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Joe Biden has announced that his administration is re-launching a 2016 initiative to “end cancer as we know it,” by “harnessing science” in a way that’s similar to the way science was harnessed to fight COVID. 

On Feb. 2, the Biden-Harris Administration announced they were “reigniting” the “Cancer Moonshot” to “end cancer as we know it.”

The Cancer Moonshot was originally launched in 2016, with the mission of accelerating the rate of progress against cancer.

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden explained that the initiative’s new ambitious aim is to reduce the rate of cancer by 50% in 25 years.

“We’re going to break down the walls that hold research back,” said Vice President Kamala Harris during the announcement.

According to White House, the Biden Administration plans to launch ARPA-H, or the Advanced Research and Projects Agency for Health,.

“It’s based on DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency], mostly everyone in this town knows what DARPA is,” said Biden at the announcement event.

DARPA is a secretive research and development arm of the Pentagon which was involved in Operation Warp Speed and has been funding Moderna’s mRNA technology as far back as 2013.

According to the White House, this new agency plans to model the development of next generation cancer drugs after the development of the COVID vaccines, which they say “demonstrated we can accelerate clinical trials without compromising safety & effectiveness.” 

But VAERS data shows that as of Jan. 21 the COVID vaccines have reportedly caused 121,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths.

“Just as we harnessed science to develop the cutting edge COVID vaccines, we’ll bring a fierce sense of urgency to the fight against cancer,” said President Joe Biden during the announcement event.

The White House also mentioned using mRNA technology in their war against cancer, saying that “scientists are asking” if the mRNA technology, used in the “safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines” could be used to “stop cancer cells when they first appear.”

It’s possible the White House is referring to scientists at Moderna. According to their website, Moderna is applying their mRNA technology to “cancer vaccines” and the emerging field of “immuno-oncology.” 


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Jeremy Loffredo is a freelance reporter for The Defender. His investigative reporting has been featured in The Grayzone and Unlimited Hangout. Jeremy formerly produced news programs at RT America.

Featured image is from National Cancer Institute via Unsplash

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Those who fantasize that ‘Israel’ is against Russia and/or China are irredeemably delusional.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid commented on the New Cold War’s Western Eurasian theater in exclusive comments to Axios on Wednesday. In his words,

“At the moment, the [Israeli] assessment is that we don’t see a violent confrontation soon. I also don’t think a world war is about to start there…We have a duty to act with caution about the Russia-Ukraine crisis that no other country has.”

The Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel promptly responded with fury, even going as far as to ridiculously imply that his hosts are Russian puppets when writing on Facebook that

“Mr. Minister reiterates rhetoric of Russian propaganda and ignores the disturbing massages from his own strongest allies – USA, Britain and EU regarding the high possibility of full scale Russian military invasion into Ukraine in coming weeks.”

For as much as the Mainstream Media (MSM) and Alt-Media Community (AMC) alike have curiously converged in their false narrative that Russia and “Israel” are enemies, each in pursuit of their own political ends (the MSM tries to push the “Russian threat” narrative while the AMC pushes the one that “Russia/Putin are secretly anti-Zionists allied with the Iranian-led Resistance”), there’s no longer any credible way to deny the closeness of their ties. The author elaborated on them earlier in the week in his analysis “Interpreting The Latest Russian-‘Israeli’ GPS Jamming Scandal” that also directs intrepid readers to a link where they can review 15 of his other relevant analyses over the years on the topic of their unprecedentedly close and increasingly strategic bilateral relations.

It would be redundant and beyond the scope of the present piece to remind the reader of all the objectively existing and easily verifiable facts related to their ties so it’s enough for now to simply inform them that none of this should have been surprising for astute observers.

Israel pragmatically balances between the US and Russia, and if anything, it’s tilted a lot closer towards the latter in recent years since Moscow has done more to ensure Tel Aviv’s regional security concerns than Washington has through the Kremlin’s “passive facilitation” of its literally hundreds of anti-Iranian bombing operations in Syria and other related measures. This can’t be acknowledged by either the MSM or AMC because it contradicts their equally false narratives about their ties.

The MSM’s audience has been indoctrinated into thinking that Russia is the “ultimate evil” while Israel  is the “ultimate good” and therefore wouldn’t understand why these two are working so closely together in Syria since awareness of this raises questions about these interconnected hyperbolic narratives’ credibility. As for the AMC, its audience typically believes the inverse – that Russia is the “ultimate good” while “Israel” is the “ultimate evil” – and therefore would also immediately start questioning at least the first of these narratives if they found out the truth of those two’s ties. This explains why the MSM and AMC tacitly collude to cover up the reality of Russian-“Israeli” relations, which have become so close in recent years that one can refer to both in the singular as “Rusrael”.

The unprecedented scandal that was just provoked by the Ukrainian Ambassador to “Israel” ridiculously implying that his hosts are Russian puppets who spew so-called “Russian propaganda” and openly defy their so-called “allies” implicitly at the Kremlin’s supposed command has drawn global attention to the true nature of those two’s ties that the MSM and AMBC have been covering up for years already. In fact, according to the US-led West’s own standards of so-called “political correctness”, the Ukrainian Ambassador might even be accused of “anti-Semitism” for hinting that “Israel” isn’t truly independent but is controlled by – or even worse, sold out its independence to – Russia. There are simply some narrative lines that cannot be crossed in the US-led West, for better or for worse, for right or for wrong.

Israel is truly neutral in the New Cold War’s Western Eurasian theater as proven by its Foreign Minister’s accurate assessment of the undeclared USprovoked missile crisis in Europe. It’s also neutral in that global struggle’s Eastern Eurasian theater too, which is confirmed by its close economic and financial ties with China in spite of Israel’s American ally obsessively seeking to “contain” the People’s Republic, though that’s beyond the scope of the present piece to explain. It’s simply enough for the reader to know that Israel isn’t an American puppet but is fiercely independent in terms of its foreign policy and that the US’ two top rivals have successfully cultivated excellent ties with it that are mutually beneficial. Those who fantasize that “Israel” is against Russia and/or China are irredeemably delusional.


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An incredible event took place on January 29th.

Thousands of truckers organized many convoy to occupy Ottawa to demand the government to take down the mandates.

They are ready to stay as long as it takes.


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In Canada, the west convoy crossed all the country to meet with the prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Here is a testimony of this incredible journey.

Canada is strong and united again. God bless this movement!


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The Year of the Tiger Starts with a Sino-Russian Bang

February 4th, 2022 by Pepe Escobar

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The Year of the Black Water Tiger will start, for all practical purposes, with a Beijing bang this Friday, as Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, after a live meeting before the initial ceremony of the Winter Olympics, will issue a joint statement on international relations.

That will represent a crucial move in the Eurasia vs. NATOstan chessboard, as the Anglo-American axis is increasingly bogged down in Desperation Row: after all, “Russian aggression” stubbornly refuses to materialize.

After an interminable wait arguably due to the lack of functionaries properly equipped to write an intelligible letter, the US/NATO combo finally concocted a predictable, jargon-drenched bureaucratese non-response “response” to the Russian demands of security guarantees.

The contents were leaked to a Spanish newspaper, a full member of NATOstan media. The leaker, according to Brussels sources, may be in Kiev by now. The Pentagon, in damage control mode, rushed to assert, “We didn’t do it”. The State Dept. said, “it’s authentic.”

Even before the leak of the non-response “response”, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was forced to send messages to all NATO foreign ministers, including US Secretary Blinken, asking how they understand the principle of indivisibility of security – if they actually do.

Lavrov was extremely specific: “I am referring to our demands that everyone faithfully implement the agreements on the indivisibility of security that were reached within the OSCE in 1999 in Istanbul and in 2010 in Astana. These agreements provide not only for the freedom to choose alliances, but also make this freedom conditional on the need to avoid any steps that will strengthen the security of any state at the expense of infringing on the security of others.”

Lavrov hit the heart of the matter when he stressed, “our Western colleagues are not simply trying to ignore this key principle of international law agreed in the Euro-Atlantic space, but to completely forget it.”

Lavrov also made it very clear “we will not allow this topic to be ‘wrapped up’. We will insist on a honest conversation and an explanation of why the West does not want to fulfill its obligations at all or exclusively, selectively, and in its favor.”

Crucially, China fully supports Russian demands for security guarantees in Europe, and fully agrees that the security of one state cannot be ensured by inflicting damage on another state.

This is as serious as it gets: the US/NATO combo are bent on smashing two crucial treaties that directly concern European security, and they think they can get away with it because there is less than zero discussion about the content and its implications across NATOstan media.

Western public opinion remains absolutely clueless. The only narrative, hammered 24/7, is “Russian aggression” – by the way duly emphasized in NATO’s non-response “response”.

Wanna check our military-technical gear?

For the umpteenth time Moscow made it very clear it’s not going to make any concessions on the security demands just because the Empire of Chaos keeps threatening – what else – extra harsh sanctions, the sole imperial “policy” short of outright bombing.

The new sanctions package, anyway, is ready to go for quite a while now, arguably capable of cutting Moscow off from the Western financial system and/or casino, and targeting, among others, Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank and Alfa-Bank.

And that brings us to what’s Moscow going to do next – considering the predictable “extremely negative attitude” (Lavrov) from NATOstan. Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko had already hinted NATO knows perfectly well what’s coming, even before the non-response “response”:

“NATO knows perfectly well what kind of military-technical measures may follow from Russia. We make no secret of our possibilities and are acting very transparently.”

Still the American “partners” are not listening. The Russians remain unfazed. Grushko framed it in realpolitik terms: concrete measures will depend on the “military potentials” that could be used against Russia. That’s code for what sort of nuclear weapons will be deployed in Eastern Europe, and what sort of lethal equipment will keep being unloaded in Ukraine.

In fact Ukraine – or country 404, per Andrei Martyanov’s indelible definition – is just a lowly pawn in their (imperial) game. Adding to Kiev’s misery on all fronts, the head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Alexei Danilov, all but gave away the (regional) game.

In an interview to AP, Danilov said that “the Minsk Agreements can create chaos”; he admitted that Kiev totally lost the war in 2014/15 and then signed the Minsk Agreements “under threat of Russian arms” (false: Kiev was soundly defeated by the Donbass militias); but most of all he admitted Kiev never had any intention of fulfilling the Minsk Agreements.

So Kiev, essentially, is breaking international law: the Minsk Agreements are guaranteed by the UN Security Council resolution 2022 (2015), adopted unanimously. Even the US, UK and France voted “Yes”. So breaking the law is not hard to do, as long as you’re enabled by “big powers”.

And on that invisible “Russian aggression”, well, even Danilov can’t see “the readiness of Russian forces near the border for an invasion, which will take three to seven days.”

Bring on the Dancing Horses

None of the above alters the fundamental fact that the US-UK combo – plus the proverbial NATO chihuahuas Poland and the Baltics – are spinning around like mad trying to provoke a war. And the only way to do it is to Release the False Flags. It may be sometime in February, it may be during the Beijing Olympics, it may be before the onset of Spring. But they will come. And the Russians are ready.

The preamble has been staged straight from Monty Python Flying Circus – complete with Crash Test Dummy, a.k.a. POTUS yelling to comedian Zelensky that, in a trashy Mongol revival, “Kiev will be sacked” (to the sound of Bring On the Dancing Horses?); an outraged Zelensky telling POTUS to, c’mon man, back off; and the White House swearing that the US has gamed 18 scenarios for the “Russian invasion” (Lavrov: 17 were written by the intel alphabet soup, the 18th by the State Dept.)

Cue to non-stop, frantic weaponizing of country 404 – everything from Javelins to MANPADs to overpriced Blackwater/Academi-tinged waves of “advisers”.

Switching away from farce, not to mention misguided scenarios starting from the faulty premise of an “invasion”, the only rational move Moscow may be contemplating is to de facto recognize the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, and send in a contingent of peacekeepers.

That, of course, would enrage the neo-con infested War Inc. matrix to intergalactic paroxysm, as it would nullify all those elaborate psyops geared to instill the Fear of God on the unsuspecting victims of the Remixed Khanate of the Golden Horde, burning and looting all the way to…the Hungarian plains?

Then there’s the tricky question of how to de-Nazify Western Ukraine: that will be a strictly Ukrainian matter, with zero Russian involvement.

The ghost of Mackinder is in total freak out mode contemplating in impotence the imperial brilliance of deciding to fight a two-front war against the Russia-China strategic partnership. At least there’s Monty Python to the rescue: the Ministry of Silly Walks has been gloriously revived as the Ministry of Silly Strategies.

Pride of place goes to the phone call placed by Little Blinkie to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi – which contains all the elements of a brilliant comic sketch. It stars with the combo behind that cipher, “Biden”, thinking that the Beijing leadership could influence Putin to not exercise “Russian aggression” against 404. On the sidelines, perhaps there could be some discussion about the “Indo-Pacific” racket.

The plot went downhill when once again Wang Yi – remember Alaska? – made shark fin’s soup out of Blinkie. The key take aways: China totally supports Russia; it’s the US that is destabilizing Europe; and were more sanctions to come, Europe will pay a terrible price, not Russia, which of course can count on a serious helping hand from China.

Now compare it with the phone call between Putin and Macron. It was, to start with, cordial. They discussed “brain-dead” (copyright Macron) NATO. They discussed the proverbial Anglo-Saxon shenanigans. They even discussed the possibility of forming a pan-European group – a sort of anti-AUKUS – with Russia included, curbing the influence of the Five Eyes and bent on avoiding by all means a war in European soil. For the moment, it’s all talk. But the game-changing seeds are all there.

Misguided scenarios insist that Putin skillfully exploited the imperial obsession with the rise and rise of China to re-establish Russia’s sphere of influence. Nonsense. The sphere was always there – and won’t move. The difference is Moscow finally got fed up with the heavy symbolism permeating the unresolved 404 mess: the intermingling of raw Russophobia in Washington and containment/encirclement NATO knocking at the door.

Metaphorically, this may turn out to be the Year of two – sanctioned – Black Water Tigers, one Chinese, one Siberian. They will be harassed non-stop by the headless eagle, blind to its own irreversible decay and always resorting to the serial Hail Mary passes of the only “policy” it knows.

The ultimate danger – especially for the European minions – is that the headless eagle will never let go of its former “indispensable” status without provoking another devastating war. In European soil. Still the tigers persist: in Beijing, before the Games commence, they will be taking yet another step to irreversibly bury the “rules-based international order”.


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Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture in Moscow. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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On this special episode of 9/11 Free Fall, AE911Truth CEO Roland Angle and Director of Strategy Ted Walter join host Andy Steele to critique a recent presentation on the World Trade Center building failures by Najib Abboud, a managing principal at the engineering consulting firm Thornton Tomasetti.

Before his former company, Weidlinger Associates, merged with Thornton Tomasetti in 2015, Abboud led Weidlinger’s studies into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 as part of the litigation efforts of developer Larry Silverstein.

In this presentation, Abboud puts forth Weidlinger’s theory that the Twin Towers collapsed due to heat-induced failure of the core columns. This theory differs significantly from NIST’s theory that the perimeter columns failed first, as a result of being pulled inward by heat-induced sagging of the floor trusses.

Abboud asserts that all of the studies supporting fire-induced collapse have converged around certain findings. But, in reality, they involve very different collapse initiation mechanisms, and none of them actually analyze how the destruction propagated following collapse initiation.

Angle and Walter methodically refute Abboud’s claims and explain how the NIST and Weidlinger theories are as much at odds with the evidence as they are with each other. In Part 2, Angle and Walter will examine the multiple conflicting fire-based theories for Building 7’s destruction, which are even more numerous and diverse than those for the Twin Towers.


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An event of great importance for the geopolitics of the Middle East took place this week: Bahrain and Israel signed an agreement on military cooperation in defense and security. In the midst of the growing tensions that hurt the Middle East, the strategic significance of this type of measure is immense, revealing that this small Arab kingdom is not only willing to remain in peace with Israel as other Arab countries had already done, but also to strategically cooperate with the Zionist government against its eventual enemies in possible conflicts.

During a visit by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz to Bahrain this week, a military cooperation agreement was signed between the two countries, strengthening bilateral relations that had previously been normalized in 2020, when, mediated by the US, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates signed peace accords with Israel. With the measure, Bahrain became the first Arab country to maintain security and defense cooperation ties with Tel Aviv, conducting to a new era of international relations in the Middle East.

In Gantz’s own words:

“It will allow for the deepening of cooperation and will strengthen the security of the two countries (…) The MOU [memorandum of understanding] framework will support any future cooperation in the areas of intelligence, mil-to-mil [military to military], industrial collaboration and more (…) Only one year following the signing of the [Abraham] Accords, we have achieved an important defense agreement which will contribute to the security of both countries and the stability of the region (…) Against a backdrop of increasing maritime and aerial threats, our ironclad cooperation is more important than ever”.

As reported by local media, Gantz’s visit was accompanied by great honors, with the Israeli prime minister having the opportunity to talk face-to-face with King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa at the royal palace – an opportunity given to only a few foreign officials. In addition, Gantz also visited the US Navy Fifth Fleet’s headquarters in Bahrain, which reveals a possible American mediation in the approach.

In fact, many factors may be influencing this process of military cooperation. The current moment is extremely tense in the Middle East, considering the failure to form a new nuclear agreement between the US and Iran. Tel Aviv and Washington accuse Tehran of not cooperating with global nuclear security and, as a result, justify their investments in new military measures allegedly intended to “prevent the Iranian danger”. Considering that Iran which has strong ties with Turkey is a common enemy for Americans, Israelis and most Arab nations, the conditions are appropriate for the formation of this new coalition.

There is also the Yemeni factor, in which Iran and the Arab coalition fight each other in a proxy war. Contrary to what was expected a few months ago, the war has not come to an end: the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia remains slow and Biden has not been able to carry out his plans to boycott Riyadh. As the conflict intensifies, tensions between Arabs and Iranians escalate significantly and this situation forces the Arab nations to look for ways to strengthen themselves – forming as many military alliances as possible.

Now, the first steps of the new alliance are already being traced. Israel will participate next week in a US-led naval exercise with the participation of more than sixty countries, including Bahrain. UAE and Saudi Arabia will also join the drills. It is expected that this type of event will become more and more frequent in the coming months, bringing together an increasing number of Arab nations in the name of a common project of defense against the “Iranian threat” – invented by the fallacious US narrative about Tehran’s nuclear program.

It is difficult to know whether the other Arab countries will also join Israel in a military alliance. It was expected that Bahrain would be the first country to take this kind of attitude, as it is an Arab kingdom with an advanced process of westernization and distancing from the Arab world. But nations like Saudi Arabia, for example, are less likely to take this measure, because, despite rivalries with Iran, they are still very committed to the Palestinian cause and are not willing to give it up. From a realistic perspective, it is most likely that the military approach to Israel will develop as a natural consequence of the “Abraham Accords”, as the peace treaties signed by Bahrain, UAE, Morocco and Sudan with Israel became known.

There are two possible paths for Arab countries that maintain peace with Israel: to use diplomatic cordiality to gain advantages in negotiations and try to favor the Arab world through dialogue, or approach Israel militarily and abandon the historic interests of Arab nations. Egypt, the first Arab country to maintain peace with Israel, appears to be following the first path, considering its positive influence in preventing Israeli incursions into Palestine. On the other hand, the second wave of Arab nations to maintain peace with Tel Aviv, those that signed the “Abraham Accords” in 2020, seems to be taking the second path.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

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Video: Houthis Hit UAE Harder than Before

February 4th, 2022 by South Front

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The Houthis (Ansar Allah) continue to escalate their attacks on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and its proxies in Yemen. As of February 3, the group has carried out several successful attacks using suicide drones and ballistic missiles.

On January 30, the Houthis attacked several targets in the UAE as a part of a large-scale operation, codenamed “Operation Yemen’s Hurricane 2”.

During the operation, a number of Zulfiqar ballistic missiles were fired at “important targets” in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi. Several Samad-3 suicide drones were also launched at “sensitive targets” in the city of Dubai. The UAE claimed that the attack was foiled by its air defenses, without providing clear details.

Following the attack, the Saudi-led coalition said that its warplanes had targeted and destroyed the launch site in the Yemeni province of Al-Jawf, from where the Houthis launched the attack.

The Houthis didn’t step back. On February 1, the group targeted a field operations room of the UAE military and its proxies in the district of Usaylan in the Yemeni province of Shabwah with a ballistic missile.

Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the Houthis, claimed that strike killed a number of Emirati service members along with scores of UAE-backed Yemeni fighters.

The Houthis received unexpected support on February 2 when a group known as the Righteous Promise Brigades (RPB) announced that it had attacked “vital facilities” in Abu Dhabi, deep in the UAE, with four suicide drones.

The UAE claimed that three of the suicide drones launched by the RPB were intercepted by its air defenses, without clarifying the fate of the fourth drone.

The drone attack was apparently carried out in support of the Houthis. In a statement, the RPB called on the UAE to end its interference in both Iraq and Yemen.

The RPB, which presents itself as a force native of the Arabian Peninsula, is reportedly backed by Iran and based in Iraq. It’s intervention on the side of the Houthis may become a game changer.

All recent attack didn’t deter the Saudi-led coalition, whose warplanes carried out a total of 92 airstrikes on Yemen between January 30 and February 2. The airstrikes targeted Houthi-held areas in the provinces of Ma’rib, al-Jawf and Taiz. The coalition claimed that its airstrikes killed dozens of Houthi fighters.

Forces backed by Saudi Arabi and the UAE, namely the elite Giants Brigades, continue to conduct offensive operations in al-Ma’rib and Shabwah. Yet, as of February 2, no major ground gains were made.

The Houthis will not likely end their attacks on the UAE until the Saudi-led coalition halts its operations in central Yemen. The RPB may step in again to support the Houthis soon.


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Nearly 300 fully vaccinated residents in Massachusetts died of breakthrough COVID-19 over the past week even as case numbers have dropped statewide.

Between Jan. 22 and 29, Massachusetts health officials reported 290 additional breakthrough COVID-19 deaths, bringing the state’s total death toll among the fully vaccinated to 1,789. The figure represents 0.03% of the state’s inoculated population.

During the same period, health officials also recorded 27,530 new breakthrough infections and 555 additional hospitalizations. The state has now reported a total of 422,132 cases and 6,440 admissions among the fully vaccinated. The numbers represent 8.1% and 0.12% of the state’s inoculated population, respectively, according to the latest COVID-19 Vaccine Data from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

A breakthrough case refers to when a person who has been fully vaccinated or boosted against COVID-19 tests positive for the virus at least 14 days after the last dose.

Despite the rising number of breakthrough cases, public health experts still urge people to get vaccinated, noting that the shots help prevent severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths. Health experts also note that breakthrough cases are expected as no vaccine is 100% effective in preventing an infection.

The report from the Department of Public Health comes as Massachusetts has reported a 62% decrease in daily new cases over the past 14 days, an analysis of data conducted by CNN found.

On Wednesday, Massachusetts health officials reported 4,973 new confirmed cases and 87 additional deaths among the unvaccinated and vaccinated. This puts the state’s overall infections to 1,493,224 and deaths to 21,633 since the beginning of the pandemic.

Over the past 14 days, the majority of the cases occurred in people aged 20 to 29. The least number of cases were reported in people aged 80 and older.

As of Wednesday, there are a total of 1,799 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in Massachusetts. At least 298 patients have been admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU) and 176 are intubated.

The state’s seven-day rolling average test positivity hit 6.37% on Wednesday, down from 7.13% reported Tuesday, according to the health department’s dashboard.


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A shocking new analysis from a German researcher using data from several countries reveals that there have been “thousands” more “daily deaths” from COVID-19 vaccines than governments around the world are admitting, even as those same regimes continue to demand as many people as possible continue to get vaccinated.

The analysis, from University of Regensberg Prof. Christof Kuhbandner, has revealed what he has described as an “extremely alarming situation” involving “thousands” of people who “are dying of the vaccine daily without us even being aware of it,” according to a published report.

The mortality data, which was gathered from Austria, Germany, Israel and Britain, was compiled in an Austrian report broadcast by after Kuhbandner “happened to come across a recent preprint study in the journal ResearchGate, where the authors examined the UK ONS vaccine mortality surveillance report,” the report noted further.

At first glance, the analysis noted, the ‘all-cause mortality’ rates appear to be far lower in vaccinated people than those who have not taken the vaccine. But after Kuhbandner and other researchers conducted a closer examination, they discovered “fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data,” the report noted, showing that there has been “systemic miscategorization of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated,” among other factors.

For example, for the calendar weeks spanning 1-38 in 2021, shortly after COVID-19 vaccines became available to the general public around the world, there were strong peaks in non-COVID mortality for unvaccinated people in the 60-69 and 70-79-year-old age groups, while mortality rates among those who got the jab “stayed steady,” the report continues.

“Prof. Kuhbandner noted something very unusual was going on and examined the trend for the 80+ age group as well. The following are the plots for all three age groups. The peaks and deaths were offset,” the report added.

The researchers noted:

In previous years, each of the 60-69, 70-79 and 80+ groups have mortality peaks at the same time during the year (including 2020 when all suffered the April Covid peak at the same time). Yet in 2021 each age group has non-Covid mortality peaks for the unvaccinated, at a different time, namely the time that vaccination rollout programmes for those cohorts reach a peak.”

The vaccines were rolled out in phases, in other words, going first to the oldest people (80+ years old) because they were adjudged to be the most vulnerable, before then being offered to people in the 70-79-year-old group, then 60-69 years old and so forth.

“The death peaks then followed the vaccination stages,” the report said, adding the question: “So why would people NOT getting the vaccine be the ones dying in huge numbers, and not those getting the vaccine?”

That’s because in Europe, the report adds, those who became “vaccinated” were not designated as such until 14 days after the last of a two-dose regimen, so any deaths that occurred beforehand were counted as “unvaccinated” deaths.

If a patient died less than 14 days later, they were counted as “unvaccinated,” and that’s how vaccine-related deaths are actually being hidden, the report states.

“As Figures 5-7 above show, thousands of deaths occurred shortly after the vaccines had been administered, and many among them were likely linked to the vaccine itself. If this is the case globally, and not just in Britain, then the number of vaccine deaths may be profound. The nightmare appears to be true, Prof Kuhbandner shows,” the report states.

There were similar death patterns in Germany, according to Kuhbandner.

“These deaths appear to be directly the result of vaccinations. It’s just too coincidental to be dismissed,” the report continues.

In his interview with, the professor said, “When you express this in numbers, it translates to 700 more deaths a day, on average. It would be like two commercial planes full of people crashing every day.”

“If it turns out that there’s a causal effect with the vaccinations, then we are dealing with an extremely alarming situation,” Kuhbandner added, noting that he found similar results in all of the examined countries including Israel.

“Then we have a case here where thousands of people are dying of the vaccine daily without us even being aware of it,” he added.


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Poll: 54% of Canadians Want to End All COVID Restrictions

February 4th, 2022 by Chris Menahan

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A solid majority of Canadians now want to end all Covid restrictions after a 15 percentage point shift in public opinion in just two weeks, according to a new poll from a major Canadian pollster.

“[I]n the past two weeks the number of Canadians saying they would like to see restrictions ended has risen by 15 percentage points, to a majority (54%),” the Angus Reid Institute reported on Monday.

“At least 34 per cent in every region disagree with this idea, but a majority in every region other than Atlantic Canada feel the time is now to open things up.”

In Quebec, 59% support ending restrictions versus only 34% who are opposed.

“The lone majority-dissenting age and gender group on this question are women over the age of 54. At least half of other cohorts – led by 35- to 54-year-old men – say restrictions should end,” Angus Reid noted.

The only demographic who want these restrictions to continue are elderly cat ladies who’ve swallowed the media’s propaganda and think they have a 50% or greater chance of being hospitalized if they catch this bug.

No wonder the media is ignoring this poll!

This is a complete disaster for Tin-pot Trudeau! No wonder he’s going crazy smearing them with every epithet in the book!

Who is the “fringe minority” now, Tin-pot?

You’d better get real comfy in your hideout because you aren’t going to be leaving!

What explains the massive shift in support for ending all covid restrictions?

Most likely widespread public support for the trucker protests and the relatively mild Omicron variant spreading like crazy among the fully vaccinated.

This poll should be blasted everywhere.

Well done, hero truckers!

Source: Emilijaknezevic, CC BY-SA 4.0

Hold the line!


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Findings from the UK’s world-leading human challenge study provide new insights into mild infections with SARS-CoV-2 in healthy young adults.

The collaborative study is the first in the world to perform detailed monitoring over the full course of COVID-19, from the moment a person first encounters SARS-CoV-2, throughout the infection to the point at which the virus is apparently eliminated.

The Human Challenge Programme is a partnership between Imperial College London, the Vaccine Taskforce and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), hVIVO (part of Open Orphan plc.), and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Among several key clinical insights, researchers found that symptoms start to develop very fast, on average about two days after contact with the virus. The infection first appears in the throat; infectious virus peaks about five days into infection and, at that stage, is significantly more abundant in the nose than the throat.

They also found that lateral flow tests (LFTs) are a reassuringly reliable indicator of whether infectious virus is present (i.e., whether they are a likely to be able to transmit virus to other people).

The findings, published on a pre-print server and which have not yet been peer-reviewed, detail the outcomes in 36 healthy, young participants with no immunity to the virus.

This landmark study, which took place at a specialist unit at the Royal Free Hospital in London, shows that experimental infection of volunteers is reproducible and resulted in no severe symptoms in healthy young adult participants, laying the groundwork for future studies to test new vaccines and medicines against COVID-19.

Professor Christopher Chiu, from the Department of Infectious Disease and the Institute of Infection at Imperial College London and Chief Investigator on the trial, said:

“First and foremost, there were no severe symptoms or clinical concerns in our challenge infection model of healthy young adult participants.

“People in this age group are believed to be major drivers of the pandemic and these studies, which are representative of mild infection, allow detailed investigation of the factors responsible for infection and pandemic spread.

“Our study reveals some very interesting clinical insights, particularly around the short incubation period of the virus, extremely high viral shedding from the nose, as well as the utility of lateral flow tests, with potential implications for public health.”

Clinical insights

In the trial, 36 healthy male and female volunteers aged 18-30 years, unvaccinated against COVID-19 and with no prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 were given a low dose of the virus – introduced via drops up the nose – and then carefully monitored by clinical staff in a controlled environment over a two-week period. The study used virus from very early in the pandemic obtained from a hospitalized patient in the ISARIC4C study, prior to the emergence of the Alpha variant.

Eighteen of the volunteers became infected, 16 of whom went on to develop mild-to-moderate cold-like symptoms, including a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat. Some experienced headaches, muscle/joint aches, tiredness and fever.

None developed serious symptoms. Two participants were excluded from the final analysis after developing antibodies between initial screening and inoculation.

Thirteen infected volunteers reported temporarily losing their sense of smell (anosmia), but this returned to normal within 90 days in all but three participants – the remainder continue to show improvement after three months.

There were no changes seen in their lungs, or any serious adverse events in any participant. All participants will be followed up for 12 months after leaving the clinical facility to monitor for any potential long-term effects.

Participants were exposed to the lowest possible dose of virus found to cause infection, roughly equivalent to the amount found in a single droplet of nasal fluid when participants were at their most infectious.

Accurate timeline of infection

The study has also revealed some unique insights into the timeline of COVID-19, particularly during the very early period after virus exposure that cannot be looked at in other types of study, where patients are not identified until symptoms are noticed.

Among the 18 infected participants, the average time from first exposure to the virus to viral detection and early symptoms (incubation period) was 42 hours, significantly shorter than existing estimates, which put the average incubation period at 5-6 days.

Following this period there was a steep rise in the amount of virus (viral load) found in swabs taken from participants’ nose or throat.

These levels peaked at around five days into infection on average, but high levels of viable (infectious) virus were still picked up in lab tests up to nine days after inoculation on average, and up to a maximum of 12 days for some, supporting the isolation periods advocated in most guidelines.

There were also differences in where the most virus was found. While the virus was detected first in the throat, significantly earlier than in the nose (40 hours in the throat compared to 58 hours in the nose), levels were lower and peaked sooner in the throat.

Peak levels of virus were significantly higher in the nose than in the throat, indicating a potentially greater risk of virus being shed from the nose than the mouth. This highlights the importance of proper facemask use to cover both the mouth and nose.

Lateral flow tests

Importantly, lateral flow tests (LFTs) were shown to be a good indicator of whether someone was harbouring viable virus. Positive LFTs correlated well with lab-confirmed detection of virus from swabs throughout the course of infection, including in those who were asymptomatic. However, the tests were less effective in picking up lower levels of virus at the very start and end of infection.

This is the first study that has been able to provide detailed data on the early phase of infection, before and during the appearance of symptoms. While there is a possibility of missing infectious virus early in the course of infection, particularly if only the nose is tested, the researchers say these findings overall support continued use of LFTs to identify people likely to be infectious.

The study provides supportive evidence that LFTs can reliably predict when someone is unlikely to infect others and can come out of isolation, and that twice-weekly rapid tests would allow diagnosis before 70-80% of viable virus was generated during the course of infection.

“We found that overall, lateral flow tests correlate very well with the presence of infectious virus,” said Professor Chiu. “Even though in the first day or two they may be less sensitive, if you use them correctly and repeatedly, and act on them if they read positive, this will have a major impact on interrupting viral spread.”

The authors highlight that while the model is a safe and effective approximation of real-world infection in young adults, the small sample size, reduced diversity of infected volunteers and limited follow up period may restrict the findings.

However, they add that despite these limitations, the study has important implications for public health, including around proper mask-wearing, isolation periods for infectious individuals, the use of LFTs, and establishing the human challenge platform to investigate further aspects of COVID-19.

Future work will see the team determine why some people became infected and others did not and develop a challenge virus using the Delta variant, which is already underway by Imperial in partnership with hVIVO and funded by the Wellcome Trust, and which could be used in follow-on trials.

According to the team, with these data supporting the safety of the infection challenge model and a Delta variant available, this could theoretically provide a ‘plug and play’ platform for testing new variants and therapies, including vaccines.

Professor Chiu added:

“While there are differences in transmissibility due to the emergence of variants, such as Delta and Omicron, fundamentally, this is the same disease and the same factors will be responsible for protection against it.

“From the point of view of virus transmission related to the very high viral loads, we are likely if anything to be underestimating infectivity because we were using an older strain of the virus. With a newer strain, there might be differences in terms of size of response, but ultimately we expect our study to be fundamentally representative of this kind of infection.”

Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, said:

“Human challenge studies have been performed using other pathogens for decades, including flu and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). They need full independent ethical review and very careful planning – as has been the case this time. Every precaution is taken to minimise risk. “Scientifically these studies offer real advantage because the timing of exposure to the virus is always known exactly, therefore things like the interval between exposure and the profile of virus shedding can be accurately described. “This important study has provided further key data on COVID-19 and how it spreads, which is invaluable in learning more about this novel virus, so we can fine-tune our response. Challenge studies could still prove to be important in the future to speed the development of ‘next-generation’ Covid-19 vaccines and antiviral drugs. “These data underline just how useful a tool lateral flow tests can be to pick up people when infectious and the importance of wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces.”


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Leaders of the trucker protest that has paralyzed downtown Ottawa for a week say they won’t leave until mask and vaccine mandates are ended.

“Let me assure the people of Ottawa that we have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary,” said Tamara Lich, described as “the spark that lit the fire” when she was introduced at a press conference Thursday afternoon at the Marriott Hotel on Kent Street.


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“The truth about Joe Rogan’s controversial guests: ‘Father of mRNA’ Dr Malone pointed out that hospitals get COVID bonuses and said Biden government is ‘out of control’ – while Dr McCullough said US is hypnotized and ‘pandemic is plandemic’“


Dear Editors, Daily Mail

I am writing to request a public retraction with apology for the numerous false statements made by Harriet Alexander and The Daily Mail. These false statements include the following:

1)    “On January 10, more than 250 doctors signed an open letter to Spotify, entitled: ‘A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy.’”

A minority of these signatories were physicians, and the majority included nurses, trainees, and podcasters.  In contrast, the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists (for which I serve as President) has over 17,000 validated signatories of the Physician’s declaration, and all are physicians and medical scientists

“He is a California-born doctor who pioneered mRNA vaccines. He describes himself as a carpenter and farmhand from California, who began to study science and became a pioneer in mRNA vaccine technology.”

This is an intentional gross misrepresentation of my qualifications, which are readily available (including the issued mRNA and DNA vaccine patents) at

Google Scholar ,

Original data, notes, patents, early papers, lab notes, meeting notes, patent disclosures and more labbooks, disclosures here.

and attached documents: RW Malone, MD Bio sketch, and RW Malone MD, CV

3)    This quote is inaccurate; “’I was the guy that first acquired (hydroxychloroquine) because I had Chinese connections,’ Malone told Rogan.”

What I said was that I was the first to acquire the treatment protocol from China. Relating to this, video documentation of the efforts of BARDA Director Dr. Rick Bright and acting FDA director Dr. Janet Woodcock to suppress outpatient access to Hydroxychloroquine .

4)    Regarding the activity of both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, I refer Ms. Alexander to the excellent summary developed by the Attorney General of the State of Nebraska concerning this topic. This recent paper on the use of ivermectin is also useful.

5)    A summary of the studies demonstrating that natural immunity is superior to vaccine induced immunity

6)    “There have been isolated reports of deaths being initially misclassified, but no evidence of widespread falsification of data, as claimed by Malone.”

This is a false statement, and represents hearsay not supported by evidence from Ms. Alexander. In contrast, the CDC and Dr. Deborah Birx has acknowledged this misclassification, which represents widespread falsification of deaths due to COVID-19.  Evidence of data falsification by DoD concerning these data (see this) is pending and will be released shortly.

7)    Regarding the incidence of hospitalized myocarditis in adolescents, the most comprehensive study is titled “Epidemiology of Acute Myocarditis/Pericarditis in Hong Kong Adolescents Following Comirnaty Vaccination”, and indeed demonstrates an incidence of approximately 1 in 2700 in boys. This study can be found here But if one wishes to pursue SOME of the other adverse events of these vaccines, here are many more peer reviewed references.

8)    “While there is a legal gray area for mandating vaccines authorized for emergency use, businesses, employers and state governments generally have the power to require vaccination, experts say.”

This statement is readily demonstrated to be false, and represents unattributed hearsay. Multiple federal court and Supreme court cases have rejected the illegal Biden mandates, and multiple additional cases remain pending.

9)    “Psychology experts say there is no support for the ‘psychosis’ theory described by Malone.”

Again, hearsay, and demonstrably false.  One such “expert” cited by the associated press is actively involved in “nudging” the british population, and hearings are currently in progress in Great Britian concerning this.  The academic research concerned has now been published by Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet in his book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” (De Psychologie van Totalitarisme, in Dutch, English translation in progress). This scholarly work is built on over 200 years of academic work. Please also read this Substack on mass formation, which has many references embedded in the text.

10) “There is no data to support his assertion that the vaccine is killing more adults than it saves.”

Undocumented hearsay.  There are multiple studies, not the least of which include the growing body of actuarial evidence and the recent DoD data from the DMED database provided by DoD employee whistleblowers. It is important to remember that one must use age stratification tables when looking at this data. How many young, healthy, normal lives have been lost, compared to how many elderly and obese lives saved?

11)    “’It’s not just Ivermectin, its hydroxychloroquine,’ Malone told Rogan.’And just to put a marker on that, there are good modeling studies that probably half-a-million excess deaths have happened in the United States through the intentional blockade of early treatment by the U.S. government.’

Further regarding the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and the excess lives lost, the following Executive Summary of Central Facts and Claims from an ongoing legal case provides a nice overview concerning the excess deaths:

  • As of mid-July 2021, COVID-19 has caused over 5.6 million hospitalizations and an estimated 600,000 deaths in the United States.
  • According to overwhelming data from dozens of studies and real-world use, attested to by world-leading, Nobel Prize-winning scientists and physicians, the widespread deployment of two inexpensive and extraordinarily safe medicines, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, in combination with other readily-accessible drugs, would have reduced U.S. COVID hospitalizations by 87.6% (see this)  mortality by 74.9% (same reference).
  • Among these world-leading scientists are Drs. Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Robert Malone and Harvey Risch, all of whom are widely-published, widely-respected, highly-credentialed experts in their fields, and all of whom have agreed to serve as experts in this litigation.  We have also retained Dr. Joel Hay, an expert in health economics specializing in the pharmaceutical industry, to calculate the damages incurred by the State of Florida and other States as a result of the failure to prescribe these medicines.
  • Every one of these scientific experts will testify and confirm that millions of hospitalizations and roughly 75%, or 450,000, of the estimated 600,000 COVID deaths, would have been averted if hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin had been widely deployed to combat the pandemic.
  • Deploying these safe and effective drugs would, however, have thwarted the rollout of COVID vaccines. As a matter of express statutory law under 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(c)(3), COVID vaccines could not have received Emergency Use Authorizations, which they needed in order to be administered to the public, if there existed any “adequate, approved, and available alternative” for “preventing or treating” COVID.
  • As a result, parties with vested interests in the vaccines, which have already garnered billions of dollars in federal funding and generated tens of billions of dollars in personal wealth for vaccine investors, waged a systematic, deceptive, fraudulent, yet highly effective campaign to discredit hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as COVID treatments and to prevent them from being widely used to combat the pandemic.
  • This fraudulent campaign included:a.     the knowing publication of false data (later retracted) in prestigious medical journals; 

    b.     the deceptive construction of designed-to-fail studies purportedly showing these medicines to be unsafe or ineffective in treating and preventing COVID;

    c.     the fraudulent, deliberate censoring of truthful information concerning these medicines by social media companies whose CEOs have massive financial interests in vaccine development; and

    d.     the issuance of unfounded, false or misleading directives by federal agencies, some of which—such as NIH, which is a co-owner of the Moderna vaccine despite its central role in the vaccine-approval process—also had a direct monetary interest in the vaccines.

  • Every one of the above-listed acts is a matter of public record, not open to serious dispute.
  • The fraudulent campaign to thwart the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin involved numerous acts of wire fraud, which together clearly establish a pattern of racketeering activity under the RICO statute, which triggers treble damages under 18 U.S.C. § 1964(c).
  • Among the private parties complicit in this fraudulent campaign were the manufacturers of the U.S.-authorized COVID vaccines—Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson—as well as Merck, Bill Gates, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Glaxo Smith Kline, the Wellcome Trust, and major social media platforms, prominently including Facebook (whose CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, holds massive financial interests in for-profit vaccine companies), all of whom will potentially be named as defendants. Other complicit individuals include numerous governmental officials, including White House medical advisor and NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, FDA Acting Director Janet Woodcock, former Director of Operation Warp Speed Moncef Slaoui, and Rick Bright, former Director of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), who will not be defendants due to governmental immunity doctrines but who will be named as willing co-conspirators.
  • Like the fraudulent and deceptive campaign to cover up the addictive and carcinogenic effects of nicotine, the fraudulent and deceptive campaign to suppress hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as COVID treatments not only led to hideous numbers of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths, but unlawfully caused states to incur billions of dollars in health care costs through Medicaid and Medicare.
  • For example, according to our expert economist’s preliminary analysis, as a result of the fraudulent suppression of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the State of Florida has already suffered approximately $5.6 billion in damages for health care costs incurred in treating ill or dying Medicare and CHIP-covered individuals.  A treble damage award under RICO would increase this figure to $16.8 billion, and this omits consequential damages such as lost tax revenue.
  • History will record the failure to use hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin against the pandemic as one of the greatest tragedies and crimes of our era.  This lawsuit will be a first step toward holding accountable those who were responsible and forcing them to pay for a small part of the havoc they wreaked.

It is disappointing that the Daily Mail substitutes disinformation and hearsay for actual medical data and established fact in this publication.  Spreading medical disinformation endangers patient lives. In the future, the Daily Mail would be better served by employing experienced medical writers when reviewing information provided by highly qualified medical and scientific experts.


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The Canadian Truckers’ Convoys that converged in Ottawa on January 29 are helping to energize the growing global movement favoring freedom and common sense over the atrocities enabled by unbridled medicalized tyranny. A good representation of Canadian truckers began to coalesce as a political group in opposition to the travesty of forcing mandated jabs on large groups of people.  

The thousands of men and women who opted to transport their grievances to Ottawa easily saw the disastrous implications of making the acceptance of COVID shots a necessary condition of employment, education, as well as citizens’ participation in many other facets of society’s ebb and flow. The truckers, moreover, were quick to see the obscenity of extending mandatory injections towards the segregation implicit in instituting vaccine passports.

Following in the wake of the massive physical, mental, and economic devastation wrought by the lockdowns, the creation and enforcement of injection mandates further highlights the megalomania that has come to infect much of our governing class. With the well-orchestrated backing of media propaganda, governments continued to align themselves in lockstep coordination with the agendas of globalists, corporatists, transhumanists, and legions of self-promoting opportunists.

The fixations and priorities of our globalist Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, demonstrate much about the larger patterns of thought and action through which we have been living for two years. Generally speaking Trudeau leaves little room for average people to play meaningful roles in developing Canada’s national and foreign policies.

Trudeau tends to take his guidance, from secret proceedings in supranational venues that do their political business at levels of interaction far above international relations. Trudeau is far from alone among government leaders in applying this approach especially to the formulation of COVID policies.       

As in most countries, the public’s initial willingness to accept Canada’s lockstep COVID policies has depended on the media’s 24/7 cultivation of mass hysteria. Experience over time has made it abundantly clear that the media’s purposeful traumatization of large portions of the people is meant to overwhelm even the possibility of rational discourse on the power grabs taking place in the name of public health.

In what must go down in history as one of the classic examples of political ineptness ever put on the public record, Trudeau initially dismissed the truckers’ convoys and their supporters as a “small fringe minority…. holding unacceptable views [that] do not represent Canadians.”

See this.

The absurdity of Trudeau’s now-notorious comments were contradicted even at the time the PM made them by the avid attention showered by large segments of people on the truckers’ road trips to Ottawa. The spectacle attracted the enthusiastic participation of large numbers of Canadians who happily went outdoors to brave in the frigid mid-winter climate of northern North America.

In big cities, small towns, tiny hamlets and on hundreds of highway overpasses, Canadians of many backgrounds and political persuasions gathered together in memorable displays of national unity. As Canadians we expressed our menaced freedoms of assembly, conscience and expression in scores of locations along thousands of miles of the Trans-Canada Highway. This patriotic display of love of country during a very troubled time will forever command a unique place in the social and political history of our country.

In spite of the media’s crude effort to defame and demean this indigenous display of resistance to COVID lunacies, the continent-spanning scale and boldness of this display of popular resistance cannot be denied. It continues to provide compelling evidence that there was nothing small or fringe or minoritarian about this outpouring of popular sentiment.

The dramatic mobilization of the big rigs and their independent-minded drivers was greeted with massive approval especially by working class and middle class Canadians. Generally speaking, however, the ruling class and their woke acolytes were not amused. Through their media extensions our governing elites tried to downplay the local, national and international significance of this upsurge in political self-empowerment by essential workers who refused to be compliant.

There were many manifestations of enthusiastic endorsement of the truckers’ decision to bring a very important collection of political messages to distant officials gathered in and around Canada’s Parliament.  After two years of invasive government intrusion into basically all facets of our private and public lives, finally there seemed to be some hope of relief on the horizon. Millions of Canadians decided simultaneously that the country’s truckers had the capacity to lead a collective turning of the corner back to some measure of sanity and common sense.   

The time was right to look back at the government’s initial directive in early 2020 to shelter in place for two weeks in order to flatten the curve of hospitalizations. That original order was repeated, extended, reinforced, and built upon to bring about almost two years of increasingly repressive treatment by our arrogant governors.

In the process our governments and the media morphed into many varieties of COVID Officialdom. Nothing other than COVID seemed to matter to the tyrants who had taken control. The full gamut of government policies was seemingly downgraded in favor of highlighting a ubiquitous policy to meet in a multiplicity of ways the alleged threats of COVID-19.

This one pervasive policy is based on claims of the need for a wide array of emergency responses to a supposedly new coronavirus. To this day no evidence has been produced to prove that the supposedly novel virus day has been isolated and identified.

Global Research Video with Christine Massey and Michel Chossudovsky

The core strategy coming from governments and their elaborate arrays of propagandistic media conduits has been to persuade all members of the general public to regard one another as active or potential biohazards. These efforts by COVID Officialdom to blast apart the perceptual basis of social cohesion have been concerted and intense. The process was helped along by the effort to put us behind mandated masks and surrounded us in many of our transactions with plexiglass barriers. In many ways we were muzzled, downgraded and dehumanized.

At the same time we were ruinously prevented by the nonsensical lockdowns from continuing many of our human interactions including those involving commerce, education, religion, culture, recreation and sports. All these impositions were imposed in ways well calculated to constrain our capacities to organize in resistance to the very aggressive denial of our human and constitutional rights.  

As the lockdown of our rights and freedoms intensified, we were showered with a barrage of hollow celebrity endorsements lauding the restrictions. A good example of this phenomenon is in the content of a WHO-backed television special. It featured in April of 2020 the likes of Lady Gaga, Elton John, the Rolling Stones, and the perennial COVID con man, Stephen Colbert.

Well-known personalities were recruited from many fields, including sports and Christian religion, to contribute to a giant PR spinorama. Its purpose was to induce the public to suspend its critical facilities and to accept that the overturning of our lives was justified and even sensible. Unfortunately too many people took the bait.

See this.

Many of us who worked hard to stay informed and retain our capacity for reason are only now starting to come to grips with the monumental scale of the multi-faceted frauds to which we have been subjected. In the eyes of a significant segment of the population, that official narrative of COVID-19 is fast coming undone.

For instance how can we avoid seeing the broader and darker implications of the disastrous elevation of the gene-modifying injections as if no other sound treatments for the COVID contagion were available? Government and the most corrupted branches of the medical profession joined forces to deny the public access to safe and effective natural remedies providing protection from the real or imagined incursions of the celebrity virus.

With natural remedies such as Ivermectin pushed to the sidelines, we were assaulted by misleading advertising pitches followed by coercive pressure to accept the dangerous clot shots. These COVID jabs have proven to be anything but safe and effective. The evidence continues to grow that the ineffectiveness of the COVID injections has implications that cut far deeper than a failure of immunization.

Media agencies, with the publicly-funded broadcasters like the BBC and CBC leading the way, have conspired to deny the public any factual basis for meeting the conditions of informed consent when taking part in a giant medical experiment still in its early stages. The deceptions continue to come at us with rapid-fire intensity.

The truckers’ convoy is offering a well-grounded antidote to the speciousness of power that has been reaching all-time highs especially since the lies and crimes of 9/11 initiated the twenty-first century. The action now centered in Ottawa is signaling in Canada and beyond that some relief from the onslaught of COVID dictates might be in sight.

The growth of the resistance has spread throughout North America where demonstrations of support and solidarity have burgeoned especially on both sides of the Canada-US border. One of the demonstrations resulted in an ambitious action by truckers and their supporters at a crossing point on the international border near Coutts Alberta. This extension of the political protest in Ottawa helped incite disarray in the fractured provincial government of Premier Jason Kenney.

See this.

Since transport by truck is a near universal requirement of organized human societies throughout the world, the Canadian example is proving to be contagious. It has been announced in a headline, for instance, that “Canada’s Freedom Convoy Has Inspired Truckers in Europe, Australia and USA to Hold Freedom Rallies Around the World.”

See this.

The truckers’ stand in Ottawa is providing a prototype of how average people can meaningfully organize and express power through civil resistance and peaceful noncompliance. Thoreau and Gandhi would have approved. Freedom convoys embody a means to register serious grievances and principled positions through a combined application of carrot and stick tactics.

Right now the emphasis must be to pressure governments and their globalist handlers in the banks, the media, and the “think tanks” to pull back from the attempt to exercise such intense authoritarian control over our bodies, our minds, our behavior, our institutions and even our spirits. In the final analysis the current clash comes down to a confrontation between a very materialist urge to dominate nature, including human nature, and a worldview with room to embrace spiritual and religious inspirations.

Under these conditions how can we fail to contemplate the sublime mysteries expressed in the amazing workings of healthy human immune systems as a divine marvel of the natural world? What is to be said of any supposed public health policy resulting in disabling attacks on natural immunity through forced injections?  

See this.

The Fraud of Public-Private Partnerships

Like Angela Merkel, Emanuel Macron, Gavin Newsom, Chrystia Freeland, Jeff Bezos, Tony Blair, Mark Zukerberg, Bill Gates along with many other leading performers in the Crazy COVID Circus, Justin Trudeau is an alumnus of the Davos school. Often associated with annual gatherings that take place in the Swiss resort town of Davos, this school is contained within the larger framework of the World Economic Forum.

The WEF has long included various versions of a Leaders of Tomorrow program in which Justin Trudeau has taken part. An avid promoter of transhumanism as the basis of what he calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Karl Schwab is the founder of the WEF.  

The WEF was established in Geneva Switzerland in 1971, the same year as Justin Trudeau was born. The organization specializes in pushing on governments and on so-called “civil society organizations” the agendas of global corporations and their bankers. Civil society organizations often claim to represent some average and some oppressed people. Most often, however, their real function is to promote the agendas of rich funders, George Soros often prominent among them.

The WEF is one of a number of partnered, Swiss-headquartered institutions. These organizations include the Red Cross, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Bill Gates’ supranational organization, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, GAVI.

Switzerland is the place where warring parties often conduct secret negotiations especially in the realm of high finance. This heritage is being drawn upon as Geneva is once again a major site of secret negotiations involving the attempted global coup presently underway. The cover for the global coup attempt is the worldwide health emergency misleadingly categorized by the WHO as a pandemic .

Like the WEF, GAVI seeks to justify itself as a mecca of so-called “public-private partnerships.” Many of the machinations of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau and their globalist cronies are described as public-private partnerships. Public-private partnerships usually describe the process of getting governments to buy into schemes hatched by the leadership of big corporations and their bankers.

When government officials adopt the agendas of globalist elites, they steal away influence from the very people they are supposed to represent. Accordingly, when governments become servants of globe-trotting plutocrats who are often devoid of national allegiances, they deprive the public of opportunities to influence the policy directions of their own national governments.

The resulting disenfranchisement is compounded by the censorious nature of a uniformly biased media. Its strident determination to withhold and block the flow of crucial information deprives the public of the knowledge resources they require to survive and to thrive. In particular, it cripples the public’s capacity to make good electoral decisions bolstered by the attribute of truly informed consent.

Accordingly, the proliferation of so-called public-private partnerships helps disguise the reality that the so-called public has been stripped of democratic opportunities to influence their own governments. In the process of deciding policy, Trudeau, it seems, is looking much more to Davos rather than to the Canadian truckers whose rigs are parked in Ottawa. How long will the truckers stay there?  

In 2010 Schwab essentially handed over an important platform to Bill Gates in order to initiate the so-called “Decade of Vaccines” at the WEF’s annual gathering in the lavish settings of Davos. The Decade of Vaccines conveniently culminated in 2020 with the initiation shortly after Event 201 of the manufactured COVID crisis.

According to Joss Evans’ essay on “Karl Schwab’s WEF Alumi,” many of the graduates of the Davos-based Young Leaders’ Program have come to fill positions of power throughout the supposed pandemic. In these roles Schwab’s initiates have uniformly acted in conformity with the policies adopted and defended by Justin Trudeau. The WEF alumni have been zealous and steadfast champions of  “zero-covid strategies.” These strategies include “lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates.”

See this, this and this.

PM Trudeau’s politics both domestically and internationally have lined up well with the positions of both Schwab and Gates. In the name of a “Great Reset” their project has been to transform the manufactured COVID crisis into a radical remaking of the world’s political economy.

With an emphasis on further facilitating the concentration of wealth and power through renovations in global banking, proponents of the Great Reset have put a high premium on eliminating the few remaining remnants of national sovereignty. The WEF disguises its globalist agenda of expanded corporatism behind a veneer of pseudo-ecological ornamentation. The organization’s leaders describe, for instance, their wish “to achieve a carbon-neutral, nature-positive economy and halt biodiversity loss by 2030.”

See this.

The WEF has become one of the leading magnets of functions that once belonged firmly to the realm of responsible governance in national parliaments and legislatures. These tradition-bound institutions have been the site of many functions now taken over by supranational processes whose functionaries speak the technocratic language of, for instance, the Great Reset and public-private partnerships. Such partnerships have no real place for “the public” especially when it comes to having any influence over the implementation of COVID-19 globalism.

Almost invariably the power vested in wealth is paramount in determining the worldwide changes that are killing the middle class and transforming legislatures into museum artifacts pre-empted by the secret clubs and the transactions of multi-billionaires. These billionaires have added more than 50% of net worth to their portfolios in their self-interested management of the manufactured COVID crisis.  They are reported to be $4 trillion richer as unemployment, suicide and bankruptcy rates skyrocket among average people.

See this.

Accordingly, Justin Trudeau’s background as an inheritor of dynastic wealth and power may have added an extra surge of drama into the mid-winter showdown in Ottawa between our globe-hopping Prime Minister and our salt-of-the earth truckers. As Jeffrey A. Tucker observed of the showdown in his essay, “Justin Trudeau Ducks the Great Truckers Revolt,” what we are witnessing is shaping up to be “one of the most significant clashes in the world in the great battle between freedom and those governments that have set out to crush it.”

See this.

Reflecting on the larger implications of what has transpired, former US congressman Ron Paul observed, “We Are All Canadian Truckers Now.”

See this.

Trudeau, Schwab, Gates and the other leading proponents of the Great Reset have many ambitious plans. Some of these plans are openly promoted while others are being carried out surreptitiously. Included among the more covert objectives is the radical depopulation initiative that has now been initiated. One of the markers of the plan’s existence is the drive to universalize the gene-altering clot shots that will shorten the lives of millions of jab recipients. How many of the jab victims have already died and why is the full extent of this mortality being so aggressively withheld from the public?  

Functional vaccines are known to prevent the taking in and outward transmission of targeted contagions. Neither of these functions are fulfilled by the COVID-19 injections. The gene-modifying procedures stimulated by the clots shots produce proliferations of pathogenic spike proteins that create havoc especially throughout cardio-vascular systems.

We have no reason to assume that the present preoccupation of the pharmaceutical industry with the making of genetically-modified humans is benign or even well intentioned. The aim of this type of intervention may well be to introduce the procedures and precedents supporting the production of transhuman beings. As already noted, Karl Schwab presents himself as an expert authority on transhumanism.

The goals being brought closer to hand might well include the remaking of our posterity as bio-digital organisms. For the genetic engineers coming on stream, these altered human organisms might well be idealized for their more thorough integration with global networks of surveillance, social credit scoring, cashless financial transactions, pervasive robotization, and deeply-invasive Artificial Intelligence, AI.

Triple-Jabbed and Still Catching COVID

As Trudeau was attempting to slither away from any face-to-face exchange or encounter with the leadership of the truckers, he invoked the presence of COVID as justification for his elusive behaviour. At first he said he had been in the presence of someone with COVID but he  had subsequently tested negative. Then a few hours later Trudeau explained that he had been triple jabbed but had been diagnosed as positive for COVID while being “asymptomatic.”

Putting aside the compelling argument that at least one of his jabs appeared to involve playacting rather than reality, his next comment raises many fundamental issues. The Prime Minister proclaimed, “Everyone please get vaccinated and boosted.” Why would any conscious and reasonable person follow such instructions from an individual who had just declared he had caught COVID even after being triple jabbed.

See this.

Apparently without realizing it, Trudeau was essentially announcing what his own case clearly demonstrates. The clot shots don’t work to prevent the spread of the celebrity coronavirus. In fact they encourage the development of many pathologies that have already caused many millions of injuries and many outright deaths in the human population.

Many medical practitioners have been well rewarded for conspiring with government officials to hide these damning facts from the general public. They have attempted to black out the information on injection deaths and injuries. Much information on this topic, however, is available to those with both the capability and independence of mind to look outside the digital domain dominated by the heavily censored legacy media.

Trudeau’s abject failure to change his narrative to take account of the fuller picture of what is actually going on, is being replicated through the broad sweep of COVID Officialdom. Increasingly its operatives have blood on their hands. For starters, Trudeau and his Chief Public Health Officer, Theresa Tam, have blood on their hands. Joe Biden has blood on his hands. The fake journalists at the CBC and the BBC have blood on their hands. The administrators of many universities have blood on their hands.

The constant flow of disinformation peddled by tens of thousands of communications agencies has been depriving millions of people of all the evidence they need to make sound life-and-death decisions for themselves and their children. Injection deaths and injuries are not rare aberrations. The jabs-for-jobs injections are doing a world of harm while they offer few if any benefits other than temporarily holding back the discriminatory wrath of the injection zealots employed in COVID Officialdom.

We have been subjected to a monumental scam whose protagonists are exploiting the imagery of public health as a cover for the installation of a broad array of precedents and procedures whose object is tyrannical control of the public.

Jagmeet Singh is one of the figures that keeps Trudeau’s two-time minority government afloat in the Zoom environment that has been made to replace Parliament over much of the previous two years. Singh is a Sikh who is leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP). The NDP has inherited the left-leaning legacy of social democracy in Canada. It is the political equivalent in Canada of the Labour Party.

The Liberal Party led by Justin Trudeau cannot command a majority of votes in Canada’s House of Commons. Thus Trudeau requires additional votes from the MPs representing other parties in Parliament. In this environment Trudeau often looks to Jagmeet Singh and his national NDP party to contribute the backing he needs to keep his minority Liberals in power.

Like the opposition parties in most Western governments, Singh has been an enthusiastic supporter of even Justin Trudeau’s most extreme COVID policies. In fact in many provincial legislatures, NDP MLAs often complain that prevailing COVID restrictions of governments do not go far enough. The NDP wants more masking, more lockdowns, more social distancing and more mandatory injections.

This background helps establish the context of a startling tweet made by Singh when the truckers touched down in Ottawa. Pointing to the party with the second highest number of MPs in Parliament—what is known in our constitutional monarchy as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Party— Singh said the following:

“Today Conservative MPs have endorsed a convoy led by those who claim the superiority of the white bloodline and equate Islam to a disease.”

See this.

This criticism of the truckers collectively and of Conservative MPs generally as Islamophobes and as people who believe in “the superiority of the white bloodline” seems astonishing to me. Of course no evidence is offered to support this slur.

As far as I know, no mainstream media agency paid the slightest attention to this accusation by one of Ottawa’s most high-profile politicians. Such hyperbole, I suppose, has been “normalized” to become a dog-bites-man story. Singh’s condemnation of truckers seems well in line with Trudeau’s assertion that those opposed to his COVID policies can be collectively categorized as “racists and misogynists.”

The rules were very different when it came to the claim by some that Confederate and Nazi flags had been spotted in the Ottawa demonstrations. I am not aware of any proper investigation to make sure that these images weren’t planted by partisans seeking to discredit the messages of love, unity, equality, and hope brought to Ottawa by the truckers’ convoy. This technique for the demonization of political opponents has become all too common in recent times.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) together with B’nai Brith Canada seemed to side with Trudeau’s efforts to dismiss all of the Ottawa demonstrators as representatives of a fringe minority dominated by racists. Both ethnic organizations are agencies of the powerful Israel Lobby in Canada. Shimon Koffler Fogel, the CEO of the CIJA, made his position very clear. Rather than comment on matters of substance being decided by the Canadian government in venues where Fogel has a seat at the table, he resorts to damaging innuendo. He calls on those he condemns “to crawl back under the rock they slipped out from.”

See this.

The determination of the truckers to stay stationed in place and to remain in Ottawa until their issues are seriously addressed, is predictably being criticized. There can no longer be any doubt about the notorious slant of a biased media whose propaganda as apologists for power is now widely understood by those paying attention.

So don’t look to the legacy media for fair coverage of the dynamics of what is about to happen in subsequent phases of this showdown, one that very likely will determine the political future of Justin Trudeau. His opposite in Parliament has already been eliminated. On 2 February Erin O’Toole was ousted from his position as leader of the federal Conservative Party. Its leadership is now up-for-grabs.

The nosedives in the popularity of Canada’s Prime Minister and the former Leader of the Opposition Conservative Party have occurred simultaneously with announcements that many COVID restrictions are being eliminated in eleven European countries as well as in Israel. Finally it is absolutely clear that there is no political consensus supporting the power grab of the protagonists who have seditiously manufactured the COVID crisis.

See this.


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Dr. Anthony J. Hall is a renowned author, emeritus Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. He has been a professor in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

China Gives Oomph to Russia’s ‘Nyet’ on NATO

February 4th, 2022 by Ray McGovern

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Fourteen years ago today, when then-ambassador to Russia William Burns, in an IMMEDIATE cable titled “Nyet Means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Enlargement Redlines,” reported Moscow’s warning that NATO membership for Ukraine would cross a red line, the Russians could do little more than grouse. Enter from left stage Chinese President Xi Jinping last year with the shot of adrenalin Putin needed to make “Nyet” stick.

Today’s acrimony at the UN Security Council provides the latest sign of Russia’s no-holds-barred chutzpah regarding the U.S. on Ukraine, with the words of Russian UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia. U.S. UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield had accused Russia of “actions [that] strike at the very heart of the UN Charter.”

Nebenzia retorted that the U.S. is “whipping up tensions and provoking escalation.” As for invading Ukraine, Nebenzia addressed the US ambassador with these words: “You are almost pulling for this … You want it to happen. You’re waiting for it to happen, as if you want to make your words become a reality.”

Burns and Lavrov

No one is better placed to discern the significance of this change of tone than ex-ambassador Burns, who is now-CIA Director. In his Feb. 1, 2008 cable citing Lavrov’s admonitions, Burns reported that the NATO membership issue “could potentially split Ukraine in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.” Burns added: “NATO enlargement, particularly to Ukraine, remains an emotional and neuralgic issue for Russia, but strategic policy considerations also underlie strong opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine.”

In those dark days of Cheney/Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Burns needed to summon up some moxie of his own to tell his masters, however diplomatically, that Russia is entitled to have its own “strategic policy considerations,” and that it might even intervene in Ukraine. It present circumstances, this earlier tell-it-like-it-is behavior offers some hope that CIA Director Burns may be one of the “adults in the room”. It seems a safe guess that has been among those advising President Joe Biden to respond with respect and speed to President Vladimir Putin’s proposals to conduct serious security negotiations without delay, and even to put on the table what Moscow calls issues of “secondary importance” (secondary only to the more rhetorical issue of NATO enlargement) – like putting limits on where offensive strike missiles can be placed in Eastern Europe.

Two Against One

That President Biden was poorly briefed last June on what the Soviets used to call the “world correlation of forces” became embarrassingly clear after the June 16, 2021 summit when, before he could be whisked onto his departing plane from Geneva, Biden let it be known that the “Russians are in a difficult spot being squeezed by China.” And here is the bizarre way Biden described, at his post-summit presser, his bizarre approach to Putin on China:

”Without quoting him [Putin] – which I don’t think is appropriate – let me ask a rhetorical question: You got a multi-thousand-mile border with China. China is seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world.”

Xi and Putin: Our Relationship ‘Exceeds an Alliance’

Putin and Xi set out to do Biden’s homework for him, emphasizing the closeness of the strategic relationship between China and Russia. This effort culminated in the Xi-Putin virtual summit on Dec. 15, the same day that Moscow delivered its draft bilateral treaty on security matters to the US (no coincidence).

Whether Russia and China have a formal defense alliance or something short of that became largely moot that day when Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that “this relationship even exceeds an alliance in its closeness and effectiveness.”

The New York Times insisted (and is technically correct as far as we know) that “the two countries do not have a formal alliance.” But as tension grows along Russia’s western border and along China’s Pacific frontier, prudent statesmen would conclude that the exact definition or description of the China-Russia strategic partnership has become a distinction without much difference.

Adding Drama

The sum and substance of what Russia and China decided to demonstrate at the Putin-Xi virtual summit on Dec. 15 shines through the video of the highly scripted first minute of their conversation. This segment apparently is the only video portion released so far; it was picked up by the NY Times, as well as other outlets. Still, most commentators seemed to miss its significance, even though the video included subtitles (and lots of body language) for anyone truly interested.

Please click on the segment, or read the transcript (from the subtitles):

Putin: “Dear friend, dear President Xi Jinping.

Next February I expect we can finally meet in person in Beijing as we have agreed.

We will hold talks and then participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. I am grateful for your invitation to attend this landmark event.”

Xi: “Dear President Putin, my old friend. It’s my pleasure to meet you at the end of this year by video the second time this year.

This is our 37th meeting since 2013. You have hailed on many occasions China-Russia relations as a model in international collaboration in the 21st Century, strongly supporting China’s position on safeguarding its core interests, and firmly opposed attempts to drive a wedge between our two countries. I highly appreciate it.”

Gratuitous declarations from Washington that the US will officially boycott the Winter Olympics February in Beijing may not strike most of us as a grave matter of state; the Chinese, of course, take this much more seriously. Clearly, Putin wanted to align his initial remarks closely with China, and at variance with the US and those of its docile allies who have fallen in line to snub the Winter Games. In any event, for Putin and Xi, it was a felicitous way into the conversation.

It is Xi’s comments that merit particular attention. Thirty-seven meetings since 2013! Do the math: 4-plus summits a year, even taking into account Covid restrictions on travel. What better way to put flesh on “Dear President Putin, my old friend”?

Core Interests

The past several weeks have given the words “core interests” unusual prominence and importance. Russia has core interests regarding Ukraine, further NATO expansion, and emplacement of missiles within range of sensitive sites in Russia. For China, the “core interest” is, of course, Taiwan, and Beijing is determined to deter any action that violates the One-China agreements that have kept the peace for a half-century. Xi expresses appreciation not only for Putin’s help in safeguarding [China’s] core interests, but also for the fact that Putin has “firmly opposed attempts to drive a wedge between the two countries – ending the clip as it began, with an obvious dig at the US.

President Putin’s visit to Beijing later this week for the opening of the Olympics will provide occasion for additional displays of solidarity – as well as visuals. Meanwhile, back in Washington, Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her protégé Antony Blinken seem to be still in the dark. They have been asking the Chinese to “use their influence” with Moscow to get it to de-escalate the situation regarding Ukraine. Parallel universe? Perhaps Director Burns can ensure that Biden has a chance to watch that one-minute video of the Dec. 15 summit between Putin and Xi.


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Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. His 27-year career as a CIA analyst includes serving as Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch and preparer/briefer of the President’s Daily Brief. He is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

A No-nukes Strategy or a No-win Reality

February 4th, 2022 by Kevin Martin

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We have grown numb to the world resting on a razor’s edge of destruction. Climate catastrophe, pandemics, cyberwar and endless wars seem “normal” by now. However, the far more likely way civilization ends in the near future is one that receives shockingly little attention in the media or in our daily conversation. Nuclear war. 

We all know the scenario. Tens of millions die in the first 60 minutes of a nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter causing worldwide crop failure and famine. Infernos, radiation, starvation, perhaps a last-ditch effort for survival resulting in barbaric, tribal warfare before human civilization expires.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock remains a potent symbol with its message that if decisive action is not taken, destructive action moves the hands of the clock toward Armageddon. According to the Clock, we have 100 seconds to midnight.

Early in the Biden administration, the president committed to a review of the nation’s “Nuclear Posture,” the explicit strategy of how, when, and why the United States would use its nuclear weapons. Previous reviews invariably were reaffirmations of the existing nuclear doctrine of the United States.

President Biden, with his decades in government, knows nuclear weapons issues very well, perhaps better than any of his predecessors. He has consistently raised the point that nuclear arms should not be used offensively as a first resort. A recent statement by the Permanent Five members of the UN Security Council, all nuclear powers, repeated the Reagan-Gorbachev era statement that “a nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought.”

Logically then, many expected a “No First Use” or “Sole Purpose” declaration might be included in his Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), a pledge that the U.S. would only use nuclear weapons to deter a nuclear attack or in response to a nuclear attack. Accordingly, conventional, biological, chemical, or cyber attacks would not initiate a nuclear response. Such a posture could bring an element of stability to a woefully unstable world where the chances of accidental nuclear war, or conventional war spinning into nuclear war, are perhaps at a most dangerous point. Taiwan, Ukraine, North Korea, Kashmir or Iran could be fatal, apocalyptic tipping points.

As a long-time arms control advocate in the Senate, some hoped Biden would initiate progress on arms reduction, perhaps even move toward President Obama’s goal of a nuclear free world. Such hope grows dim.

Unsurprisingly, status quo resistance to change of the Dr. Strangeloves in the nuclear establishment is strong in the NPR process. President Biden nominated Leonor Tomero to oversee his nuclear posture review, but she was removed last year from her position by the Pentagon as part of a staff “reorganization.” The military believes maintaining a vague and uncertain doctrine of when to use nuclear weapons is the proper strategy and, more concerning, presses the argument that the nation’s nuclear arsenal must be modernized at a $1.7 trillion cost over the next three decades.

The removal of Tomero by the Pentagon is indicative of the direction the Biden Administration may follow unless quick and clear action is taken. To stop the nuclear spiral and deescalate these arms races, we must act now and pressure Congress and President Biden to take the following steps:

  • Reduce the fearmongering about China and Russia that is driving, or rationalizing, outdated policies and runaway spending on nuclear weapons.
  • Engage in disarmament diplomacy with Russia, and later China, to avoid a prolonged new nuclear arms race. Stockpiles can be reduced by mutual agreement or reciprocal unilateral actions.
  • End “hair trigger” or “launch on warning” alert status.
  • Adopt a “No First Use” policy of nuclear weapons.
  • Cut expenditures on nuclear weapons and the escalatory $1.7 trillion for the nuclear weapons upgrade.
  • Eliminate the ground-based missile leg of the “nuclear triad” (and in the interim postpone the planned $100 billion plus Ground Based Strategic Deterrent).
  • Block funding and deployment for new and “more usable” nukes such as (relatively) low yield nuclear warheads for the Ground and Submarine Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM & SLCM) and the Long Range Stand-Off Missile (LRSO).
  • Block Star Wars (Missile Defense) Programs and nuclear weapons in space.
  • Sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).
  • Take control of the Nuclear Posture Review to promote the above changes.

Our perverse reverence for nuclear weapons is not a “posture,” but a deranged dance with death, a flirtation with omnicide. Using them would constitute humanity’s (and most other species’) final resting place. They are, to paraphrase Shakespeare, the country from which no traveler returns. Our international differences are man-made and so can be solved by men and women of good intention.

The hands of the Doomsday Clock continue to tick. It is up to us. A new arms race or even continuation of the status quo is unacceptable.


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Kevin Martin, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is President of Peace Action Education Fund, the country’s largest grassroots peace and disarmament organization with more than 100,000 supporters nationwide. 

Brad Wolf, a former lawyer, professor, and community college dean, is co-founder of Peace Action Network of Lancaster, PA and writes for various publications.

Featured image is from Huffington Post

Vaccinators Won’t Stop Vaccinating

February 4th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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At a virtual meeting held the first day of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and colleagues, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, detailed their plans for “vaccine mania” to persist indefinitely

Moderna is actively working with “Fauci’s team” to create a new shot for fall 2022; Moderna is also developing an Omicron-specific jab that they hope to release as early as March 2022

Moderna is planning to combine multiple shots, such as a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot, into one injection — coming in 2023 — to help avoid “compliance issues”

An agreement between Pfizer and BioNTech to develop the first mRNA shingles vaccine was reached in January 2022

Additional shots are in development to target HIV, zika virus, Nipah virus, cancer, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus, influenza (mRNA) and more


Many experts have sounded the alarm that the COVID-19 pandemic was all about the shot1 and a larger agenda to impose totalitarian control worldwide.2 Already, one shot has turned into two doses and a third booster. A fourth booster is also being discussed, including by Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, who said that the efficacy of the third shot is likely to decline over several months, necessitating another shot soon thereafter.3

“I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said in an interview with Goldman Sachs.Conveniently, Moderna is working on an Omicron-specific jab that they hope to release as early as March 20225 — and this is only the beginning.

Writing on Substack, contributor Eugyppius explained, “Moderna, just one of multiple pharmaceuticals eager to exploit our new vaccine mania, are expanding their manufacturing capacity to produce as many as 6 billion mRNA vaccine doses per year.”6 The information came straight from the horse’s mouth, at a virtual meeting held the first day of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022, at a session titled “COVID-19: What’s Next?”7

Along with Bancel, the meeting was attended by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and professor Annelies Wilder-Smith from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who together detailed their plans for “vaccine mania” to persist indefinitely.

Combined Shots Planned to Avoid ‘Compliance Issues’

During the discussion, Bancel states that Moderna is actively preparing for “what should the vaccine be in the fall of 2022, and what should it contain.” The company is “working with public health experts like Fauci’s team to figure this out. Because soon we’re going to have to decide what goes into the vaccine for fall of 2022,” he said.8

Fauci’s NIAID is part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), which, some may be surprised to learn, actually owns half the patent for Moderna’s COVID-19 injection. In fact, the NIH owns thousands of pharmaceutical patents, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spends $4.9 billion a year out of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines.

“Tony Fauci was able to choose, to designate, four of his high-level employees who each get individual patent shares,” according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in an interview with James Corbett.9“They will collect $150,000 a year for life if the Moderna vaccine is approved, which it has been.”10

In addition to working closely with Fauci, Moderna is planning to combine multiple shots, such as a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot, into one injection — coming in 2023 — to help avoid “compliance issues.” He said:11

“The other piece we’re working on is for 2023, is how do we make it possible from a societal standpoint that people want to be vaccinated?

And we’re going to do this by preparing combinations, we’re working on the flu vaccine, we’re working on an RSV vaccine, and our goal is to be able to have a single annual booster, so that we don’t have compliance issues, where people don’t want to get two to three shots a winter, but they get one dose, where they get a booster for corona, and a booster for flu and RSV, to make sure that people get their vaccine.”

When asked how soon this would occur, he continued:12,13

“So the RSV program is now in Phase 3, the flu program is in Phase 2 and soon in Phase 3, I hope as soon as second quarter of this year. So the best case scenario would be the fall of 2023, as a best case scenario, I don’t think it would [be available] in every country, but we believe it’s possible to operate in some countries next year.”

Vaccines for at Least 20 Pathogens in the Works

SARS-Cov-2 isn’t the only virus that Moderna and other pharmaceutical companies, along with health officials, are intent on targeting with more shots. Remember zika virus, which Kennedy described as another pandemic fabricated for the purpose of selling pharmaceuticals and advancing totalitarian control?14 There’s a vaccine on the way.

How about Nipah virus? Nipah virus, a zoonotic pathogen for which no treatments exist, is the inspiration for the film “Contagion.”15 The virus can only be experimented on in BSL-4 laboratories. As an aside, the National Bio and Agro-Defence Facility in Kansas will be the first biocontainment facility16 in the U.S. where research on Nipah (and Ebola) can be conducted on livestock.

In 2019, Nipah Malaysia was also among the deadly virus strains shipped17 from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. If you haven’t heard of Nipah yet, you likely will soon — another vaccine is in the works for it. Bancel said:18,19

“We’re working with Dr. Fauci’s team, we’re working with Richard [Hatchett], to work on many more pathogens … The entire scientific community has known for years that there’s at least around 20-ish pathogens that are a risk for which we need vaccines, you know we have zika vaccine in Phase 2 … we’re working on a Nipah vaccine, those are viruses that not everybody has heard of.

Because we need to have the data. What dose, what construct from a genetic standpoint is required … so that if a new pathogen emerges from that family we can very quickly move into a Phase 3.”

More mRNA Shots Are Coming

Many other vaccines are also under development, including a Phase 3 study looking at combining Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection with their Prevnar 20™ (pneumococcal 20-valent conjugate vaccine) for adults aged 65 and older.20

In a related news release, Kathrin U. Jansen, Ph.D., senior vice president and head of vaccine research and development at Pfizer spoke about the importance of “raising awareness of the importance of adult” vaccinations, echoing Bancel in their desire to create combination shots so adults can get multiple vaccines at one doctor or pharmacy visit.

“As the COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses continue to be administered, we believe that health care providers have an opportunity to talk to their adult patients about other recommended vaccines in line with CDC guidance,” she said.21

An agreement between Pfizer and BioNTech to develop the first mRNA shingles vaccine was also reached in January 2022.22 According to a Pfizer news release, “While there are currently approved vaccines for shingles, there is an opportunity to develop an improved vaccine that potentially shows high efficacy and better tolerability, and is more efficient to produce globally, by utilizing mRNA technology.”23

A Phase 1 study by Moderna for its mRNA Epstein-Barr virus shot is also underway. The first dose of the experimental shot was given to a study subject January 5, 2022,. In a news release, Moderna detailed their intent on rolling out additional mRNA vaccines against a number of additional viruses as well:24

“The start of this Phase 1 study is a significant milestone as we continue to advance mRNA vaccines against latent viruses, which remain in the body for life after infection and can lead to chronic medical conditions. Moderna is committed to developing a portfolio of first-in-class vaccines against latent viruses for which there are no approved vaccines today, including vaccines against CMV [cytomegalovirus], EBV and HIV.

Our research team is working to bring even more vaccines against latent viruses to the clinic. We believe these vaccines could have a profound impact on quality of health for hundreds of millions of people around the world.”

Other mRNA shots also in development include:

  • An mRNA cancer vaccine for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)25
  • mRNA influenza shots, which are under development by several companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, Sanofi and Translate Bio26
  • An mRNA HIV vaccine, one of which is being studied by Moderna in collaboration with the NIH27
  • Various additional mRNA cancer vaccines, including one targeting advanced melanoma — being developed by BioNTech and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals28 — and several being developed by Moderna, targeting melanoma, NSCLC, colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer29

Ramping Up Production for Billions of Doses

In case there were any doubt that the powers that be intend to use injections as an increasingly integral part of your health care routine and daily life, Bancel described plans for billions of doses of shots to be manufactured in a matter of months. He said during the WEF session:30,31

“The other piece is manufacturing. If you look in 2020, we were able to ship 20 million doses to the U.S. government when the vaccine was authorized. That is not a lot.

But this year we’re going to have 2 to 3 billion doses of capacity in a six-month timeframe, which is what I believe it will take us to get authorization of a vaccine, if all the work has been done before … you could have 1.5 billion doses available in six months, and that’s just from Moderna. And you have other platforms, it could be a much bigger number …”

With censorship now so pervasive, and Big Tech colluding with dictators and pharmaceutical companies to bury the harms occurring through these experimental vaccines — including death — it’s now more important than ever to let your voice be heard in support of medical freedom and opposition of government health officials intimidating, threatening and coercing citizens to violate their conscientiously-held beliefs.

The ethical principal of informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes the legal right to make voluntary decisions about getting experimental injections, must be protected. For now, however, as Eugyppius explained:32

“The vaccinators are a great sword of Damocles over our heads. As I type this, they are scouring the earth for the novel pathogens their products require, and they, together with their bureaucratic and academic allies, will do their level best to call into being new pandemic scares and vaccination campaigns whenever possible — perhaps every flu season.”


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1 Rumble May 27, 2021

2, 9 The Corbett Report, The Real Anthony Fauci November 19, 2021

3, 4 CNBC January 6, 2022

5, 6, 13, 19, 31, 32 Substack, Eugyppius January 19, 2022

7 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022

8 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022, 6:25

10 The Corbett Report, The Real Anthony Fauci November 19, 2021, 8:31

11, 12 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022, 7:20

14 The Corbett Report, The Real Anthony Fauci November 19, 2021, 34:10

15 IMDB, Contagion

16 Kansas State University, National Bio and Agro-defense Facility

17 CBC June 14, 2020

18, 30 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022, 43:45

20, 21 Pfizer January 12, 2022

22, 23 Pfizer January 5, 2022

24 Moderna January 5, 2022

25, May 24, 2017

26 Sanofi June 22, 2021

27 Moderna April 14, 2021

28 August 26, 2020

29 May 14, 2019

Featured image is from Mercola

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Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.

Europe is accelerating steps to roll back COVID restrictions as efforts to control the spread of the virus have failed and countries downgrade the threat posed by SARS-CoV-2.

Sweden and Switzerland joined Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France and the UK in announcing they will lift COVID restrictions and open up their countries.

Top Israeli officials also announced this week they are abolishing the country’s “Green Pass” COVID vaccine passport for restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters.

The policy update will take effect Feb. 6, Prime Minister Naftali Bennet’s government said, pending approval by a parliamentary committee. Israel’s proof-of-vaccination policy will remain in effect for events such as parties or weddings.

“To continue the green pass in the same way can create false assurances,” said Nadav Davidovitch, an epidemiologist and public health physician advising Prime Minister Naftali Bennet’s government. “It’s not reducing infections in closed spaces like theatres. It needs to be used mainly for high-risk places like hospitals, elderly care homes, or events when you are eating and singing and dancing.”

Sweden will lift all COVID restrictions by Feb. 9, the Swedish government said today.

According to Politico, the Swedish Public Health Agency said it reassessed COVID as “not being socially critical” due to a better understanding of the Omicron variant, which is milder and associated with fewer hospitalizations.

“It’s time to open up Sweden,” said Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. “The pandemic isn’t over, but it is moving into a new phase.”

The decision to open Sweden came a day after Switzerland, citing high immunity levels and the milder Omicron variant, announced it will abolish mandatory work-from-home and the quarantine rules beginning today.

The government also will lift health measures at the borders and tourists will no longer need to receive Swiss COVID certificates.

The Swiss government said it planned to phase out other restrictions after consulting with 26 cantons, employers, trade unions and parliamentary committees.

In two weeks, the government will determine the next steps to relax pandemic measures depending on the health situation, according to an official statement.

Options include a staggered exit strategy or an abrupt end to all COVID measures on Feb. 17.

Denmark to classify COVID as endemic disease 

Just days before Sweden and Switzerland’s announcements, Denmark became the first country in the European Union to lift all COVID restrictions, reclassifying COVID as an endemic disease.

Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke on Feb. 1 wrote a letter to the parliament’s epidemiology committee stating COVID was no longer a “socially critical disease.”

Based on the recommendations of the committee, the government decided to scrap COVID restrictions.

The “rules will lapse when the illness will no longer be categorized as ‘socially critical’ on 1 February 2022,” Heunicke wrote.

The classification of a disease as “socially critical” gave the government authority to implement broad restrictive measures such as shutting businesses and making mask-wearing mandatory.

An endemic disease circulates freely but is recognized as posing less of a threat to societies.

“No one can know what will happen next December,” Heunicke told CNN on Monday. “But we promised the citizens of Denmark that we will only have restrictions if they are truly necessary and we’ll lift them as soon as we can. That’s what’s happening right now.”

When asked about vaccine mandates, Heunicke said:

“Luckily we don’t need that in Denmark … I’m really happy that we don’t need it because it’s a very troubling path to move that way.”

Søren Brostrøm, director-general of Denmark’s Health Authority agreed:

“I do not believe in imposed vaccine mandates. It’s a pharmaceutical intervention with possible side effects. You need as an authority, to recognize that. I think if you push too much, you will have a reaction — action generates reaction, especially with vaccines.”

Danish authorities will still recommend taking at-home tests when coming into contact with large groups of people and will make PCR tests available to the public. Travelers entering the country will still be tested upon entry.

Other European Companies drop COVID restrictions 

Italy, France, Norway, Lithuania, England and Finland also relaxed restrictions, Bloomberg reported.

“We should discuss whether it’s time for us to take a different viewpoint and start unwinding restrictions even with a high number of infections,” Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin told reporters. “I hope that we can be rid of restrictions during February.”

At a meeting in Helsinki to discuss the pace of removing restrictions, the government decided to lift all limits on gatherings and ease restrictions on restaurants and bars on Feb. 14. Night clubs will remain closed until March 1. Cultural venues, events and sports will be free from restrictions.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s administration met Wednesday to discuss how to curb restrictions. The government will initially focus on quarantine rules for children and plans to cut the 10-day isolation requirement down to five.

France on Wednesday ended mandatory work-from-home rules, eliminated requirements on face masks outdoors and lifted attendance restrictions at stadiums and theaters. However the country’s vaccine pass will remain in place until hospitals are able to function normally without canceling non-emergency procedures to make room for COVID patients in intensive care, Health Minister Olivier Veran said on Wednesday.

Asked whether France would require a second booster shot, Veran said it would depend on whether there were further mutations of the virus.

The Lithuanian government is dropping its requirement to present a vaccination certificate in public areas, such as restaurants and sporting events, and unvaccinated workers will no longer be required to undergo weekly testing.

Norway followed suit and lifted restrictions on private gatherings, bars and restaurants and will not require border testing.

England last week announced it was lifting its COVID restrictions. Beginning Jan. 27, face coverings were no longer required by law anywhere in England and the legal requirement for COVID passes to enter large venues and clubs were scrapped.

The government also dropped guidance for face-covering in classrooms, advice for people working from home and restrictions for nursing home visitors.

On Jan. 26, the Netherlands reopened restaurants, bars, museums and theaters as part of a broader easing of restrictions.

Lockdowns had little-to-no benefit on public health, analysis shows

Few studies, if any, have been carried out to determine whether vaccine passports and COVID restrictions actually lowered COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

However, a recent analysis published by researchers at Johns Hopkins found COVID lockdown measures implemented in the U.S. and Europe had almost no effect on public health.

“We find little-to-no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers also examined shelter-in-place orders, finding they reduced COVID mortality only by 2.9%.

Studies assessing only shelter-in-place orders found a mortality reduction of 5.1%, but when combined with other lockdown measures, shelter-in-place orders actually increased COVID mortality by 2.8%.

Researchers found limits on gatherings may have actually increased COVID mortality. They wrote:

“[Shelter-in-place orders] may isolate an infected person at home with his/her family where he/she risks infecting family members with a higher viral load, causing more severe illness. But often, lockdowns have limited people’s access to safe (outdoor) places such as beaches, parks and zoos, or included outdoor mask mandates or strict outdoor gathering restrictions, pushing people to meet at less safe (indoor) places.”

COVID lockdown measures also contributed to “reducing economic activity, rising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence and undermining liberal democracy,” the report said.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from CHD

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Canada’s Freedom Convoy protest is growing in size & strength.

Truckers have gridlocked Canada’s capital Ottawa.

The movement is no longer just about Covid restrictions but also against PM Justin Trudeau’s leadership.

Palki Sharma gets you a report.


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Towering above all the many scandals spawned by the manufactured COVID crisis is the global proliferation of deaths, sicknesses and injuries resulting from the mass injection of various mRNA/ lipid nanoparticle concoctions. These concoctions, whose full array of variable ingredients is still being kept secret from the public, are the first media of genetic modification ever imposed systematically on humans.  

This experiment, much of it done secretly and under the auspices of the US Department of Defense, is inflicting a terrible toll on the health, longevity and wellbeing of a significant portion of the global population. See this.    

The mRNA injections induce genetic alterations that stimulate the mass production of pathogenic spike proteins well known for causing blood clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes. These and many other so-called “adverse effects” are much more numerous and many-faceted than is being admitted by governments and by the censorious legacy media.

The ongoing cover up is adding to the scale of the massive harms being done. Even yet the lie of safety and effectiveness is causing too many of us to roll up our sleeves for yet another natural-immunity-destroying booster.

Image is a screenshot from a Rumble video

This holocaust in the making is part of an array of human-made COVID catastrophes crying out for many penetrating investigations into the most monumental case of medical fraud in all of recorded history. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is answering this call.

Governor DeSantis announced a pioneering foray into the realm of criminal investigations reflecting the growing recognition that many things are going horribly wrong with initiatives done in the name of fighting COVID-19.

On 13 December DeSantis stepped forward to say,

“Today, I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines. We anticipate that we will get approval for that.” See this.

The primary investigators are to be drawn from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. This Department is empowered to seek the assistance of local law enforcement entities and agencies in Florida.

The Florida Governor highlighted particular suspicions about the role of pharmaceutical companies. He asserted that “an investigation is warranted to determine whether the pharmaceutical industry has engaged in fraudulent practices.”

A big part of the suspected fraud involved the purposeful spread of misleading information that the COVID mRNA injections have the capacity to stop the transmission of the novel coronavirus. In reality, the COVID injections are incapable of serving that purpose. In his petition DeSantis continued

“There is good and sufficient reason to deem it to be in the public interest to empanel a statewide Grand Jury to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission.” See this.

The petition provided some examples of where investigators might look to find the kind of criminal activity that would be put before the Grand Jury. The possible crimes might involve

“Individuals, persons, and entities, including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical manufacturers (and their executive officers) and other medical associations or organizations involved in the design, development, clinical testing or investigation, manufacture, marketing, representation, advertising, promotion, labeling, distribution, formulation, packing, sale, purchase, dispensing, prescribing, administration, or use of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission”

The COVID Investigations in Florida and Ottawa

The investigation taking shape in Florida to explore the criminal aspects of the manufactured COVID crisis is very different from the COVID-related investigation underway now in Ottawa. The Canadian investigation taking place in Ottawa has been transformed into a very partisan effort on the part of the Trudeau government to smear and criminalize the most effective critics of federal COVID policies. See this.

The core group that created and implemented the strategy to publicize the grotesque failures of Canadian officialdom in the WHO-declared pandemic are now known around the world as the Freedom Convoy of Truckers. In mid-February of 2022 the Trudeau government declared the Canadian version of martial law in the quest to dislodge the Truckers from their parking protest in Ottawa.

The ostensible reason for the current Emergency Act Inquiry led by Justice Paul Rouleau is to investigate the justification for the actions taken against the Truckers last February.

The inquiry into the federal invocation of the Emergency Act is taking place before there has been any real reckoning with the broad array of major catastrophes unjustifiably imposed on people in Canada and around the world. The Truckers and their supporters sought with some success to initiate such a reckoning. Their immediate aim, one that continues to inspire a global resistance movement, was to slow down the onslaught of damage being done under the cover of fighting COVID-19.  

The Rouleau Commission has found itself in an awkward position because the Emergency Act Inquiry created a means for the federal government to downplay its own failures. The Trudeau government’s strategy has been to use the episode to point attention away from its own responsibility for the unnecessary emergencies it both created and compounded.

What will it take to get the federal government to present some sort of public acknowledgment of its own instrumental role in creating large-scale unemployment, ruinous business closures, ongoing suicides, domestic violence, and breakdowns in supply chains all produced by the useless lockdowns?

When will the responsible authorities including those in the Trudeau government cease to pretend they have no role at all in the proliferation of the deaths, sicknesses and injuries that flow from the mass distribution of the gene-modifying COVID clot shots?

Unfortunately Canada’s Emergency Act Inquiry presents a number of examples of what not to do in investigating the trials and tribulations of the WHO-declared pandemic. The Rouleau Commission, however, is serving to get some crucial procedural wheels rolling.

Hopefully the kind of constructive energies still being generated by the inheritors of the Freedom Convoy movement in Canada can be pointed towards objectives that match and transcend those of the Grand Jury process being set up in Florida. Perhaps Alberta’s new Premier, Danielle Smith, will continue to follow the lead of DeSantis. She is well on her way to becoming a pivotal leader in restoring some measure of good health to our abused peoples and to our tattered institutions.


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Anthony J. Hall is Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. His Ph.D. is in History (University of Toronto, 1984) and in his academic career he has taught in the fields of Native American Studies, Globalization Studies, and Liberal Education. Prof. Hall is former Editor-In-Chief of American Herald Tribune and publishes widely both in peer-reviewed and popular venues. His most well known books include The American Empire and the Fourth World as well as Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism (McGill-Queens University Press).  

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Mark Taliano

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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I just arrived home from my visit to Ottawa. The trucker convoy and the support from the public is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Truckers were making wood-fired pizza, hotdogs, and it was all free.

The camaraderie was palpable and exuberating, as it was on the bridge days before when the truckers passed beneath us.

God Bless these truckers, thank you.

They and we have made a great difference already in terms of elevating the level of awareness of what is actually happening in Canada.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. Visit the author’s website at where this article was originally published.

All images in this article are from the author

Voices from Syria

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

How Erdogan Scapegoated ISIS Caliph to Appease Biden?

February 4th, 2022 by Nauman Sadiq

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Whilst Turkish President Erdogan was in Kiev on Thursday, ostensibly brokering a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine to defuse escalating tensions following the Russian troop build-up along Ukraine’s borders and the deployment of 3,000 US forces in Poland and Romania, Biden announced that the Islamic State leader had been killed in a special-ops raid in northwest Syria along the Turkish border.

“Last night, operating on my orders, US military forces successfully removed a major terrorist threat to the world: the global leader of ISIS. Thanks to the bravery of our troops, this horrible terrorist leader is no more,” a visibly jubilant Biden tweeted.

The details of the raid were sketchy but there were civilian casualties and one of the choppers involved in the operation encountered mechanical failure and had to be destroyed, as in the Bin Laden raid at Abbottabad, Pakistan, in May 2011 when one of the Black Hawks involved in the “secret operation” also encountered malfunction and was blown up by the Navy Seals Team Six that awakened the whole sleepy town.

According to the US government documents [1] released in September 2020, Islamic State leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi, whose real name was Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal-Rahman al-Mawla, snitched for the US military and identified dozens of fellow militants as well as the structure of al-Qaeda in Iraq, after he was arrested in 2008 and detained at Camp Bucca.

Three Tactical Interrogation Reports released by the Combating Terrorism Centre (CTC) alleged that al-Baghdadi’s successor al-Mawla, who at the time was an al-Qaeda judge, gave the US occupation forces in Iraq the names of 68 al-Qaeda fighters that led to the deaths of several al-Qaeda members after the US military conducted raids to hunt them down.

According to the documents, al-Mawla was arrested in 2008 by the US forces and interrogated at Camp Bucca, a facility in Umm Qasr, southern Iraq, where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was also incarcerated. Several officials have since referred to it as a “Jihadi university” because of the training provided there.

The CTC said that al-Mawla was released in 2009 and only came to prominence when he became the leader of the Islamic State following the death of al-Baghdadi in October 2019.

As in the special-ops raid eliminating al-Baghdadi’s successor al-Mawla at the densely populated town of Atmeh along Turkish border in northwest Syria, it’s important to note in the news coverage of the killing of al-Baghdadi that although the mainstream media was trumpeting for several years before the raid that the Islamic State’s fugitive chief was hiding somewhere on the Iraq-Syria border in the east, he was found hiding in northwest Idlib province, under the control of Turkey’s militant proxies and al-Nusra Front, and was killed while trying to flee to Turkey in Barisha village, just five kilometers from the border.

The reason why the mainstream media scrupulously avoided mentioning northwestern Idlib province of Syria as the most likely hideout of al-Baghdadi and his successor was to cover up the collusion between the militant proxies of Turkey and the jihadists of al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State.

In fact, the corporate media takes the issue of Islamic jihadists “commingling” with Turkey-backed “moderate rebels” in Idlib so seriously – which could give Damascus the pretext to mount an offensive in northwest Syria – that the New York Times cooked up an exclusive report [2] in October 2019, days after the Special Ops night raid eliminating al-Baghdadi, that the Islamic State paid money to al-Nusra Front for hosting al-Baghdadi in Idlib.

The morning after the night raid, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported [3] in October 2019 that a squadron of eight helicopters accompanied by warplanes belonging to the international coalition had attacked positions of Hurras al-Din, an al-Qaeda-affiliated group, in Idlib province where the Islamic State chief was believed to be hiding.

Despite detailing the operational minutiae of the Special Ops raid, the mainstream news coverage of the raid deliberately elided over the crucial piece of information that the compound in Barisha village just five kilometers from Turkish border where al-Baghdadi was killed belonged to Hurras al-Din, an elusive terrorist outfit which had previously been targeted several times in the US airstrikes.

Although Hurras al-Din is generally assumed to be an al-Qaeda affiliate, it is in fact the regrouping of the Islamic State jihadists under a different name in northwestern Idlib governorate after the latter terrorist organization was routed from Mosul and Anbar in Iraq and Raqqa and Deir al-Zor in Syria in 2017 and was hard pressed by the US-led coalition’s airstrikes in eastern Syria.

It’s worth noting that although the Idlib governorate in Syria’s northwest has firmly been under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) led by al-Nusra Front since 2015, its territory was equally divided between Turkey-backed rebels and al-Nusra Front.

In a brazen offensive in January 2019, however, al-Nusra Front’s jihadists completely routed Turkey-backed militants, even though the latter were supported by a professionally trained and highly organized military of a NATO member Turkey. Al-Nusra Front now reportedly controls more than 70% territory in the Idlib governorate.

The reason why al-Nusra Front was easily able to defeat Turkey-backed militants appeared to be that the ranks of al-Nusra Front were swelled by highly motivated and battle-hardened jihadist deserters from the Islamic State after the fall of the latter’s “caliphate” in Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria in July and October 2017, respectively.

In all likelihood, some of the Islamic State’s jihadists who joined the battle in Idlib were part of the contingent of thousands of Islamic State militants that fled Raqqa in October 2017 under a deal brokered [4] by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The merger of al-Nusra Front and Islamic State in Idlib didn’t come as a surprise, though, since the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front used to be a single organization before a split occurred between the two militant groups in April 2013 over a leadership dispute. In fact, al-Nusra Front’s chief Abu Mohammad al-Jolani was reportedly appointed [5] the emir of al-Nusra Front by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the deceased “caliph” of the Islamic State, in January 2012.

Al-Jolani returned the favor by hosting both the hunted leaders of the Islamic State for months, if not years, in safe houses in al-Nusra’s territory in Idlib, before they were betrayed by informants within the ranks of the terrorist organization who leaked the information of the whereabouts of al-Baghdadi and his successor, leading to the killing of the Islamic State leaders in special-ops raids in October 2019 and on February 3.

In the book “Rage,” American journalist Bob Woodward has corroborated what was long known to be an open secret: the existence of a Faustian pact between Donald Trump and President Erdogan of Turkey in which the latter agreed to cover up the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018 and also let Washington hunt down Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi hiding in Syria’s Idlib, bordering Turkey, in October 2019 in return for Turkey mounting Operation Peace Spring in northeast Syria with the permission of the Trump administration.

In an informal conversation with Woodward, Donald Trump boasted that he protected Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from congressional scrutiny after the brutal assassination of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi. “I saved his ass,” Trump said in 2018, according to the book [6]. “I was able to get Congress to leave him alone. I was able to get them to stop.”

When Woodward pressed Trump if he believed the Saudi crown prince ordered the assassination himself, Trump responded: “He says very strongly that he didn’t do it. Bob, they spent $400 billion over a fairly short period of time,” Trump said.

“And you know, they’re in the Middle East. You know, they’re big. Because of their religious monuments, you know, they have the real power. They have the oil, but they also have the great monuments for religion. You know that, right? For that religion,” Trump noted. “They wouldn’t last a week if we’re not there, and they know it,” he added.

Regarding the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018, the Erdogan administration released American pastor Andrew Brunson on October 12, 2018, which had been a longstanding demand of the Trump administration, and also decided not to make public the audio recordings of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi implicating Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in the assassination.

In return, the Trump administration promised to comply with Turkish President Erdogan’s vehement demand to evacuate American forces from the Kurdish-held areas in northeast Syria, and the withdrawal was eventually effected an year later in October 2019.

In the Operation Peace Spring in October 2019, the Turkish armed forces and their Syrian proxies invaded and occupied 120 kilometers wide and 32 kilometers deep stretch of Syrian territory between the northeastern towns of Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn. It’s worth pointing out that although Turkish forces invaded northeast Syria in October 2019, the negotiations went on for almost an year since December 2018.

Trump immediately announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria after losing the midterm elections in November 2018. But the Pentagon kept delaying the evacuation of American forces from northern Syria to appease Washington’s Kurdish allies.

However, once Turkish armed forces and allied militant proxies invaded northeast Syria in October 2019, the Pentagon was left with no other choice than to redeploy American forces to Kurdish-held areas al-Hasakah and Qamishli in northeast Syria.

Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American troops from Syria was reportedly made during a telephonic conversation with Turkish President Erdogan on December 14, 2018, before President Trump made the momentous announcement in a Tweet on December 19. The decision was so sudden that it prompted the resignation of Jim Mattis, then the Secretary of Defense, according to a December 22, 2018, Associated Press report [7].

Considering the events surrounding the killing of al-Baghdadi in October 2019, it’s obvious that his successor, too, was betrayed by the Turkish patrons to extract geo-strategic concessions from the Biden administration. Due to Erdogan’s personal friendship with Biden’s political rival Trump, Turkish leader has repeatedly been snubbed by Biden throughout the maiden year of his administration.

But after letting the Biden administration eliminate the Islamic State leader and offering to mediate in the dispute between Russia and Ukraine to defuse mounting tensions in the Eastern Europe, Erdogan is trying desperately hard to prove to the Biden administration that Turkey is still a reliable NATO ally that could play a vital role in the global power rivalry.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Af-Pak and the Middle East regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military industrial complex and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of meticulously researched and credibly sourced investigative reports to Global Research.


[1] Islamic State’s ‘canary caliph’ gave intelligence to US in 2008:

[2] ISIS Leader Paid Rival for Protection but Was Betrayed by His Own:

[3] Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in US raid:

[4] Raqqa’s dirty secret: the deal that let Islamic State jihadists escape Raqqa:

[5] Al-Jolani was appointed as the emir of al-Nusra Front by al-Baghdadi:

[6] Trump boasted that he protected Saudi Crown Prince:

[7] Trump call with Turkish leader led to US pullout from Syria:

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February 4th, 2022 by Global Research News

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Video: Gravitas: Canada’s Freedom Convoy Grows in Strength

By, February 04, 2022

Canada’s Truckers protest refuse to die down. Sikhs have joined truckers in demonstrations against the Canadian Govt. Canada’s leader of Opposition Candice Bergen wants Justin Trudeauto apologise for derogating the motives of protesters.

#Freedom Convoy 2022: “Step Down Trudeau”

By Dr. Micheline Ladouceur, February 04, 2022

The truckers are incredibly calm, they are pacifists. They will stay in Ottawa until the “Covid-19 mandates” are cancelled.  The government must agree to put an end to these health measures which in fact are measures of a political nature.

Embalmers Discover Strange, Rubbery ‘Worms’ in Bodies of the Jabbed

By Free West Media, February 03, 2022

Dr Jane Ruby spoke to embalmer Richard Hirschman for the Stew Peters Show on Thursday about “strange, rubbery” plugs found in the veins of deceased Americans. Hirschman took a number of photos of the “worms”, which were shown during the interview.

Ukraine: American Mercenaries Train Ukrainian Neo-Nazis to Prepare Them to Fight in the Donbass

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While Ukraine continues to go against Western rhetoric about Russia’s future “invasion” of the country in order to save what can be saved of its economy, the Ukrainian army and Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalions continue their preparations for an offensive against the Donbass, with the help of American mercenaries.

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Canada’s Truckers protest refuse to die down.

Sikhs have joined truckers in demonstrations against the Canadian Govt. Canada’s leader of Opposition Candice Bergen wants Justin Trudeau to apologise for derogating the motives of protesters.

Molly Gambhir gets you a report.


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#FreedomConvoy2022: “Step Down Trudeau”

February 4th, 2022 by Dr. Micheline Ladouceur

The Freedom Convoy 2022 movement is actively involved in Ottawa, the Nation’s capital.

Hundreds and hundreds of trucks are lined up in front of Parliament Hill and in the streets of the capital.

Bridges between Ottawa and Gatineau have been closed to prevent trucks from crossing to the other side of the Ottawa river. 

The truckers are incredibly calm, they are pacifists. They will stay in Ottawa until the “Covid-19 mandates” are cancelled.  The government must agree to put an end to these health measures which in fact are measures of a political nature.

While the movement is open to discussion with the federal government, Justin Trudeau , Prime Minister of Canada, has categorically refused to enter into any form of dialogue. 

He is leading the country from an unknown location. 

“Step Down Trudeau”

Video from Global Research. The Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa

Obviously the occupation by the truckers is done in a good mood

Media Disinformation

The mainstream media (Radio-Canada, TVA, La Presse, etc.) claim that the truckers – demonstrators – show “grievance” and “anger”. Some media have even spoken of far-right, racist people, all to demonize the peace movement.

There were virtually no incidents as thousands of people gathered in the streets of the downtown Ottawa.

“Those who were looking for trouble two days ago, they are not truckers” commented a driver on February 1. The Freedom Convoy 2022 movement demands the restoration of fundamental rights which have been blatantly violated by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The truckers’ claims are entirely legitimate. They are fed up with health checks at the border applied to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated truckers…

However, this event goes far beyond the “health” issue the vaccine “jabs” (one, two, three doses …).

Working conditions have become extremely difficult for vaccinated and non-vaccinated cross-border workers.

They denounce the obligation of truckers to get vaccinated to cross the US-Canada border effective since January 15.

But the movement goes much further: it questions the legitimacy of the Trudeau government.

Families are present among these demonstrators.

The movement is committed to the future and the protection of children.

“I came to encourage the movement because everyone is so disgusted. There is finally action and people are moving. I am here as a truck driver and also to protect our children,” explains Julie Pomerleau from Vaudreuil, Quebec. ( Le Journal de Montreal , February 3, 2022)

Teddy bears and children are also participating in this important event.

It is impressive to observe all these trucks parked in the streets, thus paralyzing a large part of the city (downtown).

The protest movement has expressed its solidarity and respect for the city of Ottawa by ensuring the disposal of waste in large garbage bags. The city of Ottawa has never been so clean.

There were no signs of hatred, racism, extremism or violence. All minorities are represented there.

Women Truckers

Recognition to all women truckers who joined the 2022 Freedom Convoy.

The woman truck driver (featured below) is making the love sign with her hand… (see also the testimony of Sancha Deable who traveled 3000 km to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who remains hidden and refuses to enter into dialogue with the Freedom movement.

These women are among Canada’s trucking heroes who bring food, clothing, medicine and more every day.

Our thanks to tens of thousands of truckers who have chosen the path of freedom and peace for future generations. 

Our thoughts are with you. 

Micheline Ladouceur

Video and photos are by the author. Copyright


The Freedom Convoy 2022 in photos 

Ottawa, February 1, 2022

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Dr Jane Ruby spoke to embalmer Richard Hirschman for the Stew Peters Show on Thursday about “strange, rubbery” plugs found in the veins of deceased Americans. Hirschman took a number of photos of the “worms”, which were shown during the interview.

Many vaccinated people who end up on Hirschman’s cutting table have died of a heart attack or stroke. He took long, fibrous strings from one of the bodies. The red part looks like a normal blood clot, but the white fibrous material was not normal, Hirschman said.

The embalmer said a blood clot normally breaks apart easily when touched.

“But this white stuff is pretty strong,” he explained. “It’s very pliable, it’s very hard. It is not normal.”

“I’ve contacted colleagues and they see the same thing,” he told Ruby. Hirschman added that the number of people with these types of “worms” has increased by 50 to almost 80 percent in recent times. “I am very concerned about the future.”

Hirschman is now trying to figure out what the material consists of. “My gut tells me it’s caused by the vaccine. I can’t prove that, but if this is caused by the vaccine, just imagine how many people will die in the future,” he said.

“If this tissue ends up in your brain, you’ll have a stroke. If it gets in your heart, you’ll have a heart attack. People need to know this,” he emphasized.

When asked how often he encounters these mysterious strings, he replied: “On 20-24 of the 35 people I have embalmed this month.”


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Featured image: The curious white strings blocking the arteries and veins of the vaccinated. Screen shot from Rumble

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While Ukraine continues to go against Western rhetoric about Russia’s future “invasion” of the country in order to save what can be saved of its economy, the Ukrainian army and Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalions continue their preparations for an offensive against the Donbass, with the help of American mercenaries.

While the Ukrainian authorities are trying to calm down their population in order to avoid an economic collapse, against the background of the failure of the negotiations between Russia and the United States, as well as between the political advisors of the Normandy Format countries, in Ukraine, the preparations of the Ukrainian army and neo-Nazi battalions for an attack on the Donbass continue with the help of Western countries and American mercenaries.

Thus, the spokesman of the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) People’s Militia, Eduard Basurin, announced that the Ukrainian General Staff, under the guidance of American advisers, is finalizing a plan of offensive in the Donbass. The moment of the beginning of the aggression against the People’s Republics will be finally determined after the completion of the formation of the offensive groups and the approval of the operation plan by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

And while the plan of the offensive is being finalized, the consolidation of Ukrainian army units in the Donbass continues. The command of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) plans to transfer to the conflict zone in the east of the country three additional brigades – the 72nd mechanized brigade, the 10th mountain assault brigade and the 80th airborne assault brigade, which are considered to be the most combat ready in the Ukrainian army and capable of offensive actions.

These brigades have been fully staffed with personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition and have completed their combat preparation. It should be noted that the units of the 80th Airborne Assault Brigade completed their training at the Staritchi training center in the Lvov region. The brigade was trained there in urban combat by instructors from the United Kingdom as part of the Orbital training mission. It is possible that these paratroopers will be deployed in assault groups to clear large cities such as Gorlovka or Donetsk.

The grouping of these brigades is confirmed by the fact that the management of Ukrainian Railways has received instructions from the Ministry of Defence to deliver trains with platforms and wagons to the loading stations of Belaya Tserkov, Kolomyia and Lvov from February 3 to 10, in order to transport weapons, military equipment and personnel of the 72nd, 10th and 80th brigades.

It is also by train that fuel, lubricant and ammunition to replenish the reserves of the troops of the 25th, 36th, 53rd, 54th, and 56th brigades of the AFU arrive in the Ukrainian-controlled Donbass. These trains unloaded their cargo at the stations of Krasnoarmeysk, Druzhkovka, and Zachatovka.

In order to prevent OSCE SMM (Special Monitoring Mission) patrols and local residents from discovering this fact, the commanders of these units were ordered to unload and transport fuel and ammunition to the brigade depots at night, via country roads. In addition, the brigade commanders were instructed to prepare field storage facilities for ammunition at a distance of 15-20 km from the line of contact.

Faced with a shortage of various types of ammunition and shells, Ukraine is trying to get supplies from abroad. To do this, the Ukrainian political leadership is negotiating with NATO countries that still have stocks of old ammunition for the Soviet artillery systems used by the Ukrainian armed forces. For example, Ukraine is discussing with the Czech Republic the possibility of supplying the Ukrainian army with 152 mm artillery shells.

Military field hospitals near Konstantinovka, Kurakhovo, Volnovakha and Mariupol, urgently return patients undergoing treatment to their duty stations for outpatient treatment. Military hospital commanders have been instructed to prepare storage locations for blood donations and to be ready to deploy additional beds. Medical personnel were trained in the deployment and operation of casualty reception and triage points.

According to the information of the DPR intelligence services, the leaders of the military-civilian administrations of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions were ordered to update the plans for the evacuation of people living in the frontline settlements, and also to check the vehicles and facilities intended for the transportation and accommodation of evacuees.

DPR intelligence sources have also noted an increase in the activities of Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations. In the recruitment points in the cities of Kharkov, Belaya Tserkov, Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk, fighters are recruited from among Ukrainian citizens who have experience in combat operations in the Donbass in order to provide training for other recruits.

In Sumy, the neo-Nazi organization Corpus National has established a military training camp run by neo-Nazis who fought in the Donbass in the summer of 2014. According to some reports, instructors from the American mercenaries companies Forward Survey Group and Academi are also involved in training fighters.

The neo-Nazis have also established cooperation with volunteer organizations to provide their fighters with protective gear, tactical uniforms and medical kits. A fundraising campaign has also been launched to purchase vehicles and equipment for the neo-Nazi assault groups.

As can be seen the preparations of the Ukrainian army and neo-Nazi battalions to conduct an offensive against the Donbass continue, while Ukraine officially complains about the American hysteria about the military situation, and declares that the invasion of the country by Russia is not for tomorrow.

Faced with this situation, the Union of Donbass Volunteers, based in Russia, began to form units to take part in the defence of the DPR and LPR (Lugansk People’s Republic) in case of an attack from Ukraine.

“We confirm the statement of the DPR people’s militia. Through the channels of the Union of Donbass Volunteers, we have also received information confirming the fact that Ukraine is preparing for a large-scale aggression using prohibited weapons against the Donbass republics. In this regard, the Union of Donbass Volunteers declares that we will not stay away from these events. Russian volunteers have started to form units to take part in the defence against Ukrainian aggression, should it occur. We are currently completing the processes of training the command and staff of Russian volunteers and are ready to act to defend the People’s Republics against the aggressive actions of the criminal Ukrainian side,” said Andrei Pinchuk, the head of the Donbass Volunteer Union.

A measure announced, while today the Ukrainian army opened fire with heavy machine gun against the village of Yasnoye, in DPR, damaging a residential building, but fortunately without causing casualties among civilians.


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Featured image is from Donbass Insider

Ukraine: It’s Over, Putin Has Won?

February 3rd, 2022 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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It is over. Putin has won.

Victoria Nuland, the neoconservative warmonger appointed Undersecretary of State by the White House fool, announced Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use its influence with Russia to save Ukraine from invasion. She thus acknowledges what everyone had already concluded: the US and NATO lack the capability.

Washington’s surrender followed the request of the Ukrainian president that Washington stop the “Russian invasion” propaganda as there were no signs of an invasion being prepared and Washington’s rhetoric was too provocative.

Germany refused flyover permission to the UK for arms deliveries to Ukraine. Two NATO members announced that they would not send troops if NATO got involved in Ukraine. Washington saw the writing on the wall.

Most countries saw Washington’s refusal to agree to the Russian mutual security proposal as unreasonable and dangerous. Moreover, Washington’s strategy of arming and training the Ukrainians and provoking them into a major attack on the Donbass Russians has failed.

Ukraine knows that Russia will not permit any significant damage to Donbass. Moreover, Ukrainians are unsure they could even defeat the Donbass army, which is probably armed with the new Russian high impact weapons.

Ukraine understands that Russia can wipe out its forces with conventional missiles without sending troops across the border. The Ukrainians also know that no one will be coming to their aid. The Pentagon itself announced that no US troops will be sent to Ukraine.

The fact that Washington publicly rejected the Russian proposal means nothing as Washington has no alternative but to accept it. The Russian foot came down hard, as it needed to do, and everyone including Washington understands that Ukraine will never be a member of NATO.

Th US/NATO missile bases in Poland and Romania will be quietly removed over time. Washington will continue to bluster and threaten but is unable to take any action. The diplomatic Russians will allow Washington to save face in some arranged way.

All that is necessary at this point is that the diplomats in the Russian foreign ministry, who tend to put too much faith in signed documents, and Russian hardliners understand that Washington’s rejection of the proposal has been rendered meaningless and that Putin has won.

The world has adjusted to Russia’s inflexible demand and unmatched military superiority backed up by China.

In view of the appearance on the scene of long overdue Russian assertiveness, I expect Washington to draw in its horns and to move toward a more cooperative and peaceful position.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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For over two years now, populations across the Western world have been bombarded with public messaging incantations that boil down to one basic formula: Freedom = Compliance. However, the formula appears to have lost its magic.

Despite the aggressive use of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Behavioral Nudging to “reframe” the government’s pandemic response as an effort to save humanity from a deadly virus with a 99% survival rate, the world has seen just how badly the self-styled Western “elite” can miscalculate, and overestimate its own intelligence. Contrary to the typical conspiracy theory script where everything goes just as planned, the establishment’s historic miscalculation is no exception, but rather the rule. Oligarchies by their hubristic and prideful nature have always been prone to miscalculation. The demise of every empire across history serves as a constant reminder.

In reality, the Western elite’s uncreative cynical outlook on average working-class people and their outright disdain for hard-working citizens has caused them to underestimate the natural creative impulses of people in a time of crisis. So, we see the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” phenomenon burning right through all the hard work and diligent behavior modification programs imposed by Western governments over decades of deception.

Despite the Western establishment’s best efforts, one quick strategic blow has left the Canadian government and its Five Eyes allies completely flatfooted and outflanked. Citizens have tasted victory and have in essence now turned the tide in the battle over morale and perception, a battle that lies at the heart of any real victory in war. As events in Canada have demonstrated, the efforts to put the “genie back in the bottle” will be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

From a strategic standpoint, we can observe that the recent implosion of the narrative matrix is of the Western “elite’s” own making. It is the product of their disdain and low estimation of the people they have been tirelessly trying to subvert and “reframe” for so many years. Citizens everywhere are now rejecting the dystopian liberal borg cube that has been so aggressively sold using a series of empty slogans, including “Flattening the Curve,” “Build Back Better” and the need for a “Great Reset.” From “the benefits outweigh the risk” to the battle over “misinformation,” slogan after slogan has flopped.

As the Proverb says, “Pride cometh before the fall.” The oligarchy and their technocratic elite’s blindness has reached biblical proportion, almost guaranteeing that they have sown the seeds of their own destruction (at least for now). Because they view human beings like beasts to be herded, controlled by threats of punishment and reward, pain and pleasure, the human response to tyranny has come as a genuine surprise, so much so that the Canadian Prime minister was whisked away after declaring the Canadian Freedom Convoy a “fringe minority” only a few days earlier. As “fringes” become majorities and once unknown individuals become world-leaders, so “the last will be first and the first will be last.”

The decrepit Western financial establishment’s own ill-informed and perverse view of humanity has allowed the creative minorities to catch it by surprise. Now, virtually anything they try to stop the revolt will likely blow back in their faces.

The lesson: the old psy-ops formulas no longer work; the hypnotic spells no longer have average people spell-bound; and the tireless efforts to reframe official narratives now look painfully obvious. The failures of the Western elite and its Five Eyes intelligence operation has demonstrated how uncreative and devoid of actual insight into human processes their self-styled “elites” are. And this innate creative spark is precisely what should serve as the bedrock of development, cooperation, and dialogue among all nations.

Now that people are no longer behaving like dogs in a Pavlovian experiment, spurred on by punishment and reward, media mouth pieces and government bodies across the West have no idea how to “reframe” events in their favor. Their messaging tactics stand exposed as the empty and meaningless platitudes of a decaying liberal borg cube. Alas, it turns out that technocrats and their World Economic Forum masters are nowhere near as smart as they believed.

Like old Olympian Gods blinded by their pride and hubris, their estimation of their own powers of insight caused them to be caught by surprise by a group of humble Canadian truckers. A few humble truckers have ignited a critical mass which now represents a global revolt against Western oligarchical forces.

To add to this awakening, Western audiences may notice that many Eurasian countries have also begun taking fate into their own hands. Despite the Goliath-like strength and “shock and awe” approach of Western military interventionism in the last decades, we can see the power and acumen of the military industrial complex dissolving as regime change and color revolution efforts in Syria, Kazakhstan, Ethiopia have all either faltered or faded.

This means both Western and Eastern countries may now consider engaging in real dialogue premised not on the survival of the fittest or the will to power by a small elite, but a common recognition of the mutual interests and shared creative spark found in all humankind. Whether expressed in the major economic transformation of the once cultural-revolution ravished China, the phoenix-like rebirth of a once shock-therapized Russia, or the now burgeoning people’s revolt led by humble truckers in a once meek country like Canada, the age of psy-ops and geopolitical divisions may be transcended by an age of human creative solidarity, universal freedom and global progress.

Rather than “building back better” and “resetting” the world (and its population levels), Canada and the rest of the West can seize the opportunity to flush the financially bloated and bankrupt speculative Wall Street/City of London system that controls its degenerate political class and find a common footing among a multi-polar order.

Unfortunately for the “elite,” this means the people of the West may finally be ready to leave the liberal borg cube behind and trade compliance for freedom.


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David B. Gosselin is a writer, researcher, and poet based in Montreal. He is the founder of The Chained Muse poetry website and New Lyre Magazine. Follow him on Substack at Age of Muses.

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On January 29th, The Washington Post published an op-ed by the well-known Yale historian Timothy Snyder, titled “Putin’s case for invading Ukraine rests on phony grievances and ancient myths.” In a key passage, the article reads:

Last July, Vladimir Putin supplied the mythical basis for Russian war propaganda in an essay titled “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians.” The essential idea is that Russia has the right to Ukraine because of things that happened a thousand years ago in Kyiv. … It takes some fanciful thinking to see here a reason for Russia to invade Ukraine in the 21st century, as it seems prepared to do. … Putin’s idea is that Ukraine is a fraternal nation because of how he personally feels about the past. This is known as imperialism. It flies in the face of the basic legal principle of state sovereignty and the basic moral principle of democracy.

Putin’s article did NOT assert that “Russia has the right to Ukraine because of things that happened a thousand years ago in Kyiv.” It didn’t even assert that “Russia has the right to invade Ukraine.” Furthermore, the allegation that Putin’s view that’s expressed there advocates “imperialism” that “flies in the face of the basic legal principle of state sovereignty and the basic moral principle of democracy” is likewise a bald-faced lie.

Moreover, Russia’s Government has consistently denied that it has any intention to invade Ukraine, but instead asserts that if Ukraine invades Donbass, then Russia will not allow that invasion to conquer the residents there.

Russia’s position has consistently been that only the people who live in Donbass have the right to determine whether or not—and the terms under which—they will be ruled by the government in Kyiv.

This government was installed (against the will of more than 90% of them) in February 2014 when the democratically elected President of Ukraine was forcibly overthrown by what the U.S. Government calls a “democratic revolution,” and by what Russia’s Government and the head of the “private-CIA” U.S. firm Stratfor, and many historians, call a coup—imposed by the Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration.

A key goal of the coup was to replace Russia’s naval base on Crimea by a new U.S. naval base there (which Obama was not able to do, though his coup conquering Ukraine otherwise succeeded).

Stephen Cohen's Misrepresentations about the 2014 Coup in Ukraine - Modern Diplomacy

Maidan Square after violent protests in February 2014 that resulted in the overthrow of the pro-Russian government in Ukraine led by Viktor Yanukovych. [Source:]

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Russian Victory Day in Sevastopol, May 9, 2014. [source:]

Several of the mercenaries that the U.S. hired (some from Georgia, for example, as shown in these videos) subsequently confessed to having participated in the coup. The U.S. afterwards charged Putin with “aggression against Ukraine,” and with “seizing Crimea,” and issued sanctions against Russia for that.

Here are some key passages from Putin’s article (the article that Snyder lies about):

The determination of nationality, particularly in mixed families, is the right of every individual, free to make his or her own choice. But the fact is that the situation in Ukraine today is completely different because it involves a forced change of identity. And the most despicable thing is that the Russians in Ukraine are being forced not only to deny their roots, generations of their ancestors but also to believe that Russia is their enemy. … And I will say one thing—Russia has never been and will never be “anti-Ukraine.” And what Ukraine will be—it is up to its citizens to decide.

Putin, as well as François Hollande of France, and Angela Merkel of Germany, brought the Donbass government and the Ukraine government together in 2015 and got the Donbass and Ukraine to sign onto an agreement in Minsk, promising that those two then-warring parties would call a truce until both of them would agree to negotiate together and arrange some degree of autonomy for Donbass within the Ukrainian federation.

A group of men in suits holding flags Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Leaders of Belarus, Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine at the February 11-12, 2015, summit in Minsk. [Source:]

However, after it was all signed, Ukraine (with backing from the U.S.) steadfastly refused to negotiate at all with Donbass.

Merkel, Hollande and Putin had worked together to get the Minsk accords agreed to and signed by the two sides, but the Ukrainian side then stonewalled, refusing to comply with the agreement. Putin’s consistent position has been the same as Hollande’s and Merkel’s on this, and remains so to this day: BOTH sides must comply. (Donbass has always been willing, but Ukraine never.)

The rest of Putin’s article is a history of the relationship that has existed between Russia and Ukraine. Snyder’s article that alleges to be about Putin’s article ignores that history, just as he lies about the rest of the article. And that is from a professor at Yale.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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February 3rd, 2022 by The Global Research Team

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Dear America: Enough Is Enough

February 3rd, 2022 by Emanuel Pastreich

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We cannot even begin to formulate a response to the COVID-19 fraud until citizens snap out of the deadly slumber of narcissism and decadence, of passivity and consumption, that permeates every aspect of our lives.

We call out to all citizens of the world to stand up and to fight together against this COVID-19 slavery and genocide.

If you think, however, that this campaign can be won without immense personal sacrifice, without daunting risks, and without total moral commitment, I suggest that you watch CNN news, or some other source of alternative reality that suggests a logic wherein chaos reigns, a selfishness that holds sway, and a community wherein extreme isolation is the norm.

COVID-19, it is not any disease. It is a disease of the heart, in both the physical and the spiritual sense. Moreover, is it a virus that infects the mind and lacerates the soul.

It is also a disease of civilization, fed by moral corruption that festers out of sight, deep down among our values and principles, at the foundations of who we are.


It would be impossible for such a blatant fraud to undo so many if we were not afflicted by a blindness of the mind.

And so we find ourselves, at this late date, like King Oedipus, who demanded that the truth be told to him, a truth that his advisors wanted to shield him from.

When King Oedipus forced himself to see the truth, in spite of his long denial, and the denial of those around him who wished to avoid anything unpleasant, he learned that he himself had been the cause of the horrible plagues sweeping his nation.

He had killed his own father without knowing who he was. He had married his own mother without knowing who she was. And he had engaged in the most horrid actions in complete ignorance.

Is that not us? Did we not allow pharmaceutical corporations to gradually increase the vaccines that are given children over the last 30 years without stopping to think about what was happening? Did we not ignore the exponential increase in the assets of the super-rich over that 15 years, and decide not to dwell on what the ultimate implications would be of such a class society?

Did we not see how global finance slowly took control of our government and reduced it to a shell, to a toy for the amusement of banks and multinational corporations?

Like Oedipus, we knew something was terribly wrong with the United States, but we did not want to face the truth. And now, that we are forced to see the horrid consequences of our actions everywhere we look, we cannot avoid the torment of Oedipus.

What was King Oedipus’ torment? His torment was that everything that he looked at, including his beloved wife and daughters, everything reminded him of his evil actions. Ultimately he was driven to put out his eyes in despair, and through that act, through that acquired blindness, he learned to see, to perceive things as they are, not as he wished them to be, for the first time.

Enough is enough. There is no time left for polite words, no time left for compromises with the rich and powerful, no time left for twisted, half-truths that spare us from acknowledging how our own failure to serve as citizens allowed this horrific monster to spawn in the dank waters of indifference.

Enough is enough!


There you were, in your comfortable offices, reading articles in established reputable journals, articles that presented impossible fairytales about a COVID-19 pandemic. You knew from the start that this narrative made no sense, that it flew in the face of everything you learned in graduate school. Yet you went along with it; you told your friends and your family that this fraud was the truth. Worst of all, you taught your students that these lies were truths.

It was a horrific blasphemy, an insult to the intellectual training you received—none of that training was free, none of it belongs to you.

It was paid for with the tax dollars of working people. It was supported by the sacrifices of scholars and librarians over the last three thousand years.

You used your education, your social status and your skills as a writer to present falsehoods as facts, propaganda as truth, and political manipulation as policy.

You allowed classes to be cancelled, universities, schools, to be shut down, and a pathetic online exchange to take the place of teaching. You knew it was not justified, you know that it is had never been done to schools, even in wars, and yet you went along with it.

And many of you took payments, seen and unseen, to write editorials for newspapers, to publish articles for so-called “peer review journals,” and, on occasion, to appear on television for bogus interviews. The purpose of this operation was to convince the public that experts agreed with false stories that the media fed them.

Declaration of The Establishment of a Provisional Government for the United States of America

You used the trappings of authority with which you have been invested to glorify and legitimate a travesty, to put angel’s wings on a demon and to open the doors of ell wide open so that universities, research institutions and academic journals could be reduced to brothels, and all scientific and academic debate be poisoned by a gangrene of the mind.

You knew that every word that you read in the newspapers was wrong. Yet you read them anyway, you repeated anyway, and you gave it a legitimacy through your fancy words, or your cowardly silence, that it would not have had otherwise.

You were afraid, but not afraid that the Gestapo would take you away in the middle of the night. No. You were just worried that you might not get that promotion, that grant, that perhaps you might not be able to publish that book, or that you might not have the money for your kids’ private school tuition.

For two years, you, a teacher, someone who has an understanding of the world that working people will never have, supported this crime.

But now, enough is enough.

Stop your criminal actions! Stop your immoral behavior. Adhere to the highest principles and cease and desist immediately!

Government officials and politicians! 

You convinced yourself that it was fine to follow the policies fed to you by banks and corporations, and the billionaires who hid behind them. You told yourself that it was not your problem, that it was just the inevitable circumstances, that you had no choice but to violate the Constitution, the law and your conscience.

You convinced yourself that the criminal concentration of power and the deception of the population by the government was just political realism, not something to worry yourself about.

And you watched in silence as the techniques for inducing mass psychosis through the use of fear-promoting false reports, masks to train for compliance, and social distancing to break down bonds between community and family members were implemented.

You know the true nature of this campaign, but you looked the other way, you tried to drown your feelings of guilt in fine food, vacations with the family and the acquisition of property and assets.

You knew that you were no longer working for the government, for the people anymore, but rather working for an international criminal syndicate, a shadow government that makes policy in secret.

Yet you kept signing those secret contracts with investment banks, pharmaceutical corporations, and private intelligence firms. You did so without batting an eye. You thought you were being so sophisticated, that you understood political reality.

You permitted the making of health and financial policy, through classified directives put out by private intelligence firms working for the super-rich—and you assumed that no one would ever know how you had betrayed the people.

But now, enough is enough.

Stop your criminal actions! Stop your immoral behavior. Adhere to the highest principles and cease and desist from these actions immediately!

Officers in the Military and intelligence!  

Your job is to protect the nation and to risk your lives defending our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You have obtained tremendous benefits that are only appropriate if you adhere to that code and if you are ready to risk your lives for the nation, if you are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

But you have intentionally ignored your vows and stuck your snouts deep into the national security trough to suck up all the money flowing down. You have betrayed your honor and forfeited your status. You are not entitled to anything but the just desserts of your fine work.

So many of you have grown so familiar with corruption that it was second nature to rubber stamp the Covid-19 operation.

It did not even occur to you that this was a Pearl Harbor, a historic sneak attack that demanded commitment and sacrifice now, not later.

No, COVID-19 was not another opportunity to make money on the side, to buy a house in the countryside, to make ugly deals with twisted people for benefits off the books.

The result of your indolence and your perfidy? The United States, and the world, suffered the greatest attack in history, one that has already killed hundreds of thousands, millions, and will kill many millions more. You turned your glance the other way when a global totalitarian regime, whose name cannot be spoken, was launched to replace the Constitution and the United States.

You played stupid. You, the brave soldier, were a coward, an accomplice, a collaborator.

You acted as if the missiles and tanks of North Korea and Iran were the threat when real the threat was international banks and corporations, and the super-rich who live right here, at home.

You followed the orders of generals who did not follow the Constitution, did not adhere to the rule of law, and did not strive to protect our citizens. They, and you, were happy to sell the people out to privatized intelligence and military firms who were paid in full to tear the United States apart for profit using the ghastly weapon COVID-19.

But now, enough is enough.

Stop your criminal actions! Stop your immoral behavior. Adhere to the highest principles and cease and desist from these actions immediately!

Judges and Lawyers!

You knew the law and you knew how the federal government and local government are supposed to function. You watched as the entire judicial system on which citizens depend to defend them against international corporations and their parasite operatives was torn apart after January, 2020.

You saw how the court system was defanged and neutered, how the Congress was made into a circus whose clowns had no say in policy and who most certainly cared nothing about the people they represented.

And yet, you who have the special training, the expertise, and the intimate knowledge that working people can never obtain, chose, against the Constitution, against the interests of the nation, and against your own conscience, to aid and abet the billionaires and to betray the common men and women of the United States.

It is not philosophers or artists, poets or dreamers who decide the value of things these days. Nor is it lawyers or judges, bureaucrats or professors. That critical job belongs to investment bankers and their parasite friends.

But you, the representatives of the law that citizens depend on, allowed these secret forces to hide themselves behind you. You enabled them to carry out this COVID-19 reign of terror and you blocked the efforts of citizens to defend themselves.

When secret law was passed that made it impossible to even process legal responses to these illegal acts, you willingly helped out. When large swathes of the government were taken over by a shadow regime, you looked the other way.

But now, enough is enough.

Stop your criminal actions! Stop your immoral behavior. Adhere to the highest principles and cease and desist from these actions immediately!


Your responsibility is the greatest. You took the Hippocratic Oath to work for the health of your patients and you are paid lavishly for that service in our society.

Yet you readily went along with the, unscientific and unhealthy COVID-19 regulations, and you used your status in the eyes of the public to promote a hoax, a fraud, that you knew was deadly and that you knew benefitted the rich and powerful.

You stood with the rich against your own patients, encouraging them to have dangerous PCR tests, to engage in unscientific social distancing and to receive deadly mRNA vaccines.

You have violated the most basic ethical principles of medicine; you have turned your back on the Nuremberg Code of 1947 and turned medicine into a war on citizens, turned science into mind-numbing propaganda.

We cannot call you a doctor anymore. You are a monstrosity and you became that way not because the rich threatened your life but just hinted a reduction in the benefits if you did not comply.

But now, enough is enough.

Stop your criminal actions! Stop your immoral behavior. Adhere to the highest principles and cease and desist from these actions immediately!


Yes, I am so sorry, but we must talk about what you did, too.

But you knew full well that these orders for masks were stupid, that this vaccine rollout made no sense, and that the social distancing rules at school were nonsensical and deeply damaging for the kids.

You saw those occasional postings on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere that suggested another, more horrific interpretation than what was constantly repeated on television. You sensed truth in those conspiracy theories, but you, out of cowardice, out of selfishness, and for your own petty convenience, decided to look the other way.

You did permanent damage to your own children. You hid the truth from them, and you reinforced at home the lies that they were exposed to at school.

You thought that your duty as a parent was to keep the kids happy, comfortable, and to enjoy your time with them.

But that was never your job. Your job was to do your best to protect your children, to stop them from exposure to deadly vaccines, and to pull them out of school, if necessary, and tell them the bitter truth about what has happened to our society.

You found it easier to lie to them than to protect them, easier to repeat the fictions from the news than to speak the truth, and easier to be the image of a parent than to take the actions necessary to be one.

But now, enough is enough.

Stop your criminal actions! Stop your immoral behavior. Adhere to the highest principles and cease and desist from these actions immediately!


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This article was originally published on US Provisional Government.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Greater Good Magazine

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Maxim Buzhansky, a Member of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament), said that several European countries have territorial claims against Ukraine. In his opinion, revanchist sentiments come from Poland, Romania and Hungary. Buzhansky emphasized that Kiev’s weakness plays into the other three countries hands and provides an opportunity to revise the history of the region.

“These attempts […] call into question the legality of Transcarpathia, Bukovina and Western Ukraine as being part of Ukraine,” Buzhansky said December 23.

The parliamentarian clarified that Warsaw, Budapest and Bucharest are handing out passports to ethnic Poles, Romanians and Hungarians in Ukraine, thus creating a potentially explosive situation. According to Buzhansky, Hungary is openly pursuing a policy of tearing away several regions and at some point, may send troops to “protect the Hungarian population.”

When discussing Poles during a meeting of the parliamentary commission for relations with Poles abroad, he said:

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that Poles in Ukraine are discriminated against regarding freedom of religion, access to education in their native language and freedom of speech.”

It is reminded that in 2017, a law on education was adopted and forced schools to use the Ukrainian language. Currently, about 400,000 schoolchildren in Ukraine receive education in their non-Ukrainian native language. About 16,000 children were studying in 75 Romanian schools by the time the new law was adopted. In addition, there are 71 Hungarian schools; about 3,000 Moldovan children studying in three schools in their native language; and, about 2,000 Polish children study in five schools.

The foreign ministers of Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece immediately signed a letter addressed to Ukrainian authorities, in which they called for restrictions on education in native languages to be scrapped. Hungary and Romania initiated the issue in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Although Kiev enacted this racist law in the hope of forcing the Ukrainization of Russian-speaking populations, it has invertedly affected all ethnic minorities in the country. For this reason, Kiev’s relations with neighboring states have been souring. It is for this reason that since 2017, Budapest has exercised the right of veto in relation to some Ukraine-NATO initiatives. In addition, Hungarian authorities called for the denunciation of the Agreement on Associate Membership signed between the EU and Ukraine.

Ukrainian nationalists are constantly exaggerating the hypothetical claims Hungary has on Transcarpathia, where the Hungarian national minority live. They also claim that Romania is preparing to annex the Chernivtsi and part of the Odessa regions. Since January 1, 2022, Ukrainian nationalist militant units, armed with armored vehicles, have been created in every region of Ukraine, including where minorities live.

It is also worth noting that Budapest issues citizenship on the principle of “blood” (people with Hungarian roots), but Bucharest on the principle of “land” (any descendant of a subject of the Kingdom of Romania, regardless of ethnicity, can apply for a Romanian passport today). Therefore, according to various estimates, up to 200,000 to 300,000 Romanian citizens live in the Odessa and Chernivtsi regions.

Due to fears of having vibrant minority communities, Kiev explained their plans of forced Ukrainization by the fact that graduates of national schools often do not speak Ukrainian at a level that allows them to successfully pass the mandatory exam, without which it is impossible to enter Ukrainian universities.

However, the truth is that Ukraine today is modeled on ultra-nationalism that has no tolerance for minority identity or anything not aligned with their chauvinistic and racist ideology.

For this reason, Hungarian authorities called for the denunciation of the Association Agreement signed between the EU and Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the Polish Foreign Ministry issued a statement which did not support Hungary’s initiative: “Poland does not see the possibility of revising the Association Agreement or the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with Ukraine.”

Last summer, Zelensky said that his country is developing a bill on national communities, and not on national minorities. Although the bill has been talked about since the presidency of Petro Poroshenko, it has not yet been made public.

Ukraine beyond reasonable doubt violates the EU’s Treaty of Lisbon and other initiatives that protect minorities. Yet, even with the Polish minority suffering in Ukraine, Warsaw is unwilling to challenge Ukraine in a serious way as it does not want to weaken the country since it resolutely continues to challenge and provoke Russia. For this reason, Buzhansky’s fears that Poland, Hungary and Romania are seeking to territorially expand at the expense of Ukraine may sound unfounded but definitely serves as an excuse to escalate persecution against minorities.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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A three-year-old Cypriot toddler with a serious heart disease was refused necessary surgery in three separate countries because his parents are not vaccinated against the Chinese Coronavirus.

The child is now finally awaiting surgery in Greece.

According to a report by Politico, hospitals in Cyprus were unable to conduct the surgery, and so the young child was scheduled for the procedure in a hospital in Frankfurt.

However, a day before the boy was to be taken by air ambulance to Germany, the hospital cancelled the procedure over the fact that the parents were not jabbed against COVID-19.

A suggestion from the Cypriot authorities that the child instead travel for the surgery with a legal guardian instead of his parents was also refused.

Politico reports that the child was then refused surgeries in both the UK and Israel over his parents’ unjabbed status, both of whom subsequently received jabs on Thursday.

Alexey Matveev, the father of the boy, expressed his confusion regarding the decision after the Frankfurt hospital refused surgery.

“I know that unvaccinated patients are admitted to hospitals in Germany,” Matveev said.

“I didn’t know that I had to be vaccinated for my child being to be operated on in that hospital,” the Russian national continued. “If I knew it of course I would have done it … I am healthy and did not want to be vaccinated.”

According to Politico, a German health ministry official has confirmed that there were no rules in place preventing hospitals from treating unjabbed patients, let alone from treating patients whose parents have not been vaccinated.

However, the health official also made clear regarding the refusal that hospitals often set their own rules regarding vaccine restrictions.

In this, this event mirrors a case that occurred in Boston last week, where a man was refused a heart transplant over his own unjabbed status.

The man was refused the procedure in Brigham and Women’s Hospital due to the institution claiming that being jabbed was “required” for surgery there.

“Like many other transplant programs in the United States — the COVID-19 vaccine is one of several vaccines and lifestyle behaviors required for transplant candidates in the Mass General Brigham system in order to create both the best chance for a successful operation and also the patient’s survival after transplantation,” a statement from the hospital said.


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A new meta-analysis regarding the effectiveness of lockdowns examined evidence to determine if there is actually any empirical evidence to support the belief that lockdowns reduce COVID-19 mortality.

It was published by Jonas Herby, a special advisor at the Center for Political Studies in Copenhagen, Denmark. Lars Jonung, a professor emeritus in economics at Lund University in Sweden, and Steve H. Hanke, a professor of Applied Economics and Founder & Co-Director of The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.

The meta-analysis looked at 18,590 studies that address the belief that lockdowns were effective. The authors explain,

“After three levels of screening, 34 studies ultimately qualified. Of those 34 eligible studies, 24 qualified for inclusion in the meta-analysis. They were separated into three groups; lockdown stringency index studies, shelter-in-place order (SIPO) studies, and specific NPI studies. An analysis of each of these three groups support the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.

More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.”

The paper goes into detail about the screening methods applied. 1,048 studies remained after a title-based screening. After this 931 were excluded because they did not measure the effect of lockdowns on mortality or did not use an empirical approach. 117 were left, read and inspected for a more thorough assessment by the authors, which left only 34 studies that were eligible for this meta-analysis.

The paper points out that researchers at the Imperial College London early on in the pandemic (Ferguson et al. (2020)) predicted that lockdown strategies would reduce COVID-19 mortality by up to 98%. This is what motivated the researchers to look into this deeper. Another big motivation was the fact that “there was no clear negative correlation between the degree of lockdown and fatalities in the spring of 2020.”

“Given the large effects predicted by simulation studies such as Ferguson et al. (2020), we would have expected to at least observe a simple negative correlation between COVID-19 mortality and the degree to which lockdowns were imposed.”

Overall, despite that the topic still seems to remain an open debate with no clear answers, this meta analysis found that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had and no effect on COVID-19 mortality. They did however find that business closures may have reduced COVID-19 mortality, “but the variation in estimates is large and the effect seems related to closing bars.”

All kinds of studies were used, ones with controls and ones without, peer reviewed literature, working papers, long term data, short term data etc.

The report dives deep into the data, methods and limitations. All studies can be criticized, so it’s important to go through the report for yourself and take away whatever conclusions you may.

Keep in mind that currently, there are more than 400 studies on the failure of compulsory COVID interventions.

One thing that is certain across the board, however, regardless if one thinks lockdowns did or did not have any effect on COVID-19 mortality, they did indeed have catastrophic consequences. This has been evident throughout the pandemic.

For example, renowned Swedish Clinical professor in infectious disease and professor of epidemiology from the Karolinska Institute, Anna-Mia Elkström, along with professor Stefan Swartling Peterson, a Public Health Physician and Professor of Global Health also from the Karolinska Institute, found that nearly one year into the pandemic, lockdowns may have killed more people than COVID. They did so by going through data collected by UNICEF and UNAIDS. They were interviewed about these findings multiple times in Sweden.

Just seven months into the pandemic, Germany’s Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Gerd Muller, cautioned that global lockdown measures will result in the killing of more people than COVID itself.

Just five months into the pandemic a Lancet study reported that government strategies to deal with COVID such as lockdowns, physical distancing, and school closures are worsening child malnutrition globally, whereby “strained health systems and interruptions in humanitarian response are eroding access to essential and often life-saving nutrition services.”

Just nine months into the pandemic, on an international scale the lockdowns placed 130 million people on the brink of starvation. Even The World Economic Forum estimated  that the lockdowns will cause an additional 150 million people to fall into extreme poverty, 125 times as many people as have died from COVID.

In November 2020, Professor David Paton, Professor of Economics at the University of Nottingham and Professor Ellen Townsend, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Nottingham School of Medicine wrote the following,

Taken together, the data are clear both that national lockdowns are not a necessary condition for Covid-19 infections to decrease and that the Prime Minister was incorrect to suggest to MPs that infections were increasing rapidly in England prior to lockdown and that without national measures, the NHS would be overwhelmed…Lockdowns have never previously been used in response to a pandemic. They have significant and serious consequences for health (including mental health), livelihoods and the economy. Around 21,000 excess deaths during the first UK lockdown were not Covid-19 deaths. These are people who would have lived had there not been a lockdown.

A paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research in June 2021 found that excess deaths increased shortly after the implementation of these measures.

A paper published by SSRN, a well known global E-Library that provides 1,063,815 research papers from 693,848 researchers in more than 65 disciplines explains,

The extent of human life loss due to lockdowns themselves has never been taken into consideration in the decision-making process…The forecasts which were chosen for political decision making systematically overestimated the threat, supporting excessive measures. The pro-lockdown evidence is shockingly thin, and based largely on comparing real-world outcomes against dire computer-generated forecasts derived from empirically untested models.

I digress, I think you get the point.

All if this is mixed in with the fact that for most healthy people, COVID has a high survival rate, and ones chances of ending up in the hospital are quite slim. This is even more pronounced for children. Most people who suffer from COVID are already quite ill. In the United States for example, 95 percent of people who died with COVID also had an average of four other causes listed on their death certificate. In the UK, there have only been 6,183 deaths caused solely by COVID in England and Wales between Feb 2020 and Dec 2021.

It seems like a more focused protection approach like The Great Barrington Declaration advocated for would have been a more adequate approach. This brings me to my next point, mass censorship.

Whether or not lockdowns were effective at reducing COVID-19 mortality is besides the point. Why was there such an active campaign to censor and ridicule scientists and experts who opposed these measures? A proper discussion and debate was not had within the mainstream, instead the masses were led to believe that these sentiments were coming from “conspiracy theorists” and not actual data. This censorship in itself is suspicious, the truth does not take much to defend itself, so if lockdowns were so effective why put such a large effort into censoring opinion and evidence stating otherwise?

This new meta-analysis will be added to the long list of data sets that have gone completely ignored by government health agencies, who have a long history of not being able to admit when they’ve been wrong while completely ignoring information that opposes what they deem to be fact, when in fact, it could be fiction.


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Ukraine and US War Propaganda

February 3rd, 2022 by Margaret Kimberley

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The 2014 U.S. sponsored coup against the elected government of Ukraine must be the starting point for any discussion of the current crisis. That crisis has been manufactured by Joe Biden, who was the Obama administration point person in using Ukraine as a means of destabilizing Russia.

The corporate media always carry water for the state, and they are never more dangerous than when the nation is on a war footing. Right now the United States government is sending weapons to Ukraine. One wouldn’t know that because of constant references to “lethal aid.” The euphemisms and subterfuge are necessary for a very simple reason. Everyone except the Washington war party knows that provoking war with Russia is extremely dangerous.

Joe Biden is picking up where he left off, as Barack Obama’s Ukraine viceroy. He and his incompetent foreign policy team have spun a tale about a pending Russian attack on Ukraine. In reality, it is the U.S. that is ginning up war by provoking the Ukrainians to start a fight that they can’t win. In 2014 a U.S. backed coup put a far-right clique in power. The people of the Donbass region in the east, largely ethnic Russians, wanted no part of the new anti-Russian government and sought autonomy. The resulting war has killed some 30,000 people.

Ukraine and U.S. War Propaganda

Source: Black Agenda Report

Now the Biden team who publicly insulted the Chinese government and withdrew from Afghanistan without even being able to secure a major airport, have moved on to opening the proverbial can of whoopass with the world’s other major nuclear power. They are using Ukraine in an ill-advised effort to instigate what could lead to disaster.

The 2014 coup against an elected Ukrainian president took place in part because the Russians underestimated the extent of U.S. and NATO determination. They roused themselves quickly however and Crimeans, who are mostly of Russian origin, voted to rejoin the nation they had been a part of until 1954. The U.S./NATO regime change effort came at a steep price for Ukraine. Thanks to Atlanticist meddling it is now the poorest country in Europe that won’t get the NATO and EU membership it was promised. It remains a pawn between two powerful countries.

The U.S. is pulling all the hybrid warfare schemes out of the tool box. For months they claimed that Russian troops were massed on the border, ready to invade. They have engaged in diplomacy but only to try and get their way. Russia has held firm on a guarantee of no further NATO encroachment and the removal of missiles from their border. The French and Germans are feckless and do what Washington wants. They should be pressuring Ukraine to live up to the Minsk II Agreement which requires talks with the breakaway Donbass region.

None of this information is conveyed to the American people who live in ignorance orchestrated by republicans, democrats, and their friends in corporate media. Republican senators who want to run for president outdo one another with nonsense about stopping the Nord Stream II gas pipeline that Germany, a U.S. ally, asked the Russians to build. Winter is coming, quite literally, and Europe needs Russia’s gas. But unless they stop following Uncle Sam’s bullying they will end up with nothing.

Now Washington is pulling the same ploy they attempted in Ethiopia. They have declared that the Russians are coming and have even announced an evacuation of embassy personnel families from the capital city of Kyiv. Vassal states Australia and the United Kingdom have followed suit, but a European Union official demurred, “We are not going to do the same thing because we don’t know any specific reasons.” The Ukrainian government, a de facto U.S. colony, wasn’t happy and called the evacuations “premature.”

If the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing, then one can only conclude that big lies are being told. The U.S. has been hoisted on its own petard and now has little more than dangerous bluster to get its own allies in line.

Biden himself is a part of this problem of his own making. In a recent press conference he  declared that Russia was on the verge of invading but then said a little invasion wouldn’t be so bad after all. It isn’t clear if he was speaking from his usual state of confusion or if he really meant what he said.

The Russians certainly mean what they say. As Secretary of State Antony Blinken rushes from Moscow to Berlin to London to Moscow, seemingly making things up as he goes along, the Russians dig in their heels and make clear that their days of being pushovers are in the past. The most committed puppet states like the U.K. go along with whatever Washington wants. They can be counted on to repeat an unsourced story of a Russian plan to overthrow the Ukrainian government or something else equally nonsensical. The people most likely to use a false flag event to justify going to war, instead claim that the other side will do so. The result is a situation that could go badly over the slightest provocation or even a perceived provocation.

The American people should just say no. The Biden administration is sorely mistaken if they think the public are in a mood for war with another nuclear power. They can call ammunition “lethal aid” if they want, but when the match is lit they can expect no support. Then again, the ginned-up conflict may be taking place for that very reason. Biden has failed in almost every respect and is facing electoral defeat for his party in November. Perhaps he thinks that he would be supported by people who have no faith in his ability or willingness to do anything on their behalf.

If hostilities are averted it will be because of forces outside of the U.S. Biden’s team of blood thirsty incompetents spent most of last year predicting a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. It isn’t clear if they grew bored or saw an easier opening in Ukraine.

No one should be fooled by these people. Russia and China are very close, “better than allies,” as Xi Jinping said. Why shouldn’t they be? Both countries want to protect themselves from American aggression. People in this country had better hope for Russian and Chinese wisdom and experience. If the U.S. is allowed to do what it wants then the whole world is at risk. That statement is not hyperbole. The U.S. has withdrawn from decades old nuclear weapons agreements and now pushes the world toward the precipice.

The New York Times and Washington Post will play the role they did in 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. They will repeat what spokespeople tell them to say and be a party to warfare. If ever there was a moment to break free from media disinformation this is it. They have nothing to offer except war propaganda and possibly war itself.


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Margaret Kimberley is the author of Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents. Her work can also be found at and on Twitter @freedomrideblog. Ms. Kimberley can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)

Featured image is from CovertAction Magazine

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The propaganda mills are grinding on both sides of the East-West divide on this report; the output will soon become available. Assuming the documents reproduced by El País are the genuine article, the following excerpts and characterizations are the essence of the Western reply to Russian security concerns on its borders.

Update: State Department validates leaked documents responding to Russian demands, US holds firm on blanket NATO ban

Be prepared, however, to read of concessions made by the U.S. and NATO and Russia carefully examining them, etc. Then re-read what follows.


An excerpt from El País: NATO will deploy more troops in the east if Moscow continues its military escalation

NATO also combines [an] outstretched hand with a warning. On the one hand, it offers Moscow a full reestablishment of its relations, reopening its respective embassies, which have been closed since last October, and assures that NATO “is not seeking confrontation.” But it adds that it cannot compromise the principles upon which Euro-Atlantic security is based, including Article 5 of the founding Washington Treaty, according to which “an attack against one Ally shall be considered an attack against all. We will take all necessary measures to defend and protect our Allies, and will not compromise on our ability to do so,” it warns.


Excerpt from 112 Ukraine. Contains reproduction of actual documents. Click on arrows on lower left and right of facsimile to scroll.

Withdrawing troops from Crimea, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia

The United States and NATO have offered Russia arms control dialogue and measures to prevent incidents in exchange for de-escalation in Ukraine and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Crimea, Transnistria, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia.

“Russia withdrawing forces from Ukraine, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova where they are deployed without host-nation consent.”


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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A few months back, workers transporting vials of a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” drug called CoronaVac suffered serious injuries after a shipment was damaged and spilled.

A study on the incident, which took place in Thailand, found that health personnel exposed to the evaporated vial contents suffered ocular surface erosion and skin rashes.

“Proximity and timing suggest CoronaVac correlation with the ocular and skin reactions,” the paper’s authors wrote, adding that “we recommend caution during vaccine handling and fastidious clean-up of any spills.”

“Cautions should be taken to avoid broken vials, spills, and aerosolization of CoronaVac during the vaccination.”

Reading this, one would think that a highly corrosive industrial chemical of some kind was leaked, resulting in serious injuries. But these were supposedly “medicines” that were spilled – medicines that are being injected into people’s bodies.

If these drugs cause such health problems on the outside of the body upon exposure, what might they be doing to people’s insides, we wonder?

CoronaVac shots contain aluminum hydroxide

It turns out that CoronaVac injections are made in China and contain beta-propiolactone inactivated SARS-CoV-2 viral particles (or so they say, since SARS-CoV-2 has never actually been isolated).

The jabs have a claimed efficacy rate of just 50.4 percent, and that is the “official” number. In reality, it is likely closer to zero percent efficacy just like for the other injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

Concerning CoronaVac specifically, the study looked at a three-day jab campaign that took place at Rajavithi Hospital in Thailand. A total of 20 health personnel worked in the vaccination room of an indoor facility and all received the jab within the first two days.

On the third day, a single dose of the vaccine was accidentally dropped on the floor by a nurse, resulting in breakage. She promptly wiped it up with a piece of tissue paper and disposed of it in a trash can where it remained for the rest of the day.

That one broken vial caused 15 different personnel to experience skin rashes and ocular surface erosion anywhere from 3-17 hours after the accident. These same 15 people worked in the affected rooms for between 3-6 either during or after the incident occurred while another five who were also there showed no adverse reactions.

“All 15 personnel with ocular symptoms had some degree of conjunctivitis including: eye irritation (9); red eyes (7); tearing (7); and swollen eyelids (4),” reported the Daily Exposé.

“The nurse who accidentally dropped the vaccine vial and the assistant who wore contact lenses manifested the most severe and longest clinical manifestations, for 2 weeks.”

Interestingly, none of the 2,296 recipients of the injections reported any symptoms, at least not immediately.

“We hypothesise, after finding no other likely association, such as contamination of cleaning agents or malfunction of ventilation system, that the evaporated solution of the vaccine was associated with ocular surface erosions of the affected personnel,” the study authors wrote.

“… the excipients or aluminum hydroxide adjuvant may be the likely chemicals that associated with the adverse reactions.”

In the comments, someone wrote that a doctor who previously researched the contents of the vials, focusing primarily on the nanotech aspects, said before his death that the secret to finding out what is actually in them is to wait three days while it dries.

“And people are happy to be injected with this toxic fluid?” asked another. “Astounding.”

Over at Natural News, a commenter reiterated the fact that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated and that the media is just fabricating fear and terror over what amounts to a bad seasonal flu.


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A Bias for Liberty. The US Government’s Spyware

February 3rd, 2022 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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Three weeks ago, this column reported on warnings issued by the Biden administration about the dangers of spyware. Spyware is software that permits the user to hack a computer unseen, unheard and undetected. The manufacturer of the warned-about spyware is an Israeli company called NSO, and its product is called Pegasus.

Pegasus permits its users to type in anyone’s cell number and, without requiring a response from the operator of the mobile device, gain complete access to the full contents of that device. Even though doing this in America or to an American is a federal crime — commonly called computer hacking — the Israelis have used it as part of their intelligence services for about six years.

They have also sold it to about a dozen foreign government entities who have used it for law enforcement, spying and harassing political opposition and journalists.

One of the government entities that purchased Pegasus is the FBI.

When the Biden administration warned against being victimized by Pegasus, it did not tell the American public that the government owns this spyware. We now know — thanks to dogged reporting by Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti of The New York Times — that the FBI experimented with Pegasus from a warehouse in New Jersey for about two years before abandoning it.

For two years, Phantom — the American version of Pegasus — was used on two tracks. It was employed experimentally by the FBI and debated theoretically by lawyers at the Department of Justice and the White House during the presidencies of Donald Trump and Joseph R. Biden. The Biden administration must have known of the coming Times expose, hence its recent odd warning.

Pegasus and Phantom have a sordid history, nearly all of which involves former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Suffice it to say that the Israeli government acquired new international friends by permitting NSO to sell Pegasus to foreign governments that had never been aligned diplomatically with Israel.

Suffice it also to say that Netanyahu and his government looked the other way when the purchasers of this software — including the Israeli government itself — used it to spy on political opponents and journalists.

While foreign governments were having a field day with this, lawyers in the Trump and the Biden administrations were debating privately whether the use of Phantom violated federal computer hacking laws and violated the Fourth Amendment.

The government defends its $5 million purchase by arguing that its use lets it avoid needing the permission of Big Tech in order to spy on Americans. The government told the Times reporters that it needs to know about spy tools so it can “combat crime and … protect both the American people and our civil liberties.”

This is an absurd defense for the acquisition of tools that on their face present no lawful purpose. It is also absurd to think that the government even remotely cares about civil liberties. The history of human freedom is the history of government assaulting civil liberties.

There is no lawful purpose to this spyware because the Fourth Amendment requires a search warrant for all surveillance, and it requires that the warrant specifically describe the place to be searched and the person or thing to be seized. Because Phantom does not focus on narrow data, but gives its users full access to the contents of one’s mobile device, it is a per se violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Notwithstanding the facial unconstitutionality of this software, government lawyers took two years to advise the FBI to stop using it. We know from the Times’ reporters that the FBI conducted experiments and tests before the DOJ told it to cease doing so, but we do not know on whom the tests and experiments were conducted.

The reason the feds gave for telling the FBI to cease using Phantom is the need to balance civil liberties with public safety. It was apparently the consensus of DOJ and White House lawyers that balance favored civil liberties.

Whenever a government official or politician suggests the need to balance civil liberties against public safety, get ready for a red herring, and note that he is either a deceiver or a fool. There is no such thing as a balance between liberty and safety. The relationship between the two is not balance; it is bias — a bias for liberty.

Because our rights come from our humanity, and our humanity is a gift from God, our rights are natural to us. For those who do not recognize the existence of a Supreme Being, you know that humans are the most intelligent beings on earth, and we can reason and act freely upon our reasoning. Those human characteristics — reason and freedom — come from within us.

Hence, whether divinely given or humanly crafted, freedom comes from within us, and not from the government. Because it is natural to us — like our hair and feet and faces — it is not subject to the whims of our neighbors or the caprice of government.

Thus, since freedom is the default position, we can see the natural bias in favor of it. Government is the opposite. It is, as Ludwig von Mises famously said, the negation of freedom.

This is not theoretical hairsplitting. It goes to the core of the relationship of all persons to the state, whether the issue is masks on the face, chemicals in the veins, travel in times of fear, or work in times of tumult, the government must recognize that our freedoms are natural and its incursions upon them are no more than the arbitrary use of force to gain political favor or power.

All government domestic spying is a violation of personal freedom; and that conclusion should not have taken lawyers two years and $5 million to reach. Then again, those lawyers work for the government.


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Since the 22nd of January, despite receiving no mainstream media coverage whatsoever, thousands of Canadian truck drivers and their supporters embarked on a Freedom Convoy throughout the world’s second-largest country, a mass-protest in response to the Canadian government’s decision to widen their already authoritarian Covid measures by mandating that truck drivers re-entering Canada from the United States, the world’s largest land-border and a vital component of the Canadian economy, have to be fully vaccinated – vaccine passports being a key step towards the Digital ID system as envisaged by Klaus Schwab’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution, with the World Economic Forum chairman previously highlighting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as one of the group’s ‘young global leaders’ during a 2017 conference.

With the Freedom Convoy converging on the Canadian capital Ottawa on Saturday January 29th, however, the week-long media silence on the protest disappeared only to be quickly replaced by widespread mainstream media condemnation, with the use of likely agent provocateurs leading to the protest being widely lambasted, in lockstep, as ‘far-right’ and ‘fascist’ by corporate-owned outlets – the irony of the Convoy being against the very fascist concept of the fusion of state and corporate power via the use of vaccine mandates being lost it would seem.

This condemnation by the mainstream media of a genuine working-class protest against public officials working on behalf of corporate interests however, lies in stark contrast to their recent response to CIA-engineered regime change operations, masquerading as ‘human rights protests’ and  which involved the use of genuine extremists, receiving the full support of the corporate media whilst doing so.

Less than three weeks prior to the Freedom Convoy setting off on its initial journey, protests against rising fuel prices in Kazakhstan rapidly escalated into extreme violence, resulting in the deaths of 18 Kazakh security services members in the space of four days, including two who were decapitated, and leading to the Moscow-led CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organisation) being deployed into the central Asian nation at the request of Nur-Sultan in order to quell what was a clear attempt at a colour revolution in line with a May 2020 policy document published by Neoconservative think tank , the RAND Corporation – which outlined regime-change in Kazakhstan as a means to destabilise neighbouring Russia in turn.

This attempt at regime change in Kazakhstan, countered by the CSTO in less than two weeks and who subsequently withdrew from Kazakhstan afterwards, came amidst a time of increased tensions between Russia and the West, with Moscow being accused of planning an ‘imminent’ invasion of neighbouring Ukraine since the end of November – with Kiev itself subjected to the 2014 Euromaidan colour revolution, launched by the CIA and MI6 in response to then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s November 2013 decision to suspend an EU trade deal in favour of pursuing closer ties with the Kremlin, and like the colour revolution attempt in Kazakhstan, also involved the use of extremist elements such as the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, who would go on to wage war on the pro-Russian breakaway Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the East of the Country.

Six years later, in August 2020, this regime-change script would again play out again in Russia’s sole European ally, Belarus – when following the re-election of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, an attempt to topple his government, later confirmed as such in a recorded Zoom meeting by US NGO, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), was launched by the West – with Minsk being a long-time target for the regime-change lobby owing to its close proximity to Russia, its nationalised state industries, and possibly the most pertinent factor, Lukashenko’s refusal to impose the same Covid measures on his country that have been put in place worldwide to help implement the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative.

Despite the ensuing violence caused by these three regime-change operations however, they all received widespread coverage and support by the Western mainstream media, each being portrayed as human rights protests standing up to repressive regimes – a stark contrast to their coverage of the Canadian Freedom Convoy’s protest against the corporate class holding even greater sway over public life worldwide.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Brownstone Institute

Nostalgic for the Future

February 3rd, 2022 by Edward Curtin

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Despite its pedigree as a fundamental element in civilization’s greatest stories, nostalgia has come to be associated with treacly sentimentality, defeatism, and spurious spiritual inclinations.  Homer, Vergil, Dante, the Biblical writers, and their ilk would demur, of course, but they have been dead for a few years, so progress’s mantra urges us to get on with it.  This is now.

But now is always, and like its twin – exile – nostalgia is perpetual.  The aching for “home” – from Greek algos, pain + nostos, homecoming – is not simply a desire for the past, whether in reality or imagination, time or place, but a passionate yearning for the best from the past to be brought into the future.

Nostalgia may be more a long ache of old people, but it is also a feeling that follows everyone along life’s way.  Its presence may be shorter in youth, and it may be brief, intermittent, and unrecognized, but it is there.  Surely it grows with experience.  As everyone knows, a taste, a smell, a sight, a sound, a song – can conjure up a moment’s happiness, a reverie of possibility.  Paradise regained, but differently.  A yearning recognized, as with seeing for the first time how Van Gogh’s blue paint opens a door to ecstasy or a line of poetry cracks open a space in one’s heart for prospective love.  Hope reborn as an  aperture to the beyond reimagined and made possible.

There is no need to ever leave where we are to find that we are already no longer there, for living is a perpetual leaving-taking, and the ache of loss is its price.

But like all pains, it is one we wish to relieve in the future; and in order to make a future, we must be able to imagine or remember it first.  We are all exiled in our own ways. Home was yesterday, and our lost homes lie in our futures, if we hold to the dream of homecoming, whatever that may mean to each person.  But it also has a universal meaning, since we dwell on this earth together, our one home for our entire human family.

You may think I am engaging in fluff and puff and flimsy imaginings.  But no.

All across the world there are hundreds of millions of exiles, forced by wars, power politics, poverty, starvation, destructive capitalism, and modernization’s calamitous consequences to leave their homes and suffer the disorientation of wandering.  Emigration, immigration, salvaging bits of the old in the new strange lands – thus is their plight.  So much lost and small hopes found in nostalgic remembering. Piecing together the fragments.

But in a far less physical sense, the homeless mind is the rule today.  There are very few people these days who don’t wish to somehow return to a time when the madness that engulfs us didn’t exist; to escape the whirligig of fragmented consciousness in which the world appears – i.e. is presented by the media – as a pointillistic painting whose dots move so rapidly that a coherent picture is near impossible.  This feeling is widespread.  It is not a question of politics.  It crisscrosses the world following the hyper-real unreality of the technologies that join us in a state of transcendental homelessness and anxiety.  All the propaganda about a “new normal” and a digital disembodied future ring hollow. The Great Reset is the Great Nightmare.  Nothing seems normal anymore and the future seems even less so.

The world has become Weirdsville. This is something that most people – young and old – feel, even if they can’t articulate it.  The feeling that all the news is false and that some massive con game is underway is pandemic.

Here is an insignificant bit of nostalgia.  I mention it because it points beyond itself, then and now.  It has always been nostalgia for the future.  I think it is a commonplace experience.

When I was in high school, there was a tiny cheese shop on Lexington Avenue and 85th St. in New York City near the subway that I took to and home from school.  It was the size of a walk-in closet.  Thousands of cheeses surrounded you when you entered. The smells were overwhelming.  I would often stop in there with empty pockets on my way home from school.  The proprietor, knowing I was in awe of the thousands of cheeses, would often give me little samples with pieces of crusty French bread.  He would regale me with tales of Paris and the histories of the various European cheeses. He would emphasize their livingness, how they breathed.  By the door was a large basket filled with long loaves of fragrant French bread flown in every morning from Paris by Air France.  These were the days before every supermarket sold knockoff versions of the genuine thing.  Each long loaf was in a colorful French tricolored paper bag.

Those loaves of bread in the French colors always transported me to Paris, a place I had never been, but whose language I was studying.  Then, and for years afterwards, I was nostalgic for a Paris that was not yet part of my physical experience.  How could this be? I asked myself.  One day I realized that I was not nostalgic for Paris or the cheese shop, nor for the cheese or the bread, which I had tasted many times, but for the paper bags the bread came in.  Why?

This question perplexed me until I realized my notion of nostalgia was wrong.  For those bags had always represented the future for me, the birds of flight a sign of freedom beckoning as my youthful world expanded.  My nostalgia for the Air France bags was a way to go back to go forward, not to wallow in sentimentality and the “good old days,” but to read the entrails for their prophetic message: the small-life world is limiting – expand your horizons.

It was not a question of jumping on a plane and going somewhere different, although that in time would also be good.  It was not an invitation to revisit that cheese shop, as if that were possible, for the store was long gone and in any case it would not mean the same thing.  It was not a desire to become a teenager again. You cannot repeat an experience, despite F. Scott Fitzgerald writing:  “You can’t repeat the past?…Why of course you can.”

The past in that sense is quicksand, a death wish.  For many people (and this is the prevalent understanding of nostalgia as an exclusively negative way of thinking), embittered nostalgia is their way of denying the present and the future, often by the fictitious creation of “the good old days” when everything was supposedly so much better.

But nostalgia can also be an impetus to create a better future, a reminder that good aspects of what has been lost need to be regained to change the course of the present’s future trajectory.

Today most people are bamboozled by world events, as an idiot wind blows through the putrescent words of the media sycophants who churn out their endlessly deceptive and confusing propaganda on behalf of their elite masters.  Given a few minutes peace of mind to analyze this drivel – a tranquility destroyed by the electronic frenzy – it becomes apparent that their fear, anxiety, and contradictory reports are intentional, part of a strategy to pound down the public into drooling, quaking morons.

But many people in their better moments do recall times when they experienced glimpses of a better life, transitory as those experiences might have been.  Moments when they felt more at home in their skin in a world where they belonged and they could make better sense of  the news they received.  Not lost and wandering and constantly fearfully agitated by a future seemingly chaotic, leading to dusty death in a story told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I suggest that those nostalgic moments revolve around the changing nature of our experience of space and time.  There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for people lived within the limits of the natural world of which they were a part.  As I wrote once before:

In former days you could cross over to other people’s lives and come back with a different perspective, knowing what was obvious was true and that to exist meant to be composed of flesh and blood like all the others in different places and to be bound by the natural cycles of life and death, spring and fall, summer and winter. There were limits then, on the land, water, and even in the sky, where space too had dimensions and the stars and planets weren’t imaginary landing strips for mad scientists and their partners in celluloid fantasies.

In that rapidly disappearing world where people felt situated in space and time, life was not yet a holographic spectacle of repetitive images and words, a pseudo-world of shadowy figures engaging in pseudo-debates on electronic screens with people traveling from one place to another only to find that they never left home. When the mind is homeless and the grey magic of digital propaganda is its element, life becomes a vast circinate wandering to nowhere. The experience of traveling thousands of miles only to see the same chain of stores lining the same roads in the same towns across a country where the same people live with their same machines and same thoughts in their same lives in their same clothes. A mass society of mass minds in the hive created by cell phones and measured in nanoseconds where the choices are the freedom to choose what is always the same within a cage of categories meant to render all reality a ‘mediated reality.’

Nostalgia is always about time and space. In that sense, it is equivalent to all human experience that also takes place within these dimensions.  And when technology has radically disrupted our human sense of limits in their regard, it becomes harder and harder to feel at home, to dwell enough to grasp what is happening in the world.

I believe that many people feel nostalgic for slower and more silent days when they could hear themselves think a bit.  When the sense of always being on the go and lacking time predominates as it does today, thinking becomes very difficult.  To think, one must dethrone King Rush and silence Queen Noise, the two conditions that the speed and noise of digital technology render impossible.  Tranquilized by the beeping trivia pouring out of the omnipresent electronic gadgets, the very devices being used by the elites to control the masses, a profound grasp of the source of one’s disquietude is impossible. The world becomes impossible to read. The sense of always being away, ungrounded, and mentally homeless in a cacophonous madhouse becomes the norm.  One feels sick in heart and mind.

Most people sense this, and whether they think of it as nostalgia or not, I believe they feel that something important is missing and that they are wandering like rolling stones, as Dylan voiced it so poetically, with no direction home.

How does it feel?  It feels lousy.

So it’s not a question of returning to “the good old days.”  The future beckons.  But if we don’t find a way to rediscover those essential human needs of slowness and silence, to name but two, I am afraid we will find ourselves speeding along into an inferno of our own making, where it’s noisy as hell and not fit for human habitation.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

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On 19 January 1942, the British prime minister Winston Churchill was shocked and disturbed to learn, for the first time, and after more than two years of Britain being at war, that absolutely no field defences had been constructed on the landward side of Singapore, in case of enemy attack. The news that reached Churchill seemed incredible, but it was true, nor should it have been news. 

The Churchill cabinet’s failure to sufficiently safeguard Singapore, a vitally important island and British colony in south-east Asia, was the latest calamity to afflict Britain’s underwhelming war effort. The British had been outperformed by German troops in Norway, in France, in Greece, and now they were facing further setbacks against Nazi Germany’s Axis partner, Imperial Japan.

The English hierarchy, and Churchill especially, had believed the Japanese would dare not engage in military operations against the Western powers. Such a scenario meant war with the United States, the world’s strongest country. Churchill, in fact, thought Japan would be mad to initiate a conflict against America, and one can understand his reasoning on this point.

Yet the Japanese, hemmed in by US expansionism in the Eastern hemisphere, and with their access to petroleum almost entirely severed by the Roosevelt administration’s provocative policies, was left with scant breathing space in the end. Japanese military personnel with a good knowledge of the world, primarily those in its navy leadership, knew perfectly well they had little chance of winning an outright war with America; but a sense of fatalism and of being trapped drove them on.

By 1939 the city of Singapore had a population of nearly 1.4 million people, a surprisingly high number (1). Singapore was nicknamed “the Gibraltar of the East” and “the key to the Pacific”, and was situated at the southern tip of British Malaya (today consisting mostly of Malaysia), a peninsula over 400 miles long reaching from southern Thailand to Singapore; the latter of which is separated from the Malayan mainland only by the extremely narrow Strait of Johore.

Singapore in 1945 (Licensed under public domain)

Before the First World War, Singapore was nothing more than a commercial harbour, but during the interwar years it came to be recognised as a crucial area of operations. From the early 1920s, Singapore was regarded by London as the most visible symbol of its power in the Far East. (2)

Singapore was ideally placed at the strategic chokepoint, from the South China Sea into the Indian Ocean. Prior to 1940, the island was far enough away from the closest Japanese bases to offer it protection from land and air attack. Furthermore, Singapore had become a key Royal Navy dockyard, barracks and communications centre (3). Since the 1920s, London had poured more than £60 million into fortifying Singapore, a considerable sum at the time.

Britain’s wealth across the generations was accumulated by pursuing certain abhorrent actions. The American historian Noam Chomsky said “when nations are out for themselves, that’s what you find. That’s why Britain became very rich. It started in the Elizabethan era with piracy. But then it turned to the most vicious forms of slavery in human history. First in the British Caribbean islands, then the American South. That’s why Britain pretty much supported the Confederacy. When they lost that, Egypt, then India. Then England turned to the largest narco-trafficking operation in human history, conquered more of India to try to monopolise the opium trade. So take a look at British wealth – robbery on the high seas; a hideous system of slavery, narco-trafficking. A very wealthy country”. (4)

After World War I, Britain’s elites had highlighted Japan as a potential threat to their empire. This feeling had strengthened with passing years, as Japan enlarged its dominion through military conquests, primarily in Manchuria and eastern China through the 1930s; which the Western powers viewed as encroachment into their own imperial designs in east Asia. The Japanese military command was well aware this rivalry was occurring quite close to Japan’s frontiers, and that they had no presence at all in the Western hemisphere.

The Nazi routing of France, from May to June 1940, ensured the French possessions in southeast Asia would officially come under the control of the pro-German and pro-Axis Vichy regime. This was of major significance to Japan, as their forces swiftly occupied northern French Indochina in September 1940, and then in July 1941, the southern portion of French Indochina. (5)

From Britain’s viewpoint, Tokyo’s acquisition of all of Indochina massively increased the threat to regions like Malaya and Singapore. The new Japanese air and naval bases, in Indochina, were now within a few hundred miles striking distance of the British colonies to the south. In November 1940 a secret British report, intercepted by the Germans, was forwarded to Tokyo from Berlin, which revealed that Britain would not be able to dispatch strong reinforcements to Singapore in the event of war. (6)

During the weeks after Churchill had assumed power on 10 May 1940, he decided the top priority was the defence of Britain, which was under the spectre of a German invasion. With the Fall of France and rapidly deteriorating situation of the war, Churchill was not in a position to send a large fleet to east Asia, should a crisis strike there (7). Ever since that fateful date of 26 July 1941, when Washington had imposed a punishing oil and trade embargo on Japan – which amounted to a virtual declaration of war in itself – a full blown conflict between the Japanese and Anglo-American states was inevitable.

Britain’s colonialists generally viewed the Japanese with contempt. Military historian Antony Beevor wrote, “A state of emergency was declared in Singapore on 1 December [1941], but the British were still woefully ill prepared. The colonial authorities feared that an overreaction might unsettle the native population. The appalling complacency of colonial society had produced a self-deception largely based on arrogance. A fatal underestimation of their attackers included the idea that all Japanese soldiers were very short-sighted, and inherently inferior to western troops”. (8)

In reality the typical Japanese infantryman was tough, resourceful, brave and sometimes capable of terrible brutality, as the Chinese among others could attest to. In the main, this was because the Japanese Army had been artificially indoctrinated with the extreme samurai traditions of the ancient warrior tribe. (9)

Conventional British thinking held that central Malaya, with its hundreds of miles of thick jungle and rubber plantations, would protect Singapore from attack by land. Unlike the British, Japan’s soldiers proved to be masters of jungle warfare, adapting to the environment by camouflaging themselves, making excellent use of bicycles, and living off what the undergrowth had to offer.

That the Japanese had taken to the jungle like grouse to heather was a remarkable occurrence; their conquest of much of eastern China had not involved jungle fighting, and neither was Japan’s mainland covered extensively with trees. (10)

Since late November 1941, the British in Hong Kong and Malaya had been expecting a Japanese invasion at any moment. The British presence in Hong Kong further north was, at this point, a century in existence, and of the territory’s modern history Chomsky stated, “Hong Kong, of course, had a fair degree of independence, but we should bear in mind that that’s recent. Hong Kong was stolen from China by British savagery, as part of their effort to destroy China in their huge narco-trafficking operations. The West may like to forget that, but I’m sure the Chinese don’t”. (11)

British Malaya was a mineral rich area, with its tin mines and sprawling rubber estates. These natural deposits were essential to a war economy, and coveted by a resource poor nation such as Japan. The British colonial administrator, Shenton Thomas, described Malaya as “the dollar arsenal of the Empire” (12). From their bases in French Indochina, during the early hours of 8 December 1941 Japan’s units audaciously landed on the northern tip of Malaya, at the coastal city of Kota Bharu, and also at the Kra Isthmus in southern Thailand.

Having overall command of Japanese operations in Malaya was Lieutenant-General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the new commander of the Japanese 25th Army. He was personally known to the Axis dictators; in December 1940, the 55-year-old Yamashita had undertaken a clandestine military mission to Europe, where he visited Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini (13). Yamashita was one of the greatest commanders in the history of the Japanese Army. In Malaya, the British and their allies easily outnumbered Yamashita’s troops; but the latter’s fearless generalship would prove pivotal in the weeks ahead.

Military author Mark E. Stille, a retired US Navy commander, acknowledged that, “Both at an operational and tactical level, the Japanese were continually able to gain surprise. Their ‘driving strategy’ kept the British off balance and kept the initiative in Japanese hands. It worked primarily because the British thought it impossible even to attempt. Under the bold leadership of Yamashita, it was a formula for victory”. (14)

The Japanese militarists estimated Malaya to hold almost as much importance as the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) (15). The Dutch East Indies was the world’s 7th largest oil producing country in 1930, and by 1940 it had risen to become the planet’s 5th biggest oil producer, behind America, the USSR, Venezuela and Persia (Iran).

Both the British and Japanese believed Malaya and Singapore as strategically inseparable. British troops would not be able to hold Singapore, should Malaya be overrun by Yamashita’s divisions. As news reached Britain’s commanders, of the amphibious Japanese landings at Kota Bharu in northern Malaya, Japan’s bomber aircraft conducted their first raids over Singapore at 4:30 am on 8 December 1941. Singapore was lit up like a Christmas tree with its city lights on, an easy target for the Japanese pilots who enjoyed air superiority over Malaya.

On 10 December 1941, Tokyo’s bombers dealt a grievous blow to the British Navy, when they destroyed two of its landmark battleships off the east coast of Malaya, the ‘HMS Prince of Wales’ and ‘HMS Repulse’. The loss of these two vessels signalled the end of British sea power in the Far East (16). News of their sinking, which also resulted in 840 sailor deaths, was met with dismay in England.

The British position in Malaya became critical from the beginning of the enemy’s arrival. With the Japanese having secured their bridgehead at Kota Bharu, 125 miles to the west in the northern Malayan town of Jitra occurred “one of the British Army’s most unlikely and complete defeats during the entire war”, Stille wrote (17). A single Japanese battalion, supported by a company of tanks, defeated an entire division of British-led Indian troops in prepared positions in just over a day, by 13 December 1941.

The next serious engagement took place on 30 December 1941 around the town of Kampar, in western Malaya, just over 140 miles south of Jitra. Though the British artillery repulsed several Japanese assaults and inflicted numerous fatalities, Japan’s reinforcements compelled the British to begin withdrawing from Kampar on the night of 2 January 1942. (18)

Among the worst disasters of the Malayan campaign for Britain’s forces (and their allies) occurred along the Slim River, around 40 miles south of Kampar. At 3:30 am on 7 January 1942, 30 Japanese tanks rolled forward with reckless abandon, and went on a 6 hour turkey shoot against the British-trained 11th Indian Division. The British and Indian troops were well armed with anti-tank weapons, artillery and mines, but they were poorly deployed and caught by surprise. By 9:30 am on 7 January, some 3,000 British and Indian soldiers were taken prisoner and hundreds killed. (19)

The Malayan capital city, Kuala Lumpur, situated about 50 miles south of the Slim River in central Malaya, lay ripe for the taking. Four days later, Kuala Lumpur fell unopposed to the advancing Japanese on the evening of 11 January 1942. It was still over a week before Churchill would discover that Singapore, located 200 miles to the south-east of Kuala Lumpur, had no field defences facing landward.

While the British colonialists thought little of the Japanese, this was not often the case with frontline troops. Major Walter Boller, a British officer in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC), said of the Japanese soldier almost 30 years after the war, “He hadn’t the mentality I suppose to think for himself. He just obeyed orders, and he came at you with everything he had, even if it meant losing his life. He didn’t care about life”. (20)

Gilbert Collins, a gunner in the British 14th Army, insisted that “The Japanese was a good soldier. He was a good soldier. When he was told to do a job, he would stop there until he died”. (21)


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


1 C. Peter Chen, “Singapore in World War II”, January 2018, World War II Database

2 Mark E. Stille, Malaya and Singapore 1941–42: The Fall of Britain’s empire in the East (Osprey Publishing; Illustrated edition, 20 Oct. 2016) p. 5

3 Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War (Harper, 17 May 2011) Chapter 6, Tokyo Typhoon: December 1941–May 1942

4 Hugh Linehan, “Noam Chomsky: ‘Ireland has robbed poor working people of tens of trillions of dollars’”, 16 October 2021, Irish Times

5 Stille, Malaya and Singapore 1941–42, p. 7

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid., p. 6

8 Antony Beevor, The Second World War (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012) Chapter 16, Pearl Harbor

9 Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985) p. 409

10 Roberts, The Storm of War, Chapter 6, Tokyo Typhoon: December 1941–May 1942

11 Jenny Li, “Who Rules Asia? An Interview with Noam Chomsky”, 16 September 2021, New Bloom Magazine

12 Beevor, The Second World War, Chapter 16, Pearl Harbor

13 Clive N. Trueman, “General Tomoyuki Yamashita”, 20 April 2015, History Learning Site

14 Stille, Malaya and Singapore 1941–42, p. 36

15 Beevor, The Second World War, Chapter 16, Pearl Harbor

16 Stille, Malaya and Singapore 1941–42, p. 51

17 Ibid., p. 58

18 Ibid., p. 59

19 Ibid., p. 62

20 The World At War: Complete TV Series (Episode 14, Fremantle, 25 April 2005, Original Network: ITV, Original Release: 31 October 1973 – 8 May 1974)

21 Ibid.

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It goes without saying that the current crisis, the manifestation (perhaps the culmination) of decades-old geopolitical plans, may in part be attributable to the causes identified below; but the strategy has been the same, with perhaps to some extent a brief four-year hiatus (in degree if not in essence), since the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Notwithstanding which, Joe Biden is the most fervently Atlanticist, pro-NATO expansion president in U.S. history, with an unbroken fifty-year history of being in the forefront of advocating for the NATO agenda.


World Insights: Why U.S. keeps stoking Russia-Ukraine tensions

By Xinhua writers Deng Xianlai, Zhang Yisheng and Feng Yasong

Edited for relevance

U.S. and Russian diplomats on Monday had a heated debate at the United Nations Security Council over the Ukraine crisis, with the U.S. side blaming Russia for intending to invade Ukraine and Russian diplomats accusing Washington of “whipping up tensions” over the current crisis.

Analysts said that the current U.S. administration has reasons to keep fueling the already-strained Russia-Ukraine tensions: one is to use the crisis to divert domestic attention and build momentum for the upcoming mid-term elections; the other is to revive its influence over Europe by uniting its European allies against Russia.

U.S. Toolkit

Experts said the U.S. administration has taken three major moves over the crisis on the Ukrainian border.

The first is to exaggerate an imminent Russian “attack” on Ukraine by disclosing relevant “intelligence” obtained by the U.S. and its allies, revealing so-called “evidence” of Russia’s continued destabilization of Ukraine, and ordering the departure of U.S. staff at its embassy in Ukraine.

The second is to beef up the threat of economic sanctions against Russia….

The third is to strengthen military deployment within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), while assisting Ukraine without directly sending troops to the country. Several shipments of weapons have been sent to Ukraine and more military and economic aid has been promised by the United States.

U.S. Motivation

Analysts said that Washington’s overblown description of a looming war relates to its own domestic and diplomatic concerns.

On the domestic front, the current administration’s move on the Ukraine crisis could show its toughness in foreign policy, over which Republicans have been keen to accuse U.S. President Joe Biden of being weak.

As Biden’s approval ratings are at a low point, local media said that his hawkish attitude toward Russia is likely to gain more votes in the November mid-term elections.

Diplomatically, the Biden administration could use the Russia-Ukraine tensions to further pressure Moscow, and consequently to woo and unite European allies to take a tougher stance against Russia.

Given that the U.S. international image has been tarnished by its hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan last year, the Ukraine crisis would be a chance for the Biden administration to show off its leadership in the West.

However, foreign policy is not a top priority in the U.S. election campaign at this stage. Americans, instead, are more concerned about the economy, the pandemic and other issues closer to their personal lives. In addition, many European countries, which rely on Russia for energy, do not want to escalate the tensions and do not want to be bound by the U.S. policy towards Russia, experts have said.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from Donbass Insider

With foresight, this article by Peter Koenig was first written on March 12, 2020, the day following the March 11, lockdown. It was among the most popular GR articles in 2020.

It reveals the hidden agenda behind the Covid-19 vaccination initiative, which is now being applied.

Author’s Note and Update

On January 29, 2021, The Bundestag, Germany’s parliament  ratified the implementation of Agenda ID 2020. It still needs to go through the German Federal Council, The Bundesrat: little chance they will reject it.
In Switzerland the same – Agenda ID2020 – all electronic ID – linking everything to everything of each individual will come to a vote on 7 March
And that’s not all, the Swiss  government wants to outsource the management of Agenda ID 2020 to the private sector — unbelievable!!!   And  now it’s the European Parliament. … 
Can you imagine a bank or insurance company dealing (and selling) your data!! — just imagine what will happen  with our data – unthinkable. 
But living in a country of sheep, it is very possible if not likely that the Swiss government’s proposal will be accepted.
Then, some of us, can only dream of fleeing — but where to?
Peter Koenig, February 2, 2021


It seems, the more there is written about the causes of the Coronavirus – the more the written analyses are overshadowed by a propaganda and fear-mongering hype. Questions for the truth and arguments for where to look for the origins and how the virus may have spread and how to combat it, are lost in the noise of wanton chaos. But isn’t that what the “Powerful financial elites” behind this intended pandemic want – chaos, panic, hopelessness, leading to human vulnerability – a people becoming easy prey for manipulation?

Today [March 11, 2020] the WHO declared the coronavirus COVID-19 a “pandemic” – when there is not the slightest trace of a pandemic. A pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where the peak of the death rate was 6% (see below for further analysis).

China, where the death rate peaked only a few weeks ago at about 3%, is back to 0.7% – and rapidly declining, while China is taking full control of the disease – and that with the help of a not-spoken-about medication developed 39 years ago by Cuba, called “Interferon Alpha 2B (IFNrec)”, very effective for fighting viruses and other diseases, but is not known and used in the world, because the US under the illegal embargo of Cuba does not allow the medication to be marketed internationally.

WHO has most likely received orders from “above”, from those people who also manage Trump and the “leaders” (sic) of the European Union and her member countries, those who aim to control the world with force – the One World Order.

This has been on the drawing board for years. The final decision to go ahead NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos – behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind this decision – the implementation of Agenda ID2020 – see below.

After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same).

If indeed force-vaccination will happen, another bonanza for Big Pharma, people really don’t know what type of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile …. all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia…).

Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.

It’s not for nothing that Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO, said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus. A precursor for things to come? – Or for things already here? – In many Scandinavian countries cash is largely banned and even a bar of chocalate can be paid only electronically.

We are moving towards a totalitarian state of the world. This is part of Agenda ID2020 – and these steps to be implemented now – prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Bill Gates, one of the chief advocates of vaccinations for everybody, especially in Africa – is also a huge advocate of population reduction. Population reduction is among the goals of the elite within the WEF, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgens – and a few more. The objective: fewer people (a small elite) can live longer and better with the reduced and limited resources Mother Earth is generously offering.

This had openly been propagated already in the 1960s and 70s by Henry Kissinger, Foreign Secretary in de Nixon Administration, a co-engineer of the Vietnam war, and main responsible for the semi-clandestine bombing of Cambodia, a genocide of millions of unarmed Cambodian civilians. Along with the CIA-Kissinger engineered coup on 9/11, 1973, in Chile, killing the democratically elected Salvador Allende and putting the military dictator Pinochet in power, Kissinger has committed war crimes. Today, he is a spokesman (so to speak) for Rockefeller and their  “Bilderberger Society”.

Two weeks after the computer simulation at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, that “produced” (aka simulated) 65 million deaths (!), the COVID-19 virus first appeared in Wuhan. By now it is almost certain that the virus was brought to Wuhan from outside, most likely from a bio-war lab in the US. See also this and this.


What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

The ID2020 Alliance at their 2019 Summit, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, in September 2019 in New York, decided to roll out their program in 2020, a decision confirmed by the WEF in January 2020 in Davos. Their digital identity program will be tested with the government of Bangladesh. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and “partners from academia and humanitarian relief” (as they call it), are part of the pioneer party.

Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?

Here is what Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor of the Bangladesh government program, has to say:

“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs. The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”

Wow! Does Mr. Anir Chowdhury know what he is getting into?

Back to the Pandemic and the panic. Geneva, the European seat of the United Nations, including the headquarters of WHO, is basically shot down. Not unlike the lock-down that started in Venice and later expanded to northern Italy until a few days ago – and now the lock-down covers all of Italy. Similar lock-down may soon also be adopted by France – and other European vassal states to the Anglo-Zionist empire.

Numerous memoranda with similar panic-mongering contents from different UN agencies in Geneva are circulating. Their key message is – cancel all mission travel, all events in Geneva, visits to the Palais des Nations, the Geneva Cathedral, other monuments and museums. The latest directives, many agencies instruct their staff to work from home, not to risk contamination from public transportation.

This ambiance of panic and fear – outstrips any sense of reality, when the truth doesn’t matter. People can’t even think any more about the causes and what may be behind it. Nobody believes you (anymore), when you refer to Event 201, the coronavirus simulation, the Wuhan Military Games, the closing last August 7, of the high-security biological war lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland…. what could have at one point been an eye opener for many, today is sheer conspiracy theory. The power of propaganda. A destabilizing power – destabilizing countries and people, destroying economies, creating hardship for people who may lose their jobs, usually the ones who can least afford it.

Also, at this time it becomes increasingly important to remind people that the outbreak in China was targeting the Chinese genome. Did it later mutate to transgress the ‘borders’ of Chinese DNA? When did that happen, if it happened? Because at the beginning it was clear that even the infected victims in other parts of the world, were to 99.9% of Chinese descent.

What happened later, when the virus spread to Italy and Iran, is another issue, and opens the way to a number of speculations.

(i) There were various strains of the virus circulated in sequence – so as to destabilize countries around the world and to confound the populace and media, so that especially nobody of the mainstream may come to the conclusion that the first strain was targeting China in a bio-war.

(ii) In Iran, I have a strong suspicion that the virus was an enhanced form of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, man-made, broke out first in Saudi Arabia in 2012 , directed to the Arabic genome) – which was somehow introduced into government circles (by aerosol spray?) – with the goal of “Regime Change” by COVID19-caused death. Its Washington’s wishful thinking for at least the last 30 years.

(iii) In Italy – why Italy? – Maybe because Washington / Brussels wanted to hit Italy hard for having been officially the first country to sign a Belt and Road (BRI) accord with China (actually the first was Greece, but nobody is supposed to know that China came to the rescue of Greece, destroyed by Greece’s brothers, the EU members, mainly Germany and France).

(iv) The hype about the high death to infection rate in Italy, as of the time of this writing: 10,149 infections vs. 631 deaths = death rate of 6.2 (comparatively Iran: 8042 infections vs. 291 deaths = 3.6 death rate). The death rate of Italy is almost double that of Iran and almost ten-fold that of average Europe. (Are these discrepancies the result of failures in the establishing reliable data pertaining to “infections”, see our observations pertaining to Italy below).

Why? – Was is Italy being affected with virus panic? Was there a much stronger strain introduced to Italy?

The common flu in Europe in the 2019 / 2020 season, has apparently so far killed about 16,000 (in the US the death toll is, according to CDC between 14,000 and 32,000, depending on which CDC website you look at).

Could it be that among the Italian coronavirus deaths there were also common flu victims, as the affected victims are mostly elderly with respiratory preconditions? Also, symptoms are very similar between coronavirus and the common flu, and nobody questions and checks the official authorities’ narrative?

Maybe not all the coronavirus strains come from the same laboratory. A journalist from Berlin of Ukrainian origin, told me this morning that Ukraine is host to some 5 high security US bio-war labs. They test regularly new viruses on the population – yet, when strange diseases break out in the surroundings of the labs, nobody is allowed to talk about it. Something similar, she says, is happening in Georgia, where there are even more Pentagon / CIA bio-war labs – and where also new and strange diseases break out.

All of this makes the composite picture even more complicated. Overarching all is this super hype is profit driven, the quest for instant profit, instant benefits from the suffering of the people. This panic making is a hundred-fold of what it’s worth. What these kingpins of the underworld, who pretend to run the upper world, perhaps miscalculated, is that in today’s globalized and vastly outsourced world the west depends massively on China’s supply chain, for consumer goods, and for intermediary merchandise – and, foremost for medication and medical equipment. At least 80% of medication or ingredients for medication, as well as for medical equipment comes from China. The western China dependence for antibiotics is even higher, some 90%.  The potential impacts on health are devastating.

During the height of the COVID-19 epidemic China’s production apparatus for everything was almost shut-down. For deliveries that were still made, merchandise vessels were regularly and categorically turned back from many harbors all around the world. So, the west has tricked itself into a shortage-of-everything mode by waging a  de facto “economic war” on China. How long will it last? – Nobody knows, but China’s economy which was down by about half, has rapidly recovered to above 80% of what it was before the coronavirus hit. How long will it last to catch up with the backlog?

What is behind it all? – A total crackdown with artificially induced panic to the point where people are screaming “help, give us vaccinations, display police and military for our security” – or even if the public despair doesn’t go that far, it would be easy for the EU and US authorities to impose a military stage of siege for “health protection of the people”. In fact, CDC (Center for Disease Control in Atlanta), has already designed harshly dictatorial directives for a “health emergency”.

Along with forced vaccination, who knows what would be contained in the cocktail of ‘’mini-diseases” injected, and what their long-term effects might be. Similar to those of GMOs, where all sorts of germs could be inserted without us, the commons, knowing?

We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 – which includes, forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody – on the way to One World Order – and global financial hegemony – Full Spectrum Dominance, as the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) likes to call it.

A windfall for China. China has been purposely targeted for “economic destruction”, because of her rapidly advancing economy, an economy soon to overtake that of the now hegemon, the US of A, and because of China’s strong currency, the Yuan, also potentially overtaking the dollar as the world’s main reserve currency.

Both occurrences would mean the end of US dominance over the world. The coronavirus disease, now in more than 80 countries, has crashed the stock markets, a decline of at least 20% over the last few weeks – and rising; the feared consequences from the virus of an economic slow-down, if not recession, has slashed petrol prices within about two weeks almost in half. However, without China’s central bank interference, the Yuan’s value vis-à-vis the dollar has been rather stable, at around 7 Yuan to the dollar. That means, the Chinese economy, despite COVID-19, is receiving still much trust around the globe.

Advice to China – buy all the US and European corporate shares you can at current rock-bottom prices from the stock markets that collapsed by a fifth or more, plus buy lots of oil futures. When the prices recover, you have not only made billions, probably trillions from the west, but you also may own or hold significant and influence-yielding amounts of shares in most of the largest US and European corporations – and will be able to help call the shots of their future endeavors.

There is however, one little silver lining oscillating at the horizon full of dark clouds. It could miraculously be an awakening of consciousness of a critical mass that could put an end to it all. Although, we seem to be far from such a miracle, somewhere in a hidden corner of our brain, we all have a spark of consciousness left. We have the spiritual capacity to abandon the disaster path of western neoliberal capitalism, and instead espouse solidarity, compassion and love for each other and for our society. That may be the only way to break the gridlock and doom of western egocentric greed.


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world, including in Palestine, in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Canadian Officials Who Met with Ukrainian Unit Linked to Neo-Nazis Feared Exposure by News Media: Documents

By David Pugliese, February 02, 2022

Canadian officials who met with members of a Ukrainian battalion linked to neo-Nazis didn’t denounce the unit, but were instead concerned the media would expose details of the get-together, according to newly released documents.

Will Ukraine Collapse If It Implements the UN Security Council Supported “Minsk Accords”?

By Andrew Korybko, February 03, 2022

These five points prove that Ukraine definitely wouldn’t “collapse” if the Minsk Accords were fully implemented but it might end up with a very different administrative structure in the most extreme scenario.

COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs

By Children’s Health Defense, February 02, 2022

Through interviews with doctors and scientists and references to multiple studies, a new video concludes COVID vaccines provide no benefit to young children — but they do pose many, and sometimes serious, risks.

‘Freedom Convoy’ Vows to Stay in Ottawa Until COVID Vaccine Mandates Lifted

By Megan Redshaw, February 02, 2022

Ottawa’s police chief, Peter Sloly, said Monday, “all options are on the table, from negotiation through enforcement” to bring the protest, now entering its fifth day in the nation’s capital, to an end.

‘America Is Next’: US Truckers Mobilizing Convoy to Washington DC, White House ‘In Full Panic’

By Jamie White, February 02, 2022

Inspired by the massive 50,000-strong convoy of Canadian truckers surrounding Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the U.S. Freedom Convoy group, which has over 131,000 members as of writing, will reportedly start in California and traverse all the way to the nation’s capital.

Heartbreaking: A Miracle Man Born with Major Heart Defects and Craniofacial Abnormalities Denied Heart Transplant by Hospital for Refusing to Get COVID Vaccine

By Jessica Padgett, February 02, 2022

While we are slowly winning the war against Covid tyranny, there are some battles we are still losing. If people like Kyndall perish because they stood up for their beliefs and refused an experimental injection, their blood is on the hands of every single person who did not stand up and shout from the rooftops that the tyranny must stop.

Video: ISIS Threat Still Alive in Syria

By South Front, February 02, 2022

After a round of escalation marked by ISIS attack on Geweran prison in the northeastern Syrian city of al-Hasakah, the situation in Syria appears to be slightly improving. As of January 31, the level of violence in the country continues to decline.

The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, February 02, 2022

These “vehicle kill switches” may be sold to the public as a safety measure aimed at keeping drunk drivers off the roads, but they will quickly become a convenient tool in the hands of government agents to put the government in the driver’s seat while rendering null and void the Constitution’s requirements of privacy and its prohibitions against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The Biden Presidency and the Specter of a Third World War

By Nauman Sadiq, February 02, 2022

During his over forty-year political career, first as a longtime senator from Delaware, then as Obama’s vice president and finally as the president of the world’s most powerful nation, Joe Biden has consistently proved that he is an unapologetic stooge of the deep state and an incorrigible Russophobic hawk.

US National Debt Surpasses $30 Trillion for the First Time

By Telesur, February 02, 2022

On Monday, the U.S. Treasury Department announced that the national debt surpassed US$30 trillion, which included US$23.5 trillion in debt held by the public and US$6.5 trillion in intergovernmental holdings. This raises concerns about future fiscal sustainability, as the Federal Reserve prepares to raise interest rates to tame inflation.

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These five points prove that Ukraine definitely wouldn’t “collapse” if the Minsk Accords were fully implemented but it might end up with a very different administrative structure in the most extreme scenario.

Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council chief Alexey Danilov warned on Monday that his country risks collapsing if it implements the UNSC-supported Minsk Accords. He claimed that “it will be very dangerous for our country” because “if society doesn’t accept those agreements, it could lead to a very difficult internal situation and Russia counts on that.” This position doesn’t reflect reality but the existing Ukrainian elite’s self-interests and those of its foreign patrons.

For starters, the UNSC’s passing of a relevant resolution in support of the Minsk Accords officially enshrined them in international law by virtue of that body’s authority per the UN Charter.

Ukraine is therefore legally obligated to implement them though the US’ refusal to compel its proxy to do so in contradiction of that Great Power’s international commitments means that it probably won’t unless the American position eventually changes.

Will Ukraine Really Collapse If It Implements The UNSC-Supported Minsk Accords?

Source: OneWorld

Second, the former Ukrainian government voluntarily agreed to the Minsk Accords and it didn’t do so under duress or “under the Russian gun barrel” as Danilov claimed.

This false portrayal of events is debunked by the very fact that his country’s American patron itself supported these agreements at the UNSC. Washington wouldn’t have done so unless it believed at the time that this was a pragmatic means for resolving its proxy’s civil war.

Third, the incumbent Ukrainian government is extremely authoritarian and enforces its will upon the population through coercion, force, and threats. This objective observation discredits Danilov’s fears that society will meaningfully revolt over the Minsk Accords’ full implementation since Kiev certainly has the capabilities to offset that scenario. Even if it loses control, then that’s the government’s own fault and not Russia’s or anyone else’s.

Fourth, the existing Ukrainian elite actually seems more concerned that the Minsk Accords’ clause granting a degree of autonomy to Donbass will trigger a chain reaction of devolution in the country. If carried out to its full extent, this could lead to Ukraine’s de facto or de jure federalization, which in practice might end up creating a Bosnian-like scenario whereby various regions achieve quasi-independence. That might result in the emergence of new elites who can challenging the existing ones.

And fifth, those elites who might rise to power in their potentially quasi-independent statelets could come under the patronage of other foreign powers apart from Ukraine’s current US-led Western ones. For instance, Russia, China, Turkey, and even the GCC might begin patronizing local partners in pursuit of mutual economic and/or strategic benefits. There’s nothing wrong with that or inherently destabilizing about it per se but it nevertheless threatens the US-led West’s current influence over Ukraine.

These five points prove that Ukraine definitely wouldn’t “collapse” if the Minsk Accords were fully implemented but it might end up with a very different administrative structure in the most extreme scenario. That outcome would be disadvantageous for the country’s existing elites and their US-led Western patrons but would arguably be more strategically stabilizing in the long-run since Ukraine’s extremely deep contradictions are quickly reaching a breaking point as proven by recent events.

In particular, the authorities’ arrest of people who it claims were plotting nationwide riots speaks to how tense the situation has become in that country. It presently remains unclear whether the detained represented genuine grassroots resistance to the increasingly authoritarian government and/or were part of a US-backed Color Revolution plot to punish Ukraine for its very close economic ties with China, but this development nevertheless confirms that domestic tensions are close to boiling over.

Danilov’s prediction of a “very difficult internal situation” has already come to pass and by none other than his own government’s counterproductively authoritarian hand and its unexpected disputes with its chief American patron. In such circumstances, the most beneficial course of action would actually be to immediately implement the Minsk Accords as a pragmatic de-escalation of domestic tensions in order for the existing elite to retain at least part of their influence instead of risk losing it entirely in a revolt.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Americans Responsible for ISIS Attack on a Prison in Hasakah

February 3rd, 2022 by Armen Tigranakert

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The growing activities of ISIS militants have become a key subject of the events in Syria this week. Terrorists have been carrying out a full-fledged special operation attempting to release their supporters from the al-Sina’a prison in Hasakah city. It should be reminded that Kurdish forces control this area under the close supervision and support of their American patrons.

The analysis of militants’ actions at the attack on the prison reveals that it was carefully planned. Two suicide bombers detonated truck bombs next to walls of the jail, after which the assault came from four directions. A separate group of the terrorists burned fuel tanks to create a smokescreen. The rest jihadists blocked arrival routes for the SDF.

The Kurdish forces were forced to deploy additional units from Raqqa and Deir Ezzor provinces to stop the militants. Later, the US military joined the suppression of the ISIS. In particular, Hasakah’s Guweiran district was hit by airstrikes, American helicopters and heavy armored vehicles were involved in the operation.

Dozens of civilians were killed in hostilities that have been provoked by the attack on the prison and culminated in clashes in the streets on Hasakah city. Many houses were damaged beyond repair. Hundreds of people were forced to leave districts located near the jail. Moreover, the Chief of the Military Academy, Mohammad Hajr, and al-Sina’a prison Chief, Jamal Kobani, were killed. The SDF lost more than 60 fighters.

According to a number of military experts, such a large-scale operation couldn’t be prepared and carried out unbeknownst to the US intelligence. More brave analysts claim the US was aware of the preparing attack and even a participating of the American advisors in the preparation of this assault. The US tries to justify its military presence in Syria one more time like that amid the growing discontent of Syrians and the Syrian authorities.

It should be noted that even if estimates of the experts were exaggerated in relation to the US involvement in this incident, have look at the aftermath, just how it happened in reality.


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Armen Tigranakert is a freelance journalist based in the city of Aleppo.

Featured image is from Hawar Agency

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Canadian officials who met with members of a Ukrainian battalion linked to neo-Nazis didn’t denounce the unit, but were instead concerned the media would expose details of the get-together, according to newly released documents.

The Canadians met with and were briefed by leaders from the Azov Battalion in June 2018. The officers and diplomats did not object to the meeting and instead allowed themselves to be photographed with battalion officials despite previous warnings that the unit saw itself as pro-Nazi. The Azov Battalion then used those photos for its online propaganda, pointing out the Canadian delegation expressed “hopes for further fruitful co-operation.”

After a journalist asked the Canadian Forces about the Azov social media postings, officers scrambled to come up with a response, according to documents obtained by this newspaper through Access to Information law.

Lt. Col. Fraser Auld, commander of Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine, warned that a news article might be soon published and could result in questions being asked inside the Canadian government about why such a meeting took place.

A year before the meeting, Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology. “Multiple members of Azov have described themselves as Nazis,” the Canadian officers warned in their 2017 briefing.

Bernie Farber, head of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said the Canadians should have immediately walked out of the Azov Battalion briefing. “Canadian armed forces personnel do not meet with Nazis; period, full stop,” Farber said. “This a horrendous mistake that shouldn’t have been made.”

Farber said it was also disturbing the Azov unit was able to use the Canadians in propaganda attempts to legitimize its far-right ideology. Besides its support of Nazi ideology, Azov members have been accused of war crimes and torture.

To read complete Ottawa Citizen article click here



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Featured image: A news broadcast by German ZDF station showed soldiers of the Ukraine Azov Battalion with nazi symbols on their helmets. PHOTO BY FILES /ZDF station

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Through interviews with doctors and scientists and references to multiple studies, a new video concludes COVID vaccines provide no benefit to young children — but they do pose many, and sometimes serious, risks.

Through interviews with doctors and scientists. and references to multiple studies, a new video explains why COVID vaccines provide no benefit to young children — but they do pose many, and sometimes serious, risks.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist, pointed out that when questioned about the safety of mRNA vaccines for children, drug companies claim there’s no evidence to show the vaccines aren’t safe.

“A lack of data regarding harm does not equal confirmation of safety,” Yeadon said.

Yeadon also addressed the November 2021 article in Nature showing COVID is “rarely fatal” in children and, for young people under 18 with no comorbidities, the survival rate is 99.995%.

He also cited an April 2021 article showing children’s immune systems are “far superior at clearing novel viruses,” and a December 2021 article, also in Nature, reporting children have adaptive “immune systems that naturally generate robust, cross-reactive and sustained immune responses to SARS-Cov-2 …”

Included in the video is a clip of Dr. Robert Malone, who warned parents the decision to vaccinate children is “irreversible.”

Malone, a scientist who assisted in the creation of mRNA vaccine technology, explained by injecting a child with the COVID vaccine, “a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells.”

He said:

“This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including their brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, and their reproductive system. And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to the immune system.”

Once this damage occurs, it’s irreparable, Malone said.

Malone questioned why “health bureaucrats” are recommending the mass uptake of a novel, experimental mRNA covid vaccine for children “when serious concerns are being raised” about the efficacy and safety of the product.

He said the vaccines can’t be declared safe because there are no long-term safety data.

Still, governments, including Australia, continue to push the vaccine for children, according to the video, noting that decisions are often based on “studies” conducted by pharmaceutical companies themselves.

For example, an article published in November 2021 in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded:

“A Covid-19 vaccination regimen consisting of two 10-μg doses of BNT162b2 administered 21 days apart was found to be safe, immunogenic, and efficacious in children 5 to 11 years of age.”

However, that statement was followed by the disclosure that the study was funded by BioNTech and Pfizer.

According to the video, of the 33 authors of the study, 94% have a financial interest in the vaccine makers, 60% were employees of BioNTech or Pfizer and 57% had received payments from the companies or owned stock in them.

Watch the video here:


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Featured image is from CHD

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Thousands of truckers and others protesting Canada’s COVID vaccine mandates remained in Ottawa today, vowing to stay put until the mandates for truckers are lifted.

Ottawa’s police chief, Peter Sloly, said Monday, “all options are on the table, from negotiation through enforcement” to bring the protest, now entering its fifth day in the nation’s capital, to an end.

The “Convoy for Freedom” set out from British Columbia on Jan. 23 and arrived in Ottawa on Jan. 29.

According to RT News, the organizers of the protest initially estimated 1,600 trucks, a number that grew to 36,000 trucks, and later closer to 50,000. However, national media outlets and law enforcement reported anywhere from “hundreds” of trucks to figures in the low thousands over the past week.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday said he would not meet with the protesters because he does not believe in their goals.

He said:

“I have also chosen not to go anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence toward fellow citizens, and a disrespect not just for science but the frontline health workers and 90% of truckers who have been doing the right thing to keep Canadians safe and put food on our table.”

Trudeau on Monday also announced he tested positive for COVID, despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, and remains in an undisclosed location due to security concerns.

Trudeau tweeted:

According to the prime minister’s Twitter account, he was fully vaccinated and received a booster shot on Jan. 4.

Protests ‘largely peaceful,’ with some reports of vandalism

Early reports portrayed the demonstrations as mostly peaceful, with Reuters reporting “police said most demonstrators have been peaceful,” and The New York Times describing the protest as loud, but largely peaceful.

Canada’s CTV News late Monday reported police indicated there had been “no riots, no injuries, no deaths,” but said they had 12 investigations underway into various allegations, including bribery, threats, assault and dangerous driving.

Ottawa Police reported zero arrests as of Monday.

Representatives of the Freedom Convoy said the protest is peaceful, but Canada’s mainstream media, which is 70% funded by the government, told a different story.

Gord Magill, a trucker for more than 25 years and participant in the convoy, slammed mainstream media coverage of the protest. Magill said the media zeroed in on a couple of protestors who don’t represent the views of the truckers.

In an op-ed published in Newsweek, Magill wrote:

“ … tarring a demonstration that drew in excess of 100,000 people as racist and full of fringe extremists based on the actions of two people is quite a reach, proof of nothing so much as the fact that the media is clutching at straws to smear us—which are in short supply.”

Travis Smith, an associate professor of political science at Concordia University in Montreal attended the protest and later wrote:

“Despite temperatures around -20C, I saw and met many women and men, from across the political spectrum, from disparate socioeconomic backgrounds, French- and English-speaking alike, young and old, vaccinated and unvaccinated, gathered to donate their time and the fruits of their culinary talents, such as hot bowls of chili and fresh baked goods, plus sandwiches, snacks, and beverages for the road.

“They delivered additional items donated by people who couldn’t make it in person, helped to shuttle people around, and offered what other assistance they could — including offers of accommodations or a place to take a hot shower.”

The protest organizers held a press conference Sunday and posted numerous videos calling for peace and showing protestors cleaning streets and washing statutes.

A post on Monday stated:

“After a night of protests, Canadians band together to ensure the streets are cleaned up. The world is watching. Keep it peaceful, keep it powerful, keep it Canadian.”

In another video, a trucker explained how he went to bed at midnight and woke up in the morning with a truckful of food. There were more than 50 boxes of food with multiple packages inside with notes thanking the truckers for standing up for the freedom of Canadians.

“It’s just awesome to be part of the fringe minority,” the man said, referring to a comment Trudeau made last week where he called the protestors a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

The truckers won support from Elon Musk who spoke out publicly in support of their cause.

On Sunday, Musk replied to a tweet showing a video of protesters in Ottawa.

“It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government,” he wrote.

Musk also tweeted a photo showing dozens of trucks lining a highway with the caption, “Taking a break from politics for a while. Here’s a nice photo of trucks.”

Convoy has enough funds for 4 years

As of today, the Freedom Convoy had raised more than $7.6 million ($9.7 million CAD) in donations and said they have enough funds to keep trucks there for up to four years, Newsweek reported.

Slawek Pietraszek, 43, said he plans to stay in Ottawa as long as he needs until a resolution is reached. Petraszek, a trucker who did not disclose his vaccination status, wants the government to agree to repeal all vaccine mandates.

“My fourth child was born this past Saturday, I’ve decided I need to do this for my family,” he said.

Dave Ridell, 59, has been transporting his grains by truck for the last 30 to 40 years. Ridell is concerned “government overreach has gotten out of hand, and politicians need to be held more accountable for what they are doing and the impact vaccine mandates are having on people.”

Ridell said truckers were once considered heroes along with other frontline workers, but the mandate on truckers cast aside many who “worked through the harder moments.”

Ridell, who didn’t disclose his vaccination status, hopes the Freedom Convoy will lead to all vaccine mandates being lifted.

“The amount of people who are unemployed because it’s their personal choice whether they want to be vaccinated or not, it’s not fair, just totally unfair,” he added.

“Freedom is here. We’re here with our voices. We’re here with our feet, and we’re not going to leave until we get our freedom all the time,” said another protester.

Saskatchewan premier says province will end proof-of-vaccine policy in ‘not-too-distant future’

Saskatchewan’s premier, Scott Moe, on Saturday said the province will end the current proof-of-negative-test and proof-of-vaccination policy “in the not-too-distant future” CBC News reported.

This is the second time Moe made a public comment about the potential removal of the provincial proof of vaccination policy. Earlier in the week, he said in an interview with John Gormley from CJME/CKOM radio that he thought requiring proof of vaccination had “for the most part run its course.”

“It increased our vaccination rates tremendously, but I think we’re getting to a point now where those that are not vaccinated likely aren’t going to get vaccinated,” Moe said.

According to the premier, the province needs to “have a discussion” about proof-of-vaccination requirements “sometime this month.”

As of Jan. 15, the Canadian government required all truck drivers entering Canada from the U.S., regardless of citizenship, to be fully vaccinated against COVID. Any driver who cannot show proof of vaccination will be denied entry and placed in quarantine for two weeks.

The U.S. government implemented the same policy last week on the American side of the border, which could potentially sideline 26,000 to 160,000 drivers who make regular trips across the Canada-U.S. border.

Inspired by the convoy, Australian truckers are driving to Canberra to protest vaccine mandates, as Victoria’s premier has warned COVID booster doses soon will be mandatory.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from CHD

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Musician Neil Young finds himself in the 2022 limelight. It may well generate more on-air play and music sales for the Canadian. Young wrote a letter on his website (since removed) that garnered much attention.  It read:

Please immediately inform Spotify that I am actively canceling all my music availability on Spotify as soon as possible. I am doing this because Spotify is spreading false information about vaccines — potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them.

Young had a specific target in mind: “I want you to let Spotify know immediately today that I want all of my music off their platform. They can have [podcaster Joe] Rogan or Young. Not both.”

Sounds a lot like a Neil Young’s nemesis, George W Bush: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

It comes on the heels of a 31 December episode from The Joe Rogan Experience in which one of Rogan’s guests was Dr. Robert Malone, whose self-bio boasts:

“I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.”

Malone is, notwithstanding, alleged to have spread COVID-19 misinformation.

Of course Joe Rogan doesn’t get everything right. He admits “absolutely I get things wrong.” Don’t we all. Rogan’s interviews are often quite interesting, but he really blew it when he interviewed Yeonmi Park and let her off easily for transparent nonsense about North Korea. But Rogan doesn’t pretend to know all the topics deeply; he is learning, as are, hopefully, all of us.

Does Neil Young get everything right?

When one accuses someone else of misinformation or disinformation, he might not be claiming to know the truth, but he does claim to know what is untruthful. That may be, but this claim carries an onus. If you want to accuse someone of misinformation/disinformation, then to maintain integrity, you should specify what that mis/disinformation is, and you must demonstrate why it is mis/disinformation. If you cannot point to any instance of mis/disinformation and why it is so, then, with all due respect, just shut the f**k up. In the present Young-Rogan kerfuffle, since mis/disinformation has been alleged, if Young can’t back up his allegations, then first, an apology is in order, and second this should be followed by a retraction of the allegation.

If one claims to know the truth from untruth, then that person must specify what she claims to be factually inaccurate. It simply does not pass muster to point out that misinformation was communicated by another person. Any lunkhead on the street can shout misinformation. (And it is salient to make clear the distinction here between misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is when a person mistakenly communicates information that is factually inaccurate. Simply put, he was wrong. Disinformation is far more insidious because the person knows that what she is communicating is factually inaccurate. In common parlance, she lied.)

Imagine the misinformation paradigm:

Neil: That’s misinformation.
Joe: What exactly is that misinformation?
Neil: You said [and here we have to guess what was the faulty information because Neil was never challenged to specify what was faulty].
Joe: [to which Joe could theoretically respond] Why is that information faulty?

The onus is on the accuser to state clearly what information was wrong and prove it to be wrong.

Imagine the disinformation paradigm:

Neil: You lied.
Joe: What lie did I tell?
Neil: You lied about Covid.
Joe: What did I say about Covid that was a lie?
Neil: You said [and here we have to guess what was the lie because Neil was never challenged to specify what was a lie].
Joe: [to which Joe could theoretically respond] How is that a lie?

The onus is on the accuser to state clearly what was a lie and prove it to be a lie, and the accuser has to also prove that the accused knew that he was telling a lie.

Young is probably well meaning, but that does not mean his motivations weren’t ill advised or even morally questionable. In 2014, Dissident Voice editor Angie Tibbs criticized Young for his:

blatant show of support for the apartheid state, a nasty slap in the face for the occupied people of Palestine, and most specifically Gaza where the residents are now counting the bodies and burying their dead as a result of Israel’s latest bombardment.

Who could believe that Neil Young, the long time activist, would ignore the BDS campaign, including a cultural boycott demanding that Israel recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully comply with the precepts of international law?

Young has also been called out for his misinformation concerning the “Tiananmen Square massacre.” Decades after the violence that transpired outside Tiananmen Square, Young was still dedicating his hit song “Rockin’ in the Free World” “to the Chinese students who were killed during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989,” even though the CIA-orchestrated upheaval targeted the killing of soldiers.

As for COVID-19 and how best to treat it, for any non-expert (and, granted, maybe Neil Young has carried out much study and has become quite expert about COVID), to claim epistemological certitude should be greeted with more than a modicum of skepticism.

Who can state with absolute or near absolute certainty on all the vectors involved with COVID-19?

Likeliest, the virus is spread by aerosols. But who is most at risk? Probably the elderly and the infirm. What are the dangers of infection? What is the best way to combat an infection? What is the best way to gain immunity? What are the best ways to avoid an infection? What reasonable, science-backed precautions should one take: mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing, disinfection of surfaces, etc? Should one be vaccinated? What are the side-effects from the vaccines: dangerous? life threatening? short-term? long-term? Does recovery from COVID-19 provide greater protection from re-infection? If vaccination is found to provide safe and reasonable protection (obviously it does not confer immunity), then which vaccine should be prescribed?

How much is known about the safety and possible side-effects given that vaccine trials are still ongoing? Can the pharmaceutical manufacturers be trusted? Why have the pharmaceutical companies’ COVID vaccines been indemnified? How should people regard the report that Thailand’s National Health Security Office paid out about 927 million baht (about 28 million USD) to 8,470 people who suffered side effects after being vaccinated against COVID-19? Is the clinical data transparent? VAERS reports reflect what percentage of the adverse events? Is the virus petering out? There is so much to be considered and knowledge is still coming to light.

Some of the I-know-better-than-others crowd have called for censorship. Is censorship how humans arrive at the truth? Have the people who argue for censorship learned anything from when the church proscribed the teaching of heliocentrism? Wasn’t it a heresy at one time (and even still in some backwaters) to theorize human life as having evolved from simpler lifeforms?

We are exhorted by government officials and government spokespersons to follow the science. But when do they ever bother to present the scientific evidence? Do they point to the independent peer-review science literature? Can we trust that doctors and scientists always get it right? Didn’t doctors use to be big boosters of cigarette smoking?

Spotify has reacted to Young’s complaints and removed his music from the platform. Spotify has also promised to be vigilant against misinformation, as we all should be. But is one not promoting misinformation when one falsely accuses another of misinformation?

Rogan supports Spotify’s plan to put a disclaimer at the start of controversial episodes.

For his part, Young denied pushing censorship. “I support free speech. I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information.”

Neil, you say you support free speech, but did you not just threaten Spotify because that platform allowed Joe Rogan to exercise his free speech?

The podcaster has taken the high road. “My pledge to you [the listener] is that I will do my best to try to balance out these more controversial viewpoints with other people’s perspectives, so we can maybe find a better point of view.” Whether balance is the best way to arrive at what best approximates the truth is a question to be pondered in another article.

Rogan added, “I’m not mad at Neil Young, I’m a huge Neil Young fan.”

Still, it would have been preferable if Rogan had respectfully put the onus on Young to point out the inaccuracies that the musician had alleged.

Maybe Young is an expert on COVID-19, and maybe he can discern what is factually accurate and inaccurate. However, there are thousands and thousands of physicians and scientists (and plenty of Canadian truck drivers and their supporters) out there that disagree with Young.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp at Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A fast-growing Facebook group called “Convoy to DC 2022” is calling upon American truckers to amass a convoy to head to Washington, DC to protest Joe Biden’s restrictive COVID measures.

Inspired by the massive 50,000-strong convoy of Canadian truckers surrounding Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the U.S. Freedom Convoy group, which has over 131,000 members as of writing, will reportedly start in California and traverse all the way to the nation’s capital.

“We are part of many large groups who believe in our founding fathers. We believe everyone has a voice. We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place. God Bless America,” the group states.

Brian Von D., the organizer of the Convoy to DC 2022 group, declared on Facebook last Thursday that “America is next” to experience a trucker-led revolution against COVID tyranny.

“We’re done with the mandates, we’re done with the government telling us what to do, we will continue, and we will follow just like the rest of the world on these trucker protests, and they will be 100 percent legal, they will abide by the law,” Von D. said.

“America, it’s your turn. It’s your turn to step up and show what you’re made of,” Von D. continued, adding that “America has a lot more trucks” than Canada.

“The government overreach is coming to an end, and this is how we do it,” he added.

Another organizer of the U.S. convoy claimed that the trucker movement is not about any one country, but about “a movement across the globe to stand up to” the COVID tyranny imposed by world governments.

Rumors among the group are circulating that the White House is in “full panic” over emerging reports American truckers are preparing to descend upon DC.

The date for when the U.S. convoy will set off to DC has not yet been announced.

Given Facebook’s past efforts to censor truly grassroots movements that defy the official narrative, it’s likely the social media giant will try to suppress the spread of the group on its platform.

This comes amid reports Freedom Convoys are mobilizing in Australia and European countries following the example of the Canadian truckers.


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Featured image: Slawek Pietraszek is a 43-year-old trucker on his way to Ottawa in the convoy. Credit: Rachel Parent/National Post

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Is it really so awesome to have nothing?  There is probably no longer a concept bizarre enough not to arouse our anxiety that someone will try to implement it.  In the case of ownership, this is not a new concept, only until recently has not apply to cars and utility items, but above all to flats and homes.

The need for a nomadic precariat

Generally speaking the message is that without owning a flat, we are not only more flexible on the labour market, but also more free, happy and, of course, modern.  And in fact, the initial assumptions of such visions were probably related to the desire to intensify the globalization of the labour market, to facilitate labour migrations, etc.  However, as it often happens today – the practical (?) idea was quickly associated with the ideological concept, in this case with the expropriation trend.  At this point a Marxist would mention accumulation by dispossession, a liberal would criticise the deprivation of a holy right of property – and they would both shudder in disgust, albeit probably in opposite directions.  The joke, however, is that when properly given – the same idea immediately begins to be liked by some representatives of the same trends.

In fact, this expropriation is associated with the accumulation of property and is carried out in the hands of corporates and neo-elites, not state.  Of course, modern states would not mind treating housing and other goods as rewards for obedience, restricting access to them for everyone outside the system.  Contrary to appearances, in this respect neoliberal and neo-progressive positions are not so distant from each other.  However, the effect in both cases is very similar – expropriation is often accompanied by uprooting, and a man without property transform into the Man Without Qualities.

Subscription for the future

However, in the case of housing, the speculative bubble that periodically increases is a fairly obvious threat to the stability of financial markets and council or state-owned extensive construction and housing system still remains a natural protective and regulatory measure in many countries.  Meanwhile, the same system for all other ownership, replaced by subscription systems and short-term borrowing – must already raise more than a concern.  For now, it works in the virtual world – software, especially games, music sharing.  The not so unimaginable futurism brings visions of worlds in which, on the same principle, also material goods, and even … food will be made available from the codes of 3-D printers, etc.  After all, even the Star Trek showed us the World of some neo-communism or omni-corporation, without money and with all goods granted so “miraculously” to the humanity.  Considering that in the globalist and neoliberal realities states and international organisations remain only the far-reaching executive organs of capital – previous dispute whether it is better to accumulate the ownership and means of production in the hands of state or private monopolies loses its importance altogether.

Interestingly, a world without widespread private property would also actually be a world without tradition, or maybe rather with a tradition that is invented and generated over and over again, adjusted to the needs of the current stage of modernity.  The lack of material culture, inextricably linked to ownership, also questions the very meaning and possibility of the existence of culture in general, and this would result in the end of the civilization as we know it.  And this will be postmodernity of all the dreams and fears of both Neo-Communists and Neoliberals.  Postmodernity in which property actually seems to have disappeared – ultimately remaining in the hands of so few.


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Konrad Rękas is a renowned geopolitical analyst and a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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There has been no greater evil done during the time of the Covid reign, though, than that of the unsafe and ineffective vaccine mandates, especially in hospitals.

Recently, Kyndall West, a miracle of a man born in 1986, was denied a heart transplant by Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Kyndall was born with major heart defects and craniofacial abnormalities. In fact, he was the 31st person in the world born with a genetic mutation–Carpenter’s syndrome–so severe that doctors thought he would not even live beyond a few minutes, then a few days, then a few years.

Nearly forty years later, he has survived seizures and the implantation of a pacemaker and defibrillator. He has survived Covid19. He is a college student and has worked in the ministry. He is an avid golfer, a skilled bowler, a doting uncle, and a devoted church member. He also needs a heart transplant in order to live, but doctors have refused his transplant simply because he refused the poisonous Fauci juice that the mainstream media calls a “vaccine.”

“My body, my choice,” the mantra of abortion industry supporters everywhere, is evidently not applicable for a man who has undergone over sixty surgeries in his lifetime: arguably more medical procedures than Joe Biden has flavors of ice cream in his basement freezer. In fact, Kyndall’s mother, a public school teacher who also would act as his caretaker after the transplant, refused the vaccine and was told by doctors that even in the event of an approved transplant she could not be the caretaker without first accepting the jab. Suddenly, doctors are allowed to tread heavily on the 14th amendment rights of their patients! They forget not only the Hippocratic Oath they almost certainly swore as medical students but their patient’s right to life and liberty as well.

While we are slowly winning the war against Covid tyranny, there are some battles we are still losing. If people like Kyndall perish because they stood up for their beliefs and refused an experimental injection, their blood is on the hands of every single person who did not stand up and shout from the rooftops that the tyranny must stop.

Patrick Henry once passionately noted in his famous speech, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” Will this fateful line come true for every single person on the organ transplant list who will not take the jab? Are their lives less important than those lives big pharma fallaciously promises to save? May Fauci and the Biden administration, with all the guilt-ridden psychosis of Lady Macbeth, forever try to wash their filthy hands of the blood from the millions they have murdered in the name of fear and control, and may those like Kyndall receive the blessing of the medical help they must get, before it’s too late.


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All images in this article are from Gateway Pundit

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In his farewell address, George Washington said, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”

What an offensive notion to Pentagon generals, weapon industry execs, DC think tankers and State Department bureaucrats, who, rather than avoiding permanent alliances, have been relentless in their quest to pile on new ones.

That impulse is vividly exemplified by the dangerously provocative post-Cold War expansion of NATO, and its consequences are apparent in today’s Ukraine-centered tensions with Russia.

NATO was created to oppose a Soviet empire that no longer exists. Had American presidents followed Washington’s sage counsel, they’d have spearheaded the dismantling of NATO upon the end of the Cold War. Instead, with America’s encouragement, NATO has nearly doubled its membership—from 16 countries when the Berlin Wall fell to 30 today.

With each new member, the U.S. government and American service members are tied to another far-off tripwire: Under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, an attack on any member country compels other treaty members to come to its aid. It’s the epitome of what Thomas Jefferson called an “entangling alliance.”

While the growth in the number of NATO countries and U.S. war commitments is unsettling, it’s the direction that’s been most troublesome: NATO expansion has marched the alliance relentlessly eastward, right up to Russia’s border.

To get a sense of how that’s perceived in Russia, imagine if, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia set out to reinvigorate the Warsaw Pact by inviting Mexico to join a military alliance created in 1955 to oppose NATO during the Cold War. Americans would find such a move equally perplexing and unsettling.

The way NATO expansion proceeded, however, was even worse than that.

An International Promise Broken, Over Emphatic Domestic Objections

During the diplomatic maneuvers leading up to the reunification of Germany and the withdrawal of Soviet forces, Western leaders gave repeated assurances to Moscow that NATO wouldn’t grow eastward.

The most prominent and emphatic assurance came from U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, in a 1990 meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Baker said,

“If the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.”

Several years later, however, NATO and President Clinton began considering just such an expansion—but not without controversy. American diplomat George Kennan, a towering figure in Cold War strategy who authored the policy of Soviet “containment,” was unequivocal in his opposition.

In a 1997 essay published by The New York Times, Kennan said,

“Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era…Such a decision may be expected…to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.”

Kennan wasn’t alone. A bipartisan group of 50 foreign policy luminaries—including Cold War hawks like Paul Nitze and Robert McNamara—signed an open letter to President Clinton opposing NATO expansion.

“Russia does not now pose a threat to its western neighbors and the nations of Central and Eastern Europe are not in danger…we believe that NATO expansion is neither necessary nor desirable and that this ill-conceived policy can and should be put on hold,” the group declared.

In 1999, Clinton and NATO plunged forward anyway—reneging on the assurances given to Moscow by their predecessors—and the first round of NATO’s post-Cold War expansion brought Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic into the military treaty.

Subsequent expansion waves added another 11 countries, and the mutually beneficial buffer of states between NATO and Russia grew ever slimmer, vanishing in part with the addition of Estonia and Latvia.

Though Russia may have grudgingly accepted NATO’s membership nearly doubling since the end of the Cold War, it views the prospect of Ukraine membership far more gravely.

That central factor in today’s tensions first came to prominence in 2008, when, at a summit in Bucharest, NATO officials considered bringing Ukraine and Georgia into the pact.

“The George W. Bush administration supported doing so, but France and Germany opposed the move for fear that it would unduly antagonize Russia,” wrote University of Chicago professor and foreign policy expert John Mearsheimer.

No invitations were extended, but in a compromise that tilted toward America’s position, NATO issued a full-throated endorsement of Ukraine and Georgia membership as an eventuality: “NATO welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. We agree today that these countries will become members of NATO.”

William Burns—who was then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and is now Biden’s CIA director—warned Washington about Russia’s deep unease over the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO. In a 2008 cable titled “Nyet Means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Enlargement Redlines,” Burns wrote:

“Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests.

Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.”

2014: A U.S.-Encouraged Coup in Ukraine

As NATO flirted with Ukraine as a military partner, the European Union courted the former Soviet country as an economic one. These are divisive ideas within Ukraine, with a majority of ethnic Ukrainians supporting EU and NATO memberships and most ethnic Russians opposing them.

In 2013 and 2014, the EU’s courtship would lead to bloodshed and the West-encouraged overthrow of democratically-elected, Russia-friendly Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych.

Yanukovych had been negotiating an economic deal with the EU, but scrapped it in favor of a counteroffer from Russia that included Moscow buying $15 billion of Ukrainian government bonds and slashing the price of Russian natural gas.

Protests ensued and about a hundred protesters were killed. Western governments sensed an opportunity for a regime change that would install a government aligned with the West against Russia.

Senator John McCain flew to Kiev and joined protestors in the streets, as did Obama Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and ambassador to Ukraine Geoffey Pyatt.

As Yanukovych’s hold on power neared its end, Nuland and Pyatt were heard on a leaked phone call working to maneuver their favored politician, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, into power.

“Yats is the guy,” said Nuland, who’d weeks earlier boasted that the United States had spent $5 billion after Ukraine’s 1991 independence to shape the country’s politics. When Yanukovych fled to Russia, Nuland’s goal was realized: Yatsenyuk became prime minister.

Just two days after the coup, Ukraine’s parliament alarmed the country’s ethnic Russians by pushing through a bill—without debate—withdrawing permission for the use of Russian as an additional official language in regions where Russian minorities comprise at least 10% of the population.

The anxiety of Russian and other ethnic minorities was compounded by the substantial presence of neo-Nazi elements in the Ukrainian nationalist movement. Given the devastating toll of Russia’s fight with Nazism in World War II, one can see how that’s a cause for unease in Moscow too.

Ukraine’s abrupt transfer of power gave Russia something else to worry about: the Crimea peninsula, which is not only home to a majority-Russian population, but also Russia’s strategically vital warm-water navy base at Sevastopol.

In 1954, Crimea was casually transferred from Russia to Ukraine by Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev, as a gift of sorts on the 300th anniversary of Ukraine’s unification with Russia. At the time, moving governance of Crimea from one part of the USSR to another seemed relatively inconsequential.

The transfer became extremely consequential in February 2014, with the prospect that the new, Ukrainian nationalist government might move to terminate Russia’s lease of the navy base.

Preempting that possibility, Putin ordered his forces to incorporate Crimea into Russia. With thousands of Russian troops already there on the navy base—and with the majority-Russian local population preferring Russian rule—the actual seizure was less dramatic than the media may have led you to believe.

Elsewhere in Ukraine, however, the post-coup experience has been marked by violence and thousands of deaths, as Russian separatists in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions seek to establish independent republics.

The Russian concerns about the destabilizing effects of Western overtures to Ukraine, which were laid out by then-ambassador William Burns in his 2008 cable, have been substantiated. Meanwhile, though hapless U.S. interventionists may have hoped Ukrainian regime change would pry the Sevastopol navy base out of Russian hands, it’s only had the effect of giving Russia a firmer hold on it than before.

NATO expansion illustrates an intrinsic drive of any governmental body—to continuously enlarge its power and budget.

And in the Ukraine crisis, we vividly see what Richard Sakwa calls “a fateful geographical paradox: that NATO exists to manage the risks created by its existence.”

Make no mistake, NATO also exists to enrich the weapons industry, at the expense of citizens whose lives are put in greater jeopardy by NATO’s empire-building, which fosters antagonism with a country armed with 4,500 nuclear weapons.

To fully appreciate how intertwined NATO and weapons manufacturers are, consider this split-screen vignette from a 1997 New York Times story:

“At night, Bruce L. Jackson is president of the U.S. Committee to Expand NATO, giving intimate dinners for senators and foreign officials. By day, he is director of strategic planning for Lockheed Martin Corporation, the world’s biggest weapons maker.”

Poland joined NATO about two years after that story was published, and would go on to sign a deal to replace its Soviet-built fighter jets with 32 F-35A’s built by Lockheed Martin—at a price of $4.6 billion.

That’s just one representative example. As NATO’s expansion and needless antagonism toward Russia continues fostering tensions, the arms money keeps flowing.

Just last week, House Democrats—eager to demonstrate their firm resolve against an allegedly imminent Russian invasion that not even Ukraine anticipates—pushed for rapid passage of a military aid package, authorizing the spending of half a billion dollars the U.S. Treasury doesn’t have.

The counterproductive NATO-EU flirtation with Ukraine has been winding on for 14 years. With Ukraine ranking 122nd-worst in the world in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, NATO and the EU may wring their hands for years to come before ever tying the knot.

Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky seems exasperated with it all. Speaking on Friday about the lingering uncertainty of Ukraine membership in NATO, he said, “We want specifics, we need to have something that we can count on… Well, give us the reasons. Okay, we are not in NATO—okay, tell us that we are not in NATO. Tell it openly: we will never be there.”

Let’s tell Ukraine exactly that, and once again pursue Jefferson’s ideal of “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”


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Video: ISIS Threat Still Alive in Syria

February 2nd, 2022 by South Front

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After a round of escalation marked by ISIS attack on Geweran prison in the northeastern Syrian city of al-Hasakah, the situation in Syria appears to be slightly improving. As of January 31, the level of violence in the country continues to decline.

On January 30, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that an ISIS attack on Geweran prison, which began ten days ago, had ended with their fighters in complete control of the facility.

A day earlier, a group of around 20 terrorists led by a commander known as “Abu Ubayda” surrounded to the SDF.

While the battle inside the prison may be over, some of the terrorists who managed to escape the prison may still be hiding in nearby areas waiting for a chance to attack or flee.

The fate of some 2,000 terrorists who were detained in Geweran prison before the ISIS attack remains unclear. A report by al-Quds al-Arabi revealed that around 200 terrorists left the prison under a secret deal with the SDF.

According to a report released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on January 30, the battle of Geweran prison claimed the lives of 268 ISIS terrorists, seven civilians and 98 personnel of the SDF and its security forces.

The ISIS attack on the prison was a blow to both the SDF and the US-led coalition who don’t appear to be in control of the situation in northeastern Syria.

In an example of the confusion of US-led coalition forces, on January 28, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers confronted a unite from the British Army’s Special Air Service (SAS) that attempted to enter the government-held “security zone” in the center of al-Hasakah city twice. The elite unit, which was deployed near Geweran prison, was allegedly lost.

Meanwhile, the situation in central Syria, where ISIS cells have been waging an insurgency, remains tense.

On January 28, ISIS terrorists attacked several positions of the SAA and its allies near the town of Se’alow on the western bank of the Euphrates River in the southern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Four Iranian-backed fighters were wounded.

The attack may have been just a distraction to facilitate the crossing of terrorists who had recently escaped from Geweran prison to the central region.

On January 29, the terrorists attacked again, this time targeting a bus transporting a group of Iranian-backed fighters near the town of al-Sawanah in the eastern countryside of Homs. Several fighters were wounded.

In Syria’s northwestern region, known as Greater Idlib, the situation remains calm, but only thanks to bad weather conditions.

On January 30, Jaysh al-Izza released five Syrian soldiers and handed over the remains of an Iranian Bridger General, who was killed in the northern countryside of Hama in 2016, under a deal with Syrian authorities.

In exchange, the authorities released three militants of Jaysh al-Izza who were captured by the SAA less than two years ago. The swap took place on the Tronba crossing in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

Meanwhile in southern Syria, only two minor attacks were reported in the governorate of Daraa, as of January 31.

On January 29, former rebel Talib Moahamad was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen in the town of Nahij in the western Daraa countryside.

On January 29, unidentified gunmen set the headquarters of Saida’s Local Council in the eastern countryside of Daraa on fire.

Syria may experience a new round of escalation soon. The security situation in the country remains vulnerable, epically in the northeastern and central regions where ISIS influence remains strong.


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