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While a few are asking why DeSantis won’t get with the program to jab every man, woman, and child in America, the real question is why the 49 other governors have, especially Republicans.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may be the only sane governor in the country. All of the others, whether Republican or Democrat, pre-ordered Covid jabs for kids under the age of five. Meanwhile, DeSantis is getting attacked by corporate media. According to the Miami Herald:

Every state has placed an order with the federal government to ensure coronavirus vaccines for young children are delivered as soon as regulators authorize their use — except for one. Florida missed a Tuesday deadline to request delivery of COVID-19 pediatric vaccines for children under 5, guaranteeing a delay in access for parents across the state, according to two U.S. government sources.

All other 49 states placed pre-orders, which will be delivered in two tranches beginning as early as Monday to thousands of pediatricians’ offices, children’s hospitals, pharmacies and health centers across the country. Those facilities in Florida will not have access during this time and will remain without supply until Florida places an order.

Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for the Florida Department of Health, confirmed the department “chose not to participate” in the vaccination program because the state health department is not following federal public health recommendations.

“The Florida Department of Health has made it clear to the federal government that states do not need to be involved in the convoluted vaccine distribution process, especially when the federal government has a track record of developing inconsistent and unsustainable COVID-19 policies,” Redfern said.

The Miami Herald is not alone in posting vaxx-friendly hit pieces against Florida and DeSantis. But a funny thing happened that may have caught corporate media by surprise. The people in Florida aren’t outraged. In fact, even Democrats who are actively opposed to DeSantis haven’t made a big fuss about this. Why? Because it appears the people aren’t nearly as concerned about jabbing small children as media and government want them to be.

Lest we forget, Covid-19 poses such an infinitesimal risk to young children that it’s almost statistically insignificant.

Sadly, responses to the statement that any death to any young child is “statistically insignificant” will draw predictable responses. They’ll say,

“if only one child can be saved…” or “no child’s death is insignificant.”

These emotion-driven responses may actually hold some weight if it weren’t for two facts. First, the jabs do not work anywhere near what we are still being told, let alone the promise of “100% effective” that dominated narratives for weeks when the jabs were first rolled out.

Second, and this is a big one, the intentionally blurry statistics surrounding vaccine adverse reactions indicate MORE kids and young adults die from the jabs than from Covid-19 itself. These “safe and effective” injections, as the U.S. government and corporate media call them, are neither safe nor effective, statistically speaking.

While a few are asking why DeSantis won’t get with the program to jab every man, woman, and child in America, the real question is why the 49 other governors have, especially Republicans. Is DeSantis the only sane governor in America?


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Don Martin: The Fall of Justin Trudeau Has Begun

June 17th, 2022 by Don Martin

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Our thanks to CTV for having brought this article to our attention.


The Justin Trudeau brand is in trouble.

The 2015 fresh prince of politics with the celebrity hair and rock star aura is heading into a 2022 summer of inflation-driven Canadian discontent as a faded force of personality in need of an exit strategy.

You know there’s a reputation hit happening when Trudeau becomes the unnamed star of a children’s book “How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom,” a satire about his handling of the Freedom Convoy and vaccination mandates, which now sits atop the Amazon Canada bestseller list.

Click here to watch the video.

On a more serious vein, there’s an alarm sounding over his leadership style when former top bureaucrat Paul Tellier unleashes in Policy Options magazine, warning Trudeau’s control freakdom of an office is “in the process of destroying the public service … and the word ‘destroying’ is not too strong.”


Read the full article here.


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Last year, the International Energy Agency made headlines by calling for an end to new oil and gas exploration by the end of the year. A few months later, the IEA was calling for more oil.

This week, the secretary-general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, said that investing in new oil and gas production was “delusional”, calling on “all financial actors to abandon fossil fuel finance” and focus on renewables instead.

But the UN’s most senior official did not stop there. Guterres then went on to say that

“The only true path to energy security, stable power prices, prosperity and a livable planet lies in abandoning polluting fossil fuels — especially coal — and accelerating the renewables-based energy transition.”

This is a sentiment shared by the head of the IEA, too, on numerous occasions. Like Guterres, the IEA’s Fatih Birol is a staunch supporter of the energy transition, which he sees as the only way forward. Unlike Guterres, Birol seems willing to allow for the fact that we still need oil, and lots of it.

Last month, Birol warned of even higher oil prices during the summer because of strong demand, expressing hope that several large oil producers would increase their output this year.

“I very much hope that the increase coming from [the] United States, from Brazil, Canada this year, [will] be accompanied by the increase coming from the key producers in Middle East and elsewhere,” Birol told CNBC in an interview on the sidelines of the Davos gathering.

“Otherwise, we have only one hope that we don’t have big trouble in the oil markets in summer, which is hoping … that the Chinese demand remains very weak.”

In other words, the IEA’s head, unlike the head of the UN, acknowledged the fact that the world is consuming ever-growing volumes of oil, and the fact that these volumes cannot come from wind parks and solar farms in what could be seen as a big win for realism.

Guterres, meanwhile, is not only calling for the end of oil but is also telling university graduates to avoid getting a job in the oil and gas industry, calling these companies “climate wreckers” and warning that “accountability is coming for those who liquidate our future.”

Meanwhile, a barrel of Brent crude is trading above $121, West Texas Intermediate is trading for over $119 per barrel, and OPEC just reported that its output last month had declined. Libya is on its last oil legs, producing about a tenth of what it was producing at the start of the year.

U.S. shale companies have flatly refused to upend their plans following calls from President Biden—another energy transition devotee—to pump more, Saudi Arabia appears reluctant to tap its spare oil capacity, and Russia is redirecting oil flows under sanctions, although few believe it would be able to place all barrels that currently go to Europe elsewhere, predicting a substantial loss of output.

The oil market imbalance, then, may be about to deepen further, making oil even more expensive, highlighting its vital importance for every economy in the world, including Mr. Guterres’ very own Portugal, a leader in renewable energy and a country dependent on oil imports because it ended its own oil and gas production as part of its transition.

Speaking of renewables, the UN’s secretary-general is not the only one eager to see a lot more money being poured into wind and solar. The European Commission’s leadership is likewise eager for this. It has even suggested cutting red tape for new wind and solar projects in order to speed up the buildup in renewable energy capacity.

Taking care of the demand side, the European Parliament recently voted in favor of a ban on internal combustion engine car sales, to enter into effect in 2035. This means that EVs must go from 0.5 percent of all cars in the European Union to 100 percent in eight years. Nobody is calling this delusional.

Talking about the costs of the transition to renewables is also something that is not being talked about much, although news about metals and minerals prices is making it to the public. Despite this news, neither Guterres, the Biden administration, nor the EU administration seems willing or able to make the connection with their renewable energy plans, which are about to become even more expensive than they were. Meanwhile, the price of oil keeps rising.

Denying a certain reality because it is too far from your preferred reality is perhaps a form of self-preservation. This form of self-preservation, however, cannot go on forever because sooner or later, actual reality asserts itself, often painfully.

Calling oil and gas investment “delusional” might sit well with climate activists in June but come winter, when these activists, just like everyone else, will have to pay for heating, things might look differently, especially in Europe, as less sunlight reaches the surface in the northern hemisphere and wind speeds decline as they tend to do during the winter.


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Irina Slav is a writer for with over a decade of experience writing on the oil and gas industry.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we face a grave danger. The leader of a major European power wants to make territorial revisions. He is surrounded by hostile powers who threaten him. He does not seek war with other countries but if the hostile powers continue to encircle him, he will fight. A European war looms.

You probably think I’m talking about the current crisis between Russia and the Ukraine, but I’m not. I’m talking about Europe just before World War II began in September 1939. At that time, Hitler wanted small territorial revisions with its Polish neighbor. East Prussia was cut off from the rest of Poland by a band of territory called the Polish Corridor.

As the great British historian A.J. P. Taylor explains,

“The losses of territory to Poland were, for most Germans, the indelible grievance against Versailles. Hitler undertook a daring operation over this grievance when he planned co-operation with Poland. But there was a way out. The actual Germans under Polish rule might be forgotten—or withdrawn; what could not be forgiven was the ‘Polish corridor’ which divided East Prussia from the Reich. Here, too, there was a possible compromise. Germany might be satisfied with a corridor across the corridor—a complicated idea for which there were however many precedents in German history. German feeling could be appeased by the recovery of Danzig. This seemed easy. Danzig was not part of Poland. It was a Free City, with its own autonomous administration under a High Commissioner, appointed by the League of Nations. The Poles themselves, in their false pride as a Great Power, had taken the lead in challenging the League’s authority. Surely, therefore, they would not object if Germany took the League’s place. Moreover, the problem had changed since 1919. Then the port of Danzig had been essential to Poland. Now, with the creation of Gdynia by the Poles, Danzig needed Poland more than the Poles needed Danzig. It should then be easy to arrange for the safeguarding of Poland’s economic interests, and yet to recover Danzig for the Reich.”

The British responded by guaranteeing Poland’s western boundary against Germany. They also issued a guarantee to Romania, even though there had been no threat to that country. As a result of the guarantee, Poland refused to negotiate with Germany. War broke out, and Poland was destroyed.  The great Murray Rothbard tells us what happened:

“And as a direct result, Poland was destroyed. Hitler’s ‘demands’ on the Poles were almost non-existent; as Taylor points out, the Weimar Republic would have scorned the terms as a sell-out of vital German interests. Hitler at most wanted a ‘corridor through the Corridor’ and the return of heavily-German (and pro-German) Danzig; in return for which he would guarantee the rest. Poland resolutely refused to yield’ one inch of Polish soil,’ and refused even to negotiate with the Germans, and this down to the last minute.”

Murray draws an important lesson from what happened then. This lesson provides the key to keeping us out of a nuclear war today. And of course a nuclear war would destroy the world. Here is what Murray says:

“[Polish Foreign Minister Józef] Beck clearly knew that Britain and France could not actually save Poland from attack. He relied to the end on those great shibboleths of all ‘hard-liners’ and other ‘crackpot realists’ everywhere: X is ‘bluffing’; X will back down if met by toughness, resolution, and the resolve not to give an inch. (Just as in the case of Finland, when the ‘X is bluffing’ line of the hard-liners is shown to be sheer absurdity, and X has already attacked, the ‘hard-liner’ turns, self-contradictorily, to the dictum that not ‘one inch of sacred soil’ will be given up, no peace while the enemy is on our soil, etc., which completes the ruin of the country by its ‘hard-line’ rulers. This is what Beck did to Poland.) As Taylor shows, Hitler had originally not the slightest intention to invade or conquer Poland; instead, Danzig and other minor rectifications would be gotten out of the way, and then Poland would be a comfortable ally, perhaps for an eventual invasion of Soviet Russia. But Beck’s irrational toughness blocked the path.”

Now we have the background we need to understand what’s going on today. Russia is surrounded by a hostile NATO alliance. The propagandists for brain-dead Biden like to say that Putin had Ukraine surrounded. But in fact, the US and its NATO satellites had Russia surrounded. In the years before the current crisis, we had ample opportunity to reach a compromise settlement. Instead, we kept the option of membership in NATO open to Ukraine and overthrew a Ukrainian President who was pro-Russian. “At the Kremlin. . . in a speech in November 2021] Putin drew his red line:

‘The threat on our western borders is … rising, as we have said multiple times. … In our dialogue with the United States and its allies, we will insist on developing concrete agreements prohibiting any further eastward expansion of NATO and the placement there of weapons systems in the immediate vicinity of Russian territory.’

A story in The New York Times exposes what brain-dead Biden and the gang of neo-cons that controls him have in store for us. According to an item that was published April 26,

“When Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III declared Monday at the end of a stealth visit to Ukraine that America’s goal is to see Russia so ‘weakened’ that it would no longer have the power to invade a neighboring state, he was acknowledging a transformation of the conflict, from a battle over control of Ukraine to one that pits Washington more directly against Moscow. . . in word and deed, the United States has been gradually pushing in the direction of undercutting the Russian military.

It has imposed sanctions that were explicitly designed to stop Russia’s military from developing and manufacturing new weapons. It has worked — with mixed success — to cut off the oil and gas revenues that drive its war machine. . . over the longer term, Mr. Austin’s description of America’s strategic goal is bound to reinforce President Vladimir V. Putin’s oft-stated belief that the war is really about the West’s desire to choke off Russian power and destabilize his government. And by casting the American goal as a weakened Russian military, Mr. Austin and others in the Biden administration are becoming more explicit about the future they see: years of continuous contest for power and influence with Moscow that in some ways resembles what President John F. Kennedy termed the ‘long twilight struggle’ of the Cold War.

Mr. Austin’s comments, bolstered by statements by Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken about the various ways in which Mr. Putin has ‘already lost’ in the struggle over Ukraine, reflect a decision made by the Biden administration and its closest allies, several officials said on Monday, to talk more openly and optimistically about the possibility of Ukrainian victory in the next few months as the battle moves to the Russian-speaking south and east, where Mr. Putin’s military should, in theory, have an advantage.

At a moment when American intelligence officials are reporting that Mr. Putin thinks he is winning the war, the strategy is to drive home the narrative that Russia’s military adventure will be ruinous, and that it is a conflict Mr. Putin cannot afford to sustain.”

Let’s make sure we understand this. Critics of US policy have pointed out for a long time that America has surrounded Russia with nuclear bases. It helped overthrow a pro-Russian government in the Ukraine. Naturally, this made Putin nervous. He does not want an invasion of Russia though the Ukraine, as happened in World War II, when Russia lost millions of lives. Now, the brain dead Biden gang of neocons is saying to Putin, “You are exactly right! We do want to degrade Russia to a minor power and use the Ukraine as a base for attack!”

Nothing could be more certain to lead to nuclear disaster. The Russians warn us about this  A story in The Guardian says:

“Russia’s foreign minister has accused Nato of fighting a proxy war by supplying military aid to Ukraine, as defence ministers gathered in Germany for US-hosted talks on supporting Ukraine through what one US general called a ‘very critical’ few weeks.

Sergei Lavrov told Russian state media: ‘Nato, in essence, is engaged in a war with Russia through a proxy and is arming that proxy. War means war.’

He also warned that the risks of nuclear conflict were now ‘considerable’. . . When asked about the importance of avoiding a third world war, Lavrov said: ‘I would not want to elevate those risks artificially. Many would like that. The danger is serious, real. And we must not underestimate it.’”

If it weren’t for the US arms shipments to the Ukraine, Russia and the Ukraine would quickly arrange a settlement that would protect Russia’s security interests. Those in control know this, but they don’t want a peaceful settlement along these lines.  They want to rule the world. They don’t want countries that reject US supremacy to have a role in the world.

“Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told CNN’s Jim Sciutto on Tuesday that the entire ‘global international security order’ put in place after World War II is at stake if Russia gets away ‘cost-free’ following its invasion of Ukraine. . . ‘What’s at stake is the global international security order that was put in place in 1945. That international order has lasted 78 years. . . Milley’s warning about the potential global implications of Russia’s actions in Ukraine also underscores the current sense of urgency felt by the US and its allies as the war enters what they say is a critical juncture.. . Shortly after Milley’s interview,  [Defense Secretary]Austin also stressed the importance of moving quickly to provide Ukraine with the military aid it needs, saying during a news conference that the US and other allies and partners ‘don’t have any time to waste’ when it comes to providing crucial assistance to counter Russia as their invasion continues.

‘We don’t have any time to waste. The briefings today laid out clearly why the coming weeks will be so crucial for Ukraine, so we’ve got to move at the speed of war. . . Austin also said that he thought Ukraine ‘will seek to once again apply to become a member of NATO in the future.’”

Is there anything we can do to de-escalate the situation? The greatest Congressman in American history, Dr. Ron Paul, whom we are here today to honor, has the answer. America should end its encirclement of Russia and disband NATO.  Let’s look at his vital message to us: “When the Bush Administration announced in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would be eligible for NATO membership, I knew it was a terrible idea. Nearly two decades after the end of both the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War, expanding NATO made no sense. NATO itself made no sense.

Explaining my ‘no’ vote on a bill to endorse the expansion, I said at the time:

NATO is an organization whose purpose ended with the end of its Warsaw Pact adversary… This current round of NATO expansion is a political reward to governments in Georgia and Ukraine that came to power as a result of US-supported revolutions, the so-called Orange Revolution and Rose Revolution.

Providing US military guarantees to Ukraine and Georgia can only further strain our military. This NATO expansion may well involve the US military in conflicts unrelated to our national interest…

Unfortunately,. . . , my fears have come true. One does not need to approve of Russia’s military actions to analyze its stated motivation: NATO membership for Ukraine was a red line it was not willing to see crossed. As we find ourselves at risk of a terrible escalation, we should remind ourselves that it didn’t have to happen this way. There was no advantage to the United States to expand and threaten to expand NATO to Russia’s doorstep. There is no way to argue that we are any safer for it.

NATO itself was a huge mistake. . . I believe as strongly today as I did back in my 2008 House Floor speech that, ‘NATO should be disbanded, not expanded.’ In the meantime, expansion should be off the table. The risks do not outweigh the benefits!”

The saddest part of this whole manufactured crisis is that it should make absolutely no difference to us whether Russia controls Ukraine. How is that a threat to the United States? Whatever Biden and his neocon advisers say, America should stay out of conflicts that are none of our business. As usual, Murray Rothbard put it best. “In the context of the 1980 Afghan war, he quoted Canon Sydney Smith – a great classical liberal in early 19th century England who wrote to his warmongering Prime Minister, thus: “For God’s sake, do not drag me into another war!

I am worn down, and worn out, with crusading and defending Europe, and protecting mankind; I must think a little of myself.

I am sorry for the Spaniards – I am sorry for the Greeks – I deplore the fate of the Jews; the people of the Sandwich Islands are groaning under the most detestable tyranny; Baghdad is oppressed, I do not like the present state of the Delta; Tibet is not comfortable. Am I to fight for all these people?

The world is bursting with sin and sorrow. Am I to be champion of the Decalogue, and to be eternally raising fleets and armies to make all men good and happy?

We have just done saving Europe, and I am afraid the consequence will be, that we shall cut each other’s throats. No war, dear Lady Grey! – No eloquence; but apathy,  selfishness, common sense, arithmetic!”

The same people who imposed Covid-tyranny on us now want us to risk war with Russia. Let’s stop them before it’s too late.


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Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of He is the author of Against the State and Against the Left. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

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Scott Ritter: Turkey Rains on NATO’s Parade

June 17th, 2022 by Scott Ritter

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On May 18, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Norwegian named Jens Stoltenberg, stood on a stage, flanked by the ambassadors to NATO of Finland and Sweden, Klaus Korhonen and Axel Wernhoff, respectively.

It was one of those made-for-television moments that politicians dream of — a time of high drama, where the ostensible forces of good are faced off against the relentless assault of evil, which necessitates the intervention of like-minded friends and allies to help tip the scales of geopolitical justice toward those who embrace liberty over tyranny.

“This is a good day,” Jens Stoltenberg announced, “at a critical moment for our security.”

Left unsaid was the harsh reality that hundreds of miles to the east the military forces of Russia and Ukraine were locked in deadly combat on Ukrainian soil. Also left unsaid was the role played by NATO in facilitating that conflict.

But the gathering had not been convened for the purpose of self-reflection on the part of the civilian head of NATO. Instead, it was to commemorate the furtherance of the very same policy of expansion of the alliance which had helped trigger the ongoing fighting between Ukraine and Russia.

“Thank you so much for handing over the applications for Finland’s and Sweden’s membership in NATO,” Stoltenberg continued. “Every nation has the right to choose its own path. You have both made your choice, after thorough democratic processes. And I warmly welcome the requests by Finland and Sweden to join NATO.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, center, after receiving letters of application from Klaus Korhonen, ambassador of Finland and Axel Wernhoff, ambassador of Sweden on May 18. (NATO)

The day prior, May 17, Finland’s parliament voted 188-8 to join NATO, breaking its multi-decade tenure as a neutral country. Finland’s actions followed a similar debate and vote on the part of the Swedish legislative body, the Riksdag.

Both nations cited Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as their respective motivation to transition from neutrality to membership in an alliance whose behavior has itself transitioned over the years. From an exclusively defensive identity, NATO has embraced expansion both in terms of its own size and in its scope — by undertaking military operations outside of the confines of Europe that were both offensive and designed to promote political change in the targeted countries.

Historical Ignorance

The historical ignorance captured in the actions of Finland and Sweden was astounding regarding the role played by NATO in triggering the very conflict political leaders cited as the reason to seek the protection of alliance membership. It was as if a family whose house had been set afire sought shelter in the home of the arsonist in order to shield itself from the services of the fire department.

There was also an absolute ignorance of their own respective histories. The idea that Finland would cite Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine as the trigger for breaking its decades-long pledge of neutrality is particularly troublesome. It is as if Finland forgot its own troubled past, in particular its role in the so-called War of Continuation in 1941-1944, where Finland allied itself with Nazi Germany in its war of subjugation against the Soviet Union, following the 1939 Soviet attack on Finland.

Finnish troops participated in the siege of Leningrad, where over a million Soviet civilians lost their lives. Only by pledging to become neutral in perpetuity did Finland avoid the logical consequences of its actions, namely dismemberment and elimination as a sovereign state. The Soviet Union and later Russia both were adamant in making sure Finnish soil would never again be used as a launching pad for foreign aggression against Russian territory. Finland appears to have forgotten both the pledge it had made, and the reasons behind that pledge.

NATO ambassadors Klaus Korhonen of Finland and Axel Wernhoff of Sweden, with letters of application on May 18. (NATO)

Sweden, too, cites the Russian military invasion of Ukraine as the reason for ending centuries of neutrality. But the Swedish politicians behind this decision have yet to explain what exactly it is about the Russian action that sets it apart from, say, the behavior of Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

If the slaughter of tens of millions of civilians and the destruction of nations were not enough to push Sweden off its neutral perch between 1939-1945, it is hard to see how Russia’s actions, which did not take place in a vacuum, but rather in the context of eight years of conflict in the Donbass which killed over 14,000 people and the threat to Russian security posed by an expanding NATO, could be cited in good faith as a legitimate cause of action.

“You are our closest partners,” Stoltenberg continued. “And your membership in NATO would increase our shared security.” That he said this with no apparent recognition of the irony contained in those words, and that the ambassadors of Finland and Sweden were able to avoid shuffling in embarrassment, is a testimony to either hubris-driven self-delusion, collective ignorance of historical context, or both.

Stoltenberg moved on to the final scene in this one-act drama.

“The applications you have made today are an historic step,” he told the Nordic ambassadors.

“Allies will now consider the next steps on your path to NATO. The security interests of all Allies have to be taken into account. And we are determined to work through all issues and reach rapid conclusions. Over the past few days, we have seen numerous statements by Allies committing to Finland’s and Sweden’s security. NATO is already vigilant in the Baltic Sea region, and NATO and Allies’ forces will continue to adapt as necessary.”

Stoltenberg closed the made-for-television family special with words that would soon come back to haunt him. “All Allies agree on the importance of NATO enlargement. We all agree that we must stand together. And we all agree that this is an historic moment, which we must seize.”

Enter Erdogan

Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan addressing a North Atlantic Council meeting in 2019. (NATO)

A happy ending? Not so fast. Enter Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who decided he would crash Stoltenberg’s scripted moment. Not all NATO members were in accordance with the bid by Finland and Sweden to join the alliance. Since NATO is a consensus-driven organization, all it takes to ruin this made-for-TV moment was one disaffected member. That member was Turkey.

“As all NATO allies accept Turkey’s critical importance to the alliance,” Erdogan wrote in a guest essay he penned for The Economist on May 30,

“it is unfortunate that some members fail fully to appreciate certain threats to our country. Turkey maintains that the admission of Sweden and Finland entails risks for its own security and the organization’s future. We have every right to expect those countries, which will expect NATO’s second-largest army to come to their defense under Article 5, to prevent the recruitment, fundraising and propaganda activities of the PKK [the Kurdish People’s Party], which the European Union and America consider a terrorist entity.”

Erdogan called for the extradition from Sweden of “members of terrorist organizations” as a pre-condition for Turkey considering its application for NATO membership. Erdogan also demanded that both Sweden and Finland end their respective arms embargoes against Turkey, imposed in 2019 in response to Turkey’s incursion into northern Syria that targeted Kurdish groups affiliated with the PKK.

“Turkey stresses that all forms of arms embargoes — such as the one Sweden has imposed on my country — are incompatible with the spirit of military partnership under the NATO umbrella. Such restrictions not only undermine our national security but also damage NATO’s own identity.”

Kurdish PKK guerillas in Kirkuk, Iraq, April 24,2016. (Kurdishstruggle via Flickr)

As things stand, neither Finland nor Sweden appears prepared to accede to Erdogan’s demands. Despite high-level meetings between delegations from both Finland and Sweden with Turkish officials, no headway appears to have been made.

According to Fahrettin Altun, an adviser to Erdogan, neither Finland nor Sweden have put anything discernable on the table. Turkey, Altun told a Swedish newspaper, needs more than just words. “It is not right that Finland and Sweden waste NATO’s time at this critical moment,” Altun declared.

Complicating matters further is the fact that Turkey appears to be on the cusp of launching a major military operation into northern Syria specifically targeting the very Kurdish group — the People’s Protection Units, or YPG — that Erdogan accuses both Finland and Sweden of supporting.

A similar incursion in 2019 triggered the arms embargo against Turkey that Erdogan now demands be lifted. And the hue and cry that can be anticipated from human rights groups if Turkey follows through with its threat to invade northern Syria will not only make it virtually impossible for either Sweden or Finland to give Erdogan the concessions he is demanding, but also further strain Turkish relations with other NATO members, such as the United States, France and Great Britain, all of whom view Turkey’s presence in northern Syria as complicating their ongoing operations inside Syria targeting the Islamic State (IS). The fact that the U.S., France and the U.K. have allied themselves with the YPG in this effort only muddies the waters.

Stoltenberg will convene the annual NATO summit in Madrid on June 29. NATO has much on its plate, with trying to craft a viable response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine topping the list.

Stoltenberg had hoped that he could use the applications of Finland and Sweden as a foundation from which he could project an atmosphere of strength and optimism around which NATO could plot a path forward.

Instead, the NATO secretary general will preside over an organization at war with itself, unsure of its future and unable to provide a cohesive answer to the problems with Russia which originated from the very policies of expansion Stoltenberg was trying to continue through the now abortive membership applications of Finland and Sweden.


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Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD.

Featured image: Letters of application to NATO from Finland and Sweden, presented to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on May 18. (NATO)

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Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.

The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.

The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021.

From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020.

Here are the precise numbers for Group Death Benefits taken from Lincoln National’s annual statements for the three years:

  • 2019: $500,888,808
  • 2020: $547,940,260
  • 2021: $1,445,350,949

Here are the key numbers for 2021, below, shown on the company’s annual statement that was filed with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services. These are national numbers, not state-specific:

Lincoln National is the fifth-largest life insurance company in the United States, according to BankRate, after New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and Prudential.

The company was founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1905, getting the OK from Abraham Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd Lincoln, to use his father’s name and likeness in its advertising.

It’s now based in Radnor, Pennsylvania.

The annual statements filed with the states do not show the number of claims — only the total dollar amount of claims paid.

Group life insurance policies, in most cases, cover working-age adults ages 18-64 whose employer includes life insurance as an employee benefit.

How many deaths are represented by the 163% increase? It is not possible to determine by the dollar figures on the statements.

But the average death benefit for employer-provided group life insurance, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, is one year’s salary.

If the average annual salary of people covered by group life insurance policies in the United States is $70,000, this may represent 20,647 deaths of working adults, covered by just this one insurance company. This would represent at least 10,000 more deaths than in a normal year for just this one company.

The statements for the three years also show a sizable increase in ordinary death benefits — those not paid out under group policies, but under individual life insurance policies.

In 2019, the baseline year, that number was $3.7 billion. In 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, it went up to $4 billion, but in 2021, the year in which the vaccine was administered to almost 260 million Americans, it went up to $5.3 billion.

The statements show that the total amount that Lincoln National paid out for all direct claims and benefits in 2021 was more than $28 billion, $6 billion more than in 2020, when it paid out a total of $22 billion, which was less than the $23 billion it paid out in 2019, the baseline year.

A $6 billion increase in expenses is something few companies could absorb, but Lincoln National has been working to do just that — by increasing sales of new insurance polices.

In the press release accompanying its annual report, and in its press release announcing the first quarter 2022 results — in which the company announces a $41 million loss in its Group Protection business — it trumpets an increase in sales. For first quarter 2022 that increase was 42 percent. The company also mentions that premiums have gone up 4 percent.

Interestingly, in the press release accompanying the first-quarter 2022 results, Lincoln National attributes the $41 operating million loss to “non-pandemic-related morbidity” and “unusual claims adjustments.”

“This change was driven by non-pandemic-related morbidity [emphasis added], including unusual claims adjustments [emphasis added], and less favorable returns within the company’s alternative investment portfolio.”

Morbidity, of course, means disease. A lot of people are sick.

This matches what I was told by OneAmerica in January in emails following the publication of my story in The Center Square — that it was not only deaths of working-age people that shot up to unheard-of levels in 2021, but also short- and long-term disability claims.

Annual statements for other insurance companies are still being compiled and reviewed. So far, Lincoln National shows the sharpest increases in death benefits paid out in 2021, though Prudential and Northwestern Mutual also show significant increases — increases much larger in 2021 than in 2020, indicating that the cure was worse than the disease — much worse.

Lincoln National’s stock price fell from about $70 a share on January 3 to $50 a share this week, and last month, a new CEO was installed. It doesn’t appear to be a sudden change, but could have been timed to assuage major shareholders who have no idea what’s really happening and may think that a fresh face and fresh ideas can turn this around. Could I suggest instead an honest and thorough assessment of what’s really driving these stunning numbers?


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Margaret Menge is a journalist with 20 years of experience as a reporter and editor for newspapers magazines, websites: US News & World Report, News of the Highlands, Miami Herald Company, UPI, InsideSources, Langley Intelligence Report, The Center Square.

Featured image is from Crossroads Report

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The Elite Press Remains the Handmaid of War

June 17th, 2022 by Ted Galen Carpenter

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Far too often, the elite U.S. press has been a reliable mouthpiece for Washington’s dubious foreign policies. That was true during the Cold War, except for a brief period of disillusionment and dissent once the Vietnam War became such an obvious debacle. That period of more vigorous scrutiny and skepticism did not last long, however. When George H. W. Bush launched his drive for U.S. military intervention in the Persian Gulf to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other elite outlets were fully on board with that agenda, as their shamelessly biased treatment of the relevant issues confirmed. That pro-interventionist bias became even more flagrant during the Balkan crises of the 1990s, the lead-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, and Washington’s subsequent campaigns for forcible regime change in Libya and Syria. There was very little daylight between the official U.S. government positions on those issues and the dominant media narratives.

A similar pattern has emerged with press coverage of the war in Ukraine. Once again, pro-interventionist accounts dominate the airwaves and the leading editorial and op-ed pages. That was especially true of the first weeks of the war, when the media overwhelmingly supported the argument that America must “stand with Ukraine.” The imbalance has eased slightly as concerns about the costs and risks of the Biden administration’s policy of lavishing military and financial aid on Kiev mount. Nevertheless, hawks still provide the vast majority of commentaries on the war in top-tier establishment forums.

The elite U.S. press has even served as a conduit for outright Ukrainian propaganda. During the early weeks of the war, American news outlets circulated the story about the “Ghost of Kiev”—the fighter pilot who supposedly became an ace in a matter of days by shooting down numerous Russian warplanes. That account had all the characteristics of transparent propaganda, and the Ukrainian military ultimately conceded that the story was fictional. In the meantime, however, it had served its purpose to influence credulous Western audiences.

Multiple unfiltered stories from Ukrayinska Pravda, New Voice of Ukraine and other Ukrainian media outlets routinely have appeared on Yahoo’s daily news feed, often accounting for a third or more of the site’s top dozen stories. Press releases from Ukraine’s government also have appeared in the U.S. media, at times without even an acknowledgment that the accuracy of those official accounts could not be confirmed. Moreover, there are virtually no competing stories from Russian news sources, creating an even greater pro-Ukraine imbalance. A similar imbalance has been evident on the principal social media platforms.

Much of the bias in news coverage of Ukraine and other high-profile U.S. foreign policy issues is brazen. However, there also are more subtle, insidious manifestations. A new report from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) highlights one important example. Looking at the front pages of the New York Timesduring the first full calendar month of the 2003 Iraq War and the first full calendar month of the current Ukraine war, FAIR demonstrated that a difference in the scope and nature of the coverage was substantial:

In April 2022, there were a total of 179 stories on the Times’ front page, and 79 (44%) concerned the Ukraine invasion. All but three were located at the top of the page (i.e., with no articles above them), where editors put the stories they consider to be the most important of the day. Fully 75% of all top-of-the-page stories were about the Ukraine war. Not a single day went by without a Ukraine story being published on the top of the page, and on 14 different days only stories about Ukraine were published on the top of the front page.

The contrast between the coverage of the two wars is striking. The report noted that, “In May 2003, when there were 226 stories on the front page, only 41 of them (18%) reported on the Iraq invasion. Thirty-two of those were at the top of the page, with nine below; 25% of all top-of-the-page stories were dedicated to the Iraq War.”

The FAIR researchers highlighted the significance of that difference. A “major conflict launched by the country where the paper is published was given less than half as many front-page articles—and a third of the top of the front page, where highest-priority stories are placed—compared to a war in which that country was not directly involved. Six days out of the month, the paper did not feature a single Iraq story at the top of the page, and the top-of-the-page stories were never exclusively about Iraq.”

That disparity suggests just how much the elite media’s flagship publication had cast its lot with Ukraine’s cause and the policy agenda of the Biden administration. Another portion of the FAIR report noted that coverage on the nightly news shows at ABC, CBS, and NBC exhibited a similar pattern.

The study also discovered a stunning difference between accounts of civilian populations’ suffering in the two wars. “Of the 79 front-page New York Times stories on the war in Ukraine in May 2022, 14 of them were primarily about civilian deaths as a result of the Russian invasion, all of which appeared at the top of the page,” the report found. The extent of the coverage was arguably warranted. As the report added, “By the beginning of May, the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (5/2/22) estimated that there were at least 3,153 civilian deaths in Ukraine.”

The Times’s handling of civilian suffering during the early phase of the Iraq War was quite different, however. In the first full calendar month of the conflict, there was only one story on the front page about civilian deaths at the hands of the U.S. military. The FAIR researchers note that the lack of coverage “did not reflect a lack of civilian casualties during this period: Iraq Body Count estimated that at least 7,984 civilian deaths had occurred by the end of May 2003.” In other words, the civilian carnage was roughly twice as bad as it has been in Ukraine. Emphasizing that point, though, would have caused discomfort in Washington. Conversely, highlighting the suffering of civilians in Ukraine caused by Russian forces is fully consistent with the policy agenda of the U.S. national-security apparatus.

It should surprise no one that members of the elite press are again helping to advance a dangerous U.S. policy. It is a familiar pattern, and one that violates the supposed mission and purpose of an independent press. The news media should adopt aloof relationships with U.S. policymakers and serve as the public’s watchdog with respect to questionable foreign-policy initiatives. Instead, the elite press—the portion of the media with the greatest reach—is once again serving as the national-security state’s lapdog.


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Ted Galen Carpenter, a senior fellow in defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute and a contributing editor at The American Conservative, is the author of 12 books and more than 1,100 articles on international affairs. His latest book is Unreliable Watchdog: The News Media and U.S. Foreign Policy(forthcoming, September 2022).

Featured image is from Dizfoto/Shutterstock

Ukraine: The Disinformation of the Information System

June 17th, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

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What is the reliability of the “information system on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict” is confirmed by this latest episode: Senator Bruno Tabacci, Undersecretary of State for the Presidency of the Council, credits the Corriere’s fake news: “Dinucci’s book quoted by Putin in the celebratory speech in Moscow.”

The desecrated document on “Disinformation in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict,” compiled by the Republic’s Security Information System, attributes the presence of neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine and Russophobia to “narratives of Russian propaganda,” and presents “attacks on Zelensky’s image” as the fruit of Russian propaganda. What the real situation is emerges from the reports released by the Ukrainian news agency itself. These include the banning of the Socialist Party of Ukraine and the confiscation of its assets, measures taken against ten other political parties; Zelensky’s order to destroy 100 million Russian books, including all the classics of Russian literature, because they “spread Evil.” While Russian and Belarusian athletes are excluded from 125 international competitions, at an international boxing competition in Hungary a Ukrainian athlete displays the neo-Nazi Azov flag and refuses to remove it.

The desecreted document also attributes to Russian propaganda reports that there are 30 bio-laboratories in Ukraine linked to the Pentagon and a network of U.S. and European companies. There is plenty of evidence, however, from a U.S. investigative journalism agency and other sources, not only of their existence but of their activities consisting of developing and testing pathogenic viruses for biological warfare. The Russian government asked the United Nations to send a commission of inquiry to Ukraine, but received a sharp refusal. What the dangers posed by the bio-laboratories in Ukraine are to the whole of Europe and the world is also denounced by Tultsi Gabbard, a U.S. politician from the Democratic Party.


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This article was originally published on byoblu.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to President Biden, tested positive for COVID-19, his office said Wednesday.

The NIAID said Fauci, 81, tested positive for the virus through a rapid antigen test and is currently “experiencing mild symptoms.”

“Dr. Fauci will isolate and continue to work from his home,” the statement said. “Dr. Fauci will follow the COVID-19 guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] and medical advice from his physician and return to the NIH [National Institutes of Health] when he tests negative.”

This is the first time Fauci, who is quadruple-vaxxed against COVID-19, has announced he’s tested positive for the virus.

The NIAID confirmed Fauci received four COVID-19 vaccine doses, including two boosters.

Despite testing positive, Fauci today testified remotely during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, where he was grilled about the federal response to the pandemic.

“Our current vaccines have maintained their effectiveness for preventing severe COVID-19,” Fauci said, referring to the Omicron variant during his opening statement. “Individuals who have received only their primary vaccine regimen have a greater likelihood of getting infected with the Omicron variant than with previous variants.”

“Importantly, booster shots have been shown to significantly reconstitute and enhance the level of antibodies that neutralize the Omicron variant and in sub-lineages,” he added.

In May 2021, in an interview on MSNBC, Fauci said people who got vaccinated would not get infected.

In another interview, in Jun. 22, 2021 with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Fauci said:

“The situation is so clear, the data affirm if you get vaccinated you are protected, even with the Delta variant — which by the way has a greater capacity to spread from person to person — and when you’re infected it has a greater likelihood of giving you serious disease. We know that as a fact.”

“It’s as simple as black and white,” Fauci said. “You’re vaccinated, you’re safe. You’re unvaccinated, you’re at risk. Simple as that.”

Fauci’s office told ABC News he’s taking Pfizer’s antiviral treatment Paxlovid, which was never tested for safety or efficacy in vaccinated individuals and causes rebound COVID-19 symptoms in some patients.

Pfizer’s clinical trials of Paxlovid excluded vaccinated individuals

According to Pfizer’s high-risk and standard-risk clinical trials, vaccinated individuals who received a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine within 12 months of screening were excluded from clinical trials that assessed the safety and efficacy of the drug.

Originally, Pfizer was going to include vaccinated individuals in at least one trial — the EPIC-SR — but changed the exclusion criteria between March 9 and April 5, to exclude all vaccinated people.

According to an article by Dr. Paul Fenyves, a primary care physician with Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, CDC data show as of May 18, 76% of U.S. adults had been vaccinated, and an estimated 58% of Americans already had COVID-19 — so the trial supporting authorization of Paxlovid was not directly applicable to a majority of Americans.

“Paxlovid would be significantly more effective in people who have not been primed by vaccination or prior infection, so the trial supporting its use serves to exaggerate the benefit that most people would see from the medication,” Fenyves said.

Although Pfizer began a clinical trial of Paxlovid in vaccinated high-risk individuals, the trial combines vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, potentially clouding the issue, Fenyves said. “More importantly, results of the trial will not be made available until November 2022.”

Fenyves pointed out that Americans have seen scandals with drugs like Vioxx being sold despite known cardiovascular risks and OxyContin contributing to the opioid epidemic due to lax oversight, and a “much-needed independent review” of Paxlovid’s pharmaceutical clinical trial was needed.

Fenyves said Pfizer’s first trial was designed to overstate the efficacy of Paxlovid because the company’s goal was to maximize sales, but he was surprised the U.S. government would buy $5 billion worth of Paxlovid without requiring the pharma giant to show how the drug performs in high-risk people who have been vaccinated or previously infected.

CDC admits Paxlovid causes rebound COVID-19 symptoms in some patients

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky on May 24 issued a health advisory to people taking Pfizer’s Paxlovid. Walensky warned the drug could lead to a rebound in COVID-19 symptoms, but claimed the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks.

“If you take Paxlovid, you might get symptoms again,” Walensky told CBS News. “We haven’t yet seen anybody who has returned with symptoms needing to go to the hospital. So, generally, a milder course.”

Paxlovid, antiviral medication, is taken over the course of five days. A five-day course of Paxlovid costs about $500.

After a patient recovers from COVID-19, the rebound appeares to occur between two and eight days later, according to the CDC.

People who experience a “COVID-19 rebound” after treatment with Paxlovid can be contagious even if they don’t have any symptoms, researchers warned.

The CDC, citing case reports and concerns that relapsed patients could spread the virus, advised users to isolate themselves for another five days if symptoms rebound.

“I am shying away from giving it to people who are very low-risk, and are not terribly ill, particularly people who are vaccinated and boosted,” Dr. Bruce Farber, chief of public health and epidemiology for Northwell Health, told Reuters.

Pfizer, in an email, said it is monitoring the issue but believes the return of detectable SARS-CoV-2 is uncommon and not “uniquely associated” with its drug. “We have not seen any resistance emerge to date in patients treated with Paxlovid,” a Pfizer spokesperson told Reuters.

As The Defender reported last month, NIH researchers said they would investigate how often and why coronavirus levels rebound in some patients who complete a five-day course of Paxlovid.

Clifford Lane, deputy director for clinical research at the NIAID, told Bloomberg it was a priority and a “pretty urgent thing for us to get a handle on.”

Lane said the agency is discussing with scientists at the CDC possible epidemiological and clinical studies to examine post-Paxlovid rebound.

In response to reports of patients relapsing after taking Paxlovid, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla suggested they take more of the treatment, contrary to the established protocol, prompting a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official to contradict Bourla.

John Farley, M.D., director of the Office of Infectious Diseases, in the FDA Updates on Paxlovid for Health Care Providers wrote:

“There is no evidence of benefit at this time for a longer course of treatment (e.g., 10 days rather than the 5 days recommended in the Provider Fact Sheet for Paxlovid) or repeating a treatment course of Paxlovid in patients with recurrent COVID-19 symptoms following completion of a treatment course.”

As The Defender reported in March, Pfizer stands to make $54 billion in sales from its COVID-19 vaccine and Paxlovid.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman and chief legal counsel, told The Defender that taxpayers are paying billions for vaccines that don’t work, they get COVID-19 anyway and then they pay billions more for an inferior treatment.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

A Superstitious War

June 17th, 2022 by Edward Alvarez

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Today more than ever, hatred toward Russia has never had such dire implications for the world. The fears of yesterday have become the even greater fears of tomorrow. The idea of peace has been waved away as meaningless, and any chance for a peace deal to end the war in Ukraine is not readily entertained, even by formerly peace-loving people.

They firmly believe that any compromise will lead to the annihilation of Ukraine and the entire world. Is this a reasonable perspective? How and why has peace become equated with escalation? Are we really going to save the world by waging war against Russia? Or is this potentially an apparition of sorts?

By the late 1940s, the power of Russian weaponry was on the minds of Americans as a harbinger of future calamities: unstoppable missiles and nuclear-powered planes were just some of the rumored advancements. Even early flying saucer sightings were suspected to be secret Russian technology.

Will the world ever learn from the ghosts of past wars? The dilemma starts here: those calling for war say it’s precisely the lessons learned from previous wars that prove this war must go on. Should the war really not be opposed? The biggest obstacle in understanding this war is the unwillingness to study it beyond newspaper headlines.

Recently, the esteemed American scholar Noam Chomsky was dismissed as a Russian propagandist for emphasizing the necessity of negotiations. Those echoing his thoughts are now the Neville Chamberlains of the world, derided as too simple-minded to see the totality of the situation. American democracy is suffering because unpopular opinions have become enemy propaganda.

Any form of compromise is strongly assumed to be what will erase Ukraine from this planet, but is this rather a confused conclusion? Influenced by decades of fear and worries about a foreign enemy. It is not only Republicans who oppose this war. Opposing the war in Ukraine and supporting the idea of a peace deal will help Ukraine more than arguing for the fighting to continue.

The first thing that should be studied and discussed about this war is whether there is freedom to be won. This is not to say it’s impossible. War proponents have sincerely asked, what are alternatives to the fight for freedom? The question should be, is freedom possible? Because it will not be won through an endless war, it is more likely to be won through dialogue.

More specifically, does democracy even exist in Ukraine? It’s very easy to think of this war as a noble battle for democracy, but democracy must exist first. Despite the appearance of a democratic election, Ukraine unfortunately is not a democracy, therefore it is not fighting for democracy. Ukrainians would need to elect an entirely new leader to even begin to have the possibility of democracy.

Even if Ukrainians were to win the war, they still will not have a democratic government. This puts the war in another light which only proves that the fight for victory is a tragically absurd proposal. To ignore all of this and still want the war to continue is the height of madness. The war in Ukraine has become a superstitious war.

We are losing ourselves in superstition rather than actually trying to understand this war. We will do more harm than good by letting our assumptions get the best of us. If people want to support Ukraine they should be against this war in every way. Ukraine is not saving democracy, Ukraine is not saving the world, no matter how amazing all of that sounds.

Zelensky’s endless demands for more weapons will not magically make things better, but is and will continue to make things worse. Until an agreement is reached, this war will spiral more and more out of control, not the other way around. It is our plunging into superstition which has convinced us that a peace deal will lead to the end of the world. It’s time to wake up.


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Edward Alvarez writes from San Diego.

Featured image: SBU raid in Kharkiv. [Source:]

Human Rights Groups Denounce EU’s Gas Deal with Israel

June 17th, 2022 by Peoples Dispatch

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The European Union (EU) announced a tripartite natural gas export deal with Israel and Egypt on Wednesday, June 16, claiming  that it will be a crucial alternative to Russian gas imports. The three parties are looking to build infrastructure which will be “fit for renewables,” said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.  

As per the deal, Israeli gas will be brought to Egypt via pipeline and then transported to the EU via ships in liquified form. The EU has agreed to help Israel and Egypt in their future exploration for increasing the production of gas.

The deal was signed during the East Mediterranean regional energy conference in Cairo. Von der Leyen claimed that a deal with Israel will help the EU reduce its dependence on Russia for its energy needs.

The EU imported around 40% of its gas from Russia last year. A total of 155 billion cubic meters of gas was imported by various EU countries from Russia in 2021 through pipelines and tankers. However, the EU has imposed numerous sanctions on Russia and tried to impose a ban on imports from the country following its attack on Ukraine in February.

The deal with Israel has come under severe criticism from human rights groups who accuse the EU adopting a hypocritical position on illegal occupation and violations of international human rights.

Following the EU sanctions, Russia has demanded payments in its own currency for the sale of gas, failing which it stopped supply to countries such as Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, and others. The sanctions and stoppage of supply has led to a historic rise in the prices of gas in European countries.

Israel has been exploring for gas inside its Exclusive Economic Zone and so far has been able to discover 690 billion cubic meters of natural gas in two offshore gas fields. Some of the areas under these gas fields (Karish) are under dispute with Lebanon.

Nevertheless, Israel’s total production is around 20 billion cubic meters. It is trying to increase its production to 40 billion cubic meters in the next few years. However, even if Israel manages to double production, it will be very difficult to compensate in any significant way for the lack of Russian gas in Europe.

In 2020, Israel, Greece and Cyprus had signed a USD 6 billion deal to construct an undersea pipeline (EastMed) to transport gas from Israel’s offshore fields to Europe. However, experts have raised questions about its viability claiming that it will be too expensive.

Various human rights groups, including the Palestinian Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment (BDS) movement, have condemned the EU’s deal with Israel. They argue that it is hypocritical for the EU to criticize one country for illegal occupation (Russia) and reward another for the same (Israel).

Several commentators have called the EU’s stand on the Russia-Ukraine war a sign of its double standards since it has no problem in dealing with Israel, which has been involved in attacks on its neighbors Syria and Lebanon and has bombarded occupied Gaza.


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Mike Whitney, June 9, 2022

Terrified of Freedom: Why Most Human Beings Are Embracing the Global Elite’s Technotyranny

Robert J. Burrowes, June 15, 2022

Who Owns the World?

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“We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action

F. William Engdahl, June 12, 2022

The Top 10 Scariest Things to Come Out of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 14, 2022

Shocking – At Least 77,000 Deaths and 7.3 Million Injured Due to COVID Vaccination Across USA, Europe, UK and Australia

The Daily Expose, June 13, 2022

Next 100 Days of Ukraine War

M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 16, 2022

The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? Dr. Russell L. Blaylock

Dr. Russell Blaylock, June 11, 2022

Recent String of Deadly Military Crashes Is No Accident

Connor Echols, June 15, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

SUN, June 11, 2022

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First published on on June 9, 2022





Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings? … Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.”— U.S. Army Psychological Operations recruitment video

The U.S. government is waging psychological warfare on the American people.

No, this is not a conspiracy theory.

Psychological warfare, according to the Rand Corporation, “involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups.”

Source: RAND

For years now, the government has been bombarding the citizenry with propaganda campaigns and psychological operations aimed at keeping us compliant, easily controlled and supportive of the police state’s various efforts abroad and domestically.

The government is so confident in its Orwellian powers of manipulation that it’s taken to bragging about them. Just recently, for example, the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group, the branch of the military responsible for psychological warfare, released a recruiting video that touts its efforts to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

This is the danger that lurks in plain sight.

Of the many weapons in the government’s vast arsenal, psychological warfare may be the most devastating in terms of the long-term consequences.

As the military journal Task and Purpose explains, “Psychological warfare is all about influencing governments, people of power, and everyday citizens… PSYOP soldiers’ key missions are to influence ‘emotions, notices, reasoning, and behavior of foreign governments and citizens,’ ‘deliberately deceive’ enemy forces, advise governments, and provide communications for disaster relief and rescue efforts.”

Yet don’t be fooled into thinking these psyops (psychological operations) campaigns are only aimed at foreign enemies. The government has made clear in word and deed that “we the people” are domestic enemies to be targeted, tracked, manipulated, micromanaged, surveilled, viewed as suspects, and treated as if our fundamental rights are mere privileges that can be easily discarded.

Aided and abetted by technological advances and scientific experimentation, the government has been subjecting the American people to “apple-pie propaganda” for the better part of the last century.

Consider some of the ways in which the government continues to wage psychological warfare on a largely unsuspecting citizenry.

Weaponizing violence.

With alarming regularity, the nation continues to be subjected to spates of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country’s ecosystem, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry.

Weaponizing surveillance, pre-crime and pre-thought campaigns.

Surveillance, digital stalking and the data mining of the American people add up to a society in which there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence. When the government sees all and knows all and has an abundance of laws to render even the most seemingly upstanding citizen a criminal and lawbreaker, then the old adage that you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’ve got nothing to hide no longer applies. Add pre-crime programs into the mix with government agencies and corporations working in tandem to determine who is a potential danger and spin a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies, and you having the makings for a perfect dystopian nightmare. The government’s war on crime has now veered into the realm of social media and technological entrapment, with government agents adopting fake social media identities and AI-created profile pictures in order to surveil, target and capture potential suspects.

Weaponizing digital currencies, social media scores and censorship. Tech giants, working with the government, have been meting out their own version of social justice by way of digital tyranny and corporate censorship, muzzling whomever they want, whenever they want, on whatever pretext they want in the absence of any real due process, review or appeal. Unfortunately, digital censorship is just the beginning. Digital currencies (which can be used as “a tool for government surveillance of citizens and control over their financial transactions”), combined with social media scores and surveillance capitalism create a litmus test to determine who is worthy enough to be part of society and punish individuals for moral lapses and social transgressions (and reward them for adhering to government-sanctioned behavior). In China, millions of individuals and businesses, blacklisted as “unworthy” based on social media credit scores that grade them based on whether they are “good” citizens, have been banned from accessing financial markets, buying real estate or travelling by air or train.

Weaponizing compliance.

Even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on COVID-19, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.

Weaponizing entertainment.

For the past century, the Department of Defense’s Entertainment Media Office has provided Hollywood with equipment, personnel and technical expertise at taxpayer expense. In exchange, the military industrial complex has gotten a starring role in such blockbusters as Top Gun and its rebooted sequel Top Gun: Maverick, which translates to free advertising for the war hawks, recruitment of foot soldiers for the military empire, patriotic fervor by the taxpayers who have to foot the bill for the nation’s endless wars, and Hollywood visionaries working to churn out dystopian thrillers that make the war machine appear relevant, heroic and necessary. As Elmer Davis, a CBS broadcaster who was appointed the head of the Office of War Information, observed, “The easiest way to inject a propaganda idea into most people’s minds is to let it go through the medium of an entertainment picture when they do not realize that they are being propagandized.”

Weaponizing behavioral science and nudging.

Apart from the overt dangers posed by a government that feels justified and empowered to spy on its people and use its ever-expanding arsenal of weapons and technology to monitor and control them, there’s also the covert dangers associated with a government empowered to use these same technologies to influence behaviors en masse and control the populace. In fact, it was President Obama who issued an executive order directing federal agencies to use “behavioral science” methods to minimize bureaucracy and influence the way people respond to government programs. It’s a short hop, skip and a jump from a behavioral program that tries to influence how people respond to paperwork to a government program that tries to shape the public’s views about other, more consequential matters. Thus, increasingly, governments around the world—including in the United States—are relying on “nudge units” to steer citizens in the direction the powers-that-be want them to go, while preserving the appearance of free will.

Weaponizing desensitization campaigns aimed at lulling us into a false sense of security.

The events of recent years—the invasive surveillance, the extremism reports, the civil unrest, the protests, the shootings, the bombings, the military exercises and active shooter drills, the lockdowns, the color-coded alerts and threat assessments, the fusion centers, the transformation of local police into extensions of the military, the distribution of military equipment and weapons to local police forces, the government databases containing the names of dissidents and potential troublemakers—have conspired to acclimate the populace to accept a police state willingly, even gratefully.

Weaponizing fear and paranoia.

The language of fear is spoken effectively by politicians on both sides of the aisle, shouted by media pundits from their cable TV pulpits, marketed by corporations, and codified into bureaucratic laws that do little to make our lives safer or more secure. Fear, as history shows, is the method most often used by politicians to increase the power of government and control a populace, dividing the people into factions, and persuading them to see each other as the enemy. This Machiavellian scheme has so ensnared the nation that few Americans even realize they are being manipulated into adopting an “us” against “them” mindset. Instead, fueled with fear and loathing for phantom opponents, they agree to pour millions of dollars and resources into political elections, militarized police, spy technology and endless wars, hoping for a guarantee of safety that never comes. All the while, those in power—bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations—move their costly agendas forward, and “we the suckers” get saddled with the tax bills and subjected to pat downs, police raids and round-the-clock surveillance.

Weaponizing genetics.

Not only does fear grease the wheels of the transition to fascism by cultivating fearful, controlled, pacified, cowed citizens, but it also embeds itself in our very DNA so that we pass on our fear and compliance to our offspring. It’s called epigenetic inheritance, the transmission through DNA of traumatic experiences. For example, neuroscientists observed that fear can travel through generations of mice DNA. As The Washington Post reports, “Studies on humans suggest that children and grandchildren may have felt the epigenetic impact of such traumatic events such as famine, the Holocaust and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.”

Weaponizing the future.

With greater frequency, the government has been issuing warnings about the dire need to prepare for the dystopian future that awaits us. For instance, the Pentagon training video, “Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity,” predicts that by 2030 (coincidentally, the same year that society begins to achieve singularity with the metaverse) the military would be called on to use armed forces to solve future domestic political and social problems. What they’re really talking about is martial law, packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security. The chilling five-minute training video paints an ominous picture of the future bedeviled by “criminal networks,” “substandard infrastructure,” “religious and ethnic tensions,” “impoverishment, slums,” “open landfills, over-burdened sewers,” a “growing mass of unemployed,” and an urban landscape in which the prosperous economic elite must be protected from the impoverishment of the have nots. “We the people” are the have-nots.

The end goal of these mind control campaigns—packaged in the guise of the greater good—is to see how far the American people will allow the government to go in re-shaping the country in the image of a totalitarian police state.

The facts speak for themselves.

Whatever else it may be—a danger, a menace, a threat—the U.S. government is certainly not looking out for our best interests, nor is it in any way a friend to freedom.

When the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution, then you no longer have a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

What we have is a government of wolves.

Our backs are against the proverbial wall.

“We the people”—who think, who reason, who take a stand, who resist, who demand to be treated with dignity and care, who believe in freedom and justice for all—have become undervalued citizens of a totalitarian state that views people as expendable once they have outgrown their usefulness to the State.

Brace yourselves.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, “we the people” have become enemies of the Deep State.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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The WHO Is Changing the Name “Monkeypox”… Is It Really Because of Racism?

By Kit Knightly, June 17, 2022

Yesterday Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), announced the WHO was officially changing the name of the monkeypox virus.

Towards a Multi-Polar World? The Russia-China Axis. BRICS PLUS and the CSTO

By Kester Kenn Klomegah, June 16, 2022

This article focuses on the debate and search for new possible models by a few countries that are dissatisfied with the unipolar system and the world dominated by the United States. The United States has outstretched its political and economic interests around the world.

Why Did Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov Use the Term “Indo-Pacific” Instead of the Usual “Asia-Pacific”?

By Andrew Korybko, June 16, 2022

Knowing how professional this world-class diplomat is and how he never has a slip of the tongue since he always puts a lot of thought into every word that he says, this development should be interpreted as a subtle change in policy. It’s not in any way whatsoever aimed at sending some kind of negative signal to China, but to the contrary, it’s meant to show that Russia is flexibly adapting to regional trends.

The Power of America’s Jewish Lobby. Remember USS Liberty

By Philip Giraldi, June 16, 2022

Anyone who has spent any time in Washington and who has been reasonably engaged in watching the fiasco playing out there might agree that the most powerful foreign lobby is that of Israel, backed up as it is by a vast domestic network that exists to protect and nourish the Jewish state.

Ukraine Volunteer Fighter and US Citizen Craig Lang Armed by Colombia to Overthrow Venezuela’s Government, FBI Source Says

By Alexander Rubinstein, June 16, 2022

Craig Lang, a US Army veteran accused by US authorities of carrying out murders on American soil as well as torture and other war crimes in Ukraine, allegedly joined a band of insurgents armed by the Colombian police to overthrow the Venezuelan government.

New Zealand Doctors Demand Police Investigate Covid Vaccine Deaths

By Amy Mek, June 16, 2022

Since the arrival of the gene-therapy injections, New Zealand has pushed to have 90% of its population receive two injections. In December, the country successfully reached its milestone. To achieve its 90% “vaccination” goal, Dr. Monchy explained that every citizen who received the injection was bribed with a voucher of 20 NZD (12 euros). At the same time, doctors have been given 359 NZD (216 euros) per vaccine.

Bribe Money for Ukrainian Officials?

By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 16, 2022

The CIA also initiated a scheme designed to induce the Chilean national-security establishment to implement a violent coup that would keep Allende from taking office and, most likely, leave him dead in the process.

Kissinger and the War in Ukraine: The Messenger and the Master

By Peter Koenig, June 16, 2022

When Henry Kissinger surprised the world with his address at the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos (22-26 May 2022), by telling Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy, he had to make some concession in return for Peace, he was right.

US Government Knew COVID Jabs Were Dangerous for Young Military Members: Retired Generals

By Calvin Freiburger, June 16, 2022

The federal government’s own data indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines U.S. service members are forced to receive are dangerous, medical experts explained as part of a Flag Day press conference hosted Tuesday by the medical freedom nonprofit Truth for Health Foundation.

Grand Rapids Police Officer Released on Bail After Being Indicted for the Killing of Patrick Lyoya

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 16, 2022

Patrick Lyoya, 26, an African immigrant from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), was shot in the back of the head by patrolman Christopher Schurr on April 4. This act of police violence was met with widespread shock and mass demonstrations demanding that Schurr be terminated from the Grand Rapids police department and charged with murder.

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Yesterday Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), announced the WHO was officially changing the name of the monkeypox virus.

This decision was allegedly taken due to “stigmatization” and “discrimination” of the current “inaccurate” name.

I’m not sure how “monkeypox virus” can be an inaccurate name for a virus allegedly found in monkeys that allegedly causes pox, but that is the contention of the “experts” who called for an “urgent name change” in this report from last week.

In the context of the current global outbreak, continued reference to, and nomenclature of this virus being African is not only inaccurate but is also discriminatory and stigmatising,”

Of course, the problem here, as always with mainstream news, is their own mutually contradictory stories/agendas.

Because, according to the official narrative the virus does come from Africa, where it is endemic in some West African nations.

Changing the name of the virus will not change that, or make people forget they said so, will it?

So why do it?

Well, in yet another parallel with Covid, it allows them to fold a racism storyline into the greater narrative. With Covid they first engendered, suspicions about China and Chinese people being “the source” of the non-existent problem. Then they condemned these suspicions as racist.

Here, they are spreading fear about Africa, and then claiming that fear is racist.

It is just another great way to divide and distract people.

Alongside this, the irrationality itself seems to serve some purpose.

With Covid we were warned that “super-spreader events” were incredibly dangerous…but that Black Lives Matter protests were the exception because “racism is a worse pandemic than Covid”.

With Monkeypox, despite the narrative claiming it’s spreading among “men who have sex with men”, any decision to cancel pride events or close known cruising spots is apparently “homophobic”.

So maybe there’s an element of simply being irrational for irrationality’s sake. Confusing people to the point they don’t know where to stand.

There’s another potential answer too, a directly pragmatic answer related to other Monkeypox news that came out the last few days.

On June 14th it was announced the WHO will be meeting next week to consider whether or not to declare monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

In the US, the CDC has released updated guidelines and case definitions for monkeypox symptoms aiming to “encourage broader suspicion for monkeypox”.

Earlier today, Bloomberg was reporting the US had “not learned from Covid” and “testing bottlenecks” could mean monkeypox cases being missed.

And yesterday Hans Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, released a statement calling monkeypox a “neglected disease”, going on to say:

The magnitude of this outbreak poses a real risk; the longer the virus circulates, the more it will extend its reach, and the stronger the disease’s foothold will get in non-endemic countries. Governments, health partners and civil society need to act with urgency, and together to control this outbreak;

So, do you know what I think?

I think the real problem here is that they want to take the monkeypox narrative to the next level, but they’ve saddled themselves with a silly name that will never frighten anybody.

That is why they’re changing it…they want people to be afraid, and “monkeypox” just isn’t scary.


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Ankara and Moscow have put forward potential solutions to reopen Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, with Russia offering safe passage to ships while Turkey said it could help guide vessels around Ukrainian naval mines deployed to stall the Russian advance.

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told reporters on Wednesday that the Kremlin is open to creating a “safe passage” for grain shipments, but said Moscow could not guarantee a route that would be free of mines

“We are not responsible for establishing safe corridors. We said we could provide safe passage if these corridors are established,” he said. “It’s obvious it’s either de-mine the territory, which was mined by the Ukrainians, or ensure that the passage goes around those mines.”

While Turkey has said it would “take some time” to clear away the munitions, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu suggested safe corridors could be found in some Ukrainian ports, presenting the offer a short-term solution.

“Since the location of the mines is known, certain safe lines would be established at three ports,” the FM said earlier on Wednesday, adding that ships could “come and go safely to ports without a need to clear the mines.”

Cavusoglu went on to say that Ankara has not received a response from the Kremlin on the proposal, but is currently working with the United Nations on a plan. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric confirmed that discussions were underway, though noted that an agreement from both Ukraine and Russia would be needed to move forward.

Turkey’s National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, meanwhile, told TRT that the three nations recently created an “emergency communication mechanism” to resolve the problem and reopen Ukraine’s ports, but it’s not yet clear whether any progress had been made in negotiations. Last Sunday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also announced that he plans to hold a three-way dialogue on the issue with his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts sometime in the coming weeks, after Ankara hosted several rounds of lower-level peace talks.

Kiev, however, has signaled that it will not accept the Russian or Turkish proposals. Speaking at an event in Washington on Wednesday, David Arakhamia, a lawmaker and the head of Ukraine’s negotiation team, said

“Our military people are against [de-mining the ports], so that’s why we have very, very limited optimism for this model.”

The UN has warned that the disruption of grain exports from Ukraine could have a massive impact on global food supplies. Together, Moscow and Kiev provide up to 40% of Eastern Europe’s grain purchases, and make up an even greater part of some countries’ total imports.

While Ukrainian and American officials have repeatedly blamed Russia for the shortages, Moscow has rejected the charge, instead pinning the scarcities on US sanctions and the explosives still deployed at key Ukrainian seaports. The Kremlin previously offered to help establish a safe route for shipping vessels in exchange for sanctions relief, but Washington refused to take up the deal.

The US and its Western partners have attempted to cripple the Russian economy through heavy sanctions in response to the invasion, some pledging outright embargoes on the country’s energy exports. While the penalties initially sent the ruble tumbling, it has since made a significant comeback and is now among the best performing currencies against the dollar in 2022. Meanwhile, the White House is now quietly pushing US shipping companies to do business with Russian fertilizer suppliers.

The conflict raging in Eastern Europe has not severed all business ties between Moscow and Kiev, as Ukraine’s state-run Naftogaz has continued to work with its Russian equivalent, Gazprom. Though the two firms have reportedly done hundreds of millions of dollars in trade since the war kicked off in February, the shaky truce could soon fracture, as Naftogaz is now pursuing a lawsuit against Gazprom for alleged underpayment.


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Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of and news editor of the Libertarian Institute.

Will Porter is the assistant news editor of the Libertarian Insitute and a staff writer at RT.

Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter host Conflicts of Interest along with Connor Freeman.

Featured image is from TLI

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This article focusses on the debate and search for new possible models by a few countries that are dissatisfied with the unipolar system and the world dominated by the United States.

The United States has outstretched its political and economic interests around the world,

China has similarly and strategically extended its tentacles across both the Atlantic and the Pacific. It has moved south conquering Africa, and intensifying commercial operations in the Central Asia regions including the former Soviet republics – the backyard of the Russian Federation, which still considers itself as a global power.

While still struggling and raising shoulders, many experts say, Russia has little global influence and authoritarian compared to China.

Despite its large population of 1.5 billion which many have considered as an impediment, China’s domestic economic reforms and collaborative strategic diplomacy with external countries have made it attain superpower status over the United States. While United States influence is rapidly fading away, China has indeed taken up both the challenges and unique opportunities to strengthen its position, especially its trade, investment and economic muscles.

Monitoring mainstream news and information reports indicated that Russia has been teaming up with China and India (and that could be interpreted as BRICS platform initiative) and a few other external countries in the process of establishing a new global economic system.

On the other hand, its aim is to break the unipolar system, and defeat American hegemony around the world. Some experts have argued that successive White House administrations have maintained the status quo. Due to socialist economic planning and their advancement of the notions of international cooperation and peace even among states with varying social systems, there has been tremendous progress in the areas of international solidarity.

The Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) grouping is a manifestation of the role of Beijing, Moscow and Pretoria along with the other states which have varied in regard to their political orientation in recent years. These new alliances are perceived as a threat to the role of the United States, Britain and the Europen Union since they are not participant-members and cannot directly impact the agendas and goals established by the BRICS.

But a careful study and analysis monitored by this author vividly show that Russia has some limitations. Its external economic footprints are  comparatively weak. And its external policies are hardly promoting its economic models.

The geopolitical reordering of the world cannot simply be achieved through war or challenging the West’s political influence in its various global domains. The economic component is possibly the most significant of the ongoing tug of war between Russia and its western detractors.

In the global South for instance, Russia is still struggling to win the hearts of leaders. It however needs a carefully formulated broad public outreach policies to permeate the message of new global order, at least, to the middle class. It has to enlist the understanding of its aims using the communication tools in addition to its own diplomatic statements and globe-throttling juicy rhetoric.

Russia has to invest in all these if it really wanted to succeed in leading the world.

As Dr. Ramzy Baroud, a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle, wrote recently

“the Middle East, especially the Gulf region, is vital for the current global economic order and is equally critical for any future reshaping of that order. If Moscow is to succeed in redefining the role of Arab economies vis-à-vis the global economy, it would most likely succeed in ensuring that a multipolar economic world takes form. Russia is clearly invested in a new global economic system, but without isolating itself in the process.”

In the past few months, Russia exited many international organizations, instead of sustaining its membership and using those platforms to propagate its new global mission. Some experts and academics describe Russia making a desperate attempt at reversing the alarming trend in the world’s economic affairs. In order to win this battle, Russia needs a designed geopolitical outreach scheme and strategies for exert economic influence to match its dreams. It has rather gone into self-isolation, with much heavy-handed criticisms against the United States and Europe. 

With the rapid geopolitical changes leading to repartitioning and creating a new global order, and Russia, over the course of the last decade, has been desirously strengthening its Greater Eurasian Union alongside with others, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and BRICS.

May 2022 Meeting of the CSTO

The Greater Eurasian Union focuses on the economic integration and supporting economic development among the members, and expected to build its structure and method of functions by replicating the European Union. 

The CSTO, a military alliance consisting of mostly the former Soviet republics (Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan), and signed the Collective Security Treaty in 1992. Its primary task is to collectively depend the territorial sovereignty of these member states.

The BRICS member countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) collectively represent about 26% of the world’s geographic area and are home to 2.88 billion people, about 42% of the world’s population.

Historically, the first meeting of the group began in St Petersburg in 2005. It was called RIC, which stood for Russia, India and China. Then, Brazil and subsequently South Africa joined later, which is why now it is referred to as BRICS.

Informal Meeting of BRICS, June 2019 

South Africa was a late minor addition to the group, to add a “bridgehead to Africa” says Charles Robertson, Chief Economist at Renaissance Capital. All the BRICS countries are facing economic challenges that need addressing urgently. The BRICS is keenly aware of the importance of contributing to Africa’s development agenda. 

“So, it could expand because the BRICS are under-represented in the global financial architecture. Europe and the United States dominate institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, and to some extent many others,” explained Robertson.

According to him,

“Russia and others in the BRICS would like to see larger power centres emerge to offer an alternative to that Western dominated construct. That is reasonable enough – providing there are countries with the money to backstop the new institutions, such as China supporting the BRICS bank, and if the countries offer an alternative vision that provides benefits to new members.”

“Now is a very good time to show that BRICS members and relations between them are an alternative to the format existing in the West,” Executive Director at the Russian National Committee for BRICS Research, Professor Georgy Toloraya, told the Kommersant, a Russian daily business newspaper, adding that “BRICS favours order, compliance with agreements and development.”

Moreover, plans are in store to expand the group to include Argentina, Turkey, Indonesia and some other African countries. According to Toloraya, India is currently opposed to expanding BRICS fearing that new members will support China. On the other hand, Moscow argues that “the entrance ticket” to the group is independence and sovereignty, and under no circumstances, potential candidates be called China’s satellites.

There are not so many countries like that—they would include Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey, Egypt and Iran. But then, there are certain political requirements for new members, including recognition of BRICS values and core foreign policy principles, he said, and added “initially, the goals and tasks were very modest, primarily focusing on the economy and the coordination of efforts toward attaining more ambitious goals.”

What is BRICS Plus and what is the purpose of this new mechanism?

On 19 May, China’s State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi chaired a videoconference dialogue between foreign ministers of BRICS countries and their counterparts from emerging economies and developing countries. This was the first BRICS Plus dialogue at the level of foreign ministers. Participants in the dialogue came from BRICS countries as well as invited countries such as Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria, Senegal, United Arab Emirates and Thailand.

According to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the dialogue is of significant importance to further expand cooperation between the BRICS countries and other emerging economies and developing countries.

As a BRICS Plus participant country, Argentina has on several occasions expressed its interest in joining this mechanism. The Argentine president, Alberto Fernández, considered that BRICS represents for Argentina “an excellent alternative for cooperation in the face of a world order that has been working for the benefit of a few.”

Understandably some leaders are advocating for multipolar system. Primarily due to geopolitical tensions, rivalry differences and competition to lead the world, Russia is currently pushing an initiative for creating a group. In June 2022, Russian State Duma (the lower house of parliament) Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin wrote on Telegram that the United States and its allies are destroying economic ties by their sanctions policy, but at the same time creating new points of growth in other countries.

“The move by Washington and its allies to cut the existing economic ties has created new points of growth in the world,” he pointed out. According to the parliament speaker, Western sanctions are leading to the establishment of another group of eight nations – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran and Turkey – that is 24.4% ahead of the old group of developed countries in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and purchasing power parity.

“The United States, with its own hands, has created conditions for countries willing to build an equal dialogue and mutually beneficial relations to actually establish a new G-8 group with Russia,” Volodin noted.

Understandably, there is a Group of Seven (G-7), an inter-governmental political forum, that includes highly developed countries. These are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, the European Union is a non-enumerated member. Its members are the world’s largest IMF advanced economies and wealthiest liberal democracies.

According to reports, the group is officially organized around shared values of pluralism and representative government. As of 2020, the collective group accounts for over 50 percent of global net wealth (which is US$418 trillion), 32 to 46 percent of global gross domestic product, and approximately 770 million people or 10 percent of the world’s population.

Its members are great powers in global affairs and maintain mutually close political, economic, social, legal, environmental, military, religious, cultural, and diplomatic relations. From 2022, Germany has taken over the rotating presidency of the G-7, following the presidency of the United Kingdom.

Russia dismembered itself from the group. This prompted the U.S. President Donald Trump’s reiteration that Russia should be readmitted to the group, instigation of a trade war with China, increased tensions in Iran, Trump’s alleged reluctance to attend the conference and a number of international crises made the 2019 G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France the most divided since its inception. 

Following Trump’s previous rescinding of his signature to a joint communiqué agreed in 2018 due to an alleged slight from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron agreed that the group would not issue a joint communiqué at the Biarritz conference. Since then, Russia has remained critical about the group, basing its argument that the G-7 has no relevance to exist as there the members meet at Group of Twenty (G-20).

Similarly to the above argument, if the establishment of another new Group of Eight nations – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran and Turkey – and compared to BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, it follows that BRICS will have to be absorbed by the new Group of Eight organization, and thus pushing out South Africa. 

Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, a Research Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation, argued that the already established BRICS may have better chances of enticing new members. The new members could be Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, and Thailand that participated in recent consultations. 

In fact, UAE along with Bangladesh and Uruguay became the first expansion members of BRICS’ National Development Bank (NDB), last September. But the timing makes parties cautious. With no permanent secretariat and a fixed hub, at least the NDB fixed its headquarters in Shanghai, and further establish its regional offices in South Africa (Johannesburg).

As the world is facing massive challenges, it also requires international collaboration and cooperative solutions, importantly not to grossly endanger the economic prospects of poor and underdeveloped countries. Here live millions and millions of impoverished population.

Indonesia is hosting the G-20 summit in Bali this November and is doing its best to insulate the meeting from politics. Whether Indonesia is capable to arbitrate between angry clashing superpowers is simply unpredictable. The chances of a sudden rapprochement between the United States and China – let alone between the US and Russia – are exceedingly low.

Russia and China’s strategic alliance is strengthening and China has resisted so many attempts for excluding Russia from international organizations. Both are staunch members of BRICS. On the other hand, China’s push for expanding BRICS’s roster may alleviate external pressures on its relations with Russia and its own actions in disputed spaces with neighbours. 

The author of this article has contacted several experts on this question. But for Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, an Associate Professor at O. P. Jindal Global University in Sonipat, Haryana, China and India border conflict will continue influencing BRICS. However, India and China are cooperating to develop alternate financial structures, cohesive guidelines within Asia and the global south on many issues such as trade, investment and developing an understanding so that dominance of the of west could be reduced to a minimum in global financial architecture, he said and added, “the foundation of cooperation in BRICS brings potential resources and critical development requirements under one umbrella.”

Questions about the future of BRICS are bound to be there especially when a new world order is being discussed. Drawing inspiration from Quad plus, BRICS countries are also discussing BRICS plus format. The formation of new grouping G-8 is primarily a fusion of BRICS and VISTA (Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, Argentina). The formation is primarily to connect BRICS to middle income and middle power countries, according his explanation.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Jha concluded his argument: “This geopolitical configuration is in exploratory phases, undoubtedly meant to bring a new axis of Russia-China but inclusion of Mexico , Indonesia and Turkey has its own strategic baggage. How much successful this grouping would be is still a matter a conjecture. From geopolitical point of view, much would depend on how sanctions on Russia shapes up and the post-coronavirus recovery of China.”

Professor Aslan Abashidze, Head of the Department of International Law of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained to the author of this article that in general, international associations in the form of international intergovernmental organizations or integration associations emerge on the basis of prerequisites that may be of a different nature: political, defensive, cultural, et cetera.  

The emergence of such “para-organizations” as the Group of Seven (G-7), Group of Eight (G-8), Group of Twenty (G-20) is associated with the inability of international institutions of the global level to meet the increased needs of modern development in the face of growing challenges in the form of pandemics, financial crisis et cetera.  

The invitation and then exclusion of Russia from the Group of Seven (G-7) and similar unilateral restrictive measures of the “collective” West headed by the United States control all institutions of global control, including the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Recontruction and Development, force other states that are not inferior in their raw material, human and intellectual potentials to the United States and the European Union to seek their own development path. 

Therefore, it does not matter whether BRICS, or the unification of China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran and Turkey, will be more viable or not. The main thing is that the process of searching for new models by the states dissatisfied with the United States policy has started, which means the end of the dominance of the United States in all spheres of international relations. At some point, the West, headed by the United States, will have to negotiate new models of international economic and other relations, based on new international treaties that ensure equality of all states.  

According to Professor Abashidze’s conclusion is that “until this is achieved at the global level, Russia, China and India will establish trade relations on national currencies and therefore it will be attractive and beneficial to other states, not only from the Asia-Pacific region, but also from Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.”  

Whether Russia, China and India and a number of countries, there are arguable variations in political, economic and cultural capabilities. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin last year explained in one of his speeches that after the collapse of the Soviet era, Russia has to begin from the scratch. It was the ideological confrontation between the West and the East that gave birth to Soviet era. Lenin spoke about the birthmarks of capitalism, he reminded, and added that “It cannot be said that we have lived these past 30 years in a full-fledged market economy. In fact, we are only gradually building it, and its institutions. Russia had to do it from the ground up, starting from a clean slate. Of course, we are doing this, taking into consideration, developments around the world. After all, after almost one hundred years of a state-planned economy, transitioning to a market economy is not easy.”

On other way round, it is necessary to take a closer look at approach, economic capability and the services by the Chinese. China has such a diverse landscape, with investment and trade around the world. According to the World Bank, China has the largest economy and one of the world’s foremost infrastructural giants. China is the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods.

China holds 17.7% of the world’s total wealth, the second largest share held by any country. It has the world’s largest banking sector, with assets of $40 trillion and the world’s top 4 largest banks all being in China.

In 2019, China overtook the US as the home to the highest number of rich people in the world, according to the global wealth report by Credit Suisse. It has the highest number of rich people in the world’s top 10% of wealth since 2019. There were 658 Chinese billionaires and 3.5 million millionaires.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative has expanded significantly over the last six years and, as of April 2020, includes 138 countries and 30 international organizations. Along with Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, China is a member of the BRICS group of emerging major economies.

Nearly all the experts contacted for this article have the arguable points. They acknowledged the fact that the countries seeking multipolar system have to address problems of the less developed world.

In addition, judging from their lengthy discussions, one key factual description is given – the western dominance and imperial approach of the United States. These imperialist endeavors aimed at maintaining the political and economic domination of the world’s population has created enormous difficulties for peoples globally including the working class, nationally oppressed and impoverished living within the western capitalist countries.

The emerging new coalition group is feasible and coming up at the crucial time when over the last two decades, the United States, Britain, the European Union (EU) countries and their allies globally, have been embroiled in numerous imperialist interventions resulting in destabilization, military interventions, proxy wars and the expansion of western imperialism throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America. 


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), is now a regular and passionate contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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Knowing how professional this world-class diplomat is and how he never has a slip of the tongue since he always puts a lot of thought into every word that he says, this development should be interpreted as a subtle change in policy. It’s not in any way whatsoever aimed at sending some kind of negative signal to China, but to the contrary, it’s meant to show that Russia is flexibly adapting to regional trends.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s press conference that followed his participation in the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers meeting last week was remarkable in the sense that he used the term “Indo-Pacific” for the first time ever when describing what his country hitherto always called the “Asia-Pacific”. The specific instance in which he employed it was when he said that “The principle of the indivisibility of security obviously applies to the Indo-Pacific Region today.” Up until this point, Russian representatives always used the term “Asia-Pacific”, which aligns with what their comprehensive strategic partners in China always say. This time, however, Lavrov opted for the more popular regional term instead.

Knowing how professional this world-class diplomat is and how he never has a slip of the tongue since he always puts a lot of thought into every word that he says, this development should be interpreted as a subtle change in policy. It’s not in any way whatsoever aimed at sending some kind of negative signal to China, but to the contrary, it’s meant to show that Russia is flexibly adapting to regional trends. Every single country in this part of the world with the notable exception of China and perhaps also North Korea describes their region as the Indo-Pacific nowadays. This term used to be considered a subtle nod to American grand strategic designs but is now simply an accurate geostrategic description.

The rise of India as a globally influential Great Power following its decisive intervention after the start of Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine to preemptively avert its partner’s potentially disproportionate dependence on China in response to the US-led West’s unprecedented sanctions against it completely changed the trajectory of the New Cold War. This South Asian civilization-state is now a force to be reckoned with across the world after surprising literally every observer by what it just did. It’s therefore reasonable to pay a nod towards its newfound global importance by finally describing the wider region as the “Indo-Pacific”, especially since almost everyone else is nowadays too.

Building upon that observation, it’s in Russia’s grand strategic interests to signal to others in this part of the world that it’s indeed strategically autonomous from China and hasn’t become its “junior partner” like some in the US-led Western Mainstream Media have falsely claimed since the start of its special operation in Ukraine. Countries like Vietnam for instance should be reassured that Russia isn’t going to take China’s side over theirs in disputes over the South China Sea but would instead remain neutral and aspire to help them balance between the American and Chinese superpowers that currently dominate the bi-multipolar intermediary phase of the global systemic transition to more complex multipolarity.

With these motivations in mind, it makes sense why Lavrov finally used the term “Indo-Pacific” instead of “Asia-Pacific”, though it’s unclear whether he’ll continue to do so or if this was just an acknowledgement of the need for Russia to pay attention to this regional trend at least once. In any case, it certainly wasn’t a slip of the tongue since Lavrov never has any of those but was instead a deliberate signal sent to all those countries that use this term instead of the one that China, Russia, and perhaps also North Korea always use. Even though none of them formally reacted to this, there’s no doubt that they noticed it and would have appreciated what Lavrov just did, especially India.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Next 100 Days of Ukraine War

June 16th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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First published on June 14, 2022


The New York-based Council on Foreign Relations held a videoconference on May 31 titled Russia’s War in Ukraine: How does it end? The president of the think tank Richard Haas chaired the panel of distinguished participants — Stephen Hadley, Prof. Charles Kupchan, Alina Polyakova and Lt. Gen. (Retd) Stephen Twitty. It was a great discussion dominated by the liberal internationalist stream that has so far guided President Biden’s national security team, which wants to help Ukraine fight a long war against Russia. 

The striking thing about the discussion was the acknowledgement candidly articulated by an ex-general who had  actually fought in wars that there is no way Russia can be defeated in Ukraine, and, therefore, there has to be some clarity as to the stated endgame to “weaken” Russia.  The gloomy prognosis was that European unity apropos the war is no longer holding. 

Third, one plausible scenario would be that Russia turns Ukraine into a “frozen conflict” once the current phase of the war reaches the administrative boundaries of Donbass, connects Donbas to Crimea and incorporates Kherson and a “strategic pause and a stalemate in the not-too-distant future” may open the door for diplomacy. 

Conceivably, a cold air of realism is blowing across the Washington establishment that Russia is winning the Battle of Donbass and an ultimate Russian military victory over Ukraine is even within the realms of possibility. Notably, Georgetown faculty member Prof. Kupchan injected a heavy dose of realism:

  • “The longer this [war] goes on, the more the negative knock-on effects economically and politically, including here in the United States, where inflation really is… putting Biden in a difficult position”;
  • “We need to change that narrative [ that anybody who talks about a territorial settlement is an appeaser] and begin a conversation with Ukraine and, ultimately, with Russia about how to end this war sooner rather than later”; 
  • “Where the front line ends, how much territory the Ukrainians are able to take back, remains to be seen”; 
  • “I do think that the hot war aspect of this is more dangerous than many people perceive, not just because of escalation but because of the blowback effects”;  
  • “I think we’re starting to see cracks in the West… there will be a resurgence of ‘America-first’ Republicanism as we get near the midterms”; 
  • “This all leads me to believe that we should push for war termination and have a serious conversation after that about a territorial disposition.”

None of the panellists argued that the war must be won, or it still can be. But none recognised Russia’s legitimate security interests, either. Gen. Twitty warned that Ukraine may be close to military exhaustion; Russia has established maritime domain control in the Black Sea — and, yet, “as you look at the DIME—diplomatic, informational, military, and economic—we’re woefully lacking on the diplomatic piece of this. If you notice, there’s no diplomacy going on at all to try to get to some type of negotiations.” 

The liberal internationalists mistakenly believe NATO is the cornerstone of US national security. Despite the failure of Biden’s reckless decision to wage a proxy war against Russia, the US is transfixed on NATO and unwilling to consider a security deal with Moscow.  

If the old narrative in Washington was about winning the war, the new narrative is daydreaming about “partisan activity aimed at Russian occupation forces.” Of course, this narrative is even less possible to verify independently than the tall claims previously. 

It is in this twilight zone that President Putin situated his taunting remarks on June 9 drawing the historical analogy of Peter the Great’s 21-year long Great Northern War between 1700-1721 — Russia’s successful contestation of the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. After attending a function marking the 350th birth anniversary of the iconic Russian emperor, Putin was chatting up an elite audience of the best and brightest young scientists in Moscow.

Putin said: “Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. On the face of it, he was at war with Sweden taking something away from it. He was not taking away anything, he was returning. This is how it was… He was returning and reinforcing, that is what he was doing…everyone recognised it as part of Sweden. However, from time immemorial, the Slavs lived there along with the Finno-Ugric peoples, and this territory was under Russia’s control.” 

“Clearly, it fell to our lot to return and reinforce as well. And if we operate on the premise that these basic values constitute the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in achieving our goals.”

Putin gave a complex message here about Russia’s total rejection of NATO supremacy. No matter what it takes, Russia will reclaim its heritage. That is first and foremost a promise to his countrymen, who rally behind Putin, whose poll rating today exceeds 80 percent (as compared to 33% for Biden.) 

The point is, there are unspoken fault lines, too. It is no  accident that Russian discourses freely use the expression “Anglo-Saxon” to refer to the challenge on the country’s western border. Demons have been unleashed there. Indeed, what was the meaning of the trip to the Vatican by the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen for an audience with Pope Francis at this point? 

The Irish professor Dr. Declan Hayes recently wrote an essay titled Holy War in Ukraine against the backdrop of violent assaults on Russian Orthodox priests inside their churches in the city of Stryi, Lviv region and in Zelensky-controlled Ukraine in general. He saw NATO’s “divide and conquer paw marks” all over them. “Although the fascist assaults on vulnerable Russian priests in front of their Galician congregations are one manifestation that the ghosts of Ukraine’s dark past have resurfaced, murals of the Virgin Mary posing with American Javelin missiles are another,” Prof. Hayes wrote.

Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu announced last week that a “land bridge” has been established to Crimea, one of Moscow’s key war aims, and it is working! It involved the repair of hundreds of kilometres of railway line. Simultaneously, the media reported that rail traffic from Ukraine to the border with Russia has been restored and trucks have begun carrying grain taken from the elevators in the city of Melitopol to Crimea. 

Shoigu promised “comprehensive traffic” to and from Russia to Kherson and on to Crimea. Alongside, there’s been a steady stream of reports lately that the integration of the southern regions of Ukraine into Russia is rapidly progressing — Russian citizenship, number plates of cars, internet, banks, pensions and salaries, Russian schools, and so on. 

Last week, the influential newspaper Izvestiya cited unnamed military sources claiming that any peace settlement at this point should also include Kiev’s acceptance of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia as breakaway regions, in addition to Donbass and Crimea. The key question is no longer whether Kiev can retake the captured south, but how it can stall Russia’s “land bridge” from advancing further westward to Moldavia. 

On the other hand, obduracy over peace talks may mean Kiev having to accept at a later date the loss of Odessa as well. But who is there in Europe in a position to bell the cat — reason with Zelensky? Besides, Zelensky is also riding a tiger. He survives on Anglo-Saxon support and in turn the Anglo-Saxons swim or sink with him. 

There is no clear end in sight yet for this seamless war. At the end of the day, what stands out is that Putin has compared his actions with regard to Ukraine to Peter the Great’s reclamation of lost historical and cultural space (and lands) for the Slavic peoples during his 18th-century war against Sweden. 


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Featured image: Ukrainian casualties in the conflict are running at a rate of somewhere between 600 and 1,000 a day, according to Guardian. (Source: Indian Punchline)

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Anyone who has spent any time in Washington and who has been reasonably engaged in watching the fiasco playing out there might agree that the most powerful foreign lobby is that of Israel, backed up as it is by a vast domestic network that exists to protect and nourish the Jewish state. Indeed, it is the domestic element of the lobby that gives it strength, supported as it is by extravagantly well-funded think tanks and a media that is Jewish dominated when it comes to developments in the Middle East. The power of what I prefer to call the Jewish lobby is also manifest down to state and local levels, where efforts to peacefully boycott Israel due to its war crimes and crimes against humanity have been punished and even criminalized in more than thirty states. In several states, including Virginia, special trade arrangements are designed to benefit Israeli companies at the expense of local residents and taxpayers.

Given all of that, it should be no surprise that Israel consistently gets a pass on its aberrant behavior, even when it acts directly against US interests or kills Americans. Recall, for example, how when General David Petraeus rashly observed in 2010 that Israeli intransigence in advancing its own interests complicated relations with Arab states and could cost American lives in the Middle East, he was quickly forced to recant. And more recently an Israeli sniper murdered Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh without any consequences coming from the Joe Biden White House or from the Tony Blinken-led State Department. Biden has declared himself a Zionist and Blinken is Jewish.

But one of the most horrific Israeli outrages directed against Americans remains little known and hidden from view by the media and the political elite.

Last week, on Wednesday June 8th there was a commemorative gathering at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia that was unreported in the mainstream media. It was the annual day of remembrance for the dwindling group of survivors of the USS Liberty, which was attacked by Israel fifty-five years ago.

The moving service included the ringing of a ship’s bell for each one of the thirty-four American sailors, Marines and civilians that were killed in the deliberate false flag attack that sought to sink the intelligence gathering ship and kill all its crew. The surviving crewmembers as well as friends and supporters come together annually, bound by their commitment to keeping alive the story of the Liberty in hopes that someday the United States government will have the courage to acknowledge what actually happened on that fateful day.

In truth the attack more than half a century ago on the USS Liberty by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967, has virtually faded from memory, with a younger generation completely unaware that a United States naval vessel was once deliberately attacked and nearly sunk by America’s “greatest friend and ally” Israel. The attack was followed by a cover-up that demonstrated clearly that at least one president of the United States even back fifty-five years ago valued his relationship with the state of Israel above his loyalty to his own country.

It was in truth the worst attack ever carried out on a US Naval vessel in peace time. In addition to the death toll, 171 more of the crew were wounded in the two-hour assault, which was clearly intended to destroy the intelligence gathering ship operating in international waters collecting information on the ongoing Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The Israelis, whose planes had their Star of David markings covered up, attacked the ship repeatedly from the air and with gunboats from the sea. They sought to sink the ship, blaming Egypt, so the United States would respond by attacking Israel’s Arab enemies.

A Liberty survivor Joe Meadors recalls how

“No Member of Congress has ever attended our annual memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery on the anniversary of the attack. We are condemned as ‘anti-Semitic’ and ‘bigots’ simply because we have been asking that the attack on the USS Liberty be treated the same as every other attack on a US Navy ship since the end of WWII. All we have is ourselves. Not Congress. Not the Navy. Not the DoD. Just ourselves. We need a place where we are welcome. We need our reunions.”

Indeed, the incredible courage and determination of the surviving crew was the only thing that kept the Liberty from sinking. The ship’s commanding officer Captain William McGonagle was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic role in keeping the ship afloat, though a cowardly and venal President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who may have connived with the Israelis to attack the ship, broke with tradition and refused to hold the medal ceremony in the White House, also declining to award it personally, delegating that task to the Secretary of the Navy in a closed to the public presentation held only reluctantly at the Washington Navy Yard. The additional medals given to other crew members in the aftermath of the attack made the USS Liberty the most decorated ship in the history of the United States Navy.

The cover-up of the attack began immediately, to include concealing the White House’s actual recall of fighter planes launched by the Sixth Fleet to assist the under-attack Liberty. The Liberty crew was subsequently sworn to secrecy over the incident, as were the Naval dockyard workers in Malta and even the men of the USS Davis, which had assisted the badly damaged Liberty to port. A hastily convened and conducted court of inquiry headed by Admiral John McCain acted under orders from Washington to declare the attack a case of mistaken identity. The inquiry’s senior legal counsel Captain Ward Boston, who subsequently declared the attack to be a “deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew,” also described how “President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of ‘mistaken identity’ despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” The court’s findings were rewritten and sections relating to Israeli war crimes, to include the machine gunning of life rafts, were excised. Following in his father’s footsteps, Senator John McCain of Arizona subsequently used his position on the Senate Armed Services Committee to effectively block any reconvening of a board of inquiry to reexamine the evidence. Most of the documents relating to the Liberty incident have never been released to the public in spite of the 55 years that have passed since the attack took place.

There has been one independent investigation into the Liberty affair headed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer, but it had no legal standing. Its report was headed “Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government, CAPITOL HILL, WASHINGTON, D.C., OCTOBER 22, 2003.” It concluded that “That there is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew; evidence of such intent is supported by statements from Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Undersecretary of State George Ball, former CIA director Richard Helms, former NSA directors Lieutenant General William Odom, USA (Ret.), Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN (Ret.), and Marshal Carter; former NSA deputy directors Oliver Kirby and Major General John Morrison, USAF (Ret.); and former Ambassador Dwight Porter, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon in 1967…”

More recently, the claim by apologists for the Jewish state that Israel acted in error or due to the fog of war, has been debunked by previously suppressed National Security Agency intercepts that included an Israeli pilot calling his flight controller and stating, in alarm, that they were about to attack what was clearly an American ship. The controller ordered him to continue his attack.

The faux court of inquiry and the medals awarded in secret were only the first steps in the cover-up, which has persisted to this day, orchestrated by politicians and a media that seem to place Israel’s interests ahead of those of the United States. Libertysurvivors have been finding it difficult even to make their case in public. In early April 2016 a billboard that read “Help the USS Liberty Survivors – Attacked by Israel” was taken down in New Bedford Massachusetts. The billboard had been placed by the Honor Liberty Vets Organization and, as is normal practice, was paid for through a contractual arrangement that would require the billboard company to post the image for a fixed length of time. It was one of a number of billboards placed in different states. Inevitably, Israel’s well connected friends began to complain. One Jewish businessman threatened to take his business elsewhere, so the advertising company obligingly removed the billboard two weeks early.

After fifty-five years, the dwindling number of survivors of the Liberty are not looking for punishment or revenge. When asked, they will tell you that they only ask for accountability, that an impartial inquiry into the attack be convened and that the true story of what took place finally be revealed to the public.

That Congress is deaf to the pleas of the Liberty crew should surprise no one as the nation’s legislative body has been for years, as Pat Buchanan once put it, “Israeli occupied territory.” The Jewish Lobby’s ability to force Congress and even the presidency to submit to its will has been spelled out in some detail by critics, first by Paul Findley in They Dare to Speak Out, later by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in The Israel Lobby and in Alison Weir’s Against Our Better Judgment and most recently in Kirk Beattie’s excellent Congress and the Shaping of the Middle East.

Congressional willingness to protect Israel even when it is killing Americans is remarkable, but it is symptom of the legislative body’s inclination to go to bat for Israel reflexively, even when it is damaging to US interests and to the rights that American citizens are supposed to enjoy. To cite only one example of how ambitious politicians rally around to protect Israel, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a former Navy officer who once served as a congressman for a district in Florida where several Liberty survivors were living. They recount how repeated attempts to meet with DeSantis to discuss a possible official inquiry were rejected, with the Congressman refusing to meet them. Even the veterans’ organization the American Legion walks in fear of Israel. It has refused to allow the USS Liberty Veterans Association to have a table or booth at its annual convention and has even banned any participation by the group at its meetings in perpetuity!

So, the treatment of the USS Liberty should surprise no one in a country whose governing class has been for decades doing the bidding of the powerful lobby of a tiny client state that has been nothing but trouble and expense for the United States of America. Will it ever end? As the Israel/Jewish Lobby currently controls the relevant parts of the federal government and much of the media, change is not likely to happen overnight, but there are some positive signs that the public is regarding Israel less favorably. As Israel is countering that trend by supporting legislation at federal and state levels declaring any group that criticizes Israel to be anti-Semitic, recounting the USS Liberty story could fall under that description and be declared a “hate crime” complete with civil and criminal penalties. One has to hope that the American people will finally wake up to realize that they are tired of the entire farce and decide to wash their hands of the Israel contrived narrative relating to the Middle East. Just imagine picking up the morning newspaper and not reading a front-page story about the warnings and threats coming from an Israeli Prime Minister or from Israeli mouthpieces named Biden, Schumer and Pelosi. That would be a quite remarkable development.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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No College Mandates has launched a major letter campaign to put colleges on notice that continued Covid-19 vaccination mandates put their students, their reputations, and potentially their endowments at risk. The purpose of the letter is to make these policy makers aware of new information they likely did not know existed and to prompt them to further investigate.

To date, more than 60 college presidents have received this letter via certified mail. Across those 60 colleges, approximately 1400 individuals were copied. Many more college letters are in process. By the time we are finished, thousands of college administrators and trustees will be notified.

No College Mandates is so proud to have the following organizations as signatories on our letter: Health Freedom Defense Fund, The Mendenhall Law Group, Health Freedom Counsel, and The Unity Project.

The letter is below. If you are interested in working on this effort, email us at [email protected]. We’ll set you up to fight this fight with us and make change.


To College and University Presidents, Senior Leadership and Trustees:

We are writing to notify you of recently available information prompting concern that fraud has been committed by Pfizer and by the FDA in the development and continued distribution of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. Given that your institution mandates Covid-19 vaccination for students as a condition of enrollment, it is incumbent upon you to be fully informed about the safety and efficacy of these vaccines and the claims of fraud that call both into question.

If fraud or willful misconduct is proven, the manufacturers and those involved in the distribution or mandating of the vaccines will lose immunity from liability granted to them under the existing EUA and the PREP act.

We urge you to further investigate. We believe that once you do, you will see how continued Covid-19 vaccine mandates jeopardize the safety of your students and the reputation of your institution.

The new information consists of Pfizer’s biological product file used to obtain FDA approval of Comirnaty and data from the insurance industry showing a huge rise in excess deaths in Millennial and Gen X populations concurrent with the implementation of vaccine approvals and mandates. The excess death data is raising concerns in the insurance industry and on Wall Street. We are also including timely news about product safety, given the FDA’s recent restriction of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to blood clotting concerns.

Following is a brief overview of each category and starting points for further inquiry. We are standing by to provide you with additional information or to connect you to scientists, lawyers and investors who are reviewing the current and evolving data.

Pfizer Biological Product File – background and highlights:

The Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) is a nonprofit group made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists. The group exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license Covid-19 vaccines. Four days after the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was approved for children over 16, this group submitted a Freedom of Information Act for all data within Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine biological product file. When the FDA asked for 75 years to release that data, PHMPT sued to obtain it and won. Beginning in March 2022, the public has access to Pfizer’s clinical trial data, which is being downloaded in batches monthly. You can find the document releases to-date here.

Thousands of volunteers including scientists, statisticians, doctors, and lawyers continue to examine these downloads and publish their findings. For ready reference, below are just a few of the findings of greatest concern that call into question the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer product and support a thesis of fraud:

  •   Pfizer failed the all-cause mortality endpoint in their unprecedentedly short 28-day clinical trial. In brief, more people died in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group. This was known yet has still not been widely disclosed to the public.
  • The CDC talking point that vaccines stopped transmission was based on no data, as this metric was notevaluated during Pfizer’s clinical trials. Pfizer and the FDA knew this yet did not disclose it to the public.
  • Pfizer and the FDA knew as early as November 2020 that Pfizer’s clinical trials showed:
    • Vaccine failure
    • Waning vaccine efficacy

A baseline condition for granting a product Emergency Use Authorization is that it must be safe and effective. The data showed that the products are not effective. Yet, based on FDA approval, the CDC promoted them as such. From the initial roll-out in December 2020 through April 1, 2021, the public health messaging was that if you received the shot, you could not get infected and could not transmit the virus. The Pfizer documents are proof that they and the FDA colluded to lie to the American people and the CDC created false public health narratives based on these lies.

  • Pfizer and the FDA most likely knew in May 2021 that the vaccines caused heart damage in teenagers based on a paper that was already in peer review at that time. The FDA approved the product for teenagers in June 2021 yet did not disclose this risk factor to consumers until August. During that time, all those who received this product did not have informed consent. Parents were not made aware of this known potential risk to their children.
  • Brook Jackson, a regional director employed by Pfizer sub-contractor Ventavia Research Group, came forward in September 2020 with documented evidence that the company falsified data, unblinded patients and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial conducted by Ventavia. Her findings call into question the integrity of not only Ventavia’s results but of all of the results from Pfizer’s other trial sites and the entire clinical trial. Further information is available in The British Medical Journal.

Excess death data and the insurance industry:

In December 2021, Midwest insurer One America CEO Scott Davidson disclosed a 40% increase in excess deaths over pre-pandemic levels in the working-age (18-64) population in the third quarter. Putting the number into context Davidson said, “The data is consistent across every player in this business . . . Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic. So 40 percent is just unheard of”. Other major insurers have subsequently reported increases in death claims ranging from 21–57 % over expected levels. Most of these deaths are not Covid-19 deaths. Long-term disability claims are also seeing an uptick.

These reports prompted a former institutional investor who was a #1 ranked Wall Street sell-side insurance analyst to confirm the numbers using CDC reported data. His findings, independently confirmed by others, show the spikes in excess deaths are related to the timing of vaccine approvals and mandates. This data is prompting concern at insurance and reinsurance companies, who will bear the financial brunt of this unexpected and unprecedented rise in mortality. It is raising questions about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines in the investment community and beyond.

Of related interest is Pfizer’s amendment in February of its business risk disclosures in its Q4 2021 earnings report. The changes from the Q3 2021 report language center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data and “further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection”.

It is likely that neither Pfizer nor the FDA anticipated the court-compelled release of their clinical trial and post-marketing surveillance data and the subsequent public scrutiny of it.

Additional product safety concerns:

The FDA announced on May 5 that they were restricting use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine due to the risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), a syndrome of rare and potentially life-threatening blood clots in combination with low levels of blood platelets. The decision to restrict was based on 60 reported cases and 9 fatalities. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also have serious risks and fatalities associated with them including but not limited to blood clots and myocarditis in college-aged populations. These are shown in Pfizer’s post-marketing surveillance data and in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS). As of April 29, 2022, there were approximately 1.2 million reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccination including more than 18,056 reports of deaths following the Pfizer vaccine, and 7,223 following the Moderna vaccine. Logic demands that Pfizer and Moderna products be restricted immediately as well. Why have they not been? Further, a recent Danish review of all three products in preprint in The Lancet showed that the J&J reduced all-cause mortality but that Pfizer and Moderna did not and may have increased it. Given all this, it is reasonable to think that Pfizer and Moderna products could be restricted or discontinued very soon due to safety concerns. This might well trigger a much higher level of scrutiny of the now-publicly available Pfizer data and the actions of our public health institutions. How would such a situation impact institutions such as yours that continue to mandate the products while knowing such risks exist?

One last thing to consider is the nature and associated secrecy of the contracts that Pfizer forced upon governments as conditions of sale and distribution of their Covid-19 vaccines in their respective countries. A review of some of these contracts can be found here. Terms included such things as the waiving of sovereign immunity, countries assuming full liability in the event that Pfizer was shown to have used another entity’s intellectual property, and that Pfizer be held harmless in the event of injury or death from the products. Why would a company require such terms if it knew its conduct and its products were sound?

We sincerely hope this information has been useful and that you will investigate this matter fully. We urge you to end your vaccine mandates to protect your institution’s students, reputation, and, in the event that fraud is proven, potentially your endowment.

Yours truly,

No College Mandates

Health Freedom Defense Fund

The Mendenhall Law Group

Health Freedom Counsel

The Unity Project


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Pakistan can’t afford to remain the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. But the country’s rulers, both political and military, want safeguards against a frenzied domestic backlash

The visit to Israel of a group of Pakistani-Americans and Pakistanis last month has mainstreamed the debate surrounding the formalization of ties between the two countries. From newspaper columns, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to Twitter threads in the local Urdu language – all are dedicated to the discussion. While the most visible narrative still betrays Islamist hyperbole and antisemitic hysteria, even the hyper-nationalist internet fora in Pakistan have found space for arguments in favor of recognizing Israel.

That change which is in the air is clear from the surprisingly robust defense of former state television journalist Ahmed Quraishi, who was part of the Pakistani delegation that visited Israel last month, who himself isn’t the only prominent voice championing the formalizing of ties between the two countries today. Despite being sacked by the government affiliated Pakistan Television Cooperation, and being targeted by the recently ousted Imran Khan, many mainstream journalists have come to Quraishi’s defense.

An expert I recently interviewed for a piece on the country’s environmental policies reiterated that he has been saying for years that Pakistan should “learn from Israel” and use Israeli tech knowhow to bring about a green revolution. A similar argument was made here in Haaretz by Pakistani agriculture experts a couple of years ago, and back then, the backlash was severe.

A decade ago, when some of us found space in local English-language newspapers then willing to push the proverbial envelope, questioning the state’s duplicity over Israel, highlighting the similarities between the two countries, and arguing for ties between them, it was an eccentric opinion that barely anyone would take seriously. Today, it is one of the top-level foreign policy deliberations in Pakistan’s corridors of power.

This, of course, is not to suggest that these handful of Pakistani writers penning the occasional piece in local, and more recently Israeli, newspapers have rejigged the national ethos. It is the new geopolitical realities that have transformed what was until recently unthinkable to now being increasingly inevitable.

Even so, decades of anti-Israel frenzy was never going to evaporate without a whimper, even if the push for formalization is coming from the omnipotent military establishment.

On cue, Imran Khan, who had already been fanning conspiracy theories about an “Israeli plot” against him before his removal as the prime minister in April, is now amplifying them in front of crowds of many thousands. At one recent mass rally he declared that his government was “ousted because of a conspiracy to install America’s puppets,” and alleged that the Israel visit was not only masterminded by the Sharif government that replaced his, but that it was “an attempt to impose the Indian-Israeli-American agenda on Pakistan and enslave Pakistan.”

Further than that, Khan is increasingly spilling the beans on the military leadership which once secured his position but with which he’s now at loggerheads. Khan has been reiterating how his successors have been “tasked with” recognizing Israel and a settlement over Kashmir with India, because of course that is precisely what he had been “tasked with” when he was in power.

Last week, the day after Khan first made the allegation that Pakistan’s current leaders were effectively Israel’s pawns, his rival, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, attended the National Assembly session with a performative riposte, wearing a Palestinian scarf with “Jerusalem is ours” inscribed on it.

Antisemitic slurs are being hurled by both the government and the opposition. Maryam Nawaz, vice president of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) saying that Khan is the “only person in Pakistan with family ties to Israel,” alluding to his erstwhile marriage with Jemima Goldsmith. Fazlur Rehman, the Islamic cleric who is presiding over the ruling coalition Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), and who has spent the past couple of decades directing antisemitic hatred towards Khan, last week said that it was the ousted prime minister whose “agenda” was to recognize Israel and “taint Islam.”

Meanwhile, as the current government, like its predecessors, gaslights its way towards ties with Israel, the leaders of Khan’s Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) are digging out developments from the PML-N’s previous tenure to suggest that the “plot” had been hatched even before Khan came to power. For Shireen Mazari, the former Khan administration’s human rights minister no less, the current government allowing a Jewish man, Fishel Benkhald, to correct his religion on official documents in 2017 came at the initiation of the “Israel agenda.” Benkhald, Pakistan’s “last Jew,” was part of the delegation that visited Israel last month.

Clearly, neither the government nor the Khan-led opposition wants the formalization of Israeli ties under their watch unless the military can guarantee protection from the inevitable electoral dent that the move would trigger. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has been keen on subservience to the military. However, his government still isn’t certain of the depth and breadth of support it enjoys from the powers that be.

For instance, it took the government two months to make the commonsensical move on removing the unsustainable subsidy on fuel which had pulverized the Pakistani rupee, exacerbated the current account deficit and crashed the markets. Where aligning fuel prices with global crude hike is politically touted as a “tough decision,” recognizing Israel obviously goes off the difficulty charts. However, given that even in a crippling economic crisis, the government has managed to find a way to hike the defense budget by six percent shows that Sharif is willing to put it all on the line over the military bailing his regime out in the election now likely to be in 2023.

The military, of course, has much to gain from the godfathers of normalization with Israel, namely Saudi Arabia and the United States, and was increasingly alarmed by the strident anti-American tone adopted by Khan, particularly in his final months in office.

When Khan was visiting Putin and openly slamming the U.S. in the weeks leading up to his ouster, Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa was orchestrating damage control with Washington in his public statements and diplomatic engagements, both official and backchannel. However, with Khan’s popularity escalating following his unceremonious exit in April, both Gen Bajwa and the institution that he leads, are facing vitriol across social media. #BajwaHasToGo was the top Twitter trend in Pakistan on Monday.

Indeed, a behind-the-scene turf war has been brewing within the military leadership, with a faction backing Khan, whose exit was prompted by the fallout his attempt to exercise the prime minister’s constitutional right to prolong the term of his spymaster instead of nominating Gen Bajwa’s choice. With Bajwa’s term ending in November, he wants a government willing to obediently follow his call and pick his choice as the next army chief.

But this has made Gen Bajwa enemies with Khan’s party, the political grouping that dominates social media like no other. As result, pushing ties with Israel, a treasonous, “anti-Pakistan” argument until last year, is now a popular accusation directed at the military leadership.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, the principal force behind Pakistan’s Israel move, cannot afford to wait too long for Pakistan’s civil-military leaders to sort out their wariness over the consequences. With Israeli businesspeople, frequenting Saudi Arabia, the kingdom wants to formalize the ties swiftly especially with Joe Biden’s visit to the two countries – now postponed till July – likely to fortify defense alliances in the region.

Formalizing ties with Israel, coupled with peace in Jerusalem – which, in turn, would require a settlement acceptable to the Palestinian leadership – is the final piece in the Islamic jigsaw of the al-Saud family, with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pivoting, in recent years, towards selling a tourism-friendly version of Islam.

The hub of Salafi jihadism for the past four decades, Saudi Arabia, is now coping with new economic realities after losing out oil dominance to U.S. shale in recent years, and with Islam evolving from being the source of al-Saud family’s control over Islamic sites in the Arabian Peninsula to now growing as the bedrock of the Saudi economy.

With Islamic pilgrimage already contributing over $12 billion to the Saudi economy, a reformed, moderate Islam will bolster Saudi geoeconomic power, especially if it can be coupled with hegemony over the Islamic heritage in the region. Easy access to Jerusalem would complete the Mecca-Medina-Jerusalem Islamic trail connecting the three holiest sites in Islam, with the theological rationale for brotherhood with Jews – fellow ‘people of the book’ in Islam – already being peddled by leading Saudi clerics in official sermons.

With the seven-decade old Turkey-Israel ties recently growing warmer after years of frigidity, encouraged by Saudi Arabia which has petrodollars that Recep Tayyip Erdogan desperately needs, and ever-closer ties between Israel and its Abraham Accords partners, it is Pakistan that remains the last Sunni Islamist bastion resisting Saudi normalization with Israel. Pakistan, too, will inevitably be offered sweeteners to soften its stance: massive financial gains to heal an ailing economy, which is once again at the doorstep of the International Monetary Fund for a bailout.

That bailout could allow the government, for instance, to pass a more populist budget next June in the lead up to national elections. A Saudi-backed influence campaign championing both subsidies for essential goods and access to Al-Aqsa could offer an enticing electoral slogan. Despite that, Saudi protection is largely for the military rulers invested in the country not imploding, financially or otherwise. The government wants safeguards from the army that in turn wants safeguards from Riyadh and DC, a veritable food chain of guarantees.

But with a significant chunk of Pakistanis, most notably Imran Khan’s followers, no longer being under the army’s control, it is already more difficult for both the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to leverage their influence. Biden and MBS will find little reassurance in solely incentivizing the military leadership, which has hitherto sufficed in guaranteeing Pakistan’s position in regard to Israel. In the meantime, Saudi Arabia is likely to soon make its move on Israel, with or without a Pakistan high on self-righteousness but running out of economic lifelines.


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Kunwar Khuldune Shahid is a Pakistan-based journalist and a correspondent at The Diplomat. His work has been published in The Guardian, The Independent, Foreign Policy, Courrier International, New Statesman, The Telegraph , MIT Review, and Arab News among other publications. Twitter: @khuldune

Featured image is from Countercurrents

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Craig Lang, a US Army veteran accused by US authorities of carrying out murders on American soil as well as torture and other war crimes in Ukraine, allegedly joined a band of insurgents armed by the Colombian police to overthrow the Venezuelan government.

An FBI affidavit against Lang states that he was in Colombia with an Army pal when the country’s national police provided him with weapons to attack Venezuela.

Lang’s history tracks closely with that of Paul Gray, a fellow US military veteran and white nationalist also fighting in Ukraine. According to new revelations by a former compatriot of US-backed Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó, Gray was also involved in a scheme to attack Venezuela from Colombian territory.

The startling disclosure by Guaidó’s former associate was prompted by a May 31, 2022 report by The Grayzone which exposed Lang and Gray’s exploits in Ukraine, and identified Lang as having participated in a failed mission to destabilize Venezuela’s government from Colombian territory.

But before Lang arrived on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, at the site of a regime change operation managed by top-level US and Colombian officials, he helped execute a heinous robbery and murder in Florida to finance his trip.

Source: wanted murderer “able to obtain firearms from law enforcement in Bogota” for Venezuela regime change plot

Back in 2016, Lang met a fellow army veteran named Alex Zweiefelhofer who shared his hunger for combat and international adventurism. They were in Ukraine at the time, fighting in the ultra-nationalist Right Sector battalion, which was integrated into the Ukrainian military to do battle with pro-Russian separatists.

As the low intensity war dragged on, Lang and Zweiefelhofer grew restless. In a search for action, they tried and failed to insert themselves into the US-backed Somalian army’s fight against Al-Shabaab insurgents, but were deported upon arrival. It was then that they decided to head south in hopes of killing “communists” in Venezuela.

On April 9, 2018, according to the FBI affidavit, Zweiefelhofer said Lang murdered a couple in Florida and robbed them of $3000 to finance their trip to the Colombian border with Venezuela.

But Zweiefelhofer was arrested before he could leave the US and indicted for murder, for which he pled not guilty. A year later, another associate of Lang – a former army buddy identified only as “M.S.M.” in the FBI criminal complaint – came forward to law enforcement with details of their exploits together on the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

According to the FBI affidavit, “Lang told M.S.M. that Lang was going to join combat forces opposed to the Venezuelan government. M.S.M. advised that Lang was going to join a Venezuelan resistance group.”

In his interview with the FBI, M.S.M. claimed he hesitated on the mission because he “did not want to kill people.” He said Lang left alone to the border town of Cucuta, where he linked up with right-wing insurgents.

According to the FBI’s timeline, which was informed by Homeland Security Investigations, Lang arrived in Bogota on September, 25, 2018 and “thereafter departed from Colombia on November 23, 2018.”

The affidavit pegged the Colombian government as a key supplier of the regime change mission against Venezuela:

“M.S.M. told detectives the resistance group Lang joined was able to obtain firearms from law enforcement in Bogota. M.S.M. advised that the resistance group had a safe house in the mountains of Cucuta, Colombia. The group planned to cross into Venezuela and fight the Venezuelan government.”

Lang’s alleged arming by Colombian authorities adds a new layer to Bogota’s well-documented role in US-directed destabilization operations against the Venezuelan government. In fact, the foreign fighter’s brief adventure in Colombia began one month after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro survived an assassination attempt in which commercial drones were strapped with explosives and hovered over his head during a military parade.

Following the failed attack on Maduro, the Venezuelan president immediately blamed Colombian authorities, while US media regurgitated Colombia’s denials. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton suggested the whole televised incident was a false flag orchestrated by Maduro.

Several participants in the assassination plot were soon arrested, and some were later exchanged for prisoners held by Colombia. One of the ringleaders, Juan Requesens, a leader of the US-funded, Venezuelan Primero Justicia party, confessed to collaborating with a Colombian immigration official to kill Maduro.

In a CNN interview with a perpetrator of the attack “somewhere in Colombia,” one of the attackers admitted to three meetings with American officials following the failed assassination plot. (CNN did not disclose the location where the interview was conducted or where the explosives were made).

In a stroke of absurdity, the FBI affidavit against Lang flatly states: “The United States is at peace with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

Guaidó defector claims Paul Gray was involved in Operation Gideon plot against Venezuela

One day after The Grayzone’s report on the exploits of wanted murderer Craig Lang and white nationalist Paul Gray in Ukraine, an unnamed former associate of Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó came forward with a major revelation.

In an interview with the Venezuelan public TV network TeleSUR, the former Guaidó associate stated that he recognized Paul Gray from planning meetings held for Operation Gideon, a disastrously failed invasion of Venezuela conducted by 60 anti-government insurgents led by US mercenaries.

The source told TeleSUR correspondent Madelein Garcia that like Craig Lang, Gray was in Cucuta as a member of a “group of around 10 or 12 American mercenaries” planning Operation Gideon in February 2019.

That same month, the United States Agency for International Development staged an invasion of Venezuelan territory under cover of a caravan of trucks filled with supposed aid. Complimented by a Live Aid concert organized by British billionaire Richard Branson in Cucuta, the stunt ended in ignominy, as hooligans associated with the US-backed Venezuelan opposition torched USAID’s aid deliveries and attempted to blame their destruction on Maduro. USAID later admitted the entire operation was little more than a regime change ploy.

Like the drone attack and the supposed aid caravan, Operation Gideon was a disaster for everyone involved. According to one key member of the insurgent team, Yacsy Álvarez, the operation was backed by the US with a major assist from Colombian intelligence.


Some 60 Venezuelan insurgents and private mercenaries with the now-disgraced Silvercorp USA company attempted to enter Venezuela by boat, overtake an airport, and eventually capture President Maduro. But government officials had embedded within the group and easily wrapped up what has since been dubbed “The Bay of Piglets.”

The former Guaidó insider told Telesur that he first encountered Paul Gray, the US white nationalist, at a farm belonging to Don Pedro Barrigas, a Colombian businessman, accused paramilitary leader, and ally of Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Barrigas’ brother also happens to be a senator.

According to the source, Gray went by the name “Snake” during the Gideon planning meetings.

“Paul Gray was sitting there, three seats from me,” the Guaidó defector asserted.

The involvement of an infamous activist who has belonged to four US-based neo-Nazi groups, served in the Georgian National Legion in Ukraine, which is led by a US asset welcomed by members of Congress, and the new revelations of his alleged involvement in Operation Gideon raise serious questions about whether he and Lang are just ideologically-motivated war tourists or whether they are, in fact, imperial shock troops traversing a US intelligence ratline from one operation to the next.


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Alex Rubinstein is an independent reporter on Substack. You can subscribe to get free articles from him delivered to your inbox here. If you want to support his journalism, which is never put behind a paywall, you can give a one-time donation to him through PayPal here or sustain his reporting through Patreon here.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

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The following are excerpts of  a carefully documented report by Al Jazeera. Our thanks to Al Jazeera for bring this article to our attention.

Read the full article here.


Since the Russian invasion on February 24, Ukraine has received billions of dollars’ worth of weapons and military equipment from at least 28 countries.

Twenty-five of the 28 nations providing military assistance to Ukraine are NATO members, including the US and UK, which are supplying Kyiv with sophisticated weapons such as multiple rocket launch systems (MLRS).  Despite its growing arsenal, Ukraine, which has an active military personnel of just 200,000, is significantly outgunned by Russian forces.

INTERACTIVE -countries sending weapons to Ukraine

Source: Al Jazeera

What weapons has Ukraine received?

The military aid sent to Ukraine includes conventional weapons as well as more advanced equipment and weaponry.


What weapons has the US provided?

During the Russian invasion, the US has committed at least $54bn in aid for Ukraine, including more than $20bn in military support approved by Congress in May, as well as a number of aid packages approved in March.

The DoD package includes:

  • High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition;
  • Five counter-artillery radars;
  • Two air surveillance radars;
  • 1,000 Javelins and 50 Command Launch Units;
  • 6,000 anti-armour weapons;
  • 15,000 155mm artillery rounds;
  • Four Mi-17 helicopters;
  • 15 tactical vehicles;
  • Spare parts and equipment

INTERACTIVE - What weapons is US sending Ukraine-

Source: Al Jazeera

Advanced weaponry

On June 1, the Biden administration said it would provide Ukraine with high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS) under the condition that Ukrainian forces not use them to hit targets inside Russian territory.

The M142 HIMARS is a high-tech lightweight rocket launcher that can strike targets at a range of 80km (50 miles). This is almost double the range of the current M777 howitzers, which the US promised to provide earlier in the conflict.


Source: Al Jazeera


Read the full article here.


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Featured image is from Al Jazeera

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“For God’s sake, people, let’s make our Police and MPs put a stop to this now!”

“The situation is getting out of control,” New Zealand doctors warn: The list of probable deaths due to the Covid “vaccinations” are getting longer and longer; the doctors are talking about a “humanitarian crisis.” 

First, in an open letter, they denounced the actions of the regulatory authorities. Then, they went directly to the police to finally demand an investigation and an end to the unspeakable suffering caused by the Covid “vaccines.” But the police prefer to ignore such appeals. The damage that has been done is not “significant” enough for them.

Since the arrival of the gene-therapy injections, New Zealand has pushed to have 90% of its population receive two injections. In December, the country successfully reached its milestone. To achieve its 90% “vaccination” goal, Dr. Monchy explained that every citizen who received the injection was bribed with a voucher of 20 NZD (12 euros). At the same time, doctors have been given 359 NZD (216 euros) per vaccine.

Demand Police Investigate Covid ‘Vaccine’ Deaths

The New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) fight against coercion and censorship in the context of Covid vaccinations. In a lengthy open letter, they described the consequences of compulsory vaccination and the suppression of unpleasant facts. The Health Forum NZ People’s Database, run by volunteers, now contains almost 500 deaths with a temporal and presumed causal connection to the Covid vaccination. The group has made part of the list available to the public, with changed names to protect the privacy of the victims. However, the doctors have sent an unedited list to the New Zealand police.

To the NZ Police, who have the actual patient’s names, we say this: It is not enough to hide behind apparently controlled, failed or corrupted government institutions. You are here to defend the public good. Period. You are supposed to know wrong from right; lies from truth.

The doctors are urgently calling for investigations – not least because many reports on the alleged vaccine deaths show connections to the Covid shots should be covered up.

We are alleging death by regulatory failure, as you know. You will see in the summarised death reports (representing a third of over 450 available) that there are some allegations of professionals and Police deviating from the usual processes that should follow a possible death from medical treatment. Of course, the unredacted list we give you is absolutely confidential except as needed for your formal investigations.

However, the group also notes that police have already ignored three open letters from their legal colleagues, New Zealand Lawyers Speaking Out with Science. Police commanders are said to have dismissed the accusations of critical experts because no level of actual damage had yet been reached. But then, what are all the people who suddenly died just days after their Covid shot? Irrelevant? Expendable?

Victims of all ages, from teenagers to seniors, are listed on the group’s website. The majority of people were previously healthy, but some also had previous illnesses and were therefore “in need of the vaccine,” according to the left’s narrative. However, sick people were excluded from the vaccination studies, and consequently, no data on safety are available. The authorities’ ignorance is a slap in the face to the victims’ families while allowing the list of deaths to continue growing unchecked.

Blood Money

“Rumours abound that some families have been paid off to keep quiet after losing a child to the coerced injection program,” stated NZDSOS. The group is in the process of speaking with “parents who would be in the midst of the worst grief imaginable yet might dig deep for the courage to disclose government bribery.”

As reported previously by RAIR Foundation USA, New Zealand doctor René de Monchy has been spotlighting the Globalist forces using Covid to help them seize control of the country. This past December, the brave doctor questioned why doctors and patients receive monetary “vaccine” incentives. Furthermore, Dr. Monchy believes the actual number of people who have died from the vaccines is not reported, and relatives of those killed from the injection are receiving “hush money.”.

Some of the deaths on the list include:

  • Eddie, age 13, Wellington. He died in his sleep several nights after receiving the jab. He died at an event with some of his school buddies. presumably, he is the teen mentioned here by MOH
  • Joanna. 15-year-old Auckland. A friend’s mum reported the death. Joanna collapsed in her bathroom; her heart had stopped. She died on the way to the hospital or while there.
  • Julio, age 19, Feb ’22. Known epilepsy but had a seizure and DIED 2 HOURS AFTER 2nd jab. Shouldn’t this be investigated? Unfortunately, all medical conditions were excluded from clinical trials.
  • Timothy, 33, Paraparaumu. Died of a heart attack at home two days after jab.
  • Janice, 35, Taupare, healthy, was found dead in the bathroom approx 12 days after the shot.
  • Aneela, in her 30s, died suddenly during childbirth in Auckland, a week prior had her jab. She was found to have blood clots. Her baby was delivered by cesarean and died at four days.
  • Rory Nairn, 26, of Dunedin. Died of myocarditis on 17/11. The MOH has acknowledged this as one of 3 vaccine-related deaths up to this point. They implied he delayed seeking medical help.
  • Piotr, 53, Auckland. He was found dead by his mother sometime shortly after the first dose. Unexplained
  • Tongan couple, South Auckland, BOTH died mid-March 2021, within 12 hours of each other. 5 children left who have been awarded compensation during teenage years. Names withheld. Lawyers confirm the case.
  • Louis, age 29, is a keen soccer player. Sudden chest pain, then collapsed and died after practice. Healthy and energetic. Leaves a young family. Joins many dead athletes aroundthe world.
  • In Dunedin, Liam, age 17, died after rapid onset rare autoimmune disease following vaccination.
  • Claire, 33, Christchurch, sudden post-vaccine death just after Xmas day 2021. Shocking and sudden. His elder care company mandated it.
  • Annabelle, age 51, at home in Christchurch, was found dead in bed in October 2021 by her partner. Had 2nd jab 2-3 days before.
  • Clarice, 54, Rangiora, died three weeks after 2nd jab. Sudden. Leaves 6 children.
  • Morty, Karori, age 21. A sudden medical event at home after the first jab.
  • Florence, 42, Wellington. Unexpected fatal brain blood clot sometime after 1st jab on 16/7/21—health care worker.
  • Hettie, age 50, Pahiatua. Unexpected death March 2022, just after having his 2nd or booster. They had an inherited neuromuscular disorder that was not assessed before roll-out in the brief Pfizer trial. One of your authors has the same condition.
  • Louisa, 67, Manawatu. She had known heart issues prior, but her cardiologist assured her it would be safe and effective for her as she was scared to be jabbed. Instead, she collapsed the same morning and died in ED later that day.
  • Anne, 42. Invercargill was fit and healthy. One day she sat up in bed with a head rush. Then ten days after the 2nd jab in February 2022, she died. The autopsy showed no known cause.
  • Aio, age 16. Schoolgirl from Whangarei. Died in December 2021, 2 weeks after vaccination, of cerebral hemorrhage and blood clots. Some hospital workers privately agreed that the vaccine killed them.
  • Isabella Alexander, 17 years old, died in September 2021. The cause of death was multiple blood clots. She collapsed in her father’s arms while running. She had been feeling unwell for a week after the 1st vaccination.

The list of examples goes on and on. Read more here.

A Plea for Sanity and Action

“For God’s sake, people, let’s make our Police and MPs put a stop to this now,” exclaims NZDSOS:

From all our research, and according to our personal experiences within our families and social networks, we believe the rates of heart disease from the vaccine are already hundreds of times worse than the government is claiming and, along with other aspects of this ‘pandemic response’, will scar the history and the very hearts of this country for generations.

There is an evolving humanitarian crisis, and the government, Police, the vaccine industry, and most doctors are lost at sea.


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Amy Mek is an investigative journalist: Banned in parts of Europe, Wanted by Islamic countries, Threatened by terror groups, Hunted by left-wing media, Smeared by Hollywood elites & Fake religious leaders.

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From the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Western media have systematically misrepresented developments on the battlefield. Time and again, major media organizations, including The New York Times and The Guardian, have cited military ‘experts’ from NATO armies and officials from the US, British and Ukrainian governments—none of whom constitute objective sources—to support the false claim that Ukraine is either winning the war or has battled Russian forces to a standstill.

One of starkest examples of the Western media’s dishonesty is the assertion that Russia was forced by Ukrainian resistance to make a humiliating retreat from Kyiv. The Associated Press is one of the many media organizations which advanced that narrative, reporting on April 7 that Vladimir Putin’s government had “counted on a quick victory” by attempting to “storm” Ukraine’s capital, but that the Russian offensive ‘failed’:

When Russian forces invaded Ukraine from the north, east and south on Feb. 24. President Vladimir Putin counted on a quick victory, similar to its 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.

The Russian troops that pushed into Ukraine from Moscow’s ally Belarus quickly reached the outskirts of Kyiv, only 75 kilometers (47 miles) south of the border, but they got bogged down facing Ukrainian defenses.

After the failed attempts to storm the capital and other big cities in the north, Russian forces tried to encircle and pummel them with artillery and airstrikes. The relentless barrages led to massive civilian casualties and damaged infrastructure, but didn’t weaken Ukraine’s resolve. Ukrainian forces, meanwhile, successfully used artillery and drones against Russian convoys that stretched for dozens of kilometers (miles) along highways outside Kyiv. That created massive logistical problems for the Russians.

On March 29, Russia announced a drastic change in strategy, saying it would scale down military activities around Kyiv and Chernihiv, focusing instead on the “liberation” of Donbas.

A quick withdrawal from areas in the north and northeast followed, with forces pulling back to Belarus and Russia for rest and re-supply.

Moscow sought to put a positive spin on what Ukrainian and Western officials described as the failure of the offensive. Russia said the action in the north was intended to tie down and weaken Ukrainian forces there and prevent them from joining troops engaged in the fighting in the east.

Numerous military analysts, including former United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter, disagreed with the mainstream narrative of ‘the battle for Kyiv.’ They argued that Russia’s advance on Kyiv was not a genuine attempt to take the city, but a “feint” designed to tie Ukrainian forces down in and around Ukraine’s capital while other Russian forces ‘shaped the battlefield’ in the Donbas—the Russian military’s principal objective.

Among other things, Ritter pointed out that the Russian columns that had advanced on Kyiv consisted of some 40,000 troops, and that no one with half of a military brain would attempt with so few soldiers to conquer a city of three million people defended by 60,000 Ukrainian troops. According to Ritter, “the so-called ‘battle for Kyiv’ is a clear-cut example of the difference between perception and reality.”

Scott Ritter is not the only military analyst who rejected the West’s claims that Russia had lost the “battle for Kyiv” and was losing the war.

Larry C. Johnson, a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, argued that Russian forces had reached the outskirts of the capital with extraordinary speed and that, within the first day of the conflict, Russian forces wiped out all Ukrainian Ground Radar Intercept capabilities and thereby deprived the Ukrainian Air Force of its ability to do air to air intercept.

Five weeks after Russia launched its invasion, Lt. Gen Prakash Katoch, a retired special forces officer from the Indian military, authored an article entitled “America’s Information War is Self-Delusional.” In it, Katoch argued that Russia was winning the war decisively. “The West doesn’t need state media,” he wrote, “it has corporations that own both the state and the media; much more potent and dangerous who together are blowing Biden’s trumpet.”

Seven weeks after Russia launched its invasion, Jacques Baud, a former colonel of the Swiss General Staff and an ex-member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, wrote “the idea that Russia is trying to take over Kiev, the capital, to eliminate Zelensky, comes typically from the West—that is what they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and what they wanted to do in Syria with the help of the Islamic State. But Vladimir Putin never intended to shoot or topple Zelensky. Instead, Russia seeks to keep him in power by pushing him to negotiate, by surrounding Kiev… From an operational point of view, the Russian offensive was an example of its kind: in six days, the Russians seized a territory as large as the United Kingdom, with a speed of advance greater than what the Wehrmacht had achieved in 1940.”

These and other voices of dissent were systematically excluded from Western mainstream discourse about the state of the Ukraine war.

Then, a strange thing happened.

In early April, Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, blurted out the truth.

As reported by NBC on April 6, 2022:

Just this week, national security adviser Jake Sullivan stood at the White House podium and read out what officials said was more declassified intelligence, asserting that Russia’s pullout from areas around Kyiv wasn’t a retreat but a strategic redeployment that signals a significant assault on eastern and southern Ukraine, one that US officials believe could be a protracted and bloody fight.

Remarkably, however, the Western mainstream media have largely ignored Sullivan’s admission that “Russia’s pullout from areas around Kyiv wasn’t a retreat but a strategic redeployment.” Supposedly reputable news organizations have continued to peddle the nonsense that Russia’s military attempted to conquer Kyiv and was forced to retreat by Ukrainian resistance.

As recently as June 9, The Guardian published an analysis of the battle for Sievierodonetsk (a battle which Ukraine has essentially lost) in which the authors asserted that “Russia changed its invasion plan in April after its botched attempt to seize the major cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa.”

So determined are Western mainstream media to peddle the Ukraine-is-winning fantasy that, even when Western officials tell the truth about the war, the media often ignore them.

Afghanistan veterans get a taste of their own medicine

Shortly after Russia’s invasion began, Western media trembled with excitement upon learning that the renowned Canadian sniper known as ‘Wali,’ a veteran of Canada’s failed mission in Afghanistan, had gone to Ukraine to kill Russians.

According to various reports, Wali is the “best sniper in the world,” “can provide up to 40 deaths per day” and holds “the record for the longest sniper kill in history: 3.5 kilometers.”

Perhaps it’s just my pacifist sensibilities, but I don’t believe that a soldier who kills ‘up to 40 persons a day’ in an unjust war is a hero. Whatever the legality of Wali’s killing sprees may have been, I tend to view such ‘heroes’ as mass murderers.

Nonetheless, the Western media’s love affair with Wali became so intense that, in March of this year, the Norman Brigade (the international combatants’ brigade of which Wali was a member) issued a statement noting that media attention around Wali was starting to endanger their mission in Ukraine.

Whether or not you approve of Wali’s (alleged) military exploits, Wali himself admits that he in fact does not hold the world record for the longest-range kill. He also admits that “the adrenaline rush” plays a role in his decision to serve in war zones. “I think a lot of military folks are like that,” he added.

To a considerable degree, Wali’s mystique is hype. That became abundantly clear when Wali and his Canadian teammate in Ukraine revealed to the media what they had experienced there.

On May 6, CBC published an extensive interview of “Shadow,” a former Canadian soldier from Sherbrooke who accompanied Wali in Ukraine. After serving on the eastern Ukrainian front with Wali, Shadow had withdrawn to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, where he elected to confine himself to humanitarian work. He told the CBC that he would not return to the eastern front because it was “just hell” and he had had “too many close calls” there. As explained by the CBC:

The last two months for Shadow have been a mad kaleidoscope of firefights and near-misses—nothing like the somewhat tame life he experienced over a dozen years in a Canadian uniform.

His first time in combat—ever—saw him thrown into the pitched battle for Irpin, a once-pleasant tree-lined community 20 kilometres west of Kyiv that proved to be the high-water mark for the Russian advance on the capital.

Shadow was tasked with assisting Wali by carrying ammunition and watching his friend’s back. During one Russian assault, the two men were blown out of their sniper’s nest by a shell.

“We got hit by a tank,” Shadow said. “He shelled the building and missed us by, like, three metres. After that, we started to get more small arms fire, and then we got out of the building, and then after that … a huge firefight.

“I haven’t … that was my first firefight. The Russians, they were like 50 metres from us, bullets flying everywhere, everywhere. We couldn’t do anything, and they actually tried to surround us.”

According to Shadow, the sniper’s nest was situated in an “apartment building” which he and Wali had entered for the purpose of targeting Russian soldiers. By using that building to fire upon Russians, Wali and Shadow turned it into a legitimate military target. Shadow does not explain to the CBC journalist (nor does the CBC journalist ask) whether he and Wali took adequate steps to ensure that there were no civilians sheltering in that building before they turned it into a military target.

Later, in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine, Wali and Shadow narrowly escaped with their lives while attempting, unsuccessfully, to target a Russian tank. Their two Ukrainian colleagues were not so lucky: they were killed by a shell fired from a Russian tank after they ignored Wali’s advice and emerged from their trench to smoke a cigarette.

Some days after Shadow’s interview by the CBC, Wali himself was interviewed by the right wing, pro-war National Post. According to the Post, Wali described his experience of the Ukraine war as a “terrible disappointment.” “It was pretty much close calls every week,” he said, adding that his hunting for enemy tanks was often hampered by “the overwhelming Russian forces” he faced.

Tellingly, Wali confessed to the Post that, “if I had all the means I had in Afghanistan, it would be slaughter all day long … it would be easy.” (Who would have imagined that the “slaughter” of human beings could be “easy”?)

Other international combatants in Ukraine have recounted similarly daunting experiences. Former British soldier Aidan Aslin, who was captured in Mariupol last month, told the British press about having to cope with a lack of food, no ammunition and relentless artillery bombardment. Ben Grant, a former British Royal Marine and veteran of Afghanistan, told The Telegraph that the fighting in Ukraine was worse than any he had previously experienced.

After Wali and Shadow revealed their experiences to the world, CIA veteran Larry Johnson offered this scathing assessment of the Afghan war veterans who had gone to fight in Ukraine:

Watch this video. Afghanistan, US infantry take small arms fire from the building in front of them, call in an airstrike, a bullet appears to strike the ground in the camera field at 2:26, bomb hits at 2:32, Now watch this video. Afghanistan, US infantry in a hollow, some gunfire but pretty relaxed, call in the air force, A-10s arrive at 3:34 and make several passes, loud cheers. There are plenty more videos like this from NATO’s recent wars. Take fire, sit still, call in the air force to blast whoever is shooting at you (collateral damage? Who cares? Blow up the whole building and everybody in it).

No doubt “Shadow” and “Wali” and the rest of them, remembering their experience in a NATO war, expected to be on the giving end. Instead they found themselves on the receiving end. In their interviews, they describe two front-line experiences in Ukraine. In the first they are setting up a sniper position in an apartment building (not using civilians as a shield, I hope) when they’re knocked out by a tank round. Never saw it coming. In the next story “Wali” learns how to use a Javelin anti-tank missile and the two set off to go tank-hunting. They find two Ukrainian soldiers in a trench and “Shadow” gets in the trench while “Wali” goes off to look at the Russian tank. The two Ukrainians get out to have a smoke—BANG!—when “Shadow” recovers consciousness, one of the Ukrainians is dead and the other dying. The two Canadians apparently decide that that’s enough for them. They never actually saw a Russian through their sniper scope.

What’s going on in Eastern Ukraine right now is something like the two Afghanistan videos but the other way around and on a much larger scale. The Russians inch forward, if they meet resistance, they plaster it with artillery. Inch forward, repeat. It’s slow but it’s destroying the Ukrainian Armed Forces (it’s destruction of the enemy’s fighting power, not territorial gain, that wins wars. Just ask NATO—capture Kabul in six weeks, leave twenty years later in defeat). The daily briefings given by the Russian Defense Ministry mention hundreds of artillery fire missions every day. Ukrainian prisoners speak of continuous artillery fire. “The god of war” Stalin (or was it Suvorov?) called it. Here is the result of this relentless shelling.

The Western volunteers have no idea and neither do the cable TV “experts.” No one in NATO knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end (“Shadow” and “Wali” and some others know now, however, but it doesn’t look as if they want to re-live the experience).

And that’s one of the reasons why Western coverage of the war is so off-track – the TV “experts” can only process what’s happening through their NATO-made spectacles.
As I explained recently in an article entitled “NATO is a multi-trillion-dollar fraud,” there is a world of difference between fighting the Taliban and fighting a large modern army. The Taliban relied almost entirely on small arms and improvised explosive devices—and yet NATO militaries, which collectively spend over US$1 trillion per year, were unable to defeat the Taliban in twenty years of warfare in which NATO militaries and their Afghan army proxy employed a vast array of sophisticated weaponry.

Russia’s military, by contrast, is ranked as the world’s second most powerful military. It possesses a vast arsenal, including hypersonic cruise missiles, highly accurate artillery systems, more than 12,000 tanks and nearly 800 fighter jets.

In the Ukraine war, we are witnessing the collective astonishment of Afghanistan war veterans who have spoken proudly of their military exploits in that poor and devastated country, but who have never had to wage war against a large, sophisticated and modern army.

Reality is catching up with the West

Recently, the triumphalist tone of Western discourse about the Ukraine war has become more muted. The disparity between the reality on the ground and the West’s semi-fictional narrative of the war has simply become too obvious. Accordingly, NATO states and the Western mainstream media have begun to prepare the public for Ukraine’s looming defeat.

Last week, reports appeared in the British press about an assessment of the war that has been compiled by Western and Ukrainian intelligence services. The assessment is grim, to put it mildly. According to The Independent:

Ukrainian troops are suffering massive losses as they are outgunned 20 to one in artillery and 40 to one in ammunition by Russian forces, according to new intelligence painting a bleak picture of the conflict on the frontline.

A report by Ukrainian and Western intelligence officials also reveals that the Ukrainians are facing huge difficulties responding to Russians shelling with their artillery restricted to a range of 25 kilometres, while the enemy can strike from 12 times that distance.

For the first time since the war began, there is now concern over desertion. The report, seen by The Independent, says the worsening situation in the Donbas, with up to a hundred soldiers being killed a day, is having “a seriously demoralising effect on Ukrainian forces as well as a very real material effect; cases of desertion are growing every week.”

Not only is Russia winning decisively on the battlefield, but arguably, it is winning the economic war as well.

Recently, Wolfgang Münchau, the former co-editor of Financial Times Deutschland and the director of Eurointelligence, published a commentary entitled “Are sanctions making Russia richer?” Münchau wrote:

Three months on, it’s time to ask: are the sanctions working?

The answer from the Bank of Russia’s balance of payment data for January to April isn’t reassuring. It showed that the sanctions are emphatically not working, at least not in the way that they were intended. Russia’s current account surplus (roughly speaking: exports minus imports) jumped to an all-time high at $96 billion⁠—almost four times the same period last year. The total balance of goods and services shows an even wider gap: $106 billion, treble that of last year.

At this rate, Russia’s current account surplus could hit $250 billion. So the extra money being banked by Russia is almost the same amount as the $300 billion of central bank assets and foreign currency reserves that were frozen by the West after the invasion.

Sensing that NATO is about to suffer a humiliating defeat—and make no mistake, NATO is at war with Russia—some notable figures from the Western political establishment have begun to argue for negotiations with Russia and for major Ukrainian concessions, in order to secure peace.

In late May, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told a stunned audience at Davos that Ukraine should accept giving up part of its territory to reach a peace deal with Russia and end the war immediately.

On June 6, in a rare public speech, Greece’s former Conservative Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis cautioned that a long Ukraine war risked pitting the West against an anti-Western coalition and that “such a convergence… would be an enormous challenge for the West and would portend tectonic changing in the currently acceptable rules of the game and unfathomable consequences.” Karamanlis said the EU should take the initiative to conclude the war in Ukraine the soon as possible.

Then, on June 11, Edward Luttwak, a US military strategist and former presidential advisor, gave an extensive interview on the Ukraine war to Radio Free Europe in which Luttwak argued that Ukraine’s government should agree to a plebiscite on independence in Luhansk and Donetsk.

Yes, Ukraine has a right to resist Russia’s invasion, but should it exercise that right?

I, too, believe that Ukraine’s government should negotiate with Russia, and that it should make major concessions in order to secure peace for its people.

In recent weeks, when I have expressed that view publicly, I’ve sometimes been met with indignant protestations that Ukraine has a right to resist Russia’s invasion.

I readily agree that resistance is Ukraine’s right, but having the right to resist does not necessarily mean that resistance is prudent or humane.

Ukraine’s military is suffering massive losses. The wounded and the family members of the dead will be an enormous burden for Ukrainian society to bear in the years ahead. With each day the war goes on, that burden will increase, as will the deterioration in Ukraine’s devastated economy and the destruction of vital Ukrainian infrastructure. Meanwhile, Russia’s military continues to expand its control over the Donbas, and could eventually move on Odessa and permanently deprive Ukraine of access to the Black Sea.

As for the warmongers who reflexively proclaim ‘send more weapons,’ we have no good reason to believe that the transfer of yet more NATO weaponry to Ukraine will carry its forces to victory. The billions of dollars worth of weaponry that NATO states have delivered thus far have not halted the Russian advance, nor have they mitigated the Ukrainian losses to any material degree. Moreover, in twenty years of warfare in Afghanistan, NATO repeatedly employed much of its most sophisticated weaponry, and yet its forces were unable to defeat an adversary that was far less formidable than Russia’s military.

The delivery of more NATO weaponry is unlikely to alter the final outcome of this war, but it may well prolong this war, with disastrous consequences for all of Ukraine and, potentially, for the world.


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Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer, human rights activist and former candidate for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada. He is based in Montréal.

Featured image: A Ukrainian soldier carries a Javelin anti-tank missile through a trench in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. Photo courtesy the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine/Facebook.

Bribe Money for Ukrainian Officials?

June 16th, 2022 by Jacob G. Hornberger

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In my blog post of May 18, 2022, I raised the possibility that the $40 billion aid package that Congress quickly approved for Ukraine was going to be used, at least in part, to pay multimillion dollar bribes to Ukrainian officials. After all, why else would the members of Congress, as well as the Pentagon’s assets within the mainstream press, react so vociferously against the idea of having the Inspector General monitor how the money is being used? And what better way to ensure that Ukrainian officials remain on board for perpetual war than the payment of bribes to officials serving in what is perhaps the most corrupt regime on the planet?

For skeptics, I refer to an article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal whose title pretty much tells it all: “High-Ranking Afghan Officials Escaped to Luxury Homes Abroad.” The opening paragraph states, “Some senior Afghan officials and their families spent millions purchasing expensive homes in the U.S. and abroad in the final years of the war, which became luxurious landings when they escaped the escalating violence in Afghanistan.” The article then goes on to detail some of those “luxurious landings.”

Okay, yes, it is conceivable that those Afghan officials are all honest politicians and bureaucrats in an impoverished nation who became millionaires by dutifully saving portions of their government salaries. 

But there is another possibility, a much more likely one in my opinion. Do you remember those planeloads of U.S.-taxpayer-provided hundred-dollar bills that Pentagon officials were shipping into Afghanistan? Do you recall how there wasn’t any Inspector General monitoring how all that moolah was being disbursed? I think there is a very good chance that it was being handed out to Afghan officials as bribes to bring them on board in support of the U.S. invasion and occupation of their country. 

I’m reminded of the CIA’s plan to prevent Salvador Allende from becoming president of Chile after he received a plurality of votes in the 1970 presidential election. Since the election was thrown into the Chilean congress, the CIA decided to secretly bribe the members of the Chilean Congress with U.S.-taxpayer money as a way to induce them to vote against Allende. 

The CIA also initiated a scheme designed to induce the Chilean national-security establishment to implement a violent coup that would keep Allende from taking office and, most likely, leave him dead in the process. As I detail in my new book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, when the overall commander of Chile’s armed forces, Gen. Rene Schneider, refused to go along with the CIA’s evil and illegal scheme, the CIA orchestrated his kidnapping/assassination, which left Schneider shot dead on the streets of Santiago. 

Ironically, the strong public reaction in Chile against Schneider’s assassination doomed the CIA’s bribery plot, and the Chilean congress ended up confirming Allende as president. Three years later, the CIA’s regime-change operation succeeded when the Chilean national-security establishment, with the full support of the U.S. national-security establishment, took control over the government, leaving the democratically elected Allende dead in the process. 

As I have repeatedly written, the war in Ukraine is not about freedom. It’s about membership in the old, rotten Cold War dinosaur known as NATO. Ukrainian officials were willing to sacrifice thousands of their citizens and the destruction of their country ostensibly for the sake of joining NATO. The question that obviously arises is: Was there something else — like the payment of multimillion bribes from U.S.-taxpayer-provided moolah — that induced crooked and corrupt Ukrainian officials to sacrifice their citizens and their country?


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Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at and from Full Context. Send him email.

Featured image is from FFF

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The war in Ukraine is serving as a justification for multinationals to speculate massively on the prices of commodities, as well as energy and world transport. The war in Ukraine could have been avoided if its president had not wanted to make his people suffer by destroying a nation, or if the European Union had taken the necessary steps to bring Russia and Ukraine closer together in peace and thus avoided what is happening today, a global economic war of unprecedented speculation with unpredictable consequences for civilian populations.

The presidents of the governments involved, both in the direct conflict and those who unconditionally support Ukraine, could have diplomatically stopped this war madness in which we are immersed, where the only beneficiaries are undoubtedly the arms companies – which have their great field of business in war conflicts – and the politicians who, with their bad public management, blame the war driven by themselves for the rises in all basic prices. It has been the perfect dish to avoid having to justify their mistakes and mismanagement.

And while all this is going on, they are asking the civilian population to tighten their belts, turn down their heaters and save energy. Who has asked the people for a consultation to enter into an economic war that has got out of hand? Why have they given arms to kill, instead of diplomacy and peace? Where are the demonstrations that the Socialist Party promoted to say No to war when now they themselves have entered into a war that will cause more poverty and hunger in the world?

But this is not all. The European Union’s support for the war has clouded and erased from its objectives the fight against climate change, or those other war conflicts that nobody talks about and which are claiming the lives of thousands of people. What hypocrisy and what foolishness the leaders of the European Union possess, those who have not been elected by the citizens and those MEPs who dance to the beat of the drum that warms their armchairs the most. That is the reality. There is no democracy and there is no freedom of vote even among the deputies, senators or MEPs who are beholden to obeying the particular interests of each party. The world political system must change if we are to have a society with dignity.

At the same time, the murder of indigenous peoples continues in a shameful and unscrupulous manner, without the governments themselves respecting them, breaking the laws that protect them, violating their constitutional rights, devastating their communities, denying them citizenship and cutting off all aid, while expelling them from their legally acquired and legally recognized territories.

Today, as reported by Survival International without any media coverage (they are too busy with Ukraine), thousands of Maasai fled their homes and took refuge in the bush after a brutal police crackdown, as they demonstrated against the Tanzanian government’s attempts to drive them out of the Serengeti National Park, in order to make more space for trophy hunting by wealthy foreigners or mass tourism which only increases the serious problem against the native peoples, in a clear business deal between the government and the various companies involved in the exploitation of the Serengeti.

Survival International reports that on 8 June, dozens of police vehicles and some 700 officers arrived in Loliondo, Northern Tanzania, next to the Serengeti National Park, to demarcate 1,500 square kilometres of Maasai land as a game reserve. On 10 June, the officers fired on Maasai protesting against the attempt to evict them from their land. There have been numerous injuries and one death so far, as the exact number of victims is not known, as there has been a huge raid to try to ensure that no images taken on mobile phones have recorded the brutality of the police, confiscating the mobile devices and arresting numerous people.

Where is the European Union that does not call for immediate sanctions against Tanzania for the brutal repression of the Maasai? Where are the politicians denouncing these genocides and crimes against humanity? Where are the images that inform citizens of what is happening to the Maasai so that no one travels to Tanzania to protest this serious aggression?

According to Survival International in its press release, Germany is a major funder of nature conservation projects in Tanzania and is heavily involved in the development of conservation policies in the country, which have led to the expulsion of thousands of indigenous people from their land. The Frankfurt Zoological Society, according to Survival, funds rangers and officials, some of whom, according to the Maasai, have been involved in recent evictions. The UAE-based Otterlo Business Company (OBC) organises hunting trips for the country’s royal family and their guests, and we are calling on the company to stop organising trips to Tanzania in protest at the government’s infamous harassment of the Maasai, the true owners of their land.

Clearly, we are facing an acceleration of harassment and genocide of indigenous peoples to take their lands and exploit the natural resources found on them, in the face of the looming global crises and the need to remove the land in search of minerals essential for rich societies to continue to subsist, for example with electric vehicles that on the one hand claim to be environmentally friendly while thousands of companies are already looking like real moles for the minerals needed to power the batteries, at the cost of the massive destruction of our sensitive planetary biodiversity.

And this is not just about the Maasai. I recently denounced what is happening to the Batwa in the Kauzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo or the direct harassment of the Qom Indigenous Community in Formosa (Argentina). The Consejo Indigenista Misionero-Cimi denounces that the Bolsonaro government uses the war in Ukraine to advance its project of death against indigenous peoples, using a private and hidden war in front of the media that are often complicit in the silence of these criminal genocides, which today continue to advance irremediably violating their human rights. This is just one example of a long list of oppression of original peoples that is being silenced without action being taken against the governments that carry it out.

The Maasai have been the latest victims so that rich people from all over the world can go to the Serengeti to kill elephants and lions without shame or consciousness, or for those long queues of tourist vehicles to see the animals without realising that because of them, an ancestral people are dying and being repressed so that the business of tourism or hunting can continue to line the pockets of politicians and officials of an already poor country. It is therefore necessary that tour operators cancel trips to Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo until they respect the Maasai and Batwa as they deserve, with all the guarantees, and hand over their stolen territories.

It is outrageous and beyond all rationality, the behaviour of the governments and the passivity of the International Community that is only interested in seeing what it wants and at a certain time, closing the doors to the evidence of the crimes against humanity that are being committed and the passivity of doing nothing, closing their eyes and only shouting when they see their personal interests being endangered. This is the current political model that has been implanted in the world’s societies. Until it is changed, and it will be difficult to change, we will be doomed to the destruction of human society, where ambition and economic power, which uses politicians as absolute puppets, will put an end to the world’s democracies and envelop us in an absolute chaos that will be difficult to escape. This is not science fiction, it is a reality and future generations will find themselves in a dead end.

That is why society needs to wake up and, shouting “enough is enough”, we must learn to take the peaceful course of the Earth ship and take it to a safe harbour for repair so that, once repaired, we can sail in peace and freedom on the seas and paths of our own evolution.


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U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit investigative public health group, has filed numerous lawsuits against federal agencies for violating provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The lawsuits are part of our efforts to uncover what is known about the origins of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, leaks or mishaps at biosafety labs, and the risks of gain-of-function research that seeks to augment the infectivity or lethality of potential pandemic pathogens.

We have filed more than 90 state, federal, and international public records requests seeking information about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and the risks of biosafety labs and gain-of-function research.

Read more about our findings so far, why we are conducting this investigation, recommended readings and documents we have obtained.

FOI lawsuits filed

(1) U.S. Department of State. On April 25, 2022, USRTK filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for violating provisions of FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks documents and correspondence of State employees, including C.S. Eliot Kang, Ann Ganzer, David Feith, Bruce Turner, Robert Wood and Laura Gross, related to a State Dept. investigation of the origins of Covid-19, EcoHealth Alliance, gain-of-function research, dual use research of concern, the Global Virome Project, and other matters. Case 1:22-cv-01130-JMC.

(2) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. On April 18, 2022, USRTK filed a lawsuit against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for violating the provisions of the North Carolina Public Records Act. The lawsuit, filed in North Carolina District Court in Orange County, seeks records for seven public records requests to the University of North Carolina, including: (1) emails between Prof. Ralph Baric, former Prof. Lishan Su or Ms. Toni Baric with the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention or the EcoHealth Alliance, or others; (2) emails to or from Prof. Ralph Baric containing any of the search terms “DEFUSE” or “DARPA” or “DTRA”. Case 22CV463.

(3) Defense Threat Reduction Agency
. On January 14, 2022, USRTK filed a lawsuit against the DTRA for violating provisions of the FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks: (1) finished intelligence, documents and reports about accidents, containment failures or deliberate release of biological agents from facilities in 21 countries around the world; (2) assessments of risks, hazards and efficacy of BSL-2, BSL-3 and BSL-4 containment schemes (including flaws, failings or weaknesses) in those same 21 countries; and, (3) grant proposals and other documents from the EcoHealth Alliance and Metabiota. Case 3:22-cv-00299-JCS. 

(4) National Institutes of Health. On November 8, 2021, USRTK filed a lawsuit against the NIH for violating provisions of the FOIA. The lawsuit (amended complaint filed 2/10/22), filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, seeks records for nine FOIA requests to NIH regarding the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and communications between the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance or the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The records requests also included EcoHealth Alliance grant applications, scientific reviews, funding agreements, and correspondence with Dr. Erik Stemmy, NIAID (NIH) project officer, as well as documents regarding NIH’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML), the DARPA-funded Preventing Emerging Pathogenic Threats (PREEMPT) Program, and communication between the NIH and the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning the origins of COVID-19. This is our second FOIA lawsuit against NIH related to the origins of COVID-19. Case 1:21-cv-02936-TSC.

(5) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
: On October 14, 2021, USRTK filed a lawsuitagainst USAID for violating provisions of the FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks records related to USAID funding and oversight of EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), which was a lead consortium partner in USAID-funded projects in the Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program. Initiated in 2009, USAID’s EPT PREDICT programs funded collaborations between EHA and researchers at University of California, Davis; Wuhan Institute of Virology; Metabiota, Inc.; and others, to study the pandemic potential of infectious diseases including bat-associated coronaviruses. Case 3:21-cv-08058-SK.

(6) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): On October 14, 2021, USRTK filed a lawsuitagainst HHS for violating provisions of the FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks correspondence between senior HHS employees, including Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary for preparedness and response, with the World Health Organization’s director general’s office, and others, related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Case 3:21-cv-08056-TSH.

(7) University of Maryland: On October 6, 2021, USRTK filed a lawsuit against the University of Maryland for violating provisions of the Maryland Public Information Act.  The lawsuit, filed in Maryland Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, seeks correspondence and documents of Professor Rita R. Colwell, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland at College Park, relevant to the origins of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Colwell serves on the board of directors of the EcoHealth Alliance, which funded and conducted research with bat coronaviruses closely related to SARS-CoV-2 in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and others. On June 10, 2022, Maryland Judge John P. Davey denied the University of Maryland’s motion for partial summary judgment. Case CAL21-11730.

(8) U.S. Food and Drug Administration: On Feb. 4, 2021, USRTK filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for violating provisions of FOIA.  The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks documents and correspondence with or about China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the EcoHealth Alliance, which partnered with and funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology, among other subjects. Case 21-cv-00884-KAW.

(9) U.S. Department of Education: On Dec. 17, 2020 USRTK filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education for violating provisions of FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks documents that the Education Department requested from the University of Texas’ Medical Branch at Galveston about its funding agreements and scientific and/or research cooperation with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. Case 3:20-cv-09117-DMR.

(10) U.S. Department of State: On Nov. 30, 2020 USRTK filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for violating provisions of FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks documents and correspondence with or about China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the EcoHealth Alliance, which partnered with and funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology, among other subjects. See news release. Case 3:20-cv-08415-JCS.

(11) National Institutes of Health: On Nov. 5, 2020 USRTK filed a lawsuit against National Institutes of Health (NIH) for violating provisions of FOIA. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., seeks correspondence with or about organizations such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the EcoHealth Alliance, which partnered with and funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology. See news release. Case 1:20-cv-03196-CKK.

U.S. Right to Know is an investigative research group focused on promoting transparency for public health. For more information about FOI lawsuits we have filed to vindicate the public’s right to know, see our FOIA litigation page.


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The federal government’s own data indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines U.S. service members are forced to receive are dangerous, medical experts explained as part of a Flag Day press conference hosted Tuesday by the medical freedom nonprofit Truth for Health Foundation.

The conference, which was live-streamed here on LifeSiteNews, addressed numerous aspects of the issue, starting with an overview of medical billing data from the Pentagon’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), first brought to light in January by attorney Thomas Renz, during a COVID vaccine hearing arranged by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)

“Keep in mind, these serious medical conditions are happening in a young, healthy population of very fit military people who are not at risk of dying of COVID and who typically don’t have these health problems,” said Truth for Health president and CEO Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. “The CDC database and the DMED database shows heart attacks and myocardial infarctions in the young, healthy military groups are up over 269% in ten months. Pericarditis up 175%. Myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle up 285%. Pulmonary embolism. Blood clots in the lungs up 467%. Blood clots to the brain. Cerebral infarction. Bell’s Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis Immunodeficiencies Cancers, miscarriage. All are up over 250%, and some are up more than 350%.”

“Why would the DOD knowingly continue to force these vaccine mandates in the face of such damage?” she asked.

“Using the CDC’s own data, our insurance industry experts associated with [former Blackrock portfolio manager] Edward Dowd and others in the field analyzed the data broken down by age group and created baselines to show the excess mortality by age group,” Vliet continued. “Millennials, age 25 to 44, had an 84% increase in deaths in the second half of 2021, the absolute worst record in our entire history. And this is the age group of our military. Starting in the summer and fall of 2021, there were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Put that in perspective: 58,000 Americans died in the entire Vietnam War. So this generation of millennials experienced a greater number of excess deaths in part of one year of 2021. 61,000 versus the entire deaths of 58,000 in the entire Vietnam War.”

“The CDC’s own data is a smoking gun,” she declared.

In a statement to left-wing “fact-checking” outlet PolitiFact, Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division spokesperson Peter Graves confirmed the authenticity of the DMED records but claimed that a conveniently-timed “data corruption” glitch made the pre-2021 numbers appear far lower than the actual numbers of cases for those years, an explanation that PolitiFact took at face value despite questions about its plausibility.

Retired Army Lt. Colonel Peter Chambers, a former flight surgeon, also relayed the story about a “fit as a horse” 27-year-old infantryman who came to see him a week after taking the vaccine.

“These are real things, people,” Chambers stressed. “I look at them. I look at, I talk to their families. This is real. This is real as it gets. And when I talk to legislators and they turn around and say, well, that’s just too sensitive, I can’t talk about that. Well, then let me tell you something. Let’s get those guys out, too. Let’s start putting some people in that understand that this warfare is usurping the nation. And is destroying our country.”

Last August, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the secretaries of all military branches to “immediately begin full [COVID] vaccination of all members of the Armed Forces” and “impose ambitious timelines for implementation.” The majority of service members complied, but tens of thousands remain unvaccinated, with many seeking exemptions.

Several thousand have secured exemptions for non-religious reasons, but the military has been largely unwilling to approve religious exemptions to the shots, which were developed and/or tested with the use of fetal cells from aborted babies. In December, the military began discharging soldiers for vaccine refusal, prompting legal challenges that have so far been neglected by the U.S. Supreme Court.

While defenders of vaccine mandates are quick to point out that the military has long requiredsoldiers to vaccinate against a range of diseases due to the harsh and exotic locales soldiers are sent to for extended periods of time and the close quarters they typically share with one another, previous vaccines were typically subjected to far more evaluation and development time before being put into widespread use than the COVID shots received during their accelerated clinical trials.

U.S. service members facing medical coercion over the COVID-19 shots or denied effective treatment can apply for Medical Freedom Fund Grants at Truth for Health’s website by clicking here. The group’s website also contains additional resources, including medical information, civilian legal resources, news, COVID treatment information, and a form for reporting vaccine injuries.


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The Vaccine Stockpile Is Headed to the Dump

June 16th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The U.K. stockpiled 650 million doses of COVID-19 injections during the pandemic, but only 142 million have been used

The remainder expire six to 12 months after their date of manufacture, which means millions of doses are going to end up as trash; about $5 billion stands to be wasted on unused shots in the U.K.

The U.K. government has also written off billions of dollars in money spent on protective equipment and ventilators that went unused

The overuse of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to another problem — a massive volume of medical trash that’s straining waste management systems and the environment

According to WHO, 87,000 tons of PPE were accumulated from March 2020 to November 2021 in order to fight COVID-19, but most of it has gone to waste


The U.K. stockpiled 650 million doses of COVID-19 injections during the pandemic. Only 142 million have been used. The remainder expire six to 12 months after their date of manufacture,1 which means millions of doses are going to end up as trash.

It’s unknown whether some doses from the 650 million figure have yet to be manufactured, or exactly how much was paid for each dose, but what’s clear is that a massive waste of federal funds is imminent.

Based on estimates that the U.S. government paid about $20 for each dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot, about $15 for Moderna shot doses and about $4 for each dose of Astra Zeneca’s shot, assume an average price of $10 per dose of COVID-19 injection purchased.

Given this estimate, about $5 billion stands to be wasted on unused shots. “Will the public be forgiving of this massive waste of public funds on account of it occurring with good intentions during a state of emergency?” Daily Sceptic asked. “That remains to be seen.”2

Billions of Dollars Squandered in the Name of COVID-19

In addition to millions of doses of COVID-19 shots set to expire, the U.K. government has also written off billions of dollars in money spent on protective equipment, including items not used before their expiration dates and other equipment deemed unsuitable for use. Another $715.9 million was spent on ventilators, only 10% of which were actually used.

Similar ventilator stockpiling occurred in the U.S. but as early as August 2020 it was clear that this was a mistake. “The U.S. has too many ventilators,” The Washington Post wrote on August 18, 20203 — an about-face from media headlines posted just months earlier, which talked of ventilator shortages and a “desperate need for ventilators.”4,5

At the time, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had distributed 15,057 ventilators, while 95,713 sat unused in a federal stockpile. For comparison, 10,000 ventilators made up the federal stockpile in April 2020.6 By September 2020, HHS stated that the national ventilator stockpile had reached maximum capacity, with close to 120,000 available ventilators.7 As the Daily Sceptic explained:8

“This gross misuse of taxpayers’ money must be examined in the independent inquiry and by Government so the lessons can be learned and in future a robust management system applied in real time so that even stocks purchased in haste and with urgency are kept in reasonable proportion to anticipated demand.

The over-reaction and panic in spring 2020 resulted in decisions that have now turned out to be a huge waste of public money. If there was perceived to be a shortage of anything that might conceivably be needed to fulfil the needs of the public emergency, the public purse was always open.

Actually, the purse appeared to be treated more like Mary Poppins’ bottomless magic carpet bag, with no sign of any prudent oversight applied to funding decisions as long as they served the purpose of proving to the public that the Government was ‘doing something’ about Covid. The results of that fiscal incontinence are now clear for all to see.”

Millions of COVID-19 Shots Wasted in US

The money wasted stockpiling COVID-19 shots is not unique to the U.K. In the U.S., an ABC News investigation found that millions of shots have gone unused as the demand for the injections fizzled out. In speaking with health department officials in all 50 states, they found millions of instances of COVID-19 shots going to waste, sitting unused or set to expire in coming weeks. This includes:9

  • 1.7 million doses wasted in Michigan since December 2020
  • 619,000 doses unused in Colorado
  • 3.6 million shots sitting in a stockpile in California
  • Close to 760,000 doses deemed nonviable, spoiled or expired in Oregon
  • More than 850,000 doses wasted in Wisconsin10

‘Sleeping Contracts’ Ensured Past Pandemic Vaccine Purchases

It’s said that history repeats itself, and we’ve seen massive waste from stockpiled vaccines before. Pandemics have been coming and going around the globe for centuries, but in recent history they’ve been used as points of manipulation that have profited corporations, particularly pharmaceutical companies.

In 2005, you may remember, it was predicted the bird flu epidemic would kill from 2 million to 150 million people,11 but turned out to be a whole lot of hot air, and prompted me to write the book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax.”

At the time, Nature Immunology published an editorial stating that the fear of bird flu had prompted government officials to prioritize developing plans to deal with pandemic influenza, and WHO had named bird flu as the No. 1 health concern.

In the years that followed, WHO executed agreements — so called “sleeping contracts” — with European and African nations in the name of protecting people from a future global pandemic.

The contracts stated that countries would buy vaccines in the event of a pandemic, but this would only be necessary if WHO declared a phase 6 influenza pandemic.12 Both GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Baxter were named in contracts with the U.K. parliament, for instance, which stated the pharmaceutical companies would supply a pandemic influenza vaccine to the U.K. and were valued at £155.4 million (more than $206 million) over four years.13

“Unfortunately,” CHD noted, “the government officials who signed the contracts never suspected that GSK makes multimillion-dollar donations to the WHO in return for control over decisions that result in GSK windfalls.”14

Swine Flu: Is History Repeating Itself?

On June 11, 2009, WHO declared H1N1 swine flu to be a phase 6 global influenza pandemic, even though it had only caused 144 deaths worldwide. That declaration put the sleeping contracts into an active state, to the tune of $18 billion directed to the production of H1N1 vaccines, including GSK’s Pandemrix.

It was later revealed that scientists who drafted WHO guidelines advising governments to stockpile drugs for swine flu had been paid by the pharmaceutical companies that would profit from the recommendations.15 WHO sought the opinion of an Emergency Committee from WHO’s International Health Regulations Review Committee.

The guidance of many of these leading experts benefited the pharmaceutical industry, but their identities were kept secret in order to “protect them from outside influences.”16 In 2010, a joint investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism revealed troubling conflicts of interest between key panel members and the pharmaceutical industry. According to the BMJ:17

“The investigation by the BMJ/The Bureau reveals a system struggling to manage the inherent conflict between the pharmaceutical industry, WHO, and the global public health system, which all draw on the same pool of scientific experts.

Our investigation has identified key scientists involved in WHO pandemic planning who had declarable interests, some of whom are or have been funded by pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were drafting.

Yet these interests have never been publicly disclosed by WHO and, despite repeated requests from the BMJ/The Bureau, WHO has failed to provide any details about whether such conflicts were declared by the relevant experts and what, if anything, was done about them.”

At the time, the late Paul Flynn, Labour MP, told The Guardian, “The tentacles of drug company influence are in all levels in the decision-making process … there has been distortion of priorities of public health services all over Europe, waste of huge sums of public money and provocation of unjustified fear.”18

In a similar example, a whistleblower lawsuit filed against drug maker Roche alleges the company made false claims and misrepresented studies, causing the U.S. government to stockpile $1.5 billion of its influenza medicine Tamiflu (oseltamivir).19

The lawsuit, which was unsealed in September 2019, alleges Roche duped the U.S. government into stockpiling Tamiflu while mispresenting its effectiveness. According to the Houston-based Lanier Law Firm, which filed the suit:20

“The lawsuit claims the drugmaker’s scheme involved publishing misleading articles falsely stating that Tamiflu reduces complications, severity, hospitalizations, mortality and transmission of influenza. The company then used those articles to aggressively market the drug to the government for pandemic use.”

Excessive Use of PPE Leads to Glut of Pandemic Waste

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, amassed during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to another problem — a massive volume of medical trash that’s straining waste management systems and the environment. The World Health Organization pointed to overuse of gloves and “moon suits” during the pandemic as instrumental in the glut of health care waste now being seen worldwide.21

According to WHO, 87,000 tons of PPE were accumulated from March 2020 to November 2021 in order to fight COVID-19. Most of it has gone to waste. The unprecedented injection campaign also created 143,000 tons of waste from syringes, needles and safety boxes, which pose a risk to people living in communities near poorly managed landfills and waste disposal sites.22

A WHO global analysis of health care waste due to COVID-19 also found that more than 140 million tests kits may generate 2,600 tons of noninfectious — mostly plastic — waste, while “731,000 liters of chemical waste (equivalent to one-third of an Olympic-size swimming pool) have been shipped.”23 In the U.K., nearly 5 billion PPE items, worth nearly $3.4 billion, will also be wasted because they’re no longer needed or aren’t suitable for use.24 The WHO analysis noted:25

“Today, 30% of healthcare facilities (60% in the least developed countries) are not equipped to handle existing waste loads, let alone the additional COVID-19 load.

This potentially exposes health workers to needle stick injuries, burns and pathogenic microorganisms, while also impacting communities living near poorly managed landfills and waste disposal sites through contaminated air from burning waste, poor water quality or disease carrying pests.”

Masks Are Stressing the Environment

WHO’s analysis paints a dire picture of the environmental havoc wreaked by the massive overuse of PPE during the pandemic, but it doesn’t even account for another major waste source — masks. According to Maggie Montgomery, technical officer for water, sanitation and health in the WHO Department of Environment:26

“In terms of the waste generated by the public, in particular masks. For example, in 2020, there were 4.5 trillion additional disposable masks thrown away by the public, which led to 6 million tons of additional waste. So, certainly, the public is generating the most. At the same time, we feel that the health sector has a really important role and there are many concrete things that can be done to reduce, unnecessary use of PPE.”

Montgomery said that waste in health care facilities increased by an average of three to four times during the COVID-19 pandemic, with some facilities seeing 10-fold increases.27 “We saw a lot of investments happening on the PPE side, on the vaccine side, on the testing side,” she said. “None of these investments were thinking, ‘How are we going to handle all the waste?’”28

COVID-19 pandemic waste — in the form of billions of dollars in unused shots and a massive volume of PPE and mask trash — is now something that the world will be grappling with for years, and possibly decades or more, to come.


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1, 2, 8 Daily Sceptic May 4, 2022

3, 6 The Washington Post August 18, 2020 Page heading, search results hl for the article

4 The New York Times March 25, 2020

5 The Washington Post April 9, 2020

7 AP News September 1, 2020

9 ABC News April 25, 2022

10 WISN March 14, 2022

11 ABC News September 30, 2005

12, 14, 16 Children’s Health Defense August 27, 2020

13 UK Parliament October 9, 2007

15, 18 The Guardian June 4, 2010

17 BMJ June 12, 2010

19 PR News Wire January 13, 2020

20 Halunen Law January 13, 2020

21, 22 Los Angeles Times February 1, 2022

23, 25 WHO February 1, 2022

24 BMJ 2022;376:o266

26 VOA February 1, 2022

27, 28 Sierra Club March 22, 2022

Featured image is from Mercola

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Greek Defence Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos said in April, and received much anger from the Greek public, that due to the war in Ukraine, “now is not the best time to speak against Turkey in NATO.” Less than two months later, on June 3, the defence minister said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan “always provokes tension whenever he feels threatened or faces problems at home.” This was said following the escalating Turkish claim that many of the Greek islands are indeed Turkish and need to be demilitarised.

“It is our capabilities that deter the other side from daring a military engagement, because they know the heavy cost that they would be forced to pay. Our armed forces are at all times vigilant, fully ready and decisive,” Panagiotopoulos added.

As Panagiotopoulos downplayed the permanent threat of Turkey (whether it be ruled by Erdoğan or a Kemalist), he effectively invited an escalation by announcing that Greece is more focussed on carrying out anti-Russia actions in Ukraine than prioritising the security of Greek territory and citizens.

By June 9, the defence minister changed his tune:

“We will not provide [to Ukraine] anti-aircraft missiles from our islands or anti-ship missiles, no matter how much they ask us to do so, because we face a real threat,” Panagiotopoulos said in reference to the threat Greece faces from Turkey in the Aegean that has now become a crisis but two months earlier he did not want to deal with.

On the same day, Erdoğan said he is “not joking” about his calls for Greece to demilitarise islands in the Aegean Sea, adding:

“I warn Greece to avoid dreams, acts and statements that will result in regret. Come to your senses.”

For his part, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on June 7 that Greece has an “inferiority complex”, has become “much more aggressive” and that “the sovereignty of the islands will be questioned if (Greece) does not end its violation.” At the same time, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar demanded that Greek officials get permission from Ankara before visiting the Aegean islands.

This barrage of assaults against Greece’s sovereignty over the Aegean Islands was of course preceded and followed by pro-Erdoğan media increasing propaganda that the Greek islands must be demilitarised as per the terms of the Treaty of Lausanne and/or that they are indeed Turkish islands instead.

CNN Türk hosted professor Hakan Bayrakçı, who outlined how Turkey can invade the Greek islands; former Turkish State Minister Masum Türker also appeared on CNN Türk to propose the idea of the Turkish Armed Forces carrying out “clearing operations” on Greek islands; and, Haber Turk hosted former army chief and professor Naim Babüroğlu to claim that Greece illegally occupies Turkish islands, among a plethora of other recent examples available in Turkish media.

Responding to this barrage of propaganda and revisionism on the status of the Aegean Islands, Athens on June 14 published 16 maps that seek to demonstrate and explain the illegal and revisionist nature of the Turkish assertions and actions concerning the Greek islands from 1973 until the present.

“In an effort to increase the wider public’s awareness of Turkish revisionism, the attached maps depict in a vivid and irrefutable way the Turkish illegal unilateral actions and claims,” a Greek foreign ministry announcement said.

The US State Department clarified in statements made on February 11 and June 2 that Greece’s sovereignty of these islands is beyond question, while the European Commission spokesman for external affairs Peter Stano said on June 10 that Turkey must respect the sovereignty of all EU member states “in their territorial waters and airspace.”

Panagiotopoulos revealed in February 2021 that Greece and Turkey had almost gone to war three times in the summer of 2020 due to the crisis with the Turkish Oruç Reis research vessel violating Greece’s territorial waters. Turkey’s aggression was quiet in the summer of 2021 as the country was in the midst of dealing with a COVID-19 pandemic and the consequential economic fallout.

This evidently gave Greece a false sense of security as the country downplayed any Turkish threat as it instead prioritised carrying out Washington’s demands against Russia. It is now appearing that summer 2022 will be another “hot” one, so-to-speak, as relations between Athens and Ankara continue to deteriorate.

Although the possibility of a Greek-Turkish war remains low despite Ankara’s massive escalation in rhetoric and revisionism, Erdoğan has proven to be an unpredictable leader, another reason why he continues to cause angst and frustration in NATO. Regardless, the words of Panagiotopoulos in April that “now is not the best time to speak against Turkey in NATO” will be one that hurts the ruling New Democracy party in Greece further as its popularity continues to decline according to polls following rising living costs and the violation of neutrality in the Ukraine war.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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Patrick Lyoya, 26, an African immigrant from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), was shot in the back of the head by patrolman Christopher Schurr on April 4.

This act of police violence was met with widespread shock and mass demonstrations demanding that Schurr be terminated from the Grand Rapids police department and charged with murder.

There was an announcement made on June 15 saying that Schurr had been fired from the Grand Rapid Police Department. This came less than a week after his indictment on second degree murder charges in the death of Lyoya.

Despite the national attention focusing on the killing of Lyoya, it would take more than two months for Schurr to be indicted for second degree murder. A Kent County judge presiding over the hearing set the $100,000 cash bond which was posted on June 10.

The defense attorney for Officer Schurr, Mark Dodge, stated that the policeman was justified in the firing of a single point-blank range shot into the back of the head of Lyoya. Schurr pleaded not guilty and was allowed to go home. Dodge argued that Schurr was not a flight risk and therefore should have been released pending the outcome of the trial.

Schurr was not charged for felony firearms violations since he is a police officer. Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker said that Schurr could not be charged with firearm felonies because of a previous Michigan Supreme Court decision, People v. Khoury. The ruling essentially absolves the police for crimes committed with their weapons even if it results in the death of civilians.

Nonetheless, many people who have watched the video of the incident feel very strongly that the shooting was clearly unjustified. Lyoya was attempting to flee the scene after a traffic stop. He was not armed and therefore posed no real threat to the officer or others in the vicinity.

After the shooting and the advent of antiracist demonstrations in Grand Rapids, Schurr was placed on paid administrative leave. He was subjected to a review by the police department to determine whether his actions warranted termination. His firing was a direct outcome of the international exposure related to the killing of Lyoya and the protests by people in Grand Rapids.

Several activists in Grand Rapids had requested that the case be turned over to Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel because the Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker was too close politically to the police department. It is very rare in the United States for white law-enforcement officers to be indicted in the killing of African Americans and other people of color.

Grand Rapids City Manager Mark Washington, who is African American, faced a demonstration outside his home just hours after Schurr was released on bail. The activists insisted that justice had not been carried out considering the severity of the crime committed against Lyoya.

An article published by WOOD Television in Grand Rapids quoted Washington as saying:

“These types of tactics and attempts to harass and intimidate will not be tolerated nor will bullying impact my judgement in carrying out my duties as City Manager. As was discussed during Thursday’s press conference, I suspended Officer Schurr without pay on Friday pending his termination hearing which is scheduled to take place this coming Thursday. I made that decision because I believe it was the right thing and not because of the obnoxious tactics of a handful of confrontational activists who tried to intimidate me and my family into action.”

National Pattern of Continuing and Escalating Police Violence

Yet the aggressive tactics utilized by the Grand Rapids police over the years has endangered the health and well-being of the community. This pattern is national where the police killings of civilians has not lessened since the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Hakim Littleton, among others since 2020.

So far in 2022, 243 people have reportedly been killed in interactions with the police. These figures are collected by media agencies and independent groups since law-enforcement routinely refuses to supply statistics on the number of people they injure or kill. (See this)

On municipal, state and national levels the funding for law-enforcement has actually increased despite the demands by various antiracists and other organizations calling for the defunding of the police. The current U.S. President Joe Biden reiterated during the State of the Union Address earlier in the year that his objective was not to defund the police. Quite to the contrary, the Biden administration has funneled more federal funding to police agencies by utilizing money allocated for COVID-19 pandemic relief.

These funds from the Cares Act and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) should be used exclusively to assist working families in their day-to-day struggles against inflation and the overall declining standard of living. The rise in domestic violence, street crime and other forms of illegal activities can be traced directly to the increasing uncertainty within the national economy. There is no scientific proof that the recruitment of police officers and the increase in their funding has any positive impact on reducing criminal activity. Even with the bolstering of law-enforcement agencies around the U.S., mass shootings are on the incline.

During 2021, there were 693 mass shootings in the U.S. These incidents are defined by four or more people being shot, indicating that 2021’s total is 13.4 percent higher than 2020. These mass shootings claimed 702 lives in 2021 with 2,844 people being injured.

Although mass shootings in 2021 in Boulder, Colorado, supermarket shooting; the metro Atlanta spa killings; and the San Jose transit shooting were given widespread attention by the press, most of the mass shootings disproportionately impact Black and Brown peoples and unfortunately are receiving relatively little attention from the corporate and governmental-controlled media outlets. For more information see The Trace website. (See this)

Police kill African Americans disproportionately (Source: Statista)

In 2022 so far, not even halfway through the entire year, approximately 250 mass shootings have occurred. The most noted and egregious involved the murder of 10 African Americans at a supermarket in Buffalo and the killing of 21 people, 19 of them being children, at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Another article on the Schurr case published by the Iosco County News Herald reports on the view of activists seeking justice for the Lyoya family:

“’He’s just been charged, not convicted,’ said LaDonna Norma, the co-founder of Together We Are Safe, a grassroots group that works to address issues around policing and housing in Grand Rapids. ‘It’s clear as day that the system is protecting this man, and they have from day one. If at any given time, he feels like his life is over, he can go out and go postal. And then I bet people would still protect him,’ said Norma.”

Defunding and Restructuring of Police Services Remain Imperative Demands

There is no way around the necessity of restructuring law-enforcement in the U.S. in light of the police killings of civilians and the proliferation of mass shootings. In the Uvalde case, police refused to take action against an active shooter even though there were numerous calls by children to the emergency first responders requesting immediate assistance.

US police killings far surpass those in other capitalist states (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Law-enforcement agencies are considered sacrosanct by the ruling class inside the U.S. where the gap between the wealthy and the working class is consistently increasing. African Americans have been targets of police violence since the earliest days of the colonial and antebellum periods of U.S. history when between 1619 and 1865, millions of people were subjected to chattel slavery and the forced removal from lands coveted by the Europeans.

After the conclusion of the Civil War (1861-1865), law-enforcement agencies were utilized in the institutionalization of Jim Crow segregation and the criminalization of successive generations of oppressed peoples. The ascendancy of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements during the post-World War II period witnessed the further militarization of the police through federal funding mechanisms such as the Law-Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) during the late 1960s.

Then there was the exponential growth within the prison system which increased the population of inmates by 500% since the 1980s. Those held in U.S. detention centers, jails and prisons are disproportionately Black and Brown peoples.

The demands for defunding of police are being made amid the worsening plight of growing numbers of African Americans, Latin Americans and other people of color communities suffering from rising costs for food, fuel, housing and other commodities. Consequently, a comprehensive social and political program is needed to link the problems of police violence with the overall necessity of transforming U.S. society into a just, equal and self-determined existence.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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“Rejection of Russian energy resources means that Europe will become the region with the highest energy costs in the world. This will seriously undermine the competitiveness of European industry which is already losing the competition to companies in other parts of the world…. Our Western colleagues seem to have forgotten the elementary laws of economics, or simply prefer to ignore them.” Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

On Tuesday, Russia announced a 40% reduction in the flow of natural gas to Germany through the Nord Stream pipeline. The announcement, that was made by Gazprom officials, sent tremors through the European gas market where prices quickly soared to new highs. In Germany—where prices have tripled in the last three months—the news was met with gasps of horror. With inflation already running at a 40-year high, this latest reduction in supply is certain to tip the German economy into recession or worse. All of Europe is now feeling the impact of Washington’s misguided sanctions on Russia. Here’s more from Oil Price website:

“Russia’s Gazprom said on Tuesday that it would limit natural gas supply via the Nord Stream pipeline to Germany by 40 percent compared to planned flows because of a delay in equipment repairs… The lower supply of gas via Nord Stream to the biggest European economy, Germany, sent Europe’s gas prices surging by double digits...

Russian gas deliveries to Europe… have already been down after Ukraine stopped last month flows from Russia to Europe at … one of the two transit points… thus supply was cut off for a third of the gas transiting Ukraine onto Europe.” (“Europe’s Gas Prices Surge 13% As Russia Reduces Nord Stream Flow“, Oil Price)

The United States and its European allies have imposed more sanctions on Russia than any country in history. But Tuesday’s announcement helps to illustrate who is actually suffering from the sanctions and who is not.

Russia is not suffering, in fact, Russia does not seem particularly perturbed at all. It has calmly brushed aside Washington’s attacks as one would whisk-away a fly at a family picnic. Even more surprising is the fact that the sanctions have strengthened the ruble, increased revenues from raw materials, sent Russia’s trade surplus into record territory, and pushed gas and oil profits into the stratosphere. By every objective standard, the sanctions appear to be benefiting Russia which, of course, is the opposite outcome that was expected.

Washington’s Economic Sanctions on Russia: Success or Failure?

  1. The Russian currency (the Ruble) has rallied to a five-year high.
  2. Russia’s commodities are raking in windfall profits
  3. Russia’s trade surplus is projected to hit a record high this year
  4. Russia’s oil and gas sales have risen sharply

There’s no evidence that Washington’s sanctions have achieved the objective of “weakening” Russia or damaging its economy. There is, however, considerable proof that the sanctions have backfired and inflicted a heavy toll on their supporters and their people. And while it’s hard to quantify how much damage has actually been done, we’ve tried to identify specific categories where the impact has been most dramatic. The sanctions have:

  1. Triggered a sharp rise in food and energy prices. (soaring inflation)
  2. Caused major disruptions in global supply-lines (Deglobalization)
  3. Greatly increased food shortages and the likelihood of famine
  4. Precipitated a severe slowdown in the global economy

So far, Russia has withstood these attacks patiently and without any retaliatory response. But we must assume that the sudden 40% reduction in gas flows to energy-dependent Germany is intended to send a message. Keep in mind, Nord Stream 2 was a massive multi-year, $10 billion project to which Russia was fully committed until Germany ‘pulled the rug out from under Putin’ at the eleventh hour. Germany proved that—when push comes to shove—Berlin will always march in lockstep with Washington rather than fulfill its business agreements or act in the interests of its own people. What Germany is discovering now, however, is that acting as Washington’s poodle comes at a very high price indeed. Here’s more from Reuters:

“Gazprom said on Tuesday it has curbed supplies via the Nord Stream 1 undersea pipeline to Germany to up to 100 million cubic metres (mcm) per day, down from 167 mcm, citing the delayed return of equipment that had been sent for repair….

Gazprom no longer exports gas westwards through Poland via the Yamal-Europe pipeline following Russian sanctions against EuRoPol Gaz, which owns the Polish section. Flows via Yamal-Europe continue eastwards from Germany to Poland.

“Due to the delayed return of gas compressor units from repair by Siemens … and technical engines’ malfunctions, only three gas compressor units can currently be used at the Portovaya compression station,” Gazprom said..

“Due to the sanctions imposed by Canada, it is currently impossible for Siemens Energy to deliver overhauled gas turbines to the customer. Against this background we have informed the Canadian and German governments and are working on a viable solution,” the company said.” (“Nord Stream gas capacity constrained as sanctions delay equipment“, Reuters)

Naturally, the media is going to point to a maintenance snafu as an excuse, but how credible is that? How often is supply of a vital resource cut by nearly half due to a compressor malfunction?

Not often. Russia is sending a simple but poignant message to Germany: “You made your bed, now sleep in it.” Russia’s reaction is perfectly normal after having been “stabbed you in the back.”

And, Germany’s travails are just beginning because it has no way to make up for the energy shortfall it will face in the near future; a shortfall that will precipitate rolling blackouts, freezing homes, and a relentless strangulation of its domestic industry. As the German government is discovering, there is no viable substitute for Russian hydrocarbons which is neither readily available nor does the quality fit Germany’s particular requirements. In other words, the US has led Germany down the primrose path believing that they could simply switch to other energy suppliers and everything would be just dandy. That is certainly not the case. As it happens, Germany and all of Europe are going to pay more for their energy than any region in the world which will severely undermine the EU’s competitiveness. This, in turn, will lead to a sharp decline in living standards as well as growing social unrest. Here’s more from the Wall Street Journal:

“For decades, European industry relied on Russia to supply low-cost oil and natural gas that kept the continent’s factories humming.

Now Europe’s industrial energy costs are soaring in the wake of Russia’s war on Ukraine, hobbling manufacturers’ ability to compete in the global marketplace. Factories are scrambling to find alternatives to Russian energy under threat that Moscow could abruptly turn off the gas spigot, bringing production to a halt.

Europe’s producers of chemicals, fertilizer, steel and other energy-intensive goods have come under pressure over the last eight months as tensions with Russia climbed ahead of the February invasion. Some producers are shutting down in the face of competition from factories in the U.S., the Middle East and other regions where energy costs are much lower than in Europe. Natural-gas prices are now nearly three times higher in Europe than in the U.S.” (“Some European Factories, Long Dependent on Cheap Russian Energy, Are Shutting Down; Industrial energy costs are soaring in the wake of Russia’s war on Ukraine, hobbling European manufacturers’ ability to compete globally”, Wall Street Journal)

The Wall Street Journal would like you to believe that Russia is responsible for Europe’s poor choices, but, it’s not true. Putin didn’t raise prices. Prices rose in response to the EU’s increased demand due to shortages brought on by the sanctions. How is that Putin’s fault?

It’s not. And the same goes for the EU officials who accused Putin of “blackmail”, a claim for which there was no basis whatsoever. When that accusation was made, the price of gas in the EU was one-third of its price today. Is that how blackmail works, by charging less than the market price?

Of course, not. It’s ridiculous. Europe was getting a great price on a scarce resource until they decided to take Uncle Sam’s bad advice and ruin it for themselves. Now they’re paying through the nose, and they can only blame themselves.

Did you know that EU leaders are already making plans to ration energy this winter?

It’s true. Europe has agreed to become another basket-case US lapdog in order to faithfully execute Washington’s ambitious global strategy. Here’s the story:

“Europe could be forced to start rationing energy this winter, starting with industrial uses of natural gas, especially if the winter is cold and China’s economy rebounds, the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Fatih Birol, told the Financial Times in an interview.

“If we have a harsh winter and a long winter  . . . I wouldn’t exclude the rationing of natural gas in Europe, starting from the large industry facilities,” Birol told FT.

The world faces a “much bigger” energy crisis than the one of the 1970s, Birol told German daily Der Spiegel last month.

“Back then it was just about oil,” Birol told the news outlet. “Now we have an oil crisis, a gas crisis and an electricity crisis simultaneously,” said the head of the international agency created after the 1970s shock of the Arab oil embargo.” (“IEA: Europe Could See Energy Rationing This Winter“, Oil Price)

She’s wrong, isn’t she? We don’t have “an oil, gas and electricity crisis”. What we have is a political crisis. All of these shortages can be easily traced back to the foolish choices that were made by incompetent politicians doing the bidding of neocon fantasists who think they can turn the clock back to the heyday of American global primacy. But those days are over, and everyone seems to know they’re over except the insulated group of self-deluded fanatics at the Washington think tanks and their political spawn at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bottom line: We all would have been much better off listening to Kissinger who advised his pals at the World Economic Forum (WEF) to wrap up the Ukrainian war pronto before Russia made changes that could not be reversed. Unfortunately, Kissinger’s appeal fell on deaf ears and Putin has already started redirecting his energy flows eastward. Check out this eyepopping excerpt from an article at

“The biggest reshuffle of oil trade flows since the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s is underway—and things may never return to normal. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions on Russian oil exports are changing global oil trade routes. Over the past nearly five decades, oil flowed more or less freely from any supplier to any customer in the world…

This free energy trade is now over, after …. the Western sanctions that followed, plus Europe’s irreversible decision to cut off its dependence on Russian energy at any cost…

By the end of this year, Europe expects to have effectively banned 90% of all its imports of Russian oil before the war… For oil going to Europe, crude from the Middle East will now travel longer distances to European ports compared to the shorter routes to India and China…

For Europe, the choice of oil supply is now political, and it will be willing to pay a premium to procure non-Russian oil. This will tighten supply options and continue to support elevated oil prices for months to come.

Commenting on the EU’s embargo on Russian seaborne oil imports, Fitch Ratings said last week:

“This ban will have a significant impact on global oil trade flows, with about 30% of EU’s imports needing replacement from other regions, including the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and the UAE have sustained production spare capacity of about 2MMbpd and 1MMbpd, respectively), Africa and the US.” (“The Biggest Reshuffle Of Oil Flows Since The 1970s”, Oil Price)

What does it mean?

It means that inflation will continue to rise as Russia’s prodigious crude supplies are redirected eastward. It means that Washington has abandoned its 30 year-long ‘pet project’, Globalization, and splintered the world into rival blocs. It means that the dollar, the bond market, the western financial system and the so-called “rules-based order”—all of which are inseparably linked to economic growth that depends almost-entirely on the availability of cheap energy—will begin to creak-and-groan beneath the weight of feather-headed policy decisions that have brought certain ruin to the nations of the west and their people.

We’re going to pay a heavy price for Washington suicidal power-grab.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Close military ties between Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) and India have been going on ever since the British colonialist occupiers were driven out and modern-day India was established in 1947. With the possible exception of the US and Israel, there are very few examples of such a high level of strategic military cooperation between two countries. Unlike the colonialist powers of the political West, Russia never looked down on India and treated the Asian giant as an equal.

Just how much of a prominent strategic partner India is for Russia is seen in the fact that the Eurasian powerhouse is often accused of providing India with the necessary know-how to produce nuclear weapons. Even if not true and although it’s highly unlikely Russia and India would ever openly talk about such a sensitive topic, there are still dozens of other examples of critically important Soviet and Russian military technology transfers without which it is virtually impossible to imagine India’s standing as a great power of our time.

Initially, in the immediate aftermath of its declaration of independence, India was reliant on the political West, almost solely on the UK, for weapons procurement. The country was never properly industrialized during British colonial rule, resulting in a rather dangerous dependence on importing arms from the increasingly pro-Pakistani West. Luckily, this dependence waned thanks to Russia, as India started importing most of its weapons from the then Soviet Union by the late 1960s. This made Russia the Asian giant’s largest defense partner, a state of affairs prevalent to this very day. In terms of both basic and sophisticated weapons systems, Russia has provided some of the most sensitive and important weapons platforms that India has required from time to time, including advanced assault rifles, tanks, rocket artillery, fighter jets, advanced missiles, and even nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers.

India’s armored and mechanized fleet is almost entirely Russian-made, except for two regiments of the indigenous Arjun tanks. Numerous variants of T-72/T-90 tanks and modifications of BMP APC/IFV vehicles are all either Russian-made or Russian-designed. The same goes for India’s main rocket systems, BM-30 “Smerch” and BM-21 “Grad”. Not to mention small arms, where Russia has been dominant for decades. With India’s well-meaning, yet unfortunately troubled INSAS rifle being slowly phased out, India and Russia have also signed an agreement to jointly manufacture AK-203 (highly updated version of Russia’s timeless AK-47) rifles in India.

In addition to nearly all of its naval missiles being of Russian origin, India’s Navy also operates numerous Russian-made ships, especially missile corvettes and destroyers. The Rajput-class destroyers are modified Kashin-class destroyers made during the Soviet era, while Russia’s Yantar Shipyard launched the advanced Talwar-class frigates in 2021. India continues to operate 8 advanced Kilo-class submarines procured from Russia, which form the bulk of India’s conventional submarine fleet. Also, the only Indian Navy fighters are 45 MiG-29Ks, which are operated from its sole aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya, also of Russian origin. India also operates the Russian Kamov anti-submarine warfare helicopters. For years, the Asian giant has been leasing the Chakra series of Russian nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs) to train crews for India’s own fleet of ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs).

While the Indian Air Force (IAF) acquired a number of French and Israeli systems, the majority of its equipment, including fighters and missiles, is still of Russian origin. This includes the Sukhoi Su-30 MKI fighter jets, the heaviest in IAF, which constitute nearly half of its (14 of 30) squadrons. There are also the MiG-29UPG and MiG-21 fighters, the IL-76 heavy-lift aircraft and IL-78 tankers. India has also converted two IL-76s into AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control Systems) platforms.

Naturally, such a high percentage of Russian jets also means IAF operates numerous Russian missiles, including the R-77, R-37 and R-73 air-to-air missiles, the Kh-59, Kh-35 and Kh-31 air-to-surface missiles, along with the KAB series of laser-guided bombs. The IAF also operates Russian-made Mi-17 multirole, Mi-35 attack and Mi-26 heavy-lift helicopters. IAF also operates the now legendary S-400, deliveries of which began in December last year, in addition to numerous other Russian-origin air defense systems.

According to various estimates, Russian-based systems make up around 85% of India’s massive military. Although India has started diversifying its weapons procurement, Russia is still at the forefront. This cooperation also includes hypersonic technologies. Namely, the BrahMos Aerospace, an Indo-Russian missile-producing joint venture, has now started intensive testing of the highly anticipated BrahMos II hypersonic missile.

At Mach 6, the missile is set to be at least twice as fast as the previous BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. Even though the missile is officially projected to have a range of 600 km, experts suggest that the BrahMos II will reach Mach 8 and a range of 1000 km. Mostly based on Russia’s Zircon hypersonic missile, the world’s first successful scramjet-powered (supersonic combustion ramjet) missile, BrahMos II is expected to give India an unrivaled capability, not just in the Global South, but even in comparison to the political West, where prominent US generals now admit Russia is far ahead in hypersonic technologies.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Not only does France provide Ukraine with Caesar guns that it uses to bomb civilians in Donbass, but we learn via Ukrainian documents, which were hacked and published at the end of May 2022, that it also provided it with OGR F1 cluster munitions, prohibited by international treaties signed by Paris, and which the country announced as destroyed several years ago! Clearly, not only is France complicit in the Ukrainian army’s war crimes in the Donbass, but it is also supplying it with shells that will cause a real bloodbath among civilians, in violation of its international commitments.

In 2008, the Oslo Convention on Cluster Munitions was adopted. This is an international treaty that totally prohibits the use, production, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions, and provides for their outright destruction. France signed and then ratified this convention in 2009, and was therefore obliged to destroy the stocks of cluster munitions it possessed and not to transfer them to other countries!

At the end of 2015, France reported that it had destroyed 12,963 155mm OGR-type shells, each containing 63 submunitions, and had only three left!

Five years later, in June 2020, France officially announced that it had completely destroyed its stockpiles of cluster munitions.

Problem: official Ukrainian documents obtained by hackers concerning Western arms deliveries to Ukraine, which were published on 20 May 2022, via the Telegram channel Joker DNR (a channel that has reliable information often obtained by hacking), indicate that France supplied 155mm OGR F1 shells to Kiev! The famous cluster munitions that France is supposed to have totally destroyed, and that it is forbidden to transfer to third countries!


So not only has France supplied Ukraine with Caesar self-propelled guns, which Kiev has been using to massacre civilians in Donetsk, Gorlovka, Makeyevka and Yassinovataya for several days, but it has also supplied it, in violation of the Oslo Convention, with banned cluster munitions, which it is supposed to have destroyed, and which will cause a veritable bloodbath in the cities of Donbass.

Indeed, these 155mm cluster munitions do not explode on the ground, but in the air, dropping their 63 submunitions which then explode over a large area, killing everything in sight! Worse, the Ukrainian army uses detonators that explode at higher altitudes, further increasing the projection area of the submunitions, and thus the number of potential civilian casualties.

Clearly, Ukraine is deliberately trying to kill as many civilians as possible in the cities of Donbass and France is helping it in its genocidal operation, by providing not only the guns, but also the banned, extremely deadly cluster munitions that it is supposed to have destroyed! This makes France a willing accomplice to Ukraine’s war crimes!


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Featured image is from Donbass Insider

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During the Cold War, the U.S. government invoked the pretext of Russian interference to justify a range of crimes, including the assassination of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, the overthrow of Pan-Africanist hero Kwame Nkrumah, the arrest of Nelson Mandela and intervention in the Angolan civil war.

Just when we thought that that era had passed, the House of Representatives on April 27 passed the “Countering Malign Russian Influence Activities in Africa” Act by a 415-9 vote.

The bill in part would direct the U.S. Secretary of State, using “detailed intelligence,” to identify in Africa “local actors complicit in Russian activities.”

The U.S. in turn may very well seek to punish those actors through economic sanctions or even regime change. “Russian aggression” is generally being invoked to justify greater U.S. intervention in Africa, including the expansion of the Africa Command (AFRICOM) and U.S. military base network across the continent.

Anti-war activists raise alarm over United States' fast-growing military presence across Africa - Tehran Times


Exceptional Show of Bipartisan Support

The Nay votes for the “Countering Malign Russian Influence Activities in Africa” Act all came from Republicans. Supposed progressive stalwarts like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Barbara Lee, Ro Khanna and members of the “Squad” all voted Yea.

The main sponsor of the bill, Gregory Meeks (D-NY), is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

After passage of the bill, he voiced his pride in the “exceptional show of bipartisan support,”which he said “demonstrated how Putin’s war in Ukraine, and the Kremlin’s corrupt and illicit activities in Africa to fund war and other exploits have worked to unify Congress and the international community.”

Meeks continued:

“As we continue to apply pressure on Putin and his agents for carrying out war crimes throughout this unjustifiable war of aggression, we cannot forget that the Russian Federation will continue to seek avenues through which it can pilfer, manipulate, and exploit resources in parts of Africa to evade sanctions and undermine U.S. interests.”

Map warns of growing Russian influence in Africa—shades of the Cold War. [Source:]

“The United States not only stands with the people of Ukraine, but with all innocent people who have been victimized by Putin’s mercenaries and agents credibly accused of gross violations of human rights in Africa, including in the Central African Republic and Mali. This bill enlists the resources of the State Department and other federal agencies to examine the Russian Federation’s malign activities in Africa and hold those complicit in these activities to account. The United States will not sit by and watch Putin’s war machine attempt to gain strength to the detriment of fragile states in Africa and elsewhere.”

While the Russians have been involved in some shady operations, many African countries have had long-standing positive ties to Russia and benefitted from its support for African liberation movements during the Cold War—in contrast to the U.S.—including in South Africa.

Meeks’s comments mostly offer a form of projection in that they accuse Russia of trying to exploit Africa’s resources when this is clearly something that the U.S. has done far more extensively and for a much longer period than Russia.

AFRICOM founder Vice Admiral Robert Moeller admitted that one of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)’s guiding principles was “protecting the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market.”

The “Countering Malign Russian Influence Activities in Africa” Act will be used to justify flagrant infringements on the sovereignty of African countries. It attempts to use the Russian bogeyman—like in the Cold War era—as a pretext for neocolonial expansion.

The rhetoric surrounding the bill fits with the larger demonization of Vladimir Putin and Russia, which is a desperate ploy by the U.S. ruling elite to try to mobilize the public against a foreign enemy at a time of growing economic crisis and threatening civil discontent.


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Richard Dunn is a retired construction professional, trained in Architecture and Energy Management. He’s been a social justice activist since 1968 and was particularly active with the Walter Rodney defense demonstrations. Richard is an author, a contributing columnist to newspapers, an editor for a music industry magazine and operates a social justice website. Richard can be reached at: [email protected].

Featured image: Gregory Meeks [Source:]

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동아시아는가장노련한외교관중한명인  조바이든 미국대통령의외교를목격할기회를가졌습니다. 그는 5 20일부터 524일까지 5일동안한국과일본을방문했습니다.

세계는미국의이익만을추구하지않는진정한전문외교를기대하고있었습니다세계는파트너국가, 특히일본과한국의이익도증진하는외교를기대했습니다

그러나많은 사람들에게 실망을 안겨준 바이든은 전쟁을 조장하CIA, 국가안보위웡회(NSC), 국무부가 결정한 워싱턴의 오래된 외교정책을 반복하고 있었습니다.


이논문은바이든의동아시아방문의두가지결과,즉지역안보위험의강화와중국에대한대리전 수행을 요청받을 국가의 모집에 대해논의한다.


바이든의대북정책, 한미일 3자군사동맹,바이든의대만-중전쟁가능성에대한 미국의군사개입선언 등으로 인해 지역안보리스크가커졌다.

바이든의 대북정책은전혀새로운것이없었다.

그대신그는남북긴장을더욱고조시킬두가지약속을했다. 무력충돌을일으킬수도있다.

첫째, 그는윤석열 새보수정부의 전략핵무기등전략군사자산의배치를약속해국군의타격력을강화해달라는요청을받아들였다.

둘째, 바이든은워싱턴이가장좋아하는핵수사를반복했다.





이제한미일 3국군사동맹(JKUS 군사동맹)은사실상 한일군사동맹을의미한다.

한국과미국의군사관계는군사동맹이상이다. 전쟁시워싱턴이한국군대를지휘할수있기때문이다. 사실, 미국이전작권(한국과관련된전쟁에서한국군을지휘할수있는워싱턴의권리)이있는한한국은미군의일부이다.



왜냐하면그들은아시아,특히한국을다시지배하려는일본의야심이여전히살아있다는것을알기때문이다 . 특히북한의경우이러한군사동맹은북한에대한공격에일본군의참여로이어질수있다.

북한은이미거세게반발하고있다. 최근에는 4발의미사일을포함해 13발의미사일을동시에발사해동시에여러목표물을타격할수있음을보여줬다. 이미사일은한국과일본을위협하는단거리또는중거리미사일이다.

반북친일을대표하는윤후보의대통령당선과전쟁을조장하는워싱턴체제와일본의메이지시대영광을되찾으려는일본의야망이결합된남한의보수파는북한을위협하기에충분 하다는데는의심의여지가없다 .

2022년 2월대한민국선거이러한상황에서북한은러-중연합군에합류하여세계적 ‘동서총격전’을벌이게되어더이상통일이되지않을수있다. 대한민국은죽음을맞이할것입니다. 윤씨는대한민국의최악의배신자로남을것이다.



세계는미국이 3개의공동성명(1972, 1979, 1982)과대만관계법(1979)을통해하나의중국정책을인정했다는것을알고있습니다. 사실, 바이든은불과몇달전에하나의중국정책을인정했다.

그러나워싱턴은 AIT(미국대만연구소)의정책을통해수십년동안하나의중국원칙을위반해왔다. 1982년중국과의협정(도널드레이건의 6대보증)에따라미국은대만에 ‘방어무기’만제공할수있다. 그런데방어무기같은게있는지궁금하다. 수십년동안워싱턴은수십억달러상당의무기를쏟아부었습니다. 트럼프는대만에매년40억달러를주었다. 이모든무기가방어용이라고믿을수있습니까?

어떻게보면 미국의모순적인대만정책은대만이사실상중국을정면으로위협하고있는미국의고정항공모함이라는점에서이해할수있다.

미국이대만을잃으면동아시아지역의이익이심각하게훼손될것이라고한다. 이것은최악의제국주의적태도이다. 한나라가외국주권국가를무장시켜어떻게자신의이익을주장할수있습니까?



중국이대만에개입할수있는 5가지조건이있다.

  • 대만의독립선언,
  • 대만내란,
  • 대만의외국과의군사동맹,
  • 대만의전략핵무기등대량살상무기(WMD) 확보
  • 1992년하나의중국원칙에대한타이베이베이징합의위반 .



일본은미국의도움으로중국을꺾고다시한번아시아의지배자가되는것이 아베신조 전총리가이끄는신메이지유신그룹(NMRG)의꿈이기때문에미국의그러한요청을기꺼이수용할것입니다.  .



한일군사동맹은대리인모집을목적으로한다. 앞서지적한바와같이미국이북한을공격하기로결정한다면한국군과일본군은워싱턴의패권과일본의한국재패를위해싸울가능성이높다.

바이든에게더중요한것은미국이후원하는대만-중전쟁에서중국군과싸울군인을모집하는것입니다. 같은한국군과일본군이워싱턴을대신해총격을가할예정이다. 워싱턴이슈팅경기에참여하지않을가능성이있습니다. 그것은단지우크라이나-러시아전쟁에서하는것처럼더많은무기를제공할것이다.

워싱턴이시작한이위험한동아시아안보역학의한가지당혹스러운측면은 윤이이끄는친일보수한국정부의안보전략인하라키리이다.

한국이대북공격에참여하는것은긍정적인결과를가져오지않을것입니다. 실제로수백만명의한국인이목숨을잃고경제가파탄에이를수있다.

더욱이, 이대북공격에일본군의참여는한국땅에일본군의영구적인주둔으로끝날수있으며, 심지어 1910년한일병합이라는위험한드라마도반복될수있습니다. 친일보수조선인들이 1910년에그들의조상들이그랬던것처럼그것을지지할가능성이있다.

이것은터무니없게들릴수있습니다. 그러나한가지를잊지마십시오. 친일동포의핵심은일제강점기정부와공조한조선엘리트의후예와 부를보호하기위해귀국하지않고신분을숨기기위해한국식이름을채택한일본인들로구성된다. 솔직히 이그룹은한국인보다일본인에가깝다.


한국수출의약 4분의 1이중국으로간다. 몇년전서울근처에 THAAD가배치되면한국은관광수입손실, 중국에서 “한국제품금지” 캠페인, 중국에서한국기업의강제폐쇄및기타형태의보복으로인해큰대가를치르게되었습니다. . 미국은그러한막대한손실을보상할수도없고보상하지도않을것이다.

한국이중미패권대결에서살아남는유일한현명한방법은미중과중립을지키고우호적인관계를유지하는것입니다. 문재인이 그랬다 .  윤은 Moon이성취한것을날려버렸습니다. 이것은참으로비극적이다.

문재인의자유주의정부는두강대국과합리적으로좋은관계를유지할수있었다. 세계 10대경제대국이자 6대군사강국인한국은중국, 워싱턴과한국에유리하게협상할수있다.

이제일본에관해서는아베신조(安倍晋三) 전총리가이끄는일본제국주의보수주의자들이 대만-중국전쟁에참전한것을기뻐하고있다. 아베와그의친구들에게대만-중국전쟁은신이내린선물일수있다.

아베그룹은1945년이전일본의위력과영광을회복하려는꿈을가지고있음을기억하십시오. 이그룹은1945년일본의항복을부인합니다. 그것은도쿄전쟁형사재판소를받아들이지않습니다. 세계의예정된지배자가되는환상을가지고있다.

일본이그꿈을이루기위해서는중국을멸망시켜야한다. 일본이중국을무너뜨리기위해서는이른바자위대만이아닌정규군이필요하다. 이를위해일본은 1948년평화헌법, 특히논란이되고있는 9조를수정해야한다. 그러나아베의꿈이실현되기위해서는바이든의지지가필요하다.

바이든은일본이히로시마나가사키원폭투하를잊지않고있다는위험성을알고있다. 미국인들은진주만학살을기억합니다. 바이든이일본이너무강해지는것을원하지않을가능성이높다.


바이든의대만중전쟁개입선언은일본군을미국을대신해싸우는대리군으로모집하기위한것이었다. 한국군도마찬가지다.

바이든에게일본군은중국과싸울수있는최고의군인이다. 중국으로하여금센카쿠/댜오위다오또는대만을공격하도록강요하기위해일본은전쟁으로이어지는사건을도발할수있습니다. 사실일본은잘한다.

193년일제의만주침공으로이어진만주묵덴사건과1937년중국과의전면전을촉발한마르코폴로교사건은일본군이준비한위조사건때문에시작되었다.요컨대, 바이든은대만



바이든전부통령은한국과일본이라는두군사강대국의모집외에도 인도태평양경제프레임워크(IPEF)를통해 13개국으로구성된또다른중국봉쇄조직을만드는데성공했다.

아세안 7개국(싱가포르, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 태국, 필리핀, 베트남, 브루나이)과미국, 인도, 일본, 한국, 호주, 뉴질랜드로구성되어있다.

2022년 5월 23일기시다후미오일본총리, 조바이든대통령, 나렌드라모디인도총리, 번영을위한인도-태평양경제프레임워크, 2022년 5월 23일(AP /Evan Vucci감사)

이새로운조직의목적은중국을견제하는것입니다 . IPEF는생산사슬의재편성, 재생에너지, 무역및부패퇴치를포함한 4가지지역협력영역을제공합니다. 그러나궁극적인역할은상품, 아이디어및서비스의교환, 특히기술교환의제한으로강화된중국을억제하는것이다.


일본은한국의치어리더로서리더십역할을할수있는기회를제공할것이기때문에 IPEF의일원이된것을매우기쁘게생각한다.

삼성과현대가미국에270억달러투자를보증한것은바이든에게큰이득이다. 그리고이러한투자는전기자동차와반도체분야에서미국의경쟁력을강화할것입니다. 그들은미국의중국봉쇄정책중국의일부가될것이다.

인도 태평양경제포럼(IPEF) 은사실상반중국전략의실효성을강화하기위한추가적인중국봉쇄정책이다. 지금까지이전전략은효과적이지않았다.




TPP는무역촉진과중국봉쇄라는두가지상반된목표를가지고 있었기때문에아무성과도거두지못했다.



중국과의무역손실이TPP회원국과의무역이익보다클수있습니다. 따라서워싱턴이적자를보상하지않는한회원국에게는적자다.

문제는”워싱턴이감당할수있습니까?”입니다. 트럼프가왜탈퇴하기로결정했는지궁금하지않았다.

TPP는이제 TPP-11( 호주, 브루나이, 캐나다, 칠레, 일본, 말레이시아, 멕시코, 뉴질랜드, 페루, 싱가포르및베트남을포함한 11개국의환태평양경제동반자협정에대한포괄적이고점진적인협정) 으로도알려진CPTPP가되었습니다 . 무역이상의것같습니다. 그러나일본이주도하는정도까지는일본이여전히아시아를지배하려는야심을품고있기때문에중국견제무기가될수있다.

독점적인 “Anglo-American-Ozzie”AUKUS군사동맹

군사동맹으로서 AUKUS의효과는아직입증되지않았습니다. 호주의새총리는호주-중국관계에대해다른생각을가질수있습니다. 호주의신임외무장관인 PennyWong 은친중파로알려져있고그녀의상사인 AnthonyAlbanese 호주총리는중국정책에대해보다부드러운접근을제안했다.

출처: 파이낸셜익스프레스


Quad 의효율성은 중국과의전쟁에서인도가어떻게반응하는지에달려있습니다. 인도는인도가중국과좋은관계를유지하고있는 BRICS, SOC, RCEP와같은여러다국적조직에속해있다.

나렌드라모디인도총리, 조바이든미국대통령, 키시다후미오일본총리, 앤서니알바네즈호주총리, 5월 24일도쿄에서 4차정상회담.

인도는장기적으로워싱턴의안보보장을확신하지못합니다. 인도는AUKUS에서제외되어실망했습니다. 인도는중국의보복을두려워하고있다. 이러한모든이유로Quad에서인도의회원자격은일본만큼강력하지않은것같다.

IPEF는중국을견제하려는바이든의아이디어입니다. 이것은 TPP를대체하며중국을파괴하려는숨겨진목표와함께무역지향적이어야합니다. 따라서 TPP와동일한딜레마를갖는다. 그목적이무역이든중국견제이든성공확률은낮습니다. 모든회원국이무역과투자를위해중국에크게의존하고있음을기억하십시오. 

급속한인플레이션: 미국의경제및사회위기


질주할수있는인플레이션, 거리살인의심화, 사회기반시설의쇠퇴, 기아로고통받는사람들의증가, 노숙자와실직자들로붐비는도시거리, 수백만명의사람들이의료서비스를받지못하게하는치솟는의료비용및증가하는학교어린이수추한소득불평등으로인해굶주리는사람들은모두 Pax Americana가감소하고있다는신호다.


어떤사람들은외교의위대한전문가인바이든이아시아순방을통해많은보상을얻었다고말할지모릅니다. 나는그런칭찬을나누지않는다.

나는그가 몰락하는제국의외교라고할수있는것을보여주었다고생각합니다.

세계를지배하는세가지방법은경제적지배,사상적지배,군사적지배입니다. 그러나군사적지배는경제적지배와이념적뒷받침없이는무력하다.

미국의글로벌하라키리“. 몰락하는제국의외교




바이든은강력한경제적지원과이념적뒷받침없이군사적지배에의존하고있다. 이것은제국이무너지는증상입니다.




독자참고사항: 위또는아래의공유버튼을클릭하십시오. 인스타그램, 트위터, 페이스북에서팔로우하세요. 자유롭게글로벌리서치기사를다시게시하고널리공유하십시오.

Joseph H. Chung 은경제학교수이자몬트리올퀘벡대학교(UQAM) 통합및세계화연구센터(CIEM)의회원입니다

그는 세계화연구센터(CRG)의연구원입니다 .

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A failed Summit of the Americas convened by the United States administration of President Joe Biden further revealed the waning geopolitical authority of Washington and Wall Street.

This event held between June 7-10, was boycotted by many governmental leaders from Central and South America along with the Caribbean due to the deliberate exclusion by the Biden administration of the Republic of Cuba, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Even leaders in the region which have maintained close ties with the U.S. refused to attend. There was an immediate outcry from governmental and mass organizations demanding that those invited should not attend on principle.

The confab was the first of its kind held in the U.S. since 1994 when President Bill Clinton was in office. Obviously, the governments and civil society groupings realized that the aim of the meeting was to reassert Washington’s imperialist role throughout the entire Western Hemisphere.

Over the last two decades, the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation have enhanced their diplomatic and economic relations with Southern Hemispheric states and peoples. During this time period, the volume of trade and direct aid from Washington has declined significantly amid revolutionary upheavals throughout South America and the Caribbean which have been largely carried out through mass demonstrations, general strikes and left-wing oriented electoral campaigns.

Under the previous administration of President Donald Trump, the attitude towards the Southern Hemisphere was one of open contempt and attempted intimidation. However, the Biden presidency has largely maintained the same foreign policies imposed by Trump.

Even the right-wing government of Brazil under President Jair Bolsonaro had to be coerced into making an appearance at the summit in Los Angeles. Accounts from corporate media sources indicate that Bolsonaro, who was supported by Trump and adopted several of his policy recommendations related to race relations, the environment, women and gender affairs, had initially said he was not interested in attending. There were statements by the Brazilian president questioning the legitimacy of the Biden administration.

Time magazine, a longtime mainstream publication which is widely circulated in the U.S., clearly described the Los Angeles summit as a failure for the Biden administration. Citing the rapid and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 and the ineffective war policies towards Russia as it pertains to the Ukraine conflict, has significantly reduced the weight of U.S. influence throughout Latin America, the Caribbean and other parts of the world.

Eloise Barry writes in the Time article that:

“Trade between China and the Caribbean and Latin America has increased from $18 billion in 2002 to nearly $449 billion in 2021, making it the top trading partner of Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay. China has upped arms sales and engaged 21 countries in the region in its Belt and Road Initiative, a key tenet of Beijing’s foreign policy that uses infrastructure and investment programs to promote economic integration and boost its diplomatic clout.”

The Biden administration and others prior to this time period, have designated China as a main strategic competitor. While the U.S. under successive regimes have engaged in imposing sanctions, destabilization programs, proxy wars, aerial bombardments and ground invasions into countries from the former Yugoslavia, to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Iran, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Bolivia, the Russian Federation, among others, China has been utilizing its national wealth in eliminating poverty and establishing partnerships within various geopolitical regions.

Coinciding with the hostile foreign policy of Washington and Wall Street, the U.S. domestically has continued to super exploit and marginalize the workers and oppressed peoples. The repressive apparatus of the state has intensified with the militarization of the police and the vast growth in the prison-industrial-complex. The dislocation and social turmoil created by Washington in the wake of their interventions has exposed the actual character of the ruling class.

Politico, whose assessment of the summit was not as grim as that of Time, spoke to the contradictions prevalent in the city of Los Angeles. Christopher Cadelago and Jonathan Lemire observed:

“Outside, however, the unmistakable smell of urine wafted through the warm night air. The deteriorating condition of downtown Los Angeles — where rows of tents housing the homeless lined the street—didn’t go unnoticed by the foreign dignitaries. Nor did the 7-Eleven where store clerks keep the door locked during operating hours because they’ve been robbed so often.”

These social conditions undoubtedly made an impression on the delegates. Neither the Democrats or Republicans have put forward policies to curb inflation, the decline of real wages and the worsening violence exemplified by racist attacks and mass shootings on a daily basis.

Caribbean Leaders Address the Peoples of the Americas

A Summit of the Peoples took place in Los Angeles as an alternative to the Biden administration’s attempt to make inroads against China and Russia on the international scene. President Miguel Diaz-Canel sent a message to the gathering saying that although Cuba was not present in Los Angeles, their voices were being heard.

Peoples Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

The Cuban leader said in a written address:

“Wherever peoples are struggling, Cuba will be there.  And wherever Cuba is, peoples will be struggling. The struggle that we are sharing today dates back centuries, at the cost of the blood of some of the best sons and daughters of the Greater Homeland.  That struggle is waged against the powerful neighbor’s re-colonizing attempts of our American nations. It is waged against the spirit of the Monroe Doctrine that continues to guide the U.S. and its political approach to our region. It is waged against the imperial policies of sanctions and penalties for countries that will not yield to such designs.  It is waged against the U.S. politicians’ aspirations to become gendarmes and supreme judges, determined to establish who should be our leaders and even our civil society.”

Image on the right: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

The heads-of-state of important countries in the region such as Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and St. Vincent and the Grenadines refused to attend despite the pressure from Washington. Some, like Mexico, sent their foreign minister. The Prime Minister of St. Vincent, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, maintained his refusal to attend the summit in Los Angeles.

Gonsalves said over the national radio network:

“I’m not going because I don’t see what is to be gained from going. And as presently advised, as I say, I’m not supporting or sending anybody. Because if you invite me to come to your house and I say, as a matter of principle I ain’t coming because you shouldn’t be excluding people, how could I then send somebody else.”

The St. Vincentian prime minister circulated letters along with mass organizations throughout the regions in an attempt to persuade Caribbean states from attending. Although the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) had indicated they would not attend unless the Biden administration shifted its policy, Gonsalves indicated:

“That some leaders will attend while others will stay away or send lower-level delegations…. [W]hy are we fighting these 20th century battles and conflicts in this third decade of the 21st century? Our American friends are wrong on this.”

In another speech to the civil society organizations of Cuba, which were also excluded from the Ninth Hemispheric Summit in Los Angeles, President Diaz-Canel emphasized:

“The philosophical dogma that has always accompanied that insatiable ambition is the so-called Manifest Destiny, a deeply rooted racist and supremacist belief whose leading concept relies on the interventionist and unacceptable Monroe Doctrine. Without renouncing any of these two concepts, the U.S. Government convened the Ninth Hemispheric Summit in the city of Los Angeles, with discriminatory attendance and insufficient regional representation. In the case of Cuba, the exclusion was not only against the government, but also against the representatives of the civil society and social actors, including our youths.  The United States is no longer satisfied with deciding who and how should be the Cuban government.  Now they attempt to determine who the representatives of the civil society are, who are the legitimate social actors and who are not. Allow me to revisit history, for it usually hides so many lessons…. That Conference failed and it is affirmed that the Cuban decisively contributed to that….”

These developments should serve as a wake-up call to the oppressed nations and peoples of the world that the trajectory of U.S. imperialist policy has not changed under the current administration in Washington. Progressive and revolutionary states in alliance with popular organizations of the workers and oppressed must unite in order to resist the incessant political and economic pressures still being exerted by the U.S.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel speaking (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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Terrified of Freedom: Why Most Human Beings Are Embracing the Global Elite’s Technotyranny

By Robert J. Burrowes, June 15, 2022

In early 2020, the Global Elite launched its long-planned “depopulation agenda” . A primary intended outcome of this agenda was to enable the Elite to own and completely control use of the Earth’s remaining resources.

Prof. Kari Polyani Levitt: Regaining Canada’s Sovereignty: June 14, 2022 We Celebrate Kari’s 99th Birthday

By Kari Polanyi Levitt and Michael Welch, June 15, 2022

Kari Polanyi Levitt focused her attention on how Canada is losing its sovereignty and its independence on the world stage and on how we might be able to claim the soul of a proud nation once again.

China’s “Zero COVID” Mandate: Devastating Social and Economic Impacts

By Tom Clifford, June 15, 2022

The Whac-A-Mole approach to fighting COVID and achieve zero spread is as ridiculous as it is frustrating. In Beijing certain buildings are put into strict lockdown on the flimsiest of evidence while residents in those less than 10 meters away can go about their business unhindered.

Preparing for the Reality of Financial Collapse

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 15, 2022

While many still refuse to believe it, financial experts and insiders have long warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability. The most surprising thing, really, is that it has lasted this long. The same can be said for the financial system of the world as a whole.

The Food Crisis, Africa Has No Access to Grain and Fertilizers: African Union Head Calls for Lifting of Sanctions Against Russia

By Telesur, June 15, 2022

The President of Senegal and of the African Union, Macky Sall, held a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Friday and called for the lifting of sanctions imposed on Moscow, specifically those affecting the export of wheat and fertilizers.

How Can We Survive as a Human Species? Enlightenment Instead of “Complicit Silence” or “Buying into the System”.

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, June 15, 2022

For a long time, in the face of societal upheavals and the realisation that the world we live in is not the one we are told about, a crucial question has preoccupied the author: Is there a familial or societal limit for a well-informed, responsible citizen and fellow human being’s concern to ensure the survival of the human species and save as many people as possible?

Is There Life After Death?

By Edward Curtin, June 15, 2022

Life is entwined with death from the start, for death is the price we must pay for being born, even though we don’t choose it, which may be why some people who are very angry at the deal, decide to choose how and when they will die, as if they are getting revenge on someone who dealt them a rotten hand, even if they don’t believe in the someone.

Israel Calls the Nakba a Lie. So Why Do Its Leaders Threaten a Second One?

By Jonathan Cook, June 15, 2022

Here is a puzzle. What did Israel Katz, an Israeli legislator and until recently a senior government minister, mean when he threatened Palestinian students last month with another “Nakba” if they continued to wave the Palestinian flag? He urged them to “remember 1948” and speak to their “grandfathers and grandmothers”.

Sharif Flipping Pakistan’s US and China Relations: New Leader Moving Closer to US and Further from China

By Salman Rafi Sheikh, June 15, 2022

In the run-up to Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan’s April ouster in a parliamentary no-confidence motion, the elected leader explosively claimed that the United States was orchestrating a “foreign conspiracy” to drive him from power.

Breaking: FDA Panel Recommends Moderna Two-Dose COVID Vaccine for Kids Ages 6 to 17 Despite Serious Safety Concerns

By Megan Redshaw, June 15, 2022

During the meeting, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a vaccine safety official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said some data suggest a higher risk of myocarditis among people 18 to 39 years old after receiving Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine — which is administered at a higher dose than the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.

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In early 2020, the Global Elite launched its long-planned “depopulation agenda” . A primary intended outcome of this agenda was to enable the Elite to own and completely control use of the Earth’s remaining resources.

Using the World Economic Forum (WEF) as its primary agent, and with the complicity of key international organizations and all national governments (after some hiccoughs requiring the assassination of five national presidents), the Global Elite has gone about progressively implementing the many components of its plan for a full takeover of Planet Earth.

See ‘The Final Battle for Humanity: It is “Now or Never” in the Long War Against Homo Sapiens’.

Despite the facts that the horrendous details of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ – which, without consulting any of us, identifies changes to some 200 areas of human life – can be read by anyone on the WEF website and many spokespeople, including the delusional chairperson Klaus Schwab – The fourth industrial revolution ‘is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds… and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.’ – and his equally delusional adviser Yuval Noah Harari.

‘History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.’ – They have outlined some key details of what they are doing to us.

The bulk of the human population has submissively accepted their fate by burying their heads deeply into the sand and, gullibly believing the Elite’s ‘virus-threat’ narrative, meekly tolerated a long series of encroachments on their rights and freedom, including mask-wearing, social distancing, lockdowns, QR codes, multiple gene-altering (and, in many cases, injury or death-inflicting) injections, as well as the political, economic and social costs of these elite measures.

See ‘Great Reset’, ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Klaus Schwab’ and Yuval Noah Harari.

And these encroachments and costs are just the beginning of their very detailed agenda!

Shortly after the Global Elite launched its coup, I wrote an article explaining the psychology of the three primary parties to this conflict: the Elite, their victims and those who resisted.

See ‘The Psychology of the COVID-19 Coup: The Elite, their Victims and those who Resist’.

Since that time, some scholars, notably including Professor Mattias Desmet, have offered commentaries on elements of the same subject, particularly in relation to the mass compliance. See, for example,

‘Mass Formation and Totalitarian Thinking in This Time of Global Crisis’ and

‘The Covid-19 Crisis. A Campaign Against Critical Thinking. “Mass Formation Psychosis”’.

And you can access a series of commentaries by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel from

‘An Upbringing According to Strict Religious and Military Principles – And the Reflex of Absolute Spiritual Obedience: The Example of Auschwitz Commander Rudolf Höß’.

Other authors, writing in support of the Elite-driven narrative, portray those who resist the dominant narrative as psychologically dysfunctional, in one way or another. See, for example,

Adaptive and Dark Personality in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Predicting Health-Behavior Endorsement and the Appeal of Public-Health Messages,

‘Adaptive and maladaptive behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of Dark Triad traits, collective narcissism, and health beliefs’,

‘Compliance with containment measures to the COVID-19 pandemic over time: Do antisocial traits matter?’ and

Sociopathic traits linked to non-compliance with mask guidelines and other COVID-19 containment measures.

Given the value of understanding the psychology underpinning the main categories of actors in this conflict if we are to fully comprehend what has taken place and why, as well as the psychological qualities necessary to resist the Elite agenda effectively, I want to revisit this subject (partly so that the inadequacies of other psychological explanations – including elite critiques of activists – are exposed).

The Fear of Freedom

Before proceeding, I wish to acknowledge Erich Fromm’s 1942 classic, The Fear of Freedom, while simply noting that the explanation offered here diverges profoundly in its explanation of the shared thesis: humans fear freedom.

So, let me briefly answer six questions:

  1. Why is the bulk of the human population willing to give away the little freedom they have left so readily?
  2. Why is the Global Elite so committed to taking over planet Earth and all life on it?
  3. Why do all those elite agents collaborate with their masters’ plans?
  4. Why are most of those unhappy about the loss of their freedom happy to protest ineffectively rather than resist strategically?
  5. Why are psychological critiques of activists by elite agents misconceived?
  6. And what psychological qualities are needed to resist effectively?

Before answering these questions in any detail, I will start by briefly explaining why fear or, more accurately, unconscious terror, is the fundamental answer to the first five of the above six questions and then go on to elaborate why this terror manifests differently in the five circumstances. I will then answer the sixth question.

Terrorizing Children into Submission

As I have explained at some length elsewhere, the process of what human beings like to benignly call ‘socialization’ is a process of terrorizing children and adolescents into submissive obedience. Delivered daily by parents, teachers, religious figures and other significant adults in the child’s life as an endless stream of violence – whether ‘visible’, ‘invisible’ and/or ‘utterly invisible’ – the child is progressively reduced to a socially constructed delusional identity who is storing a vast amount of suppressed fear, pain, anger, sadness and other feelings that they were not allowed to feel and express throughout childhood (and then adolescence). This individual goes on to lead the life they have been terrorized into leading (with only utterly superficial choices at the margin still allowed).

See Why Violence?,

Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice and

Do We Want School or Education?’

And because disobedience on the part of a child is almost invariably met with ‘punishment’ – the sanitized word that adults like to use to obscure from themselves and others the fact that they are being violent – it is a rare child who survives into adulthood with much of the unique Selfhood that evolution bequeathed them at birth.

See Punishment is Violent and Counterproductive’.

Hence, as a result of this violence inflicted throughout childhood and adolescence, the typical human being grows into an adult who, perhaps despite complaining at times, is submissively obedient to ‘authority figures’ in a wide variety of contexts: employers, religious figures, doctors, government officials, police and military personnel, legal and prison personnel, and bureaucrats generally. People do not ‘believe’ in authority; they are fearful of being disobedient.

In other words: Virtually all human beings fear the freedom to think for themselves, decide what to believe and choose how to behave.

Hence, they think, believe and behave in accord with norms that are determined by Elites and promulgated through Elite-controlled channels including education systems, entertainment outlets and news media.

Devoid of a mind that can critique the structures and processes of the society in which they live (and the role of the actors within them), this compliant individual is also unable to critique Elite propaganda, whether presented as ‘education’, ‘entertainment’ or ‘news’.

See Why Do Most People Believe Propaganda and False Flag Attacks?’

Hence the typical human being spends their life as a victim of those structures, processes, individuals and information they learned to fear as a child. And, for example, the idea that they could be responsible for their own health by consulting relevant evidence, information and personnel before making their own informed decision is simply preposterous. After all, as the propaganda they believed taught them, we have ‘experts’ who will tell us what is best for us. And while they accept that this expertise might involve a financial cost, the true cost of this belief in experts is immeasurable: A mind that has been robbed of its capacity for unique and powerful investigation, analysis and action.

So let us return to the six questions above, answering each briefly in turn.

  1. Why is the bulk of the human population willing to give away the little freedom they have left so readily?

Obviously, the answer to this first question is simple: As explained above, terrorized in childhood, the typical person simply adopts obedience as their way of life. Of course, they might powerlessly complain and they might resist a little at the margins (by being ‘a bit late’ or not doing exactly as expected, for example) but, apart from this, they will invariably comply as directed. The idea of genuinely disputing any ‘authority’ is out of the question.

Paradoxical though it might seem, plenty of these people will end up in relative positions of authority and expect those in their charge to obey them. Of course, there is no real paradox. They have ‘learned’ throughout childhood that people in higher positions of authority are obeyed, and that includes them in very limited contexts. But there is always a wide range of higher authorities to keep them in line too, and they submit readily.

Consequently, told there is a ‘virus’, they believe it. Investigating and considering the heavily documented evidence that exposes this lie is beyond them. For just a taste of this evidence, see

‘COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed!’,

‘Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)’


‘189 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’.

And told they need to take four or more injections to combat the ‘virus’, they submit. Obedience is all. Although, of course, they will usually characterize their belief and behaviour more favourably – such as ‘I am doing the right thing by the community’ – to (unconsciously) avoid any risk of exposing the terror driving both their belief and behaviour.

Moreover, despite a monumental and mounting death toll from the injectables – for the briefest sample of the extensive documentation of ‘vaccine’ deaths, see

‘The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections’,

COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines and

‘Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: It’s Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies’ – which is concealed by elite agents including governments and the corporate media, awareness of this remains low, not so much because of the censorship, but because any temptation to even investigate would suggest an inclination to disobey. And our compliant citizen cannot do that.

Another important way in which their fear works is to suppress awareness of bigger, more profound threats – which might trigger enormous and paralysing (conscious) terror – in favour of focusing on something much smaller (even if untrue) that feels ‘manageable’; that is, the person feels able to exercise sufficient control to navigate or neutralize the threat. So in this current context, most of the population is focusing on more narrow and imminent threats – whether or not these are true and particularly those ‘threats’ (‘SARS-CoV-2’, its ‘variants’ and now ‘Monkeypox’) heavily promoted by governments, the corporate media and other elite agents – because this enables people to participate in the delusion that their cooperation is helping to contain the smaller (delusional) threat.

But the idea of considering the real threat – in this case, a coup by the Global Elite to kill off or control the vast bulk of the human population while capturing full control of Earth’s resources – is simply too terrifying so it is easier to suppress awareness of it and ignore, dismiss or dispute this deeper agenda as unfounded, a ‘conspiracy theory’ or simply non-existent. Delusion, denial and other psychological aversion techniques are extremely common human behaviours among those who are (unconsciously) terrified. See

‘The Disintegrated Mind: The Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth’


The Limited Mind: Why Fear Is Driving Humanity to Extinction’.

  1. Why is the Global Elite so committed to taking over planet Earth and all life on it?

So what about the Global Elite? Why is it committed to killing off so many of us and enslaving those left alive?

See ‘The Global Elite’s “Kill and Control” Agenda: Destroying Our Food Security’.

Well, at the superficial level, there are various explanations offered, notably including the fact that the Earth’s resources are depleted and so conserving the bulk of what is left for elite use, shared only minimally with the remaining population of transhuman slaves, is their plan. But there is a deeper and more truthful explanation. Members of the Global Elite have been so utterly terrorized that they are insane. For a careful explanation of this point, see

‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’.

  1. Why do all those elite ‘agents’ (international organizations, governments, corporate media, medical and legal systems, industries, professional groups) collaborate with their masters’ plans?

Well, again, in simple terms, they are too terrified not to collaborate but because their terror is unconscious to them they will characterize their obedience as ‘the right thing to do’, ‘just doing my job’, ‘I’ve got a family to support’ or an equivalent. However they characterize their behaviour, it is simply to mask from themselves the fear that drives their submissive behaviour.

For collaborators, the importance of obedience also far outweighs any sense of personal moral choice. Obviously, it is their fear that generates this attitude and behaviour. If you are scared to resist ‘authority’, then you must make a virtue out of submission and obedience. In essence: the collaborator will dogmatically defend their behaviour as ‘right’ in the circumstances as the means of suppressing their own awareness of the terrifying and painful tangle of feelings (suppressed fear, pain and anger…) in their own unconscious.

You can read a great deal more detail in the section headed ‘People Who Pretend to be Your Friend: The Emotional Profile of Collaborators and Traitors’ in

Why Violence?

  1. Why are most of those unhappy about the loss of their freedom happy to protest ineffectively rather than resist strategically?

Once again, as already mentioned, because they are unconsciously terrified. While able to penetrate the superficial layer of the ‘virus’/‘vaccine’ narrative, they are unlikely to perceive the far-reaching and horrific agenda – and those responsible – beyond this.

Moreover, by ‘pretending’ to resist – by attending a rally, for example, in which freedom is powerlessly ‘demanded’ from an elite agent (a government) – they can delude themselves and those around them that they are powerful in defence of their freedom when, of course, they have fearfully passed off responsibility for fighting for it, as Anita McKone noted, by powerlessly asking others to change their behaviour and demanding that others give them freedom.

But freedom given is freedom that can be taken away.

Consequently, such events have zero strategic value – and would only have it if used to promote strategically-focused actions designed to defeat the Elite coup – and so those attending such events can obscure their fear of doing something effective. By engaging in these powerless acts of rebellion, they can minimize (and often eliminate) the risk of incurring the cost of disobedience (that will often accompany powerful acts of resistance), by hiding in a crowd whose actions are well known to have no impact. After all, protest rallies are notoriously ineffective as the extensive record demonstrates.

And while government authorities might outlaw such events and even precipitate police engagement to prevent or disrupt them (as has been happening in the past two years), this only obscures the reality that such actions, in themselves, are ineffective anyway and simply distract the bulk of those resisting from taking (different) action powerfully.

See ‘Why Activists Fail’.

In essence, the fear of the typical activist makes them incapable of analysing and critiquing the true depth of the crisis and then identifying and taking strategic action in response.

Consequently, this fear then makes them unwilling to offer deeper analyses and more powerful action to those they perceive as only just ‘awakening’. They project their own fear onto others.

  1. Why are psychological critiques of activists by elite agents misconceived?

As noted earlier in this article, several authors in the past two years have purported to show that those opposing the elite agenda are suffering from one or another psychological disorder.

However, these articles are either written by elite agents working in psychiatry or other authors who are too terrified to critique their own submissiveness in the context and, often enough, well paid to discredit, one way or another, those individuals courageous enough to have a mind of their own.

In relation to the first category, while there is no scientific basis to psychiatry, the tragic reality is that there is an extensive and well-documented history that psychiatry has long been used to inflict violence on targeted populations, particularly those resisting an elite-driven narrative. In other words, psychiatric violence is just another elite tool for silencing and discrediting those who resist elite imperatives.

See ‘Defeating the Violence of Psychiatry’.

So when certain authors label those resisting the elite-driven narrative as suffering from a psychological dysfunctionality, they are merely continuing what has been a long-term effort to marginalize those who offer serious critiques of, and resistance to, elite behaviour. Another recent effort has been the labeling of those people who resist as suffering from ‘oppositional defiance disorder’.

See ‘Psychiatrists now say non-conformity is a mental illness: only the sheeple are “sane”’.

And while many other authors are paid to promote an elite-driven narrative designed to discredit opponents for this or other reasons, it is also the case that all of these authors have been so terrorized by their own ‘socialization’ experience that any concept that each individual has a unique Self is not only incomprehensible but also both terrifying and ‘wrong’. Hence, the person who is truly an individual is dangerous because they have not ‘learned’ to obey – parents, teachers, employers… and elites – as directed.

In essence, for these individuals especially, disobedience of authorities is simply ‘wrong’: not in a moral sense, however, but simply in the sense that they have been terrorized into believing that disobedience reflects improper ‘learning’ and, hence, inadequate punishment to ‘induce’ social conformity. So activists should be pejoratively labeled and punished for not conforming to elite-driven norms.

  1. What psychological qualities are needed to resist effectively?

Mainly, just one: Courage. The courage to investigate what is happening until the truth is uncovered, the courage to analyze what is driving it, and the courage to act powerfully in response.

Easy to type; not so easy to find.

Defeating the Global Elite’s Agenda

If you have the courage to strategically resist the ‘Great Reset’ and its related agendas, you are welcome to participate in the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ campaign which identifies a list of 30 strategic goals for doing so.

In addition and more simply, you can download a one-page flyer that identifies a short series of crucial nonviolent actions that anyone can take. This flyer, now available in 16 languages (Czech, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish & Slovak) with more languages in the pipeline, can be downloaded from here:

‘The 7 Days Campaign to Resist the Great Reset’.

If strategically resisting the ‘Great Reset’ (and related agendas) appeals to you, consider joining the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ Telegram group (with a link accessible from the website).

Finally, while the timeframe for this to make any difference is now in doubt, if you want to raise children who are powerfully able to investigate, analyze and act, you are welcome to make ‘My Promise to Children’.


Human freedom is on the verge of being lost. Forever.

If the Global Elite is successful in implementing its ‘Great Reset’ agenda, everything that humans value will be taken from us including, in many cases, our life.

The evidence on this issue is now overwhelming and it is virtually impossible to keep track of all of it once you start to investigate it.

And given the rapidly advancing technological elements of the Elite coup, as well as the ongoing destruction of food and energy supply chains, time is now very short.

Do you have the courage to act on this by resisting strategically?


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of Why Violence? His email address is [email protected] and his website is here.

He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.

Featured image is from 21st Century Wire

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Difficult to gauge in a country without political polling, but there does seem to be an almost palpable sense of opportunity lost.  

The Whac-A-Mole approach to fighting COVID and achieve zero spread is as ridiculous as it is frustrating. In Beijing certain buildings are put into strict lockdown on the flimsiest of evidence while residents in those less than 10 meters away can go about their business unhindered. This unbending approach is driven by not by health concerns but politics.

President Xi Jinping and his backers believe that the defeat of COVID is vital for his reputation and continued leadership. It has caused unnecessary food shortages and financial insecurity for those forced to stay at home for a King Cnut-like policy that cannot succeed.

Economic growth is taking a battering. If this crisis continues Xi’s coronation, “seizure of the throne” to secure an unprecedented third term at a November congress may not transpire as smoothly as planned.

In both the economy and fighting COVID, Xi has concentrated power on himself, and away from the Politburo Standing Committee that allowed some, albeit limited, policy flexibility or at least debate on issues.

No marches or demonstrations on the streets but there is unease among the public. For the first time since 1980 Chinese people are experiencing an overly intrusive government demanding mass testing and lockdowns.

The days of a surging economy are over. For decades the people have been told “we will overtake America”. In some measures purchasing power parity, they already had. Now that goal is the great unmentioned.

Even with a looming recession in the US, China is in no position to achieve global undisputed economic leadership.

There are other factors that come into play. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seen energy prices soar and the domestic property bubble has burst.

Unemployment among urban 16 to 24 year-olds is at a record level of more than 18 per cent.

Retail sales have plunged 11.1 per cent, car sales have halved and the urban unemployment rate (which excludes migrant workers who come from rural areas and are not properly documented in the cities and therefore do not receive social services) rose from 5.8 per cent in March to 6.1 per cent in April and then down to 5.9 percent in May.

One consequence of this is that the position of the United States as the world’s supreme economy is now unchallenged. One should never underestimate that ability of those who occupy Washington’s fractious corridors of power to curtail economic growth and inflict self harm. But it won’t be the Chinese who mastermind a US downfall.

The currency seems to confirm the worst. The yuan has lost about 7 percent of its value against the dollar in the last three months. Investors feel uncomfortable about keeping money in China because of COVID restrictions and better rates in the US.

The country’s workforce is shrinking rapidly, a consequence of the now lifted one-child policy but it faces other significant headwinds. It has suffered reputational damage in the last decade and is viewed suspiciously on world markets.  Ten years ago an exclusive trade deal with China would have been applauded by many countries. Now, due to attached conditions, it is more likely to be avoided.

China’s arable land is down about 6 per cent compared to a decade ago.Water scarcity is a growing problem because of unhindered industrialization and pollution.

Of course, China can recover and China will recover. This is a country that continuously defies the odds. Considering the challenges it has faced in the last century, rebooting its economy seems almost mundane. But it still needs reform and that has been sidelined under Xi because further liberalization, vital for an innovative economy, is deemed to threaten the party’s status.

The party once seen as the champion of the economy is now viewed as a hindrance to growth. Resolving this conundrum will shape all our futures.


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Geopolitical analyst Tom Clifford reporting from Beijing. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Volunteers from the Beijing Blue Sky Rescue Team spray disinfectant in Yuegezhuang wholesale market in Fengtai district, Beijing. The market is about 12 kilometers from the Xinfadi market, which is linked to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in the capital city. Photo:

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Preparing for the Reality of Financial Collapse

June 15th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Financial experts and insiders have, for well over a decade, warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability, and this collapse will have global ramifications, as the dollar is the world’s reserve currency

U.S. inflation is currently at 8.3%, but in some markets, it’s in the double digits. Used car sales, for example, have seen an inflation rate of 22.7% in the past 12 months. Globally, food prices increased by 29.8% between April 2021 and April 2022

In 2011, George Soros stated that economic collapse is “foreseen” and that authorities were simply buying time before the inevitable collapse. Now that we’re in the economy’s final death throes, those who have been aware of the trajectory for well over a decade cannot admit it, because then they’d have to explain why they didn’t act to stop it. Admission would also expose the central bank system as the fraud that it is

At the root of this collapse is money printing. In the last 50 years, the U.S. has had only four years during which it made a profit, and that profit wouldn’t even cover six months’ worth of the current annual deficit. In short, the U.S. is well beyond bankruptcy

In 2020, the World Economic Forum formally announced that a Great Reset is in the works, and this “reset” is basically how the globalist cabal intends to “fix” this situation. It’s not a solution for the average person, however, because The Great Reset solves the problem by transferring wealth and power into the hands of the few and erasing democracy worldwide in one fell swoop


While many still refuse to believe it, financial experts and insiders have long warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability.1,2 The most surprising thing, really, is that it has lasted this long. The same can be said for the financial system of the world as a whole.

Collapse Predictions Go Back More Than a Decade

In 2011, Business Insider warned “the dollar collapse will be the single largest event in human history,” touching “every single living person in the world.”3 They also warned that “The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets,” and that “The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide.”

That same year, liberal billionaire George Soros echoed the same warning, saying “We’re on the verge of an economic collapse.”4 The main difference was that Soros predicted the collapse of the Euro. Soros also noted that:5

“It’s a kind of financial crisis that is really developing. It’s foreseen. Most people realize it. It’s still developing. The authorities are actually engaged in buying time.”

So far, authorities have successfully “bought time,” holding the system together with proverbial duct tape and paperclips. But eventually, time will run out and the system will fail. To quote Ayn Rand, “You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

In 2013, investment adviser and financial strategist Michael Pento warned:6 “Our addictions to debt and cheap money have finally caused our major international creditors to call for an end to dollar hegemony and to push for a ‘de-Americanized’ world.”

That same year, Canadian billionaire investor Ned Goodman also predicted7 that “the dollar is about to become dethroned as the world’s defacto currency,” that we were “headed to a period of stagflation, maybe serious inflation,” and that “the United States will be losing the privilege of being able to print at its will the global reserve currency.”

More recently, in June 2020, economist and former Morgan Stanley Asia chairman, Stephen Roach, told CNBC:8

“The U.S. economy has been afflicted with some significant macro imbalances for a long time, namely a very low domestic savings rate and a chronic current account deficit. The dollar is going to fall very, very sharply9 … These problems are going from bad to worse as we blow out the fiscal deficit in the years ahead.”

Don’t Expect a ‘Soft Landing’

All of last year, even as inflation started rising before our eyes, authorities denied that things were as bad as they seemed. Inflation is transitory, they said. It wasn’t until May 2022 that Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell finally admitted that executing a soft landing may be beyond the Federal Reserve’s control (see video above).

Powell’s definition of a “soft landing” was 2% inflation with a strong labor market. Clearly, we’re well past that point already. The chart below, from U.S. Inflation Calculator, is illustrative.10

United States Annual Inflation Rates

U.S. inflation is currently at 8.3%, but in some markets, it’s in the double digits. Used car sales, for example, have seen an inflation rate of 22.7% in the past 12 months.11 Globally, food prices increased by 29.8% between April 2021 and April 2022.12

May 31, 2022, Treasury secretary Janet Yellen finally also admitted13 she was wrong when, in 2021, she said inflation would be a “small risk” that would be “manageable” and “not a problem.” In an interview with CNN host Wolf Blitzer, Yellen claimed:

“There have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy that have boosted energy and food prices, and supply bottlenecks that affected our economy badly that I didn’t, at the time, fully understand.”

How the treasury secretary could be so ignorant of fiscal realities is hard to fathom. But she’s not the only one trying to blame our financial situation on “unanticipated” events. Participants at the World Economic Forum’s Davos meeting blame inflation on corporate greed, which only proves they’re unqualified to manage anything, let alone a global economy. As noted by Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul:14

“If you were in a third-grade class, I’d give you a failing grade if you told me inflation was caused by greed. That is the dumbest explanation, the most implausible, lacking all facts, that someone could put forward.

Inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply … The Federal Reserve prints it up to borrow it; it floods the economy and drives prices up. If you don’t understand that, it’ll never get any better.”

Again, recall that Soros in 2011 stated that economic collapse is “foreseen” and that authorities were simply buying time before the inevitable collapse.15 Now that we’re in the economy’s final death throes, those who have been aware of the trajectory for well over a decade, if not longer, cannot admit it, because then they’d have to explain why they didn’t act to stop it.

Such an admission would also expose the central bank system as the fraud that it is. So, they now blame anything they can think of, even if it makes no rational sense.

Big Picture Overview

In a June 5, 2022, Twitter thread, Kim Dotcom provided the following overview of the situation and how we got here:16

“The reality is that the U.S. has been bankrupt for some time and what’s coming is a nightmare: Mass poverty and a new system of control … Total U.S. debt is at $90 trillion. U.S. unfunded liabilities are at $169 trillion. Combined that’s $778,000 per U.S. citizen or $2,067,000 per U.S. tax payer.

Remember, the only way the US Government can operate now is by printing more money. Which means hyperinflation is inevitable. The total value of ALL companies listed on the U.S. stock market is $53 trillion.

The real value is much lower because the US has been printing trillions to provide interest free loans to investment banks to pump up the stock market. It’s a scam. Most of the $53 trillion is air.

The value of all U.S. assets combined, every piece of land, real estate, all savings, all companies, everything that all citizens, businesses, entities and the state own is worth $193 trillion. That number is also full of air just like the U.S. stock market.

Let’s do the math: U.S. total debt $90 trillion; U.S. unfunded liabilities $169 trillion. Total $259 trillion. Minus all U.S. assets, $193 trillion. Balance, -$66 trillion. That’s $66 trillion of debt and liabilities after every asset in the U.S. has been sold off … So even if the U.S. could sell all assets at the current value, which is impossible, it would still be broke. The U.S. is beyond bankrupt …”

At the root of this collapse is money printing. As noted by this Twitter user, the U.S. has been running a deficit since 2001. In the last 50 years, the U.S. has had only four years during which it made a profit, and that profit wouldn’t even cover six months-worth of the current annual deficit.

budget of the US goverment

With debt and spending spiraling out of control for so long, the U.S. government has had no choice but to print more money, which only makes the problem worse. Money printing is what causes inflation. It’s incorrect to view inflation as a price increase, per se.

It’s really a decline in the value, or purchasing power, of the currency. The value of your money declines as the pool of total dollars available increases. Here’s a chart showing how the printing of money has skyrocketed over time.

US money printing frenzy

How Has the Dollar Survived This Long?

The reason the dollar has survived this long is because it’s the world’s reserve currency. Nations around the world must hold U.S. dollars as it’s the currency used for world trade. Many have lived under the illusion that this would never change. Alas, nothing in this world is permanent.

As the U.S. has continued to print dollars, it has caused inflation around the world, so the supremacy of the dollar is no longer uncontested. And, when the dollar does finally collapse, global markets will go down with it — unless countries ditch the dollar as the reserve currency first, which would be an absolute disaster for Americans, as it would trigger hyperinflation almost immediately.

Basically, one way of looking at money printing and the resulting inflation is as a form of theft. Value is stolen. Purchasing power is stolen. And the inflation of the dollar is, as Kim Dotcom notes,17 “The biggest theft in history,” as it affects the whole world.

What’s more, there’s no way to fix this problem. There’s no way out. As in a personal bankruptcy, at a certain point, there’s no way for you to ever pay back the interest you owe on the money you borrowed. At that point, your only option is to file for bankruptcy and start over.

In 2020, the World Economic Forum formally announced that a Great Reset is in the works, and this “reset” is basically how the globalist cabal intends to “fix” this situation. It’s not an attractive solution for the average person, however, because The Great Reset solves the problem by transferring all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of the few and erasing democracy worldwide in one fell swoop.

Basically, they’re now trying to control the demolition of the world’s financial system in such a way that people will voluntarily agree to their new system. What many still fail to understand is that the new system will be far worse than the old one. At least under the fiat currency central bank system, there was the illusion that the average person could build wealth.

Under The Great Reset’s new centralized financial system, all wealth and all the world’s resources will be under the control of unelected technocrats who will rule and micromanage your personal life through technological surveillance and algorithms — all under the guise of “saving the planet.”

Who Owns and Controls the World

Already, 90% of all S&P 500 firms are owned by a mere three investment firms: BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. This includes drug companies and the centralized legacy media, which I reviewed in “The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media.”

Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp — four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape18,19 — are owned by BlackRock and Vanguard. Needless to say, if you have control of this many news outlets, you can control entire nations by way of carefully orchestrated and organized centralized propaganda disguised as journalism.

six media companies control US media

The assets of BlackRock alone are valued at $10 trillion.20 Making this circle of power even smaller, Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock.21,22 And who owns Vanguard? Due to its legal structure, ownership is difficult to discern. It’s owned by its various funds, which in turn are owned by the shareholders. Aside from these shareholders, it has no outside investors and is not publicly traded.23

That said, many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds, including the Rothschilds,24,25 the Orsini family, the Bush family, the British Royal family, the du Pont family, and the Morgans, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers.

Considering BlackRock in 2018 announced that it has “social expectations” from the companies it invests in,26 its potential role as a central hub in The Great Reset and the “build back better” plan cannot be overlooked.

Add to this information showing it “undermines competition through owning shares in competing companies” and “blurs boundaries between private capital and government affairs by working closely with regulators,”27,28 and one would be hard-pressed to not see how BlackRock/Vanguard and their globalist owners might be able to facilitate The Great Reset and the so-called “green” revolution, both of which are part of the same wealth-theft scheme.

The Controlled Demolition of Food and Finance

At this point, it’s important to understand that The Great Reset involves not only the controlled demolition of finance but also the controlled demolition of our food system. After all, he who controls the food really controls the world. As explained by Kit Knightly in Off-Guardian:29

“We’re in the early stages of a food crisis. The press has been predicting this for years, but up until now it always appeared to be nothing more than fearmongering, designed to worry or distract people, but the signs are there that this time, to quote Joe Biden, it ‘is going to be real.’

Nobody knows how bad it could get, except the people who are creating it. Because the evidence is pretty clear, it is being deliberately and cold-bloodedly created … We have Russia’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine driving up the price of staple foods, wheat and sunflower oil, as well as fertilizer.

We have the sudden ‘bird flu outbreak’ driving up the price of poultry and eggs. The soaring price of oil is driving up the cost of food distribution. The inflation caused by huge influxes of fiat currency means families are spending more money on less food. And as all this is happening, the U.S. and UK (and maybe others, we don’t know) are literally paying farmers not to farm …

Just as the COVID ‘pandemic’ was said to highlight ‘weaknesses in the multilateral system,’ so this food crisis will show that our ‘unstable food systems are in need of reform’ and we need to ensure our ‘food security’ … or a thousand variations on that theme …

In an interview from July last year, Ruth Richardson the Executive Director of the NGO Global Alliance for the Future of Food literally said: ‘Our dominant food system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt’ …

Writing in the Guardian two weeks ago, George Monbiot, weathervane for every deep state agenda, states with his trademark lack of subtlety: ‘The banks collapsed in 2008 — and our food system is about to do the same … The system has to change.’”

So, just what kind of food system is the globalist cabal dreaming of implementing? Well, the World Economic Forum has been talking about this for years, so it’s not hard to figure out what they want to transition us into.

One key change will be to transition us away from real meat and into patentable lab-grown meats. They’ve also been pushing the idea of eating bugs, weeds and gene-edited foods.

“Supranational companies, with profits larger than the budget of some nations, are developing carbon footprint tracker apps30 which reward people for making the ‘right decisions. That could easily be applied to food,’” Knightly adds.31

“The play is clear: Right now they’re getting ready to tear all our old food systems down, with the stated aim of building them back better. But better for them, not us.”

The Time to Prepare Is Now

Even if you don’t believe the worst-case scenarios are possible, I urge you to prepare for at least some measure of pain. Perhaps food shortages won’t turn into total famine conditions, but they might. At bare minimum, consider storing a few months of extra food for your family, as prices in the near future are only going to go up, and/or start growing some of your own food.

Likewise, whether the economic crash ends up being hard or soft, prepare yourself for potential financial hardship. Buying physical precious metals could be one defensive strategy, as it can help protect against currency devaluation. Investing in real assets, such as land could be another.

It’s hard to make definitive recommendations, as your strategy will depend on your personal situation, so take some time to think things through. If you do nothing to hedge your bets, you may one day find yourself left with nothing — which is precisely what the World Economic Forum has declared will be our lot. Other key areas of basic preparation were listed in yesterday’s article, “Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Catastrophe?


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1 Nomad Capitalist Predictions for the US Dollar Collapse

2 Off the Grid News, Coming Dollar Collapse Will Leave Americans Destitute

3 Business Insider June 23, 2011

4, 5, 15 Financial Post June 27, 2011

6 CNBC October 22, 2013

7 Daughters of Tsiyon September 20, 2013

8 CNBC June 15, 2020

9 June 17, 2020

10 US Inflation Calculator

11 The Balance May 27, 2022

12 FAO Food Price Index

13 NPR June 1, 2022

14 YouTube Fox News May 26, 2022

16, 17 Twitter Kim Dotcom June 5, 2022

18 Reddit Media Controlled by Just Six Companies

19 Global Issues Media Conglomerates January 2, 2009

20 Twitter Disclose TV June 4, 2022

21 Reuters January 30, 2021

22 BlackRock Investors

23 Investopedia June 22, 2019

24 Fintel Rothschild

25 Fintel Edmond De Rothschild

26 May 2018

27 SGT Report May 6, 2021

28 Lew Rockwell April 21, 2021

29, 31 Off-Guardian June 1, 2022

30 Off-Guardian May 24, 2022

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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The President of Senegal and of the African Union, Macky Sall, held a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Friday and called for the lifting of sanctions imposed on Moscow, specifically those affecting the export of wheat and fertilizers.

During the meeting, held in the city of Sochi, the Senegalese president declared that “there are two main problems: the (food) crisis and the sanctions. We must work together to solve these problems so that sanctions on food products are lifted.”

“The sanctions against Russia have worsened this situation and now we have no access to grain from Russia, mainly wheat. And, most importantly, we have no access to fertilizers. The situation was bad and now it has worsened, creating a threat to food security in Africa,” he warned.

Sall highlighted the relationship that exists between Russia and African countries, recalling that the Eurasian nation “played a tremendous role in the independence of the African continent and this will never be forgotten.”

For his part, President Putin stressed that his country has always supported Africa and backed it in its struggle against colonialism.

“Africa’s role on the international stage and in the political arena in general is growing. We believe that Africa as a whole and its countries, with which we traditionally share friendly relations, have enormous potential and we will continue to develop our relations,” he emphasized.

After the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, Western countries imposed several packages of sanctions against Moscow. According to the Russian president, these measures aggravated the food crisis in the world, affirming that this problem began to be generated during the pandemic.

Russia and Ukraine together account for 29 percent of the world’s wheat exports, which is why African nations depend on this grain.

Especially now that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have warned of a high risk of starvation in countries such as Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, due to the extreme drought they are experiencing.


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Seit langem beschäftigt den Autor angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Umwälzungen und der Erkenntnis, dass die Welt, in der wir leben, nicht die ist, von der uns erzählt wird, eine entscheidende Frage: Gibt es für einen gut informierten, verantwortungsbewussten Bürger und Mitmenschen eine familiäre oder gesellschaftliche Grenze für das Anliegen, das Überleben der menschlichen Spezies zu sichern und so viele Menschen wie möglich zu retten? Ein Interview von Kla.TV mit dem Biostatistiker Ricardo Delgado Martin, dem Gründer und Leiter der Web-Plattform „La Quinta Columna („Die fünfte Säule“) mit dem Titel „Was Graphenoxid & Nanotechnologie in Covid-Impfstoffen mit 5G zu tun haben“ (Link am Ende des Artikels) aktualisierte die Frage.

„Mitschuldiges Schweigen“ oder „Sich-Einkaufen in und Arbeiten für das System“ mit großen blutbefleckten Geldbeträgen auf dem Tisch

Einige markante Zitate aus der Niederschrift des Interviews werden dazu beitragen, die eingangs gestellte Frage „Wie können wir als menschliche Spezies überleben?“ zu beantworten.

Auf die Frage des Interviewers von Kla.TV „Was ist Ihre Mission?“ antwortet Herr Delgado:

„Heute können wir noch mehr bestätigen, dass die Mission der Plattform „La Quinta Columna“ darin besteht, buchstäblich so viele Menschen wie möglich zu retten. Denn was die Elite anstrebt, ist der Verlust jeglicher Identität und des Menschlichen an sich, ist der Transhumanismus oder das Aussterben der menschlichen Spezies, wie wir sie kennen.“

Die nächste Frage des Interviewers lautet:

„Warum gibt es Deiner Meinung nach nicht mehr Biostatistiker, wie Du selbst, oder Leute aus Forschung und Wissenschaft, die sich diesen Fragen widmen, d.h. die dieses Thema „Impfstoff“ und „Epidemie“ usw. analysieren und erforschen?“

Herr Delgado antwortet:

„Ja, es gibt sie. Das Problem ist, dass diejenigen, die Bescheid wissen, schweigen, und es ist ein mitschuldiges Schweigen, das den Verlust einer großen Anzahl von Menschenleben verursacht. Und der Rest sind genau diejenigen, die sich in das System einkaufen und für dieses arbeiten, natürlich mit großen Geldbeträgen auf dem Tisch, Geld mit Blut befleckt. Ich könnte es nicht besser ausdrücken.“

Eine weitere Frage des Interviewers von Kla.TV:

„Nun, wenn wir an den Anfang der Ereignisse zurückgehen, d.h. an alles, was wir über die sogenannte Pandemie erfahren haben; wie könnte man besser erklären oder durch die offiziellen Medien so darstellen, WAS uns in dieser Hinsicht gesagt wurde bzw. was uns NICHT gesagt wurde.“

Antwort von Herrn Delgado:

„Nun, es wurde gesagt, dass alles die Folge eines nicht existierenden Coronavirus sei, und wir deshalb eine Pandemie hätten, aber in Wirklichkeit handelt es sich um einen Völkermord durch die Einführung einer giftigen chemischen Verbindung in den Körper. Zunächst ist es die Grippekampagne, die sich an Pflegeheime und dann an die gesamte Weltbevölkerung richtet. Wenn wir also eine chemische Verbindung einführen, die über eine funkmodulierbare Kapazität verfügt und im Körper als Krankheitserreger wirkt, handelt es sich um einen vorsätzlichen bewussten Akt und natürlich um einen Völkermord und keineswegs um eine Pandemie. Deshalb können sie mit absoluter Präzision genau wissen, wann eine Welle auftritt, die zweite, die dritte, die sie Varianten nennen, was nur eine Rechtfertigung für die Todesfälle und Krankheiten ist, die durch das verursacht werden, was sie Impfstoffe nennen, was logischerweise überhaupt kein Impfstoff ist.“

Interview und Niederschrift.

„Habe den Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen.“ —Immanuel Kant


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Lehrer (Rektor a. D.), Doktor der Pädagogik (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Schwerpunkte: Klinische-, Pädagogische- und Medien-Psychologie). Als Pensionär arbeitete er viele Jahre als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung und eine Erziehung zum Gemeinsinn und Frieden.

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For a long time, in the face of societal upheavals and the realisation that the world we live in is not the one we are told about, a crucial question has preoccupied the author: Is there a familial or societal limit for a well-informed, responsible citizen and fellow human being’s concern to ensure the survival of the human species and save as many people as possible? 

An interview by Kla.TV with biostatistician Ricardo Delgado Martin, founder and director of the web platform “La Quinta Columna” (“The Fifth Pillar”) entitled “What Graphene Oxide & Nanotechnology in Covid Vaccines Have to Do with 5G” (link at the end of the article) updated the question.

“Complicit silence” or “buying into and working for the system” with large blood-stained sums of money on the table

A few salient quotes from the transcript of the interview will help answer the question posed at the outset, “How can we survive as a human species?”

When asked by Kla.TV’s interviewer “What is your mission?”, Mr Delgado replies:

“Today we can confirm even more that the mission of the “La Quinta Columna” platform is literally to save as many people as possible. Because what the elite are aiming for is the loss of all identity and humanity itself, is transhumanism or the extinction of the human species as we know it.”

The interviewer’s next question is:

“Why do you think there are not more biostatisticians, like yourself, or people from research and science who are dedicated to these questions, i.e. who analyse and research this issue of ‘vaccine’ and ‘epidemic’ etc.?”

Mr Delgado replies:

“Yes, there are. The problem is that those who know are silent, and it is a complicit silence that causes the loss of a great number of lives. And the rest are the very people who buy into and work for the system, with large sums of money on the table, of course, money stained with blood. I couldn’t put it better.”

Another question from Kla.TV’s interviewer:

“Well, if we go back to the beginning of the events, i.e. everything we have learned about the so-called pandemic; what better way to explain or present through the official media in such a way WHAT we have been told or what we have NOT been told in this regard.”

Mr Delgado’s response:

“Well, it was said that it was all the result of a non-existent coronavirus and therefore we had a pandemic, but in reality it is genocide through the introduction of a toxic chemical compound into the body. First of all, it is the flu campaign, targeting nursing homes and then the entire world population. So when we introduce a chemical compound that has a radio-modulable capacity and acts in the body as a pathogen, it is a premeditated deliberate act and of course genocide and not a pandemic at all. That’s why they can know with absolute precision exactly when a wave will occur, the second, the third, which they call variants, which is just a justification for the deaths and diseases caused by what they call vaccines, which logically is not a vaccine at all.”

Interview and transcript here (or click the image below).

“Have the courage to use your own reason.” —Immanuel Kant


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a teacher (retired headmaster), doctor of education (Dr. paed.) and graduate psychologist (specialising in clinical, educational and media psychology). As a retiree, he worked for many years as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral values education and an education for public spirit and peace.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Everyone remembers what happened the last time that the self-professed “land of the rising sun” tried to become the most powerful country in the continent even though its Prime Minister, just like all of his predecessors, likes to pretend that the Second World War never happened. Keeping with the sun analogy, it’s quickly setting on the declining American unipolar hegemon so only the foolish would tie their prosperity and security to that former superpower.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida gave a speech at Singapore’s Shangri-La Dialogue last Friday where he outlined his constitutionally pacifist country’s unofficial remilitarization plans. This island nation isn’t allowed to prepare for war after sparking the Second World War in Asia, yet its American overlord isn’t just turning a blind eye towards its military buildup, but is actively supporting it in order to advance its anti-Chinese “containment” plans by proxy.

Kishida started off by lying about the situations in the East and South China Seas, strongly implying that China unilaterally changed their status quo where when it was actually his own country and the nearby ones respectively that are responsible for the present uncertainty. They destabilized those maritime regions on the false pretexts of upholding the subjectively defined so-called “rules-based order” that their US ally never tires of talking about but which is in reality nothing more than double standards.

In response to his twisted interpretation of events, the Japanese Prime Minister unveiled what he arrogantly described as the so-called “Kishida Vision for Peace”. One of its pillars is upholding the “rules-based order” that was just described, to which end he threatened vague consequences for those countries that go against it. Given the context of his speech and what he’d earlier implied about the East and South China Seas, it should be taken for granted that he was referring to China.

Kishida also disturbingly hinted at supporting regional regime change campaigns when declaring that “respect for human rights is also critical, as is a democratic political system that reflects people’s free will and diversity”, though it remains unclear how Japan might actually participate in them. Moving along, this backdrop sets the basis for articulating the security dimension of his misleadingly described “Vision for Peace”, which places a lot of emphasis on the Quad and other multilateral cooperation.

He announced that Japan will strengthen at least 20 countries’ maritime law enforcement capabilities over the next three years, which will include training over 800 maritime security personnel and “more than 1,500 personnel in the fields of the rule of law and governance”. After repeating his fearmongering phrase that “Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow”, Kishida then declared that “we will set out a new National Security Strategy by the end of this year.”

According to him, this will “fundamentally reinforce Japan’s defense capabilities within the next five years and secure substantial increase of Japan’s defense budget needed to effect it.” He added that “we will not rule out any options, including so-called ‘counterstrike capabilities’”, which arguably contradicts his officially pacifist country’s constitution. Furthermore, Kishida plans to “work closely with like-minded partners in Europe and Asia towards the conclusion of [Reciprocal Access Agreements].”

These refer to the pacts that it recently reached with Australia and agreed in principle to clinch with the UK, both of which comprise two of the new anti-Chinese AUKUS alliance’s three members, to more closely coordinate their military activities. In practice, it’ll likely result in their navies regularly docking in Japanese ports. Upon its planned expansion to “like-minded partners in Europe and Asia”, this means that more foreign navies will likely transit through the East and South China Seas en route to Japan.

The problem with this is that it implies that they’ll also threaten to unilaterally violate China’s sovereign maritime territory through more so-called “freedom of navigation patrols” (FONOPs), which will escalate regional tensions but be blamed on China on the false basis that it’s “violating the rules-based order”. Altogether, it’s clear that Japan is positioning itself to become a leading antagonist in the Asian theater of what many are already referring to as the New Cold War.

The sincerely peace-loving nations of the world, which excludes Japan despite Kishida dishonestly describing his country as such midway through his speech, should join together to oppose Japan’s remilitarization. Everyone remembers what happened the last time that the self-professed “land of the rising sun” tried to become the most powerful country in the continent even though its Prime Minister, just like all of his predecessors, likes to pretend that the Second World War never happened.

Keeping with the sun analogy, it’s quickly setting on the declining American unipolar hegemon so only the foolish would tie their prosperity and security to that former superpower. The US is desperately trying to stir chaos across the world in a dangerous gamble to exploit the resultant unrest with a view towards reasserting its lost regional influence. Kishida envisions Japan playing a key role in this, which will turn his island nation into a pawn of US Hybrid Wars by making it the agent of Asian instability.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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A senior member of Israel‘s coalition sparked anger on Tuesday after a recording was released of him saying he wished there was a button he could press to send all Palestinian citizens in Israel to Switzerland.

Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana, a member of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s right-wing Yamina Party, made the remarks in a speech to religious high school boys in Efrat on Monday.

In a clip broadcast by Israel’s public broadcaster Kan, Kahana said: “If there was a button I could press that would take all the Arabs and put them on a train to Switzerland, I would.

“A button like that does not exist. Apparently we were destined to exist here [together] on this land in some form.”

Attempting to later clarify his remarks on Twitter, Kahana said:

“Conversing with students yesterday, I referenced that both Jewish and Arab populations aren’t going anywhere.

“As such, we must work to live in coexistence. Our coalition is a courageous step towards this goal. Within this larger discussion, a few of my statements were worded poorly.”

‘Terrible statement’

Kahana’s words brought criticism from across Israel’s political spectrum.

“No one is leaving, not to Switzerland and not to anywhere else,” tweeted MP Mossi Raz, from the left-wing Meretz Party, “we are staying here together to build a democratic and equal society.”

MP Eli Avidar, from the right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party, tweeted:

“This was a terrible statement, it’s a shame it was said.

“Israeli-Arabs are here and they are here to stay. We need to be done with stances like these.”

MP Aida Touma-Sliman, from the predominantly Arab Joint List, wrote in a tweet:

“The Kahanist apple didn’t fall far from the tree… and in this government, they are still talking about Arab-Israeli cooperation.”

Fellow Joint List MP Ahmad Tibi said:

“There is a button that will take you from this government and the Knesset; I’ll press it soon.”

According to Israeli media, Kahana telephoned Tibi to apologise for his remarks, but the latter demanded that he make a public apology and said: “There is a conflict, but I would never say Jews should be transported by trains. That’s terrible.”


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Despite Western demands to halt its purchase of Russian oil, a Helsinki-based research agency has found that India bought 18% of all the crude Russia exported in May, up from 1% before the military operation in Ukraine began. Discounts has ensured that New Delhi will not follow the path of sanctions, especially as Indian refiners are extremely satisfied.

According to a Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CRECA) report released on June 13, the largest Indian buyer is the Jamnagar refinery, which got 27% of its oil from Russia in May, up from less than 5% before April. CRECA also said in its report, titled ‘Financing Putin’s war: Fossil fuel imports from Russia in the first 100 days of the invasion’, that much of the oil was re-exported from Jamnagar.

“Approximately 20% of exported cargoes left for the Suez Canal, indicating that they were heading to Europe or the US. We identified shipments to the United States, France, Italy and the UK,”CRECA said.

Although CRECA found that Russian crude oil imports into the European Union fell by 18% in May, “this reduction was taken up by India and the United Arab Emirates, leading to no net change in Russia’s crude oil export volumes.”

None-the-less, despite sanctions and reductions in imports, the EU remains the biggest consumer of Russian fossil fuels, with the bloc purchasing 61% of Russian fossil fuel exports, worth approximately 57 billion euros. The report found that the EU’s share of fuel exports was about 30% coal, 50% crude oil, 75% LNG, 75% oil products and 85% pipeline gas.

Yet, despite the EU effectively funding the Russian military operation, Washington and Brussels have been pressuring India to not increase its import of Russian oil. However, India will not sacrifice its energy interests and its deep and historical bonds with Russia to serve Western interests and react to a war that it has no involvement in. The pressure against New Delhi to lessen its relations with Moscow has evidently failed, especially as India went from being an insignificant buyer of Russian crude to the second-biggest destination for shipments, behind only China.

As the EU has agreed to a sixth package of sanctions in response to the war in Ukraine, including a ban on imports of the country’s crude by sea from December, several refiners, shippers and traders are already self-sanctioning Russian oil. Losing such a market would expectedly be devastating, yet with trade being diverted to Asia, it appears there has been little impact on the overall level of shipments.

Oil tankers traverse through the Suez Canal from the Baltic and Arctic Seas to reach India. With almost 860,000 barrels a day of crude already loading onto tankers at Russia’s western export terminals in the week to June 10 before heading to destinations all over Asia, the figure will likely increase once destinations are found for almost 210,000 barrels a day that are on vessels that have not yet shown a final discharge point.

Meanwhile, the first transfer of Russian goods to India using a new trade corridor that transits through Iran came into operation on June 11. Since the West imposed sanctions against Russia, Iran has sought the revival of the stalled North-South Transit Corridor that uses Iran to link Russia to India and other Asian export markets. The plan involves eventually building a railroad line that can transfer goods arriving at Iranian Caspian Sea ports to the southeastern India-invested port of Chabahar that rivals the nearby China-invested port of Gwadar in Pakistan.

The Islamic Republic News Agency described the transfer as a “pilot”. The report did not say when the cargo left. Despite that, the transfer is expected to take 25 days, significantly reducing shipping times between Russia and India.

This trade between India and Russia has effectively helped the economically besieged country to expand economic ties with non-Western states, an important initiative since it is believed by some that the 21st century is the “Asian Century.” In this way, India has proven itself to be a reliable ally of Russia without necessarily ruining its relations with the West considering their own hypocritical energy policies.

Although lagging behind the Great Powers of the world, India is proving that as its economy and infrastructure continues to develop year-on-year, it is becoming an indispensable part of the 21st century’s multipolar system.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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Here is a puzzle. What did Israel Katz, an Israeli legislator and until recently a senior government minister, mean when he threatened Palestinian students last month with another “Nakba” if they continued to wave the Palestinian flag? He urged them to “remember 1948” and speak to their “grandfathers and grandmothers”.

“If you don’t calm down,” he told the Israeli parliament, “we’ll teach you a lesson that won’t be forgotten.”

And similarly, what was in the mind of Uzi Dayan, a former army general who is also a member of the Israeli parliament, when he warned Palestinians two months earlier “to be careful”? They would face “a situation you know, which is Nakba”, if they refused to passively submit to Israel’s dictates.

Both threats – and similar ones from senior Israeli politicians over the years – fly in the face of long-held claims by successive Israeli governments that the Palestinian narrative of the Nakba, the Arabic word for “catastrophe”, constitutes a vile distortion of the region’s history.

According to Israeli officials, Palestinian accusations that they were violently and willfully expelled from their homeland in 1948 are a slur against Israel’s character and its army, supposedly “the most moral in the world”. It is even suggested that commemorating the Nakba equates to antisemitism.

And yet paradoxically, Israeli politicians seem only too ready to echo these supposed calumnies against the founding of the self-declared “Jewish state”. In 2017, Tzachi Hanegbi, while serving as a senior cabinet minister, warned Palestinians that they faced a “third Nakba” – after the mass expulsions of 1948 and 1967 – if they resisted the occupation.

“You’ve already paid that crazy price twice for your leaders,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “Don’t try us again, because the result won’t be any different. You have been warned!”

Nakba denial

According to Palestinians and a growing number of scholars researching Israel’s archives, Zionist leaders and their militias waged a violent, premeditated campaign of ethnic cleansing in 1948 in which four-fifths of all Palestinians were driven off their lands and into exile. As a consequence, the Zionist movement was able to declare a Jewish state on most of their homeland.

Today, many millions of Palestinian refugees are dispersed across the Middle East and much of the rest of the world, unable to return. Israeli officials have been so adamant that this narrative is a lie to demonise Israel that back in 2011 the government of Benjamin Netanyahu passed a law to erase from the public space any commemoration of the Nakba.

The so-called Nakba Law threatens to strip Israeli institutions – including schools, universities, libraries and municipalities – of state funding if they allow any such commemoration. In its original form, the law would have led to a three-year jail term for anyone taking part in such an event.

But even before the legislation, Nakba denial was the Israeli state’s default position.

In contrast to the Palestinian narrative, Israel denies any premeditation or malicious violence by its leaders and soldiers, and instead blames the Palestinian exodus in 1948 on other factors.

It claims that most Palestinians left on the orders of Arab leaders, rather than that they were ethnically cleansed by the new Israeli state’s army. Officials argue too that the Israeli army attacked Palestinian communities largely in response to violence from Palestinian fighters and units of Arab soldiers from neighbouring countries that came to their aid.

Noted Israeli historians like Benny Morris continue to argue that “at no stage of the 1948 war was there a decision by the leadership of the Yishuv [pre-state Jewish community] or the state to ‘expel the Arabs’.” On this official view, most Palestinians either chose to leave or were responsible for provoking the violence that led to them being forced out. Israel’s hands are supposedly clean.

But if Israelis really believe this to be the case, why are veteran politicians such as Katz, Dayan and Hanegbi using the Palestinian terminology of Nakba themselves – and threatening that Israel will carry out a second or third time what officials insist never happened in the first place?

Operation Broom

Israel’s narrative is so dominant that until recently most Israeli Jews believed that their state’s founding father, David Ben-Gurion, urged the Palestinian population fleeing the large port city of Haifa to return in 1948. Palestinians supposedly preferred to wait out the fighting until the Zionist forces were defeated.

According to this account, Ben-Gurion sent Golda Meir, later prime minister herself, on a mission to reassure fleeing Palestinians. In her autobiography, Meir recounts: “I sat on the beach there [in Haifa] and begged them to return home… I pleaded with them until I was exhausted but it didn’t work.”

But a letter written in early June 1948 by Ben-Gurion came to light seven years ago that undermines Israel’s propaganda. In it, he responded angrily to reports that the British consul was “working to return the Arabs to Haifa”. Ben-Gurion demanded that Haifa’s Jewish leaders actively stymie these British efforts.

In fact, an Israeli scholar who was handed an archive file in error disclosed nearly a decade ago that the story of Arab leaders insisting Palestinians flee their homeland in 1948 was a nonsense. It was concocted by Israeli officials as a way to end US pressure on Israel to allow Palestinian refugees to return.

Beginning in the 1980s, a new generation of Israeli historians started trawling through Israel’s archives as sections of it were briefly opened. They unearthed documentary evidence of an entirely different set of events that accorded with the Palestinian narrative.

Military operations had suggestive titles like “Operation Broom” and commanders received orders to “clean” areas. Many hundreds of Palestinian villages were destroyed as soon as their populations had been driven out by Zionist soldiers, with the clear intent never to let them return.

Reign of terror

And despite Israel’s best efforts to keep it under wraps, archival evidence has kept emerging of Israeli massacres of Palestinian civilians, making explicit why the vast majority of Palestinians fled in 1948.

In one of the worst, around 170 unarmed men, women and children were executed by the Israeli army near Hebron, and hundreds more wounded, even as they offered no resistance.

A letter from the time by Shabtai Kaplan, a soldier and journalist who witnessed the Dawayimah massacre, was found in 2016. He observed that the killings were part of “a system of expulsion and destruction”. The rationale, he wrote, was: “The fewer Arabs who remain, the better.”

Another long-denied massacre of Palestinians – at Tantura, on the coast south of Haifa – was thrust into the spotlight earlier this year after a new Israeli film included testimonies from former soldiers in which they admitted committing the massacre.

Katz, Dayan and Hanegbi understand what the word Nakba means for Palestinians and are aware too that the Palestinian narrative of the events of 1948 has been confirmed by the archives.

Nakba – for them, as for Palestinians – means a reign of military terror to drive out the Palestinian population in areas Israel wishes to further colonise with Jews, or “Judaise” as official Israeli terminology puts it. It means yet another wave of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, both those under occupation and the minority living with highly degraded citizenship inside Israel.

In threatening a second Nakba, Katz and Dayan are simply confirming that Israeli leaders, despite their protestations, have always known what the Nakba was – and have always approved of the goal of ethnic cleansing Palestinians.

The irony is that, while Israel denounces Palestinians and their supporters as liars for speaking of the Nakba, its own officials publicly cite the Nakba as a real event that can be repeated if Palestinians do not submit completely.

Genocidal rhetoric

That should not surprise us. After all, the goal of expulsion did not end with the events of 1948 – the reason Palestinians speak of an “ongoing Nakba”.

Israeli officials regularly employ genocidal-type rhetoric. As head of Israel’s military, Moshe Yaalon compared the threat posed by Palestinians to “cancer” that had “to be severed and fought to the bitter end”.

Ayelet Shaked, currently Israel’s interior minister, has characterised all Palestinians as “enemy combatants” – a term suggesting they are legitimate military targets. She has referred to any Palestinians that fights Israel’s decades of belligerent occupation as “snakes” and indicated that their entire families can be eliminated, including their mothers, otherwise “more little snakes will be raised there”.

Leading rabbis in Israel are even more explicit. Two wrote a notorious handbook, The King’s Torah, arguing that it is permitted to kill Palestinians, even babies, pre-emptively because “it is clear that they will grow to harm us”. Neither faced prosecution.

‘Finish the job’

These types of menacing comments are not just directed at Palestinians in the occupied territories. Notably, the recent Nakba threats were chiefly aimed at Israel’s 1.8 million Palestinian citizens, who, Israel falsely maintains, enjoy equal status with Israel’s Jewish citizens.

Palestinian citizens are the descendants of the small numbers of Palestinians who managed to avoid expulsion in 1948 – due largely to oversights and international pressure.

Exemplifying Israelis’ cognitive dissonance on this issue, historian Benny Morris has cited the existence of a Palestinian minority in Israel as proof that the Nakba is a lie and that Israel never intended to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.

He has done so even as he lamented the fact that Ben-Gurion “got cold feet during the [1948] war” and “faltered” in failing to expel every last Palestinian.

In this, he shares the sentiments of far-right politicians like Bezalel Smotrich, another former government minister. Last year, Smotrich addressed legislators representing the Palestinian minority, saying: “It’s a mistake that Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and didn’t throw you out in 1948.”

On another occasion, Smotrich made a barely veiled threat of expulsion: “Arabs are citizens of Israel – for now, at least.”

Caught in a trap

Such threats are far from idle. In its first decades, Israel continued to secretly expel vulnerable communities of Palestinian citizens, such as the Bedouin in the Naqab, and plotted to expel more.

Israel’s security forces carried out an early massacre of Palestinian citizens, almost certainly to incentivise them to leave. Israel has also conducted at least one secret military exercise to prepare for a scenario in which there is a mass expulsion of Israel’s Palestinian minority.

Israel’s most senior politicians have proposed opaque plans to strip much of the Palestinian minority of its Israeli citizenship and their right to live in the state of Israel.

And in addition to comments by Katz and Dayan, Israeli politicians – even former prime ministers such as Netanyahu – have incited against Palestinian citizens as freely as they have Palestinians under occupation, suggesting they are terrorists and murderers.

And all of this takes place as the jurisdiction of Israel’s settlements continues to expand relentlessly in the occupied territories, and Palestinians in the West Bank face ever more pressure and violence to leave their homes and their homeland.

While Palestinians are effectively banned from publicly referring to the Nakba and may soon be barred even from waving a Palestinian flag in public spaces, Israelis can march through Palestinian communities calling out: “Death to the Arabs!” and “May your village burn!

The reality, as hinted at by Katz and Dayan’s latest statements, is that Palestinians are caught in a trap. If they assert their national identity, or even their most basic rights such as by waving a Palestinian flag, they risk providing Israel with the pretext to forcibly expel them, to carry out another Nakba.

But if they stay silent, as Katz and Dayan demand, the process of incremental ethnic cleansing, a second Nakba, takes place anyway – if a little more quietly.

Palestinians pay the price either way – while Israel’s policy of Nakba continues unabated.


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Jonathan Cook is the the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at: He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Less than two weeks ago, service members, veterans, and their families gathered together to mark Memorial Day. Flags waved above solemn ceremonies as Americans of all walks of life took a moment to remember those who have died fighting for the United States around the world.

Since then, three military aircraft have gone down, leaving at least five service members dead and two injured. But these tragedies didn’t happen over far-off battlefields. Instead, they came on routine training missions in Alabama and California.

This quick succession of crashes is rare, but deadly accidents involving U.S. military planes are anything but. In late 2020, Congress found that, in just six years, “mishaps” in training flights or routine missions killed 198 service members and civilians, destroyed 157 aircraft, and cost taxpayers $9.41 billion.

Two years after the congressional report, crashes are still happening with alarming frequency, leading many to wonder why this seemingly simple issue still plagues the world’s best-funded military. Experts who spoke with Responsible Statecraft had a simple answer: The epidemic of accidents is the result of a military budget geared more towards shiny, cutting-edge tech than the nuts and bolts of pilot safety.

“​​There’s big lobbies for big ticket systems,” said Bill Hartung of the Quincy Institute, “and there’s not the same kind of lobby for aviation safety.”

In order to understand why these crashes keep happening, it’s helpful to look back at the 2020 congressional report. Investigators recommended a series of common sense moves to fix the problem, including increased money for maintenance and spare parts as well as establishing an oversight board for aviation safety at the Pentagon. They also suggested that crashes were happening because pilots were simply not flying often enough and recommended that they get more hours in.

Yet Dan Grazier, a defense expert at the Project on Government Oversight, says the Pentagon is “largely at the same place” as it was when the report came out. According to Defense One, an oversight board has still not been established. And Grazier notes that “in some cases, there’s been an effort to double down on some of the problems.”

Take, for example, the issue of flight hours. In 2021, active-duty pilots in the Air Force got an average of 10.1 flight hours per month, a slight decrease from the 10.9 flight hours they averaged in 2020. And Heritage Foundation senior defense fellow John Venable, himself a former F-16 pilot, recently said pilots are only getting about 4.1 hours per month. As suggested in the report, the Pentagon has tried to make up for the lack of time in the air by training pilots on simulators.

But Grazier says that simulator hours are not a real replacement for time in the air. He pointed to a 2020 incident in which an F-35 crashed during a landing at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. According to Grazier, the pilot “had trained extensively on the simulator,” but this training didn’t prepare him for a glitch during landing. “The simulator acted in one way as the aircraft was landing, but then the real aircraft acted in a different way,” Grazier said.

Luckily, the pilot was able to eject, and no one was injured in the incident. But the problem remains clear: America has a stock of complex aircraft like the (more than a little controversial) F-35 that can’t get in the air as often as their simpler ancestors and are more likely to malfunction, sometimes in disastrous ways.

Just yesterday a Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey crashed in California, killing four Marines onboard. Since the aircraft’s inception, observers have argued that the Osprey has an unnecessarily complicated design, with a “tiltrotor” system that allows it to take off like a helicopter but fly like any large prop plane.

This science fiction design is too good to be true, according to Lawrence Korb of the Center for American Progress. “That darn thing should never have been bought,” Korb said.

“When that program was started, I was in the building, as they say, in the 80s,” he continued. “It was so expensive and [had] so many problems that the Army dropped out of it, and basically the Marines stayed in.”

The Osprey’s doubters have been proven right over the years as accidents have plagued the space-age aircraft, which has crashed eight times since 2007 and twice just this year, according to the San Diego Union Tribune.

So why does Congress keep ordering complex planes like the F-35 and the Osprey? According to Grazier, it’s a problem of priorities, which have been muddled by defense contractors that stand to make big money on aircraft that cost billions to build and maintain.

“Hardware is not a solution in and of itself,” Grazier said. “You need to have the right hardware to implement the good ideas so the good people can use it to go out and win wars.”

With Pentagon budget season in full swing, the problem of priorities has come into sharp relief. The recent crashes have already pushed lawmakers to add language in next year’s budget authorization that will force the DoD to do an annual report on the findings of the “joint aviation safety council” that it was instructed to create in 2020.

In prior years, some observers have blamed military budget cuts for avoidable crashes. But Grazier says it can’t be fixed by “throwing money at the problem.”

“The fact that we did throw so much money at the Pentagon [after 9/11] has actually contributed to this,” he said. Grazier likened the DoD’s relative blank check in the last 20 years to giving his teenage daughter his credit card and telling her to “have at it.”

“There would be a lot of really bad decisions made with that,” he said. “Whereas if I handed her $20 and [said] ‘Hey, make sure you spend this wisely because you’re not getting anything else,’ she’d make more prudent decisions.”

Instead of ogling at sleek new planes, Grazier says Congress needs to act as “disciplinarians,” asking the hard questions about the lifetime costs of expensive programs and keeping defense industry interests in check.

As Hartung notes, these structural problems will take years to address, even if Congress and the Pentagon get on board immediately. But there’s a lot that can be done in the meantime to make pilots safer.

“It wouldn’t be rocket science to move more money to training and try to get the spare parts thing straightened out,” Hartung said. “It could be a multi-year undertaking, but I think there’s things that can be done now that would save lives that aren’t being done at the moment.”


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Featured image: Air Force Special Operations Command’s first CV-22 Osprey awaits its next mission on the ramp at Hurlburt Field, Fla. The tilt-rotor Osprey, which has the speed of a conventional airplane and the ability to hover like a helicopter, gives AFSOC the ability to perform special operations missions that would otherwise require both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo/Chief Master Sgt. Gary Emery)

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Julian Assange in Ithaka

June 15th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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“Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is where you’re destined for.”
C. P. Cavafy, trans. Edmund Keeley

John Shipton, despite his size, glides with insect-like grace across surfaces.  He moves with a hovering sense, a holy man with message and meaning.  As Julian Assange’s father, he has found himself a bearer of messages and meaning, attempting to convince those in power that good sense and justice should prevail over brute stupidity and callousness.  His one object: release Julian.

At the now defunct Druids Café on Swanston Street in Melbourne, he materialised out of the shadows, seeking candidates to stump for the incipient WikiLeaks Party over a decade ago.  The intention was to run candidates in the 2013 Senate elections in Australia, providing a platform for the publisher, then confined in the less than commodious surrounds of the Ecuadorian embassy in London.  Soft, a voice of reed and bird song, Shipton urged activists and citizens to join the fray, to save his son, to battle for a cause imperishably golden and pure.  From this summit, power would be held accountable, institutions would function with sublime transparency, and citizens could be assured that their privacy would be protected.

In the documentary Ithaka, directed by Ben Lawrence, we see Shipton, Assange’s partner, Stella, the two children, the cat, glimpses of brother Gabriel, all pointing to the common cause that rises to the summit of purpose.  The central figure, who only ever manifests in spectral form – on screen via phone or fleeting footage – is one of moral reminder, the purpose that supplies blood for all these figures.  Assange is being held at Belmarsh, Britain’s most secure and infamous of prisons, denied bail, and being crushed by judicial procedure.  But in these supporters, he has some vestigial reminders of a life outside.

The film’s promotion site describes the subject as, “The world’s most famous political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange” a figure who has “become an emblem of an international arm wrestle over freedom of journalism, government corruption and unpunished war crimes.”  But it takes such a moment as Stella’s remarks in Geneva reflecting on the freshly erected statue of her husband to give a sense of breath, flesh and blood.  “I am here to remind you that Julian isn’t a name, he isn’t a symbol, he’s a man and he’s suffering.”

And suffer he shall, if the UK Home Secretary Priti Patel decides to agree to the wishes of the US Department of Justice.  The DOJ insists that their man face 17 charges framed, disgracefully and archaically, from a US law passed during the First World War and inimical to free press protections.  (The eighteenth, predictably, deals with computer intrusion.)  The Espionage Act of 1917 has become the crutch and support for prosecutors who see, in Assange, less a journalist than an opportunistic hacker who outed informants and betrayed confidences.  Seductively, he gathered a following and persuaded many that the US imperium was not flaxen of hair and noble of heart.  Beneath the impostor lay the bodies of Collateral Murder, war crimes and torture.  The emperor not only lacked clothes but was a sanctimonious murderer to boot.

Material for Lawrence comes readily enough, largely because of a flat he shared with Shipton during filming in England.  The notable pauses over bread and a glass of wine, pregnant with meaning, the careful digestion of questions before the snappy response, and the throwaway line of resigned wisdom, are all repeated signatures.  In the background are the crashes and waves of the US imperium, menacing comfort and ravaging peace.  All of this is a reminder that individual humanity is the best antidote to rapacious power.

Through the film, the exhausting sense of media, that estate ever present but not always listening, comes through.  This point is significant enough; the media – at least in terms of the traditional fourth estate – put huge stock in the release of material from WikiLeaks in 2010, hailing the effort and praising the man behind it.  But relations soured, and tabloid nastiness set in.  The Left found tell-all information and tales of Hillary Clinton too much to handle while the Right, having initially revelled in the revelations of WikiLeaks in 2016, took to demonising the herald.  Perversely, in the United States, accord was reached across a good number of political denizens: Assange had to go, and to go, he had to be prosecuted in the United Kingdom and extradited to the United States.

The documentary covers the usual highlights without overly pressing the viewer.   A decent run-up is given to the Ecuadorian stint lasting 7 years, with Assange’s bundling out, and the Old Bailey proceedings covering extradition.  But Shipton and Stella Moris are the ones who provide the balancing acts in this mission to aid the man they both love.

Shipton, at points, seems tired and disgusted, his face abstracted in pain.  He is dedicated, because the mission of a father is to be such.  His son is in, as he puts it, “the shit”, and he is going to damn well shovel him out of it.  But there is nothing blindingly optimistic about the endeavour.

The film has faced, as with its subject, the usual problems of distribution and discussion. When Assange is mentioned, the dull minded exit for fear of reputation, and the hysterical pronounce and pounce.  In Gabriel Shipton’s words, “All of the negative propaganda and character assassination is so pervasive that many people in the sector and the traditional distribution outlets don’t want to be seen as engaging in advocacy for Julian.”

Where Assange goes, the power monopolies recoil.  Distribution and the review of a documentary such as Ithaka is bound to face problems in the face of such a compromised, potted media terrain.  Assange is a reminder of plague in the patient of democracy, pox on the body politic.

Despite these efforts, Shipton and Assange’s new wife are wandering minds, filled with experiences of hurt and hope. Shipton, in particular, gives off a smell of resignation before the execution.  It’s not in the sense of Candide, where Panglossian glory occupies the mind and we accept that the lot delved out is the best possible of all possible worlds.  Shipton offers something else: things can only get worse, but he would still do it again.  As we all should, when finding our way to Ithaka.

Watch trailer below.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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The US expects the announcement of more weapons for Ukraine at a meeting of nearly 50 nations in Brussels that will take place on Wednesday, a senior Pentagon official said on Tuesday.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will host the meeting, convening a new forum dubbed the Ukraine Contact Group for the third time. At previous meetings, Western powers pledged to send heavy weapons to Ukraine.

On Monday, Ukrainian presidential aide Mykhailo Podolyak listed on Twitter Kyiv’s massive weapons wishlist that he hopes will be pledged at the meeting, which includes 1,000 howitzers, 300 MLRS, 500 tanks, 2,000 armored vehicles, and 1,000 drones.

“Contact Group of Defense Ministers meeting is held in Brussels on June 15. We are waiting for a decision,” Podolyak said. The Pentagon official wouldn’t detail what weapons the US expects to be pledged at Wednesday’s meeting.

Earlier this month, Reuters reported that the US was considering selling Ukraine four MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones that can be armed with hellfire missiles, which would mark a significant escalation in Washington’s support for Kyiv. Pentagon officials told Politico on Tuesday that the deal is not yet finalized, and if it’s pushed through, training Ukrainian forces on the drones could take months.

Ukrainian officials have been more candid about their battlefield losses in recent weeks as they plead for new weapons and are now saying they can’t win the battle for the Donbas unless the West provides more heavy arms. Every time the West escalates military assistance for Ukraine, it risks provoking Moscow, which has issued repeated warnings against giving Kyiv longer-range weapons.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, left, shakes hands with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during their meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, October 19, 2021. [Source:]

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel on Tuesday voted 22 – 0 to authorize Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 to 11 and 12 to 17 despite the lack of short- and long-term safety data and no evidence children are at risk of serious illness.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory panel today voted unanimously to recommend Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 6 to 17 after determining the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for use.

The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted 22 to 0 to recommend Moderna’s two-dose vaccine for 6- to 11-year-olds at half the strength of the adult version, and 22 to 0 in favor of authorizing the shot for 12- to 17-year-olds at the same strength as adults.

The FDA’s vaccine advisors will meet again on Wednesday to discuss amending Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to include the “administration of the primary series to infants and children 6 months through 5 years of age.”

The committee tomorrow also will discuss amending EUA of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to “include the administration of the primary series to infants and children 6 months through 4 years of age.”

After VRBPAC makes its recommendations, the FDA will then decide whether to authorize Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines for the suggested age groups.

During the public comment session of the meeting, individuals expressed concern over recommending a vaccine for an age group that has an almost zero risk of experiencing severe illness or death from COVID-19 and has already acquired a high level of natural immunity.

Dr. Harvey Klein, orthopedic surgeon, mechanical engineer and rocket scientist said he is appalled at the FDA’s arrogance in even “thinking of vaccinating healthy children with outdated, highly toxic COVID vaccines.”

Klein said:

“Children have a “99.998% recovery rate with no sequelae if they get COVID. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) statistics show children ages birth to 18 who have been vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s so-called vaccines have had severe life-threatening adverse reactions, such as myocarditis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome and many more severe adverse reactions [including] death.

“We know that VAERS is underreported by a factor of 100. The data cries out loudly to stop this insanity immediately before you kill or maim one more innocent child.”

Klein said the risks don’t outweigh the benefits as children from birth up to age 18 have a survival rate of 99.9% and virtually zero risk of death.

“Why in the world would you want to try to improve on perfection by exposing them to significant chances of being permanently severely injured or dead?” Klein asked. “The risk is infinite, the benefits are non-existent and the efficacy is extremely negative.”

Dr. David Gortler is a pharmacologist, pharmacist, FDA and healthcare policy oversight fellow and FDA reform advocate at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

In a public comment published on the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s website, Gortler said the FDA and its advisory panel have “maintained a highly non-scientific and casual attitude toward approving a vaccine whose short- and long-term effects on children are unclear.”

Gortler said the FDA has failed to address genotoxicity, teratogenicity, oncogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines and cardiovascular risk following vaccination, potential fertility issues and clinical effects of spike proteins in donated or transfused blood.

“Before parents consent to vaccinate their children against COVID, basic medical ethics requires that they be informed of exactly how safe that vaccine is,” Gortler said.

Four million doses must be administered to children 5 to 11 years of age to prevent a single ICU admission in the same age group, Gortler said.

“Assuming two doses per child, that means two million children must risk potentially serious side effects to prevent a single child from requiring intensive care due to COVID-19.”

Another analysis, by Kathy Dopp and Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., shows COVID-19 vaccination increases a child’s risk of dying from infection.

“Children under 18 are also 51 times more likely to die from the vaccine than they are to die from COVID infection if not vaccinated,” Gortler said, citing the analysis. “In other words, there is no clinical or epidemiological justification for vaccination in this particular group.”

In an email to The Defender, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general counsel, said:

“Vaccinating young children against a virus that poses no harm to them is unethical and dangerous.

“However, it does bring Pharma closer to its ultimate goal of getting COVID shots added to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule, which means Pfizer and other COVID vaccine manufacturers will have a captive market in perpetuity and likely never be held accountable for harm or even death to young children caused by their products.”

CDC confirms 635 cases of myocarditis in 18- to 30-year-olds

During the meeting, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a vaccine safety official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said some data suggest a higher risk of myocarditis among people 18 to 39 years old after receiving Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine — which is administered at a higher dose than the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.

Shimabukuro said the findings were not consistent across various safety databases and were not statistically significant, Reuters reported.

The CDC confirmed 635 cases of myocarditis, or heart inflammation, in the 5 to 17 age group out of almost 55 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine administered. The agency said the condition occurred most often in adolescent boys after receiving their second dose.

“Based on health provider assessments, around 80% of those diagnosed appeared to have fully recovered. Another 18% had improved but not fully recovered,” Shimabukuro said.

The CDC uses a narrowed case definition of “myocarditis,” which excludes cases of cardiac arrest, ischemic strokes and deaths due to heart problems that occur before one has the chance to go to the emergency department.

Moderna’s vaccine data for kids riddled with problems

The FDA last week released its risk-benefit assessment of Moderna’s application for emergency use of its COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 6 months to 17 years old.

The single-spaced 190-page document was released just two days before the VRBPAC meeting.

Instead of providing four separate documents breaking down the data by adolescents ages 12 to 17, 6 to 11, 2 to 5 and 6 months to 23 months, the company lumped all age groups together to massage the data, said Toby Rogers, Ph.D.

Looking at each individual age group, the shot fails in each category, Rogers said. But lumping them together creates noise that makes it difficult to interpret the data. Moderna then subdivided these age groups into eight different subgroups resulting in 32 different tables.

Moderna also did this with its adverse event data by creating 20 adverse event tables allowing it to eliminate or hide data it didn’t like.

Moderna’s data showed its vaccine did not reduce severe outcomes because the risk of COVID-19 in this age group is “infinitesimally small,” Rogers said.

Another problem with Moderna’s data is that it ignored actual health outcomes by analyzing antibodies in the blood.

First, Moderna claims the sample size for each of the four subgroups of children is about 3,000. But when it came to looking at antibodies in the blood, the company only looked at the bloodwork of about 300 kids in each age group.

No explanation was given for the criteria they used to exclude 90% of the sample from their analysis.

The second issue is that “no placebo recipients were included in the Immunogenicity Subset” (p. 26). This means they did not include any blood work from anyone in the placebo group as required for a randomized controlled trial.

It is unknown whether the increase in antibody levels is from children who previously acquired natural immunity or from COVID-19 vaccines.

As part of its analysis, Moderna compared antibody levels in the blood of about 10% of children against antibody levels in a sample of roughly 300 adults ages 18 to 25 enrolled in a previous clinical trial.

Because antibody levels were similar, Moderna claimed its vaccine would prevent disease.

Yet, Moderna only measured antibody levels two months after the second dose — the time period when the antibody levels are at their peak.

“Data on safety are non-existent and woefully incomplete given the very short follow-up time post-vaccination, and the cohort sizes are too small to pick up any real adverse events,” said CHD Chief Science Director Dr. Brian Hooker. “There are no long-term safety studies on these genetic technologies.”

Research shows any efficacy acquired by a vaccine quickly wanes to zero by 6 months and then turns negative after that, and that antibodies do not necessarily correlate with protection.

18 members of Congress demand answers from FDA

Eighteen members of Congress on June 8 wrote a letter demanding answers from the FDA regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 shots for infants and young children.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, also sent a letter to VRBPAC members last week warning that CHD is poised to take legal action should the EUAs be granted.

Between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 3, 2022, 1,295,329 adverse events have been reported, including 236,767 serious injuries and 28,714 deaths following COVID-19 vaccinations.

In children ages 5-17, there have been 49,283 adverse events reported, including 114 deaths.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

The Key Issues within Ukraine. The Big Picture

June 15th, 2022 by Rod Driver

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First published on May 10, 2022


In 2014, the journalist and writer John Pilger wrote an article for The Guardian newspaper entitled ‘In Ukraine the US is dragging us towards war with Russia’.[i] Eight years later, in 2022, this prediction came true when Russia invaded Ukraine. Readers should be aware that I am anti-war, and therefore not in favour of any country invading any other. This article is to help readers understand why Russia invaded Ukraine.

A peaceful outcome is possible if negotiators from the US, Ukraine, Europe (particularly Germany and France) and Russia are able to sit down and agree a solution. Negotiations have to deal with two sets of connected problems. The first is about how different regions in Ukraine are governed. The second is about the role that Ukraine plays internationally.  

The key issues within Ukraine 

Ukraine is a patchwork of regions, whose people have very different backgrounds and loyalties. In simple terms, in the West of Ukraine, most people are pro-Europe, in the East most people are pro-Russia. The US engineered a coup in Ukraine in 2014 to overthrow the pro-Russian leader, Yanukovych, and replace him with the pro-US leader, Yatsenyuk. The current leader, Zelensky (elected in 2019) is also pro-US. During the 2014 coup, there were protests in Maidan Square which began peacefully but were hi-jacked by violent extremists,[ii] who have committed many atrocities. 

There are two regions in Ukraine which are particularly relevant for understanding recent events. The first region is Crimea, in the south. This is a Russian-speaking area that contains Russia’s only warm-water port in Sevastopol. In 2014 the people of Crimea overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia. The Ukrainian leader, Zelensky, said in March 2021, “we are taking back Crimea”. Since then, the Ukrainian army have increased the number of soldiers in the south and east of the country.

Russian would like to create a peace agreement where Ukraine has no claims on Crimea.

The second region is known as Donbas, around the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east. The extremists mentioned earlier have been fighting with people in Donbas for the last eight years. The OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) have recorded approximately 15,000 deaths in the region. Residents in the region have been asking for Russian help for years.[iii] On 16 Feb 2022, there was a huge increase in the intensity of shelling against Donbas by the Ukrainians. This would normally be the beginning of a large-scale attack.[iv]

There is a concept in International Law known as ‘Responsibility to Protect’. This is usually abused by the US and Britain to justify criminal invasions, but it has relevance in this case. The Russian invasion was necessary to protect the people of Donbas.[v]

The International Situation

Many US experts on International Relations, most notably John Mearsheimer, have been saying for many years that the problems in Ukraine are the US’s fault.[vi] The main reason is the ongoing expansion of a military grouping known as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation). It was set up in 1949 to protect European countries against a communist invasion. (The threat of such an invasion was hugely exaggerated.[vii]) When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, and the Soviet Union disintegrated, US leaders promised that NATO would not expand Eastwards towards Russia. Unfortunately, the US has broken that promise. More and more countries in Eastern Europe have joined NATO, seriously increasing the militarization of the region.[viii] NATO has ceased to be a defensive arrangemet. They have actively participated in the destruction of Yugoslavia and Libya. 

Whilst Ukraine is not a formal member of NATO, for all practical purposes Ukraine has become a defacto member of NATO. The US, Britain and many other countries have supplied large numbers of weapons to Ukraine, including sophisticated ones such as drones and modern anti-tank missiles. The US has biological weapons labs in Ukraine, many close to the Russian border.[ix] Approximately 260,000 Ukrainian troops have been trained to NATO standards[x] by the US military.[xi] The Russians have stated since 2008 that NATO expansion into Ukraine is an existential threat, because the US could then put nuclear missiles in Ukraine, pointing at Russia.

Russia’s main goal is for Ukraine to be neutral.[xii] This means that Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO, and it cannot have US or other weapons pointing at Russia.[xiii] More generally, Russia wants the US and European countries to sign a binding East-West security agreement. This would involve NATO ending military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia, and guarantees that NATO will not deploy missiles in other nations bordering Russia.[xiv] (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow). One of the early targets of the Russian invasion was a NATO training-base in Ukraine, which was destroyed by Russian missiles. 

There have been discussions about both of these issues for years, but the US and Ukraine have been working against peaceful outcomes. The US (and Britain) has a long track record of pursuing violence, when peaceful alternatives are possible. Hillary Clinton did not want peace negotiations before the US, Britain and France destroyed Libya in 2011, and the US ensured that peace negotiations failed in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Similarly, British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, avoided peace negotiations before the Falklands War in 1982. It is the US and Ukrainian refusal to engage in genuine negotiations that forced Russia into the current situation.[xv]

Western Propaganda 

There is widespread evidence that public relations companies are active in Ukraine, helping the government put out propaganda.[xvi] The mainstream media in Britain and the US are also putting out pro-Ukrainian propaganda. The general portrayal of the situation follows the pattern of Ukraine as innocent victims, Russia as the demonic invader, with little discussion of history or context. 

It is difficult to know with absolute certainty about specific events during war, but there have been stories about Russian atrocities which have been contradicted by evidence and eye-witnesses. This includes an attack on a theatre in Mariupol,[xvii] a massacre in Bucha, and an attack on a hospital. The CIA have admitted that they are using fake stories about events in Ukraine.[xviii] These are all reminiscent of the fake story in 2003 about Iraqi soldiers killing Kuwaiti babies in incubators. Occasionally, even mainstream British journalists have criticized the BBC for its flagrant propaganda.[xix]

In some cities the Russians are being welcomed as liberators,[xx] and eye-witnesses report that it is the Ukrainian extremists who have been killing civilians if they try to leave certain cities, such as Mariupol.[xxi] Russia has presented evidence to the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) about Ukrainian atrocities, where extremists have been murdering and torturing prisoners.[xxii] Zelensky has had opponents and critics tortured and assassinated,[xxiii] and Ukrainian peace negotiators have been murdered.[xxiv]

The evidence indicates that Russia’s invasion has been much more careful than US and British attacks on Iraq and other countries. The US Department of Defense has leaked information indicating that Russia is trying to avoid civilian casualties and property damage.

The Big Picture – Why the US wanted Russia to attack

It is important to understand the broader context of the world we live in. The US government is the biggest criminal organization in the world, having committed the worst crimes of the 21st century in destroying Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and (with a little help from their Saudi allies) Yemen. Britain has actively participated in these war crimes. The US also overthrows governments in many other countries by funding protests, known as colour revolutions.

The US also dominates the global economy. China, Russia and many other countries are trying to find ways to change the global economic system so that it cannot be controlled and exploited by the US. This means ending the dominance of the US$, ending US control of international institutions such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO, and creating alternative mechanisms for international payments.

The US wants the existing system to continue. It is trying to weaken Russia, by forcing it into conflict with its neighours. The US wants to stop Germany, and Europe more generally, from developing closer links with Russia.[xxv] The US particularly objects to the Nordstream 2 pipeline that will deliver gas from Russia to Germany. By goading Russia into attacking Ukraine, the US are creating the impression that Russia poses a military threat to Europe.[xxvi] This is intended to encourage NATO countries to have more weapons, and to encourage other European countries, such as Finland and Sweden, to join NATO.[xxvii]

A US think-tank, known as RAND, wrote a report recommending provocations of Russia to force them to invade Ukraine. This included military exercises in Ukraine and in the Black Sea; withdrawing from weapons treaties; and putting offensive weapons in Ukraine. The US has done all of these things.[xxviii] It is quite clear that the US deliberately provoked this war.

During the 1990s, the US imposed extreme economic policies on Russia, with devastating consequences. Parts of the economy were destroyed, millions of people ended up in poverty, and life expectancy was reduced by an amount rarely seen outside of wartime. The Russian leader, Putin, rescued Russia from this situation. The former CIA analyst, Ray McGovern, has pointed out that in a US DIA (Defence Intelligence Assessment) in 2015, Russia was convinced that the US was aiming to overthrow the Russian government. Senior US commentators regularly declare that this is their goal.[xxix]

Invasion is usually, but not always, the worst course of action

There is at least one historical example where the invasion of a neighbouring country was a better course of action than not invading. This was in 1978 when Vietnam invaded Cambodia. Cambodia was ruled by a leader called Pol Pot, and his government was known as the Khmer Rouge. They were committing genocide against the population of Cambodia. The invasion by Vietnam ended the genocide, but it also ensured that the genocidal violence did not cross the border into Vietnam. It is clear when the US and Britain destroy other countries, their motivation is not to protect the people of those countries, or the people of Britain and the US. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is to protect people in Eastern Ukraine, and the people of Russia in the long term.

We must not make the situation worse

It is important that the US and Europe do not make the situation in Ukraine worse by supplying weapons, or sending soldiers to fight. Unfortunately, weapons are pouring into Ukraine. The US is even training ISIS terrorists at a base in Syria and then sending them to Ukraine.[xxx] When ordinary people call for more weapons or no-fly zones, they mistakenly assume that the US, Britain and NATO have ‘good intentions’. This is contradicted by the evidence of recent years. There is clear evidence that some NATO members want the war to continue in order to weaken Russia,[xxxi] despite the fact that this will lead to the deaths of far more people.

Further Reading or Viewing

Jacques Baud, ‘Retired Swiss military-intelligence officer: ‘Is it possible to actually know what has been and is going on in Ukraine?’’,, 22 April 2022, here. 

Oliver Stone, ‘Ukraine on Fire’. This documentary explains in more detail what had happened in the previous few years.


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Rod Driver is a semi-retired academic who writes beginners’ guides to help people understand how the world works, without the nonsense in the mainstream media. All of his other articles can be read on Globalresearch, or on his website at



[i] John Pilger, ‘In Ukraine the US is dragging us towards war with Russia’, The Guardian, 13 May 2014, at 

[ii] Many of the extremists display Nazi insignia on their uniforms.

Robert Parry, ‘U.S. House admits Nazi role in Ukraine’, Consortium News, 12 June, 2015, at 

[iii] Eva Bartlett, ‘Under Fire from Ukraine: The people of the DPR share their stories’, BSNews, 5 March 2022, at

Brett Redmayne-Titley, ‘The lies…and the eyes…of Ukraine. Reporting from Lviv’, Global Research, 19 April 2022, at 

[iv] Aaron Mate and Jacques Baud, ‘US, EU sacrificing Ukraine to ‘weaken Russia’: fmr. NATO adviser’, TheGrayzone, 15 April 2022, at

Peter Koening, ‘Kiev’s secret order for a march offensive against Donbass?’, Global Research, 10 March 2022, at 

[v] Stephen Sefton, ‘Ukraine, international law, the left and double standards’, Global Research, 10 March 2022, at 

[vi] Ray McGovern and John Mearsheimer, ‘Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine’, Committee for the Republic, 2 March 2022, at 

[vii] Jim Garrison and Pyare Shivpuri, The Russian Threat: Its Myths and Realities

[viii] Ian Klinke, ‘NATO: The alliance that should have been dissolved’, AlJazeera, 3 Sep 2014, at 

[ix] Mision Verdad, ‘Military Biolabs in Ukraine’: A Pandora’s Box’, Internationalist 360, 20 March 2022, at 

[x] Michael Welch and Scott Ritter, ‘Russia is succeeding wildly in its objectives!” Scott Ritter on the war in Ukraine’, Global Research, 29 March 2022, at

[xi] Dave DeCamp, ‘Report: 8-year secrt CIA training program in Eastern Ukraine helped prepare for Russian invasion’,, 16 March 2022, at

[xii] C.J.Polychroniou and Noam Chomsky, ‘Noam Chomsky: A no-fly zone over Ukraine could unleash untold violence’, Truthout, 8 March 2022, at

[xiii] Tyler Stone and Doug McGregor, ‘McGregor: Washington wants war to continue as long as possible in hopes to overthrow Putin’, RealClearPolitics, 16 March 2022, at 

[xiv] John Pilger, ‘War in Europe and the rise of raw propaganda’, 17 Feb 2022, at

[xv] Nick Beams, ‘How the anti-Russian sanctions were planned’, WSWS, 27 March 2022, at 

[xvi] Dan Cohen, ‘Ukraine’s propaganda war: International PR firms, DC lobbyists and CIA cutouts’, MintPressNews, 22 March 2022, at

[xvii] Max Blumenthal, ‘BBC correspondent-fixer shaping Ukraine war coverage is PR operative involved in “war-messaging tool”’, The Grayzone, 25 March 2022, at

[xviii] Rodney Atkinson, ‘Railway station bombing by Ukrainian forces. USA admits fake news’, Freenations, 11 April 2022, at 

Joe Lauria, ‘Pentagon drops truth bombs to stave off war with Russia’, Consortium News, 23 March 2022, at 

[xix] Peter Hitchens, ‘Granny gets her gun – from a bunch of shameless neo-nazis…not that the BBC would ever tell you’, Mail on Sunday, 19 Feb 2022, at

[xx] Sonja Van den Ende, ‘U.S. media decries brutal Russia invasion of Ukraine – Yet an intrepid reporter finds that the Russinas were welcomed as liberators in the Southern Ukrainian city of Henichesk along the sea of Azov’, Covert Action Magazine, 25 March 2022, at

[xxi] Tyler Stone and Doug McGregor, ‘McGregor: Washington wants war to continue as long as possible in hopes to overthrow Putin’, RealClearPolitics, 16 March 2022, at 

Brett Redmayne-Titley, ‘The lies…and the eyes…of Ukraine. Reporting from Lviv’, Global Research, 19 April 2022, at 

[xxii] ‘Russia’s investigation into the crimes committed against the people of Donbas’, Investigative Committee of Russia, April 11, 2022, at

[xxiii] Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy, ‘”One less traitor”: Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition’, The Grayzone, 17 April 2022, at

[xxiv] Ben Norton, ‘NATO admits it wants Ukrainians to keep dying’ to bleed Russia, not peace’, Al Mayadeen, 8 April 2022, at 

[xxv] Jochen Scholz, ‘Who is the aggressor? NATO and Russia with a view to Germany and Ukraine’, Current Concern (English edition of Zeit-Fragen), February 2022, at

[xxvi] Mike Whitney, ‘The crisis in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. It’s about Germany’, Global Research, 26 March 2022, at 

[xxvii] Eric Zeusse, Putin fell into Biden’s trap’, Global Research, 11 April 2022, at

[xxviii] Rick Sterling, ‘RAND report prescribed US provocations against Russia and predicted Russia might retaliate in Ukraine’, Global Research, 28 March 2022, at

[xxix] Tyler Stone and Doug McGregor, ‘McGregor: Washington wants war to continue as long as possible in hopes to overthrow Putin’, RealClearPolitics, 16 March 2022, at 

[xxx] Unnamed Author, ‘New batch of ex-ISIS members transferred from Syria to Ukraine: Report’, TheCradle, 28 March 2022, at

[xxxi] Dave DeCamp, ‘Turkey says some NATO members want  longer Ukraine war to hurt Russia’,, 21 April 2022, at

Featured image is from Alexey Fedorenko/Shutterstock

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