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Global Research Wants to Hear From You!

Important article first published by Global Research on May 30, 2024


If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.—Thomas Jefferson

If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students

Take the case of Lucas Hudson.

With all the negative press being written about today’s young people, it’s refreshing to meet a young person who not only knows his rights but is prepared to stand up for them. 

Lucas is a smart kid, a valedictorian of his graduating class at the Collegiate Academy at Armwood High School in Hillsborough County, Fla.

So, when school officials gave Lucas an ultimatum: either remove most of his speech’s religious references from his graduation speech—in which he thanked the people who helped shape his character, reflected on how quickly time goes by, and urged people to use whatever time they have to love others and serve the God who loves us—or he would not be speaking at all, Lucas refused to forfeit his rights.

That’s when Lucas’s father turned to The Rutherford Institute for help.

In coming to Lucas’ defense, attorneys for The Rutherford Institute warned school officials that their attempts to browbeat Lucas into watering down his graduation speech could expose the school to a First Amendment lawsuit.

Thankfully for Lucas, the school backed down, and he was able to deliver his speech as written.

It doesn’t always work out so well, unfortunately.

Over the course of The Rutherford Institute’s 42-year history, we have defended countless young people who found themselves censored, silenced and denied their basic First Amendment rights, especially when they chose to exercise their rights to free speech and religious freedom.

In case after case, we encounter an appalling level of ignorance on the part of public school officials who mistakenly believe that the law requires anything religious be banned from public schools.

Here’s where government officials get it wrong: while the government may not establish or compel a particular religion, it also may not silence and suppress religious speech merely because others might take offense.

People are free to ignore, disagree with, or counter the religious speech of others, but the government cannot censor private religious speech.

Unfortunately, you can only defend your rights when you know them, and the American people—and those who represent them—are utterly ignorant about their freedoms, history, and how the government is supposed to operate.

As Morris Berman points out in his book Dark Ages America,

“70 percent of American adults cannot name their senators or congressmen; more than half don’t know the actual number of senators, and nearly a quarter cannot name a single right guaranteed by the First Amendment. Sixty-three percent cannot name the three branches of government. Other studies reveal that uninformed or undecided voters often vote for the candidate whose name and packaging (e.g., logo) are the most powerful; color is apparently a major factor in their decision.”

More than government corruption and ineptitude, police brutality, terrorism, gun violence, drugs, illegal immigration or any other so-called “danger” that threatens our nation, civic illiteracy may be what finally pushes us over the edge.

As Thomas Jefferson warned, no nation can be both ignorant and free.

Unfortunately, the American people have existed in a technology-laden, entertainment-fueled, perpetual state of cluelessness for so long that civic illiteracy has become the new normal for the citizenry.

In fact, most immigrants who aspire to become citizens know more about national civics than native-born Americans. Surveys indicate that half of native-born Americans couldn’t correctly answer 70% of the civics questions on the U.S. Citizenship test.

Not even the government bureaucrats who are supposed to represent us know much about civics, American history and geography, or the Constitution although they take an oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution against “enemies foreign and domestic.”

For instance, a couple attempting to get a marriage license was recently forced to prove to a government official that New Mexico is, in fact, one of the 50 states and not a foreign country.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. The government’s purpose is to protect, defend and even enhance our freedoms, not violate them.

It was no idle happenstance that the Constitution opens with these three powerful words: “We the people.”

Those who founded this country knew quite well that every citizen must remain vigilant or freedom would be lost. As Thomas Paine recognized, “It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”

You have no rights unless you exercise them.

Still, you can’t exercise your rights unless you know what those rights are.

“If Americans do not understand the Constitution and the institutions and processes through which we are governed, we cannot rationally evaluate important legislation and the efforts of our elected officials, nor can we preserve the national unity necessary to meaningfully confront the multiple problems we face today,” warns the Brennan Center in its Civic Literacy Report Card. “Rather, every act of government will be measured only by its individual value or cost, without concern for its larger impact. More and more we will ‘want what we want, and [will be] convinced that the system that is stopping us is wrong, flawed, broken or outmoded.’”

Education precedes action.

As the Brennan Center concludes

“America, unlike most of the world’s nations, is not a country defined by blood or belief. America is an idea, or a set of ideas, about freedom and opportunity. It is these ideas that bind us together as Americans and have kept us free, strong, and prosperous. But these ideas do not perpetuate themselves. They must be taught and learned anew with each generation.”

There is a movement underway to require that all public-school students pass the civics portion of the U.S. naturalization test100 basic facts about U.S. history and civics—before receiving their high-school diploma, and that’s a start.

Lucas Hudson would have passed such a test with flying colors.

On graduation day, Lucas stepped up to the podium and delivered his uncensored valedictorian speech as written, without any interference by school censors.

As Lucas’s father relayed to The Rutherford Institute:

“In the end, Lucas got to give his entire speech the way he wanted to give it, and everybody was paying attention.  Nobody got hurt.  Nothing bad happened.  It was just a young man using the First Amendment rights to speak his mind regarding his personal beliefs. [Lucas] never thought a few sentences in a speech would create such a controversy in his world, but this speech turned into a defining moment for him.  He will never be the same after this experience, but this permanent change is a good thing.  When it mattered, Lucas stood up for himself, and when those he stood up against tried to push him down, [The Rutherford Institute] came to his aide and backed him up to make it a fair fight. I am comforted to know you are defending the rights of the people.  These fights matter.  Every time you defend the rights of one person, you defend the rights of every person.  You helped my son fight for his rights against the school, and, in doing so, Hillsborough County Public Schools will think twice before infringing on the rights of future students. Your defense of Lucas became an inspiration for the students in his school and sparked a healthy and meaningful debate among the teachers, students, and parents about the value of the First Amendment and the need for limits on government control over our personal beliefs.  You are fighting for good and doing important work.  Don’t ever stop. Thank you, Rutherford Institute, for being there for my son when he needed you most.”

America needs more freedom fighters like Lucas Hudson and The Rutherford Institute.

It’s up to us.

We have the power to make and break the government.

We the American people—the citizenry—are the arbiters and ultimate guardians of America’s welfare, defense, liberty, laws and prosperity.

We must act—and act responsibly.

A healthy, representative government is hard work. It takes a citizenry that is informed about the issues, educated about how the government operates, and willing to make the sacrifices necessary to stay involved.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s our job to keep freedom alive using every nonviolent means available to us.

As Martin Luther King Jr. recognized in a speech delivered on December 5, 1955, just four days after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to relinquish her seat on a Montgomery city bus: “Democracy transformed from thin paper to thick action is the greatest form of government on earth.”

Know your rights. Exercise your rights. Defend your rights. If not, you will lose them.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Global Research Wants to Hear From You!


In last week’s episode of Just Right, host Bob Metz said: “People do indeed wake up one day and become ‘monsters’ — a phenomenon we all got to witness in spades during the recent political pandemic operating under the cover of COVID.”

I can bear witness to this phenomenon. In the fall of 2020, there came a knock on my apartment door (a rare occurrence that year). Opening the door, I found my elderly neighbour from down the hall wearing two or three face masks. She immediately launched into a ten-minute tirade berating me, my wife and my son for not observing lockdown rules and not wearing any face diapers.

I was glad she was wearing so many masks as it helped keep her hollering down.

Standing there, I let her have her say (while trying to stop my son from laughing). When she finally ran out of self-righteous steam, she spun around and stormed off.

I called after her, “Any chance we could have a civilized conversation?”

She yelled back, “I’ve already listened to Hitler!”

You sure have, I thought.

She disappeared into her apartment, slamming the door behind her and probably duct-taping its frame.

Rushing back into my writing studio, I began madly typing notes. Nothing bad ever happens to a writer. Many of her monstrous accusations were used as dialogue in Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story (which I was in the midst of writing).

“Another remarkable thing is now happening,” continued Bob Metz on last week’s Just Right. “Most people are actually forgetting just how monstrously many of them acted during the pandemic — a form of mass amnesia…”

True. The same neighbour who had called me Hitler 2.0 for unobstructed breathing in public never apologized for her monstrous (and somewhat amusing) behaviour.

Such “lockdown amnesia” was the theme of last week’s Just Right.

“So we’re heading down the memory hole today,” said Bob Metz. “Not to depress or shock you [by] reviewing the unbelievable and dystopian events that enveloped us, but to resist the amnesia industry which is part of the propaganda war our governments are waging against us.”

You can listen to episode 861 of Just Right, “Lockdown amnesia — jumping down the memory hole” on


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John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. You get free chapters from his novels by subscribing to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Genocide in Gaza: Being a Spectator, or Bearing Witness

May 30th, 2024 by Barbara Nimri Aziz

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Global Research Wants to Hear From You!


They are watching us. At least, they were. Before they became overwhelmed with grief, before they collapsed, wounded, dazed by hunger, confusion and fear. By now, they must have completely given up on our world of voyeurs, including those taking a moment to glimpse that relentless slaughter day-after-day-after-day over there. 

They know how we live—our pools and malls, our raucous ball games. Gazan graduates win scholarships to study here. Women and men locked in that smoldering prison have relatives in the US, families who managed to emigrate war-after-war since 1967. They know how determinedly relatives toiling overseas month-after-month send some savings back to Jabalia, back to Khan Younis, back to Rafah, back to Deir al-Balah, to Beit Lahia and Gaza City. They drink Fanta and Coke and Maxwell coffee; they buy foreign-made diapers for their infants and children’s outfits embossed with American brand names. They welcome secondhand clothes shipped by charities from church-after-church, mosque-after-mosque, country-after-country. Mothers follow Arabic-dubbed Turkish series-after-series, while youngsters gather to cheer Mission Impossible’s heroes-after-heroes. They huddle together to ‘facetime’ with uncles and cousins in Dearborn, in Austin, in Brooklyn, in Minneapolis, city-after-city. Before: at home and in the tea shops, they debate comments by senators and secretaries of state, quote their promise-after-promise and their excuse-after-excuse, list their AIPAC cash, election-after-election. 


Palestinians under occupation perpetually looked to the United States. Not only because family members had settled and prospered here. They believed in American democratic ideals; they were beneficiaries of US charity; they watched the US government assume the leadership, brokering treaty-after-treaty – ostensibly to secure Palestinian sovereignty – with Israel. They saw one US president agonize over the trashing of the treaties he sponsored. Then they watched with renewed promise when a Black man occupied the White House, expecting that the history of his race would align him with their dispossession – only to be spurned by him. 

Palestinians know better than anyone about the schemes and habits of Israel. So, when they lost faith in outside powers’ ability to coerce, bribe or otherwise convince Israel to forge a real peace, their appeals to Allah were steadfast. This, even as they tried non-violent resistance alongside military strategies. 


What percentage of Gaza and West Bank Palestinians celebrated the valiant attack by Hamas last October, I don’t know. How prepared they were for the overwhelming Israeli military onslaught through these months, I doubt. Can they glimpse any light at the end of this endless corpse-after corpse-strewn fire-tunnel? Do they regret evacuating their home to trudge, naked and humiliated, mile-after-mile towards more danger, now wishing: ‘better to have stayed, better to perish under our own crushed photos, books, potted plants, and furnishings’? 

However severe their hardships, they will fast in Ramadan and visit ancestors in quiet cemeteries – before. A few may still dream to perform Hajj. Once, if they survive this.

That every Palestinian killed in these seven months is embraced as a martyr – joining tens-of-thousands martyred in past assaults and assassinations – may help sustain those who still breathe. We’ve glimpsed snippets of their steadfast courage – exhausted medics, gritty journalists, wounded ambulance drivers, humble burial attendants, patient care-givers (some children themselves) and food distributors along with those boys scavenging through rubble for a trace of the untraceable. We receive horrific image-after-image direct from blood-soaked places where, through screams and prayers, men and women determinedly aim their phone cameras to show us unwelcome realities. Day-after-day, with journalists assassinated or banned from Gaza, with scanty IT connections, they insist on somehow delivering those agonizing images to the world.

Maybe, when they still had the means, those 2 million plus Palestinians under assault witnessed with some hope, South Africa’s presentations to the ICJ. They may have heard that unequivocal early condemnation of Israel by a sole Irish parliamentarian, then noted the steady rise day-by-day of other voices against genocide. Their expectations surely surged by what seemed to be a flood of protests city-after-city worldwide. Their Nakba became part of global vocabulary; even children learned the dreaded word ‘genocide’. Their Palestinian flag-after-flag and keffiyeh scarf-after-scarf became symbols of victory. 


They realize by now that one more massacre would make little difference to outsiders. One more sabotaged humanitarian shipment, another world court judgement, a further UN Security Council vote: none would deter Israel or shame Western leaders to do what they know is politically and morally right. 

They know some of us are following the war. On our side, we – voyeurs are what we are, let’s face it – gather some cash for humanitarian aid that has little chance of reaching its destination, share stories of another dead infant, cite further proof of genocide, post our heartfelt poems, declare how our eyes have been opened, sign another petition. We hail a college valedictorian for their strong words, we endorse the unequivocal statement of the single American congressperson who cries out so eloquently “I am never going to stop saying Palestinians deserve freedom, that we need to free Palestine… no armaments to kill Palestinians”.

They are watching us, as, however modest or feeble our efforts, we cannot but turn our head away in shame. If not shame for our personal inadequacy, then shame for our membership in this government and our duplicitous press. A Palestinian youth of about 16, struggling through rubble, face streaked with ash and sweat, fist raised, shrieks at a camera: “We will get you; we will get you; you cannot destroy us”.


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Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

“Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”

By Barbara Nimri Aziz

A century ago Yogmaya and Durga Devi, two women champions of justice, emerged from a remote corner of rural Nepal to offer solutions to their nation’s social and political ills. Then they were forgotten.

Years after their demise, in 1980 veteran anthropologist Barbara Nimri Aziz first uncovered their suppressed histories in her comprehensive and accessible biographies. Revelations from her decade of research led to the resurrection of these women and their entry into contemporary Nepali consciousness.

This book captures the daring political campaigns of these rebel women; at the same time it asks us to acknowledge their impact on contemporary feminist thinking. Like many revolutionaries who were vilified in their lifetimes, we learn about the true nature of these leaders’ intelligence, sacrifices, and vision during an era of social and economic oppression in this part of Asia.

After Nepal moved from absolute monarchy to a fledgling democracy and history re-evaluated these pioneers, Dr. Aziz explores their legacies in this book.

Psychologically provocative and astonishingly moving, “Yogmaya and Durga Devi” is a seminal contribution to women’s history.

Click here to order.

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How did COVID-19 present itself?

It was fatal car crashes and ensuing trauma-related deaths falsely coded as COVID, it was bacterial pneumonia, falsely named, it was hospitals getting more money for COVID diagnoses and COVID protocols (1), it was false pronouncements of PHEIC from the globalist WHO attached at the hip to the WEF. (2)

It was the cold, it was the flu, it was data manipulation writ large, where jabbed patients are listed as unvaccinated weeks after their hospital admittances.  It was a perfect fabricated pretext for a global financial coup which continues to impoverish and kill us as the oligarchs grow richer and more powerful.

As long as global populations remain incredulous, fake pandemics can be fabricated through contrived Emergency Authorizations, coding changes to Death Certificates which falsely inflate deaths attributed to COVID, invalid testing, and data manipulation. This is what happened to us.

Read the transcript here.

Per Mike Yeadon, the central operational deception is the tests (PCR and other tests) and the central conceptual deception is the mask. Faulty testing means invalid data, whereas ubiquitous mask-wearing creates the perception of a deadly virus, even as the WHO has admitted the virus was in line with the flu and renowned epidemiologist Dr. Ioannidis stated that it was a Low Infection Fatality Rate virus. Ioannidis also noted that distinctions in data-recording were not being made between dying with COVID and dying of COVID. This sleight of hand was reiterated by Dr. Ngozi Ezike.

Read the transcript here.

The endgame has been to inject us with bioweapons, and they succeeded to a large degree. And at what cost?  Jab-incurred excess mortality rates are skyrocketing, as are jab injuries, with Australia data showing a 5,162% increase in excess deaths in the first 38 week of 2022 (3), and top insurance analyst Josh Stirling claiming the U.S. alone is experiencing 600,000 jab-induced deaths per year. (4)

If not now, when will the perpetrators of these massive crimes against humanity be prosecuted?


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.


(1) Mark Taliano, “Invalid Covid Data Drives Catastrophic Public Policies Globally.” Global Research, 20 )ctober, 2022. (Invalid Covid Data Drives Catastrophic Public Policies Globally – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 20 April, 2023.

(2) Prof Michel Chossudovsky, “Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

The PCR “Covid-19 Confirmed Cases” are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project is Fake.” Global Research, 15 April, 2023.

(Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 20 April, 2023.

(3) Bruch Weisberger, “Australia, A Tragic Window into the Truth. Excess Mortality in 2021-22 Following Roll-out of Covid Injections.) Global Research. 20 April, 2023. (Australia, A Tragic Window into the Truth. Excess Mortality in 2021-22 Following Roll-out of Covid Injections – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization)  Accessed 20 April, 2023.

(4)Jonas Vesterberg, “600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst.” The FLorida Standard, 11 April, 2023. (600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst ( Accessed 20 April, 2023.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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O que falta para chamar Zelensky de ditador?

May 29th, 2024 by Eduardo Vasco

Vladimir Zelensky foi eleito presidente da Ucrânia em 2019 prometendo o fim das hostilidades contra as regiões rebeldes do país e a normalização das relações com a Rússia. A Ucrânia vinha de cinco anos de guerra civil, desencadeada pelo envio de tropas do exército contra as populações de Donetsk e Lugansk após estas se rebelarem contra o golpe de Estado que derrubou um presidente eleito e impôs uma ditadura no país.

Aquelas duas regiões, de maioria étnica russa, haviam sido as mais afetadas pelo golpe de Estado. Viktor Yanukovich, o presidente derrubado, recebera a maioria dos votos no Donbass, no sudeste da Ucrânia, onde grande parte da população é russa.Uma das primeiras medidas do novo regime foi banir o idioma russo do sistema educacional: antes os russos étnicos tinham o direito de serem educados em seu próprio idioma, agora lhes foi imposto um idioma estranho a eles. A emissão de programação de rádio e TV em língua russa foi proibida. Manifestações foram chamadas com slogans como “Yanukovich é o nosso presidente!”. Para reprimir o descontentamento, o novo regime enviou tropas acompanhadas de paramilitares neonazistas, causando massacres como o da Casa dos Sindicatos em maio de 2014 em Odessa, onde cerca de 50 opositores foram queimados vivos. Os habitantes de Donetsk e Lugansk responderam organizando milícias populares e realizando referendos onde a maioria decidiu se separar da Ucrânia porque não queriam se sujeitar a um regime hostil que os oprimia e que já havia suprimido o movimento antigolpista em Odessa e Carcóvia pela força. Então a guerra estalou.

Viktor Yanukovich

Quando Zelensky subiu ao poder, a ditadura já estava consolidada. Os partidos de oposição, como o Partido das Regiões (o maior do país até o golpe) e o Partido Comunista (o segundo maior) não podiam se organizar livremente nem participar das eleições. Os cidadãos do Donbass que se recusavam a reconhecer o novo regime já eram considerados oficialmente terroristas e os que caíam prisioneiros eram torturados e mortos. Alexander Kharitonov foi preso. Lyubov Korsakova teve de fugir para a Rússia, onde mesmo assim foi vítima de um atentado. Conversei com os dois em 2022. São apenas dois entre milhares de vítimas da repressão no Donbass. Cerca de 15 mil pessoas morreram devido à agressão de Kiev desde 2014.

Os batalhões neonazistas, como o Azov, Aidar e Tornado, além de organizações de extrema-direita como o Praviy Sektor e o Svoboda, atuavam livremente e foram até incorporados ao Estado ucraniano – ao exército e à política oficial, com membros no parlamento. Enquanto isso, a oposição foi absolutamente exterminada. Em 2021, três grandes canais de TV opositores (112 Ukraina, NewsOne e ZIK) foram fechados. A censura afeta emissoras de rádio e TV, jornais impressos, sites e redes sociais, incluindo canais de Youtube. A censura é “digna dos piores regimes autoritários”, denunciou em 2023 a Federação Europeia de Jornalistas. A maior comunidade religiosa do país, a Igreja Ortodoxa Ucraniana, foi posta na ilegalidade pelo parlamento em outubro do ano passado.

Azov, batalhão neonazista

Hoje, além do Partido das Regiões e do Partido Comunista, estão na ilegalidade o Partido Socialista, Partido Socialista Progressista (de Kharitonov e Korsakova), a União de Forças de Esquerda, os Socialistas, Bloco de Oposição, Justiça e Desenvolvimento, Estado, OURS e o Bloco de Vladimir Saldo, entre outros. O SBU (a polícia política ucraniana) justifica os banimentos acusando esses partidos de terem “executado atividades anti-ucranianas, promovido a guerra e criado ameaças reais à soberania e à integridade territorial da Ucrânia”. Numerosos opositores ao regime e à guerra estão presos, como o pacifista Bogdan Syrotiuk e os irmãos comunistas Mikhail e Alexander Kononovich.

Apesar de todas essas medidas ditatoriais, da censura, da perseguição e prisão de opositores, da ilegalização de partidos políticos e de entidades religiosas e do predomínio de forças abertamente nazistas, a Ucrânia é considerada uma democracia pelos líderes imperialistas e pelo monopólio comunicacional do Ocidente. Todas essas evidentes violações às liberdades democráticas têm sido ocultadas ou, no máximo, minimizadas ao longo dos últimos dez anos.

A Freedom House, organização financiada pelo governo dos EUA, que realiza uma avaliação anual do estado da democracia do mundo, não vê nada de mal no banimento de uma dúzia de partidos opositores na Ucrânia e relativiza a censura à liberdade de expressão e de religião. O governo ucraniano não é tão culpado quanto a “invasão russa”, embora esta tenha ocorrido somente em 2022, enquanto nos oitos anos anteriores todas as liberdades já haviam sido suprimidas na Ucrânia.

O tópico mais recente da lista de arbitrariedades do regime ucraniano foi a expiração do mandato de Zelensky em 20 de maio sem que novas eleições tenham sido realizadas. A constituição ucraniana ordena que elas ocorram a cada cinco anos e, de fato, deveriam ter ocorrido em março deste ano. Contudo, o governo alega que a lei marcial aplicada desde fevereiro de 2022 não permite a realização de eleições enquanto estiver em vigor. Por isso as eleições parlamentares, que deveriam ter ocorrido em outubro de 2023, também foram adiadas indefinidamente.

Em geral, a cobertura internacional nos principais meios de imprensa do mundo se calou sobre esse assunto. As poucas matérias que citam a expiração do mandato de Zelensky argumentam que a lei marcial impede a realização de eleições. Essa é uma falsificação da legislação ucraniana. A constituição do país menciona os direitos e deveres do presidente e explica o funcionamento das eleições em muitos de seus artigos. O capítulo V, sobre a presidência do país, cita a possibilidade de saída do presidente antes do término de seu mandato, mas não há nada sobre a extensão do mandato presidencial.

Em sua única menção à expiração do mandato de Zelensky, a CNN exibiu uma conversa ao vivo entre a âncora Paula Newton e a correspondente em Kiev Nataliya Gumenyuk, na qual a última tenta justificar a extensão do mandato de Zelensky dizendo, entre outras coisas, que a constituição foi escrita em uma época em que ninguém imaginava que uma guerra aconteceria. Para a lei, ainda mais para a constituição de um país, o que vale é o que está escrito. Se a constituição prevê cinco anos de mandato presidencial e não prevê extensão do mandato, porque esta é inconstitucional.

A DW alemã consultou juristas ucranianos para interpretarem a constituição, ao invés de consultar a própria constituição ucraniana. Claro que esses juristas disseram que Zelensky pode continuar na presidência. Afinal, ele é o queridinho da imprensa internacional – porque é o queridinho do governo dos Estados Unidos. Zelensky pode prender opositores, fechar canais de TV, colocar partidos na ilegalidade, perseguir sacerdotes e massacrar populações inteiras na fronteira com a Rússia, mas é um campeão da democracia. Zelensky não é Maduro ou Ortega para ser achincalhado na imprensa internacional.

Sucursal da imprensa americana, a Rede Globo obviamente também teve de sair em defesa de Zelensky. O G1 publicou uma matéria que buscava justificar em cada parágrafo a continuidade inconstitucional do presidente ucraniano, enquanto o jornal O Globo afirmou que o questionamento da legitimidade de Zelensky não passa de “propaganda de guerra” da Rússia.

O ângulo unidirecional na cobertura da imprensa não é um acidente. A pauta foi entregue, como sempre, pelo Departamento de Estado dos EUA, com a seguinte orientação do secretário Antony Blinken, no começo do mês: as eleições ocorrerão “quando os ucranianos concordarem que as condições permitem sua realização”. Todos que entenderam o recado sabem que Blinken quis dizer “quando nós (os americanos) concordarmos”.

Não é somente pela não realização das eleições de março deste ano que Zelensky é um presidente ilegítimo. Todo presidente ucraniano desde 2014, quando Viktor Yanukovich foi derrubado por um golpe de extrema-direita, legal e constitucionalmente é um presidente ilegítimo. O regime nascido do golpe de 2014 é uma ditadura e o presidente é escolhido entre os administradores dessa ditadura, sem verdadeira oposição. Mas Zelensky parece estar inaugurando um novo capítulo na história da ditadura ucraniana: ao romper com a formalidade eleitoral, ele tenta se perpetuar no poder. Isso certamente causará discórdia com outros setores do regime, que querem sacá-lo do poder sem modificar a estrutura ditatorial deste regime.

Mas como é o queridinho dos Estados Unidos, da União Europeia e da OTAN, e como estes são quem realmente comanda a ditadura ucraniana, ele deverá ter algum sucesso ao menos momentâneo. O imperialismo precisa manter Zelensky à cabeça do governo, do contrário uma mudança poderia desestabilizar ainda mais o regime, o que afetaria o desempenho do exército na linha de frente e poderia antecipar uma derrota militar para a Rússia. E a derrota para a Rússia seria o pior dos pesadelos do imperialismo, que já deixou pública a sua disposição de lutar “até o último ucraniano”.

Eduardo Vasco


Eduardo Vasco é jornalista especializado em política internacional, correspondente de guerra e autor dos livros-reportagem “O povo esquecido: uma história de genocídio e resistência no Donbass” e “Bloqueio: a guerra silenciosa contra Cuba”.

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On May 24, the Ukrainian military launched drone strikes on the Voronezh-DM strategic over-the-horizon long-range radar in Armavir in the Krasnodar region. The radar antennas were reportedly damaged.

This facility has nothing to do with the ongoing military operations in Ukraine. Over-the-horizon long-range radar stations of the Voronezh-type are part of the Missile Attack Warning System aimed to detect the launch of ballistic nuclear missiles. This is an element of Russian strategic security, space defense at great distances. It operates in a range of up to 6,000 km and up to 8,000 km in near space, simultaneously monitoring up to 500 different objects.

The Voronezh-DM in Armavir partially controls the territory towards the Indian Ocean, Southern and Central Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa and the Middle East.

On May 26, there was another attack on the Russian missile warning system that ended in failure. An unidentified drone crashed in the Orenburg region. The incident occurred near the city of Orsk, where another Voronezh-M type radar station is located nearby, it controls the sector from the Taklamakan desert to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

It was also revealed that the target of the attack on Crimea on May 23 was the Center for Deep Space Communications, involved in the management of the GLONASS satellite system. The facility located near the city of Alushta was reportedly damaged by 4 US-made ATACMS missiles.

Against this background, it is worth expecting attempts to disable another Russian Voronezh-M type radar station in the Leningrad region. In addition, by the end of 2024, the upgraded Voronezh-type radar station near Sevastopol should be put into operation.

Despite attempts by some European leaders to hide their involvement in the escalation, such attacks are not an independent initiative of Kiev. They were launched by NATO military with NATO missiles, with the reconnaissance support of NATO aircraft.

Kiev is but a puppet, fulfilling the orders of the Western warmongers who are eager to inflict a strategic defeat on Moscow.

These strikes took place after the launch of Russia’s exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. NATO moved to a new level of escalation and responded with strikes against the Russian nuclear missile shield.

Without timely detection and warning systems in Russia, an effective retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States and its satellites is impossible. Amid the failures on the frontlines in Ukraine, a defeated NATO is trying to overcome Moscow’s nuclear argument in order to ensure the possibility of a preemptive, disarming massive strike against Russia. These are not random strikes, but rather, a systematic attempt to weaken the Russian Missile Attack Warning System, which is putting the world on the brink of nuclear war.


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Russia is producing artillery shells about three times faster than Ukraine’s Western allies and at about a quarter the cost, according to an analysis published by Sky News.

This lack of artillery highlights the wider weapon issues the Kiev regime is facing, with the desperation epitomised by the illegal use of chemical weapons against Russian forces.

The figures published by management consultancy firm Bain & Company and reported by Sky News highlight the major challenge the Ukrainian Armed Forces faces, which are increasingly dependent on Western equipment and ammunition to hold lines of contact with Russian forces.

According to the investigation, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other European allies sought to increase ammunition production to guarantee supply flows to Ukraine. However, their capacity to manufacture artillery ammunition still falls short of Russia’s. In fact, Russia maintains dominance despite facing US-led sanctions and competing with the West’s combined economic effort that theoretically should surpass Moscow.

As a result, the article highlights, Ukrainian soldiers on the front line say that for every shot they fired at Russian positions, Russian troops responded with about five projectiles back.

Sky News reported that Russian factories are expected to manufacture or refurbish around 4.5 million artillery shells this year, compared to a combined production of around 1.3 million shells in European countries and the US. Furthermore, the average production cost per 155 mm projectile produced by NATO countries was around $4,000 per unit, although it varies significantly across countries. This is compared to a reported Russian production cost of around $1,000 per 152mm projectile used by the Russian Armed Forces.

However, artillery is just one of the many shortages faced by Ukraine, which makes continuing the conflict very difficult for Kiev’s forces. In this sense, Moscow has expressed its willingness for a peaceful and negotiated exit from the conflict that has already claimed thousands of lives. Kiev continues to reject these advancements.

Moscow has repeatedly warned against Western weapons supplies to Kiev, saying foreign convoys carrying weapons would be legitimate targets for its forces once they cross the border. Furthermore, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the United States and NATO of already being directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine, not only through the supply of weapons but also through the training of personnel in several European countries.

With the lack of weapons creating an increasingly desperate situation for Kiev, Washington is allowing the regime to use toxic substances and chemical agents against Russian forces in violation of international law.

According to Igor Kirillov, chief of Russia’s Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops, Washington is developing new chemical munitions and systems for using chemical weapons against Russian troops, in addition to modernising existing ones.

“We are talking about mines, artillery shells and tank rounds; at least $10 million is allocated annually for their purchase in the United States,” he said.

The representative of the Russian ministry also said in the press release that Moscow has registered and confirmed cases of use by the Ukrainian Armed Forces of ammunition containing irritating chemical substances.

“For example, US-made gas grenades with substance CS [alonitrile] were used against Russian military personnel in the Krasny Liman and Boguslav directions,” Kirillov added.

The use of such weapons is a demonstration of Kiev’s desperation, which is compounded by the issue of Ukraine no longer having the capabilities to create weapons nor the capacity to establish such industry on its territory since Russia would immediately attack and destroy it before it could produce or deploy any weapon to be used against Russian soldiers. Yet, despite not being able to produce weapons, including enough artillery, Ukraine also uses what little it does have on attacks against Russia’s Belgorod oblast, which achieves nothing towards a Ukrainian victory and only terrorises civilians.

Due to Ukraine’s incessant attacks on Russian civilians and using chemical weapons on Russian troops, Moscow fears that these chemical weapons could then eventually be launched on Belgorod oblast.

Russian President Vladimir Putin clarified on May 28 that the Russian military has started creating a buffer zone between Russia and Ukraine after recalling that six months ago, he had publicly stated that if Ukraine continued to strike residential areas, Russia would be forced to create a buffer zone.

“We have moved to this,” Putin said.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has previously stated that “Ukraine has the right” to attack “military targets on Russian territory,” which has encouraged the Kiev regime to target civilian infrastructure in Belgorod oblast. The NATO chief also said that “some allies” have lifted corresponding restrictions on strikes, and he believes that “it is time to lift other restrictions” as well.

The reckless encouragement of Stoltenberg will only prolong the conflict as the Kiev regime remains stubborn, or more likely delusional, in the belief that somehow the superior Russian military can be overcome despite the lack of artillery, other important weapons, and manpower. Nonetheless, Stoltenberg has remained silent on Ukraine’s use of chemical weapons.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Russia’s heavy machine gun used in the 2022 operations against Ukraine (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Free Speech Crisis at Our Universities

May 29th, 2024 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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Introducing the video of our historic discussion at the Lethbridge Public Library of Grave Errors in the Conduct of Our Institutions of Supposedly Higher Learning.

For added background, please see my article Grave Error on Alleged Mass Graves in Canada.


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This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from the author

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In the last several decades, the Russian military has effectively made quantum leaps in developing and deploying advanced electronic warfare (EW) systems. Very few countries (if any) are close to Moscow’s prowess when it comes to jamming the opponent’s advanced precision-guided munitions (PGMs) and similar weapons, particularly drones.

Estimates vary, but some sources suggest that at least 80% of the FPV drones used by the Kiev regime forces fail precisely because of Russian EW systems, while much of the rest are picked off by air defenses. FPV drones and similar loitering munitions are an important segment of the Neo-Nazi junta’s asymmetric warfare approach, as its forces have very few ways to match the Kremlin’s conventional power. The only reason they’re still able to hold (to a certain degree, at least) is the presence of NATO’s extensive ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) capabilities.

However, the political West has been crossing the line, particularly in recent times, as its involvement is becoming so dangerous that it could cause a disaster of global proportions.

And yet, even the strategic capabilities of the United States, its vassals and satellite states are being diminished due to Russian EW.

This also includes advanced AI systems that the Pentagon has been trying to use against Moscow’s forces.

Still, these are all support systems that are not crucial to the situation on the battlefield. On the other hand, artillery and PGMs are. Precisely these NATO-sourced weapons in the Kiev regime’s service are now in danger of becoming virtually obsolete. This includes both the “Excalibur” GPS-guided artillery shells and HIMARS MLRS, as well as the JDAM bombs. The previous two are particularly affected, oftentimes severely reducing their battlefield effectiveness (now at a mere 10% of the initial accuracy).

Military sources report that the US completely ceased deliveries of “Excalibur” shells in late 2023 after Russian EW systems essentially rendered them obsolete, turning the previously effective artillery PGM into an extremely expensive “dumb” shell that’s actually even worse than regular artillery munitions. This has ruined the “Excalibur’s” initial reputation as a “one shot, one kill” weapon.

The already overhyped HIMARS is also suffering, with military sources quoting senior Neo-Nazi junta military officials who lamented that “everything ended, the Russians deployed [EW], disabled satellite signals and HIMARS became completely ineffective”. This is forcing the Kiev regime troops to use very expensive PGMs that are already in short supply against lower-priority targets. This defeats the very purpose of various NATO-sourced PGMs that were initially touted as supposed “game changers”.

As for air-launched PGMs, the JDAM is also severely affected, as previously mentioned, with the Neo-Nazi junta military officers criticizing it for “non-resistance to jamming”. Namely, Russian EW systems are causing these bombs to miss targets by upwards of 1.2 km, an atrocious result for a weapon that’s supposed to be a PGM. The successful jamming of JDAMs is a huge problem for the Kiev regime’s air force, particularly as the few jets it has are exposed to Russian long-range air defenses, as well as its world-class air superiority fighters and interceptors only to deliver a US-made bomb that will miss its mark by more than a kilometer. On the other hand, Moscow’s new UMPK modules that turn old “dumb” bombs into PGMs work flawlessly, resulting in massive casualties for the Kiev regime. All this is severely exacerbating its already horrible battlefield performance, as seen in the Kharkov oblast (region).

However, to make matters worse, the successful jamming of PGMs is not the only issue for the Neo-Nazi junta forces.

Namely, Russian EW is now also seriously disrupting their communication systems, diminishing their ability to effectively coordinate units on the battlefield.

This also includes the successful jamming of SpaceX’s Starlink network that’s used to enable strategic communications for the Kiev regime forces.

This is also affecting their ability to collect battlefield intelligence and even launch drone strikes. Military sources report that Russian forces have been able to cause “mass outages of Starlink”, which is “seriously slowing down frontline troops’ ability to communicate”, often forcing them to rely on calls and text messages for communication. In turn, this exposes them to interception by the Russian military’s ISR assets, further disrupting the Neo-Nazi junta’s ability to conduct any sort of battlefield operations.

The political West is particularly concerned that even NATO itself would be unable to use its most advanced systems that it’s so reliant on against a technologically sophisticated adversary such as Moscow. Worse yet for the belligerent power pole, the Kremlin is almost certainly already sharing this invaluable know-how with its global partners, including China, North Korea, Iran, etc. This will not only strengthen their defense capabilities, but also enhance the offensive potential of their militaries. In turn, the proliferation of such advanced EW systems will surely disrupt the US/NATO’s ability to conduct its aggression against the world. However, the political West brought this upon itself. Instead of giving up on its quest for global dominance, the US-led belligerent power pole is escalating its enmity towards anyone remotely independent. This is precisely why the world is looking for new ways to defend itself.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine mandates continue to kill firefighters and no one is calling it out. 

Here are 72 firefighter sudden or unexpected deaths since Oct. 2023:

May 13, 2024 – RI – 41 year old Cipriano Massimo Illiano died suddenly on May 13, 2024.

May 10, 2024 – Harbor Beach, MI – 52 year old Trevor Leigh Koehn died suddenly on May 10, 2024. 

May 10, 2024 – McCandless, PA – 51 year old Daniel Stack died unexpectedly on May 10, 2024.

May 9, 2024 – Texas – 18 year old Jakob Perez, While participating in citizen’s fire academy training, he collapsed with cardiac arrest and is fighting for his life.

May 8, 2024 – 54 year old Joseph Edward Bogdanski, died suddenly on May 8, 2024. He was a US Navy Veteran and was a firefighter for the Waterbury Fire Department.

May 6, 2024 – Wyomissing, PA – 43 year old Captain Derrick Nester, died unexpectedly at home on May 6, 2024 after a shift.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, Nester worked an overnight shift on May 5 during which he responded to numerous calls, the last of which was a residential structure fire.

Nester, 43, returned home from duty but did not return to the department on Monday. He was found deceased at his home by his fire chief from an apparent heart attack, according to the U.S. Fire Administration.

May 4, 2024 – Moose Lake, MN – 60 year old Robert Hoffman died unexpectedly at his home on May 4, 2024.

May 2, 2024 – Murfreesboro, TN – 45 year old Firefighter and Fire Captain David Bricker died suddenly on May 2, 2024 from a medical emergency.


April 25, 2024 – Rockland County, NY – 57 year old firefighter and school bus driver Matthew Duffy died suddenly on April 25, 2024.

April 16, 2024 – San Francisco firefighter Stephen Silvestrich died unexpectedly at his home on April 16, 2024 after his tour of duty.

April 16, 2024 – 59 year old John Norris Raisler died suddenly and unexpectedly while training for this upcoming fire season.

April 16, 2024 – Lake Charles, LA – 21 year old firefighter Cole Allen Chapman died suddenly on April 16, 2024.

April 15, 2024 – NYC Firefighter 36 year old Derek Floyd, suffered a cardiac arrest and died on April 15, 2024. He was a US Marine.

Click here to read the full article on COVID Intel.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Senator Lindsay Graham was bursting with contempt for the International Criminal Court (ICC) when he grilled Secretary of State Blinken at a May 21 Congressional hearing. Wagging his finger, he warned that, if the ICC gets away with issuing arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, “we are next.”

Image: Israel PM Bibi Netanyahu and US Senator Lindsey Graham (Source: The Unz Review)

The audience at the hearing, stacked with CODEPINK pro-Palestine supporters, burst out in applause at the notion of the US being hauled before the world’s highest court.

“You can clap all you want,” an angry Graham retorted, “but they tried to come after our soldiers in Afghanistan.” Graham was thankful that in the Afghan case “reason prevailed” when the case was dropped, adding that the US must level sanctions against the ICC “not only to protect our friends in Israel but to protect ourselves.”

Graham was referring to the 2019 efforts of former ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to hold both the Taliban and the US accountable for war crimes in Afghanistan. When Graham said that “reason prevailed,” he really meant that US thuggery prevailed because the Trump administration brazenly imposed sanctions against ICC officials, denying them visas to the US and freezing their assets in US banks. President Biden lifted the sanctions but did so with the tacit understanding that the court would not resume the probe of US crimes in Afghanistan. The message from both Democratic and Republican presidents was clear: Do not dare hold the US to the same standards you use for others.

The International Criminal Court was founded in 1998 as the result of a lifetime’s work by an American (and Jewish) international lawyer, Benjamin Ferencz, rooted in his experience as an investigator and chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg tribunals after the Second World War. Ben passed away in 2023 at the age of 103, but the universal jurisdiction that the court is exercising in this case is the fruition of his life’s work to hold war criminals accountable under international law, no matter what country they are from or who their victims are.

Enter Israel. The ICC has been building a case against Israel for nearly a decade. A recent blockbuster investigation by the Guardian and two Israeli-based news outlets revealed a shocking almost decade-long secret campaign against the court by Israeli intelligence agencies, who surveilled, hacked, pressured, smeared and threatened ICC officials in an effort to derail the court’s inquiries.

Despite the pressure, on May 20, ICC prosecutor Karim Khan made his request for Israeli and Hamas arrest warrants. Among the charges against the Israeli officials are extermination, using starvation as a method of warfare, willfully causing great suffering, and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population.

Prosecutor Karim Khan’s request has now gone to a panel of three judges who will determine in the coming weeks whether the request is granted. But pro-Israel forces in the US are trying their best to throw sand in the wheels of justice with threats of new sanctions.

One ultimatum already came from Senator Tom Cotton and 11 other Republican senators in a toxic April 24 letter.

“Target Israel and we will target you,” the senators signaled to the ICC. “If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.” The letter concluded with a hair-raising: “You have been warned.”

The Biden administration has responded to the ICC by flip flopping like a fish on dry land. On May 20, the White House put out a statement calling the ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders “outrageous”, adding

“Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas.  We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called the request “shameful.” At a hearing on May 22, he told Senator Graham that he welcomed working with him on efforts to sanction the ICC.

But on May 28, National Security Council Communications Advisor John Kirby said at a White House press briefing, “We don’t believe that sanctions against the ICC is the right approach here.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who spoke after Kirby, reiterated that message. She said that legislation against the ICC “is not something the administration is going to support” and that “sanctions on the ICC are not an effective or appropriate tool to address U.S. concerns.”

This new position from the White House will make it easier for more Democrats to say no to the bills that will be introduced as soon as Congress returns from recess on June 3. Already, dueling statements are coming out from Congressional members. While Senate Majority Leader Schumer called the ICC appeal “reprehensible” and Democrat Joe Manchin joined with Republicans to call for visa bans for ICC officials and sanctions on the international body, Senator Bernie Sanders defended the court, saying,

“The ICC is doing its job. It’s doing what it is supposed to do. We cannot only apply international law when it is convenient.”

On the House side, progressives voiced support for the ICC.  Rep. Cori Bush said,

“Seeking arrest warrants for human rights abuses is an important step towards accountability. It’s shameful for U.S. officials to threaten the ICC while continuing to send weapons that enable war crimes.”

Rep. Mark Pocan gave a gutsy response, saying,

“If Netanyahu comes to address Congress, I would be more than glad to show the ICC the way to the House floor to issue that warrant.”

While most Republicans and pro-Israel hawks in the Democratic Party will likely join hands to hammer the international court, President Biden may ultimately feel pressured to adopt the position best articulated by Senator Van Hollen.

Image: Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland (From the Public Domain)

“It is fine to express opposition to a possible judicial action, but it is absolutely wrong to interfere in a judicial matter by threatening judicial officers, their family members and their employees with retribution. This thuggery is something befitting the mafia, not U.S. senators.”

It is also not befitting the White House, especially one that has been such a willing partner to Israel’s war crimes.


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Medea Benjamin, cofounder of the peace group CODEPINK, is coauthor, with David Swanson, of the forthcoming NATO: What You Need to Know. She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Video: Israel + Ukraine = WWIII? Col. Douglas Macgregor

May 29th, 2024 by Douglas Macgregor

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First published con May 13, 2024

Col. Douglas Macgregor talks with Judge Andrew Napolitano over the trajectory of the Ukraine war and Netanyahu’s genocidal war over Gaza.


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When a leading economist of the establishment declares that capitalism is going through a severe crisis, the situation is grave and so is the scare. Below you can read about a razor-sharp analysis of how the world is doing. 


Image: Martin Wolf (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Wolf in 2015

Martin Wolf (1946) is one of the world’s most authoritative economists. He has worked at the World Bank in the past. Today he is chief economics commentator of the influential Financial Times newspaper and a Forum Fellow of the World Economic Forum, which brings together the world’s top elite. 

In his early days, Wolf was an ardent neoliberal, but after the great financial crisis of 2008, he radically changed his mind and became one of the most influential advocates of Keynesianism. This is an economic doctrine which argues that the market should be regulated and that the state has an important role to play in the functioning of the economy.

Existential Crisis

Unsurprisingly, Martin Wolf is a fierce defender of capitalism. According to him, there is “no credible system for organizing production and exchange in a complex modern economy”.

But that system is in crisis. It is a serious, indeed existential, crisis. The current state of affairs is “deeply worrying” and “restoring health to the Western system is among our biggest challenges”. That is why he wrote his latest book, The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism. With his opus magnum, he wants to contribute to saving this system.

According to him, the crisis is unfolding on two fronts. Today the political system that he calls “democracy”, is challenged by authoritarian alternatives. Here he is referring to Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Brazil under Bolsonaro, India and especially the US under Trump, among others.

The economic system, that he calls “market capitalism,” is being challenged by state-led alternatives. Here he mainly thinks of China.

The situation has become more acute due to “the financial crisis, the poor quality of subsequent political leadership and the inadequate response of many Western democracies to COVID-19”.

Both market capitalism and liberal democracy are sick and the balance between them is also broken. The neoliberalism of the past forty years has led to “economic failures: slow growth, rising inequality, loss of good jobs”.

In addition, and partly as a result of neoliberalism, we are dealing with a “mild but protracted democratic recession”. There is widespread dissatisfaction, not so much with specific parties or governments, “but rather with democratic regimes themselves”.

There is the bleak observation that a fifth of the world’s population lives in a country “where less than a quarter of the citizens are satisfied with their democracy”. And this is unfortunately not only the case in the poorest countries, but also in the prosperous western countries.

Worldwide, “trust in democratic institutions, the global market economy, and political and economic elites has faded”. “The legitimacy of any system always depends on performance.” Hence, because of its “success”, today China is “the most credible alternative to democratic capitalism”.

Capitalism therefore faces very serious challenges. Wolf compares the current crisis situation to that of the first half of the twentieth century: “we see fundamental shifts in global power”, there were massive crises (Spanish flu, hyperinflation, world wars, the Great Depression) and the “collapse of democracies and the rise of authoritarianism”. 

On top of that, today we are faced with “the risks of nuclear war and runaway climate change”.

According to this top economist, this is “a moment of great fear and faint hope. We must recognize the danger and fight now if we are to turn hope into reality. If we fail, the light of political and personal freedom might once again disappear from the world.” His book wants to be a contribution to that fight.

Bankruptcy of Neoliberalism

According to Martin Wolf, the economic course of the past forty years has created a real mess.


First on the economic front. Austerity and taxation in favor of the wealthy have increased inequality, which in turn has a negative impact on growth[1]. Moreover, all high-income countries have seen a sharp fall in productivity and a process of deindustrialization, resulting in a loss of “relatively highly paid and secure jobs for less-educated men”.

The global economy faced macroeconomic instability. In one country there were large savings surpluses while in another there were serious current account deficits. “Excess debt” arose as a result of “earlier efforts to manage in the context of structurally deficient demand”.

Liberalization and deregulation led multinationals to look for the cheapest tax rates. This created “a race to the bottom on corporate tax rates”. In addition, there were many “tax loopholes”, which allowed multinationals to happily evade taxes.

All this costs rich countries about 1 per cent of GDP annually. These piles of capital are mostly parked in tax havens. Wolf cites a study indicating that 10 per cent of global manufacturing is held offshore. That is a huge amount.

We also witnessed the rise of “rentier capitalism” over the past 40 years, characterized by an explosion of global financial transactions and speculation. “Finance ceased to be a handmaiden of the firm and turned into its mistress”, he said. This “financialization” of the economy ” wastes both human and real resources”. This financialization ” also led directly to the financial crises of 2007-2012″.


The consequences of the neoliberal course are also very detrimental on a political level. The internationalization of the economy puts pressure on democratic politics, which is organized nationally.

Wolf agrees with Jan Zielonka who “condemns the transformation of democracy into technocracy, with ever greater powers delegated to ‘non-majoritarian bodies – central banks, constitutional courts, regulatory agencies.” The European Union is a good example of this.

As a result, large parts of policy are withdrawn from democratic debate. “The more the economic development disrupts that national identity, the more fraught politics, and so economics, too, will become, and the harder it becomes to maintain the relationship between market capitalism and democracy.”

The area where elected representatives still wield decision-making power has become increasingly smaller. As a result, citizens feel that they are no longer masters of their political fates. And that is not a reassuring conclusion.


The biggest mess is at the social level. Neoliberalism has created a veritable gulf between rich and poor, and it is widening. Wolf refers to a 2022 study by the OECD, the club of rich countries, which states that income inequality is at its highest level for the past half century. In addition, “Uncertainty and fears of social decline and exclusion have reached the middle class in many societies”.

In addition, working conditions are very insecure and poor. Perhaps a quarter of the adult population belongs to the ‘precariat’: “a status that offers no sense of secure occupational identity and few, if any, entitlements”. Partly due to the waning influence of the trade unions, this “cast much of the old, relatively well-paid and predominantly male working class adrift, with huge political consequences”.

Wolf speaks in this context of ‘status anxiety’, the fear of falling down to the bottom of the social hierarchy. This mainly occurs among those who are not at the very bottom of the social ladder. “In Western countries, ‘white’ people with relatively modest levels of education feel threatened by racial minorities and immigrants, and men … feel threatened by the rising status of women.”

Financial Crisis and Pandemic

This economic, political and social malaise that had been building up in previous decades, was exacerbated by the financial crisis and the pandemic.

The financial crisis and austerity policies that followed were very negative for real incomes, employment and the government budget. This crisis also shook trust in the wisdom and probity of those running the financial and political world.

“The executives who drove their banks (and the world economy) into the ground, before the global financial crisis, mostly walked off with large fortunes, while tens of millions of innocent people’s lives were ruined and governments were forced to provide hug bailouts.” Only one banker has been jailed in the US and none in most other countries.

The pandemic came on top of that and amplified the many problems inherent to the financial crisis. The disease also caused fierce political conflicts. The climate of fear, anxiety and stress increased support for political extremism. “When frightened and insecure, humans go angrily tribal. It is as simple – and as dangerous – as that.”

Populism on the Rise

The ruins left behind by neoliberalism undermine democracy: “The greater the inequality, insecurity, feeling of abandonment, fear of unmanageable change, and sense of injustice, the more vulnerable to collapse the fragile balance that makes democratic capitalism work will become.”

Partly because of “the failure of orthodox politics to deliver stable prosperity to the bulk of the population over a long period”, political extremes are gaining momentum. People are hostile to the elites, including the politicians, and according to Wolf, that hostility may frequently well be justified.

Such a situation leads to a penchant for populist and autocratic leaders. “If a large portion of the public has withdrawn its consent from existing rulers … then the public may turn to someone who promises to sweep this elite away.” They then choose “self-confident right-wing populists in place of old elites”.

Proportionally, this is clearly more the case among the less educated. The less attached to traditional politics and parties, “the more likely they are to be captured by a successful demagogue” or “a strong leader who can identify domestic enemies and who promises to do something about them without worrying overmuch about legalities”. 

A world in evolution, a freer, more equal and culturally diverse world is experienced by them as confusing, directionless, lonely and uncertain. Thus arises the desire “for an authoritative direction of how they must act to secure their place, as individuals and a people, in that world.”[2]

No wonder populist parties in Europe have grown strongly since the financial crisis. In 2007, 15 percent of people in Northern Europe voted for a populist party. In 2019 that was already 45 percent. In Southern Europe there was also a tripling: from 7 to 20 percent. (The figures date from before Meloni came to power in Italy).

Deliberate Strategy

The malaise outlined above is an ideal breeding ground for populism, but the switch of the electorate in that direction not only happens spontaneously, but is also “the consequence of a specific elite political strategy”. In other words, populist voting behavior is created and driven. It is a deliberate strategy of (part of) the establishment to engage in crisis management and even profit from it.

“Such a pluto-populist system requires opinion formers and propagandists to justify, defend and promote it.” Christian churches can be very useful in this, but the ‘new’ and ‘old’ media are also very important. For example, Robert Murdoch’s empire was an important factor in Trump’s election. In Europe, too, you see how radical right-wing figures can count on significant media support.[3]

In any case, Trump had “a successful program for welding middle-class and poorer whites to the interests of a sizable part of the commercial elite.” But we see this program at work in many other democracies as well, “namely, splitting the less well-off by their racial, ethnic or cultural identities”.

And racism works. “It plugs taps into dark aspects of the human character: the search for identity and dominance by “othering” people. What could make that easier than visible difference, such as color, however genetically trivial it evidently is?”

Nor is it a coincidence that the resistance of right-wing populism is directed against the “academic, bureaucratic and cultural elites” and not “economic and financial ones”. This is a convenient way of channeling the unease and anti-establishment sentiment in a direction that leaves the interests and privileges of the upper class intact.

In this way, class struggle is replaced by cultural struggle and identity politics. This is convenient for the economic elite.

Why to the Right?

Wolf asks why right-wing populists are more successful than left-wing parties in the current context. He distinguishes three reasons for this. First of all, the established left-wing parties owe their failures largely to themselves. In the past, they more or less adopted neoliberal policies and “did not put forward any fundamentally different prospectus from what had been on offer”. It was also more and more highly educated people who predominated in those parties. As a result, part of their classic constituency feels “abandoned by traditional left-of-center parties”.

Second, the working class has been weakened: labor has become more atomized and the rate of unionization has been reduced. The unions are no longer “the powerful voices of the working class” and that makes it difficult to roll out left-wing politics.

Third, “the collapse of communism”—by which he refers to the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc—has eroded belief in a left-wing alternative. Wolf thinks that today’s workers do not believe they will benefit from an eventual leftist “upheaval”.

Those are three strong arguments, but he forgets to mention three essential things. First, there is the extremely important role of the media in channeling the discontent to the right. The mainstream media are almost entirely in the hands of large capital groups. They give the right and even the far right preferential or flattering treatment while the outspoken left is reviled or silenced. Just look at how Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders were demolished in the media.

In a similar way, the right and also the extreme right can count on support from the business world. The left can only count on financial support if it disowns or weakens its own program sufficiently and does not touch the foundations of the balance of power and the distribution of income.

Finally, any leftist project that emerges globally invariably faces hostility and sabotage. The left-wing project of the Greek government Syriza was simply crushed by the European Central Bank turning off the money tap. Another example is the disastrous economic sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela. 

Differences from the 1930s

Once a populist leader or party is in power, everything is done to expand that power unbridled. This is done by undermining the authority of “arbitrators” (judges, election officials, tax officials), obstructing or eliminating opponents – especially through media control -, changing the constitution or electoral law and exploiting a crisis or even creating it in order to have a reason for “entitling politicians to emergency powers”.

It is what we saw at work in Poland and in Hungary today. It is also what we saw in part under Trump and what he intends to do in a second term.

We then end up in what Wolf describes as “fascism light”. He does see two clear differences with the 1920s and 1930s. Hitler and Mussolini were brought to power by “structured political parties. In both cases, the party was a quasi-military organization”. Contemporary populism is “much less disciplined.”

A second difference is the role of the media, and especially the rise of social media. Traditional media such as newspapers and radio were more centralized, in the hands of the fascists they were “one-way media”. Social media, on the other hand, are more decentralized and therefore less controllable and deployable.

But that also means you can do little “against the viral spread of dangerous nonsense, as the rise of the anti-vaccination movement has demonstrated”. It is “far easier to spread ‘rumor’ than before … and far easier than ever before for the unqualified and unprincipled to influence public opinion”. Wolf notes that it was the populists who have used the latest technology most effectively in recent years.


Forty years of neoliberal policies have brought us to the edge of the abyss. That is why “we need a radical and courageous reform of the capitalist economy”. Wolf wants to go back to the ‘welfare state’ from the 1950s to the 1980s and is also inspired by the ‘New Deal’ in the US (1930s). “As it turns out, the agenda of the founding fathers of the post-World War II states still remains relevant. We must return to it. For that to happen, politics must change, too.”

In the view of the present author however, such a return to that period is very idealistic and unfeasible because such a policy was possible then because the balance of power allowed it. After WWII the right was discredited, the world of labor was very strong and the establishment in the West was scared of communism.

Wolf articulates this historical reality as follows:

“Given the challenge from communism, the major political parties realized that the survival of democracy depended on sustaining the loyalties of the huge, well-organized, and politically powerful industrial working class.”

Because of that balance of power, and only because of that, the elites were prepared to make far-reaching concessions to the labor movement in order to avoid the danger of a left-wing revolution. Today, that balance of power is completely reversed, and a return to the post-war situation is utopian as long as this balance of power is not changed.

Apart from that, Wolf’s proposals are interesting in that regard and even quite radical for someone close to the establishment. This indicates that he and part of the elite are well frightened.

For him, returning to the New Deal agenda and the program of a welfare state presupposes a number of things. First, the power of the market must be limited. “If they are to work well, both economically and socially, markets need careful design and regulation and must not be dominated by a small number of oligarchs.” In this he is pretty radical: “There is no doubt that the ‘too-big-to-fail-or-to-jail’ bank must either be ended or chained.”

Wolf believes that the political influence of companies should be limited, just think of lobbying. In addition, trade unions must provide a counterweight to political and economic power.

The state itself must play a central role. It must ensure that companies are subject to competition, that the population is well educated, that the infrastructure is first class and that technological research is adequately funded. “A prosperous society requires a high level of high-quality investment.”

It is obvious to Wolf that in many countries the state will need more resources to provide good education and health care and also because the population is ageing and will continue to age. That is why taxes will have to rise just about everywhere to keep up with current standards.

This also implies a radical tax shift. According to Wolf, “rich people do not pay much if any tax”. “The Trumps, the Zuckerbergs and the Buffetts of this world pay lower taxes than teachers and secretaries.” That has to change. Wolf argues for “an ongoing wealth tax, as both Norway and Switzerland have done for a long time”. He calculates that a wealth tax of 1 percent could generate income of up to 2 percent of GDP.

These proposals from Wolf are all okay, but they don’t stand a chance within the current balance of power.

In the spirit of Plato, Wolf attaches great importance to “the elites”. “Without decent and competent elites, democracy will perish.” He refers to the “predatory, short-sighted and amoral elites” in countries such as “Hungary, Poland, and even the UK and US”.

Competent management and high-quality bureaucracy are needed. It is essential to attract high-quality people for this and to pay them adequately.

According to Wolf, the electoral system needs a thorough overhaul. He is particularly keen on the way current representative democracy functions. He describes the current elected officials as “often ambitious, unprincipled, fanatical, unbalanced and, not least unrepresentative people who fill representative elected bodies”. They work with “manipulative campaigns, made more damaging by contemporary information technology”.

He makes a number of proposals to strengthen the political system. He is thinking of a “House of Merit”,[4] a system of drawing lots to appoint parliamentarians, a jury of experts, and referenda. There should also be a ban on political donations by companies or foreigners to political parties. In the present author’s view, the proposals are not only unconvincing, they will not really address the fundamental problems we are struggling with (see below).

The media must be revitalized. Above all, there must be a fight against blatant disinformation, both in parts of the “old media” and in the “powerful social media”. Wolf puts forward a number of proposals to this end.

Wolf advocates the use of high-quality public service broadcasters. He wants a restriction on political advertising, including on social media. He favors government support for the media to maintain the diversity of highly qualified news sources. Anonymous comments and messages should be eliminated and stricter control is needed on companies such as Facebook by means of higher fines and supervision of the algorithms.

These are rather ‘innocent, benevolent’ proposals, but even those have little chance of success with the current balance of power.

A final proposal for the restoration of democracy is a recognition that it needs good citizenship. “If a democratic political community is to thrive, there must be an overarching sense of identity”. It is about a “mutual commitment that is expressed as patriotism”.

Patriotism is “devotion to a particular place and particular way of life, which one believes is the best in the world but has no wish to force upon other people”. In this it differs from nationalism, which is “inseparable from the desire for power”.[5]

For Wolf, patriotism and civic virtue are two sides of the same coin. Civic virtue is “the understanding that citizens have obligations to one another. … A society that lacks such virtues risks to become feral and disordered”.

“For the vast majority of ordinary people, citizenship is a source of pride, security and identity.” According to Wolf, a major mistake of traditional elites was “their contempt for patriotism, particularly working-class patriotism “. By the way the same applies to the traditional left, which often lumps nationalism and patriotism together. In any case, Wolf’s arguments regarding this issue are worth considering.


The opus magnum of this top economist is very interesting because it contains almost all the ingredients of a razor-sharp, materialistic analysis of contemporary society. He unravels the totally lopsided power relations that are the cause of the inequality or the dysfunction of the political system.

The problem is that he does not carry his analysis through or is unable to do so consequently, because he would then have to question capitalism as such. And it is precisely the capitalist system he wants to save. 

For a way out of the current crisis of capitalism, therefore, he ultimately resorts to moralistic or idealistic proposals. For instance, he argues “that a society built on greed cannot stand. Other moral values of duty, fairness, responsibility, and decency must permeate a successful society. Yet these values … must permeate the market economy itself”.

He expects a lot from the morality of the economic and political elites: “Liberal democracy … depends ultimately on truthfulness and trustworthiness in those in positions of responsibility”.

We already pointed out the utopian and idealistic character of wanting to return to the welfare state. At times his idealism borders on the naive. Two examples: “There are indeed problems with the aims of the corporation and the model of corporate governance in which shareholder interests and power are dominant.” “But why people of immeasurable wealth should fight so hard not to pay taxes is beyond the understanding of any reasonable person.”

Profit maximization based on privately owned production and through the appropriation of the surplus value of labor however is the essence of capitalism. Profit maximization is not a matter of immorality or greed, it is a law imposed by competition.

Large social inequalities, monopolies, super-profits, and many other evils enumerated by Wolf are not excesses of the system, but derive directly from its logic. In the condition of favorable power relations you may be able to temper them a bit but will not undo them.

However, the fact that Wolf dodges this ‘inconvenient truth’ does not detract from the great value of this book. If you take out the moralistic and idealistic dimension and consistently extend his argument, you get a razor-sharp analysis of how capitalism works.

We would like to elaborate on three aspects of this: the relationship between state and capital, the fundamental problem of any democracy, and fascism as crisis management.

Relationship Between State and Capital

In capitalism, capital should not rule itself, but there should be a separation between politics and economics, or in Wolf’s words “the separation of power and wealth”. The economy needs the state to regulate the market, to arbitrate between different capital groups, to create optimal conditions for economic growth (infrastructure, education, …), etc.

The state must be strong enough, but not too strong, it must give the economy and the market enough space. Wolf speaks of a “‘shackled’, but strong Leviathan”.[6] Conversely, the state should not be captured by the most powerful actors in the economy”. It is all about “fragile balances”.

However, that ideal image is at odds with the reality that Wolf himself outlines throughout his book. For example, he believes that politics should be a counterweight to the abuses of power by the economic players. But that’s not how it works, he admits. 

He refers to the founder of liberalism, Adam Smith, who warned against “the tendency of the powerful to rig the economic and political systems against the rest of the society”.

Adam Smith himself, at any rate, makes no bones about it:

“Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.”

The problem for Wolf is with ‘big companies’.[7] They are “engines of prosperity. Yet, on the negative side, companies also possess enormous economic and political power, which they can and do abuse”. Among other things, he points to monopolies and so-called system integrators that single-handedly dominate large parts of world trade and have a turnover that often exceeds the GDP of a lot of countries.

Regarding the power of finance capital, he quotes Franklin Roosevelt, the US president who launched the New Deal:

“We now know that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.”

The problem is that wealthy people have “powerful direct influence over politics” through all sorts of channels. They play “a dominant role in shaping public policy”. In this regard, Wolf favorably quotes two political analysts: “The majority does not rule, at least not in the causal sense of actually determining of policy outcomes. When a majority of the citizens disagrees with the economic elites or with organized interests, they generally lose.”

“Democracy is for sale” says Wolf. In other words, capital does not govern but prevails.

If we list the elements above and look at them from a class perspective, we can say that the state has two basic functions: forging cohesion between the classes and arbitration between the different factions of the ruling class.[8] To achieve this, the political leaders need a certain room for maneuver. This is necessary to respond flexibly to changing circumstances and new challenges.

However, the autonomy of politicians is limited. The government cannot intervene directly in the productive apparatus and any economic policy is very limited. Even more important is the kind of veto power the capitalist class has. If it wants to, it can strangle a country’s economy. This happened, for example, in Chile just before the coup in 1973, in Venezuela in 2003 and in Greece in 2015. 

The state is, as it were, on the leash of capital. The chain can be long or short and indicates how much room for maneuver the government has, but in the end the chain is firmly fixed.[9] That is also why Wolf’s proposed measures to reform the political system may have little effect or even none at all.

Although Wolf himself is aware of this, he does not draw the necessary conclusions from it. To counter the overly powerful and abusive monopolies, “the democratic political process” must be able to “offset” their abuses. “Yet that assumes a neutral political process in which well-intentioned legislators respond to the choices of well-informed voters. Nothing could be further from reality.” (Our emphasis)

The key to tackling fundamental social problems lies not so much with politics and the way decision-making is organized there, as with “the huge imbalance of power” in the economy. That power inequality is part of the DNA of capitalism which Wolf does not want to alter.

The Fundamental Problem of Democracy

Plato and Aristotle are the most famous founders of political thought in the West and are an important source of inspiration for Wolf. Both Greek thinkers were already facing a fundamental dilemma:

Democracy literally means that power lies with the people and therefore with the poor(er) majority. But, if those poor actually use their numerical superiority to assert their (economic) interests, then the wealth and privileges of the elites will quickly come to an end, and that of course is not what they want.

Wolf articulates this fundamental problem as follows:

“Once inequality becomes large enough, nothing is more likely than that the wealthy few will struggle to repress the democratic representation of the poor many.”

This issue is most acute in taxation, of which wealth redistribution can be an important aspect: “The ability of an elected legislature to determine what, how and how much to tax is, correspondingly, the most fundamental feature of democracy.”

Image: Bust of Aristotle. Marble, Roman copy after a Greek bronze original by Lysippos from 330 BC; the alabaster mantle is a modern addition. (From the Public Domain)

Aristotle - Wikipedia

Because of this dilemma, Plato and Aristotle opposed a democratic form of government. Aristotle:

“In a democracy the poor have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.” 

That is why he rejects democracy, but for the Greek philosopher, autocracy is also out of the question. Political discussion and adversarial debate are important and necessary to keep the different factions of the elites in balance. The dilemma was solved by limiting the participants in the political debate. In democratic Athens, debate was for the privilege of a small elite, about ten percent of the Greek polis.[10]

Greek ‘democracy’ did not last long and was a rare exception in history. Until the end of the Middle Ages there was no question of democratic debate, it was the nobility which ruled until then. With the rise of capitalism, a new, wealthy class emerged that began to claim its share of power.

The bourgeois revolutions resulted in a reallocation of power and a new political system that had to take account of the new balance of forces. The ‘separation of powers and the bicameral splits in parliamentary systems, for example, were intended to contain the conflict between the nobility and the emerging bourgeoisie.

Wolf puts it this way: “Market capitalism demanded a more egalitarian politics”. Discussions in parliament were necessary to accommodate and balance the interests of the different factions of the citizenry.

But just like in Athens, the political discussion was limited to the elites. Only the wealthy citizens were given the right to vote and could be represented in parliament, the so-called tax suffrage. It would be quite a while before everyone was given the right to vote.

In this regard Wolf notes that the United Kingdom was “essentially monarchical or aristocratic until well into the nineteenth century”, that the Constitution of the United States was “deliberately constructed to constrain the will of the majority on multiple dimensions,” and that universal suffrage “is a remarkably recent development”.

In other words, the working people were not meant to have their say. The bourgeoisie and parliamentarians did everything they could to prevent the numerical majority of the working population from resulting in political dominance. That is why they tried to block universal suffrage for as long as possible.

But under increasing pressure and during fierce battles, they finally had to allow it. “Universal suffrage representative democracy … was the product of a long struggle,” writes Wolf.

All sorts of tricks and mechanisms were devised to ensure that economic privileges remained intact and that there was no excessive redistribution of wealth.[11] Successfully. The current bourgeois parliamentary system has proven to be particularly effective in giving the appearance of co-determination to the common people while preserving fundamental economic inequality. 

“How, after all, does a political party dedicated to the material interests of the top 0.1 per cent of the income distribution win and hold power in a universal suffrage democracy?” an exasperated Wolf wonders.

The elites can keep up appearances as long as inequality is not too great, as long as there is sufficient economic growth and as long as there are good prospects for the future. If that is not the case, appearances will fall away, the fundamental problem will emerge in all its sharpness and make the system shake to its foundations.

As in the 1930s, we are once again experiencing such a period. And that brings us to the last point.

Fascism as Crisis Management

Since its inception, capitalism has seen various forms of government, ranging from democratic republics, monarchies and military dictatorships to fascist regimes. In ‘normal’ circumstances, the economic elites do not support an authoritarian regime because they usually have less control over it and because such a regime can be dangerously unpredictable.

Bourgeois regimes, with their game of changing majorities and their predictable and compliant character, are preferred by the ruling class. They also create a semblance of co-determination that easily misleads parts of the population.

But in a severe socio-economic crisis, objections to authoritarian regimes are pushed aside in order to safeguard the entire system. In the 1930s, a large section of the capitalist class saw no harm in an alliance with fascists in almost all countries of Western Europe. In the 1960s and 1970s, this phenomenon was repeated in Latin America.

Wolf does not articulate it so sharply but, throughout the past century and a half, he does see a link between the economic conjuncture and democracy. “The pattern of up, down, up, and then down in market capitalism and especially globalization coincides to a quite remarkable degree with that of democratization.”

It is in such difficult times that the economic elites “make a Faustian pact” with a dictator even though if they are “not in control of the man or the forces that delivered him”.[12] The Nazis, Wolf knows, were supported by the “most successful businessmen”. So was Mussolini. His march on Rome could not have taken place without Italian business leaders funding the fascist squads.

Such a pact with the devil is facilitated by the fact that in those circumstances “a large proportion of the population feels frightened and angry” and that there is a desire for a “strong leader”. Taking advantage of that insecurity and unease, autocratic leaders try to gain a mass following. Trump has achieved this on the basis of ‘culture wars’.

“Members of this plutocracy have also shifted the political debate away from economic inequality by exploiting the identity politics of ethno-nationalism. The alliance between the plutocracy and the white working class helped give the US to Trump.”

Today, we see how neoliberalism is perfectly compatible with authoritarian regimes. This is clearly visible in European countries such as Hungary, Poland, Italy, France or in Brazil (under Bolsonaro) and Bolivia (under Jeanine Añez) in Latin America. “Populism has once again married nationalism,” Wolf writes.

Wolf does not take the argument all the way, but history provides sufficient evidence to conclude that authoritarian forms of government, military dictatorships, and in the past fascist regimes are the extreme forms of the power of economic elites. They are their plan B and are the last resort to keep the system afloat.


For Wolf, capitalism is the only preferable system. But, if you list all the elements that he himself introduces and you think them through consequently, then it is highly questionable whether bourgeois democracy can be saved by continuing to staunchly believe in this system. May the readers develop their own views on this.


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[1] The rich consume proportionally less of their income than the poor. In this regard, Wolf cites a study by the OECD, the club of the richest countries, which states that “it is inequality at the bottom of the distribution that hampers growth”.

[2] Here Martin Wolf quotes Shwan W. Rosenberg, ‘Democracy Devouring Itself: The Rise of the Incompetent Citizen and the Appeal of Right Wing Populism’. 

[3] Some examples: Berlusconi, the pacesetter of Meloni, controlled much of the Italian media. In France, the far-right Zemmour can count on the support of billionaire and media magnate Vincent Boloré. In Hungary, Orban has acquired far-reaching control over the media.

[4] This is a kind of unelected senate with a limited term of office, of which a part is replaced every year. “The idea would be to make up the house with people of exceptional achievement in a wide range of civic activities – the law, national and local politics, public service, business, trade unions, media, academia, education, social work, the arts, literature, sports, and so forth.”

[5] Wolf drew this distinction from George Orwell.

[6] Leviathan refers to a book by the political philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In that book, Leviathan stands for the state power, the sovereign, who rules over the citizens for the good of all.

[7] ‘Limited liability corporations’ in American English or ‘company’ in British English.

[8] The government must be able to make social concessions to the lower classes and compromise on secondary issues in order not to lose the political support of the majority. It is also impossible for the state to meet the needs and demands of all fractions of capital at the same time. What is good for one fraction is not necessarily good for another.

[9] Ralph Miliband analysed this excellently. Cf. his book ‘The State in Capitalist Society’, London 1969. 

[10] Those 10 percent included the ‘free’ men, i.e. men who did not have to earn their living. Slaves, freedmen, foreigners, women, as well as small farmers, artisans, craftsmen, shopkeepers and merchants were excluded from political life.

[11] Just think of ‘integrating’ the radical labour movements into the system, controlling the media, keeping important socio-economic decisions out of parliament, etc. See Losurdo D., Démocratie ou bonapartisme. Triomphe et décadence du suffrage universel, Paris 2003.

[12] Wolf is referring to Trump here.

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On May 20, British High Court judges Dame Victoria Sharp and Justice Jeremy Johnson ruled that Julian Assange could be granted an appeal against his extradition to the U.S. where he faces 175 years in a supermax prison charged with 17 counts under the 1917 Espionage Act and one for computer intrusion—essentially for revealing truthful information about war crimes, for practicing journalism. 

Subsequent to the previous hearing of the High Court of Justice in February, the judges asked for assurances from the U.S. that if extradited, Julian wouldn’t risk the death penalty in the U.S., he wouldn’t be denied his First Amendment right to free speech, nor would he be subject to prejudice regarding that right because he is not a U.S. citizen. The U.S. provided what they considered assurances, and they were the basis of the May 20 hearing.

Julian’s lawyers accepted that the assurance against the death penalty would be upheld, but vehemently objected to the assurances—in name only— that Julian, the award-winning journalist and founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, could benefit from the right to free speech. The feeble non-assurance stated simply that in the U.S. Julian could “seek” protection under the First Amendment.

It is highly questionable that a federal court—which would ultimately try Julian in the U.S.—could be constrained to grant Julian First Amendment rights precisely because the U.S. Supreme Court has previously ruled that foreigners are not entitled to those protections. Even if the U.S. agrees to full assurances, they would be highly suspect: The U.S. has given assurances in the past that Amnesty International, among others, has maintained are not worth the paper they are written on.

Once on U.S. soil not only could Julian see those protections withdrawn or modified, but he could be subject to further charges, particularly related to Vault 7 releases, the largest-ever publication of confidential documents on the CIA, which reveal the agency’s surveillance methods and misdeeds and further fueled the CIA’s determination for revenge.

The judges on May 20 had three options: they could have accepted the assurances, in which case Julian would have forthwith been put on a military plane headed to the U.S. (in fact, two U.S. marshals were present in the courtroom that day, in case that was the decision), where he would never be heard from again; they could have rejected any one of the assurances, in which case Julian would be granted an appeal; or they could have delayed any ruling until a later date.

The judges agreed with Julian’s lawyers, that the assurance of Julian’s right to free speech was not sufficiently guaranteed, and on that basis granted an appeal. Both sides were given until May 24 to submit a timetable and procedure for the appeal. The date for that could then be set for weeks or months later.

But that wouldn’t necessarily be the end of Julian’s legal battles: If at that hearing the judges vote against extradition, the U.S. could appeal that decision to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, with no final decision for many more months, even years.

Political Maneuverings

While this case is being held in a courtroom, it has nothing to do with justice but everything to do with politics. From the beginning the British have been taking direction from the U.S., and both former President Trump and President Biden fervently want Julian gone forever. Under Trump, the CIA plotted along with Britain’s MI5 to kidnap and shoot Julian on the streets of London when he was in the Ecuadorian embassy where he had been given political asylum.  

Biden and the Democrats charge that WikiLeaks releases regarding their undermining of Bernie Sanders’ presidential nomination, among other things, were responsible for Hillary Clinton’s losing the 2016 election to Trump, and some have even suggested Julian should be “droned” for that.

The WikiLeaks revelations regarding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for which Julian is ostensibly being charged, were huge embarrassments for both the U.S. and the British, because they exposed the lies behind those wars, the barbarity, the torture, the corruption, the true numbers of combatants and civilians killed.

The 10 million documents comprising WikiLeaks revelations have had enormous impact. For example, they have helped win court cases, end torture in Guantanamo, overturn corrupt governments such as in Egypt, end wars, for example in Iraq, aided by the very disturbing Collateral Murder video showing U.S. soldiers in Baghdad joyfully shooting down civilians from an Apache helicopter. It’s no wonder that this publisher who poses such a threat to the powerful is kept isolated, silenced, behind bars.

Though the U.S. tries to make the case that Julian is not a journalist but a wreckless instigator of the theft of classified information whose publication has resulted in innocents being killed, increasing numbers of leaders and politicians have seen that this is not so at all and have come out in support of Julian. And media that previously published and profited from WikiLeaks revelations, then lied about Julian and slandered him, are realizing more and more the repercussions that could fall upon their heads if Julian goes down, so have also voiced their support.

Many Questions

It is possible that the court during the next hearing could take its time to deliberate on the assurance questions, then rule that the required First Amendment promises are still inadequate, and Julian goes free. This potential scenario raises a number of questions: What physical or psychological state might Julian be in at that point? Will his condition have deteriorated to such a degree that the U.S. and British governments will be satisfied that he will no longer be a threat? If extradition is denied, can it be assumed the U.S. will file an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, dragging out Julian’s incarceration and devastating uncertainty for many months more?

Both governments want Julian silenced forever. But the U.S. “assurances” were so far from what the judges could accept that they had no choice but to rule as they did. The U.S. could easily have provided a better semblance of assurances, even if not foolproof, that the judges would probably have accepted, leaving some to believe that the U.S. lawyers were led by hubris rather than a misguided strategy.

While Sharp and Johnson appeared more reasonable (that’s not saying much at all) than the judges in the previous hearings, was that a sincere approach or a façade, to portray themselves as fair and just in the face of so many glaring injustices and violations of due process throughout Julian’s case? Not only had Julian’s meetings in the Ecuadorian embassy with his lawyers been spied upon, recorded, and sent to the CIA, but his computers and legal notes had been stolen when he was dragged out of the embassy and brought to Belmarsh prison. And the major testimony against him was provided by a convicted sociopath who subsequently retracted his testimony, saying the U.S. had made deals with him to provide it.

On the other hand, this little opening provided by Sharp and Johnson may have little to do with their being reasonable, fair judges but more to do with the fact that the U.S. lawyers made their decision inexorable.

In Britain, judges, lawyers, and politicians almost always come from the same class, have attended the same schools, socialize together—belong to the same “club”—and often work hand in hand. Will the justices who will ultimately hear the next appeal—and these may not be Sharp and Johnson—follow the proscribed path or take a just approach to jurisprudence as it should be applied to Julian’s case, though it’s only on the First Amendment issue that they can rule?

From the beginning, many have been extremely skeptical of a positive outcome for Julian. Governments, politicians, corporations, militaries that have been exposed by WikiLeaks, and others that fear exposure, do not want to see Julian free to continue publishing truthful information, they don’t want to be held accountable. And they want vengeance for what Julian’s revealed.

It seems they’ve had their vengeance. Julian has been locked up in one place or another for nearly 14 years, most of the time under torturous conditions that have broken him down physically and psychologically. If freed, one might wonder, will he have the strength do what he so brilliantly did before? Do the U.S. and Britain count on his being so broken that his freedom will be of little risk?

The Message Is the Meaning

Those entities fearful of exposure want other journalists and publishers to get the message: If you write and publish information uncomfortable to those in power committing crimes against humanity, you, too, will very likely find yourself deprived of liberty and maybe even life. You can be snatched up anywhere in the world and locked away forever under the draconian Espionage Act, regardless of your nationality, regardless of where you published, as is Julian’s case.

It seems that whether or not Julian is exonerated, those messages have gotten out, loud and clear. Silence and self-censorship have become the unspoken rule. Mission accomplished? Or has the CIA bloodlust for Julian’s head not yet been satisfied?

Many believe that Biden the incumbent would not want Julian to be brought in shackles to the U.S. to face a 175-year prison term before the November elections—not a good look for a president who touts freedom of expression (yet of course does everything to suppress it). Hence a probable delay of the decision until after the elections.

When recently asked if he would accord Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s request that Julian be returned to his country of birth, Biden mumbled in a raspy near-whisper, “We’re considering it.” Yet no further amplification of this seemingly off-handed remark has been heard. Trump, for his part, has said that given what he knows now, he would be in favor of dropping the charges against Julian once elected. But both men have histories of opportunistically flipflopping on promises they make, as this latest one clearly shows.

While many have applauded the High Court’s decision, seeing it as very positive, others are less sanguine, seeing it mostly as more of the same, with perhaps a small window of hope. More months will pass before the ultimate decision, during which time Julian will be kept in Belmarsh prison, “Britain’s Guantanamo”, locked in a 3-by-2-meter cell 23 hours of the day as he has been for more than 5 years. He is suffering from extreme depression and anxiety, which has led to self-harm, and for which he’s been prescribed medication. Two years ago, at age 51, he suffered a mini-stroke that could well lead to others, and due to health problems, he was unable to attend the previous two hearings.

This rapidly deteriorating state of Julian’s health has clearly been the plan all along. The near-14-year relentless persecution and prosecution of Julian is the real punishment. While there may be an opening to Julian’s ultimate freedom, how much longer can he last in his dreadful dungeon before he might be freed?

All the more reason to do everything we possibly can to fight for Julian’s freedom while there is still time. To fight for truth and transparency. To fight for accountability and our right to know. To fight for our freedom.


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Karen Sharpe is the author of Julian Assange in His Own Words, translated into French (Julian Assange parle), and into Spanish (Julian Assange habla).

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Niger has demanded American troops to leave the country “no later” than 15 September, and the U.S. has agreed. The official statement said the two countries had “reached a disengagement agreement to effect the withdrawal of U.S. forces, which has already begun”.

The U.S. had relied on Niger as its primary military base, but U.S. threats led to the rupture of military ties, according to Niger’s Prime Minister Zeine, who blamed the U.S. for the breakdown in bilateral relations, culminating with the “Yankee Go Home” order.

In April, street demonstrators in Agadez, Niger demanded the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

A crucial military relationship between Washington and Niger, its closest West African ally, dissolved after a visiting U.S. official made threats during last-ditch negotiations over whether American troops based there would be allowed to remain, according to Zeine.

On March 17, Niger broke off military cooperation with the U.S., as military leaders move closer to Russia. A senior U.S. delegation left the country the day before, following an unsuccessful 3-day visit to renew contact with the military leaders that ousted the former president.

The government of Niger decided to “denounce with immediate effect” the agreement relating to U.S. military and civilian employees of the U.S. Department of Defense inside Niger, which operated a desert drone base built at a cost of U.S.$100 million.

In July 2023, a military coup overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum, who had been close to Washington, and the U.S. had cut aid to Niger in the aftermath. Niger’s military had in the past worked closely with the United States, but are now looking to cooperate with Russia.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken paid a visit to Niger in 2023 in hopes of shoring up Bazoum, a stalwart ally of the U.S., but just four months later, the military deposed Bazoum and put him under house arrest.

The military took a hard line against former colonial power France, forcing the withdrawal of French troops in place for nearly a decade last year.

China has focused on economic engagement in Africa, while funding infrastructure development through its Belt and Road Initiative. China’s investment and aid without attaching conditions such as political and economic reforms have attracted many African leaders who have come to resent what is perceived as Western meddling in internal affairs, where U.S. aid is conditioned on domestic politics.

In March, Niger announced the end of its military agreement with the U.S. Military spokesperson Col. Amadou Abdramane accused the U.S. of raising objections about the allies that Niger had chosen. Abdramane condemned the U.S. for its “condescending attitude” and “threat of reprisals”.

American forces have used two military bases in Niger, and has more than 1,000 troops stationed at the base.

As Niger has distanced itself from the West, it has drawn closer to Russia, and last month, Russian military instructors arrived in Niger as part of a new agreement with its military leaders.

Niger has also quit the French-backed G5 Sahel force, saying it was ineffectual and undermined African sovereignty, and launched their own defense pact called the Alliance of Sahel States.

Era of Global Transformations

The U.S.-China rivalry revolves around global factors. The post-World War II global order is evolving, with the U.S. losing its dominance, while China emerged as a manufacturing powerhouse, extending its influence worldwide.

The Western-led global order is plagued with an ideological crisis driven by unfair distribution of wealth that breeds resentment among the poor.

The Global South, are gaining significant influence and power themselves. In Africa, China’s investments have empowered nations to diversify their economies and enhance their global standing while also reinforcing the nation’s leaders.

The U.S. prioritizes militarism and capital accumulation over values such as human rights and democratic governance, while China emphasizes socio-economic rights but restricts civil liberties to support economic growth and social cohesion. Capitalism became the governing logic of the economy, in both the U.S. and China, which has improved living standards for many but has sustained inequality, polarization, and distrust in institutions.

China has emerged as a significant state actor capable of challenging the dominance of the U.S. and its Western allies in the global landscape. India, Russia, and Brazil, China has emerged as the sole state actor displaying the ambition and capacity to bolster its military prowess, economic influence, and social credibility, while potentially curtailing the U.S.’ sway across the world. China has ascended to become the world’s largest manufacturing hub and foremost exporter of goods, concurrently reinforcing its worldwide military capabilities and presence in international governance organizations.

It positions the U.S.-China rivalry at the intersection of physical geography, social interactions, and global politics, while China’s overtly authoritarian political system has combined with a neoliberal capitalist economy.

The U.S., while publicly advocating for the ideals of human rights and democratic governance on the global stage, has often overlooked these principles when its brute economic interests are at stake. Such is the case in Gaza, where the U.S. supports militarily and politically the genocide of the Palestinian people. This underscores a systemic U.S. hypocrisy that leaves marginalized populations struggling for basic rights and equitable treatment. The people of Africa are all too aware of American double-standards and are rejecting it with a call of “Yankee Go Home” while open to new partners who are fair.

A wave of grassroots mobilizations for national sovereignty has been happening in countries including Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Military uprisings have seized power and expelled western military forces from their territories. These groups want control over natural resources and have received support from the population.

Niger, for example, is considered the world’s third-largest uranium producer; however, nearly all uranium in the country has been mined by French companies to this day, perpetuating a neocolonialist exploitation model that has persisted since the country gained independence in the 1960s.

In July 2023, when a military uprising ousted the then president of Niger, harsh sanctions were applied by the U.S., affecting the entire population, especially people in rural areas.

“The path to real peace in West and Central Africa lies in the full sovereignty of the people. Neocolonial interventions must cease,” the Niger Peasant Platform had stated in 2023.

The unfair, inhumane sanctions that have been imposed on Niger has led to a shortage of medications in drugstores, extreme energy shortages, and shortage of food and high food prices, and has limited the movement of entire populations.

Niger’s coup follows others, since 2020, in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Mali and Sudan. Niger, like many African states created by European colonialism, has had periods of military rule since its independence in 1960. But since 2011, it has held three democratic elections, and it has generally been on a democratizing path.

From the voice of the people of Niger, we will hear the need for less traditional “development aid” and more economic investment.

Since 2020, Africa has seen more political unrest, violent extremism, and democratic reversals than any other region in the world. A wave of coups has washed across the Sahel and West Africa, leaving authoritarians in power in numerous countries. In addition, the continent has served as a stage for the escalating great-power competition between China, Russia, and the U.S.

U.S. engagement with Africa has long been deprioritized in Washington, with successive administrations devoting scant attention and resources to advancing democracy and resolving conflicts. The Biden administration has maintained this pattern, which reflects the persistent tension between an interests-based and values-based U.S. foreign policy.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres called Africa an “epidemic” of coups. The U.S. and its closest Western allies still lack a coherent and coordinated African strategy.

The citizens of Niger, and elsewhere, have come to perceive democracy as equating with the corruption by elected officials, and have looked to a non-democratic military coup as an option.

The U.S. would need to spend some money in Africa of developing business that will create jobs and economic prosperity. The U.S. has so far been unwilling to help Africans make a better economic life for themselves, and instead focused their heavy-handed military presence on keeping their ally in power, at the expense of the citizenry.

The days of American domination are over, and the doors in Africa are wide open for alternative help from Russia and China.


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This article was published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two time award winning Journalist and chief editor of Mideast Discourse. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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On Sunday, Israel launched multiple missile strikes on a “safe zone” in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah. The explosions –which could be heard miles away– ignited a massive fire that swept rapidly through the encampment trapping many people in their tents where they were burned alive.

The ghoulish scenes from the site appeared almost immediately on a number of social media channels where millions of viewers were able to see the effects of Israel’s murderous onslaught firsthand. Many of the videos that appeared on Twitter are almost too painful to watch. In one particularly horrible clip, a bearded man holds up the headless remains of a toddler who was blown to bits minutes earlier.

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Another video shows desperate parents and neighbors trying to extract the charred bodies of their children from the rubble while the flames flicker in the background.


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A third video shows six young men moving a victim in a quilt across a smokey debris-field, the bombed-out remnants of a residential building.


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Watching these eerie, post-apocalypse videos is both traumatizing and sobering. We are clearly experiencing a level of homicidal barbarism not seen in the post-war era. Keep in mind, the victims of Israel’s attack had been ordered to move to their present location just days earlier. And — as soon as they had settled in– Israel mercilessly obliterated them with 1,000-pound bombs. How is that not cold blooded murder?


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It is murder. As author Norman Finklestein said recently, “Israel is killing people in a concentration camp.”

He’s right, isn’t he? And even more shocking, is the fact that they are slaughtering women and children with a type of gusto that borders on clinical psychosis. But it’s not psychosis; it’s a strain of fanatical zealotry that has no equal in modern times. Keep in mind, there is zero strategic value in blowing up an encampment of displaced persons. It serves no military purpose at all. Which leads us to believe that the impetus for these atrocities is something altogether different; something much darker and more sinister. This is pure bloodsport; killing for the sake of killing. No one wants to admit it, but after seven months of relentless savagery it is no longer possible to ignore the plain truth; Israel is engaging in the most extreme forms of murderous violence because it reinforces their collective sense of superiority. It’s shocking. This is from an article at Aljazeera:

Gaza officials say the death toll from Israeli air strikes on a camp housing displaced Palestinians near Rafah in southern part of the strip has risen to 45…. Witnesses said at least eight missiles struck the camp – a designated safe zone – on Sunday night at about 8.45pm local time.

The Wafa news agency, quoting the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), said that many of those who died were “burned alive” inside their tents in the Tal as-Sultan area…

The International Committee of the Red Cross said its field hospital in Rafah was receiving an influx of casualties and that other hospitals also were taking in a large number of patients.

The air strikes burnt the tents, the tents are melting and the people’s bodies are also melting,” one of the residents who arrived at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah was reported as saying by the Reuters news agency.

Doctors without Borders said “dozens of wounded” had been brought to a facility that it supports.

“We are horrified by this deadly event, which shows once again that nowhere is safe,” the group wrote on the social media platform X, reiterating its call for an immediate ceasefire
Death toll in Israeli attack on displaced Palestinians in Rafah rises to 45, Aljazeera

All of the victims of Israel’s attack have been forced to move numerous times in the recent past. The herding of massive groups of people from one spot to another is a form of psychological torment designed to intensify feelings of fear and insecurity. The ultimate aim of this psyops is to coerce Palestinians to flee the country whenever the opportunity arises. With their homes and cities now destroyed, their loved ones either dead or injured, their access to food and water terminated, and their entire civilization reduced to rubble, the expectation is that the Palestinians will leave their homeland voluntarily allowing Israel to control the entire area from the River to the Sea, which has been the Zionist plan from the very beginning. This is from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:

…the world-renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappé called the “foundational myth” of Zionism: that the 1948 “Nakba,” in which 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes, was a voluntary resettlement on the part of Palestinians, unprompted by the actions of Israeli forces.

Pappé’s 2006 book, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, is a devastating exposure of all the lies of official Israeli historiography. It demonstrates that the 1948 displacement and mass killing of Palestinians was the outcome of a detailed and conscious plan.

In a chilling parallel to the events of the present day, Pappé explained that Israel cloaked its plans as a response to attacks by an Arab militia, noting, “The Zionist policy was initially based on retaliation against Palestinian attacks in February 1947, but it eventually evolved into an initiative to ethnically cleanse the entire country in March 1948.”

He added:

Once the decision was taken, it took six months to complete the mission. When it was over, more than half of Palestine’s native population, close to 800,000 people, had been uprooted, 531 villages had been destroyed, and eleven urban neighborhoods emptied of their inhabitants. The plan decided upon on 10 March 1948, and above all its systematic implementation in the following months, was a clear-cut case of an ethnic cleansing operation, regarded under international law today as a crime against humanity. (P. 14)

The Gaza genocide marks a culmination of what Pappé explained were the goals “set by the Zionist movement very early on, when it had appeared in Palestine: to have as much of Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians in it as possible.”….

Every day, the actual US-Israeli policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing is becoming clearer. Securing the US-dominated reorganization of the Middle East, what Biden called the “dream of generations,” does, in fact, require the “end of Gaza,” i.e., the systematic crushing of organized resistance by the Palestinian people to Israeli domination. The assault on Rafah and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, World Socialist Web Site

The atrocities we now see playing out day-by-day in Gaza are fueled by a blunt urge to control every inch of historic Palestine and to expel its native people to establish a permanent Jewish majority within the contours of the new, expanded state. Last night’s massacre proves once again, that Israel will stop at nothing to achieve its objective.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

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This is a brief response to an article appearing in today’s VT Foreign Policy by my colleague Claudio Resta entitled: “Russian Roulette”: the unspeakable objective of the US proxy war in Ukraine is clear: either to cause a regime change in Russia or to kill us all.

Claudio quotes Richard Haass, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, as saying:

“What strategy… should Ukraine and its supporters pursue? First, Ukraine should emphasize the defensive, an approach that would allow it to husband its limited resources and frustrate Russia. Second, Ukraine should be given the means — long-range strike capabilities — and the freedom to attack Russian forces anywhere in Ukraine, as well as Russian warships in the Black Sea and economic targets within Russia itself. Russia must come to feel the cost of a war it initiated and prolongs. Third, Ukraine’s backers must commit to providing long-term military aid. The goal of all of the above is to signal to Vladimir Putin that time is not on Russia’s side and that he cannot hope to outlast Ukraine.”

What is Haass’s ultimate objective in prolonging the insanity of the U.S.’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine? Claudio Resta writes:

“This is a revelation of the elite agenda, which looks beyond the fatuous propaganda about ‘unprovoked aggression’ and focuses entirely on geopolitics, the driving force in international relations. In Haass’s mind, Ukraine is not a battlefield on which Ukrainian and Russian patriots sacrifice their lives for their countries. No. In Haass’s mind, Ukraine is the critical gateway to Central Asia which is expected to be the most prosperous region of the next century. Western plutocrats intend to be the main players in Central Asia’s development,(pivot to Asia) which is why they are trying to remove the biggest obstacle to western penetration, which is Russia. Once Russia has been weakened and rolled-back, Washington will be free to spread its military bases across Eurasia laying the groundwork for containing rival China through provocations, encirclement and economic strangulation.”

I want to point out that Haass’s perspective is nothing new. The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire has been intent on world conquest for 500 years. Back in the 1600s, my own English ancestors came to America in search of freedom. In 1638 my ancestor Thomas Bliss, a Puritan blacksmith, arrived in Massachusetts after being told by the minions of King Charles I and Archbishop Laud to get out of an England that didn’t want people like him. Thomas’s father, Thomas Bliss, Sr., had been dragged through the streets of London behind one of the King’s horses and died from his injuries. His brother Jonathan died in a King’s prison.

The Blisses later fought for American freedom in the Revolutionary War. Through its autonomy and hard work, the U.S. became an industrial leader and home for many more freedom-seeking immigrants. But late in the 19th century, people like Cecil Rhodes and Nathaniel Rothschild decided to use their fabulous wealth derived from South African gold and diamonds to “recover America for the British Empire.” They succeeded through passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and by dragging the U.S. into World War I.

That’s when Richard Haass’s Council on Foreign Relations was founded with money provided by the Morgans and Rockefellers. Its purpose, ongoing until today, was to complete the imperial takeover, with the U.S. designated forever afterwards to provide the muscle in subduing all the peoples of the earth through the regime of financial exploitation and endless war.

As an aside, Richard Haass’s biography shows perfectly the qualifications required to help lead such an enterprise.

I document in my recent book Our Country, Then and Now how in 1940-1941 the Council on Foreign Relations foisted on the Roosevelt Administration the long-term plan for total military dominance of the entire globe. After the annihilation of Germany in World War II, the declaration of a Cold War against the Soviet Union, and the creation of the National Security State under President Truman, the plan for global conquest moved ahead. When John F. Kennedy balked at the plan, he was assassinated.

Ever since, the plan has been full steam ahead, with its management gradually being taken over by the faction known as the Neocons. In 1991 the plan manifested in the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama it became Full Spectrum Dominance.

They now have us on the brink of World War III against Russia, Iran, China, BRICS+ and the rest of the Global Majority. Their biggest current projects are in Ukraine and Gaza. But make no mistake. Enslavement of every human being on the planet is what they are intent upon achieving. Sitting astride the plot is the Western financial hegemony of a small number of ultra-billionaires. They run institutions like the WHO, the WEF, NATO, etc. Of course they run the Biden administration.

I do not believe they will succeed in their ultimate goal. But they may have activated what in some quarters is called Armageddon.

Stay tuned.


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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.

Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.

“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also see the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here.

Os atentados contra a Central Nuclear de Zaporozhye (ZNPP) são um dos temas mais controversos do conflito ucraniano. O regime de Kiev e os seus parceiros ocidentais acusam a Federação Russa de usar mísseis e drones contra a estação Energodar, enquanto as evidências apontam para a responsabilidade ucraniana pelos ataques.

Recentemente, um grupo de mídia russo “Vashi Novosti”, com o apoio da Duma Estatal, organizou uma visita de imprensa aos Novos Territórios da Federação Russa. Participei da equipe de mídia representando a Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS e pude mais uma vez ver a realidade da zona de conflito no terreno.

Tivemos a oportunidade de visitar o ZNPP para verificar a realidade local. A turnê teve vários momentos diferentes. Participamos numa conferência de imprensa com os porta-vozes do ZNPP e falámos sobre a situação local. Fomos informados de que a produção de energia da estação está no seu nível normal, apesar das constantes provocações terroristas ucranianas. Também foi relatada a presença de armas ocidentais nos ataques, o que mostra a cumplicidade dos patrocinadores do regime neonazista com o terrorismo nuclear.

Vimos as áreas da fábrica que foram atingidas por drones e artilharia ucraniana. A localização dos alvos mostra que os bombardeamentos vieram de regiões sob controle ucraniano, fato que seria suficiente para provar a responsabilidade do regime de Kiev, mas que é ignorado pelas potências ocidentais e pelas organizações internacionais.

Os funcionários da estação nos levaram ao local dos reatores nucleares, mostrando como a instalação é protegida por uma estrutura anti-drone, dados os repetidos ataques ao local. As áreas bombardeadas apresentam alguns danos, mas, conforme explicam os especialistas, nenhum desses danos é suficiente para gerar qualquer tipo de vazamento nuclear.

A estrutura da usina é extremamente resistente, o que evita que pequenos bombardeios sejam suficientes para causar problemas. Os ataques ucranianos, no final, parecem realmente inúteis. Um dos porta-vozes comentou que tais ataques são apenas atos terroristas, sem qualquer objetivo estratégico real.

Analisando a práxis militar ucraniana, é possível afirmar que a intenção por trás dos ataques é gerar medo na população russa. O trabalho dos funcionários da usina é eficiente e, aliado à sólida infraestrutura da estação, garante que não haja grandes riscos de vazamento nuclear. Porém, a população nem sempre têm conhecimento destes detalhes técnicos e simplesmente teme que haja um acidente devido aos ataques.

Muitos dos habitantes de Zaporozhye estão aterrorizados porque se lembram do que aconteceu em Chernobyl. Há o receio de que algo semelhante possa acontecer na região – e é precisamente este tipo de emoção que o regime de Kiev quer provocar ao bombardear a central. A estratégia é clara: promover a guerra psicológica e o terror para fazer com que a população local pressione o governo russo para parar a operação militar especial.

Obviamente, o plano ucraniano está a falhar. O apoio às iniciativas militares russas é absoluto. Carros civis com as letras Z e V circulam pelas ruas da cidade, expressando o endosso do cidadão comum à operação militar especial. Obviamente, muitos residentes têm medo de uma nova Chernobyl, mas esse medo só os faz apoiar ainda mais Moscou, pois sabem que só derrotando a Junta de Kiev será possível acabar com o terrorismo nas Novas Regiões.

Na verdade, esta expedição jornalística foi apenas mais uma das repetidas iniciativas da Rússia para mostrar ao mundo a realidade de Zaporozhye e das Novas Regiões. Moscou não age com medo da verdade. Pelo contrário, a atitude russa é de transparência com a sociedade internacional, com constantes convites a observadores especializados e jornalistas para se deslocarem ao ZNPP para verificar a realidade. Foi a Rússia quem convidou os membros da AIEA(1) para a fábrica e garantiu a segurança dos especialistas durante o trabalho de observação, o que mostra como a Rússia realmente deseja que a verdade seja exposta.

Enquanto isso, Kiev nunca parou de bombardear. Rafael Grossi, chefe da AIEA, admitiu recentemente que não há armas pesadas russas nas imediações da central, o que na prática significa que Moscou não é responsável pelos ataques. Obviamente, a mídia ocidental continua a esconder estes fatos com o seu aparelho de censura anti-russa, o que mostra a importância de tal iniciativa de levar jornalistas estrangeiros para a zona de conflito. Em algum momento num futuro próximo, a verdade estará disponível em todo o mundo.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Russia efficiently avoids ‘Chernobyl 2.0’ while Kiev regime promotes nuclear terror in Zaporozhye, InfoBrics, 27 de Maio de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Several times over the past two decades, I have written about the malevolence of Israel (and by that I mean Zionist Israel, which is predominantly Jewish, although there are likeliest quislings among the Palestinian ranks, e.g., Mahmoud Abbas).

Israel is part of Historical Palestine.

However, the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine wrested a chunk of Historical Palestine away from Palestinians.

A National Geographic map of Palestine, 1947 | Diplomatic ...

Since its inception, Israel, the self-declared Jewish State, has been staunchly backed by the US with the tacit support of other Western nations.

Israel, indeed, has a powerful lobby.

Israel has managed to chip away at the original 1947 UN partition plan map, that set borders for Jews and Arabs in Historical Palestine, until Palestinians were left with a fractional land base.

Yet, when many so-called pundits speak of a two-state solution, they invariably speak of the 1967 borders and not the 1947 borders.

Meanwhile, Israel, which acknowledges no borders for itself, has become ensconced in Syria’s Golan Heights, Lebanon’s Shebaa farms, and chunks of the West Bank.

Many Palestinians have been forced to live their entire lives outside their homeland. Ilan Pappe wrote a book called The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine which relates the plight of 800,000 Palestinians pushed outside Historical Palestine.  In my review of Pappe’s book in 2007, I credited him with putting words to the Zionist crimes against Palestinians, but I (and my colleague Gary Zatzman) took issue with Pappe’s reluctance to call the “Israel-Palestine conflict” (Pappe’s wording) genocide.

I concluded,

Why is it an “Israel-Palestine conflict”? It implies an equivalency between the two sides. There is no equivalency. It is a Zionist genocide perpetrated against Palestinians, abetted by much of the bystanding world. This is what it has always been and continues to be.

Finally, in 2009, Pappe demurred and called ethnic cleansing a “genocide in slow motion.”

Israeli academics had already argued that ethnic cleansing is genocide, although they eluded mention of the Nakba.

Following 7 October, Israel amped up its destruction of hospitals, schools, mosques, homes, etc; committed several massacres and war crimes; to which Israeli officials uttered openly racist epithets dehumanizing Palestinians which is just more of the same from Israeli officials, as racism and apartheid are Israeli policy. (See “Israeli Zionist Racism Unmasked”  and the series: “Defining Israeli Zionist Racism” Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.).

Now, with the amping up of the destruction, massacres, and openly racist epithets by Israeli officials against Palestinians and Palestinian society, much of the fence-sitting world has recognized what this has always been: a genocide perpetrated by Israeli Zionists (with polls indicating support by a majority of Israeli Jews, a stable sentiment over the years).

Nonetheless, many western governments continue to provide cover for Israeli war crimes; for instance, sending in the gendarmes to crack down on the free speech rights of morally centered students opposed to the genocide against Palestinians. Or, in the US case, sending arms to Israel.

It took South Africa to have the fortitude to haul Israel before the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

And it seems the ICJ directives for Israel to halt further aggressions against Palestinians gave the International Criminal Court (ICC) the gumption to issue warrants for the arrest of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Yoav Gallant. For good measure, three Palestinians — Yahya Sinwar (Hamas leader), Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri (commander-in-chief of the military wing of Hamas), and Ismail Haniyeh — were also indicted, even though for alleged involvement in the October 7 attacks, even though  Palestinians have the inalienable right to resist occupation and oppression.

They say justice delayed is justice denied; only time will tell if the international legal deliberations to protect Palestinians from Israeli war crimes will be successful.


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at Read other articles by Kim. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Panelists speak at ‘The War on Gaza: What’s Next for Palestine?’ event, hosted by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians, on 30 October 2023 (MEE)

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Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply

Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (“shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns

Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products

The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both jabbed and unjabbed individuals to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed

They call for suspending all gene-based “vaccines” and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organizations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks


In a recent meta-analysis1,2 posted on, Japanese researchers warn of potentially deadly risks to patients who receive blood from people who have taken mRNA COVID jabs and call for urgent action to ensure the safety of the global blood supply. According to the authors:3

“… many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines, such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system, have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system …

[B]ased on these circumstances and the volume of evidence that has recently come to light, we call the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines, and we make proposals regarding specific tests, testing methods, and regulations to deal with these risks.”

Blood From Jabbed Donors May Pose Risk to Neurological Health

One particular risk addressed in this paper is the implications of blood tainted with prion-like structures found within the spike protein. Prions are misfolded proteins that can cause neurodegenerative diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in humans, by inducing the misfolding of normal proteins in the brain.

Prion diseases are characterized by a long incubation period, followed by rapid progression and high mortality. The suggestion that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, especially from certain variants, might contain prion-like domains raises concerns for several reasons:

  • Transmission risk — If spike proteins with prion-like structures can be transmitted through blood transfusions, there might be a risk of inducing prion diseases in recipients. Prion diseases are notoriously difficult to diagnose early, have no cure, and are fatal, making any potential transmission through blood products a significant safety concern.
  • Detection and removal challenges — Current blood screening processes do not specifically test for prions, partly because prion diseases are rare and partly due to the technical challenges in detecting prions at low concentrations. If spike proteins with prion-like properties are present in the blood of COVID jabbed individuals, existing blood safety protocols may not be adequate to prevent transmission.
  • Long-term safety concerns — Prion diseases have long latency periods, meaning that symptoms can appear years or even decades after exposure. This delay complicates efforts to trace the source of an infection back to a blood transfusion and assess the safety of blood supplies over time.
  • Impacts on blood supply management — Concerns about the potential risks associated with prion-like structures in spike proteins might lead to changes in donor eligibility criteria or the implementation of additional screening measures. These changes could impact the availability of blood products, which are critical for routine medical procedures.
  • Public confidence — Public awareness of these potential risks, even if they are theoretical or have a very low likelihood of occurring, could affect individuals’ willingness to donate or receive blood transfusions, thereby lowering blood donation rates and the overall trust in the safety of blood transfusions.

The authors stress the need for comprehensive studies to better understand the implications of these prion-like structures in the spike protein, not only for mRNA jab safety but also for the broader implications for public health measures like blood transfusion practices.

Other Potential Health Hazards of Contaminated Blood

Contaminated blood may also pose other serious health risks, including:

Reduced immune function among blood recipients — It’s been shown that the more doses of the COVID shot you’ve received, the more likely you are to suffer future infections, either by SARS-CoV-2 or other viruses, due antibody-dependent enhancement.

Blood donations from people who have received several doses of mRNA injections may not provide adequate immunity against common infections, resulting in subclinical infections and diseases in recipients.

Formation of blood clots and amyloid aggregates — If the immune system of a blood recipient isn’t strong enough to neutralize spike protein, blood clots and amyloid aggregates may also form.

Chronic inflammation — Prolonged exposure to the antigens from the COVID-19 shots can trigger the generation of IgG4 antibodies, resulting in chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction.

IgG4 antibodies are often associated with chronic exposure to antigens, such as those seen in persistent infections, certain cancers, and prolonged exposure to allergens. IgG4 antibodies are also associated with a unique condition known as IgG4-Related Disease (IgG4-RD), a fibro-inflammatory condition characterized by swellings or masses in affected organs.4

Blood Transfusions and the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases

The authors also raise concerns about the potential of contaminated blood to cause autoimmune diseases in recipients. Recent research found that the RNA pseudouridylation, a process in which uracil is swapped out for synthetic methylpseudouridine, can cause frameshifting, basically a glitch in the decoding, which can trigger the production of off-target aberrant proteins.

The antibodies that develop as a result may, in turn, trigger off-target immune reactions. In addition to that, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), a key component of the COVID shots, have been identified as highly inflammatory and possessing more potent adjuvant activity compared to traditional vaccine adjuvants, which further increases the risk of an autoimmune response. As reported in the featured paper:5

“Recent studies have shown that RNA pseudouridylation can result in frameshifting. It is not yet clear whether a portion of the pseudouridinated mRNA for the spike protein is translated into another protein of unknown function in vaccine recipients. If these proteins are also pathogenic, additional testing for such frameshift proteins may be needed in the future.

Even if a frameshift protein is not toxic, it must be foreign to the body and could cause autoimmune disease. In addition, LNPs themselves are highly inflammatory substances … LNPs have been found to have stronger adjuvant activity than the adjuvants used in conventional vaccines, and there is also concern about autoimmune diseases resulting from this aspect.

Thus, although it is not clear what the causative agent of autoimmune disease is, the large number of reported cases of autoimmune disease following genetic vaccination is extremely concerning.

The very mechanism of gene vaccines that causes one’s own cells to produce the antigens of pathogens carries the risk of inducing autoimmune diseases, which cannot be completely avoided even if mRNA pseudouridylation technology is used.

In this context, individuals with a positive blood test for spike protein may need to have interviews and additional tests for autoimmune disease indicators, such as antinuclear antibodies.

Alternatively, if the amino acid sequence of the protein resulting from the frameshift is predictable, these candidate proteins could be included in the initial mass spectrometry assay. In any case, it is particularly important to develop tests and establish medical care settings in anticipation of these situations.”

Proposals for Managing Blood Collection

The authors outline several specific proposals for managing blood collection and blood products from individuals who have received genetic “vaccines.” Given the variety of blood-related abnormalities observed post-jab, the researchers argue that rigorous and precautionary measures in blood handling and transfusion practices have now become a necessity.

A key part of the proposal involves conducting thorough interviews with potential blood donors. These interviews should cover their vaccination status, number of doses received, their COVID-19 infection history, and any symptoms they might be experiencing that could indicate conditions like post-vaccination syndrome (PVS), long-COVID or other complications.

The researchers also recommend deferral periods for blood collected from COVID jab recipients — 48 hours for mRNA shots and six weeks for AstraZeneca DNA jab recipients. A series of tests are also proposed to ensure the safety of collected blood, including:

The authors also note that policies and procedures must be constantly revised as new risks and problems with blood products derived from mRNA and DNA jab recipients are identified.

Ensuring Safety of Current Blood Products

The paper also reviews strategies to ensure the safety of blood products already collected, highlighting the complex challenges that medical institutions, regulatory bodies, and the broader healthcare ecosystem must navigate in the wake of widespread use of mRNA injections.

The primary concern is the risk posed to patients by the use of blood products from donors who have received gene-based injections without confirming the presence or absence of spike proteins or modified mRNA. To ensure their safety, methods to quantify potential contaminants must be developed and implemented as soon as possible.

Another critical issue that must be addressed is the current lack of reliable methods to remove spike proteins or modified mRNA from blood products. The authors warn that, given the potential persistence, low solubility, heat resistance, and radiation resistance of these components, current methodologies are inadequate for the job. The only solution, they say, is to discard all blood products found to contain these contaminants until effective removal techniques are established.

Researchers Call for Widespread Blood Testing

Additionally, the researchers call for widespread testing of both jabbed and unjabbed to assess the potential transmission of spike proteins through exosomes (so-called shedding).

As noted by the authors:

“… when exosomes collected from vaccine recipients were administered to mice that had not been vaccinated with the genetic vaccine, the spike protein was transmitted.

Therefore, it cannot be denied that the spike protein and its modified genes can be transmitted through exosomes. For this reason, we suggest that full testing be done initially, regardless of genetic vaccination status, and that a cohort study be conducted to quickly capture the full picture …

In addition … it cannot be ruled out that even those who have not been vaccinated with the genetic vaccine, but have had long COVID, may have residual spike proteins or fibrin- derived microthrombi in their bodies, so it would be advisable to conduct the same testing and follow-up as for genetic vaccine recipients.

The presence or absence and amount of anti-nucleocapsid antibodies as well as antibody isotypes may be an indicator(s) in distinguishing whether genetic vaccination or long COVID is the cause. In any case, these cohort studies are expected to help establish cutoff values for blood levels of spike protein and other substances to determine the safety of blood products.

Faksova et al. conducted a large cohort study of 99 million people using a multinational Global Vaccine Data NetworkTM (GVDN®) and found a significantly increased risk of myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in genetic vaccine recipients.”

Ensuring the traceability of blood products and establishing a rigorous legal and regulatory framework to manage the myriad issues arising from the use of blood products derived from COVID jabbed individuals are also paramount. This includes creating systems for the registration of all potential donors, ensuring the traceability of blood products, and conducting recipient outcome studies.

Call to Pause: Evaluating the Risks and Benefits of Genetic Vaccines for a Safer Future

In conclusion, the authors point out that if we continue using mRNA-LPN-based platforms to replace conventional vaccines or create new ones, then the risks to our blood and bone marrow supply will be augmented further.

“The impact of these genetic vaccines on blood products and the actual damage caused by them are unknown at present,” they write.6

“Therefore, in order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm-benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible, as called for by Fraiman et al.7 and Polykretis et al.8

[T]he health injuries caused by genetic vaccination are already extremely serious, and it is high time that countries and relevant organizations take concrete steps together to identify the risks and to control and resolve them.”


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1, 3, 5, 6 March 15, 2024

2 Jeff Dornik Substack March 22, 2024

4 Stat Pearls IgG4-Related Disease

7 Vaccine 2022 Sep 22;40(40):5798-5805

8 Autoimmunity 2023 Dec;56(1):2259123

Featured image is from Mercola

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The German government plans to establish a mechanism for sharing Ukrainian immigrants between European Union countries and reducing the number arriving as it has brought social services to the brink, according to German authorities cited by Die Welt. To also deal with this issue, Berlin is now considering returning fighting-age Ukrainians even though the regime will send them to die on the front lines.

The article states that no other state in Europe offers such generous social benefits to immigrants as Germany, which makes the country an attractive destination for Ukrainians.

“Germany welcomed 1.152 million Ukrainians – in absolute numbers, more than any other country in Europe. In Poland, there are around 956,000. Italy welcomed around 172,500 Ukrainians and France around 68,800,” according to Die Welt.

“In Germany, Ukrainian refugees receive citizenship benefits immediately upon arrival, while other people seeking asylum only receive them after they have been recognised in the asylum process, which often takes nine months,” the article states.

Citing an analysis carried out by the economic department of the German parliament, the article highlights that the monthly benefit granted to Ukrainians in Germany is €563, a higher figure than that granted by other EU members. Furthermore, the unemployment rate among Ukrainian refugees is also lower in Germany compared to other countries in the bloc, hovering around 20%.

In an interview with the newspaper, Reinhard Sager, head of the Association of German Districts, stated that the issue should be addressed at an EU meeting as soon as the European elections on June 6-9 are over.

“We call for a harmonisation of integration and social benefits across Europe, which should be based on the living and social standards of the respective member countries,” said Sager.

Christian Engelhardt, administrator of the Bergstrasse district, stated that the situation is at the limit and called for an end to granting immediate benefits to Ukrainian refugees.

“For months, cities and municipalities have found themselves at the limit when it comes to accepting refugees. The district council, therefore, demands that refugees from Ukraine do not automatically receive citizen benefits,” said Engelhardt.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz “strongly supports a solidarity distribution for refugees and believes that… secondary migration within the EU should be addressed and resolved in particular,” a spokesperson for the country’s Interior Ministry was quoted as saying by the German newspaper.

According to an expert quoted by Die Welt, if the mechanism is introduced, Ukrainian immigrants who have illegally moved to other EU states will be returned to the countries where they first received asylum, and some fighting-age men could be forcibly returned to Ukraine even though they will likely face death or permanent injury when they are forced to battle the Russian military.

It appears that Scholz’s patience with Ukraine is silently beginning to end. Not only is he in favour of expelling Ukrainians, but he also once again clarified that he opposes the revision of the “rules” on Ukraine’s use of German weapons and refuses to authorise Kiev to attack Russian territory with these weapons.

“There are clear rules [regarding German weapons] that were negotiated with Ukraine, and that work,” Scholz said.

According to the chancellor, quoted by the Tagesschau portal, the objective of German policy is to prevent the conflict in Ukraine from becoming a major war.

“In any case, that is my position,” Scholz added.

Previously, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged his partners to formally allow Kiev to use long-range missile systems supplied by the West to strike deep into Russian territory. In turn, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov indicated that he sees signs of “desperation” in the requests to enable the use of Western weapons in Ukrainian attacks against targets located on Russian territory.

Although Germany has provided the second-most support for Ukraine after the United States and imposed sanctions on Russia, this has come at the price of ruining the economy. As the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) said on May 23, the EU’s largest economy is “not getting off the ground.” The DIHK based its conclusion on a survey among more than 24,000 companies from all sectors and regions.

DIHK managing director Martin Wansleben said the results showed negative business expectations in the past few months, adding that “the situation in the industry has deteriorated compared to the start of this year and thus remains negative.”

With the economic situation deteriorating and with no major relief in sight, it is understood why Scholtz is desperately trying to offload the Ukrainian refugee issue onto other EU countries or, even worse, send fighting-age men back to Ukraine to fight in a war that their country cannot win. The near collapse of Germany’s famous and generous social services epitomises the very drain that Ukrainian refugees and sanctions against Russia have had on the economy.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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According to official figures, the global debt has reached a mammoth amount of 315 trillion dollars. Fifteen trillion was added only in the last quarter of 2023, this figure was at 210 trillion dollars a decade ago. This global debt is the real elephant in the room that no one is talking about, it’s the root cause of poverty. The real weapon of mass destruction.

The correlation between debt and human development index is mostly overlooked.

People are dying of hunger, children are suffering from malnourishment, there is lack of clean drinking water and unhygienic living conditions, all such problems are mainly caused by the lack of funding but same countries are paying out billions of dollars to their creditors. Most of the international lending is in dollars so indebted countries have to sell their produce and natural resources at cheap rates in order to gain the desperately needed foreign exchange. Foreign debt is most  damaging to countries because their balance of payments plummet when they repay foreign debt or its interest.

International donors dictate such policies that make the country more dependent on foreign aid, i.e “increasing energy tariffs” and “taxes” thus increasing the cost of doing business. The institutions that were envisioned to eradicate global poverty and protect countries from such predatory lending are actually worsening these problems.

In 2008 financial crises, trillions of dollars were written off from the liabilities of the very banks that were culprits in exploiting the housing market bubble in the United States. If banks like Goldman sachs are too big to fail, what about counties with hundreds of millions of people? Don’t they deserve such compassion?

After the second world war, the most crucial economic agreement was the “Bretton Woods agreement.”

It was the  establishment of a system of payments based on the dollar, which defined all currencies in relation to the dollar, because US dollar was “as good as gold.” U.S. currency effectively became the world currency, the standard to which every other currency was measured against. IMF World Bank were established and dollar was their standard currency. United States has the biggest stake in these global financial institutions and conveniently enjoys the most control.

In the post Vietnam war financial crisis of the 70s, the time of “Great Inflation“ , United states delinked its dollar from gold standard, ordering the gold window to be closed such that foreign governments could no longer exchange their dollars for gold. Even after such a betrayal, dollar still exists as the supreme currency. In fact most of the so called economic wizards support the fiat currencies because the government and central banks have more control over economic conditions, they can use strategies to “stabilize the economy”.

I think it’s this fiat system that has enabled US defense budget to expand out of proportion. They just keep on printing with no end in sight this unfettered greed is the root cause of global inflation.

Developing countries such as Pakistan are particularly vulnerable to this debt liability.

As of December 2023, Pakistan’s total external debt is $131.159 billion. Pakistan owes US$7.541 billion to Paris Club, US$38.813 billion to multilateral donors, US$7.596 billion to International Monetary Fund, and US$7.8 billion to international bonds market.

Even though we owe $7.5 billion to IMF, it dictates our government the most because all other lenders follow its direction. Their bail out package feels more like roping in package. Securing IMF funding ensures the improvement of financial rating and the availability of funds from other lenders and markets.

What IMF wants our government to do in principle is not wrong (i.e increase income and decrease spending) how they want us to achieve this goal is where the dubious part comes.

Devil really does lie in the details. Increasing  energy tariffs, cutting down on public spending and ending crucial subsidies will hurt the most economically vulnerable population. Pakistan has a staggering amount of energy sectors circular debt. It is in trillions of rupees but the root cause of this issue is the shady agreements with the IPP’s.

Mainly the capacity payments that are ever increasing due to being in dollars. The sovereign guarantees that our government has committed itself to are being unbearable but such shady deals never come to light, yes line losses and corruption add to this burden but the key issues will be brushed aside.

IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank were created as welfare institutions and they performed very well in rebuilding post-war European economies but after that they have become tools of control by the powers that be.

They don’t actually hand out any thing they simply transfer special drawing rights (SDR).

Lending is an essential part of any economy but checks and balances are very essential to safeguard the interests of the people. When lending is on the basis of profit and loss, unnecessary and excessive borrowing will be discouraged and financial assistance will only be provided when actually needed.

Platforms like World Economic Forum are advocating for central banks digital currencies (CBDC) which will be just a virtual version of fiat currencies. Currency should be backed by a tangible asset as dollar was tied to gold at 35$ an ounce.

Countries or regions with similar assets can have a regional currency backed by their natural resources. Anything but this monopoly money, otherwise we will keep on accumulating global debt.

United States, the so called “superpower” has a debt to GDP ratio of 128%, countries like Japan and  Italy have even higher debt to GDP ratio. How can a country call itself developed when its hard-working young people are not able to own a house? People who are advocating “own nothing and be happy” practically own the world. Affordable housing is a basic human right and need but it’s due to these dubious practices that whole generations have become slaves to debt. Slavery was never abolished, it was just revised. We are all living on “Jones Plantation.”

Our one true global forum, the United Nations, the umbrella institution of IMF and World Bank, needs to wake up from deep slumber. Without acknowledging this problem we won’t be able to solve it. We need legislation, we need actions, it’s not a developing world’s problem. Italy, Japan or America are not developing nations, it’s a global problem. Sadly the ones facing the most consequences are the masses whom are not even aware of what debt they owe and to whom.

Greedy governments should not have the ability to rob the savings of the working class. Mega corporations will be offered huge loans at nominal interest but a youngster eager to learn will spend many decades of earning to pay off the loan for a four year degree. Tax evasion is a very serious crime for a common man but for super rich and mega corporations it’s called “diversifying their portfolio.”

As a common man, we should avoid borrowing as much as possible. It’s important to understand what are our true needs and what superficial desires are imposed by clever marketing or simple peer pressure.

No gadget, apparel or ride can take us to the top. Our true wealth is the time we have, spend it on people who appreciate it and things that deserve your attention. Otherwise, we will end up chasing a mirage that will always be one step ahead.


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As the political West keeps sinking into utter insanity, its already atrocious diplomatic “etiquette” (in the form of arm-twisting and threats of sanctions) is now being replaced by assassinations of foreign leaders and terrorist attacks on global military superpowers. And yet, to make matters worse, it seems that EU/NATO’s top-ranking officials are so detached from reality that they’re now openly threatening foreign leaders (even nominally “allied” ones).

Namely, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze stated that he was recently warned by an EU commissioner that if he goes ahead with the so-called “foreign agent” law, he should be “very careful”, as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico learned “the hard way” in a recent assassination attempt.

Image: Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)


Honoring the aforementioned diplomatic etiquette that exists in all civilized societies (which automatically excludes the EU/NATO “garden”), Kobakhidze refused to name the EU commissioner who threatened him. However, on May 23, the said official revealed himself as Oliver Varhelyi, the EU Enlargement Commissioner. Varhelyi admitted that he spoke with Kobakhidze by phone, but insists that the Georgian prime minister allegedly “took his comments out of context”. As the commissioner was talking about the possible sanctions and measures the EU would take against Georgia if its government doesn’t repeal the aforementioned “foreign agent” law, he also made a clear reference to Fico’s NATO-sponsored assassination attempt.

“While listing these measures, [Varhelyi] mentioned, ‘You’ve seen what happened to Fico and you should be very careful,'” Kobakhidze stated.

We can theorize that this was perhaps a “friendly warning”, as Varhelyi comes from the ranks of Fidesz, a party led by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. On the other hand, Brussels has a way of creating “loyalty” (mostly through blackmail and coercion) among its top-ranking officials. Orban himself surely wouldn’t have allowed something like this, particularly not when referring to the terrorist attack on Fico, as the Slovak PM is perhaps the only other independently-minded leader of an EU/NATO member state. It makes no sense for Orban to allow one of his people to threaten anyone like that, particularly not by using the assassination attempt on his ally as a reference. Thus, Varhelyi most likely acted on his own during the controversial call.

However, it doesn’t matter whether the EU commissioner was threatening because of his loyalty to Brussels or sending a “friendly warning”. What really matters is the fact that Varhelyi effectively admitted who’s behind the attack on Fico. It clearly shows that EU/NATO has zero tolerance for independence of any kind. After over 20 years of having CIA-installed governments in power, Georgia is a wreck, to say the least. The political West pushed the unfortunate country into a war with its historical ally Russia, after which it lost around 20% of its territory. All the while, the ancient Christian country is being heavily exposed to EU/NATO’s moral decay and societal degeneracy, with the latter even trying to push Georgia into yet another direct confrontation with Russia.

Fully aware that it would have no hope of winning in any conceivable way, Tbilisi wisely avoided this, refusing to even join the sanctions against Moscow, let alone send weapons to the Neo-Nazi junta, as EU/NATO initially demanded. Brainwashed into a mindless hatred toward Russia, many Georgians went to Ukraine and joined the Kiev regime forces, even committing heinous war crimes against Russian POWs. However, most people in the country fully understand the futility of going against the Kremlin, which is why they elected the current government, far more independent than its foolishly Russophobic predecessors. One of the ways to make sure this realpolitik approach survives is to adopt a more proactive strategy for fighting foreign meddling.

As part of their aggression on former Eastern Bloc nations, the United States, the European Union and NATO finance numerous NGOs, the purpose of which is to project their so-called “soft power”. Thus, in reality, these “non-governmental organizations” are government-financed, just not by domestic governments. NGOs are usually dangerous CIA/MI6 fronts that can cause very real damage to targeted countries, particularly by causing unrest at times when US/EU/NATO needs it in order to bring a nation to its knees. This approach is central to the political West’s aggression against the world, as evidenced by the utter chaos left not just in Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union, but also in the Middle East, where the so-called “Arab Spring” was orchestrated.

These carefully coordinated operations are then followed by military action, either by NATO itself or through its numerous terrorist proxies. Sometimes even both, if the political West is determined to destroy a nation or an entire region, as seen in the Middle East in the last several decades. However, Georgia is particularly important, as it’s one of the countries directly bordering Russia. As part of its crawling siege of the Eurasian giant, NATO is trying to turn all of its neighbors into enemies. Whether it’s Belarus (attempts to depose President Alexander Lukashenko in recent years), Kazakhstan (January 2022 coup attempt), Ukraine, etc. the political West will keep trying to push Russia into new wars in order to derail its resurgence as a geopolitical and military superpower.

Sovereigntists in Georgia are anything but pro-Russian. However, they surely understand that Moscow isn’t going anywhere. Thus, it’s far better for Georgia to keep building some sort of a working relationship with Russia, particularly in terms of economic cooperation. The EU is too far and too busy with its numerous problems. It can’t really help Tbilisi even if it wanted to, while NATO has proven time and again that it can’t protect the small Caucasus country. Thus, their support for continued enmity between Georgia and the Kremlin exposes the latter’s role as a distraction, perhaps even a sacrificial lamb in the political West’s war on Russia. Obviously, anyone remotely sane would do anything to avoid being given such an unflattering and completely suicidal role.

Kobakhidze also mentioned that “several high-ranking foreign politicians are not hesitating to use open blackmail against the Georgian people and their elected government”. And indeed, the EU and the US have essentially ganged up on Tbilisi to ensure the sovereigntist law is repealed. They even had the French-born Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili veto the bill. Obviously, this isn’t the first time the political West is supporting dictatorships in order to sustain its power projection in targeted countries. The only difference between Washington DC’s and Brussels’ approach is that the former is still ready to give some “carrots” instead of just threatening with the “stick”. Namely, the US would grant Georgia some (albeit laughable) concessions if it repeals the law.

On the other hand, the EU just dropped the “carrot” from the equation entirely, threatening Tbilisi with the end of its “European future” if the bill is passed. However, while the “stick” was previously used only to sanction non-compliant vassals and satellite states, it seems it now includes direct attacks on the political leadership. This signals the political West’s desperation, as countries simply want to avoid being involved in direct confrontation between superpowers. Kobakhidze himself said something along those lines, stating that the threats of “Fico’s fate” are there to “remind us that the Global War Party is an extremely dangerous force willing to do anything to bring chaos to Georgia”. This clearly shows why Kobakhidze or any other sovereigntist is a target for EU/NATO.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Holocaust in Gaza. Starvation

May 28th, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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For nearly eight months, Israel still chokes off nearly all food and other vital supplies to Gaza.

Gaza needs 500 trucks of supply every day, and near-nothing is coming through. The US pier supplies 25-50 trucks per day, and everything else is closed. With irregular intervals, reports have come the past months, but never about more than some 100 or 150 trucks on a few days.

Reports about starvation are made public, and this is obviously getting worse.

Hunger is a creeper. People will survive for months on their bodily reserves and on the little food they can scrape together. But suddenly, people get under the absolute minimum in bodily assets and mass deaths will start on industrial scale.

Once erupted, hunger and disease deaths will be enormous.

I can imagine, that in a few months you will suddenly see deaths of 50,000 per week in Gaza. Ask medical experts.

Holocaust – death brought by Israel on civilians on industrial scale will erupt, if this is not reversed NOW.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The $62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, was hailed as a game-changer for the South Asian country’s ailing economy. However, nearly a decade since its inception, the multi-billion-dollar investment has become a nightmare for both countries, marred by incessant attacks on Chinese nationals, Pakistan’s inability to utilise the investments, and a deepening economic quagmire, which exposes the country to the IMF.

A suicide bombing that killed five Chinese engineers near the Dasu dam project in Pakistan’s northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on March 26 is the latest in a series of deadly strikes. This attack, along with assaults at Gwadar port and a naval base in Balochistan within the same week, have amplified concerns over the security of Chinese personnel and projects in the crisis-ridden country.

While Beijing has called for a “thorough investigation, these brazen attacks demonstrate the dire security situation haunting CPEC projects despite Islamabad’s repeated assurances. In the aftermath, Chinese companies suspended work on major energy projects, including the Dasu and Diamer-Bhasha dams, impacting thousands of local jobs and jeopardising Pakistan’s energy security.

Ahead of Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s upcoming visit to China from June 4-7, the Pakistani Embassy in Beijing assured the Chairman of China Energy Engineering Corporation (CEEC) that a robust security plan has been implemented to safeguard Chinese nationals working in Pakistan. This move comes in the wake of the March 26 suicide attack in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, which claimed the lives of five CEEC employees.

In further communication, the Embassy informed that a comprehensive security arrangement had been implemented, with 1,106 security personnel deployed specifically at the Dasu project site, where the attack occurred. Additionally, helicopter services have been made available for the transportation of Chinese personnel.

Recognising the gravity of the situation, Sharif instructed the Ministry of Water Resources to formulate a compensation package for the families of the deceased Chinese nationals. The MoWR recommended on May 14 a substantial compensation amount of $516,000 for each victim. The substantial compensation package for each of the five deceased Chinese workers, while an important gesture, is wasting resources in a country where a large segment of the population wallows in poverty and lacks access to basic services like healthcare and education.

This recurring need to compensate for security lapses exposes the government’s failings in prudent resource management. Unless Pakistan gets its priorities right and focuses on inclusive development, such apparent misuse of resources will continue to drain the country and further expose it to the predatory demands of the IMF and other Western financial institutions to secure loans.

Although the security of Chinese nationals working on various projects will be a crucial point of discussion during Sharif’s visit to Beijing, it seems that the Pakistani military cannot uproot the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a separatist group fighting for an independent Balochistan, a region of southwest Pakistan. The BLA has conducted numerous strikes on Chinese citizens and continues to demand China leave the resource-rich yet impoverished Balochistan province.

Chinese experts warn that if the security situation does not improve, Beijing may be forced to review its commitment to CPEC. This would deal a massive blow to Pakistan’s already frail economy, which is struggling with spiking inflation, depleting forex reserves, and mounting debt.

Source: InfoBrics

Nearly ten years after Islamabad announced that CPEC was a “game-changer,” Sharif has vowed to bring the separatists to justice and “leave no stone unturned” in providing security to Chinese nationals.

This desperation to compensate the families of killed Chinese workers and protect those still working in Pakistan reflects the Pakistani government’s reliance on China for economic survival amid dwindling support from traditional allies, particularly the West, whose financial institutions are circling to take economic control of the country away from Beijing.

While Pakistan has blamed “foreign elements” for the terrorist strikes aimed at damaging CPEC, Sharif cannot absolve himself of responsibility for the lack of progress and security lapses plaguing the corridor since the problems go beyond terrorism. Land acquisition issues, lack of transparency, and opposition from local stakeholders have marred several key infrastructure projects.

Beijing’s continued support will hinge on Pakistan’s ability to safeguard Chinese interests and utilise the investments for tangible economic and social progress, a feat the nation has failed to achieve so far. While both China and Pakistan have put up brave faces in the aftermath of the attacks, the unending cycle of violence has the potential to pose an unprecedented challenge to their decades-old bilateral relationship. If the crisis continues, China could start withdrawing or lowering its massive interests and investments in the country, which will mean Pakistan, once again, will have no choice but to turn to the IMF for financial support.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The US-Russian Stand-off in Libya

May 28th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

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Libya has not recovered from the US-NATO attack in 2011, the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, which burnt throughout the Middle East and North Africa like a wildfire having been lit in Washington, DC under the US President Obama administration.

There is a ceasefire between the two sides headquartered in Tripoli and Benghazi, but a permanent peace with economic prosperity remains elusive. Russia and the US are both in Libya, but have very different goals and methods of operation.

On one side, there is a UN brokered Government of National Unity (GNU), and on the other side there is the Libyan National Army (LNA) commanded by Khalifa Haftar.

The GNU are western supported, but the members of this group are followers of Radical Islam, specifically the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).  This was the same political ideology used by Obama when he crafted the ‘Arab Spring’. The MB are based across the US and Europe, and have an identical platform as ISIS or Al Qaeda.  They believe that Islamic Law is the best governance system on earth.

US Senator Ted Cruz has authored legislation to outlaw the MB in the US, but has been unsuccessful while both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have resisted, which demonstrates the level of power the MB exert in the US.

Egypt, Syria, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have all outlawed the MB.

Haftar’s LNA is secular, and opposed to creating a political system in Libya based on Islam.  This would seem to be the perfect partner for the US and Europe; however, it is the MB which has been supported and weaponized by the US, UK, and France during the Arab Spring, as the MB were used as ‘boots on the ground’.

Libya has an abundance of energy resources, and yet the government and people are not benefitting. Foreign meddling in Libya was started by Obama and French President Sarkozy who used NATO airstrikes to overthrow the government and destroy vital infrastructure. Since then, Turkey, Egypt, and Russia have all stepped into Libya after the door was left ajar by the US-NATO attack.

America is still very much present in Libya, as they have oil and security interests there. However, Washington has never invested in Libyan economic recovery, and without a plan to rebuild and restore the country, the US is seen as just a greedy super-power looking for their own benefit.

During the American occupation of Libya, tons of gold in the central bank of Libya went missing, as well as the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton absconded with the Libyan government’s weapons stockpiles, which were shipped from Benghazi to Turkey to be trucked across the border to Idlib, for the use by Al Qaeda terrorists as they attacked Syrian civilians and Syrian soldiers.

US has not paid Libya back for the theft of national resources while under occupation.

Now, many in Libya want foreign meddlers to go home, and an economic recovery which can support the rule of law and elections.

The dictator Gaddafi had ruled with an iron fist, but the country was united and prosperous. Syrian workers had been in Libya for decades, making a decent living wage, while working as doctors, teachers, and engineers.  Libyans hired foreign workers to perform menial jobs, like trash collection and restaurant work. The Libyan citizens lived a lifestyle above and beyond that of most Middle Eastern citizens. They might not have had ‘freedom and democracy’ but they generally owned their own home and could afford to send their children to school.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of the former ousted leader, has expressed an interest in running for office, but the US is intent to deliver him to the International Criminal Court on charges against him stemming from the time of the ‘Arab Spring”.

When the terrorists began attacking civilians and government institutions in 2011 in Libya, Muamar Gaddafi correctly identified the terrorists as members of Al Qaeda, but the western media, instructed by their governments, spun the story as ‘freedom fighters’ and a ‘grass-roots’ uprising to oust the dictator Gaddafi.

The same wildfire of terrorism swept through Syria, Egypt and Tunisia.  Only Syria was able to resist the US-NATO attack, due to their national army never breaking up, and never backing down.  When it became weakened by years of losses, the Russian military stepped in to save the country from an Islamic State in Damascus.

Both Egypt and Tunisia succumbed to the Obama plan, but later both self-corrected and threw out the MB leadership which had oppressed the people as much as any dictator had.

Russia has a presence in Libya, and is there as a counter-balance to the US and Europe. The west should pay attention to what Russia offers Libya, which is economic benefits, without lecturing them about democracy being their priority. According to the Libyan people, their priority is feeding their children and families.

“We appeal to our friends in the Russian leadership and our friends in African countries to help us withdraw all foreign troops from our territory.” —Libyan Presidential Council Chairman Mohamed al-Menfi, at the 2nd Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg, addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin in July 2023, with the participation of 49 African countries.

Menfi stressed the desire to establish a successful strategic partnership with a direct return to African integration and mutual interest for both Africa and Russia.

“This partnership will be demonstrated in the areas of technology transfer, scientific research, cadre’s capacity building, energy and agriculture,” Menfi explained.

“The partnership will support efforts of the African group to improve its negotiating position in fields of mining and investments, and to obtain its right to fair and equitable representation in the Security Council,” he further stated.

“We will be keen to support all efforts for economic integration, and what will be agreed with Russia in several fields, and in efforts to strengthen Peace and defuse armed conflicts,” Menfi added.

The US imports less goods from Libya today that it did prior to the ‘Arab Spring’, and the US goods deficit with Libya was $1.9 billion in 2022, which is a $40 million increase over 2021.

The US sells a lot more to Libya than it buys from Libya, keeping Libya a permanent customer without equality.  The US gave Libya about $49 million in aid in 2022, with the aid being conditioned to programs supporting democracy, but not economic development.

No wonder why the Libyans are happy to partner with Russia, and have said in the past “Yankee Go Home”.  It is all about the economy and development in Libya. Washington should take a lesson from Russia on how to make friends and influence people.


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This article was published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two time award winning Journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The bloodbath of the Second World War should’ve taught humanity that any sort of direct confrontation between superpowers is a grave mistake.

After dozens of millions of dead and hundreds of millions of lives destroyed, people understood the dangers of continued warfare and valued peace above all. Unfortunately, the political elites didn’t really care.

The United States and the United Kingdom openly planned to use atomic weapons to “impose their will on Russia”, as evidenced by “Operation Unthinkable”. Devised by Washington DC and London while the fighting in Europe and the Asia-Pacific was still ongoing, this shows that global thalassocracies never really cared about peace. All they ever wanted was power and, as they stated themselves, to impose their will on the entire world.

This sort of imperialist and (neo)colonialist mindset hasn’t changed in the slightest to this very day.

While the UK lost most of its power since then, it incorporated itself into the US-led political West as one of the most influential geopolitical players. In the last 80 years, the belligerent power pole drastically escalated its aggression against the world, with dozens of allies, vassals and satellite states joining in. Oftentimes, by dismantling sovereign states (either through subversion or direct aggression), the political West ensured it maintains numerous (neo)colonies that are not only exploited to the fullest, but are also used to destabilize key regions, particularly to harass its near-peer adversaries. And the primary target remains virtually the same as nearly 80 years ago – Russia.

Obviously, we should add China and the multipolar world as a whole to this “kill list”, but Moscow’s military power makes it even more important. Namely, its ability to quite literally destroy the entirety of the political West all on its own means that neutralizing Russia is paramount to the belligerent power pole’s quest for global domination. However, as the window of opportunity for this is closing fast, NATO is becoming more desperate than ever. The Kremlin will only become more powerful with time, particularly as the Russian people mobilize to push back against this crawling aggression that’s becoming more open and direct with each passing day. High-ranking US officials are openly talking about direct attacks on Russia’s undisputed territory, including the infamous warmonger Michael McCaul.

Serving as the chairman of the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee, McCaul is infamous for calling on Americans to go to war against China for the sake of semiconductors. However, war with “just one” superpower is obviously not enough for this person (although describing him as a madman completely detached from reality is far more fitting), so he also wants to start one with Russia. And while some would say that this is only limited to warmongers and unapologetic war criminals at the Capitol Hill and the Pentagon, there’s also open support for this at NATO headquarters in Brussels. Namely, the belligerent alliance’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg backed McCaul’s suggestion that NATO-sourced long-range weapons be used in direct attacks on Russian territory.

Obviously, such attacks are already taking place, particularly supported by the suicidal UK. However, various governments in the political West, especially the troubled Biden administration, maintained a level of so-called “plausible deniability” by insisting they supposedly “prohibited” such attacks using NATO-sourced weapons. And yet, as warmongers are increasingly brash and rash in their decisions and public statements, it’s only a matter of time before things escalate and consequences become irreversible. Other NATO leaders are no less aggressive, as evidenced by Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski’s statement that the US allegedly told Russia

“if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn’t kill anybody, we will hit all your [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we’ll destroy all of them”.

Such threats would surely be realistic if the country in question was Serbia/former Yugoslavia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or any of the dozens of nations, victims of the political West’s incessant aggression against the world. However, threatening a country like Russia is beyond insane.

Warsaw itself should understand that thermonuclear weapons Moscow fields in the Kaliningrad oblast (region) alone would be enough to turn Poland into a radioactive wasteland virtually forever – in seconds. As for the rest of NATO in Europe, new IRBMs (intermediate-range ballistic missiles) can do the same – in minutes. As for the US, it would take a bit longer (up to half an hour in the best-case scenario), but the Kremlin’s strategic arsenal is second-to-none, ensuring that nobody could attack Russia with impunity.

And yet, that’s precisely what many in NATO think they could accomplish. Although it can’t even win a conventional war against the Eurasian giant, which is why it’s using the Kiev regime as a proxy, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel is determined to play a game of “nuclear chicken” with Moscow. The US is certainly not alone in this, as both the UK and France seem to have similar illusions. However, this doesn’t prevent them from trying, which is why NATO is already coordinating the Neo-Nazi junta’s strikes on Russia’s strategic assets, including early warning systems such as the “Voronezh-M” over-the-horizon radar stations. One, situated near Orsk, a city in the Orenburg oblast, was targeted in a drone strike on May 26. Luckily, the UAV was downed by air defenses.

However, although it failed, the attack signals a far more brazen US/EU/NATO involvement, as the radar station plays no role in the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine. It’s a strategic asset that’s important only in the case of a direct confrontation between Russia and the political West. Such actions, tantamount to a declaration of war, test Moscow’s patience. And while the Kremlin is showing remarkable restraint, this isn’t an endless resource, particularly if it becomes ultimately self-defeating to maintain such bearing. As the political West is slowly but surely losing its mind, it cannot be expected its leadership will be sensible and accountable. Detached from reality and with no consequences for its war crimes and aggression around the world, NATO seems to think this too will go unpunished.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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One by one, the US empire is discrediting all of its own arguments for why it should lead the world. All the violence, tyranny and injustice it claims to be keeping at bay with its globe-dominating leadership is being inflicted by the empire itself, in more and more brazen and egregious ways each year.

The entire premise behind the empire’s containment strategies, military encirclement and cold war brinkmanship with China is that obviously the PRC needs to be stopped from rising and displacing the US as the global leader, and arguments about the need to control Russia and Iran by any means necessary arise from the same premise.

These arguments are accepted as a given by many on the basis that the US is a free and democratic country which promotes liberal values and opposes authoritarianism, so of course it’s better to have the US in charge of world affairs.

But every point which could be used to bolster that argument is being rapidly eroded by the US itself. The US is making the world a much more violent and dangerous place. The US is assaulting freedom by perpetrating and facilitating more and more injustice and authoritarianism. The US is undermining international law by constantly violating it. Every argument that could be made for the merits of US global leadership gets weaker by the day.

As the US backs Israel in routinely committing horrifying massacres in Gaza, it’s clear that the US cannot claim to be making the world a more peaceful and harmonious place.

As the US and its allies recklessly ramp up nuclear brinkmanship with Russia over the failing proxy war in Ukraine, it’s clear that the US cannot claim to be making the world safer.

As the US denounces the International Criminal Court for applying for arrest warrants of Israeli officials, and supports Israel in dismissing the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah, it’s clear that the US has discredited its claim as the upholder of the “rules-based international order”.

As online censorship and banned pro-Palestine slogans are increasingly normalized throughout the US-led western world, it’s clear that the US has discredited its claim to being a protector of the freedom of speech.

As the US inflicts violent police crackdowns on anti-genocide protesters on university campuses nationwide, it’s clear that the US has discredited its claim to being a protector of the freedom of assembly.

As the US backs Israel in murdering a historic number of journalists and shutting down Al Jazeera, while itself imprisoning Julian Assange for journalistic activity exposing US war crimes, it’s clear that the US has discredited its claim to being a protector of the freedom of the press.

As the US supports its proxies in Kyiv canceling elections in Ukraine while providing military assistance to most of the world’s dictatorships, it is clear that the US has discredited its claim to being a major promotor of democracy.

Whatever argument you could come up with for why the world benefits from US leadership, there are major stories in the news right now which soundly discredit such claims. The evidence is in, and that argument has been lost.

This is not some empty rhetorical point I’m just making to show that my worldview is better than those of the mainstream western empire apologist; it is extremely relevant to present and future developments of unparalleled importance to the survival of our species. 

The US empire has been simultaneously ramping up aggressions against China and Russia as well as in the middle east with increasing recklessness that appears bound for a massive military confrontation with at least one major nuclear-armed state at some point in the coming years. It is doing so because the rise of China means US planetary hegemony will be on its way out the door unless something significant occurs, and the empire managers appear to have calculated that it’s worth risking the life of every terrestrial organism to force that something significant to occur.

The only possible argument that this is a sane or reasonable thing to do is that the world is better off with US leadership than without it. But as we just discussed, every possible premise of that claim has been soundly discredited by the actions of the United States. And it’s only getting worse.

This to me makes it abundantly clear that the world would be better off without US leadership.

Whenever I say this I get empire apologists in my comments furiously arguing that if the US doesn’t dominate our planet then China will, but there’s no evidence that China seeks to supplant the US as a unipolar planetary hegemon, and the assumption that there must always be one unipolar power dominating the globe is ahistorical nonsense. In all of human history there has been only one unipolar planetary hegemon, namely the US empire, and it didn’t exist until the fall of the Soviet Union in the nineties. 

It is not rational to believe that something which has only happened one single time in all of history must be the norm for our world. Multipolarity has been the norm, not the exception, throughout all the rest of our time on this planet prior to the emergence of US global supremacy some three decades ago.

None of this is to suggest that a multipolar world will solve all our problems or give rise to peace and harmony. But it is clear that accepting the emergence of such a world is preferable to a world in which the US empire seeks to suppress and delay its arrival with rapidly increasing amounts of violence and aggression, up to and including ramping up for World War Three and playing insane games of chicken with armageddon weapons.

The US empire is too crazy and sick to be allowed to rule the world anymore. There is no argument to be made that the benefits outweigh the costs. There is no reason the world’s great powers cannot come together and collaborate toward a healthy world for the benefit of everyone, if humanity can just shrug off its primitive impulse to dominate and control.


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A Certain French Stubbornness: Violence in New Caledonia

May 28th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan K.C. Accuses Palestine of Waging War Against Israel

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and International Criminal Court, May 26, 2024

The “Justified Vengeance” doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that Palestine (despite its limited military capabilities) is “the aggressor” and that “Israel has the right to defend itself” which since October 7, 2023 consists in the conduct of a carefully planned genocide against the People of Palestine.

The Way to a New Palestine

By Peter Koenig, May 28, 2024

It is important to know that most of these student protests around the Western world were financed by the Soros Open Society Foundation. The very Soros, the master behind the notorious and criminal Woke agenda. 

Dublin Refugee Calamity Could be the Future of Europe

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WHO “Treaty” Fails, Open Border and Immigration Up Next

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The WHO pandemic accord negotiations have apparently collapsed right before the scheduled crucial vote today- which happens to be the US Federal holiday set aside to memorialize the service of military veterans who fought and died to defend freedom. Yet another coincidence suggestive of divine intervention.

A Two-State Solution in Palestine-Israel Does Not Challenge the Forces of Imperialism

By Roger Copple, May 28, 2024

A two-state solution (that is, having two separate nations) in Palestine-Israel does not challenge the forces of imperialism, but a one-state solution in Palestine-Israel does challenge and threaten the forces of imperialism.

Two Extremely Rich Countries—Norway and Japan—Continue Horrible Cruelty to Whales

By Bharat Dogra, May 28, 2024

When a whale is sighted, a gun is used to fire a harpoon with tipped grenade at it. As the weapon enters the body of the whale, the grenade explodes inside the body, creating a pool of blood all around.

Can Russia and Ukraine Still Negotiate Peace? Switzerland’s “Path to Nowhere”

By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 27, 2024

Swiss authorities’ plan to hold Peace Conference on Ukraine on June 15-16 at the Burgenstock Resort has sparked serious discussions and controversy, and moreso fraught with complications and contradictions especially over participating countries.

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When a whale is sighted, a gun is used to fire a harpoon with tipped grenade at it. As the weapon enters the body of the whale, the grenade explodes inside the body, creating a pool of blood all around.

The whale writhes in pain, but may not die immediately. It is attacked more. Still it may be alive when brought abroad the factory ship for butchering. 

All this has been happening for many decades as whaling has been ‘modernized’ and ‘advanced’. Norway, Japan Germany, Britain –expert whalers from these various ‘developed’ countries made their own contributions to more and more barbaric and cruel ways of using new technology for whaling —the grenade tipped harpoon (even patented ones), specially designed cannons, doubled barreled whale guns with a separate harpoon and bomb lance.

At present two of the richest countries are still engaged in big-time whaling—Japan and Norway. Norway alone kills about 500 whales a year. Iceland is hopefully on way to ending commercial whaling. However other smaller offenders still remain. The Danish autonomous territory of Faroe Islands organizes an annual ‘festival’ based on killing of whales in which hundreds of whales and dolphins are killed.

All this is still happening despite years of highly dedicated efforts by conservationists and all those who value life. If it was not for these efforts, the scale of the cruelty would have been much higher. At the height of the slaughter, about a century back, nearly 50,000 whales were being killed in a year. More of these were females, many of these pregnant. This is because pregnant whales move more slowly and tend to come closer to shores, hence becoming easy targets.

Whale hunting extended far and wide. Juro Oka, called the father of Japan’s whaling, gloated,

“The day will come when we shall hear in the morning that whales have been hunted in the Arctic and we shall hear in the evening that whales have been hunted in the Antarctic.”

Japanese whalers kept consolidating to gather big business clout, supported by their government. Only World War II reduced their hunting and killing, but this too only for a short while as the American General MacArthur encouraged and helped them to revive this so that the Americans and Europeans could also get some of the whale oil profits.

Earlier also the Japanese whalers had made their profits not just from whale meat but also more and more significantly from whale oil (sperm oil, train oil, melon oil etc. from various different species). Over a period more and more uses of the oil—obtained from whale blubber, bones and partly even flesh– were found ranging from soap to lighting, from lubricants to cosmetics, but what became more and more valuable in the run-up to the war was the use of whale oil to make nitroglycerin for explosives. Japan collected stocks and also sold to Germany.

In the post war years the shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis also made huge money from whaling by ignoring regulations, but when he got into trouble the Japanese were quick to buy his whaling business, so that his whaling vessel The Olympic Challenger now made its appearance as the Kyokuyo Maru II. The Japanese too had hardly any inhibitions about breaking conservation regulations. In 2002 the World Wildlife Fund for Research published an open letter by an international team of scientists which stated that Japan’s whaling research program had failed to meet minimum standards for credible science. 

In fact to the extent that science has been used as a cover for whale hunting it can only be called the science of slaughter. To maintain profits whale meat continued to be promoted even there were reports of high levels of methyl mercury and other health risks. Criticism was often met with aggression. There was even a case of a flashbang grenade being thrown into a ship of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society by whaling interests. The International Convention on Whaling sought to check commercial whaling from 1986 onwards but whalers continued to exploit loopholes like allowing ‘research based hunting activities’! So all that the whale killers had to do was to get scientific papers written as a part of their killing sprees!!   

The most obvious aspect of science being neglected by the whaling interests is that whales actually make a very important contribution to maintaining the balance of ocean life. When whales dive deep in the ocean and then come up, they bring with them important nutrients from the bottom to the surface. This circulation of nutrients helps to create conditions for the abundance of phytoplankton. In addition feces of whales also contribute to this. Phytoplankton in turn provide the basis for the flourishing of a vast diversity of smaller forms of ocean life. In addition these also absorb carbon while releasing oxygen. 

Hence while abundance of phytoplankton has always been important for ocean life, in times of climate change this significance has further increased due to their role in absorbing carbon. In addition whales also store a lot of carbon within them. This remains within them when they are alive and when dying a natural death they sink to the bottom of the sea and this carbon remains within their bodies for a very, very long time.

Hence apart from being extremely cruel, killing of whales is very harmful for environment and ocean biodiversity. Killing of whales and all activities relating to hunting whales and processing them are harmful for environment in many diverse ways.

In any case whales face threats from ecological ruin and pollution of oceans, including chemical and plastic pollution. Hunting of whales adds greatly to these threats, particularly as more females and pregnant ones are killed.

Hunting of whales often leads to reduction of smaller fish catch for traditional fishers and their livelihood is therefore adversely affected. As a result several times conflicts have developed between traditional fishers and big whaling interests but big whaling interests have the power of money on their side.

Keeping in view all this, conservationists and all those who value animal life should raise a much stronger voice to stop hunting and killing of whales as already so many of them have been killed in recent decades.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, Man over Machine and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: A whale and a sub-adult being loaded aboard a factory ship, the Nisshin Maru. The sign above the slipway reads, “Legal research under the ICRW.” Australia released this photo to challenge that claim. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 au)

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A two-state solution (that is, having two separate nations) in Palestine-Israel does not challenge the forces of imperialism, but a one-state solution in Palestine-Israel does challenge and threaten the forces of imperialism. The forces of imperialism would include the imperial nations such as the United States, the military-industrial complex, and organizations like NATO and the European Union.    

The United Nations Partition Plan was proposed in 1947.

“Part I of the plan stipulated that the [British] Mandate would be terminated as soon as possible, and the United Kingdom would withdraw no later than 1 August 1948.  The plan’s detractors considered the proposed plan to be pro-Zionist with 56% of the land allocated to the Jewish state, although the Palestinian Arab population numbered twice the Jewish population.”  

The British mandate ended when the British returned it to the United Nations on May 15, 1948.  In the afternoon of May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was declared in Tel-Aviv.

But even the fairest two-state solution would not eliminate the bitterness and hatred between Arabs and Jews that developed only after the idea of a Zionist Jewish state was considered in the land of Palestine. Jews, Arabs, and Christians in Palestine got along just fine under the Ottoman Empire.

A one-state solution, however, has the potential of eliminating the bitterness and hatred between Arabs and Jews.     

Only love will create healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation between Arabs and Jews. Integrating and uniting Christians, Muslims, and Jews into a secular one-state nation is the best solution, and it would be the highest achievement.      

The imperial forces and nations can tolerate a two-state solution, but they absolutely will not tolerate a one-state solution for Palestine-Israel because they don’t want peace and harmony in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. They purposely and permanently want division and discord in the Middle East and throughout the world. They use a strategy of divide and conquer.  

The imperial forces have the spirit of an Antichrist. They want to keep controlling the world as they have always controlled the world. Do you think they are doing a good job? Are you happy with the way the world is today? Do you think things are getting better or worse in the world? 

Israeli Zionism gives the imperial powers a base, an ally, for control of the Middle-East, and that’s the problem.

If Zionism is democratically removed from the State of Israel, and Hamas is democratically removed from Gaza, peace and harmony in the Middle East could actually become a reality, but that would be an enormous threat to the military-industrial complex that makes money from justifying endless wars, that makes money from creating constant conflicts.  The imperial forces are dark and evil forces, if not literal agents of Satan.  

The integration of Jews, Muslims, and Christians into a secular one-state nation would be a win-win situation for everyone, except the war profiteers that desperately need the regional instability created by Zionism to increase their profits and control. Zionism and imperialism need each other.       

I recently published an article entitled “Christians, Muslims, and Jews for a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel.” That article provides a lot of hyperlinks that explain many of the terms and concepts described in this article.  

If all the Jews, Muslims, and Christians in a secularized, one-state national government in Palestine-Israel have equal rights, it is very unlikely that they would vote for Zionism or Hamas.  

The imperial nations deeply invested in the Middle East crisis love the current arrangement in which Zionist Israel has control of the Palestinian territories. For the Muslims, Jews, and Christians living in Palestine-Israel, a two-state solution would be better, but a one-state solution would be best.       


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Roger Copple retired in 2010 at the age of 60. As a high school special education teacher, he taught algebra, English, and history.  As a general education teacher he taught mostly 3rd grade. His website was created the same year he retired with his son’s help. Roger renewed his Christian faith on September 17, 2023 in an evangelical church after being enamored with yoga philosophy and Buddhism for many years. However, for the last 3 months, he has identified as a mainline Presbyterian. Roger lives in Gulfport, Florida.

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[This article was originally published in June 2022.]

Plan A: Global Hegemony

By the late 1990s, it was clear that a China-led Asia would be the dominant economic, technological and military power of the 21st century.

The late Polish-American diplomat and political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski spelled out in 1997 that the way to control Asian growth, and China’s in particular, was to control global energy reserves.

The attacks on 11 September 2001 provided the “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” to set military intervention plans in motion. As noted by US General Wesley Clark, “in addition to Afghanistan, we’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.”

Energy reserves of these countries – in addition to those already controlled by the west – would result in western control over 60 percent of global gas reserves and 70 percent of global oil reserves.

However, the west’s direct military intervention wars failed, and subsequent proxy wars using assorted Al Qaeda-affiliated Islamists failed as well.

Rise of the ‘RIC’

In the two decades since Brzezinski laid out his strategy and the west immersed itself in failed wars, the Eurasian sovereignist core of Russia, Iran, and China (RIC) were heavily focused on national development in all arenas, including the economic, technological and military fields, and physical and social infrastructure development.

By 2018, it was clear that plans for western control of global energy reserves had failed and that the RIC had overtaken the west in many, if not most, of the aforementioned sectors.

As a result, the RIC were able to project power, protecting sovereign nations from western interventionism in West Asia, Central Asia, South America and Africa. In Iran’s case this also involved a direct military response against US forces, following the assassination of the late General Qassem Soleimani. Making matters worse, the gap between the west and the RIC is widening, with little chance for the former to catch up.

The impossibility of sustaining western global hegemony had become evident amid continuous erosion of western power and global influence, which coincide with a commensurate expansion of RIC global influence, both of which necessitated an alternative strategy: a Plan B, as it were.

Plan B: Securing the Realm

In view of the irreversible widening of this gap, and the growing global influence of the RIC, the only feasible strategy for the west would be to ‘terminate the competition’ by splitting the world into two regions, one in which the west has ironclad control, where western “rules” reign, and is divorced from the RIC-influenced region.

The current geostrategy of the west is the imposition of an Iron Curtain with the inclusion of as many resource rich nations as possible. Only by realizing the west’s actual geostrategic objective is it possible to understand the reason behind its apparently self-defeating actions, specifically:

  • Imposition of draconian sanctions on Russia that hurt the west far more than Russia.
  • Increasing tensions with China and Iran whilst engaged in a proxy war with Russia.

While the world is fixated on the conflict in Ukraine, the geostrategic objective of the west is being steadily advanced.

Sanctions: The Catalyst of Crises and Coercion

The widely accepted explanation is that the west imposed draconian sanctions with the expectation that it would turn the ruble into “rubble,” create a run on banks, crash the Russian economy, weaken President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power, and pave the way for a more amenable president to replace him.

None of these expectations materialized. On the contrary, the ruble strengthened against the dollar and the euro, and the Russian economy is faring better than most western economies, which are witnessing record inflation and recessionary indicators. To add insult to injury, Putin’s popularity has soared while those of his western counterparts are hitting record lows.

The west’s after-the-fact explanation that sanctions, and their repercussions, were not well thought out, do not hold water.

Often overlooked though, has been the devastating impact of these sanctions on the Global South. US economist Michael Hudson argues that the Ukraine war is merely a catalyst to impose sanctions that would result in global food and energy crises – allowing the US to coerce the Global South to be “with us or against us.”

Indeed the impact of these crises are compounded by the earlier detrimental impact of Covid lockdowns. Food, energy and economic crises are further exasperated by the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates which directly impact the debt servicing ability of Global South countries, placing them on the edge of bankruptcy and at the mercy of the western-controlled World Bank and International Monetary Fund — the instruments for effectively locking these nations within the western realm.

Thus, despite the very negative impact of sanctions on western countries, these nevertheless fit perfectly with the strategic objective of locking in as many Global South countries within the western sphere of influence.

Tensions with China and Iran

Driving a wedge between Eurasian powers has been an axiom of western geostrategy, as expressed eloquently by Brzezinski:

“The three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are: to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”

In this regard, raising tensions with Beijing and Tehran, while the west is involved in a proxy war with Russia, appears contradictory.

However it starts to make more rational sense when contextualizing the strategy as one aiming to establish an “Iron Curtain” that separates the world into two: one is the western Realm, and the other is Brzezinski’s ‘Barbaria,’ at the core of which are the RIC.

Two Worlds

The western realm will continue on its path of neoliberalism. Yet due to significantly smaller populations and resources under its control, it will be significantly impoverished compared to present, necessitating imposition of police states for which Covid-19 lockdowns provide a glimpse into the socio-political future of these states.

Global South countries under the western realm will continue down a path of increased poverty, requiring management by dictatorial governments. Political turbulence is expected as a result of deteriorating socioeconomic conditions.

‘Barbaria,’ as reflected in the very diverse political and economic models of the RIC, will have a variety of development models, reflecting the civilizational diversity within this realm and the mutually beneficial cooperation which currently exists between the RICs, and between the RIC and others.

What About the Global South?

Facing the perfect storm of food, energy, inflation and debt servicing crises, many Global South countries will be in a very weak position and may be readily coerced into joining the western realm. This will be facilitated by the fact that their economic, and consequently, political elites, have their interests aligned with the western financial construct – and will thus wholeheartedly embrace joining the west.

The inability of west to provide effective solutions to these crises, coupled with their colonial past, will make joining Barbaria more attractive. This can be further influenced by the RIC providing support during this crisis period.

Russia has already offered to assist in the provision of food to Afghanistan and African countries, while Iran notably provided gasoline to Venezuela during its fuel crisis. Meanwhile, China has a successful track record of infrastructure development in Global South countries and is spearheading the world’s most ambitious connectivity project, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

As Russian economist and Minister of Integration for the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) Sergey Glazyev already hinted when describing the emerging alternative global financial network: “Countries of the Global South can be full participants of the new system regardless of their accumulated debts in dollars, euro, pound, and yen. Even if they were to default on their obligations in those currencies, this would have no bearing on their credit rating in the new financial system.”

How many Global South nations can the western realm realistically expect to hold onto when Barbaria offers a clean slate, with zero debt?

Where Does This Leave West Asia?

The Axis of Resistance will be further aligned with Barbaria; however, political elites in Iraq and Lebanon favor the western realm. Thus, a politically turbulent period is expected in such countries. Due to the inability of west to offer economic solutions, coupled with the clout of local Resistance parties in these countries, the end game for Iraq and Lebanon is ultimately to join Barbaria, along with the de-facto government of Yemen.

Oil sheikhdoms of the Gulf are creations of the west and therefore belong in the western realm. However due to events of the past two decades, this may not necessarily be where they all line up. The west’s debacles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen have convinced the sheikhdoms that the west has lost its military edge, and is no longer able to offer long term protection.

Furthermore, unlike the west, Barbaria has a track record of not directly meddling in the internal affairs of nations, a factor of significance for the sheikhdoms. Recent diplomatic tensions with the west have been evidenced by Saudi and UAE leaders rejecting the oil production demands of the US administration – an unprecedented development. If offered convincing protection by Barbaria, oil sheikhdoms may decide to join it.

End of an Era

Retrenchment of the west marks the end of a long era of western expansionism and oppression. Some date this era back six centuries to the start of European colonization in the fifteenth century. Others date it even further back to the Great Schism and the subsequent Crusades.

The latter are supported by a statement attributed to British Field Marshal Edmund Allenby on entering Jerusalem in 1917: “only now have the crusades ended,” and the fact that church bells chimed worldwide in celebration of the occupation of Jerusalem.

During this era, hundreds of millions all over the globe were massacred, civilizations were wiped out, billions suffered and still suffer. To state that we are living in epochal times is a gross understatement.

Naturally the end of such an era cannot happen peacefully; the wars of the past 30 years are witness to this.

The regression of western initiated wars from direct military intervention (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq) to wars by proxy (Syria, Iraq, Ukraine) augurs well, as it reflects the realization by the west that it is no match militarily to the RIC. Had there been any lingering doubts, the war in Ukraine has put them to rest. Thus it can be concluded that the worst is over.

Internal instability in some Global South countries will exist in the near future; a consequence of the struggle between diverging interests of populations and neoliberal ruling elites. Decline and impoverishment of the West vs. the rise of RIC will favour the resolving of these struggles in favour of the peoples and alignment with RIC.


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First British conservative/libertarian politician, thought leader and broadcaster Nigel Farage drew major corporatist UK mainstream media fire for opposing the WHO pandemic “accord” (the not really a “treaty”- treaty).



From “The Guardian”:

The World Health Organization has accused Nigel Farage of spreading misinformation after he launched a campaign to block an international treaty designed to improve global pandemic preparedness.

WHO member states are negotiating a deal to shore up cooperation against new pathogens. If adopted, the legally binding treaty would commit countries to helping each other in the event of a pandemic, increase research and sharing of data, and promote fair access to vaccines.

But populist figures including Farage and a number of Tory MPs are lobbying the UK government to block the deal, claiming that it will give the WHO power to enforce lockdowns on countries, dictate policy on mask wearing and control vaccine stocks.

Farage is fronting the campaign group Action on World Health (AWH), which was registered on Companies House last week.

The AWH’s website lists supporters including the Tory MPs Henry Smith, Philip Davies and David Jones, as well as peers and others. Companies House filings show that it has three directors including the barrister Paul Diamond, whose work has included high-profile cases on behalf of socially conservative Christians and cases where the use of vaccines has been disputed.

Visitors to the AWH’s site are helped to locate and lobby their MP using template “suggested text” emails that claim the WHO treaty will “strip away” the UK’s decision-making powers.

The potency of what some on the right view as a potential new “wedge issue” was underlined in contributions by Tory backbenchers such as Philip Hollobone, who echoed populist language by describing the WHO as being under the influence of “the global elite” and urging against the UK backing the treaty.

The UK health minister Andrew Stephenson urged MPs in parliament this week to dismiss what he described as myths being spread about the treaty, which the UK is considering whether or not to support.

Lockdown mandates are not part of the deal and a claim by Farage that the treaty would require countries to give away 20% of their vaccines was “simply not true”, said Stephenson.

His comments were echoed by the WHO directly. Responding to AWH’s claims, a spokesperson said a draft of the treaty reaffirmed “the principle of sovereignty” of member states.

“Claims that the draft agreement will cede sovereignty to WHO and will give the WHO secretariat power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries are false and have never been requested nor proposed. This agreement will not, and cannot, grant sovereignty to WHO.”

Farage, who denies that the campaign is sharing misinformation, claimed the UK government was “running scared” and that Conservative MPs had “suddenly been shouting” about the treaty on Wednesday.

“The governing party are very scared of me and of anything that would look like a surrender of sovereignty after Brexit. I’m trying to bring to the public’s attention something that is not being debated – that’s what I have done throughout my career – and I think we are getting traction already,” he said.

“This may not be a campaign with mass populist appeal but we can influence the government’s position when they get to Geneva in a couple of weeks time.

Some might snipe that Nigel is a bit late to the party, and certainly groups like former (Reagan) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney’s “Sovereignty Coalition” as well as individual physician thought leaders such as Dr. Kat Lindley and Dr. Meryl Nass deserve a lot of credit for months and months of hard work researching, defining and publicizing the obscure and often hidden details of the effort to reward the WHO with additional powers and funding for its abysmal performance and chronic manipulative dishonesty during the COVID crisis. But lets not quibble. Mr. Farage helped raise awareness of the key issues at a critical time, and for that we should all be grateful.


Nigel Farage, as in the case of UKIP and Brexit, once again stood back, watched, and then took a stand on a controversial topic – which seems to be almost unheard of (aside from the lonely “voice in the wilderness” of Andrew Bridgen) in today’s British politics. And whether or not his actions played a role, the WHO pandemic accord negotiations have apparently collapsed right before the scheduled crucial vote today- which happens to be the US Federal holiday set aside to memorialize the service of military veterans who fought and died to defend freedom. Yet another coincidence suggestive of divine intervention.

In any case, apparently the WHO negotiations have failed to meet a self-imposed two-year deadline, and the “treaty” will not proceed to a ratification vote today – but not due to concerns about empowering the unelected WHO with enhanced “New World Order” globalist powers to trample on individual and national sovereignty whenever it feels the need to declare a health crisis (anthropomorphic Global Warming, for example).

Turning for a moment to Japans NHK news to help make sense of the official narrative being used to explain this failure, we see that the approved narrative is that the collapse was merely due to an intellectual property and commerce dispute between have and have-not countries. Nothing to do with WHO incompetence, corruption, overreach, or the tension between national sovereignty and arbitrary unelected “One World Order” globalism.

Member states of the World Health Organization have failed to meet a deadline on consensus for a global treaty to fight future pandemics in time. They plan to discuss measures going forward at the WHO general assembly that starts in Switzerland next week.

The WHO members began talks two years ago based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Negotiators had discussed ways to strengthen global anti-infection measures to prevent the spread of new viruses.

But negotiations ended on Friday without adopting a document.

The sticking points included the transfer of technologies and the sharing of information about pathogens.

Developing countries demanded the distribution of vaccines, but developed nations expressed concerns about the impact that could have on their pharmaceutical firms.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for continued negotiations, saying, “We need to use the World Health Assembly to re-energize us and finish the job at hand, which is to present the world with a generational pandemic agreement.”

In opposition to the WHO/Globalists vow to press on, a major protest is planned in Geneva, Switzerland on June 01, 2024 to push back against all of this. Jill and I are flying out (at our own expense) this week, will be there for the rally and meetings, and we hope that you can join us there! I plan to speak briefly in support of nationalism, the diversity of nations, sovereignty, the EU founding principle of subsidiarity, and against the global rise of corporatism, which was previously known as Fascism in an earlier age.

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In the Irish capital, Dublin, a refugee and migration issue, made worse by the conflict in Ukraine, has fueled tensions. Ireland already faces a housing crisis, with tent encampments (repeatedly cleared by the police) having increasingly become part of Dublin’s landscape, as detailed by a DW news report published last week.

An EU agreement allows Ukrainians to enter the continent without having to apply for asylum first, and a recent law in the post-Brexit United Kingdom (which enables London to deport illegal migrants) has also led to a rise in asylum applications in neighboring Ireland. The political climate is so bad that, since the end of 2023, there have been arson attacks against buildings that would be converted into refugee shelters, and riots.

Moreover, a recent Irish Times poll reveals that 63% of the population wants stricter immigration policies. Slogans such as “Ireland is full”, and “Ireland for the Irish”, displayed on banners everywhere, are an increasingly common sight.

The issue goes beyond the UK and Ireland. The English Channel has been at the center of a migration crisis for a while, with people crossing it in small boats. In December 2021 I wrote on how it became a focus for tensions between France and the United Kingdom, which remains the case.

Back in June 2022 the British government struck a deal with Rwanda and announced its plans to deport thousands of asylum seekers to that East African country so that they have their asylum claims processed there, without the possibility of returning to Britain. Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended this Rwanda deal claiming it to be one of the world’s safest destinations for migrants, and incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to go ahead with this plan.

British judges have disputed this notion, however. In any case, the UK government started detaining migrants on May 1 and they are expected to be sent to Rwanda, after the British Parliament overruled a Supreme Court decision and, last month, declared the East African country to be a safe destination. Legal experts have been claiming that this breaches both domestic and international laws, but London is going ahead with it anyway.

Rwanda has a record of hosting migrants: in 2013, for example, Israel signed a controversial secretive agreement with the country to transfer Sudanese and Eritrean migrants there, an arrangement that was carried out until 2018. According to reports, the human rights of these migrants were not observed, the whole experience being compared to being in a prison.

The issue is further complicated by the fact that, on May 13, a Belfast (Northern Ireland) high court suspended the so-called Rwanda Act in Northern Ireland, declaring it to be a violation of the Windsor Framework, which regulates post-Brexit relations with the European Union.

According to law professor Colin Murray, quoted by the DW,

“as part of the Brexit deal, EU law protecting asylum-seekers is retained in the space of Northern Ireland, in keeping with all of the EU human rights law continuing to apply after Brexit for Northern Ireland if it’s related to the 1998 [Good Friday] agreement.”

As I wrote in 2021, the Brexit arrangements came to a deadlock over the issue of the Northern Ireland Protocol pertaining the so-called Brexit Trilemma – that is the impossible task of simultaneously making sure that there is no “hard border” between the independent Republic of Ireland and (British) Northern Ireland on the Irish island; and making sure there are no customs border in the Irish Sea; while Britain, in its turn, leaves both the European Union Customs Union, and the European Single Market.

London basically chose to sacrifice the second item, thereby creating a de facto sea frontier, which has been causing many problems for the Northern Irish population and has reactivated unhealed old ethnic-religious quarrels between predominantly Protestant “loyalists” (who consider themselves British-Irish) and Catholic Republicans. The risk of such conflict coming back has been haunting the region – and now the migration crisis largely driven by the vast number of displaced Ukrainians can only add fuel to the fire, with implications to the whole Western European continent beyond Ireland and Britain. One can easily imagine a scenario where this situation (with violent protests and xenophobia) is replicated in Poland and elsewhere, with economic, political and security consequences.

By the end of 2022, there were already 15 million Ukrainians fleeing to (Western) Europe, amid the largest European refugee crisis since World War II. According to The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, a Swiss-based civil-society organization, migrant smuggling has resurfaced in Eastern Europe.

The Russian Federation has been conducting successful operations towards the Avdeevsky and Kharkov areas, and this can only increase the flow of Ukrainian refugees. All kinds of law-abiding civilians from Ukraine join the ranks of the migrants, but it would not be unexpected to find a number of radicalized elements amongst them, considering the far-right problem that the country has – it is after all a global hub for White Nationalists and neo-Nazis, as TIME magazine reported already in 2022.

This input of radicalized people with military experience into an already NATOized and fascistized Europe is a recipe for disaster. And, of course, the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine will only aggravate the crisis, by making a much needed peace agreement to become a more distant scenario and thus perpetuation the conflict.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The recent massive landslide in a once-bustling village of Enga province of Papua New Guinea has been one of the worst tragedies of its kind. While UN officials have estimated about 670 deaths resulting from this disaster, later reports mentioned 2000 people being buried and the possibilities of deaths being higher than earlier estimates. 

What is already evident is that when rescue efforts with proper equipment are delayed, the chances of survival of people buried under rubble for over 24 hours start diminishing rapidly (although miracles are known to happen). This emphasizes the need for more decentralized preparations for meeting rescue needs closer to vulnerable areas. By all accounts this was a very vulnerable area, but it appears that adequate rescue preparations including equipment were not available nearby.

This draws attention to another important aspect of the disaster—that it has taken place in a conflict zone where significant incidents of sectarian violence have taken place in the recent past. On the one hand this distracts attention away from priorities such as better preparations for disaster preparedness. On the other hand conditions of conflict make it difficult to rush relief as early as possible. In the present case security had to be arranged for some rescue convoys to avoid the possibility of any harm to them.

This huge disaster has also focused attention on the worldwide increasing harm from landslides and related disasters. The various mountain and hill ranges of India and other parts of South Asia, to give one example, have been suffering increasing harm from landslides.  

A landslide in Irshalwadi village of Raigad district, about 65 km from Mumbai, led to the wiping out of almost the entire settlement as only a few houses out of the nearly 48 were spared.

The remote village is so difficult to approach that even well trained rescue teams had difficulty in reaching the area battered by heavy rains followed by a massive landslide. Taking heavy machines for removing debris and rescuing people was even more challenging.

When rescue work was finally called off after nearly four days of a high-risk operation, nearly 27 bodies had been recovered while about 60 people were still missing, and were feared to have perished. Hence the death toll in a settlement of nearly 230 people was likely to be around 90. This tragedy could have been avoided if people had been able, with government help, to shift to safer locations, or if appropriate steps to protect the crumbling hills and prevent the possibility of a landslide had been taken in time. 

Moreover, this was not the only such tragedy in this wider region. In two other such tragedies in recent years in Western Ghats regions of Maharashtra state, in Raigad and Pune districts, about 80 to 110 deaths were reported.

There is a costly lesson that should be learnt at least after such huge tragedies. Many landslides are being caused by man-made factors, and adequate caution can help in avoiding the possibility of several such tragedies.

In many big landslides of Himalayan region carelessness relating to indiscriminate construction activities or mining have been involved. In 2022 in a landslide in Manipur, India, nearly 47 bodies were recovered but several persons still remained missing.   

In year 2021 in mid-August a landslide in Nigulsari area of Kinnaur ( Himachal Pradesh, India) had resulted in 28 deaths and at least 14 injuries. The last week of July 2021 was particularly worrying as within the span of a few days in Maharashtra, Western Ghats and Himalayan region landslides claimed over a 100 human lives in India.

For neighboring countries the year 2017 turned out to be the most destructive from the point of view of landslides as nearly 152 persons perished in mid-June in the three hilly districts of Chittagong, Rangmati and Bandarban in Bangladesh, while in the previous month nearly 100 persons perished in Sri Lanka in landslides and mudslides.

Smaller landslides can also lead to loss of housing or habitation becoming very dangerous for one or more families and when all of these smaller tragedies are added up then the harm caused by them can be very serious. About 12% of the total land area being hilly is exposed to the threat of landslides in India. However when landslides add to the threat of flash floods, then their destructive impacts can travel much further to the plains below the hills. Landslides also increase the possibility of road accidents in several hilly areas.    

There is increasing realization that the total number of landslides is very high and increasing at a fast pace in many hilly areas. According to the Durham Fatal Landslide Database the actual number of landslide related fatalities at world level during 2004-10 was actually roughly five to ten times of the estimates mentioned earlier. The previous estimates for this period ranged between 3000 and 7000 while the new estimate given by this database is 32300.

Prof. Dave Petley, who led the efforts to prepare the Durham Fatal Landslide Database at the International Landslide Centre in Durham University, included several research papers and reports from aid agencies and their partner voluntary organization working in remote areas, along with government data to prepare a wider database. Clearly estimates based on government data alone underestimated the fatalities to a very considerable extent.

Two important facts have been emerging from several recent landslide disasters which are related to each other. One aspect is that several disasters have been reported from sites of heavy construction activity. The Manipur disaster was reported from an area where a railway project was being constructed and neglect of safety precautions had been reported. More landslides have been reported from highway construction and dam construction areas where blasting takes places despite advisory against blasting at several places.

The second and related aspect is that workers employed in construction projects in hilly areas are more   exposed to landslides, particularly migrant workers from plains who are not used to living and working in landslide zones. In a recent such tragedy in Ramban area in Jammu-Srinagar highway in 2022 about 10 workers died while in one of the biggest such tragedies at Tehri Project site in August 2004 in Uttarakhand, a very large number of workers had died. While officially only the death of 29 workers was mentioned, the number of migrant workers who perished is likely to have been much higher as nearly 110 workers were present at the tunnel site where the slide occurred and a large number of them could not be traced for several days.    

Hence there is need to be much more consideration regarding improving safety conditions in all big construction projects in hilly areas, particularly the Himalayan region. There are reasons to believe that safety conditions often leave much to be desired. In the case of the Tehri project site of landslide, the micro-silica treatment had not yet taken place and Dr. P.C.Navani, a senior geologist had commented then that work in the unlined area should have been avoided at all costs in the rainy season.

Indiscriminate deforestation and tree-cutting as well as excessive mining and quarrying in fragile zones are other factors responsible for the rise in landslides. In terms of habitations, poor people who cannot afford houses in more secure areas sometimes agree to settle in the more risky, slide-prone areas, increasing their vulnerability to disaster. 

Other people are driven more by greed than need, and there are several examples of rich persons indulging in over-construction, adding more burden on fragile hills. This is often true of hotel construction in hill stations, but sometimes even government agencies are at fault in terms of their own buildings. Hence land-use in hills has to be even more carefully regulated than in plains. 

Due to all these factors some landslide zones are becoming more active while several new ones are being added. At the same time the number of people likely to be present in several more exposed and vulnerable areas has increased.

On the plus side the technology of protective works has certainly progressed, helped by a lot of useful research. As a result some impressive protection can be seen at some locations, but more often than not protection work fails to get adequate support and funding and the protection walls and other works that are often constructed do not come up to the required standards. 

Another important aspect relates to identifying those habitations which have become too unsafe due to the high possibility of destructive landslides and which need to be shifted to a new place. Such rehabilitation should be done at the right time without much delay so that loss of precious human life can be avoided. On the other hand where there is still good chance of saving the habitation by taking up adequate protection works then this option should be preferred, again on the basis of urgency, although even in such a situation shifting for a few days may be necessary.

Landslides need a multi-sided, protective and advance response, and merely reacting to serious situations is certainly not adequate.  Hill-people understand well the seriousness of this increasing risk and if a comprehensive program is taken up with their participation to reduce the risk and harm from landslides, then good protective results can be achieved.

The horrible disaster in Papua New Guinea should be a wake-up call to the world to take many-sided steps to check the increasing threat from landslides.  


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Bharat Dogra is a journalist and author, is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, When the Two Streams Met, Protecting Earth for Children and Man over Machine. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Xinhua

Memorial Day: In the Blood

May 27th, 2024 by Edward Curtin

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Born in a normal time,
The periodic slaughter of millions
By the civilized nations of the earth
I grew to adulthood half-crazed
With fear and numbed wonder.
I always wished to believe otherwise,
That people were good at heart,
Wanted to live in mutual peace
And tend the green earth as if
It were a garden
As if pity vivified all living things.
Somehow the blood that was in me
Said otherwise,
Spoke truth to the power
Of my wish,
While everywhere around me lay the lie.
But my blood, this blood that became me
While millions were being butchered
And Bing Crosby crooned I’m dreaming
Of a white Christmas,
This red blood said otherwise.
Do not accept the way they say
“Good Morning”
And the way they nod as they pass,
As though they didn’t want to kill
Each other.
Do not believe their eyes
And the way they pray to the skies
To save them.
Do not believe their beliefs,
All lies woven to deceive.
For at heart they truly hate
The green earth.
Do not believe the way they say
“Good Evening”
For they wish the darkest night
To descend upon us,
The nothingness of their knowledge,
The lies they devour
To swallow all.
That is what will release them,
That is all.

Thus my blood spoke to me,
A child of a sanguine century,
Born in a normal time,
The periodic slaughter of millions
By the civilized nations of the earth.

And despite all appearances,
I have never believed them.
Never. Not at all.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image: Andersonville National Cemetery, NPS

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There has not previously been conducted any population-based study on suicidality among children and adolescents during the war in Ukraine.

A new study carried out by a multinational research group showed high levels of suicidal thoughts and attempts in adolescents, which were strongly associated with wartime traumatic experiences, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety.

Dr Sanju Silwal from the Research Centre for Child Psychiatry in the University of Turku, Finland, one of the lead authors, tells that the study was conducted in two regions that were differently affected by war.

“The Donetsk region, which has experienced war since 2014, was affected to a greater degree, while the Kirovograd region, located in central Ukraine, was not affected by the war as directly”, Silwal says.

The study was conducted from September 2016 to January 2017 with participants aged 11-17 years. The study surveyed adolescents on their experiences of suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and wartime traumatic stressors. A total of 1449 participants from the Donetsk region and 1303 from the Kirovograd region took part in the survey.

The study revealed high prevalence of suicidality in the war-affected region of Donetsk (31.7%) compared to the less directly affected region of Kirovograd (18.6%), with girls reporting significantly higher rates than boys.

Adolescent girls in the war-affected region reported more suicidal thoughts (39.3% vs 19.6%) and suicide attempts (9.5% vs 5.1%) compared to those living in region less directly affected by war. Boys in the war-affected region reported more suicidal thoughts (16.9% vs 9.8%) than their peers in the region less directly affected by the war.

Suicidal Thoughts and Attempts Associated with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety Symptoms

The study also showed exposure to a number of wartime traumatic stressors significantly associated with increased risk for suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. Notably, those exposed to five or more wartime traumatic stressors were three-fold more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. Most adolescents in the war-affected regions reported being victims of violence, forced separation from parents or family members, property damage or witnessed civilians being killed or injured.

In addition, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts were strongly associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms, depression or anxiety symptoms.

The lead author, Professor Andre Sourander, MD says children and adolescents are among the most vulnerable groups during wars.

“One of the strengths of the present study is that it gives adolescents their own voice in the context of war. The Russian ongoing invasion of Ukraine has resulted in deaths of families and friends, serious injury, displacement, separation, collapse of community life, social isolation, financial hardships and multitude other wartime traumatic stressors. One out of three of adolescents living in war affected region report suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts emphasizing the detrimental influence of war on children and adolescent’s mental health“, says Professor Sourander.

The findings of the study are particularly relevant given the Russia’s invasion in Ukraine in 2022, which has entered its third year.

“Addressing the mental health needs of young people during humanitarian emergencies, such as war, poses a significant challenge. Policymakers and clinicians need to scale up efforts in delivering mental health support to war-affected adolescents”, Professor Sourander states.

The research article “Suicidality and Self-Harm Behavior of Adolescents During the Early Phase of the War in Ukraine” has been published as open access in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

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May 2022 – Mother, 36, most likely died from Covid Pfizer vaccine 11 days after dose, inquest told – Pathologist said the mother-of-two may still be alive had she not had the Covid vaccine


A family listened in shock as a pathologist revealed his belief that a 36-year-old mother-of-two died as a result of having a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination.

A post-mortem examination on the body of Dawn Wooldridge had previously proved inconclusive.

But an inquest heard her unexpected death, which happened 11 days after the young mother’s first Covid jab, was probably a result of the vaccination.

Ms Wooldridge was found dead in her home by her brother in June last year (2021), after she failed to collect her five-year-old son from school.

In a statement to the Berkshire coroner her husband, Ashley, said: “We met on holiday in Turkey and we have been married for seven years this year. We had our son nearly six years ago and our daughter just two years ago.

“My principal concern is that when they are old enough, I want to have enough of an explanation about how their mum died. The only thing that happened when Dawn died was that she had her Covid jab before her death.”

The family, including her husband, her brother and his wife, and her step-parents attended the inquest in Reading.

They heard how the day of her death had been completely normal – she had dropped her son off at school in the morning, visited a friend for coffee and had spoken to her mother over the phone that afternoon.

The coroner said that Mrs Wooldridge’s medical records confirmed she received her first Covid-19 jab on 4 June.

Pathologist Dr Sukhvinder Ghataura told the coroner how her body had been healthy at the time of her death and how the toxicology report found no signs of alcohol or drugs in her system at the time.

The only points noted were inflammation of the heart, fluid in her lungs alongside a small clot on her lungs.

These, alongside menstrual irregularity and complaints of pain in her jaw and arm in the days after the vaccine, the pathologist suggested, were linked to myocarditis (inflammation of the heart).

He told the coroner: “On the balance of probabilities, she had vaccine-related problems. There is nothing else for me to hang my hat on. It is the most likely reason, in my conclusion. It is more than likely Dawn died in response to the Covid jab.”

Ms Wooldridge’s brother, Stuart Lynch, asked the pathologist: “Do you think she would still be alive if she hadn’t had the vaccine?”

Dr Ghataura responded: “It’s a difficult question but I would say yes. I wish to pass on my condolences to Dawn’s family.”

Concluding the inquest, assistant coroner Alison McCormick said: “Dawn was a 36-year-old married lady. Her husband Ashley and her members of her family are here today as a testament to the woman she was.

“She lived in Twyford, near Wokingham, Berkshire, and was a full-time mum. She had no significant medical history and was not on any medication when she died. She had her first Pfizer vaccine on 4 June 2021, and evidence after that shows her periods became irregular.

“She also reported pains in her arm and her jaw. 15 June 2021 was a normal day for her. There is no evidence she was ill that day. She walked her son to school in the morning and went to get coffee with a friend. That afternoon she had a 15-20 minute phone call with her mum.

“She didn’t however pick her son up from school. Her brother went to the house where he saw her face down, collapsed on the floor. She had been on the toilet prior to her collapse.

“With the help of a local builder he gained access to the house, and a defibrillator was used. Police and paramedics attended quickly, but despite their efforts no life-saving opportunities were available and she passed away at her home address on that day.

“Subsequent to her death, a toxicology and post-mortem examination were undertaken and initially, Dr Ghataura said he was unable to provide a cause for Dawn’s death, stating the post-mortem findings were “unascertained”.

“Today I heard from Dr Ghataura and during the course of the evidence he expressed a change of view that in the balance of probabilities, it is more likely than not she died from acute myocarditis due to her recent Covid-19 immunisation.

“I give the narrative conclusion that her death was caused by acute myocarditis, due to recent Covid-19 immunisation. Ashley, you will have something to say to your children to explain why their mother died so tragically.”

The Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed on 9 September 2021 that Covid-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and AstraZeneca can be used as safe and effective booster doses, as well as the Moderna vaccine.

Furthermore, a major study of vaccine side-effects in the US published in March 2022found no link between two Covid jabs and the number of deaths recorded after vaccination.

My Take…

Kudos to this UK pathologist for having the guts to determine the proper cause of death in this 36 year old mom.

I have also seen US, New Zealand, German, South Korean and Japanese pathologists do the same. It takes courage.

There has not been 1 Canadian pathologist (or an Australian pathologist) with the guts to make a formal determination that a COVID-19 Vaccine caused a sudden death (that’s why I say that Canadian doctors who pushed the jabs and medical leaders are the worst, most incompetent doctors in the world).

Proper Autopsies are not being done… 

This autopsy itself was far from ideal or “proper”. This is what is called a “diagnosis of exclusion”. When you’ve ruled out everything else and you’ve left with the most obvious answer.

But we have a way of determining if the COVID-19 Vaccine caused a death.

It’s called immunohistochemistry. You can do staining of tissues for COVID-19 nucleocapsid protein and spike protein.

Here is an example of such a staining done by researchers in Singapore:

2021 June (Denise Goh et al) – Residual SARS-CoV-2 viral antigens detected in GI and hepatic tissues from five recovered patients with COVID-19

  • “Using conventional immunohistochemistry, we detected SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (NP) in the colon, appendix, ileum, haemorrhoid, liver, gallbladder and lymph nodes (figure 1A–K) from five patients who recovered from COVID-19, ranging from 9 to 180 days after testing negative for SARS-CoV-2”
  • “all the tissues showed the presence of the viral antigen, suggesting widespread multiorgan involvement of the viral infection.”
  • “Interestingly, for the colon, the viral antigen was only present in normal colonic crypts and polyps but not in the neoplastic tissues (figure 1Q). Similar negative staining in the hepatocellular carcinoma tumour region was also observed”

Translation: They were able to do staining for SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein and spike protein in patients who recovered from COVID-19 Infection. Interestingly, viral antigens were not found in tumor tissue but were found in many normal tissues.


2022 Article – Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality

“Prof. Burkhardt is a very experienced pathologist from Reutlingen, Germany. With the help of his colleague Prof. Walter Lang, he has studied numerous cases of death which occurred within days to several months after vaccination. In each of these cases, the cause of death had been certified as “natural” or “unknown.” Burkhardt became involved only because the bereaved families doubted these verdicts and sought a second opinion. It is remarkable, therefore, that Burkhardt found not just a few but the majority of these deaths to be due to vaccination.”






2022 Oct (Michael Morz) – A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19

“Case of a 76-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease (PD) who died three weeks after receiving his third COVID-19 vaccination. The patient was first vaccinated in May 2021 with the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vector vaccine, followed by two doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in July and December 2021. The family of the deceased requested an autopsy due to ambiguous clinical signs before death.”

“Immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike and nucleocapsid proteins) was performed. Surprisingly, only spike protein but no nucleocapsid protein could be detected within the foci of inflammation in both the brain and the heart, particularly in the endothelial cells of small blood vessels. Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to viral infection.”








Every sudden or unexplained death should have an autopsy done with immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike and nucleocapsid proteins) performed.

It’s not expensive or time consuming and we would have answers about 1000s of these unexplained deaths and their relationship to either COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines or Long COVID.

But immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens is not being done in United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or UK. WHY?

Because the medical authorities know that most sudden and unexplained deaths are caused by the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, not Long COVID. And they have been tasked by Big Pharma to protect a $200+ billion mRNA Industry at all costs.

That’s why mRNA factories continue to be built around the world. They have no intention of stopping, no matter how many people die.

It is the medical leadership in these countries, bought off by big pharma, that is blocking proper autopsies with immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens from being done routinely by pathologists.

Same problem when it comes to cancer tissue pathology, immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens is not being done, to avoid linking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to TURBO CANCER.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

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Swiss authorities’ plan to hold Peace Conference on Ukraine on June 15-16 at the Burgenstock Resort has sparked serious discussions and controversy, and moreso fraught with complications and contradictions especially over participating countries. United States, European Union members and, most likely, a few from Africa, Asia and Latin America are invited to attend. Reports confirmed that the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in Bern has invited more than 160 delegations to the conference on Ukraine, including from the G7, G20 and BRICS countries.

The geopolitical implications of the Russia-Ukraine crisis is quite enormous and very arguable, though. The key questions featuring in most media reports, monitored by this author, have been

(i) Russia’s inability to attend this conference and

(ii) how the decision arrived there will be implemented.

There are other significant implications if Russia missed out of this conference in Switzerland.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has already reiterated Russia’s position relating to the forthcoming gathering. Medvedev described whatever decisions come out of the conference on Ukraine be considered “null and void” as majority of invited participating members are Western and European [members of NATO], therefore the likely to be biased in their collective decision against Russia. Medvedev stated on his X (formerly Twitter) social network account –

“Clearly, the outcome of this get-together will be null and void: peace talks are never held with just one party to the conflict.”

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) indicated in several reports available on its website that Russia has not been invited at this point.

Russia is not going to participate in the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, or in any other events on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky‘s “peace formula,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Commenting on these plans after a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Ministers’ Council in Astana, Kazakhstan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov categorically noted that this conference is “a path to nowhere” and Moscow doesn’t see the West’s readiness for an honest dialogue with Zelensky’s ultimatum ‘formula’ and therefore has no relevance whatsoever.

From the latest developments, peaceful negotiations are becoming less and less likely.

Beijing, for many reasons, wants to see the military phase of the Ukraine crisis wrapped up completely, and also based on the principle of guaranteed security for Russia. Nevertheless, Chinese President Xi Jinping “clearly articulated that the Chinese side will support the convention of an international conference, which will reflect the interests of both Russia and Ukraine equally and will be based on a large number of ideas and initiatives.”

President Xi Jinping working tour to European largely focused on creating the environment for Chinese business to expand to the European market as United States is consistently waging trade war including raising all kinds of tariffs on Chinese enterprises.

China is always strategically looking for alternative approach and methods to push forward its aspirations of attaining an economic superpower status. China does not shout out much anti-western rhetoric. China and Russia are both members of BRICS. These couple of years, China and Russia have recorded skyline bilateral trade figures. President Vladimir Putin said that bilateral trade between the countries in 2023 increased by almost a quarter and amounted to $227 bln. China is Russia’s main partner in the trade and economic sphere, and Russia now ranks 4th among China’s trade partners. Despite that, China seemingly has much advantage working seriously with Russia’s backyard republics and fortifying its presence in the Eurasian region.

Last year for instance, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa headed a group to present its peace initiatives. China, Russia’s closest partner, also did the same last year. Russia however described them as difficult to implement. Lavrov underestimated that of South Africa (BRICS chair in 2023), saying that the African peace plan, which consisted of ten (10) elements, was not well-formulated on paper. Similarly, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

“The peace initiative proposed by African countries is very difficult to implement, difficult to compare positions.”

On the other hand and this time, speaking about China’s peace initiative, Lavrov pointed out that “it provides for the need to understand the root causes of the situation, when the West decided to use Ukraine to sabotage Russia’s legitimate interests.”

During these past several months, Lavrov has been emphasizing that “Russia can’t give up goals of special military operation in Ukraine” and adding that Russia cannot change its approaches to the conduct of the special operation as long as the West is purposefully creating threats to Russia’s security.

“The Chinese initiative envisages looking at the root causes and reaching an agreement to eliminate these causes by ensuring in practice the principle of equal and indivisible security, where the security of all participating states is equally guaranteed. It is impossible to disagree with this,” Lavrov added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sought the approval from the Federation Council (the Upper House of Parliamentarians) and the State Duma (the Lower House of Legislators) to dispatch troops under ‘special military operation’ to de-militarize and de-nazify its neighbouring former Soviet republic of Ukraine. Putin launched a full-scale ‘special military operation’ on 22nd February 2022.

Image: Ukrainian troops prepare to fight Russian forces in Donbass (Source: Indian Punchline)

In his speech at the Russian Federation Security Council on February 21, 2022, Putin made it clear the long-standing confrontation between the Kiev officials and the people living on Eastern territory, the republics of Donbass, Donetsk and Lugansk. People in these republics were been attacked, deprived of basic amenities and their basic human rights violated. Based on those unfolding developments, and worse, the package of measures included in the Minsk Agreements were not implemented.

Then the transcript of Putin’s speech, announcing ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine established the position that it was strictly in “accordance with Article 51, part seven of the UN Charter, with the approval of the Federation Council of Russia and pursuant to the Federal Assembly, on February 22, Russia ratified treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic.”

Putin was very emphatic with his words and phrases.

“I made a decision to conduct a special military operation. Its goal is to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years. And to this end, strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.”

But Putin invincibly stressed, at the same time, that the plan was not to occupy Ukraine. He said:

“Our plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. We are not going to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we hear more often lately from the West that documents signed by the Soviet totalitarian regime that fixed the results of the Second World War should not be implemented.”

“It is not our plan to occupy the Ukrainian territory. At the same time, we have been hearing an increasing number of statements coming from the West that there is no need any more to abide by the documents setting forth the outcomes of World War II, as signed by the totalitarian Soviet regime. How can we respond to that?” he asked rhetorically.

Russia is constantly reclaiming its territories. Crimea and Sevastopol were taken over by Russia. Over these years, Putin has also attempted to explain that back in 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. The people of Crimea and Sevastopol made their choice in favour of being with their historical homeland, Russia.

Putin thinks Ukraine’s territory has been developed from Soviet times and therefore it must be part of the Russian Federation. Putin made similar statements regards border regions of Kazakhstan and also Moldova. Belarus, more or less, has come under Kremlin. Lukashenko, most often, submissively pursues directives from the Kremlin.

The entire saga of settling the Ukrainian problem is now reaching a very critical point, even BRICS unable to find an acceptable promising solution on their association’s platform. In any case, the Russia-Ukraine crisis continues threatening global security, largely influencing the world economy.

It has, already, visibly divided the world into two distinctive groups, “friendly or unfriendly states” – either for or against, – and as a matter of fact, some often say the Global North and Global South.

The United Nations reports categorically indicated that Russia allegedly violated international law when it invaded Ukraine’s Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk oblasts in 2014 and followed up with a much larger invasion of the entire country in late February 2022. Russia has, primarily, allegedly violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity and its political sovereignty which it attained in 1991, with other independent Soviet republics, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), Weekly Blitz and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. He researches Eurasia, Russia, Africa and BRICS. His focused interest areas include geopolitical changes, foreign relations and economic development questions relating to Africa. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

In Solidarity with Gaza and the World’s Forgotten Millions

May 27th, 2024 by Share The World’s Resources

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The moral burden lies with us all to express solidarity with the people of Palestine. And let’s not forget the other ‘silent’ conflicts and famines that are mounting across the world, which also demands a massive international response in the face of political apathy and indifference.

Since Israel’s military response in Gaza to the 7 October attack by Hamas, hundreds of civil society organisations have supported the call for a ceasefire. Global humanitarian and human rights groups also demand that all UN member states immediately halt arms transfers to Israel and Palestinian armed groups in order to avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of life.

While sharing the outrage and condemnation for the horrific attacks by Hamas, it is important to acknowledge its causes in decades of state-sanctioned violence against Palestinians by Israel. Rights groups have long documented the shameful hallmarks of colonialism and apartheid in Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. The Gaza Strip has endured unimaginable suffering as a result of the illegal blockades imposed since the 1990s, a form of collective punishment that has turned Gaza into an ‘open-air prison’. But over the past seven months, Israel has gravely violated international law with its unprecedented military assaults on the besieged territory, killing upwards of 35,000 people including over 15,000 children.

Strong evidence suggests that the Israeli government’s actions violate the Genocide Convention, meaning it has inflicted conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians. Up to 70 percent of homes in Gaza have been destroyed, and an entire civilian infrastructure decimated including hospitals, schools, universities, cultural sites and UN facilities.

The latest actions in Rafah—closing a critical border crossing and forcibly displacing an estimated 800,000 people with nowhere else to go—clearly flout a provisional ruling of the World Court, which ordered Israel to take ‘all measures within its power’ to prevent acts of genocide. Rather than upholding the order by immediately providing basic services and humanitarian assistance to Gazans, Israel is deliberately using hunger as a weapon of war and committing further grievous war crimes. Half of the population of Gaza are already facing catastrophic levels of hunger, with famine imminent in the north.

Complicity with Genocide

What the Israel-Gaza war has painfully revealed is the complicity of North American and many European countries with Israel’s genocidal crimes. The major Western powers present themselves as the defenders of human rights and morality, yet give unwavering support to Israel as it defies international law with impunity. These governments have repeatedly vetoed or abstained from resolutions at the UN Security Council calling for a humanitarian ceasefire. They have thwarted diplomatic efforts to bring Israel’s offensive to an end. They have opposed South Africa’s genocide case at the World Court. They have shamelessly cut life-saving aid to the United Nations relief agency for Palestinians. And they continue to supply Israel with taxpayer-funded weapons transfers—particularly the United States that has worked with Congress to secure billions of dollars of additional military assistance.

The hypocrisy and duplicity of Western countries has been exposed like never before. The most powerful Western states treat the Palestinians as if they are not worthy of the universal human rights endorsed by the United Nations more than 70 years ago. Their support for genocide shames us all and risks fuelling an endless cycle of violence and hatred that may eventually endanger the whole of humanity.

In the absence of political leadership, the moral burden lies with ordinary citizens to speak out, march and express solidarity with the people of Palestine. It is up to us to take a stand and protest against a genocidal war and its systemic support from callous politicians and the mainstream media. Peaceful student protesters are showing us the way with Gaza solidarity encampments and hunger strikes, despite violent police crackdowns and their false portrayal in the media as being antisemitic. Their brave actions have already helped force the U.S. administration to take pause and tentatively oppose a major ground invasion in Rafah. Now it falls to the rest of us to enforce international law through citizen action, to support human rights for all and end this immoral and illegal war. 

A Wider Crime Against Humanity

The Israel-Gaza war may be the gravest moral crisis of our time, the most visible genocide in history. But we mustn’t forget the other conflicts around the world that our governments are neglecting, in which millions of people also face violence and mass displacement. In Sudan, civil war risks triggering a severe famine, with half the population already requiring humanitarian assistance and protection. Human Rights Watch report that widespread war crimes and a genocide is likely to have been committed in the region, although it is seldom mentioned in the Western media.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, endemic violence has left nearly 7 million people internally displaced, and the country is suffering the world’s biggest child hunger crisis. In Yemen, more than half the population is dependent on food aid after years of war has destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure. Last year, Somalia was brought to the brink of famine as a result of unrelenting drought and flare-ups of conflict. Hunger is also skyrocketing in multiple other countries, including Burundi, Djibouti, Gambia, Haiti, Lebanon, Liberia, Senegal and Malawi.

Life-threatening levels of food insecurity affect a staggering 281 million people according to the latest global assessment, with those worst affected living in South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Somalia and Mali. Many of these hunger crises don’t make the news headlines. The majority are in conflict-affected areas that—similar to Gaza—leave vast numbers of people without shelter, medicine, food or clean water. At a time when humanitarian needs are soaring, all these crises are tragically underfunded. The humanitarian system is enduring the worst funding gap it has ever faced, described by UN officials as an obscene competition of suffering to receive emergency aid.

While speaking up for the neglected citizens of Palestine, we also need to hold our governments accountable for these wider crimes against humanity. The major Western powers must act to end the 16-year siege of Gaza, provide unlimited humanitarian support to the region and immediately broker a ceasefire. And they must act to mitigate the ‘silent’ conflicts and famines that are mounting across the world, which also demands a massive international response in the face of political apathy and indifference. So let’s extend the spirit of the Gaza protests into a global movement for abolishing the injustice of hunger, and call upon all governments to adequately fund our most basic human rights instead of fuelling more devastating wars. 


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Featured image: The bodies of 30 Palestinians were were discovered under a mound of rubble at the grounds of the Khalifa bin Zayed elementary school in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip on 31 January 2024 (Supplied to MEE)

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If you have the impression that Zionist interests appear to be at war with those – like many students – who care about human rights, international law, defense of noncombatants and freedom of speech and expression, you would not be mistaken. Israel and its international loyal followers believe that the Zionist dream is in great peril, and they are ready to sacrifice everyone’s rights, as well as unlimited civilian lives in Gaza, to prevent that from happening.

It may be the case that many of them are ignorant of the extent of Israel’s genocide, or simply refuse to believe their own eyes and ears, but the repression that they are using to get their way is increasingly and inevitably impeding their own attempts. Such is the case with wealthy Zionist donors to universities, and equally to the politicians that control government universities and the media that manufacture consent.

I’m not speaking of Jews, of course, because Jews are at the forefront of both the support of and resistance against the Gaza genocide, and increasingly against Zionism itself. In the case of universities, the Zionist pressure on the administrations to shut down student protest, and their demands to divest from suppliers of weapons used in genocide, are meeting resistance not only from the students themselves, but by allies in organized labor, like UAW union at the University of California at Davis.

This alliance between students and labor appears to be growing, which is why I wish to bring to your attention the following development at the University of Toronto, which I  think you will find truly inspirational. Please read the letter from the Ontario Federation of Labour, and see if you don’t agree. Let’s hope this becomes a deluge of similar actions.


The Ontario Federation of Labour Open Letter to the University of Toronto President Meric Gertler

Dear President Gertler, 

I am writing in my capacity as the President of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), which represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario.

As the voice of Ontario’s labour movement, the OFL unequivocally supports the right of students to engage in peaceful protest on campus, as they call for a ceasefire and divestment from companies that are complicit in war and occupation.

I was therefore disappointed to hear about your ultimatum to the student encampment at the University of Toronto: clear out by Monday at 8:00 a.m. or be in violation of a trespass notice.

As trade unionists, we know what good-faith bargaining looks like. You should, too. In most instances at the bargaining table, our members and your representatives have successfully negotiated numerous collective agreements, without resorting to strikes or lockouts.

The same approach should apply here. Negotiations must continue in good faith, and without threats of police intervention. The recent successful conclusions to the encampments at Ontario Tech University and at McMaster University, for example, shows what’s possible.

By contrast, when administrators choose repression, it rightfully provokes a response well beyond the students. On Monday, thousands of academic workers at the University of California went on strike to protest their employer’s use of violence to clear the encampments.

Universities should be where we learn to debate and disagree with each other–without the fear of violence. For Canada’s largest university to decide unilaterally when the debate should end, and when police repression should begin, is a betrayal of the values we claim to uphold.

Indeed, your own Statement of Institutional Purpose describes these values clearly: 

Within the unique university context, the most crucial of all human rights are the rights of freedom of speech, academic freedom, and freedom of research. And we affirm that these rights are meaningless unless they entail the right to raise deeply disturbing questions and provocative challenges to the cherished beliefs of society at large and of the university itself.

This is a mandate to support the students, not repress them. In this spirit, I urge you to reverse course immediately, and choose negotiations and discussion over ultimatums and repression.

As a gesture of encouragement, I am calling on all trade unions and allies to join a solidarity rally on Monday at 8:00 a.m. at the student encampment at the University of Toronto.

If, by then, you decide to move against the students, you’ll have to go through the workers first.



President, Ontario Federation of Labour


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Laura Walton is the author of “Students are making history. All of us should join them,” which appeared on on May 17, the one-month anniversary of the student encampment movement.

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

By Peter Koenig, May 27, 2024

Last night (24 May 2024), in a high-level pre-World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting (17 May-1 June 2024), in Geneva, WHO management and key member country delegates decided to drop the Pandemic Treaty – for now. It would not stand a chance to pass a WHA vote in the coming week. Instead, they decided to discuss at the WHA what to do next.

Washington Attacks Key Element of Russia’s Nuclear Umbrella Threatening Entire Global Nuclear Security Architecture

By Mike Whitney, May 27, 2024

The Biden administration, using its proxy forces in Ukraine, launched an unprecedented attack on “a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella” on Thursday effectively blinding the Russian military from detecting incoming nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

Australia’s Anti-ICC Lobby

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 27, 2024

Throwing caution to the wind, grasping the nettle, and every little smidgen of opportunity, Australia’s opposition leader, Peter Dutton, was thrilled to make a point in the gurgling tumult of the Israel-Hamas war. Israel’s leaders, he surmised, had been hard done by the International Criminal Court’s meddlesome ways.  Best for Australia, he suggested, to cut ties to the body to show its solidarity for Israel.

ICJ Rules Against Israel Saying Rafah Siege Must End Immediately

By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2024

The initial ruling in January stated that the claims of genocide were plausible and that the Zionist state must take action to end the siege upon Gaza. Since January, thousands more have been killed by the IDF in its ground offensive and aerial strikes against the people of Gaza. Israel is using food and water as a weapon of war where more than 35,000 have been slaughtered over the last seven months.

Assange: Extradition Suspended, Persecution Continues

By Manlio Dinucci, May 27, 2024

The British High Court granted Julian Assange the opportunity to appeal the extradition decision to the United States on May 20. Although it is a victory in the specific judicial process underway, it is necessary to remember that we are faced with a farce trial that has been going on for 5 years, based on the violation of every rule of due process.

Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’

By Emily Mangiaracina, May 27, 2024

In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”

Israel Massacres Children, Which the Western Press Says Is Fine

By Caitlin Johnstone, May 27, 2024

Israel has not only completely disregarded the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah as we expected it to do, but has actually ramped up its ruthlessness as though trying to make a point. There were reportedly more than 60 Israeli airstrikes on the southernmost city in the Gaza strip in the 48 hours after the ICJ ruling, including a horrifying massacre on a displacement camp full of civilians in tents.

La normalización del mal

May 27th, 2024 by Mouris Salloum George

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Israel has not only completely disregarded the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah as we expected it to do, but has actually ramped up its ruthlessness as though trying to make a point. There were reportedly more than 60 Israeli airstrikes on the southernmost city in the Gaza strip in the 48 hours after the ICJ ruling, including a horrifying massacre on a displacement camp full of civilians in tents.

The ABC reports:

Israeli air strikes have killed at least 35 Palestinians and wounded dozens in an area in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah designated for the displaced, Palestinian health and civil emergency service officials said.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said women and children made up most of the dead and dozens of wounded.

The strike took place in Tel Al-Sultan neighbourhood in western Rafah on Sunday, local time, where thousands of people were taking shelter after many fled the eastern areas of the city where Israeli forces began a ground offensive over two weeks ago.



The video footage coming out about this massacre is extremely graphic and will stay with you for the rest of your life if you choose to watch it.

It shows charred and dismembered bodies, and small children whose heads are missing and partly missing. On social media I’ve seen numerous people observing that the lies about Hamas beheading babies on October 7 have been used by Israel to justify atrocities in which actual babies are really being beheaded.

Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah notes that this was at a camp which just days ago Israel had told civilians was a safe zone that they should move to.

The Gaza media office reports that the attack took place next to an UNRWA logistics base, which is about as clear an answer to the UN court’s order to cease its genocidal massacres in Rafah as you could possibly ask for. As Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.


This happens to have occurred at precisely the same time viral attention is coming to an article The Atlantic published a few days ago which includes the assertion that killing children is legally permissible under certain circumstances.

Writing that allowing journalists into Gaza would be a “risk” for Israel because “war is ugly”, The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood uses the phrase “legally killed child” to argue that journalistic footage of dead children which Israel killed lawfully would still be damaging to Israeli PR interests.

“To rebut Hamas’s allegations by letting journalists see the war up close would be a calculated risk,” Wood writes. “Even when conducted legally, war is ugly. It is possible to kill children legally, if for example one is being attacked by an enemy who hides behind them. But the sight of a legally killed child is no less disturbing than the sight of a murdered one.”

Think about the kind of worldview which could publish something like that. This made it through the entire editing process in a mainstream liberal publication.


Anyone who’s been following the Gaza genocide on social media today will be seeing this phrase “legally killed child” alongside footage of children ripped apart by Israeli military explosives in a civilian displacement camp — a pairing which, if you have a beating heart in your chest and a functioning empathy center in your brain, will spark a very special kind of rage inside you.

The way these two points dance together just says so much about what we’re dealing with here, when you take a step back and really look at it. It says so much about Israel. It says so much about western civilization. It says so much about the western press in general and liberal war propaganda rags like The Atlantic in particular. It says so much about the kind of mainstream political worldview which could allow for such a thing to exist. And it says we live in a civilization that has gone completely, utterly insane.


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The most senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as “the work of evil” that has caused “essentially murder.”

In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”

Click here to watch the video

He pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

As a tragic example of the fatal danger of the COVID shots, the oncologist shared the story of a 28-year-old man who was found dead by his wife when she tried to wake him in the morning, five days after he received his second Pfizer shot. 

“The doctor who did the autopsy said that when he tried to remove the heart, it was soft and had disintegrated,” Fukushima said. “And even just one case like this shows how dangerous this vaccine can be.”

He pointed out that these severe harms, including death, have been afflicting people – post-jab – who have a history of good health.

“It’s serious. It’s essentially murder. In the end, I want to state clearly that this is my view,” the doctor said.

“I am now deeply concerned not only about a serious crisis in medicine but in science and democracy,” Fukushima said.

He highlighted the fact that countries that most aggressively pushed the COVID shot, such as Israel, saw the highest rates of death and infection, as shown by studies comparing Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arranged a special deal with Pfizer to use Israelis as lab rats in a national injection program with the Pfizer Covid “vaccine.”

“Israel led in early and widespread vaccination but also had the highest death and infection rates. The less aggressively vaccinated areas saw less harm,” said Fukushima, noting that “Israel was quick to halt the vaccine.” 

There were problems, moreover, with the very technology used to administer the mRNA – the lipid nanoparticles – that the doctor said result in “off-target effects” on various organs, including the ovaries, brain, liver, and bone marrow.

Worse, the spike proteins produced by the mRNA have been detected in the human body more than a year after the administration of the COVID shot, noted the oncologist, indicating “a severe problem.”

The doctor took aim at the World Health Organization (WHO) for “hastily” pushing the COVID shots without proper investigation, and moreover for trying to enforce a one-size-fits-all approach in countries with widely varying “medical circumstances, habits, and systems,” calling it “somewhat absurd.”

He argued that it is “crucial” that the WHO take responsibility for the harms of the COVID shots, which he called “an abuse, a misuse of science and an evil practice of science, to be frank.”

Fukushima pointed out that the WHO is “aware” of harms from the so-called vaccines because they are compensating for these damages in certain countries, and yet they are not properly addressing the COVID shot-induced death and injury through an investigation and report.

“Imagine finding your spouse dead in the morning. It’s no joke. A vaccine that causes such outcomes, even a single death, is unacceptable,” said Fukushima, adding that in Japan alone, the government has documented 2,134 deaths reported due to the COVID shot, which is likely a low estimate.

“There are tens of thousands of people who must see a doctor because of vaccine-related issues,” he continued, asserting that a big chunk of them – 30 percent – are “suffering from ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) or chronic fatigue syndrome.” 

This is just the beginning, according to Fukushima, because the rates of all sorts of diseases have been spiking since the COVID shot rollout, including “autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections.”

“It’s as if we’ve opened Pandora’s box… We must take these damages seriously and address them earnestly. Any efforts to dismiss these damages as if they didn’t happen are frankly the work of evil. This is a quintessential example of the evil practice of science,” Fukushima said.

He called on scientific and medical institutions, led by the WHO, to directly confront these outcomes through research efforts in order to “shine the light of science” on the shots.

“We should never again use such vaccines,” he said. “This is a shame for humanity. It’s a disgrace that we did this.”


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Featured image: Dr. Masanori Fukushima (Source: X/Screenshot via LSN)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

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My thanks to the Publisher and to the translator Tatsuo Iwana.






第1章 市民社会の破壊と恐怖をあおる政策
第2章 コロナ危機の時系列による経緯
第3章 Covid-19とは何か――どうやって検査・測定されるのか?
第4章 仕組まれた経済不況
第5章 大富豪をさらに富裕化する富の収奪と再配分
第6章 心の健康を破壊する
第7章 大手製薬会社のコロナ「ワクチン」
第8章 豚インフルエンザの世界的流行は本番前の舞台稽古だった?
第9章 「社会を乱すもの」と攻撃される抗議運動
第10章 世界規模のワクチン接種作戦は集団殺戮だ
第11章 世界規模のクーデターと「世界全体の初期化」
第12章 これからの道――「コロナを利用した専制政治」に反対する世界的な運動の構築

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Washington’s “deep involvement in the armed conflict and total control over Kiev’s military planning means that the claims that the US does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded.”— Russian Senator Dmitry Rogozin

The Biden administration, using its proxy forces in Ukraine, launched an unprecedented attack on “a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella” on Thursday effectively blinding the Russian military from detecting incoming nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

“Satellite imagery confirms” that multiple drones severely damaged “a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country” leaving Moscow more vulnerable to enemy attack. 

The western media has largely blacked-out any coverage of the incident which should have been presented in headlines across the country.

According to Russian nuclear doctrine, any attack on Russia’s essential nuclear first-alert system provides a justification for nuclear retaliation.

Given the gravity of the situation we must assume that Washington’s frustration with Ukraine’s performance on the battlefield has precipitated a dramatic change in policy that includes high-risk provocations aimed at triggering an overreaction that leads to direct NATO intervention.

Clearly, the Biden administration has decided that it cannot prevail in Ukraine absent NATO involvement. To that end, the US—via its proxies in Ukraine—will continue to launch increasingly lethal attacks on Russian territory forcing Moscow to respond in kind. This is from an article at The Warzone:

Satellite imagery confirms a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country was substantially damaged in a reported Ukrainian drone attack earlier this week. This looks to be a first-of-its-kind attack on a site linked to Russia’s general strategic defense. As such, it points to a new and worrisome dimension to the conflict, especially when it comes to the potential use of nuclear weapons….

(Satellite imagery) shows severe damage to both structures housing the Voronezh-DMs at Armavir. There is also clear evidence of multiple hits on the radar buildings. …(The) radar arrays are generally very sensitive and fragile systems, and even relatively limited damage can result in a “mission kill,” rendering them inoperable for an extended period of time….

Since receiving a new tranche of ATACMS ( Army Tactical Missile System) in secret earlier this year, the Ukrainian armed forces have been using those weapons to good effect against Russian air bases, air defense nodes, and other targets. The latest batch of ATACMS are also longer-range versions than had previously been delivered to Ukraine’s military, which have allowed them to hold more targets at risk….

The two Voronezh-DMs at the facility are a key part of Russia’s larger strategic early warning network and their loss, even temporarily, could only degrade the country’s ability to detect incoming nuclear threats. There are also concerns about how this could impact the ability of Russia’s overall strategic warning network to evaluate potential threats and eliminate false positives due to possible loss of overlapping coverage in certain areas. Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal, The Warzone

We should assume that the plan to strike the facility was concocted and authorized at the highest level of government, perhaps, President Biden himself.

Certainly, no low-ranking officer would risk his own career and possible court martial on a venture so audacious and potentially catastrophic. Also, the fact that the media has largely swept this blockbuster story under the rug suggests that corporate journalists are, once again, colluding with government officials to prevent Washington’s transgressions from being revealed to the public. Aside from slandering any and all opponents of US foreign policy, the media’s primary duty is concealing the crimes of the state.(which are too numerous to count.) Here’s more from The Warzone:

Russia’s early warning network is part of the country’s broader nuclear deterrent posture.

“The conditions specifying the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation” include any “attack by [an] adversary against critical governmental or military sites of the Russian Federation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions,” according to the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence the Kremlin put out two years ago.

All of this follows the start of tactical nuclear drills by Russian forces in the country’s Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine, on Tuesday. Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal, The Warzone

The attack on a critical Russian nuclear defense facility—that could serve as a pretext for a nuclear exchange—shows that we have entered a new and more dangerous phase of Washington’s war on Russia. It’s clear that the public debate concerning the use of long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory, is largely a hoax intended to convince the American people that the matter will be decided by their elected representatives after an exhaustive debate. But it won’t be. As we can see, the train has already left the station. The decision to provoke a war with Russia has already been made, and that policy is being implemented as we speak.

It’s also worth noting (as one analyst said)

It’s not like Ukraine bought American long-range missiles and the US has restricted their use. The CIA tells Zelensky to demand American missiles provided at no cost, shipped to Ukraine by the USA, prepared and fired by American contractors using intel provided by the CIA to hit targets in Russia that have little involvement in the war.

In short—despite the illusion of Ukrainian “proxies”—these attacks on Russia are 100% American concocted, enabled and implemented. The culpability is Washington’s alone and the Russians know it. This is from RT:

The US is directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella, Senator Dmitry Rogozin said, warning that such attacks could lead to the collapse of the entire global nuclear security architecture…Rogozin suggested that it was extremely unlikely that the strike, which Ukrainian media reported involved several drones, was carried out at Kiev’s sole initiative and without US involvement…

“the US has commissioned a crime by hiring an irresponsible bandit” to attack Russia’s early warning system, the official said, apparently referring to Vladimir Zelensky. Rogozin claimed that Washington’s “deep involvement in the armed conflict and total control over Kiev’s military planning means that the claim that the US does not know about Ukrainian plans to strike Russia’s missile defense system can be discarded.”

Thus, we stand not on the precipice, but on the very edge… If such enemy actions are not stopped, an irreversible collapse of the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin. Ukraine attacked key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella — Russian senator, RT

Russian President Vladimir Putin once described the United States as “A madman with a knife.” This latest incident helps to verify that claim.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image is from TUR

WWIII ScenarioTowards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

Australia’s Anti-ICC Lobby

May 27th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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In another decision at the United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ), the judges ruled 13-2 that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) must end its bombing operations and blockade in the city of Rafah.

This was the fourth hearing of the ICJ related to the lawsuit filed by the African National Congress (ANC) government in the Republic of South Africa which charged the State of Israel with violating the Genocide Convention.

The initial ruling in January stated that the claims of genocide were plausible and that the Zionist state must take action to end the siege upon Gaza. Since January, thousands more have been killed by the IDF in its ground offensive and aerial strikes against the people of Gaza. Israel is using food and water as a weapon of war where more than 35,000 have been slaughtered over the last seven months.

Since the Al-Aqsa Flood of October 7, the Israeli state has committed numerous crimes against humanity. The administration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has described Palestinians as subhuman animals deserving extermination.

An 18-page ICJ ruling on May 24 notes in its concluding paragraphs that:

“The Court also considers that the catastrophic situation in Gaza confirms the need for the immediate and effective implementation of the measures indicated in its Orders of 26 January 2024 and 28 March 2024, which are applicable throughout the Gaza Strip, including in Rafah. In these circumstances, the Court finds it necessary to reaffirm the measures indicated in those Orders. In so doing, the Court wishes to emphasize that the measure indicated in paragraph 51 (2) (a) of its Order of 28 March 2024, requiring the ‘unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance’, necessitates that the Respondent maintain open land crossing points and in particular the Rafah crossing.

In view of the specific provisional measures, it has decided to indicate, the Court considers that Israel must submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order, within one month as from the date of this Order. The report so provided will then be communicated to South Africa, which shall be given the opportunity to submit to the Court its comments thereon.” 

Even though the ruling of the ICJ in January was ridiculed and dismissed by the Israeli regime, no punitive actions have been taken by the UN body. In response to the ruling of May 24, the settler-colonial regime has accused the ICJ of antisemitism.

This ruling by the ICJ comes amid the growing opposition to the Israeli state. All over the world, there are ongoing mass demonstrations demanding a ceasefire and the opening of a political process to bring about the full independence of the State of Palestine.

Just days prior to the hearing on May 24, three European countries, Norway, Spain and Ireland, recognized Palestine as a state. After this declaration by these states, the Netanyahu administration withdrew their ambassadors.

The Israeli government has stated that they are not concerned with the policy decisions and court rulings which run counter to their interests. This same attitude prevails as well with its major supporter, U.S. imperialism. Biden has labelled the demonstrations which have wracked the college and universities campuses as “antisemitic”.

Biden has lost significant electoral support since the Israeli siege on Gaza in October. Most polls indicate the potentially close race between the incumbent and former President Donald Trump, who is also a big supporter of the Israeli regime. All the surveys of voters show the outcome of the race as being within the margins of error.

Response to ICJ Ruling in the West Asia Region

People have once again responded favorably to the ICJ ruling on the genocide in Gaza. Various organizations and governments have praised the Republic of South Africa for its legal initiatives on the current situation in Gaza.

When the South African government initially filed its legal complaints against Tel Aviv in December, the response of the regime was to say that Pretoria was acting as the “legal arm” of the Hamas Resistance movement. South African Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Naledi Pandor, who has been an outspoken critic of the IDF offensive in Gaza, emphasized that the ANC’s relations with the Palestinians did not begin on October 7.

Former ANC leader and the first democratically elected president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, said that his country could not be fully independent absent the liberation of Palestine. This poignant observation holds true today not only for South Africa but for all oppressed and struggling peoples worldwide.

An article published by Al Mayadeen television based in Lebanon said of the ruling:

“’Israel had not provided sufficient information about the safety of the population during the evacuation process, or the availability of food, water, sanitation and medicine for the 800,000 Palestinians that had already fled Rafah so far,’ Salam (the chief justice) said, adding, ‘Consequently, the court is of the view that Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concerns raised by its military offensive in Rafah.’ The court also ordered the occupation to open the Rafah connection between Egypt and Gaza so that humanitarian supplies may enter, as well as to enable access to the besieged enclave for investigators and to report back on its progress within one month. The ruling was accepted by a panel of 15 judges from throughout the world in a 13-2 vote, with only Ugandan and Israeli justices opposing it. The ruling was issued a week after being requested by South Africa as part of ‘Israel’s’ genocide charges. Outside, a small group of pro-Palestinian protesters waved flags and protested demanding a free Palestine.” 

The Ugandan government in response to an earlier vote by its national, disassociated itself from the actions of this individual serving on the ICJ. At present Uganda is the current Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Group of 77 plus China, both of which are staunch defenders of the rights of the Palestinians.

Israel Should be Expelled from the United Nations

In light of this series of rulings unfavorable to the State of Israel and its ally, the U.S., there should be an effort to expel Tel Aviv from the United Nations. There is precedence for such actions which date back five to six decades.

The racist apartheid regime which ruled South Africa prior to 1994 when the ANC came to power, was stripped of its privileges within the UN in November 1974. In regard to neighboring Namibia (earlier known as Southwest Africa under apartheid rule) during 1966, it was decided by the UN General Assembly that the then “mandate” of racist South Africa in Namibia had expired.

In a New York Times article from 1974, it reported on the deliberations surrounding the status of the racist apartheid regime in the UN. This NYT report emphasized:

“The General Assembly voted today to suspend South Africa’s participation in its current session. The decision was without precedent in United Nations history, but it did not exclude the South African Government from membership in the world organization itself. It means that the delegation will not be permitted to take its seats, speak, make proposals or vote. The vote of 91 to 22 was taken to uphold a ruling by the Assembly’s President, Foreign Minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, suspending South African participation. The United States unsuccessfully challenged the ruling, which was also opposed by Britain, a number of Western Europeans and South Americans, and some others. Nineteen countries abstained.” 

Such a measure if enacted today would send a strong message to the occupation regime in Palestine along with Washington. The Biden administration has denounced the legal actions taken against Israel by the Republic of South Africa.

High-level Biden administration officials such as National Security spokesman John Kirby have declared that the lawsuit against Israel by South Africa has no legal merit. Statements of this nature have precipitated the condemnation of Washington alongside Tel Aviv among many people around the globe. See this.

Consequently, progressive mass organizations, governments and political parties have no other choice than escalating their campaigns aimed at liberating Palestinians from Zionist control. The struggle for the independence of the State of Palestine will continue to be a defining issue in international affairs.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: South African lawyers at the ICJ / All image in this article are from the author

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The British High Court granted Julian Assange the opportunity to appeal the extradition decision to the United States on May 20. Although it is a victory in the specific judicial process underway, it is necessary to remember that we are faced with a farce trial that has been going on for 5 years, based on the violation of every rule of due process.

The British High Court was used as an instrument of torture in the political persecution against a journalist who has already served five years in a high-security prison, in solitary confinement, in conditions that have deteriorated his health without any real reason, only because he, an Australian citizen, should answer to the US judicial system that wants to try him for espionage and sentence him to 175 years in prison.

The “crime” committed by this investigative journalist is having discovered and brought to light war crimes committed by the United States of America. His persecution is a warning that the United States and its allies issue to anyone who dares to violate their “rules” by bringing the truth to light. The British High Court continued its action even when evidence emerged of the CIA’s attempt to kidnap and murder Assange while he was a political refugee in the Ecuadorian Embassy. The British High Court could have, on May 20, put an end to all this, it could have freed Assange, it could have at least decided to move him from the high-security prison to a place of detention where he could have recovered his physical and psychological health. The Court, instead, only postponed his extradition to the USA, thus prolonging his persecution.

The fact is that at the moment the presidential election campaign is underway in the United States: it would therefore be harmful for all the candidates if a trial were opened against Julian Assange, and his “crimes” would have to be listed, inevitably bringing to the fore US war crimes plan. Furthermore, at this moment, the major US university campuses are characterized by a strong movement of solidarity with Palestine, which denounces the war crimes committed by Israel with the substantial support of the United States. It would therefore be dangerous for the US establishment to bring Julian Assange before its tribunal, as the campus movement would rally to his defence. The decision of the British High Court to suspend the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States, continuing to detain him in conditions that undermine his physical and mental health, once again corresponds to the will and interests of the United States of America.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Grandangolo, Byoblu TV.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Nuland pede séria escalada com a Rússia.

May 26th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

O Ocidente continua a intensificar o seu discurso contra a Rússia. Recentemente, a antiga vice-secretária de Estado dos EUA, Victoria Nuland, afirmou que Kiev deveria bombardear o território russo com armas da OTAN. Segundo ela, Washington deveria permitir que Kiev realizasse tais ataques com armas americanas, o que mostra o avançado nível de belicosidade alcançado pelos apoiadores do regime neonazista.

Como é sabido, Victoria Nuland é uma das principais figuras públicas americanas por trás do regime de Kiev. Ela foi uma das principais estrategistas durante o golpe de estado de Maidan em 2014 e a subsequente política de nazificação e desrussificação da Ucrânia. A sua recente renúncia ao Departamento de Estado foi vista por especialistas de todo o mundo como um sinal de desespero, dado o colapso iminente do exército ucraniano.

Contudo, mesmo fora do cargo, Nuland continua a fazer campanha para que os EUA aumentem a sua participação no conflito e o nível de violência contra a Rússia. Ela pediu publicamente a Washington que autorizasse o uso de armas por Kiev contra alvos no interior da Federação, atingindo bases militares fora da zona de conflito. Segundo Nuland, esta é a melhor forma de os ucranianos impedirem os russos de realizarem as suas operações, razão pela qual atacá-los preventivamente seria uma estratégia interessante no atual contexto militar.

“Eles precisam ser capazes de impedir esses ataques russos que vêm de bases dentro da Rússia (…) Os Estados Unidos e os nossos aliados deveriam dar-lhes mais ajuda para atingir bases russas, o que até agora não estávamos dispostos a fazer ( …) Essas bases devem ser um alvo, sejam elas de onde os mísseis são lançados ou onde as tropas são treinadas”, disse ela.

Como podemos ver, ela argumenta que é justo atacar bases fora da zona de conflito, usando uma interpretação distorcida do direito internacional para justificar as suas reivindicações. Obviamente, numa guerra, os alvos militares são legítimos, mas ao atacar cidades no interior da Rússia, Kiev estaria a violar as próprias fronteiras do conflito. Segundo Kiev e o Ocidente, a guerra ucraniana tem como único objetivo recuperar o território ucraniano dentro das fronteiras de 1991. Portanto, em tal situação, Kiev estaria violando os seus próprios limites de ação militar.

No entanto, deve ser sublinhado que os ataques ucranianos já acontecem todos os dias em cidades russas fora da zona de lei marcial. Independentemente de os EUA o “permitirem” ou não, os ucranianos realizam frequentemente operações no território russo, sendo quase todos os alvos civis – razão pela qual é possível descrever tais incursões como terroristas. Nuland está simplesmente a pedir aos EUA que “permitam” que Kiev faça o que já faz todos os dias: matar civis russos nas áreas desmilitarizadas.

É um fato conhecido por qualquer especialista que os alvos prioritários do regime são os civis. Incapaz de vencer no campo de batalha e com o seu exército à beira do colapso, a Ucrânia aposta no uso do terror contra as pessoas comuns na Rússia como estratégia para melhorar a sua imagem e obter o apoio ocidental. Soma-se a isto o fato de que quanto mais dentro do território os ataques na Rússia são, mais a máquina de propaganda ocidental é capaz de descrever a artilharia ucraniana como “eficiente” e “capaz de vencer”, renovando os esforços ocidentais. Neste sentido, Nuland está a tentar levar a guerra adiante numa altura em que todos os parceiros ocidentais já parecem desesperados em relação à Ucrânia.

Não é surpresa que Nuland faça tais declarações. Embora tenha deixado o cargo, ela nunca deixará de fazer campanha pela guerra. A sua saída do cargo de vice-secretária parece ter sido uma mera manobra para continuar a atuar no lobby pró-guerra de forma não oficial, fora da atenção da mídia e da opinião pública. Agora ela tem a liberdade de agir sem ser responsabilizada por qualquer erro. Na prática, ela está em uma posição muito mais confortável agora, pois pode fazer tudo o que fazia antes, sem, no entanto, que suas ações irresponsáveis ​​causem problemas ao governo americano.

Da parte da Rússia, as palavras de Nuland apenas enfatizam que não haverá solução diplomática e pacífica e que a única forma de proteger as cidades russas não violentas da agressividade ucraniana é através da força militar. Moscou, se necessário, utilizará a sua artilharia e aviação de forma ainda mais incisiva contra as instalações estratégicas ucranianas para evitar a realização de novos ataques contra civis.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Nuland calls for serious escalation with Russia, InfoBrics, 24 de Maio de 2024

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Author’s Introduction

There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023  Plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map”.

It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter:

 “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.”

It’s a criminal undertaking based on Israel’s doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” which was first formulated in 2001.

(See below: my January 2009 article published at the very outset of Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Led”)  

The “Justified Vengeance” doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that (despite its limited military capabilities) Palestine rather than Israel is “the Aggressor” and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

It is now established that the Hamas October 7, 2023 attack was a False Flag operation carried out by a “faction” within Hamas, in liaison with Mossad and U.S. intelligence:

“U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack. 

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack which has resulted in countless deaths of Israelis and Palestinians.

Was a carefully formulated Israeli plan to wage an all out war against Palestinians envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”?

This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite”

Video. Justified Vengeance and False Flags. Michel Chossudovsky

Lux Media Video recorded on October 16, 2023

Below: detailed analysis and history of Israeli False Flag Operations against the People of Palestine



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The History of False Flags: “The Green Light to Terror” (1997), The “Bloodshed as a Justification” to Wage War

The late  Prof Tanya Reinhart confirms the formulation in 1997 of a False Flag Agenda entitled “The Green Light to Terror” which consisted in promoting (engineering) suicide attacks against Israeli civilians, citing “the Bloodshed as a Justification” to wage war on Palestine: 

“…This is the “green light to terror” theme which the Military Intelligence (Ama”n) has been promoting since 1997, when its anti-Oslo line was consolidated. This theme was since repeated again and again by military circles, and eventually became the mantra of Israeli propaganda… 

The ‘Foreign Report’ (Jane’s information) of July 12, 2001 disclosed that the Israeli army (under Sharon’s government) has updated its plans for an “all-out assault to smash the Palestinian authority” 

The blueprint, titled “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”, was presented to the Israeli government by chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, on July 8 [2001].

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification.” (Tanya Reinhart, December 22, 2001)

Ariel  Sharon: “A 1948 Style Solution”

According to the Prof. Tanya Reinhart; “Mass expulsion could occur at some later stage  of the ground invasion [2002- ], were the Israelis to open up Gaza’s borders to allow for an exodus of population … Expulsion was referred to by Ariel Sharon as the “a 1948 style solution”. For Sharon “it is only necessary to find another state for the Palestinians”. -‘Jordan is Palestine’ – was the phrase that Sharon coined.” (Tanya Reinhart, op cit)

The “Hamas-Mossad Partnership”

What is now unfolding in Gaza is part of a longstanding intelligence agenda, which has been on the drawing-board of successive  Israeli governments for more than twenty years. Founded in 1987 with the support of Israel, “The Hamas-Mossad partnership” is confirmed by Netanyahu: 

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (March 2019 Statement quoted by Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

“Support” and “Money” for Hamas

“Transferring Money to Hamas” on behalf of Netanyahu is confirmed by a Times of Israel October 8, 2023 Report: 

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” (emphasis added)

Benjamin Netanyahu’s position defined several years prior to the October 7, 2023 “State of Readiness For War” consists in the total appropriation of Palestine  Lands as well as the outright exclusion of the Palestinian people from their homeland:

“These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.” (January 2023)

The Role of Mossad

The doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” initiated in 2001, is the cornerstone of Israel’s intelligence narrative. It provides a justification to carry out acts of genocide, with the support of the International community, first in Gaza, then in the West Bank. 

 “With an annual budget of about $3billion and 7,000 staff, Mossad is the second-largest espionage agency in the Western world after the CIA.”

These official figures are meaningless, intelligence agencies do not reveal the sources of their funding or the size of their staff (which are in excess of the figures quoted above).

Mossad (Foreign Intelligence) together with Shin Bet (Domestic National Security) and Aman (Military Intelligence) is the main actor in the conduct of  “false flag operations”. It’s covert capabilities are extensive. It has over the years infiltrated both  Hamas and the Palestinian National Authority, It also exerts –in liaison with US intelligence– control over Al Qaeda operatives, ISIS and Daesh throughout the Middle East.

Mossad’s mandate is to create “divisions” within the Palestinian Resistance Movement, while sustaining fear and routine terrorist false flag events against innocent Israeli civilians, which sustains the legitimacy of the “Justified Vengeance” narrative. 


Let us briefly review the history, the various stages following the:

Failure of Oslo I and II (1993-95) and The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (1995) 

2001. “Operation Justified Vengeance”

Presented in July 2001 to the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon by IDF chief of staff  Shaul Mofaz, under the title:

“The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”.

See the Analysis of  Tanya Reinhart and the Jane Report quoted above and in the article below).

“Operation Justified Vengeance” was also referred to as the “Dagan Plan”, named after the late General Meir Dagan, who headed Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency from 2002-2011. 

The longer term objective of  “Operation Justified Vengeance” (2001) was and remains the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland. 

2002. Decision to Build the Infamous Apartheid Wall by Sharon government

2004. The Assassination of Yasser Arafat

It was ordered by the Israeli Cabinet in 2003. It was approved by the US which vetoed a United Nations Security Resolution condemning the 2003 Israeli Cabinet decision. It was undertaken by Mossad. (See details in article below).

2005. The Removal, under Orders of PM Ariel Sharon of all Jewish Settlements in Gaza.

Proposed in 2003 by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, implemented in August 2005 and completed in September 2005. 

A Jewish population of over 7,000 was relocated. This relocation was required to transform the Gaza Strip into “An Open Air Prison”

2006. The Hamas election victory in January 2006.

Without Arafat, the Israeli military-intelligence architects knew that Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas would loose the elections.

2008-2009. “Operation Cast Lead”

In 2008 the “Bloodshed Justification” was an essential component of the military-intelligence agenda, which was first formulated in the 2001 “Operation Justified Vengeance”: 

“The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”

The killing of Palestinian civilians was justified on “humanitarian grounds.”  as formulated in the “Operation Justified Vengeance Report”. 


Michel Chossudovsky, May 15,  2021, October 23, 2023, November 8, 2023,

Below is my article published in early January 2009, at the height of  the 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead 


The Invasion of Gaza:

Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

by Michel Chossudovsky 

January 2009



“Operation Cast Lead”

The aerial bombings and the ongoing ground invasion of Gaza by Israeli ground forces must be analysed in a historical context. Operation “Cast Lead” [2008] is a carefully planned undertaking, which is part of a broader military-intelligence agenda first formulated by the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2001:

“Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.”(Barak Ravid, Operation “Cast Lead”: Israeli Air Force strike followed months of planning, Haaretz, December 27, 2008)

It was Israel which broke the truce on the day of the US presidential elections, November 4:

“Israel used this distraction to break the ceasefire between itself and Hamas by bombing the Gaza strip.  Israel claimed this violation of the ceasefire was to prevent Hamas from digging tunnels into Israeli territory.

The very next day, Israel launched a terrorizing siege of Gaza, cutting off food, fuel, medical supplies and other necessities in an attempt to “subdue” the Palestinians while at the same time engaging in armed incursions.

In response, Hamas and others in Gaza again resorted to firing crude, homemade, and mainly inaccurate rockets into Israel.  During the past seven years, these rockets have been responsible for the deaths of 17 Israelis.  Over the same time span, Israeli Blitzkrieg assaults have killed thousands of Palestinians, drawing worldwide protest but falling on deaf ears at the UN.” (Shamus Cooke, The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War, Global Research, December 2008)

Planned Humanitarian Disaster

On December 8, [2008] US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte was in Tel Aviv for discussions with his Israeli counterparts including the director of Mossad, Meir Dagan.

“Operation Cast Lead” was initiated two days day after Christmas. It was coupled with a carefully designed international Public Relations campaign under the auspices of Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

Hamas’ military targets are not the main objective. Operation “Cast Lead” is intended, quite deliberately, to trigger civilian casualities.

What we are dealing with is a “planned humanitarian disaster” in Gaza in a densly populated urban area. (See map below)

The longer term objective of this plan, as formulated by Israeli policy makers, is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestinian lands:

“Terrorize the civilian population, assuring maximal destruction of property and cultural resources… The daily life of the Palestinians must be rendered unbearable: They should be locked up in cities and towns, prevented from exercising normal economic life, cut off from workplaces, schools and hospitals, This will encourage emigration and weaken the resistance to future expulsions” Ur Shlonsky, quoted by Ghali Hassan, Gaza: The World’s Largest Prison, Global Research, 2005)

“Operation Justified Vengeance”

A turning point has been reached. Operation “Cast Lead” is part of the broader military-intelligence operation initiated at the outset of the Ariel Sharon government in 2001. It was under Sharon’s “Operation Justified Vengeance” that  F-16 fighter planes were initially used to bomb Palestinian cities.

“Operation Justified Vengeance” was presented in July 2001 to the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon by IDF chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, under the title “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”.

“A contingency plan, codenamed Operation Justified Vengeance, was drawn up last June [2001] to reoccupy all of the West Bank and possibly the Gaza Strip at a likely cost of “hundreds” of Israeli casualties.” (Washington Times, 19 March 2002).

According to Jane’s ‘Foreign Report’ (July 12, 2001) the Israeli army under Sharon had updated its plans for an “all-out assault to smash the Palestinian authority, force out leader Yasser Arafat and kill or detain its army”.

“Bloodshed Justification”

The “Bloodshed Justification” was an essential component of the military-intelligence agenda. The killing of Palestinian civilians was justified on “humanitarian grounds.” Israeli military operations were carefully timed to coincide with the suicide attacks:

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification. (Tanya Reinhart, Evil Unleashed, Israel’s move to destroy the Palestinian Authority is a calculated plan, long in the making, Global Research, December 2001, emphasis added)

The Dagan Plan 

“Operation Justified Vengeance” was also referred to as the “Dagan Plan”, named after General (ret.) Meir Dagan, who currently heads Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency.

Reserve General Meir Dagan was Sharon’s national security adviser during the 2000 election campaign. The plan was apparently drawn up prior to Sharon’s election as Prime Minister in February 2001. “According to Alex Fishman writing in Yediot Aharonot, the Dagan Plan consisted in destroying the Palestinian authority and putting Yasser Arafat ‘out of the game’.” (Ellis Shulman, “Operation Justified Vengeance”: a Secret Plan to Destroy the Palestinian Authority, March 2001):

“As reported in the Foreign Report [Jane] and disclosed locally by Maariv, Israel’s invasion plan — reportedly dubbed Justified Vengeance — would be launched immediately following the next high-casualty suicide bombing, would last about a month and is expected to result in the death of hundreds of Israelis and thousands of Palestinians. (Ibid, emphasis added)

The “Dagan Plan” envisaged the so-called “cantonization” of Palestinian territories whereby the West Bank and Gaza would be totally cut off from one other, with separate “governments” in each of the territories. Under this scenario, already envisaged in 2001, Israel would:

 “negotiate separately with Palestinian forces that are dominant in each territory-Palestinian forces responsible for security, intelligence, and even for the Tanzim (Fatah).” The plan thus closely resembles the idea of “cantonization” of Palestinian territories, put forth by a number of ministers.” Sylvain Cypel, The infamous ‘Dagan Plan’ Sharon’s plan for getting rid of Arafat, Le Monde, December 17, 2001)

From Left to Right: Dagan, Sharon, Halevy

The Dagan Plan has established continuity in the military-intelligence agenda. In the wake of the 2000 elections, Meir Dagan was assigned a key role. “He became Sharon’s “go-between” in security issues with President’s Bush’s special envoys Zinni and Mitchell.”  He was subsequently appointed Director of the Mossad by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in August 2002. In the post-Sharon period, he remained head of Mossad. He was reconfirmed in his position as Director of Israeli Intelligence by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in June 2008.

Meir Dagan, in coordination with his US counterparts, has been in charge of various military-intelligence operations. It is worth noting that Meir Dagan as a young Colonel had worked closely with defense minister Ariel Sharon in the raids on Palestinian settlements in Beirut in 1982. The 2009 ground invasion of Gaza, in many regards, bear a canny resemblance to the 1982 military operation led by Sharon and Dagan.

Continuity: From Sharon  to Olmert 

It is important to focus on a number of key events which have led up to the killings in Gaza under “Operation Cast Lead”:

1. The assassination in November 2004 of Yasser Arafat.

Olmert and Sharon

This assassination had been on the drawing board since 1996 under “Operation Fields of Thorns”.

According to an October 2000 document

“prepared by the security services, at the request of then Prime Minister Ehud Barak, stated that ‘Arafat, the person, is a severe threat to the security of the state [of Israel] and the damage which will result from his disappearance is less than the damage caused by his existence'”. (Tanya Reinhart, Evil Unleashed, Israel’s move to destroy the Palestinian Authority is a calculated plan, long in the making, Global Research, December 2001. Details of the document were published in Ma’ariv, July 6, 2001.).

Arafat’s assassination was ordered in 2003 by the Israeli cabinet. It was approved by the US which vetoed a United Nations Security Resolution condemning the 2003 Israeli Cabinet decision. Reacting to increased Palestinian attacks, in August 2003, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz declared “all out war” on the militants whom he vowed “marked for death.”

“In mid September, Israel’s government passed a law to get rid of Arafat. Israel’s cabinet for political security affairs declared it “a decision to remove Arafat as an obstacle to peace.” Mofaz threatened; “we will choose the right way and the right time to kill Arafat.” Palestinian Minister Saeb Erekat told CNN he thought Arafat was the next target. CNN asked Sharon spokesman Ra’anan Gissan if the vote meant expulsion of Arafat. Gissan clarified; “It doesn’t mean that. The Cabinet has today resolved to remove this obstacle. The time, the method, the ways by which this will take place will be decided separately, and the security services will monitor the situation and make the recommendation about proper action.” (See Trish Shuh, Road Map for a Decease Plan, November 9 2005

The assassination of Arafat was part of the 2001 Dagan Plan.

In all likelihood, it was carried out by Israeli Intelligence. It was intended to destroy the Palestinian Authority, foment divisions within Fatah as well as between Fatah and Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas is a Palestinian quisling.

He was installed as leader of Fatah, with the approval of Israel and the US, which finance the Palestinian Authority’s paramilitary and security forces.

2. The removal, under the orders of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2005, of all Jewish settlements in Gaza.

A Jewish population of over 7,000 was relocated.

“It is my intention [Sharon] to carry out an evacuation – sorry, a relocation – of settlements that cause us problems and of places that we will not hold onto anyway in a final settlement, like the Gaza settlements…. I am working on the assumption that in the future there will be no Jews in Gaza,” Sharon said.” (CBC, March 2004)

The issue of the settlements in Gaza was presented as part of Washington’s “road map to peace”.

Celebrated by the Palestinians as a “victory”, this measure was not directed against the Jewish settlers. Quite the opposite: It was part of  the overall covert operation, which consisted  in transforming Gaza into a concentration camp. As long as Jewish settlers were living inside Gaza, the objective of sustaining a large barricaded prison territory could not be achieved. The Implementation of “Operation Cast Lead” required “no Jews in Gaza”.

3. The Building of the Infamous Apartheid Wall

This was decided upon at the beginning of the Sharon government in 2002. (See Map below).


4.  The Hamas Election Victory in January 2006.

Without Arafat, the Israeli military-intelligence architects knew that Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas would loose the elections. This was part of the scenario, which had been envisaged and analyzed well in advance.

With Hamas in charge in Gaza, using the pretext that Hamas is a terrorist organization, Israel would carry out the process of “cantonization” as formulated under the Dagan plan. Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas would remain formally in charge of the West Bank. The duly elected Hamas government would be confined to the Gaza strip.

Ground Attack, 2008-2009

On January 3, [2009] Israeli tanks and infantry entered Gaza in an all out ground offensive:

“The ground operation was preceded by several hours of heavy artillery fire after dark, igniting targets in flames that burst into the night sky. Machine gun fire rattled as bright tracer rounds flashed through the darkness and the crash of hundreds of shells sent up streaks of fire. (AP, January 3, 2009)

Israeli sources have pointed to a lengthy drawn out military operation. It “won’t be easy and it won’t be short,” said Defense Minister Ehud Barak in a TV address.

Israel is not seeking to oblige Hamas “to cooperate”. What we are dealing with is the implementation of the “Dagan Plan” as initially formulated in 2001, which called for:

“an invasion of Palestinian-controlled territory by some 30,000 Israeli soldiers, with the clearly defined mission of destroying the infrastructure of the Palestinian leadership and collecting weaponry currently possessed by the various Palestinian forces, and expelling or killing its military leadership. (Ellis Shulman, op cit, emphasis added)

Nakba 2.0: Mass Expulsion and a Ground Invasion Contemplated

The broader question is whether Israel in consultation with Washington is intent upon triggering a wider war.

Mass expulsion could occur at some later stage of the ground invasion, were the Israelis to open up Gaza’s borders to allow for an exodus of population.

Expulsion was referred to by Ariel Sharon as the “a 1948 style solution”. For Sharon

“it is only necessary to find another state for the Palestinians. -‘Jordan is Palestine’ – was the phrase that Sharon coined.” (Tanya Reinhart, op cit)


LAlta Corte britannica ha concesso a Julian Assange, il 20 maggio, la possibilità di appellarsi alla decisione di estradizione negli Stati Uniti. Seppure sia una vittoria nello specifico passaggio giudiziario in corso, è necessario ricordare che siamo di fronte a un processo farsa che va avanti da 5 anni, fondato sulla violazione di ogni norma del giusto processo. L’Alta Corte britannica è stata usata come strumento di tortura nella persecuzione politica ai danni di un giornalista che ha già scontato senza alcun reale motivo 5 anni in un carcere di massima sicurezza, in isolamento, in condizioni che gli hanno deteriorato la salute, solo perché lui, cittadino australiano, dovrebbe rispondere al sistema giudiziario statunitense che lo vuole processare per spionaggio e condannare a 175 anni di reclusione.

Il “reato” commesso da questo giornalista d’inchiesta è, in realtà, quello di aver scoperto e portato alla luce crimini di guerra commessi dagli Stati Uniti d’America. La persecuzione nei suoi confronti è un monito che gli Stati Uniti e i loro alleati lanciano a chiunque osi violare le loro “regole” portando alla luce la verità. L’Alta Corte britannica ha proseguito la sua azione anche quando sono emerse le prove del tentativo della CIA di rapire e assassinare Assange mentre era rifugiato politico nell’Ambasciata dell’Ecuador. L’Alta Corte britannica avrebbe potuto, il 20 maggio, porre fine a tutto questo, avrebbe potuto liberare Assange, avrebbe potuto perlomeno decidere di spostarlo dal carcere di massima sicurezza in un luogo di detenzione dove avrebbe potuto recuperare la sua salute fisica e psicologica. Ha invece solo rimandato l’estradizione negli USA prolungando in tal modo la persecuzione.

Il fatto è che in questo momento negli Stati Uniti è in corso la campagna elettorale per le presidenziali: sarebbe quindi dannoso per tutti i candidati che si aprisse un processo contro Julian Assange, in cui dovrebbero essere elencati i suoi “reati” riportando inevitabilmente in primo piano i crimini di guerra statunitensi. In questo momento, inoltre, i maggiori campus universitari statunitensi sono percorsi da un forte movimento di solidarietà con la Palestina, che denuncia i crimini di guerra commessi da Israele con il sostanziale appoggio degli Stati Uniti. Sarebbe quindi pericoloso per l’establishment statunitense portare Julian Assange davanti a un proprio tribunale, poiché il movimento dei campus si schiererebbe in sua difesa. La decisione dell’Alta Corte britannica di sospendere l’estradizione di Julian Assange negli Stati Uniti, continuando a detenerlo in condizioni tali da minarne la salute fisica e mentale, corrisponde ancora una volta alla volontà e agli interessi degli Stati Uniti d’America.

Manlio Dinucci


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On October 9, 2023, I posted this. 

What follows purports to be a description of the impenetrable Israeli security barrier around Gaza written by a former commander of a section of the fence. Whether it is or not, the description of the security barrier provided can be checked. It seems impossible that Hamas could have succeeded in a surprise attack:

Here’s what commander of the Kerem Shalom Battalion, who knows the area in detail, wrote…:

“Something here doesn’t add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can’t find an answer to.

I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafih), I was in charge of the Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.

The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:

Set alerts according to 3 levels of pressure. She must alert when she is cut. There are 24/7 forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence. Every day do at least one penetration practice. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it. The female observers are champions in identification. They don’t miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle – day and night. 

At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.

Every day before dawn there is a “dawn alert” procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night. Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.

Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.

There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.

So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?

How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?

How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?

How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?

How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?

How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?

How is it that one bullet was not fired?

How did all this happen under our noses?

Where did an entire division go?

Where did 3 brigades go?

Who swallowed 9 battalions?

What happened to 36 companies?

Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?

Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?

Where did thousands of soldiers go???

Someone here needs to provide explanations!!”

In view of this description of the security barrier, this statement by the Israeli General Halevi admitting the failure of the Israeli Defense Force to protect Israel from Hamas is obviously intended as a coverup for the fact that the attack was allowed in order to close the book on Palestine.

Since 1947 the world has done nothing to stop Israel’s absorption of Palestine, so naturally Israel expects no opposition this time. It looks like this is a miscalculation by Israel. See this.

General Herzl Halevi, October 2023

“The Cat is Out of the Bag”. Hamas is a Partner

Of utmost relevance to the analysis of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, 

And in response to General Halevi’s (Above) Questions.

At Least “Part of the Answer” (from the Horse’s Mouth= Netanyahu) regarding the relationship between Hamas and Mossad: 

In March 2019, Prime Minister Netanyahu confirmed his alliance with Hamas in a recorded statement  to Likud Party Knesset members:  

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (quoted in Haaretz, October 9, 2023) 

Consult Annex which describes the features of the fence.

Everything Points to Massive Fraud and Criminality by Netanhayu and his IDF-Mossad apparatus.

It is a criminal “False Flag” operation against Israeli civilians engineered by the Netanyahu government, which controls Hamas. 

It is “A False Flag” which has resulted in the deaths of countless Israeli civilians, which in turn has provided a justification “on fake humanitarian grounds” to Netanhayu’s criminal IDF military “revenge” against 2.3 million Gaza civilians.

It is a War against Palestinians and Israelis. 

And the international community applauds. 

Michel Chossudovsky,  Global Research, October 13, 2023 


The Features of the Gaza Fence (2021)

Defence ministry says the barrier spans 65km and that 140,000 tonnes of iron and steel were used in its construction  

Israel’s defence ministry said the barrier, which includes hundreds of cameras, radars and other sensors, spans 65km and that 140,000 tonnes of iron and steel were used in its construction,

“The barrier, which is an innovative and technologically advanced project, deprives Hamas of one of the capabilities it tried to develop,” Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said, according to a defence ministry statement.

The ministry said the project’s “smart fence” is more than six metres high and its maritime barrier includes means to detect infiltration by sea and a remote-controlled weapons system.

File:Barrier against tunnels along the Israel-Gaza Strip border 2019. II.jpg

Barrier against tunnels along the Israel-Gaza Strip border 2019 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

The ministry did not disclose the depth of the underground wall.

Israel has maintained a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, which critics say amounts to a collective punishment of the impoverished enclave’s two million residents.

Israel prevents the importing of materials and equipment into Gaza and has imposed strict restrictions on exports, leading to a state of “paralysis” in several sectors of Gaza’s economy.

Egypt also upholds the siege, restricting movement in and out of Gaza on its border.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: General Halevi (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Os líderes ocidentais já não disfarçam o seu objetivo de destruir e fragmentar a Federação Russa. Num discurso recente, a primeira-ministra da Estônia, Kaja Kallas, afirmou que a Rússia deveria ser “fragmentada” para facilitar a administração regional e evitar novas guerras. As suas palavras representam uma grave escalada na guerra de narrativas, com o desmantelamento territorial russo a tornar-se a agenda oficial de um país da OTAN.

Kallas defendeu o fim da Rússia como Estado durante um debate na capital da Estônia, Tallin. Segundo ela, a diversidade étnica russa é um impedimento à criação de uma arquitetura de segurança envolvendo Moscou. Ela lembrou a ideia de um Estado étnico – que é comum entre os nazistas alemães e os atuais neonazistas ucranianos – e propôs que cada povo dentro da Rússia vivesse sob o seu próprio Estado, quebrando a unidade da Federação.

Kallas disse que um cenário com nações pequenas é melhor para a Europa, praticamente admitindo o que vários analistas geopolíticos sérios vêm dizendo há muito tempo: o objetivo da OTAN é a destruição completa da Federação Russa. Ao propor que cada povo na Rússia tenha o seu próprio Estado independente, Kallas está simplesmente a fomentar o racismo interno e o separatismo na Rússia, o que representa uma séria ameaça à segurança nacional de Moscou.

Não só isso, Kallas também repetiu os discursos já comuns a favor do aumento dos esforços pró-ucranianos. Ela afirmou que é vital para o Ocidente ser capaz de derrotar a Rússia na guerra atual – sendo a fragmentação da Rússia um passo à frente, após a vitória militar de Kiev. Afirmou que o que impede os países ocidentais de fazerem mais pela Ucrânia é simplesmente o medo, concluindo que a OTAN deve superar as suas preocupações e ousar enviar toda a ajuda necessária para que a vitória ucraniana seja assegurada no campo de batalha.

“A derrota da Rússia não é uma coisa má porque então sabemos que poderia realmente haver uma mudança na sociedade (…) penso que se tivéssemos mais nações pequenas… não seria uma coisa ruim se a grande potência fosse muito menor (…) O medo impede-nos de apoiar a Ucrânia. Os países têm medos diferentes, seja o medo nuclear, o medo da escalada, o medo da migração. Não devemos cair na armadilha do medo, porque é isso que a Rússia. O presidente Vladimir Putin quer”, disse ela.

A posição de Kallas é absolutamente inviável na esfera diplomática. Qualquer possibilidade de boas relações entre Estados é destruída no momento em que um governo começa a defender abertamente a destruição de outros países. Além disso, é importante sublinhar que a ideia de etno-Estado, com cada povo necessariamente a viver num país independente, não tendo possibilidade de coexistência étnica sob a mesma grande potência, é precisamente a ideologia racista e extremista que legitima o nazismo.

Esta mentalidade racista tomou o poder na Ucrânia, após anos de promoção ocidental da russofobia e do ultranacionalismo. O Ocidente não está suficientemente satisfeito em usar apenas Kiev e planeja espalhar sentimentos nacionalistas entre todos os povos do espaço pós-soviético, criando uma situação de guerra permanente contra Moscou. Esta circunstância de intenso nacionalismo tornará viável a estratégia da OTAN de abrir várias frentes por procuração contra a Rússia.

Em diversas declarações, as autoridades de Moscou já deixaram claro que o crescimento do nazismo no ambiente estratégico russo é uma das principais preocupações do país. Nos países bálticos, a reabilitação do nazismo está tão avançada que já estão a ser implementadas políticas anti-russas do apartheid. Agora, aparentemente, os Bálticos querem ir mais longe e, além de espalhar o nacionalismo extremista nos seus próprios territórios, fomentar o caos racista entre os povos da Rússia.

No final, ao admitir que o separatismo na Rússia é o objectivo ocidental, Kallas está a deixar claro que não há boas expectativas para o futuro da diplomacia entre a OTAN e a Rússia. Moscou não tem outra forma de lidar com países que cooperaram abertamente com o separatismo étnico, a não ser considerá-los uma ameaça à segurança nacional russa. Kallas já é considerada uma criminosa na Rússia e existe um mandado de prisão contra ela devido às suas iniciativas de estilo nazista para destruir a memória soviética. Agora, é possível que a promoção do separatismo também passe a ser vista pelos russos como mais uma ameaça representada pela líder estônio.

Obviamente, os esforços ocidentais são inúteis, pois a sociedade russa parece mais unida do que nunca. E a atual unidade dos povos da Rússia deve-se não só à atitude natural de coexistência pacífica comum entre várias nacionalidades, mas também precisamente ao fato de o mal do nazismo estar atualmente a ameaçar novamente a Rússia. Tendo perdido 27 milhões de cidadãos na guerra contra o nazismo, a sociedade russa está consciente da necessidade de combater todas as formas de racismo e de separatismo étnico.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Estonia’s Kaja Kallas admits NATO’s goal of destroying Russian Federation, InfoBrics, 23 de Maio de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Between the 1970s and early 1990s, over 30,000 patients in the UK were treated with blood transfusions or blood-derived products contaminated with HIV or hepatitis C. This led to more than 3,000 deaths and left thousands of people with ongoing health problems. A new report has concluded that UK authorities deliberately covered up and downplayed the scandal for decades, with drug companies such as Bayer and Armour Pharmaceuticals accused of knowing treatments were infected but continuing to sell them anyway. The scandal provides a shocking window into the profit-driven nature of the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease.’

The problem began when, during the 1970s, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) was unable to meet the demand for blood and blood-derived products. As a result, products were imported into the UK from the United States and other countries where paid blood donors were used. These donors included prisoners and drug addicts at high risk of being infected with HIV or hepatitis C. Routine screening for HIV in blood and blood products didn’t begin in the UK until 1985, with screening for hepatitis C starting in 1991.

People with hemophilia and other clotting disorders were significantly impacted by the scandal as they received treatments made from large batches of contaminated blood plasma. Inevitably, therefore, infected individuals sometimes unknowingly passed on HIV or hepatitis C to their partners. Despite the growing number of victims, for many years the NHS and successive British governments refused to accept that any wrong had been done. In reality, however, the UK was one of the last developed countries to start screening blood for hepatitis C. It had also delayed the introduction of heat treatment for blood products to eliminate HIV. Clearly, therefore, while UK authorities have long pretended otherwise, the scandal was not an accident.

“A Day of Shame for the British State”

Following many years of tireless campaigning by those affected, the then UK Prime Minister Theresa May finally announced a public statutory inquiry in July 2017. Chaired by a former High Court judge, it aimed to examine why people were given infected blood and blood products, the impact on families, the authorities’ response, the support provided, questions of consent, and whether there was a cover-up. Evidence was collected between summer 2018 and February 2023.

The inquiry published two interim reports. The first one was released in July 2022 and recommended interim payments of at least £100,000 ($127,000) to victims. The UK government accepted this recommendation, and payments were made in October 2022.The second interim report, published in April 2023, recommended extending interim payments to bereaved parents, children, or siblings of infected individuals, and establishing a full compensation scheme.

The final report, published on 20 May 2024 in seven volumes, identifies systemic, collective, and individual failures in managing the risk of infections from blood products and responding to the consequences of the scandal. Its many recommendations include the immediate establishment of a compensation scheme, a formal apology, and, towards identifying undiagnosed cases, the routine questioning of new patients about pre-1996 blood transfusions.

Speaking in the UK parliament immediately after publication of the final report, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called it “a day of shame for the British state” and said he wanted to make “a wholehearted and unequivocal apology for this terrible injustice.” Acknowledging that there had been an attempted cover-up of the scandal, including the loss and destruction of key documents, he committed to implementing the report’s compensation recommendations.

Two days later, however, on 22 May 2024, Sunak suddenly and unexpectedly called a general election, to be held on 4 July 2024. With his party widely predicted to lose this, it will seemingly now be left to Sunak’s successor to ensure the report’s many recommendations are fully implemented.

Drug Firms Knowingly Sold Infected Blood Products

The roles of drug companies Bayer and Armour Pharmaceuticals in the scandal are particularly shocking. The UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper has described how, rather than withdrawing the infected blood products as soon as they realized what had happened, both companies deliberately continued selling them so as to avoid reducing their profits. Bayer’s marketing plan reportedly even outlined how it would dump the drugs in countries including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.

Despite the reckless greed they exhibited, no lawsuits have ever been brought in the UK against either of these drug firms. For now, therefore, as is also the case with the COVID-19 vaccine scandal, any compensation payments to victims will likely be funded by British taxpayers. Estimates suggest the total cost of these could eventually reach £10 billion ($12.7 billion). Sir Brian Longstaff, who chaired the inquiry, says the scandal has destroyed “lives, dreams, friendships, families, and finances,” adding that the number of deaths is still increasing. His words provide a sobering reminder of why the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ must urgently now be brought to an end.


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This article was originally published on Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings. You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the Public Domain