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Mystic poet, Sufi, theosophist, and thinker, Jalal al-Din Rumi remains one of the most beloved historical personalities in history, east and west. A wanderer in search of the light, he famously characterized himself thus: “I am nothing more than a humble lover of God.”

The era of Rumi’s father – Sultan Bahaeddin Veled (1152-1231) and son (1207-1273) – was an extraordinary socio-political rollercoaster. It’s absolutely impossible for us today to understand the ideas, allusions and parables that trespass Rumi’s magnum opus, the six-volume Masnevi, in 25,620 couplets, without delving into some serious time travel.

In the Masnevi, written in Persian – the prime literary language in West and Central Asia in those times – Rumi used poetry essentially as a tool for teaching divine secrets, explaining them via parables. The Rumi Project is to show Man the path to Divine Love, leading him from a low stage to the highest. Squeezed and subdued by the techno-feudalism juggernaut, we may now need to heed these lessons more than ever in history.

The Masnevi became hugely popular across Eurasia immediately after Rumi’s death in 1273 – from India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to Central Asia, Iran and Turkey. Then, slowly but surely, the man and the opus ended up reaching even the collective west (Goethe was mesmerized) and inspiring a wealth of learned commentaries, in Persian, Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and English.

“The master from Anatolia”

Let’s start our time travel in the 11th century, when some Turkish tribes, after crossing Transoxiana, began to settle in northern Persia. These new Turkish tribes – from the Ghaznavids to the Seljuks (actually the branch of a Turkoman tribe) – constituted fabulous dynasties that played a key role in the inter-mixing of Turkic and Persian culture (what the Chinese today, applying it to the New Silk Roads, call “people to people contacts”).

Islam spread very fast in Persia under the rule of the religiously tolerant Samanids. That was the foundation stone for Mahmud of Ghazna (998-1030) to form a great Turkish empire, from northeastern Persia to very remote parts of India. Mahmud made a great impression on Rumi.

While the Ghaznavids remained powerful in eastern Persia, the Seljuks established a powerful empire not only in parts of Iran but also in the remote lands of Anatolia (called Arz-I Rum). That’s the reason why Rumi is called Mavlana-yi Rum (“the master from Anatolia”).

Rumi as a kid lived in legendary Balkh (part of Khorasan in northern Afghanistan), capital of the Khwarazm empire. When he and his father were still there, the king was Ala al-Din, who came from a dynasty established by a Turkish slave.

After a series of incredibly messy kingdom clashes, Ala al-Din saw himself pitted in battle against the king of Samarkand, Osman Khan. That ended up in a massacre in 1212, in which Ala al-Din’s soldiers killed 10,000 people in Samarkand. The young Rumi was shocked.

Ala al-Din wanted to be no less than the absolute ruler of the Muslim world. He refused to obey the Caliph in Baghdad. He even started entertaining designs on China – where Genghis Khan had already conquered Pekin.

Ala al-Din sent an envoy to China who was very well treated by Genghis, who had an eye on – what else – good business between the two empires (the Silk Road bug, again). Genghis sent his ambassadors back, full of gifts. Ala al-Din received them in Transoxiana in 1218.

But then the governor of one of his provinces, a close relative, robbed and killed some of the Mongols. Genghis demanded punishment. The Sultan refused. Well, you don’t want to pick up a fight with Genghis Khan. He duly started a series of massacres in Persia, and inevitably the Khwarazm empire – along with its great cities, Samarkand, Bukhara, Balkh, Merv – collapsed. By then, Rumi and his father had already left.

Like Baghdad, each of these fabulous cities was a center of learning. Rumi’s Balkh had a mixed culture of Arabs, Sassanians, Turks, Buddhists and Christians. After Alexander The Great, Balkh became the hub of Greco-Bactria. Just before the coming of Islam, it was a Buddhist hub and a center of Zoroastrian teaching. All along, one of the great centers of the Ancient Silk Roads.

On the road with 300 camels

The hero of Rumi’s Masnevi, Ibrahim Adham, like the Buddha, had relinquished his throne for the love of God, setting the example for the Sufism that later came to flourish across these latitudes, known as the Khorasani school.

As Prof Dr Erkan Turkmen, who was born in Peshawar and today is a top scholar at Karatay University in Konya, and author, among others, of a lovely volume, ‘Roses from Rumi’s Rose Garden’ says, there are two top reliable sources for the extraordinary pilgrimage of Rumi’s father Bahaeddin and his family from Balkh to Konya, with books, food and house ware loaded on the back of 300 camels, accompanied by 40 religious people. The sources, inevitably, are father and son (Rumi’s account is written in verse).

The first major stop was Baghdad. At the entrance gates, the guards asked who they were. Rumi’s father said, “We are coming from God and shall go back to Him. We have come from the non-existent world and shall go there again.”

Caliph al-Nasir summoned his top scholar Suhreverdi, who immediately gave the green light to the newcomers. But Rumi’s father did not want to stay under the protection of the Caliph, who was noted for his cruelness. So after a few years he left for Mecca on a Hajj and then to Damascus – which was an extremely well organized city at the time of the Abbasids and the Seljuks, crammed with 660 mosques, more than 40 madrassas, 100 baths and plenty of famous scholars.

The final steps on the family journey were Erjinzan in Anatolia – already a center of trade and culture – and then Larende (now Karaman), 100km south of Konya. Today, Karaman is only a small Turkish province, but in those times extended as far as Antalya to the south. It housed a lot of Christian Turks, who wrote Turkish using the Greek alphabet.

That’s where Rumi got married. Afterwards, his father was invited by Sultan Ala al-Din Kayqubad I (1220-1237) to Konya, finally establishing himself and the family until his death in 1231.

The Seljuks in Anatolia erupted into history in the year 1075, when Alp Arslan defeated the Byzantines in the legendary battle of Manzikert. A century later, in 1107, Qilich Arslan defeated the Crusaders, and the Seljuk empire began to spread very fast. It took a few decades before Christians started to accept the inevitable: the presence of Turks in Anatolia. Later, they even started to intermix.

The golden era of the Seljuks was under Sultan Ala al-Din Kayqubad I (the one who invited Rumi’s family to Konya), who built citadels around Konya and Kayseri to protect them from the coming Mongol invasion, and spent his winters at the beautiful Mediterranean coast in Antalya.

In Konya, Rumi did not get into politics, and does not seem to have had close relations with the royal family. He was widely known either as Mevlana (our master) or Rumi (the Anatolian). In Turkey today he is simply known as Mevlana, and in the west as Rumi. In his lyrical poetry, he uses the pseudonym Khamush (Silent). Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP – a highly materialistic enterprise wallowing in dodgy businesses – is not exactly fond of Rumi’s Sufism.

Under the Green Dome

As we’ve seen, Rumi spent most of his childhood on the road – so he never attended regular school. His early education was provided by his father and other scholars who followed the family to Karaman. Rumi also met many other famous scholars along the way, especially in Baghdad and Damascus, where he studied Islamic history, the Quran, and Arabic.

When Rumi was about to finish the 6th volume of the Masnevi, he fell ill, under constant fever. He passed away on 17 December, 1273. A fund of 130,000 dirhams was organized to build his tomb, which includes the world-famous Green Dome (Qubbat ul-Khazra), originally finished in 1274 and currently under renovation.

The tomb today is a museum (Konya holds astonishing relics especially in the Ethnography and Archeology museums). But for most pilgrims from all lands of Islam and beyond who come to pay their spiritual tributes, it is actually regarded as a lover’s shrine (Kaaba-yi Ushaq).

These lines, inscribed in his splendid wooden sarcophagus, may be a summary of all that Rumi attempted to teach during his lifetime:

“If wheat is grown on the clay of my grave, and if you bake bread of it, your intoxication will increase, the dough and the baker will go mad and the oven will also begin to recite verses out of madness. When you pay a visit to my tomb, it will seem to be dancing for God has created me out of the wine of love and I am still the same love even if death may crush me.”

A Sufi is by definition a lover of God. Islamic mysticism considers three stages of knowledge: the knowledge of certainty, the eye of certainty, and the truth of certainty.

In the first stage, one tries to find God by intellectual proof (failure is inevitable). In the second stage, one may be tuned in to divine secrets. In the third stage, one is able to see Reality and understand It spiritually. That’s a path not dissimilar to reaching enlightenment in Buddhism.

In addition to these three stages, there are paths to follow toward God. Choosing a path – Tarikat – is a very complicated business. It can be any Sufi order – such as Mavleviya, Kadriya, Nakshbandiya – under the guidance of a sheikh of that particular Tarikat.

In these absurdist times of grain diplomacy barely able to remedy the toxic effects of imperial sanctions, part of a proxy war of civilizations, a Rumi verse – “The celestial mill gives nothing if you have no wheat” – may open unexpected vistas.

Rumi is essentially saying that if one goes to a flour mill without wheat, what shall we gain? Nothing but the whiteness of one’s beard and hair (because of the flour). In the same vein: “If we have no good deeds to take with us to the other world, we will gain nothing but pain in the heart, while if we have developed our spiritual being, we will gain honor and Divine Love.”

Now try to explain that to a crusading collective west.


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This article was originally published on The Cradle.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273) (Photo Credit: The Cradle)

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A federal district court in California on Friday denied Google’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that the Silicon Valley giant is violating federal antitrust laws by preventing fair competition against its YouTube video platform. The lawsuit against Google, which has owned YouTube since its 2006 purchase for $1.65 billion, was brought in early 2021 by Rumble, the free speech competitor to YouTube.

Its central claim is that Google’s abuse of its monopolistic stranglehold on search engines to destroy all competitors to its various other platforms is illegal under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which makes it unlawful to “monopolize, or attempt to monopolize…any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations.”

It is rare for antitrust suits against the four Big Tech corporate giants (Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon) to avoid early motions to dismiss. Friday’s decision against Google ensures that the suit now proceeds to the discovery stage, where Rumble will have the right to obtain from Google a broad and sweeping range of information about its practices, including internal documents on Google’s algorithmic manipulation of its search engine and the onerous requirements it imposes on companies dependent upon its infrastructure to all but force customers to use YouTube.

Founded in 2013, Rumble began experiencing explosive growth in the run-up to the 2020 election. Americans were encountering escalating and aggressive Big Tech censorship of political content as the election approached. Conservative politicians, followed by a wide range of heterodox voices on the right and left, began migrating by the millions away from Google’s YouTube to Rumble, which has promised and provided far more permissive free speech rights. That was at the time when Google and other Big Tech platforms — at the urging of the Democratic-controlled Congress— began aggressively increasing its censorship of political video content on YouTube in the name of combatting “disinformation” and “hate speech.”

The explosive user growth which Rumble enjoyed in 2020 has continued to rapidly increase, as Big Tech generally, and Google specifically, clamped down further on dissident views in the name of the COVID pandemic, and now even more so with respect to the US/NATO role in the war in Ukraine. More and more prominent politicians, journalists and commentators, along with smaller content creators, have either been banned by YouTube or left on their own accord to join Rumble as Google’s crackdown on free speech intensifies. The ability to speak more freely on Rumble regarding the most contentious political debates has become one of the key drivers of the exodus of users from YouTube to Rumble.

During the COVID pandemic, Rumble allowed far greater questioning of the claims and policies of U.S. public health official Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization — regarding the virus’s origins, the efficacy of masks, and the justifiability of vaccine mandates — than Big Tech platforms permitted. For the first year of the pandemic, Big Tech users who questioned or rejected the official story that COVID-19 was zoonotic rather than due to a lab leak in Wuhan were silenced or banned: a censorship policy that was reversed only when the Biden administration itself admitted that it did not know the answer to that question and would officially investigate it.

Similarly, Americans who were stifled or outright barred by Big Tech from citing pre-election revelations about Joe Biden from the archive of his son obtained by The New York Post found a place, on Rumble, where they could openly reference and discuss them. And Rumble has aggressively resisted pressure campaigns from the U.S. government and corporate media outlets and outright legal bans enacted by the EU requiring all platforms to cease allowing “pro-Russian” news outlets such as RT and Sputnik to be heard.

Rumble’s user growth, driven overwhelmingly by growing anger toward Big Tech censorship and de-platforming, has continued to swell this year. As Investor Place’s Ian Cooper wrote in April, “its user base hit a new record of 41 million monthly active users in the first quarter of 2022. That is 22% growth quarter-over-quarter.” Moreover, “Rumble is setting user engagement records. In the first quarter of 2022, Rumble users watched about 10.5 billion minutes per month.”

As discussed on this page and as was reported by The Washington Post, I was one of a group of nine journalists and commentators, along with former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), to make Rumble my primary home for video journalism in mid-2021 based on support for its free speech principles and the need for alternatives to centralized Big Tech repression. Though the purpose of that Post article was to predictably malign Rumble as a cesspool of hate speech and disinformation — relying on and extensively quoting a “disinformation” expert who happens to partner with U.S. and British intelligence agencies and Big Tech platforms such as Google and Facebook — The Post was forced to acknowledge how significant Rumble’s growth has been (and since that August, 2021 Post article, the growth has increased further):

Rumble has grown from 1 million active users last summer to roughly 30 million, said the site’s chief executive Chris Pavlovski, a Canadian tech entrepreneur who worked a brief internship at Microsoft and founded a viral-joke website before launching Rumble in 2013. And its traffic has exploded: According to data shared with The Washington Post by the analytics firm Similarweb, visits in the United States to the site grew from about 200,000 in the last week of July 2020 to nearly 19 million last week — a 9,000 percent increase.

Though Rumble’s audience size is still significantly smaller than YouTube’s, the threat posed by Rumble to YouTube is real. Rumble’s imminent merger with the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) CF Acquisition Corp. VI will effectively make Rumble a public company and is likely to arm it with far greater capital to compete even more robustly with YouTube.

But the major obstacle to competing with Big Tech giants generally, and Google specifically, is that these companies have acquired such extreme market dominance in so many key areas of the internet that they abuse that power to prevent competition and crush any competitors who pose a challenge. That these four Big Tech giants are classic monopolies in violation of the antitrust law was the emphatic conclusion of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law’s comprehensive 2020 report, a conclusion that now has ample support from leading members of both parties.

The lawsuit brought by Rumble against Google is designed to ensure free and fair competition, so that the public is not effectively forced to use YouTube but can instead fairly choose among Google’s competitors as well. The primary allegation is that Google abuses its power as the dominant search engine and destroys free competition for online video platforms by manipulating its algorithms to prevent YouTube’s competitors, including Rumble, from being found by the public.

Attempts to find Rumble videos through Google searches are purposely thwarted by burying Rumble’s videos and instead redirecting the user to YouTube, the lawsuit alleges. Google’s “chokehold on search is impenetrable, and that chokehold allows it to continue unfairly and unlawfully to self-preference YouTube over its rivals, including Rumble, and to monopolize the online video platform market.” I often am unable to find my own videos using Google’s search engines even when I recall the title of the video more or less perfectly, and have frequently heard the same complaint from viewers.

Further illegal monopolistic acts alleged by the complaint include Google’s manufacturing of its Android phones with a pre-installed YouTube app as the default video setting, and imposing agreements on other Android-based mobile smart device manufacturers to pre-install YouTube, place it in the most prominent position, and prevent users from deleting it. The court summarized the alleged anti-competitive results of Google’s behavior this way (citations omitted):

[Google] “requires Android device manufacturers that want to preinstall certain of Google’s proprietary apps to sign an anti-forking agreement.” [Rumble] alleges that once an Android device manufacturer signs an anti-forking agreement, Google will only provide access to its vital proprietary apps and application program interfaces if the manufacturer agrees: “(1) to take (that is, pre-install) a bundle of other Google apps (such as its YouTube app); (2) to make certain apps undeletable (including its YouTube app); and (3) to give Google the most valuable and important location on the device’s default home screen (including for its YouTube app).”

As another example, [Rumble] asserts that “Google provides share of its search advertising revenue to Android device manufacturers, mobile phone carriers, competing browsers, and Apple; in exchange, Google becomes the preset default general search engine for the most important search access points on a computer or mobile device.” And, by becoming the default general search engine, Google is able to continue its manipulation of video search results using its search engine to self-preference its YouTube platform, making sure that links to videos on the YouTube platform are listed above the fold on the search results page.” [Moreover], Google’s revenue sharing agreements allow it to maintain a monopoly in the general search market and online video platform market).

As a result of the denial of Google’s motion to dismiss the complaint, the lawsuit will now proceed to the discovery stage. After denying Google’s request to dismiss the lawsuit prior to discovery, the judge scheduled a conference at which a discovery plan would be established. This phase of the lawsuit is when one party can obtain a broad range of documents from the other relevant to the claims of the lawsuit.

The antitrust specialist Matt Stoller, Research Director of the American Economic Liberties Project, said about the ruling: “Getting past the motion to dismiss stage is quite meaningful, and depending on what turns up in discovery Google could be in serious trouble.” This ruling should enable Rumble to acquire and utilize extremely revealing documents about how Google exploits its algorithms to manipulate search results on its dominant search engine, as well the burdensome requirements it imposes on other companies dependent on Google’s infrastructure to ensure prominent promotion of YouTube.

Google did not respond to requests for comment on the judicial ruling. Rumble’s statement was naturally celebratory: “We welcome the court’s decision, which is a significant step toward ending Google’s unlawful preferences for YouTube and helping to put creators first. We look forward to starting discovery.”

When Rumble first filed the suit, its founder and CEO, Chris Pavlovski, told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the company’s data specialists had determined that, with its search engine algorithmic manipulations, “Google has redirected up to 9.3 billion visitors to YouTube instead of to Rumble.” These anti-competitive practices by Google, he argued, destroy the possibility for innovation and competition: “Imagine being a tech entrepreneur trying to build an online video platform. You absolutely do not have a shot. You do not have a chance. You have pre-installed YouTube apps on phones. You have a rigged search engine. You have no ability to compete in this market.”

Lawsuits like these have the ability to unite people across the political spectrum. Stoller, one of the nation’s leading scholars on the question of Big Tech monopolistic dominance, noted that “the case leverages antitrust action by the government pursued under both Trump and Biden. It’s also notable that this ruling came from an Obama-appointed judge. Clearly concentrations of power worry both sides.”

Regardless of whether one is an avid admirer of the modern iteration of capitalism, there is nothing to cheer when a tiny group of corporate behemoths can corner a market and prevent competition. That is particularly true when — as is obviously the case for Big Tech — the “market” in question is now the primary means by which Americans gather information, politically organize, receive and disseminate news, and question and debate the most consequential political controversies. The political and propagandistic aspects of these anti-competitive practices substantially elevate the public interest in fostering free and fair market competition. To allow a tiny number of tech monopolists to maintain a stranglehold on the digital public square is self-evidently dangerous, especially as they escalate their censorship regime, due to some combination of their own political interests, the demands of the majority political party in Washington, and the incessant grievances of their own work force.

These dangers are not abstract. Perhaps they were most vividly seen in January, 2021, when Parler — designed as a free speech alternative to Facebook and Twitter — became the most-downloaded app in the country, fueled by anger over the pre-election censorship of the New York Post‘s reporting on Joe Biden’s activities in Ukraine and China as well as the banishment of President Trump by a consortium of Big Tech firms. As soon as Parler rose to the top spot, Democratic politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and censorship activists groups such as Sleeping Giants demanded that Google and Apple immediately remove Parler from their app stores, preventing any further downloading. Other Democratic lawmakers then demanded that Amazon Web Services, the dominant hosting company that had enabled Parler’s website, terminate its agreement with Parler.

Within forty-eight hours, all three Silicon Valley monopolies complied with these demands. Parler instantly went from the most popular app in the country — thanks to the free speech principles it upheld — to utterly crippled if not destroyed. It attempted to come back but never really recovered. That was as brute and stark a display of Big Tech’s ability and willingness to destroy any successful competitors as one might imagine. And in the process, they not only abused their anti-competitive dominance to destroy one of their few successful competitors but also, heeding the demands of Democratic Party politicians, abolished one of the few significant venues on the internet where Americans could gather to freely question and dissent from the orthodoxies and pronouncements of their leaders.

The New York Times, Jan, 10, 2021

There are other antitrust actions currently pending against the Big Tech giants from both private companies and, increasingly, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). But this suit from Rumble has enormous potential to open competition in the vital video uploading market and, perhaps even more importantly, shed substantial light on the extremely opaque and guarded algorithmic manipulations Google uses to force down the public’s throat the content it wants them to see while hiding that which it does not want them to see.


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Press TV interviews Peter Koenig, geopolitical activist from Geneva and Don DeBar, activist and commentator from Westchester, New York, to look at whether deployment of US carrier strike group is a sign of military confrontation and why the US is after provoking China while it is involved in other military activities, like in Ukraine.


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As if the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 wasn’t bad enough already – eating bugs, living in pods, medical tyranny, an international surveillance state, etc. etc… the architects of the Great Reset have now unveiled how they plan to deal with the millions of “useless eaters” who will inevitably be needed to sustain the dystopian cities of the future.

Their solution? Cram them all into a giant wall.

Yes… really. Despite the inherent evils of walls – especially those that denote the borders of a country – cities of the future are being designed as linear structures in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the inhabitants.

This week, Saudi Arabia unveiled its plans for a new futuristic city that will house 9 million people within a massive 1,500ft high, 109-mile-long mirrored wall in the middle of the desert. To put that in perspective, the reflective eyesore will be taller than the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower once it is completed.

A promotional video was released on Monday touting the advanced city as “the future” of civilization due to its “revolutionary” design and reduced economic footprint. It will be located in the heart of the Saudi Arabian desert along “key global trade routes,” and developers boast that it will have a year-round temperate climate because of its open ventilation and supposed sustainable renewable energy production.

The video caused immediate backlash online from both sides, with many calling the project ‘hellish’ and ‘dystopian;’ however, some found humor in the hypocritical solution. Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire retweeted the video, calling the idea Nobel-Prize-worthy because – if deployed correctly – it could solve more than just one issue.

From Knowles:

“Saudi Arabia figured out a way to cram all the city-dwelling libs into a giant wall that they never have to leave and convinced them it’s really cool and progressive.

If we can build it on the southern border, Mohammad bin Salman deserves a Nobel Prize.”

If only it were that simple.

Despite the jokes, the video makes clear that this is a serious project. “A revolution in civilization is taking place,” the narrator explains.

The new “linear city,” dubbed ‘Neom’ by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, will be outfitted with the most advanced technology available, including vertical farms, facial recognition, zero-emission transportation, cloud seeding, and other programs that are in development. The city will apparently even feature some chilling dystopian extras like robot cage fights and a fake moon.

And, of course, everything will be run by “advanced AI.”

The Wall Street Journal also uncovered some additional details from leaked internal documents, many of which sound like a total long shot at ever becoming a reality. There are plans to “autonomously harvest and bundle” produce from community farms” and build “a high-speed train [that] will run under the mirrored buildings.” There will also be a stadium “1,000 feet above the ground,” and there are plans to build a marina underneath the city.

Even though the giant structure looks like a continuous wall, ‘The Line’ will eventually be comprised of two huge parallel buildings that are connected to each other.

Unsurprisingly, people will be crammed into small living quarters that are “organized in 3 dimensions” and grouped together in what the project calls “unique communities.” Each one of these sections will house its own shopping center, medical services, food districts, recreation centers, and communal work sites. If individuals ever need to move between sections, residents of the dystopian city will reportedly be able to travel from one end of the wall to the other in 20 minutes using the linear city’s zero-emissions public transportation system.

The project’s developers tout that residents will be able to access everything they need within a five-minute walk from their pods homes. It seems that nobody in ‘Neom’ will own their own car.


While the dystopian project seems farfetched and some are questioning if it will ever come to fruition, there is a good chance that it will be built as MBS views the project to be his “legacy.” The Saudi Crown Prince is so enamored with the linear city that he called it his version of Egypt’s “pyramids,” according to the Wall Street Journal. The only thing that will seemingly stop the project from being completed at this point is a failure in the technology.

Plus, the project likely has the WEF-Klaus Schwab stamp of approval, as MBS is deeply aligned with the globalist organization. Back in January, he spoke at the WEF conference as a special guest and has met with WEF leadership numerous times over the past few years. He has also signaled his support of the WEF’s Vision 2030 – a subsection of Agenda 2030.

In all, MBS has reportedly budgeted a whopping $500 billion for the development of ‘Neom’ already – and, as mentioned above, he is determined to see this through.

Only time will tell if the seemingly over-ambitious project will be completed.

A second promotional video for the linear city was also released on Monday. Watch below:


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All images in this article are from Gateway Pundit

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Recently, Nancy Pelosi‘s possible visit to Taiwan has been making headlines around the world. The US congresswoman is making her tour in the Indo-Pacific region and, although her current official landing schedule does not include Taipei, there are evidence that she still secretly plans to visit the island, despite warnings from China that such an act would be immediately responded. The case has generated one of the biggest security crises of recent times.

The last days of July were marked by fears of a large-scale conflict in the Pacific. Despite repeated Chinese messages disallowing her visit to Taiwan, Nancy Pelosi started a trip to the Indo-Pacific region, landing in Hawaii and staying for hours without providing news about the next destination of her tour.

Beijing made it clear that it would interpret the visit as a territorial invasion and put its military forces on alert. The Chinese Army’s website even published a message saying “Get ready for war!”. Several Chinese politicians, journalists and state officials published statements asserting that Beijing would shoot down any US aircraft if they illegally entered Taiwan’s airspace, especially US escort fighter jets.

A surprise program of large-scale military exercises was announced, with a big contingent of Chinese troops and equipment being deployed in the regions closest to the island, mainly in Fujian province, which is less than 180 kilometers from Taiwan. Naval maneuvers also began in the Strait. And, as expected, Taipei responded immediately by mobilizing troops.

During all this time, Pelosi remained untraceable and uncommunicative. Different versions of Pelosi’s real location circulated on the internet, until sources reported that her plane had turned off the location for security reasons. The US government also remained silent, with the only official statement being a note stating that Washington’s intelligence did not believe in any danger arising from a possible visit by the congresswoman to the island, despite the mobilizations that were taking place.

On the morning of July 31, finally, it was informed that Pelosi had traveled to Guam, Micronesia, where she herself finally published the itinerary of the trip, announcing subsequent landings in Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea, in addition to the Japan, which she had already visited. A few hours later, Pelosi landed in Singapore.

At first, after hours of anxiety over the possible start of a conflict, the news that Taiwan was not on Pelosi’s schedule was seen as a “hope”, but the situation did not really improve. Beijing said it had intelligence data indicating that the congresswoman was still secretly planning to land on the island, with an alleged plan for her to arrive in Taipei on Aug. 4. The case then remained tense, there being still great fears about a possible visit and consequent Chinese military response.

Supporting Taipei, the US, South Korea and Japan have announced a joint plan for military exercises. Switzerland has vowed to reverse its historical neutrality and impose severe sanctions on China in the event of an attack on the island. On the other hand, Iran declared its full support for China and the Moscow’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the Russian position of absolute recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan, which obviously implies the right to decide whether or not a foreign citizen can enter the island. It is important to remember that the US acknowledges One-China principle which states that Taiwan is a part of China.

In fact, the Pelosi case only illustrates a situation that has become typical of American foreign policy: putting global security at risk for nothing. There was no reason for Washington to authorize Pelosi’s Indo-Pacific tour amidst the tensions with China. And even if the tour was somehow “essential” for American interests, the right thing to do would be to make it clear that the congresswoman, who has a personal history of pro-Taiwan activism, would not be visiting Taipei. There was no reason to leave the world in fear of a new war.

However, if the information that Pelosi will try to land in Taipei on August 4th is correct, the situation will be even more serious. If this happens, there is a real possibility that China will respond militarily, even shooting down US aircraft escorting Pelosi’s plane. And, of course, such a response could be seen by Washington as a declaration of war, which would lead the world into a conflict between two nuclear powers.

Indeed, the irresponsible provocations of the US have reached their peak. By sending Pelosi to the Indo-Pacific, the US government has put the world on the brink of WWIII.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter.

Featured image: Pelosi at the LBJ Presidential Library in 2022 (Licensed under the public domain)

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Guest is Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab, a law scholar and university professor.

He talks about the mask mandate as the new school year is fast approaching. Dr. Schwab provides several sample letters to parent and teachers’ associations, as well as ministries and school boards, who oppose this mandate.

All sample letters are available here.


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In October 2019, Jake Sullivan, who became U.S. National Security Advisor in 2021, stated in an interview that the U.S. needed a clear threat to rally the world and play the role of saviour of mankind and that China could be that organizing principle for U.S. foreign policy. In the 2019 interview, he acknowledges that the problem was that people were not going to believe that China is a global threat, that their view of China is too positive and that the United States would need a “Pearl Harbour moment,” a real focusing event to change their minds, something he calmly stated that “would scare the hell out of the American people.”

According to Sullivan, from the same man who called for Libyan and Syrian military interventionism, American exceptionalism needed “rescuing” and “reclaiming,” not of course with actual qualitative actions that would earn one’s position as a model of true democratic governance with American citizens and the world, but rather through ever aggressive PR and media shame-based social conditioning, labeling whoever points out the clear hypocrisy of these statements as “threats to national security.” Actors like Sullivan have shown that they are willing to do anything to achieve that “Pearl Harbour moment,” even if acts of terrorism on their own people are required in order to paint their “enemy” as a monster in the eyes of their citizens.

This is by no means a new strategy. Operation Gladio is a perfect example of how NATO conducted a decades-long secret war against its own European citizens and elected governments under the guise of “communist terrorism.”

In 1962, General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, proposed Operation Northwoods, which was a proposed false-flag operation against American citizens, which called for CIA operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets and subsequently blame the Cuban government in order to justify a war against Cuba. The plan was drafted by General Lemnitzer specifically and has a striking similarity with NATO’s Operation Gladio.

The logic of Northwoods was the stripe of Gladio. The general staff inclined towards prefabricated violence because they believed benefits gained by the state count more than injustice against individuals. The only important criterion is reaching the objective and the objective was right-wing government.

Operation Northwoods memorandum March 13, 1962.

There was not a single item in the Northwoods manual that did not amount to a blatant act of treason, yet the U.S. military establishment dispatched “Top Secret – Justification for U.S. military Intervention in Cuba” straight to the desk of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, for onward transmission to President Kennedy.

Needless to say, President Kennedy rejected the proposal and a few months later General Lemnitzer’s term was not renewed as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, having served from October 1st 1960 to September 30th 1962.

However, NATO lost no time, and in November 1962 Lemnitzer was appointed commander of U.S. European Command and as Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, the latter to which he served from January 1st, 1963 to July 1st, 1969.

Lemnitzer’s was a perfect fit to oversee the cross-continental Gladio operations in Europe. Lemnitzer was a prime motivating force in setting up the Special Forces Group in 1952 at Fort Bragg, where commandos were trained in the arts of guerilla insurgency in the event of a Soviet invasion of Europe. Before long, the men who proudly wore distinctive green berets were cooperating discreetly with the armed forces of a string of European countries and participating in direct military operations, some of them extremely sensitive and of highly dubious legality.

The New American Century

Jake Sullivan’s statement that we need a “Pearl Harbour moment” is nothing new.

In September 2000 a report titled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century” was published by none other than The Project for the New American Century. In the report it is written (pg. 51):

“…the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Interestingly, within this same report, published by The Project for the New American Century, it is written (pg. 60):

“Although it may take several decades for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and ‘combat’ likely will take place in a new dimensions: in space, ‘cyber-space,’ and perhaps the world of microbes…advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

Richard Perle, called the “Prince of Darkness,” by his adversaries and the “Pentagon’s Brains” by his admirers was an acolyte of Albert Wohlstetter, you could say the “brains” behind the RAND Corporation (for more on this refer here). Paul Wolfowitz was another of Wohlstetter’s acolytes. The followers of Wohlstetter were so numerous, whom Perle said Donald Rumsfeld was among (1), that they called themselves “the St. Andrews prep” boys. (2)

Perle stated (3) the 2003 invasion of Iraq was “the first war that’s been fought in a way that would recognize Albert [Wohlstetter]’s vision of future wars. That it was won so quickly and decisively, with so few casualties and so little damage, was in fact an implementation of his strategy and his vision.”

In fact, this call for the need of a “Pearl Harbour moment” originally came from the Wohlstetters themselves.

A New Pearl Harbour Moment

In the mid-1950s, Roberta Wohlstetter, Albert’s wife and RAND peer, produced her seminal analysis of Pearl Harbour, recognised by the Pentagon as a definitive work of twentieth-century American military history. The study began as an internal RAND document based on unclassified documents drawn from the congressional record.

Warner Schilling noted in his perceptive review of Roberta’s work on Pearl Harbour that

“The main concept that Mrs. Wohlstetter brings to bear on these events [is that]…the pictures of the world that government officials build from intelligence…are not so much a matter of the ‘facts’ their sources make available as they are a function of the ‘theories’ about politics already in their minds which guide both their recognition and their interpretation of said ‘facts’.”

The primary practical lesson of Roberta’s Pearl Harbour was that the United States should invest in rapid and aggressive means for responding to surprise attacks (for more on this story refer here).

On January 12, 2003, Los Angeles Times published an article titled “Agenda Unmasked,” where they write:

“In the hours immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, long before anyone was certain who was responsible for them, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld reportedly asked that plans be drawn up for an American assault on Iraq…

At first consideration, Rumsfeld’s early targeting of Iraq seems odd. Too little was known, too much uncertain. But the Defense secretary’s desire to attack Iraq was neither impulsive nor reactive. In fact, ever since the first American war against Iraq in 1991, Rumsfeld and others who planned and executed that war have wanted to go back and finish what they started. They said so in reports written for then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney in the last years of the George H.W. Bush administration, and they continued the push when they were out of power during the Clinton years. In the spring of 1997, their efforts coalesced when Rumsfeld, Cheney and others joined together to form the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, and began concerted lobbying for regime change in Iraq.

In an open letter to President Clinton dated Jan. 26, 1998, the group called for “the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power,” and in a letter dated May 29, 1998, to then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.)… Signatories to one or both letters included Rumsfeld; William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine and chairman of the PNAC; Elliott Abrams, the convicted Iran-Contra conspirator whom President Bush last year named director of Middle Eastern policy for the National Security Council; Paul D. Wolfowitz, now Rumsfeld’s deputy at the Pentagon; John R. Bolton, now undersecretary of state for arms control; Richard N. Perle, now chairman of the Defense Science Board; Richard Armitage, now Colin Powell’s deputy at the State Department; and Zalmay Khalilzad [another Wohlstetter acolyte(4)], former Unocal Corp. consultant and now special envoy to Afghanistan.

… They expected that the radical changes in U.S. military policy they favored would have to come slowly in the absence of, as the PNAC report “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” put it, a “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” On Sept. 11, 2001, they got their Pearl Harbor.”

As the Los Angeles Times article also observes, without 9/11 as their Pearl Harbor, their entire campaign against terror in the Middle East could never have been justified.

In fact, since the disastrous PR campaign of the Vietnam War, most American had become horrified at the prospect of entering any more foreign wars on the clearly false and hypocritical terms of bringers of “peace” and “freedom.”

9/11 changed all that.

Thus, when Jake Sullivan observes that there is not enough anti-China sentiment to bolster an image of the United States as a “saviour of mankind” against China and that America is in need of a “Pearl Harbour moment” I would be very wary.

The circus around Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan in the coming days, and evident glee that is coming forth from many of these neocons frothing at the mouth over this prospect is a clear sign that something incredibly reckless and stupid is about to happen.

Pelosi’s airplane might indeed be shot down on her completely irrelevant and unnecessary trip to Taiwan, and if it is, don’t be surprised if it was the Americans themselves who are behind it, who have shown they are willing to do anything for that “Pearl Harbour moment.”


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Cynthia Chung is a lecturer, writer and co-founder and editor of the Rising Tide Foundation (Montreal, Canada). She can be reached at


(1) Alex Abella (2008), “Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire,” Harcourt Books

(2) Ibid.

(3) Ibid.

(4) Ron Robin (2016), “The Cold War They Made: The Strategic Legacy of Roberta and Albert Wohlstetter,” Harvard University Press.

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A federal district court judge has stopped the Air Force from expelling or otherwise punishing thousands of troops who have applied for a religious waiver to avoid COVID-19 vaccination, under a newly minted class-action lawsuit.

Southern District of Ohio Judge Matthew McFarland’s July 27 decision to certify the case, Doster v. Kendall, as a class-wide complaint temporarily protects at least 100 airmen and guardians who are part of ongoing lawsuits contesting the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate, and more than 9,000 others affected by the policy, according to Siri & Glimstad, a law firm representing the plaintiffs.

The group now includes anyone in the active duty Air Force and Space Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, U.S. Air Force Academy and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps who have asked for a religious exemption to the vaccine since Sept. 1, 2021, showed a sincere religious belief opposing the jab, and whose requests were denied or are not yet settled.

“Members who submitted requests for religious accommodation may cancel or amend previous voluntary retirement or separation requests, or requests to transfer to the Air Force Reserve,” McFarland wrote.

The Air Force and Space Force must also accept unvaccinated people who otherwise qualify to join the military, he added.

This marks the second time a federal court has barred a branch of the military from separating members for failing to comply with the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The Navy became the first to halt that practice in March, when a judge granted class-action status in a case representing Navy SEALs who refused the shots on religious grounds.

Department of the Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek confirmed July 28 that the department, which includes the Air Force and Space Force, will comply with the order.

As of July 11, the Air Force had already kicked out more than 830 airmen and guardians who refused vaccination, according to its most recent data.

The number of exemptions sought has fluctuated over the last several months as some people decided to get the shots or leave the service instead of seeking accommodation. As of July 12, the Air Force had denied about 6,800 initial religious waiver requests and 3,600 appeals, and has not ruled on nearly 3,500 more cases.

In contrast, 135 airmen and guardians have secured religious exemptions so far.

That included 106 in the active duty Air Force, three in the active duty Space Force, 22 in the Air Force Reserve and four in the Air National Guard, according to court documents in Doster v. Kendall. The Air Force does not publish religious accommodation data by component in its twice-monthly updates.

The department has also awarded about 430 waivers for medical reasons, including 286 for active duty airmen and guardians, and 105 administrative exemptions, including 83 among Reservists.

In the Ohio case, 2nd Lt. Hunter Doster of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and more than a dozen other plaintiffs argue the Air Force is forcing them to lose their livelihoods or violate their religious beliefs by receiving vaccines they say are impure or have ties to abortion.

Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA products used cells replicated from a fetus aborted in the 1970s to make sure the vaccines worked in human cells. The fetal cells were not used to produce either vaccine, National Geographic reported last fall.

Johnson & Johnson uses cells replicated from a fetus aborted in 1985 to produce its vaccine, but those cells are filtered out from the final product.

Some service members have opted for Covaxin, a vaccine made in India and endorsed by the World Health Organization, or Adjuvanted, made by Maryland-based Novavax and approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration. Neither product claims to use cell lines or tissue derived from human fetuses, making them potential winners for those who object to abortion.

Everyone who joins the military must receive a slate of several vaccines to enter, including chickenpox, rubella and hepatitis A. Each of those shots also involves cell tissue derived from fetuses, as does one version of the rabies vaccine. Rabies shots are required only for some service members in certain career fields.

The Air Force had a chance to convince the judge not to green-light the class action, but declined to engage with the plaintiff’s arguments in a written rebuttal. So the judge went ahead and broadened the suit.

“Defendants fail to raise any persuasive arguments for why the court should not extend the preliminary injunction issued on March 31, 2022, to cover the class members,” McFarland wrote in the order.

The Air Force can still take an airman or guardian’s vaccination status into account when considering them for upcoming assignments, deployments or other operational decisions.

All but approximately 14,000 airmen and guardians, about 3% of Department of the Air Force troops, are fully vaccinated.

Nearly 91 million COVID-19 cases have been reported in the United States so far, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 1 million people have died from the virus; about two-thirds of the country is fully vaccinated.

“COVID-19 vaccination significantly lowers your risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death if you get infected,” the CDC said. “Compared to people who are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, unvaccinated people are more likely to get COVID-19, much more likely to be hospitalized … and much more likely to die.”


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Rachel Cohen joined Air Force Times as senior reporter in March 2021. Her work has appeared in Air Force Magazine, Inside Defense, Inside Health Policy, the Frederick News-Post (Md.), the Washington Post, and others.

Featured image: Tech. Sgt. Nicole Rodriguez, a medical technician with the 920th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, administers a COVID-19 booster shot Jan. 9 at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. (Staff Sgt. Matthew Matlock/Air Force)

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“mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by the COVID jab

Their struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies

A common thread in these stories is the consistent dismissal by the medical community. Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still have no idea how the symptoms are caused or how to treat them, so they just send the victims home. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which adds insult to injury

The COVID shot is the most dangerous drug in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists, whose voices were censored

All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation’s COVID jab rate


If you or someone you love still does not understand the risks of the COVID jab, watch the video “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” above. I don’t care if you already well understand the risks, I am beyond confident you will benefit from watching what these shots are doing.

Most of us, including me, have no direct contact with people who have been killed or injured by the COVID jabs. These clips help each of us understand just how truly morally reprehensible these jabs are. They have killed hundreds of thousands and disabled millions more. I strongly encourage you to watch this video and share it with everyone you know.

But you must be forewarned. The imagery is emotionally disturbing, so prepare yourself. However, we need to start looking at reality with eyes wide open. The victims of these experimental gene transfer injections deserve to be seen to help us better understand the nefarious bioweapon that has been unleashed on the helpless.

The Great Lie

In early 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris, among many others, publicly urged everyone to get the COVID jab, which she promised was “safe and effective.” We’re called to love our neighbors, “and getting vaccinated is truly an extension of that,” Harris insisted.

At best, she was misinformed. At worst, she lied. The facts are that the COVID shot is the most dangerous drug in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists. Alas, their voices were censored — in some cases, it appears, at the direction of the White House administration itself.

COVID Jab Victims Deserve To Be Acknowledged

The victims’ struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies to support the shift to global tyranny and slavery.

Celebrities, politicians, health agency officials, news anchors, doctors, nurses, academics and countless others pushed, shamed and threatened as many as they could into getting the shot, and everyone now needs to see what the result of that was and how these unsuspecting individuals around the world have suffered.

There are so many stories included in the video, I won’t try to summarize them. I really encourage you to watch the video. A common thread in these stories that is worth noting, however, is the consistent dismissal by the medical community.

Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still are beyond clueless as to just how the symptoms are caused or, even more importantly, how to treat them. So, they just send the victims home, or refer them out to other specialists whose knowledge is just as lacking. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which only adds insult to injury.

The Guilty Must Be Held to Account

In the short video above, Greg Reese, who created “The COVID Genocide” documentary, shares his reasons for making it. “They want to destroy the world,” he says, referring to the globalist cabal that are the planners, if not actual orchestrators, of this medical genocide.

They believe they will get away with it by ignoring the evidence and censoring anyone who claims to have been injured, or anyone who openly grieves the death of a loved one who was killed by the shot. We cannot let that happen. “They’re like a wildfire that needs to be put out,” Reese says. “We need some serious war crime tribunals.”

Global Campaign to Raise Awareness of COVID Jab Injuries

Others are also taking up the fight to ease the COVID jab victims plight. There’s now a global online campaign underway to raise awareness and break the silence around COVID jab injuries.

The founders of the campaign, #CanWeTalkAboutIt, encourage people who have been injured by the jab to share their personal stories everywhere they can. As reported by The Defender,1 “The campaign also seeks to help people injured by the vaccines network and locate resources and information in their own countries and communities.”

To participate, post a black-and-white photo, with your right sleeve rolled up and wearing a Band-Aid to illustrate that you got the jab, on your social media network with the #CanWeTalkAboutIt hashtag, along with a short description of the injuries you experienced. Agnieszka Wilson, one of the campaign founders, told The Defender:2

“If you take a headache pill and you see that there’s a side effect that makes your skin blue, then you obviously might say ‘okay, it might be from that, right?’ But when it comes to vaccines, you can’t really talk about these things.

We all heard and knew that the rollout [of COVID vaccines] was starting and we were going to see a lot of damage done by these vaccines. But people were really scared, and especially [scared of] being associated with … organizations that were stamped as anti-vax organizations.

We all also knew that media was silencing it. These people were denied that these were vaccine injuries [but] we were seeing all of these things happening. So I thought, we need to do something, we need to start making people aware that these are actually dangerous vaccines.

There’s no disease in the world [that you cannot talk about] … you can talk about cancer, you can talk about any kind of disease out there, but not this. They have scientists that are willing to do research on this, scientists from the big institutions, and they’re just being ignored.

There’s something more going on … Why is media being silent? Why are we not talking about this? There’s never been a drug in history that has had so many side effects and no one is talking about it.

I always work globally; I thought now we need to do something globally, we need to do a campaign that’s going to start breaking the silence around this issue because people need to know. We don’t want any more people to take the shot, especially after what I’m seeing in all of these groups.”

Disability and Death Statistics Tell the Tale

In addition to the many thousands of personal stories shared on social media, a variety of statistics also support the experiences shared:

Hospitalizations are up — In January 2022, the Indiana Hospital Association reported Indiana hospitals were seeing a dramatic increase in both deaths and hospitalizations for a wide variety of conditions.3 Not only are the number of hospitalizations in Indiana higher than it was before the COVID shots were rolled out in in 2021, it’s the highest it’s been in five years.4Meanwhile, the daily deaths from COVID-19 are less than half that of 2020.

Disability claims are up — For example, OneAmerica, a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reports an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but they were soon overtaken by claims for long-term disabilities. The company expects the rise in claims will cost them well over $100 million, an unexpected expense that will be passed on to employers buying group life insurance policies.5

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is skyrocketing — A previously rare medical phenomenon called SADS is being blamed for deaths in otherwise healthy adults in what appears to be a clear effort to obscure the reality of COVID jab deaths.6,7

Some of the healthiest in the world are dying without discernible cause — An analysis8 of sudden deaths among competitive athletes between 1980 and 2006 in the U.S. found the annual average was 69. Data9 compiled by the International Olympic Committee put that annual average at 29, across all sports.

Meanwhile, between January 2021 and July 2022 alone — 18 months — at least 1,204 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest or collapse, and 804 have died, typically on the field, worldwide.10Among EU FIFA (football/soccer ball) athletes, sudden death increased by 420% in 2021.11Historically, about five soccer players have died while playing the game each year. Between January and mid-November 2021, 21 FIFA players died from sudden death.

All-cause mortality is spiking — All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking around the world AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation’s COVID jab rate.12,13,14

For example, OneAmerica reported the death rate of working-age Americans (18 to 64), in the third quarter of 2021, was 40% higher than prepandemic levels15 — a rate increase that is completely unheard of. Other sources report similar increases, including:

  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India reported a 41% rise in death claims in 202116
  • The city of Phoenix, Arizona reported a 100% rise in the death rate among city employees in 2021, compared to the 10-year average17
  • Data from the public funeral home company Carriage Services reported a 28% increase in services rendered during September 2021 compared to September 202018,19,20
  • Lincoln National’s death claims rose by 54% in the fourth quarter of 2021, compared to 201921
  • Excess mortality figures in Europe also show younger people are dying faster than the elderly, and children under 14 died more frequently in the second half of 2021, compared to the first22

If You’re Injured, What’s Next?

If you’ve been injured by the COVID jab, first and foremost, never ever take another COVID booster, other mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. The same goes for anyone who has taken one or more COVID jabs and had the good fortune of not experiencing debilitating side effects.

Your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots. As for treatment, there still aren’t many doctors who know what to do, although I suspect we’ll see more doctors specializing in COVID jab injuries in the future.

Doctors who have started tackling the treatment of COVID jab injuries in earnest include Dr. Michelle Perro (, whom I’ve interviewed on this topic. Perro is a pediatrician who over the past couple of years has also started treating adults injured by the jab. Another is Dr. Pierre Kory (

Strategies to Eliminate Spike Protein

Both Perro and Kory agree that eliminating the spike protein your body is now continuously producing is a primary task. Perro’s preferred remedy for this is hydroxychloroquine, while Kory typically uses ivermectin. Both of these drugs bind and thereby facilitate the removal of spike protein.

Kory also believes there may be ways to boost the immune system to allow it to degrade and eventually remove the spike from your cells naturally, over time. One of the strategies he recommends for this is TRE (time restricted eating), which stimulates autophagy, a natural cleaning process that eliminates damaged, misfolded and toxic proteins. Another strategy that can do the same thing would be sauna therapy.

Strategies to Boost Immune Function and Quell Inflammation

Inflammation and lowered immune function must also be addressed in most jab-injured patients. Remedies in Perro’s toolbox include:

As a member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Kory helped develop the FLCCC’s post-vaccine treatment protocol called I-RECOVER. Since the protocol is continuously updated as more data becomes available, your best bet is to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at covid19criticalcare.com23 (hyperlink to the correct page provided above).

Other Helpful Remedies

Other remedies that can be helpful for COVID jab injuries include:

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, especially in cases involving stroke, heart attack, autoimmune diseases and/or neurodegenerative disorders. To learn more, see “Hyperbaric Therapy — A Vastly Underused Treatment Modality.”
  • Pharmaceutical grade methylene blue, which improves mitochondrial respiration and aid in mitochondrial repair. At 15 to 20 milligrams a day, it could potentially go a long way toward resolving some of the fatigue many suffer post-jab. It may also be helpful in acute strokes. The primary contraindication is if you have a G6PD deficiency (a hereditary genetic condition), in which case you should not use methylene blue at all.
  • Near-infrared light, as it triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria24 where you need it most. By mopping up reactive oxygen species, it too helps improve mitochondrial function and repair. Natural sunlight is 54.3% infrared radiation,25 so this treatment is available for free.


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1, 2 The Defender July 22, 2022

3, 4, 5, 15 The Center Square January 1, 2022

6 Euro News Weekly June 8, 2022

7 Daily Mail Australia June 8, 2022

8 Circulation February 16, 2009; 119: 1085-1092

9 European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation December 2006; 13(6): 859-875

10 Good Sciencing Athlete Deaths

11 Americas Frontline Doctors November 18, 2021

12 Rumble Highwire with Del Bigtree April 22, 2022

13 Twitter TexasLindsay April 25, 2022

14 Twitter TexasLindsay April 23, 2022

16 Fortune India December 30, 2021

17 Steve.kirsch.substack January 3, 2022

18, 19 Zero Hedge February 5, 2022

20 Twitter, Ed Dowd February 2, 2022 Account Deleted by Twitter

21 ZeroHedge January 3, 2022

22 Data as of Week 52, 2021


24 Physiology February 5, 2020 DOI: 10.1152/physiol.00034.2019

25 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology February 2016; 155: 78-85

Featured image is from Vaccine Injury News

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Police departments in New Jersey have recently come under fire for using DNA from newborn babies to solve crimes without public knowledge or consent. The DNA is also being obtained without a warrant, a blatant violation of the law.

According to The Verge:

New Jersey police may have used blood samples taken from babies to investigate crimes, according to public defenders in the state.

According to a lawsuit filed by the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender (OPD), the practice came to light after a case in which New Jersey State Police successfully subpoenaed a testing lab for a blood sample drawn from a child. Police then performed DNA analysis on the blood sample that reportedly linked the child’s father to a crime committed more than 25 years ago.

The blood samples are not directly shared with law enforcement agencies. But if police are able to reliably obtain the samples through subpoena, then effectively, the disease screening process is entering all babies born in the state into a DNA database with no ability to opt out.

According to the lawsuit, parents and the public at large are unaware that blood samples taken from their children could be used in this way.

Biometric Update provides further details, stating:

Unless parents claim a religious exemption, all babies in New Jersey are sampled. All states and the District of Columbia store the blood, but practices and policies vary.

There seems to be a shared sense of the unusualness of taking DNA evidence without a warrant from a subject who could not provide informed consent and without a parent’s permission.

New Jersey’s public defender office learned of the practice and tried twice to use the state’s open public records law to get more information about the practice. They were twice denied, according to Law360, and the public defender office sued.

The two agencies are due to appear in court September 8.

The state of Michigan has revealed it will destroy more than 3 million dried blood spots taken from babies and kept in storage as part of a settlement over consent and privacy in the digital age. The state routinely draws blood by pricking the heels of newborns to check for rare diseases, but leftover samples are stored in cities like Lansing and Detroit and can potentially be used by scientists, for a fee, without parental consent. The practice has also occurred in other states such as California, New York, and Minnesota where the blood samples can be kept for decades.

No to be outdone, private corporations are also involved in gathering large amounts of DNA and other health data. In 2019 Google partnered with Ascension, the second largest health care system in the country to develop an artificial intelligence-powered health service by collecting American’s medical data. The project was dubbed Project Nightingale and it gave Google access to over 50 million patient medical records. Google is using the records to create a system that can identify and predict health concerns before a patient has even visited a doctor.

More recently at an Aspen Institute Security Forum, Jason Crow, a U.S. representative from Colorado and member of the House Intelligence and Armed Services Committees warned that DNA provided to companies such as 23andMe and Ancestry could be used to create bioweapons targeting specific individuals. The DNA obtained by these companies is innocently shared by customers expecting to receive reports that detail conditions of their health and/or genetic lineage, but could be used without their knowledge or consent for nefarious purposes.

Crow further stated that:

People will very rapidly spit into a cup and send it to 23andMe and get really interesting data about their background… And guess what? Their DNA is now owned by a private company. It can be sold off with very little intellectual property protection or privacy protection and we don’t have legal and regulatory regimes to deal with that.

It’s important to note that Ancestry was sold to Blackstone Group, a private equity investment firm and the world’s largest landlord for $4.7 billion in December 2020. The acquisition raised concerns that Blackstone could use the Ancestry DNA database to discriminate against potential tenants based on race, religion, and other categories, though company representatives have denied the accusations.

Surveillance capitalism has thrived as people voluntarily hand over their most intimate details to unscrupulous companies looking to make a profit. Sadly, it’s unknown how many people have been duped into forking over their DNA to Ancestry and other companies believing it would never not be shared, sold, or stolen. Connecting people to their past and helping them understand their genetic makeup through DNA are noble services that could turn into a nightmare if that information is placed in the wrong hands.

With the advent of “precision medicine” and the on demand drug manufacturing industry, representative Crow’s warning about DNA takes on even stronger meaning. When major corporations like Blackstone and Google have access to DNA and personal health records it further cements the idea that a biomedical security state is being built right before our eyes.

We are experiencing a real-life Jurassic Park scenario where instead of dinosaur DNA being traded and replicated it is human DNA that is being bought and sold to the highest bidder.

Data and DNA harvesting is turning humans into exploitable and controllable assets. What’s even worse is that this is now occurring in many states from birth. With much of our DNA being stored in giant databases owned by multinational American and Chinese corporations, governments, militaries, and intelligence agencies have access to a pool of information that could target individual citizens for a plethora of reasons under the guise of improving public health.

The powers behind the budding biomedical security state want to know everything about us while hiding everything from us. Blowing the lid off of this high stakes agenda has never been more important.

To protect against the threats raised by representative Crow and many others sounding the alarm, citizens should check consumer DNA services including Ancestry, 23andMe, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and GEDmatch for a policy that allows for the removal and destruction of DNA data, though the damage may have already been done. It may also be wise to obtain legal representation in the event of an illegal seizure of DNA data by police without consent.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, Truth Unmuted.

Jesse Smith is an independent journalist who operates the Truth Unmuted website. Truth Unmuted is dedicated to exposing the lies, motives, and methods of the global cabal trying to force humanity into a new world order. The website covers issues such as technocracy, globalism, transhumanism, politics, health, and other relevant topics that tie into global agendas.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Truth Unmuted

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Every leader and top official now in power in the so-called Western World seems to have forgotten that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 as an alliance that was ostensibly defensive in nature, intended to counter the expansion of Soviet style communism in Europe. That role continued to be the raison d’etre of the organization until communist governments themselves collapsed in both Russia and in the Eastern European states that collectively made up the Warsaw Pact during the 1990s. After that point, NATO no longer had any reason to exist at all as the alleged military threat posed by the Kremlin and its allies vanished virtually overnight.

But clever politicians were quick to put the alliance on life support instead of simply dismantling it. Lacking the threat posed by the Warsaw Pact, NATO was forced to come up with other reasons to maintain military forces at levels that could quickly be enhanced and placed on a wartime footing. Washington and London took the lead in this, citing the now shopworn defense of a “rules based international order” as well as of “democracy” and “freedom.” And fortunately for the national defense industries and the generals, it soon proved possible to find new enemies that provided justification for additional military spending. The first major engagement outside the obligations defined by the original treaty took place in Europe to be sure, but it was in the Balkans where of NATO during the 1995 Operation Deliberate Force. The war ended after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Paris on December 14th 1995. Peace negotiations were finalized a week later but fighting resumed between Kosovo and Serbia in the following year, which led to another NATO intervention that eventually ended with the restoration of Kosovo’s autonomy and the deployment of NATO forces, which bombed the Serbs to compel their compliance with a draft cease fire agreement.

NATO also played a role improbably enough in the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, which was justified by claiming that an Afghanistan free to set its own course would become a hotbed of terrorism which would inevitably impact on the United States and Europe. It was a paper-thin argument, but it was the best they could come up with at the time and it also eventually involved soldiers from additional friendly countries like Australia. As we have subsequently seen, however, it was all an argument without merit as Afghanistan became a money pit and a graveyard for thousands of locals and foreign soldiers. It is now again in the hands of the Taliban after a bungled withdrawal of US forces and the collapse of the puppet government in Kabul that Washington had installed.

Turn the clock forward to the present. As everyone but President Joe Biden has recognized, the United States and NATO are currently engaged in a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, which many observers already believe has some of the attributes of World War III. As Russia neither threatened nor attacked any NATO member state, the argument that the response in arming and training Ukraine was defensive was rendered irrelevant. Nor can it be credibly be claimed that Russia is a haven for terrorists, quite the contrary. Nevertheless, Biden has stated that the US will be in the fight on behalf of Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” Does he mean years, and all done without a declaration of war by Congress as required by the US Constitution?

And more appears to be coming. Joe Biden, during last week’s trip to Israel, made clear that the United States is “prepared to use all elements of its national power” to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and has signed a pledge with the Israeli government to commit itself to do so. If Biden presses the argument that Iran is an international threat due to its impending development of nuclear weapons, will he appeal to NATO to support a joint military option to disarm it? I believe he just might do that. And he might just want to consider how the entire set-up and framing of the issue by Israel is somewhat of a trap. Israel considers Iran’s current nuclear program to be intended to create a weapon, which “they continue to develop,” and there are plenty in the US Congress who would agree with that.

So, if Iran is clearly creating a thermonuclear device, the time to strike is now, isn’t it? And bear in mind how the US/Israeli campaign to condemn is multifaceted. Shortly before the meetings held by Biden and his crew with the Israelis, US government sources set the stage for what was to come by going on the offensive regarding reports that Iran may be selling highly capable offensive drones to Russia for use in Ukraine as well as subsequent claims coming out of Washington that the Iranians are seeking to assassinate senior US officials in revenge for the killing of Revolutionary Guards General Qassem Soleimani in January 2020. One wonders why they waited so long and why the White House has chosen to publicize these stories at this point.

And the US and NATO are also getting involved with China’s geopolitical policies, on a path that Beijing is warning is extremely hypocritical and which might lead to armed conflict. The signs that the Chinese might be targeted by NATO, possibly over the Taiwan independence issue, came following a stark warning by US Secretary of State Tony Blinken delivered at the NATO summit in Madrid at the end of June. Blinken accused China of “seeking to undermine the rules-based international order,” the same type of critique recently leveled against Russia and Iran. Blinken’s comment was elaborated on by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who observed how “China is substantially building up its military forces, including nuclear weapons, bullying its neighbors, threatening Taiwan … monitoring and controlling its own citizens through advanced technology, and spreading Russian lies and disinformation.”

Stoltenberg’s indictment of China was followed by a NATO issued “strategic concept” document last that declared for the first time that China poses a “systemic challenge” to the alliance, alongside a primary “threat” coming from Russia. The document copied Blinken’s language, citing “The deepening strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests.”

Finally, the US and British governments collaborated to condemn China as the “biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security.” The declaration came in a July 6th joint news conference in London, where Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, and Ken McCallum, director general of Britain’s MI5, accused China, like Russia, of interfering in US and UK elections. Wray also warned the business leaders in the audience that the Chinese government has been “set on stealing your technology, whatever it is that makes your industry tick, and using it to undercut your business and dominate your market.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian initially responded a few days after the NATO summit, observing that the “so-called rules-based international order is actually a family rule made by a handful of countries to serve the US self-interest,” adding that “[Washington]observes international rules only as it sees fit.” Addressing the issue of the role of NATO specifically, Zhao accused Blinken of using NATO to “hype up competition with China and stoke group confrontation.” He added that “The history of NATO is one about creating conflicts and waging wars…arbitrarily launching wars and killing innocent civilians, even to this day. Facts have proven that it isn’t China that poses a systemic challenge to NATO, and instead it is NATO that brings a looming systemic challenge to world peace and security. Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, [NATO] has not yet abandoned its thinking and practice of creating ‘enemies’ … It is NATO that is creating problems around the world.”

China has a point. What NATO is threatening is war, as it is a military alliance. The Chinese appear to understand that NATO is the world’s largest military bureaucracy which has developed since 1991 an overriding institutional commitment to ensuring its permanent existence, if not expansion, even after it has clearly outlived its own usefulness. So Beijing might justifiably wonder, how does China – on the other side of the globe – fit into NATO’s historic “defensive” mission? How are Chinese troops or missiles now threatening Europe or the US in ways they weren’t before? How are the Americans and Europeans suddenly under military threat coming from China?

The Chinese appear to understand that if there is no threat to “defend” against, then a threat must be manufactured, and that is precisely what we are seeing vis-à-vis Russia, China, Iran and even Venezuela.

Washington has become addicted to war and NATO is the chosen tool to give those wars the patina of legitimacy. To launch those conflicts requires either inventing an imaginary threat, or, as in the case of Russia, provoking the very threat the “defensive” bureaucracy was designed to deter or thwart. All indications are that NATO – now embracing 30 countries – is doing both and the results could easily be disastrous for all parties involved. Former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard particularly abhors the cynical recklessness of the Biden Administration driving the process, explaining how “The reality is, President Biden, members of Congress, leaders in our country, the wealthy, they will have a safe place to be in the event of a nuclear war that they are behind causing while the rest of us in America and Russia, people around the world, will be decimated from this event.”

Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges has also defined the unthinkable that is at stake, and it is past time for Americans and Europeans to take note and stop the madness. Hedges opines that “The massive expansion of NATO, not only in Eastern and Central Europe but the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia, presages endless war and a potential nuclear holocaust.” One might also note that New Yorkers are now being informed about what to do if there is a nuclear attack. Yes, that is precisely the problem – we have an administration in Washington that should be protecting the people living in this country, not setting up scenarios that might lead to their slaughter. Will someone please point that out to Joe Biden?


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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With the war in Ukraine waging since February 24 and no immediate end in sight, Western commentators and experts have begun urging the US and its allies to start talks with Russia over the situation in Ukraine before its “too late.”

Samuel Charap, senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, and Jeremy Shapiro, research director at the European Council on Foreign Relations, urged in an opinion piece published in the New York Times for the West to continue providing material support for the Ukrainian military, but in close consultation with Kiev to “begin opening channels of communication with Russia” as “an eventual cease-fire should be the goal, even as the path to it remains uncertain.”

With the US having pledged about $24 billion in military aid to Ukraine, more than four times Ukraine’s 2021 defence budget, in addition to other countries pledging another $12 billion, the authors claim that although the West are committed to helping Ukraine, they do not want to escalate the conflict into a major power war.

“For as long as both Russia and the West are determined to prevail over the other in Ukraine and prepared to devote their deep reserves of weapons to achieve that goal, further escalation seems almost preordained,” the experts wrote.

They stress that discussions are absolutely necessary, despite being politically risky, as the war in Ukraine has the potential to bring Russia and NATO into direct conflict. An argument can be made that Russia and NATO are already in direct conflict as the Atlantic bloc already provides weapons and training to the Ukrainian military and encourages former soldiers and volunteers to fight against Russian forces. This is in addition to espionage and surveillance assistance, diplomatic and political support, and medical aid.

According to the authors, Russia has red lines, which although are not exactly known in their entirety, they can be assumed. The experts give the example that if the Ukrainians are given particular systems or capabilities that could directly target Russian territory, it is likely that Moscow will consider that as a red line being crossed. It is for this reason that when US President Joe Biden recently announced that Ukraine would be supplied with multiple-launch rocket systems, the longest-range munitions that could strike Russia were withheld.

“The premise of the decision was that Moscow will escalate — i.e. launch an attack against NATO — only if certain types of weapons are provided or if they are used to target Russian territory,” they claimed. “The goal is to be careful to stop short of that line while giving the Ukrainians what they need to ‘defend their territory from Russian advances,’ as Mr. Biden said in a statement in June.”

To the experts, this creates a conundrum as for now the West is unwilling to send their military forces directly to Ukraine, but a Russian victory is unacceptable. At the same time, if Ukraine somehow succeeded in halting Russia’s advance thanks to the help of Western weapons, that would constitute an unacceptable defeat for Moscow, which could compel the Russian military to “double down” in its operation.

Charap and Shapiro stress that

“The determination of both the West and Russia to do whatever it takes to prevail in Ukraine is the main driver of escalation” and that only through talks can a de-escalation begin. As they say, “The best way to prevent that dynamic from getting out of control is to start talking before it’s too late.”

Although the pair are undoubtedly correct in their analysis that talks are the best way to resolve the conflict, what they do omit is the complete unwillingness from the Ukrainian side since 2014 to discuss issues, as well as the encouragement Kiev receives from Washington and London to not engage in negotiations with Moscow. The very crisis in Ukraine today is because of Kiev’s refusal to negotiate and discuss, whilst committing towards a path of ultra-nationalism, militarisation and even nuclearization.

The two analysts in this way do not necessarily say anything profound as discussions were always the way to resolve the issues between Moscow and Kiev, even before the events of 2014. The problem is that they do not highlight that Kiev, with encouragement from Washington, is completely unwilling to engage in discussions despite Moscow’s willingness.

There may be some gaps in their analysis, but more importantly, having experts from RAND and the European Council on Foreign Relations urging in the New York Times for discussions to begin to end the war in Ukraine is a major narrative shift from the encouragement for prolonged fighting usually found in influential Western think tanks and media outlets, including by these three aforementioned institutions.

With the special military operation continuing for half a year and with no end in sight, Western analysts grossly underestimated Russia’s determination, overestimated Ukraine’s capabilities and miscalculated the effectiveness of sanctions. Now there is a growing acceptance in the academic and media sphere that Russia is in full control of the situation in Ukraine and it alone decides when its military operation will conclude. Because of this reality, it may be in the best interest of the West to open serious negotiations as it could be the only way to have any influence over the outcome of the conflict. The political classes of the West are yet to accept this reality though.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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The Affordable Care Act, No Child Left Behind, and the USA PATRIOT Act received new competition for the title of Most Inappropriately Named Bill when Senate Democrats unveiled the Inflation Reduction Act. This bill will not only increase inflation, it will also increase government spending and taxes.

Inflation is the act of money creation by the Federal Reserve. High prices are one adverse effect of inflation, along with bubbles and the bursting of bubbles. One reason the Federal Reserve increases the money supply is to keep interest rates low, thus enabling the federal government to run large deficits without incurring unmanageable interest payments.

The so-called Inflation Reduction Act increases government spending. For example, the bill authorizes spending hundreds of billions of dollars on energy and fighting climate change. Much of this is subsidies for renewable energy — in other words green corporate welfare. Government programs subsidizing certain industries take resources out of the hands of investors and entrepreneurs, who allocate resources in accordance with the wants and needs of consumers, and give the resources to the government, where resources are allocated according to the agendas of politicians and bureaucrats. When government takes resources out of the market, it also disrupts the price system through which entrepreneurs, investors, workers, and consumers discover the true value of goods and services. Thus, “green energy” programs will lead to increased cronyism and waste.

The bill also extends the “temporary” increase in Obamacare subsidies passed as part of covid relief. This will further increase health care prices. Increasing prices is a strange way to eliminate price inflation. The only way to decrease health care costs without diminishing health care quality is by putting patients back in charge of the health care dollar.

The bill’s authors claim the legislation fights inflation by reducing the deficit via tax increases on the rich and a new 15 percent minimum corporate tax. Tax increases won’t reduce the deficit if, as is going to be the case, Congress continues increasing spending. Increasing taxes on “the rich” and corporations also reduces investments, slowing the economy and thus increasing demand for government programs. This leads to increasing government spending and debt. While there is never a good time to raise taxes, the absolute worst time for tax increases is when, as is the case today, the economy is both suffering from price inflation and, despite the gaslighting coming from the Biden administration and its apologists, is in a recession.

The bill also spends 80 billion dollars on the IRS. Supposedly this will help collect more revenue from “rich tax cheats.” While supporters of increasing the IRS’s ability to harass taxpayers claim their target is the rich, these new powers will actually be used against middle-class taxpayers and small businesses that cannot afford legions of tax accountants and attorneys and thus are likely to simply pay the agency whatever it demands.

Increasing spending and taxes will increase the pressure on the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low, thus increasing inflation. If Congress was serious about ending inflation, it would cut spending — starting with overseas militarism and corporate welfare. A Congress that took inflation seriously would also take the first step toward restoring a free-market monetary system by passing Audit the Fed and legalizing competition in currency.


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Russia is “a big, main and highly influential player in the world energy map,” according to the new secretary-general of OPEC, Kuwaiti former oil executive, and OPEC governor Haitham al-Ghais.

Speaking to Kuwait newspaper Alrai in an interview quoted by Reuters, Al-Ghais also said that OPEC was not competing with Russia on the oil market and that Russia was vital for the success of the OPEC+ agreement.

The Kuwaiti official will attend his first OPEC+ meeting as OPEC secretary-general this week. According to early reports, the group will likely discuss keeping oil production unchanged in September from August, although some sources told Reuters it might also talk about a modest increase.

According to Al-Ghais, the oil market is currently “very volatile and turbulent.” The OPEC official also noted in his interview that “OPEC doesn’t control oil prices, but it practices what is called tuning the markets in terms of supply and demand.”

Al-Ghais also echoed the opinions of fellow OPEC members, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, that the oil price rise was not only the result of the Ukraine war but the consequences of processes that began much earlier.

“All the data confirm that prices began to rise gradually and cumulatively, and before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian developments, due to the prevailing perception in the markets that there is a shortage of spare production capacity, which has become confined to a few and limited countries,” OPEC’s new secretary-general told Alrai.

He added that prices could rise further because of insufficient investment in new production. Just how high oil could go, however, Al-Ghais declined to predict.

The Kuwaiti oil official assumed the office of OPEC secretary-general today and will serve for a term of three years. He can be reelected but only once. He replaces Nigeria’s Mohamed Barkindo, who passed away earlier this year.


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I want to draw your attention to an extraordinary but little-known book titled Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain. It was published in 1990 and it’s out of print but there are still a few used copies available on Amazon and eBay. It was written by Harris L. Coulter (1932 – 2009) a visionary medical historian (with a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Columbia University) who also co-authored A Shot in the Dark with Barbara Loe Fisher in 1986.

Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality is as close as our movement gets to a Unified Field Theory. Coulter argues that everything from the social upheaval of the 1960s to the sharp rise in autism, cranial nerve palsies, depression, suicide, eating disorders, learning disabilities, seizures, allergies, family dissolution, demyelinating disorders, sexual violence, and other forms of psychopathy & sociopathy — all stem, at least in part, from pervasive subclinical encephalitis (and post-encephalitic syndrome) as a result of vaccines. Coulter provides extensive references from the scientific and medical literature at the end of each chapter to document his claims (this was before science and medicine started censoring all discussion of vaccines).

I disagree with Coulter’s claim that vaccines led to the civil unrest in the 1960s. The U.S. war in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia combined with the draft and the introduction of high dose progesterone birth control pills are much better explanatory factors. The fact that the CIA/FBI/deep state systematically assassinated the most important political leaders of that era added to the chaos.

But there is growing evidence that the rest of Coulter’s theory is on target. Of course I would add many other disorders — ADHD, Alzheimers, childhood cancers, diabetes, Gulf War Syndrome, ME/CFS, etc. that have since been linked with vaccines. I would point out that emissions from coal fired power plants, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, nuclear weapons tests, fire retardants, EMF, and other pharmaceuticals (notably Tylenol and SSRIs) also likely play a role. And human actions are not driven solely by toxicants, there is still human agency and social factors always play a role as well. But the story of our era is a mass poisoning event wrought by vaccines (and other seeming technological miracles that have tremendous, rarely acknowledged, downsides).

What’s remarkable is that Coulter came to this conclusion so early — 1990 was just the fourth year of the genocide (if one starts counting from the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) or the 25th year of the genocide (if one starts counting from the 1965 Immunization Assistance Act). The book was written before the widespread deployment of the internet enabled people to quickly share information.

The book is also an interesting time capsule. In the book, Coulter is still contending with psychoanalytic theories (that have since become passé), he still believes that appeals to science will somehow convince the gatekeepers to do the right thing (we now know that they are psychopaths), and he has no idea how much worse things were about to become (he’s describing a small minority of the population with these disorders and now they are everywhere).

I think Coulter does a brilliant job of mapping the various pathologies associated with vaccine-induced pervasive subclinical encephalitis. But what fascinates me — and what I want to write about today — are the ways in which this mass poisoning event reshapes what is normal and what is desirable in a society. If 95% of the population is poisoned (they are), including nearly all of the elites (they are), then EVERYTHING in society will be warped by these toxicants — including hopes, dreams, norms, and ideals.

Let’s work through some examples:

I think a strong case case be made that post-modernism (‘there are no universals’) — is the result of vaccine injury. Everything from Foucault now needs to be interpreted in light of this possibility. It is strange to suggest that one could not possibly come to understand another person’s perspective — and that all we can do is celebrate difference. But if the dendrites in the brain necessary to process empathy are damaged by mercury poisoning (from vaccines and other sources) — it would make sense that lots of people might conclude that Foucault and post-modernism have it exactly right.

State Senator Richard Pan in California is clearly a criminal psychopath. Devoid of normal human feelings, he grins like a Cheshire Cat for hours as THOUSANDS of parents testify every year about the vaccine injury suffered by their children. And this criminal psychopath is ADORED by his Democratic colleagues who see him as an ideal pediatrician politician. But of course many of the other members of his party in the state legislature are similarly afflicted. Like is attracted to like.

Facebook was invented by severely vaccine-injured Harvard University student, Mark Zuckerberg, to publicly humiliate a female student who rejected his advances. This is not a normal way to respond to disappointment. Facebook is now used by 2.9 billion people worldwide. When Facebook first launched, remember how weird we all thought it was that people were expected to just blurt out what they were doing in their status update? That is not how normal people communicate. Heretofore, communication was based on dialogue. Now publicly announcing, into a digital void, what we are doing throughout the day is seen as normal (because of course it is to a planet full of people dealing with pervasive subclinical encephalitis).

Bill Gates appears badly vaccine-injured. He’s spent millions of dollars on coaching to cover it up but his pathologies have a way of slipping out in nearly every interview. Melinda too. (It’s interesting that they appear to have spent no money on detox nor healing.)

Bill Gates’ obsessive focus on monopolies and control; the fact that everything he touches becomes so much worse (he invests in farms and fertilizer, then there are food shortages; he invests in Common Core and our educational system collapses; he invests in public health and suddenly there is a pandemic); and his fondness for known pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — these are not the actions of a healthy person. But Bill and Melinda Gates are seen as exemplary citizens (the best of the best) by people like Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta who are similarly afflicted.

Giving the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to the inventors of CRISPR — during the middle of a global pandemic caused by CRISPR — is not normal. But it feels normal and desirable to the members of the Nobel Prize committee because they too are damaged by chronic brain inflammation and other vaccine-induced harms. CRISPR was exciting, the pandemic was exciting, the Nobel Prize committee was excited, they apparently did not care how many people died.

Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum is a textbook psychopath — he dresses like a psychopath, talks like a psychopath, and thinks like a psychopath (“you will own nothing and be happy”). He doesn’t hide it, he writes books telling everyone exactly how he plans to enslave them. But he is celebrated by business and political leaders throughout the world because they are damaged just like him.

Zuckerberg, Gates, and Schwab are such obvious examples, but the harms go well beyond them to impact all facets of modern society.

Elite universities are unable to conduct proper risk benefit analysis in connection with Covid-19 vaccines. They gleefully turn the students in their care over to the pharmaceutical industry and seem unconcerned when these students later develop myocarditis and drop dead. This is a strange way for universities to conduct themselves.

Pediatrics has seen a 277-fold increase in autism over the course of the last fifty years and nearly the entire profession is unable to see it or acknowledge it. Yes, that’s a story of cultural and financial capture, shame, and self-deception. But the entire profession is also affected (to varying degrees) by the same harms that they inflict.

All public health institutions in the U.S. — CDC, FDA, NIH — have failed in response to a relatively straightforward problem over the last two years. When I watch Peter Marks, Amanda Cohn, or Paul Offit speak, I believe that I am staring at psychopaths who have been elevated to the highest echelons of their profession by other like-minded individuals.

Our taste in art and music is likely affected as well. The fact that Limp Bizkit ever got played on the radio is a sign of a society in catastrophic decline.

The corruption, chaos, coarsening, and unravelling of our society since 1965 may all stem, at least in part, from the fact that our brains and bodies are so inflamed. And the fact that all of this dysfunction is celebrated, normalized, and sought after is a sign of a society in the grips of a mass poisoning event.

I’m sure you can think of 100 more examples (and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments).

The reason it feels like we are living in an insane asylum is because we are. Upwards of 95% of the population may be dealing with pervasive subclinical encephalitis and post-encephalitic syndromes. So logic, reason, empathy, desire, connection, and all other human attributes are affected by the way that this interferes with brain and bodily functions.

One of my takeaways from all of this is that it has been a waste of time to try to convert the gatekeepers. Pan, Zuckerberg, Gates, Schwab etc. will never come to their senses because they are not physically capable of it — quite literally their brains and body are too damaged right now. If they are involved in any way, they will only makes things worse. That doesn’t excuse their actions, it just suggests that we should put our energies into replacing them rather than convincing them.

Also, if we are going to survive as a species we need to block the introduction of new toxicants into our bodies and detox, if we can, the toxic junk that is currently inside us.

The movement for medical freedom has become the monks and nuns who are fighting to save civilization. While the vaccine-injured Neros set fire to the world we are trying to preserve a sense of what normal human functioning looked like before everyone got poisoned. But what I’m realizing is that the scale of what we are up against is so much larger than we are usually willing to admit. My concern is that vaccine injury has become so pervasive in our society that now it just seems like culture (which is exactly how Pharma wants us to experience it). Healing is possible but that can only begin if we acknowledge what is happening.

The humbling thing about this is that we are nearly all affected — even those of us who are fighting to stop this toxic tyranny. So it’s a useful reminder to hold our own thoughts lightly and practice grace with ourselves and others.


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Some of you, after thirty months of nuclear-grade media propaganda, are inclined to doubt everything that appears in the press. While journalists certainly circulate their share of falsehoods, lies are not their preferred strategy and almost always originate outside major press organs, with the self-serving statements of regime officials. The problem with lying, is that it’s expensive and requires more coordination than widely distributed media operations command. Their preferred approach is rather one of emphasis. Regime-friendly reporters will scour the earth for every last story supporting government policies, and amplify these meagre items to the point of absurdity; at the same time, they’ll do everything possible to ignore or downplay information injurious to their preferred narratives, however significant it might be.

Now, it is generally all too apparent what the media have chosen to amplify. These are all the stories that you’re absolutely sick to death of and that never seem to go away. It’s a lot harder to work out all the things the press is currently burying, because absences are by their nature subtle things. Nevertheless, it is whatever the press is not saying, that is the most important of all.

It’s in this spirit that I draw your attention to how completely the earliest days of the pandemic have been memory-holed. Particularly the crucial months from January to March 2020 are almost never discussed, although this was the period of greatest dynamism and invention, when the vaccines were developed, mass testing inaugurated, longstanding pessimism about the efficacy of masking overturned, and novel, continent-wide house-arrests imposed upon hundreds of millions.

You can glean some hint of the reasons for this nearly universal decision to ignore recent history from papers like this one, on The early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Lombardy, Italy. Its authors delve into contact tracing data to find a total of 527 infections with symptom-onset dates preceding the celebrated 20 February 2020 diagnosis of Patient 1, Mattia Maestri, in Codogno. Maestri’s positive test was held to be the beginning of the Italian outbreak, and back then, there was much speculation in the press about the identity of the mysterious Patient 0 from whom he had contracted SARS-2. And yet, as German and Italian public health officials traded accusations about where the first infections had really originated, contact tracers in Italy knew for a fact that Maestri was very far indeed from the origins of the European pandemic – closer to Patient 100,000 than to Patient 1.

While there was still relatively little testing in those early days, the authors of our paper find evidence that, as of 20 February, “SARS-CoV-2 was already circulating in at least 222 out of 1506 municipalities” in Lombardy, “with sustained transmission across all the Lombardy provinces.”

Still worse for Team Lockdown, the early pandemic, insofar as it admits of reconstruction, shows “A decreasing trend in the net reproduction number … following the detection of the first case” in February.

From eugyppius

The authors of the paper include public health officials and scientists from Lombardy, and they try to put a happy face on this awkward revelation, writing that “early interventions” should receive credit for the “more marked” decline in the effective reproduction number in Lodi (LO), Bergamo (BG) and Cremona (CR) from later February, and that specifically “the set-up of a quarantine area around the initial epicenter of the outbreak in the province of Lodi played a crucial role in controlling the infection locally.” Yet, as even their supplementary table shows, there were no quarantines anywhere in Lodi until 24 February, maybe five days after the estimated R(t) peak there. The tepid early measures in Bergamo and Cremona, meanwhile, weren’t imposed until 2 March, long after the observed growth in infections had entered its terminal decline in both regions.

Another point emerges from this data, too. Look at that chart of provincial R(t). Yes, R(t) is declining in the big hot-spots, but where is it still increasing after the end of February? In Como (CO), Lecco (LC), Mantova (MN), Sondrio (SO) and Varese (VA).

Now consider this heat map of infection incidence as of 9 March:

From eugyppius

The earliest reported infection, discovered in a preserved nasopharyngeal sample of a 4 year-old boy, happened before 21 November 2019 – in Milan (MI). By November at the latest, we can be confident that the virus was circulating in Milan. By the time of this map, though, the hot spots all appear to be in a roughly equidistant ring around Milan. By the end of February, the only places the virus is still accelerating, is in the still further outlying regions – places like Como, Mantova and Sondrio. It looks for all the world like the virus had burned through Milan without anybody noticing at all, and when the Tomas Pueyos of the world descended upon us with their mass testing and their lockdowns, they were a few months too late. The hotspots they found were secondary infection sites at best.

By the time pandemicists started rooting through their bag of tricks, the virus had been circulating for months with nobody noticing. This is one of the most crucial and eagerly ignored facts of the whole pandemic. Those early patients were hospitalised at very high rates and – in accordance with Chinese advice – subjected to aggressive mechanical ventilation, which killed a great many of them. Maestri, Patient 1, was a 38 year-old recreational marathoner, and he probably would’ve had far less trouble with SARS-2, had he not made the grave mistake of testing positive. Alas, he almost died after spending weeks on a ventilator.

These are at least some of the reasons why our media and our public health officials are desperate to forget those early days. In March 2020, real infections were already in decline. The apparent surge in infection numbers was an illusion caused by the introduction of mass testing programs. Mass containment made everything worse.


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Featured image: A woman wearing a face mask is seen in the subway in Milan, Italy, March 2, 2020.(Photo by Daniele Mascolo/Xinhua)

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Biden Administration had an option to stop the Ukraine War from taking place in the first place by not inviting Ukraine to join NATO and making Ukraine a neutral country. But it chose the war. Why? Why suddenly so much concern for the people of Ukraine?

Is it because it is a country populated by white people? In 1994, President Clinton did nothing while genocide of Tutsi ethnic Rwandans was going on in Rwanda resulting in the deaths of some 500,000 to 662,000. Was that utter neglect because these were black people?

Or is it because there is a considerable number of Ukrainians living in the United States who would vote for Biden’s reelection in 2024? Or is it because usually a war president gets reelected? Or was it that Biden wanted to look “macho”, a president who cowed down Russia, our long-created perennial enemy? Or are Biden administration, and the Pentagon pursuing the policy suggested by recent Rand Corporation thesis to break up Russia by weakening it by this brutal war? Or are he and the democrats paying back the ‘defense’ contractors—for their donations to the Democrats during elections– with billions of dollars in profit by this war?

Many times, our politicians get their clue from the many think tanks such as The Rand Corporation, existing in the country.

The Rand Corporation’s April 2019 article on Russia recommends that we should overextend and weaken Russia by directly addressing its vulnerabilities, anxieties, and strengths, exploiting areas of its weakness while undermining Russia’s current advantages. Further it states that “Russia’s greatest vulnerability, in any competition with the United States is its economy.” It seems, that is what United States has embarked upon to do by provoking Russia to invade Ukraine. United States’ purpose in this regard being to weaken Russia militarily by this proxy war but also to weaken Russia economically by brutal sanctions ever imposed on a country to such a degree ever, which this war has provided the United States the excuse for doing just that.

It could be a combination of some or all these factors while thousands of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians are being killed with this unfortunate war that could have been avoided as many foreign policy experts opine.

Our government has doled out more than $54 billion in arms and other categories to Ukraine during this Ukraine War. Much more to come as the war drags on.

These billions in donation to Ukraine, a country that is 9,181 kilometers away from the United States and has no strategic value to the United States.

These billions are not coming from our president’s or other politicians’ pockets, they are taxpayers’ money which will ultimately be paid by us, taxpayers. Have they asked us the taxpayers whether they should donate such huge amount to a country which has done nothing for America?

President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, supposedly made $11 million from 2013 to 2018, being made member of Board of Directors of Ukraine gas company Burisma, though he had no knowledge of gas production, refining or transportation.

Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Michell McConnel, Jill Biden, etc. went and paid visit to Zelensky and his wife. Why so much love and respect for Ukraine and its president as if he had become a world statesman suddenly?

All these billions of dollars for Ukraine while nothing for America’s poor! By the way, what has Ukraine done for the United States? Why so much love and concern for Ukraine while America’s economy is in dire state and millions of middle-class and poor Americans are suffering?

Total number of homeless in America in 2021 was 580,466 people with New York City having highest number of the order of 77,943.

Feeding America, the nation’s largest hunger-relief organization, says 54 million Americans are going hungry today. Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) cites 140 million poor and “low-wealth” people in America today, which is 42 percent of the U.S. population. What a shame for the richest country in the world!

Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) says “Thinking Beyond Ukraine: Their War is Not Our War.” These activists have pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic could be addressed in the United States with $16 billion, while $60 billion per year in federal housing vouchers could solve the U.S. homelessness crisis.

“How dare we stand by as billions are spent on war when children all over the world, and here in Kensington (a Philadelphia neighborhood), go without water, healthcare, food, or a place to lay their heads tonight,” said Cheri Honkala, PPEHRC’s–Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign—founder.

In America today, 1 in 6 kids are in families below the poverty line. The [official] poverty rate is 14.4% as of February 2022.

The child poverty rate in January 2022 was 17%.

Some 3.4 million children live in poverty in America as of February 2022. In other words, 1 in 6 US kids are in poverty. Some 14.4 % of America’s population or around 45,950 million Americans live in poverty today. 6 in 10 Americans don’t have $500 in their savings account. This shows how much majority of Americans are struggling to make two ends meet. Inflation has surged to more than 7%, the fastest in the last 40 years. Some 69% of Americans have less than $1000 in their savings account; that is in the richest country in the world.

Because of this Ukraine War, provoked by the US and its NATO allies, hundreds of millions of people, especially in Africa and Asia are suffering from food scarcity. Because of this war, the whole world is suffering from oil, gas, and food scarcity. Did America take this into account while provoking Russia to invade Ukraine?

Despite all this poverty in America, Biden administration doles out $54 billion to a country which has no strategic importance to the United States. What has our government done for the struggling poor millions in this country? Instead of taking care of its own poor people, the US is bent on hegemonic domination around the world.

Hundreds of millions of people are suffering and will suffer because of this avoidable war, not to mention the poor people of Ukraine as well as those of Russia.

Ultimately, United States’ provocation of Russia resulting in this brutal but avoidable war will go down in history as one the most irresponsible and reckless act committed by the United States, a foreign policy blunder that could trigger a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.


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Chaitanya Davé is a Chemical Engineer based in Southern California, founder and president of “Pragati Foundation”, a non-profit charity helping the poor villagers of India, Nepal, Haiti, USA-homeless. Author of three books: Crimes against Humanity, A Shocking Record of US Crimes since 1776-2007, Collapse: Civilization on the Brink-2010, and Capitalism’s March of Destruction (2016-20).

Images in this article are from the author

Kiev Eliminates POW Witnesses

August 2nd, 2022 by Eva Bartlett

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Pretty horrific scenes today at the detention center near the village of Yelenovka which Ukraine bombed late last night with American HIMARS. Press Secretary of the DPR Military Command, Eduard Basurin, said there are a confirmed 53 Ukrainian POWs dead, 71 injured.

The stench of death was everywhere. Burnt corpses, bodies cause of death shrapnel…blood splatters everywhere

Ukraine did this, intentionally, to its own people, its own soldiers, soldiers who had surrendered and, as Basurin pointed out, were confessing their crimes against Donbass civilians, their murdering of Donbass civilians, which came from commanders’ orders, which came from Kiev.

HIMARS are a powerful multiple launch rocket system with GPS navigation. It is indisputable, except in lying Western media, that Ukraine intentionally killed its own soldiers using Western weapons.

If you #StandWithUkraine, you stand with this massacre of its own soldiers.


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Myanmar: Executing Dissent

August 2nd, 2022 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

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The execution of four well-known democracy activists by the military junta in Myanmar in June 2022 has angered and incensed those who cherish freedom and justice all over the world.   The four , Phyo Zeyar Thaw, Kyaw Min Yu, Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw have become immortalised in the noble struggle of the Myanmar people for their dignity and humanity. By killing these peaceful dissenters, the junta has in fact signed its own death warrant.

Since staging a coup  against the democratically elected government of the day, the National League for Democracy (NLD), on the 1st of February 2021, the Myanmar military, the Tatmadaw, has become increasingly brutal and desperate. It has killed more than a thousand five hundred protesters including at least 44 children. It has detained thousands more. Torture of detainees is rife and rampant. Scores of people have disappeared.

Both the president, Min Nyint and State Counsellor, Aung San Suu Kyi are in jail. So are the Ministers, deputy Ministers and NLD members of parliament. Some civil servants, leaders of civil society, a number of Buddhist monks and scores of men and women from all walks of life are also behind bars.

The media is shackled. The Judiciary is totally subservient to the junta. The universities are mere appendages of the bureaucracy. All formal religious institutions are under the dictates of the military elite.

Though Myanmar in the course of the last 60 years has known brief periods of freedom, it has been in the grip of the military most of the time since General Ne Win conducted a coup against the civilian government in 1962. It is against this backdrop that one should view the February 1st2021 coup and the more recent execution of dissenters.

Given this tragic history of suppression and oppression, it is remarkable that the flame of dissent has been kept alive for so long in Myanmar. Even in the last two years since February 1st, a lot of ordinary people have openly defied the junta through actions such as the striking of pots and pans in unison— a symbolic attempt to drive away evil — and organising a silent strike on the first anniversary of the coup this year which saw the closing of shops and the halting of all outdoor activities as men, women and children stayed at home. There have been even signs of a civil disobedience movement developing in protest against the excesses of the junta.

Even before the 2021 coup, in a situation where the military was already flexing its muscles, it is remarkable that millions of voters came out to support the NLD in the November 2020 election handing it a huge victory, 396 out of 476 parliamentary seats while the military backed party won only 33 seats. That was a dramatic expression of dissent within an environment where military dominance was overwhelmingly evident. Indeed, it is so obvious that it was because of the NLD’s performance that the military elite conducted the coup a few months later. The military elite knew that the people had repudiated its rule, had rejected its ruthless power.

When a people have demonstrated so much courage, shown such tenacity in the face of great odds, how should we as their neighbours respond?   Some ASEAN governments have expressed unhappiness over the junta’s use of force against peaceful protestors but on the whole the regional grouping has refrained from advocating any punitive measures against the junta in Myanmar. The time has come for ASEAN to change its stand. As a collective it should now state explicitly that executing dissenters is the ultimate act of violence and it expects Myanmar to desist from such behaviour immediately. If it does not, then ASEAN will suspend all military, economic and educational ties with Myanmar. The same message should go out to all other countries that currently interact with Myanmar in these and other related spheres. Within Asia, China and India are cases in point.

It will not be easy for a number of ASEAN states or for China and India to act against Myanmar. They have often argued that such action will only drive a wedge between them and the ruling elite in Myanmar and it will become even more difficult to persuade the latter to change its behaviour. They forget that their present ‘soft’ stance has only encouraged the Myanmar military elite to become harsher and even more callous and cruel.

In this situation, civil society groups within ASEAN and Asia and citizens in general in the continent should pressurise their governments to act on the basis of fundamental moral principles. To do otherwise is not only a betrayal of their conscience but also a repudiation of those sacred values that lie at the heart of the illustrious civilisations that constitute our heritage.


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Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, Founder and President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), prominent human rights advocate, author and academic, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Smoking Gun: US Government, CDC Colluded with Google, Twitter, Facebook to Censor Important Information About Experimental COVID Vaccines

By Lance Johnson, August 01, 2022

America First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate unconstitutional acts between the federal government and the Big Tech social media platforms. AFL obtained 256 pages of communication between the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Google, Facebook and Twitter. These pages document egregious violations of the US Constitution and provide evidence that the Federal Government violated the Nuremberg Code.

The Collapse of Government – The Rise of Resistance and Awareness

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Former Bolivian President Evo Morales Calls for a Global Campaign to Eliminate NATO

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Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi: Mission Accomplished! “Draghi Has Transformed Italy Into a Belligerent Country Against Russia”

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Hepatitis Outbreak of Unknown Cause Among Children: A Direct Result of AstraZeneca’s COVID “Vaccine” According to Virologist Dr. Ann-Cathrin Engwall

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Tunisia’s New Constitution Angers the US. Remember “The Arab Spring”

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No Farmers, No Food, No Life

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Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal. Meanwhile, such policies will contribute to children dying from severe malnutrition due to broken food systems, with shortages of food and water, stress, anxiety, fear, and dangerous chemical exposure.

The Netherlands: Higher Vaccine Uptake, Higher Mortality

By Thorsteinn Siglaugsson, August 01, 2022

During the past few months, indications of a positive correlation between all-cause mortality and Covid vaccines has been growing. To demonstrate the existence of this correlation it is however crucial to be able to compare the rate of mortality and the vaccine uptake within a relatively homogenic population.

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People injured by COVID-19 vaccines may not realize it, but the pretense that post-vaccination injuries and deaths are just “sad coincidences” — far from being unique to the pandemic jabs — is a trick as old as vaccination itself.

So-called “fact-checkers” are having to work double-time to come up with ways to deny the undeniable fact that COVID-19 vaccines are causing injuries and deaths on a massive scale.

The shot pushers and their media enablers have taken cover-up tactics to absurd new heights by, for example, chalking up the rash of fatal heart attacks and overnight deaths in athletes and young adults to a fluky condition referred to variously as “sudden adult death syndrome” or “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome” (SADS).

What the COVID-19 vaccine-injured do not necessarily recognize, however, is the pretense that post-vaccination injuries and deaths are just “sad coincidences” — far from being unique to the pandemic jabs — is a trick as old as vaccination itself.

Facilitated by well-honed semantic and statistical flimflam, public health officials’ core strategy for perpetuating their fiction is to profess innocence — making unabashedly unsubstantiated pronouncements about vaccine safety, on the one hand, while on the other hand, declaring themselves “baffled” by ailments that emerge in the aftermath of a given vaccine’s rollout.

From 1899 to 2022 — has anything changed?

In an astonishingly frank and prescient book, “The Fallacy of Vaccination,” published in 1899, Dr. Alexander Wilder called attention to the “growing conviction” among “profounder thinkers and observers” that vaccination was not only “utterly useless as a preventive” but “actually the means of disseminating disease afresh where it is performed.”

Wilder noted, “whenever a vaccinator or corps of vaccinators set out upon a vaccinating crusade, there follows very generally a number of deaths from … maladies which have been induced by the operation. …”

Wilder also blew the whistle on the suppression and concealment of vaccine adverse events and deaths, describing a fellow physician’s urging of his “professional brethren to be slow to publish fatal cases of small-pox after vaccination” and outlining other shenanigans that sound all too familiar today:

“Occasionally … a death by vaccination is published, and immediately the effort is put forth assiduously to make it to be believed that it was from some other cause. The statistics of small-pox, purporting to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, are too often not quite trustworthy. Many persons who have been vaccinated are falsely reported as unvaccinated.

“Even when death occurs as the result of vaccination, the truth is concealed and the case represented as scarlet fever, measles, erysipelas [bacterial skin infection], or some ‘masked’ disease, in order to prevent too close questioning.”

The intentionality of the suppression seemed obvious to Wilder, who added, “Further argument is met by stolid silence, and by an apparent concert of purpose to exclude carefully all discussion of the matter from medical and public journals, and to denounce all who object.”

Similar sleight-of-hand was on full display during the recent Novavax-focused meeting of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

In the ably summarized live-blog account by internist Dr. Meryl Nass — a member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee — Nass noted CDC’s faking of COVID-19 data to hide the far-greater hospitalization and death rates among the COVID-19-vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated.

Conveniently for the CDC, Nass noted, the only charts not “up to date by the day” were those presenting vaccination status versus outcome.

However, despite CDC’s “mumbo jumbo,” Nass pointed out, the agency was unable to hide the higher rate of myocarditis in mRNA-vaccinated males within a week of dose two — 75.9 times higher for 16- to 17-year-olds and 38.9 times higher in 18- to 24-year-olds.

Polio: another example of ‘mumbo jumbo’

With New York State recently reporting a case of “vaccine-derived polio,” and U.K. scientists declaring a “national incident” after allegedly finding “genetic sequences” of poliovirus in London sewage water, it appears public health authorities might be preparing to resurrect polio as the bogeyman du jour.

At first blush, the concession that nearly all modern paralytic polio cases are iatrogenically (medically) caused by the oral polio vaccine — shared by no less than the World Health Organization and CDC — seems unexpectedly and refreshingly candid.

However, public health authorities have no intention of conceding that the official story of poliomyelitis (where “myelitis” refers to spinal cord inflammation) is otherwise full of more holes than Swiss cheese.

There is, and always was, ample evidence to suggest that poisoning — whether by lead arsenate, DDT, or later, the toxic ingredients in polio vaccines themselves — is the most credible explanation for the paralytic symptoms and deaths that were labeled as “polio.”

In fact, early public health luminary Bernard Greenberg, founding chair of the biostatistics department at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, testified before Congress that polio vaccination had “actually increased incidents of polio” and that “misuse of statistical methods had made the opposite seem true.”

Greenberg was referring to a change in the diagnostic criteria for “paralytic poliomyelitis.” implemented in the mid-1950s, which began to require at least 60 days of paralytic symptoms to earn the diagnosis, versus previously, just 24 hours of such symptoms.

As Greenberg did not hesitate to point out, the victory claimed by the first polio vaccines, which began to be administered around the same time, was entirely undeserved.

In the present day, “acute flaccid paralysis” and “acute flaccid myelitis,” which have a clinical picture virtually identical to polio, are the diagnoses of choice for childhood paralysis cropping up all over the world, including in the U.S.

In countries like India, where tens of thousands of children have developed acute flaccid paralysis, doctors explicitly linked the condition to oral polio vaccination. But decades of published reports also associate paralysis with other childhood vaccines, such as pertussis-containing and aluminum-containing vaccines.

In fact, historical reports of spinal cord inflammation, including not just poliomyelitis but other forms of myelitis, track closely with pediatric vaccination trends, and with the concurrent rise in the practice of pediatric injection.

Earlier generations of doctors even described polio cases that followed pediatric injections as “provocation paralysis,” while more recent generations of clinicians have noted the similarity between “polio” and injection injuries dubbed “traumatic neuritis.”

On the current vaccine schedule for American children, clinical trial or post-marketing data link 17 different vaccines to “myelitis,” “encephalomyelitis,” “acute disseminated encephalomyelitis” and/or “transverse myelitis.”

Transverse myelitis also has been making an appearance with COVID-19 vaccines.

Sidestepping the obvious explanation

Since the “polio” era, there are many other examples of diagnoses intended to obfuscate rather than elucidate vaccination as a cause of illness and death — and gaslight sufferers.

These include autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Among the environmental causes put forth as plausible triggers for the neuroimmune disorders labeled as “ASD,” heavy metal poisoning — principally via vaccination — is one of the most consistent contenders.

Meticulous landmark papers published in 2004 and 2012 demonstrated strong parallels between the brain effects of mercury intoxication and ASD brain pathology. Later papers furnished similar evidence with respect to aluminum.

As for SIDS, the diagnosis first entered into vogue around the same time (in the early 1970s) that the vaccine load for children in the U.S. doubled.

Although the 1970s vaccine schedule appears restrained by today’s immoderate standards, young children of that decade not only began receiving 13 vaccines instead of seven, but also went from mostly receiving one shot at a time to often getting two at once, including five one-two punches of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine — both subsequently taken off the U.S. market due to their troublesome adverse event profile.

SIDS deaths, which by definition affect “seemingly normal, healthy infants,” and toddler deaths categorized as “sudden unexplained deaths in childhood” typically occur “in close temporal association following vaccination,” with nine of 10 SIDS deaths occurring around the same time as two- and four-month “well-baby” visits.

Nevertheless, scientists continue to state that the unpredictable deaths “elude … scientific understanding.”

The deception continues

Sadly, vaccine-injured individuals often are enlisted in the artifice.

Desperate for help, they discover they cannot gain access to the halls of medicine unless they self-censor any discussion of vaccination as the source of their health problems and instead acquiesce to “idiopathic” or “genetic” explanations, or punt to some of the more than 70,000 codes in the International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10) — while eschewing the tiny handful of codes pertaining to “adverse effect of vaccines and biological substances.”

A new ICD code relevant to “new diseases of uncertain etiology or emergency use” was designated for “COVID-19 vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use, unspecified.” However, it remains to be seen whether any health professionals will be brave enough to use it.

Meanwhile, as The Exposé satirically reported on July 24, “It feels like we can’t go a single week without hearing about the re-emergence, or emergence of a disease or ailment” — including a “mysterious” outbreak of hepatitis among children, the SADS phenomenon, monkeypox and, of course, polio.

All of these outbreaks, the journalists noted, “are ‘coincidentally’ occurring after millions of people worldwide have been injected with an experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.”

As the recent New York and U.K. reports of vaccine-induced polio illustrate, these threats, whether real or imagined, are likely to mobilize further hostility toward the unvaccinated — including the New York communities fiercely ostracized a few years ago for rejecting measles vaccines for religious reasons.

In addition, the specter of a polio resurgence will be used to harangue the growing number of parents who, for whatever reason, have been increasingly deferring vaccination for their children.

In short, it would be naive to expect any breakthroughs in truth-telling from official corners any time soon.


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Wherever you look in the world today, governance is failing and governments are falling. And even where governments hold-on, premiers, prime ministers, presidents and parliamentarians tumble around them; disgraced and exposed for one seedy scandal after another.

Be it money, sex, fraud, despotism, embezzlement or quite simply a pandemic of lies. It barely matters, over and over again the inimitable lust for power takes precedence over the responsibility to earn the trust of the nation.

So widespread has this ‘failure to govern’ epidemic become that one is justified in asking whether the electoral system – which supposedly underlies ‘democracy’ – has any merit left in it at all?

Well, you might say “It’s not the system it’s the quality of the candidates that’s the problem.” And clearly that is a big problem, as evidenced by the pandemic of failure to deliver.

But isn’t there something wrong with expecting unaware, uninvolved and unsuspecting members of the general public to choose who should lead their countries? Isn’t this a receipt for chaos and corruption?

Yes, quite obviously it is. By and large, whoever is chosen to take on this leadership role turns out to be a mirror of the mentality which put them there.

This seems to come as a shock to most. The electorate appears to want someone on the platform who miraculously rises above their own moral, intellectual and visionary shortcomings. They want a bold, brave and bright Moses figure to lead them out of the desert of their daily afflictions, which, they believe, must have been caused by the previous ‘useless leaders’ they had such unreasonable hopes for.

So the merry-go-round continues. Each time getting more surreal and more systemic in its inability to address the real needs of the country, its people, or any fundamental sense of direction and purpose.

Here we are.

But the laws of the universe strongly suggest that anything which becomes fundamentally incapable of evolving into something better, but lingers on in a state of abject sterility, lands up in – or as – a black hole. An inwardly collapsing gravitational graveyard.

The only way such an outcome can be circumvented, here on earth, is by many people becoming individually aware enough to take back control of their destinies; while recognising that – together – they can run their lives according to another formula.

We are all faced with this choice, never more starkly than today.  Either get sucked into the black hole which awaits all those who do nothing/take no action – or – form aware, decentralised, autonomous groups with the determination to act as a responsible governing body at the neighbourhood and community level.

The key words are ‘aware’ and ‘responsible’. Without awareness no action can serve the cause of breaking free. Without accepting a level of responsibility, no action can become reality.

What exactly is this ‘awareness’ I refer to?

Quite simply, it is a condition in which recognition of the endemic levels of falsity and deception in society – and particularly in the political sphere – lead to the realisation that one must stop mindlessly obeying authoritarian voices of destruction and take action to establish a better and more just way of life.

You see, this is where so many submit to the coward within. Instead of following their heart led instincts to rebel, they submit to their ‘false intellect’ whose judgement is always “that’s not possible because we can never be more powerful than ‘them’.”

So Mr and Mrs X, who have moaned almost ceaselessly about the corruption and inept performance of those they elected (or didn’t) into office, take the standard position that in spite of witnessing their elected representatives being incapable of dispensing justice and common sense, the only thing to do is wait for the next election and once again try to get their candidate/party into office. This is, let us not mince our words, a direct route to the black hole.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there will not be another ‘election’. This sham is over. The entire tragic-comedy has already imploded. If you think in terms of ‘democracy’ and ‘governance according to the will of the people’, the unaware can’t, or won’t, believe that this ship has sunk to the bottom and cannot be salvaged.

But for the aware, it’s no longer about choices. We must take the tiller and face the music.

It’s not a lullaby or a sonata, but a hand to hand grappling with those who want to destroy us. Which, in some cases, includes those indoctrinated ones who live amongst us and follow orders. Orders that emanate from such devious old hands as Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum and his fellow henchmen. Orders that are passed-on and repeated by the brain frozen bureaucrats and technocrats whose jobs depend upon being proper robots.

There are no more bona fide ‘governments’ in existence in this world. Just a facade of fake interest directed towards those who put the elected members on their pedestals.

While these members, enjoying their apotheosis of parliamentary power, have their minds only on the next election, defection or rejection. That’s called ‘government’.

While that stuff will no doubt continue to be played-out on the world stage for a while longer, it is simply a facade for our distraction.

This planet is the territory of ‘The Great Reset’ now. An instrument for enforcing what is euphemistically called ‘net zero’. 

What kind of gibberish is ‘net zero’? Does it mean anything?

No, actually it doesn’t. It is simply the reductionist algorithm (Al-Gore-rythm) and digital way of getting around having to say ‘zero carbon’. Because ‘zero carbon’ has been exposed as meaning ‘zero CO2’. And ‘zero CO2’ means zero life on Earth. The black hole.

Yes, under Herr Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Reich, we will be disposable.

Since, in some circles, it has been known for years that depopulation and the reprogramming of those that remain, is the true meaning of the two words ‘Great Reset’. And ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is nothing less than the techno-binary control mechanism for the digitalisation and robotisation of human kind.

The ‘Transhuman’.

For the aware, the time for debate about the nature of what lies ahead, is passed.

The aware are ‘The Resistance’.

‘The Resistance’ is a four dimensional energetic force, operating on physical, mental, psychic and spiritual planes. It encompasses a rising consciousness and capacity for universal vision and action.

The enemy of mankind operates on just two/three dimensional planes. It lacks any warmth or empathy. It is devoid of spirituality. It is coldly wedded to the material world and deeply fears the manifestation of spirit and human courage. It knows not love at all. But does know ‘how to smile’.

‘The Resistance’ is the new government. It will not need to be elected, it will simply come to be.

It is already apparent – and is growing. It is you and I, God and the future of Life on Earth.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. Julian’s acclaimed book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is vital reading for this time: He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from American Friends Service Committee

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In interview with British journalist, Morales says the U.S. uses NATO to provoke wars and sell weapons. U.S./UK-backed coup against him in 2019 was undertaken for lithium and because his government advanced an alternative economic model to the neoliberal “Washington Consensus”

In an interview with British journalist Matt Kennard at his home in El Trópico, a small town four hours from Cochabamba in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, former Bolivian president Evo Morales (2006-2019) called for an international campaign to eliminate NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization].

According to Morales, this campaign should explain to people worldwide that “NATO is—ultimately—the United States. It is not a guarantee for humanity or for life. I do not accept—in fact, I condemn—how they can exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. When the U.S. has intervened in Iraq, in Libya, in so many countries in recent years, why have they not been expelled from the Human Rights Council? Why was that never questioned?”

Morales continued:

“We [in the Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS] have profound ideological differences with the politics implemented by the United States using NATO, which are based on interventionism and militarism. Between Russia and Ukraine they want to reach an agreement and [the U.S.] keeps provoking war, the U.S. military industry, which is able to live thanks to war, and they provoke wars in order to sell their weapons. That’s the other reality we live in.”

Coup Against Alternative Economic Model

Morales is one of the most successful presidents in Latin American history who closed down a U.S. military base in Bolivia, expelled the CIA and DEA, and helped reverse half a millennium of colonial history by helping Bolivia to industrialize its economy.

In November 2019, Morales was ousted in a U.S./UK-backed coup that culminated with the army’s massacre of anti-coup protesters. Morales survived an assassination attempt only because Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, sent a plane to rescue him.

The beneficiary of the coup, Jeanine Áñez—a conservative Christian who lost the October 2020 election to Luis Arce of MAS—was sentenced to 10 years in prison in June after being convicted of terrorism and sedition.

Morales—who returned to Bolivia after Arce’s election in October 2020—believes that the coup was prompted by his move to nationalize Bolivia’s oil and gas reserves.

Morales told Matt Kennard that

“I continue to be convinced that the empire, capitalism, imperialism, do not accept that there is an economic model that is better than neoliberalism. The coup was against our economic model…we showed that another Bolivia is possible.”

Bolivia just wants to have friends : r/polandball

Source: LATUFF 209/ via

“All For Lithium”

In 2021, the British Foreign Office released documents which showed that the British embassy in Bolivia had paid an Oxford-based company to optimize “exploitation” of Bolivia’s lithium deposits the month after Morales fled the country after being ousted in the coup.

The documents also showed the UK embassy in La Paz acted as “strategic partner” to Áñez’ coup regime and organized an international mining event in Bolivia four months after democracy was overthrown.

Bolivia possesses the world’s second largest reserves of lithium, a metal used to make batteries, which has been increasingly coveted due to the burgeoning electric-car industry.

Under the traditional imperial dynamic which had kept Bolivia poor, rich countries extract raw materials, send them to Europe to be made into products, and then sell them back to Third World countries like Bolivia as finished products at a mark-up.

With Bolivia’s lithium deposits, Morales was adamant this system was finished. Bolivia would not just extract the lithium; it would build the batteries too. He told Kennard that:

“We started with a laboratory, obviously with international experts that we hired. Then we moved on to a pilot plant. We invested around $20 million, and now it’s working. Every year it produces about 200 tonnes of lithium carbonate, and lithium batteries, in Potosí [the capital of the Spanish empire where the Spanish had undertaken silver mining in the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries.]”

Morales continued:

“We had a plan to install 42 new [lithium] plants by 2029. It was estimated that profits would be five billion dollars. Profits! That’s when the coup came. The U.S. says China’s presence is not permitted but…having a market in China is very important. Also in Germany. The next step was with Russia, and then came the coup. Just last year, we found out that England had also participated in the coup—all for lithium.”

Colonial Mentality

When Kennard told Morales that the UK Foreign office had denied that a coup took place, Morales responded that this was hard to comprehend and reflected “a totally colonial mindset. They think that some countries are the property of other nations. They think God put them there, so the world belongs to the U.S. and the UK. That’s why the rebellions and the uprisings will continue.”

With the People or the Evil Empire?

Morales has great admiration for Julian Assange whose detention, he said, “represents an escalation, an intimidation so that all the crimes against humanity committed by the different governments of the United States are never revealed. So many interventions, so many invasions, so much looting.”

Currently, Morales is working on building independent media in Bolivia, where he says that most of the media “belong to the empire or the right-wing.”

Optimistic about the recent victory of left-wing political forces in PeruChile and Colombia and Lula’s expected return to the presidency in Brazil, Morales told Kennard that, “in politics we must ask ourselves: Are we with the people or are we with the empire? If we are with the people, we make a country; if we are with the empire, we make money. If we are with the people, we fight for life, for humanity; if we are with the empire, we are with the politics of death, the culture of death, interventions, and pillaging of the people. That is what we ask ourselves as humans, as leaders: ‘Are we at the service of our people?’”


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].

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“Among the countries in Western Europe, Italy had one of the strongest links with Russia. Draghi’s mission was to break this pattern repositioning Italy in relation to Russia “: the New York Times writes.

Draghi has not only transformed Italy into a belligerent country against Russia by sending weapons and instructors to the Ukrainian forces but has promoted sanctions against the Russian central bank and the admission of Ukraine to the EU. For these and other “merits” the authoritative USA Fortune magazine includes Mario Draghi among “the 50 greatest leaders in the world”.

Draghi’s career took a decisive turn when – after having dismantled the Italian public assets with privatizations as Director of the Treasury – he became director and vice president of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is not just a US bank but a powerhouse of the financial elite who through the “revolving door” policy places its men in key institutional positions. From 2005 to 2021 Draghi first became Governor of the Bank of Italy, then president of the European Central Bank, and finally Premier of the Italian Republic.

The results of the “mission” that Draghi carried out with the total complicity of the Italian Parliament plunged Italy into an unprecedented crisis: while the price of gas (following anti-Russian policies) rose from 15 to 200 euros per megawatt hour, Italy accumulated such a level of liabilities that – writes Fortune – “the cost of the loan for Italy has become prohibitive, rising to unsustainable levels”. The Italian crisis is similar to the one in which Greece plunged losing what remained of the public assets with the “rescue package” of the EU. The situation is aggravated by the devaluation of the euro against the dollar, which increases the cost of imports. The decisive factor, therefore, is to overturn the policy that Draghi has implemented with his “mission” in Italy.


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This article was originally published in Italian on byoblu.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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A respected virologist-immunologist has written a letter to the esteemed British Medical Journal (BMJ) explaining that a new outbreak of “acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children” is a direct result of AstraZeneca’s viral vector Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine.”

Millions of children in the United Kingdom were injected with the poison, which an earlier study published in the Journal of Hepatology confirmed is causing many of them to develop severe liver damage – in some cases requiring an urgent liver transplant.

Dr. Ann-Cathrin Engwall said that adenovirus infections, which are present in 70 percent of affected children, could be the cause of acute hepatitis in children observed – even though adenovirus infections do not normally cause hepatitis in healthy children.

This strange phenomenon, she said, could point to “a completely new type of adenovirus that might have been introduced into the human population.”

“A substantial proportion of the population in the U.K. has received Vaxzevria which is an adenovirus vector vaccine from AstraZeneca developed by the Jenner Institute in Oxford,” Dr. Engwall wrote in her letter, citing research on the subject.

“The chimpanzee viral vector was selected due to the low herd immunity in the human population and originates from an adenovirus purified from the feces of chimpanzee cubs.”

Mad Franken-scientists think they are gods, and children are paying the price

The vector itself is genetically engineered, she went on to explain, noting that it cannot multiply on its own. This allows “genes of interest” to be added, which in the case of Vaxzevria is supposedly the DNA sequence expressing the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2.

“Could the adenovirus vector vaccine have contributed to a new recombinant virus?” Dr. Engwall asked.

“Even if the virus vector does not multiply, there is an obvious risk exposing such a large number of individuals that recombination with an adenovirus could occur.”

It turns out that a survival mechanism for adenoviruses known as multiplicity reactivation (MR) was discovered back in 1971 by Japanese researchers, who observed that damaged adenovirus genomes can interact with other adenoviruses in a cell to form a new viable viral genome.

“The mechanism is described as an early variant of a reproductive (sexual) process that can occur in microorganisms,” Dr. Engwall explained. “A proportion of the population, especially individuals with a compromised immune system, is carrying latent adenoviruses.”

“In Sweden, approximately 20 percent of adults and 50 percent of kindergarten children are carriers. This safety issue of viral-vector delivery systems was often discussed in the beginning of the development of these medical tools.”

The mass introduction of adenovirus vector vaccines on the heels of the plandemic represents a first in human history. Thus, the risk for recombination with adenoviruses is massively increased – which explains the sudden and seemingly out-of-nowhere appearance of hepatitis in fully-injected children.

The really sad thing is that if these viral vector injections are in fact the cause of acute hepatitis in children, then the symptoms they are experiencing now “could just be the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. Engwall warned.

“The virus may have spread to other countries from the U.K., but it is also possible that adenovirus recombinations may have occurred independently elsewhere in the world where adenovirus vector vaccines also have been used,” she added in her letter.

“Development of a new more pathogenic adenovirus could be caused by using adenovirus vector vaccines in large populations, and it is consistent with the facts available. To investigate this important safety issue of viral vector vaccines, sequencing of entire adenovirus genomes from cases and comparisons with the vaccine viral vector is necessary to verify or dismiss this hypothesis.”


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On Friday, Tunisia’s foreign ministry summoned an official from the US Embassy after Secretary of State Antony Blinken caste aspersions on Tunisia’s democracy.

Othman Jerandi, Tunisia’s Foreign Minister, told Natasha Franceschi, US acting chargé d’affaires that the statement was an unacceptable “interference in the national internal affairs”.

On Thursday, Blinken had said, “Tunisia has experienced an alarming erosion of democratic norms over the past year and reversed many of the Tunisian people’s hard-won gains since 2011.”

Blinken’s assessment was in response to the new constitution giving President Kais Saied more power than the 2014 constitution.

The US criticism failed to note that Saied’s actions have been directed at moving Tunisia away from Muslim Brotherhood domination and Radical Islamic constraints, which were supported by the Obama administration.

New Constitution

Tunisia’s new constitution was endorsed in a referendum the president held on July 25, a year after Saied moved to shut down the elected parliament and start ruling by decree. It gives far more power to Saied, and passed in a referendum with a 30.5% turnout.

The election commission said 95% of voters approved the constitution in the referendum, which was boycotted by opposition groups, who accuse Saied of a power-grab.  According to Saied, the previous parliament was paralyzed by political chaos and disunity, under a constitution which split power between the president and the parliament.

“Saied falsified the popular will by falsifying the results,” said Nejib Chebbi, head of the opposition National Salvation Front, which includes the Islamist Ennahda party. The biggest losers are crying ‘fraudulent vote count’, reminiscent of Trump’s 2020 claims.

“Arab Spring” in Tunisia and rise of the Muslim Brotherhood party to power

Tunisia is the birthplace of the “Arab Spring”, which began as protests about poverty and directed at President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, which caused him to flee to Saudi Arabia after several weeks.

The revolution in Tunisia, a former French colony, inspired uprisings in Egypt and Libya, and Syria, which have left Libya and Syria destroyed and still after 12 years unrecovered.

The Muslim Brotherhood leader Rachid Ghannouchi was successful in Tunisia’s post-revolution government with his Ennahda party, who won a parliamentary majority in October 2011. This victory was seen as a green-light to other US-supported Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the region.

However, the Tunisian people rejected the growing conversion from a secular democracy to an increasingly Islamic State.  The Egyptian people rejected Morsi, and the Tunisian people have rejected the Ennahda party. Free Constitutional party leader Abir Moussi accused Ghannouchi of serving the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as foreign powers such as Turkey and Qatar.

On July 29, Tunisia’s judiciary opened a probe into Ennahda, the Heart of Tunisia party, and the “Aish Tounsi” association on suspicion of receiving foreign funds during the 2019 election campaign. This resembles the US involvement in the Egyptian election of Morsi.

The revolt of the MB power in Tunisia

Saied dissolved the parliament a year ago, which was hugely popular with Tunisians, as thousands flooded the streets to support him, but with little progress in addressing dire economic problems, that support has withered. Saied invoked Article 80 of Tunisia’s constitution in an effort to “save the state” from the domination of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Tunisia’s strong secularist traditions go back to the first post-independence president, Habiba Bourguiba.

The Obama administration’s use of the Muslim Brotherhood for regime change in the “Arab Spring”

US President Barack Obama was born of a Muslim father, and raised by a Muslim step-father. Obama was influenced by his upbringing and exposure to Islam and Islamic cultures.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international ideology driven political group, who many countries deem as a terrorist group, which was founded in 1928.

Obama had a vision of a “New Middle East” which would be devoid of traditional leaders, but headed by Muslim Brotherhood members.  Israel is American’s strongest ally in the Middle East, and the Muslim Brotherhood has demonstrated they are a group which accepts and works well with Israel, as long as it is in their interest. Washington, DC., London and Berlin all have very well established Muslim Brotherhood networks who are connected to western governments.

 “Arab Spring” in Egypt

On February 11, 2011 President Mubarak of Egypt resigned after almost thirty years in power.  The National Democratic Institute (NDI) based in Washington, DC, and tied to Madeleine Albright and Hilary Clinton, had an office in Cairo with Lila Jaafar as their senior program director.  The US-supported candidate won in the first post-Mubarak presidential election. However, by December 2011, the offices of NDI in Cairo were raided by Egyptian Police.

Lila Jaafar was sentenced in absentia to five years in prison for working for and taking money from unregistered organizations. An Egyptian report accused NDI and other US NGO’s of sabotaging the revolution which ousted Mubarak to install a US-supported Muslim Brotherhood candidate for President.  The report cited Obama’s administration had allocated $65 million to NGOs supporting the Egyptian election, but bypassing the government in Cairo.

Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, won the election with 51.73 per cent of the vote. Morsi held a Ph.D. from USC, and had taught at Cal-State Northridge, but left the US after becoming disgusted with the American values of equality of men and women in the workplace.

The day before Morsi took office, he said that he would try to free Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, who had been convicted in connection to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

By November 2012, it was clear that Morsi was intent on creating an Islamic State in Egypt, and protesters were killed and injured by Morsi’s security gangs, which caused the second Egyptian revolution to oust the Obama supported Morsi, in an Egyptian controlled movement. After only one year in office, the Obama candidate was out, and on July 3, 2013, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, led the military takeover which later saw him become the President of Egypt.

 “Arab Spring” in Syria: the US failure

Syria is the only secular government in the Middle East and has Jews, Christians and Muslims living side by side. In March 2011 the US-NATO attack on Syria began for ‘regime change’, following a play-book written in Libya and executed by the Obama administration using the Muslim Brotherhood “Syrian Opposition” in Turkey, which was supported by the CIA office there to fund and arm the terrorists in Syria.  In 2017 President Trump shut that CIA operation.

Syria remains a secular government, and the US sponsored ‘regime change’ project failed, but succeeded in destroying the country.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Biden and the gang that controls him are promoting an argument that is strange.  

“It’s hot outside. Let’s shut down the American economy and go green.”

It doesn’t make sense, and its purpose is to kill people and destroy America in the process.

If the temperature goes up, is this good or bad?

As Matt Ridley points out, on balance it’s very good:

“Global warming is real. It is also – so far – mostly beneficial. This startling fact is kept from the public by a determined effort on the part of alarmists and their media allies who are determined to use the language of crisis and emergency. The goal of Net Zero emissions in the UK by 2050 is controversial enough as a policy because of the pain it is causing. But what if that pain is all to prevent something that is not doing net harm?”

The biggest benefit of emissions is global greening, the increase year after year of green vegetation on the land surface of the planet. Forests grow more thickly, grasslands more richly and scrub more rapidly. This has been measured using satellites and on-the-ground recording of plant-growth rates. It is happening in all habitats, from tundra to rainforest.

In the four decades since 1982, as Bjorn Lomborg points out, NASA data show that global greening has added 618,000 square kilometres of extra green leaves each year, equivalent to three Great Britains. You read that right: every year there’s more greenery on the planet to the extent of three Britains. I bet Greta Thunberg did not tell you that.

The cause of this greening? Although tree planting, natural reforestation, slightly longer growing seasons and a bit more rain all contribute, the big cause is something else. All studies agree that by far the largest contributor to global greening – responsible for roughly half the effect – is the extra carbon dioxide in the air. In 40 years, the proportion of the atmosphere that is CO2 has gone from 0.034 per cent to 0.041 per cent. That may seem a small change but, with more ‘food’ in the air, plants don’t need to lose as much water through their pores (‘stomata’) to acquire a given amount of carbon. So dry areas, like the Sahel region of Africa, are seeing some of the biggest improvements in greenery. Since this is one of the poorest places on the planet, it is good news that there is more food for people, goats and wildlife.

But because good news is no news, green pressure groups and environmental correspondents in the media prefer to ignore global greening. Astonishingly, it merited no mentions on the BBC’s recent Green Planet series, despite the name. Or, if it is mentioned, the media point to studies suggesting greening may soon cease. These studies are based on questionable models, not data (because data show the effect continuing at the same pace). On the very few occasions when the BBC has mentioned global greening it is always accompanied by a health warning in case any viewer might glimpse a silver lining to climate change – for example, ‘extra foliage helps slow climate change, but researchers warn this will be offset by rising temperatures’.

Another bit of good news is on deaths. We’re against them, right?

recent study shows that rising temperatures have resulted in half a million fewer deaths in Britain over the past two decades. That is because cold weather kills about ’20 times as many people as hot weather’, according to the study, which analyses ‘over 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries’. This is especially true in a temperate place like Britain, where summer days are rarely hot enough to kill.

So global warming and the unrelated phenomenon of urban warming relative to rural areas, caused by the retention of heat by buildings plus energy use, are both preventing premature deaths on a huge scale.

Surely this will change in the future? Probably not. Britain would have to get much, much hotter for summer mortality to start exceeding winter deaths. Not even Greece manages that. And the statistics show that – as greenhouse-gas theory predicts – on the whole more warming is happening in cold places, in cold seasons and at cold times of day. So winter nighttime temperatures in the global north are rising much faster than summer daytime temperatures in the tropics.

Summer temperatures in the US are changing at half the rate of winter temperatures and daytimes are warming 20 per cent slower than nighttimes. A similar pattern is seen in most countries. Tropical nations are mostly experiencing very slow, almost undetectable daytime warming (outside cities), while Arctic nations are seeing quite rapid change, especially in winter and at night. Alarmists love to talk about polar amplification of average climate change, but they usually omit its inevitable flip side: that tropical temperatures (where most poor people live) are changing more slowly than the average.” See this.

Brain-dead Biden says that we should respond to this good news by destroying the American economy through the Green New Deal. According to Joel Kotkin,

“‘The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all… ‘Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.’

So said Saikat Chakrabarti, former chief of staff for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and generally acknowledged author of the Green New Deal.

Sometimes it is wise to find out what ideas’ originators actually think. That is true for documents that have lit up our lives, such as the US Constitution, as well as for those that have darkened them, such as Mein Kampf.

This is true as well for the nascent Green New Deal, which President Joe Biden has essentially adopted as his own. Even if Congress fails to pass it entirely, Biden will seek to impose many of its goals through administrative diktats on gas-powered cars, land use, airplanes, any form of fossil fuel and nuclear power. Green New Dealers will also extend the welfare state, including to those who choose not to work.

As Chakrabarti indicated, the Green New Deal is not another environmental ameliorative, but something far more fundamentally transformative. The Biden administration’s embrace of it is somewhat surprising given that the likely economic fallout of this plan – particularly for the working class – made both Biden and House speaker Nancy Pelosi distance themselves from it during the fall campaign. But now the Green New Deal has resurfaced, having made the metamorphosis from a leftist fantasy into a serious political initiative.

Remarkably, despite this record of distortion, climate hysteria has become the abiding faith of the dominant media, universities and a large swath of the corporate establishment, particularly on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Some have even embraced the hardly capitalist notion of degrowth, an ideology which suggests, in essence, the Western working and middle classes must sacrifice comfort and aspiration to save the planet. (Often at the urging of the world’s wealthiest people, with their grand estates and private jets!)

Although most industrial unions backed Biden, the first clear victims of his embrace of the Green New Deal are obvious: people working in energy and fields that depend on reliable and affordable energy, such as oil workers, truck drivers, factory and logistics workers. For example, a move to ban fracking – which vice-president Kamala Harris has supported – would, according to a US Chamber of Commerce report, cost several million jobs. This will be made much worse by the green turn against nuclear power and natural gas, notes long-time environmentalist Ted Nordhaus.

Under the Green New Deal, displaced workers will be placed on the dole, or encouraged to take a job in the ‘green economy’. Yet these jobs, notes a recent Building Trades Union study, pay far worse, and are less likely to last long or be unionised, than those in the conventional energy industry. ‘It’s pie-in-the-sky bullshit about these green jobs being good middle-class jobs, because they’re not’, said Terry O’Sullivan, general president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, in conversation with Politico. ‘I’m concerned about union members and union families being left behind… and I think they’ve already been left behind.’”

Why do they want to do these horrible things to us? It’s part of the same plan as the deadly Covid vaccines to kill a large part of the world’s population and control what remains. Gary Barnett offers a good summary of their agenda:

“As of late, and after a global assault on humanity that is unmatched in history, expansion of the ‘reset’ (takeover) of society is ramping up to epoch proportions. With this will come an onslaught of claimed monsters to frighten the masses into even more panic; the leading one before and after the ‘Covid’ hoax is complete, will likely remain the ridiculously named fraud called man-made ‘climate change.’  In fact, this has already begun, but will vastly escalate over the next few months and beyond in my opinion. At some point, ‘climate change’ will likely be disclosed as the core issue at hand so far as those wishing to gain total control of the masses are concerned, replacing in importance in effect, the other fraudulent tools of tyranny such as ‘virus pandemics,’ but not eliminating them as part of the conspiracy of depopulation and control.”

This scenario has been planned and played out for decades, but is now getting into a very advanced stage in this plot to alter life as we have known it; relegating humanity to a two-tiered societal shift that consists of a controlling class sometimes referred to as the global ‘elites,’ and a slave class made up of the masses. This is meant to culminate with the master class of claimed elites imposing a technocratic hierarchy so extreme as to eliminate freedom of the individual entirely. To accomplish this, it is required that collectivism of the majority be the prevailing manner of ‘thought’ and politics, and that individuality be destroyed in favor of a communistic approach. So describes the postmodern mindset that has consumed the so-called intellectual left for some time, but unfortunately, it is not specific or unique to just the left today, but filters into the thinking of the ruling class of all political levels of thought. Therefore, the façade of right and left being political opposites is exposed as a lie, but this truth is generally avoided at all cost, and this attitude allows for radical totalitarian policies to flourish. Hence, critical thinking, truth, honesty, logic, and reason, disappear from view to be replaced by mass ignorance and indifference. Because of this great paradigm shift in societal reality, we are left to either fend off at all costs this assault by the state, or simply accept our slavery voluntarily.

In the midst of ‘Covid’ insanity, the agenda of ‘climate change’ is first and foremost on the minds of the globalists. In fact, this fake pandemic is being used (as purposely planned) to advance that agenda, and as stated by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum: ‘Climate action must stay top of the global agenda as we emerge from COVID-19.’ According to these monsters, ‘climate change’ is the real threat, and this ‘pandemic’ is ‘laying the groundwork for the efforts required to tackle climate change.’ In addition, the climate and ‘Covid-19’ are considered to be completely interconnected and a convergence of crises.

The United Nations is parroting this same line of propaganda in saying that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, our challenges are interconnected and can only be addressed through reinvigorated multilateralism with the UN at the center of our efforts. They have pledged to strengthen global governance for the sake of present and coming generations. The UN’s Secretary General stated that:

“The Covid-19 pandemic has served as a wake-up call and with the climate crisis now looming, the world is experiencing its biggest shared test since the Second world War.”

The fraudulent ‘virus pandemic’ has led the way to the future’s real and most major agenda being sought by the globalists, which is climate change legislation and mandated climate policy used to destroy the economic and monetary systems, to destroy farming and agriculture, to eliminate the individual, and to reshape the world into a complete technocratically controlled global society that will solidify the completion of the 2030 Agenda.

While this may seem like the end of the so-called crisis to some, it is only the beginning of hell on earth. The next few months will tell the tale, as every manner of tyranny possible will be attempted, and the citizens responses to “this assault on humanity will be gauged in order to see just how far and how fast this takeover plot can be driven.”

I am an optimist. I believe the American people will awaken to the danger and oust these monsters before it’s too late. But it all depends on you.


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Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of He is the author of Against the State and Against the Left. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured image: People hold signs during the March for Science in Melbourne, Australia on April 22, 2017. (Photo: Takver/flickr/ccc)

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Guest is Dr. Robert O. Young, a naturopath, nutritional expert, and author. His most popular works are the “pH Miracle” series of books, which outline his view about holistic healing and an “alkalarian” lifestyle. 

This session is on graphene-based nanowires, scaffolding, and pathological blood clotting leading to injuries and death. Dr. Young talks about the receiving and transmitting of this nanotechnology once implanted into the animal or human and connected via the Wifi grid and skynet. He also talks about his research on pleomorphism and how it relates to the health problems and treatments of today. Also, he shares about “post-covid outfections diagnosed as ILD or interstitial fluid lung disease which is NOT idiopathic.”


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America First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate unconstitutional acts between the federal government and the Big Tech social media platforms.

AFL obtained 256 pages of communication between the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Google, Facebook and Twitter. These pages document egregious violations of the US Constitution and provide evidence that the Federal Government violated the Nuremberg Code.

AFL President Stephen Miller issued a statement:

These explosive smoking-gun documents, obtained as a result of America First Legal’s litigation against the Biden Administration, conclusively demonstrate that Big Tech has unlawfully colluded with the federal government to silence, censor, and suppress Americans’ free speech and violate their First Amendment rights. Government is expressly prohibited from censoring competing or dissenting viewpoints or from silencing its political opponents whether it does so directly or whether it uses an outside corporation to achieve its draconian, totalitarian ends. AFL will not rest in the fight against illegal collusion between Big Tech and Big Government to trample on your voices and the Bill of Rights.

CDC conspired with Big Tech to censor Americans and destroy the informed consent principle

In July 2021, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki revealed that the Biden administration was “regularly making sure” to identify public health “disinformation” while working with social media networks to have it removed. “And we work to engage with them [Big Tech] to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies,” Psaki proclaimed in July of last year. The Biden regime went public with their censorship goals, targeting twelve sources of information that they claimed were “the dirty disinformation dozen.” The Biden regime subsequently called on Big Tech to completely remove these individuals from all social media platforms.

According to the latest document release, officials with the CDC and the Biden administration colluded with content moderation teams at Google, Twitter and Facebook to block US citizens from receiving the most basic level of informed consent about the emergency use covid-19 “vaccines.” The US government not only violated the free speech clause of the US Constitution, but they also conspired to withhold relevant medical information in the informed consent process, violating basic medical ethics on a grand scale.

US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment 1:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nuremberg Code, First Principle:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

“This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision…”

Biden regime, CDC used Big Tech to force destructive, deadly experiments onto global population

The CDC documents detail regular communications between the federal government and the three biggest social media platforms. These included regular “be on the lookout” meetings to identify information that conflicted with the CDC’s VAX-all agenda. Federal officials provided “examples” of posts that should be flagged and posts that should be censored entirely.

On top of all the censorship, Facebook elevated government and pharmaceutical propaganda by gifting the CDC $15 million-worth of ad credits. These ad credits were used to promote social distancing, travel restrictions and vaccine uptake while hiding relevant information on the covid-19 vaccines. The CDC also established a list of “verifiable information sources” with Facebook to protect social media posts released by the State Department of Health.

At Twitter, employees arranged regular chats with CDC officials and warned Facebook officials that their algorithms were not doing a good enough job at eliminating “vaccine misinformation.” Twitter officials reached out to the CDC and asked for help to identify “misinformation” that should be censored off the platform. CDC officials sent Twitter officials an official chart detailing the tweets that they wanted to target as “misinformation.” The CDC targeted and eliminated specific information on vaccine injury, vaccine shedding, miscarriage risk, menstrual cycle disruption, and information on genetic alterations caused by the vaccine.

At Google, CDC officials went as far as editing Google’s code for its Knowledgebase. These edits were focused on promoting isolation, mask and vaccine use. CDC officials told Google to use the SEARCH engine itself to promote the CDC’s vaccine page. The CDC also utilized Google’s “signal boost” to promote similar propaganda coming from the World Health Organization and to promote “comprehensive global training on tracking, analyzing and addressing misinformation.”

CDC officials did not want to get caught colluding with social media. In the emails, CDC officials instructed Twitter employees not to share their directives. “Please do not share outside your trust and safety teams,” the CDC officials wrote. The CDC has tried to bury important information about the COVID “vaccines” – information that is essential to the informed consent process. As AFL brings these crimes up in court, it’s time for each and every individual involved in this deceitful, unconstitutional process to be held accountable and brought forth to stand trial.


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Venezuelan authorities have blasted the latest court ruling in the struggle for control over 31 tonnes of gold stored in the Bank of England (BoE).

On Friday, the High Court of England and Wales decided in favor of opposition politician Juan Guaidó and dismissed a new effort by the Venezuelan Central Bank (BCV) to regain control over the reserves worth an estimated US $1.7 billion.

Caracas had brought to court the Venezuelan Supreme Court decrees stating that the parallel BCV board appointed by the US-backed opposition was illegal. However, judge Sara Cockerill decreed that the British Court could not recognize the rulings made by Venezuela’s highest judicial instance.

Since late 2018, the Bank of England has refused BCV requests to repatriate the gold reserves. In January 2019, Guaidó proclaimed himself “interim president” and garnered immediate support from Washington.

The Trump administration proceeded to seize Venezuelan assets in the US and place them under opposition control and pressured allies, including London, to do likewise. Caracas found itself embroiled in legal battles for a number of state assets held abroad, among them the gold deposited in the BoE vaults.

The proceedings have gone through several British courts, with rulings favoring one side or the other as well as a number of appeals. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the Nicolás Maduro government attempted to sell the reserves via an agreement with the United Nations in order to bolster the country’s healthcare system, but the effort was rebuffed.

The Maduro administration secured a favorable judgment in 2020 when the English Court of Appeal called on the Boris Johnson government to “clarify” its recognition of Guaidó. Nevertheless, the decision was later overturned by the UK Supreme Court.

British judges have repeatedly fallen back on the “one voice” doctrine that binds the judiciary to No. 10’s position. Cockerill reiterated on Friday that the doctrine is “the backdrop to this issue.”

The most recent legal argument from the BCV centered on the sovereignty of the country’s highest judicial institution. Though Justice Cockerill refused to uphold the illegality of the Guaidó-named board, she claimed that the opposition’s attack on the Venezuelan Supreme Court’s alleged lack of impartiality failed to meet “the hurdle of cogent evidence.”

Friday’s judgment did not grant the hardline opposition control over the reserves, with proceedings due to resume in October in the UK’s Commercial Court.

The BCV legal representation called the ruling “unfortunate” as courts remain tied to the “recognition as a head of state a person with no effective control or power over any part of that state.”

“This was an unprecedented case,” senior counsel Sarosh Zaiwalla commented. “Another country’s highest court, interpreting its own constitution, held Mr. Guaidó’s actions to be illegal.”

For its part, the Venezuelan Central Bank issued a statement rejecting the “astonishing dictum” by the British High Court.

“This ruling violates international law as well as Venezuela’s legal and constitutional order in order to justify a criminal framework that allows for the unlawful seizure of the country’s international reserves,” the text read.

The Venezuelan government likewise reacted on Friday afternoon, with Vice President Delcy Rodríguez criticizing the UK court system for “sticking to the anachronistic ‘one voice’ doctrine.”

“I call on the British government to rectify its stance and go back to following international law and the United Nations Charter,” she said in a telephone interview on state broadcaster VTV. Rodríguez, who also serves as finance minister, stated that the BCV will exhaust the appeals process and take the case to international instances if needed.

In contrast, Washington-backed Guaidó welcomed the court decision, calling it “another step to protect Venezuela’s international gold reserves.”


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Featured image: The Bank of England has refused to return 31 tonnes of Venezuelan gold. (BoE)

Australia and the Road to Nuclear War

August 1st, 2022 by William Briggs

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Shouldn’t Biden be Talking Directly to Putin?

August 1st, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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No sooner than Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned to Moscow after the SCO ministerial in Tashkent, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s pending request for a conversation was scheduled late Friday evening. This has been their first conversation since the war began in Ukraine in February. 

The Russian readout touches on Russia’s special military operations. Lavrov emphasised the inevitability that the “goals and tasks will be fully achieved.” Second, Lavrov told Blinken that the US’ continued arming of Ukraine with weapons “is only prolonging the agony of the Kiev regime by dragging out the conflict and increasing the number of victims.” 

Lavrov also said Russia will continue its “consistent efforts to restore peaceful life on the territories that it is liberating.” It implies that the integration of Kherson, Zoporozhia, Kharkiv, etc. is an inexorable process. 

Fourth, Lavrov focused on global food security issues and the grain deal and regretted that US is yet to deliver on “promises to make exemptions for Russian food shipments,” and the West is “exploiting the problem to advance its geopolitical interests, which is unacceptable.” 

Finally, on prisoner exchange, Lavrov “strongly advised” Blinken that this is not an amateurish issue and “dubious media leaks” should be avoided.  

For a conversation after several months, it was icy. Blinken is taking his time to issue a readout. But he was evasive on the issue of prisoner exchange, adding, “I’m not going to characterise his (Lavrov’s) response, and I can’t give you an assessment of whether I think things are any more or less likely.”  

Equally, on the grain deal, Blinken made no reference to the reciprocal lifting of restrictions on Russia’s export of grains and fertiliser. His interest was only on Russia making good on loosening its naval blockade and allowing grain shipments to leave Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. 

There is a hump appearing here, for sure. Zelensky’s trip to the Black Sea port of Chernomorsk near Odessa accompanied by G7 ambassadors suggests that Washington is switching back to the propaganda mode that Russia is impeding Ukraine’s exports. 

The New York Times has noted, “Even if grain ships do get underway, danger, uncertainty and deep mistrust will hang over the effort, and major obstacles to carrying out the agreement remain.”   

Such conversations as yesterday’s suffer from being totally opaque. Blinken can’t even articulate the substantive issues bothering Biden —the cracks in the western unity. 

Curiously, the Biden faces two crisis situations with explosive potential at the moment — in Ukraine and over Taiwan. Indeed, it is crystal clear that both have been precipitated by Washington. Yet, the manner in which Biden is handling them couldn’t be anymore dissimilar. 

In the case of Taiwan, Biden didn’t hesitate to call up Chinese President Xi Jinping to calm the tensions. But he has chosen a different path to communicate with President Vladimir Putin. 

For sure, into the six month of the conflict in Ukraine, Biden has finally decided to bite the bullet and resume high-level contact with Moscow. But he opted to get through to Putin through his state secretary! 

The problem here is, although US-China relations are tense, Biden never took it to a personal level. He never used derogatory language to spite Xi Jinping, as he did to Putin repeatedly.

But Blinken too faces a similar predicament. On July 7-8, he avoided shaking hands with Lavrov at the G20 ministerial at Bali and skipped the official banquet because Lavrov was there. But after such churlish behaviour, here he was yesterday seeking out Lavrov! 

The State Department reportedly sent out a circular recently to American embassies directing diplomats to dissuade foreign leaders from being photographed with Lavrov, so that Washington’s project to “isolate” Russia gained traction! Lavrov apparently learnt about it from his hosts! 

Unsurprisngly, Blinken had to first call a press conference to rationalise publicly his need to talk with someone whom he treated as a “pariah” only 3 weeks ago. Blinken is an intelligent man and senses that Biden is desperate to open a communication channel to the Kremlin. (Whether a Biden-Putin conversation figured in yesterday’s discussion we do not know.)

The point is, after five months of conflict in Ukraine, Russian economy has not collapsed but is adjusting to a “new normal” in the geopolitical conditions. Russian currency is doing splendidly well. And there has been no insurrection in Russia. Above all, Russia is winning the war in Ukraine and is gearing up to dictate the terms of peace. 

Lavrov must be well aware of the real reasons behind Blinken’s call. First, there is a catastrophic situation that may crack western unity, as the spectre of cutoff in Russian gas supplies threatens European countries. Four European governments have fallen so far. 

Everyone understands that it is much more than an energy crisis. As economies start crashing, social and political unrest will follow. There is pervasive disquiet in European capitals. The blame game has begun. 

Washington may not be able to salvage the job of European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen much longer. The  European leaders realise that Ursula played them with her personal crusade to punish Russia. 

There is a lot of pent-up resentment about Germany, too. Europeans don’t shed tears over Germany’s plight. Berlin’s imposition of harsh austerity programme on its southern neighbours is still painful memory. 

Therefore, Ursula’s latest hare-brained scheme to impose a 15% reduction in gas consumption on all EU countries (to bail out Berlin) faces resistance. Truly, there is no alternative to Russian gas and Washington has forgotten its promise to find replacement. 

Biden only brought this calamity down on the Europeans. Barack Obama’s private doubt is now public wisdom for Europeans — “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.” 

Lavrov also knows the second reason why Blinken wants to re-engage. The Russian special military operations are making good progress and all indications are that the Zelensky regime is crumbling. Thus, preparations have begun for holding referendums in Kherson and Zoporozhia regions to ascertain the wishes of the people. 

Russia has invited applications for citizenship from the residents of Kharkov as well, and ruble currency is being introduced. Putin just approved a 3-year master plan to rebuild Mariupol. The ancient city will soon have bridges, roads and schools that put Washington to shame. 

Most important, Biden must be worrying that even if he multiplies by a hundred times Washington’s carve-up of Kosovo as a nation state in 2008, it still wouldn’t match what is steadily unfolding in Ukraine. And Europeans are watching all this — speechless, in disbelief — as territorial boundaries get redrawn in their manicured continent. 

There are new facts on the ground since March when Russia and Kiev reached an agreement in Istanbul (which the hawkish Biden team promptly torpedoed by promising the moon to Zelensky.) So much water has flown down the Dnieper since then. Watch the video, below, of Biden’s landmark April 28 war speech. 


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The continuing provocative threats of a visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a military aircraft to Taiwan, which China regards as part of the mainland, have stoked already acute global tensions, as well as a political and military crisis in Washington.

Pelosi, who has already embarked on her East Asian mission with a six-person delegation of Democrat congressional leaders, has deliberately refused to rule out landing in Taiwan, despite warnings from Beijing that any such trip will be resisted.

Whether or not Pelosi’s visit goes ahead, it has already served to bring the US confrontation with China, which Washington has designated a threat to its Asia-Pacific and global hegemony, closer to a potentially disastrous nuclear war.

An official statement issued by Pelosi on Sunday after a stopover in Hawaii indicated high-level discussions with military chiefs from the US Indo-Pacific Command about flying into Taiwan accompanied by US fighter jets.

Pelosi said her mission would focus on “mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance,” and take in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan. There was no mention of Taiwan, in keeping with the secrecy surrounding the trip.

She continued: “After a fuel stop in Hawaii, we were honored with a briefing from USINDOPACOM Leadership, as well as a visit to the Pearl Harbor Memorial.” The Indo-Pacific Command would be directly involved in any operation to escort Pelosi’s delegation into and out of Taiwan.

Pelosi has refused to make public any information about the timing of her itinerary, saying that would be a threat to her safety—insinuating that China would endanger her. Today and tomorrow she is in Singapore, according to local media reports.

The Wall Street Journal, which is agitating for the trip to proceed, reported on the weekend: “Logistical preparations were under way for a Taiwan stop in case a decision to go there was finalised, people familiar with the matter said.”

Adding to the baiting of China, the American nuclear-powered and armed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and cruiser, is now in the South China Sea, within striking distance of Taiwan.

Because of the obvious danger of a military clash, with unknown consequences, divisions have evidently erupted in the Biden administration and the Pentagon over sending Pelosi into Taiwan.

This crisis is likely being exacerbated by the fact that US President Joe Biden, aged 79, has suffered his second COVID infection within days, after trying to dismiss the initial illness as mild.

Last Wednesday, Biden told reporters he thought the US military believed a visit by Pelosi to Taiwan was “not a good idea right now.” At the same time, the White House has insisted that it has no jurisdiction over Pelosi’s decision to fly to Taiwan, even in a military plane.

The Pentagon has made preparations for the flight to ahead. US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, declared last week that America’s armed forces were ready to “do what is necessary to ensure a safe, safe conduct of their visit.”

The dangers of a military clash were underscored when the Chinese government announced on state media last Thursday that it was holding live-fire military drills in the Taiwan Strait, about 120 kilometres from the Taiwanese coast. Video footage of the drills was later broadcast on China’s main television network, CCTV. At its narrowest the Taiwan Strait is just 130 kilometres wide.

The announcement said the manoeuvres, to be conducted over a 13-hour period on Sunday local time, would be limited in scope and take place off the island of Pingtan in Fujian province. But it said any entry into the Taiwan Straits waters between Taiwan and the mainland would be prohibited.

China’s Maritime Safety Administration said its coast guard would also hold an exercise in the South China Sea off Guangzhou province on Monday. State media further broadcast footage of a Chinese destroyer firing its weapons in the South China Sea, through which the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier group is believed to be sailing.

To add to the tensions, Taiwan’s government has been conducting large-scale defence exercises, including air-raid drills in major cities that ordered millions of residents to shelter as sirens wailed.

The island’s military simulated an attack on the Su’ao Naval Base, a major military port in northeastern Taiwan. Mirage 2000 and F-16 jets scrambled to intercept war planes invading from the east; helicopters challenged submarines; and guided-missile destroyers fired cannon, missiles and torpedoes.

Last Tuesday, Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, personally inspected the live-fire military exercises. The drills demonstrated “the ability and determination of our military in defending our country,” Tsai told troops afterward. The Taipei City government said the purpose of the air raid drills was to teach the public the location of bomb shelters “in the event of war.”

Regardless of the clear dangers, including to the 82-year-old Pelosi herself, leading figures in the US Congress and the security apparatus have urged her to go, declaring that Beijing should not be permitted to “dictate” the terms of US engagement with Taiwan.

Republican Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that “if she doesn’t go now, she’s handed China sort of a victory of sorts”. House minority leader Kevin McCarthy added that he wanted to lead a congressional delegation there if he was elected house speaker.

This war-drum beating is bipartisan. The Democratic chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Adam Smith, declared: “I don’t think we should let China dictate something like this.

Writing in The New York Times, security insiders Bonnie Glaser and Zack Cooper shed some light on the crisis wracking the White House. They cautioned against triggering a potential war. “A single spark could ignite this combustible situation into a crisis that escalates to military conflict. Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan could provide it,” they said.

In a phone call with Biden last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphatically opposed a visit by Pelosi, the second in line to the US presidency, to the island. The visit would be a clear violation of the One China policy, by which the US has not recognised Taiwan as a country since 1979.

Yesterday’s editorial in the China Daily, the government’s official publication, further warned:

“US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proposed visit to the island, if materialised, will constitute a grave violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and seriously shake the political foundation of the Sino-US relations.”

But the Pelosi affair is not an isolated development. Successive US administrations, from Obama and Trump to Biden, have increasingly eviscerated the One China policy, including by sending troops, military aid and delegations to Taiwan.

At present, the Ronald Reagan strike group is headed through the South China Sea, conducting “maritime strike exercises,” supposedly on a “routine patrol,” stated Commander Hayley Sims, a public affairs officer for the Japan-based US 7th Fleet.

Far from being routine, Secretary of Navy Carlos Del Toro was onboard the aircraft carrier, where he issued a statement accusing unnamed countries of “misrepresenting” US maritime operations, with an “aim to claim the resources of others.”

The reality is that Washington is the aggressor, continuing three decades of unending wars to assert global domination. Just as it goaded Russia into a catastrophic invasion of Ukraine by extending NATO to Russia’s borders and building up the Ukraine military, the US is transforming Taiwan into a launch pad for war with China.

As well as targeting China, regarded as the chief threat to US power, the Biden administration is responding to a deepening social, economic and political crisis at home by using war as a means of diverting rising working-class struggles to target a supposed foreign enemy.


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Featured image: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Oil-on-Canvas by Rebecca Lazinger, 2020)

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Well known for its flamboyant LGBT culture and hard-left policies, San Francisco has become the first U.S. city to declare a public health state of emergency due to the spread of monkeypox, an infectious virus that almost exclusively affects gay men.

San Francisco officials made the declaration Thursday, giving the green light to the city’s Democrat Mayor London Breed to “marshal resources and personnel to confront the intensifying monkeypox outbreak,” the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The move comes after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a global health emergency last weekend and as Americans await a possible federal emergency declaration from the Biden administration.

San Francisco health officer Susan Philip said Thursday that city officials “want the flexibility to be able to use our resources to best serve the public and protect health,” adding that as San Francisco has “historically always done,” officials “want to affirm our commitment to the health of our LGBTQ communities in San Francisco,” according to the Chronicle.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last month found that 98% of people infected with monkeypox outside of Africa, where the disease is endemic, were gay or bisexual men. The study also found that 41% of people infected with disease also have HIV.

Mayor Breed said that as of Thursday the city of nearly 875,000 has recorded just 281 monkeypox cases. However, the number is expected to grow as the infection spreads. To date, no deaths from monkeypox have been reported in the U.S.

It’s unclear whether San Francisco will ask gay men to refrain from sexual activity in a bid to stop the spread of the virus.

In the San Francisco health officer’s statement, she explained that the emergency declaration didn’t mean the city was looking to use the same mechanisms it employed during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as lockdowns or public health restrictions.

The San Francisco Public Health Department said the declaration “will help with City resources, emergency planning, staffing, coordination across City agencies, and allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments.”

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The Netherlands: Higher Vaccine Uptake, Higher Mortality

August 1st, 2022 by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

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During the past few months, indications of a positive correlation between all-cause mortality and Covid vaccines has been growing. To demonstrate the existence of this correlation it is however crucial to be able to compare the rate of mortality and the vaccine uptake within a relatively homogenic population.

This is what Dutch researcher André Redert has now done. He compares mortality rate and vaccine uptake between municipalities in the Netherlands and finds no mortality-reducing effect from vaccination.

Instead he finds a statistically significant positive correlation between vaccine uptake and mortality.

The period in question is week 35-52, 2021. As the graph shows there is a strong correlation, i.e. a higher vaccine uptake in a municipality is correlated with a higher death rate. The full analysis is not yet peer reviewed, but it is available on Researchgate.

Those results fit with the worrying excess-mortality figures we now see in many countries. The elephant in the room is likely to be the surge in the rate of serious adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines, compared with other vaccines. An additional reason may be the sometimes negative effect of vaccination on covid-specific mortality, for example in the UK.

Those results are truly worrying. And what is perhaps even more worrying is the general censorship when it comes to publishing or discussing them. The mainstream media avoids the discussion and the management of social platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn have even established rules against mentioning any negative facts regarding the vaccines. One can only wonder what such censorship may mean to those business leaders if and when the mass-hysteria blows over and those responsible for suppressing vital information and touting dangerous misinformation are held to account for their deeds.


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Draghi: Missione Compiuta

August 1st, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

La rassegna stampa internazionale di Byoblu | 58° puntata

“Tra i paesi dell’Europa Occidentale l’Italia aveva uno dei legami più forti con la Russia. La missione di Draghi è stata quella di rompere questo schema, riposizionando l’Italia nei confronti della Russia”: lo scrive il New York Times. Draghi ha non solo trasformato l’Italia in paese belligerante contro la Russia, inviando armi e istruttori alle forze ucraine, ma ha promosso le sanzioni contro la Banca centrale russa e l’ammissione dell’Ucraina nella UE. Per questi e altri “meriti” l’autorevole rivista USA Fortune include Mario Draghi tra “i 50 più grandi leader del mondo”.

La carriera di Draghi ha una svolta decisiva quando – dopo aver smantellato quale direttore del Tesoro il patrimonio pubblico italiano con le privatizzazioni – diviene direttore e vicepresidente della Goldman Sachs.  La Goldman Sachs non è solo una banca USA ma un centro di potere del gotha finanziario che, attraverso la politica delle “porte girevoli”, piazza i suoi uomini in cariche istituzionali chiave. Dal 2005 al 2021 Draghi diviene prima governatore della Banca d’Italia, quindi presidente della Banca Centrale Europea, infine presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica Italiana.

I risultati della “missione” che Draghi ha compiuto con la totale complicità del Parlamento fanno sprofondare l’Italia in una crisi senza precedenti: mentre il prezzo del gas (in seguito alle politiche anti-russe) è salito da 15 a 200 euro al megawattora, l’Italia ha accumulato un livello tale di passività che – scrive Fortune – “il costo del prestito per l’Italia è diventato proibitivo, salendo a livelli insostenibili”. La crisi italiana è analoga a quella in cui sprofondò la Grecia, perdendo con il “pacchetto di salvataggio” della UE ciò che restava del patrimonio pubblico. La situazione è aggravata dalla svalutazione dell’euro nei confronti del dollaro, che accresce il costo delle importazioni. Decisivo, quindi, è ribaltare la politica che Draghi ha attuato con la sua “missione” in Italia.

Manlio Dinucci



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WHO Announces Monkeypox Global Emergency: Corrupt Global Leaders Preparing for the Next Pandemic

By America’s Frontline Doctors, July 31, 2022

Monkeypox is a variant of the smallpox virus and is not new. The first recorded case of monkeypox was in 1970, we have been living with this virus in existence for decades. This virus was not a threat to us then, and it is not a threat to us now.

Pelosi’s Potential Taiwan Provocation Raises South China Sea Tensions

By Connor Freeman, August 01, 2022

After a port call in Singapore, the USS Ronald Reagan has returned to the South China Sea where earlier this month it was conducting war drills. South China Morning Post reported that satellite imagery showed the carrier, on Thursday, traveling 185 kilometers (115 miles) from the contested Fiery Cross Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands chain.

Sanctions Had No Effect on Moscow Yet Europe Lost Four Governments: Orban

By Al Mayadeen, August 01, 2022

Russia sanctions have not shaken Moscow’s resolve, despite the fact that Europe has already lost four governments due to economic and political crises, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday.

9-Year-Old with No Pre-existing Conditions Died Two Weeks After Pfizer Shot, Latest VAERS Data Show

By Megan Redshaw, August 01, 2022

According to survey results released Tuesday, 43% of U.S. parents of children under 5 will “definitely not” give their child a COVID-19 vaccine amid concerns the vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than the virus.

Beware of Faux Anti-imperialists

By Emanuel Pastreich, July 31, 2022

The idle billionaires do not know what to do with all their money. But they certainly don’t miss out on a chance to pour cash on faux anti-imperialists intended to lead those seeking real change down crooked paths to the valley of damnation.

Movie: Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

By Children’s Health Defense, July 31, 2022

We would like to present to you a film by Andy Wakefield, produced by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., entitled “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.”

“Fear Marketing” of Multiple Vaccine Targeted Infections

By Bernadette Pajer, July 31, 2022

Public health agencies in the US engage in what’s known as “social marketing” or “social engineering.” There are university programs and textbooks dedicated to changing behavior using marketing principles.

Trudeau Moves Forward with Fertilizer Reduction Climate Policy

By The Counter Signal, July 31, 2022

PM Justin Trudeau has decided to move forward with his cap on nitrogen emissions by reducing fertilizer use even as provincial Agriculture Ministers beg him to stop. As per a Government of Saskatchewan news release, both Alberta and Saskatchewan’s Ministers of Agriculture have expressed “profound disappointment” in Trudeau’s decision to attempt to reduce nitrogen emissions from fertilizer.

The Balancing Act – How Russia Struggles to Appear on Africa’s Horizon

By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 30, 2022

As popularly known to African leaders, Russia has thousands of decade-old undelivered pledges and several bilateral agreements signed with individual countries, yet to be implemented, in the continent. In addition, during the previous years there have been unprecedented huge number of “working visits” by state officials both ways, to Africa and to the Russian Federation.

If You Want to Change the World, You Have to Change Mankind! Enlightenment and Education

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 30, 2022

People with a lot of money and influence, who are not well-disposed towards the rest of humanity and only have their own profit in mind, are trying in various ways to “unhinge” the world. The world war against Russia is one of them.

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The study, commissioned by the MOH, also indicates new adverse events not reported in Pfizer’s leaflet, and that some adverse events last more than a year. Despite being aware of these findings, the MOH is hiding them from the public and has recently authorized the booster dose for ages 5-11 and is preparing to approve the vaccine for infants

While Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is hosted in Israel and is promoting his company’s COVID vaccine for infants ahead of the Israeli Ministry of Health’s expected approval for infants in the coming days, it turns out that the ministry is hiding very serious findings on the vaccine’s adverse events in children, especially concerning children aged 5-11. Although the findings of the study, which was commissioned by the ministry itself, were presented to the Epidemiology Division three weeks ago, and despite their seriousness, the MOH authorized last week a third dose (“booster”) for ages 5-11 and announced that it plans to approve the vaccine for infants as early as this week.

In an urgent letter sent on Monday (June 27, 2022) by the Professional Ethics Front to the State Comptroller of Israel, Dr. Matanyahu Engelman, it was revealed that the findings of a study conducted by Prof. Matti Berkowitz, director of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit at Assaf Harofeh Hospital (Shamir) were presented to the Department of Epidemiology in early June. The study, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Health, examined the adverse events of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for about six months (From December 9, 2021, until the end of May 2022). The study was based on an analysis of reports recorded in the Nahlieli system (a system that constitutes the Israeli national vaccine database, including the management of the accompanying information, which includes reports of adverse events and safety demonstrations). The letter to the State Comptroller stated that “The findings have been brought to our attention, and they are serious and indicate a risk to children, and in particular to young children aged 5-11”.

Today (June 29, 2022), the association sent another letter to the State Comptroller, detailing the serious findings, accompanied by slides presented to the Epidemiology Division by the research team led by Prof. Berkowitz.

The findings show, among other things, that adverse events are 2-4 times more common among young children aged 5-11; that there are new adverse events that have not been reported in Pfizer’s COVID vaccine leaflet; that contrary to what has been claimed, various adverse events, including neurological effects and menstrual disorders, are not short-term events that pass within a few days, but in many cases, they last for months or even more than a year. Moreover, the study found that a significant proportion of the symptoms did not disappear by the end of the study, so it is not possible to know how long they lasted; and a considerable part of the cases even if the adverse event ceased, it recurred after the next dose.

During the study period, 8,054 reports of vaccine-related adverse events were received in all age groups (5-11; 12-17; 18 and over), of which 6,259 were defined as “valid” (without duplication or empty reports ). In addition, 2,075 adverse events were reported as free text.  Of the reports submitted as free text – five categories together constitute about 70% of all reported adverse events. These categories were analyzed by the research team, and include (in order of frequency): 1. Neurological effects; 2. General effects (not included in any of the categories specifically); 3. Menstrual disorders; 4. Symptoms in the musculoskeletal system; 5. Symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract/kidneys and urinary tract. Cardiovascular symptoms were noted in the sixth category, with slightly fewer reports compared to the fifth category. However, this category was not analyzed by the team, although it was precisely these adverse events, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, that were found to be related to the vaccine and common among teenagers and young adults. Also, according to the team members who presented the study, there are other symptoms such as autoimmune symptoms, which are important to analyze in order to better identify the safety profile of the vaccine, but at this stage have not been analyzed.

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Adverse events are 2-4 times more common among ages 5-11

The researchers found that in the youngest age group – ages 5-11, adverse events are 2-4 times more common (depending on the specific adverse event described) compared to the older age group, aged 12-17. This finding is very surprising and especially troubling in light of the fact that the percentage of vaccinated among the young group is much lower compared to the larger age group. In fact, according to the MOH’s COVID dashboard, only 25.1% of children aged 5-11 received one dose of the COVID vaccine, 17.7% received two doses, and 0.1% received three doses. In contrast, among 12-15-year-olds 65.6%, 54.6% received two doses, and 14.8% received three doses. Among 16-19-year-olds 89.3% received one dose, 78.2% received two doses, and 45.9% received three doses. That is, while the immunization rate among ages 5-11 is 3-4 times lower for the first and second doses of the vaccine, the rate of reported adverse events in this group is 2-4 times higher!

It should be noted that the findings surprised even the research team itself, and were emphasized by them several times during the presentation.

The finding of a higher rate of adverse events among ages 5-11 compared with ages 12-17 emerges from both the closed fields and open text in Berkovitch’s analysis, and in almost all categories analyzed. In the closed fields it was found that 599 reports are among ages 5-11, while 299 reports are among ages 12-17 – that is, double the number of reports among the younger group.

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Of the adverse events reported as free text – 7% are among ages 5-11, and 3% among ages 12-17. In other words, the rate of adverse events reported among the younger children is almost 2.5 times higher than that of the older group.

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For example, in the category of neurological adverse events – 6% are among ages 5-11, and 3% among ages 12-17. That is, the rate of neurological symptoms in younger children is twice as high as in the older group.

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In the category of adverse events relate to the gastrointestinal / kidney and urinary system – 19% are among ages 5-11, and 5% are among ages 12-17. That is, the rate of reports in the younger group is 4 times higher than in the older group!

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New adverse events that were not reported in Pfizer’s leaflet were identified

As can be seen from the slide below, the team identified and characterized neurological symptoms that were not previously known and are not mentioned in the physician’s leaflet of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, including Hypoesthesia (partial or complete decrease in skin sensitivity), Paraesthesia (abnormal skin sensation such as numbness, tingling, stinging or burning), tinnitus, dizziness and more.

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Are the adverse events indeed short-lived and transient? Some last more than a year

The findings also include evidence that contrary to what has been claimed so far, various adverse events, including some serious ones, are not short-lived and pass within a few days, but in many cases last for months and even more than a year. It should be noted that the research team made it clear to the Department of Epidemiology that Pfizer needed to be notified regarding the long-term adverse events identified, as the company’s representatives said in a discussion held a few months ago that they had no knowledge of long-term adverse events.
Thus, as can be learned from the slide presented above, as well as from the following slide, the research team found that while studies examining the topic of menstrual disorders have so far claimed that such disorders are short-lived (up to several days), in the present study most reports indicate long-term adverse events. For example, more than 90% of the reports, which relate to menstrual disorders and specify characteristics of the duration of the problem, indicate long-term changes. Over 60% indicate menstrual disorders lasting more than three months: in 26% of the cases, the menstrual disorder lasted 3-6 months; In 15% of the cases it lasted 6-9 months; In 10% of them it lasted a whole year, and in another 10% it lasted over a year. The researchers also noted that in 30% of cases, the menstrual disorder was described as persistent. That is, it did not end at the time the report was delivered. Similarly, with regard to neurological adverse events, in about 68% of the reports which included a characteristic of the duration, the problem lasting more than a month were documented, of which 88% lasted more than three months.

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Similarly, other reported adverse events have also been identified as long-lasting. For example, with regard to musculoskeletal symptoms, the researchers wrote that while Pfizer’s’ leaflet stated that adverse events such as back pain only lasted for several days and then disappear, in the current analysis – in 79% of the reports which included information about these adverse events, it was noted that the duration lasted more than a week. Of these, about 50% indicated a duration of over six months!

Also with respect to adverse events related to the gastrointestinal, renal, and urinary tract, it was found that over 80% of the reports that included information on the duration of the problem indicated a duration longer than a week. In 30% of them, a duration of more than half a year was specified!

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Recurrence/exacerbation of adverse events following a repeated dose

Another finding identified and characterized by the research team is a phenomenon called Rechallenge – recurrence /exacerbation of a previous adverse event after receiving another dose of the vaccine – thus, it was found that in 10% of cases where menstrual disorders were reported, there was a recurrence /exacerbation of the adverse events following another dose of the vaccine.

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The two biggest HMOs “are keeping the information close to their chests”

The disturbing findings of this study should be regarded as even more serious in light of the fact that the study was based mainly on reports received from the small funds, and mainly from Meuchedet, as the research team said during the presentation. According to Prof. Berkowitz, the largest HMOs – Clalit HMO and Maccabi HMO, “are keeping the information close to their chests”. It follows that the analysis conducted is extremely lacking and limited, and its findings reflect a severe underestimation of the extent of the true side effects. “It is not clear how, when it comes to such a critical study, the major HMOs do not cooperate, and it is even more unclear why the Ministry of Health does not require them to transfer data to the study,” the association’s members wrote to the state comptroller.

It should be noted that even if the study was conducted on the basis of a full report from all the HMOs, these serious findings would still constitute under-reported, since the Nahlieli system is a voluntary reporting system, and it is known from the research literature that reporting in such systems only represents about 1% -10% of the adverse events found in reality. All the more so when it is known that the two central health funds did not cooperate in transmitting the data.

The concealment of the findings by the Israeli MOH could also have a serious and critical significance in relation to children and infant vaccination at a global level since Israel is considered the “laboratory state”, as claimed by Pfizer’s CEO, Dr. Bourla. The CDC and the FDA rely on the Israeli data and findings to base crucial decisions in the US – decisions which other health authorities globally later follow. Every decision made in Israel regarding children’s vaccination thus has a worldwide impact, and if the decisions are made while concealing and ignoring findings, the results can be disastrous.

Flashing warning lights – Ministry of Health ignores and hides

It turns out that the findings of the study conducted by Prof. Berkowitz and his team are not the first warning signal regarding the safety of Pfizers’ COVID vaccine in children. Active monitoring for adverse events was conducted by the HMOs in Israel for about four months among 172 children aged 5-11, who were vaccinated as an initial group outside the label (under the authorization of the vaccine for kids 12-15 years old), also demonstrated acute safety signals (Ministry of Health circular: “Vaccination of kids aged 5-11 years against the new Coronavirus – an exception for individual cases from 27.7.21”, reference 548562821). Another flashing warning light rises from the gap found among vaccinated kids aged 5-11 years old between the number of those who received the first dose and the number of those who received the second dose. According to data from the Ministry of Health, there is a gap of 92,000 children who did not return to receive the second dose of the vaccine. “This figure, published without any details or explanation, reinforces the warning signal regarding the safety of these vaccines”, the letter to the State Comptroller stated.

As mentioned, the findings of Prof. Berkowitz’s study were presented to members of the Epidemiology Division as early as the beginning of June. However, despite this information, the Epidemiology Division issued on June 14, 2022, a directive to administer a booster dose to children aged 5-11 (Division of the Epidemiology Division: “The new Coronavirus vaccine – a third dose for children aged 5-11 years – Update No. 8 of the 14.6.22 “, reference 548562821).

Moreover, last week the Ministry of Health’s epidemic treatment team discussed the approval of the vaccine for babies and toddlers aged six months to 5 years old in Israel. Contrary to the discussion in which the vaccine was authorized for the 5-11 years old children, the discussion on vaccinating the babies – the most vulnerable group – was not held in public. The only publicly available information about the course of the discussion came out from tweets by some health reporters, according to which Pfizer and Moderna representatives presented during the discussion and overview of the effectiveness of their vaccines in children. As far as is known, no independent experts were invited to the expected sequel discussion this week.

Given the serious findings of Prof. Berkowitz’s study, as well as the fact that the Ministry of Health did not disclose these findings, despite the time that has passed since they were presented to its Department of Epidemiology, and instead decided to approve the vaccine for ages 5-11, and due to the concern that the findings of the study will also be ignored in the upcoming discussion regarding the infant vaccine approval, an urgent Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) has been recently filed by the Professional Ethics Front (Application No. 657228). According to the request, the information should be disclosed even if it is still raw, “Out of fear that there is a blatant violation of parents’ right to informed consent, and because it constitutes gross negligence, and puts children and infants at risk”. However, so far no response has been received from the Ministry of Health.

In light of the urgency of the situation, the Professional Ethics Front has urgently sought the intervention of the State Comptroller’s Office to ensure that the disturbing and serious findings are made public, as well as to immediately stop vaccinating young children and infants and prevent infant vaccination approval until the complete information on the safety of the vaccine in infants and children is fully investigated.

The Ministry of Health did not respond to questions sent to it – neither through the ministry’s spokespersons office nor through its COVID information headquarters.


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As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is preparing to lead a Congressional delegation on a tour of Asia, which may include a stop in Taiwan, tensions between Washington and Beijing in the South China Sea are increasing.

After a port call in Singapore, the USS Ronald Reagan has returned to the South China Sea where earlier this month it was conducting war drills. South China Morning Post reported that satellite imagery showed the carrier, on Thursday, traveling 185 kilometers (115 miles) from the contested Fiery Cross Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands chain. Two Chinese ships, a frigate and a destroyer, were identified between 23-27 kilometers away. The USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group is now heading northeast possibly towards the Taiwan Strait.

After drilling in Hainan province, the PLA Navy is carrying out routine exercises near Guangdong, along the Chinese southern coast. According to the Post, “An area in the South China Sea about 89km from Macau will be closed to ships on Saturday for military exercises, according to a notice issued by China’s Maritime Safety Administration. The Gulf of Tonkin off southwestern Guangdong will also be a no-go zone on Tuesday and Wednesday while gunnery exercises are carried out.”

Song Zhongping, a former PLA instructor, suggests the USS Ronald Reagan might escort Pelosi to Taiwan. The Associated Press reported this week, if Pelosi goes to Taiwan, ships, jets, and additional assets will be providing protection for the military plane flying her there. Song adds “At the same time, before the potential visit, the US will increase surveillance of People’s Liberation Army activities around Taiwan – meaning that the US would deploy a large number of reconnaissance aircraft.”

Song predicts the “region will be tense for a while,” and China will correspondingly reciprocate with more surveillance flights eyeing the carrier strike group. He said the PLA will likely warn off U.S. ships and aircraft in the area, and perhaps intercept Pelosi’s plane.

On Friday, despite the hype, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters there is no evidence China is planning to act militarily against Taiwan. “(We’ve) seen no physical, tangible indications of anything untoward with respect to Taiwan,” Kirby said.

Officials in President Joe Biden’s administration are concerned if Pelosi visits the island it will spark a major crisis in the Taiwan Strait. As House Speaker, she is number three in line to replace the president. This follows a series of hawkish former Donald Trump administration officials, Congressional delegations and other high level officials’ visits to Taiwan, which have deliberately goaded Beijing.

Earlier this week, Pelosi invited other lawmakers to join her in Taipei. Reportedly, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) will join her small delegation.

Biden has said the military warned him Pelosi going to Taiwan is “not a good idea.” During a call on Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping told Biden that China will resist “interference by external forces” on the island, adding those “who play with fire will perish by it.” Xi said he hopes “the US will be clear-eyed about this.” On Friday, when reporters asked Pelosi about Xi’s comments she smiled, laughed, and declined to comment.

Pelosi told reporters on Friday “we want Congress to be a part of” the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific policy. Since entering office, Biden has vastly ramped up military provocations with China. Last year, Biden sailed warships through the Taiwan Strait almost every month. He nearly doubled the number of air craft carrier strike groups deployed to the South China Sea, and flew more than 2,000 sorties of reconnaissance aircraft in the South China Sea, East China Sea, and Yellow Sea.

Beyond Biden’s three “gaffes” which has committed Americans to Taiwan’s defense, seemingly doing away with the One-China policy which has kept the peace for decades, US troops are now openly deployed to the island, training local forces for war with the mainland.


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Connor Freeman is the assistant editor and a writer at the Libertarian Institute, primarily covering foreign policy. He is a co-host on Conflicts of Interest. His writing has been featured in media outlets such as and Counterpunch, as well as the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. He has also appeared on Liberty Weekly, Around the Empire, and Parallax Views. You can follow him on Twitter @FreemansMind96.

Featured image is from US-China Perception Monitor

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Russia sanctions have not shaken Moscow’s resolve, despite the fact that Europe has already lost four governments due to economic and political crises, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday.

“The West’s strategy is like a car with flat tires on all four wheels… The sanctions did not destabilize Moscow. Europe is in trouble, economically and politically, and four governments have become victims: UK, Bulgarian, Italian, and Estonian… People will face a sharp increase in prices. And the better part of the world deliberately did not support us as well — China, India, Brazil, South Africa, the Arab world, Africa — everybody is aloof from this conflict, they are interested in their own affairs,” Orban said while delivering a speech in the Romanian city of Baile Tusnad.

Orban went on to say that the Ukrainian conflict will “put an end to Western hegemony, which could unite the world against someone,” and that a “multipolar global order” will “knock on the door.”

On a trip to Moscow today, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told reporters that the EU should be truthful about the realities of the gas supply from Russia rather than treating it as an ideological matter.

“It has been proven that the purchase of natural gas is not an ideological issue, but a physical issue that can’t be solved by talking,” Szijjarto said.

The EU has been urging member states to decrease dependence on Russian gas as a response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.

Euro hits its lowest, Ruble hits 2-year high 

As shown by trading data, the Euro fell below $1.03 for the first time in July since December 2002. The euro traded at $1.0296 which is down from $1.0421 at a time when the dollar index was 1.04% to 106.23 points.

Fears over the European energy crisis are putting pressure on the euro. Strike-related production suspensions at many fields by Norway’s Equinor increased gas prices. Nord Stream will be suspended for scheduled maintenance from July 11 to July 21. In light of this, European gas futures are rising by 6% to almost $1,800 per thousand cubic meters.

On the other hand, the exchange rate of the dollar and the euro fell against the ruble in May and the currency was trading below 69 rubles for the first time since June 2020, while the euro was trading below 73 rubles.

In terms of stock trading, the Moscow Stock Exchange denominated in rubles (MICEX) index declined by 0.02% to 2444.67 points, while the stock exchange index denominated in dollars (RTS) rose 0.87% to 1091 points.

Moscow trade

Western sanctions didn’t stop Russia from increasing trade with friendly states.

The Russian foreign ministry revealed in April that it expects commodity flows with China to grow and trade with Beijing to reach $200 billion by 2024, according to the Interfax news agency, given that the West-led sanctions on Russia have driven Moscow to shift its economic ties and cooperation toward the East.

The ministry contended that Chinese companies must be cautious of the risks of subjection to secondary sanctions – however, Beijing is ready to expand cooperation with Moscow nonetheless.

Moreover, last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that Moscow and Tehran’s relations are strategic and deep in nature, pointing to the growth of trade between the Russia and Iran last year and in the first months of 2022.

On his part, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi pointed out that the Russian-Iranian trade relations are developing, stressing that nothing will stand in their way.

Raisi said the agreements that the two countries have reached are under implementation, highlighting that the cooperation between Russia and Iran in the Caspian Sea  region is an important aspect of bilateral cooperation.


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VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,357,940 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,790 deaths and 247,686 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,357,940 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 6,990 adverse events over the previous week.

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 29,790 reports of deaths — an increase of 155 over the previous week — and 247,686 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,010 compared with the previous week.

Of the 29,790 reported deaths, 19,236 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,917 cases to Moderna, 2,584 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 848,094 adverse events, including 13,805 deaths and 86,604 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 13,805 U.S. deaths reported as of July 22, 7% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 54% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 601 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of July 20, including 355 million doses of Pfizer, 227 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

vaers data vaccine injury july 29

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 22, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 22, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

  • 12,232 adverse events, including 313 rated as serious and 9 reported deaths.
    The most recent reported death involves a 9-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 2377304) from California who died two weeks after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The child experienced abdominal pain, sore throat and chest pain during the 2-3 days before she died, according to the VAERS report, which did not indicate any pre-existing conditions.
  • 24 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis.
  • 47 reports of blood clotting disorders.
  • 101 reports of seizures.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 22, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 22, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

Woman develops rare acute kidney failure after first Pfizer dose 

A woman developed a rare case of acute kidney renal failure — linked to antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) — a few days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine.

According to a case study published July 18 in Nephron, a previously healthy 47-year-old woman presented to a primary care clinic for bilateral flank pain, generalized weakness and bilateral lower extremity swelling that started three days after her first Pfizer shot.

AAV is a group of diseases characterized by the destruction and inflammation of small vessels. The condition occurs when neutrophils attack small and medium vessels of the body, which can affect several organs, such as the kidney, stomach, intestine and lungs.

This case adds to previous reports suggesting COVID-19 vaccines may, in rare instances, promote the development or worsening of autoimmune diseases, such as AAV, from their silent state, according to Patricia Inacio, Ph.D., who summarized the report for ANCA Vasculitis News.

“Rarely, autoimmune processes have been described post-vaccination. AAV is an example of an autoimmune disease that can be induced or flared up from a silent state by COVID-19 vaccines,” the authors concluded. “A high index of suspicion regarding the presence of an autoimmune renal process is needed whenever a recently COVID-19-vaccinated individual presents for acute kidney injury.”

43% of parents ‘definitely’ won’t vaccinate young kids for COVID

According to survey results released Tuesday, 43% of U.S. parents of children under 5 will “definitely not” give their child a COVID-19 vaccine amid concerns the vaccine poses a greater risk to kids than the virus.

The survey, published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, found that 27% of parents said they would “wait and see,” while another 13% said they would have their children vaccinated only if required to do so for school or childcare.

Even parents who were vaccinated against COVID-19 said they would not give permission for their youngest children to get vaccinated.

When asked why they will not vaccinate their eligible child under 5 “right away,” parents cited “concerns about the newness of the vaccine and not enough testing or research, concerns over side effects and worries over the overall safety of the vaccines.”

CDC used flawed data to justify authorizing COVID-19 vaccines for kids

A CDC official used data from a flawed preprint study that exaggerated the risk of death for children from COVID-19 in her presentations to CDC and FDA advisors who were responsible for recommending Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines for infants and young children.

The study, first published May 25 on the medRxiv preprint server, was authored by a group of U.K. researchers. On June 28, the authors published a revised version of the study, after critics questioned some of their original findings.

“It’s really disturbing that data this poor made its way into the meetings to discuss childhood COVID and that it took me less than a few minutes to find a major flaw (and then I found many more as I looked deeper),” said Kelley K, who was the first to point out some of the study’s flaws on her website

After learning of Kelley’s analysis, The Defender reviewed the original preprint, confirmed Kelley’s findings and uncovered additional flaws in the original preprint and also in the June 28 revised version.

CHD demands D.C. schools rescind COVID vaccine mandate

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel for CHD, in a letter to the superintendent of the District of Columbia school system threatened to sue the school district unless it rescinds its recently announced COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students ages 12 and up.

State Superintendent of Education Christina Grant announced on July 19 that student immunization requirements for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year will include the COVID-19 vaccine for all students who are of an age for which there is a vaccine fully approved by the FDA now that the FDA has fully approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for individuals 12 to 15 years old.

D.C. law requires students in all area schools, including private, parochial and independent schools, to be fully compliant with mandated vaccinations, unless they have an approved exemption. The law also requires schools to verify immunization certification for all students.

The requirement was detailed in a law the D.C. Council approved last year and is the first legislation of its kind in the region.

Although courts have upheld many childhood vaccination requirements for licensed and approved vaccines, no court has ever upheld a mandate for schoolchildren for an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine, according to Kennedy.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

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A federal judge in Ohio on Wednesday blocked the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate nationwide for Air Force, Space Force and Air National Guard service members who requested religious exemptions.

In his 4-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Matthew McFarland said the government failed to “raise any persuasive arguments for why the Court should not extend the Preliminary Injunction issued on March 31, 2022, to cover the Class Members.”

Wednesday’s ruling replaces McFarland’s 14-day temporary restraining order, issued July 14. The temporary order was issued to allow the military time to make its case for why the preliminary injunction shouldn’t last longer and be expanded to apply to 10,000 or more service members seeking an exemption.

Earlier this month, government lawyers argued that preventing the military from punishing unvaccinated members “would interfere with ongoing legal proceedings and would otherwise be improper, particularly in light of significant new developments.”

Defendants pointed to the recent Emergency Use Authorization of Novavax — which is not yet fully licensed — and claimed unlike the other three shots available in the U.S., Novavax does not use fetal cells in its development, manufacturing or production.

“Those class members whose religious objections were based on mRNA technology or the use of fetal-derived cell lines are no longer substantially burdened by the COVID-19 vaccine requirement because this option is now available,” lawyers said.

“Moreover, religious beliefs of service members who object to vaccination based on mRNA technology are not substantially burdened by Novavax or the Johnson & Johnson vaccines, which do not use mRNA technology.”

Included in the government’s filing as an exhibit was a declaration from Lt. Gen. Kevin Schneider, director of staff for the Air Force headquarters.

Schneider claimed unvaccinated members “are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 and substantially more likely to develop severe symptoms resulting in hospitalization or death” and that exempting a large number of airmen “would pose a significant and unprecedented risk to military readiness and our ability to defend the nation.”

“As of March 14, 2022, a total of 91,984 Department of the Air Force Service members had contracted COVID-19 during the pandemic, resulting in 229 hospitalizations, of which 14 died,” Schneider said. “Of those who died, 12 (86%) were completely unvaccinated.”

Schneider did not provide the number of servicemen injured or hospitalized as a result of having to receive a COVID-19 vaccine under the military’s vaccine mandate.

McFarland wasn’t convinced. He instead modified the class to include all active-duty, active reserve, reserve, national guard, inductees and appointees of the U.S. Air Force and Space Force, including but not limited to Air Force Academy Cadets, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets, members of the Air Force Reserve Command and any airman who has sworn or affirmed the U.S. Uniformed Services Oath of Office or Enlistment and is currently under command and could be deployed.

Under the new order, the Air Force can’t take disciplinary action against, or attempt to kick out members who requested a religious exemption on or after Sept. 1, 2021, those confirmed as having a sincerely held religious belief by chaplains and those who either had their request denied or whose request has not yet been acted on.

“Obviously, we are thrilled for our clients who we were facing career-ending consequences for the exercise of their sincerely held beliefs,” Chris Wiest, an attorney for plaintiffs, said Wednesday.

“This case will now proceed into the discovery phase in which we look forward to placing government decision-makers under oath and questioning them about their discriminatory decision-making.”

Of the Air Force’s 497,000 members, 97% have received a primary COVID-19 vaccination series.

Of the 1,400 exemptions granted, only 104 are religious exemptions — and those were granted only to service members at the end of their term of service.

Currently, 2,847 requests are pending and 6,803 were rejected.

The small number of religious accommodations granted is “farcical,” McFarland said earlier this year. The Air Force “‘has effectively stacked the deck’ against service members seeking religious exemptions.”

The U.S. Secretary of Defense on Aug. 24, 2021, directed military branch secretaries to immediately begin full vaccination of all members of the armed forces, service members on active duty and those in the reserves, and National Guard, unless exempted.

The Secretary of Defense claimed that “to defend the nation, we need a healthy and ready force” and “after careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, and with the support of the President … vaccination against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people.”

Military’s recruiting crisis deepens under vaccine mandate

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are putting pressure on the Pentagon to fix the military’s recruitment crisis in what has been deemed the worst recruiting environment since the end of the Vietnam War, Politico reported this week.

Recent briefing slides obtained by Politico show senior Pentagon leaders are alarmed by poor enlistment numbers and the military “currently faces the most challenging recruiting market since the advent of the All-Volunteer Force, with multiple Services and Components at risk for missing mission in FY 2022.”

“Arduous market conditions are expected to persist into the future as the market is not likely to self-correct,” according to the slides.

While the military said it acknowledges the problem, the desire of young Americans to join the military has “fallen off the statistical cliff,” according to Politico.

The Army only reached 66% of its goal for the fiscal year ending in September, while the Navy is at 89%, according to data compiled from October 2021 to May 2022.

Although the rates for the Marine Corps, Air Force and Space Force are at 100%, that leaves the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) with a total rate of just 85%.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), who chairs the Military Personnel Subcommittee, wants to hold a joint hearing with her panel and the Readiness Subcommittee on recruiting issues.

“I would say we have to do a deep dive into why the numbers are shrinking,” Speier told Politico. “I think we have to have a hearing to kind of explore that.”

The DOD says the drop in entry-level troops can be traced to concerns about the physical and psychological risks of service and other career interests, the possibility of interference with a college education, dislike of the military lifestyle and the military’s high standard for recruits.

The Army last week announced it is launching multiple initiatives to address the problem including providing $35,000 bonuses for new recruits ready to ship out to basic training within 45 days and lowering the service’s physical and academic standards.

Some DOD officials and experts blame COVID-19 vaccine mandate

Former and current DOD officials and experts criticized the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate as a contributing factor — and claimed the “department leadership knows it.”

According to Military News, the Army recently cut more than 60,000 National Guard and Reserve soldiers who refused to be vaccinated from military pay and benefits and is preventing them from participating in military duties.

Mackenzie Eaglen, an expert with the conservative American Enterprise Institute, argued the military’s vaccine mandate has “indisputably negative” impacts on recruiting.

“The math and logic simply doesn’t add up to let troops go involuntarily over the vaccine while announcing at the same time historically high bonuses for new recruits (which the U.S. Army did this winter),” Eaglen said.

“It is far more time-consuming and expensive to fire those with experience versus bringing in new, untrained personnel.”

“If you are sitting in the state of Georgia or Texas and you see they are putting 40,000 members out, you are going to scratch your head a bit and say, ‘why would I join up?’” a former senior DOD official told Politico. “And if you don’t want to get vaccinated, you are certainly not going to join.”

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), the top Republican on the House Armed Services’ Readiness Subcommittee, former Green Beret and current member of the National Guard, joined with 49 other republican lawmakers on Tuesday to send a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin requesting the Pentagon reconsider its COVID-19 vaccine mandate in response to the recruiting crisis.

“At a time when the department is struggling to recruit qualified young men and women fit for duty to fill the ranks, and while China is embarking on a massive military buildup which threatens American interests around the world, we should not be hindering our own readiness and capabilities by punishing and forcing out experienced and dedicated Guardsmen and Reservists,” the letter stated.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

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Today, Liberty Counsel settled the nation’s first classwide lawsuit for health care workers over a COVID shot mandate, for more than $10.3 million. The class action settlement against NorthShore University HealthSystem is on behalf of more than 500 current and former health care workers who were unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate. The agreed upon settlement was filed today in the federal Northern District Court of Illinois. 

As a result of the settlement, NorthShore will pay $10,337,500 to compensate these health care employees who were victims of religious discrimination, and who were punished for their religious beliefs against taking an injection associated with aborted fetal cells.

This is a historic, first-of-its-kind class action settlement against a private employer who unlawfully denied hundreds of religious exemption requests to COVID-19 shots.

The settlement must be approved by the federal District Court. Employees of NorthShore who were denied religious exemptions will receive notice of the settlement, and will have an opportunity to comment, object, request to opt out, or submit a claim form for payment out of the settlement fund, all in accordance with deadlines that will be set by the court.

As part of the settlement agreement, NorthShore will also change its unlawful “no religious accommodations” policy to make it consistent with the law, and to provide religious accommodations in every position across its numerous facilities. No position in any NorthShore facility will be considered off limits to unvaccinated employees with approved religious exemptions.

In addition, employees who were terminated because of their religious refusal of the COVID shots will be eligible for rehire if they apply within 90 days of final settlement approval by the court, and they will retain their previous seniority level.

The amount of individual payments from the settlement fund will depend on how many valid and timely claim forms are submitted during the claims process. If the settlement is approved by the court and all or nearly all of the affected employees file valid and timely claims, it is estimated that employees who were terminated or resigned because of their religious refusal of a COVID shot will receive approximately $25,000 each, and employees who were forced to accept a COVID shot against their religious beliefs to keep their jobs will receive approximately $3,000 each.

The 13 health care workers who are lead plaintiffs in the lawsuit will receive an additional approximate payment of $20,000 each for their important role in bringing this lawsuit and representing the class of NorthShore health care workers.

Liberty Counsel will receive 20 percent of the settlement sum, which equals $2,061,500, as payment for the significant attorney’s fees and costs it has required to undertake to sue NorthShore and hold it accountable for its actions. This amount is far less than the typical 33 percent usually requested by attorneys in class action litigation.

In October 2021, Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to NorthShore on behalf of numerous health care workers who had sincere religious objections to NorthShore’s “Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.” If NorthShore had agreed then to follow the law and grant religious exemptions, the matter would have been quickly resolved and it would have cost it nothing. But, when NorthShore refused to follow the law, and instead denied all religious exemption and accommodation requests for employees working in its facilities, Liberty Counsel filed a class action lawsuit, along with a motion for a temporary restraining order and injunction.

Liberty Counsel Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel Horatio G. Mihet said,

“We are very pleased with the historic, $10 million settlement achieved in our class action lawsuit against NorthShore University HealthSystem. The drastic policy change and substantial monetary relief required by the settlement will bring a strong measure of justice to NorthShore’s employees who were callously forced to choose between their conscience and their jobs. This settlement should also serve as a strong warning to employers across the nation that they cannot refuse to accommodate those with sincere religious objections to forced vaccination mandates.”

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said:

“This classwide settlement providing compensation and the opportunity to return to work is the first of its kind in the nation involving COVID shot mandates. This settlement should be a wake-up call to every employer that did not accommodate or exempt employees who opposed the COVID shots for religious reasons. Let this case be a warning to employers that violated Title VII. It is especially significant and gratifying that this first classwide COVID settlement protects health care workers. Health care workers are heroes who daily give their lives to protect and treat their patients. They are needed now more than ever.”


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Led by leftist Mayor Eric Adams, New York City has fired over 1,750 city employees, including police officers, firefighters, transportation workers, and Department of Education staffers, because they refused to get the experimental, abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines.

The mayor’s office told the New York Post on July 23 that 1,752 municipal employees in total have been forced out of their jobs due to their vax status, an increase of more than 200 since the city’s last update in March.

The Post noted that in February, Adams had terminated the employment of 1,430 city workers who refused to get the shots, including 914 Department of Education staff members, 36 personnel with the New York Police Department, and 25 New York Fire Department employees.

In March, another 101 workers were pushed out of their jobs, the outlet reported.

The mayor’s office had failed to release further official numbers since March, until its Saturday confirmation to the Post that the number of fired employees had risen to over 1,750. A breakdown of the most recent firings by department was not published, the outlet noted.

The Post further pointed out that in addition to the 1,752 employees who have been fired for their stand against the COVID mandate, over 6,000 city workers are still awaiting a response after applying for medical or religious exemptions.

Adams had become the Empire State’s mayor in November 2021, taking over from former Mayor Bill de Blasio who had enforced crippling COVID restrictions on New Yorkers, including crackdowns on church services.

De Blasio’s successor has similarly enforced rigid COVID rules since his inauguration, drawing criticism for his city’s ongoing school mask mandate that required toddlers to mask up throughout long school days.

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Sri Lanka’s Insurgency

July 31st, 2022 by Citizen Perera

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The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, in a disgraceful spectacle of cowardice in the face of an insurgent attack, bolted from the Colombo Fortress deserting his Forces and abandoning his responsibility to the Country.

In 2019, Nandasena Rajapakse was elected President of Sri Lanka with the votes of a near 7 million people who delegated their Executive Sovereign Power, for a period of 5 years, to a man who they believed, would strive to do what he had promised to do in his election Manifesto and campaign.

On taking office, Nandasena, by virtue of Article 4b of the Constitution, assumed the role of Commander-in- Chief of the Sri Lanka Army, the Navy and the Air Force and with it the responsibility for the security of the Country and her people.

An American woman, Ayoma Rajapakse, stood beside Sri Lanka’s leading Public Servant at the oath-taking ceremony.

Two years thereon, the country was ablaze and in dire peril with a full-blown American – backed insurgency raging inside the Galle-Face square, challenging and defying the government’s edict; anarchism prevailed and the subversives, were successful in unseating undemocratically, on the 09th of May ‘22, the democratically selected Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapakse.

The unbridled insurrection raged-on. The insurrectionists – resorting to violence, looting, terror and arson – were confronted by a courageous and professional Police and Military whose authority was frequently undermined by the vacillation of their Commander-in-Chief.

While the situation worsened by the day – houses torched, insurrectionists breaking en masse into government departments –there remained a conspicuous silence at the highest echelon of power.

When the need of the hour was for the Commander-in-Chief to give a clear concept of the ‘then-current’ political situation to the Military leadership for the latter to formulate their plans to tackle the insurgency, Nandasena seemingly muddied the water by asserting that the anarchical village at Galle Face must continue.

It was almost as though – like the energy and power crises and the fertiliser hara-kiri – the country was being deliberately set-up for anarchy and the eventual transfer of Executive power to the man, brought-in surprisingly into the power-equation, from out of the blues, by Nandasena, following the false flag drama and coup of 09 May 22.

When, what was needed was astute leadership and courage to steer the country safely through troubled waters, the Commander-in Chief and his wife suddenly went missing.

As it transpired, in the face of a fresh offensive launched by the insurgents at Galle Face, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces had taken to his heels, abandoning his troops, his people and the country.

What a disgrace to a valorous Army!

Nandasena, displaying extreme cowardice in the face of an insurgent offensive, had literally run-away from the battlefield, deserting his troops, his army and the country.

Nandasena gave not a rap about his responsibilities to the country, not a whit about his troops tackling the insurrection nor a damn for the desperate plight he had plunged the people into.

When epic demands that the captain of a sinking ship goes down with honour with his ship, Nandasena and his wife, like rats, were the first to jump ship.  

As a retired officer of the Army and the serving C in-C of the Armed Forces Captain ‘Coward’ is a disgrace to the Military and his conduct demands that he be court-martialed, publicly cashiered, awarded appropriate punishment, stripped-of his rank and his medals and all pensions withdrawn.

Deserting the military is a serious and ‘jailable’ offense.

But abandoning one’s troops, running away from the scene of battle, delivering up any fortification and abandoning one’s post when under enemy attack are unatonable acts of cowardice punishable with death.  This is covered by the Army Act No. 14 of 1949.

To the rank and file, the Commander-in-Chief has set an ignoble example and his punishment therefore must serve as a deterrent and example to the present and future generations to come.

What was pointed out by Professor Suri Ratnapala, an authority in constitutional law, is indeed relevant; during the time Nandasena was in self-imposed isolation, he ceased to function as President, he was not performing executive or diplomatic functions overseas, he was not on vacation (if he were he had not informed any responsible authority of that fact), he had not gone overseas for medical attention (if he had, he had not so informed anyone),  he had left the country in secrecy for the Republic of Maldives, he did not disclose his future movements or programme and he had left the nation in the dark about his future intentions.

Professor Ratnapala asserts, ‘Mr. Rajapakse had self-vacated his office and abandoned his constitutional responsibilities; he had left the country and this is a case of dereliction of constitutional duties’.

This is not the first instance of Nandasena literally taking to his heels.

In the mid-seventies at the Army camp in Sudukanda at Minneriya, Lieutenant Nandasena ran for dear life when soldiers mutinied and assaulted him; on his orders a sick soldier was dragged along the ground to be brought before him; Nandasena had then proceeded to kick the hapless soldier lying on the ground. That soldier died.

Nandasena had gone AWOL for over a month, hiding in fear. There was a Court of Inquiry on the incident.

Subsequently, not too long after the aforementioned incident, soldiers based at Echelon Square in Fort, stormed the Sinha Regiment Officers’ Mess, conduct unheard of in the history of the military; the soldiers   targeted Nandasena for assault. Nandasena ran.

The next time, Captain ‘Coward’ deserted the Army was when the terrorist war recommenced in 1991 with the Army facing a shortfall of officers; those officers eligible to retire were not permitted to do so, based on the principle ‘that an Officer holds his Commission at the will and pleasure of the President’ .

On completing the minimum number of years  required to qualify for an Army pension, viz twenty years, Nandasena did not report for duty when his application for retirement was rejected.  He was declared a deserter. There was a warrant out for his arrest.

He escaped a Court Martial, a jail sentence, a withdrawal of Commission and the forfeiture of his pension by sobbingly prostrating and pleading in front of Ranjan Wijeratne, the then Secretary of Defence.

Nandasena joined his wife in the US, only seven years later; during that time, he worked in a private Company, while the terrorist war raged-on and officers and men in the Army were sacrificing their lives.

Nandasena needs to be apprehended immediately and brought back to the country to be tried by a Court Martial for high TREASON.

Ayoma Rajapakse in the meantime needs to be investigated and tried for leaving the country illegally, without Customs and Immigration declarations and checks.


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Beware of Faux Anti-imperialists

July 31st, 2022 by Emanuel Pastreich

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The idle billionaires do not know what to do with all their money. But they certainly don’t miss out on a chance to pour cash on faux anti-imperialists intended to lead those seeking real change down crooked paths to the valley of damnation.

That cheap trick was once the territory of the Democratic Party. Sadly, that donkey, or shall we say Trojan horse, has been so overload and weighed down with the droppings of the parasite class that now new fraudulent revolutionaries have to be trotted out.

Let me give you two examples.

The first is the anti-globalist Adam Brooks (on that horrific forum Twitter) who wrote,

“Five deaths of Monkeypox worldwide, all from African countries, 98% of cases amongst men that have sexual relations with other men. Please explain how this is a global emergency? Why did you overrule your advisory panel Dr. Tedros?”

Although this post is seemingly critical of the establishment (for the naïve, or for those suffering from denial syndrome) the comment cements in place a fascistic system dedicated to the destruction of human civilization.

There is no reason to believe that Monkeypox even exists, or that anybody suffers from it at all. The fairy tales of this disease are not subject to any scientific analysis, and although it is entirely possible that biological weapons were, or will be used, and then the results blamed on “monkeypox” the World Health Organization’s Director General, reporting to the super-rich, is untrustworthy. Nothing he says should be taken seriously.

The stupid little story that is being propped up so as to distract from structural shifts in our society concerns the unethical actions of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization. Supposedly, he overruled WHO’s advisory board and declared that Monkeypox is a global emergency.

Nothing could be more irrelevant than this event, if it even happened at all.

The purpose of launching these wind-up anti-establishment figures is not to set things right, or to make the WHO into a dependable organization.

There are steps that could be taken to transform that criminal organization, but he never mentions them.

No, he is part of a larger psychological operation aimed not at specific targets, but rather at destroying the trust of people in all institutions. The impression given to the public is that the institutions on which they must rely have gone insane, are possessed by devils, by evil spirits.

There is no offer of a plan, or the presentation of a careful analysis of who owns what, and how decisions are actually made. No, the director general is just a bad apple, perhaps an indication of some greater decline which is unknowable and unstoppable.

Another example is the pronouncements of Richard Wolff (professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst) on Democracy Now (July 27) about the recent raising of interest rates by the Federal Reserve. He talks about the redistribution of wealth in the United States, and identifies a real issue there, but he then embraces the fraudulent argument that the COVID-19 pandemic was somehow real and that the rise in interest rates is a “body blow” to workers.

The truth is that the COVID-19 scam was the body blow to workers, not because of some virus, but because multinational banks stole some 13 billion dollars, or more, and shut down the economy. The current rise in interest rates is a sideshow, at best.

Wolff does not even touch on the process by which private capital makes national monetary policy at the Federal Reserve, or how the concentration of wealth is planned out, and implemented, on a global scale by the super-rich.

In effect, he is offering up a bucketful of red herrings.

Let us see what he says about economics,

“But perhaps what’s not understood is who raises the prices. That little economics detail is so often lost. Employers, the class of employers in our society, that’s who sets the prices. Employees are excluded from that activity. Employers in the United States are 1% of the population, if that. Those of us who have to take the prices they choose to raise, we are the 99%. And there’s no democracy in allowing 1% of the people to set prices that 99% of the people are forced to pay, for food, clothing, shelter and all the rest.”

This is legerdemain that would make Houdini envious. Employers maybe one percent of the population of the United States, but they are the small fry. It is the 0.01%, or less, of global investment bankers and billionaires who make fiscal policy and who now dominate the media, education, trade and transportation, food and medicine, on a scale unknown in human history. They are the threat, not “employers.”

Of course those “employers” at corporations learn their tricks of the trade from the parasite class, but to go after them is like going after a lizard in a jungle of tigers.

The ultimate purpose of these false critics is to stir up free floating anxiety and suggest an ill-defined, frightening chaos in all institutions that is confusing and disorienting for the public. The goal is to create a world in which nothing and nobody can be trusted.

There is no roadmap available from these oracles because it is not their job to help us.

Once the chaos reaches the boiling point, something most likely already decided by banks of supercomputers, then a messiah figure will be trotted out, much as Adolf Hitler was after Germany had been torn to pieces by hyperinflation.

This messiah will solve the problems no one else could solve (because others were not allowed to solve problems).

But following this false messiah will mean accepting complete control by hidden forces, and renouncing all participatory politics. Many, perhaps most, will chose to follow because the destruction of institutions has left them with no bearings, with no internal compass. After that choice, however, there will be no more choices.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus announced approval for China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, Geneva, May 7, 2021 (Source: Indian Punchline)

Movie: Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

July 31st, 2022 by Children’s Health Defense

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We would like to present to you a film by Andy Wakefield, produced by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., entitled “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.” 

Here are some excerpts from the movie transcript:

Humans across the globe are becoming increasingly less fertile. The worldwide fertility rate dropped by nearly 60%.

The lowest number of recorded births in 30 years.

[Reporter] Fertility rates have hit a record low.

A baby bust.

Why are the rates lower? What’s happening here?

[Commenter] Your body’s designed to do something, when you are told that you can’t. If I ever had to say to my daughter that she won’t be able to have children, it would be devastating.

[Commenter] Since women stopped being able to have babies, what’s left to hope for?

When I heard about this story from east Africa about fertility, my thought to myself, “That’s me.”

As a gynecologist, in the last few years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of women who are losing pregnancies, the number of women who are presenting with threat of abortion, with bleeding in early pregnancy. We are also seeing a lot of young couples with infertility.

Infertility is one of the most major problems now in gynecology in Africa.

I have seen the tears. They have lost their identity. You die inside.

The ultimate mystery, why are women infertile?

My journey with the miscarriages was very difficult. The first one, I carried that pregnancy for about three weeks. I got pregnant again, and I must have carried that pregnancy for about four weeks. I got pregnant a third time, and this time, I carried that pregnancy for 10 weeks. I knew there was a problem.

When a woman is pregnant, her baby produces HCG through the placenta

[Narrator] Human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG, what is that?

It’s a first signal that tells the woman she’s pregnant. It tells the ovaries to produce a second hormone called progesterone that then maintains the pregnancy.

I was tested, and my anti-HCG levels were way up.

[Narrator] What does this mean when a woman has antibodies, an immune reaction to HCG produced in her own body?

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US Pushers of War with China Find Canadian Allies

July 31st, 2022 by Yves Engler

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s planned trip to Taiwan combined with the head of the US military Mark Milley recently calling the Chinese military “noticeably more aggressive” has greatly ratcheted up tensions with the world’s most populous nation.

Major Canadian media and think tanks are pressing for this country to join the conflict. They have recently offered suggestions on how to “win the new Cold War” with China (Globe and Mail), called for promoting Taiwanese independence (McDonald Laurier Institute) and accused the country of “committing mass atrocity crimes and grave human rights violations against the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims” (Toronto Star).Through endless stories in recent years about Chinese spying and technology theft, as well as influence over Canadian cultural and schooling initiatives, the dominant media has established the ideological terrain for conflict. Echoing ‘Russiagate’ nonsense, last month former Conservative leader Erin O’Toole even claimed his party lost “about eight or nine seats” in the last election due to Chinese interference.

On spurious security grounds, the Trudeau government recently conceded to US and media pressure to ban the world’s largest 5G network provider, Huawei, from building its cutting-edge broadband in Canada. During a meeting with her US counterpart last month Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland raised the idea of “friend-shoring”. If pursued seriously, this could lead to delinking economically from China and Russia.

Concurrently, Canada and the US have been working together to combat Chinese dominance over rare earth minerals used to produce electric cars and other newer technologies. Earlier in the year, opposition politicians and the media demanded Ottawa block a Chinese firm from purchasing lithium deposits a Canadian company controlled in northwestern Argentina. How dare the Chinese take our Argentinian resources!

With US military bases and warships encircling the Asian nation, Canadian vessels and aircraft are increasingly present near China’s territorial waters and airspace. Four Canadian naval vessels are participating in the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), a massive month-long US-led training that largely takes place off of Hawaii. The wargames partly target China.

Alongside their US counterparts, Canadian vessels have run provocative manoeuvres in the South China Sea. While they claim to be upholding the “international rules-based order” in these missions, the USA refuses to recognize the Law of the Sea.

In early June it was reported that Chinese jets had repeatedly buzzed Canada’s CP-140 Aurora surveillance plane operating near its territory. A Global News story — likely instigated by Canada’s military — claimed Chinese pilots flew so close to “sometimes see them raising their middle fingers.” (Flipping the bird is not a common Chinese cultural practice.) Probably hoping to prod a (somewhat) reluctant Trudeau government to condemn the Chinese, the military got what they wanted. Asked about Chinese aggressiveness towards Canadian forces 8,000 km from their territory, Prime Minister Trudeau told reporters, “the fact that China would have chosen to do this is extremely troubling, so we will be bringing it up directly with Chinese officials and (government) counterparts and ensuring that this doesn’t continue to be part of an escalatory pattern.”

At the NATO summit in Spain last month the alliance released a new strategic concept that for the first-time listed China. It labeled Beijing a challenge to the alliance’s “interests, security and values”. NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared,

China is substantially building up its military forces, including nuclear weapons, bullying its neighbours, threatening Taiwan … monitoring and controlling its own citizens through advanced technology, and spreading Russian lies and disinformation… China is not our adversary, but we must be clear-eyed about the serious challenges it represents.”

At a time when international cooperation is essential to mitigate the climate crisis and global health threats, a sizable segment of Canada’s ruling elite is stoking conflict with China.

Could Canada actually follow the US into war with China?


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Author’s Note : This was originally posted in March of 2021. Today, July 23, 2022, fear-marketing of multiple vaccine-targeted-infections has begun by the World Health Organization, U.S. federal and state agencies, and the media. Campaigns are underway for covid variants, monkey pox, polio, diphtheria, flu, and many others with corresponding existing or in-the-pipeline vaccines. It is important to be able to spot the “social marketing” campaigns so that slogans can be distinguished from facts. Informed consent cannot occur in a society where an individual is afraid that if they choose not to get a vaccine, they will face retaliation, job-loss, being ostracized and mocked. Informed consent cannot occur when full and complete information about the infection targeted, natural immunity, and treatment protocols are never explained.

Public health agencies in the US engage in what’s known as “social marketing” or “social engineering.” There are university programs and textbooks dedicated to changing behavior using marketing principles.

Campaigns have been done to encourage people to quit smoking, to breastfeed their babies, and to get more exercise. Positive reinforcement messaging is generally appreciated and unchallenged, and those who don’t change their behavior are not ridiculed. You don’t see political cartoons condemning women who bottle feed their babies. It’s considered mean to laugh at someone battling obesity.

Social engineering is also used to increase vaccine uptake. But unlike other public health interventions, there has always been opposition. This opposition has come from those who don’t subscribe to the germ theory of health, from parents of vaccine-injured children, from doctors who witnessed the health of too many of their patients decline following a round of vaccines, from scientists studying the biological impact of vaccination and of vaccine ingredients, such as aluminum.

Also unlike other public health interventions, ridicule of those who disagree with the messaging abounds and is even condoned by the mainstream. There is even a derogatory term meant to mock and shame and intimidate: antivaxxer.

Today in the United States we are experiencing a heightened awareness of the need for respect and kindness for all individuals, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, age, income, health affliction, and more.

But excluded from this respect and kindness movement are:

  • anyone critical of vaccines and masks
  • anyone who chooses natural immunity over vaccination
  • anyone who promotes individual health responsibility
  • anyone who promotes treatments for vaccine-targeted infections

For proponents of natural immunity and critical of the official response to COVID-19, ugliness and cruelty and public attacks, such as the above cartoon by cartoonist Bob Englehart, are increasing. Even individuals who support vaccination in general, but are wary of the COVID-19 vaccines in particular, are being labelled antivaxxers. There are many messages in Englehart’s cartoon worthy of discussion, but for the purposes of this post, I will point out the main message that the vaccine industry and their public health partners are thrilled to see and they hope you will come to believe: people who support natural immunity are dangerous.

If Pharma-State (meaning corporate-captured public health agencies) can get society to believe that anyone who supports natural immunity is a dangerous nut job, then the general public becomes an army of vaccine enforcers, and every single person on the planet, even those who are already immune to the targeted infection, become obedient customers. Do people who support natural immunity believe they have the right to intentionally infect anyone? Of course not. Do vaccine-free people pose a greater risk of transmission of vaccine-targeted infections in public settings than vaccinated people? Also no.

I must pause here to say that the vast majority of individuals working for public health and even the vaccine industry are good, kind, and well-meaning. They believe in the need for vaccination, they believe the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks. They believe they are doing good–for the “greater good.” The vaccine industry has done a superb job of infiltrating all sources of information, from science journals to medical school curriculums, effectively obscuring and hiding anything negative about their products. In a corporate-captured agency, the employees are not all bribed to do Pharma’s bidding. Some are, and of course the entire system is set up to be funded by Pharma payments to the agencies, but most are folks simply doing their job and believing they are doing good. To learn the full facts about vaccines, the science, politics, and industry, you have to step outside of the mainstream. To do that, you have to be fairly brave because the minute you put your toe over the line, you are called an antivaxxer and your career and even friendships are put at risk. There are an increasing number of people working in public health that have begun to understand this capture and are feeling extremely conflicted, wanting to speak up and change the system, but afraid of what will happen to them if they dare try.

I have been to many medical freedom rallies over the past few years. They have all been peaceful events, full of passion to improve vaccine safety, to end the corporate-capture of public health agencies, to defend medical freedom and informed consent. They are events of powerful speeches, bringing chills, tears, and hope. Below is a graphic reflecting the reality of meeting between medical freedom activists and those who are pro-vaccine and pro-mask.

Yes, I have had people shout at me that they hope I and my family die of polio. Nice, huh? Where is all this anger against those who support natural immunity coming from? Social Engineering from a captured Public Health system.

It has been going on a long time. Consider this publication in the Federal Register in 1984 (vol 49, no 107):

“. . . any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s public health objectives.”

Bolstering faith in vaccination programs and denying harm has become a massive enterprise, institutionalized in academia. During the 2019 legislative session in Washington state, when two bills were introduced to remove personal exemptions to vaccination, the below banner from a previous exhibit was installed in the Capitol Building to influence legislators to increase “Make Me” laws.


When it comes to the “Help Me” aspect of social marketing, Public Health and other governmental agencies play two roles. One is active, the other passive. One saturates society with messaging designed to sway public opinion. The other is utter and complete silence when their messaging drives hate messaging coming from many directions.

Consider this article in Yahoo Life! in July 2020, where the author concludes it’s OK to scream obscenities at a stranger who isn’t wearing a face mask. The mask-less individual depicted could have been a war veteran with PTSD or an assault victim, now unable to wear anything over his face without having a panic attack. He could have severe asthma, a chronic lung disease, a heart condition, anxiety disorder — any number of medical conditions that make wearing a mask harmful to his health. Or, yes, he could be someone who has read the science on mask wearing by healthy people in public places and engaging in civil disobedience. The crowd depicted has no idea. They see a person without a mask, and the author of this article is inciting readers to violence against him. Will we soon see these sort of articles, encouraging violence against anyone not able to prove they are vaccinated?

I sent this article to the WA State Secretary of Health and others at the Department of Health, telling them my concerns for the violence being witnessed in the state, asking them to please take action, to tell the public to remain calm and non-confrontational. They did not reply. They did not take action. People with health issues that qualify for a medical exemption are donning them anyway rather than risk the hateful glares and ugly remarks or refusal of service.

Not only do key players in public health work closely with the drug industry (for example AIM), but the marketing companies that public health agencies hire–with taxpayer money–are often politically aligned. To promote Gardasil and other vaccines, Washington State Department of Health has in the past hired GMMB, a marketing firm on a global mission to “cause the effect.” GMMB boasts that Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton “all hired GMMB to help them win the White House.” GMMB works exclusively with Democratic Party candidates. If you are a Democrat, how would you feel if GMMB exclusively worked with Republican candidates? GMMB is aligned with the goals of the World Economic Forum and their Great Reset, with the Gates Foundation goals to vaccinate everyone on the planet.

President Biden announced the federal government is spending nearly 2 billion dollars, all told, on a “vaccine confidence” campaign to promote uptake of COVID-19 vaccines.

“This television, radio, and digital advertising blitz, set to kick off within weeks, will focus on Americans outright skeptical of vaccines’ safety or effectiveness as well as those who are potentially more willing to seek a Covid-19 immunization but don’t yet know where, when, or how. Specifically, the campaign will target three groups in which access, apathy, or outright skepticism may pose a barrier to vaccinations: young people, people of color, and conservatives, according to a Biden aide.”


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All images in this article are from Informed Choice Washington

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For months, the United States and its vassals have been doing everything they possibly can to provoke China with their meddling in the Asian giant’s internal affairs, particularly the issue of Taiwan. Despite Beijing’s repeated warnings not to do so, the US still keeps pushing.

The planned Taiwan visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to be the new point of contention between China and the US, so much so that the leader of China Xi Jinping warned Washington DC “against playing with fire“. Xi Jinping, usually very reserved, careful and diplomatic in his statements, has been very direct in recent months, signalling Beijing’s deep frustration with America’s incessant escalatory actions aimed against China, be it the Taiwan issue, Hong Kong or Xinjiang and the mythical “Uyghur genocide“ claims, among other things.

“Those who play with fire will perish by it,“ China’s foreign ministry quoted Xi Jinping as telling US President Joe Biden in their fifth call as leaders. “It is hoped that the U.S. will be clear-eyed about this,“ Reuters reported. During a call which lasted for well over two hours, China’s leader also stated Beijing expects Washington DC to abide by the “One China policy“, which the US itself recognizes, and stressed that he firmly opposes Taipei’s independence claims and foreign interference.

For his part, the US president stated that Washington DC’s foreign policy regarding Taiwan “remains unchanged“ and that the US “strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,“ according to a White House press release. The government in Taipei thanked the US for Joe Biden’s support and stated it would “continue to deepen its security partnership with the United States,“ according to a statement by its foreign ministry on Friday.

The State Department claims that the “long-scheduled call was part of the administration’s efforts to deepen lines of communication with China and responsibly manage our differences.“ However, the statement can hardly be considered genuine, as the US and its satellite states keep testing China’s patience with openly hostile actions aimed at weakening Beijing’s position in Taiwan, as well as elsewhere in the vast and ever-increasingly important Asia-Pacific region.

China’s response so far has been very reserved, as the Asian giant is trying to avoid escalation. However, China is consistent in building up its forces to make sure no outside power could be able to jeopardize its security. Although Beijing’s actions have mostly been in response to belligerent US moves, such as arming the government in Taipei, China is very likely to become more proactive in order to deter such policies in the future.

An unnamed senior US official stated that US President Joe Biden and China’s leader Xi Jinping discussed the possibility of holding a first face-to-face meeting as leaders and directed their teams to look into this possibility.

“[Biden] stressed the importance of maintaining lines of communication on Taiwan and the two also discussed areas where there was the potential to expand cooperation, including climate change, health security and counter-narcotics,“ the official said.

The official also told reporters that “China’s leader had used similar language about Taiwan before“ and said the “two sides acknowledged differing views that have existed for 40 years.“

“The conversation between the two about Taiwan, it was direct and it was honest,“ he said, while declining to offer more specific details about Joe Biden’s message to Xi Jinping.

In addition to China’s reaction to meddling in its internal affairs, the US is also frustrated by Beijing’s firm refusal to condemn Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression. Seeing many parallels between US policies toward Russia and itself, in addition to many other countries, China is determined to continue its partnership with Moscow. It seems Washington DC wants to punish China’s “non-compliance“ in regards to Russia by trying to escalate tensions in Taiwan. The US is very likely trying to signal that it can cause serious problems for China, just like it did for Russia in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet region. However, the Chinese leadership is aware of the dangers of showing any sort of weakness or lack of determination to push back.

At present, China is still mostly focused on resolving the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the US is experiencing a 40-year peak inflation which has effectively pushed its economy into recession. However, instead of tackling its numerous internal issues, including racism, gun violence, baby food shortages, immigration, etc. the US keeps trying to divert attention from these problems and focuses on starting wars and conflicts around the world. This foreign policy approach has been a disaster, to say the least. As a result, the US is now locked in a (New/Second) Cold War with both Russia and China, concurrently.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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On July 23, 2022, The World Health Organization declared monkeypox a global emergency of international health concern.[1] Back in May 2022, we brought you AFLDS’ position on the monkeypox story. As suspected, the corrupt global leaders, working side-by-side with The World Health Organization (WHO) aren’t missing a beat in their quest for a perpetual worldwide pandemic. Regarding the decision to declare the “global emergency,” mainstream media reported: 

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the decision despite a lack of consensus among experts on the U.N. health agency’s emergency committee, saying he acted as “a tiebreaker.” It was the first time a U.N. health agency chief has unilaterally made such a decision without an expert recommendation.[1]

This is proof of what we have stated before. Global leaders have been preparing for the next pandemic and the one after that. If everything goes according to plan, Covid Theater will now morph into Monkeypox Theater. Marburgvirus Theater is currently being developed in the background. You’ll most likely also be hearing about Ebola, a disease that presents similarly to Marburg. We expect to report more specifically on Marburgvirus appearance and preparations soon. In the meantime, remember, We The People are awake, and we see them working in the dark shadows.

An important piece of the puzzle is H.R. 4350 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. If you download H.R. 4350 and word search “public health” you will be alarmed. H.R. 4350 is 3268 pages. Buried in those pages is a nefarious plan to use public health as a means of using the military to form a dictatorship over every agency in the executive branch of the government with no congressional oversight. [2]

Another piece of the complicated puzzle is the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Public Health Emergency Declaration[3].  Corrupt leaders of this country are hungry to be able to operate under the powers of the Public Health Emergency Declaration continuously. If you read the declaration, you may be quite shocked at the sheer number of protections that are waived (without our consent) under the guise of a public health emergency.

What Is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a variant of the smallpox virus and is not new. The first recorded case of monkeypox was in 1970, we have been living with this virus in existence for decades. This virus was not a threat to us then, and it is not a threat to us now.

As of right now, the virus is only spread through direct contact with an infected person’s respiratory secretions or other bodily fluids. This is not an airborne virus and it is rarely ever fatal. The CDC currently claims that asymptomatic people cannot spread the virus.[4] As of right now, it appears most people who have reported getting monkeypox have gotten it from someone they had sexual contact with. The best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family is to avoid sexual contact with strangers or people who could be affected and turn off the propaganda on your television.

As we have seen with the Covid pandemic, the information listed on the CDC website is subject to constant change to fit the narrative. We, as always, will monitor the situation on all fronts moving forward. We are here to assure the American people that monkeypox is nothing to worry about. You don’t need a vaccine to protect you. We must stand strong against this and any other disease the WHO attempts to label as a threat. We know the true threat and it is not a disease or pandemic.

Unite and Stand Strong.

In the past two and a half years, we have seen the tyranny that will ensue if we submit to this declared emergency and the next one after that. We should be very concerned, but not about any viruses. These declarations of emergency always precede the next wave of tyranny. This is your reminder, regardless of which virus they push, regardless of the propaganda they spread, WE MUST NOT fear, WE MUST NOTlock down, and WE MUST NOT be bullied into inoculation.

Our medical freedom colleagues at Truth for Health Foundation ( have already prepared and just updated helpful Fact Sheets and Treatment Guides on both monkeypox[5] and marburgvirus/ebola (hemorrhagic fever viruses)[6].  Organizations like AFLDS and Truth for Health Foundation are in the same war against evil tyrants and we appreciate the opportunity to share these materials with our constituents.

In closing, we will bring you comments of the dearly departed Dr. Vladmir Zelenko on July 21, 2022, shortly before he passed away:

There are emerging biological terror threats. The key is not to panic but to have a rational strategy on how to deal with it.

1. Don’t trust anything WHO, AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH say. I suggest doing the exact opposite. They have consistently proven themselves to be the enemies of the people.

2. Understand that all Covid-19 strains, Flu, RSV, Marburg, and Ebola are single-stranded RNA viruses that use similar pathways for replication. They use RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) to make copies of their genome.

3. Zinc inhibits RDRP. HCQ, IVM, Quercetin, and EGCG are Zinc Ionophores that help Zinc enter cells.

Above all, resist fear.


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[2] Text – H.R.4350 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 | | Library of Congress 





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PM Justin Trudeau has decided to move forward with his cap on nitrogen emissions by reducing fertilizer use even as provincial Agriculture Ministers beg him to stop.

As per a Government of Saskatchewan news release, both Alberta and Saskatchewan’s Ministers of Agriculture have expressed “profound disappointment” in Trudeau’s decision to attempt to reduce nitrogen emissions from fertilizer.

“We’re really concerned with this arbitrary goal,” Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture David Marit said. “The Trudeau government has apparently moved on from their attack on the oil and gas industry and set their sights on Saskatchewan farmers.”

According to Alberta Agriculture Minister Nate Horner,

“This has been the most expensive crop anyone has put in, following a very difficult year on the prairies. The world is looking for Canada to increase production and be a solution to global food shortages. The Federal government needs to display that they understand this. They owe it to our producers.”

As previously reported by The Counter Signal, in December 2020, the Trudeau government unveiled their new climate plan, with a focus on reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030. That plan is now coming into effect — though the government refuses to acknowledge that nitrous oxide emissions can be reduced without drastically reducing fertilizer use and thus crop production.

“Fertilizers play a major role in the agriculture sector’s success and have contributed to record harvests in the last decade. They have helped drive increases in Canadian crop yields, grain sales, and exports,” a news release from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reads.

“However, nitrous oxide emissions, particularly those associated with synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use have also grown significantly. That is why the Government of Canada has set the national fertilizer emissions reduction target, which is part of the commitment to reduce total GHG emissions in Canada by 40-45% by 2030….”

This is a tacit admission that any attempt to lower admissions by reducing nitrogen fertilizer will consequently lower crop yields over the next decade, hurting the Agriculture sector and, more importantly, hurting farmers.

And indeed, according to a report from Fertilizer Canada:

Total Emission Reduction puts a cap on the total emissions allowable from fertilizer at 30% below 2020 levels. As the yield of Canadian crops is directly linked to proper fertilizer application this creates a ceiling on Canadian agricultural productivity well below 2020 levels….

It is estimated that a 30% absolute emission reduction for a farmer with 1000 acres of canola and 1000 acres of wheat, stands to have their profit reduced by approximately $38,000 – $40,500/ annually.

In 2020, Western Canadian farmers planted approximately 20.8 million acres of canola. Using these values, cumulatively farm revenues from canola could be reduced by $396M – $441M on an annual basis. Wheat famers could experience a reduction of $400M.

Moreover, Fertilizer Canada doesn’t believe that forcibly decreasing fertilizer use will even lower greenhouse gases but could lead to carbon leakage elsewhere.

Nonetheless, Trudeau’s government is moving forward, with farmer’s groups speaking to Farmers Forum now wondering if he’s intentionally trying to cause a food shortage — which Trudeau previously told Canadians to prepare for.


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First published on July 8, 2022

Food production and the fossil fuel industries are not the only ones on the globalists’ chopping block. Last weekend I was invited to a zoom call with the German firebrand MEP Christine Anderson who gave us a brief report about the recent vote in the EU parliament to extend the Covid pass requirement for another year. 

The parliament voted in favor of the extension in plenary session in spite of the fact that the measure is wholly useless and unjustified – to say nothing of the fact that 99% of Europeans are opposed to it. Mrs. Anderson’s explicit assessment on the matter was that EU’s democracy is a sham and a fraud. The plenary never debated the measure – they simply took the vote. Why the majority of MEPs voted in favor is entirely a mystery, and a sinister one at that. 

But perhaps the most interesting and unexpected part of the 3 hour long call was about the airline industry. Three of the participants on the call had deep inside knowledge of the airline industry (one of them a pilot) who said in no uncertain terms that the industry is now being systematically and deliberately demolished. Apparently, the ultimate purpose is to kill airline travel altogether. The three participants asked that their names not be used, but they seemed exceptionally well informed and entirely credible. At any rate, the news flow has pretty well corroborated their claims.

It is quite apparent that something IS going on with air travel – a sudden wave of dysfunction, like we are experiencing in energy industry, oil production, supply chains and health care. Perhaps I missed a few. And while the media has reported chaos at many airports around the world (pretty much everywhere, it seems), the explanations seem innocent enough: the airports are understaffed and can’t cope with sudden surge of travellers. Here’s a small sampling of the recent reports:

All of a sudden, we have thousands of flights cancelled or delayed, luggage handling process stalling, hours’ wasted in check-in and security checks, and all this happening pretty much everywhere? Coincidence theorists will swallow the official explanations with a shrug of acceptance, but I do find all this extremely strange.

The traffic management systems that have evolved for nearly a century and that had  functioned close to flawlessly for decades, now suddenly seem to be coming apart at the seams. If what the gentlemen on our zoom call were saying was true, airport chaos could become a chronic thing. Indeed, another person on the call, who said she’d read through many of the WEF documents and all of UN’s Agenda 2020/30/50/etc. said that this is all actually written down as an explicit objective. She said that the ultimate intent is to do away with travelling and to establish a feudal arrangement where people remain fixed in place and all travel is banned.

Of course, we don’t need to make too much out of such documents – they simply reflect someone’s stated vision of the kind of social arrangement they believe desirable for whatever reason. On the other hand, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and by this time, the least we should do is pay attention. The coincidence theorists in our midst, the ever loyal consumers of the mainstream narrative are always happy to disperse when told to do so because “there’s nothing to see here…” However, this cohort has had an extremely poor prediction track record, especially over the last two+ years. For most of the rest of us, it is indeed time to pay very close attention and seed the system with due friction if it is veering toward undesirable ends. This is our future that’s at stake and the world our children and their children will inherit. It is time to be brave.

While the high priests of Davos may not be able to carry out their plans to completion, they have proven powerful enough to cause a great deal of damage.

About that small short…

I almost forgot the practical aspect to this story… If the globalists are set at collapsing the air travel industry, perhaps they are furnishing us with an opportunity: shorting travel and leisure related stocks could prove a good short. I’d start with small airlines and non-defense related companies. Or simply ride the EUREX STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index:

EUREX STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index: in a downtrend with a lot lower to go!

Markets move in trends and the STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index could be going a lot lower.


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We have been given a hopeless choice, and it is no accident.

The world is being pulled together by hidden forces, by the transfer of money from one bank to another, by the transfer of information, photographs and texts exchanged between media monopolies, banks, and the public relations and consulting firms that service billionaires, making their cynical ploys appear to be humanitarianism.

The world is merging as wealth and power concentrate in the hands of the few. The information fed to working people is increasingly banal and trivial. If we want to respond to international issues, we are forced to work with these new powers, to bow before these false gods, the self-appointed lords of global affairs.

We are being trampled by ruthless globalism that controls all money, produces all the things we need to live and even tries to control our minds via postings on social networks that reduce us to instinctive animals responding to suggestive images.

But the anti-globalist alternative presented to us consists of racist, isolationist groups, groups that use violence and deeply disturbing rhetoric. These groups are increasingly powerful, but they are not interested in the truth. They make equally misleading appeals to the emotions of the frustrated worker.

These groups do not want reform of global institutions, but rather their complete dismemberment. Such actions can only empower multinational corporations further. They do not offer any solutions to climate change or to the domination of society by technology ― in most cases they ignore these threats entirely.

Or we can turn to the global institutions with visionary goals like the United Nations, or the World Health Organization, for guidance.

I am moved when I read the inspiring words of the UNESCO Constitution (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization):

“That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”

But although these internationalist institutions like UNESCO retain a few smithereens? of their noble past, they have been so infested with money from corporations, direct, or indirect, that their priorities are dictated by billionaires promoting their own money-making agendas under the false flag of charity.

Given this impossible choice, most of us who have the time, the education and the incentive to try to respond to globalization do not know where to turn. Many have simply given up. The investment banks could not be happier with this result.

There is a critical difference between the drive for globalization dominating business and financial activities and the inspiring vision of internationalism, the coming together of the citizens of the Earth for informed and ethical governance, that led to the founding of the United Nations and other international organizations intended to solve mankind’s common problems.

Globalization brings together people, often extremely bright, to pursue profit through trade and technological development. The assumption in globalization is that the decisions of banks and multinational corporations will help ordinary people and that growth and consumption will bring happiness to everyone. But businesses can only measure success in profits and although they may use some of those profits to help out poor people, their motivation is exploitative.

We need to return to the tradition of brave and fearless internationalism and forge an alternative to globalism that is not isolationist nor grounded in ethnic identity.

Think about the current destruction of the Amazon jungles by the regime of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. The current actions, now ignored by the media, threaten to end civilization and to condemn our youth to a barren planet. It seems that we cannot do anything. Our international institutions are powerless.

The Amazon is being cut down and, in its place, the massive corporation Amazon extends its tendrils to seize control of the global economy. The jungle that purifies our air is slashed and burned and a digital jungle that chokes our freedom flourishes.

We need a system that can identify global issues and coordinate a response at the local level.

  • The United Nations can make statements.
  • Famed intellectuals can write editorials.
  • NGOs can hold protests and let citizens sign petitions.

But there is no coordinated effort to block the criminal drive to destroy our future.

A call for “regime change” on a global scale is an entirely appropriate goal for citizens to pursue. I am not talking about the corporate-led regime-change scams that abound.

Do not forget the thousands of youth from around the world who went to Spain in the 1930s to fight against Franco’s fascist regime. There was no shame in the word “regime change” in that context, nor should there have been.

Nor was there any shame in the use of force to combat the fascistic governments that were set on slaughtering the majority of humanity in a ruthless quest for “living space.” There really was no choice.

We cannot ignore the pressing need to transform the governance of our Earth and that will require more than just signing petitions. It will require us to reinvent global governance, not as a tool for investment bankers and wealthy philanthropists, but as a means to address the threat of ecological collapse, militarism and the massive concentration of wealth.

We need a vision for a future that moves beyond suicidal consumption-driven economics and a paranoid militarized society, a vision that will inspire us to risk everything as we fight against hidden forces tearing our world apart.

The United Nations did not suddenly spring into being.

A small group of intellectuals and activists risked their lives in all corners of the Earth to fight against totalitarianism, and to advocate for internationalism and for world peace.

Eventually, they got support from the governments of Russia, China, the United States and Britain, and other exiled governments. There were profound compromises required for that support. But the dream of not only defeating Fascists, but also establishing true international cooperation, did not die.

The roots of the United Nations can be traced back to the Hague Peace Conventions of 1899, 1907 and 1914 (the final one disrupted by the outbreak of World War I). Those peace conventions codified the international law, proposed and implemented global regimes for disarmament and promulgated humanitarian laws for the conduct of diplomacy, trade and war that included punishment for war crimes.

The Hague Peace Conventions led to the formation of the League of Nations after World War I. For the first time, the Earth had transparent global governance to counter global governance driven by multinational corporations. The League of Nations produced such achievements as the Kellogg―Briand Pact of 1928, setting up a framework to end war. The achievements of the League of Nations, and other international movements, laid the foundations for the United Nations.

Sadly, the United States, flushed with confidence after its victory in the Second World War, could not resist inheriting the legacy of exploitative global governance: the spoils of the British Empire.

American financial elites with deep ties to London ultimately suppressed Americans still committed to the struggle against fascism and the United States turned the Soviet Union into a threat, rather than a partner for world peace. The Cold War was spawned and the mandate of the United Nations was not realized.

Yet, even after the United Nations’ budget was stripped to the bone during the George W. Bush administration, even as American policy drifted further from international law under the Obama and Trump administrations, the United Nations remains a vital place where citizens can appeal for justice and for guidance.

However, the United Nations and affiliated global institutions have abandoned much of their founding ideals. They are run by retired bureaucrats in cushy jobs, and the funding comes (directly and indirectly) from multinational corporations and billionaires in a blatant conflict of interest.

Climate change and the drive for war, the exponential evolution of technology and its negative impact on human agency are massive civilizational challenges that call out for true global governance. Yet the ability of citizens of the Earth to work together for common goals remains intentionally limited.

The well-fed experts at the United Nations offices who chase after funding from foundations set up by the wealthy are completely unprepared for the real dangers of economic, ecological and systemic collapse. The queer opinions on climate, economics, health and geopolitics of billionaires like Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett are valued over those of ethical experts, or ordinary citizens.

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, September 2010

Nor is the problem of globalism simply one of billionaires. Networks connect tens of thousands of supercomputers around the world that purr softly as they calculate how to maximize profit every day, every minute and every second. Those supercomputers make the ultimate decisions for BlackRock and Bank of America, assessing the monetary value of the entire Earth and extracting profit in perfect accord with the algorithms assigned without ethical qualms. Those supercomputers are becoming our default global government.

And if social networks, videos and games remap the neural networks in our brains, encouraging dopamine-driven short-term thinking, the computers will take over.

Don’t reform the United Nations; transform the United Nations

The United States never regained the commitment to the United Nations it had under President Franklin Roosevelt. My administration will place the United Nations at the center of diplomacy, economics and security, but it will be a different United Nations than the shell that we see today. It will be an entity committed to the common good that does not scramble for the scraps tossed to it by the rich and powerful.

The attacks from the right on global governance (especially the United Nations) are often based on fact, but the intentions are not noble. The hidden powers wish to privatize what little remains of a global system that has played a vital, if hobbled, role in establishing international law, regulations and promoting a scientific response to international threats.

Our dangerous and unstable world demands from us a global response that goes further. “Global” does not refer to shared Facebook postings, but rather to a coordinated international effort by committed citizens who are at least as well organized as the bankers and the super-rich that we are up against.

The world is excessively integrated in terms of finance, manufacturing, distribution and consumption for profit, but we remain complete strangers when it comes to collaboration between ethical intellectuals and citizens groups around the world.

The Earth Congress

The current situation is so serious that presenting a laundry list of piecemeal reforms will not do. What we need is a massive structural transformation, not a progressive adjustment, that will change the function of the United Nations.

We must make the United Nations a bicameral representative government, vaguely akin to the Congress, so that it no longer represents only nation states (which have been torn apart by global finance), but also represents all citizens in a democratic manner.

Such a move will give the United Nations back the mandate it had in 1942.

The current United Nations Assembly will serve as the upper house, the equivalent of the Senate. This upper house, retaining the title “United Nations,” will offer each nation a single representative.

The current Security Council, however, will be replaced with a speaker elected by all members of the United Nations, who will work together with permanent and ad hoc committees to address economic, security, welfare and environmental issues.

The authority of global governance, however, will be transferred to a new body that will serve as the equivalent of a lower house, or a “House of Representatives.” The analogy is limited in that this assembly will play the central role.

This legislature, referred to here as the “Earth Congress,” will represent the needs and the concerns of the citizens of Earth at the local level and function as a global institution for the formulation and implementation of policies for the entire world.

The Earth Congress will carry out the global governance function that is now monopolized by investment banks and multinational corporations that force their policies on nation states in secret.

The Earth Congress will be directly engaged with citizens around the world, responding to the concerns of local populations and also informing them about global issues in a scientific manner.

It will establish a global dialog for the formulation of policy for the entire world. The Earth Congress will be far more democratic in nature than most current nation states even as it spans the entire globe.

The first rule for global governance is that there is no role for private capital, no role for foundations and non-profits funded by the wealthy, in the discussion of the future of our Earth. We need scientific analysis based on rigorous and critical debate, we need deep ethical commitment by the members of the Earth Congress and we need the imagination and the creativity to find solutions in unexpected places.

The Earth Congress, funded by local contributions, will serve as a global organization that is capable of assessing the impact of corporate exploitation of resources and of definitively stopping such actions. It will be an organization capable of overriding the criminal actions taking place in Brazil today, or the drive for endless war by factions in the US Department of Defense.

The Department of Defense is a perfect example of why we need true global governance. The department, with interests spread around the globe, controlled by generals and bureaucrats reporting to investment banks, is no longer part of the United States government and completely unaccountable. It carries out its own form of brutal, irresponsible global governance while hiding behind the title “government.”

The Earth Congress will take full advantage of new technologies in a positive sense to facilitate the promotion of true cooperation around the world, whether dialogue between citizens, joint research between scientists, or cooperation on global issues between governments. But it will not have a central building where representatives gather, it will have its meeting places distributed around the world, coordinating the formulation and implementation of policy at the local level in a fair manner to meet the needs of humanity.

The Earth Congress will offer all citizens the chance to learn about the critical problems that we face and at the same time opportunities to participate in governance at the local level that will be reflected simultaneously in policy discussions at the global level.

The Earth Congress will take the lead in formulating strategies that allow citizens to work together with their peers around the world. Trade will no longer be limited to the import and export of goods monopolized by large corporations in a manner that greatly increases carbon emissions. Rather, a shared economy will be established in which communities around the world can find partners with like interests and coordinate their own micro-trade and micro-manufacturing cooperatives. Strict regulation will come from the bottom but will be applied internationally.

The Earth Congress, as the primary legislative body of the world, will determine representation according to the population of the entire planet.

Perhaps one representative can be assigned for every 50 million people (140 representatives for 7 billion people).

Some representation should be determined geographically (to represent regions like Africa or South America) but at the same time, there should be members of the Earth Congress who represent groups who are a significant part of the world’s population, but who are too few in number to have direct representation in local government, such as the extreme poor, or the handicapped.

The Earth Congress must insist on long-term (minimum of 30 years) solutions to the most critical issues facing the Earth and will encourage thoughtful and frank discussions that are not driven by a need for symbolic images, but by a demand for real solutions.

The Earth Congress will also provide long-term financing globally that will make solar and wind power, and organic farming readily affordable for citizens as part of a transformation of the Bretton Woods system.

For the Earth Congress, security will be defined as protecting the Earth and its inhabitants. The inhabitants are not only humans but also indigenous animal and plant life. It will be a basic assumption in global governance that no one owns the oceans, the air, or the land and that all modern concepts like “real estate” are not applicable to these shared resources. The Earth Congress will strictly regulate fishing, the pollution of the air and the water, the destruction of soil and of natural habitats. It will fund projects to restore the natural environment, often by removing the structures erected as part of the cult of “development.”

The Earth Congress will protect, on behalf of the population of the entire planet, the oceans, the Arctic and the Antarctic, and the atmosphere. Satellites and other devices that orbit the Earth will be strictly controlled to protect humanity and end the militarization of space. I will set out transparent and effective regulations to assure that the internet is powered entirely by renewable energy, is accessible to all and promotes an open intellectual discourse based on the scientific method rather than addictive games and pornography.

The interaction of experts in the Earth sciences, the environment, agriculture and technology with groups that are deeply engaged with ordinary citizens, and with representatives of local government, will create a positive cycle of inquiry, objective analysis, constructive proposals and transparent implementation that will usher in a new age of meaningful governance.

Reforming global governance and improving the US-China relationship

The future of global governance is critical to addressing the completely unnecessary conflicts between the United States and the People’s Republic of China being promoted for fun and profit. These two countries should be working together at the highest levels to respond to the challenges of the current day and to create true global governance for the people.

Instead, we are bombarded in the United States with calls for war with China, with campaigns to demonize China.

The two countries have been linked through systems of production and consumption, not through ties between people. We need decoupling in the sense that the people of both countries have their lives controlled increasingly by ruthless multinational banks. Exploitive patterns of economic interaction tying the two nations should be reformed.

But we need a deeper integration between the United States and China in terms of a concrete dialogue between the peoples of both nations about our shared future that will be implemented through honest and transparent governance for the sake of the Earth and future generations.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments.

Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from edgarwinkler / Pixabay

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As popularly known to African leaders, Russia has thousands of decade-old undelivered pledges and several bilateral agreements signed with individual countries, yet to be implemented, in the continent. In addition, during the previous years there have been unprecedented huge number of “working visits” by state officials both ways, to Africa and to the Russian Federation.

In an authoritative policy report presented last November titled ‘Situation Analytical Report’ and was prepared by 25 Russian policy experts, noted that Russia’s Africa policy is roughly divided into four periods, previously after Soviet’s collapse in 1991. After the first summit held in October 2019, the Russia’s relations with Africa has entered its fifth stage.

According to that report “the intensification of political contacts is only with a focus on making them demonstrative.” Russia’s foreign policy strategy regarding Africa needs to spell out and incorporate the development needs of African countries. The number of high-level meetings has increased, but the share of substantive issues on the agenda remains small. There are little definitive results from such meetings. Next, there has been lack of coordination among various state and para-state institutions working with Africa.

Despite the above objective criticisms or better still the research findings, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov‘s trip to four African countries on 24-28 July, 2022, still has considerable geopolitical significance and some implications. The four African countries on his travel agenda: Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda and the Republic of the Congo.

In pre-departure interview with local Russian media, Lavrov shared reflections on the prospects for Russia-African relations within the context of the current geopolitical and economic changes, fearing an isolation with tough sanctions after Russia’s Feb. 24 “special military operation” in Ukraine. He unreservedly used, at least, the the media platform to clarify Russia’s view of the war and attract allies outside the West, and rejected the West’s accusations that Russia is responsible for the current global economic crisis and instability.

Reports said African countries are among those most affected by ripples of the war. There are, however, other natural causes such as long seasonal droughts that complicated the situation in Africa. Lavrov reiterated an assurance that Russian grain “commitments” would be fulfilled, and offered nothing more to cushion the effects of the cost-of-living crisis. In a contrast, at least, the United States offered US$1.3 billion package to help tackle hunger in the Africa’s Horn.

It is a historical fact that Russia’s ties with Africa declined with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The official transcripts made available after Lavrov’s meetings in Egypt offered little, much have already been said about developments in North African and Arab world, especially those including Libya, Syria and Yemen, as well as the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts.

With the geographical location of Egypt, Lavrov’s visit has tacit implications. It followed US President Joe Biden‘s first visit to the Middle East, during which he visited Israel, the Palestinian territories and Saudi Arabia. Biden also took part in a summit of  the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, in addition to Egypt, Jordan and Iraq.

Lavrov’s efforts toward building non-Western ties this crucial times is highly commendable especially with the Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit and representatives from the organization’s 22 member states. Egypt has significant strategic and economic ties with Russia. There are two major projects namely the building of nuclear plants, the contract signed back in 2015 and the construction of an industrial zone has been on the planning table these several years.

In the aftermath of the Soviet Union, Russia continues efforts in search of possible collaboration and opportunities for cooperation in the past years. For the first time in the Republic of Congo, Lavrov delivered a special message from President Vladimir Putin to the Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso, at his residence in Oyo, a town 400 kilometers north of the capital, Brazzaville. Kremlin records show that Sassou-Nguesso, who has been in power since 1979, last visited Moscow in May 2019 and before that in November 2012.

The Congolese leader during his visit apparently asked for Russia’s greater engagement, and assistance in bringing total peace and stability in Central Africa comprising the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Cameroon and Chad. This presents a considerable interest especially its “military-technical cooperation” to further crash French domination similar to the Republic of Mali in West Africa. Interviews made by this author confirmed that Russia would send more military experts from Wagner Group to DRC through Central African Republic. An insider at the Congo’s Foreign Affairs Ministry confirmed the special message relates an official invitation for Congolese President Sassou-Nguesso to visit Moscow.

Understanding the political developments and much talked about transition (better to describe it as hereditary succession) of regime from President Yoweri Museveni to his son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, unquestionably brings Lavrov to Uganda. For Museveni, drawing closer to Russia sends a critical message about the motives on relations between Uganda and Russia.

With Foreign Minister of Uganda Jeje Odongo in the city of Entebbe, Lavrov in the same traditional rhetoric mentioned “the implementation of joint projects in oil refining, energy, transport infrastructure and agricultural production.” It was decided to focus on practical efforts to move the above areas of focus forward in the course of an Intergovernmental Russian-Ugandan Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation meeting in October.

Interesting to recall that President Vladimir Putin’s meeting on December 11, 2012, President Museveni  said “Moscow is a kind of Mecca for free movements in Africa. Muslims visit Mecca as a religious ritual, while Moscow is a kind of centre that helps various liberation movements.” Later in October 2019, Museveni expressed appreciation for the Africa–Russia meeting.

“It is good to say at this meeting a few areas which we could look at. Number one is defence and security. We have supported building an army by buying good Russian equipment, aircrafts, tanks, and so on. We want to buy more. We have been paying cash in the past, cash, cash, cash. What I propose is that you supply and we pay. That would be some sort of supply that would make us build faster, because now we pay cash, like for this Sukhoi jet, we paid cash,” Museveni during the conversation told Putin.

Lavrov displays his passion for historical references. In many of his speeches during the four-nation tour, Lavrov has repeatedly stressed that it’s imperative for African leaders to support its “special military operation” in Ukraine, repeated all the Soviet assistance to Africa and the perspectives for the future of Russia-African relations. But most essentially, Lavrov has to understand that little has been achieved, both the long period before and after the first Russia-Africa summit held October 2019.

In Ethiopia where the African Union headquarters is located, and representatives of African countries are based, Russia is vying to normalize an international order and frame-shape its geostrategic posture in this capital city. Whether 25 of Africa’s 54 states abstained or did not vote to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly resolution in March, Africans are overwhelmingly pragmatic. Most of them displayed neutrality, created basis for accepting whatever investment and development finance from the United States, European Union, Asian region, Russia and China, from every other region of the world.

For external players including Russia eyeing Africa, Museveni’s thought provoking explanation on “neutrality” during the media conference re-emphasizes the best classic diplomacy of pragmatism. “We don’t believe in being enemies of somebody’s enemy,” Museveni told Lavrov. Uganda is set to assume the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement, a global body created during the Cold War by countries that wanted to escape being drifted into the geopolitical and ideological rivalry between Western powers and Communists.

Lavrov, however, informed about broadening African issues in the “new version of Russia’s Foreign Policy Concept against the background of the waning of the Western direction” and his will objectively increase the share of the African direction in the work of the Foreign Ministry. Relating to the next summit, scheduled for mid-2023, “a serious package of documents that will contain almost all significant agreements” are being prepared, he said.

Lavrov with his Ethiopian counterpart Demeke Mekonnnen and the African Union leadership in Addis Ababa have agreed on additional documents paving the way to a more efficient dialogue in the area of defense sales and contracts. Still on Ethiopia, Russia’s state-run nuclear corporation Rosatom and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Innovation and Technology signed a roadmap on cooperation in projects to build a nuclear power plant and a nuclear research center in the republic. In addition, other bilateral issues, including joint energy and infrastructure projects, and education were discussed.

“We have good traditions in the sphere of military and technical cooperation. Today, we confirmed our readiness to implement new plans in this sphere, including taking into account the interests of our Ethiopian friends in ensuring their defensive ability,” the Russian top diplomat said. “Russia is ready to continue providing assistance to Ethiopia in training its domestic specialists in various spheres,” he added and finally explaining that Moscow was ready to develop both bilateral humanitarian and cultural contacts and cooperation in the sphere of education with Addis Ababa.

According to Lavrov, Russia has long-standing good relations with Africa since the days of the Soviet Union which pioneered movements that culminated in decolonization. It provided assistance to the national liberation movements and then to the restoration of independent states and the rise of their economies in Africa. Undeniable fact is that many external players have also had long-term relations and continue bolstering political, economic and social ties in the continent.

In his Op-Ed article, Lavrov argues: “We have been rebuilding our positions for many years now. The Africans are reciprocating. They are interested in having us. It is good to see that our African friends have a similar understanding with Russia.” The point is that Moscow is desirous to widen and deepen its presence in the continent. On the other hand, the Maghreb and African countries are, in terms of reciprocity, keen to strengthen relations with Moscow, but will avoid taking sides in the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Lavrov has successfully ended his meetings and talks in Africa. Now, the basic significant issue in its current relations is still the fact that Russia has thousands of decade-old undelivered pledges and several bilateral agreements signed with individual countries in the continent, while in the previous years there have been unprecedented huge number of “working visits” to Africa. The development of a comprehensive partnership with African countries remains among top priorities of Russia’s foreign policy, Moscow is open to its further build-up, Lavrov said in an Op-Ed article for the African media, and originally published on the ministry’s website.

In the context of rebuilding post-Soviet relations and now attempting at creating a new model of the global order which it hopes to lead after exiting from international organizations. In order to head an emerging global order, Russia needs to be more open, make more inroads into the civil society, rather than close (isolate) itself from “non-Western friends” this fast-changing crucial period – in Asia, Africa and Latin America. For instance, Africa is ready as it holds huge opportunities in various sectors for reliable, genuine and committed investors. It offers a very profitable investment destination.

Despite criticisms, China has built an exemplary dinstinctive economic power in Africa. Besides China, Africa is largely benefitting from the European Union and Western aid flows, economic and trade ties. That compared, Russia plays very little role in Africa’s infrastructure, agriculture and industry, and making little efforts in leveraging unto the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Our monitoring shows that the Russian business community hardly pays attention to the significance of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) which provides a unique and valuable platform for businesses to access an integrated African market of over 1.3 billion people.

Substantively, Russia brings little to the continent especially in the economic sectors that badly need investment. Of course, Russia basks at restoring and regaining part of its Soviet-era influence, but has problems with planning and tackling its set tasks, lack of confidence in fulfilling its policy targets. The most important aspect is how to make strategic efforts more practical, more consistent and more effective with African countries. Without these fundamental factors, it would therefore be an illusionary step partnering with Africa.

Some policy experts have classified three directions for external partners dealing with Africa: (i) active engagement, (ii) sit on the sideline and observe, and (iii) be a passive player. From all indications, African leaders have political sympathy, and most often, could express either support or neutral position for Russia. But at the same time, African leaders are very pragmatic, indiscriminately dealing with external players with adequate funds to invest in different economic sectors. Africa is in a globalized world. It is, generally, beneficial for Africa as it could take whatever are offered from either East or West, North or South.

In stark contrast to key global players for instance the United States, China and the European Union and many others, Russia has limitations. For Russia to regain part of its Soviet-era influence, it has to address its own policy approach, this time shifting towards new paradigms – implementing some of the decade-old pledges and promises, and those bilateral agreements; secondly to promote development-oriented policies and how to make these strategic efforts more practical, more consistent, more effective and most admirably result-oriented with African countries.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

Featured image: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meets with Egyptian counterpart

How We Can Take Control Again of Politics

July 30th, 2022 by Emanuel Pastreich

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The political, social and economic landscape we face in the United States is transforming at a terrifying speed. Small groups have monopolized resources, assets and knowledge and they have left the vast majority of us to suffer in ignorance the catastrophic consequences of criminal mismanagement.

The super-rich stole between five and ten trillion dollars from you over the last four months, in addition to what they had looted before then. And just when we are starting to pull ourselves together to confront the criminal regime of Wall Street, we were confronted with the brutal murder of Mr. George Floyd, slowly tortured to death and those images were spread across the entire country.

Such brutal killings by police happen every day. Increasingly, honest police are forced to quit the force. But this incident was practically created for television and broadcast so as to foment massive domestic conflict that will benefit the wealthy who are terrified that working people might come together in response to their looting of the nation, and of the Earth.

The murder of Mr. George Floyd is the confluence of two horrific subterranean rivers that flow beneath the surface of the United States. One is the river of hatred and contempt for those who are classified as alien, as inferior, on the basis of their skin color, or the habits that they have learned from their parents. This river of hatred has been exploited for hundreds of years to distract from economic exploitation. The Fusionist Party of the 1890s brought together black and white to fight for social justice. They were brutally suppressed, and segregation was the result, a scheme in which pathetic privileges were given to poor whites and a mindless racism was encouraged as part of a divide and conquer strategy.

The other terrible subterranean river is that of destruction for profit, the controlled demolition of the United States’ economy. There is a faction among the rich and powerful who see opportunity for profit in the unspeakable act of tearing the United States apart. They want us to fight each other, and to be so divided that we are incapable of coming together to demand a righteous, equitable and transparent society. Those dark forces have spent enormous sums of money to create rifts and to the pit one poor man against another.

It is impossible to have a conversation on issues like climate change and vaccinations, about the role of government and of the military, about the power of banks and multinational corporations. Different parts of the population have been fed narratives that are so divergent as to make it difficult to agree on what is true and what is false. And too many of the establishment have signed a blasphemous contract with the devil to be silent about the massive lies in plane sight in order to be allowed to become famous and to live a comfortable life.

The intentional confusion created by the media and by authorities around COVID 19 has exacerbated this trend. The murder of George Floyd is the final stage of this plan. Citizens of the United States are confronted with a baited gambit, an impossible choice. Choice A: question the COVID 19 narrative, the plan for vaccinations and be forced into alignment with isolationist and racist militias; Choice B: denounce brutal racism in the government and the systematic efforts of the Trump administration to encourage racist acts and find yourself aligned with Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren and a panoply of “think left, live right” closet globalists.

Who forced this choice on us? That is my question for you.

I condemn this brutal murder and demand justice. But I appeal to your native wisdom, your innate ability to rise to the occasion, just as Robert Kennedy did when he spoke on the night of Martin Luther King’s assassination. Please, please, please! Do not be drawn into this trap set for you by the rich and the powerful.

We must start by facing honestly the advanced moral decay in the fabric of our nation.

Many poor people have been deprived of educations and have been misled by powerful forces to blame the other (whether it is the black, the Asian, or the rural white worker) rather than thinking strategically about how we can all come together to fight against these dark forces.

Most people I know have given up on trying to build bridges. The threat of violence from the White House is a clear sign that the age of bridge-building is dead.

And as violence is encouraged in the streets, the current political “COVID 19” crisis encourages people to stay at home, to interact only with those of similar minds. Social media, like Facebook and Twitter, is promoted by the people who are supposedly our moral leaders as an appropriate way to organize. But that social media, and the news that we read, is intentionally designed to make our thinking shallow, to render us foolish. Until we start making our own news, start organizing our own social media, we will be played for fools.

If we cannot create a positive trend in America that gives hope for progress to the people, if all that the people can see is collapse and conflict, then the powerful can go forward with their plans to keep us from meeting each other, from being able to send mail to each other, from traveling, from communicating effectively via email or via social media. Google will never tell you that you are effectively living in a prison.

The forces have thrown against us by corporations, by investment banks, and the various anti-immigrant and anti-minority groups that they prop up behind the curtain, are warping the bearing walls of our nation. These forces want to make attacks on minorities acceptable again-as was the case in the 1920s.

They want you to ignore the looting of the government by banks and to obsess with the looting in the streets that is replayed over and over again in that disgusting media we are forced to rely on.

We need a plan for what we are going to do and we need to follow that plan.

We do not need politicians who tell us that things are bad, but are afraid to explain to us why they are so bad. We do not have time for vague hope that things will get better by magic.

We most certainly should not think that replacing the brutal, brash and narcissistic Donald Trump with some other corrupt politician will solve our problems.

What we need is a new politics of habit, of thinking and of action that is neither “conservative,” nor “progressive,” but is rather transformative. We need a politics that addresses root causes, not their grotesque consequences.

We must grieve for George Floyd, for his family and his friends and his people. At the same time, we must see through the rouse, understand how this incident was rigged up as a chance to use race as a means to tear the country apart and to promote conflicts that will be an excuse for martial law.

Donald Trump sent out a message by Twitter (which is a cynical for-profit corporation that squeezes billions out of us) saying “When looting starts, shooting starts.” Supposedly Twitter blocked this message because it was offensive. I doubt this story. Rather these media companies are working overtime to manipulate us, trying to make us think that they are objective, they are our friends, through false images and deceptive rituals.

The violence of police cannot be separated from the horrific foreign wars we are engaged in now. Police are often soldiers who have returned from those wars. The violence they practice is incubated in violent video games, in movies and in a militarized value system. The violence has swept through our entire society.

The writer James Baldwin wrote of those who have been trained to see the world in terms of race,

“They are, in effect, still trapped in a history which they don’t understand; and until they understand it, they cannot be released from it. They have had to believe for many years, and for innumerable reasons, that black men are inferior to white men. Many of them, indeed, know better, but, as you will discover, people find it very difficult to act on what they know. To act is to be committed, and to be committed is to be in danger. In this case, the danger, in the minds of most white Americans, is the loss of identity…The black man has functioned in the white man’s world as a fixed star, as an immovable pillar: and as he moves out of his place, heaven and earth are shaken to their foundations…

“And if the word integration means anything, this is what it means: that we, with love, shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing reality and begin to change it. For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what America can become.”

Baldwin was talking, frankly, of what it takes to make America great, not great again, but great for the first time.

What do we do now?

The ancient art of Aikido offers a strategy for the resolution of the social and political crisis, bordering on hybrid war, that we face. But it demands that we first engage in thoughtful, philosophical consideration of the larger dynamics in our nation that has brought us here. Although the Aikido approach may not appeal those who wish to indulge their emotions, it is the most effective response to what could easily become a catastrophe for the entire world. Conflict in the United States cannot be separated from conflicts around the world. The violence used in our streets was learned from our numerous foreign wars. What happened there, hidden from the sight of citizens, has changed who we are.

And now, if things fracture, the question of who controls nuclear weapons could be a crisis tomorrow.

Akido shows us how we can avoid an emotional response to the images we are fed by the corrupt media in an attempt to get us mad, and we can rather focus on building our own communities, and our own brave organizations, so that they can stand up to the powers behind what we see on TV.

Aikido teaches us that we should not respond to the blow thrown at us with an equally powerful blow against our opponent. Rather we should redirect the energy of the blow thrown at us in a harmless direction, or even in a positive direction.

A hostile attack must be disarmed by subtly redirecting the very energy that is thrown against us.

The larger significance of these words is that there is a balance in the universe that we must tap into and the only way that we can truly solve problems is precisely through such a redirection of energy.

Political history shows the truth clearly. Efforts to oppose terrible wrongs have often led to the overuse of force and created new problems, sometimes worse than original ones. The sad process is similar in each age. And such an overreaction is precisely what the dark forces in the United States are hoping for, planning for.

And, yet we cannot expect the people to suffer terrible injustice in silence. As the American patriot Thomas Paine wrote, “Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.”

What would an Aikido master say if he were giving us advice about how to rebuild this country after this horrific spiritual damage, and how to respond to the terrible blows thrown at us by hidden forces?

Where would he suggest we should start to heal this commercialized, commodified, fragmented, frightened, defiled and demoralized country?

The terrible racial conflicts that are being encouraged by the corrupt media, and by banks like BlackRock and Goldman Sachs, are intended to make people on both sides go too far, to create lasting conflicts that distract attention away from looting of our country, not by poorly paid workers, but by banks, and by those who profit from such disasters.

We can see immediately the negative impact of this blow. But, if we use our imaginations, and if we are disciplined, we can redirect the energy. People have been awakened out of their slumber.

That is good.

People have been made aware of deep injustice that they previously pretended did not exist.

That is good.

They have come together in the streets, sometimes working together, sometimes in confrontation.

This could be good.

The intention of those who have promoted images of destruction and chaos intended for different groups was to encourage horrific conflict.

That is bad.

But if we are able to pursue the truth, not sensationalized reports, and if we are able to make use of this awakening to get people involved into real conversations with each other, and even with the people whom they are supposed to hate, then the forces unleashed to tear us apart can be redirected to bring us together.

We can also start a deep conversation between citizens, gathering at home, in our neighborhoods, to talk about what the real history of America is. We can ask ourselves questions that demand answers:

When did things go wrong in America?

Did everything go wrong after Donald Trump was elected? Or did Trump play some positive role in that he spoke the truth about the endless wars and corruption in the country?

Or did the problems start with the deep corruption of the late Clinton administration and then the George W. Bush administration?

Or should we trace the sickness back to the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

Or should the evils in our country be traced back to the colonization by Europeans in the 17th century, and the extractive economy the slave economy they imported?

Or is there something fundamentally depraved about humanity that goes all the way back to Adam and Eve?

These are critical questions to ask about America and the answers are not simple.

The current wave of disruption projected across our country must be redirected to energize people and to get them engaged in constructive discussion. That discussion could lead to transformation at the deepest level, rather than the propagation of painful conflicts egged on by, set up by, the media and their corporate backers.

The politicians we see on television are expert at dividing us. That is all politicians know how to do. But we could have a politics dedicated to unity, to transformation of thinking, to honest perception. Not all Americans have an equal role in transforming the negative powers that have been unleashed in our country.

Some of us will have received educations and specialized knowledge that allow us to understand the world in ways that others cannot. We, as intellectuals, have an obligation to help those around us to perceive the world more clearly, to make sure that they are not abused by the powerful.

At the same time, we intellectuals have much to learn from those who have worked at hard jobs, standing all day in restaurants, living in inadequate housing, suffering terrible abuse. We can start to create a positive cycle by working together with those who know firsthand the hardships of our society, but who do not have our specialized knowledge needed to change things.

Such an alliance between workers and intellectuals will redirect the forces of exploitation in a positive direction. But such a redirection requires of us, those who have benefited the most (like myself), a willingness for sacrifice.

Consider the quote attributed to Winston Churchill, “never waste a good crisis.” The expression is normally used in the negative sense, meaning that a crisis is a chance to force through changes that would be resisted by the public normally.

The passage of the Patriot Act in the United States after “9.11” is a perfect example — a radical restriction of liberty that could never have been achieved without a manufactured mood of crisis.

The crisis today is being magnified and distorted as a means to fundamentally alter American society. The intention is to block all opposition to the concentration of wealth, to the destruction of the environment, and to decrease the autonomy and the liberty of citizens.

If we observe carefully, however, we will notice that there are unexpected positive changes generated by those negative practices. If we can seize the positives, we can push for a constructive transformation. We have no choice as the forces have already been unleashed.

For example, suddenly, without any form of participatory process, or even consultation with experts, global travel has been profoundly restricted, and trade. Airlines are in bankruptcy; airports have been shut down and ports are quiet.

But although politics in this case hobbles towards tyranny, the use of petroleum for transportation and the runaway consumption society that has taken over are killing our ecosystem. It was precisely the right time to shut down the globalization machine and this disruption could be an extremely positive move if we have the vision to recreate our society.

Air transit has to end. Frivolous travel has to stop.

The lock-down orders that have kept us at home, that have destroyed small businesses and empowered corporations, that have allowed the super-rich to make billions and have driven most of us into poverty, are a negative force.

But again, staying at home and working together with our family can be healthy if the direction is healthy. If we must stay in our neighborhoods, it could be an opportunity to build communities that are strong enough to stand up against the power of the rich. We can use the opportunity to get to know our neighbors and learn how to work together with them.

Teaching courses online could reduce the need for automobiles, and even allow for innovative connections between students and teachers around the world that could promote an international perspective. But today online education is being pushed primarily by those in search of profits. We will have to seize control of on-line education and change its direction.

I make these suggestions here just as that, suggestions. We will need to work together to redirect, to block, the dangerous forces that have been unleashed in the United States.

But I would like to suggest that as we mourn the deaths, as we lament the destruction and the damage to our society, that we also keep our eyes open to innovative and creative ways in which these negative forces can be redirected so as to achieve a fundamental transformation of our society. Such a transformation was, to be honest, way, way, overdue.

The aikido of politics and policy that I suggest here is complex and subtle. Most politicians would not dare to approach you with such a policy proposal. They assume that messages must be dumbed down for an American audience that cannot concentrate, that is made foolish by social media and commercial content.

But I take you seriously fellow Americans, I will never talk down to you. I assume that you, standing behind the counter at Wal-Mart, you, taking orders at Amazon, you, wiping down tables for McDonald’s late at night, that you entirely understand these complex issues, that you can, and you will rise to the occasion. You will shake off the poisonous consumer culture and move forward in this struggle.

As we move forward, let us recall the vision put forth by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his State of the Union address of January 6, 1941, as a challenge to the specter of fascism.

Roosevelt called for the protection of “Four Freedoms” for all citizens: “Freedom of speech,” “Freedom of worship,” “Freedom from want” and “Freedom from fear.”

Roosevelt was not ambiguous about the significance of the four freedoms.

He declared:

In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.

The first is freedom of speech and expression ― everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way ― everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want ― which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings that will secure for every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants ― everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear ― which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor ― anywhere in the world.”

Achieving such a vision will require tremendous energy and focus, it will require us to come out into the streets and work with our neighbors to create a just and fair society. We have been given such an opportunity, by accident, perhaps. Now is the time to seize it and push forward in a righteous direction.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Bullet

Wer die Welt ändern will, muss den Menschen ändern!

July 30th, 2022 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Menschen mit viel Geld und Einfluss, die der übrigen Menschheit nicht wohlgesonnen sind und nur ihren eigenen Profit im Sinn haben, versuchen auf verschiedene Weise, die Welt „aus den Angeln zu heben“. Der Weltkrieg gegen Russland gehört dazu. Der frühere Präsident von Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore, sagte vor kurzem, dass die Eliten einen „Selbstmordpakt“ hätten, um die Weltbevölkerung zu reduzieren: „Wir stehen jetzt vor einer Situation, in der eine große Anzahl sehr mächtiger Organisationen und Eliten auf internationaler und nationaler Ebene eine Politik fordern, die im Grunde ein Selbstmordpakt ist. Im Grunde eine Art Todeswunsch.“ (1) Besorgte Zeitgenossen wollen diesen destruktiven Prozess gerne schnell und nachhaltig stoppen. Doch die Frage ist: Wie?

Da die Geschichte ein Werk des Menschen ist, muss der Mensch geändert werden, um die Welt zu ändern.

Gut gemeinte Appelle verfehlen oft ihr Ziel. Dagegen bietet die moderne wissenschaftliche Psychologie ein geeignetes Instrumentarium. Damit der Mensch für eine humane, friedliche und freiheitliche Gesellschaft gewonnen werden kann und sich in Bewegung setzt, muss er sowohl über die Vorgänge in der Welt aufgeklärt sein, als auch seine eigene Natur, seine seelische Verfassung sowie seine Reaktionsweisen und die der anderen kennen.

Wenn dieser Mensch dann zum Beispiel an das Problem des Krieges herantritt, ist er in der Lage zu unterscheiden: Welche Menschen führen Krieg? Sind es nur die anderen, die Politiker, die Kriegsführer, oder gehören wir selbst auch dazu? Zum Beispiel die Mutter, die ihre Söhne auf das „Feld der Ehre“ geschickt hat und dann „in stolzer Trauer“ eine schwarze Armbinde trug? Oder die Generation, die den Ersten Weltkrieg mitmachte und anschließend in den Zweiten marschierte, in dem Vater und Sohn auf dem „Felde der Ehre“ zurückblieben? Und was ist mit dem Pfarrer und der Kirche, die die Waffen segnet?

Mit der Psychologie hätte er einen Kompass, mit dem er menschliche Handlungsweisen richtig einordnen kann.

Wissenschaftliche Psychologie

Die Psychologie ist eine Wissenschaft über den Menschen, über die menschliche Natur: wie er wird, wie er heranwächst, welche Erlebnisse er macht, wie er sich in seinem Leben zurechtfindet. Seine Erfahrungen werden ihm vor allem von seinen Eltern, aber auch von den Lehrern vermitteln. Es ist dann das Produkt seiner Erlebnisse und Eindrücke in der Kindheit.

Bereits in den ersten Lebensjahren – mit fünf bis sechs Jahren, wenn es in den Kindergarten kommt – hat das Kind einen Kompass. Es weiß dann, wie es sich zu verhalten hat; auch über das andere Kind, über Vater, Mutter und Geschwister hat es eine Meinung. Es hat bereits seinen Charakter, seine Charaktereigenschaften und kennt seine Stellung in der Welt.

In der Medizin durfte der Mensch den Menschen – seine Organe und sein ganzes Inneres – nicht kennen lernen, nicht studieren. Die Kirche war aus bestimmten Gründen dagegen, dass man den Menschen erforscht. Erst als man die Notwendigkeit erkannt hatte, sind Leichen gestohlen worden und die Mediziner sind darangegangen, den Menschen zu erforschen. Die Medizin ist nur weitergekommen, weil sie die Funktion des Körpers erkannt hat.

Heute will die wissenschaftliche Psychologie das geistige und seelische Leben des Menschen erforschen: seine Gedanken, seine Gefühle und seine Erlebnisse. Wenn man die Gefühle und Reaktionsweisen des Menschen einmal versteht und erkennt, wie er heranwächst, wie er die Welt sieht und was in ihm vorgeht, dann wird einem vieles klar. Das ist dann ein anderes Denk- und Gefühlsvermögen. Man wird sich selbst und den anderen, die Gesellschaft und die ganze Welt richtig verstehen.

Aufklärung und Erziehung

Demgemäß sind Aufklärung und Erziehung die wichtigsten Maßnahmen, die zum Beispiel gegen den Krieg und alle anderen inhumanen und freiheitraubenden „Anordnungen“ der korrupten Obrigkeit ergriffen werden können (2).

Die autoritäre Erziehung der Vergangenheit schuf einen Menschentypus, der nur die Kategorien „Herrschen“ und „Dienen“ kannte. Kein Wunder, dass dieser Mensch weder die sozialen Probleme lösen, noch den Krieg aus der Welt schaffen konnte. Religiöse und soziale Ideologien sowie Privilegien im gesellschaftlichen Leben hindern den Menschen daran, die Einheit des Menschengeschlechts zu begreifen (3). So wird Zweitracht unter denen gesät, die darauf angewiesen wären, sich auf dieser Erde ein erträgliches Dasein zu sichern.

Heute weiß man, dass man nur mit psychologischen Erziehungsmethoden – Verzicht auf unangemessenes Autoritätsgebaren und Gewaltanwendung sowie Verständnis des kindlichen Seelenlebens – Menschen heranbilden kann, die gegen die Verstrickungen des Machtwahns gefeit sein werden und keine „Untertanen-Mentalität“ mehr besitzen (4).

Noch kann man nicht sagen, wann sich das Menschheitsgewissen, dessen Mahnruf durch die Jahrhunderte geht, endgültig Gehör verschaffen wird. Da aber an der Frage, ob sich die Menschen in weit höherem Maße als bisher zur allmenschlichen Solidarität bekennen werden, der Bestand des Menschengeschlechts hängt, sollten wir alle nichts unversucht lassen, die entsprechenden psychologischen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Lehrer (Rektor a. D.), Doktor der Pädagogik (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Schwerpunkte: Klinische-, Pädagogische-, Medien- sowie Individual-Psychologie). Als Pensionär arbeitete er in Lindau am Bodensee viele Jahre als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung und eine Erziehung zum Gemeinsinn und Frieden.




3. a. O.

4. a. O.

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People with a lot of money and influence, who are not well-disposed towards the rest of humanity and only have their own profit in mind, are trying in various ways to “unhinge” the world. The world war against Russia is one of them. The former president of Greenpeace, Dr Patrick Moore, recently said that the elites had a “suicide pact” to reduce the world’s population: “We are now faced with a situation where a large number of very powerful organisations and elites at international and national levels are calling for policies that are basically a suicide pact. Basically a kind of death wish.” (1) Concerned contemporaries would like to stop this destructive process quickly and permanently. But the question is: how?

Since history is a work of mankind, mankind must be changed in order to change the world.

Well-intentioned appeals often miss their target. Modern scientific psychology, on the other hand, offers a suitable set of tools. In order for man to be won over to a humane, peaceful and free society and to set himself in motion, he must be enlightened about what is going on in the world as well as knowing his own nature, his mental make-up as well as his ways of reacting and those of others.

When this person then approaches the problem of war, for example, he is able to distinguish: Which people are waging war? Is it only the others, the politicians, the war leaders, or are we ourselves also part of it? For example, the mother who sent her sons to the “field of honour” and then wore a black armband “in proud mourning”?

Or the generation that went through the First World War and then marched into the Second, leaving father and son on the “field of honour”? And what about the priest and the church blessing the arms?

With psychology, he would have a compass with which to properly classify human agency.

Scientific psychology

Psychology is a science about man, about human nature: how he becomes, how he grows up, what experiences he has, how he finds his way in life. His experiences are imparted to him primarily by his parents, but also by his teachers. It is then the product of his experiences and impressions in childhood.

Already in the first years of life – at the age of five to six, when it enters kindergarten – the child has a compass. It then knows how to behave; also about the other child, about father, mother and children. It also has an opinion about the other child, about father, mother and siblings. It already has its character, its traits and knows its position in the world.

In medicine, man was not allowed to get to know man – his organs and his whole inner being – not to study him. The Church was against studying the human being for certain reasons. It was only when the necessity was recognised that corpses were stolen and doctors began to study the human being. Medicine has only progressed because it has recognised the function of the body.

Today, scientific psychology wants to explore the mental and spiritual life of the human being: his thoughts, his feelings and his experiences. Once you understand the human being’s feelings and ways of reacting and recognise how he grows up, how he sees the world and what goes on inside him, then many things become clear. It is then a different capacity for thinking and feeling. One will understand oneself and the other, society and the whole world correctly.

Enlightenment and education

Accordingly, enlightenment and education are the most important measures that can be taken, for example, against war and all other inhumane and freedom-stealing “orders” of the corrupt authorities (2).

The authoritarian education of the past created a type of human being who only knew the categories of “ruling” and “serving”. No wonder that this man could neither solve social problems nor eliminate war. Religious and social ideologies as well as privileges in social life prevent man from understanding the unity of the human race (3). Thus second thoughts are sown among those who would depend on it to secure a tolerable existence on this earth.

Today we know that only with psychological methods of education – renunciation of inappropriate authority and the use of violence as well as an understanding of the child’s soul – can one educate people who will be immune to the entanglements of power madness and no longer possess a “subject mentality” (4).

It is not yet possible to say when the conscience of humanity, whose call of admonition goes through the centuries, will finally make itself heard. But since the existence of the human race hangs on the question of whether mankind will profess all-human solidarity to a far greater degree than hitherto, we should all leave no stone unturned in taking the appropriate psychological measures.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a teacher (retired headmaster), doctor of education (Dr. paed.) and graduate psychologist (specialising in clinical, educational, media and individual psychology): Clinical, educational, media and individual psychology). As a retiree, he worked for many years as a psychotherapist in his own practice in Lindau on Lake Constance. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education in values and an education for public spirit and peace.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.




(3) op. cit.

(4) op. cit.

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How We Fell Into the Covid Plandemic

July 30th, 2022 by Alex Krainer

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The 2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been a profoundly traumatizing experience for many people around the world. Working in concert, health authorities in most nations unleashed a Pandora’s Box of ruin and destruction upon their citizens: hundreds of millions have lost their livelihoods, businesses, their homes, and their physical and mental health. Some of that damage could take a generation to overcome. For millions, the experience was fatal.

Among more vulnerable populations, more than 200 million were pushed into extreme poverty and 130 million into hunger. Our environment fared no better: trillions of disposable face masks and billions of test kits ended up in oceans, waterways and landfills around the world.

How could all this happen?

How could policy response to a supposed health crisis turn out so extremely destructive?

And how did so many of us buy into it all and comply with the program? By today we have some answers to these questions.

The pandemic was orchestrated to launch a covert agenda against the peoples of the world. The health emergency was used to justify the radical rollback of civil liberties and to introduce an authoritarian new world government and a global police state.

And no, they did not overreact out of an abundance of caution but with calculated malice.

Public health experts knew, or should have known that lockdowns would be counterproductive and destructive: this is the core public health curriculum.

In 2006, the Bush administration commissioned one of the world’s foremost authorities on infectious disease, dr. Donald Henderson to advise on infectious disease outbreaks, including lockdowns, quarantines and business closure. Dr. Henderson concluded his report as follows:

“Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics, or other adverse events, respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted…”

It was every public health official’s solemn duty to know this curriculum.

As to why so many among us did not suspect foul play, the answer is that it is not in our nature to even consider such evil. As J. Edgar Hoover said, “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.”

Our evolutionary history formed us to be predominantly gentle and trusting creatures; we spent 99% of that time living in small groups with our next of kin. Mutual support was the foundation of social life, and trust could be matter of survival. As a result, most of us are practically hardwired to trust figures of authority and to cooperate with them to assure the group’s safety against external threats.

Show me the incentives, and I’ll show you the outcome

But our trust and cooperation was exploited in a ruthless and cynical way by those who planned to use Covid 19 health “emergency” in order to force us and our children into their control matrix. The conspirators drew on historical experience, extensive planning and multiple simulations to plan their gambit. This particularly involved structuring the requisite command and control hierarchies and incentive systems which ensured that at all levels, including the policy makers, financiers, public health bureaucracies, law enforcement and the media all worked in lock-step towards the planned objectives.

Charlie Munger, believed by many to be one of the wisest men in finance said, “show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.” Consider the case of the bubonic plague outbreak in Geneva in 1530, described in the 1867 book, “Chroniques de Genève.” (p. 396-402):

[Google translation] “When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They opened an entire hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave subsidies every month. The sick always gave money, and if so one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.

But then a disaster struck: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of sick people. In 1530 there was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first, they just poisoned patients to increase the mortality statistics, but they soon realized that the statistics they were not to be concerned only with mortality, but mortality from plague. So they began to cut the bubbles from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting off clothes, handkerchiefs and garters.

But somehow the plague continued to subside. Apparently, the dried buboes weren’t working well. Doctors went to town and scattered bubonic powder on the doorknobs at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit from them. As an eyewitness wrote of these events [stated], “this has been hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.” … one of the doctors became so brash and lazy that he decided not to wander around the city at night, but simply to throw dust on the crowd during the day.” …

The epilogue of the story was that the perpetrators got caught and all met a cruel, gruesome punishment. But the story of pathogens and politics didn’t end there.

Of pathogens and politics

In 2013, the PLOS journal published an important research paper titled, “Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism.” Its authors examined 90 cultural populations along two variables of their primary concern:

(1) authoritarian governance and

(2) historical prevalence of infectious disease.

They found that the correlation between infectious diseases and authoritarian governments was as high as 73%! In social sciences, this is an astonishingly high correlation; it is even higher than the correlation between IQ and test scores. As Harry Truman said, “The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.”

The history we didn’t know is the long-established tendency of autocratic rulers invoking invisible enemies to stoke fear, declare emergencies and coerce compliance in the name of greater good.

But fear or no fear, we must never abdicate our responsibility to our children and future generations – the responsibility to be vigilant and defend our hard-won liberties from would-be usurpers. We must defend liberty, if necessary with our lives, for if we fail then that one thing that makes life worth living could be lost for our children and their children. These are times to be brave and vigilant, to ask hard questions and demand truthful answers, to research and share our knowledge with all of humanity.

Today we are equipped with information resources and means of communications that were unfathomable to prior generations. We must make the best possible use of them and ensure that we gift future generations a much, much better future. With everything we have at our disposal, there can be no excuse ; armed with truth and courage, we will succeed.


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The Great Reset is enjoying the summer heat, the diversion of people on vacation in the Global North, to quietly and invisibly use some of its deadliest weapons on the people at large: Fear and engineered weather patterns.

The fear campaign is revving up, to be at full speed and full impact in the fall – Monkeypox, a new Omicron corona.

On July 23, 2022, the WHO has already declared monkeypox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). And this with worldwide less than 20,000 reported cases.

They were reported, but are they real? They were apparently tested with the same invalid PCR test as is still used for determining Covid infections – a test totally unsuited, even by CDC (later retracted) for viral detection of this kind, resulting in up to 97% false positives.

But how many people know this?

And even if they do know about the fraudulent test – they still believe in the Monkeypox danger.

They still believe that their government is honest, defending their, the people’s best interest. The next vaxx campaign is already being prepared. You may never know the difference between the concoction they plan to inject into your arm. Is the monkeypox vaxx different from the toxic fluid they inject for covid?

Frankly, nobody knows, because the composition of the vaxx is never published. It took about half a year until the Quinta Columna” of Spain, a team medical doctors and virologists, was able to analyze a vial, in which they found graphene oxide, a highly toxic and electromagnetic substance.

Precisely the substance which was later identified with cases of Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle that may lead to heart failure.

Who knows what will be the substance put into the monkeypox vaxxes?

Monkeypox was announced by WHO DG Dr. Tedros as affecting mostly (90%) “male who have sex with other male”, you may call it in other terms “homosexuals”.

Yet, Tedros declared Monkeypox as a Public Health Emergency — the drumbeat of fear-fear-fear. A perfect weapon of mass destruction (WMD).

At the same time, they are also preparing you for the fourth covid booster. At the beginning its especially for the elderly as they are the most vulnerable. Of course, they care for the elderly, the “cream of crop” of the “useless eaters” (Klaus Schwab advisor, Israeli historian, Yuval Noah Harari).

In Chicago they are standing in line for the monkeypox vaxx, all in face masks. There is an apparent shortage. So, people want to grab a vaxx as long as they are available.

And just in this morning, announced by WHO’s Mr. Tedros, there is a new, so far unknown version of hepatitis making the round. Be careful – more news will be released as it become available.

The media keeps bulldozing over the fact that the poisonous covid-vaxx, and probably all subsequent “everything” vaxxes, is a killer vaxx, has already killed millions, if not tens or hundreds of millions, way more than allegedly died from the covid-19 disease.

It is all terribly fraudulent, manipulated and convoluted, confusing, so that people, rather won’t question, even if they feel, sense that something is not quite right. They believe in their government, whom they believed all their life that it has your best interest in mind. They would not dare to think differently. How could they? – They have democratically “elected” their governments, and people’s tax money pays their lush salaries – so, no question “they [the governments] have my best interest in mind”.

This cognitive dissonance is difficult to beat.

If you told the “believers”, that unless they stop believing and take their destiny into their own hands, there will be many more plandemics, and many more different vaxxes and boosters. They plan to literally inject you full with poison, so your immune system will collapse and you may die. If you tell them, the “believers” will most likely call you a “conspiracy theorist”. That is another weapon, one that kills the truth.

Which leads to one of the Reset’s key objectives: Massive reduction of world population.

It’s already ongoing, namely through the first heavily coerced phase of vaxxing at least some 50% to 60% – maybe more – of the Global North, in the last 18 months, since December 2020. This is when the vaxx campaigns started in all 194 WHO member countries, simultaneously, or what the 2010 Rockefeller Report very pointedly calls “the Lockstep Phase”.

In a 2010 TED Talk, Bill Gates propagated, if we are doing a real good job vaccinating, the world population could be reduced by 10% to 15%.

The internet reference to several versions of this video have been “fact-checked” out – i.e., censored.

See quotation in the following video starting at 04:21. See also screenshot of transcript of quotation below

TED Talk at 04:21:

Transcript of quotation from the video

The Fourth Vaccine Booster

According to Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pizer, many of those who have been vaxxed and even more so, of those who have already received two or three so-called “boosters”, and are waiting for getting their fourth one, may die within two to three years, from causes and diseases linked to the injections, but the cause of death may be difficult to associate with the vaxxes.

Already today we see a flareup of cardiac diseases, like myocarditis. The heart inflammation can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood, leading to heart failure and sudden death. Many athletes have collapsed on the sports arena, and many have eventually succumbed to heart failure. Since the vaxx drive began, the heart failure rate of sports people has gone up by several thousand percent.

Other vaxx-related diseases may cause blood clots, leading to thrombosis, affect kidneys, the liver, the reproductive system of both women and men. The vaxxes may cause miscarriages. They are also several thousand percent higher than before the vaxx injection – and they may cause outright infertility.

Different kinds of cancers, including blood cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, as well as lung and stomach cancers have also been observed as being rapidly rising. One of the key caner-causing elements is the graphene oxide which is contained in many vaxx injections.

Let’s also keep in mind that we are confronted with different types of vaxxes. Not all vials contain the same toxic substances. They can cause different diseases. Their effectiveness is being tested by the dark elite-cult in this first phase of what is also called UN Agenda 2030, alias the Great Reset.

When you read all of this, you may become scared. Fear is detrimental for your immune system, for your health. So no Fear, please!

Remember Fear is one of their key weapons. But awareness, rather than fear, is also a defense-weapon.

Well-nourished people usually have a fairly good immune system, that will defend the body first from covid, and if covid occurs, will heal it like it heals from the common flu. Ivermectin is a medication that has proven very effective. It may be banned in your neighborhood, because they don’t want you to heal. They want you to be vaxxed.

There are plenty of inexpensive but effective over-the-counter remedies, like Vitamins C, D, Zinc, ginger and more.

While there is no concrete evidence that it has been applied, Environmental Modification Technologies (ENMOD) namely Engineered Weather may be another weapon of mass destruction.

Food Shortages

The heatwaves currently affecting the Global North, combined with unheard-of flashfloods and inundations, will certainly impact agricultural production. And as a side line, people’s economies. Many may lose everything; the farmers their lifelong subsistence.

Mass destruction of agricultural harvests, enhanced by forced reduction of agricultural activities, like what is currently ongoing in the Netherlands, is detrimental for food security.

Hundreds of thousands of farmers are protesting in the street and throughout Holland, since weeks against these insane government policies. They follow the WEF / Bill Gates dictate of worldwide food reduction to provoke food shortages; hardly reported by the mainstream.

The protests have so far been to no avail. Australia is apparently taking similar measures, with the result of alike protest events. The “leaders” of both countries are close to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, following the Reset mandates to the letter.

Other food reductions or harvest demolitions, include the withholding of grain shipments, like those blocked in Russia and Ukraine, due to the west-provoked and induced Ukraine war; outright destruction by fire and floods of grain and other food stocks, as well as massive apparently “heat-related”, but yet unexplained deaths of livestock – “several thousand cows” – died suddenly in southwestern Kansas, in June 2022. See this.

The NYT reports on 28 July, 2022, from southeastern Kentucky: “One of the worst, most devastating flooding events,” in state history, the governor said. Three people died and about 23,000 residents were without power. Cellphone service was down in some areas. See this.

Agricultural production losses by the floods are not even mentioned in the NYT Breaking News.

Interfering with agricultural production may lead to severe food shortages and in turn to famine – and death. Famine and malnutrition are already severely affecting the Global South.

Oxfam reports on 17 May 2022, “one person is likely dying of hunger every 48 seconds in drought-ravaged Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, according to estimates by Oxfam and Save the Children”. These, they say, are the “world’s repeated failure to stave off preventable disasters”. See this.

Yes, preventable. But do those who pretend to rule the world, those behind the WEF, the Reset and the UN Agenda 2030, really want to “stave off preventable disasters?”. It looks rather like they induce such disasters to meet the Reset’s agenda.

Farmland Ownership

According to a January 2021 article by ‘The Land Report’, Gates owned 242,000 acres (close to 100,000 ha, or about 1,000 square kilometers) of farmland through two investment management firms – Cottonwood Ag Management and Cascade Investment. At that time, what Mother Jones calls an “Empire of Dirt” was worth some US$ 5 billion. See this.

Since then, Gates’ farmland acreage ownership tops 300,000 acres, making him the largest private landowner in the US.

Gates is not the only billionaire purchasing farmland. Big Tech and Big Finance are also part of the party.

Pension Funds and other insurance companies, as well as banking conglomerates have purchased multi-billions worth of farmland, around the world. Majority ownership of the insurance and banking sectors are the renown villains, the inter-connected financial giants, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

Knowing that Big Finance supports the WEF’s Great Reset, it would be foolish to expect that the goal and purpose of this private ownership of farmland, worldwide, is to assure a balanced and fully nutritional world population. Just the opposite. For them, Mother Earth’s population is way too large.

If We, the People, are aware and understand the planned evil machinations going on under the narrative of “climate change” – another neoliberal money-making proposition of the ruling elite – then, We, the People, can intervene, stopping the lies – by allying with each other and building a new society, a system of People: Working by the People, for the People.

Easier said than done? Maybe. But the first step is to recognize our “enemy” – to become independent from our governments, to separate from our ancient believes that governments are our “protectors”; to realize that they are NOT; that they mean harm not good for Us, the People. Because they have been coopted or corrupted, coerced or threatened, by the self-proclaimed world powers too what they are being told, or else. The ongoing and expanding fake plandemics and fraudulent vaxx campaigns should be a lesson.

Did you know, that WHO had already in 2014 declared, that the 2020-2030 will be the Decade of Vaccination. You may not find this reference anymore on internet, for obvious reasons.

When we detach from the current government structures and the accompanying lie-propaganda narrative, and form local associations working in solidarity, embracing a new societal concept, “local production, for local markets, with local money and a local banking system that works for the people” – we may create a new momentum, overcoming and beating their current weapons of mass destruction – fear and engineered weather-induced famine.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense