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Two U.S. senators on Tuesday — the day after Dr. Anthony Fauci announced plans to leave his government posts in December — formally requested the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services preserve all documents and communications related to Fauci.

Two U.S. senators on Tuesday — the day after Dr. Anthony Fauci announced plans to leave his government posts in December — formally requested the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) preserve all documents and communications related to Fauci.

Fauci on Monday said he will retire as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden in December to pursue “the next chapter” of his career.

In a letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) demanded Becerra “immediately confirm” that HHS is preserving all records related to Fauci and  Dr. Francis Collins, who was director of the NIH from August 2009 to December 2021.

“This request applies to all documents, records, memoranda, research, correspondence, or other communication or any portion thereof relevant to any involvement of Dr. Fauci or Dr. Collins,” the letter stated.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), in a letter to Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., acting director of the NIH, asked Tabak to “ensure the preservation of all documents and communications within Dr. Fauci’s possession related to his tenure at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).”

Marshall stressed that it is “imperative” that all HHS workers are made aware of their “legal responsibilities to collect, retain, and preserve all documents, communications, and other records in accordance with federal law.”

He also reminded Tabak of his obligation, as the head of HHS, to ensure the preservation of all records and that any employee “who conceals, destroys, or attempts to conceal or destroy a federal record may be subject to fine and imprisonment for up to three years.”

Marshall pointed out that HHS previously refused to provide information to Congress:

“HHS and component agencies, including NIH in particular, continue to obstruct numerous congressional investigations through refusal to provide responsive information.

“In addition to withholding information from Congress, private parties note that NIH refuses to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests until forced to do so by court order.”

Marshall went on to list “recent egregious examples” of NIH’s failure to meet record-keeping requirements and said that “even one” such example “should instigate immediate oversight action by HHS.”

Marshall’s letter outlined four “notable recent concerns” with NIH’s record-keeping, including past accusations that NIH destroyed records, potential conflicts of interest within the HHS Office of Inspector General, NIH’s practice of “self-policing” and NIH’s failure to ensure required reporting of clinical trial results.

‘Fauci’s resignation will not prevent full-throated investigation into origins of pandemic’ — Rand Paul

Paul, in his letter to Tabak, also emphasized the need to preserve NIH documents for investigation purposes.

Paul wrote:

“This information is critical to ensure that Congress has access to information necessary to conduct proper oversight regarding events that took place during Dr. Fauci’s tenure with the agency.

“Specifically, I request you preserve all records, e-mail, electronic documents, and data created by or shared with Dr. Fauci during his tenure at NIH that relate to COVID-19 including, but not limited to, NIAID-funded coronavirus research.”

In an email today, Paul told The Defender:

“Dr. Fauci misled the American people on public health guidance throughout the pandemic, lied to Congress under oath, and funneled tax dollars to fund dangerous research in communist China.

“The American people deserve transparency and accountability from the NIH regarding the COVID-19 pandemic regardless of Dr. Fauci’s future employment plans.”

On Monday, Paul tweeted, “Fauci’s resignation will not prevent a full-throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic. He will be asked to testify under oath regarding any discussions he participated in concerning the lab leak.”

For more than a year, Paul has advocated for a thorough investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and pushed for a criminal investigation of Fauci, whose NIAID research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China Paul suggested may have been involved in creating the virus.

Following up on a threat he made in mid-July of 2021, Rand sent an official criminal referral on Fauci to the U.S. Department of Justice on July 26, 2021.

Paul asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate Fauci for allegedly lying to Congress when he said the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

The week before he sent the official criminal referral, Paul asked Fauci if he wanted to retract the statement he made to Congress during a May 11 hearing. Paul said,

“Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May 11, where you claimed the NIH never funded gain-of-function research and move on?”

Fauci replied he would not retract the statement and was adamant he never lied before Congress.

However, Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said on June 2, 2021, that evidence showed Fauci was “implicated in the very pandemic he had been charged with fighting.”

Emails obtained by BuzzFeed via the Freedom of Information Act show “Fauci supported the grotesque and dangerous experiments that appeared to have made COVID possible,” Carlson said.

The emails, which date back to the early winter of 2020, show Fauci was worried the public would think COVID-19 originated at the Wuhan lab. Why?

“Possibly because Tony Fauci knew perfectly well he had funded gain-of-function experiments at that very same laboratory,” Carlson said.

The emails showed Fauci and other top virologists shared an article from ZeroHedge suggesting COVID-19 was a man-made bioweapon. Despite it being a “plausible explanation,” said Carlson, ZeroHedge was banned from social media.

Carlson said:

“Until recently, you were not allowed to suggest that COVID might be man-made. Why couldn’t you suggest that? The fact checkers wouldn’t allow it. Why wouldn’t they? Because Tony Fauci assured the tech monopolies that the coronavirus could not have been manmade. And so the tech monopolies shut down the topic.”

NIAID has, for years, provided grants to the EcoHealth Alliance and others to conduct gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, as The Defender previously reported.

In March 2021, the Wuhan lab deleted mentions of its collaboration with the NIAID/NIH and other American research partners from its website. It also deleted descriptions of gain-of-function experiments on the SARS virus, according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

“The NIH/NIAID has funded GOF [gain-of-function] research to the tune of at least $41.7 million,” Mercola said. “Up until 2014, this research was conducted by Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina.”

After 2014, when federal funding of gain-of-function research was banned, the research was funneled to the Wuhan lab via the EcoHealth Alliance.

Mercola added:

“In August 2020, the NIAID announced a five-year, $82-million investment in a new global network of Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases that will conduct GOF experiments to ‘determine what genetic or other changes make [animal] pathogens capable of infecting humans.’”


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Fairfield, Iowa.

Featured image is from CHD

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A record-breaking drought has caused some rivers in China – including parts of the Yangtze – to dry up, affecting hydropower, halting shipping, and forcing major companies to suspend operations.

A nationwide drought alert was issued on Friday as a long-running and severe heatwave in China’s heavily populated south-west was forecast to continue well into September.

The loss of water flow to China’s extensive hydropower system has sparked a “grave situation” in Sichuan, which gets more than 80% of its energy from hydropower.

On Sunday the provincial government declared it was at the highest warning level of “particularly severe”, with water flow to Sichuan’s hydropower reservoirs dropping by half. The demand for electricity has increased by 25% this summer, local media reported. The reduction in hydropower has also reportedly affected downstream populations, including Chongqing city and Hubei province.

Last week Sichuan suspended or limited power supply to thousands of factories and rationed public electricity usage due to the shortage. Toyota, Foxconn and Tesla are among companies reported to have temporarily suspended operations at some plants over the last fortnight. On Sunday the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported plans to restart production this week had been postponed.

The Yangtze is the world’s third largest river, providing drinking water to more than 400 million Chinese people, and is the most vital waterway to China’s economy. It is also crucial to the global supply chain, but this summer it has reached record-low water levels, with entire sections and dozens of tributaries drying up. Water flow on the Yangtze’s main trunk is more than 50% below the average of the last five years. Shipping routes in the middle and lower sections have also closed, the SCMP reported.

Across the affected regions of China authorities are rushing to ensure water and power supply, as the region approaches harvest season for water-intensive crops such as rice and soy. On Sunday, authorities discharged 980m cubic metres of water from reservoirs in an effort to replenish lower levels of the river, state media said.

The drought has affected at least 2.46 million people and 2.2m hectares of agricultural land in Sichuan, Hebei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Chongqing. More than 780,000 people have needed direct government support because of the drought, according to China’s ministry of emergency management. Drinking water has been trucked in to areas where residential supplies have completely dried up. High temperatures in July alone caused direct economic losses of 2.73bn yuan (£340m), affecting 5.5 million people, the emergency ministry said last week.

In the city of Chongqing the water level dropped to reveal previously submerged Buddhist statues thought to be about 600 years old.

Around the world major rivers are drying up as record-breaking heatwaves take a devastating toll, including the Rhine and the Loire in Europe, and the Colorado River in the US.

Bernice Lee, chair of the advisory board at the Chatham House sustainability accelerator in London, said societies including China have remained “unprepared and underprepared” for high-impact, low-probability events like extreme droughts and heatwave.

“Looking to the future, as the frequency of extreme weather events looks set to grow, the future could be even more bleak.”

Dr Faith Chan, the head of the school of geographical sciences at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo, said China was committed to climate change adaptions and preparing for climactic extremes.

“But it is very difficult to say what is the long-term effect on the economy by the extreme weather. For the short term, electricity use is heavily consumed and stressed,” Chan said.

Chinese authorities have repeatedly attributed the drought and heatwave to the climate crisis. Chen Lijuan, the chief forecaster of the country’s national climate centre, last week described the combined heatwave and drought as a “pressure cooker”.

“We have to face the fact that similar heatwaves will occur frequently in the future … it will become a new normal,” Chen said.

However, the immediate impact on electricity supplies has put pressure on Beijing’s climate change commitments. Last week the vice-premier Han Zheng said the government would step up support for coal-fired power production.

Warnings are in place for continued high temperatures and low rain. A red heat warning – the highest level of alert – was issued for the 10th consecutive day on Sunday for large swathes of the country.

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Featured image is from The Guardian

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Droughts in China

August 25th, 2022 by Facts and Details

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Up to 33 million tons of crops are lost each year to drought. A severe drought in the spring and summer of 2001 stretched across 17 provinces and left 23 million people short of drinking water and damaged 73 million acres of farmland. Hundreds of sheep and cattle died of dehydration.

A severe drought on Guangxi in 2004 produced withered crops and massive power losses due to lack of water for hydro power generation. More than 1,100 reservoirs went dry. In neighboring Guangdong Province 1 million people didn’t have enough drinking water. The drought was partly the result of typhoons failing to strike the region.

The worst drought in 50 years struck Guangdong Province in 2005. The drought was especially bad because it struck during the rice planting season and was exacerbated by high water usage. The drought affected the power supply and in some places factories only operated during the night because that was the only time electricity was available.

China’s state meteorologists have blamed an increase in the number of extreme weather events in recent years on climate change. But the drought has been intensified by massive deforestation and the pollution and depletion of water resources caused by China’s heady pursuit of economic growth, said Ma Jun, author of “China’s Water Crisis”. “There is such a tight eco-balance now that whenever we have a problem with a natural climate phenomenon, it causes a big disaster. We don’t have much extra capacity to absorb the impact,” he said. [Source: Dan Martin, AFP, March 29, 2010]

Drought in China in 2006 and 2007

The worst drought in more than century struck southwest China and Sichuan in the summer of 2006. Chonquing suffered repeated heat waves, record highs of 44.5̊C and hardly any rain in July or August. In the grain producing areas of Sichuan huge swath of farmland withered after rainfall in the rainy season in early summer was the lowest since 1947. The water levels of the Yangtze were the lowest in the past century.

The drought cost more than $1.1 billion in crop damage in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi Provinces. More than 5 million tons of sweet potatoes and beans were lost, 11 million hectares of mostly rice, corn and tobacco were destroyed or damaged.

The drought affected all of China. In Guangdong a salt tide caused in part by a dropping water table affected drinking water supplies. In Inner Mongolia well water ran out and goats and sheep were fed from tanker trucks. Horses and cattle starved. For a time 18 million people nationwide had no access to clean drinking water.

The area around the Yangtze River suffered a severe drought in 2007. In some places water levels of the river dropped to their lowest levels since records began 142 years ago. Between October and December 2007 forty ships ran aground in the main course of the river. The drought was also severe in large areas of the normally wet south. Reservoirs and rivers shrunk and supplies of drinking water fell to alarmingly low levels.

Drought in Southwest China in 2009 and 2010

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A severe drought in the southwestern provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan and Guizhou in 2009-2010 was the worst there in over a century. In areas of the normally wet region there was hardly any rain for months. Reservoirs were empty; river beds were dry; hillsides and terraces normally full of crops looked like deserts; the rich soil was like rock; people got sick from drinking contaminated water. It seem liked half the people in some parts of the region spent most of their day carrying water with shoulder poles from distant wells to their homes or fields. More than 90 percent of the hydro power stations in Guizhou, the worst-hit province, were not operating.

One farmer told AFP his family barely had enough water to drink water to drink and was forced to go weeks without bathing. To get water for his chestnut and walnut trees the farmer trekked long distance and carries back water on a shoulder pole. Damages to his crops has cut his earnings by 80 percent. “I’m 64, and this is the driest I have ever seen it,” said another farmer, who lost half his crop and half his income. “My biggest fear is that if it continues to be so dry , the impact on the harvest will be severe.”

According to government estimates 60 million were affected and 18 million people and 11 million livestock were short of water. Total economic costs exceeded $3 billion. Some blamed global warming. Others said that deforestation and depletion of water sources by economic activity were involved. To help he Chinese government dug thousands of wells, trucked in drinking water and carried out emergency water diversion projects. Clouding seeding efforts were futile.

Dan Martin wrote AFP,

“The drought plaguing Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, the Guangxi region and the mega-city of Chongqing has been called the worst in a century. It has devastated crops, fueled price rises and highlighted China’s chronic water problems. Since last September, rainfall has been less than half the normal levels, turning much of normally temperate Yunnan into a bone-dry environmental disaster zone of evaporating reservoirs and shrivelled rivers.”[Source: Dan Martin, AFP, March 29, 2010]

“Terraced fields that should be bursting green with winter crops instead resemble dusty deserts, their normally rich soil hard as rock. Everywhere in the countryside, men and women in conical hats carry precious water in buckets balanced on bamboo poles across their shoulders, often for long distances. The government says more than 60 million people are affected, with more than 18 million people and 11 million livestock short of drinking water – numbers that grow daily.”

“Sudden shortages of economically vital sugar, rice, tea, and fresh flowers have driven up prices, and the drought zone’s rich hydroelectric resources are dwindling. State media this week said 90 percent of hydropower stations in the worst-hit province, Guizhou, were paralysed. This comes just as the government is struggling to rein in inflation and prevent it tripping up the country’s robust economic recovery. While the full economic damage remains to be seen, with the government already putting direct losses at nearly three billion dollars, the human impact is clear.”

Drought in 2009-2010 in Yunnan

Reporting from Qixingcun in Yunnan Province in late March 2010, Dan Martin wrote AFP, “In Yunnan alone, hundreds of reservoirs vital to rural communities have dried up or will do soon, state media have said. Tap water is cut off in many areas and illnesses have been reported as thirsty villagers drink unsafe reservoir water. The state media have been full of stark images of desperate villagers sitting amid the cracked beds of dried-up reservoirs. China has dealt for millennia with the alternating curses of drought and flood, but the severity of this dry spell is on everyone’s lips.” [Source: Dan Martin, AFP, March 29, 2010]

”Peasant farmer Dong Guicheng wakes up every morning hoping for rain, but each day a crippling drought instead brings more disappointment and desperation….Dong treks daily to a dwindling reservoir to fetch scarce water for his walnut and chestnut trees, which have seen almost no rain for half a year. His family has barely enough to drink, he hasn’t bathed for weeks, and Dong says the damage to his crops could cut his earnings by 80 percent this year.” “I am very worried,” Dong said, as he and his wife Dao Haiyan filled a rusty tank with water from the reservoir before carting it to their home two kilometers (one mile) away. “If there continues to be no rain I will have no income. The impact has been too big for words,” he said, shaking his fist skywards.

“I’m 64, and this is the driest I have ever seen it,” said Cai Yichang, a farmer who lives near the Yunnan city of Yiliang. Scanning sand-colored terraced fields that should be green, Cai has had to plant a smaller crop of onions and has been unable to plant his spring corn, a blow likely to halve his roughly 20,000 yuan (S$4,116) annual income. “My biggest fear is that if it continues to be so dry, the impact on the harvest will be severe,” he said, in between drags of tobacco on a large water pipe.

The government says it has rushed drinking water to the region, launched emergency water diversion projects and dug thousands of wells. But the impact on the ground has been as negligible as the rain, said Dong. “The government? They haven’t taken any measures. We just have to rely on ourselves to take the water to the fields,” said Dong, whose troubles are compounded by rising vegetable prices, which he said had more than doubled.

Affects of the Drought in Southwest China in 2009-2010

The soil on roughly 30,000 square miles of farmland was too dry to plant crops, the vice minister of water resources, Liu Ning, said last Wednesday. Around 24 million people were short of water. Agriculturallosses already total $3.5 billion.[Source: Michael Wines, New York Times, April 4, 2010]

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As of April 2010, many areas have not had rain since at least October. In some places in Luliang County, about 70 miles east of Yunnan’s capital, Kunming, no rain has fallen since August. There many wells dried up completely and one family well that normally has 33 feet of water during the dry season only had a foot. Hong Kong’s major newspaper, The South China Morning Post, reported last month that many adults had left villages in Guangxi, and that many of those who remained behind were elderly residents and children who had difficulty finding drinking water.

The government stepped in by rationing drinking water to millions, digging 1,600 emergency wells and shooting silver iodide into the air in a marginally successful rainmaking effort. In mid-March, China’s premier, Wen Jiabao, made a three-day tour of Yunnan, including Luliang County, to pledge government help and urge new water-conservation efforts.

The drought’s effects also reached beyond China, stirring up tensions with its neighbors over energy and environmental concerns. China’s southern neighbors sharply questioned whether the drought’s effect on the Mekong River — at its lowest in a half-century — had been worsened by dams along its upper reaches, known as the Lancang, in western Yunnan. The hydroelectric dams there store water that otherwise would flow naturally in wet and dry seasons. The Chinese deny the charge and say that they released dammed water during this dry season to raise the Mekong’s level.

Environmentalists have raised other questions. Wang Yongchen, the senior environmental writer for China National Radio, asked in a March journal article in Beijing whether the reservoirs and rapid industrialization had permanently changed the climate in Yunnan. She said that the wholesale replacement of Yunnan’s forests with plantations — especially thirsty rubber and eucalyptus trees — may have lowered the region’s water table, dried the atmosphere and worsened water shortages.

Effect of Drought in Southwest China in 2009-2010 on Farmers

In Luliang County in Yunnan Province, farmers that sold their harvest of winter wheat for $585 in normal years were lucky to sell their meager crop for $30. A farmer named Huang Jianxue, told New York Times, “It’s only good for the pigs,” brushing perhaps six or eight wheat kernels from a stunted stalk that, in a normal year, would hold dozens. [Source: Michael Wines, New York Times, April 4, 2010]

Huang crops and animals were starved for water. He had to borrow money to send his 7-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter to school. Getting for work in the city was not an option as he can not read, and leaving his family would wipe out any chance to plant crops should the rains return. With virtually no money from the spring harvest, he said, his only plan to repay his debt is to kill the family pig and sell the meat.

Michael Wines wrote in the New York Times,

“A several-hour tour of Luliang County on Sunday suggested the drought had struck in patchwork fashion. Residents said some reservoirs were dry basins of cracked mud, while others could be seen filled with water and surrounded by green crops.” In Shizikou village “verdant acres of rapeseed plants and other crops lined a dirty-looking river that had been tapped for irrigation.”

“But yards away from the river, 44-year-old Liu Hong said her entire wheat crop had grown only about a foot high before dying for lack of water, wiping out the $440 she had hoped to earn. Liu said she had been forced to borrow more than $700 from a local bank to send her two sons to high school. I don’t know what will happen if I can’t repay it, she said. And just down the road, 38-year-old Zhang Weixing’s crop of wendou, a type of pea used to make noodles, was so shrunken that his family was harvesting it to use as seeds rather than food. A crop that brought $440 in a normal year would be lucky to fetch $15 this time, he said.”

But as serious as the drought was, it affected only about 6 percent of China’s farmland and a tiny portion of its 1.3 billion people. The impact on inflation and food supplies in China as a whole were minimal.

Drought in Northern China in 2009

A severe drought struck parts of northern and central China in 2008 and 2009. The drought hit wheat growing areas in Henan and Anhui Provinces particularly hard. The government declared an emergency. Wheat prices rose and concerned were raised about out of work migrant workers returning home to find they can’t make a living at farming either.

The drought deprived 3.46 million people of adequate drinking water and affected 9.5 million hectares of farmland, An effort was made to bring irrigation water to agricultural areas deprived of water by diverting water from the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Irrigated water nourishes 60 percent of the winter wheat farmland and a third of all the farm land affected. In the Beijing area and elsewhere thousands of cloud seeding rockets and shells were fired to bring precipitation.

The worst drought in 60 years struck parts of northern China stretching from Jilin Province to Inner Mongolia in the summer of 2009, leaving 4.6 million people and 4.1 million head of livestock short of water.

The drought not only devastated China’s best wheat farmland, it also emptied the wells that provide clean water to industry and to millions of people. More than 18,000 square miles of farmland was labeled by the Chinese Agriculture Ministry. Northern China grows three-fifths of China’s crops and houses more than two-fifths of its people. [Source:Michael Wines, New York Times, February 24, 2009]

The drought occurred during the global economic crisis and peaked as millions of migrant workers who lost their jobs as a result of factory closings and construction shutdowns were returning from the cities to places where farming is the main source of income. Government officials were worried that water shortages and failed crops would raise the prospect of unrest among jobless migrants.

The national government increased spending on drought relief by about $44 million and announced plans to speed up the provision of annual grain and farm subsidies worth another $13 billion. Authorities also opened dam sluices, draining reservoirs toirrigate dry fields; dispatched water trucks to thousands of villages with dry wells; and bored hundreds of new wells. Newspapers reported the launching of thousands of rocket shells filled with silver iodide ro induce rain. Snow that fell on Drought-stricken Beijing were said to be the result of such efforts.

Effect of Drought in Northern China in 2009 on Farmers

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Michael Wines wrote in the New York Times: “In the hamlet of Qiaobei in China’s wheat belt, a local farmer, Zheng Songxian, scrapes out a living growing winter wheat on a vest-pocket plot, a third of an acre carved out of a rocky hillside. He might have been expected to celebrate being offered the chance to till new land this winter. He did not.” [Source:Michael Wines, New York Times, February 24, 2009]

“Normally, the new land he was offered lies under more than 20 feet of water, part of the Luhun Reservoir in Henan Province. But this winter, Luhun has lost most of its water. And what was once lake bottom has become just another field of winter wheat, stunted for want of rain. Zheng, 50, stood in his field on a recent winter day, in one hand a shrunken wheat plant freshly pulled from the earth. I think I’m going to lose at least a third of my harvest this year, he said. If we don’t get rain before May, I won’t be able to harvest anything.”

“Zheng said his wheat was usually a foot tall by mid-February. But this year his field more resembled a suburban lawn in need of mowing, with clumps of wheat barely two inches high. Irrigation for such a small plot, he said, is too costly. We have a well up the hill, he said, but you have to pay 50 yuan every time you pump water, and you need to do it three times before you can harvest. The total of 150 yuan would be more than $20. So Zheng is hoping for rain, and counting on his two sons and daughter, who have jobs in nearby towns, to make up the money lost from crop failure.”

“In a neighboring village of 1,900, Zhailing…wells already strained by falling groundwater levels have effectively run dry, and many farmers have written off their wheat. Even regular day water is not guaranteed. How can we talk about anything for our crops? said Shi Shegan, the Communist Party secretary for the village.”

“The county-level chief of local drought-relief efforts, Gong Xinzhen, is determinedly upbeat about the situation. The county has bought 100 pumps to draw water from streams and wells, he said, and workers have handed out $15,000 worth of plastic bags for citizens to haul water from distant taps. Seven trucks are hauling water to communities like Zhailing where water has run out. Shi applauds the government’s hard work. But he also notes that when his village was built 14 years ago, one could sink a new well and haul water up by the bucketful. Now, he said, wells sunk 100 feet deep get mere trickles and can be tapped only once or twice a day.”

Winter Drought in Northern China in 2010-2011

The winter of 2010-2011 was the driest in perhaps 200 years in parts of China, which is the world’s largest wheat producer. This prompted worries that China might need to increase sharply its usually modest wheat imports, at a time when world food prices were already surging. Supplies were tight after bad weather in other producers, including Russia and Australia. Beijing launched a $1 billion emergency campaign of cloud-seeding and expanded irrigation.

Keith Bradsher wrote in the New York Times, “By January 2011, around 2.2 million people were facing water shortages as a result of droughts in southern, eastern and central China. Winter in China’s wheat belt is usually fairly dry. But this winter was so dry that it provoked considerable concern, from government offices in Beijing to the grain markets of Chicago. [Source: Keith Bradsher, New York Times, March 7, 2011]

“Some of the driest areas are close to Beijing, which has had no appreciable precipitation since Oct. 23, although there were brief snow flurries on Dec. 29. If the drought lasts 11 more days it will match one in the winter of 1970-71 as the longest since modern record keeping started in 1951, according to government meteorologists…In some places fields so dry large cracks appeared in the dirt. Particularly hard hit have been Hebei Province, which is next to Beijing…The dirt in farmers’ fields has become bone dry and is easily lifted by breezes, coating trees and houses in fine dust.” [Source: Keith Bradsher, New York Times, February 3, 2011]

The U.N. food agency issued a rare “special alert — on Feb. 8 warning of the drought’s effects on the wheat crop and even on drinking water for people and livestock. Wheat futures in Chicago, already high because of extreme heat last summer in Russia, surged even higher when the food agency issued its alert, jumping 2 percent in a day. On Monday, wheat prices edged down 0.3 percent in early trading after word spread of China’s recent damp weather.

Drought Fuels Inflation and Has Global Implications

The severe drought in northern fueled inflation and alarming China’s leaders. Keith Bradsher wrote in the New York Times, “President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao separately toured drought-stricken regions and have called for “all-out efforts” to address the effects of water shortages on agriculture…Rising food prices were a problem even before the drought began, prompting the government to impose a wide range of price controls in mid-November. The winter wheat crop has been parched since then in northern China while unusually widespread frost has hurt the vegetable crop in southern China. [Source: Keith Bradsher, New York Times, February 3, 2011]

“Food prices have been rising around the world, a result of weather problems in many countries, like the unusual heat wave in Russia last summer. High food prices have been among the many reasons for protests in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world. But even a prolonged drought in China appears highly unlikely to cause acute food shortages. China has spent years accumulating very large government reserves of grain and also has $2.85 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, giving it virtually unlimited ability to import food as long as major grain producers do not limit exports.”

“When commodity prices last surged in 2007 and 2008, however, at least 29 countries sharply curbed food exports in attempts to prevent domestic food prices from rising as quickly as world prices. And if China does become a large importer of wheat — it imports a lot of soybeans but tries to be essentially self-sufficient in rice and other grains for national security reasons — then it could push up world prices and make it harder for poor countries to afford food imports. Higher food and energy prices are spreading to other parts of China’s economy, contributing to broader inflation. Prices rose 4.6 percent in 2010, according to the consumer price index. The government has cushioned the effects of rising food prices by encouraging provinces and cities to sharply raise the minimum wage, which has been climbing 18 percent a year in Guangdong Province, in southern China.

“Accelerating inflation in China is starting to show up in the prices that American companies pay for imports from China. After years of showing little change, a United States Bureau of Labor Statistics index of average import prices suddenly jumped 0.3 percent from September to October, then jumped the same amount in November and again in December.”

In the end Rain and snow during late February and early March ” together with a huge irrigation effort, “saved much of the wheat crop in northern China from drought, Chinese and international agricultural and meteorological experts said…Days of snow and rain across the heart of China’s wheat belt in northern Henan and western Shandong provinces…The precipitation arrived at just the right moment, experts said, as vulnerable wheat planted last autumn was coming out its winter dormancy and needed to grow or it would die.” [Source: Keith Bradsher, New York Times, March 7, 2011]

Yangtze Delta Drought in 2011

On the drought that struck central China in the winter and spring of 2011, Jonathan Watts wrote in The Guardian, it is the — worst drought that parts of the Yangtze delta have experienced for more than 100 years

“Even for a country that is used to drought, this year’s arid spell has been shocking because of its duration and location: the Yangtze region is usually considered one of the lushest in China. But Asia’s greatest river is shrinking and shallowing, along with many of the lakes around it. Shanghai is in its longest dry spell for 138 years, according to People’s Daily. Further upstream, Hunan is suffering the worst drought since 1910, affecting water supplies for 1.1 million people and 157 urban areas.”[Source: Jonathan Watts, The Guardian, June 1, 2011]

“Television bulletins and newspapers are filled with images of dead fish, stranded ships and dry river beds. Hydropower production has been slashed and vast swaths of paddy fields are parched. The Three Gorges dam has been forced to cut hydropower generation and open its sluice gates to provide more water to downstream areas.

Recent cloudbursts — some precipitated by weather-modifying techniques — have raised hopes that the rainy season may finally have arrived. But the China Meteorological Administration forecasts a short, sharp — and possibly dangerous — flood season, amid a long, hot summer.

Another problem: “China is running out of cloud-seeding shells after pounding the skies with a massive barrage to ease the Yangtze delta drought. One of the country’s biggest manufacturers of the weather-modifying ordnance said its warehouses were empty despite raising production by 30 percent , operating on weekends and adding two hours to shift times.

Jiangxi Gangsi is one of the nation’s biggest makers of cloud-seeding shells. Company managers told the Guardian that they have struggled to meet a surge of demand during an unusually hot, dry spring. “There is demand but not enough supply. This year is special,” said Gu Jiangjun, a sales manager. “We normally produce 3,000 shells a month but now we are aiming for 4,000 to 5,000.” Agency officials encouraged local governments to make continued use of weather-modifying techniques. “We attach great importance to artificial rainfall in the effort to ease the drought,” said the administration’s vice director, Chen Zhenlin.

Droughts in the 2020s

In December 2021, China’s major southern cities Guangzhou and Shenzhen warned of impending severe water shortages lasting into next spring as the East River, a tributary of Guangdong’s Pearl River, was hit by Guangdong province’s most severe drought in decades. Reuters reported: Authorities in both cities are asking citizens to reduce water consumption, with rainfall between January to October this year down by a quarter compared to average levels over the last decade. The inflow of water into the East River Basin, a major supply of water for both cities, was around 50-60 percent its usual level. The company in charge of Guangzhou’s water supply is taking emergency measures to deal with increased salt tides, where the water supply becomes increasingly saline due to a lack of fresh water, it said. Hong Kong also imports much of its water from the East River. [Source: Reuters, December 8 2021]

In 2020, Yunnan Province and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwest China experienced its worst drought in a decades, affecting more around 1.5 million people. Xinhua reported: As of April 15, 1.48 million people and 417,300 large domestic animals faced drinking water shortage, and 306,667 hectares of crops were damaged, according to the provincial water conservancy department. Some 100 rivers in the province were cut off, 180 reservoirs dried up, and 140 irrigation wells had an insufficient water supply, figures of the department showed. [Source: CGTN, Xinhua News Agency, April 18, 2020]

The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau saw an uneven and lesser amount of precipitation in 2019 and 2020. In the two days of March 29 to 30, there had been seven cases of forest fires in Yunnan Province. The province poured 546 million yuan (around 77.1 million U.S. dollars) in drought relief, mobilizing 1.13 million people and 131,100 water-loaded vehicles to irrigate the farmland and providing drinking water to thirsty people and livestock.


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Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, National Geographic, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton’s Encyclopedia and various books and other publications.

Featured image: Drought-burned trees / Image Sources: Gary Braasch, Xinhua, ESWN environmental news

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Europe is facing its worst drought in at least 500 years, with two-thirds of the continent in a state of alert or warning, reducing inland shipping, electricity production and the yields of certain crops, a European Union agency has said.

The August report of the European Drought Observatory (EDO), overseen by the European Commission, said that 47 percent of Europe is undergoing warning conditions, as moisture in the soil dries out and 17 percent of the region is on a state of alert as vegetation is affected.

“The severe drought affecting many regions of Europe since the beginning of the year has been further expanding and worsening as of early August,” the report said, adding that the western Europe-Mediterranean region was likely to experience warmer and drier than normal conditions until November.

Much of Europe has faced weeks of baking temperatures this summer, which worsened the drought, caused wildfires, set off health warnings, and prompted calls for more action to tackle climate change.

This Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite image shows how part of the Po River in Italy has significantly shrunk between June 2020 and June 2022. Image processed by ESA.

The current drought appeared to be the worst in at least 500 years, assuming final data at the end of the season confirmed the preliminary assessment, the Commission said in a statement on Tuesday.

Summer crops have suffered, with 2022 yields for grain maize set to be 16 percent below the average of the previous five years and soybean and sunflowers yields set to fall by 15 percent and 12 percent respectively.

Hydropower generation has been hit and other power producers affected due to water shortages that feed cooling systems.

Low water levels have hampered inland shipping, such as along the Rhine river, with reduced shipping loads affecting coal and oil transport.

The EDO said mid-August rainfall may have alleviated conditions but in some cases, it had come with thunderstorms that caused further damage.

The observatory’s drought indicator is derived from measurements of precipitation, soil moisture and the fraction of solar radiation absorbed by plants for photosynthesis.

Click here to read the full article.


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Featured image: People take a stroll on the river bed of the Waal as water levels dropped because of drought in Nijmegen, Netherlands [Peter Dejong/AP Photo]

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US Secretary of State Blinken Returns Empty Handed from Africa Tour

By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 24, 2022

This tour came amid an escalation of tensions between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in regard to their relations with Washington. Blinken first visited the Republic of South Africa where he had a joint meeting with Naledi Pandor, his diplomatic counterpart. Pandor reiterated the views of the African National Congress (ANC) government which has refused to denounce Moscow over its special military operation in Ukraine.

Fauci’s Resignation ‘Good News for America’

By Dr. Anthony Fauci and Andrew Thornebrooke, August 24, 2022

Following Dr. Anthony Fauci announcing his resignation, Republicans have vowed Congressional investigations into his conduct if they win majority in the House and Senate in November, with many being critical of his leadership decisions and lack of transparency through the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Video: Kiev’s Military Operations “Switched to Terrorist Strategy”

By South Front, August 24, 2022

Since the proudly announced counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Army in the south has not happened, and more and more territories of the country are coming under the control of Russian forces, the Kiev regime which vitally needs to declare any victories has switched to a terrorist strategy of military operations.

Inspector General: The U.S. Government Left More Than $7 Billion in Military Equipment to the Taliban

By Jonathan Turley, August 24, 2022

Defense Department Inspector General has released its long-awaited report on what the Biden Administration left behind in Afghanistan. It is an unbelievable list of equipment left to the Taliban. I opposed the long war in Afghanistan, so I was not among those critical of Trump or Biden in pushing to leave the conflict. However, no one has ever explained why the Biden Administration left this equipment in Afghanistan as opposed to removing it or destroying it.

Active US Military Service Members: Significant Increase in Cancers, Myocarditis, and Pericarditis Resulting from COVID-19 Vaccine

By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp, August 24, 2022

A medical Army officer who discovered a sudden increase in disease coinciding with reports of side effects alongside COVID-19 vaccines—which the Army has dismissed as a data glitch—said he faces involuntary separation after being convicted but not punished for disobeying COVID-19 protocol.

Ukraine Uses NATO Ammunition in Attacks on Nuclear Power Station. Dangers of Radioactive Leaks

By Ana Luisa Brown, August 24, 2022

Representatives of the civil-military administration of the Zaporozhie region denounced today that Ukrainian troops use artillery with NATO ammunition in attacks on the Energodar nuclear power plant.

European Aid to Ukraine Grinds to a Halt

By Free West Media, August 24, 2022

Support for Ukraine is crumbling not only among the population. Aid pledges from European countries are also falling rapidly. The Institute has developed its own tool to measure the support provided by Western countries to Ukraine. The Ukraine Support Tracker is a database that tracks the financial, military and humanitarian assistance provided to Ukraine.


Infographic: US Military Presence Around the World

By Mohammed Hussein and Mohammed Haddad, August 24, 2022

In the early morning hours of August 31, 2021 the last American soldiers lifted off from Kabul airport, officially ending the 20-year war in Afghanistan, the longest in US history. At its peak in 2011, the US had approximately 100,000 troops across at least 10 military bases from Bagram to Kandahar. In total, more than 800,000 US soldiers served in the war according to the Pentagon.

Reinforcing Failure in Ukraine. “Neutrality on the Austrian Model Is Still Possible”

By Douglas Macgregor, August 24, 2022

The hard truth is the introduction of new weapon systems won’t change the strategic outcome in Ukraine. Even if NATO’s European members, together with Washington, D.C., provided Ukrainian troops with a new avalanche of weapons, and it arrived at the front instead of disappearing into the black hole of Ukrainian corruption, the training and tactical leadership required to conduct complex offensive operations does not exist inside Ukraine’s 700,000-man army.

Video: Public Health System Rigged to Make the COVID Vaccines Look “Safe and Effective”. Deborah Conrad Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich

By Deborah Conrad and Reiner Fuellmich, August 24, 2022

This session is about what she saw when the vaccines were rolled out in her hospital and how she came to know about VAERS.

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Fauci’s Resignation ‘Good News for America’

August 24th, 2022 by Dr. Anthony Fauci

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Fauci’s Resignation ‘Good News for America’

by Andrew Thornebrooke, The Epoch Times

Following Dr. Anthony Fauci announcing his resignation, Republicans have vowed Congressional investigations into his conduct if they win majority in the House and Senate in November, with many being critical of his leadership decisions and lack of transparency through the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci announced on Monday he will resign from his post as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in December, after more than 50 years working in government.

“He better have plenty of time on his hands come January, because we’re going to be wanting to talk to him,” said Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) during an Aug. 22 interview with Steve Lance on NTD, a sister media outlet of Epoch Times.

Carter said that, should Republicans gain majority control of the oversight and investigation committees after the upcoming midterm elections, the GOP would make it a priority to investigate whether Fauci mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic or willfully mislead the public about the virus.

Fauci’s tenure, Carter said, had been marred by inconsistency and flip-flopping on vital issues, such as the origins of the virus.

In May 2020, Fauci said that the virus “could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.”

However, Fauci has since said that he is “open” to the idea that the virus originated in a laboratory following a concession by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) last year that it provided funding to third-party groups to perform gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at laboratory in Wuhan, China.

“We need to make sure that we’re not doing this again and, if indeed this did come from a leak in the Wuhan lab, then China needs to be held responsible,” Carter said. “There’s no question about that.

“This is good news for America, because we need to take the politics out of healthcare. [Fauci] has inserted politics into healthcare, and I think that’s going to be his legacy.”

Click here to read the full article.

Statement by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.

I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden. I will be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue the next chapter of my career.

It has been the honor of a lifetime to have led the NIAID, an extraordinary institution, for so many years and through so many scientific and public health challenges. I am very proud of our many accomplishments. I have worked with — and learned from — countless talented and dedicated people in my own laboratory, at NIAID, at NIH and beyond. To them I express my abiding respect and gratitude.

Over the past 38 years as NIAID Director, I have had the enormous privilege of serving under and advising seven Presidents of the United States, beginning with President Ronald Reagan, on newly emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats including HIV/AIDS, West Nile virus, the anthrax attacks, pandemic influenza, various bird influenza threats, Ebola and Zika, among others, and, of course, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. I am particularly proud to have served as the Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden since the very first day of his administration.

While I am moving on from my current positions, I am not retiring. After more than 50 years of government service, I plan to pursue the next phase of my career while I still have so much energy and passion for my field. I want to use what I have learned as NIAID Director to continue to advance science and public health and to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientific leaders as they help prepare the world to face future infectious disease threats.

Click here to read the full statement.



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Defense Department Inspector General has released its long-awaited report on what the Biden Administration left behind in Afghanistan. It is an unbelievable list of equipment left to the Taliban.

I opposed the long war in Afghanistan, so I was not among those critical of Trump or Biden in pushing to leave the conflict. However, no one has ever explained why the Biden Administration left this equipment in Afghanistan as opposed to removing it or destroying it.

While the collapse of the Afghan government was rapid in the final days, the government had many months to prepare for the scheduled withdrawal. Yet, it took no steps to remove or destroy this equipment. Instead, it elected to leave this arsenal intact to the Taliban.

The ground vehicle inventory alone was worth about $4.12 billion. In addition, the U.S. military lost $923.3 million worth of military aircraft and $294.6 million in aircraft munitions.

The Taliban was instantly made one of the best equipped militaries in the world due to this windfall gift by the Biden Administration.

While the report says that “some” of the aircraft were “demilitarized and rendered inoperable during the evacuation,” most of this equipment was left read to use, including 316,260 small arms, including sniper rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers that were worth $511.8 million.

I do not understand how this clear and unimaginable blunder has gone unaddressed. No one was fired. There is not even any evidence of discipline of any kind. The Biden Administration decided to give the Taliban billions in weapons rather than destroy them. Yet, there seems little more than a shrug and a yawn from Congress and the press.


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Featured image is from Jonathan Turley

European Aid to Ukraine Grinds to a Halt

August 24th, 2022 by Free West Media

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Support for Ukraine is crumbling not only among the population. Aid pledges from European countries are also falling rapidly.

The Institute has developed its own tool to measure the support provided by Western countries to Ukraine. The Ukraine Support Tracker is a database that tracks the financial, military and humanitarian assistance provided to Ukraine.

The tracker showed that for the month of July, support for Ukraine was crumbling. There were practically no further pledges of aid.

The tracker records the support services from a total of 40 countries. It differentiates into three categories: military, humanitarian and financial support. He also differentiates between promised aid and aid actually provided. In addition to the EU, the United States and Great Britain, data from Turkey, Australia, Norway, South Korea, New Zealand, China, India, Taiwan and Switzerland are also included.

Data for July shows that Ukraine’s six largest European countries have not made any further commitments. Only Norway has promised Ukraine further support in the form of financial aid of one billion euros.

However, the decline is in line with the trend: the promised support services had already fallen significantly in June. On the other hand, the data also showed that aid actually provided was increasing slightly. This means that the gap between promised aid and aid actually provided has been somewhat reduced.

Christoph Trebesch, head of the team compiling the Ukraine Support Tracker, pointed out that while Germany, for example, did not pledge any new weapons in July, it did deliver some of the weapons it had previously pledged in that month.

So far, according to the data, the US and Great Britain in particular have proven to be very reliable supporters of Ukraine. Germany ranks third with Canada and Poland. This also corresponds to the thesis that the US in particular has an interest in a war that lasts as long as possible.

The Kiel Institute noted that the EU Commission regularly verbally supports large support packages. But then there are often delays at state level. This unreliability is problematic for Ukraine. It said nothing about whether the declining support commitments also indicated that the West expected the war to end soon, or is perhaps even working towards trying to end it.

In July, the six largest EU countries, including Germany and France, made no new promises to Kyiv at all. This is the first time since the beginning of the special operation that such a situation has arisen, according to Politico. Last week in Copenhagen, Western allies decided to give Kyiv $1,5 billion. But, as the article stated, this is a “minor” sum compared to what had previously been promised to Ukraine.

According to data from the Kiel Institute, the volume of military aid to Ukraine from European countries has been on a downward trend since April.

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Institut für Weltwirtschaft, or IfW) is an independent, non-profit economic research institute and think tank based in Kiel, Germany. In 2017, it was ranked as one of the top 50 most influential think tanks in the world and was also ranked in the top 15 in the world for economic policy specifically. German business newspaper, Handelsblatt, referred to the Institute as “Germany’s most influential economic think tank”, while Die Welt, stated that “The best economists in the world are in Kiel”.


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Featured image: The Zentralbibliothek Wirtschaft of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy in Kiel, Germany. Wikipedia

Birds, Other Wildlife Sacrificed for Useless Mask Pollution

August 24th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Worldwide reports, including from Sri Lanka, the U.K, Australia, Japan and North America were gathered to demonstrate how masks have created environmental pollution that is injuring and killing wildlife

Mindless mask mandates increase your risk of death, weaken the immune system, encourage dehydration, increase headaches, decrease cognitive precision and promote facial alkalinization

Wearing surgical masks increases your daily inhalation of microplastics, while studies have demonstrated that mask wearing does not lower your risk of contracting viral illnesses, including flu and COVID-19


Yet another way in which masks have created problems is the environmental pollution that is injuring and killing wildlife.1,2,3 Experts have estimated that 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves were used and discarded each month during the pandemic. In 2020, research also suggested that 1.6 billion disposable masks from mindless mask mandates ended up in the ocean.4

But it’s not just the whole masks and gloves that have created a significant environmental problem. Although the bottled water crisis is a leading source of environmental plastic pollution, the new mask crisis is slated to outpace it. The scientists in one paper5 published in Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering wrote:

“… there is no official guidance on mask recycling, making it more likely to be disposed of as solid waste. With increasing reports on inappropriate disposal of masks, it is urgent to recognize this potential environmental threat.”

Masks are not being recycled. Yet, their material makes it likely they persist and accumulate in the environment. Most disposable surgical masks contain three layers — polyester outer layer, a polypropylene or polystyrene middle layer and an inner layer made of absorbent materials such as cotton.

Polypropylene is one of the most problematic plastics, as it’s widely produced, responsible for a large accumulation of waste in the environment, and is a known asthma trigger.6 The researchers noted7 that once masks are subjected to solar radiation, the degradation of polypropylene slows dramatically and leads to persistence and accumulation.

But, before the masks even break down in the environment, they are causing significant damage to wildlife, especially the bird population. You don’t have to be a bird enthusiast to understand that birds are uniquely important to the balance of the environment.

They are pollinators, they disperse seeds and they recycle nutrients.8 They are predators, scavengers and ecosystem engineers. Injuries and falling populations will have a unique and significant impact on an ecosystem on which we rely for our survival.

COVID Face Masks Devastating Wildlife

Researchers used social media images to identify the effect personal protective equipment waste has had on wildlife, including disposable masks and gloves. Information from the online citizen science project, Birds and Debris,9 and Dalhousie University reveal the devastation to wildlife, especially birds.

Birds and Debris has been collecting images across social media for four years. The project is part of the North Highland College UHI and the University of the Highlands and Islands. According to The Telegraph, Dr. Alex Bond, one of the researchers from the Natural History Museum in London, called human debris a “global issue.”

They have fielded reports from Sri Lanka, the U.K, Australia, Japan and North America since the start of the pandemic. Bond told the Telegraph that almost all the images they have collected have involved masks. Images depict elastic tangled around bird’s legs or birds injured after trying to consume the mask.

Of the 114 reports, 93% were face masks. Images have shown nine dead animals in direct contact with personal protective equipment, but the fate of most animals is unknown. Since the pandemic, the team has recorded 114 incidents in 23 countries. The paper10 gathered information from social media searches, reports from the citizen science database Birds and Debris, and unpublished reports from colleagues.

The sightings were verified by contacting the observers. The researchers believe that this data underestimates the number of animals that have been harmed by the debris triggered by the pandemic. They went on to write:11

“Widespread use and insufficient infrastructure, combined with improper waste management have resulted in an emerging category of litter. With widespread presence in the environment, such items pose a direct threat to wildlife as animals can interact with them in a series of ways.

It is crucial that we identify opportunities to improve our waste management infrastructure, so that we can prevent similar leakages during the inevitable future pandemics.”

Mindless Masking Raises the Risk of Death and More

It is called “mindless masking” since wearing the mask increases your risk of death, and as we discuss below, there is no scientific evidence that wearing a mask can reduce your risk of getting COVID. German physician Dr. Zacharias Fögen was unable to find published evidence that masking effectively reduced the severity of the disease or had an influence on case fatality.12

He began gathering demographic data from the state of Kansas to analyze the effect of wearing a mask using data in counties where masks were mandated and those that didn’t. The results suggested that masking was not innocuous. In fact, it may present a greater threat than the infection, making it a “debatable epidemiological intervention.”13

The death rate in counties where masks were mandated was 85% higher than in those where they were not. After accounting for confounding factors, the mortality rate remained 52% higher. On further analysis, he wrote, “this study determines that over 95% of this effect can solely be attributed to COVID-19.”14

In other words, while other pathogens or CO2 build-up could have weakened the immune system, it was COVID-19 that caused the rise in deaths in counties where masks were mandated. He named this the Foegen effect, referring to the reinhalation of viral particles trapped in droplets and deposited on the mask, which worsens outcomes.15

Fögen noted two large studies had found similar results with case fatality rates. In other words, the studies found a positive link between masking and death. The first was published in the journal Cureus,16 which found no association between case numbers and mask compliance, but a positive association with death and mask compliance.

The second study17 was published in PLOS One, which revealed an association between negative COVID outcomes and mask mandates across 847,000 people in 69 countries. One report18 focused on the health and safety of wearing masks and proposed the potential of permanent fibrotic lung damage caused by inhaling fibrous nanoparticles. The author explained:19

“There are real and significant dangers of respiratory infection, oral health deterioration and of lung injury, such as pneumothorax, owing to moisture buildup and also exposure to potentially harmful levels of an asphyxiant gas (carbon dioxide [CO2]) which can cause serious injury to health.”

Public Health Officials Ignore Two Years of Data

Jeffrey Anderson, past director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the U.S. Department of Justice, makes several salient points after the San Diego, California school board once again took up the mindless mask mandate for school children, decreeing that children who do not wear face coverings would be barred from the classroom.

An August 2022 evaluation of the CDC and Census Bureau figures show that 99.99% of children in California and Florida have not died of COVID — “either because they haven’t gotten it, or because they’ve gotten it and survived it.”20 And yet the two states approached masking completely differently, where California regularly imposed mindless masking and Florida has not. The statistic holds true throughout the U.S.21

Anderson notes that public health experts have thoroughly embraced masking, based on reasoning expounded by Seán Muller that “‘the failure of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to provide supportive evidence’ that masks work to reduce viral transmission.”22,23 Muller goes on to propose that “a statistically significant finding from a high quality RCT (the ‘gold standard’)” should not be the basis for decision making.

Rather “mechanism-based reasoning” should be used that does not require scientific knowledge but rather an application of his own reasoning.24 Muller then argues that “from the perspective of the history of medical science that this logic relies only on a fairly simple germ theory of disease. And it places the burden of proof on those who would argue against recommending face masks.”

In other words, there may not be scientific evidence that mask wearing works, but it makes sense that it does … so if you want to stop wearing masks you must prove they don’t work, and I don’t have to prove that they do work. On the surface, one 2021 study from Bangladesh seems to show that masks do work.

Yet, as Anderson describes,25 after Ben Recht, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley computed the numbers from data the researchers released, they didn’t add up. It turns out that in a group of 178,322 who wore masks and 163,861 who did not, 20 more people without a mask got COVID, which is a 0.08% difference.

The researchers wrote this was “clear evidence that surgical masks lead to a relative reduction in symptomatic seroprevalence of 11.1%.”26 The difference between the two risk percentages is the difference between relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction. After further analysis of the study, Anderson writes, “these tiny differences register as statistically significant only because of myriad questionable methodological choices.”27

Problems Ignored When Mandating Masks

The mainstream media touted the results as evidence for mask wearing. Yet, as Anderson writes,28further analysis of the data found more interesting figures.

  • No statistical significance that masks work under the age of 40
  • For people in their 40s, cloth masks work but not surgical masks
  • People in their 50s should wear surgical masks and not cloth masks

The researchers distributed red and purple masks to the participants of the study. When Recht analyzed the data, he found “cloth purple masks did nothing, but the red masks ‘work,’” and added, “Indeed, red masks were more effective than surgical masks!” Anderson concludes, “When a study starts producing findings like these, its results start to look like random noise.”29

The fear-mongering prevalent during the mask mandates encouraged people to overlook much of the data and research that challenged the idea that masks might slow the spread of the virus. Some began asking if the masks were effective against the COVID-19 virus, why were they not being treated as a biohazard?30

If there were millions of masks contaminated with SARS-CoV-2, would they not present a danger after being thrown out in the garbage and eventually released into the environment? One preprint study31 posted August 7, 2021, found that mask wearing could:

  • Promote facial alkalinization
  • Encourage dehydration, which enhances barrier breakdown and raises the risk of bacterial infection
  • Increase headaches and sweating
  • Decrease cognitive precision, which can lead to medical errors

According to a study32 by Chinese scientists posted in January 2021, wearing a face mask can increase your daily inhalation of microplastics. In April 2022,33 a team of scientists from Hull York Medical School published findings that showed 39 microplastic particles in 11 of 13 lung tissues sampled during lung surgery.

According to the lead scientist, microplastics have been found in autopsies in the past, but this is the first study to demonstrate they are found in the living. Interestingly, these microparticles were also found in the lowest parts of the lungs, which researchers had once thought they could not possibly reach.34

The researchers found the subjects had 12 types of microplastics and the most abundant were polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).35 This finding points to the recent ubiquitous use of blue surgical masks during the pandemic as PP is the most used plastic component in those masks.

No Benefit Found in COVID-Specific Mask Trial

While multiple studies published before the pandemic demonstrated masks were not effective against viral transfer, U.S. public health experts lobbied hard for mask mandates. This was a driving force in the plastic pollution that has devastated the environment and is injuring and killing wildlife.36 As is portrayed in this short, humorous video, many went along with masking to get along.

Many of the past studies evaluated the efficacy of masking against the flu virus. The first COVID-19-specific randomized controlled surgical mask trial was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The data from this study confirmed past findings, showing that:37

  • Masks may reduce your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by as much as 46%, or they may increase your risk by 23%
  • The vast majority — 97.9% of those who didn’t wear masks, and 98.2% of those who did — remained infection free

The conclusions were made on the analysis of data from 4,862 people who completed the study. Among mask wearers, 1.8% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, compared to 2.1% among controls. When they removed the people who reported not adhering to the recommendations to use masks, the results were the same — 1.8%, which suggests adherence does not make a significant difference.

Among those who reported wearing their face mask “exactly as instructed,” 2% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared to 2.1% of the controls. So, essentially, economies, lives, and the environment have been destroyed to protect a tiny minority from a positive PCR test, which means little to nothing.

Evidence that masks are not effective against viral particles has been published for many years. In addition to the research reviewed above, here’s a sample of what else you’ll find when you start searching for data on face masks as a strategy to prevent viral infection:

  • Surgical masks and n95 masks perform about the same — A 2009 study38 published in JAMA compared the effectiveness of surgical masks and N95 respirators against the seasonal flu in a hospital setting; 23.6% of the nurses using surgical masks got the flu and 22.9% of those who wore N95 masks got influenza.
  • Cloth masks are far worse than medical masks — A 2015 study39 of healthcare workers showed cloth masks had the highest rate of influenza-like illness and laboratory-confirmed respiratory virus infections when compared to medical masks or controls who used standard practices, including occasional medical masks.
  • No significant reduction in flu transmission in a community setting — A policy review paper40in 2020 that reviewed “the evidence base(d) on the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures … in non-healthcare settings” concluded, based on 10 randomized controlled trials, that there was “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks …”
  • Risk reduction may be due to chance — In 2019, a review41 of interventions for flu epidemics published by the World Health Organization concluded the evidence for face masks was slim, and “the evidence was insufficient to exclude chance as an explanation for the reduced risk of transmission.”
  • Mask or no mask, same difference — A meta-analysis and scientific review42 led by respected researcher Thomas Jefferson, cofounder of the Cochrane Collaboration, posted on the prepublication server medRxiv in April 2020, found that, compared to no mask, mask wearing in the general population or among health care workers did not reduce influenza-like illness cases or influenza.


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1, 4, 9 The Telegraph, August 5, 2022

2 Daily Mail, July 29, 2022

3, 36 Science of the Total Environment, 2022;848

5 Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2021;15(6)

6 European Respiratory Journal, 1994;7(2)

7 Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2021;15(6) page 1 right col para 2, 11 lines up from the bottom

8 Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 2008;1134

10 Science of the Total Environment, 2022;848 Abstract

11 Science of the Total Environment, 2022;848 Abstract and Conclusion last sentence 50% DTP

12 Medicine, 2022;101(7)

13 Medicine, 2022;101(7) Abstract para 4

14 Medicine, 2022;101(7) Abstract

15 Daily Skeptic, May 2, 2022

16 Cureus, 2022;14(4)

17 PLOS|One, 2021,

18 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report in respect of Civil Proceedings April 9, 2021 Summary of Conclusions

19 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report in respect of Civil Proceedings April 9, 2021 Summary of Conclusions 6.1 page 16

20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29 City-Journal, August 8, 2022

23 Nature Public Health Emergency Collection, 2021;43(2)

24 Nature Public Health Emergency Collection, 2021;43(2) Numbers in 1st subhead

26 Science, 2021;375(6577)

30 Twitter, Smile Free

31 medRxiv, August 7, 2021

32 Yahoo News, January 1, 2021

33, 34 Hull York Medical School, April 6, 2022

35 Western Standard, April 17, 2022

37 Annals of Internal Medicine,

38 JAMA 2009;302(17):1865

39 BMJ Open, 2015;5(4)

40 Emerging Infectious Diseases May 2020; 26(5)

41 4.3 Face Masks

42 medRxiv, 2020;

Featured image is from The Weather Network

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In an open letter entitled “U.S. must arm Ukraine now, before it’s too late” 20 notable American advocates for the war against Russia in Ukraine argue that the conflict has reached a decisive moment. To win, the authors insist, Ukrainian forces need an abundance of new equipment, including the constant resupply of ammunition and spare parts for artillery platforms, short- and medium-range air defense systems to counter Russian air and missile strikes, and ATACMS munitions fired by HIMARS with the 300km range necessary to strike Russian military targets anywhere in Ukraine or Crimea.

Meanwhile, the initial flood of equipment and ammunition from Washington’s European Allies into Ukraine has been reduced to a trickle. Daniel Fiott, a European defense analyst at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, complained, “Ukraine needs hardware, not hot air.” Equally important, refugee fatigue is setting in across Europe.

Germans and Hungarians lost their patience with the unrelenting influx of refugees into Europe some time ago, but now the Poles are reaching the saturation point. Polish households confront serious economic headwinds. Poland has one of Europe’s highest inflation rates—15.6 percent in July—caused in part by the war in Ukraine. As conditions worsen in the fall and winter, it is not hard to imagine enormous public pressure on Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Paris, and Rome to end the war in Ukraine.

The hard truth is the introduction of new weapon systems won’t change the strategic outcome in Ukraine. Even if NATO’s European members, together with Washington, D.C., provided Ukrainian troops with a new avalanche of weapons, and it arrived at the front instead of disappearing into the black hole of Ukrainian corruption, the training and tactical leadership required to conduct complex offensive operations does not exist inside Ukraine’s 700,000-man army. In addition, there is an acute failure to recognize that Moscow would react to such a development by escalating the conflict. Unlike Ukraine, Russia is not currently mobilized for a larger war, but it could do so quickly.

American military and civilian leaders routinely ignore the historical record and its lessons. Most importantly, they ignored the criticality of human capital in uniform that frequently constitutes the margin of victory in war.

On June 22, 1941, the German Wehrmacht launched its invasion of Russia with more horses than tanks. For the most part, the German ground forces were composed of Great War-style infantry divisions dependent on horse-draw logistics and artillery. The German soldiers were indisputably excellent, but only a minority were equipped with the firepower, mobility, and armored protection needed for warfare in Eastern Europe.

Of the millions of German soldiers who marched into Russia, roughly 450,000 to 500,000 were assigned to Germany’s mobile armored force, the offensive striking power that rapidly crushed its Polish, British, Dutch, Belgian, and French opponents. These soldiers were the best of the best with the lion’s share of the modern equipment.

It took four years, from 1939 to 1943, to wear down this core element to the point where large-scale German offensives were no longer possible. The critical data point to remember is that 55,000 German officers had been killed in action by October.

These German officers were among the best and most experienced officers in the army. They performed the brilliant maneuvers that brought the ill-equipped Wehrmacht to the gates of Moscow in a war on three fronts—Western Europe, the Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe. They led it through the offensives that culminated in the battles of Kursk and El Alamein.

A similar problem plagued the Luftwaffe. German industry could provide modern jet fighters, but the Luftwaffe could no more replace the losses of its best pilots than the German Army could replace its best officers.

Meanwhile, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto understood the importance of human capital in uniform better than anyone. Yamamoto not only wanted to strike and annihilate the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor but also wanted to seize the Hawaiian Islands, declaring, “To defeat the U.S. Navy we must kill its officers.” Yamamoto understood how long it took to train and prepare officers for the Navy. Ultimately, Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor allowed U.S. forces to kill off the best the Imperial Japanese armed forces had in the air and at sea.

In war and peace, human capital is everything. Sadly, Washington places almost no value on it, eagerly lowering standards of admission for soldiers and officers. If this attitude persists, and it probably will, relaxed standards will catch up with America’s military when our forces finally confront a capable opposing force in battle.

John Adams, second president of the United States, observed, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” Adams is still right.

Ukraine’s war with Russia is at a decisive point. It is time to end it. Instead, the authors of the letter seek to reinforce failure. They are demanding a deeply flawed strategy for Ukraine that will lead in the best case to Ukraine’s reduction to a shrunken, land-locked state between the Dnieper River and the Polish border. These are results of misguided policies originating in the 1990s under the Clinton administration, which drove Russia into political isolation from Europe and forged Moscow’s alliance with Beijing.

Expanding NATO to Russia’s borders was never necessary and has become disastrous for Europe. The longer the war with Russia lasts the more likely it becomes that the damage to Ukrainian society and its army will be irreparable. Neutrality on the Austrian model for Ukraine is still possible. If Washington insists on perpetuating Ukraine’s war with Russia, the neutrality option will vanish, NATO’s fragile “coalition of the willing” will collapse, and Ukraine will become the new “sick man of Europe” and remain a catalyst for future conflict.


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Douglas Macgregor, Col. (ret.) is a senior fellow with The American Conservative, the former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration, a decorated combat veteran, and the author of five books.

Featured image is from The Libertarian Institute

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At the end of its annual summit in Madrid in late June, NATO adopted a new strategic concept. The guidance document is the eighth of its kind since the founding of the alliance in 1949. It radically breaks with the three previous post-Cold War security briefs, however, which observed that “the Euro-Atlantic area is at peace” because “the threat of a conventional attack against NATO territory is low.” In the eyes of NATO, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed that calculus, claiming that the military organization can no longer discount the possibility of an assault on sovereign NATO states. Continuing the same cryptic language, the new strategic concept concludes that the Euro-Atlantic area now is “not at peace,” in spite of no NATO member being in a state of war with Russia.

Behind this word play, a more dangerous policy change has been codified in the document. Since the adoption of the Harmel Report in 1967, NATO has always officially included diplomacy in one form or another (with political dialogue and strategic partnership being interchangeable labels) as one of its “core” or “fundamental” tasks. The “NATO 2030” report from November 2020, for instance, unequivocally stated that “NATO should continue the dual-track approach of deterrence and dialogue with Russia.”

In the new strategic concept, the core tasks have been purged of the need for diplomacy, except for one or two throw-away lines about “meaningful and reciprocal political dialogue” about arms control issues buried in the middle of the text. Rather, in addition to its original function of deterrence and defense, NATO now fully embraces “crisis prevention and management,” which it has spearheaded since the 1990s with its legally dubious and morally questionable interventions in the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Libya; and “cooperative security,” referring to NATO’s enlargement in Eastern Europe and its Partnership for Peace cooperation with countries in ever further-away regions, including the Black Sea, the Middle East, North Africa, and even the Indo-Pacific, which the British have been pushing to include in a “global NATO.”

Russia was the first country to sign up for the Partnership for Peace program back in 1994. The new NATO doctrine, however, states that Russia can no longer be considered a partner “in light of its hostile policies and actions.” The strategic concept ignores the fact that NATO’s enlargement and new core tasks, which the alliance adopted after the Cold War in an effort to justify its continued existence, have likewise long been seen as hostile in Moscow, nor does it offer any reflection on how the new policies might have contributed to the current unpeaceful “strategic environment.” Instead, it hails the “historic success” of NATO’s expansion in terms of space and substance and insists that the alliance “does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to the Russian federation.”

The logic behind this reasoning is that NATO’s enlargement, or its Partnership for Peace program for that matter, is an outflow of the West’s innocent and well-meant efforts to spread its values of liberal democracy around the world. New member states joined the alliance in a voluntary capacity, after all. In a sense, this logic holds true. It is difficult to see how extending a war guarantee to East European and Balkan nations contribute to the security of Western Europe, let alone the United States. And from Clinton to Bush and Obama, NATO’s Open Door policy has been couched in a Wilsonian rhetoric of the United States as a benign hegemon. Joe Biden, too, steered last year’s NATO conference in Brussels in the direction of proclaiming a global fight between democracy and authoritarianism.

What proponents of this Wilsonian liberalism fail to realize, however, is that their benevolent actions might antagonize other nations. Now, NATO apologists, like Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, argue that if the alliance had not expanded eastward, Vladimir Putin would have been even bolder in his imperial ambitions. But as John Mearsheimer pointed out back in 2014, there is virtually no evidence that Putin aimed to incorporate Crimea before the Maidan coup. Rather, his offensive foreign policy in Ukraine since 2014, culminating in the 2022 invasion, is one of reaction to NATO creeping up to Russia’s borders. Bringing Ukraine into the NATO fold has long been a big fat redline for Russia, and we crossed it.

First of all, West-European officials promised the Soviets after the fall of the Berlin Wall that NATO’s borders would not move “one inch” eastward. But then all former Warsaw Pact countries and even some former Soviet Republics were incorporated in the 1990s and early 2000s. In addition to the evidence the National Security Archive assembled on this issue a few years ago, recent archival research has once again confirmed these broken promises.

Next, in 2008, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned American diplomats that further NATO enlargement, particularly to Ukraine, would constitute a “potential military threat.” William J. Burns, who is now the CIA chief but at the time served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia, translated Lavrov’s message succinctly in a diplomatic cable: “Nyet means nyet: Russia’s NATO enlargement redlines.” He further gave voice to the opinion of State Department experts, who warned that “the strong division in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war.” The Bush administration ignored these warnings and pushed for the inclusion of Georgia and Ukraine at a summit in Bucharest, where the alliance codified that “these countries will become members of NATO.” Ultimately, war followed in both countries, in Georgia in 2008, and in Ukraine in 2014. In the process, Russia annexed Crimea and supported a separatist war in the Donbass, which dragged on in protracted fashion until the 2022 invasion.

After 2014, Ukraine started to become a de facto member of NATO, which bolstered the Ukrainian regime to take a tough stance against Russia. In 2017, Trump decided to sell “defensive weapons” to Kyiv. Other NATO countries got in on the act, shipping weapons to Ukraine, training its military and teaming up with it in joint air and naval exercises. In June 2021, a British destroyer sailed through the Black Sea in an effort to shore up support for Ukraine, precipitating a diplomatic stand-off with Russia. NATO was undeterred, however, because a total of 32 countries participated in a major naval exercise in the Black Sea one month later.

In response, Russia decided to engage in coercive diplomacy, much like the Obama administration had done to get Iran to sign on to the 2015 nuclear deal. Putin amassed troops on the Ukrainian border, demanding guarantees that no offensive missiles would be installed in Eastern Europe and Ukraine not to join NATO. When the crisis was not solved diplomatically, Russia invaded Ukraine. Up until recently, there was hardly any diplomatic intercourse between Washington and Moscow in order to resolve the conflict. The UK’s Boris Johnson, too, “urged against negotiations” during a trip to Kyiv in April. Other NATO members, such as France, Germany, Italy and Hungary, have warmed to negotiations. But as long as there is no bigger push to re-establish diplomacy as a core task of the military alliance, Wilsonian rhetoric is likely to continue to make the world unsafe.


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Bas Spliet is a historian and PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. He writes about a variety of topics from a historical angle. Find all his work on (Re)writing history, his Substack website. He is also on Twitter @BSpliet. You can e-mail him at [email protected].

Featured image is from TLI

Vietnam’s War Remnants Museum

August 24th, 2022 by Aaron Monopoli

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There’s a saying that “the victor writes history”. Standing in the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, the question arises: Who wrote the history of the Vietnam War we were taught in Australia?

The grounds of the museum open with a collection of United States military vehicles — a UH 1 Huey Helicopter, F-5A Fighter plane, M48 Patton Tank, A-1 Skyraider Bomber and a A-37 Dragonfly Bomber — and other tools of war. Absent is any glamourisation.

For the Vietnamese people, it was the War of Resistance Against America, and the museum tells the story of what they went through to achieve victory. Before the US invaded Vietnam, the French were doing their best to maintain Indochina as a colony. The people gave all they had to finally gain freedom and independence from foreign powers.

Vietnam War Remnants Museum

The entrance to the museum, which houses exhibits from the international anti-war movement. Photo: Aaron Monopoli

The ground floor tells the story of those around the world who wanted peace in Vietnam: Anti-war posters, images of people protesting and standing in solidarity with the Vietnamese adorn the walls. This exhibit gives off hope and shares positivity. When things got so dark and destructive for the Vietnamese, so many people were on their side, and the number of people who were anti-war kept growing.

On the first floor, the exhibits are confronting. The room entitled “Agent Orange Consequences in the American war of aggression in Vietnam” shows the human cost of the war for generations of Vietnamese and Americans. Agent Orange — a herbicide and defoliant chemical deployed by the US military during the war to destroy forests and crops — was an agent of death and torture for the living and the unborn. Images show babies born with birth defects next to those living through Agent Orange attacks.

The next exhibit features a display of war crimes, photographed by various people. To see a modern war documented in a way that highlights its atrocities hits the heart. There is no sign of Vietnam chest beating or gloating over its victory. The war crimes exhibition shares the loss, grief, pain and suffering the Vietnamese population went through to gain their liberation.

Another room contains the story of the weapons used in the war and their consequences. A pilot drops a bomb and flies away, while a person becomes another unrecognisable body.

The reality of the war entered people’s lives outside of Vietnam through images. The stories that those with guns couldn’t tell were told by photographers and filmmakers. Shocking images of the war flowed out of Vietnam and entered the international media, helping the peace movement to grow. Eventually, the war became untenable for the US and its allies to continue.

Outside the building are examples of the “tiger cages” created for Vietnamese prisoners of war. There was barely enough room to move, prisoners were left out in the weather, and treated in inhumane ways by the invaders.

The War Remnants Museum contains immense horrors captured in images, but also tells the story of the people who risked their lives to share the experiences of an oppressed people fighting for their liberation. It also tells the story of people’s solidarity around the world against a powerful nation using war to control a people.


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Featured image: ‘Mother’ – a sculpture commemorating the sacrifices of the Vietnamese people. Photo: Aaron Monopoli

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Next summer, Kosovo will host a massive NATO field exercise, with preparations already underway. The Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) will participate with two regiments in the exercises that are not only aimed at pressuring Serbia, but also Russia. The facts are that the actions of NATO in the Balkans, most particularly the US, is focussed around the construction of Kosovo’s statehood as an independent entity from Serbia.

The participation of the KSF in these exercises is unsurprising because their forces have been present in previous exercises. By the West equipping and building the KSF, NATO and the US are trying to ensure Kosovo’s survival and security. For Serbian leaders in Belgrade though, this is an alarming development, especially as it is an attempt to resolve the issue with Kosovo in a non-peaceful manner.

With this in consideration, it cannot be overlooked that perhaps the US wants violence to breakout in the heart of the Balkans to once and for all resolve Kosovo’s separation from Serbia, particularly at a time when Russia is already occupied with its own military operation in Ukraine.

Holding a NATO exercise in Kosovo is a big challenge for the institutions in Belgrade in a legal, diplomatic, security and military sense. The problem, however, is that leading NATO members approach the statehood of Kosovo as if it were a country with complete international recognition, which does not correspond to reality. In fact, in recent years, several countries have reversed their recognition of Kosovo’s independence, hence the need to disseminate and propagate information about NATO’s upcoming exercises in Kosovo so far in advance.

Kosovo’s authorities, as well as the leading countries of NATO and the EU, want to make it known that nothing can be expected from the strategic goals proclaimed by Serbia in any negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. Therefore, according to the West, Serbia should accept Kosovo as an independent state. In this way, the ultimate goal of all negotiations is to form pressure against Serbia.

These exercises are not only a direct type of pressure against Serbia, but also Russia. In other words, the message to Belgrade is that it should not resist too much against the West’s demands regarding Pristina’s efforts to integrate the Serbian-dominated region of ​​northern Kosovo into the composition of the partially recognised state.

The West is signalling to Russia that it has no chance of expanding its influence in the Balkans, despite the friendly relations Belgrade has with Moscow. This is because the West wants to shape Serbia in a way that adheres to the interests of the Western alliance. For this reason, there are parallel pressures against the Serbian-dominated entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republika Srpska, as well as in Kosovo. This is effectively in order for the West to end Serbian national interests, which Russia has always supported.

By building NATO and American bases in Albania and trying to cover all territories with NATO forces, it shows that the Western alliance is working hard to ensure that the Balkans does not fall under so-called Russian-influence.

The Kosovo Army will participate in “Defender Europe 23” with two regiments, and during this exercise, the KSF infantry at the regimental level will demonstrate its capacities. “Defender Europe” is an annual exercise led by the US, in which troops from different countries participate. The exercise aims to increase the readiness of US, NATO and partner armies.

This year, “Defender Europe” was held in Albania with American troops landing in the port of Durrës, which was announced as the largest military exercise in the Western Balkans region. About 28,000 soldiers from 26 allied and partner countries participated in the exercise, and it took place in seven different bases in the countries of the region.

These exercises have always been held with a sight of the US forcing its European allies to go to war with Russia. Deciding to host such provocative exercises in the heart of the Balkans, especially in a territory which does not even have its independence recognised by all NATO members, only signals for Serbia to capitulate, recognise Kosovo’s independence, and end its Russophilia.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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‘Nature Is Not for Sale,’ Vandana Shiva Tells RFK Jr.

August 24th, 2022 by Dr. Suzanne Burdick

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Agroecology — sustainable farming that works with nature, rather than depleting nature — is the solution to global hunger, poverty and climate change, Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

Agroecology — sustainable farming that works with nature, rather than depleting nature — is the answer urgently needed to address global hunger, poverty and climate change, according to Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., environmental activist, author and founder of Navdanya International.

Shiva told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast”:

“Asset management companies go to an indebted company and say, ‘Give us your forest and your mountains, and here’s the money to pay your debt.’

“Because we are in a debt crisis, this kind of new enslavement will increase unless we rise up and say, ‘Nature’s not for sale.’”

Shiva’s latest book, “Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture: Sustainable Solutions for Hunger, Poverty, and Climate Change,” provides evidence-based solutions for pressing crises in global ecology, agriculture and public health.

She told Kennedy she became an environmentalist when she realized corporations that sold chemicals and “poisons” wanted to own seeds and were promoting GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in order to patent the seeds.

“I happened to be at a meeting where they were talking about this 1987,” she said. “That’s when I said, ‘No, the seed must be saved. We cannot allow the poison cartel to be the owners of life and take royalties from the farmers.’”

Shiva and Kennedy discussed how the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pushed industrial agriculture on Indian farmers under the “so-called ‘green revolution,’ which really means “chemical farming,” Shiva said.

Kennedy pointed out that the green revolution “was a brainchild of the Rockefeller Foundation and a way to supplant local subsistence, traditional agriculture with chemically-based agriculture, heavy-duty pesticides, heavy-duty carbon-based fertilizers, big machinery etc. with the claim that ‘we’re going to feed the world.’”

“[Agriculture] has been taken over … by the Gates Foundation,” Kennedy said, which “has pushed people into starvation with these methods of bringing in Kraft food and McDonald’s and Cargill, and these big corporations that he has invested in — and Monsanto, of course, where he is one of the biggest investors — to create supply chains and to force those governments to force upon their people chemically based agriculture that enrich corporations in which he personally is invested.”

“Bill Gates launched Gates Ag One,” Shiva said, which promotes “one agriculture for the world” and serves as a platform for manifesting two of Gate’s “favorite dystopian visions” of “farming without farmers” — through the robotization of farming — and “food without farms,” through the manufacture of “fake food.”

“You can’t do ‘one agriculture for the world’ through biodiversity, with different climates. You can only do it through total industrialization mechanization,” she said.

According to Shiva, total industrialization mechanization would threaten the survival of all forms of life — people, plants, animals, insects, microorganisms — and the Earth herself.

People, she said, must resist this.

“We need partners everywhere, in every field — including the conventional farmers,” she said.

She added:

“Ecological farmers, regenerative farmers must join hands with anyone who is on the land, because anyone who is on the land can start taking care of the land and not participate in the destructive warlike activities.”

Shiva told Kennedy,

“In a crumbling world where there are ‘cost-of-living marches’ everywhere,” where people aren’t being able to pay for food and rent, the “BlackRocks and the Vanguards and the asset management companies” are looking to control $4 trillion worth of financial assets.

People must send the message that “our world is not for sale,” she said.

Shiva and Kennedy also discussed how agroecology produces more nutritious food than a “One Ag” monoculture design.

“Our work shows that the more you enrich biodiversity, you intensify biodiversity rather than toxics and chemicals. You actually have more nutrition,” she said.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Fairfield, Iowa.

Featured image is from CHD

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United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited three African Union (AU) member-states during early August in an attempt to enhance the presence of Washington on the continent.

This tour came amid an escalation of tensions between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in regard to their relations with Washington.

Blinken first visited the Republic of South Africa where he had a joint meeting with Naledi Pandor, his diplomatic counterpart. Pandor reiterated the views of the African National Congress (ANC) government which has refused to denounce Moscow over its special military operation in Ukraine.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has stated that the U.S. should encourage a diplomatic resolution to the war in Ukraine. This view is at extreme variance with that of the administration of President Joe Biden which has sent billions of dollars in military equipment and other support aimed at continuing the war.

Biden and Secretary of State Lloyd Austin have called for the weakening and removal of the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Biden administration has imposed unprecedented draconian sanctions against Moscow, forcing U.S.-based firms to leave the country and making it even more difficult for nations around the world to conduct trade with Russia.

Historically during the period of the Soviet Union, the socialist state supported the national liberation movements and progressive governments on the continent during the 1950s through the 1980s. Those states in Eastern Europe which were allied with the Soviets also participated in providing scholarships, military training and joint economic projects.

As hundreds of U.S.-based corporations and the Pentagon provided direct economic, intelligence and military support to the racist apartheid system prior to the democratic breakthrough of April 1994, the socialist countries including the Soviet Union, the Comecon sector, China, Cuba, Yugoslavia, among others, were diplomatically and materially bolstering the struggle to win independence and non-capitalist development.

Since the ascendancy of the ANC to power in South Africa in May 1994, successive administrations have sought to rebuild and sustain normal relations with Washington and its allies. However, there are issues which have continued to divide Pretoria and Washington.

Ukraine is not the only point of disagreement involving geopolitical positions. South Africa has remained a staunch proponent of Palestinian liberation along with calls for the departure of the Kingdom of Morocco which has occupied the Western Sahara for more than four decades. In contrast, the administrations in the U.S. since 1948 have provided unconditional diplomatic, material, military and public relations support to the State of Israel. In regard to the Western Sahara question, the previous administration of President Donald Trump recognized the “sovereignty” of Morocco over the political, military and economic control of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), the provisional government representing the Western Sahara, previously a colony of Spain until the 1970s.

In an article authored by Elliot Smith published by CNBC, it notes that:

“The underlying purpose of the trip — Blinken’s second since President Joe Biden’s administration took office — will be to try to contain Russian and Chinese geopolitical influence on the continent, according to Alex Vines, director of the Africa program at Chatham House. ‘South Africa is a country which doesn’t have a good relationship with the United States. The party of government, the African National Congress, regularly issues declaration communiques criticizing the United States, and so the effort there is how to improve the relationship and at least have a more constructive dialog with South Africa,’ Vines told CNBC on Monday (Aug. 8). He suggested that this is the reason why South Africa is Blinken’s first port of call, and that particular attention will be paid to aligning the two countries’ perspectives on Russia’s war in Ukraine. ‘There’s a big difference between how Pretoria sees the Russia-Ukraine issue, and Washington,’ Vines added.”

Beyond an emphasis on the economic trade between the two countries, there was no progress in regard to convincing South Africa to move closer to Washington’s policies toward Palestine and Ukraine. Pretoria is a member of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit which meets on a regular basis to enhance diplomatic and economic cooperation independent of the complete domination of Washington and Wall Street.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the U.S. Legacy of Imperialism

After leaving South Africa, Blinken landed in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC. This visit came just weeks after the attempts by the former colonial power of Belgium to recalibrate relations with the Congolese government.

When the DRC gained independence in June 1960, the U.S. and Belgium worked closely together to overthrow the administration of revolutionary Pan-Africanist leader Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, who was later assassinated in January of 1961. The remains of Lumumba were just returned from Brussels after more than sixty years.

Blinken expressed his concern over rising conflict on the border between the DRC and neighboring Rwanda, also a former Belgian colony. In the east of the DRC, the rebel M23 organization has reportedly increased their attacks which have impacted civilians. The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces of more than 17,000 soldiers in the DRC known as MONUSCO, has drawn the ire of the civilian population in recent months due to the worsening security situation.

According to the DRC mission statement it emphasizes:

“MONUSCO took over from an earlier UN peacekeeping operation – the United Nations Organization Mission in Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) – on 1 July 2010. It was done in accordance with Security Council resolution 1925 of 28 May to reflect the new phase reached in the country. The new mission has been authorized to use all necessary means to carry out its mandate relating, among other things, to the protection of civilians, humanitarian personnel and human rights defenders under imminent threat of physical violence and to support the Government of the DRC in its stabilization and peace consolidation efforts.”

However, demonstrations led by local residents in and around Goma erupted in recent weeks demanding the withdrawal of the MONUSCO forces which are largely composed of soldiers from numerous African and Asian states. A report published by the New Humanitarian said of the situation in eastern DRC:

“Prior to the protests, MONUSCO had drawn up a withdrawal plan that envisaged a 2024 departure date contingent on security improvements in DRC. But the upswell of anger has led the Congolese government to announce it is re-evaluating that plan.

The current protests come amid a rebellion by the M23 armed group that has captured parts of the eastern province of North Kivu. Protesters say MONUSCO has shown inaction and failed to clearly acknowledge alleged Rwandans backing for the group.”

Blinken in his talks with DRC President Felix Antoine Tshisekedi indicated that the U.S. was concerned about the continuing instability in the eastern region and would raise the issue with neighboring Rwanda. Although Rwanda has denied that it is supporting the M23 rebel groupings, this issue became the central focus of interactions during the last leg of the Blinken tour.

Rwandan Press Criticizes White House Africa Policy

Even prior to the arrival of Blinken to Kigali, the state media in Rwanda had published an open letter penned scholars from the continent and North America to the U.S. Secretary of State related to the situation on the border with Eastern DRC as well as the prosecution and imprisonment Paul Rusesabagina, who the government accuses of supporting rebel groups in opposition to the administration of President Paul Kagame. Rusesabagina was the subject of the U.S. film “Hotel Rwanda” that portrayed the businessman as being sympathetic to the victims of the 1994 genocide.

The New Times said of the letter to Blinken:

“Regarding the crisis in Eastern DR Congo, they invite him to adopt a holistic approach considering the political, economic, and socio-cultural ramifications of the Congolese situation. On the case of Mr. Rusesabagina, the African and U.S. scholars remind the Secretary of State that the lives of Rwandan citizens matter as much of those of American citizens.”

A week after Blinken’s departure from Rwanda, Veronica Mbaye wrote in the New Times pointing out the contradictory character of Washington’s foreign policy saying:

“Whatever residue of faith persisted after George Bush lied about mass destruction weapons existing in oil-rich Iraq, as an excuse to invade the country and cause decades-long instability, was exhausted during the Barack Obama years. Obama, who ran a successful campaign by feigning an impeccable moral core (which I suppose Americans did want to see in him to prove they were not racist) positioned himself as anti-war, only to line the pockets of gun lobbyists and drop bombs on innocent Syrian children when elected. As Antony Blinken will recall, having served as Obama’s close aide for years, the Obama Administration orchestrated the assassination of an African leader on African soil, despite the full awareness that it would send Libya and the entire region into deathly, dehumanizing turmoil. So frankly, I am dazed and amazed that a single American, State official or not, would think their act is convincing when claiming to have the interests of the Africans they so casually kill at heart.”

Therefore, the Blinken second Africa tour passed with no fanfare in the U.S. corporate and government-controlled media. These developments are indicative of the failure of U.S. imperialism to shift its foreign policy orientation to meet the contemporary issues of the 21st century.

From Bush, Obama, Trump to Biden, Washington has maintained its commitment to world hegemony over the majority of the people now living within the oppressed nations and geo-political regions. It is up to the African workers, farmers and youth in alliance with the international proletariat to bring into existence a world devoid of inequality and economic exploitation.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Abayomi Azikiwe

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Guest is Deborah Conrad, Hospitalist Physician Assistant and PR spokesperson. She has won a physician excellence award during the pandemic. And was then later declared “a disgrace” when she spoke up for safety and the harm she was seeing from these vaccines.

This session is about what she saw when the vaccines were rolled out in her hospital and how she came to know about VAERS.

  • About her experience as a hospitalist PA (for 18 years), her role in leadership and what happened to her when she started to speak up about the required VAERS reporting that wasn’t being done or educated to them.
  • About how, one day, she was walked out of the hospital, publicly humiliated in front of her peers, for standing up.
  • How the FDA, CDC and the NY State Department of Health ignored her warnings and pleas for help
  • How the VAERS representatives were unable to help her and
  • How rigged the system actually is to make the vaccines look “safe and effective.”


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Featured image is a screenshot from the video

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The Next Generation Says Good-Bye to Ursula von der Leyen’s Europe

By Dr. Eric Beeth, August 23, 2022

The EU’s support of the Zelensky regime will only prolong the war in Ukraine. Approximately 50,000 young Ukrainians soldiers have died since February 24th, 2022, and many more have been maimed or are suffering from PTSD.

US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa

By Drago Bosnic, August 23, 2022

Drone strikes have been an integral part of US aggression against the world for over two decades now. These strikes have been the mainstay of joint military-intelligence black ops, especially in the Middle East and Africa. From the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Libya, US strikes drones have been sowing death and destruction, ever so euphemistically called “spreading freedom and democracy.”

Unseen Heat: Is this the ‘End Game’ of the Climate?

By Marc Vandepitte, August 23, 2022

We are experiencing a very hot and dry summer. Some people quite like it and for our governments there is nothing wrong yet. But actually, we should sound a big alarm. According to experts, if we do not change course soon, we risk ending up in the ‘climate end game’. In the meantime, the orchestra on the Titanic is continuing to play.

The Many Lives of Ayman al-Zawahiri

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 23, 2022

Ayman al-Zawahiri is dead – or so we are told.  Al-Qaida’s chief and successor to the slain Osama bin Laden, he was deemed the chief ideologue and mastermind behind the audacious September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.  On July 31, he was supposedly killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, while standing on his balcony.

Israel Conquers the World

By Philip Giraldi, August 23, 2022

I have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and take-no-prisoners fashion. He has lately been brave enough to compare and contrast what the Russian military has been accused of in Ukraine with what Israel has been doing to Gaza.

Amish Farm Under Threat From U.S. Federal Government for Refusal to Abandon Traditional Farming Practices

By Jeremy Loffredo, August 23, 2022

Miller’s Organic Farm, located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, has been around for almost 30 years. The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food.

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 23, 2022

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

Behind the Political Assassination of Daria Platonova Dugina

By Manlio Dinucci and Zero Hedge, August 23, 2022

The attack in Moscow that resulted in the death of journalist Daria Platonova was primarily aimed at her father, Alexander Dugin, philosopher, creator of the modern school of geopolitics, head of the Department of Sociology of International Relations at Moscow’s Lomonosov State University, and founder of the International Eurasian Movement.

The US Must Compensate Burn Pit Victims in Iraq Too

By Carly A. Krakow, August 23, 2022

On August 10, United States President Joe Biden signed the PACT Act, aiding approximately 3.5 million American veterans with severe medical conditions linked to toxic exposure to burn pits during service, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. Open air pits of military waste, sometimes as large as football fields, are burned to destroy munitions, chemicals, plastics, and medical and human waste, typically using jet fuel.

What Did the West Promise Russia on NATO Expansion?

By Ted Snider, August 23, 2022

In 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin complained, “What happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them. But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr. Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: ‘The fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee.’ Where are those guarantees?”

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Driving back to my office one September evening last year, I stopped to snap a shot of this enormous poster adorning the side of the EU Berlaymont building. (See photo). 

At first sight, I thought it was announcing a dystopian future of European children receiving some kind up “upgrade” every year from the profusely touted experimental genetic products developed by companies like BioNTech with swathes of money flowing in from dual-use bio-warfare programs scattered around the globe and augmented by bio-interconnectivity fanatics supported by actors who tend to cluster around organizations like the World Economic Forum.

It turned out to be a public announcement of an ambitious project, +/- 820 billion Euros that the EU is borrowing over a long period (starting end of May 2020), to help compensate for the enormous losses European citizens had endured during the covid season that started in March 2020.

No doubt it will be reimbursed to players on the international financial markets like BlackRock or Vanguard by Europeans paying taxes, including future carbon emission taxes and the hypothetical gains of deploying 5G and linking all of Europe into cyber-clouds of information to the glee of big tech like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple (GAFA).

But my first gut feeling was unfortunately a prescient hint of what was in the pipeline of horrible developments we all need to put an URGENT end to.  This will  be the task of our Next Generation of Europeans, and you can read the writing on the wall by listening to this 11-year-old girl in the UK.


On December 1, 2021, three weeks after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen got back from her meeting at The Atlantic Council in Washington, where she charmed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla by giving him the “Distinguished Business Leadership Award” for the Greek-American Veterinarian’s bold moves that led to his company’s massive financial success (which her husband also profits from) – she expressed her relief at Pfizer-BioNTech having paediatric doses of the new experimental genetic product to inject into Europe’s 5 to 12 year-olds by mid-December ’21.

Ever since, I’ve been unable to come to terms with how this mother of 7 children, a former General Practitioner, could sink into public-office corruption so deeply that she lost all track of her well-trained doctor’s ingrained oath to do no harm, and proceeded to promote experimental genetic injections of innocent children to the benefit of her friends in the political and business world.

I was surprised to find out that she lives in a flat adjacent to her official office situated in one of the top floors of that pictured Berlaymont building during the week. More recently she has been seen around the Brussels institutions loudly supporting President Volodymyr Zelensky’s insistent and vociferous demands to help arm Western Ukrainians during a hot civil war against the Eastern Russian-speaking minority supported by Russia.  On February 24th, Russia initiated a special military operation aimed primarily at militarily neutralizing Western Ukraine that was gearing up for a more full-fledged attack on the Russian-speaking East. The second stated goal of this operation was to “denazify” the Ukraine. Though not an issue commonly encountered in Europe, Ukraine’s history is littered with Stepan Bandera followers whose animosity towards the Russians is legendary.

US Career Ambassador Victoria Nuland explained in 2014 that the US had gifted $5 billion over the preceding two decades to help the Ukraine join the Atlantic block.  It is conceivable that a large chunk of this kind of money came out coffers like the “Black Eagle Trust”, an American political action fund set up under President Truman to fight communism. Apart from corrupting political processes in favour of US (politician) friendly outcomes, this type of fund also distributes hard currency and gold to Gladio type NATO secret armies. In (Western) Ukraine, money can have flowed to strengthening an inherent strongly nationalistic perception of itself, and, via certain oligarchs, funding an array of Nazi ideology inspired fighting groups (more than thirty so-called volunteer battalions like Aidar and Azov).

When it comes to the former USSR republic with whom the country used to be fully integrated, the Russians may understandably wish to discourage a Stepan Bandera type uprising as this movement is neither good for democracy in the Ukraine nor fruitful for maintaining good neighbourly relations with its (often Russian speaking) Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Prior to the US backed Maidan uprising of 2014, 70% of Ukraine’s economic exchange was with Russia, and most Ukrainian soldiers had a solidary sentiment for their Russian comrades.  (A recent video interviews the motivations of the soldiers who joined the Azov “Warriors of Light”, watch below)


Before Mrs Ursula von der Leyen literally moved into the Berlaymont Building, I remember seeing the announcement of a big event that also adorned the building: the European Union had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for six decades of advancement of peace, reconciliation, democracy, and human rights in Europe ten years prior, in October of 2012.

Many of my patients work in the European Union, and while they took great pride in that prestigious prize at the time, they feel very differently about the current President of the EU.

After 60 years of advancement on peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights, Ursula von der Leyen’s gung-ho stance on the US-installed “post-Maidan” Nazi-supported Ukrainian government was a bad slip for Europe.  It is self-evident that Europe should have been much more pro-active and protective of the Minsk agreements, rather than arming Ukraine to the teeth, and to encourage them (especially their Nazi friendly elements) to take back the rebellious Lugansk, Donbas and Crimea regions.  Ursula von der Leyen and Josep Borell have both declared that Ukraine’s war against “the Russian invaders” is Europe’s war. In who’s name are they speaking? For Europe or for NATO?  Is that the same? In any case, they do not represent my choice of representatives, and certainly not the next generation of EU citizens.

In essence, Russia is an Eastern neighbour that Europe has every good reason to stay on good terms with, but with NATO being controlled from Washington, Europe has been gradually goaded into creating its own Iron Curtain to separate itself from its Eastern neighbour. In so doing, it sabotaged its access to one of the most exciting expanding economic markets of the coming decades.

The EU’s support of the Zelensky regime will only prolong the war in Ukraine. Approximately 50,000 young Ukrainians soldiers have died since February 24th, 2022, and many more have been maimed or are suffering from PTSD.

Where are the European peace-brokers, these Nobel-Prize-winning leaders in the advancement of peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights?

The Ukraine war of 2014-2022 could have been avoided had Europe been more careful not to let Washington and London stir the pot.  Awarding itself the Nobel Peace Prize gave off a false sense of wisdom and security. To this day, no wise leader has stood up for the true interests of Europe – which, as Olof Palme or Charles De Gaulle would have pointed out, are not necessarily in line with US interests. Today’s generation, including the current bungling President of the EU, has not only missed many important opportunities for reconciliation with its critically important eastern neighbour but has managed to burn its bridges to the future powerhouse of its economy. We will soon be the ones begging for a chance to re-establish a buoyant economy, but there are no easy or fast solutions to reverse the course after so much harm has been done.

Together with our next generation, we will have ample time to reflect on what we did wrong.  We must commence this process urgently.

The head of the European Union delivering a prize from “The Atlantic Council” in Washington should ring alarm bells as to what geo-political territory we are on. Giving it to a personal acquaintance after placing a multibillion-dollar order with his company using European taxpayers’ money, should raise the alert level to red. It’s entirely possible that Mrs Ursula von der Leyen’s intentions were authentic, aiming to secure what she believed were somewhat effective vaccines for the European market. She may also consider digital-covid certificates to be a wonderful invention leading to financial streamlining, with long-term economic benefits for Europe as the World Economic Forum would have her believe.

The trouble is that it is we Europeans who are paying the price – not only with our tax money, but more worrisomely with our personal bodily integrity and our collective health.

Furthermore, the planned cashless and QR-code-embedded society would strip Europeans of any physical autonomy while subjecting them to information technology algorithms (GAFA!) and 5G dependent accessories like mobile phones and computers.

Though she perhaps doesn’t know it, the EU President is selling off European citizens like a herd of cattle while the World Bank chucks in a good billion Euros ensuring the Digital ID with your “bio-security” up-grades against newly found or invented bioweapons will be required to do your shopping. Ursula von der Leyen appears to believe the propaganda that the purveyors of Digital Access to her citizens, like the sales slogan of Pfizer “Science Will Win”, but no one is taking responsibility for what happens to the physical and mental health of the individuals in her herd who, no doubt, have a totally different concept of what benefits best their own health and wellbeing.

Nowhere can you see her dangerously delusional behaviour more clearly than when this medical doctor-turned-politician cries out that she is relieved that the (experimental gene-therapy) shots from Pfizer are finally available for 5-year-old toddlers.

These last covid-years have shown us the kind of society our next generation will rightfully reject:

  • Bodily harm from unsafe medicines: all of the agencies and medical ethics institutions that were silent while the purveyors of the covid “scamdemic” played out their “expertise” should be carefully audited from top to bottom to make sure they never again allow anything as toxic as these often-mandated mRNA shots, and the economically suicidal “Lock-Downs”.
  • Pharmaceutical companies whose business model consists of making dangerous diseases and then making millions purporting to protect us from the bio-toxic agents they themselves hold patents on. (For example: Moderna, which had never made an approved vaccine in its history, developed its covid shot based on a patent it already held on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in 2016).
  • Non doctors who insist they know better than you do about your personal health. Take the French billionaire CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, who recently said he expected his “vaccines” to be offered like yearly “up-grades” on iPhones. Bancel, of course, is not a doctor, as is true of the other expert on “up-grades”, the computer nerd turned worldwide vaccination “expert” Bill Gates.  The head of the World Health Organization who likes to call himself Doctor Tedros is not a physician either. Mr Tedros Adhanon Ghebreyesus is a former member of a guerrilla organization who got promoted to the top “medical” position of the World as a result of having been the protégé of a computer nerd – the very same Bill Gates who decided that the whole world needed to be vaccinated because it benefits his philanthropist business and the stake holders, he promised money and information access to.
  • World Economic Forum trained politicians who have manipulated the masses into paying the “Stake Holders” pawns of the WEF, of which there are many. A People’s Court Nuremburg-2 trial has been set in motion by attorney Reiner Füllmich to publicly document the WEF’s crimes against humanity, such as criminally mandating experimental genetic treatments without sufficient safety or efficacy data against a virus that has undergone lethal and illegal “Gain of Function” enhancement for emergence into the human population. (See the March 2016 article by University of North Carolina Chapel Hill PhD Microbiologist Ralph S Baric “SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence”).
  • Other politicians, who have a track record of corruption within their political career, or who pushed for clearly totalitarian and unfounded measures during the covid period to spread fear and punish citizens who did not want to take the so-called ‘safe and effective’ anti-covid shots.
  • Just as German civil servants are warned not to use Facebook and Gmail as this information is filtered by the US NSA, all European citizens should follow suit and be very wary of everything that could be compromised by Big Tech.

The majority of Swedes communicate by Facebook every day, and Facebook censors and manipulates its pages according to geo-political algorithms that the Atlantic Council approves. When citizens’ spontaneous conversations get tweaked in this dictated way, and Reuters and AFP only send out the news that its owners and diverse “stakeholders” want you to hear, it becomes child’s play to influence the collective consciousness of the Swedes who, after a long history of a surprisingly benevolent democracy, do not realize that their governmental institutions are being compromised.

When you look at Sweden’s citizens wanting to join NATO, a collective ‘defence’ pact that has recently participated in several wars of choice after Article 5 was set into effect based on the unproven claim that Al Qaeda attacked the U.S. on 9/11, one has to wonder what would make that country give up its long-standing principles of non-alignment and neutrality.  Sweden’s NATO member neighbour Denmark went 200 years without war before Sept. 11th 2001.  Trying hard to live up to its NATO obligations, Denmark lost, per capita, more soldiers in the scandalous and unnecessary post-9/11 “wars on terror” than the US lost in the entire Vietnam War.

  • The media that hyped the covid fear, and made sure to censor any news of effective treatment against it – except those “efficient and safe” “preventions” that the government and Big Pharma told them to glorify.
  • This is the same media that pushes only the Western Atlanticist version of the war in the Ukraine, while those journalists accurately reporting on war crimes from the Donbas are criminalised* by European governments, and all Russian channels, as well as the official Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have been silenced throughout Europe. How can European citizens become informed in this type of biased and controlled media environment?  (*See Max Blumenthal interview of German freelance journalist Alina Lipp July 13th 2022)
  • As the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11’s State Crime Against Democracy (SCAD) draws near, we must remind our European youth that the West has still not seriously investigated the killing of 3,000 citizens in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on Sept 11th 2001.

Since the real criminals have so far gotten away with such a heinous SCAD, they and the media that assisted them in the cover up will be emboldened to do further harm if we do not collectively decide to expose the obvious lies that they keep perpetuating regarding these events. We will need some kind of ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ to free ourselves, as a people, from the overflowing septic tank of lies that keeps Europeans beholden to a false picture of reality, making common sense and truthful discourse a quasi-impossibility.

  • No self-respecting engineer or University academic should accept the blatant impossibility that Atlantic Council member Philipp Zelikov penned in the Report of the 9/11 Commission he headed — that two planes brought down three steel-framed skyscrapers on Sept. 11th. [1]
  • No Medical University would allow experimental genetic treatments to be pushed on its students or population of childbearing age in the future. Any University or medical institution that has done so needs to be thoroughly scrutinized, to ensure that this never happens again.

The avalanche of totalitarian absurdities we have been forced to live through during these last two covid years have the silver lining that people are awakening to the fact that there is something rotten under the roof of that Berlaymont building, and these absurdities have only been possible due to the heavy hand of the GAFA (Google Amazon Facebook Apple type Big Tech) and the media that follow a corrupt elite’s chosen doxa to influence how we see reality.

  • Also, the absence of a true forensic criminal investigation into the massive 9/11 State Crimes Against Democracy 21 years ago has still today a weakening effect on the European people’s capacity to think clearly, and to make decisions based on reality and common sense.

Let us together warmly welcome this Next Generation Europe. After such a close call with totalitarianism of the past, let us resurrect the Europe we used to know and cherish.

To do this, we will need to clear away the nefarious influences, misconceptions and outright lies that had rendered the present European generation unable to make the best decisions for our own Future.

Next Generation Europe, HERE WE COME!!


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Dr. Eric Beeth is a General Practitioner working in Brussels Belgium. He has contributed to Global Research on medical matters, but with the current increase in deceitful provocations that the even many of his well-liked high ranking patients do not seem to understand, he takes the 11th of the month off from his medical duties, to inform the elites about the criminal “inside job” nature of September 11th 2001.  Most citizens are well aware of this, but apparently not the elite, and not the journalists, as they have vested so much of their credibility in denying what is self-evident for a 10-year-old with an intuitively correct understanding of the laws of Physics.  Journalists and decision makers in Brussels who would like to have more information are welcome to contact Dr. Beeth at [email protected].


[1] For more background information on the advancement of inquiry into the events of 9/11: check the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Richard Gage’s web site, and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Architect Richard Gage gave a presentation in Indianapolis on July 9th 2022 analysing parallels that exist between the two events, 9/11 and covid, and how these events changed the world politically, culturally, economically and geo-politically.

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? (Dr. Russel Baylock, April 22, 2022)

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Drone strikes have been an integral part of US aggression against the world for over two decades now. These strikes have been the mainstay of joint military-intelligence black ops, especially in the Middle East and Africa. From the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Libya, US strikes drones have been sowing death and destruction, ever so euphemistically called “spreading freedom and democracy.”

These drones, first used only for ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) missions, were modified for rudimentary strike roles and were first tested in former Yugoslavia, laying the groundwork for their later usage in various US invasions. The strikes were massively expanded under Barack Obama, with thousands being approved by his administration. After Donald Trump came to power, he officially reduced the number of drone strikes, although they now became more specific, with US intelligence services getting even more involved. However, since Joe Biden took office, it seems the trend has now been reversed and US drones are coming back in full force.

On August 19 conflict monitors drew attention to a series of US strikes in Somalia, which have escalated significantly in the last couple of months. These attacks have gained little to no attention in the US corporate mass media despite resulting in the deaths of more than 20 people.

“If you were unaware that we were bombing Somalia, don’t feel bad, this is a completely under-the-radar news story, one that was curiously absent from the headlines in all of the major newspapers this morning,” wrote Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, a senior adviser at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

Last Wednesday, Dave DeCamp, writing for AntiWar reported that the US AFRICOM (Africa Command) launched its second strike on Somalia in less than a week. AFRICOM claims the attack, which occurred in Beledweyne, “had killed 13 fighters belonging to the al-Qaeda-linked Somali militant group al-Shabaab, and that no civilians were harmed.” AFRICOM claims drone strikes also killed four al-Shabaab members in three separate operations near Beledweyne on August 9, two fighters near Labi Kus on July 17, and five militants in a June 3 bombing outside Beer Xani.

All of the aforementioned strikes have taken place since President Biden approved the redeployment of hundreds of special forces to Somalia in May, reversing an earlier withdrawal decision under the administration of former President Donald Trump. DeCamp noted that Trump’s withdrawal from Somalia merely “repositioned troops in neighboring Djibouti and Kenya, allowing the drone war to continue. But Biden has launched significantly fewer strikes in Somalia compared to his predecessor.”

According to the London-based Airwars monitoring group, US forces have targeted Somalia at least 16 times since Joe Biden took office, killing between 465 and 545 supposed militants. On March 13, a single US drone strike reportedly killed up to 200 alleged militants. Airwars claims there were civilian casualties in just one of the drone attacks under the Biden administration, conducted in June 2021. The attack on the southern town of Ceel Cadde killed a woman named Sahro Adan Warsame and seriously injured five of her children, according to local media reports. US forces have carried out at least 260 strikes in Somalia since 2007. The Pentagon has so far admitted killing five civilians and wounding 11 others, but Airwars claims 78-153 civilians, including 20-23 children, have died in US attacks.

“Bottom line, it’s been a long time since the United States was not bombing Somalia,” wrote Vlahos. “This comes after a particularly bloody period during the [so-called War on Terror] in which the CIA was using the country to detain and torture terror suspects from across North Africa. Whether this has ultimately been a good thing for the country or for the broader security of the region, one need only to look at the continued instability and impoverishment of the people,” she added, “and of course, the persistent presence of al-Shabaab itself.”

In addition to Somalia, recent reports indicate that US drones have been reactivated over Libya as well. The US shows no intention of stopping these strikes, with most now being relegated to intelligence services, such as the infamous CIA, with minimal civilian oversight. Many experts believe the indiscriminate use of these drones is a major, if not the key contributor to the overall instability across the troubled regions in which they’re deployed, as the terrorist activity which they’re allegedly there to stop is only exacerbated as a result.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

The Many Lives of Ayman al-Zawahiri

August 23rd, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Ayman al-Zawahiri is dead – or so we are told.  Al-Qaida’s chief and successor to the slain Osama bin Laden, he was deemed the chief ideologue and mastermind behind the audacious September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.  On July 31, he was supposedly killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, while standing on his balcony.

Terrorism and security pundits, whose views are best considered from afar with stern scrutiny, are predictably speculating that the killing will have some effect on al-Qaida but are incapable of showing how.  Vanda Felbab-Brown at Brookings is convinced that “his death with have a negative strategic and demoralizing impact on al-Qaida” though gives no inkling of how this might be so.  Even by her own admission, Zawahiri was not “involved in daily tactical al-Qaida planning”.

The lack of US counter-terrorism capabilities, not to mention officially stationed personnel in Afghanistan, is no problem for Felbab-Brown.  She admires the US forces for still getting the job done, if it can be put as crudely as that.  This killing was an “impressive show of the effectiveness and persistence of US counterterrorism efforts”.  Scorn is also reserved for the Taliban, who seemed to be playing host and continuing old habits of supping from the same bowl.

President Joe Biden also took pride in noting that such killings could be executed at a distance, and without the need for an ongoing US garrison.  “When I ended our military mission in Afghanistan almost a year ago, I made the decision that after 20 years of war, the United States no longer needed thousands of boots on the ground in Afghanistan to protect America from terrorists who seek to do us harm.”

In November 2020, another commentator from the Brookings stable, Daniel Byman, wrote something almost identical in flavour to that of Felbab-Brown.  Zawahiri had, on that occasion, had another one of his death flourishes, reportedly expiring in Afghanistan from “natural causes”.

Byman was keen to speculate.  “If Zawahri is dead, where will al-Qaida go next and what kind of movement will Zawahri’s successor inherit?”  With classroom authority, Byman opined that, “Leaders matter tremendously for terrorist groups, especially jihadi ones, which often rise and fall based on the fortunes of their emir.”

As things transpired, the leader in question was very much alive and kicking and reports of his death had been embarrassingly exaggerated.  He appeared in a video message celebrating the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, released on September 11, 2021.

The al-Qaida leader certainly has form.  In August 2008, Zawahiri’s fate was of such interest to CBS News as to prompt a bold pronouncement.  He was said to be in “severe pain” and in need of urgent treatment for injuries sustained in a strike.  Lara Logan, the CBS News chief foreign affairs correspondent, had supposedly secured a letter written by local Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud making that point.  The injuries were said to be so critical that the leader was “possibly dead”.  Logan acknowledged that there had been “false death rumours” floating around previously about the al-Qaida figure, but no denials had been issued from Pakistan, the US or al-Qaida websites.  Not exactly formidably deductive.

Zawahiri has encountered death yet again, this time at the end of a drone strike on a safe house in Kabul.  But things were far from clear.  Former head of the National Directorate of Security in Afghanistan, Rahmatullah Nabil, claimed it was “an American strike on IS-K” (Islamic State-Khorasan Province) that took place on July 31.  Not so, according to Amrullah Saleh, former Afghan vice-president, who attributed responsibility to the Pakistani Airforce.

The Taliban followed up, with spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirming that the strike had, in fact, been the work of a US drone.  “Such actions are a repetition of the failed experiences of the past 20 years and are against the interests of the US, Afghanistan and the region,” Mujahid added.

US President Joe Biden duly issued his video-briefing corroborating the attack.  Not that this necessarily clarified matters regarding Zawahiri.  John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, admitted that no DNA evidence had been obtained.  Cockily, he asserted that, “based on multiple sources and methods that we’ve gathered information from, we don’t need it.”

The pattern of killings and assassinations gloried in, only to be revised or disproved later, is very much part of the counterterrorist manual.  US officials have indulged in this before, notably in the context of Osama bin Laden.  At a certain point in time, it became irrelevant whether he lived or otherwise.  The figure had died on so many occasions as to become a simulacrum, existing in an absurdist drama known as terrorism studies and “counter-terrorist operations”.  At best, the obsession with capturing and killing him provided the personal touch, an individual whose targeting gave reassurance that wrongs could somehow be righted by disposing of him in extrajudicial fashion.

Bin Laden’s slaying by the Navy Seals in May 2011 had a cinematic element and, in a rather fitting way, reconciled his dead-yet-not-dead existence to celluloid.   The White House Situation Room showed President Barack Obama and his officials glued to the screen as the events in Abbottabad, Pakistan unfolded.  Ghoulish reality television unfolded before an audience grimly transfixed, horrified and entertained.

Like his predecessor felled by US bullets, Zawahiri’s demise hardly changes the dynamic of the terrorist franchise he led.  Killing such a man is not quite the equivalent of doing away with the manager of a banking branch, but the principle has a similarity to it.  Such entities will continue to thrive, fed by the very forces that often claim to suppress them.  Adherents will always be found; the hangman will never be disappointed.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri in an photograph taken by Hamid Mir, who took this picture during his third and last interview with Osama bin Laden during November 2001 in Kabul. Dr. al-Zawahri was present at the interview where he acted as translator for bin Laden. (Licensed under CC BY SA 3.0)

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Close strategic partnership between Russia and China has been the mainstay of their relationship for decades. The US has been trying to disrupt this successful partnership ever since, especially as Russia started regaining its strength, but the incessant belligerent actions of the imperialist thalassocracy have pushed the two (Eur)Asian superpowers even closer. This cooperation is manifold, but its space component is particularly concerning for the US, as it has serious security implications. The Pentagon is worried that the US “might not be able to match the united financing and know-how” of Moscow and Beijing.

“The two countries’ space cooperation, including in the military realm, has become inextricable since 2018 and works against U.S. interests,” said Kevin Pollpeter, senior research scientist at the CNA think tank’s China Studies Division. “I don’t think we can separate China and Russia. I just don’t think that’s possible,” Pollpeter said in response to a question from Air Force Magazine following a panel discussion on China-Russia space cooperation at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

“While the countries do not have completely overlapping security concerns, they do share a strong desire to counter U.S. leadership, including in outer space,” he said. “What we need to do is, we need to mitigate whatever problems that relationship may cause for us. The two countries’ military space cooperation includes the areas of ballistic missile defense, space debris monitoring, and satellite navigation. The resulting exchange has included technology transfer, weapons sales, combined exercises, and compensating measures,” Pollpeter added.

In 1989, the US imposed sanctions on China, targeting Beijing’s defense and space industry. China looked to Russia for the necessary technology transfers and by 1997, the two countries started regular cooperation in space. Russia had the know-how, but its space industry was faced with severe funding shortages.

“…a number of embargoes that took place made [China] increasingly more reliant on Russia as a potential source of technology, particularly for dual use and defense,” said Pollpeter. “…China started looking more to Russia, and Russia started looking more to China for help with supporting their own space program.”

China also began cooperating with Russia on ballistic missile defense after the US unilaterally withdrew from the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty in 2019. In the immediate aftermath of the withdrawal, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia would assist China in creating a ballistic missile early warning system. At the time, Putin said that China was perfectly capable of creating such a system itself, but that it would take longer, so Russia decided to aid Beijing in enhancing its strategic security in light of aggressive US moves in the Asia-Pacific region.

“There appears to be some sort of technology transfer going on,” Pollpeter added. “There’s been joint exercises – the Aerospace Security 2016 and 2017 involved joint air and missile defense planning and coordination.”

According to Pollpeter, another area of cooperation, space debris monitoring, “may sound innocuous,” but he claims “it has security implications.”

“If you have a space debris monitoring system, then you actually have a space domain awareness or space surveillance system,” he said. “This very much has a military role in helping China and Russia better monitor U.S. movements up in space.”

The US Space Force is particularly concerned about how “little is known about the satellite navigation cooperation between the two nations.” According to Pollpeter, other than the fact that there are compatibility and interoperability between the Russian and Chinese equivalents to GPS, the GLONASS and BeiDou navigation systems, nothing else is known about the security component of this cooperation. What is supposedly known is “the presence of augmentation stations in each other’s countries and performance monitoring,” Pollpeter claims.

“What they really want to do, then, is demonstrate that in a world where the U.S. and China could come into military conflict, they have an alternative,” he said. “They don’t have to rely on BeiDou exclusively. They also have the Russian system.”

As China doesn’t publicly discuss its space defense capabilities, Pollpeter claims it’s currently unknown which level of cooperation have Moscow and Beijing reached in this regard.

“A lot of it’s so opaque that when you get into something like counterspace, they’re not going to discuss that,” he said. “What China is developing is a capability that really is designed to threaten the United States space architecture from the ground all the way up to geosynchronous orbit.”

Existing agreements indicate close Chinese and Russian cooperation on launch vehicles, rocket engines, space planes, lunar and deep space exploration, remote sensing, electronics, space debris, satellite navigation and communication. Pollpeter thinks the US Space Force cannot halt the China-Russia cooperation, but it could do more to mitigate its effects.

“There’s really little we can do to separate the two countries, especially [on] the space side,” he said. “The distrust and, let’s say, to some extent, animosity of both countries towards the U.S. sort of precludes, at this point, that any of those efforts can be successful.”

As the US state-run space sector kept falling behind, private companies, the most prominent certainly being SpaceX, started closely cooperating with the US military. Both Russia and China have been responding to the US militarization of space by enhancing their own capabilities, both separately and jointly. While China started deploying pilotless spaceplanes, Russia is building land-based laser weapons to counter US space threats and is also launching its own spacecraft to track US space assets.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Israel Conquers the World

August 23rd, 2022 by Philip Giraldi

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I have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and take-no-prisoners fashion.

He has lately been brave enough to compare and contrast what the Russian military has been accused of in Ukraine with what Israel has been doing to Gaza.

He has done so by asking a series of questions that together demonstrate the hypocrisy of Washington and of some Europeans over what constitutes war crimes or crimes against humanity.

The questions were:

“First, are there any sanctions against Israel for the murder and destruction of innocent Palestinian women and children? Second, are there any sanctions against the United States for killing and destroying lives of innocent women and children in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, and even stealing their diamonds and gold? And third, were there any sanctions against the US and France over the killing of Muammar Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya?”

Russia, of course, has been on the receiving end of sanctions and boycotts and even official theft of the money that it had in US and European banks. It has also had to deal as well with military support provided by NATO to the Volodymyr Zelensky regime in Ukraine. Last month the US Senate unanimously passed a ridiculous nonbinding resolution declaring Russia to be a “state sponsor of terrorism,” which, if endorsed by the White House, would inevitably lead to still more sanctions and increasing aid to Zelensky and his corrupt cronies in an openly declared attempt to weaken Russia and bring down Putin. It would also mean that a future functional diplomatic relationship between Moscow and Washington would become impossible. Implicit in Putin’s questions is the clear accusation that there is a double standard on what constitutes national security. The West supports military resistance by Ukraine against Russia but does not support the right of the Palestinians to defend themselves when attacked by Israel, as took place on August 5th, an unprovoked attack that killed inter alia 17 Palestinian children.

The Russian Foreign Ministry followed-up with a statement first posted on its Egyptian Embassy social media accounts. The statement included a screenshot of a tweet Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid posted April 3rd on the claimed killing of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, attributed by Lapid and the western media to Russian forces. Lapid declared “It is impossible to remain indifferent in the face of the horrific images from the city of Bucha near Kiev, from after the Russian army left. Intentionally harming a civilian population is a war crime and I strongly condemn it.” The Russian post observed how one might “Compare Yair Lapid’s lies about [Ukraine] in April and attempts to place blame and responsibility on [Russia] for the deaths of people in Bucha brutally murdered by the Nazis with his calls in August for bombing and strikes on [Palestinian] land in the Gaza Strip. Isn’t that a double standard, complete disregard and contempt for the lives of Palestinians?”

The point about a double standard is particularly relevant as Ukraine, which claims to be enduring a brutal Russian assault replete with war crimes, has openly endorsed Israel’s bombing and shooting of the unarmed Palestinians. Two weeks ago, Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk expressed his full support for Tel Aviv, saying “As a Ukrainian whose country is under a very brutal attack by its neighbor, I feel great sympathy towards the Israeli public. Attacks on women and children are reprehensible. Terrorism and malicious attacks against civilians are the daily reality of Israelis and Ukrainians and this appalling threat must be stopped immediately.”

Korniychuk’s odd, and manifestly false, comment takes reality and turns it upside down. But nevertheless, to be sure, Israel’s recent bloody assault on Gaza did not earn it much favor from a global audience that has become tired of the Jewish state’s belligerency and self-serving flood of disinformation. A number of human rights organizations and even some churches responded by declaring Israel to be an “apartheid state.” Some critics of the Israelis have also been pleased to observe that ordinary voters in the US Democratic Party in particular have moved away from knee-jerk support of Israel and have accepted that it is racist and undemocratic. Even a considerable number young Jews, many of whom have protested against the Israeli automatic resort to gunfire and bombs in suppressing the Palestinians, have broken with their parents over the issue of what constitutes the legitimate “right” of Israel to “defend itself.”

Israel is far from defeated, however, and it has struck back in the time-honored fashion, using the Jewish diaspora and its vast wealth to buy up or leverage the media, to corrupt politicians at all levels, and to propagate a narrative that always depicts Jews sympathetically as perpetual victims. That narrative relies on the so-called holocaust and the slogan “never again” to generate the moral authority and outrage that makes the entire otherwise unsustainable imposture work.

What might be plausibly described as an International Jewish Conspiracy directed from the Israeli government’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs and from the think tanks, banks and investment houses on Wall Street and K Street is working hard to make it illegal to criticize Israel and is enjoying considerable success. Israel’s recent and continuing slaughter of Gazans and West Bank villagers has not induced the thoroughly controlled governments and media outlets that the Jewish state dominates that there is anything seriously wrong going on between the Israelis and Palestinians, only business as usual.

Israel appears to be winning its war against the Palestinians (and let’s not forget the Iranians) where it matters most, among the power brokers in both the US and elsewhere. Witness for example the reaction of the US government to the killing of the Gazans. President Joe Biden declared that Israel has a “right to defend itself,” the standard line also parroted by Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Thirty-four congressmen meanwhile signed on to a letter calling on the United Nations to disband a UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Israel following recent controversial remarks by one of the commission’s members. The COI was set up to investigate possible Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied territories and Gaza.

The signatories particularly objected to what the always vigilant Anti-Defamation League has described as anti-Semitic statements by COI member Miloon Kothari, an Indian human rights expert and investigator. In a podcast Kothari observed that Israel routinely “practiced apartheid and settler colonialism against the Palestinians,” before rejecting criticism of his commission as the work of the Jewish lobby that controls the media, saying “We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by the Jewish lobby or specific NGOs,” adding that “a lot of money is being thrown at trying to discredit the commission’s work.”

Jewish power particularly in the anglophone world was also on display recently in Canada. The painfully politically correct Justin Trudeau regime has succumbed to the example set by Germany and several other European states in enshrining the official Jewish organizations’ perpetual victim narrative in the Canadian Criminal Code, s. 319. Henceforth

(2.1) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promotes antisemitism by condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust

  • (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
  • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

So, from now on in Canada, if you question the claimed facts surrounding the approved so-called holocaust narrative you can be sent to prison for two years. So much for free speech or the right to challenge disinformation.

Finally, in Britain, the two contenders for the position of Prime Minister replacing the disgraced Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, and Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, were boasting of their pro-Israel credentials over the very weekend when Israel was killing more than fifty Palestinians, including 17 children, while wounding scores more. Truss and Sunak played the Israel/Jewish card big time, with Truss asserting that “The UK should stand side by side with Israel, now and well into the future. As Prime Minister, I would be at the forefront of this mission.” Truss has also hinted that she would follow the Zionist stooge Donald Trump’s lead in moving the British Embassy to Jerusalem and she has supported a Free Trade Agreement between the UK and Israel, which would primarily benefit the Israelis. She has also declared that any criticism of Israel is rooted in anti-Semitism, a popular line that is also being extensively promoted in the United States.

The two dominant parties in the UK’s parliamentary system are the Conservatives (Tories) and Labour. Both parties have organized “Friends of Israel” groups that have as members a majority of parliamentarians, including more than four out of every five Tories, who currently form the government. Recently, the Labour Party ousted leader Jeremy Corbyn because he dared to express sympathy for the Palestinians and replaced him with Keir Starmer, who is as close to Israel and the powerful British Jewish community as, well… choose your metaphor. For what it’s worth, Truss, Sunak and Starmer all support a hard line against Russia in Ukraine and also advocate putting extreme pressure on Iran, Israel’s declared regional enemy. They also all support using the British veto in the United Nations to protect the Jewish state against critics.

In 2001, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon angrily admonished his colleague Shimon Peres, who was arguing that Israel should heed US calls for a cease fire, saying “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” It now appears that the US, Canada, and Great Britain, joined by other anglophone states like Australia and New Zealand, are riding on the same horse when it comes to sacrificing actual national interests to pander to a foreign nation which can rightly be regarded as both a habitual war criminal and manifestly racist. The British and Canadian politicians on both sides of the aisle have now become like their American counterparts in allowing themselves to be corrupted by money and media influence, making an uncritical and near total commitment to Israel the defining issue in any political campaign for high office.

Modern Jewish power as a global phenomenon is a cancer that was in a certain sense made in America and has spread worldwide. But, fortunately, the smearing of critics as anti-Semites is beginning to wear thin. As Chris Hedges observed in March 2019 “The Israel Lobby’s buying off of nearly every senior politician in the United States, facilitated by our system of legalized bribery, is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. The lobby’s campaign of vicious character assassination, smearing and blacklisting against those who defend Palestinian rights…is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. Twenty-four state governments’ passage of Israel Lobby-backed legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact.”

It should also be a fact that Americans are beginning to rally against their government being manipulated by the unregistered insidious agents of a foreign government, but that will have to wait presumably. For the moment, Israel and its fifth column have key elements in both government and in the public space in their iron grip. It might require something like a revolution to loosen that.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review. 

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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Miller’s Organic Farm, located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, has been around for almost 30 years.

The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food.

The private food club members appreciate their freedom to get food from an independent farmer that isn’t processing his meat and dairy at U.S. Department of Agriculture facilities, which mandates that food be prepared in ways that Miller’s Organic Farm believe make it less nutritious.

Amos Miller, the farm’s owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the U.S. government doesn’t see things that way.

They recently sent armed federal agents to the farm and demanded he cease operations. The government is also looking to issue more than $300,000 in fines — a request so steep, it would put the farm out of business.

This is an attack on Amish religious freedom just 150 miles from Washington D.C.

Making it even more independent, Miller’s farm also doesn’t use gasoline or fertilizer, and therefore the war between Ukraine and Russia isn’t affecting his bottom line, unlike every other farming competitor in the country.

Miller isn’t dependent on big industry players or the government, and he’s providing healthy food to his community the way he believes God intended. The government is trying to intimidate his operation and shut it down.

If you believe the Amish should have the right to exercise their religious beliefs and their ability to provide healthy food to their community, sign our petition at and I’ll personally deliver it to the U.S. Federal Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania.


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What Did the West Promise Russia on NATO Expansion?

August 23rd, 2022 by Ted Snider

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In 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin complained, “What happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them. But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr. Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: ‘The fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee.’ Where are those guarantees?”

Putin was quoting correctly. He might have added, as we know from newly declassified documents, that Woerner also “stressed that the NATO Council and he are against the expansion of NATO (13 out of 16 NATO members support this point of view).” The NATO Secretary General also assured the Russians on July 1, 1991 that, in an upcoming meeting with Poland’s Lech Walesa and Romania’s Ion Iliescu, “he will oppose Poland and Romania joining NATO, and earlier this was stated to Hungary and Czechoslovakia” (document 30).

Many have accused Putin of historical revisionism and denied that the West ever promised Russia that, if a unified Germany were permitted to join NATO, NATO would not expand east. But, as these three quotations from the highest level of NATO show, the declassified documents firmly establish that NATO was lying when it said in a 2014 report that “No such pledge was made, and no evidence to back up Russia’s claims has ever been produced.”

Secretary of State James Baker has also insisted no such promise was made. On February 9, 1990, Baker famously offered Gorbachev a choice:

“I want to ask you a question, and you need not answer it right now. Supposing unification takes place, what would you prefer: a united Germany outside of NATO, absolutely independent and without American troops; or a united Germany keeping its connections with NATO, but with the guarantee that NATO’s jurisdiction or troops will not spread east of the present boundary?”

Baker has been dismissive of this statement, categorizing it as only a hypothetical question. But Baker’s next statement, not previously included in the quotation but now placed back in the script by the documentary record, refutes that claim. After Gorbachev answers Baker’s question, saying, “It goes without saying that a broadening of the NATO zone is not acceptable,” Baker replies categorically, “We agree with that” (document 6).

There are four other declassified statements that now solidify the evidence against Baker’s claim. The most important is Baker’s own interpretation of his question to Gorbachev at the time. At a press conference immediately following this most crucial meeting with Gorbachev, Baker announced that NATO’s “jurisdiction would not be moved eastward.”

The second is that, while Baker was meeting with Gorbachev, Deputy National Security Adviser Robert Gates was asking the same question of KGB leader Vladimir Kryuchkov in clearly non-hypothetical terms. He asked Kryuchkov what he thought of the “proposal under which a united Germany would be associated with NATO, but in which NATO troops would move no further east than they now were?” Gates then added, “It seems to us to be a sound proposal” (document 7).

The third is that, on the same day, Baker posed the same question to Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard Shevardnadze. He asked if there “might be an outcome that would guarantee that there would be no NATO forces in the eastern part of Germany. In fact, there could be an absolute ban on that.” How did Baker intend that offer? In Not One Inch, M.E. Sarotte reports that in his own notes, Baker wrote, “End result: Unified Ger. Anchored in a changed (polit.) NATO – whose juris. would not be moved eastward!” According to a now declassified State department memorandum of their conversation, Baker had already in this conversation assured Shevardnadze that “There would, of course, have to be ironclad guarantees that NATO’s jurisdiction or forces would not move eastward” (document 4).

Finally, according to a declassified State Department memorandum of the conversation, on still the same busy day, Baker told Gorbachev and Shevardnadze, not in the form of a question at all, that “If we maintain a presence in a Germany that is a part of NATO, there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east” (document 5).

Thought these are Secretary of State Baker’s most important assurances, they are not his only assurances. On May 18, 1990, Baker told Gorbachev in a meeting in Moscow, “I wanted to emphasize that our policies are not aimed at separating Eastern Europe from the Soviet Union” (document 18). And, yet again, on February 12, 1990, the promise is made. According to notes taken for Shevardnadze at the Open Skies Conference in Ottawa, Baker told Gorbachev that “if U[united] G[ermany] stays in NATO, we should take care about non-expansion of its jurisdiction to the East” (document 10).

Baker’s assurances to Gorbachev and Shevardnadze were confirmed and shared by the State Department who, on February 13, 1990, informed US embassies that “[t]he Secretary made clear that. . . we supported a unified Germany within NATO, but that we were prepared to ensure that NATO’s military presence would not extend further eastward.”

A 1996 State Department investigation by John Herbst and John Kornblum not only became official US policy but, according to Sarotte “because of the official imprimatur and the broad distribution . . .helped shape American attitudes toward the controversy of what, exactly had been said. . . .” Herbst and Kornblum concluded that the assurances that were given had no legal force. They were able to make this judgment by separating the verbal promises from the written documents that make “no mention of NATO deployments beyond the boundaries of Germany.”

The investigation did not deny that spoken assurances had been made. And no Russian official has ever claimed that they were written in the documents; in fact, they have regretted that they were not. But written agreements can be broken too, and the US record on keeping written promises is not much better than its record on keeping spoken ones, as Trump’s breaking of the JCPOA Iran nuclear agreement and Biden’s frequent violations of the joint communiqués signed with China regarding Taiwan testify. That record led Putin to complain on December 21, 2021 that “we know very well that even legal guarantees cannot be completely fail-safe, because the United States easily pulls out of any international treaty that has ceased to be interesting to it. . . .”

The distinction that Herbst and Kornblum rely on is an act of legal sophistry. In “Deal or No Deal? The End of the Cold War and the U.S. Offer to Limit NATO Expansion,” Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson argues that verbal agreements can be legally binding and that “analysts have long understood that states do not need formal agreements on which to base their future expectations.” Verbal agreements are the foundation of diplomacy. Shifrinson argues that informal deals are important to politics and that they were particularly important to diplomacy between the US and Russia during the Cold War. As examples, he cites the resolution of the Cuban missile crisis through informal verbal agreements and the “Cold War order [that] emerged from tacit US and Soviet initiatives in the 1950s and 1960s that helped the two sides to find ways to coexist.” Verbal agreements between the US and Russia “abounded during the Cold War,” Shifrinson says. Trusting spoken promises made in 1990 was nothing new.

Furthermore, verbal agreements, Shifrinson points out, “can constitute a binding agreement provided one party gives up something of value in consideration” of what the other party promised in return. Gorbachev certainly understood Baker’s promises in this way, as he agreed to allow a unified Germany to be absorbed by NATO in return for the “ironclad” guarantee that NATO would expand no further east. It was only after these talks with Baker that Gorbachev agreed to German reunification and ascension to NATO. The “not one inch” promise was the condition for Gorbachev agreeing to a united Germany in NATO. In his memoir, Gorbachev called his February 9 conversation with Baker the moment that “cleared the way for a compromise.”

And the promises made by Baker were not the only promises made to Russia. Assurances came from the highest level of NATO and from Robert Gates, who, unlike Baker and NATO never deceived about his promises. In July 2000, Gates criticized “pressing ahead with expansion of NATO eastward [in the 1990s], when Gorbachev and others were led to believe that wouldn’t happen.”

The same promises were made by the leaders of several other nations. On July 15, 1996, now foreign minister Yevgeny Primakov, who had “been looking at the material in our archives from 1990 and 1991,” declared, according to Sarotte, that “It was clear . . . that Baker, Kohl and the British and French leaders John Major and François Mitterrand had all ‘told Gorbachev that not one country leaving the Warsaw Pact would enter NATO – that NATO wouldn’t move one inch closer to Russia.”

Importantly, those same promises were made by German officials. West German chancellor Helmut Kohl met with Gorbachev the day after Baker on February 10. He assured Gorbachev that “naturally, NATO could not expand its territory to the current territory of the GDR [East Germany].” Clearer still, he told Gorbachev that “We believe that NATO should not expand its scope” (document 9). Simultaneously, West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher was pointedly telling Shevardnadze that “For us, it is clear: NATO will not extend itself to the East.”

On March 5, 1991, British Ambassador to Russia Rodric Braithwaite recorded in his diary that when Russian Minister of Defense Dmitry Yazov had expressed that he was “worried that the Czechs, Poles and Hungarians will join NATO,” British Prime Minister John “Major assure[d] him that nothing of the sort will happen” (document 28). When Yazov specifically asked Major about “NATO’s plans in the region,” the British Prime Minister told him that he “did not himself foresee circumstances now or in the future where East European countries would become members of NATO” (document 28). On March 26, 1991, British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd informed Soviet Foreign Minister Aleksandr Bessmertnykh that “there are no plans in NATO to include the countries of Eastern and Central Europe in NATO in one form or another” (document 28). In a July 2016 article, Braithwaite wrote that “US Secretary of State James Baker stated on 9 February 1990: “We consider that the consultations and discussions in the framework of the 2+4 mechanism should give a guarantee that the reunification of Germany will not lead to the enlargement of NATO’s military organization to the East”.

The clarity of the documentary record is still relevant today because it indicates that when Russia talks of a final red line at NATO expansion into Ukraine and right up to Russia’s border and of Western promises that neither NATO jurisdiction nor forces would expand beyond Germany’s borders, they are not engaging in historical revisionism as the West accuses but are expressing real existential fears and expressing legitimate expectations that the West will keep the promises they made in exchange for Russia keeping the promise it made in those 1990 and 1991 negotiations.


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Ted Snider has a graduate degree in philosophy and writes on analyzing patterns in US foreign policy and history.

Featured image is from CODEPINK

The US Must Compensate Burn Pit Victims in Iraq Too

August 23rd, 2022 by Carly A. Krakow

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On August 10, United States President Joe Biden signed the PACT Act, aiding approximately 3.5 million American veterans with severe medical conditions linked to toxic exposure to burn pits during service, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. Open air pits of military waste, sometimes as large as football fields, are burned to destroy munitions, chemicals, plastics, and medical and human waste, typically using jet fuel. Used widely until at least 2010, burn pits were still permitted at least as of last year, when waste management facilities were not available.

Their impact, however, extends beyond the harm to those who were deployed and exposed to toxins in the short term. Fatal cancers. Birth defects that can cause infant death or lifelong disabilities. Malformations including a missing hand, cleft lip and paralysed club foot. Anencephaly — an underdeveloped brain and incomplete skull. These are just some of the devastating conditions plaguing Iraqi civilians following toxic exposure from the 2003 US invasion and occupation and 1991 Gulf War.

How is this a fair price for civilians to pay for simply residing in their homes while the US “war on terror” forcibly exposed them to burn pits and depleted uranium? When will the US fulfill international law obligations to compensate them for the toxic war zones that its military has left behind?

Biden’s signing last week was filled with fanfare and applause, and a moving appearance by the wife and young child of the late Ohio veteran in whose honour the act is named (full title: the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act). Indeed, the legislation is welcome: It covers numerous cancers and lung conditions, and marks progress toward addressing dire suffering similar to that of Vietnam veterans who were unjustly neglected (PDF) following Agent Orange exposure. In fact, the PACT Act addresses Agent Orange — 47 years after that war’s end.

Biden said this is “the least we can do” for veterans. Where is equivalent acknowledgment – and compensation – for Iraqi civilians, who have no escape from the kind of toxic surroundings the act aims to address for injured US veterans?

Benefit of doubt

Many of those paying the highest price are Iraqi infants born two decades after the start of the “war on terror”. According to Dutch peace organisation PAX, more than 780,000 rounds of depleted uranium were fired in 1991, and more than 300,000 rounds in 2003.

Diseases linked to genetic damage in Fallujah, which was contaminated with depleted uranium munitions, have been documented at higher rates than in Hiroshima.

The PACT Act provides “presumptive conditions” benefits that remove the burden of proof. Instead, veterans will be presumed eligible according to dates and locations of service. Previously, nearly four in five burn pits-connected Veterans Affairs (VA) claims were rejected.

This same benefit of the doubt must be extended to Iraqis through a presumptive benefits-style programme. The US must not delay clean-up and compensation for decades, as with Vietnam. There is more than enough data to justify reparations. Petty, minutiae-rooted arguments can be used to fixate on documentation of the precise dates and nature of civilians’ toxic exposure. Yet, there is ample evidence of what I call “toxic saturation” — the long-term, undeniable, accumulative encounters of Iraqi civilians with a variety of deadly toxins. As Iraqi novelist and poet Sinan Antoon asks: “Do we breathe to live? Or do we breathe to die?”

The law is clear. Article 91 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions says that violators of international humanitarian law are “liable to pay compensation.” The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) forbids military “environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury.”

There are abundant international regulations that are in conflict with US actions regarding toxins. Article 55 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions prohibits means of warfare that damage the environment and “prejudice the health or survival of the population”. The Rio Declaration calls for states to “develop national law regarding liability and compensation” for victims of environmental damage.

Members of the US Congress were not concerned with international law, however, when finally compensating veterans. They acted once they could not resist pressure any longer. US leaders likely fear that compensation would admit US culpability for Iraqi civilians’ injuries. The harm caused, however, is obvious and must be remedied.

History repeats

Sadly, Washington’s track record doesn’t inspire optimism.

The US left Vietnam veterans in the cold, before finally providing presumptive benefitsand benefits for Agent Orange-linked birth defects in veterans’ children. The US Court of Appeals ruled against Vietnamese people who sought to hold Dow Chemical, Monsanto and other companies accountable. The court justified this partly on the basis that dioxin was a defoliant to clear foliage, not intended to harm humans.

The US has spent roughly $400m to address Agent Orange’s environmental and health effects. USAID and Vietnam’s government have a 10-year plan costing up to $500m to clean Bien Hoa Air Base. A smaller amount, $14.5m annually, was allocated for health and disability programmes.

If this numbers game seems a bit obscure, this is because there have been many parcelled-out allocations of funding, none of which have fully ameliorated harm to Vietnam’s people. This becomes clearer when considered in relation to the US military budget of $753bn.

These precedents prove that US-funded clean-ups are possible, even as they underscore the grossly inadequate nature of projects to address the horrific, multigenerational effects of dioxin. Cancer and other crushing illnesses plague Vietnam’s survivors and their children.

The bad news? History is not simply repeating. Conditions are worsening as new benchmarks are continually set for how bad things can get.

As Vietnamese-American writer and professor Viet Thanh Nguyen writes, we can forgive the atrocities of the past but “the present is not yet finished. The present, perhaps, is always unforgivable.”

Way forward

When the Senate finally passed the PACT Act, it was in spite of Republicans who refused to support it — which was seen as retaliation for Democratic legislation on climate and healthcare. This dysfunction regarding compensating veterans provides a glimpse into how antagonistic many US lawmakers would be towards an Iraqi reparations proposal.

The US must take responsibility for toxins used by the military, and by for-profit contractors. Yet abandoning civilians abroad is horrifically consistent with the US approach to environmental racism domestically. Environmental injustice disproportionately impacts US minority communities who often live in sacrifice zones.

These realities make for an uphill struggle, though not an impossible one. The US’s recognition of veterans, while ignoring Iraqis, reveals a segregated outlook on justice. The public needs to stand in solidarity with victims of the “war on terror”. The US government must expeditiously provide reparations to Iraqis and fulfill international law obligations.

Anything less is environmental racism, and a dangerously hierarchical approach to justice.


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Carly A. Krakow is a writer, Scholar in Residence at NYU School of Law’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, and faculty member at the NYU Gallatin School.

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“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.”—Harry Truman


With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the citizenry reign supreme. Rather, they are the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes, where secret police control the populace through intimidation, fear and official lawlessness on the part of government agents.

That authoritarian danger is now posed by the FBI, whose love affair with totalitarianism began long ago. Indeed, according to the New York Times, the U.S. government so admired the Nazi regime that following the second World War, it secretly and aggressively recruited at least a thousand Nazis, including some of Hitler’s highest henchmen as part of Operation Paperclip. American taxpayers have been paying to keep these ex-Nazis on the U.S. government’s payroll ever since.

If the government’s covert, taxpayer-funded employment of Nazis after World War II weren’t bad enough, U.S. government agencies—the FBI, CIA and the military—adopted many of the Third Reich’s well-honed policing tactics, and have used them against American citizens.

Indeed, the FBI’s laundry list of crimes against the American people includes surveillance, disinformation, blackmail, entrapment, intimidation tactics, harassment and indoctrination, governmental overreach, abuse, misconduct, trespassing, enabling criminal activity, and damaging private property, and that’s just based on what we know.

Compare the FBI’s far-reaching powers to surveil, detain, interrogate, investigate, prosecute, punish, police and generally act as a law unto themselves—powers that have grown since 9/11, transforming the FBI into a mammoth federal policing and surveillance agency that largely operates as a power unto itself, beyond the reach of established laws, court rulings and legislative mandates—to its Nazi counterparts, the Gestapo—and then try to convince yourself that the United States is not a totalitarian police state.

Just like the Gestapo, the FBI has vast resources, vast investigatory powers, and vast discretion to determine who is an enemy of the state.

Today, the FBI employs more than 35,000 individuals and operates more than 56 field offices in major cities across the U.S., as well as 400 resident agencies in smaller towns, and more than 50 international offices. In addition to their “data campus,” which houses more than 96 million sets of fingerprints from across the United States and elsewhere, the FBI has also built a vast repository of “profiles of tens of thousands of Americans and legal residents who are not accused of any crime. What they have done is appear to be acting suspiciously to a town sheriff, a traffic cop or even a neighbor.” The FBI’s burgeoning databases on Americans are not only being added to and used by local police agencies, but are also being made available to employers for real-time background checks.

All of this is made possible by the agency’s nearly unlimited resources (President Biden’s budget projections allocate $10.8 billion for the FBI), the government’s vast arsenal of technology, the interconnectedness of government intelligence agencies, and information sharing through fusion centers—data collecting intelligence agencies spread throughout the country that constantly monitor communications (including those of American citizens), everything from internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails.

Much like the Gestapo spied on mail and phone calls, FBI agents have carte blanche access to the citizenry’s most personal information.

Working through the U.S. Post Office, the FBI has access to every piece of mail that passes through the postal system: more than 160 billion pieces are scanned and recorded annually. Moreover, the agency’s National Security Letters, one of the many illicit powers authorized by the USA Patriot Act, allows the FBI to secretly demand that banks, phone companies, and other businesses provide them with customer information and not disclose those demands to the customer. An internal audit of the agency found that the FBI practice of issuing tens of thousands of NSLs every year for sensitive information such as phone and financial records, often in non-emergency cases, is riddled with widespread constitutional violations.

Much like the Gestapo’s sophisticated surveillance programs, the FBI’s spying capabilities can delve into Americans’ most intimate details (and allow local police to do so, as well).

In addition to technology (which is shared with police agencies) that allows them to listen in on phone calls, read emails and text messages, and monitor web activities, the FBI’s surveillance boasts an invasive collection of spy tools ranging from Stingray devices that can track the location of cell phones to Triggerfish devices which allow agents to eavesdrop on phone calls.  In one case, the FBI actually managed to remotely reprogram a “suspect’s” wireless internet card so that it would send “real-time cell-site location data to Verizon, which forwarded the data to the FBI.” Law enforcement agencies are also using social media tracking software to monitor Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts. Moreover, secret FBI rules also allow agents to spy on journalists without significant judicial oversight.

Much like the Gestapo’s ability to profile based on race and religion, and its assumption of guilt by association, the FBI’s approach to pre-crime allows it to profile Americans based on a broad range of characteristics including race and religion.

The agency’s biometric database has grown to massive proportions, the largest in the world, encompassing everything from fingerprints, palm, face and iris scans to DNA, and is being increasingly shared between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in an effort to target potential criminals long before they ever commit a crime. This is what’s known as pre-crime. Yet it’s not just your actions that will get you in trouble. In many cases, it’s also who you know—even minimally—and where your sympathies lie that could land you on a government watch list. Moreover, as the Intercept reports, despite anti-profiling prohibitions, the bureau “claims considerable latitude to use race, ethnicity, nationality, and religion in deciding which people and communities to investigate.”

Much like the Gestapo’s power to render anyone an enemy of the state, the FBI has the power to label anyone a domestic terrorist.

As part of the government’s so-called ongoing war on terror, the nation’s de facto secret police force has begun using the terms “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably. Moreover, the government continues to add to its growing list of characteristics that can be used to identify an individual (especially anyone who disagrees with the government) as a potential domestic terrorist. For instance, you might be a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the FBI (and its network of snitches) if you:

  • express libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
  • exhibit Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership)
  • read survivalist literature, including apocalyptic fictional books
  • show signs of self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
  • fear an economic collapse
  • buy gold and barter items
  • subscribe to religious views concerning the book of Revelation
  • voice fears about Big Brother or big government
  • expound about constitutional rights and civil liberties
  • believe in a New World Order conspiracy

Much like the Gestapo infiltrated communities in order to spy on the German citizenry, the FBI routinely infiltrates political and religious groups, as well as businesses.

As Cora Currier writes for the Intercept: “Using loopholes it has kept secret for years, the FBI can in certain circumstances bypass its own rules in order to send undercover agents or informants into political and religious organizations, as well as schools, clubs, and businesses…” The FBI has even been paying Geek Squad technicians at Best Buy to spy on customers’ computers without a warrant.

Just as the Gestapo united and militarized Germany’s police forces into a national police force, America’s police forces have largely been federalized and turned into a national police force.

In addition to government programs that provide the nation’s police forces with military equipment and training, the FBI also operates a National Academy that trains thousands of police chiefs every year and indoctrinates them into an agency mindset that advocates the use of surveillance technology and information sharing between local, state, federal, and international agencies.

Just as the Gestapo’s secret files on political leaders were used to intimidate and coerce, the FBI’s files on anyone suspected of “anti-government” sentiment have been similarly abused.

As countless documents make clear, the FBI has no qualms about using its extensive powers in order to blackmail politicians, spy on celebrities and high-ranking government officials, and intimidate and attempt to discredit dissidents of all stripes. For example, not only did the FBI follow Martin Luther King Jr. and bug his phones and hotel rooms, but agents also sent him anonymous letters urging him to commit suicide and pressured a Massachusetts college into dropping King as its commencement speaker.

Just as the Gestapo carried out entrapment operations, the FBI has become a master in the art of entrapment.

In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks the FBI has not only targeted vulnerable individuals but has also lured or blackmailed them into fake terror plots while actually equipping them with the organization, money, weapons and motivation to carry out the plots—entrapment—and then jailing or deporting them for their so-called terrorist plotting.

This is what the FBI characterizes as “forward leaning—preventative—prosecutions.” In addition to creating certain crimes in order to then “solve” them, the FBI also gives certain informants permission to break the law, “including everything from buying and selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies,” in exchange for their cooperation on other fronts.

USA Today estimates that FBI agents have authorized criminals to engage in as many as 15 crimes a day. Some of these informants are getting paid astronomical sums: one particularly unsavory fellow, later arrested for attempting to run over a police officer, was actually paid $85,000 for his help laying the trap for an entrapment scheme.

When and if a true history of the FBI is ever written, it will not only track the rise of the American police state but it will also chart the decline of freedom in America, in much the same way that the empowerment of Germany’s secret police tracked with the rise of the Nazi regime.

How did the Gestapo become the terror of the Third Reich?

It did so by creating a sophisticated surveillance and law enforcement system that relied for its success on the cooperation of the military, the police, the intelligence community, neighborhood watchdogs, government workers for the post office and railroads, ordinary civil servants, and a nation of snitches inclined to report “rumors, deviant behavior, or even just loose talk.”

In other words, ordinary citizens working with government agents helped create the monster that became Nazi Germany. Writing for the New York Times, Barry Ewen paints a particularly chilling portrait of how an entire nation becomes complicit in its own downfall by looking the other way:

In what may be his most provocative statement, [author Eric A.] Johnson says that ‘‘most Germans may not even have realized until very late in the war, if ever, that they were living in a vile dictatorship.’’ This is not to say that they were unaware of the Holocaust; Johnson demonstrates that millions of Germans must have known at least some of the truth. But, he concludes, ‘‘a tacit Faustian bargain was struck between the regime and the citizenry.’’ The government looked the other way when petty crimes were being committed. Ordinary Germans looked the other way when Jews were being rounded up and murdered; they abetted one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century not through active collaboration but through passivity, denial and indifference.

Much like the German people, “we the people” have become passive, polarized, gullible, easily manipulated, and lacking in critical thinking skills.  Distracted by entertainment spectacles, politics and screen devices, we too are complicit, silent partners in creating a police state similar to the terror practiced by former regimes.

Had the government tried to ram such a state of affairs down our throats suddenly, it might have had a rebellion on its hands. Instead, the American people have been given the boiling frog treatment, immersed in water that slowly is heated up—degree by degree—so that they’ve fail to notice that they’re being trapped and cooked and killed.

“We the people” are in hot water now.

The Constitution doesn’t stand a chance against a federalized, globalized standing army of government henchmen protected by legislative, judicial and executive branches that are all on the same side, no matter what political views they subscribe to: suffice it to say, they are not on our side or the side of freedom.

From Presidents Clinton to Bush, then Obama to Trump and now Biden, it’s as if we’ve been caught in a time loop, forced to re-live the same thing over and over again: the same assaults on our freedoms, the same disregard for the rule of law, the same subservience to the Deep State, and the same corrupt, self-serving government that exists only to amass power, enrich its shareholders and ensure its continued domination.

Can the Fourth Reich happen here?

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s already happening right under our noses.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

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CIA Admits Role in 1953 Iran Coup

August 23rd, 2022 by Al Jazeera America

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Our thanks to Al Jazeera for bringing this article to our attention, first published on August 19, 2013

The CIA orchestrated the August 1953 coup that toppled Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh after he tried to nationalize his country’s oil wealth, according to a document recently declassified by the agency. The ouster of the democratically elected Mossadegh and his replacement by the Western-backed autocracy of Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi set the context for the anti-American sentiment that followed the 1979 Iranian revolution and the mutual mistrust and resentment that continue to affect relations between Tehran and Washington.

The coup that overthrew Mossadegh and his National Front cabinet “was carried out under CIA direction as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government,” the document said. It was obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive through the Freedom of Information Act.

“The military coup that overthrew Mosadeq and his National Front cabinet was carried out under CIA direction as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived, and approved at the highest levels of government,” the document, obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive through a Freedom of Information Act — said using an alternative spelling of Mossadegh.

“The coup was the beginning of a sequence of tragedies that dog the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East today. It was the key source of the anti-American resentment that exploded during the Iranian revolution of 1979,” Former CIA operative Robert B. Baer, author of “The Devil We Know: Dealing With the New Iranian Superpower,” told Al Jazeera.

Pahlavi, a close U.S. ally, was toppled in the 1979 revolution. Its leadership under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini made hostility toward the U.S. a cornerstone of Iran’s foreign policy. The most immediate traumatic expression of that hostility was the hostage crisis that saw a group of Iranian students take control of the U.S. embassy in Tehran and hold 52 Americans captive for 444 days.

“Iranians truly believe that if it weren’t for the CIA, the Shah would never have been brought to power,” Baer said. “And they believe that the CIA continues to operate as an evil force in their country.”

The CIA’s role in the coup has long been known: A heavily redacted version of the document was first released in 1981 and there are still documents related to the coup that have not been released. But those released on Sunday — the coup’s 60th anniversary — were the most explicit admission to date of involvement by the agency.

Reza Marashi, a former Iran analyst with State Department  who is now with the National Iranian American Council, told Al Jazeera that the release of the documents could serve as a “very small, but important step forward in un-poisoning things.”

“The first step toward fixing a problem is acknowledging it exists, and the problem that exists between Iran and the United States is historical – not just about centrifuges and everything else,” Marashi said, referring to the ongoing fracas over Iran’s nuclear program. “You have to acknowledge the past in order to focus on the future – both sides need to do that.”

Mossadegh had angered Britain by moving to take over the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company — the predecessor of modern-day BP. The British believed that control of Iranian oil was vital to reviving their economy from the destruction of World War II.

The internal CIA history offered a degree of understanding of Mossadegh’s position and rejected Western media depictions of him as “a madman” or “an emotional bundle of senility.”

Another internal history, authored by coup planner Donald Wilber and leaked to The New York Times in 2000, said that agents had arranged stories against Mossadegh in the press both in Iran and the United States aimed at setting the stage for the coup.

In 2000, as part of an effort to mend relations with Iran, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admitted that the U.S. had “played a significant role” in overthrowing Mossadegh.

“The coup was clearly a setback for Iran’s political development, and it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs,” Albright said at the time.

President Barack Obama also made a similar admission after taking office in 2009 in another unsuccessful attempt at reconciliation with Iran, which has sought an explicit apology.

Historians often regard the 1953 coup in Iran as a first for the CIA, offering a template for government takeovers in Latin America and elsewhere during the Cold War.

Malcolm Byrne, deputy director of the National Security Archive, said that the CIA wrote the secret histories for internal use.

The histories “give people on the inside a sense of what happened and, presumably, give them a little context for whatever else they may be planning,” he said.

U.S. and British spies also tried to fan the flames against Mossadegh among the Iranian clergy, the documents said. The history also said that the CIA arranged to pay $5 million within days of the coup to the new government of Fazlollah Zahedi, a general appointed to succeed Mossadegh.

While recognizing that London needed the oil, the CIA history said that British policymakers had “little in their experience to make them respect Iranians, whom company managers and Foreign Office managers saw as inefficient, corrupt and self-serving.”

But the CIA history cast the decision in Cold War terms, fearing that the Soviets would invade and take over Iran if the crisis escalated and Britain sent in warships — as it would do three years later alongside France and Israel when Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal.

“The irony was that the coup was predominantly a British operation, undertaken on behalf of that country’s oil interests, into which the CIA was drawn in the name of anti-communism and fear that Mossadegh would hand the country over to the Russians,” Baer said.

As for the timing of the document release, Marashi said it may have been a small and subtle gesture to Iran’s new president Hassan Rouhani, who has vowed to shift relations with the West.

“Hopefully this can be the icing on the cake and then when the relationship between the two countries improves there can be a cherry on top where the United States will apologize for that and Iran will apologize for the hostage crisis and everybody can move on in a peaceful way,” he said.


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Philip J. Victor contributed to this report. With Al Jazeera and wire services.

Featured image: Mohammad Mosaddegh in court, 8 November 1953 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

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The attack in Moscow that resulted in the death of journalist Daria Platonova was primarily aimed at her father, Alexander Dugin, philosopher, creator of the modern school of geopolitics, head of the Department of Sociology of International Relations at Moscow’s Lomonosov State University, and founder of the International Eurasian Movement.

This is not simply the criminal act of an individual or small group, but a political crime planned and carried out by Western intelligence services, particularly those of the United States and Britain, according to well-established procedures.

First, the choice of target. In his interview with Grandangolo last April, Alexander Dugin explains that the Russian military operation in Ukraine is not only a response to the U.S.-NATO escalation, which endangers Russia’s security, but a response to the West’s globalist plan to maintain a unipolar world under its own rule. As an alternative to the globalist agenda Dughin envisions the creation of a multipolar world through a historic planetary pact of all people of different cultures and traditions who reject the globalist agenda. What is needed is a universal alliance against the Soros, Schwabs, Bill Gates and the global liberal oligarchy, who threaten humanity with their insane plans.

Within this framework is the International Eurasian Movement. The growing economic integration of Eurasia, which encourages negotiated conflict resolution and cross-cultural dialogue, contributes concretely to the transition from the unipolar world to the multipolar world, which the United States and other major powers of the West are trying hard to prevent.

Daria Platonova – an expert on international relations, columnist and contributor to radio and television channels – had contributed to a few episodes of Grandangolo, and in the coming months her collaboration was to take on a periodic character. The news of her murder shocked but did not silence us. Daria will remain with us on Byoblu.

This article was originally published on byoblu. Translated from Italian.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


The Russian FSB investigation

Latest Report from Zero Hedge  

The Russian Federal Security Service (“FSB”) has claimed that the assassination of Dugina was committed by a covert operative of Ukraine. The FSB has identified Natalia Vovk as the alleged assassin.

“As a result of a complex of urgent operational-search measures, the Federal Security Service has solved the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, born in 1992,” the FSB announced, going on to emphasize the culpibility of the Ukrainian government by stating that “the crime was prepared and committed by the Ukrainian special services[.]”

According to the FSB’s investigation, Vovk entered Russia in July before situating herself in the same apartment building that Dugina resided in. Vovk would then follow Dugina to the festival in which the explosive device that led to her death was planted. Vovk, who was accompanied by her 12-year old daughter, fled to Estonia following the assassination, according to Russian intelligence. Following her identification, Russian law enforcement agencies declared their intent to seek her extradition.

FSB alleges that Ukrainian spy Natalia Vovk assassinated Darya Dugina.

Following Dugina’s assassination, Ukraine was naturally implicated as being behind the murder given her father’s significant, albeit enigmatic, reputation as one of Vladimir Putin’s most influential ideologues. Kiev urgently washed its hands of any involvement as advisor Mykhailo Podolyak stated “Ukraine, of course, has nothing to do with yesterday’s explosion[.]” Although Ukrainian officials denied any involvement in the attack, President Volodymyr Zelensky warned of his anticipation that Dugina’s murder would inextricably result in the intensification Russia’s military campaign.

Given the reports of Vovk’s escape to Estonia, the location of the alleged assassin places Russia in a conflict against a NATO member state even more directly than the proxy war in Ukraine has. In 2016, the European Court of Justice set precedent which would justify any extradition request for Vovk by Russia. The case law that set that standard occurred when the court found that any member state of the European Union is obligated to accommodate an extradition request of any third-party non-member state even if the subject of the request is not a citizen of the EU nation itself. This decision followed a case in which Russia requested to have Estonian national Aleksei Petruhhin extradited from Latvia for drug trafficking offenses.

The legal framework set by the European Court of Justice will place Estonia in a crucible if Vovk has indeed found safe haven in the Baltic state. In addition to joining the EU in 2004, Estonia joined NATO that same year. The potential conflict arising between Estonia and the Russian Federation has the potential to trigger Article 5 of the NATO Charter which puts forth a collective defense clause meaning that any military engagement with a NATO member state constitutes action taken against the entire trans-Atlantic body whether it occurs as far east as Tallinn or as far west as Hawai’i.

Article 5 has been constantly dangled before Russia as a Sword of Damicles of sorts designed to dissuade any escalation of the Ukrainian conflict. The veiled threat was most recently invoked in response to Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and increased military incursions by Ukrainian military forces into Crimea. “Any deliberate damage causing potential radiation leak to a Ukrainian nuclear reactor would be a breach of NATO’s Article 5,” said UK MP Tobias Ellwood. His sentiments were echoed by US Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R – IL) who followed Ellwood’s declaration by stating “This really isn’t even up for debate; any leak will kill people in NATO countries, that’s an automatic article 5[.]” just hours before Dugina’s assassination.

While Article 5 of the NATO Charter has been used to threaten Russia from intensifying any aggression, the officials who have constantly cited the collective defense policy have done so under the pretense of preventing any further aggression. The assassination of Darya Dugina is a drastically different circumstance as Russia will surely perceive any potential action it takes to have Vovk extradited from Estonia as entirely justified and as a response to the murder, not an offensive attack against a NATO member state. As the manhunt for Vovk ensures, Europe again finds itself in the political crucible that enveloped the continent following Gravrilo Princip’s assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. However, in this historical iteration, it is the European central powers who find themselves in a position of being the aggressor that could provoke a catastrophic conflict with Russia.


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“Tell Me, Mother, What Does Peace Look Like?”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Ellen Rohlfs, August 22, 2022

When I read in “Global Research” of 17 August 2022 (“Haaretz” 11 August 2022) the article by Gideon Levy When Roger Waters Cried. “Has any Israeli Shed Tears for a Boy from Gaza?”‘” (1), I remembered the German peace activist Ellen Rohlfs (1927-2020), with whom I had a lively exchange in the mid-1990s.

Europe Quietly Abandoning Ukraine, as for the First Time, No New Military Pledges Have Been Made

By Uriel Araujo, August 23, 2022

According to Germany’s Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the six largest European countries gave Kiev no new military pledges last month, this being the first time such a thing has happened since the beginning of the conflict in February.

The Only Thing Keeping US and China From War Is Running Dangerously Thin

By Scott Ritter, August 23, 2022

American relations with China in regards to Taiwan have been dictated by years of ambiguous statements and commitments. Now this rhetoric is breaking down and armed conflict seems closer than ever – but is Washington ready to fight over Taiwan, or capable of winning?

The Hideous Assassination of Russian Journalist Daria Dugina, Designed to Enhance the Conflict?

By Stephen Karganovic, August 22, 2022

The appalling murder near Moscow a few days ago of Daria Dugina, daughter of the illustrious Russian philosopher and geostrategic thinker Alexander Dugin, ironically occurred precisely as the imbecilic solons of her country’s main geopolitical rival were contemplating legislation to designate Russia as a state “sponsor of terrorism.”

United Nations Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative

By Paul Joseph Watson, August 22, 2022

At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over 100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative on COVID via social media. The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although it is only going viral on Twitter today.

The Sword of Bolivar Is Wielded Again by the People of Latin America. Gustavo Petro Inauguration as President of Colombia

By Daniel Kovalik, August 22, 2022

For the first time since the liberation of Colombia from Spain by Simón Bolívar, Colombia now had leaders who promised to radically transform Colombia, and with it, all of Latin America. I was fortunate enough to be present at the inauguration ceremony which was just as exciting as one could have hoped for.

Countdown to the New Iranian Nuclear Deal

By Steven Sahiounie, August 22, 2022

The world is inching closer to restoring a deal to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb. The US is examining the Iranian response to a ‘final’ accord tabled by the EU in the latest round of negotiation for the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (or JCPOA, as the deal between Iran, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Germany and the European Union is known).

The Destabilization of Pakistan: The Media Regulator’s Ban on Imran Khan’s Live Broadcasts

By Andrew Korybko, August 22, 2022

All that the latest development will do is exacerbate the growing generational divide within the country, turn more people against the “official narrative”, and further worsen the socio-political (soft security) situation. Considering this, there’s no doubt that the destabilization of Pakistan is being driven by those same political forces tasked with protecting it, not their opponents.

Subverting Medicine: The Role of the Federation of State Medical Boards

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 22, 2022

The other day I received a link to this video, an appeal on behalf of an Irish General Practitioner, Dr. William Ralph, who is currently under investigation by the Medical Council of Ireland.  I learned of Dr. Ralph’s plight through his niece, Dr. Karen McDonnell, a psychiatrist who is on the verge of losing her job in New Zealand (where, incidentally there is a tremendous dearth of psychiatrists) because she refuses to receive a third Pfizer inoculation, thanks to New Zealand’s ill-considered and scientifically unfounded inoculation mandates for health practitioners.

Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA Vaccine for Troops

By Jordan Schachtel, August 22, 2022

Lawyers representing America’s service members are beginning to produce victories defending the U.S. Armed Forces against forced compliance with biomedical gene therapy experiments, and suddenly, nobody in the Pentagon wants to take accountability for their legally dubious mRNA injection order.

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According to Germany’s Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the six largest European countries gave Kiev no new military pledges last month, this being the first time such a thing has happened since the beginning of the conflict in February. Besides Spain, France, Germany and Italy, not even the UK and Poland have made any new military commitments to Ukraine, which is quite surprising considering they had been such staunch supporters. In any case, European military support had been decreasing since April. It would seem Europe is quietly and silently “abandoning” Kiev.

Overall European aid to Ukraine is in any case but a fraction of the estimated €800 billion pandemic recovery fund thus far conceded in loans and grants, for example. Germany in turn is taking too long to implement tank swamps with its neighbors, so that they send their own Soviet-era tanks to Kiev.

There are many possible reasons for what appears to be a gradual “abandonment”, and the fact that Transparency International’s corruption index ranks Ukraine in the bottom third can certainly play a role. It is true that the huge flow of European weapons to Ukraine certainly had an impact, particularly the Javelin missiles, but it is also true that as much as 70% of the weaponry sent never reached the troops, while large parts of it ended up in the black market. Interpol secretary general Jürgen Stock warned about the dangers posed by such a situation, pertaining to international terrorism and organized crime.

Be it as it may, the Western weapons could never guarantee Ukraine victory, and a Russian victory, even if a partial one, remains the only possible scenario. Slowly but surely, Moscow keeps making progress in its military operations. Its withdrawal from Northern Ukraine does not matter much, as “conquering Ukraine” was never a Russian goal – Moscow’s main point was alway about keeping NATO out of its own geostrategic environment and stopping Kiev’s aggression against the populations of Donetsk and Luhansk as well as the humanitarian disaster that has been going on there since 2014.

The second phase of the Russian “special operation” is all about encircling and neutralizing Kiev’s forces in Southeastern Ukraine, and, to a large degree, this is being done very efficiently. The infamous far-right Azov Regiment, which until recently had such a strong presence in the city of Mariupol, has been largely neutralized, and many of its leaders have been captured. Azov forces were oppressing and persecuting ethnic Greeks in the region, among other atrocities, and even though Russian rhetoric about “de-nazification” goals was much ridiculed by Western analysts, as part of the whitewashing of Azov, today almost no one denies the “neo-Nazi problem” around the Regiment .

The conflict is admittedly taking much longer than initially thought for a number of reasons, one of them being the simple fact that Kiev has from the very beginning militarized residential areas as part of human shield tactics, as exposed by the latest Amnesty International report. Besides Russian concerns pertaining to civilian casualties and human rights, Ukrainians are, from a Russian perspective, a historically united people, as Russian President Vladimir Putin himself has for years stated several times. This partly explains the relatively slow Russian advances.

As the winter approaches Europe, accompanied by the coming recession and an unprecedented wage of Ukrainian refugees, amid inflation and political crises, one could expect the EU to largely “abandon” Kiev, as its elites now fear an “European spring”. In Germany, public intellectuals have already collected thousands of signatures in a petition to end the flow of weapons to Ukraine.

A recent article by New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman has exposed the fact that the White House distrusts Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky. Ukraine is nonetheless preparing for its counter-offensive in the Kherson region. It is true that the US has just announced it is sending a $755 million package of weapons and supplies to its ally, to fuel its immediate artillery fight. It includes, among other things, 40 armored vehicles, and 1,000 Javelin anti-tank missiles, as well as HIMARS rockets and  more high-speed anti-radiation missiles (HARMs). The number of HIMARS sent was limited to 16, though, so as to not burn the Pentagon’s own stockpile. A senior Pentagon official has admitted that the Ukrainians lack sufficient troops to drive Russians from their positions. This American package in any case is far from being sufficient.

As aid initiatives are drying up and Zelensky is becoming an inconvenience, not much trusted by Washington, it remains to be seen how long the US, which struggles with its own domestic crisis (and is already facing frictions with China over Taiwan), will have the political will to remain bearing mostly alone the “burden” of supporting Kiev. It also remains to be seen how Kiev will perform without the expected new weapons from Europe it so ardently has been claiming to need.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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Dear Secretary General Antonio Guterres,

I am writing with grave concern about the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine.

I have been following this dangerous situation for many weeks. It is abundantly obvious to me that the US-installed Kiev government is doing the shelling of the nuclear plant.

Why would Russia want to contaminate the very region of Russian-ethnic citizens it is attempting to save from this out-of-control Kiev regime?

The fact that the Ukrainian plant personnel remain on their posts, and that Russia is trying to protect the plant from a disaster, indicates its good intentions in this matter.

I urge your offices to get the IAEA to the plant ASAP and you must publicly pin the blame for the shelling on the appropriate source – the Kiev regime that is clearly taking their marching orders from Washington.

Has the United Nations begun to also take their orders from the Biden administration? At this point one must surely wonder if that is the case as we face the possibility of a massive global disaster.

If you cannot perform your job appropriately, and protect the global population, then maybe it would be time for you to step aside and leave the post to someone more willing to speak truth to power.

The fate of much of humanity is at stake here.

In peace,

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space


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How Even a Limited Nuclear War Would Destroy the Planet

August 23rd, 2022 by Jasmine Owens

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There is no such thing as a “limited” nuclear war, a new study published in the Nature Food journal urgently warns us.

Led by Dr. Lili Xia of Rutgers University, this staggering report concludes that even a limited exchange of nuclear weapons between any two nuclear-armed states — using less than three percent of the global nuclear weapons supply — could lead to mass starvation and death of up to 2.5 billion people around the world. Even worse, they estimate that an all-out nuclear war between the United States and Russia would result in more than 5 billion deaths.

You read that right. Five. Billion. Deaths. This does not include the millions of people who would die immediately from the blasts, fires, and prompt radiation, nor those who would die in subsequent days, weeks, or years due to radiation exposure.

This is the latest scientific study in a string of reports dating back to the 1980s, with collaboration from climate scientists like Drs. Alan Robock and Brian Toon. Their previous studies reiterate the catastrophic consequences of the potential use of nuclear weapons, and further illustrate the dire need for nuclear abolition now.

Setting the Stage

Using the climate forecasting resource Community Earth System Model, Xia and co-authors sought to calculate how much sun-blocking soot would be injected into the atmosphere and stratosphere after firestorms following the detonation of nuclear weapons under six different scenarios. The scenarios largely focused on a potential nuclear war between India and Pakistan, mainly because the prior studies this report built off of used that scenario, and accuracy is fine-tuned when the models use the same context for each scenario. Given the long history of tension and rivalry, it is believed that India and Pakistan would be most likely to engage in a nuclear exchange.

The authors used population data from a 2010 population dataset, with the global population set at 6.7 billion. However, today’s global population is estimated to be around 8 billion, so it is likely that the amount of deaths would in fact be higher in the case of a nuclear war.

Unpacking the Data

So what exactly would lead to billions of deaths? When nuclear weapons are detonated over cities, they create smoke and soot from resulting firestorms. That debris would then rise high into the Earth’s atmosphere, up into the stratosphere, and stay there for years, blocking out the warmth of the sun.

What’s more, the climate models used were not built to account for another severe impact: damage to the ozone layer. In a companion report from International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), we learn that the soot is heated by the sunlight it is blocking. The heating of the soot (in the smallest exchange modeled) would destroy around 25 percent of the ozone, though up to 50-70 percent over the high northern hemisphere. This means the United States, Canada, Europe, and northern Asia, including parts of Russia and China, would be most impacted. A damaged ozone layer increases our exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to an increase of various health issues like sunburns, cataracs, and cancers.

With all the sunlight blocked by thick clouds of soot and ash, crop production will plummet. Combining the data from the Xia-led study and previous studies, depending on the size and amount of nuclear weapons detonated, global temperatures will drop anywhere between 1.3℃ in the most narrow case, to 6.5℃ in the most severe case. For context, climate scientists have been sounding the alarm for years that an abrupt rise in global temperatures by even 1℃ would have catastrophic consequences for humanity. Additionally, the last Ice Age that occurred was around 6℃ cooler than the temperatures we are experiencing today.

No matter the scenario, the drastic drop in temperatures would demolish crop production, and severely diminish livestock and aquatic food production as a result of overconsumption in the wake of crop depletion. In the smallest scenario of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan, calorie production from crops would decrease seven percent within five years of the conflict, and up to 50 percent in the largest scenario. Mass starvation would ensue. To provide context, a mere seven percent global calorie decline would be unprecedented. This decline would surpass  the largest decrease ever recorded since the United Nations began tracking this information in 1961.

Again, those most directly impacted would be the United States, Canada, much of Europe, Russia, and China. However, many regions like the Middle East, Africa and East Asia rely on these regions for food imports, so the effects would undoubtedly ripple to the rest of the world. Interestingly, as this region can tolerate a darker, cooler planet better than others, global temperature declines wouldn’t largely affect Australia and New Zealand. It is important to note, though, that this doesn’t account for other effects like radioactive fallout or ozone layer depletion. Australia and New Zealand would also likely have to contend with a massive influx of refugees from Asia and elsewhere.

A Strong Case for Nuclear Abolition

Grounding the nuclear weapons abolition movement in hard science and data, this latest report makes it extremely difficult to argue against the dire need to get rid of these weapons. Critics will say that no leader of a nuclear-armed state would ever use these weapons so we don’t need to worry about the world-altering effects of a potential nuclear war.

While this argument is grounded in the false assumption that every leader will always be rational and level-headed in their role as arbiters of doom, all it takes is an accident or miscalculation to make the impossible possible. U.S. nuclear weapons currently exist under hair trigger alert, meaning a president has about six minutes to decide whether or not they want to launch a nuclear strike if they believe the United States is under attack. Combine this with the too-long list of accidents and incidents that have occurred over time since the dawn of the nuclear age, it is easy to see how a nuclear war could start by mistake.

Since the United States dropped atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, we have survived off a game of luck. To this day, no country’s public health infrastructure can survive a nuclear attack.

Yet the nine nuclear weapons states — the United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Russia, Pakistan, India, China, and North Korea — continue to modernize and increase their arsenals, despite knowing they hold the power to destroy modern civilization as we know it.

No Time to Waste

This latest study should urge us to take action so that nuclear weapons states stop this dangerous gamble. Russia can lift its suspension of New START inspections, given this undermines the effectiveness of the only remaining arms control agreement between the United States and Russia. The United States — and any other nuclear weapon states that implement a similar policy — should remove its nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert so that a president has time to actually engage in rational thinking before responding to a potential nuclear attack and risking nuclear war. Ending sole authority, implementing a No First Use policy, and focusing on building a robust multilateral arms control regime are further steps the United States and other nuclear weapon states can take to ease growing tensions between the nuclear weapon states.

Additionally, we must insist that our members of Congress sign on to H.R. 2850 and H.Res.1185, both calling for the United States to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the first treaty to ban nuclear weapons. Moreover, H.Res.1185 calls on the United States to lead global efforts to prevent a nuclear war. This is extremely important, given the terrifying data on what would happen if such a scenario were to occur.

We all need to be working to abolish nuclear weapons so that none of these nuclear famine scenarios become reality. Because nuclear weapons neither discriminate nor recognize borders, our security is a matter of collective urgency. No one is safe until the last weapon is dismantled.


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Featured image is by Katrevich Valeriy via

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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American relations with China in regards to Taiwan have been dictated by years of ambiguous statements and commitments. Now this rhetoric is breaking down and armed conflict seems closer than ever – but is Washington ready to fight over Taiwan, or capable of winning?

Assurances and commitments

Officially, US policy toward Taiwan is guided by three US-China Joint Communiques issued between 1972 and 1982, the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, and the so-called “Six Assurances” issued in 1982. In the Shanghai Communique of 1972, China asserted that “the Taiwan question is the crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the United States,” declaring that “the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China,” that Taiwan is a province of China, and that “the liberation of Taiwan is China’s internal affair in which no other country has the right to interfere.”

The US responded by acknowledging that “all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China,” something the US government did not challenge. The US also reaffirmed its interest “in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.”

Before that, on January 1, 1979, the US and China had issued a “Joint Communique of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations” in which the US undertook to recognize “the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China,” noting that, within the context of that commitment, “the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.”

President Jimmy Carter, in announcing the communique, went out of his way to ensure the people of Taiwan “that normalization of relations between our country and the People’s Republic will not jeopardize the well-being of the people of Taiwan,” adding that “the people of our country will maintain our current commercial, cultural, trade, and other relations with Taiwan through nongovernmental means.”

Carter’s move to establish diplomatic relations with China did not sit well with many members of Congress, who responded by passing the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, in which it was declared that it is US policy “to preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, as well as the people on the China mainland,” and “to make clear that the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.”

In this regard, the Taiwan Relations Act underscored that the US would “consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States,” and “to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character.” Finally, the Act declared that the US would maintain the capacity “to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan.”

The emphasis on arms sales contained in the Taiwan Relations Act led to the third joint communiqué between the US and China, released on August 17, 1982, which sought to settle differences between the two nations regarding US arms sales to Taiwan. The communique was basically a quid-pro-quo agreement where China underscored that it maintained “a fundamental policy of striving for a peaceful reunification” with Taiwan, over which it claimed sovereignty. For its part, the US declared that it “understands and appreciates the Chinese policy of striving for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question,” and, with that in mind, the US declared that it did not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, and that it would gradually reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan while working for a final resolution to reunification.

To mollify Taiwanese concerns about the third communique, the US agreed to what have become known as “the Six Assurances” between the US and Taiwan. These are 1) the US has not set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan, 2) the US has not agreed to prior consultations with China about arms sales to Taiwan, 3) the US has not agreed to any mediation role between China and Taiwan, 4) the US has not agreed to revise the Taiwan Relations Act, 5) the US has not taken a position regarding the sovereignty of Taiwan, and 6) that the US would never put pressure on Taiwan to negotiate with China.

There was an unwritten corollary to the third communique—an internal memorandum signed by President Ronald Reagan in which he declared that “the US willingness to reduce its arms sales to Taiwan is conditioned absolutely upon the continued commitment of China to the peaceful solution of the Taiwan-PRC [People’s Republic of China] differences,” adding that “it is essential that the quantity and quality of the arms provided Taiwan be conditioned entirely on the threat posed by the PRC.”

A US policy at war with itself

What emerges from this amalgam of policy statements and positions is a US policy that is inherently at war with itself, unable to fully commit either to the finality of a “one China” policy or walk away from the sale of weapons to Taiwan. The US disguises this inherent inconsistency by referring to it as “strategic ambiguity.” The problem is this policy stew is neither strategic in vision, nor ambiguous.

From the moment President Reagan issued the “Six Assurances,” US-China policy was strained over the issue of weapons sales, with China making the case that the US was not serious about either the peaceful reunification of Taiwan with China, or the elimination of arms sales to Taiwan. Arms sales increased exponentially from the Reagan administration to that of George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, with the US providing Taipei F-16 fighters, Patriot surface-to-air missiles, and other advanced weapons. In 1997, House Speaker Newt Gingrich visited Taiwan as part of a Pacific tour that included China. Gingrich claims he told his Chinese hosts that, if China were to attack Taiwan, the US “will defend Taiwan. Period.”

In 2005, in response to US backsliding when it came to arms sales and Taiwan, China adopted legislation known as the “Anti-Secession Law” which stated firmly that Taiwan “is part of China.” In the law, China declared that it “shall never allow the ‘Taiwan independence’ secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.” China reiterated its official stance that reunification through “peaceful means” best serves the fundamental interests of China. However, the law made it clear that China would not stand idle in the face of any effort to “cause the fact of Taiwan’s secession from China.” If this were to occur, China would use “non-peaceful means and other necessary measures” to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Fast forward to 2021. The Biden administration, in policy guidance issued soon after the president was sworn in, undertook to deter Chinese aggression and counter threats to the “collective security, prosperity and democratic way of life” of the US and its allies, while publicly committing to a Taiwan policy which would be “in line with long-standing American commitments,” including the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, which limited US military support for Taiwan to weapons of a defensive character.

The brink of war

This, it turned out, was a lie. In his October 2021 confirmation hearing before the US Senate, the current US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns declared that, from the perspective of the Biden administration, the policy of “strategic ambiguity” provided the US with “enormous latitude” under the Taiwan Relations Act to deepen US security assistance to Taiwan. “Our responsibility,” Burns said, “is to make Taiwan a tough nut to crack.” This was a stark departure from past practice, and served as the justification for Biden himself, on two occasions, to articulate as policy an American commitment to come to the defense of Taiwan if China were to attack.

This radical departure from stated US policy by the Biden administration helped launch a Congressional trifecta of hubris-laced ignorance, which saw the dispatch of three consecutive delegations that threaten to propel China down the path toward a war with Taiwan it doesn’t want to wage, and which the world (including the US) is not prepared to suffer the consequences of. The first delegation, in May, was led by Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois). Prior to her departure from the US, Duckworth helped push through the “Strengthen Taiwan’s Security Act” which, among other things, sought to improve US-Taiwan intelligence sharing, develop plans to continue the provision of military aid in the case of a Chinese attack, and explore the possibility of deploying pre-positioned stocks of weapons for US troops that would be dispatched to Taiwan in the event of a war with China.

Let that last point sink in for a moment —Duckworth was proposing to implement measures that would guarantee US troops would confront Chinese troops in the case of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Part two of the Congressional trifecta of policy ignorance was the visit by Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, of which much has already be written. The final act in this tragicomedy is the visit of Senator Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts), which took place earlier this week. According to a press release issued by Markey’s office prior to his visit, his delegation would “meet with elected leaders and members of the private sector to discuss shared interests including reducing tensions in the Taiwan Strait and expanding economic cooperation, including investments in semiconductors.”

Source: Nancy Pelosi’s Facebook

Left unspoken is the environment in which all three of these visits took place. Even before Duckworth’s initial visit, Chinese authorities had taken the unprecedented step of issuing a stark warning regarding Taiwan. On May 18, China’s senior diplomat Yang Jiechi warned Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that “if the US continues to play the Taiwan card and head further on the wrong path, this will certainly lead to dangerous situations.”

Today China, the US, Taiwan, and the rest of the world are left to face such a “dangerous situation.”

There is no doubt that any undertaking by Taiwan to formally declare its independence from China will result in a Chinese invasion of that island. Moreover, it is unlikely that Taiwan would ever undertake such an action void of guarantees of US military support backed up by actions designed to breath reality into rhetoric. This is where the trio of Congressional delegations comes into play. Legislation such as that proposed by Duckworth, and seemingly supported by Pelosi and Markey, would be required if the US was to formally break with its past policy undertakings regarding China and Taiwan. The more Congress continues to interface with Taiwan, the more China must fear legislative action by the US Congress which would officially put the US and China on a path toward war.

As things currently stand, the US is not prepared to fight and win a war with China over Taiwan. If China were to invade Taiwan today, there is little the US military could do to put teeth to the verbal commitments made by Newt Gingrich and Joe Biden about coming to the defense of Taipei. China has, through large-scale military maneuvers undertaken following Pelosi’s precipitous visit, demonstrated its ability to invade Taiwan at any moment. Such an invasion, if it occurs, would be overwhelming in scope and destructive on a scale like that being experienced by Ukraine today in the face of Russia’s ongoing military operations.

And yet China continues to hold back. Some armchair generals assess the reluctance to go to war on China’s part as a sign of weakness, proof that Beijing is all bark and no bite. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Unlike the United States, China seeks to strictly adhere to its stated policy, which is to exhaust every peaceful option possible in securing the unification of China and Taiwan. Despite the clear evidence of a marked departure from past policy regarding Taiwan and weapons sales, China continues to believe that there is a non-violent solution to the one China problem.

If only America would give peace a chance.


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. 

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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After dropping two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, US government officials lied to the media and Congress, claiming there was “no radioactive residue” in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that civilians did not face “undue suffering,” that it was “a very pleasant way to die.”

After dropping two atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945, killing between 100,000 and 200,000 civilians, top US government officials lied to the media and Congress, claiming there was “no radioactive residue” in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that Japanese reports of deaths due to radiation were “propaganda.”

The US general overseeing the nuclear program told Congress that Japanese civilians did not face “undue suffering,” insisting that it was in fact “a very pleasant way to die.”

This information was revealed by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.

On August 8, the archive published declassified documents exposing this shocking history. The archive wrote:

the head of the [Manhattan] project, Gen. Leslie R. Groves, was so worried about public revulsion over the terrible effects of the new weapon – which a Navy report later in 1945 called “the most terrible agent of destruction known to man” – that he cut off early discussion within the MED of the problem. Later, he misleadingly told Congress there was “no radioactive residue” in the two devastated cities.  In doing so, he contradicted evidence from his own specialists whom he had sent to Japan to investigate.  Groves even insisted that those who had been exposed to radiation from the atomic explosions would not face “undue suffering. In fact, they say it is a very pleasant way to die.”

The New York Times echoed these falsehoods on behalf of the US government, publishing an article on September 13, 1945 titled “No radioactivity in Hiroshima ruin.”

In this case, the newspaper of record was repeating the lies of another top US official, Brig. Gen. T. F. Farrell, chief of the War Department’s atomic bomb mission. Like Groves, Farrell ignored his own medical experts and publicly denied that Japanese civilians were dying of radioactive fallout.

Doctor James N. Yamazaki was the lead physician of the US Atomic Bomb Medical Team sent to Nagasaki in 1945 to investigate the effects of the nuclear attack.

In his website Children of the Atomic Bomb, published by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Yamazaki wrote:

The real mortality of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan will never be known. The destruction and overwhelming chaos made orderly counting impossible. It is not unlikely that the estimates of killed and wounded in Hiroshima (150,000) and Nagasaki (75,000) are over conservative.

Yamazaki added that the “bomb was a deliberate act of destruction that destroyed human bodies, brains, and genes for generations.”

Multipolarista further detailed this gruesome history in a report after the assassination of Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this July.


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Ben Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. He is the assistant editor of The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels podcast, which he co-hosts with editor Max Blumenthal. His website is and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton.

Featured image is from Multipolarista

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The situation in Palestine can be summed up as follows: Rampant Settler violence and intimidation, state-sponsored racism and violence, modern, comfortable housing and living conditions for Jews only while Palestinians are denied basic services, killing of Palestinians across the board – activists, journalists, fighters, children and citizens of Israel. Palestinian organizations, even ones that are recognized internationally, have no protection and are subject to closure, arrests and confiscation of their property.

Nowhere in Palestine can Palestinians expect to be safe or to enjoy equality, justice or peace of mind. Be they citizens in El-Lyd or the Naqab, residents with limited rights in Jerusalem, or residents with no rights in ghettos across what used to be the West Bank. People living in Gaza, be they active or not, militant or not, men, women or children, Palestinian lives are expendable.

Services Denied

The misnamed and misunderstood phenomenon of murders within the Palestinian towns of 1948 – Palestinian citizens of Israel – is one example. The apartheid state and its media refer to it as “violence in the Arab society.” However, the violence is not initiated within the society but is skillfully directed and managed by the state and the various state agencies that are charged with overseeing Palestinian citizens. It should be referred to as “Violence directed at the Palestinian citizens of Israel,” but alas, that would recognize that they are Palestinians and that they are citizens who deserve to benefit from the services the state provides its Jewish citizens.

Services like trash collection, water supply, electricity, safe roads, general safety and policing are largely nonexistent in the Palestinian communities of 1948, communities made of Palestinian citizens of Israel. Furthermore, the phenomenon wrongly named “violence in the Arab community” lays the blame for the violence within these communities at the feet of the victims. The toll from this violence is enormous, with a higher rate of murder cases, the majority of which are never investigated, much less solved, is too high for any community.

Israel, of course, likes to place the blame for the violence on the victims themselves. As is well known by now, blaming the Palestinian victims is something that Israel does with great ability and success, thus absolving itself of any responsibility. However, the weapons, the criminals, and the lack of support for the community that is all but begging the authorities to collect the guns and arrest the criminals are all part of Israeli’s reckless disregard for Palestinian lives. All of this is now documented in an outstanding film called “Life in the shadow of Death,” made by Palestinian filmmaker and producer Bilal Yousef.

Daily Toll

Palestinians pay an almost daily toll of blood and pain demanded of them by Israel. “Clashes” is the word that the media likes to use when describing this levy, something that is always the result of Israeli forces attacking Palestinians. Perhaps those who publish in the corporate media are comforted by the thought that it was not a massive, immoral army blinded by hatred of Palestinians and love of killing that attacked civilians in their sleep. Perhaps they would rather think it was an actual clash in which Palestinian blood was spilled.

However, regardless of what the media and politicians decide to call it, Israel mobilizes numerically superior forces that are equipped with state-of-the-art weapons systems in order to engage in heavy shelling of residential areas and targeted killing of individuals, mostly remarkable young men. The purpose of the attacks is usually achieved and includes death and injuries to people who at most, were armed with a single semi-automatic rifle.

“Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in overnight Nablus raid.” Headlines like this can be seen almost daily, the name of the city may be Nablus or Jenin or Aida camp near Bethlehem, and the number of young men killed and injured changes. But the deadly spilling of young Palestinian blood is ongoing as the apartheid state tries to satisfy its unquenchable thirst for blood. On top of that, the new prime minister thinks he needs to spill Palestinian blood to boost his own political career so that we may expect more of the same.

The raids are always shown the following day on Israeli news channels. The so-called operations are described as “complex” and “heroic.” One of the recent raids resulted in the killing of an IDF-trained canine, and it too was mourned. According to The Jerusalem Post, when Israel went into Nablus to capture or kill Ibrahim Nabulsi, they surrounded his home, meaning that hundreds of special forces armed and paid for by U.S. taxpayer dollars were utilized to conduct raids and intimidation.

The toll paid by Palestinians this year alone is unthinkable. The latest assault on Nablus brings the casualty figures for the West Bank and Gaza close to 150 killed. Inside 1948 Palestine, the number of deaths is between 70-80 killed so far. The year is not yet over. And neither is the Israeli thirst for violence, which means more and more Palestinian mothers can expect to lose their children to Israeli bullets.

Palestinian Organizations Raided

As these words are being written, Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq reported that Israeli soldiers stormed its offices in Ramallah, confiscating items, and shutting down the main entrance with an iron plate. The army declared the organization unlawful.

Other groups that were raided this morning are Addameer, the Bisan Center for Research & Development, Defense for Children International-Palestine, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees and the Union of Agricultural Work Committee and the Union of Health Workers Committees.

Palestinians are at a point where they can find no support anywhere, regardless of the severity of their conditions. Be they simply people who want to live their lives, fighters, activists or organizations dedicated to human rights, they will be killed and harassed.


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Miko Peled is MintPress News contributing writer, published author and human rights activist born in Jerusalem. His latest books are”The General’s Son. Journey of an Israeli in Palestine,” and “Injustice, the Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five.”

Featured image is from Jewish Voice for Labour

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It is a good thing indeed that no close relatives of Ivan Ilyin are on record as surviving, otherwise they also would undoubtedly be targeted today for systematic elimination, one by one, in car bomb “accidents” and other similar terrorist acts.

Such seems to be the destiny of intellectuals (and even members of their families) from whom Russia’s leaders are rumoured to draw their inspiration. The assassination of Stolypin in Kiev over a century ago was an early illustration of how that works.

The appalling murder near Moscow a few days ago of Daria Dugina, daughter of the illustrious Russian philosopher and geostrategic thinker Alexander Dugin, ironically occurred precisely as the imbecilic solons of her country’s main geopolitical rival were contemplating legislation to designate Russia as a state “sponsor of terrorism.” It is, of course, for investigators to establish with certitude the identity of the crime’s perpetrators as well as their ultimate goals, but whether the criminals are situated in Kiev or elsewhere, tentatively at least the outrageous initiative of the moronic superpower legislators remains a classic example of Freudian projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in fact in their own minds.

The barbarism of the terrorist act which extinguished the life and charred the body of an innocent and talented young woman and a public figure in her own right, who was never associated with advocacy of violence against anyone, is abhorrent beyond description. Her “guilt”, if any, must have existed solely in the minds of her psychopathic assassins, and it could only have been by association with her father, Alexander Dugin, whose general views she articulately espoused. However, being just a philosopher, and obviously neither politician nor soldier, though the hit may actually have been aimed at him, in the penal and moral sense Dugin is just as blameless as his unfortunate daughter.

Image: Aleksandr Dugin, at the Civilizations of the Eurasian Area meeting on February 26, 2018 at the Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran. (By Fars Media Corporatio, licensed under CC BY 4.0)

But engaging in such meticulous rationalistic analyses is quite useless in this particular case because of the peculiar circumstances in which this outrage was conceived and perpetrated. It has been well said that “hell hath no fury” like (to slightly paraphrase) a hegemon scorned. Both Alexander Dugin (right) and his progeny, personified by daughter Daria, have in that sense been notorious scorners, and for the boldness and intellectual defiance they consistently displayed they have now been made to pay a terrible price to the deservedly scorned.

It is irrelevant whether the murderers were direct agents of the pathetic puppet regime in Kiev, or trained operatives sent by its foreign sponsors, issuing instructions from beyond the regime’s shrinking borders. It is also of little consequence who was the intended victim, the father or the daughter, because symbolically either would have served the organisers’ malevolent purposes, though arguably a successful hit on A. Dugin would have been preferred for greater reverberation. The main point to remember, however, is that shifting the battlefield from contending armies to targeted non-military individuals, as has now apparently been done, visibly adds a new and complex dimension to this conflict. It foreshadows a no-hold-barred assault by the furious barbarians not only on Russia’s intellectuals but more broadly its innocent civilians, very likely soon also targeting vindictively the civilian infrastructure.

Regardless, as things currently stand this wicked murder is likely to inflame the Russian public to an extreme degree, provoking demands for a forceful retaliatory reaction.

A hasty and in particular indiscriminate reaction of that sort would however be a grave miscalculation.

The Russian and Ukrainian people will again converge and they have nothing to gain, and much to lose, from the exacerbation of the artificially concocted conflict. It is therefore imperative, firstly, that, its results published, and culprits named. Secondly, the foundational documents of the upcoming international war crimes tribunal must be shaped wisely and flexibly, to mirror where possible mechanisms already conveniently established but shamefully misused by Western-sponsored outfits such as the Hague Tribunal and the ICC. The objective should be to facilitate the creation of a legal dragnet capable of being cast as widely as possible to apprehend not just foot-soldiers and direct hitmen but also authors and ideologues of the criminal orders, no matter how remote, as well as all participants and inciters in the Ukrainian joint criminal enterprise, whoever and wherever they might be.

Only thus could justice be modestly served in the wake of this hideous assassination which was clearly designed to enhance a conflict that should have been confined to armed militaries by elevating it to a higher level of inhumanity, making it nothing less than a terroristic reconfiguration of Goebbels’ desperate concept of “total war” promulgated when the defeat of Nazi Germany had become a certainty. The good guys must put the bad guys, in Kiev and beyond, on notice that the sheriff will methodically identify and hunt them down using effective legal instruments, whoever and wherever they are, regardless of high office or geographical distance that they hope might shield them from criminal responsibility.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Dietro l’assassinio politico di Daria Platonova

August 22nd, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

L’attentato a Mosca, che ha provocato la morte della giornalista Daria Platonova, aveva come obiettivo principale il padre, Alexander Dugin, filosofo creatore della moderna scuola di geopolitica, capo del Dipartimento di sociologia delle relazioni internazionali all’Università Statale Lomonosov di Mosca, fondatore del Movimento Internazionale Eurasiatico.

Non si tratta semplicemente dell’atto criminale di un singolo o un piccolo gruppo, ma di un delitto politico programmato e attuato dai servizi segreti Occidentali, in particolare quelli statunitensi e britannici, in base a consolidate procedure.

Anzitutto la scelta dell’obiettivo. Nell’intervista a Grandangolo dello scorso aprile, Alexander Dugin spiega che l’operazione militare russa in Ucraina non costituisce solo la risposta alla escalation USA-NATO, che mette in pericolo la sicurezza della Russia, ma la risposta al piano globalista dell’Occidente per mantenere un mondo unipolare sotto il proprio dominio. In alternativa all’agenda globalista Dughin prospetta la creazione di un mondo multipolare, attraverso un patto storico planetario di tutte le persone di diverse culture e tradizioni che rifiutano l’agenda globalista. Occorre un’alleanza universale contro i Soros, gli Schwab, i Bill Gates e l’oligarchia liberale globale, che minacciano l’umanità con i loro folli piani.

In tale quadro si inserisce il Movimento Internazionale Eurasiatico. La crescente integrazione economica dell’Eurasia, che incoraggia la risoluzione negoziale dei conflitti e il dialogo interculturale, contribuisce in modo concreto al passaggio dal mondo unipolare al mondo multipolare, che gli Stati Uniti e le altre maggiori potenze dell’Occidente cercano con ogni mezzo di impedire.

Daria Platonova – esperta di relazioni internazionali, editorialista e collaboratrice di canali radiotelevisivi – ha collaborato ad alcune puntate di Grandangolo e nei prossimi mesi la sua collaborazione avrebbe dovuto assumere carattere periodico. La notizia del suo assassinio ci ha sconvolti ma non messi a tacere. Daria resterà con noi su Byoblu.

Byoblu è la TV dei cittadini e per questo vive solo di donazioni. La trasparenza per noi è importante. Da oggi, insieme alla richiesta donazioni, potrai verificare in maniera visiva, in tempo reale e giorno per giorno, quanti soldi sono entrati e quanti sono usciti dalle casse di Byoblu. Le uscite sono calcolate come media giornaliera dei costi fissi previsti in tutto il mese, più le spese extra, aggiunte giorno per giorno.

Quando la linea rossa è al di sopra di quella verde, significa che Byoblu è a rischio, e che il pericolo è tanto più reale quanto la distanza tra le due è ampia. Quando la linea verde è al di sopra di quella rossa, non significa che bisogna smettere di donare, ma solo che le cose stanno andando bene e non c’è motivo di preoccuparsi. Puoi visionare il dettaglio delle spese e delle entrate del mese qui.

Avere una televisione libera e indipendente è importantissimo per una democrazia, ed è tanto più importante tenerla in buona salute, perché sia pronta quando la situazione dei diritti civili e delle libertà individuali improvvisamente tracolla.

Per questo è importante essere responsabili ed avere cura della propria televisione. Teniamo d’occhio il grafico, tutti insieme, ogni giorno, e quando vediamo la linea rossa superare quella verde, allora è il momento di donare, e soprattutto di chiedere agli altri di fare altrettanto.

Video :

Siamo milioni, se davvero crediamo che avere una televisione libera e indipendente sia importante, allora tenerla accesa sarà semplice come ordinare un caffè al bar. La libertà è come una tenue fiammella che va tenuta sempre accesa, pronta a divampare quando serve. Guai a lasciarla spegnere!

Manlio Dinucci



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„Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus?“

August 22nd, 2022 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Als ich in „Global Research“ vom 17. August 2022 („Haaretz“ 11. August 2022) den Artikel von Gideon Levy Als Roger Waters weinte: ‚Hat ein Israeli Tränen für einen Jungen aus Gaza vergossen?‘“ (1) las, erinnerte ich mich an die deutsche Friedensaktivistin Ellen Rohlfs (1927-2020), mit der ich Mitte der neunziger Jahre in regem Austausch stand.

Heute werde ich – in herzlichem Gedenken an diese vorbildliche Frau – allein aus ihrem Buch zitieren: „Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus? Nachdenkliches und Frag-Würdiges zum Israel-Palästina-Konflikt mit einem Vorwort von Uri Avnery“. (2)

Buchcover, Vorwort, Widmung

Bereits das Buchcover mit dem in großen Buchstaben geschriebenen Wort „Frieden“ in mehreren Sprachen vermittelt den Inhalt des Buches: Es geht um Frieden, Verständigung und Versöhnung zwischen den beiden Völkern – den Israelis und den Palästinensern.

In „einer Art Vorwort“ schreibt der israelische Journalist, Schriftsteller, Politiker und Friedensaktivist Uri Avnery:

„Als Israeli möchte ich nicht mit anderen moralischen Maßstäben gemessen werden als jedes andere Volk. Zionismus bedeutet für mich das Verlangen, als normales Volk in einem normalen Staat zu leben.“


„Was mir an diesem Buch am meisten imponiert, ist, dass es für beide Seiten dieses tragischen Konfliktes Verständnis hat. Darauf kommt es an. Es ist meine tiefste Überzeugung, dass man nicht gegen Israel sein muss, wenn man mit den Palästinensern sympathisiert – und dass man nicht gegen die Palästinenser sein muss, wenn man Israel liebt. Das Gegenteil stimmt: Man kann und muss für Israel, für die Palästinenser, für die Menschlichkeit und für den Frieden sein. Ellen Rohlfs ist es.“ (3)

Im Anschluss an das Vorwort vier Zitate als Widmung:

„Motto: ‚Israel mus live – must others die?“ (Poster bei einer Peace-Now-Demonstration)“

„‘Ein Mensch, der ein Mensch ist, kann nicht schweigen zu dem, was geschieht.‘ Erich Fried (aus ‚Höre Israel!‘)“

„‘Wer schweigt, stimmt zu!‘ (aus dem Talmud und aus dem Appell israelischer Friedensgruppen an die Freunde Israels s. Anhang II)“

„‘Wer ist ein Held? Der aus Feinden Freunde macht.‘ Avot d’Rabbi Nathan“ (4)

Einleitung von Ellen Rohlfs

„Auch wenn auf diesem Band die Frage eines Kindes steht: ‚Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus?‘ so ist diese Frage eine viel ernstere und schwerwiegendere als die ‚bedeutenden Fragen‘ des ‚kleinen Prinzen‘ (St. Exupéry) an die Welt der Erwachsenen. Die Frage des Kindes ist so ernst, weil sie – dem Kind natürlich nicht bewusst – nicht nur lokale, sondern aus bestimmten Gründen globale Bedeutung hat.

Seit Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts befassen sich weltweit verantwortliche Politiker, Staatsminister und Außenminister, jüdische und nichtjüdische, amerikanische und europäische, die UNO und der Weltsicherheitsrat, namhafte Persönlichkeiten, Nahostexperten, Wirtschaftsmanager, Historiker, Theologen, Friedensforscher und viele andere mit der Frage, wie in Nahost Frieden geschaffen werden könnte, wie der Frieden in diesem kleinen Land, in dem seit etwa 100 Jahren zwei Völker miteinander leben müssen, aussehen sollte.


Und es kann auch nur dann Frieden zwischen beiden Völkern werden, wenn ‚die Israelis die Palästinenser wie Menschen behandeln‘, wie kürzlich ein Jude uns gegenüber zum Ausdruck brachte. Genau dafür plädiere ich, dies klage ich ein, dafür schreie ich auf – und warte ungeduldig auf Frieden in diesem Land, auf Frieden zwischen den beiden Völkern, zwischen den Israelis und den Palästinensern. …sollten wir heute – nach dem 13. September 1993 – dem Frieden ein Stück näher gekommen sein? Renne ich inzwischen offene Türen ein? Ich wäre wirklich froh.“ (5)

„Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus?“

Gegen Ende des Buches beschreibt Rohlfs, wie der Frieden auch in Israel und Palästina aussehen könnte

„Kinder malen ihre Welt. Sie malen sie so, wie sie sie erleben, so wie sie sie sehen, und mitten darin ihr kleines, großes Ich. Sie malen ihre Wünsche, ihre Träume…Zu den Träumen und Wünschen der Kinder Palästinas gehört die Sehnsucht, nicht ständig in Angst sein zu müssen: angstfrei zu spielen und angstfrei zu lernen, angstfrei sich auf der Straße zu bewegen, und angstfrei sich unter den Olivenbäumen zu tummeln und ohne Angst zwischen den Felsen ihres eigenen Landes herumzustreifen, ohne die Neugierde weckenden Objekte zu finden, die in ihren Händen explodieren.

Was für andere Kinder normal und selbstverständlich ist, angstfrei sich in den eigenen vier Wänden aufzuhalten mit Geschwistern, Eltern und Großeltern – und meistens sind die Räume sehr klein – auch angstfrei zu schlafen – ist seit langem für palästinensische Kinder nicht mehr selbstverständlich. Nächtliche Störungen durch rücksichtslose israelische Soldaten, die einen angeblich versteckten Terroristen suchen, sind an der Tagesordnung.

Kinder wollen auch nicht tage- und wochenlang wegen Ausgangssperre in ihren eigenen vier Wänden wie in einem Gefängnis eingesperrt sein – sie haben kaum Spielzeug. Den ganzen Tag vor dem Fernseher zu sitzen – wer hält das unbeschadet aus? Langeweile und Raufereien unter den Geschwistern gehören deshalb zum Alltag – auch Prügel von den Eltern; denn sie sind genauso gereizt und weniger geduldig; auch sie leben in ständiger Angst. Eines der vielen Kinder ist immer am Schreien. Die Spannung ist kaum zu ertragen.

Schlaf- und Essstörungen sind inzwischen normal, auch das Bettnässen…Niemand wundert sich mehr darüber. Die Ärzte haben resigniert – was sollen sie auch tun? Eine Reihe von Kindern sehen ihre Mutter sogar nur beim Besuch im Gefängnis, und nicht einmal hier dürfen sie von ihr in den Arm genommen werden. Warum ist Mutter eigentlich im Gefängnis? Hat sie sich nicht nur gegen die brutalen Soldaten zur Wehr gesetzt? Hat sie sich nicht nur vor den Bruder gestellt, damit ‚sie‘ ihn nicht mitnehmen? Mutter ist doch keine Verbrecherin.

Und immer wieder stehen die Kinder an einem offenen Grab, der große, tapfere Bruder wird hineingelegt oder ein kleines Geschwisterchen, das am Tränengas erstickte. Die Mutter weint, der Vater weint – das Kind aber versteht nicht, was los ist…Ist das das Leben? Und wenn die Kinder einmal zur Ruhe kommen, dann malen sie und stellen eine der tausend Fragen: ‚Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus, ich möchte ihn malen.‘ Sie wissen nicht, was Frieden ist – sie haben nie Frieden erlebt.


Doch von einem etwa neunjährigen palästinensischen Kind habe ich eine schlichte, aber bewegende Zeichnung. Seine Eltern scheinen noch immer und trotz allem auf Versöhnung zu bauen – und nicht auf Hass. Ich beschreibe die Zeichnung:

Zwei Kinder stehen sich gegenüber. Das eine trägt auf seinem Kopf ein Käppchen, das andere ein schwarz-weißes Tuch, die Keffiye, und um es ganz deutlich zu machen, ist über dem mit dem Käppchen die israelische Flagge mit dem Davidstern, und über dem anderen Kind die palästinensische Fahne mit den vier Farben. Die Kinder reichen sich die Hände. Flankiert sind sie aber mit allerlei Waffen, Panzern, Flugzeugen und Gewehren – diese jedoch kräftig durchgestrichen. Sie wollen ohne bedrohende, todbringende Waffen leben. Sie wollen keine Angst mehr voreinander haben. Sie wollen mit- und nicht gegeneinander leben. Sie wollen miteinander spielen, miteinander feiern und fröhlich sein.

So sähe Frieden aus auch in Israel und Palästina. Aus einer ungewöhnlichen Mixtur von erlebter täglicher Angst, Naivität, Wünschen und Hoffnung entstand die Kinderzeichnung von Frieden und Versöhnung.“ (6)


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Lehrer (Rektor a. D.), Doktor der Pädagogik (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Schwerpunkte: Klinische-, Pädagogische-, Medien- sowie Individual-Psychologie). Viele Jahrzehnte unterrichtete er, bildete Hochschulabsolventen fort, gründete zusammen mit Kollegen eine Modellschule für ehemalige Schulversager, bildete Beratungslehrkräften aus und war schließlich Staatlicher Schulberater. Als Pensionär arbeitete er viele Jahre als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung und eine Erziehung zum Gemeinsinn und Frieden.



2. Rohlfs, Ellen (1993). Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus? Nachdenkliches und Frag-Würdiges zum Israel-Palästina-Konflikt. Mit einem Vorwort von Uri Avnery. Tossens

3. a. O., S. 10

4. a. O., S. 11

5. a. O., S. 12 ff.

6. a. O., S. 178 ff.

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“Tell Me, Mother, What does Peace Look Like?”

August 22nd, 2022 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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When I read in “Global Research” of 17 August 2022 (“Haaretz” 11 August 2022) the article by Gideon Levy When Roger Waters Cried. “Has any Israeli Shed Tears for a Boy from Gaza?”‘” (1), I remembered the German peace activist Ellen Rohlfs (1927-2020), with whom I had a lively exchange in the mid-1990s.

Today – in heartfelt remembrance of this exemplary woman – I will quote from her book alone: “Tell Me, Mother, what does peace look like?

Sag, Mutter, wie sieht Frieden aus? Dura Verlag Tossens 1993,

Thoughtful and question-worthy reflections on the Israel-Palestine conflict with a foreword by Uri Avnery”. (2)

Book cover, foreword, dedication

The book cover with the word “peace” written in large letters in several languages already conveys the content of the book: it is about peace, understanding and reconciliation between the two peoples – the Israelis and the Palestinians.

In “a kind of preface”, the Israeli journalist, writer, politician and peace activist Uri Avnery writes:

“As an Israeli, I do not want to be measured by different moral standards than any other people. Zionism for me means the desire to live as a normal people in a normal state.”


“What impresses me most about this book is that it has understanding for both sides of this tragic conflict. That is what matters. It is my deepest conviction that you don’t have to be against Israel if you sympathise with the Palestinians – and that you don’t have to be against the Palestinians if you love Israel. The opposite is true: One can and must be for Israel, for the Palestinians, for humanity and for peace. Ellen Rohlfs is.” (3)

Following the preface, four quotes as dedications:

“Motto: ‘Israel must live – must others die?” (poster at a Peace Now demonstration)”

“‘A man who is a man cannot be silent about what is happening.’ Erich Fried (from ‘Hear Israel!’)”

“‘He who is silent agrees!’ (from the Talmud and from the appeal of Israeli peace groups to the friends of Israel see Appendix II)”

“‘Who is a hero? He who makes friends of enemies.’ Avot d’Rabbi Nathan” (4)

Introduction by Ellen Rohlfs

“Even though this volume contains the question of a child: ‘Tell me, mother, what does peace look like?’ this question is a much more serious and grave one than the ‘significant questions’ of the ‘little prince’ (St. Exupéry) to the adult world. The child’s question is so serious because – of course, the child is not aware of it – it has not only local but, for certain reasons, global significance.

Since the beginning of this century, responsible politicians worldwide, ministers of state and foreign ministers, Jewish and non-Jewish, American and European, the UN and the World Security Council, renowned personalities, Middle East experts, economic managers, historians, theologians, peace researchers and many others have been dealing with the question of how peace could be created in the Middle East, what peace should look like in this small country where two peoples have had to live together for about 100 years.


And there can also only be peace between the two peoples if ‘the Israelis treat the Palestinians like human beings’, as a Jew recently expressed to us. This is what I plead for, this is what I complain for, this is what I cry out for – and I wait impatiently for peace in this land, for peace between the two peoples, between the Israelis and the Palestinians. …should we have come a little closer to peace today – after 13 September 1993? Am I knocking down open doors in the meantime? I would be really happy.” (5)

“Tell me, mother, what does peace look like?”

Towards the end of the book, Rohlfs describes how peace could also look in Israel and Palestine:

“Children paint their world. They paint it as they experience it, as they see it, and in the middle of it their little, big selves. They paint their desires, their dreams…Among the dreams and desires of the children of Palestine is the longing not to have to be in fear all the time: to play without fear and to learn without fear, to move in the streets without fear, and to romp among the olive trees without fear, and to roam among the rocks of their own land without fear, without finding the objects that arouse curiosity exploding in their hands.

What is normal and taken for granted for other children, to stay fearlessly within their own four walls with siblings, parents and grandparents – and usually the rooms are very small – also to sleep fearlessly – has not been taken for granted for Palestinian children for a long time. Nightly disturbances by ruthless Israeli soldiers looking for a supposedly hidden terrorist are commonplace.

Children also don’t want to be locked up in their own homes for days and weeks at a time like in a prison because of curfew – they hardly have any toys. Sitting in front of the TV all day – who can stand that unscathed? Boredom and scuffles among the siblings are therefore part of everyday life – also beatings from the parents; because they are just as irritable and less patient; they also live in constant fear. One of the many children is always screaming. The tension is almost unbearable.

Sleeping and eating disorders are now normal, even bed-wetting…No one is surprised about it any more. The doctors have resigned – what else can they do? A number of children even only see their mother when they visit her in prison, and not even here are they allowed to be held by her. Why is mother actually in prison? Didn’t she just defend herself against the brutal soldiers? Didn’t she just stand in front of her brother so that ‘they’ wouldn’t take him away? Mother is not a criminal after all.

And again and again the children stand at an open grave, the big, brave brother is laid in it or a little sibling who choked on the tear gas. The mother cries, the father cries – but the child does not understand what is going on…Is this life? And once the children get calm, they paint and ask one of the thousand questions: ‘Tell me, mother, what does peace look like, I want to paint it.’ They don’t know what peace is – they have never experienced peace.


But I have a simple but moving drawing of a Palestinian child of about nine years old. His parents seem still and despite everything to be building on reconciliation – and not on hatred. I describe the drawing:

Two children are facing each other. One wears a cap on his head, the other a black and white scarf, the keffiye, and to make it very clear, above the one with the cap is the Israeli flag with the Star of David, and above the other child the Palestinian flag with the four colours. The children are holding hands. They are flanked, however, by all kinds of weapons, tanks, aeroplanes and guns – but these are heavily crossed out. They want to live without threatening, deadly weapons. They no longer want to be afraid of each other. They want to live with each other and not against each other. They want to play together, celebrate together and be happy together.

This is what peace would look like in Israel and Palestine. From an unusual mixture of experienced daily fear, naivety, wishes and hope, the children’s drawing of peace and reconciliation emerged.” (6)


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a teacher (retired headmaster), a doctor of education (Dr. paed.) and a graduate psychologist (specialisations: He specialises in clinical, educational, media and individual psychology.) He taught for many decades, trained university graduates, founded a model school for former school failures together with colleagues, trained counselling teachers and was finally a state school counsellor. As a retiree, he worked for many years as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral values education and an education for public spirit and peace.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.



(2) Rohlfs, Ellen (1993). Say, mother, what does peace look like? Thoughtful and question-worthy reflections on the Israel-Palestine conflict. With a foreword by Uri Avnery. Tossens

(3) op. cit., p. 10

(4) op. cit., p. 11

(5) op. cit., p. 12 ff.

(6) op. cit., p. 178 ff.

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First published on July 12, 2022





As the saying goes, if you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The West has the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato), a self-declared “defensive” military alliance – so any country that refuses its dictates must, by definition, be an offensive military threat. 

That is part of the reason why Nato issued a new “strategic concept” document last week at its summit in Madrid, declaring for the first time that China poses a “systemic challenge” to the alliance, alongside a primary “threat” from Russia.

Beijing views this new designation as a decisive step by Nato on the path to pronouncing it a “threat” too – echoing the alliance’s escalatory approach towards Moscow over the past decade. In its previous mission statement, issued in 2010, Nato advocated “a true strategic partnership” with Russia.

According to a report in the New York Times, China would have found itself openly classed as a “threat” last week had it not been for Germany and France. They insisted that the more hostile terminology be watered down so as to avoid harming their trade and technology links with China.

In response, Beijing accused Nato of “maliciously attacking and smearing” it, and warned that the alliance was “provoking confrontation”. Not unreasonably, Beijing believes Nato has strayed well out of its sphere of supposed “defensive” interest: the North Atlantic.

Nato was founded in the wake of the Second World War expressly as a bulwark against Soviet expansion into Western Europe. The ensuing Cold War was primarily a territorial and ideological battle for the future of Europe, with the ever-present mutual threat of nuclear annihilation.

So how, Beijing might justifiably wonder, does China – on the other side of the globe – fit into Nato’s historic “defensive” mission? How are Chinese troops or missiles now threatening Europe or the US in ways they weren’t before? How are Americans or Europeans suddenly under threat of military conquest from China?

Creating enemies

The current Nato logic reads something like this: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February is proof that the Kremlin has ambitions to recreate its former Soviet empire in Europe. China is growing its military power and has similar imperial designs towards the rival, breakaway state of Taiwan, as well as western Pacific islands. And because Beijing and Moscow are strengthening their strategic ties in the face of western opposition, Nato has to presume that their shared goal is to bring western civilisation crashing down.

Or as last week’s Nato mission statement proclaimed: “The deepening strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests.”

But if anyone is subverting the “rules-based international order”, a standard the West regularly invokes but never defines, it looks to be Nato itself – or the US, as the hand that wields the Nato hammer.

That is certainly the way it looks to Beijing. In its response, China argued: “Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, [Nato] has not yet abandoned its thinking and practice of creating ‘enemies’ … It is Nato that is creating problems around the world.”

China has a point. A problem with bureaucracies – and Nato is the world’s largest military bureaucracy – is that they quickly develop an overriding institutional commitment to ensuring their permanent existence, if not expansion. Bureaucracies naturally become powerful lobbies for their own self-preservation, even when they have outlived their usefulness.

If there is no threat to “defend” against, then a threat must be manufactured. That can mean one of two things: either inventing an imaginary threat, or provoking the very threat the bureaucracy was designed to avert or thwart. Signs are that Nato – now embracing 30 countries – is doing both.

Remember that Nato should have dissolved itself after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. But three decades later, it is bigger and more resource-hungry than ever.

Against all advice, and in violation of its promises, Nato has refused to maintain a neutral “security buffer” between itself and Russia. Instead, it has been expanding right up to Russia’s borders, including creeping furtively into Ukraine, the gateway through which armies have historically invaded Russia.

Offensive alliance

Undoubtedly, Russia has proved itself a genuine threat to the territorial integrity of its neighbour Ukraine by conquering its eastern region – home to a large ethnic Russian community the Kremlin claims to be protecting. But even if we reject Russian President Vladimir Putin’s repeated assertion that Moscow has no larger ambitions, the Russian army’s substantial losses suggest it has scant hope of extending its military reach much further.

Even if Moscow were hoping to turn its attention next to Poland or the Baltic states, or Nato’s latest recruits of Sweden and Finland, such a move would clearly risk nuclear confrontation. This is perhaps why western audiences hear so much from their politicians and media about Putin being some kind of deranged megalomaniac.

The claim of a rampant, revived Russian imperialism appears not to be founded in any obvious reality. But it is a very effective way for Nato bureaucrats to justify enlarging their budgets and power, while the arms industries that feed off Nato and are embedded in western capitals substantially increase their profits.

The impression that this might have been Nato’s blueprint for handling Moscow is only underscored by the way it is now treating China, with even less justification. China has not recently invaded any sovereign territories, unlike the US and its allies, while the only territory it might threaten – Taiwan – is some 12,000 kilometres from the US mainland, and a similarly long distance from most of Europe.

The argument that the Russian army may defeat Ukraine and then turn its attention towards Poland and Finland at least accords with some kind of geographical possibility, however remote. But the idea that China may invade Taiwan and then direct its military might towards California and Italy is in the realms of preposterous delusion.

Nato’s new posture towards Beijing brings into question its whole characterisation as a “defensive” alliance. It looks very much to be on the offensive.

Russian red lines

Notably, Nato invited to the summit for the first time four states from the Asia-Pacific region: Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea.

The creation of a Nato-allied “Asia-Pacific Four” is doubtless intended to suggest to Beijing parallels with Nato’s gradual recruitment of eastern European states starting in the late 1990s, culminating in its more recent flirting with Ukraine and Georgia, longstanding red lines for Russia.

Ultimately, Nato’s courting of Russia’s neighbours led to attacks by Moscow first on Georgia and then on Ukraine, conveniently bolstering the “Russian threat” narrative. Might the intention behind similar advances to the “Asia-Pacific Four” be to provoke Beijing into a more aggressive military stance in its own region, in order to justify Nato expanding far beyond the North Atlantic, claiming the entire globe as its backyard?

There are already clear signs of that. In May, US President Joe Biden vowed that the US – and by implication Nato – would come to Taiwan’s aid militarily if it were attacked. Beijing regards Taiwan, some 200 kilometres off its coast, as Chinese territory.

Similarly, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss called last week for Nato countries to ship advanced weapons to Taiwan, in the same way Nato has been arming Ukraine, to ensure the island has “the defence capability it needs”.

This echoes Nato’s narrative about its goals in Ukraine: that it is pumping weapons into Ukraine to “defend” the rest of Europe. Now, Nato is casting itself as the guardian of the Asia-Pacific region too.

‘Economic coercion’

But in truth, this is not just about competing military threats. There is an additional layer of western self-interest, concealed behind claims of a “defensive” alliance.

Days before the Nato summit, the G7, a group of the seven leading industrialised nations that form the core of Nato, announced their intention to raise $600bn to invest in developing countries.

This move wasn’t driven by altruism. The West has been deeply worried by Beijing’s growing influence on the world stage through its trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative, announced in 2013.

China is being aggressive, but so far only in exercising soft power. In the coming decades, it plans to invest in the infrastructure of dozens of developing states. More than 140 countries have so far signed up to the initiative.

China’s aim is to make itself the hub of a global network of new infrastructure projects – from highways and ports to advanced telecommunications – to strengthen its economic trade connections to Africa, the Middle East, Russia and Europe.

If it succeeds, China will stamp its economic dominance on the globe – and that is what really worries the West, particularly the US and its Nato military bureaucracy. They are labelling this “economic coercion”.

This week, the heads of the FBI and MI5 – the US and UK’s domestic intelligence services – held an unprecedented joint news conference in London to warn that China was the “biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security”. Underscoring western priorities, they added that any attack on Taiwan would “represent one of the most horrific business disruptions the world has ever seen”.

Unilateral aggression

Back in the Cold War era, Washington was not just, or even primarily, worried about a Soviet military invasion. The nuclear doctrine of mutually assured destruction meant neither had an interest in direct confrontation.

Instead, each treated developing nations as pawns in an economic war over resources to be plundered and markets to be controlled. Each side tried to expand its so-called “sphere of influence” over other states and secure a larger slice of the planet’s wealth, in order to fuel its domestic economy and expand its military industries.

The West’s rhetoric about the Cold War emphasised an ideological battle between western freedoms and Soviet authoritarianism. But whatever significance one attributes to that rhetorical fight, the more important battle for each side was proving to other states the superiority of the economic model that grew out of its ideology.

In the early Cold War years, it should be recalled, communist parties were frontrunners to win elections in several European states – something that was starkly evident to the drafters of the Nato treaty.

The US invested so heavily in weapons – today, its military budget exceeds the combined spending of the next nine countries – precisely to strong-arm poorer nations into its camp, and punish those that refused. That task was made easier after the fall of the Soviet Union. In a unipolar world, Washington got to define who would be treated as a friend, and on what terms, and who a foe.

Nato chiefly served as an alibi for US aggression, adding a veneer of multilateral legitimacy to its largely unilateral militarism.

Debt slavery

In reality, the “rules-based international order” comprises a set of US-controlled economic institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, that dictate oppressive terms to increasingly resentful poor countries – often the West’s former colonies – in desperate need of investment. Most have ended up in permanent debt slavery.

China is offering them an alternative, and in the process it threatens to gradually erode US economic dominance. Russia’s apparent ability to survive the West’s economic sanctions, while those sanctions rebound on western economies, underscores the tenuousness of Washington’s economic primacy.

More generally, Washington is losing its grip on the global order. The rival BRICS group – of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – is preparing to expand by including Iran and Argentina in its power bloc. And both Russia and China, forced into deeper alliance by Nato hostility, have been seeking to overturn the international trading system by decoupling it from the US dollar, the central pillar of Washington’s hegemonic status.

The recently released “Nato 2030” document stresses the importance of Nato remaining “ready, strong and united for a new era of increased global competition”. Last week’s strategic vision listed China’s sins as seeking “to control key technological and industrial sectors, critical infrastructure, and strategic materials and supply chains”. It added that China “uses its economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and enhance its influence”, as though this was not exactly what the US has been doing for decades.

Washington’s greatest fear is that, as its economic muscle atrophies, Europe’s vital trading links with China and Russia will see its economic interests – and eventually its ideological loyalties – shift eastwards, rather than stay firmly in the western camp.

The question is: how far is the US willing to go to stop that? So far, it looks only too ready to drag Nato into a military sequel to the Cold War – and risk pushing the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation.


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Jonathan Cook is the the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at:

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First published by Global Research on August 8, 2022


The steady unmasking of some nasty realities is finally infusing added intellectual oxygen into the public’s heightened awareness of the pervasive speciousness permeating the misnamed pandemic.

As we move towards the final months of 2022, many open veins of fraud are being unearthed.

A more accurate COVID narrative is being brought to light for many people previously trapped in closed catacombs of mass communications.

See video of Tucker Carlson here.

How many more lives will unnecessarily be lost or lessened in quality because of the lethal dangers still lurking in many dark dungeons of media censorship and thought control?

The increased awareness of COVID disinformation is helping to draw public attention to the onslaught of an extremely aggressive COVID crime spree directed against the largest part of the human species.

Dr. Peter McCullough speaks for a large and growing constituency when he explains the necessity of further investigations “to untangle and delineate” many violations of domestic and international law as well as of common decency. Again and again the COVID travesties are described as the basis of a deep and elaborate crime against humanity. See this.

The main objective of those that concocted the manufactured crisis is the unsurprising goal of amassing yet more control for themselves over political and proprietary power. The planned imposition of mandatory lockdowns on much of the global population was a particularly decisive move in the genesis of the power grab. The lockdown mandates broke new ground for many mandates to come.

Once the lockdown put the brakes on all manner of economic transactions, the COVID criminals were empowered to direct huge expansions in the money supply. With this change came the heightened capacity of central bankers to secretly steer the flow of the freshly-minted capital.

The COVID culprits accomplished many of their manipulations of debt-encumbered governments through the well-orchestrated machinations of the world’s biggest financial institutions. The upper echelons of these bastions of huge economic clout have been leading the charge in this war against the people.

The bankers in the COVID cabal asserted their financial muscle in the name of helping governments to respond to economic dislocations. By placing impediments on the activities of millions of workers and small businesses, the lockdowns were especially instrumental in rapidly transforming the nature of the global economy.

The distribution of pain and suffering—even of life and death— was largely an outcome of decisions made by governments about what did or not constitute “essential” activity. In making these life-and-death calls about what is or is not essential to the survival of society, governments were encouraged by their banking partners to explore and exercise their enlarged political influence. This augmented influence came from the widened capacity to engage in increased government spending, much of it hidden from public view.

Government leaders thereby gained widened discretion to direct flows of new money derived from soaring national debts. The objective, it seems, is to crash the existing system of assets and liabilities by encouraging captive politicians to pump patronage dollars out to those cronies and organizations most aligned with the interests and agendas of ruling parties.

The latest orgy of secretive money creation enabled COVID culprits to further enrich themselves and to purchase directly or indirectly the co-optation of all manner of professional people. Multitudes of technocrats, doctors, nurses, journalists, elected officials, administrators, judges, professors, teachers, preachers, and celebrities were paid off. They were essentially bribed into compliance.

Those who refused to go along with the injection mandates and the wholesale disinformation were often threatened with unemployment and social stigmatization. Those who remained steadfast were often severely punished for not blending in with the mental or moral sickness still sweeping over our colleagues and countries.

Beginning with the so-called “colleges of physicians,” the doctors’ professional organizations became especially ruthless. The licenses of many medical practitioners continue to be stripped away because of their unwillingness to parrot the now-fully-discredited claim that the COVID injections are safe and effective.

Many of the COVID accomplices were essentially mesmerized in the headlights of the media’s 24/7 fear porn. Often not realizing that they were buying into a plan of further aggrandizing those at the peak of power, they were hypnotized into obedience. They were intimidated and flattered into submission. They were inducted into a diabolical project that few of us could immediately grasp included plans to kill, cull, cripple, dispossess, sterilize, and enslave a diminished and enfeebled human family.

The beginning of the agenda to enslave the survivors of the eugenic depopulation scheme is becoming evident in the way top authorities have conducted themselves. By imposing mandatory masking, mandatory lockdowns, mandatory injections and many other restraints, they developed the habit of treating average people as subservient to their dictates. The theme of imposed subservience captures the experiences of many people.

It was a mass surge of unwillingness to adapt to the new extremes of mandated subservience that converged in the huge outpouring of popular and patriotic support for the cross-Canada pilgrimage to Ottawa of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy.


In the course of the early COVID lockdowns much of humanity was reduced in the eyes of their governments from the status of citizens to that of wards of the state. Adults were essentially infantilized in their relationship with governments.

Many governments took wide public submission to the lockdowns as signals that they could coercively bludgeon their constituents into giving up their bodily autonomy. With the threat of even more intrusive COVID restrictions, hundreds of millions were instructed that they would have to absorb untested injections if they wanted to retain employment as well as access to higher education and much else besides.

Most of humanity continues its subservience to supranational rulers so powerful that these lords of the money system were able to impose a common set of COVID policies on most national governments and on most of the world’s major media outlets. Nothing of this scale of global compulsion has ever happened before.

Now that high levels of injection-induced illness, debilitating injury, and death are starting to arouse greater public attention, what can be anticipated? Will the global community rise to the challenge freeing itself from the subservience to further impositions of tyranny planned for us?

Reckless Medical Experimentation imposed on Human Subjects. 

Especially since COVID injections were widely introduced in 2021, a significant portion of humanity has already been subjected to extermination, terminated fertility as well as the explosion of a massive array of other dire health disasters. These trajectories of disaster are probably still in the early stages. The catastrophic results were brought about by surreptitiously plunging humanity into the most massive saga of reckless medical experimentation ever imposed on human subjects.

It seems we are in the midst of an elaborate scheme combining many secretive medical experiments within the framework of one huge overriding medical experiment. The evidence continues to grow that the actions being done in the name of defeating COV-19, have more to do with studying new methods of killing and maiming humans rather than helping and healing them.

The bad news is becoming widely available. COVID injections actually stimulate, variate, intensify and spread the very infections they were supposed to cure. Moreover, repeated inoculations steadily annihilate natural immunity. Boosters mainly boost vulnerability to sickness! Recipients of multiple jabs are steadily stripped of their own innate capacity to fend off the full array of infectious diseases. They essentially take within themselves the same characteristics as AIDS.

No Remedies Allowed to Get in the Way of the Agenda of Mass Injections

A strong signal came in the spring of 2020 that the COVID crisis was not really about helping people to avoid and overcome illness. Rather the COVID circus was planned and covertly executed with the goal of advancing the interests of a few by exploiting the spread and intensification of harm to the largest part of the global population.

On the basis of an elaborate and well-funded “deadly fraud,” the principles of scientific method, peer review and academic publications were ruthlessly attacked. The scandal arose in mid-2020 when prestigious academic medical journals published the supposedly peer-reviewed results of a fake research project.

This event brought together a serial violation of professional ethics and law. The violators included the editors and peer reviewers of prestigious academic publishers, the kind of institutions that are supposed to bear major responsibilities for applying and safeguarding the scientific method. The elaborate scam was directed at discrediting a promising COVID remedy known as hydroxychloroquine.

The fake research project was attributed to a company known as Surgisphere. Expert readers of Surgisphere’s supposedly peer-reviewed publication recognized that the claims of its authors were simply not credible.

Subsequent investigation showed the actual Surgisphere was a shell operation that lacked the resources, personnel, talent and expertise to perform the study outlined in the now-discredited essay. As is the usual pattern in the COVID crime spree, no criminal proceedings have yet arisen from the fraud implemented to prevent any obstacles from being placed in the way of the agenda of mass injections.

The goal of those behind the Surgisphere scandal was to sideline a genuinely safe and effective remedy for an overhyped viral infection. The unearthing of the Surgisphere scandal provides one of the early smoking guns of the COVID crime spree. It points to the deep dishonesty and bad faith residing at the very heart of the scheme to impose a universal regime of mandatory jabs on the global population. See this.

The COVID Shots Are Subjecting Their Victims to the Invasion of Thousands of New Ailments

In the autumn of 2021 a similar campaign of smear and disinformation was directed at Ivermectin. Smear campaigns were also directed at Ivermectin’s leading proponents including Dr. Pierre Kory. His research led Dr. Kory and many of his medical colleagues to conclude with solid evidence behind them that the cheap and readily available drug in question provided a powerful cure and preventer of COVID-19.

The safety and effectiveness of Ivermectin was demonstrated in many countries where it was used with great effect to counter the incursions of the supposedly new coronavirus. This experience provides backing for the argument that many millions said to have died from COVID might have been saved. Moreover, unobstructed treatment with Ivermectin and other repurposed drugs would have created a global exit from mass deaths and injuries resulting from the toxic mass injections.

When seen in the larger context of business, law and politics, the campaigns to discredit hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as well as many other viable COVID remedies had nothing to do with the advancement of science and public health. Rather it was all about protecting the legal space reserved for the injections. It was about keeping the way open for the granting and maintaining of a badly-abused legal procedure known as the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

This license to release the experimental injections to the public was granted in the first instance by the Federal Food and Drug Administration in the United States. A core feature of the EUA is that manufacturers of the COVID injections are legally protected against being sued for inadequacies in their medical products.

This exemption from being sued, however, only applies if no felonies were committed by the drug makers and their regulators in the course of producing and distributing their products. As David E. Martin regularly attests, the chances that COVID culprits could meet this test are very remote. See this.

The main condition for receiving this Emergency Use Authorization is that there must be no other readily-available remedies to prevent the spread of the designated contagion. This condition goes far to explain the hostility to the safe, effective, cheap and unpatented remedies championed by the likes of Dr. Kory, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, and the much-maligned Dr. Didier Raoult.

The COVID fiasco epitomizes the ruinous exploitation by Big Pharma of the provisions of the Emergency Use Authorization and other features of the law providing vaccine makers with immunity against being sued. The time is long overdue to retract these extravagant government grants providing exemption from the usual cost of doing business.

Moreover, the time has come to prevent government employees like the notorious Dr. Anthony Fauci from being able to appropriate big portions of the exploding oil well of money derived from the governments’ sweetheart extension of liability-free status to the vaccine makers.

This conclusion is enormously strengthened by what we are learning from the fiasco generated by the negligent extension of Emergency Use Authorization to the COVID clot shots. Corrupt government regulators throughout the world participated in this crime against humanity whose devastating scale is becoming increasingly difficult to cover up an unrelenting campaign to sideline scores of unpatented remedies.

Dr. Pierre Kory has explained that the overall business model of the pharmaceutical industry is based on an unrelenting campaign to sideline scores of unpatented remedies, including repurposed drugs like Ivermectin. Some of these remedies including hydroxychloroquine emerge from the traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples developed over thousands of years of human interaction with our natural environments. See this.

Dr. Kory puts great emphasis on Big Pharma’s blanket hostility to repurposed drugs and natural remedies that cannot be patented and sold at high prices. This hostility has led the drug cartels to some very dark places whose negative health impact on humanity is vast. Unfortunately the dominant part of the medical profession has accompanied the pharmaceutical industry on its wayward journey.

Dr. Kory explains his own experiences with the ruthlessness of an extremely powerful corporate lobby that learned from the tobacco industry how to deploy “disinformation” against their “competitors.” He develops the picture of a pharmaceutical cartel that has come to see sickness and ill health as its primary capital asset to be cultivated, grown and exploited for profit.

This destructive methodology seems to have been replicated on steroids with the COVID injections. Their ingredients, some of them still kept secret, seem well equipped to create a wide spectrum of thousands of so-called “adverse events.” These drug-induced ailments are already subjecting many victims of the clot shots with new invasions of ailments that will create much new business for the pharmaceutical industry and its captive medical profession.

The imposition of slow and excruciating deaths on many of the so-called vaccine injured can be very lucrative for drug companies and for their captive medical drug pushers.

Inventing New Syndromes to Cover Up for Injection Deaths and Injuries

A key to understanding the enormity of the current global debacle is contained in reports that the number of COVID shots given so far exceeds the world’s population. Every 100 people on the planet have already received an average of 156 COVID-19 jabs. The total number of global inhabitants who have received at least one COVID injection is said to be 5.3 billion. See this and this.

How many of the billions of people who have received COVID jabs have already been killed or maimed by the injections? How do these numbers compare with the casualties incurred in earlier cases of medical experiments on human subjects?

The purposely problematic nature of the range of flawed processes for reporting, collecting and disseminating injection deaths and injuries has been discussed in literally thousands of publications. The calculation controversies are emerging as one of the biggest number games of this era.

Whatever the numbers of the dead and injured, the COVID PR machine is going to great lengths to hide the extent of the grave damage being done. They have had to invent a new syndrome, SADS, to describe the plague of sudden deaths often televised in sports events and reported widely in countless newspaper reports. See this.

The likelihood is that the casualties flowing from the current medical experiment will turn out to be far in excess of all the casualties of all prior experiments on human subjects put together. Certainly the current case far exceeds the scale of the medical experiments attributed to medical practitioners of the Third Reich. It is these experiments that prompted the victors of the Second World War to initiate an investigation that led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code after the Second World War.

The Nuremberg Code unequivocally outlaws medical experimentation on human subjects imposed through coercion or without informed consent. Both these legal requirements are being conspicuously violated in the mad rush to, as Justin Trudeau has proclaimed, “get COVID injections out of the freezer and into people’s arms.” See this.

The injection mandates are unmistakably coercive. Moreover, the failure to create the conditions for genuinely informed consent is outrageous by every possible measure. Profoundly untrue is the constantly-repeated mantra that the COVID jabs are “safe and effective” and that they are made to stop the spread of the celebrity virus. The core myth of the COVID religion provides exactly the opposite message from what would have been required to obtain informed consent from the recipients of the experimental clot shots.

As Joseph Mercola asserts, “Celebrities, politicians, health agency officials, news anchors, doctors, nurses, academics and countless others pushed, shamed and threatened as many as they could into getting the shot.” See this.

Some of those willingly or begrudgingly complied with the enormous pressure to take the jabs faced undeniable proofs from their own gruesome experience that the injections they received are anything but safe and effective.

Many of those severely maimed and crippled by the injections regularly run into responses of denial, disbelief, condemnation and even spurning. The denial can be especially severe within medical systems whose executives, managers, practitioners and regulators have been instrumental in pushing the dangerous medical products on the public.

How many will atone for what will inevitably be seen in the light of future history as horrendous crimes?

The injection-injured continue to bear the burden of wholesale accusations that they are only imagining that their newly-acquired maladies have anything to do with the shots they received. Often they are denied appropriate medical treatment and are sent, for instance, to take tests to see if they are suffering from mental illness.

In the words of Dr. Mercola,

“The victims’ struggle. Their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fear mongering and outright lies to support the shift to global tyranny and slavery.”

The Biggest Crime Ever Committed in History?

Since 2020 a seemingly never-ending accumulation of major catastrophes has provided cover for the COVID culprits. Theprecipitous loss of life and wellbeing through COVID injections is part of a growing array of menaces hitting humanity. These menaces include unfolding financial catastrophes, engineered food shortages, pathological extremism of climate change zealots, breakdowns in many different kinds of supply chains, and major rounds of domestic disharmony pointing in some cases towards possible civil war.

These calamities are all unfolding in the context of a steady global slide into hybrid warfare including outright military aggression augmented by ruthless forms of thought control and behavioral modification.

We can now add to this mix the “factual chaos,” accompanying the World Health Organization’s decision to do yet more bidding on behalf of the same cabal that manufactured the hysterical extremes fuelling the COVID crisis. This most recent example of the WHO’s regular accommodation of the agendas of corporatist elites came in the form of a declaration that monkeypox constitutes a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” See this.

All these trajectories of converging crises are pointing humanity towards a disastrous reset meant to culminate in the digitalized entrapment and enslavement of the survivors of depopulation. The only beneficiaries are meant to be a tiny percentage of the top 1%, people who joined together in a ruthless scheme to further monopolize the ownership of property as well as the exercise of political control over every facet of life on planet Earth.

One of the pivotal frauds committed by those that rolled out the COVID injections is that they put forward supposed “vaccines” rather than offering up products that their own manufacturers originally described as a “gene therapy.”

The misrepresentation of the favored COVID remedy as “vaccines” form a prominent part in the litany of lies woven into the manufactured COVID crisis. This promise of protective vaccines prompted many of those targeted to receive the untested products—basically everyone— to picture that they would be getting a variation of a fairly old and familiar technology. Many assumed that the COVID injections would be similar to the vaccines they had taken before, usually without obvious mishap.

The oxygenated intelligence of a growing portion of the now-unmasked public is starting to absorb the fact that the COVID jabs are the prime agents of the delivery into human bodies of a novel and untested mRNA technology. This new technology has dramatically failed to deliver what was promised. The catastrophe, however, goes farther, much farther.

While COVID Officialdom continues to do everything in its power to deny it, the revelations of principled and often learned whistleblowers have made it clear that the genetic-modification injections are very toxic to many people.

Thanks to the evaluation of genuine experts who by and large have nothing to gain and much to lose from their truth telling, the devastating news is getting out. There can no longer be any doubt that serious injection injuries as well as deaths are much more extensive than what governments and their partners in the regime media have been telling us.

The most determined and effective whistleblowers include Jessica Rose, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Michael Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Steve Kirsch, Edward Dowd, Christine Anderson, Robert F. Kennedy, Lee Merritt, Michel Chossudovsky, Peter Koenig, Charles Hoffe, Del Big Tree, Byram Bridle, Vernon Colemen, Mike Whitney, Roger Hodgeson, el gato malo, Tucker Carlson, Joseph Mercola, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, and Reiner Fuellmich.

The combined research and conclusions of these and many more luminaries make it clear that we are in the midst of the most monumental medical cataclysm in recorded history.

Christine Anderson, a German Member of the European Parliament, goes farther. She declared that

“This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history. Moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed in history.”

A Crime Beyond Genocide

A recent study in Sweden indicates the distinct possibility that the mRNA injections may trigger through ‘reverse transcriptase’ permanent alterations of human DNA cells. See this.

The implication is that an irreversible alteration of the master genetic blueprint at the basis of all human life may be underway. Such an invasion of the natural and God-given integrity of the human genome would constitute a universal crime for which, in my view, we do not yet have an appropriate name.

Sometimes the word “genocide” is used to describe the current round of injected assaults on human life and wellbeing.

See this and this.

The term genocide, however, is defined in the main UN Convention on the subject as “acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” See this.

The worldwide assault embodied in the mass COVID injections is directed not at members of specific racial, religious or national groups. Rather it is directed at people belonging to all branches of the human family. Hence the crimes pointed against all of humanity go far beyond genocide as currently defined. See this.

Moreover, the charge of genocide does not begin to capture the essence of the violence that is quite likely being permanently done to the very genetic makeup of the entire human family. Has the time come to mount an international process to describe and codify the new variations of crime that have been emerging since the era of the Nuremberg trials, an event that included the formulation of the Nuremberg Code in 1947?

Nuremberg 2.0 as an Alternative to the Proposed Pandemic Treaty of the World Health Organization 

Before nailing down the chain of authority for dealing with future pandemics we need a process aimed at making international law conform to the new outlines of international crime especially when committed behind the veil of public health. The process could be part of the much-needed international investigation which some have described as Nuremberg 2.0. The investigators, judges, and juries of Nuremberg 2.0 would look at the origins, genesis and results of the COVID debacle.

The juridical dimensions of Nuremberg 2.0 would have to include trials of those suspected of playing significant roles in the international crimes against humanity. This process might include an assessment and revision of existing international criminal law in light of what has already been described as “the biggest crime ever committed in history.”

This course of action would provide humanity with a significant public service whereas the Pandemic Treaty presently being pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO) would impose on the global population more of the worst elements of the manufactured COVID crisis.

The WHO works closely with the corporatist operatives that gather in and around Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. The WHO and the WEF are well integrated with an arsenal of weaponized agencies, many of them answering to “philanthropic” crime boss, Bill Gates. The close partnership between Gates and  Anthony Fauci centralizes much of the control over global funding for medical “research” to fill the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry. See this.

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is being designed to pre-empt many of the jurisdictions, laws, administrative mechanisms, and enforcement agencies facilitating many functions crucial to the viability of national governments. As Peter Koenig asserts,

“The Pandemic Treaty is a direct attack on the sovereignty of its member states, as well as a direct attack on your bodily autonomy. It will strip you of you and me of some of our most basic Rights and Freedoms.”

Building on this assessment, Michel Chossudovsky explains

“The Pandemic Treaty is the “Back Door” towards “Global Governance” and Digital Tyranny. It consists in constructing a Worldwide nexus of proxy regimes controlled by a “supranational sovereignty” (World Government) composed of leading financial institutions, billionaires and their philanthropic foundations.” See this.

Nuremberg 2.0 would provide humanity with a significant public service whereas the Pandemic Treaty presently being pushed by the WHO would extend and perpetuate the massive crime spree of COVID officialdom.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Medical Tyranny

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As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic activity.

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates.  The outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic contraction and global recession.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is successfully shrinking western economic activity; however, the impacted nations that produce goods for markets in North America and Europe, specifically southeast Asia, Japan and China, are not raising interest rates in an effort to try and offset the drop in demand.  China has announced they are dropping their central bank rates in a desperate effort to lower costs and keep their export dependent economy working.

Underneath all of this, is a drop in energy production in the same nations trying to lower economic activity.  The political policymakers are attempting to manage this process without informing the citizens of the unspoken goal.   Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda.

Beyond the massive increases in energy costs, which is the true source of inflation and a direct/intentional outcome of the BBB effort, Europe is now facing a looming winter without the energy resources to heat homes and sustain people.  Things are going to be very uncomfortable in Europe this winter as roaming brownouts are now predicted.

As the collective west attempts to, using their words, “manage the transition,” they do not have mechanisms to control an outcome of this magnitude.  It is simply too big a situation to manage.  Where the rubber meets the road, the think-tanks and high-minded climate change ideologues do not have the ability to manage a transition and still meet the needs of people.  Beyond the esoteric thinking, there are real consequences from these actions.

Many people have discussed the potential for longer-term food shortages and recently, shorter-term winter heating.  However, beyond that, the downstream geopolitical consequences are seemingly being ignored.  Instead, what we see is an effort to keep pretending the climate change ends will justify the means (disruption of energy production).

In this connected world, when the western nations stop buying things, we find ourselves domestically with economic trouble.  Businesses fail, unemployment rises, financial stress ripples throughout the economy, dependency on government subsidy increases and real pain is felt.  However, beyond the domestic issues the supplier nations run into even bigger problems.

Unemployment in Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and even China, creates an entirely different set of regional stability issues on a geopolitical level.

There is no precedent for this.  Never before in the history of industrialized nations has any government intentionally tried to lower its economic activity.  It has never been done with intent before because within the contraction nations get more poor, people suffer.

Not only has no single nation ever tried to intentionally shrink its wealth, but there is no precedent whatsoever for an alliance of nations to join together with the same purpose. While this might seem like an academic economic modeling exercise, unfortunately it is very real.  What I am describing is happening right now, and we had better start talking about it before the unforeseen consequences start to become a crisis.

In North America (U.S-Canada), Europe and Australia, there will continue to be massive increases in food prices as a result of the collapse in energy production.  Beyond the western nations there will be food shortages as a result of lowered harvest yields and less industrial food production.  This is not controversial.

It is also not controversial that regions with harsh winter climates are going to be paying much more for scarce heating resources.

That being accepted, what happens geopolitically, even militarily, when the entire global economy starts to feel the impacts from western nation economic contraction on a scale -created by collective action- that has never been seen before.

I have no idea what that big picture consequence looks like, but whatever “that” is, will be happening at the same time as people everywhere will be more desperate as an outcome of their economic position.  I don’t have the answers, but I sure as hell can see the problem coming.

Political leadership in the aforementioned western nations are seemingly, perhaps intentionally, keeping people distracted with domestic shiny things to occupy time.  However, someone needs to start talking about, and seriously challenging, the big picture consequence of this Build Back Better future, before it’s too late.


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Taking Back the Ocean, Inc.

August 22nd, 2022 by Alexander Kozul-Wright

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The key takeaway from June’s Ocean Conference was that the United Nations remains committed to relying on incremental change to protect maritime resources, with the private sector firmly in charge. But, under current technological constraints, protecting the ocean from further degradation requires reversing its privatization.

Earlier this summer, the United Nations convened its Ocean Conference (UNOC) in Lisbon, Portugal. The goal was to “to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action.” The world needs a “sustainably managed ocean,” according to the UN’s under-secretary-general for legal affairs, Miguel de Serpa Soares, who hailed the conference as an “enormous success.” If only.

The ocean’s importance cannot be overstated. It is the planet’s largest biosphere, hosting up to 80% of all life on earth. It generates 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorbs one-quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions, essential for climate and weather regulation. And it is also economically vital, with roughly 120 million people employed in fisheries and related activities, mostly for small-scale enterprises in developing countries.

Yet over the last four decades, the ocean has come under unprecedented pressure, largely owing to the rapid growth of commercial maritime activity. This growth is particularly significant in exclusive economic zones, contiguous areas of territorial water that stretch some 230 miles from country coastlines.

The principle of national sovereignty over EEZs was enshrined in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. In the years that followed, governments sold off vast tracts of ocean territory through state licenses and concessions, effectively handing over management of marine ecosystems to the private sector.

Policymakers apparently reasoned that corporations would have a financial interest in adopting responsible business practices in order to preserve the resources from which they were extracting so much value. Instead, widespread oil and gas exploration, industrial fishing, and frenetic maritime trade have, as UN Special Envoy for the Ocean Peter Thomson recently put it, caused “the ocean’s health” to “spiral into decline.”

Marine acidification and heating reached record levels last year. Only about 13% of the ocean now qualifies as “marine wilderness” (biologically and ecologically intact seascapes that are mostly free of human disturbance). More than one-third of marine mammals, and nearly one-third of reef-forming corals, are now threatened with extinction.

It was against this backdrop that the UNOC was convened to “halt the destruction” of ocean ecosystems. But, despite much lofty rhetoric, all that came of it were vague pronouncements: the UN’s 193 member states reaffirmed their pledge to bolster maritime governance by (among other things) strengthening data collection and promoting finance for nature-based solutions.

In fact, beyond Colombia’s recently announced plans to create four new marine-protected areas, no binding commitments were made. And, tellingly, the deadlock on deep-sea mining was not broken. Whereas many advanced economies, including Japan and South Korea, support the controversial practice, Pacific countries like Palau and Fiji demanded an industry-wide moratorium, citing the lack of environmental data.

The key takeaway from the conference was that the UN remains committed to incremental change, with the private sector firmly in control. This is reflected in an emphasis on “natural capital” solutions, which involve putting a price on nature in order to save it. The neoliberal policymaking that created today’s crisis has undergone an ideological makeover. Where shareholder capitalism failed to ensure self-regulation by private owners, “stakeholder capitalism” supposedly will succeed, because companies will balance the competing interests of investors, workers, communities, and the environment.

It is not hard to see why stakeholder capitalism is so appealing: it gives the impression that we can have our cake and eat it. But, when it comes to the ocean, the cake is already past its expiration date. Given current technological constraints, protecting the ocean from further degradation precludes any additional maritime industrialization.

Why does the UN – or anyone, for that matter – believe that private companies will become responsible stewards of the planet? The rapid degradation of marine ecosystems is not exactly new information, yet corporations have only increased their damaging activities. Realistically, stakeholder capitalism will merely defer difficult decisions about profit maximization in a climate-constrained world to future generations.

Now, the world has an opportunity to embrace a more promising approach to protecting the ocean: the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. The meetings, which are resuming in New York this week, are expected to produce a legal framework for governing all marine areas beyond coastal countries’ EEZs.

The high seas comprise 64% of the ocean’s surface area and host the largest reservoirs of biodiversity on Earth. The number of species they support is enormous, with many more expected to be discovered. And they are getting busier – and becoming more threatened – by the day.

Protection of the high seas has long been overseen by a patchwork of international agencies. As a result, just 1.2% of this fragile ecosystem is currently safeguarded against exploitative commercial activity.

As Guy Standing, a professorial research associate at the University of London, recently told me, there is little reason to believe that the conference will do much to “roll back the power of oligopolistic corporations” in non-territorial waters. Instead, it will turn out to be just another opportunity for the UN to peddle the narrative that the profit motive, which is largely responsible for destroying the ocean, can spur the necessary action to save it.

As Standing puts it, if we are going to save our oceans, we must reverse their privatization. That means pushing for binding commitments, effective regulation, and reliable enforcement. Above all, it means recognizing that the ocean’s true value has no price tag.


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Alexander Kozul-Wright is a researcher for the Third World Network.

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At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over 100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative on COVID via social media.

The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although it is only going viral on Twitter today.

In the podcast, Melissa Fleming, head of global communications for the United Nations, explains how the COVID pandemic and lockdowns created a “communications crisis” in addition to a public health emergency.

Fleming acknowledged that in order to fight so-called “misinformation” about the pandemic, the UN tapped up 110,000 people to amplify their messaging across social media.

“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming stated.

That was nearly 2 years ago. It is not known how many ‘digital first responders’ have been recruited up to this point.

Similar efforts to create astroturf campaigns to push a specific message are nothing new, but when entities such as oil companies engage in it, they are lambasted for rigging the discussion.

However, when globalist technocrats at the UN or the WEF do it, apparently it’s fine.

Last year, it was revealed that the British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street.

Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they later conceded to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behavior during the pandemic.

As we previously highlighted, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.

In what some dubbed “preemptive censorship,” the WEF is creating a system that would block posts from appearing if they fail the censorship filter.

Of course, the WEF, which is infamous for blocking its critics on Twitter, would never abuse such a system to shield itself from scrutiny.


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Another round of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests has been filled, this time for Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” revealing that the mRNA (messenger RNA) shot causes birth defects and spontaneous abortions in pregnant women.

Towards the end of the 699-page document release in the toxicology section, it is stated that mRNA-1273, as the company calls the drug, lead to “significant increases in the number of F1 rats with 1 or more wavy ribs and 1 or more rib nodules.”

“Wavy ribs appeared in 6 fetuses and 4 litters with a fetal prevalence of 4.03% and a litter prevalence of 18.2%,” the section continues. “Rib nodules appeared in 5 of those 6 fetuses.” (Related: Pfizer’s covid injection is also linked to birth defects and infertility.)

While Moderna acknowledges the connection between these changes and its drug, the company claims that the structural changes observed in the bone structure of test rats “do not impact development or function of a developing embryo.”

“Maternal toxicity in the form of clinical observations was observed for 5 days following the last dose ([gestation day] 13), correlating with the most sensitive period for rib development in rats (GDs 14 to 17),” the company says.

All of this directly contradicts the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which in its authorization for “Spikevax,” another name for the Moderna shot, claimed that there was “no vaccine-related fetal malformations or variations and no adverse effect on postnatal development.”

Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical executive with 25 years of experience in clinical trials and regulatory approvals, reviewed the documents and discovered the disparity between what Moderna’s clinical trials actually show and what the FDA claims about the drug.

More than half of all federally funded clinical trials are non-compliant with government guidelines

It turns out that the results of many clinical trials are blatantly misinterpreted by government regulators – if they even get submitted to the government for review in the first place.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) says the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is failing to do its job by ensuring that drug and vaccine companies meet the necessary requirements for federally funded trials.

More than half of the 72 trials that were supposed to be submitted and posted to in calendar year 2019 and 2020 were either never submitted at all (25) or were submitted late (12).

Further, half were conducted internally while the other half were conducted externally – the external ones having a worse compliance rate than NIH scientists.

Rather than deal appropriately with all this, the NIH “took limited enforcement action when there was noncompliance,” we are told. At the same time, the NIH continued to fund “new research of responsible parties that had not submitted the results of their completed clinical trials.”

What this means is that pertinent information about adverse events is not making its way through the appropriate channels, resulting in the FDA and other agencies issuing false information about questionable drugs and vaccines being “safe and effective.”

According to Stanford University medical professor Jay Bhattacharya, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, negative trial results never get published in journals because of this.

“So when the NIH doesn’t follow the rule, essentially, it’s painting an incomplete, biased picture” of how taxpayer money is being spent and what it is supporting, Bhattacharya contends.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also complicit in the racket, having most recently removed information from its website falsely claiming that mRNA spike proteins leave the body after just a few days. It turns out that they persist inside the body for a long time.


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First published on July 11 2022


“Deglobalizing” and “dedollarizing” have been much in the news. Reducing dependence on the global supply chain and the U.S. dollar are trends that are happening not just internationally but locally. In the United States, we have seen movements both for local food independence and to divest from Wall Street banks. The burgeoning cryptocurrency movement is another push to “dedollarize” and escape the international bankers’ control grid. 

This article is a sequel to one discussing home gardens and community food co-ops as local counter-measures to an impending food crisis. The question to be addressed here is how to fund them. What sort of local currency could fund food co-ops independently of the credit dollars we get from banks?

But first, some framing of the problem. It’s not just about temporary food shortages. It’s about sovereignty from the sort of global control foreshadowed in Henry Kissinger’s notorious statement, “Control food and you control the people.”

The War on Food

Alarmed commentators are observing that our food systems seem to be under attack. In a June 14 article, ZeroHedge republished a list of 99 accidental fires hampering America’s food supply chain since January 2021. Meanwhile, many farmers are unable to get the supplies they need to produce food, from fertilizers to herbicides to tractor parts; and small trucking companies that deliver food to grocery stores are being driven into insolvency by unprecedented diesel gas prices. There has also been a surge of cyberattacks on agricultural companies during critical planting and harvest seasons. And an estimated 10,000 head of cattle died mysteriously in Kansas feedlots. The deaths were officially attributed to a heat wave but that explanation is disputed by farmers.

In July 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation published a white paper called “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System.” It summarized discussions of over 100 leaders and experts brought together to design a “reset” of the food system. A skeptical Irish blogger notes:

The first question anybody should be asking is “How would the Rockefeller Foundation know about upcoming food shortages” in 2020. Naturally it was just a calculated guess on their part. Isn’t it also interesting that the title was “Reset the Table.”

Surely just another coincidence considering “The Great Reset” was announced on 3rd June 2020. Amazing how they can get all their ducks in a row lined up so quickly considering Covid had only officially been on the block for a few months.

The hunger problem in July 2020 stemmed from unemployment and Covid-19 lockdowns, which had just begun nationally at the end of March. A January 2022 meta-analysis from Johns Hopkins University concluded that “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, [but] they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

To the Rockefeller Foundation, however, the Covid crisis and policy response were an “opportunity” to make transformative changes in our food system, including “modernizing data and technology platforms.” The July 2020 white paper proclaimed:

Food is medicine … One of Covid-19’s legacies should be that it was the moment Americans realized the need to treat nutritious food as a part of health care …. By integrating healthy food into the health care system, doctors could prescribe produce as easily as pharmaceuticals and reduce utilization of expensive health services that are often required because of nutrition insecurity.

“Doctors could prescribe produce as easily as pharmaceuticals ….” Food can be prescribed, controlled and rationed. The Irish blogger wrote, “The plan is to centralize and control the food supply into one body, one single executive office.” In a May 2022 podcast, Christian Westbrook, the “Ice Age Farmer,” mused:

Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices. This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.”

That sort of control grid is what concerns preppers” and “survivalists” – people preparing for large-scale societal collapse. But we don’t need to go down that controversial rabbit hole for confirmation that a major food crisis is on the horizon. President Biden has said as much, and the head of the UN World Food Program has warned that we are heading into the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.

The crisis is systemic, predating Covid. As Australian author Dr. Liz Elliott colorfully illustrates the problem in an as-yet-unpublished preface to her book “A New Way Now: Solutions to Financial and Climate Collapse”:

Corporations have become bigger than ancient countries, steamrolling over Life like invading armies.… Long supply chains are making food, machines and energy insecure. So much transport, needing so much oil, just to bring carrots and soap from cheap labour places. Third World people are realizing the money driven system is the extension of Colonialism; exploitation of their work and land by those who control money and weapons.…

These few then drive public policy towards more centralization, more scientific determinism, more technocratic “solutions,” more standardization, more war, more ideology.…

If large corporations and banks are the problem, then the solution is small and local.… The path to decentralization is already being forged in a million initiatives everywhere.

The solution is small and local, including growing food locally. But how to fund local food co-ops without pricey loans from big banks?

Food-backed Local Credit as Money

In a 2014 article titled “The Truth Is Out: Money Is Just an IOU, and the Banks Are Rolling in It,” the late David Graeber underscored the fact that money is basically just credit. What triggered his article was the Bank of England’s acknowledgment in its first  quarterly report that year that virtually all of the money we use in trade is simply created on the books of banks when they make loans. It is credit advanced by the bank against the borrower’s promise to repay it, preferably backed by some form of collateral. Local currencies and cryptocurrencies can work in the same way.

To be useful today as “money,” a currency is said to need these four main attributes. It should serve as:

  • A medium of exchange
  • A standard of deferred payment
  • A store of wealth
  • A measure of value or unit of account

A medium of exchange is something that people actually use and will accept in trade. Today, that would largely rule out both gold and blockchain cryptocurrencies on the model of Bitcoin (BTC). You can’t buy groceries with gold (the grocer wouldn’t know how to make change), and Bitcoin is little used in trade. It is too volatile to be a reliable measure of value and is held chiefly as a speculative asset. As one commentator puts it, “Can you imagine owning a small business and having to pay your employees’ salaries denominated in Bitcoin. The actual value paid could vary by 50% or more from paycheck to paycheck. No company would commit to this as the risk would be way too high.”

To retain its value, a currency should ideally be backed by some asset that has a stable value itself. Gold and silver have been used historically, but the gold-backed money system failed because the banks did not have enough of that precious metal to satisfy the liquidity needs of the economy. The result was periodic bank runs and banking crises.

What sort of asset would hold its value and be widely available as collateral in a local community trading system today?  With the threat of impending food shortages, food could satisfy that requirement. Garden co-ops can issue their own cryptocurrencies or community currencies, backed by the food they will produce. Sellers are often reluctant to accept unbacked community currencies in payment, because other sellers may not accept them in trade; but food-backed currencies hold their value. They are promises to pay in food, or advances against future productivity. They are paper or digital stores of food that can be reclaimed in the future, cashed in for fresh produce long after storage food in the refrigerator would have gone bad.

Grain-Backed Crypto Tokens

We are Agrotoken - YouTube

Grain-backed cryptocurrencies are already happening at the corporate level. In March 2022, banking giant Santander signed an agreement with an Argentinian company named Agrotoken, which has created a cryptocurrency to tokenize grain. Santander agreed to accept Agrotoken’s soy-, corn-and wheat-backed coins as loan collateral. Each token is backed by one ton of grain held in a storage facility. Farmers generate tokens by selling their crops to participating grain elevators, which validate the existence of the commodity. The loans will be made on a blockchain, with the tokens locked into smart contracts. Agrotokens were listed on an Argentinian commodities derivatives exchange, a key to getting the lending project started.

Santander called the project the first to use cryptocurrency tokens backed by agricultural commodities as lending collateral. It said in a blog post that the project uses an innovative digital solution that “will allow farmers and the agro ecosystem to have easy and fluid access to a new financing system, expanding credit capacity by using tokenized grains.”

Agrotoken was recently the subject of a case study by Accenture, which said it was bringing “new financial options to the multi-trillion-dollar agribusiness sector by letting farmers convert tons of soybean crops into a commodity-backed stablecoin that could be spent with merchants and investors.” Longer term, the company plans to move beyond grains into other agricultural commodities, offering Tokenization-as-a-Service (TaaS). The goal, Accenture said, is to develop “a token-collateralized loan system that would allow farmers easy, fluid access to a new system of credit at competitive rates.”


Agrotokens are issued on a blockchain, the sort of distributed ledger technology involved in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hashgraph. But an agricultural supply chain startup called Producers Token has rejected that technology in favor of a more localized peer-to-peer technology called Holochain. Holochain developer Arthur Brock says it is rooted in biomimicry (“how nature functions and scales”). Users are not buying coins created by wealthy “miners” in China but are creating their own money, simply by extending credit to other users.

According to Colin Stewart, Director of Agricultural Technology for Producers Token:

[Holochain’s] method of cryptographic accounting allows for the creation of asset-backed cryptocurrencies, and this is really interesting because what we’re designing and implementing in our platform is a method for agricultural producers to mint their own cryptocurrencies that are actually backed by their goods. So you can think of the cryptocurrency as a forward contract.

A typical “forward contract” might be an agreement between a wheat farmer and a grain processor for the sale of the farmer’s crop at a certain price on a certain date. The currency issued by the farmer would act as a receipt for future delivery of the wheat. A food-backed cryptocurrency tied to an asset with real value is considered to be more stable than blockchain-based tokens, which again are notoriously volatile.

For Stewart, another problem with blockchain technology involves its “consensus” feature. Most versions require the entire network to agree about the order of events. But Stewart asked, “If I’m an apple grower in Washington State… why should I have to know that the avocado grower in Michoacán sold his avocados?” He explained that Holochain, like blockchain, provides for transparency, accountability, and immutability, but without the inefficiencies of using one monolithic ledger that contains the history of all transactions in the network. Instead, Holochain is “agent-centric,” with users having their own individual hash-chains of data. For more on Holochain, see here.

Homegrown Food-backed Currencies

If all that sounds too high-tech for your friendly neighborhood food co-op, there are more modest local alternatives. Community currency expert Thomas Greco, author of “The End of Money,” maintains that a produce-backed currency could be issued without even creating a cryptocurrency. A group of local farmers could be organized to jointly issue farm currency as a paper or digital community currency, which could be spent into circulation to buy what the farmers needed to produce their crops. The currency would circulate in the local community and would be accepted back by the farmers in payment for the products they sell.

“So the currency has a beginning and an end, it’s created and it’s extinguished,” says Greco. “It’s created by the act of spending and it’s extinguished in the act of redemption, not in some other currency, but in goods and services that have been promised.”

Community currencies operate on the same sort of credit clearing system that banks use to create the “bank money” composing the majority of our money supply today, but they do it without manipulation by profiteering middlemen. Money is created as a debit in an account and is extinguished when the debt is repaid. No interest is charged, so there is no built-in imperative for growth. Community currencies also allow communities to make decisions about where capital should flow rather than giving decision-making power solely to banks, and they foster human relationships, building community and encouraging people to interact with one another.

Spreading Financial Sovereignty: From Communities to Cities to Countries

Local currencies don’t need to be printed on paper or issued as cryptocurrencies. “Mutual credit clearing systems” can keep track of credits and debits on a simple ledger. Participants of mutual credit clearing systems around the world can trade with each other, and this is already being done.

Cities and towns can also issue their own community currencies; and many haveparticularly in times of depression. A major hurdle is getting sellers to accept the local currency, but this could be fixed by backing it with some public service. Tom Greco suggests “Solar Dollars” – credit instruments of a local utility company, spent into circulation by the company as credit against future electricity services. Other services the city could provide include fiber-optic broadband, circumventing the perceived hazards of 5G; and ethanol fuel generated by a community-owned still, processing not corn and other foodstuffs but weeds and other organic waste. The currency could be issued by the city through a publicly-owned bank.

Combining these possibilities, a global monetary system might be devised that is independent of the control grid manipulated by international financial megaliths. But that is a big subject, which will have to be addressed in another article.


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This article was first posted on ScheerPost.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of DebtThe Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Ecologist

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First published by Global Research on June 13, 2022


“Those of us who do understand the nefariousness of the empire, and the ever-increasing danger it represents, must be clear that the effective defense of life on planet Earth, including that of the human species itself, inexorably demands the existence of an independent and democratic world forum for a genuine and effective defense of the rights of Mother Earth and of humanity. That is why we insist, repeat and say time and again that the United Nations as it exists today is useless, inoperative, dysfunctional and an instrument of the empire. That is why it no longer enjoys any confidence or credibility whatsoever.

This situation is so serious that we can say, without fear of being wrong, that if the UN does not change radically, if we do not reinvent it, it will soon disappear. … [and] if we let the UN die, it will be almost impossible to create it again. We must wrest it from those who have usurped it so that we, the truly concerned for the future of the Earth, can inject new life, relevance and effectiveness into our world Organization.”

Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann. M.M. [1], Managua, 28 February 2011

Now, more than at any time since its founding 76 years ago, the United Nations is in danger of disappearing.

Today the battle lines are being drawn between those who believe in the need for a universal organization, those who advocate an inclusive international system, based on the rule of law in relations between states and benefiting all, and those who seek to fragment the world into blocs, where a privileged warmongering alliance of nations, with like-minded values, i.e. the Club of so-called “democracies”, reserve the right of entry to their circle of elites under the supreme command of the United States of America. This Atlanticist project has been decades in the making, but has, so far, met with no formidable resistance.

As always, this struggle comes enveloped in a pervasive and sophisticated marketing campaign that would have us believe that it is they, the Atlanticists, the “reluctant defenders” of Democracy who are the champions of national sovereignty and the self-determination of peoples, currently under threat from expansionist and “anti-democratic” authoritarian regimes intent on restoring their lost imperial hegemony.

In this Orwellian language, the good guys are actually the bad guys who are forced to resort to “illegal but legitimate wars” to “save the world and free markets” (… one must never forget the markets).

Few understood the nature of the American Empire better than our own Padre Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, or have worked as hard to restrain “the apocalyptic beast”.

In April 2011, barely 20 months after concluding his tenure as president of the General Assembly, Father Miguel d’Escoto launched his ambitious Proposal for Reinventing the U.N.

Considered his magnum opus, it is the culmination of his life’s work as a revolutionary, diplomat, statesman, activist and, ultimately, as a priest and follower of Jesus of Nazareth.

The Proposal draws on more than four decades in the international arena, and in particular, it has its roots in the unsuccessful efforts to compel the United States to comply with the historic ruling of the International Court of Justice in 1986.

As Nicaraguans, we rightly take great pride for having the courage to file a lawsuit against the United States as an aggressor before the International Court of Justice, which rendered the strongest ever condemnation of the policy of any country in the history of world justice. But it would be a mistake to think that this ruling marked a higher trend in international law. Much has happened since the famous 1986 ruling to erode and weaken international law. Unfortunately for Nicaragua, that discouraging trend began with the complicity of its own government under Violeta Chamorro.[2]  Padre Miguel was well aware of this discouraging trend.

In his essay “Unmasking the Empire” (2004), written a year after the criminal U.S. invasion of Iraq[3], he wrote:

“In April 1984, when Nicaragua filed its suit in The Hague against the United States for the war that they had imposed upon us, what most motivated us to take that bold step was the conviction that somebody had to take the bull by the horns and do something forceful in defense of international law.

… [Today some states] are less and less inclined to act through international institutions such as the United Nations, to work cooperatively with other nations to achieve common goals, and are more skeptical of international law and more willing to operate outside its boundaries when they deem it necessary or, simply, ‘useful’.”

Certain that this trend would only become more pronounced in the future, Father urged the Member states to defend themselves, and also to educate the American people to join us as allies in the struggle for peace:

“Their offensive is multifaceted and, therefore, our defense must also be not only in the economic sphere, but also in the ideological, legal and United Nations spheres. In the struggle so that the American people wake up and understand the nefariousness of the behavior of their leaders, our denunciations of Washington’s violations of international law, of our self-determination and of the United Nations Charter itself may be more understandable to them and, therefore, more useful for advancing our cause. With dedication, imagination and coordination between us, we will win, for, we must never doubt, the truth is stronger than lies.”[4]

Gifted in the art of language and images, and as a priest, he exclaimed:

“Clearly, the Apocalyptic Beast is no longer just a horrendous biblical image.”[5]

The United Nations not only failed to prevent or stop the wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, but eventually joined them. And so on with Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere. The UN deployed humanitarian missions and post-conflict missions turning themselves into nothing more than the glorified janitor of the United States and the Western powers.

When I started writing this article, I intended to develop the somewhat in vogue subject of Security Council reform. But it seems out of place to be discussing the institutional arrangements contained in Father Miguel’s Proposal for Reinventing the UN when war is taking hold in Ukraine, NATO is gaining spine-chilling momentum and, above all, when the very consensus on which the United Nations was built no longer exists.

Surely what is most important, what weighs most heavily in the world right now is not the differences between Latin America and the United States. The battle today is between those who do NOT want a world Organization and those of us who DO.

On the opposing side are those who have opted for the division of the world into blocs, for the “New Order” as they call it, that is, the United States and its clique. This is, at the end of the day, what is behind the so-called ‘Summit of the Americas’ which, as we all know, is nothing more than a meeting of the pro-US “Club”, a meeting of a superpower with those States that swoon before it.

So, this is where we find ourselves. Consequently, the Proposal for Reinventing the UN, which continues to be innovative and revolutionary, must be viewed in the context of today’s world, [eleven years on], as surely Father Miguel would urge us to do if he were here.

At this moment, the issue of the Security Council reform is not the priority. The priority is to know whether the authority of the United Nations is actually going to be accepted in practice–in real life. What is the use of discussing reforms to the Security Council or the General Assembly… if the consensus with which the UN was created has disappeared? What is the use of the UN if what currently defines the world is the exercise of force and the threat of the use of force? What good is it to talk about reforming the Security Council when, even if there were 120 members on the Council, at the end of the day it is the great powers (the P-3, and the P-5) who will impose their will, either with the use of the ‘formal veto’ that now exists or with the ‘veto of force’ as the United States did in the invasion of Iraq.

At this juncture in which we find ourselves, I believe it is up to us as a Center,[6] as Nicaraguans, as revolutionaries and as citizens of the world, to take up this great challenge of Padre Miguel to fight with everything we have, to defend the existence of a world international forum, based on the rule of law, and to re-found our only universal Organization into one dedicated to the defense of Mother Earth and of humanity.

It’s now or never.

It is worth asking, how did we get here? So, let’s examine some inputs for our analysis, including factors that influenced Padre Miguel’s actions and Proposal and its continued relevance.

The presidency of the 63rd session of the General Assembly

When Father Miguel d’Escoto assumed office, he had an ambitious plan to democratize the United Nations. Three unforeseen events were to interrupt his agenda and take on special importance during his brief presidency.

The first big event, which would prove to be the most lasting, was the collapse of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008, which initiated a profound worldwide financial and economic crisis. Although the crisis interrupted his hefty agenda, the PGA-63[7] saw in it a historic opportunity to position the General Assembly at the center of a global conversation of vital importance.

He worked frenetically to obtain a mandate to hold a summit, and once he succeeded, he moved to establish a Panel of Experts of the President of the 63rd General Assembly, chaired by the Nobel laureate, economist Joseph Stiglitz, to assist Member States in formulating far-reaching responses to the crisis. The Conference, to be held in the Spring of 2009, would be presided over by the President of the General Assembly and entailed a gigantic effort and coordination on the part of Fr. Miguel and his Cabinet.

The PGA-63 traveled to Venezuela, Finland, Syria, China, Switzerland and Iran to enlist support. While the Outcome Document is widely regarded as one of the most far-reaching documents to come out of the UN in decades, the lack of high-level delegations, particularly from the ALBA countries (only President Rafael Correa of Ecuador attended the Conference)[8], was indicative of the low esteem in which Member States hold the Organization. Seeing such low expectations pained the President tremendously. Nor could he shake off the feeling that somehow “we had missed the boat”.

The second event occurred on 27 December when Israel began what it called “Operation Cast Lead,” an attack by Israeli forces on the Gaza Strip by land, sea and air preceded by massive shelling that immediately caused dozens of civilian casualties. The inaction of the Security Council, with its hands tied by the US, and unbelievably by the Palestinian delegation itself, was revealing and showed the priest the degree of putrefaction that existed within the Organization. Padre Miguel galvanized the Assembly to take action on the issue, but again, with unsatisfactory results.

The final major event, the coup d’état against President José Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, occurred on 28 June, before the Summit on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development had even ended. Despite the unanimous approval of a resolution calling for the immediate restoration of the legitimate president, very little actually changed on the ground. However, the peoples of the world followed live on TeleSur as Manuel Zelaya attempted to return to Tegucigalpa in a very small aircraft. Seated next to him was the president of the 63rd session of the General Assembly.

Even with his limited results, Padre Miguel was able to face world events with courage and leadership, pushing the General Assembly to a level of activism rarely seen in recent years.  He was well aware that time would be short, but he wanted to give the Member States, and the world, a small glimpse of what a proactive and reinvigorated General Assembly might look like.

In his closing speech he stated….

“During this year as President of the General Assembly, I have come to the conclusion that the time has already passed for reforming or mending our Organization. What we need to do is to reinvent it, and we need urgently to do it ad majorem gloriam Dei, which is to say, for the good of the Earth and of humanity.”

…[T]here is a need to proceed to translate this shared vision into a draft of a new Charter of the United Nations, in tune with the needs and knowledge of the 21st century.”


It is impossible to review the history of the United Nations in the 21st century without also reviewing the history of NATO; they are inextricably intertwined.

As a quick reminder, NATO was formed in 1949 with twelve founding members, and has added new members eight times, the first additions being Greece and Turkey in 1952. In May 1955, West Germany joined NATO, prompting the Soviet Union to form its own collective security alliance, known as the Warsaw Pact.

In 1990, the Soviet Union and NATO reached an agreement under which a reunified Germany would join NATO within the framework of West Germany’s pre-existing membership. The United States, for its part, undertook a (verbal) commitment not to extend the Alliance “one inch to the East”.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, and with it the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, called into question the need for the North Atlantic Alliance. The hope was, with the end of the Cold War, the world would enjoy the long-awaited ‘peace dividend’ that would foster better relations based on friendship and cooperation among all Europeans. Within the framework of the European Union talk began of forming a European army, which the United States saw as an impediment to the projection of its post-Cold War influence.

In 1996, Clinton called for the former Warsaw Pact countries and post-Soviet republics to join NATO, making NATO enlargement an official component of U.S. foreign policy. In an open letter to U.S. President Bill Clinton, more than forty foreign policy experts, including Bill Bradley, Sam Nunn, Gary Hart, Paul Nitze and Robert McNamara, expressed their concerns about NATO expansion as costly and unnecessary, given the absence of an external threat from Russia at the time.[9]

Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic became NATO members in 1999, which generated much debate within NATO itself and opposition from Russia.  Since then, 14 other countries have joined NATO. There are a number of ways to partner with NATO, within programs such as ‘Partners for Peace’, ‘Global Partners’, etc. At the 2008 Budapest Summit, NATO Allies “welcomed the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine and Georgia”, seen by several political analysts as a blatant provocation of the Russian Federation.

Russia was especially concerned about the subsequent admission of three of the Baltic States, and has consistently opposed NATO expansion. As of February 2022, NATO has a total of 30 members, but there is talk (following the Russian operation in Ukraine) of expediting the incorporation of Finland and Sweden, both Partners for Peace, and even Ukraine.  All of them participate in interoperability exercises with NATO and have access to state-of-the-art armaments thanks to their partnership. There is now even talk of extending the Alliance to Latin America and Asia.

His certainty that NATO was, de facto, replacing the role of the UN in its role as guarantor for the maintenance of international peace and security led Father Miguel, during his last years, to translate and publish two books.

The first, written by political scientist-journalist Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, the priest aptly retitled – NATO: The Globalization of Terror[10], which was released in Spanish in 2015; and the second, written by economist-geopolitical expert Dr. Michel Chossudovsky entitled – Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity[11], came out in Spanish in 2016.

Because of the importance Fr. Miguel attached to each book, he asked Atilio A. Boron from Argentina and Ricardo Alarcón from Cuba to write the respective forewords to the Spanish editions.

As Nazemroaya correctly argues, “the dismantling of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an important step in opening the door to an eastward expansion of NATO and the European Union. It opened the way for the march towards the borders of Russia and the former Soviet Union. The former Yugoslavia was also a fundamental obstacle to a Euro-Atlantic project of NATO and the EU in Europe. Moreover, NATO’s war in Yugoslavia made it possible to prepare the logistics of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. [Interview by Silvia Cattori of Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, 2013.]

As Father Miguel observed:

“The most astute minds in international relations agree that NATO, the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization”, is the U.S. alternative to the United Nations.  If through idleness, abulia or whatever, we do not hurry to approve a sensible alternative that frees the United Nations and the world from the imperial clutches and guarantees peace, life, solidarity and complementarity, NATO will end up being imposed as the “de facto” alternative to the UN. The irony is that those responsible for that happening, should it come to pass, would be precisely those who claim not to want that to happen.”[12]

It was through Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya that we learned that in September 2008, Ban Ki-moon secretly negotiated and signed a cooperation agreement with NATO. “Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would express shock and the Kremlin would be angered by Ban Ki-moon’s collusion. R2P would be central to the cooperation agreement between NATO and the UN Secretariat. NATO’s “humanitarian intervention” was moved to a global level through the cover of a possible military intervention under the UN flag.” Such an agreement was never discussed or authorized by the Member States, but was listed on the NATO website. And so, the groundwork was laid for the upcoming intervention in Libya.

The US and its European accomplices have developed a series of procedural and institutional obstacles, along with political and economic coercion, to prevent the adoption of necessary institutional reforms within the UN.  This inflexible attitude contrasts sharply with NATO’s persistent renewal. Resources are never lacking for strategic updating, geopolitical analysis and institutional restructuring, just as they are never lacking for equipment, military exercises or coordination meetings to further consolidate its hegemonic military expansion.

According to the NATO website, “UN Security Council resolutions have provided the mandate for NATO operations in the Balkans and Afghanistan, and the framework for NATO’s training mission in Iraq.”

The war against Libya – “I came, I saw, he died.” [Hilary Clinton’s words]

In February 2011, while Fr. Miguel was putting the final touches to his Proposal, the United States, France and the United Kingdom were busy setting the stage to launch their war against Libya. Already in December the Obama administration had conducted its so-called “War games”, its rehearsal for a full-scale war against Libya. In less than two months the first reports began emerging about citizen uprisings in various parts of eastern Libya, thereby generating the necessary conditions for humanitarian intervention, the famous R2P, “to save the lives of civilians.”

The politically savvy priest carefully studied each of President Obama’s statements.  It was particularly disconcerting for the veteran Sandinista to observe the complicity of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in the U.S.’s maneuverings to block the accreditation and entry of Libyan diplomats to UN headquarters in New York.

Skilled in communications, Fr. Miguel was also sensitive to media spin. He understood how important it was to the US and its cohorts to ‘control the narrative’, in order to dupe or incite public opinion to support their military intervention. Fr. Miguel lost no time in addressing, himself, the media, generating indignation for denouncing the upcoming aggression.

The bombing of Libya, first by the United States, and later NATO, was something that the activist priest lived intensely. This experience, more than any other, convinced him that any genuine effort to transform our world Organization would have to be initiated outside the confines of the United Nations itself, away from the tentacles of the world’s warlords. At the same time, he was frustrated at how little resistance there was from the Member States.

Fr. Miguel wrote in the weeks preceding the US-NATO war operation:

“In the world today a great war in being unleashed and is in full swing against the most dispossessed, the billions of the poor, hungry, homeless, unhealthy, unemployed or out of school, but also against Arabs, Afro-descendants, Asians or Latin Americans who own oil, gas or strategic minerals.

Everything is aimed at the total and absolute control of the United States over the Earth.The empire has an open field. It moves without any effective resistance. The United Nations is no longer only dysfunctional and irrelevant to deter this imperialist aggression, we can already say that it has become an instrument of the empire. The main culprits are not so much the aggressors, as the timorous victims, who dare not organize to defend themselves as they should.”[13]

In prophetic words… Fr. Miguel stressed further:

“Both instances of regional coordination and cooperation, as well as those of global coordination and cooperation, are indispensable for the effective defense of life on Earth. I insist on this point so much because I am convinced that governments, even many of the most progressive, are not sufficiently convinced. The war by those who yearn for total and absolute planetary domination is more than declared and is advancing with a firmness and speed never before known. Either we begin to defend ourselves now or we will be crushed much sooner than we might suspect.”[14]

Mahdi Nazemroaya was one of the few truly independent journalists who covered the 2011 war in Libya in situ. We regularly followed his reporting in Global Research. Later in an extensive interview with Swiss journalist Silvia Cattori, he said:

“Hillary Clinton misled the Security Council on Libya where there was a vote to protect civilians in eastern Libya. And then France, the UK and the US took that and bombed the whole country. They bombed the Libyan army; they supported all the opposition forces in other places.

They completely forgot about Benghazi and started concentrating on Tripoli. They managed to overthrow the government that had cooperated with the West by disarming its nuclear capability. It is the only success story in disarming nuclear capability. And Libya had cooperated politically and had relations with Italy and France. But that didn’t matter. His government was overthrown and Muammar al Gadhafi was assassinated.”[15]

In the Foreword to the Spanish version of Nazemroaya’s book on NATO, Father Miguel, gives his own account:

“The global financial crisis covered up and facilitated the signing of a secret agreement, signed on 23 September 2008, between two Secretaries General, that of the UN and that of NATO. It was an agreement that affects the entire UN membership but which has never, then or now, been openly and transparently discussed in the General Assembly or the Security Council.

Since then, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has gone to great lengths to confer legitimacy on NATO, the most aggressive and largest military bloc in the history of the world; despite the fact that its mandate is contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, thus undermining the very Organization that he has a sacred duty to respect and defend. I myself have witnessed this when I was sent by President Daniel Ortega in February and March 2011 to New York to contribute to the search for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Libya. Ban Ki-moon, for his part, toured Western Europe pushing Member States to participate in NATO military action against Libya and was very influential in denying a UN Member State its right to be present at Security Council deliberations on events in its country, a right that the Charter confers even on non-member states.”[16]

Some Preliminary Conclusions

This brief essay is a modest first step to shed light and start a conversation on the imperative to take back the United Nations and turn it into an organization at the service of Humanity, of We the Peoples and for the defense of Mother Earth.

There are many other issues that must be addressed, including the impunity granted to the P-5 of the Security Council, but most especially to the United States of America in its “long-war against Humanity”. We must address the doctrines of perpetual war and pre-emptive war, including the infamous “R2P”, and which divert the world’s resources and supersede the peoples’ agenda; the multiple converging crises that threaten the extinction of our own human species and transcend human boundaries; how to ensure the maintenance of international peace and security in a mind-boggling world infinitely more complex than that of 1945; and how to make the UN a functional organization, capable of dealing effectively with the great challenges of the XXI century for Mother Earth and humanity?

The COP negotiations on climate change are undermined by the reluctance of certain industrialized States to commit to binding agreements, leaving the most vulnerable and least responsible for climate change to their fate.

All Member States share part of the blame, whether by omission or commission, for the current crisis in Ukraine. We are all at fault for failing to address head-on the root causes, for failing to bring into the forefront and challenge the ‘lawfulness’ of NATO, and demonstrate the threat it constitutes to international peace and security by its’ insatiable expansion. Ignoring the legitimate security concerns of any State, harms the security of all.

We must not be mere spectators, but protagonists and subjects in the struggle for justice, security and well-being for all. And we must recognize that our own security is intertwined with the security of others. The wise words of Benito Juarez remain true: respect for the rights of others is peace.

Father Miguel would undoubtedly be bringing these issues before different fora.  The United Nations has held countless formal and informal meetings on ‘R2P’ and yet it has never held a single debate challenging the lawfulness of the NATO Alliance itself or its infringement on prerogatives of the Member States under the UN Charter; on the contrary, there are some who bump shoulders and elbows in their zeal to join, as ‘junior’ partners of the U.S., in the Alliance.

Father Miguel was a committed multilateralist and defender of the United Nations. He was never timid or cowardly. He knew that we are in for the fight of our lives, and in defense of life itself. This fight will take everything we have.

We must ask ourselves… How far we are willing to go to establish a universal Organization at the service of Mother Earth and of humanity? How far are we willing to go to defend the rule of law? How much are we willing to sacrifice to achieve it?  The battle lines are being drawn.

It’s now or never.


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This article is based on an original essay published in Spanish by the CEDMEB in Semanario on the fifth anniversary of the passing of our namesake, Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, on 8 June 2022.

Sofía M. Clark, Professor, political scientist and member of the collective of the Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann Center for Development Studies (known by its acronym in Spanish- CEDMEB) at the UNAN in Managua. She served as Deputy Chief of Staff during the presidency of Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann of the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly.


[1]  Father Miguel d’Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua from 1979-1990, was president of the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (2008-2009). He was also a Maryknoll priest known for his staunch commitment to creative nonviolence and liberation theology. This quote is taken from an Op-ed entitled “USA: The worst of all the crises that threaten our survival”, published in La Voz del Sandinismo on 28 February 2011, just weeks before the launch of the US-NATO war against Libya.

[2] On 7 September 1987, after unsuccessful attempts to arrive at a bilateral agreement with the United States on reparations, the Sandinista government conveyed its decision to the ICJ to seek the assistance of the Court in determining the amount of the reparations to be paid to Nicaragua by the U.S. The memorial of Nicaragua, contained in six thick volumes, was submitted on 29 March 1988.  The proceedings were entering their final phase when Violeta Chamorro and the UNO coalition won the elections in 1990. The following year, on 12 September 1991, the Chamorro government sent a letter to the Court notifying them of its decision to withdraw the case, disregarding the advice of its own counsel to temporarily suspend the proceedings. Nicaragua’s right to reparations, after the 1986 ruling, was a national right pertaining to the people of Nicaragua. It is worth mentioning that after the August 1990 invasion and annexation of Kuwait by the Iraq, the UN Security Council pressed Iraq for war reparations to Kuwait, as well as indemnification for damages caused to “Third States”. [Zamora R., Augusto, El Conflicto Estados Unidos-Nicaragua 1979-1990 (Fondo Editorial CIRA; 1996). pp. 515-526.]

[3] Published in El Nuevo Diario on 20 July 2004.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann Center for Development Studies, known by its acronym in Spanish—CEDMEB—at the UNAN-Managua.

[7]  UN vernacular for President of the General Assembly.

[8]  In the words of president Miguel d’Escoto… “On June 26, 2009, an extraordinary event occurred: the 192 Member States of the United Nations adopted by consensus a broad and exceptionally substantive statement on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development. The analysis and recommendations cover the gamut from short-term mitigation to deep structural change, from crisis response to reform of the global economic and financial architecture.” It should be mentioned that all 15 Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) attended the World Conference and two of which, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda joined ALBA on the 24 of June 2009, the very day the Conference opened. The Commonwealth of Dominica has been a member of ALBA since 2004.

[9]  Barnay, University of Texas (Austin), The Future of NATO Expansion: Four Case Studies (Cambridge University Press: 2003), pp. 16-18.

[10] Published originally in English under the title: The Globalization of NATO (Clarity Press, Atlanta: 2012).

[11] Published originally in English by Global Research, in Montréal, Quebec in 2015.

[12] Foreword by Miguel d’Escoto to the 2015 Spanish edition of the book by Mahdi D. Nazemroaya, OTAN: La globalización del Terror.

[13]   La Voz del Sandinismo el 28 febrero 2011.

[14]   Ibid.

[15] y

[16]   Nazemroaya, 2015 (Spanish version).

Featured image is from edgarwinkler / Pixabay

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On August 7, 2022, Gustavo Petro and his running mate, Francia Márquez, were inaugurated as the President and Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia. This was one of the most historic events in Latin America for at least a century.

For the first time since the liberation of Colombia from Spain by Simón Bolívar, Colombia now had leaders who promised to radically transform Colombia, and with it, all of Latin America. I was fortunate enough to be present at the inauguration ceremony which was just as exciting as one could have hoped for.

As I was told by Colombians while in Bogotá, this was the first time in memory that throngs of people came to Plaza Bolívar to celebrate the inauguration of a new President and Vice-President.

This makes sense, for after all, this was an inauguration of progressive leaders following years of right-wing rulers like Álvaro Uribe, Juan Manuel Santos and Iván Duque, all of whom were closely tied and beholden to the paramilitary death squads.

It was Gustavo Petro, as Senator, who exposed the “paramilitary scandal” which involved numerous Colombian politicians at all levels. This included politicians embedded with the paramilitaries that haunted Colombia and killed popular leaders—leaders who threatened the oligarchs’ hold on economic and political power. Now, Petro and Márquez are taking charge to try to break the oligarch/paramilitary hold over their country.

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Photo Courtesy of Dan Kovalik

It was an uncharacteristically sunny afternoon in usually-cloudy Bogotá, and this added to the already-festive atmosphere of the event.

The thousands of people who came to Plaza Bolívar were boisterous and cheered as Francia Márquez and then Gustavo Petro and his family entered the Plaza.

The crowd had a mind of its own, cheering the guests they liked, like the newly-elected President of Honduras, Xiamora Castro; the leftist President of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora; and the wife of Mexico’s progressive President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (“AMLO”).

Meanwhile, they loudly booed the reactionary President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, and then followed up the boos by chanting the last name of his left-wing predecessor, Rafael Correa.

Because the U.S. sent a low-level delegation headed by Samantha Power, the head of USAID, the U.S. delegation was not even announced from the podium and was not seated on the stage, and therefore, the crowd never got a chance to react to the guests from the U.S.

Quite symbolically, Spain sent its King—yes, Spain still has a King—instead of an elected official to represent the country at the inauguration. King Felipe VI would eventually be treated to a spectacle to which he reacted with great offense.

Gustavo Petro, the former M-19 guerrilla, was sworn in as President by the President of the Colombian Congress, Roy Barreras. And, to the great delight of the crowd, Petro was presented with the Presidential sash by María José Pizarro, the daughter of a former M-19 comrade who had been killed after being demobilized.

Petro then raised his fist in defiance to the crowd which reacted with resounding applause and with the chant, “No Mas Guerra!” (“No More War!”). Petro then swore in the new Vice-President and crowd favorite, Francia Márquez, an Afro-Colombian activist who started out as a domestic servant.

This was followed by a moving video presentation of photos taken by Colombia’s famous war photographer, Jesús Abad Colorado. The video was accompanied by the powerful singing of Afro-Colombian opera star, Betty Garces. By the end of the video presentation, there wasn’t a dry eye in the Plaza. The one notable part of the video which elicited happy applause from the audience was a photo of Manuel Marulanda, the founder of the FARC guerrillas.

After a speech by Roy Barreras, Gustavo Petro took to the microphone and did something never been done before—he called for the sword of the Liberator, Simón Bolívar, to be brought to the stage. Petro stated, “This is an order of the President and popular mandate.”

This was an incredibly symbolic gesture by Petro. First of all, this demand was made in spite of the opposition, and indeed in defiance, of the Colombian military which will certainly stand as a great obstacle to Petro’s attempt to transform Colombia.

In addition, Petro himself has a personal history with this very sword. Back in the day, he and his comrades in the M-19 guerrillas had stolen the sword from the National Museum as a symbolic protest of the Colombian government and military’s repression.

They stated back then that they would return the sword when Colombia was truly free and liberated. In the end, they returned it short of this when they signed a peace agreement with the government that allowed Petro to become the politician who would eventually be President. Now, Petro was calling for the sword back, demonstrating that liberation was now at hand.

And, after an unprecedented break in the proceedings to allow for Petro’s order to be carried out, four guardsmen in formal red attire were seen on the video screen outside the Plaza slowly carrying the glass case with the sword of Bolívar towards the proceedings.

The crowd cheered and then went wild as the sword was carried onto the stage and set in the center next to Petro. Everyone stood for this procession with the exception of King Felipe VI of Spain who remained seated to show his dismay at the sword, which had defeated Spain exactly 203 years before in the Independence Battle of Boyacá, being brought out as a symbol of this defeat. I can only speak for myself in saying that this was one of the most dramatic and moving political and historic events I have ever witnessed in my decades of travel.

A large crowd of people in front of a stage Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Photo Courtesy of Dan Kovalik

Petro then gave his inauguration speech in which he set forth his ten-point plan for Colombia, and indeed for Latin America and the Caribbean. This plan, as he laid it out, is as follows:

  1. Creating a true peace in Colombia and a new “Government of Life” to replace the current government of death;
  2. Creating a “policy of care” for the elderly, children, people with disabilities and the most marginalized in society;
  3. Creating a Ministry of Equality with Francia Márrquez as Minister to achieve gender parity in Colombia.
  4. Dialoguing with everyone in Colombian society, “without exceptions or exclusions,” to unite the country and create a Great National Accord;
  5. Governing the country by listening and being responsive to the Colombian people;
  6. Defending Colombia from the violence which has haunted the nation for so many decades;
  7. Fighting and having a “zero tolerance” for corruption;
  8. Protecting the soil, subsoil, seas and rivers from environmental degradation and converting Colombia into a “world power of life.”
  9. Developing national industry, the popular economy and the Colombian countryside while prioritizing peasant women, small entrepreneurs, farmers and artisans;
  10. Complying with the Colombian Constitution, and especially Article 1, which states: “Colombia is a social State under the rule of law, organized as a unitary, decentralized Republic, with autonomy of its territorial entities, democratic, participatory and pluralistic, founded on respect for human dignity, on the work and solidarity of the people who make it up and on the prevalence of the general interest.”

I thought as I heard this plan being laid out how visionary this leader, Gustavo Petro, is as compared to the petty, divisive and mediocre politicians in my own country.

But I also thought how daunting this plan is; and how was it going to be carried out. Petro and Márquez will be opposed by the powerful Colombian military and it’s paramilitary allies, the entrenched right-wing political establishment and by the United States which fights tooth and nail to prevent Colombia–a NATO partner and the U.S.’s staunchest political and military ally in the region–from leaving its orbit of control.


Petro and Márquez need and deserve our solidarity to ensure that they will succeed.

And if they do, not only Colombia, but the entire Hemisphere will be transformed. The U.S.’s last beachhead will become an independent and liberated nation, united with its Latin American neighbors, just as Simón Bolívar had intended.


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Daniel Kovalik graduated from Columbia University School of Law in 1993. He then served as in-house counsel for the United Steelworkers, AFL-CIO (USW) until 2019. He has written extensively on the issue of international human rights and U.S. foreign policy for the Huffington Post and Counterpunch and has lectured throughout the world on these subjects. He is the author of several books including The Plot To Overthrow Venezuela, How The US Is Orchestrating a Coup for Oil, which includes a Foreword by Oliver Stone. Daniel can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image is from Dan Kovalik

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Countdown to the New Iranian Nuclear Deal

August 22nd, 2022 by Steven Sahiounie

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The world is inching closer to restoring a deal to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb. The US is examining the Iranian response to a ‘final’ accord tabled by the EU in the latest round of negotiation for the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (or JCPOA, as the deal between Iran, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Germany and the European Union is known). 

In mid-July, Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Al Jazeera,

“In a few days we were able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium. … Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one.”

Uranium enriched at 90% is considered weapons-grade.

Karim Sadjadpour of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently told CNN that Iran does not want to build a nuclear bomb, but instead they want the capability to build one.  There’s a world of difference.

According to US intelligence agencies, US allies, and IAEA inspectors, by 2003 Iran had abandoned its military nuclear program.

In October 2003, Khamenei issued an oral fatwa, or religious edict, that forbade the production and using any form of weapon of mass destruction. Two years later, in August 2005, the fatwa was cited in an official statement by the Iranian government at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

“We do not need nuclear bombs. We have no intention of using a nuclear bomb,” Khamenei said in a November 2006 speech, according to a transcript from his office. “We do not claim to dominate the world, like the Americans, we do not want to dominate the world by force and need a nuclear bomb. Our nuclear bomb and explosive power is our faith.”

How many countries have nuclear bombs?

Nuclear weapons analysts estimate that the world’s nine nuclear states—China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States—have around 13,000 nuclear warheads in total, according to the Arms Control Association.

Iran’s nuclear power station and compared to others

The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is the only nuclear power reactor in Iran, with a total of 42 199 million kilowatts of electricity generated from March 2011 to March 2020, which provided 1.84% of national electricity production in 2019.

According to Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atom Energy Organization of Iran, the country has less than two percent of the global nuclear capacity but is subject to 25 percent of all inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Eslami feels that western powers use the threat of Iran’s nuclear program as a pretext to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear technology, which has nothing to do with atomic bombs but enables scientific achievements.

Currently, Iran does not possess weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and is a signatory to treaties repudiating the possession of WMDs including the Biological Weapons Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN

Israel views Iran as their enemy.  Iran is part of a global resistance movement against the occupation of Palestine.  The resistance movement, in its many forms, demands that the five million Palestinians, who are Christians and Muslims, be given their human rights and a homeland that guarantees their freedom and dignity.

In September 2012, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the UN General Assembly and used a hand-drawn caricature of a bomb to illustrate the threat of Iran developing a nuclear bomb.  His theatrical stunt was effective, and it got the attention of at least Donald Trump.

Why did Trump break the 2015 deal?

Iran reached its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, which saw it receive economic sanctions relief while it drastically curtailed its nuclear program. Under the deal, Tehran could enrich uranium to 3.67%, while maintaining a stockpile of uranium of 300 kilograms (660 pounds) under the constant scrutiny of IAEA surveillance cameras and inspectors.

The 2015 deal was seen as an achievement of President Obama.  During the political campaign of Donald Trump in 2016, he promised he would break the Iran deal if elected to office.  Many of his campaign promises were directed at anti-Obama goals.

In 2018 Trump unilaterally withdrew America from the accord, saying he’d negotiate a stronger deal, but he never delivered on his promise.

Iran now enriches uranium up to 60% purity, which is a level it never reached before Trump broke the deal, and that is a short, technical step away from 90%, which is a level that can produce a bomb.

Trump broke the 2015 deal in 2018 to appease voters who were steadfast supporters of Israel.  While in office, Trump took more actions to support Israel than any previous US President.  Netanyahu urged Trump to break the deal, only to find that the Iranian nuclear program was greatly increased because of the break.

Who is the winner if a new deal is done?

China and India have remained loyal customers of Iranian crude, but if a new deal is signed, Iran’s crude oil production and exports could surge.

EU nations are still importing about 1.2 million barrels a day of Russian crude oil, which is two-thirds of the amount before the Ukrainian crisis.  In December, sanctions will stop that flow, and Iran is expected to fill that gap.

In 2016, Iran boosted its output to 3.8 million barrels a day within a year of restrictions being eased.  The onshore tanks stored huge volumes of crude oil and ships off Iran’s coast were quickly ready to sail as buyers placed orders.

According to Julian Lee, an oil strategist for Bloomberg First Word, and formerly a senior analyst at the Centre for Global Energy Studies, Iran may reach a new deal that will allow Iran to fill in the sanctioned Russian crude oil for European nations soon.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Liz Cheney: Goodbye and Good Riddance

August 22nd, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The fact that Daddy Dick was there, the dark eminence who soiled the Republic and inflated executive power with drugged glee, said it all.  This was the occasion of his daughter’s electoral defeat at the hands of another Republican, Harriet Hageman.  Neoconservative bumbler and part of an enterprise that loves war and cherishes the buccaneering free market, Liz Cheney was facing final judgment at the hands of voters in Wyoming for her belligerent position against Donald Trump.

Cheney had hoped to purge the GOP of Trumpist influence by simply reiterating her own toxic alternative, the very sort that did much to bring about the success of Trump in the first place.  All that mattered was reiterating her hatred of orange-haired ogre and his alleged role in the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

This was a bit much given how she had done little by way of condemning Trump for any earlier misdeeds even as the GOP was being transformed.  As a matter of fact, her voting record for Trump’s proposals comes in at an astonishing, distinctly non-dissenting 93%.

Former Republican Rep. Justin Amash issued a strong rebuke last year regarding her newly fashioned image in the party.  She could hardly be seen as “some sort of hero”, having come to the anti-Trump show belatedly late.  She might have joined him in his earlier warnings that “the president’s approach could lead to things like violence, could lead to a lot of animosity and contempt and all sorts of things that would be harmful to our country.”

During her time in Congress, Cheney also showed hostility to raising the minimum wage, voted against the Equality Act and the Equal Rights Amendment, the Voting Rights Act, the George Floyd Act and the Build Back Better and Infrastructure bills.  And that’s just a modest sampling.

Cheney’s position as vice chair on the January 6 committee was purely decorative.  In getting her on board, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could leave an impression that the investigation into the former president was somehow bipartisan, bringing in both Democrats and the GOP.  In the meantime, Cheney could play the principled constitutional defender, enraging members of the party that never forgave her.

In losing her voter base, Cheney seemed to have won, inexplicably, a few admirers.  Former US Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, hoped she would not “disappear from public life.”  She had “displayed more courage and integrity than almost any other member of her party – indeed, given the pressure she was under, perhaps more than any lawmaker now alive.”

It is worth noting that Trump, for all his monstrous defects and vandalising tendencies, never took his country into an illegal war nor endorsed a massive, illegal warrantless surveillance program of citizens.  For all his Caesar-like pretensions, he was not an adventurist in the way President George W. Bush was, nor committedly Machiavellian in the manner of Dick Cheney.  Besides stealing the 2000 election, a point virtually no one sober enough after the fact amongst Democrats and Republican strategists can deny, Bush went on to destabilise and crater the Middle East and give a very complete account about how dismal the neoconservative cabal could be.

In due course, the neocons, with the Cheney mindset running the show, converted the US government into a forward base for forced democratisation even as they were destroying democracy – or an impression of it – at home.  (A plantation, property-minded republic with a constitution to match was never intended as a democracy.)  It made Dick Cheney’s plea for his daughter’s re-election darkly laughable.  “In our nation’s 246-year history,” went the campaign ad fronted by Father Dick, “there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.”

Daughter Liz is hoping for bigger, more ruinous things.  In her graceless non-concession speech, she promised that “our work is far from over”.  This project, she suggested, lay in the battle against “the conspiracy and the lies” regarding the 2020 elections.  She promised to “do whatever it takes” to deny any pathway for Trump’s return to the White House.

This immediately had commentators jotting down options.  Did that mean that Cheney would have a stab at the office herself?  (She subsequently revealed on NBC’s Today that she was toying with the idea.)  Any primary run against Trump would seem positively quixotic, though she did allude, irrelevantly, to one of the Republic’s most remarkable and devious minds as a source of inspiration.  “Abraham Lincoln was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all.”

Nothing proved sacred to Cheney, who also mentioned Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, “That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.  That this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and a government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”  Pity those last words seemed to have been ignored by her family.

In her dig through Civil War history, not even Ulysses S. Grant was spared.  The Union General, instead of heading back to the safety of Washington, decided to head to Richmond “and the heart of Lee’s army.  Refusing to retreat, he pressed on to victory.”

Bringing the spirits of Lincoln and Grant into play, along with the nonsense of the US being “the best hope of freedom on earth”, was in spectacularly poor taste.  The Cheney family has made a truly corking effort in shredding the Republic Lincoln tried saving.  Along the way, they managed to lose a constituency.  There was never much in the way of principle here – except the one that only ever matters for the Cheneys: power, and how to possess it.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

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All that the latest development will do is exacerbate the growing generational divide within the country, turn more people against the “official narrative”, and further worsen the socio-political (soft security) situation. Considering this, there’s no doubt that the destabilization of Pakistan is being driven by those same political forces tasked with protecting it, not their opponents.

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) decreed on Saturday that former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s speeches can no longer be broadcast live on satellite TV channels throughout the country. The supposed basis behind this dramatic decision is that he “is continuously alleging state institutions by leveling baseless allegations and spreading hate speech through his provocative statements against state institutions and officers which is prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order and is likely to disturb public peace and tranquility.”

This move was made immediately after the country’s former leader, who was deposed by a US-orchestrated but domestically driven post-modern coup in early April as punishment for his independent foreign policy (particularly its Eurasian dimensions), announced that he’d be filing court cases against the IG and DIG of the Islamabad Police as well as Additional District and Sessions Judge (ADSJ) Zeba Chaudhry for what he claimed was their complicity in the alleged torture of his close associate Shahbaz Gill.

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah claimed in response that this supposedly constituted a “threat” against state officials even though it was simply the public declaration of an intended court case that hasn’t yet been ruled upon. Most societies in the world, especially those that insist on being “democratic” like Pakistan’s post-modern coup authorities have argued that theirs has since become after allegedly defeating the so-called “fascism” that they accused the former premier of promoting, would never interpret such a declaration as a “threat” against anyone.

The very fact that Sanaullah’s claims resonated with PEMRA and in turn inspired them to decree that “the recorded speeches of the former PM would only be permitted to be aired after effective delay mechanism is put in place in order to ensure effective monitoring and editorial control in conformity with Pemra laws” contradicts his government’s own narrative about contemporary Pakistani society. In truth, this development actually extends credence to the one connected with former Prime Minister Khan and his supporters, who insist that their society has become fascist after the regime change.

Another point to be made is that the imported government, as the ousted leader and his supporters have taken to calling it, is more desperate than ever to stop the only truly national party in the country. PTI’s landslide victory in last month’s Punjab by-elections on the ruling PMLN’s own home turf proved that “The Power Of The Pakistani People Will Defeat Their Unpopular Imported Government”, which in turn prompted the authorities to censor ARY News and then arrest Gill on similar national security pretexts in a desperate bid to intimidate the population into accepting their subservience to the US.

Furthermore, the decision to no longer allow the live broadcast on satellite TV channels of former Prime Minister Khan’s speeches also confirms the generational divide between the post-modern coup authorities and the people in whose name they unpopularly rule. This South Asian state is mostly comprised of young people nowadays who get most of their information through online sources so it’s possible that some of them could simply livestream their former leader’s speeches through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in order to get around this latest decree.

It’s clear that the post-modern coup authorities are so scared of the PTI chief that they’ve taken to twisting his public intent to file a court case against some of them as a supposed national security threat, which corresponds to the same basis upon which they censored ARY News and arrested Gill. The newfound focus on national security to justify their crackdown against PTI and those who sympathize with its narrative of events that challenges the “official” one also adds credence to claims that Pakistan is presently in a state of post-modern martial law.

The innuendo is that the former Prime Minister, his party, and those who support them all constitute grave national security threats that must be proactively thwarted by the post-modern coup authorities who are relying on the security forces to impose their self-interested political will upon the population. To be absolutely clear, those same forces and the structures that they represent are simply following the constitutional chain of command in carrying out their orders. The problem isn’t with them, but their elite echelons who are going along with this anti-democratic and fascist crackdown on society.

The tragic irony is that those victims of this witch hunt are extremely passionate about their patriotism, would never by any stretch of the imagination ever countenance carrying out any genuinely anti-state activity, and sincerely want to comprehensively improve everything about their beloved country after being convinced that it’s been pushed down a dangerous path by shadowy forces over the past four months. Neither Prime Minister Khan, PTI, their supporters, nor those who simply don’t ascribe to the “official narrative” of events since then objectively constitute bonafide national security threats.

The exploitation of national security pretexts for justifying the increasingly intensifying post-modern martial law in Pakistan speaks to how desperate those who carried out the post-modern coup have become in recent weeks. All that the latest development will do is exacerbate the growing generational divide within the country, turn more people against the “official narrative”, and further worsen the socio-political (soft security) situation. Considering this, there’s no doubt that the destabilization of Pakistan is being driven by those same political forces tasked with protecting it, not their opponents.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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In late April 2022, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas publicly revealed at a press conference the existence of a government Propaganda Department, euphemistically called the “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB). Its mission is to suppress all viewpoints that disagree with what the government pronounces as correct. In other words, there will henceforth be a “party line” and those who oppose or even simply do not follow the party line can be punished.

It should seem obvious to even the room-temperature IQ people promoting this propaganda board that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution flatly prohibits the government from creating and running any disinformation governance board. Anyone in the government who has promoted this idea should be promptly thrown out of office and personally sued for violating the constitutional rights of American citizens.

A Boot in Your Face

James Howard Kunstler, in his recent article “’Disinformation’ is Just a Boot in Your Face,” noted that, “Now we have the Disinformation Governance Board to be run by a TikTok musical comedy star, Nina Jankowicz, an instant laughingstock, since retailing disinformation has been her main occupation in the scant years she’s been on the Deep State scene. Ms. Jankowicz is a notorious RussiaGate hoaxer and psy-op agent in the October 2020 emergence of Hunter Biden’s laptop. She has zero credibility as anything but a professional falsifier. Her Disinfo Governance Board has no authority to regulate anything. It’s just a lame charade that can only draw more attention to the Left’s hatred of truth and reality. The Left pretends that free speech is a threat to civilization because, as usual, they are projecting psychologically. Their world is a mirror. In fact, the Left is a threat to civilization.”

Yet, just three weeks after the announcement of its existence, and in the face of mounting opposition, the Biden Regime has announced that the DGB has been “paused.” By the time you read this, the DGB may even have been eliminated. I think that this trial balloon of Totalitarianism has been popped.

Of course, such an establishment rag as The Washington Post has claimed that Nina Jankowicz and the DGB have been unfairly maligned by “coordinated online attacks,” and that the Board would have no power to suppress speech. Right. Anyone who knows anything about government and its innate habit of “regulatory creep” or “mission creep” will recognize that even if that were true, it would certainly not remain true for long since the Board’s power and influence would quickly grow over time, and probably sooner rather than later.

Still, the situation is fluid. The Washington Free Beacon has reported that “The Biden administration is calling in backup to bail out its Disinformation Governance Board just days after a disastrous launch. Their ringer is a former government official who blamed Russia for the Hunter Biden laptop story.” So, the DGB could well be revived under the direction of another stooge.

NHF supporter and well-known financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts puts another piece into the jigsaw puzzle of our probable future with her warning that the government most likely plans to marry the DGB’s pronouncements of what is truth and what is untruth with its current powers of asset forfeiture. In other words, any citizen spreading “disinformation” could have his or her assets seized by the government. Talk about what an Orwellian nightmare future that would be!

She was also one of few to correctly predict that our World would split into two, with two distinct realities. We have witnessed just this over the past few years with one part of society being awake and aware of, and consciously searching and creating solutions for free living, in stark contrast to the mainstream-media-programmed and programmable obeying half of propaganda subjects who are not yet aware where they are heading with their injections, chips, and digits on the screen. I believe that the former half is growing and will prevail despite all these mindless government attempts to control and subjugate its people.

My own take on this musical-chair change is that the Biden Regime realized that even amongst its team of silly circus performers Nina Jankowicz was a total disaster and could not stay as head of the DGB. Regardless, whether this new sprouting branch of the Disinformation Industry stays or not, the actual Disinformation Industry – run by the Intelligence agencies – will continue and maintain its Information Dominance until we are able to eliminate it entirely.

Novelist George Orwell Predicted This

George Orwell lived a short life and died in 1950, but not before he had written a number of books that are still in print today – 1984, Animal Farm, and The Road to Wigan Pier – as well as numerous articles and given a few rare interviews. He is often cited as one of the most prescient writers around, having predicted (1) governments’ constant surveillance of their populations, (2) never-ending war, (3) language manipulation, or “Newspeak” as he put it, and (4) a return to Roman-style “bread and circuses” to distract the lower classes. The current U.S. Disinformation Governance Board is a “Ministry of Truth” travesty plucked straight out of the pages of Orwell’s novel 1984. It almost gives the impression that our government is following his writings to the letter, and it is shocking to realize how easily it could pull off the next string of restrictions and impose controls over us.

Sadly, all of George Orwell’s “predictions” listed here have come true.

We already suffer under a high-tech censorship of any contrarian views, replete with so-called “fact-checkers” who suppress the truth about COVID-19, vaccination dangers, voter and electoral fraud, surveillance by intelligence agencies of ordinary citizens, and so much more. Just look at how popular opinions such as those of Dr. Joseph Mercola, President Trump, Del Bigtree, and many others have been shut out of Twitter and other social-media platforms. Consider, too, how Wikipedia routinely and comprehensively twists or entirely eliminates truthful entries in its so-called “People’s Dictionary” so as to support the mainstream propaganda efforts. NHF has been an ongoing target of Wikipedia’s brainwashing and I have written and spoken about this many times. Redefine words, as Wikipedia does, and people will soon enough forget that there was ever another, accurate definition of those words. Government will tell you what is right or wrong, true or false.

This Disinformation Governance Board is only the latest massive assault against our liberties. If the government can start telling us what we should think is “true” and what is “false” and then couple that with criminal charges leading to fines, asset seizures, and even imprisonment, then the United States and any other country with a similar Ministry of Truth are nothing other than totalitarian regimes.

The Higher the Monkey Climbs

Unfortunately, over the decades as government “Newspeak” has confusingly conflated “Democracy” with “Liberty,” people have begun to react with a Pavlovian response to any use of the word “Democracy,” completely forgetting, or not even knowing, that democracies with their mob rule can be just as totalitarian as an absolute monarchy or oligarchy!

For liberty to exist, there must be protection of individual liberties. Without the absolute protection of individual human rights, people in democracies are only voting for their jailers. To me, the word “Democracy” is no more synonymous with “Liberty” than are the words Fascism, Communism, Socialism, or any other failed system of tyrannical government that anoints itself as a God on Earth.

U.S. World War II General Joseph Stilwell once quipped that “the higher the monkey climbs, the more you see of its behind.” We are living witnesses to the truth of his remark as the democracies that we live in increasingly reveal their ugly sides as they climb the tree of power. And, unless we unite together to decisively fight this continuing climb into totalitarianism, our freedoms will soon be gone. It is up to all of us to commit to this fight. It is far too easy for us to think that someone else will save the day, and the government’s own disinformation efforts encourage this kind of thinking with false reports that “action is being taken” or “help is just around the corner.” No, the only help will be if we ourselves act, and act together. For those who are not yet members of NHF, I urge you to join us.

The Future of Government Propaganda

The 1836 Texas Declaration of Independence stated, among other things, that “unless a People are educated and enlightened, it is idle to expect the continuance of civil liberty, or the capacity for self-government.” The decades-long takeover of our public schools and universities by totalitarian thinking has tragically resulted in an army of well-indoctrinated but ignorant young totalitarians who look to a God-like government for every solution to every perceived slight and problem. So, as our personal liberties flicker on the edge of extinction, it is up to us to stop and reverse this trend.

One thing you can count on is that whether the Biden Regime pulls the plug or not on its Disinformation Governance Board, a similar but renamed propaganda board or entity will re-appear. It may have a different name with different faces, but it will appear again. The Totalitarians will not stop their efforts to control us, completely and forever.

The National Health Federation promises you that no matter what shape or form this Ministry of Truth takes, the NHF will act decisively against it and continue spreading the uncensored truth. We have no choice. Our backs are to the Wall. There is no more room for retreat.


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The other day I received a link to this video, an appeal on behalf of an Irish General Practitioner, Dr. William Ralph, who is currently under investigation by the Medical Council of Ireland.  I learned of Dr. Ralph’s plight through his niece, Dr. Karen McDonnell, a psychiatrist who is on the verge of losing her job in New Zealand (where, incidentally there is a tremendous dearth of psychiatrists) because she refuses to receive a third Pfizer inoculation, thanks to New Zealand’s ill-considered and scientifically unfounded inoculation mandates for health practitioners.

Dr. Ralph apparently had the temerity to be a good and decent GP, one who urged caution in the face of the relentless push to jab everyone in sight for an illness which, untreated, had low lethality and which, if treated, had virtually none. He respected his patients’ wishes to make their own decisions about medical interventions, he provided them with informed consent not only about the COVID inoculations but also about the consequences of the non-pharmacotherapeutic ‘health’ measures imposed, such as masking and social isolation, and he made home visits to those who did not have the wherewithal to travel for help. He provided those patients suffering from COVID with actual care, in opposition to the mystifying governmental health directives that provided none until a patient was so ill as to require hospitalization, at which point the measures then offered were detrimental if not dangerous.  As a result his practice, from 2020 through 2022, grew by approximately a thousand new patients.

To any thinking physician there is no mystery that people would flock to a doctor who honored his profession by adherence to very basic medical tenets:

1) not to harm

2) to respect the complexity of an individual’s medical needs and rights

3) to mitigate illness and prevent hospitalization by using effective medications and supplements

4) to engage in healthful activities such as exercise, nutrition, and

5) to foster ongoing connection with family and friends in a time of crisis

For these ‘sins’ Dr. Ralph is now under scrutiny by the Medical Council of Ireland, the organizational body charged with upholding medical standards and protection of the public weal, and his license to practice is in jeopardy.

Unfortunately Dr. Ralph is not alone.

Here in New Zealand a plethora of like-minded physicians have been hounded and persecuted by our Medical Council for these very same issues. Licenses have been suspended and revoked and virtually every physician who has dared to question directives that have mandated inoculations and actively suppressed  attempts to treat people who had contracted COVID has come under attack.

But we are fighting back.

I obtained my medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1986 (and at the same time I was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society). The education I received there was an education in critical thinking and clinical wisdom. Drugs and procedures come and go with the times, but the ability of a physician to glean from the complexities of a presenting illness and its effect on a patient a mode of healing, using knowledge and experience and respecting a patient’s uniqueness, is the hallmark of good medical practice.

Since 2020 this kind of medical practice, this kind of sensible and ethical medical approach, has been subverted and wholly undermined.  Honest medical councils that should have encouraged and honored the likes of Dr. Ralph have instead betrayed the profession whose ideals they claim to uphold.


An answer may lie in Texas, of all places, where the headquarters of two little known but connected organizations sit: the Federation of State Medical Boards and the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities, which share the very same address near Dallas: 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Euless, TX 70039.


The Chair-Elect of the IAMRA, Joan Simeon, just happens to be the CEO of the Medical Council of New Zealand, and the Secretary of the IAMRA, Dr. Humayun Chaudhry, just happens to be the President and CEO of the FSMB.  The Medical Councils of Ireland and New Zealand are members of the IAMRA.

Recently Dr. Richard Amerling, Associate Medical Director of America’s Frontline Doctors, responded to a statement from the FSMB alleging that providing ‘misinformation’ about the COVID jab should result in disciplinary action against physicians. Dr. Amerling wrote that “Decertification for speaking out in favor of early outpatient treatment of COVID-19, or calling into question the monolithic vaccine narrative, is a gross abuse of authority and will generate a strong legal response.”

The outstanding question remains: Where does the FSMB derive its authority to regulate United States medical boards and, through its apparent international partner, the IAMRA, direct medical councils around the world to discipline doctors?

The FSMB is not a government agency. Founded in 1912, it appears to be a private entity that has accrued its power in ways that are essentially unknown. It is high time for a bona fide investigation of this agency, an investigation into its finances, its corporate status and its paymasters. In many ways it is akin to another non-govermental agency that has wielded immense power and was founded in 1913: the Federal Reserve.

In 59 BC, were a Roman peasant to voice concerns about the alliance of Caesar, Crassus and Pompey to create a hegemonic rule over the Republic, he would not have been considered a ‘conspiracy theorist’; he would instead have been describing generally accepted reality.

In casting an eye over the years since the dramatic introduction of the COVID pandemic, the near total shutdown of the world, the immense transfer of wealth from the middle and poorer classes upwards, the  universal imposition of an inadequately tested so-called vaccine, and the vehement suppression of critical early treatment, one cannot but conclude that there is indeed an agenda beyond health and welfare.  The FSMB and the IAMRA have shown by their actions that they are tools whose task is to further this agenda, and that this agenda is both anti-medical and inhumane.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.

Featured image is from Alliance for Natural Health

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Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA Vaccine for Troops

August 22nd, 2022 by Jordan Schachtel

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Lawyers representing America’s service members are beginning to produce victories defending the U.S. Armed Forces against forced compliance with biomedical gene therapy experiments, and suddenly, nobody in the Pentagon wants to take accountability for their legally dubious mRNA injection order.

It all began on August 24, 2021, when Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo mandating mRNA “vaccination” for the active military, but with the stipulation that this mandate only applied to fully licensed products. This was because, as The Dossier understands, it is illegal to force service members to take an EUA vaccine.

Sec Def Lloyd Austin memo

The Sec Austin memo and the guidance that followed created an issue, because, as The Dossier readers are well aware of by now, the FDA licensed versions of the mRNA shots never actually made it to market, rendering the initial vaccine mandate useless.

This is where the infamous September 14, 2021 memo comes into play.

Dr Terry Adirim, the woman who signed the memo, is a devoted democrat political activist and, as a medical doctor, advocates for “gender-affirming prescriptions” for “transgender” children. At the time, she was the acting assistant secretary of defense for health affairs (under a Biden political appointment). Adirim’s memo attempted to justify mandating EUA shots as if they were FDA approved.

Terry Adirim Twitter profile

Dr Adirim’s deceptive memo described the EUA and FDA licensed vaccines as “interchangeable,” adding that the Defense Department can “use doses distributed under the EUA to administer the vaccination series as if the doses were the licensed vaccine.” Adirim failed to note that the EUA vaccines were only administratively interchangeable, but not *legally* interchangeable, as made clear by the FDA. This should have rendered any mandate unenforceable.

In other documents and statements, she routinely made claims that FDA licensed vaccines were available to troops, when that was not in fact the case.

Following the mRNA injection order, untold thousands of service members were coerced — under threat of both administrative and criminal action — to take a “vaccine” that they wanted no part of. Unsurprisingly, this mandatory novel gene therapy injection has harmed combat readiness and produced widespread, serious, long term injuries throughout the armed forces.

The Pentagon’s unlawful order is being challenged in court by lawyers representing all branches of the military. On Thursday, the Marine Corps became the latest service branch granted a class wide injunction against the mandate.

Since leaving the Pentagon, Adirim has sought to distance herself from the letter, claiming that “crazy” attempts to hold her accountable are misguided, because it was “The Secretary” (Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin) who “directed vaccinations.” Neither Austin nor the Pentagon has confirmed that the Secretary of Defense ordered Adirim to sign off on the unlawful mandate.

Adirim remains in government as the program executive director of the VA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization Integration Office. As a government official, both she and the Secretary of Defense are easily accessible to testify via a congressional subpoena, should congress want to investigate their controversial memos. As Adirim’s memo has come under scrutiny, she has decided to lock her social media accounts.

Who, if anyone, will be held accountable?


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Featured image: Pfc. Shaniah Edwards, Medical Detachment, prepares to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to soldiers and airmen at the Joint Force Headquarters, February 12, 2021. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leona C. Hendrickson – Source.)

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Featured image: A Ukrainian soldier poses with a Javelin missile launcher during a parade in August 2021. (shutterstock/ Lina Reshetnyk)

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Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering

August 22nd, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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This article was previously published November 15, 2020, and has been updated with new information.

There’s an entire school of research within public health on how to frighten people, known as “fear appeal”

Fear appeal is based on the premise that to successfully implement a public health measure, you must first highlight a threat. And, to work, the threat must be made personal, so that people fear for their personal safety

Next, you give people something immediate to do that will set them on the path of cooperating with the plan in its entirety. Examples during the COVID-19 pandemic included not leaving your house, wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, closing certain businesses and keeping children home from school

By adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically. In this state, you are more easily manipulated

Eventually, when the fear and anxiety are great enough, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief


Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, has written more than a dozen best-selling books on psychiatry and the drug industry. He’s frequently referred to as “the conscience of psychiatry” because he was able to successfully reform the psychiatric profession, abolishing lobotomies and other harmful experimental psychosurgeries.

During the pandemic, he homed in on COVID-19 and the fears around it, which is the topic of this interview. He also started researching the history of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and learned more than he bargained for in the process.

“He just looked like this kindly gentleman, until I started to listen to what he was saying and to look into what he was doing,” Breggin says. “In early April, [my wife] Ginger brought this scientific article to me and said, ‘Honey, this looks like it’s impossible, it’s fake or something.’

It was a 2015 article by a big team from North Carolina [led by] Ralph Baric,1 He’s the final author on it and the power behind it, although the lead author is Vineet D. Menachery.2 This article is talking about making a coronavirus that’s going to be a new epidemic agent. They’re talking about it. They’ve actually accomplished it — and it’s a SARS coronavirus.

It’s a virus that will infect the lungs that comes from bats … And they’re checking it out and they find that it will infect human lung epithelium. They give it to mice and the older mice are getting very sick and ones that are compromised die.

It sounds … [like] the precursor of SARS-CoV-2. They even tried, by the way, to make a vaccine for it and they couldn’t. And I’m thinking, ‘My God, what’s going on here?’ And then I look down the line of all these authors. There are [two] Chinese names there … and they list themselves as being from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

And then I look who’s funding it. Well, China is funding it. And Fauci is funding it from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. I’m thinking to myself, ‘My God, we’re giving the Chinese a biomedical weapon’ … [The two Chinese authors] turn out to be two of the very, very top Chinese people in this, what is essentially a military lab. The Wuhan Institute, nothing like that is anything but military in China.”

What Is Fauci’s Role in the Bio-Assault on the World?

Breggin claims he was able to share the information with someone close to President Trump, and three days after sharing this finding, the president canceled the U.S.-Chinese research collaboration that was working on coronavirus gain-of-function research.

However, Fauci quickly took hold of the American research efforts and in October 2020 injected additional funding. Some of that funding will surely still end up in China, Breggin says, by way of the EcoHealth Alliance, which for years has subcontracted research work to the Wuhan Institute. Fauci also gave additional money to the University of Texas. Breggin explains:

“In Galveston, there is a Level 4 biosafety lab that can work with the most dangerous viruses. So, I decided to look into this. It’s not great magic to it, you have to use some search engines like DuckDuckGo. I [searched for] ‘China’ and ‘the Galveston Institute,’ and I got … a press release … bragging about their relationships with the Wuhan Institute, working on viruses.

So, no wonder he’s sending them money. I start digging deeper and I come across a letter from the education department to the University of Texas, saying they’ve not been forthcoming about their connections to China and the Communist Party (CCP), and in particular from the institute in Galveston.

So, I’m looking at this network of connections with China. They list them all. We have a blog out about that too now. And I realized there’s nothing stopping Fauci. Absolutely nothing is stopping him. He is going to carry on his assault on the world. And Fauci knew that the Wuhan Institute was unsafe.”

Breggin delves into some of the backstory that helps explain what’s been happening. In 2014, then-President Obama called for a moratorium on gain-of-function research [making harmless viruses virulent] in the U.S. He did not, however, mention collaborations with the CCP. To get around Obama’s moratorium, Fauci outsourced the gain-of-function research to the Wuhan Institute.

Indeed, a series of email exchanges between Jinping Chen of Guangdong Entomological Institute — who was working in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance — surfaced after Judicial Watch successfully sued for records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in July 2021.3 In those emails, Dr. James LeDuc, head of the NIH-funded biosecurity lab at the University of Texas in Galveston, was outed:

“Leduc told Chen that he had been working on an initiative to ‘form long-term scientific and technical collaborations with the new BSL4 laboratory’ in Wuhan, under the direction of Dr. Yuan Zhiming, with whom Leduc had met “repeatedly,” Judicial Watch reports. And, Leduc adds, ‘we are already attempting to build the kind of partnership [with the Wuhan Institute of Virology] that I think is envisioned under the GHSA [Global Health Security Agenda].'”

Seeing that the same Judicial Watch report shows that Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases funded 490 out of 2,221 grants awarded to Chinese Collaborators between 2010 and 2018, based on the evidence, Fauci appears to play an important role in the global takeover by technocrats.

Technocracy is an economic system in which the world is ruled not by democratically elected politicians but by technocrats — a conglomerate of ultra-wealthy elites, scientists and technicians whose aim is to rule the global population and the allocation of resources through the use of technology.

Fear Is the Tool of Tyrants

Breggin was asked to be the medical legal expert in a lawsuit to put a stop to the never-ending emergency edict by the governor of Ohio. In his medical legal brief,4 Breggin detailed why shutdowns aren’t working, and the harm they inflict on the population.

This lawsuit has also stirred up other anti-lockdown projects around the U.S. You can find more information about all of this on It’s important to recognize that the primary tool that enables local and state leaders to implement unconstitutional mandates such as universal mask wearing, business shut-downs and draconian stay-at-home orders is fear.

Unless people are terrified, they won’t agree to such freedom-robbing edicts. This is a well-known fact, and as noted by Breggin, there’s an entire school of research within public health on how to frighten people, known as “fear appeal.”

“What an odd name: Fear appeal. It’s a euphemism for scaring people to death. That’s how you ‘appeal’ to them. And it’s a very long standing [field of research].

The particular article [Ginger and I] studied together made several points. It said, first, you have to not only create something or have something that people are afraid of in order to get your public health measures imposed, but you have to make it personal to them, you have to make them afraid personally.

Then you have to give them something immediate to do to begin cooperating with the plans that you have. We have many examples of that. Things to immediately do [are]: Don’t leave the house; wear a mask; stay 6 feet apart; start closing down businesses and so on. Don’t let your kids go to school and on and on …

That got me into looking more deeply at the whole question of public health. And public health, sad to say, is essentially a totalitarian model. It does not raise issues of collateral damage, it doesn’t raise issues of the Bill of Rights, the constitution, of liberty, the right to people to die with their boots on, the American tradition of individuals and their own communities making decisions.

There is no such concept. It starts with the assumption that what public health officials think is true and must be applied regardless of the context. And we see this with this globalism.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working in Africa or in Communist China, North Vietnam or America, these are the principles, they’re about politics above everything. It’s quite astounding. So, [public health] became something that was perfectly usable by the most extreme totalitarianism …

At the top is extraordinarily wealthy and powerful people and organizations. I see it as a kind of a cooperative but competing group that welcomed Communist China, which shows how little these people — like Fauci and the World Bank and our governments in the Western world — worry about anything except wealth and power.

Once they invited Communist China into this circle, China became a big, big player along these world predators and let each other be. Until Trump came along, no major figure stood up and said, ‘No, no, we’re going to go back to the [way things were].'”

The Psychology of Learned Helplessness

Fear is undoubtedly one of the most powerful motivating emotions for individuals, and the single most powerful intervention capable of controlling an entire population. It’s certainly hard to miss that fear has been used to control the masses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governments now have access to incredibly sophisticated technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, which is being used for all it’s worth to push this fear propaganda. The end goal is to push us into a state of helplessness, so that they can come in and “rescue” us. For decades, Breggin has studied learned helplessness and its remedies.

“When we’re born, we’re fundamentally helpless. All we can do to be taken care of is to express pain, we can cry, we can wiggle, we can express suffering. But we have no ability to take control of the environment other than by hopefully attracting our caregivers that cuddle us or look for a thorn in the side or whatever.

And that remains an aspect of humanity. That never leaves us. All of us can at some point be made to feel helpless again. And when we feel helpless, we become like the infant. We feel we have to be saved, basically. We look to other people, we look to drugs, alcohol, we look to authoritarian religions, we look to leaders of all kinds.”

From Fear to Anxiety to Desperation

As explained by Breggin, by adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety, a state of confusion in which you cannot think straight anymore. One of the characteristics of a panic attack or an anxiety attack is the loss of the ability to think. You become helpless and confused. Eventually, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief.

“So this, folks, is a web of fear,” Breggin says. “It’s all about scaring us, confusing us, making us helpless. I recently wrote a chapter that I may or may not put it in the book about my 85 years of looking at fear, because I was alive during World War II. I went down to the beach when I was 4 or 5 years old and would find remnants of our sailors’ life rafts where they sunk right off the water’s edge.

We were afraid of bombs called blockbusters, we hid under the tables and chairs and whatever we could find in school desks for fear of blockbusters. I went through the horrors of the polio [epidemic]. My closest friend died of polio two days after I was wrestling with him. I know fear, I know epidemics … the Vietnam War … 9/11.

And never until Fauci … have I seen leaders say ‘Be afraid.’ I couldn’t believe it when they found a comment made in private by Trump that he wanted to reassure and not scare the people. That was his supposed villainousness — not wanting to scare people.

That’s what Roosevelt did, that’s what every single person has done in great moments of crisis — they have said ‘Let us not be afraid,’ because we all know that a country that is unafraid and is doing as much of its normal activity as possible, is the strongest possible country.

That’s an actual public health principle — that we function best when we are living a normal life, unafraid, and we have ideals and goals like American liberty and freedom to strive for.”

The Biology of Fear

So, just what happens in your body when you experience fear? Importantly, it “quite literally scrambles our brains,” Breggin says. The good news is you have the power to control your mind and to calm down. The bad news is you don’t think you have any control over your mind.

“Anxiety overwhelms us, it makes us stupid, it makes us desperately want somebody to take over. But what we need is somebody who says you don’t have anything to fear, the anxiety won’t kill you; [someone who] will calm you down and tell you everything’s going to be fine, you don’t have to be helpless.

But we are getting the exact opposite message from Biden and Fauci … The pharmaceutical industry and the very wealthy need this fear because they’re making a fortune on this fear … getting all their drugs and vaccines ready.”

The Antidotes to Corruption Are Reason, Love and Liberty

Realizing the depth of the scientific corruption was part of why Breggin and his wife, Ginger, decided to take on this whole new field of investigation.

“We knew we had the research expertise and the scientific expertise. And I’ve got so many published books and scientific articles that I don’t think anybody can doubt I’m a researcher and a scientist,” he says.

“It was so mind-blowing to see the degree of corruption. I actually imagined standing in front of God, explaining why I didn’t do anything. That didn’t fly very well. I think the best antidote to looking at all this corruption is, first of all, to know this world has always been a corrupt place …

So, we need to learn to keep our own free will intact, and to love. We need reason and love. We can reason, we can love and respect the liberty of other people. Those are my three key words in life: Reason, love and liberty … You want to overcome your helplessness, [and you] do that with reason.”

What’s at Stake

Educating and supporting others are other strategies that can be helpful. Investigate things for yourself, and then share what you’ve learned with others. The way out of helplessness is to be of service to others, to contribute in some way. As noted by Breggin:

“We need to buckle up at this point and really see ourselves as an example of succeeding in the face of all this, and to spread it however far and wide we can … We weren’t promised an easy life.

There’s just no place that I know of that is a mammoth promise of an easy life. Life is difficult. Right now, I think the single most important thing is not the virus, it’s saving freedom in America.

One of the things I want to say to the progressive folks — and for a good chunk of my life, I was a very strong progressive — most of you are idealists, most of you would like to see the improvement of mankind. But that is not what’s going on in the world right now …

It is not about being a conservative, it is not about being a progressive. We are dealing with international predators that are just as happy to work with Iran, or North Korea, or North Vietnam or China. They are only interested in wealth and power. They have no real deep commitment to progressivism or capitalism. And … they haven’t got the slightest interest in free enterprise. Bill Gates is not a figure of free enterprise.

You got to get this straight. These people are not for liberty. This entire powerful international movement that I’m calling predatory globalists are motivated by wealth and power. They have reached the pinnacles of power, which are always corrupting.

Bill Gates has three people on his board of trustees: Himself, his wife and Warren Buffett — the No. 2 and No. 4 wealthiest people in the world. This is power beyond imagination. They are not wedded to anything except power and wealth. Wealth is a way to [power] and they’re using technocrats to do this.”

More Information

I agree with Breggin that the most important thing right now is to recognize that what we’re facing is an acute challenge to our society, our culture, that must be faced head-on. We need to aid our fellow human beings as best as we can with information, knowledge, that the conventional mainstream media is not telling them.

In fact, mainstream media are a significant part of the problem, because they’re being used as a tool to implement the technocrats’ agenda. For this reason, it has become imperative to seek out other channels of information, most of which are becoming progressively more censored and harder to find.

To stay on top of Breggin’s investigations, be sure to sign up for newsletter alerts on his website, He also has a radio and TV show that airs once a week. On his website, you’ll also find links to Breggin’s report5 on Fauci’s CCP connections, titled “Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery,” and his legal report,6 “COVID-19 & Public Health Totalitarianism: Untoward Effects on Individuals, Institutions and Society.”


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1 Ralph Baric, Ph.D.

2 Nature Medicine, 21 (12), 1508-1514. December 2015. With follow-up letter included

3 Judicial Watch July 8, 2021

4 Legal Report to Stop Emergency Declaration in Ohio and Elsewhere

5 Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery October 19, 2020 (PDF)

6 COVID-19 & Public Health Totalitarianism: Untoward Effects on Individuals, Institutions and Society August 30, 2020 (PDF)

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On August 4, Ukrainian army rockets struck the drama theater of Donetsk and a neighboring area, killing famed ballerina and teacher, Galina Vasilyevna Volodina, and one of her protégés, Katya Kutubaeva, 12, a rising young star with a brilliant future ahead of her.

According to Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett, Volodina, Kutubaeva and the latter’s grandmother were walking to the theater on Pushkin Boulevard when they were torn to pieces by the blast. See YouTube video:

Bartlett interviewed Vadym Pysarev, Art Director of Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, who was badly shaken by their deaths, saying that both were “very, very nice people.”

Pysarev worked closely with Galina, who he said had a very successful career as a dancer until she was about 35 and then became among the “best ballet teachers in the world.”

According to Pysarev, she had a “gift for dancers;” “training them from many different places including Germany, Moscow, Amsterdam, France,” and was “really something special.”

Because of her, they had developed a very successful dance school in Donetsk and the theater was always packed.

Pysarev said that Katya was an “incredibly talented ballerina who was destined for greatness—until Ukraine killed her.”

She was “very, very talented and very, very smart and had the possibility to be one of the best dancers—a star.”


Katya [Source:]

Pysarev told Bartlett that “ballet is life, but war is horrible. For eight years the people of Donetsk have suffered terribly from the war and yet nobody has paid any attention or cared about us.”

Phoenix Program Redux

On August 18, The New York Times published a front page article about Ukrainian guerrilla fighters, or partisans, who carry out terrorist activity in violation of the international laws of war.[1]

Andrew E. Kramer reported that the partisans “sneak down darkened alleys to set explosives…post leaflets and graffiti with dark warnings for collaborators as part of their psychological operations….gather intelligence….and identify Russian targets for Ukrainian artillery and long-range rockets provided by the United States. They blow up rail lines and assassinate officials they consider collaborators with the Russians.”

These latter activities are easily reminiscent of the Phoenix program in Vietnam along with the Operation Rollback in Eastern Europe at the dawn of the original Cold War, where the CIA trained Ukrainian nationalists with fascist leanings to carry out terrorist acts in an attempt to overthrow a pro-Russian government.[2]

Anti-Soviet partisan fighters trained by the CIA to commit terrorist acts behind the Iron Curtain during the early Cold War as part of the Operation Rollback–whose exploits are being repeated in modern-day Ukraine. [Source:]

According to The New York Times, today’s partisans have become increasingly aggressive in “taking the fight against Russian forces into Russian controlled areas.”

The goal, said one guerrilla fighter, is to “show the occupiers [Russians] that they are not at home, that they should not settle in, that they should not sleep comfortably.”

Many Eastern Ukrainians, however, do not view the Russians as occupiers but rather liberators from eight years of Ukrainian army terror.

In a testament to the use of terrorist methods, one Ukrainan government official described a poisoning in the Zaporizhzhia region that killed around 15 Russian soldiers and the sabotage of a grain elevator in the Kherson region that prevented Russian forces from taking 60,000 tons of grain.

Partisans were also behind an explosion that disabled a railroad bridge connecting Melitopol to Russian-controlled Crimea.

The Ukrainian government made select partisans available to the media because they wanted to “highlight the partisans’ widening threat to Russian forces and signal to Western donors that Ukraine is successfully rallying local resources in the war, now nearly six months old.”

The partisans say they are civilians and thus their activity is regulated under Ukrainian law and not the international laws of war that prohibit, for example, a soldier from targeting a civilian officer.

One of the fighters, nicknamed Svarog, trained with a branch of the Right Sector and neo-Nazi Azov battalion.

After the Russian invasion in February, he was directed to a storage shed outside Melitopol, where he found slabs of high explosives, detonators, Kalashnikov rifles, a grenade launcher and two pistols equipped with silencers.

South eastern Ukraine and the Sea of Azov. [Source:]

Svarog told Andrew Kramer that with little movement of the front lines, his group of partisans “strike stealthily in environs they know intimately using car bombs, booby traps and targeted killings with pistols—and then blend into the local population.”

One night this spring, Svarog and several members of his cell in Melitopol snuck through the town, and, by his own admission, planted a bomb into a wheel of a patrol car parked at the Russian-controlled police station.

When it went off the next day, a police officer was killed and another was wounded. “Anybody who would drive that car would be a traitor,” Svarog said. “Nobody there is keeping public order.”

Last week, Svarog’s cell booby-trapped the car of Oleg Shostak, a city official in Melitopol who joined United Russia (pro-Russian political party) and was targeted because he was suspected of “tailoring propaganda to appeal to local residents.”

After his car exploded, Shostak was badly wounded, though survived. Svarog was happy with the outcome because a signal had been sent to Russian collaborators: “you are never safe.”

Svarog and another partisan nicknamed Viking, said that the ranks of traitors whom the partisans have been hunting down include municipal and regional government employees and teachers who agree to work under the Russian educational curriculum—even when the majority of students in Eastern Ukraine are ethnic Russians from families opposed to the attempt to force Ukrainian language instruction and curriculum on them.

But according to Viking, “the Russians want to teach by their program, not the truth. A child is vulnerable to propaganda and if raised in this program, will become an idiot like the Russians,” he said. “A teacher who agrees to teach by the Russian program is a collaborator.”


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Andrew E. Kramer, “Ukrainians Behind Enemy Lines Tell Invaders: You’re Never Safe,” The New York Times, August 18, 2022, A1. 

  2. See Douglas Valentine, The Phoenix Program (New York: William & Morrow, 1990); Peter Grose, Operation Rollback: America’s Secret War Behind the Iron Curtain (New York: Mariner Books, 2001). 

Featured image: Galina Vasilyevna Volodina (left), and twelve-year-old Katya Kutubaeva. [Source:]

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Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States.

Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States of America.

A quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections since they were first rolled out in the USA, reveals that from December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months.

Covid-19 Vaccines (Source)

But performing a similar search of the VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse events to all other available vaccines between 2008 and 2020, a period of 13 years, reveals there were just 791 adverse events related to cancer.

All other Vaccines (Source)

Many would simply argue without backing their claim up with any evidence, that this is just because of the volume of Covid-19 injections administered compared to all other vaccines. But unfortunately, anyone who argues this is wrong.

We can see this by looking at the number of doses administered.

The following chart shows the total number of flu vaccine doses administered in 13 full flu seasons all the way from the 2008/2009 flu season to the 2019-2020 flu season. The data has been extracted from the CDC info found here.


In all between the 08/09 flu season and the 19/20 flu season, there were a total of 1,720,400,000 (1.7204 billion) doses of the flu jab administered in the USA.

The CDC also confirms that between 2008 and 2020, a period of 13 years, there were just 64 events related to cancer reported as adverse reactions to the influenza vaccines.

Flu Vaccines (Source)

Based on the number of adverse events related to cancer alone, we can see that there have been 40.3x as many cancer cases related to Covid-19 vaccination than there have been related to flu vaccination.

But whilst shocking, this statistic doesn’t properly represent the severity of the situation. To do that we need to know the number of cancer cases per 100,000 doses administered.

Based on the above numbers provided by the CDC, the number of adverse events related to cancer reported per 100,000 doses of flu vaccine administered equates to just 0.0003 per 100,000 doses.

According to ‘Our World in Data’, as of 9th August 2022, 606 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccines have been administered in the USA. This means there have been actually nearly 3x as many flu vaccines administered between 2008-2020 than Covid-19 injections since the end of 2020, let alone all of the other vaccines that have been administered.


Therefore, the number of adverse events related to cancer reported per 100,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered equates to 0.43 per 100,000 doses.

This means Covid-19 vaccination is 1433.33x / 143,233.33% more likely to cause cancer than flu vaccination. It can be argued that because the numbers are so extraordinarily low for the flu vaccine, that flu vaccination does not cause cancer. Therefore, it can be argued that the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination is 1433x greater than the background risk.

This should however not come as much of a surprise considering we already have scientific proof that the Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause cancer of the ovaries, pancreas and breast.

The homologous recombination DNA repair pathway is one of the mechanisms that the body uses to stop your cells from turning cancerous in response to environmental stress.

And in October 2021, two revered scientists, called Jiang and Mei, had a paper published, after peer review, in MDPI, showing that the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein obliterated the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes.

The viral spike protein was so toxic to this pathway that it knocked 90% of it out. If the whole spike protein got into the nucleus (in the ovaries), and enough of it was produced and hung around long enough before the body was able to get rid of it all, it would cause cancer.

Fortunately, in the case of natural infection, this is unlikely to occur. But the experimental mRNA “vaccines” induce spike protein to be produced in and around the cell nucleus and this occurs for at least 60 days and almost certainly longer.

This is probably why cases of ovarian cancer are now at an all-time high.

Official UK data published by Public Health Scotland, which can be found here, reveal the number of women suffering ovarian cancer from the introduction of the Covid-19 injection to the general population. Unfortunately, the known trend in 2021 was significantly higher than 2020 and the 2017-2019 average.

Ovarian Cancer – Source

The above chart shows up to June 2021, but the charts found on Public Health Scotland’s dashboard now show figures all the way up to December 2021 and unfortunately reveal that the gap has widened even further with the number of women suffering from Ovarian cancer increasing significantly.

Click here to enlarge.

If you still wish to get a jab that doesn’t stop you from getting Covid-19, doesn’t stop you from spreading Covid-19, increases your risk of mortality significantly (see here), and increases your risk of suffering cancer by 143,233% then that’s up to you. But perhaps you can now be a little more understanding of why many others simply refuse to do so.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs for Expectant Mothers Anyway. Report

By Debra Heine, August 19, 2022

More than 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine trial suffered miscarriages, according internal Pfizer documents, recently released under court order. Despite this, Pfizer, and the Biden administration insisted that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women.

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Biden’s top Latin America advisor Juan González threateningly said of Colombia’s new left-wing president, “40 years ago, the United States would have done everything possible to prevent the election of Gustavo Petro” and “sabotage his government.”

The top Latin America advisor for US President Joe Biden, Juan Sebastián González, threateningly said of Colombia’s new left-wing president:

“40 years ago, the United States would have done everything possible to prevent the election of Gustavo Petro, and once in power it would have done almost everything possible to sabotage his government.”

González is the Western hemisphere director for the US National Security Council (NSC). He previously worked in the State Department and NSC in the Barack Obama administration.

González made these incendiary comments in Spanish in an interview with the Colombian media.

Obliquely acknowledging the long history of US meddling in Latin America’s sovereign internal affairs, González added,

“Those are the policies of the Cold War, that to a certain point today for some people are a justification from revisionist perspectives that characterize the policy of the United States in the context of a local manifestation of an empire.”

Petro is Colombia’s first ever left-wing president. He is a former revolutionary with socialist armed movement M-19, which signed a peace treaty and demilitarized. Petro subsequently established himself as a lawmaker and became mayor of the capital Bogotá.

Although he ran a center-left campaign harshly condemning the socialist governments in Venezuela and Nicaragua, Petro has tempered his criticism since entering office.

In the first vote by Petro’s administration at the US-dominated Organization of American States (OAS) on August 12, Colombia refused to join in the politically motivated condemnation of Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government. Colombia was absent from the vote, alongside the governments of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, and El Salvador, which abstained.

Petro has also rapidly pursued the normalization of relations between Colombia and its neighbor Venezuela.

Just a few days after winning the election in June, then President-elect Petro held a phone call with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, discussing plans to reopen the border and establish peace.

The president of Venezuela’s National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, announced on August 16 that the parliamentary body was coordinating with Colombia’s Senate in order to re-establish formal commercial and diplomatic relations.

Petro was inaugurated on August 7. The ceremony was full of important political symbolism. Petro requested that the sword of anti-colonialist leader Simón Bolívar be present.

At the inauguration, Petro was also given the presidential sash by María José Pizarro, a lawmaker from Petro’s left-wing Pacto Histórico party and the daughter of Carlos Pizarro.

Carlos Pizarro was the leader of the revolutionary socialist 19th of April Movement (M-19) that Petro had been involved in in his youth.

The M-19 demilitarized in 1990 after signing a peace agreement with the Colombian government. Having put down its weapons, M-19 became a legal political party, and Carlos Pizarro was its presidential candidate.

But just a few weeks after signing the peace deal, the Colombian state murdered Carlos Pizarro, in an operation organized by the feared Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), a notorious intelligence agency that acted as a kind of secret police.


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