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Statistician Mathew Crawford has shared important information related to the potential massive DoD medical data fraud

He looked at MSMR, an obscure industry publication by the DoD, and found that in 2021, they retroactively updated historical data to make the 2021 data look comparable

Mathew believes that the historical data was intentionally corrupted to hide the elevated signal of illness in the military in 2021

Additionally, at a later point in 2021, a server migration took place that might have compromised the medical data even more

The whistleblowers whose information was presented by attorney Tom Renz in January 2022 are undoubtedly heroes; but it is likely that by that time, the data had been already doubly corrupted

Getting to the bottom of this issue might be a good way to expose the true rates of vaccine injury


This story is about what could turn out to be one of the biggest cases of medical data fraud. It is based on my conversation with Mathew Crawford, whom I had the pleasure of interviewing for my podcast.

Mathew’s background is in statistics, actuarial sciences and math. In the past, he has worked on Wall Street, then focused on the field of education, writing textbooks and helping build educational companies.

Mathew started looking out for a large-scale dramatic event before the pandemic was announced. He became alarmed when right on the tail of the repo market crisis that happened in the fall of 2019, the Federal Reserve loaned $4.5 trillion to just three banks. (The Fed “quietly released the names of the three banks” who received the loans on December 31, 2021.)

Therefore, as soon as the unusually irrational and economically peculiar “COVID response” was thrown at us, Mathew became suspicious of the “pandemic clownery.”

The Convoluted DoD Data Saga

This particular DoD data saga started unveiling in January 2022, when attorney Thomas Renzpresented his whistleblower data at the five-hour hearing held by Senator Ron Johnson.

In his Substack post from February 2022, Mathew described being “shocked listening to Renz in real time” and learning about “the DoD whistleblowers (Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long) or the startling findings from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED):

  • Miscarriages up ~300%
  • Cancer rates up ~300%
  • Neurological conditions up ~1000%

Renz makes the database publicly downloadable here.” From there, the things got complicated. And before we dig in, let us first identify the elephant in the room.

The Elephant in the Room: A Summary

After Tom Renz made his earth-shaking announcement, the DoD came out and said that they had experienced a server glitch, and therefore, the whistleblower data was no good.

And as the DoD was hiding behind the unsigned statement about a “server glitch,” Mathew Crawford went ahead and analyzed a set of publicly available but obscure industry reports sourced from that same DoD database (DMED).

Having looked at the reports, he found that by the time the brave whistle blowers queried the DMED data, the data might have been already corrupted twice, using two different methods — potentially covering up vaccine injury in a very tricky way. (We’d need to look at the original data in order to know for sure what happened.)

Mathew believes that most likely, somebody at the DoD noticed elevated levels of illness in the 2021 data — after all, that’s what the whistleblower doctors have been seeing on the ground — and decided cover it up.

He thinks that the main coverup was done by retroactively changing the data in DMED for the previous years (2016 through 2020, which was done mid-2021, somewhere between May and July 2021, before Tom Renz’s announcement), thus making earlier years look worse than they were, in a number of categories.

But then in addition to that, the already altered database was migrated to a new server, possibly to make it more difficult to investigate. Per Mathew, it is theoretically possible that the in the process of migration, there was a genuine glitch — or maybe there was an intentional glitch to create more confusion and discredit any future whistle blowers.

Mather’s main point is that even if there was a glitch, that glitch likely came on top of the already faked data — and that is what he is trying to scream from the rooftops about.

And amazingly, if there really was a glitch during the sever migration (around August 2021), it went unnoticed for five months — in the military — despite the fact that the data was used by the DoD for troop preparedness evaluation, and also internally used by the CDC. No big deal, I guess.

No one looked, and no one noticed for at least five months that the data for previous years had undergone dramatic changes! I say, believe the DoD. They are trustworthy and would never lie to us. Here is the early timeline, as a direct quote from Mathew:

Below is the general timeline, according to what Mathew told me in the interview (I have published a version of this timeline here):

The Timeline and the General Plot

What Now?

Mathew hopes that a number of attorneys file FOIA requests and try to get a hold of the original data. This is not an easy task by any stretch of imagination. The data could be classified — and per Mathew, opening it up to the public could even require an Act of Congress.

But on the other hand, if the DoD bureaucrats are honest — which of course they are because they would never lie to us — and if they are already publishing their data in an industry journal, and if the injections are safe and effective, what do they have to hide?

Importantly, Mathew is encouraging interested parties to independently look at the MSMR data and draw their own conclusions. The data is publicly available.

On my end, I feel like we should try every avenue to establish the truth. At this point, our legal system is a little bit shaky but it’s still functioning — and I hope that more and more people start thinking from the inside and asking questions. I also hope that qualified attorneys file those FOIA requests, and we start getting somewhere. And yes, we might need a miracle but miracles follow love and courage. Time for love and courage is now.


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The British home secretary has formally approved the extradition of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to the United States, in the latest development in a dangerous and misguided criminal prosecution that has the potential to criminalize national security journalism in the United States.

Previously, a major coalition of civil liberties organizations, including Freedom of the Press Foundation, implored U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to drop the case against Assange in the name of protecting the rights of journalists everywhere. So, too, have the editors of major news outlets such as The New York Times and Washington Post.

By continuing to extradite Assange, the Biden DOJ is ignoring the dire warnings of virtually every major civil liberties and human rights organization in the country that the case will do irreparable damage to basic press freedom rights of U.S. reporters.

The prosecution, which includes 17 charges under the Espionage Act and one under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, covers events that took place more than a decade ago, but was brought only under the Trump administration — after the Obama Department of Justice reportedly considered charges but dismissed them for their dangerous First Amendment implications.

Reports suggest Assange may have at least one more avenue of appeal, so he may not be on a flight to the United States just yet. But this is one more troubling development in a case that could upend journalists’ rights in the 21st century.

You don’t have to like Assange or his political opinions at all to grasp the dangerous nature of this case for journalists everywhere, either. Even if you don’t consider him a “journalist,” much of the activity described in the charges against him is common newsgathering practices. A successful conviction would potentially make receiving classified information, asking for sources for more information, and publishing certain types of classified information a crime. Journalists, of course, engage in all these activities regularly.

There is some historical irony in the fact that this extradition announcement falls during the anniversary of the Pentagon Papers trial, which began with the Times publication of stories based on the legendary leak on June 13, 1971, and continued through the seminal Supreme Court opinion rejecting prior restraint on June 30, 1971.

In the months and years following that debacle, whistleblower (and FPF co-founder) Daniel Ellsberg became the first journalistic source to be charged under the Espionage Act. What many do not know is that the Nixon administration attempted to prosecute Times reporter Neil Sheehan for receiving the Pentagon Papers as well — under a very similar legal theory the Justice Department is using against Assange.

Thankfully, that prosecution failed. And until this one does too, we continue to urge the Biden administration to drop this prosecution. Every day it continues to further undermine the First Amendment.


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Guest: Christine Anderson, member of the European Parliament (AfD) and member of the:

  • Committee on Culture and Education
  • Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
  • Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the digital age
  • Substitute on the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

This session is:

  • On the renegotiation of WHO contracts: Can Democracy and the Rule of Law Survive at All, if a supranational and democratically non-legitimated organization like the WHO can be given de facto governmental power in the future?
  • On the extension of the Digital COVID Certificate: The “basic rights reference certificate” – a designation it considers much more appropriate has been extended for another year until June 2023.
    “Repeal of the previous Corona coercive measures appears to have been nothing more than a tactical retreat by the Establishment to have been.”


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FDA Panel Votes to Waive Clinical Trials for New COVID Boosters

By Megan Redshaw, June 30, 2022

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel voted 19 to 2 on Tuesday to add an Omicron component to COVID-19 boosters this fall, over objections by panel members and despite a lack of data.

Video: Remembering Reverend Martin Luther King’s Trip to the Mountaintop

By Emanuel Pastreich, June 30, 2022

If Reverend King was told he could talk about only civil rights or Vietnam, we are told today that we can talk only about the climate crisis or about the COVID-19 fraud. To speak about both is to invite the retributions of the devils within the shell that was once a government.

Russia’s Ukraine Miscalculation

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 30, 2022

Russia’s Ukraine miscalculation dates to 2014 when the Kremlin refused the request of the Donbass Russians in Eastern Ukraine to be reunited with Russia. Historically part of Russia, the Donbass region was attached to the Ukrainian province of the Soviet Union by Soviet leaders as was Crimea.

NATO Announces Plan for Massive European Land Army

By Andre Damon, June 30, 2022

In what NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called the “biggest overhaul of our collective deterrence and defense since the Cold War,” the US-led NATO alliance has announced plans to build a massive standing land army in Europe, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Oil Likely to Soar Above $200 per Barrel if the G7 Manages to “Cap the Price” of Russian Crude Oil

By Julianne Geiger, June 30, 2022

Russia’s crude and condensate production rose in June by 5% to 10.7 million bpd, according to Kommersant sources—a figure that includes between 800,000 and 900,000 bpd of condensate, which is not included in the OPEC+ agreement. But Russia’s oil exports have slipped 3.3% in June with the rise of domestic refining demand.

Forever Prisoners in Guantanamo

By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 30, 2022

When Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend, neighbor and colleague, James Madison, his view that the basis of government must be to preserve liberty rather than order, the War of Revolution against Great Britain had been won, the Articles of Confederation were in place and Madison was beginning to prepare for his pivotal role in the drafting of the Constitution.

Leo N. Tolstoy: “Speech Against War.” Call to the People: “You Shall Not Kill!”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, June 30, 2022

Tolstoy was not an advocate of the dictatorship of the proletariat, he had other ideas. That is probably why the October Revolution of 1917, which took place after his death, was not to his liking. He believed that the established czarist functionaries should not be replaced by socialist ones, otherwise everything would remain the same.

An Overview of the Fighting One Year into the Nazi-Soviet War, Eight Decades Ago

By Shane Quinn, June 30, 2022

Exactly 80 years ago in the high summer of 1942, Nazi Germany still seemed to be in a dominant position in the Second World War. The Wehrmacht’s divisions controlled most of continental Europe and European Russia, while the Axis’ fortunes in North Africa looked to be improving.

How Much Money Flows From Big Pharma to Medical Journal Authors?

By Susan C. Olmstead, June 30, 2022

In an interview with journalist Paul D. Thacker, former U.S. Air Force investigator and safety officer Alex Rich explains why he developed a software program that links pharmaceutical companies’ payments to doctors and researchers. Alex Rich believes no one in the U.S. has a clear idea of the scope and scale of drug company payments flowing to the authors — usually physicians — of articles published in medical journals.

Canadian Special Forces Don’t Deny New York Times Report that Commandos Are in Ukraine

By David Pugliese, June 29, 2022

The Times reported Saturday that Canadian special forces personnel were in Ukraine as part of a NATO network to provide weapons and training as well as gather intelligence about the Russians.

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Turkey Aligns with NATO against Russia

June 30th, 2022 by Peter Koenig

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shakes hands with NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg during the NATO Conference in Madrid on 28 June 2022. A handshake of betrayal, as Turkey accepted Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership.

One wonders, what forces have influenced Erdogan to distance himself from Russia in particular and the East in general when accepting NATO membership of the two Nordic countries against the interests of Russia.  

Why would Turkey want to dance on two fiestas, the western lying, deceiving and collapsing NATO / G7+ wannabe empire, and the progressive, growing and peace seeking fast developing East, or better the Greater Global South?

Erdogan is a bit like India’s PM Narendra Modi, who wants to be part of the new expanded eastern alliance, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, +++), the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), the ASEAN ten-countries’ block, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), as well as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the association of 11 former USSR Republics.

At the same time Modi, like Erdogan would not want to “lose out”, in case the west may not collapse or not as quickly as it should. Do they not realize that their “misbehavior”, a benign term to camouflage betrayal, is only tolerated in the case of Turkey because of its geostrategic and geographic location, and in the case of India, because of its sheer size – 1.4 billion people, about the same as the most populous country China?

But, under their current leadership, neither country can be trusted as a reliable ally. Not by the east, and not even in the tarnished west.

Whether the Kremlin had hoped Turkey would stick to her objection against Finland and Sweden’s NATO access is immaterial. What counts is that Turkey is no reliable partner and ally for Russia which had already been proven earlier, when Turkey aggressed Syria for her own petty interests, while Russia fought and won Syria’s war against unfounded US aggressions.

“The concrete steps for our accession to NATO will be agreed among NATO allies over the next two days, but that decision is now imminent,” said Finland’s President Sauli Niinisto. “I am pleased that this stage on Finland’s journey towards NATO membership has been completed.”

According to RT (28 June 2022), Turkey will support inviting Finland and Sweden into NATO at the bloc’s summit in Spain, Finnish President Sauli Niinisto announced on Tuesday after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

A note on Sweden and NATO: For over 300 years, Sweden and Russia have lived conflict-free side by side. Entering the aggressive NATO clan means a Swedish aggression against Russia.

The three countries, Sweden, Finland and Turkey, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the NATO meeting on 28 June, organized with the support of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. 

The MOU stated, for example, that Finland and Sweden pledged to “condemn terrorism in all its forms” and end their support for organizations Ankara has designated as terrorist – including the Kurdish groups PKK and YPG, as well as the movement led by the exiled cleric Fetullah Gulen, Erdogan’s archenemy.

“Turkey got what it wanted,” Erdogan said after the deal was announced.

This was another lie because terrorism from Sweden and Finland were never serious threats to Turkey. They were just used by Erdogan to pressure the NATO / G7 “alliance” into some vital concessions. 

Could it be lifting of the killing economic sanctions initiated by Washington and supported by the EU?

Or, could it be, like in the case of Ukraine – a step towards acceding the corrupt and faltering European Union? A Turkish quest that is already at least two decades old.

Maybe the luminary Mme. Ursula von der Leyen, unelected Fuehrer of the European Commission, has the answer.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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There are times when it is better to quote those wiser than oneself, those more inspired than oneself, rather than trying to articulate something imperfectly in one’s own words.

That is why, on this important day, when the systems, the habits and the values that redeemed America in the past are collapsing into dust, into nothingness, I want to quote the speech delivered by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., on April third, 1968 before the striking sanitation workers of Memphis, Tennessee—not far from Nashville, Tennessee, where I was born.

That speech of Reverend King came at a critical moment in American history. He was shot dead within 24 hours of his closing remarks.

Remembering Reverend King’s Trip to the Mountaintop from Emanuel Pastreich on Vimeo.

The next day, when he was shot in front of his hotel room, April 4, 1968, happened to be the first anniversary of Reverend King’s speech “Beyond Vietnam,” a speech in which he spoke out against the pursuit of profit, and the growing class warfare, that drove that brutal and pointless war thousands of miles away from home.

He violated the unspoken, but explicit, agreement with the FBI, and with the American establishment hanging out at ritzy clubs and shoo fraternities, that civil rights advocacy could be pursued in America as long as it was kept separate from condemnation of the war in Vietnam.

The FBI had made it clear to Reverend Martin Luther King that if he played by these rules, he could live to a grand old age as the king of the civil rights movement. He could be an eminence grise who spoke at Carnegie Foundation seminars and who shook the greasy hands of presidents. He could have taken the sordid deal with the establishment, one embraced by public intellectuals like Yo Yo Ma (whom I knew personally in a previous lifetime), the deal offered to some “whistle blowers” (whom I also knew) men who have cashed in their chips for specious currency of the system.

If Reverend King was told he could talk about only civil rights or Vietnam, we are told today that we can talk only about the climate crisis or about the COVID 19 fraud. To speak about both is to invite the retributions of the devils within the shell that was once a government.

Let me quote Reverend King, a better writer, and a far better speaker, than I, so as to express the urgency, the danger, and the hope of the current moment in the United States, and around the world.

I do not pretend to be as inspired, as brave, or as challenged as was Reverend King, but I am certain that you, even just listening to my imperfect reading of his words, can find true inspiration:

“Now, it doesn’t matter, now. It really doesn’t matter what happens now. I left Atlanta this morning, and as we got started on the plane, there were six of us.

The pilot said over the public address system, “We are sorry for the delay, but we have Dr. Martin Luther King on the plane. And to be sure that all of the bags were checked, and to be sure that nothing would be wrong with on the plane, we had to check out everything carefully. And we’ve had the plane protected and guarded all night.

And then I got into Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers?

Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind.

Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will.

And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!

And so I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”


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This article was originally published on US Provisional Government.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Russia’s Ukraine Miscalculation

June 30th, 2022 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Russia’s Ukraine miscalculation dates to 2014 when the Kremlin refused the request of the Donbass Russians in Eastern Ukraine to be reunited with Russia.  Historically part of Russia, the Donbass region was attached to the Ukrainian province of the Soviet Union by Soviet leaders as was Crimea.  These Russian populated territories, historically part of Russia, rejected the anti-Russian rule installed in Kiev when Washington overthrew the Ukrainian government and installed a puppet regime in 2014.  Had the Kremlin accepted the request of the Donbass Russians, there would have been no necessity for a Russian intervention in Donbass.

Ukraine sent forces to subdue the two declared republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.  The Ukrainian military and Nazi militias were unequal to the task of subduing the hastily raised militias of the two republics, but did succeed in occupying some of the Donbass territory from which they shelled the civilian populations of the Donbass for 8 years.

The Kremlin attempted to stop the conflict with the Minsk agreement. Ukraine and the republics signed it, and Europe was supposed to enforce it, but Ukraine did not keep the agreement, and Europe did not enforce it. Indeed, Washington encouraged Ukraine to ignore it as Washington saw the opportunity to initiate a conflict that could be used to demonize and isolate Russia.  

Minsk 2 Meeting

Internally in Russia, Russians objected to the killing of Russians by Ukrainians. Pressure mounted on the Kremlin to cease appeasing the West by accepting Russian civilian casualties. In February of this year, the Kremlin finally gave up on the 8-year old death of the Minsk Agreement and recognized the two republics.  


If the West had not intended a conflict, Russian recognition would have stopped the shelling, and ended the conflict.  Instead a 150,000 Ukrainian army and Nazi militias, trained and equipped by Washington and the UK, were sent to invade and reconquer the Donbass Russians.  For the Kremlin, this would have been a political disaster. Washington, of course, knew this and was banking on yet another Russian toleration of an enormous provocation, that having been the Kremlin’s record of response to Washington’s provocations:  accept, forgive, and put faith in negotiations.

However, the Kremlin realized that it could not politically survive the slaughter of the Donbass Russians.

The Kremlin designated its military intervention in Ukraine as a limited operation to prevent Ukraine from invading Donbass and to drive out the Ukrainian forces that occupied part of Donbass and were shelling civilian populations.  Donbass, not Ukraine was the target. 

Western politicians and the mainstream media pretend that Russia invaded Ukraine, not merely intervened in Donbass, and attacked Kiev but was defeated. This is an obvious lie.  The Russians left Kiev alone.  They put troops around the city to prevent reinforcements from being sent to Donbass. Once they had Ukraine’s forces in Donbass surrounded, such that reinforcements could not reach them in any meaningful numbers, they withdrew from the Kiev area.  

The Western politicians and the whore Western media have lied when they say Russia invaded Ukraine.  Russia did not invade Ukraine, and this was their blunder. The Russians intervened in Eastern Ukraine, in Donbass, to prevent a Ukrainian invasion for the reconquest of the two Donbass republics.

What the facts reveal is not Russian aggression, but Western aggression. The Minsk Agreement that Russia sponsored would have ended the conflict by keeping the Donbass as part of Ukraine, but giving Donbass some autonomy, such as its own police force, to minimize Donbass’ oppression under the anti-Russian regime installed by Washington. The agreement was unenforceable because Washington wanted conflict.

The war that is coming upon us is a consequence of Washington’s insistence on hegemony and the Kremlin’s inability to comprehend the situation and to understand how the Kremlin’s endless toleration of insults and provocations encourages the West to push harder and ever harder until Russia is cornered and finally has to fight.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

NATO Just Officially Restarted the Cold War

June 30th, 2022 by Drago Bosnic

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Ever since the unfortunate geopolitical events of the late 1980s/early 1990s, especially the dismantling of the Soviet Union, geopolitical experts, journalists, historians and authors have been debating when exactly the Cold War ended (or whether it did at all). Some claim it ended when Mikhail Gorbachev took power, with others saying it never stopped, but was put on a decades-long pause. Whatever anyone’s point of view may be, the Cold War has officially restarted, or perhaps a new one has been initiated, depending on one’s standpoint regarding this matter.

While the old Cold War was “black and white” (or should we say “red and blue”) with a very clear distinction in ideology, politics, economic systems, etc., the new one is quite ambiguous. The USSR, with a formal goal of spreading the socialist revolution, was known as the “Red Menace” since the heydays of McCarthyism. Despite mindboggling losses resulting from the Nazi German (and pan-European) invasion, the superpower managed to not just recover after having nearly 30 million of its people brutally murdered and much of the country itself destroyed, but also establish a robust military and (geo)political bloc – the Warsaw Pact.

Opposing it was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known by its infamous acronym – NATO. A supposedly “defensive alliance” aimed against the USSR, it was formed in 1949, over half a decade before the Warsaw Pact (1955), its now-defunct competitor in Europe. The (old) Cold War saw an ever-mounting rivalry between the blocs, mainly in Europe, but spilling over elsewhere through numerous proxy wars, which threatened to push the world into a conflict of such a massive scale it would’ve made the Second World War look like a bloodless skirmish in comparison. By the late 1980s, the conflict subsided, coming to an abrupt, but definite (or so we thought at the time) end in 1991.

While Russia went through what can only be described as a sort of contemporary “Time of Troubles”, by the time the country reconsolidated itself, its leadership truly believed the Cold War was history. And yet, the other side thought otherwise. Despite numerous Western officials stating NATO wouldn’t expand eastwards, including the then US State Secretary James Baker telling Mikhail Gorbachev it “won’t move an inch to the east”, the alliance did exactly that, expanding nearly 41 million inches (over 1000 km) to the east, including to former Soviet Baltic republics, reaching Saint Petersburg without firing a single shot. That is unless we count the dismantling and the illegal aggression on Yugoslavia throughout the 1990s.

Despite all of that, Russia still attempted to build a good relationship, even though NATO tried its hand against the Eurasian giant by probing its reaction in Georgia in 2008. Naturally, this was a red line, albeit somewhat delayed and NATO’s proxy in Tbilisi was soundly defeated. With this war, NATO returned to the era of proxy wars against Russia. In the 2000s, numerous color revolutions were launched across the former USSR, starting from Georgia (2003), sweeping through Ukraine (2004/2005) and Kyrgyzstan (2005), culminating in the last 8 years with the disastrous Maidan in Ukraine (2013/2014), resulting in the war in Donbass, and more recently in Belarus (2020) and Kazakhstan (January 2022). All of this was NATO’s response to Russia’s attempts to create a good long-term relationship. Even the slightest notion of good intentions was (and still is) seen as a sign of weakness.

Russia was left with a choice – surrender or push back. And this is precisely what NATO wanted. The Ukrainian conflict was yet another project to create perpetual instability in post-Soviet countries, cementing hatred and divisions, even between peoples whose histories are quite literally inseparable. After nearly 15,000 deaths due to the Kiev regime’s war in Donbass and almost a decade of Russia’s futile attempts to find a peaceful solution, the coup regime was just buying time to escalate, forcing Russia to react on February 24. Thus, NATO’s plan to reinvent itself worked and the “purely defensive alliance” finally got its much-wanted reinvigoration in the form of more expansionism and escalating militarism.

With the latest summit naming Russia its No. 1 rival, NATO officially (re)started the Cold War, although in their minds, the old one never really stopped. As its first Secretary-General Ismay stated, NATO’s purpose is “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”. And this is precisely what NATO tried to do by launching its proxy war in Ukraine. As the alliance became obsolete, it needed to reinvent itself. And this conflict provided just that. US troops are back (in), the EU’s economy is ruined (down) and any prospect of EU-Russia cooperation is destroyed (out). With a recent announcement that it will increase its battle-ready troops to over 300,000 (nearly 10 times the current number), NATO is effectively cementing the (Second) Cold War, possibly for decades to come. Worse yet, the alliance is now targeting China and other countries as it tries to reconstitute itself on a global scale. However, the political West, increasingly isolated due to its aggressive (neo)liberal ideology, is now effectively waging this (new) Cold War against the entire world.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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In what NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called the “biggest overhaul of our collective deterrence and defense since the Cold War,” the US-led NATO alliance has announced plans to build a massive standing land army in Europe, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Stoltenberg said NATO would increase its “high readiness forces” sevenfold, from 40,000 to 300,000, deploying tens of thousands of additional troops, as well as countless tanks and aircraft, directly to Russia’s border.

The move will entail a massive diversion of social resources to NATO’s ongoing war with Russia and planned war with China, draining treasuries throughout Europe and North America and fueling demands for the elimination of social services, the slashing of wages, and the gutting of workers’ pensions.

Stoltenberg said the creation of this massive fighting force was a response to the “new era of strategic competition” with Russia and China.

He called the plan “a fundamental shift in NATO’s deterrence and defense,” embracing not only the war with Russia, but “the challenges that Beijing poses to our security, interests and values.”

As a part of this massive expansion of its fighting force, NATO will increase the numbers of troops stationed in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to the “brigade” level, meaning approximately 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

The Financial Times reported, based on an interview with Stoltenberg, that the plan will “include new structures in which Western NATO allies, such as the US, UK and France, would pledge their ships, warplanes and a total of more than 300,000 troops to be ready to deploy to specific territories on the alliance’s eastern flank, with graded response times starting from the opening hours of any attack.”

Instead of troops deployed to the Baltics serving as a “tripwire,” the new plan would envision NATO fighting a war against Russia directly on the borders of these countries on NATO’s eastern battlefront.

Stoltenberg boasted that “2022 will be the eighth consecutive year of increases across European Allies and Canada,” adding that NATO’s target of two percent of economic output going to military spending will be “considered a floor, not a ceiling.”

That same day, US officials previewed yet another massive weapons shipment to Ukraine, including the NASAMS medium-to-long-range surface-to-air missile defense system created by Raytheon.

In addition to “advanced medium- and long-range air defense capabilities for the Ukrainians,” the US would also provide “ammunition for artillery and counter battery radar systems,” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said.

Members of the NATO alliance, meanwhile, are openly using the language of war. In his first public speech as the chief of the general staff, General Sir Patrick Sanders will, according to the Telegraph, declare that the UK army must be ready to “fight and win” against Russia.

Simultaneously, the US and its allies are intensifying the economic embargo against Russia. Over the weekend, participants in the G7 summit announced plans to ban imports of gold from Russia and are finalizing plans to try to put price caps on oil and gas sold by Russia.

On Monday, Russia officially defaulted on its foreign debt payments, after European payments clearinghouses refused to process payments from the country. Russian officials insist that they have the funds available to make the payments, but that it has been effectively cut out from the European financial system and hence forced to carry out an artificial default.

Regardless, this would be the first time Russia has defaulted on its debts since 1918, when the Bolshevik government, in the wake of the 1917 revolution, repudiated the foreign debts of the Tsarist regime.

NATO’s  massive military escalation comes as the official position of the United States and NATO—that they are not at war with Russia—becomes increasingly untenable.

This weekend, the New York Times reported that US forces are secretly operating on the ground in Ukraine, as well as forces from several other NATO countries, despite the denials of Biden and other NATO leaders.

“But even as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country… directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces,” the Times wrote.

The newspaper reported that dozens of special forces from the UK, Canada, France and Lithuania have been operating inside the country.

The revelation, the report continued, “hints at the scale of the secretive effort to assist Ukraine that is underway and the risks that Washington and its allies are taking.”

The Times report is only the latest piece of evidence documenting the extent of US involvement in the war. Earlier this year, NBC and other media outlets reported that the United States was directly involved in Ukrainian targeted killings of Russian generals, as well as the sinking of the Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

Ukrainian commanders, according to these reports, are provided intelligence extracted from satellites “which they can call up on tablet computers provided by the allies. The tablets run a battlefield mapping app that the Ukrainians use to target and attack Russian troops.”

Despite the massive degree of US involvement in the war, Ukrainian losses are surging, rivaling the number of US combat deaths at the deadliest point of the Vietnam war. On some days, Ukrainian forces have suffered between 500 and 1,000 casualties.

Russia now controls more than 90 percent of the Donbass in East Ukraine and a total of one fifth of the entire territory of Ukraine. But despite the disastrous series of battlefield setbacks, the United States and its NATO allies are massively intensifying their involvement in the war, no matter the cost in Ukrainian lives or the trillions of dollars diverted from vital social programs.

Russian officials are drawing the conclusion that open war between NATO and Russia is all but inevitable. In remarks last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said:

“Hitler rallied a significant part, if not most, of the European nations under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union… now, the EU together with NATO are forming another—modern—coalition for a standoff and, ultimately, war with the Russian Federation.”

The deadly logic of the spiraling conflict raises the prospect that the proxy war in Ukraine will rapidly metastasize across the European continent, triggering the deadliest global military conflict since the Second World War. This reality makes clear the urgent necessity for the working class to intervene in the crisis, aiming to unite the struggles against the surging cost of living and attacks on democratic rights with the struggle against war.


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Oil prices are likely to soar past $200 per barrel if G7 manages to cap the price of Russian crude oil, according to chief commodities analyst at Swedish bank SEB Group.

Bjarne Schieldrop, SEB analyst, said on Wednesday in no uncertain terms that the G7’s price capping proposal was a “recipe for disaster” given the current stress that the oil market is under.

The G7 leaders agreed on Tuesday to study ways to cap the price of Russian oil sold internationally and are seeking support among “like-minded” nations. It was one of the critical items to be discussed at this week’s G7 meeting as the group tries to find creative ways to lower energy prices for themselves and maintain adequate crude supplies from Russia—while simultaneously punishing Russia in what many see as an impossible task.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen continued to put pressure on European countries to support a price cap.

According to Schieldrop, the plan seems “neat on paper, but it sounds like a recipe for disaster right now,” given the strong demand for crude oil and low supplies that so far given Russia the upper hand in the market. Russia could, the analyst argued, choose not to sell the oil at a capped price—a decision that could lead to Russia’s production falling by as much as 2 million barrels per day.

Russia’s crude and condensate production rose in June by 5% to 10.7 million bpd, according to Kommersant sources—a figure that includes between 800,000 and 900,000 bpd of condensate, which is not included in the OPEC+ agreement. But Russia’s oil exports have slipped 3.3% in June with the rise of domestic refining demand.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said that Russia would raise its production again in July.


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Julianne Geiger is a veteran editor, writer and researcher for, and a member of the Creative Professionals Networking Group.

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Why I’m Attending the Canada Day Protests

June 30th, 2022 by Andy Lee

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I wasn’t always this way.

Pre-pandemic, I lived a quiet, comfortable, relatively apolitical existence. My days were filled with activities and certainty — a life of carefully established routines ingrained into my being over the years. I wasn’t an activist. I wasn’t a researcher. I wasn’t anything of consequence, really.

But, of course, in 2020, that all changed.

My Mother passed away during lockdowns. A brief remote goodbye was granted to me over a video call to a body already devoid of life, followed by a quick cremation in the absence of a proper funeral. That was my goodbye.

I realized then we were wrong for agreeing to lockdown rules, but I had yet to realize just how wrong we could be.

The more I reflected on the panicked insanity building to a frenzy around us, the more I felt it. Nonsensical mandates, regulations, restrictions. Firings, school closures, and snitch lines to tell on your neighbours, all while fear-mongering media delivered a never-ending news stream of anxiety-ridden stories, browbeating us into reclusive submission for “the greater good”.

Days became weeks which became months which became years.

Precious little changed for us under lockdowns circumstantially — we were in a never-ending loop, it seemed, frozen in time. It was always the next wave, the next variant, the next something. We never seemed to quite reach the carrot the government dangled in front of our noses.

We never had our freedom restored, not entirely. No matter what we did, the promised return to the land of normalcy remained a pie-in-the-sky dream, close enough to almost taste but just out of grasp. And I don’t think they ever intended to give it back, really. We were fearful, meek, complacent, and utterly reliant on government handouts for our very existence. It was a winning recipe for a government with a penchant for control and overreach that holds disdain for oversight.

‘Trust us,’ they said, ‘things are much worse in other places around the world. We are relatively free and unrestricted here in Canada. So be grateful for what you’ve got.’

This habitual claiming of consolation prizes has left us sadly apathetic towards higher achievements. There is no “relatively” free in freedom, and we ought to be the freest nation on the planet.

Liberty is an absolute, not something to be placed on a sliding scale dished out in designated dabs by our government as we jump through the appropriate hoops, and other countries have picked up on this democratic backslide and have sounded the alarm as our civil rights circle the drain.

The feeling of wrongness, the knowledge deep inside of me that something was desperately amiss in our country, grew and festered until I could handle bystander status no longer. I wouldn’t be here, writing to you, had our government relinquished their iron-fisted control over our population.

In a way, they made me.

And it begs the question: who else have they made?

They made Tamara Lich.

We didn’t speak for very long, but we didn’t have to. It was the early days of the convoy back then, and she, like me, knew something was going wrong.

I don’t think either of us fully comprehended what would transpire next or that she would go on to lead one of the most powerful, successful protests ever seen against discriminatory government measures, one that captured the hearts and minds of shell-shocked people all over the world. But, for the first time in a long time, a sense of rightness was restored within me. It was a spark, and I had hope.

Now, she’s back in jail, mere days before the celebration of our national holiday, but she sent a message from her cell out to all ahead of the weekend — a gentle plea to remain peaceful. Indeed, it was the inherent innocence and peacefulness of her protest that made it such a wild success, and we will do everything in our power to honour that and keep them so.

They made James Topp.

As law enforcement cracked down on demonstrators in the streets of our capital, smashing glass and dragging determined Canadians from car windows to be cuffed and tried for fighting for what they believed in, quietly, without much ado at all, a man named James Topp departed from Vancouver in the dead of a harsh Canadian winter.

A war veteran who served twenty-eight years in the Canadian Armed Forces, dishonourably discharged for speaking out against mandates while in uniform, the soldier marched across our vast country with almost no attention given to this incredible feat by our media.

Like Tamara and I, he knew something was wrong.

The more I learned about James and his team, the more I admired them. Composed and calm, he is a steady, likeable character, gathering a following as his march across the country proceeds.

Arguably as successful as the truckers were, he recently hosted a series of meetings in Ottawa attended by Members of Parliament in the hopes of opening a respectful line of dialogue, one where the fringe group of unacceptables (a group actually encompassing millions of Canadians) finally had a seat at the table.

As he closes in on Ottawa, the old crowds are coming back. People are once again lining the streets, waving their Canadian flags with pride. So I’ll be out meeting him on the road to document the last legs of his incredible journey and to see if, once again, we can rekindle that spark, that feeling that we all sorely miss and ignite a flame once again.

They know we are coming.

We told them as much, and the lengths the City has gone to prevent any of that old fire from returning has been nothing short of extraordinary.

New troops and recruits, fences, concrete blockades, signs, notices, warnings, and news releases stating there will be “zero-tolerance” — the bombardment has been nonstop.

They respond to our messages on social media almost immediately, leaving no doubt in my mind that the surveillance state is already here. The nervousness of officials is palpable, and the harder they frantically push back to subdue demonstrations, the smaller and more pathetically desperate they appear.

What are they afraid of, exactly?

The former claims ring hollow of economic damage caused by the convoy protest, as there were to be open borders, no blockades, and no impediment of traffic, businesses, or people over the Canada Day weekend — not at our hands, in any event. It seems that they are terrified of the very concept of liberty itself. This isn’t about economic damage. I doubt it ever was.

It’s about quelling dissent.

They say hard times create strong men, and weak men create hard times.

As Justin Trudeau’s popularity plummets and he loses the people’s confidence to govern, while the cost of living skyrockets to levels not seen since his father was in office, I would unarguably agree that weak men create hard times.

And, if the government continues to hold fast to the god-like powers bestowed upon them by the pandemic and continues to descend deeper into the provocative pit of authoritarianism, those hard times will inevitably create more of us.

Join us.


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Forever Prisoners in Guantanamo

June 30th, 2022 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” — Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 30, 1787

When Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend, neighbor and colleague, James Madison, his view that the basis of government must be to preserve liberty rather than order, the War of Revolution against Great Britain had been won, the Articles of Confederation were in place and Madison was beginning to prepare for his pivotal role in the drafting of the Constitution.

Jefferson was in Paris, as the U.S. ambassador, and he wrote to express to Madison his view that whatever amendments to the Articles of Confederation he was planning to draft, they should embrace the value of personal liberty as the default position. Madison and others were sent to Philadelphia to craft amendments to the Articles. But Madison had no amendments in mind.

He arrived in the then-capital of the new nation with a draft of a new constitution in his mind and in his notes. The draft would undergo many changes throughout the summer of negotiations in 1787, and the document would eventually receive the support of all delegates and be ratified by the 13 states, without Jefferson’s preferences of liberty over order.

Yet, five of the ratifying states made it clear that they might change their minds if a Bill of Rights embracing Jefferson’s sentiments was not added to the Constitution. Jefferson, 3,000 miles away, shared the same fear as ratifiers in the hesitant states that the new government that Madison and his colleagues offered needed to be chained down when it came to personal liberty.

Again, it fell to Madison to use his linguistic skills to craft 10 amendments to assure that the new federal government would not assault personal liberty. The Bill of Rights was ratified in just a few months’ time and with little resistance. Even many anti-federalists, who had opposed ratification of the Constitution, supported ratification of the Bill of Rights.

Among the amendments ratified was the Fifth, which guarantees that “No person … shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

Due process means that all defendants in criminal cases and all persons detained by the government are entitled to know the charges against them, are entitled to a fair jury trial with a neutral judge, and enjoy the right to appeal an adverse verdict. Due process also means that the government cannot imprison a person without filing charges at the time of imprisonment nor keep him confined after he has served his prison term.

I offer this sterile background in basic American constitutional history in order to address a lamentable constitutional mess now going on at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The age-old clash between order and freedom, about which Jefferson wrote, often comes down to uneasy cases. Cases are uneasy when the litigants whose rights are being violated are unpopular, unsympathetic or unknown.

Two such cases are making their way through the courts — and in both cases, the Trump administration and the Biden administration argued that somehow, under the Constitution, the government can lawfully confine convicted felons even after they have served their full prison terms and can even confine dangerous persons without filing charges. These arguments are chilling.

The arguments are also immoral, un-American and unconstitutional, and their effects are exquisitely unlawful. Yet the feds — under both political parties — continue to get away with trashing the Constitution that, to a person, they have all sworn to uphold.

Majid Khan, who was tortured by the CIA for two years before being shipped to Gitmo, pleaded guilty to diverting $50,000 from a Pakistani organization to an al-Qaida affiliate that used the funds in the bombing of a Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2003. At his sentencing, he was permitted to describe the torture visited upon him by the CIA.

His unchallenged testimony was so vivid and gripping that his military jury recommended clemency, and the judge agreed. His prison term ended three months ago on March 1, 2022. He is still confined, unable to communicate with anyone but his lawyers.

Even worse is the case of Abdul-salam al-Hela, who has been confined at Gitmo for nearly 20 years and has not yet been charged with a crime. The government’s dilemma is its fixation on torture. The evidence it has against al-Hela was obtained by the torture of al-Hela himself and others. The government knows that it cannot be used in any criminal prosecution in any American court. Yet, under the administration of President George W. Bush, torture was encouraged, rewarded and never punished.

The CIA in the Bush years behaved as if the Constitution to which its officers took an oath of support was just a piece of paper, without the force of law, without a moral underpinning and without the guarantees of due process. And in both of these cases, a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., which has jurisdiction over the Constitution trashers at Gitmo, has permitted this to occur; in Khan’s case because he is not an American, and in al-Hela’s case because he is too dangerous — even after 20 years of unjust imprisonment — to be set free.

Neither of these excuses holds up under even rudimentary scrutiny. The plain language of the Fifth Amendment protects all persons, not just Americans, and it protects them from the very deprivation of liberty that the feds are presently causing. If the government can decide on its own to confine prisoners after they have served their terms or to confine them without filing charges, then no one’s liberty is safe and the guarantees of the Constitution are toothless and meaningless.

As Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, when the government assaults the very liberties it was hired to protect, it is time to alter or abolish it.


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First published on April 13, 2022.

In recent developments, Leo N. Tolstoy among numerous 19th century Russian authors and composers was casually put on the blacklist of the Kyiv regime.





Leo Tolstoy, actually Lev Nikolayevich Count Tolstoy (1828-1910), is still undisputedly considered one of the most important literary figures and intellectuals in the history of literature. His main works are the realistic novels “Anna Karenina” and “War and Peace”. With them he became known all over the world. Tolstoy also wrote books that criticised czarist Russia as well as reading books for schoolchildren.

As he was committed to reform pedagogy, his concern was to impart values to Russian farmer children. They should know how to behave in a socially and morally correct way. With these ideas, he was a pioneer in Russia, but received much recognition for his efforts, especially abroad.

Tolstoy was not an advocate of the dictatorship of the proletariat, he had other ideas. That is probably why the October Revolution of 1917, which took place after his death, was not to his liking. He believed that the established czarist functionaries should not be replaced by socialist ones, otherwise everything would remain the same.

Many of Tolstoy’s sayings are legendary. Among his best are certainly his statements about man, God, life, reason and love. He is reported to have said:

“The most important goal is the now, the most important person is the neighbour I am talking to now; the most important deed is to do good to the neighbour.” (1)

This is also followed by his “Speech against War” of 1909, in which he wrote:

“Beloved brothers! We have gathered here to fight against war. (…) Therefore, I would like to propose to our assembly that we write and publish an appeal to the people of all nations and especially of the Christian nations, in which we say clearly and straightforwardly what everyone knows, but what no one or almost no one says: Namely, that war is not, as men now pretend, some particularly valiant and praiseworthy thing, but that it is, like all murder, a detestable and sacrilegious act, not only for those who choose the military career of their own free will, but also for all those who devote themselves to it for fear of punishment or for the sake of selfish interests.” (2)

A little later he continues with the following words:

“We must say what everyone knows and just does not dare to say, we must say that no matter how much people change the name they give to murder, murder always remains just murder – a sacrilegious, disgraceful act. And one need only say this clearly, firmly and loudly, as we are able to do here, and people will stop seeing what they thought they saw and will see what they see in reality. They will stop seeing in war the service to the fatherland, the heroism, the glory of war, the patriotism, and will see what is there: the naked, sacrilegious act of murder. And as men see this, the same thing will happen that happened in the fairy tale: those who practise sacrilege will be ashamed, but those who have persuaded themselves that they see no sacrilege in murder will now become aware of it, and will cease to be murderers. (…)” (3)

Tolstoy concludes his speech by explaining why he has spoken in this way:

“That is all I wanted to say. I would be very sorry if I had offended anyone, offended anyone or aroused bad feelings in them. But it would be a disgrace for me, an old man of 80, who is liable to die at any moment, not to speak quite openly the truth as I understand it, the truth which, I am firmly convinced, alone is capable of saving men from the unhappy tribulations which war produces and from which they suffer.” (4)


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a teacher (retired headmaster), doctor of education (Dr. paed.) and graduate psychologist (specialising in clinical, educational and media psychology). As a retiree, he worked for many years as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education in values and an education for public spirit and peace.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.



(2) Tolstoy, Leo N. (1983). Speech against war. Political pamphlets. Edited by Peter Urban. Insel Verlag. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 163 and 167

(3) op. cit., p. 169f.

(4) op. cit., p. 170

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Exactly 80 years ago in the high summer of 1942, Nazi Germany still seemed to be in a dominant position in the Second World War. The Wehrmacht’s divisions controlled most of continental Europe and European Russia, while the Axis’ fortunes in North Africa looked to be improving.

On 21 June 1942, German and Italian troops completed a crushing victory against British and American-led divisions in north-eastern Libya, during what is called the Battle of Gazala. Supported by Italian units, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps inflicted 50,000 casualties on the enemy (1). German casualties came to a mere 3,360, despite the fact in the Battle of Gazala the Western Allies possessed slightly greater numbers of men, tanks and aircraft than the Axis forces.

The question is seldom asked: how was it possible in two world wars for a medium-sized nation like Germany, lacking in natural resources and flanked on either side by potential enemies, to fight prolonged, large-scale and often successful battles against the world’s strongest countries (America, Russia, Britain and France)?

Soviet children during a German air raid in the first days of the war, June 1941, by RIA Novosti archive (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

First of all Germany possessed a brilliant railway system, with 4 large rail lines running from east to west across the country, each of which was capable of taking 2 army corps from East Prussia to the Rhine, in western Germany, in 18 hours. It meant that the Germans could mobilise and transfer their forces much more quickly than other European states.

Moreover, the military historian Donald J. Goodspeed wrote,

“Germany and Austria possessed the two large armament firms of Krupp and Skoda, which were technically in advance of armament firms in other countries. More important than any of this was the excellence of the German Army, which was a very serious and professional organization. It was not by any means the largest army on the continent, but it was by all odds the best. Since 1864, the Prussian General Staff had been recruited on the basis of ability; it was highly trained and dedicated, but was open to the influence of new military ideas. German regimental training and discipline were also superior to those of other continental armies”. (2)

After 4 years of grinding war (1914-18), having finally been thrown back by the greater firepower of the Franco-American-British forces, within the German Army the above virtues remained embedded in its military core through the 1920s; and into the Nazi period from 1933, including after when Adolf Hitler’s influence became absolute.

By the second half of June 1942, much of North Africa was in German and Italian hands. The previous month, in eastern Europe, the Red Army had suffered another serious defeat in late May 1942. This occurred in the Kharkov region (oblast) and is known as the Second Battle of Kharkov.

Located in eastern Ukraine, Kharkov was the USSR’s 4th largest city, a noted industrial centre, and it sits less than 25 miles from the Russian border. Kharkov had been captured by the German 6th Army on 24 October 1941. Six and a half months later on 12 May 1942, three Soviet infantry armies advanced on Kharkov from the east 25 miles away, in the hope of liberating the city from Nazi rule and turning the tide of war in Russia’s favour. (3)

Simultaneously, the Soviet 6th Army, with a concentration of tanks, approached Kharkov from the south 35 miles away. Their prospects looked promising. The Russians outnumbered the German-Axis forces by more than 2 to 1, but progress was slower than Joseph Stalin and his entourage hoped for.

More seriously, the Germans had been expecting a Soviet offensive near Kharkov, and they laid a trap for the communist divisions. From 17 May 1942, the Wehrmacht implemented an encircling movement from the north and south in the Kharkov region, which closed like a ring around the Russian troops. They tried at first to meet the surprise German threat head on and, when this failed, the Soviets attempted to extricate themselves from the encirclement by moving in an eastwardly direction (4). It was too late – on 23 May the German pincers had snapped shut.

British historian Evan Mawdsley wrote,

“By 29 May, two and a half weeks after it began, the Battle of Kharkov had ended in overwhelming Russian defeat. It was a catastrophe on the same scale as 1941. Some 18 to 20 Russian divisions were destroyed. The recorded Russian losses were 171,000 personnel, but the Germans claimed to have captured 214,000 prisoners, 1,200 armoured vehicles, and 2,600 guns”. (5)

The large number of Soviet troops, who had surrendered to the Germans here, indicates that morale and discipline problems remained within the Red Army. This was not helped by the fact that the Luftwaffe continued to enjoy aerial superiority, and German bombing raids around Kharkov were a central factor in allowing the Wehrmacht to outmanoeuvre the Soviet forces.

Furthermore, Mawdsley highlighted that Hitler’s influence over the success at Kharkov was crucial; because the Nazi leader had “fully supported” the setting of a trap against the advancing Soviet armies, which Mawdsley wrote was “an act of daring” that Hitler sanctioned (6). Credit should be given where it is due. Hitler has justifiably received widespread criticism for the later defeat at Stalingrad, but his decisive role in victories such as at Kharkov usually receives no mention and is little known.

German infantry and a supporting StuG III assault gun during the advance towards Stalingrad, September 1942 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

Mawdsley discerned “at Kharkov the Wehrmacht again demonstrated the operational and tactical skills that had led to the victories of the summer and autumn of 1941” (7). The Soviet defeat at Kharkov saw a huge hole punctured in their defences. It was now possible for the German 6th Army to pour through this gap, allowing it a few weeks later to approach Stalingrad, located 385 miles further east of Kharkov as the crow flies.

The Second Battle of Kharkov revealed endemic problems in the Red Army’s command structure, and weaknesses at the operational level. These issues, which had hindered the Red Army from the start of the war and contributed significantly to their early losses, were mainly due to the debilitating effects of Stalin’s purges of the military high command from 1937-41; this had resulted in about 22,000 Soviet officers being dismissed from the armed forces, the majority of them killed. (8)

Marshal Kliment Voroshilov, the pre-war commander of the Red Army, bemoaned in early October 1941 how the situation at the front is “awful” and “our organization is weaker than theirs. Our commanding officers are less well trained. The Germans succeed usually because of their better organization and clever tricks”. (9)

At the time of the Winter War with Finland in early 1940 Voroshilov, who had a considerable role in carrying out Stalin’s orders during the Red Army purges, directly accused the Soviet ruler to his face of devastating the military. In a meeting at his country dacha, Stalin started shouting at Voroshilov, blaming him for the sluggish Soviet performance against the Finns. In a surreal scene, Voroshilov roared back at Stalin, “You have yourself to blame for all this! You’re the one who annihilated the old guard of the army; you had our best generals killed!” (10)

While Stalin deserves criticism for severely harming the Red Army, and needlessly so, he should be commended for overseeing the Soviet Union’s industrial power. Credit should again be given where it is due, and Stalin’s belief in modernisation and mechanised warfare were important factors in later turning the conflict around, which will be mentioned further on here.

In mid-1942 the Red Army was, in addition, still suffering from the crippling damage it had endured in the opening phase of Hitler’s attack, with Operation Barbarossa having begun on 22 June 1941. Two and a half weeks later, by 9 July 1941 the Wehrmacht had inflicted on the Red Army a total of 589,537 irrecoverable losses. (11)

During the first weeks of Nazi Germany’s invasion, the Soviet Army was losing on average more than 44,000 men per day, unequalled in military history. In Barbarossa’s early stages, the German advance also “averaged 45 km a day”, Irish geographer and climate scientist John Sweeney wrote. (12)

The Germans, 3 weeks into the war, had by 13 July 1941 suffered 92,120 casualties (13). It can be mentioned that casualties do not by any means, in each case, constitute irrecoverable losses. Casualties translates to those killed, taken prisoner, wounded and missing. In the latter two instances, quite a number of soldiers do recover from injuries, and a minority of those missing can find their way back and return to their units.

The German casualty list rose to 213,301 by 31 July 1941, almost 6 weeks into the invasion; however, out of the 213,301 figure, only 25,000 of those were deaths suffered by the Germans at the end of July 1941, with military scholar Chris Bellamy providing the latter statistics (14). By late July the Wehrmacht had also received 47,000 fresh troops, who joined the fighting in the east. (15)

By the middle of August 1941, now 8 weeks into the Nazi-Soviet War, the Wehrmacht had captured around 1.5 million Soviet troops (16). By 30 September 1941, after just over 3 months of fighting, the Red Army according to Mawdsley had suffered irrecoverable losses of “at least 2,050,000”. (17)

Bellamy estimates that, at the end of September 1941, the Red Army had suffered irretrievable losses of 2,129,677 (18). In comparison, by 30 September 1941 the Wehrmacht had 185,000 irrecoverable losses (19). This equates to less than 10% of Soviet losses. Unfortunately the figures do not make pleasant reading, but it is a testimony to the resilience of the Soviet state, and specifically the Russians, that they were able to absorb these blows and avoid ultimate defeat in the war.

From October to December 1941, the Red Army suffered irrecoverable losses of 950,000, compared to permanent German losses of 117,000 during the same 3 month period (20). Bellamy wrote that, from Barbarossa’s first weeks, in favour of the Germans a “one-to-ten balance” was “emerging between the respective ground forces”. (21)

In 1941, something close to 80% of Soviet irrecoverable losses were those who surrendered, once more indicating worrying morale issues in the military. At the end of 1941 the Germans had captured 3.8 million Soviet troops (22), and virtually wiped out the Red Army’s original 5.3 million strong military force of June 1941. The Russians were able to replenish their losses somewhat during 1941, by dispatching fresh reserves to the front from further east.

By 31 January 1942, the Wehrmacht had suffered a total of 918,000 casualties (23). Three weeks later, on 20 February 1942 the figure had risen to 1,064,768 casualties, obviously quite a high number. Yet this does not mean, after 8 months of fighting, that the Wehrmacht had permanently lost nearly a third of its original attacking force, of 3.1 million men. Again regarding the invaders these are not all irrecoverable losses.

Out of the 1,064,768 German casualties by 20 February, there were 199,448 deaths, 708,351 wounded, 44,342 missing and 112,627 frostbite cases (24). The statistics here were sent to Hitler at the time. American historian John Toland wrote that Hitler initially “despaired upon reading the report of casualties in Russia up to February 20” but that “he soon rebounded”. This was because the winter was coming to an end, and Hitler was well-informed of the much greater Soviet losses.

Among the slightly more than 820,000 wounded and frostbitten German soldiers by 20 February 1942, some of these, maybe at least a couple of hundred thousand of them, could have recuperated from their injuries and returned to the battlefield. Even some severe wounds can heal. The 44,342 missing Wehrmacht troops are presumably those taken prisoner by the Russians, or soldiers blown to pieces by shells and who could never be identified, etc.

In 1941 the Soviet Air Force lost 17,900 warplanes; by comparison the Luftwaffe lost 2,510 warplanes in 1941 in the Soviet Union (25). The Red Army lost 20,000 tanks in 1941 during the fighting (26); the Wehrmacht lost more than 3,200 armoured vehicles including tanks up to the end of January 1942.

It is conventionally accepted, in military circles, that an attacking force should outnumber the defenders by 3 to 1, in order to have a chance at accomplishing complete victory (27). German sources state that 3.1 million Wehrmacht troops attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941, supported by 667,000 soldiers from its Axis allies, primarily Romanians and Finns at first; the invading forces were almost immediately in opposition to 3 million Soviet soldiers, but there were 5,373,000 Soviet troops in the entire USSR. (28)

In June 1941, the Russians had almost 3 times more tanks in the western USSR than the German-Axis divisions, 11,000 versus 4,000 (29). That month in the entire Soviet Union the Russians had 23,100 tanks, almost 6 times greater than the German-Axis powers. In June 1941, the Kremlin had 9,100 aircraft in the western USSR as opposed to 4,400 German-Axis aircraft (30); but throughout the Soviet Union the Russians had 20,000 warplanes in mid-1941, nearly 5 times more than the enemy. (31)

Soviet soldiers pushing a 45 mm (1.8 in) anti-tank gun on the road, 1 August 1943 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Looking at the figures in the cold light of day, the fascist forces should have been at a disadvantage in the war from early on. Considering they were outnumbered in each department, the Germans should not have been able to conquer the amount of territory which they did, capture Kiev, Kharkov, encircle Leningrad and threaten Moscow, all of which unfolded in 1941. Further major gains were made by the Germans in the summer and autumn of 1942.

Regardless of the Soviet military losses of 1941, on 1 January 1942 the Red Army still had 7,700 tanks to call upon and 12,000 warplanes (32) – in both cases, appreciably more than the German-Axis forces had at their disposal.

These latter figures reveal the Soviet Union’s continued production strength. Shortly after the German invasion started, the Kremlin successfully relocated most of its industry further east of Moscow, to regions such as Central Asia, western Siberia and Kazakhstan. They shifted over 1,500 industrial enterprises, between July and November 1941 alone, to the Soviet interior (33). Stalin merits praise for this policy, and for having implemented the massive growth in Soviet industrial output building up to the early 1940s.

Regarding the Russian winter of 1941-42, according to climatologists Hermann Flohn and Jehuda Neumann it “turned out to be one of the worst winters on record” (34). Flohn and Neumann outlined that the extreme weather “gravely hit the German armies that were not appropriately clothed, and which were not equipped with armaments, tanks and motorized vehicles that could properly function even in a ‘normal’ winter in the northern parts of the USSR, let alone a winter as rigorous as that of 1941-42”. (35)

The average temperature in Moscow for December 1941, taking into account both day and night time recordings, was minus 12.8 degrees Celsius. In January 1942, the average temperature in Moscow dropped to minus 20.2 degrees Celsius (36). The cold intensified further when darkness fell. On the night of 5 December 1941, just hours after the Red Army’s counteroffensive had begun, the thermometer in Moscow showed a recording of minus 36 degrees Celsius (37), the sort of conditions one would expect to find in the Arctic Circle.

Night time temperatures in western Russia dropped lower still in January 1942, the coldest month of all, perhaps to as low as minus 50 degrees Celsius. Taking into account these factors, it is remarkable the Germans not only survived the winter of 1941-42, and prevented large Soviet advances, but that they continued also to inflict greater losses on the enemy. Napoleon Bonaparte, considered as one of the greatest military commanders, had failed to lead his army through the Russian winter of 1812-13 following his invasion of June 1812. In spite of the Soviet counteroffensive and Arctic weather, the Germans experienced modest irrecoverable losses in the winter of 1941-42.

As 1942 dawned, the reality is that the German Army continued to be very powerful, still the world’s most formidable military machine. From January to March 1942 the Wehrmacht suffered 136,000 irrecoverable losses (38) [broken up as: 48,000 in January, 44,000 in February and 44,000 in March]. The Red Army suffered 620,000 irretrievable losses from January to March 1942, more than 4 times as much as the Germans in the same period. (39)

During the next 3 months from April to June 1942, the Soviet military forces suffered 780,000 irrecoverable losses (40). From April to June 1942, the Germans had just 52,000 irrecoverable losses (41) [broken up as: 23,000 in April, 16,000 in May and 13,000 in June]. Exact monthly figures are not at hand for irrecoverable Soviet losses.

Altogether for the first 6 months of 1942, the Red Army suffered 1.4 million irretrievable losses. Mawdsley wrote that during the first half of 1942, “Total German losses came to 188,000, on the face of it one-seventh of Soviet ones”. (42)


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


1 David T. Zabecki, Germany at War: 400 years of military history (ABC-CLIO, 28 Oct. 2014) p. 471

2 Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985) p. 36

3 Evan Mawdsley, Thunder in the East: The Nazi-Soviet War, 1941-1945 (Hodder Arnold, 23 Feb. 2007) p. 143

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid., p. 144

6 Ibid., p. 146

7 Ibid., pp. 145-46

8 Ibid., pp. 20-21

9 Ibid., p. 19

10 John Simkin, “Kliment Voroshilov”, Spartacus Educational, September 1997 (Updated January 2020)

11 Chris Bellamy, Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War (Pan; Main Market edition, 21 Aug. 2009) p. 206

12 John Sweeney, Regional Patterns of Urban Growth in the USSR, Geographical Association, April 1984, Jstor, p. 3 of 8

13 Bellamy, Absolute War, p. 206

14 Ibid., pp. 206 & 245

15 Ibid., p. 245

16 Ibid., p. 23

17 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 86

18 Bellamy, Absolute War, p. 245

19 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 85

20 Ibid., pp. 86 & 117

21 Bellamy, Absolute War, p. 206

22 Ibid., p. 23

23 Jacques R. Pauwels, The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War (Formac/Lorimer; 2nd Edition, 1 Sept. 2015) p. 73

24 John Toland, Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography (Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group; Illustrated edition, 1 Dec. 1991) p. 708

25 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 59

26 Ibid., p. 46

27 Ibid., p. 19

28 Ibid., p. 30

29 Ibid., p. 19

30 Ibid.

31 Ibid., p. 42

32 Ibid., p. 47

33 Sweeney, Regional Patterns of Urban Growth in the USSR, Jstor, p. 3 of 8

34 J. Neumann and H. Flohn, Great Historical Events That Were Significantly Affected by the Weather: Part 8, Germany’s War on the Soviet Union, 1941–45. Long-range Weather Forecasts for 1941–42 and Climatological Studies, American Meteorological Society, June 1987, Jstor, p. 1 of 11

35 Ibid., p. 3 of 11

36 Ibid., p. 4 of 11

37 Goodspeed, The Germans Wars, p. 401

38 Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, p. 147

39 Ibid.

40 Ibid.

41 Ibid.

42 Ibid.

Featured image: German infantry in Russia, June 1943 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa, the Allied Firebombing of German Cities and Japan’s Early Conquests

By Shane Quinn

The first two chapters focus on German preparations as they geared up to launch their 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, called Operation Barbarossa, which began eight decades ago. It was named after King Frederick Barbarossa, a Prussian emperor who in the 12th century had waged war against the Slavic peoples. Analysed also in the opening two chapters are the Soviet Union’s preparations for a conflict with Nazi Germany.

The remaining chapters focus for the large part on the fighting itself, as the Nazis and their Axis allies, the Romanians and Finns at first, swarmed across Soviet frontiers in the early hours of 22 June 1941. The German-led invasion of the USSR was the largest military offensive in history, consisting of almost four million invading troops. Its outcome would decide whether the post-World War II landscape comprised of an American-German dominated globe, or an American-Soviet dominated globe. The Nazi-Soviet war was, as a consequence, a crucial event in modern history and its result was felt for decades afterward and, indeed, to the present day.

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Repeat broadcast from July 2, 2021.

On June 14, 2022. Friends and family met up to celebrate Kari Polyani Levitt’s 99th birthday.

While Kari’s health is fragile, she constitutes a powerful voice in the understanding and analysis of the global political economy. here first book, entitled with tremendous for

Below is the transcript of her interview with Michael Welch in July of last year

Many “corrections” are still needed to rid Canada of the structural violence and systemic racism that has evolved here over the past five centuries. One step in this process is to revise our understanding of history and to do away with national creation myths that portray Cartier and Cabot as heroic founders of Canada. We should instead acknowledge them as the official founding criminals of this fictive nation which has been built on a captivating web of myths that continue to deceive.” – Richard Sanders, quoted in Press for Conversion #69


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

The 154th anniversary of the birth of Canada as a country was marked not by festive celebrations, but by rallies crewed by community members dressed in orange shirts to mourn the far too many victims of the nation’s residential schools.

Thousands showed up in gatherings in several cities including Regina, TorontoLondon and Montreal. Vancouver actually had city hall and the Burrard Bridge lit up in lights of orange. There was a massive day of revelation full of sacred pipe ceremonies, healing dance and rows of the shoes of little children on Parliament Hill in the capital of Ottawa. And in Winnipeg, in addition to the hundreds of people marching in the downtown, a small group actually defaced and then toppled the statues of two very famous monarchs, the past Queen Victoria and the present Queen Elizabeth.

It seems unusual to abandon, in some cases, the usual fireworks in favor of sentiments regretting the mistreatment of an entire people. Although it is well deserved. The historical persecution of those people from whom this land was gifted to us must once and for all register on those people who are rewarded for the mortal sins of our fathers.[2]

And what kind of a future can we look forward to? As the nation’s elite seemed to find wealth in more and more continental integration with the United States, a string of initiatives from growing dependence on US foreign direct investment to ‘free trade’ deals and the like saw this country seeming to lose its sovereignty to Uncle Sam.

The prime minister said days in advance that Canada Day should be a day of reflection rather than a day of merriment:

“Many, many Canadians will be reflecting on reconciliation, on our relationship with Indigenous Peoples and how it has evolved and how it needs to continue to evolve rapidly. We have so many thing we need to work on together and I think this Canada Day, it will be a time of reflection on what we’ve achieved as a country but on what more we have to do.”[3]

Looking at ourselves through the mirror of an honest ethical inventory is the theme of this week’s special audio portait on the Global Research News Hour.

In the first half of the show we have the great pleasure of having Kari Polanyi Levitt join us. She focuses her attention on how Canada is losing its sovereignty and its independence on the world stage and on how we might be able to claim the soul of a proud nation once again.

In the second half of the program, we are joined once again by Richard Sanders. He outlines more about the way we have continued to elevate our country’s history on narratives which like those that animated the Church-run residential schools, are fictitious.

Kari Polanyi Levitt is a Canadian economist and Emeritus Professor of Economics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, as well as the daughter of the famous thinker Karl Polanyi. Her books include From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization: On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays: Kari Polanyi Levitt (2013)Reclaiming Development: Independent Thought and Caribbean Community (2005), and Silent Surrender: the Multinational Corporation in Canada (1970).

Richard Sanders is the coordinator of the Coalition Opposed to the Arms Trade, and has a history of involvement in anti-war activism that spans three decades. He is also a researcher and the publisher and editor of Press For Conversion Magazine. In 2017 he released issue #69 dealing with what he calls Fictive Canada: Indigenous Slaves and the Captivating Narratives.


Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

Transcript- Interview with Professor Polanyi Levitt, June 30, 2021

Global Research: Since you wrote that article 50 years ago to the present, there seems to have been more integration between our two countries, right?

Kari Polanyi Levitt: There has been, yes.

GR: I mean is it something that you may have foreseen way back when? Or is this more of a, I mean, from the time you wrote that book to today, is this pretty much the kind of result you would have expected?

KPL: Well, yes, I think those of us who were concerned about the way in which Canadian business was selling themselves out to American multinationals, we were concerned that it would lead to a loss of sovereignty. And I think it has. It has happened. We have less sovereignty than we had some time ago.

GR: The growth since that time, I mean, we’ve had their Free Trade Agreements, right? In the 1980s the Canada US Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA, and we had military…our militaries became more and more tightly connected. Which strengthened continentalism even further. Where all of these separate decisions just added onto US investments to increase US control of Canada or was it part of the same pattern. First you increase investment then you try more and more integration—

KPL: I would think, yes, part of the same pattern.

GR: Yeah, so are you saying that, what I’m asking is, how far back had the various stages of integration been planned? Is it kind of like a timeline where you say, now this, and then, and then we’re going to throw in a Free Trade Agreement when the time is right? Or did this idea of free trade and then other aspects of integration just sort of come along when the time was right?

KPLWell, the Free Trade Agreement of the kind we’re talking about were a global phenomenon they were not unique to Canada. But we had what they like to call globalization which really meant they… the power of international capital, particularly the financial capital. What I would like us to talk about is that as we are approaching Canada Day and many people are questioning whether they should celebrate or rather concern themselves about the phenomenon of the residential schools and the young people in the unmarked graves. I like to talk about the present and what happened since I wrote that book. It is an important book. And it remains important.

GR: Well for certain, I mean, in 2021 we are recognizing now that the residential schools have definitely had a, have been a horrific part of our past. But have we really come to the point where…is something special happening now, or are we just seeing our whole, are we just seeing our whole… just finding a way of shifting our dependence on the residential schools to something else. Because it seems as if, for all the acco–… everything that the prime minister is saying, Indigenous peoples are still being subjected to brutal things like the higher-than-average representation in the jails for example. What is your take on that?

KPLThe fact is that the way that this country was built, it was built by, by people who saw the Indigenous people in a very negative way. And the residential schools would never have happened if it were not part of the culture of this country. And I think many people are seeing that this is regrettable and bad. And that something should be done to improve the relationship between the settler communities that constitute the Canadian population and the Indigenous people.

GR: Yeah, do you…do the signs show that we are going to be going in that direction?

KPL: I’m not sure. There are obviously an increasing number of Canadians who are only now learning about this, and they are concerned. But to tell you the truth, when you called me about discussing foreign policy, I thought that’s what we were going to do. And what I think is that Canada, in many ways, has a good name in the world but we are not acting on our own initiative. We are following in the wake of the United States in foreign policy. And I think that this is a very dangerous situation because no matter how much I consider the existence of challenges facing humanity, one of them is how to prevent ourselves from engaging in mutual destruction by the use of atomic weapons. And because we are a party to NATO, Canada is not following an independent foreign policy but his only going along with whatever is the current concern of the United States. I would like us to exert our independence, and that is one of the advantages of having nations.

GR: The military is…there’s no clear division between the militaries, but can you see the nation in any way…I mean are we so united that we can’t break loose even if we wanted to? I mean, when it comes to votes at the UN on nuclear missiles or anything like that, I mean do we even have the power any more to stand up against the United States?

KPL: We have as much or as little as we ever had before. We don’t have less. Although the scandal of the residential schools is a negative. It reduces the legitimacy with which Canada can play a role on the international stage. It’s a blot on our record. And for all kinds of good reasons, something has to be done. But I am thinking about is more, what could Canada do as a medium power in the world with a good reputation, and its sort of commitment to the United Nations. And I think that we should examine what has been our foreign policy.

GR: Is there a particular foreign policy where we could start expressing our independent way of thinking that we could distance ourselves from the United States?

KPL: Well, the obvious one is the field of diplomacy, I mean, we had developed a lot of independent economic and political relations with China, which is the up-and-coming power in the next century.

GR: What about in terms of military policy, getting out of any relationship with the United States on shooting down missiles, well basically what NORAD does, you know, is that something we could even break out of?

KPL: Well, maybe so, but I think more to the point, we should develop our independent relations with other countries. What is clear, is that in the world, that we have to have a… what do they call it again…a world order that is multinational. In other words, there are a number of legitimate political entities in this world who have to be included in a multi-polar world. And that multi-polar world would include China and the United States and Canada. But we should be included, not as a satellite of the United States, but on our own independence. And I think we have, we, the government of Canada made a big mistake in acceding to this demand by the Americans to arrest the lady representing the very important IT company. That was a…because what she was accused of was a violation of US sanctions again Iran, and this is not a criminal act in Canadian law, because Canada did not agree to sanctions against Iran. So that was a big mistake, and it was done entirely because our government said, under some compulsion to act in the way that it did. There was a compulsion to play a subsidiary role regarding relation with the US. And we have done huge damage to Canada’s relationship with China and there are individuals now, Canadian individuals in China who are paying the price.

GR: I know that…there’s an election coming up possibly this fall, I’m wondering if your views on Canada’s need to distinguish itself could possibly play any role in this election and who would you need more inclined to vote towards?

KPL: I don’t know…I couldn’t announce it. I know I would not vote for the Conservatives. I do not trust them. So, I don’t know yet who I’m going to vote for. But what I would like to see the Government of Canada do is to take some initiative in the matter of banning new nuclear weapons. And there was a motion introduced in the General Assembly of the UN some months ago to that effect. And Canada shamefully did not express an opinion in favour of what is clearly the popular view of the majority of member states of the UN.

GR: Kari Polanyi Levitt, I really appreciate everything you’ve had to say today, and I know that we’re kind of getting to the end of her time, but I just wanted to offer you the opportunity to close with any thoughts that you may have that you, that we as Canadians can be more alert to as we move forward toward and beyond the next election.

KPL: Well, I think that Canada should certainly consider its membership of NATO because, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and it is a military alliance and in recent years it has been involved in military conflicts in the regions of the Middle East which are having really nothing to do with the North Atlantic. And I don’t think that…. I think we have to, we should reconsider, and the reasons why it might be difficult for the Canadian government to take a position against nuclear weapons is precisely because North America is so closely integrated with the US, and the US would never never agree to that request. I think I will just leave it there.

GR: Professor Polanyi Levitt I think we’ve come to the end, and I wanted to know how, I feel extremely privileged to have this conversation with you, and I wish you all the best in your coming years.

KPL: That is very kind of you, thank you. And I really like the work that Global Research is doing. I disagree with them about some things, about global warming, but that’s it, a minor disagreement, in my opinion. And one other thing. In order as a Canadian I can again feel proud of, to be a national of this country, our government has to take some action, whether it’s in the area of international diplomacy or some other area, because I do not see it as accountable to be only ashamed of the Government of Canada for what they have done relationship with the Indigenous people. I would like to feel good about the country, which has a lot of good things going for it.

GR: Yeah, that’s a good way to close going into Canada Day. So that’s…Well, you take care and again thank you so much for this interview.

KPL: Thank you!

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  2. Honouring for the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015);
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel voted 19 to 2 on Tuesday to add an Omicron component to COVID-19 boosters this fall, over objections by panel members and despite a lack of data.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory panel on Tuesday voted 19 to 2 to recommend new COVID-19 booster shots that include the Omicron variant this fall.

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) did not issue guidance on whether additional data would be needed to recommend an updated composition of the primary-series vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S., or whether it would be appropriate to continue to use a primary-series vaccine as a booster.

It is the first time VRBPAC has suggested vaccine makers modify their vaccines to target a different variant, according to CNBC, which also reported the FDA will likely accept the committee’s recommendation.

If so, the FDA would be authorizing a vaccine change without requiring additional data showing a bivalent vaccine — containing both the original 2019 Wuhan variant and one of the Omicron variants — is safe and effective for those age groups that are already authorized to receive a booster dose.

The FDA plans to decide by early July whether vaccines will target the now-dominant BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants or the BA.1 Omicron variant that led to a surge in infections last winter, Reuters reported.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, suggested a newly designed shot could begin in October, adding that it takes manufacturers around three months to choose a vaccine design and begin producing doses.

Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Dr. Hank Bernstein, professor of pediatrics at Zucker School of Medicine, were the only two members who broke from the panel to vote against the initiative.

Offit acknowledged there’s a benefit to providing a booster in the fall to some age groups, but questioned whether Omicron was the right strain. He said the move to new-variant vaccines was happening too fast, with too little data.

“I think as a new product it should be handled as a new product,” Offit said. “I think we need a higher standard than what we’ve been given. …“I’m not comfortable enough to support the risk of a new product.”

Bernstein expressed concern over the lack of data used to justify changing the strain, and the potential that by the time a subsequent booster is approved, it will contain outdated strains.

“So, in sum, I think including an Omicron strain in the vaccine seems to have some potential, but data especially for BA.4 and BA.5 are limited at this time, and that’s why I’m struggling to even make a strain change at this time,” Bernstein said.

Bernstein also said he didn’t see a need to change the strain as the current vaccine being used is shown to be effective against severe disease — a claim made just two weeks earlier at a prior VRBPAC meeting.

Bernstein said the strain change would need to be supported by data showing improved vaccine effectiveness and he “didn’t think we really have the data to be able to say that” even though the panel looked at the immune response.

Dr. Ofer Levy, VRBPAC member and an infectious disease physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, voted “yes” to change the computation of COVID-19 boosters, despite Pfizer’s admission there is “no established correlate of protection,” referring to the level of antibodies needed to confer protection.

“You have a lot of data now,” Levy told Pfizer. “What is your relative protection?”

“I would say there is no established correlate of protection,” Kena Swanson, Ph.D., vice president of viral vaccines at Pfizer, told Levy.

Levy circled back during the meeting:

“I would like to hear from FDA what their overall approach will be around improving our understanding of correlate protection. We spend a good amount of time reviewing antibody data. We have no doubt antibody data is important. We don’t have a level of antibody that anybody is comfortable stating is correlated [with] protection.

“So yes, the antibodies are important but so are the T cells. We heard from Dr. Weir, yes, T-cell assays are trickier and they’re more diverse, but it’s not going to happen without federal leadership to have a standardization of the T-cell assay and encourage or in fact require the sponsors to gather that information.”

“So what is the effort to standardize the pre-clinical assays?” Levy asked. “This is an effort that’s critical not just now but for future cycles of vaccine revision. If we aren’t able to define a standard for correlate protection we are fighting with one arm behind our back.”

Marks acknowledged the importance of Levy’s question, but said T-cell-mediated immunity was “difficult to study” initially.

“We have been having conversations with our colleagues at the NIH [National Institutes of Health] and throughout government about how we might move forward here,” Marks said. “It is something that we don’t have an answer to yet.”

Marks said as vaccines are developed in the future, it will “become even more important” to define a standard of correlate protection because “we won’t be able to have a large naive population to vaccinate with newer vaccines.”

“We will need to understand the T-cell response better,” Marks said. “I take your point, it’s just that we haven’t solved the problem yet.“

Dr. Meryl Nass, a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee, told The Defender that in her opinion, Tuesday’s meeting was a “vote to essentially approve a future framework — the future framework being a dearth of evidence required to change the booster, without clinical evidence and without a correlation of protection.”

Nass added:

“They voted on using an Omicron variant in the next booster iteration — which could contain any Omicron variant and could be either mono- or bi-valent.

“But most likely they will keep the current version and add another — which might double the amount of mRNA, or not.”

The new formulation might be for adults alone or adults and children, or only older adults and the immunocompromised, Nass said.

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., Children’s Health Defense chief scientific officer and professor of biology at Simpson University, told The Defender:

“The proposed move by VRBPAC will increase the harm to the U.S. public to unprecedented levels, as this action will further circumvent necessary clinical trials even beyond the slapdash testing of COVID-19 vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization.

“This adds to a foundation of lies used to authorize the original COVID-19 vaccines without anywhere near proper testing.”

Dr. Cody Meissner, VRBPAC panel member and professor of pediatrics at Tufts University, expressed concern about the financial risk pharmaceutical companies “are taking by making these vaccines.”

“If there’s a low likelihood the vaccines will be recommended, then they could incur significant loss,” he said.

Marks responded:

“I guess I would say that I would make recommendations here knowing the vaccine manufacturers will be kept whole by the United States government at least for some vaccines. I could be wrong but I think that’s a reasonable assumption.”

During the meeting, Moderna told the panel it would be ready with a “couple of hundred million” bivalent, or double-targeted, vaccines designed to combat BA.1 by September, but it would be late October or early November if the company needs to design a new vaccine targeting subvariants.

Pfizer said it and partner BioNTech have a significant amount of vaccine doses designed for the BA.1 variant ready and are already preparing to produce a large number of doses targeting BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants.

Pfizer said either could be ready for an early October rollout.

Multiple concerns raised during the public comment session

During the public comment session of the meeting, experts raised concerns that were largely ignored by the advisory panel.

Dr. Dustin Bryce, with Interest of Justice, said the FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization are “usurping Congress’ definition of a vaccine — which is any substance designed for the prevention of one or more disease.”

“FDA actually classifies mRNA as gene therapy, which they say is to treat or cure an existing disease by modifying your genes,” Bryce said. “Gene therapies are still being studied and are experimental at this time.”

Citing FDA documents, Bryce said gene therapy, unlike a vaccine, is so inherently unsafe the FDA says it requires 15 years of research to follow up on safety due to known risks of antibody-dependent enhancement, alteration of DNA and delayed adverse effects, such as cancer.

Bryce said:

“FDA says that gene therapy use in the mass population represents an unreasonable risk and they should limit the number of subjects who might be exposed to risk. We require due process and forbid the FDA from authorizing the proposed changes.

“We are demanding that EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] is promptly revoked because unreasonable risks are inherent in gene therapy products, as evidenced by large numbers of reports of adverse serious events linked to or suspected of being caused by an EUA product, product failure and product ineffectiveness.”

Bryce said COVID-19 vaccines fail to meet the requirements of EUA because not a single mRNA vaccine has been found to be effective for the prevention or treatment of an existing disease.

Michael Briskin pointed out in his public comment that the FDA receives approximately 75% of its budget from pharmaceutical companies, which he believes represents a conflict of interest.

Briskin challenged the use of the phrase “safe and effective” to describe COVID-19 vaccines, given the FDA has done no long-term testing to determine whether these products are safe.

Briskin presented data showing a significant rise in reported deaths among working-age Americans following COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

He said:

“In the short-term, 2021 was a very interesting year. We saw a stark increase [in death] among working-age adults from 18 to 64 and specifically in Q3 and into Q4, so something new for the working-age demographic partly through 2021 would be the clear correlation.

“With comparable trends in BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] data, children’s health insurance data, Israeli ambulance data, and of course we have the [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)] data — which the CDC tried to minimize but a recent FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request forced them to reveal that they never once did the PRR calcification that was supposed to be their tool for spotting safety signals, according to their posted documents.”

“And what do we do when people get injured from these vaccines?” Briskin asked the panel. “We leave them in the mud.”

Briskin chastised the panel for authorizing boosters for infants two weeks earlier when data showed two doses weren’t effective and only 10 cases were used to assess efficacy.

“Three-quarters of the severe COVID in the trial was in the vaccine arm, as was the only hospitalization case which was accompanied by a seizure,” Briskin said. “And Moderna is so dangerous in young people Nordic countries won’t allow it to be used in anyone under the age of 30.”

Briskin said:

“In fact, the director of health of Denmark just admitted that vaccinating children was a mistake, whereas our officials only ever doubled down. And now we’re about to double down so hard we are about to lose the pretense of holding these pharmaceutical companies to any statistically meaningful regulatory standards for formula modification.

“For people following at home, what this agency is proposing is not just modifying the genetic code in the vaccine and the structure of the proteins produced to chase variants, but even things like doubling the microgram count for Pfizer — all without doing any statistically powered safety studies.”

“And to be clear,” Briskin added, “the companies we’re giving carte blanche to include Pfizer, the world’s largest criminal organization having paid the world’s largest criminal fine, and Moderna, which never made a safe product before we did away with long-term safety testing.”

Dr. Eric Feintuch, a chiropractor, asked the FDA if the agency knows how long mRNA from COVID-19 vaccines and the spike protein stay in the body, whether they know what the rate of protein production is and whether the FDA is aware of the consequences of the methylpseudouridine substitutions at the codon optimization step.

“For anyone on this panel who says it doesn’t go anywhere, tell me what proof you have of that,” Feintuch said, referring to the spike protein.

Feintuch said COVID-19 vaccines are associated with prion disease, noting 26 people have reported experiencing sudden onset of a severe and fatal brain disorder within one month of the second mRNA vaccine dose.

“This information needs to be researched and seen,” Feintuch said.

“A thousand peer-reviewed studies question the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Doesn’t anyone see the safety signals? Is there anyone here who will stand up?” he asked. “Some of you know this, you need to stand up and you need to help us.”

Dr. David Wiseman, a research scientist with a background in pharmacy, pharmacology and experimental pathology, said VRBPAC is once again being asked to opine on inadequate information.

Wiseman said the FDA recently waived efficacy requirements for COVID-19 vaccines and has ignored its experts, notably Levy, who “has called for federal efforts to validate and standardize a correlate of protection.”

“Recent vaccine decisions were based on irrelevant Wuhan immunobridging,” Wiseman said. “Omicron assays are unvalidated and unverified by FDA.”

Wiseman said safety questions surrounding COVID-19 vaccines remain unanswered:

“We have shown correlations between vaccination and all-cause mortality. FDA says VAERS is under- and misreported. A FOIA disclosure reveals that CDC has not conducted safety signal analyses, which we have provided to FDA. Neurologic adverse events are finally being acknowledged [but there are] still no cancer studies.”

Wiseman further pointed out that FOIA requests show vital studies involving the spike protein have not been done:

“A Stanford study in [the journal] Cell showed vaccine message and antigen persisting for at least eight weeks. Does spike accumulate? Is this why myocarditis rates after boosting match or best primary series rates for some ages?

“Does spike persistence contribute to immune suppression, imprinting and negative efficacy? What is the toxicity of multiple doses? How will sameness of the manufacturing process be defined? Are the guidelines talking about monovalents or bivalents?”

Pfizer has dismissed concerns about the spike protein as “academic,” Wiseman said, “but it is certainly not.”

Booster formulation should be changed to combat waning efficacy, committee said

During the meeting, which occurred two weeks after the panel signed off on the primary COVID-19 vaccine series for the nation’s youngest children, a change in booster composition was deemed necessary due to waning effectiveness.

Dr. Mahesh Shenai, neurosurgeon and data analyst, said in a tweet:

“After many months of extolling benefits of vax and booster, now they are criticizing its efficacy and durability. . . to set the stage for a new updated booster!?”

In a briefing document published ahead of Tuesday’s meeting, FDA officials predicted a major COVID-19 outbreak will occur in the fall “due to the combination of waning immunity, further evolution of variants and increased indoor activity.”

A similar committee that advises the WHO recently suggested COVID-19 vaccines be reformulated to include both the original SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan variant and the first version of Omicron, BA.1 — although this variant has since been replaced by other strains of BA.4 and BA.5.

Moderna and Pfizer studied Omicron-specific vaccines in preparation for fall boosters, but efforts have been complicated by new subvariants.

If the government decides it wants a booster shot that targets BA.4 and BA.5 — two strains derived from the Omicron variant that are becoming dominant — vaccine manufacturers will have to race to produce the doses by fall, The New York Times reported.

Vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson were developed against the original Wuhan COVID strain that emerged in 2019, but as the virus has rapidly evolved, these vaccines have become less effective.

COVID-19 vaccines target the spike protein the SARS-CoV-2 virus uses to invade human cells, but as the virus mutates away from the original strain, it has trouble “recognizing and attacking the spike,” CNBC reported. The Omicron variant has more than 30 mutations.

Marks said during the meeting he hopes changing the booster will “convince people to go get that booster,” adding the FDA plans to begin a booster campaign in October.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

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In an interview with journalist Paul D. Thacker, former U.S. Air Force investigator and safety officer Alex Rich explains why he developed a software program that links pharmaceutical companies’ payments to doctors and researchers.

Alex Rich believes no one in the U.S. has a clear idea of the scope and scale of drug company payments flowing to the authors — usually physicians — of articles published in medical journals.

But the former U.S. Air Force investigator and safety officer thinks it’s important to have that information in order to determine if an author is biased — so he developed software that mines the medical literature to uncover Big Pharma payments to doctors.

In an interview with journalist Paul D. Thacker, Rich said his software program examines the gap between payment data and conflicts of interest — disclosed and undisclosed — that may lead to undue influence by pharmaceutical companies.

“I want to make it easier to explore the financial relationships between authors of articles in medical journals and industry, mostly drug and device companies,” Rich told Thacker.

Thacker, author of the DisInfomation Chronicle, wrote an award-winning series exposing the lack of transparency among experts advising U.K. and U.S. officials on COVID-19 policy.

Thacker also spent years investigating GlaxoSmithKline’s diabetes drug Avandia — leading to it being pulled from the market. And his investigation into DuPont’s cover-up regarding Teflon led to a scandal and, ultimately, a major lawsuit and the 2019 film “Dark Waters.”

Rich, who is pursuing a Ph.D., told Thacker he developed the software program to “scrape” (i.e., extract data from) PubMed-indexed publications by doctors who are listed in the Open Payments database.

His software then connects doctors’ addresses to pharmaceutical companies’ payments and tracks them on a map of the U.S.

“The Open Payments database has become one of the most robust and interesting federal data sets out there,” Rich said. “But it hasn’t met full utilization because it’s difficult to link to other datasets. It doesn’t have any of the normal things you would use to identify a physician or an author that other data sets use.”

Rich changed that with his software, which has a code to pull conflicts of interest from studies.

purdue payments american physicians

Screenshot of the data visualization program of Purdue payments to American physicians.

Rich first set out to follow the money trail between authors and industry by diving into the details. For example, he said, if Purdue Pharma was attempting to influence physicians to prescribe OxyContin, how did that influence work?

“Where did they meet? Who did the speaking? Where is the information flowing?” he asked.

Rich initially looked at a lot of geographic signals, such as venues where one physician is paid to give a talk and other physicians receive food and beverage payments.

“Ultimately, I ended up looking at peer-reviewed publications,” Rich said. “When I found physicians publishing in major medical journals and not disclosing their financial conflict-of-interest disclosures, I really started to feel uncomfortable.”

Rich told Thacker that while most doctors don’t set out to be influenced by pharmaceutical companies, financial incentives can have insidious effects on doctors’ opinions and prescriptions.

“It’s a subtle process whereby [doctors] are getting more and more comfortable with a set of corporate actors who have very strong financial incentives to see that all the decisions in the gray spaces of medicine fall in their favor,” he said.

“Most of these people believe they’re doing the right thing. It just so happens that the majority of the things that they say tend to benefit a multi-billion-dollar corporation.”

Rich used his software to expose the actions of Dr. Edward Michna of the Pain Trials Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who testified in court on behalf of the opioid industry.

Rich found that, out of more than 47,800 U.S. physicians who received payments from Purdue Pharma (now bankrupt after pleading guilty to fraud charges related to its OxyContin marketing), Michna was in the top 0.2% with $52,512.

Michna also was a paid speaker for Cephalon, which was sued for deceptive opioid marketing.

Using his software program, Rich found Michna repeatedly neglected to declare as competing interests payments from drug companies in published studies.

Rich, who is also the founder of, dedicated to “data visualization for informed citizenship,” said he expects to open source the code for his software soon.

“There should be more researchers asking questions about payments,” he said. “Those conversations can enhance the transparency of the whole medical research industry and open up new lines of thinking about the problem of bias in research.”


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Susan C. Olmstead is the assistant editor of The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

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Will Netanyahu Return to Lead “Israel” Again?

June 30th, 2022 by Steven Sahiounie

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“Israel” is heading toward its fifth election in less than four years, as the Bennett-Lapid consensus ends in the Knesset. 

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s Yamina Party was weakened by significant defections recently between Bennett’s right-wing allies and Arab members of the coalition, which rendered the to a government a minority position in the Knesset.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz discussed a vote on a bill to dissolve the Knesset on June 22, 2022.

However, the bill to disperse the 24th Knesset has been delayed due to a last-ditch effort by the opposition to form an alternative government rather than call elections.

Gantz, of the Blue and White party, said he would “do everything” in his power to prevent an effort for opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new coalition in the current Knesset, while he voiced his opinion that new elections are the best way forward.

The Labor party is expected to hold primaries on July 18, and is the party most secular Jews support.

Officials estimate the expense for the upcoming expected elections to be approximately $700 million. The tentative date is October 25, or November 8, 2022.

The Bennett-Lapid pact

The Bennett-Lapid pact dissolved on the pretext that a law ascribing special status to Israeli settlers had failed to pass, which is crucial in a government whose several constituents and Prime Minister are religious Zionists.

The coalition’s makeup had been regarded as being too broad, which prevented political consensus from enacting meaningful change and establishing stable rule.

Bennett’s move to dissolve the Knesset and seek is pre-emptive and may be a political ploy. His strategy might be maximizing time for Yair Lapid’s succession as Prime Minister, therefore prolonging the coalition and buying time to develop a new platform.

Under Israeli law, Bennett’s succeeding caretaker government can function for three months before elections, which would benefit Bennett’s proposed successor, Lapid.


Benjamin Netanyahu served as the ninth prime minister of Israel from 1996 to 1999 and from 2009 to 2021. Netanyahu currently serves as Leader of the Opposition and as the chairman of the Likud party.

Netanyahu’s opponents proposed using a controversial bill to block politicians under criminal indictment from forming a government while elections were on the horizon.

The bill would change a quasi-constitutional law to forbid a person under indictment for a serious crime from serving as prime minister. Netanyahu is currently on trial for three separate corruption cases.  He faced corruption charges in the past as well, in a previous term in office.

A Knesset legal adviser told the Knesset’s Constitutional, Law and Justice Committee that it would be “problematic” to legislate the controversial bill, given the proximity to elections, as it would be seen as obstructing a democratic process.

Netanyahu has branded the Bennett-Lapid government Israel’s “worst,” and accused the government of colluding with “terror supporters” in reference to the Arab component of the coalition.

Netanyahu may see his way clear with a series of strategies, which may include continuing his complaints against the government. Voters may agree with his assessment that Bennett and Lapid have mismanaged the coalition.

Netanyahu could also attract some of the right-wing votes directed toward Bennett, possibly increasing the number of Likud members in the Knesset.

Netanyahu is seeking to move for a vote of no confidence in the Knesset, which would dissolve the current government, but reinstate a new one in the Knesset, with the existing makeup of members. Netanyahu might find support for the motion, while possibly swaying former Likud members that had defected to other right-wing parties.

A new Netanyahu government might be formed, without any election, if Likud and its religious Zionist allies, aided by defectors from Yamina and other right-wing parties, could reach 60 plus members of Knesset.

The fractured Israeli political scene

Secular Jews are largely supporters of the Israeli Labor Party and a Secular Zionist state. Secular Israelis identify as Jewish, but the religion is only one aspect of their identity. Israel, the close ally of the US, is not a secular government, which is the foundation of all democratic values in the United States.  Israel is a racist state, with only Jews able to be citizens and claim human rights.

The Israeli political system remains fractured between the religious fanatics and the secularists.  Even among the religious parties, there are deep divisions. Having a religious political party in America would be unheard of, and illegal, due to the strict separation of church and state; however, in Israel Zionism is the foundation of their undemocratic governance. Zionism is a political ideology hiding behind a religion.

The Israeli attack on the Syrian airport

On Friday, June 10, the Damascus International Airport was attacked by a volley of Israeli missiles fired from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights at about 4:20 am.

Heavy damage to the airport was confirmed after the Israeli attack, which partially destroyed the airport terminal building, runways, and navigation lights. Landing and departing flights were suspended. Dozens of international flights were affected, and arrivals and departures were diverted to Aleppo International Airport.

Summer time sees not only Syrians living abroad returning for family visits, but also many international tourists visit Damascus in tours which include antiquities as well as ancient Christian sites well visited.  Even though Syria has been in a war beginning in 2011, they fighting has stopped since 2017, and Damascus and Aleppo have had tour groups arriving.  The loss of the Damascus airport is devastating to the local tourist offices, and supporting businesses such as hotels and restaurants. Despite the war, Damascus was not severely damaged, and the main touristic sites are untouched.

Aviation safety experts have commented on the danger of Israel attacking the airport while there are civilian passenger flights which carry hundreds of passengers and arrive at early morning times, such as was the recent attack.  What could have happened if the Israeli attack coincided with the landing or take-off of a 747 passenger jet with 300 persons on board?

Israel has carried out hundreds of air raids against Syria since 2011, and the attacks have become almost routine. In many cases, civilians are killed and injured.

Russia condemned “the provocative Israeli attack against essential civilian infrastructure”. A spokesperson for Russia’s foreign ministry called such attacks “an absolutely unacceptable violation of international norms”.

Israel acts with impunity

It has been proven that the bullet which killed Shireen Abu Akleh came from an Israeli military rifle, and it was not a random, mistaken shot which killed the veteran Palestinian-American journalist.  The tree next to where she stood had several shots in it, proving that the killer targeted her alone, but only one of his bullets hit their mark.  Israel has killed the “Voice of Palestine”, but will not be able to silence the voices for Palestine which exist in the multi-millions and are a global voice for freedom for five million persons living under a racist and apartheid regime.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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It did not take long for the new Australian Labor government to flex its muscle foolishly in response to the large crossbench of independents and small party members of Parliament.  Despite promising a new age of transparency and accountability after the election of May 21, one of the first notable acts of the Albanese government was to attack the very people who gave voice to that movement.  Dangerously, old party rule, however slim, is again found boneheaded and wanting.

The decision, delivered with an arrogant casualness before another international sojourn by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, centred on the staffing arrangements for the newly elected independent members of parliament.  Prior to getting on a plane, Albanese sent a letter to independent members promising to cut the staffing allocation for crossbench MPs and Senators from eight to five each. Of the five would also be one advisor, down from four in the previous Morrison government.

On the surface, the government did not see it as problematic, because those in government tend to see the absurd as entirely normal.  Albanese himself was found defending a series of spurious positions, citing “fairness and equity” and lack of sustainability.  In a classic conceptual misunderstanding, the Prime Minister seemed to think that a government backbencher was somehow equivalent to an independent representative.  It was not fair, for instance, that the independent MP Zali Steggall “should have double the representation in terms of staff of electorates in the same region.”

Indeed, Albanese went so far as to toffee coat the new arrangements.  Independents, he told Radio National’s Sabra Lane, “will have more staff than major party representatives.  And the additional staff will have travel rights that major party backbenchers won’t have.  They’ll be on higher salaries.”

Then, as if suggesting something sinister, the PM noted “a circumstance whereby I didn’t know, and I can’t find any great record of any publicity, for the fact that some crossbenchers had double the staff that other backbenchers had.”  Had Albanese bothered to consult documents tabled in Parliament, Steggall has pointedly remarked, he could have easily seen what those arrangements actually were.

It seems to have eluded the member for Grayndler that Labor members of parliament, and those of the Liberals and Nationals, do not need as many staff members because the party itself decides the various policy positions and arguments.  Independents, precisely because they do not call upon such an apparatus, need to exercise judgment that is more informed and, if necessary, sceptical.  Nor can they, not being either members of government or the official opposition, call upon advice from ministerial departments.

What Albanese and his ministers have also suggested is that more resources will be given to the Federal Parliament Library, as if that somehow cures staff shortages.  There will also be access to clerks responsible for drafting legislation, “in addition to personal staff.”

Groupthink, or non-think, are not imperatives of the responsible independent MP.  They, as the newly elected independent Senator for the ACT, David Pocock has noted, must traverse a number of fields of enormous complexity and detail, requiring research, consulting with experts and people legislation would affect.  “This isn’t about parliamentarians or staff,” he insists, “it’s about listening to and respecting our communities.”  To do so, one had to be accessible, consult widely and make “politics about people.”

The newly elected senator for the United Australia Party, Ralph Babet, is also of the view that the cuts placed “the brakes on our ability to scrutinise the government and the legislation they may propose.”  A spokesperson for One Nation also smelled a rat lurking behind the decision.  “If you’re not adequately staffed that means this government expects legislation to be rammed through without proper consideration.”

Leaving aside the needs of such representatives, the staffers themselves, notably for those attached to smaller parties and non-aligned parliamentarians, endure a job described by one as “bloody” and “excruciatingly hard.”  Such a staffer faces any number of threats to life and limb in addition to confronting dozens of government amendments to lengthy bills, backed by the opposition, with only a day’s notice.

Having created a needlessly suicidal storm, the government now faces the prospect of “going slow” approaches to the passing of legislation, notably in the Senate.  Another view, one expressed by One Nation, is to adopt a default position of rejecting legislation that has not been properly scrutinised. The Albanese government has done wonders to return to the orthodoxy of a broken system by attempting to consolidate the power of the two-party duopoly.

Beyond the immediacy of impending parliamentary business, graver consequences may face Labor, with the freshly victorious giant slayer, Kooyong MP Monique Ryan, promising a second wave of independents to target Labor marginal seats in Melbourne at the 2025 election.

Having kicked them in the proverbial teeth, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher is hopeful that “respectful and constructive engagement” will be possible with the freshly enraged crossbench.  Even before the first sitting of Parliament, things promise to be rowdy.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Anthony Albanese (Source: Republic World)

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Selected excerpts from Ottawa Citizen article. To read complete article, click here


The Times reported Saturday that Canadian special forces personnel were in Ukraine as part of a NATO network to provide weapons and training as well as gather intelligence about the Russians.

Canadian Special Operations Forces Command won’t deny the U.S. report. Canadian defence sources told this newspaper the New York Times report is accurate.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Canadian special forces had been in and out of Ukraine for various missions. In September 2020, the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command publicly acknowledged its personnel were in Ukraine conducting training but provided no other details.

The Liberal government is strongly supportive of Ukraine. It is still in discussions with South Korea to purchase 100,000 artillery shells for Ukraine in a deal that could cost Canadian taxpayers several hundred million dollars. Retired chief of the defence staff Gen. Rick Hillier has called on the Canadian military to give up about half its armoured vehicles and all of its remaining artillery to Ukraine as part of Canada’s efforts to arm that nation.

NATO nations have been sending large amounts of weapons to Ukraine since the Feb. 24 invasion. Some NATO officials view the war as an opportunity to either force regime change in Russia or seriously weaken that country militarily.

Click here to read the full article.


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Featured image: A 2019 file photo of the downtown Ottawa headquarters of the Department of National Defence on Colonel By Drive. PHOTO BY ASHLEY FRASER /Postmedia

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday dealt another blow to Bayer AG’s effort to defend itself against ongoing litigation over allegations that Roundup herbicide causes cancer, denying the company’s request for a review of a California trial loss.

In declining to take up the case, the court let stand an $87 million award won by Alva and Alberta Pilliod. The jury originally ordered more than $2 billion in damages for the married couple, but the award was later cut by the court. Each of the Pilliods alleged they developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma after extensive use of Monsanto’s Roundup products.

“I am very glad that their appeal was turned down,” Alberta Pilliod told The New Lede. While her husband seems to be cancer-free at the moment, she is still being treated and is struggling, Pilliod said.

Bayer inherited the liability for the Pilliod case and tens of thousands of similar lawsuits when it bought Roundup-maker Monsanto in 2018. The lawsuits allege that Roundup causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma and that Monsanto long knew of the cancer risks but failed to warn its customers.

The litigation began in 2015 after the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as a probable human carcinogen with a noted association to non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Bayer maintains that the weed killers do not cause cancer and had hoped the Supreme Court would find that federal law supersedes state laws with regard to warning language on product labels.

But last week the Supreme Court also denied a request by Bayer to examine a separate Roundup cancer case in which plaintiff Edwin Hardeman was awarded $25 million.

The Virginia law firm representing the Pilliods issued a statement Monday applauding the Supreme Court decision not to take up the case.

“The Miller Firm is pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court has put an end to Monsanto’s effort to evade responsibility for the harm it caused Alva and Alberta Pilliod by its malicious conduct,” the firm said in its statement. “The message from the jury and the courts is now loud and clear: Monsanto must stop profiting off the suffering of the Pilliods and countless others; and finally admit that Roundup can cause cancer.”

Bayer issued its own statement, saying while it was not surprised given the Hardeman case denial, it “respectfully disagrees with the Supreme Court’s decision.”

The company said the issue may surface again for Supreme Court consideration.

“There are likely to be future cases, including Roundup cases, that present the U.S. Supreme Court with preemption questions like Pilliod and Hardeman and could also create a Circuit split and potentially change the legal environment.

“Bayer continues to stand fully behind its Roundup products, which are a valuable tool in efficient agricultural production around the world. The company is confident that the extensive body of science and consistently favorable views of leading regulatory bodies worldwide, including most recently by the European Chemicals Agency’s Committee for Risk Assessment, provide a strong foundation on which it can successfully defend Roundup in court when necessary.”

The twin rejections by the Supreme Court came after another blow loss to Bayer by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. On June 17 the 9th Circuit panel of judges said in their ruling that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s 2020 assessment of glyphosate was so deeply flawed that the court was vacating the agency’s human health assessment of the weed killer.

The court found that the EPA used “inconsistent reasoning” in finding that the chemical does not pose “any reasonable risk to man or the environment.” The EPA failed to follow established guidelines for determining cancer risk, ignored important studies, and discounted expert advice from a scientific advisory panel in officially declaring that the weed killer glyphosate was “not likely to be carcinogenic,” the court found.

Bayer has been attempting to settle outstanding cases, which at one point totaled more than 100,000 plaintiffs, since 2020. Several firms accepted settlements for their clients, but many others did not. Several new trials are scheduled in the next few months.

Bayer said Monday that since it has won the last four trials after losing the first three, it will “only consider resolving outstanding current cases and claims if it is strategically advantageous to do so.”


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According to a recent survey by Ichikowitz Family Foundation, African youth favor China’s involvement on the continent over that of the United States.

In an article from the VOA-Voice of America, China wins battle of perception among young Africans, they report:

“Seventy-seven percent of young Africans said China was the ‘foreign actor’ with the greatest impact on the continent, while giving the U.S. an influence rating of just 67%. In a follow-up question on whether that influence was positive or negative, 76% said China’s was positive, while 72% said the same of the U.S.

“By contrast, U.S. influence has dropped by 12% since 2020, according to the survey of more than 4,500 Africans 18 to 24 years old and living in 15 countries across Africa.”

One of the primary reasons for their choices is: “Beijing’s investments in infrastructure development on the continent and China’s creation of job opportunities in African countries.” (Emphasis added)

Ivor Ichikowitz said:

“Young Africans are telling us that they are seeing tangible, visible and very impactful signs of the role that China has played in the development of Africa.”

“Albeit that there is significant criticism of Chinese investment in Africa, it’s very difficult for African governments not to value China because China is providing capital, providing expertise, providing markets at a time when Europe and the United States are not.”

China Embraces Economic Transformation of Africa

The Journal of International Development published in May of this year, Economic Transformation in Africa: What is the role of Chinese firms? This research paper explains why China has surpassed the U.S. in favorability among African youth.

The abstract of this paper bluntly states exactly what Western geopolitical ideologies still refuse to accept:

“Africa–China trade leads to mixed results, while Chinese investment and infrastructure construction are found to contribute positively to transformation. Chinese firms are also found to support capacity building, spillovers, and innovation in African countries.”

The authors have identified a central concept. African nations need Economic Transformation (ET), which is not equal to simplistic and false notions of economic growth measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

They correctly explain the difference in their introduction:

“The process of economic transformation (ET), indicating the changes affecting the structure of an economy, is at the core of development. While GDP growth is often used as a metric for development, it simply points to an expansion of a country’s economic size, but it does not guarantee that the economy has become more diversified, resilient to shocks or inclusive. Conversely, ET, indicating a transition from an economy based on traditional agriculture to one where modern sectors take the central place, can deliver job creation, diversification, and inclusive development.

“Today, African countries face an ET gap. While many African economies have grown over the last few decades, their structure has not transformed. In contrast with other regions of the world, where the majority of people are employed in the secondary and tertiary sectors, a large share of Africa’s labor force works in agriculture and related activities, where average productivity is lower.

“When Chinese economic engagement with Africa started intensifying at the turn of the century, it raised hopes for ET. China’s extraordinary growth and poverty reduction performance could be a model for African countries; and with China as a trade, investment and development partner, African economies could hope to follow a similar path. African engagement with China was deemed particularly promising for industrialization on the continent. (Emphasis added)

Regrettably, both for the U.S., and Africa, and the rest of the developing sector, the West no longer believes in economic transformation. The U.S. in particular, is no longer devoted to fostering economic development for itself or other nations, contrary to many outstanding periods of its history. Whatever shortcomings exist in China’s relationship to Africa, China is committed to promoting real economic development i.e., economic transformation on the African continent. Yet Western governments continually attack China and its Belt and Road Initiative for assisting African nations in addressing the most critical deficiency in their economies; the lack of infrastructure and a manufacturing sector.

Many people, including so called economic experts fail to understand that money is not the basis of economic growth. The addition of all the monetary values of an economy’s goods and services measured in GDP, does not determine economic growth. The only proper, scientific measure of economy is not monetary values, but the ability of each particular mode of economic production to provide an increased standard of living to an expanding population. A physical economist  like myself understands, that it is those physical inputs that lead to an increase in the performance-output of the productive powers of labor that determines real economic growth. Infrastructure and manufacturing capacity are crucial physical inputs required for economic transformation.

That is what the Chinese are providing for Africa, unlike the West. Could that be why young Africans think more approvingly of China’s policies in Africa than the U.S.?



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This article was originally published on Africa and the World.

Lawrence Freeman is a Political-Economic Analyst for Africa, who has been involved in economic development policies for Africa for over 30 years. He is a writer, researcher, and consultant, and the creator of the blog: lawrencefreemanafricaandtheworld.comMr. Freeman’s stated personal mission is; to eliminate poverty and hunger in Africa by applying the scientific economic principles of Alexander Hamilton.

Featured image is from African Leadership Magazine

NATO Expansion Is a Blunder of Epic Proportions

June 29th, 2022 by Chaitanya Davé

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The whole war in Ukraine could and should have been avoided. Russia had simple demands:

  • Don’t join NATO
  • Be Neutral
  • Recognize Crimea, a part of Russia

But it seems NATO, dominated by the United States wanted this war.

Just like Afghanistan invasion by USSR in 1979, they want to repeat that in Ukraine to weaken Russia. So, they are waging a proxy war using poor people of Ukraine as pawns. Not only provoking Russia by expanding NATO closer and closer to Russia’s eastern border has created this war resulting in global food and oil shortage affecting millions of poor people around the world, but it has brought the world closer to nuclear World War-III.

It is an utterly irresponsible policy by United States and its NATO allies. There was no need for this. Russia’s invasion is a very unfortunate act but NATO’s arrogant policy towards Russia over the past quarter-century bears a major responsibility for this terrible war.

In 1990, the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to let both Germany unify provided America would not expand NATO one inch eastward towards Russia beyond the territory of East Hermany.

James Baker, US Secretary of State promised. So, both east and west Germany were unified while USSR collapsed. But soon after, United States broke that promise by expanding NATO towards Russia. Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. both kept expanding NATO by including former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO. In 1991, Bill Clinton added Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia into NATO. In 2004, George Bush Jr. welcomed seven more countries-Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia–to become NATO members.

In 1990, there were 17 countries in NATO. Today, there are 30. And now, they want to add Ukraine which is right on Russia’s eastern border. Naturally Russia has been provoked.

Ukraine has no strategic value for the United States except to encircle Russia.

It is very unfortunate that Ukraine War is going on. Ukrainians are suffering a horrible situation. Thousands of Ukrainians and Russian soldiers are dying. The Russian invasion is brutal and horrible. Ukraine is being destroyed.

But could this horrible war had been avoided? Of course, yes.

Russia had simple demands: “Don’t join NATO and be a neutral country.” This was a fair demand as Ukraine is right on Russia’s eastern border.

Russia rightly does not want a militarized Ukraine on its border which it will be if it joined NATO. NATO is a military organization created on April 4, 1949, to counter the “Russian threat” as perceived by the Truman administration during the beginning of the cold war. The cold war was the creation of Truman administration.

By the way, unlike what the United States and European Union claim, NATO is not a defensive organization. It is an offensive military pact with a purpose of controlling and dominating the world.

It has been involved in many wars such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Syria, or Libya. It is not a benign, benevolent organization as its members and its leader the USA want the world to believe.

As NATO was created to counter the “USSR Threat”, once USSR collapsed in 1989-90, NATO’s existence became obsolete, and soon it should have been dissolved. The so-called Russian threat was no more. But not only NATO remained but it started expanding eastward encircling Russia.

If Ukraine joined NATO, soon NATO will install offensive missiles and other offensive weapons there directed against Russia. No major country would allow that. This was a “red line” drawn by Russia…rightly so. We have had the example of Cuba allowing Russian nuclear weapons installed in its territory in 1962. What happened? America threatened Russia with military strike if it didn’t remove those weapons. Kennedy Administration risked a nuclear third world war if Russia did not remove these weapons. Russia wisely complied.

The same way, would America allow Russia to have a military pact with Mexico? Would it allow Russia to put offensive weapons in Mexico near American border? Of course not.

America even has the so-called Monroe Doctrine of 1823 which held that “Any intervention in the political affairs in the Americas (North and South America) by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the U.S.” That meant “No interfering in the internal affairs of these countries. If that happens, then United States will fight back. These countries are in the sphere of influence of the Unties States.”

Would China allow Pakistan or Mongolia to have a military pact with USA resulting in offensive weapons directed against China in these countries? Absolutely not.

Would India allow China to have a military pact with Nepal or Bhutan? No; That will be a red line for India. United States, China or India will act militarily if put into such situations. But this is what United States, and its NATO member allies are trying to do against Russia.

Militarizing Ukraine was a red line for Russia. But America and the NATO countries poked the Russian bear in the eyes by constantly expanding the NATO towards Russia’s border. They have been doing that for many years.

On June 26, 1997, some 50 prominent foreign policy experts that included former Senators, retired military officers, diplomats, and academicians, sent an open letter to President Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO expansion, saying, “We believe that the current U.S. led effort to expand NATO…is a policy error of historic proportions”. But to no avail. Bill Clinton went on to expanding NATO.

Many foreign policy experts warned against NATO expansion. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in Wall Street journal in 2014 following the annexation of Crimea pointing out that Ukraine cannot act as an outpost for either party but rather should act as a bridge between the West and Russia. He said that Ukraine is an inalienable part of Russia’s history and identity—similar but in varying degrees to what Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed in his speech before the so-called ‘military operation’ in Ukraine.

“To treat Ukraine as part of an East-West confrontation would scuttle for decades any prospect to bring Russia and the West—especially Russia and Europe—into a cooperative international system,” Kissinger opined in Wall Street Journal.

The highly knowledgeable Political Scientist and professor John Mearsheimer has rightly said:

“The United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the Ukraine crisis. The taproot of trouble is NATO expansion. For Putin, the illegal overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected and pro-Russian president—which he rightly labelled a ‘coup’—was the final straw.”

NATO, led by the United States with its European surrogates have shown utter neglect and disregard for Russia’s strategic interests and security by NATO’s eastward expansion for two decades.

More than two decades ago, Western policy makers and Russian leaders were warning that NATO expansion was a bad idea, ending in a new cold war at best and a hot one at worst. George Kennan, the architect of America’s containment policy during the cold war, perceptively warned in 1998 that NATO expansion was tragic mistake.

The Obama administration shockingly meddled in Ukraine’s internal political affairs in 2013 and 2014 to help demonstrators overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected, pro-Russia president. That was a brazen provocation and it caused tension to pike. Moscow immediately responded by seizing and annexing Crimea, and a new cold war once again created by the United States had begun with a vengeance.

Ukraine even violated the 2014 Minsk agreement with Russia.

Former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in his 2014 memoires conceded that “trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO was truly overreaching.” That expansion of NATO, he concluded, was a case of “recklessly ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital national interests.”

The famous linguistic scholar -turned-social/political commentator Noam Chomsky has called this Ukraine war America’s proxy war to the last Ukrainian, though he criticizes Russia’s brutal invasion. But he maintains that Russia was provoked into this invasion like John Mearsheimer. Biden’s overtures to Ukraine, according to Chomsky, inviting Zelenskyy and company to join NATO, were intended to provoke Russia to invade Ukraine.

By 2021, Kremlin’s patience and restraint had run dry. Moscow issued demands for security guarantees that included a draw-down of military forces already deployed in NATO’s eastern members. But with respect to Ukraine, the demand was absolutely clear and uncompromising: Ukraine should never receive membership invitation and NATO weapons and troops would never be deployed on Ukrainian soil. But West, led by the United States failed to provide those guarantees. So, Putin launched his devastating full-scale war.

Yes, Moscow’s cruel reaction is unfortunate. But did Putin have any other choice? He was provoked time and time again by the West. Except America and its European allies, no other country of the world in Asia (except Japan and Australia), Africa, Middle East (except Israel) or Latin America have joined the West and condemned Russia. China and India did not join the West. China even sided with Russia and India rightly stayed neutral.

The United States conveniently forgets how it reacted during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 when Russia deployed nuclear weapons in Cuba? The world at that time came very close to the nuclear third world war. Thanks to Khrushchev that he rightly backed out.

President Biden’s CIA director William J. Burns has been warning about the provocative effect of NATO expansion on Russia since 1995. When President Bill Clinton’s administration started accepting Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic into NATO, burns warned that the decision was “premature at best, and needlessly provocative at worst.” He continued further, “As Russians stewed in their grievance and sense of disadvantage, a gathering storm of ‘stab in the back’ theories slowly swirled, leaving a mark on Russia’s relations with the West that would linger for decades.”

In 2008, Burns, then the American ambassador to Moscow, wrote to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice:

“Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from Knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.”

United States is addicted to wars everywhere. How many countries has Russia invaded and how many were invaded by the United States since World War-II? To keep its arms manufacturing industry going and to maintain its global hegemony, these wars are necessary. The so-called defense industry doles out millions of dollars for the reelection of America’s politicians. By creating wars, they payback their paymasters as in every direct or proxy war America engages in, these defense contractors make billions of dollars’ profit.

It is interesting to note that when Putin came to power, in 2000 he wanted to join the European Union and NATO. What a wonderful opportunity it would have been to unify the world! But NATO led by America and the European Union rejected the idea. Why? Is it because the United States needed an enemy to keep its arms manufacturing and selling to continue for enormous profits? If Russia became a friend, America would lose a huge block of European NATO member customers for its arms.

To justify these wars, America needs a boogeyman. Remember Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, Assad in Syria, Gadhafi in Libya and now Putin in Russia. All American media always join in demonizing these “monsters”, toeing the government line. You will never find dissenting opinion in all our mainstream news media–TV, newspaper, or radio network.

History will note that Washington’s treatment of Russia in the decades following the demise of U.S.S.R. was a policy blunder of epic proportions. It was entirely predictable that NATO expansion towards Russia would ultimately lead to a tragic, dangerous, and perhaps violent breach of relations with Moscow. Many Russia experts warned of the likely consequences. But those warnings went unheeded by the Biden administration. The American people, the world and especially the Ukrainians are now paying the horrible cost of the United States’ myopic and arrogant foreign policy.

Chaitanya Davé is a Chemical Engineer based in Southern California, founder and president of “Pragati Foundation”, a non-profit charity helping the poor villagers of India, Nepal, Haiti, USA-homeless. Author of three books: Crimes against Humanity, A Shocking Record of US Crimes since 1776-2007, Collapse: Civilization on the Brink-2010, and Capitalism’s March of Destruction (2016-20)  


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We’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it

“Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” published by The Rockefeller Foundation July 28, 2020, describes how the COVID pandemic caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations”

According to The Rockefeller Foundation, the pandemic revealed deep problems in the U.S. food system that need to be “reset.” “Reset the Table” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members

While the report stresses the need for “healthy diets” and “sustainable” food production, the words “natural,” “organic” or “grass fed” are absent, so that’s not what they’re referring to

The WEF has, for years, promoted the idea that insects should be recognized as a healthy, sustainable protein alternative that can save the environment and solve world hunger


It seems nothing escapes the prophetic minds of the self-proclaimed designers of the future. They accurately foresee “natural disasters” and foretell coincidental “acts of God.” They know everything before it happens. Perhaps they truly are prophets. Or, perhaps they’re simply describing the inevitable outcomes of their own actions.

Right now, we’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet, back in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it.

‘Reset the Table’ Is Part of The Great Reset

The document in question, titled “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,”1 published by The Rockefeller Foundation July 28, 2020, describes how the COVID pandemic had caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations.”

Mind you, COVID was declared a pandemic March 11, 2020, so by the time this Rockefeller report was published, the pandemic had only existed for four months, and while certain high-risk groups did experience food insecurity, such as children whose primary meal is a school lunch, widespread food shortages, in terms of empty shelves, were not widely prevalent or particularly severe in the U.S.

The report also notes that it grew out of “video-conference discussions in May and June 2020,” so we’re to believe that two months into the pandemic, these prophetic minds already had the future all figured out. According to the Foundation, the pandemic revealed deep problems in the U.S. food system that need to be “reset.”

As noted by ThreadsIrish on Substack,2 “Reset the Table” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members.

In the foreword,3 Rockefeller Foundation president Dr. Rajiv Shah also stresses that “a comprehensive playbook” to address the food system would also need to address other issues, “such as living wages, housing and transportation,” and that “all of us” — meaning the self-proclaimed designers of the future — “need to write that playbook together over the coming year.”

Problem, Reaction, Solution

There are interesting tidbits in this document. For example, on page 3, it states that “94% of deaths from COVID-19 among individuals with an underlying condition, the majority of which are diet-related.” This is surprising, considering diet and nutrition were essentially absent from public discussions and reporting about the infection.

Equally surprising is that, on page 4, the Foundation actually admits its role in creating the problems currently plaguing our food system:

“The Green Revolution — which The Rockefeller Foundation played a role in seeding and scaling — was effective and successful in addressing calorie-based hunger and averting mass starvation. But it left a legacy that we see clearly today, including overemphasis of staple grains at the expense of more nutrient-rich foods, reliance on chemical fertilizers that deplete the soil, and overuse of water.”

On page 10, the Foundation goes so far as to declare that “food is medicine,” and that by “Investing in healthy and protective diets,” Americans will be able to “thrive and bring down our nation’s suffocating health care costs.”

The report even calls for the expansion of produce prescription programs, as “dietary health and COVID-19 outcomes are clearly linked.” That’s basically been my sermon for the past few decades, and even more so during the pandemic, which finally earned me the honor of being labeled one of the top disinformation spreaders in the U.S.

While it’s tempting to view this document as a sign of sanity, if you’ve looked into the WEF’s Great Reset plan, you’ll notice that “Reset the Table” is just another cog in a wheel that is intended to run us over. As noted by ThreadsIrish:4

“The document is very much framed in the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution. Here is the problem that they have created (COVID) and now they want to implement the solution (Transforming the global food supply). Naturally this is all ties into lands being destroyed, climate change and trying to move people back into smart cities (Page 5). Surprise, surprise.”

How They Intend to Seize Control of the Supply Chain

“Reset the Table” basically describes how they intend to seize control of the food supply and the supply chain under the guise of “equity,” “fairness” and “environmental protection.” One key to this enterprise is data collection. They want to collect data on everyone’s spending and eating habits. Expanding broadband access is part of that.

“Forty-two million Americans lack broadband access that is essential to shifts to online enrollment, online purchasing of food, direct farm-to-consumer purchasing, telemedicine, teleconsultations, as well as education, finance, and employment,” the paper5 notes, adding, “This is a fundamental resiliency and equity gap, and we need to close it, urgently.”

As you can see from these paragraphs alone, they want everything to shift into an online environment, including education, medicine and the buying of food. This, of course, makes everything you do far easier to monitor and track. Another key is to make sure global WEF partners in multiple sectors work in tandem to form a “collaborative advocacy movement.”

A third key to success is “changes to policies, practices and norms,” and those changes are “numerous.” The end goal is to centralize control of the food supply into a single executive office, which is right in line with the idea of a “one world government.” As WEF member Henry Kissinger once said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

What’s Their Definition of ‘Healthy Diet’?

As for the “healthy and protective diets” the Foundation is calling for, we’ve already been told what that is. For the past several years, the WEF has been promoting the idea that we should get used to eating weeds and bugs and drinking reclaimed sewage.

As noted in a July 2021 WEF article titled, “Why We Need to Give Insects the Role They Deserve in Our Food Systems”:6

“By 2050, the world’s food supply will need to feed another 2 billion people. Insect farming for food and animal feed could offer an environmentally friendly solution to the impending food crisis …

Thanks to new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), we are at a turning point and finally able to industrialize the breeding of insects in a contained environment. Insect breeding is a data centric agro-industry with a lot of commonalities with precision agriculture.

Several indoor agriculture start-ups have emerged … Ÿnsect, for example, with more than 300 technology patents and completely unique AI-driven agricultural processes, is building the first fully automated vertical insect farm in the world, able to produce 100,000 tonnes of insect products a year.”

According to this article, insects are “a credible and efficient alternative protein source requiring fewer resources than conventional breeding,” and “a healthy ingredient” that is highly digestible and particularly suitable for senior nutrition. Insect farming is also far less expensive, requiring few natural resources such as water and could reduce agricultural pollution by nearly 99%.

The last barrier to making insect burgers the norm is “preconceived ideas about insects as a source of food and legislation with regard to the use and consumption of proteins derived from insects.” For years, the WEF has also promoted the idea that lab-grown animal foods and genetically engineered crops are the only way to feed the world and save the planet.

Not surprisingly, the word “organic” does not appear a single time in the Foundation’s report, and the word “natural” is only used in reference to “natural disasters.” This despite the word “healthy” being used 33 times and the word “sustainable” 17 times.

The term “alternative proteins” appears once, and there’s no mention of “grass fed.” In other words, their versions of “healthy diet” and “sustainable agriculture” do not include any of the basic criteria for a truly healthy, nutritious, sustainable and regenerative food supply.

Considering its close networking with the WEF, it seems reasonable to conclude that the “healthy diet” the Rockefeller Foundation keeps referring to is one of weeds and insects, and that the kinds of changes to legislation and norms they intend to push through are ones relating to what constitutes “food.” As noted by ThreadsIrish:7

“This report is dressed up as being in the public interest yet it is anything but. For 2 years COVID was the focus of attention. It was Stage 1 of Agenda 2030.

The total and utter destruction of the food supply seems to now be well under way. This is all too evident especially when Fact Checkers are having to debunk the number of fires at food processing plants within the last year.

Added to this is the culling of herds of cattle in Kansas (as many as 10,000) which is being put down to high temperatures and drought. Farmers refute this and it looks far more sinister.”

It’s Inevitable Because It’s an Intentional Plan

Time and again, the WEF and its global collaborators have “predicted” the future with stunning accuracy, sometimes years in advance, and then when the predictions come true they pretend as though they had nothing to do with it.

But let’s not forget that WEF founder Klaus Schwab, during the May 2022 meeting in Davos, clearly stated that the future doesn’t just happen, it is “BUILT, by us. By a powerful community … in this room.” Make no mistake, they truly believe they have the right to decide the fate of the world, and that you and I have no say in the matter.

Our opinions and preferences are theirs to shape, and they will do so — or at least attempt to — using the most powerful social engineering technologies that ever existed.

And, if we do not wake up to their plans and resist, we’ve made the choice to accept their version of the future — a future in which we’ll all be living in smart multiplexes where there’s no private spaces, no private ownership, and everything you do is recorded, tracked and punished or rewarded according to some social credit algorithm that determines what it means to be a “good citizen.”

At present, all data point to severe food shortages, and while the looming shortages are blamed on everything from climate change and COVID to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the fact is that WEF allies, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, have published documents and held fictional exercises, in advance, detailing everything we’re currently facing.

So, while they pretend to be modern-day prophets, with answers spilling out as fast as problems appear, it’s rather easy to make predictions when you’re working an intentional plan, and quite simple to fashion solutions at record speed when you created the problems as a means to an end in the first place.

All that is to say, do not doubt that food shortages and famine are coming. It’s inevitable because it’s intentional. The same goes for energy shortages. They’re intent on bringing us into the “green new deal” (as it’s part of The Great Reset) even though large-scale alternatives to oil, gas and nuclear power are nonexistent.

Prepare for the Inevitable

If something is inevitable, it would behoove you to prepare for it. Eventually, I believe mass resistance will stop many of these diabolical plans, but that resistance probably won’t manifest until a majority are really feeling the squeeze.

Remember, The Great Reset includes a reimagined food system that doesn’t rely on livestock or require a large land footprint. That’s why we can be so sure that none of the current problems will be effectively addressed or counteracted.

They intend for the current food system to fall apart, so they can then “solve” the problem by introducing a new system based on patented lab-grown synthetic and genetically engineered foods and massive insect farms.

The only way out of this intentional chaos is to a) become more self-sufficient in the short-term, and b) create alternative parallel food systems locally, outside of the globalists’ control, for more long-term independence. Right now, you’d be wise to address your own short-term food security and safety. Here are some basic suggestions:

  • Secure a potable water source and the means to purify less-than-ideal water sources —Examples include stocking up on water purification tablets or drops, and/or independent water filtration systems such as Berkey that can filter out pathogens and other impurities (meaning a filtration system that is not tied to the tap in your home, in case pumps go down and you have no tap water).

Even a small survival water filtration system is better than nothing, as drinking contaminated water can result in serious illness and/or death. Having a rain barrel connected to your gutter downspout is a good idea. You can use it to water your garden, and in a worst-case scenario, you have a source of fresh water to drink, cook and take sponge baths in.

  • Buy shelf-stable and nonperishable foods in bulk — Freeze-dried foods, for example, have a shelf life of 25 years or more. Canned foods and dry staples such as rice and beans can also stay viable long past their expiration date under the right conditions.

Other good options include canned salmon, canned cod livers, sardines in water (avoid ones preserved in vegetable oil), nuts, powdered milk and whey and other nutritional powders you can mix with water.

Ideally, you’ll want to store food in a cool, dark place with low humidity. Bulk packs of rice and beans are best stored in a sealed food-grade bucket with some oxygen absorbers. Vacuum sealing food can also extend shelf life.

  • Buy energy backups — To prepare for eventual energy shortages, brownouts, rolling blackouts or a complete shutdown of the power grid, consider one or more power backups, such as gas-powered generators and/or solar generator kits such as Jackery or Inergy. Having backup power can prevent the loss of hundreds of dollars worth of food if your home loses electricity for more than a couple of days.

Scale up and diversify according to what you can afford. Ideally, you’d want more than one system. If all you have is a gas-powered generator, what will you do if there’s a gas shortage and/or if the price skyrockets into double digits? On the other hand, what will you do if the weather is too overcast to recharge your solar battery?

  • Get cooking backups — You also need some way to cook water and food during a blackout. Here, options include (but are not limited to) solar cookers, which require neither electricity nor fire, small rocket stoves, propane-powered camping stoves and 12-volt pots and pans that you can plug into a backup battery.
  • Start a garden and learn some basic skills — The more food you can produce at home, the better off you’ll be. At bare minimum, stock up on sprouting seeds and grow some sprouts. They’re little powerhouses when it comes to nutrition, they’re easy to grow and are ready to eat in days rather than months.

If you have the space, consider starting a garden, and if local regulations allow, you can add chickens for a steady supply of eggs. (Just remember that they too may need additional feed.)

Also, start learning some basic food storage skills such as canning and pickling. While it can feel intimidating at first, it’s really not that difficult. For example, raw, unwashed, homegrown eggs can be preserved in lime water — 1 ounce of lime (calcium hydroxide, aka, “pickling lime”) to 1 quart of water — thereby extending their shelf life to about two years without refrigeration.8

The lime water basically seals the eggs to prevent them from spoiling. Before using the eggs, be sure to wash the lime off. This does not work with commercial eggs, however, as the protective coating, called “bloom,” is stripped off during washing.

Fermented vegetables are also easy to make and will allow you to store the proceeds from your garden for long periods of time. For inspiration, check out my fermented veggie recipe. In the video below, I explain the benefits of using starter culture and kinetic culture jar lids. They’re not a necessity, but will cut the odor released as the veggies ferment.


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1 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table

2, 4, 7 ThreadsIrish June 18, 2022

3 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table (PDF) Foreword

5 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table (PDF) Page 18

6 WEF July 12, 2021

8 Twitter Pissed off Panda June 12, 2022

Featured image is from Mercola

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First published on February 17, 2022


The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 38,983 fatalities, and 3,530,362 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,672,872 ) are serious injuries.

Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

Here is the summary data through January 29, 2022.

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTechPfizer: 17,578 deathand 1,704,757 injuries to 29/01/2022

  • 48,240   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 242 deaths
  • 57,541   Cardiac disorders incl. 2,554 deaths
  • 522        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 51 deaths
  • 22,590   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 11 deaths
  • 1,911     Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 25,814   Eye disorders incl. 38 deaths
  • 133,365 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 681 deaths
  • 422,360 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 5,024 deaths
  • 1,931     Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 90 deaths
  • 18,455   Immune system disorders incl. 95 deaths
  • 76,443   Infections and infestations incl. 1,878 deaths
  • 33,972   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 331 deaths
  • 42,585   Investigations incl. 502 deaths
  • 11,344   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 273 deaths
  • 201,643 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 212 deaths
  • 1,629     Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 153 deaths
  • 278,744 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,859 deaths
  • 2,513     Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 74 deaths
  • 251        Product issues incl. 3 deaths
  • 30,622   Psychiatric disorders incl. 207 deaths
  • 6,150     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 266 deaths
  • 68,129   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 72,531   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,884 deaths
  • 78,059   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 146 deaths
  • 3,871     Social circumstances incl. 22 deaths
  • 21,010   Surgical and medical procedures incl. 204 deaths
  • 42,532   Vascular disorders incl. 766 deaths

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 11,008 deathand 543,543 injuries to 29/01/2022

  • 12,365   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 120 deaths
  • 18,287   Cardiac disorders incl. 1,142 deaths
  • 190        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 11 deaths
  • 6,310     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 502        Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 7,475     Eye disorders incl. 36 deaths
  • 44,340   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 413 deaths
  • 145,153 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,630 deaths
  • 793        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 54 deaths
  • 5,370     Immune system disorders incl. 22 deaths
  • 23,070   Infections and infestations incl. 1042 deaths
  • 10,286   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 208 deaths
  • 12,129   Investigations incl. 393 deaths
  • 4,847     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 263 deaths
  • 66,358   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 223 deaths
  • 682        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 85 deaths
  • 91,230   Nervous system disorders incl. 1,029 deaths
  • 907        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 10 deaths
  • 98           Product issues incl. 4 deaths
  • 9,441     Psychiatric disorders incl. 181 deaths
  • 3,030     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 214 deaths
  • 12,547   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 23,251   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,162 deaths
  • 27,540   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 96 deaths
  • 2,239     Social circumstances incl. 45 deaths
  • 3,028     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 203 deaths
  • 12,075   Vascular disorders incl. 399 deaths

Total reactions for the vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca7,977 deathand 1,154,757 injuries to 29/01/2022

  • 13,912   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 278 deaths
  • 20,984   Cardiac disorders incl. 830 deaths
  • 235        Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 13,406   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 692        Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 20,086   Eye disorders incl. 32 deaths
  • 107,453 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 434 deaths
  • 304,993 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,855 deaths
  • 1,039     Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 69 deaths
  • 5,409     Immune system disorders incl. 40 deaths
  • 42,266   Infections and infestations incl. 620 deaths
  • 13,630   Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 198 deaths
  • 25,681   Investigations incl. 205 deaths
  • 13,023   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 126 deaths
  • 168,174 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 165 deaths
  • 743        Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 40 deaths
  • 234,117 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,178 deaths
  • 635        Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 20 deaths
  • 199        Product issues incl. 1 death
  • 21,051   Psychiatric disorders incl. 69 deaths
  • 4,338     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 78 deaths
  • 16,849   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 41,401   Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,082 deaths
  • 52,064   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 65 deaths
  • 1,617     Social circumstances incl. 9 deaths
  • 1,973     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 30 deaths
  • 28,787   Vascular disorders incl. 529 deaths     

Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson2,420 deaths and 127,305 injuries to 29/01/2022

  • 1,229     Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 51 deaths
  • 2,552     Cardiac disorders incl. 204 deaths
  • 40           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1,319     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 3 deaths
  • 105        Endocrine disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1,656     Eye disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 9,588     Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 88 deaths
  • 34,487   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 685 deaths
  • 153        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 13 deaths
  • 544        Immune system disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 8,521     Infections and infestations incl. 207 deaths
  • 1,147     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 25 deaths
  • 6,086     Investigations incl. 131 deaths
  • 756        Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 60 deaths
  • 17,116   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 55 deaths
  • 86           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 8 deaths
  • 23,413   Nervous system disorders incl. 245 deaths
  • 55           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 1 death
  • 30           Product issues
  • 1,766     Psychiatric disorders incl. 22 deaths
  • 535        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 31 deaths
  • 2,941     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 4,468     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 304 deaths
  • 3,760     Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 409        Social circumstances incl. 4 deaths
  • 867        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 74 deaths
  • 3,676     Vascular disorders incl. 171 deaths

*These totals are estimates based on reports submitted to EudraVigilance. Totals may be much higher based on percentage of adverse reactions that are reported. Some of these reports may also be reported to the individual country’s adverse reaction databases, such as the U.S. VAERS database and the UK Yellow Card system. The fatalities are grouped by symptoms, and some fatalities may have resulted from multiple symptoms.

On January 29, 2021 a mass funeral protest for children who have died after receiving a Pfizer vaccine was held in Geneva, Switzerland.

Someone recorded the event and made a short video. This is on our Bitchute Channel, and also on our Telegram channel.

Watch the video here.

In Canada today, it was reported that a judge ruled that a mother could give COVID-19 vaccines to her children over the objections of the children’s father, and suspended the father’s right to spend time with his children.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has been ratified by 65 governments, known in diplomatic circles as States Parties. The treaty’s first Meeting of States Parties (1MSP) concluded here June 23, after painstakingly working out — in the words of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons — “a blueprint for the end of nuclear weapons.” The New Treaty is the extraordinary, crowning achievement of ICAN, which won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts.

At 1MSP, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany — all three of whom use U.S. nuclear weapons on their air force bases — participated as Observer States. The three have not ratified the TPNW, having acquiesced with a string of U.S. administrations — Obama’s, Trump’s, and Biden’s — that conspired at every opportunity to derail, prevent, delay, weaken, and boycott the new ban — in spite of Broad Public Support For Nuclear Disarmament. Mr. Trump demanded that States Parties withdraw their ratifications. None did. Biden’s White House reportedly urged Japan not to attend the 1MSP as an Observer, and they stayed away.

German and Dutch representatives took their turn and spoke to the MSP on June 22, but both NATO members used exactly the same words to note their government’s explicit disapproval of the TPNW, and to voice their supposed support for the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Both representatives said their governments “will not accede to” the nuclear ban treaty “because the TPNW is inconsistent with NATO doctrine.”

The hypocrisy in German and Dutch opposition is that their “sharing” of U.S. nuclear weapons, while consistent with “NATO doctrine” is totally inconsistent with their hallowed Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In fact, their 50-year-long dismissal of the NPT’s binding (Art. VI) obligation to begin negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament “at an early date” is also completely inconsistent with their feigned support for the NPT.

As German Representative Rüdiger Bohn said June 22, NATO “doctrine” includes the doleful edict, “As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear Alliance.” This embrace of genocidal atomic violence is not an Article of the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Or NATO Charter. It was manufactured entirely by its nuclear-armed members, and there is no legal obligation for NATO to remain a nuclear-armed terrorist organization.

NATO “doctrine” is fluid, strictly advisory, and accepted voluntarily by its members. Even the NATO Charter’s famous Article 5, regarding collective response to a military attack on a member state, declares only that the NATO membership “will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking … such action as it deems necessary.”

In comparison, the Non-Proliferation Treaty is binding international law and includes explicit, unambiguous prohibitions and clear, binding obligations. NATO’s ongoing planning, preparations and ever-present threat to launch nuclear attacks (known as “deterrence”), is simply a ritualized practice which can be ended at any time — say by complying with the NPT’s Articles I and II which prohibit any transfer or reception of nuclear weapons between states, or its Article VI pledge to negotiate nuclear disarmament. Indeed, it is the 50-year-long postponement, or rejection of Art. VI that has prompted and propelled the overwhelming success of the new TPNW.

What might have been a week-long celebration of the TPNW’s progress in seeking a world free of nuclear threats, was dimmed by Russia’s ongoing war on Ukraine. It was the war’s spoken and unspoken reminders of ready nuclear arsenals in Russia and NATO that moved the MSP to say, in its Final Declaration, that it “condemn[s] unequivocally any and all nuclear threats, whether they be explicit or implicit and irrespective of the circumstances.”

The Declaration castigates nuclear weapons and echoes Daniel Ellsberg’s 1959 Essay “The Threat and Practice of Blackmail,” noting that the Bomb is used to coerce, intimidate, plague, curse, and terrify. “This highlights, now more than ever, the fallacy of nuclear deterrence doctrines, which are based and rely on the threat of the actual use of nuclear weapons and, hence, the risks of the destruction of countless lives, of societies, of nations, and of inflicting global catastrophic consequences.”

The Parties agreed to push ahead with resolve to eventually see the nuclear weapons states sign on, saying “In the face of the catastrophic risks posed by nuclear weapons and in the interest of the very survival of humanity, we cannot do otherwise.”


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John LaForge, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is Co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and is co-editor with Arianne Peterson of Nuclear Heartland, Revised: A Guide to the 450 Land-Based Missiles of the United States.

Featured image is from PeaceVoice

Court Again Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers

June 29th, 2022 by Dr. Suzanne Burdick

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The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal employees will remain blocked until at least September after a federal appeals court on Monday agreed to reconsider its previous decision to reinstate the mandate.

The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal employees will remain blocked until at least September after a federal appeals court on Monday agreed to reconsider its previous decision to reinstate the mandate.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans will revisit its April ruling by a three-judge panel that the administration has the legal authority to require federal employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, The Associated Press reported.

The new injunction will remain until the case can be argued before the full court’s 17 judges. According to The Epoch Times, the court has tentatively scheduled the en banc oral arguments for the week of Sept. 12.

Back-and-forth rulings on federal worker vaccine mandate since January 

Biden introduced Executive Order 14043 in September 2021, requiring more than 3.5 million federal executive branch workers to undergo vaccination unless they secured approved medical or religious exemptions. The order did not allow workers to choose regular testing in place of getting the vaccine.

In December 2021, Feds for Medical Freedom — a grassroots organization with about 6,000 members throughout the federal civil service — sued the Biden administration and several federal agencies.

Other parties to the lawsuit included the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 918, a union representing employees in the Federal Protective Service and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and several other individuals and federal contractors.

The groups sought to block two COVID-19 vaccine mandates: one covering federal employees and the other for federal contractors.

Lawyers representing the Biden administration argued the Constitution gives the president, as the head of the federal workforce, the same authority as the CEO of a private corporation, and that therefore mandating vaccination was under the president’s authority.

The plaintiffs disagreed, countering that such action oversteps a president’s powers.

“The main thrust of the argument [of the plaintiffs],” attorney Bruce Castor Jr. told The Epoch Times in February, “is that the president doesn’t have the authority to issue an order like this, pursuant to the powers granted him in Article Two of the United States Constitution, and that’s the same argument that won the day in the Supreme Court regarding the 100 or more employees; the president doesn’t have that authority.”

Castor, a lawyer with the law firm van der Veen, Hartshorn & Levin, which represented the AFGE union, added:

“Instead of going through the checks and balances of congressional approval, which includes feedback from the public, the executive order cuts all that out. It just says, ‘My way or the highway.’

“Certainly, the Constitution grants powers like that to the president in foreign affairs and protecting the nation from aggression from foreign powers. But he doesn’t have the authority, with a sweep of the pen, to affect the lives of millions of people, bypassing Congress.”

In January, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown blocked the mandate, stating in his 20-page ruling that the president and his administration did not have the authority to impose such a mandate.

Brown questioned the president’s power to mandate federal employees undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment, writing in his decision:

“This case is not about whether folks should get vaccinated against COVID-19 — the court believes they should. It is not even about the federal government’s power, exercised properly, to mandate vaccination of its employees.

“It is instead about whether the president can, with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress, require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment.

“That, under the current state of the law as just recently expressed by the Supreme Court, is a bridge too far.”

In February, a 5th Circuit panel of judges refused to block Brown’s ruling pending appeal.

But after hearing arguments in March, a different panel of judges ruled 2-1 in early April that Brown did not have jurisdiction in the case, overturning the lower court’s Jan. 21 injunction against the mandate and ordering the district court to dismiss the case.

Meanwhile, Biden’s vaccine mandate continues to draw fire from health freedom groups who alleged federal overreach. Four groups — including America’s Frontline Doctors and Airline Employees for Health Freedom — filed amicus briefs in June supporting the Feds for Medical Freedoms in the case, Law 360 said.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Fairfield, Iowa.

Featured image is from CHD

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First published on June 26, 2022

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,307,928 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,031 deaths and 240,022 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 17, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,307,928 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 17, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 6,572 adverse events over the previous week.

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 29,031 reports of deaths — an increase of 172 over the previous week — and 240,022 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,610 compared with the previous week.

Of the 29,031 reported deaths, 18,814 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,627 cases to Moderna and 2,525 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 835,063 adverse events, including 13,388 deaths and 84,542 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 17, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 13,388 U.S. deaths reported as of June 17, 16% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 20% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 59% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 592 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of June 16, including 349 million doses of Pfizer, 223 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

vaers data vaccine injury june 24

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to June 17, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to June 17, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

  • 11,534 adverse events, including 298 rated as serious and 6 reported deaths.

The most recent reported death (VAERS I.D. 2315376) occurred in a 9-year-old female from Florida who died 172 days after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 on May 28, 2022, and treated with various drugs, including Remdesivir. She was found unresponsive at home on June 3, and was declared brain dead.

The Defender has noticed over previous weeks that reports of myocarditis and pericarditis have been removed by the CDC from the VAERS system in this age group. No explanation was provided.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to June 17, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to June 17, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

CDC advisors recommend Moderna shot for children ages 6 through 17 

The CDC’s vaccine advisory panel unanimously voted 15 to 0 to recommend two doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 6 through 17 years old.

Members of the panel acknowledged there is a risk of heart inflammation associated with both mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, but they said a follow-up survey suggests most fully recover.

Not everyone agrees, including University of British Columbia professor Dr. Steven Pelech, who last year criticized health agencies’ relaxed attitude about myocarditis as misleading.

“Contrary to what a number of people have said, there is no such thing as ‘mild myocarditis,’” Pelech said.

Pelech explained that once the heart muscle cells are killed, “they can never be replaced by new muscle cells, but only by scar tissue.” This can lead to “a greater chance of heart attack and other problems later in life.”

The FDA last week authorized Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in the child and adolescent age group.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the H1N1 Vaccine Task Force at the CDC, said the risk of myocarditis “may be higher” with the Moderna vaccine compared to Pfizer, but there are limitations to what scientists know about the condition in this age group.

Shimabukuro said most adverse events reported following vaccination are “mild and transient events like injection site or systemic reactions,” and the CDC would continue to monitor the safety of COVID-9 vaccines.

CDC admits it never monitored VAERS for COVID vaccine safety signals

In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), the CDC last week admitted it never analyzed VAERS for safety signals for COVID-19 vaccines.

The CDC is supposed to mine VAERS data for safety signals by calculating what are known as proportional reporting ratios (PRRs).

This is a method of comparing the proportion of different types of adverse events reported for a new vaccine to the proportion of those events reported for an older, established vaccine.

If the new vaccine shows a significantly higher reporting rate of a particular adverse event relative to the old one, it counts as a safety signal that should then trigger a more thorough investigation.

According to a briefing document, the CDC “will perform PRR data mining on a weekly basis or as needed.”

Yet in its response to CHD’s FOIA request, the agency wrote, “no PRRs were conducted by CDC” and data mining is “outside of the agency’s purview.” The agency suggested contacting the FDA, which was supposed to perform a different type of data mining, according to the briefing document.

Reports of chickenpox, shingles following COVID-19 vaccines on the rise

Doctors and scientists are seeing an increase in the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, following COVID-19 vaccines, The Epoch Times reported.

After a person gets chickenpox, the virus lies dormant in the nervous system for life and can be reactivated, showing up as shingles, or herpes zoster, later in life.

Federal health officials said there’s no correlation between COVID-19 vaccines and shingles, but numerous studies show a higher incidence of shingles in people who received the vaccine.

The FDA claims it has not detected any safety signals regarding shingles following approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines. The CDC alleges “there is no current connection” between COVID-19 vaccines and the reactivation of the chickenpox virus.

Scott Pauley, CDC spokesperson, said any adverse reactions experienced after receiving the shot are “temporary and a positive sign that the vaccine is working.”

Pfizer, Moderna COVID vaccines may increase risk of infection

A new peer-reviewed study shows two doses of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine yield negative protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, while previous infection without vaccination offers about 50% immunity.

The findings, published June 15 in the New England Journal of Medicine, analyzed information from more than 100,000 Omicron-infected and non-infected residents in Qatar from Dec. 23, 2021, through Feb. 21, 2022.

Researchers found those who had a prior infection but had not been vaccinated had 46.1% and 50% immunity against the BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron subvariants more than 300 days after the previous infection.

However, individuals who received two doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but were not previously infected, had negative immunity against the subvariants — indicating an increased risk of infection compared to someone without prior infection and vaccination.

Six months after the second dose of Pfizer, immunity against any Omicron infection dropped to -3.4% below an average person without infection and vaccination, which as a control, was set at 0.

For two doses of Moderna, immunity against any Omicron infection dropped to -10.3% about six months after the last dose.

Pfizer COVD-19 vaccine reduces sperm count, study shows

A peer-reviewed study published June 17 in the journal Andrology shows Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine reduced sperm concentration after the second dose.

In a retrospective longitudinal multicenter comparison study, researchers analyzed 220 semen samples of 37 donors from sperm banks in Israel.

The study participants received two doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, were negative for SARS-CoV-2 and did not have COVID-19 symptoms.

The changes in sperm concentration, semen volume, sperm motility and total motility count after the second dose were assessed at various study phases.

The authors concluded the negative effect of the Pfizer vaccine on sperm quality was temporary. Yet, the actual data calculating the average of values showed sperm counts had not returned to normal after five months, the end of the monitoring period.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

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In America, a woman’s right to an abortion of a pre-conscious (earlier than 20 weeks) fetus is no longer recognized by its federal Government, though, by a 59% to 41% margin (and 67% to 33% among American women, who are the people directly affected), the American people want it to be. That’s one example of America’s dictatorship (minority-rule). (This statement about it isn’t a commentary on the ethics of abortion, but on the polling on abortion, in America.) But there are many other examples of America’s being now a minority-rule nation.

For example: in February of 2008, a U.S. Gallup poll had asked Americans “Would you like to see gun laws in this country made more strict, less strict, or remain as they are?” and 49% said “More Strict,” 11% said “Less Strict,” and 38% said “Remain as Are.” But, then, the U.S. Supreme Court, in June 2008, reversed that Court’s prior rulings, ever since 1939, and they made America’s gun laws far less strict than the gun-laws ever had been before; and, thus, the 5 ruling judges in this 2008 decision imposed upon the nation what were the policy-preferences of actually a mere 11% of Americans.

Then, in 2014, there was finally the first scientific answer to the question of whether America is a democracy or instead a dictatorship, when the first-ever comprehensive political-science study that was ever published on whether the U.S. Government reflects the policy-preferences of the American public or instead of only the very richest Americans found that, “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy”; and, so, “Clearly, when one holds constant net interest-group alignments and the preferences of affluent Americans, it makes very little difference what the general public thinks” 

In other words: America, which nominally is a (limited) democracy, is actually an aristocracy, NOT a democracy at all. Each one of the ways in which America’s laws and their enforcement reflect what the country’s billionaires want, but NOT what the country’s public want, those proposed pieces of legislation have become laws just as much, as happens when the billionaires and the public have the same policy-references regarding the given policy-matter, as when they don’t. This means that the aristocracy always get policies that are acceptable to them, but the public often do not. The result is conservative government regardless of what the public wants.

No aristocrat is progressive (for majority-rule — “democracy”); all are instead either overtly conservative (for “fascism,” another term for which is “corporationism”), or else noblesse oblige or hypocritically conservative (“liberals”), people who are pretending to care about the public as being something more thanmerely their markets (consumers they sell to) or else their workers (their employees or other agents, such as lobbyists). When the public are conservative or “right wing,” (not progressive or “left wing”), they are elitist, not populist — and, especially, they are not left-wing populist (or progressive). Donald Trump was a right-wing populist (which is another form of aristocratic policy-fakery, besides the liberal type — either type is mere pretense to being non-fascist). But no aristocrat is progressive, and this means that in a corrupt ‘democracy’, all of the policy-proposals that become enacted into laws are elitist even if of the noblesse-oblige or “liberal” form of that. The Government, in such a nation, always serves its billionaires, regardless of what the public wants. That’s what makes the country an aristocracy instead of a democracy.

As the former U.S. President Jimmy Carter had said in 2015, commenting upon the profound corruption in America:

It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we’ve just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. … At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell.

In France, one of the primary sources of the dictatorship is the dictatorship’s intensification in 2008 from a new Constitutional provision, Section Three of Article 49, which facilitates rule-by-decree (“executive decree”) from the President, when the Parliament is opposed to his policy-preferences. This Section gives the aristocracy an opportunity to override Parliament if the other methods of corruption (mainly by France’s having no “ban on donors to political parties/candidates participating in public tender/procurement processes” — predominantly arms-manufacturers who are donors) are insufficient to meet the desires of the aristocracy, but, otherwise, France has remarkably strict laws against corruption — far stricter than in Germany, and in Russia — and thus the French Government represents mainly corporations that sell directly to the Government. Consequently, when “all else fails,” and the Parliament turns out to be inadequate (insufficiently imperialistic) in the view of France’s billionaires, Section 49-3 is applied by the President. (America, like France, has strict laws against corruption, but they are loaded with loopholes, and, so, America has almost unlimited corruption. America’s legislature is even more corrupt than is France’s.) Ever since France’s Tony Blairite Socialist Party (neoliberal-neoconservative) Prime Minister Manuel Valls started in 2016 to allow French Presidents to use the 2008-minted 49-3 Section to rule by decree and ignore Parliament, France has increasingly become ruled-by-decree, and the Parliament is more frequently overridden.

After the recent French Parliamentary elections, the current French President, Emmanuel Macron, who has often been ruling by decree, will do so even more than before. As the Iranian journalist in Paris, Ramin Mazaheri, recently said:

“Elections at just 46% turnout are a hair’s breadth away from not having democratic credibility, but that must be added with [to] the constant use of the 49-3 executive decree and the certainty of a Brussels’ veto for any legislation they don’t like. It combines to modern autocracy – rule by an oligarchical elite.”

Perhaps low voter-turnout is an indication that the nation will have a revolution. After all, both America and France did that, once, and it could happen again, in order to overthrow the aristocracy that has since emerged after the prior one was overthrown. Someone should therefore tabulate how low the voter-turnout has to go in order for a revolution to result. The post-1945 American Government has perpetrated incredibly many coups against foreign governments, but perhaps the time will soon come when dictatorships such as in America and France become, themselves, democratically overthrown. Both countries have degenerated into minoritarian right-wing governments. At least in France, the public seem to be becoming aware of this fact. Neither Government now has authentic democratic legitimacy.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: View of the Capitol building, Washington D.C., U.S. | Photo: Twitter/ @LiveNewsNow6

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Manchester Bomber Was a UK Ally

June 29th, 2022 by Mark Curtis

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Salman Abedi and his closest family were part of Libyan militias benefitting from British covert military support six years before he murdered 22 people at the Manchester Arena in 2017. He is likely to have been radicalised by his experience.

The Manchester bomber and his closest family were part of Islamist militia forces covertly supported by the British military and Nato in the Libyan war of 2011.

The UK facilitated the flow of arms to Libyan rebel militias at the time, and helped train them, in a programme outsourced to its close ally, the Gulf regime of Qatar.

One of Salman Abedi’s close friends, Abdalraouf Abdallah, who was later convicted in the UK for terrorism offences related to Syria, fought in the 2011 Libyan war for the main militia group the UK helped to take over the Libyan capital.

Abdallah told the Manchester Arena inquiry he was trained by Nato at the time – a claim Nato denies.

Salman Abedi and his brothers Ismail and Hashem may have received training from militant groups that British special forces were working with to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan regime.

Evidence points to the Manchester bomber being radicalised by his experience in the UK-supported war in Libya in 2011. Aged 16 at the time, it was the beginning of the road that led to him murdering 22 innocent people at the Ariana Grande pop concert six years later.

Martyrs and Revolutionaries

Muammar Gaddafi’s regime had been in power since 1969 and when an ‘Arab Spring’ uprising began in February 2011, a variety of militia groups were formed to overthrow him.

Dozens of men from the British-Libyan community in Manchester flocked to the country to join the fight. They were of varying political convictions, from nationalist to jihadist.

Irrespective of their ideologies, Libyan militia forces were backed by Nato, which launched thousands of air strikes beginning in March 2011 against Gaddafi’s forces. The military intervention, which was led by the UK, France and the US, was backed across the British media and parliament.

The Manchester bombing inquiry heard that the Abedi family was associated with the February 17th Martyrs Brigade and the Tripoli Revolutionary Brigade, the latter which focused on seizing the Libyan capital, Tripoli. There was considerable fluidity of personnel between the militias.

The inquiry, which finished hearing testimonies in March and will report later this year, also heard evidence from the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) that Salman Abedi either fought with the Martyrs Brigade during the 2011 war or attended a training camp or both.

A police raid on a house a few months before the bombing found 65 photographs taken during the Libyan war apparently showing Salman and and his younger brother Hashem in camouflage uniforms, holding weapons, and with an insignia on the wall behind of the Martyrs Brigade.

Hashem was convicted in 2020 of helping his brother plan the bombing and sentenced to 55 years in jail.

The Facebook account of Salman’s older brother Ismail also contained an image of him holding a rifle with the Martyrs Brigade flags behind him and other images with him in camouflage clothing holding a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and a machine gun.

The father

The inquiry was also told that Salman’s father Ramadan Abedi, who had a long history of opposition to the Gaddafi regime and of association with Islamist extremists in the UK, was part of the Martyrs Brigade and the Tripoli Brigade.

Ramadan took Salman and Hashem to the Libyan capital in August 2011 to aid the rebels. This was just as the militia forces were descending on Tripoli.

Police told the inquiry that Ramadan’s sister Rabaa informed them he had returned to fight the regime and that he received a shrapnel wound in his back which stopped him fighting on the front line.

A fellow fighter in Libya, Akram Ramadan, said he fought with Ramadan as part of the ‘Manchester Fighters’ and that he saw Ramadan “in the mountains and later in Tripoli”.

It remains unclear if Salman fought in Libya. His friend Abdalraouf Abdallah told the inquiry he didn’t see him fighting on the front line but “probably he did fight”.

A cousin of the Abedi brothers said that, following the downfall of the Gaddafi regime, Salman obtained a job locating Gaddafi supporters.

Covert support

UK military forces on the ground, working with Nato, covertly supported the Libyan militias and directly aided the Tripoli Brigade’s takeover of the capital.

In answer to a parliamentary question, the UK government said in March 2018 it “likely” had contacts with the Martyrs Brigade in the 2011 war. But Whitehall has, unsurprisingly, never publicised its support for the Islamist forces.

Britain had dozens of special forces in Libya calling in air strikes and helping rebel units assault cities still in the hands of pro-Gaddafi forces.

But Whitehall went further, secretly training rebel groups in advance of the attack on Tripoli. SAS operatives advised rebels on tactics as they prepared to storm the capital.

The Tripoli Brigade was the main rebel force that eventually took over the capital in late August 2011. In its ranks fought both Abdalraouf Abdallah and his brother Mohammed, who was also later convicted of terrorism in the UK for joining Islamic State in Syria.

The Telegraph reported at the time that British and French intelligence officers played a key role in planning the final rebel assault on Tripoli.

UK special forces reportedly “infiltrated Tripoli and planted radio equipment to help target air strikes” and “carried out some of the most important on-the-ground missions by allied forces before the fall of Tripoli”, US and allied officials told Reuters.

This was part of a broader plan involving Nato and Qatari forces which took months of planning, and involved secretly arming rebel units inside the capital.

Those units helped Nato destroy strategic targets in the city, such as military barracks and police stations, as they attacked the capital from all sides.

The Ministry of Defence refused Declassified’s freedom of information request asking for records it holds on the Tripoli Brigade. It said it could “neither confirm nor deny” it held such information.

‘Rebel air force’

A rebel planning committee, which included the Tripoli Brigade, drew up a list of dozens of sites for Nato to target in the days leading up to their attack on the capital.

The Tripoli Brigade-led military advance came amid an increased number of sorties and bombings by Nato aircraft. British Tornado fighter planes destroyed targets such as an intelligence communications facility concealed in a building in southwest Tripoli and government-controlled tanks and artillery.

Husam Najjair, a sub-commander in the Tripoli Brigade, wrote in his memoir after the war of Nato “backing us up from the air” as his forces attacked Gaddafi’s powerful Khamis Brigade, named after his youngest son.

Nato jets also struck targets around the Gaddafi leadership compound at Bab al-Aziziya, which was taken by the Tripoli Brigade, as Najjair documents in his book. The base was “bombed repeatedly by Nato”, he wrote.

A report by the global intelligence firm Stratfor, revealed by WikiLeaks, noted that Nato “served as the de facto rebel air force…during this push into Tripoli”.

It highlighted the seminal role played by Nato in the rebels’ success, stating that a “compelling rationale for the apparent breakthrough by rebel forces is an aggressive clandestine campaign by Nato member states’ special operations forces”.

This was “accompanied by deliberate information operations – efforts to shape perceptions of the conflict.”

Arming the militias

The UK may have directly armed the militias with which the Abedis were associated, and certainly helped to ensure they were armed.

A France24 film that followed the Tripoli Brigade’s seizure of the capital noted that Britain and France had given weapons to the unit. This was later denied by Husam Najjair, who appeared in the film.

As early as March 2011 the adviser to then US secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, informed her that French and British special forces were working out of bases in Egypt, along the Libyan border, and that “these troops are overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels”.

The SAS was operating closely with Qatari special forces which were delivering large quantities of arms to the militias such as Milan anti-tank missiles. A video posted on Youtube in May 2011 appeared to show the Martyrs Brigade testing Milans.

Overall the UK government was “using Qatar to bankroll the Libyan rebels”, the Times reported, since the militias lacked the firepower to win the war by themselves.

The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to Qatari arms shipments in spring 2011 and soon began receiving reports that the supplies were going to Islamic militant groups.

Nato air and sea forces around Libya had to be alerted not to interdict the cargo planes and freighters transporting these arms into Libya.

Overall, Qatar is believed to have sent $400m in aid to the militias, involving huge quantities of arms. All the weapons supplies were illegal since they contravened an arms embargo, as a UN security council report of 2013 documented.

Qatar also later admitted deploying hundreds of its own troops to support the Libyan rebels. Its chief-of-staff, Major-General Hamad bin Ali al-Atiya, said the regime “supervised the rebels’ plans because they are civilians and did not have enough military experience”.

He also said: “We acted as the link between the rebels and Nato forces.”

But Qatar also helped train and equip the Tripoli Brigade specifically.

Training in the western mountains

The militants in the Tripoli Brigade who successfully took the capital had swept through the country from the west, from their base at the town of Nalut in the Nafusa Mountains, about 280 kilometres from Tripoli.

The Brigade had been formed in late April in Benghazi by Mehdi al-Harati, an Irish-Libyan living in Dublin, and Husam Najjair, his brother-in-law, a 32-year-old building contractor also living in the Irish capital.

The Brigade received training from Qatari special forces in Nalut and is also reported to have flown some rebel commanders to the Gulf state for training.

Some reports have said Britain was involved in this secret training of opposition fighters in the Nafusa mountains, alongside Qatari and French forces.

Indeed, a Reuters investigation, quoting several allied and US officials, as well as a source close to the Libyan rebels, noted that Britain played a key role in organising this training.

It reported that British, French and Italian operatives, as well as representatives from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, began in May 2011 to organise serious efforts to hone the rebels into a more effective fighting force. Most of the training took place in the rebel-held western mountains.

Fighting with Nato

“We started from the border of Tunisia, called Jebel Nafusa”, Abdalraouf Abdallah told the Manchester bombing inquiry. He said he received training from Nato on “how to aim, shoot and reload”, and that he was “translating for Nato”.

“We were fighting and Nato fighting actually with us, or alongside with us, as the British Government also,” he added. “And then there was a big plan of how to take over Tripoli because that was the stronghold of Gaddafi”.

In his memoir Tripoli Brigade sub-commander Husam Najjair reveals that “three American Nato officials” visited the unit’s Nalut headquarters in the Nafusa mountains. “Having communication with Nato was very important to us, so we were happy to show them around”, he wrote.

“They made it clear they didn’t want media attention”, he added.

Najjair says he once acted as a translator between the Americans and two Libyan gun smugglers funnelling arms into Tripoli. This was “to give the Yanks as much information as possible about the coordinates of the latest loyalist military installations”.

Najjair also wrote that he met the Americans “to detail our plans for the advance and our military targets” as the brigade pushed towards Tripoli. He had a “walkie-talkie direct to Nato”, he quotes his commander, Mehdi al-Harati saying to him.

A Nato official told Declassified: “There were no forces under Nato command in Libya during the conflict in 2011. In line with its mandate from the UN Security Council, Nato’s mission in Libya consisted of policing the arms embargo, patrolling a no-fly zone, and protecting civilians from attack by Gadhafi forces.

The official added: “While it is a matter of public record that some Nato Allies had small military contingents on the ground in Libya, Nato was not involved in training opposition forces.”

The road to Tripoli

British and Nato forces helped the Tripoli Brigade in its campaign towards the capital by taking towns and villages in the western mountains and en route.

The rebels’ advances were aided by newly-arrived Apache attack helicopters operating from Britain’s HMS Ocean, an amphibious assault ship, and which destroyed armoured vehicles. Nato aircraft also dropped leaflets to dispirit Gaddafi’s forces and reinforce rebel morale.

One town the Tripoli Brigade took in the western mountains was Bir Ghanam where rebel forces used tanks to fight Gaddafi’s troops in early August. Nato forces hit targets in the area to aid the rebels’ advance.

The UK government reported on 8 August “a precision strike was conducted against a location near Bir al-Ghanam in the Djebel Nafousa” and other patrols over and missions against targets in the Nafusa mountains.

Three days later it reported that “UK aircraft also attacked a command and control node and a weapons depot in Bir al-Ghanam”.

Another town where the Tripoli Brigade fought to remove pro-Gaddafi forces was Tiji. It was here in August 2011 that Abdalraouf Abdallah was shot in the back and paralysed from the waist down fighting for the Tripoli Brigade.

Fighting alongside him was the Royal Air Force (RAF). The UK government reportedon 8 August that Tornado jets “were … able to prosecute successfully a target of their own, destroying a military staging post further south at Tiji.”

Other Nato forces were also conducting airstrikes around Tiji at this time.

Najjair wrote that Tiji was “a turning point” for his Tripoli Brigade since it stood its ground in the face of “the intensity of the firepower we were up against”. “It proved to the mountain lads the real potential of the Tripoli Brigade”, he wrote.


Abdalraouf Abadallah was a long-time friend of Salman Abedi and his family and he was visited by Salman in jail in the months before the 2017 Manchester bombing.

Matthew Wilkinson, who gave evidence to the inquiry as an expert on Islamic extremism, said Abdallah was one of the “major influences in that process of radicalising” Salman Abedi.

The Greater Manchester Police gave conflicting evidence to the inquiry. It said in its closing submission that Abdallah’s influence was “likely to have been ideological motivation and encouragement rather than… a more practical hands-on assistance” and that “there is no evidence that he was involved in attack planning”. 

But the police’s senior investigating officer, Det Chief Supt Simon Barraclough previously stated to the inquiry: “It is highly suspected that Abdallah played some part in the planning, influence and ideological motivation of the attack”.

That assertion is, however, strongly rejected by Abdallah’s lawyers. What is clearer is that Salman was likely radicalised by his experience in Libya to some degree.

A lawyer for the bombing victims, Pete Weatherby, stated to the inquiry that “it is highly likely that he [Salman] had a baptism of violence by exposure to the 2011 uprising… and that he met others in Libya with a violent extremist ideology at that stage.”

Austin Welch, another lawyer for the families, said the 2011 war was “key to their radicalisation”, referring to Salman and Hashem. Although they may not have been fully radicalised then, Welch added, “common sense dictates that exposing teenage boys to the experience of an armed group and fighting in a war zone would have had a profound effect on them”.

While MI5 and parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee have acknowledged the Manchester bomber was likely radicalised by his father, Ramadan, neither is keen to stress the Abedis’ participation in a war that Britain backed.

Yet the counter-terror chief of the North West Counter Terrorism Unit, Det Supt Russ Jackson, has been more open. He has said: “If you have been in Syria, or Libya during the anti-Gaddafi fighting then you could have got exposed to all sorts of radicalised groups. You may come back having fought against Gaddafi in a more radicalised position.”


The war turned Libya into a lawless country with vast ungoverned spaces that enabled Islamic State to flourish for several years after 2011. The country remains divided today, with two rival governments, and an ongoing civil war.

Yet David Cameron visited Tripoli soon after its ‘liberation’ and claimed a victory.

Abdallah told the inquiry that “David Cameron praised us very well after the revolution and he came and he was very proud of us and very proud of the sacrifice that we did”.

Indeed, Cameron gave a speech to the United Nations in September 2011 claiming “the Libyans liberated themselves”. He even specifically praised “the warriors from the Nafusa mountains, who defied Gaddafi’s shells from inside their ancestors’ caves, before going on to help free Tripoli”.


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Mark Curtis is the editor of Declassified UK, and the author of five books and many articles on UK foreign policy.

Featured image: Salman Abedi holds a heavy machine gun in Libya. (Photo: Police handout)

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Last Monday, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated the United States and other NATO/EU countries are continuing talks to “restrict Russia’s energy revenues” by “imposing a price cap” on the country’s oil.

“We are continuing to have productive conversations, today and with our partners and allies around the world with how to further restrict energy revenues to Russia while preventing spillover effects to the global economy,” Yellen said during a press conference. “We are talking about price caps or a price exception…”

The US, Canada, the UK and other satellite states have banned Russian oil imports, while the EU, which remains highly dependent on Russian energy supplies, agreed on a partial ban by year’s end. The G7 countries, the largest Western and Western-aligned economies, have agreed to “study possible price caps” on Russian oil and gas to try to “limit Moscow’s ability to fund its invasion of Ukraine”, G7 officials said on Tuesday. The change of wording is quite telling, as just a week prior, Western political leadership was talking about the price cap as if it was already a done deal. However, at the G7 meeting, the officials were talking about “an agreement to study the Russian oil and gas price cap”. The officials, again, including US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, are claiming the move will reduce the revenues Russia is making with energy sales, while allowing Western consumers to continue getting oil and gas supplies.

This claim is extremely farfetched, to say the least. The very idea of caps in international trade goes against the most basic principles of free trade and market economy, both of which are (or at least they officially were) the holy grail of the political West’s economic system. The US and its allies, along with numerous client states have even gone to war with pretexts to establish “free trade” and “market economy” in certain countries, including Yugoslavia, which had a mixed (market and planned) economy. Apart from the political West quite literally destroying and dismantling the country, it also forced the shattered remains of Yugoslavia to renounce entire sectors of their economy and effectively surrender it to Western oligarchs. Essentially, by introducing an oil and gas price cap, the political West is trying to implement the same economic policies it used as an excuse to bomb and destroy numerous other countries.

Another important note is that these impotent attempts are still a far cry from the pompously announced all-out Russian export ban from approximately 4 months ago. Had the political West been able to limit or halt Russian revenues from oil, gas, food and numerous other commodities which are as essential as they could possibly be, they would’ve done it long ago. However, the political West realizes that any serious disruptions to Russian commodities reaching their own countries would have a disastrous effect on the stability of their economies. At the same time, the political West is frustrated that it needs to pay for those commodities. This results in a series of schizophrenic moves or comically arrogant proclamations of future moves which never really happen.

The declared aim is to “encourage sales of Russian oil at levels slightly above production costs to ensure Russia’s earnings are reduced while it maintains production”. Tamas Varga from oil broker PVM stated the gas and oil price cap idea amounts to evidence that outright bans on Russian commodities have been “counterproductive as Russian revenues have increased”. And indeed, Russia’s revenues from gas and oil sales have increased exponentially in comparison to the same period last year. Thus, Varga believes that “creating a buyers’ cartel to starve Russia of petrodollars while alleviating inflationary pressure from oil prices is challenging”.

“The big unknown is Vladimir Putin’s reaction,” said Varga. “If Russian President Vladimir Putin decides to reduce oil or gas exports the plan will backfire and lead to further rise in prices. It is a nightmare scenario,” Varga added.

According to Reuters, Russian production costs are $3-$4 per barrel and Russian firms could probably profit even if oil prices were $25-$30 per barrel. The goal of this Western “buyers’ cartel” is to impose a price cap which would be just above the production cost, making it possible for the oil companies to continue to operate, which should prevent the Russian government from getting any profits. Richard Mallinson from Energy Aspects confirmed this was the goal in his statement for Reuters.

“G7 countries want to reduce Russian oil revenues and this implies a price cap well below what buyers are currently paying. Some campaigners advocate for a very aggressive reduction, pointing to Russia’s low production costs and arguing it would continue to sell oil at any price above this level,” Mallinson stated.

There’s only one “tiny” issue with this plan. Russia can simply cut gas and oil supplies to all countries trying to impose this illegal Western price cap. This would push global markets into yet another frenzy. With OPEC countries openly stating they can’t replace Russia’s share in the oil and gas market, the prices would go into orbit, causing a cascading effect of price hikes in every other industry, exponentially increasing inflation, while stagnation would turn into recession in many countries. Thus, any attempt to impose price caps isn’t just illegal, but could easily backfire and destroy Western economies. It seems the political West learned nothing from the last 4 months of a failed economic siege of Russia.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from Yegor Aleyev/TASS

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On August 7th a new left of center government will take power in Colombia. Many questions remain to be answered but one thing is clear: this historic election marks a break with a long Colombian history of State violence and monolithic conservatism.

On June 19, Gustavo Petro beat his rival, the businessman Rodolfo Hernández, by a margin of 50.44% to 47.03%, after 100% of the country’s polling stations reported their results.[1] Both his opponent and current president Iván Duque recognized the results, congratulating Petro.[2]

Despite an information war and decades of violence against the left, over 11 million Colombians successfully mobilized and voted for the historic change.[3] La Unión Patriótica (UP) was one leftist political party that suffered from this political genocide. Over 5,000 UP leaders were assassinated, including Bernardo Jaramillo, the UP presidential candidate in 1990, along with 21 lawmakers, 70 local councilors and 11 mayors. It is this reality of state and paramilitary violence that has long earned Colombia the infamous designation as the most dangerous place on earth for union leaders and journalists. Human Rights Watch and the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) have documented the hundreds of assassinations and dozens of massacres that occur in Colombia every year.

A Unified Continental Uprising?

Petro is the seventh former leftist guerilla fighter to become president in a Latin American nation, joining Daniel Ortega from Nicaragua, Dilma Rousseff from Brazil, José Mujica from Uruguay, Salvador Sánchez Cerén from El Salvador, and Fidel and Raúl Castro, from Cuba. However, unlike the others from the list, Petro doesn’t belong to the Bolivarian momentum sweeping across the continent. This outcome of former guerrilla leaders, including Petro, serving their countries as presidents, as well as the recent elections of progressive presidents in Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, and Argentina, shows clearly the weakness of the neoliberal model that is, so far, incapable of solving the poverty, corruption, hierarchies of domination, and chronic inequality that affects most of the Latin American continent. By electing Petro, the Colombian people are sending a strong message of frustration with a failed model that has brought organized crime, social disparities, chronic violence, a 40% poverty rate and militarization of the public sphere to the lives of millions of citizens.

Leaders of the Continent Congratulate Petro and Márquez

Image on the right: Francia Márquez became the first woman and first Afro-Colombian elected as vice-president (credit photo: Iván Castaneira)

Upon hearing the results of the election, Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador summarized the long history of violence against the popular sectors of Colombia and concluded: “Today’s triumph can be the end of this tragedy and the horizon for this fraternal and dignified people.”[4] Former president of Brazil, Luis Lula Ignacio da Silva, declared the importance of this victory for South American and third world integration.[5] Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, congratulated Petro stating that “new times can now be envisioned.”[6]  COHA Senior Fellow, Alina Duarte, who has been on the ground in Cali covering the elections, wrote “It is impossible not to feel emotion with the victory of the Colombian people. So many years of war, dispossession and death. Today, a Black woman from Cauca, who was a domestic worker, single mother and defender of the land stands strong against oligarchy. What a beautiful day!”[7]

In her acceptance speech Francia Márquez pronounced:

“After 214 years we achieved a government of the people, a popular government, of those who have calloused hands, the people who have to walk everywhere, the nobodies of Colombia. We are going to seek reconciliation for this country. We are for dignity and social justice.”[8]

Petro’s speech followed.[9] With the crowd chanting “libertad,” the president elect called for amnesty for political prisoners, environmental justice and an end to impunity for State actors responsible for the murder of activists. He continued affirming: “It is time to dialogue with the U.S. government to find other ways of understanding one another…without excluding anybody in the Americas.” He concluded by promising to build “a global example of a government of life, of peace, of social justice and environmental justice.”

Which Way Forward?

The transition in Colombia, long a U.S. ally in the region, raises major questions about which we can only speculate right now.

How will the new people’s government orient towards the nine U.S. military bases in Colombia?[10] And how will the new administration, committed to overcoming corruption, confront the reality that Colombia still is the major planetary producer of cocaine, and the main source of the illegal drug in the U.S.?

There are also profound political and economic issues that will be decided in the coming days. Like Gabriel Boric in Chile, Pedro Castillo in Peru and Xiomara Castro in Honduras, Petro and Márquez will now have to balance a left or left of center ideology with the reality of a strong, embedded oligarchy that will fiercely resist all but certain anemic social-democratic reforms.[11]

The new administration will also have to define itself in relation to the Bolivarian cause of regional integration, multipolarity, and sovereignty. Boric has gone out of his way to condemn the Bolivarian camp, and on the largest global stage, at the exclusionary Summit of the Americas. López Obrador and Argentine president Alberto Fernández have been outspoken about building more links with Venezuela and denouncing U.S. unilateral sanctions. Petro seems to be leaning more in the direction of continental unity and a moderate approach to the current wave of progressive administrations, not declaring the U.S. as an enemy but instead trying to change the focus of the relationship to other more innocuous arenas like the environment. Washington seeks to retain its strong influence on Colombia, considering the warm words of congratulations expressed by its Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. Petro’s plan is to limit the oil projects in the country and move to more sustainable resources. However, this will be a main concern for U.S. energy interests, for sure. And it is to be seen how Petro will face the pressure to accommodate the multimillion dollar U.S. private and public security apparatus, including agencies like the DEA, that operate throughout Colombian territory.

Afro-Colombians and Indigenous Peoples are Now Visible

At the same time, the movement to which Márquez is accountable voted for Petro because of his commitment to the environment and the historic struggles of Afro-descendant and Indigenous peoples.[12] There is no doubt that Márquez inspired thousands of Colombians from all oppressed sectors of the country, as well as  new young voters, women, and intellectuals who felt moved by this former “housekeeper.” She is the first Black and the first woman ever elected as vice president. But now, the question of the expectations created arises. If the grassroots sees too many compromises with the oligarchy will there be a revolt from within?

Petro and the Troika of Resistance

How will Petro relate to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia? During the campaign, he distanced himself from the Bolivarian camp because in Colombia the vast majority of people have been taught by a  constant barrage of state propaganda that Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba are “failed states” and “dictatorships.” In the immediate aftermath of the election, there is great interest in Washington as well as Caracas on Petro’s posture towards Venezuela. In a recent interview, Petro artfully stopped short of all out support for the movement for a definitive second Latin American emancipation[13] but recognized Maduro as President, anticipating enhanced economic links and “civilized bridges” with Venezuela.[14]

On the other hand, it is likely that the U.S. establishment and State Department have not pushed back on the outcome of the election precisely because of compromises made by the Petro-Márquez campaign. COHA Senior Analyst, William Camacaro, cautions that “the worst that can occur is to see a coalition of supposedly leftist governments–Chile, Peru and Colombia–joining Washington’s narrative against the Bolivarian revolution.”

Ending Impunity

Another major question was raised during the acceptance speeches. Just in the first six months of 2022, 86 social leaders have been murdered by State and paramilitary forces.[15] Last Sunday June 19, shoulder to shoulder with the president and vice-president elect, one of the mothers of the missing students and protestors asked if there will finally be justice for their sons and daughters who have been disappeared.[16]Petro’s ability to put an end to these murders and hold perpetrators accountable will be a major test of his leadership.

The Petro–Márquez victory was clearly a cause for celebration in the streets of Colombia and in the diaspora.[17] But when the fireworks and parties are over the class tensions in Colombia will still abound. The June 19th victory is a moment pregnant with hope for the most vulnerable sectors who have long fought the political and economic domination of the oligarchs and their foreign backers.  But given the long history of oligarchic rule and political capture of significant parts of the State apparatus by organized crime this is also a historical moment wrought with challenges.[18]


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Danny Shaw is Senior Research Fellow at COHA and an academic at City University of New York.


[1] Resultados elecciones Colombia 2022,; “Former guerrilla wins Colombia’s presidential election, first leftist leader in nation’s history” By Antonio Maria Delgado and Daniela Castro”, “Elecciones en Colombia: Gustavo Petro hace historia con su triunfo presidencial”,


[3] “Elecciones en Colombia: Gustavo Petro hace historia con su triunfo presidencial”,



[6] “Maduro felicita a Gustavo Petro: ‘Nuevos tiempos se avizoran”,




[10] “Colombia: Bases militares de Estados Unidos: neocolonialismo e impunidad”,



[13] The second emancipation refers to the struggle of emancipation from the domination of Latin America by the United States and overcoming the multiple hierarchies of domination that have been imposed over five centuries by colonization, dependency, and most recently the neoliberal regime. This process of liberation involves constructing forms of democracy with popular participation as well as representative governments that prioritize human life in harmony with the biosphere and are held accountable to constituents.The first emancipation refers to independence from Spain and Portugal.

[14] “Gustavo Petro ganó: ¿Restablecerá relaciones con el Gobierno de  Maduro en Venezuela?”,

[15] “Asciende a 86 cifra de líderes colombianos asesinados en 2022”,




Featured image is from Alina Duarte, from Colombia

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The Irish Are Leading

June 29th, 2022 by James J. Zogby

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Last week, Mary Lou McDonald, the president of the Irish republican/socialist party, and leader of the opposition in the Irish Parliament, addressed a European Union conference. When asked how she would direct Irish foreign policy, her remarks were compelling and instructive.

She began by noting: “The Irish experience of colonisation, partition and conflict… that’s where we come from.” She continued, “So Irish foreign policy has to be true to that tradition not in a passive way, in a very active way. We will be very firm on issues around self-determination, in particular on the question of Palestine. It is our firm view that we need international courage and leadership on that matter. It is clear that we have an apartheid regime. That the Israeli state actively confiscates land, actively discriminates and oppresses Palestinian citizens daily. I think Europe needs to be honest about all that and needs to exert maximum international pressure to bring that conflict to a resolution and to reach a two-state solution.”

What I have long appreciated about the Irish is their grounding in their history, and how they have learned positive lessons from it. Sinn Fein’s victories in both the Republic of Ireland (where they are now one seat away from being the largest party in parliament) and in the North (where they are the largest party) are important for what they say about the past and future of Ireland.

As McDonald recognised, Ireland long suffered under colonial rule, during which the British exploited Ireland’s resources and treated its indigenous Catholic inhabitants with racist contempt. To facilitate their governance, Britain sent thousands of its citizens to colonise the island and established the Protestant church in a privileged position as another display of their dominance.

The most notable of the many hardships endured by Irish Catholics were the infamous famines of the mid to late 19th century. During this period, over one million Irish died of starvation or disease, while more than two million were forced to flee the country. The famines were a British-imposed crime on the Irish people. Even though the island was producing food aplenty, the Irish were forbidden to eat their grains or livestock, or hunt or fish on their lands, as all was reserved for export to Britain.

Despite Irish rebellion, it wasn’t until the 1920s that they succeeded in casting off British rule and establishing the Republic of Ireland in all but the 6 northern counties heavily populated by Protestant settlers which remained under British control.

While the Republic of Ireland built a nation with strong support from Irish expatriate communities abroad, strife continued in the North between the Protestant majority and the restive Catholic minority. The bloody civil war ended with an agreement providing a power-sharing arrangement, open borders between the north and south, and a provision that should majorities in the Republic and North agree, in the future, a referendum would be held on Irish unity.

After the agreement, the population of the Republic put aside bitterness and focused on building a future of prosperity.  The island, for all intents and purposes, became an economic unit. People travelled freely. Trade and investment went both ways. The north benefited from the south’s prosperity and bonds were built. Ideological and political hostilities remained, with Protestant Unionists (those wishing to remain a part of the UK) squaring off against Irish Republicans (those seeking to politically unify the island).

Then came Boris Johnson and Brexit, keeping the border open but imposing awkward restrictions on commerce that pleased no one. This set the stage for the Sinn Fein victories in the North and the Republic.

While no one believes that the path forward will be easy, Protestants in the North will attempt to block Sinn Fein’s efforts to govern. And no one should imagine that Irish unity is around the corner, despite shared economic concerns, the Protestants “fear of the other” remains strong. Nevertheless, a threshold has been crossed and the Irish see a way forward.

The lesson in this Irish experience is that tiny, once colonised, and oppressed Ireland can lead the way, challenging Europe to develop a values-based foreign policy. It should be an inspiration for struggling and oppressed peoples everywhere.


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James J. Zogby is president of the Washington-based Arab American Institute.

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During the early morning hours of June 22, a 5.9 earthquake struck the southeastern region of Afghanistan reportedly killing in excess of 1,000 people.

This natural disaster will only compound the existing problems inside the Central Asian nation in the aftermath of a 20-year occupation by the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The earthquake saw the worst damage in Paktika and Khost provinces where lack of infrastructure, substandard housing and buildings contributed to the large numbers of deaths and injuries. Reports indicate that this was the most devastating earthquake in Afghanistan in 20 years.

Of the more than 1,000 killed it is estimated that 121 are children. However, there will undoubtedly be more casualties as the relief efforts continue. Thousands have been left homeless lacking the resources to relocate to other areas and rebuild their homes.

Aid agencies from Pakistan, Qatar, China, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and India have already pledged assistance to the country. Damage to the water systems has raised the possibility of a large cholera outbreak. Residents of the impacted provinces are desperate for food, water, shelter, blankets and medicines.

Neighboring Pakistan announced that the government in Islamabad has opened up the borders in the northwest in order to facilitate transportation of injured Afghans seeking medical treatment in hospitals. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan telephoned the acting Afghan Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, to pledge continuing support for their people amid this humanitarian crisis.

Even prior to the recent earthquake, the country was facing acute shortages of food and other essentials. The withdrawal of Pentagon military forces during August 2021, was accompanied by the freezing of Afghanistan assets being held in U.S. banks.

Afghanistan’s Taliban-dominated government has not been recognized by the United Nations and other regional blocs. No country has established diplomatic relations since the rapid departure of the Pentagon, State Department and their surrogates employed during the occupation.

World Food Program trucks delivering aid to Afghanistan (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Immediately after the earthquake, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) sent 18 trucks with supplies to address the dire situation. According to a statement made by the Deputy Country Director of the WFP Gordon Craig:

“The Afghan people are already facing an unprecedented crisis following decades of conflict, severe drought and an economic downturn. The earthquake will only add to the already massive humanitarian needs they endure daily, including for the nearly 19 million people across the country who face acute hunger and require assistance. Our teams rapidly mobilized and will continue to provide support to help affected families get through this latest tragedy.”

Other media reports illustrate the damage done by the earthquake and the lack of capacity on the part of the Kabul government to address the situation. Outside of Paktika and Khost provinces the overall well-being of the people cannot be considered much better.  The WFP has categorized Afghanistan as one of the most urgent emergencies internationally. There are famine-like situations being reported among 20,000 people in Ghor province, while at the same time, nearly 50% of the estimated country population of 40 million people do not have enough to eat. Economic distress fueled by successive seasons of drought, sharp rises in global food prices and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the suffering of millions of people.

Al Jazeera noted in a report on the earthquake that:

“Shabir Ahmad Osmani, director of Khost’s information and culture directorate, said the Islamic Emirate is grateful for the help coming in from both inside and outside Afghanistan, but that all efforts should focus on providing victims with what they need to return to their normal lives. ‘Whether the aid is big or small, what matters the most, is that support should be coming into rebuild these people’s homes,’ he told Al Jazeera outside the Khost Airport, where international assistance is starting to be flown in.
Nadima Noor, an Afghan-Canadian influencer and aid worker, spent the last few days travelling around Urgan and Gaiyan in Paktika province. She said the destruction she witnessed was unfathomable.”

Role of the U.S. Government in the Underdevelopment of Afghanistan

Sanctions imposed on Afghanistan are preventing Kabul’s re-entry into the world financial system. Shortages have become commonplace while the Taliban government, which seized control of Kabul after the announced departure of the occupation troops by President Joe Biden, has continued to request the return of at least $7 billion in currency being held up by the U.S. administration.

The continuing humanitarian crisis compounded by the earthquake, cannot be properly analyzed without assessing the policy of Washington. President Biden says nothing in regard to the famine-like situation in Afghanistan. While the international community has begun to call for the release of the frozen assets along with increased food and medical relief.

Business Insider in a recent report uses a figure of $9.5 billion in Afghan assets which are under the control of the Biden administration. The president says that $7 billion has already been unfrozen to provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan while declaring that half of this amount would be given to the families of victims killed in terrorist acts involving people in the U.S. This would theoretically leave $2.5 billion owed to the Taliban government.

Nonetheless, Business Insider says that Afghan officials are persistent in demanding that the U.S. release the funds which belong to the new government in Kabul. This article emphasizes:

“The UN’s deputy special representative and resident humanitarian co-ordinator in Kabul, Ramiz Alakbarov, said Wednesday (June 22) that Afghanistan immediately needed $15 million to respond to the crisis. The U.S. embassy in Kabul tweeted Wednesday that the U.S. was ‘already responding to the Afghan earthquake working with partners to deploy medical teams to provide immediate care to people affected.’ In a tweet Wednesday the aid agency Afghans for a Better Tomorrow called on Biden to release the frozen funds, saying ‘aid organizations have long cited the frozen assets as well as the sanctions regime as insurmountable barriers to ensuring Afghans receiving basic needs and emergency aid.’”

Obviously, the Biden administration does not want the Afghan government to succeed in effectively addressing the food, water and health crises now gripping the country. Moreover, the reemergence of Afghanistan as a viable state, will be seriously hampered as the blockade of the country continues at the aegis of Washington. The State Department issued a press release in the hours following the earthquake saying it stood with the people of Afghanistan in their efforts to address the humanitarian disaster and to rebuild. Despite these pronouncements, the character of U.S. policy towards Kabul represents the continuation of the war of occupation by economic and diplomatic means.

In response, the People’s Republic of China rebuked the Biden administration over its statement issued after the earthquake. In the same above-mentioned article cited from Al Jazeera, it says: “Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry tweeted on Friday (June 24): ‘Saw U.S. officials claim that the U.S. ‘stands with the people of Afghanistan’. Then why not give the $7 billion back to the Afghans?  Beijing will provide humanitarian aid worth $7.5m (50 million yuan) to Afghanistan. The aid will include tents, towels, beds and other materials, the foreign ministry said in a statement on its website on Saturday (June 25).

Contrastingly from Afghanistan, much attention is being paid to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine where the Biden administration is funding and coordinating a war against the Russian Federation and its allies inside the country. The social situation in Afghanistan is rarely shown on mainstream U.S.-based media networks. Without other sources of information, the assumption would be that the most important geopolitical conflict in the world today is taking place in Ukraine.

As the U.S. has failed both military and diplomatically in Afghanistan, a similar situation is rapidly developing in regard to the status of the Russian Federation internationally. After imposing unprecedented sanctions against Moscow by the U.S. and the European Union (EU), the government of President Vladimir Putin has not collapsed politically or economically. In fact, the Russian government has been strengthened in many areas due to the country’s production and distribution of key energy and agricultural resources.

The working and oppressed peoples of the U.S. have been plunged into an inflationary spiral witnessing the largest price increases for petroleum, food, rents and other commodities in over four decades. People will have to view these domestic issues in relation to the Pentagon budget and the constant thirst of sanctions and war.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Afghanistan damage from the earthquake (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Overruling Roe v Wade: The International Dimension

June 29th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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American exceptionalism can be a dreary thing, and no more so than each time a US president promotes the country’s imperial credentials and continued prowess.  But in matters of literacy, shared wealth, and health care, the US has been outpaced by other states less inclined towards remorseless social Darwinism.

The overruling of Roe v Wade by the US Supreme Court in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization has created a sense that those outside the US will somehow draw inspiration from the example of the sacred foetus and the diminished autonomy of its carrier.

MSI Reproductive Choices, a group furnishing contraception and safe abortion services in 37 countries, was palpably concerned.  “As a global abortion provider, we know that the impact of this decision will be also felt around the word,” warned Sarah Shaw, Global Head of Advocacy at MSI Reproductive Choices. “From the Global Gag Rule to US funded anti-choice groups who harass women outside our clinics and lobby governments to restrict access, decisions made in the US have an impact beyond their borders.”

The organisation’s Africa Director, Banchiamlak Dessalegn is also worried about the repercussions of US judicial reasoning.  “Today’s decision has the potential to harm women, not just in America but around the world, and undermine the efforts of countries across Africa to recognise a woman’s right to choose.”

Beyond any discernible court legacy beyond national borders, the US role in stifling abortion arguments globally is far from negligible.  Republican administrations since Ronald Reagan have made a habit of enforcing the “global gag rule”, also known as the Mexico City policy, limiting US aid regarding family planning services.  Since 1973, Congress has tended to attach the ban to foreign aid spending bills where US funding will go to foreign groups that perform abortions or “motivate” individuals to seek them.

In terms of situating the shift Dobbs entails, the US finds itself keeping company with a small rear guard in the abortion wars.  Since the 1990s, over 60 countries have taken the move of permitting or decriminalising abortion.  A clutch of countries have bucked the trend, among them Poland, Malta, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

In Europe, the US example is likely to stir an anti-abortion frontline that has all been long battered.  Agenda Europe, a network of anti-abortion, pro-Christian and far-right organisations comprising activists, commentators and politicians, is one of its most active collectives.  Since the early 2010s, its participants have sought to generate critical support for the standard slew of causes: pro-life, pro-family, anti-LGBT rights.  Their continued work has been significant enough to catch the interest of the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPFPD).

On its own website, Agenda Europe seeks to correct “egregious falsehoods” about alleged extremism and militancy, objecting to the label of “religious extremists” attributed to them by such the EPFPD.  “Members of Agenda Europe promote the dignity of every human person, the importance of the family, and religious freedom, as enshrined in all major human rights treaties.  As Europeans, our members share the Christian Philosophical and Intellectual foundations of our continent.”

The abortion battleground reached Europe’s centre stage in June 2021, when the European Parliament passed a nonbinding resolution urging EU countries to see any interference with access to contraception, fertility treatment maternity care and abortion as human rights breaches.  While 378 MEPs voted in favour, 255 voted against, with the centre-right European People’s Party and the European Conservative and Reformists arguing, much along the lines used in Dobbs, that such policy should be left to individual EU states.  But even in the final text, its original drafter, Croatian Socialist MEP Pedrag Fred Matić, took issue with the presence a “conscience clause” that would permit doctors to withhold abortions “on grounds of religion or conscience”.

It was with a Christian Philosophical spirit that Poland imposed a near-complete ban on abortions which took effect in 2021.  The state has also, in rather creepy fashion, created a pregnancy registry which has been seen as a surveillance tool that can be used to track women should they order abortion pills or seek an abortion overseas.

For all this pessimism, the already hefty movement in favour of abortion rights is just as likely to assert itself in the wake of developments in the US.  Milly Nanyombi Kaggwa, senior clinical advisor for Africa at Population Services International, points out with necessary perspective that abortion is only strictly prohibited in 5% of countries.

Groups such as MSI Reproductive Choices have also drawn a line in the sand of resistance.  “To anyone who wants to deny someone’s right to make decisions about what is right for their body and their future, our message is ‘We are not going back’.” Dobbs, in short, may prove on the international stage to be more damp squib than firecracker.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from The Conversation

US, NATO, Spent 2021 Ramping Up Ukraine War

June 29th, 2022 by Walt Zlotow

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Neither the US government nor mainstream media will tell the American people the truth about 2021, America’s Year of Living Dangerously in Ukraine.

But with nuclear war a growing possibility each day the war continues, it behooves us to review exactly how provocative US, NATO policy last year made war this year virtually inevitable.

The prelude to 2021 is also critical to understand the current war.

2008 US announces at NATO Summit, intention to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.

2014 US supports coup to depose Russian leaning Ukrainian President Yanukovych, touching off civil war in Donbas. US begins training 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers annually to fight against their Russian speaking citizens there. Over 14,000 dead in 8 years since.

2017 US begins providing weapons for Ukraine to fight against its own people in Donbas

2021  The Year of Living Dangerously

Ukraine begins joint military training with NATO

June 14 – US, NATO reaffirm at NATO Summit to bring Ukraine into NATO

July – Operation Sea Breeze – Ukraine participates with 31 countries in Black Sea naval exercises aimed at Russia

September – Rapid trident 21 – Ukraine army engages in enhanced operational coordination with US, NATO countries

September – Ukraine President Zelensky renews his desire to join NATO, renouncing earlier pledge for Ukraine-Russian détente

September – Zelensky shuts down pro Russian TV stations in Ukraine

September – Zelensky visits Biden in White House to discuss closer US-Ukraine cooperation

November 10 – US and Ukraine sign US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic partnership, reaffirming eventual NATO membership for Ukraine

November 21 – Russian President Putin sends letter to US and NATO countries demanding 1. No NATO for Ukraine, 2. No offensive weapons on Russia’s borders, 3. NATO troops and equipment in Eastern Europe to be moved back to Western Europe.’

December – Response from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “There is no change. There will be no change.”

But there has been change. Ukraine is being inexorably destroyed. Millions around the world face hunger, even starvation. The US economy sees soaring inflation, a Bear Market, eventual recession. US treasure in the tens of billions flees US for Ukraine, prolonging its death and destruction.

Worst of all? US and Russia on collusion course to nuclear annihilation.

That’s America’s Forrest Gump foreign policy in Ukraine: Stupid is as stupid does.


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Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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When you read some so-called bombshell report dishing the dirt on some Top Secret U.S. operation in the New York Times or the Washington Post, you need to understand that this was not the result of some intrepid, eager beaver reporter who took the initiative and came up with a nifty idea for a story. Such stories are based on official or sanctioned leaks and always have an ulterior motive. This is not so much about informing an ignorant public about reality, rather it is either propaganda or signalling a shift in U.S. policy.

The New York Times published such a piece today under the title, Commando Network Coordinates Flow of Weapons in Ukraine, Officials Say. Ooohhh! Commando Networks. Sounds sexy and sinister:

Screenshot from The New York Times

As Russian troops press ahead with a grinding campaign to seize eastern Ukraine, the nation’s ability to resist the onslaught depends more than ever on help from the United States and its allies — including a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training, according to U.S. and European officials.

Much of this work happens outside Ukraine, at bases in Germany, France and Britain, for example. But even as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials.

At the same time, a few dozen commandos from other NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, also have been working inside Ukraine. The United States withdrew its own 150 military instructors before the war began in February, but commandos from these allies either remained or have gone in and out of the country since then, training and advising Ukrainian troops and providing an on-the-ground conduit for weapons and other aid, three U.S. officials said.

I want to ensure you understand the first key “talking point”–the C.I.A. is still in Ukraine and working with both Ukrainian military and intelligence services “directing vast amounts of intelligence.” This totally destroys any claim that the United States Intelligence Community does not know what is the true status and operational capability of the Ukrainian Army. You see, if you are passing intel to the Ukrainians you are also in a position to glean what they are capable of doing with such information.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say that the CIA bubba in Kiev gets word that Russians are massing 5 Battlion Tactical Groups northeast of Mariupol. Mr. CIA gives that intel, with precise geographic coordinates to his Ukrainian counterpart. One would expect the Ukrainians to launch some sort of attack with fixed wing aircraft or missiles or artillery or armored units on that Russian force. In the real case of Mariupol, Ukraine failed to stop the Russian offensive and the city was captured, along with 2500 members of Ukraine’s AZOV Battalion.

At that point, Mr. CIA bubba has to report back to headquarters in McLean, Virginia why Ukraine failed to act on the intelligence. Was it because the intel was wrong? Was it because Ukraine ignored the intel? Or was it because Ukraine had no operational resources capable of acting on that intel? Regardless of the answer, the information flowing back to CIA Headquarters is supposed to give the analysts some evidence for drawing conclusions about the failure to act on that intelligence.

The next critical talking point in the NY Times piece concerns the news that U.S. special forces and special operations forces supposedly are not operating in Ukraine. We have left that dirty, dangerous work to commandos from Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania.

But all of this is window dressing to distract from the real news in the NY Times piece. It is in the last five paragraphs of the article:

The Ukrainian military’s most acute training problem right now is that it is losing its most battle-hardened and well-trained forces, according to former American officials who have worked with the Ukrainians.

The former Trump administration official said Special Operations Command had small groups of American operators working in the field with Ukrainian officials before the war. The American teams were sometimes called Jedburgh, a reference to a World War II effort to train partisans behind enemy lines, the official said.

The modern special operations teams mainly focused on training in small-unit tactics but also worked on communications, battlefield medicine, reconnaissance and other skills requested by Ukrainian forces. Those efforts, the official said, ended before the Russian invasion but would have been helpful if they had continued during the war.

Having American trainers on the ground now might not be worth the risks, other former officials said, especially if it prompted an escalation by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

“Would the enhancement of the training be worth the possible price that is going to have to be paid?” Mr. Wise said. “An answer is probably not.”

Got that? The most acute problem is that the best Ukrainian troops are dead, wounded or captured. There are no first rate troops left to train. Oh my. That is a problem and the United States is not going to put any of our troops into harms way. That is, for now, the Biden Administration’s policy. Putting “modern special operations teams” on the ground to train Ukrainians is, per the NY Times piece, too great a risk and carries a price that is not worth the outcome.


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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced Tuesday that Argentina is on track to become a member of the BRICS group of emerging economies along with Iran.

“Of course, both Argentina and Iran are worthy and respected candidates, as well as a number of other countries that are also mentioned in the discussions,” said Lavrov, who is on a working visit to Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan.

During his press conference, Lavrov confirmed that the preliminary process for Argentina’s incorporation has already gotten underway and that the ultimate decision concerning both nations’ accession “will be made by consensus.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also confirmed on the Telegram messaging app that both Argentina and Iran have officially presented their applications to become members of BRICS — an informal intergovernmental organization of five major emerging economies that seeks to develop dialogue and multilateral cooperation and could become among the leading economies in the near future.

The organization was founded in 2009 by Brazil, Russia, India and China and held its inaugural summit in Yekaterinburg, Russia. South Africa became a member in 2010.

Today, BRICS accounts for over 40% of the world’s population and around 26% of the global economy.

Last week, Argentina’s President Alberto Fernández pushed for his country to become a member of the bloc during its 14th summit via video conference.

Fernández, who was invited by Chinese President Xi Jinping, said “we aspire to become full members of this group of nations that already represents 42% of the world’s population and 24% of the global gross domestic product.”

At the summit, the Argentine Peronist leader underscored the South American country’s desire to join BRICS, insisting that “Argentina wants to join this space and offer its contributions as a member of it.”


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War in Ukraine: Why Biden Is in Trouble

June 29th, 2022 by Marc Vandepitte

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About Ukraine, we hear tough language coming from Washington. But Asia Times punctures the rhetoric. According to that news website, Joe Biden has been facing a double disaster since the war in Ukraine started: a recession in his own country and heading for a second strategic humiliation in a year. Will it force him to change course?


Western mainstream media do not excel in balanced reporting when it comes to the war in Ukraine. The level of propagandistic content is high and the NATO line is followed slavishly with a few exceptions. Fortunately, things are different in the rest of the world. There you hear different voices.

Take for example, a recent analysis in Asia Times. This news website is based in Hong Kong and is one of the most prominent news media in Asia. According to Asia Times, the White House completely misjudged this war. Biden’s tough language is meant to mask the predicament he has found himself in.

Biden is facing two serious problems as a result of the war, according to Asia Times. Economically, his country and large parts of the rest of the world are heading for a crisis. In addition, after the debacle in Afghanistan last summer, he will suffer a second humiliation with this war.

A ‘perfect storm’ in the world economy

As a result of Western sanctions, world trade has been severely disrupted, especially in the field of energy and food. This causes strong inflation and then the spectre of the severe crisis of the 1970s arises. High inflation also means lower purchasing power for the people and Biden will certainly be judged on that in the midterm elections in November.

The inflation resulting from the sanctions comes on top of the price rises caused by the pandemic. Trump took stimulus measures to combat the corona crisis. Under Biden, that kind of financial support has doubled. According to Asia Times, the Biden administration has grossly underestimated the inflationary effect of this $6,000 billion stimulus package. The consequences of the sanctions are added, with all the consequences they entail.

It is possible to fight inflation with higher interest rates, but that will shrink economic growth and possibly cause stock markets to plummet. Then the cure will be worse than the disease. In the first quarter, the US economy has already contracted by 1.4 percent year-on-year. The sales of new homes have also collapsed. That heralds severe thunderstorms for the rest of the economy.

The US therefore faces a difficult dilemma: inflation or economic stagnation (due to higher interest rates). In the worst-case scenario, there will even be a combination of both and then you get stagflation.

In the weaker economies of the G7, the situation is even worse. Asia Times reports that the Japanese yen is in free fall. Government debt amounts to 270 percent of GDP. Japanese government bond yields rose in mid-June to the highest level since the 2008 financial crisis.

Italy has recently also had to deal with high interest rates and then in Europe threatens again ‘fragmentation of the European Union’[1] as after the financial crisis of 2008.

The economic sanctions were intended to hit Russia. Those sanctions will undoubtedly hurt and are already being felt. But Russia has been well prepared for a sanctions’ regime since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. A large majority of countries in the world are also unwilling to follow the sanctions policies of the West.

According to Asia Times, the US has underestimated the resilience of the Russian economy. As a result of higher prices, Russia made a record $97 billion in oil and gas exports in the first 100 days of the war. The rouble has reached its highest level in the last seven years.

Asia Times drily notes that countries like China and India, which refused to join the G7 sanctions against Russia, are now buying Russian petroleum at a discount of $30 to $40 a barrel, while consumers in Europe and the US pay full price.

Military hubris

According to Asia Times, it was the US in particular that was pushing for war. The website refers to the attempt by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to avoid war five days before the invasion. But at Washington’s urging, Zelensky rejected Scholz’s proposal. The Wall Street Journal wrote about this on April 1:

‘Mr. Scholz made a last-ditch effort for a settlement between Moscow and Kiev. He told Mr Zelensky in Munich on February 19 that Ukraine should renounce its NATO aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security agreement between the West and Russia.

The pact would be signed by Messrs. Putin and Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security. Mr Zelensky said there was no confidence that Mr Putin would abide by such an agreement and that most Ukrainians wanted to join NATO.’

Zelensky did not invent the idea of ​​NATO membership for Ukraine. ‘He was given assurances by Washington and London, which stepped up weapons deliveries to Ukraine.’

The Biden administration wanted to bring Russia to its knees militarily with this war, but according to Asia Times, the capabilities of the Russian military have been underestimated: ‘Washington’s earlier boasts of driving Russian President Vladimir Putin from power, destroying Russia’s capacity to make war and halving the size of the Russian economy look ridiculous in retrospect.’

According to the Asian website, ‘a compromise in Ukraine with significant territorial concessions to Russia is the only conceivable way to end the war’. But you can’t expect Washington to come up with such a proposal, because that would be a humiliation.

However, it cannot be ruled out that this will happen. The longer the war drags on, the greater the economic problems and the more difficult Biden’s position becomes. It is not inconceivable that Biden therefore will encourage European leaders to force Ukraine into negotiations with Moscow so that he does not have to do ‘the dirty work’.

In that regard, the site points to a hint from Colin H Kahl, the Defence Undersecretary. In mid-June he declared: ‘We’re not going to tell the Ukrainians how to negotiate, what to negotiate and when to negotiate. They’re going to set those terms for themselves.’

In any case, in mid-June there have already been talks between Ukraine on the one hand and Italy, France and Germany on the other. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, Kiev is beginning to doubt the solidarity of the West. Apparently, more and more voices in the Western camp are calling for peace efforts. The newspaper cites a statement by Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, which hints at a change of course: ‘The question is: What price are you willing to pay for peace? How much territory? How much independence? How much sovereignty? How much freedom? How much democracy are you willing to sacrifice for peace? And that’s a very difficult moral dilemma.’

Clear-cut choices

According to Asia Times, not everyone in the Biden administration is on the same page. The hardliners on this matter are Foreign Minister Antony Blinken and Deputy Foreign Minister Victoria Nuland. The latter is the architect of the coup d’état on Maidan Square in 2014 ‘that set the present tragedy in motion’.[2]

Biden, on the other hand, thinks about his political survival. At this point, his popularity has bottomed out. Not even 40 percent of voters support his policy, while 55 percent disapprove of it. Those are dramatic numbers.

It is not yet clear to the news website what will prevail: Biden’s instinct to survive politically or the ideological priorities of Blinken and Nuland. ‘Either climb down off the ledge or plunge into a world recession and a spiralling strategic crisis.’


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Translated by Dirk Nimmegeers

Marc Vandepitte is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] Then there will be a split between countries that are financially healthy and that can borrow at low interest rates (in the long term) and countries that are struggling with financial problems and have to pay high interest rates. If the difference between those interest rates (the so-called ‘interest rate spread’) becomes too high, this leads to untenable situations for the weak countries within the same currency and can lead to an ‘exit’ from the common currency.

[2] On 21 November 2013, protests arose against the government of President Viktor Yanukovych in Kiev’s central Independence Square, Maidan Square, over his failure to sign the association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. These protests were co-led by the US and Western allies. The protests became very grim and eventually led to the impeachment of Yanukovych in February 2014. The new pro-Western government took a tougher stance on the Russian-speaking population. In response, the people of Crimea voted in favour of independence in a referendum and armed resistance began from the Russian-speaking population in the Donbas region. Shortly afterwards, Russia annexed Crimea. Since then, there have been permanent hostilities between the Ukrainian army and militias in the Donbas region. 14,000 people were killed, mainly on the Russian-speaking side.

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

Winds of Change Sweeping Latin America?

June 29th, 2022 by Richard Dunn

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The 9th Summit of the Americas came to an uneventful close on June 10th. Held in Los Angeles, California, the summit from almost all accounts, was not only a diplomatic failure but, as award-winning journalist Roberto Lovato called it,

“a failure of hemispheric proportions and a global embarrassment for the United States and for the Biden Administration.”

In the first case the failure comes from that the Summit producing no concrete or effective plan of action to address the growing problem of persistent poverty within the developing countries; mass immigration as a result of poverty; the ever-increasing dangers of climate change; the lingering pandemic; the pernicious role of U.S. multinationals and the U.S.’s continued interference in the internal affairs of countries in the region.

The other failure comes from the unilateral and hypocritical decision by the United States to exclude Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua because of their allegedly poor human rights records and authoritarian governments.

This is as hypocritical and self-serving as it comes; the United States is in no historical or moral position to criticize, much less ostracize, any country because of perceived human rights abuses, corruption or other governmental misdeeds.

The U.S. has a horrible record in this regard: The enslavement of Africans; lynching; Jim Crow laws; government-sanctioned segregation; surveillance, arrest, and imprisonment of dissidents on false and fabricated charges, are just a few of the atrocities that the United States has carried out and continues against its own citizens. The U.S. meanwhile has a record of supporting mass atrocities across Latin America and regimes that systematically violate human rights.

The other failure of the summit was the exclusion also of an Indigenous peoples delegation, which was denied entry. The U.S. at the same time met with extreme right-wing climate-change denier Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, whose human rights record is in fact much worse than the countries the U.S. excluded from the Summit.

Why the US Is Embracing Jair Bolsonaro Despite His Anti-Democracy Credentials

Joe Biden is all smiles with Brazil’s reactionary leader Jair Bolsonaro at the Summit of the Americas. [Source:]

The theme of the Summit was “building a sustainable, resilient and equitable future”; the farce of this is evident especially by denying participation of indigenous peoples. There were leaders in attendance whose records of treatment toward Indigenous people, dissidents and journalists in their own countries are brutally repressive.

Moreover, there cannot be a “Summit of the Americas” when key countries of the region and representatives of Indigenous peoples are excluded. It was encouraging to see the leaders of Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador take a principled and truly non-aligned position in boycotting the Summit; it was disappointing that more or all countries of the region did not express solidarity with Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua and boycott the Summit.

U.S. govt's Summit of the Americas fails: Boycott by presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala | MR Online


The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have deep-rooted problems of socio-economic development, caused by colonialism, neocolonialism and the policies and actions of imperialist globalization led by the United States and their multinationals operating in these countries.

Companies that rape natural resources by paying pennies on the dollar for extraction and mining rights; create environmental hazards by depleting and destroying biodiversity; support union-busting and pay-offs to corrupt politicians; and provide material support to despotic regimes which imprison and kill dissidents are just a few of the atrocities the multinationals support and encourage to maintain their stranglehold on the sources of their enormous wealth and power.

If the United States were sincere in its intent, all countries of the region would have been invited, to openly discuss and examine the problems facing the region’s development and the critical role the United States plays in resolving or worsening the situation.

It is high time that the leaders of the developing world understand that the fight against imperialism is not only socio-economic but ideological as well; it is the ideology of hegemony, white supremacy, and great-power chauvinism, which justifies and maintains the economic exploitation and dependency of the developing countries.

These leaders cannot allow themselves to be fooled or trivialize the legacy of colonialism by kowtowing to flowery speeches and self-serving comments. Sigmund Freud spoke of the “psychopathology of everyday life”; the psychopathology of the United States is to sanitize and turn its hegemonistic and militaristic history on its head with erroneous and misleading narratives. Now is not the time for leaders, legislators or activists to be confused or ambivalent regarding the issues. The problems of the region call for leadership that is informed, clear and decisive. The interests and lives of working people demand this approach.

Colombia and Latin America’s New Pink Tide

The wide repudiation of the Summit of the Americas was followed by the June 19th epic victory of the left-wing Pacto Historico (Historic Pact) led by Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez in Colombia. Petro is a former M-19 guerrilla leader who has called for “a transition from an economy of death to an economy of life,” saying that “we cannot accept that the wealth and foreign exchange reserves in Colombia come from the export of three of humanity’s poisons: petroleum, coal, and cocaine.”

The Pacto Historco’s victory follows previous peoples’ movement victories in Bolivia, Chile, Honduras, and Ecuador, as well as possibly this fall in Brazil. President elect Gustavo Petro won the first-round election in May and again won this second round, despite the military and rightist President Ivan Duque’s attempt to malign and sabotage the outcome of the election. As significant and welcomed as it is, Petro’s victory is faced with critical challenges of governance and socio-economic reforms.

Pacto Historico is not a relatively homogenous party and they do not have a majority in the Congress; the party is a coalition of liberal, centrists, progressive, and even the communist party.

The control of State power plays a critical and fundamental role for any movement having assumed power, to maintain it and carry out any socio-economic reforms in the interests of the working class.

The Colombian security forces have been linked to paramilitary groups, responsible for killing by some estimates, thousands of civilians and, the military itself has intervened in the election process by openly attacking Petro, a clear violation of the country’s constitution. Both groups are vehemently opposed to Petro and prior to the election, vice-president elect Francia Marquez an Afro-Colombian, complained that the United States through its ambassador, was interfering in the internal affairs of the country.

Prior to the election, the United States ambassador to Colombia Philip Goldberg, claimed that Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba would interfere in the Colombian elections, offering no evidence.

At a function organized by the United States Institute For Peace, Marquez said of the unsubstantiated claim: “This is a direct intervention by the government of the United States through the ambassador in the elections.” It should not be forgotten that in 2020 there was a failed coup attempt in Venezuela orchestrated by the CIA, to overthrow democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro thereby enabling strategic support for Ivan Duque of Colombia.

Petro hopes to usher in a new progressive era for Colombia with his plans for social and environmental justice, peace, and land reform including democratizing land ownership especially for the farmers.

He wants to reduce the failed neoliberal economic policies, that have plunged a significant number of the population into poverty, and to honor the peace agreement with the leftist Fuerzas Armada Revolucionario de Colombia (FARC) and restore diplomatic relations with Venezuela.

All this will require political tenacity, not the least being the control of State power, organizational creativity and the full involvement of the working class.

Despite ideological inconsistencies with Gustavo Petro, he and Francia Marquez’s victory represents a new thinking and political era in Colombia and provides further impetus for peoples movement throughout Latin America that are struggling for social justice and self-determination.

“The moment has arrived for Colombia to be an autonomous people, who can define itself,” Marquez said. The same may be true for all of Latin America as the era of the Monroe doctrine and “American Century” slowly comes to an end.


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Richard Dunn is a retired construction professional, trained in Architecture and Energy Management. He’s been a social justice activist since 1968 and was particularly active with the Walter Rodney defense demonstrations. Richard is an author, a contributing columnist to newspapers, an editor for a music industry magazine and operates a social justice website. Richard can be reached at: [email protected].

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Behind the “Tin Curtain”: BRICS+ vs. NATO/G7

June 29th, 2022 by Pepe Escobar

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Once upon a time, there existed an Iron Curtain which divided the continent of Europe. Coined by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the term was in reference to the then-Soviet Union’s efforts to create a physical and ideological boundary with the west. The latter, for its part, pursued a policy of containment against the spread and influence of communism.

Fast forward to the contemporary era of techno-feudalism, and there now exists what should be called a Tin Curtain, fabricated by the fearful, clueless, collective west, via G7 and NATO: this time, to essentially contain the integration of the Global South.

BRICS against G7

The most recent and significant example of this integration has been the coming out of BRICS+ at last week’s online summit hosted by Beijing. This went far beyond establishing the lineaments of a ‘new G8,’ let alone an alternative to the G7.

Just look at the interlocutors of the five historical BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa): we find a microcosm of the Global South, encompassing Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and South America – truly putting the “Global” in the Global South.

Revealingly, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s clear messages during the Beijing summit, in sharp contrast to G7 propaganda, were actually addressed to the whole Global South:

  • Russia will fulfill its obligations to supply energy and fertilizers.
  • Russia expects a good grain harvest – and to supply up to 50 million tons to world markets.
  • Russia will ensure passage of grain ships into international waters even as Kiev mined Ukrainian ports.
  • The negative situation on Ukrainian grain is artificially inflated.
  • The sharp increase in inflation around the world is the result of the irresponsibility of G7 countries, not Operation Z in Ukraine.
  • The imbalance of world relations has been brewing for a long time and has become an inevitable result of the erosion of international law.

An alternative system

Putin also directly addressed one of the key themes that the BRICS have been discussing in depth since the 2000s — the design and implementation of an international reserve currency.

“The Russian Financial Messaging System is open for connection with banks of the BRICS countries.”

“The Russian MIR payment system is expanding its presence. We are exploring the possibility of creating an international reserve currency based on the basket of BRICS currencies,” the Russian leader said.

This is inevitable after the hysterical western sanctions post-Operation Z; the total de-dollarization imposed upon Moscow; and increasing trade between BRICS nations. For instance, by 2030, a quarter of the planet’s oil demand will come from China and India, with Russia as the major supplier.

The “RIC” in BRICS simply cannot risk being locked out of a G7-dominated financial system. Even tightrope-walking India is starting to catch the drift.

Who speaks for the ‘international community?’

At its current stage, BRICS represent 40 percent of world population, 25 percent of the global economy, 18 percent of world trade, and contribute over 50 percent for world economic growth. All indicators are on the way up.

Sergey Storchak, CEO of Russian bank VEG, framed it quite diplomatically:

“If the voices of emerging markets are not being heard in the coming years, we need to think very seriously about setting up a parallel regional system, or maybe a global system.”

A “parallel regional system” is already being actively discussed between the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and China, coordinated by Minister of Integration and Macroeconomics Sergey Glazyev, who has recently authored a stunning manifesto amplifying his ideas about world economic sovereignty.

Developing the ‘developing world’

What happens in the trans-Eurasian financial front will proceed in parallel with a so far little known Chinese development strategy: the Global Development Initiative (GDI), announced by President Xi Jinping at the UN General Assembly last year.

GDI can be seen as a support mechanism of the overarching strategy – which remains the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), consisting of economic corridors interlinking Eurasia all the way to its western peninsula, Europe.

At the High-level Dialogue on Global Development, part of the BRICS summit, the Global South learned a little more about the GDI, an organization set up in 2015.

In a nutshell, the GDI aims to turbo-charge international development cooperation by supplementing financing to a plethora of bodies, for instance the South-South Cooperation Fund, the International Development Association (IDA), the Asian Development Fund (ADF), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Priorities include “poverty reduction, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines,” industrialization, and digital infrastructure. Subsequently, a Friends of the GDI group was established in early 2022 and has already attracted over 50 nations.

BRI and GDI should be advancing in tandem, even as Xi himself made it clear during the BRICS summit that “some countries are politicizing and marginalizing the developmental agenda by building up walls and slapping crippling sanctions on others.”

Then again, sustainable development is not exactly the G7’s cup of tea, much less NATO’s.

Seven against the world

The avowed top aim of the G7 summit in Schloss Elmau at the Bavarian Alps is to “project unity” – as in the stalwarts of the collective west (Japan included) united in sustainable and indefinite “support” for the irretrievably failed Ukrainian state.

That’s part of the “struggle against Putin’s imperialism,” but then there’s also “the fight against hunger and poverty, health crisis and climate change,” as German chancellor Scholz told the Bundestag.

In Bavaria, Scholz pushed for a Marshall Plan for Ukraine – a ludicrous concept considering Kiev and its environs might as well be reduced to a puny rump state by the end of 2022. The notion that the G7 may work to “prevent a catastrophic famine,” according to Scholz, reaches a paroxysm of ludicrousness, as the looming famine is a direct consequence of the G7-imposed sanctions hysteria.

The fact that Berlin invited India, Indonesia, South Africa and Senegal as add-ons to the G7, served as additional comic relief.

The Tin Curtain is up

It would be futile to expect from the astonishing collection of mediocrities “united” in Bavaria, under de facto leader of the European Commission (EC), Fuehrer Ursula von der Leyen, any substantial analysis about the breakdown of global supply chains and the reasons that forced Moscow to reduce gas flows to Europe. Instead, they blamed Putin and Xi.

Welcome to the Tin Curtain – a 21st century reinvention of the Intermarium from the Baltic to the Black Sea, masterminded by the Empire of Lies, complete with western Ukraine absorbed by Poland, the Three Baltic Midgets: Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Czechia and even NATO-aspiring Sweden and Finland, all of whom will be protected from “the Russian threat.”

An EU out of control

The role of the EU, lording over Germany, France and Italy inside the G7 is particularly instructive, especially now that Britain is back to the status of an inconsequential island-state.

As many as 60 European ‘directives’ are issued every year. They must be imperatively transposed into internal law of each EU member-state. In most cases, there’s no debate whatsoever.

Then there are more than 10,000 European ‘rulings,’ where ‘experts’ at the European Commission (EC) in Brussels issue ‘recommendations’ to every government, straight out of the neoliberal canon, regarding their expenses, their income and ‘reforms’ (on health care, education, pensions) that must be obeyed.

Thus elections in every single EU member-nation are absolutely meaningless. Heads of national governments – Macron, Scholz, Draghi – are mere executants. No democratic debate is allowed: ‘democracy,’ as with ‘EU values,’ are nothing than smokescreens.

The real government is exercised by a bunch of apparatchiks chosen by compromise between executive powers, acting in a supremely opaque manner.

The EC is totally outside of any sort of control. That’s how a stunning mediocrity like Ursula von der Leyen – previously the worst Minister of Defense of modern Germany – was catapulted upwards to become the current EC Fuhrer, dictating their foreign, energy and even economic policy.

What do they stand for?

From the perspective of the west, the Tin Curtain, for all its ominous Cold War 2.0 overtones, is merely a starter before the main course: hardcore confrontation across Asia-Pacific – renamed “Indo-Pacific” – a carbon copy of the Ukraine racket designed to contain China’s BRI and GDI.

As a countercoup, it’s enlightening to observe how the Chinese foreign ministry now highlights in detail the contrast between BRICS – and BRICS+ – and the imperial AUKUS/Quad/IPEF combo.

BRICS stand for de facto multilateralism; focus on global development; cooperation for economic recovery; and improving global governance.

The US-concocted racket on the other hand, stands for Cold War mentality; exploiting developing countries; ganging up to contain China; and an America-first policy that enshrines the monopolistic “rules-based international order.”

It would be misguided to expect those G7 luminaries gathered in Bavaria to understand the absurdity of imposing a price cap on Russian oil and gas exports, for instance. Were that to really happen, Moscow will have no problems fully cutting energy supply to the G7. And if other nations are excluded, the price of the oil and gas they import would drastically increase.

BRICS paving the way forward

So no wonder the future is ominous. In a stunning interview to Belarus state TV, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov summarized how “the west fears honest competition.”

Hence, the apex of cancel culture, and “suppression of everything that contradicts in some way the neoliberal vision and arrangement of the world.” Lavrov also summarized the roadmap ahead, for the benefit of the whole Global South:

“We don’t need a new G8. We already have structures…primarily in Eurasia. The EAEU is actively promoting integration processes with the PRC, aligning China’s Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian integration plans. Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are taking a close look at these plans. A number of them are signing free trade zone agreements with the EAEU. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is also part of these processes… There is one more structure beyond the geographic borders of Eurasia.”

“It is BRICS. This association is relying less and less on the Western style of doing business, and on Western rules for international currency, financial and trade institutions. They prefer more equitable methods that do not make any processes depend on the dominant role of the dollar or some other currency. The G20 fully represents BRICS and five more countries that share the positions of BRICS, while the G7 and its supporters are on the other side of the barricades.”

“This is a serious balance. The G20 may deteriorate if the West uses it for fanning up confrontation. The structures I mentioned (SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, EAEU and CIS) rely on consensus, mutual respect and a balance of interests, rather than a demand to accept unipolar world realities.”

Tin Curtain? More like Torn Curtain.


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This article was originally published on The Cradle.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture in Moscow. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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Guest is Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a holistic physician, scientist and teacher, studied medicine in Freiburg and has been working 1982 as a physician in the USA. He is also an author of standard works and textbooks:

  • Textbook of Psycho-Kinesiology (INK 10. Auflage012)
  • Manual of Mental Field Techniques (Edition 2010)
  • Mental field techniques in practice (2011)
  • Editor of the journal for Neurobiology Here & Now (1999)

This session talks:

  • About the vaccination and covid damage observed daily in his practice.
  • About the development of the effectiveness of certain Therapeutic approaches at the beginning and now: Decrease in the Efficacy of certain therapeutic agents
  • Is of the opinion, Covid already in August 2019 rampant, as typical symptoms already at the time in Patients noted
  • About the “shameful study” that tried to prove a Hydroxychloroquine’s dangerousness, was recalled and yet continued to be used to justify the WHO recommendation against HCQ is being used.


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NATO and a War Foretold

June 29th, 2022 by Medea Benjamin

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As NATO holds its Summit in Madrid on June 28-30, the war in Ukraine is taking center stage. During a pre-Summit June 22 talk with Politico, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg bragged about how well-prepared NATO was for this fight because, he said: “This was an invasion that was predicted, foreseen by our intelligence services.” Stoltenberg was talking about Western intelligence predictions in the months leading up to the February 24 invasion, when Russia insisted it was not going to attack. Stoltenberg, however, could well have been talking about predictions that went back not just months before the invasion, but decades.

Stoltenberg could have looked all the way back to when the U.S.S.R. was dissolving, and highlighted a 1990 State Department memo warning that creating an “anti-Soviet coalition” of NATO countries along the U.S.S.R’s border “would be perceived very negatively by the Soviets.”

Stoltenberg could have reflected on the consequences of all the broken promises by Western officials that NATO would not expand eastward. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous assurance to Soviet President Gorbachev was just one example. Declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted by the National Security Archive reveal multiple assurances by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and 1991.

The NATO Secretary General could have recalled the 1997 letter by 50 prominent foreign policy experts, calling President Clinton’s plans to enlarge NATO a policy error of “historic proportions” that would “unsettle European stability.” But Clinton had already made a commitment to invite Poland into the club, reportedly out of concern that saying “no” to Poland would lose him critical Polish-American votes in the Midwest in the 1996 election.

Stoltenberg could have remembered the prediction made by George Kennan, the intellectual father of U.S. containment policy during the Cold War, when NATO moved ahead and incorporated Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary in 1998. In a New York Times interview, Kennan called NATO expansion a “tragic mistake” that marked the beginning of a new Cold War, and warned that the Russians would “gradually react quite adversely.”

After seven more Eastern European countries joined NATO in 2004, including the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuaniaich, which had actually been part of the former Soviet Union, the hostility increased further. Stoltenberg could have just considered the words of President Putin himself, who said on many occasions that NATO enlargement represented “a serious provocation.” In 2007, at the Munich Security Conference, Putin asked, “What happened to the assurances our Western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?”

But it was the 2008 NATO Summit, when NATO ignored Russia’s vehement opposition and promised that Ukraine would join NATO, that really set off alarm bells.

William Burns, then U.S. ambassador to Moscow, sent an urgent memo to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

“Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin),” he wrote. “In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.”

Instead of comprehending the danger of crossing “the brightest of all redlines,” President George W. Bush persisted and pushed through internal opposition within NATO to proclaim, in 2008, that Ukraine would indeed be granted membership, but at an unspecified date. Stoltenberg could well have traced the present conflict back to that NATO Summit–a Summit that took place well before the 2014 Euromaidan coup or Russia’s seizure of Crimea or the failure of the Minsk Agreements to end the civil war in the Donbas.

This was indeed a war foretold. Thirty years of warnings and predictions turned out to be all too accurate. But they all went unheeded by an institution that measured its success only in terms of its own endless expansion instead of by the security it promised but repeatedly failed to deliver, most of all to the victims of its own aggression in Serbia, Afghanistan and Libya.

Now Russia has launched a brutal, illegal war that has uprooted millions of innocent Ukrainians from their homes, killed and injured thousands of civilians and is taking the lives of more than a hundred Ukrainian soldiers every day. NATO is determined to keep sending massive amounts of weapons to fuel the war, while millions around the world suffer from the growing economic fallout of the conflict.

We can’t go back and undo Russia’s catastrophic decision to invade Ukraine or NATO’s historic blunders. But Western leaders can make wiser strategic decisions going forward. Those should include a commitment to allow Ukraine to become a neutral, non-NATO state, something that President Zelenskyy himself agreed to in principle early on in the war.

And, instead of exploiting this crisis to expand even further, NATO should suspend all new or pending membership applications until the current crisis has been resolved. That is what a genuine mutual security organization would do, in sharp contrast to the opportunistic behavior of this aggressive military alliance.

But we’ll make our own prediction based on NATO’s past behavior. Instead of calling for compromises on all sides to end the bloodshed, this dangerous Alliance will instead promise an endless supply of weapons to help Ukraine “win” an unwinnable war, and will continue to seek out and seize every chance to engorge itself at the expense of human life and global security.

While the world determines how to hold Russia accountable for the horrors it is committing in Ukraine, the members of NATO should do some honest self-reflection. They should realize that the only permanent solution to the hostility generated by this exclusive, divisive alliance is to dismantle NATO and replace it with an inclusive framework that provides security to all of Europe’s countries and people, without threatening Russia or blindly following the United States in its insatiable and anachronistic, hegemonic ambitions.

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK: Women for Peace, is the author of the 2018 book, “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Her previous books include: “Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection” (2016); “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control” (2013); “Don’t Be Afraid Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks from the Heart” (1989), and (with Jodie Evans) “Stop the Next War Now (Inner Ocean Action Guide)” (2005). 

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Regular contributors to Global Research

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

COVID-19 Is the Largest Psychological Operation in Human History

By, June 28, 2022

The Control Group Cooperative (CGC) was formed in July 2021. The founders recognized that traditional research universities and organizations refuse to do studies comparing the health of vaccinated versus non-vaccinated populations. Dr. Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Natural Health International, led a team that analyzed the CGC data, that currently includes over 305,000 non-vaccinated study participants in 175 countries. They are all provided ID cards that identify them as clinical subjects and thus “must not be vaccinated.”

Dubious War Propaganda: Kremenchuk Mall Bombing in Ukraine: Another False Flag?

By Kurt Nimmo, June 28, 2022

The attack had perfect timing—it occurred as the G7 was working on a plan to further fuel the ethnic fire raging in Europe’s poorest country (median income: $2,963; in war-torn neighbor Bosnia and Herzegovina, where ethnic tension remains a serious issue, the annual income is twice that of the Ukraine).

Video: The COVID Lockdown Is an Act of Economic Warfare Against Humanity: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Reiner Fuellmich, June 29, 2022

What is envisaged under “the Great Reset” is a scenario whereby the global creditors will have appropriated by 2030 the world’s wealth, while impoverishing large sectors of the world population.

Sri Lanka Suspends Fuel Sales Amid Economic Collapse; Asks Russians for Help

By Zero Hedge, June 28, 2022

A broke and extremely cash-strapped Sri Lanka halted all fuel sales except for essential services in a desperate attempt to manage a severe fuel shortage — allowing the government to buy some time and send two government officials to Russia to negotiate a fuel deal.

The G7 Summit and the Desperation Stage of Russian Sanctions

By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 28, 2022

Biden and the other G7 leaders are meeting in the Bavarian Alps this week. Apart from proclaiming they’ll never give up supporting Zelensky and Ukraine, it was announced the G7 leaders were planning two new sanctions on Russia.

Video: Noam Chomsky’s Stance on the Ukraine War: “The war must continue until Russia is severely harmed.”

By Kim Petersen, June 28, 2022

If Russia is a paper tiger, then what does that make Ukraine? Ukraine was trained by NATO, armed by NATO, and fed intelligence by NATO, as well as outnumbering Russian fighters while fighting on home turf?

CIA, European Commandos Operating on the Ground in Ukraine: NYT

By Kyle Anzalone, June 28, 2022

The New York Times reports CIA officers are in Kiev to pass intelligence to Ukrainian officials, and special operations forces from several allied countries are training Ukrainian troops near the battlefield. The covert operations in Ukraine are a part of a significant effort by Western governments to weaken Russia.

The US/NATO Gambit in Ukraine: A Proxy War for World Hegemony

By Edward B. Winslow, June 28, 2022

The consensus among objective observers as of June 2022 after four months of bloody conflict is that Russia is making headway—especially in the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine.  During the first month of combat, according to Russian Federation Colonel-General Sergei Rudskoy, “the main objectives of the first phase of the operation have been achieved.”

Biden Goes to the Middle East

By Philip Giraldi, June 28, 2022

The White House has confirmed that President Joe Biden will travel to the Middle East in mid-July. He intends to visit Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Saudi Arabia. The trip will be used to address outstanding bilateral and multilateral issues, including convincing the Saudis to pump more oil to bring down fuel prices.

Doctor Says Pfizer’s COVID Shot Trial Should be ‘Null and Void’ After ‘Twisting’ Data

By David McLoone, June 28, 2022

A British pathologist and researcher has said that Pfizer’s clinical trial for its COVID jabs in babies as young as six months old contains so many egregious flaws and misrepresentations that “the trial should be deemed null and void.”

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Guest: Karen Kingston – Biotech Analyst and med-legal advisor with over 20 years of experience driving blockbuster commercialization efforts for medical devices and prescription therapies. Owner of Varitage Strategies (since 2014). Was once a Cardiovascular Sales Representative for the Northeast Region (NY) at Pfizer.

This session is about:

  • an Infants and Toddlers study by Pfizer:
    “It is statistically and clinically impossible to conduct a clinical trial that will prove a vaccine will be more effective than a child’s natural immune system.“
  • BLA/FDA approval (not shielded by EUA research)
  • new insights into the 2-SP Spike:
    “It’s a weaponized trimerized prefusion spike with 2 Proline modifications, aka optimized codons in Comirnaty and all other COVID-19 shots”
  • About the Operation Warp Speed contracts, especially the DoD/Pfizer contract


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The latest dubious war propaganda out of the Ukraine would have us believe those evil, blood-thirsty Russian barbarians bombed a shopping mall in Kremenchuk.

The attack had perfect timing—it occurred as the G7 was working on a plan to further fuel the ethnic fire raging in Europe’s poorest country (median income: $2,963; in war-torn neighbor Bosnia and Herzegovina, where ethnic tension remains a serious issue, the annual income is twice that of the Ukraine).

Gathered at Schloss Elmau in Germany, the G7 elite vowed to stick it out for long as it takes to defeat Russia. “The G7 leaders’ own statement aimed to signal that its members were ready to back Ukraine for the long haul, at a time when soaring inflation and energy shortages—fueled by Russia’s invasion—have tested the West’s sanctions resolve,” reported Reuters on June 27.

Put simply, this is merely more crude and easily debunked war propaganda. Inflation and gas prices were on the move upward well before Russia went into the Ukraine to flush out ultranationalists and neo-Nazis responsible for slaughtering ethnic Russians in Donbas and elsewhere in the Ukraine, most notably Mariupol.

Biden, senile and cognitively impaired, repeats what his neocon handlers tell him, that is to say a passel of lies about Russia and the economy. Even the Federal Reserve boss, no amateur at scrambling the facts, told the Senate Banking Committee on June 22 that “inflation was high … certainly before the war in Ukraine broke out,” Fox News reported.

As usual, we get mixed messages from the financial elite. In April, the International Monetary Fund told the World Economic Forum that following the “pandemic,” we saw the economy contract and Russia’s incursion “(r)educed supplies of [oil, gas, and metals…and wheat and corn”]… and “the surge in food and fuel prices will hurt lower-income households globally, including in the Americas and the rest of Asia.”

In other words, if we want a return to a modicum of prosperity, we must eventually go to war with nuclear-armed Russia (the Russian Federation has more nuclear weapons than any other nation, including its rival, the United States). In order to get consensus (and, really, none is required) for war, the state must contrive fictional narratives to rile up the populace and get them in the mood for war.

Recall the obvious false flag event in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. The supposed “massacre” of Ukrainians in Bucha by Russians was not confirmed, certainly not by independent investigators, and even the Pentagon (including the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency) found no evidence of a massive war crime, as the war narrative corporate media reported.

Ditto the maternity hospital in Mariupol. “There was no Russian bombing attack on any maternity hospital,” writes Robert Lindsay.

We have testimony from multiple residents that all staff and patients of all three maternity hospitals in the city were ordered out of the hospitals on February 25. There are newspaper articles from that date saying this. The testimony said that the Nazi Azov Battalion took over the hospitals and turned them into bases. So there have not been women or babies or staff in any of those hospitals for 12 days. Russia says it never bombed the hospital. The damage is consistent with the Nazis setting off explosives outside the hospital. No one was in the hospital at the time.

Indeed, there are multiple reports of the Azov and associated neo-Nazis using their fellow citizens as human shields.

In March, Vasily Nebenzya, the Russian Federation Permanent Representative at the United Nations, complained there

“is an information war going on, more likely a disinformation war, and we would say that in the West—in the free world—where Russian information resources are being turned off and where any information which contradicts your version of events is not allowed to be broadcast.”

Nebenzya “emphasized that safety for civilians in Ukraine was not a problem for Russians because Russians were not bombarding them but rather it was Ukrainian radicals and neo-Nazis who were holding hostage whole towns and cities and were making use of citizens as human shields.  They were not allowing civilians to leave cities despite the fact that there were humanitarian corridors and that Russian units had declared a ceasefire,” writes Rhoda Wilson.

At the time, Ukrainian citizens told journalists that it was not the Russians that were using them as human shields and firing upon them when they tried to escape the war zone. It was the Neo-Nazis, now embedded in the Ukraine’s national guard. (See interviews in this video.)

Naturally, you will find little information about these events in the war narrative pushing corporate media. According to CNN, NYT, Washington Post, et al., it is the Russians who are making use of human shields, not the neo-Nazis.

The Tochka-U rocket attack on the train station in Kramatorsk is another example of shoddy war propaganda by the Zelenskyy government. The serial number on missile wreckage at the site is a close match to other serial numbers on Tochka-U missiles in the Ukrainian arsenal, according to Italian reporters at Kramatorsk.

In fact, the disorganized and highly corrupt Ukrainian government at first said the missile was a Russian Iskander, but this was later changed when missile wreckage at the train station was identified as coming from a Tochka-U.

“The flight characteristics of the Tochka-U result in a debris pattern which has the cluster munitions impacting on the ground first, followed by the depleted booster, which hits the earth some distance behind the impact of the warhead,” writes the editors of Veterans Today. “This creates a tell-tale signature, so to speak, of the direction from where the missile was launched, which can be crudely calculated by shooting a reverse azimuth from the point of impact of the warhead through the booster,” and thus pointing toward the Ukrainian army.

Again, none of these details appear in Western corporate media, and the people who investigate such claims are now not only routinely dismissed as tinfoil hat wearing “nutters,” but are also now considered by the FBI to be domestic terrorists.

As the fear porn unleashed during the “pandemic” demonstrates, Americans will, with the right dose of propaganda, believe the lies and crimes of the elite. It is fair to say at the time of this writing that a majority of Americans believe the nonsense Biden and his neocons have put out there about Russia.

The corporate media makes no pretense to objectivity when it telegraphs disinformation and lies to the public. In the last century, two disastrous wars were fought under dubious circumstances. The role of the financial elite in bolstering Bolshevik communism and supporting Hitler before his invasion of Poland is well documented (and is “disinformation” feared by the establishment). Henry Ford’s trucks brought German soldiers to kill American soldiers. It took the intervention of the Roosevelt administration to get bankers, including George W. Bush’s grand daddy, to stop funding the Nazis.

As of this writing, we don’t know who is responsible for the Kremenchuk mall attack. The corporate media unquestioningly absorbs all the lies and fabrications the government (including the corrupt government of the Ukraine) puts out as gospel truth.

The Biden administration—a government of neoliberal insiders and neocons—will continue supporting the Ukraine and its Nazis. As history has shown, the US, in particular the CIA, are fond of Nazis.

Team Biden doesn’t care about the Ukraine. The objective is the destruction and dismemberment of Russia and the assassination of Vladimir Putin. Biden and his controllers have made this perfectly clear, never mind Joe’s inability to deliver a message semi-coherently.


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Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The United States is in a deep crisis on virtually all levels. Both household political parties have spilled over internal issues to the global arena, intertwining them with global superpowers, making it nearly impossible to establish normal diplomatic ties.

While the GOP is Sinophobic, the DNC is clinically Russophobic. This isn’t to say the GOP is pro-Russian or the DNC pro-Chinese, although both parties have accused each other of these “crimes”.

In reality, they simply see the urgency of a supposed long-term threat from China and Russia differently. This inability to separate internal and foreign policies results in a new era of global confrontation, effectively cementing a new Cold War, whether against China or Russia. This further exacerbates internal issues, resulting in a vicious cycle.

Since Obama, some have naively started seeing the GOP as less pro-war, but in reality, this is more of a result of Trump’s policies. However, even his policies were hardly anti-war. Trump’s presidency was simply based on realpolitik more than ever since the Reagan era. After the (First) Cold War ended, but especially in the post-9/11 era, America spent much of its resources on destroying and pillaging the world. It scooped up and dismantled numerous “noncompliant” regional powers, spending decades on making its massive Military-Industrial Complex more powerful than at any point in US history, including the heyday of the (First) Cold War.

For the rest of the world, the only difference was that the Republicans preferred “boots on the ground”, while the DNC was relying on air power (piloted or unmanned) and subterfuge to further the interests of US oligarchy.

For the world’s population, it made little difference whether US marines, tanks, drones, strategic bombers or jets were killing them. By the time he decided to run for presidency, Trump realized where this runaway train was headed and tried to stop it. This wasn’t because of his altruistic convictions or anything of sorts. Simply, Trump was one of the billionaires who benefited greatly from America’s endless money printing with no backing and stealing the world’s resources in the process. He wanted to mitigate the side effects of America’s imperial overstretch and make the US position in the new multipolar world the best it could’ve been. America’s status as the world’s “sole superpower” was unsustainable, but it certainly could’ve kept the status of “primus inter pares” – “the first among equals”.

However, the belligerent oligarchy had other plans. Trump was ousted and “America was back”, as President Biden stated.

And indeed, it was back, as we can see in the sharp resumption of global instability. However, the incumbent hardly made any decisions, as his mental health has come under scrutiny. If there ever was any doubt US presidents don’t control the political establishment, it’s gone, quite possibly forever, as Biden was elected and officially keeps running a country with over 5,000 nuclear weapons. Ironically, it’s somewhat relieving that a person of his mental stature (by his own admission) isn’t actually in control. Yet, the relief fades away soon, as we realize the establishment is refusing to change course.

As the DNC is trying to cling on to power while furthering the (neo)imperialist thalassocracy agenda, internal divisions are pushed to extremes, whether it’s gun control, abortion laws, race, illegal immigration, etc. The issues piled up over the decades have become grossly politicized and inextricably connected to the interests of political parties and their sponsors, whether it’s the media corporations, the Military-Industrial Complex, intelligence cartels, etc. The DNC is using these issues to keep the power, as the final resolution of these problems would take away their main political talking points. In contrast, the GOP realizes these issues will hardly ever be solved and, thus, it tries to live with them, focusing on preserving the status quo or reversing some of the policies enacted by the other side. The result is a major division between “blue” and “red” states.

As federal legislation becomes increasingly delegated to individual states, these divisions are further exacerbated. Political parties can’t resolve existing or any new issues, so they try to keep what power they have left in their counties and states. As the states continue to diverge significantly on key issues, the federal center becomes paralyzed while trying to find some middle ground for these polarizing problems. The “red” states want lax gun laws, and stricter abortion and border protection laws, while the blue states want the exact opposite. This division has become so extreme that Texas, one of the most important US states, is contemplating a secession vote in 2023.

According to The Daily Mail, Texas GOP added a secession referendum to their 2023 platform. They took up the secession issue during the last day of their State Party Convention, also declaring Biden’s presidential win illegitimate.

The platform has a section titled

State Sovereignty” that reads “Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified.”

Although it’s unclear if the GOP is just putting pressure on the federal center under DNC control, or genuinely calling for secession, the die is cast. America has a choice – it can stop its global aggression and try to resolve mounting internal issues or implode under the weight of its own imperial overstretch.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. 

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Fukushima’s Dueling Museums

June 28th, 2022 by Jeff Kingston

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Biden and the other G7 leaders are meeting in the Bavarian Alps this week. Apart from proclaiming they’ll never give up supporting Zelensky and Ukraine, it was announced the G7 leaders were planning two new sanctions on Russia.

Like most of the previous phases of sanctions the purpose is to deprive Russia of revenues from exports. So far sanctions haven’t been all that successful in that shorter term regard. While the USA has banned Russian oil and gas imports to the USA, those amounts and revenue is insignificant to total Russian exports. And bans on Russian oil exports to Europe do not begin until December 2022, while there’s no ban on Russian natural gas imports—or revenues therefrom—at all to speak of.

The sanctions on oil & gas Russian exports to Europe have thus been minimal to date. Meanwhile, Russia’s exports to China, India and rest of the world have been rising. More important, with accelerating global prices for oil and gas, Russia’s revenues from both have been actually rising—even as the volume of energy exports have been slowing.

This rising revenue despite the G7 sanctions has presented something of a conundrum for Biden and the G7. The whole idea of sanctions is to dramatically reduce Russian revenues, not simply volume of exports! Sanctions thus far have had the opposite effect of what was intended—Russian energy revenues have risen not fallen.

So the G7 in Bavaria have come up with two more schemes to try to reduce Russian revenues. But the thin mountain air must be affecting their thinking. The two new schemes are among the most desperate and economically absurd sanction ideas spawned thus far.

1. Ban Russian Gold Exports to Europe

The first absurd proposal being bandied about in Bavaria is to get Europe to agree to ban Russian gold exports to Europe. The thinking is Russian revenues from gold constitute Russia’s second largest export revenue source. Most of the Russian gold goes to the gold exchange in London where it’s ‘sold’ in exchange for other currencies. The G7 thinks denying Russia access to the London gold exchange will result in a big dent in its total export revenues. But there are problems with this amateur proposal.

First, Russia could just as well sell its gold elsewhere in the world. It doesn’t have to sell it to the Europeans. Other major global buyers of Russian gold are Turkey, Qatar, and other middle eastern markets. Gold prices have been rising globally, as inflation has driven up oil, gas, and other industrial and agricultural commodities. With rising price trends, other markets will more than gladly buy up the Europeans’ share. Some will then no doubt sell it back to the Europeans—at a marked up higher price of course. The Demand for Russian gold will simply shift, from Europe to elsewhere. Russian gold export revenues will thus not fall on net; in fact, may possibly even rise.

Second, gold is an asset that provides a hedge against inflation. It may be that Biden can get the G7 leaders and their governments (and central banks) to boycott buying Russian gold. But what’s to stop individual businesses and investors in Europe from buying Russian gold, when it’s presently such an attractive asset? Will Biden extend sanctions on all the individual Europeans who simply shift their purchases of Russian gold from the London Gold Exchange to the gold exchanges in Turkey, Qatar and elsewhere?

2. Price Cap Russian Oil Exports to Europe

This is an even sillier proposal. First of all, by the time the cap on Russian oil gets implemented, doesn’t Europe supposed to stop buying all Russian oil imports by end of 2022? Who believes the Europeans can agree to put a price cap on Russian oil in three months for just three months more? Europe can’t do anything in three months, or even six. But this isn’t the most absurd aspect of the ‘price cap’ proposal.

Here’s the logic of how the price cap is supposed to work. Theoretically, Europe would all agree to buy Russian oil exports over the next six months but only at a highly discounted price. That is supposed to cut Russian revenues from the oil exports to Europe—i.e. reduce revenues the prime goal of all sanctions. The idea was first suggested by Janet Yellen, the US Secretary of the Treasury. That’s the Janet Yellen who told the world in February 2022 that inflation was temporary, remember!

Assuming Biden could get all the G7 to convince all of Europe’s 27 nations on a super discounted price or don’t buy any oil (as their economies run dry by December), there’s the ‘small problem’ of what Russia’s response might be to all that. The faulty logic is the G7’s deep discounted price offer for the oil would be lower than the 30% discount that Russia is now selling volumes of oil to India, China and elsewhere. The G7 presumably would offer to buy Russian oil at 50% of current world prices maybe? That would put pressure, as the G7 argument goes, on Russian oil sales to India etc. The Indians would then demand Russia oil prices at the G7 lower price. Russia would realize reduced revenues from collapsing oil prices to G7 and to India, China etc.

This is so ridiculous it’s almost embarrassing. The problem with the G7 ‘price cap’ idea is there’s no reason for Russia to want to sell any oil whatsoever to Europe at its deeply discounted G7 price.
First, why should it when Europe says it’ll phase out all Russian oil by December anyway? Second, Russia has shown it is not concerned with reducing natural gas export revenues to Europe. It’s already cut cubic gas exports to Europe by one-third as part of its own economic response to Europe’s agreement with US sanctions on Russia. What’s to stop Russia from just cutting off all oil exports to Europe—and well before December? Third, Russia would have to be pretty dumb to agree to Europe’s ‘price cap’ below Russia’s already 30% discount oil price sales to India? Finally, Russia knows if it cuts off all oil exports to Europe, it would just change the market flow of global oil, not reduce it. Russia would sell more to other countries, which would then just re-export back to Europe.

In short, the error with the G7 price cap idea is it assumes that buyers (Europe) can set the price for oil in what is a sellers (Russia) market! G7 may think they can stand market fundamentals on their head and make it work, but they are wrong.

Both the proposal to ban Russian gold exports to Europe and the proposal to manipulate oil demand to reduce its global market price—and thereby deprive Russia of revenues—are ideas that reflect more the desperation of the US and G7 to find some way to make sanctions on Russia work in the short run when they aren’t working well if at all.

The short run objective of sanctions reducing Russian revenues has not been working and the two latest desperate ideas won’t work any better.

Historians will wonder years from now why the US and its most dependent allies in tow—the G7 countries—embarked upon a scope of sanctions on Russia so soon after Covid’s deep negative impacts on global supply chains and domestic product and labor markets. Global markets, trade and financial flows were seriously disrupted by the Covid experience of 2020-21. But before they could heal, the US and its G7 allies embarked on sanctions that further disrupted and restructured global supply chains while simultaneously setting off chronic global inflation that ravaged their domestic economies as well. History will show, it was not well thought out.

Even less thought out are the more recent G7 proposals to ban Russian gold—and the fantasy that manipulating a regional (Europe) oil Demand could replace global Supply as the driver of oil price and revenues.

It makes one wonder about the qualifications of the current generation of world leaders playing with the geopolitical world order—but wonder as well about their apparent even less ability to understand the consequences of their economic actions.


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COVID-19 is the largest and the most comprehensive psychological operation in human history.

Narratives are meticulously controlled. Propaganda is persistent. Fear is key to the success of this psy-op.

But ultimately mainstream media propaganda channels are run by humans who either experience mea culpas or simply make critical errors that could potentially awaken the lambs. Microsoft is now cleaning up one of those errors that caused major upheaval among vaxx zealots.

The Control Group Cooperative (CGC) was formed in July 2021. The founders recognized that traditional research universities and organizations refuse to do studies comparing the health of vaccinated versus non-vaccinated populations. Dr. Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Natural Health International, led a team that analyzed the CGC data, that currently includes over 305,000 non-vaccinated study participants in 175 countries. They are all provided ID cards that identify them as clinical subjects and thus “must not be vaccinated.”

Many of said participants reported that the ID cards prevented the myriad loses of liberty and overt discrimination regularly face by the non-vaccinated across the globe. All participants agreed to fill out monthly surveys regarding their health. The instant study, uploaded to the ResearchGate preprint server on June 8, reports the results of the first five months of said surveys (October 2021 to February 2022).

The researchers made clear that all participants self-selected to participate versus being randomly selected. They also self-reported via online surveys. Thus this study is not directly comparable to traditional observational studies. The instant study focuses on a sub-cohort of 18,327 participants out of 297,618 who had registered by the end of February 2022.

The broad-based survey measured everything from discrimination faced by the non-vaccinated to the burdens placed on hospitals due to non-vaccinated patients. For the record, Europeans (60%) and Aussies/New Zealanders (57%) reported the most discrimination and hate incidents. Non-vaccinated Aussies and New Zealanders lost their jobs more often (29%) than anyone else. By comparison, 13% of North Americans reported job losses because they were non-vaccinated.

The survey findings were compared to pro rata adjusted CDC data on hospitalizations related to so-called COVID-19. CDC data found that 10.4% of Americans experienced symptomatic illness from October 2021 to February 2022. The CGC cohort experienced 25% symptomatic disease. The number is so much higher than the CDC number because anything from fatigue to a cough was reported as symptomatic illness.

A vast majority (71%) of the cohort reported self-treatment with some combination of zinc, quercetin, and Vitamins C and D. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were also commonly used for self-treatments. But it’s the hospitalization data that sent mainstream media into a panicked frenzy.

The narrative around the injections went from “it stops transmission” in early 2021 to “it prevents hospitalization” in 2022. The data say otherwise. The CDC reported that 0.6% of Americans were hospitalized due to so-called COVID-19 from October 2021 to February 2022. That’s compared to 0.4% of the non-vaccinated cohort. Thus you are 33% less likely to be hospitalized for/with/of so-called COVID-19 if you’re non-vaccinated. But again, there was no direct vaccinated cohort compared to the non-vaccinated cohort in the CGC study.

Read the full survey here.

The fallout ensues at

The CGC survey was originally reported by Luigi Caler at Medical Daily on June 14. Several hours later, re-published the article.

Note that is the “Microsoft Network” and the default homepage for the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.

The article remained live on for close to 24 hours. But now the original link redirects to the homepage. It is only accessible now via archives. As of Sunday, June 19, when you search the exact title of the article via Google, you get the following. The article does not appear in the search results.

When you search Luigi Caler, the original author of the Medical Daily article, the MSN article is the ninth result on the first page of Google results.

Regardless, Twitter blue-check vaxx zealots lost their ever-loving minds, and relentlessly attacked for republishing the article.

It’s unclear who is in charge of republishing articles on or who runs the RSS feeds that automatically republishes articles on said site. But rest assured, someone has been fired or worse.

Accidental truth more common than not

Fauci completely malfunctioned on live television on April 26. He said on PBS NewsHour that the world is “out of the pandemic phase” of COVID-19. The next day, then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki corrected Fauci in front of the world.

In fact Fauci is one of the primary providers of accidental truth in this age of lies and deceit. He admitted in August 2020 that any and all PCR tests exceeding 36 cycles of amplification are essentially finding “dead nucleotides” and are false positives for COVID-19. The United States used 40 cycles throughout 2020. The U.K. used 45. Of course the FDA rescinded the emergency use authorization for PCR as a COVID-19 test on December 31, 2021.

Even George W. Bush admitted a few years after 9/11 that 1) Saddam Hussein never had weapons of mass destruction and 2) Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

But the U.S. invaded Iraq anyway because Saddam Hussein started trading his oil in euros instead of U.S. dollars in the late 1990s. The powers-that-be are both very predictable and very sloppy. They rely on mass gullibility and obedience to pull off their agendas. But if you wait long enough, they’ll slip up and tell you the truth.

Don’t expect full truth being announced by global governments regarding the vaccine genocide anytime soon. The truth, however, is revealing itself with the hundreds and maybe thousands of daily sudden and unexpected deaths of young people in 2022. It’s all very simple – believe what you see with your own eyes, or believe what you’re told. It’s your choice.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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This is not the first time that Noam Chomsky has candidly supported US-NATO interventions (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria).

He was also supportive of the presidential candidacies of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2021.


Renowned progressive intellectual Noam Chomsky, author of over a 100 books was recently interviewed by AcTVism. the  focus of which in the first 20 minutes was the situation in Ukraine.

Chomsky lays out the US directive to NATO in the proxy war:

“The war must continue until Russia is severely harmed.”

The professor scoffs at Russian military might. He says that western European countries

“are gloating over the fact that the Russian military has demonstrated to be a paper tiger, couldn’t even conquer a couple of cities a couple of kilometers from the border defended mostly by a citizens army, so all the talk about Russian military power was exposed as empty…”

I grant that Chomsky is indeed a polymath, but is he an expert on military operations? Scott Ritter and Brian Berletic, on the other hand, are Americans steeped in militarism.

Berletic is a former US marine and Ritter is a former intelligence officer for the US marines. Both of them explain the Russian strategy in shaping the battlefield. The reason for this is to minimize Russian casualties and Ukrainian civilian casualties. This is unlike American Shock and Awe warfare where “collateral damage” (as killing of civilians by US military is trivialized) is accepted to attain US military objectives.

Moreover, since Donbass was the industrial heartland of Ukraine, as well as part of the wheat belt, it is in Russia’s interest to protect the infrastructure and agriculture, as well as protecting the, largely Russian speaking, people of Donbass. However, the perceived slowness of implementing the Russian strategy — surrounding enemy fighters in siege warfare and compelling their surrender — seems to make Russia a paper tiger in Chomsky’s estimation.

If Russia is a paper tiger, then what does that make Ukraine? Ukraine was trained by NATO, armed by NATO, and fed intelligence by NATO, as well as outnumbering Russian fighters while fighting on home turf?

Yet Russia has destroyed most of the Ukrainian fighters (including Ukrainian Nazi fighters), obliterated most of their weaponry, including resupplies by NATO, and has liberated Donbass and conquered other parts of Ukraine (a country on the verge of potentially becoming landlocked if it persists in fighting a losing battle).

Chomsky characterizes western countries as “free democratic societies.” [sic] He follows this by stating,

“There is no conceivable possibility that Russia will attack anyone [else]. They could barely handle this [fight with Ukraine]. They had to back off without NATO involvement.”

The fighting was personalized by Chomsky as Putin’s “criminal aggression” and that Putin acted “very stupidly” because he “drove Europe into Washington’s pocket”: “the greatest gift he could give the United States.” Chomsky would heap more ad hominem at Putin’s “utter imbecility.”

“The United States is utterly delighted,” states Chomsky. The military-industrial complex is “euphoric.” “Fossil fuel companies are delighted… It’s almost unbelievable the stupidity.”

Chomsky acknowledges that Ukraine cannot defeat the paper tiger, Russia, and supposedly Russian military actions have united the western world against Russia, as if the western world were not already arrayed against Russia. Yes, Germany backed out of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for delivery of gas to the German market. But who was hurt more by this?

Fossil fuel prices have soared and Russia is the beneficiary. Despite sanctions, the Russian ruble is strong. While the western Europeans have remained fidel to their American masters, Africa, South America, and Asia have ignored the sanctions. China, Pakistan, India, among others, have stepped in to import Russian oil and gas.

While Chomsky points out that the US military-industrial complex and Big Oil are overjoyed by the Russia-Ukraine warring, unmentioned is that average American citizens (and their European counterparts) are not feeling particularly gleeful at spiking gas costs and burgeoning inflation.

Chomsky keeps his focus on the invasion. “There is no way to justify the invasion. None!” Talk of justification is “totally nonsense,” says Chomsky. He admits that there was “provocation” by the US for ignoring Russian security concerns. “But provocation does not yield justification,” he asserts. “There is nothing that can justify criminal aggression.”

Why does Chomsky not mention the 8 years that Ukraine had been aggressing Donbass, criminally, where a reported 14,000 Donbass citizens were killed? Russia refers to a genocide perpetrated by Ukraine in Donbass. Russia justified its “special military operation” (what Chomsky calls a criminal aggression) by recognizing the sovereignty of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics and entering into a defensive pact (what NATO is supposed to be about).

War is anathema, but when diplomacy fails and you are faced with a violent, belligerent hegemon, then sometimes war becomes a necessity. When an animal is backed into a corner, it will come out fighting for its life.

The writing was on the wall when the US, a serial violator of international agreements, broke its promise to Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move one inch further eastward and then expanded to the Ukrainian border, a red line for Russia. Russia was being backed into a corner. Speaking to the initiator of the war in Ukraine, a question arises: is the animal backed into a corner by a predator an aggressor for realizing that fighting was the only option?

But no lives needed to have been lost. No territory needed to have been lost (aside from Crimea which had held a referendum in which the population overwhelmingly voted to join Russia; it is a United Nations recognized right of a people to self-determination).

And to think that all of this could have been averted if Ukraine had upheld the Minsk agreements that they signed granting autonomy to Donbass, nixed seeking NATO membership, and declared themselves neutral. In other words, honor a contract and use money allotted to militarism for other ends (say, for example, education, employment, and social programs). Sounded like a no-brainer from the get-go, and this has been magnified since the special military operation. But it does not seem to be sinking in to the Russophobia-addled brains of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his coterie.

All this is missing from Chomsky’s analysis. The Nazified Ukrainian government somehow escapes criticism. The US does not escape criticism, but this is mild compared to the name calling and criticism of Russia. It may not be surprising considering that Chomsky has been criticized for a biased and inaccurate version of Soviet/Russian history.


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Kim Petersen is a scuba diver, independent writer, and former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp at Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The New York Times reports CIA officers are in Kiev to pass intelligence to Ukrainian officials, and special operations forces from several allied countries are training Ukrainian troops near the battlefield. The covert operations in Ukraine are a part of a significant effort by Western governments to weaken Russia.

Citing unnamed current and former officials, the NYT explains the CIA has officers secretly deployed to Kiev to give intelligence about the war to Ukrainian officials. “CIA personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kiev, directing much of the massive amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces,” Eric Schmitt writes in the NYT.

Some Ukrainian military officers say the American intelligence is having an impact on the battlefield. The NYT describes the process as the CIA making satellite photos available to the Ukrainian forces near the front lines with tablets. Kiev’s soldiers can use the tablets to access a battlefield mapping app to assist in targeting Russian troops.

The report from the NYT is the first admission that Americans are on the ground in Ukraine. President Joe Biden has pledged not to deploy American forces to Ukraine and withdrew 150 soldiers training Ukrainian forces before Russia invaded on February 24.

However, several of America’s NATO allies have filled that void. According to the NYT, special operations forces from Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania are training Ukrainian forces near the frontlines. The role of the commandos is to train and advise Ukrainian troops and provide a conduit for weapons. Schmitt admits his article does not describe the complete activities of the CIA and European commandos in Ukraine.

The presence of CIA officers and commandos in Ukraine appears to contradict previous stories in CNN and the NYT. On June 8, Julia Barnes wrote in the New York Times that the US intelligence community had “blind spots” in Ukraine. On April 19, a CNN article noted the White House can only monitor weapons entering Ukraine for a short time before they enter into a “black hole,” and the US has almost “zero ability” to track the weapons. Both reports emphasize the US intelligence community’s lack of operations within Ukraine to explain their inability to collect more complete information on the war.


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Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.

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Japanese-Russian relations might be at their worst. It is true that after the Crimea referendum and its incorporation into the Russian Federation, Tokyo – under intense American pressure – condemned Moscow, and adhered to the G7 sanctions against Russia. It also supported the United Nations (UN) resolutions pertaining to “Ukraine’s territorial integrity”. However, at the time, Japan delayed its adherence to (mostly symbolic) sanctions so as to somewhat distance its own stance from that of the West in general. After the current Russo-Ukrainian war broke out, in contrast, it suspended certain visa issuances, excluded Russian banks from the SWIFT system, froze assets, and even revoked the country’s status as a “most-favored trading nation”.

Japan has emphasized its desire to increase overall cooperation with both the European Union and NATO towards a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. On June 15, for instance, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced he will attend the June 28-30 NATO Summit. It will be the first time a Japanese leader attends an Alliance summit as an observer. Tokyo has already promised to increase its defense spending to 2% of its GDP. At the G7 Summit, in March, Kishida echoed the Western stance in describing the Russian intervention in Ukraine as the one most serious aggression to the foundations of international law and order – a peculiar position, considering all the Western invasions and intervention in the Balkans, the Middle East and worldwide in the last decades.

Moreover, Kishida has shifted his country’s stance on the Kuril islands, also known as the Northern Territories – a chain of islands stretching from the Japanese island of Hokkaido, at their southern end, all the way to the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula (at their northern end).

These islands, under Russian administration, are claimed by Tokyo. This has remained an unresolved issue so far. Even though the post-WWII 1951 Treaty, signed by Japan, clearly determines that Tokyo would renounce all claims to the aforementioned islands, Japanese foreign policy for decades has insisted that it never recognized the islands of Kunashiri and Etorofu to be included among the “Kuril islands” – which is quite an untenable position, given all the former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida’ statements at the time, not to mention the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s own maps, and so on. In fact, Moscow and Tokyo have never signed a proper peace treaty to this very day due to this issue. This in itself is an interesting case. Already in 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared he was willing to put an end to the matter, finally signing a peace treaty on the basis of the 1956 Declaration – even conceding Japanese claims on the Shikotan and Habomai islands. Tokyo, however, demanded the larger islands of Kunashiri and Etorofu be “returned” also.

For many years, the island country of Japan has been in serious disputes with all of its “neighbors”  – China, Russia, and South Korea. This could be a sign that there is something wrong with Japanese diplomacy itself pertaining to its territorial disputes.

In any case, Japanese former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (2012-2020) pragmatically tried to maintain the country’s friendly relationship with Moscow, despite such differences. His successor, Yoshihide Suga (2020-2021), in contrast, returned his nation’s policy to a more hard-line approach on this issue too. And his successor, Kishida, in turn, has defended an even harder stance and has marked a shift in Japan’s Russia policy.  In response, Chinese and Russian ships have been conducting joint naval exercises in the western Pacific Ocean.

For the US, a Russian victory in Ukraine or a never-ending war there could weaken its own engagement and goals in the Pacific, and thus it has pressured both South Korea and Japan to take a kind of united approach to the issue of Ukraine too. If Tokyo burns its bridges with Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang, on the other hand, are increasing their dialogue and cooperation with it.

Furthermore, Japan has much to lose: Moscow has been a reliable partner much needed for Japanese diversification of energy resources. Moreover, Tokyo might find itself in the future amid disputes with China, North Korea and Russia too at the same time – and this cannot be a comfortable situation.

European security has increasingly become more about “countering” Moscow than anything else, and it would be a tragedy if East Asia were to follow such steps, with regards to both Russia and China.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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