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The American colonies have not stopped criticising the Hungarians for their rational approach to the war in Ukraine and yet another reason for an anti-Magyar hate campaign appears.  As a predictable country, not adventurous and going on about own business, Hungary becomes leading European centre of cooperation with China.

China’s necessity for Europe

Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd (CATL), China’s largest producer of electric car batteries recently announced that it will locate its main European plant in Hungary.  The investment value is estimated at EUR 7.34 billion, but its importance is primarily strategic.  China is a leader in renewable energy technologies (RE), thanks to its dominant position on the rare earth elements (REE) market and the largest share in the production of components for i.a. advanced magnetic wind turbines and car batteries. 

One can notice the importance of REE: examples of the embargo imposed by China on REE export to Japan in 2010, the Sino-American conflicts caused by subsidising solar panels production in 2012/2013, dispute about subsidies for the wind turbines producers, and previous controversies about customs tariffs for REE within China-USA and China-EU trade relations.

There is also the threat of supply shocks of REE used in the production of hybrid electric vehicles and some types of wind turbines, caused by assumed increase in demand on neodymium (forecasted 7% increase) and dysprosium (even 2600% increase!) in the next 25 years.  Demand for lithium used in battery cells is expected to grow at 674% by 2030.

This makes Beijing an absolutely indispensable partner for energy transformation in the Western Europe, covered by the ‘Climate Change’ pretext.  The pandemic turmoil, as well as the recent anxiety caused by the Taiwanese crisis, make European-Chinese relations extremely fragile.  Another slowdown or disruption of the global supply chain would not only blow up the entire Western energy transition but would also hit the consumer model of capitalism at the time when nations are not yet ready to reject it immediately.

In this context, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), as well as direct Chinese investments on the European side of Eurasia, constitute a potential emergency solution and Beijing’s indication of future regional centres of power.  And Budapest wants to take advantage of it.

Realism favours investments

Hungarians were the first in Europe to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Chinese on joint ventures within the RDI.  As a result, only  in 2021 bilateral trade increased by 34.5%.  China has become Hungary’s third in general and largest non-EU trade partner.  In May 2021 was commissioned Hungary’s largest 100 MW solar power plant, CMC Kaposvar Solar PV Park, built by China National Machinery Import & Export. In June 2022, the first European factory of the LENOVO concern was opened in Budapest, hiring over 1,000 local employees.

As it is typical for the Chinese politics, these are calm, even slow and non-ostentatious operations, but clearly determined to increase own presence and soft influence.  Another example is growing flow of Chinese students sent to Hungary.  Of course, 2,700 of them on the Hungarian universities that is still not a number much compared to the crowds studying in  developed countries of the West, but it clearly indicates the leader of Chinese interest in Central Europe.  The Hungarians themselves also see the partnership with Beijing as promising, and despite attempts to shake the mood during the COVID (“Chinese pandemic”) period, 51 percent of respondents are optimistic about Chinese activity in their country.

Globalists and Imperialists

Of course, Hungarian profits achieved thanks to good relations with China constitute “annoyance”  for:

  • the liberal-globalist, precisely or not, but personified by Hungarians in George Soros,
  • and the Anglo-Saxon military-industrial complex, aimed at eliminating the Chinese threat even with a global war.

So, from the one side there are standard voices of condemnation that Budapest hesitates “numerous violations of human rights in China, while the Americans keep pointing out the Hungarian “Trojan horse”, still in hope that it is possible to discipline Victor Orbán.

The Carnegie Endwoment for International Peace, one of the significant globalist think-tanks recommends:

The United States should not shy away from pushing the EU and key member states (especially Germany, which is Hungary’s most important trading partner) to impose greater pressure on Orbán, including the potential use of sanction mechanisms against officials and businessmen engaged in local corruption schemes involving China. Brussels should consider applying the EU’s rule of law conditionality regime”.

Washington officially recognises that Chinese progress in Europe is not yet very dangerous and the Sino-Hungarian relations are not overwhelming in absolute numbers, but at the same time they urge that this is the best or even the very last moment to blackmail the Hungarian prime minister.

Budapest would be faced with a threat of complete cut-off from European financing in case of further cooperation with Beijing.  Well, typical friendly manner within Euro-Atlantic, ‘democratic and liberal alliances’…

The New Global Game of Thrones and how to earn on it

Then, the most important question for Eastern Europe is whether Western European funds and Anglo-Saxon diplomatic-military supervision could be replaced by Chinese loans and direct investments, like in Africa and South America.

That is also the Globalists’ and Atlantists’ most horrifying nightmare.  Russia’s attractiveness for Europe is limited to its position of energy supplier what should be dealt with by the Western ‘Climate strategy’.  However, China, with its capital surplus and dominant industrial position, is a viable alternative to the financial capitalism New World Order.  The competition of global centres will therefore accelerate and the wise, even small ones, will be able to earn on it.


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Konrad Rękas is a renowned geopolitical analyst and a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: China’s rare earths (Source:

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They told you they needed just three weeks to flatten the curve.

They lied.

They told you if you stayed at home that it would protect the Health Service.

They lied. (Source)

They told you millions around the world were dying of Covid-19.

They lied. (Source)

They told you that if you got the Covid vaccine, you wouldn’t catch Covid-19.

They lied. (Source)

Then you were told the Covid vaccines make you less likely to be infected with or transmit Covid-19.

The lied. (Source)

They told you that the Covid vaccines are safe and effective.

They lied. (Source)

They told you that the contents of the Covid vaccines stay at the injection site.

They lied. (Source)

They told you that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines do not interfere with your DNA.

They lied. (Source)

Now they’re trying to tell you that the Covid-19 vaccines lose effectiveness over time and that you need repeat booster shots.

But they are lying yet again. The Covid-19 vaccines do not lose effectiveness. Instead, we are witnessing the degradation of the immune system of most people who have had more than one dose of the Covid-19 injection. In other words, the Covid-19 injections cause a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. and we can prove it…

To fathom how one could possibly come to the conclusion that the Covid-19 vaccines severely damage the natural immune system and effectively cause Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome, one needs to understand why it is that official government data shows the vaccinated population are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated population.

One also needs to understand that once authorities realised the data showed things were getting worse for the vaccinated population by the week, they suspiciously and conveniently decided it was in the public interest to stop publishing the data altogether.

The following table has been stitched together from the case-rate tables found in the Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 UK Health Security Agency Vaccine Surveillance Reports –


The following chart has been created using the figures contained in the above table –

The above shows a rapid improvement in case rates among the unvaccinated population in every single age group over three months, and a frightening rise in case rates per 100,000 among triple vaccinated individuals in every single age group over a period of three months.

In fact, the difference between the two groups was so significant that by week 12 of 2022, real-world vaccine effectiveness was proving to be as low as minus-391% among 60 to 69-year-olds. This had fallen from an already concerning effectiveness of minus-104.7% among the same age group by week 2 of 2022.

Pfizer’s Formula: Unvaccinated Case Rate – Vaccinated Case Rate / Unvaccinated Case Rate x 100 = Vaccine Effectiveness

But let us be absolutely clear. Despite a mass media campaign to have you believe getting a booster is essential to “top up your immunity” due to declining effectiveness, it is actually impossible for vaccine effectiveness to wane when it comes to the Covid-19 injections.

The Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to work by injecting mRNA into your body, which then invades your cells and instructs them to make the spike protein found on the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. Once your body has produced millions of spike proteins, your immune system is supposed to get to work, rid the body of the spike proteins, and then remember to release those same antibodies if you ever encounter the actual alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.

So, when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weaken over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

The problem we are seeing in the real world data is that the immune system isn’t returning to the natural state seen among most of the unvaccinated population. If it was we would be seeing vaccine effectiveness close to 0%, not a shocking minus-391%.

The week 13 UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report was the final report published containing data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status. UKHSA claimed this was because the UK Government had decided to put an end to free mass Covid-19 testing from April 1st.

But we imagine it was actually because of the horrific case-rate figures among triple vaccinated and the horrific hospitalisation and death rate figures among the fully vaccinated.

The following chart shows the Covid-19 hospitalisation rate per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status between 28th Feb and 27th March 22. The unvaccinated case rate has been taken from page 45 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 13 – 2022, and the double vaccinated case rate has been calculated with the number of hospitalisations provided on page 41 of the same report –

The rates per 100,000 were highest among the fully vaccinated in every age group except for the 18-29-year-olds. This data proved that all double vaccinated people aged 30 and over were more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19 than unvaccinated people.

The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rate per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status between 28th Feb and 27th March 22. The unvaccinated case rate has been taken from page 45 of the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 13 – 2022, and the double vaccinated case rate has been calculated with the number of deaths provided on page 44 of the same report –

The death-rate per 100,000 was highest among the fully vaccinated in all age groups excluding the 30-39 year olds where the death rate was the same as the unvaccinated, and the 18-29-year-olds where the death rate was lower. This data proved that all double vaccinated people aged 40 and over were more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated people.

Fast forward to the end of May though, and we can actually see that mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group courtesy of data published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics which can be viewed here.

The following chart shows the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status among each age group for Non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022, the figures can be found in table 2 of the recently published dataset

These are age-standardised figures. There is no other conclusion that can be found for the fact mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated other than that the Covid-19 injections are killing people, and this is because they are causing recipients to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

But whilst the evidence points to severe immune system degradation and a new form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, it still doesn’t answer the exact process that is causing this to happen.

One potential scenario could be as follows.

Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein.

Covid-19 injections contain mRNA that invades the body’s cells and instructor them to create the spike protein of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. Millions of these spike proteins are then released from cells and the immune system allegedly recognises it as a virus/foreign body and believes the body is under attack.

It then fights the spike protein, creating antibodies to “kill” it and remembers to do so if it encounters the spike protein/SARS-CoV-2 virus again.

But what if the process never ends? What if the mRNA that has been injected into the body constantly invades cells and instructs them to create millions of spike proteins?

Authorities claimed that the Covid-19 vaccine remains at the injection site. But they lied, and the science proves otherwise.

It actually accumulates in every single organ of the body according to a study conducted on behalf of Pfizer.


The problem with the study is that after 48 hours they stopped observing the accumulation. So how does anybody know if that accumulation reverses? How do they know it doesn’t go on for months or even years? Until they can prove otherwise they are only guessing.

If the mRNA that has been injected into the body constantly invades cells and instructs them to create millions of spike proteins over a long period of time then this is one more constant thing that the immune system has to do. But then they tell you to get a booster jab, and then a fourth dose. Now the body is constantly creating millions more spike proteins and working the immune system even harder.

Whilst the body is busy battling millions of spike proteins, it’s unable to fight off other opportunist infections or cancer cells. This is similar to what occurs with HIV. HIV infects and destroys immune system cells, making it hard to fight off other diseases.

When HIV has severely weakened the immune system it can lead to Acquired Immunedeficiency Syndrome. But it isn’t the HIV virus that kills people infected with it, it is the opportunistic infections and cancers that the immune system can no longer fight off.

So this theory would make perfect sense as to why official Government data shows the triple vaccinated are more likely to be infected with Covid-19 and transmit Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.

It would make perfect sense as to why the fully vaccinated are more likely to be hospitalised and die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated.

And it would make perfect sense as to why age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among the unvaccinated in all age groups.


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Featured image is from The Expose

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“Americans deserve the freedom to choose a life without surveillance and the government regulation that would make that possible. While we continue to believe the sentiment, we fear it may soon be obsolete or irrelevant. We deserve that freedom, but the window to achieve it narrows a little more each day. If we don’t act now, with great urgency, it may very well close for good.”—Charlie Warzel and Stuart A. Thompson, New York Times

First published on March 17, 2021

Databit by databit, we are building our own electronic concentration camps.

With every new smart piece of smart technology we acquire, every new app we download, every new photo or post we share online, we are making it that much easier for the government and its corporate partners to identify, track and eventually round us up.

Saint or sinner, it doesn’t matter because we’re all being swept up into a massive digital data dragnet that does not distinguish between those who are innocent of wrongdoing, suspects, or criminals.

This is what it means to live in a suspect society.

The government’s efforts to round up those who took part in the Capitol riots shows exactly how vulnerable we all are to the menace of a surveillance state that aspires to a God-like awareness of our lives.

Relying on selfies, social media posts, location data, geotagged photos, facial recognition, surveillance cameras and crowdsourcing, government agents are compiling a massive data trove on anyone and everyone who may have been anywhere in the vicinity of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The amount of digital information is staggering: 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage; 1,600 electronic devices; 270,000 digital media tips; at least 140,000 photos and videos; and about 100,000 location pings for thousands of smartphones.

And that’s just what we know.

More than 300 individuals from 40 states have already been charged and another 280 arrested in connection with the events of January 6. As many as 500 others are still being hunted by government agents.

Also included in this data roundup are individuals who may have had nothing to do with the riots but whose cell phone location data identified them as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Forget about being innocent until proven guilty.

In a suspect society such as ours, the burden of proof has been flipped: now, you start off guilty and have to prove your innocence.

For instance, you didn’t even have to be involved in the Capitol riots to qualify for a visit from the FBI: investigators have reportedly been tracking—and questioning—anyone whose cell phones connected to wi-fi or pinged cell phone towers near the Capitol. One man, who had gone out for a walk with his daughters only to end up stranded near the Capitol crowds, actually had FBI agents show up at his door days later. Using Google Maps, agents were able to pinpoint exactly where they were standing and for how long.

All of the many creepy, calculating, invasive investigative and surveillance tools the government has acquired over the years are on full display right now in the FBI’s ongoing efforts to bring the rioters to “justice.”

FBI agents are matching photos with drivers’ license pictures; tracking movements by way of license plate toll readers; and zooming in on physical identifying marks such as moles, scars and tattoos, as well as brands, logos and symbols on clothing and backpacks. They’re poring over hours of security and body camera footage; scouring social media posts; triangulating data from cellphone towers and WiFi signals; layering facial recognition software on top of that; and then cross-referencing footage with public social media posts.

It’s not just the FBI on the hunt, however.

They’ve enlisted the help of volunteer posses of private citizens, such as Deep State Dogs, to collaborate on the grunt work. As Dinah Voyles Pulver reports, once Deep State Dogs locates a person and confirms their identity, they put a package together with the person’s name, address, phone number and several images and send it to the FBI.

According to USA Today, the FBI is relying on the American public and volunteer cybersleuths to help bolster its cases.

This takes See Something, Say Something snitching programs to a whole new level.

The lesson to be learned: Big Brother, Big Sister and all of their friends are watching you.

They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet.

Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line.

Simply liking or sharing this article on Facebook, retweeting it on Twitter, or merely reading it or any other articles related to government wrongdoing, surveillance, police misconduct or civil liberties might be enough to get you categorized as a particular kind of person with particular kinds of interests that reflect a particular kind of mindset that might just lead you to engage in a particular kinds of activities and, therefore, puts you in the crosshairs of a government investigation as a potential troublemaker a.k.a. domestic extremist.

Chances are, as the Washington Post reports, you have already been assigned a color-coded threat score—green, yellow or red—so police are forewarned about your potential inclination to be a troublemaker depending on whether you’ve had a career in the military, posted a comment perceived as threatening on Facebook, suffer from a particular medical condition, or know someone who knows someone who might have committed a crime.

In other words, you might already be flagged as potentially anti-government in a government database somewhere—Main Core, for example—that identifies and tracks individuals who aren’t inclined to march in lockstep to the police state’s dictates.

The government has the know-how.

It took days, if not hours or minutes, for the FBI to begin the process of identifying, tracking and rounding up those suspected of being part of the Capitol riots.

Imagine how quickly government agents could target and round up any segment of society they wanted to based on the digital trails and digital footprints we leave behind.

Of course, the government has been hard at work for years acquiring these totalitarian powers.

Long before the January 6 riots, the FBI was busily amassing the surveillance tools necessary to monitor social media posts, track and identify individuals using cell phone signals and facial recognition technology, and round up “suspects” who may be of interest to the government for one reason or another.

As The Intercept reported, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies have increasingly invested in corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to identify potential extremists and predict who might engage in future acts of anti-government behavior.

All it needs is the data, which more than 90% of young adults and 65% of American adults are happy to provide.

When the government sees all and knows all and has an abundance of laws to render even the most seemingly upstanding citizen a criminal and lawbreaker, then the old adage that you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’ve got nothing to hide no longer applies.

As for the Fourth Amendment and its prohibitions on warrantless searches and invasions of privacy without probable cause, those safeguards have been rendered all but useless by legislative end-runs, judicial justifications, and corporate collusions.

We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed and controlled by our technology, which answers not to us but to our government and corporate rulers.

Consider that on any given day, the average American going about his daily business will be monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways, by both government and corporate eyes and ears. A byproduct of this new age in which we live, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior.

This doesn’t even begin to touch on the corporate trackers that monitor your purchases, web browsing, social media posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere.

For example, police have been using Stingray devices mounted on their cruisers to intercept cell phone calls and text messages without court-issued search warrants. Doppler radar devices, which can detect human breathing and movement within a home, are already being employed by the police to deliver arrest warrants.

License plate readers, yet another law enforcement spying device made possible through funding by the Department of Homeland Security, can record up to 1800 license plates per minute. Moreover, these surveillance cameras can also photograph those inside a moving car. Reports indicate that the Drug Enforcement Administration has been using the cameras in conjunction with facial recognition software to build a “vehicle surveillance database” of the nation’s cars, drivers and passengers.

Sidewalk and “public space” cameras, sold to gullible communities as a sure-fire means of fighting crime, is yet another DHS program that is blanketing small and large towns alike with government-funded and monitored surveillance cameras. It’s all part of a public-private partnership that gives government officials access to all manner of surveillance cameras, on sidewalks, on buildings, on buses, even those installed on private property.

Couple these surveillance cameras with facial recognition and behavior-sensing technology and you have the makings of “pre-crime” cameras, which scan your mannerisms, compare you to pre-set parameters for “normal” behavior, and alert the police if you trigger any computerized alarms as being “suspicious.”

State and federal law enforcement agencies are pushing to expand their biometric and DNA databases by requiring that anyone accused of a misdemeanor have their DNA collected and catalogued. However, technology is already available that allows the government to collect biometrics such as fingerprints from a distance, without a person’s cooperation or knowledge. One system can actually scan and identify a fingerprint from nearly 20 feet away.

Developers are hard at work on a radar gun that can actually show if you or someone in your car is texting. Another technology being developed, dubbed a “textalyzer” device, would allow police to determine whether someone was driving while distracted. Refusing to submit one’s phone to testing could result in a suspended or revoked driver’s license.

It’s a sure bet that anything the government welcomes (and funds) too enthusiastically is bound to be a Trojan horse full of nasty, invasive surprises.

Case in point: police body cameras. Hailed as the easy fix solution to police abuses, these body cameras—made possible by funding from the Department of Justice—turn police officers into roving surveillance cameras. Of course, if you try to request access to that footage, you’ll find yourself being led a merry and costly chase through miles of red tape, bureaucratic footmen and unhelpful courts.

The “internet of things” refers to the growing number of “smart” appliances and electronic devices now connected to the internet and capable of interacting with each other and being controlled remotely. These range from thermostats and coffee makers to cars and TVs. Of course, there’s a price to pay for such easy control and access. That price amounts to relinquishing ultimate control of and access to your home to the government and its corporate partners. For example, while Samsung’s Smart TVs are capable of “listening” to what you say, thereby allowing users to control the TV using voice commands, it also records everything you say and relays it to a third party, e.g., the government.

Then again, the government doesn’t really need to spy on you using your smart TV when the FBI can remotely activate the microphone on your cellphone and record your conversations. The FBI can also do the same thing to laptop computers without the owner knowing any better.

Drones, which are taking to the skies en masse, are the converging point for all of the weapons and technology already available to law enforcement agencies. In fact, drones can listen in on your phone calls, see through the walls of your home, scan your biometrics, photograph you and track your movements, and even corral you with sophisticated weaponry.

All of these technologies add up to a society in which there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence, especially not when the government can listen in on your phone calls, monitor your driving habits, track your movements, scrutinize your purchases and peer through the walls of your home.

These digital trails are everywhere.

As investigative journalists Charlie Warzel and Stuart A. Thompson explain, “This data—collected by smartphone apps and then fed into a dizzyingly complex digital advertising ecosystem … provided an intimate record of people whether they were visiting drug treatment centers, strip clubs, casinos, abortion clinics or places of worship.

In such a surveillance ecosystem, we’re all suspects and databits to be tracked, catalogued and targeted.

As Warzel and Thompson warn:

“To think that the information will be used against individuals only if they’ve broken the law is naïve; such data is collected and remains vulnerable to use and abuse whether people gather in support of an insurrection or they justly protest police violence… This collection will only grow more sophisticated… It gets easier by the day… it does not discriminate. It harvests from the phones of MAGA rioters, police officers, lawmakers and passers-by. There is no evidence, from the past or current day, that the power this data collection offers will be used only to good ends. There is no evidence that if we allow it to continue to happen, the country will be safer or fairer.”

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is the creepy, calculating yet diabolical genius of the American police state: the very technology we hailed as revolutionary and liberating has become our prison, jailer, probation officer, Big Brother and Father Knows Best all rolled into one.

There is no gray area any longer.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president The Rutherford Institute. His books Battlefield America: The War on the American People and A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State are available at He can be contacted at [email protected]. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

With historical insight this article by Andrew Korybko was first published on June 12 2018.

The US military rechristened its Pacific Command to the Indo-Pacific Command as a means of strongly signaling its growing interest in India and its eponymous ocean.

The importance of this development shouldn’t be underestimated because it sets the strategic basis for the US’ 21st-century policy of “containing China”. The People’s Republic depends just as much on the Indian Ocean as it does the Pacific because of the role that this body of water plays in facilitating commerce with Europe & Africa and the energy trade with the Mideast, hence why it’s pivotal for the US to prioritize military operations in this ocean and its surrounding Rimland. To that end, America has entered into a game-changing military-strategic relationship with India through the 2016 LEMOA logistics agreement that allows both Great Powers to use one another’s facilities as part of what former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson described late last year as their planned partnership for entire 21st century.

The US envisions India becoming a bulwark against China and functioning as Washington’s premier “Lead From Behind” partner in “containing” it, though it recognizes that it probably can’t sustain this role for too long unless it receives multilateral support, ergo the so-called “Quad” that also involves Japan and Australia and could unofficially be called the “Hex” through Vietnam and France’s participation as well. India’s LEMOA-like deal with France to also use its Indian Ocean military facilities gives New Delhi the potential to massively expand its strategic reach in the region and fulfill its US-backed geopolitical destiny, which just received a strong strategic boost last week after Prime Minister Modi clinched an agreement to develop a base in Indonesia’s Sabang island right near the mouth of the Strait of Malacca.

Indo-Pacific Command

A new American-encouraged Great Power constellation is therefore in the process of forming all across the Indo-Pacific Rimland in seeing India, Indonesia, and Japan deepening their multilateral strategic integration with one another, with Washington desiring for New Delhi to play the role of regional hegemon in the Indian Ocean, Tokyo to do so in the Pacific, and Jakarta to bridge the two together in the Southeast Asian archipelago connecting both of their bodies of water. Seeing as how half of this grand strategy geographically involves the Indian Ocean, it’s therefore appropriate that the erstwhile Pacific Command updated its name to the Indo-Pacific Command to better reflect the bulk of its future efforts.

The next step that could be expected would for the US to organize a so-called “Eighth Fleet” in the Indian Ocean region in order to more effectively concentrate its strategic focus in this part of the world. The Japanese-based Seventh Fleet covers the same area of maritime operations as the Indo-Pacific Command does, which includes the half of the Indian Ocean south and east of its namesake country, so it would make sense to “decentralize” operations by setting up a separate regional branch that’s actually based in this body of water. Although the Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet would probably still remain responsible for activities around the Arabian Peninsula, the Italian-based Sixth Fleet wouldn’t have to take care of East Africa like it already does because everything east of the Cape of Good Hope would prospectively fall under the Eighth Fleet’s area of responsibility.

So as not to be misunderstood, there presently aren’t any serious plans to create an Eighth Fleet, but it’s logical that this might eventually follow the rechristening of the Pacific Command as the Indo-Pacific Command, and naturally have an Indian Ocean base of operations either in Diego Garcia or somewhere on the South Asian mainland in order to more effectively “contain” China.


This article was originally published on Oriental Review.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Japan Times.

The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative

September 3rd, 2022 by Dr. Thomas Binder

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First published by Global Research on December 13, 2021


I studied medicine at the University of Zurich, obtained a doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology and have 33 years of experience in diagnosis and therapy of acute respiratory infections, in hospitals, in intensive care units and, for 23 years, in my medical practice.

In February 2020, I sat in my practice and was amazed. What I had learned in medical school, during my scientific training and in my practical medical work was suddenly turned upside down. Anyone who felt even a sore throat, no longer treated himself, to visit his or her GP only if the symptoms got worse, but ran to the nearest hospital with the request to be tested immediately, and with the fear of perhaps having to die, and not only having to die, but perhaps of having to suffocate miserably.

Worldwide, the prevailing corona narrative was established in a very short period. At the same time, humanity was divided into its supporters and opponents.

Such an extent of division of the society we have never experienced before. It divides friendships, families, and even partnerships. Such a division is always an expression of the fact that a large partof humanity is not living in reality, but is caught up in a context of delusion imposed by a handful of psychopaths and their many narcissistic lackeys. In such a situation, we must always ask ourselves first: “Am I a realist, or in fact a totally deluded one?” This question can only be answered by looking at reality as soberly as possible.

It is my duty as a doctor to treat my patients to the best of my knowledge. This includes to inform them about their disease in a way that laypeople can understand and make informed decisions about what to do.

In February / March 2020 I realised that it is my duty as a doctor to educate the public about this disease of the whole society, in a way that laypeople can understand and make informed decisions about what to do. I am still doing this, no more but also no less, and nobody and nothing will stop me from continuing to do so.

I confront the myths and intellectual absurdities of the prevailing corona narrative with the scientific evidence. I do this chronologically, and so that also laypeople can understand and make informed decisions as to what further actions seem appropriate, for themselves and for their loved ones.

Scientific references to my statements can be found on the homepages of ‘Aletheia – ourSwiss network of doctors and scientists for proportionality’, of the ‘Corman-Drosten Review Report’, and of ‘Doctors for Covid Ethics’, all of which I am a member, and on my simple homepage, which I had created after having been banned from social media.

PCR Testing Epidemic, 2006

As responsible physicians and scientists, in the case of infections diagnosed by quick PCR tests, especially in the context of an alleged epidemic of national or pandemic of international scope, we must always consider the possibility of a pseudo or testing epidemic.

In 2007, the New York Times, virtually the bible of journalists whose integrity they still trusted at the time, publishes an important piece entitled: ‘Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t’.

Dr. Herndon, internist at a medical centre in the U.S. state of New Hampshire, coughs seemingly incessantly for a fortnight starting in mid-April 2006. Soon, an infectious disease specialist has the disturbing idea that this could be the beginning of a pertussis epidemic. By the end of April, other hospital staff are also coughing. Severe, persistent coughing is a leading symptom of whooping cough. And if it is whooping cough, the outbreak must be contained immediately because the disease can be fatal for babies in the hospital and lead to dangerous pneumonia in frail elderly patients.

It is the Start of a Bizarre Episode: the Story of an Epidemic that wasn’t.

For months, almost everyone involved believes there is a huge whooping cough outbreak at the medical centre with far-reaching consequences. Nearly 1,000 staff members are given a quick PCR test and put on leave from work until the results are in; 142 people, 14.2% of those tested, including Dr. Herndon, are positive on the quick PCR test and diagnosed with pertussis. Thousands, including many children, receive antibiotics and a vaccine as protection. Hospital beds are taken out of service as a precaution, including some in the intensive care unit.

Months later, all those apparently suffering from whooping cough are stunned to learn that bacterial cultures, the diagnostic gold standard for pertussis, could not detect the bacterium that causes whooping cough in any single sample. The whole insanity was a false alarm.

The supposed pertussis epidemic had not taken place in reality, but only in the minds of those involved, triggered by blind faith in a highly sensitive quick PCR test that had become, oh, so modern. In truth, all those who had fallen ill had suffered from a harmlesscold. Infectiologists and epidemiologists had put aside their expertise and common sense and blatantly ignored this most likely differential diagnosis of the symptom cough.

Many of the new molecular tests are quick but technically demanding. Each laboratory performs them in its own way as so-called ‘home brews’. Often they are not commerciallyavailable and there are rarely good estimates of their error rates. Their high sensitivity makes false positives likely. When hundreds or thousands of people are tested, as happened here, false-positive results can give the appearance of an epidemic.

An infectiologist said, I had a feeling at the time that this gave us a shadow of a hint of what it might be like during a pandemic flu epidemic.

And an epidemiologist explained: One of the most troubling aspects of the pseudo-epidemic is that all the decisions seemed so sensible at the time.

The madness of a pseudo or testing epidemic had seemed perfectly normal to so many people involved.

I recommend you read this article published in the New York Times in 2007 and ask yourself: “Shouldn’t we all have learned a lot from this for the future?”

Swine Flu Scandal, 2009

As responsible physicians and scientists, in an alleged or real epidemic of national or pandemic of international scope we must always remember previous alleged or real epidemics and pandemics. Here is the last allegedly serious pandemic: The swine flu scandal.

In spring 2009, a highly contagious, very dangerous influenza virus, H1N1, seems to threaten humanity. The disease it causes is clinically indistinguishable from seasonal flu. It is called swine flu.

Experts like the German virologist Prof. Christian Drosten spread horror scenarios predicting millions of deaths worldwide. In May, the WHO relaxes the criteria for declaring a pandemic for reasons that have never been explained. It removes the dangerousness of the causative pathogen from the definition of a pandemic. Now, the rapid massive spread of a comparatively harmless pathogen over at least two WHO regions is enough. Any endemic, every seasonal wave of any flu or cold virus, no matter how harmless it is, can be called a pandemic. Promptly, the WHO declares an H1N1 pandemic on June 11th.

Politicians are taking seriously the warnings of the experts and the WHO. Without consulting the population, they are procuring hundreds of millions of packages of sparsely effective, expensive antiviral drugs and hundreds of millions of doses of hastily approved vaccines which are, after all, produced using conventional methods.

Critics, who describe the virus as comparatively harmless, are ridiculed or ignored initially. Finally, scientists, in Europe especially the German microbiologist and infection epidemiologist Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, and the German pneumologist and politician Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, gain media and political attention. The global madness, already threatening at that time, can be averted.

Worldwide, about 150 000 to 600 000 people died with or from H1N1, which turned out to be less dangerous than seasonal influenza. Correspondingly, vaccination readiness was low. Nevertheless, in Sweden alone, about 700 children contracted disabling narcolepsy, sleeping sickness, caused by hastily approved unnecessary and unsafe vaccines. In Switzerland alone, 1.8 million vaccine doses were sold abroad or given away, and 8.9 million were disposed of.

There was hardly any media coverage of the swine flu scandal. The temporary success of the media-fuelled panic was primarily due to the interconnectedness of experts, the pharmaceutical industry, the WHO and health politicians. In the end, the seemingly completely overwhelmed health authorities had fallen for an almost perfectly orchestrated propaganda campaign.

I recommend you watch the documentary ‘Profiteers of Fear – The Swine Flu Business’, produced in German by Arte in November 2009, and ask yourself: “Shouldn’t we all have learned a lot from this for the future?”

‘Event 201’: Corona Pandemic Simulation, 2019

The situation is threatening. A new corona virus is spreading across the world. Case numbers on the Johns Hopkins University dashboard are rising and rising. The highly contagious, immune-resistant, dangerous virus is paralysing trade and transport globally and sending the world economy into free fall.

What sounds like the alleged outbreak of the alleged pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 in China’s Wuhan province in December 2019, is the scenario of ‘Event 201′, which, because the figure zero is actually a globe, should rather be called “Event 21”.

On October 18th 2019, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and World Economic Forum are organising a pandemic simulation under this name. After the Spanish flu, the bird flu and the swine flu, they do not choose another influenza virus as the pathogen, but a corona virus that was completely unknown to laypeople so far, especially not to politicians and journalists.

This simulation of a corona pandemic that broke out in South America is not attended by doctors, but by Western representatives of the organisers, the UN, the WHO, governments, authorities and global corporations from the fields of high finance, pharmaceuticals, logistics, tourism and the media, as well as Dr George Gao, virologist and director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (see list of participants below)

The Event 201 Pandemic Exercise. October 18, 2019  also addressed within the simulation how to deal with online social media and so-called “misinformation”. (Listen carefully)


The participants agree that a corona pandemic is disruptive, can only be overcome by global governmental and private cooperation, that system-relevant global corporations must be propped up financially while medium-sized businesses must be sacrificed if necessary, that voices who deviate from the prevailing narrative must be censored consistently in the social and mass media, and that the pandemic can only be terminated by vaccinating the entire world population.

“The entities directly or indirectly “represented” by the “players” included the WHO, John Hopkins, the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) (Dr. Timothy Grant Evans), US Intelligence, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Dr. Chris Elias), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) (Chairwoman Jane Halton), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the UN Foundation, the US  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Stephen Redd), China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Director Dr. George Fu Gao). Big Pharma (Adrian Thomas), the World Bank and Global Banking, the Airline and Hotel industries. For more details click here.” (quoted in Michel Chossudovsky, E-Book, Chapter I)

The simulation ends with 65 million deaths worldwide.

I recommend you watch the documentary ‘Event 201: Corona Pandemic from the Drafting Table’, produced in German with English subtitles by ExpressZeitung in June 2020, and ask yourself:

“Shouldn’t the mass media have reported on this in detail?”

Corona Scandal, 2020 and ongoing

Two and a half months later, on December 31st 2019, the Chinese CDC, led by Dr. George Gao Fu, reports 27 cases of pneumonia of unknown cause to the WHO – out of a Chinese population of 1.4 billion. On January 7th 2020, the Chinese health authorities identify a novel corona virus as the causative agent.

On January 21st, Prof. Christian Drosten et al. submit a paper, the recipe for which laboratories can produce a rapid RT-PCR test for the detection of the virus called ‘2019-nCoV’. It is accepted just the next day and published in the journal Eurosurveillance another day later. 

The WHO had already posted the Corman-Drosten RT-PCR quick test on its website one week earlier and recommended it as the global diagnostic gold standard.

On January 30th, Drosten et al. published the justification of the narrative of epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission of 2019-nCoV in the letter to the editor of the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’, virtually one of the bibles of us doctors whose integrity we still trusted at the time, with the title ‘Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany’.

On February 11th, the WHO names the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the disease it causes COVID-19; coronavirus disease. It does so against the request of Chinese virologists. They preferred to call it HCoV-19, human coronavirus, because of the danger that the name SARS-CoV-2 could stir up unfounded fears out of its biological and epidemiological lack of similarity to the much more dangerous SARS-CoV-1.

On March 11th, the WHO declares a COVID pandemic. Meanwhile, its Director-General, the biologist, immunologist and philosopher Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has been charged with genocide in Ethiopia before the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The presumption of innocence applies, of course.

Now, almost everything is going on as it did during the swine flu scandal in 2009, but in an even more lubricated way. Experts, mostly laboratory physicians and biologists working as virologists or epidemiologists, who have never examined anyone suffering from a respiratory infection, let alone treated them, declare that SARS-CoV-2 is virtually an alien about which we know absolutely nothing and that we must regard as extremely dangerous, until largely the same experts will have proven otherwise at some point. In Switzerland, they constitute themselves as ‘Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force’ and offer themselves to the Swiss Federal Council as scientific advisors.

The executive and legislative politicians as well as the federal and cantonal health authorities, all panicked by them, accept their offer and seem to follow them as blindly as the Federal Council apparently blindly followed the WHO when it declared the COVID pandemic. Unlike any ninepins club, the now official scientific advisory board to the Swissgovernment through what is supposed to be Switzerland’s biggest crisis since the Second World War does not keep any record of its activities.

On March 16th, the Swiss Federal Council declares the ‘exceptional situation’, the highest danger level of the epidemic law, based on exactly zero scientific evidence.

The mass media, including the Swiss public service broadcaster SRG, take on the third part in this conglomerate of mutually escalating ignorance, arrogance, incompetence and organised irresponsibility. Brainless and heartless themselves, they hammer into our heads around the clock:

There is a pandemic of a highly contagious and even epidemiologically relevant asymptomatically transmissible corona killer virus. Every seemingly hale and hearty fellow human being can be your angel of death!

Unlike in 2009, the mass media consistently censor, discredit and defame questioning doctors and scientists, including luminaries such as John Ioannidis, Professor of medicine, epidemiology and public health at Stanford University School of Medicine, oneof the world’s most renowned and most cited scientists, specialised in science fraud, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. At Easter 2020, after having been libelled, including an alleged threat to politicians and to my family, by a private person well known to me, myself, was brutally arrested by an anti-terrorist squad in my practice and, after it immediately turned out that I had not threatened anyone, merely the world view of insane people, I was shipped off to a closed psychiatric ward for six days becauseof ‘self-endangerment while in COVID insanity’.

The governments of almost all countries seem to have forgotten their epidemic plans, which wisely spare the individuals, the society and the economy. In blind obedience to the WHO and to lobbyists, called experts, they are enacting self-destructive non-pharmacological interventions, including lockdowns never considered before, following the authoritarian Chinese role model. They are doing this almost globally, in lockstep.

Without consulting the population, they procure billions of doses of emergency mRNA and DNA injections, which are even temporarily approved by Swissmedic. This technology is being widely used on humans for the first time. Almost worldwide, the constitution, the rule of law, human rights, civil liberties, ethics, science and common sense are being sacrificed in favour of a quasi-global authoritarian regime under the control of the WHO.

Who controls the WHO, controls the world!

The prevailing corona narrative is this: Since early 2020, there is a pandemic of a perennial killer virus, that must be searched for with the Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test in everybody, that is even spreading epidemiologically relevantly asymptomatically, against which there is no basic or cross-immunity, whose provoked disease, COVID-19, is barely treatable, which is becoming increasingly infectious and dangerous due to erratic mutations, and which can only be overcome by non-pharmacological measures that have never been applied before, such as antisocial distancing, masks in public sphere, contact tracing, isolation, quarantine, school closures and curfews, nowadays called lockdowns, even for asymptomatic, previously called healthy, people, and by serial vaccination of the entire world population.

All myths of the prevailing corona narrative are made up out of a fact-free vacuum

Based on the current state of science, these are my top 10.

1. There has been no epidemic of COVID-19 of national scope in any country, no pandemic internationally, for the general population SARS-CoV-2 is not a killer virus, and it is the same in every country.

In many countries, for example in Switzerland, there was no exceptional excess mortality when adjusted to changing demographics. The excess mortality in other countries is the best proof that the real killer is not the virus, but our paradoxical response to it, which differs from country to country and from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Also, the occupancy of the intensive care units, whose capacities have been massively reduced in the course of the alleged pandemic, has never been unusually high.

If the causes of death are established correctly by substituting the number of deceased from whatever cause within 28 days after a positive RT-PCR test with the number of deceased from COVID-19, the infection fatality rate, IFR, is below that of influenza viruses, which are deadly to some people, of course, and, unlike SARS-CoV-2, sometimes are also deadly to children. 

2. The indication to test, namely not only critically ill hospitalised patients with a need forspecific antiviral therapy, in the surveillance system for respiratory infections and in an epidemiological study cohort, but to test even asymptomatic people and, on top of that, to test only for one single of all respiratory viruses that must be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory infections, is wrong.

3. The Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test is neither diagnostic for an infection with SARS-CoV-2 nor for a sickness or death from COVID-19. On November 27th 2020, an international group of 22 life scientists, including myself, published an ‘External Peer Review of the Corman-Drosten Paper’, the recipe by which laboratories developed the RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. In it, we declared that conflicts of interest existed, that the alleged peer review within 24 hours was absurd, and ten fundamental scientific flaws. This most momentous medical publication of 2020, which can hardly be surpassed in terms of lack of scientificity, should never have been published.

The Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test protocol is fabricated poorly and vaguely, without validation and standardisation. From a laboratory survey conducted in Germany, we know that due to cross-reaction with other beta coronaviruses its specificity of about 98.6%, correspondingto 1.4% false positives, which is already low in the absence of any virus, is further reducedto up to 92.4%, corresponding to 7.6% false positives, during the flu season. These rates offalse positive tests may seem low to many laypeople and allegedly even to many ‘experts’, because they do not realise that in the virtual absence of the virus between the flu seasons, at prevalence close to 0, almost all positive RT-PCR tests are false positives. Please consider that if we test 1000 men with a 99% specific pregnancy test, 1%, 10 tests, will be positive and because of prevalence 0 of pregnancy in men, these positive pregnancy tests are all false positives. Everywhere, the test is performed differently and at too high cycle thresholds.

Although studies have shown that no culturable viruses are present in samples with a Ct value above 28, the tests are still carried out with cycle threshold values above 35. Their results are reported without reference to clinical symptoms and findings, worldwide. The Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test is scientifically incorrect and serves mostly to create an epidemic of case numbers, a testing pandemic.

4. There is no epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission of respiratory viruses. What we learned in medical school has been confirmed also for SARS-CoV-2 by numerous peer reviewed studies. The ‘asymptomatic contact’ invented by Prof. Drosten in the Letter to the Editor of January 30th 2020 was very much symptomatic: the patient had suppressed her symptoms with medication.

Therefore, all non-pharmacological interventions for asymptomatic, formerly called healthy, people beyond the proven effective measures to contain the spread of respiratory viruses, namely hygiene and self-isolation of sick people, are harmful and ineffective also against SARS-CoV-2.

5. There is effective prophylaxis, for example, healthy lifestyle, lots of social contacts, and vitamin D3, and there is effective, well tolerated, low cost therapy of COVID-19, for example, anti-inflammatory drugs, topical budesonide, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and anticoagulants. 

6. Unlike influenza viruses, SARS-CoV-2 does not mutate erratically, but slowly and permanently. For this reason alone, even the most effective vaccines always lag behind its new variants. 

7. SARS-CoV-2 is not becoming more and more contagious AND more and more dangerous. Like all other respiratory viruses, it obeys the laws of evolution. Without human intervention, the variant that spreads most easily prevails. That is why it is becoming more and more contagious indeed, but less and less dangerous, of course.

8. SARS-CoV-2, like all viral pathogens of acute respiratory infections, does not occur perennially, but seasonally, in our mid-northern latitudes from November to April. 

What ‘experts’ call the heroic overcoming of the pandemic of a killer virus by non-pharmacological interventions and vaccination of the whole populace, we doctors call, the end of the flu season. 

9. Due to basic and cross-immunity, during each flu season only about 10-20% of the population contract the seasonal beta corona and influenza viruses. This is also true for SARS-CoV-2.

An ‘nth wave of a respiratory virus’ is a biological impossibility.

Rather, the season of Corona-19 is followed by that of Corona-20 and now by that of Corona-21, to which most people are partially cross-immune, at least.

10. The alleged pandemic of the alleged killer virus SARS-CoV-2 cannot be overcome by vaccinating the entire world population, including the immune or recovered. The serial experimental mRNA and DNA injections are unnecessary because the IFR is 0.15%, for less than 70-year-olds below 0.05%, for children 0.00%, and even much lower if the causes of death are established correctly, so below that of seasonal influenza. Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 is mutating permanently and always in the sense that it becomes more infectious while less dangerous. The experimental foreign gene injections are ineffective.

We had already known this from the registration studies, which are not worth the paper they are written on. For example, the mRNA injections reduced the risk of mild COVID-19 disease absolutely by less than 1%. There were no data for severe courses, for disease transmission and for over 75-year-old sick persons. Their ineffectiveness has alsobeen proven in the real world by now.

Finally, the gene injections are unsafe. They can cause anaphylactic reactions, thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and myocarditis in the short term. There is possible immunosuppression and antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, in the medium-term. And in the long term there are possible autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility, risks that have not been ruled out yet.

Furthermore, natural immunisation is stronger and more sustainable than the best vaccine, and immune or recovered people do neither need basic immunisation nor a booster. Or, if you had gone through measles, mumps andrubella as a child or had received the basic MMR immunization, did anyone ever recommend that you get vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella for the first time or again? The mainly testing pandemic present since the end of the 2020 flu season,at least, can only be overcome by ending the unscientific testing of even asymptomatic people. 

These are the major myths of the prevailing corona narrative. We doctors and scientists have not been allowed to debunk them publicly for over a year and a half. If we dare to fulfil our moral duty, we are ignored and censored at best, libelled, banned or forcibly detained psychiatrically, at worst.

Yet, in the second year, as medical students we had to study basic epidemiology. There we learned that in the event of a possible epidemic of national scope, a study cohort representative of the population must be formed immediately. Its purpose is to monitor the prevalence, incidence, and severity of the disease and the status of immunity, here by testing for antibodies AND T-cell immunity. Thus, in April 2020 we would already have realised that there was no epidemic of national scope, presumably that almost everyone was already largely immune and that there was exactly 0 scientific evidence for painful and costly nonsensical interventions, for the enactment of epidemic laws, for the draftingof COVID laws and for digital COVID certificates.

Allegedly, no one in the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and in its affiliated Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force has the knowledge of a second-year medical student. For, although it is 20 months since the WHO declared the COVID pandemic, such a representative epidemiological surveillance cohort does not exist. Even worse, from week 13 to 44/2020 the FOPH had also paused the surveillance systemof viral respiratory infections based on representative medical practices, thereby completing the blind flight in favour of total interpretive sovereignty of the arbitrarily manipulable useless RT-PCR test ‘case numbers’. Do not gloat. It is the same shame in your country.

It is wrong to test symptomatic people for only one of all respiratory viruses. It is insane to do this only with a hypersensitive, nonspecific RT-PCR test with cycle threshold above 35, without considering number of cycles, symptomatology and clinical context. It is even more insane to mass test also asymptomatic, previously called healthy, people in this way. And it is the coronation of insanity to serially administer unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe experimental mRNA and DNA injections tothe entire world population, on top of that without regard to their immune status.

Should this text seem too long or too complicated to you, please take a close look at this picture. at least: It paints a thousand words.

Just a glance at near-real-time monitoring of intensive care occupancy by ETH Zurich, state November 26th, 2021, exposes the fundamental fraud of the prevailing corona narrative.

During each alleged wave happens the same. Completely synchronously and to almost the same extent as the number of COVID patients, yellow curve, goes up, the number of non-COVID patients, green curve, goes down, although there are high reserves of intensive care beds, dashed curve, throughout the whole course of he alleged epidemic. At the end of each alleged wave, the same thing happens in the opposite directions.

Either, we believe that the very moment a COVID patient enters an intensive care unit a supernatural entity is postponing non-emergency major surgery, another viral pneumonia, a bacterial or fungal pneumonia, a myocardial infarction, a central pulmonary embolism, a cerebral stroke, or a major car accident with numerous serious injuries.

Or, on admission to hospital every patient is tested for SARS-CoV-2 using the RT-PCR test, which is unsuitable for diagnostic purposes rolling a dice would be cheaper.

According to the test result, he or she is assigned to the green, non-COVID patients, or the yellow, COVID patients, curve, in short: other diagnoses areoften mislabelled as COVID-19. This fraud occurs not so much in the intensive care units themselves, as rather in the direct reporting by the laboratories to the FOPH, which reports these and all other meaningless “case numbers” to the mass media, who then bombard us with them around the clock.

Since April 2020, at least, the total number of ICU patients, black curve, changes little due to this fundamental fraud in the prevailing corona narrative. It also explains why the intensive care units were not overloaded in any country, regardless of whether there are almost three times as many ICU beds per capita, for example in Germany, or only about half as many, for example in Sweden, as in Switzerland.

Those responsible must have known this. Otherwise they would not have cut ICU capacity worldwide since April 2020, in Switzerland from over 1500 to under 900, but would have built up more. Instead of redistributing 100 billion taxpayers’ Swiss Francsfrom the bottom and the middle to the very top, I would have recommended to my government investing a fraction of it in recruiting retired and in increasing the workload of part-time ICU staff. 

I guess the coming so-called 5th wave will be very similar to the so-called 2nd wave during the last flu season with the usual hump in the total number of ICU patients, black curve, due to more frequent severe acute respiratory infections during every flu season.

I wish that the alleged ‘killer variant’ Omicron is natural and will therefore be more contagious, but less dangerous than the alleged ‘killer variant’ Delta, and that there will not be many very severe COVID cases due to ADE, and not too many very severe adverse events of the experimental mRNA and DNA injections.

Should you have a better explanation for the almost perfect symmetry of the yellow and green curves with an imaginary mirror axis located between the two, I will be the first to examine it closely and publicly apologize for my, then fake news. 

SARS-CoV-2 is not an alien, but a newly discovered member of the well-known beta corona virus family. From my allegedly crazed cardiologist’s view, this is the prevailing corona nonsense narrative. 

An endemic of a seasonal beta corona cold virus, that may kill some people, of course, and becomes increasingly harmless through permanent slow mutation, has been inflated into a pandemic of a perennial killer virus, which is becoming ever more dangerous through erratic mutations, with PR, PCR, frightening masks, and the myth of epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission, that can only be overcome with pointless, harmful non-pharmacological interventions even for asymptomatic, formerly called healthy, people and with serial unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe experimental mRNA and DNA injections of the entire world population. 

If you still do not realise that this is, pardon, utter nonsense, from A for epidemiologically relevant Asymptomatic transmission to Z for Zero COVID, I am afraid I can’t help you either and this German proverb comes to my mind, translated into English: 

The greater the damage of the roof, the more beautiful the view of the stars! 

The still prevailing corona nonsense narrative justifies the globally dominating unscientific, inhumane madness. Such can be wrought with any respiratory virus, by the way: if we no longer test everybody with a hypersensitive, low-specific RT-PCR test, that cross-reacts with other viruses, for theoretically one RNA fragment of SARS-CoV-2, but for one of, say, influenza or metapneumo viruses, we immediately have an influenza or metapneumo virus testing pandemic.

The alleged pandemic is mainly an unreal PCR testing pandemic, but the totalitarian repressive measures it has spawned are real: they threaten our freedom, our livelihoods and even our lives.

Dear responsible colleagues! 

Please remember the Hippocratic Oath, ‘Primum non nocere, secundum cavere, tertium sanare’; First do no harm, second be careful, third heal’, and the Geneva Declaration of the World Medical Association, especially ‘I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat!

Finally help to end this total insanity, first and foremost by no longer applying unnecessary, ineffective, unsafe experimental mRNA and DNA injections and by reporting all their adverse events. Then the corona house of nonsense cards will immediately collapse.

Dear responsible fellow Swiss!

Wake up, stand up and vote against the unscientific, unconstitutional, unlawful, inhumane, insane COVID law, for you, for your loved ones and for the whole human family, today!

Dear responsible fellow humans!

Wake up, stand up and fight, peacefully but firmly; if not for yourself, then for your children’s future and that of your grandchildren, now!


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Humanismus 2020.

Dr. Thomas Binder is a Swiss cardiologist, board member of Doctors for Covid Ethics, Aletheia – Medicine and Science for Proportionality, and member of the Corman-Drosten Review Report.


La ue complice del piano usa di gettare l’europa nel caos

September 2nd, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

Josep Borrell, Alto rappresentante per la politica estera UE, non solo annuncia la sospensione dei visti ai turisti russi, assestando un altro duro colpo al settore turistico italiano ed europeo.  In una riunione dei ministri UE della Difesa ha dichiarato: “I Paesi dell’Unione Europea hanno discusso l’ipotesi di una missione di addestramento per le forze ucraine sin da prima della guerra: ora è il momento di agire”. Con l’invio di armi e l’addestramento delle forze di Kiev la UE diviene un paese belligerante contro la Russia a fianco della NATO. Allo stesso tempo Ursula Von der Leyen, Presidente della Commissione Europea, ribadisce che bisogna: “porre fine alla nostra dipendenza dagli sporchi combustibili fossili russi”. Annuncia così la decisione della UE di proseguire sulla via che sta provocando in Europa una devastante crisi economica, dovuta al prezzo del gas cresciuto da 15 euro a oltre 300 euro al megawattora

La vera causa non è il fatto che la Russia non ci fornisce più gas, ma che la Borsa di Amsterdam, quella che decide il prezzo del gas in Europa, appartiene a una società finanziaria statunitense, che ne determina il prezzo in base a meccanismi speculativi e politici.  La stessa ENI, mentre compra gas russo a basso prezzo, lo rivende ad alto prezzo secondo le quotazioni di Amsterdam. Una vera e propria truffa ai  danni degli italiani coperta dal governo Draghi, 

L’Europa viene allo stesso tempo messa sempre più in pericolo dall’enorme quantità di armi che NATO e UE inviano in Ucraina. Washington ha annunciato forniture militari per altri 3 miliardi di dollari, parte del “pacchetto di assistenza” da 40 miliardi di dollari approvato dal Congresso. Di queste forniture – dimostra un servizio della statunitense CBS – la maggior parte finisce nel mercato clandestino delle armi, in mano a organizzazioni terroristiche e criminali. Un ulteriore grave pericolo è provocato dal fatto che le forze ucraine – armate, addestrate e di fatto comandate dalla NATO – sparano con i cannoni e i missili forniti loro da NATO e UE  sulla centrale nucleare di Zaparozhye atttualmente sotto controllo russo, esponendo l’Italia e l’Europa al gravissinmo rischio radioattivo di una nuova Cernobyl.

Manlio Dinucci

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For more than five months, full-scale hostilities have taken place on the territory of Ukraine. The number of victims is growing every day on both sides of the front line.

From the signing of the “Minsk 2” peace agreement in February 2015 until February 2022—seven long years—hostilities in the Donbas region raged with regular shelling and small arms attacks by the Ukrainian military and paramilitaries against the towns and cities of the region. Ukrainians throughout the country have become accustomed to this routinized, “low intensity” warfare.

However, the entry of the Russian Federation into the conflict on the side of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics more than five months ago has upset the routine, causing much confusion and bewilderment among Ukrainians. They are asking themselves, how can it be that Kyiv could also be shelled in response to the shellings of Donetsk? “Isn’t the strongest military power in the world on our side? Why can’t it stop this war that has broken out?”

Western propaganda (and since 2014, Ukrainian propaganda, too), deeply corrupts a person’s understanding. It encourages the idea that a country like Ukraine, subordinated to the West, can do whatever it wishes so long as it supports the goals of the large Western countries. In this context, liberal-minded views in favor of peace do not count. Non-Western countries are, by default, considered inferior and local opponents of Western imperialism are suspect, be they governments or simple political movements.

Internal Dissent in Ukraine

To combat internal dissent, the Ukrainian state encourages its citizens to speak up against those it labels as “traitors” and “collaborators.” People who behave “suspiciously” by criticizing the actions of the authorities or even daring to declare responsibility of the Ukrainian authorities for the military intervention by the Russian Federation are considered traitors by default.

Of late, the news reporting of “criminal conduct” in Ukraine is telling the stories of the woman convicted by a court for the crime of reading Russian Telegram channels while using public transport; the man who was found in possession of the flag of the Soviet Ukrainian Republic; and the teenager who photographed an airport building.

A Ministry of Digital Transformation was established in Ukraine in 2019 with the help of the European Union and the U.S. It is part of implementing a strategy of silencing dissent. The ministry goes so far as to offer guidelines on how to correctly fill out a “collaborator report” to finger suspect acquaintances of “the enemy.”[1] The ministry cites a typical letter sent to the chatbot єВорог: “His sister is the wife of a separatist who is fighting for Russia. They keep in touch and exchange information about the location of our army in the city.”

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

Vice Prime Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov speaks at conference announcing new ministry. [Source:]

Often such denunciations become simply a method of settling old personal scores. These raise uncomfortable memories of the pogroms against Jews which marked Ukraine during the years of Nazi German occupation. For example, one of the examples of denunciations sent to the Ministry of Digital Transformation has been highlighted by Maksim Buzhansky, deputy leader of President Zelensky’s political party. He writes of a woman being targeted for the crime of collaboration: “She is pregnant by a Russian and considers herself to be something of a first lady of the village.”[2] This is how simple envy or personal dislike can become a pretext for a witch-hunt under the guise of a political agenda.

One of the most egregious recent cases was the expulsion of Elvira Khomenko, a student from a university in the city of Bila Tserkva, 80 km south of Kyiv. Elvira was a student in the veterinary department. She wrote that enemies should be treated with kindness, that she does not eat meat, does not support the Ukrainian army, and does not support the killing of people.[3] She is described as something of a hippie and peacenik who strongly maintains her beliefs and opinions.

At the end of July, she was expelled from the university and denounced to the SBU, Ukraine’s political police service. Elvira has since disappeared without a trace. Police are refusing to accept her mother’s statement in defense of her daughter, treating the mother with contempt. [As of August 1, 2022, the whereabouts of Elvira Khomenko are known only to Ukrainian authorities.]


Elvira Khomenko [Source:]

In order to carry out its widespread, anti-Russia brainwashing in Ukraine, the Zelensky-led government has banned all opposition political parties and closed critical media. Over the past two years, half of the television channels in Ukraine have gone off the air, accused of pro-Russia sympathies. Since February 2022, all remaining media are obliged to relay only the point of view of the Office of the President, under threat of being accused of treason.

During this period, the opposition parties Platform for Life (social democratic), the Communist Party, the Socialist Party, the “Socialists,” the Union of Left Forces, the Sharij Party, the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine and the Labor Party of Ukraine have been banned and their property seized. Earlier, only party activity was suspended; the seizure of party properties is a new escalation. As the list of banned parties makes clear, they are left-wing for the most part. Their “fault” is their disapproval of the eight-year-old conflict waged against Donbas (which became the reason for the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine).

In July 2022, the wealthiest Ukrainian, billionaire Rinat Akhmetov (number one on Forbes-Ukraine’s list of wealthiest people in the country) gave up control of his media holdings, although he and his media have been quite loyal to Zelensky’s office. Hundreds of employees lost their jobs. The “logic” of this business decision by Ahkmetov is that a Ukrainian billionaire has no need to own costly media if it cannot be used to advance his or her personal interests and “merely” serves to relay the point of view of the authorities.

Worker and trade union rights under attack

Under the pretext of the war in Ukraine, authorities have begun to actively attack worker and trade union rights. They are promoting regressive “reform” of existing labor legislation. This had failed earlier due to pressure by international trade unions. In early July, the parliament sent to Zelensky for his signature Bill No. 7251, which regulates the “optimization of labor relations” under martial law.

This legislative innovation significantly curtails the rights of Ukrainian employees and nullifies the main historical gains of the working class, rolling them back to the situation of the 19th century. Among the provisions of the new law is that Ukrainian employers are no longer required to limit the working day to eight hours and the working week can stretch up to 60 hours. That could mean a ten-hour working day with one day off per week, a twelve-hour working day with two days off, or seven days of eight and a half hours each with no day off! Thus will Ukrainian employers be able to save on overtime pay.[4]

Back in 1810, the British educator and social philosopher Robert Owen advocated for a reduced work day; by 1817, he had formulated the slogan: “Eight hours’ labor, eight hours’ recreation, eight hours’ rest.” Oh, how the world of the 21st century is evolving—backwards!

In addition, from now on, Ukrainian workers can be fired on vague pretexts of no available work. Employers themselves will determine how this applies, depending on their interests.

A second regressive labor law

In July the Ukraine legislature (Verkhovna Rada) also adopted Bill No. 5371, on simplified termination of employment contracts during martial law. It regulates labor contracts for businesses of fewer than 250 employees, essentially canceling the provisions of the Labor Code for them. This amounts to some 80% of all companies in Ukraine.

Working conditions, working hours, holidays and wages will now be regulated not by law but by the terms of contracts drawn up by the employer. “Anything can be written in the contract, especially in conditions of unemployment. In fact, this means that Ukrainians will have to work on the conditions that employers will impose on them,” says Ukrainian lawyer Rostyslav Kravets.[5]

The governing regime in Kyiv pushed through the bill, citing a familiar theme: “Russian aggression.” But the bill was originally registered in April 2021, nearly one year prior to Russia’s military intervention.

Formally, the bill was submitted on behalf of the head of the parliamentary committee on social policy, Galina Tretyakova, and a number of other deputies from the ruling Servant of the People party. Ukrainian trade unions had demanded Tretyakova’s resignation following a sickening speech in which she said that poor people should be sterilized to reduce the country’s welfare bill.

Bill 5371 was developed by the Ukrainian public organization “Office of Simple Solutions,” which was originally created by the former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili (2008-13), together with the associations of Ukrainian employers and the USAID program.

In other words, the deprivation of Ukrainian labor rights has been financed by a U.S. government agency. (As for Saakashvili, he is awaiting trial in Georgia under charges of violence against his political opponents as well as harsh restrictions against media outlets before and during his presidency. He is also charged with entering the country illegally, in October 2021, when he was first arrested and detained.)

George Sandul, a lawyer at the Kyiv public organization “Labor Initiatives,” commenting on Bill 5371, noted that the employee always has less power than the employer, and at the international level, numerous conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) are devoted to this issue. “De facto, this regime assumes that literally anything can be entered into an employee’s employment contract, without reference to Ukrainian labor laws. For example, additional grounds for dismissal, liability, or even a 100-hour week,” explains Sandul.[6]

In June, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) appealed to Ukrainian authorities to remove the scandalous bill No. 5371 from consideration, as it contradicts the ILO conventions ratified by Ukraine’s “association agreement” with the EU (entered into force in September 2017) and European legislation.

Ukraine has in recent years served as a testing ground for anti-social reforms and cuts, which are then carried out in other European countries. These are all the more misplaced considering that Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe and over the past eight years, there has been a massive outflow of Ukrainian workers westward in Europe or eastward to Russia.

Resisting military service in wartime

Since the beginning of Russia’s military operation, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men have been drafted into the army and thousands have illegally fled across the border to dodge military service. Millions of women, too, have left the country, leaving many manufacturing facilities at a standstill. Even regular public utilities are understaffed, while many restaurants in the capital city Kyiv have closed as their chefs and other staff have left.

In July, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported on the elimination of 45 escape routes used by men of military age. Those caught were traveling by foot, car or boat. One enterprising draft dodger tried to leave the country by swimming across a river in a diving suit.[7] Fees charged by those guiding the escapees range from the equivalent of US$1,000 to US$20,000.

Forced conscription was brought on and has been intensified due to huge combat losses. David Arakhamia, the head of the Zelensky-led party’s parliamentary faction, has stated that losses amount to about 1,000 killed and wounded per day.[8] The British Daily Mail reported in July that the death toll was around 20,000 a month.[9] But official statistics of Ukraine’s losses are treated as classified information by the Ministry of Defense.

FILE - Fellow Ukrainian government soldiers and mourners bid farewell to Oleksandr Ilnitsky, who was shot dead by a pro-Russian rebel sniper in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region, during a service in Kyiv's Independence Square, Jan. 11, 2016.

Funeral for one of many Ukrainian war dead. [Source:]

“The numbers of dead are a state secret during martial law. This is due to military expediency and the fact that the enemy should not know these numbers and use it for their own opportunities,” Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said on July 14.[10]

Economically, Ukraine survives almost exclusively on loans from Western partner governments and international banks. It finances its public budget expenditures only by some 30%.[11] The main sphere of government expenses is, to no surprise, military. To a certain extent, the Ukrainian military can be described as a mercenary force of the United States, Great Britain and other NATO countries.

Ideologically, Ukrainian authorities openly position themselves as part of a “civilized West” waging war with a “barbaric East.” “We are the European army of a European country. The enemy will be destroyed consistently, systematically and as planned and expected, by a decent army of the good old West,” Aleksey Arestovych, an adviser to the head of the President’s Office, recently stated.[12]

However, for this army, a significant part of its recruits must be snatched off the streets or from parks and workplaces. Since February, Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 have been barred from leaving the country. Starting October 1, this ban will also apply to women, who are being made liable for military service under the cunning theme of “combatting gender discrimination.” But this “fight against discrimination” is far from being an extension of rights; it is an extension of duties as defined by an increasingly unpopular and isolated governing regime.

Russian-controlled southern Ukraine

The populations of the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine oppose the regime in Kyiv for the most part, but since 2014 they have been forced to hide this. Soldiers of Ukraine’s armed forces continue to complain that, since the start of the Russian military operation, local residents are betraying their positions to Russian forces and to the forces of Luhansk and Donetsk, allowing these to more accurately target their military operations.

In one video from the city of Kramatorsk in the Donetsk region, still held by Kyiv, a soldier of the Ukrainian army complains that the locals do not like them and do not want war against the Russian Federation. He explains, “There are a lot of people here who are not being called up by the military registration and enlistment offices. We are brought here from all over Ukraine, but no one will involve the locals. The recent scenarios in Lisichansk [small city in the Lugansk region] and other territories showed that residents were willing to go to war, but against Ukraine.”[13]

In fact, many Ukrainian soldiers are telling the truth of what is happening in the territories controlled by the Russian Federation and the Lugansk and Donetsk republics. However, “control” by Russia or the Donbas republics does not mean peace. Deliveries of heavy artillery from the U.S. and other large NATO powers now allow Ukrainian forces to shell more heavily their former territories in the east, sometimes reaching deep behind Russian/Donbas republic lines. The shelling of the territories controlled by Kyiv receives wide coverage in the Western press, but the shelling of uncontrolled territory by the Ukrainian army is completely ignored, underlining once again the prevailing system of a double standard in Western media.

In July, three Ukrainian drones with explosives attacked the nuclear energy complex (the largest in Europe) near the city of Zaporozhye located on the Dnieper River, the fourth largest river in Europe.[14] The purpose was to disrupt the operation of the station, which supplies electricity to several nearby regions. Luckily, the concrete ceilings of the complex withstood the attacks by what was light munitions. The complex was designed and built in Soviet times to operate during wartime. Russian forces control the complex and are working with its Ukrainian engineers and other specialists to keep it operating.

At the same time, the Ukrainian special services, in conjunction with Western intelligence services, wage regular terror attacks in uncontrolled territories, threatening those citizens of Ukraine who cooperate with the Russian Federation or the Donbas republics. Many leaders of the Donbas rebels have been assassinated since 2014, notably the revered, former head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko, assassinated in 2018.

Terror tactics are being used to prevent a return to peaceful life. These are prompting even former Ukrainian ultra-nationalists to reconsider their views on the conflict. In June, for example, Dmitry Kuzmenko, the head of a Ukrainian “territorial defense” (ultra-nationalist) paramilitary unit, and many of his former fighters decided to adopt Russian citizenship.[15]

Meanwhile, deliveries of American “HIMARS” precision multiple rocket launchers and the shelling of Kherson led even the former leader of the Kherson cell of the Ukrainian fascist party Svoboda (“Freedom”), Eduard Bekharsky, to reconsider his views. “Today’s shelling of my hometown by the Armed Forces of Ukraine using American HIMARS put a bullet in my relations with Ukraine. My father was an officer in the Soviet army. I remember my childhood in the garrisons in the Urals. I am more Soviet than Ukrainian. And now I’m finished with Ukraine,” he wrote.[16]

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree in July on simplified admission of Ukrainian citizens to Russian citizenship, residents of other regions have been moving to Russian-controlled Kherson. However, their route, according to eyewitnesses, is quite difficult since it is necessary to pass through front lines and mined territories. Taxi drivers in the Kyiv-controlled city of Zaporozhye charge up to US$1,000 for such a dangerous trip.

There is also a legal option, but it costs $400 and up. To make such a trip legally, the traveler must submit an application to Ukrainian authorities and then pass a verification procedure by the SBU. Men do not use this option since they would immediately receive a summons to military service.

The coming social and political transformations in southern Ukraine

In July, the local authorities of the southern regions of Ukraine controlled by the Russian Federation–Kherson and Zaporozhye—announced the preparation of a referendum on joining the Russian Federation.[17]

Preliminary plans call for the votes to take place in mid-September. This will severely curtail stated plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to return these regions under their control, since a vote to join the Russian Federation formally places the regions under the military umbrella of Russia and, perhaps, opens the way for entry of international peacekeeping forces from the Collective Security Treaty Organization, in which Russia is a leading member.

In Russian-controlled cities and towns in southern Ukraine, the interim administrations are distributing one-time social payments of 10,000 rubles (app. US$165) to residents, which is equal to the minimum monthly Ukrainian pension for elderly.[18]

In June, internet service began to be provided from Crimea to these regions and mobile communications were established through Russian operators.

Unlike Kherson, many larger cities of Donbas have been heavily damaged due to the frequently used tactics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use schools, hospitals and residential buildings as shields.

Reconstruction in the heavily damaged city of Mariupol began in June. Russia is mounting an ambitious program of reconstruction assistance throughout Donbas. Large teams of building workers are being mobilized in Russia, including a clever program in which Russian cities partner with a selected city in Donbas and provide technical as well as material assistance.

Mariupol Begins Arduous Job of Rebuilding As Residents Pick Up Pieces from Brutal Conflict - YouTube


Following the recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, brigades of workers from there are helping in the restoration. “They will provide serious help in solving the problems of restoring destroyed social, infrastructural and industrial facilities,” said Russian Ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora.

He also said the DPRK already uses building equipment manufactured by enterprises in Donbas. “Our Korean partners are therefore very interested in acquiring spare parts and units manufactured in Donbas in order to update their own production base.”[19] Kyiv has severed diplomatic relations with North Korea and Syria in response to their respective recognitions of the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk republics.

In the Russian-controlled part of the Zaporozhye region, the roads damaged or destroyed in the fighting are being restored. A resident of the DPR, author of the left-wing Telegram channel “Concretely,” describes the process as follows: “Yesterday, I watched a road being repaired in the liberated territory. Repairs are being done more substantially than Ukraine ever did. Not only is the roadbed completely removed and restored, its support bedding (so-called pillow) is one and a half meters deeper. From the original road dating from Soviet times and ‘killed’ by Ukraine through neglect, only its direction will remain. A completely new road is being built, 100 kilometers long. The locals, I think, have never seen such a miracle; modern civilization has come to our steppes.”[20]

In Ukrainian media, this news was presented as a case of Russians “stealing” the old asphalt from the roads because they themselves do not have such roads.

In the Russian-controlled parts of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, new tariffs for utilities were approved in July. Utilities in those regions are much less expensive than in the rest of Ukraine: Natural gas is less than one-fifth the price in the Russian-controlled areas; hot water is almost 60% less; heating is more than 60% less; and electricity is 45% less. Such are the economic benefits brought by Russia and which are very appealing to local populations.[21]

Previously, Russian authorities announced the cancellation of all the debts of Ukrainian citizens owed for gas, electricity and water utilities, as well as bank debts. As a result, thousands of households in Kyiv-controlled territories have stopped paying their bills, expecting that Russia may some day arrive and write off their debts as well. This is one of the reasons why the regime of Zelensky is obliged to step up requests to the Western powers for additional financial assistance.


Apparently, the regions of Donbas and southern Ukraine will follow the path of rebuilding and restoration taken earlier in the Chechen Republic and Crimea.

Crimea and most of what became Ukraine following 1991 lived off the infrastructure legacy of the Soviet Union without repairing or updating it. After the 2014 referendum in Crimea (March 15 of that year), the Russians involved in restoring the infrastructure of Crimea were shocked by the degree of deterioration of buildings, pipes and roads.

In 2014, average wages and pensions almost tripled for Crimeans as a result of their vote to join Russia. Naturally, this only strengthened their loyalty to Moscow. Now Crimea and Chechnya are the most loyal regions to the Russian central government, not least due to the substantial financial injections into the economies of these regions. These are much higher, proportionately, than in other regions of the Russian Federation. The volume of infrastructure investments per capita in Crimea, for example, is 29% ahead of the Russian average.[22]

In 2013, by comparison, the per capita GRP (gross regional product) of Crimea was 25% of that in Russia, the average salary was less than 40% of that in Russia, and investments were 30% of that in Russia.

Because of Western sanctions, tourism in Crimea has suffered heavily. As well, the blockade of water supply imposed by Kyiv did not allow the development of agriculture in the arid northern regions of Crimea. Ukrainian authorities blockaded the Northern Crimea Canal in 2015, which provided most drinking and agricultural water to Crimea from the Dnieper River to the north. The canal was built during the 1950s.

In place of tourism, the Crimean economy is now shifting toward industrial production, in particular, shipbuilding and engineering at Soviet factories that were virtually abandoned or on the verge of bankruptcy under Ukraine’s rule. Ukraine has allowed much of its industrial production capacity to degrade since 1991, saying it can instead buy superior equipment from Western corporations.

Among the largest projects in Crimea since 2014 have been extensive water supply and pipeline infrastructure; a new airport in the capital city of Simferopol; and the historic Kerch Strait Bridge, 19 km long and carrying trucks and autos as well as a two-track railway to and from Crimea and the Russian mainland.

Ukraine is today threatening to strike the bridge with missiles. Perhaps it is too much of an embarrassment to Ukrainian officials. Since 1992, several plans to build a Podolsky Bridge, four kilometers long, in the Kyiv region across the Dnieper River have failed due to bad planning or escalating costs.[23]

In 2015, Ukrainian nationalists organized, in addition to the water blockade, an energy blockade of Crimea, blowing up power lines in the Kherson region. The destroyed power lines were finally restored at the end of July 2022. “Crimea has overcome the water, food, and transport blockades set up by the Kyiv regime, and now the latest energy blockade,” Oleg Kryuchkov recently announced. He is an information officer for the head of Crimea. “Crimea receives water through the unblocked North Crimean Canal, trade and transport links with the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions have been restored, and the energy system has been fully restored. Everything is returning to normal.”[24]

All this said, there remain conflicting loyalties among business people in Crimea toward Moscow or Kyiv. Due to policies deregulating business in Ukraine, in accordance with the loan requirements of the IMF, private businesses in Crimea often lean in favor of Ukraine. Such businesses are more prone to evade taxes and not comply with sanitary and labor standards. The Russian state tightly regulates private businesses, in contrast to Ukraine, causing dissatisfaction with private taxi drivers who worked in Ukraine, at times without licenses and without paying any taxes. Some hotel owners—those who built their hotels in protected areas prior to 2014—are also dissatisfied, thanks to bribery and corruption.

Behind the scenes in Ukraine and its former territories, there is also competition between state-planned and private, neoliberal economies. In the Russian Federation, workers and technicians employed in state-run enterprises receive higher salaries and benefits.

Similar trends should be expected in the Russian-controlled territories of southern Ukraine and Donbas as soon as peace comes to them.


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Dmitri Kovalevich is a Ukrainian journalist and activist of the banned Ukrainian communist organization ‘Borotba’.




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The CIA May be Breeding Nazi Terror in Ukraine

September 2nd, 2022 by Branko Marcetic

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The US government has a well-documented history of backing extremist groups as part of a panoply of foreign policy misadventures, which inevitably end up blowing up in the American public’s face. In the 1960s, the CIA worked with Cuban anti–Fidel Castro radicals who turned Miami into a hub of terrorist violence. In the 1980s, the agency supported and encouraged Islamic radicals converging in Afghanistan, who would go on to orchestrate the September 11 attack. And, in the 2010s, Washington backed Syria’s not-so-“moderate” rebels who ended up cutting a swath of atrocities through civilians and the Kurdish forces that were meant to be US allies.

Based on a new report, it looks like we may soon be able to add another to that list of fatally unlearned lessons: Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

According to a recent Yahoo! News report, since 2015, the CIA has been secretly training forces in Ukraine to serve as “insurgent leaders,” in the words of one former intelligence official, in case Russia ends up invading the country. Current officials are claiming the training is purely for intelligence collection, but the former officials Yahoo! spoke to said the program involved training in firearms, “cover and move,” and camouflage, among other things.

Given the facts, there’s a good chance that the CIA is training actual, literal Nazis as part of this effort. The year the program started, 2015, also happened to be the same year that Congress passed a spending bill that featured hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of economic and military support for Ukraine, one that was expressly modified to allow that support to flow to the country’s resident neo-Nazi militia, the Azov Regiment. According to the Nation at the time, the text of the bill passed in the middle of that year featured an amendment explicitly barring “arms, training, and other assistance” to Azov, but the House committee in charge of the bill was pressured by the Pentagon months later to remove the language, falsely telling them it was redundant.Despite sometimes open acknowledgement of its Nazism — its former commander once said the “historic mission” of Ukraine is to “lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival” in “a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen” — Azov was incorporated into the country’s National Guard in 2014, owing to its effectiveness in fighting Russian separatists. US arms have flowed to the militia, NATO and US military officials have been pictured meeting with them, and members of the militia have talked about their work with US trainers and the lack of background screening to weed out white supremacists.

Given all this, it would be more of a surprise that the neo-Nazis of Azov haven’t been trained in the CIA’s clandestine make-an-insurgency program. And we’re already seeing the early signs of blowback.

“A number of prominent individuals among far-right extremist groups in the United States and Europe have actively sought out relationships with representatives of the far-right in Ukraine, specifically the National Corps and its associated militia, the Azov Regiment,” states a 2020 report from the West Point US Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center. “US-based individuals have spoken or written about how the training available in Ukraine might assist them and others in their paramilitary-style activities at home.”

A 2018 FBI affidavit asserted that Azov “is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States–based white supremacy organizations,” including members of the white supremacist Rise Above Movement, prosecuted for planned assaults on counterprotesters at far-right events, including the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally that Joe Biden later co-opted as a rationale for his presidential campaign. While it seems the perpetrator of the Christchurch mosque massacre didn’t travel to Ukraine as he claimed, he clearly took inspiration from the far-right movement there, and wore a symbol used by Azov members while carrying out the attack.

Since taking office, Biden has launched an incipient domestic “war on terror” on the basis of combating far-right extremism, even though the strategy is quietly aiming to target left-wing protesters and activists, something it has already done. Yet at the same time, three separate administrations, Biden’s included, have been providing training, weapons, and equipment to the very far-right movement that’s inspiring and even training those same white supremacists.

Destroying the Village to Save It

Adding to the absurdity here is that the reason Washington has been giving Ukrainian Nazis its assistance is so they can serve as a bulwark against Russia, which war hawks liken, as they always do, to Adolph Hitler’s regime and its expansion through Europe in the 1930s. While Vladimir Putin’s Russia may be a malevolent actor on a number of fronts, Putin’s recent incursions into neighboring states like Ukraine are driven largely by the expansion of the NATO military alliance up to his borders and the security implications that come with it.

In other words, to stop what US hawks classify as the next Hitler and Nazi Germany, Washington has been backing literal neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine, who are in turn communicating with and training homegrown white supremacists, which Washington in turn is ramping up a menacing repressive bureaucracy at home to counter. It’s what some have called the “self-licking ice cream cone” in action — the US national security establishment creating the very threats that justify itself. Instead of defusing the tensions by simply agreeing to long-standing Russian demands to set a hard limit on NATO’s eastward expansion, Washington has apparently decided that unlimited planetary military dominion is so important that it would rather just get into bed with actual fascists.

The US alliance with Nazi-infected Ukraine has already proven awkward for a president who is both trying to strike a contrast with his far-right predecessor and establish the United States as the leader of a global effort to strengthen democracy. Late last year, in a vote that went completely unreported in the press, the United States was one of just two countries (the other being Ukraine) to vote against a UN draft resolution “combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism.” Both countries have consistently voted against this resolution every single year since 2014.

The Biden administration deployed a nearly identical, boilerplate explanation for its no vote that Donald Trump had used, citing the constitutional right to free speech even for those with repugnant views. But this concern is hard to square with the text, which simply expresses concern about public memorials, demonstrations, and rehabilitation of the Nazis, condemns Holocaust denial and hate violence, and calls on governments to eliminate racism through education and addressing far-right terrorist threats — all roughly the same as Biden’s own rhetoric and policies.

Washington’s real concern here lies in its description of the resolution as “thinly veiled attempts to legitimize Russian disinformation campaigns denigrating neighboring nations” — meaning Ukraine. But Ukraine’s connections to modern Nazism are far from Russian fake news, and are in fact extensive and well-documented: from Azov’s official incorporation into the ranks of Ukrainian law enforcement and government officials with far-right ties to state-sponsored tributes to Nazi collaborators and promotion of Holocaust denial.

It’s no small irony that the US president, elected in large part to halt the perceived march of fascism at home, is continuing long-standing US support for literal Nazis in what might well be the nexus of international fascism. And if these Ukrainian Nazis really are among the insurgents being trained by the CIA, it will be no small tragedy if they one day take the same career trajectory as Osama bin Laden.


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Branko Marcetic is a Jacobin staff writer and the author of Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.

Featured image is from Passage

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There are credible reasons to suspect that the United Kingdom has been more dangerously forward-leaning in its support for Ukraine than most members of the transatlantic anti-Russia coalition.

During a 2016 speech laying out the pillars of the United Kingdom’s post-Brexit foreign policy, then-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson articulated an approach to international relations infused with globalist rhetoric. “We are a protagonist – a global Britain running a truly global foreign policy”, Johnson said, while calling for more “free trade” agreements and strengthening and reforming the “rules-based international order.” As prime minister, Johnson then issued the Integrated Review 2021, “Global Britain in a Competitive Age,” which outlined a hard power strategy and investments for a period of “systemic competition” among middle and great powers. One commentator noted in response that “the ambitions of ‘Global Britain’ have delivered a bargain-basement version of American grand strategy.” This is the grand strategy that has set the United Kingdom’s course in Ukraine and one that British foreign secretary Liz Truss, who is likely to be Britain’s next prime minister, will surely carry out.

As a top member of Johnson’s cabinet, Truss has had a leading role in shaping British policy toward the Russo-Ukrainian War. On this score, Truss’ diplomatic performance has been unremarkable and, at one point, even counterproductive. In line with her boss’ internationalist convictions, Truss believes her country is better off when it plays the role of deputy sheriff to help the United States police the world. For instance, Truss declared in a March speech at the Atlantic Council that “Our ultimate aim … [is] to make the world safe for freedom and democracy.”

Like Washington, London views the war in Ukraine as an opportunity to bleed Russia dry and weaken a great power rival. However, there are also credible reasons to suspect that the United Kingdom has been more dangerously forward-leaning in its support for Ukraine than most members of the transatlantic anti-Russia coalition.

Citing Ukrainian military commanders, an April 15 report in The Times noted that “British special forces have trained local troops in Kyiv for the first time since the war with Russia began.” Four months later, the Washington Examiner’s Tom Rogan, using information gleaned from “three Western government sources,” described in detail how British special forces, supervised by MI6, were at points operating “very close to the front lines” to help Ukrainian forces conduct “deep battlespace” strikes behind Russian lines to degrade command nodes, logistics trains, and supply depots. While Rogan added that British advisors were not authorized to directly engage Russian forces and that other Western paramilitary units (including CIA elements) are also on the ground in Ukraine, his previous reporting has highlighted how the Johnson government’s risk appetite in Ukraine, and Truss’ willingness to expand the envelope of support, is higher than the Biden administration’s.

Whether this serves the interests of the United Kingdom is up to the British people to decide. Yet British activism in Ukraine risks undermining the Biden administration’s stated policy that it will not intervene directly—a declaration that was meant to restrain the belligerency of certain NATO members as much as it was a signal to Moscow that U.S. forces organizing in Eastern Europe were not preparing to enter an active war zone. Biden’s commitment to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia eventually became the baseline strategic imperative of transatlantic action as NATO members developed their policies of support toward Ukraine.

But if policymakers in Washington are going to address the fact that a close NATO ally is too eager to escalate Western involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian War just short of an overt armed intervention, some introspection is in order. British involvement in Ukraine might exceed the outer limits of the United States’ risk tolerance, but not by much. Remember that intelligence shared by U.S. officials helped Ukrainian forces sink the Moskva, the guided missile cruiser and flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, using two Neptune anti-ship missiles. More alarmingly, the New York Times reported in May that U.S. intelligence enabled Ukrainian forces to target and kill Russian generals leading troops from the front lines. In both instances, the United States identified specific high-value Russian assets while Ukrainians executed the strike. Viewed in these terms, Russia’s claim that the West is waging a proxy war against it in Ukraine is hard to dispute.

Given the depth of the United Kingdom’s involvement on the ground, it would be imprudent to assume that British military operators can avoid direct contact with Russian forces indefinitely, or that Moscow will not begin to target Western special forces units directing strikes against its troops in Ukraine. When a new prime minister takes office, Washington, London, and any NATO allieswith special forces in Ukraine need to develop a joint transition plan that will equip Ukrainian troops to conduct these missions without the direct aid of Western military operators, who should promptly begin leaving the country. More importantly, diplomatic channels with Moscow, both bilaterally and through NATO directly, should be reopened to begin probing for the possibility of a ceasefire.

During her intra-party campaign for prime minister, Truss has not shown any inclination to de-escalate her country’s involvement in Ukraine. But if she is elected as prime minister, U.S. policymakers would do well to discourage any further British involvement on the ground and urge a pullback from the front lines in Ukraine. Along with reassessing U.S. exposure in Ukraine, it would be sensible for the White House to level with its “closest ally” across the Atlantic and make explicit that the West’s first priority is to avoid, as Biden once bluntly stated, “World War III.”


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Matthew C. Mai is an Associate Editor at The National Interest.

Featured image: Creator: syllogi Admin / No10 Downing Str | Credit: syllogi Admin / No10 Downing Str

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Biden to Name Ukraine War General

September 2nd, 2022 by Gary Wilson

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President Joe Biden is planning to declare Ukraine an official U.S. military operation, the Aug. 24 Wall Street Journal reports, making it a separate command with its own general. Should Biden do that, it would put the Ukraine operation on par with the U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The naming of the operation formally recognizes the U.S. effort within the military, akin to how the Pentagon dubbed the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. The naming of the training and assistance is significant bureaucratically, as it typically entails long-term, dedicated funding and the possibility of special pay, ribbons and awards for service members participating in the effort.

“The selection of a general, expected to be a two- or three-star, reflects the creation of a command responsible to coordinate the effort, a shift from the largely ad hoc effort to provide training and assistance to the Ukrainians for years,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

Biden and Congress are stepping up war spending and expansion, while workers have taken a pay cut of almost 4% this year. This is good old guns-not-butter politics. In the words of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”


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Ukraine’s Air Force staff have been essentially eliminated by Russia’s Aerospace Forces and air defense systems, a military-diplomatic source told the Russian agency TASS on Monday.

“The entire qualified operating personnel of Ukraine’s former air force – of Mig-29, Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft – have been practically eliminated by the effective actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the air defense systems,” the source declared.

The source also stated that the West’s vows to deliver more Soviet-manufactured combat planes will most likely remain void, adding that Ukraine was coerced to include poorly trained air cadets for combat sorties which led to “catastrophic losses among the remnants of the Ukrainian aviation.”

According to the source, attempts to bring on more pilots in Poland and other Eastern European countries were not fruitful. “The few who agreed are already in grave or in hospitals,” he explained.

This comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin requested the increase of the size of Russian military personnel from 1.9 to 2.04 million last Thursday and amid continuous attacks by Ukrainian forces on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (NPP).

Following the attacks, two power units of the Zaporozhye NPP have been automatically disconnected from the network after a fire erupted near a high-voltage line, Yevgeny Balitsky, the head of the Zaporozhye regional administration, said on Thursday, adding that one power unit is still connected to the network. Just a day later, the Ukrainian military targeted the Zaporozhye NPP, and four shells hit the area where radioactive isotopes are stored.

The concurrent damages have led to action by the IAEA inspectors who are due to be on their way to the Zaporozhye NPP amid mounting fears over a potential nuclear accident.


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Featured image: Su-34 bombers (Source: TASS)

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“Biden should immediately reverse his executive order,” said one humanitarian. “With millions of Afghans impoverished and starving, the U.S. must return to the Afghan people what is rightfully theirs.”

The United Nations aid chief on Monday led calls for a resumption of the humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan that ended after the Taliban reconquered the war-ravaged nation one year ago—pleas that came as six million Afghans face famine and the Biden administration continues to refuse to return billions of dollars in frozen funds.

“The people in Afghanistan continue to face extreme hardship and uncertainty,” U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths told the world body’s Security Council.

Noting that the U.N.’s Humanitarian Response Plan for Afghanistan is currently facing a more than $3 billion shortfall, Griffiths called on donors to immediately provide $754 million in aid to help Afghans survive the coming winter.

“Close to 19 million people are facing acute levels of food insecurity, including six million people at risk of famine,” he warned. “More than half of the population—some 24 million people—need humanitarian assistance. And an estimated three million children are acutely malnourished. They include over one million children estimated to be suffering from the most severe, life-threatening form of malnutrition. And without specialized treatment, these children could die.”

Griffiths continued:

This malnutrition crisis is fueled by recurrent drought, including the worst in three decades in 2021, and whose effects are still lingering. Eight out of 10 Afghans drink contaminated water, making them susceptible to repeated bouts of acute watery diarrhea. Around 25 million people are now living in poverty and three quarters of people’s income is spent on food. There’s been a 50% decline in households receiving remittances; unemployment could reach 40%; and inflation is rising due to increased global prices, import constraints, and currency depreciation.

“So these relentless layers of crisis persist at a time when communities are already struggling,” Griffiths added. “In June, a 5.9-magnitude earthquake affected over 360,000 people living in high-intensity impact areas. And since July, heavy rains have led to massive flash floods across the country, and indeed the region, killing and injuring hundreds of people, and destroying hundreds of homes as well as thousands of acres of crops.”

Because the Taliban—which fought for two decades to oust U.S.-led forces and the coalition-backed Afghan government in a war that claimed over 170,000 lives—is not formally recognized by any nation and is under international sanctions, it is difficult to deliver humanitarian assistance to the country.

U.S. policy is exacerbating the crisis. Despite pleas from economists and humanitarians, the Biden administration continues to withhold around $7 billion in Afghan central bank funds stored in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

On Monday, a U.S. federal judge concluded that relatives of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States should not be allowed to claim billions of dollars of the frozen funds to settle legal judgments against the Taliban, who sheltered al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before unsuccessfully offering to turn him in for trial in a third country as the U.S.-led invasion began. However, another judge can decide whether to accept that conclusion.

U.S. President Joe Biden had sought to set aside $3.5 billion of the $7 billion to settle 9/11 claimants’ cases, while signing a February executive order allocating the remainder “to be used for the benefit of the Afghan people.”

However, six months later, the administration still has not released the funds, citing the Taliban’s apparent sheltering of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri—who was killed by a U.S. drone strike on Kabul on July 31.

Also addressing the U.N. Security Council on Monday, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the world body, contended that “no country that is serious about containing terrorism in Afghanistan would advocate to give the Taliban instantaneous, unconditional access to billions in assets that belong to the Afghan people.”

Assal Rad, research director at National Iranian American Council Action, tweeted Monday that “the U.S. is still collectively punishing the people of Afghanistan.”

“For millions of Afghans facing starvation,” she added, “the war never ended.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Featured image: An Afghan man and children, suffering hardships from America’s longest war, pose for a portrait in Kabul, Afghanistan, on March 19, 2021. [Source:]

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Boris Johnson’s Sewage Crisis

September 2nd, 2022 by Rebecca Speare-Cole

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Monitors being used for measuring the amount of sewage being pumped into the sea across the UK are faulty or not even installed, according to a new analysis of the data.

Environment Agency data shows water companies are failing to monitor sewage discharges along the coastline including at British seaside resorts.

The findings come as dozens of pollution warnings were put in place across beaches and swimming spots in England and Wales this week after heavy rain overwhelmed sewer systems, leading water companies to release sewage into the natural environment.


Ministers are facing growing calls to clamp down on the water firms who are being criticised for not investing money back into the UK’s outdated water infrastructure.

Boris Johnson’s father Stanley blamed his son’s administration for the sewage problem. Johnson Snr said in a radio interview:

“We have to blame the government for not pressing this matter as hard as it should’ve done.

“Absent the EU push as well, you can understand how the government felt able to not push this thing as it should’ve pushed.”

The Liberal Democrats, who conducted the data analysis, said water companies have either installed Event Duration Monitors (EDMs) that are frequently faulty or have not installed devices at all. EDMs are supposed to measure the number and length of sewage dumps from storm overflows.

In total, the party found 24 percent of sewage discharges went unmonitored last year while 1,802 monitors installed by water companies across the UK did not work for at least 90 percent of the time.


Anglian Water has the highest rate of failure, with 49 percent of all its sewage discharges not measured due to faulty or no monitors installed, according to the party. This is followed by South West Water with 30 percent and Severn Trent Water with 29 percent.

One in eight of South West Water’s sewage monitors installed at designated bathing locations across Cornwall and Devon are either faulty or not installed, the party said.

In Sussex, Southern Water was found to have altogether failed to install one at the popular seaside spot of Littlehampton Pier while one in Seaford was working only a third of the time.

It comes after a previous analysis by the Liberal Democrats found water companies dumped sewage in public swimming spots for more than 160,000 hours last year.

The Labour Party earlier this week said figures it obtained from the Environment Agency through Freedom of Information requests showed raw sewage has been pumped into UK waterways for a total of 9,427,355 hours since 2016.


The party also said the data shows a 2,553 percent increase in the number of monitored discharge hours between 2016 and 2021, arguing the situation is “drastically worsening” under the Conservatives.

In light of the latest analysis on monitors, the Liberal Democrats say the amount of sewage could be “dramatically higher”.

The party’s environment spokesperson, Tim Farron MP, said:

“These water companies could be guilty of gross negligence by failing to install sewage monitors.

“This is a national scandal and these new figures stink of a cover-up. Britain’s seaside resorts are being swamped by foul sewage yet the government is nowhere to be found.

“Why on earth are Conservative ministers letting them get away with this? Sussex has been devastated in recent days by disgraceful sewage dumps because of Southern Water.


He added:

“The CEO of Southern Water should go to Seaford to check on this sewage monitor immediately. The public needs to know how safe, if at all, popular beaches are for swimming.”

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) released a response to the issue earlier this week outlining the action it is taking.

Steve Double, the water minister, said:

“We are the first government to take action to tackle sewage overflows.”

An Anglian Water spokesperson said:

“All [the places designated for bathing] have EDM monitors installed on them. Work to install EDM monitors on all the CSOs (combined sewer overflows) across our region is ahead of target.”

The PA news agency has also contacted Southern Water, South West Water and Severn Trent Water for comment.


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Rebecca Speare-Cole is a reporter with PA. 

Featured image is from TruePublica

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US officials confirmed late on 1 September that they have received Tehran’s response to their proposals to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal.

However, Washington claims the text from Iran is “not constructive.”

“We can confirm that we have received Iran’s response through the EU,” a State Department spokesperson told reporters. “We are studying it and will respond through the EU, but unfortunately it is not constructive,” the official added.

Tehran sent its reply to Brussels on Thursday, one week after they received Washington’s observations on the EU-drafted proposal to revive the JCPOA and lift sanctions on Iran.

“The sent text has a constructive approach with the aim of finalizing the negotiations,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said in a statement.

The US unilaterally exited the JCPOA in 2018, before launching a so-called “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign on Iran.

After 16 months of talks between Tehran and the remaining signatories of the JCPOA – France, Germany, the UK, Russia, and China – on 8 August, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced that a final proposal had been drafted to revive the deal and welcome Washington back into the fold.

But the US has been hesitant about providing strong guarantees to Iran to confirm they will not withdraw from the deal once again. This is mainly due to strong pressure coming from Israel, as Tel Aviv has tried to sabotage the talks multiple times.

Ahead of Iran’s response on Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said during a trip to Moscow: “We need stronger guarantees from the other party to have a sustainable deal.”

This echoed comments made by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Monday, when he highlighted the necessity of ending an investigation of Iran’s nuclear energy program by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to restore the deal.

“[Without lifting the IAEA probe] it is meaningless to talk about an agreement,” Raisi said.

Iran has previously blasted the IAEA for being “hijacked and exploited” by Israel. They have also criticized the UN watchdog for their incessant probes of Iran’s nuclear energy program, as opposed to their indifference over Israel’s ample nuclear weapons arsenal.

According to western media reports this week, Washington warned Tehran against linking the UN probe of their “undeclared” nuclear activity to the reimplementation of the JCPOA, saying this could “delay the lifting of economic sanctions.”


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These kind vets wanted to help these bears thrive. During a wildfire in Southern California, two bears and a mountain lion sadly had their paws burned by the scorching hot ground. Thankfully, the animals were found by rescuers, and they were rushed to a wildlife vet for help.

The two adult bears and the mountain lion were brought to the veterinarians at the University of California for treatment. One of the bears was pregnant, and both had third-degree burns on their paws. This made it almost impossible to walk and hunt, and without treatment, they would have died quickly in the wild.

The plight of the bears made it to nightly news shows, including PBS:

All three of the animals had to have bandages applied to their paws. This isn’t an easy task for vets. Most wild animals aren’t very trusting of humans and won’t put up with medical treatment.

The animals had to be sedated before they could be treated. This worked fine for the original treatment, but they were all given bandages that needed to be changed often. That meant putting them to sleep often, which just can’t be done.

Jamie Peyton, chief of the Integrative Medicine Service at the university’s vet school, explained.

“You can only anesthetize them so many times,” Peyton said. “It’s hard on them. We can’t do that to them every day.”

The vets decided to try some new treatments on the animals while they were already anesthetized for bandage changes.

This would help the animals recover faster and reduce the number of times they would need to be sedated.

One of the unique treatments the vets applied to the animals was the use of fish skins as bandages. They stitched the skins to the paws of the animals and then wrapped them in corn husks. This protected the paws, allowed them to heal, and helped soothe the pain in the process. These bandages were also safer for the animals.

Many animals eat their bandages, and regular cloth ones could have gotten stuck in their intestines and caused blockages and other issues.

The fish skin and corn husks are all-natural, so they won’t cause any internal problems if eaten. The mountain lion did attempt to eat his, so this proved to be beneficial.Once the treatments were applied, the animals seemed to do well.

The bears both woke up easily and walked around on their paws. They ate well and were interested in their surroundings. The mountain lion showed similar progress.

It took several weeks for the bears to get used to their bandages and recover.

They also had to learn to use their injured paws with the bandages on them. They wouldn’t be able to hunt, walk, or climb with sore paws.Once the bears recovered from their treatment, they were released back into the wild.

The bears did well, but the mountain lion was too young to be returned. Wildlife officers believed that he would not be able to survive on his own in the wild.

They decided to send him to a care facility in Northern California where he will be cared for properly for his entire life.


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All images in this article are from The Greanville Post

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A new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document obtained by The Dossier proves without a doubt that the U.S. Department of Defense did not have FDA approved COVID-19 vaccines in its possession — despite top DOD officials claiming otherwise — while unlawfully forcing service members to take the shots, under the very real threat of separation, court martial, and other severe ramifications.

The Dossier has verified the authenticity of the FOIA document, which is published below. We’ve redacted personal information.

Replying to a question about the Defense Department’s possession of Pfizer’s Comirnaty, which in the context of the question can be understood as the FDA approved version of the COVID-19 vaccines, the Defense Logistics Agency responds:

“We began shipping Comirnaty labeled vaccine in June 2022. From the week of June 13, 2022, through the week of August 29, 2022, we will have shipped 9600 doses (160 boxes) of vaccine.”

They did not have anything with a Comirnaty label until June 2022. That’s almost a full year after the DOD vaccine mandate went into effect.

This is an admission that service members were injected exclusively with emergency use authorization products. Today, active duty troops continue to be harassed, threatened, and punished for non compliance with the unlawful order.

It remains unclear what exactly the response of “Comirnaty labeled” means. It likely is a product of legal sleight of hand, as no FDA approved shot has become available to service members. The question about Moderna’s FDA approved Spikevax was not answered directly, so unfortunately, there is no value in that portion of the FOIA response.

Nonetheless, the Department of Defense is now on record admitting that ZERO FDA approved shots were made available to service members.

But that wasn’t what top Pentagon officials were saying at the time of the unlawful mandate.

Dr. Terry Adirim, the former Pentagon official who wrote the infamous Pentagon memo attempting to justify mandating EUA shots as if they were FDA approved, has repeatedly claimed on social media and elsewhere that the licensed FDA product was indeed available to service members at the time of the mandate. We now know her statements, and those of other Pentagon officials making similar claims, were demonstrably false. In response to inquiries about this topic, Adirim, who has since moved over to the department of Veterans Affairs, has locked her social media accounts.

As The Dossier has reported, Pfizer admitted in May 2022 that it never did and never will produce the original FDA approved shots. For many months, the trail of evidence seemed to render it unlikely, if not impossible, for the Pentagon to have obtained the FDA approved ghost shots. Today, we know for certain that is the case.

Top military officials misled the public, detonated readiness, and caused tremendous harm to the countless vaccine injured service members, through an unlawful order purportedly designed to “protect” them against a disease that does not threaten them. The DOD has finally acknowledged, through this latest FOIA response, that there was no legal basis for any of this. Now, who will be held accountable?


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Featured image: Pfc. Shaniah Edwards, Medical Detachment, prepares to administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to soldiers and airmen at the Joint Force Headquarters, February 12, 2021. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leona C. Hendrickson – Source.)

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

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Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates?

September 2nd, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020

Mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection with experimental gene transfer technology — to anything and everything but that

The Telegraph blames the unexplained excess deaths on lockdown effects. Many didn’t have access to routine medical care during lockdowns, and are now dying from chronic diseases that went untreated

U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released August 16, 2022, show excess deaths in England and Wales were, as of August 5, 14.4% higher than the five-year average, which works out to 1,350 more deaths per week than normal. A majority of these excess deaths were cardiovascular in nature — a primary adverse effect of the COVID jabs

In the U.S., we lost 349,000 younger Americans to something besides COVID and non-natural death between April 3, 2021 and August 13, 2022, and that’s not counting the tens of thousands of death records that the CDC has inexplicably deleted. As much as 15% to 25% of the death reports that could indicate a COVID jab death are missing. Other data show that during the fall of 2021, Millennials, aged 25 to 44, had an 84% increase in excess deaths


Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. I will review some of those shocking statistics — which are mirrored around the world — in a moment.

But while rational people look at these figures and ask themselves what the most apparent and likely cause behind this sudden rise in deaths of working-age adults and younger people might be, mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection with experimental gene transfer technology — to anything and everything but that.

Lockdowns Blamed for Excess Deaths

In an August 18, 2022, article,1 Telegraph science editor Sarah Knapton blames the “unexplained excess deaths” on “the effects of lockdown.” She writes:2

“Figures for excess deaths from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that around 1,000 more people than usual are currently dying each week from conditions other than the virus.

The … Department of Health has ordered an investigation into the figures amid concern that the deaths are linked to delays to and deferment of treatment for conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Over the past two months, the number of excess deaths not from Covid dwarfs the number linked to the virus …

Dr. Charles Levinson, the chief executive of Doctorcall, a private GP service, said his company was seeing ‘far too many’ cases of undetected cancers and cardiac problems, as well as ‘disturbing’ numbers of mental health conditions.

‘Hundreds and hundreds of people dying every week — what is going on?’ he said. ‘Delays in seeking and receiving healthcare are no doubt the driving force, in my view.’”

Cardiovascular Problems Kill in Record Numbers

ONS data released August 16, 2022, show excess deaths in England and Wales were, as of August 5, 14.4% higher than the five-year average, which works out to 1,350 more deaths per week than normal, Knapton reports.3 As you can see in the graph4 below, COVID is only involved in a small number of those deaths.

excess deaths in England and Wales

In all, non-COVID deaths are now more than three times that of COVID-related deaths. According to the U.K. Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, a majority of these excess deaths were “preventable heart and stroke and diabetes-related conditions.”

However, while lack of routine health care — people avoiding seeing their doctors for fear of COVID or due to various restrictions — may well have played a role, cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes are the primary side effects of the jab as well.

A Look at US Mortality Data

The identical trend is also seen in the U.S. In Part 1 of a three-part series,5 The Ethical Skeptic — self-described as a former intelligence officer and strategies for nations facing corruption challenges — reviews data from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics showing “stark increase trends beginning in the first week of April 2021.”

“This date of inception is no coincidence, in that it also happens to coincide with a key inflection point regarding a specific body-system intervention in most of the U.S. population,” The Ethical Skeptic notes.

He describes how, at the very end of May 2021, an “odd signal” developed in his COVID tracking models. This odd signal came in the form of an ICD death code (International Classification of Diseases code) called R00-R99, which stands for “Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified.” In other words, deaths from undetermined causes.

As a result of this odd signal, he started tracking these R00-R99 deaths, along with 11 other ICD-10 (the 10 stands for 10th revision, which is the most recent), such as suicides and overdoses, as well as a statistic called “Excess non-COVID natural cause deaths.” The data The Ethical Skeptic used for his models were derived from three primary databases:

  1. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2014-20196
  2. The CDC’s Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2020-20227
  3. The CDC’s Wonder: Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Month – Query by Constraint Engine8

CDC Is Scrubbing Death Records

Non-COVID mortality saw a mild uptick in October 2020, an effect The Ethical Skeptic attributes to “the systemic damage which the SARS-CoV-2 infection and virus spike protein can produce in the human body. An erstwhile COVID delayed death if you will.”

The noticeable explosion of non-COVID deaths didn’t occur until Week 14, 2021, and “by the end of 2021 it had become abundantly clear that U.S. citizens were not just dying of COVID-19 to the excess, they were also now dying of something else, and at a rate which eventually became higher than that of COVID itself,” he writes.

Disturbingly, he discovered that death records were inexplicably being redacted and deleted during a very crucial time period — Weeks 4 through 20 in 2022. “It is hard to envision a scenario explaining this 52,000-record data tampering across the most at-risk weeks … of 2022, as not constituting malicious obfuscation of U.S. citizen mortality data,” he writes.

Deep Dive Into US Death Statistics

His article is chockfull of charts for those who want to take a deeper dive into the statistics, but here are some extracts of his findings:

“The charts of particular concern … include the charts featuring stark post MMWR Week 14, 2021 rises in mortality. Specifically, they are

  • Excess non-COVID natural cause, 5+ sigma
  • Cancer and lymphomas, 9+ sigma
  • Other respiratory conditions, 2 sigma
  • Nephritis/Nephrotic syndrome, 4 sigma
  • Septicemia, 2 sigma
  • Heart diseases and ailments, 2 sigma
  • All other ICD-10 tracked natural cause deaths, 4 sigma

… While there are indeed increases in deaths incumbent inside the other ICD-10 codes, those increases appeared to plausibly conform to their same arrival patterns for 2020 as well. In other words, they appeared to be heavily Covid-related in their dynamics, both before and after the Week 14 2021 inflection.

Of particular concern, are those deaths which relate to body-wide regulatory systems as opposed to specific organs or causes. In other words, cancer and lymphomas, heart, autonomous myocarditis/pericarditis/conductive disorders, injuries to the liver and kidneys, etc.

These are not only the canaries in the coal mine in terms of pathology, but may serve to indicate as well that a pervasive systemic disruption is at play inside the average U.S. citizen human physiology, especially over the last 71 weeks. These are the death groups which exhibit the most stark trend of increase post MMWR Week 14, 2021 …

[Let] us for a moment also review the compelling rationale behind the MMWR Week 14 2021 inflection date. This date is a critical matter of concern for no small reason. Its derivation is no coincidence. The ‘Doses and Deaths Comparison Chart’, Exhibit B below, outlines why.

Doses and Deaths Comparison Chart

Exhibit B — The MMWR Week 14, 2021 inflection date also happens to correspond to the fastest velocity in administered vaccine doses inside the U.S. population. The red line is Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Mortality extracted from the data behind Exhibit E below.”

According to The Ethical Skeptic, three types of death record codes in particular are signaling “population-wide systemic health disruption,” and those are: “Excess malignant neoplasm and lymphoma” deaths (coded C00-C97), “Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified” deaths (R00-R99) and “Excess non-COVID natural cause” deaths. All three trend very sharply against historical baselines.

For example, cancer and lymphoma deaths are now at a 9+ Sigma level, although it could potentially be higher. According to The Ethical Skeptic, 43,935 death records relating to “potential myocarditis, cancer, pericarditis, conductive, nephrosis, liver, and/or lymphoma deaths” have been removed from the CDC data sets, and as of his writing of that article had not been put back in or reassigned to another ICD code.

“That is 7% of the total deaths for the period in question, and possibly 15 to 25% of these highly concerning death ICD-10 groups’ trend data — missing. Even absent this data however, the entailed trends are alarming,” he writes.9

US Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Deaths

The Ethical Skeptic continues:10

“Finally, we end with the most important chart of all — the chart which indicates deaths which are not from accidents, suicide, addiction, assault, abuse, despair, disruption, nor COVID-19. The Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Mortality chart which we began monitoring on May 29th 2021. What I called then, the ‘What the hell is this?’ chart.

As one can see, we have lost 349,000 younger Americans to something besides COVID and non-natural death, during the period from 3 April 2021 to 13 August 2022.

The current rate of mortality in this ICD categorization, is around 5,000 – 8,000 per week … which exceeds most weeks of the COVID pandemic itself (save for the absolute peak periods). By now, if all these mortality excesses were indeed a holdover from COVID-19 itself, they should have already begun to tail off. Unfortunately, they are not only not tailing off, in many cases they are still increasing.

all non-COVID natural deaths

Exhibit E — Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Deaths are at an all time high as of MMWR Week 32 of 2022. 349,000 U.S. citizens have died of some additional factor since MMWR Week 14 of 2021. The current rate of excess mortality represents a five-week average of 5+ sigma in excess (hedging conservatively for lag).

Accordingly, and without a shadow of a doubt, we have established that right now there exists a problem in terms of U.S. citizen health and mortality. One which is differentiated from COVID-19 itself, and began in earnest MMWR Week 14 of 2021.”

COVID Jabs Impair Immune Function

Kenji Yamamoto with the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Okamura Memorial Hospital in Japan has also sounded the alarm, specifically highlighting the COVID jabs’ ability to impair your immune function. In a commentary published in the Virology Journal June 5, 2022, Yamamoto noted:11

“Recently, The Lancet published a study12 on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals …

The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus …

As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued. In addition, the date of vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients … In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.”

It’s important to understand that when your immune function is impaired, you become vulnerable to all kinds of infections and disease, including cancer. As such, the COVID jab may well be responsible for any number of diseases resulting in death.

A Not-so-Comforting Fact Check by Reuters

A recent Thai study13 found teenagers, aged 13 through 18, who received two doses of Pfizer’s mRNA jab suffered a variety of heart problems. A Reuters “fact check” notes:14

“A study of 301 teens in Thailand found mild and temporary heart rhythm changes after a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine among one in six teenagers, not one-third as social media posts claim. The study also saw possible signs of heart inflammation in just seven of those teens with rhythm changes and confirmed myocarditis in only one of the seven.”

Should we throw a victory parade over the fact that the jab causes heart problems in JUST 1 in 6 teens? Really?! Whether it’s 1 in 3 or 1 in 6, this is not “good news” and surely not worthy of the dismissive tone used by Reuters. As reported directly from the study in question:15

“The most common cardiovascular effects were tachycardia (7.64%), shortness of breath (6.64%), palpitation (4.32%), chest pain (4.32%), and hypertension (3.99%). Seven participants (2.33%) exhibited at least one elevated cardiac biomarker or positive lab assessments.

Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myopericarditis. Myopericarditis was confirmed in one patient after vaccination. Two patients had suspected pericarditis and four patients had suspected subclinical myocarditis. Conclusion: Cardiovascular effects in adolescents after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination included tachycardia, palpitation, and myocarditis.”

Millennials Died at Staggering Rates in Late 2021

I recently interviewed Ed Dowd, a former equity portfolio manager for BlackRock and hedge fund “guru,”16 but have not yet posted it. In early March 2022 he shared disturbing CDC mortality statistics by age group on Steve Bannon’s War Room.17

During the fall of 2021, Millennials, aged 25 to 44, had an 84% increase in excess mortality. “It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history,” Dowd told Bannon. Between the summer and fall of 2021, 61,000 Millennials died who otherwise wouldn’t. To quote Dowd:18

“Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021. 58,000 people died in the Vietnam War, U.S. troops [over the course of 10 years], so this generation just experienced a Vietnam War [in 6 months] …

We’ve had 1.1 million excess deaths since the pandemic began, many of which occurred in the second half of [2021] …

I think this is the smoking gun: that the vaccines are causing excess mortality in all age groups … So, I’m going to put a word out there. It’s an old word but it should be re-introduced into the conversation. It’s called democide: Death by government. So the government, through the mandates has killed people …

If you’re on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I’ve got news for you: there’s some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks.”

The following pdf was posted on Dowd’s GETTR account, March 11, 2022.19 (A GETTR user called MiloMac also reproduced Dowd’s findings using public CDC data, creating additional graphs.20)

millenials suffered rapid and record rate of excess deaths in fall 21

The Elephant in the Room

In a March 15, 2022, commentary and follow-up on Dowd’s revelations, Steve Kirsch wrote:21

“I called Ed to clarify where he got the chart and then looked for verification of this. I found the verification. Then I verified that the deaths couldn’t be explained by the COVID delta variant. OK, so what caused all the deaths? The only explanation is the vaccine because the deaths are so massive.”

Kirsch posted a WhatsApp conversation with Marc Girardot, a French-American biotech innovator, who believes the COVID jab may, in some people, age their arteries by as much as 50 years in just a few months. If true, that could certainly trigger rapid onset of cardiovascular disease leading to early death.

WhatsApp conversation with Marc Girardot

Teens and Young Adults Die at Higher Rates in New Zealand

In an August 16, 2022, Substack article,22 independent journalist Alex Berenson (a former New York Times reporter and novelist) highlighted COVID jab statistics from New Zealand,23 which includes observed post-jab deaths. He explained:

“New Zealand’s Ministry of Health publishes regular and detailed reports on COVID vaccine safety, including specific lists of adverse events it has received. As part of the reports, the ministry also counts all deaths of people who have received the jabs in the previous 21 days …

New Zealand has a national COVID immunization registry and a national death registry, so the records and matching should largely be accurate … The ministry breaks down the deaths by age, ranging from 0-9 through over 80.

It then compares the actual number of people who died in the three weeks after the shots to the ‘expected’ number. That figure is simply the number of deaths demographers would have expected over a random three-week period based on actuarial tables estimating mortality …”

In summary, between February 19 and April 30, 2022, people over the age of 30 had lower than normal death rates in the 21 days’ post-jab, but people younger than 30 (ages 10 to 29) for some reason died at higher rates. (The lack of observed deaths in the under-10 age group is likely due to reporting lag.)

observed versus expected deaths

According to the health ministry, the slightly elevated deaths in the under-30 group is likely due to “chance.” And as noted by Berenson, “the ministry does not provide any information on the causes of death in any age range, so it is impossible to determine whether myocarditis or other cardiac conditions played a major role in the higher-than-expected figures.”

While these data are nowhere near as alarming as some others, it’s still a red flag that something odd is happening. Young people who should have decades of life left are dying.

And it’s worth noting that New Zealand, just like the U.S. claims there are NO potential safety issues with the jabs — not a single one — despite thousands of serious injury reports.24 Considering the age group that is dying at a higher than normal rate — teenagers and young adults in their 20s — even a small increase ought to be taken very seriously, but is not.

To end where we started, which is the more likely culprit in these deaths? Past lockdowns temporarily preventing routine medical care, resulting in chronic diseases that kill even young people within a couple of years? Or the mass injection of experimental gene transfer shots that have never been used in humans before?


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1, 2, 3, 4 The Telegraph August 18, 2022 (Archived)

5, 9, 10 The Ethical Skeptic August 20, 2022 Part 1

6 US Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2014-2019

7 US Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2020-2022

8 US Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Wonder: Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Month

11 Virology Journal June 5, 2022; 19(1): 100

12 Lancet February 26, 2022; 399(10327): 814-823

13, 15 Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2022; 7: 196

14 Reuters August 18, 2022

16 Totality of Evidence Ed Dowd

17, 18 Lew Rockwell March 22, 2022

19 GETTR Ed Dowd March 11, 2022

20 GETTR MiloMac March 13, 2022

21 The Burning Platform March 15, 2022

22 Substack Alex Berenson August 16, 2022

23 MedSafe NZ

24 MedSafe NZ, See ”New safety signals” boxes for Pfizer and AstraZeneca

Featured image is from Mercola

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

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A bill that would have allowed California children ages 15 and older to be vaccinated without parental consent went “inactive” Wednesday.

State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who authored Senate Bill 866 (SB 866), announced he will not put the measure up for a vote in the California Assembly because it does not have enough support to pass.

Wiener said in a statement the bill, which would have lowered the age of consent for all vaccines — including the COVID-19 vaccine — to 15, was “several votes short of 41” needed to pass, with no “viable path for these final few votes.”

He also tweeted his response regarding the outcome of the bill:

While Weiner attributed the bill’s failure to a “small” but highly vocal and organized “minority of anti-vaxxers,” many Californians said the bill faced growing bipartisan opposition.

Californians rise up

“The tide has officially turned in California,” Nicole Pearson, attorney and founder of Facts Law Truth Justice, told The Defender in response to Weiner’s announcement.

Pearson continued:

“What happened Wednesday was not the product of a minority, fringe, extremist group. It was the result of thousands of tireless hours of millions of Californians uniting, educating and empowering each other, and rising up together to take our seats at the political table where we belong and have the right to be.

“It was the product of measured, respectful, informed, consistent efforts from Californians from all political, religious, racial and professional backgrounds, meeting with their elected representatives to educate and inform them and ensure that they represent and protect the will of the people.

“While we as lawyers — and doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, concerned citizens and human beings — still have a tremendous amount of work to do to truly turn our state around, today marks a tremendous moment in California history. Today marks the day that we know that we have the power and right to turn our communities into exactly what we want them to be.”

Pearson noted the efforts of Tara Thornton and Denise Aguilar of Freedom Angels “who held the line every single day the last three weeks of the legislative session to ensure we were maintaining and fostering relationships with legislators, and to keep a close track of the temperature and movement at the capitol. Without their relentless, tireless, thankless, and selfless efforts and insights, we would not have achieved the success we did today.”

In response to Wednesday’s news, Thornton and Aguilar tweeted this joint statement:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, also commented on the widespread lack of constituent support for Weiner’s bill.

Kennedy told The Defender:

“It’s long been said that California Democratic state legislators are not for sale; Pharma owns them all and will not sell.

“Now, years of grassroots activism have finally fortified enough legislatorial spines in Sacramento that assembly members are supporting children’s health rather than Pharma profits.

“We beat Big Pharma on its home turf. If we can win in California, we can protect kids everywhere.”

SB 866 was one of a handful of bills introduced by a group of Democratic lawmakers who called themselves the Vaccine Work Group and sought to “determine the best approaches to promote vaccines” as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic while “battling” misinformation.

However, many Californians felt that SB 866 was more about generating profits for pharmaceutical companies than about stopping disease and disseminating accurate information.

In its original form, SB 866 would have allowed children ages 12 years and older to “consent to vaccination when the vaccine is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and meets the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” according to the bill’s official fact sheet.

After the original bill was met with stiff resistance, California lawmakers amended the bill in June by raising the proposed consent age from 12 to 15 years in hopes of garnering more support — but raising the consent age to 15 did little to nullify many individuals’ concerns.

A Voice for Choice Advocacy — one of the many California citizen organizations that opposed the bill — said on its website that if passed, SB 866 would “create an environment where pharmaceutical companies can coerce minors into getting vaccines with incentives and bribes.”

“It does not account for minors with exceptional needs who are not capable of making informed medical decisions on their own,” the group said.

Image: Children’s Health Defense

wiener california bill teen vaccine consent feature

Moreover, minors may not know their full medical history and the potential risks, the group pointed out, and parents may not know what’s wrong if their child has an adverse reaction.

Assemblymember Carlos Villapudua (D-Stockton) previously said the bill went too far in excluding parents from medical decisions, the LA Times reported.

“As a father of four younger daughters, I would appreciate being a part of this process for them, and believe all parents should have the right to be a part of it as well for their own children,” he said.

Some said the bill would set up a situation for children injured by a vaccine to not be able to receive compensation.

Physicians for Informed Consent sent California lawmakers a letter in March 2022 “on behalf of hundreds of physician and surgeon members of Physicians for Informed Consent and thousands of our health-freedom members” who opposed SB 866.

The letter said:

“As exemplified by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, sometimes serious vaccine injuries do occur and over $4.75 billion in compensations have been awarded for vaccine injury complaints which were filed within the three years of injury or two years of death statute of limitations.

“Furthermore, only a parent or legal guardian is legally able to petition for compensation for a minor’s vaccine injury, and this would be thwarted if SB 866 passes.”

Under current California law, a parent must consent to their child being vaccinated. An exception exists for vaccines aiming to protect against sexually transmitted diseases — such as the human papillomavirus and hepatitis B vaccines — which do not require parental permission for children 12 and older.

Although SB 866 has been declared dead, the fight in California over vaccine legislation is far from over.

According to PERK, an organization focused on educational rights, medical freedom, parental sovereignty and advocacy that fought SB 866, California lawmakers introduced 10 bills in 2022 — one of them being SB 866 — that “build on each other to create a state where you will not be able to learn, work, play or live without showing proof of vaccination.”

Five bills have been halted, and five others currently sit on Gov. Newsom’s desk.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (2021), and a master’s degree in communication and leadership from Gonzaga University (2015). Her scholarship has been published in Health Communication. She has taught at various academic institutions in the United States and is fluent in Spanish.

Featured image is from CHD

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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One year after the astounding US humiliation in Kabul – and on the verge of another serious comeuppance in Donbass – there is reason to believe Moscow is wary of Washington seeking vengeance: in the form of the ‘Afghanization’ of Ukraine.

With no end in sight to western weapons and finance flowing into Kiev, it must be recognized that the Ukrainian battle is likely to disintegrate into yet another endless war. Like the Afghan jihad in the 1980s which employed US-armed and funded guerrillas to drag Russia into its depths, Ukraine’s backers will employ those war-tested methods to run a protracted battle that can spill into bordering Russian lands.

Yet this US attempt at crypto-Afghanization will at best accelerate the completion of what Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu describes as the “tasks” of its Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. For Moscow right now, that road leads all the way to Odessa.

It didn’t have to be this way. Until the recent assassination of Darya Dugina at Moscow’s gates, the battlefield in Ukraine was in fact under a ‘Syrianization’ process.

Like the foreign proxy war in Syria this past decade, frontlines around significant Ukrainian cities had roughly stabilized. Losing on the larger battlefields, Kiev had increasingly moved to employ terrorist tactics. Neither side could completely master the immense war theater at hand. So the Russian military opted to keep minimal forces in battle – contrary to the strategy it employed in 1980s Afghanistan.

Let’s remind ourselves of a few Syrian facts: Palmyra was liberated in March 2016, then lost and retaken in 2017. Aleppo was liberated only in December 2016. Deir Ezzor in September 2017. A slice of northern Hama in December and January 2018. The outskirts of Damascus in the Spring of 2018. Idlib – and significantly, over 25 percent of Syrian territory – are still not liberated. That tells a lot about rhythm in a war theater.

The Russian military never made a conscious decision to interrupt the multi-channel flow of western weapons to Kiev. Methodically destroying those weapons once they’re in Ukrainian territory – with plenty of success – is another matter. The same applies to smashing mercenary networks.

Moscow is well aware that any negotiation with those pulling the strings in Washington – and dictating all terms to puppets in Brussels and Kiev – is futile. The fight in Donbass and beyond is a do or die affair.

So the battle will go on, destroying what’s left of Ukraine, just as it destroyed much of Syria. The difference is that economically, much more than in Syria, what’s left of Ukraine will plunge into a black void. Only territory under Russian control will be rebuilt, and that includes, significantly, the bulk of Ukraine’s industrial infrastructure.

What’s left – rump Ukraine – has already been plundered anyway, as Monsanto, Cargill and Dupont have already bagged 17 million hectares of prime, fertile arable land – over half of what Ukraine still possesses. That translates de facto as BlackRock, Blackstone and Vanguard, top agro-business shareholders, owning whatever lands that really matter in non-sovereign Ukraine.

Going forward, by next year the Russians will be applying themselves to cutting off Kiev from NATO weapons supplies. As that unfolds, the Anglo-Americans will eventually move whatever puppet regime remains to Lviv. And Kiev terrorism – conducted by Bandera worshippers – will continue to be the new normal in the capital.

The Kazakh double game

By now it’s abundantly clear this is not a mere war of territorial conquest. It’s certainly part of a War of Economic Corridors – as the US spares no effort to sabotage and smash the multiple connectivity channels of Eurasia’s integration projects, be they Chinese-led (Belt and Road Initiative, BRI) or Russian-led (Eurasian Economic Union, EAEU).

Just like the proxy war in Syria remade large swathes of West Asia (witness, for instance, Erdogan about to meet Assad), the fight in Ukraine, in a microcosm, is a war for the reconfiguration of the current world order, where Europe is a mere self-inflicted victim in a minor subplot. The Big Picture is the emergence of multipolarity.

The proxy war in Syria lasted a decade, and it’s not over yet. The same may happen to the proxy war in Ukraine. As it stands, Russia has taken an area that is roughly equivalent to Hungary and Slovakia combined. That’s still far from “task” fulfillment – and it’s bound to go on until Russia has taken all the land right up to the Dnieper as well as Odessa, connecting it to the breakaway Republic of Transnistria.

It’s enlightening to see how important Eurasian actors are reacting to such geopolitical turbulence. And that brings us to the cases of Kazakhstan and Turkey.

The Telegram channel Rybar (with over 640k followers) and hacker group Beregini revealed in an investigation that Kazakhstan was selling weapons to Ukraine, which translates as de facto treason against their own Russian allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Consider too that Kazakhstan is also part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the EAEU, the two hubs of the Eurasian-led multipolar order.

As a consequence of the scandal, Kazakhstan was forced to officially announce the suspension of all weapons exports until the end of 2023.

It began with hackers unveiling how Technoexport – a Kazakh company – was selling armed personnel carriers, anti-tank systems and munitions to Kiev via Jordanian intermediaries, under the orders of the United Kingdom. The deal itself was supervised by the British military attaché in Nur-Sultan, the Kazakh capital.

Nur-Sultan predictably tried to dismiss the allegations, arguing that Technoexport had not asked for export licenses. That was essentially false: the Rybar team discovered that Technoexport instead used Blue Water Supplies, a Jordanian firm, for those. And the story gets even juicier. All the contract documents ended up being found in the computers of Ukrainian intel.

Moreover, the hackers found out about another deal involving Kazspetsexport, via a Bulgarian buyer, for the sale of Kazakh Su-27s, airplane turbines and Mi-24 helicopters. These would have been delivered to the US, but their final destination was Ukraine.

The icing on this Central Asian cake is that Kazakhstan also sells significant amounts of Russian – not Kazakh – oil to Kiev.

So it seems that Nur-Sultan, perhaps unofficially, somehow contributes to the ‘Afghanization’ in the war in Ukraine. No diplomatic leaks confirm it, of course, but bets can be made Putin had a few things to say about that to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in their recent – cordial – meeting.

The Sultan’s balancing act

Turkey is a way more complex case. Ankara is not a member of the SCO, the CSTO or the EAEU. It is still hedging its bets, calculating on which terms it will join the high-speed rail of Eurasian integration. And yet, via several schemes, Ankara allows Moscow to evade the avalanche of western sanctions and embargoes.

Turkish businesses – literally all of them with close connections to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) – are making a killing, and relishing their new role as crossroads warehouse between Russia and the west. It’s an open boast in Istanbul that what Russia cannot buy from Germany or France they buy “from us.” And in fact several EU companies are in on it.

Ankara’s balancing act is as sweet as a good baklava. It gathers    economic support from a very important partner right in the middle of the endless, very serious Turkish economic debacle. They agree on nearly everything: Russian gas, S-400 missile systems, the building of the Russian nuclear power plant, tourism – Istanbul is crammed with Russians – Turkish fruits and vegetables.

Ankara-Moscow employ sound textbook geopolitics. They play it openly, in full transparence. That does not mean they are allies. It’s just pragmatic business between states. For instance, an economic response may alleviate a geopolitical problem, and vice-versa.

Obviously the collective west has completely forgotten how that normal state-to-state behavior works. It’s pathetic. Turkey gets “denounced” by the west as traitorous – as much as China.

Of course Erdogan also needs to play to the galleries, so every once in a while he says that Crimea should be retaken by Kiev. After all, his companies also do business with Ukraine – Bayraktar drones and otherwise.

And then there’s proselytizing: Crimea remains theoretically ripe for Turkish influence, where Ankara may exploit the notions of pan-Islamism and mostly pan-Turkism, capitalizing on the historical relations between the peninsula and the Ottoman Empire.

Is Moscow worried? Not really. As for those Bayraktar TB2s sold to Kiev, they will continue to be relentlessly reduced to ashes. Nothing personal. Just business.


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This article was originally published on The Cradle.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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With Britain’s economy grinding on the rocks of recession, the metrics of the Conservative Party’s forty-year “special relationship” with America prove that this relationship has been an infection borne by yet another engineered American virus. Today’s terminal decline mirrors America’s economic, political, social and moral decay.

The ravages of a wartime winter have returned to Britain. With the Bank of England similarly stricken by this special relationship, it has disastrously emulated the US Federal Reserve step by step. Dying economies are the precursor to the degradation of society.  As Britain prepares to endure another desperate holiday season it is time to recall that when Margaret Thatcher became PM in 1979, before she imported Reaganomics to Britain in 1980, sterling’s value was £2.33 to the US dollar. Three years later, £1.57. Now, £1.16.

“Special relationship”, you say?

The metamorphosis, crisis by crisis, of American financial chicanery continually stoked the global economic pyramid scheme of deficit spending. This was greeted wholesale by the Exchequer and without opposition from elected officials at White Hall. However, during those four decades, Britain’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) averaged less than a 1% increase per year with negative GDP in twenty-one of forty-two years.

In 1981 UK manufacturing as a percentage of national GDP was nearly 20% and jobs in this sector made up 21.8%. Ttoday just 7.6%. Trade union membership is down from 13 million in 1980 to just over 6 million members. The average home price (adjusted for inflation) increased from £103,237 to £271,100 while home rentals increased 8.86% per year from a median monthly rent of £357 in 1980 to more than £1400 today. In 1980 53,000 families were listed as homeless then more than doubling to 126,000 by 1989 and over 219,000 as reported in 2020.

Britain’s terminal symptoms have metastasized from America’s malignancies such as its ongoing increases from 1980 to 2019 in crime and murder rates, poverty (7% vs. 22%), personal debt (42.5% of GDP vs.  £1.7 trillion/105% GDP) and student loan debt (£460Billion total/ £45,800 per student), personal and business bankruptcies, and Suicide. Obesity and diabetes costs follow the American waistline, too, and add $10.7 billion in direct NHS costs and another $33.4 in related government subsidies yearly.

Prioritizing the ever-burgeoning war annuity was, however, routine each year and increased from £24.5 billion during Thatcher’s first term to £43.3 Billion this annum.

These massive sums have been an increasing, unnecessary, and unsustainable burden on a treasury already suffering from decades of conservative tax cuts.

The American economic affliction began under Ronald Reagan and quickly changed from a promise of “fiscal responsibility” featuring financial deregulation to tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy and the snipping of the Great Society’s social safety net. What this Reaganomics also cut was the tax base. Called, “Trickle-down economics,” this injection failed to course through the arteries of society for very long, failing somewhere along the way of the wealthy purchasing super yachts, private jets and increased political influence.

Conservatives hypocritically next embraced deficit spending as prescribed by the American economic mythologist John Maynard Keynes. Thus began the yearly increases in national budget deficits and the selling of government bonds (debt) to pay for it, all the while squeezing social programs.

With interest rates approaching zero and bank depositors receiving a similar return despite record bank profits – and rarely punished with convictions for criminal behavior- the mantra of “too big to fail”  by the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve rationalized injecting manufactured money repeatedly into the economy in a trick called Quantitative Easing (QE). QE is the creation of money by printing it (digitally) after the US/UK over-budgets billions more than its tax annual base. The Treasury issues more debt (bonds) to sell to cover the deficit. Next, the BofE or Fed prints currency out of thin air to buy that debt. Sovereign UK debt is currently in excess of £2.69 Trillion. It was less than £200 Billion in 1980.

Interestingly, today there are one hundred and seventy-one British billionaires. In 1980, there was zero. That’s inflation.

Mark Carney, a Canadian, who was governor of the BofE deliberately lowered interest rates to historic lows thus making new home mortgages and equity refinancing so cheap as to transfuse 100’s of billions more in cash out of thin air as house prices soared. This was again merely a delay before the crash.

During this economic descent, too few politicians opposed this Keynesian snake oil while an increasingly complicit media dutifully back-paged it. Tony Blair and the vaporous Gordon Brown, after a decade of demonizing and privatizing the remaining vestiges of British social infrastructure in per usual Tory fashion, proved to be American lackeys rather than representatives of UK popular interests. Such treachery was highlighted in the recent article, “When Your Bank Fails, Don’t Walk…Run!”

With Blair began Britain’s slide into American-style “monocracy.”  Neither US Democrat nor Republican any longer provides sincere opposition. Although Britain has yet to suffer an American-style rigged national election, the UK has been similarly stripped of opposition leadership. The shameful and inaccurate demonization of Jeremy Corbyn by British media was designed to sever forever the spinal cord of the Labour Party. It worked. As went Corbyn, so went British socialism’s last dedicated champion. Instead, Labour offered up a Blairite member of the anti-labour Tri-lateral Commission, Sir Keir Starmer: A man whose prefix nicely explains his lack of effective leadership.

Monocracy is hidden by the media which instead of balanced reporting promotes one-sided censorship using journalistic tyranny to manipulate intellectual freedom. Like America, rather than budgeting for improving national interests, Britain finds it more cost-effective to tighten social liberties. Parliament’s quietly pending Online Safety Bill makes only the lies of the media safe but does exemplify the compliant corruption of politicians and the media. With 87% of all US media owned by six corporations that have the same agenda as the three companies controlling all of UK print media, this censorship has been uniform, self-serving, and effective.

The surreptitious privatization of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), once the example to the developing socialist world, would make Aneurin Bevan roll in his grave. Thankfully halted in 2019, here the American trick of using Privately Financed Instruments (PFI) to provide private loans that use each hospital as collateral, but under draconian terms, forced dilapidated hospitals deliberately into the arms of US hedge funds. This still costs the NHS £2 Billion per year in ongoing pay-offs.

Before 1998 higher education was free. Since then UK students have racked up £460 Billion in student loan debt with a per-student average of £45,800. Acting on American changes in 2012 the UK made student debt one of the very few non-dischargeable debts in bankruptcy. This forever saddled each student with a huge debt service, and usually without a job within their discipline. Universities are now also heavily indebted based on the promise of these anticipated student fees. Recently diluting the A-level tests assured an increase and continuance of this vital college revenue. And a drop in standards.

The parallels to America continue from obesity caused by an adulterated US-style food supply, immigrants arriving by the thousands unchecked into cities already rotting from neglect and them also drawing on already depleted social services and,or the absurd mental aberration the young call “woke” that demands the human mind now believe that hard facts are merely discretionary or that a uterus is of no consequence whatsoever in biologically defining a woman.

The biggest and most threatening similarity, however, is apathy. Like America, Britain can blame itself for watching passively while divorcing itself from political reality and leaving that job to a corrupt media and political system.

A dying nation begins its decline by debasing its economy. When the process is irreversible the nation, instead of turning to the people’s needs, begins to turn on the people themselves.

It is time for voters to inoculate their countries at the ballot box. To elect representatives of true, not alleged, character who prioritize populism, not the profits of war. Those who reject American hegemony and its many bastardizations of Trickle-down economics. Politicians who will stop feeding the American virus on the blood and treasure of their own country, and who prioritize food before guns, society before tyranny, family before party, and education before ignorance!

If Britain is to survive it must now devote its full attention to its singular, most-important national emergency…



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Brett Redmayne-Titley has spent the last twelve years documenting the “Sorrows of Empire.” He has authored over 200 articles all of which have been published and often republished and translated by news agencies worldwide. An archive of his published work can be found at He can be contacted at live-on-scene ((@))

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Over the past week, shocked Europeans – mostly in the UK and Ireland – have been posting viral photos of shockingly high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis.

Several of the posts were from small business owners who getting absolutely crushed right now, and won’t be able to remain operational much longer.

One such owner is Geraldine Dolan, who owns the Poppyfields cafe in Athlone, Ireland – and was charged nearly €10,000 (US$10,021) for just over two months of energy usage.

As the Irish Times reports, “The cost of electricity to the Poppyfields cafe for 73 days from early June until the end of August came in at €9,024.70 an increase of 250 per cent in just 12 months. There doesn’t include the €812.22 in VAT, which brought her total bill to €9,836.92.”

How in the name of God is this possible,” tweeted Dolan.

UK pensioners are also facing a “terrifying” winter, as elderly Britons are about to get hit with an 80% rise in energy bills in October.

Elderly Britons are set to welcome a boost of around £1,000 to their state pension payments next year thanks to the return of the triple lock, however the cost of living crisis will still leave them significantly poorer.

However, the price cap for energy bills will rise by 80 per cent to £3,549 in October, and it is predicted to rise over £6,600 next year according to Cornwall Insight.

Higher energy bills often hurt pensioners significantly more than the rest of the population because they spend a greater amount of their income on heating their home. -Daily Mail

According to Caroline Abrahams, charity director of Age UK, “‘It’s a truly frightening prospect and one that most could not have prepared for, and never expected to face at this point in their lives,” adding “I think a lot of older people will be utterly bewildered that it has come to this and will also feel badly let down, and I can’t say I blame them.”

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Twitter researcher ‘Crab Man’ (@crabcrawler1), who compiles deep dives on a wide variety of topics (and is absolutely worth a follow), has put together a lengthy thread of similar cases – and put it in the context of the current European energy backdrop. The situation is dire, to say the least.


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Is Russia in trouble in Ukraine? 

Watch this interview of Scott Ritter by Judge Andrew Napolitano. Incisive Analysis. 

Scott Ritter is former Marine Corps major and former UN weapons inspector. 


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Qantas, Rain Man and the Virtual Airline

September 1st, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The list of sins is lengthy and growing with diseased relish.  Australia’s first and for decades only international airline, Qantas, is looking rather tattered of late.  Its reliability is becoming something of the past, its standing diminished in an age of diminished international carriers.

There was a time when taking a Qantas flight involved experiencing clean, solid goodness, with the softening effects of regular and, for the most part, reliable service.  Nothing ever too flash, but reliable before finding your feet on chaotic ground.

Its minted reputation was enough to earn it a mention in Barry Levinson’s Rain Man, a 1988 production featuring a tormented Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) and his autistic brother Raymond (Dustin Hoffman).  Raymond, as cinematic history notes, was utterly enamoured with Qantas’s immaculate safety record.  Various US airlines, with their documented crashes, could hardly match it.  Raymond duly regales Charlie with a number of lethal examples.  As Qantas did not fly out of Cincinnati, the car proved to be the only viable means of transport.

The current image of the airline is one of losses, be it in revenue, reputation and service.  This year, with bruising revelation, Qantas found out that it was no longer considered the safest of the globe’s airlines.  In rankings calibrated for an annual safety table by, which considers 385 carriers worldwide and their performance in terms of crashes, incident records, aircraft ages, operational innovation and COVID-19 protocols, the flying kangaroo barely figured.  That top honour went – and here it must have hurt – to Air New Zealand.

Geoffrey Thomas, the editor-in-chief of the Australian website making such bold assertions was adamant that Air NZ had an “excellent incident record, number of cockpit innovations, pilot training and very low fleet age”.  While Thomas sounds like a desperate geriatric examining a catwalk of fecund models, the overall sense of decline in Qantas is palpable.

The Qantas of today is not one of smooth reliable travel but indifference, disruption and disappointment.  It features queues, chaos and disequilibrium, from passengers to the workplace.  There are staffing problems (the taking of sick leave is regular), frequent cancellations, constant delays and instances of lost baggage.

The views of one Tom, as reported by the ABC, reveal the conditions that the airline is operating under.  “There is no one to talk to and when you go to work you are basically on your own.  It’s like we’re running a virtual airline.”

The new law of such a virtual airline is unpredictability.  “Keeping to departure times has always been sacred in the airline industry.  In the past we would be kept informed – you will be 10 minutes late, 15 minutes late.  Now you must pursue the information yourself and they may, or may not, know the answer.”

According to Tom, who has worked for three decades with the company, he had “never seen anything like it.”  He cites a flight he so happened to board earlier this year, finding no drinking water onboard and an incomplete load sheet.  (For the curious, the load sheet is essential in terms of weight and balance data, enabling the pilot to determine the load on the aircraft and how its distribution.)

The Australian Transport Workers’ Union has also roared its disapproval at the airline.  In a 2020 report, the union notes the nastier side of the carrier’s sharp practice.  QGS, a Qantas creation, is noted as being filled by part-time workers, with QGS contacts guaranteeing work to the value of only hours.  The report also notes the sacking of 5,000 employees, only to have them replaced by 9,000 part-time workers employed through subsidiary outlets.

During the course of the pandemic, this predatory beast of the aviation industry received A$2 billion worth in Australian taxpayer funds.  It is worth noting, on this score, that other airlines did not qualify, notably Virgin Australia, for the largesse of the Australian government. Qantas, with cocksure confidence, argued for its unique standing in the Australian aviation industry, boasting that it did not need a bailout.  However, just on the off chance it did require help, it would have to receive A$4.2 billion as a proportional measure to what Virgin might receive, as its revenue at the time was three times that of Virgin’s.

This staggering inversion of the survival of the fittest argument has seen the airline disappoint with dreary consistency.  Last month the company offered A$50 worth of vouchers, loyalty status extensions and lounge passes to frequent flyers by way of apology for the mess the airline had put customers in.

This meagre act of contrition is hardly likely to cover the diminished service customers have come to expect of an Australian carrier of such insufferable pride.  It certainly meant less with a video message sent to frequent flyer members featuring chief executive Alan Joyce.  “On behalf of the national carrier I want to apologise and assure you we are working hard to get back to our best,” the unconvincing CEO states, causing a residue of bile to form in any one caring to listen.

The Australian airline is hardly alone in this general malaise.  Airlines across the globe are spluttering along, providing even worse services than what they provided before.  Flights are fewer and, it follows, passengers.  Keeping these air hulks in the skies is proving increasingly challenging.  But shine has come off this particular Australian jewel, and it remains to be seen whether it is recoverable from the conundrum it, and its owners, find themselves in.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is by MDRX/CC BY-SA 4.0

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If Kiev’s conspiracy theory were true about it being Moscow that’s supposedly attacked the same facility under its own control and is thus the one that’s blackmailing all of Europe, then it wouldn’t have just sent its soldiers on a suicide mission to seize the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant before the International Atomic Energy Agency’s representatives’ arrival in order to plant fake evidence to that end.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Thursday that its forces successfully thwarted Kiev’s attempted seizure of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) ahead of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) representatives’ visit to that facility. The ministry concluded that “The provocation of the Kiev regime is aimed at derailing the arrival of the IAEA mission to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant”, which makes sense if one remembers the strategic context in which this ultimately failed mission was carried out.

That crumbling former Soviet Republic has waged nuclear terrorism against all of Europe by attacking this Russian-controlled facility over the past month out of desperation to blackmail its partners into keeping up the pace of their military aid to it, which Zelensky and his senior advisor Podalyak both tacitly admitted to in mid-August. It was subsequently revealed several days later by Politico that data from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy’s Ukraine Support Tracker surprisingly proved that none of the six largest European countries made any new military commitments to Kiev the month prior in July.

This sequence of events vindicates Russian officials who said all along that this US-led NATO proxy is waging nuclear terrorism for military-strategic reasons, thus debunking yet another of the “official narratives” connected to the Ukrainian Conflict. If Kiev’s conspiracy theory was true about it being Moscow that’s supposedly attacked the same facility under its own control and is thus the one that’s blackmailing all of Europe, then it wouldn’t have just sent its soldiers on a suicide mission to seize the ZNPP before the IAEA representatives’ arrival in order to plant fake evidence to that end.

There’s already no doubt that fake news can indeed kill after it was the reason why Kiev dispatched a fascist assassin to Moscow last month to kill journalist Darya Dugina in a terrorist car bomb attack that many suspect was actually aimed against her father, who the US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) falsely claimed was “Putin’s Rasputin”, but now there’s further evidence to this effect after it was also just responsible for why Kiev sent its own soldiers on a suicide mission. They needlessly lost their lives because the Ukrainian military command wanted to “prove” their latest conspiracy theory at all costs.

Should the IAEA’s representatives stick to their strict code of conduct and not function as de facto Western agents during their visit to the ZNPP, then there’s no doubt that they’ll confirm that everything that Kiev’s claimed thus far about Russia supposedly being the one waging nuclear terrorism was nothing but lies while Moscow was telling the truth this whole time. They’ll see for themselves that there aren’t any Russian heavy weapons at this sensitive facility, but rather, that it’s littered with debris from Kiev’s Western-supplied missiles and other munitions that were illegally used to attack that site.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is taken from OneWorld

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Incisive article by Dr. Rudolf Haensel first published in April 2020 in the immediate wake of the March 11, 2020 lockdown.

Autonomy is the state and attitude to life of self-determination, independence (sovereignty) and self-administration. Philosophically, it is the ability to see oneself as a being of freedom and to act from this freedom. It is also the power to not participate (Adorno). Natural Law says that there is something that is right by nature. It differs from the so-called Positive Right established by man in that man is entitled to it simply because he is human.

Since it is not created by any ruler or any kind of majority decision, it is pre-state law. This means that the laws of a state must be measured critically against natural law. (1) The knowledge of what is right by nature enables us to oppose totalitarian ideologies and dictatorships from a firm human standpoint, to feel a sense of indignation against injustice and inhumanity, even if the whole of society may cheer a dictator.

What is natural law?

Thinking in terms of natural law has its origins in ancient Greek philosophy, especially in Plato’s confrontation with the Sophists. Plato held against them that there are objective, absolutely valid norms, values and laws that do not depend on the changing opinions of people. It is by these objective ideas of what law is that the state and the state leadership must be measured at all times. Plato saw behind the law the objective idea of justice.

The highest goal in human life is a life governed by reason, and man can only achieve this if he learns in childhood and youth to moderate his desires and affects. He must learn to keep the golden rule of the middle (justice, bravery and prudence). If this does not become a habit in childhood and adolescence, he will later be torn to and fro by extreme affects and will never achieve a virtuous, level-headed, rational lifestyle (prudence).

The great teacher of the Church, Thomas Aquinas, combined Aristotle’s philosophy with the Christian philosophy and theology that came from Augustine. He thus had outstanding significance for the development of Christian natural law, Christian anthropology and theology, in the centre of which man as a person is placed. The order of being created by God is perfectly good. In it the “eternal law”, lex aeterna, was at work. This is the divine wisdom, as the supreme law. Man can recognize a part of this eternal law through his reason. (2)

Man has a natural inclination for goodness, which is “written in his heart” by the eternal law. It helps him to better recognize what is right in nature. The essential natural inclinations of man are those for the knowledge of the truth and for community life. With his reason, man can recognize the laws of nature and thus grasp the order created by God.

Human dignity is inviolable

Article 1 of the German Basic Law (GG) states:

“The dignity of man is inviolable. Respecting and protecting it is the duty of all state power.”Paragraph 1 of Article 1 adds: “Human dignity is the supreme constitutional principle to which all public authorities must therefore orient their actions. It is therefore the yardstick for the legislative, executive and judicial branches. The state must refrain from any action that could affect human dignity.” (3)

And this human dignity is over positive law (Natural Law).

What is happening, however, not only in Germany but worldwide, is the opposite of what the German Basic Law demands. Human dignity is trampled underfoot – and this is reminiscent of the Germany of the 1930s, the rise of fascism. Every thinking and feeling fellow citizen can “feel it on his own body”.

We are no longer free and can no longer lead our lives self-determined and independently. The governments leave us no room for manoeuvre and deny us the vested right not to take part in this madness, to oppose the totalitarian machinations decisively and with all their willpower. The rule of law has died.

But our thoughts are free (Cicero) and nobody can take away our dignity. We can also find the courage to use our own intellect (Kant). And we know what is right by nature. Therefore we will not submit to the dictates of corrupt politicians, scientists, doctors, journalists or questionable patrons like Bill Gates. (4)

Already more than 100 years ago, the great Russian writer Leo N. Tolstoy put on record his assessment of rulers:

“One could still justify the subordination of an entire people to a few people if the rulers were the best people; but that is not the case, never was and never can be. It is often the worst, most insignificant, cruelest, most immoral and especially the most mendacious people who rule. And that this is so is not by chance.” (5)

The human community rightly expects science – including medicine – to alleviate the plight of people and to serve the protection of life. But more and more scientists are selling their knowledge and skills and often their souls to the military-industrial complex. They even distance themselves so far from their humanity that they help to perfect the means for the general destruction of mankind.

An important contribution to the enlightenment and encouragement of the people could be the mass media, since they are obliged to provide truthful information to us citizens and to peace, in accordance with national and international agreements. But the opposite is true. They are “in the service of warmongering and hate propaganda” and “in the service of stultifying the masses” (Bertha von Suttner).

Let us therefore preserve the attitude to life of self-determination, independence (sovereignty) and self-administration and the ability to see ourselves as beings of freedom and to act from this freedom.


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist.


(1) Messner, J. (1984, 7th unchanged edition). Natural law. Handbook of Social Ethics, State Ethics and Business Ethics. Berlin

(2) Keyword “Natural Law

(3) Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany

(4) See NRhZ No 741 of 8.04.2020: ‘To the Final Battle!’.

(5) Tolstoy, Leo N. (1983). Speech against the war. Frankfurt am Main, p. 74

How Dick Cheney Created Anthony Fauci

September 1st, 2022 by Ashley Rindsberg

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Few people in America today are as powerful and polarising as Anthony Fauci. For the Left, Fauci is a consummate cool-headed scientist, emblematic of the essential role of government. On the Right, he is a Deep State operative who destroyed the lives of countless people to serve a hidden agenda, all while mysteriously taking home a bigger paycheck than any other of the country’s two million federal employees (including their collective boss, the President).

The reality is that both narratives fundamentally misunderstand the position Fauci occupies in American government. Far from being a public health expert, Fauci sits at the very top of America’s biodefence infrastructure. And contrary to the notion that he is a Deep State string-puller of the Democratic party, it was George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who not only put Fauci there but created the very framework that the immunologist-physician commands.

This in part accounts for the otherwise inexplicable fact that Fauci, loathed by President Trump, was never fired by the notoriously vengeful politician who galvanised his brand with the phrase “You’re fired!”. But Fauci’s untouchability raises an even more perplexing question: Why did the media beatify him as the country’s beneficent, infallible Covid saviour rather than look into the reality of his position and the source of his nearly limitless authority?

To understand the rise of Fauci, and his legacy as he retires this year, we must return to the first months of the 2000s, when a hawkish new administration was settling into power. While George W. Bush had come to Washington touting a new brand of “compassionate conservatism”, Cheney came carrying decades of Defense Department experience, including a term as Defense Secretary under George H.W. Bush during Operation Desert Storm.

Bush’s interest in biodefence and pandemic preparedness is frequently traced back to a 2004 book, The Great Influenza. The reality, however, is that the administration came to power with biological weapons and infectious disease very much top of mind, with Cheney seeking to address the gaping hole in America’s national security left by the country’s lack of a coherent biodefence strategy.

But if biodefence wasn’t already a priority for the Bush White House, that swiftly changed a week to the day after the 9/11 attacks, a mere eight months into Bush’s first term, when the United States suffered the most serious biological weapons attack in its history. On September 18, 2001, a number of national media outlets, including CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, the New York Post and the National Enquirer, received a series of letters containing a dry white powder. Three weeks later, a second round of letters was sent to the offices of senators Tom Daschle, then the Senate Majority leader, and Patrick Leahy, head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Twenty-two people were infected with anthrax, five of whom died. Already in a state of unprecedented military alert, the United States was sent into near-chaos by the anthrax attacks, which, by essentially weaponising the postal system with one of the world’s most lethal pathogens, engendered a sense that the country was under attack by an unseen enemy with unfathomable capabilities.

Bush has been rightly credited with identifying the threat of a global pandemic, as well as providing a serious policy for dealing with the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. But it was Cheney who served as the political engine behind a paradigm shift that would soon take place in America’s biodefence strategy. Six days before the 9/11 attacks, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee convened a hearing on “The Threat of Bioterrorism and the Spread of Infectious Diseases”. The hearing was led by Joe Biden, then chair of the committee, and included testimony by experts in strategic defence. In a prepared statement, Bill Frist, a physician who served as a Republican senator until 2007, noted that:

“Any threat to the security of the United States from a weapon of mass destruction, even those with low probability of occurrence but high potential consequence, including biological weapons, must be taken seriously through adequate preparation.”

The administration’s first landmark achievement in this effort was the creation of a presidential directive called “Biodefense for the 21st Century“. Signed by Bush in April 2004, it advanced a “comprehensive framework for [America’s] biodefence” based on the assumption that a bioweapons attack could devastate America. Despite being premised on a different intent (an attack), the framework described a scenario chillingly similar to what the world experienced with Covid-19, warning that a bioweapons attack could result in “catastrophic numbers of casualties, long-term disease and disability, psychological trauma, and mass panic; disrupt critical sectors of the economy and the day-to-day lives of Americans; and create cascading international effects by disrupting and damaging international trade relationships, potentially globalising the impacts of an attack on United States soil”.

That the directive warned about a biological catastrophe resulting from an attack, rather than an unintentional outbreak, was a seemingly natural assumption in the aftermath of 9/11. But even in June 2001, a small number of senior policymakers spent two days running a simulation of a bioweapons attack. Called Dark Winter, it was designed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies and was based on a putative smallpox attack. Intended less to bolster preparedness than to expose vulnerabilities, the operation showed how quickly a public health disaster could lead to widespread chaos and social collapse. This was the stuff nightmares are made of — and, by all accounts, those were the nightmares that Dick Cheney was having.

Significant as it was, his transformation of America’s biodefence framework was part of a much larger repositioning of long-term geopolitical strategy, an effort also led by Cheney. In the aftermath of the Soviet Union’s collapse in the early Nineties, Cheney, then Secretary of Defense under George H.W. Bush, along with Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, began formulating a grand strategy for the post-Cold War era. This plan, revealed in an infamous leaked memo, was rooted in a single strategic objective: America should permanently remain the world’s superpower. Its architects argued the US would do so only by preserving “strategic depth” to “shape the security environment”. The initial leaked memo was later reworked by Cheney’s chief of staff, Scooter Libby, who broadened the concept of “strategic depth” to cover not only geographic reach but also an ability to wage war with weapons that could not only cripple an enemy’s military capabilities but disrupt its political, economic and social stability.

In this context, the Bush Administration began ramping up biodefence spending, which quintupled to $317 million in 2002 alone. But that same year, an unusual respiratory disease started to spread in the Guangdong region of China. Eventually classified as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, the disease would claim the lives of some 800 people as it spread across Asia, Europe, North America, the Mideast, reaching as far as New Zealand.

Although SARS was contained by the summer of 2003, that year the world witnessed the outbreak of yet another respiratory disease. In this case, it was the re-emergence of an avian influenza in the form of a strain known as H5N1, which had long been identified as having pandemic potential. The virus was found to have a terrifying 60% mortality rate.

By 2003, the Bush administration was requesting $2 billion in annual budget for biodefence — a sum that, as the Los Angeles Times noted, exceeded the combined research budgets for breast cancer, lung cancer, stroke and tuberculosis. That year, Bush announced in his State of the Union address that he would propose a further $6 billion for the development and stockpiling of vaccines over the subsequent decade, in addition to baseline biodefence funding.

The money was essential, but transforming a core element of America’s national strategic defence was as much about restructuring the governmental and human aspects of biodefence as it was funding them. In the case of research-based bioweapons preparedness, Cheney’s masterstroke was to remove the fragmented biodefence research programmes from various departments, institutes and centres, and place them under the aegis of a single institute: the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led then, as now, by Anthony Fauci.

A 2003 NIAID article detailed what this shift meant for the relatively obscure public health agency: “In 2003, NIAID was assigned lead responsibility… for civilian biodefence research with a focus on research and early development of medical countermeasures against terrorist threats from infections diseases and radiation exposures. NIAID later assumed responsibility for coordinating the NIH-wide effort to develop medical countermeasures against threats to the civilian population.” While the statement is laden with references to “civilian research”, it included a crucial caveat that explains much about its role right through the Covid-19 pandemic: “Because new potentially deadly pathogens, such as avian influenza, may be naturally occurring as well as deliberately introduced by terrorists, NIAID’s biodefence research is integrated into its larger emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases portfolio.”

In other words, as far as NIAID was concerned, there was no meaningful administrative distinction between biodefence and scientific research. With the stroke of Cheney’s pen, all United States biodefence efforts, classified or unclassified, were placed under the aegis of Anthony Fauci. So important was this new command structure that a representative from the office of Scooter Libby, Cheney’s powerful chief of staff, was physically placed in NIAID headquarters in Washington during the transition to function as “a kind of political commissar” from the vice president’s office. This gave Fauci unparalleled access to not just Cheney, but President Bush, to whom he had an open channel.

Fauci now had a virtual carte blanche to not merely approve but design and run the kind of research projects he sought — and could do so with no oversight structure above him. Biodefence projects that formerly would have fallen under the authority of military or intelligence agencies were now under his direct supervision.

It’s this that explains one of the most bewildering irregularities surrounding Anthony Fauci: his compensation. As widely reported, Fauci is the highest paid member of the federal government, out-earning the President, four-star generals, senators, and Super Court Justices. His salary roughly doubled that of his own (nominal) boss, until recently, NIH director Francis Collins. Fauci’s giant pay packet can be traced back to 2004, the year after NIAID was made the country’s top biodefence authority agency. According to a report by Forbes, that year NIH deputy director Raynard S. Kingston wrote a formal memo to the agency’s director, Elias Zerhouni “to request that the current retention allowance [amount redacted] for Dr. Anthony S. Fauci be converted… in order to appropriately compensate him for the level of his responsibly in his current position of Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), especially as it relates to his work on biodefence research activities.”

This salary jump was only a by-product of the radical restructuring of America’s biodefence apparatus. The much more significant outcome was that Fauci was essentially placed at the top of a new chain of command over which he gained nearly total decision-making ability. He went from being the director of one the NIH’s constituent 27 institutes to being the only one who really mattered.

But it was Fauci’s ability to span the divide between science and politics, to “play ball”, that made him essential to the political echelon. The rapid increase in biodefence funding in the post-9/11 world, and the mushrooming of agencies and departments involved in the endeavour, would inevitably draw critics. One was, and still is, Richard Ebright, a major figure in the world of epidemiology who serves as chair of the Board of Governors and is a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University.

“This well-intentioned response may perversely have exactly the opposite effect,” Ebright told the Los Angeles Times in 2003, implying that the burgeoning field of biodefence research could lead to leaks, failures, and even a bioweapons arms race. But, by then, the Bush administration had hired a man credible enough to respond to, and, in many ways, outshine the critics. “It’s going to be a challenge,” Fauci told the Times, dismissing Ebright’s concern as “spurious”. “But I have every confidence that the biomedical research community will adapt well to the change.”

Almost two decades later, as he heads towards retirement, his confidence seems misplaced. Perhaps in this we have another crucial lesson from the pandemic: that Marvel-like heroes, with all their fabulous abilities, are no replacement for the facts.


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Ashley Rindsberg is author of The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times’ Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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Germany’s newsmedia — echoing America’s — have attributed the soaring fuel-prices to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which clearly is a lie, because the source is clearly Germany’s anti-Russian sanctions and termination of the Nord Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline and other supplies into Germany of the least-expensive fuels-sources, which had been Russian, which is why Russia was the biggest supplier of fuels to Germany.

Because those fuels were so much cheaper than the ones that the U.S. occupying forces demand Germany to use instead (such as liquefied natural gas from America), and because Germany’s leaders are more committed to Germany’s American masters than to the German people whom they are supposed to represent, they ought to be thrown out and replaced now by an entirely new German Government that will serve the German people instead of serve the U.S. occupying regime, which demands and enforces these sanctions. The purpose of the sanctions is to greatly reduce European fuel purchases from the cheapest source, Russia. That forces up fuel-costs in Europe, but Europe’s leaders comply anyway, which proves how obedient they are as stooges of the imperial regime across the Atlantic, in Washington.

America is run by — and its Government is effectively owned by — its billionaires, who buy politicians like hogs are bought at a pig-auction: the highest bidder wins. (It’s shown graphically here.) But at this auction, all of the highest bidders are billionaires, and the profit and nonprofit corporations that they control. Here is how the former U.S. President Jimmy Carter put it when asked about corruption in America:

It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we’ve just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. … At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell.

What’s happening now to Germany is profitable to those people, but is threatening to destroy the whole world if Washington pushes it too far, and produces WW III.

The long road to our present predicament started when U.S. President Harry S. Truman decisively repudiated and reversed his predecessor FDR on 25 July 1945 and determined that the U.S. Government henceforth would be set onto the path of taking control of the entire world ultimately, to become the first-ever all-encompassing global empire (now called “hegemon”). By the time of 1947, he had created the CIA and the falsely named “U.S. Department of ‘Defense’” (actually department of aggression, like the CIA was the department of coups), and replaced FDR’s entire cabinet, in order to do this. They then produced NATO in 1949.

(The Soviet Union responded six years later, by forming their Warsaw Pact in 1955.)

Virtually all U.S. Presidents afterwards have been committed to this “hegemonic,” actually maniacal, zero-sum-game-committed, goal of America dominating everywhere, so that any competitor is automatically viewed as being an enemy. Their obsession is to achieve “hegemony” — global control — which none of them announces publicly as constituting the Government’s top goal, but they all call it instead their support of spreading ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights’ and ‘democracy’, as-if the country which has a larger percentage of its population in prison than does any other nation on Earth could even POSSIBLY be a democracy, or promote human rights. Germany, like all other U.S. vassal nations, is merely a tool of that plan for world-conquest by the U.S. regime. Like all of the others, it’s dutiful to its foreign masters, and not to its own population (who now increasingly will be feeling the consequences).

In order for the German people to become authentically free, they need to replace their existing westward, Atlanticist, pro-U.S.-regime, orientation, by a far more economically viable eastward, Russian, Chinese, and authentically EurAsian one, which will mean that Germany will no longer participate in imperialism by ANY nation, but will instead quit NATO and have commerce with all nations that is NOT being restricted by anything like the imperialism America’s billionaires have been imposing upon Germans ever since 1945 and especially since 1991. If German politicians are being bought by the highest bidders like America’s are, then they will all have to be replaced in order for the German people to become freed from the American regime’s imperial yoke. EurAsia is one continent, after all, and no way will exist to pipeline gas or oil across the Atlantic Ocean, from America. And the very idea of replacing pipelined energy by far costlier LNG and other shipped energy is an insult to all residents of Europe.

On Sunday 3 July 2022, Bloomberg News reported that Germany’s “Economics Minister Robert Habeck said on Saturday that the government is working on ways to address the surging costs both utilities and their customers face, without giving details.” At least as early as that date, Germany’s Government knew what they were doing to the German people, but they did it anyway. And they continued to lie about it to the German people. The entire Government needs to be replaced; but, more than that, NATO must be abandoned.

Any German politician who supports it supports continued U.S. occupation, and supports continuation of the U.S. regime’s non-stop war, ever since 1945, against both Russia and China.

Isolating its economy from Russia and China makes sense? To whom? Germany will do far better as a partner of Russia and of China, than as a vassal of the U.S. regime. Russia and China would welcome the new German leaders as partners — not demand them to serve as mere stooges in a mere vassal-nation (as the U.S. regime does). And any such allegation as Bloomberg ‘News’ headlined on 25 June 2022, “Putin Is Pushing Germany’s Economy to the Breaking Point” is merely pretending that the February 24th invasion of Ukraine, instead of the sanctions that America and its vassal-nations imposed in response to it, is to blame here. In fact: The U.S. and its NATO had left Russia no other option than to invade Ukraine.


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American investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Last week, British Tory leadership frontrunner Liz Truss said she would be willing to unleash nuclear war if she were to become prime minister.

She is not alone among political leaders in the western imperialist states to threaten nuclear annihilation in the past few months if their hegemony and imperial profits were threatened by resistance to their exploitation and control of the globe.

It was back in February that the West began to threaten Russia with nuclear war in response to a statement given by President Vladimir Putin.

Addressing western encroachments and threats to Russian security, ongoing since 1991 but increasing significantly since 2014, Putin declared:

“Whoever tries to hinder us, and even more so, to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate. And it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history.”

Putin prefaced his statements by averring that “even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states”.

The French foreign minister subsequently threatened Putin, who spoke of Russia’s nuclear capabilities as a defensive measure, by declaring that Nato, too, remained a “nuclear alliance” and “that is all I will say about this”.

‘Thinkable’ nuclear war

By March, The New York Times jumped on the bandwagon and published an article about the possibility that the Russians might use nuclear weapons if threatened by the West. The article, ironically, cited only western experts and officials who spoke of a limited nuclear war against Russia as “thinkable”.

The newspaper of record even quoted US General James E Cartwright, the vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Barack Obama, as saying that the “reduced blast capability” of the smaller nuclear devices in existence today made breaking the nuclear taboo “more thinkable”.

It added:

“Nuclear war plans are one of Washington’s most deeply held secrets. Experts say that the war-fighting plans in general go from warning shots to single strikes to multiple retaliations and that the hardest question is whether there are reliable ways to prevent a conflict from escalating.”

It should be noted that the idea of a “limited” nuclear war in Europe is not new. It is a longstanding American fantasy – one that Ronald Reagan, in particular, nurtured.

In April, after the publication of The New York Times article, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed worry about the implications of a nuclear war, emphasising that while Russia did not want a nuclear war, “the danger is serious”. US President Joe Biden’s response to Lavrov was to accuse the Russians of threatening nuclear war rather than expressing anxiety that the US and Nato could launch one.

Israeli threats

Indeed, in April, CNN reported that the US had not seen “any indication Russia has made any moves to prepare nuclear weapons for use during the [Ukraine] war”. But by June, NBC News joined the chorus of mainstream outlets considering the possible use of American nuclear weapons against Russia.

Earlier this month, Putin issued a statement to a UN conference which convened to review the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, affirming that “there can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be unleashed, and we stand for equal and indivisible security for all members of the world community”.

Yet, that very same day, Israel’s new prime minister, Yair Lapidthreatened to use Israel’s nuclear weapons against Iran:

“The operational arena in the invisible dome above us is built on defensive capabilities and offensive capabilities, and what the foreign media tends to call ‘other capabilities’. These other capabilities keep us alive and will keep us alive so long as we and our children are here.”

The Jerusalem Post, the conservative Israeli newspaper, postulated that Lapid’s not-so-veiled threat to nuke Iran was akin to his saying:

“What exactly do you ayatollahs think you are going to accomplish by trying to break out one or two weapons which you probably could not hit us with, and which might lead us to easily incinerate large parts of your country?”

This is not the first time Israel has threatened to use nuclear weapons against its neighbours. In fact, it had prepared to use its nukes twice before, in 1967 and in 1973 when it readied its then 13 nuclear bombs to be dropped on Cairo and Damascus.

Real or imagined

Of course, the only country on earth that has ever used nuclear bombs deliberately against civilians is none other than the US, which dropped them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 77 years ago this month, in a genocidal act that the US continues to defend to this day as one that prevented more casualties had the nukes not been dropped and the war continued.

In essence, the US argues that its nuking civilians was a high moral act to save more civilians from being killed. This is amazingly and horrifyingly the very same logic the US deploys today to justify its future use of nuclear weapons.

While Hiroshima and Nagasaki awakened most of the world to the utter horror of nuclear weapons, it only whetted American appetites to use them more.

Recently revealed documents show the United States seriously considered and made plans to use nuclear weapons against China in 1958, during the so-called Taiwan Straits crisis.

Yet, despite the US use of nuclear weapons and the West’s ongoing threats to annihilate all humankind if their profits and “security” interests are threatened, we have been treated for years on end to ceaseless western propaganda about the threat that allegedly Iran, which does not possess any nuclear weapons, poses to the West.

When Israel, which is in possession of possibly as many as 200 nuclear devices (and which still refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty), threatened to nuke Iran a few weeks ago, its threat was taken lightly, if even considered, in the western press and by western officials, who were and remain too busy trying to eliminate a phantasmatic nuclear threat that Iran allegedly constitutes for Israel – a phantasm that has prolonged interminably the ongoing renegotiations of the nuclear treaty between the US and Iran.

It is the US and the imperialist West, not Iran or Russia, who have posed and continue to pose the largest possible threat to human existence and survival. What is truly ironic, however, is that western leaders and the western press can more easily imagine and plan for the end of the world, but not the end of the West’s imperial hegemony.


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Joseph Massad is professor of modern Arab politics and intellectual history at Columbia University, New York. He is the author of many books and academic and journalistic articles. His books include Colonial Effects: The Making of National Identity in Jordan; Desiring Arabs; The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians, and most recently Islam in Liberalism. His books and articles have been translated into a dozen languages.

Featured image: The world’s first nuclear explosion – the U.S. ‘Trinity’ atomic test in New Mexico, July 16, 1945. If a nuclear war breaks out today, the devastation caused by modern nuclear weapons would make Trinity’s power look small by comparison. Most life on Earth would likely be wiped out. | U.S. Department of Energy

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Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Interpreting Putin’s Condolences Over Gorbachev’s Death

September 1st, 2022 by Andrew Korybko

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It’s not contradictory nor surprising for someone like President Putin to simultaneously acknowledge the urgent necessity of reforms during the late Soviet era, lament the ultra-disastrous geopolitical and humanitarian consequences of Gorbachev’s related implementation, and defend his resultant Great Power’s interests in line with international law, all while without ever pining for the restoration of that former communist superpower.

The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) has aggressively pushed the false information warfare narrative that so-called “Putin’s Russia” supposedly wants to “restore the USSR”, yet this twisted interpretation of that Great Power’s geostrategic intentions was just discredited by none other than the Russian leader himself and one of that country’s top foreign policymakers lamenting former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s passing. President Vladimir Putin praised him for understanding the necessity of reforms to urgent problems, while Deputy Speaker of Russia’s Federation Council and Chairman of its Foreign Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev said that his death was “a tragedy for the country and for all of those among us whose life changed for the better with his help.”

These condolences don’t correspond to what one would expect from a purportedly “neo-colonial/-imperialist” and “revisionist” state’s top officials who the Western public was brainwashed by their MSM into thinking are still sour about the USSR’s collapse that Gorbachev himself presided over. To the contrary, they’re extremely proud of their country’s independence from that superpower even though many Russians still regret how chaotically this process unfolded and some even wish that the spirit of his reforms would have succeeded in keeping it together. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov put it best when citing his boss’ famous quip that:

“You don’t have a heart if you don’t regret the collapse of the Soviet Union, but you don’t have the brains if you want it to be restored.”

That remark and his other one about how the USSR’s dissolution “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” have been maliciously misportrayed by the MSM to manipulate their targeted audience into wrongly thinking that President Putin pines for the USSR’s restoration even though he wants nothing of the sort. Confidently defending one’s geostrategic interests in line with international law upon regaining the strength required to do so like Russia did isn’t the same ass wanting to rebuild that former superpower, let alone replicate its internal structure. Nor, for that matter, does it mean that he was influenced by Alexander Dugin’s related writings no matter how desperately some want to imagine that the latter is a modern-day “Rasputin”.

Rather, it’s objectively the fact that the collapse of the Soviet Union that Gorbachev presided over and which he inadvertently made irreversible through his well-intended but poorly implemented reforms was indeed “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” and “a genuine tragedy” for the Russian people like the subsequent part of President Putin’s misportrayed second quote noted.

Regarding the first, it immediately ended the bipolar world system that had hitherto kept the US in check to an extent while the second refers to how “Tens of millions of [Russian] citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory.” Not only that, but the onset of unipolarity led to the deaths of millions and the impoverishment of many more across the Global South.

It’s therefore not contradictory nor surprising for someone like President Putin to simultaneously acknowledge the urgent necessity of reforms during the late Soviet era, lament the ultra-disastrous geopolitical and humanitarian consequences of Gorbachev’s related implementation, and defend his resultant Great Power’s interests in line with international law, all while without ever pining for the restoration of that former communist superpower. The USSR’s last leader has a much uglier legacy than the MSM claims due to the consequences connected with the well-intended policies that he was responsible for, but at the same time, contemporary Russian officials are sincerely sad at his passing since he was also unwittingly responsible for their country’s independence.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Mikhail Gorbachev, Photo by Michael Schilling (CC-BY-SA-3.0)

Why Donald Trump Will Soon be Indicted

September 1st, 2022 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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It gives me no joy to write this piece.

Even a cursory review of the redacted version of the affidavit submitted in support of the government’s application for a search warrant at the home of former President Donald Trump reveals that he will soon be indicted by a federal grand jury for three crimes: Removing and concealing national defense information (NDI), giving NDI to those not legally entitled to possess it, and obstruction of justice by failing to return NDI to those who are legally entitled to retrieve it.

When he learned from a phone call that 30 FBI agents were at the front door of his Florida residence with a search warrant and he decided to reveal this publicly, Trump assumed that the agents were looking for classified top-secret materials that they’d allege he criminally possessed. His assumptions were apparently based on his gut instinct and not on a sophisticated analysis of the law. Hence, his public boast that he declassified all the formerly classified documents he took with him.

Unbeknownst to him, the feds had anticipated such a defense and are not preparing to indict him for possessing classified materials, even though he did possess hundreds of voluntarily surrendered materials marked “top secret.” It is irrelevant if the documents were declassified, as the feds will charge crimes that do not require proof of classification. They told the federal judge who signed the search warrant that Trump still had NDI in his home. It appears they were correct.

Under the law, it doesn’t matter if the documents on which NDI is contained are classified or not, as it is simply and always criminal to have NDI in a non-federal facility, to have those without security clearances move it from one place to another, and to keep it from the feds when they are seeking it. Stated differently, the absence of classification — for whatever reason — is not a defense to the charges that are likely to be filed against Trump.

Yet, misreading and underestimating the feds, Trump actually did them a favor. One of the elements that they must prove for any of the three crimes is that Trump knew that he had the documents. The favor he did was admitting to that when he boasted that they were no longer classified. He committed a mortal sin in the criminal defense world by denying something for which he had not been accused.

The second element that the feds must prove is that the documents actually do contain national defense information. And the third element they must prove is that Trump put these documents into the hands of those not authorized to hold them and stored them in a non-federally secured place. Intelligence community experts have already examined the documents taken from Trump’s home and are prepared to tell a jury that they contain the names of foreign agents secretly working for the U.S. This is the crown jewel of government secrets. Moreover, Trump’s Florida home is not a secure federal facility designated for the deposit of NDI.

The newest aspect of the case against Trump that we learned from the redacted affidavit is the obstruction allegation. This is not the obstruction that Robert Mueller claimed he found Trump committed during the Russia investigation. This is a newer obstruction statute, signed by President George W. Bush in 2002, that places far fewer burdens on the feds to prove. The older statute is the one Mueller alleged. It characterizes any material interference with a judicial function as criminal. Thus, one who lies to a grand jury or prevents a witness from testifying commits this variant of obstruction.

But the Bush-era statute, the one the feds contemplate charging Trump with having violated, makes it a crime of obstruction by failing to return government property or by sending the FBI on a wild goose chase looking for something that belongs to the government and that you know that you have. This statute does not require the preexistence of a judicial proceeding. It only requires that the defendant has the government’s property, knows that he has it and baselessly resists efforts by the government to get it back.

Where does all this leave Trump? The short answer is: in hot water. The longer answer is: He is confronting yet again the federal law enforcement and intelligence communities for which he has rightly expressed such public disdain. He had valid points of expression during the Russia investigation. He has little ground upon which to stand today.

I have often argued that many of these statutes that the feds have enacted to protect themselves are morally unjust and not grounded in the Constitution. One of my intellectual heroes, the great Murray Rothbard, taught that the government protects itself far more aggressively than it protects our natural rights.

In a monumental irony, both Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks journalist who exposed American war crimes during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency employee who exposed criminal mass government surveillance upon the American public, stand charged with the very same crimes that are likely to be brought against Trump. On both Assange and Snowden, Trump argued that they should be executed. Fortunately for all three, these statutes do not provide for capital punishment.

Rothbard warned that the feds aggressively protect themselves. Yet, both Assange and Snowden are heroic defenders of liberty with valid moral and legal defenses. Assange is protected by the Pentagon Papers case, which insulates the media from criminal or civil liability for revealing stolen matters of interest to the public, so long as the revealer is not the thief. Snowden is protected by the Constitution, which expressly prohibits the warrantless surveillance he revealed, which was the most massive peacetime abuse of government power.

What will Trump say is his defense to taking national defense information? I cannot think of a legally viable one.


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Formerly top secret files show how the two oil corporations bankrolled UK covert propaganda operations during the 1950s and 60s. The goal was to secure British access to key oil supplies across the developing world.

“Handsome” sums were provided by BP and Shell to the Information Research Department (IRD), which was Britain’s Cold War propaganda arm between 1948 and 1977, declassified files show.

The IRD used the secret subsidies to fund British covert propaganda operations during the 1950s and 1960s across the Middle East and Africa, where Britain’s oil interests were substantial. Today, the value of the payments would be in the millions of pounds.

Such operations involved setting up newspapers and magazines, funding radio and television broadcasts, and organising trade union exchanges.

The objective was to promote “stability” in these regions by countering the threat of communism and resource nationalism, while improving the “public image” of Britain’s leading oil companies.

Ultimately, the goal was to secure British access to the supply of Middle Eastern and African oil.

Oil and propaganda

During the 1950s and 1960s, the IRD met annually with Shell and BP representatives to discuss how secret oil subsidies were being used and whether the oil companies were getting value for money.

In December 1960, IRD chief Donald Hopson met Shell’s UK executive Brian Trench and senior BP executive Archie Chisholm, alongside a number of other Foreign Office officials. The name of one individual remains classified, suggesting Britain’s intelligence services were also in attendance.

At the meeting, it was noted the IRD had spent £75,500 in oil money – valued at over £1.2m today – on covert propaganda operations between April 1959 and March 1960.

Over half of this money had been spent on the Arab News Agency (ANA), a long standing British propaganda front which had strong links with MI6.

“ANA operated the most comprehensive service in English and Arabic available in the Middle East with branch offices in Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad, Jerusalem and Amman, and representatives in some 15 other cities, including Paris and New York”, wrote journalist Richard Fletcher.

Hopson informed the oil companies “that their contributions had made it possible to put the [Arab News] Agency in a very strong competitive position in regard to its communications”.

For instance, oil company subsidies allowed ANA to pay for British news agency Reuters’ wire service. During this period, Reuters was pliable to UK government influence, and was seen as a useful propaganda instrument.

With this, ANA could supply news organisations across the Middle East with Reuters’ content. The service was described as “very successful in Egypt”, and it “secured the first place for Reuters in competition with the other world agencies”.

It is unclear whether Reuters was aware that the UK government was secretly channelling oil money into its accounts. One UK file, dated 1960 and entitled “Information Research Department: renegotiation of contract between Reuters and the Arab News Agency”, remains classified by the Foreign Office.

‘Valuable propaganda instrument’

On top of this, the IRD used £3,000 of oil money to fund Al Aalam (“The Globe”), an ostensibly independent magazine published in Iraq, which was seen by the Foreign Office as “a most valuable propaganda instrument”.

Al Aalam supported UK anti-communist efforts and sought to counter anti-British messaging coming from Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Egypt. At this time, Nasserite Arab nationalism posed a significant threat to Britain’s regional interests, and was a central focus of British propaganda activities.

The oil companies’ contributions to Al Aalam, which had been ongoing since the early 1950s, “had in fact tipped the scale when the Treasury decision concerning the launching of the periodical was made”, it was noted. In 1960, the magazine achieved a monthly circulation of 85,000.

During this period, £15,000 in money from the oil companies was also “expended in Iran” on “emergency operations” which enabled “visits to be arranged, publication and translation work to be undertaken, and training schemes for Persian radio officials to be put in hand”.

‘Handsome contributions’

The IRD thanked Shell and BP for their “handsome contributions”, and requested an additional £138,750 in secret funding for the period April 1960 to December 1961. Indeed, these were “handsome contributions”, amounting to roughly 8 percent of the IRD’s annual official budget, and valued at £2.25m today.

“The general pattern of ANA’s activities would continue to be the same though the Agency would concentrate in the forthcoming year on strengthening its news collecting”, an IRD memo noted. To this end, the IRD requested an additional £42,500 for ANA’s running costs, and £26,250 for Reuters’ wire service.

On top of its pre-existing operations, the IRD proposed using oil subsidies to fund a number of new ventures.

One such project was geared towards building up “sufficient influence with certain selected Libyan Trade Unionists” in order to “encourage a spirit of moderation into industrial demands”. This issue was seen as “of direct interest to the oil companies” such that the IRD could “anticipate their support”.

A Foreign Office file shows media outlets in the Middle East received secret funds from British oil firms. (Photo: John McEvoy)

‘Student news service’

In Latin America, the IRD wished to “interest ourselves particularly in the student and trade union fields” by setting up a “student news service” with oil company contributions.

On top of this, the IRD requested £5,000 for a “trade union exchange visits scheme”. The scheme had already begun in Latin America, and the IRD was looking for oil money to expand the project into Africa.

It was also “hoped to start an examination of the possibilities of setting up a [television] programme agency for the Middle East shortly”.

Another project focused on news agency Gulf Times/Al Khalij, an IRD outfit based in Beirut, which was looking to expand and open a new office in Kuwait.

According to one IRD document, the agency’s core objective was “the preservation of [British] oil interests in the Gulf”. It was noted that the oil companies may thus “think it suitable to contribute [£30,000] towards the capital cost of the new venture”, which was valued at £110,000. This project, however, was ultimately abandoned by the IRD in April 1961.

‘Handmaid of BBC Arabic’

In 1963, the oil companies funded Huna London (“This is London”), a magazine which was described by one IRD official as “the handmaid of the BBC Arabic service” and “the best means we have of addressing the Arabs as a whole”.

Huna London had been the words used to announce the first BBC broadcast in Arabic in 1938, and the magazine would become the Arabic equivalent to the Radio Times, which listed British television and radio programmes alongside “contributions from leading writers and illustrators of the day”.

Oil money had “enabled 6,000 extra copies” of Huna London to be printed in 1963, “each requested by an individual Arab, to be sent out from Beirut”. The IRD envisaged that it might soon receive “requests for 100,000 or more copies”, which was described as a “highly desirable” outcome.

One proposed project remains redacted in entirety.

‘Contingency money’

Beyond this, the oil companies provided the IRD with tens of thousands of pounds in “contingency money”, which was to be used as “a stimulator of desirable projects”.

Norman Reddaway, a seasoned British propagandist based in the British embassy in Beirut, described the contingency fund as “particularly useful for pump-priming and for persuading people that desirable things could be done in advance of agreement by London”.

The oil companies felt the IRD was making good use of their money and, by 1960, they wanted to help British propaganda operations expand.

For instance, Shell was “widening their field of interest and… thinking in terms of propaganda in distribution areas as well as in producing territories. They are thus concerned with the public image of the oil companies in places like West Africa as well as in the Middle East”.

As a result, the IRD “could take it that” the oil companies “had an interest in all production and refining areas and territories adjacent thereto. Thus, for example, Somalia was an area of interest because of its proximity to Aden”.

Foreign Office minutes from a top secret meeting with Shell and BP. (Photo: John McEvoy)


By late 1963, Shell and BP were beginning to express irritation at the IRD’s continued reliance on oil funds for ongoing projects.

Shell and BP had intended to pump-prime British covert propaganda projects so that these ventures could become self-sustaining. The oil companies, it was noted, were happy to help propaganda projects get off the ground but “did not like involving themselves in continuing commitments”.

In private correspondence dated 16 December 1963, Chisholm told Foreign Office official Leslie Glass that: “the object originally of the exercise on which we are engaged was to assist you to overcome certain financial restrictions in getting things moving at a critical and difficult time. We have been glad to continue our assistance with certain of these projects to our mutual advantage”.

Chisholm continued: “It was always our intention, however, that as projects reached full development and they justified financing from other sources, our contributions to them should tail off”.

Trench agreed, expressing hope that ANA, the Reuters service, and the Ariel Foundation – a British front organisation which facilitated exchanges of trade unionists and academics – “could be entirely financed from other sources by about 1966”.

The oil companies also found covert payments an awkward affair. Chisholm, for instance, “asked whether a less complicated method of making subventions was desirable”.

The IRD was not satisfied. In a draft response to Trench, one IRD official noted that “we are… faced always with the preliminary difficulty of being able to only approach you regarding projects which have a territorial interest common to you and your friends”.

Moreover, the IRD emphasised that “the result of a cessation of your [oil company] support would be that… undertakings would have to be cut down and be less freely available in the areas of common interest”.

Secret oil subsidies, in other words, were seen as central to the success of Britain’s propaganda operations in the region.

‘Very grateful’

Meanwhile, the IRD would have to discuss Latin America “bilaterally” with Shell, given the company’s interests in Venezuela outweighed BP’s interests in the region.

Despite the oil companies’ reservations, another £60,000 was provided to the IRD in 1964, for which British officials were “very grateful”. At this stage, future oil-funded projects in Algeria and the United Arab Republic were under consideration.

Secret oil subsidies to the IRD continued beyond 1964. As historian Athol Yatesfound, BP agreed in 1968 to fund broadcaster Sawt Al Saahil, a British covert radio station based in Sharjah (an emirate in the Gulf), to the tune of £3,000 for three years.

However, the extent to which Shell and BP funded British covert propaganda operations in the late and post-Cold War period remains unclear.

Shell and BP did not respond to requests for comment.


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John McEvoy is an independent journalist who has written for International History Review, The Canary, Tribune Magazine, Jacobin and Brasil Wire.

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If he survives until today, Khalil Awawda will have been on hunger strike for 172 days in protest against Israeli administrative detention without charge. On the weekend, his family and lawyer were permitted to visit him in an Israeli hospital where they took and published horrific photos of the starving man. His strike is the longest among scores of fasts staged by Palestinian prisoners over the past 55 years. Starvation is the only means they can adopt to challenge Israel.

The European Union representative in Jerusalem expressed shock over the images, made the point  he is striking “in protest against his detention without charges”, and warned, “he is in imminent danger of dying. Unless charged immediately, he has to be released.”

On August 21, the Israeli supreme court rejected his petition to be released. Its decision amounted to a “death sentence”, Palestinian lawyer and former negotiator Diana Buttu told Al Jazeera.

“The supreme court rubber stamps everything that the Israeli security services put forward. It is only in very rare circumstances that we actually see that they are pushing back against what the security services are saying.”

Awawda was arrested in December 2021. Israel claimed he was a member of the Israeli outlawed Islamic Jihad. This was dismissed by his lawyer. Awawdah, who comes from the town of Idna near Al Khalil (Hebron), is among several Palestinian prisoners currently on hunger strike. He suspended his strike after 111 days when he was told his term in detention would not be renewed but resumed his protest after it was renewed for six months.

Israel has retained the policy of administrative detention imposed by Britain during its mandate in Palestine (1920-1948) where Palestinians were struggling against the 1917 British policy of transforming their country into a Jewish homeland. Britain also deported Palestinians who resisted its policy as it did to freedom fighters in other British occupied lands. For some years Israel followed suit.

Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights groups contend the policy violates the right of prisoners to due process and is aimed at crushing Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation.  Israel is holding 4,400 prisoners, 680 of them in administrative detention.The recently banned Palestinian prisoners’ support organisation, Adameer, launched a campaign against administrative detention last year in the wake of the May attack on Gaza and uprising in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and among Palestinian citizens of Israel.  During May and June Israel issued more than 379 administrative detention orders, dramatically surpassing previous years. Over the same period in 2020, 208 orders were issued.

The Israeli rights organisation B’Tselem states,

“In administrative detention, a person is held without trial without having committed an offense, on the grounds that he or she plans to break the law in the future. As this measure is supposed to be preventive, it has no time limit. The person is detained without legal proceedings by order of the regional military commander, based on classified evidence that is not revealed to them. This leaves the detainees helpless…”

Amnesty International brands this policy as a “cruel, unjust practice which helps maintain Israel’s system of apartheid against Palestinians.” Amnesty argues, in general, that administrative detention violates Article 9 of the International Convenance on Civil and Political Rights which states “that no one should be subjected to arbitrary detention and that deprivation of liberty should must be based on grounds and procedures established by law.”

On August 16, Human Rights Watch called on Israel to immediately release the French-Palestinian human rights worker Salah Hamouri from administrative detention and reverse the decision to revoke his residency status in his native Jerusalem.” Hamouri, a lawyer associated with Adameer, was arrested on March 7. HRW said that Hamouri’s Jerusalem residence was revoked for “breaching allegiance to Israel,” justifying his deportation.

HRW stated,

“International humanitarian law expressly forbids an occupying power from compelling people under occupation to pledge loyalty to it.”

In 2014, the UN Human Rights Committee urged Israel to “end the practice of administrative detention and the use of secret evidence in administrative detention proceedings, and ensure that individuals subject of administrative detention orders are either promptly charged with a criminal offensive, or released”.

Hisham Abu Hawash, a construction worker from the West Bank town of Dura, ended his 141-day hunger strike in January this year when the Israeli authorities decided to release him from administrative detention. However, the Israelis returned him from the hospital to prison for a month until he had served the entire term of his detention. Gideon Levy and Alex Levac reported in the Israeli liberal daily Haaretz that his doctors at the Shamir Medical Centre where “he spent the final days of his hunger strike, told him that it would take a year-and-a-half for his body to recover”. He vowed to strike again if rearrested. He was the last of 17 detainees striking since July 2021 over detention without charge or trial. His strike was the third longest in the post-1967 occupation history of Palestinian hunger strikers.  In April 2013, Samer Issawi secured release from administrative detention after 166 days. His fast was the second longest.

Palestinians have struck for better conditions, family visits, an end to beatings and abuse, access to television and fresh clothing. Four have died from Israeli forced feeding. Many have been rearrested after release and subjected to several terms of administrative detention, as well as imprisonment.  Administration detention is an honourable occupation in Palestine.

Take the case of Faisal Husseini, son of Abdel Qader Husseini, commander of Palestinian forces who was killed fighting Israeli shock troops in the battle for Qastal in April 1948.

Born in 1940 in Baghdad during his father’s exile from British-occupied Palestine, Faisal Husseini lived a peripatetic life until settling back in his home city of Jerusalem before the Israeli conquest. He joined Fateh and began his resistance career. He was sentenced to a year in prison in October 1967.  In 1979, he and other Palestinian intellectuals established the Arab Studies which was closed down from time to time and finally shuttered by Israel in 2001 after his death.  He was placed under administrative detention from 1982-1987. He became a leading figure in the First Intifada (1987-93), and was detained repeatedly during  this time as well as being put under house arrest and deported to the West Bank from Jerusalem, where his family can trace its roots for 1,000 years.


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The UK significantly increased its expenditure on investment programmes in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain via a secretive fund which has been slammed repeatedly for its lack of transparency.

The UK more than doubled its funding to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain via a secretive fund despite repeated criticism over the Gulf states’ poor human rights record and a looming domestic cost of living crisis.

Freedom of Information requests revealed that the UK Foreign Office’s Gulf Strategy Fund (GSF) provided Saudi Arabia with a funding increase of £813,605 to £1.8 million in 2021-22. In Bahrain, funding was raised from £710,028 to £1.8 million.

The GSF has been slammed by several politicians and human rights groups for its lack of transparency, with senior MPs calling for it to be scrapped entirely.

“The UK works with partners around the world to improve their human rights record, including the Gulf,” said the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) according to Middle East Eye. 

“All cooperation through the Gulf Strategy Fund is subject to rigorous risk assessments to ensure all work meets our human rights obligations and values,” they added.

It is not clear what the increase in funds will be used for, or why it was implemented.

On Friday, the FCDO published updated “transparency data” on the GSF.

For Bahrain, the UK government said Britain “supports Bahrain-led and owned reform and capacity building programmes to deliver long-term security”.

This is followed by a series of bullet points listing schemes such as “criminal justice reform” without further information.

In Saudi Arabia, the UK has used the GSF to support Vision 2030 as well as to enhance “mutual prosperity by promoting inward investment”.

One of the bullet point list items simply says “smart cities and mobility opportunities in Saudi Arabia for UK companies”. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has launched a series of projects building megacities in the desert, including furitistic metropolis NEOM with a budget of US$500 billion.

An increase to the GSF comes as Britons face surging energy bills, with an estimated monthly energy bill of £3,000 to hit this winter. The UK government has been accused of offering an insufficient support package to help the most vulnerable afford power.

There are also concerns and growing scrutiny over human rights abuses in the two Gulf states.

Earlier this month, Leeds University student Salma al-Shehab was jailed for 34 years after she published a tweet that was mildly critical of a government programme.


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What’s Left in the CIA’s JFK Files?

September 1st, 2022 by Jefferson Morley

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One of my purposes at JFK Facts, the Substack edition, is to report on the U.S. government’s tortured failure to comply with the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Act. The law set a 25 year deadline for release of all U.S. government files related to the murder of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

In October 2017 President Trump caved in to CIA and FBI pressure and agreed to keep secret portions of some 15,000 assassination related records for four more years. The former president, who often expresses his disdain for the “deep state,” gave the CIA exactly what it wanted on JFK: more secrecy.

Last year, the JFK question landed on Biden’s desk. The CIA and other federal agencies told the president that COVID prevented them from complying with the law. “’The COVID dog at my homework” excuse, I told the Washington Post, was absurd and insulting. The ever-patient President BIden set a new deadline of December 15, 2022 for full JFK disclosure.

You can read Biden’s memorandum here.

JFK Facts will be watching the government’s performance carefully. Some people assert that there’s nothing important in the withheld material. While it is true that there is lots of trivial information is being concealed by CIA and FBI, that does not mean that all of the information that is withheld is trivial.

Four Who Knew

The CIA, for example, is still withholding significant portions of files about four CIA officers who knew far more about Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin, than they ever told investigators. They include:

Birch O’Neal, chief of the super-secret mole unit called the Special Investigations Group in the CIA’s Counterintelligence staff. O’Neal, former station chief in Guatemala, opened the Agency’s first file on Oswald in November 1959. Of the 224 pages in the O’Neal’s personnel file, 177 pages contain redactions, and three pages are redacted in their entirety. (For more on “the CIA’s Oswald expert,” read this.)

James Walton Moore, chief of the Dallas CIA office. He was informed that Oswald was in Dallas area in 1962 and recommended him to George de Mohrenschild, a itinerant geologist and CIA source. Moore’s role assisting CIA operations in Dallas was not disclosed to JFK investigators. A dozen pages of Moore’s personnel file are still redacted.

David Phillips, chief of Cuban operations in Mexico City, knew about Oswald’ contacts with the Cuban and Russian diplomatic offices six weeks before the assassination. When called to testify before Congress, Phillips changed his story about Oswald so often that HSCA counsel Richard Sprague called him “slithery.” Phillips played leading role in the CIA’s assassination of a Chilean general in 1970s. Many pages of Phillips 358 page personnel file are still redacted.

George Joannides, chief of psychological warfare operations in Miami, ran the Cuban exile student group (code name AMSPELL) that identified Oswald as a Castro supporter in New Orleans newspapers, radio and TV. The CIA hid Joannides’ financial support for Oswald’s antagonists from the Warren Commission. In 1978, Joannides himself deceived the House Select Committee on Assassinations about his role in the events of 1963. The CIA retains 44 documents about Joannides’ travels, cover, and intelligence methods in 1963 and 1978 that are redacted in their entirety.

Stay Tuned

These files are not the only important JFK records still being withheld but they do provide a good test of whether President Biden can enforce the JFK Records Act or not.

The JFK Records law, passed unanimously by Congress, was signed into law by a Republican, George H. Bush, and it was implemented by a Democrat, Bill Clinton. The JFK Records Act id an unusually strong open government law, giving an independent civilian review board, the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) the authority to review and release any government record related to JFK’s assassination.

If these files are not released in their entirety in December, it will be plain that the CIA intends to defy the law.


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Jefferson Morley is a Washington journalist and author. He is co-founder and editor of JFK Facts and vice president of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which sponsors the internet’s largest archive of records related to JFK’s assassination.

Featured image is from JFK Presidential Library and Museum

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In the 9,118th meeting of the UN Security Council, the situation in Afghanistan was discussed. 

Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), opened the meeting with the following statement (excerpt sourced from ReliefWeb),

The people in Afghanistan continue to face extreme hardship and uncertainty. And let me share some numbers with you.

Close to 19 million people are facing acute levels of food insecurity, including 6 million people at risk of famine.

More than half of the population – some 24 million people – need humanitarian assistance.

And an estimated 3 million children are acutely malnourished. They include over 1 million children estimated to be suffering from the most severe, life-threatening form of malnutrition. And without specialized treatment, these children could die.

Around 25 million people are now living in poverty and three quarters of people’s income is spent on food. There’s been a 50 per cent decline in households receiving remittances; unemployment could reach 40 per cent; and inflation is rising due to increased global prices, import constraints and currency depreciation.

These are the figures, Mr. President, and they’re devastating and frankly they’re difficult to comprehend. We worry that they will soon become worse. Once the cold weather sets in, food and fuel prices – already high – will skyrocket, and families will have to choose between feeding their children, sending them to school, taking them to a doctor when they fall sick, or keeping them warm.

Mr. President, Afghanistan’s problems are, unfortunately, neither new nor unique.

There are many musts, Mr. President. But there are many opportunities. The path is clear, and the dangers equally so.

The people of Afghanistan are still there. They have shown incredible resilience over the decades and in this last year. Our task is to help them to prosper, to flourish and to be safe. Thank you very much.


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Why Government Health Care Kills More People Than It Helps

September 1st, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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August 17, 2022, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky publicly admitted the agency’s COVID response “fell short,” and that an internal reorganization has been launched to improve response times and data sharing, and to make health guidance easier to understand. Six days before this announcement, the CDC published updated COVID guidance, now matching what “misinformation spreaders” have called for all along

The vow to revamp fails to take into account the real reasons why people no longer trust the CDC, namely their dishonesty, their suppression of science that doesn’t fit the Great Reset narrative, and their protection of Big Pharma at the expense of American lives, including children and pregnant women

Despite widespread failures and blatant corruption within the CDC, the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration, the Health and Human Services’ (HHS) is asking for a bigger budget. Its proposed budget for 2023 is $1.7 TRILLION in mandatory spending and another $127.3 BILLION in discretionary spending

Of those budgeted trillions, the CDC will in 2023 receive about 1% of the HHS budget, or $10.6 billion — $2.3 billion more than its 2022 appropriation — and this includes “mandatory funding to establish a Vaccines for Adults program”

The CDC being wrong on everything about the pandemic — and taking two and a half years to admit even a fraction of it — is proof positive that centralizing health care decisions is a bad idea. Ideally, all that HHS money should be divided among the states. We’d be far better off with local community programs handling current HHS services — including pandemic response


After botching the COVID response in every possible and improbable way, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now wants more money — and more power.

August 17, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky publicly admitted the agency’s COVID response “fell short,” and that an internal reorganization has been launched to improve response times and data sharing, and to make health guidance easier to understand.1,2

“My goal is a new, public health action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness,” Walensky said in a statement.

The problem is that reorganization will not fix the foundational problem, which is that the CDC can’t seem to quit protecting Big Pharma the expense of public health. Americans have lost faith in the CDC for the simple reason that it’s been lying to us day in and day out for two and a half years.

They’ve flouted basic rules and regulations, they’ve redefined well-established medical terms to suit the chosen narrative, they’ve made recommendations without scientific support while telling us to “trust the science.” They’ve completely ignored massive, unprecedented safety signals for both the COVID jabs and remdesivir, flatly refusing to answer questions about the mounting deaths and injuries from these drugs.

They’ve refused to take into account other public health parameters such as suicides and alcoholism caused by lockdowns, and deaths due to lack of treatment for chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. They’re also refusing to address what is clearly deteriorating immune function among the COVID-jabbed. The list goes on.

In March 2022, Walensky admitted they “never suspected” the effectiveness of the shots might wane, despite clear and abundant evidence — shared on alternative media platforms — that the shots were not working.

What’s more, she admitted her source for the “95% effective” claim was a CNN report (which in turn pulled its information directly from a Pfizer press release). That’s the level of data gathering for decision making we’re dealing with here.

I guess that’s what happens when the vast majority of CDC employees, including Walensky herself, work from home for years on end. Considering Walensky STILL works from home to this day,3,4 one also wonders how effective these supposed reorganization efforts can actually be.

The CDC is a wholly captured agency, beholden to Big Pharma, and as long as a single decision maker remains, they can reorganize and restructure to their hearts’ content. It won’t change a thing. As noted by The Defender,5 the CDC needs to be replaced with “a public health model that operates independently from Big Pharma.”

Health and Human Services to Get $1.7 Trillion

Failures and ineptitudes be damned, the Health and Human Services’ (HHS) proposed budget6 for 2023 is now an eye-popping $1.7 TRILLION in mandatory spending (up from 1.5 trillion in 20227), and another $127.3 BILLION in discretionary spending (down from 131.8 billion in 20228).

Operating divisions9 under the HHS include not only the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration, but also the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid and several others. In total, the HHS employs some 80,000 people.10

Of those budgeted trillions, the CDC will in 2023 receive 1% of the HHS budget or $10.6 billion11 — $2.3 billion more than its 2022 appropriation — and this includes “mandatory funding to establish a Vaccines for Adults program.”

Yet with all that supposed brain power and money, what exactly do they accomplish? I would argue “precious little,” and the CDC’s COVID response is a perfect example of how our taxpayer funds are being wasted on advice that range from bad to worse.

The problem with concentrated power is that it gets corrupted. After 69 years, it seems the HHS is finally entering its death throes, as corruption within many of its operating divisions is now shockingly blatant.

The same goes for the World Health Organization. Incidentally, its biannual budget for 2022-2023 of $6.7 billion12 is dwarfed by the HHS budget. Still, the WHO is now seeking to gain control over health decisions globally. I explain why this is such a horrendous and unworkable idea in “The WHO Is a Corrupt, Unhealthy Organization.”

The CDC being wrong on everything about the pandemic, and taking two and a half years to admit even a fraction of it, is proof positive that centralizing health care decisions is a bad idea. Ideally, all that money should be divided among the states. We’d be far better off with local community programs handling current HHS services — including pandemic response.

CDC’s Botched Test Kits

The errors of the CDC are too numerous to recount in a single article, but let’s take a look at one of the doozies, namely its botched COVID test. As reported by HealthDay reporters Robert Preidt and Robin Foster, back in December 2021:13

“Along with being contaminated, there was also a basic design flaw in COVID-19 testing kits created by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention early in the pandemic, a new agency review shows.

It was already known that the PCR kits were contaminated, but the CDC’s findings published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE14 are the first to note a design error that caused false positives.

When the CDC’s test kits were developed and distributed in the early weeks of the pandemic, there were no other authorized tests available … The agency started shipping the test kits to public health laboratories in early February 2020, but many labs soon told the CDC that the tests were producing inconclusive results.

The CDC acknowledged later that month that the kits were flawed, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials said in April that poor manufacturing practices had caused contamination of the kits …”

So, the tests had not just one but two problems. First, they were contaminated with synthetic fragments, sequences of genetic material from the virus that are used to ensure the test is working properly. These synthetic sequences are thought to have contaminated the kits during quality testing, as they were being manufactured in the same CDC lab where quality testing took place.

Secondly, the CDC failed to catch a serious design flaw. The test was designed to detect the presence of three specific genetic regions or sequences of the virus. The test kit included a set of primers that bound to and made copies of those regions (when they were present in the patient, indicating exposure to the virus), as well as probes that fluoresced to signal that copying was taking place.

To work properly, these primers and probes had to bind to the genetic sequences, but not to each other. Here, one of the probes had a tendency to bind to one of the primers, thereby triggering a fluorescent signal, suggesting a positive result. This is how the test ended up producing an unacceptable number of false positives.

Eventually, smaller private companies ended up providing most of the PCR tests — without encountering these contamination and design flaw problems. The fact that the PCR test cannot identify an active infection and were used to create a false “casedemic” is another story, which we’ve covered multiple times. Here too, the CDC displayed shocking dishonesty, alternatively hiding and manipulating data to make the pandemic out to be something it really wasn’t.

They also recommended mask wearing despite overwhelming scientific evidence showing masks don’t prevent the spread of viruses. Time and again, CDC leadership made public health decisions on what appears to have been nothing more than assumption, personal opinion or fear — and that’s if you’re kind enough to exclude the possibility of fraud and collusion to benefit Big Pharma and the globalist Great Reset agenda.

Did HHS Create the Problem?

As mentioned, the HHS runs the NIH and CDC, both of which are implicated in the creation of SARS-CoV-2. So, basically, the same circle of people who may have created the problem are also in charge of solving it and providing a cure.

We’ve already seen how “effective” they’ve been in that regard. They’ve devastated public health with useless lockdowns, mask mandates and social distancing, and killed an as-yet undetermined but extraordinarily high number of people with improper, dangerous and experimental treatments.

As noted in “Why the COVID Jab Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women,” the CDC to this day insists pregnant women get the COVID shot,15 despite trial data suggesting it may cause miscarriage in 8 out of 10 cases.16,17,18 Will reorganization eventually correct this murderous advice?

In an August 2, 2022, Current Affairs interview,19 professor Jeffrey Sachs, chair of The Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission, said he believes the U.S. government is preventing a thorough investigation into the origin of the pandemic, for the simple reason that the virus was the result of U.S. research. Indeed, there are patents spanning decades to suggest that’s true (see “Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus”).

If our very worst suspicions are true, then the U.S. government funded not only one bioweapon but two — the original SARS-CoV-2 and the gene transfer injections misrepresented as “COVID vaccines.” And the HHS divisions of the FDA and CDC went along with all of it, not even pausing at the possibility of killing or injuring 6-month-old infants and toddlers.

Waging War on Pathogens Is a Failed Strategy

In an August 10, 2022, Brownstone Institute article, Aaron Vandiver, a wildlife conservationist, writer and former litigator, reviews why the global war on pathogens is a failed strategy that needs to end:20

“Bill Gates has called the global response to COVID-19 a ‘world war.’ His militaristic language has been echoed by Anthony Fauci and other architects of COVID-19 policy for the last two and half years … I believe that an ecological perspective reveals many of the flaws inherent in an aggressive high-tech attack on a pathogen…

To me, the ‘war’ on COVID-19 has been characterized by a destructive set of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that appear to be deeply engrained in our political and economic institutions, and which form a pattern that should be recognizable to conservationists and ecologists.

1. Aggressive intervention in complex natural processes using new, poorly understood technologies designed to achieve narrowly defined short-term goals, with disregard for the potential long-term ramifications;

2. Profiteering by private interests that own the technologies, enabled by government entities and ‘experts’ that have been financially captured by those interests;

3. Followed by a cascade of unintended consequences.”

In the remainder of the article,21 Vandiver goes into several aggressive and destructive COVID interventions in greater detail — and their consequences. I recommend reading through it.

Importantly, when we go to war against pathogens, we go to war against ourselves, because without pathogens we cannot exist. The key to health is balanced co-existence with bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, which exist by the trillions in and on our bodies.

The Twisted Logic Behind Gain-of-Function Research

Vandiver, like Sachs, also points out that gain-of-function research funded by the NIH appears to be the most logical and most heavily supported theory as to the origin of the pandemic, and that denial of the lab leak theory is underpinned by reckless scientists unwilling to recognize the risks inherent in their work.

“Most fail to realize that Fauci and other proponents of ‘gain of function’ have long shown reckless disregard for the risks of tampering with natural viruses, expressing a paranoid attitude toward nature that is the antithesis of respect for ecology,” Vandiver writes.

“Fauci and others claim that ‘Mother Nature Is the Ultimate Bioterrorist’ to justify their Frankenstein-like efforts to hunt down the most dangerous viruses that exist in wild nature, take them to labs like the one in Wuhan, and tinker around with them to make them more dangerous and deadly.

Their twisted logic seems to be that if they intentionally create superviruses, they can somehow anticipate and prepare for natural pandemics. Most objective observers, however, say that ‘gain of function’ is a military-industrial boondoggle that has no practical benefit whatsoever and dramatically increases the risk of pandemics …

It remains inconclusive whether ‘gain of function’ research actually caused the COVID-19 pandemic, but its potential to have done so is a vivid example of how powerful actors like Fauci use technological tools to interfere with natural processes, with disregard if not outright contempt for the long-term ecological consequences, thereby creating opportunities to exercise more power.”

In conclusion, Vandiver notes:22

“If we carefully analyze each aspect of ‘world war’ on COVID-19, we can see how each tactic and high-tech ‘weapon’ has harmed human health, destabilized civil society, and possibly disrupted the ecological balance between the human population and the virus, while enriching private interests and empowering financially captured government regulators.

The ‘war’ has been characterized the distinct pattern that I described at the beginning of this essay … This destructive pattern appears to be deeply ingrained in our institutions and in the outlook of our leaders. It largely defines our society’s dysfunctional relationship with the natural world.

An ecological perspective that keeps this pattern in mind, and takes into account all of the consequences of launching high-tech ‘wars’ on pathogens or any other part of our environment may help us avoid similar catastrophes in the future, or at least to recognize them.”

Death by Medicine

In “Are Medical Errors Still the Third Leading Cause of Death?” I review the now decades-long history of modern medicine being a leading cause of death, at times spinning up to take first place, and rarely dipping below fourth. Several studies and investigations over the years have placed medicine and medical errors as the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

The pandemic has revealed just how dangerous it is to listen to dog whistles like “trust the science.” Which science? The one Big Pharma concocts to make money or the one that double checks and investigates claims independently?

The CDC’s COVID policies were all wrong — consistently 180 degrees from helpful — and have only recently been updated23 to match what all of us “misinformation spreaders” have been saying for well over two years. That update was published August 11, just six days before Walensky announced the CDC’s reorganization plans.

I’m not buying the idea that the CDC suddenly realized it was going in the wrong direction. They knew it from the start, and they did it intentionally. I suspect they’re only now starting to course correct because mainstream media are losing its grip on the public.

Mainstream media were their cover for every obnoxious, unscientific recommendation, and without that brainwashing arm, the CDC has no way to turn but back. Like Dr. Anthony Fauci, they probably realize that the political tide is turning, people are fed up with the “1984” double-speak, and if Republicans take the House in November, the CDC could well be facing any number of investigations.

Senators Promise Investigations

August 23, 2022, two U.S. senators promised a “full-throated investigation” of Fauci’s and former NIH-chief Francis Collins’ potential roles in the origin of the pandemic, and issued a formal request for the HHS and NIH to preserve documents and communications.24

Leadership at the CDC and FDA also need to be investigated and questioned about the ins and outs of their decision making. Not that I think they’ll ever admit to “working for the devil,” meaning the Deep State cabal that is using COVID as a cover for a global takeover, but there needs to be a reckoning nonetheless.

Those willing to sacrifice the lives, futures and Constitutional rights of Americans on behalf of these transhumanist psychopaths need to be ruthlessly weeded out. And then, we need to implement new public health systems, perhaps new agencies, with powers that are more limited in scope and state-run rather than federal.

Never, ever, should an agency like the CDC be allowed to ban doctors from treating patients, for example, based on their own expertise and experience. What has happened during this pandemic, and is still happening, is a true crime against humanity. We must never forget how health officials, government officials, media and other influencers tried to foment hatred against the unvaccinated, and how they’ve been willing to discriminate to the point of death.

The CDC has now backtracked on discrimination, agreeing people should not be treated based on their vaccination status. But we remember the calls for “re-education camps” and no-fly lists. Backtracking is not going to erase the attempts to destroy the lives of those who refused to play their Russian roulette.

I, for one, would love to hear the CDC explain why they have ignored the blaring safety signal of nearly 1.3 MILLION reports of COVID jab injuries in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).25 Wouldn’t you?


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1 CNBC August 17, 2022

2 Fox News August 17, 2022

3 Twitter Jenna Luche-Thayer August 17, 2022

4 New York Times August 17, 2022

5 The Defender August 18, 2022

6 FY 2023 Budget

7, 8 HHS FY 2022 Budget

9 HHS Organizational Chart

10 HHS Careers

11 CDC Media Statement March 28, 2022

12 WHO 2022-2023 budget

13 US News December 16, 2021

14 PLOS ONE December 15, 2021

15 Updated July 14, 2022

16 Pierre Kory Substack August 20, 2022

17 Wayback NEJM Letter to the Editor June 27, 2021

18 Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law November 2021; 4: 130-143

19 Current Affairs August 2, 2022

20, 21, 22 Brownstone Institute August 10, 2022

23 MMWR August 11, 2022; 71

24 The Defender August 24, 2022

25 OpenVAERS Through August 12, 2022

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

Biden Administration Backs Offshore Fracking in California

September 1st, 2022 by Center For Biological Diversity

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The Biden administration filed a request today asking the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn a lower court decision that halted offshore fracking in federal waters off California. Today’s filing asks for an “en banc” review of the key ruling.

Both the Center for Biological Diversity and California attorney general Kamala Harris sued the federal government in 2016 to stop offshore fracking. In June a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit upheld a lower court decision that prohibits offshore fracking in federal waters off the California coast. Now the administration is asking for en banc review to overturn that ruling and allow offshore fracking to resume.

“It’s incredibly disappointing to see the Biden administration doing the oil industry’s bidding by defending fracking off the California coast,” said Kristen Monsell, an attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity. “This contradicts the administration’s climate goals, because fast-tracking offshore fracking will mean more dirty fossil fuels. The 9th Circuit’s decision was well-reasoned and the right one under the law. We’re confident this effort to overturn it will be rejected. Offshore fracking shouldn’t be allowed at all, let alone without a careful, comprehensive analysis of its harmful environmental effects.”

The 9th Circuit’s June ruling found that the federal government violated the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act when it allowed fracking in offshore oil and gas wells in all leased federal waters off California.

The appeals court order prohibits the Department of the Interior from issuing fracking permits until it completes Endangered Species Act consultation and an environmental impact statement that “fully and fairly evaluate[s] all reasonable alternatives.”

The decision was the result of three separate lawsuits filed by the Center, the state of California, and other organizations.

At least 10 fracking chemicals routinely used in offshore fracking could kill or harm a broad variety of marine species, including sea otters and fish, Center scientists have found. The California Council on Science and Technology has identified some fracking chemicals to be among the most toxic in the world to marine animals.


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Featured image: Oil rigs off the California coast. Credit: Drew Bird Photo

Stop the Toronto Air Show. “No New Fighter Jets”

September 1st, 2022 by World Beyond War

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Activists are expected to protest the Toronto air show because of its ties to arms manufacturers, the fact that it re-traumatizes victims of war, and that it’s an attempt to sell the Canadian public on warplanes. The Canadian government is currently in a bidding process to purchase 88 new fighter jets next year.

Activists from World BEYOND War, No New Fighter Jets Coalition, Independent Jewish Voices, Defund the Police Fund Our Communities, Canadian Defenders for Human Rights, and more will gather at Dufferin Gate Loop (158 Dufferin St. Toronto) to protest the Toronto Airshow.

WHAT: Activists from World BEYOND War, No New Fighter Jets Coalition, Independent Jewish Voices, Defund the Police Fund Our Communities, Canadian Defenders for Human Rights, and more will demonstrate with banners, leaflets, and free resources for passersby.

WHEN: Sunday, September 4th, 12PM. Follow on Facebook & on Twitter @wbwcanada for photos & updates.

WHERE: Dufferin Gate Loop (158 Dufferin St. Toronto)

VISUALS: Large banners, Toronto downtown, large crowd.


  • Lockheed Martin, one of the major sponsors of the air show, has seen their stocks soar nearly 25 percent since the start of the new year. Just prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Lockheed Martin Chief Executive Officer James Taiclet said on an earnings call that he predicted the conflict would lead to inflated defence budgets and additional sales for the company. Further, Lockheed’s F-35 Jet is advertised in the show; the 110 million dollar jet is designed for first strike attack and is dual-capable for carrying both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons.
  • Canada has become one of the world’s top arms dealers globally, and is the second-biggest weapons supplier to the Middle East region. Most Canadian arms are exported to Saudi Arabia and other countries engaged in violent conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, even though these customers were repeatedly implicated in serious violations of international humanitarian law.
  • Canada’s current stock of fighter jets have spent the last few decades bombing Libya, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria, prolonging violent conflict and contributing to massive humanitarian and refugee crises. These operations had an immediate deadly toll on human life, and killed many more by destroying vital civilian infrastructure.
  • The Canadian International Airshow (CIAS) expects to host around 2,500 showgoers each day. However, Lori Duthie, CIAS executive director, said a million people typically spread out along the shore to watch the show.


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Iranian and Israeli news agencies report that Tel Aviv’s attack of Damascus and Aleppo airports on 31 August came in response to the landing of the same Iranian cargo plane at both airfields.

According to Iran’s official Tasnim News Agency, Israel launched its first attack of the night on Aleppo airport roughly ten minutes after the plane landed in the city.

After this attack was over, the plane in question took off from Aleppo and headed for Damascus, where once again the Israeli army bombed the runway minutes after the plane landed.

Israeli news outlet Haaretz claims the cargo plane was an Iranian airliner that has been sanctioned by the US for alleged ties to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

In an unprecedented attack, on Wednesday night Israeli missiles hit the runways of Syria’s two main airfields.

This was the first time since the beginning of the conflict that Israel targets both airports on the same night, just one hour apart.

Syrian air-defense systems in Latakia intercepted several Israeli missiles fired from the Levantine Sea, causing loud explosions in the area.

No casualties were reported from the attacks, although both airfields suffered material losses. The attack in the Syrian capital also knocked out power in several areas of the city.

Wednesday’s attack marked the second time this year that Tel Aviv targets Damascus International Airport.

On 10 June, the Israeli army launched a vicious attack on Syria’s main airfield, destroying vital sections of the runways and causing Damascus airport to go completely out of service for a period of two weeks.

According to Israeli media, the decision to destroy the airport’s runways was an attempt to deny Iran access to infrastructure that could be utilized for weapon transfers.

In view of the occupation of Iraq in 2003 and the recent occupation of Al-Tanf zone in Damascus governorate by US forces, Syrian airports have been the most reliable means of transportation employed by Iran to support resistance against Israeli attacks in Lebanon and Gaza.


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In the Months Prior to 9/11: US Covert Support to Al Qaeda in Macedonia, “Financing Both Sides”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 31, 2022

While Washington supports the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, it is at the same time – behind the scenes – funneling money and military hardware to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) now engaged in a border war with the Macedonian Security Forces. In a cruel irony, Washington is arming and advising both the KLA attackers and the Macedonian defenders under military and intelligence authorization acts approved by the US Congress.

The Biden Administration and Two Looming Crises: An Economic and Financial Crisis and a Hegemonic War

By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, August 31, 2022

Besides the lingering Covid-19 pandemic and the on-going climate crisis, which will be accompanied by an energy crisis, not to mention the coming migration crisis, the world could be facing two man-made major crises in the years to come, i.e. an economic and financial crisis and a hegemonic war crisis.

Baghdad Is in Chaos After Almost 20 Years Since the US Invasion

By Steven Sahiounie, August 31, 2022

The latest death toll has risen to 30 Iraqis as Baghdad descends into chaos and violence, with another 390 protesters wounded from bullets and tear gas inhalation. In March 2023, it will mark the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and yet the country has never recovered and still has no stable democracy.

Macron’s Attempt to Exploit Algerian Gas Unlikely to Succeed

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 31, 2022

Amid the search for diversification of energy sources, France seems ready to resume some of its colonial ties with Algeria. The African country is an important gas producer and can help Europe with supplies at this time of widespread shortages as consequence of anti-Russian sanctions. However, it remains to be seen whether it is in the Algerian interest to play this role of “substitute” for Russia that France wants it to play.

Washington’s “Modern Cold War” Against Africa. SADC Summit Rejects Anti-Russian Bill in U.S. Congress

By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 31, 2022

A recent gathering of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has expressed its displeasure with recent legislation making its way through the United States Congress which is aimed at punishing the continent for its diplomatic and trade relations with the Russian Federation.

Rockefeller Foundation Funds Behavioral Scientists to Brainwash People Into Taking COVID Injections

By Mac Slavo, August 31, 2022

An initiative funded in part by the Rockefeller Foundation is investing an initial $7.2 million in behavioral research. This particular study will be focused on brainwashing the public into getting the COVID-19 injections, the foundation announced last week.

The Cult of Modern Psychology: “Psychiatric Drugs Are Dangerous”

By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, August 31, 2022

On August 27th, New York Times reporter Matt Richtel published an article entitled “This Teen Was Prescribed 10 Psychiatric Drugs: She’s Not Alone.” The article begins as an honest indictment of psychiatry’s rising irresponsible practice of over prescribing multiple powerful drugs for teens struggling with anxiety, depression and other behavioral disorders. Richtel states the problem clearly.

Young Doctors in Canada Are Dying at Rate 23x Normal After the Second Booster

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The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) data for 2020 shows doctors in Canada aged 50 and under die at a rate of about 6 per year. After the latest booster, 6 Canadian doctors, 50 and under, died within a 15 day period. Something is very wrong here, but nobody wants to talk about it or look into it. They’d rather look the other way.

Beggars in Surplus: Australia’s University Gangsters

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 31, 2022

With the election of a new government in Australia in May, the begging bowls were being readied by administrators in the university sector.  Bloated, ungainly, ruthless and uneven in quality, the country’s universities, for the most part, had inadvertently made their case for more public funding harder.

Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF “Great Reset”

By F. William Engdahl, August 31, 2022

A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet. The firm, BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, invests a staggering $9 trillion in client funds worldwide, a sum more than double the annual GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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This essay was first published by in April 2001, barely 5 months before the September 11, 2001 attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.

It was subsequently published by Global Research when the site was launched in September 9, 2001. That was twenty-two years ago. 

What is of utmost significance in our understanding of Al Qaeda’s alleged role in 9/11 is that US military operatives on contract the Pentagon were involved (in the months leading up to 9/11) in providing support to separatist forces in Macedonia with links to al Qaeda. 

Michel Chossudovsky, August 31, 2022

US Finances Ethnic Warfare in the Balkans

by Michel Chossudovsky, April 2001,

Global Research, September 2001


While Washington supports the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, it is at the same time – behind the scenes – funneling money and military hardware to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) now engaged in a border war with the Macedonian Security Forces. In a cruel irony, Washington is arming and advising both the KLA attackers and the Macedonian defenders under military and intelligence authorization acts approved by the US Congress. Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a mercenary outfit on contract to the Pentagon, is helping Macedonia – as part of a US military aid package – “to deter armed aggression and defend Macedonian territory.” But MPRI is also advising and equipping the KLA, which is responsible for the terrorist assaults. In this war, the American military-intelligence apparatus is pulling strings “on both sides of the fence.” What is the hidden agenda?

“[The] United States of America and the Kosovo Liberation Army stand for the same human values and principles … Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values.”(Senator Joseph Lieberman, quoted in the Washington Post, 28 April 1999)


The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) – transformed in September 1999 into the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) under UN auspices – is behind the terrorist attacks in the Tetovo region of Macedonia as well as in Southern Serbia. In Macedonia, these assaults are waged by the KLA’s proxy: the Ushtira Clirimtare Komtare (UCK) or National Liberation Army (NLA). The terrorists operate from KLA bases inside Kosovo under KFOR protection.

Supported by the US, the KLA and its various proxies are well equipped. According to Carl Bildt (special UN coordinator for the Balkans), the Macedonian Security Forces “are no match” for the rebels:

“the guerrillas are a competent military organization… They have a core of very experienced fighters. They are well fortified, evidently well prepared, and in all probability they control substantial parts of the hinterland.”

But where did they get the money? The Western media conveys the impression that the National Liberation Army (NLA) developed into a modern rebel force overnight, spontaneously “out of thin air” and that NATO leaders have no contacts with the KLA.


According to the (London) Sunday Times,

“American intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia.”1

A review of US Congressional documents would suggest that CIA support was not discontinued after the war.2 Moreover, while the KLA maintains its links both to the CIA and criminal syndicates involved in the Balkans narcotics trade, the paramilitary organisation -renamed the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) has been elevated to UN status, implying the granting of legitimate sources of funding through UN as well as through bilateral channels.

Procurement of military supplies, training of the KLA and military advisers has been entrusted to Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a US based mercenary outfit linked to the Pentagon. The pattern is similar to that followed in Croatia and in the Bosnian Muslim-Croatian Federation where so-called “equip and train” programmes were put together by the Pentagon.

MPRI’s training concepts – which had already been tested in Croatia and Bosnia – are based on imparting “offensive tactics… as the best form of defence.”3 In the Kosovar context, this so-called “defensive doctrine” applied in terrorist assaults in Southern Serbia and Macedonia is intent upon transforming the KLA paramilitary into a modern military force which serves the Alliance’s strategic objectives. MPRI listed in 1999 “ninety-one highly experienced, former military professionals working in Bosnia & Herzegovina.”4 The number of military officers working on contract with the KLA has not been disclosed.

There is, however, a consistent thread: KLA Chief of Staff Agim Ceku (previously with the Croatian Armed Forces) has been involved in a long-term relationship with the MPRI. Ceku started working with MPRI in 1995 in the planning of “Operation Storm” in Croatia, which led to ethnic massacres and the expulsion of more than 200.000 Serbs from the Krajina region of Croatia. The fact that Ceku is “an alleged war criminal” – according to the files of the Hague Tribunal (a body reporting to the UN Secretary General) – does not, however, seem to bother anybody in the “international community.”5

Ceku holds a UN passport (Laissez-Passer) which provides him with diplomatic immunity within Kosovo. According to ICTY prosecutor Carla del Ponte, Ceku’s reputation and integrity, however, are unstained because the Hague tribunal’s “inquiries … relate to atrocities committed [by Ceku] in Krajina … between 1993 and 1995. Ceku’s record in Kosovo itself is not thought to be in question.”6

Behind to polite façade of international diplomacy, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has – on Washington’s instructions – knowingly and willfully approved the appointment of “an alleged war criminal” to participate in a UN peacekeeping operation. In other words, the UN system is “financing terrorism,” creating an ugly precedent in the history of a respected international body: “The United Nations is paying the salaries of many of the gangsters,” who are now involved in the terrorist assaults into Macedonia.7


US support to the KLA is only one among several sources of KLA financing. Various Islamic organisations have channeled money and military equipment to the KLA. Prior to the 1999 war,

“German, Turkish and Afghan instructors were reported to be training the KLA in guerilla and diversion tactics.”8

Mujehadeen mercenaries recruited in a number of countries fought against Serb Security forces alongside the KLA in Kosovo. According to the ‘Sunday Times,’ the recent assaults by the KLA’s proxy in the Tetovo region of Macedonia have been “encouraged by mercenaries from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.”9

Amply documented, the Balkans drug trade is used to finance ethnic warfare with the complicity of the US and NATO. The pattern of covert support – through the recycling of narco-dollars – has been an integral part of CIA covert operations since the Soviet-Afghan war. According to documents of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), “members of the notorious Albanian mafia have links to a drug smuggling cartel” based in Kosovo’s capital, Pristina. This cartel is allegedly manned by ethnic Albanians who are members of the Kosovo National Front (KNF) whose armed wing is the KLA. The DEA documents apparently show it is one of the “most powerful heroin smuggling organisations in the world” with its profits being diverted to the KLA to buy weapons.10

In the words of former DEA agent and author Michael Levine:

“Ten years ago we were arming and equipping the worst elements of the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan – drug traffickers, arms smugglers, anti-American terrorists…Now we’re doing the same thing with the KLA, which is tied in with every known middle and far eastern drug cartel. Interpol, Europol, and nearly every European intelligence and counter-narcotics agency has files open on drug syndicates that lead right to the KLA, and right to Albanian gangs in this country.”11

While US aid – combined with drug money – is channeled to the KLA, Washington and Brussels perfunctorily condemn the NLA-Tetovo instigated terrorist assaults while casually denying the links of the attackers to the KLA. In the words of former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana: “‘it would be a mistake to negotiate,… the terrorists have to be isolated. All of us have to condemn and isolate them. Nothing can be achieved through violence” …

NATO has pledged to ”starve” the rebels by cutting supply lines from neighboring Kosovo.”12 While condemning the terrorists, NATO – through the UN – has also been “raising the urgent need for restraint by the Macedonian forces.”13

This double talk is of course a form of political camouflage: you say that you are against the terrorists and then support them via the KLA with guns, ammo and military advisers paid by the US public purse.


But there is something else even more terrifying which has not been revealed to public opinion. The guerilla war in the Tetovo region of Macedonia is being financed and therefore controlled by Washington “on both sides” of the border. While Washington pumps money into the KLA, the FYR of Macedonia – which has been an obedient client state – is also the recipient of US military aid and training. Macedonia is a member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) and aspires to acquire full NATO membership.

The same group of US military advisers on contract with the KLA is also “helping” the Macedonian Armed Forces. The MPRI – while assisting the KLA in its terrorist assaults – is also present behind enemy lines in Macedonia under a so-called “Stability and Deterrence Program.” The later is intent upon “assisting the Macedonian Armed Forces … to deter armed aggression and, should deterrence fail, defend Macedonian territory….”14 What is happening is that the US mercenary company with a mandate “to defend the border” is also advising the KLA on how best “to attack the border.”

Is this not crystal clear: The military-intelligence ploy is to finance both sides of the conflict, provide military aid to one side and finance the other side. And then “make them fight.” It’s a sinister military-intelligence game, an “insider operation” with US military advisers on both sides from the same mercenary outfit (the MPRI). Macedonia’s “Stability and Deterrence Program” is in fact largely supported by US foreign military sales (FMS), namely MPRI is in charge of delivering (i.e. dumping) to the Macedonian Armed Forces obsolete weapons and hardware which the US Department of Defense wants to get rid of.

Moreover, with its various sources of financing (drugs, Islamic organisations, US military aid, contributions from the US-Albanian community), the KLA and its Macedonian proxy the Ushtira Clirimtare Komtare have the upper edge. The money channeled from various sources including the drug trade far exceeds the meager FMS allocations granted in the form of surplus military equipment to the Macedonian Ministry of Defence.15

The friendly and cordial meetings held in Skopje (July 2000) between General Henry H. Shelton, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and his Macedonian counterpart, General Jovan Andrevski, constitute an obvious smoke screen. While America’s top brass pays lip service to its PfP partner and ally, the KLA – with the support of the Albanian American community – is actively recruiting US citizens to fight as volunteers against the Macedonian Security Forces.16 Bear in mind that this pattern of “financing both sides” is not limited to the Balkans: since the end of the Cold War, Washington has been involved in channeling covert financing and triggering civil conflicts in different parts of the World including Central Africa, the Caucasus and Central Asia. By financing both sides of the conflict, the US controls the outcome of the war.


While recruiting a wide range of military and intelligence expertise from its data bank of former military personnel, MPRI is controlled by a handful of former generals and ex-CIA officers. MPRI General (retired) Rich Griffitts – responsible for MPRI’s program in Macedonia – is talking to the Macedonian Chief of Staff. He also talks to KLA Commander Agim Ceku – with whom he has established a longstanding relationship since Operation Storm in Croatia in 1995. Ceku is part of the MPRI’s “old boys network”; in collaboration with MPRI, he was one of the main architects of “Operation Storm.” In this capacity, he also acted as Commander of the Artillery division, which ruthlessly shelled Krajina Serb civilians!17

Whether MPRI personnel stationed in Kosovo is in direct contact or communication with their colleagues in Macedonia is not the issue: all MPRI military staff in the field report back to Rich Griffitt, Crosbie Saint and Carl Vuono (President of MPRI) at the company’s headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. Crosbie Saint – in charge of the company’s “International Group” – coordinates MPRI’s various operations in Kosovo and Macedonia as well as in Croatia and Bosnia. In turn, Saint – who is a former director of military intelligence – is in permanent contact with the Pentagon, KFOR and the CIA.18


So what kind of war is this? Both sides in the Macedonia border war are controlled by the US. American military personnel from the same private mercenary company are stationed on “both sides of the fence” assisting their local counterparts to fight a war on Washington’s behest.

If this war is allowed to continue, it will inevitably lead to the escalation of ethnic hatred, civilian casualties and refugees. This in turn will result in political destabilization and social unrest in both Macedonia and Yugoslavia, thereby providing a pretext to Washington and NATO to directly intervene under the disguise of “peace-keeping” and “confidence building.” The hidden agenda also consists in the mobilization of ethnic Albanians in Macedonia to support or become part of the KLA’S structure.

In other words, Washington is “financing ethnic warfare” as a means to achieving broad geopolitical, strategic and economic objectives using the KLA as proxy force. Meanwhile, the ‘international community” – warning of an impending “humanitarian disaster” – has sent in an army of observers and human rights experts, with a mandate to protect the political and social rights of ethnic Albanians. This brokered “reconciliation” – imposed by NATO under UN auspices – is based on the premise that ethnic Albanians in Macedonia are an oppressed social minority. It not only fosters socio-ethnic divisions within Macedonia; it also provides legitimacy to the KLA sponsored “freedom fighters” as well as international media sympathy. It tends to discredit the Macedonian Security Forces, thereby weakening their ability to fight the KLA.

While Washington continues to support the terrorists behind the scenes, the military alliance presents itself as an impartial mediator. In turn, NATO’s informal mouthpiece, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is placing the blame on the Skopje government, calling upon:

“the legal authorities in the FYR of Macedonia, Presevo and Kosovo to act to restore peace and security, … all sectors of the Macedonian society [should] co-operate peacefully and … build inter-ethnic confidence.”19

The dispatching of Bulgarian troops into Macedonia (under NATO’s “Partnership for Peace” Program) to fight the rebels could (if implemented) contribute to triggering a much broader conflagration in the region. Similarly, ethnic clashes – also engineered by Washington – have been triggered in Montenegro, which has a sizeable Albanian ethnic minority. And in Montenegro, the MUP, Montenegro’s highly partisan police force is being assisted by the Croatian Armed Forces, which in turn are being trained by the MPRI under the so-called Croatian Armed Forces Readiness and Training System (CARTS). Similarly, demanding “autonomy” for ethnic Hungarians in the North of Vojvodina is part of NATO’s ploy with large numbers of NATO troops stationed on the Hungarian side of the border. More generally, the various military aid packages provided to Croatia, Bosnia and the KLA are ultimately directed against Serbia.20

Despite the compliance of the Belgrade and Skopje governments to Washington’s demands, US foreign policy purports to eventually dismantle political institutions and get rid of political parties which resist US-NATO domination. Their objective is to eventually break up what remains of Yugoslavia into what UN Balkans envoy Carl Bildt has called a “patchwork of protectorates” on the “Kosovo-Bosnia model under UN “peace-keeping,” namely under military occupation.21

A Dayton-style agreement is the chosen framework for displacing and destroying existing State institutions including a fragile yet functioning parliamentary system. With regard to Macedonia, the OSCE has appointed Ambassador Robert Frowick to work with the Skopje government. His terms of reference are clear. In 1996, Frowick was put in charge of implementing “democracy” in Bosnia-Hercegovina under the Dayton agreement: the Bosnian “Constitution” – previously drafted by American lawyers at the US Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio – was appended to the 1995 US brokered “General Framework Agreement.”22


The terrorist assaults in Macedonia and Southern Serbia are serving Washington’s strategic goals in blatant violation of international law. NATO is increasingly discredited in the eyes of World public opinion. The lies and falsehoods are surfacing and the people of Yugoslavia are determined to preserve their sovereignty in the face of American aggression.

US foreign policy directed against so-called “rogue states” lacks credibility both in the US and internationally. Around the World, citizens are looking to Yugoslavia and the courage of its people who have resisted the imposition of the New World Order. The lies concerning the war against Yugoslavia have been uncovered and revealed to millions of people.


  1. Tom Walker and Aiden Laverty, ‘CIA Aided Kosovo Guerrilla Army’, Sunday Times, 12 March 2000).
  2. See “Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000.” HR 1555, Section 308 “Report on Kosova Liberation Army.”
  3. See Tammy Arbucki, “Building a Bosnian Army,” Jane’s International Defence Review, August 1997.
  4. See Military Professional Resources, Inc, “Personnel Needs,” MPRI web page.
  5. See Michel Chossudovsky, “United Nations Appoints Alleged War Criminal,” Emperors Clothes, March 2000.
  6. See Tom Walker, “Kosovo Defense Chief Accused of War Crimes,”Sunday Times, London, 10 October 1999.
  7. Quoted in John Sweeney and Jen Holsoe, “Kosovo Disaster Response Service Stands Accused of Murder and Torture,” The Observer, London, 12 March 2000.
  8. Michel Chossudovsky, “Kosovo Freedom Fighters Financed by Organized Crime,” Covert Action Quarterly, Fall 1999, also published by Emperors Clothes.
  9. Tom Walker, “NATO Troops caught in a Balkan Ulster,” Sunday Times, London, 18 March 2001.
  10. According to DEA documents reviewed and quoted in R. Chandran, “US-backed KLA linked to Heroin Network.
  11. Quoted in the New American Magazine, May 24, 1999)
  12. Quoted in the New York Times, 20 March 2001)
  13. United Nations Interim Administration Mission In Kosovo (UNMIK), Press Release, 29 March 2001.
  14. See MPRI.
  15. US military aid under the FMS program for Macedonia was $4 million in FY 2000, 7.9 million was appropriated for 2001. More recently, the US announced a $13.5 million military aid package, See Government of Macedonia, Ministry of Defence, Communique, 21 March 2001; Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations, Fiscal Year 2001, Released by the Office of the Secretary of State, Resources, Plans and Policy, U.S. Department of State, March 15, 2000.
  16. New York Times, 19 March 2001.
  17. See Michel Chossudovsky, “NATO has Installed a Reign of Terror in Kosovo,” July 1999.
  18. See MPRI.
  19. Statement by OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Severin on former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo, 23 March 2001.
  20. See Michel Chossudovsky, “The War Against Yugoslavia Is Not Over,” June 2000.
  21. See Carl Bildt’s statement. Bildt was formerly the High Representative in Bosnia following the adoption of the Dayton Agreement in 1995).
  22. For a discussion see Michel Chossudovsky, “Dismantling Yugoslavia, Recolonizing Bosnia,” Covert Action Quarterly,Spring 1996, also published by Emperors Clothes. Also, see text of the Bosnian Constitution.

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The latest death toll has risen to 30 Iraqis as Baghdad descends into chaos and violence, with another 390 protesters wounded from bullets and tear gas inhalation. In March 2023, it will mark the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and yet the country has never recovered and still has no stable democracy.

The Green Zone is a high-security area in Baghdad housing the Iraqi government as well as some foreign embassies.  Security forces reported at least seven rockets fell in the zone yesterday.

Muqtada Al-Sadr gave a speech today asking his supporters to leave the area and go home, and he wouldn’t consider them as supporters if they stay.  Reports on the ground say there is a movement to withdraw from the zone of conflict.  Al-Sadr stated further that the Hashed al-Shabi was not involved in the clashes yesterday, and urged a return to calm.  He said a revolution that includes violence is not a true revolution, and he criticized his supporters who may have participated in yesterday’s clashes.

The combatants are rival militias.  On the one side are the supporters of al-Sadr, and on the other side are the Popular Mobilization group, as well as Iraqi security forces.

Civilians took cover in their homes as gunmen in pickups cruised Baghdad while gun and rockets fire was heard across the city last night.

The Iraqi oil sector provides about 85% of the government revenues, and in the aftermath of the war in Ukraine, Iraq has become a major supplier, but the increase in revenues has not been felt by the average Iraqi, and poverty and unemployment have been featured in the current unrest.  The 2021 estimate was 4,161,500 barrels per day, but the country still doesn’t have full electricity and even basic services are not fully met.

Yesterday, Al-Sadr announced he was leaving politics, closing offices, and today in his speech he reaffirmed his decision to remain out of political life.  It was his announcement that prompted his supporters to breach the cement walls of the Green Zone and storm the government offices.

A source speaking for Al-Sadr said later yesterday the cleric was on a hunger strike to stop the violence and use of weapons.

Iraq’s military announced a nationwide curfew yesterday, and the caretaker premier suspended Cabinet sessions in response to the violence.

US Embassy evacuated staff, and the Dutch Embassy staff moved to the German Embassy which is far outside the Green Zone.

Iran closed its land borders with Iraq yesterday and announced flights would stop as of today. Iranian state television urged its citizens to avoid traveling to Iraq, and those already there not to travel between cities.

Kuwait has urged its citizens to leave the country, while Dubai’s long-haul carrier Emirates stopped flights to Baghdad.

The Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah El Sisi, spoke last night in separate telephone calls with his Iraqi counterpart, Barham Salih, and the prime minister, Mustafa Al Kadhimi, the president’s spokesman, Bassam Rady, said in a statement.  Al Kadhimi was on a visit to Egypt when the violence interrupted his stay.  El Sisi assured Al Kadhimi that Egypt was ready to do everything possible to safeguard Iraq’s security and open a path for dialogue to end the current escalation.

Iraq has been in a deep political stalemate since legislative elections in October last year due to disagreement between political factions over the formation of a governing coalition, which has left the country without a new government, prime minister, or president for 10 months.

Iraq’s political system suffers from rampant corruption, outdated infrastructure, insufficient essential services, skilled labor shortages, and antiquated commercial laws that stifle investment. There is almost no private sector.

In October 2021, 329 legislators were elected to the Parliament. The acting Iraqi National Intelligence Service Director General Mustafa al-Kadami became prime minister in May 2020 after the previous prime minister resigned in late 2019 because of widespread protests demanding more employment opportunities and an end to corruption.

The 2021 election results were: Sadrist Bloc 73, National Progress Alliance 37, State of Law Coalition 33, Kurdish Democratic Party 31, Al Fatah Alliance 17, Kurdistan Alliance 17, Al Iraq Alliance 14, New Generation Movement 14, Ishraqet Konoon 6, Tasmin Alliance 5, Babylon Movement 4, National Contract Alliance 4, National State Forces Alliance 4, other 22, and independent 43.  On 13 June 2022, 73 MPs from al-Sadr’s bloc resigned from parliament.

Al-Sadr is a prominent cleric, but also an Iraqi politician and militia leader, and led the Sadrist Movement. He had asked for all foreign troops to leave Iraq, both the US and its allies, and those from Iran.  His militia has thousands of fighters, and millions of Iraqis support him. Many Iraqis see him as a symbol of resistance to foreign occupation.

After the assassination of Qasem Soleimani in January 2020 and the Iraqi parliament’s resolution demanding ‘Yankee Go Home’, Al-Sadr called for “the immediate cancellation of the security agreement with the US, the closure of the US embassy, the expulsion of US troops.”

The pro-Iran Coordination Framework, or Popular Mobilization Units (al-Hashd al-Sha’abi in Arabic), are militia units that have fought alongside the Iraqi military against ISIS since 2014.

Saddam Hussein was ousted from power in Iraq in March 2003 by the US invasion of Iraq, which killed hundreds of thousands, and destroyed the country’s infrastructure.  He had been President since 1979 and was hung on December 30, 2006.

In October 2005, Iraqis approved a constitution that had been designed by the US occupation.  The largest secular democracy on earth, the US, designed a government for Iraq which was not secular but depended on sectarianism.  Iraq was a Shiite majority, as is Iran, and the US was determined that the Shiites would have a political advantage, and the US insisted that religious sects be the basis for the parliament’s representation.

The issue of Middle Eastern Christians was presented in a PBS report in 2011, “Why Did Assad, Saddam, and Mubarak Protect Christians?”

The report covered strong authoritarian leaders who ruled in a secular fashion, especially Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad, who both ruled from the Ba’ath Party, which is a Socialist and secular political party.

Syrian, Iraqi, and Egyptian Christians were all afraid of Radical Islam taking over the country, after a revolution, or US invasion, and the result would be devastating for the Christian community.

In the case of Egypt and Iraq, after their strong leaders were deposed, both by US intervention, Christians suffered, and continue to suffer.  Iraq’s Christian community has migrated abroad out of fear and oppression.  Egypt’s Christian community has suffered attacks on churches by Islamic militants following the Muslim Brotherhood, who were supported by President Obama in the rigged election of Muhammed Morsi.

Only in Syria has the US invasion and regime change been resisted and thwarted.  President Assad still leads the only secular government in the Middle East, where all religions are freely worshipped, and the constitution prohibits any political party from having a religious platform.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Mideast Discourse

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Macron’s Attempt to Exploit Algerian Gas Unlikely to Succeed

August 31st, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Amid the search for diversification of energy sources, France seems ready to resume some of its colonial ties with Algeria. The African country is an important gas producer and can help Europe with supplies at this time of widespread shortages as consequence of anti-Russian sanctions. However, it remains to be seen whether it is in the Algerian interest to play this role of “substitute” for Russia that France wants it to play.

Last week of August French President Emmanuel Macron made an official trip to Algeria seeking to meet with local authorities in order to advance discussions on various strategic topics. As expected, the main issue of the meetings was the bilateral cooperation in gas supply. The French leader praised the North African country for its productive capacity and applauded Algerian’s role as a European ally, which many analysts have interpreted as a form of “testing the waters” for new energy contracts.

Macron’s visit lasted three days, ending on August 26, after several meetings between the French president and local leaders, including politicians, businessmen, artists and athletes. On the last day of the visit, Macron and his Algerian counterpart, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, announced the formation of a cooperation pact, whose objective would be to achieve a “new, irreversible dynamic of progress” in bilateral ties, but there was no specific mention about gas.

Macron tried to evade claims that his mission in Algeria would simply be to reach new sources of gas. According to him, the diplomatic objectives went beyond the mere search for gas, including a series of relevant topics. However, the almost unanimous opinion among experts is that Paris tried to show a gesture of diplomatic goodwill in the hope of receiving some kind of benefit in the gas supply in return. This type of opinion seems really justified when we remember the recent tensions between the two countries.

Last year, Macron showed a very different attitude towards Algeria than he does today. In September 2021, the French president stated that the government of the North African country foments hatred against the French people and even questioned the existence of Algeria as a nation, in a statement that showed many neocolonialist and racist elements. The case generated a serious crisis in bilateral relations, with the rupture of diplomatic relations and the banning of French aircraft from Algerian airspace. Months later, relations were re-established and reached a greater degree of stability, which was largely due to the French effort to seek new strategic partners. Now, with the gas crisis, this French effort seems even greater.

However, not all experts believe that the French project will succeed. For example, Dr. Farid Benyahia, a renowned Algerian political scientist and expert on geopolitical, economic and energy issues, believes that the gas partnership between France and Algeria will not be promising as Paris plans to obtain a satisfactory amount of energy to supply not only the country’s basic needs, but also the French re-industrialization project announced by Macron last year. And this seems to be a demand that goes beyond Algeria’s productive capacities.

Furthermore, he points out that the rise in gas prices is not exclusively due to the conflict in Ukraine but is also related to the European project of transition to green energy. The sanctions have exacerbated a pre-existing problem and created an unsustainable situation, in which the small Algerian gas supply will not be enough to reverse the scenario of rising prices.

“The energy security problems in France, and in Europe as a whole, did not begin with the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine and the subsequent drop in gas and oil supplies, but long before that (…) Soaring energy prices in Europe were primarily caused by the high cost of the [green] energy transition as well as the recovery of the global economy after the Covid-19 crisis”, he says, adding that the most coherent alternative would be to invest in nuclear energy, which has not been carried out efficiently, with most of French reactors being close to ending activities.

“[If Macron wants to pursue his reindustrialization project], the growth in electricity consumption could reach 90%. Most French reactors will reach the end of their lifecycle by 2040 (…) [So], It will be difficult for Emmanuel Macron to find alternatives to gas, oil and Russian coal”, he concludes.

In addition, experts consulted by Bloomberg also say that even if Macron manages to advance the negotiations initiated during his visit, it is unlikely that the state company that controls gas production in Algeria will commit to increasing supplies to France, given the current production capacity: “Even if Macron manages to make amends during his visit, Algeria’s state-run energy company, lacking investment, says it doesn’t have the capacity to provide more to France in the short term”, Bloomberg says.

Since the beginning of this year, Algeria has increased gas exports to Italy, due to a new agreement. The volume has already reached the mark of 13.9 billion cubic meters, representing a growth of 113% in relation to what was previously destined for Rome. In recent months, the country has also signed agreements with Turkey and opened space for Chinese companies to start new exploration projects on Algerian soil. In fact, to meet French demand, the African country would have to reduce the supply to its current partners, as the Algerian reserves do not produce much surplus.

It is curious to note the arrogance of France in trying to suddenly reverse the entire diplomatic crisis initiated by Macron’s neocolonialist stance just to gain advantages in a moment of energy shortages. Paris thinks that Algeria must stop serving its current partners in order to meet a new French demand, which reflects France’s colonial mentality. Simply, Macron continues to think that Algeria is still a French colony, which must be available to serve the “metropolis” at any time. However, his plans are likely to fail and once again the only alternative left for Paris will be to decline its aggressive stance towards Russia.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter.

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A recent gathering of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has expressed its displeasure with recent legislation making its way through the United States Congress which is aimed at punishing the continent for its diplomatic and trade relations with the Russian Federation.

This event was convened under the theme of “Promoting Industrialization through, Agro-Processing, Mineral Beneficiation, and Regional Value Chains for Inclusive and Resilient Economic  Growth.’’ The title took into serious consideration the contemporary operating context in the Southern Africa region and the urgent need to enhance the implementation of the SADC industrialization and market integration programs as contained in its development framework covering the years of 2020-2030.

A statement issued in the aftermath of the 42nd Annual Summit of the SADC, follows a pattern among African Union (AU) member-states that has emphasized the necessity of seeking a diplomatic solution to the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

SADC leaders convene in DRC (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Many member-states of the SADC were leaders within the national liberation movements turned political parties which won state power through protracted armed and mass struggles. Since 1980, when its predecessor, the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) was formed, the regional federation has fostered economic and diplomatic cooperation throughout the sub-continent and beyond. Thirty years ago in August 1992, the SADC transformed into its present structures during a summit meeting in the newly independent Republic of Namibia.

Membership within the SADC has grown over the last three decades with the independence of South Africa and the affiliation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Union of Comoros, Seychelles, Madagascar and Mauritius. The regional body has provided peacekeeping forces in the time of national crisis in various member-states as well as negotiating sustainable solutions to political and constitutional crises within the region. This region of Africa is well endowed with natural resources including strategic minerals, oil and natural gas deposits of enormous magnitude. Consequently, the imperialist states have continued to exert influence within the region. The Republic of Zimbabwe, a founding member of SADC, has been subjected to western sanctions for more than twenty years.

In recent months, the AU and SADC entities have resisted the pressure from Washington, the European Union (EU) states and NATO to intervene politically in alliance with the U.S. in regard to its disastrous military adventure in Eastern Europe. The war prompted by the foreign policy of the administration of President Joe Biden has cost thousands of lives while dislocating millions and resulting in a burgeoning energy and food crises.

Source: Abayomi Azikiwe

At the August SADC Summit, the federation reiterated its views on the current situation in Eastern Europe and the necessity of African states to exercise their right to self-determination and an independent foreign policy.

In a post on its website, it reveals that the SADC Chairperson emphasized in regard to the present world situation:

“Africa is ready to work with the rest of the world as an equal partner and will not let anyone dictate the terms of engagement since the continent has the capacity to fund its own developmental trajectory. Outgoing Chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera of Malawi said this at the 42nd SADC Summit in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo. ‘There is no one outside Africa who is coming to build Africa the way we want it to be built. Not the Americans. Not the Europeans. Not the Asians,’ President Chakwera said. ‘They may give us a road here and there, a stadium or two, a few million dollars that are nothing more than pocket change to them and that is nothing compared to the amounts they give each other as Westerners or Easterners. We need serious resources and there is no one who is going to hand it to us.’”

U.S. Legislation Infringes Upon African Sovereignty

The Congressional bill in the U.S. purports to guard against the alleged nefarious efforts by the Russian Federation to extend its influence in Africa. The reality is that Russia, and even more so during the days of the Soviet Union, advanced African independence, unity and socialist orientation between the 1950s and the 1980s.

Thousands of African students have studied in the former Soviet Union and today’s Russia. There are numerous joint economic, cultural and social projects between Moscow and numerous AU member-states. Later in November-December of this year, the Russian-African Summit will reconvene in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the headquarters of the AU.

Consequently, the recent Cold War offensive by Washington against the continent is a hostile maneuver to undermine the ability of African states to conduct trade and other forms of cooperation with Russia. Extensive trade in agricultural products and inputs between Moscow, Ukraine and the AU member-states has been severely hampered due to the western sanctions and proxy war against Russia.

There is no guarantee that such legislation would not be extended to include the People’s Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Cuba, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, among other independent states. In fact, all of these nations have been targeted with economic measures coordinated by the White House, Congress, State Department, the Pentagon and the Wall Street based multinational corporations.

According to a report published by Modern Diplomacy:

“Labeled as the “Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act” (H.R. 7311) was passed on April 27 by the House of Representatives in a bipartisan 419-9 majority and will probably be approved by the Senate which is evenly split between the Democrats and the Republicans. This legislative measure is broadly worded enabling the State Department to monitor the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in Africa including military affairs and any effort which Washington deems as ‘malign influence.’

In actuality, the most malign influence on the continent stems from the centuries-long exploitative and oppressive systems of enslavement, colonialism, settler- colonialism and neo-colonialism which have served to stifle African development. The U.S. legislation is clearly yet another mechanism to extend imperialist hegemony over the AU member-states.

As President Chakwera of Malawi said during his farewell address as SADC Chairperson:

“In the time of our forefathers, they came here and stole entire nations and human beings from Africa, and now in our time, they have come bearing gifts and loans and if we are not careful, these will be the Trojan horse used to steal from us the riches of our minerals, our fresh water, our human talent, and our fertile land. We must defend what is ours and make sure that no one takes from us what is ours. If the world wants what we have, they must buy it in a fair trade so that we can use the proceeds to build ourselves new cities, new universities, new infrastructure, new industries, and new programs that will lift our people out of poverty and meet the needs of the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities. With the resources we have, we refuse to be anyone’s beggar, and with the unity we have, we must refuse to let anyone steal from us or use us to steal from our own people or each other. So, let’s show and tell the world with one voice that Africa is open for business, but it is not for sale.”

Modern Day Cold War Intensifies

The SADC Summit comes at a time of intense diplomatic offensives on the African continent where leaders from the U.S. and France have visited several AU member-states. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited three countries during August. His unsuccessful mission was to influence governments to turn against Moscow and Beijing.

Blinken’s tour occurred after the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Uganda and Ethiopia to make preparations for the upcoming summit in Ethiopia. French President Emmanuel Macron spent three days in Algeria along with high-level energy executives whose purpose was to negotiate an increase in the supply of natural gas to their country.

The anti-Russian legislation in Congress is part and parcel of the propaganda and psychological warfare campaign aimed at extending imperialist influence internationally. Progressives, antiwar activists and anti-imperialists based in the western capitalist states must recognize these machinations by Washington and its allies for what they truly represent. Until the Pentagon war machine is defunded and dismantled there cannot be any significant improvement in the social conditions of working and oppressed peoples within both the western industrial states and the Global South.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Abayomi Azikiwe

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Western media outlets are playing the drumbeats of war by warning the public that a new Chinese empire is going to develop into an unstoppable force capable of ruling the world with an iron fist.

They claim that under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), they will control every country and human being on earth.  Overall, it’s an absurd claim.  It is fair to say that China under the leadership of the CCP has several issues that concerns the Chinese public with a social credit score system, Zero Covid policy rules and a nation-wide surveillance system that is Orwellian to say the least.  China also had a one child policy that has led to a decline in its population which was and still is problematic for its future when it comes to their labor force and economy, but they ended that policy in 2016.  Whatever faults China has, it is not looking to rule the world despite what Western countries claim especially the United States who say that Beijing’s policies reflect a growing appetite for imperial expansion.

On May 25th, 2017, Reuters published ‘China says new Silk Road not about military ambitionsreported on what China’s Defense ministry had said about China’s future “China’s ambition to build a new Silk Road is not about seeking to expand its military role abroad nor about seeking to set up foreign bases.” The Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang told a regular monthly news briefing conference that China’s Silk Road was not expanding militarily nor setting up bases in any sovereign country and that the accusations were “groundless.” Guoqiang said that “the new Silk Road is about cooperation and trade” and that “The Belt and Road initiative has no military or geostrategic intent. China is not seeking the right to guide global affairs, or spheres of influence, and will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.”

According to a report from September 23rd, 2020, by the National Herald India titled ‘China will never seek expansion, has no intention to fight either ‘Cold War’ or ‘hot war’, says Xi Jinping’ as Xi Jinping declared in a pre-recorded video sent to the United Nations meeting that “We will continue to narrow differences and resolve disputes with others through dialogue and negotiation” he continued “We will never seek hegemony, expansion, or sphere of influence. We have no intention to fight either a Cold War or a hot war with any country.”   The report also mentioned India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s surprise visit to the Ladakh region a few months prior where he said that “the era of expansionism is over and that the history is proof that “expansionists” have either lost or perished” in what the report described as a “clear message” to China.  “Xi, also the General Secretary of the ruling Communist Party of China and the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese military, said his country will not pursue development behind closed doors.” Xi made it clear that a new plan for development for growth domestically and internationally will create more opportunities for China’s economy.  Xi said the following:

Rather, we aim to foster, over time, a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. This will create more space for China’s economic development and add impetus to global economic recovery and growth

The report also mentioned that during the Covid-19 pandemic, US President, Donald Trump ramped up tensions with China and “demanded that China, where the coronavirus emerged, be held accountable for failure to control the virus and for allowing it to spread across the world” he continued, “As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China”.  Trump’s rhetoric including his administration slapping tariffs on China’s goods surely increased tensions between Washington and Beijing.  The National Herald India quoted what Xi had said about China’s own decisions that will benefit its own economy and path of development and that it should be respected, “one should respect a country’s “independent choice of development path and model.”  Xi made a point that the world is diverse, and that it can inspire human advancements:

The world is diverse in nature, and we should turn this diversity into a constant source of inspiration driving human advancement. This will ensure that human civilisations remain colourful and diversified

Conflicts and Disagreements: China, India, and the Soviet Union

The history between China and India involved conflicts over border issues.  In 1962, China had a dispute with India over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh borders.  The conflict was mostly among ground troops of both sides which did not involve any Air force or Naval forces.  What started the conflict was China’s construction of a road that connected the Chinese regions of Tibet and Xinjiang.  However, Aksai Chin was claimed by India.  So, in the months of October and November the Sino-Indian War began.  Several violent conflicts also occurred between China and India after the 1959 Tibetan uprising due to India’s recognition of the Dalai Lama, or who is known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people.  In an important note to consider, the Dalai Lama was supported by the CIA for many years.  The CIA financially supported the Dalai Lama from the late 1950s until the mid-1970s with more than $180,000 a year for the CIA’s Tibetan program to support anti-China activities and to create foreign offices within Tibet to lobby for international support which was a concern for China.

In 1960, India had constructed a defensive policy to disrupt China’s military patrols and its logistics in what was called Forward Policy  that placed Indian outposts along the borders in the north of the McMahon Line, the eastern portion of the Line of Actual Control.   However, China did try to implement diplomatic settlements between 1960 and 1962, but India rejected the proposal allowing China to abandon diplomacy and became aggressive along the disputed borders. China defeated Indian forces in Rezang La in Chushul in the west and Tawang in the east.  China declared a ceasefire on November 20th, 1962.  The war ended as China withdrew to its areas claimed in the ‘Line of Actual Control.’  Matters became complicated when the Soviet Union sold MiG fighter aircrafts to India in a show of support since the US and the UK refused to sell arms to India.  However, tensions between China and the Soviet Union were also high during that time which was known as the ‘Sino-Soviet split’ over ideological differences in Marxist-Leninist theories during the Cold War.  There were various agreements between China and India with no progress for peace until 2006.   Although Indian officials were concerned with China’s growing military power and its relationship with Pakistan (India’s main rival), China’s Silk Road opened the doors for peace between both nations.  In October of 2011, China and India formulated border mechanisms regarding the Line of Actual Control as both resumed bilateral army exercises between China and Indian troops by early 2012.  In 2013, what was known as the Depsang standoff, India had agreed to demolish and remove several ‘live-in bunkers’ in the Chumar sector along with the removal of observation posts built along the border among other things that made the resolution of the dispute a success, so the Chinese military withdrew it forces, ending the dispute in May 2013.  Although there are some disagreements between both countries still exist over their borders policies, today China and India are part of the BRICS coalition.

The Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979

On December 21st, 1978, Vietnam launched an attack on the Khmer Rouge.  After more than 10 years of fighting, Vietnam had successfully defeated the Khmer Rouge ending Pol Pot’s reign of terror.  Then in February 1979, China had declared war with Vietnam over its borders.  Now Vietnam was facing a two-front war. China’s invasion was a surprise to the world because China supported Vietnam with its wars against France and the US.  From 1965 until 1969, China had more than 300,000 troops in the Vietnam war with more than 1,000 members from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) who were killed with 4,300 wounded.

However, it all changed due to China’s domination of Vietnam for centuries which created animosity among the Vietnamese government and its people towards Beijing thus creating tensions between both countries.  Conflicts on the border also developed between China and the Soviet Union in 1969 during the Sino-Soviet split, so Vietnam had a dilemma, it had to choose one of them as an ally.

On November 3, 1978, Vietnam signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the Soviet Union that offered security assurances.  Since tensions were high at the time, more than 150,000 Chinese who were living in Vietnam had fled. Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and CCP officials viewed Vietnam as ungrateful and traitorous.  The Chinese saw the treaty as a threat since the Soviets had a similar treaty with Mongolia which in a way allowed the Soviets to surround China.  On December 7, 1978, China’s Central Military Commission decided to launch a “limited war” along their borders and at the same time, Vietnam had invaded Cambodia to destroy the Khmer Rouge.

Since Vietnam had border clashes with the China-backed Khmer Rouge in Cambodia along with Beijing’s decision to cut aid to Hanoi, it decided to partner with Moscow.  On January 29th, 1979, for the first time, Chinese Vice-premier Deng Xiaoping went to the US and reportedly told President Jimmy Carter that “The child is getting naughty, it is time he got spanked.”   A couple of weeks later, on February 15th, China terminated the 1950 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance and Xiaoping declared that China was going to attack Vietnam to support its ally, the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia among other reasons including the plan to reclaim the Vietnamese occupied Spratly Islands.  China wanted to prevent the Soviet Union from intervening on Vietnam’s behalf, so Xiaoping warned the Soviets that China’s forces were prepared for war.  Declaring an emergency, China deployed all of the PLA forces along the Sino-Soviet border and set up a military command station in Xinjiang, they also evacuated more than 300,000 civilians from the area.

China eventually suffered a defeat by the Vietcong since its military was not prepared to fight an experienced fighting force who previously defeated two Western powers, France, and the US.  It was reported that experienced Vietnamese ‘tank-killing teams’ destroyed or damaged more than 280 tanks and armored vehicles during the war.  China avoided the use of its Air Force and Navy since it promised the Soviets and Americans a limited war against VietnamChina also knew that Vietnam had an experienced military as well as having one of the best anti-air capabilities in the world.  After two short weeks of fighting, China began withdrawing its troops.  By March 16, Chinese troops had a ‘scorched-earth campaign’ in Vietnam destroying bridges, factories, mines, farms, and crops.  It is estimated that China had between 7,900 to 26,000 troops killed and between 23,000 to 37,000 wounded.  Vietnam had between 20,000 to 50,000 troops and civilians killed and wounded.  China clearly had a difficult time with Vietnam.

China’s history with its neighbors shows that it may be difficult even today if they decided to become an imperialist power subjugating the world to its demands because it would face an uphill battle that will become economically and politically costly and that will collapse its economy and society.  Before the US became a global empire, they made sure they contained and controlled its own backyard and that was the Caribbean and Latin America after the Spanish-American War of 1898.  China would have to control its own backyard against several nations including Russia, India, Vietnam, and others.  China understands that imperial projects to dominate the world is a risk not worth taking.

Remember, China was on the receiving end of Japanese Imperialism that practically destroyed its society.  In 1931, Imperial Japan had invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria for raw materials to fuel its industries, and by 1937 they controlled many areas of China.  The Imperial Japanese war crimes mounted against the Chinese people.  China understands the consequences of war because it sees what has happened to the US and its military adventures which has led to its decline.  It knows it will not benefit anyone, in fact wars can destabilize regions, destroy economies, and disrupt societal norms and China is not at all interested in any of that.  They want to rebuild their civilization.

The age of empires is over.  A new multipolar world is needed now more than ever before where no single entity or centralized power could rule over any country who wants to remain sovereign.  That would start an era of lasting peace around the world.  Of course, there are no guarantees that total peace would prevail in a multipolar world because there will be bad actors who will prefer a globalized world order over countries who want sovereignty, but in a multipolar world order, wars can be avoided.  It would be a good start where sovereign countries would respect each other’s boundaries and work out their differences.  That’s the way it should be instead of a group of globalist psychopaths making geopolitical and economic decisions to change the social fabric of every country on the planet.

Inside China: The Surveillance State

China’s internal problems is a stain on its reputation.  China’s surveillance state is indeed problematic.  In 2018, the CCP installed more than 200 million surveillance cameras with an increase in facial recognition technology nationwide.  Surveillance cameras and facial recognition networks would add to the social credit system already in place that gives Chinese citizens a score based on their “social behaviors.” Going back to 2003, China began its Smart City pilot programs to track and analyze air quality, traffic, wastewater disposal systems, social behaviors of its residents and other areas of urban life.  We can fairly say that China’s surveillance state is rather extreme and unnecessary.  The Chinese people will increasingly voice their concerns to the CCP’s leadership in the future to scrap its surveillance capabilities because it can get out of control, but the question is, will it happen?  Only time will tell.

The Uyghurs: China’s Problem with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)

One issue that has been mainly ignored in recent years by the Western mainstream media is the terrorism committed in China by the Uyghurs. Why? The Western view of China’s human rights abuses when it comes to the Uyghurs has two sides of the story.  First it benefits the Military-Industrial Complex and its future of selling arms to its allies throughout Asia including Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan.  Second, it’s the demonization of China to gain support among the American people for a future war with China because they are “bad.”  Former US President Barack Obama supported his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her ‘Pivot to Asia’ agenda that she had published in Foreign Policy magazine titled ‘America’s Pacific Century.’ Clinton made it clear that the US goal is to remain a global hegemonic power especially in the Asia-Pacific region:

As secretary of state, I broke with tradition and embarked on my first official overseas trip to Asia. In my seven trips since, I have had the privilege to see firsthand the rapid transformations taking place in the region, underscoring how much the future of the United States is intimately intertwined with the future of the Asia-Pacific. A strategic turn to the region fits logically into our overall global effort to secure and sustain America’s global leadership. The success of this turn requires maintaining and advancing a bipartisan consensus on the importance of the Asia-Pacific to our national interests; we seek to build upon a strong tradition of engagement by presidents and secretaries of state of both parties across many decades. It also requires smart execution of a coherent regional strategy that accounts for the global implications of our choices.

What does that regional strategy look like? For starters, it calls for a sustained commitment to what I have called “forward-deployed” diplomacy. That means continuing to dispatch the full range of our diplomatic assets — including our highest-ranking officials, our development experts, our interagency teams, and our permanent assets — to every country and corner of the Asia-Pacific region. Our strategy will have to keep accounting for and adapting to the rapid and dramatic shifts playing out across Asia. With this in mind, our work will proceed along six key lines of action: strengthening bilateral security alliances; deepening our working relationships with emerging powers, including with China; engaging with regional multilateral institutions; expanding trade and investment; forging a broad-based military presence; and advancing democracy and human rights

FOX News is one of the US mainstream media outlets that jumps into the defense of the Uyghurs when it comes to the CCP and its alleged abuses.  However, FOX News ignores the daily abuses of the Israeli regime against the Palestinians or the abuses by the Saudis against the people of Yemen who have been bombarded with US-made weapons since 2015.  To be fair, not only FOX News demonizes China, but so does the liberal media such as CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times that includes the BBC and others throughout Europe.

One situation that is rarely discussed in the West is the terrorism incidents caused by certain groups and individuals in the Uyghur community not only against the CCP, but also against the Han Chinese, the largest ethnic majority in China.  In Violent Separatism in Xinjiang: A Critical Assessment by James Millward from the East-West Center based in Honolulu, Hawaii and Washington D.C. documented terrorist activities since the early 1990’s that accelerated after the September 11th attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. Millward wrote the following concerning terror groups originating out of the Xinjiang region in China:

Since the 1990s, concerns about Uyghur separatism have received increasing official and media attention. These concerns have heightened since the events of 9-11 with the advent of a more robust U.S. presence in Central Asia and Chinese attempts to link Uyghur separatism to international jihadist groups. A steady flow of reports from the international media—as well as official PRC releases (a document on “East Turkistan” terrorism, a white paper on Xinjiang, and a list of terrorist groups)—have given the impression of an imminent separatist and terrorist crisis in the Xinjiang region

Some of the terror attacks that were documented occurred in as early as 1992:

February 5, 1992: Urumqi Bus Bombs. Three were killed and twenty-three injured in two explosions on buses in Urumqi; the PRC’s 2002 document claims that other bombs were discovered and defused around the same time in a cinema and a residential building. Five men were later convicted in this case and reportedly executed in June 1995.

February 1992-September 1993: Bombings. During this period there were several explosions in Yining, Urumqi, Kashgar, and elsewhere; targets included department stores, markets, hotels, and centers of “cultural activity” in southern Xinjiang. One bomb in a building of the Nongji Company (apparently a firm concerned with agricultural equipment) in Kashgar on June 17, 1993, killed two and injured six. One bomb went off in a wing of the Seman Hotel in Kashgar, though no one was hurt in this explosion. The PRC’s 2002 document claims that in the 1993 explosions two people were killed and thirty-six injured overall

On March 9th, 2008, Reuters published an account on what took place during an attempted terrorist attack on a passenger jet on its way to Beijing China foils attempted terror attack on flight.’  The report said that “China foiled a bid to cause an air disaster on a passenger jet en route to Beijing and the plane made a safe emergency landing, an official said on Sunday, in what state media called an attempted terrorist attack.”  According to Reuters sources, “The China Southern flight originated in Urumqi, capital of the restive far western Chinese region of Xinjiang, where militant Uighurs have agitated for an independent “East Turkestan.”  On September 8th, 2011, the BBC reported that a militant Islamic group was behind a terrorist attack in the Xinjiang region that resulted in dozens of people dead.  The BBC report Islamic militant group ‘behind Xinjiang attacks said the following:

A militant Islamic group has released a video saying it was behind recent attacks in China’s Xinjiang region which left dozens of people dead, a US internet monitoring group says.  The video was made by a group calling itself the Turkistan Islamic Party.  The group, which is fighting against Chinese control of Xinjiang, says the attacks were revenge against the Beijing government.

One of the deadliest attacks experienced in China occurred on March 1st, 2014 in the Kunming Railway Station in Kunming which is located in the Yunnan province.  The BBC reported on the incident and said that ‘China separatists blamed for Kunming knife rampage’ and said that “Chinese officials have blamed separatists from the north-western Xinjiang region for a mass knife attack at a railway station that left 29 people dead and at least 130 wounded” and that “a group of attackers, dressed in black, burst into the station in the south-west city of Kunming and began stabbing people at random.”  The report also said that “Images from the scene posted online showed bodies lying in pools of blood” and that the “State news agency Xinhua said police shot at least four suspects dead.”  There were other terrorist attacks that involved the Uyghurs that only pushed the CCP to move forward with facial recognition and a social credit system associated with a criminal offending database.  By 2021, the CCP’s surveillance system expanded in the southern city of Guangzhou that allowed incoming passengers to walk through a biometric security checkpoint.

Image: Terrorist attack on a railway station in Kunming in 2014 

In Xinjiang, security checkpoints and identification stations were in many places where people must show proof of ID with their faces being scanned at the same time by various cameras before they enter any supermarket, train stations or any other public place.  China’s security concerns do go beyond what is needed to protect themselves from terrorism.

However, I do not justify any form of police state tactics against any population despite China’s extreme measures that resembles George Orwell’s 1984, however, at the same time, there are legitimate concerns involving the Uyghur population and their use of terrorism that has caused numerous deaths and injuries of innocent people.

From China to Syria: ETIM joins Al-Qaeda and the Syrian “Moderate” Rebels

One piece of information the Western media usually ignores is the fact that since 2013, there have been thousands of Uyghurs who have traveled to Syria and joined terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, the Syrian “Moderate Rebels” and others to fight against Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian army.  One western media news agency reported on the Uyghurs in Syria and their affiliation with US-backed terrorists who were trying to overthrow or kill Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and that was the Associated Press (AP) who published an Exclusive story Uighurs fighting in Syria take aim at China admits a fact about the Uyghurs and their ties to terrorist groups from the Middle East and Africa and how they are using their experiences to fight China:

Since 2013, thousands of Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority from western China, have traveled to Syria to train with the Uighur militant group Turkistan Islamic Party and fight alongside al-Qaida, playing key roles in several battles. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s troops are now clashing with Uighur fighters as the six-year conflict nears its endgame

The AP mentioned a Uyghur by the name of Ali who said, “We didn’t care how the fighting went or who Assad was,” said Ali, “we just wanted to learn how to use the weapons and then go back to China.”  That’s what Chinese officials needed on their hands, Uyghurs traveling to Syria to learn how Al-Qaeda and others use terrorist tactics and techniques then bring that knowledge back to China.  The CCP had its hands full with the threat of terrorism on Chinese soil.  The AP outlined the facts that the Uyghurs have committed numerous crimes in China over the years:

Uighur militants have killed hundreds, if not thousands, in attacks inside China in a decades-long insurgency that initially targeted police and other symbols of Chinese authority but in recent years also included civilians. Extremists with knives killed 33 people at a train station in 2014. Abroad, they bombed the Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan in September last year; in 2014, they killed 25 people in an attack on a Thai shrine popular with Chinese tourists

In a report from June 2016 by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission titled China’s Response to Terrorismby Murray Scot Tanner and James Bellacqua clarifies what China has been facing when it comes to terrorism:

While tracking the nature and magnitude of China’s terrorist challenges is difficult, it is clear that China faces some level of domestic terrorist threat, and that its citizens have been victims of terrorist attacks both at home and abroad.

Between 2012 and 2015, China suffered multiple domestic terrorist attacks. Reported incidents became more frequent during this period, and they also became more dispersed geographically, with major incidents occurring in Beijing and other eastern cities, in addition to China’s mostly Muslim western regions. Several of these incidents were also targeted at high-traffic urban areas, resulting in indiscriminate injury or death to civilians

In an unusual fashion, in what they call a backgrounder, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a bi-partisan establishment think tank based in New York City published ‘The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)’ explained who and what is ETIM and its longtime affiliations with terrorists: 

Reportedly founded by Hasan Mahsum, a Uighur from Xinjiang’s Kashgar region, ETIM has been listed by the State Department as one of the more extreme separatist groups. It seeks an independent state called East Turkestan that would cover an area including parts of Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). After Mahsum’s assassination by Pakistani troops in 2003 during a raid on a suspected al-Qaeda hideout near the Afghanistan border, the group was led by Abdul Haq, who was reportedly killed in Pakistan in 2010. In August 2014, Chinese state media released a report stating that Memetuhut Memetrozi, a co-founder of ETIM who is serving a life sentence in China for his involvement in terrorist attacks, had been indoctrinated in a madrassa in Pakistan. The report, which said Memetuhut had met Mahsum in 1997 and launched ETIM later that year, marked a rare public admission of Pakistani ties to Uighur militancy.

Some experts say ETIM is an umbrella organization for many splinter groups, including ones that operate in Pakistan and central Asia. The Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP), for instance, is one of the most prominent groups, formed in 2006 by Uighurs who fled to Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 1990s. That group took credit for a series of attacks in several Chinese cities in 2008, including deadly bus explosions in Shanghai and Kunming. According to U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor, the TIP’s “claims of responsibility appear exaggerated, but the threat TIP poses cannot be ignored.” Stratfor also said that the TIP had expanded its presence on the Internet, issuing videos calling for a jihad by Uighurs in Xinjiang. Ben N. Venzke, head of the U.S.-based independent terrorism-monitoring firm IntelCenter, says it is unclear whether the TIP is separate from ETIM, but notes that the groups’ objectives are both Islamist and nationalist

In the last year of the Trump administration, despite the proof from various reports including those produced by the US and its think tanks that ETIM committed multiple terrorist attacks in mainland China, the US government removed ETIM from its terror list.  According to Germany’s Deutsche Welle (DW) US removes separatist group condemned by China from terror list reported that The United States said it would no longer designate a Chinese Uighur separatist group as a “terrorist organization” on Friday, sparking sharp condemnation from Beijing.”  This was a clear indication that Washington is doing everything it can to destabilize China.  It is a move that will allow newly trained Uyghurs to use their newly acquired skills to cause more chaos in China.  It’s basically a slap in the face:

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) was removed from Washington’s terror list, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in a notice posted in the Federal Register.

“ETIM was removed from the list because, for more than a decade, there has been no credible evidence that ETIM continues to exist,” a State Department spokesperson said, news agency AFP reported

This is a typical turn of events for Washington and its long-term objective of destabilizing China by whatever means necessary to try stop its rise to power.  The New World Order is becoming a multipolar world order with China, Russia and others who will compete with declining Western powers who are basically responsible for many of the wars, economic exploitation, and the colonization of the global south and that’s what Washington and its European allies are afraid of.

US Government Propaganda on China’s Internment Camps for the Uyghurs

In an important investigation by Ben Norton and Ajit Singh of The Grayzone ‘No, the UN did not report China has ‘massive internment camps’ for Uighur Muslims starts off with an introduction on how mainstream media propaganda has claimed that China has imprisoned more than 1 million Uyghurs in designated “internment camps” but as the facts makes itself clear, it is a fabrication by the CIA and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) that is funded by Washington’s armchair warriors:

A spokesperson from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) confirmed in a statement to The Grayzone that the allegation of Chinese “camps” was not made by the United Nations, but rather by a member of an independent committee that does not speak for the UN as a whole. That member happened to be the only American on the committee, and one with no background of scholarship or research on China.

Moreover, this accusation is based on the thinly sourced reports of a Chinese opposition group that is funded by the American government’s regime-change arm and is closely tied to exiled pro-US activists. There have been numerous reports of discrimination against Uighur Muslims in China. However, information about camps containing 1 million prisoners has originated almost exclusively from media outlets and organizations funded and weaponized by the US government to turn up the heat on Beijing

On August 10, 2018, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination conducted a review for 179 countries who were signed on to the convention which is a process that takes place annually which also included a review for China’s compliance.  “On the day of the review, Reuters published a report with an explosive headline: “U.N. says it has credible reports that China holds million Uighurs in secret camps.”  From CNN, FOX News to the New York Times, all echoed the same propaganda that the UN had investigated China’s actions against the Uyghurs and accused Beijing of genocide, but it was all a lie.  The UN did conduct any investigation into the Uyghur internment camps “and this committee’s official website makes it clear that it is “a body of independent experts,” not UN officials.”  One individual that The Grayzone report focused on is Gay McDougall, a member of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR):

What’s more, a look at the OHCHR’s official news release on the committee’s presentation of the report showed that the only mention of alleged re-education “camps” in China was made by its sole American member, Gay McDougall. This claim was then echoed by a Mauritanian member, Yemhelhe Mint Mohamed.

During the committee’s regular review of China, McDougall commented that she was “deeply concerned” about “credible reports” alleging mass detentions of millions of Uighurs Muslim minorities in “internment camps.” The Associated Press reported that McDougall “did not specify a source for that information in her remarks at the hearing.” (Note that the headline of the AP news wire is much weaker than that of Reuters: “UN panel concerned at reported Chinese detention of Uighurs”)

The Grayzone received an email from the OHCHR spokesperson Julia Gronnevet “confirmed that the CERD was not representative of the UN as a whole.”  She said that “You are correct that the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is an independent body,” Gronnevet wrote. “Quoted comments were made during public sessions of the Committee when members were reviewing State parties.”  The report confirmed that McDougall’s claims were false:

Thus the OHCHR implicitly acknowledged that the comments by McDougall, the lone American member of an independent committee, were not representative of any finding by the UN as a whole. The report by Reuters is simply false

The mainstream media has tried to cover up McDougall’s lies with an “Activist group” called ‘Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD), but the problem with this network is that it is supported by US regime-change operators based in, you guessed it, Washington D.C:

In addition to this irresponsible misreporting, Reuters and other Western outlets have attempted to fill in the gaps left by McDougall, referring to reports made by so-called “activist group” the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD).

Conveniently left out of the story is that this organization is headquartered in Washington, DC and funded by the US government’s regime-change arm.  CHRD advocates full-time against the Chinese government, and has spent years campaigning on behalf of extreme right-wing opposition figures

CHRD is supported by one of the most notorious organizations involved in Regime-Change operations around the world, and that is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED):

However, tax documents uncovered by The Grayzone show that a significant portion of this group’s budget comes from the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA-linked soft-power group that was founded by the Ronald Reagan administration in the 1980s to push regime change against independent governments and support “free markets” around the world.

In 2012, the NED gave the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders $490,000. In 2013, it got a $520,000 grant from the NED

The list of funds given to CHRD from the NED continued in 2015 with $496,000, and another $412, 300 was added to its budget in 2016.

Behind the CHRD is its international director, Renee Xia who is an anti-China activist who in the past has called upon Washington to impose sanctions on CCP officials.  She is an advocate for the release of a neoconservative Chinese dissident by the name of Liu Xiaobo:

While Liu Xiaobo became a cause celebre of the Western liberal intelligensia, he was a staunch supporter of colonialism, a fan of the most blood-soaked US military campaigns, and a hardcore libertarian.

As writers Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong reported in The Guardian in 2010, Liu led numerous US government-funded right-wing organizations that advocated mass privatization and the Westernization of China. He also expressed openly racist views against the Chinese. “To choose Westernisation is to choose to be human,” Liu insisted, lamenting that traditional Chinese culture had made its population “wimpy, spineless, and fucked up.”

While CHRD described Liu as an “advocate of non-violence,” he practically worshiped President George W. Bush and strongly supported the illegal US-led invasion of Iraq, as well as the war in Afghanistan. “Non-violence advocate” Liu was even a fan of America’s wars in Korea and Vietnam, which killed millions of civilians

The Grayzone mentioned an article published by The Guardian in 2010, Do supporters of Nobel winner Liu Xiaobo really know what he stands for?written by Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong state the fact that Liu supports Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians and has claimed that they are the provocateurs:

Liu has also one-sidedly praised Israel’s stance in the Middle East conflict. He places the blame for the Israel/Palestine conflict on Palestinians, who he regards as “often the provocateurs”

Overall, the accusations by the CHRD against China and its imprisonment of the Uyghurs is brought to you by the CIA and its propaganda news networks from around the world:

A look at the sourcing of the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders’ research raises many doubts about its legitimacy. For one, the most-cited source in the CHRD report, accounting for more than one-fifth of the 101 references, is Radio Free Asia, a news agency created by the CIA during the Cold War pump out anti-China propaganda, and still today funded by the US government.

Even The New York Times has referred to Radio Free Asia as a “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the CIA.” Along with Voice of America, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Radio y Televisión Martí, and Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Radio Free Asia (RFA) is operated by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), a federal agency of the US government under the supervision of the State Department. Describing its work as “vital to U.S. national interests,” BBG’s primary broadcasting standard is to be “consistent with the broad foreign policy objectives of the United States.”  The near-total reliance on Washington-linked sources is characteristic of Western reporting on Uighurs Muslims in China, and on the country in general, which regularly features sensational headlines and allegations

China’s Threat to the ‘New World Order’ is the Multipolar World Order

The US and its European allies are afraid of China’s economic growth and of its political influence on the world stage, not of its supposed “imperial agenda” they consistently claim.  China is becoming part of a multipolar world where more than one country has the economic and diplomatic influence instead of the Old-World Order where a unified Western power structure led by the US and its European allies that has brought nothing more than death and destruction to most of the global south.  Their imperial expansion accelerated after World War II to become a global empire, but the world is tired of the same old political establishment from the West telling the rest of the world what to do and who they can become allies with.  China is a target of the West, but China will protect its sovereignty at all costs.  China is ready for a war.

China will be a force economically for centuries to come with their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that was introduced in 2013 as a global investment project to develop an economic infrastructure strategy to invest and trade with more than 150 countries who participate in the project.  The US is worried about that, so, like spoiled children, the US House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and then later on, fellow Democrat Senator, Ed Markey from Massachusetts and other Democrat Representatives including John Garamendi and Alan Lowenthal from California, and Don Beyer of Virginia with Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen of American Samoa, who is a Republican with more politicians to follow suit in the future, all defiantly went to Taiwan in an effort to antagonize China to see how far will the CCP go knowing that the One-China Policy is what Beijing takes seriously, in fact, it’s the red line for them.  It was an insult, but China did not take any serious actions against the move that would have led to a world war.

China has human rights issues and to be fair, so does the US government, for example, the US has more people in prison than any other country on the planet.  There is no doubt that the CCP has serious issues when it comes to its internal security policies, but hopefully the Chinese people and their government will work something out in the future when the threat of terrorism and other security issues are no longer a problem.  Perhaps a new beginning can emerge that will benefit China’s society.  But one thing is certain, China and its people will not be bullied by the West.  They experienced an invasion by Imperial Japan during World War II, so it is guaranteed that China will not allow something like that to happen again especially if the US planned to install a military base in Taiwan.

China was and still is a great civilization.  China had periods of history where they flourished, for example under the Tang Dynasty (618-907), although not a perfect example because there were internal conflicts and rebellions for political reasons, but it was considered China’s golden age.  Under the Tang Dynasty, China had a rich, highly educated society that was well-governed. The Tang Dynasty has a rich history of poetry and numerous innovations with political and cultural influences throughout Asia.  China has the potential to become a great civilization once again.

Today, China is not a threat to world peace.  What the West fears is China’s rise as an economic powerhouse along with its Russian counterpart and others who challenge US and European hegemony.  Now the rest of the world (especially the global south) can pick and choose who they trade with and who they choose as an ally.  In other words, most countries around the world will now have a choice.  They don’t have to listen to Washington anymore, they can choose whoever they want that will benefit them the most without giving up their sovereignty in doing so.  The US and Europe as a partner is risky, especially for smaller countries who in some cases, have natural resources but don’t have a formidable military that can protect themselves from western powers.  However, China, Russia and Iran have that power to challenge the West, and now the global south sees what is happening geopolitically and they feel more optimistic about the future.  A future without Uncle Sam waving his big stick and telling governments what to do will be a new start for the world.  The era of empires is over with a multipolar world order is on the horizon and that’s a fact the West is not willing to accept.

We are closer to World War III than ever before, but the question is, where would it begin?  In the South China Sea, in the Middle East or in Eastern Europe? I believe that World War III will begin in the Middle East between Israel and Iran, but it’s hard to tell at this point, but one thing is guaranteed, China will be involved in the next world war.  They want China to become another puppet state that they can control and dominate economically and politically forever and that’s not an exaggeration.  The US and its European allies have been the dominate power on the global stage for centuries and they are not willing to give that up anytime soon, but there is a new multipolar world emerging and that would end the threat of Western hegemonic powers that has only brought misery and pain around the world.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from Silent Crow News

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The Department of Justice responded on Tuesday to Judge Aileen Cannon of the Southern District of Florida regarding former President Donald Trump’s request for a “special master” to be appointed to review the documents taken from the August 8 raid of Mar-a-Lago.

The DOJ claimed designating a special master — a third-party lawyer appointed by the court to oversee part of the case — would be a threat to national security.

“The Justice Department argued in a court filing that Trump lacks the legal standing to appoint a special master. Appointing that watchdog could harm national security, the agency warned,” CNBC reported. “The department also said it has evidence that government records likely were concealed and removed from a storage room at Trump’s home at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”

“Trump had sued to block the Justice Department from further investigating any materials taken in the raid until a court-appointed special master is able to analyze them. That step is typically taken when there is a chance that some evidence should be withheld from prosecutors because of various legal privileges,” the outlet added.

“As an initial matter, the former President lacks standing to seek judicial relief or oversight as to Presidential records because those records do not belong to him,” the DOJ wrote to Judge Cannon.

The DOJ claimed in its court filing on Tuesday that the FBI had “uncovered multiple sources of evidence indicating … that classified documents remained” at Mar-a-Lago.

“The government also developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation,” the DOJ wrote.

The Justice Department’s filing came days after Judge Cannon announced her preliminary intent to appoint a special master, as requested by the attorneys for Trump, to review documents that the FBI took from Mar-a-Lago.

Cannon said the decision was made based on submissions from the former president’s attorneys and “the exceptional circumstances presented,” Fox News reported.

A hearing is set for Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump’s team was ordered to file a response by Wednesday (8/31).

“District Court Judge Aileen Cannon in the Southern District of Florida ordered Trump’s lawyers to elaborate on their arguments for why the court has the ability to step in at this time, explain what exactly Trump is asking for and whether the Justice Department has been served with Trump’s special master motion,” CNN previously reported.

“Cannon also asked Trump’s team to weigh in on any effect the request might have on a separate review conducted by a magistrate judge into whether any portions of the still-sealed FBI affidavit laying out probable cause for the search can be released,” the report added.

Meanwhile, U.S. Magistrate Bruce Reinhart, the judge who approved the FBI’s search warrant, rejected an argument from the Department of Justice last week and admitted the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago was “unprecedented.”

In a filing, Reinhart rejected the Justice Department’s argument to keep the affidavit “sealed,” citing the “intense public and historical interest.”

Reinhart wrote that he rejects “the Government’s argument that the present record justifies keeping the entire Affidavit under seal.”

“The Government argues that even requiring it to redact portions of the Affidavit that could not reveal agent identities or investigative sources and methods imposes an undue burden on its resources and sets a precedent that could be disruptive and burdensome in future cases,” Reinhart wrote. “I do not need to reach the question of whether, in some other case, these concerns could justify denying public access; they very well might.”

He added: “Particularly given the intense public and historical interest in an unprecedented search of a former President’s residence, the Government has not yet shown that these administrative concerns are sufficient to justify sealing.”


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The Corona Committee Israel was initiated by attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, together with Avital Livny, Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, and Ilana Rachel Daniels. Avital Livny, Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, and Ilana Rachel Daniels head this committee branch and conduct an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.


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Japan’s Nuclear Revival in a Race Against Time

August 31st, 2022 by Scott Foster

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On August 27th, New York Times reporter Matt Richtel published an article entitled “This Teen Was Prescribed 10 Psychiatric Drugs: She’s Not Alone.” The article begins as an honest indictment of psychiatry’s rising irresponsible practice of over prescribing multiple powerful drugs for teens struggling with anxiety, depression and other behavioral disorders. Richtel states the problem clearly.

“Many psychiatric drugs commonly prescribed to adolescents are not approved for people under 18. And they are being prescribed in combinations that have not been studied for safety or for their long-term impact on the developing brain.” The practice of prescribing multiple psychiatric drugs, known as polypharmacy, to any given patient has “gone mainstream.” 

Many of these drugs, such as the entire class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, carry black box warnings. Because psychiatry has never proven itself as an exact science, physicians frequently experiment by switching drugs, prescribing drugs for conditions they were not licensed for, and combining drugs into highly toxic cocktails.  The Times article documents several cases where young adults were taking 9 and 10 drugs simply for a diagnosis of anxiety and depression. In practice, psychiatry is largely based on guesswork rather than empirical evidence.

Admirably, Richtel’s article identifies a crucial problem in modern psychiatric practice for treating common mental disorders.  However it suffers from the sin of omission. It fails to specifically identify the nature of the teen’s suffering from polypharmacy practice.

Nor does Richtel mention that these drugs commonly cause the very mental illnesses they are prescribed to relieve. He also fails to mention that the entire Chemical Imbalance Theory upon which psychiatric medication for depression is based remains unproven. As we will explore in detail, the theory may be completely erroneous as a fundamental tenet for treating such disorders with drugs.

Richtel’s omissions are no surprise. The New York Times and the National Institute of Mental Health that the newspaper writes on behalf of has lost all credibility for promoting blatant psychiatric quackery. Having been one of the nation’s loudest media cheerleaders for US military interventions in the Middle East, when did the Times ever take responsibility for accurately reporting on the high rates of suicide among military personnel due to the overprescribing of psychiatric medications?  It is now well established that SSRIs contribute to suicidal and homicidal ideation. This was the reason for the CDC slapping a black box warning on SSRIs. By omitting the most important facts regarding the failures of SSRIs and other psychopharmaceutical drugs, the mainstream media and the entire psychiatric establishment has been manufacturing madness for decades. So where has the Times and the mainstream media been for the past fifty years when reporting the actual cause of anxiety and depression, and offering legitimate criticisms for prescribing SSRIs and other medications.

In 1986, the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly released its antidepressant drug Prozac, the world’s first SSRI.  Prozac has been called a wonder drug. Since its approval over fifteen other SSRIs, including Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, and Celexa are now commonly prescribed for depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and post traumatic stress.

The popularity of SSRIs has skyrocketed. Today, one in every six Americans, approximately 77 million Americans, is taking psychiatric medication, and a quarter of these are long term users. Forty-five million and 31 million for depression and anxiety respectively.

This ratio jumps to an incredible 21% among women between the ages of 45 and 64. During the first couple months of the Covid-19 pandemic prescriptions for depression, anxiety and insomnia increased by 21 percent. Worldwide, mental illness is now the leading cause of disability among children. Since 2015, antidepressant use among children between 5-12 has grown 41 percent, the majority being boys.

Active members and veterans of the US military have become especially dependent on psychiatric medications. Seventeen percent of active duty service members are currently taking antidepressants, sedatives, and other psychiatric drugs, which is 7 percent higher than the wider US population. In 2020 the Department of Veterans Affairs reported that it needed to spend $682 million more in 2021 to deal with the epidemic of mental health disorders within the military. Fifty three million dollars was necessary for suicide protection alone, which now averages 20 suicides per day. A decade ago, the Pentagon spent $280 million on psychiatric drugs.

Along with the rise in antidepressant use, there has been a surge in the creation of many new clinical diagnoses for mental disorders.  What would have been considered just a few years ago to be rebellious behavior among teenagers is now termed Oppositional Defiant disorder; what was once looked upon as a child not wanting to do math homework is now classified as Mathematics Disorder.

The latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes normal behaviors that have been pathologized as mental disorders. These include Binge Eating Disorder, Caffeine Withdrawal, Hoarding Disorder and Social Communication Withdrawal. As the psychiatric establishment increasingly asserts its importance by pathologizing normal human behaviors, tens of millions of Americans are popping pills in an attempt to find mental wellbeing. All the while, Big Pharma is making a killing; antidepressant drug sales alone are predicted to top $22 billion by 2027 and global sales for all psychiatric drugs are anticipated to reach $41 billion by 2025.

Considering how widely SSRIs are prescribed, you would be forgiven for thinking that this class of drugs is highly safe and effective. In point of fact, these drugs come with a host of devastating and sometimes deadly health implications. Examining the state of the medical industrial complex deeper still makes one thing abundantly clear: Psychiatry is NOT a science but a massively destructive unscientific experiment fueled by a medical industrial complex that values profits over human life and wellbeing.

Let’s break it down:

FACT: Psychiatric Drugs are Dangerous

Volumes of solid scientific evidence demonstrate that SSRIs carry serious and sometimes deadly side effects. These adverse effects include akathisia (a condition in which a person feels compelled to move about), permanent neurological damage, bone fracture, birth defects, sexual dysfunction, suicide (especially in children and teenagers) and acts of violence.[1-5] Shockingly, evidence indicates that SSRI use in patients can, in fact, exacerbate and lengthen bouts of depression and significantly promote relapse.[6]

Most alarming has been the relationship between suicides and psychiatric drug use. The year 2021 saw suicide among military personnel reach an all time high. Since 911, the number of active duty and veteran suicides is over four times greater than actual combat causalities.  In other words, more active-duty American soldiers are ending their own lives than are dying in battle. Could it be that the rising rates of suicide among members of the US military are being fueled by SSRIs and other psychiatric medications? A body of research suggests that the answer is yes.

A meta-analysis appearing in the British Medical Journal, which pooled data from more than 700 studies and 87,650 patients, found that that there exists an “association between the use of SSRIs and increased risk of fatal and non-fatal suicide attempts” The researchers stated in their conclusion that methodological limitations may have caused them to actually underestimate the real risk of suicide.[7]

In 2004, the FDA required SSRI manufactures to place a black box label on SSRI drugs stating suicide as a lethal side effect. How many more deaths have to occur before the FDA bans these dangerous medications altogether?

FACT: Psychiatric Drugs are NOT Effective

Back in 1967, a British psychiatrist proposed the Chemical Imbalance Theory, which established a template for future research to search for mental disorders in chemical imbalances that may be observed in the brain. It is also the underlying basis for the belief that the neurotransmitter serotonin is responsible for what has become the Serotonin Theory of Depression. However, a large state of the art “umbrella review evaluation” conducted by a consortium of eight universities investigated the relationship between serotonin and depression and found that there is no convincing evidence to make this claim.  Furthermore, many studies show that SSRIs are generally no more effective than a placebo (sugar pill) for treating depression. The authors of one meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of using SSRIs in patients with depression remarked that:

“These findings suggest that, compared with placebo, the new-generation antidepressants do not produce clinically significant improvements in depression in patients who initially have moderate or even very severe depression, but show significant effects only in the most severely depressed patients”[8]

Upon closer investigation, it’s little wonder that these drugs aren’t efficacious. Psychiatric authorities still contend that mental illness has its roots in “chemical imbalances” in the brain that may be mediated through pharmaceuticals. The only problem is that there is no compelling evidence to confirm this hypothesis. To the contrary, there is increasing evidence to debunk the chemical imbalance theory altogether.  Furthermore, studies prove that SSRIs can adversely interfere and disturb normal brain function; SSRIs ultimately reduce the brain’s ability to respond to serotonin.[9] This is a possible reason that many individuals on SSRIs are more likely to suffer from depression for longer periods of time, and relapse more frequently.

FACT: Psychiatric Diagnoses Have No Basis in Science  

The American Psychiatric Association’s Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the definitive guide for psychiatric diagnoses. Of the nearly 300 mental disorders outlined in the DSM-5, the criteria for determining mental illness are based solely on subjectively measured and described behaviors.  There are no blood tests, no brain scans or urine samples- not one biological marker to validate the existence of these so-called conditions.

The flawed nature of conventional mental health diagnoses has been pointed out for years. In a 2010 opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times, Allen Frances, chairman of the taskforce that created the DSM-4, commented on the absurdity of the ever-expanding pool of mental disorders stating the following:

“The first draft of the next edition of the DSM, posted for comment with much fanfare last month, is filled with suggestions that would multiply our mistakes and extend the reach of psychiatry dramatically deeper into the ever-shrinking domain of the normal. This wholesale medical imperialization of normality could potentially create tens of millions of innocent bystanders who would be mislabeled as having a mental disorder. The pharmaceutical industry would have a field day — despite the lack of solid evidence of any effective treatments for these newly proposed diagnoses.”

Even more damning was a deathbed confession in 2009 by the eminent child psychiatrist, Dr. Leon Eisenberg. In his final interview, Eisenberg reportedly revealed that “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” The bombshell came at the end of Eisenberg’s long career developing foundational theories in modern psychiatry that led to the creation of ADHD and other mental disorders.

Given the lack of scientific rigor with which the APA concocts new disorders, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the DMS-5 even outlines “internet gaming disorder” as a brain abnormality that warrants further study. The bottom line is that psychiatry’s DSM handbook has as much credibility as a comic book.

FACT: The Psychiatric Establishment is Bought and Paid for by Big Pharma

Like the other branches of the medical-industrial complex, psychiatry is infested with conflicts of interest. One of the most outspoken critics of the pharmaceutical industry’s extensive influence over modern medicine is Dr. Marcia Angell, the former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine who is currently on the faculty at Harvard University’s School of Public Health.

In her New York Book Review article, Dr. Angell recounts the systemic corruption that has plagued the field of psychiatry:

“As psychiatry became a drug-intensive specialty, the pharmaceutical industry was quick to see the advantages of forming an alliance with the psychiatric profession. Drug companies began to lavish attention and largesse on psychiatrists, both individually and collectively, directly and indirectly. They showered gifts and free samples on practicing psychiatrists, hired them as consultants and speakers, bought them meals, helped pay for them to attend conferences, and supplied them with “educational” materials. When Minnesota and Vermont implemented “sunshine laws” that require drug companies to report all payments to doctors, psychiatrists were found to receive more money than physicians in any other specialty. The pharmaceutical industry also subsidizes meetings of the APA and other psychiatric conferences. About a fifth of APA funding now comes from drug companies.”

Dr. Angell goes on to describe how pharmaceutical companies manipulate study results to maximize profit streams from their drugs:

“…drug companies make very sure that their positive studies are published in medical journals and doctors know about them, while the negative ones often languish unseen within the FDA, which regards them as proprietary and therefore confidential. This practice greatly biases the medical literature, medical education, and treatment decisions.”

Upon further investigation not only are unfavorable clinical trial results concealed while positive results are highlighted and publicized, but the pharmaceutical industry has been embroiled in scandals involving fabricated study results.  In one case, Dr. Scott S Reuben, a Massachusetts anesthesiologist and researcher, allegedly faked data for 21 studies on major medications. Several of the drugs reviewed in Reuben’s studies, including Wyeth’s antidepressant, Effexor FX, were presented in a favorable light without any supporting clinical evidence.

In our opinion, professional dishonesty is rampant in modernpsychiary. In 2013 The Economist published an article entitled “Unreliable Research: Trouble at the Lab.” The paper covered the work of Dr. Daniele Fanelli at the University of Edinburgh, who studied the flaws of scientific research conducted at academic institutions. Dr. Fanelli stated that fraud is likely second to incompetence in generating erroneous results —  although determining the difference is difficult. Dr Fanelli evaluated 21 separate surveys by academics (mostly in the biomedical sciences but also in civil engineering, chemistry and economics) carried out across a 21 year period (1987 to 2008). Only 2% of respondents admitted falsifying or fabricating data, but 28% of respondents claimed to know of colleagues who engaged in questionable research practices.

Collusion and deception have become hallmarks of the medical establishment. Here are some examples of psychiatry’s corruption by the pharmaceutical cartel.

Psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and her colleagues examined the conflicts of interest among the panel members tasked with updating the DSM-5 handbook. Her study noted that “69% of the DSM-5 task force members report having ties to the pharmaceutical industry. This represents a relative increase of 21% over the proportion of DSM-IV task force members with such ties (57% of DSM-IV task force members had ties).”[10]

Cosgrove points out that panel members are eligible to help edit the DSM as long as they are not paid more than $10,000 from drug companies per year (through consultancies and other jobs). In addition, members are permitted to own up to $50,000 in stock holdings in pharmaceutical firms and still serve in their position.

Moreover, the American Psychiatric Association meets in secret to develop the DSM. All of the task force members are required to sign non-disclosure agreements.  This practice has been assailed by many, even former DSM chairman Robert Spitzer, who stated in an interview that “When I first heard about this agreement, I just went bonkers…transparency is necessary if the document is to have credibility.”[11]

Groups such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), which were allegedly founded to advocate on behalf of people with mental disorders, have been challenged for operating as front groups created to push the pharmaceutical industry’s profit-driven agenda.

In the 1970s and 1980s, leaders at the National Institute of Mental Health played a key role in helping found these professional organizations, such as NAMI, in order to enable drug companies to effectively lobby lawmakers in Washington and state capitols to fund more psychiatric research. These organizations have enjoyed a steady stream of generous financial support from drug makers for decades.

Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin has alleged that NAMI is the “astroturf lobbying organization… for the psychopharmaceutical complex.”  The organization controls 70 percent of the mainstream media’s messaging about mental health and psychological disorders. Its corporate sponsors are a Who’s Who of the nation’s largest firms in the drug and chemical industries, Wall Street banks, the most influential Silicon Valley companies and the major media networks. It dominates social media, with over 160 million impressions, to advance psychiatry’s drug-based model for dealing with mental illness.

In a single year NAMI spent $3.5 million to grab state organizations to advocate on its behalf through its many hundreds of local chapters in every US state. And in 2021, NAMI’s annual report called for $2.1 billion of additional funding to advance its influence over state psychiatric organizations and the media. It is currently in a collaboration with Google to embark on an initiative that would flag internet searchers for psychological related disorders, such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsion, etc, thereby incorporating a vehicle for the psychiatric and drug industry to identify and reach out to internet users who may suffer from these mental afflictions. Very likely, this initiative will generate algorithms for pharmaceutical ads targeting the specific searches people make.

Given the overwhelming evidence implicating modern psychiatry as a sick and twisted farce designed to profit from human suffering, how could it be that this issue doesn’t receive any substantive media coverage? Why hasn’t this been exposed by The New York Times, CNN and MSNBC, or 60 Minutes? Could it be the hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising that the corporate media receives from Big Pharma each year? Perhaps this could lead to self-censorship.

The Dangers of SSRIs

We need to take a deeper look at the dangers associated with SSRIs. The most controversial issue surrounding the use of SSRIs–a possible connection to suicidal and homicidal thoughts and behavior in some users–made news in mid-2003 when the Food and Drug Administration recommended that Paxil not be used to treat depressed children and adolescents because regulators were reviewing reports from clinical trials of an increased risk of suicidal thinking and suicide attempts in young users.[12]

Although the Prozac era has ended for Eli Lilly, the availability of less costly generics means that fluoxetine may be more affordable for tens of millions of uninsured people. In addition to gaining approval for Prozac for indications besides depression (obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, and panic disorder), Eli Lilly now markets two Prozac-related products that have their own patents: Sarafem is the version of Prozac approved for the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).[13] It was the first prescription drug in the US with this indication. The second drug is Prozac Weekly, intended for the longer-term treatment of depression when symptoms have stabilized.[14]

IQVia (formerly IMS Health) has observed a trend toward “lifestyle indications” for antidepressants.[15] In addition to major depression and OCD, both Paxil and Zoloft are indicated for panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Zoloft also is approved for premenstrual dysphoric disorder, while Paxil is approved for generalized anxiety disorder. [16-17] Doctors, for their part, prescribe SSRIs for a wide range of conditions, such as headaches, substance abuse, eating disorders, back pain, impulsivity, upset stomach, irritability, hair pulling, nail biting, premature ejaculation, sexual addictions, and attention deficit disorder.[18]

One growing market for SSRIs and other psychiatric medications is young children and adolescents. This is despite some studies showing that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in these patients.[19-22]  Another study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that psychotropic medications prescribed to preschoolers has rapidly increased.[23]

An analysis of prescription claims among young Medicaid patients in North Carolina found that the use of Ritalin-type stimulants and Prozac-type antidepressants among children rose dramatically and that more were taking both drugs at once. Current figures record that 1 in 5 children have a mental health problem: 43 percent increase in ADHD, 37% rise in teen depression, and   200 percent increase in suicides among adolescents between 10-14 years of age. For 2020, the IQVia patient tracker database records over 6.1 million persons between 0-17 years of age on some type of psychiatric medication.  Breaking down this statistic, 2.1 million are antidepressants, 3.1 million are taking anti-ADHD drugs such as Adderall, and another 1.2 million are on anti-anxiety drugs. Writing about the increase in psychiatric drugs prescribed for younger people, Jerry Rushton, MD, MPH, commented, “… the consistent increase in SSRI use and in dual prescriptions is especially surprising. We need further information about whether this is due to new unrecognized mental disorders, substitution for other therapies, or overprescription.”

Serotonin and side effects

Prozac relieves depression by affecting the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that connects receptor sites and fires nerve cells. Joseph Glenmullen, MD, a clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, explains in his book Prozac Backlash that the drug inhibits the reuptake of serotonin–a process in which a cell that releases this chemical messenger reabsorbs any unused portion of it. By blocking the reuptake of this neurotransmitter, Prozac boosts the level of serotonin and prolongs the serotonin signals in the brain.[24]

Dr. Glenmullen points out, however, that neurotransmitters like serotonin, adrenaline, and dopamine are connected by complex circuitry and function interdependently.

Changes in one neurotransmitter can set off changes in another. Thus, the idea that Prozac-type drugs work “selectively” on serotonin is an illusion. When the level of serotonin is artificially increased, the primary reaction in the brain is a drop in dopamine–a powerful secondary effect that was not understood when the new class of serotonin boosters was introduced. The severe effects of the SSRIs are thought to be caused by the connections between the serotonin and dopamine systems. “Drugs producing a dopamine drop are well known to cause the dangerous side effects that are now appearing with Prozac and the other drugs in its class,” Dr. Glenmullen writes. His term for these compensatory reactions in the brain is “Prozac backlash.”[25]

Dr. Peter Breggin has also reported in Talking Back to Prozac: What Doctors Aren’t Telling You About Today’s Most Controversial Drug, that Prozac acts as a stimulant to the nervous system.[26] Therefore, it can produce side effects that mimic those of amphetamines and are exaggerations of the desired effects of Prozac in relieving depression.

According to Dr. Breggin, the FDA psychiatrist who wrote the agency’s safety review of Prozac, the drug’s effects–including nausea, insomnia, and nervousness–resemble the profile of a stimulant drug rather than a sedative. He notes that nearly all of the Prozac side effects listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference “fit into the stimulant profile.” Among others, these stimulant symptoms include headaches, nervousness, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, tremors, weight loss, nausea, diarrhea, mouth dryness, anorexia, and excessive sweating. He adds in The Antidepressant Fact Book that all of the SSRIs can cause insomnia, anxiety, agitation, and nervousness. These same effects and others are caused by the classic stimulants–methylphenidate, amphetamine, methamphetamine, Ecstasy, and cocaine. [27]

A drug that acts as a stimulant can also overstimulate the body systems. In Talking Back to Prozac, Dr. Breggin offers the example of a person who takes Prozac to relieve depression (the beneficial effect) and suffers from agitation and insomnia (the negative effects). These adverse reactions “are inherent in the stimulant effect that produces feelings of energy and well-being,” he writes. “In this sense, the difference between ‘therapeutic effects’ and ‘toxic effects’ are merely steps along a continuum from mild to extreme toxicity.”[28]

Between 2004 and 2019, the FDA’s Adverse Events Reporting System or FAERS reported over 7.3 million adverse events for 30 different antidepressants on the market.  Across the board, SSRIs were the most responsible; however, one reason may be that SSRIs are more prescribed. It is not unusual for serious adverse effects to surface after a drug hits the market. Only then is a major new warning added to the label or the drug be withdrawn. The FDA informs doctors, but not the public that the approval of a drug does not mean it is safe.

In 2004, the FDA was compelled to issue a black box warning on virtually all antidepressant drugs. Four years later the FDA instituted a black box warning for all second generation antipsychotics due to rising deaths among elderly patients.  It is not uncommon for drugs to eventually undergo greater scrutiny after they have been on the market for longer periods of time and drug injuries and deaths increase. It is estimated that there is a 20% chance that problems will arise with any given drug after its approval. One group of researchers stated, “The safety of new agents cannot be known with certainty until a drug has been on the market for many years.”  Now that pharmaceutical companies have easier access to fast track new drugs off the production line through the FDA’s regulatory review process, there has been a noticeable increase in black box warning for new drugs.

Dr. Glenmullen says that popular psychiatric drugs follow a “10-20-30 year pattern” in revealing their dangerous effects and falling into disfavor: About 10 years after their debut, the earliest signs of problems appear. At 20 years, there is enough data for the problems to be undeniable and a significant number of physicians to voice their concerns. At 20 years (or more), professional organizations and regulators actively work to stop overprescribing of the drug. At this point, drugs have become passé and lose their patent protection, and the manufacturers move on to more profitable drugs “that can be promoted as ‘safer’ because their hazards are not yet known.” [29]

Comparisons of efficacy

SSRIs have no more specific effect on depression than do other antidepressants, including the tricycles and monoamine-oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), according to Charles Medawar. As he explains in The Antidepressant Web, patients generally respond to antidepressants in about 60% to 70% of cases, while the typical response to  placebo is 30% to 35%. Therefore, the popularity of SSRIs is due to the fact that most experts believe they are safer or otherwise more acceptable than the alternatives. And, in fact, promotional messages for SSRIs state three advantages: the drugs produce fewer unwanted side effects, are more acceptable to more patients, and are safer when overdosed.[30]

Despite the safety-related claims made in the medical literature, “the evidence overall does not suggest that SSRIs show any great and decisive safety advantage over alternatives in day to day use,” says Medawar. Consider the results of trials comparing SSRI efficacy and safety with that of other antidepressants: “Two independent meta-analyses, each starting with a careful search of the literature to identify all properly controlled trials, have reached broadly similar conclusions–the SSRIs do have the edge on alternatives, but not by much.”[31] One analysis of 62 trials found a 49% dropout rate for SSRIs versus a 54% rate for tricyclic antidepressants. A second analysis of 63 trials (16 comparing an SSRI with a nontricyclic) found that 3% fewer people stopped taking an SSRI because of the side effects. [32]

Other reviews also have found that the newer antidepressants are no more or less effective in treating depression than older-generation drugs. In a government study conducted by Dr. Cynthia Mulrow and colleagues, the researchers analyzed more than 300 randomized controlled trials and concluded there were no significant differences in efficacy between newer and older agents or in overall discontinuation rates.[33-34] Fewer people taking SSRIs stopped treatment due to adverse effects than those taking first-generation tricyclics (the rate difference was 4%). More than 80 studies found that newer antidepressants were more effective than placebo in treating major depression in adults. The response rate was 50% for the drugs, versus 32% for a placebo.

A more disturbing conclusion was reached by Dr. Irving Kirsch and colleagues who analyzed data sent to the FDA for approval of the six most commonly prescribed antidepressants over the course of a dozen years (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, Serzone, and Celexa). Their analysis found that the response to placebo was almost as great as the response to the antidepressants. The mean difference on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression was two points, according to a report in Psychiatric Times. The difference was statistically, but not clinically, significant. The article states, “More than half of the clinical trials sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies failed to find significant drug/placebo difference, and there were no advantages to higher doses of antidepressants.” The authors add, “The small difference between antidepressant and placebo has been referred to as a ‘dirty little secret’ by clinical trial researchers …”[35]

Several recent studies have reported similar results, finding that an SSRI did not differ significantly from placebo in the treatment of depression.[36]


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow

They are regular contributors to Global Research.


[1] Koliscak, Lindsey P., and Eugene H. Makela. “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-induced akathisia.” Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 49.2 (2009): e28-e38. Print.

[2] Wu, Q., A. F. Bencaz, J. G. Hentz, and M. D. Crowell. “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment and risk of fractures: a meta-analysis of cohort and case–control studies.” Osteoporosis International 23.1 (2012): 365-375. Print.

[3] Bahrick, Audrey (2008). “Persistence of Sexual Dysfunction Side Effects after Discontinuation of Antidepressant Medications: Emerging Evidence”. The Open Psychology Journal 1: 42–50. Retrieved 30 January 2014.

[4] Olfson M, Marcus SC, Shaffer D (August 2006). “Antidepressant drug therapy and suicide in severely depressed children and adults: A case-control study”. Archives of General Psychiatry 63 (8): 865–72.

[5] Henry, Chantal, and Jacques Demotes-Mainard. “SSRIs, Suicide and Violent Behavior: Is there a Need for a Better Definition of the Depressive State?.” Current Drug Safety 1.1 (2006): 59-62. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

[6] van Weel-Baumgarten, EM, et al. “Treatment of depression related to recurrence: 10-year follow-up in general practice.” Journal of Clinical of Pharmacy and Therapeutics 25.1 (2005): 61-6. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

[7] Fergusson , Dean, et al.. “Association between suicide attempts and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: systematic review of randomised controlled trials.” British Medical Journal 330 (2005): n. pag. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

[8] Kirsch, Irving, Brett J. Deacon, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Alan Scoboria, Thomas J. Moore, and Blair T. Johnson. “Initial Severity And Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis Of Data Submitted To The Food And Drug Administration.” PLoS Medicine 5.2 (2008): e45. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

[9] Andrews, Paul W, et al.. “Blue again: perturbational effects of antidepressants suggest monoaminergic homeostasis in major depression .” Fronteirs in Psychology July (2011): n. pag. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

[10] Cosgrove, Lisa, and Sheldon Krimsky. “A Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Panel Members’ Financial Associations with Industry: A Pernicious Problem Persists.” PLoS Medicine 9.3 (2012): e1001190. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

[11] Carey, Benedict. “Psychiatry’s Struggle to Revise The Book of Human Troubles.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 17 Dec. 2008. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

[12] U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA talk paper: FDA statement regarding the anti-depressant Paxil for pediatric population. June 19, 2003.

[13] U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New treatment approved for severe premenstrual symptoms. FDA Consumer magazine, Sep-Oct. 2000.

[14] U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Weekly Prozac dosage: treatment alternative for depression. FDA Consumer magazine, May-June 2001.

[15] IMS Health. Lifestyle indications for antidepressants. April 4, 2000. From

[16] GlaxoSmithKline. Prescribing information for Paxil (paroxetine hydrochloride) Tablets and Oral Suspension. August 2003. From

[17] Pfizer Inc. Prescribing information for Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride) Tablets and Oral Concentrate. Revised September 2003. From

[18] Glenmullen, Joseph, M.D. Prozac backlash: overcoming the dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and other antidepressants with safe, effective alternatives. Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2000, p. 14.

[19] Leonard M. Children are the hot new market for antidepressants. But is this how to make them feel better? Boston Sunday Globe, May 25, 1997, D1, D5 (cited in Glenmullen).

[20] Strauch B. Use of antidepression medicine for young patients has soared. New York Times, August 10, 1997, 1 (cited in Glenmullen).

[21] Martin A, Leslie D. Trends in psychotropic medication costs for children and adolescents, 1997-2000. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Oct; 157(10):997-1004.

[22] Fisher RL and Fisher S. Antidepressants for children. Is scientific support necessary? J Nerv Ment Dis 1996; 184:99-102 (cited in Glenmullen).

[23] Pellegrino D. Commentary: Clinical judgement, scientific data, and ethics: antidepressant therapy in adolescents and children. J Nerv Ment Dis 1996; 184:106-8 (cited in Glenmullen).

[24] Glenmullen, op. cit., p. 17.

[25] Ibid, pp. 17-20.

[26] Breggin, P.R., and Breggin, G.R. Talking back to Prozac: What doctors aren’t telling you about today’s most controversial drug. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1994, p. 121.

[27] Breggin, P.R. The antidepressant fact book. Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 2001, p. 46.

[28] Breggin and Breggin, 1994, p. 105.

[29] Glenmullen, op. cit., pp. 12-13.

[30] Medawar C. The antidepressant web–marketing depression and making medicines work. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 1997;10(2):75-126. Posted online at a Web site operated by Social Audit Ltd., the publishing arm of Public Interest Research Centre Ltd.: Last updated August 8, 2003.

[31] Anderson IM, Tomenson BM. Treatment discontinuation with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors compared with tricyclic antidepressants: a meta-analysis. Brit Med J 1995 June 3; 310:1433-8 (cited in Medawar).

[32] Song F, Freemantle N, Sheldon TA, et al. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: meta-analysis of efficacy and acceptability. Brit Med J 1993; 306:683-7 (cited in Medawar).

[33] Mulrow CD, Williams JW Jr, Trivedi M, Chiquette E, Aguilar C, et al. Treatment of depression–newer pharmacotherapies. Psychopharmacol Bull 1998; 34(4):409-795.

[34] Geddes JR, Freemantle N, Mason J, Eccles MP, Boynton J. SSRIs versus other antidepressants for depressive disorder. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000; (2):CD001851.

[35] Hollon SD, DeRubeis RJ, Shelton RC, Weiss B. The emperor’s new drugs: effect size and moderate effects. Prevention & Treatment, 5 Artical 28, 2002 (cited in Kirsch and Antonuccio).

[36] Hypericum Depression Trial Study Group. Effect of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) in major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2002 Apr 10; 287(14):1807-14.

US Tightening Its Neocolonial Grip Over Ukraine

August 31st, 2022 by Drago Bosnic

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Washington exerts more control over the Kiev regime, establishing its own military command, increasing the presence of numerous foreign-backed NGOs, as well as sending US corporate advisers and representatives.

Ukraine was never seen as a particularly sovereign country. However, in 2014 any semblance of independence was lost for good when the political West used the Neo-Nazi elements of Ukrainian society to install the current Kiev regime.

Both the European Union and the United States had interests in Ukraine, albeit somewhat divergent. While the EU saw Ukraine as a perfect opportunity to significantly enlarge its area of neocolonial exploitation, the US saw it both as that and unmatched strategic leverage against Russia.

With Ukraine under firm Washington control, the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) would’ve been severely undermined by giving the US a clear advantage, forcing Russia to either effectively capitulate or escalate. The Pentagon strategists were especially happy with this turn of events, regardless of how many Cold War-era pundits, former military and government officials advised against this extremely dangerous, almost suicidal approach.

For its part, the Russian establishment realized it would be cornered if this were to materialize. Moscow decided to act decisively on February 24, launching its special military operation in order to drive NATO further from its western borders, as well as to prevent the complete loss of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Russia’s intervention proved that the Kiev regime forces, albeit significantly enlarged and modernized, were no match for Moscow’s superpower military. Seeing how fast its project in Kiev would crumble, the political West reacted by sending billions of dollars’ worth of weapons, in addition to mobilizing its massive propaganda machine to create an image of “Ukrainian defenders fighting off Russia’s completely unprovoked brutal invasion.”

Russia’s BTGs (battalion tactical groups) took control over large swathes of land in mere days, helping shape the field of battle to Moscow’s liking and setting the stage for the most important aspect of the special military operation – demilitarization. As the fighting started turning into a classic example of attrition warfare the political West realized that Russia will most certainly prevail. The US and NATO understood that only constant weapons shipments could keep the Kiev regime forces afloat. Still, despite the Western propaganda machine trying to portray these weapons as the new “wunderwaffen”, the Neo-Nazi junta’s experience fighting the Russian military with the said weapons painted a much less flattering picture.

In order to tackle the issue of the Kiev regime’s incompetence, the US decided to take even more control of the situation and how military assets sent by the political West were being used. This has turned Ukraine, already a prime example of US neocolonialist foreign policy, into an almost direct US colony. The much-touted offensive in the Kherson oblast illustrates this perfectly. The offensive didn’t only fail before it even began, but it’s also clear that the US needs it much more than the Kiev regime itself. The Neo-Nazi junta lacks soldiers, weapons and logistics to launch any sensible offensive. In addition, the Russian military enjoys air superiority, making any such attempt suicidal at best.

Still, the United States, and above all, the troubled Biden administration, is in desperate need of even a semblance of victory as the midterm elections are mere months away. The US government needs to demonstrate just how “successful” its Ukraine policy is. The problem is that there’s nothing good it can use to create the illusion of success. The current US global standing, coupled with an increasingly difficult domestic situation poses a significant threat to the Democratic Party, which desperately needs anything to show that the Biden administration’s policies, both domestic and foreign, are beneficial for the US.

To accomplish this goal, the US is “increasing its presence” in Ukraine. The notion that its money will be embezzled by the corrupt Kiev regime officials and its “lethal aid” sold on the black market is making the Biden administration especially uncomfortable, as this will very likely create even more problems and further damage the already shaky reputation of the current US government, to say nothing of the negative consequences for its Ukraine policy. To tackle this issue and since it’s unsatisfied with the “military successes” of the Kiev regime forces, the US is establishing its own military command which will control the course of military operations conducted by the Neo-Nazi junta forces. This also includes the distribution and use of American and other Western weapons supplied to the Kiev regime forces.

The changes in policy are not only affecting the military, but also the government institutions. Exercising even more control over the actions of the Kiev regime government, increasing the presence of numerous foreign-backed NGOs, as well as sending US corporate advisers and representatives are all actions which aim to tighten the US neocolonial grip. In this way, even the local operational decision-making is being taken away from the regime and relegated to the US embassy in Kiev. It is precisely this neocolonial policy (nearly a carbon copy of the one carried out in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, etc.) that is pushing the Ukrainian people into a protracted and bloody conflict with Russia, one they cannot hope to win.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

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I’ve disagreed with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over a whole range of issues and still do. But I support his refusal to apologise for the killing of 11 Israeli participants at the 1974 Munich Olympics, and his use of the term ‘holocausts’ to describe the many massacres to which Palestinians have been subjected by Israeli forces over the years.

Abbas, who made his remarks at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, was not asked about his view of the Nazi Holocaust, but of the death of the Israeli athletes on the 50th anniversary of the Munich incident. His reply, reminding his questioner of the ‘Israeli holocausts’ perpetrated daily against the Palestinian people, was poignant and powerful. He should not retract it or try to clarify or fudge it to appease criminals whose record is replete with racism, atrocities, and war crimes.

The massacre of the Israeli athletes in Munich was not committed by Abbas or by the Black September squad that abducted them. They were killed by Israeli Mossad operatives and German police who stormed the place where they were being held. The five kidnappers, who had wanted to exchange them for Palestinian prisoners held in the Israeli occupation’s jails, were all liquidated. But Israel, supported by Germany’s guilt complex, considers itself above any law or accountability and feels free to twist the facts.

Abbas has saved countless Jewish lives by devoting 60,000 Palestinian security personnel to protecting Israeli settlers for the past 30 years, the biggest scandal in the history of national liberation movements. His only reward has been to be insulted and abused by Yair Lapid, Lieberman and other Israeli leaders.

Lapid described Abbas’ remarks as disgraceful and unforgivable and accused him of denying the Holocaust in which six million Jews including a million children perished. Lapid’s hands and those of all previous Israeli governments are soaked in the blood of Palestinian children, most recently the 16 slain in just three days in the Gaza Strip. They are the last people on earth entitled to lecture anyone about the killing of women and children.

Abbas was excoriated by Scholz and the German opposition for describing Israel as a racist Apartheid state. If I were him I would have replied that the Germans should apologize to the Palestinian people, not the other way round, for their blind unconditional defence of blatant Israeli racism and their hypocrisy, double standards, and falsehoods when it comes to the Palestinian cause.

The Nazi Holocaust was the ugliest crime in modern history and must be condemned in the strongest terms. But usage of the term is not a Jewish copyright, and we should not be prevented from using it to describe the holocausts to which the Palestinians and other peoples have been and continue to be subjected.

Israel has committed countless massacres against the Palestinian, Lebanese, and Egyptian people — last but not least the recently revealed Latroun massacre in which 90 Egyptian soldiers who surrendered after being surrounded in the 1967 war were burned alive. It carries out mass killings, holocausts, blockades, and sieges against the Palestinians with impunity. It has never abided by a single UN resolution applicable to it, nor respected its signature on any agreement with Palestinians, including the shameful Oslo Accords that gave it 80% of the territory historic Palestine in exchange for a bastardised version of ‘autonomy’.

I wish Abbas had taken such a bold stance 30 years ago instead of engaging in futile negotiations and imagining that peace could be achieved with a murderous, racist coloniser. Maybe he has experienced a belated awakening to atone for his sins. Better late than never. But the Palestinian people realised long ago that the policy of banking on peaceful solutions and international resolutions had failed, and that the only way of regaining their rights is resistance.


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Featured image is from Raialyoum

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Thanks to Forbes for bringing this article to our attention. Copyright Forbes.


Ukrainian aircraft are firing American-made AGM-88 High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM) at Russian air-defenses in Ukraine.

It’s an unexpected development, considering that the HARM normally isn’t compatible with the Soviet-designed MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters and Su-24 and Su-25 attack jets that the Ukrainian air force operates.

But it’s possible to guess how the Ukrainians and Americans have made the 800-pound, radar-seeking missile work.

Oleksii Reznikov, Ukraine’s minister of defense, back in July teased the country’s acquisition of anti-radiation missiles. But the first evidence of American HARMs in Ukraine came Sunday, when photos circulated online depicting wreckage of a missile somewhere in Ukraine—wreckage with the distinctive stenciling of an AGM-88. More photos followed Thursday.

The photos sparked widespread speculation. Since no air force ever has integrated the HARM on a Soviet plane type, some observers wondered aloud whether a NATO ally of Ukraine fired the missiles.

That always was unlikely, of course, as NATO—while a strong supporter of Ukraine—carefully has avoided direct involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war, for obvious escalatory reasons.

Alternatively, some observers pointed out that later models of the Raytheon-made AGM-88, which first entered service in the 1980s, are compatible with ground launchers. Perhaps the Ukrainians had cobbled together some kind of improvised truck-launcher for older HARMs.

On Monday, U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl ended the speculation. The Ukrainian air force was firing HARMs that the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden transferred to Ukraine under Biden’s “presidential draw-down authority,” which allows him to dispatch overseas surplus U.S. weaponry.

“We’ve included a number of anti-radiation missiles that can be fired off of Ukrainian aircraft that can have effects on Russia radars and other things,” Kahl said. “So there are also things that we’re doing to try to make their existing capabilities more effective.”

Kahl even hinted at which of Ukraine’s roughly 100 remaining front-line warplanes are carrying the 14-foot anti-radiation missile. Kahl noted speculation that Ukraine quietly has been acquiring—or at least seeking to acquire—second-hand MiG-29s from NATO countries.

“A lot was made about the MiG-29 issue several months ago,” Kahl said. “Not very much has been noticed about the sheer amounts of spare parts and other things that we’ve done to help them actually put more of their own MiG-29s in the air and keep those that are in the air flying for a longer period of time.”

Click here to read the full article.


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David Axe is a journalist, author and filmmaker based in Columbia, South Carolina.

Featured image: A U.S. Navy EA-6B fires an AGM-88 HARM in 1999. (Source: US Navy photo)

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Fauci Announces He Is on His Way Out

August 31st, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he will resign from his posts as director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December.

It appears Fauci is making sure to get out before new Republican congressional members take their seats. He’s probably banking on being able to plead the Fifth Amendment as a private citizen and never have to answer to anything he did while in public office, should Republicans decide to investigate his role in the pandemic.

Fauci’s misdeeds include but are not limited to disastrous and contradictory COVID policies, funding of banned gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, colluding to destroy the reputations of scientists who called for focused protection rather than lockdowns, and lying to Congress.

One of the darkest stains on Fauci’s career was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients. He followed the same script during the COVID pandemic, with devastating consequences.

Ever since the COVID outbreak became apparent, Fauci has seemingly done everything in his power to confuse the public and strip us of our human and civil rights in order to further the agenda of the technocratic, transhumanist cabal.


August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he will resign from his posts as director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December.1

He noted he is “not retiring” but rather will “pursue the next chapter” of his career, presumably within the private sector. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up working with Bill Gates and/or the World Health Organization.

Timing Is Everything

The timing of his departure is interesting, seeing how Republicans may end up controlling the House come January 2023. They then will control which kinds of hearings and investigations will be held.

So far, Fauci has benefited from the protection of the Democratic Party and mainstream media — which went so far as to dub him the “sexiest man alive”2 in 2021, in an apparent effort to polish his increasingly tarnishing image — and sharp questioning by Republican Sen. Rand Paul aside, nothing has been done to hold Fauci responsible for any of his misdeeds, which include but are not limited to:

  • Disastrous and contradictory COVID policies3
  • Funding of banned gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China (discussed in the Sky News report above from June 2021)
  • Colluding to destroy the reputations of scientists who called for focused protection rather than lockdowns, and
  • Lying to Congress (below)

So, it appears Fauci is making sure to get out before new Congressional members take their seats. He’s probably banking on being able to plead the Fifth Amendment as a private citizen and never have to answer to anything he did while in public office, should Republicans decide to investigate him.

As noted by Batya Ungar-Sargon during an August 22, 2022, episode of The Hill’s “Rising” (video below), when asked about whether he had any regrets about his pandemic response, Fauci denied having made any mistakes — a surprising stance, considering his many flip-flopping and contradictory recommendations.

Amazon Protects Fauci’s Reputation by Censoring Book Reviews

When Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best selling book “The Real Anthony Fauci4 came out in November 2021, there were 20,000 reviews of the book on Amazon but mine was number one with 7,500 “liking” the review. The reason I mention it is that this was my headline last summer: “The Details Exposed in This Book Will Lead to Fauci’s Resignation.”

Then, at some point, Amazon censored the reviews, and now the top critical review has 2,485 “likes” and the top positive review has a measly five and my review is nowhere to be seen. Nice job of censoring, Amazon.

“The Real Anthony Fauci” is a carefully referenced, scathing critique of Fauci’s career. As explained by Kennedy in my interview with him in mid-November 2021, Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research.

Instead of safeguarding public health, Fauci turned the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into an incubator for pharmaceutical products, and essentially sold the entire country to the drug industry. He was instrumental in creating the vaccine “gold rush” in the 2000s, when he partnered with Gates to vaccinate the world with a battery of new vaccines.

One of the darkest stains on Fauci’s career, aside from his role in the COVID pandemic, was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients.

He followed the same script during the COVID pandemic, with devastating consequences. He suppressed all inexpensive and nontoxic treatments and pushed the toxic and deadly remdesivir to the front of the line, making it the only drug available to hospitals, which were financially rewarded for killing patients with it.

As noted by The Federalist in a January 2021 article5 written by civil rights attorney Ilya Feoktistov, Fauci has failed upward ever since he joined the NIH in 1984, meaning each failure was rewarded with greater influence and funding.

Did Fauci Write ‘Expect the Unexpected’?

Fauci also has a book of his own, the publication of which occurred under rather suspicious circumstances. In a 2021 interview, Fauci said he was working on a memoir, but was precluded from contracting with a publisher while still employed by the federal government.6,7

In June 2021, Fauci’s book, “Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward,” was listed for sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, only to be delisted almost immediately.8 According to the publisher, National Geographic Books, the book was “prematurely posted for pre-sale.”

They also stated Fauci was not actually involved in the creation of the book and would not receive royalties from it. The original Amazon posting, however, gives a different impression:9

“In his own words, world-renowned infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci shares the lessons that have shaped his life philosophy, offering an intimate view of one of the world’s greatest medical minds as well as universal advice to live by.”

When, in November 2021, “Fauci: Expect the Unexpected” finally came out, it had National Geographic listed as the “editor,” with no author specified.10 Is this Fauci’s own work, repackaged and sold with National Geographic as the author/editor and publisher? If so, then Fauci has flouted the rules and committed yet another illegal act.

Violators of Nuremberg Code Must Be Held Accountable

Many are now wondering if Fauci, through his resignation, will be able to slip through the fingers of accountability. Hopefully, justice will prevail on that point, in one way or another.

As noted by Children’s Health Defense president Mary Holland during an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code (video above),11 “Those who violated the Nuremberg Code must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.” Fauci, without doubt, deserves to be very high up on that list.

During that same event, Holocaust survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, Vera Sharav, also stressed that the “Nuremberg Code is our defense against abusive experimentation,” and that to prevent another mass genocide, “we must identify ominous current parallels before they poison the fabric of society.” Sharav continued:12

“Humanity is currently under siege by the global heirs of the Nazis. A posse of ruthless, interconnected, global billionaires have gained control over national and international policy-setting institutions. They have embarked on implementing a diabolical agenda:

  • Overthrow democracy and Western civilization.
  • Depopulate the global population.
  • Eliminate nation-states and establish One World Government.
  • Eliminate cash and establish one digital currency.
  • Inject digital IDs and artificial intelligence capabilities into every human being. If these objectives become a reality, we will be digitally surveilled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In May, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Klaus Schwab, the architect of the dystopian Great Reset declared: ‘Let’s be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world.’

The ultimate goal of these megalomaniacs is to gain total control of the world’s natural resources and financial resources and to replace humans with transhuman robots.

Transhumanism is a biotech-enhanced caste system — the new eugenics … Transhumanists despise human values and deny the existence of a human soul. [Professor Yuval Noah] Harari declares that there are too many ‘useless people.’ The Nazi term was ‘worthless eaters.’ This is the ‘New Eugenics.'”

Fauci’s COVID Hall of Shame

See video here.

Ever since the COVID outbreak became apparent, Fauci has seemingly done everything in his power to confuse the public and strip us of our human and civil rights in order to further the agenda of the technocratic, transhumanist cabal. Here’s a shortlist of past articles detailing his Hall of Shame activities:

Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes

While many worry it might not be possible to hold COVID criminals like Fauci responsible for their roles, Francis Boyle, in December 2021, laid out a viable roadmap for prosecuting these individuals.

As explained by Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law who helped write the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, this law imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon.”

The problem we face is that our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, we cannot trust the federal judiciary to prosecute and hold those responsible for the pandemic and the toxic COVID shots accountable.

To circumvent the corrupted federal judiciary, we need to focus on locally elected prosecutors instead. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney.

Boyle recommends organizing locally to find people willing, as a group, to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2 — which includes Fauci — and those responsible for the COVID shots with “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.”

Even if Fauci is prosecuted and convicted of crimes against humanity, with all his ties to the Deep State and intelligence community, it is highly probable he struck a deal early on and would likely receive a presidential pardon for his crimes. So don’t hold your hopes up for Fauci ever being held responsible for his crimes in this lifetime.

At this point, there are loads of evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a manufactured bioweapon. Dr. David Martin has identified hundreds of patents relating to its creation, spanning not years but decades, and much of this research was funded by the NIAID under Fauci’s leadership.

I reviewed some of this evidence in “Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus,” which featured Martin’s September 2021 testimony to the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.

It will be a difficult task to hold the COVID criminals to account, but as noted by Kennedy in the interview featured at the top of this article, the tide is turning against the globalist cabal, for whom the pandemic was an ideal justification for the rollout of worldwide totalitarianism. We’re in a momentous time in history, and everyone has a role to play, even if it’s only to privately reject tyranny and peacefully disobey unconstitutional edicts.


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1 Fox News August 22, 2022

2 NY Post September 15, 2021

3, 7 Brownstone Institute August 22, 2022

4 The Real Anthony Fauci

5 The Federalist January 13, 2021

6 New York Times August 22, 2022

8 Daily Wire June 3, 2021

9 Daily Wire June 1, 2021

10 Fauci: Expect the Unexpected

11 The Defender August 22, 2022 Holland

12 The Defender August 22, 2022 Sharav

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

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Please forward this important article which is the object of censorship by the search engines.


First published by Global Research on November 17, 2021

For more than 18 months, our governments and the  media have been telling us:

“the return to normal life will be possible thanks to the vaccine”,

“you will regain your freedom when you are vaccinated

“the non-vaccinated are responsible for the continuation of the epidemic”.

But no real-world study has provided the slightest evidence to support this pro-vaccine injection marketing propaganda.

And the analysis of official WHO data (available at WHO covid dashboard) is very disturbing.

None of the champions of vaccination have succeeded in eliminating the virus, nor in avoiding strong resurgence of the epidemic, and very few have totally liberated their vaccinated people from the supposedly health liberating measures imposed without scientific proof of their effectiveness.

Britain is the champion of the Astra Zeneca injection

But its high level of “vaccination” has not protected it from a strong resumption of the epidemic which has persisted for four months, with an average of 40,000 cases daily.

On August 10, 21, testifying before British MPs, Professor Sir Andrew Pollard head of the Oxford Vaccine Group said “the fact that vaccines did not stop the spread of Covid meant that reaching the threshold of global immunity in the population was ‘mythical‘”, adding “with the current Delta variant, this is not possible”.

Israel is the champion of the Pfizer injection

In the spring of 2021, before the emergence of the Delta variant, Israel had been the first country in the world to believe it had achieved herd immunity with the Pfizer injection.

But its very high rate of injection did not allow it to avoid a new wave with the establishment of a new absolute record of daily contaminations (11000/D or the equivalent for France of 70000 cases/D).

And the daily mortality followed despite the third injections. This resurgence of the disease made the Minister of Health recognize that the injection’s effectiveness rate did not exceed 39% and that it only lasted a few months.

Speaking to Channel 13 TV News on August 5, 2021, Dr. Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, said that “85-90% of hospitalizations are of fully vaccinated people” and “95% of severe patients are vaccinated.” destroying vaccine propaganda claiming that the vaccine would protect against severe forms.

The Netherlands has over 75% of its population vaccinated,

But this great success of pseudo-vaccine sales is currently marked by an absolute record of daily contaminations (12,000 cases per day), which makes us consider new restrictive measures.

Here again, vaccination has proven to be unable to protect the population.

On November 13, Dr. Kuipers, a specialist in intensive care, declared[1]

The suggestion has been made of herd immunity. Forget it!“.

“We are now working with several scenarios. One is: there will always be a large number of corona patients. With a substantial number of patients, we really need to organize care differently in the long run. Increase hospital capacity to accommodate all Covid-19 and regular care patients.”

Singapore is Asia’s champion of pseudo-Covid vaccination with about 90% of the population injected

But this success in the number of injections has not prevented it from suffering a real tsunami of contaminations with a number 4 times higher than the pre-injection peak.

On Thursday, August 19, 2021, at a multi-conference of the ministry’s task force, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong warned:

“Singapore will not achieve herd immunity during the pandemic despite its high COVID-19 vaccination rate[2].”

“The path to becoming a COVID-resilient nation will be a long and difficult task. Even with very high vaccination rates, we will not achieve herd immunity.”

On September 8, 21, Tikki E. Pangestu, an infectious disease expert and visiting professor at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in Singapore said:

Achieving 95% herd immunity to Delta is a myth. With the Delta variant now dominant in most countries, the target should instead be immunity to disease or prevention of severe illness and death from the virus.”

South Korea exceeds 80% vaccination rate

In June, the Korean media was pleased that herd immunity was within reach.

They even claimed that “it would be achieved by November[5]”. Ministry of Health spokesman Son Young-rae warned that:

“Even after herd immunity is achieved in November, face masks and other safety measures will still be needed.

But since October, their mirage is fading, the epidemic is exploding and so is the mortality:

In October, the daily number of infections rose to 2.5 times that of the peak of the epidemic before vaccination (2600 vs 1000) and mortality followed.

This shows that vaccines do not solve the Covid problem or the problem of health restrictions.

Germany has injected 70% of its population

But this success of the sales of pseudo vaccines did not avoid a strong resumption of the epidemic in July with an exponential growth since September with a number of daily contaminations (36000) largely exceeding the records of before “vaccination”.

The inhabitants of Berlin’s government district are bidding a slow and silent farewell, without a statement, without a press release, to an illusion, to the goal that politicians have been pursuing since the beginning of the year: collective immunity.

Unfortunately, I can hardly imagine at this point that we will achieve herd immunity,” said K. Lauterbach[6] a health expert of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD).

Vaccine euphoria has apparently given way to vaccine fatigue, and part of the population still does not want to be vaccinated, knowing that vaccine protection is much weaker and shorter than advertised and post-vaccination accidents more numerous. The country is gradually learning to live with the pandemic, but it is struggling, partly because all the consequences are not known and remain unpredictable.

The Danish population is more than 75% vaccinated,

But this high “vaccination” rate has been unable to prevent a sudden resurgence of the epidemic and the threat of further confinement.

The Danish Infectious Diseases Agency SSI has stated that it no longer believes that herd immunity can be achieved in the country through vaccination,[7] which means that sars CoV 2 could continue to circulate for years.

“If vaccines were 100% effective against the variants currently in play and we had 100% vaccine coverage in people 12 years and older, then we could talk about achieving true herd immunity against the delta variant,” Krause said. “But unfortunately that’s not the reality; we can’t achieve that.”

“This means that it now makes sense to treat Covid-19 the same way we treat seasonal flu, and not respond to waves of infection with strict restrictions.” “It will be more reminiscent of the flu than before,” she added.

Iceland is the most vaccinated European country

Unfortunately, this vaccination coverage did not prevent a major recurrence of the epidemic.

In June 2021 Þórólfur Guðnason, Iceland’s chief epidemiologist, said that vaccine immunity was progressing well.

But since the new wave, he had to admit in an interview on public radio that :

“vaccination has not led to the herd immunity that the experts hoped for and that in reality herd immunity could not be achieved by vaccination.”[9]

Iceland Says Herd Immunity Must be Reached Through Transmission

In a public radio interview, the chief epidemiologist says herd immunity must be achieved through transmission, not vaccination. [read]

For want of anything better, he made a last attempt to achieve it by encouraging a booster (3rd dose).[10]

Ireland was also highly vaccinated (over 75% of the population fully vaccinated)

In June Dr. Vellinga stated[11]:

“with the vaccines, if we continue as we are doing, by the end of the year we should have a fairly normal situation”.

However, a major relapse in infections occurred at the beginning of July 2021, which has been increasing for the past month.

The city of Waterford has one of the highest Covid-19 vaccination rates in Ireland, with 99.7% of adults over 18 years fully vaccinated, but has become the place with the highest Covid-19 infection rate in the country.

The 14-day incidence rate reached 1,486 cases per 100,000 population, three times the national average of 493 infections per 100,000 population. The adjacent Tramore-Waterford City West election area has a 14-day rate of 1,121 per 100,000, according to the latest weekly figures released by the Health Service Executive’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre.

What about the “herd immunity” that our leaders have made a holy grail?

Thierry Breton, the European commissioner in charge of vaccines, had deemed possible a collective immunity on July 14, 2021 in the European Union. Before the Senate, he explained the principle of the vaccine certificate as follows:

“Nothing will be mandatory!”.
“We will never use the word passport. It gives the feeling of being mandatory. It will not be. It will be voluntary”.

How could we still believe him?

The WHO had warned from the start:

“never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy to respond to an epidemic.”[12]

On 12/11/2021 Dr. Jefferson Jones, a physician on the CDC’s COVID-19 epidemiology workgroup concluded at the meeting:

“thinking that we will be able to reach some sort of threshold where there is no more transmission of infections may not be possible.”

Since then, the CDC has shifted its focus away from a specific vaccination goal that, once achieved, would presage the end of the pandemic.

Herd immunity could only be expected from the vaccine if it fully protected vaccinated individuals long enough and prevented them from transmitting the disease. This is the case with vaccines against smallpox or yellow fever.

However, the proven facts show that neither of these two conditions is fulfilled by the anti-Covid pseudo-vaccines. Vaccinated people are only 40% protected and not more than a few months, in case of infection their viral load is equal to that of non-vaccinated infected people and they can transmit the disease perfectly. This explains why herd immunity is unattainable with the current pseudo-vaccination.


This overview of the evolution of the epidemic in these vaccine champion countries, as described by WHO data and John Hopkins University curves, shows :

  • That the Covid pseudo-vaccines do not protect populations from recurrence of the epidemic
  • That health agencies have abandoned the hope of collective immunity through vaccination, now qualified as a myth by almost all the agencies that believed in it
  • That this failure is the consequence of the insufficient efficiency and the much too short duration[13] of the current pseudo-vaccines which do not prevent from being sick nor from transmitting the disease
  • That many experts think that it is time to learn to live with covid as with the seasonal flu.


It is high time that our Minister of Health considered the facts and the conclusions of foreign agencies and stop the fruitless quest for an illusory and dangerous vaccine grail.

The failure of pseudo-vaccines is all the more obvious now that cheap early treatments have proven to be safe and effective in India as well as in Africa (Nigeria, Madagascar) when we look at the data published by the WHO.

India has favored early and preventive treatments with hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin with success.

Nigeria benefited from daily treatment with antimalarials

Madagascar is the victorious champion of Artemisin

Dr Gérard Delépine


First published in French by

Translated by Global Research

Notes :


[2] : Lawrence Wong Singapour n’atteindra pas l’immunité collective contre le COVID

[3] La Corée du Sud est en passe de créer une immunité collective après avoir vacciné 20 millions de personnes



[6] Milena Hassenkamp, Christoph Hickmann, Armin Himmelrath, Martin Knobbe, Timo Lehmann, Martin U. Müller, Miriam Olbrisch, Gabriel Rinaldi et Christoph Schult L’immunité collective est impossible. Maintenant quoi ? Der Spiegel 21/7/2021

[7] Ritzau/Le local [email protected] @thelocaldenmark 6 août 2021





[12] Allocution liminaire du Directeur général de l’OMS lors du point de ‎presse sur la COVID-19 — 12 octobre 2020‎—12-october-2020

[13] 4 à 6 mois alors que L’immunité naturelle dure beaucoup plus longtemps


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“Fake COVID-19 Emergency”: Nuremberg Codex – Why Is It Ignored Today, and Nothing Happens

By Peter Koenig, August 30, 2022

Other violations of the Nuremberg Codex are the Cult-inspired showering of lies, fear and other psychological instruments to keep the people “down”, in check, and easily manipulable. So, they will be afraid not to do the bidding of their governments, or if necessary – increasingly the case – of the military-supported dictatorial rules, often sanitary rules, falsely justified for health protection.

Washington Announces $3 Billion Military Aid to Kiev. Worldwide Impacts, Devastating Economic and Social Consequences

By Uriel Araujo, August 30, 2022

On August 24, Ukraine’s Independence Day, Washington announced about $3 billion in military aid to the country. According to the White House, Kiev is to receive “air defense systems, artillery systems and munitions, counter-unmanned aerial systems, and radars” to ensure it can “continue to defend itself over the long term”.

COVID “Vaccines” Destroying Human Fertility. Dr. Christof Plothe

By Dr. Christof Plothe, Iron Will, and Dr. Mark Trozzi, August 30, 2022

The COVID injections have been reckless at best, violent at worst. Among the 1,500 disease states that follow the injections, women’s menstrual irregularities and both male and female infertility rates are alarming. People are being sterilized.

”One Health” – Where Biosecurity Meets Agenda 2030

By Elze van Hamelen, August 30, 2022

According to the UN and associated agencies, nature and food chains are sources of pathogens with pandemic potential. To protect citizens from them, the ”One Health” approach has been developed: the UN, the CDC, EU, RIVM, universities, corporations, and NGOs are working together worldwide to monitor and anticipate potential risks by coordinating collaboration at local, regional, national and international levels.

“U.S. Out of Korea”: Joint Military “Decapitation Drill” Against North Korea. DPRK Missile Launch Is “Self-defense”

By Sara Flounders, August 30, 2022

The western corporate media described the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s launch of two missiles Aug. 17 as threatening, aggressive and paranoid. What most media failed to report was the prior U.S. military exercises with Japan and South Korea off Hawai’i, in preparation for extensive war exercises off Korea, that provoked the DPRK’s two warning shots.

Exhaustive Study of German Mortality Data Finds Excess Deaths Tightly Correlated with Mass Vaccination

By eugyppius, August 30, 2022

Excess mortality in Germany 2020–2022 is a preprint by Christof Kuhbandner (a psychologist at Regensburg) and Matthias Reitzner (a statistician at Osnabrück) that applies sophisticated actuarial analysis to the publicly available all-cause mortality data provided by the German government. It turns out that when you account for historical mortality trends, the virus no longer looks so dangerous, and the vaccines no longer look so great.

A Death in Moscow. Who is Darya’s Father, Philosopher and Sociologist Aleksandr Dugin

By Philip Giraldi, August 30, 2022

The horrific car bombing in Moscow that killed twenty-nine year old Darya Dugina last week raises many questions about the motives of the Ukrainian regime and its supporters that sent an assassin to murder a prominent Russian civilian who has no overt role in the government of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Abolish NATO or Convert It to Serve Peace. Jan Oberg

By Jan Oberg, August 30, 2022

This Catalogue contains 30 arguments for the abolition of NATO. Each argument is based on rational peace research analysis, in contrast to the fact-resistant propaganda that NATO and mainstream politics and media promote about the ’defensive’ peace alliance.

Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists to Come Up with More Convincing COVID Vaxx Narratives

By Zero Hedge, August 30, 2022

In yet another sign that the covid vaccination agenda of globalist institutions did not do quite as well as they had originally hoped, the Rockefeller Foundation has revealed that it (along with other non-profits) has been pumping millions of dollars into a behavioral science project meant to figure out why large groups of people around the world refuse to take the jab.

President Emmanuel Macron Warns of Cold Winter in Europe. Natural Gas Supplies and France’s Relationship with Algeria

By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 30, 2022

EU countries are quite concerned about the availability of natural gas to those countries which are heavily dependent on Russian supplies. Although France is in a better position than other EU states and Ukraine, Macron traveled to the former North African colony of Algeria during August 25-28 to negotiate a 50% increase in natural gas supplies.

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Beggars in Surplus: Australia’s University Gangsters

August 31st, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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