Iraqi Mediation Efforts Between Turkey and Syria

June 7th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

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Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said on May 31, his government was working on reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus.

“God willing, we will see some steps in this regard soon,” Sudani told a Turkish broadcast media, adding that he was in contact with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in regards to reconciliation efforts.

Turkey had been backing armed groups that were fighting in the failed US-NATO war in Syria for regime change which began in 2011 by President Obama. Erdogan publicly announced in 2022 that ousting Assad was no longer his government’s goal in Syria. The first high-level direct talks between the two countries, brokered by Russia the same year, were not successful because Damascus demanded an end to the Turkish military occupation of Syria as a prerequisite to restoring diplomatic ties.

Sudani visited Damascus last July, and Erdogan visited Baghdad last month, while also last month the Iraqi premier held security talks with Syria’s interior minister, Muhammad al-Rahmoun, in Baghdad.

Sudani said the security of both Iraq and Syria are threatened by areas in Syria “that are not controlled by the Syrian government.” The province of Idlib is controlled by HTS, formerly the Al Qaeda branch in Syria, Turkey occupies areas of the border north of Aleppo, and the US occupies areas in the northeast and the border with Iraq. Sudani is identifying HTS, Turkey, and the US as threats to national security of both countries.

In April, Iraq recognized the PKK as a banned international terrorist group. The north of Iraq is “Iraqi Kurdistan”, and it has major energy resources. While it is supposed to pledge nominal allegiance to Baghdad, the PKK are headquartered there.

The US partnered with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the coalition to defeat ISIS in Syria. Turkey views the SDF as an extension of the PKK in Syria, and this has been the reason given for the Turkish military invasion in sensitive areas along the northern Syrian border.

The PKK has been waging an armed campaign against the Turkish state for Kurdish self-rule inside Turkey since 1984 and is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.

The PKK have killed over 30,000 people over three decades of terrorist activity, and crushing US-allied SDF remains one of the top security concerns for Turkey, as Ankara equates it with the PKK.

The main goal of the unfruitful direct talks between high-level Turkish, Syrian and Russian officials in 2022 was largely aimed at eradicating the Kurdish-led autonomous administration in northern Syria.

The Turkish armed forces launched five ground incursions into Syria from 2016 to 2020 — four against the SDF and one against ISIS — and it regularly conducts airstrikes in SDF-controlled regions.

Erdoğan declared on May 29, that Turkey will not allow Kurdish-led groups in Syria to establish a semi-autonomous state along its borders following the announcement of upcoming municipal elections by the SDF, who plan to hold elections on June 11 in the northern and eastern provinces of Syria, including Hassakeh, Raqqa, Deir el-Zour and parts of Aleppo.

“Turkey will never allow the separatist organization to establish a terror state just beyond its southern borders in the north of Syria and Iraq,” Erdogan said during the Efes-2024 Joint Military Exercise.

On May 28, Erdogan emphasized Turkey’s commitment to combating terrorism and maintaining the territorial integrity of Syria and Iraq. Turkey plans to address the Kurdish issue at the upcoming NATO Summit in July.

The Kurdish-led autonomous administration in Syria, which is organizing the elections, sees them as a step towards greater self-governance, which is a red-line for Turkey.

Erdogan’s strong stance also sends a message to the US. America is governed on an interests-only set of values, and is a transactional partner. The Oval Office is capable of stabbing a loyal ally in the back when it serves the US interests.

On May 30, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, addressed the UN Security Council on the current situation in Syria. She remarked that at the recent Brussels Conference, the US had pledged $593 million dollars for humanitarian aid to Syria.

However, that aid goes to a very small percentage of the Syrian people, exclusively to Syrians in refugee camps outside of Syria, and the terrorist controlled province of Idlib, and the Kurdish northeast which houses the illegal US military base. The vast majority of Syrians, who live in Syrian government controlled areas, which is over 70% of the country, get nothing from the US, even though the UN envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen says they are facing food insecurity.

“And we will continue to push for sustainable humanitarian aid, and a sustainable political resolution to this conflict, to give the Syrian people a taste of democracy, stability, and the freedom they deserve,” said Thomas-Greenfield.

When President Obama designed the US-NATO war on Syria for regime change, he was not aiming for democracy, stability or freedom for the Syrian people. What he delivered while using international terrorists trucked in from Turkey and Jordan, was the exact opposite of democracy, stability and freedom. He delivered chaos, destruction, the deaths of at least 300,00 people, and caused the largest human migration in decades. Did the Syrian people deserve that?

Thomas-Greenfield hinted at the lifting of sanctions if the Syrian government will comply with UN resolution 2254.

Following her speech, Russia, the US and Syria traded accusations during a heated exchange at the UN Security Council, when Russia’s Ambassador Dmitry Chumakov criticized the US’ military presence in Syria ‘under the pretext of allegedly fighting terrorism,” as “having a destabilizing effect. Washington’s double standards are clearly manifested here.”

Syrian Ambassador Qusay al-Dahhak took the floor and criticized the US-led coalition to fight ISIS, and questioned the US, UK and French envoys about not commenting on the “damage caused by the illegal coalition” in the so-called fight against the ISIS terror group.

He accused the US of imposing sanctions that have killed civilians, prevented refugees and internally displaced peoples from peace and denied hope for Syrians.

US deputy envoy Robert Wood responded critically to the Syrian envoy for claims that Washington is “looting Syrian property and oil resources.”

“This is out of the Syrian playbook. It’s absolute nonsense. The US is not looting Syrian property, or taking seizing its oil resources,” Wood said.

However, Wood is wrong. Either he is ignorant of the facts in Syria, or he is lying. The largest oil wells in Syria are under the control of the illegal US military forces. That oil used to power the electricity generators and provide electricity to the national grid. Now, Syrians get 1 hour of electricity in 3 intervals in 24 hours. In fact, Trump stated in 2019 that the US would stay in Syria to steal the oil. Actually, the US military gives the stolen oil to the SDF who take it to Iraqi Kurdistan and it is sold for their benefit.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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WHO Slips Totalitarian Climate Change™, Disinformation Amendments Into Updated 2005 ‘Agreement’

What many might not be aware of is that the United States, and multiple other countries in the neoliberal fold, have functionally been under a pandemic treaty for nearly twenty years, under the guise of 2005 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) so-called agreement — an “agreement” signed onto by the United States government with no meaningful debate, knowledge, or obviously consent on the part of the vast majority of the American citizenry made subject to it.

Passed in the last minutes of the last day of the recent WHO World Health Assembly were even more illegitimate powers passed to the unaccountable international governing body.

Via Robert Malone (emphasis added):

“In parallel to the treaty, the World Health Assembly (in close cooperation with the US HHS/Biden administration) has been working on ‘updating’ the existing (2005) International Health Regulations (IHR) agreement, which historically functioned as a voluntary accord establishing international norms for reporting, managing, and cooperating in matters relating to infectious diseases and infectious disease outbreaks (including ‘pandemics’)…

The IHR amendments retain troubling language regarding censorship. These provisions have been buried in Annex 1,A.2.c., which requires State Parties to ‘develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities . . . in relation to . . . surveillance . . . and risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation.’…

Meanwhile, Article 4: Pandemic Prevention and Public Health Surveillance, states:

The Parties recognize that environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic [climate change caused by people], and economic factors increase the risk of pandemics and endeavor to identify these factors and take them into consideration in the development and implementation of relevant policies . . .””

Here we have the convergence of all the governing authorities’ favorite things: censorship, economic sabotage/deindustrialization for Climate Change™, and biomedical technocracy all rolled into one totalitarian offshore globalist package, to be enforced with no regard whatsoever for theoretically supreme national law — like, in the U.S. context, the Constitution.

What does Climate Change™ have to do with managing the next alleged pandemic the authorities promise is on the way? About as much as the proposed pandemic treaty has to do with public health, which is none at all.

Fauci’s Puppy Abuse Scandal Has New Legs? 

It does if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has anything to say about it.

As illustrated by the recent melodrama involving South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and the inexplicably puppy-shooting tale she regaled the American public with in her own book, many among us might not care what humans to do other humans, but abusing man’s best friend is a bridge too far.

This is not a defense of Noem — whom I regard as a run-of-the-mill,  but what she did arguably had some degree of justification, as Cricket had reportedly killed chickens and otherwise been a nuisance.

She probably shouldn’t have summarily executed Cricket with a shotgun in a gravel pit and then bragged about it in her own book to try to appeal to hard-nosed conservatives (who would be impressed by that story anyway?), but whatever. The point is there is some modicum of logic to the story that is at least understandable if not exculpatory.

What Fauci did to cuddly little beagles was far, far more sadistic.

Via White Coat Waste Project (emphasis added):

“In 2021, WCW broke BeagleGate, which uncovered how Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wasted millions funding cruel and outdated experiments on beagle dogs and puppies in laboratories around the world, including his own labs in Washington, DC.

We exposed how Fauci funded a lab in Tunisia that drugged beagles and locked their heads in mesh cages full of biting flies so they could eat them alive.  The heartbreaking photo of the abused dogs spread like wildfire and sparked widespread condemnation of Fauci.”

Imagine being so warped that you are willing to fasten beagles’ heads into mesh cages to keep them in place while you sic flesh-eating flies onto them — for The Science™. Not only that, Fauci and Co. reportedly ripped beagles’ vocals cords out so they wouldn’t annoy the researchers with their whimpers as they went to work on them.

Via (emphasis added)::

“The NIAID acknowledged that the beagles used in the study underwent a procedure, known as a cordectomy, to prevent them from barking.

Vocal cordectomies, conducted humanely under anesthesia, may be used in research facilities where numerous dogs are present,” the statement said. “This is to reduce noise, which is not only stressful to the animals but can also reach decibel levels that exceed OSHA allowable limits for people and can lead to hearing loss.’”

As the old adage goes, what people do to dogs they ultimately do to humans. Ted Bundy, infamous serial killer, loved to torture animals as a child.

What Fauci did to these animals might not be prosecutable, but it is a window into his twisted little soul that could sway public opinion — particularly among PETA-minded liberal types — against him, so in my view we ought to remind people at every opportunity the hell he wrought on these innocent beagles.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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The intentional ambiguity (to use a euphemism) of statements given by top-ranking officials of Western countries concerning their proxy war against Russia is making most people confused as to what exactly their leaders think about this issue. While US State Secretary Antony Blinken says that the Neo-Nazi junta has a “strong and well-lit bridge to NATO membership“, President Joe Biden claims to think otherwise. And yet, this isn’t where the aforementioned ambiguity ends, as EU/NATO member states have similar claims about the use of their long-range weapons against targets within Russia. While one official would say they support it, another one would say that’s not the case, further contributing to the general confusion and uncertainty.

However, in reality, such attacks are already happening and even the flagships of the mainstream propaganda machine are no longer bothering to hide this. Namely, according to the New York Times, the Kiev regime is already using US-sourced long-range missiles for this very purpose. NYT’s June 4 report admits this comes “just days after the Biden administration granted permission for Ukraine to fire American weapons into Russia”. The authors quote a member of Rada (Parliament) Yehor Chernev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, who said that the Neo-Nazi junta forces supposedly “destroyed Russian missile launchers with a strike in the Belgorod oblast [region], about 20 miles into Russia”.


Expectedly, Chernev claims that the attack was conducted by the extremely overhyped American HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) MLRS. Although certainly not impossible, there’s a persistent trend to attribute all strikes on Russian positions to NATO-sourced weapons, particularly when the Kiev regime forces want to hide their massive battlefield losses. Various sources claim that Russian missile launchers allegedly destroyed in this attack are the S-300 or even S-400, both SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems. Unverified footage posted on several social media platforms shows what appears to be a destroyed 5P85T2 TEL (transporter, erector, launcher) of either the S-300PMU2 or perhaps the S-400 long-range air defense systems.

The Neo-Nazi junta’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk also claimed that HIMARS was used in the strike, posting photos of what she said was “a Russian S-300, burning well” and bragging about the results of “the first days after permission to use Western weapons on the enemy’s territory”. Interestingly, she deleted her post soon after. This suggests that she either realized the footage was fake or perhaps was told to remove it because the Kiev regime’s puppet masters in the political West don’t want Moscow to have more evidence that they support attacks on Russia. Either way, it’s important to note that, even if the claims are true, the destruction of TELs or other components of a SAM battery doesn’t equate to the destruction of the entire system.

Namely, a battalion (or divizion in Russian military nomenclature) consists of much more than just launch vehicles. In fact, it can be argued that radars and command posts are far more important, as they provide targeting data and coordinate all other elements of the system. And while losing TEL vehicles is certainly a setback, it’s not exactly the end of the world for the Russian military which has drastically expanded acquisitions of advanced SAM systems. In addition, the Kremlin is acquiring more S-300V4 units that can be deployed virtually anywhere in the field and provide protection for frontline troops. However, growing evidence of NATO-sourced long-range weapons striking targets within Russia is certainly an extremely concerning development.

Late last week, war correspondent Evgeny Poddubny shared footage of fragments of American precision-guided munitions (PGMs) found in Russia’s undisputed territory. As I’ve argued many times before, Moscow can only conclude that Washington DC and Brussels are providing targeting data and guidance to the Neo-Nazi junta’s units firing these long-range weapons. Worse yet, even top-ranking NATO military officials are bragging about planning and executing operations against the Russian military, particularly its naval forces. The dangerous prospect of uncontrollable escalation due to such actions cannot be overstated, which is what President Vladimir Putin and other high-ranking Russian officials are also regularly warning about.

“I would like to caution American officials against miscalculations which may have fatal consequences. For some unknown reason, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned recently.

Putin reiterated this at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and stated that Russia is considering the option of supplying its own long-range weapons to numerous countries around the world that are faced with US/NATO aggression. In addition, the Russian president also said this “marks direct [Western] involvement in the war against the Russian Federation and we reserve the right to act the same way”, suggesting that this continued enmity may meet a direct response. Putin also stressed that using NATO-sourced long-range weapons involves military personnel of the belligerent alliance’s member states controlling the missiles and selecting targets, which may prompt Russia to take “asymmetrical steps elsewhere in the world”.

“If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?” Putin said, adding: “We will think about it.”

Russia’s president is extremely careful with his words, meaning that such announcements should be taken very seriously. And yet, this also shows Putin’s willingness to still not escalate the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict into a direct confrontation with the political West. In addition, supplying long-range weapons, particularly Moscow’s world-class anti-ship missiles, to countries targeted by US/NATO could have disastrous consequences for their power projection. Namely, even older Soviet-era missiles such as the massive P-700 “Granit” could effectively nullify Western naval dominance in any region of the world. Its high explosive warhead, weighing 750 kg, could easily destroy virtually any capital ship, including aircraft carriers.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: A Ukrainian HIMARS in the Zaporizhya region, June 2022. (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Religious Diversity of the Middle East

June 7th, 2024 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The Middle East is commonplace from which three global religions originated: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three confessions recognize the Prophet, Abraham.  


Judaism is a monotheistic religion of the Jewish people, i.e. with a belief in one God and foundations in Mosaic and rabbinical teachings. The Jewish people have been asked to accept the worshiping of one God instead of many (polytheism). The will of this one God, the Creator, is expressed in the Torah – the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) which contains the Ten Commandments. Such Jewish monotheism was later inherited and adopted by both Christianity and Islam. The essence of Judaism is that the Jews believe that as a result of the agreement between God and Abraham, they as the Chosen People have a unique relationship with God. Besides, they believe that the Messiah is going to be sent by God with a mission to collect all peoples of Israel in the promised land and bring everlasting peace to Earth. The Christians, but not the Jews, believe that Jesus Christ was such a Messiah.

There are three forms of Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Liberal Judaism, and Reform Judaism.

Image: Judaica – candlesticks, etrog box, shofar, Torah pointer, Tanach, natla (נַטְלָה aka keli) (Photo by Gila Brand/Licensed under CC BY 2.5) 


Orthodox Judaism teaches that the Torah or the five books of Moses has all the divine revelation that Jews require. In Orthodox Judaism, religious practice is strictly observed. However, when certain interpretations of the Torah are necessary then the reference is sought in the Talmud. Orthodox Jews practice the separation of sexes in synagogues during worship. Many Orthodox Jews support the Zionist movement and political designs but they deplore the secular origins of it and support the fact that Israel after 1948 is not a fully religious state. The Orthodox Jew recognizes a person as Jewish only if he/she has a Jewish mother or undergoes an arduous process of conversion. Nonetheless, the Israeli Law of Return, which deals with emigration to Israel, accepts all those with a Jewish grandmother as potential citizens of Israel. 

The spread of Liberal Judaism started around 1780 in Germany as a response to the need to redefine the meaning and practical performance of the Torah in the changing social atmosphere of the time of the West European Enlightenment. Therefore, Liberal Jews see the revelations of the five books of Moses as progressive rather than static as expressing God’s teaching rather than God’s law. As a direct practical consequence of such an attitude, it allowed for a significant evolution in religious law and practice. Besides, it resulted in important changes in both food and custom. In Europe, Liberal Judaism is also known as Progressive Judaism which is roughly equivalent to Reform Judaism in the USA.

Reform Judaism has also been founded in Germany by Zachariah Frankel (1801−1875) as a reaction to the perceived carelessness of Liberal Judaism. Frankel himself questioned all divine inspiration of the Torah but retained observance of some Jewish laws and traditions. In the USA, Reform Judaism is understood as the whole of the Liberal tradition that was brought to the USA by immigrants from Germany in the 19th century.


Image: Crucifixion, representing the death of Jesus on the Cross, painting by Diego Velázquez, c. 1632 (From the Public Domain)


Christianity is the last great global religion that emerged before Islam and after Judaism. It is dogmatically based on Judaism, originating in Palestine. Differently, compared with the case of Muhammad, it is little known and scientifically proven of the Christian founder, Jesus of Nazareth, before he started to preach, according to the Bible, about the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless, that was a message for which the majority of Palestine Jews have been waiting for centuries. As the Jewish country was occupied by the Romans in A.D. 6 the Jews have been waiting for the long-promised Messiah or the Saviour who had the focal aim to liberate them and their land. The Jews at first followed Jesus thinking he was the Messiah whom they waiting for. However, the Jewish authorities were suspicious about his role and his popular support soon decreased. After three years of teaching and preaching Jesus Christ was arrested as a fake Messiah, handed over to the Roman procurator, and finally crucified (as a revolutionary).

The new Christian faith proved to be inflexible, despite the fact of his founder’s early death. Whether Jesus Christ himself believed that God (Jehova/Jahve) had sent him to convert the gentiles (not Jews) is still not clear according to the sources. Nevertheless, it was left to Paul, a Jewish convert from Tarsus, to show the power and extent of Christianity’s appeal as he preached in the Aegean islands, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy, and maybe as far as the Iberian Peninsula where within all these lands there were Jewish communities. Starting with the journeys of St. Paul, Christian churches sprang up throughout the Roman Empire. By the time of Diocletian’s persecutions (A.D. 304), they had been thickly clustered around the Mediterranean and scattered as far as Britain and the Nile River.  

In essence, Christianity is a religion whose believers follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Originally, it was only a Jewish sect in Palestine that believed that Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) was the Messiah (Christ – a person with the divine message). Very much due to the former Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus who later became St. Paul, Christianity soon became an independent organization. Christian believers experienced persecution by the state, although it was not at the beginning clear legal foundations for it until A.D. 250. Nevertheless, by the 3rd century A.D., Christians could be found throughout the Roman Empire. The Emperor Constantine the Great ended persecutions in 313 and 380 the other Emperor, Theodosius, recognized Christianity as a state religion. 


The birth, rise, and expansion of Islam are some of the most significant and far-reaching historical events and its impact is very important in our times too. 

Islam as both religion and life philosophy started later, in A.D. 570, with the birth of Muhammad the Prophet in Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula. The founder of Islam as a personality was a combination of a social reformer, military General, statesman, empire builder, and visionary. Islam originated in his teaching which he framed in the Qur’an or Koran which is the holy book of Muslims like the Bible to the Christians, or the Torah to the Jews. Islam means the act of giving one’s self to God (Allah), and a person who behaves and follows the teachings of Islam is called a Muslim. All non-Arabs, like, for instance, the Iranians or the Turks, are linked to their Muslim brothers and sisters around the world by their common religion of Islam. More than half of the world’s 1,6 billion Muslims are today not Arab according to their origin.

Muhammad spread God’s message to mankind as the last Prophet of God. Muslims believe that God spoke through the mouth of Muhammad and that the Qur’an (recitation) is the Word of God. A historical figure of Muhammad, according to Muslim belief, is the Seal of the Prophets, and no other Prophets will come after him. Nevertheless, he is not divine as divinity belongs only to God alone. His message to the people of West Arabia was that they should stop worshiping idols, and submit instead to the will of Allah.  

This religion soon after the death of the Prophet spread out firstly across the Middle East and later further beyond its boundaries. At its peak, the empire of Islamic believers has been larger compared to the Roman Empire at its zenith. Formally, the Qur’an has the discourses that God revealed to his Prophet from Mecca. However, as a religion, Islam is diverse as it has different interpretations of its teachings like Sunni Muslims in North Africa and Saudi Arabia on one hand and Shia Muslims in Iran or Iraq where most believers are Shia. It is clear to an expert in the studies of the Middle East that Islam possesses an extreme power over the life and culture of the local people since the 7th century, Islam has become the focal binder among the peoples of the Middle East – it is a way of life for them but not only a religion.  

Image: Muslim men reading the Quran (Licensed under CC0)


There are five pillars of Islamic belief accepted and respected by all Muslims (visually, these five principles compose the coat of arms of the Islamic Republic of Iran):

  1. The profession of Faith or Shahadah. This is an open proclamation of submission that “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God”. At Muslim shrines – mosques – this sentence is chanted five times per day.
  2. Prayer or Salah. At prescribed hours, worship or ritual prayer has to be prayed five times per day, individually if not preferably in groups. The bowing or kneeling is toward Mecca (for Christians the praying is toward Jerusalem). The Muslim prayer must be pure, hence newly washed and not dirty. For the Muslims, Friday is traditionally a day reserved for rest, when the congregational prayers of men at midday should be ordinarily performed in the mosque.
  3. Giving charities or Zakah. The teaching of Islam is that all believers must give to charities. In practice today, it ranges from 2 to 10% of one’s annual income. 
  4. Fasting or Sawm. Any Muslim must abstain from food and drink during the 30-day lunar month of Ramadan, while practicing continence in other respects, from dawn to sunset. There are some Muslim states, like, for instance, Saudi Arabia, in which this obligation is legally protected. 
  5. Pilgrimage or Haj. It is an obligation for all Muslims at least once if one is financially and physically able, to perform this act of piety by going to Mecca as a pilgrim during the month of Haj. Especially are respected those Muslim pilgrims who could stay in Meca between 8 and 13 days and perform the rites and ceremonies.

It has to be noticed that for some Muslims exists and the sixth pillar of Islam – Holy War or Al-Jihad –allegedly offers the reward of salvation. However, this effort to promote Islamic values and doctrine is not necessary to be done through the actual war as it was traditionally wrongly understood. Initially, Islam did not particularly encourage conversion. The Qur’an enjoins Muslims to respect the “people of the book” – members of the other monotheistic religions with written scriptures. Muslims are expected to show hospitality toward strangers, even if those strangers are not Muslims, and to enhance family relationships. In fact, the Islamic Holy War that is practiced today by some military and fundamentalist organizations like ISIS or al-Qaeda is a result of globalization, which transcends conventional politics and represents a radical departure from traditional Islam and Islamic values.

Islam is regarded by its followers as the last of the revealed religions after Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad of Mecca is understood as the last of the Prophets after Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. There are three basic and interrelated significations of Islam:

  1. The personal/individual submission to God (Allah).
  2. The Islamic world is a historical reality that includes a variety of communities sharing not only a common fund of cultural legacies.
  3. The concept of an ideal Muslim community is fixed in the Qur’an and some of its supporting sources.

There are two crucial types of Islam: the Sunni Muslims and the Shia Muslims. 

Sunni Islam (in Arabic, sunna means tradition) is the belief and practice as opposed to Shia Islam. Sunni Muslims constitute today over 80% of all Muslims in the world and they follow the sunna – a code of practice based on the hadith collected in the Sihah Satta – six authentic Books of Tradition about the Prophet Muhammad. The term sunna can mean custom, code, or usage. In essence, it means whatever Prophet Muhammad demonstrated as the ideal behavior for a Muslim to follow. Consequently, it complements the Qur’an as a source of legal and ethical guidelines. The Sunni Muslims recognize the order of succession of the first four caliphs and they follow one of four schools of law. In the Middle East (and Pakistan) the Hanafi school prevailed. 

The Shia Muslims or the Shiites (from Arabic – sectarians) are the minority division within Islam (between 15% and 20%). They are in the majority in Iran (where Shia Islam is the official state religion), South Iraq, Azerbaijan, parts of Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, East Africa, North India, and Pakistan. They originated as the Shiat Ali (the “party of Ali”) who was the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. The essence is that the Shia Muslims regard Ali and his descendants as the only right heirs to Mohammad as the leader of the Muslims. The Shia Muslims differ from the Sunni primarily concerning the importance they attach to the continuing authority of the imams – authentic interpreters of the sunna or customs, the code of conduct based on the Qur’an followed by hadith or sayings and deeds of Muhammad. They also believe in an inner hidden meaning of the Qur’an.   

Sufism is the mystical aspect of the Islamic religion. It emerged as a reaction to strict Islamic orthodoxy. The Sufis seek personal union with God and there are many Sufi poets and scholars followed by Sufi organized orders or brotherhoods.     

In the world, there are 42 Muslim-majority nations of whom Iran, Sudan, and Mauritania are officially Islamic states by Islamic law. Religious diversity is quite visible in all Middle Eastern nations for the reason of different religious minorities like Judaism, or/and Christianity and their branches (sects). Most Muslims are distributed in a broad belt from Morocco to Indonesia and from Central Asia to Tanzania. Nevertheless, the historical and cultural center of Islam is the Middle East, especially the Arabian Peninsula. 

The spread of Islamic religion outside of the Arabian Peninsula started immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632. By 711, Arab armies had been attacking Sind in North-East India and preparing for the crossing to the Iberian Peninsula. In practice, the Arab-Islamic conquests in the East exceeded those in the West in both size and importance. In 750, when the dynasty of Abbasids replaced the dynasty of Umayyad, the Islamic Empire ruled by them was the biggest civilization westward of China. After the subjection of Maghreb, Arab forces crossed the Straits of Gibraltar in 711 and occupied the Iberian Peninsula. There were further advances into South France, but the Arab army was defeated at Poitiers in 732, and in 759 they withdrew south of the Pyrenees.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Is a “Three-Theater” war scenario both feasible and desirable for the US? Some think so. American analysts within the Establishment are in fact calling for war “in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.” This is what Thomas G. Mahnken (both a Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies professor and the CEO of  the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments) is urging Washington to do, in his most recent piece.

For Mahnken, Washington is “currently involved in two wars—Ukraine’s in Europe and Israel’s in the Middle East”, while also “facing the prospect of a third over Taiwan or South Korea in East Asia.” Moreover, “all three theaters are vital to US interests, and they are all intertwined.” Deprioritizing Europe and disengaging from the Middle East can only weaken American security, he argues: “The U.S. military drawdown in the Middle East, for instance, has created a vacuum that Tehran has filled eagerly.” Of course, such reasoning can only make sense if American “security” is equated with Washington’s unipolarity.


US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, during his recent speech at Shangri-la Dialogue (in Singapore), made it a point to stress that “despite historic clashes in Europe and the Middle East… the Indo-Pacific has remained our priority theater of operations.” According to Austin, the US is a Pacific nation (with a capital P, and with no pun intended, presumably), and added that “the US can be secure only if Asia is secure. That’s why… [we have] long maintained our presence in this region. And that’s why we continue to make the investments necessary to meet our commitments to our allies and partners.” As for the relationship with China, the Secretary was more ambiguous, claiming that “a fight with China is neither imminent nor unavoidable.”

While Lloyd Austin seems to differ from Mahnken (on emphasis), there is not necessarily a dilemma there. I’ve often described Washington’s ambitions as being all about having the cake and eating it too. Jerry Hendrix (retired Navy captain, formerly an adviser to Pentagon senior officials, and currently a senior fellow with the Sagamore Institute) has written that, in Mackinder terms (classic Geopolitics), the US has embarked on a quest for the “Heartland”, and this contradicts its true “sea power” nature. This is so because Washington, in recent times, has been “burdened” by mostly “land-based actions in Iraq and Afghanistan fought primarily by a large standing army operating far from home”.

Rather than doing that, Hendrix urges the Atlantic superpower to, once again, “think and act like a seapower state”, that is, with a focus on deriving its might from “seaborne trade”, employing “instruments of sea power” to advance its interests. The expert describes the post-World War II period as an exceptional “free sea” period, marked by a “secure environment” which has supposedly allowed free trade to flourish in a globalized planet – this being the rather gleeful manner in which he describes the US-led world order, in spite of the fact that Washington has always weaponized protectionism.

In any case, as Hendrix notes, the American superpower acts both as a “continental power” and as a “sea power”. I’ve described its foreign policy as resembling  the swing of a pendulum. Give or take, all Great Powers engage to some extent in proxy conflicts amid their geoeconomic and geopolitical disputes with other powers. In terms of regional disputes, whether one likes or not Moscow’s foreign policy today, one can at least concede that historically Russia and neighboring Ukraine have an intertwined and complicated shared history, and the same applies to China-Taiwan relations. But America is something quite different. To keep things in perspective, one should keep in mind, for example, that, amazingly, the only place in the entire world China has an overseas military base is Djibouti, in the Horn of Africa. In contrast, depending on how one counts it, Washington, in 2015, had about 800 military bases in over 70 countries.

Moreover, the US has in fact invaded 84 out of the 194 nation-states recognized by the United Nations, and has been militarily involved with no less than 191 of those, according to  Christopher Kelly and Stuart Laycock, the authors of “America Invades: How We’ve Invaded or been Militarily Involved with almost Every Country on Earth”. The hard truth is that the United States of America is the only nation today (and arguably ever) to potentially engage in warfare across three continents – a scenario, keep in mind, that is cheered by prominent mainstream American commentators and scholars.

Other analysts, such as Andrea Rizzi, writing for El Pais, have described the possibility of war fronts in the Middle East, Europe and the Asia-Pacific becoming connected as a “nightmare” scenario – although not so convincingly, in Rizzi’s case, who seems to believe the political West has necessarily something to do with “democracy”, a historically controversial premise to say the least. Rizzi, however, makes the very valid point that “in geopolitics — and in life — high-stress situations lead to a greater margin for unforeseen events, errors in calculation and communication, uncontrolled actions by minority factions and escalations that are unintended, at least by the key players.” Even the main actors have an interest in keeping stability, at some point someone (or one’s proxies) may indeed make “a daring movie”, in Rizzi’s words, and thus bring about an escalation and unpredictable outcomes.

A series of Ukrainian and Western actions arguably represented precisely such a red-line crossing, in Moscow’s perspective. While some worry about the same thing happening in the Pacific, thus inadvertently igniting yet another war, others call for and crave for precisely such a war – not just in the Indo-Pacific region, but also in Europe and the Middle East, simultaneously. It is hard to describe such a call in any way other than as a will to set the world on fire – after all, one cannot literally desire war between Great Powers in three continents and not expect everything else that often comes with it (call it apocalypse in disguise, if you will).

Unbelievably, such bellicose calls, rather than being confined to the hate speech of extreme and fringe individuals and organizations, pass as reasonable and mainstream discourse, produced as it is, by respectable experts with impeccable credentials. And, mind you, Foreign Affairs will even publish it. It is no wonder: Washington foreign policy itself is, after all, largely built on the premise of American unipolarity and global war if need be.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Many individuals who actually care about the United States Constitution and its guarantee of basic liberties for the American people have been seriously concerned over how recent Administrations, both Republican and Democratic, have taken steps to control and limit the rights of citizens to exercise free speech as well as freedom to travel and associate freely. This abuse of power, for that is what it is, has unfortunately escalated sharply due to the uncompromising commitment of the Joe Biden White House to both Israel and Ukraine. It manifests itself in many ways, but most often includes steps to make it difficult for concerned Americans to learn for themselves the truth about what is taking place in the various international hot spots that the US State Department appears to be cultivating in such a fashion as to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war.

Those truth-tellers who persist in exposing the criminality in high places have been targeted and labeled in some government circles as “info-terrorists” and there has been what appears to be a sustained effort underway to undermine the credibility of journalists who are daring to report favorably on either Russia or the Palestinians. Interestingly enough, the Ukrainians have established the gold standard in identifying dissident journalists through their Department of Disinformation called “Myrotvorets.” It includes a list of names of those individuals who might be assassinated to silence them. The US has, not surprisingly, been seeking to establish a similar government agency, though hopefully without the kill list.

In the latest manifestation of denial of fundamental rights in an attempt to shut down a critic, on June 3rd the State Department forced former Marine intelligence officer, Chief UN weapons inspector, journalist and author Scott Ritter off a plane headed to Russia by way of Istanbul and confiscated his passport. According to Scott

“As I was boarding my flight out of New York I was pulled aside by three armed Customs and Border Patrol officers, who seized my passport. When asked why, they said orders of the State Department. No further information was provided. My bags were removed from the flight, and I was escorted out of the airport.”

Ritter, who has been a persistent critic of both the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine, was traveling to participate in the highly respected annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum as a guest speaker. The seizure of the passport to block his travel is a violation of the First, Fourth and Fifth amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

In an interview later that day with Judge Andrew Napolitano, Ritter admitted that he had been taken aback by what had happened to him and should have been more aggressive in defense of his rights. He did not, for example, demand to see a warrant or be given a receipt for the passport and did not get the names of the three officers who had taken it away and escorted him out. He also should have demanded the name of the State Department Official who had signed the order to accost him in the most embarrassing fashion possible as he was boarding the plane and take his document.

Interestingly, Scott Ritter’s name appeared prominently on the Ukrainian “Disinformation” hit list. And not terribly surprisingly, the mainstream media, which is in sync with the government on the wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, did not give the Ritter story much coverage. The silence is particularly remarkable as the press, which has been protecting President Joe Biden and his Homeland Security lackeys as they watched millions of people illegally cross the Mexican border into the US failed to exercise any vigilance when a single American citizen was unsuccessful in trying to go the other way completely legally.

Ritter, to be sure, has been a powerful voice critiquing the Iraq War, where his inspections turned up no WMD and he declared, in August 2002, that a case had not been made for attacking Saddam Hussein. If George W. Bush and his gang of neocons plus Congress had only paid attention to Scott Ritter, the US would have been spared the loss of thousands of soldiers and the utter waste of trillions of tax dollars. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis also died as a result of the US attack on their country.

Since that time, Ritter has been an activist who calls for dialogue, negotiation and diplomacy to avoid wars, particularly in the current context where the United States is supplying tens of billions of dollars in arms to expand the war with Russia, sustain the attacks on Gazans and establish a pretext for a war with China over Taiwan. Ritter has traveled to Russia and Iran, as well as to other hot spots, without regard for his personal safety, driven by the desire to tell the truth about what is being propagandized in hopes that he will make politicians think twice about what they are doing. Scott has reported what he sees and describes the conversations he has had with local people without fear or favor, always with the objective of avoiding war and death. For his pains, he inevitably is accused of being a source of Russian and anti-Israeli disinformation and even acting as “Putin’s poodle,” but his information has proven to be overwhelmingly reliable.

Interestingly, this week’s incident was not the first time when Ritter was targeted by the US government for truth-telling. In the wake of the passport seizure, he recounted on X how

“The similarities between what happened to me on June 3, and what transpired some 21 1/2 years ago, are disconcerting. Then, the FBI carried out a concerted effort to prevent me from making a documentary movie, ‘Shifting Sands,’ about the flawed case for war being promulgated by the US government. They threatened me with arrest, they engaged in acts of physical intimidation, and—when this didn’t work—they played a role in manufacturing a case designed to destroy my personal character in the eyes of the general public. The 2001 incidents were a warning shot across the bow for me to begin toeing the line. When I refused to do so, releasing my documentary film and actively speaking out against the US case for war with Iraq, the FBI then arranged to have the information about the 2001 incidents leaked to the press in an effort to destroy my credibility on the eve of a February 2003 trip I was planning to take to Iraq, together with a high-profile international delegation, that was designed to prevent a war between the US and the government of Saddam Hussein.”

Scott is not alone in being a target for government attempts to discredit him. Almost anyone who has good access to media and audiences and crosses the established line will be confronted to a greater or lesser extent. Sometimes the confrontation does real damage as in the recent cases of employees of universities and government who have lost their jobs for speaking out in defense of the Palestinians. Has anyone in America lost a job for promoting an ongoing and highly visible genocide, i.e. Israel’s apparent inherent right to kill tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians? No, that is considered acceptable speech by those who govern us and make up the rules.

Those of us who are under attack regularly for going against government writ sometimes exchange jokes about how defying the administration or Congress means going it largely alone in a fight against thousands of government lawyers who will be able to write or interpret the “rules” to crucify you staged in a selected court house before a co-opted judge where you will be certainly convicted. The threat is real, think of what Julian Assange is going through driven by a vengeful US government aided and abetted by those of a like mind in Britain, the home of the Official Secrets Act. The government nearly always wins when it comes to ruining one’s life on spurious or transmutable charges like the Espionage Act of 1918. Scott will have to get a lawyer and sue the government in an attempt to get his passport back and along the way a faceless bureaucrat will no doubt accuse him of high crimes and misdemeanors.

This latest outrage reminds me of something that I and others went through a few years ago relating to Iran, another preferred target of Israeli/US government rage. In May 2018 I and others from many nations, including Israelis and even an American rabbi, attended what was a public media annual conference in Masshad, Iran hosted by the Iranian NGO New Horizon foundation to discuss “Jerusalem/al-Quds the Eternal Capital of Palestine.” The discussions were wide ranging and include some sharp criticisms of Iranian policy. At the time, the Trump Administration was preparing to withdraw from the JCPOA agreement which monitored the Iranian nuclear program and was also ready to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, an illegal move. Trump’s Treasury Department was pursuing a policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran and groups like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League were calling the conference an “anti-Semitic gathering” that “included US and international anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers and anti-war activists.” The conference nevertheless proceeded peacefully, culminating in a press conference in Tehran that I and others spoke at which was open to the international media.

Image: Sigal Mandelker (From the Public Domain)


Unfortunately, someone in Washington did not like the idea of a conference that brought together people from many nations and beliefs to discuss a contentious international problem. In February 2019, Sigal Pearl Mandelker, then Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and an Israeli citizen, ordered the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to sanction the American-educated founder of New Horizon Nader Talebzadeh Ordoubadi as well as his Lebanese wife, Zeina Mehanna, his organization The New Horizon Conference (NHC), and some of its staff for holding the conference. Ostensibly and perhaps inevitably the reason was “anti-Semitism, Holocaust Denial, and allowing Iranian intelligence to recruit attendees.” Mandelker, by the way, was suspected of having links to Israeli intelligence, Mossad. She was inter alia reportedly involved in brokering the infamous Florida deal that allowed the wealthy child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and probable Israeli spy to avoid federal charges.

I may have inadvertently been the source of the claim about Iranian intelligence operating at the conference in Masshad. Shortly after I returned from Iran to the US, I was visited by two FBI officers who wanted to talk about the gathering. They were polite enough, and when they asked if I thought that Iranian intelligence officers were “working” the conference I replied that they most definitely were but while New Horizon certainly knew about it I strongly believe that they had no choice and were not actually complicit in what was going on. In fact, I was personally “pitched” three times – once by an officer posing as a journalist; once by an officer posing as a foreign ministry official; and once by two intelligence officers using alias names who, I later learned, were the head and deputy head of the Ministry of Intelligence. I was not threatened in any way during the pitches, but I was, of course, in their country and completely under their control.

In order to place in context what took place, I would point out that any international conference almost anywhere in the world like the one we attended in Mashhad would be covered by the local intelligence service in an attempt to make recruitments and obtain information. The CIA has an entire division called National Collection which spends much of its time going to conferences in the US where foreign targets will be present. In like fashion operate the British, French, Mossad, Russian and Chinese services. In my opinion, targeting New Horizon for sanctions because an event hosted by it was exploited by its country’s intelligence service is wrong because NH clearly had no choice in the matter. And it is what the United States and other countries do regularly.

The sanctioning of New Horizon became relevant when NH sought to host another conference in Beirut, Lebanon in September 2019. Roughly the same group of Americans, myself included, was invited to speak or otherwise participate. Several of the Americans were approached in advance by FBI agents, evidently acting under orders from Sigal Mandelker. The Agents warned that any participants in the conference might be subject to criminal indictment upon return to the US because New Horizon was under sanctions. One of those who was approached by the Bureau elaborated how “They’re interpreting the regulations to say that even if you only associate with someone who has been sanctioned, you are subject to fines and imprisonment…” The Bureau went on to explain how Iranian sanctions are somewhat unique. That’s because Iran is a “comprehensively sanctioned” country, meaning that anything having to do with “supporting it” is sanctionable, including tourist visits that aid its economy. We were informed confidentially that if we attended the conference we would be arrested upon our return and would face criminal prosecution as well as possible fines up to $300,000. We all decided not to go and the conference gathering proceeded peacefully without any US input.

The point I am trying to make is that this has been going on for quite some time and rather aggressively by the US government, yet even a well-informed American is probably completely unaware of how he or she can be stripped of fundamental constitutional rights without any ability to push back against the system. And it comes from both Democratic and Republican administrations as well as from government agencies that have been corrupted to the point where they exist to serve their political masters rather than the American people. Hopefully, Scott Ritter will get his passport back and be free both to travel again and speak his mind. We need him and also millions more voices challenging the horrors that have been coming out of Washington.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Estão os grandes meios de comunicação e o público tornando-se mais abertos a notícias e perspectivas que contradizem a narrativa do establishment sobre a COVID-19, as vacinas e as políticas de saúde pública prevalecentes nos últimos quatro anos?

Em caso afirmativo, poderá essa mudança incremental levar eventualmente a uma transformação nas atitudes públicas?

Pelo menos um especialista médico pensa assim. Escrevendo no Substack, Dr. Pierre Kory, presidente e diretor médico da Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, citou a publicação de 25 de abril de um artigo de opinião da RealClear Health que ele co-escreveu com a jornalista Mary Beth Pfeiffer como um exemplo de como a narrativa pública pode estar mudando.

O artigo analisou evidências de que as vacinas de mRNA são a causa de um aumento significativo no câncer entre os jovens.

Kory escreveu que este é o quinto artigo de opinião que ele e Pfeiffer publicam em meios de comunicação convencionais e amplamente lidos desde agosto de 2023 sobre tópicos relacionados.

“Parece que o apetite do público por análises objetivas e independentes dos danos das vacinas está aumentando”, escreveu Kory no Substack.

Ampliando a ‘janela Overton’

Kory sugeriu que a disposição de meios de comunicação como a RealClear Health de publicar artigos críticos às políticas e vacinas COVID-19 sugere uma ampliação da “Janela Overton”, um conceito que “refere-se especificamente ao tipo de políticas que os políticos podem ‘legitimamente’ apoiar ao longo do tempo sem arriscar o apoio eleitoral.”

Escrevendo para o Brownstone Institute em 17 de abril, Jeffrey Tucker disse que o conceito da Janela Overton – nomeado em homenagem ao pesquisador Joseph Overton, que trabalhou no Mackinac Center for Public Policy – ​​“nasce da cultura dos think tanks, que valoriza a eficácia e as métricas como um meio de financiamento institucional.”

De acordo com Tucker, Overton “descobriu que era inútil em seu trabalho defender posições que ele não poderia recrutar políticos para dizer no plenário legislativo ou na campanha”. Em vez disso, Overton obteve maior sucesso ao “elaborar ideias políticas que se enquadrassem nos meios de comunicação social e na cultura política prevalecentes”.

Outros estudiosos desenvolveram posteriormente o conceito de Overton. Hoje, a Janela Overton inclui cinco fases pelas quais as ideias passam antes de se tornarem políticas, passando de “impensável” para “radical”, para “aceitável”, para “sensato” e para “popular”.

De acordo com o Centro Mackinac, escreveu Kory, a gama de ideias aceitáveis ​​dentro da Janela Overton pode mudar ao longo do tempo, uma vez que “pode mudar e expandir, aumentando ou diminuindo o número de ideias que os políticos podem apoiar sem arriscar indevidamente o seu apoio eleitoral. ”

Falando ao The Defender, Kory aplicou o conceito às narrativas do COVID-19. “Estamos vendo uma aceitação em levantar questões e discutir o aumento incomum nas taxas de mortalidade e incapacidade entre populações que incluem algumas das pessoas mais saudáveis ​​e produtivas”, disse Kory, citando o artigo de opinião de agosto de 2023 que ele co-escreveu para o USA Today.

Kory disse que o artigo de opinião do USA Today, que apresentou dados de companhias de seguros mostrando um aumento dramático no excesso de mortes no outono de 2021 – mortes que não podem ser totalmente atribuídas a infecções por COVID-19 – representou “a primeira vez [que] alguém de nossa ‘lado’ passou para a grande mídia para levantar esse tipo de questão.”

“A aceitação de ter uma conversa como esta no USA Today teria parecido impossível em 2022”, disse Kory. A publicação subsequente do seu último artigo de opinião, na RealClear Health, “mostra até onde chegámos”, disse ele.

“Se você ficar de olho na Janela… poderá conseguir expandi-la um pouco aqui e ali e, assim, eventualmente atingir seus objetivos”, escreveu Tucker.

Mas ele acrescentou:

“Vivemos numa época em que muito do que pensávamos saber sobre as estratégias de mudança social e política foi destruído. … Tudo está quebrado, incluindo quaisquer imaginações que tivemos sobre a existência desta janela Overton.”

No seu artigo para o Instituto Brownstone, Tucker disse que embora “a teoria da janela de Overton presuma uma ligação suave entre a opinião pública e os resultados políticos”, esta suposição está hoje “gravemente em questão”.

“Os políticos fazem coisas diariamente e de hora a hora às quais os seus constituintes se opõem – financiam a ajuda externa e as guerras, por exemplo – mas fazem-no mesmo assim devido a grupos de pressão bem-organizados que operam fora da consciência pública”, escreveu Tucker.

Em vez disso, Tucker pediu uma revelação da verdade mais ousada. “Muitas pessoas sabiam a verdade – que todos pegariam esse vírus, a maioria se livraria dele sem problemas e então ele se tornaria endêmico – mas simplesmente tinham medo de dizê-lo. Cite a janela de Overton o quanto quiser, mas o que realmente está em questão é a disposição de exercer coragem moral.

Tucker não descartou totalmente a existência da janela Overton. “Acho que a Janela Overton existe, mas é em grande parte construída. Quebrar as construções é nossa tarefa, seja de forma incremental ou de uma só vez”, disse ele ao The Defender.

Kory disse que “dizer a verdade” está acontecendo – e está se tornando mais difícil de ser ignorada pela grande mídia.

Ele disse:

“As evidências sobre o excesso de mortes, lesões causadas por vacinas e a realidade do COVIDlongo estão se tornando inegáveis ​​para a maioria, independentemente de sua posição sobre essas questões há alguns meses.

“Curiosamente, e infelizmente, há um número crescente de pessoas de todos os lados destas questões que conhecem alguém próximo que foi diagnosticado com uma doença crônica da qual não têm histórico familiar ou que geralmente está associado a alguém muitos anos mais velho.

“À medida que isto infelizmente continua, mais pessoas parecem estar abrindo-se para, pelo menos, levantar questões e explorar o que antes era considerado ‘evidência contrária’ para encontrar respostas.”

Ampliação incremental das narrativas da COVID aceitas pela grande mídia

O artigo de opinião da RealClear Health, “As Cancers in the Young Rise, the Pandemic Response Must Be Probed”, questionou abertamente as recentes afirmações do governo dos EUA de que o risco de convulsões e embolias pulmonares causadas pelas vacinas COVID-19 valia o benefício para as crianças e adultos:

“Nós questionamos isso, com  mais de um milhão de relatos de potenciais lesões causadas por vacinas e 18.000 mortes no próprio  sistema de alerta precoce do governo, há muito tempo confiável e provavelmente subestimado. Estes, o governo se esforça para descartá-los.

“À medida que  as evidências aumentam e o  movimento de pessoas feridas cresce, a administração Biden deve reconhecer este crescente problema de saúde pública. Deve deixar de  sufocar o debate que  limitou o que os jornais imprimem e o que o público sabe sobre as consequências das vacinas.”

Mais tarde no artigo, Kory revisou dados dos Centros de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças (CDC), que ele disse serem “a ponta de um iceberg emergente” de “câncer estimulado por vacinas”.

Kory observou que as principais fontes estão agora reconhecendo um aumento incomum nos casos de “câncer turbo” – “um fenômeno que os ‘ verificadores de fatos ‘ da vacina rejeitaram”.

“Até a Sociedade do Câncer disse publicamente que, além de muitos deles, esses tipos de câncer são diferentes. Os tumores colorretais são maiores,  mais agressivos e mais difíceis de tratar”, escreveu Kory.

Ele referiu-se a estudos que mostram que vacinações repetidas podem “minar os mecanismos de imunidade – incapacitando os anticorpos que combatem o câncer e até mesmo  a COVID – e talvez  facilitar  o crescimento do câncer ”.

Kory também se referiu às descobertas recentes de que as vacinas mRNA COVID-19 da Pfizer e Moderna contêm fragmentos de DNA estranhos. “As consequências das vacinas contra a COVID devem ser examinadas”, incluindo “mortes notificadasmiocardite subdiagnosticada em homens jovens e muitos relatos de casos e estudos publicados”.

‘É hora da verdade’

Observando que as reações aos seus cinco artigos de opinião “foram em sua maioria positivas”, Kory disse que eles “nos permitiram expor milhões de pessoas, principalmente fora do nosso movimento, à ideia de que ainda existem muitas perguntas sem resposta sobre a segurança de a vacina e as causas potenciais do aumento acentuado de doenças crônicas e mortes.”

Ele adicionou:

“A narrativa do establishment é a mais alta e ouvida com mais frequência. É por isso que devemos tentar passar, tanto quanto possível, para o mainstream, de uma forma que convide aqueles que seguem o establishment sem questionar a começar a fazer perguntas.”

Kory também observou a importância de evitar hipérboles. “Se abordarmos as nossas conversas com aqueles que podem não concordar com uma série de razões pelas quais estão errados, não iremos longe”, disse ele. “Jeffrey Tucker está correto quando diz que devemos nos comunicar de forma verdadeira e honesta, sem malícia ou intenção de manipular o outro lado.”

Ainda assim, a gama cada vez maior de narrativas aceitáveis ​​pode “fazer algo para limitar a capacidade dos nossos líderes de lançar uma experiência de saúde global perigosa e, em última análise, destrutiva na próxima vez que houver uma ’emergência de saúde pública’”, escreveu Kory no Substack.

“Há muitos desafios pela frente. Ainda estamos lutando contra os ventos contrários das agências federais capturadas que protegem os interesses das empresas farmacêuticas em detrimento da saúde pública. Não veremos mudanças reais até que isso aconteça”, disse Kory ao The Defender.

Tucker sugeriu que “esquecêssemos” o modelo da janela Overton. Em vez disso, ele escreveu “É um momento para a verdade, que ganha confiança. Só que isso irá explodir a janela e finalmente demoli-la para sempre.”

“Não estou descartando a velha virtude da prudência e do discernimento”, disse Tucker ao The Defender. “Devemos ser sábios e não estúpidos. Há muito que podemos fazer sendo ousados.”

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Video: Prof. Kari Polanyi Levitt: Celebrating a True Caribbean Woman

June 6th, 2024 by Institute of International Relations U.W.I

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We post this 2023 virtual seminar as a tribute to Kari Polanyi Levitt, who is celebrating her 101st birthday on June 14.


The Institute of International Relations shares with you a virtual seminar,

“Kari Polanyi Levitt: Celebrating a True Caribbean Woman,” conducted last June 12, 2023.

The seminar focused on celebrate Kari Polanyi Levitt’s 100 years old and her outstanding contribution to the Caribbean political economy, activism in the New World Group, and her work at The UWI.

This is an opportunity for colleagues and friends to celebrate and reflect on Karis’ intellectual work and life.

The seminar was organized in partnership with the Centro de Estudios del Caribe at Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba.


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It’s an understatement to say that we are living in an age of upheaval.

The forces of hatred and destruction have captured center stage in what seems like an endless barrage against the human spirit.

At the same time, a significant proportion of beleagured humanity are trying desperately to discover a path toward sanity and compassion that can lead us out of the madness.

As an American, I find it extremely unfortunate that the decades-long assault by my country against the rest of the world has caused us to fail to appreciate the fact that the dearth of real spirituality here in the U.S. has blinded my compatriots to the notion that we might be looking elsewhere in the world for guidance.

Granted, many have been looking toward Eastern spirituality for answers, some toward Islam, and many toward our own Christian traditions, but there may be yet more to discover.

In particular, I believe we should look to the Germans. Prior to World War I, Germany was the most advanced nation in the Western world in its culture, technology, and spirituality.

This was the main impetus for the genocidal assault on Germany led by what has become today’s Anglo-American-Zionist Empire.

The story of this assault is told by Guido Giacomo Preparata in his seminal book,

“Conjuring Hitler: How Great Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Destroyed Europe.”

See here. The story is also told in my new book, “Our Country, Then and Now.” See here.

Yet the wisdom coming out of Germany is nevertheless available through the teachings of a German-born master whose spiritual name was Bô Yin Râ. His books have become available in English translation from Kober Press in Berkeley, CA. See here.

I would refer the reader particularly to “The Book on the Living God,” the primary volume explaining his teachings. A free download of this book in English is available here. Please take a look and decide for yourself whether there is anything otherwise available that provides such insight. Following is a review of this book on that touches on the importance of Bô Yin Râ and his writings for the spiritual seeker today.


High Spiritual Teachings

Review by Carl Ehrlich, reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2017

Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943) was a spiritual master from Germany who produced a 32-volume collection of masterpieces called Hortus Conclusus (The Gated Garden) that together define the inner spiritual path for the modern age. Unfortunately, these books have been almost unknown to English-speaking readers.

Now, however, after almost a century, when the books have been available only in German or in selective translations, Kober Press of Berkeley, CA, has published a number of new translations with more on the way. These products excel in every way—the language is clear, cadenced, precise, and non-literary, with a sense of rhythm that enhances understanding.

The Book on the Living God, published in a second edition by Kober in 2014, comprises Volume 2 of the collection. It is also the first of a three-volume trilogy within Hortus Conclusus that also includes The Book on Life Beyond and The Book on Human Nature.

The writings of Bô Yin Râ are not just more tomes of supposedly esoteric lore that may take years to study but in the end leave the individual no better off or, worse, disgusted at hopes dashed and time wasted. Authentic spiritual teaching—that is, teaching that takes us to actual experience of higher consciousness and our own immortal spirit—is not easy to find, if we are lucky enough to find it at all.

This is where Bô Yin Râ is different—so different, in fact, that you may simply dismiss him as just another compiler of the same material you are already used to. But you don’t just read books by Bô Yin Râ. These books contain a depth of indefinable spiritual energy that you can begin to access only through a gradual process of reading, study, meditation, and implementation through some very specific practices.

The Book on the Living God starts by describing the hierarchy of human beings, including those who never have had to suffer material incarnation on planet earth, who guide all spiritual development. He acknowledges that this hierarchy has a physical location in the heart of Asia from which they oversee the work of Luminaries—humans in physical bodies who work in the world as teachers for the benefit of humankind. Bô Yin Râ was such a Luminary. Another was Jesus, though while Bô Yin Râ writes a lot about Jesus, he does not tout the Christian religion over any other. In fact he says in The Book on the Living God that all genuine religions contain the same message.

In The Book on the Living God, Bô Yin Râ describes the crucial distinction between realization of one’s eternal self and the stage where one’s Living God is born within. In my own opinion, almost all teachings of Western spirituality, including a number of well-known movements, stop at some semblance of the first stage and know very little, if anything, about the second.

Bô Yin Râ does not present any dogmas that you have to believe. He advises against anyone trying to form “congregations” to enforce a particular line of doctrine. But you have to study his books yourself to get a sense of what he is talking about.

A serious and sincere study of The Book on the Living God can help make a start. It’s a huge book in the number and scope of topics, the depth of treatment of each, and the variety by which the core truths are approached. Among the topics is an explanation in the chapter on “Karma” on where, cosmically, human beings come from, what is our ultimate destiny, and the inner meaning of myths and legends about the “fall” of man. Also covered, as indicated above, is the class of human beings who never have had to experience incarnation but who reside on the spiritual plane as “Fathers” of the Luminaries who come to earth to provide spiritual guidance. The descriptions of these higher beings in The Book on the Living God gives credence to the awareness on the part of all cultures of angels and supernatural guides capable of offering help to mortals who seek it.

Over the past two centuries, ever since the Western word began to study spiritual teachings from Oriental religions and translate them into European languages, the idea of a “perennial philosophy” at the heart of all true spirituality has been around.

An example has been the “hero’s journey” described by Joseph Campbell and others.

Perhaps because no one in the highly ethno-centric English-speaking world ever gave much notice to German sources, the teachings of Bô Yin Râ have flown under the radar. But I am convinced that Bô Yin Râ’s writings take us into the heart of the “perennial philosophy,” define what it is and where it came from, and at long last give effective tools to practice it, here and now, in our daily lives.

The Book on the Living God is an invaluable resource in identifying and using these tools with some surprising disclosures as well. Simply put, I am not aware of any other spiritual writing at its level.


Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.

“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also see the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here.

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“This is a money deal. The lesson that the WHO and Big Pharma learned is that they could suck a lot of money out of a lot of countries and trick a lot of people, but they missed a whole bunch of black and brown people in poor countries, and so they needed an agreement to redirect wealth from unsuspecting governments in wealthy nations (or maybe suspecting I don’t know) and other organizations, to build out their infrastructure in poor nations, so they can go after them (too).” —James Roguski

For many months we have been actively working to stop the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments from passing at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting in Geneva last week. That meeting has now come and gone.

What has happened? Did the WHA pass IHR amendments? Did they advance the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty? What is our current position? What are our next steps to stop medical tyranny and the abuse of men, women and children everywhere?

To answer these questions, I reached out to one of the world’s foremost experts on the WHO: James Roguski. James has kept an endless vigil over the WHO for the past four years. In this conversation James gets straight to the bottom of what has happened with the IHR amendments, what it reveals about the plans of the WHO and their accomplices, and what we should do next.

While many are celebrating things that the WHA did not accomplish last week, we must remain sober and look at what they did accomplish, and what that revealed.

“The WHO got what they wanted. We lost this round. The silver lining is that their cards are on the table, and now we can analyse their plans clearly.”James Roguski

Click here to watch the interview


Here is the International Health Regulations as amended and adopted on 2024-06-01 by the World Health Aseembly. James recommends we pay particular attention to Articles 1, 4, 12, 13, 24, 27, 31, 35, 44, 44bis, 54bis, and Annexes 1, 4, and 6. Original source.

Here is the Resolution. Original source.


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After 3 Years of Censorship, Mainstream Media Now Confirms that COVID Jabs “May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Sarah Knapton, June 05, 2024

If this report by The Telegraph had been published in early 2021, several million lives would have been saved. But in 2021, censorship was imposed. Honest journalism was silenced. The media was supportive of the fear campaign.

The 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landing. It Was the Red Army Which Liberated Auschwitz. “Operation Bagration” (Summer 1944)

By Dr. Leon Tressell, June 06, 2024

By June 1944 the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany had already been established by the Red Army victories at Stalingrad (August 1942-February 1943) and Kursk (July-August 1943) during 1943. At Stalingrad it had lost the Sixth Army and four allied armies of over 500,000 men.

Parallel Fascism and Western-Supported Zionist Genocide of Palestine and Palestinians

By Mark Taliano, June 06, 2024

Gaza is a classic case of genocide in the sense that Western-supported Zionists are intentionally, methodically, using every strategy to destroy and extinguish the native Palestinian population, not only their present, but also their past.

Biden Makes It Clear Ukraine Will Not be a NATO Member

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 06, 2024

Since 2022, there has been a major discussion among officials and experts about the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member. In response to Russia’s special military operation, some NATO countries promised Kiev membership in the alliance. However, it has become increasingly clear that the bloc is not interested in accepting Ukraine as a member.

Free Palestine! Hands Off Our Students!

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 06, 2024

Metropolitan Detroit embodies the largest population of people of Arab and Middle Eastern descent in the United States. Consequently, many people within this community have direct familial and linguistic ties to the people most impacted by the settler-colonial regime occupying Palestine.

Netherlands Supports Use of Its Nuclear-capable F-16s for Strikes in Russia

By Drago Bosnic, June 05, 2024

Netherlands is part of the infamous NATO nuclear sharing agreement with the United States and its KLu previously operated American-made F-16 fighter jets for nuclear strikes as part of Squadrons No. 311 and 312.

What’s Next for Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 05, 2024

If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel—a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.—uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda.

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The Washington Post’s unbelievably sleazy smear piece against independent media outlet The Grayzone can be summed up with its line “The First Amendment guarantees free speech rights even for Americans believed to be spreading foreign propaganda. But…” 

The whole thing is designed to manufacture support for criminally prosecuting dissident American journalists on the grounds that they violated US sanctions by working for Iranian media years ago, and to give the reader the false impression that The Grayzone is funded by foreign states without actually advancing the claim and eating a libel suit.

And the hit piece is having its intended effect; you see professional empire apologists all over Twitter today promoting the false claim that The Grayzone is funded by Iran and Russia. The empire’s information warriors now have one more weapon they can use to weaken public trust in dissident journalism whenever it presents an inconvenient narrative.

All because some Grayzone staff were involved with foreign media outlets in the past, which only happened because there are no major western media outlets which platform dissident voices like theirs who criticize the western empire and its actions. These people are being persecuted for disagreeing with their government. It really is that simple.

The Washington Post is one of the worst propaganda rags ever to exist in any country. If I’d published such an article for such a depraved empire propaganda outlet, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.


“Antisemitism” should never even enter the conversation when it comes to Palestinians themselves. Projecting an old European bigotry onto an Arab population who would hate their oppressors regardless of whether they were Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Taoist is ridiculous bullshit.


Biden: I have here an Israel-approved peace deal, so now all we need is for Hamas to approve it and we can have peace in Gaza.

[Netanyahu walks onstage, takes a shit, grabs the peace deal Biden was holding, wipes his ass with it, hands it back to Biden, walks offstage]

Biden: So yeah, like I was saying, the only obstacle to peace is the refusal of Hamas to accept this peace deal…


NATO is both (A) preparing for hot war with Russia and (B) rapidly taking numerous steps to provoke such a war. They’re currently developing “land corridors” for a direct ground war with Russia while simultaneously moving to allow Ukraine to strike deeper and deeper into mainland Russia with NATO-supplied weapons. These escalations would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, but nuclear brinkmanship has become so normalized for us in 2024 that it now barely makes a blip in the discourse.


Trump said in a recent interview that he believes Israel should be destroying Gaza much more rapidly and that he would not have withdrawn from Afghanistan if he were president. I can’t believe how open this prick is being about wanting to start wars and advance longstanding agendas of the neocons and the CIA in every way, and how despite all this I’m still getting Trump supporters telling me he’s been ending the wars and fighting the deep state.

Click here to watch the video on X


Democrats are seriously asking people to believe that Trump’s second term would be much much worse than his first term, but that Biden’s second term would not.


Things get a lot clearer when you understand that the US empire is not a national government which happens to run a bunch of worldwide military operations, it’s a worldwide military operation which happens to run a national government.


One way of looking at it is that everything you were taught in school about your nation, your government, your society and your world is true, and that your news media would never lie to you. That the world is a mess only because people keep voting for the wrong political leaders and making poor personal choices. This is the mainstream consensus worldview.

Another way of looking at it is that the world is a mess because we are ruled by a loose transnational alliance of plutocrats and secretive government agencies who use governments as tools to advance their global power agendas, hiding their rulership behind propaganda and the illusion of democracy. That we are marched into endless war, exploitation, ecocide and nuclear brinkmanship because a bunch of sociopaths believe their wealth and power are more important than human life, a healthy society, and a healthy planet.

Another way of looking at it is that actually no one is in charge — that the separate self is a hallucination caused by a glitch in human cognition, that the human organism is a whirlpool of conditioning patterns that is inseparably interwoven with the material world, that free will is a fairy tale we have told ourselves, and that the oligarchs and empire managers are just the tip of an icicle falling to the earth, acting in accordance with their own unconscious conditioning with no real agency or control of their own just like everybody else. That the world is a mess because of an unfolding of conditioning patterns whose origins stretch back to the dawn of life on this planet.

Another way of looking at it is that the world is a mess because humans are just in an awkward evolutionary transition phase where these newly evolved brains of ours haven’t yet come into a mature relationship with their capacity for abstract thought. That we look awkward and silly right now in the same way birds probably looked awkward and silly at some point before that class of animal life got the hang of flight. That the only reason we’re able to be whipped about by propaganda and convinced to consent to competition-based systems that are causing wars and destroying our biosphere is because our immature relationship with thought causes us to latch onto mental narratives out of fear and desire for security. And that one day we will adapt beyond the dysfunctional way we create psychological egos and ego agendas and become a fully conscious species, at which point we will become impossible to propagandize and will begin to move in harmony with terrestrial life instead of in competition with it.

Another way of looking at it is that the universe is just trying to behold itself. That the dawn of life on this planet allowed the universe to experience itself with sense organs, that the arrival of humanity allowed it to think thoughts and learn about itself, that the arrival of human science has allowed it to peer deeper and deeper into itself with greater and greater detail, that the arrival of inner disciplines has allowed it to bring consciousness to the previously unseen workings of human psychology, and that the arrival of journalism and the internet has allowed it to see aspects of societal dynamics and power structures that used to have very little light on them. That the world is a mess only because there is still much that remains unseen — in terms of technological insight, in terms of socio-political insight, and in terms of collective psychological insight.

The further down the rabbit hole you go, the less room you can find for blame and hatred, and the more innocent everything ultimately looks. This doesn’t contradict the obvious fact that there are people in this world whose behavior is very destructive and who must be immobilized for the safety of everyone else, it just means there’s an innate innocence underlying it all. An innocence that will be there even if we wipe ourselves out and take all terrestrial life with us.

Humans are a deeply beautiful animal, regardless of how this adventure unfolds, or how much time it has left before it’s over.


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Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine there has been an increased tempo of attempts to rewrite the history of World War Two by Western media and politicians.

At an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz this year, the President of the EU Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen, never even mentioned that it was the Red Army which liberated the death camp.

Meanwhile, President Biden during a recent speech at Arlington Military Cemetery said that the US Army had “liberated the continent’’ from fascism and did not mention the role of the Red Army in the victory over Nazi Germany.

Competing Narratives Regarding the Importance of D-Day

The UK government is holding a series of events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. On its site the UK proudly declares that the landings were, “A turning point in the Second World War’’ for:

“D-Day altered the course of history, signalling the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany.. … The establishment of a secure front in Normandy was crucial for allied forces to launch further offensives, leading to the liberation of Paris, the push towards Germany, and, ultimately, to victory.’’

This narrative is further exemplified in the article by Ian Carter from the Imperial War Museum in London, Why D-Day Was So Important To Allied Victory. Carter makes the grandiose and historically inaccurate claim that the Allied invasion of Normandy played a more important role in the defeat of Nazi Germany than the defeats it suffered on the Eastern Front:

“The German Army suffered a catastrophe greater than that of Stalingrad, the defeat in North Africa or even the massive Soviet summer offensive of 1944.”

American historian Peter Kuznick, professor of history at American University and co-author, with Oliver Stone, of The Untold History Of The United States, has commented on the narrative that it was the D-Day landings that broke the back of German fascism. In an interview with The Real News Network on 9  June 2019:

“For the Americans, the war begins at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. And then there’s some battling in North Africa and the underbelly, and Italy. But the real war for the Americans begins June 6, 1944, with the invasion of Normandy with D-Day. Then the Americans single-handedly defeat the Germans and marched straight into Berlin. And the Americans win the war in Europe. That’s a very, very unfortunate and dangerous myth that has been perpetrated. … That’s not the reality. The reality was the success at Normandy is largely due to the fact that the Germans were already weakened badly by that point, because they had been taking a pummelling, and they were in retreat across Europe ahead of the Russian Army, ahead of the vast Red Army, which was then liberating the concentration camps.”


A LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) from the U.S. Coast Guard-manned USS Samuel Chase disembarks troops of Company A, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division (the Big Red One) wading onto the Fox Green section of Omaha Beach (Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France) on the morning of June 6, 1944. American soldiers encountered the newly formed German 352nd Division when landing. During the initial landing two-thirds of Company E became casualties. (From the Public Domain)

In complete contrast to this pro-American narrative Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, made the following statement on the 75 anniversary of the D-Day landings:

“As historians note, the Normandy landing did not have a decisive impact on the outcome of World War IIand the Great Patriotic War. It had already been pre-determined as a result of the Red Army’s victories, mainly at Stalingrad (in late 1942) and Kursk (in mid-1943),”

Before I proceed here’s my disclaimer. My grandfather fought in North Africa with the British 8th Army so this article is not knocking the contribution of allied soldiers but merely seeks to give historical balance to the highly politicized narrative over who dealt the decisive blow to Nazi Germany during 1944.

Importance of German Defeats During 1943

The United States entered World War Two on 7 December 1941 following the Japanese attack upon the American naval base at Pearl Harbour. As early as June 1942 the Soviet Union had urged its American and British allies to open a second front in Western Europe. It would take the US and UK another two years to finally launch the invasion of France. Meanwhile, the Red Army took the brunt of German military might and millions died in the genocidal race war waged by the Nazis on the Eastern Front.

USS Arizona burned for two days after being hit by a Japanese bomb in the attack on Pearl Harbor. (From the Public Domain)

By June 1944 the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany had already been established by the Red Army victories at Stalingrad (August 1942-February 1943) and Kursk (July-August 1943) during 1943. At Stalingrad it had lost the Sixth Army and four allied armies of over 500,000 men. Meanwhile, at Kursk it had lost 30 divisions (over 500,000 men) including 7 Panzer divisions equipped with the new Panther and Tiger tanks, 1,500 tanks, 3,000 guns and 3,500 warplanes.

Both German and Soviet generals writing after the war agree upon the catastrophic consequences of the Wehrmacht’s defeats during 1943. Colonel General Heinz Guderian, who became Chief of the General Staff in 1944, admitted that by the end of 1943 the Wehrmacht, “had suffered a decisive defeat. … From now on the enemy was in undisputed possession of the initiative.”

Field Marshall Manstein echoed Guderian’s assessment of the catastrophic consequences of German defeats during 1943. In his memoirs he noted that by the end of 1943 the Wehrmacht:

” …found itself waging a defensive struggle which could not be anything more than a system of improvisations and stopgaps….To maintain ourselves in the field, and in doing so wear down the enemy’s offensive capabilities to the utmost, became the whole essence of the struggle.”

Marshal Zhukov, deputy commander of the Red Army later observed the decisive nature of the defeats inflicted upon the German Wehrmacht during 1943:

“Not only were the picked and most powerful groupings of the Germans destroyed here, but the faith of the German Army and the German people in the Nazi leadership and Germany’s ability to withstand the growing might of the Soviet Union was irrevocably shattered.”


Soviet soldiers in Polotsk, 4 July 1944 (From the Public Domain)

The American historians David Glantz and Jonathan House, in their account of the Eastern Front When Titans Clashed How The Red Army Stopped Hitler, declare that 1943 was a ruinous and fatally destructive period for the German army:

“Organizationally, the Wehrmacht was clearly in decline by late 1943. In addition to the death of Sixth Army and several allied armies, the German Panzer force and air transport force had been shattered repeatedly. Hundreds of ordinary infantry divisions were reduced to two thirds of their strength, with declining mobility and inadequate anti-tank defences.”

“Indeed, after Kursk a vicious cycle set in. Each new setback forced the Germans to commit their newly recruited replacement troops and their refurbished panzer units to battle more rapidly and with less training. Poorly trained troops suffered abnormally high casualties before they learned the harsh realities of combat. These casualties in turn, meant that commanders had to call on the next wave of replacments at an even earlier stage in their training.”

By the summer of 1944 the German Wehrmacht was incapable of conducting a general offensive on a wide front. It was reeling from the massive losses inflicted by the Red Army’s winter campaign of 1943-44 that had led to the destruction of large portions of First Panzer, Sixth, Eighth and Seventeenth Armies. 16 German divisions comprising over 50,000 men had been completely destroyed while 60 other divisions had been reduced to fragments of their former strength.

Objectives for the Soviet Summer Offensives of 1944

Wider geo-political considerations entered the deliberations of the Red Army command when working out the objectives for its summer campaign of 1944. The long delayed second front invasion of France was a factor in Stalin’ s thinking. He was aware that the American led force landing in Normandy would be in a race with the Red Army to get to Berlin first. In 1943 Stalin met with Churchill and Roosevelt at the Tehran Conference to begin planning the post war future of Europe which envisaged the division of Germany into zones of influence. Stalin was determined that the Red Army would get to Berlin first and so have the initiative when dividing up Germany and ensuring that Eastern Europe would become a satellite buffer zone for the Soviet Union.

In March 1944 the State Defence Committee led by Stalin and the Red Army General Staff began their analysis of their options for the summer offensive. It was eventually resolved that the Red Army would attack and destroy its toughest foe: Army Group Centre which was concentrated in Belorussia. The liberation of Belorussia would place the Red Army in Poland and leave it poised along the most direct route to Berlin and have the added bonus of leaving Army Group North cut off from its supply lines and unable to retreat.

The summer campaign would involved five different offensives running north to south that would be staggered along the 2,000 mile front. Operation Bagration was named after the Russian general who was mortally wounded in 1812 at the battle of Borodino. It was scheduled to start on 22 June nearly a fortnight after the offensive against Finland which was designed to drive this German ally out of the war.

The Red Army pulled off a massive redeployment of troops in strict secrecy that was part of its highly successful deception that led the German High Command to expect the main offensives to be directed against Army Group South and Army Group North.

By mid June the Red Army had pulled off the herculean task of manoeuvring 14 combined-arms armies in to place together with 1 tank army, 118 rifle divisions, 4 air armies and 2 cavalry corps. This huge force comprised 1,254,300 men, 2,715 tanks, 24,363 artillery pieces supported by 2,306 Katyusha rocket launchers and 5,327 combat aircraft supported by 700 bombers of the Long Range Bomber Force.

The logistics involved in preparing the four army fronts involved in Operation Bagration gives an idea of the massive scale of the impending attack. The four army fronts were supported by 70,000 lorries and 90-100 trains a day bringing fuel and ammunition up to the starting lines of the impending offensive.

Summer Offensives Begin

Three days after the D-Day landings on 9 June almost 1,000 combat aircraft opened the offensive that was to knock Finland out of the war. It also had the added benefit of keeping Army Group Centre distracted away from the main Soviet thrust that was carefully forming in front of the German defences.

Operation Bagration 23 June – 19 August 1944

On 19 June Soviet partisans set off over 10,000 demolition charges ripping up German rail track, rolling stock, sidings and junctions on the central front. Over the next 4 nights 40,000 demolitions spread destruction deep into the rear of the German transport network.

Red Army’s Operation Bagration Not D-Day Landings Broke Back Of German Fascism During Summer Of 1944

Source: WWII Database

Finally, on 23 June, on almost the third anniversary of the Wehrmacht’s invasion of the Soviet Union, the Red Army launched its massive surprise attack against Army Group Centre.

Operation Bagration achieved complete tactical surprise and soon had Army Group Centre reeling. The German High Command seemed completely unaware of the impending catastrophe that was rapidly enveloping their forces. Hitler, refused permission for any kind of flexible defence that involved tactical retreats by German units and was unwilling to sanction any major reinforcements being despatched to Army Group Centre.

As early as 24 June Army Group Centre was facing a very serious threat to its entire position. John Erickson in his magisterial account of the Eastern Front, The Road To Berlin: Stalin’s War With Germany Vol.2, has commented:

“From this point forward, Army Group Centre was caught in an impossible situation and progressively drenched with Russian fire denied any degree of flexibility yet bereft of any effective reinforcement. … The situation of Third Panzer [army] and Fourth Army was serious: for the Ninth Army to the south it rapidly became catastrophic.”

A week after the launch of Operation Bagration the German defensive system had collapsed. The four Red Army fronts had liberated Vitebesk, Orsha, Moghilev and Bobruisk and pressed on towards Minsk. They had killed over 130,000 German soldiers, taken 66,000 prisoner and destroyed 900 German tanks and thousands of vehicles. Red Army casualties were so high that the 2nd Belorussian Front was forced to withdraw and recoup. Despite its heavy casualties the Red Army showed no signs of slackening the pace of its offensive.


Abandoned vehicles of the German 9th Army at a road near Bobruisk (From the Public Domain)

The three German armies that comprised Army Group Centre were in disarray and in headlong retreat. They were ordered to follow a scorched earth policy that left no resources for the advancing Red Army which came across numerous German war crimes. John Erickson has noted that:

“Minsk, its factories dynamited and its installations wrecked, stood mostly in ruins; throughout most of Belorussia Soviet troops advanced through burned villages and broken towns, the livestock gone and the population fearfully thinned. More than once Red Army units came upon wagons loaded with children consigned to deportation to the Reich.”

Minsk, capital of Belorussia fell on 3 July, and the Red Army moved to encircle and destroy the German Fourth Army whose strength by then had fallen to around 105,000 men.

40,000 German soldiers died trying to break out of the Soviet encirclement. On 11 July the remnants of Fourth Army, out of ammunition and fuel, surrendered.

The Red Army had achieved total tactical and strategic success and torn a 250 mile gap in the German front leaving Army Group Centre with a meagre 8 divisions at its disposal.

Estimates of the staggering German losses suggest that Army Group Centre lost 25-28 divisions, over 450,000 men, while another 100,000 fell on the southern and northern fronts.

Soviet casualties were equally horrendous with the Red Army suffering over 230,000 killed and 800,000 wounded.

During the Red Army’s whirlwind offensives of late June and July 1944 the Western Allies struggled to break out of their Normandy bridgehead. Operation Bagration and the accompanying offensives that took the Red Army to the eastern suburbs of Warsaw, had surpassed their initial objectives and broken the back of Germany’s strongest army group leaving Hitler’s regime staring defeat in the face.

Assessments of Operation Bagration

Assessments of the impact of Operation Bagration all agree that it dealt a devastating and catastrophic blow to the military capabilities of German fascism.

American historians David M. Gantz and Jonathan House have noted the dreadful consequences of Operation Bagration for the German Wehrmacht:

“The destruction of more than 30 divisions and the carnage wrought in a host of surviving divisions, accompanied by a Soviet mechanized advance in excess of 300 kilometres. It had decimated Army Group Centre, the strongest German army group, severely shaken Army Group South Ukraine, and brought the Red Army to the borders of the Reich.”

John Erickson in his evaluation of the historical importance of Operation Bagration has commented:

“When Soviet armies shattered Army Group Centre, they achieved their greatest military success on the Eastern Front. For the German army in the east it was a catastrophe of unbelievable proportions, greater than that of Stalingrad, ….”

This assessment is supported by German and Soviet generals.

According to German military historian, General von Buttlar, Operation Bagration left the German Wehrmacht in disarray and shattered its ability to mount effective resistance to the Red Army. He observed that, ‘the rout of the Centre Group of Armies put an end to the organized resistance of Germans in the East.’

Marshal Zhukov in his memoirs gave a detailed assessment of the military and geo-political ramifications of Operation Bagration:

“In two months, Soviet troops had routed two big strategic German groupings, liberated Belorussia, completed the liberation of the Ukraine, and freed a considerable part of Lithuania and eastern Poland. In these battles, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts and the 1st Baltic Front routed 70 divisions. Thirty divisions were routed by the 1stUkrainian Front in the Lvov-Sandomir regions … the defeat of the Centre and North Ukraine groups, the capture of three major bridgeheads on the Vistula and arrival at Warsaw brought our striking fronts close to Berlin, now only 600 km [370 miles] away … Roumania and Hungary were close to withdrawal from the German alliance.”

During June-July 1944 Operation Bagration broke the back of the strongest military formation in the German Wehrmacht and dealt a mortal blow to German fascism from which it was unable to recover. The British/American narrative that D-Day dealt the mortal blow to German fascism does not stand up to close scrutiny.

The American military historians Glantz and House have observed that, ‘ … despite the Germans’ need to direct new divisions and equipment eastward, throughout June and July the Wehrmacht was still able to contain the Allied bridgehead in Normandy.’

On 17 July 1944 57,000 German prisoners of war, captured during Operation Bagration, were paraded through the streets of Moscow. The motive for this was to scotch all talk that the Red Army had not played the decisive role in destroying the military capabilities of the German Wehrmacht.

Military historian John Erickson has noted how:

“Russians resented suggestions that German troops had been transferred from Belorussia westwards to fight off the invading Allied armies: the parade of the prisoners was in part designed to stifle ‘nonsensical’ talk of this kind. The main battle-front, and here Soviet commentators quoted directly from German cries of anguish, lay in the east where battles of ‘apocalyptic’ dimensions raged.”

It is 80 years since the momentous events on the eastern front during the summer of 1944 that broke the back of German fascism and left it staring defeat in the face. We should celebrate this victory and remember the huge sacrifices made by the Red Army.

That said, we should not be complacent about the defeat of German fascism. The conditions that helped give birth to fascism are beginning to re-emerge and will be given a huge stimulus by the next global economic crisis.

Bertolt Brecht gave a warning about this when writing after World War Two. Brecht warned:

“Don’t rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world stood up and stopped the bastard. The bitch that bore him is in heat again.”


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Dr. Leon Tressell is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Two destroyed Panzer IV tanks belonging to the 20th Panzer Division, June 1944 (From the Public Domain)

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Gaza is a classic case of genocide in the sense that Western-supported Zionists are intentionally, methodically, using every strategy to destroy and extinguish the native Palestinian population, not only their present, but also their past.

It has nothing to do with Hamas.

In the above video, Dr. Mads Gilbert correctly describes the genocide as a colonial project which is eliminating the Palestinian people, their culture, their institutions, their archives, their history.

Hospitals, health care, primary health care, universities, museums are all being destroyed. Poets, academic leaders, universities, museums, and archaeological sites are all being destroyed.

Western-supported Zionists are destroying the history and identity of Palestine and Palestinians.

“This has nothing to do with the Hamas-Israeli war, “ asserts Gilbert, who has served as a medical doctor in Gaza, rather, it is a “cynical, sadistic colonial project.”

On-the-ground reporter Hind Khoudary emphasizes that Palestinians “are not dying only from the shelling and airstrikes, they are dying from the lack of access to medical care, lack of food, hunger and starvation …”

See this and this, and this.

Genocidal strategies of deprivation are less obvious than the shelling, but equally if not more devastating. Ralph Nader estimated earlier that the Washington/Zionist genocide of Palestinians has killed 200,000 people.

May be an image of ‎2 people and ‎text that says '‎Nassim Nicholas Taleb The West will never be able to lecture anyone on moral values. @y... 1A. Yanis Varoufakis Nikki Hailey in Israel scribbling "FINISH M"o on the shells that the IDF IDFis is about to fire into Rafah in defiance of the International Court of Justice. Biden provided the shells, Republicans autograph them. The US political class is united in its complicity with this genocide. ตว 155 נפייץ/טוזמי /טוזתי LTUGT 00155 0 155 TNO בז/מווח M795 מוגה 라이한 idee 0‎'‎‎

The West, with its bombs and billions, its political and economic support of this genocide, is displaying yet again its fascist core. This genocide support is, as described by Prof. Tim Anderson, a “parallel fascism” which is the heart and soul of Western imperialism, as it destroys target countries and target peoples as policy, camouflaged beneath war lies of humanitarianism, democracy and freedom.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from the author

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

Special Offer: $5.00 

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She is poised to become Mexico’s first female president, after winning a historic mandate in the country’s June 2 election.

But Claudia Sheinbaum faces a challenge: how to distinguish herself from her political mentor, current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, popularly known as AMLO.


Sheinbaum during her victory speech on June 2, 2024. (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Representing the left-leaning Morena party, Sheinbaum campaigned in Lopez Obrador’s image, embracing many of his trademark projects and policies.

But experts say her personal history and past governing experience offer valuable clues about how her tenure in office might differ from Lopez Obrador’s.

“Sheinbaum has always been disciplined and strategic,” said Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, a Mexican political analyst. “She’s not going to be as radical as AMLO.”

A Mix of Academics and Politics

The former head of Mexico City’s government, Sheinbaum was born into a family of Jewish heritage, and she initially followed her parents into the field of science.

She studied physics and then energy engineering, pursuing research for her doctoral degree at the University of California, Berkeley in the United States.

But early on, Sheinbaum also mirrored her parents’ commitment to political engagement, becoming involved in student activism. On the campaign trail, she often credits her parents’ involvement in the 1968 student protests as an inspiration for her own work.

“I have always said it: I am a daughter of ’68,” she wrote on social media in April.

Her transition to a political career came under Lopez Obrador’s wing. In a campaign video chronicling her life, Sheinbaum explained that she and Lopez Obrador often participated in the same protests and activist work, but it was only in 2000, a week after he was elected mayor of Mexico City, that she was formally introduced to him during a meeting at her house.

Click here to read the full article on Al Jazeera.


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Jesse Johnson, a Calgary pizza shop owner who faced charges for serving unvaccinated customers during COVID-19, is now suing the Alberta government after those charges were dropped.


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Our thanks to Dr. William Makis of COVID Intel for bringing this to our attention.

85 Musicians and Singers Who Died Suddenly Recently

June 6th, 2024 by Dr. William Makis

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May 31, 2024 (above) – Singer Seini Taumoepeau died very suddenly 

Tongan-Australian presenter and singer Seini Fale’ aka Taumoepeau, who also performed under the name “SistaNative,” was a presenter on ABC Pacific.”

Here are 85 musicians and singers who died suddenly recently:

May 21, 2024 – Award Winning Latin Musician Omar Geles Died after suffering a heart attack while playing tennis at a country club.

May 14, 2024 – Philippines – 43 year old musician Rotsanjani died of a heart attack.

May 7, 2024 – 61 year old musician Steve Albini dead at 61 of heart attack on May 7, 2024.

Sep. 7, 2021: “How about maga chuds eating horse paste in the first place? That’s f’n hilarious and sounds like something you’d make up as a bit, but sure as s*** they’re doing it everywhere instead of getting a f’n vaccine you can get for free.”

“If vaccine doses are expiring, don’t f*** with eligible/ineligible, just stab them into anybody passing by.”




May 2, 2024 – 56 year old musician Matthew Bain Wadlow died suddenly.




April 30, 2024 – Gospel singer Florence Robert died after a brief illness.



April 27, 2024 – David Newman died 5 weeks after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.



April 24, 2024 – Eric Hess, harmonica player, died suddenly.



April 17, 2024 – 32 year old Durham hip hop artist Josh “Rowdy” Rowsey died suddenly.



April 11, 2024 – 30 year old K-pop star Park Bo-ram died after collapsing at a friend’s house in South Korea and going into cardiac arrest.



April 8, 2024 – Indonesia Singer 23 year old Melitha Sidabutar died suddenly and unexpectedly.



April 5, 2024 – Vancouver musician Rocket Norton died after a battle with cancer.

Click here to read the full article on COVID Intel.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from Instagram/@omargeles/Distractify

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Biden Makes It Clear Ukraine Will Not be a NATO Member

June 6th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Since 2022, there has been a major discussion among officials and experts about the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member. In response to Russia’s special military operation, some NATO countries promised Kiev membership in the alliance. However, it has become increasingly clear that the bloc is not interested in accepting Ukraine as a member.

In a recent statement, US President Joe Biden said that his “vision of peace” does not necessarily include Ukraine’s entry into NATO. His words were spoken during an interview with the Times on May 28. In the interview, he commented on relevant issues in current US politics, including Ukraine, Israel and the elections. According to him, a proper understanding of “peace” should prioritize ensuring that Russia does not repeat its military actions in Ukraine in the future, with being Kiev’s possible NATO membership unnecessary.

Biden emphasized the “importance” of relations between the US and Ukraine, especially with regard to the supply of weapons in the current conflict. He seems to value the material aspect of relations with Ukraine more than the formal aspect. In this sense, he understands that the US is already fulfilling its role in terms of helping Ukraine, and there is no need to achieve the country’s membership in the military bloc.

Biden also believes that, by supplying weapons to Ukraine, the US is already helping Ukrainians to “defend themselves” in the future. In other words, he has made it clear that Washington is not willing to do anything for Ukraine beyond what it is already doing – and the future of Kiev is the responsibility of the Ukrainians themselves.

“Peace looks like making sure Russia never, never, never, never occupies Ukraine. That’s what peace looks like. And it doesn’t mean NATO, they are part of NATO (…) It means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries, where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future,” he said.

At the same time, Biden repeated the fallacious rhetoric that the conflict in Ukraine is some kind of initial stage of the Russian interests. The American president believes that, if Ukraine loses the war, Poland, the Baltic States and other European countries will soon face wars with Russia as well. He also praised his own work as the leader of a military superpower, recalling Finland’s entry into NATO and the expansion of the military bloc as a victory, despite the conflict situation with Moscow.

In fact, Biden’s position reflects an atypical political realism in his statements. The American president usually uses excessively aggressive and unrealistic rhetoric in his speeches, advocating an openly bellicose policy against Moscow. However, despite these characteristics, Biden does not seem willing to admit Ukraine’s entry into NATO, which is no surprise.

For any serious military analyst, Ukraine’s entry into NATO has always seemed extremely unlikely. Despite maintaining very close relations with the main Western powers, Kiev plays a proxy role in NATO’s war plans. It is not in the alliance’s interest to have a country at war among its members, since this would require the invocation of the collective defense clause, automatically involving all members in a conflict situation. What seems more interesting for the bloc at the moment is to maintain Ukraine as an external ally, capable of being used against a military enemy without provoking any need of mobilization for the member countries.

Biden is obviously being hypocritical when he says that the US is already helping Ukraine enough. The only purpose of US military assistance is to prolong the conflict, as the US weapons are incapable of changing the final outcome of the conflict or ensuring that Kiev “can defend itself in the future.” Biden is simply trying to disguise the fact that his country is using Ukraine to wage war with Russia, without any concern for Kiev’s future.

As Ukraine approaches complete military collapse, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no future for Kiev. The regime will not be granted accession to the Western defense bloc, and it also seems unlikely that NATO will intervene directly against Russia. The situation seems obvious: Ukraine has engaged in a suicidal war to protect the interests of its sponsors and will now have to deal with the consequences of this decision alone.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

Free Palestine! Hands Off Our Students!

June 6th, 2024 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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On June 4, hundreds of students, faculty, alumni and community members rallied on the campus of Wayne State University located in the Midtown District of Detroit.

The purpose of the gathering was to send a clear message to the recently appointed President Kimberly Andrews Espy who ordered a Palestine solidarity encampment raided and destroyed by campus police on May 30.

Metropolitan Detroit embodies the largest population of people of Arab and Middle Eastern descent in the United States. Consequently, many people within this community have direct familial and linguistic ties to the people most impacted by the settler-colonial regime occupying Palestine.

WSU’s chapter of the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has taken a leadership role at the higher educational institution by demanding the full disclosure and divestment of all financial and other ties between the University and the State of Israel. The movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) has spread rapidly across hundreds of colleges and universities in the U.S.

This movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people has been met with repression resulting in the arrest of over 3,000 people. In Detroit at WSU on May 30, 12 people were arrested when the police stormed the encampment at 6:00am.

If the University administration believed that they had finished off the Palestine solidarity movement on campus, they were grossly mistaken. Later that same day on May 30, a press conference was held where the president of the faculty union spoke in support of the right of the students to protest.

Later that evening a tribunal was held near Eastern Market where testimony from the students involved in the BDS movement from the University of Michigan and Wayne State University exposed the links these institutions have with the genocide taking place in Gaza. At WSU, the Palestine solidarity encampment was labelled “Popular University for Gaza.” It was also designated as a “liberated zone.”

Faculty and Staff Members Call for Espy to Resign

Within a matter of a few days after the destruction of the encampment, a petition was circulating among faculty and staff of the University condemning the actions of President Espy and the Board of Governors. Over 180 faculty and staff members had already signed the petition by June 4 when the rally was held.

The rally was entitled “Hands off Our Students” and the gathering featured a number of faculty, staff, students and community members. Faculty members from the School of Medicine and the Departments of Philosophy, Communications, the Provost Office, College of Education, among others spoke out against the rising repressive and racist atmosphere at WSU.

Earlier after the raid on the encampment, the Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine (FSJP) issued a statement denouncing Espy and the BOG saying:

“The FSJP stands in solidarity with our students and seeks to protect them from harassment, discrimination, and punishment. We are dedicated to reclaiming and protecting academic freedom and free speech within our university, which have become battlegrounds in the propaganda war against Palestinian freedom advocates. We will work in close collaboration with colleagues in Palestinian universities and other universities around the world, supporting public education about the ongoing Nakba and endorsing the principles of Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS).”

After the press conference on June 4, the crowd marched through the center of the WSU campus where the encampment was established beginning on May 23. The crowd chanted “Hand Off Our Students”, “Free, Free Palestine” and “45,000 dead Wayne State Your Hands Are Red.”

At the site of the now-destroyed encampment, facilities had turned on the water sprinkler as people marched around the site. This could only be construed as a hostile action to prevent the establishment of another “Popular University for Gaza.”

WSU Associate Professor of Medicine Morhaf Al-Achkar speaks out against attacks on students and faculty (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Associate Professor Morhaf Al Achkar of the School of Medicine emphasized in his address to the crowd that:

“The university administration thought that by arresting students and harassing them, they will be intimidating them, they will be intimidating us. They didn’t know that behind those brave students, there are many that are here to say, hands off our students.”

Later at the conclusion of the march and rally, Michigan State Representative Abaham Aiyash spoke to the rally participants emphasizing:

“You had students and faculty that wanted to have a conversation about a genocide. But you had folks in leadership that were more outraged about students in a tent than a refugee tent being bombed by the Israelis. Rather than get frustrated that every single university in Gaza has been wiped off this planet, they decided to unleash a police force on students on their own campus.”

Michigan State Representative Abraham Aiyash speaks out against the WSU administration (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

A prepared statement from the WSU faculty union was read to the crowd rallying in defense of free speech and the right to peacefully assemble to protest genocide in Gaza:

“We are deeply troubled by the events that unfolded on May 30, 2024, when WSU police cleared out the encampment and used force to prevent our tuition-paying students from returning to campus. Police tackled demonstrators even as they were complying with police orders, and in at least one instance, forcibly removed a woman’s hijab. This is unacceptable. Twelve activists were arrested during this incident, including six current WSU students, an incoming WSU student, a family member of a student, and at least one legal observer. One student was hospitalized. We condemn these actions in the strongest possible terms. The use of force against students peacefully advocating for their beliefs is unacceptable and contrary to the values of our academic community.”

Espy and the BOG have failed to provide a rational answer to why they ordered the encampment destroyed and students arrested. There was a statement issued last week by the campus administration saying that the student protest created legal and security issues. Yet faculty, student, staff and community observers of the encampment said the demonstration was peaceful and orderly.

The president had already closed the University on May 28 mandating that all students, faculty and staff work remotely. Just two days after locking all campus buildings and deploying large numbers of WSU police and personnel from the City Shield Security Services, a private firm whose clients consist of some of the largest corporations in the Detroit area, the encampment was raided. Faculty and staff members at WSU said on June 4 that they had been asked to resign and threatened with termination for their pro-Palestinian views.

Palestine Solidarity and Presidential Politics

In this election year, the administration of President Joe Biden is attempting to justify why he should be given another term. The administration has initiated and supported two wars.

The Russian Special Military operation in Ukraine has led to the spending of well over $100 billion in taxpayer funds in a war where there is no clear path to victory for Kiev. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed since February 2024 while the U.S. government has prevented any negotiations to end the war.

After the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, the Biden White House has refused to call for a permanent ceasefire and continues to provide warplanes and weapons to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Biden has ignored and ridiculed mass demonstrations and other forms of protests demanding the end of U.S. support for the Zionist state.

Biden even accused the demonstrators of being antisemitic although the war policies against the Palestinians have been categorized as genocidal by billions of people around the world. The president has said repeatedly that U.S. support for the settler-colonial regime is ironclad.

On the Republican side of the political spectrum, former President Donald Trump is also a staunch defender of Zionism and genocide against the Palestinians. Trump relocated the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which is a violation of international law.

Nonetheless, Biden has not reversed this decision after more than three years in the White House. He has continued the funding and logistical support for the racist apartheid regime in Occupied Palestine.

Therefore, the students, faculty and staff members at universities around the country have no alternative than to continue their protest activity. Whether Biden or Trump is elected in November, the same foreign policy towards Palestine and West Asia will remain unchanged until there is a fundamental shift in the structure and character of the U.S. political system.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

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The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is a key event in the business life of Russia, at which the future course of the economy is largely determined and the vectors of international cooperation of the largest country in the world are outlined. 

The forum in the former capital of the Russian Empire, St. Petersburg, has been held for more than 20 years and during this time it has become a solid platform, with a well-disciplined approach, for discussing significant issues of structured economic development, attracting substantial investment and expanding multifaceted business contacts. These are necessary factors for creating a unique opportunity for people and businesses.

The wide representation of all countries in the forum program is clear evidence of Russia’s desire to strengthen the multipolarity of world politics and expand economic and trade ties. The current geopolitical situation and evolving trends are increasingly drawing special attention to access broader potential markets of Asia and Africa.

According to the Vice-Rector of the North Eastern Federal University Yakutsk Marksimov Nurgun Romanovich, cooperation between African states and Russia is actively developing in the supply of Russian equipment for metallurgical and mining enterprises, and projects for the development of transport logistics and energy infrastructure.

Amid sanctions and a crisis of globalization, Russia has begun shifting its economic focus to new geographical horizons. Roscongress Foundation has focused on raising the current level of investment and broadening business partnerships, this time, among potential foreign corporate executives and state institutions mainly in the Global South.

Amidst heightened tensions with many European countries, driven by disputes over trade, and concerns about support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine, the forthcoming 27th edition of the International Economic Forum (SPIEF) scheduled from 5 to 8 June will, most likely, witness a significant number of participants from the Global South.

Long before the launch of a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, American and European businesses were successfully operating in the Russian Federation. Under the tagline ‘The Foundation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World’ for the June meeting, President Vladimir Putin noted that the country is open to constructive dialogue and interaction with partners, and is ready to work together to solve today’s economic, social, scientific, and technological problems:

“An ever-growing part of the global community wants to see a fair and democratic system of international relations based on the principles of true equality, the consideration of each other’s legitimate interests, and respect for the cultural and civilizational diversity of states and peoples. These are the principles that underline the activities of BRICS, which Russia is chairing this year. It is symbolic that the history of this dynamically developing association, whose members already account for more than a third of the global economy, can be traced back to the 10th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2006.” 

On 24th April 2024, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a traditional meeting with the leadership of the Association of European Businesses in Russia and multiple European trade and industrial associations. The discussions [re]examine thoroughly the evolving geopolitical situation and economic and business environment.

The participants openly exchanged opinions on several current foreign policy issues, including foreign business operations in Russia. In between the lines, Lavrov explained to the corporate foreign executives that the Russian side has been assessing the current unstoppable geopolitical situation and, under the circumstances, could only emphasise the risks which are linked with the increasingly greater politicization of undertaking trade and economic interaction sphere. 

In the late April briefing by the Foreign Ministry, attended by the heads of more than 50 diplomatic missions, in Russia, Lavrov pointed to the rapid geopolitical changes and firmly underscored the fact that Russia would only deal with ‘friends’ under the circumstances. “A long-standing tradition brought us together once again to talk about Russia’s upcoming economic and international flagship event, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The Forum is one of the most significant economic events of the year, and the Northern Capital will be hosting it for the 27th time. The atmosphere on the banks of the Neva River during the beautiful white nights has always been especially conducive to fruitful discussion,” Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Birichevsky, said.

In this crucial emerging multipolar world order, Russia is increasingly interested in searching for new economic markets and strengthening its geopolitical influence in Asia and Africa (in the south) and Latin America (in the north). As always, the forum seeks more than anything to serve as a practical tool for businesses to identify and overcome barriers and develop in new ways. SPIEF is, first and foremost, a platform for dialogue, attended by business representatives looking to do business in Russia as well as entrepreneurs from every continent seeking to communicate with each other in Russia. Every year, SPIEF infrastructure experiences improvement thus making it more convenient for negotiations and the conclusion of agreements.

Roscongress Foundation Chairman of the Board and CEO Alexander Stuglev noted in remarks during the programme presentation, that new ideas are born at the SPIEF, and in addition business, economic, political, and environmental strategies are discussed. These help to establish more trust-based and stronger relationships among participants.

Quite naturally in the run-up to June’s SPIEF 2024, the Roscongress Foundation has presented the architecture of the business programme and listed Asian and African countries as one of the key participating guests flexing complex diverse business issues, and heavily-shouldered weight behind the emerging global economic order. The business programme is divided into four thematic blocks dedicated to the global processes taking place in the world and leading to the establishment of a fundamentally new multipolar economic model with opportunities for fair and constructive dialogue between all those striving towards more sustainable development. The four thematic tracks: “The Transition to a Multipolar World Economy”, “Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle”, “Technologies for Leadership”, and “A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State”.

The programme includes more than 150 thematic sessions, which will be attended by over 1,000 moderators and speakers. The discussions offer insights into an understanding of Russia’s place and role in the emerging multipolar world order, and the necessary conditions for the development of international relations and new points of growth, namely new economic leaders who can offer an alternative to traditional centres of influence.

Thus, the international geographical track includes more than 10 business dialogues, including EAEU–ASEAN, Russia–Africa, Russia – Latin America, Russia–China, Russia – South Africa, and other bilateral meetings. In addition, forming the foundations of a new multipolar system requires strengthening the sovereignty of the state, supporting the technological development of economic sectors and relying on a strong society and youth. In this regard, the SPIEF 2024 business programme provides much significance to topics related to the preservation of the population, improving people’s health and well-being, supporting the family, creating opportunities to realize each person’s potential, developing their talents, and fostering a patriotic and socially responsible personality.

The motto of the International Youth Economic Forum is headed: “Day of the Future” which includes practice-oriented lectures, master classes, and expert sessions on topics relevant to young people. The youth have this platform to closely look at the opportunities for sustainable and dynamic development of the Russian economy, tools and programmes for achieving technological leadership, and discuss the implementation of national projects in the digital transformation of state and municipal government, economy, and social sphere.

Traditionally, business breakfasts are dedicated to technological innovations in the economy and the development of modern society. Forum of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for participating groups to work on specialized business platforms, including the Business 20, Creative Business and Drug Security Forums.

According to its official website, the organizers also prioritized health issues. Russia’s national development goals for the period until 2036 include protecting the population, strengthening people’s health and improving their well-being, supporting families, and raising patriotic and socially responsible individuals. The success of the strategy to protect the population depends on how united the public is in its patriotic spirit, adherence to traditional values, and reverence for historical and cultural heritage.

“SPIEF is one of the brightest brands in our city, known all over the world. Despite all external constraints, its popularity is only growing every year. 17 thousand people from 130 countries took part in SPIEF 2023. I am convinced that this year’s geography of participants will be equally extensive, and St. Petersburg will demonstrate its traditionally high level of hospitality,” St. Petersburg’s Governor Alexander Beglov stressed.

According to Beglov, the panel discussion entitled ‘Let’s All Go to the Park?! Strategies and Practices for Success in Creative Sustainable Cities’ will be held within the track ‘A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State’. “We will discuss the issues of managing urban spaces, attracting investment, creating conditions for sustainable economic growth and improving life in cities,” he added. 

At the previous SPIEF 2023, St. Petersburg concluded 62 agreements totalling RUB 661 billion. “We are counting on new major contracts this year as well,” the Governor emphasized. Russia’s flagship SPIEF is an annual gathering of influential Russian and foreign politicians, government officials, businessmen and representatives of the academic community. Important to remember that the first forum was held in 1997 in St. Petersburg, the second-largest city in the Russian Federation.


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Professor Maurice Okoli is a fellow at the Institute for African Studies and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences. He is also a fellow at the North-Eastern Federal University of Russia. He is an expert at the Roscongress Foundation and the Valdai Discussion Club. As an academic researcher and economist with a keen interest in current geopolitical changes and the emerging world order, Maurice Okoli frequently contributes articles for publication in reputable media portals on different aspects of the interconnection between developing and developed countries, particularly in Asia, Africa and Europe. With comments and suggestions, he can be reached via email: [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Tory Nightmares: The Return of Nigel Farage

June 6th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Few have exerted as much influence on the tone, and outcome of elections, as Nigel Farage.  Fewer have done so while failing to win office.  In seven attempts at standing for a seat in the UK House of Commons between 1994 and 2015, the votes to get him across the line have failed to materialise.  Yet it is impossible to imagine the Brexit referendum of 2016, or the victory of the Conservatives under Boris Johnson in 2019, as being possible without his manipulative hand.

Before an audience at the MF Club Health and Wealth Summit at the Tiverton Hotel in March, Farage had words for his country’s voting system, one that notoriously remains stubbornly rooted to the “first past the post” model.  It was a system that had, in his view, eliminated any coherent distinction between the major parties.  They had become “big state, high tax social democrats”.

Farage took the budget as a salient illustration.  The leader of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer, agreed “with virtually everything in the budget.  It would’ve made no difference if Rachel Reeves had delivered that budget instead of Jeremy Hunt.  They are all the same.”

Having been made leader of the populist Reform UK party for the next five years, Farage felt it was time to make another tilt.  On June 3, he announced that he would be standing in the July 4 election in the Essex constituency of Clacton, one that had conclusively voted to leave the European Union in 2016.  It is also the only constituency to have ever elected an MP from UKIP, Reform UK’s previous iteration.  The decision concluded a prolonged phase of indecision.  And it will terrify the Tory strategists.

The speech offered little by way of surprises.  The usual dark clouds were present.  The failure by both Labour and the Conservatives to halt the tide of immigration.  Rates of crushing taxation.  General ignorance of Britain’s finest achievements battling tyranny, including a lack of awareness about such glorious events as D-Day.  The poor state of public services, including the National Health Service.  A state of “moral decline”.  Rampant crime.  In the UK, one could “go shoplifting and nick up to 200 quid’s worth of kit before anyone is even going to prosecute you.”

From the view of the Conservatives, who already risk electoral annihilation at the polls, Reform UK was always going to be dangerous.  Roughly one in four voters who helped inflate Johnson’s numbers in 2019 are considering voting for it.  It explains various efforts by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, including his insensibly cruel Rwanda plan, to court a voting base that he hopes will return to the Tory fold.

Unfortunately for the PM, such efforts will hardly matter now that the real Nigel is running.  “The pint-loving populist offers a splash of colour in an otherwise grey campaign,” suggests Robert Ford in The Spectator.  “The result will be a constant background hum of populist criticism undermining Tory promises and reinforcing voters’ doubts.”

Veteran British commentator Andrew Marr relished the irony: here was the architect of the Brexit victory bringing calamity to the Conservatives.  Farage had effectively raised “the pirate flag of what he calls ‘a political revolt’ against the entire Westminster class; but in particular against the listing, drifting and battered galleon that is the Tory party.”

Leaving aside – and there is much on that score – the issue of Farage’s Little England image, his presence in the Commons would come with various promises that will rock Britain’s political establishment.  There is, for instance, the proposal for electoral reform, one long strangled and smothered in the cot by the main parties.  Finally, he insists, a proportional representation model of voting can be introduced that will make Westminster more representative.

He also proposes ridding Britain of the House of Lords in its current form, replacing it with what would essentially make it an elected chamber accountable to voters.  This “abomination” and “disgrace” of an institution had become the destination for shameless political hacks favoured by Labor and Tory prime ministers.

“It’s now made up of hundreds of mates of Tony Blair and David Cameron; they’re the same blooming people,” he rattled to the entrepreneurs at the Tiverton Hotel.  “They all live within the same three postcodes in West London.  They’re not representative of the country in any way at all.”

There is a case to be made for Farage to stay behind the throne of UK politics, influencing matters as sometimes befuddled kingmaker.  Even if he fails at this eighth attempt – and given current polling, Reform UK is not on course to win a single seat – there is every chance that he will have a direct say in the way the Conservatives approach matters while in opposition.  He might even play the role of a usurping Bolingbroke, taking over the leadership of a party he promises to inflict much harm upon next month.  Short of that, he can have first dibs at the selection of a far more reactionary leader from its thinned ranks. The Farage factor will again become hauntingly critical to the gloomy fate of British politics.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

A paranóia anti-russa está a atingir níveis cada vez mais elevados. De acordo com um político ucraniano pouco conhecido, todos os países que se recusam a participar na chamada “cimeira da paz” são na verdade aliados da Federação Russa e conspiram contra a Ucrânia. Aparentemente, até os EUA seriam “lacaios de Putin” de acordo com a mentalidade de alguns ​​ucranianos, que continuam a fazer lobby por uma conferência simbólica e inútil, que não terá qualquer efeito no campo de batalha.

Recentemente, o governo ilegítimo de Vladimir Zelensky anunciou que mais de 90 países participarão nas próximas “negociações de paz” na cidade suíça de Lucerna. Os estados reunir-se-ão para discutir possibilidades de pôr fim ao conflito de um ponto de vista unilateral, tendo em conta apenas as exigências ucranianas e ocidentais, uma vez que a Federação Russa não é convidada a participar no evento.

Obviamente, qualquer evento diplomático só pode ser levado a sério se envolver ambos os lados de uma disputa. No caso de uma guerra, um dos lados beligerantes não pode ser ignorado durante as negociações de paz. Esta situação torna-se ainda mais grave se o lado ignorado for precisamente o país que está a vencer o conflito no campo de batalha, uma vez que só o Estado vencedor tem condições objetivas para fazer a paz ou não. Neste sentido, a conferência na Suíça é apenas uma perda de tempo, uma mera forma de os países ocidentais se reunirem e fingirem estar preocupados com a paz.

Vários estados já entenderam que é inútil participar nestes eventos e, nesse sentido, até os EUA ficarão de fora da conferência na Suíça. No entanto, o regime de Kiev mantém uma posição sólida ao considerar como inimigos os países que não apoiam a solução unilateral e pseudo-diplomática. Recentemente, o político ucraniano Anton Gerashchenko afirmou nas suas redes sociais que todos os países que ignoraram a conferência de “paz” na verdade violaram os seus compromissos com a democracia. Mais do que isso, ele usou uma palavra russa que significa “lacaio” para se referir a todos os governos que evitaram participar na conferência, sugerindo que a decisão soberana de um Estado de não participar nas negociações seria na verdade um sinal de que esses governos são “ controlada pela Rússia”.

“Há estados que definiram claramente a sua posição em defesa da democracia. Estes países participam na conferência de Junho na Suíça. E há Estados indecisos que podem ser considerados cúmplices da guerra (…) Embora eu os chamasse a todos [de Putin] de ‘kholui’ (um termo russo para lacaios)”, disse ele.

Pouco depois, Gerashchenko deletou sua postagem. Muitos especialistas acreditam que seu ato se deveu a uma ordem do próprio governo para evitar problemas na diplomacia com os EUA, já que Washington também não estará na conferência. Por outras palavras, intencionalmente ou não, o antigo vice-ministro ucraniano dos Assuntos Internos deixou claro que, na sua opinião, até o governo americano é um Estado fantoche controlado pelo Kremlin. Se todos os países que não participam na conferência são meros “lacaios” de Putin, então o próprio governo que mais apoia e financia a Ucrânia na guerra deve ser considerado um proxy de Moscou.

Esta posição não é isolada. O regime de Kiev mostrou-se diversas vezes repleto de agentes verdadeiramente paranóicos, que interpretam qualquer posição racional no conflito como um gesto “pró-Rússia”. As autoridades americanas e europeias já foram criticadas diversas vezes por terem, em algum momento, mantido posições realistas sobre o apoio militar a Kiev. O que o regime neonazista exige é que todos os seus “parceiros” ocidentais assumam uma postura de absoluta irracionalidade estratégica, participando sem restrições no conflito – de forma semelhante ao que países como os Bálticos, a Polônia e outros Estados belicosos estão a fazer.

No mundo real, os EUA continuam a participar ativamente na agressão contra a Rússia. Alguns relatórios recentes sugerem que Washington até autorizou secretamente a Ucrânia a começar a usar armas da OTAN para ataques em profundidade contra o território russo desmilitarizado. Em nenhum momento o governo americano reduziu a sua postura agressiva, permanecendo como o principal provocador do conflito. Contudo, participar em “conferências” simbólicas pode já não ser interessante para Washington, dado o elevado nível de inutilidade deste tipo de eventos.

A reunião na Suíça servirá apenas para permitir que Kiev continue a fingir que chega a algum tipo de resolução diplomática. Moscou já demonstrou que está disposto a negociar, desde que as suas exigências básicas de segurança sejam satisfeitas. Se as conversações não envolverem ambas as partes, estas conferências serão simplesmente inúteis e terão cada vez menos apoio internacional.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Kiev demands its Western “partners” assume a stance of strategic solidarity against Russia, InfoBrics,  31 de maio de 2024

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Americans Are an Abused People

June 5th, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Americans are screwed over people and are too insouciant to notice.

And not just on big things, such as being forced to be injected with an untested new kind of “vaccine” with unknown safety and effectiveness.

Millions of Americans were faced with the choice of being injected or losing their job and ability to pay rent or mortgage, car payments, utilities, and buy food.

The “vaccine” has caused many deaths and millions of injuries from new diseases and profusions of what previously were rare diseases among age groups not previously affected.

American babies now die from strokes and heart attacks. And the grieving parents are denied any recourse.

No one is being held responsible. And apparently Americans don’t care. How is this any different from the Zionist story of Jews being herded into gas chambers?

Americans can’t do anything about the hundreds of billions of dollars Washington sends to Ukraine to conduct Washington’s proxy war against Russia, or about the billions sent to Israel for the slaughter of Palestinians and physical destruction of Gaza, or the billions sent to Taiwan for Washington’s proxy war against China. Meanwhile homeless American veterans sleep on the streets while the Biden regime gives immigrant-invaders pre-paid debit cards and houses them in hotels.

A few Americans might wonder if the billions of dollars could be better used getting the homeless out of the public parks and tent encampments off the sidewalks. But if they write to a representative or senator about the misallocation of resources they will get back a letter explaining that “we have to stop them over there before they get over here.”

The message is: “we are here to serve the military/security complex and Israel Lobby, the funders of our election campaigns, and to replace white Americans with the third world in the interest of diversity.

It is not the big things that Americans notice. They are not personally at risk of being sent to war, and there is no specific tax taken from them to finance Israel’s and Ukraine’s wars.

But you would think that Americans living on credit card debt would at least notice that which dramatically affects them.

Do Americans living on credit card debt comprehend that under the guise of interest charged the credit card companies are taxing their balances at rates ranging from 19.49% to 29.99% based on the credit card company’s estimate of the debtor’s credit worthiness.

In addition to the federal and state income taxes on their income and the Social Security tax and the Medicare tax on income, the credit card companies are imposing a 20-30% tax on debt that is paying for housing, transportation, food, and utilities, as incomes alone in the age of jobs offshoring are insufficient to support living standards for about 40% of the population.

I learned about modern day usury in May when my credit card bill did not show up. Perhaps it went into the spam or junk folders or fell victim to a glitch, all possibilities being joys of the digital revolution. Consequently the amount due on May 18 did not get paid until 4 days later on May 22 when an unpaid bill notice appeared in the email.

The notice told me that I am charged a late payment fee of $29 plus an interest charge of $61.54. So a 4 day late payment cost me $90.54.

The late payment notice told me that my interest rate of 19.49% is charged from the “first day of the billing period until we receive your payment in full.” In other words, the interest was not charged for the 4 late days, but for the 4 days plus the month’s billing period.

The notice also told me that if I missed a second payment, even for one day, during a 12 month period, my interest rate on my unpaid balance would jump from 19.49 to 29.99.

There you have it. This is a system for the enserfment of the American consumer.

If you are able to focus your attention, try to imagine the rapid rise of impossible indebtedness of Americans who can only make the minimum payment. The minimum payment is a tiny percentage of the balance due. For example, a balance of $4,173.66 has a minimum payment of $131.37. The minimum payment leaves a balance of $4,042.29 accumulating interest at double-digit rates.

Assuming he does not miss two payments in 12 months, his interest rate based on creditworthiness (he only makes minimal payments) is 27.49%. So, the interest on the unpaid balance adds $1,100 to his debt. And the growth in debt increases with the interest charged on the rising unpaid balance.

I remember when credit card companies made their money by the 2.5% charge to the businesses that accepted payment via credit card. Those days have vanished. Now credit card companies live extravagantly on interest on consumer credit card debt, while businesses accepting credit card payment charge their customers a fee for paying with a credit card.

As an economist I am really amazed that Keynesian economists, whose policy is based on the American consumer’s ability to spend, stood aside while such extraordinary restrictions on aggregate demand were allowed to be put in place. After paying debt service, people have nothing left to spend.

American consumer indebtedness means that consumers have no discretionary income with which to drive the economy.Their pay is below the cost of living. They live on their credit cards, and the interest payments drain their incomes, leaving them without discretionary income to spend.

There is no possible way, except by falsifying statistics, to get economic growth out of such an economy.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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On June 1, the Royal Dutch Air Force (KLu) fully switched to the atrocious F-35 “Lightning 2” as the carrier of American WMDs stationed in the country. Netherlands is part of the infamous NATO nuclear sharing agreement with the United States and its KLu previously operated American-made F-16 fighter jets for nuclear strikes as part of Squadrons No. 311 and 312. The former has now been replaced by F-35s in the new Squadron No. 313 which is stationed at the Volkel Air Base and is the first non-US NATO unit of stealth fighters capable of launching nuclear attacks. Troubled by delays and cost overruns, the F-35’s disastrous track record made it impossible to use the jet for this mission up until recently. After nearly a decade in service and over three decades since the JSF program was launched, the F-35 acquired this capability only in early March, when it was finally certified to carry B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bombs.

Apart from the Netherlands, several other NATO member states (specifically Belgium, Germany, Italy and Turkey) have American WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) on their territory, with Belgium also operating US-made F-16s for nuclear strikes. This has been the case for at least 50 years, so it’s not exactly a new concern for Russia. However, as several NATO countries have announced their intention to send the US-made fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta, this has become a particularly important issue for the Kremlin, as some of those countries operate nuclear-capable F-16s.

Worse yet, the Dutch government openly supports the usage of these jets for attacks on Moscow’s undisputed territory. Namely, on June 3, Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren confirmed that her country fully supports the Kiev regime’s “right to use F-16s for airstrikes within Russia”, thus joining several others who support such escalation.

“We are applying the same principle that we have applied to every other delivery of capabilities, which is: once we hand it over to Ukraine, it’s theirs to use,” Ollongren said.

The statement follows Denmark’s support for such strikes, as Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen previously confirmed that his country also endorses the usage of its F-16 fighter jets to strike targets within Russia’s undisputed territory. Copenhagen is supplying nearly 50% of all US-made fighter jets promised by NATO (19 of 40). Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen already stated that the first batch of F-16s is expected to be delivered this month. The US-made jet is quite old and the Neo-Nazi junta will get one of the earliest modernizations, specifically the F-16AM/BM Block 15 MLU (Mid-Life Upgrade), which is essentially a match for the Soviet-era MiG-29s that former Ukraine inherited from the USSR. This is precisely why the Kiev regime has been whining about modernization for well over a year before there were any definite announcements of the delivery of these jets.

However, while the US-made aircraft is old and heavily outclassed by Russia’s top-of-the-line interceptors and air superiority fighter jets, the F-16 is capable of carrying a plethora of munitions. As the older Su-24Ms, Su-27s and MiG-29s were adjusted to carry NATO-sourced weapons, including precision-guided munitions (PGMs) such as bombs and long-range cruise missiles, it can only be expected that this will be far easier to accomplish with F-16s sent by NATO members that already operate such or similar weapons. However, although the US-made jets, as lighter platforms, will not be able to carry more ordnance than the aforementioned Soviet-era aircraft which are much larger, the F-16s coming from nuclear-capable NATO member states are an entirely different story. The potential for escalation of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict into a pan-European or even global war simply cannot be overstated.

According to military sources, a single thermonuclear bomb such as the previously mentioned B61-12 (variable yield weapon that can go up to 50 kt) could kill over 300,000 people if used against densely populated cities. Considering the fact that NATO and the Neo-Nazi junta have demonstrated readiness to engage in a game of “nuclear chicken” with Moscow, as well as commit heinous terrorist acts on Russian soil, brutally killing hundreds of civilians in the process, nothing should be excluded and anything can be expected. Top-ranking officials in the Kremlin, including President Vladimir Putin himself, have been warning about this for years. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made a number of statements concerning the delivery of nuclear-capable F-16s, with Russia preemptively deploying its own tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) in Belarus to deter further crawling NATO aggression.

Unfortunately, the political West keeps escalating and pushing for a tighter siege of Russia, particularly by surrounding the Eurasian giant with its vassals and satellite states, as well as trying to make sure others who seek peaceful coexistence and decent neighborly relations cannot accomplish this. It’s imperative for Washington DC and Brussels to make sure Moscow is faced with enemies from the Arctic to the Caucasus Mountains. NATO believes that this would not only overstretch Russian defenses, but also force it to spend more resources on the military, thus giving the belligerent alliance its raison d’etre.

 The Kremlin will have no choice but to reconstitute a number of its Soviet-era units and even form new ones to match the increasingly aggressive NATO plans in the region. This will surely make Europe and the world a more dangerous place, but when dealing with the heirs of the Third Reich, what else is one to do?


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Persecution Against Scott Ritter Shows US Not Democracy Anymore

June 5th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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The persecution of political dissidents in the US is becoming commonplace. People who oppose Washington’s aggressive foreign policy are being seen as enemies and treated as criminals, even when there is no plausible reason to charge them. Recently, military analyst Scott Ritter had his passport confiscated by US authorities without any specific reason, showing the advanced levels of tyranny in the country.

Ritter was on a plane at the New York airport. His plan was to travel to the Russian Federation, as he had a special invitation to participate in the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which will begin in the next few days. Ritter was already boarding when three policemen suddenly forcibly removed him and seized his documents. When asked about the reason for this action, the policemen said they were following orders from the US State Department and refused to clarify any details about the case.

“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me (…) They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport,” he told journalists.

Without his passport, Ritter is unable to leave the US territory. In practice, he will begin living under a regime similar to house arrest, not only being monitored by American authorities, but also being prevented from leaving the country. It is curious that this happened precisely during a trip by Ritter to Russia. It seems that Washington is trying to make it clear to all its citizens that there will be no tolerance for citizens who maintain any form of ties with Moscow.

Ritter has long been one of the most vocal critics of military support for Ukraine. In his interviews and articles, he openly advocates for an end to arms supply and for a friendly policy between the US and Russia. Ritter has repeatedly exposed the truth about Ukrainian Nazism and Western collusion with ultranationalism and racism. In addition, his main work as a military analyst consists of providing detailed, technical analyses that show the situation of the sides in the conflict.

While Western media have long claimed that Kiev is “winning the war,” Ritter has emerged as a dissenting voice proving the opposite, saying that military control of the conflict belongs to the Russian Federation. He has refuted fallacious narratives such as the “Ukrainian victory in Kiev” or the “Kherson counteroffensive.” Using impartial and technical military analysis, Ritter has substantiated each of his arguments about Russia winning the war. Today, his work is recognized as one of the best among military experts around the world, with many of his predictions having come true.

This is not the first time that Ritter has suffered persecution in his own country. In the past, he has been criticized, defamed and even detained by American authorities because of his stance against Washington’s war initiatives. Ritter severely criticized the American decision to invade Iraq, stating that there were no weapons of mass destruction in the country. At the time, he was a UN weapons inspector and had privileged information about the real situation in the Middle East.

Currently, in addition to providing military analysis on the war in Ukraine, Ritter has also been strongly critical of Israeli violence in the Gaza Strip, which has certainly generated discontent among radical Zionists in American domestic politics. In addition, he has worked to refute fallacies and stereotypes about Russia and the Russian people, making frequent trips to Russia to show the local reality. Recently, Ritter was in Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg and spoke to the Western media about what real life is like in Russia today, explaining that the country is in a favorable economic situation, without any effect of Western sanctions.

It is already clear that persecution is the fate of any American dissident. When US citizens disagree with their country’s policies, the authorities attack, arrest and defame them. Unfortunately, this is the reality in the country that claims to be the global guardian of democracy. However, this lie is increasingly discredited. Despite all the propaganda efforts, it is already clear to the world that the US is no longer a democracy.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The author (left) meeting with the Governor of Kherson, Vladimir Saldo (right)

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Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini criticised French President Emmanuel Macron for pushing the idea of sending European troops to fight in the conflict in Ukraine. Salvini’s comments were made on the same day that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov once again warned that French soldiers operating in Ukraine would be legitimate targets.

“Italy is not at war with anyone. Macron, do you want to start a war? Put on a helmet, put on a vest and go to Ukraine, but don’t bother the Italians! Go and fight, but don’t bother us, people who want to live in peace,” Salvini said during a pre-election rally in the southern Italian city of Bari on June 4.

The deputy prime minister stressed that the Italians have a “clear choice” and that “no Italian bomb or bullet will hit Russia.”

Salvini also humorously slammed the French president by publishing a photo montage of him in combat uniform and armed with an assault rifle, accusing him of wanting to plunge Europe into a war with Russia.

“A military escalation and Italian soldiers on the front line under the orders of dangerous ‘bombers’? No thanks,” the nationalist leader, whose party, the LEGA, is part of Italy’s government coalition led by Giorgia Meloni, wrote on his X account.

Next to the photo that shows Macron as a combatant with a helmet, dressed in a uniform with the colours of the European Union and a tactical vest, there is a portrait of Salvini at an election rally, with his arm raised and a rosary in his hand.


Source: Matteo Salvini/X

“Yes to Italy’s commitment to peace, to the Constitution’s repudiation of war, inspired by our collective moral conscience and our Christian tradition,” Salvini added.

Former General Roberto Vannacci, candidate to the European Parliament for the LEGA party, in the same vein as Salvini, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has no sole authority to send weapons to Ukraine and that EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell cannot speak for all European Union members.

“Politically speaking, NATO is not in a state of war. All decisions concerning weapons supply [to Ukraine] have been made by individual countries. The secretary-general has no authority in the matter. He is a bureaucrat, a representative of an organisation that is not directly involved in the conflict. However, it looks like he speaks for all [member states], as he has overcome the sovereignty of every state in the matter of their participation in the Ukrainian conflict,” Vannacci told a briefing in Rome on June 4.

The European parliamentary candidate added that Borrell, like Stoltenberg, expresses a joint position without consulting the authorities of individual European Union countries.

Although Meloni is a staunch supporter of Ukraine and has frequently met with Volodymr Zelensky, it is evident that there is growing backlash in Italy, especially since it was not anticipated when pledges of support were made that Macron would escalate the situation by pushing to send European troops to fight and die in a futile war effort. This is especially alarming for Italians since Moscow has repeatedly warned that foreign troops operating in Ukraine are legitimate targets of the Russian military.

On the same day as Salvini’s statements, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that all French soldiers on Ukrainian territory, both instructors and mercenaries, would be legitimate targets of the Russian Armed Forces.

“As far as the French instructors are concerned, I have reason to believe that they are already working in Ukraine, and there is a lot of proof. Whoever they are, members of the French Armed Forces or simply mercenaries, they are absolutely legitimate targets for our Armed Forces,” he said during a joint press conference with his counterpart from the Republic of Congo, Jean-Claude Gakosso.

At the beginning of May, Macron said in an interview with The Economist that he does not rule out sending troops to Ukraine if he receives a request from Kiev and if Russia breaks the front line. The statements caused controversy, with many major European powers, including Italy, Germany and Spain, disavowing Macron’s idea.

Former United States Defense official Stephen Bryen stated, in an article also published in May, but in Asia Times, that France sent the first group of around 100 Foreign Legion soldiers to Ukraine, out of around 1,500 that were supposed to arrive in Ukraine. According to Bryen, the first contingent, which includes artillery and reconnaissance experts, was deployed to Slaviansk in the Donbass region, in support of the 54th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, against the advances of the Russian military.

Despite being a European pariah, Macron remains undeterred and will host Zelensky in Paris on June 7 to discuss Ukraine’s needs. This was met with criticism, with the leader of the Republicans in parliament, Olivier Marleix, saying it was “inappropriate” to invite Zelensky to speak just days before the upcoming European elections. However, Macron has never cared for appropriateness and is instead obsessed with the idea of projecting France to have greater global influence and input at the expense of Russia, a strategy that has clearly failed and instead shows his weakness and desperation.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Excerpt from The Telegraph report

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Click here to read the full article on The Telegraph.


Let’s look at the latest EXCESS DEATHS DATA:

Australia and New Zealand








Scandinavian Countries


















My Take… 

These graphs are made available by Twitter user USMortality.

What I find interesting is that there seems to be a drop in excess mortality in 2023 in this data.

Ethical Skeptic’s data doesn’t show a dip in excess mortality in 2023, especially for young people:



The Cover-up

We have an additional problem.

Countries are starting to change the way excess deaths are calculated, in an effort to hide excess deaths.

Australian Russell Broadbent MP today (May 14, 2024) questioned the sleight of hand by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in calculating excess deaths.

The model bas been revised twice and now excess deaths are down from 56058 to 24351 for 2020 – 2023. The ABS has not been transparent about this complicated new model which rewrites the history of the Pandemic.


Click here to watch the video


UK has also changed the way it calculates Excess Deaths:

Russell Brand posted this on Feb. 23, 2024 and it’s hilarious.


Click here to watch the video





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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image source

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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The Future of UNRWA and Hamas in Gaza

June 5th, 2024 by Rick Sterling

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Peter Ford has an extensive career in the UK Diplomatic Service, including serving as UK Ambassador to Bahrain and then Syria. He then served for many years as Special Representative to the Commissioner General of UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. In this interview, he discusses the background, importance, and how Israel wants to “replace”   UNRWA. 

Rick Sterling (RS): How did you come to work for UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency?

Peter Ford (PF): Well, ever since I was a young cub Arabist, I have been exposed to the work of UNRWA. My first job was in Lebanon. I saw its work firsthand in the Palestinian camps there. Every exposure I had increased my admiration for the organization. As I approached retirement, I was attracted to the idea of working for UNRWA.

By chance, I read in The Economist magazine that UNRWA was looking to create a new post, a fundraiser in the Arab world. And the requirements were diplomatic experience and knowledge of the Arabic language. Wow, I thought this is tailor-made for me. And so it proved. I think I was chosen from a shortlist of one.

Knowledge of Arabic was a great help. I didn’t benefit from any support from the British government, I have to say. And that is an issue with UNRWA. Many of the top jobs are earmarked for particular countries. So the Commissioner General, by custom is always either a European or American. And the deputy head of UNRWA, Deputy Commissioner General, is also an American or a European.

RS:  What does UNRWA do in Gaza and beyond? How big an organization is it? 

Peter Ford:  UNRWA  began operations in 1950 in the aftermath of the conflict in Palestine that led to the creation of Israel and the expulsion of half of Palestine’s population. And the mandate given by the UN General Assembly to UNRWA was to look after these refugees and very significantly their children.  The status of refugees was defined as people who were being helped by UNRWA and their descendants. And this became very important because most refugees around the world from other countries, the status of refugee is not handed on father to son or daughter. But in the case of Palestine refugees, because of the special circumstances where they lost their country, their homes and their livelihoods, they were accorded permanent refugee status for as long as they were unable to exercise their right of return.


UNRWA building shelled by Israeli army, 15 January 2009 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

As the years passed,  this became very important politically. And as it became more difficult to envisage the right of return, the mere existence of UNRWA and its according refugee status to several million Palestinians perpetuated the right of return. And this became a major problem with Israel. 

From 1950, UNRWA’s mandate has been to look after the relief and welfare of the Palestinian refugees in terms of education, healthcare, social services, the refugee camp infrastructure, houses, the social services for the vulnerable, and some microfinance and job creation in recent years.

The core activities are the schools. There is a huge network of UNRWA schools and medical centers. And these are spread across the Middle East in Palestine itself, in the occupied West Bank, in Gaza, in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.

Overall, there are almost 6 million Palestinians who qualify for UNRWA support. And of those, about 1.9 million are in Gaza, and about half a million are in Syria, and the rest are shared between Lebanon and Jordan. So it’s serving almost as a micro-state. Six million people is a big responsibility and one that requires a lot of coordination with the host authorities.

Of these, the most problematic by far is Israel as the occupying power in the West Bank and Gaza. Relations with other governments have by and large been cooperative. There is occasional friction, but on the whole there are very good relations. It’s often forgotten that Jordan and Lebanon and Syria give a lot of support in addition to the support that UNRWA gives. And they host these millions of refugees without complaint. 

RS:  Doesn’t UNRWA in some ways relieve Israel of responsibility for the people that it’s got under its control?

Peter Ford: Well, yes, it does. Under international law, the power that has physical control as the occupying power has responsibility to provide the basic services which UNRWA provides: healthcare, education, and housing. So this burden is taken off the shoulders of Israel. If UNRWA didn’t exist, the Israelis would have to carry the burden of looking after all those millions of refugees. But you’d be mistaken if you thought they were grateful at all. 

RS: A few months ago, Israel made accusations and somehow persuaded several countries to stop their donations to UNRWA. What do you make of this?

Peter Ford: Well, this was a fabricated story the Israelis came up with about three months after the alleged events, they came up with a story that staff had been involved in the 7th October breakout and had carried out crimes.  This was announced with great fanfare. Knee-jerk reactions followed on the part of the usual suspects. Americans, Europeans and  Britain suspended their vital payments to UNRWA. 

UNRWA is a beggar. It’s an international beggar. It receives almost nothing from central UN funds. The rest is voluntary, which makes life very difficult for UNRWA. It has to go cap in hand  and cannot afford to upset any of its important donors. And that means the United States, the EU, and Britain.

In fact, my job, the reason I was recruited, was to try to diversify UNRWA’s funding so that it could be a little less dependent on the Western powers. And I had some success in that, garnering about half a billion dollars of contributions from mainly Gulf and North African countries.

But to go back to your question, Israel came up with this story. Just on the basis of the Israelis accusations, the Western powers cut the aid. Unwisely, to my mind, UNRWA immediately suspended the staff who were accused. This only tended to give credence to the Israeli claims. But this shows the weakness, the political weakness of UNRWA . It finds it very difficult to stand up to bullying by these powerful countries, by the United States and Europe.

Eventually, about three weeks ago, an independent investigator, a former French foreign minister, carried out an investigation and concluded that there was no proof.  The Israelis were unable to provide any proof to back up their allegations. And most countries are now going back or have already gone back to lift their suspension.

RS:  I think even the original accusations were that some 12 or 13 individuals from a staff of 13,000 staff had participated in October 7. And now even that’s been discredited, you’re saying?  

Peter Ford:  Yes, that’s exactly what has happened. It would have been surprising, actually, if there hadn’t been some younger employees, but the Israelis couldn’t provide evidence for a single one. 

RS:  Yes. And I understand that UNRWA gives the names of all their employees to Israel every year for them to almost vet the list.

Peter Ford:  That’s right. Israel has an amazing oversight of the activities of UNRWA, at least as far as the occupied territories are concerned.  Over 90% of the employees of UNRWA are Palestinians, the vast majority of Palestinian refugees themselves. But the hierarchy is Western or non-Palestinian. Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, the top employees, the director general and immediate close staff are European or American, but over 90% of the staff are Palestinians. And that is something the Israelis don’t like either. The Palestinians have agency in the sense of some measure of control over their lives. 

RS:  I have the impression that UNRWA has done a very good job in the education field. And that, again, is something Israel doesn’t like.

Peter Ford: Yes, Israel doesn’t like the fact that so many Palestinians have received a good education under UNRWA’s supervision.  Many Palestinians have gone on to higher education, to distinguished professorships having emerged from UNRWA  schools in the camps over the years.

It’s a badge of honor for a Palestinian to have passed through an UNRWA school. In Syria, where I was, Syrians wanted to enroll in UNRWA schools. It was one of the bribes that we could use to leverage favors from the Syrian government. So that’s testimony to how good these schools are and their reputation.

A bone of contention with the Israelis concerns what’s taught in the schools. And again, the Israelis make lurid, unsupported claims about the pupils being taught Palestinian propaganda. And this is just fake news. In the UNRWA schools, they follow the curricula of the Arab country or authority where they are.

So UNRWA schools follow the curriculum of the Palestine Authority, which is vetted by Israel, of course. In Jordan, they follow the Jordanian curriculum, etcetera. But the Israelis love to make up any propaganda they can about UNRWA, and they try to limit UNRWA funding. They use any method to try to stymie, block, or make more difficult the operations of UNRWA. They really do want to bring an end to this agency.

In a way, you can understand it because the agency is synonymous with Palestinian rights and in particular with the right of return. This implies the Palestinians have a right to return to those towns and villages from which their forebears were expelled back in 1948.

A view of a United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Khan Yunis, Gaza on October 22, 2023 [Abed Zagout/Anadolu Agency]

So this is why UNRWA is a thorn in the side of Israel and one they would love to destroy completely. Their ambition has no limit. And we’ve seen this during the Gaza crisis. They have used this to try to exclude UNRWA, make propaganda against UNRWA, and create substitutes for UNRWA .Creating a substitute is the latest strategy. The organization that had some of its staff killed by the Israelis is one of these. In fact, that organization was particularly friendly to the Israelis and the Israelis facilitated its entry to Gaza. And it was a tragic irony that the Israelis ended up killing employees of this agency, World Central Kitchen. The Israelis aim to replace UNRWA with organizations they can control like this. That’s part of the plan with the port to be created by the Americans and the British in northern Gaza. It would be serviced by organizations other than UNRWA. 

RS: What’s the status of UNRWA in Gaza now? Is is able to operate as in the past, or are they being restricted? 

Peter Ford:  UNRWA is very much restricted as far as traditional activities are concerned. The healthcare clinics, hospitals and schools have been either destroyed or badly damaged or they don’t have equipment or they don’t have medicines. So there’s no schooling going on except in home environments. But on the other hand, UNRWA is busier than ever on relief services. It’s more like 1950 when UNRWA was providing tents and the most basic water and food supplies.  You’ll recall that UNRWA stands for UN Relief and Works. And by “works” was meant education, healthcare, and housing. Today UNRWA is doing far more relief than  works . 

RS:  We’ve seen pictures of  thousands of tents to temporarily house the hundreds of thousands and even more than a million refugees. Have those been set up by UNRWA? 

Peter Ford: Yes, and temporary housing also happens in the UNRWA schools. These are now are occupied by many thousands of families. The schools are being converted into accommodation. And the healthcare centers, to the extent it’s physically possible. And the hospitals, they’ve also been converted into temporary housing. There are other UN agencies involved. It wouldn’t be fair not to mention the UNICEF, the Children’s Agency,  the food agency, all the international agencies are there.

RS:  What do you think will be UNRWA s role in the future? 

Peter Ford:  In the future? Well, in a single sentence, its role will be to run Gaza alongside Hamas. Now, that’s controversial, obviously. But I think that the day after will look very much like the day before. I don’t think the Israelis will succeed in crushing Hamas. 

Eventually the Israelis will be forced to withdraw as they have been forced to withdraw in the past. There will be vastly more reconstruction to do. But UNRWA has the experience and the workforce in place. Any outside agency would have to bring in thousands of workers.

And after the Israelis leave, of course, the authorities, which are bound to be the people with guns, the resistance, will be more than glad to go back to the old basis of effectively a condominium with the UN agencies. And this is as it should be.

RS: Some people think that October 7 and what’s happened since then has really changed things. Is that your perspective also? 

Peter Ford:  Wishful thinking is not a good basis for policy. And I’m afraid the Israelis,  indulged by their Western backers, go in for a lot for wishful thinking. Though in the last couple of months, one hears less about the day after. It seems the Israelis are focused on just how the hell can they get out, how can they extricate themselves without massive humiliation? There’s very little chatter now about bringing in an Arab defense force to police the Gaza Strip or any nonsense like that. So I believe there will be no alternative. The day after will look like the day before. 

RS: What do you think of the latest (May 31) Biden plan? 

Peter Ford: Better late than never. As much by what it omits as by what it says. The plan recognizes that Israel must withdraw with Hamas undefeated and set to resume control of Gaza. All fantasizing about ‘eliminating’ Hamas, about setting up a quisling regime, about an Arab peacekeeping force, about two states – all dropped. It is an unspeakable, unbearable tragedy that it took this amount of killing, maiming and mindless destruction with American bombs to come to this obvious realization. 


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Rick Sterling is an independent journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area. He can be contacted at [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Peter Ford is a former British Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain, he also served as a UN expert on refugees.

Featured image: Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) holds press conference in Jerusalem on October 27, 2023 [Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency]

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“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going to schools and kissing our wives. I feel like I have been watched for so long.”—Mosab Abu Toha, Palestinian poet

If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel—a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.—uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda.

Military checkpoints. Wall-to-wall mass surveillance. Predictive policing. Aerial surveillance that tracks your movements wherever you go and whatever you do. AI-powered facial recognition and biometric programs carried out with the knowledge or consent of those targeted by it. Cyber-intelligence. Detention centers. Brutal interrogation tactics. Weaponized drones. Combat robots.

We’ve already seen many of these military tactics and technologies deployed on American soil and used against the populace, especially along the border regions, a testament to the heavy influence Israel’s military-industrial complex has had on U.S. policing.

Indeed, Israel has become one of the largest developers and exporters of military weapons and technologies of oppression worldwide.

Journalist Antony Loewenstein has warned that Pegasus, one of Israel’s most invasive pieces of spyware, which allows any government or military intelligence or police department to spy on someone’s phone and get all the information from that phone, has become a favorite tool of oppressive regimes around the world. The FBI and NYPD have also been recipients of the surveillance technology which promises to turn any “target’s smartphone into an intelligence gold mine.”

Yet it’s not just military weapons that Israel is exporting. They’re also helping to transform local police agencies into extensions of the military.

According to The Intercept, thousands of American law enforcement officers frequently travel for training to Israel, “one of the few countries where policing and militarism are even more deeply intertwined than they are here,” as part of an ongoing exchange program that largely flies under the radar of public scrutiny.

A 2018 investigative report concluded that imported military techniques by way of these exchange programs that allow police to study in Israel have changed American policing for the worse. “Upon their return, U.S. law enforcement delegates implement practices learned from Israel’s use of invasive surveillance, blatant racial profiling, and repressive force against dissent,” the report states. “Rather than promoting security for all, these programs facilitate an exchange of methods in state violence and control that endanger us all.”

“At the very least,” notes journalist Matthew Petti, “visits to Israel have helped American police justify more snooping on citizens and stricter secrecy. Critics also assert that Israeli training encourages excessive force.”

Petti documents how the NYPD set up a permanent liaison office in Israel in the wake of 9/11, eventually implementing “one of the first post-9/11 counterterrorism programs that explicitly followed the Israeli model. In 2002, the NYPD tasked a secret ‘Demographics Unit’ with spying on Muslim-American communities. Dedicated ‘mosque crawlers’ infiltrated local Muslim congregations and attempted to bait worshippers with talk of violent revolution.”

That was merely the start of American police forces being trained in martial law by foreign nations under the guise of national security theater. It has all been downhill from there.

As Alex Vitale, a sociology professor who has studied the rise of global policing, explains, “The focus of this training is on riot suppression, counterinsurgency, and counterterrorism—all of which are essentially irrelevant or should be irrelevant to the vast majority of police departments. They shouldn’t be suppressing protest, they shouldn’t be engaging in counterinsurgency, and almost none of them face any real threat from terrorism.”

This ongoing transformation of the American homeland into a techno-battlefield tracks unnervingly with the dystopian cinematic visions of Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report and Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium, both of which are set 30 years from now, in the year 2054.

In Minority Report, police agencies harvest intelligence from widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and neighborhood and family snitch programs in order to capture would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

While Blomkamp’s Elysium acts as a vehicle to raise concerns about immigration, access to healthcare, worker’s rights, and socioeconomic stratification, what was most striking was its eerie depiction of how the government will employ technologies such as drones, tasers and biometric scanners to track, target and control the populace, especially dissidents.

With Israel in the driver’s seat and Minority Report and Elysium on the horizon, it’s not so far-fetched to imagine how the American police state will use these emerging technologies to lock down the populace, root out dissidents, and ostensibly establish an “open-air prison” with disconcerting similarities to Israel’s technological occupation of present-day Palestine.

For those who insist that such things are celluloid fantasies with no connection to the present, we offer the following as a warning of the totalitarian future at our doorsteps.

Israeli checkpoint outside the Palestinian city of Ramallah. August 2004 (From the Public Domain)

Facial Recognition

Fiction: One of the most jarring scenes in Elysium occurs towards the beginning of the film, when the protagonist Max Da Costa waits to board a bus on his way to work. While standing in line, Max is approached by two large robotic police officers, who quickly scan Max’s biometrics, cross-check his data against government files, and identify him as a former convict in need of close inspection. They demand to search his bag, a request which Max resists, insisting that there is nothing for them to see. The robotic cops respond by manhandling Max, throwing him to the ground, and breaking his arm with a police baton. After determining that Max poses no threat, they leave him on the ground and continue their patrol. Likewise, in Minority Report, police use holographic data screens, city-wide surveillance cameras, dimensional maps and database feeds to monitor the movements of its citizens and preemptively target suspects for interrogation and containment.

Fact: We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed, corralled and controlled by technologies that answer to government and corporate rulers. This is exactly how Palestinian poet and New Yorker contributor Mosab Abu Toha found himself, within minutes of passing through an Israeli military checkpoint in Gaza with his wife and children in tow, asked to step out line, only to be blindfolded, handcuffed, interrogated, then imprisoned in an Israeli detention center for two days, beaten and further interrogated. Toha was finally released in what Israeli soldiers chalked up to a “mistake,” yet there was no mistaking the AI-powered facial recognition technology that was used to pull him out of line, identify him, and label him (erroneously) as a person of interest.


Fiction: In another Elysium scene, Max is hunted by four drones while attempting to elude the authorities. The drones, equipped with x-ray cameras, biometric readers, scanners and weapons, are able to scan whole neighborhoods, identify individuals from a distance—even through buildings, report their findings back to police handlers, pursue a suspect, and target them with tasers and an array of lethal weapons.

Fact: Drones, some deceptively small and yet powerful enough to capture the facial expressions of people hundreds of feet below them, have ushered in a new age of surveillance. Not even those indoors, in the privacy of their homes, will be safe from these aerial spies, which can be equipped with technology capable of peering through walls. In addition to their surveillance capabilities, drones can also be equipped with automatic weapons, grenade launchers, tear gas, and tasers.

Biometric Scanners and National IDs

Fiction: Throughout Elysium, citizens are identified, sorted and dealt with by way of various scanning devices that read their biometrics—irises, DNA, etc.—as well as their national ID numbers, imprinted by a laser into their skin. In this way, citizens are tracked, counted, and classified. Likewise, in Minority Report, tiny sensory-guided spider robots converge on a suspected would-be criminal, scan his biometric data and feed it into a central government database. The end result is that there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide to escape the government’s all-seeing eyes.

Fact: Given the vast troves of data that various world governments, including Israel and the U.S., is collecting on its citizens and non-citizens alike, we are not far from a future where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. In fact, between the facial recognition technology being handed out to law enforcement, license plate readers being installed on police cruisers, local police creating DNA databases by extracting DNA from non-criminals, including the victims of crimes, and police collecting more and more biometric data such as iris scans, we are approaching the end of anonymity. It won’t be long before police officers will be able to pull up a full biography on any given person instantaneously, including their family and medical history, bank accounts, and personal peccadilloes. It’s already moving in that direction in more authoritarian regimes.

Predictive Policing

Fiction: In Minority Report, John Anderton, Chief of the Department of Pre-Crime, finds himself identified as the next would-be criminal and targeted for preemptive measures by the very technology that he relies on for his predictive policing. Consequently, Anderton finds himself not only attempting to prove his innocence but forced to take drastic measures in order to avoid capture in a surveillance state that uses biometric data and sophisticated computer networks to track its citizens.

Fact: Precrime, which aims to prevent crimes before they happen, has justified the use of widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and snitch programs. As political science professor Anwar Mhajne documents, Israel has used all of these tools in its military engagements with Palestine: deploying AI surveillance and predictive policing systems in Palestinian territories; utilizing facial recognition technology to monitor and regulate the movement of Palestinians; subjecting Palestinians to facial recognition scans at checkpoints, with a color-coded mechanism to dictate who should be allowed to proceed, subjected to further questioning, or detained.

Making the Leap from Fiction to Reality

When Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931, he was convinced that there was “still plenty of time” before his dystopian vision became a nightmare reality. It wasn’t long, however, before he realized that his prophecies were coming true far sooner than he had imagined.

Israel’s military influence on the United States, its advances in technological weaponry, and its rigid demand for compliance are pushing us towards a world in chains.

Through its oppressive use of surveillance technology, Israel has erected the world’s first open-air prison, and in the process, has made itself a model for the United States.

What we cannot afford to overlook, however, is the extent to which the American Police State is taking its cues from Israel.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we may not be an occupied territory, but that does not make the electronic concentration camp being erected around us any less of a prison.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: West Bank checkpoint tower in 2007 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

“No One Is Above the Law.” Really Mr. Biden?

June 5th, 2024 by Ralph Nader

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After the jury came in with its verdict that Donald Trump was guilty of a scheme and coverup to illegally influence the 2016 election, the Biden campaign issued a statement saying that the judgment demonstrated that “no one is above the law,” not even a former President. The overwhelming truth is that the majority of criminal laws are not a deterrent to the serious violations of law committed by sitting presidents of the United States.

This includes the incumbent Joe Biden, especially with regard to foreign and military decisions.

At least five long-standing federal laws explicitly condition the shipment of weapons to foreign countries.  It is legally impermissible for the U.S. government to provide weapons to countries that violate human rights or use these weapons offensively. Day after day, Joe Biden has become a co-belligerent with Netanyahu’s genocidal war crimes and mass slaughter of innocent children, women and men. He has violated all five of these federal laws. (See my February 16, 2024 column: Biden & Blinken – Rule of Illegal Power Over Rule of Law).

As the military, diplomatic and political enabler of the Israeli government’s siege, with the unconditional shipment of weapons of mass destruction, along with civilian bombardment and starvation of defenseless Palestinians in Gaza, Biden is violating the UN Charter and other treaties that past Administrations have signed and that have been ratified by the U.S. Senate.  Biden and other presidents act like they are above these and other laws.

One president after another has spent monies not appropriated by Congress, has defied subpoenas issued by Congress, launched wars undeclared by Congress, sent deadly weapons to nations that obstruct the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid, and that do not protect civilian populations under foreign military rule. All violations of federal law.

Donald Trump in 2019 brazenly stated the lawlessness in one sentence: “ I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as President.” Trump got away with defying over 125 Congressional subpoenas, and with violating the criminal statute known as the Hatch Act by using the White House and other federal property to promote his re-election campaign. Then of course there was the January 6 insurrection, and the likely delay of his trial until after the election, if at all.

Joe Biden shuffles around unappropriated monies, continues to allow the violation of a 1992 federal law requiring the Pentagon to provide Congress with an audited military budget, and is constantly sending unlawful armed incursions into other weaker countries with impunity.

To make matters easier for presidents, there is the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel memo, from decades ago, that asserts there can be no criminal prosecution initiated against a sitting president.

As attorney Bruce Fein, who worked in the Office of Legal Counsel, has said repeatedly, this baseless opinion has no legal force and should be rescinded. (See, Letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, May 31, 2024).

The courts have shielded presidents from accountability for perpetuated crimes committed either by the White House or by the president’s administration.  For example, citizens have no “standing to sue,” to challenge in court a variety of Executive Branch abuses says the Supreme Court, not even members of Congress. As for presidential violations of the Constitution and federal laws by launching illegal wars or armed attacks abroad, the courts dismiss such cases, saying they raise “political questions” outside the jurisdiction of the courts.

Being allowed to get away with crimes is what constitutional law specialist Bruce Fein calls “a way of life at the White House.” Obstruction of justice or deliberate non-enforcement of seriously violated laws marks every presidency. Trump just boasted about what he inherited and intensified it.

Again, presidents operate in a system of considerable sovereign immunity, and law that either can’t or has not breached this shielded impunity. They really are above the criminal laws. Only the very difficult political penalty of impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by two-thirds of the Senate can only evict them from office, after which they are free to enjoy life, and receive huge lecture fees and large book advances.


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Wikipedia: The Failed Experiment to Democratize Knowledge. “Character Assassinations,” Censorship, an Instrument of Global Corporatism

By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 04, 2024

‘Character Assassination’ is a practice in which a deliberate and sustained effort is made to damage the reputation or credibility of an individual, social groups or institutions. For those whose reputations and positive public contributions have been terrorized and debased by Wikipedia, there is no recourse to restore their character, legal or otherwise.

“We designed mRNA to kill” – CIA Whistleblower?

By Peter Koenig, June 05, 2024

The COVID plandemic was a tool to convert the surviving humanity into a surveillance state – into a One World Order (OWO), following a One World Government (OWG), with digital, programmable money – so-called “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC), with mandatory vaccination, to eliminate a large proportion of useless people (Schwab’s Israeli adviser Yuval Noah Harari), to free up resources for the elite.

Every Escalation Brings Washington Closer to Defeat in Ukraine. “Not Winning” Versus “Losing” a War

By Mike Whitney, June 05, 2024

There is a vast difference between “not winning” and “losing” a war. In the case of Ukraine, “not winning” means that President Zelensky and his handlers in Washington choose to pursue a negotiated settlement that would allow Russia to keep the territory it captured during the war while addressing Moscow’s modest security demands.

“The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom”

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 04, 2024

In his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” Dr. Michael Nehls explains how chronic stress and fearmongering have led to inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased mental resilience, which facilitates indoctrination.

The Normalization of Nuclear Weapons. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 04, 2024

There is now in the US a vast industry funded with $1.3 trillion developing “usable” nuclear weapons. All sorts of private contractors, scientific laboratories, the Pentagon are involved. In other words, the vast sum is widely spread resulting in a massive influential institutionalized interest that prevents nuclear disarmament.

Rebuilding Ukrainian Armed Forces: Commanders Complain “Fresh Recruits” Being Sent “to Simply Die”

By Ahmed Adel, June 04, 2024

A US report points to significant problems in rebuilding the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially as front line commanders will lead poorly trained recruits, who will be called up under the new conscription law, “to just die.” The same report also indicates that Ukraine is now recruiting prisoners as manpower shortage is evidently having a crippling effect on the front lines.

Russia’s Victory Over Ukraine Is Drawing Near. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, June 05, 2024

From a military perspective, Russia’s strategic goal has always been the ”demilitarization” of Ukraine. Initially, this could have been achieved by defeating the Ukrainian military on the field of battle. Indeed, Moscow was well on the path toward achieving this goal.

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In this carefully researched article, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null underscore the inadequacies of Wikipedia as a reliable source of information and knowledge. The free encyclopedia is created, edited and verified by an army of online volunteers whose credibility and integrity are unknowable, even questionable. 

The supposed separate entries for the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Global Research ( and its editor-in-chief, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, have been merged into a single Wikipedia item, which consists of unwarranted smears, unfounded claims and disputable accusations. 

Such efforts by the largest reference website, consulted by billions of people worldwide, are supportive of the Establishment’s global agenda, which aims to discredit dissenting yet highly-knowledgeable and qualified scholars and activists (“character assassination”) and push their contributions and endeavors to the margins. This, in effect, denies their vision to share knowledge that “fully represents human diversity.” See Michel Chossudovsky’s biographical note here.

—Global Research, June 5, 2024

What Is the Solution to “the Wikipedia Problem”?

Wikipedia is the largest and most read reference source in the world. Billions rely on it every day for unbiased facts and truthful information. Unfortunately, what they often get are slander and lies. This poses an existential threat to society, because lies and slander corrode the fabric of society and harm all of its citizens, no less than they harm the ones who are lied about and slandered.

If Wikipedia were a marginal website with little influence, it could be regarded as harmless, just as you might regard it as harmless to be bumped by a toddler on a tricycle traveling at a snail’s pace – but not if you were run down by a pizza delivery boy on an electric bicycle travelling at 30 mph. Because Wikipedia dwarfs every other reference source on the face of the earth not only in size but in influence, what is at stake is the very pollution of knowledge itself. What shall we do about it?

Should Wikipedia be censored to prevent it from publishing lies and slander? Absolutely not. There must be no pre-publication censorship in America, not even for lies and slander. On the other hand, neither should their be immunity from the consequences of deliberately publishing lies and slander, especially if it harms innocent people.

That is why we have libel laws.

If Encyclopedia Britannica or the New York Times or NBC or Netflix or any other media platform not only published lies about someone, but also refused to correct those lies when given the correct information, they would be faced with a libel suit – which they would almost certainly lose and be forced to pay millions of dollars in fines.

So how can Wikipedia get way with committing such brazen abuses of truth? How can Wikipedia deliberately lie about distinguished scientists, physicians and scholars – often ruining their careers – without facing multi-million-dollar libel suits?

Because, curiously, Wikipedia is immune from libel suits. Under Section 230 of the Federal Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996, Wikipedia is classed as a “service provider,” not a “publisher.” Which means it is protected from liability for articles contributed by its “third-party” authors, whom the law naively presumes to be independent of control by Wikipedia ownership.

But that is a legal fiction.

Articles submitted to Wikipedia are edited and often totally rewritten by Wikipedia’s “editors” to reflect the biases and agendas of Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, as well as the biases and agendas of the powerful corporations and government agencies with whom he colludes. Editors who fail to toe the Wikipedia line have their insubordinate toes chopped off, and are quickly gone. They know that they write and edit at Jimmy Wales’s pleasure. So Wikipedia should no more be allowed to disclaim responsibility for the words that appear on its website than the New York Times should be allowed to disclaim legal responsibility for the words that appear in its news columns.

At present, judges continue to entertain the fiction that Wikipedia is a “service provider.” This protects it from libel suits. But as more articles like this one appear, the courts may reconsider Wikipedia’s status and reclassify it, more correctly, from “service provider” to “publisher”; much the same way that courts, after 1970, reclassified husbands who forced their wives to have sexual intercourse — from “spouses” to “rapists.”

Although every state used to have a “marital exemption rule,” under which husbands were permitted to rape their wives under protection of law, marital rape, as of 1993, became illegal in all 50 states. Marital rapists now go to jail. Let us hope the courts undergo a similar change with regard to reclassifying Wikipedia, which has been raping the truth under protection of law ever since its founding in 2001.


Efforts to gather and preserve the world’s knowledge into a single self-contained resource has been a human endeavor for over 2,000 years. The oldest surviving encyclopedia was compiled by the Roman statesman Pliny the Elder during the first century and covered topics about natural history, architecture, medicine and geography. By definition, and not dissimilar to modern conventional dictionaries, an authoritative encyclopedia is “researched and written by well-educated, well-informed content experts.”

Encyclopedia entries are “not written in order to convince, although one of its goals is indeed to convince its readers of its own veracity.” 

The factuality of a topic, in other words, is to be framed and understood within the culture, discipline, or science on its own grounds.  It is for this reason that people resort to encyclopedias for quick and concise referencing because of their reputation for objectivity and thoroughness.  However, the words quoted above are not found in a dictionary’s definition or in the Encyclopedia Britannica, which should be properly regarded as the world’s most reliable encyclopedia. Rather these quotes appear on Wikipedia’s entry under “Encyclopedia”. Yet despite its definition, the virtual Wikipedia open-source encyclopedia consistently fails to meet its own standard and very often violates it outright.

Wikipedia has achieved the top position for being the most viewed and referenced encyclopedia in the world. As of May 2024, the English Wikipedia contains over 6.8 million distinct entries and is increasing at a rate of 534 new entries daily due to its army of over 800,000 registered voluntary editors. While countless people around the world benefit from the breadth and scope of knowledge the encyclopedia provides, for almost two decades it has equally been the target of growing criticism for its biases and lack of objectivity on many subjects that have a direct impact on people’s health and well-being.

There are over 200,000 health and medical-related topics. Although the majority of medical entries do not draw controversy and provide relatively accurate and clear encyclopedic definitions for the biology and the etiology of diseases and medical conditions, there is a significant quantity of approximately 700 pages that directly concern Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies and natural health modalities, including Chiropractic, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), naturopathy, homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, energy medicine, etc. This grouping of articles is separated off from the medical arts and sciences and intentionally marginalized under the heading of “pseudoscience” and quackery – highly prejudiced and derogatory terms that do not belong in a legitimate encyclopedia. These unconventional medical entries have also been hijacked by a movement promoting a radicalized ideology of scientific rationalism known as Skepticism. Wikipedia’s own definition of “Alternative Medicine” reveals in no uncertain terms its depreciatory impression about this worldwide and centuries-old collection of natural health practices:

“Alternative medicine is any practice that aims to achieve the healing effects of medicine despite lacking biological plausibility, testability, repeatability or evidence of effectiveness. Unlike modern medicine, which employs the scientific method to test plausible therapies by way of responsible and ethical clinical trials, producing repeatable evidence of either effect or of no effect, alternative therapies reside outside of mainstream medicine and do not originate from using the scientific method, but instead rely on testimonials, anecdotes, religion, tradition, superstition, belief in supernatural “energies”, pseudoscience, errors in reasoning, propaganda, fraud, or other unscientific sources.”

Unlike other medical pages, there is an apparent lack of reputable medical professionals successfully editing these pages. The majority are anonymous amateurs who consistently rely on Skeptic websites and publications as primary reference sources. Despite the volumes of peer-reviewed studies and articles cataloged in the National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine and other research databases confirming the efficacy of these non-conventional therapies, Skeptic editors rely solely upon those studies that may be used for censure and defamation. Since Skeptics now control and monitor these health subjects there is no opportunity for transparency and honest debate to correct gross errors are more often than not systematically shut down.

When looking for information about alternative health issues using legitimate, highly respected encyclopedias such as the Encyclopedia Britannica we find fair, balanced, and scholarly reviews based on reliable objective sources and professional expertise. Britannica and other comparable encyclopedias name the editors and their professional credentials in any given subject. There is no debasement. There are no attacks. At no point in these highly revered encyclopedias is there character assassination, ridicule, mocking, or disparagement of people supporting an alternative and complementary medical approach at variance with medical orthodoxy. The process for crafting a subject entry is transparent, and instructive. Therefore, due to the lack of subjective biases and prejudices, users benefit from the information provided by being given the liberty to make up their own mind about an entry’s veracity.

Now let’s compare that to an experience on Wikipedia which calls itself an encyclopedia, but fails even the most rudimentary challenges. Most of the editors are anonymous with no reliable curriculum vitae to see if they have expertise in the area they are editing. Their use of words such as “charlatan,” “quack,” “lunatic,” “fringe,” and “pseudoscientific” are not uncommon. There is zero transparency. One feels an oozing sense of condescension viewing the biographies of highly respected and professional people who criticize conventional medical newspeak. They are held in utter contempt, and their expertise is pre-judged as having no legitimate value. Worse, they are condemned as quacks, charlatans, opportunists in Wikipedia’s virtual reality of Stalinistic show trials—condemned without an opportunity to respond to the allegations. 

Everyone should be greatly concerned that Wikipedia’s articles about alternative medical modalities to prevent and treat disease have been expropriated by an army of compromised editors whose sole mission is to undermine the therapeutic credibility and scientific evidence of these therapies. Practically all of these non-orthodox medical entries are dominated by people who are intent on preserving the pro-pharmaceutical status quo. Anyone can spend a little time searching through Wikipedia articles about homeopathy, chiropractic, popular herbal supplements and vitamins, etc and quickly discover that favorable peer-reviewed research are unwelcome. If anyone doubts this and feels game, register as an editor and try to make a constructive truthful edit about the medical efficacy of any of these alternative treatments, supported by an irrefutable medical reference,  and it will be quickly removed within hours. Continue to make the same edit and you will eventually be banned.  

Let’s take an example. The National Health Federation (NHF) founded in 1955 is an international consumer, health freedom organization dedicated to protecting citizens’ rights to consume healthy foods over-the-counter access to dietary supplements and access to alternative medical therapies. In the past NHF has had a formative role in getting chiropractors legally licensed in the United States, the recognition of acupuncture as a viable treatment and the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act that enables Americans access to dietary supplements under the assurance of government quality controls and good manufacturing practices.  Moreover, the Federation is recognized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with UN observer status and has a seat on the FAO-WHO’s Codex Alimentarius Commission, which establishes international food standards and guidelines including the use of pesticides, food additives, preservative, contamination levels, etc. In fact, with membership now representing 22 nations, the NHF is the sole consumer advocacy organization on the Commission uncontaminated by any individual government and the private interests of large food manufacturers, agro-chemical companies such as Monsanto, the pharmaceutical giants and their lobbyists. In other words, NHF is a highly esteemed consumer protection organization with a 70-year history of protecting individual health freedoms.

In 2007, NHF board members conducted a small experiment to test Wikipedia’s neutrality. NHF had no entry in Wikipedia; therefore, an entry was created that was kept very neutral without noting any unreasonable or questionable claims. After a period of time, the entry was radically modified to portray the federation in a negative light. Positive references were replaced by anti-natural health references. All attempts by the organization to restore the page’s original entry were rejected. An outside attorney’s effort to correct NHF’s page were met with threatening cease and desist notices. 

NHF’s current Wikipedia entry describes the Federation as “an alliance of promoters and followers who engage in lobbying campaigns… uses the words ‘alternative’ and ‘freedom’ for its own purposes” and is “antagonistic to accepted scientific methods as well as to current consumer protection law.” However, these Wikipedia quotes are sourced back to a militant anti-alternative medicine organization, Quackwatch, which has a long history of harassing natural health practitioners and practically every modality of alternative medicine in order to further advance its drug-based and corporate food agenda. Consequently, the Federation had no other means to correct the false information and therefore resigned itself to the fate of lingering in Wikipedia prison for perpetuity.

There are numerous other examples of board certified physicians advocating for alternative medical therapies and professional health associations experiencing similar obstacles. So much so, it is now embedded into Wikipedia culture, which is now analogous to the firmly held beliefs in any dogmatic religious sect. It is no longer a question whether Wikipedia is redeemable; rather, on matters regarding medicine and health and controversial geopolitical and party-related domestic issues, the encyclopedia has transmuted into an Augean stable of misinformation and corporate and political nepotism. 

What type of person would attack medical doctors and individuals whose contributions to society have positively impacted the lives of so many people by non-orthodox means? Perhaps, psychologically under-developed ideological trolls. 

In an article published in Psychology Today entitled “Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists,” Jennifer Golbeck Ph.D. writes, “Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response.” Similarly, in a study conducted by researchers at the School of Health Science and Psychology at Federation University in Mount Helen, trolls scored higher than average on two traits: psychopathy and cognitive empathy. The researchers suggested that even though trolls “exhibit one kind of empathy, coupling it with psychopathy ultimately makes them nasty.” They also found that trolls were likely to be high in sadism and were more likely to be male. 

Whether the pro-pharmaceutical editors are trolls, cyberbullies, or even professional medical ideologies such as the legion of doctors and professors in Skeptic organizations such as the Center for Inquiry, Evidence Based Medicine, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, the James Randi Educational Foundation and Quackwatch, there is no denying that the majority of anonymous editors on Wikipedia’s pages about alternative and complementary medicine, and natural health advocates are engaging in the character assassination. These organizations are adamant that research spent on investigating the efficacy of alternative medicine is a dangerous foe to their narrow definition of science. 

‘Character Assassination’ is a practice in which a deliberate and sustained effort is made to damage the reputation or credibility of an individual, social groups or institutions.

Martin Icks from the University of Amsterdam and Eric Shiraev at George Mason University introduced a classification of seven character assassination methods, which they defined as “anonymous lies’, ‘misquoting’, ‘silencing’, ‘acts of vandalism’, ‘name-calling’, ‘mental illness’ and ‘sexual deviance’. The authors identified Wikipedia as a common context for ‘anonymous lies’. Our investigations have shown that misquoting, silencing, name calling and online abuse or harassment are quite prevalent. 

For those whose reputations and positive public contributions have been terrorized and debased by Wikipedia, there is no recourse to restore their character, legal or otherwise. Over the years, voluminous complaints have been communicated and/or filed to the Foundation, including lawsuits, about the gross violations in Wikipedia’s editorial policies, misinformation and inflammatory and potentially libelous language. Sadly, such requests in the majority of cases go unheeded. 

As a last resort, what can be done is to refuse the Wikipedia Foundation’s fund drives and any solicitations to grant giving and donations. Our own past experience in filing lawsuits against the Foundation has been met with abuse both from Wikipedia’s legal network and privileged volunteer editors who are privately supported by the Foundation. The Foundation categorically has refused to assume responsibility or be held accountable for the abuse perpetrated by senior and administrative volunteer editors and groups promoting antagonistic ideologies against medical therapies and its leading proponents they happen to disagree with. The consequence has been that the scientific reputations and efficacy of these therapies, and the careers of those practicing them, are seriously undermined and damaged. Based upon the evidence it is our contention that the Foundation knowingly enables this activity to persist and is in fact ideologically aligned with an anti-natural health agenda that threatens the pharmaceutical industry. 

Frustrated Wikipedia editors, past and present, have acknowledged that Wikipedia’s culture of harassment and abuse on its Talk Pages is uncontrollable. In 2020, the Foundation drafted its Universal Code of Conduct to address this systemic problem of toxic behavior and announced it would begin to ban editors who are charged with abusive behavior towards other editors. However, over four years have passed and the Code has yet to be ratified by the Wikimedia Board and its enforcement is still pending. Unfortunately this new ruling, as admirable as it may be, ignores the volumes of misinformation and libelous language already found on the encyclopedia’s pages. Nor would the Code restore Wikipedia’s original standards of neutrality, nor will it address the dire state of negligence to codify verifiable guidelines to determine what is and is not accurate content. 

Skepticism’s assault against CAM therapies has become a counter-insurgent effort to delegitimize contemporary trends in medicine. In 2019, the World Health Organization reported, “traditional and complementary medicine is an important and often underestimated health resource with many applications, especially for the prevention and management of lifestyle-related chronic diseases and in meeting the health needs of ageing populations.” The number of American medical schools offering courses in complementary and alternative medicine has been increasing rapidly. The most prestigious American medical schools now have departments for CAM or include these subjects in their curriculum including acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal remedies according to a recent US News article. A joint 2024 NIH-Johns Hopkins paper reported that alternative health approaches increased to 38 percent in 2022, and 49 percent of Americans use complementary therapies for pain management.  Another government survey estimates that 62 percent of US adults use some form of alternative medicine annually. On the other hand, Wikipedia feels threatened by this trend as its editorial animosity continues to become more hostile.


Logos of 16 Wikimedia sister projects (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

It is crucial to consider the Wikimedia Foundation in the larger context of international corporate globalism and its imperialist agenda. As a nonprofit organization, the Foundation doesn’t act independently from many of the largest federal and international globalist entities, including private mega-corporations.  Its largest declared donors include Google, Microsoft, Intel, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg, Boeing, Goldman Sachs, Chevron, Merck, Oracle, and Bank of America. Despite giving a wink and nod to the Constitutional rights of free speech, it has equally acted in favor of censorship. Last year, the Foundation filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court supporting the reversal of Texas and Florida bills that “prohibit web operators from banning users or removing speech and content based on the viewpoints and opinions of the users in question.” From its press release, the Foundation argues that such bills would “diminish the quality and usability of Wikipedia for billions of readers and users worldwide.” Of course, full open access to free speech on the encyclopedia would undermine any of the Foundation’s hidden agendas to advance certain ideologies or scientific narratives over and above others. 

The Foundation is also fully immersed in the missions and objectives of the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health. Wikipedia’s entry for the WHO is entirely free of any criticisms despite the numerous charges of incompetence and corruption that the organization has faced, such as the debacle in its handling of the 2008 swine flu scare. In October 2020, the Foundation entered a collaboration with the WHO to advance the latter’s narrative in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Wikimedia Foundation’s CEO and World Economic Forum young global leader, Katherine Maher, assured the encyclopedia’s commitment to “myth busting” medical information that challenged the WHO and individual government health policies that followed WHO guidelines. In response to the collaboration, the WHO’s Director-General Tedros, himself having faced many controversial accusations in the past, stated that the relationship will assure people have access “to reliable health information from WHO across multiple countries, languages and devices.” Likewise, Wikipedia’s fifteen-year relationship with the National Institutes of Health has protected the federal agency’s Wikipedia page free from warranted controversy. The same is true for many other international organizations, such the WEF, that promote a centralized globalist agenda controlled and orchestrated by an elitist class. 

Perhaps most frustrating is that despite the factual evidence that medical science supporting alternative medicine is not on Wikipedia’s side, it stubborning refuses to acknowledge it. This leaves us to only one assumption; that is, this is intentional and the Wikimedia Foundation has another agenda that transgresses its own ethical claims. Among the 37 million citations in the NIH’s PubMed database, 100s of 1000s of journal studies provide some degree of credibility to alternative medical and natural non-drug therapies. Billions of patient visits worldwide show that alternative and complementary medicine works on the patient level.  A government study estimates that 53 percent, over half of America’s 338,600 office-based American physicians recommend at least one complementary health approach to their patients. The most recommended therapies are massage (30%), chiropractic (27%), nutrient and herbal supplements (26%) and acupuncture (22%).

Fifty-three percent of American psychiatrists now recommend mind-body therapies such as meditation, yoga, and guided imagery. Yet, by extension, according Wikipedia’s Skeptic ideology, all of these doctors are regarded as quacks and charlatans.  This is not simply a mistake, it is horribly wrong by every moral standard. 

Americans have been in a steady declining state of health, life expectancy and psychological well-being for many years. The dire state of the nation’s health echoes the incessant rise in more and more drug prescriptions and surgical interventions. It is no longer questionable that these trends are deeply interconnected. Physicians only recommend natural medical interventions because their personal clinical experience has shown they are effective. So, what has Wikipedia actually contributed to the health crisis that may turn the tide?  Fundamentally nothing because it only pedals more of the same remedies causing the problems and disparagingly marginalizes remedies that may provide relief and increase patients well-being.  

It is past time the public says no more Wikipedia. No more anonymous trolls with psychological dysfunctions who intimidate accomplished medical professionals and alternative medical professions. And finally, no more handouts to the Wikimedia Foundation when it goes on its begging rounds to further feed its revenue stream, which was $180 million in 2023. 


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

The Telegraph has recently dropped a bombshell that links COVID-19 vaccines to excess deaths.

But the news is not new to Global Research.

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This is just among the many crucial subjects that we have been reporting tirelessly to amply educate the masses of the historic crossroads we are at. 

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Could Poland intervene in Ukraine? Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to consider the possibility. At May 28 press conference during his visit to Uzbekistan, he said:

“the Polish authorities say they are ready to send their contingents. We can hear Polish language, so there are many mercenaries from Poland.” He added: “if some contingents from European countries enter Ukraine together with the Poles, others will later leave whereas the Poles will never do. This is obvious, at least for me. I might be wrong but I doubt that.”

The Russian President described this scenario as an “escalation” and “yet another step towards a large conflict in Europe and globally.”

Putin’s impressions are somewhat echoed by the Polish authorities in Warsaw. In an interview published last week in the Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski claimed his country should not exclude the possibility of sending troops to neighboring Ukraine:

“We should not exclude any option. Let Putin be guessing as to what we will do.”

A spokesperson for Poland’s Defense Ministry, Janusz Sejmej, however, told Polish journalists that he had “no knowledge of that.”

Sikorski’s remark is in fact quite vague, just like French President Emmanuel Macron’s similar statements made earlier this year. Macron, while defending “strategic ambiguity”, has suggested “European troops” (“but not NATO”) “could” be deployed to Ukraine. It is the same kind of Schrödinger’s cat’s reasoning employed by analysts and US officials such as Jahara Matisek (Military Professor at the U.S. Naval War College), Alex Crowther (Retired US Colonel), and Philips P. O’Brien (Head of the School of International Relations at the University of St. Andrews), who have argued that “European forces would be acting outside the NATO framework and NATO territory”, and thus “any casualties would not trigger an Article 5 response and draw in the United States”. After all, they reason, “Russia’s opponent would not be NATO but a coalition of European countries seeking to balance against naked Russian imperialism”. In other words, it would be a coalition of NATO members which, however, is not NATO at all.

The problem, as I wrote earlier, is that NATO combat troops (or is it just troops from NATO state members?) have already been arriving in Ukraine in large numbers.

This has been confirmed by NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who said that “several NATO allies have men and women in uniform at the embassies”, but claims they are merely “giving advice.” Stoltenberg also announced that NATO state members have air defense systems ready to be sent to the Eastern European country. He stressed that NATO members have the “right” to “help” Ukraine. This however does not make the Atlantic Alliance itself a party to the conflict as the reasoning – “strategic ambiguity” or not – is quite questionable.

Ukrainian-Polish quarrels aside, Warsaw has been a logistical hub for aid reaching its neighboring country since February 2022. Amid a trade dispute, former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki famously said his country no longer had arms to send to Kyiv (in September 2023). However, the new Polish government seems to have placed Ukraine back at the center of its foreign policy.

As I wrote before, the two neighboring countries, already in May 2022, clearly took steps towards a future Ukrainian-Polish confederation, as seen with plans announced back then by  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for bilateral agreements pertaining to joint border and customs control, among other things. On May 3, Andrzej Duda (who serves as Poland’s President to this day) went so far as to state that he had hopes that one day “there will be no border” between the two countries. It remains to be seen whether such projects shall gain traction again.

Historically, Ukrainian-Polish relations are complex: the Western portion of Ukraine was in fact ruled by Poland on different occasions, including during the age of the then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in a process that started after 1349. By 1569, most of “Ruthenia” (which largely corresponds to Western Ukraine) had become Polish territory. The pressures for so-called Polonization, which included forced conversions to Roman Catholicism, and the enserfment of the peasantry by Poland, alienated Cossacks and Christian Orthodox peasants.

In 1648, the Cossack leader Bohdan Khmelnytsky famously led a rebellion against the Polish King, founded the Cossack Hetmanate, and was hailed as a liberator. In 1654, with the  Pereyaslav treaty, this new Cossack state, considered a predecessor to Ukraine, pledged its loyalty to the Russian Tsar. This is not just ancient history – there is an ongoing historiographic debate with, as often happens, political repercussions: to this very day, Khmelnytsky is hailed by some as a Ukrainian national hero and a precursor of Ukrainian nationalism (because of his fight against Polish domination) – while others criticize him for his alliance with the Tsar.

More recently in History, Ukraine was once again ruled by Poland after the 1921 Riga peace treaty, and anti-Polish sentiments remain part of Ukrainian nationalism to this day. The way both nations politicize 20th century history has in fact often hampered their bilateral relations. During World War II, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), glorified as a “heroic” organization in post-Maidan Ukraine, cooperated with the Nazi German Waffen-SS and committed various war crimes against Poles (as well as Jews and others). Again, this is not just 20th century history, but has echoes today, as seen with Ukraine’s infamous far-right problem.

The so-called Eastern Flank is a strategic region for the Atlantic Alliance. NATO’s enlargement, both eastwards and northwards towards the Arctic, is certainly one of the key causes of today’s crisis since 2014. Poland has wished for a while to make a comeback to the stage of History and geopolitics, so to speak – even aspiring for regional leadership in Europe. It remains to be seen whether or not Polish aspirations materialize in the form of a tragic escalation that can only bring the world closer to global thermonuclear war.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

CJPME Condemns Canada’s Record-breaking 2023 Military Exports to Israel

June 5th, 2024 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is outraged to learn that Canada exported $30,641,495.83 in military goods and technology to Israel in 2023, according to Canada’s newly released annual report on military exports. This is the highest year on record and represents a 43% increase in the value of military exports over the previous year. This is also during a period in which Israel stands accused of genocide against Palestinians by international legal experts. CJPME notes that the $30.6M is a separate figure from the $28.5M in export permits approved by Canada following October 7, 2023, many of which may not have been utilized yet. CJPME reiterates its call for Canada to reverse this dangerous trend, and immediately impose a two-way arms embargo on Israel using the Special Economic Measures Act.

“Canada exported more weapons to Israel last year than in any other year on record. There is every reason to believe that many of these weapons were used in Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME. “It’s time for Canada to end its complicity in genocide and impose effective sanctions to halt military trade with Israel,” Bueckert added.


Canada’s annual report shows that Israel continues to be the top non-US destination in terms of the number of utilized export permits for military goods and technology, with 348 permits utilized in 2023. Similar to previous years, the top categories of military goods were categorized as explosives or related components ($10,458,545) or related to military spacecraft ($13,059,723) and military aircraft ($4,368,437), while other important categories relate to vessels of war, ground vehicles, firearms and accessories. While the report claims that all military goods approved after October 7 were “non-lethal,” this is not a recognized technical distinction in the export regime, and this misleading argument obfuscates the role of components in larger lethal weapons systems. Canada did not deny any permits for military goods to Israel in 2023. Canada maintained trade prior to Oct 7 despite Israel’s ongoing commission of war crimes through the settlement of the West Bank and discriminatory practices against Palestinians that amount to the crime of apartheid.

CJPME also notes that the government has finally made initial disclosures of minimal information related to military exports to Israel, as requested by Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and International Development Committee (FAAE), but only for those permits approved after October 7 2023. CJPME notes that these disclosures do not provide significant new information; nonetheless, they indicate that most exports were destined for “an Israeli company that is part of defence supply chains,” and describe most of the military exports vaguely as “circuit boards” related to aircraft, land vehicles, targeting systems, radar, and more. While seemingly benign, circuit boards can be used to facilitate serious violations of humanitarian and human rights laws, and their transfer to Israel still likely breaches Canada’s obligations as a signatory of the Arms Trade Treaty.

“The information disclosed so far is woefully incomplete, but it nonetheless underlines the risk that Canadian exports could very well be incorporated into weapons systems used by the Israeli military in Gaza. The Parliamentary committee must launch a full study into the Canada-Israel arms trade, so that we can find out exactly what weapons were sent to Israel, how they were used, and if Canada is violating international law,” added Bueckert.

CJPME continues to be concerned about significant loopholes in Canada’s export controls, including the potential for Canadian weapon components to be used in weapon systems and munitions delivered to Israel by the United States or other NATO allies. CJPME notes that the integrated nature of the NATO supply chain makes it impossible to verify compliance without a blanket two-way arms embargo and robust enforcement by Canadian agencies.

“On March 18, Parliament voted for an end to arms transfers to Israel. In exchange for amending the motion, the government promised the NDP that Global Affairs Canada would post a public notice to exporters to explain that no permits to Israel would be allowed. Months later, and Minister Joly still hasn’t posted the notice to exporters, and she continues to allow the transfer of military goods to Israel under existing permits. For all we know, Canadian arms could still be flowing to Israel amid a genocide. We cannot trust this government at face-value, nor can we put faith in Canada’s loophole-ridden export control system. This is why we need a two-way arms embargo,” concluded Bueckert.


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“In a world without laws, where might alone makes right, all of us will ultimately be the losers.” —Jonathan Cook

And this by Scott Ritter:

In a war of attrition, grinding the enemy down is just the first part. Stretching what remains until it breaks is how you finish the job.”

Scott is, of course, referring to the US / NATO (Ukraine) war against Russia; the latter being close to finishing the job.

The same war-time allegation or strategy, is taking place now in our “civil” (not to confuse with civilized) world, where we, the People, are gradually extending our knowledge of crimes committed during the past hundred-plus years by a powerful clan of elites, coming to culmination in the past four years – is like stretching the enemy, the all-powerful elite, to the breaking point. This crucial moment is near – it is only a question of time, but irreversible.

Light is overcoming darkness.


Many of us knew it all along, that the mRNA vaxxes are made to kill, are part of the depopulation agenda, compliments of the World Economic Forum (WEF), especially Klaus Schwab, who prides himself having authored the Great Reset, concluding in “You will own nothing but be happy”.

The UN Agenda 2030, which is supported by the UN Secretary General Mr. Antonio Guterres, a gutless character put in this position and prolonged in this position by the United Sates, sounds like the God-given salvation for humanity, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Until you look at them closer, and you will see the hidden message behind the SDGs. They are an announced death sentence for humanity.

As Cult rules dictate, their crimes need to be announced well in advance to materialize. So far so good. But no farther. That is it. The Light has started penetrating their darkness to their detriment.

Both these documents, the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030, are congruent – they were supposed to work in tandem. That is what “they” thought they had in store for us, but it will not happen.

These two “visionary” documents are actually linked by an illegal agreement of June 2019 between the WEF’s Schwab and the UN’s Guterres. Who would have thought, that the United Nations becomes an instrument of those who fund and support the WEF, i.e. BlackRock, et. al.

The FEAR on which the entire crime was built – the cornerstone for peoples’ submission – is crumbling or has already crumbled and is being smashed to bits and pieces like a house of cards – that looked in 2020 like a pyramid to the sky; today it is a shambles.

The unhumans – oligarchs and billionaires and wannabe controllers of the world’s wealth, working out of Darkness— have not made their calculus with the all-overcoming LIGHT.

The strength of our thoughts – of our positive thinking and willpower – may help stretch this Light across the globe, into every corner of life. This power is unsurmountable, once the fangs of fear have gone, and our minds are filled with thoughts of harmony and Peace.

Forbidden News has divulged the “news” of an unknown CIA whistleblower – no names given – who tells us how the CIA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the WEF, and the Rockefeller Foundation, have invented the mRNA killer-technology.

The COVID plandemic was a tool to convert the surviving humanity into a surveillance state – into a One World Order (OWO), following a One World Government (OWG), with digital, programmable money – so-called “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC), with mandatory vaccination, to eliminate a large proportion of useless people (Schwab’s Israeli adviser Yuval Noah Harari), to free up resources for the elite.

These deadly “vaxxes”, the Secret CIA agent says, were not developed in warp speed for a non-existent deadly virus, but were prepared at least ten years ahead of the plandemic to be used for depopulating the planet.

The “system” was well-thought out and prepared by long hand, with all the key players in cue to execute their role. It was to function like an octopus stretching its tentacles around the globe, and whenever one would be damaged, teared off by accident or by “mistake”, the remaining ones would continue their business of death and let the “broken” tentacle gradually grow back.

This is reminiscent of a frank Bill Gates statement in one of his by now famous stuttering interviews. This time, not stuttering, he said proudly something to the extent,

“Even if I’m gone, the system is so solid, it will continue on the same course that was prepared a long time ago”.

Of course, the system needs to fool the people, and fool them well – and for a long time – with the same-same messages, to fully indoctrinate the lies, an onslaught of plandemics, necessitating endless vaccination-mandates; transhumanism through chips-implants, full digitization of everything; all-destructive “climate change”, for which mankind’s excesses are responsible, like the needed destruction of agriculture as we know it, for food production, à la “eat bugs and insects or you may starve!” and ever newly appearing enemies – from which they, the kind elite, will save humanity by an OWO with an OWG.

The fooling is done by many means, including a fully bought, corrupt mainstream media, but primarily by a rather obscure UK-based company called Tavistock, whose front is a luxury real estate agency, but their real specialty is mind manipulation and social engineering – a science they developed to perfection since the early 1940s. Tavistock closely cooperates with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), an agency attached to the Pentagon.

Climate Change – alright. Man-made.

It is called geo-engineering. Chemtrails based on and working with thousands of patented chemical and heavy metal combinations, influencing the stratosphere, our weather and climate – plus the falling particles will poison our breathable atmosphere, water, soil, eventually plants and animals, our food and our bodies.

The second generation of geo-engineering uses DEW technologies. Directed Energy Weapons consist of high-powered electromagnetic waves, for example, those that destroyed Lahaina in Maui, Hawaii. DEW-type energy is also able to cause earthquakes, as they are capable of penetrating deep under the earth’s surface and break tectonic plates.

See this 16-min video clip for more details:

People of the world are waking up.

The wannabe-controlling elite may fall into panic, as awoken people may mean justice for the evil done to the very people over years – what many might call a Nuremberg 2.0.

We are not there yet.

But, yes, justice should be done.

Equally important though – we, Humanity, must move away from this rotten, materialistic, enslaving system. No justice can correct it.

We MUST begin afresh – with a new spirit and with connected positive thoughts of Light that span the world.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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As Russia’s military operation in Ukraine enters its 28th month, the conflict can be said to have gone through several distinct phases, all but one (the opening gambit) of which prioritized attritional warfare as the principal guiding military philosophy.

For Western military observers, schooled as we are on what we deem the ‘modern’ military philosophies of maneuver warfare, the Russian approach to fighting appears primitive, a throwback to the trench warfare of conflicts past, where human life was a commodity readily traded in exchange for a few hundred meters of shell-pocked landscape.

Upon closer scrutiny, and with the benefit of 27 months of accumulated data, the Russian approach to warfare emerges as a progressive application of military art that considers the totality of the spectrum of warfare – small-unit tactics, weapons capability, intelligence, communications, logistics, the defense economy and, perhaps most importantly of all, political reality.

It is critical to keep in mind that while Russia may have entered the conflict facing a single adversary (Ukraine), within months it became clear that Moscow was confronting the cumulative military capability of the collective West, where NATO’s financial, material, logistical, command and control, and intelligence support was married to Ukrainian manpower resources to create a military capacity designed by intent to wear Russia down physically and mentally, to strategically defeat Russia by promoting the conditions for its economic and political collapse.

That Russia recognized this strategic intent on the part of its declared and undeclared adversaries early on is a testament to the patience and vision of its leadership. Outside military observers criticized Moscow’s inability to deliver a knockout blow against Ukraine early on, attributing this failure to poor leadership and even poorer military capacity on the part of a Russian military machine suddenly deemed incompetent. However, the reality was far different – Moscow was making the strategic transition from a peacetime military posture. It initially intended a brief conflict by compelling the Ukrainian government to the negotiation table (only to be thwarted by Ukraine’s Western partners, who chose to sacrifice Ukraine in the hope of strategically defeating Russia instead of opting for a peaceful resolution), to a posture capable of wearing down both Ukraine’s ability to resist and the collective West’s ability to sustain Kiev economically and politically.

From a military perspective, Russia’s strategic goal has always been the ”demilitarization” of Ukraine. Initially, this could have been achieved by defeating the Ukrainian military on the field of battle. Indeed, Moscow was well on the path toward achieving this goal, even after it pulled its forces back from around Kiev and the other Ukrainian territories it had occupied in the initial phases of the conflict. When Russia moved over to Phase Two, the objective was to complete the liberation of the Donbass region. The battles fought in May and June 2022 nearly brought the Ukrainian military to the breaking point – slow, grinding operations where Russia exploited its firepower superiority to inflict massive casualties on army with finite ability to sustain itself. Only the decision by the collective West to provide massive infusions of military resources – equipment, training, logistics, command and control, and intelligence – saved the Ukrainians. With NATO’s assistance, Kiev was able to rebuild its depleted military and go over on the counterattack, pushing Russian forces back in the vicinity of Kharkov and Kherson.

This military success proved to be the undoing of Ukraine and its Western allies. The impressive territorial gains achieved in the Kharkov and Kherson offensives that took place between late August and the middle of November 2022, proved to be a narcotic. While Russia adjusted to the new realities of an expanded conflict, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of troops, building strong defenses, and putting its defense industry on a wartime footing, the Ukrainians and their NATO advisers assumed that they would simply be able to repeat the successes of summer-fall 2022 through a grand summer counteroffensive in 2023.

This hope proved to be in vain.

It was at this juncture that the principles of attritional warfare began to be applied by the Russians in a more comprehensive form. While Ukraine and its NATO allies assembled a massive offensive strike capability which married the last of Ukraine’s trained manpower reserves with billions of dollars of Western equipment and training, Russia continued to engage in so-called ”meatgrinder” operations in and around the city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut). These battles produced massive casualties on both sides. Russia, however, was able not only to absorb these losses, but to continue to accrue strategic reserves. Ukraine, on the other hand, squandered tens of thousands of troops and billions of dollars of hard-to-replace military materiel which had been earmarked for the summer 2023 counteroffensive. As such, when the Ukrainians finally kicked off their counteroffensive, in early June 2023, they did so with forces insufficient to the task. Over the course of the next several months, extending into fall, the Ukrainian army ground itself down in the face of Russian defenses, which were optimized to defeat the attackers.

By the time the counteroffensive ground to a halt, in December 2023, Ukraine was a spent force militarily. Its armed forces had used up their reserves of manpower. NATO had depleted its stocks of available military materiel. And the West had become politically exhausted at the prospect of a never-ending conflict which seemed destined to result in an endless cycle of throwing good money after bad, all the while failing to bring about the strategic goal of defeating Russia.

Moscow, on the other hand, emerged from the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive in a good position. From a military perspective, the Russians had won the war of attrition with Ukraine and the collective West – basic military math had Ukraine consuming manpower and material resources at a far greater rate than they could be replenished, making Kiev grow physically weaker every day the conflict dragged on, while the Russians were able to accumulate manpower and material resources at a rate far greater than Ukraine was able to destroy, meaning Russia grew stronger every day the conflict continued.

Economically, Ukraine and its Western backers were exhausted. The blowback from the aggressive anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the West had severely curtailed the industrial capacity of the European members of the NATO alliance to sustain the scope and scale of its military support to Ukraine, while domestic political realities in the US, amplified by the fact that it was engaged in a hotly contested presidential election cycle, paralyzed the American ability to sustain Ukraine financially. The military and economic exhaustion of Ukraine and the collective West severely impacted the ability of this coalition to politically sustain support for a war that had no discernable prospect of ending well.

While the conflict has not, by any stretch of the imagination, been without cost to Russia, the approach taken by the leadership, to create conditions on the battlefield designed to maximize enemy losses while minimizing their own, meant that Moscow entered 2024 in a much stronger position militarily, economically, and – perhaps most importantly – politically. War, it has been said, is an extension of politics by other means, and this is no exception to the age-old adage. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest electoral victory has provided the leadership in Moscow with a political mandate that strengthens Russia’s hand considerably, especially contrasted with the weakened posture of Ukraine.

It is within such a context that the Russian offensive north of Kharkov must be evaluated. From a military-political standpoint, the operation has a specific objective – to push Ukrainian forces back from the border with Russia so that Ukrainian artillery and rocket systems can no longer strike Russian territory. But there is a larger purpose for this offensive – to continue the process of grinding down the Ukrainian military, to complete the larger task of ”demilitarization” set by the Kremlin.

In this, Russia is succeeding. First and foremost, by attacking north of Kharkov, Moscow has compelled Kiev to commit not only the last of its mobile strategic reserves in response but, because these forces are inadequate in strength, to force Ukraine to strip away units on the eastern line of contact, in Kherson, Zaporozhye and Donbass, and to divert them to the Kharkov direction. The depletion of reserves is part and parcel of the overall Russian strategy of attrition. Moreover, as these forces displace to the Kharkov region, they are being interdicted by Russian air, missile, and drone strikes, further eroding their combat power. The result is that Ukraine is now defending a longer line of defense with even fewer forces than it started with.

One should not expect the Russian efforts to stop in the Kharkov direction. Reports indicate that Moscow is amassing significant forces opposite the Ukrainian city of Sumy. If Russia were to open a new direction of attack there, Ukraine would struggle to find forces sufficient to mount a viable defense. And at some point, one should expect additional reserves to make their appearance on other parts of the battlefield, maybe in Zaporozhye, or Donetsk, or Lugansk, where Ukrainian forces have been stretched to breaking point.

The goal of a war of attrition is to wear your enemy down to the point where continued resistance is impossible. This has been Moscow’s goal since April 2022. And it is the goal today. The Kharkov offensive is simply the current manifestation of the continuation of this strategy, and the clearest indication yet that the Russian endgame in Ukraine is drawing near.


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. 

Featured image: A reconnaissance group serviceman of Russian Armed Forces Eastern Military District is seen in a vehicle moving on Kharkiv direction during the special military operation in Ukraine. ©  Sputnik / RIA Novosti

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With mind boggling audacity – insolence would perhaps be a more suitable word – the nations which have systematically practiced the extermination of other nations and cultures, and which even gave their odious practice its universally recognised name –  genocide – are now in the forefront of accusing others, consisting mainly of their historical victims, of what they themselves have engaged in all along, and largely with impunity.

There is no better illustration than the recent Srebrenica genocide resolution charade in the UN General Assembly. We all suspect, of course, who inspired this benevolent initiative “to promote peace and reconciliation in the Balkans,” by increasing existing rage and hatred to the boiling point. Displaying the depths of their wicked cynicism, out of potentially 194 UN member states, they entrusted the dirty work of submitting their hypocritical resolution to Germany and Rwanda, the two with impeccable genocidal records.

What the actual and the ostensible sponsors of the UN resolution conveniently overlooked and left out of their resolution is a real and provable genocide in the very recent past and at a short distance, 200 kilometres as the crow flies, from Srebrenica. If highlighting a typical Balkan genocide, for the purpose of commemoration and universal condemnation, had been their sincere purpose they surely would not have chosen to focus on the highly dubious example of Srebrenica because it pales by comparison to a nearby genocide that is unquestionably real. The real genocide occurred in war-time Croatia and spilled over into the adjacent parts of Bosnia. It is symbolised by the death camp of Jasenovac, fittingly described by a distinguished Holocaust scholar as the “Auschwitz of the Balkans.”

Notorious facts of this nature, however, are not allowed to obstruct the smooth promotion of The Agenda, which we strongly suspect in the minds of the Western elite is based on a sharp distinction, nicely elaborated by Josep Borrell, between the Garden and the Jungle. Even more to the point, where genocide is concerned, the distinction is between worthy and “unworthy” victims, as the late Prof. Edward Herman had insistently maintained.

Gravestones at the Potočari genocide memorial near Srebrenica (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Srebrenica may be the most brazenly contrived but, as we shall demonstrate shortly, it is not unique in the category of “genocides” maliciously fabricated in the slander factories of the collective West. Their singular purpose is to project the West’s own guilt onto others and to brutally malign those who refuse to march to its tune. It matters not to the West’s propaganda mavens that a slaughter of epic proportions, which it refuses to acknowledge and in which it is fully complicit, with a genocidal dimension grudgingly recognised even by the UN’s own court, was taking place concurrently as in the General Assembly of the United Nations the collective West was employing the full range of its intimidation and blackmail tools to elevate its fraudulent Srebrenica narrative to a pedestal of uniqueness. Nor does it matter to them that the genocide in Jasenovac during World War II dwarfs by many orders of magnitude anything that might have happened in Srebrenica, even if credit were given to the most wildly exaggerated accounts.

Can Srebrenica ever be held as a starker example of genocide than Jasenovac? Does Srebrenica even qualify as genocide and can it ever legitimately replace Jasenovac as its Balkan paradigm?

In the mind of the globalist political establishment, that appears to be possible. In their propagandistically reconfigured version of reality, Srebrenica, with its “8,000 men and boys,” indeed overshadows the massive slaughter of several hundreds of thousands in Jasenovac. It makes no difference that the slaughter in Croatia seventy years ago fully satisfies the criteria laid down in the Genocide Convention. Nor does it matter that unlike Srebrenica it was committed with amply documented intent to indiscriminately exterminate all Serbs, Jews, and Roma within reach, and to obliterate the ethnic and religious communities to which those victims, obviously of lesser worth, belonged.

It is to be deeply resented, in what passed for debate in the General Assembly, that a variety of arguments opposing the corrupt resolution were advanced, some solid and others quite lame, but that no one had the courage to publicly denounce the threadbare factual and legal rationale upon which the entire Srebrenica fiction rests. That did happen eventually, but not at the plenary session of the UN General Assembly. On the eve of the session, but outside of the Assembly’s hallowed halls, Srebrenica was superbly deconstructed by independent experts of such calibre as George Szamueli, Kit Klarenberg in a focused conversation with Nebojša Malić, and Balkan Conflict Research Team’s Laurie Meyer with published author Andy Wilcoxson. Regrettably, the ineffectual Serbian Government, which should have been the most keenly interested in unmasking the hoax, confined itself to cheap and undignified flag-wrapping histrionics aimed at their domestic audience. The Republic of Srpska, the other interested party on whose territory the alleged “genocide“ is supposed to have taken place, did not even bother to send a representative to the General Assembly to argue its position, which it had an unqualified right to do according to UN’s Procedural Rules.

Speaking of phoney genocides maliciously concocted by the propagandists of the collective West, two more recent examples spring to mind. They further illustrate the opportunistic cynicism with which human suffering, even on such vast scale, whether real or fictitious, is regarded.

The first is the alleged “genocide” in Xinjiang, supposedly targeting the Uyghur ethnic community there. Many will recall that a relatively short time ago it was the topic that dominated public discourse. The indictment of China, based on a matrix of unsubstantiated but aggressively propounded allegations, resounded throughout the collective West. The utter dishonesty and manifestly bogus nature of these charges and the preposterous nature of the “tribunal” set up in London to rubber stamp the preordained political “verdict” we had dealt with extensively at the time, when the Xinjiang frenzy was at its fever pitch (also here and here).

If three years later anyone is wondering where the Uyghur matter stands and more precisely where the bodies are, the answer is that the issue has been unceremoniously shelved. Ultimately, even the UN Special Rapporteur commissioned to study the Xinjiang allegations thrashed them as groundless. (Too bad that no one thought of appointing her to investigate Srebrenica!) In sum, those who originally raised the bogus issue have now moved on to other provocations which they believe will yield greater dividends. Consequently, the bodiless Xinjiang “genocide” has fizzled out, the Uyghur genocide crisis actors have been put on sabbatical, and the entire scenario is currently being revised in Hollywood.

Soon after Crimea’s reintegration with Russia in 2014, a Crimean Tatar genocide frenzy was instigated in the expectation that this particular minority group might prove suitable as a battering ram to disrupt the reintegration process and discredit Russia.

As was done with Xinjiang Uyghurs, academically sounding think tank dissertations (including a Council of Europe pamphlet) were composed by hired “scholars” and disseminated to bemoan the plight of the Crimean Tatars, highlighting their “persecution under Russian occupation,” with such trusted sources as Wikipedia, Radio Free Europe, and the Atlantic Council chiming in.

Eventually, the “Tatar genocide” campaign was overtaken by other events in the region and proved as ephemeral as the Xinjiang Uyghur project. Crimean Tatar genocide actors were also put on sabbatical like their Uyghur colleagues while their puppet masters are figuring out how and where to use them next.

Bosnian Muslims, who are still massively enthralled by what they naively assume is Western support for their cause, should take note of how their Uyghur and Tatar counterparts, who shared their illusions, have ultimately fared.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: Arriving prisoners being robbed by Ustaše guards (From the Public Domain)

Rethinking Srebrenica eBook : Karganovic, Stephen, Simic, Ljubisa: BooksRethinking Srebrenica

By Stephen Karganovic

Rethinking Srebrenica examines the forensic evidence of the alleged Srebrenica “massacre” possessed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. Even though the ICTY created more than 3,500 autopsy reports, many of these autopsy reports were based on bone fragments, which do not represent complete bodies. An examination of the matching femur bones found reveals that there were only about 1,900 complete bodies that were exhumed. Of these, some 1,500 autopsy reports indicated a cause of death consistent with battlefield casualties. Only about 400 autopsy reports indicated execution as a cause of death, as revealed by ligatures and blindfolds. This forensic evidence does not warrant the conclusion of a genocide having taken place.

Karganovic examines the events that took place in Srebrenica in July 1995 in a wholistic manner instead of restricting it to a three-day event. The ten chapters cover:

1) Srebrenica: A Critical Overview;

2) Demilitarization of the UN Safe Zone of Srebrenica;

3) Genocide or Blowback?;

4) General Presentation and Interpretation of Srebrenica Forensic Data (Pattern of Injury Breakdown);

5) An Analysis of the Srebrenica Forensic Reports Prepared by the ICTY Prosecution Experts;

6) An Analysis of Muslim Column Losses Attributable to Minefields, Combat Activity, and Other Causes;

7) The Genocide Issue: Was there a Demonstrable Intent to Exterminate All Muslims?;

8) ICTY Radio Intercept Evidence;

9) The Balance Sheet; and

10) Srebrenica: Uses of the Narrative.

  • ASIN:‎ B0992RRJRK
  • Publisher: ‎Unwritten History, Inc.; 2 edition (July 8 2021)
  • Language: ‎English

Click here to purchase.

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There is a vast difference between “not winning” and “losing” a war.

In the case of Ukraine, “not winning” means that President Zelensky and his handlers in Washington choose to pursue a negotiated settlement that would allow Russia to keep the territory it captured during the war while addressing Moscow’s modest security demands. (Note—Ukraine must reject any intention of joining NATO)

On the other hand, “losing” the war means that the US and NATO continue on the same path they are today—pumping lethal weapons, trainers and long-range missiles systems into Ukraine—hoping that the Russian offensive is progressively weakened so Ukraine can prevail on the battlefield. This alternate path—which amounts to ‘wishful thinking’—is the path to “losing” the war.

Unlike the “not winning” the war scenario, “losing” the war will have a catastrophic effect on the United States and its future.

It would mean that Washington had been unable to prevent a Russian military incursion into Europe which is NATO’s primary raison d’etre. It would challenge the idea that the US is capable of acting as the guarantor of regional security which is the role the US has enjoyed since the end of WW2. The perception of a US defeat at the hands of Russia would unavoidably trigger a re-evaluation of current security relations leading to the dissolution of NATO and, very possibly, the EU as well. Simply put, losing the war would be a disaster. Here’s how Colonel Daniel Davis summed it up just last week:

“We can’t let Russia win.”

I’ve heard that throughout the entire 2-plus years of the war. But here’s what I’m saying: If you keep going down this path—ignoring all the realities we keep talking about—not only will Russia win, we’ll lose. And I assure you if you thought it was bad to ‘let Putin win’—which means having a negotiated settlement in which Putin ends up with territory he didn’t start the war with—…But if you say that—because I don’t want that to happen, I’m going to keep fighting—that implies you think you can win. But if you can’t win, then the likely outcome is that you lose even more, and that’s what’s really going to hurt our credibility because, imagine if the whole force of NATO was shown to be unable to stop Russia from winning? Now our credibility is damaged far worse than having a negotiated settlement Colonel Daniel Davis, You Tube

So, while “not winning” is not the perfect outcome, it is vastly superior to “losing” which would severely undermine the Alliance’s credibility, greatly erode Washington’s power in Europe, and force the US to rethink its plans for projecting power into Central Asia. (pivot to Asia) In short, a US defeat by Russia in Ukraine would be a serious body-blow to the “rules-based order” and the denouement of the American Century.

So, there’s a lot at stake for the United States. Unfortunately, there is no real debate in elite power circles about the best way forward. And, that’s because the decision has already been made, and that decision hews closely to the maximalist views articulated in an article at the Atlantic Council titled “NATO at 75: The Alliance’s future lies in Ukraine’s victory against Russia”

NATO will mark its seventy-fifth anniversary on April 4 as history’s most successful military alliance. However, its future as a credible deterrent to aggression now lies in the success or failure of Russia’s unjust and brutal invasion of Ukraine…..

Allied leaders have unambiguously bound NATO’s security to this war. NATO summits have repeatedly condemned the invasion and demanded that Russia “completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its forces and equipment from the territory of Ukraine.”

And the rhetoric has escalated. French President Emmanuel Macron recently described the war as “existential” for Europe. “If Russia wins this war, Europe’s credibility would be reduced to zero,” Macron said…

If the upcoming Washington summit is to inspire continued confidence in NATO’s credibility, and thus its future, then t he Alliance must take action to place Ukraine onto a clear path to victory…

Allied leaders must unambiguously endorse Ukraine’s war objectives—that is, total territorial reconstitution back to the nation’s 1991 borders. Anything short of that is a disillusioning signal to Ukraine and encouragement to Putin to sustain his invasion. NATO at 75: The Alliance’s future lies in Ukraine’s victory against Russia,

Repeat: Allied leaders must unambiguously endorse Ukraine’s war objectives—that is, total territorial reconstitution back to the nation’s 1991 borders. Anything short of that is a disillusioning signal to Ukraine and encouragement to Putin to sustain his invasion.

As we said earlier, this maximalist view of NATO’s objectives is nothing more than wishful thinking. The anemic UAF is not going to drive the Russian Army out of Ukraine nor are they going to win the war. Even so, the views above are shared by the vast majority of foreign policy elites who have not adjusted their thinking so that it corresponds to Ukraine’s bloody battlefield losses. Here’s more from a Foreign Affairsop-ed:

The Biden administration and its European counterparts have failed to articulate their endgame for this war. Three years into the conflict, Western planning continues to be strategically backwards—aiding Kiev has become an end in itself, divorced from a coherent strategy for bringing the war to a close.

But the “theory of victory” presented by Zagorodnyuk and Cohen to replace the strategic malaise in which the west finds itself is, remarkably, even more dangerous and ill-conceived than the status quo. The authors call on the White House to come out in full-throated support of Kiev’s war aims: namely, ejecting all Russian forces from Ukraine’s 1991 borders including Crimea, subjecting Russian officials to war crimes tribunals, extracting reparations from Moscow, and providing Ukraine with “long-term security arrangements.” Put differently, the West must commit itself to nothing short of Russia’s total and unconditional battlefield defeat.

How is Ukraine, with its battered military, collapsing demography, and an economy entirely reliant on Western cash infusions, to accomplish this lofty task? By doing more of the same, but on a larger scale. The New Theory of Ukrainian Victory Is the Same as the Old, The American Conservative

The point we’re trying to make is that this type of delusional thinking is virtually universal among US foreign policy elites none of whom are prepared to accept the fundamental reality on the ground. As a result, there is no chance that the Biden administration will make a course-correction or make any attempt to prevent a direct clash between the two nuclear-armed adversaries, NATO and Russia.

So, how would a reasonable person approach the current conflict in Ukraine?

They’d look for a way to end it ASAP while inflicting as little damage as possible on the losing side. Here’s what Marymount Professor Mark Episkopos had to say in the same article above:

Western leaders are long overdue in articulating a coherent theory of victory—one that grapples with the trade-offs and limitations confronting Kiev and its backers rather than sweeping them aside in pursuit of maximalist battlefield objectives that are increasingly detached from realities on the ground. This does not mean resigning oneself to Ukraine’s unconditional surrender. Yet it will require policymakers to acknowledge that there is no viable pathway to Russia’s unconditional defeat and to shape their thinking around war termination accordingly. It is not too late to end the war on terms that guarantee Ukraine’s sovereignty while advancing U.S. interests. The West still has substantial leverage on and off the battlefield, but the key to wielding this influence effectively is to finally abandon a zero-sum framing of victory that has prevented leaders from repairing to a more pragmatic, strategically nimble approach. The New Theory of Ukrainian Victory Is the Same as the Old, The American Conservative

Bottom line: A deal can be made that will minimize the overall damage to the United States and Ukraine, but it’s up to US diplomats and foreign policy elites to identify areas of common ground so an agreement can be reached that will avoid an even bigger catastrophe.

The problem with Professor Episkopos recommendation, is that it is an imminently reasonable suggestion which means it will be dismissed out-of-hand by the warhawks who set policy. Even now, US powerbrokers are certain that the war can be won if they just throw caution-to-the-wind and apply more raw, military force. That ought to do it. (they think)

This is the kind of flawed reasoning that drives the US war machine. Policy elites honestly believe that if they fully embrace a ridiculous platitude like “We can’t lose”, that somehow the reality of superior Russian firepower, manpower, logistical support and industrial capability will vanish into thin air and the “exceptional” nation will prevail once again. But that’s not going to happen.

Okay. So, what will happen?

For that, we turn to military analyst Will Schryver and a recent post on Twitter:

It… must be understood that the US/NATO could not assemble, equip, send, and sustain even a dozen competent combat brigades to engage the Russians in Ukraine.

Do you realize what would happen to 50k NATO combat troops — none of whom have EVER experienced high-intensity warfare — if they were suddenly thrust, with necessarily deficient leadership and coordination, into the Ukraine battlefield?

They would be mercilessly slaughtered. Bleeding the Beast, Will Schryver, Twitter

“Mercilessly slaughtered”? That doesn’t sound very hopeful.

Even so, France has already announced that it will send military trainers to Ukraine, and others will certainly follow. At the same time more lethal weaponry, particularly long-range missiles and F-16s are already en route and will likely be used sometime in the near future. But, will it matter? Will the provision of new weapons and combat troops turn the tide and prevent the collapse of the Ukrainian army? Here’s Schryver again:

Why should the Russians object if the US/NATO sends more of its scant stockpiles of short-range ballistic and longer-range cruise missiles? The success rates for ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles has been abysmal, and steadily decreases with the passage of time. They are strategically meaningless. And there is effectively zero replenishment capacity!

Why should the Russians object if the US/NATO sends a squadron — or even five — of antiquated F-16s to Ukraine. Yes, of course, they would be piloted by NATO “volunteers”, and they might even achieve a handful of overhyped and fleeting “successes” in the early going. But if they actually attempt to mount serious sorties over the Ukraine battlefield, old F-16s with inadequate logistics and sustainment are going to have a life span numbered in mere HOURS. Bleeding the Beast, Will Schryver, Twitter

Is Schryver right? Will these prospective long-range missile strikes on targets inside Russia merely be pinprick attacks that Putin will ignore while his troops continue to crush Ukrainian forces along the 800-mile Line of Contact? And should Putin welcome the introduction of US/NATO “ground troops” into Ukraine to face the Russian army? Will that actually bring the war to a swifter end? Here’s Schryver one more time:

At the rate this whole Ukraine debacle is going, essentially all European-based military power… is going to be attrited to “combat-ineffective” for at least a decade, and probably more. If I were the Russians, I would view that objective as the summum bonum (“The highest good”) to be achieved as a result of this war, and I would be loath to interrupt the Masters of Empire while in the process of handing it to me on a silver platter….

So, if I’m Gerasimov, I would say, “Bring ’em on! Bleeding the Beast, Will Schryver, Twitter

The furor over the use of NATO-provided long-range missiles (and deployment of F-16s and French trainers) only diverts attention from the inescapable fact that NATO is going to be defeated by the Russia Armed Forces if they enter the war. So, a wise man would pursue a negotiated settlement now before things get out of hand. But that is not what our leaders are doing, in fact, they are doing the exact opposite and escalating at every turn.

So, let’s examine the facts a bit more thoroughly. Check out this summary analysis by the pros at War on the Rocks:

When asked two weeks ago in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee whether the Army was “outranged” by any adversary, U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley said: “Yes … the ones in Europe, really Russia. We don’t like it, we don’t want it, but yes, technically [we are] outranged, outgunned on the ground.”

Given Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, this is sobering testimony. But is it accurate? Unfortunately, yes: Nearly two years of extensive wargaming and analysis shows that if Russia were to conduct a short-warning attack against the Baltic States, Moscow’s forces could roll to the outskirts of the Estonian capital of Tallinn and the Latvian capital of Riga in 36 to 60 hours. In such a scenario, the United States and its allies would not only be outranged and outgunned, but also outnumbered….

Outgunned? (The Russians) have much more advanced armor, weapons, and sensors, and in some areas — such as active protection systems to defend against anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) — are superior to their Western counterparts….

Beyond the disadvantages of being outnumbered, outranged, and outgunned, a slew of other issues compounds the problem. First, NATO allies and the U.S. military would be of limited immediate help offsetting these disadvantages.European allies followed the American lead by cutting armor and optimizing their remaining forces for “out-of-area” missions like Afghanistan. Thus, Great Britain is continuing with plans to withdraw its last troops from Germany, while Germany has reduced its army from a Cold War level of 10 heavy divisions to the equivalent of two.

But it’s not just the numbers here that matter. The United States and its partners have also steadily reduced the infrastructure necessary to support any kind of substantial deterrent or defensive effort in Europe. Today, there are no U.S. division or corps headquarters forward-based on the continent, nor any Army aviation, engineer, and associated logistics brigades….

Russia fields perhaps the most formidable array of surface-to-air missile (SAM) defenses in the world. Operating from locations within Russian territory, these SAMs far outrange existing defense-suppression weapons and present a credible threat to U.S. and allied airpower that would be costly and time-consuming to counter….

Today NATO is indeed outnumbered, outranged, and outgunned by Russia in Europe and beset by a number of compounding factors that make the situation worse….

A war with Russia would be fraught with escalatory potential from the moment the first shot was fired; and generations born outside the shadow of nuclear Armageddon would suddenly be reintroduced to fears thought long dead and buried. Outnumbered, Outranged, and Outgunned: How Russia Defeats NATO, War On The Rocks

What does this analysis show?

It shows that—despite the delusional fulminations of armchair generals on cable TV braying about inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia—it’s not going to happen. Russia has the edge in virtually every area of firepower, manpower, combat-readiness and material. They also have the industrial capability that is unmatched in the West. Here’s how Schryver summed it up:

There has been no meaningful increase in armaments production in the collective west, and there won’t be anytime soon. Europe has been effectively demilitarized, and the US is severely depleted and effectively deindustrialized….

Outside of the hopelessly propagandized populace of the so-called “western democracies”, no one in the world believes Russia looks “meek” at this point in time. Instead, they realize the Russians have completely defeated the empire’s plans and exposed its weakness….

The west has no advantage whatsoever. NATO is an empty shell…. I am utterly convinced a NATO expeditionary force in Ukraine would be massacred AT LEAST as comprehensively as the AFU has been, and quite likely MUCH WORSE, and MUCH MORE RAPIDLY…. Will Schryver, Twitter

There it is in black and white: The “deindustrialized” West is an empty shell that has no chance of prevailing in a combined-arms ground war with Russia. Even so, Washington is determined to proceed with its lunatic plan pushing the world closer to Armageddon while bringing ruin on the American people.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image is from TUR

A perseguição de dissidentes políticos nos EUA está a tornar-se comum. As pessoas que se opõem à política externa agressiva de Washington estão a ser vistas como inimigas e tratadas como criminosas, mesmo quando não há razão plausível para a incriminação. Recentemente, o analista militar Scott Ritter teve seu passaporte confiscado pelas autoridades norte-americanas sem qualquer motivo específico, mostrando os níveis avançados de tirania no país.

Ritter estava em um avião no aeroporto de Nova York. Seu plano era viajar para a Federação Russa, pois tinha um convite especial para participar do Fórum Econômico de São Petersburgo, que terá início nos próximos dias. Ritter já estava embarcando quando três policiais o removeram à força e apreenderam seus documentos. Questionados sobre o motivo desta ação, os policiais afirmaram que estavam a cumprir ordens do Departamento de Estado norte-americano e recusaram-se a esclarecer quaisquer detalhes sobre o caso.

“Eu estava embarcando no vôo. Três policiais me puxaram para o lado. Eles levaram meu passaporte. Quando questionados sobre o motivo, disseram “ordens do Departamento de Estado”. Não tinham mais informações para mim (…) Tiraram minhas malas do avião e depois me acompanharam para fora do aeroporto. Eles tomaram meu passaporte”, disse ele aos jornalistas.

Sem o passaporte, Ritter não pode sair do território dos EUA. Na prática, ele passará a viver sob um regime semelhante à prisão domiciliar, sendo não apenas monitorado pelas autoridades americanas, mas também impedido de sair do país. É curioso que isso tenha acontecido justamente durante uma viagem de Ritter à Rússia. Parece que Washington está a tentar deixar claro a todos os seus cidadãos que não haverá tolerância para com os cidadãos que mantenham qualquer forma de laços com Moscou.

Ritter é há muito tempo um dos críticos mais veementes do apoio militar à Ucrânia. Nas suas entrevistas e artigos, ele defende abertamente o fim do fornecimento de armas e uma política amigável entre os EUA e a Rússia. Ritter expôs repetidamente a verdade sobre o nazismo ucraniano e o conluio ocidental com o ultranacionalismo e o racismo. Além disso, seu principal trabalho como analista militar consiste em fornecer análises técnicas detalhadas que mostram a situação dos lados em conflito.

Embora os meios de comunicação ocidentais há muito que afirmem que Kiev está a “ganhar a guerra”, Ritter emergiu como uma voz dissidente provando o contrário, dizendo que o controle militar do conflito pertence à Federação Russa. Ele refutou narrativas falaciosas como a “vitória ucraniana em Kiev” ou a “contra-ofensiva de Kherson”. Usando uma análise militar técnica e imparcial, Ritter fundamentou cada um dos seus argumentos sobre a vitória da Rússia na guerra. Hoje, seu trabalho é reconhecido como um dos melhores entre os especialistas militares de todo o mundo, tendo muitas de suas previsões se concretizado.

Esta não é a primeira vez que Ritter sofre perseguições no seu próprio país. No passado, foi criticado, difamado e até detido pelas autoridades americanas devido à sua posição contra as iniciativas de guerra de Washington. Ritter criticou duramente a decisão americana de invadir o Iraque, afirmando que não havia armas de destruição em massa no país. Na época, ele era inspetor de armas da ONU e tinha informações privilegiadas sobre a real situação do Oriente Médio.

Atualmente, além de fornecer análises militares sobre a guerra na Ucrânia, Ritter também tem criticado fortemente a violência israelita na Faixa de Gaza, o que certamente gerou descontentamento entre os sionistas radicais na política interna americana. Além disso, tem trabalhado para refutar falácias e estereótipos sobre a Rússia e o povo russo, fazendo viagens frequentes à Rússia para mostrar a realidade local. Recentemente, Ritter esteve na Chechênia, Moscou e São Petersburgo e falou aos meios de comunicação ocidentais sobre como é hoje a vida real na Rússia, explicando que o país se encontra numa situação econômica favorável, sem sofrer qualquer efeito das sanções ocidentais.

Já está claro que a perseguição é o destino de qualquer dissidente americano. Quando os cidadãos dos EUA discordam das políticas do seu país, as autoridades atacam-os, prendem-os e difamam-os. Infelizmente, esta é a realidade do país que afirma ser o guardião global da democracia. No entanto, esta mentira está cada vez mais desacreditada. Apesar de todos os esforços de propaganda, já é claro para o mundo que os EUA já não são uma democracia.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Persecution against Scott Ritter shows US not democracy anymore, InfoBrics, 4 de Juno de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e

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It’s damn near impossible to keep up with all the warmongering of the western empire these days.

In response to the frightening steps that NATO has been taking to allow western-supplied weapons to be used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory, Vladimir Putin warned last week that these escalations can lead to “serious consequences”. 

“This constant escalation can lead to serious consequences,” Putin said. “If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the US behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? Hard to say. Do they want global conflict?”

We can get a more concrete idea of what Putin was talking about from the blatant threat Moscow formally made to the UK last month, saying that Ukraine using any British weapons to attack Russian territory could result in direct Russian attacks on British military targets in Ukraine “and beyond”, which would place Russia in a profoundly dangerous state of hot warfare with NATO forces.

Read on X

On Friday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg dismissed Putin’s warnings, saying,

“This is nothing new. It has … been the case for a long time that every time NATO allies are providing support to Ukraine, President Putin is trying to threaten us to not do that.”

This cavalier attitude toward nuclear brinkmanship that empire managers have been demonstrating lately was addressed on Monday by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, who said the US is close to making a “fatal” miscalculation. 

“I would like to caution American officials against miscalculations which may have fatal consequences. For some unknown reason, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive,” Ryabkov reportedly said.

“I am urging these officials who seemingly are not bothered by anything, to take some time away from playing computer games, which is apparently what they are doing, given their light-hearted approach to serious issues, and take a closer look at what Putin said,” Ryabkov added.

Read on X

American officials appear to be doing the exact opposite of what the deputy foreign minister recommends, with White House spokesman John Kirby telling the press on Monday that the Biden administration is open to discussions about expanding the use of US-made weapons further into Russian territory.

Asked about President Zelensky’s complaint that US permissions to conduct limited strikes on Russian territory weren’t enough and comments from Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggesting a greater range of Russian territory may soon be authorized, Kirby said it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Zelensky wants more, and that the US will keep talking to Ukraine about the possibility of US-backed strikes deeper into the Russian mainland.

“And so we’ll have those talks, we’ll have those conversations with the Ukrainians,” Kirby said. “Absolutely, we will. And whether it leads to any additional policy changes, I can’t say at this point, but we’re not going to turn our back on what Ukraine needs. And we’re going to continue to try to, again, evolve our support to them as the battlefield evolves as well.”

I wrote just the other day that Biden’s authorization for limited strikes on Russian territory with US weapons would immediately be followed by a push for even more escalations with strikes deeper into Russia, and here we are. Every time the warmongers get one escalation, they immediately start pushing for another. 

There is a limit to how many escalations Russia will tolerate before taking drastic action against NATO to re-establish deterrence credibility, and nobody really knows exactly where that limit is. They seem bound and determined to find it however, and when they do we may already be on an irreversible free fall toward nuclear armageddon.

Read on X

This all comes as the Dutch foreign minister publicly gives the green light for Ukraine to use F-16s to attack Russian territory. As Antiwar’s Kyle Anzalone notes of this news, F-16s are nuclear-capable warplanes.

It’s important to push back against brinkmanship with Russia well before we go over the brink into nuclear war, because obviously by then it’s too late for anyone to do anything — and indeed a full-scale nuclear war between NATO and the Russian Federation could mean that nobody will ever do anything ever again. Nuclear armageddon is the one foreign policy mistake that you can’t course-correct for after you make it, so it’s extremely urgent to course-correct long before we get to that point.

The biggest risk for nuclear war isn’t that either side will knowingly choose to enter into one, but that one will be set off by miscalculation, miscommunication or technical malfunction in the chaos and confusion of soaring tensions, as nearly happened numerous times during the last cold war. The higher tensions get, the more likely such an incident becomes, and the more hair-trigger everyone’s nuclear systems will be. 

It’s a lot like a standoff where people are pointing guns at each other, like the end scene of Reservoir Dogs. The more guns there are and the more tense the situation becomes, the more likely it is that someone will make a move that sets the whole thing off and gets everyone killed.

And that’s why it’s very disturbing that these tensions are being ramped up so casually by the empire with no resistance from anybody — not from western governments, not from the media, and not even from ordinary people in any meaningful numbers. 

These freaks are playing chicken with armageddon weapons, and nobody’s got a foot anywhere near the brake pedal. They’re not even looking at it. They’re not even thinking about it. 

At the very least we’ve got to find some way to get people thinking about this. This would be such a damn stupid way for humanity to annihilate itself.


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Featured image is from the author

WWIII ScenarioTowards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

Ambos os países compartilham preocupações com segurança alimentar global e podem cooperar amplamente no setor agrário.

Na Federação Russa, começará em breve o 27o Fórum Econômico de São Petersburgo, um dos eventos de negócios mais importantes do mundo contemporâneo. Entre 5 e 8 de junho, autoridades, empresários, especialistas e toda sorte de profissionais do mundo inteiro, principalmente de países emergentes, se reunirão na cidade histórica russa para discutir as novas circunstâncias econômicas mundiais e estabelecer projetos de cooperação e desenvolvimento.

Dado o contexto global, espera-se grande atuação dos países BRICS no Fórum. Ali será possível expor projetos que viabilizem a construção prática da Multipolaridade desde um ponto de vista econômico e financeiro. Aliás, a temática multipolar será o eixo central das discussões este ano, conforme estabelecido pela organização do evento. O surgimento de novos centros de desenvolvimento é o objetivo principal do Fórum, razão pela qual a participação dos atores dos BRICS é fundamental. 

Há tantas inciativas no âmbito dos BRICS para o Fórum que, de certa maneira, o evento pode ser visto como uma espécie de ensaio para a Cúpula dos BRICS, que acontecerá também na Rússia – mais especificamente, em Kazan, ainda este ano. Neste sentido, a participação de atores brasileiros no Fórum é vital para que os objetivos do evento sejam alcançados. 

Um dos principais laços que unem Brasil, Rússia e os demais países BRICS é a preocupação quanto à segurança alimentar. Como um país comprometido com a erradicação da fome e da pobreza, o Brasil vê a cooperação internacional no setor alimentar como uma parte fundamental de suas relações econômicas. A cooperação russo-brasileira neste setor encontra um alicerce importante no comércio de fertilizantes – item fundamental para a produção brasileira de grãos, que alimenta mais de um bilhão de pessoas com exportações todos os anos. 

Os fertilizantes russos são fundamentais para a estabilidade do agronegócio brasileiro. Não se trata apenas de uma questão econômica, mas verdadeiramente humanitária. O Brasil precisa de fertilizantes russos para exportar grãos que alimentarão pessoas ao redor do mundo. Ignorando as sanções ocidentais e o protecionismo, o Brasil está aberto à cooperação com a Federação Russa no setor de insumos agrícolas e vê no Fórum de São Petersburgo uma oportunidade de fazer negócios e ajudar o planeta. 

É previsto por especialistas que o Brasil continue dependente de fertilizantes estrangeiros pelo menos ao longo dos próximos cinco anos. Nessas circunstâncias, convém que os acordos na área sejam feitos com países que, assim como o Brasil, desejam uma reconfiguração do cenário geopolítico em prol da Multipolaridade, bem como que compartilhem a meta humanitária de garantir a segurança alimentar global. O Fórum de São Petersburgo será, enfim, uma oportunidade para Brasil e Rússia avançarem conversações nessa direção.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Imagem em destaque: Captura de tela. Colheita de soja no Brasil.


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e

This GRTV video produced by James Corbett was first published in July 2016 prior to the Democratic Convention. It described the dangers underlying Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for the White House.

Leading lights of the so-called “progressive” movement including Chomsky and Bernie Sanders argued in the months prior to the election that it was the Left’s duty to vote for this neocon warmonger, committed to using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states. 

“The nuclear option is on the table”, said Hillary.

Flash Forward to June 2024:

Nuclear war is still on the table under Joe Biden.

It is firmly endorsed by America’s European allies. 

“President Biden has authorized Ukraine to conduct limited attacks inside Russia with American-made weapons, US officials said. Some US allies have already gone further.

“France has tested a new air-launched nuclear missile and has allocated 13% of its military budget to upgrading its nuclear weapons. (Manlio Dinucci, June 2024)

The expansion of NATO to Russia’s borders is “very, very dangerous,” Caldicott said.

“There is no way a war between the United States and Russia could start and not go nuclear. … The United States and Russia have enormous stockpiles of these weapons. Together they have 94 percent of all the 16,300 nuclear weapons in the world.”

“We are in a very fallible, very dangerous situation operated by mere mortals,” she warned.

“The nuclear weapons, are sitting there, thousands of them. They are ready to be used.” (Helen Caldicott)

Video: Produced by James Corbett

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First published on April 18, 2023 


In early December 2023, the number of vaccine doses Worldwide recorded by the WHO was of the order of 14 billion: an average of 1.75 vaccine doses per person for a World population of 8 billion people. (13,595,583,1250 recorded by the WHO on November 23, 2023)
Profits in the billions of dollars are the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda.
“Killing is Good for Business”What we are witnessing is a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale, affecting the lives of the entire population of our  planet.
The upward trend in excess mortality related to the Covid-19-19 Vaccine is amply documented. 


The Unspoken Truth: We are dealing with a highly profitable multibillion dollar operation which is predicated on increased levels of vaccine related mortality and morbidity. 

Michel Chossudovsky, December 5, 2023





We bring to the attention of our readers  Pfizer 2022 Full Year Financial Report,

There are two Pfizer reports

One deals with Money, the other which is “confidential” deals with Mortality and Morbidity resulting from the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine.   

The Full Year Revenues Report is a public document. It assesses Pfizer’s impressive “financial performance”. It is also intended to be consulted by potential investors, reported by financial analysts and the media. 

The second is Pfizer’s “Confidential” Report which gives you a glimpse of the “performance” of Pfizers’s Covid-19 Vaccine: i.e. mortality and morbidity.  Released in October 2021 under Freedom of Information.  

You were not supposed to see it. And it is not reported by the media.

It is nonetheless in the public domaine. 

Is there a causal relationship between Pfizer’s record of $100.3 billion revenues (full year 2022) and the mRNA vaccine’s upward trend in adverse events and mortality Worldwide, affecting 8 billion people.  

Is there a relationship?   Is there a correlation. It’s statistics 101. 

This upward trend in mortality and morbidity is the source of tremendous profit resulting from the enforcement of the mRNA vaccine by national governments all over the World. The evidence is overwhelming. It is the largest vaccine program in World history targeting the entire World population of 8 billion people.

In recent developments, approximately 13.6 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered (September 13, 2023).

75% of the World’s population have received at least two doses. 


This interview of Michel Chossudovsky with Caroline Mailloux of Lux Media was conducted on February 24, 2023

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It’s a multibillion dollar operation Worldwide.

In the words of Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chief Executive Officer:
2022 was a record-breaking year for Pfizer, not only in terms of revenue and earnings per share, which were the highest in our long history, but more importantly, in terms of the percentage of patients who have a positive perception of Pfizer and the work we do.

Click Here to read the Pfizer Full Year 2022 Revenues Report

A Multibillion Dollar Bonanza

The Pfizer Full Year 2022 Financial Report does not provide details on the global marketing of the Pfizer’s Vaccine.

Below is an analysis of the Worldwide marketing of the Covid vaccine by Big Pharma, with Pfizer in the lead. From the outset in November 2020, the objective was to fully vaccinate (with several doses) every single person on the planet: a population of 8 billion people.

In numerous countries, pressured unduly by Big Pharma, corrupt national governments implemented policies of social enforcement and acceptance. Moreover, the devastating health impacts of the Covid-19 vaccine have been the object of systematic denial by the heath authorities as well as the media.

This whole process is “profit driven” in the billions, sustained by scientific fraud and disinformation.

Worldwide “Big Money” Vaxx Operation

Over a two year period, more than 12.9 billion vaccine doses were administered across 184 countries (Bloomberg, September 21, 2022, see graph below).


Recorded September 21, 2022: 12.9 Million doses adminstered (mid December 2020- September 21, 2022)


The number of doses Worldwide (November 23, 2023) recorded by the WHO is almost 14 billion. (13,595,583,1250 for a total World population of 8 billion people, 1.75 doses per person for a World population of 8 billion

The scale and social impact of this vaccine operation are beyond description.

The Unspoken Truth: We are dealing with a highly profitable multibillion dollar operation which is predicated on increased levels of vaccine related mortality and morbidity. 

Pfizer/ BioNtech Moderna tend to dominate the Global Market.

(See EU graph below)

The initial unit cost per dose may vary from one country to another.

Assuming a price of $20.00 for each vaccine dose, (approximate price of Pfizer/ Moderna paid by the U.S government at the outset in mid-December 2020) the aggregate sales Worldwide of the Covid-19 vaccine with Pfizer in the lead would be of the order of 280 billion dollars. 

The US federal government over a two year period (December 2020- December 2022  purchased 1.2 billion doses of Pfizer and Moderna Covid Vaccine doses for a US population of 339 million people, at a cost of $25.3 billion, i.e at a purchase price of $20.69 per dose.”

Expensive “Killer Vaccine”

By far Pfizer-BioNTech is the largest distributor in both the US and the EU, followed by Moderna, which operates in a de facto partnership with Pfizer.

The population of the European Union is of the order of 450 Million. Pfizer/Moderna already account for the sale of 818.28 million doses (almost twice the population of the EU, i.e. 1.8 doses per person). (see graph below). The total number of doses in the EU is 908.66 million (twice the population of the EU)

And another big contract is now being negotiated with EU government officials who are fully aware that the Covid-19 vaccine has resulted in an upward trend of mortality and morbidity.


Ursula von der Leyen: “Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses”

The price of each vaccine dose has been negotiated directly with the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von Der Leyen, who’s is known to be corrupt. 

The broader objective of Pfizer’s CEO Dr. Bourla is to negotiate a 4.5 billion vaccine doses contract for a EU population of  450 million, In other words, 10 doses per person. These are additional doses to those already purchased by the EU (In excess of 800 million)

Mislav Kolakusic, a Croatian member of parliament (MEP) in October 2022 denounced the planned purchase of 4.5 billion doses of  the Covid-19 “vaccine” negotiated with EU President Ursula von Der Leyen for 450 million EU residents. 10 doses per person. i.e. “the biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind.”

“Kolakusic jokingly called European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen “Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses” because she is the one responsible for this massive fraud on the European people, many of whom are none the wiser that it even happened.”

And now what Pfizer wants is to increase the price per dose to between $110 and $130. Pfizer Moderna have: 

“signalled likely ranges that are three to four times greater than the pre-purchased [US] federal price for the bivalent booster”.
This increase in the price of the Covid-19 vaccine relies on a sustained fear campaign. Will it result in a renewed multibillion dollar bonanza for Big Pharma?  What would be the likely impacts on Covid-19 vaccine related Excess Mortality? (See Part II below)
Specific details on the revenues resulting from this sale of billions of doses of the vaccine are not outlined in Pfizer’s Financial Report.
According to David Denton, Chief Financial Officer and Pfizer Executive Vice President:

“I am very pleased with our fourth- quarter performance, which was highlighted by strong operational growth from [Covid-19 Vaccine]  Paxlovid, Prevnar 20, [Pfizer BionTech Covid-19 Vaccine] Comirnaty, Vyndaqel and [Covid related] Eliquis, as well as the inclusion of Nurtec ODT/Vydura and Oxbryta.  (emphasis added)

Now let us turn our attention to the Second Report, namely Pfizer’s Confidential Report, entitled


Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports”,

The report was made public under Freedom of Information in October 2021.
This report provides extensive data on pertaining to Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine related adverse events and deaths.





This is an internal confidential document which provides data on deaths and adverse events recorded by Pfizer from the outset of the vaccine project in December 2020 to the end of February 2021, namely a very short period (at most two and a half months).

A relatively large sample from numerous countries. Record of deaths and adverse events, categorized.

Read it carefully. It’s an internal document which has been declassified to the detriment of Pfizer. The report confirms extensive adverse effects (morbidity). It also confirms countless deaths, namely mortality.

Bear in mind that the data derived from Pfizer’s sample was collected over a short period of two and a half months. It does not assess the longer term impacts of the vaccine.  A recent UKHSA Report confirms that “Covid vaccines significantly increase the risk of hospitalization in months 7-9 after vaccination” 

The data from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 unequivocally confirms “Manslaughter”.

Based on the evidence, Pfizer had the responsibility to cancel and withdraw the “vaccine” on March 1, 2021, upon review of the results of its own confidential report (Mortality and Adverse Events).

The report is in the public domaine. And you can consult it.

Both national governments and the media have failed to inform the public regarding this Confidential Pfizer report which comes straight from the “Horse’s Mouth”. The data is irrefutable.

Selected Excerpts from the Pfizer’s Confidential Report

This document provides an integrated analysis of the cumulative post-authorization safety data, including U.S. and foreign post-authorization adverse event reports received through 28 February 2021.

Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021 [in less than three months], there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events. Most cases (34,762) were received from United States (13,739), United Kingdom (13,404) Italy (2,578), Germany (1913), France (1506), Portugal (866) and Spain (756); the remaining 7,324 were distributed among 56 other countries.

As shown in Figure 1 [see below], the System Organ Classes (SOCs) that contained the greatest number (≥2%) of events, in the overall dataset, were General disorders and administration site conditions (51,335 AEs), Nervous system disorders (25,957), Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (17,283), Gastrointestinal disorders (14,096), Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (8,476), Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (8,848), Infections and infestations (4,610), Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (5,590), and Investigations (3,693)

emphasis added





Read the Complete Pfizer Confidential Report





Pfizer Says it All. “Mea Culpa”

Pfizer was fully aware upon assessing the results of their own “confidential report” on March 1st, 2021 that the Worldwide marketing of their Covid-19 mRNA vaccine involving a target population of 8 billion people would result in an unprecedented upward wave in mortality and morbidity.

Pfizer had the choice of withdrawing and cancelling the roll-out of their deadly vaccine on March 1st, 2021.

Profits in the billions of dollars were the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda. “Killing is Good Business”. What we are witnessing is a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale, affecting the lives of the entire population of our  planet.

The WHO as well as some 190 national governments are complicit in the Covid vaccine roll-out. They had the responsibility of canceling the vaccine.

The Pfizer confidential report amply confirms that it is a “killer vaccine”.

I suggest you browse through this Confidential Report which was released under Freedom of Information.

The Worldwide Roll-out of Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Constitutes a Criminal Act.

Pfizer’s Worldwide marketing of the Covid-19 Vaccine beyond February 28th, 2021, is no longer an “Act of Manslaughter” or “Involuntary Homocide”. Once the decision was taken by Pfizer to implement the vaccine without taking into account the results of their “Confidential Report”, we are no longer dealing with “Involuntary Homicide”. “Murder as opposed to Manslaughter” implies “Criminal Intent”. From a legal standpoint it is an “Act of Murder”. Applied Worldwide to a target population of 8 billion people, it is Genocide.

What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report (based on a large sample conducted internally, with compiled data from numerous countries) constitutes detailed evidence of the health impacts of Pfizer BioNTech’s  “vaccine” pertaining to adverse events and mortality, including ,  numerous studies and peer reviewed reports, estimates of excess mortality resulting from the vaccine as well as from official sources: EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK), VAERS (USA)

J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” Are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve

By Doctors for COVID Ethics, October 22, 2022 

The “reliable data” contained in  Pfizer Secret Report which emanates straight from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.

Pfizer’s  decision to distribute its Vaccine Worldwide was largely based on maximizing profit rather than minimizing mortality and morbidity, which is ultimately the object of vaccination.

Did You Know? Pfizer Has a Criminal Record

Of significance, never mentioned by the media or acknowledged by our governments, Pfizer is the only Pharmaceutical Company which has a criminal record with the US Department of Justice.

To consult the Department of Justice’ historic decision click screenshot below

How on earth can we trust a Big Pharma vaccine conglomerate which pleaded guilty to criminal charges by the US Department of Justice including “fraudulent marketing” and “felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act”?  

People were never informed. Both the media and the governments “turned a blind eye”.

Today, we are not dealing with an issue of “fraudulent marketing”: The roll out of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine in December 2o2o is beyond criminality, it’s genocide.

$2.3 Billion  Medical Fraud settlement with Pfizer.

Statement by DOJ Associate Attorney General Thomas Perelli (2009)


The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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In his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” Dr. Michael Nehls explains how chronic stress and fearmongering have led to inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased mental resilience, which facilitates indoctrination

Your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time

Two thinking systems exist: nonthinking (System 1) and critical thinking (System 2). Stress and poor mitochondrial health impair activation of System 2

Lifestyle factors like having a purpose, making sure you’re getting all essential micronutrients, especially vitamin D and iodine, social connections, exercise and sleep support hippocampal neurogenesis, which is essential for lifelong neurological health

Essential dietary factors for mitochondrial health and energy production include limiting linoleic acid intake, eating the right carbs in optimal amounts and limiting fats, and keeping your serotonin and estrogen levels low. Certain dietary supplements are also helpful


The video above features an interview with Dr. Michael Nehls,1,2 author of “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” which describes, from a neuroscientific point of view, how certain brain changes make us more susceptible to indoctrination, and how many of the factors that cause those changes in the first place have been implemented worldwide over the past four years.

Media and global leaders have created a perfect vicious cycle, beginning with fearmongering, goal post switching and bad health advice that create chronic stress and key nutritional deficiencies, which drives chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, which causes chronically inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis, which results in chronically reduced mental resilience, which feeds chronic stress.

The result of this loop is a steady deterioration of autobiographical memory, which facilitates indoctrination.

As the title of his book makes clear, the whole world has been placed under a sort of indoctrination protocol — and a very successful one at that — which has led to many being seemingly unable to think for themselves anymore or to logically assess information.

Rates of depression and Alzheimer’s are also spiking around the world, and the age of onset for both are rapidly falling. Yet the causes behind the rises in mental and neurological problems are not being eliminated. On the contrary, the causes are being promoted further. “Can this just be coincidence?” Nehls asks in his book.

The Two Thinking Systems

As explained by Nehls, we have two types of thinking systems. System 1 is nonthinking and System 2 is thinking. To consciously change your behavior, you must first recognize that a change is necessary or at least would be beneficial, and this requires the willingness to invest mental energy into thinking. 

Our brains by default operate in System 1 most of the time. System 2 is only activated through conscious choice when you recognize that “Hey, I better stop and think this through.” However, if you don’t have the mental energy, activation of System 2 is unlikely, even if your very life might depend on it. As Nehls points out in his book, when you’re mentally exhausted, “it is almost impossible to find the best solution to a problem.”

If you don’t have the energy to think, then you remain stuck in System 1, which is a habitual state of not thinking and simply acting on autopilot. System 1 also makes us follow mass thought or mass movements, because there’s a perceived safety in the majority. Standing alone is risky and is basically inconceivable if you don’t have a logical basis or rationale for doing so in the first place.

So, the bad news is that your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time.

How Your Autobiographical Memory Works

Your autobiographical memory is what allows you to form a unique individuality. The four keys to autobiographical memory are: where something happened, when it happened, what happened, and how it felt. In the video clip above, Nehls reviews how the autobiographical memory works.

Of these four memory factors, the emotional association (how you felt) is paramount. If something is exciting or frightening, the memory of where, when and what are cemented into memory, and can easily be dredged back up simply by being reminded of the same feeling.

Short-term memory is stored in the frontal lobe of your brain. Nothing is recorded here, so no long-term memories are created. Autobiographical memories are stored in your hippocampi, located in the temporal lobes of your brain. While there are two, one on each side, most simply refer to these as a singular hippocampus.

Without your hippocampus, you’d be incapable of remembering anything for more than a few seconds. But even with fully functional hippocampus, you cannot store the memory of every moment of your life. Your hippocampus is constantly making choices about what to remember and what to forget, and the primary selection is based on the amount of emotional charge involved.

Fear is a proven means of making sure someone will remember something. The hippocampus stores the emotional responses to the time and place (when and where) that the emotionally charged event took place in the dentate gyrus, an area inside the hippocampi, while the details of the event and how you felt (what and how) are stored in the cornu ammonis, another area inside the hippocampi.

Your Mitochondrial Function Will Have Direct Impact on Your Ability to Activate System 2 Thinking

The reason you feel mentally exhausted at the end of a busy day is because your hippocampus has reached max capacity and doesn’t have the energy to handle any more information.

This is just one reason why it’s so crucial to optimize your mitochondrial health. Well-functioning mitochondria produce energy more efficiently, which directly translates into an increased ability to use your System 2 critical thinking skills. In a later section, I’ll review the most important factor for optimizing your mitochondrial energy production.

To be receptive for more information, your hippocampus must transfer the day’s impressions into permanent storage in the neocortex, and that occurs during deep sleep. Interestingly, the only pieces of your memory that get transferred into the neocortical “hard drive” for long-term storage is the emotionally charged “what” and “how” portions of the memory.

The “where” and “when” remains in the gyrus dentatus for life. If something happens to these index neurons (so called because they act like a register of memory fragments), then the matching “what” and “how” in the neocortex cannot be found. Now, here’s the important part.

Your gyrus dentatus can produce thousands of new neurons every day, for as long as you live. This ensures that you can build your autobiographical memory stores until the day you die.

If your ability to create new index neurons is impaired or inhibited, old index neurons must be used, and in doing so, old time and place fragments are overwritten. So, over time, you effectively end up with memory loss. As noted by Nehls, chronic long-term inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis results in Alzheimer’s.

Curiosity as a Gauge of Neurological and Mitochondrial Health

Additionally, since new index neurons are “hungry” for information, when you have fewer of them being generated, your sense of curiosity is also diminished. In essence, your curiosity can act as a gauge for your neurological health. I would argue that since mental energy is required to act on curiosity, it can also act as a gauge of your mitochondrial energy production.

In short, if you’re a critical thinker with a great sense of childlike curiosity, your mitochondrial energy production is likely high. If you’re too exhausted to think critically or creatively, your metabolism is likely low.

It’s important to understand that curiosity is essential for your ability to make choices in life. The more choices you make, the higher the likelihood that you will increase your experience of Joy. When you don’t have enough cellular energy, your curiosity decreases along with your ability to make choices. The strong recommendation to you is to do everything you can to increase your curiosity so you can experience the maximum amount of Joy in your life.

Real-World Example

Ashley Armstrong, cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co. and the Nourish Cooperative, is a perfect example of this. In the video above, she discusses her journey in regaining the ability to create cellular energy and how it changed her life, as she did not have enough energy to properly think.

Your brain makes up approximately 2% of your bodyweight yet consumes 20% of the energy your body produces. This is why a surplus of cellular energy creation is necessary to have the ability to allow your brain to work optimally.

Ashley simply would not have had enough cellular energy to make the decisions she did unless she improved her health. Factors like excess linoleic acid, estrogen and endotoxins were depleting her cellular energy, which is crucial for making energy-intensive decisions.

Her transformation underscores the power of nurturing your health to gain the energy necessary for making significant life changes. Avoiding dietary pitfalls like seed oils played a key role in this journey, enabling her to tap into a newfound capacity for brave decisions — a testament to the profound impact of regaining cellular energy on her ability to navigate life’s choices.

It is my sincere desire and hope that you consider her journey to inspire and empower you to make similar choices in your own life and reclaim the Joy that you deserve. Imagine experiencing the nearly limitless Joy that Ashley has with her 1,000 chickens and four livestock guard dogs below.

What Supports and Destroys Autobiographical Index Neurons?

To ensure lifelong production of healthy new index neurons, the following factors need to be addressed. Conversely, a lack of any of these factors will undermine your production of hippocampal neurons.

Having a purpose in life — According to Nehls, the risk of developing hippocampal dementia, i.e., Alzheimer’s, exponentially increases if you do not have a sense of purpose.

Nutrition — For optimal hippocampal growth, none of the essential micronutrients can be deficient. That said, among the most important are iodine and vitamin D. According to Nehls, a vitamin D level of 40 to 60 ng/mL (100 to 150 nmol/L) is required for immunological and neurological health.

Social life — Loving, intimate relationships encourage the release of oxytocin, which is one of the most potent hippocampal growth factors currently known. Conversely, isolation and loneliness have a marked detrimental effect on hippocampal performance.

Another reason why companionship is so important is because it provides emotional experiences and conversations required for the survival of hippocampal neurons. Whatever neurons are produced will die off if there are no new experiences to record, and production will decline when lack of experiences is chronic.

Exercise — Exercise has been shown to be highly effective in stimulating hippocampal growth (neurogenesis). In his book, Nehls cites research showing that seniors who take a one-hour brisk walk every day can grow their hippocampus by 2% in a single year. For comparison, Alzheimer’s patients lose about 5% of their hippocampal volume per year once the disease process is underway.3

Sleep — Your hippocampus can only make new neurons during sleep, when it’s not busy collecting new experiences. Melatonin is also known to stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis, and this is likely why. According to Nehls, it takes about two weeks to restart neurogenesis after chronic sleep deprivation.

Time — Wanting or needing to do more than is feasible creates stress, and stress hormones not only inhibit neurogenesis but also drive neurodegeneration. That said, boredom (having too much time on your hands) is not good either, as the growth impulses for new neurons are missing. The ideal state, Nehls says in his book, is eustress — “positive stress caused by challenging yet doable tasks.”

The Global Assault on the Human Soul

In his book, Nehls wonders whether the indoctrination efforts of the past four years might be part of an even greater agenda. Quoting from his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain”:4

“In order for society to adopt the operating system of the technocrats, contradictions to its own history must no longer be perceptible. There must be no dissonance between one’s own experiences from earlier times and the new expectations, promises and demands of the technocrats or the everyday reality of a future AI-controlled existence …

To function properly, the [social operating system] SOS must be not only a part of the autobiographical memory but also the unrivaled foundation upon which all other autobiographical memory content is based …

Only by overwriting the old index neurons will discrepancies be prevented and will the reprogrammed people not be unsettled by more attractive alternative life plans …

The former self, consisting of all autobiographical memories and the associated feelings, hopes, and values, would then be erased and deliberately replaced by a technocratically constructed foundation of identity …”

How to Successfully Destroy Hippocampal Neurogenesis

Undermining hippocampal neurogenesis is the perfect strategy if you want to reprogram a population to accept the unacceptable and usher in an otherwise unwelcome world, Nehls notes. To do so with any degree of success requires a two-pronged attack:

  1. New production of index neurons must be radically suppressed, while existing neurons must simultaneously be decimated through neurodegenerative measures.
  2. Remaining index neurons used to access autobiographical memories must be successively overwritten with the technocratic narrative.

How the World Was Successfully Indoctrinated

As noted by Nehls, both attack strategies were implemented worldwide at the start of the COVID pandemic.

New index neurons are decimated by oxygen deprivation (think masks), vitamin D deficiency (recall the relentless “debunking” of vitamin D claims?), alcohol toxicity (just why were liquor stores kept open while everything else had to close?), and other toxins, including the COVID-19 spike protein, whether from the virus or the mRNA shots.

Meanwhile, existing neurons are decimated by the chronic release of stress hormones, such as what happens when you fear you might catch a virus and die every time you go to the grocery store or pass an unmasked person on the street.

The second part — overwriting autobiographical memories with a technocratic narrative — becomes easy when people are in a state of mental and emotional exhaustion. Why? Because when you force yourself to think when you’re mentally exhausted, you’re overwriting old neurons — the old memories that make up your identity.

Add anxiety and fear into the mix, and you have a perfect recipe for indoctrination as the old memories are not only being overwritten, but the anxiety-filled new narrative is also being efficiently stored in your long-term memory. As noted in Nehls’ book:5

“Fomenting anxiety, especially on the nightly news … is a highly effective means of forcing the hippocampus to activate System 2, even in a state of ego-depletion. Propagated content of the technocratic narrative is implanted in memory and, in the absence of new unused index neurons, access to earlier memories is simultaneously erased.”

Lockdowns, social distancing, masking, the closing of gyms, playgrounds, beaches and outdoor parks, the COVID shots, the ever-changing goal posts, the successive contradictory narratives, the fearmongering, and health-harming advice such as avoiding vitamin D all work toward the same outcomes.

First, they facilitate indoctrination by destroying and causing neurons involved in autobiographical memory to be overwritten. The result is people who, quite literally, cannot fully remember their own autobiographical past. It’s been overwritten with technocratic consensus statements, and when asked to engage in logical reasoning, they can’t.

They simply parrot the propaganda narratives because the very center of their individuality (their autobiographical memory) has been replaced by these narratives. What’s more, whey you question the narrative, they perceive it as a direct attack on them personally, as the narrative is who they now are. It’s become part of their personality.

The COVID measures also speed neurodegeneration and cognitive loss, resulting in dementia. And indeed, recent research shows memory and executive function in older adults dropped by 50% during the first year of the pandemic.6

How to Successfully Fend Off the Attack on Your Mental Freedom

The good news is, you can reverse the effects of these attacks on your neurology and regain your mental freedom. To reiterate, to protect your mental immune system and inoculate yourself against indoctrination, you need to:

  • Find a purpose and go after it
  • Pursue an active social life
  • Optimize your sleep
  • Make sure you’re getting all the essential micronutrients, especially iodine and vitamin D
  • Get plenty of exercise
  • Ditch unrealistic expectations and embrace challenging but doable tasks

Optimize Your Energy Production to Facilitate System 2 Thinking

To Nehls’ list, I would add the following advice:

Limit your linoleic acid (LA) intake LA decimates your mitochondrial function resulting in decreased ability to create cellular energy, and without energy, your brain simply won’t have the energy to switch into System 2 thinking. Optimizing your mitochondrial energy production is the crux not only to a healthy body and mind but also your intuition.

The energy produced by your mitochondria is virtually identical to the energy that created the universe and undergirds physical reality. So, once you optimize your mitochondrial energy production, you also swing the door wide open to your higher spiritual faculties where intuition, inner guidance and pure knowing resides.

I dare say, once you’re connected to your inner knowing, no indoctrination attempt can succeed because you can “see” clearly, even when truth is being hidden.

Eat healthy carbs, in optimal amounts, and limit fats — This will optimize your mitochondrial glucose metabolism resulting in higher energy production. Fat metabolism (which you enter when your fat content is too high, likely above 35% of daily calories) reduces mitochondrial efficiency by 25% to 50%. Healthy carbs include ripe fruits, raw honey, and starches like white rice.

Glucose metabolism also increases structured water (mitochondria-produced water), also known as deuterium-depleted water, and reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the mitochondria.

Other supplements that support healthy metabolism — Niacinamide, also known as nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3), is required for healthy metabolism, mitochondrial function and cellular energy production. For general support, I recommend taking 50 mg three times a day.

Niacinamide can also be useful in early Alzheimer’s treatment.7 Combining it with methylene blue may boost benefits even further, as they work synergistically. Methylene blue alone has also been shown to stop the progression of Alzheimer’s.8

Keep your serotonin level low — Serotonin, often misconstrued as the “happy hormone,” acts as an antimetabolite, hindering energy production in your mitochondria, resulting in fatigue and slowed metabolism. Recent research has also linked high serotonin levels to dementia.

One way to lower your serotonin is to increase GABA, which is available as a supplement, as GABA increases the degradation rate of serotonin. People who have high GABA levels usually have low serotonin, and vice-versa.

People with high GABA/low serotonin are typically calm and gregarious, whereas GABA deficiency and elevated serotonin is associated with anxiety, fear, depression, short temper, phobias, impulsiveness and disorganization.

Another important strategy is to address your gut health. When complex carbs that aren’t digested in your stomach travel down to your intestine, they end up feeding gram-negative bacteria that produce endotoxin, also known as LPS (lipopolysaccharide).

Endotoxin catalyzes a series of metabolic reactions that converts tryptophan in your gut to serotonin. So, to inhibit serotonin production in your gut (which is where most of the serotonin in your body is produced), you want to prevent endotoxin production, which means you need to balance your gut microbiome.

Keep your estrogen level low — Like serotonin, estrogen is also antimetabolic and will inhibit energy production. Tips on how to lower your estrogen load can be found here.


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The documentary film “We’re All Plastic People Now” delves into how we have become the embodiment of the trash we created. Director Rory Fielding had four generations of his family’s blood tested for plastic-derived chemicals and found alarming results

Many of the chemicals used to make plastic are endocrine disruptors, which mimic, block or interfere with your natural hormones, causing problems in various physiological functions, such as growth, metabolism and reproduction

Some endocrine-disrupting chemicals are also considered estrogenic carcinogens, which mimic the effects of estrogen in the body, thus increasing your risk of estrogen-sensitive cancers

Vote with your pocketbook and get your national and local government involved to catalyze changes in plastic use. More tips below on how to reduce your microplastic exposure are included


A plastic straw, a bottle of water, a plastic bag from the grocery — these single-use plastics seem so innocuous that people barely give them a second thought before tossing them out. Unfortunately, the development of this throwaway culture has contributed to the mounting burden of plastic waste that threatens the environment, wildlife and our very own bodies.

Discarded plastics are made primarily from petrochemicals1 and degrade into microscopic fragments called microplastics, which lurk everywhere, from the depths of our oceans to the food we eat and the air we breathe. It’s a sobering reality underscored by the Emmy Award-winning documentary featured above, “We’re All Plastic People Now.”

Plastic Pollution Has Become a Generational Burden

Produced and directed by Rory Fielding, “We’re All Plastic People Now” delves into how we have become the embodiment of the trash we created. It’s introduced by actor and ocean preservationist Ted Danson and featured at the 2024 Santa Fe Film Festival.2

While the film briefly illustrates the devastating impacts of microplastics on marine life, particularly sea turtles found with plastic-filled stomachs, it dives deeper into a more disturbing truth — humans are not separate from plastic pollution.

As David A. Davis, Ph.D., a researcher from the University of Miami who’s featured in the film, aptly puts it, “Water is life, so if the water is polluted and we have sentinel species like dolphins and sea turtles, if they’re also sick, we can anticipate that we’ll be sick, too.” 

Studies have detected microplastics in human tissues, including the brain,3 lungs,4 kidney, liver5 and heart,6 as well as in human blood7 and stool.8 Even babies are exposed to microplastics starting from their mothers’ placenta to the breast milk they rely on for nourishment.9

Dr. Antonio Ragusa, the study’s lead researcher on microplastics in the placenta and one of the featured experts in the documentary, bluntly referred to humans as “cyborgs” because our bodies are no longer purely biological but have become part plastic.

This assertion is further confirmed in the film as Fielding had four generations of his family’s blood tested for plastic-derived chemicals. Their blood samples were submitted to Rolf Halden, Ph.D., an environmental engineer from Arizona State University. According to Halden’s analysis, Fielding and his family carry over 80 different chemicals in their body. He further explains:

“What we detected in the blood of all these participants are precursors of plastics, plastic constituents themselves, as well as degradation products of consumer plastics. These chemicals are known to be carcinogens, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, obesogens and neurodegenerative agents.”

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Can Make Your Body ‘Go Awry’

Many of the chemicals used to make plastic are endocrine disruptors. As microplastics circulate in your body, they carry these chemicals and distribute them to your cells and tissues, where they can pose significant harm to your health. Dr. Leonardo Trasande, a pediatrician and director of the Center for Investigation of Environmental Hazards at New York University, noted in the film:

“We live in a world where we’re still not as aware of endocrine-disrupting chemicals as we should be. We’re talking about our natural hormones, our molecules that orchestrate all sorts of signaling of basic bodily functions, maintaining a healthy temperature, good metabolism, salt, sugar and even sex.

When we’re talking about endocrine-disrupting chemicals, we’re talking about synthetic chemicals that hack those molecular signals and make things go awry in the human body.”

Some of the endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in microplastics include bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). By mimicking, blocking or interfering with your natural hormones, EDCs can disrupt the function of your endocrine system, which leads to problems in various physiological functions such as growth, metabolism and reproduction.10

Some EDCs are also considered estrogenic carcinogens. Also known as xenoestrogens, these chemicals can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body.11 This results in abnormal stimulation of estrogen receptors, which then promotes cell proliferation and potentially contributes to the development and progression of estrogen-sensitive cancers, such as breast cancer12 and endometrial cancer.13

Another form of EDC found in microplastics is PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances), a group of about 5,000 ubiquitous chemicals in consumer products and used in industrial, electronic, firefighting and medical applications. They’re also known as “forever chemicals,” as they do not degrade naturally, persist in the environment and accumulate in people and wildlife.14

In the featured documentary, John Hocevar, director of Greenpeace Oceans Campaign, states, “PFAS chemicals can give us cancer … and they can damage our immune systems. PFAS can also interfere with fetal development, and they can harm our hormonal and reproductive systems.”

Can Plastics End the Future of Humanity?

In the documentary, Shanna Swan, Ph.D., a professor from Mount Sinai Hospital, sheds light on her research on phthalates, which she believes is one of the major culprits behind the decline in sperm count in the last 50 years. She purports that exposure to these chemicals causes phthalate syndrome, a condition wherein the male reproductive organs and fertility are affected depending on their mother’s exposure to phthalates while they’re in the womb. She explains:

“What [phthalates] are doing is they’re lowering testosterone. Initially, male and female have the same genital ridge … Around early first trimester, there starts to be differentiation of the males and females. All that’s happening very fast in early pregnancy, and that needs testosterone to be there at the right time and the right amount …

If the testosterone doesn’t come on board at the right time and there isn’t enough of it … let’s just say we call those males incompletely masculinized. And in the females, if testosterone gets in there when it shouldn’t or more than should be there, then the female starts producing more male-like genitals.

So, what you’re seeing is a decreasing of sex differences. So, the male becomes less completely a male, the female less completely a female.”

Halden further emphasizes the potential implications of the trend of decreasing sperm counts and loss of fertility, cautioning that we could be “playing with the future of humanity.”

“Essentially, we are allowing chemicals like plastic chemicals into our family planning,”Halden adds. “They [plastic chemicals] decide whether there is life or not. We don’t want to give more voting rights to chemicals as we plan in the future.”

Dr. Ragusa echoes this sentiment, stating, “Plastic can be the future for big oil companies. But not for us, not for humanity. For humanity, plastic is the end of the future.” 

A Battle for Change in Southern Louisiana’s Cancer Alley

In an 85-mile stretch of land between New Orleans and Baton Rouge is an area known as “Cancer Alley.” In the area there are over 150 plastic plants and chemical industries. The cancer rates in this area are 50 times higher than the national average.15

The pervasive presence of estrogenic carcinogens in the surroundings likely contribute to these numbers. Moreover, exposure to plasticizers is also associated with oxidative stress, inflammation and DNA damage,16 all of which are also mechanisms of carcinogenesis.

Sharon Lavigne, founder of Rise St. James in Louisiana, lives in the middle of Cancer Alley. She shared that their community used to have beautiful trees before 19 petrochemical plants were built to replace them, with 12 of them located near Sharon’s home.

“I lost my sister-in-law [to] cancer. I lost my neighbor on both sides of me [to] cancer. We had so many people dying, it made me wonder what was going on …” Sharon says. “I felt like if another industry would come in here, it would be a death sentence for St. James [Parish].”

Her personal experience spurred her on to fight against further industrial expansion in her community. The documentary features how their group’s efforts successfully prevented the construction of what would’ve been the world’s largest plastic plant in their hometown.

Profit From Plastic Is Prioritized Over Public Health

Despite the mounting evidence of the dangers caused by microplastics, the industry is still planning to expand plastic production. According to Christy Leavitt, the plastics campaign director of Oceana, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ocean conservation:

“We’ve seen, over the last couple of decades, the amount of plastic production has increased rapidly, and so too has all of the plastic pollution … They’re looking towards a world where not only do we have the current amount of plastic that’s out there, but they want, in fact, triple the amount of that.”

She also revealed that recycling is no longer going to be enough to address the worsening plastic crisis. Halden elaborates on the economic challenges of recycling plastics, explaining that while the plastic industry’s narrative promotes recycling, it’s actually far more economical for them to produce virgin plastic.

The production of cheap plastic from fossil fuels is also being incentivized, causing companies to produce new ones instead of recycling. As for the logistic issues, Halden presented data from

“The things that we carry into recycling centers are only a small fraction of the overall plastic mass that we’re using. In past years, only about 9% of plastics actually arrived at recycling centers. Today, it’s only 5% of all the plastics that we make and consume.

But that’s not where the bad news ends because when the plastics arrive at the recycling center … they just put the plastic in a barge and ship it to a country that doesn’t have a solid waste disposal system. So, it ends up in the landfill, blows into the ocean and comes right back in our food.”

Moreover, NPR news correspondent Laura Sullivan, who also appears in the documentary, found internal documents revealing a stark contrast between the oil industry’s million-dollar promotion of plastic and recycling and its private doubts about the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of large-scale recycling initiatives.18

It’s Not Too Late to Address the Plastic Crisis

Toward the end of the documentary, the featured experts and environmental activists shared a similar sentiment — there is still hope for reducing plastic pollution and safeguarding the health of future generations.

According to Halden, it’s not the first time humanity has endangered our future with what we thought were innovative industrial advances, yet we’ve come up with solutions to mitigate the dangers before they completely destroy our planet. “Plastics is the next big challenge for us,” he declares positively.

Hocevar notes that the plastic problem has a very simple solution: We should just stop producing so much of it. One way to achieve this is by voting with your pocketbook. As Dr. Ragusa pointed out in the film, the major producers of plastics right now are big food and beverage manufacturers.

Refusing to buy their products can urge these companies to take accountability and change their plastic use. It will also go a long way toward reducing your own plastic waste. Leavitt highlighted the importance of getting the state and local government involved as well, “so that they’re actually requiring companies to change the way that single-use plastics are produced and used.”

Progesterone Can Help Lower Plastic Estrogen Toxicity

Plastics are xenoestrogens and much of their danger is related to their stimulation of estrogen receptors, so another effective strategy that can help counteract estrogen excess is to take trans mucosal progesterone (not oral or transdermal), which is a natural estrogen antagonist. Progesterone is one of only four hormones I believe many adults can benefit from. (The other three are thyroid hormone T3, DHEA and pregnenolone.)

I do not recommend transdermal progesterone, as your skin expresses high levels of 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which causes a significant portion of the progesterone you’re taking to be irreversibly converted primarily into allopregnanolone and cannot be converted back into progesterone.

As a general recommendation, I recommend taking 25 to 50 mg of bioidentical progesterone per a day, taken in the evening one hour before bed, as it can also promote sleep. For optimal bioavailability, progesterone needs to be mixed into natural vitamin E. The difference in bioavailability between taking progesterone orally without vitamin E and taking it with vitamin E is 45 minutes versus 48 hours.

Simply Progesterone by Health Natura is premixed with vitamin E and MCT oil. You can also make your own by dissolving pure USP progesterone powder into one capsule of a high-quality vitamin E, and then rub the mixture on your gums. Fifty milligrams of powdered progesterone is about 1/32 teaspoon.

Do not use synthetic vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate — the acetate indicates that it’s synthetic). Natural vitamin E will be labeled “d alpha tocopherol.” This is the pure D isomer, which is what your body can use.

There are also other vitamin E isomers, and you want the complete spectrum of tocopherols and tocotrienols, specifically the beta, gamma, and delta types, in the effective D isomer. As an example of an ideal vitamin E you can look at the label on our vitamin E in our store. You can use any brand that has a similar label.

If you are a menstruating woman, you should take the progesterone during the luteal phase or the last half of your cycle which can be determined by starting ten days after the first day of your period and stopping the progesterone when your period starts.

If you are a male or non-menstruating woman you can take the progesterone every day for 4-6 months and they cycle off for one week. The best time of day to take progesterone is 30 minutes before bed as it is has an anti-cortisol function and will increase GABA levels for a good night’s sleep.

Please note that when progesterone is used transmucosally on your gums as I advise, the FDA believes that somehow converts it into a drug and prohibits any company from advising that on its label. However, please understand that it is perfectly legal for any physician to recommend an off-label indication for a drug.

In this case progesterone is a natural hormone and not a drug and is very safe even at high doses. This is unlike synthetic progesterone called progestins that are used by drug companies, but frequently, and incorrectly referred to as progesterone, which are dangerous and should never be used by anyone.

What Else You Can Do to Lower Your Plastic Load

Plastic has become a huge part of our everyday life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. While it may seem hard to avoid, there are many ways you can reduce your plastic use to help protect the environment and your health. Here are some strategies to get you started:

Avoid water in plastic bottles — In the documentary, Halden referred to water bottles as a time bomb, as they expose you to microplastics with every sip. If you do need to buy bottled water, choose products in glass bottles, which can be reused as well.

Filter and boil tap water — With microplastics contaminating our waterways, it’s important to avoid drinking water straight from the tap. Make sure your home has a good water filtration system to filter out these particles. If you have hard tap water in your area, boil it before using it for drinking or cooking, as research shows boiling for five minutes helps remove up to 90% of microplastics in the water.19

Always opt for reusable alternatives — Avoid single-use plastic items like disposable straws, plastic bags and disposable plastic food and beverage packaging. Instead, choose reusable alternatives that are made from safer materials, such as glass, metal or paper.

Never microwave food in plastic containers — Heat causes the chemicals in plastic to leach into the food, so use glass or ceramic containers for microwaving.

Choose clothes made from natural fibers — Choose organic clothing and other textile products, such as those made from cotton, hemp, silk, wool or bamboo. Synthetic fabrics like polyester shed microfibers and xenoestrogens. If you do buy clothes made from synthetic fiber, wash them less frequently and use a microfiber filter in your washing machine to trap synthetic fiber and prevent them from entering the waterways.

Look for all-natural personal care products — Some makeup, skincare and body care products contain microbeads and plastic particles. Opt for all-natural, food-grade products to avoid risking your health.

Reduce, reuse and recycle whenever possible — Even though it’s revealed in the documentary that recycling alone may not be enough to tackle our waste problem, you should still do your part in repurposing products whenever you can. This, along with urging companies and politicians to take action, can help mitigate the plastic crisis. Remember that every effort counts.


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1 Applied Energy, 2023 September;1(345): 121307

2 Rory Fielding Films, “We’re All Plastic People Now”

3 Part Fibre Toxicol., 2020; 17: 24

4 Heliyon, 2024 Jan 30; 10(2): e24355

5 ACS Omega, 2022 Sep 27; 7(38): 34136–34153

6 Biomedicines, 2023 Feb; 11(2): 264

7 Environ Int., 2022 May:163:107199

8 Toxics., 2022 Aug; 10(8): 414

9 Anim Reprod., 2023; 20(2): e20230037, Abstract

10 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

11 Cancers 2022, 14(19): 4637

12 Environ Sci Pollut Res Int., 2018 Aug; 25(24):23624-23630

13 Environ Health Perspect., 2020 Dec;128(12):127005

14 Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Dec; 18(23): 12550

15 University Network for Human Rights, July 2019, Executive Summary

16 Cells, 2021 Sep 9;10(9):2367

17 Beyond Plastics, May 22, 2023

18 NPR, September 11, 2020

19 Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2024, 11(3): 273–279 

Featured image: Leopard sharks swim past plastic debris in shallow water off southern California.  Ralph Pace, CC BY-ND

The Normalization of Nuclear Weapons. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

June 4th, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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There is now in the US a vast industry funded with $1.3 trillion developing “usable” nuclear weapons. All sorts of private contractors, scientific laboratories, the Pentagon are involved. In other words, the vast sum is widely spread resulting in a massive influential institutionalized interest that prevents nuclear disarmament.

Professor Chossudovsky points out that the politicians funding this doomsday exercise have no conception of the consequences of using nuclear weapons (some of which have been declared “peace weapons”) and that there is neglect of the risks introduced by artificial intelligence.

It is frightening that 80 years ago when the US had a monopoly on nuclear weapons, the US developed a war plan to commit genocide on the Soviet population using 200 nuclear bombs on 66 cities.

This, the senseless and immoral destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and present day reckless provocations, such as attacks on Russia’s early warning system and long range missiles for strikes deep into Russia given to Ukraine but operated by US/NATO, must make Russia expect the worst from the West.

The West has pushed Russia to the point where Putin has warned the West to back off or out come the nukes.

The worst crisis in human history is right now, and the Western peoples are unaware that every Western political leader with the exception of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban is leading them to destruction.


Michel Chossudovsky of joins us to discuss his recent article: “The Hiroshima Nagasaki ‘Dress Rehearsal’: Oppenheimer and the U.S. War Department’s Secret September 15, 1945 ‘Doomsday Blueprint’ to ‘Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map.’”

We talk about the original, genocidal plan of the US War Department for a genocidal nuclear slaughter of the Soviets, how that plan has continued to the present day, the existential threat of nuclear holocaust and the prospects for an anti-war movement that can actually stand up to the military-industrial complex.


Video: Michel Chossudovsky and the Corbett Report


The Hiroshima Nagasaki “Dress Rehearsal”: Oppenheimer and the U.S. War Department’s Secret September 15, 1945 “Doomsday Blueprint” to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 12, 2024*

“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 01, 2024


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from teleSUR

WWIII ScenarioTowards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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The United States is unlikely to help South Korea build nuclear-powered submarines at the moment as it is burdened by AUKUS commitments to Australia, the Pentagon said on Saturday, as cited by Reuters. This is a major blow to President Yoon Suk-yeol’s efforts to globalise South Korea, which has come at the cost of prosperous relations with Russia.

Asked during the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit in Singapore how he would respond to a direct request from South Korea for help in obtaining nuclear submarines, Lloyd Austin, the US Secretary of Defense, said it would be  “very, very difficult” for Washington to accommodate that “on top of what we do right now.”

“(AUKUS) is no small endeavour,” he said. “We just started down this path with Australia. (It’s) highly doubtful that we could take on another initiative of this type anytime in the near future.”

In 2021, the United States signed the AUKUS pact with the United Kingdom and Australia to share nuclear-powered submarine technology and sell at least three Virginia-class boats to Australia by the 2030s. The two-stage security pact seeks to neutralise China’s growing power in the Asia-Pacific region and will be the first time Washington has shared nuclear propulsion technology since it did so with the UK in the 1950s.

“We believe that AUKUS is, in fact, a good addition to regional security,” said Judith Collins, New Zealand’s Defence Minister, on May 30, on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit. This demonstrates that the Anglo world is united in the efforts of AUKUS, even New Zealand, which, despite being a South Pacific country, has not yet joined the bloc.

Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles said that he could imagine other countries’ involvement in the future but stressed that the focus, for now, was on the US-UK-Australia trio getting “runs on the board” of submarine projects, which are set to last decades.

In effect, Austin and Marles confirmed that AUKUS is an Asia-Pacific Anglo alliance that has no room for Asians, even for South Korea, a country that has followed the US in imposing sanctions on Russia and has provided weapons to Ukraine through indirect methods, as confirmed by the Washington Post in December 2023.

Yet, despite Washington evidently prioritising Anglo allies over Asian counterparts, including QUAD partners India and Japan, South Korea continues to deepen its security partnership with the US. The defence ministers of the US, South Korea, and Japan agreed on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue on June 2 to hold the inaugural Freedom Edge military exercises, which are expected to include naval, aerial, underwater and cyber exercises and to take place sometime in the summer.

According to a Pentagon press release, the three defence ministers “stressed the importance of the rules-based international order and reaffirmed their commitment to stand with Ukraine” whilst also affirming their “enduring commitment to strengthen trilateral security cooperation to deter nuclear and missile threats” posed by North Korea and the “dangerous and aggressive” Chinese “behaviour” in the South China Sea.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticised Washington’s joint drills with its Asian partners on May 20, highlighting that they were aggravating the delicate security situation in the Asia-Pacific region “to the point of its transition to a hot phase.”

Lavrov added that North Korea has “recently expressed its gravest concern over provocative actions by the United States and its allies in this region.”

President Yoon Suk-yeol’s “global pivotal state” strategy aims to transform South Korea from a middle power to a global influencer by broadening the country’s military, economic, and diplomatic outreach beyond the region. However, these efforts to broaden South Korea’s outreach have meant severing prosperous relations with Moscow to align with Washington – all this while the majority of the world is only deepening its ties with Russia.

In fact, Suk-yeol’s actions have meant that South Korea, along with Japan and Singapore, is the only non-Western country to have imposed sanctions on Moscow. Instead of globalising South Korea’s appeal, Suk-yeol’s has made his country a pariah state since the majority of the world has not imposed US-led sanctions.

Although Suk-yeol’s actions have strained ties with Moscow, there has been no tangible result besides trilateral exercises with the US and Japan, which are not at the strategic level or value of QUAD, let alone AUKUS. The most obvious signal that South Korea is seen as nothing more than a vassal for Washington is the confirmation that there will be no assistance in building nuclear-powered submarines, which also serves as an indication that the US will always prioritise its ties with the Anglo world.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol with US President Joe Biden. (Source)

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A US report points to significant problems in rebuilding the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially as front line commanders will lead poorly trained recruits, who will be called up under the new conscription law, “to just die.” The same report also indicates that Ukraine is now recruiting prisoners as manpower shortage is evidently having a crippling effect on the front lines.

“We had guys that didn’t even know how to disassemble and assemble a gun,” a deputy battalion commander with the call sign Schmidt told The Washington Post on June 2 when complaining that weeks were wasted on teaching new recruits basic skills, including shooting.

Schmidt also complained that commanders “are wasting a lot of time [on the front lines] with basic training [of] new infantry” and that fresh recruits were being sent to combat Russian forces “to simply die.”

According to The Washington Post,

“With Russia on the offensive, the persistent complaints are a reminder that a newly adopted mobilisation law intended to widen the pool of draft-eligible men is just one step in solving the military’s personnel problems.”

However, the situation is evidently desperate as prison inmates are now able to join the Ukrainian military “in exchange for a chance of parole,” a policy first adopted by Moscow but that Kiev and the West had initially propagated as a sign of the Russian military’s struggle. Rather, the Russian program, first headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, was to recruit for the Wagner private military group and an opportunity for prisoners to achieve redemption, whilst the Ukrainian program is obviously a desperate attempt to deal with crippling manpower shortages.

The new mobilisation law tightens military conscription conditions to replenish the Ukrainian Army, depleted by two years of conflict with Russian troops. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law in April, which reduces the enlistment age from 27 to 25, expands the powers of enlistment officers, and introduces penalties for deserters with massive fines and/or prison.

Ukrainian troops are significantly outnumbered and exhausted and are being overrun by Russian forces, and although it is impossible to reverse this situation, the Kiev regime insists on continuing the war, even if conscripts, including prisoners, are inexperienced and do not have the necessary training.

“There is competition between military commanders to hire (prisoners) since there is a lack of manpower, so they really want to have access to these people,” Ukrainian Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told reporters visiting a prison in Kiev on May 30.

A 5th Brigade representative, using the call sign Vladyslav, told Reuters his brigade had recruited “around 90 people from the prison and was recruiting others.” Although Vladyslav said that those who joined his brigade would be “put into separate, prisoner-only units and that commanders would keep a close eye on them,” he admitted that “there was little scope for them to desert considering the amount of fire Russia could aim at a disorderly withdrawal.”

Maliuska also expressed concern on the issue of desertion, saying that prisoners will be shamed by the media, “if there is a single deserter or a single crime, that would be the type of thing in the media that would be bad PR for us.”

In fact, the manpower situation is so desperate that the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is forcing priests and parishes of various Christian denominations to urge the faithful to join the Ukrainian Army, a representative of the pro-Russian resistance in Kherson told Russian media.

“The SSU officials supervising churches and other religious organisations, after the publication of the new mobilisation law, forced the clergy of the denominations they supervise to convince parishioners to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The instructions were received in the Evangelical Christian Baptist Church, the Evangelical Faith Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” according to the representative.

“SSU officials constantly harass Ukrainian clergy to cooperate through the threat of forced mobilisation of the clergy themselves,” the representative said, adding that military commissars are on duty near Ukrainian churches to detain men of military age during religious services, including weddings and funerals.

Although many Ukrainians enthusiastically volunteered at the beginning of the war, the initial fervour waned as the reality of war was exposed and the acknowledgement of Russia’s inevitable victory set among ordinary citizens. These manpower shortages have sealed Ukraine’s fate, and not even a fresh supply of Western military aid can reverse the tide, let alone untrained men forced to fight on the front lines. It appears that in all of Ukraine, only the Kiev regime refuses to accept this reality, meaning that inexperienced and unmotivated conscripts will continue to “simply die.”


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image source

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As top-ranking officials and leaders of Western countries continue their schizophrenic “to be or not to be” charade of nearly simultaneous (fake) “calls for peace” and (real) escalation, the world is inching closer to a disastrous global conflict virtually every single day. One of the worst examples of such hypocrisy (or utter madness, if we were to be brutally honest) comes from French President Emmanuel Macron, who keeps trying to build the image of some sort of “peacemaker” while playing a dangerous game of escalating enmity with a country that has the capability of completely obliterating France with a single ICBM. His laughable “calls for an Olympic truce” most likely serve as an attempt to hide his true intentions of adding fuel to the fire in Ukraine. Namely, Macron is now working on a new initiative to get as many NATO troops as possible to participate in hostilities.

However, in order to avoid a direct Russian retaliation, the French President wants these NATO troops to be designated as so-called “military advisers” and “training personnel”.

Macron insists they would be deployed in Western Ukraine or at least far from the frontlines, “where they would be safe”. Obviously, nobody seems to have notified the French President that Moscow’s hypersonic missiles just had something to say about that.

And there’s no reason to believe that the Kremlin will change its stance on any unauthorized foreign personnel in Ukraine, particularly from NATO countries. And indeed, all of the so-called “advisers” or any covert operatives, be they American, British or any other, should be treated as dangerous terrorists. In effect, that’s what they are, especially considering the fact that their employers are resorting to actual terrorism that killed hundreds of Russian civilians.

However, even the mainstream propaganda machine admits that there’s widespread opposition to more NATO involvement in Ukraine. Quoting sources familiar with the matter, the Financial Times reports that “Paris has been working for a while now with the Ukrainians on this”, but that the plan is yet to get the formal backing of NATO, as “a number of [member states] have voiced reluctance or even outright disapproval, fearing unnecessary confrontation with Russia and runaway escalation that would put Western troops directly in harm’s way”. According to the report,

“President Emmanuel Macron is expected to unveil France’s plan to send army trainers next Thursday when he hosts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Normandy along with other leaders, including US President Joe Biden, on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day, according to people familiar with the matter”.

The said sources stated that the initiative “could end up involving dozens or hundreds of troops”. Obviously, this is yet another laughable attempt to water down the scope of actual NATO involvement. The sheer number of foreign mercenaries and covert operatives in Ukraine disproves the claims of these anonymous sources. The Russian military has already neutralized thousands of them, while NATO itself is desperate to find ways to hide the losses among its personnel in Ukraine, which explains the massive surge in “sudden accidental deaths” of its soldiers since 2022. We should pay close attention to the most comical “freak accidents” imaginable in the coming weeks and months if Macron’s initiative comes to pass. This might soon include news about French, American, British and other NATO majors, colonels and even generals “mysteriously” and “inexplicably” dying.

All of a sudden, skiing in the Alps will become far deadlier, while falling out of helicopters, choking on croissants when having breakfast or suffocating when their throats swell from hot coffee will become common occurrences among NATO personnel. However, the Russophobic extremists will surely be thrilled to get the chance to fight the Russian military, which is why the Baltic states were among the first to support Macron’s idea. On the other hand, Moscow warns that the initiative is a mere formality, as its forces have been neutralizing foreign soldiers for quite some time. Russian special services have become quite adept in locating and eliminating NATO personnel in Ukraine, including by sending hypersonic missiles at their positions. The sheer speed of these weapons gives them only a few minutes to escape before they’re vaporized.

However, the Kiev regime is already bragging that foreign “advisers” are on their way. Last week, a senior member of the Rada (Parliament) Oleksiy Goncharenko said that the “first group of French military instructors are on their way to Ukraine”. Others, such as the Neo-Nazi junta’s top commander, the infamous General Oleksandr Syrsky, announced that “the paperwork facilitating the presence of French personnel in the country” has been completed. Once again, this is a mere formality, as NATO soldiers have long been present in Ukraine. However, while the foreign personnel currently stationed in the country are covert operatives or volunteers who officially joined the Kiev regime forces, having actual soldiers of NATO member states present and conducting operations against the Russian military is a completely different story.

The ways in which this could go wrong are innumerable. The Kremlin has repeatedly stated it will target any foreign personnel. This cannot be stressed enough and it’s quite clear what fate awaits anyone foolish enough to question Moscow’s resolve. When hundreds of caskets wrapped with French flags start coming back to France, how exactly will Macron explain this to his electorate?

The French President’s political opponents have been warning about his ego, which is the only logical explanation for such suicidal behavior. Russian military power should be more than enough to dissuade anyone from even thinking about war. However, as the political West keeps sinking into utter madness, common sense cannot be expected from its leaders. Macron claims to want an “Olympic truce”, but his behavior suggests there won’t be any Olympic games at all if he doesn’t back off.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy meets French President Emmanuel Macron during a state visit to France, 17 June 2019. (Source: BY-SA 4.0)

100 Cases of Sudden and Unexpected Deaths While Sleeping

June 4th, 2024 by Dr. William Makis

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It’s absolutely shocking how common it is now to die in your sleep, with no explanation and no investigation.

I present 100 Cases of died suddenly while sleeping, this is just a sample of what is going on right now.

May 12, 2024 – DENTIST DEAD – 47 year old Dr. Stephen Hill of Allen Texas, died suddenly in his sleep on May 12, 2024. Dec. 26, 2020: His wife posted: “Just got vaccinated” May 12, 2024: “Sudden passing”


April 22, 2024 – UK – Elainena Hilton died suddenly on April 22, 2024.


Apr. 5, 2024 – AUSTRALIAN NURSE DEAD – 58 year old Australian nurse from Palm Beach, Colleen Hunter died suddenly in her sleep on April 5, 2024.


April 5, 2024 – UK – Kenny Newsome died unexpectedly in his sleep


Mar. 30, 2024 – Australia – Melbourne DJ Guy Uppiah died peacefully in his sleep


Mar. 30, 2024 – Fairfax, VA – 43 year old lawyer Christian Decker just had a new baby when he died suddenly in his sleep on March 30, 2024


Mar. 28, 2024 – Sean McLaughlin died in his sleep


Mar. 25, 2024 – Hallandale Beach, FL – 47 year old paramedic Heather Lynn Owns died suddenly in her sleepon March 25, 2024. May, 2021: “LOL…Guess I am one of the human lab rats that got vaccinated”.


Mar. 24, 2024 – Greensburg, PA – 36 year old Ashley Kertes died unexpectedly in her sleep on Mar. 24, 2023 shortly before 7:30am She worked as an administrator to the superintendent in Greensburg Salem School district, so she was COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated.


Mar. 22, 2024 – Scotland – 33 year old mom Fiona Gallacher thought she had a pregnant belly but it was Stage 4 bowel cancer. Diagnosed Jan. 8, 2024 she was given 6-12 months to live, but died on Mar. 22, 2024 in her sleep.


Mar. 21, 2024 – St. Mary, Jamaica – 27 year old Police Officer Shackael Ellis died in his sleep on March 21, 2024. “around 6am his mother went to awaken him…she found Shackael unresponsive.”


Mar. 15, 2024 – Melbourne, Australia – Jordan Argiriou was travelling for work when he died suddenly in his sleep on March 15, 2024.


Mar. 13, 2024 – Iowa City – 44 year old Chris Wiersema died in his sleep


Mar. 10, 2024 – UK – 38 year old Gary Cawley died in his sleep


Mar. 3, 2024 – Edmonton, AB – 42 year old Amber Carriere died suddenly in her sleep on Mar. 3, 2024. She leaves behind 3 kids.


Mar. 2024 – Henry Martin had a healthy distrust of authority and was vaccinated Sep.2021: “Get vaccinated dumbass” “Henry passed away early this morning in his sleep.”

Click here to read the full article on COVID Intel.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Are You Feeding Your Soul or the Enemy?

June 4th, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The modern world actively works against the ability to nurture your intuition and feed your soul, instead, as investigative journalist Corey Lynn puts it, feeding the enemy

This “enemy” thrives on the chaos, division and negativity perpetuated through social media platforms and elsewhere

It symbolizes the harmful outcomes of collective engagement in fear, misinformation and distraction, leading you away from personal growth and inner peace

It’s possible to break free from the mind control and corruption by making small, purposeful changes, such as daily meditation

There are concrete steps you can take to overcome fear, find joy in your life and feed your soul, many of which are detailed in my upcoming book, “The Power of Choice”


Reflecting on your thoughts and feelings helps you understand your own behaviors, desires and conflicts more deeply. This self-awareness can improve personal relationships and increase emotional intelligence, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and satisfying life, with ripple effects across society.

Yet, the modern world actively works against the ability to nurture your intuition and feed your soul, instead, as investigative journalist Corey Lynn puts it, feeding the enemy.1 The enemy in this case isn’t a person or group, but rather destructive forces or influences that you may unknowingly support or contribute to, in the context of social media and elsewhere.

This “enemy” thrives on the chaos, division and negativity perpetuated through social media platforms. It symbolizes the harmful outcomes of collective engagement in fear, misinformation and distraction, leading you away from personal growth and inner peace.

By participating in these destructive cycles, you inadvertently “feed the enemy” instead of nurturing your own soul. Fortunately, there are concrete steps you can take to overcome fear and find joy in your life, many of which are detailed in my upcoming book, “The Power of Choice.”

Is Your Mind Being Programmed?

“Mind conditioning and programming have always been the game,” according to Lynn.2 Even common symbols and campaigns in your daily life may manipulate public perception and thought patterns, serving the interests of manipulative entities. Lynn uses the example of the letter X used as a form of symbolic conditioning by, for instance, Twitter. Lynn writes:3

“Remember when the red X went viral on Twitter [in 2018]? Everyone was saying, ‘put a red X next to your screen name if you have been shadow banned and censored to show everyone we are united against this.’ I saw thousands of people quickly add a red X next to their name, and I warned that it was a ploy.

At the time I wasn’t sure what it was all about, as it could have been an attempt to build a list of people against the narrative, and it likely had a multifaceted approach.

I just knew that following along would not be wise. I now believe that one of the goals was to get everyone to place the X for purposes of conditioning their minds to believe ‘X’ is a good, powerful, united symbol. Five years later, Twitter became X.

This may seem silly and insignificant, but when multiple campaigns are running simultaneously to program individuals, every little seed planted adds branches in the brain and forms beliefs. Then, when evidence is brought forth showing the trap, the brain refuses to accept it, and instead is stuck in the ‘united’ belief system, and hero worship ensues.”

Lynn suggests the repeated use of the letter X in different contexts is a form of mind conditioning. By associating the X with concepts of unity, power and future change, the public may be subtly programmed to align their beliefs and behaviors with these symbols without critically evaluating the implications.

Becoming Consumed With Identity Is a Method of Distraction

By participating in these campaigns, you spread the desired narrative or belief system that’s laid out by those orchestrating the campaigns, contributing to a larger agenda. It also keeps your attention focused on the high-profile campaign instead of its underlying manipulative tactics. Ultimately, it’s a method of distraction, keeping your mind occupied with superficial or misleading activities instead of nurturing your own critical thinking and spiritual growth.

One example Lynn gives is becoming consumed with various aspects of identity — such as sexual preference, appearance and personality types. This can lead to divisions and distractions that prevent you from engaging more deeply with your inner self. A focus on identity is an external one, in which you become preoccupied with defining yourself and others based on surface-level characteristics and labels.

This external focus diverts attention from more introspective, spiritual pursuits that could foster genuine self-understanding and connection to a higher purpose or spiritual entity. By pushing identity to the forefront, the enemy may be intentionally creating situations that lead to discord and prevent people from instead uniting or focusing on common goals. Lynn explains:4

“I once believed that the corrupt want to obliterate everyone’s identity, make everyone genderless and force them to use digital IDs, but I’m beginning to realize that ‘identity’ is exactly what they want everyone focused on.

When you get people hyper focused on their own identity and the identity of others, be it sexual preference, appearance, fashion style, personality types, and all of the other fun labels that go with it, people are ultimately trying to define themselves by external nonsense that gives them an ‘identity,’ rather than focusing on their inner spirit, their soul, and direct line to God. It’s one of the biggest and longest standing distractions.”

Living in Fear Creates Confusion and Paranoia

Fear further feeds the enemy by destabilizing individuals and creating a population that’s easier to manage and less likely to resist manipulation or challenge the status quo. “Bad actors have been stoking fear and paranoia for eons because it serves their agendas well. When you keep people in a constant high beta state it creates incoherence and confusion. Eventually, this builds into paranoia,” according to Lynn.5

When people suspect that threats are everywhere, they can become isolated and less willing to connect with others, weakening social bonds and leaving you more vulnerable to manipulation. Fear also disrupts your own intuition, which is a powerful tool for understanding and decision-making.

When intuition is sidelined, you may bypass thoughtful analysis for quick, fear-based reactions. This can lead to poor decisions and outcomes. “They want everyone in a constant state of survival so they become paralyzed,” Lynn says, continuing:6

“The saying ‘trust no one and question everything’ has become the foundation for cognitive dissonance. Trusting no one creates isolation, while questioning everything keeps one in a constant state of analysis as opposed to trusting in their own intuition. Intuition is the most powerful tool for humans, yet people are finding it difficult to even trust in themselves.

Soon, this paranoia emerges into a single belief that everyone is bad and no one is to be trusted. Everything seems plausible and grasping at every bit of information that comes out is quickly twisted to fit this belief. Intuition goes out the window, research is skipped over, and analysis comes from a place of paranoia and confusion.

… This is why expanding one’s intuition is so vital during these times. The mind can only process so much and clues are often hidden, but intuition can quite literally save one’s life. Faith, prayer, and knowing go hand-in-hand with intuition. Fear and ego cloud discernment.”

Sowing Division Gives the Enemy More Power

Once the stage has been set for programming, distractions and fear, it becomes easy to plant the seeds of division. Influencers, often without realizing it, play a significant role in spreading these divisive narratives.

Because influencers have large followings, their endorsement or mere discussion of a divisive topic can lend it credibility and increase its spread. Lynn suggests that these individuals may inadvertently become tools in the hands of those intent on sowing division.

Meanwhile, as you focus on who is right or wrong, who is an ally or an enemy, attention is diverted from more productive pursuits. Instead of using your resources and abilities to effect positive change or enhance your community, you may waste energy by getting caught up in the drama and conflict. This further distracts you from personal growth and community involvement. Lynn adds:7

“The corrupt players sit back and relish in the chaos, division, and confusion all being created among individuals and influencers pointing fingers at one another, while achieving their end goal. The reality is, the majority of influencers and individuals on social media are not part of a psyop (not including bots of course), but rather have differing opinions, lack of knowledge, were misguided, or simply didn’t have all of the information.

… Suddenly, everyone is sketchy, everyone is involved in an ‘operation,’ and accusations are flying. People become consumed with ‘who’s who’ rather than ‘who am I.’

For over eight years I have observed this targeted energy suck, and it has gotten us no closer to combatting agendas against humanity, it has only served as entertainment for those who prefer to get caught up in drama and let their anger out on social media because they haven’t found a more constructive outlet.

… Everyone feeds into this drama and it stokes more division, but more importantly — it causes everyone to focus on external distractions rather than internal momentum and using their gifts and skills to actually make an impact for themselves, their families and their communities. And THAT is the prime goal of the corrupt.”

The Choice to Feed Your Soul — Not the Enemy — Is Yours

It’s possible to break free from the mind control and corruption by making small, purposeful changes. In the video at the top of this article, BBC journalist Melissa Hogenboom explains how six weeks of meditation led to changes in her brain, as evidenced by a brain scan.8

By calming your mind and focusing your attention, meditation reduces the “noise” of incessant thoughts. This quieter mental state can make it easier to hear and trust your intuitive feelings, which are often subtle and may be easily overshadowed by “louder” thoughts.

Meditation also nurtures your mind’s intrinsic capabilities, making it more receptive and tuned to intuitive processes. It provides a supportive environment for intuition to flourish by fostering a calm, clear and connected state of being, while helping to focus your mind on more productive pursuits.

“I hope people are beginning to realize,” Lynn says, “if it’s out of your control, it is a distraction and a time and energy suck. If it’s within your control — how can you exert your time and energy unless you yourself are in a balanced state without reacting emotionally? That is the state where creation takes hold and it projects a powerful force that inspires and motivates.”9

My upcoming book, “The Power of Choice,” further explores the interconnectedness between health and spirituality. Many express a desire to improve their health and well-being but struggle to take action even when presented with clear strategies. What typically impedes their progress is a disconnection from Spirit, their authentic Self, which is where true Joy resides.

To learn how to support your own connection to your consciousness, including methods for cultivating self-trust, keep an eye out for “The Power of Choice.” I’ll be publishing summaries of the first 10 chapters soon. At the end of each chapter, I provide exercises to facilitate connecting with your internal guidance system. As Lynn notes, the choice of whether to feed the enemy or feed your soul is yours alone:10

“The constant churning of events and campaigns to distract and divide will continue to amp up. The wild thing is, it’s much like a swimming pool.

You can choose to jump in the deep end and tread water all day long utilizing every last ounce of energy, only to drown in despair. Or you can choose to step into the shallow end, maintain solid footing, and conserve your energy for areas in life where you can take action while living your life without fear and constant stress.

You can take a family adventure into the wild and camp for a week as the world around you continues to move as it may. You can choose to find joy in all the little things, focus on family and community, and live in a state of faith. You can choose to plant a garden, run for local office, or learn a new skill.

You can choose to spend your time building your intuition, going within, bringing yourself a sense of peace and stability while opening the doors for opportunity. You can choose to create and manifest the reality you want. You can choose love and watch the ripple effect take hold across the universe.”


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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 Corey’s Digs April 25, 2024

8 YouTube, BBC News October 1, 2023

9 Corey’s Digs March 27, 2024

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Declassified files detail the British government’s secret meetings with loyalist paramilitary group The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) in 1974, and the political support afforded the organisation during its ongoing campaign of violence.

Meetings would occur both at the home of the Northern Ireland Office (NIO), Stormont Castle, and a secluded government owned property known as Laneside. The latter address would also play host to government meetings with the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the 1970’s.

Through the process of meetings, the UVF, who wished Northern Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom, were de-proscribed as a banned terrorist organisation on 23rd May, along with Irish republican group, Sinn Féin. This meant that membership of the UVF alone was no longer a prosecutable offence. The order was brought forth by a newly formed Labour minority government, who ostensibly wished to see the UVF move into the political process and away from violence.

However, documents indicate that senior UVF members meeting with officials were also those suspected of participation in UVF bomb attacks in Dublin and Monaghan the same month, in which security forces are also alleged to have been involved. The bombings, which killed 34 civilians, represented the greatest loss of life in one single incident during the three decades of the conflict and commemorate the 50th year since their passing on 17th May.

The attacks were part of wider unionist agitations that year against the Sunningdale Agreement, which in December 1973 established a Northern Ireland Assembly and power-sharing Executive between Ulster unionists and Irish nationalists. The agreement also established a Council of Ireland, that allowed Dublin a degree of oversight of Northern Ireland’s affairs – something the UVF and most unionist groups opposed vehemently.

Sunningdale Agreement North South meeting 1974. [Source: Photo courtesy of Irish Labour Party]

The files reveal that when the government’s efforts to politicise the UVF hit obstacles related to their conflicting views over the Sunningdale Agreement, their focus instead turned to sowing discord amongst unionist political groups and loyalist paramilitaries.

Furthermore, recently declassified material demonstrates that through this relationship the UVF were to seek and gain benefits and conveniences from the government and security forces not typically afforded to political or paramilitary groups.

Bombs in Dublin and Monaghan

The files document that the UVF’s key representative throughout meetings with government officials was Ken Gibson, who in 1974 served as the UVF’s Chief of Staff. Another member of UVF Brigade Staff present at early meetings was William Mitchell, who also edited the UVF’s magazine, Combat.

During the 1990’s, investigative journalist Joe Tiernan conducted a series of interviews with Mitchell, who is understood to have disclosed his previous involvement in attacks and the UVF’s relationship with British military intelligence. Tiernan has asserted that both Gibson and Mitchell were part of a UVF unit responsible for bomb attacks in Dublin in December 1972 and January 1973, which killed three people and left 133 more injured.

Further maintained by Tiernan, is that this UVF squad were directed in the attacks by British intelligence officers operating out of the British Army HQ in Lisburn.

Tiernan has also upheld that on the morning of 17th May 1974, Mitchell and an unnamed UVF commander stole a blue Ford Escort in Belfast, before delivering it to a car park on the northern outskirts of Dublin.

The car was then loaded with a bomb and driven into Dublin city centre, where Mitchell and his accomplice were identified in the Escort by a witness. The car would then be parked on Talbot Street, where at approximately 5:30pm, during rush hour, it would detonate without warning, killing 14 civilians.

Aftermath of Dublin bombings of May 1974 – Talbot Street. [Source:]

Two additional car bombs would also detonate near simultaneously on Dublin’s Parnell Street and South Leinster Street, killing 12 more civilians. A final bomb would explode 90 minutes later in the border town of Monaghan, killing seven people.

The UVF would only claim responsibility for the attacks in 1993, following an investigation by Yorkshire Television that same year, and in which Tiernan himself was a key researcher. This documentary traced and named a number of the UVF members alleged to have been involved in the operation, yet to date nobody has been charged for the atrocities.

Aftermath of Dublin bombings of May 1974 – Parnell Street. Source: Photo courtesy of Dublin City Libraries – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; obtained by Patrick O’Reilly]

An inquiry into the attacks by Irish judge Henry Barron, concluded in 2003 that they were a “reaction to the Sunningdale Agreement” and carried out by UVF members from Belfast, Portadown and Lurgan. He added that they were “likely” to have been “conceived and planned in Belfast,” where Gibson held the UVF’s most senior rank. Tiernan has also upheld that Mitchell played a key role in the operation’s planning, given his previous experience in bombing Dublin in the years prior.


Former Special Patrol Group Officer from the police service of Northern Ireland – then known as The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) – John Weir, gave evidence to Barron’s inquiry. Weir has alleged that in the mid-1970’s he was part of a rogue gang of UVF members, RUC officers and soldiers from the British Army’s Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR).

Based at Glenanne Farm in County Armagh, Weir claimed the gang were responsible for numerous sectarian attacks and murders throughout the 1970’s, including the Dublin and Monaghan bombings. Their activities were apparently given tacit approval by senior RUC officers.

Weir and other sources have named Mid-Ulster UVF founder Billy Hanna, as the main organiser of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings. Through interviews with Hanna’s family, Tiernan has revealed that Hanna was regularly visited at his home by British intelligence officers. He alleges these officers were to give Hanna his orders, who, after consultation with UVF Brigade Staff HQ in Belfast, was to assemble his team for the operation.

Barron’s inquiry and Yorkshire Television’s investigation both also noted the relationship between UVF suspects and officers from the army’s Special Air Service (SAS) proxy group, 14 Intelligence Company, most notably, Robert Nairac. In addition to running UVF suspects as agents, Nairac is also alleged to have been involved in the supply of weapons and planning of attacks.

Former British intelligence officer Fred Holroyd, has explained that in 1974 “loyalist explosive capability was pretty limited” and predominantly utilised “beer kegs filled with explosives with a black powder fuse.”

The Dublin bombs, however, were a drastic departure from these methods, and utilised sophisticated timing devices to synchronise the detonations of the three car bombs. Forensics also noted that all the explosives used detonated completely, leaving no residue to trace.

Former British army bomb disposal expert Lt Col George Styles, has too raised this peculiarity, to which he stated:

“I had no high regard of their [UVF] skill in 1974, I don’t think they were at a level that would equate to the sort of techniques that were used here in Dublin.”

The UVF categorically denied involvement of British state security services.

Document from The National Archives, London – Ref: FCO 87/341. [Source: Photo courtesy of Patrick O’Reilly]


Only four days after the attacks, Gibson would meet deputy under-secretary Phillip Woodfield, in a meeting in which it was recorded that “the UVF remained firmly against violence.” The UVF would be officially de-proscribed the same week.

Whilst the UVF did not claim responsibility for the bombings in their immediate aftermath, there were some early media reports pointing toward the involvement of loyalist paramilitaries. Curiously, the documents record no mention or questioning of the UVF on these attacks by government officials in meetings.

“Political Feet”

On 9th April, files record that Minister of State for Northern Ireland Stanley Orme, met at Stormont Castle with a UVF deputation which included Gibson and Mitchell. Also present was a member of the UVF’s “welfare section” Hugh Smyth, who held a seat in the Assembly as an independent.

The record noted that Orme expressed his belief in the importance of the UVF’s dialogue with the government in helping “working class protestants to find their own political feet.” He added that “at the next election there was no reason why the UVF might not have a number of members elected to the Assembly and indeed why they might not be a member of the Executive.”

Smyth explained that “they [the UVF] were against the Assembly because it had been imposed on them,” but that he recognised its “practical necessity” as “the only forum in which he could represent the views of his constituents.”

On 15th May, the Ulster Workers’ Council (UWC) strike began, organised by unionists opposed to power-sharing and the Sunningdale Agreement’s Council of Ireland proposals. The strike caused widespread disruption to Northern Ireland’s economy, with electricity and fuel supplies amongst seriously affected sectors. Throughout the strike, loyalist paramilitaries, including the UVF, engaged in campaigns of intimidation and manned roadblocks to ensure workers were unable to work.

Ulster Workers’ Council barricade, Beersbridge Triangle, East Belfast – May 1974. [Source: Photo courtesy of Lawrence Skuse]

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Merlyn Rees, said he would not negotiate with the UWC, but officials including Orme would continue to meet with Gibson, who was the UVF’s representative on the UWC coordinating committee.

At the end of the month, diplomat and Counsellor to the NIO, James Allan, recorded a meeting at Laneside, also attend by MI6 agent Michael Oatley and a UVF deputation.

Allan recorded that the UVF’s objective was to “reduce the influence of the UUUC [United Ulster Unionist Council],” a body that sought to unite unionists opposed to the Sunningdale Agreement. This was apparently due to the UVF’s belief that the UUUC were “using the strike for their own purposes,” and were “not representative of working-class opinion.”

Allan noted that it was “not clear whether they [UVF] would accept the continuance of the power-sharing Executive,” but that “they were definitely against the Sunningdale Council of Ireland proposals.”

At this juncture, Allan noted that the government’s relationship with the UVF had “become very strange,” as they were “desperately in need of advice” on securing “UVF participation in politics,” but also held a fundamentally conflicting political position to the government on Sunningdale.

Consequently, he concluded that “thought should be given as to how to profit” from the relationship, in a way that would give the government the “most direct entre to the UWC.” He added that “it may be that it can only be used for fuelling possible dissention between UUUC politicians and para-military organisations.”

Document from the National Archives, London – Ref: CJ 4/1147. [Source: Photo courtesy of Patrick O’Reilly]

The following day, pro-power-sharing Ulster Unionist Party politician Brian Faulknerresigned as Chief Executive of the power-sharing executive. This was due to Rees’ refusal to meet UWC representatives, and Faulkner’s loss of support from unionist voters. Consequently, the power-sharing Executive and Assembly collapsed, at which point direct rule from London was resumed.

An Offer of Services

While government officials ostensibly wished to see the UVF politicise through de-proscription, there is indication that the UVF themselves may have had different ideas about their nearing legalisation and newfound relationship with the government.

Documents show that on 30th April, Allan received a letter addressed to the Secretary of State from a UVF “adjutant” named William Johnston. In it, Johnston stated that:

“Brigade Staff hereby offer the services of the UVF and its associate Units to supplement the Civil and Military Authorities in their endeavours to combat terrorism and anarchy.”

In aim of “building better relations between ordinary people and the Security Forces, UVF observers could be attached to regular army and RUC patrols,” he added.

Document from the National Archives, London – Ref: CJ 4/1919. [Source: Photo courtesy of Patrick O’Reilly]


Johnston acknowledged that such a move could “be seen to be a collusion between the government and a supposed terrorist organisation,” but that UVF personnel “would at all times be subject to Government law and discipline.”

Interestingly, in the record of a meeting just two weeks later, Allan noted that a UVF deputation showed no knowledge that this communication had been issued.

Release of Detainees

Under de-proscription, UVF deputations would press government officials for the release of detainees stated to be “moderates” with “political abilities,” who were considered vital to their political efforts.

In a meeting record from 15th May, Orme’s Private Secretary Mr Finlayson, noted Gibson’s concern of a “shortage of political spokesmen for the UVF,” and assertion that a number of imprisoned UVF members would be able to fulfil this role. Orme assured the deputation that the issue was under “urgent consideration” by the government.

Document from The National Archives London – ref: CJ 4/1919. [Source: Photo courtesy of Patrick O’Reilly]

Gibson stressed that “particularly important to them” was the release of Billy Davidson. Once released, Davidson would become Co-Chairman of the UVF’s short lived Volunteer Political Party, before becoming involved with the Northern Ireland Negotiated Independence Association in the late 1970’s. Hugh Smyth would also further his political career, leading the Progressive Unionist Party from 1979-2002.

However, documents also indicate that under de-proscription the UVF would request the release of detainees held on more serious charges, and who seemingly had no political inclination. A meeting record from 1st August noted that a UVF deputation including Gibson, expressed a need “to get responsible (and strong) men released”, so “they could get their areas under control.”

One notable request for release on the provided list was for “Leonard Murphy,” which the document noted as “sentenced.” At the time, Murphy was serving a sentence for attempted prison breaks that occurred during his time detained awaiting trial for the murder of a protestant man named William Pavis in 1972. This murder was allegedly ordered by the UVF, who believed Pavis was selling guns to the IRA.

Murphy was eventually acquitted of the murder charge on grounds of contaminated evidence, despite being identified as Pavis’ killer by two witnesses.

Following his release from prison in May 1975, Murphy would go onto become leader of a UVF gang known as the Shankill Butchers. Under Murphy’s leadership and with his active involvement, the gang would murder seven catholic civilians over the course of the next year. Three of the six murders carried out by Murphy personally, would involve extreme violence, torture and throat slashings being inflicted upon innocent victims.

Murphy was rearrested in March 1976 and sentenced on firearms charges following his attempted murder of a catholic woman, but continued to advocate for, and direct further murders from prison.

Days after his release from prison in July 1982, Murphy would continue to kill. He claimed another three victims before being murdered by IRA gunmen in November, in a hit that was allegedly facilitated by a UVF tip-off.

“Low Level Protection”

Another feature of meetings were requests by the UVF that security force pressures on their organisation be curtailed, and even “personal protection” be offered to UVF leaders. In a meeting record from mid-May, a UVF deputation lamented that their members were “continuously harassed” by British parachute regiment, 3 Para. Smyth added that they were “particularly concerned about army searches early in the morning,” which meant “people were detained in their house until the searches finished,” often making them late for work.

The record noted that Orme said he would soon be visiting 3 Para to “investigate the matter,” and would be “discussing with the Security Forces the times at which searches were carried out.”

Another meeting record from the end of May, a UVF deputation led by Gibson was recorded by Allan to be “clearly worried that their position may be undermined by arrest of UVF leaders.” Allan resultantly noted that the government “should think very carefully before action is taken vis-a-vis UVF politicals,” and that he would be “grateful to have the opportunity to comment on possible arrest lists.”

In late 1974, a feud also began between the UVF and another loyalist paramilitary group the Ulster Defence Association (UDA). On 18th March 1975, John McKeague of Red Hand Commando (a UVF affiliated proscribed paramilitary organisation) and loyalist activist Sam McClure are recorded as having visited Laneside, where they were met by deputy Under Secretary of State John Bourn.

Documents note that McKeague and McClure requested “low level protection” for themselves and two other loyalist paramilitary leaders, one of which was Gibson. They suggested that if they as “politically inclined leaders” were to be assassinated, a “blood bath” would ensue.

The author of the meeting record, noted as “BM Webster,” stated that it would be “unwise” to raise the issue with the RUC, who were against giving special protection to paramilitary leaders. He noted, however, that they “could put the matter to the army” but would “have to be careful” in how they approach the subject.


In June of that year, the UVF would establish the Volunteer Political Party (VPP). Gibson as Chairman would go on to contest the West Belfast seat in the October 1974 general election, but would win only 6% of the total votes in this constituency.

The party was dissolved only a month later, with a VPP statement acknowledging that the “general public does not support the political involvement of the UVF.” Most VPP members would return to the UVF, who would issue a new policy document asserting “attack as the best means of defence.”

On 2nd October 1975, the UVF would launch a series of gun and bomb attacks across Northern Ireland that left 12 dead. Documents record that in meetings between government officials the following day, it was accepted that the UVF were “wedded to violence” and “sufficiently offensive” as to warrant re-proscription. Rees would sign the order into effect the same day, making the UVF a banned organisation once again.

Many deadly UVF attacks that occurred throughout the conflict in Northern Ireland remain embroiled in controversy over security force collusion. The British government has previously refused to disclose important files it holds relating to many incidents, including the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, something emphasised in Barron’s 2003 inquiry. Consequently, civil action was taken against the British Ministry of Defence and NIO by victims and families at the High Court in Belfast in 2014.

Organisations such as Justice for the Forgotten, The Pat Finucane Centre and Paper Trail, amongst others, have campaigned in support of victims’ families throughout these processes, and continue to work in quest of the truth behind many attacks. A new inquiry into the activities of the Mid-Ulster UVF and their relationship with security forces during the 1970’s, named Operation Denton, is currently ongoing.

However, the British government’s Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill now looks to shut down avenues of legal recourse for survivors and victims’ families seeking justice.

Since 1st May 2024, all Troubles-era cases not yet concluded have been transferred to a new body, and new cases will be prevented from being lodged in court. The bill, which has been opposed by all political parties in Northern Ireland, also provides immunity from prosecution for those coming forward and giving evidence.

Questions remain on whether elements of the British intelligence community sought to subvert the Sunningdale Agreement by working with the UVF, and the degree to which government officials were aware of intelligence relating to alleged collusion. Nevertheless, the British government’s and UVF’s conflicting ulterior motives resulted in a confused political relationship, which failed in efforts to politicise militant loyalism or win over working-class unionist voters to power-sharing. The freedom of operation afforded the UVF by de-proscription also arguably facilitated its regrouping as a paramilitary organisation, and emboldened the group in its violent efforts to undermine government policy.


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Patrick O’Reilly is an independent journalist and researcher. Focusing on Western foreign policy and UK healthcare governance, he has previously written for Declassified UK, and The Bristol Cable. Patrick can be reached at [email protected]

Ming Vase Politics: UK Labour and Purging the Corbynistas

June 4th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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By any reckoning, this was the move of a fool.  A fool, it should be said, motivated by spite larded with caution.  Evidently playing safe, adopting what has been called a “Ming Vase strategy” (hold it with scrupulous care; avoid danger), the British Labour Party under Sir Keir Starmer is already laying its own boobytraps to step onto.  This is some feat, given that Labour currently leads the incumbent Tories by such a margin it is projected to win a majority of 194 seats, giving them 422 in all.

With the election campaign still salad green, Starmer has made it clear that a number of the progressive faithful will no longer be expected to keep him company on his way into government – assuming he doesn’t cock matters up before July 4.  A cull is being made of the old Labour guard, and they are not going away quietly.

One is a former leader of the party, an unabashed progressive who has been hugging the left side of politics since he was a callow teenager.  Jeremy Corbyn, a member for London’s Islington North for over four decades and party leader for five years, is running as an independent.  In March, the National Executive Committee (NEC) voted by 22 to 12 to approve a motion proposed by Starmer insisting that it was “not in the best interests of the Labour Party for it to endorse Mr Corbyn as a Labour Party candidate at the next general election.”

The response from Corbyn was resoundingly biting.  The move was a “shameful attack on the party of democracy”, showing “contempt” for those who had voted for the party at the 2017 and 2019 elections. 

“If you start shutting down dissent and preventing people from speaking out, it’s not a sign of strength, it’s a sign of weakness.  A sign of strength is when you can absorb and listen to the other person’s arguments,” says Corbyn on the YouTube outlet, Double Down News.

Things were also further muddied by the near juvenile incompetence regarding the future of the MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Dianne Abbott, a figure who has been an enduring feature of Labour politics for decades.  She was the first black woman to be elected to Parliament, reliably Left, admirably innumerate and always reliable in having a moment of indiscretion.  (She had been suspended over comments made in a letter to The Observer claiming that Jews, the Irish and Travellers suffered “prejudice” rather than the “racism” suffered by blacks.)  The question here was whether her readmission to the party would qualify her to run again or enable her to journey into a veteran politician’s sunset.

Here was a moment of genuine danger for Labour.  Confusion, always fatal for any party seeking government, ignited.  Was Abbott banned by her party from running at the next election because of her recently spotty record?  Some Labour functionaries thought not, but felt that the NEC should have the last say.  Whispers and rumours suggested the opposite.

Laura Kuenssberg of the BBC bored her readers senseless with a slew of anonymous sources that did little to clear things up.  “She was looking for a way to stand down with dignity when it was blown all up,” one source claimed.  Another is quoted as a “senior ally” of Starmer, suggesting that things had come to a pass.  “Everyone was aware of the symbolism.  We had to draw the line, it couldn’t just go on and on.”

A strategy is certainly afoot to stay, remove or frustrate candidates of a certain left leaning disposition who fail to fit Starmer’s ultra cautious strategy.  They are memory’s heavy burden, a reminder of the roistering, scuffling legacy of the party.  Distilled to its essence, it is a crude and clumsy effort to purge the Corbynistas.  As Katy Balls of The Spectator appropriately describes it, the Labour leader has been selecting “candidates they trust to have a low risk of scandal or rebellion”.

Economist Faiza Shaheen, for instance, has found herself blocked for taking issue with her party’s Middle East policy, though, as she put it, it entailed “14 tweets over 10 years, including me liking a colleague’s tweet saying she was running as a Green councillor, and a retweet containing a list of companies to boycott to support Palestine, both from 2014.”

In an article for The Guardian, Shaheen describes how she was “removed, via email, from being a Labour parliamentary candidate from Chingford and Woodford Green.”  She faced the dreaded NEC regarding her deselection.  “More than four years’ work thrown in the bin.  Any connection to my community brushed aside.”

Shaheen proceeds to make a fundamental, if obvious political point.  “The irony is that taking me off the ballot and replacing me with someone no one in my community knows will jeopardise Labour’s ability to win this seat and finally unseat the Tory grandee Iaian Duncan Smith.”

These instances may not be enough to derail the Labour train that is destined, at this point, of storming into the House of Commons and Number 10 with tearing effect.  But Starmer’s culling program is already taking the shine off the effort.  Abbott has a loyal following.  Those of Corbyn’s are the stuff of legend.  Riling, obstructing and barring such figures serves to cloud the message, impairing an electoral effort that may, ironically enough, see the Ming Vase slip out of Starmer’s desperate hands.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image: UK Labour Party Logo [File photo]

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On March 17, 2024, a demonstration comprised of a few hundred people spontaneously broke out in Santiago de Cuba, along with a few smaller protests in some other Cuban cities.

This is not entirely surprising, as Cubans have been enduring one of their worst shortages of basic necessities, like food, medical supplies, and fuel, in recent months.

The fuel shortage has been particularly problematic, causing regular power outages, which makes it extremely difficult to work, and produce, transport, and distribute goods across the island. In fact, the severity of the current economic crisis has led the Cuban government to request assistance from the UN World Food Program for the first time, when it sought help in ‘providing milk to children under seven years of age’ on February 29, 2024.

Although the demonstrations were clearly motivated by the current economic crisis in Cuba, western mainstream media outlets were quick to falsely describe them as massive ‘anti-government’ protests. This was entirely predictable, as the mainstream press have entrenched themselves deep into the Western political establishment by consistently serving the imperialist, neo-colonial, neo-liberal, and globalist agendas. 

A number factors have contributed to the current economic crisis in Cuba, including a slow recovery of the tourism industry from COVID restrictions. This is significant, because this sector generates about $4 billion annually and represents an important source of foreign currency.

Another factor is the elimination of the dual currency, which has continuously resulted in high inflation. That said, it is ultimately the American financial and economic blockade that is by far the main issue holding back the economic growth and development of Cuba.

After being initially formalized by the Kennedy administration in 1962, it has turned out to be the longest and most cruel, coercive, inhumane, and shameful economic and financial blockade in human history. Since its imposition, successive American governments and various special interest groups in the US have hoped that the hardships associated with the blockade would eventually bring about social unrest and massive protests in Cuba, which, in turn, would result in the demise of the socialist government. Ideally, this regime change would install a pro-American puppet government or dictator. 

When Italy was hit very hard at the start of the corona pandemic, they were assisted by a brigade of Cuban doctors. Photo: Italian Development Cooperation Agency

The current economic crisis is just the latest in a series of significant hardships that Cubans have been forced to endure since the triumph of the Revolution, on account of repeated American attempts to engage in economic warfare against the island in order to destroy its socialist regime. Previously, Cubans were hit particularly hard by the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which produced what came to be known as the ‘special period’ from 1989 to 1995. During that time, the Cuban economy essentially collapsed and its citizens experienced significant shortages of basic supplies, including food and medicine. These hardships led the Cuban government to formerly request assistance in ending the blockade from the United Nations (UN) in 1991. Since then, the UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly passed a resolution criticizing the impact of the embargo and calling for it to be lifted on an annual basis. In the most recent vote, which was held on November 2nd, 2023, 187 countries supported the non-binding resolution, with only ‘United States, Israel’ voting against it and the Ukraine abstaining. This was ‘the thirty-first time the United Nations voted to end the embargo.’

Image is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

According to Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla, Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, in 2022 alone, ‘the economic damage from the blockade amounted to $4.867 billion and has meant a dearth of goods, long lines, high prices and devalued salaries, causing suffering among Cuban families, including, sometimes, devastating blackouts.’ He further added that ‘children and pregnant women, are damaged by the choppy supply of medicines…people have difficulties acquiring insulin, antibiotics, pain killers and other medication.’ He accused the American government of ‘lying when it asserts that the blockade does not prevent access to medicines or medical equipment.’ 

In response to the latest vote at the UN General Assembly, the US representative stated that while the American government opposes the resolution, ‘the United States stands resolutely with the Cuban people and strongly supports their pursuit of a future with human rights and fundamental freedoms.’ He claimed that one of the main reasons for the US opposition to the resolution was because ‘approximately 1,000 political prisoners remain behind bars in Cuba, more than at any point in Cuba’s recent history, and nearly 700 of those detentions are from the historic 11 July 2021 protests.’ However, that seems disingenuous, as more than 240 new sanctions were introduced during the Presidency of Donald Trump, whose term ended well before the so-called ‘historic 11 July 2021 protests.’ 

Among the damaging policies enacted during the Trump administration was the US Department of State webpage listing 180 ‘entities’ in Cuba with whom financial business would be immediately forbidden as of November 2017. Twelve months later, on November 14, 2018, 26 new entries were added to the list. Additionally, the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton on April 17, 2019 made it extremely difficult for foreign companies to invest in Cuba, as it allows for lawsuits against companies that benefit from co-operating with Cuban state-owned businesses. Then, on October 9, 2019, the Trump administration decided that ‘banking institutions subject to U.S. jurisdiction are not permitted to process “U-turn” transactions, i.e., funds transfers originating and terminating outside the United States, where neither the originator nor the beneficiary is a person subject to U.S. jurisdiction.’ In other words, the US does not allow transactions with Cuba even if the transfer is initiated by a non-Cuban bank and passes through the U.S. system (i.e., the U-turn) on the way to another non-Cuban bank. 

In 2020, the sanctions imposed by the Trump White House resulted in a total of 407 Western Union offices closing in Cuba, which basically halted remittances from family members in the US and other countries. Fincimex, an important entity of the Cuban financial system and the main partner of Western Union in Cuba, confirmed that the shuttering of so many Western Union offices in Cuba directly attacks ‘family remittances even when Washington spokespersons lie and try to make it look like the limitations are only on a specific entity.’ 

In January 2021, the Trump administration placed Cuba back on the US list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, along with ‘the Taliban or the territory of Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban.’ That means ‘no United States person may provide payment or financing terms for sales of agricultural commodities or products to Cuba or any person in Cuba, except in accordance with the following terms: (A) Payment of cash in advance. (B) Financing by third country financial institutions (excluding United States persons or Government of Cuba entities).’ Furthermore, any payments ‘involving a debit or credit to an account of a person located in Cuba or of the Government of Cuba maintained on the books of a United States depository institution’ is not allowed. A few weeks after Cuba was placed back on the US list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, concerns about being targeted with fines, sanctions, and legal proceedings led to many banks and financial institutions cancelling or limiting their activities and services in the country, while a number of shipping and delivery companies suspended many of their shipments to the island. Many Cuban businessmen also had their bank accounts closed in the US, while ‘several payment and e-commerce platforms such as PayPal and Airbnb’ refused ‘to provide their services to these businessmen.’ Clearly, the strengthening of the embargo that took place during the Trump administration resulted in the cancellation of significant commercial operations and foreign investment projects in Cuba. 

The Trump administration also reimposed travel restrictions on educational and cultural exchanges, banned cruises, and curtailed direct flights from the US to Cuba. Moreover, it imposed sanctions on shipping firms and vessels transporting Venezuelan oil to Cuba, placed strict limits on remittances from the US, and implemented restrictions on Cuba’s importation of life-saving medicines. Ultimately, the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act and the other sanctions enacted by the Trump administration not only penalized Cuba’s banking and financial systems, they impacted every sector of its economy. It is evident that such measures enacted to strengthen the economic blockade deliberately intended to suffocate the Cuban economy, severely punish ordinary Cubans, and create discontent and despair among Cubans, with the hopes of eventually leading to regime change. 

Unfortunately, the situation did not improve very much after Trump left the White House, as ‘the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba has remained the backbone of U.S. policy towards the island, and has been opportunistically intensified at unprecedented levels ’ for much of the Biden presidency. Even though Latin American leaders have repeatedly called on the Biden administration to change its harsh polices towards Cuba, none of the sanctions that were implemented or strengthened during the Trump presidency were eased or cancelled until very recently. Sadly, the changes made by the Biden administration proved to be very minor. For example, on May 28, it was announced that

The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is amending the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (the “Regulations”) to further implement elements of the policy announced by the Administration on May 16, 2022, to increase support for the Cuban people. Among other things, these amendments increase support for internet freedom for the Cuban people and independent Cuban private sector entrepreneurs by expanding authorizations for internet-based services and a range of financial transactions.’

Additionally, the OFAC permitted ‘independent private sector entrepreneurs in Cuba…to maintain and use a U.S. bank account to conduct authorized or exempt transactions,’ while also authorizing ‘“U-turn” transactions to help the Cuban people, including independent private sector entrepreneurs, by facilitating remittances and payments for authorized transactions in the Cuban private sector.’ These recent changes only affect a small portion of the Cuban population, amounting to about ‘11,000 private businesses.’ Also of note, the U.S. removed Cuba from its list of countries ‘not cooperating fully’ on counterterrorism earlier this month, which also includes Iran, North Korea, Syria and Venezuela. However, it remains on the US list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Given their limited scope, these changes do little to alleviate impacts of the coercive measures that were implemented during the Trump administration to suffocate the Cuban economy, which continue to be extremely destructive to the daily lives of all Cubans.

During the Cold War Era, Washington consistently maintained that regime change was a prerequisite for lifting the economic embargo on Cuba. At that time, the fear of communism spreading throughout the Americas was prevalent in the US. This was evident when President Kennedy claimed that Fidel Castro’s ‘anti-American and pro-Communist messages are carried in books and newspapers shipped to every corner of the hemisphere – often concealed in diplomatic pouches – and handed out together with Soviet propaganda by the Cuban embassies.’ He also stated that ‘Presna Latina, Latin America’s largest news agency, controlled from Havana,’ attacks ‘the United States and the leaders of every Latin American democracy.’ According to President Kennedy,

‘Castro’s campaign has met with success in almost every country – in Brazil, where both Presidential candidates found it politically expedient to appeal to pro-Castro and anti-American elements in the electorate – in Mexico, where anti-American riots followed pressure on a pro-Castro spokesman – in Guatemala, where Castro-equipped revolutionaries are a real menace -in Uruguay, where a general strike was threatened if Castro was not supported at the San Jose Conference.’

In the 1980s, president Ronald Reagan stated that

The Soviet Union owns Cuba, lock, stock, and barrel. We blockade it, now it’s a grave logistical problem for them…. We blockade Cuba, which could not afford that blockade, and we say to them: ‘Get your troops out of Afghanistan and we give up the blockade.’

However, both the Democrats and Republicans have maintained and strengthened the economic blockade for decades following the collapse of the Soviet Union. One of the possible reasons for this is that they are seeking to placate certain political interest groups, including vindictive Cuban-Americans, ambitious anti-socialists, and anti-communist ideologues of the Cold War Era, who are afraid that the battle of ideas has not yet ended. If that is the case, then that means the demands of powerful interest groups outweigh Cuba’s right to exist and operate as a sovereign country in the eyes of the US.

Presently, Cold War Era rhetoric is rarely employed by American officials, who mainly pretend to care about liberal values and principles, as well as humanitarian conditions in Cuba. They often state that they use sanctions as tools ‘to advance democracy and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cuba,’ even though the economic blockade itself is illiberal and inhumane, as it relies on illiberal and anti-democratic measures. These officials further claim that Cuba’s human rights record is the main obstacle to the full re-establishment of diplomatic and economic relations between the two nations. However, history and current world events serve as testaments to the hypocrisy of the American government’s position in this regard. The US has a long record of consistently violating or ignoring fundamental human rights and democratic principles when it serves to further its ideological and economic interests.

Image: Afghans stand in the sewage ditch outside Abbey Gate as they attempt to show documents to Marines processing evacuees on Aug. 25. Credit: Mirzahussain Sadid for Alive in Afghanistan

The 20th and 21st centuries are littered with numerous examples of the US government citing the violation of human rights and democratic principles as pretexts to justify interference in the domestic affairs of sovereign countries, often in the form of military interventions. There is a long list of governments who were overthrown or destabilized by the US, some on multiple occasions, for refusing to fully adhere to its dictates, including Guatemala (1953-1954, 1960), Indonesia (1957-1958, 1965, 1975), the Dominican Republic (1960-1966), Chile (1964-1973), Cambodia (1955-1973), Laos (1957-1973), the Congo (1960-1964), Greece (1964-1974), Bolivia (1964-1975), Zaire (1975-1978), Iraq (1990-1991, 2003), Afghanistan (1979-1992 and 2001-2021), Libya (2011), and Syria (2014-). Furthermore, history has shown that American governments have rarely hesitated to cooperate with and prop up despotic and corrupt regimes whenever it suited their interests. Specific examples include Pinochet in Chile, the Somoza regime in Nicaragua, Suharto in Indonesia, the Shah in Iran, and the repressive House of Saud in Saudi Arabia, just to name a few. These partial lists of military interventions and support for repressive regimes clearly demonstrate that the administration in Washington will not hesitate to violate human rights and democratic principles if it is in its interest to do so. With respect to accusations of Cuba violating human rights, Fidel Castro (2007) stated:

Cuba is very different from the United States. The United States exploits other nations, has appropriated a large part of the world’s natural resources and is making tens of millions of workers all over the world labour in the service of its caste of millionaires. Cuba doesn’t exploit other nations; Cuba hasn’t appropriated. And is not struggling to appropriate, the natural resources of other nations, Cuba isn’t trying to make the workers in other nations labour in its service…With our revolution, we are eradicating not only the exploitation of one nation by another but also the exploitation of one human being by another.

American propaganda aside, Cuba is actually widely-renowned for its commitment to peace, social justice, equality, and humanitarian aid. It has been very active in terms of providing foreign aid in spite of the US embargo, primarily in the form of sending highly-trained specialists to developing countries where such skills are needed, including teachers, doctors, and engineers. In fact, Cuba has been sending doctors to countries throughout Latin American and Africa, which are unable to meet the health care needs of their citizens, since its Socialist revolution in 1959. 

On the island itself, all Cubans are regarded as equals and are afforded protection from discrimination based on race, colour, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, opinions, social status, etc. Moreover, despite the severity and longevity of the embargo, the Cuban government has managed to a attain higher life expectancy, and lower rates of child mortality, child malnutrition, and poverty, compared to many other countries in Latin America. One of the main factors behind these successes is that Cuban Socialism has prioritized universal health care and free access to education for all of its citizens. In fact, Cuba’s socialist government accepts the right to work, the right to housing, free and equal access to education and professional training, cultural activities, and health care services as human rights. According to Cuban socialism, without such rights being guaranteed, one cannot attain many forms of freedom, including economic freedom, the freedom of self-determination and self-development, political freedom, as well as civil liberties. It could be argued that Cuba’s interpretation of human rights goes well beyond the reductive version defended by its American counterparts. 

Contrary to statements made by American officials, the US embargo not only violates the human rights of Cubans, it also goes against the United Nations Charter and international law.

The trade embargo directly violates articles 2, 3, 19, 22, 23, 25, and 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Additionally, the economic blockade has created ‘shortages, hardship and suffering for all Cuban people,’ violated their right to ‘self-determination,’ ‘generated significant losses in monetary terms and have also affected the rights of Cubans, especially the poorest.’ It has directly impeded the economic and technological development of the island, thereby lowering the living standards of all Cubans. The demonstrations consisting of a few hundred of people that transpired in many cities across Cuba in recent months were largely a reaction against the current shortages, which are ultimately outcomes of the longest economic embargo in history. However, despite enduring tremendous hardships, socialist Cuba remains a symbol of resistance to neo-colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, and western hegemony for much of the world. 


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Birsen Filip holds a PhD in philosophy and master’s degrees in economics and philosophy. She has published numerous articles and chapters on a range of topics, including political philosophy, geo-politics, and the history of economic thought, with a focus on the Austrian School of Economics and the German Historical School of Economics. She is the author of The Early History of Economics in the United States: The Influence of the German Historical School of Economics on Teaching and Theory (Routledge, 2022).

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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I spoke to William Sakawa, a producer and reporter with the Nairobi-based media outlet African Stream, about Kenyan President William Ruto’s agreement to invade Haiti for the US.

ANN GARRISON (AG): Why do you think the Kenyan government is willing to send 1000 Kenyan police to Haiti, another Black nation in the developing world?

WILLIAM SAKAWA (WS): I think the government feels so bold as to do something so clearly traitorous because Kenya has always been a colony. It has never really attained independence. Since the time of the handover in 1963, we have remained dependent on institutions like the World Bank and the IMF. So our government has always leaned West and eagerly executed Western agendas.

An example is the 1978 incident in which Kenya served as a launchpad for the Israeli operation in Uganda to go on the offensive against Idi Amin, in what was framed as an attempt to free Israeli hostages. Kenya was used for that.

At the same time, Israel was supporting apartheid in South Africa, and the majority of the African Union condemned that. Only a few countries like Kenya and Malawi maintained a semblance of relations with both Israel and South Africa. That was during the President Jomo Kenyatta era, from 1964 to 1978, then the President Daniel arap Moi era, from 1978 to 2002.

Mwai Kibaki became president from 2002 to 2013, then Uhuru Kenyatta from 2013 to 2022. When Ruto was elected nothing much changed. Corruption remained endemic, and I think this explains a lot, though you don’t see it highlighted in Western media, because Kenya is a Western ally. Same thing with Ukraine. I think this corruption creates a pressure point for Western nations. Our leaders store their ill-gotten wealth in the West, in property, tax havens, and so forth, and it could all be sanctioned and seized if they didn’t do what the West wants. The same is true of a lot of African leaders.

Also, our president now, William Ruto, is one of six guys who were sent to stand trial at the ICC for crimes committed during the political violence of 2007-2008, but his case was dismissed in 2016. His lawyer, Karim Khan, became the ICC prosecutor in 2021, and I think the convenience around all this is just too stark. It looks to me as though, in exchange for what was a good deal for him, Ruto agreed to serve the Western agenda and ultimately pledged 1000 Kenyan police to Haiti.

Kenya has not invested in the education of its people enough for them to understand or care about this deployment to Haiti. Most of them are disengaged and just trying to survive; they don’t participate in Kenyan foreign policy. The centuries of suffering of the Haitian people at the hands of their Western oppressors don’t register with them. There’s just a tiny but growing minority, including those of us at African Stream, who are concerned and outspoken about this.

AG: Sounds like the US, where most people are disengaged and unconcerned with this deployment as well.

WS: With our disengaged public, Kenya doesn’t have a coherent foreign policy based on principle. It’s much more transactional, and this deployment to Haiti is one more transaction with the West.

They’ve made a deal with Ruto and called it a Pan-African affair. And Ruto is of course eager to call it Pan-Africanism when it’s obviously the exact opposite.

I think the original intervention budget was nearly $250 million, and now it’s more. This is to pay for the deployment, but the majority of it is administrative cost , which will no doubt make it into the pockets of the elites, including William Ruto’s. How do you think Uhuru Kenyatta became a near billionaire? It wasn’t because he founded a hugely profitable business. 

AG: This week Haitian Americans demonstrated outside the Kenyan Embassy in the US chanting “Still a Slave” in reference to Ruto. Do the tiny minority who oppose the deployment visibly protest there in Kenya?

WS: Protest of foreign policy is not something that happens here, not only because the population is disengaged, but also because it’s not safe. Our constitution guarantees freedom of assembly, but that doesn’t mean it’s a reality, and Kenyan police are very brutal. I think that’s one reason they’ve been chosen for this deployment.

AG: I know the story of Dr. Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad, who was kidnapped off the streets in Nairobi, held in captivity for 10 days, then unceremoniously dumped back on the streets.

WS: Yes, that’s an example of how Kenyan police operate beyond the law with impunity. 

AG: What about the High Court of Kenya, which ruled in January that the deployment to Haiti violated the Kenyan Constitution? Isn’t President Ruto violating the court’s ruling?

WS: Yes, but no one will do anything about that.

AG: So the apparatus of force will not uphold the law if the executive refuses to?

WS: That’s right. Like you, we have three branches of government—the executive, legislative, and judiciary—but in fact the executive holds most of the power.

AG: So Ruto is just blowing off your Constitution and High Court to deploy these troops to Haiti?

WS: Yes.

AG: While the US lauds Kenya as a tranquil bastion of liberal democracy.

WS: Exactly. And Kenya’s subservience is especially important to the West now that it’s being kicked out of the Sahel nations.

AG:  Hasn’t Kenyan politician Ekuru Aukot gone to court to demand that the ruling be respected? He’s told the press that the agreement between President Ruto and Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry was invalid, and Ariel Henry isn’t even the prime minister anymore.

WS: Ekuru Aukot can go to court all he wants, and that will at least generate headlines, educate, and make his point, but ultimately Ruto will ignore the results and do what he wants. He and the US have made too great an investment in this to back down, and neither have a political constituency that will force them to.

Kenyan police will go to Haiti, and if the violence leads to some coming home in body bags, Ruto will describe them as heroes who died for a Pan-African cause.

AG: Isn’t there some complaint that Kenya has problems at home, particularly in its northern districts, that its police should address before going overseas? I believe that a reporter for your leading television outlet questioned Ruto about this at a press conference while he was here.

WS: That’s true, and there are problems in the northern district that Ekuru Aukot hails from, but in the end, again, Ruto and the US will both do what they want.

AG: Those Kenyan police will get paid a lot more serving in this US-led force in Haiti than they could get paid at home. Ths same has been true of African troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan or who now serve with AFRICOM or in various “peacekeeping” deployments, like those in Somalia, which include Kenyans, or like the Rwandan deployment to protect TotalEnergies’ interests in Mozambique. Isn’t this likely to create a self-interested constituency in support of the deployment, as it has in these other instances?

WS: That’s quite likely.

AG: Has African Stream been in touch with the resistance on the ground in Haiti?

WS: Yes, we interviewed grassroots organizers with MOLEGHAF , the National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity, and we are staying in touch. The main thing we can do right now is to keep talking about this so that it doesn’t all take place in darkness. 

AG: William, thank you for speaking to Black Agenda Report.

WS: You’re welcome.


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William Sakawa is a producer and reporter for the Nairobi-based media outlet African Stream.

Ann Garrison is a Black Agenda Report Contributing Editor based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2014, she received the Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Democracy and Peace Prize for her reporting on conflict in the African Great Lakes region. She can be reached at [email protected]. You can help support her work on Patreon

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The Emir of Qatar, Tamim al Thani, recently said that he supports the street protests in Idlib, Syria where people are protesting the dictatorial rule of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) terrorist group.

This marks a monumental change in policy for Qatar, and maybe the first step toward restoring diplomatic ties with Syria.

Beginning in 2011, and the Obama administration’s US-NATO war on Syria for regime change, Qatar has been a close and loyal ally to the US, and was used as a financial backer of the various terrorist groups brought into Turkey, and trucked across the border to Idlib.

Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber bin Mohammed bin Thani Al Thani, former Prime Minister of Qatar, and foreign minister until 2013, gave an interview in which he admitted Qatar provided the money to bankroll the terrorists in Syria as they attacked the Syrian people and state. He made it clear that the cash delivered was sanctioned, and administered by the US in Turkey. Qatar was not working alone, but under a strictly controlled partnership with the US government.

In 2017, President Trump shut down the CIA operation Timber Sycamore which ran the failed project to overthrow the Syrian government.

Qatar is now turning their back on the terrorists who occupy Idlib. Mohamed al-Julani is the leader of HTS. He is Syrian, raised in Saudi Arabia, fought with Al Qaeda in Iraq against the US, aligned with ISIS founder Baghdadi, came to Syria from Iraq to develop Jibhat al-Nusra, the Al Qaeda branch in Syria.

Once Jibhat al-Nusra became an outlawed terrorist group, Julani switched the name to HTS in order to preserve his support from Washington, DC. Even though the US has a $10 million bounty on his head issued by the US Treasury Department, he is safe and secure in Idlib, where American journalists have visited him for interviews, in which he has sported a suit and tie, wishing to present himself as a western-leaning terrorist that the US can count on.

When the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian military would fire a bullet towards the terrorists in Idlib, the US would denounce it as an attack on innocent civilians. This kept Julani safe and secure, and in charge of humanitarian aid coming across the border from Turkey. The aid was from the UN and various international charities. While the 3 million people living in Idlib are not all terrorists, all the aid passes through the hands of Julani and his henchmen. If you bow down to Julani, you get your share of rations, but if you have complained, you are denied. Those who are cut off from the aid can buy their supplies from Julani at his Hamra Shopping Mall, which he built in Idlib, where he sells all the surplus aid sent to Idlib.

The civilians in Idlib have taken to the streets protesting the rule of HTS. Many people have been arrested by HTS, some tortured, and others killed. The people are demanding that Julani leave.

They are asking for freedom and a fair administration. The various aid agencies have complained that HTS will not allow any free programs for women, such as learning employable skills. Women there are not allowed to seek employment, except in places which are only female. HTS rules with a strict form of Islamic law, which they interpret to their benefit.

Saudi Arabia and Syria have established full normal relations, with an exchange of ambassadors. At the Arab League Summit in May in Bahrain, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed bin Salman (MBS) met personally with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They also met at the previous Arab League Summit in Saudi Arabia.

MBS recently announced a humanitarian grant to the UN to repair 17 hospitals in Syria which had been damaged in the 7.8 earthquake which killed 10 thousand in Syria.

MBS also sent spare parts for the Syrian Air commercial planes, which had suffered under US sanctions and were prevented from maintaining their safety by Washington. Recently, the very first planes of Syrians began flying to Saudi Arabia for the first time in 12 years, to perform the Haj pilgrimage.

On May 30, the leader of Iraq said he hopes to announce a Turkey-Syria normalization soon. Turkey, like Qatar, had been supporting the various terrorist groups in Syria in cooperation with the US.

Turkey also has made a turn-around in their position, and has been looking for a way to exit Idlib and the other areas it occupies in Syria, in preparation of a re-set with Damascus.

The relationship between the US and Ankara has remained tense after the US partnered with the Syrian Defense Forces (SDF). Turkey considers the SDF as a branch of the PKK, the outlawed international terrorists group who has killed 30,000 people over three decades, while wanting to establish a Kurdish State.

The SDF are planning to have elections on June 11 in an effort to gain western support for a Kurdish State. Erdogan has stated Turkey will never allow this to happen.

If the SDF were to lay down their arms, they could repair their relationship with Damascus, and at the same time Turkey could then withdraw their occupation forces from Syria. With Turkey out of Syria, their normalization process could begin.

When the SDF have repaired their broken relationship with Damascus, and the Turkish threat no longer exists, then the US military can withdraw their 900 occupation force from Syria.

Recently, General Mazloum, the leader of the SDF, said that the problems between the Kurds and Damascus are internal problems, and cautioned against any foreign interference, especially from Turkey.

The situation is changing rapidly in Syria. The economy is collapsed, with the inflation rate over 100% in the last year due to crippling US sanctions. Because the US military is occupying the largest oil and gas field in Syria, this prevents the production of electricity for the national grid, and Syrian are living with three hours of electricity per day.

US sanctions prevent some of the most vital medicines from being imported, as western medical companies are fearful of running afoul of the US sanctions, and has produced a culture of over-compliance, which deprives Syrian citizens’ life-saving medicines and medical supplies.

The battlefields have been silent for years, and the silence grew into a status-quo, where the American and Turkish foreign policy prevented a resolution to the conflict that has destroyed lives and prompted the largest human migration in recent history as Syrians have sought work abroad.

Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar all played significant roles assigned to them by the US State Department under the Obama administration. There is a light at the end of the tunnel with the reversal of policies toward Syria, and Qatar and Turkey are set to play major roles in the recovery process in Syria. These reversals are also significant as they mark a change in the relationship between the US and several regional countries. This is part of the ‘New Middle East’ that Washington called for, but the role the US played has left them the loser.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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