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The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza has extended its devastation beyond the immediate human toll, reaching a state of “ecocide” that impacts the environment in often overlooked ways.

The relentless bombings and military operations have not only obliterated infrastructure but also wreaked havoc on Gaza’s ecosystem.

The first four months of the war have inflicted $18.5 billion in damage to Gaza’s infrastructure, destroying up to 66 per cent of buildings and half of the besieged strip’s trees, and resulting in the deaths of more than 36,000 Palestinians, according to the health ministry in Gaza, the World Bank and the UN.

Pollution in Gaza spans water, debris, and air, creating severe environmental impacts that pose long-term threats to the health and livelihoods of its inhabitants. Over 100,000 cubic metres of sewage and wastewater are being discharged daily onto land or into the Mediterranean Sea, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The UNEP spokesperson told in March that past marine pollution incidents in Gaza have led to elevated levels of chlorophyll and suspended organic matter in coastal waters, as well as gastrointestinal parasites. The current war is likely exacerbating these problems.

Simultaneously, solid waste is being disposed of in informal sites, where hazardous substances can seep into the porous soil and potentially contaminate Gaza’s primary water source, the aquifer. The rise in communicable diseases is alarming, driven by water scarcity, overcrowding, and a healthcare sector on the verge of collapse.

In the most overcrowded shelters in the south, there is only one toilet available for every 600 internally displaced persons, and access to running water is minimal, as reported by the American Near East Refugee Aid.

Debris and hazardous waste present a significant issue. As of January 7, UNEP estimated that the total amount of debris had reached 22.9 million tonnes, a number that has likely risen substantially since. This vast accumulation of rubble, combined with hazardous waste, is contaminating land and water sources, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) estimated that by mid-April, the Gaza Strip contained approximately 37 million tonnes of debris, equating to 300 kilogrammes per square metre.

“Gaza has more rubble than Ukraine, and to put that in perspective, the Ukrainian front line is 600 miles [nearly 1,000 kilometres] long, and Gaza is 25 miles [40 km] long,” according to Mungo Birch, head of the UNMAS programme in the Palestinian territories.

“This rubble is likely heavily contaminated with UXO [unexploded ordnance], and its clearance will be further complicated by other hazards in the rubble,” Birch was quoted as saying in international press.  

“There’s estimated to be over 800,000 tonnes of asbestos alone in the Gaza rubble.”

The war on Gaza is estimated to have produced between 420,265 and 652,552 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, comparable to burning over 1.5 million barrels of oil, according to British-American study, which also found that the greenhouse gas emissions produced in the first two months of the Gaza war exceeded the annual carbon footprint of over 20 of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries. The study estimates that the climate impact of the Israeli war in the first 60 days is equivalent to burning at least 150,000 tonnes of coal.

The use of white phosphorus by the Israeli army has further contributed to environmental contamination. White phosphorus is harmful to humans through all routes of exposure, and the smoke it produces contains phosphoric acids and phosphine, which are harmful to the eyes and respiratory tract, as stated by the World Health Ogranisation.


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Featured image: A view of Palestinians as they try to continue their daily life amid Israeli attacks at the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Jabalia, Gaz on February 17, 2024 [Dawoud Abo Alkas – Anadolu Agency]

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Anyone who ever spent more than five minutes studying the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict knows that whenever the Neo-Nazi junta is having a hard time at the frontlines, there is a desperate need to raise the morale of its largely conscription-based forces.

Whether it was the grossly overhyped “Patriot” SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems “shooting down” half the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS), including their long-range bombers even when these are well beyond the “Patriot’s” maximum engagement range or the even more overhyped HIMARS that the mainstream propaganda machine is trying to portray as the “ultimate wunderwaffe” of the conflict, “destroying” the Russian military left and right.

In reality, the Kiev regime’s “real accomplishments” with these weapons boil down to murdering civilians, including people in territories it claims.

Obviously, this is nothing “out of the ordinary”, as the Neo-Nazi junta has been doing it for over a decade at this point. However, this is “not enough”. It can be argued that the worse the situation on the frontlines is, the bigger the PR “victories” need to be.

Namely, the Kiev regime is now claiming that it allegedly “took out” a Russian Su-57 next-generation fighter jet. According to its military intelligence (GUR), the supposed attack was launched on June 8 and struck the aircraft parked on the runway of the Akhtubinsk airbase in the country’s southern Astrakhan oblast (region), located over 700 km from the frontlines. It remains unclear whether the drones used in the supposed attack were really launched from Ukraine or if this was done by sabotage groups operating within Russian territory. In fact, we don’t even know whether this attack ever happened.

The GUR released what it claims are satellite images showing some damage to the part of the runway where the Su-57 was parked. However, the very low resolution of the footage makes it quite a challenge to assess the level of potential damage to the aircraft itself. What’s more, the image quality (or the lack thereof) indicates that this could easily be a rather simple fake. The timing is just perfect, in every sense of the word. Firstly, what are the chances of a satellite taking photos of the airbase at such a “perfect” moment? And if it was simply damaged, why haven’t the Russians removed the jet from the area and prevented further damage? In other words, there are way too many holes in this story. And while some Russian sources are also reporting that an attack took place, the extent of the damage to the Su-57 remains uncertain.

It’s unclear whether the aircraft will still be flyable or if there’s the possibility of disruption to the operations of other jets in the airbase or elsewhere in the wider region. The footage itself doesn’t show any significant damage to the Su-57, although there are claims that shrapnel might’ve damaged it. Both the Neo-Nazi junta and the mainstream propaganda machine are exhilarated about a “destroyed Russian stealth jet”, even though some seem to be a bit cautious with all the inconsistencies in the story. On the other hand, as is customary for the Kiev regime, it’s now claiming that a second Su-57 was “also destroyed”. This is a standard procedure in its PR “victories” approach, where rather unconvincing “evidence” of one is used to amplify the propaganda effect of others (virtually always non-existent ones).

Ukrainian forces said they successfully destroyed one of Russia's most advanced combat jets, SU-57, in a drone strike on a military base deep inside Russia.

Ukrainian forces said they successfully destroyed one of Russia’s most advanced combat jets, SU-57, in a drone strike on a military base deep inside Russia. (Source: GUR/via CNN)

However, even if the claim is true, it doesn’t change the strategic aspects of the conflict. It would certainly be a setback for Russia, as the country operates around two dozen of these advanced jets, but once again, apart from a propaganda effect, it doesn’t make things any better for the Neo-Nazi junta. The Su-57 is a significant asset for launching covert airstrikes on heavily defended targets in Ukraine, particularly areas where foreign mercenaries and NATO personnel are located. However, it’s hardly the only platform the VKS can use for this purpose, as its MiG-31K strike fighters armed with 9-A-7660 “Kinzhal” air-launched hypersonic missile systems can do the same, only faster and from much greater distances. Unlike the United States and NATO, Moscow doesn’t really place as much emphasis on stealth.

On the other hand, the Su-57 is a prized target for the political West and its Kiev regime puppets. The jet has been used in a plethora of missions since the beginning of the special military operation (SMO), flying in highly contested airspace guarded by approximately one-third of the former Soviet Union’s world-class air defenses. It has been used to launch various types of precision-guided munitions (PGMs), particularly in SEAD (suppression of enemy air defenses) missions, while it has also proven itself in air-to-air combat against advanced Soviet-era fighter jets. And while Russia fields a small fleet of Su-57s (particularly when compared to its counterparts in US/NATO and China), all this makes them by far the most thoroughly combat-proven next-generation aircraft. This gives Moscow’s enemies a lot of reasons for envy.

This is particularly true when taking into account that the Su-57 has been exposed to much greater risks than any other jet of its class, especially when compared to NATO equivalents, as the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel dares to directly attack largely helpless opponents only. Thus, this PR “victory” effectively kills two birds with one stone – the goal of discrediting the Russian military and boosting the morale of the Neo-Nazi junta forces, as it keeps taking a nosedive, particularly now, when their lines are collapsing everywhere. It should also be taken into account that, if the Kiev regime’s claims are true (a highly questionable prospect), this incident still doesn’t diminish the capabilities of the Su-57. In fact, it can be argued it validates them, as Russia’s opponents have very little chance against its most advanced jet when it’s in the air.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Sukhoi Design Bureau, 054, Sukhoi Su-57 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Instigation of Rebellions in Tibet

June 11th, 2024 by Shane Quinn

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The land area called Tibet, in south-western China, is a vast and strategically important part of the Chinese nation, resting on the borders of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar. The size of Tibet, if including most of the sparsely inhabited Tibetan Plateau as part of its territory, amounts to 970,000 square miles which is almost 4 times bigger than France.

The Chinese authorities, however, recognise the part of Tibet located on the western side of the plateau, and in 1965 the area was formally established as the Tibet Autonomous Region by Beijing. The Tibet Autonomous Region consists of 472,000 square miles which is still much larger than nearly every European country.

Tibet is the highest region on earth with an average altitude above sea level of nearly 4,400 metres. The overall temperature in winter remains below freezing. In the winter of 2018/2019, the coldest in Tibet for two decades, the average temperature was minus 4.3 degrees Celsius which was almost half a degree lower than in usual years.

Many Tibetans live outside of cities and towns. Sixty-nine percent of inhabitants in the central part of the Tibet Autonomous Region were living in rural areas by 2017. There they have farmed yaks and sheep on the high altitude, semi-arid grasslands and valleys, while they grow crops such as barley.

\With the introduction by Beijing of healthcare programmes in Tibet since 1951, the average life expectancy of Tibetan residents has grown significantly. At the start of 2020 the typical life expectancy in Tibet was 70.6 years, whereas in 1950 it had only been 35.5 years. Because of its elevation and challenging land, the population of the Tibet Autonomous Region in 2022 consisted of a still modest 3.64 million people; but this is a population increase of around 15 percent since 2012.

Asia’s biggest rivers can be traced to Tibet such as the Yangtze, the Mekong, and the Yellow, which are a vital water source for many people living in nations like China, India, Pakistan and Thailand.

In modern history Tibet was reintegrated to China just over 300 years ago.

The Qing dynasty of China assumed control over the region in 1720, when Chinese soldiers that year defeated and expelled the Mongol forces of the Dzungar Khanate from Tibet. Yet the history of Tibet as being part of China dates much further back, to the mid-13th century, when the region was incorporated to China under the Yuan dynasty. China’s authorities have strongly argued that Tibet continued to be a Chinese territory during the Ming dynasty which lasted until 1644.

Over elapsing centuries one of the greatest challenges to China’s control over Tibet occurred during the 1950s and 1960s, in the immediate years after the successful culmination of the Chinese revolution in 1949. The revolution re-established China’s independence after many years of meddling in the country by the Western powers, such as from the United States.

After 1948 the US had “lost China to communism” and policies were undertaken in Washington to reinstate their authority over China, with territories like Tibet identified as target areas. The CIA and to a lesser extent the US military helped to instigate anti-Chinese insurrections in Tibet, such as occurred from 1956 in the Kham and Amdo areas in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau.

The CIA directly intervened in Tibet and following 1956 went so far as to fly hundreds of Tibetan militants to the US, where they underwent training by CIA personnel at a facility in the state of Colorado. This military training centre, called Camp Hale, was built for US mountain troops in 1942 and was positioned high up the Rocky Mountains. In the latter stages of World War II, some Wehrmacht troops captured by the US Army in North Africa were sent to Camp Hale where they were kept prisoner.

After completion of training at Camp Hale the “Tibetan freedom fighters” were flown in planes belonging to a CIA airline, called the Intermountain Aviation and Intermountain Airways, and also by the US Air Force, to a secret base for operations against China constructed in the town of Aspen, a Colorado skiing hotspot.

The failed 1959 rebellion in Tibet against Beijing’s authority was most heavily encouraged by Washington. As early as May 1957 armed Tibetan groups were created with CIA support. The following year (June 1958) an anti-Chinese guerrilla army, the Chushi Gangdruk Volunteer Defense Force, was established and its members were subsequently armed and trained by the Americans. The 1959 rebellion was supported not only by the CIA but by intelligence agents from India and Nepal, countries that were staunch US allies at the time.

Image: The 14th Dalai Lama in 1956 (From the Public Domain)

Photo of the Dalai Lama during a visit in India

The 14th Dalai Lama, an influential religious leader who is alive today, managed to evade Chinese government troops in March 1959 during the insurrection. Through wearing a disguise, on 17 March he fled Tibet southwards to India having been escorted to the border by CIA-trained Tibetan militants. Beijing’s soldiers were understandably enraged when they discovered the Dalai Lama was nowhere to be seen.

The Dalai Lama’s older brother, Gyalo Thondup, also still living, had a leading role in the 1959 revolt. Thondup was in contact with the Americans for years. He had visited Washington in 1951 and provided intelligence details and local knowledge about Tibet to senior American officials.

Thondup insisted the Dalai Lama was not told about CIA assistance to the Tibetans which is obviously untrue. US State Department documents, released in August 1998, outlined that the Dalai Lama himself received from the CIA $180,000 every year from the late 1950s to 1974. This means the Dalai Lama was already being furnished with large amounts of American money at the time of the 1959 rebellion. The sum of $180,000 in 1959 is currently worth almost $2 million.

The Dalai Lama was previously receiving a financial allowance from the CIA dating to at least the early 1950s, and maybe as far back as 1949, at the end of the revolution. The CIA budget, relating to Tibet, was multiple times larger than the funds that were allocated for the British and US-led coup against the Iranian government of Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.

The Dalai Lama has backed the unification of separatist groups in Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, with the ultimate aim of these Chinese regions seceding altogether from China. The Dalai Lama said,

“Geography, history and currently Chinese occupation is connecting our three peoples. I remain optimistic that the true aspirations of the peoples of East Turkestan [Xinjiang], Inner Mongolia and Tibet will be fulfilled in a not too distant future”.

American media later acknowledged the covert CIA training of Tibetan militants in Colorado. The CIA was also involved in funding “Tibet Houses” in cities like New York and Geneva, while the CIA’s budget extended to providing “educational opportunities” to Tibetans at Cornell University in New York, and supplying the insurgents with military equipment.

On 6 January 1960 for example, unmarked CIA aircraft flying over Tibet dropped to the militants below 650 pallets containing weapons, medical supplies, and food. In the weeks before that, CIA planes had dropped military hardware such as hundreds of American M1 Garand rifles, grenades, mortars, and machine guns.

Two more CIA air drops consisted of a further 1,170 M1 Garand rifles, 200 cases of ammunition for the rifles, and 20 cases of grenades. The M1 Garand was the firearm most commonly used by the US Army in World War II and the Korean War, but by 1957 the rifle was considered obsolete by the Americans.

Another CIA air drop in early 1960 amounting to 430 pallets, which contained weapons and other supplies, was sent to 4,000 Tibetan insurgents below. Their position was identified by China’s military pilots and heavily bombed. Occasionally, Chinese warplanes dropped leaflets ordering the militants to surrender and to ignore the Americans.

The Chinese aircraft often attacked enemy positions in the morning, at about noon, and then at around 3 pm or 4 pm. Fifteen warplanes would arrive in groups of five with each carrying between 15 to 20 bombs. Once the enemy forces were located, it was not a hard task for China’s pilots to execute their combat mission. Across the Tibetan Plateau there is scarcely any cover in which to conceal men and equipment. For the Chinese airmen the most difficult job was finding the enemy due to the vastness of the land.

According to a retired CIA officer living in the eastern United States, the Americans wanted to inflict injury on the Chinese in Tibet, and were aware they would be unlikely to drive Beijing’s divisions out of the area.

Image: Tsarong in captivity (From the Public Domain)


Tibetan guerrilla forces, with logistical support provided by the US, attacked China’s lengthy supply lines in Tibet and attempted to tie down Chinese soldiers and make life difficult for them. These attacks, although they inflicted damage, could not succeed over time because of the greater size of China’s military; and the fact that, compared to the enemy, Beijing’s troops were also better equipped and had advanced weapons like the Chinese Type 56 assault rifle, which was first produced in 1956.

Control over the Tibetan Plateau is crucial for China. Robert Barnett, an author who focuses on Tibet, wrote that the Tibetan Plateau from a military viewpoint is important because it is made up of the high ground and central, south and east Asia converge around it.

From the late 1950s CIA training camps were set up in Nepal including close to Pokhara, Nepal’s second biggest city, and in the district of Mustang, where Tibetan insurgents were trained by CIA operatives. There were at least 15 camps being used which were spread over Nepal, India, and inside China itself in Tibet.

By using Nepal and India as bases, the Americans were involving those two countries in the conflict against China. In the year 1964, the CIA spent $500,000 (worth $5 million today) on the guerrillas in Nepal; $400,000 ($4 million today) for the training of Tibetans in Colorado; $225,000 ($2.2 million today) on equipment, transportation and expenses; $185,000 ($1.8 million today) for flying to India the Tibetans trained in Colorado; $125,000 ($1.2 million today) for expenses, equipment and supplies to Tibetan reconnaissance teams, and on the storage of supplies, aircraft refuelling, agents’ salaries, and formulation of traineeships for the network of agents in Tibet.

Moreover, the CIA in 1964 spent $75,000 ($744,000 today) on maintaining the Tibet Houses in New York, Geneva, and other cities; $45,000 ($446,000 today) on “educational programmes” for 20 Tibetan youths; and the Dalai Lama of course received his annual $180,000. The Dalai Lama’s entourage stressed that he never spent any of the money on himself.

A security guard for the Dalai Lama, Lobsang Tsultrim, said that he was hired by the CIA in 1964 and had no qualms about it. The insurgents could be naive and were often unable to comprehend that the Americans were using them for their own strategic purposes. The Dalai Lama, regardless, admitted that the US military aid was “entirely political” in nature.

At the end of 1962 the Americans were granted access to an airfield beside New Delhi, India’s capital city. From this airfield the Tibetan militants were flown to Colorado in groups of 40 or 50 men.

Upon finishing their training in the US they were returned to India by aircraft, and shortly thereafter north to Tibet where they jumped out of the planes and deployed their parachutes. Hundreds of other Tibetan insurgents were flown to the American-held islands of Okinawa and Guam where they received training in guerrilla warfare, and they were then sent back to Tibet to fight against the Chinese forces.

A joint CIA-Indian command centre was set up in New Delhi in the early 1960s, as relations between India and China continued to worsen during this period. The Dalai Lama’s brother, Thondup, was forefront in directing US military aid through India’s northern region of Darjeeling across the Indian-Chinese border into Tibet.


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree and he writes primarily on foreign affairs and historical subjects. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


Politics in China: An Introduction, edited by William A. Joseph (Oxford University Press; 3rd edition, 6 June 2019)

“Tibet experiences coldest winter in 19 years”, Xinhua, 11 March 2019

“Total population of Tibet autonomous region in China from 2012 to 2022”, Statista, 7 March 2024

Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The Second Cold War: Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA (Springer; 1st edition, 23 June 2017)

“At the Highlanders’ Museum, Indian Talwar Sword, Flintlock Musket, Chinese Type 56 Assult [Assault] rifle, WWI Heavy Machine Gun, Kris Dagger”, The Highlanders’ Museum

“US Rifle Cal .30 M1 [Garand]”, Imperial War Museum

Featured image is from

History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa, the Allied Firebombing of German Cities and Japan’s Early Conquests

By Shane Quinn

The first two chapters focus on German preparations as they geared up to launch their 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, called Operation Barbarossa, which began eight decades ago. It was named after King Frederick Barbarossa, a Prussian emperor who in the 12th century had waged war against the Slavic peoples. Analysed also in the opening two chapters are the Soviet Union’s preparations for a conflict with Nazi Germany.

The remaining chapters focus for the large part on the fighting itself, as the Nazis and their Axis allies, the Romanians and Finns at first, swarmed across Soviet frontiers in the early hours of 22 June 1941. The German-led invasion of the USSR was the largest military offensive in history, consisting of almost four million invading troops. Its outcome would decide whether the post-World War II landscape comprised of an American-German dominated globe, or an American-Soviet dominated globe. The Nazi-Soviet war was, as a consequence, a crucial event in modern history and its result was felt for decades afterward and, indeed, to the present day.

Click here to read the e-Book.

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Based on real-life events, comes the corporate thriller, Protocol 7.

Alexis Koprowski, a devoted mother and small-town family lawyer, Adrian Jay, a renegade doctor exiled from the medical profession, and Steve Schilling, a virologist at a prominent vaccine laboratory turned corporate whistleblower, work together to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine.

Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”


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The Ugly Israeli Denounced

June 11th, 2024 by Rima Najjar

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Even before Israel exposed its heart of darkness to the world in the aftermath of Oct 7, the term “the ugly Israeli” was already a thing. According to many reports, Israelis traveling internationally have developed a reputation for unruliness, rudeness, and assertiveness; observed instances of Israelis arguing, yelling, and disregarding rules have led to negative perceptions by airline staff and other travelers abroad, and even to a Ynet news report that wonders, “Are Israel’s tourists the worst in the world?” But such characterizations of a national stereotype are just the tip of the iceberg.

The “heart, mind and soul” of the Israeli public in general is twisted, maybe even beyond redemption. Israel is often described by analysts in the Arab media as an army that has a state rather than a state that has an army. Support for military measures designed to entrench and expand Zionist political and territorial control of historic Palestine has been a characteristic of the Israeli public since the entity’s violent establishment on 78 percent of Palestine in 1948. This mass public support of violence is the natural human condition of a “State of Terror,” one that came into being through massacres very much like those taking place in Gaza daily now, and through robbery and deceit (very much like that being exercised now by Netanyahu and his partner in crime, Joe Biden) on the backs of the mostly agrarian Palestinian people at the time. (See State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel by Thomas Suarez, “The first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel against the people of Palestine”, according to Ilan Pappé.)

The aftermath of October 7th has disrupted Israel’s success in directly influencing the perceptions of the publics of other nations and garnering tolerance for the Israeli government’s strategic objectives. But the Israeli public is still firmly in the government’s public policy grip.

The Zionist Jewish entity controls not only the content and limits of Jewish identity, but also the content and limits of Palestinian lives. My concern here with the Israelis and their grandiose and self-absorbed national character is to expose and condemn their “distance from humanity,” their “millennia-old disdain for non-Jews” (i.e., their racism), which have shaped the horrendous and unjust world in which Palestinians have lived for more than 76 years and made the Israeli public complicit in genocide.

The censorship and repression of the Palestinian, international, and Israeli media hide some of the horrors of Israel’s war on Gaza’s children. But is it really possible that the Israeli public is unaware of the story the whole world is watching with horror, a story of “famished Palestinians killed outside aid trucks on Al-Rashid Street in February; of tent-dwellers in Rafah burned alive in Israeli air strikes; of women and children subsisting on 245 calories a day?” Do they honestly believe instead what Benjamin Netanyahu describes as “the victory of Judaeo-Christian civilisation against barbarism?”

In an attempt to search the Israeli public’s heart of darkness, Eitan Bronstein Aparicio (De-Colonizer) recently published a video of himself having conversations with random Israelis in May 2024 about what Israel is doing in Gaza and the possibility that its actions will ultimately be recognized as genocide.

Aparicio asks these individuals for their opinion on the lawsuit against Israel brought by South Africa before the International Court of Justice in The Hague (On February 16, the ICJ called on Israel to avoid actions that could lead to genocide and to facilitate humanitarian access for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.) Unsurprisingly, their responses show a uniform obliviousness to their government’s willful causing of great suffering to Palestinian civilians, including the “mowing” of Palestinian children. They deny it’s happening, even as the UN has put Israel on its “blacklist” for the killing, maiming, recruitment of minors, bombings of schools and hospitals, and attacks on humanitarian aid workers as well as Israel’s use of starvation as a weapon of war. Aparicio says:

“All the people I interviewed reject it [the idea that Israel is conducting a genocide on Palestinians] and even react to it with anger.”

At the very least, the scale and nature of Israeli military operations in Gaza, combined with policies that result in severe Palestinian suffering, suggest an intent to weaken or destroy the Palestinian population in Gaza. But Israelis are in self-absorbed denial.

Like the Nazi regime in Germany, the Zionist regime has been highly effective in its use of propaganda (hasbara), including exploitation of the Holocaust to shape public opinion, especially the Jewish-Zionist entity’s own public. It uses the Holocaust to justify military actions, occupation policies, and settlement expansion in the Palestinian territories, invoking historical suffering to justify contemporary political objectives.

Zionist leaders cooperated with Nazi Germany (the Haavara Agreement of 1933 — i.e., before the Holocaust) to allow Jewish emigration and the transfer of Jewish assets from Germany to then “British Mandatory Palestine,” thus helping to undermine the anti-Nazi boycott, which was supported by many European and American Jews and posed a potential threat to the German economy.

Under the Agreement, Jews emigrating from Germany could use their assets to purchase German-manufactured goods for export to Palestine. This created a substantial export market for German factories in British-ruled Palestine, which was beneficial for the German economy during a time of economic hardship. The largely agrarian Palestinian population was locked out, then as now, of the economic benefits of the influx of Jewish capital and labor to Palestine.

To me, the De-Colonizer interviews with Israelis are as chilling as the following excerpt from the cross-examination of Otto Ohlendorf, commander of Einsatzgruppe D, during the Nuremberg trials, which United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca P. Albanese shared on Facebook:

Q. Will you explain to the Tribunal what conceivable threat to the security of the Wehrmacht a child constituted in your judgment?

A. I believe I cannot add anything to your previous question. I did not have to determine the danger but the order contained that all Jews including the children were considered to constitute a danger for the security of this area.

Q. Will you agree that there was absolutely no rational basis for killing children except genocide and the killing of races?

A. I believe that it is very simple to explain if one starts from the fact that this order did not only try to achieve security, but also permanent security because the children would grow up and surely, being the children of parents who had been killed, they would constitute a danger no smaller than that of the parents.

When I came across the De-Colonizer video, I was curious to hear how the Israeli respondents would handle Aparicio’s question on the Gaza genocide, especially because Israeli PR has long invoked the term “ethnic cleansing” (in reference to Israeli Jews) as a tactic to create a negative association with the Palestinian right of return, framing it as something that could lead to the displacement of Israeli Jews. (See Frank Luntz’s report, which was commissioned by The Israel Project and came to light in 2009. It suggests several fact-denying strategies for Israel’s public policy communication.) The loaded term “ethnic cleansing” resonates negatively with Western audiences, says the report, but as it turns out, the concept of genocide, especially when it is not merely rhetorical and is happening before our eyes, also does.

The Israeli respondents in the video recycle all the most familiar tropes of Zionist propaganda, making use of several strategies of PR communication in Luntz’s report, such as denial, deflection, and accusations of antisemitism. They pretend that the war on Gaza with its wholesale obliteration of neighborhoods and families, schools, hospitals and markets, is an equal struggle between an Israeli state that has the fourth most powerful army in the world (F16s, nuclear weapons, the unconditional logistical, political and diplomatic support of the most powerful state on earth: the USA, and massive trading privileges from the EU) … and Hamas. They pretend that it all started on Oct 7, 2023 and do not acknowledge that Palestinians have lived for so long, not just with the blockade of Gaza, but also with the daily threat of Israeli incursions, the kidnapping of their children by brutal Israeli soldiers, the demolition of their homes, the humiliation of men, women and children at countless checkpoints, and the daily interference with normal life at every imaginable level.

Comparing Israel and the Palestinian resistance is like comparing the rapist and the rapist’s victim. And yet, without exception, the De-Colonizer respondents do just that, with one of them saying (appallingly, since the issue being discussed is genocide) at minute 4:44— “and I say, ‘I wish they didn’t exist.’”

Another respondent says,

“It’s a war that’s sad for both sides. We on the Israeli side didn’t start it. It opened, exploded, on October 7, but there is a war, and it is sad for both Israelis and Palestinians. A war, but it’s a kind of contact between the Palestinian population, Hamas, and Israel.”

To the Israeli public, the unfolding horror in Gaza is a “kind of contact” the nature of which appears to be a mystery. It’s genocide, folks. The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories has found “reasonable grounds” to believe that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The report presented at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, entitled ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’, outlines specific acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.

Aparicio concludes:

“The probability that in a few years’ time it will be proven that Israel has committed a genocide must also be taken into account by the Israelis themselves. This is a potential future that will shock all those who have not lost their humanity and who have not been swept away by the prevailing racism.”

It must be exhausting, this denial and rationalization on the part of Israelis. But then, so is facing the facts. A Jewish-American friend posted on Facebook about her exhaustion as she grapples with these gruesome facts:

“I am so exhausted that ‘exhausted’ doesn’t even fully cover how I feel from having my secondary trauma as a second gen Shoah survivor triggered constantly since Israel started its genocide in Gaza. The flip-flopping from the grief, shame, empathetic pain & sheer rage toward the perpetrators & the “Good Germans” who are enabling it is pushing the limits of my sanity. I hold onto stories of courage, resistance & selfless compassion as my life rafts in this sea of hate & sheer evil.”

I wrote this blog post with this question in my mind about Israelis: Have they “lost their humanity” for good? Do they need to wait “a few years’ time” for Israel’s crimes against humanity to be “proven” before being “shocked.” One of them says, “Alas, if it comes to that!” Well, it has come to that … and more.

Through control of the media, the spread of Zionist ideology, and the hasbara portrayal of the settler-colonial Jewish Zionist state as a victim figure with “a right to exist” forcibly on someone else’s land, Israel manipulates public perception and promotes the public’s complicity with the destruction of the Palestinian population in Gaza. The Israeli Jews who dissent must first go through a wrenching “identity crisis” and then, like the historian Ilan Pappé, be hounded out of Israel. Pappé moved out in 2008 after appearing in an Israeli newspaper at the center of a target and receiving several death threats.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Medium.

Rima Najjar is a Palestinian whose father’s side of the family comes from the forcibly depopulated village of Lifta on the western outskirts of Jerusalem and whose mother’s side of the family is from Ijzim, south of Haifa. She is an activist, researcher and retired professor of English literature, Al-Quds University, occupied West Bank. She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Frame captured from a De-Colonizer 1948 video titled “Une conversation en hébreu sur le génocide”

Declassified: BBC and MI6 Kosovo War Propaganda Blitz

June 11th, 2024 by Kit Klarenberg

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On March 24th, this journalist exposed how London was at the forefront of efforts to launch a ground invasion of Yugoslavia, during NATO’s illegal March-May 1999 bombing campaign.

Mercifully, this noxious project never came to pass, but declassified files show there was a further, secret component to Britain’s war effort in Kosovo. MI6 covertly sought to manipulate public opinion at home and within Belgrade via wide-ranging propaganda campaigns, manufacturing consent for President Slobodan Milosevic’s indictment for war crimes, removal from office, and more.

NATO’s criminal bombing of Yugoslavia was launched, and sustained, upon atrocity propaganda. Claims Belgrade’s forces were perpetrating a modern-day Holocaust abounded throughout, despite the alliance’s air assault ostensibly being launched to prevent such carnage.

Western officials’ calculations of civilians slaughtered by the Yugoslav army grew ever-wilder. At one stage, a NATO spokesperson asserted 100,000 were dead. When Yugoslav officials were prosecuted over the conflict by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the total was revised down to a vague “hundreds.”

At every step though, Western media reported as gospel whatever nonsense NATO and Western government officials asserted, while framing the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)—a sadistic, civilian-targeting CIA and MI6-backed jihadist militia with whom the Yugoslav army was truly at war—as courageous freedom fighters.

As we shall see, the BBC, working in close collaboration with British intelligence, was an eager belligerent in this information war.

This blitz included a completely bogus Panorama “documentary,” featuring false eyewitness testimony of heinous atrocities, purportedly committed by Belgrade’s forces. Its effects were devastating, by design. The sordid episode’s relevance to future U.S. and British proxy conflicts, in Libya, Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere, could not be clearer, or graver.

“Editorial Control”

Among the declassified British government papers reviewed for this article is an April 29, 1999, memo dispatched from Michael Pakenham, then-head of London’s Joint Intelligence Committee, to John Sawers, Prime Minister Tony Blair’s “foreign policy adviser,” who in 2009 was appointed MI6 chief. It discussed clandestine “work with the media” since NATO’s aerial assault on Belgrade had already begun five weeks earlier, beginning with a section on “broadcasting to the Serb people.”

The BBC and MI6 were said to have “put substantial effort into increasing news broadcasting” to Yugoslavia, and neighboring Albania and Macedonia, since the bombing began. Due to government restrictions on foreign media during the war, the pair were investigating methods of ensuring broadcasts into Belgrade were not interrupted. U.S. propaganda outlets Radio Free Europe and Voice of America had already identified methods of doing so, and “offered to share their facilities with the BBC.”

Yet, the pair’s “heavy output” meant whatever remaining airtime was made available to the British state broadcaster—such as “the middle of the night”—“would be unattractive.” The BBC “would thus prefer to set up their own arrangements.” One option was to bombard Yugoslav audiences with propaganda via CNN and Sky News. The memo lamented that, “relatively few Yugoslavs have satellite dishes,” therefore denting the reach of British Satellite News, branded London’s “global fake news network” by academic propaganda expert David Miller.


Source: Document courtesy of Kit Klarenberg

Still, Pakenham wrote, “in times of crisis, word spreads fast,” meaning that even a small initial impact could have a resultant multiplier effect locally, due to a “thirst for news.” In any event, British Satellite News was still managing to broadcast regular news packages, over which the Foreign Office—read: British intelligence—had “editorial control,” into Belgrade via Montenegro. The Yugoslav republic was at that time led by corrupt autocrat Milo Djukanovic, who covertly coordinated his political activities with MI6.

Earlier that month, a memo authored by MI6 officer Julian Braithwaite observed that Montenegrin media were ideal to “broadcast criticism of Milosevic,” as “its powerful transmitters reach deep into Kosovo and Serbia.” He urged Downing Street to express “visible and immediate support to Djukanovic,” as “we need to demonstrate that reform pays, and we look after our friends.” This could take the form of Blair giving an interview to local news outlets, explaining “why we do not hold Montenegro responsible,” while announcing “assistance” for Djukanovic.

Source: Document courtesy of Kit Klarenberg

Elsewhere in Pakenham’s memo, he noted the U.S. was broadcasting propaganda into Yugoslavia from a plane, flying low above the region. Embarrassingly, “personal contacts” in Belgrade suggested to him “it has not gone down well.”

Derisively dubbed “NATO TV” locally, it was “regarded as a joke” by viewers, “partly because the Serbian accent of the presenter is poor.” By contrast, internet-based propaganda campaigns were considered “a success story.”

Official Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence webpages publishing information on the Kosovo War, translated into Serbian, were attracting “at least 1,000 hits a day from Yugoslavia.” Pakenham suggested there would be “other hits from Yugoslavs on which we cannot put even an imprecise figure.” At the start of April, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook authored “a special internet message to the people of Serbia,” and a second was being considered.

“Clobba Slobba”

More sinisterly, a dedicated Cabinet Office “Coordination Group” was compiling a “long list” of Yugoslav internet users, and “some agencies” were “developing ways of exploiting it effectively without any British hand showing.” The Group more widely was concerned with disseminating word of “Serb brutalities” in Kosovo, and “abuse of power of the Milosevic family and his cronies,” into Belgrade, “in a way which does not show British fingerprints.”

As such, the Coordination Group tasked British embassies in Yugoslavia’s neighboring countries “to feed material into local media for unattributable publication, [which] would be read by some Serbs.” Two articles on the Group’s core propaganda themes had already been disseminated in this manner; Pakenham promised “there will be more.” The same material was furthermore “made available to NATO.” Meanwhile, the Group was “trying to arrange for an Interpol investigation to be started into Marko Milosevic.”

In addition to the Yugoslav president’s son, the Group “compiled a list of Serbs outside the Milosevic family who are regime members or supporters important to Milosevic personally, on which it is now looking for usable information on corruption and other publishable behaviour.” This hunt was foreshadowed in Julian Braithwaite’s memo, which stated that Blair’s notorious spin doctor, Alistair Campbell, wanted to brief the British press “that Interpol is about to publish an arrest warrant” for Marko.


Meanwhile, The Sun was “ready to send the paparazzi after him.” Then the crown jewel of Rupert Murdoch’s global media empire, it boasted a daily circulation in the tens of millions. British newspaper front pages, and reporting more generally, throughout NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia, almost unequivocally cheered the illegal campaign’s success, jingoistically tubthumping for ever-greater aggression. Yet, the declassified files show that the BBC and MI6 propaganda outburst was necessary precisely because the airstrikes were an abject failure.

In Braithwaite’s missive, he complained that Britain’s efforts to “convince military commanders and public opinion to turn against Milosevic” were entirely counterproductive. Serbs were “rallying round the flag” and “a blitz mentality” had set in locally. “Anger, bitterness and betrayal” were “common emotions” among his personal contacts in Belgrade. “Many staunch opponents of Milosevic” resolved to support the President, “while their country is under attack.”

Furthermore, the destruction of a prominent bridge in Novi Sad, “Serbia’s most liberal city,” had alienated local inhabitants and “Belgrade’s pro-Western intelligentsia,” making “pro-Western policies and connections unfashionable” in Yugoslavia. “This is a problem for us,” Braithwaite lamented.


A destroyed bridge in the city of Novi Sad, April 26, 1999. More than 1,500 settlements, 60 bridges, 30% of all schools, and about 100 monuments were destroyed in the criminal NATO bombing of Serbia. MI6 agent Julian Braithwaite worried that the destruction of the bridge created a public relations problem. [Source:]

Deadly Web of Deceit Weaved

British intelligence got the opportunity to turn Yugoslav citizens, in particular pro-Western liberals, against Milosevic—or try to—by portraying Belgrade’s forces as engaged in genocide against Kosovo Albanian civilians, at his direct order. This was provided by retransmitting an April 28, 1999, BBC Panorama “documentary” into the country, via “local television stations” in neighboring states, “whose programmes can be received in Serbia.”

The Killing of Kosovo was never repeated, and cannot be viewed online today. All that remains is an official transcript from the time. In the program, multiple interviewees, including U.S. General Wesley Clark, who oversaw NATO’s bombing as Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and Kosovo Albanian refugees, accused Milosevic of personally orchestrating the violent, “wholesale expulsion” of innocent civilians from the province, deploying rampaging Yugoslav security and paramilitary forces for the purpose, who left a vast trail of massacred innocents, razed villages, and gang rape everywhere they went.

The tales of alleged atrocities reported by refugee talking heads in the program were almost invariably as lurid as they were ludicrous. One told the BBC she “heard” that Yugoslav forces “caught 20 young women and girls,” then executed “most of their husbands…in front of their eyes.” The surviving women were reportedly forced to “serve” Belgrade’s troops “as if they were their wives”—“they had to serve them during the day and sleep with them at night.”

Meanwhile, several interviewees said they personally saw “Serbs” commit rape and mass murder of their friends, relatives and neighbors. Unbelievably though, they were not only allowed to live to tell the tale, but sent safely over the border to Albania. There, as Yugoslav forces would have known, NATO, Western journalists, and rights groups waited in profusion, ready to amplify their stories to the world. Other talking heads spoke of roads soaked with blood, and littered with dozens of corpses.

Kosovo was at that time subject to intensive, daily NATO reconnaissance flights. Nothing resembling any of the scenes described has ever emerged. Strikingly, Panorama elsewhere cited grainy, barely discernible “satellite imagery” of “what appears to be” mass graves in the province, provided by the military alliance. Why the program producers did not think to ask if those satellites had detected anything to corroborate any of their interviewees’ tales is not clear.

Relevantly, while the bombing was ongoing, British journalist Audrey Gillan interviewed many Kosovo Albanians in a refugee camp in Macedonia, in search of “real evidence” for the monstrous claims of mass rape and murder in the province emanating from Western officials. She found none. An unnamed OSCE source told her they suspected the KLA “had been persuading people to talk in bigger numbers, to crank up the horror so that NATO might be persuaded to send ground troops in faster.”

Nevertheless, BBC host Jane Corbin did ask some tough questions, namely, “will Mr. Milosevic ever be brought to justice?” and “how can NATO negotiate a settlement with a man they have openly called a war criminal?” She firmly informed ICTY chief prosecutor Louise Arbour, “your credibility is on the line…people must stand trial, those at the very top, to make your job worthwhile at all.” Elsewhere, she demanded assurances from Robin Cook that the Yugoslav President would not be granted amnesty in exchange for peace.

“Patriotic Duty”

The ICTY answered the BBC’s call on May 24, 1999, indicting Milosevic for war crimes, and crimes against humanity, in Kosovo. Mysteriously, not a single “eyewitness” featured in the Panorama program appeared at his resultant trial, and the “documentary” was not entered into evidence. No wonder—proceedings would have been an even bigger disaster for NATO then. As it was, the tribunal incinerated Western narratives of what transpired in the province, and why the alliance had to “intervene.”

Multiple Yugoslav officials testified that not only was there no plan to displace, let alone carry out a genocide againt Kosovo’s Albanian population, but the army had strict instructions to prevent refugee flows, while protecting civilians from KLA attacks and conscription. In some cases, the separatist militia forcibly recruited children.

One army colonel, suffering severe health issues due to NATO’s concealed, illegal use of depleted uranium, told the ICTY he had urged citizens to stay after the bombing began, but assisted those who wished to flee.

“There is nothing sadder than watching a column of poor people who are moving from their homes on someone’s instructions,” he contemporaneously lamented in his field diary. “Soldiers are the way they are; they give juice and cookies to children in passing.”

Those “instructions” were given by the Kosovo Liberation Army itself. One of the group’s operatives, who “[filmed] the plight of displaced Albanian civilians with a video camera” for Western consumption, admitted to The Guardian in June 1999 that “KLA advice, rather than Serbian deportations” prompted the exodus.

His account is corroborated by ICTY testimony of Eve-Ann Prentice, a mainstream British journalist almost killed in a May 1999 NATO airstrike, while traveling through Kosovo:

“Ordinary civilian ethnic Albanians…had been told it was their patriotic duty to leave because the world was watching. This was their one big opportunity to make Kosovo part of Albania…NATO was there, ready to come in, and anybody who failed to join this exodus was somehow not supporting the Albanian cause…They were frightened of the bombing, they were frightened of the KLA, they didn’t really want to leave their homes.”

Fear of “being killed or injured” by NATO bombing was, per Prentice, “justified.” While in Kosovo, she “saw many civilians dead and injured, many ordinary homes that were bombed by NATO.” These anxieties were greatly amplified, she explained, by the military alliance’s illegal assault intensifying over time, its aircraft terrorizingly flying ever-lower overhead. School facilities, apartment blocks, and other civilian infrastructure were reduced to total rubble in targeted, repeat strikes along the way.

NATO member states were the ICTY’s key funders and facilitators. There was no question of the alliance being held accountable for war crimes it committed in Yugoslavia. “You’re more likely to see the UN building dismantled brick-by-brick and thrown into the Atlantic than to see NATO pilots go before a UN tribunal,” a Spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives boasted in May 1999. The total number of civilians killed by military alliance bombing that year will likely never be known.

The ICTY did investigate whether NATO’s April 23, 1999, strike on the headquarters of Belgrade’s RTS TV, which killed 16 staff and trapped 16 more in rubble for days afterward, constituted a war crime.

r/HistoryPorn - Radio Television of Serbia headquarters in Belgrade bombed by NATO exactly 20 years ago - 23 April 1999 [1280x894]

Radio Television of Serbia headquarters in Belgrade bombed by NATO on April 23, 1999. [Source:]


The Tribunal concluded that, while the site was not a military target, the action aimed to disrupt the state’s communications network, so it was still legitimate. It moreover found NATO warned Yugoslav authorities weeks prior that RTS may be caught in the crossfire, unless six hours of uncensored Western news reports were broadcast daily.

This would, the alliance argued, make RTS an “acceptable instrument of public information,” thus averting its destruction. The ultimatum is rendered considerably more perverse, and duplicitous, given the declassified files reviewed here. All along, NATO and its member states—in particular Britain, leading proponent of Yugoslavia’s all-out invasion—had numerous cloak-and-dagger means to transmit whatever they wished into the country they were criminally destroying.


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Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. Follow him on Twitter @KitKlarenberg.

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Recentemente, têm-se espalhado rumores sobre uma possível autorização ocidental para o regime de Kiev lançar ataques contra o território “profundo” da Federação Russa. Até recentemente, a posição oficial da OTAN era permitir ataques apenas contra alvos dentro do território que o Ocidente reconhece como “ucraniano” – o que inclui as Novas Regiões e a Crimeia. No entanto, há poucos dias Washington alterou as suas diretrizes para permitir ataques em cidades fronteiriças russas. Agora resta saber até que distância os ataques serão “permitidos”.

Aparentemente, os EUA já recuaram do seu plano inicial. Numa declaração recente, o presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, deixou claro que a Ucrânia não está autorizada a usar mísseis fornecidos por Washington contra alvos “no interior” da Rússia. As incursões transfronteiriças já haviam sido autorizadas, mas houve discussão sobre autorizar ou não ataques mais profundos – como contra Moscou, por exemplo. Biden, porém, descartou tal hipótese.

Biden não negou que a Ucrânia pudesse atacar alvos fora da zona de conflito. Segundo o presidente dos EUA, o regime proxy tem o direito de atacar alvos em regiões fronteiriças, com restrições apenas a ataques em áreas mais distantes. A sua política parece tentar conciliar medidas escalonadoras e pacificadoras. Biden quer “permitir” os ataques, mas evitar irritar a Rússia com possíveis manobras ucranianas contra Moscou ou o Kremlin.

“[A Ucrânia pode atacar] apenas nas proximidades da fronteira quando [as armas russas] estão a ser usadas do outro lado da fronteira para atacar alvos específicos na Ucrânia (…) Não estamos a autorizar ataques a 320 quilômetros da Rússia e não estamos autorizando ataques a Moscou, ao Kremlin”, disse ele.

Na mesma ocasião, Biden também manifestou preocupação com possíveis reações russas à “autorização” de ataques transfronteiriços. Anteriormente, Moscou já havia deixado claro que tal iniciativa deveria ser considerada uma participação direta do Ocidente na guerra. Durante o Fórum Econômico de São Petersburgo, o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, afirmou que está considerando a possibilidade de enviar armas para países inimigos dos EUA, caso o território russo seja ameaçado por mísseis ocidentais. Talvez o receio de uma possível retaliação russa tenha sido a principal razão pela qual Biden decidiu recuar na sua retórica e afirmar que “apenas” regiões fronteiriças podem ser atacadas, “evitando” incursões mais intensas.

Para compreender bem o caso, devemos considerar as circunstâncias reais nas regiões fronteiriças. Os ataques ucranianos têm ocorrido quase diariamente desde 2022. Cidades como Belgorod e Kursk são alvos frequentes da artilharia de Kiev. Estes ataques covardes a áreas civis foram a razão da recente operação da Rússia em Kharkov, que lhe permitiu expandir a zona de segurança para Belgorod. Washington afirmou que a autorização de ataques transfronteiriços foi uma “resposta” à incursão russa em Kharkov, o que é de fato irônico, dado que o Ocidente permaneceu em silêncio face a todos os crimes ucranianos na fronteira russa.

Na prática, a “autorização” não significa praticamente nada. A Ucrânia sempre atacou estas regiões e continuará a fazê-lo até que a Rússia consiga neutralizar todas as posições inimigas perto da fronteira. Contudo, o próprio aparelho de propaganda ocidental colocou os EUA numa situação desconfortável. A mídia ocidental começou a relatar as notícias como uma grande escalada. A opinião pública foi levada a acreditar que Kiev estava agora “autorizada” a atacar Moscou – como se o regime tivesse capacidade para o fazer. Os rumores tornaram-se tão graves que o próprio presidente americano teve que se manifestar e recuar, deixando claro que a “profundidade territorial” russa que pode ser atacada é a região fronteiriça.

Na verdade, Kiev já atacou Moscou em diversas ocasiões, atingindo edifícios residenciais e o próprio Kremlin. No entanto, estes foram ataques fracos de drones, sem potencial para causar grandes danos. O regime está extremamente enfraquecido e é pouco provável que consiga atingir alvos estratégicos na capital russa, uma vez que os mísseis seriam certamente neutralizados a tempo pelas forças de defesa russas. Neste sentido, as declarações de Biden parecem realmente óbvias: os ataques ucranianos permanecerão restritos às fronteiras, simplesmente porque é tudo o que a Ucrânia é capaz de fazer.

No entanto, o presidente dos EUA não está a ser eficaz em evitar a escalada ao dizer isto. Ao enfatizar a sua aprovação aos ataques ucranianos nas fronteiras, Biden está a assumir a responsabilidade pelas mortes de civis russos em cidades como Belgorod e Kursk. As consequências desta medida poderão ser extremamente graves para o Ocidente, uma vez que, como já alertaram as autoridades russas, o cenário pode ser descrito como um envolvimento direto da OTAN.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : US backs down on rhetoric, but fails to stop escalation, 7 de Junho de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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The United States arms industry is not producing the basic ammunition required to sustain support for Ukraine and Israel, Bloomberg reported on June 8. This is an extraordinary situation since Russia’s armed industry is booming despite facing major Western sanctions.

According to the outlet, the US defence industry gave priority to the manufacture of high-tech ammunition and halted the production of basic artillery such as 155-millimetre ammunition, the most used in the wars that are being fought today. The US is also facing a shortage of basic products, such as gunpowder or trinitrotoluene (TNT), to produce these munitions and have had to turn to other countries, such as Poland and Turkey, to obtain supplies.

At some point an attempt was made to replace the 155-millimetre ammunition with higher-tech projectiles on the battlefront in Ukraine, but the effort failed because the new weaponry was neutralised by the Russian military.

“Higher-tech shells that were intended to replace the traditional 155mm munitions failed an early test in Ukraine, when their targeting systems were thwarted by Russia,” Bloomberg reported. “The prospect that future wars could resemble the grinding combat taking place there has stirred fears that the US arsenal could someday be stretched to the breaking point.”

“The writing has been on the wall for a while,” Stacie Pettyjohn, a senior fellow and director of the defense program at the independent and bipartisan Center for a New American Security, told Bloomberg. “It has just taken the war in Ukraine to really shock Pentagon officials and members of Congress out of their complacency.”

Since the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, the Pentagon has divested or neglected facilities once used to manufacture everything from projectiles to gunpowder, focusing instead on transforming warfare with high-tech weaponry.

“What’s left is crumbling infrastructure, outdated machinery and a tiny workforce that can’t keep up with growing international demand,” the outlet highlights.

Before the special military operation in Ukraine, American production was 14,400 shells per month. Now, the US is spending more than $5 billion to overhaul aging factories across the country with the goal of producing 100,000 155mm shells a month by the end of next year.

As the agency stresses, it is a mobilisation that, due to its speed and breadth, is unlike anything since World War II.

As part of this effort, Congress has appropriated $650 million for a TNT production plant that will take two years to build, according to Doug Bush, the Army’s top weapons buyer. And Washington will have to finance purchases of whatever the renovated facilities produce, possibly for many years.

But, as Bloomberg noted, getting the money may also be the easiest obstacle to overcome.

“The US must bring old buildings up to snuff, build new ones, buy updated machinery and hire and train workers. Environmental regulations stand in the way. And the Pentagon will need to ensure that plants can be run safely — munitions-making is prone to fires, explosions and other accidents,” the outlet noted.

Bloomberg concludes,

“Boosting munition production is a costly and time-consuming business, and the US is playing catch-up at a time of growing tension in Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific region.”

Washington naively believed that the sweeping sanctions against Moscow would collapse the Russian economy and therefore its military operation against the Kiev regime. Instead, Russia not only overcame the sanctions but is now producing artillery shells at a rate that the West cannot keep up with.

It is recalled that Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur admitted in November 2023 that Russia was firing 70,000 rounds a day, meaning that an equivalent of a year’s worth of European production at the time was fired by the Russian military every 10 days. The crippling shortage of artillery was also referred to by Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov in January, who revealed that Ukraine was unable to fire more than 2,000 shells per day.

Due to a severe worldwide shortage of artillery shells, Western analysts admit Ukraine will likely be outgunned by Russia for at least the remainder of the year, but even with Kiev’s allies ramping up production, realistically Russia will hold the advantage for the duration of the war.

Even though Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said recently there were no reports of artillery shortages, in an interview on May 21 with Reuters, he called on Western allies to speed up aid, saying every decision they’ve made on military support for Ukraine has been “late by around one year.” Even in this most desperate stage of the war, from Kiev’s perspective, Zelensky cannot but be ungrateful and entitled, even when the West struggles to overcome its industrial failures, particularly since Russia’s military industry is a resounding success despite the sanctions.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Saving Gaza is about more than saving Gaza. It’s also about saving ourselves.

Saving ourselves as individuals. Saving ourselves as a society. Saving ourselves as a species.

Saving ourselves from what we’ll become if we just watch this happening right in front of our eyes without doing everything we can to stop it.

Saving ourselves from what the sociopaths who rule over us are trying to turn us into.

Saving ourselves from the way the propagandists are trying to twist and train our minds.

Saving ourselves from the kind of future humanity will have if our rulers can get away with such a brazen act of extreme depravity.

Saving ourselves from the other horrors that will be unleashed upon our world if this kind of thing becomes normalized and accepted.

Saving ourselves from the dark dystopia we are plunging into at breakneck speed.

Saving ourselves from a world where journalism is dead and dissent is forbidden.

Saving ourselves from a world where the bastards will do the worst things imaginable without even having to hide it, and just stare us in the eyes daring us to do something.

Saving ourselves from a world where the powerful have decided to respond to the public’s widespread access to information and raw video footage by just committing their evil deeds right out in the open and forcing us to get used to it.

Saving ourselves from this relentless push by propagandists and politicians to amputate that sacred part of our humanity which screams “NO” to all this.

Saving our hearts.

Saving our compassion.

Saving our tenderness.

Saving our children.

Saving our humanity.

Saving our world.


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The Fabricated Institutional Matrix Is a System of Deception and Domination

We were born into a soul-killing system – a matrix of institutional political and financial control.

Consider the events of recent times: a fake pandemic, orchestrated wars, communism under a cloak of climate change policy and UN Agenda 2030, etc. Meanwhile, corporate-controlled news pushes a freedom-killing agenda building a deceptive jail house for the mind. One could be forgiven for thinking we have been living on a prison planet.

The UN, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum (also known as the Davos Group), the World Bank, the US Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, etc. are international unelected unaccountable organisations, and are all parts of the one politico-corporate institutional power base that was established by the financial powers that intentionally orchestrated the mass death and destruction that was World War II.

This Censored History is evidenced by over 100 historical books on the subject that you won’t find in your local bookstore or library.

These structures act as implementation and marketing tools for the agendas of a group of power-hungry financial elites that have assumed control of almost everything via control of the money creation system.

All these institutions, at the top level, are just clever political mechanisms for implementing and maintaining a corrupt worldwide system of so-called elite power and control of society, under the clever guise of ‘fixing the problems of the world’. 

Analysis in this book indicates that this entire super structure is majority owned and controlled by a cartel of privately owned mega-banks. All national governments are dependent on this international banking/financial cartel for debt-money loans, i.e., and are thus subservient to the source of debt-money creation; and are ideologically and politically subservient to the UN super-structure. 

The revolving door of national politics is simply a meaningless election of who will the next manager of a ‘national corporation’ that does not have the interests of the people at heart – quite the opposite. Look at the scenes in Ireland currently where the government is actively discriminating against the people in that land, see this article. The valiant protestors are right to stand for their interests. 

Many people complain about government, yet they still accept government authority as their ‘God’ thinking that the next election will change things. The harsh reality is that in 2024 all governments are simply registered corporations – parts of this world corporate-communist matrix. Therefore, protesting to government is most likely to fall on deaf ears. Government will invariably do what it has been told to by the ulteriors that control the world debt-money financial system (upon which governments function). Elected politicians are little more than temporary cogs in that system. The instructions come externally from the EU, the UN, et al.

Fake Science

Bogus godless science is also part of this ideological hegemony.

The unpalatable reality is that economic and scientific tricks, used by this new world order group to increase their own economic power/control over world society.

These scientific tricks include fake climate science; and a virology wrong turn conveniently used to launch bogus pandemics and foist vaccine mandates worldwide. Communist control ideology; monopoly capitalism; along with corporate, banking, political, and media control, and are the everyday tools of this group. They created and own this current world corporate system because they have owned the process of money creation itself for the past century, they have been funding, or defunding, whatever agenda they choose. 

Meanwhile, the ulteriors, such as the families and secret societies that have historical ownership and control of the world’s mega-banks/mega-corporations and debt-money creatin process remain hidden from public view. The world private banking cartel has fashioned a dominator matrix of control and ideological subversion. In 2023, this dictatorship of words spans government, banking, corporate media, education, geo-politics, and the corporate/economic world.

Why give authority to a government or corporation that is spinning fake science and lies? The misplaced belief in government authority has replaced belief in original divine authority. There are countless ways in which free people can easily work for the mutual benefit of themselves and society without governments getting in the way. The only real authority is God, not the flawed corrupted manmade corporate and political power systems that are dominated by certain ‘groups’ to further their own power.

Democracy Will Not Make Things Better

Democracy will not make things better – it is a divide and conquer/control trick. Modern democracy itself is a joke, a divide and conquer trick, the real power lies beyond the revolving door of elected politicians with the money masters. Democracy is there to provide talking points and mirages. The world doesn’t work that way, and the ruling elites know it, that’s why they love the ‘democratic’ parties of the ‘media manufactured’ left and right fighting against each other. Divide et impera = democracy! The reality in 2022 is that representative democracy under the debt-money system, is an illusion, it is a road to nowhere – it is money that controls the world. Over the decades the financial power of the money-masters translated into political power. 

The democratic system is broken and unfixable because those that control the money creation process wield the power to control the corporate media, steer international political policy and own the material world, regardless of which political party is elected, or which system is utilised, capitalism, socialism, communism, etc. The left versus right divide is a divide created and fostered by the financialists who control both the so-called left and the so-called right.  The real divide is not left versus right, it is between the manipulators and the manipulated – between the power seeker and the freedom lovers. The following is an interesting quote from an interview with Emanuel Pastreich[1]:

“:   the billionaires paid off a group of people to push this neo-progressive neo-Marxist ideology of identity politics… The same people at BlackRock, or Cisco, or Facebook, or Google who are funding the corrupt parts of Black Lives Matter, ordering them to push this gender blending, race-based, fake ideological struggle, are the same people who are funding the Trump people and their MAGA (Make America Great Again) groups, those who are attacking immigrants as the threat to America without identifying the real problem of global finance. The Trump people are not any more right, or wrong, than those on the other side. They’re totally right to see how immigration is used to destroy the lives of ordinary Americans. Where they’re wrong, or where they miss the point, is that they don’t see how global financial institutions are investing in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina so as to destroy the local economies of those countries and to force people to move to the United States as part of this strategy to destroy the lives of workers in both places so that the billionaires can emerge all-powerful. Both sides, the left and the right, have become part of a puppet show these days.”  – Emanuel Pastreich

In these times, democracy is just the election of the latest political figure heads, the ins-become-the-outs and the outs-become-the-ins, none of whom have any real power. Ego-driven political personalities squabble with each other like barking dogs – just like with dogs, asking them to stop barking is pretty pointless. Many are subservient to, not the people, but to ‘special financial interests’ – if they were to actually declare these interests their suits they would be chequered with multiple corporate logos. 

People have been conditioned to participate in democratic elections, which amount to begging the ulterior authorities to please be nicer. As long as this remains the case, people arguing over which political party puppet should be in power is akin to shuffling the deckchairs on the titanic.

There are various politicians seeking to get elected in order to change the government or the change the system, but do they realise what are they seeking to get elected to. They are getting elected to be the newest cog in the wheel of a demonic control system – a political structure that was set up by the demons – the cogs may be replaced but the wheel keeps turning. Good people thinking they are going to change the system maybe be valiant and sincere, however, it invariably amounts to (pardon the expression used in Ireland) ‘pissing against the wind’. I spent a year as an active member of a political party in government in 2009/2010 and that was my conclusion. Yet each must follow his inclination for he is forced to by his nature.

Are Governments the Enemy of Freedom?

A government only exists in your mind – governments do not ‘actually’ exist. Sure, the buildings and people exist, and manmade rules have been written down. However, government is simply a concept, the word ‘govern’ means control, and the word ‘mental’ means your mind. The word ‘governmental’ literally means ‘control of your mind’, and governments are nothing more than an attempted ‘spell’ to control your mind via the ‘spelling’ of written rules. The following is an excerpt from an interesting online video presentation titled the ‘Myth of Authority’:

“government is the ridiculous idea that some people can have the moral right to rule everyone else and make it okay for them to boss around the sectors of population under threat of force… the idea that we need to give a group of people (governments) permission to forcibly rob us (via taxes) and control us (via government restrictions and huge police forces) so that they can protect us from those few private individuals who might possibly in the future forcibly rob and control us is ridiculous… and yet most people believe exactly that… that we need government the biggest thug and thieve around to protect us from thugs and thieves.” 

There are ways to easily prove that government cannot possibly be legitimate, for example, if you do not have the right to rob your neighbour on your own or tell your neighbour what they can and cannot do, then you cannot possibly give that right to some public official, not can anyone else. Belief in government authority over others is a dangerous superstition. The presentation goes on to say that:

“The only thing that so-called authority is needed for is…  to try to authorize and legitimize acts that if done by normal people would be wrong, in other words so-called authority is nothing more than permission to do bad things… every soldier, every law enforcer, every tax collector, and every bureaucrat of every country…believes that they aren’t to blame for robbing, harassing assaulting, or even murdering… because so-called authority told them to… authority is the most dangerous superstition in the world…  it is only about whose agenda, opinion, and values will be forced on everyone else… to volunteer to be the slave of a political ruling class in the hope that it will do what you want and make the world what you wish it was, is simply insane.”

[Aside: There is another major flaw in majority-rules democracy i.e., why should the majority have the right to make rules for the minority? especially if the majority have been led to believe in false ideologies by a corporate owned media? This amounts to a divide and conquer system.]

A Satanic Consciousness Directing the CO2, Covid, and Other Hoaxes

For those people who have little or no spiritual knowledge or realization, and who are generally absorbed in the materialistic society, the message that a ‘satanic influence’ or ‘satanic consciousness’ is controlling the top echelons of the world’s political, corporate and economic power structures is of such magnitude that it is quickly dismissed or certainly not easily understood or accepted. In March 2020, as the entire world grinded to a halt in the face of the covid-19 scare, most people had no idea of the deep significance of the events taking place – that this was a deceptive demoniac attempt to takeover and control the entirety of world society. Yet the bulk of society having accepted ‘government’ as their God simply accepted the narrative and queued up to get jabbed with ‘experimental’ vaccines.

They Foolishly Accepted ‘Government’ and ‘Science’ as Their King – As Their God

The smokescreen of the Climate Co2 Hoax and the Covid hoax enabled the godless forces to further control the world’s people and resources. Those souls that went along with the deceptive narrative had accepted ‘government’ and ‘modern science (infused with fake science)’ as their God – only problem is these are false Gods. It follows that the actual devotees of God should not naively trust the official government narrative, or blindly accept the so-called remedial measures to the fake climate catastrophe or next fake pandemic. 

In our own life-time we have lived under a political hierarchy, which though pertaining to be made of individual and autonomous nation states, is actually a one world government controlled by the world banking cartel and its mega-corporations. In 2024, all nations states are corporations and are thus simply part of the one world government superstructure.  If you think you are part of a ‘nation’ then you a slave that is owned – you have been conned into living within a cage that your mind has accepted. Obviously people exist, obviously different races of people exist, and obviously different geographical locations, different lands and islands exist. Yet, nations do not exist, a nation is a political fabrication to control you via government, taxes, debt-money, and bondage to that system via the ‘registered’ birth certificate, see also this book.  

This hierarchy has stealthily introduced a poisonous  ideology, an artificial monetary system that has caused economic enslavement to billions of people through-out the world, and a perpetual war machine which has caused death and injury to hundreds of millions of people through-out the world; it is a system which has introduced mass abortion, mass animal killing, illicit sex, gambling, and intoxication; it is a system that has introduced genetically modified foods, chemtrails, herbicides and pesticides, fluoridated water, toxic pharmaceuticals and vaccines, widespread ecological destruction, etc.; the list goes on and on.

Though individual politicians have been replaced by others, the same system of government has continued. 

Through various networks, such servants of the government matrix are placed in positions of leadership, power, and influence, and then enact laws that allow society to become degraded, weak, easily controllable, and unable to perceive the nature of their material and spiritual captivity. 

Our living reality has been co-opted into a godless political world regime. However, God-conscious souls have no need to fear as the perceived power of evil does not compare to the much greater and infinite power of God Himself. It is an awakening of God-consciousness that will help each individual soul to bypass the godless aspects of society. Without God it is just the blind leading the blind. 

Those souls that have neglected God have accepted what their bogus governmental or scientific king says. [Aside: The issue runs also deeper than government, for many people have also accepted bogus and corrupted religious institutions that have claimed to be representatives of God, the self-appointed middle-men between you and God, see also this book.] 

The souls that have given away their God-given freedom – they will getted vaxxed,  they will foolishly buy an eco-car to “save the planet”, they will take toxic pharmaceuticals, and they will tell their children the bizarre story that humanity evolved from monkeys (rather than tell them that God is our father and creator). See also this book for evidence that Darwinian evolution is another hoax that has been foisted upon the world.

They will do what their bogus king tells them to do, and if not, the demoniac king will try to force them. Living free souls know that they are children of God alone and that God is the real authority, not communist-type governments. They know they are not the legal fiction of a birth certificate cleverly bonded in tax paying servitude as collateral on unpayable national debt, whilst government tells them how to live their life. 

Choose the Real God – God Protects His Devotees

You can’t prove the existence of God to someone who has chosen to believe that there is no God. Those people that choose the government, the UN, fake scientific narratives, or a corrupted ‘religious organisation’ as their God will be subject to the dictates of those demoniac forces. It is folly to give away authority over oneself to such forces – the mistake is to neglect the true eternal God for only God has real authority. 

God is everywhere, God exists in the smallest atom and in the warmth of the sun, God exists as a friend and father to us all. He is in our heart and is hoping we will return to be with Him. 

Crucially, God is not a manmade organisation/institution. The demoniac paedophilia that has been exposed within manmade religious institutions exemplifies this. A deeper story is how original Christianity, the original movement of Lord Jesus Christ, was hijacked and subverted by institutional political forces seeking to advance their own power and empire, see this book.

Excerpt from a poem by Red Willow (American poet)

“You breathe the air, it wasn’t made in a factory.

You feel the sunshine on your face, you feel the cold wind coming your way.

This is Life, did you forget? That you need real human interaction.

You need all these things that can’t be obtained from a screen.

The scientists and the machines can’t manufacture reality even though they foolishly try.

The virtual world is limited and will never compare to the infinite spiritual sky.

…reclaim your life. Remember what you are actually dependent on, And give thanks.”

If we really want to protect ourself then we should surrender to the controller – to God Himself. There is no other way out of all this. Demons control those who accept false gods, but they cannot control God’s devotees – that is the real law. The 5,000-year-old Vedic scripture the Bhagavad Gita[2] states the world is in Kali-yuga, an era of degradation in which the demons are in control of the planet. The solution, it is stated, in all authentic scriptures of the world, is to surrender to God, to align ourself with God, and to lead a God-conscious life. Surrender to God is an active process and an ‘internal’ process. God sees all. 

All authentic scriptures of the world tell us that we are an eternal soul currently in a body. Like a person driving a car – sooner or late the car wears out and the person must get a new car, so it is with the body. Yet, an intelligent person must wonder: If I am an eternal soul, why was I placed in a body that was born and will soon enough die? Srila Prabhupada (a great saint in the tradition of Vedic Vaishnavism, a process of devotion to God and His Holy Names) asserted that this world is a kind of prison for those who do not accept God’s authority, whereas those who are not jealous of God will live in God’s spiritual kingdom. 

Who thinks they are fighting the demons of the world yet does not give devotion and thanks to God? If you deny the existence of God then who is the demon?


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Mark Keena is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. He is author of the following books available on

Website: Reality Distinguished From Illusion


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[1] Source:

[2] Free download available at

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Interview with Professor Mearscheimer, which points towards a process of military escalation.

“It’s no question that the US has joined with Israel because of the Israeli Lobby.

So when the Israelis decided to go on a rampage in Gaza, the US fully supported the Israelis.

Many Israeli generals made it clear that they could not conduct this offensive against the Palestinians in Gaza without the material support (weaponry) that the US is providing them; and furthermore, we’re providing them with diplomatic cover. So the US is complicit with what Israel is doing in Gaza.” 


“Let Israel Do the Dirty Work for Us”

In this regard, Israel is largely serving the strategic interests of  the U.S. acting on behalf of Washington. 

America delivers 3 Billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel. And “Israel does the Dirty Work for Us”. 

The dirty work concept is embedded in U.S foreign policy. Let your allies do the Dirty Work for You.

Déjà Vu:

We recall that at the outset of Bush’s Second Term, Vice President Dick Cheney dropped a bombshell, hinting, that Israel would, so to speak: be doing the dirty work for us (paraphrase) without US military involvement and without us putting pressure on them “to do it”.

According to Cheney

“The Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards,”   Cheney said on Inauguration Day.

Those comments followed leaks last September [2004] that the Pentagon was selling Israel 500 bunker buster bombs, which could be used for attacking deeply buried Iranian nuclear facilities. Not mentioned was that this was a routine munitions sale.”


Michel Chossudovsky, June 10, 2024


Watch the interview with Prof. Mearsheimer below.


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Ceasefire in the Middle East? Or Armageddon?

June 10th, 2024 by Joachim Hagopian

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A Wall Street Journal article back in April 2022 called US aircraft carriers “sitting duck” targets, adding:

The inconvenient truth is that our Navy has 12 carrier groups and all are now obsolete.

The fact is that modern warfare has passed the US Navy by, with old conventional hunks of steel that cost so much and take so long to make are now relics of last century warfare. Painful proof in point is last weekend’s alleged attacks of the USS Eisenhower in the Red Sea when the Houthis in Yemen claimed they damaged the aircraft carrier with several missile hits. Though the US denies this as “terrorist propaganda” citing claims it was AI-generated, according to Gordon Duff’s website’s Monday June 3rd post, the carrier may have actually suffered at least surface damage with loss of life:

Despite fake videos, and a well-orchestrated coverup across social media orchestrated by the comedy team of Musk and Zuskstein, the truth is out, the USS Eisenhower is still under float but leaving the region under serious damage now to be scrapped.

Image: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and strike group transit the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea, 28 October, 2023 (Credit: U.S. Navy)

On Hal Turner’s intel website on Wednesday June 5th, aerial photos depict what appears to be clear damage of the USS Eisenhower deck parked in port, with the added commentary:

The heretofore believed-to-be-untouchable Aircraft Carrier seems to have been touched; and by guys in the desert, wearing sandals and dirty rags on their heads!

The Houthi spokesman Yahya Saree claimed that the very real drone and missile attacks on the aircraft carrier and destroyer the USS Gravely were in retaliation for Friday May 31st US and UK airstrikes in Yemen that killed 16 Yemenis and injured 42. Tensions and stakes are rising every day in both Europe and the Middle East.

The Associated Press on Saturday, June 1st reported:

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin signed the order last week to extend the four ships’ deployment [at least another month] for a second time, rather than bring the carrier, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, and its three warships home. The other ships in the strike group are the USS Philippine Sea, a cruiser, and two destroyers, the USS Gravely and the USS Mason. All together they include about 6,000 sailors.

The US is pretending no harm has come to the carrier or the destroyer, hoping to simply cover up the plausible truth that missile damage to the US Navy sitting ducks never happened, that the fleet is still patrolling and intercepting enemy drones and missiles protecting both commercial and allied military vessels in the Sea of Aden and Red Sea, as if nothing happened… very typical. Out of sight, out of mind.

Braindead’s permissive, anything goes policy toward Israel’s blatant genocide continues a parallel course. In the aftermath of the nightmarish fiery attack on May 26th at the Rafah refugee camp, melting scores of both tents and human flesh, and the ensuing IDF Rafah ground invasion, the White House only acknowledges “an uptick” of Israeli military activity. Six days later Associated Press claims:

Still, Biden administration officials say Israel has avoided massive attacks on what had been thickly crowded neighborhoods of Rafah and kept strikes more limited and targeted than earlier in its nearly 8-month-old war with Hamas.

The whole world is appalled at the disgusting bloodthirst by the monsters in Israel, while Braindead insists no red line has been crossed. It’s despicable, deplorable and preposterous to even witness as the entire world sees the genocidal pariahs dig their heels in, pretending no international laws have been violated. Recall a month ago when Biden said he would withhold weapons and bombs if the Butcher launched an all-out assault on Rafah, On May 9th, Biden said:

If they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons.

Then within several days, Braindead reneged as the coward and sent more bombs. During this election year knowing that virtually everyone in the US government is bought, bribed, blackmailed and extorted by Israel and its higher paygrade founding masters from the City of London, no one has the moral courage to stand up and do the right thing. This moment in time in my opinion stands as an all-time low point for both the United States and Israel during my lifetime. I have never seen such evil go unpunished, as if no force on the planet has the strength or courage to stop this hell being diabolically played out. And then quibbled excuses and blind face lies are feebly aired to make it okay to look the other way and pretend the bloodbath isn’t really happening, and still no real consequences. It’s almost as if a disease of weakness and cowardice has afflicted humanity to such a degree that we simply are passively awaiting God’s intervention, or more apt God’s wrathful punishment.

On Saturday June 1st, another Associated Press article reported that on Friday May 31st Biden said:

Israel has offered Hamas a cease-fire and hostage release deal that would unfold over three phases, declaring it was time to end the fighting in Gaza and that Hamas is ‘no longer capable’ of carrying out another large-scale attack on Israel.

Yet this too seems like more like infantile wishful thinking, as if pretending hard enough will suddenly bring peace so Braindead can increase his election chances. This game of charades is so cynically pathetic. Braindead’s trying to apply undue pressure on both Israel and Hamas to accept a deal, do the hostage/prisoner swap and call an end to the bloody mess. But then as always, the Butcher upends Biden’s wishful thinking fantasy, claiming it’s not enough even to get whatever Israeli hostages home, the war will not end until every last Hamas militant is dead, an unrealistic, impossible task. But then by deliberate design, that’s how this wartime prime minister set it up in order to stay in power at all cost, keeping the war going. The Butcher obviously is showing his true colors and doesn’t give a shit about his hostages.

Netanyahu is receiving pressure from his rightwing Nazi war cabinet to not let up, anything less than full bore genocide is conceding to terrorists. If Netanyahu signs the ceasefire deal, his National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich threatened already to disband his coalition government which would be the end of Bibi’s political life. So with everything to lose, he figures he must holdout, with lots of people’s lives hanging precariously in the balance. After Biden in desperation laid out the three-phase ceasefire proposal on Monday, Bibi haltingly responded:

[Israelis] reserve the right to return to war.

Now that another ceasefire fantasy has stalled and hit the wall, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby kisses Israel’s higher paygrade ass:

This wasn’t about jamming the prime minister, the war cabinet. This was about laying bare for the public to see how well and how faithfully and how assertively the Israelis came up with a new proposal. It shows how much they really want to get this done.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador in the UN, is pressuring 14 Security Council members to sign onto the resolution, Biden is asking Qatar deal broker to pressure Hamas, national security advisor Jake Sullivan is leaning on his Turkish counterpart to pressure Hamas into the deal. Braindead is even pushing his G7 pals to endorse the deal, and they put out the statement:

We call on Hamas to accept this deal, that Israel is ready to move forward with, and we urge countries with influence over Hamas to help ensure that it does so.

When Time interviewed Biden on May 28th, asking if Netanyahu is stalling the war for his own political reasons, Biden admitted:

There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion.

Then on Tuesday June 4th, again asked if Netanyahu is playing politics with the Gaza war, with Bibi still not accepting Biden’s May 31st peace proposal, Braindead walked back his earlier statement nervous to further piss off the higher paygrade Israeli Butcher, so his lame answer was:

I don’t think so. He’s trying to work out the serious problem that he has.

Now a week later still without a ceasefire, it’s make-or-break time for this lame-brain dead regime, running out of time to finally put something, anything together that doesn’t humiliatingly fall apart like everything else this imbecile batch touches. The Braindead crew know that with the Democratic Presidential Convention to nominate Biden coming up soon two months away in August, and the November election less than 5 months away, Biden knows he better have Gaza war over or his political chances are worth near zero. So maybe facing that reality, maybe he is using no more weapons to Israel as leverage to pressure the Butcher to make the deal, even with his war cabinet threatening to break up his coalition government. It’s crunch time in the Middle East.

Killing Hezbollah soldiers near the Israeli northern border in southern Lebanon with white phosphorus airstrikes, that’s the Butcher’s way of quickly expanding the war. But it’s also the Butcher’s way of setting up Israel to be wiped off the map because Hezbollah is not Hamas, it’s a much stronger military than the IDF. And has all the support and logistics from Iran… like I said, crunch time in the Middle East.

The US government has never ever appeared so weak as today. This bumbling Braindead regime can’t get anything constructive accomplished, its hairbrained humanitarian pier broke apart, every peace negotiation fails, only bringing more US bombs killing more Palestinians brings shame and disgust from the rest of the world, and with Biden’s witch hunt on his opponent backfiring, only driving up Trump support, Biden’s days may be over.

Speaking of which, a more personal lens has this 81-year old wretch of an imposter slipping on even a more slippery slope these days. Not just the fact that Biden keep taking his infamous spills falling over and tripping on stairs, or not knowing where to go after he leaves the microphone. His unavoidable, way too obvious mental decline is growing worse by the week, and that reality is doing him in now. With his team in panic and constant damage control desperately trying to prop him up from clear signs of worsening dementia fast kicking in, the White House has been claiming executive privilege to withhold an audio tape of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s classified document interview with Biden. The interview transcript had to be altered to not make him look so senile and cognitively impaired. On CNN the Time reporter’s description of Biden’s mental competence was vague and elusive, unable to dodge or deny the obvious aging effects of his mental decline.

But the latest is a Tuesday June 4th Wall Street Journal piece titled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” The article cites multiple behind-the-scene close encounters this year where his undeniable senility is on full awkward display for all to see and report to WSJ. One damaging quote came from dethroned former GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy:

I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house. He’s not the same person.

That is not only cognitively true, but literally, physically true as well. The president is a failed actor with attached bottom ear lobes, and the real “Big Guy” VP from before he died, is with unattached bottom ear lobes, clearly a different person.

So, with less than five months left and the world fast falling apart, their 81-year old Braindead puppet geezer has no chance at all making it to the November finish line. The moneychanger controllers would prefer having a more easily pliable, robotic braindead occupying the White House as wartime president, with war breaking out not only on three warfronts. But upheaval is erupting over this coming long hot summer at home with more than one false flag planned, one to blame Russia, another one for Iran, while activating all those domestic terrorist sleeper cells to wreak havoc on the USA home-front. I’ve maintained for over a year now that I don’t believe there will even be an American election this year. A growing national emergency crisis in the coming months will usher in martial law to cancel the election on November 5th. This way the globalist agenda has full sway to destroy the US in the fastest way possible while engulfed in nuclear Armageddon on three world warfronts.

Let’s face it, all hell’s about to break loose all over this devil’s dominion planet. Without a brokered six-week ceasefire in Gaza, the current White House team appears to be on life support. With Bibi’s fractured coalition falling apart if a ceasefire deal is made, the Butcher’s own self-interests have always been his number one priority in everything this repeated war criminal has ever done. Because his war cabinet Nazis have him by the balls, this week-old deal still hanging in limbo appears to also run its course with near zero chance of success. The only option Biden has to salvage the deal Butcher agreed to is withholding US bombs. That would be the only way that Bibi might agree to halt the war. Of course, the last time a US president threatened an Israeli prime minister with cutting off the US cash cow spigot, that US president was murdered first, before US cashflow to the Jewish State would ever stop. That’s a reality check of Israel’s higher paygrade per founding Rothschild City of London power that runs the world.

This stagnating, bogged down Gaza war has gone the same way as the war in Ukraine, endlessly dragging on, looking grimmer for the IDF than the Hamas fighters. Again, the US is backing another loser in yet another immoral lost cause war of attrition. And the longer it goes on, the more detrimental impact on Israel. Resourceful Hamas cheaply produces weapons on its own underground tunneled turf, using guerilla-style warfare it can outlast Israel now flailing and failing to root out the surprisingly resilient and evasive occupation resistance. As the Palestinian civilian death toll rises to near 37,000, with graphically brutal accounts dispersed daily to the world on social media, Israel’s untenable bloodbath cannot withstand the wrath of the entire world, and for that matter, neither can the US.

So what does Bibi do? He orders more airstrikes on southern Lebanon, but once again using the outlawed chemical warfare agent, the flesh burning poison white phosphorus. Tangling with this far larger, more heavily armed, stronger military force Hezbollah at Israel’s northern border that already defeated the Jewish State once in a 2006 war, is a desperately dangerous Butcher-ous blunder intended to frantically drag the US into the wider war. Again, Israel is losing this war in Gaza and will immediately fold if the US actually ever grows the balls to stop shipping weapons to the IDF. This Middle East war is another no-win debacle just like Ukraine. The US keeps backing itself into the losers’ corner, backing the demons on the wrong side of history, both morally and militarily. Israel is the growing pariah of the world, joined by a weakening belligerent pariah, the United States. To make matters uglier and more grotesque, Israel’s bought and paid for treasonous US Congress has invited Bibi the Butcher to be their guest of honor addressing yet another joint session in the Capitol building, just like war criminal Zelensky afterglow comparison to Winston Churchill. On Saturday June 1st, the Butcher accepted, saying:

[I am] excited for the privilege to present in front of the representatives of the American people and the entire world the truth about our just war against those who wish to kill us.

The only thing that will cancel this demonic spectacle of a lauded genocidal Butcher in the Capitol Dome, is Israel cutoff from all future US weapons. A permanent ceasefire might bring him to Washington but his government would collapse before peace comes to the Middle East. Again, Satan rules this seemingly hexed earth.


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Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global Research, and currently https// and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).

Featured image: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream- by Mr. Fish

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The United States celebrates its heroes.

Those who sacrifice lives for the sake of US interests globally. No, not their own personal lives, but the lives of others. The more the better. 

Washington celebrates an especially big US hero this summer. 

On 27 July, the suspected genocide criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is invited the extraordinary honor of speaking jointly to both Chambers of the US Congress. 

“The bipartisan, bicameral meeting symbolizes the US and Israel’s enduring relationship and will offer Prime Minister Netanyahu the opportunity to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending their democracy, combatting terror and establishing just and lasting peace in the region,” Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a joint statement, which notably did not include the Democratic Congressional leaders whose approval was also needed to extend the invitation to the Israeli premier.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had delayed the invite for weeks and in March gave a speech in which he called Netanyahu an obstacle to peace and advocated early elections in Israel in order to replace him.

But Schumer — the highest ranking Jewish lawmaker in US history — ultimately acquiesced to the Republican initiative, ostensibly not wanting to be seen as obstructionist, particularly given his longstanding support for Israel.

“I have clear and profound disagreements with the prime minister, which I have voiced both privately and publicly and will continue to do so. But because America’s relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends one person or prime minister, I joined the request for him to speak,” Schumer said in a Thursday statement.

—Jacob Magid, The Times of Israel, 07 June 2024

Some comments from Democratic Senate majority leader Schumer and President Biden about Netanyahu were just to appease outrage from the world. In deeds, we see whom the US and the “do-good” Democrats consider as useful.

Ariel Sharon was also a US hero after Sabra and Shatila, where he murdered 2,000-3,500 refugees including children and women. 

Shatila, a Palestinian refugee camp, and the adjacent neighbourhood of Sabra are located southwest of Lebanon’s capital city Beirut.

The refugees were victims of the 1948 Nakba, or “catastrophe” in Arabic, fleeing the violent ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist militias as Israel was formed.

But between September 16 and 18, 1982, the refugees, now living in Shatila and Sabra, along with Lebanese civilians, were attacked by a right-wing Lebanese militia, in coordination with the Israeli army.

Between 2,000 and 3,500 people were killed.

Al Jazeera, 16 September 2022

For this massacre, Ariel Sharon was also awarded the peculiar US honor of speaking to both Houses of Congress. 

US clearly shows whom they are proud of.

The US also demonstrates the peculiar way it views international law and dignity.

President Biden will surely also receive Netanyahu at the White House.

Americans can really be proud of standing up for themselves.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words—and in this case, a stunning viral video that has been watched over 34 million times sums up one of the greatest lies that our country has ever perpetuated on its public better than a thousand op-eds ever could.

You remember—just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post broke the story about how Hunter Biden’s laptop had been left at a computer repair shop and turned out to have photos and documents that showed his drug-addicted, lascivious lifestyle while its contents also revealed many dubious emails that appeared to show the Biden Crime Family illicitly profiting from all sorts of shady international dealings.

New York Post Cover Hunter Biden, “Biden Secret E-Mails” (New York Post)

Most of the nation’s media instantly joined forces with extremists in the intelligence community and other branches of government to throw their full power into discrediting—and censoring—the Post’s coverage, withholding crucial information from voters just as they were coming to their decisions.

To this day, if you say the 2020 vote was rigged, many will call you a conspiracy theorist or, worse, an insurrectionist. But what do you call such powerful forces all pulling together to lie to you other than “election interference?”

Of course, the government just admitted the laptop and its contents are, in fact, real, despite the fact that Joe Biden lied about it during an October 2020 presidential debate with Donald Trump. Hunter is embroiled in a scandal-filled trial in Delaware, where the First Son is charged with lying on a federal form to obtain a gun—and much of the evidence federal prosecutors are using in the case comes from… you guessed it, the Laptop from Hell.

The video is long, but watch as you are lied to, over and over, by the legacy corporate media, 51 former intelligence agents, and virtually every progressive politician in the country:

Absolutely amazing stuff. So much lying. Also note that you don’t need to rely on some pundit’s personal take on the matter—it’s merely a compendium of all the fraudsters in their own words

Not surprisingly, one of the most mendacious members of Congress, the man known as “Shifty Schiff,” was at the forefront of the propaganda effort:

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said during an interview with CNN at the time that it was clear Trump and the Kremlin were behind Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

“The Kremlin has an obvious interest in denigrating Joe Biden, they want Donald Trump to win, they recognize he’s a weak president,” Schiff said. “Clearly they want to help him, so they want to denigrate the vice president, the intelligence community has made that abundantly clear.” 

He also called the laptop story “Kremlin propaganda.”

Schiff is clearly vying for the title of “most dishonest politician in America.” But he has competition.

Two of the other most notorious deep state liars, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan—neither of whom has faced any consequences for their election meddling—also feature prominently:

James Clapper, a former Director of National Intelligence, said on CNN at the time that the laptop was “classic, textbook Soviet, Russian tradecraft at work.” 

“The Russians have analyzed the target, they understand that the president and his enablers crave dirt on Vice President Biden, whether its real or contrived, it doesn’t matter to them. And so all of a sudden, two and a half weeks before the election, this laptop appears, somehow, and the emails without any metadata, it’s all very curious,” he said.

The deep state, in cahoots with the mainstream media, used disinformation and censorship to alter the outcome of an election—and as we all know, they succeeded, and now we are subject to watching an incoherent Joe Biden lead our country into ruin. While long, this video reminds us of the powerful, corrupt forces we are up against as we head toward the November elections. 

I was once innocent enough to believe my country would not lie to me. Now I know better.


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Bob Hoge—pronounced Hoge like rogue, not Hodge like lodge—is a RedState front page contributor and editor and proud father of four. He is shown sporting his COVID beard, which his wife has since forced him to shave. Follow him on Twitter @Bob_Hoge_CA.

Featured image: This caricature of Hunter Biden was adapted from in the public domain from the US Congress (PDF). The body was adapted from in the public domain from The White House’s Flickr photostream.

Biden Plan: Rebuilding Gaza to Erase Palestine

By Manlio Dinucci, June 09, 2024

The clear aim of the plan is to strike the BRICS, which Russia and China are part of, and Saudi Arabia has entered together with Iran,which the USA and Israel consider their most dangerous enemy in the region. However, the fact remains – concludes Biden – that Israel will always have the right to defend itself from threats to its security and that the United States will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to protect itself.

Dr. Francis Boyle Provides Affidavit: COVID 19 mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

By Dr. Joseph Sansone, June 10, 2024

Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

Evil Can Destroy the World. Paul C. Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 10, 2024

Zionist Israel’s theft of Palestine and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own country was covered up each year along the way by the West pretending to be in favor of a “two state solution.” Of course, such a solution never materialized decade after decade as Israel claimed the entire territory.

Zionists Don’t Know When to Quit: Israel to Launch Another Losing Battle Against Hezbollah

By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 10, 2024

For Israeli officials, Hezbollah is a formidable enemy that will fight to the end.  Since Israel lost the last war to Hezbollah in 2006, the Israelis know that with the Lebanese resistance still in the picture, they will face an unwinnable war against all their long-time adversaries including the Palestinian resistance, Syria, Iraq, and eventually Iran, so for them, Hezbollah needs to be taken out of the equation. 

The Twilight of the Western Settler Colonialist Project in Palestine

By Amir Nour, June 09, 2024

An extensive examination of Theodor Herzl’s wittings and movement shows clearly that from its very beginnings to the politics and policies of the state of Israel today, Zionism thought has permanently and resolutely embraced the dominant European discourses of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including anti-Semitism.

Israel Prepares to Open a Second Front in the North

By Mike Whitney, June 09, 2024

Today’s political leaders in Israel—greatly emboldened by their perceived triumph over the civilian population of Gaza—are pushing for an invasion of Lebanon and a confrontation with their arch-enemy, Hezbollah. Most of these politicians either don’t know what transpired in 2006 or think that today’s “stronger and more capable” IDF will prevail with relative ease.

From Servant to Master? The New Boss in Town. Welcome the Rise of AI

By Michael Welch, Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, Cory Doctorow, and Mojmir Babacek, June 07, 2024

Artificial Intelligence, at least in its current form already threatens to take our jobs away from us. During the Viva Technology Conference in Paris a couple of weeks ago, billionaire Elon Musk asserted his conviction that Artificial Intelligence will ultimately eliminate the need for people to work.

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Important article first published by Global Research on Jun10, 2024


The latest voter registration numbers among noncitizens in Washington D.C. are a stark reminder of how the Democratic Party plans to use foreigners to cement their national majority.

Last year, an Obama-appointed federal judge upheld a Washington D.C. law that allows noncitizens, including illegal aliens, to vote in local elections.

The Washington Post reports:

The voters include 310 who registered as Democrat, 169 independent, 28 Republican and 16 Statehood Green, said Sarah Graham, a spokesperson for the D.C. Board of Elections.

In this city, which has no voting representative in Congress, leaders have expanded voting rights to noncitizen residents. Noncitizens are eligible to vote if they are at least 18 years old as of Election Day, have been a D.C. resident for at least 30 days before the election, have not been deemed by a court legally incompetent to vote and are not claiming the right to vote in any state, territory or country.

There has been opposition, with critics arguing that the right to vote should be reserved for American citizens. The U.S. House advanced a bill last month to block noncitizen voting in D.C., though it’s unlikely this bill would move forward in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Workers for the D.C. Board of Elections have also been fielding angry messages from callers opposed to noncitizen voting, said Monica Evans, the office’s executive director.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, the city’s Democratic authorities are also handing out documents to illegal aliens and noncitizens explaining how they can register to vote and secure their left-wing supermajority.

As well as voting, noncitizens in D.C. are also permitted to work as police officers. The change in policy was reportedly implemented after the city realized that it was struggling to recruit and retain police officers. Successful applicants are also eligible for a massive $25,000 signing bonus to help accelerate the recruitment drive.


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Ben Kew is a writer and editor. Originally from the UK, he moved to the U.S. to cover Congress for Breitbart News and has since gone on to editorial roles at Human Events, Townhall Media, and Americano Media. He has also written for The Epoch Times, The Western Journal, and The Spectator. 

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The Bosnian Croats’ reaction and that of their neighboring eponymous NATO-member state to Republika Srpska’s planned separation will be the most pivotal factor for determining whether the West resorts to military force to stop the Serbs.

President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik confirmed in an interview with TASS at last week’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that his state plans to separate from Bosnia but is proceeding very carefully in order to avoid any instability. He then met his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade during the Pan-Serbian Assembly there, which produced the  “Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People”.

That document importantly calls for their institutions to act in coordination with one another to further the Serbian people’s interests and essentially amounts to the beginning of their informal merger along the lines of the commonwealth model that Dodik briefly touched upon in his abovementioned interview. As he explained, this is a natural development that represents the historically justified aspirations of the Serbian people, which he compared to the unification of East and West Germany after the Old Cold War.

The problem is that the West is unlikely to abandon its three-decade-long failed political experiment in Bosnia, however, since the whole purpose behind artificially keeping that polity together all this time has been to divide-and-rule the Serbian people. Moreover, since Serbs are among the most Russian-friendly people anywhere in the world, Western anti-Russian hawks are likely to spin this long-overdue move as some sort of Russian plot to sow instability in the Balkans exactly as the Associated Press just speculated.

Accordingly, the odds of them respecting the UN-enshrined right of Republika Srpska’s majority-Serbian people to separate from Bosnia and unite with Serbia are low. In all likelihood, they’ll use every means at their disposal to oppose this peaceful process, especially since successfully obstructing it could then be presented as a faux victory over Russia to boost Western morale. This includes warmongering and possibly even acting on their threats to stop Republika Srpska in the worst-case scenario.

To that end, the West is expected to gaslight that it’s Republika Srpska and Serbia that are preparing for war with secret Russian support, not the West. In that way, they can reframe everything as the opposite of what it really is by swapping the roles of victims and villains like they always do, which is aimed at manipulating public opinion in their support. That’s not to say that the West will definitely resort to military force to stop Republika Srpska, but just that they’ll at least likely convey such threats to it.

That’ll be much more difficult to do though if Republika Srpska convinces its Bosniak and especially Croat counterparts from Bosnia’s other half, the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, to agree to its peaceful separation. In that event, this rump state can either remain as Bosnia’s successor or bifurcate once more if the Croat part joints Croatia, thus leaving the Bosniak part as its own country. There are pros and cons to these scenarios from each of their perspectives so it’s unclear what they’ll ultimately do.

The Bosnian Croats’ reaction and that of their neighboring eponymous NATO-member state to Republika Srpska’s planned separation will be the most pivotal factor for determining whether the West resorts to military force to stop the Serbs. If they agree that this is the most pragmatic way to truly advance the best interests of Bosnia’s three constituent people and doesn’t pose a threat to the region due to the lack of Serbian claims on others, then they’re unlikely to go along with the West’s warmongering.

Another argument in favor of them letting Republika Srpska peacefully separate from Bosnia is that few want to fight a war over the future of this country. Each of its three constituent people already have their own niche where they live in safety unlike right after Yugoslavia’s dissolution. Socio-economic ties between them can therefore easily continue even in the absence of political ones. Since nobody has any claims to anyone else’s land anymore, ending this experiment wouldn’t automatically lead to instability.

Moreover, so long as the Ukrainian Conflict continues, the West’s military priority is to keep fighting Russia by proxy. Republika Srpska and Serbia’s armed forces are incomparable to Russia’s in the sense that they’d be easily defeated by NATO, but even so, another regional war would distract from the West’s military focus on Russia and lead to the further depletion of its already stressed stockpiles. It’s for this reason why their use of force to stop Republika Srpska can’t be taken for granted even if they threaten it.

One possibility is that Western military threats deter Republika Srpska from declaring independence and then merging with Serbia but that Dodik withdraws his state’s recognition of Bosnia just like Puntland withdrew its recognition of Somalia earlier this spring after a constitutional dispute. That African sub-national polity is still universally recognized as part of its UN-member state but it’s functionally independent in all respects and has been for a while already even before the latest development.

In Republika Srpska’s case, its withdrawal of recognition might be irreversible but stop short of outright secession, thus resulting in a compromise whereby it and the rest of Bosnia can go their own separate ways without any political red lines being crossed that risk provoking the West into an overreaction. During that time, Republika Srpska and Serbia could accelerate the implementation of their joint declaration, which would change the political facts on the ground and create a fait accompli.

At this point, it’s obvious that the West’s political experiment in Bosnia failed to divide-and-rule the Serbian people, who’ve begun to peacefully unite once more. The only way to stop them is to resort to force, but that would divert arms and attention from the Ukrainian Conflict, plus Croatia might not go along with it. For these reasons, observers shouldn’t assume that Western warmongering signifies another impending war, but they also shouldn’t ignore any tangible moves in this direction either.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict revealed the worrying servility of Western countries, which translated into the loss of decision-making power of European institutions and their total subordination to the geopolitical dictates of the United States, leaving France as an irrelevant power in the new cartography, geopolitics of the Cold War 2.0.

However, Macron’s thinking would be rigid and incorrigible since it does not take into account the contrary reasons and only collects data or signs that confirm the prejudice to turn it into conviction, so everything indicates that Macron would be determined to lead Europe by personally committing himself to unwavering support for the Ukrainian people and forcing NATO into open conflict with Putin’s Russia.

Thus, as the US is immersed in the electoral campaign for the November Presidential elections, France, Poland and the United Kingdom would be the trident chosen by the globalists to implode the Ukrainian front next summer and provoke the subsequent entry of NATO into an open conflict with the Russia of a Putin reelected until 2030.

NATO Entry Into the Ukrainian War?

The Ukrainian conflict would have meant the return to the Cold War between Russia and the United States and the return to the Doctrine of Containment, the bases of which were exposed by George F. Kennan in his essay “The Sources of Soviet Behavior”, published in the magazine, Foreign Affairs, in 1947 and whose main ideas are summarized in the quote

“Soviet power is impervious to the logic of reason but very sensitive to the logic of force.”

Thus, the Polish president, Andrzej Duda, stated that his country is “willing to accept nuclear weapons” from allied countries on its territory, which has received a harsh and forceful response from Moscow when it warned that “the placement of this type of weaponry in Poland will make this country a priority objective in Russian military planning.”

Likewise, in a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia has warned that the “arrival of the F-16 fighters in Ukraine will be seen as carriers of nuclear weapons and we will consider this step by the US and NATO as a deliberate provocation,” while at the same time which accuses the West of openly supporting Ukraine’s sabotage actions in Russian territory and of supplying Kiev with British and French long-range missiles as well as the new American ATACMS, which can reach Russian territory.

Within the action-reaction dynamic typical of the new Cold War 2.0 scenario, Putin ordered his country’s Armed Forces to carry out maneuvers with tactical nuclear weapons on the southern border with Ukraine. Likewise, Putin warned that “the use of weapons by Ukraine against Russian territory could lead to very serious problems” and in response, “Moscow could provide long-range weapons to third parties to attack Western targets.”

Ignoring these warnings, in a televised interview with the France 2 and TF1 channels, Macron announced that France “will provide Ukraine with Mirage 2000-5 fighters, and will train pilots and a brigade of 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers whom it will equip, train and will lend weapons.” He also reiterated that

“Ukraine should be allowed to use weapons provided by its Western allies to attack Russian military targets and neutralize the points from which the country is being attacked.”

Paris’ current priority, according to its Defense Minister, Sebastian Lecornu, would be to supply Zelensky with high-tech precision-guided AASM bombs and advanced artillery pieces as well as the production of 40 units of France’s powerful SCALP cruise missile.

Macron and the Nuclear Saber-Rattling

Macron, established as “a champion of the defense of Western values against Russian barbarism”, would be the only European leader willing to use the “nuclear saber” in the face of Putin’s threats to “use nuclear force in the event of being endangering the integrity of Russia.” Although responsibility for the armed forces is shared by the President and the Prime Minister according to the 1958 French Constitution, a 1962 decree only attributes to the President the ability to authorize the use of nuclear weapons.

Let us remember that the “Force de Frappe” was born in 1960 as a consequence of the proclamation of the Fifth French Republic by General De Gaulle. And it was conceived as one of the key elements of the country’s economic, diplomatic and military independence from the two great powers in conflict worldwide (the US and the USSR).

Under Sarkozy, the French atomic arsenal was reduced to the current 290 nuclear warheads and bases part of its power on the use of ballistic nuclear submarines (SLBM), the M51 missile being the longest range with a range of 9 km and also including bombers. land and maritime missiles with medium-range, high-speed Air-Sol Moyenne Portée (ASMP) nuclear cruise missiles. In this context, the French Minister of Defense, Sébastien Lecornu, confirmed that “a first test shot of a new short- and medium-range supersonic air-to-ground nuclear missile” known as ASMPA-R had been successfully launched from an aircraft. Rafale of the Strategic Air Forces (FAE) over French territory and has a range of 500 kilometers and can transport nuclear charges of 300 kilotons.

Towards a Low Intensity Nuclear War?

Given that both Macron and Putin are suffering from the so-called Pontius syndrome, which consists of “a distortion in the perception of danger that would have its origin in the excess of adrenaline of the affected person”, neither of them will be deterred by the opposite, so the conflict could culminate in a low-intensity nuclear war through the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

“Non-strategic” nuclear weapons, also known as “tactical nuclear weapons”, according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and of which Russia would have about 1,800 warheads and NATO would have 250 warheads deployed in Europe, would be warheads designed to used on a limited battlefield, for example to destroy a tank column or an aircraft carrier battle group if used at sea, which is why they are also known as “low performance”.

However, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a Princeton University simulation of a US-Russia conflict that begins with the use of a tactical nuclear weapon predicts “a rapid escalation that would leave more than 90 millions of dead and injured”, with which the beginning of a low-intensity nuclear conflict could degenerate into a large-scale nuclear conflagration with disastrous results for Humanity.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image source

WWIII ScenarioTowards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Lock them up.  The whole bally lot.  The pollsters, the pundits, the parasitic hacks clinging to the life raft of politics in the hope of earning their crust.  Yet again, the election results from a country have confounded the chatterers and psephologists.  India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, was meant to romp home and steal the show in the latest elections.  The Bharatiya Janata Party was meant to cut through the Lok Sabha for a third time, comprehensively, conclusively.  Of 543 parliamentary seats, 400 were to be scooped up effortlessly.

From a superficial perspective, it was easy to see why this view was reached.  Modi the moderniser is a selling point, a sales pitch for progress.  The builder and architect as leader.  The man of temples and faith to keep company with the sweet counting of Mammon’s pennies.  Despite cherishing an almost medieval mindset, one that rejects Darwinian theories of evolution and promotes the belief that Indians discovered DNA before Watson and Crick, not to mention flying and virtually everything else worth mentioning, Modi insists on the sparkle of development.  Propaganda concepts abound such as Viksit Bharat (Developed India).  The country, he dreams, will slough off the skin of its “developing” status by 2047, becoming a US$30 trillion economy.

The BJP manifesto had pledges aplenty: the improvement of the country’s infrastructure, the creation of courts programmed to be expeditious in their functions, the creation of “high-value” jobs, the realisation of India as a global hub for manufacturing.

The electors had something else in mind.  At the halfway point of counting 640 million votes, it became clear that the BJP and its allies had won 290 seats.  The BJP electoral larder had been raided.  The Modi sales pitch had not bent as many Indian ears as hoped.  The opposition parties, including the long-weakened Congress Party, once the lion of Indian politics, and the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance, had found their bite.  States such as Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Maharashtra, had put the Hindutva devotees off their stroke.

Despite Modi’s inauguration of a garish temple to Ram at Ayodhya, occupying the site of a mosque destroyed by mob violence (the cliché goes that criminals return to the scene of their crime), the Socialist party and Congress alliance gained 42 of the 80 seats on offer in Uttar Pradesh.  A rather leaden analysis offered in that dullest of publications, The Conversation, suggested that Hindu nationalist policies, while being “a powerful tool in mobilising the BJP’s first two terms” would have to be recalibrated.  The theme of religious nationalism and its inevitable offspring, temple politics, had not been as weighty in the elections as initially thought.

For such politics watchers as Ashwini Kumar, the election yielded one fundamental message: “the era of coalition politics is back”.  The BJP would have to “put the contentious ideological issues in cold storage, like the uniform civil code or simultaneous elections for state assembly and the Parliament.”

While still being the largest party in the Lok Sabha, the BJP put stock in its alliance with the National Democratic Alliance.  The NDA, said Modi, “is going to form the government for the third time, we are grateful to the people”.  The outcome was “a victory for the world’s largest democracy.”

Modi, sounding every bit a US president dewy about the marble virtues of the republic, romanced the election process of his country.  “Every Indian is proud of the election system and its credibility.  Its efficiency has not [sic] match anywhere else in the world. I want to tell the influencers that this is a matter of pride.  It enhances India’s reputation, and people who have a reach, they should present it before the world with pride.”

For a man inclined to dilute and strain laws in a breezy, thuggish way, this was quite something.  Modi spoke of the Indian constitution as being “our guiding light”, despite showing a less than enlightened attitude to non-Hindus in the Indian state.  He venerated the task of battling corruption, omitting the fact that the vast majority of targets have tended to be from the opposition.  The “defence sector”, he vowed, would become “self-reliant”.

In an interview with the PTI news agency, the relentlessly eloquent Congress Party grandee Shashi Tharoor had this assessment The electorate had given a “comeuppance” to the BJP’s “overweening arrogance” and its “my way or the highway attitude”.  It would “be a challenge for Mr Modi and Amit Shah who have not been used to consulting very much in running their government and I think this is going to test their ability to change their way of functioning and be more accommodative and more conciliatory within the government and also I hope with the Opposition.”

Whatever Modi’s sweet words for the Indian republic, there was no getting away from the fact Hindutva’s juggernaut has lost its shine. We anticipate, to that end, something amounting to what Tharoor predicts to be a “majboor sarkaar (helpless government)” on fundamental matters.  Far better helpless in government than ably vicious in bigotry.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Evil Can Destroy the World. Paul C. Roberts

June 10th, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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This map series shows the progressive theft of Palestine by Zionist Israel since 1947, with the complicity of Washington and Europe. Where did all the Palestinians who lived in the green areas of Palestine, almost the entirety of Palestine, in 1947 go? They were herded into refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon.

The UN (second map from the left) planned to give Israel half of Palestine, although no one explained the UN’s ability to give away a people’s country. The UN’s generous redistribution of Palestine to Israel did not satisfy Israel who took the rest.

Zionist Israel’s theft of Palestine and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own country was covered up each year along the way by the West pretending to be in favor of a “two state solution.” Of course, such a solution never materialized decade after decade as Israel claimed the entire territory.

The “two state solution” let the West pretend it was doing the right thing while Israel stole the country and exiled the people, the remnants of which were confined to the Gaza ghetto, currently under destruction by Israel using American weapons and money.

America has been unable to do anything about this genocide of a country and a people because US presidents and members of the House and Senate are elected with the aid of Israeli campaign contributions.

The billions of dollars that US taxpayers are forced to hand over to Israel every year come back to purchase our elections. Consequently, Washington answers to the Israel Lobby, not to the American people. We see this clearly in the invitation of the US Congress to Netanyahu who is under indictments both within Israel and by the International Criminal Court. Washington is determined to show that Netanyahu’s criminal indictments notwithstanding, Netanyahu is under the protection of the United States. In contrast, we are supposed to write Trump off as a gangster based on concocted indictments resting on nothing but opinions of prosecutors determined to keep Trump from the White House.

Israel also uses its American tribute to purchase pastors of evangelical churches who indoctrinate their congregations that it is God’s will for America to support Israel and for Israel to reclaim their home of 2,000 or more years ago, from which God dispelled a sinful Jewish population. Some of the evangelical churches are so captured that they are known as “Christian Zionists.”

What the “great moral West” doesn’t understand is that by supporting and defending Israel’s genocidal policy toward Palestinians, the “great moral West” has given its approval to genocide. So how is the West moral?

Even Putin congratulates Israel for its sins and crimes. Perhaps Putin does this because the Holocaust story is a way for Putin to emphasize that Russia is fighting nazis in Ukraine. Nevertheless, Putin’s support for Israel is extraordinary as it is Israel that is pressuring its American lapdog to attack Iran, which would be a catastrophe for Russia and China. Without Iran the efforts of Russia and China to organize Asia into a coherent trading bloc independent of the dollar is impossible. Instead CIA jihadists would be flowing into the Russian Federation, Central Asia and China.

America’s disgrace from supporting genocide is diminishing the ranks of qualified personnel in the US Department of State. Two more officials have resigned rather than be associated with Washington’s complicity in the mass murder of Palestinians.

Alexander Smith prepared a report for the US Agency for International Development on the extraordinary high rate of maternal and child mortality among Palestinians suffering the Israeli attack. He was quickly fired before he could deliver the report.

He said:

“I cannot do my job in an environment in which specific people cannot be acknowledged as fully human, or where gender and human rights principles apply to some, but not to others, depending on their race.”

Another State Department official, Stacy Gilbert resigned. She said she could no longer accept the State Department lies that Israel was not deliberately obstructing the flow of food or other aid into Gaza.

So far 33 State Department officials have resigned, leaving their comfortable high-paying jobs because they cannot stomach the immorality of being a US State Department employee.

This is hopeful. It indicates that some Americans employed by Washington still have a moral conscience and will not serve Washington at the expense of their conscience.

The total evil that the Biden regime represents has the support of a large minority of American voters. That Americans will vote for evil shows how far down the drain America has gone. The question automatically arises: what is the United States other than a threat to life on earth, a threat to all civilization, to all known morality? How do we know that Satan doesn’t hold Washington in his hand?

We are faced with the possible outbreak of nuclear war, a death sentence for life on earth, and there is not a single Western leader trying to resolve the crisis. Zelensky has passed a law prohibiting negotiations with Russia to end the conflict. Washington’s response to Russia’s direct warnings is to turn the warnings into propaganda against Russia.

As Putin says, we will see what happens.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Michel Chossudovsky: Biography

June 10th, 2024 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Below is a biographical summary focussing on Chossudovsky’s academic and professional activities, including publications and awards (as well as his contribution to the Encyclopedia Britannica)

To consult the complete Curriculum Vitae of Michel Chossudovsky click here




Biographical summary

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.


Canada, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom


Ecole internationale, Geneva, Maturité fédérale suisse, type scientifique (C), 1962
BA (Econ) Honours, Department of Economics, University of Manchester, UK, 1965
Diploma in Economic Planning, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, Netherlands, 1967, The ISS is now part of Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 1971

Chossudovsky was a student of social anthropologist Prof. Max Gluckman at the University of Manchester, of Nobel Laureate in Economics Prof. Jan Tinbergen at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague and of mathematical statistics Prof Harold Hotelling at the University of North Carolina (UNC).

Languages: Fluent in English, French, Spanish, German. Knowledge of Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch (Netherlands), Thai, Russian, Melanesian (Papua New Guinea).

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, China, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality.

He has also undertaken research in Health Economics: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), UNFPA, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), CEPAL -ILPES -UNICEF, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983).

His recent research focusses on economic and social policy, health economics, geopolitics, globalization.

Academic, Research and Advisory positions: 

University of Ottawa, Department of Economics, current position: Professor of Economics, emeritus, (First academic appointment in 1968-)

Visiting Professor, Postgraduate Program in Geopolitical Analysis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Autonomous University of the City of Mexico (UACM) (2022)

Professor, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), Managua, Centre for Development Studies Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann (CEDMEB), Founding Member of CEDMEB (2019- )

Visiting Professor, University of the Philippines, Cebu, Faculty of Social Sciences (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, The International University of People’s Institutions for Peace (IUPIP), Rovereto, Italy (2003, 2004),

Directeur de recherche invité, Visiting Research Fellow, Lecturer. L’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris (1993)

Associate, Saint Mary’s University, International Development Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia,  (1990s)

Associate Fellow, Centre for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, Montreal, (1990s)

Visiting Research Scholar, Chulalongkorn University, Department of Economics, Bangkok, (1991, 1992)

Visiting Professor, Catholic University of Peru, Department of Economics, Lima (1989-90)

Visiting Professor and Research Scholar, Kohn Kaen University, Department of Social Sciences, Khon Kaen, Thailand (1987-88), under contract with CIDA.

Policy Adviser, Rural and Social Development, Department of Economic and Technical Cooperation (DTEC), Prime Minister’s Office, Royal Thai Government, Bangkok (1986-87), under contract with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Visiting Professor, University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Department of Economics. Lecturer, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, UPNG, Port Moresby, 1985

Honorary Research Fellow, University of Hong Kong (1981-82), Centre of Asian Studies (CAS), Faculty of Social Sciences, Also Lecturer, HKU Economics Department, Lecturer, Department of Extra-Mural Studies (School of Professional and Continuing Education).

Carleton University, School of International Affairs, Ottawa, Part Time Lecturer (1977)

University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Department of Economics, Part Time Lecturer (1979-80)

Visiting Professor, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (1976), Social Policy Institute. Under ILO-UNDP Contract

Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas (1976), Development Studies Centre (CENDES)

Research Scholar and Lecturer, UN African Institute for Economic and Social Planning (IDEP), Dakar. (1976)

Senior Economic Adviser to the Minister of State for Planning, and Research Director (Interdisciplinary project on poverty), Ministry of Planning (CORDIPLAN), Government of Venezuela, Caracas, 1975-76.

Catholic University of Peru, Department of Economics, Visiting Professor (1974)

Catholic University of Chile (1973), Institute of Economics, Visiting Professor and Teaching Fellow, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1967-68.

Research Assistant, Applied Experimental Design Techniques and Nonlinear Programming, Department of Economics and Department of Mathematical Statistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1966-68


Consultant to the UNDP and the Government of Rwanda, Analysis of  Rwanda’s External Debt, Kigali. Missions in 1996, 1997.

Consultant, African Development Bank (ADB), country-level missions, economic and social analysis, post evaluation of macro-economic reforms (1991-1995), missions to Kenya, Morocco, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Botswana on behalf of ADB.

Consultant, North South Institute, Ottawa:  research on country-level macro-economic reforms (Peru Research Project) on behalf of CIDA. 1990-1992.

Lecturer, World Bank, Economic Development Institute (EDI) Training Program, Workshop on Macro-Economic Reform, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1991

Consultant, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Missions to Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, 1988, 1989

Consultant, World Health Organization (WHO), Organization and Coordination of African Workshop on Health Planning, Lecturer, Dakar, Senegal. 1976

Consultant, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (Research on poverty, social indicators and health policy), Santiago, Chile, 1978-1979

TV Ontario, Educational Television, Researcher and interviewer, Five part series on the Canadian Economy (1978-79) (interview with former PM Jean Chrétien)

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):  Missions to Mali (1982-83), Peru, University Cooperation Programme (1977-79), Thailand 1986-88, Consultant to CIDA on Health and Development in Latin America, 1991, Lecturer, CIDA’s staff training programme, Economic Strategies and Development Policies, Ottawa, 1970s and 1980s.

He is a past president of the Canadian Association of  Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ACELAC) and a former member of the Senate of the University of Ottawa. 

Lectures and presentations at more than 100 universities, research institutions, parliamentary committees, etc.

Lecture, Committee of the European Parliament, Brussels (2002), Testimony, Joint Senate-House of Commons Committee (Canada), Economic Affairs and International Trade Committee (December 1989), Testimony, Joint Senate-House of Commons Committee (Canada), Canada’s International Relations (1984),  House of Representatives, Philippines, (testimony on the impacts of the 2008 Economic Crisis) (2009), Literaturhaus, Munich (2003), The Latin American Parliament, Caracas (2008), Belgrade Forum, (2000, 2009, 2022, 2024), Stanford, UNC, Wisconsin, Yale, The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). Madrid, Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) New York, (1966-1967), etc.

Lectures at Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan (2013, 2017), Rosa Luxemburg Conference, Berlin (2014), Humboldt University (1999), Mexican Press Club, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce, Malaysia Academy of Sciences, Science for Peace Conference (2016), Perdana Global Peace Foundation (Kuala Lumpur) (several lectures, 2005-2017), Public Lecture chaired by Egypt’s Minister of Finance, Cairo (1991), Keynote Lecture, conference held at Korean Parliament (ROK), Seoul, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2012, 2019), Wuhan University (1982, 1984), Tsinghua University School of Journalism, Beijing, Media Conferences, People’s Daily (Beijing), Keynote Address. Firenze Peace Conference, No War, No NATO (2019). etc.

Interviews/Conversations with (former) heads of State, heads of government: Jean Chrétien (Canada), Luis Inacio da Silva (Brazil), Fernando Enrique Cardoso (Brazil), Manmohan Singh (India), Pasteur Bizimungu (Rwanda), Fidel Castro Ruz (Cuba), Ricardo Alarcon (Cuba), Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (Malaysia), Atef Ebeid (Egypt), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Victor Haya de la Torre, APRA (Peru), Georgios Papandreou (Greece). 


He is the author of:

Thirteen books including several international best-sellers

La Miseria en Venezuela (1978), Caracas 

Is the Canadian Economy Closing Down, (1979) (co-author),

Towards Capitalist Restoration? Chinese Socialism after Mao (1986), London, Macmillan

The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (1997, 2003) (published in 13 languages),

America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005) (published in 10 languages),

The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the Twenty-first Century
(2009) (Editor),

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War (2011) (published in 4 languages),

The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015) (published in 4 languages)

The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia (2021), Belgrade. (published in Serbian and English)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity. (2022), E-Book pdf format. Print version forthcoming. Also published (print) in Japanese (2022)


The 2015 Kuala Lumpur launching by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, PM of Malaysia of Michel Chossudovsky’s book entitled The Globalization of War


Scholarly publications:

Kyklos, Metron: International Journal of Statistics, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Économie Appliquée, Southern Economic Journal, L’Actualité Économique, Review of African Political Economy, Development in Practice, Co-Existence, International Journal of Health Services (John Hopkins), Studies in Political Economy, Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics, World Affairs: The Journal of International IssuesCanadian Journal of Latin American Studies, Yale University Lecture Series on Post-Allende Chile,  Journal of Peace Research, El Trimestre Economico, Bulletin of Peace Proposals, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics (JQTE), Beijing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), etc.

Chapters in Books. Reports published by national and international organizations (ADB, UNFPA, UNDP, CIDA, UNECLAC, North-South Institute, Royal Thai Government). 

Conversations with Fidel Castro Ruz: The Dangers of Nuclear War, (October  11-15, 2010, available in several languages in print and online, chapter in book).



Chossudovsky’s  writings have also appeared in Le monde diplomatique (Paris), The Journal of International Affairs (New York), the International Herald Tribune and New York Times,  Third World Resurgence,  The Ecologist  (London UK), the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), The Nation (Bangkok), Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), La Presse (Montreal), Junge Welt (Berlin), Hankoreh (Seoul, ROK),  Global Times (Beijing), People’s Daily (Beijing), Frontline (Chennai), Comercio Exterior (Mexico), Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), World Affairs (New Delhi), GeoPolitica (Bucharest), Peace Magazine (Toronto), etc.

Press interviews and TV interviews with (among others) CTV, CBC, RT, BBC, TVO, CCTV (Beijing), Global, Radio Canada, Tele Quebec, TV Ontario (Education TV) (five part series on the Canadian Economy), CNN, TV France 5, RTBF (Belgium), Press TV, TeleSur, MBC (ROK, Seoul), Malaysian TV, Peru TV, Portugal TV, Nicaragua National TV, Pacifica, WBAI, Community radio in US, Canada, etc.

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. EB Article on the World Bank

His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission

Michel Chossudovsky is a signatory of the 2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War under the helm of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia

Signatories of the 2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration. From Left to Right: Francis A.Boyle, Helen Caldicott,  Denis J. Halliday, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Hans-Christof Von Sponeck, Michel Chossudovsky, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Michel Chossudovsky was a member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) (2007- 2018) under the helm of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former PM of Malaysia.


Michel Chossudovsky is the recipient of:

The Human Rights Prize, Society for Civil Rights and Human Dignity, (Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Bürgerrecht und Menschenwürde, Berlin (2002),

“Best Books in Germany” (media ranking), German edition of  Chossudovsky’s Globalization of Poverty, (Global Brutal, Der entfesselte Welthandel, die Armut, der Krieg,“Media Ranked no 2. best non-fiction titles in Germany” (2002),

Project Censored Award, State University of Sonoma, California, (1999- 2015, 10 awards).

Professor of the Year Award, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences (2001). Excellence in Teaching Award

Mexican Press Club award to Michel Chossudovsky and Global Research, “Primer Premio de Periodismo”: “Premio Internacional de Periodismo por el Mejor Portal de Investigación Internacional.” “First National Prize for the best research website at the international level” (2008).

The Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia (Government House, Awards to Canadians) for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia (2014).

From Left to Right Prof. Y Dissou Chairman, Economics Department, HE Serbia’s Ambassador Mihailo Papazoglu, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. Marcel Merette, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa (2014)

Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), Managua (2016)


National Autonomous University, Managua, Nicaragua, 2016

Fellowships and Research Grants:

Research Fellowship, International Development Research Centre (IDRC),
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awards.
Canada Council award,
Fellowship of the Netherlands University Foundation for International Cooperation (NUFFIC),
Latin American Teaching Fellowship of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Fellow of Tufts University.
University of Ottawa Faculty of Social Sciences Research Grants.
Research grant from SSHRC- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), field research in China,
Conference Board of Canada -Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Collaborative Field Research in China with CASS Institute of Quantitative Economics.

To consult the complete Curriculum Vitae of Michel Chossudovsky click here

The archive of Michel Chossudovsky’s 1800+ Global Research Articles 

He can be reached at [email protected]

Ukraine: Has P.M. Trudeau Succumbed to Nazi Ideology?

June 10th, 2024 by Hindustan Times

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This report consists  of three Parts:

1. Canada’s House of Commons gives standing ovation to a man introduced as a Ukrainian “war hero”, later to discover that he served in the Nazi 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. Hindustan Times

2. Trudeau urged to Resign, Sky News 

3. Is Trudeau Supportive of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Party Svoboda? Global Research

Part I

Zelensky Addresses Canada’s House of Commons

“Oversight. Major Embarrassment”


In a major embarrassment for Ottawa, the Canadian lawmakers gave a standing ovation to a man who was introduced as a war hero after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address in the House of Commons only to later realise that he had served in a Nazi unit during World War II.” (Hindustan Times)


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Friday, Sept. 22, 2023.(AP)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Friday, Sept. 22, 2023.(AP)

The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons apologized Sunday for recognizing 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as a “Ukrainian hero” before the Canadian Parliament.

Hunka served in World War II as a member of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, according to a Jewish human rights group that demanded an apology.

“In my remarks following the address of the President of Ukraine, I recognized an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so,” Anthony Rota said in a statement.

Rota took responsibility for what was characterized as an oversight, calling the initiative “entirely my own.”

“The initiative was entirely my own, the individual in question being from my riding and having been brought to my attention,” he added, adding his “deepest apologies” to Jewish communities.

Yaroslav Hunka, right, waits for the arrival of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the House of Commons in Ottawa, Onatario on Friday, Sept. 22, 2023.(AP)

Yaroslav Hunka, right, waits for the arrival of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the House of Commons in Ottawa, Ontario on Friday, Sept. 22, 2023.(AP)

Following Zelenskiy’s address in the House of Commons, Rota acknowledged Hunka, who was seated in the gallery, praising him for fighting for Ukrainian independence against the Russians. Hunka received two standing ovations from those gathered.

“At a time of rising antisemitism and Holocaust distortion, it is incredibly disturbing to see Canada’s Parliament rise to applaud an individual who was a member of a unit in the Waffen-SS, a Nazi military branch responsible for the murder of Jews and others,” the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center said in a statement while demanding an apology earlier Sunday.

“An explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of Canadian Parliament and received recognition from the Speaker of the House and a standing ovation,” the group added.

Hindustan Times, September 25, 2023


Part II

Sky News: “Trudeau Urged to Resign”


What this Sky News ( report conveys is that PM Trudeau was fully aware of the fact that Yaroslav Hunka was a member of the Waffen SS in the course of World War II.

This was not an oversight. Trudeau met Hunka personally prior the event.

Visibly Anthony Rota did not know who Yaroslav Hunka was. And as Speaker of the House he was requested by the Liberal government to call for a standing ovation.

This was carefully planned in advance. 

Who should have apologized to the Jewish community: Anthony Rota or Prime Minister Trudeau? 

But there is more than meets the eye: 

“Mr Hunka was applauded for fighting against the Soviet Red Army with the “first Ukrainian division”as the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (“Galicia”), a largely Ukrainian Nazi collaborator unit, was renamed in March 1945 as Germany was on the point of losing the war.

Following the incorporation of openly Neo-nazi units like the Azov and Aidar battalions into the Ukrainian military, the incident underlines the way the war is being used to rewrite history and rehabilitate fascist collaborators while depicting the Soviet Union as the aggressor in World War II.” (Morningstar Online)

Neither Canada’s Liberal government, nor the Opposition have addressed this issue. Why? (Above Comments by Michel Chossudovsky)

Zelenskyy Addresses Canadian Parliament

Sky News Report


Part III

Is Trudeau Supportive of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Party Svoboda?


The issue of “the Ukrainian hero of the 14th Division Waffen SS Yaroslav Hunka” has opened up a Can of Worms, a Pandora’s box.

In a bitter irony, President Zelensky who is of Jewish Russian descent has embraced Neo-Nazism. He fully endorsed (together with Trudeau and Freeland) the standing ovation in support of Yaroslav Hunka. (See image in Part I above)

According to the Leader of the Opposition: 

“Trudeau  personally met and honoured the veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (A Nazi Division).

Liberals then arranged for this Nazi veteran to be recognized on the Floor of the House of Commons” (Pierre Poilievre, Leader the Opposition) 


The leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre begs the question. Has P.M. Trudeau succumbed to Nazi ideology? 

From the outset in early 2016, Trudeau’s Liberal government has been supportive of Neo-Nazi elements within the Kiev regime, including the Azov Battalion and the Svoboda Neo-Nazi Party. 

Amply documented, Svoboda together with the “Right Sector” (Pravy Sektor) were actively involved in the 2014 EuroMaidan massacre.

The founders of Ukraine’s Svoboda Party are Oleh Tyahnybok and Andrij Parubiy. Both individuals have played a key role in shaping the Kiev regime on behalf of their US-NATO sponsors. 

Deputy Speaker and Speaker Andriy Parubiy of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament, 2016-2019) was first received by Trudeau at the House of Commons in February 2016.

Parubiy also met up with members of Trudeau’s Cabinet including Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, who describes Ukraine as a “vibrant democracy”.  

February 23, 2016, Parubiy, second from Left meet PM Trudeau 

Chrystia Freeland’s Facebook, May 2019


Is Parubiy a “Good Guy”? Ask PM Trudeau

Parubiy describes Adolf Hitler as a true proponent of democracy:

“The speaker [Parubiy] told chat show Freedom of Speech on Ukraine’s ICTV channel (video, click to view, Ukrainian) that he had “scientifically studied” democracy and cautioned his audience “not to forget the contributions of the Fuehrer [Hitler] to the development of democracy.

“The greatest man who practised direct democracy was Adolf Hitler in the 1930s,” he said.

The founder of the Social National Party, now known as Svoboda, added that it was “necessary to introduce direct democracy to Ukraine, with Hitler as its torchbearer.” (ICTV Channel quoted in Britain’s Morningstar September 5, 2018 report, emphasis added)


With some exceptions, this controversial statement was not picked up by the Western press. Lies by omission.

Why? Because the Kiev regime (including its Armed Forces and National Guard) is integrated by Nazi elements which have been supported in bilateral agreements with both Canada and the US.  


Parubiy has been given red carpet treatment by Western governments. He is casually portrayed as a right wing politician rather than an avowed neo-Nazi. 

Embarrassment or Denial? The US Congress, Canada’s Parliament, the British Parliament, European Parliament,  have invited and praised Andriy Parubiy.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 27, 2023


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Rampant corruption and the Neo-Nazi junta perfectly go hand in hand.

The political elite in Kiev is so prone to fraud and embezzlement that not even the regime’s Western puppet masters are willing to turn a blind eye anymore. Initially, the Pentagon kept quiet on the massive scope of illegal arms trade that ended up costing it tens of billions in US/NATO weapons smuggled out of Ukraine.

At the time, building the image of “Zelensky the hero” who keeps wearing a military T-shirt and fatigues as if he just came back from the trenches was the priority, which is why the United States swept it all under the rug.

However, in recent weeks and months, the Neo-Nazi junta’s corruption started affecting its already atrocious battlefield performance. Worse yet, this comes at a time when the Russian military is making steady progress across the frontlines, particularly in the Kharkov oblast (region).

The US Embassy in Kiev is now openly raising the issue of corruption in the country. In addition, even the mainstream propaganda machine is reporting about it. According to NBC News, this has been a “source of repeated disagreement as well, with US diplomats and officials demanding decisive action from Zelensky’s government”.

Expectedly, the Neo-Nazi junta is quite unhappy with this turn of events, both because they won’t be able to steal as much as they’re accustomed to and because their already horrible reputation among the people in the political West is going to take yet another nosedive. NBC News says that “Ukrainian officials are particularly irritated by [American Ambassador] Bridget Brink”, because they believe that “Zelensky has made significant progress in countering corruption, funding a special prosecutor’s office and anti-corruption court”.

The Kiev regime believes that Bridget Brink supposedly “created unnecessary tensions and lost sight of the overarching priority — winning on the battlefield”.

The troubled Biden administration supported its top-ranking envoy in the former Soviet republic and called for “further reform, transparency and accountability as necessary steps for Ukraine to undertake for joining the European Union, as well as NATO”. The resulting rift over these issues (as previously mentioned, ignored all these years for (geo)political reasons) is creating additional problems between Washington DC and the usually compliant Neo-Nazi junta. According to NBC News, a US official “acknowledged the tensions with Ukraine over Washington’s efforts on corruption”, but also insisted that “a recent shakeup within Kyiv’s top anti-corruption agency represented an example of the continued need for reform”.

The NBC News report further states that “number two at Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau was reportedly suspended last month after a leak within the agency compromised a high-profile investigation into a road-building project involving government money”.

This development led to condemnation by Ambassador Brink, who now “receives the brunt of the Ukrainian government’s frustration”, although she “remains focused on reform and anti-corruption measures in Kyiv”, which, as previously mentioned, “has the full backing and support of both Secretary of State Antony Blinken and [President Joe Biden]”. Congress also supported this, with “key US lawmakers also strongly backing the administration’s campaign for reforms to combat corruption”, stressing the need to “keep [the Kiev regime’s] feet to the fire on corruption and democratic governance”.

Ambassador Brink is expected to disclose more details about these issues in an upcoming briefing before Congress, much to the chagrin of corrupt politicians in Kiev. However, this certainly isn’t the first time that American officials are raising the issue with its Neo-Nazi puppets. Namely, during his visit last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also stressed “the importance of tackling corruption within the Ukrainian government”. At a joint press conference held the next day, the Kiev regime’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba had to answer questions about Washington DC’s concerns, but he insisted that “Zelensky has been consistently tackling issues of corruption since his first days in office and achieved serious results on this track”. And indeed, Zelensky certainly “achieved results”, particularly when it comes to expanding his real estate portfolio.

“There is a perception of the level of corruption and there are facts about the level of corruption,” Kuleba stated, adding: “There is always a very simple criteria: If we were as corrupt as the perception says, they simply wouldn’t be giving us any money; they wouldn’t be opening accession talks with Ukraine to accede the European Union, and the United States wouldn’t have trust in Ukraine.”

Now that you’ve finished catching your breath, here’s another joke. Namely, Kuleba claims that “the EU and IMF had commended Ukraine for undertaking anti-corruption measures and for introducing reforms”. These mythical reforms have been “so successful” that the Kiev regime has an entire “complex of massive fortifications” in the Kharkov oblast missing, as it exists only on paper.

The money that NATO provided to build such facilities must’ve “vanished into thin air”, because it’s not in the state treasury. So much for “undertaking anti-corruption measures and for introducing reforms”. On the other hand, Washington DC oligarchs and plutocrats are the last who should try to teach others about “anticorruption” (to say nothing of “democracy”). Their system has degenerated into literal persecution of political opponents, while the incumbent’s corruption is obvious pretty much to the entire world.

In fact, the Biden crime family helped facilitate corruption in former Ukraine decades ago, including during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president in the Obama administration.

The current US president’s family used the already rampant fraud and embezzlement in the country to get rich(er), with the infamous Burisma scandal being the most prominent example of this.

And yet, in a weird way, it seems that the Neo-Nazi junta’s corruption is saving lives. Namely, although this is an entirely unintentional consequence, every dollar that the Kiev regime hyenas spend on buying villas, penthouses, seaside resorts, supercars, etc. doesn’t end up getting more weapons to the frontlines, where hundreds of thousands have already perished. This is precisely why the US is “so worried about corruption”, as it effectively undermines its monstrous “to the last Ukrainian” strategy.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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For technical, social, and morale reasons, Israel will not win another war. At every level, it has become far weaker. It can inflict frightful damage on its enemies but it cannot change the fundamental balance of all forces that leads to victory.Gabriel Kolko, 2007

Towering brushfires raged across northern Israel on Tuesday following drone and rocket attacks by Hezbollah on Israeli settlements and military bases. The fires represent the latest escalation in the ongoing cross-border war that has persisted for the last 8 months. According to the Times of Israel, roughly “60,000 residents of towns and villages along Israel’s northern border have been displaced from their homes since October due to the near-daily cross-border rocket and anti-tank missile attacks by Hezbollah…” The recent uptick in violence has prompted an angry response from Israel’s political leaders who are now threatening to invade Lebanon if the attacks don’t stop immediately. This is from an article at CNN:

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the northern city of Kiryat Shmona near the Lebanese border, saying that Israel is prepared for “very intense action” in the north.

“Whoever thinks that they can hurt us and that we will sit idly by is making a big mistake,” the prime minister said. “One way or another, we will restore security to the north.”

Netanyahu’s comments come after Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi said the Israeli military is ready to attack targets in the north.

“We are prepared after a very good process of training – up to the level of a military exercise – to move to an attack in the north. Strong defense, readiness to attack, we are approaching a decision point,” Halevi said on Tuesday. Tensions ramp up on Israel-Lebanon border as IDF warns decision is approaching on fresh offensive, CNN

Netanyahu is feeling pressure from the far-right members of his war cabinet who want to invade Lebanon and eliminate the threat at its source. But that course of action would open a second front and likely divert resources from the operation in Gaza. It could also turn into a bloody killing fields like Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in July 2006 that backfired badly and left the IDF running for cover. Here’s a short recap of the debacle by historian Gabriel Kolko:

The 34-day war, starting July 12, Israel fought in Lebanon in 2006 was a disastrous turning point. .... The Israelis did not lose the war because of orders given or not given to various officers. It was a war of choice, and it was planned as an air war with very limited ground incursions in the expectation that Israeli casualties would be very low. …. (Chief of Staff) Halutz wanted to “shock and awe” the Hezbollah and their allies with Israeli power and establish a marker-all within a few days. It was to be a very short war based on the application of power. … Halutz wanted to make a critical point. Instead, he made the opposite and revealed Israel’s vulnerability based, in large part, on the fact the enemy was far better prepared, motivated, and equipped. It was the end of a crucial myth, the harbinger of yet more bloody but equal armed conflicts or a balance of power conducive to negotiations. Olmert and his generals very likely expected to have a great victory within five days, thereby increasing his popularity with the hawkish Jewish population that is a growing majority of the voters, to reverse his abysmally low poll ratings-he received three percent popularity in a TV poll in early March–thereby saving his political career….

There are many reasons the Israelis lost the war in Lebanon, but there is general agreement within Israel that the war ended in disaster and the deterrent value of the once unbeatable, super-armed IDF gravely diminished in the entire Arab world for the first time...

The Lebanon War is only a harbinger of Israeli defeats to come. For the first time there is a rough equivalence in military power … Technology is now moving far faster than the diplomatic and political resources or will to control its inevitable consequences-not to mention traditional strategic theories. This is true everywhere and the Middle East is no exception. Hezbollah has far better and more rockets-over 10,000 short-range rockets is one figure given–than it had a few years ago, and Israel’s military intelligence believes it has more firepower than it had last spring, before it was attacked…

In the past, wars produced victories and more territory for the Jews; now they will only produce disasters for everybody. The Lebanon War proved that…. Israel’s Last Chance, Gabriel Kolko, Counterpunch

Today’s political leaders in Israel—greatly emboldened by their perceived triumph over the civilian population of Gaza—are pushing for an invasion of Lebanon and a confrontation with their arch-enemy, Hezbollah. Most of these politicians either don’t know what transpired in 2006 or think that today’s “stronger and more capable” IDF will prevail with relative ease. They appear to discount the idea that Israel could face a humiliating defeat that would undermine their future security and deterrents. They are so convinced of their own invincibility; the prospect of defeat has never entered their minds. This is from the BBC:

On Tuesday, Israel’s far-right security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, visiting firefighters in the nearby town of Kiryat Shmona, said the government’s response to Hezbollah’s rockets should be war.

“No peace in Lebanon while our land is being targeted,” he said (BBC)

Not surprisingly, Ben-Gvir’s support for an invasion is shared by fellow-traveler Bezalel Smotrich who offered these remarks in a speech at the Western Wall at the end of the Jerusalem Day Flag March:

“Prime Minister, give the order, go to war with Hezbollah, destroy them,” he bellowed. “Take strength from the multitudes gathered here and give the order. Go to war with Hezbollah, subdue, destroy, move the security zone from the Galilee into southern Lebanon.”

Not to be outdone by the firebrands in Netanyahu’s war-cabinet, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog delivered the following ominous statement:

I call from here to the international community and its leaders and stress — it is impossible to remain indifferent to this terrorism, from Lebanon and in general. Israel has been attacked daily, for many months, by Iranian proxies in Lebanon, in flagrant violation of all international agreements and resolutions.

The world needs to wake up and realize that Israel has no choice but to protect its citizens and you shouldn’t be surprised when it does so with greater and greater strength and resolve, and don’t come to us with complaints when the situation gets out of control,” Herzog warned. “This is not the time to stand by and let the region escalate. This evil terrorist aggression needs to be curbed and stopped,” Times of Israel

Aside from the predictable bluster of pompous politicians and their allies, there are a few notable realists who understand that the outcome of any confrontation with Hezbollah is far from certain. Check out this excerpt from an article at the Jerusalem Post by retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brik who said “that any attack by the Israeli army on Hezbollah could bring terrible destruction to all of Israel”:

I warned that due to the gloomy situation in the army, it is only a matter of time before disaster strikes. And indeed, it has, with Hamas attacking communities in the Gaza border area. Fortunately, we had a miracle this time as Hezbollah did not attack us from the North, as it would have brought a disaster far worse than the one suffered by the Gaza border communities. It is doubtful if we could have recovered from it and continued living in our beloved country.

In the past, I warned, and I continue to warn now, that the army and the military are not prepared for regional warfare. If the IDF goes to war against Hezbollah and launches a significant attack – as recommended by some, including senior officials in the North and even the defense minister, with absolute ignorance of their situation and readiness of the army and the military for regional war – this could bring disaster upon the country. It is a gamble on the continuation of our lives in the State of Israel.

I warned of this when the war broke out in the Gaza Strip and the people cheered for the army, which at the end of the day did not achieve the desired result….

Those responsible for the disgrace, disaster, and terrible shame that occurred on October 7, may lead us into the next regional war, a war that will destroy our country because in the last 20 years we have not prepared the home front and the army for that war. Today, both the political and military leadership do not lift a finger to prepare the home front and the army for the next regional war. This war is the most severe threat to the country since its establishment, the security situation continues to deteriorate every day, and no one seems to care….

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former defense minister Benny Gantz, and former chief of staff Aviv Kohavi are leading us nowhere! To a path with no way back. ….

They are the ones who brought upon us the most severe hell in the history of the people of Israel since the Holocaust, they are the ones who are leading our way to the next hell without strategic thinking and rationality, but mainly out of emotions and gambling with the security of the country. They continue the fighting more and more because in their opinion it works in their favor. Despite the goals they have defined, the minimization of Hamas and the release of the hostages alive, are moving further away from us every day. And we are descending further and further in the security of the country, in the economy, in society, and in international relations. Where else will we fall? God save us. IDF general: Military, political leaders are leading Israel to disaster – opinion, Retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brik, Jerusalem Post

It’s an extraordinary statement and right on the money. Israelis may feel emboldened by the devastation they have inflicted on Gaza at little cost to themselves, but Hezbollah is ‘a different kind of animal’ altogether. Any invasion of Lebanon will come at a high price in terms of destruction, casualties and overall security. Are the Israeli people really prepared to make the sacrifices a war with Hezbollah require? Are they really ready to see their sons and daughters returned home in body bags?

Perhaps, Netanyahu is merely bluffing when he threatens to engage Hezbollah on the battlefield. Maybe, he’s just trying to project the image of a strong wartime leader. We don’t know. But what we do know, is that if he launches a cross-border offensive into Lebanon, he’ll get more than he bargained for. And—like Sharon and Olmert before him—he’ll live to regret it.

From Twitter—

IDF Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, in a visit to Northern Command: ‘Hezbollah has increased its fire in recent days and we are ready to start attacking in the north. We are approaching the point of the decision.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

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Biden Plan: Rebuilding Gaza to Erase Palestine

June 9th, 2024 by Manlio Dinucci

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US President Biden has presented a plan for a lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

It provides for the release of all hostages by Hamas and at the same time the withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza.

At this point Palestinian civilians would return to their homes and neighbourhoods in all areas of Gaza, receiving increased humanitarian assistance from the international community. The international community’s reconstruction of Gaza would then begin.

In this way – Biden underlines – Israel could integrate more deeply into the region, including a potential historic normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia, becoming part of a regional security network to counter the threat posed by Iran.

The clear aim of the plan is to strike the BRICS, which Russia and China are part of, and Saudi Arabia has entered together with Iran, which the USA and Israel consider their most dangerous enemy in the region. However, the fact remains – concludes Biden – that Israel will always have the right to defend itself from threats to its security and that the United States will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to protect itself.

Biden’s plan perfectly fits the United States’ war strategy in the Middle East.

It maintains the strategic axis with Israel by continuing to supply it with the most advanced weapons systems and massive quantities of ammunition, including those with which Israel is razing Gaza to the ground. At the same time, he envisages reconstruction of Gaza – entrusted to the international community, i.e. mainly to the United States, Israel, the European Union, and the G7 – which, as the plan presented by Netanyahu specifies, would consist of rebuilding Gaza from scratchtransforming it into a massive free trade zone with luxury skyscrapers, eco-friendly solar power plants and electric car manufacturing plants.

The surviving Palestinians, returning to their homes and neighbourhoods, would find only rubble and would no longer have any real property rights. An inevitable mass exodus would follow, while those remaining would become dependent on the activities set up in Gaza by the international community. The Palestinian Territory of Gaza would thus be erased, together with that of the West Bank, erasing Palestine as a state.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Grandangolo, Byoblu TV.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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I suppose it must be the masochist in me, but for some reason or other — boredom perhaps with the manifold manifestations of deception, dissonance, media manipulation of the public in service of sweetly profitable agendas — I decided to tune into the ‘face of science’, aka, Anthony Fauci, as he was being questioned by the United States Congress.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Goodreads

Readers of RFK Jr’s masterwork on this bureaucratic creature, 

The Real Anthony Fauci, would hardly be surprised by the evasive, dishonest and slimy responses proffered by the former head of NIAID who oversaw the vast oppressive and distinctively UN-scientific program foisted upon us all — a program that included falsehood and harm beyond a novelist’s imagination — at least beyond this novelist’s imagination,

I should say — with masks, lockdowns, suppression of appropriate treatment, unnecessary fear-mongering, promises about a vaccine which, by any other word would still never be a vaccine, unlike our proverbial Shakespearean rose, and everything else, about which I have written myself into a dull listless ennui, notwithstanding the immensity of harm that has occurred as a result. Harm to individuals, businesses, society as a whole, in the form of financial and physical damage, including financial and physical death, as well as harm to the public’s psyche.

After all, being subjected to fear fear fear fear and lies lies lies in the midst of chaos chaos chaos for years, as we have been, does take a toll.

I often upbraid my colleagues for not giving the purely emotional and psychological aspect of the psyops its due, focused as they tend to be on the deleterious effects of spike proteins and nanoparticles and graphene and electromagnetic radiation, which are certainly to be considered, but which are certainly not the entire megillah.

Remember: whoever organized this plague upon global humanity managed to persuade a huge majority into accepting its lethal absurdities. And they managed to convince a sizeable portion too that we who questioned, thought, debated and discussed and scrutinized the extremities perpetrated upon us, we who refused to subject ourselves to the untested unnecessary inoculation, should be treated as leprous vermin deserving of scorn, avoidance, discrimination and even quarantine.

One has to hand it to them: they crafted a very potent assault, full of cleverness, and even future-proofed against inquiry! One of my neighbors, for example, has had recurrent blood clots and a pulmonary embolism and has been hospitalized at least four times in the past six months. She has been jabbed thrice — as a schoolteacher here in New Zealand it was ‘no jab no job’ and she could ill afford to live without money, so she reasoned — and her doctors have astutely laid the blame for her coagulatory problems with — you guessed it — ‘long covid’.

Forgive my circuitous introductory aside, for what I meant to address was a phenomenon that startled me out of professional slumber some ten years ago in Florence, Italy.

At the time I attended a psychopharmacology conference in that magnificent city as part of my continuing educational requirements for public health psychiatry. The idea was to hone my understanding and prescribing skills and to learn about new research, and the like. (I will leave aside the vast and profound issue of pharmaceutical use in psychiatry for another day.)

As I dutifully sat through the presentations I was struck by several speakers, not so much by the research they described, but by the fact that they all seemed to have lucrative businesses on the side, businesses that grew directly out of the research they had been conducting which itself was paid for by the citizenry’s taxes.

To be clear: Dr. A or B or C ran a lab funded by taxpayer monies, and the discoveries — to be kind — that resulted from their taxpayer funded work were somehow claimed or patented by them so that they could start their own for-profit companies. I remember one person in particular who was making very good money as an entrepreneur purveying blood tests for mental disorders.

Again, I will leave aside the dubiety about these kinds of tests to focus on the purely meretricious aspect of these practices. It was enough to shock me out of my auditorium slumber. Where had I been all these years? What had I missed? Since when did public servants parley our money into their personal gains without raising eyebrows?

Listening to Fauci and hearing about the hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties ‘earned’ by the NIAID during the covid fiasco, I was reminded of my stay in Florence, a city that was once itself famous for bankers and scheming financial chicanery run by Renaissance potentates, and the jolt out of my personal professional cocoon.

Scientists, doctors, researchers and investigators have not merely been slogging away like dedicated professionals for the benefit of humanity — they’ve been getting an opportunity to exchange their drab lab coats for thousand-dollar suits and dresses and the promise of lots of lucre.

It helps to understand how we got to the terrible crossroads we find ourselves at now. Medicine is a mess, a corruption of principles and values has gutted its core, and the covidian after-effects are hardly over. Other phony pandemics always seem to be hovering on the horizon, like birds of flu-bearing prey — while similarly disease-laden monkeys beat about the underbrush at our feet.

And as for the psychology of it all, I am chagrined to realize that the people who most fully appreciate the non-somatic and purely psycho-social effects are the propagandists themselves. They’re the ones who, following in the footsteps of Bernays and his ilk, with ever greater manipulative refinement, have made Manchurian candidates of the masses, deliberately and with skillful precision.

Yes, we have a war against the imposition of poisons into our bodies; but we also have a war against the deviously brilliant persuasions against our minds. They’ve played upon us, as if we were unworthy things, though thankfully not everyone has succumbed to their Siren songs or tales of horror.

This is the primary piece of their stratagem, from which all else flows.

As I said to a friend the other day, I feel like I’m driving a car whose side and rear-view mirrors can’t be trusted, so that every time I need to change a lane I’ve got to swivel around. The histories and legacies handed down to us are largely lies. The once-authoritative media we depended upon have betrayed us in deepest consequence.

Nonetheless, we have ourselves and our new-found home-grown way of pursuing truth for truth’s sake, not for profit. And with a little bit of luck we yet may fashion a world where peace and good trump fear and war.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

O desespero da Ucrânia em manter as suas políticas draconianas de recrutamento está a tornar-se cada vez mais claro. Num discurso recente, um alto funcionário ucraniano sugeriu aumentar o número de mulheres em posições militares não combatentes – o que permitiria uma expansão no número de homens nas linhas da frente. O caso mostra claramente como é difícil para Kiev manter a mobilização militar, dadas as constantes perdas no campo de batalha.

A vice-primeira-ministra ucraniana, Irina Vereshchuk, afirmou que pretende colocar mais mulheres em postos militares fora da frente, incluindo centros de recrutamento e cargos de gestão. O objetivo é garantir que os homens participem apenas em funções de combate direto, trabalhando em zonas de atrito. Isto permitiria que funções burocráticas, administrativas e de gestão fossem desempenhadas por mulheres ucranianas.

“[As mulheres são] um grande conjunto de pessoal para o sistema de centros de recrutamento, incluindo cargos de gestão (…) Ao aumentar a inscrição de mulheres para trabalhar no recrutamento, os homens poderiam ser libertados para unidades de combate”, disse ela.

A Ucrânia está tão desesperada para manter um número regular de tropas nas linhas da frente que recentemente tem havido discussões se de fato há a necessidade de enviar soldados para centros de recrutamento. Por outras palavras, Kiev vê a presença de militares em funções burocráticas como um “desperdício”, uma vez que o país precisa de manter o maior número possível de homens na linha da frente. Ao recrutar mulheres, espera-se “resolver” este problema.

No entanto, este processo não será tão fácil. Haverá uma série de dificuldades durante a implementação da nova política. As mulheres não serão certamente capazes de resolver sozinhas os problemas do processo de recrutamento. As novas recrutas terão de aprender o seu serviço com soldados que já estão no terreno – a maioria dos quais são homens. Assim, até que Kiev consiga libertar todos os seus homens para a linha da frente, haverá um longo período de transição e adaptação na estrutura das forças armadas.

Além disso, há que recordar que a situação real de Kiev é pior do que aquilo que é dito publicamente. Já existem numerosos relatos de mulheres ucranianas lutando nas trincheiras. É provável que as mulheres ocupem posições de gestão e de combate, uma vez que a situação demográfica do país é extremamente problemática, exigindo que Kiev utilize praticamente toda a sua população para o esforço de guerra. Não é por acaso que Kiev já está a recrutar para as suas fileiras adolescentes, idosos e até pessoas com problemas de saúde. O país decidiu efetivamente obedecer à ordem ocidental de “lutar até ao último ucraniano”.

Enquanto isso, homens comuns estão fazendo tudo o que podem para evitar a morte certa no front. As taxas de evasão ao recrutamento estão a aumentar. Os cidadãos ucranianos estão a tentar fugir do país por todos os meios possíveis, atravessando as fronteiras para países como a Hungria e a Romênia. Por exemplo, a Guarda de Fronteira Ucraniana relatou recentemente a morte de 45 homens que se afogaram enquanto tentavam fugir do país atravessando o rio Tisza.

Além disso, milhões de homens ucranianos permanecem no estrangeiro. Kiev está tentando repatriá-los e mandá-los para o front, mas é muito difícil fazê-lo. Não é fácil trazer de volta um cidadão que está legalmente noutro país. As nações europeias teriam de adoptar medidas ditatoriais para forçar os ucranianos comuns a regressar ao seu país, o que prejudicaria a imagem de “Estados democráticos” que estes países tentam manter. Algumas nações, como a Polônia, já estão a endurecer as medidas para repatriar ucranianos, mas é improvável que esta política se espalhe rapidamente por toda a Europa.

A Ucrânia continuará a ter sérios problemas de mobilização. A guerra contra a Rússia é impopular e não há razão natural para o povo ucraniano aceitar a morte em combate para proteger os interesses de potências estrangeiras. Já é claro para os ucranianos comuns que a continuação do conflito é o pior cenário e que a negociação dos termos de paz é a única forma de evitar uma tragédia ainda maior no país.

No final, todas as mulheres recrutadas por Kiev estarão sujeitas aos mesmos riscos que os homens. Não só os soldados nas linhas da frente são alvos legítimos, mas também os centros de comando e recrutamento. Todas as instalações militares ucranianas são um alvo potencial para a artilharia e a aviação russas de alta precisão, razão pela qual a maioria das mulheres soldados também será recrutada para a morte certa. Ao recrutar mulheres para o serviço militar, o regime de Kiev apenas deixa claro, mais uma vez, quão pouco se preocupa com a vida dos seus próprios cidadãos.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Desperate to maintain its mobilization policy, Kiev considers enlisting more women, InfoBrics, 6 de junho de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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D-DAY, 1944:  Essential Historical Context

June 8th, 2024 by Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels

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Important article by

Jacques R. Pauwels,  author of

The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War (second edition, 2015),

Big Business and Hitler (2017),

Myths of Modern History: From the French Revolution to the 20th century world wars and the Cold War — new perspectives on key events (2022).

Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, is a renowned author, historian and political scientist, Research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization



Nazi Germany was a military colossus and defeating the beast was a herculean task that could never have been accomplished singlehandedly by any one of its enemies. The job was done, but only after many years of struggle, and it required superhuman efforts from all the countries that were involved in the titanic conflict against Hitler, his Nazism, that is, the German variety of fascism, and other fascist dictatorships that had lined up with Germany, such as that of Mussolini.

The group of countries that fought and ultimately defeated Nazi Germany was called the “Grand Alliance” by Churchill, but the Soviets used a more prosaic term, the “Anti-Hitler Alliance”.

This partnership, which emerged only after the Soviet Union and the US became involved in the war in 1941, featured two wings, first, the “Western Allies”, and second, the Soviet Union. The latter battled the German forces in a titanic struggle along the so-called Eastern Front, starting in the summer of 1941. The former, meaning the Americans as well as the British, fought the Nazis in Europe starting in the summer of 1943, when they landed troops in Italy.

However, their paramount contribution came on the Western Front, that is, a “theatre of war” not in Southern but in Western Europe, and the action there started with the famous landings in Normandy of of June 6, 1944, whose code-name was Operation Overlord.

The 80th Anniversary of D-DAY

June 6, will mark the 80th anniversary of “D-Day”, the planners and participants of the landings in Normandy will be honoured in the presence of the French President and many other dignitaries.

Rightly so, because Operation Overlord epitomized the contribution of the Western Allies to the defeat of Nazi Germany.  However, about the Normandy Landings, a few important aspects should be kept in mind, aspects that will almost certainly remain unmentioned during the commemorations.

First, while the “Battle of Normandy” that started on June 6, 1944, was undeniably a major clash, it was not the biggest battle of World War II, as the statistics reveal.

In terms of length, it started on June 6, 1944, and ended at the end of August of that year, so it lasted almost three months.

The Battle of Stalingrad, on the other hand, dragged on twice as long, it lasted for more than half a year, from mid-July 1942 to early February, 1943.

The Siege of Leningrad also deserves to be mentioned here, even though it was admittedly not a conventional battle: it began on September 8, 1941, and did not come to an end until January 27, 1944, so its exact duration was 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 5 days.

Second, the casualties – killed, wounded, missing in action, and/or taken prisoner — suffered by the belligerents in Normandy were high, but not as high as the opening scenes from movies like Saving Private Ryan would have us believe.

Those scenes conjured up the fighting on Omaha Beach, one of the five sectors of the landing beaches where American soldiers landed, had to attack strongly fortified German positions, and suffered heavy losses, namely, 2,500 killed and more than 5,000 wounded.

But in the other sectors the Germans were less numerous and far less strongly entrenched, and their resistance was far less ferocious, so the Allied troops coming ashore took considerably fewer casualties.

  • On Utah Beach, for example, the Americans encountered very light resistance and suffered merely 200 casualties.
  • On Sword Beach, the British likewise met limited opposition.
  • And on Juno Beach, the 14,000 Canadians who came ashore suffered 1,096 casualties, including “only” 381 killed.

The total number of Allied casualties on D-Day reached approximately 10,000, a figure that included 4,414 men killed, the latter still a high number, of course, but not nearly as high as most people imagine.

The number of casualties represented just over 6 percent of the total of 160,000 troops who came ashore, the number of killed, 2.7 percent.

The relatively low number of losses was due to the fact the Germans had only limited forces available to defend against an Allied “invasion”.

According to British military historian Richard Overy,

“in the east, Germany and her allies had some two hundred and twenty-eight divisions, compared with fifty-eight divisions in the west, only fifteen of which were in the area of the Normandy battle in its initial stages” — consisting mostly of troops of inferior quality, though supported by some elite SS units –, because the bulk of the Wehrmacht was fighting for dear life on the Eastern Front. In another one of his books, Overy writes that in, Normandy, the Germans had one division for every 217 miles of coastline, divisions consisting mostly of less than the usual minimum of 12,000 men and “largely made up of older soldiers, …wounded from the eastern front and men of poorer physical condition, [with] low combat effectiveness. 

The Germans defenders were thus stretched very thinly along the French coast.

Significant numbers of them, entrenched in and around bunkers and pillboxes of the “Atlantic Wall”, were separated from each other by sometimes long expanses of lightly defended coastline. The Americans learned the difference at Omaha and Utah. In any event, the notion that thousands of German soldiers were waiting in the dunes, shoulder to shoulder, as Allied soldiers alighted from their landing craft, is a fiction concocted by Hollywood in movies such as The Longest Day.  

In the entire Battle of Normandy, the Americans, British, and Canadians suffered a total of about 220,000 casualties, while Germany accounted for 300,000, for a grand total of just over 550,000; the number of men killed was 30,000 for the US, 11,000 for the UK, 5,000 for Canada, and 30,000 for Germany, totalling 76,000. Mindboggling as these figures may be, they are dwarfed by the numbers killed, injured, missing in action and/or taken prisoner during the 1942-1943 Battle of Stalingrad.

According to the same source, the Encyclopedia Britannica, that battle resulted in approximately 800,000 casualties on the side of Germany and allied powers, and 1,100,000 on the Soviet side, for a total of 1.9 million. And that appears to be a rather conservative estimate, as Wikipedia cites higher figures, namely, a total number of over one million killed; and the Modern War Institute, a “national resource at the United States Military Academy at West Point”, puts the Stalingrad death toll at approximately 1.2 million. In any event, the Battle of Normandy may be said to have been only half as deadly as the Battle of Stalingrad.

Let us return to D-Day.

On that June 6, the plans called for Allied troops to overcome the German coastal defenses without too much trouble and to push deep inland, in the case of the Canadians from Juno Beach to the outskirts of the city of Caen, a distance of nearly 20 kilometers.

(Bicycles were brought along to facilitate that trip, so no major German resistance was obviously expected.)

However, it would take weeks before the “Canucks” were to enter Caen.

The other Allies did not do better; by the end of the first day, none of them had secured their first-day objectives.

The reason was that the Germans responded to the Allied landings by sending in elite troops that had been held in the rear, including SS units, to be sent to the front whenever and wherever the need would arise. These troops were unable to throw the Allies back into the sea, but they did manage to prevent them to penetrate deep inland, as the planners had expected. 

The result was a long stalemate.

It helped the Allied cause that the Germans were prevented from transferring manpower from the Eastern Front to Normandy by actions of the Red Army, culminating on June 22 — anniversary of Nazi Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 — in the kickoff of a major offensive on the Eastern Front, code-named Operation Bagration.

The Wehrmacht was mauled badly by the Red Army, which was to achieve an advance of more than 600 kilometres, all the way from deep in Russia to the suburbs of the Polish capital, Warsaw, which was reached in early August.

Bagration thus enabled the Western Allies to finally break out of their Normandy bridgehead, and General Eisenhower himself later acknowledged that Bagration had been a necessary precondition for the belatedly successful outcome of Operation Overlord.

(Incidentally, the Soviets would render a similar — and equally rarely acknowledged — service  to the Western Allies in early 1945 when they responded to an urgent American request by unleashing a major offensive in Poland on January 12, 1945, one week earlier than originally planned; that move forced the Germans to abandon a surprise attack in the Belgian Ardennes that had caused the Americans great difficulties in the so-called Battle of the Bulge.) 

Summarizing the above, it is clear that the Western Allies won the Battle of Normandy, admittedly not easily, but without major losses, because the huge sacrifices required to defeat the Nazi Moloch had been suffered for three years, and continued to be suffered, by the Soviets on the Eastern Front.

It is fair to say that Nazi Germany was defeated by the efforts and sacrifices not only of the Red Army but of Soviet women and men in general, including partisans, factory workers, farmers, and so forth, whose total losses by the end of the war would approach a mindboggling thirty million.

In fact, the string of Nazi victories that had started in 1939 came to an end — and the tide of World War II turned, to put it that way — not with the landings in Normandy in June 1944, as is claimed or implied in many history books and of course in Hollywood productions such as The Longest Day. The tide of the war turned on the Eastern Front, and it did so well before D-Day, namely, in 1941, in the vast expanses of Russia to the west of Moscow. 

When Operation Barbarossa was launched on June 22, 1941, Hitler and his generals were convinced that the Wehrmacht was going to crush the Red Army within 6 to 8 weeks.

They also badly needed a quick victory, because only quick triumph could solve a major problem. In the thirties, while preparing for war, the Hitler regime had built up huge stockpiles of imported strategic raw materials that Germany lacked, above all rubber and petroleum, the latter mostly supplied by the US. During the coming war, the Reich would likely be prevented from importing sufficient quantities of these products, without which the mighty panzers and planes would be useless,  by a British naval blockade, which is what had happened in World War I.

However, in 1939-1940, the stockpiles of crucially important petroleum had been severely depleted as Nazi Germany inflicted “lightning warfare” on countries as far apart as Poland, France, and Greece; and neither continuing imports from Romania and – via neutral Spain – the US, nor increased production of synthetic fuel and rubber could make up the shortfall. And so, when Operation Barbarossa started, and three million German soldiers crossed into the Soviet Union with no less than 600,000 motor vehicles, 3,648 tanks, and more than 2,700 planes, Nazi Germany only had sufficient fuel (and rubber tires) left to wage war for little more than two months. But this was deemed sufficient because the Soviet Union was expected to be knocked out soon enough, and then its unlimited raw materials, including Caucasian petroleum, would be available to the Reich. 

However, it became clear all too soon that despite impressive initial victories, Barbarossa was not going to be a cakewalk after all.

By the end of August, the German spearheads were still nowhere near the Caucasus, the Eldorado of Soviet petroleum.

Hitler’s “Third Reich” now faced the prospect of catastrophic fuel shortages in addition to almost equally problematic scarcity of labor needed in its armament and other industries, as millions of men could not return home and go back to work in the factories.  The conclusion drawn by many cognoscenti, such as high-ranking Wehrmacht officers, Nazi bigwigs, the Swiss secret service, and the Vatican, as early as the summer of 1941 and increasingly in the fall of that year, was that Germany could no longer hope to slay the Soviet bear and was doomed to lose the war. 

Oceanic tides turn inexorably but slowly, yet not imperceptibly.

The tide of World War started to turn similarly slowly within weeks after the start of Barbarossa, but the phenomenon was already perceived by a small though increasing number of observers and could be certified on December 5 of 1941, when the Red Army successfully launched a major counter-offensive that threw back the Germans and certified the fiasco of Barbarossa. On that same day, Hitler was informed by his generals that he could no longer hope to win the war. It is therefore legitimate to define December 5, 1941, as the “turning point” [Zäsur, literally “caesura”] of the entire world war,” as Gerd R. Ueberschär, a German expert on the war against the Soviet Union, has put it. On the other hand, it is true that those in the know were rare and that, for whatever reasons, most of them chose to remain discreet; consequently, it was only after the spectacular German defeat at Stalingrad, in early 1943, that the entire world was to realize that Nazi Germany was doomed to lose the war.

When, more than one year later, the Western Allies landed in Normandy, they were lucky to face a (part of a) German army that was severely handicapped by a paucity of petroleum.

The Nazis had hoped that victory against the Soviet Union would provide them with plenty of Caucasian fuel for their panzers and planes.

That did not happen and, to the contrary, the fighting in the vast expanses of the Soviet Union further depleted Germany’s stocks of fuel. By the summer of 1944, the Nazi war machine was not only figuratively but even literally “out of gas”, and this is why the Luftwaffe, for example, which disposed of excellent airplanes, was virtually absent from the skies over Normandy, to the great relief of the Allies on the ground, on the sea, and of course in the air. 

It should be mentioned that the US was not yet a belligerent when the turning of the war’s tide was confirmed by the Soviet counter-attack in front of Moscow on December 5, 1941.

Washington was admittedly on extremely unfriendly terms  with Berlin because of American deliveries of all sorts of weapons and other equipment to Britain, but had no intention, and therefore no plans at all, to go to war against Hitler, even though there were plenty of compelling humanitarian reasons for crusading against his truly evil regime.

America’s major US corporations were also doing wonderful business with Nazi Germany itself, for example producing trucks, planes, tanks, and other strategic equipment in their branch plants in Germany and by supplying the petroleum so badly needed by the Panzers and Stukas.

America’s political and social- economic elite was also staunchly anti-communist and did not want to undertake anything that might jeopardize the Nazi dictator’s prospects for success in his crusade against the Soviet Union. Conversely, Hitler, in dire straits in the Soviet Union, was not keen at all to take on a new enemy of the calibre of the US. 

However, Washington wanted war, not against Germany but against Japan, and did so mainly in order to prevent its much-despised rival in the Far East from pocketing Vietnam and Indonesia, resource-rich colonies of countries occupied by Germany, France and the Netherlands.

Tokyo was provoked into attacking Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which triggered an American declaration of war on Japan but not on Germany, which had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor and whose alliance with Japan did not require Berlin to become involved in a war started by Tokyo.

However, to Washington’s great surprise, Hitler declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941, four days after Pearl Harbor.

He almost certainly speculated that this entirely gratuitous gesture of solidarity would induce his Far Eastern ally to reciprocate with a declaration of war on the enemy of Germany, the Soviet Union, thus forcing the Soviets into the extremely perilous predicament of a two-front war. But Tokyo, expecting to have its hands full with the US as enemy, did not take the bait.

In Washington the German declaration of war arrived as a most unpleasant surprise, since a war against Germany was unwanted and no plans had been made for it. The American historian Stephen E. Ambrose has rightly emphasized that the US did not “enter” the war but was “pulled in[to]” it. 

He was right in the sense that Uncle Sam was indeed “pulled into” the war against Germany against his will – and by none other than Hitler himself!

In view of this, it is worth asking whether the Americans would ever have declared war on Nazi Germany, and landed in Normandy, if Hitler had not declared war on them. And one should ask if Hitler would ever have made the desperate, even suicidal, decision to declare war on the US if he had not found himself in a hopeless situation in the Soviet Union. The entry of the US into the war against Germany, then, which for many reasons was not in the cards before December 1941, and for which Washington had not made any preparations, was not a cause, but merely a consequence, of a turn of the tide of World War II that happened in the Soviet Union in the second half of 1941.

In any event, when the Americans and other Western Allies did come ashore in Normandy in June 1944, there was less than one year left in a war whose outcome had already been decided three years earlier on the opposite side of Europe. In some way, Operation Overlord confirmed that Nazi Germany’s sun had reached its zenith in 1941 and was setting rapidly. And the troops were not sent to the Normandy beaches to liberate France en route to Berlin, but to prevent the Soviets from defeating Germany, take Berlin, and thus liberate all of Europe on their own. 

When Nazi Germany unexpectedly became an enemy of the US, the US automatically became an ally of Germany’s enemies, including Britain and the Soviet Union. Uncle Sam’s alliance with Moscow was to involve supplying the Soviets with weapons and other equipment, but those supplies, while certainly important, would never represent more than a fraction of what the Red Army needed and would become quantitatively and qualitatively meaningful only in 1943, that is, well after the decisive battles in front of Moscow and in Battle of Stalingrad. The notion that the Soviets survived Operation Barbarossa thanks to American aid is nothing more than a myth.  

With its British ally, on the other hand, Washington worked very closely together and coordinated strategy, and it was agreed that they would give priority to the fight against Germany, rather than the other common enemy, Japan.

This would logically involve sending troops into occupied Europe to confront the Nazi beast, thus opening a “Second Front”.

A Second Front would have provided much relief for the Red Army, which in 1942 faced an admittedly desperate German attempt to reach the Caucasian oilfields, an attempt that led to a titanic battle fought in and around Stalingrad from which the Soviets did not emerge victoriously until early 1943.

However, Roosevelt and Churchill preferred not to open a Second Front. The leaders of the US and Britain were happy to see their useful but unloved Soviet ally and Nazi Germany administer a major bloodletting to each other in what appeared throughout 1942 to be a stalemated conflict on the Eastern Front.

They realized that defeating Germany would require huge sacrifices, and landing troops in occupied Europe would unquestionably be a very costly affair. Was it not far wiser to stay safely on the sidelines, at least for the time being, and let the Soviets slug it out against the Nazis? With the Red Army providing the cannon fodder needed to vanquish Germany, the Americans and their British allies would be able to minimize their losses. Better still, they would be able to build up their strength in order to intervene decisively at the right moment, when the Nazi enemy and the Soviet ally would both be exhausted. With Great Britain at its side, the US would then in all likelihood be able to play the leading role in the camp of the victors and act as supreme arbiter in the sharing of the spoils of the supposedly common victory. In the spring and summer of 1942, with the Nazis and Soviets locked into a titanic battle, watched from a safe distance by the Anglo-Saxon tertius gaudens, it did indeed look as if such a scenario might come to pass.

The reason given to Stalin for not opening a second front was that the combined American and British forces were not yet strong enough for a major operation on the continent.

Presumably, the naval war against the German U-boats first had to be won in order to safeguard the required transatlantic troop transports. However, troops were successfully being ferried from North America to Great Britain, and in the fall of 1942 the Americans and British proved able to land a sizable force in North Africa. These landings, known as Operation Torch, involved the occupation of the French colonies of Morocco and Algeria, and in the summer of 1943 the “Yanks” and “Tommies”, now accompanied by “Canucks”, to use the nicknames of the Western Allied soldiers, were to cross into Sicily, followed by the Italian mainland, and knock Italy out of the war. 

Not only Stalin demanded the opening of a Second Front, so did a large segment of the British public, mostly ordinary working-class folks who, in contrast to their “betters”, sympathized with the Soviets. To silence this annoying constituency, Churchill arranged for a contingent of troops, not coincidentally consisting mostly not of Americans or British but of Canadians, to be dispatched on a raid to the French seaport of Dieppe, an operation code-named Jubilee. As expected, these men were slaughtered there, which was then conveniently cited as irrefutable proof that the Western Allies were not yet able to launch a major cross-Channel operation. The stratagem achieved its purpose, but the public was horrified by the slaughter. However, after the 1944 landings in Normandy, it became possible to concoct an ostensibly convincing rationale. Jubilee was triumphantly revealed to have been a “general rehearsal” for the successful Normandy landings, as valuable lessons had allegedly been learned during a raid that served to test the German defences. This was a laughable proposition, since any lessons about German defenses, learned in August 1941, could not have been relevant almost two years later: indeed, in the aftermath of Jubilee, in 1943, the Germans constructed new defenses, collectively known as the “Atlantic Wall”. In any event, thus was born a myth: the tragedy of Jubilee as the sine qua non for the triumph of Overlord.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, it was obvious that Nazi Germany was doomed to lose the war and opening a Second Front suddenly loomed urgent to Roosevelt and Churchill. The Soviets were now likely to start heading for Berlin, and via the Italian boot, where, after the fall of Mussolini the Germans had moved in and put up a tough resistance, the Allies could never beat them in what becoming an unspoken inter-allied race to Berlin. Preparations were now made for a landing on the French Atlantic coast, code-named Operation Overlord. The urgency of this task increased rapidly as in 1943 the Red Army advanced systematically along the entire length of the Eastern Front. But it was too late to carry out such a logistically complex operation in that year, especially since the necessary landing equipment needed to be transferred back from North Africa and Italy. Roosevelt and Churchill were far from delighted that the Red Army was grinding its way, slowly but surely, towards Berlin and possibly places farther west. And so, from the perspective of Anglo-American strategy, “it became imperative to land troops in France and drive into Germany to keep most of that country out of [Soviet] hands,” as two American historians, Peter N. Carroll and David W. Noble, have written. 

The American and British political and military leaders, representatives of their countries’ establishment, that is, upper classes, had always been intrinsically anti-communist and anti-Soviet. Conversely, they had not been against any form of fascism, including its German variant, Nazism. They were “philofascists”, that is, benevolent towards fascism and supporters of fascists, because fascism was the paramount enemy of communism and simultaneously “good for business” and therefore for capitalism, of which fascism is arguably a manifestation; it should not be forgotten that Hitler’s Germany, like Mussolini’s Italy and Franco’s Spain, were capitalist countries. It is an irony of history that the US stumbled into a war against fascism, personified by Hitler (as well as Mussolini) and thus found themselves to be allies of the Soviet Union. But that alliance was an unnatural one, destined to last only until the defeat of the common enemy. As some American generals put it on one occasion, they were fighting a war “with the wrong ally against the wrong enemy.”  

The landings in Normandy, then, were organized for the purpose of preventing a scenario that haunted the gentlemen who happened to be the leaders of the US and Britain, a scenario in which the Soviets would singlehandedly defeat Germany and liberate not only Eastern but also Western Europe, including France. If that would happen, the “Russkis” were expected to follow the precedent set by the Americans and British in 1943 when they liberated Italy except the northern part, which remained behind German lines. They had done exactly as they pleased, nota bene without permitting any input from their Soviet ally, input that had been foreseen in previous agreements. To prevent any radical social-economic changes, they had neutralized the leftist partisans who had plans for an entirely new Italy; and installed an ex-fascist and known war criminal, Marshal Badoglio, in power. In fact, the Western Allies left much of Italy’s fascist system in place, thus ingratiating the industrialists, bankers, large landowners, the monarch, Vatican, and other pillars of the nation’s establishment who had in fact enabled, and benefited from, the Mussolini regime, but angering workers and “ordinary” Italians, who castigated the new system as “fascism without Mussolini”.

If the Soviets were to act similarly in the countries they liberated, the result could be expected to be the opposite, namely, a joint effort of the liberators and the leftist resistance fighters to eradicate, at the expense of the upper class, not only of fascism but also of the capitalist system of which fascism may be said to have been the exoskeleton. From the perspective of the Americans, who were determined to maintain and revitalize capitalism wherever possible, this would have been nothing less than a catastrophe.

The far from uplifting tale of the “liberation” of Italy demonstrates clearly that the Americans and their British partners had nothing against fascism and fascist dictatorships and preferred to maintain fascism in one way or another, rather than allow a liberated people itself to determine the political and social-economic configuration of their country.

We will soon see that the landings in Normandy did not purport to liberate France in the sense of leaving the French themselves free to democratically make decisions about the postwar makeup of their country, and that the liberators actually preferred to maintain the fascist system of Vichy France, with some cosmetic changes, naturellement, rather than run the risk that the French might experiment with forms of socialism, as they had done, to the displeasure of the ruling elites in Britain and in the US, in the 1930s under the auspices of a leftist government known as the “Popular Front”. 

At that time, in 1936, the gentlemen in power in Washington and London, in contrast to most “ordinary” American and British people, sympathized with Franco, and proceeded to support him covertly if not overtly, when he waged war against a democratically elected republican government with plans for social and economic reforms. If the landings in Normandy purported to bring freedom to France, as we hear again and again, and defeat fascism in Germany and everywhere in Europe, why did the Americans and the British not follow up their triumph in the spring of 1945 by removing Franco from power in Madrid, as they could have done with the wave of a hand? 

The landings in Normandy, then, were not about freedom for France and crusading against fascist dictatorship.

Their real objective was to allow the Western Allies to compete with the Soviets in an undeclared race to Berlin, a race that, in the summer of 1944, was still very much winnable. And winning that contest would give the Americans and their British partner control over much if not all of Germany and the attendant possibility of doing in there what they had already done in Italy, namely preserving the social-economic status quo even if it meant sheltering fascists – in the case of Germany: Nazis — and philofascists. This was all the more important since US corporations and banks held huge investments in Germany, certain to be lost in case the tandem of Soviets and German antifascists took control. The tale of what happened to Germany cannot be told here, but we all know the result: the Americans got their way in the western reaches of the country, and the Soviets, in the eastern part.

As soon as the Battle of Normandy was concluded victoriously, German resistance melted away in most if not all of the rest of France.

This made it possible to undertake the primordial push into Germany, but also required dealing with the thorny issue of the situation in France. The Americans would have preferred to keep the Vichy-based collaborator government of Marshal Pétain in power, but minus the discredited Pétain, and with a more respectable personality, a French Badoglio, so to speak, at the helm; after all, the Vichy-regime had been good for business, including the business of French subsidiaries of US banks and corporations such as Ford France, which had made lots of money thanks to eager collaboration with the Germans.

Washington had maintained diplomatic relations with Vichy until the landings in North Africa, and had flirted afterwards with Pétainist politicians, high-ranking bureaucrats, and generals who, after Stalingrad, sensing where the wind was coming from, had opportunistically switched to the Allied side. Washington’s preference for Pétainists was determined by two related factors. First, the desire to find French partners who, once hoisted into the saddle of power, could be relied upon to maintain the capitalist status quo in a post-liberation France. Second, their fear that the withdrawal of the Germans and the concomitant collapse of the Vichy regime might cause the Resistance to come to power, a resistance that was mostly working class – just as collaboration had been mostly bourgeois – and very leftist, with the communists as the leading element, and introduce the kind of radical reforms that were very popular in France but abominated as a “red revolution” by American leaders, including president Roosevelt, who were determined to save capitalism in France regardless of the wishes of the French.

 As for General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the so-called Free French based in Britain and acknowledged by many inside and outside of France as one of the leaders of the Resistance, he was not a leftist but a conservative personality; but Roosevelt and most other American decision-makers despised him as an obnoxious megalomaniac and shared Vichy’s view that he was a mere front for the communist real leaders of the Resistance. Washington thus refused to recognize de Gaulle and the French provisional government he headed, even though it had become clear to them that their favourite option, putting an ex-Pétainist in power, was inacceptable to the French people.

And so the Americans planned to rule “liberated” France (and other European countries) themselves, at least for the time being, via a military government they controlled but euphemistically called Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT). In Italy, this arrangement had overseen the previously mentioned transition from fascism with to fascism without Mussolini, and the idea was clearly to achieve a similar result in France, Vichyism sans Vichy. However, with respect to France the idea of turning the country a de facto American protectorate, was not yet implemented at the time of the landings. 

In the meantime, de Gaulle was slowly becoming acceptable to Washington on account of three factors. First, the Americans finally realized that the French people would not tolerate that the Vichy system would be maintained in any way, shape, or form. Conversely, they had come to understand that de Gaulle was popular, enjoyed the support of a considerable segment of the Resistance, and had the potential to eclipse the communists as its leader. Second, de Gaulle appeased FDR by committing himself to pursue a political course that would in no way threaten the economic status quo. To guarantee his commitment, countless former Vichyites who enjoyed the favours of the Americans were integrated into his Free French movement and even given leading positions. Gaullism thus became respectable and de Gaulle himself morphed into “a right-wing leader,” acceptable to French upper class, which dreaded a takeover by the “red” Resistance, and to the Americans, poised to succeed the Germans as partners and protectors of that elite.

By the end of August 1944, when the Battle of Normandy was won, an uprising of the predominantly communist Parisian Resistance clearly purported not to prevent the Germans from burning down the city, as would be suggested in a 1966 Hollywood production, Is Paris Burning?, but to establish a French government that was to be independent of the country’s “Anglo-Saxon” liberators and likely to pursue policies not to their liking.

That forced the Americans to abandon the AMGOT scheme and quickly reach for the card they had hitherto been reluctant to play: de Gaulle.

The general was rushed to the capital, to be presented to the Parisians as the saviour for whom patriotic France had been waiting for four long years. It was arranged for him to strut triumphantly down the Champs Elysees, while the local Resistance leaders were coerced to follow him at a respectful distance, looking like unimportant extras. A little later, on October 23. 1944, Washington certified its admittedly uneasy partnership with de Gaulle by recognizing him as head of the provisional government of the French Republic.

After the Battle of Normandy, then, it was thanks to the Americans that in France de Gaulle, and not the men of the Resistance, could come to power. In contrast to the latter, de Gaulle was a conservative personality, and he collaborated eagerly with Washington to prevent the radical reforms which the Resistance had planned and many if not most Frenchmen, and certainly the working class, had expected and would have welcomed. The country’s capitalist social-economic system was preserved, though its political superstructure was updated: on the ruins of the fascist Vichy regime, a new, comparatively much more democratic system, was erected, to become officially known in 1946 as the “Fourth Republic”. This arrangement provided immense relief to France’s upper class but also served the purposes of the Americans, who were determined to make liberated Europe safe for capitalism, preferably an unfettered, American-style capitalism, with “open doors” for US products and capital – and Uncle Sam very much in control.

De Gaulle did not remain in power long enough – he resigned in January 1946 — to prevent France from being integrated into a US-dominated Western Europe and becoming a vassal of Uncle Sam, exemplified by membership in NATO – a development that was accompanied by the Americanization or “Cocacolonization” of the country.  But  in 1958 de Gaulle made a comeback and obtained wide powers as he arranged for the Fourth Republic to give way to to a more authoritarian, ironically enough an American-style, presidential system, to be baptized “Fifth Republic”. He subsequently proved to be a thorn in the side of Uncle Sam, for example by banning American army bases (and NATO headquarters) from France and, more in general, failing to be a pliant vassal like Konrad Adenauer in West Germany. (It is for that reason that the CIA very likely orchestrated some of the coups and assassination attempts directed against the regime and/or person of the recalcitrant French president.) 

De Gaulle also never forgave the Americans (and the British) for treating France like a “doormat” (paillasson), as he once put, at the time of the landings in Normandy. In 1964, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Overlord, he described the operation as “the prelude to a second occupation of the country”, and he never attended its annual commemoration. Also absent from the annual commemorations, at least during the last decade have been the Russian heirs to the Soviets, whose efforts and sacrifices had made possible not only the landings, but even the final victory against Nazi Germany.

This year, the official reason for Russian representatives being non grata is their country’s “war of aggression” against Ukraine, a kind of excuse that was never invoked to disqualify an American president for similar (and even worse) wars, for example, George W. Bush, who made an appearance in 2014. And what to think of the invitation extended to Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenski?

His government teems with admirers of Stepan Bandera and other Ukrainians who collaborated eagerly with the Nazis, and with neo-Nazis, and Zelenski himself happily and proudly participated when, in September, 2023, the members of Canada’s House of Commons unanimously honoured a former Ukrainian SS-man, Yaroslav Hunka, with a standing ovation in Canada’s Parliament.


The parliamentarians later sheepishly claimed ignorance, but Zelenski certainly knew very well who that man was, and what he stood for, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, should have known or at least have been informed. It is indeed no secret that, at the Nuremberg Trials, the SS in its entirety was declared to have been a criminal organization.

And it also known, especially in Canada, that a SS unit similar to the one of which Hunka was a member, fought against Allied troops in Normandy and committed war crimes there, including the massacre of dozens of Canadian prisoners of war in Ardenne Abbey near Caen.

Justin Trudeau presumably knows Canadian history and is aware of what happened at Ardenne Abbey; he should go there and lay a wreath – and invite Zelensky to come along.




“Abbaye d’Ardenne”, Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada,

Adams, Sharon, “Quick and quiet, this folding bike played a key Canadian role in Normandy”, Legion: Canada’s Military History Magazine, June 6, 2022,

Ambrose, Stephen E. Americans at War, New York, 1998

“Battle of Stalingrad”, Britannica,

Blum, William. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War II, second edition, Monroe, Maine, 2012. 

Carroll, Peter N., and David W. Noble. The Free and the Unfree: A New History of the United States, second edition, New York, 1988.

“Estimated Battle Casualties During the Normandy Invasion on June 6, 1944”, Britannica,

Foot, Richard. “D-Day and the Battle of Normandy”, The Canadian Encyclopedia, February 7, 2006,,Over%205%2C000%20Canadian%20soldiers%20died.

Gatzke, Hans. Germany and the United States: A “Special Relationship”? Cambridge, MA and London, 1980.

Jersak, Tobias. “Öl für den Führer,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 11, 1999.

Jones, Dustin. “80 years ago, the Soviets began defending Stalingrad against Germany”, NPR, August 23, 2022,,at%20approximately%201.2%20million%20people.

Kimball, Warren F. “FDR and Allied Grand Strategy, 1944-1945: The Juggler’s Last Act,” in Charles F. Brower (ed.), World War II in Europe: The Final Year, New York, 1998, pp. 15-38.

Lacroix-Riz, Annie. Les élites françaises entre 1940 et 1944. De la collaboration avec l’Allemagne à l’alliance américaine, Paris, 2016

Lacroix-Riz, Annie. Les origines du plan Marshall: Le mythe de “l’aide” américaine, Armand Colin, Malakoff, 2023. 

Loubet, Manon, “La question pas si bête: mais que faisait Charles de Gaulle le 6 juin 19440”, 14actu, June 2, 2019,

Overy, Richard. Why the Allies Won, London, 1995.  

Overy, Richard. Russia’s War, London, 1997

Pauwels, Jacques R. “The Allies’ Second Front in World War II: Why Were Canadian Troops Sacrificed at Dieppe?”, Global Research, June 03, 2014,

Pauwels, Jacques R. The Myth of the Good War: America in the Second World War, second edition, Toronto, 2015.

Pauwels, Jacques R. Myths of Modern History: From the French Revolution to the 20th century world wars and the Cold War — new perspectives on key events, Toronto, 2022.

Pauwels, Jacques R. “Americanizing France”, CounterPunch, March 4, 2024, 

“Remembering D-Day: Key facts and figures about epochal World War II invasion”, AP,,killed%20around%2020%2C000%20French%20civilians.

Rudmin, Floyd. “Secret War Plans and the Malady of American Militarism,” Counterpunch, February 17–19, 2006, 

Stoler, Mark A. Allies in War: Britain and America against the Axis Powers 1940-1945, London, 2005.

“The D-Day Landings Northern France 6 June 1944, Second World War Sixtieth Anniversary, p. 11,

Ueberschär, Gerd R. “Das Scheitern des ‘Unternehmens Barbarossa’”, in: Gerd R. Ueberschär and Wolfram Wette (eds.), Der deutsche Überfall auf die Sowjetunion. “Unternehmen Barbarossa” 1941, Frankfurt, 2011, pp.85-122.

The Dark Origins of the Davos’ Great Reset

June 8th, 2024 by F. William Engdahl

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First published on October 31, 2022

Earth Day, April 22, 2024


Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of Schwab.

Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, and even earlier.  The Davos Great reset is merely an updated blueprint for a global dystopian dictatorship under UN control that has been decades in development. The key actors were David Rockefeller and his protégé, Maurice Strong.

In the beginning of the 1970s, there was arguably no one person more influential in world politics than the late David Rockefeller, then largely known as chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank.

Creating the new paradigm

At the end of the 1960s and into the early 1970s, the international circles directly tied to David Rockefeller launched a dazzling array of elite organizations and think tanks. These included

The Club of Rome;

the 1001: A Nature Trust, tied to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF);

the Stockholm United Nations Earth Day conference;

the MIT-authored study, Limits to Growth;

and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.

Club of Rome

In 1968 David Rockefeller founded a neo-Malthusian think tank, The Club of Rome, along with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King. Aurelio Peccei, was a senior manager of the Fiat car company, owned by the powerful Italian Agnelli family. Fiat’s Gianni Agnelli was an intimate friend of David Rockefeller and a member of the International Advisory Committee of Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. Agnelli and David Rockefeller had been close friends since 1957. Agnelli became a founding member of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission in 1973. Alexander King, head of the OECD Science Program was also a consultant to NATO.  [i] That was the beginning of what would become the neo-Malthusian “people pollute” movement.

In 1971 the Club of Rome published a deeply-flawed report, Limits to Growth, which predicted an end to civilization as we knew it because of rapid population growth, combined with fixed resources such as oil. The report concluded that without substantial changes in resource consumption, “the most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.”

It was based on bogus computer simulations by a group of MIT computer scientists. It stated the bold prediction, “If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years.” That was 1971. In 1973 Klaus Schwab in his third annual Davos business leader meeting invited Peccei to Davos to present Limits to Growth to assembled corporate CEOs. [ii]

In 1974, the Club of Rome declared boldly, “The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.” Then: “the world is facing an unprecedented set of interlocking global problems, such as, over-population, food shortages, non-renewable resource [oil-w.e.] depletion, environmental degradation and poor governance.” [iii] They argued that,

‘horizontal’ restructuring of the world system is needed…drastic changes in the norm stratum – that is, in the value system and the goals of man – are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place. [iv]

In their 1974 report, Mankind at the Turning Point, The Club of Rome further argued:

Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. [v]

That was the early formulation of the UN Agenda 21, Agenda2030 and the 2020 Davos Great Reset.

David Rockefeller and Maurice Strong

By far the most influential organizer of Rockefeller’s ‘zero growth’ agenda in the early 1970s was David Rockefeller’s longtime friend, a billionaire oilman named Maurice Strong.

Canadian Maurice Strong was one of the key early propagators of the scientifically flawed theory that man-made CO2 emissions from transportation vehicles, coal plants and agriculture caused a dramatic and accelerating global temperature rise which threatens “the planet”, so-called Global Warming.

As chairman of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference, Strong promoted an agenda of population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment.”

Strong stated his radical ecologist agenda:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” [vi]

This is what is now taking place under cover of a hyped global pandemic.

Strong was a curious choice to head a major UN initiative to mobilize action on the environment, as his career and his considerable fortune had been built on exploitation of oil, like an unusual number of the new advocates of ‘ecological purity,’ such as David Rockefeller or Robert O. Anderson of Aspen Institute or Shell’s John Loudon.

Strong had met David Rockefeller in 1947 as a young Canadian  eighteen and from that point, his career became tied to the network of the Rockefeller family.[vii]  Through his new friendship with David Rockefeller, Strong, at age 18, was given a key UN position under UN Treasurer, Noah Monod. The UN’s funds were conveniently enough handled by Rockefeller’s Chase Bank. This was typical of the model of “public-private partnership” to be deployed by Strong—private gain from public government. [viii]

In the 1960s Strong had become president of the huge Montreal energy conglomerate and oil company known as Power Corporation, then owned by the influential Paul Desmarais. Power Corporation was reportedly also used as a political slush fund to finance campaigns of select Canadian politicians such as Pierre Trudeau, father of Davos protégé Justin Trudeau, according to Canadian investigative researcher, Elaine Dewar. [ix]

Earth Summit I and Rio Earth Summit

By 1971 Strong was named Undersecretary of the United Nations in New York and Secretary General of the upcoming Earth Day conference, United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Earth Summit I) in Stockholm, Sweden.  He was also named that year as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation – which financed his launch of the Stockholm Earth Day project.[x] In Stockholm the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was created with Strong as its head.

By 1989 Strong was named by the UN Secretary General to head the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development or UNCED (“Rio Earth Summit II”). He oversaw the drafting of the UN “Sustainable Environment” goals there, the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development  that forms the basis of Klaus Schwab’s  Great Reset, as well as creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the UN. Strong, who was also a board member of Davos WEF, had arranged for Schwab to serve as a key adviser to the Rio Earth Summit.

As Secretary General of the UN Rio Conference, Strong also commissioned a report from  the Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, authored by Alexander King which admitted that the CO2 global warming claim was merely an invented ruse to force change:

“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” [xi]

President Clinton’s delegate to Rio, Tim Wirth, admitted the same, stating,

“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” [xii]

At Rio Strong first introduced the manipulative idea of “sustainable society” defined in relation this arbitrary goal of eliminating CO2 and other so-called Greenhouse Gases. Agenda 21 became Agenda 2030 in Sept 2015 in Rome, with the Pope’s blessing, with 17 “sustainable” goals. It declared among other items,

“Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlement, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership also is a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice…Social justice, urban renewal, and development, the provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only ‘be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”

In short private land ownership must become socialized for “society as a whole,” an idea well-known in Soviet Union days, and a key part of the Davos Great Reset.

At Rio in 1992 where he was chairman and General Secretary, Strong declared:

“It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable.”  [xiii] (emphasis added)

By that time Strong was at the very center of the transformation of the UN into the vehicle for imposing a new global technocratic “paradigm” by stealth, using dire warnings of planet extinction and global warming, merging government agencies with corporate power in an unelected control of pretty much everything, under the cover of “sustainability.” In 1997 Strong oversaw  creation of the action plan following the Earth Summit,  The Global Diversity Assessment, a blueprint for the roll out of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, an inventory of every resource on the planet, how it would be controlled , and how this revolution would be achieved.[xiv]

At this time Strong was co-chairman of Klaus Schwab’s Davos World Economic Forum. In 2015 on Strong’s death, Davos founder Klaus Schwab wrote,

“He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board.” [xv]

Before he left the UN over an Iraq Food-for-Oil corruption scandal, Strong was member of the Club of Rome, Trustee of the Aspen Institute, Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Rothschild Foundation.  Strong was also a director of the Temple of Understanding of the Lucifer Trust (aka Lucis Trust) housed at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City,

“where pagan rituals include escorting sheep and cattle to the alter for blessing. Here, Vice President Al Gore delivered a sermon, as worshippers marched to the altar with bowls of compost and worms…” [xvi]

This is the dark origin of Schwab’s Great Reset agenda where we should eat worms and have no private property in order to “save the planet.” The agenda is dark, dystopian and meant to eliminate  billions of us “ordinary humans.”


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


[i] Biographies of 1001 Nature Trust members, Gianni Agnelli, accessed in

[ii] Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum: A Partner in Shaping History–The First 40 Years: 1971 – 2010, 2009, World Economic Forum, p. 15,

[iii] Quoted from Club of Rome Report, Mankind at the Turning Point, 1974, cited in

[iv] Ibid.

[v] The Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point, 1974, quoted in Brent Jessop,  Mankind at the Turning Point – Part 2 – Creating A One World Consciousness, accessed in

[vi] Maurice Strong, Opening Speech to UN Rio Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 1992, accessed in

[vii] Elaine Dewar, Cloak of Green: The Links between key environmental groups, government and big business, Toronto, James Lorimer & Co., 1995, pp. 259-265.


[ix] Elaine Dewar, op cit. p. 269-271.

[x] Ibid., p. 277.

[xi] What is Agenda 21/2030 Who’s behind it ? Introduction,

[xii] Larry Bell, Agenda 21: The U.N.’s Earth Summit Has Its Head In The Clouds, Forbes, June 14, 2011,

[xiii] John Izzard, Maurice Strong , Climate Crook, 2 December, 2015,

[xiv] What is Agenda 21/2030 Who’s behind it ? Introduction,

[xv] Maurice Strong An Appreciation by Klaus Schwab, 2015,

[xvi] Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, The UN, Maurice Strong, Crestone/Baca, CO, and the “New World Religion”, September 2017,

Featured image is from The Unz Review

Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-2-3
Product Type: PDF File

Price: $9.50

This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Click here to order.

Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Biden ha presentato un piano per “un cessate il fuoco duraturo” a Gaza. Esso prevede “il rilascio di tutti gli ostaggi” da parte di Hamas e allo stesso tempo “il ritiro delle forze israeliane da tutte le aree popolate di Gaza”. A questo punto “i civili palestinesi tornerebbero nelle loro case e nei loro quartieri in tutte le aree di Gaza”, ricevendo e “una accresciuta assistenza umanitaria da parte della comunità internazionale.” Inizierebbe quindi “la ricostruzione di Gaza da parte della comunità internazionale”.

In tal modo – sottolinea Biden – “Israele potrebbe integrarsi più profondamente nella regione, compreso un potenziale accordo storico di normalizzazione con l‘Arabia Saudita, entrando a far parte di una rete di sicurezza regionale per contrastare la minaccia rappresentata dall’Iran.” Chiaro scopo del piano è quello di colpire i BRICS di cui fanno parte Russia e Cina, nei quali l’Arabia Saudita è entrata insieme all’Iran, che USA e Israele considerano il loro più pericoloso nemico nella regione. Resta comunque il fatto – conclude Biden – che “Israele avrà sempre il diritto di difendersi dalle minacce alla sua sicurezza” e che “gli Stati Uniti faranno sempre in modo che Israele abbia ciò di cui ha bisogno per difendersi”.

Il piano di Biden è perfettamente funzionale alla strategia di guerra che gli Stati Uniti attuano in Medio Oriente. Esso mantiene l’asse strategico con Israele continuando a fornirgli i più avanzati sistemi d’arma e massicce quantità di munizioni, comprese quelle con cui Israele sta radendo al suolo Gaza. Allo stesso tempo prospetta una ricostruzione di Gaza – affidata alla “comunità internazionale”, ossia principalmente a Stati Uniti, Israele, Unione Europea e G7 – che, come specifica il piano presentato da Netanyahu, consisterebbe nel “ricostruire Gaza dal nulla” trasformandola in una “massiccia zona di libero scambio” con lussuosi grattacieli, impianti ecologici a energia solare e stabilimenti per la produzione di auto elettriche.

I palestinesi sopravvissuti, ritornati nelle loro case e nei loro quartieri, vi troverebbero solo macerie e non avrebbero più alcun reale diritto di proprietà. Ne seguirebbe un inevitabile esodo di massa, mentre quelli rimasti diverrebbero semplici dipendenti delle attività impiantate a Gaza dalla “comunità internazionale”. Verrebbe così cancellato il Territorio Palestinese di Gaza, insieme a quello della Cisgiordania, cancellando la Palestina come Stato.

Manlio Dinucci


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Global Research Wants to Hear From You!


The following is part of a transcript of an interview recorded this week. Find it here.

Mojmir Babacek is from Prague in the Czech Republic. He graduated in 1972 at Charles University in Prague in philosophy and political economy. In 1978, he signed “Chapter 77,” a document aiming to defend human rights in communist Czechoslovakia.

Since the 1990‘s he has been striving to help to achieve the international ban of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system and human minds with the use of neurotechnology.  

Global Research interviewed him on June 6 to expand on his research in the area, and on what he has been trying to do to alert the public as to how the very mind itself may be controlled and manipulated by pulsed microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation used without the knowledge or consent of the targeted individual.

Global Research: Okay, so first of all, could you give us a basic understanding of what exactly is happening physiologically to cause these neural weapons to affect the brain and nervous system?

Mojmir Babacek: Every action of neurons in the brain has chemical and electrical part. The actions differ by the number of firings of neurons and their frequencies. In this way, the brain is comparable to the computer because it works digitally.

Inside of the neuronal fibers is liquid, which is full of ions. Those are electrically charged particles, just the same like electrons in the conductive metals. The most important part in the activity of the human nervous system represents electrical currents, which are occurring as flows of those charged ions in the nerve fibers.

In 2014, Chinese scientists published the results of an experiment in which they searched for microwave conductivity of electrolyte solutions. In the introduction, they stressed that their experiment plays an important role in investigating the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biological tissues that have high water content and a significant concentration of ions. The experiment proved that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves up to 20 GHz frequency.

If the microwaves are passed in the frequencies of the brain activity, which is from 1 to 100 Hz, they will trigger the spreading of the nervous signal in the nervous system. Now, if a human being is supposed to feel something or do something or think about something, it is necessary that the large quantities of neurons start firing in the same frequency. So, if the electrolytes in the nerve fibers are reached by microwaves, which are passed in the nervous activity frequencies, they will produce in the human being perceptions, emotions, thoughts or any kind of the activity of the human body, like salivation.

In this way, the electrolytes in the nervous tissue will function the same way as antennas in the radios and the human nervous system will be subjected to those passed microwaves targeting the human body. The MCS America organization, which fights against pollution, confirms this conclusion in its study on electromagnetic field sensitivity. The study states, the body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone.

The veracity of those explanations is confirmed by the experiment where 20 volunteers were exposed to the pulses of 217 Hz used in cell phone telephony. In the recordings of the electroencephalograms appeared electrical currents in the frequency of 217 Hz. It means that microwaves pulsed in 217 frequency produced the same frequency in the nervous systems of the volunteers.

In another experiment, cell phone microwaves pulsed in 11 to 15 Hz produced changes in the electroencephalogram during the sleep in 30 volunteers. Australian scientists in the other experiment presented a conclusion that not only could cell phone signals alter a person’s behavior during the call, the effects of the disrupted brainwave patterns continued long after the phone was switched off. The difference between pulsed microwaves and extra-long electromagnetic waves in frequencies from 1 to 100 Hz is that pulsed microwaves can be targeted on one person or the whole nation if the cell phone signals are pulsed in brain frequencies, while extra-long electromagnetic waves transmitted in brain frequencies with a length of up to 300,000 km will reach brains in large areas of the planet.

This is what American antenna system HAR, Prussian antenna system SURA and newly built Chinese system in Hainan province can do.

GR: Information beams can affect people’s thoughts by bypassing the conscious minds. Give me examples of the kinds of thoughts entering into people’s minds and the possible dangers to human rights that that encompasses.

MB: Robert Becker, who was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for the work in this field of science, presents in his book Cross-Currents the report coming from the microwave research department at Walter Reed Army Institute where J.C. Sharp carried out an experiment with the transmission of words into the brain by radio-frequency radiation. The report presented this conclusion. Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation.

There were reports in the 70s that some woo-wear stores experimented with using subliminal messaging including ultrasonic messages embedded in the music played in their stores. These messages were intended to influence customer behavior such as reducing theft and encouraging purchases. That this method of subconscious programming can be produced by pulsed microwaves as well was described in the experiment by J.F. Shapitz.

This experiment, again, was published by the book Body Electric by Robert Becker, the scientist. The experiment was released voluntarily on basis of Freedom of Information Act, J.F. Shapitz stated. In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.

In one of the four experiments subjects should have been given a test of 100 questions ranging from easy to technical ones. Later, not knowing that they were being irradiated they would be subjected to information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank amnesia for some of their correct answers and memory falsification of their correct answers. After two weeks they had to pass the test again.

The results of those experiments were never published for obvious reasons. People would be alarmed by such disclosure. When encoding human speech into pulse microwaves it is possible to transmit either audible or inaudible ultrasound messages into the human brain.

A human being cannot hear ultrasound messages but its brain perceives them and a person may consider those words to be his own thoughts and his or her behavior can be controlled and manipulated in this way.

GR: Could you comment on whether the secrecy behind this neuro-weapons technology might have been influenced by the collapse of another secret CIA program called MK-ULTRA?

MB: Yes, the report on the CIA MK-ULTRA subproject 94 issued in October 1996, you can read there. The feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated.

The project MK-ULTRA was cancelled due to the lawsuit of former patients of the Canadian mental hospital Alain Memorial Institute. There the CIA was experimenting with effects of chemicals and electricity on patients. When the former patients filed a lawsuit against CIA the CIA deleted their records on this program to hide the evidence against them.

The trouble was that they forgot to delete the financial records which were published later on. The research of electromagnetic manipulation of the activity of the human nervous system was apparently classified soon after the publication of Alain Frey’s experiment with transmission of sounds into human brains by pulsed microwaves.

GR: Where have you gotten indications of just how far the research has gotten if there is no official funding for open microwave bio-research?

MB: Several experiments with pulsed microwave effects on the human brain activity were published before the research was classified just like Alain Frey’s experiment.

Later on American newspapers and books have every now and then published some information on the classified research. In 2007 the Washington Post wrote about the Air Force experiment where barely intelligible sentences were transmitted into human brains by Air Force. In the 90s of the past century there was a long string of publications on mind control research in Russia due to the fact that Russian scientist Viktor Sedlecky published an article where he wrote that the psychotronic generators as he called it were used during the push against Gorbachev to manipulate the unit that should attack incumbent President Yeltsin’s residence.

GR: You also see artificial intelligence playing a role and you wrote a petition banning the use of artificial intelligence to control the human nervous system. What is it about AI that concerns you with regard to Euroweapons?

MB: Evidently the human brain is compatible with computers and in this way the computers can be used to manipulate the brain’s activity. So this is an evident connection of artificial intelligence to manipulation of human brains.

In the project of the American Army from 1994 this project comes with producing a computer simulation of personality for people who would oppose the United States.

GR: What can ordinary people do right now to halt this research and expose the studies that have been taking place?

MB: Information on this kind of weapons is suppressed in mass media most of the times and even in most of the alternative media in the world. So for that matter there are no masses of people who would know about them and for that same matter there is no massive opposition against their development and use.

For sure it is a vast effort to disseminate information about their existence and threat they pose to the humanity. With a massive knowledge about this danger those weapons could be declassified. It’s really a vast effort.

Otherwise it seems there is no way to stop this effort to control even the world population by those technologies. As well people can sign the petition on entitled BAN REMOTE CONTROL OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM. The link to the petition can be found at the end of my recent articles on Global Research.

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Napoleon campaigned in Russia and was crushed.

The Western powers heavily intervened in Russia against the Bolsheviks (1918-21), only to face humiliation and see their own troops revolt.

US Troops in Vladivostovk, 1918

Hitler’s Germany attacked Russia and was destroyed.

Their glory is apparently envied now by Biden, Scholz, Macron, Stoltenberg, von der Leyen etc., perhaps the most decadent coterie of “leaders” of the West in its whole history.

Of very low intellectual quality, those persons probably they have just a very vague idea, if they have, of European history, which makes easier for them to repeat it.

The only problem is that we now possess nuclear weapons and a whole host of other technological means that did not exist before 1945.

This is why the new campaign risks becoming not just the Waterloo of the West, but the Waterloo of humanity, unless humanity is mobilized in a massive and dynamic way to prevent its destruction.

We explained in a previous article why the latest decisions of the United States and NATO dramatically increase the possibility of a global nuclear war since, as we explained, they overturn the most basic principles of “nuclear stability” established in the past by the US and the USSR. Even if we don’t go immediately to global nuclear war Russia and the NATO are two technologically very advanced countries. They can transform into hell the planet even before they go nuclear.

This is more than just a personal viewpoint. The President of the United States himself, Joe Biden, said repeatedly the same.

From the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, he has refused to provide Ukraine with long-range weapons capable of striking deep into Russian territory, arguing that we want to help Ukraine, but not to provoke ‘World War III’.

The argument that we should not provoke World War III was ever-present in White House deliberations on Ukraine policy (see this) until the President surrendered to the “War Party” within the collective West and the US government. So either Biden doesn’t know what he says and what he does, which is very dangerous when the decisions concern the very survival of humanity, or he knows what he says and, for reasons he himself knows, he chooses to take the risk of World War III, that is, the destruction of humanity.

I understand that my writing may be hard for the reader to take at face value. Having followed somewhat systematically for many years the issues of nuclear arms control and East-West relations, I have highlighted in my articles the path that has gradually led us to where we are, and warned about the risks of establishing new US bases in my own country, where even the explosion of a ‘small’ tactical nuclear device can lead to a radiation disaster. One of the main US bases is in Alexandroupolis, in Northeastern Greece, and most of the time in Greece the winds are Northeastern. Thus, the radiation from Alexandroupolis can fast go to the Attica agglomeration, where half of the Greek population are living. No one responded to me with arguments, but I was met with a great deal of skepticism and criticism, for my supposed doomsday mentality. Confirmation does not bring me any joy and I am still praying that I won’t be confirmed any more.

The thing seems completely logical and completely absurd at the same time. The biggest barrier to understanding reality is the constraints of our imagination, as the great French geneticist Albert Jacquard once wrote. Most people have a mechanism for denying reality if we feel it exceeds us, the same as ostriches have. Unable to bear the stress of danger, or not knowing how to deal with it, we prefer not to see it. But the nightmare is here, it is in the external reality. And the only way to avoid it is to mobilise states and societies.

Rapid Escalation

In the three days since I wrote my previous article on the risk of nuclear war, a series of news reports have confirmed our conclusion that we are heading towards the most serious nuclear crisis in our history.

After Biden’s decision to allow the use of US weapons against targets on Russian territory, within three days, the French are preparing to send troops to Ukraine, the Germans are discussing the possibility of recruiting 900,000 reservists, the Dutch and the Danes say they have no problem if the F16s they give to Ukraine strike inside Russia. But these aircraft can carry nuclear weapons. In other words, the Russians will be under constant threat and uncertainty that they could be subject to a nuclear attack.

Increasing uncertainty can cause nuclear war by mistake, while facilitating a provocation. The existence of such weapons in Ukraine, where Zelensky now seems to be fully controlled not only by the West in general, but by the extremist “Party of War” within it, makes any provocation much easier, i.e. destabilizes the most crucial factor of nuclear stability.

It’s like a poker game where the opponents are constantly moving up in stakes. US weapons have already carried out deadly attacks in Belgorod, Russia. Russia, as Putin himself said, responded by carrying out an attack in the direction of Kharkiv.

So what do they think in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin? That they will keep escalating the intervention in Ukraine and Moscow will not respond? Or do they want it to respond, they want escalation, taking things to a nuclear conflict without taking themselves the responsibility of it?

The Russians, for their part, released a map of the bases where the United States has stored nuclear weapons in Europe and Putin made a special reference to small European states whose leaders do not understand what they are getting themselves into. Most European media did not even report this news.

What do you think? Where exactly is this whole thing going?

European States: Fatal and Spineless Puppets

The vast majority of European political personnel, directly dependent on NATO and the US services, as it seems, and of a low moral and intellectual level, are powerless to challenge decisions and plans that threaten to lead Europe and humanity to their end.

An honourable exception is the Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán (see this), whom many may not like for other issues, but who had the courage to clearly oppose the war plans and is now threatened from Brussels, the seat of a supposedly democratic and increasingly totalitarian, European Union, with the exclusion of Hungarians from all posts in the EU. There is also, of course, the left-wing Slovak Prime Minister Fico, even more radical in his criticism of NATO policy, but someone made sure he was sent to hospital.

Orban said that he has never witnessed such irresponsibility in his life as he has seen in Europe’s involvement in Ukraine, without even an assessment of the costs and means needed to achieve its objective goals. NATO is becoming a directly involved party in Ukraine and the chances of avoiding this are limited. He said that he is not prepared, however, to allow Brussels and Berlin to decide that they should send Hungarian soldiers to Ukraine and lead his country back into war against Russia, as Hitler did.

Another European statesman, the President of Bulgaria has warned that NATO’s policy is bringing us to Nuclear Armageddon.

The “European Army”

Last month, the leader of the European People’s Party (EPP), Weber said that he wants the introduction of compulsory service and the creation of a European Army, which would not be subject to the constraints of control by national governments. In other words, Brussels will directly send European soldiers to Ukraine without asking anyone.

At the same time, the idea of a “military Schengen” is being discussed, i.e. NATO troops being able to move into EU territory without consulting governments.

European leaders do not understand that what they are doing is probably a prelude to the third world war and they think of nuclear bombs as a “tactical deterrent tool”, not as something that will actually be used, but what may not seem likely at the start of a war could occur by its conclusion, as the Hungarian Prime Minister pointed out.

The Central Question

The Americans may hope that, even if a nuclear conflict occurs, it will be under control and confined to European territory. But such calculations are utterly foolish. If humanity crosses the threshold of using nuclear weapons, whether tactical or strategic, it will be extremely difficult to control and contain, even to keep it on European soil. Most likely, once mankind crosses the nuclear threshold, it will be the end of mankind.

Ultimately, the question that political forces and societies in the West have to answer is this: Do we want to risk the very existence of humanity, clearly not for the sake of Ukraine or democracy, but to uphold the dominance of an ultra tiny minority over the planet and our own nations?

Is it not time to start thinking again like Roosevelt, the two Kennedys, De Gaulle, Willy Brandt, Olaf Palme, Aldo Moro, Andreas Papandreou? Where they all working for Moscow as agents? Is it not time for the people to mobilise?

Because, as Nikita Khrushchev and John Kennedy said, those who survive a nuclear war, the living, will envy those who have died.


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Regime de Kiev critica a China devido à sua posição pró-paz.

June 7th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

O regime de Kiev parece cada vez mais imerso na sua própria paranóia anti-russa, acusando os países soberanos de serem meros instrumentos do Kremlin. Num discurso recente, o presidente ucraniano, Vladimir Zelensky, afirmou que a China é uma ferramenta russa usada para impedir que outros países participem nas “negociações de paz” lideradas pelo Ocidente – embora não haja provas de que Pequim esteja a pressionar outros estados a recusarem participar nas “conversações suíças”.

A “cimeira de paz” organizada pelo regime neonazista e pelos seus parceiros na Suíça está a causar grandes atritos diplomáticos. Os países que se recusam a participar na conferência são criticados por Kiev como “fantoches russos”. Recentemente, num discurso numa conferência de segurança em Singapura, Zelensky acusou a China de ser uma “ferramenta” russa para alegadamente mobilizar países para ignorarem a cimeira suíça.

Além disso, Zelensky também acusou a China de fornecer “apoio de defesa” à Rússia, o que implica que Moscou receba armas chinesas na operação militar especial. Como esperado, Zelensky não forneceu nenhuma evidência para apoiar as suas afirmações.

“A Rússia, usando a influência chinesa na região, usando também diplomatas chineses, faz tudo para perturbar a cimeira de paz (…) É lamentável que um país tão grande, independente e poderoso como a China seja um instrumento nas mãos dos [russos] Presidente Vladimir] Putin (…) Não esperamos apoio militar da China. Nunca lhes pedimos (…) Mas não esperamos que a China forneça apoio militar à Rússia”, disse Zelensky.

Como é sabido, a Rússia e a China mantêm uma política de cooperação mútua ilimitada. Ambos os países estão integrados em todas as esferas, especialmente na econômica. A amizade bilateral entre a Rússia e a China é uma garantia da soberania de ambos os países face às constantes agressões, provocações e sanções ocidentais. Quanto mais a OTAN tenta isolar a Rússia e a China, mais ambos os países cooperam.

Esta amizade inclui também laços militares, tendo ambas as nações alguns acordos de cooperação em defesa. Ambos os países mantêm políticas como acordos militares-comerciais e treinamento conjunto. No entanto, dada a sua política soberana de neutralidade no conflito ucraniano, a China nunca demonstrou qualquer interesse em fazer avançar estes laços ao nível do fornecimento de armas para ações militares russas.

A falta de interesse da China está em linha com a falta de necessidade da Rússia. Tendo uma produção de armas extremamente eficiente e moderna, com o seu complexo industrial de defesa desenvolvendo-se cada vez mais, a Rússia não necessita de qualquer assistência internacional para conduzir a operação militar especial ou outras ações militares. Moscou tem armas suficientes para servir os seus interesses militares, razão pela qual não pede ajuda à China na sua operação na Ucrânia. As acusações de Zelensky são, portanto, mentiras irresponsáveis ​​e devem ser repudiadas.

Além disso, as acusações de que a China está a pressionar outros países a agirem contra a cimeira de “paz” também são infundadas. Pequim não fez qualquer declaração encorajando os seus parceiros a rejeitar a cimeira. A decisão de não participar na iniciativa faz parte da política externa soberana da China. A diplomacia de Pequim centra-se principalmente no comércio e nas boas relações com outros países, e não tem interesse em envolver-se em assuntos militares. Participar numa conferência de paz só é do interesse da China se o evento for reconhecido por ambos os lados – caso contrário, o país estaria aderindo aos interesses de um dos lados, rompendo com a sua neutralidade.

A conferência suíça é um fórum de discussão totalmente unilateral. A Rússia não foi convidada a participar, razão pela qual nenhuma resolução eficaz será alcançada na cimeira. Numa situação de conflito, as negociações de paz só são possíveis se tiverem em conta os interesses de ambos os lados – especialmente do lado vencedor, que é a Rússia. Se não houver discussões bilaterais, não há verdadeira diplomacia nem possibilidade de paz. Neste sentido, muitos países, como a China, consideraram as conversações na Suíça uma perda de tempo. Este entendimento não provém da amizade da China com a Rússia, mas da própria política externa soberana de Pequim, que se centra no comércio e não no militarismo.

Não é apenas a China que tem sido considerada uma “ferramenta” russa pelo regime de Kiev. Recentemente, um proeminente político ucraniano acusou os próprios EUA de serem um Estado fantoche russo porque Washington não tem interesse em participar nas conversações. Para a Ucrânia, qualquer país que demonstre uma posição soberana é uma “ferramenta” russa. Isto mostra os níveis avançados de intolerância e a verdadeira paranóia russofóbica entre os tomadores de decisões de Kiev.

No final, a decisão de não participar parece ser a mais razoável para todos os Estados soberanos. Depois de tantos fracassos diplomáticos, parece agora claro que a paz não será alcançada através de fóruns unilaterais, mas apenas através de uma vitória militar por parte da Rússia.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês :Kiev regime slams China due to its pro-peace stance, InfoBrics, 3 de Junho de 2024.

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Global Research Wants to Hear From You!


“Well I’m heavenly blessed and worldly wise

I’m a peeping-tom techie with x-ray eyes

Things are going great, and they’re only getting better

I’m doing alright, getting good grades

The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades”

– Timbuk 3, The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades [1]


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The Mayworks Festival is a series of events throughout the month of May, exploring and celebrating workers lives, struggles and future aspirations. Included in the lineup is International Workers Day, or May Day, in which multiple locations around the planet proudly celebrate labour and the working class in parades and song. [2]

However, in 2024, with all the troops in the office, in the factory, in the field, in the streets taking their stands in the ultimate class war, one new figure has emerged and is poised to set the battle back in favour of the bosses. This stranger is new in town, but is easily identified by two letters: AI.

Artificial Intelligence, at least in its current form already threatens to take our jobs away from us. During the Viva Technology Conference in Paris a couple of weeks ago, billionaire Elon Musk asserted his conviction that Artificial Intelligence will ultimately eliminate the need for people to work.

“The question will really be one of meaning, of how — if a computer can do, and the robots can do everything better than you … does your life have meaning?…That really will be the question in that benign scenario, and in the negative scenario, all bets are off where we’re in deep trouble.” [3]

But these sorts of scenarios dreamed up by hype-ists don’t account for other far more sinister properties of AI. As it stands right now, this technology needs to be fed. And the basic components come from mining minerals, like cobalt and coltan. We have seen how the need to mine these components was linked to wide-spread genocides of millions of people in Congo. But a necessary price to pay for intelligent machines improving our lives? [4]

Worse, these devices are not just tools of “the bosses,” their first test drives at their origin were in the military. In particular, in Vietnam dedicated to the surveillance, planning, target acquisition, and destruction of Viet-cong infrastructure. The program was called Phoenix Program, referred to by a CIA officer after the war as “computerized mass murder.” [5]

Variations of this program were used decades later by the Israeli Defense Forces against occupied Palestine. Or in counter-insurgency operations in Latin America. Mechanized murder, courtesy of your “friendly neighbourhood AI.” [6]

The glow of this technological marvel is on the horizon, so bright we have to wear shades. And will soon have measurable impacts changing our lives forever. What should we do? How can we prepare for increased power and yet more limited alternatives? These are the themes we are exploring in the latest chapter of the Global Research News Hour.

In our first half hour, we speak to writer and teacher Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, author of the article Returning to the 11th Century: Before You Leave, Turn Out the Lights. He will share insights into artificial intelligence spawning from an early encounter with professor of computer science and early pioneer of AI Joseph Weizenbaum. He will chat about AI not escaping the design of its predecessors or of the mission ultimately as eliminating skilled labour.

In our second half hour, we are joined by science fiction author, blogger and activist Cory Doctorow who shares his view that the threat is imposed, ultimately not from AI itself, but from the system in which it is ensconced, and how we can still work collectively to repels its influence.

Finally, we share time with Mojmir Babacek, who has been active for decades trying to stop covert use of pulsed microwave radiation from affecting and actually controlling the minds of people without their consent! He speaks on this subject and the thought of AI manipulating this process.

Dr. T.P. Wilkinson writes, teaches History and English, directs theatre and coaches cricket between the cradles of Heine and Saramago. He is also the author of Church Clothes, Land, Mission and the End of Apartheid in South Africa. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Cory Doctorow is a science fiction author, activist and journalist. He is the author of many books, most recently THE BEZZLE (a followup to RED TEAM BLUES) and THE LOST CAUSE, a solarpunk science fiction novel of hope amidst the climate emergency. His most recent nonfiction book is THE INTERNET CON: HOW TO SEIZE THE MEANS OF COMPUTATION, a Big Tech disassembly manual. In 2020, he was inducted into the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.

Mojmir Babacek was born in 1947 in Prague, Czech Republic. Graduated in 1972 at Charles University in Prague in philosophy and political economy. In 1978 signed the document defending human rights in  communist Czechoslovakia „Charter 77“. Since the 1990s he has been striving to help to achieve the international ban of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system and human minds with the use of neurotechnology.  

(Global Research News Hour Episode 435)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg.

The programme is also broadcast weekly (Monday, 1-2pm ET) by the Progressive Radio Network in the US.

The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs Global Research News Hour excerpts infrequently during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.


  3. Breck Dumas (May 24, 2024), ‘Elon Musk expects AI will replace all human jobs,  lead to ‘universal high income’ ‘, New York  Post;
  6. ibid

How to Diagnose and Treat Osteoarthritis

June 7th, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is often described as a “wear and tear” disease because it typically involves the breakdown of joint cartilage due to repetitive use and load over time

However, the understanding of osteoarthritis has evolved, and it is now recognized as a more complex condition influenced by a combination of factors beyond just mechanical wear and tear

Growing recognition among medical professionals suggests osteoarthritis should be considered a systemic disease, not just a localized joint condition

Maintaining a healthy weight is a key part of osteoarthritis prevention; avoiding linoleic acid in seed oils can help you avoid obesity

Homemade bone broth is rich in collagen, making it a natural food to support joint health; collagen is a major component of cartilage, the tissue that’s degraded in OA


Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative joint disease that affects 32.5 million U.S. adults.1

Worldwide, about 595 million people are living with the condition, a 132% increase since 1990.2

Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time.

Although osteoarthritis can damage any joint, the knee joint is most frequently affected, followed by the hip and hand.3

While there’s no known cure for osteoarthritis, it typically progresses slowly.

This means you can take steps to reduce further damage from the disease, like avoiding obesity and making collagen-rich bone broth. Scientists are also working on methods for early detection, which would allow treatment to begin before joint damage occurs.

Osteoarthritis Is Often Diagnosed After the Damage Is Done

Osteoarthritis is typically diagnosed based on a combination of clinical symptoms, physical examinations and diagnostic tests, including X-rays. Key symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Joint pain and tenderness — Affected joints may hurt during or after movement.
  • Stiffness — Joint stiffness may be most noticeable upon waking up in the morning or after a period of inactivity.
  • Loss of flexibility — There may be a loss of flexibility in the affected joint.
  • Grating sensation — You might feel a grating sensation or hear a popping or crackling sound, when you use the joint.
  • Bone spurs — These extra bits of bone, which feel like hard lumps, can form around the affected joint.

Your doctor will ask about any such symptoms and how long you’ve had them, as well as whether you’ve had past injuries or engage in activities that could contribute to joint damage. For instance, according to the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance (OAAA):4

“Certain occupations (e.g., construction, healthcare, farming, law enforcement, first responders, military) involving prolonged standing, squatting, lifting, kneeling, and repetitive motion with resultant excessive mechanical stress on a joint, raises the risk of OA and can worsen symptoms.

Osteoarthritis and back pain are the most common diagnoses related to disability-caused separation from the military, both during periods of peacetime and war.

High impact professional sports (e.g., hockey, soccer, and football), where there is not only repetitive loading with excessive force, but also increased joint trauma puts players at risk of OA. In addition to elite-level athletes (soccer, long-distance running, weightlifting and wrestling), non-elite soccer athletes are also at risk of developing OA.”

X-rays are commonly used to diagnose osteoarthritis, as they can reveal changes in joint structure. The problem is that by the time osteoarthritis is visible on an X-ray, the joint is already damaged. Research suggests, however, that earlier diagnosis may be possible.

Blood Biomarkers May Reveal Osteoarthritis Eight Years Before X-Rays Can

Researchers from Duke University conducted a study to find blood markers that could predict the development of knee osteoarthritis in women before any joint damage is visible on X-rays.5 In a group of 200 women, they found that just six specific blood proteins were able to indicate a 77% chance of developing OA, up to eight years before it could be seen on X-rays.

Predicting OA based on these blood markers was more accurate than using age, body mass index (BMI) or reports of knee pain, all of which showed much lower accuracy (51% for age and BMI, 57% for knee pain). The findings suggest that the joint tissue may already be undergoing changes long before OA is visible on an X-ray, hinting at an ongoing inflammatory process or “OA continuum.”

Moreover, the majority of the blood proteins that indicated the potential onset of OA also suggested the possibility of OA getting worse. So, the early changes leading to OA and the worsening of OA once it’s begun may share similar underlying processes.

“This tells us that there is an osteoarthritis continuum,” lead study author Dr. Virginia Byers Kraus told The New York Times. “You’re already on an escalator that’s leading you up the path to symptoms and X-ray changes way before we thought.”6 One day, a blood test may be used to diagnose osteoarthritis in its early stages, when treatment may be able to stop joint damage from occurring.

Osteoarthritis Is Caused by More Than Wear and Tear

Osteoarthritis is often described as a “wear and tear” disease because it typically involves the breakdown of joint cartilage due to repetitive use and load over time. However, the understanding of osteoarthritis has evolved, and it is now recognized as a more complex condition influenced by a combination of factors beyond just mechanical wear and tear.

While excessive or abnormal forces on your joints can accelerate the breakdown of cartilage, biomechanical imbalances that place uneven stresses on your joints can also contribute. Further, although osteoarthritis is not a traditional inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation does play a role. Chemicals in the joint can cause inflammation and damage to the cartilage and surrounding structures. According to OAAA:7

“Osteoarthritis is not simply caused by ‘wear and tear’ of the joint but is rather a complex disorder characterized by molecular, anatomic and physiologic changes. As such a complex disease, there are a variety of risk factors — both modifiable and non-modifiable — that contribute to its onset and progression, some of which can be mediated with appropriate management strategies.”

There is growing evidence, for instance, linking metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — to an increased risk of osteoarthritis.8

Extra body weight also increases the stress on weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips, increasing osteoarthritis risk, but adipose (fat) tissue also produces inflammatory substances that may contribute to joint deterioration. In fact, the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) defines osteoarthritis as:9

“A disorder involving movable joints characterized by cell stress and extracellular matrix degradation initiated by micro- and macro-injury that activates maladaptive repair responses including pro-inflammatory pathways of innate immunity.

The disease manifests first as a molecular derangement (abnormal joint tissue metabolism) followed by anatomic, and/or physiologic derangements (characterized by cartilage degradation, bone remodeling, osteophyte formation, joint inflammation and loss of normal joint function), that can culminate in illness.”

Age is also a primary risk factor, as the cumulative effects of use on your joints are often compounded by an age-related decrease in the body’s ability to heal and maintain tissue. Hormonal changes, particularly during menopause, also play a significant role in the development of osteoarthritis in women. Genetics may also predispose individuals to osteoarthritis, influencing the durability of cartilage and the body’s repair mechanisms.

Is Osteoarthritis a Systemic Disease?

Growing recognition among medical professionals suggests osteoarthritis should be considered a systemic disease, not just a localized joint condition. Writing in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, one team of scientists proposed renaming the disease “systemic OA” to move away from the perception that it’s focused solely on joints. They explained:10

“Its pathogenic mechanisms involve a variety of systemic conditions that contribute to joint damage. These include metabolic dysfunction, chronic low-grade inflammation, neuroplastic pain, and the influence of the central nervous system in the development of neuropathic pain.

Besides, OA can negatively affect other aspects of health, such as quality of life, reduced physical activity, social isolation, depression, and anxiety. OA can be considered a complex system in which pathological interactions involve not only obesity and metabolic dysfunction, but also fragility syndrome, sarcopenia, neurological complications, and systemic energy redistribution.”

This has implications for the way osteoarthritis is treated as well, since conventional treatment typically relies on support care, such as medications, physical therapy and heating pads.11 Instead, the researchers noted that medical care for OA should be “more holistic and personalized.”12

In addition to considering individual factors like genetics, lifestyle must be addressed, and resolving obesity should be a primary treatment, along with maintaining muscle health to support the joints.

Tips for Osteoarthritis Prevention

Maintaining a healthy weight is a key part of osteoarthritis prevention. Reducing body weight if you’re overweight can decrease the stress on weight-bearing joints like hips and knees and lower inflammation levels associated with obesity. Obesity is also a leading cause of knee replacements. One Australian study of 56,217 patients showed that, of the patients who received a knee replacement due to osteoarthritis, 31.9% were overweight and 57.7% were obese.13

Consuming too much linoleic acid (LA) in seed oils is a primary factor driving the overweight and obesity epidemics. At a molecular level, excess LA consumption also damages your metabolism and impedes your body’s ability to generate energy in your mitochondria.

Examples of seed oils high in LA include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower. To limit LA in your diet, you’ll need to avoid most processed foods.

Injury prevention is also important, as it’s estimated that up to 12% of OA cases result from injuries caused by automobile or military accidents, falls or sports.14 “Proper precautions such as stretching and strengthening exercises, appropriate footwear and other devices, along with supportive workplace or athletic team policies, can help reduce onset and progression of OA in occupational and sports settings,” OAAA notes.

Consuming specific anti-inflammatory and healing foods is another strategy to support overall health and osteoarthritis prevention. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, for instance, contain a compound called sulforaphane, which also helps reduce the risk of osteoarthritis,15 in part by blocking enzymes that are linked to joint destruction.

A team of researchers from the University of East Anglia published a study in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism that showed substances in cruciferous vegetables could slow the progression of osteoarthritis, or possibly prevent it.16

Sulforaphane did this by inhibiting metalloproteinases that have been implicated in the development and progression of osteoarthritis. The researchers found it also blocked inflammation to protect against cartilage destruction both in the lab and animal models.

Other natural compounds, like turmeric, are useful for relieving osteoarthritis pain. A 2021 randomized trial compared turmeric against paracetamol, a painkiller also known as acetaminophen.

Bioavailable turmeric extract was as effective as paracetamol against osteoarthritis pain and symptoms in the knee and was safe and more effective in reducing tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) and C-reactive protein (CRP).17 Acupuncture is another natural strategy that’s useful for pain relief and improving function in osteoarthritis.18

Bone Broth for Joint Health

Considering the underlying pathological processes leading to osteoarthritis start long before its symptoms, taking steps to support your joint health early on makes sense. One way to do this is by making homemade bone broth. Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones and connective tissue, which releases collagen and other nutrients into the broth.

Bone,soup bones,soup,carrots,leek - free image from

Collagen is a major component of cartilage, the tissue that’s degraded in OA. While there are plenty of collagen supplements on the market, bone broth is by far the least expensive option. Collagen accounts for about 30% of the total protein in your body.

One of its primary functions is to provide structural support and strength to your tissues, such as skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage,19,20,21 allowing them to stretch while still maintaining tissue integrity. As such, collagen is crucial for repairing soft tissue, muscle and connective tissue, all of which tend to get weaker and less elastic with age.

Further, bone broth may help reduce joint pain and stiffness,22 including osteoarthritis pain.23 It helps reduce joint pain and inflammation, in part, courtesy of chondroitin sulfates, glucosamine and other compounds extracted from the boiled down cartilage.

To make homemade bone broth, simply place bones in an Instant Pot, fill the pot with pure, filtered water — just enough to cover the bones — add salt and other spices to taste, then set it to cook on high for two hours if the bones are from a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) or four hours if organic and grass fed.

Using bones from CAFO beef can be problematic due to potential heavy metal contamination. So, when cooking these bones in the Instant Pot, it’s best to limit the time to two hours to avoid introducing heavy metals into your broth.

If you’re using beef bones from grass fed organic sources, you can safely cook them for four hours. Using bones from an organic source is even more important if you’re using chicken, as CAFO chickens tend to produce stock that doesn’t gel,24 which raises questions about the quality of the collagen you’re getting.

You can further customize your bone broth to align with specific health goals and nutritional needs. For instance, if you’re looking to support joint health, consider adding other ingredients that are rich in collagen such as chicken feet to maximize the health benefits.


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1 Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, OA Prevalence and Burden

2 The Lancet Rheumatology September 2023

3 WHO, Osteoarthritis July 14, 2023

4, 7, 9 Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, OA Pathogenesis and Risk Factors

5 Science Advances April 26, 2024, Volume 10, Issue 17

6, 11 The New York Times May 2, 2024 (Archived)

8 J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Mar 14:dgae169. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgae169. Online ahead of print

10, 12 Aging Clin Exp Res. 2024; 36(1): 45

13 ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2022;92(7-8)

14 Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, OA Prevention

15 CNN Health August 29, 2013

16 Arthritis & Rheumatism 2013;65(12)

17 Trials, 2021;22(105)

18 Annals of Internal Medicine 2004 Dec 21;141(12):901-10

19 Bone 2010 Mar;46(3):827-3

20 PLoS One 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99920

21 J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Jan 27;58(2):835-41

22 Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 May;24(5):1485-96

23 Curr Med Res Opin. 2006 November; 22(11):2221-32

24 Weston A. Price January 1, 2000

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Bird Flu Scare Is a Ploy for More Mass Genetic Vaccination

June 7th, 2024 by Dr. Peter McCullough

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With the COVID-19 crisis many of us where caught by surprise and before we knew it we were masked, businesses were closed, government checks were printed, and mass vaccination centers were flooded with well-intended citizens. We learned that the intentional amplification of fear, suppression of early treatment, and vaccine-only message from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex was a strategy to herd the world into global mass indiscriminate genetic vaccination.

Next came monkeypox. Another global, US, and public health emergency. This time we were out in the media well ahead of the complex describing how the zoonotic illness had adopted a gay/bisexual human-to-human spread pattern. We also had wonderful success with the IV and oral drug, tecovirimat. This took all the wind out of the sails of a public monkeypox mass vaccination campaign.

With the prior two outbreaks still present but grip of fear lost, now comes bird flu or highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. Listen to how this long-format interview develops with red-beard David Gornoski on A Neighbor’s Choice. He shows independent media readily understands what is going on and is not fooled for a minute. When I was on with him, I could not help but think about Oliver Anthony and his hit song Rich Men from Richmond.

The question on the table is: will independent media be sufficiently penetrant to deflate this bird flu false narrative and like monkeypox, allow this one to be a glancing blow and not a full frontal public health assault?


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I know we don’t expect good faith commitments from Israel, but believe it or not, we have other options. The Biden administration charged CIA Director Bill Burns with negotiating a ceasefire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.

Wonder of wonders, he succeeded. In cooperation with the Qatari and Egyptian mediation teams, and in communication with the Israeli and Hamas negotiating teams he finally concluded a detailed settlement that was submitted to both sides.

Now before I go any further, do you think that Director Burns, representing Israel’s staunchest ally, would create a ceasefire agreement that is unacceptable to the Israeli negotiating team? But it was Hamas that responded first, with complete approval. Take a look at what Burns and the other teams – including the Israeli team – created, and which Hamas approved. Does it look unreasonable to you?

Biden’s proposal – to date not supported by the white supremacist regime headed by war criminal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – would be carried out in three phases: The first phase would be a six-week ceasefire and the return of women, children and other Israelis held in Gaza; the release of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel; withdrawal of Israeli troops from populated areas of Gaza; and for Israel to release 600 trucks of humanitarian aid to be carried into Gaza daily. 

The second phase would be a permanent ceasefire leading to a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, along with the release of all remaining Israelis held in Gaza. The third phase would be a 3-5 year period of internationally funded reconstruction of Gaza and the establishment of a non-Hamas Palestinian government.  

Response from Hamas

The effort exerted by our brother mediators in Egypt and Qatar aimed to achieve a ceasefire, end the “israeli” aggression on Gaza, and withdraw the forces. We had a clear position and responded positively to these efforts and mediation. We accepted the final proposal presented by the mediators, which had U.S. approval. The U.S. side failed to oblige the “israeli” side and convince them to agree to the [early May] paper, leading to the collapse of all these efforts that were built. 

Today, Biden announced ideas that we viewed positively. We said these ideas are not enough; we need a complete agreement because the details from the “israeli” side have always been a source of constant crisis, whether in the ceasefire and the “israeli” desire for it not to be permanent, or in the withdrawal and the “israeli” attempt to remain in specific locations in Gaza, or even in the [prisoner] exchange process. 

The statement and the call from the U.S. president to reach an agreement is positive, but agreements cannot be achieved through mere hopes. We need clear texts that achieve what we want and what we have said, and that the “israelis” accept openly and explicitly, not in an evasive manner, or in a way that allows them to evade any commitment. 

Principles alone are not enough to reach an agreement. They are a roadmap, but not the picture we can agree upon. We want a complete ceasefire; this was proposed by President Biden, but how? What is the timing and mechanism? We want a complete withdrawal from Gaza. This must be specified within clearly defined steps. We also want comprehensive shelter and relief for Gaza, reconstruction, and an end to the siege. We want a fair exchange deal. All these details must be agreed upon. 

I expected President Biden to adopt the paper that was presented to Hamas at the beginning of last May as a paper from the mediators, which was approved by his mediator in the negotiation, CIA Director William Burns. The statement reflects a serious attempt by the mediators to reach an agreement. We need to see precisely what is being proposed and what the “israeli” position truly is.

‘There is no initiative’

We have not received anything specific yet, and we are not about to return to square one for negotiations. There is a proposal presented to the mediators. 

I believe the statement can be a prelude to re-presenting the same proposal to the “israeli” side, and that the “israelis” will accept it. There is no initiative; President Biden spoke about ideas. General ideas do not mean reaching an understanding. It is a general framework, and many details have been discussed over the past four months. The talk about the mediators’ desire to reach an agreement is good and acceptable. 

Hamas did not hesitate and made the decision when it agreed to the paper presented by the mediators. The role now is for the mediators to pressure the “israeli” side to accept the same proposal, which I believe achieved what President Biden proposed in principle. Hamas announced its acceptance of what the mediators presented, and ““israel” did not agree. They announced their rejection. 

The side that has been intransigent over the past months is the “israeli” side, which met Hamas’s acceptance and the mediators’ efforts with an invasion of Rafah and the occupation of the Philadelphia Route and Rafah Crossing. 

The “israeli” side needs to explicitly and clearly announce its commitment to reaching an agreement that achieves a comprehensive ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from Gaza, unrestricted entry of relief for sheltering and aiding the displaced, reconstruction of Gaza, lifting the siege, and achieving a fair prisoner exchange deal. 

What Netanyahu wrote on X confirms that the intransigence is “israeli,” and that the efforts of the intermediaries were always thwarted by the “israeli” side. We are not insisting on conditions but on a proposal presented by the mediators, and we accepted it. 

I believe the pressure should be directed towards the “israeli” side, which has thwarted all efforts so far. President Biden’s statements have so far been met with “israeli” rejection. The Palestinian resistance remains committed to its stance. It made the decision, while Netanyahu continues to obstruct all efforts, refuses to accept the ceasefire, and disrupts them.

—Taken from Workers World, 4 June 2024

And what was Israel’s response? It invaded Rafah within hours of the Hamas acceptance, seized and closed the only remaining crossing for humanitarian relief supplies, and rejected the agreement that had been negotiated on their behalf. What is the definition of perfidy?

Israel has made its choice. No ceasefire. Level Gaza to the ground. Slaughter the civilian population and deny them food, water, medical care and everything needed to sustain life until they are gone, one way or another.

Image: The Givati Brigade in Eastern Rafah (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

That’s Israel’s criminal choice, as ruled by the International Court of Justice, with whose injunction to cease and desist Israel has not made the slightest attempt to comply. As long as Israel has the US on its side, enabling, aiding and abetting its genocide with massive arms and economic aid as well as direct participation through military and intelligence advice and expertise, Israel feels no need to comply. It’s a choice that the post-WWII Nuremberg trials were supposed to prevent and deter forever.

But what about the US choice? If we want a ceasefire, do we not have the power to make it happen?  Why can’t we just shove it down Israel’s throats by cutting off every penny of every type of aid that we are giving them? It worked for Eisenhower in 1956. 

You know as well as I do why not. It’s because Eisenhower was a strong, widely respected leader who made decisions that could be enforced. Biden is a ridiculous figure that is at best a thug, relying on other other thugs like the Israel Lobby, the military-industrial complex (about which Eisenhower warned) and the oil industry to prop him up. These thugs have our politicians (not to say our entire country) by the bowls. They rule for their own pleasure. Biden and the Democrats can’t budge without their permission, and neither can Trump and the Republicans. 

Absolute monarch Louis XIV of France is reported to have said, “l’état, c’est moi” (the state, that’s me”). Apparently, today, the state is the Israel Lobby. No one dares to defy it. Ask those who lost their political careers trying to do so. Ask Cynthia McKinney. Ask Earl Hilliard. Ask Paul Findley. Ask Dennis Kucinich. 

Is that our destiny? To be under the thumb of fanatics willing to commit genocide against millions of people who have only been trying to have their own sovereign country on their own land for the last hundred years? Are we destined to be governed by a foreign power rather than our own will? If so, perhaps it’s time for the American people to pick up their torches and pitchforks and head for their own Bastille (which may be in Tel Aviv), and get themselves free.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Paul’s Substack.

Paul Larudee is a retired academic and current administrator of a nonprofit human rights and humanitarian aid organization. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Ukraine and the New Missile Crisis in Cuba

June 7th, 2024 by Germán Gorraiz López

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The October 1962 Missile Crisis that kept humanity in suspense ended with the signing by Kennedy and Khrushchev of the Nuclear Test Suspension Agreement (1962), which included the withdrawal of Russian missiles into Cuban territory in exchange for the withdrawal of US missiles stationed in Turkey, appearing in its small print the sine qua non condition of “no US invasion of the island”.

This agreement has protected Cuba for 60 years from a US invasion, establishing as a counterpart the figure of the “blockade” that has remained in force to date. In addition, the automatic renewal by the United States for another year of the trade embargo on the island would threaten the current international financial and political system and could mean losses for Cuba estimated at about $7 billion.

The utopia would be the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States, the final destination of a journey marked by the necessary (termination of the energy blockade) and the possible (suspension of the anachronistic blockade) to what seemed impossible (normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States).

Joe Biden and the Failed Color Revolution

Joe Biden in an interview with CBS said that “in the event of winning the elections would resume the policy carried out by Barack Obama towards Cuba”, which could translate in the medium future into a sensitive change in Cuban relations -and in this context, the request of the think tank Cuba Study Group (CSG) to the Biden Administration for “a renewed diplomatic commitment to Cuba” would be framed. This analysis group chaired by businessman Carlos Saliigas would represent the moderate trend of the Cuban-American community and would be composed of prominent businessmen and political activist who actively participated in improving relations with Cuba during the Obama presidency.

The road ahead was marked by the challenges of ending the energy blockade of the island, Cuba’s withdrawal from the list of “States Sponsoring Terrorism”, the repeal of the Hemls-Burton Act and finally, the suspension of the anachronistic blockade in force since 1962. that would give way to the exchange of ambassadors and the desired normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States.

Despite Joe Biden’s hopeful statements about his intention to redirect relations with Cuba, in an interview with CNN, Joe Biden’s adviser for Latin America, the Colombian Juan González, ruled out a new thaw with Cuba and assured that “Joe Biden is not Barack Obama in the policy towards the Island” while adding that “the political moment has changed significantly.” These statements would have been corroborated by Biden’s express support for the recent riots that would be the tip of the iceberg of the new Color Revolution promoted by the CIA by declaring that “we join the Cuban people and their resounding call for freedom,” riots that ended up dissolving into nothing.

New Crisis of the Missiles?

Several NATO countries have advocated the need to allow Ukraine to use weapons supplied by the West so that it can attack military targets on Russian territory from where that country is conducting its offensive against the border city of Kharkiv and Russia, for its part, has warned against this and denounced “that it will involve an “unpredictable escalation of the conflict”.  

In this new context, the geopolitical myopia of the Biden Administration to continue with the endemism of the blockade and impose new sanctions on prominent Cuban leaders could generate a vacuum of unpredictable results in the midst of Cold War 2.0 between the US and Russia that could end up drawing a new geopolitical cartography in the Caribbean. Thus, Russia would be negotiating to install its military bases with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Seychelles and Singapore with the unequivocal objective of expanding the Russian military radio.

Thus, as reported to the Russian news agency Sputnik by the Head of the Defense Committee of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament, Victor Borndarev, “the establishment of a Russian military base in Cuba in a context of increasing US aggression, would respond to National Security interests”, and the Kennedy-Khrushchev Missile Crisis could be revived (October, 1962) and the subsequent signature with Khrushchev of the Nuclear Test Suspension Agreement (1962).


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Germán Gorraiz López is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Jupiter on its launch pad (From the Public Domain)

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Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”

“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom.

“Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”

Psychiatrists are familiar with the human tendency to massage the truth to avoid confronting emotionally troubling material, but Yatom was apparently stunned at what he called the “waterfall of lies” gushing from his most illustrious patient. His personal diary details the steady disintegration of his once invincible personality under the barrage of self-serving rationalizations put forth by Netanyahu.

“I’m completely shocked,” said neighbor Yossi Bechor, whose family regularly vacationed with Yatom’s family. “Moshe was the epitome of the fully-integrated personality and had cured dozens of schizophrenics before beginning work on Bibi. There was no outward indication that his case was any different from the others.”

But it was. Yatom grew increasingly depressed at his complete lack of progress in getting the Prime Minister to acknowledge reality, and he eventually suffered a series of strokes when attempting to grasp Netanyahu’s thinking, which he characterized in one diary entry as “a black hole of self-contradiction.”

The first of Yatom’s strokes occurred when Netanyahu offered his opinion that the 911 attacks on Washington and New York “were good.” The second followed a session in which Netanyahu insisted that Iran and Nazi Germany were identical. And the third occurred after the Prime Minister declared Iran’s nuclear energy program was a “flying gas chamber,” and that all Jews everywhere “lived permanently in Auschwitz.” Yatom’s efforts to calm Netanyahu’s hysteria were extremely taxing emotionally and routinely ended in failure.

“The alibi is always the same with him,” complained another diary entry. “The Jews are on the verge of annihilation at the hands of the racist goyim and the only way to save the day is to carry out one final massacre.”

Yatom was apparently working on converting his diary into a book about the Netanyahu case. Several chapters of an unfinished manuscript, entitled “Psychotic On Steroids,” were found in his study. The excerpt below offers a rare glimpse at the inner workings of a Prime Minister’s mind, at the same time as it reveals the daunting challenge Yatom faced in seeking to guide it to rationality:

Monday, March 8

“Bibi came by at three for his afternoon session. At four he refused to leave and claimed my house was actually his. Then he locked me in the basement overnight while he lavishly entertained his friends upstairs. When I tried to escape, he called me a terrorist and put me in shackles. I begged for mercy, but he said he could hardly grant it to someone who didn’t even exist.”


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Michael K. Smith is the author of “Portraits of Empire” and “The Madness of King George,” from Common Courage Press. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Three Canadians Doctors Died at Same Hospital in Ontario

June 7th, 2024 by Dr. William Makis

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Dr. Scott Morrison died May 22, 2024 at age 56 

Dr. Robin Harwood died May 9, 2023 at age 55

Dr. Scott Wilson died March 28, 2023 at age 56

All three worked at the same Sault Area Hospital in Ontario, Canada. 

NEWS: Hospital community mourning death of ‘fantastic’ anesthetist 

We all feel like we’ve lost a friend’: Dr. Scott Morrison died suddenly last week at the age of 56, the third Sault Area Hospital anesthetist to pass away in the last 13 months

Darren Taylor, May 27, 2024 9:10 PM

Sault Area Hospital staff are mourning the death of Dr. Scott Morrison.

The anesthesiologist died suddenly last Wednesday at the age of 56.  

Morrison’s death comes as a shock.

“He was certainly active. He swam regularly, he did paddle board sports. It was just out of the blue,” said Dr. Phil Dopp, SAH chief of anesthesia, in a phone interview with SooToday.

Morrison had practiced as a full-time anesthetist at SAH since 2014.

“Everybody was shocked. He was 56 and he was well. People had seen him the day before and were talking to him. It’s just shocking. It’s unbelievable,” Dopp said.

Morrison was popular with SAH staff.

“He was a lot of fun. He got along well with everybody. He was friendly. I got a call from one of his students that we had 10 years ago saying: ‘Oh my gosh, I just heard. Dr. Morrison kept in touch with me.’ He certainly made lots of connections with the people he worked with and maintained those relationships,” Dopp said.

Morrison’s expertise was appreciated by both surgeons and patients.

“He provided excellent anesthesia care. The patients liked him. His knowledge was fantastic. The surgeons routinely said: ‘Scott gave such a great anesthetic.’ He was professional with his patients. People were always very happy when they had him. He had a very good demeanour. Obviously the time right before surgery is a stressful period of time for patients and he was able to put people at ease. We have two minutes to gain their trust (before going into the operating room), to put them at ease, and he did a great job at that,” Dopp said.

Morrison is the third SAH anesthetist to die in the past 13 months.

Dr. Robin Harwood died of cancer May 9, 2023 at the age of 55.

Dr. Scott Wilson’s death at ARCH was announced in April 2023.

“That’s three people in their 50s in the last 13 months. To lose three in just over a year is statistically abnormal,” Dopp said.

“To think that another anesthetist in Sault Ste. Marie passed away at a young age — without being sick — everybody was shocked and saddened. We’re a close knit group in the operating room. We all feel like we’ve lost a friend.”

Morrison’s death reduces the number of anesthetists at SAH down to six, five of them full time.

“Ideally we’d have eight or nine people,” Dopp said.

Dopp said SAH continues to do its best to keep up with the surgical workload with the help of locums.

“It’s a challenge. You need an anesthetist for every OR, so if you don’t have them you just can’t run an OR. Given that we were short for the last two years because my two other colleagues had cancer and they were off for about a year before they passed away, we developed a great locum pool in the last couple of years. We’ve probably had about 15 locums, with eight to 10 coming fairly regularly. We’ve had to cancel very few ORs. We plan to run four operating rooms per day and we’ve had to cancel very few operating rooms.”

SAH has moved quickly to adapt following Morrison’s death.

“After Dr. Morrison I was able to get somebody to cover these next two weeks and throughout the summer it looks like we’re going to be able to cover most of his weeks. Right now it doesn’t look like we’re going to impact in a negative way but it’s always up in the air because you’re hoping you find a locum for this week or that week,” Dopp said.

SAH continues its recruitment efforts in the search for more anesthetists. 

“We’ve been recruiting for the last two years. There is someone starting at the end of June. We were getting very close to being full complement but now we’re going to be short again. There are some people interested but haven’t committed to moving to the Sault yet. Certainly we’re going to continue working with the Recruitment and Retention Committee to see what they can do to help us,” Dopp said.

“We’re very sad about the untimely passing of Dr. Scott Morrison. Physicians and staff sorely miss him. We’re all grieving the loss,” said Dr. John Heintzman, SAH chief of staff at Monday’s SAH board meeting.

Morrison’s obituary was published by SooToday May 24 and can be seen here.

My Take…

The Canadian Medical Association has been covering up the sudden deaths of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Canadian doctors since my first letter to them on Sep. 3, 2022.

After my October 15, 2022 letter, the CMA proceeded to delete all Canadian doctor deaths from 2021 and prior, from their “In Memoriam” website (I believe this was done so Canadians could not compare 2022 deaths to prior years).

At the start of 2023 they deleted all their 2022 entries as well.

They would end up deleting over 1190 Canadian Doctor death entries from their website (we downloaded them all). I documented this in a 3 hour testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry.

In 2021 Canadian doctors had excess mortality of +33%, and by 2022 it rose to +53%. 

Other Statistical Anomalies for Canadian Docs:

2022 – McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada – three medical residents died in the summer of 2022.

To my knowledge, I am not aware of any other Medical School losing three residents to sudden death in such a short period of time.



2022 – Trillium Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario – four doctors from the same Hospital died of Cancer within a span of 3 weeks.



These types of statistical anomalies should not be mathematically possible.

To me, this hints at the possibility that the deaths are going to get much worse.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Iraqi Mediation Efforts Between Turkey and Syria

June 7th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

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Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said on May 31, his government was working on reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus.

“God willing, we will see some steps in this regard soon,” Sudani told a Turkish broadcast media, adding that he was in contact with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in regards to reconciliation efforts.

Turkey had been backing armed groups that were fighting in the failed US-NATO war in Syria for regime change which began in 2011 by President Obama. Erdogan publicly announced in 2022 that ousting Assad was no longer his government’s goal in Syria. The first high-level direct talks between the two countries, brokered by Russia the same year, were not successful because Damascus demanded an end to the Turkish military occupation of Syria as a prerequisite to restoring diplomatic ties.

Sudani visited Damascus last July, and Erdogan visited Baghdad last month, while also last month the Iraqi premier held security talks with Syria’s interior minister, Muhammad al-Rahmoun, in Baghdad.

Sudani said the security of both Iraq and Syria are threatened by areas in Syria “that are not controlled by the Syrian government.” The province of Idlib is controlled by HTS, formerly the Al Qaeda branch in Syria, Turkey occupies areas of the border north of Aleppo, and the US occupies areas in the northeast and the border with Iraq. Sudani is identifying HTS, Turkey, and the US as threats to national security of both countries.

In April, Iraq recognized the PKK as a banned international terrorist group. The north of Iraq is “Iraqi Kurdistan”, and it has major energy resources. While it is supposed to pledge nominal allegiance to Baghdad, the PKK are headquartered there.

The US partnered with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the coalition to defeat ISIS in Syria. Turkey views the SDF as an extension of the PKK in Syria, and this has been the reason given for the Turkish military invasion in sensitive areas along the northern Syrian border.

The PKK has been waging an armed campaign against the Turkish state for Kurdish self-rule inside Turkey since 1984 and is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.

The PKK have killed over 30,000 people over three decades of terrorist activity, and crushing US-allied SDF remains one of the top security concerns for Turkey, as Ankara equates it with the PKK.

The main goal of the unfruitful direct talks between high-level Turkish, Syrian and Russian officials in 2022 was largely aimed at eradicating the Kurdish-led autonomous administration in northern Syria.

The Turkish armed forces launched five ground incursions into Syria from 2016 to 2020 — four against the SDF and one against ISIS — and it regularly conducts airstrikes in SDF-controlled regions.

Erdoğan declared on May 29, that Turkey will not allow Kurdish-led groups in Syria to establish a semi-autonomous state along its borders following the announcement of upcoming municipal elections by the SDF, who plan to hold elections on June 11 in the northern and eastern provinces of Syria, including Hassakeh, Raqqa, Deir el-Zour and parts of Aleppo.

“Turkey will never allow the separatist organization to establish a terror state just beyond its southern borders in the north of Syria and Iraq,” Erdogan said during the Efes-2024 Joint Military Exercise.

On May 28, Erdogan emphasized Turkey’s commitment to combating terrorism and maintaining the territorial integrity of Syria and Iraq. Turkey plans to address the Kurdish issue at the upcoming NATO Summit in July.

The Kurdish-led autonomous administration in Syria, which is organizing the elections, sees them as a step towards greater self-governance, which is a red-line for Turkey.

Erdogan’s strong stance also sends a message to the US. America is governed on an interests-only set of values, and is a transactional partner. The Oval Office is capable of stabbing a loyal ally in the back when it serves the US interests.

On May 30, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, addressed the UN Security Council on the current situation in Syria. She remarked that at the recent Brussels Conference, the US had pledged $593 million dollars for humanitarian aid to Syria.

However, that aid goes to a very small percentage of the Syrian people, exclusively to Syrians in refugee camps outside of Syria, and the terrorist controlled province of Idlib, and the Kurdish northeast which houses the illegal US military base. The vast majority of Syrians, who live in Syrian government controlled areas, which is over 70% of the country, get nothing from the US, even though the UN envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen says they are facing food insecurity.

“And we will continue to push for sustainable humanitarian aid, and a sustainable political resolution to this conflict, to give the Syrian people a taste of democracy, stability, and the freedom they deserve,” said Thomas-Greenfield.

When President Obama designed the US-NATO war on Syria for regime change, he was not aiming for democracy, stability or freedom for the Syrian people. What he delivered while using international terrorists trucked in from Turkey and Jordan, was the exact opposite of democracy, stability and freedom. He delivered chaos, destruction, the deaths of at least 300,00 people, and caused the largest human migration in decades. Did the Syrian people deserve that?

Thomas-Greenfield hinted at the lifting of sanctions if the Syrian government will comply with UN resolution 2254.

Following her speech, Russia, the US and Syria traded accusations during a heated exchange at the UN Security Council, when Russia’s Ambassador Dmitry Chumakov criticized the US’ military presence in Syria ‘under the pretext of allegedly fighting terrorism,” as “having a destabilizing effect. Washington’s double standards are clearly manifested here.”

Syrian Ambassador Qusay al-Dahhak took the floor and criticized the US-led coalition to fight ISIS, and questioned the US, UK and French envoys about not commenting on the “damage caused by the illegal coalition” in the so-called fight against the ISIS terror group.

He accused the US of imposing sanctions that have killed civilians, prevented refugees and internally displaced peoples from peace and denied hope for Syrians.

US deputy envoy Robert Wood responded critically to the Syrian envoy for claims that Washington is “looting Syrian property and oil resources.”

“This is out of the Syrian playbook. It’s absolute nonsense. The US is not looting Syrian property, or taking seizing its oil resources,” Wood said.

However, Wood is wrong. Either he is ignorant of the facts in Syria, or he is lying. The largest oil wells in Syria are under the control of the illegal US military forces. That oil used to power the electricity generators and provide electricity to the national grid. Now, Syrians get 1 hour of electricity in 3 intervals in 24 hours. In fact, Trump stated in 2019 that the US would stay in Syria to steal the oil. Actually, the US military gives the stolen oil to the SDF who take it to Iraqi Kurdistan and it is sold for their benefit.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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WHO Slips Totalitarian Climate Change™, Disinformation Amendments Into Updated 2005 ‘Agreement’

What many might not be aware of is that the United States, and multiple other countries in the neoliberal fold, have functionally been under a pandemic treaty for nearly twenty years, under the guise of 2005 amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) so-called agreement — an “agreement” signed onto by the United States government with no meaningful debate, knowledge, or obviously consent on the part of the vast majority of the American citizenry made subject to it.

Passed in the last minutes of the last day of the recent WHO World Health Assembly were even more illegitimate powers passed to the unaccountable international governing body.

Via Robert Malone (emphasis added):

“In parallel to the treaty, the World Health Assembly (in close cooperation with the US HHS/Biden administration) has been working on ‘updating’ the existing (2005) International Health Regulations (IHR) agreement, which historically functioned as a voluntary accord establishing international norms for reporting, managing, and cooperating in matters relating to infectious diseases and infectious disease outbreaks (including ‘pandemics’)…

The IHR amendments retain troubling language regarding censorship. These provisions have been buried in Annex 1,A.2.c., which requires State Parties to ‘develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities . . . in relation to . . . surveillance . . . and risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation.’…

Meanwhile, Article 4: Pandemic Prevention and Public Health Surveillance, states:

The Parties recognize that environmental, climatic, social, anthropogenic [climate change caused by people], and economic factors increase the risk of pandemics and endeavor to identify these factors and take them into consideration in the development and implementation of relevant policies . . .””

Here we have the convergence of all the governing authorities’ favorite things: censorship, economic sabotage/deindustrialization for Climate Change™, and biomedical technocracy all rolled into one totalitarian offshore globalist package, to be enforced with no regard whatsoever for theoretically supreme national law — like, in the U.S. context, the Constitution.

What does Climate Change™ have to do with managing the next alleged pandemic the authorities promise is on the way? About as much as the proposed pandemic treaty has to do with public health, which is none at all.

Fauci’s Puppy Abuse Scandal Has New Legs? 

It does if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has anything to say about it.

As illustrated by the recent melodrama involving South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and the inexplicably puppy-shooting tale she regaled the American public with in her own book, many among us might not care what humans to do other humans, but abusing man’s best friend is a bridge too far.

This is not a defense of Noem — whom I regard as a run-of-the-mill,  but what she did arguably had some degree of justification, as Cricket had reportedly killed chickens and otherwise been a nuisance.

She probably shouldn’t have summarily executed Cricket with a shotgun in a gravel pit and then bragged about it in her own book to try to appeal to hard-nosed conservatives (who would be impressed by that story anyway?), but whatever. The point is there is some modicum of logic to the story that is at least understandable if not exculpatory.

What Fauci did to cuddly little beagles was far, far more sadistic.

Via White Coat Waste Project (emphasis added):

“In 2021, WCW broke BeagleGate, which uncovered how Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wasted millions funding cruel and outdated experiments on beagle dogs and puppies in laboratories around the world, including his own labs in Washington, DC.

We exposed how Fauci funded a lab in Tunisia that drugged beagles and locked their heads in mesh cages full of biting flies so they could eat them alive.  The heartbreaking photo of the abused dogs spread like wildfire and sparked widespread condemnation of Fauci.”

Imagine being so warped that you are willing to fasten beagles’ heads into mesh cages to keep them in place while you sic flesh-eating flies onto them — for The Science™. Not only that, Fauci and Co. reportedly ripped beagles’ vocals cords out so they wouldn’t annoy the researchers with their whimpers as they went to work on them.

Via (emphasis added)::

“The NIAID acknowledged that the beagles used in the study underwent a procedure, known as a cordectomy, to prevent them from barking.

Vocal cordectomies, conducted humanely under anesthesia, may be used in research facilities where numerous dogs are present,” the statement said. “This is to reduce noise, which is not only stressful to the animals but can also reach decibel levels that exceed OSHA allowable limits for people and can lead to hearing loss.’”

As the old adage goes, what people do to dogs they ultimately do to humans. Ted Bundy, infamous serial killer, loved to torture animals as a child.

What Fauci did to these animals might not be prosecutable, but it is a window into his twisted little soul that could sway public opinion — particularly among PETA-minded liberal types — against him, so in my view we ought to remind people at every opportunity the hell he wrought on these innocent beagles.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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The intentional ambiguity (to use a euphemism) of statements given by top-ranking officials of Western countries concerning their proxy war against Russia is making most people confused as to what exactly their leaders think about this issue. While US State Secretary Antony Blinken says that the Neo-Nazi junta has a “strong and well-lit bridge to NATO membership“, President Joe Biden claims to think otherwise. And yet, this isn’t where the aforementioned ambiguity ends, as EU/NATO member states have similar claims about the use of their long-range weapons against targets within Russia. While one official would say they support it, another one would say that’s not the case, further contributing to the general confusion and uncertainty.

However, in reality, such attacks are already happening and even the flagships of the mainstream propaganda machine are no longer bothering to hide this. Namely, according to the New York Times, the Kiev regime is already using US-sourced long-range missiles for this very purpose. NYT’s June 4 report admits this comes “just days after the Biden administration granted permission for Ukraine to fire American weapons into Russia”. The authors quote a member of Rada (Parliament) Yehor Chernev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, who said that the Neo-Nazi junta forces supposedly “destroyed Russian missile launchers with a strike in the Belgorod oblast [region], about 20 miles into Russia”.


Expectedly, Chernev claims that the attack was conducted by the extremely overhyped American HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) MLRS. Although certainly not impossible, there’s a persistent trend to attribute all strikes on Russian positions to NATO-sourced weapons, particularly when the Kiev regime forces want to hide their massive battlefield losses. Various sources claim that Russian missile launchers allegedly destroyed in this attack are the S-300 or even S-400, both SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems. Unverified footage posted on several social media platforms shows what appears to be a destroyed 5P85T2 TEL (transporter, erector, launcher) of either the S-300PMU2 or perhaps the S-400 long-range air defense systems.

The Neo-Nazi junta’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk also claimed that HIMARS was used in the strike, posting photos of what she said was “a Russian S-300, burning well” and bragging about the results of “the first days after permission to use Western weapons on the enemy’s territory”. Interestingly, she deleted her post soon after. This suggests that she either realized the footage was fake or perhaps was told to remove it because the Kiev regime’s puppet masters in the political West don’t want Moscow to have more evidence that they support attacks on Russia. Either way, it’s important to note that, even if the claims are true, the destruction of TELs or other components of a SAM battery doesn’t equate to the destruction of the entire system.

Namely, a battalion (or divizion in Russian military nomenclature) consists of much more than just launch vehicles. In fact, it can be argued that radars and command posts are far more important, as they provide targeting data and coordinate all other elements of the system. And while losing TEL vehicles is certainly a setback, it’s not exactly the end of the world for the Russian military which has drastically expanded acquisitions of advanced SAM systems. In addition, the Kremlin is acquiring more S-300V4 units that can be deployed virtually anywhere in the field and provide protection for frontline troops. However, growing evidence of NATO-sourced long-range weapons striking targets within Russia is certainly an extremely concerning development.

Late last week, war correspondent Evgeny Poddubny shared footage of fragments of American precision-guided munitions (PGMs) found in Russia’s undisputed territory. As I’ve argued many times before, Moscow can only conclude that Washington DC and Brussels are providing targeting data and guidance to the Neo-Nazi junta’s units firing these long-range weapons. Worse yet, even top-ranking NATO military officials are bragging about planning and executing operations against the Russian military, particularly its naval forces. The dangerous prospect of uncontrollable escalation due to such actions cannot be overstated, which is what President Vladimir Putin and other high-ranking Russian officials are also regularly warning about.

“I would like to caution American officials against miscalculations which may have fatal consequences. For some unknown reason, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned recently.

Putin reiterated this at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and stated that Russia is considering the option of supplying its own long-range weapons to numerous countries around the world that are faced with US/NATO aggression. In addition, the Russian president also said this “marks direct [Western] involvement in the war against the Russian Federation and we reserve the right to act the same way”, suggesting that this continued enmity may meet a direct response. Putin also stressed that using NATO-sourced long-range weapons involves military personnel of the belligerent alliance’s member states controlling the missiles and selecting targets, which may prompt Russia to take “asymmetrical steps elsewhere in the world”.

“If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?” Putin said, adding: “We will think about it.”

Russia’s president is extremely careful with his words, meaning that such announcements should be taken very seriously. And yet, this also shows Putin’s willingness to still not escalate the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict into a direct confrontation with the political West. In addition, supplying long-range weapons, particularly Moscow’s world-class anti-ship missiles, to countries targeted by US/NATO could have disastrous consequences for their power projection. Namely, even older Soviet-era missiles such as the massive P-700 “Granit” could effectively nullify Western naval dominance in any region of the world. Its high explosive warhead, weighing 750 kg, could easily destroy virtually any capital ship, including aircraft carriers.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: A Ukrainian HIMARS in the Zaporizhya region, June 2022. (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Religious Diversity of the Middle East

June 7th, 2024 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The Middle East is commonplace from which three global religions originated: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three confessions recognize the Prophet, Abraham.  


Judaism is a monotheistic religion of the Jewish people, i.e. with a belief in one God and foundations in Mosaic and rabbinical teachings. The Jewish people have been asked to accept the worshiping of one God instead of many (polytheism). The will of this one God, the Creator, is expressed in the Torah – the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) which contains the Ten Commandments. Such Jewish monotheism was later inherited and adopted by both Christianity and Islam. The essence of Judaism is that the Jews believe that as a result of the agreement between God and Abraham, they as the Chosen People have a unique relationship with God. Besides, they believe that the Messiah is going to be sent by God with a mission to collect all peoples of Israel in the promised land and bring everlasting peace to Earth. The Christians, but not the Jews, believe that Jesus Christ was such a Messiah.

There are three forms of Judaism: Orthodox Judaism, Liberal Judaism, and Reform Judaism.

Image: Judaica – candlesticks, etrog box, shofar, Torah pointer, Tanach, natla (נַטְלָה aka keli) (Photo by Gila Brand/Licensed under CC BY 2.5) 


Orthodox Judaism teaches that the Torah or the five books of Moses has all the divine revelation that Jews require. In Orthodox Judaism, religious practice is strictly observed. However, when certain interpretations of the Torah are necessary then the reference is sought in the Talmud. Orthodox Jews practice the separation of sexes in synagogues during worship. Many Orthodox Jews support the Zionist movement and political designs but they deplore the secular origins of it and support the fact that Israel after 1948 is not a fully religious state. The Orthodox Jew recognizes a person as Jewish only if he/she has a Jewish mother or undergoes an arduous process of conversion. Nonetheless, the Israeli Law of Return, which deals with emigration to Israel, accepts all those with a Jewish grandmother as potential citizens of Israel. 

The spread of Liberal Judaism started around 1780 in Germany as a response to the need to redefine the meaning and practical performance of the Torah in the changing social atmosphere of the time of the West European Enlightenment. Therefore, Liberal Jews see the revelations of the five books of Moses as progressive rather than static as expressing God’s teaching rather than God’s law. As a direct practical consequence of such an attitude, it allowed for a significant evolution in religious law and practice. Besides, it resulted in important changes in both food and custom. In Europe, Liberal Judaism is also known as Progressive Judaism which is roughly equivalent to Reform Judaism in the USA.

Reform Judaism has also been founded in Germany by Zachariah Frankel (1801−1875) as a reaction to the perceived carelessness of Liberal Judaism. Frankel himself questioned all divine inspiration of the Torah but retained observance of some Jewish laws and traditions. In the USA, Reform Judaism is understood as the whole of the Liberal tradition that was brought to the USA by immigrants from Germany in the 19th century.


Image: Crucifixion, representing the death of Jesus on the Cross, painting by Diego Velázquez, c. 1632 (From the Public Domain)


Christianity is the last great global religion that emerged before Islam and after Judaism. It is dogmatically based on Judaism, originating in Palestine. Differently, compared with the case of Muhammad, it is little known and scientifically proven of the Christian founder, Jesus of Nazareth, before he started to preach, according to the Bible, about the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless, that was a message for which the majority of Palestine Jews have been waiting for centuries. As the Jewish country was occupied by the Romans in A.D. 6 the Jews have been waiting for the long-promised Messiah or the Saviour who had the focal aim to liberate them and their land. The Jews at first followed Jesus thinking he was the Messiah whom they waiting for. However, the Jewish authorities were suspicious about his role and his popular support soon decreased. After three years of teaching and preaching Jesus Christ was arrested as a fake Messiah, handed over to the Roman procurator, and finally crucified (as a revolutionary).

The new Christian faith proved to be inflexible, despite the fact of his founder’s early death. Whether Jesus Christ himself believed that God (Jehova/Jahve) had sent him to convert the gentiles (not Jews) is still not clear according to the sources. Nevertheless, it was left to Paul, a Jewish convert from Tarsus, to show the power and extent of Christianity’s appeal as he preached in the Aegean islands, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy, and maybe as far as the Iberian Peninsula where within all these lands there were Jewish communities. Starting with the journeys of St. Paul, Christian churches sprang up throughout the Roman Empire. By the time of Diocletian’s persecutions (A.D. 304), they had been thickly clustered around the Mediterranean and scattered as far as Britain and the Nile River.  

In essence, Christianity is a religion whose believers follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Originally, it was only a Jewish sect in Palestine that believed that Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) was the Messiah (Christ – a person with the divine message). Very much due to the former Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus who later became St. Paul, Christianity soon became an independent organization. Christian believers experienced persecution by the state, although it was not at the beginning clear legal foundations for it until A.D. 250. Nevertheless, by the 3rd century A.D., Christians could be found throughout the Roman Empire. The Emperor Constantine the Great ended persecutions in 313 and 380 the other Emperor, Theodosius, recognized Christianity as a state religion. 


The birth, rise, and expansion of Islam are some of the most significant and far-reaching historical events and its impact is very important in our times too. 

Islam as both religion and life philosophy started later, in A.D. 570, with the birth of Muhammad the Prophet in Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula. The founder of Islam as a personality was a combination of a social reformer, military General, statesman, empire builder, and visionary. Islam originated in his teaching which he framed in the Qur’an or Koran which is the holy book of Muslims like the Bible to the Christians, or the Torah to the Jews. Islam means the act of giving one’s self to God (Allah), and a person who behaves and follows the teachings of Islam is called a Muslim. All non-Arabs, like, for instance, the Iranians or the Turks, are linked to their Muslim brothers and sisters around the world by their common religion of Islam. More than half of the world’s 1,6 billion Muslims are today not Arab according to their origin.

Muhammad spread God’s message to mankind as the last Prophet of God. Muslims believe that God spoke through the mouth of Muhammad and that the Qur’an (recitation) is the Word of God. A historical figure of Muhammad, according to Muslim belief, is the Seal of the Prophets, and no other Prophets will come after him. Nevertheless, he is not divine as divinity belongs only to God alone. His message to the people of West Arabia was that they should stop worshiping idols, and submit instead to the will of Allah.  

This religion soon after the death of the Prophet spread out firstly across the Middle East and later further beyond its boundaries. At its peak, the empire of Islamic believers has been larger compared to the Roman Empire at its zenith. Formally, the Qur’an has the discourses that God revealed to his Prophet from Mecca. However, as a religion, Islam is diverse as it has different interpretations of its teachings like Sunni Muslims in North Africa and Saudi Arabia on one hand and Shia Muslims in Iran or Iraq where most believers are Shia. It is clear to an expert in the studies of the Middle East that Islam possesses an extreme power over the life and culture of the local people since the 7th century, Islam has become the focal binder among the peoples of the Middle East – it is a way of life for them but not only a religion.  

Image: Muslim men reading the Quran (Licensed under CC0)


There are five pillars of Islamic belief accepted and respected by all Muslims (visually, these five principles compose the coat of arms of the Islamic Republic of Iran):

  1. The profession of Faith or Shahadah. This is an open proclamation of submission that “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God”. At Muslim shrines – mosques – this sentence is chanted five times per day.
  2. Prayer or Salah. At prescribed hours, worship or ritual prayer has to be prayed five times per day, individually if not preferably in groups. The bowing or kneeling is toward Mecca (for Christians the praying is toward Jerusalem). The Muslim prayer must be pure, hence newly washed and not dirty. For the Muslims, Friday is traditionally a day reserved for rest, when the congregational prayers of men at midday should be ordinarily performed in the mosque.
  3. Giving charities or Zakah. The teaching of Islam is that all believers must give to charities. In practice today, it ranges from 2 to 10% of one’s annual income. 
  4. Fasting or Sawm. Any Muslim must abstain from food and drink during the 30-day lunar month of Ramadan, while practicing continence in other respects, from dawn to sunset. There are some Muslim states, like, for instance, Saudi Arabia, in which this obligation is legally protected. 
  5. Pilgrimage or Haj. It is an obligation for all Muslims at least once if one is financially and physically able, to perform this act of piety by going to Mecca as a pilgrim during the month of Haj. Especially are respected those Muslim pilgrims who could stay in Meca between 8 and 13 days and perform the rites and ceremonies.

It has to be noticed that for some Muslims exists and the sixth pillar of Islam – Holy War or Al-Jihad –allegedly offers the reward of salvation. However, this effort to promote Islamic values and doctrine is not necessary to be done through the actual war as it was traditionally wrongly understood. Initially, Islam did not particularly encourage conversion. The Qur’an enjoins Muslims to respect the “people of the book” – members of the other monotheistic religions with written scriptures. Muslims are expected to show hospitality toward strangers, even if those strangers are not Muslims, and to enhance family relationships. In fact, the Islamic Holy War that is practiced today by some military and fundamentalist organizations like ISIS or al-Qaeda is a result of globalization, which transcends conventional politics and represents a radical departure from traditional Islam and Islamic values.

Islam is regarded by its followers as the last of the revealed religions after Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad of Mecca is understood as the last of the Prophets after Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. There are three basic and interrelated significations of Islam:

  1. The personal/individual submission to God (Allah).
  2. The Islamic world is a historical reality that includes a variety of communities sharing not only a common fund of cultural legacies.
  3. The concept of an ideal Muslim community is fixed in the Qur’an and some of its supporting sources.

There are two crucial types of Islam: the Sunni Muslims and the Shia Muslims. 

Sunni Islam (in Arabic, sunna means tradition) is the belief and practice as opposed to Shia Islam. Sunni Muslims constitute today over 80% of all Muslims in the world and they follow the sunna – a code of practice based on the hadith collected in the Sihah Satta – six authentic Books of Tradition about the Prophet Muhammad. The term sunna can mean custom, code, or usage. In essence, it means whatever Prophet Muhammad demonstrated as the ideal behavior for a Muslim to follow. Consequently, it complements the Qur’an as a source of legal and ethical guidelines. The Sunni Muslims recognize the order of succession of the first four caliphs and they follow one of four schools of law. In the Middle East (and Pakistan) the Hanafi school prevailed. 

The Shia Muslims or the Shiites (from Arabic – sectarians) are the minority division within Islam (between 15% and 20%). They are in the majority in Iran (where Shia Islam is the official state religion), South Iraq, Azerbaijan, parts of Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, East Africa, North India, and Pakistan. They originated as the Shiat Ali (the “party of Ali”) who was the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. The essence is that the Shia Muslims regard Ali and his descendants as the only right heirs to Mohammad as the leader of the Muslims. The Shia Muslims differ from the Sunni primarily concerning the importance they attach to the continuing authority of the imams – authentic interpreters of the sunna or customs, the code of conduct based on the Qur’an followed by hadith or sayings and deeds of Muhammad. They also believe in an inner hidden meaning of the Qur’an.   

Sufism is the mystical aspect of the Islamic religion. It emerged as a reaction to strict Islamic orthodoxy. The Sufis seek personal union with God and there are many Sufi poets and scholars followed by Sufi organized orders or brotherhoods.     

In the world, there are 42 Muslim-majority nations of whom Iran, Sudan, and Mauritania are officially Islamic states by Islamic law. Religious diversity is quite visible in all Middle Eastern nations for the reason of different religious minorities like Judaism, or/and Christianity and their branches (sects). Most Muslims are distributed in a broad belt from Morocco to Indonesia and from Central Asia to Tanzania. Nevertheless, the historical and cultural center of Islam is the Middle East, especially the Arabian Peninsula. 

The spread of Islamic religion outside of the Arabian Peninsula started immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632. By 711, Arab armies had been attacking Sind in North-East India and preparing for the crossing to the Iberian Peninsula. In practice, the Arab-Islamic conquests in the East exceeded those in the West in both size and importance. In 750, when the dynasty of Abbasids replaced the dynasty of Umayyad, the Islamic Empire ruled by them was the biggest civilization westward of China. After the subjection of Maghreb, Arab forces crossed the Straits of Gibraltar in 711 and occupied the Iberian Peninsula. There were further advances into South France, but the Arab army was defeated at Poitiers in 732, and in 759 they withdrew south of the Pyrenees.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Is a “Three-Theater” war scenario both feasible and desirable for the US? Some think so. American analysts within the Establishment are in fact calling for war “in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.” This is what Thomas G. Mahnken (both a Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies professor and the CEO of  the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments) is urging Washington to do, in his most recent piece.

For Mahnken, Washington is “currently involved in two wars—Ukraine’s in Europe and Israel’s in the Middle East”, while also “facing the prospect of a third over Taiwan or South Korea in East Asia.” Moreover, “all three theaters are vital to US interests, and they are all intertwined.” Deprioritizing Europe and disengaging from the Middle East can only weaken American security, he argues: “The U.S. military drawdown in the Middle East, for instance, has created a vacuum that Tehran has filled eagerly.” Of course, such reasoning can only make sense if American “security” is equated with Washington’s unipolarity.


US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, during his recent speech at Shangri-la Dialogue (in Singapore), made it a point to stress that “despite historic clashes in Europe and the Middle East… the Indo-Pacific has remained our priority theater of operations.” According to Austin, the US is a Pacific nation (with a capital P, and with no pun intended, presumably), and added that “the US can be secure only if Asia is secure. That’s why… [we have] long maintained our presence in this region. And that’s why we continue to make the investments necessary to meet our commitments to our allies and partners.” As for the relationship with China, the Secretary was more ambiguous, claiming that “a fight with China is neither imminent nor unavoidable.”

While Lloyd Austin seems to differ from Mahnken (on emphasis), there is not necessarily a dilemma there. I’ve often described Washington’s ambitions as being all about having the cake and eating it too. Jerry Hendrix (retired Navy captain, formerly an adviser to Pentagon senior officials, and currently a senior fellow with the Sagamore Institute) has written that, in Mackinder terms (classic Geopolitics), the US has embarked on a quest for the “Heartland”, and this contradicts its true “sea power” nature. This is so because Washington, in recent times, has been “burdened” by mostly “land-based actions in Iraq and Afghanistan fought primarily by a large standing army operating far from home”.

Rather than doing that, Hendrix urges the Atlantic superpower to, once again, “think and act like a seapower state”, that is, with a focus on deriving its might from “seaborne trade”, employing “instruments of sea power” to advance its interests. The expert describes the post-World War II period as an exceptional “free sea” period, marked by a “secure environment” which has supposedly allowed free trade to flourish in a globalized planet – this being the rather gleeful manner in which he describes the US-led world order, in spite of the fact that Washington has always weaponized protectionism.

In any case, as Hendrix notes, the American superpower acts both as a “continental power” and as a “sea power”. I’ve described its foreign policy as resembling  the swing of a pendulum. Give or take, all Great Powers engage to some extent in proxy conflicts amid their geoeconomic and geopolitical disputes with other powers. In terms of regional disputes, whether one likes or not Moscow’s foreign policy today, one can at least concede that historically Russia and neighboring Ukraine have an intertwined and complicated shared history, and the same applies to China-Taiwan relations. But America is something quite different. To keep things in perspective, one should keep in mind, for example, that, amazingly, the only place in the entire world China has an overseas military base is Djibouti, in the Horn of Africa. In contrast, depending on how one counts it, Washington, in 2015, had about 800 military bases in over 70 countries.

Moreover, the US has in fact invaded 84 out of the 194 nation-states recognized by the United Nations, and has been militarily involved with no less than 191 of those, according to  Christopher Kelly and Stuart Laycock, the authors of “America Invades: How We’ve Invaded or been Militarily Involved with almost Every Country on Earth”. The hard truth is that the United States of America is the only nation today (and arguably ever) to potentially engage in warfare across three continents – a scenario, keep in mind, that is cheered by prominent mainstream American commentators and scholars.

Other analysts, such as Andrea Rizzi, writing for El Pais, have described the possibility of war fronts in the Middle East, Europe and the Asia-Pacific becoming connected as a “nightmare” scenario – although not so convincingly, in Rizzi’s case, who seems to believe the political West has necessarily something to do with “democracy”, a historically controversial premise to say the least. Rizzi, however, makes the very valid point that “in geopolitics — and in life — high-stress situations lead to a greater margin for unforeseen events, errors in calculation and communication, uncontrolled actions by minority factions and escalations that are unintended, at least by the key players.” Even the main actors have an interest in keeping stability, at some point someone (or one’s proxies) may indeed make “a daring movie”, in Rizzi’s words, and thus bring about an escalation and unpredictable outcomes.

A series of Ukrainian and Western actions arguably represented precisely such a red-line crossing, in Moscow’s perspective. While some worry about the same thing happening in the Pacific, thus inadvertently igniting yet another war, others call for and crave for precisely such a war – not just in the Indo-Pacific region, but also in Europe and the Middle East, simultaneously. It is hard to describe such a call in any way other than as a will to set the world on fire – after all, one cannot literally desire war between Great Powers in three continents and not expect everything else that often comes with it (call it apocalypse in disguise, if you will).

Unbelievably, such bellicose calls, rather than being confined to the hate speech of extreme and fringe individuals and organizations, pass as reasonable and mainstream discourse, produced as it is, by respectable experts with impeccable credentials. And, mind you, Foreign Affairs will even publish it. It is no wonder: Washington foreign policy itself is, after all, largely built on the premise of American unipolarity and global war if need be.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Many individuals who actually care about the United States Constitution and its guarantee of basic liberties for the American people have been seriously concerned over how recent Administrations, both Republican and Democratic, have taken steps to control and limit the rights of citizens to exercise free speech as well as freedom to travel and associate freely. This abuse of power, for that is what it is, has unfortunately escalated sharply due to the uncompromising commitment of the Joe Biden White House to both Israel and Ukraine. It manifests itself in many ways, but most often includes steps to make it difficult for concerned Americans to learn for themselves the truth about what is taking place in the various international hot spots that the US State Department appears to be cultivating in such a fashion as to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war.

Those truth-tellers who persist in exposing the criminality in high places have been targeted and labeled in some government circles as “info-terrorists” and there has been what appears to be a sustained effort underway to undermine the credibility of journalists who are daring to report favorably on either Russia or the Palestinians. Interestingly enough, the Ukrainians have established the gold standard in identifying dissident journalists through their Department of Disinformation called “Myrotvorets.” It includes a list of names of those individuals who might be assassinated to silence them. The US has, not surprisingly, been seeking to establish a similar government agency, though hopefully without the kill list.

In the latest manifestation of denial of fundamental rights in an attempt to shut down a critic, on June 3rd the State Department forced former Marine intelligence officer, Chief UN weapons inspector, journalist and author Scott Ritter off a plane headed to Russia by way of Istanbul and confiscated his passport. According to Scott

“As I was boarding my flight out of New York I was pulled aside by three armed Customs and Border Patrol officers, who seized my passport. When asked why, they said orders of the State Department. No further information was provided. My bags were removed from the flight, and I was escorted out of the airport.”

Ritter, who has been a persistent critic of both the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine, was traveling to participate in the highly respected annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum as a guest speaker. The seizure of the passport to block his travel is a violation of the First, Fourth and Fifth amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

In an interview later that day with Judge Andrew Napolitano, Ritter admitted that he had been taken aback by what had happened to him and should have been more aggressive in defense of his rights. He did not, for example, demand to see a warrant or be given a receipt for the passport and did not get the names of the three officers who had taken it away and escorted him out. He also should have demanded the name of the State Department Official who had signed the order to accost him in the most embarrassing fashion possible as he was boarding the plane and take his document.

Interestingly, Scott Ritter’s name appeared prominently on the Ukrainian “Disinformation” hit list. And not terribly surprisingly, the mainstream media, which is in sync with the government on the wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, did not give the Ritter story much coverage. The silence is particularly remarkable as the press, which has been protecting President Joe Biden and his Homeland Security lackeys as they watched millions of people illegally cross the Mexican border into the US failed to exercise any vigilance when a single American citizen was unsuccessful in trying to go the other way completely legally.

Ritter, to be sure, has been a powerful voice critiquing the Iraq War, where his inspections turned up no WMD and he declared, in August 2002, that a case had not been made for attacking Saddam Hussein. If George W. Bush and his gang of neocons plus Congress had only paid attention to Scott Ritter, the US would have been spared the loss of thousands of soldiers and the utter waste of trillions of tax dollars. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis also died as a result of the US attack on their country.

Since that time, Ritter has been an activist who calls for dialogue, negotiation and diplomacy to avoid wars, particularly in the current context where the United States is supplying tens of billions of dollars in arms to expand the war with Russia, sustain the attacks on Gazans and establish a pretext for a war with China over Taiwan. Ritter has traveled to Russia and Iran, as well as to other hot spots, without regard for his personal safety, driven by the desire to tell the truth about what is being propagandized in hopes that he will make politicians think twice about what they are doing. Scott has reported what he sees and describes the conversations he has had with local people without fear or favor, always with the objective of avoiding war and death. For his pains, he inevitably is accused of being a source of Russian and anti-Israeli disinformation and even acting as “Putin’s poodle,” but his information has proven to be overwhelmingly reliable.

Interestingly, this week’s incident was not the first time when Ritter was targeted by the US government for truth-telling. In the wake of the passport seizure, he recounted on X how

“The similarities between what happened to me on June 3, and what transpired some 21 1/2 years ago, are disconcerting. Then, the FBI carried out a concerted effort to prevent me from making a documentary movie, ‘Shifting Sands,’ about the flawed case for war being promulgated by the US government. They threatened me with arrest, they engaged in acts of physical intimidation, and—when this didn’t work—they played a role in manufacturing a case designed to destroy my personal character in the eyes of the general public. The 2001 incidents were a warning shot across the bow for me to begin toeing the line. When I refused to do so, releasing my documentary film and actively speaking out against the US case for war with Iraq, the FBI then arranged to have the information about the 2001 incidents leaked to the press in an effort to destroy my credibility on the eve of a February 2003 trip I was planning to take to Iraq, together with a high-profile international delegation, that was designed to prevent a war between the US and the government of Saddam Hussein.”

Scott is not alone in being a target for government attempts to discredit him. Almost anyone who has good access to media and audiences and crosses the established line will be confronted to a greater or lesser extent. Sometimes the confrontation does real damage as in the recent cases of employees of universities and government who have lost their jobs for speaking out in defense of the Palestinians. Has anyone in America lost a job for promoting an ongoing and highly visible genocide, i.e. Israel’s apparent inherent right to kill tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians? No, that is considered acceptable speech by those who govern us and make up the rules.

Those of us who are under attack regularly for going against government writ sometimes exchange jokes about how defying the administration or Congress means going it largely alone in a fight against thousands of government lawyers who will be able to write or interpret the “rules” to crucify you staged in a selected court house before a co-opted judge where you will be certainly convicted. The threat is real, think of what Julian Assange is going through driven by a vengeful US government aided and abetted by those of a like mind in Britain, the home of the Official Secrets Act. The government nearly always wins when it comes to ruining one’s life on spurious or transmutable charges like the Espionage Act of 1918. Scott will have to get a lawyer and sue the government in an attempt to get his passport back and along the way a faceless bureaucrat will no doubt accuse him of high crimes and misdemeanors.

This latest outrage reminds me of something that I and others went through a few years ago relating to Iran, another preferred target of Israeli/US government rage. In May 2018 I and others from many nations, including Israelis and even an American rabbi, attended what was a public media annual conference in Masshad, Iran hosted by the Iranian NGO New Horizon foundation to discuss “Jerusalem/al-Quds the Eternal Capital of Palestine.” The discussions were wide ranging and include some sharp criticisms of Iranian policy. At the time, the Trump Administration was preparing to withdraw from the JCPOA agreement which monitored the Iranian nuclear program and was also ready to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, an illegal move. Trump’s Treasury Department was pursuing a policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran and groups like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League were calling the conference an “anti-Semitic gathering” that “included US and international anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers and anti-war activists.” The conference nevertheless proceeded peacefully, culminating in a press conference in Tehran that I and others spoke at which was open to the international media.

Image: Sigal Mandelker (From the Public Domain)


Unfortunately, someone in Washington did not like the idea of a conference that brought together people from many nations and beliefs to discuss a contentious international problem. In February 2019, Sigal Pearl Mandelker, then Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and an Israeli citizen, ordered the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to sanction the American-educated founder of New Horizon Nader Talebzadeh Ordoubadi as well as his Lebanese wife, Zeina Mehanna, his organization The New Horizon Conference (NHC), and some of its staff for holding the conference. Ostensibly and perhaps inevitably the reason was “anti-Semitism, Holocaust Denial, and allowing Iranian intelligence to recruit attendees.” Mandelker, by the way, was suspected of having links to Israeli intelligence, Mossad. She was inter alia reportedly involved in brokering the infamous Florida deal that allowed the wealthy child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and probable Israeli spy to avoid federal charges.

I may have inadvertently been the source of the claim about Iranian intelligence operating at the conference in Masshad. Shortly after I returned from Iran to the US, I was visited by two FBI officers who wanted to talk about the gathering. They were polite enough, and when they asked if I thought that Iranian intelligence officers were “working” the conference I replied that they most definitely were but while New Horizon certainly knew about it I strongly believe that they had no choice and were not actually complicit in what was going on. In fact, I was personally “pitched” three times – once by an officer posing as a journalist; once by an officer posing as a foreign ministry official; and once by two intelligence officers using alias names who, I later learned, were the head and deputy head of the Ministry of Intelligence. I was not threatened in any way during the pitches, but I was, of course, in their country and completely under their control.

In order to place in context what took place, I would point out that any international conference almost anywhere in the world like the one we attended in Mashhad would be covered by the local intelligence service in an attempt to make recruitments and obtain information. The CIA has an entire division called National Collection which spends much of its time going to conferences in the US where foreign targets will be present. In like fashion operate the British, French, Mossad, Russian and Chinese services. In my opinion, targeting New Horizon for sanctions because an event hosted by it was exploited by its country’s intelligence service is wrong because NH clearly had no choice in the matter. And it is what the United States and other countries do regularly.

The sanctioning of New Horizon became relevant when NH sought to host another conference in Beirut, Lebanon in September 2019. Roughly the same group of Americans, myself included, was invited to speak or otherwise participate. Several of the Americans were approached in advance by FBI agents, evidently acting under orders from Sigal Mandelker. The Agents warned that any participants in the conference might be subject to criminal indictment upon return to the US because New Horizon was under sanctions. One of those who was approached by the Bureau elaborated how “They’re interpreting the regulations to say that even if you only associate with someone who has been sanctioned, you are subject to fines and imprisonment…” The Bureau went on to explain how Iranian sanctions are somewhat unique. That’s because Iran is a “comprehensively sanctioned” country, meaning that anything having to do with “supporting it” is sanctionable, including tourist visits that aid its economy. We were informed confidentially that if we attended the conference we would be arrested upon our return and would face criminal prosecution as well as possible fines up to $300,000. We all decided not to go and the conference gathering proceeded peacefully without any US input.

The point I am trying to make is that this has been going on for quite some time and rather aggressively by the US government, yet even a well-informed American is probably completely unaware of how he or she can be stripped of fundamental constitutional rights without any ability to push back against the system. And it comes from both Democratic and Republican administrations as well as from government agencies that have been corrupted to the point where they exist to serve their political masters rather than the American people. Hopefully, Scott Ritter will get his passport back and be free both to travel again and speak his mind. We need him and also millions more voices challenging the horrors that have been coming out of Washington.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Estão os grandes meios de comunicação e o público tornando-se mais abertos a notícias e perspectivas que contradizem a narrativa do establishment sobre a COVID-19, as vacinas e as políticas de saúde pública prevalecentes nos últimos quatro anos?

Em caso afirmativo, poderá essa mudança incremental levar eventualmente a uma transformação nas atitudes públicas?

Pelo menos um especialista médico pensa assim. Escrevendo no Substack, Dr. Pierre Kory, presidente e diretor médico da Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, citou a publicação de 25 de abril de um artigo de opinião da RealClear Health que ele co-escreveu com a jornalista Mary Beth Pfeiffer como um exemplo de como a narrativa pública pode estar mudando.

O artigo analisou evidências de que as vacinas de mRNA são a causa de um aumento significativo no câncer entre os jovens.

Kory escreveu que este é o quinto artigo de opinião que ele e Pfeiffer publicam em meios de comunicação convencionais e amplamente lidos desde agosto de 2023 sobre tópicos relacionados.

“Parece que o apetite do público por análises objetivas e independentes dos danos das vacinas está aumentando”, escreveu Kory no Substack.

Ampliando a ‘janela Overton’

Kory sugeriu que a disposição de meios de comunicação como a RealClear Health de publicar artigos críticos às políticas e vacinas COVID-19 sugere uma ampliação da “Janela Overton”, um conceito que “refere-se especificamente ao tipo de políticas que os políticos podem ‘legitimamente’ apoiar ao longo do tempo sem arriscar o apoio eleitoral.”

Escrevendo para o Brownstone Institute em 17 de abril, Jeffrey Tucker disse que o conceito da Janela Overton – nomeado em homenagem ao pesquisador Joseph Overton, que trabalhou no Mackinac Center for Public Policy – ​​“nasce da cultura dos think tanks, que valoriza a eficácia e as métricas como um meio de financiamento institucional.”

De acordo com Tucker, Overton “descobriu que era inútil em seu trabalho defender posições que ele não poderia recrutar políticos para dizer no plenário legislativo ou na campanha”. Em vez disso, Overton obteve maior sucesso ao “elaborar ideias políticas que se enquadrassem nos meios de comunicação social e na cultura política prevalecentes”.

Outros estudiosos desenvolveram posteriormente o conceito de Overton. Hoje, a Janela Overton inclui cinco fases pelas quais as ideias passam antes de se tornarem políticas, passando de “impensável” para “radical”, para “aceitável”, para “sensato” e para “popular”.

De acordo com o Centro Mackinac, escreveu Kory, a gama de ideias aceitáveis ​​dentro da Janela Overton pode mudar ao longo do tempo, uma vez que “pode mudar e expandir, aumentando ou diminuindo o número de ideias que os políticos podem apoiar sem arriscar indevidamente o seu apoio eleitoral. ”

Falando ao The Defender, Kory aplicou o conceito às narrativas do COVID-19. “Estamos vendo uma aceitação em levantar questões e discutir o aumento incomum nas taxas de mortalidade e incapacidade entre populações que incluem algumas das pessoas mais saudáveis ​​e produtivas”, disse Kory, citando o artigo de opinião de agosto de 2023 que ele co-escreveu para o USA Today.

Kory disse que o artigo de opinião do USA Today, que apresentou dados de companhias de seguros mostrando um aumento dramático no excesso de mortes no outono de 2021 – mortes que não podem ser totalmente atribuídas a infecções por COVID-19 – representou “a primeira vez [que] alguém de nossa ‘lado’ passou para a grande mídia para levantar esse tipo de questão.”

“A aceitação de ter uma conversa como esta no USA Today teria parecido impossível em 2022”, disse Kory. A publicação subsequente do seu último artigo de opinião, na RealClear Health, “mostra até onde chegámos”, disse ele.

“Se você ficar de olho na Janela… poderá conseguir expandi-la um pouco aqui e ali e, assim, eventualmente atingir seus objetivos”, escreveu Tucker.

Mas ele acrescentou:

“Vivemos numa época em que muito do que pensávamos saber sobre as estratégias de mudança social e política foi destruído. … Tudo está quebrado, incluindo quaisquer imaginações que tivemos sobre a existência desta janela Overton.”

No seu artigo para o Instituto Brownstone, Tucker disse que embora “a teoria da janela de Overton presuma uma ligação suave entre a opinião pública e os resultados políticos”, esta suposição está hoje “gravemente em questão”.

“Os políticos fazem coisas diariamente e de hora a hora às quais os seus constituintes se opõem – financiam a ajuda externa e as guerras, por exemplo – mas fazem-no mesmo assim devido a grupos de pressão bem-organizados que operam fora da consciência pública”, escreveu Tucker.

Em vez disso, Tucker pediu uma revelação da verdade mais ousada. “Muitas pessoas sabiam a verdade – que todos pegariam esse vírus, a maioria se livraria dele sem problemas e então ele se tornaria endêmico – mas simplesmente tinham medo de dizê-lo. Cite a janela de Overton o quanto quiser, mas o que realmente está em questão é a disposição de exercer coragem moral.

Tucker não descartou totalmente a existência da janela Overton. “Acho que a Janela Overton existe, mas é em grande parte construída. Quebrar as construções é nossa tarefa, seja de forma incremental ou de uma só vez”, disse ele ao The Defender.

Kory disse que “dizer a verdade” está acontecendo – e está se tornando mais difícil de ser ignorada pela grande mídia.

Ele disse:

“As evidências sobre o excesso de mortes, lesões causadas por vacinas e a realidade do COVIDlongo estão se tornando inegáveis ​​para a maioria, independentemente de sua posição sobre essas questões há alguns meses.

“Curiosamente, e infelizmente, há um número crescente de pessoas de todos os lados destas questões que conhecem alguém próximo que foi diagnosticado com uma doença crônica da qual não têm histórico familiar ou que geralmente está associado a alguém muitos anos mais velho.

“À medida que isto infelizmente continua, mais pessoas parecem estar abrindo-se para, pelo menos, levantar questões e explorar o que antes era considerado ‘evidência contrária’ para encontrar respostas.”

Ampliação incremental das narrativas da COVID aceitas pela grande mídia

O artigo de opinião da RealClear Health, “As Cancers in the Young Rise, the Pandemic Response Must Be Probed”, questionou abertamente as recentes afirmações do governo dos EUA de que o risco de convulsões e embolias pulmonares causadas pelas vacinas COVID-19 valia o benefício para as crianças e adultos:

“Nós questionamos isso, com  mais de um milhão de relatos de potenciais lesões causadas por vacinas e 18.000 mortes no próprio  sistema de alerta precoce do governo, há muito tempo confiável e provavelmente subestimado. Estes, o governo se esforça para descartá-los.

“À medida que  as evidências aumentam e o  movimento de pessoas feridas cresce, a administração Biden deve reconhecer este crescente problema de saúde pública. Deve deixar de  sufocar o debate que  limitou o que os jornais imprimem e o que o público sabe sobre as consequências das vacinas.”

Mais tarde no artigo, Kory revisou dados dos Centros de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças (CDC), que ele disse serem “a ponta de um iceberg emergente” de “câncer estimulado por vacinas”.

Kory observou que as principais fontes estão agora reconhecendo um aumento incomum nos casos de “câncer turbo” – “um fenômeno que os ‘ verificadores de fatos ‘ da vacina rejeitaram”.

“Até a Sociedade do Câncer disse publicamente que, além de muitos deles, esses tipos de câncer são diferentes. Os tumores colorretais são maiores,  mais agressivos e mais difíceis de tratar”, escreveu Kory.

Ele referiu-se a estudos que mostram que vacinações repetidas podem “minar os mecanismos de imunidade – incapacitando os anticorpos que combatem o câncer e até mesmo  a COVID – e talvez  facilitar  o crescimento do câncer ”.

Kory também se referiu às descobertas recentes de que as vacinas mRNA COVID-19 da Pfizer e Moderna contêm fragmentos de DNA estranhos. “As consequências das vacinas contra a COVID devem ser examinadas”, incluindo “mortes notificadasmiocardite subdiagnosticada em homens jovens e muitos relatos de casos e estudos publicados”.

‘É hora da verdade’

Observando que as reações aos seus cinco artigos de opinião “foram em sua maioria positivas”, Kory disse que eles “nos permitiram expor milhões de pessoas, principalmente fora do nosso movimento, à ideia de que ainda existem muitas perguntas sem resposta sobre a segurança de a vacina e as causas potenciais do aumento acentuado de doenças crônicas e mortes.”

Ele adicionou:

“A narrativa do establishment é a mais alta e ouvida com mais frequência. É por isso que devemos tentar passar, tanto quanto possível, para o mainstream, de uma forma que convide aqueles que seguem o establishment sem questionar a começar a fazer perguntas.”

Kory também observou a importância de evitar hipérboles. “Se abordarmos as nossas conversas com aqueles que podem não concordar com uma série de razões pelas quais estão errados, não iremos longe”, disse ele. “Jeffrey Tucker está correto quando diz que devemos nos comunicar de forma verdadeira e honesta, sem malícia ou intenção de manipular o outro lado.”

Ainda assim, a gama cada vez maior de narrativas aceitáveis ​​pode “fazer algo para limitar a capacidade dos nossos líderes de lançar uma experiência de saúde global perigosa e, em última análise, destrutiva na próxima vez que houver uma ’emergência de saúde pública’”, escreveu Kory no Substack.

“Há muitos desafios pela frente. Ainda estamos lutando contra os ventos contrários das agências federais capturadas que protegem os interesses das empresas farmacêuticas em detrimento da saúde pública. Não veremos mudanças reais até que isso aconteça”, disse Kory ao The Defender.

Tucker sugeriu que “esquecêssemos” o modelo da janela Overton. Em vez disso, ele escreveu “É um momento para a verdade, que ganha confiança. Só que isso irá explodir a janela e finalmente demoli-la para sempre.”

“Não estou descartando a velha virtude da prudência e do discernimento”, disse Tucker ao The Defender. “Devemos ser sábios e não estúpidos. Há muito que podemos fazer sendo ousados.”

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Video: Prof. Kari Polanyi Levitt: Celebrating a True Caribbean Woman

June 6th, 2024 by Institute of International Relations U.W.I

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We post this 2023 virtual seminar as a tribute to Kari Polanyi Levitt, who is celebrating her 101st birthday on June 14.


The Institute of International Relations shares with you a virtual seminar,

“Kari Polanyi Levitt: Celebrating a True Caribbean Woman,” conducted last June 12, 2023.

The seminar focused on celebrate Kari Polanyi Levitt’s 100 years old and her outstanding contribution to the Caribbean political economy, activism in the New World Group, and her work at The UWI.

This is an opportunity for colleagues and friends to celebrate and reflect on Karis’ intellectual work and life.

The seminar was organized in partnership with the Centro de Estudios del Caribe at Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba.


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It’s an understatement to say that we are living in an age of upheaval.

The forces of hatred and destruction have captured center stage in what seems like an endless barrage against the human spirit.

At the same time, a significant proportion of beleagured humanity are trying desperately to discover a path toward sanity and compassion that can lead us out of the madness.

As an American, I find it extremely unfortunate that the decades-long assault by my country against the rest of the world has caused us to fail to appreciate the fact that the dearth of real spirituality here in the U.S. has blinded my compatriots to the notion that we might be looking elsewhere in the world for guidance.

Granted, many have been looking toward Eastern spirituality for answers, some toward Islam, and many toward our own Christian traditions, but there may be yet more to discover.

In particular, I believe we should look to the Germans. Prior to World War I, Germany was the most advanced nation in the Western world in its culture, technology, and spirituality.

This was the main impetus for the genocidal assault on Germany led by what has become today’s Anglo-American-Zionist Empire.

The story of this assault is told by Guido Giacomo Preparata in his seminal book,

“Conjuring Hitler: How Great Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Destroyed Europe.”

See here. The story is also told in my new book, “Our Country, Then and Now.” See here.

Yet the wisdom coming out of Germany is nevertheless available through the teachings of a German-born master whose spiritual name was Bô Yin Râ. His books have become available in English translation from Kober Press in Berkeley, CA. See here.

I would refer the reader particularly to “The Book on the Living God,” the primary volume explaining his teachings. A free download of this book in English is available here. Please take a look and decide for yourself whether there is anything otherwise available that provides such insight. Following is a review of this book on that touches on the importance of Bô Yin Râ and his writings for the spiritual seeker today.


High Spiritual Teachings

Review by Carl Ehrlich, reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2017

Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943) was a spiritual master from Germany who produced a 32-volume collection of masterpieces called Hortus Conclusus (The Gated Garden) that together define the inner spiritual path for the modern age. Unfortunately, these books have been almost unknown to English-speaking readers.

Now, however, after almost a century, when the books have been available only in German or in selective translations, Kober Press of Berkeley, CA, has published a number of new translations with more on the way. These products excel in every way—the language is clear, cadenced, precise, and non-literary, with a sense of rhythm that enhances understanding.

The Book on the Living God, published in a second edition by Kober in 2014, comprises Volume 2 of the collection. It is also the first of a three-volume trilogy within Hortus Conclusus that also includes The Book on Life Beyond and The Book on Human Nature.

The writings of Bô Yin Râ are not just more tomes of supposedly esoteric lore that may take years to study but in the end leave the individual no better off or, worse, disgusted at hopes dashed and time wasted. Authentic spiritual teaching—that is, teaching that takes us to actual experience of higher consciousness and our own immortal spirit—is not easy to find, if we are lucky enough to find it at all.

This is where Bô Yin Râ is different—so different, in fact, that you may simply dismiss him as just another compiler of the same material you are already used to. But you don’t just read books by Bô Yin Râ. These books contain a depth of indefinable spiritual energy that you can begin to access only through a gradual process of reading, study, meditation, and implementation through some very specific practices.

The Book on the Living God starts by describing the hierarchy of human beings, including those who never have had to suffer material incarnation on planet earth, who guide all spiritual development. He acknowledges that this hierarchy has a physical location in the heart of Asia from which they oversee the work of Luminaries—humans in physical bodies who work in the world as teachers for the benefit of humankind. Bô Yin Râ was such a Luminary. Another was Jesus, though while Bô Yin Râ writes a lot about Jesus, he does not tout the Christian religion over any other. In fact he says in The Book on the Living God that all genuine religions contain the same message.

In The Book on the Living God, Bô Yin Râ describes the crucial distinction between realization of one’s eternal self and the stage where one’s Living God is born within. In my own opinion, almost all teachings of Western spirituality, including a number of well-known movements, stop at some semblance of the first stage and know very little, if anything, about the second.

Bô Yin Râ does not present any dogmas that you have to believe. He advises against anyone trying to form “congregations” to enforce a particular line of doctrine. But you have to study his books yourself to get a sense of what he is talking about.

A serious and sincere study of The Book on the Living God can help make a start. It’s a huge book in the number and scope of topics, the depth of treatment of each, and the variety by which the core truths are approached. Among the topics is an explanation in the chapter on “Karma” on where, cosmically, human beings come from, what is our ultimate destiny, and the inner meaning of myths and legends about the “fall” of man. Also covered, as indicated above, is the class of human beings who never have had to experience incarnation but who reside on the spiritual plane as “Fathers” of the Luminaries who come to earth to provide spiritual guidance. The descriptions of these higher beings in The Book on the Living God gives credence to the awareness on the part of all cultures of angels and supernatural guides capable of offering help to mortals who seek it.

Over the past two centuries, ever since the Western word began to study spiritual teachings from Oriental religions and translate them into European languages, the idea of a “perennial philosophy” at the heart of all true spirituality has been around.

An example has been the “hero’s journey” described by Joseph Campbell and others.

Perhaps because no one in the highly ethno-centric English-speaking world ever gave much notice to German sources, the teachings of Bô Yin Râ have flown under the radar. But I am convinced that Bô Yin Râ’s writings take us into the heart of the “perennial philosophy,” define what it is and where it came from, and at long last give effective tools to practice it, here and now, in our daily lives.

The Book on the Living God is an invaluable resource in identifying and using these tools with some surprising disclosures as well. Simply put, I am not aware of any other spiritual writing at its level.


Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.

“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also see the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here.

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“This is a money deal. The lesson that the WHO and Big Pharma learned is that they could suck a lot of money out of a lot of countries and trick a lot of people, but they missed a whole bunch of black and brown people in poor countries, and so they needed an agreement to redirect wealth from unsuspecting governments in wealthy nations (or maybe suspecting I don’t know) and other organizations, to build out their infrastructure in poor nations, so they can go after them (too).” —James Roguski

For many months we have been actively working to stop the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments from passing at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting in Geneva last week. That meeting has now come and gone.

What has happened? Did the WHA pass IHR amendments? Did they advance the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty? What is our current position? What are our next steps to stop medical tyranny and the abuse of men, women and children everywhere?

To answer these questions, I reached out to one of the world’s foremost experts on the WHO: James Roguski. James has kept an endless vigil over the WHO for the past four years. In this conversation James gets straight to the bottom of what has happened with the IHR amendments, what it reveals about the plans of the WHO and their accomplices, and what we should do next.

While many are celebrating things that the WHA did not accomplish last week, we must remain sober and look at what they did accomplish, and what that revealed.

“The WHO got what they wanted. We lost this round. The silver lining is that their cards are on the table, and now we can analyse their plans clearly.”James Roguski

Click here to watch the interview


Here is the International Health Regulations as amended and adopted on 2024-06-01 by the World Health Aseembly. James recommends we pay particular attention to Articles 1, 4, 12, 13, 24, 27, 31, 35, 44, 44bis, 54bis, and Annexes 1, 4, and 6. Original source.

Here is the Resolution. Original source.


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After 3 Years of Censorship, Mainstream Media Now Confirms that COVID Jabs “May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Sarah Knapton, June 05, 2024

If this report by The Telegraph had been published in early 2021, several million lives would have been saved. But in 2021, censorship was imposed. Honest journalism was silenced. The media was supportive of the fear campaign.

The 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landing. It Was the Red Army Which Liberated Auschwitz. “Operation Bagration” (Summer 1944)

By Dr. Leon Tressell, June 06, 2024

By June 1944 the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany had already been established by the Red Army victories at Stalingrad (August 1942-February 1943) and Kursk (July-August 1943) during 1943. At Stalingrad it had lost the Sixth Army and four allied armies of over 500,000 men.

Parallel Fascism and Western-Supported Zionist Genocide of Palestine and Palestinians

By Mark Taliano, June 06, 2024

Gaza is a classic case of genocide in the sense that Western-supported Zionists are intentionally, methodically, using every strategy to destroy and extinguish the native Palestinian population, not only their present, but also their past.

Biden Makes It Clear Ukraine Will Not be a NATO Member

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 06, 2024

Since 2022, there has been a major discussion among officials and experts about the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member. In response to Russia’s special military operation, some NATO countries promised Kiev membership in the alliance. However, it has become increasingly clear that the bloc is not interested in accepting Ukraine as a member.

Free Palestine! Hands Off Our Students!

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 06, 2024

Metropolitan Detroit embodies the largest population of people of Arab and Middle Eastern descent in the United States. Consequently, many people within this community have direct familial and linguistic ties to the people most impacted by the settler-colonial regime occupying Palestine.

Netherlands Supports Use of Its Nuclear-capable F-16s for Strikes in Russia

By Drago Bosnic, June 05, 2024

Netherlands is part of the infamous NATO nuclear sharing agreement with the United States and its KLu previously operated American-made F-16 fighter jets for nuclear strikes as part of Squadrons No. 311 and 312.

What’s Next for Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 05, 2024

If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel—a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.—uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda.

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The Washington Post’s unbelievably sleazy smear piece against independent media outlet The Grayzone can be summed up with its line “The First Amendment guarantees free speech rights even for Americans believed to be spreading foreign propaganda. But…” 

The whole thing is designed to manufacture support for criminally prosecuting dissident American journalists on the grounds that they violated US sanctions by working for Iranian media years ago, and to give the reader the false impression that The Grayzone is funded by foreign states without actually advancing the claim and eating a libel suit.

And the hit piece is having its intended effect; you see professional empire apologists all over Twitter today promoting the false claim that The Grayzone is funded by Iran and Russia. The empire’s information warriors now have one more weapon they can use to weaken public trust in dissident journalism whenever it presents an inconvenient narrative.

All because some Grayzone staff were involved with foreign media outlets in the past, which only happened because there are no major western media outlets which platform dissident voices like theirs who criticize the western empire and its actions. These people are being persecuted for disagreeing with their government. It really is that simple.

The Washington Post is one of the worst propaganda rags ever to exist in any country. If I’d published such an article for such a depraved empire propaganda outlet, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.


“Antisemitism” should never even enter the conversation when it comes to Palestinians themselves. Projecting an old European bigotry onto an Arab population who would hate their oppressors regardless of whether they were Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Taoist is ridiculous bullshit.


Biden: I have here an Israel-approved peace deal, so now all we need is for Hamas to approve it and we can have peace in Gaza.

[Netanyahu walks onstage, takes a shit, grabs the peace deal Biden was holding, wipes his ass with it, hands it back to Biden, walks offstage]

Biden: So yeah, like I was saying, the only obstacle to peace is the refusal of Hamas to accept this peace deal…


NATO is both (A) preparing for hot war with Russia and (B) rapidly taking numerous steps to provoke such a war. They’re currently developing “land corridors” for a direct ground war with Russia while simultaneously moving to allow Ukraine to strike deeper and deeper into mainland Russia with NATO-supplied weapons. These escalations would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, but nuclear brinkmanship has become so normalized for us in 2024 that it now barely makes a blip in the discourse.


Trump said in a recent interview that he believes Israel should be destroying Gaza much more rapidly and that he would not have withdrawn from Afghanistan if he were president. I can’t believe how open this prick is being about wanting to start wars and advance longstanding agendas of the neocons and the CIA in every way, and how despite all this I’m still getting Trump supporters telling me he’s been ending the wars and fighting the deep state.

Click here to watch the video on X


Democrats are seriously asking people to believe that Trump’s second term would be much much worse than his first term, but that Biden’s second term would not.


Things get a lot clearer when you understand that the US empire is not a national government which happens to run a bunch of worldwide military operations, it’s a worldwide military operation which happens to run a national government.


One way of looking at it is that everything you were taught in school about your nation, your government, your society and your world is true, and that your news media would never lie to you. That the world is a mess only because people keep voting for the wrong political leaders and making poor personal choices. This is the mainstream consensus worldview.

Another way of looking at it is that the world is a mess because we are ruled by a loose transnational alliance of plutocrats and secretive government agencies who use governments as tools to advance their global power agendas, hiding their rulership behind propaganda and the illusion of democracy. That we are marched into endless war, exploitation, ecocide and nuclear brinkmanship because a bunch of sociopaths believe their wealth and power are more important than human life, a healthy society, and a healthy planet.

Another way of looking at it is that actually no one is in charge — that the separate self is a hallucination caused by a glitch in human cognition, that the human organism is a whirlpool of conditioning patterns that is inseparably interwoven with the material world, that free will is a fairy tale we have told ourselves, and that the oligarchs and empire managers are just the tip of an icicle falling to the earth, acting in accordance with their own unconscious conditioning with no real agency or control of their own just like everybody else. That the world is a mess because of an unfolding of conditioning patterns whose origins stretch back to the dawn of life on this planet.

Another way of looking at it is that the world is a mess because humans are just in an awkward evolutionary transition phase where these newly evolved brains of ours haven’t yet come into a mature relationship with their capacity for abstract thought. That we look awkward and silly right now in the same way birds probably looked awkward and silly at some point before that class of animal life got the hang of flight. That the only reason we’re able to be whipped about by propaganda and convinced to consent to competition-based systems that are causing wars and destroying our biosphere is because our immature relationship with thought causes us to latch onto mental narratives out of fear and desire for security. And that one day we will adapt beyond the dysfunctional way we create psychological egos and ego agendas and become a fully conscious species, at which point we will become impossible to propagandize and will begin to move in harmony with terrestrial life instead of in competition with it.

Another way of looking at it is that the universe is just trying to behold itself. That the dawn of life on this planet allowed the universe to experience itself with sense organs, that the arrival of humanity allowed it to think thoughts and learn about itself, that the arrival of human science has allowed it to peer deeper and deeper into itself with greater and greater detail, that the arrival of inner disciplines has allowed it to bring consciousness to the previously unseen workings of human psychology, and that the arrival of journalism and the internet has allowed it to see aspects of societal dynamics and power structures that used to have very little light on them. That the world is a mess only because there is still much that remains unseen — in terms of technological insight, in terms of socio-political insight, and in terms of collective psychological insight.

The further down the rabbit hole you go, the less room you can find for blame and hatred, and the more innocent everything ultimately looks. This doesn’t contradict the obvious fact that there are people in this world whose behavior is very destructive and who must be immobilized for the safety of everyone else, it just means there’s an innate innocence underlying it all. An innocence that will be there even if we wipe ourselves out and take all terrestrial life with us.

Humans are a deeply beautiful animal, regardless of how this adventure unfolds, or how much time it has left before it’s over.


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Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine there has been an increased tempo of attempts to rewrite the history of World War Two by Western media and politicians.

At an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz this year, the President of the EU Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen, never even mentioned that it was the Red Army which liberated the death camp.

Meanwhile, President Biden during a recent speech at Arlington Military Cemetery said that the US Army had “liberated the continent’’ from fascism and did not mention the role of the Red Army in the victory over Nazi Germany.

Competing Narratives Regarding the Importance of D-Day

The UK government is holding a series of events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. On its site the UK proudly declares that the landings were, “A turning point in the Second World War’’ for:

“D-Day altered the course of history, signalling the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany.. … The establishment of a secure front in Normandy was crucial for allied forces to launch further offensives, leading to the liberation of Paris, the push towards Germany, and, ultimately, to victory.’’

This narrative is further exemplified in the article by Ian Carter from the Imperial War Museum in London, Why D-Day Was So Important To Allied Victory. Carter makes the grandiose and historically inaccurate claim that the Allied invasion of Normandy played a more important role in the defeat of Nazi Germany than the defeats it suffered on the Eastern Front:

“The German Army suffered a catastrophe greater than that of Stalingrad, the defeat in North Africa or even the massive Soviet summer offensive of 1944.”

American historian Peter Kuznick, professor of history at American University and co-author, with Oliver Stone, of The Untold History Of The United States, has commented on the narrative that it was the D-Day landings that broke the back of German fascism. In an interview with The Real News Network on 9  June 2019:

“For the Americans, the war begins at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. And then there’s some battling in North Africa and the underbelly, and Italy. But the real war for the Americans begins June 6, 1944, with the invasion of Normandy with D-Day. Then the Americans single-handedly defeat the Germans and marched straight into Berlin. And the Americans win the war in Europe. That’s a very, very unfortunate and dangerous myth that has been perpetrated. … That’s not the reality. The reality was the success at Normandy is largely due to the fact that the Germans were already weakened badly by that point, because they had been taking a pummelling, and they were in retreat across Europe ahead of the Russian Army, ahead of the vast Red Army, which was then liberating the concentration camps.”


A LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) from the U.S. Coast Guard-manned USS Samuel Chase disembarks troops of Company A, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division (the Big Red One) wading onto the Fox Green section of Omaha Beach (Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France) on the morning of June 6, 1944. American soldiers encountered the newly formed German 352nd Division when landing. During the initial landing two-thirds of Company E became casualties. (From the Public Domain)

In complete contrast to this pro-American narrative Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, made the following statement on the 75 anniversary of the D-Day landings:

“As historians note, the Normandy landing did not have a decisive impact on the outcome of World War IIand the Great Patriotic War. It had already been pre-determined as a result of the Red Army’s victories, mainly at Stalingrad (in late 1942) and Kursk (in mid-1943),”

Before I proceed here’s my disclaimer. My grandfather fought in North Africa with the British 8th Army so this article is not knocking the contribution of allied soldiers but merely seeks to give historical balance to the highly politicized narrative over who dealt the decisive blow to Nazi Germany during 1944.

Importance of German Defeats During 1943

The United States entered World War Two on 7 December 1941 following the Japanese attack upon the American naval base at Pearl Harbour. As early as June 1942 the Soviet Union had urged its American and British allies to open a second front in Western Europe. It would take the US and UK another two years to finally launch the invasion of France. Meanwhile, the Red Army took the brunt of German military might and millions died in the genocidal race war waged by the Nazis on the Eastern Front.

USS Arizona burned for two days after being hit by a Japanese bomb in the attack on Pearl Harbor. (From the Public Domain)

By June 1944 the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany had already been established by the Red Army victories at Stalingrad (August 1942-February 1943) and Kursk (July-August 1943) during 1943. At Stalingrad it had lost the Sixth Army and four allied armies of over 500,000 men. Meanwhile, at Kursk it had lost 30 divisions (over 500,000 men) including 7 Panzer divisions equipped with the new Panther and Tiger tanks, 1,500 tanks, 3,000 guns and 3,500 warplanes.

Both German and Soviet generals writing after the war agree upon the catastrophic consequences of the Wehrmacht’s defeats during 1943. Colonel General Heinz Guderian, who became Chief of the General Staff in 1944, admitted that by the end of 1943 the Wehrmacht, “had suffered a decisive defeat. … From now on the enemy was in undisputed possession of the initiative.”

Field Marshall Manstein echoed Guderian’s assessment of the catastrophic consequences of German defeats during 1943. In his memoirs he noted that by the end of 1943 the Wehrmacht:

” …found itself waging a defensive struggle which could not be anything more than a system of improvisations and stopgaps….To maintain ourselves in the field, and in doing so wear down the enemy’s offensive capabilities to the utmost, became the whole essence of the struggle.”

Marshal Zhukov, deputy commander of the Red Army later observed the decisive nature of the defeats inflicted upon the German Wehrmacht during 1943:

“Not only were the picked and most powerful groupings of the Germans destroyed here, but the faith of the German Army and the German people in the Nazi leadership and Germany’s ability to withstand the growing might of the Soviet Union was irrevocably shattered.”


Soviet soldiers in Polotsk, 4 July 1944 (From the Public Domain)

The American historians David Glantz and Jonathan House, in their account of the Eastern Front When Titans Clashed How The Red Army Stopped Hitler, declare that 1943 was a ruinous and fatally destructive period for the German army:

“Organizationally, the Wehrmacht was clearly in decline by late 1943. In addition to the death of Sixth Army and several allied armies, the German Panzer force and air transport force had been shattered repeatedly. Hundreds of ordinary infantry divisions were reduced to two thirds of their strength, with declining mobility and inadequate anti-tank defences.”

“Indeed, after Kursk a vicious cycle set in. Each new setback forced the Germans to commit their newly recruited replacement troops and their refurbished panzer units to battle more rapidly and with less training. Poorly trained troops suffered abnormally high casualties before they learned the harsh realities of combat. These casualties in turn, meant that commanders had to call on the next wave of replacments at an even earlier stage in their training.”

By the summer of 1944 the German Wehrmacht was incapable of conducting a general offensive on a wide front. It was reeling from the massive losses inflicted by the Red Army’s winter campaign of 1943-44 that had led to the destruction of large portions of First Panzer, Sixth, Eighth and Seventeenth Armies. 16 German divisions comprising over 50,000 men had been completely destroyed while 60 other divisions had been reduced to fragments of their former strength.

Objectives for the Soviet Summer Offensives of 1944

Wider geo-political considerations entered the deliberations of the Red Army command when working out the objectives for its summer campaign of 1944. The long delayed second front invasion of France was a factor in Stalin’ s thinking. He was aware that the American led force landing in Normandy would be in a race with the Red Army to get to Berlin first. In 1943 Stalin met with Churchill and Roosevelt at the Tehran Conference to begin planning the post war future of Europe which envisaged the division of Germany into zones of influence. Stalin was determined that the Red Army would get to Berlin first and so have the initiative when dividing up Germany and ensuring that Eastern Europe would become a satellite buffer zone for the Soviet Union.

In March 1944 the State Defence Committee led by Stalin and the Red Army General Staff began their analysis of their options for the summer offensive. It was eventually resolved that the Red Army would attack and destroy its toughest foe: Army Group Centre which was concentrated in Belorussia. The liberation of Belorussia would place the Red Army in Poland and leave it poised along the most direct route to Berlin and have the added bonus of leaving Army Group North cut off from its supply lines and unable to retreat.

The summer campaign would involved five different offensives running north to south that would be staggered along the 2,000 mile front. Operation Bagration was named after the Russian general who was mortally wounded in 1812 at the battle of Borodino. It was scheduled to start on 22 June nearly a fortnight after the offensive against Finland which was designed to drive this German ally out of the war.

The Red Army pulled off a massive redeployment of troops in strict secrecy that was part of its highly successful deception that led the German High Command to expect the main offensives to be directed against Army Group South and Army Group North.

By mid June the Red Army had pulled off the herculean task of manoeuvring 14 combined-arms armies in to place together with 1 tank army, 118 rifle divisions, 4 air armies and 2 cavalry corps. This huge force comprised 1,254,300 men, 2,715 tanks, 24,363 artillery pieces supported by 2,306 Katyusha rocket launchers and 5,327 combat aircraft supported by 700 bombers of the Long Range Bomber Force.

The logistics involved in preparing the four army fronts involved in Operation Bagration gives an idea of the massive scale of the impending attack. The four army fronts were supported by 70,000 lorries and 90-100 trains a day bringing fuel and ammunition up to the starting lines of the impending offensive.

Summer Offensives Begin

Three days after the D-Day landings on 9 June almost 1,000 combat aircraft opened the offensive that was to knock Finland out of the war. It also had the added benefit of keeping Army Group Centre distracted away from the main Soviet thrust that was carefully forming in front of the German defences.

Operation Bagration 23 June – 19 August 1944

On 19 June Soviet partisans set off over 10,000 demolition charges ripping up German rail track, rolling stock, sidings and junctions on the central front. Over the next 4 nights 40,000 demolitions spread destruction deep into the rear of the German transport network.

Red Army’s Operation Bagration Not D-Day Landings Broke Back Of German Fascism During Summer Of 1944

Source: WWII Database

Finally, on 23 June, on almost the third anniversary of the Wehrmacht’s invasion of the Soviet Union, the Red Army launched its massive surprise attack against Army Group Centre.

Operation Bagration achieved complete tactical surprise and soon had Army Group Centre reeling. The German High Command seemed completely unaware of the impending catastrophe that was rapidly enveloping their forces. Hitler, refused permission for any kind of flexible defence that involved tactical retreats by German units and was unwilling to sanction any major reinforcements being despatched to Army Group Centre.

As early as 24 June Army Group Centre was facing a very serious threat to its entire position. John Erickson in his magisterial account of the Eastern Front, The Road To Berlin: Stalin’s War With Germany Vol.2, has commented:

“From this point forward, Army Group Centre was caught in an impossible situation and progressively drenched with Russian fire denied any degree of flexibility yet bereft of any effective reinforcement. … The situation of Third Panzer [army] and Fourth Army was serious: for the Ninth Army to the south it rapidly became catastrophic.”

A week after the launch of Operation Bagration the German defensive system had collapsed. The four Red Army fronts had liberated Vitebesk, Orsha, Moghilev and Bobruisk and pressed on towards Minsk. They had killed over 130,000 German soldiers, taken 66,000 prisoner and destroyed 900 German tanks and thousands of vehicles. Red Army casualties were so high that the 2nd Belorussian Front was forced to withdraw and recoup. Despite its heavy casualties the Red Army showed no signs of slackening the pace of its offensive.


Abandoned vehicles of the German 9th Army at a road near Bobruisk (From the Public Domain)

The three German armies that comprised Army Group Centre were in disarray and in headlong retreat. They were ordered to follow a scorched earth policy that left no resources for the advancing Red Army which came across numerous German war crimes. John Erickson has noted that:

“Minsk, its factories dynamited and its installations wrecked, stood mostly in ruins; throughout most of Belorussia Soviet troops advanced through burned villages and broken towns, the livestock gone and the population fearfully thinned. More than once Red Army units came upon wagons loaded with children consigned to deportation to the Reich.”

Minsk, capital of Belorussia fell on 3 July, and the Red Army moved to encircle and destroy the German Fourth Army whose strength by then had fallen to around 105,000 men.

40,000 German soldiers died trying to break out of the Soviet encirclement. On 11 July the remnants of Fourth Army, out of ammunition and fuel, surrendered.

The Red Army had achieved total tactical and strategic success and torn a 250 mile gap in the German front leaving Army Group Centre with a meagre 8 divisions at its disposal.

Estimates of the staggering German losses suggest that Army Group Centre lost 25-28 divisions, over 450,000 men, while another 100,000 fell on the southern and northern fronts.

Soviet casualties were equally horrendous with the Red Army suffering over 230,000 killed and 800,000 wounded.

During the Red Army’s whirlwind offensives of late June and July 1944 the Western Allies struggled to break out of their Normandy bridgehead. Operation Bagration and the accompanying offensives that took the Red Army to the eastern suburbs of Warsaw, had surpassed their initial objectives and broken the back of Germany’s strongest army group leaving Hitler’s regime staring defeat in the face.

Assessments of Operation Bagration

Assessments of the impact of Operation Bagration all agree that it dealt a devastating and catastrophic blow to the military capabilities of German fascism.

American historians David M. Gantz and Jonathan House have noted the dreadful consequences of Operation Bagration for the German Wehrmacht:

“The destruction of more than 30 divisions and the carnage wrought in a host of surviving divisions, accompanied by a Soviet mechanized advance in excess of 300 kilometres. It had decimated Army Group Centre, the strongest German army group, severely shaken Army Group South Ukraine, and brought the Red Army to the borders of the Reich.”

John Erickson in his evaluation of the historical importance of Operation Bagration has commented:

“When Soviet armies shattered Army Group Centre, they achieved their greatest military success on the Eastern Front. For the German army in the east it was a catastrophe of unbelievable proportions, greater than that of Stalingrad, ….”

This assessment is supported by German and Soviet generals.

According to German military historian, General von Buttlar, Operation Bagration left the German Wehrmacht in disarray and shattered its ability to mount effective resistance to the Red Army. He observed that, ‘the rout of the Centre Group of Armies put an end to the organized resistance of Germans in the East.’

Marshal Zhukov in his memoirs gave a detailed assessment of the military and geo-political ramifications of Operation Bagration:

“In two months, Soviet troops had routed two big strategic German groupings, liberated Belorussia, completed the liberation of the Ukraine, and freed a considerable part of Lithuania and eastern Poland. In these battles, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts and the 1st Baltic Front routed 70 divisions. Thirty divisions were routed by the 1stUkrainian Front in the Lvov-Sandomir regions … the defeat of the Centre and North Ukraine groups, the capture of three major bridgeheads on the Vistula and arrival at Warsaw brought our striking fronts close to Berlin, now only 600 km [370 miles] away … Roumania and Hungary were close to withdrawal from the German alliance.”

During June-July 1944 Operation Bagration broke the back of the strongest military formation in the German Wehrmacht and dealt a mortal blow to German fascism from which it was unable to recover. The British/American narrative that D-Day dealt the mortal blow to German fascism does not stand up to close scrutiny.

The American military historians Glantz and House have observed that, ‘ … despite the Germans’ need to direct new divisions and equipment eastward, throughout June and July the Wehrmacht was still able to contain the Allied bridgehead in Normandy.’

On 17 July 1944 57,000 German prisoners of war, captured during Operation Bagration, were paraded through the streets of Moscow. The motive for this was to scotch all talk that the Red Army had not played the decisive role in destroying the military capabilities of the German Wehrmacht.

Military historian John Erickson has noted how:

“Russians resented suggestions that German troops had been transferred from Belorussia westwards to fight off the invading Allied armies: the parade of the prisoners was in part designed to stifle ‘nonsensical’ talk of this kind. The main battle-front, and here Soviet commentators quoted directly from German cries of anguish, lay in the east where battles of ‘apocalyptic’ dimensions raged.”

It is 80 years since the momentous events on the eastern front during the summer of 1944 that broke the back of German fascism and left it staring defeat in the face. We should celebrate this victory and remember the huge sacrifices made by the Red Army.

That said, we should not be complacent about the defeat of German fascism. The conditions that helped give birth to fascism are beginning to re-emerge and will be given a huge stimulus by the next global economic crisis.

Bertolt Brecht gave a warning about this when writing after World War Two. Brecht warned:

“Don’t rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world stood up and stopped the bastard. The bitch that bore him is in heat again.”


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Dr. Leon Tressell is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Two destroyed Panzer IV tanks belonging to the 20th Panzer Division, June 1944 (From the Public Domain)

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Gaza is a classic case of genocide in the sense that Western-supported Zionists are intentionally, methodically, using every strategy to destroy and extinguish the native Palestinian population, not only their present, but also their past.

It has nothing to do with Hamas.

In the above video, Dr. Mads Gilbert correctly describes the genocide as a colonial project which is eliminating the Palestinian people, their culture, their institutions, their archives, their history.

Hospitals, health care, primary health care, universities, museums are all being destroyed. Poets, academic leaders, universities, museums, and archaeological sites are all being destroyed.

Western-supported Zionists are destroying the history and identity of Palestine and Palestinians.

“This has nothing to do with the Hamas-Israeli war, “ asserts Gilbert, who has served as a medical doctor in Gaza, rather, it is a “cynical, sadistic colonial project.”

On-the-ground reporter Hind Khoudary emphasizes that Palestinians “are not dying only from the shelling and airstrikes, they are dying from the lack of access to medical care, lack of food, hunger and starvation …”

See this and this, and this.

Genocidal strategies of deprivation are less obvious than the shelling, but equally if not more devastating. Ralph Nader estimated earlier that the Washington/Zionist genocide of Palestinians has killed 200,000 people.

May be an image of ‎2 people and ‎text that says '‎Nassim Nicholas Taleb The West will never be able to lecture anyone on moral values. @y... 1A. Yanis Varoufakis Nikki Hailey in Israel scribbling "FINISH M"o on the shells that the IDF IDFis is about to fire into Rafah in defiance of the International Court of Justice. Biden provided the shells, Republicans autograph them. The US political class is united in its complicity with this genocide. ตว 155 נפייץ/טוזמי /טוזתי LTUGT 00155 0 155 TNO בז/מווח M795 מוגה 라이한 idee 0‎'‎‎

The West, with its bombs and billions, its political and economic support of this genocide, is displaying yet again its fascist core. This genocide support is, as described by Prof. Tim Anderson, a “parallel fascism” which is the heart and soul of Western imperialism, as it destroys target countries and target peoples as policy, camouflaged beneath war lies of humanitarianism, democracy and freedom.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from the author

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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She is poised to become Mexico’s first female president, after winning a historic mandate in the country’s June 2 election.

But Claudia Sheinbaum faces a challenge: how to distinguish herself from her political mentor, current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, popularly known as AMLO.


Sheinbaum during her victory speech on June 2, 2024. (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Representing the left-leaning Morena party, Sheinbaum campaigned in Lopez Obrador’s image, embracing many of his trademark projects and policies.

But experts say her personal history and past governing experience offer valuable clues about how her tenure in office might differ from Lopez Obrador’s.

“Sheinbaum has always been disciplined and strategic,” said Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, a Mexican political analyst. “She’s not going to be as radical as AMLO.”

A Mix of Academics and Politics

The former head of Mexico City’s government, Sheinbaum was born into a family of Jewish heritage, and she initially followed her parents into the field of science.

She studied physics and then energy engineering, pursuing research for her doctoral degree at the University of California, Berkeley in the United States.

But early on, Sheinbaum also mirrored her parents’ commitment to political engagement, becoming involved in student activism. On the campaign trail, she often credits her parents’ involvement in the 1968 student protests as an inspiration for her own work.

“I have always said it: I am a daughter of ’68,” she wrote on social media in April.

Her transition to a political career came under Lopez Obrador’s wing. In a campaign video chronicling her life, Sheinbaum explained that she and Lopez Obrador often participated in the same protests and activist work, but it was only in 2000, a week after he was elected mayor of Mexico City, that she was formally introduced to him during a meeting at her house.

Click here to read the full article on Al Jazeera.


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