of the thorax made it impossible for him to breathe normally which deprived his brain of oxygen. He died five days later. The cops were charged with second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter—they were found not guilty in spite of a video of the beating which can be watched on CNN’s website.

Just the facts

A 2016 study in the American Journal of Public Health reported that each year 100,000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for nonfatal injuries inflicted by police and from 2005-2012, 1,552 people were killed by police in 16 states alone. But as reported by the BBC back in 2016, “Official data on the number of people killed by the police turns out to be remarkably unreliable.” And grossly underreported according to a 2021 study published in The Lancet.

Armies and other factions like constables, slave patrols in the South, the Texas Rangers etc. have always performed some police actions over the centuries. But the first modern police force as we know it today, the “Bobbies,” were created in England by Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850) in 1829. Bobbie is a nickname for Robert. In 1838 my country created the first police force in Boston MA. In 1845 New York City created the NYPD. Today, virtually every recognized country has a police force.

The US has the world’s third largest police force behind China and India. There are over over 900,000 cops in about 18,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide. And that’s not even counting the several hundred thousand civilian personnel who also work in these agencies.

We have municipal police, county police, state police, federal police, transit police, college campus police, elementary, middle and high school police, and housing police. We have cops patrolling in cars, vans, trucks, and helicopters. We have cops on motorcycles, on horseback, on boats, on bicycles, and on foot. But do our gargantuan in-your-face-all-over-the-place police forces reduce crime?

For a one year period, 1972-1973, a study on the effectiveness of police presence reducing crime was conducted in Kansas City, Missouri. It was called the “Kansas City preventive patrol experiment.” The study can be read in detail here. It involved three different police beats in the city. One area received the normal level of police patrols, in another police patrols were doubled—sometimes tripled. In the third area routine police patrols were eliminated entirely. Officers only went into the area when called. Result: no difference in crime rates in any of the three sections of the city. The presence of police and the lack of police didn’t matter.

A November 2021 study by Washington University School of Law concluded:

“Day-to-day policing has remarkably little to do with crime, despite public perception to the contrary. The vast majority of police time is spent on noncriminal functions such as health, transportation, and public order…A recent survey of several cities who self-reported time spent by police revealed that only four percent of police time was spent working on violent crime. The bulk of police time was spent on calls about noncriminal matters…Most individuals who commit offenses are never held accountable for the crimes they commit.”

If cops spend so little time fighting crime why do we have so many of them? Why are cops at road construction sites just standing around or sitting in their cars? Why are cops used to direct traffic—especially on quieter streets? An elderly retired person with a handheld sign could do this. Why do cops usually show up for medical emergencies? Why are SWAT teams, originally created in the 1960s to handle violent crisis situations like like hostage taking and mass shootings, breaking into homes and businesses (no-knock raids) to bust up poker games, terrorize doctors for practicing alternative medicine, crack down on unlicensed barber shops, and serve petty warrants? SWAT raids have skyrocketed from around 3,000 per year in 1980 to as many as 80,000 a year in 2015.

The way I see it, one of the reasons for cops doing things that civilians could be doing and enforcing victimless crime laws is that we have too many cops so they have to invent stuff for them to do in order to justify their phony baloney jobs. But the main reason is to hide their true nature.

What the police really are

The police are first and foremost a standing army—they are professional soldiers.

It doesn’t matter if a cop is black or white, male or female. Once they put on that badge race and gender disappear. They become automatons of the state—trained to obey and trained to kill. The problem isn’t, as some argue, that there aren’t enough minority and women officers, or that not enough policemen come from the communities they work in, or that their education and training is inadequate: the problem is the police force itself. Like all professional soldiers, cops develop an us vs them mentality. Due to power that they wield which places them above and separate from the people, they become ticking time bombs waiting to explode.

Cops have always been brutal, corrupt, and oppressive. Anyone who doesn’t know this is either ignorant of history or delusional. To believe that a few reforms will stop police forces from behaving like every standing army that has ever existed throughout history is magical thinking.

In many ways our modern police forces are like the Praetorian Guard of the ancient Roman Empire. Praetorian Guardsmen didn’t fight in wars like the regular army nor endure its hardships. Instead, they were the Emperor’s private henchmen, carrying out whatever whims he dictated. But eventually the Emperors also feared them. During their 300 year reign of terror they assassinated 13 Roman Emperors and in some cases auctioned off the imperial throne to the highest bidder. The power of the Emperor depended on their good will.

In the same way, today’s cops enforce a litany of unjust laws and regulations that serve the interests of corrupt politicians and the special interest groups that finance them. Policemen are the hired thugs of the rich and powerful who rule this world. Wealthy people have always needed large military/police forces to protect what they have from the have-nots.

Police forces do not serve the interests of the poor and middle-class. Performing some protective functions doesn’t change the fact that their real purpose is to stifle dissent, to keep us in line, not to protect us. In cases like Warren v. District of Columbia, 1981 and Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 2005, the courts ruled that the police are under no obligation to protect anyone. “…the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large.” For individual citizens, “no specific legal duty exists.”

My country’s Founding Fathers knew what it was like to be oppressed by a standing army which is why many of them were opposed to creating one. In addition to the great principles of liberty enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers also listed their grievances against the King of England which includes condemnation of the British troops who occupied the colonies. It states:

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance…He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws…For quartering large bodies of troops among us: For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states:”

Sounds a like our modern police forces doesn’t it?

There are some who argue that the police aren’t soldiers and thus are not a standing army. In the 2011 case of Mitchell v. City of Henderson in Nevada, police demanded that Mitchell allow them to use his home for a stakeout regarding domestic violence at a neighbor’s house. Mitchell refused and the police broke down his door, abused him and his dog, and arrested him and his father. The Mitchells rightly argued that the police violated the Third Amendment to the US Constitution which prohibits the quartering of soldiers without the owner’s consent. But Federal District Judge Andrew Gordon ruled that policemen are not soldiers and thus did not violate the Third Amendment.

Judge Gordon’s ruling is beyond absurd. Most cops wear uniforms, they have military ranks like sergeant and captain, and since the 1990s have been armed to the teeth with military equipment supplied free of charge by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. This kind of militarization doesn’t only apply to American cops, but to police forces worldwide. In addition to tanks, attack drones, grenade launchers, etc., modern police in many parts of the world are clad in an array of body armor that makes them look like Mutant Ninja Turtles. So, obviously, the police are soldiers. A standing army is a standing army no matter what you call it. No amount of Orwellian “DoubleSpeak” can change the obvious.

In 1776, American Founding Father Samuel Adams (1722-1802) warned us about “DoubleSpeak” long before George Orwell (1903-1950) did in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four:

“How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!”

Reforming the police won’t work

Better police training and putting limits on their power will save lives. There is no doubt about that.

One of the biggest problems with American cops is that they are trained to shoot first and ask questions later. According to a 2015 article in the Daily Kos, one of the architects of this mentality is Dr. William J. Lewinski, a psychologist and founder of Force Science Institute who trains police forces nationwide. He also charges a thousand dollars an hour to appear in court as an expert witness for cops who kill people. The Daily Kos reported that he will justify police killing people even if they were unarmed and even if they were shot in the back.

The ideology of people like Lewinski has caused the death of countless innocent people, such as 14-year-old Valentina Orellana-Peralta last December in a Los Angeles, CA clothing store. The New York Post reported that LAPD cops accidentally killed Valentina because a guy was running amok in the store assaulting customers with a bicycle lock. That’s all he had. Instead of just disarming the guy, the stupid cops open fire killing the guy which was completely unnecessary. And even more tragic, a stray bullet hit Valentina in the chest while she and her mother were hiding in a dressing room.

In contrast, here is a 2011 video of British police disarming a man with a machete without guns and without killing him.


Another problem with the police is that they are rarely punished for abusing and killing people as reported in a January 2021 article by the American Bar Association and an August 2020 report by Amnesty International. The reasons for this are police unions along with disastrous court rulings and state laws that give them way too much leeway as well as special rights like “qualified immunity.” Under this US Supreme Court concoction cops and other government agents are shielded from liability even when they break the law.

Do away with qualified immunity and limit police unions to negotiating better pay, medical, and pension benefits only. Federal and state laws need to be passed that will put cops in jail for 10-20 years without parole if they physically abuse or accidentally kill someone. If they intentionally murder someone they should get life in prison without parole.

If a cop even verbally abuses someone they should lose their job. And any cop who arrests or threatens a citizen for filming him or her should go to prison for at least 10 years. Don’t forget, cops have always abused people. But it is only since cell phone cameras that so many of their egregious acts of tyranny have been exposed for all the world to see.

And ponder this: Why do we call policemen “officer?” Does that make the rest of us privates? It would seem so. As is the case in the military, we are not permitted to disobey the officer, strike the officer, talk back to the officer, or to question the officer’s authority. If we do, we can be arrested, beaten, jailed, and executed. This must be changed. We must do away with laws like resisting arrest and eluding which allows the police to trump up charges. We also need to demilitarize them and take away their army surplus equipment and weapons of war.

In spite of all I just said, reforming the police won’t work because putting restraints on them goes out the window when they are weaponized against the people and execute their primary function: oppressing and terrorizing the civilian population. This danger will always remain as long as police forces exist.

Since COVID-19 none of us are safe

Traditionally, police forces have been used to control poor people and slaves and to target minority groups for abuse and harassment. But since COVID-19 all bets are off. It’s open season on everyone. Under the New World Order if globalists like Klaus Schwab get their way all of us will be poor and slaves. To quote Schwab’s 2015 World Economic Forum video:

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”

In his 2007 Oscar-nominated documentary film “Sicko” which compared America’s broken for-profit healthcare system with other countries, Michael Moore showed how Europeans went out and protested when they didn’t like something. Moore declared that unlike the US, European governments were afraid of the people. How wrong he was. European governments merely blunted the sword of tyranny. But with COVID-19 it has been sharpened and police all over Europe have bared their sadistic fangs as can be seen here, here, and here.

There is an alternative

Are there alternatives to modern police forces? The answer is yes. The first step is to realize that there are too many police and too many laws. We need to get rid of all the unnecessary laws that clutter our statutes books, clog our courts, overcrowd our prisons, and ruin our economy. Since too many cops are violent personalities to begin with, the more power they have and the more laws they enforce, the more violent confrontations with civilians will occur. This is even more blatantly obvious today due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

Take Australia where COVID restrictions have been particularly draconian. Here is a video of a cop choking a woman on the street for not wearing a mask. Here is another video of a man being pinned to the ground by a whole gang of cops for not wearing a mask. Brave, aren’t they?

And let’s not forget about what happened last month in Canada after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act against the trucker protest in Ottawa. Videos of police abusing protesters can be seen here and here. Without a standing army, Trudeau probably would have had to back off and end the vaccine mandates.

So, why not replace modern police forces with a citizen police force–a militia that serves for 30 days and then rotates back into their regular jobs. It would be like jury duty. But service would be voluntary and rigorous training would be provided so police academies would remain. But the training methods would have to change to better serve the public, such as emphasizing peaceful resolution rather than arrest and punishment for every petty offense. And a big part of their training should be to refuse to obey any orders or laws that are illegal and or unconstitutional. They shouldn’t be carrying guns nor walk around in body armor, but have access to them if needed as is the case with the Bobbies in England along with other countries where the police don’t carry guns.

A small squad of full time detectives could remain as well as county sheriffs with a small staff to investigate and handle murders, robberies, and other types of crimes like arson and fraud. But they cannot be used by politicians to stifle dissent so it is important that their numbers be kept small and what they can and cannot do clearly defined.

A militia has always been considered inferior to professional full time soldiers. But since cops deal with civilians and don’t fight in wars, a militia would be far superior when it comes to law enforcement. They are also less likely to develop the us vs them mentality of professional soldiers, get drunk with power, nor blindly obey oppressive orders.

When large groups of people exercise their First Amendment rights to peacefully protest against government polices they should just be there to keep things peaceful rather than obey the orders of government officials. If rioting occurs the National Guard which is mostly made up of part time soldiers can handle it.

Other situations that involve domestic violence, people with mental health issues, homelessness, and substance abuse could be handled by “trained professional emergency response teams.” As reported in a 2020 article in Detroit Michigan’s WDIV Local 4 News. Unlike cops, who are trained to arrest and punish, these trained professionals would get people the help and protection that they need.

However, since some people can’t handle having any kind of power even for a little while, the laws and controls I mentioned previously still need to be put in place.

The Preamble of my country’s Constitution says that one of its purposes is to “establish Justice.” One of the ways to do this is to replace full time state and federal prosecutors with private lawyers who, like a citizen police force, would serve for 30 days and then rotate back into their regular practice. This would avoid the cozy relationship full time prosecutors have with cops and would put the emphasis on justice instead of winning cases to get ahead politically. And in Grand Jury proceedings defense attorneys should always be allowed to participate. Under the current closed system prosecutors can manipulate jurors to the point where, as the saying goes, it’s possible to “indict a ham sandwich.”

For those who think what I’m suggesting wouldn’t work, step back and look at the big picture. Don’t get locked into the idea that there is only one way to do things. I know how difficult this can be. Lots of people have family and friends who are cops myself included. I grew up with positive images of cops as portrayed on television like Sheriff Andy Taylor, Officer Joe Bolton, and officers Reed and Malloy of Adam-12. Then there are the movies that idealize violent rogue cops like Dirty Harry. All of these factors along with believing that the cops are there to protect them combined with constant media hype about the fear of crime makes juries unwilling to convict cops even when the crimes they commit are captured on video. Don’t give in to fear and prejudice folks. Don’t hero worship cops. See them for what they really are.

Never forget

More than anything else, COVID-19 has demonstrated that the biggest mistake this planet ever made was creating standing armies to function as police forces. They have become a cancer on democracy, a festering sore that is eating away our freedom, a putrid mass of corruption that sees the public as mere objects to be pushed around, abused, and exploited.

Obviously, there are good policemen out there who save lives and don’t abuse their authority. But I have come to the inescapable conclusion that the existence of a massive standing army that has nothing better to do than harass people for the most minor infractions and that stands ready to enforce any law no matter how unjust is inherently evil. Such a military institution must have a dehumanizing and brutalizing effect on all who participate in it. No one’s life, liberty or property is safe as long as these horrible armies exist.

But understand this: in an imperfect world such as ours there are no ideal solutions—there are only choices between lesser evils. No matter how hard we try, we can’t get rid of all the idiots and psychopaths in power. All we can do is minimize the damage that they can inflict. But they will always be with us, lurking in the shadows, spinning their spider web of deceit, always trying to get around protecting the rights of the people, waiting for the right moment, the right opportunity to strike. We must always keep a watchful eye on them and never let down our guard if we want to maintain our freedom.


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Michael J Talmo has been a professional writer for over 40 years and is strongly committed to the protection of civil liberties. He also did three music videos on COVID-19. The Masker Mash, COVID Vaccine Man, and The Corona Globalists. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image is by The Democracy Fund/Bob/Facebook

A No-fly Zone in Ukraine Will Backfire

March 2nd, 2022 by Aris Roussinos

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

In their desire to show solidarity with the embattled Ukrainians, the war in Ukraine has led some British commentators to slip the bounds of rationality — and none more so than the Chair of the Commons Defence Select Committee, Tobias Ellwood.

In a 2am tweet yesterday, Ellwood claimed:

“Pleased to see powerful voices joining my call for a humanitarian partial or total NO FLY ZONE. What scale of war crimes, what numbers of civilian deaths must we witness — before Nato, the most powerful military alliance in the world, is tasked to intervene?”

While wars are not won by manic late-night tweets, they can nevertheless create much damage, in this case the risk of significantly escalating the conflict through creating unrealistic expectations among the British media class about what should be done, and among the Ukrainians about what will be done.

As the Biden administration’s spokeperson Jen Psaki very sensibly observed last night in her attempt to persuade journalists to tone down their rhetoric, a No-Fly Zone “would essentially mean the US military would be shooting down planes, Russian planes. That is definitely escalatory. That would potentially put us in a place where we’re in a military conflict with Russia. That is not something the President wants to do.”

As Psaki continued:

“We are not going to have a military war with Russia with US troops. And [Biden] thinks it’s vitally important… to be direct with the public about that.”

Aside from dramatically increasing the risk of a nuclear exchange with Russia, the idea of a No-Fly Zone is a non-starter for many reasons. Even if it did not cause Russia to heighten its preparedness for a nuclear strike against us — which is surely reason enough — shooting down Russian jets would make Nato a military party to the conflict in a way that could soon spiral out of control. This ought to go without saying, but apparently it is now necessary to explain to Britain’s political class in very simple terms.

If Nato jets are flying from airbases in Central and Southeastern Europe to shoot down Russian aircraft, not only would the jets become military targets for Russia’s air defences, but those bases would themselves then become likely targets for Russian military retaliation, along with the basing locations of Nato air defence systems covering Western Ukraine. For all their diplomatic support of Ukraine and their supply of vital munitions to Ukrainian forces, countries such as Poland, Romania and Bulgaria will naturally shy away from a course of action likely to lead to Russian air and missile strikes on their own territory.

When advocates of a No-Fly Zone in Syria demanded such a course of action, it was before Russia entered the Syrian war, when Syrian airbases could reasonably be put out-of-action by long-range missile strikes without any serious risk of retaliation. This is not the case with the Ukraine war: is Ellwood seriously advocating that we strike the airbases in Russia and Belarus from which Russian aircraft are deployed? If so, then he should be explicit about what he is calling for, and the consequences that will ensue.

In any case, Russia has so far refrained from utilising its vast air superiority against Ukraine, for the possible reasons outlined in this excellent RUSI essay; namely, the lack of guided munitions to strike targets without causing widespread civilian deaths, the poor coordination of Russian air defence systems deployed in Ukraine which may cause jets to be downed by friendly fire, and the relative inexperience of Russian pilots when faced with competent opponents.

Monday was the first day in which Russian jets were visible in the conflict, flying close air support missions over the Kharkiv front. The only meaningful Russian air activity so far has been the use of helicopters to land airborne forces at the Hostomel airbase outside Kyiv in the war’s opening phase, to create a staging ground or potential bridgehead for the coming assault on the capital, and the limited use of attack helicopters to destroy Ukrainian ground positions and vehicles moving along the roads in convoy.

Instead, the most dreadful Russian bombardments of the war so far have been by ground-based artillery and long-range missile systems against the besieged city of Kharkiv on Monday and yesterday, causing great destruction and terrible civilian casualties among the city’s mostly Russian-speaking population, as well as on Ukrainian military installations elsewhere in the country.

The Russian way of war is based on heavy artillery barrages to soften up defences for a ground assault, unlike the Western approach in which aerial bombardment has become the dominant tool. A No-Fly Zone would do nothing to prevent this outcome, though rhetoric demanding one may well play a role in encouraging Russian decision-makers to intensify their artillery bombardment in search of a swift and overwhelming victory — one which would cause vast numbers of civilian casualties.

Our aim at this point should be to dissuade Putin as far as we can from deploying the artillery assets he has so far barely used, not in encouraging him to go all out before a Western response can realistically be organised. We do not want Putin to turn Kyiv into Nineties Grozny or Aleppo, and over-promising and under-delivering military support is an almost guaranteed way to speed up this outcome.

Perhaps Ellwood and others have had their expectations of what is possible or desirable raised by the NATO No-Fly Zone against Libya in 2011. Cautiously agreed to by Russia at the UN Security Council, it swiftly evolved into a close air support campaign against Libyan ground forces which allowed the rebels to defeat Gaddafi  — an outcome which enraged Putin, and shaped his attitude to the following Syrian conflict.

But Gaddafi’s decrepit Libya is not Putin’s Russia and such a campaign is simply not achievable. Does Ellwood want us to strike Russian tanks and artillery in Ukraine? Again, he should be honest about what he is calling for and about what the Russian response would look like.

We should sigh with relief that Johnson yesterday uled out the No-Fly Zone idea that America has already dismissed, telling a Ukrainian journalist, with painful but realistic frankness, that “Unfortunately the implication of a [No-Fly Zone] is that the UK would be engaged in shooting down Russian planes … and be in direct combat” with Russia, and with consequences “truly difficult to control.”

Britain, and other Nato countries are already doing about as much as we can, by supplying Ukraine with the munitions making the Russian advance so costly, and by imposing great financial and diplomatic costs on Russia for Putin’s invasion. Beyond this, there is little more we can do other than encourage Russia towards meaningful negotiations before Kyiv is encircled and Ukraine’s bargaining hand is dramatically weakened.

Unless he has genuinely taken leave of his senses, Ellwood’s “hold me back!” posturing is possible purely because he knows the course of action he is calling for is already out of the question. He can raise the stakes in this dangerous and irresponsible manner because it wins him attention for the forthcoming Tory leadership contest, and because there are no negative consequences for him doing so.

That must change: the risk of escalation is too great for this rhetoric to be permitted at so dangerous a moment for Britain and Europe. The Conservative party must get a grip on Ellwood and others’ irresponsible late-night interventions in an already fevered online discourse: the whip has been withdrawn for far less.

Nothing good will come of such insane talk, for Britain, or most acutely, for the Ukrainians seemingly about to suffer a devastating campaign of artillery bombardment. Raising their expectations with false hopes at this stage of the war will not help them. But raising Russia’s threat calculus may harm them a great deal, at a time when Putin seems already poised to take his gloves off after a so-far half-hearted campaign. That is too great a price to pay for Ellwood’s desire to raise his profile — and the party needs to step in soon.


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Aris Roussinos is a former war reporter and a contributing editor at UnHerd.

Featured image is from UnHerd

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We are at a dangerous crossroads. What is happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III Scenario. The use of nuclear weapons are contemplated.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation.

Global Research does not support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A  bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

So a congregation of NATO’s top brass ensconced in their echo chambers target the Russian Central Bank with sanctions and expect what? Cookies?

What they got instead was Russia’s deterrence forces bumped up to “a special regime of duty” – which means the Northern and Pacific fleets, the Long-Range Aviation Command, strategic bombers and the entire Russian nuclear apparatus on maximum alert.

One Pentagon general very quickly did the basic math on that, and mere minutes later, a Ukrainian delegation was dispatched to conduct negotiations with Russia in an undisclosed location in Gomel, Belarus.

Meanwhile, in the vassal realms, the German government was busy “setting limits to warmongers like Putin” – quite a rich undertaking considering that Berlin never set any such limits for western warmongers who bombed Yugoslavia, invaded Iraq, or destroyed Libya in complete violation of international law.

While openly proclaiming their desire to “stop the development of Russian industry,” damage its economy, and “ruin Russia” – echoing American edicts on Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Venezuela and others in the Global South – the Germans could not possibly recognize a new categorical imperative.

They were finally liberated from their WWII culpability complex by none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin. Germany is finally free to support and weaponize neo-Nazis out in the open all over again – now of the Ukrainian Azov battalion variety.

To get the hang of how these NATO sanctions will “ruin Russia,” I asked for the succinct analysis of one of the most competent economic minds on the planet, Michael Hudson, author, among others, of a revised edition of the must-read Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire.

Hudson remarked how he is “simply numbed over the near-atomic escalation of the US.” On the confiscation of Russian foreign reserves and cut-off from SWIFT, the main point is “it will take some time for Russia to put in a new system, with China. The result will end dollarization for good, as countries threatened with ‘democracy’ or displaying diplomatic independence will be afraid to use US banks.”

This, Hudson says, leads us to “the great question: whether Europe and the Dollar Bloc can buy Russian raw materials – cobalt, palladium, etc, and whether China will join Russia in a minerals boycott.”

Hudson is adamant that

“Russia’s Central Bank, of course, has foreign bank assets in order to intervene in exchange markets to defend its currency from fluctuations. The ruble has plunged. There will be new exchange rates. Yet it’s up to Russia to decide whether to sell its wheat to West Asia, that needs it; or to stop selling gas to Europe via Ukraine, now that the US can grab it.”

About the possible introduction of a new Russia-China payment system bypassing SWIFT, and combining the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) with the Chinese CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System), Hudson has no doubts “the Russian-China system will be implemented. The Global South will seek to join and at the same time keep SWIFT – moving their reserves into the new system.”

I’m going to de-dollarize myself

So the US itself, in another massive strategic blunder, will speed up de-dollarization. As the managing director of Bocom International Hong Hao told the Global Times, with energy trade between Europe and Russia de-dollarized, “that will be the beginning of the disintegration of dollar hegemony.”

It’s a refrain the US administration was quietly hearing last week from some of its own largest multinational banks, including notables like JPMorgan and Citigroup.

A Bloomberg article sums up their collective fears:

“Booting Russia from the critical global system – which handles 42 million messages a day and serves as a lifeline to some of the world’s biggest financial institutions – could backfire, sending inflation higher, pushing Russia closer to China, and shielding financial transactions from scrutiny by the west. It might also encourage the development of a SWIFT alternative that could eventually damage the supremacy of the US dollar.”

Those with IQs over 50 in the European Union (EU) must have understood that Russia simply could not be totally excluded from SWIFT, but maybe only a few of its banks: after all, European traders depend on Russian energy.

From Moscow’s point of view, that’s a minor issue. A number of Russian banks are already connected to China’s CIPS system. For instance, if someone wants to buy Russian oil and gas with CIPS, payment must be in the Chinese yuan currency. CIPS is independent of SWIFT.

Additionally, Moscow already linked its SPFS payment system not only to China but also to India and member nations of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). SPFS already links to approximately 400 banks.

With more Russian companies using SPFS and CIPS, even before they merge, and other maneuvers to bypass SWIFT, such as barter trade – largely used by sanctioned Iran – and agent banks, Russia could make up for at least 50 percent in trade losses.

The key fact is that the flight from the US-dominated western financial system is now irreversible across Eurasia – and that will proceed in tandem with the internationalization of the yuan.

Russia has its own bag of tricks

Meanwhile, we’re not even talking yet about Russian retaliation for these sanctions. Former President Dmitry Medvedev already gave a hint: everything, from exiting all nuclear arms deals with the US to freezing the assets of western companies in Russia, is on the table.

So what does the “Empire of Lies” want? (Putin terminology, on Monday’s meeting in Moscow to discuss the response to sanctions.)

In an essay published this morning,  titled America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century: the MIC, OGAM and FIRE conquer NATO, Michael Hudson makes a series of crucial points, starting with how “NATO has become Europe’s foreign policy-making body, even to the point of dominating domestic economic interests.”

He outlines the three oligarchies in control of US foreign policy:

First is the military-industrial complex, which Ray McGovern memorably coined as MICIMATT (military industrial Congressional intelligence media academia think tank).

Hudson defines their economy base as “monopoly rent, obtained above all from its arms sales to NATO, to West Asian oil exporters and to other countries with a balance-of-payments surplus.”

Second is the oil and gas sector, joined by mining (OGAM). Their aim is “to maximize the price of energy and raw materials so as to maximize natural resource rent. Monopolizing the Dollar Area’s oil market and isolating it from Russian oil and gas has been a major US priority for over a year now, as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany threatened to link the western European and Russian economies together.”

Third is the “symbiotic” Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sector, which Hudson defines as “the counterpart to Europe’s old post-feudal landed aristocracy living by land rents.”

As he describes these three rentier sectors that completely dominate post-industrial finance capitalism at the heart of the western system, Hudson notes how “Wall Street always has been closely merged with the oil and gas industry (namely, the Citigroup and Chase Manhattan banking conglomerates).”

Hudson shows how “the most pressing US strategic aim of NATO confrontation with Russia is soaring oil and gas prices. In addition to creating profits and stock market gains for US companies, higher energy prices will take much of the steam out of the German economy.”

He warns how food prices will rise “headed by wheat.” (Russia and Ukraine account for 25 percent of world wheat exports.) From a Global South perspective, that’s a disaster: “This will squeeze many West Asian and Global South food-deficient countries, worsening their balance of payments and threatening foreign debt defaults.”

As for blocking Russian raw materials exports, “this threatens to cause breaks in supply chains for key materials, including cobalt, palladium, nickel, aluminum.”

And that leads us, once again, to the heart of the matter: “The long-term dream of the US new Cold Warriors is to break up Russia, or at least to restore its managerial kleptocracy seeking to cash in their privatizations in western stock markets.”

That’s not going to happen. Hudson clearly sees how “the most enormous unintended consequence of US foreign policy has been to drive Russia and China together, along with Iran, Central Asia and countries along the Belt and Road initiative.”

Let’s confiscate some technology

Now compare all of the above with the perspective of a central European business tycoon with vast interests, east and west, and who treasures his discretion.

In an email exchange, the business tycoon posed serious questions about the Russian Central Bank support for its national currency, the ruble,

“which according to US planning is being destroyed by the west through sanctions and currency wolf packs who are exposing themselves by selling rubles short. There is really almost no amount of money that can beat the dollar manipulators against the ruble. A 20 percent interest rate will kill the Russian economy unnecessarily.”

The businessman argues that the chief effect of the rate hike “would be to support imports that should not be imported. The fall of the ruble is thus favorable to Russia in terms of self-sufficiency. As import prices rise, these goods should start to be produced domestically. I would just let the ruble fall to find its own level which will for a while be lower than natural forces would permit as the US will be driving it lower through sanctions and short selling manipulation in this form of economic war against Russia.”

But that seems to tell only part of the story. Arguably, the lethal weapon in Russia’s arsenal of responses has been identified by the head of the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements (IGSO), Vasily Koltashov: the key is to confiscate technology – as in Russia ceasing to recognize US rights to patents.

In what he qualifies as “liberating American intellectual property,” Koltashov calls for passing a Russian law on “friendly and unfriendly states. If a country turns out to be on the unfriendly list, then we can start copying its technologies in pharmaceuticals, industry, manufacturing, electronics, medicine. It can be anything – from simple details to chemical compositions.” This would require amendments to the Russian constitution.

Koltashov maintains that “one of the foundations of success of American industry was copying of foreign patents for inventions.” Now, Russia could use “China’s extensive know-how with its latest technological production processes for copying western products: the release of American intellectual property will cause damage to the United States to the amount of $10 trillion, only in the first stage. It will be a disaster for them.”

As it stands, the strategic stupidity of the EU beggars belief. China is ready to grab all Russian natural resources – with Europe left as a pitiful hostage of the oceans and of wild speculators. It looks like a total EU-Russia split is ahead – with little trade left and zero diplomacy.

Now listen to the sound of champagne popping all across the MICIMATT.


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This article was originally published on The Cradle.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture in Moscow. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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Ukraine’s willingness to engage in a war with Washington’s blessing, has industry analysts worried that the conflict could impact the global chip industry and exacerbate current chip shortages. The US government has warned that the global chip supply chain remained weak.

According to research firm Techcet, Ukraine supplies more than 90 percent of America’s semiconductor-grade neon – a gas integral to the lasers used for microchips.

Russia also supplies 35 percent of the US’s palladium supply, a rare metal often used to manufacture semiconductors.

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) said “the semiconductor industry has a diverse set of key materials and gases, so we do not believe there are immediate supply disruption risks related to Russia and Ukraine,” but the long-term impact of the war remains unclear.

If the conflict continues, it could place pressure on an already struggling supply chain as the demand for microchips has increased across the board. Companies are increasingly seeing a demand for AI used in machine learning training, and the market is predicted to grow at over 50 percent annually across all computing categories for the next few years.

US Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo highlighted that the median inventory of chips fell from 40 days in 2019 to less than five days in 2022 with manufacturing running at more than 90 percent utilization.

There is already a shortage of legacy logic chips used in automobiles and medical devices as well as analog chips used in power management, image sensors, radio frequency and other applications. The war in Ukraine could greatly impact the shortage.


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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

An EU plan to send fighter jets to Ukraine appears to be falling apart as each country that was reportedly going to deliver the planes is now denying involvement.

The plan announced Monday by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrel was meant to give Ukraine old Russian-made MiG-29 and Su-24 fighter jets, which Ukraine’s pilots are already trained to fly. Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovakia were reportedly lined up to transfer the planes, but officials from each country denied the plan.

“Slovakia will not provide fighter jets to Ukraine,” the Slovak Foreign Ministry told Newsweek on Tuesday. Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said Monday that Bulgaria doesn’t have enough warplanes to guard its own airspace, let alone enough to send to Ukraine.

On Monday, Ukraine’s parliament claimed Poland planned on giving Ukraine MiG-29 fighters, but Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki denied the plans. “Poland doesn’t have such plans,” Mateusz said on Tuesday.

An unnamed EU diplomat told Politico that some EU countries were “outraged” after Borrel announced that the bloc would be giving Ukraine warplanes since his announcement came shortly after Russia’s nuclear forces were put on high alert.

“Making such announcements on the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced to put his nuclear deterrence force on ‘high alert’ risks to escalate the situation further,” the diplomat said.

While the EU isn’t sending fighter jets, the US and its European allies have been busy pledging to send new weapons to Ukraine, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and Javelin anti-tank missiles. Ukraine has asked for the Western powers to establish a “no-fly zone,” but the request has been ruled out by the US and NATO since it would mean direct military confrontation with Russia.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

At this moment, the events in Ukraine are shrouded in the cloud of smoke that characterizes war propaganda. Official positions, rather than clarifying facts and reporting the progress of negotiations, aim to crush their opponents’ arguments and convince public opinion to back one side of the dispute.

To understand the role of each of the adversaries, what each of them wants, and how far they can go, we must explore the origins of what is now an extreme conflict.


Most recently, it all started with two goals shared by the European Union and the United States. One is the economic expansion of the EU (led by its major powers, particularly Germany) to the east. The so-called Eastern Partnership aimed to draw into the European orbit countries as diverse as Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine – all on Russia’s southern and western borders.

A second purpose is military expansion of the Western bloc, using NATO to complete the encirclement of Russia’s borders. And it is especially here that the interest of the U.S. as the hegemonic power, in this case, has led to a marriage with the economic ambitions of the EU.

A setback

When it comes to Ukraine, the Eastern Partnership suffered a setback when Russia offered economic advantages to the then-Kiev government which thwarted European advances. The EU and U.S. response was the 2014 coup d’état, backed by Ukrainian fascist militias, which brought a “collaborating” president to power, followed by a bloody persecution of the Russian-origin population.

In response, the Russian-populated Donbass region on the border with Russia refused to accept the authority of the new reactionary regime in Kiev. Instead, movements within Lugansk and Donetsk formed themselves into two, what they called “people’s republics” – Lugansk and Donetsk, with Moscow’s support.

Unfulfilled agreements

Following the Minsk agreements, supervised by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), military hostilities ceased. Ukraine (Kiev) committed itself to establishing a regime of autonomy for those republics within the Ukrainian state. However, neither the Ukrainian regime, nor the OSCE, nor even less the EU and the U.S., agreed to abide by the agreement. On the contrary, Ukraine has been armed and instructed to repress the resistance of the two republics, which have been branded as “separatists.”

Russia’s complaints

This is where one of the immediate origins of the escalation we are witnessing can be found. Russia perceived that the crushing of the Donbass Republics would signal the integration of Ukraine into NATO and the placement of troops and weapons on one more of its borders, with the aggravating factor of limiting its access to the Black Sea. This is why Russia’s demands center on negotiating a security agreement with the U.S. (and, inherently, NATO) that will halt the expansion of Western powers to the east and establish lasting terms of coexistence.

Who will benefit from a climate of war?

The efforts of the French president and the German chancellor to reach a conciliatory political agreement with Russia, however incipient, are not at all to the liking of the U.S. government, which fears that the EU will adopt a halfway position between the Russians and the U.S.

Biden’s campaign has therefore sought to quash all avenues for negotiation other than those he himself promotes. The U.S. even contradicted the statements of the Ukrainian leaders themselves, who called for appeasement and criticized the exaggeration of the Western propaganda. Several times, the “invasion” of the Ukraine has been said to be “imminent” (with a set date and everything), something that only makes sense for those who want to exacerbate a climate of war by force. The latest statement by the pathetic Biden, on Feb. 18, is yet another example of this.

Strategy and business

This climate of “imminent” war serves the interests of the U.S. alone. In two senses. One, which can be called strategic in nature, consists in keeping Russia under political and military pressure, while further subordinating the EU to U.S. political designs. The old specter of “the Russians are coming!” not only throws the blame for the tension on Russia, but naturally puts the European populations on the defensive and receptive to “protective aid” from the U.S. and NATO.

A second dimension is pure economic warfare. The U.S. wants to sell its fracked shale gas, which is accumulating without customers as production increases, and nothing could accomplish this better than ruining the Russian natural gas business that has supplied half of Europe for decades. This would be of double advantage to the U.S.: It makes good money (moreover, U.S. gas is much more expensive than Russian gas) and keeps Europe in a greater economic dependence on its transatlantic “ally.”

‘Liberating’ Europe

Politicians and commentators repeat at every turn the argument of “freeing” Germany and Europe from energy dependence on Russia. But they all take dependence on the U.S. for granted. They do not even see that, comparing the two dependencies, Germany and the EU are much better able to deal on an equal footing with Russia, whose economic strength is still weak, than to compete with the economic-political-military might of the U.S.

And it is this prospect of liberation – even a remote one, considering the umbilical link of European imperialism to Yankee imperialism – that puts U.S. power on alert and leads it to sabotage any initiative that goes in that direction.

Similar to Iraq

The recent declarations by the U.S. authorities recall the tone that preceded the invasion of Iraq: end of diplomacy, “unquestionable evidence” from the secret services, cancellation of the negotiation attempts made by third countries – all in order to demonstrate that the only remaining option is military force.

Everything leads one to believe, therefore, that the U.S. plan – with the usual henchman, be he Tony Blair or Boris Johnson – will be to take the conflict with Russia as far as possible, provoking it to the point of forcing it into military intervention. This would be the ideal situation to show the world just how “evil” Putin is and to quash any European attempts to conduct its own policy and seek compromises with Russia.

Different conditions 

The conditions, however, are different from those of 2003. The theater of the conflict is Europe and not Iraq, the adversary is Russia and not a weakened [Iraqi] army, collateral damage would affect not the Middle East but the U.S.’s own allies.

On the other hand, Merkel’s statements, when Trump showed his face, that the U.S. could not be trusted and that Europe would have to take care of itself, did not relax U.S. power, because the statements hold good beyond Trump’s term.

The same with current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s statement, after conferring with Putin, that European security cannot be achieved against Russia – something that clashes with U.S. and NATO plans. These are mere statements, to be sure, but they show that the typical conflict between imperialist powers tends to come to the fore whenever a major crisis arises, as in this case.

Another proxy war

For the U.S., the solution then will be to subcontract the provocation: to push the Ukrainian army (where fascist militias have a strong presence) against the Donbass republics, subjecting the Russian populations to violence like that committed in 2014. This is what is happening with the weaponizing of Ukrainian forces and encouraging them to attack opposing positions in Lugansk and Donetsk.

While issuing constant warnings about the provocations that the Russians are allegedly preparing, in order to justify an invasion, the U.S. intelligence services are certainly not standing still – and it is legitimate to think, given their known practice, that they are themselves mounting the provocations that serve their purposes.

What does U.S. hope to gain?

Neither the Ukrainians nor the Europeans have any interest in a war at home or on their doorstep, which would contribute to plunging the Continent into a crisis of incalculable dimensions. Only the U.S. can see advantage in such a situation. What do they expect to gain from it?

  • To add pretexts for tightening economic sanctions against Russia, calling on all of Europe to join the campaign, just as they did with Cuba, Venezuela or Iran.
  • To constrain Russia’s political movements and business dealings in Europe and thereby block the influence of the Russia-China alliance in the West, including the expansion of the New Silk Road.
  • Resign Europeans to accept and pay for the strengthening of NATO, and to put aside ambitions of “strategic independence” – an idea that clashes with dependence on the U.S. – which the Germans and the French have been timidly talking about.
  • To dig even deeper the trench that separates the imperialist troika (U.S.-EU-Japan) from the China-Russia alliance, with the perspective that the future will bring more and more serious conflicts.

Against NATO

The willingness of the President of the Republic and the Portuguese government to follow the orders of the U.S. and NATO, without a trace of distancing; the prompt sending of military personnel to conflict zones; the media campaign to feed the climate of war and demonize the Russians – all repeat the practice that has always guided the behavior of the Portuguese authorities.

But the unfortunate example of the Lajes summit – which preceded the attack on Iraq in 2003 that was responsible for the destruction of the country, hundreds of thousands of deaths, and millions of refugees – deserves a special mention. More recently, the withdrawal from Afghanistan brought to light the debacle caused by 20 years of occupation in which Portuguese troops were also involved.

Whining about what should have been done, but wasn’t, is of little use – the issue is the involvement, as servants, in the war adventures of the United States. This is where we have to start: It makes perfect sense and is entirely up to date to renew a public opinion campaign for Portugal’s withdrawal from NATO and for the dissolution of the Alliance, which will leave the Portuguese authorities with their hands tied.

New confrontations on the horizon

We have entered an era in which the world is arming for war, taking a balance of forces. The euphoria of globalization, free trade, and the most festive liberalism has come to an end. The retreat of the great powers to their national strongholds, the protectionism with which they shield their economies, and their frantic search for alliances are signs that both the economic expansion of the past decades and the seemingly peaceful coexistence that accompanied it have come to an end.

Now is the time that world powers join forces and form blocs. These are preparations for a confrontation on a global scale to decide who will have supremacy in the world market.

It is in this concrete confrontation that the left has to play its distinct role – starting by denouncing the hegemonic and rlike goals of imperialism, attacking the governments and the media that support them, and striving to create a movement of opinion that lays the foundations of an independent, people-based political current. If it succeeds, it will make an important contribution so that the protest movements spread throughout the world move from the dispersion and defensiveness in which they find themselves to a progressive convergence of efforts and an offensive posture.


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Raposo is editor of the Portuguese website, which published this article on Feb. 20.

Translation by John Catalinotto.

Featured image is from Mudar Devida

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

The Black Alliance for Peace emphatically declares that the conflict in the Ukraine emerges from the ceaseless and single-minded drive of the U.S., NATO, and the European Union for global economic and political dominance.

The genesis of the current crisis, as BAP has previously asserted, is in the 2014 US-backed coup of Ukraine’s democratically elected government – and in the determination of the U.S./EU/NATO “axis of domination” to convert Ukraine into a heavily-militarized NATO member nation, lurking on the border of the Russian Federation.

NATO’s expansion has been a well-known security concern for Russia since 1999, when Bill Clinton inaugurated the official process of growing NATO’s membership to include former nations of the Warsaw Pact. Today, as the conflict escalates, NATO’s expansion has become an existential threat to African people and all oppressed and colonized people around the world. For peace to arrive in the region and in the world, the expansion of this “axis of domination” must be halted and NATO must be dismantled.

But what is peace? For BAP, peace is not merely the absence of conflict. Peace means the achievement, through popular struggle and self-defense, of a world liberated from militarism and nuclear proliferation, imperialism and unjust war, patriarchy, and white supremacy. Indeed, the resurgence and celebration of Nazism in the Ukraine, as well as in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere, represents a global consolidation of white supremacy as part of the project of imperialism. This consolidation also appears through invocations of and appeals to white, “civilized” nations and peoples and the entrenchment of an unabashedly racist pan-European world. Peace also means dismantling a military-industrial complex that is clearly profiting from endless war and intervention and reinvesting bloated “defense” budgets into education, health and child care, housing, and the battle against global warming. We need to dismantle NATO for the same reasons we need to abolish the police: both serve the interests of capital and empire at the expense of the global working classes.

The Black Alliance for Peace is mindful of the loss of life in Ukraine, but also in Somalia, Yemen, and every nation suffering under NATO wars of domination. We offer our unwavering solidarity with the people of these places. As BAP Coordinating Committee member Rafiki Morris  argues:

“Our concern for the people of Ukraine must be added to our overarching concern for those in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya; coups in Egypt, Honduras, Ukraine, Bolivia, Brazil;  subversion in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba; coups across the African continent with soldiers trained by AFRICOM.”

We note, for example, that as the U.S. condemned the military actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, its armed drones bombed Somalia. Moreover, as Black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean were abandoned and mistreated in the Ukraine, the 200th deportation flight of the Biden administration sent 129 Haitians to Port-au-Prince, adding to the 21,000 already deported in one year.

To secure the interests of the Russian and Ukrainian people, there must be good faith negotiations between the Russian Federation, representatives of the peoples of Donbas, and the U.S.  The EU and the U.S. must end their continuous shipments of arms and other “lethal aid” to Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia must enter into serious discussions with the peoples of the Donbas in order to determine if the Minsk agreement, which was  unanimously approved by the United Nations Security Council in 2015, is still applicable.  And NATO must be disbanded.

A cloud of confusion has settled on many people, as the lusty calls for war with Russia grow louder and the propagandistic appeals to patriotism, racial nationalism, and the defense of “white civilization” intensify. For BAP, there is no confusion. The conflict in the Ukraine has only exposed the hypocrisy and contradictions of imperialism, war, and militarism – and the demand for peace means to fight against U.S. imperialism and the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination.

On this strategic focus, BAP says once again that there will be No Compromise and No Retreat!


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The Hypocrisy and Immorality of Sanctions

March 2nd, 2022 by Kim Petersen

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

“I friggin’ hate war,” stammered Nicole, clenching her fists.

“Doesn’t everyone hate war?” asked Hiro.

He meant it as a rhetorical question. But Nicole retorted, “No. Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon and other weapon manufacturers like, er … looove war. Wall Street loves war. Blackwater, or whatever they are called now, love war. And so do the mercenaries.”

Hiro hadn’t meant “everyone” to literally mean “everyone.” But he knew his wording was imprecise.

“But one thing should come out of the Russia-Ukraine war… er” Nicole caught herself and reformulated her statement: “At least, one really good thing that is.”

Hiro stroked the three-day stubble on his chin and pondered what his clever blonde friend sitting at the opposite end of the fading chesterfield had stated.

“Hmm, okay, I give. What is the one really good thing?”

“It is as simple as what is good for the goose is good for the gander.”

Hiro tilted his head slightly to the right. “Not sure what you mean. If the Russians can invade another country, then everyone else can, too? But that’s not a good thing. Besides, the US already invades whichever country they want as long as that country can’t really fight back.”

“No. That’s not it. Look, if the world, ah …, I mean the US, Europe, and Japan are going to sanction Russia for warring, then by all rights, any country that attacks another country without UN Security Council approval should also be sanctioned.”

“Fat chance of that happening,” said Hiro. “That would mean Ukraine should have been sanctioned for shelling Donbass. The US and Turkey should be sanctioned for invading Syria. Israel would be in a permanent state of being sanctioned.”

“Exactly,” responded Nicole. “The world, er, US, EU, UK, and Japan will expose themselves as massive hypocrites if they continue to war.”

“But they already are hypocrites based on their actions against Russia and lack of action against other countries doing the same thing,” said Hiro, rubbing his chin again. “And the US only plays by its own rules. The ICC is for the US to ignore. The World Court is the same. The Rule of Law means law for the others, not for the US.”

“True,” nodded Nicole, brushing back with her hand a shock of hair that had cascaded over one eye.

“And the western media will twist the meanings and omit whatever info it so chooses,” added Hiro.

“True again, but people are starting to clue in. More and more people know the corporate media lies. Independent media is expanding. And hardly anyone watches friggin’ CNN these days. Joe Rogan blows them all out of the water.”

“And just look what happened to Joe,” grumbled Hiro.

“Hiroyuki, it doesn’t matter much because millions of people are listening to Joe and not his cancel culture critics.”

Hiro flinched imperceptibly. He preferred the shortened form of his name. It sounded to him more heroic.

“But isn’t this all whataboutism?”

“Maybe so,” said Nicole. “But more so, it is about the equality of nations, and the UN says this is the foundation of the Rule of Law.”

“Anyway, sanctions unless approved by the Security Council are illegal. So all the countries sanctioning Russia now are breaking international law,” said Hiro pushing his glasses back on his nose bridge.

“Right again.”

“And didn’t Madeleine Albright say it was okay to kill half-a-million Iraqi kids with sanctions?” asked Hiro.

“Yes, she did. What a scandalous moment of truth it was.”

“And doesn’t Foreign Affairs magazine call them sanctions-of-mass-destruction, the deadliest WMD?”

“Yep,” agreed Nicole, “And then there is the argument that sanctions are a declaration of war. Most definitely it is economic warfare.”

“So because the US has been sanctioning Russia since before the invasion of Ukraine, it has been at war with Russia the whole time, not to mention with China, Iran, North Korea, and so on.”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “Don’t forget Cuba. Sixty years of friggin’ sanctions. And why doesn’t the media tell us about all that?”

It was a rhetorical question, but Hiro answered anyway: “Because we are not part of that mainstream.”


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Kim Petersen is a scuba diver and former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp at Twitter: @kimpetersen.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.

What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III scenario.

It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation. 

Global Research condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Bilateral Peace Agreement is required.

Jimmy Carter’s National Security Council adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski famously bragged about having induced a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 by supporting Islamic fundamentalists with the goal of “giving the Soviets their Vietnam.”

The collateral damage of the war—the destruction of Afghanistan and growth of al-Qaeda—was inconsequential to the “grand chess-master,”[1] who told a reporter:

“what is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”

Brzezinski died in May 2017, but his spirit lives on in the Biden administration which appears to have followed his blueprint, substituting Afghanistan with Ukraine.

Its strategy appears to have been to induce a Russian invasion of Ukraine with the goal of bogging Russia down into a quagmire while crippling its economy through sanctions that hold the prospect of bringing Vladimir Putin down.

The task is particularly urgent given

a) the growing geopolitical alliance between Russia and China which threatens to end the era of U.S. unipolar power definitively;

b) the growing financial crisis in the U.S. and West and prospect of economic decline or collapse.

Putin has been hated by the U.S. since he began to take back Russian control over Russia’s economy following a decade of privatization under his predecessor Boris Yeltsin that resulted in plunder by foreign capitalists and oligarchs tied to the West.

In February 2007, Putin gave a speech in Munich denouncing U.S. hyper-militarism, disdain for international law and its attitude of “might makes right,” which, he said, had left the rest of the world afraid.

Praised before in The New York Times as a “sober westernizing leader,” Putin subsequently became Public U.S. Enemy #1—a status enhanced when he confronted U.S. backed forces in Syria and saved the country from the fate of Libya and Iraq.[2]

Poking the Russian Bear One Too Many Times

The U.S. media leaves the impression that Putin invaded Ukraine based on his own diabolical whims, leaving out the entire back story.

Future historians will recognize that the U.S. provoked the current war by:

(1) Refusing to abide by Putin’s legitimate demand that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) not be expanded to Ukraine or anywhere further to Russia’s border—going against a promise made in 1990 by U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.”

Infographic: How NATO Expanded Eastwards | Statista


John J. Marsheimer of the University of Chicago noted that “my sense is that Putin…would not have invaded Ukraine if the Biden administration had given a written guarantee not to expand NATO into Ukraine,” and pledged to stop arming and training Ukraine’s military, which Biden refused to do.[3]

(2) Supporting the Maidan Coup and Ukraine’s War on Eastern Ukraine.

In February 2014, the Obama administration supported the Maidan Square insurrection that resulted in the overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian leader Viktor Yanukovych after he spurned an International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan that came with conditions detrimental to Ukraine. The post-coup regime—led by billionaire Petro Poroshenko who has been indicted on treason charges—triggered a conflict with Russia when they invaded Donetsk and Luhansk provinces with U.S. backing after they voted to secede.

(3) Supporting Ukraine as it violated the Minsk peace ceasefire protocols.

On Monday February 21, Russia reported that it had captured a Ukrainian soldier and killed five others after they crossed into Russian territory in Rostov, just over the border with Ukraine. Several hundred American mercenaries were reported to have arrived in Ukraine that week.

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American mercenary in Donbass [Source:]

Photojournalist Patrick Lancaster provided photographic evidence of Ukrainian army shelling of a school in the Donbass in violation of the Minsk peace agreements signed by both Ukraine and Russia.

Lancaster’s report is corroborated by Organization For Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) maps, which show that shelings violating ceasefire arrangements indeed were carried out mostly by the Ukrainian government.

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A resident of the Kyivsky district of the city of Donetsk whom Lancaster interviewed, Zoya Tumanova, said that the Ukrainians had shelled her village often since 2015 and burned half of it down. She asked Lancaster: “when will it end, when will Putin come? When will he come to save us?”

Tumanova’s viewpoint contradicts the Biden administration’s narrative about the origins of the war, which unfortunately has been embraced by all ends of the political spectrum in the U.S.[4]

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Map showing Ukrainian troops concentrations on Eastern Ukraine’s border on eve of Russian invasion of February 24th, 2022. According to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Ukraine had massed 122,000 troops on the border with Donbass, which was a direct threat to Russia. [Source:]

Mother of All Sanctions—Shutting Down Russia’s Economy

On Monday, the Biden administration announced an expansion of economic sanctions designed to “immobilize Russian central bank assets that are held in the U.S.” and which targeted the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund that is run by a close ally of Putin.

The Biden administration also announced on Monday that, with numerous other countries, it was removing some Russian banks from the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) financial messaging system, barring them from transaction.

Robert Menendez (D-NJ) called this “the mother of all sanctions.”

After the Russian invasion last Thursday, the Biden administration had imposed asset freezes on Russian government officials and banks and equity restrictions on critical Russian mining, transportation and logistics firms. Russian military and industrial companies were further blocked from buying critical technology such as advanced computer chips.

Senior Biden administration officials noted that as a result of the sanctions, the value of Russia’s ruble had already fallen more than 30 percent over the weekend and that Russia’s central bank more than doubled its interest rate to try to mitigate the fallout.

They also predicted that inflation would soon spike and economic activity would contract as Russia’s currency lost value and the country was cut off from its currency reserves.

George Lopez, a sanctions expert at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs, stated that “everyone in the economic sphere, the banking sphere knows we’re in new territory—a coordinated shutdown of a country’s economy with the strongest arrow being in the heart of the banking sector.”

Overextending and Unbalancing Russia

The purpose behind the sanctions was made explicit in a 2019 report issued by the Rand Corporation, the leading Pentagon think-tank, entitled “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia,” which assessed how encouraging domestic protests, providing lethal aid to Ukraine and undermining Russia’s image abroad might weaken and destabilize the country.

The project’s researchers, headed by James F. Dobbins, the former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union (1991-1993) who installed Hamid Karzai as the puppet leader of Afghanistan at the 2001 Bonn conference, found that “economic cost-imposing measures” such as sanctions held particularly high likelihood of success and would “degrade Russia’s economy,” particularly if advanced with other countries.

Regime change could be achieved when the Russian population blamed Putin for their hardships and mounted a rebellion against him.

Punishment Rather Than Diplomacy

In late January, two senior Biden administration officials warned Putin that if he invaded Ukraine, harsh sanctions “would lead to an atrophying of Russia’s productive capacity over time. It would deny Russia the ability to diversify its economy.”

The goal of punishing Russia rather than averting conflict was apparent on February 26 when Ukraine’s President Volodymr Zelensky opted out of negotiations over neutral status with Russia and kept Ukraine fighting, possibly under U.S. pressure. (The State Department signaled opposition to a meeting between Putin and Zelensky to discuss a ceasefire)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz at this time was pressured to a) prevent the Nordstream 2 pipeline from becoming operational and b) to send Kyiv 500 “Stinger” anti-aircraft missiles in violation of Germany’s earlier pledge to hold back any lethal military aid.

The U.S. also began providing Stingers—the key weapon supplied to the Afghan mujahidin to fight the Soviets in the 1980s—while the White House was asking Congress to approve a $6.4 billion aid package to Ukraine.

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Ukrainian soldiers move U.S.-made FIM-92 Stinger missiles and the other military assistance shipped from Lithuania to Boryspil Airport in Kyiv on February 13. [Source:]

Original Sanctions Based on Fraud

When sanctions were first applied under the Magnitsky Act in 2012, Vladimir Putin called them a “provocation” designed to “undermine the future of American-Russian relations.” He also said that they were “shortsighted and dangerous” and an “overt interference into our internal affairs.”

The Magnitsky Act was named after Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Russian prison after allegedly trying to expose a $230 million tax scam targeting the company of an American hedge-fund investor in Russia, William F. Browder.

The grandson of former Communist Party chairman Earl Browder, Browder was convicted in Russian court of failing to pay 552 million rubles in taxes ($16 million) and illegally buying up shares in Gazprom (Russian natural gas company), for which he was sentenced in absentia to nine years in prison.

He provided financial support to Maryland’s Democratic Party Senator Ben Cardin, the original sponsor of the Magnitsky Act, through Ziff Brothers, which gave over $1 million to Democratic Party candidates in the 2016 election (Browder made stock trades for Ziff in Moscow and was using it to try to purchase shares of Gazprom).

That the sanctions policy was based on fraud was evident in the fact that Magnitsky specialized in off-shoring money and was a suspect in the $230 million tax scam, which Browder may have himself initiated.[5]

Sergei Magnitsky and William F. Browder [Source:]

Will Putin Go the Way of the Soviets?

For all the blustery talk—Biden said he was intent on turning Putin into a “pariah” and “imposing severe costs on the Russian economy” through sanctions—Russia as of this writing is still able to sell Europe natural gas, with energy payments being exempted from the economic sanctions.

Global oil prices of $100 per barrel continue to produce large revenues.

The Putin government has planned to cushion the blow from the sanctions by building a “fortress economy” capable of producing vital goods domestically and which has amassed a huge foreign currency reserve, a lot of which Putin still has access to.

Russia’s military advantage in Ukraine is considerable compared with Afghanistan in the 1980s. Russia shares a border with Ukraine, has a major military base in the Crimea, and can count on the support of local allies and at least 15,000 separatist fighters in Donetsk.

In just five days, Russian troops have destroyed a dam blocking water into Crimea and established a land bridge between Crimea and Donbass, taken control of the area around Chernobyl, captured most of the city of Kherson at the mouth of the Dnieper River in the southeast and have begun to advance into the capital, Kyiv.

Satellite image of a 17 mile long Russian convoy heading in the direction of Kyiv

Russian convoy en route to Kyiv. [Source:]

Map showing whole country. Updated 28 Feb

Russian convoy en route to Kyiv. [Source:]

The war, however, may yet devolve into a quagmire if Ukrainian nationalist forces continue to stand up.

But if the Pentagon’s prediction of a Russian victory holds true, then the Russians will have vanquished the ghost of Zbigniew Brzezinski and thwarted the diabolical schemes of his heirs.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Brzezinski was author of the book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (New York: Basic Books, 1997). 

  2. New York Times quotes from Jeremy Kuzmarov and John Marciano, The Russians are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2018), 19. 
  3. In a September meeting with Ukraine’s president Volodymr Zelensky at the White house, Biden instead pledged his “support for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations” and American support for Ukraine’s “being completely integrated in Europe,” (ie. NATO expansion). 
  4. The supposed radical firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), for example, rallied behind the Biden policy, tweeting: “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is indefensible. The U.S. is right to impose targeted sanctions on Putin & his oligarchs.” Bernie Sanders (D-VT) who also supported the institution of “serious sanctions” directed against Russia, said this: “”Vladimir Putin’s latest invasion of Ukraine is an indefensible violation of international law, regardless of whatever false pretext he offers. There has always been a diplomatic solution to this situation. Tragically, Putin appears intent on rejecting it.” However, as John Mersheimer pointed out, it was the Biden administration that rejected diplomacy by refusing to agree to halt NATO expansion in accordance with U.S. promises made 30 years earlier, or stop arms shipments to Ukraine. Former U.S. ambassador Michael McFaul called for censorship of viewpoints that challenged the official narrative of unfettered Russian aggression, tweeting: “there is a time and place for hearing two sides of an issue. This tragic moment in European history is not one of them. Do not give false equivalency to voices of evil and voices of good.” 
  5. This section is drawn from Jeremy Kuzmarov, “Trying to Unbalance Russia: The Fraudulent Origins and Impact of US Sanctions on Russia” In Sanctions as War: Anti-Imperialist Perspectives on American Geo-economic Strategy, ed. Stuart Davis and Immanel Ness (Netherlands: Brill, 2021), chapter 17. 

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