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There were “terrible flaws” in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials — and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration knew it, Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

There were “terrible flaws” in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials — and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew it, according to Alexandra Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive who reviewed nearly 700 pages of documents Moderna submitted to the FDA as part of its application process.

Latypova, who has 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical research and development, started a number of successful companies — primarily focused on creating and reviewing clinical trials.

On a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” she told Kennedy what she learned after reviewing the Moderna documents, obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request.

Latypova told Kennedy that out of nearly 700 pages, about 400 pages are irrelevant studies that Moderna repeated multiple times.

Moderna also submitted three versions of a single module, she said. And one module contained only narrative summaries of Moderna’s studies, but no actual study results.

“So we are still missing a large number of results, such as full reports that are supporting those narratives,” Latypova told Kennedy.

The FDA “obviously did not object” to any of this, she said. “That’s evidence of collusion to me with the manufacturer.”

Latypova also discussed Moderna’s clinical trials timeline. She said the Investigational New Drug (IND) application meeting is supposed to occur with the FDA when the company initiates human clinical trials.

Moderna and the FDA had a pre-IND meeting on Feb. 19, 2020, and the IND application was formally opened the next day. The global pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020.

“Somehow these visionaries could predict the future with such certainty that they opened a clinical trial for the vaccine, for which a pandemic was announced a month later,” Latypova said.

There is normally only one IND application for one product. In this case, however, there are two IND applications — one belonging to Moderna, and one belonging to the National Institutes of Health, which partnered with Moderna on its COVID-19 vaccine.

Latypova also told Kennedy that Moderna did not conduct studies to determine if its mRNA vaccine affected male fertility.

“We have no idea what [the vaccine] does to young men who want to have children in the future,” she said.

The documents also confirm that Moderna’s trials studied the vaccine’s delivery mechanism, but not its payload, which in this case is the spike protein.

“They want you to believe that … you can … have a truck filled with food, or you can have a truck filled with explosives,” Latypova said. “They’re saying it doesn’t matter. Focus on the truck. It’s the same truck, doesn’t matter what’s inside.”

In the end, Latypova said, “They’re desperate to vaccinate every single person on the planet because they don’t want you to know what’s going on.”

Watch the episode here.


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Rachel Militello has worked extensively as a legal assistant at law firms and newspaper companies. She is also a self-published author of poetry that is geared toward mental health awareness.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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Just two days before the 9/11 attack, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky singlehandedly launched the Global Research website.

Among the first articles was a coverage of the events surrounding the “terrorist attack” and the subsequent US invasion of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page!


Note: An earlier version of this book under the title The 2020/21 Worldwide Corona Crisis was initially published as an online E-reader in December 2020 (distributed free of charge, more than 300,000 page views). The new edition includes five new chapters. All the chapters contained in the first edition have been thoroughly revised and updated.

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In the midwestern city of Columbus, Ohio, 20-year-old Donovan Lewis was shot to death while lying in his bed during the early morning hours of August 30.

Police claimed they were serving an arrest warrant on multiple charges although there was no threat from Lewis who was unarmed.

The police in Columbus say that Lewis raised his arms and therefore this justified the bullet fired into his body causing him to die at a hospital shortly afterwards. The officer involved in the killing of Lewis, Ricky Anderson, a 30-year veteran of law-enforcement, has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal and judicial investigation.

This act of blatant police violence represents a continuation of the legacy of law-enforcement brutality and killings across the United States. Although the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police more than two years ago sparked widespread demonstrations and rebellions demanding the defunding of law-enforcement agencies, the current administration of President Joe Biden, who pledged during his campaign in 2020 to address the concerns of the African American people and other oppressed communities, has increased monetary resources for cops while still seeking the electoral support of people of color.

Police in their public statements have said that two other people in the apartment with Lewis had already exited the residence. Anderson, the police shooter, was also a member of the K-9 unit which had a dog on the scene of the raid.

According to a report from the Columbus Dispatch which quoted the lawyer for the Lewis family, Atty. Rex Elliot:

“There’s no indication he (Lewis) was aware of what was happening outside. The two individuals were handcuffed very quickly. There’s no indication there was violence in that apartment or about to happen. He was asleep before officers arrived and had no warning that CPD would burst into his apartment. Donovan was alone in his room, in his bed. He almost immediately shot as Donovan was trying to get out of bed. He was abiding by police commands to come out of his room when he was shot in cold blood by officer Anderson. There was no justification for officer Anderson to shoot an unarmed man trying to get out of bed as police officers were instructing him to do. I’d like to know why in the world they’re executing warrants at two in the morning. The reality is felony warrants are executed every day in daylight hours. There’s no reason for it to be served in the middle of the night.”

In response to the outrage exemplified by the community and the legal counsel for the Lewis family, the police have attempted once again to shift the narrative from the 20-year-old African American being a victim of law-enforcement personnel to suggest that this young man was somehow responsible for his own death. The police in every single incident of unprovoked brutality and killing calls upon the public to view the situation within its “totality.”

Image: Donovan Lewis killed by Columbus police on Aug. 30, 2022 (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Nonetheless, there is no reasonable excuse for someone who is unarmed to be killed in their bed. People in Columbus have rejected the police version and are demanding the firing and prosecution of the officer who carried out the execution.

There was a rally held outside the Columbus police headquarters on September 2 where the father of Donovan, Daryl Lewis, and the mother, Rebecca Duran, spoke to a crowd of protesters. Later there was a march through the downtown area of Columbus demanding justice for the family and people of this municipality of 905,000 people.

A coalition which organized the rally presented a series of demands for the City of Columbus to adopt. The Justice, Unity & Social Transformation (JUST) formation wants the municipality to resolve the current crisis of police-community relations.

One article outlined the JUST program saying:

“In the aftermath of Lewis’ death, J.U.S.T. organizers are demanding the immediate firing and arrest of Anderson; the elimination of overnight warrants; a meeting between Lewis’ family and Police Chief Elaine Bryant, Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther and Director of Public Safety Robert Clark; an independent investigation separate from the one the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is conducting; the erasure of qualified immunity for police; more city funding for mental health and social services and less for public safety; and no K-9 teams unless warrants for drug-related offenses are being served.”

Columbus Cited in Study of Frequency in Police Shootings

This violation of the human rights and personal safety of Donovan Lewis and his place of residence is not an isolated affair in Columbus. The police are noted for their frequent and repeated use of lethal force.

A recent report emphasizes that:

“A study released in February 2021, showed Franklin County, Ohio — which encompasses Columbus — has one of the highest rates of police shootings in Ohio and in the nation. The study, conducted by the Ohio Alliance for Innovation in Population Health, ranked Franklin County 18th among the 100 most populous counties nationally on average for annual police-related fatalities. In Columbus, there have been 62 shootings involving Columbus police officers since 2018, including Lewis’ shooting. Of those 62 shootings, 19 have resulted in a death, according to data from Columbus police and the Columbus Dispatch.”

These statistics are reflective of the overall atmosphere in the U.S. There is no discussion within the halls of Congress or the White House in regard to curbing, let alone eradicating, the level of police violence against oppressed and working class people.

Failure of the White House and Congress to Enact Police Reforms

The demonstrations which arose over the last two years have served to create the political conditions for the election of President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party dominance within the House of Representatives and the equally divided Senate. However, no guarantees within the law have been adopted to protect the rights of people most impacted by racism and national oppression.

A bill passed during August ostensibly to address the problems of runaway inflation related to energy and food prices not experienced in 40 years and the looming problems related to prescription drug costs and climate change were conveniently folded into a pre-election package to convey the notion that the legislative apparatus and the administration can work effectively to pass bills. However, these measures will not help the family of Donovan Lewis and the many other victims of police terrorism.

Earlier in the year in the same state of Ohio, Jayland Walker of Akron, was gunned down in a barrage of a hundred bullets, over 40 of which struck the young African American man. Since this time period, the City of Akron has engaged in every effort to blame Walker for his own victimization.

During early September, the city leaders in Akron released more video footage of the June 27 execution. Yet there has not been any definitive action taken to rectify the situation and provide justice to the bereaved family and community.

Municipal officials have released video footage of the Walker killing in separate segments which can easily be misleading to the public. Much of the video has been edited and blurred making it difficult to piece together the chronology of events leading up to Walker’s death.

In a statement released to the public and media through their lawyer, the Walker family noted:

“Now, two months after Jayland’s death, we have received just hand-picked videos, which the City has also released to the media in an apparent effort to build its own narrative of Jayland’s death. We call on the City to stop re-traumatizing the Walker family with these repeated edited video drops and release all unedited videos to their counsel in one comprehensive collection.”

The silence on the part of the Department of Justice and Attorney General Merrick Garland, the White House and both houses of Congress on the persistence of police violence occurring across the country, comes at the same time when the Democratic Party is urging the African American electorate to go out in mass to vote for their candidates in local, state and federal elections. Neither the Republican or Democratic Parties are speaking directly to the concerns and interests of the African American people and all other oppressed and working people.

Irrespective of the outcome of the November ballot, if the questions related to racist violence and police brutality are not corrected there can be no genuine peace in the U.S. The Biden administration and other future presidents will continue to look very hypocritical in their attacks on other states and geo-political regions when they cannot provide just, safe and stable living environments for the ever-increasing minority communities in the U.S.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Donovan Lewis mother turns away from video of police killing of her son (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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During a White House briefing on the new COVID-19 bivalent booster shots, Dr. Ashish Jha, Biden’s COVID-19 response coordinator, urged Americans to get a flu shot and a COVID-19 shot at the same time, claiming that’s why “God gave us two arms.”

The White House COVID-19 Response Team on Tuesday held a briefing to mark what health officials called a “major milestone,” referring to the rapid authorization of new COVID-19 bivalent booster shots for Americans ages 12 and older.

Commenting on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Aug. 31 amended Emergency Use Authorizations for new the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, Dr. Ashish Jha, Biden’s COVID-19 response coordinator, said:

“We expect millions will choose to get their [updated bivalent] COVID-19 shot at the same time or over the course of the fall when people go in for routine checkups.

“The good news is you can get both your flu shot and COVID shot at the same time. It’s actually a good idea.

“I really believe this is why God gave us two arms. One for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot.”

Jha’s comments trended on Twitter.

The new vaccines, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  recommended on Sept. 1, contain sequences from both the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and the most recently circulating Omicron variant.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who also appeared during the briefing, said, “My message to you is simple. Get your updated COVID-19 shot. As soon as you are eligible in order to protect yourself, your family and your community against COVID-19 this fall.”

Fauci said the new bivalent vaccines are safe and effective.

“Through robust safety monitoring systems, we now have an extensive body of safety data as good or better than what we have for any prior vaccine,” Fauci said.

However, Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and biological warfare epidemiologist, earlier this week questioned the new vaccines’ safety.

“The [vaccine] manufacturers did not have to go through months-long trials, and the FDA did not have to pore over any human trial data, because there weren’t any,” Nass wrote.

She continued:

“Let that sink in: The new BA.4/5 bivalent vaccines were tested only in mice, not humans. …

“So there is no reason to think the boosters will be any safer than the second dose, in terms of myocarditis. That risk, by the way, was about 1 in 2,000 young men aged 18-24 after their second dose in one Kaiser study.

“Getting vaccinated soon after recovering from COVID-19 is foolhardy, and any officials mandating the shots after recovery are putting people at even greater risk of adverse reactions, including myocarditis.”

Fauci pointed to data from mRNA vaccine efficacy trials in 2020, claiming they showed a “remarkable 94-95% efficacy against symptomatic disease” — claims that have since been challenged.

Data from Moderna and Pfizer, Fauci said, indicated the updated bivalent vaccines “induced higher antibody titers against Omicron than did the original vaccines” as well as against “all CoV-2 variants.”

Although Fauci did not provide specific figures, he also said Pfizer and Moderna’s data showed the bivalent vaccines induced “even higher levels of neutralizing antibodies in individuals who had recovered from COVID-19.”

Based on these data, Fauci said, “We fully expect that the updated bivalent vaccines containing BA.4 and BA.5 sequences will offer better protection against currently circulating strains than the original vaccines.”

Fauci admitted, however, that “it is difficult to predict at this point how much better that protection will be.”

Biden, pediatricians push flu vaccines for kids and adults

On the same day as the briefing on the new boosters, Biden issued a press statement urging Americans to get vaccinated against both the flu and COVID-19.

“Just like your annual flu shot, you should get it [the new bivalent vaccine] sometime between Labor Day and Halloween. It’s safe, it’s easy to get, and it’s free,” he said.

Biden added:

“It’s simple, and it’s easy to understand: If you are vaccinated and 12 and older, get the new COVID-19 shot this fall. This once-a-year shot can reduce your risk of getting COVID-19, reduce your chance of spreading it to others, and dramatically reduce your risk of severe COVID-19.”

The statement did not cite evidence supporting Biden’s claims.

Also on Tuesday, the American Academy of Pediatrics urged parents to get flu vaccines for their children as soon as possible.

The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for children 6 months and older “with rare exceptions.”

But Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician with four decades of experience, questioned the CDC’s recommendation.

“While the flu can be a more serious illness than COVID-19,” she told The Defender, “hospitalizations are low, ranging from 7,000-26,000 in the 2019-2020 season.”

Perro added:

“Some children may die from the flu, however, this is extremely rare. Vaccine efficacy in one report was 32.5% for flu vaccines, which does not exceed the desired vaccine efficacy threshold of 50%.

“What is often lacking in the conversation is how we support and optimize our children’s overall health/immune function via nutrition, targeted supplements during flu season, such as vitamins C and D, as well as the use of gentle, but natural solutions such as herbal medicine and homeopathy.”

The major consideration when it comes to requiring vaccines for children is the risk-benefit ratio, Perro said — whether it’s the flu vaccine or the COVID-19 vaccines.

“Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in children,” Perro said, “the risk from harm from the vaccine has been shown to be profoundly greater than the risk of illness from the virus.”

Perro cited reports of serious side effects in children, including heart issues (myocarditis), changes in autonomic nervous system function (postural orthostatic tachycardia, or POTS), autoimmunity and neurologic disorders, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.

“It is important to note that historically, with the introduction of previous novel vaccines such as the rotavirus vaccine, they were recalled after only eight incidents of harm,” Perro said.

“Children should not receive this experimental genetic immunomodulatory vaccine, especially in lieu of the fact that their risk of serious illness from COVID-19 is less than .5%,” she said.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (2021), and a master’s degree in communication and leadership from Gonzaga University (2015). Her scholarship has been published in Health Communication. She has taught at various academic institutions in the United States and is fluent in Spanish.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

The Right to be Left Alone. America’s Domestic Spy Apparatus

September 8th, 2022 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you.

— “Every Breath You Take,” Song by The Police

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to privacy. Like other amendments in the Bill of Rights, it doesn’t create the right; it limits government interference with it. Last week, President Joe Biden misquoted the late Justice Antonin Scalia suggesting that Justice Scalia believed that the Bill of Rights creates rights. As Justice Scalia wrote, referring to the right to keep and bear arms but reflecting his view on the origins of all personal liberty, the Bill of Rights secures rights, it doesn’t create them; it secures them from the government.

Those who drafted the Bill of Rights recognized that human rights are pre-political. They precede the existence of the government. They come from our humanity, and, in the case of privacy, they are reinforced by our ownership or legal occupancy of property.

The idea that rights come from our humanity is called Natural Law theory, which was first articulated by Aristotle in 360 B.C. The natural law teaches that there are aspects of human existence and thus areas of human behavior that are not subject to the government. Aristotle’s views would later be refined by Cicero, codified by Aquinas, explained by John Locke, and woven into Anglo-American jurisprudence by British jurists and American revolutionaries and constitutional framers.

Thus, our rights to think as we wish, to say what we think, to publish what we say, to worship or not, to associate or not, to defend ourselves from crazies and tyrants, to own property, and to be left alone are all hard-wired into our human natures by God, the uncaused cause. Nature is the means through which God passes along His gifts to us. We come about by a biological act of nature, every step of which was ordained by God. His greatest gift to us is life, and He tied that gift to free will. Just as He is perfectly free, so are we.

In exercising our free wills, we employ rights. Rights are claims against the whole world. They don’t require approval of a government or neighbors or colleagues. The same rights exist in everyone no matter their place of birth, and each person exercises them as she or he sees fit. The government should only come into the picture when someone violates another’s natural rights. So, if someone builds a house in your backyard, you can knock it down and expel the builders or you can ask the government to do so.

Suppose the builders haven’t consented to the existence of the government? That does not absolve them. Though government is only moral and legal in a society in which all persons have consented to it — this is Thomas Jefferson’s “consent of the governed” argument in the Declaration of Independence — the only exception to actual consent is the use of government to remedy a violation of natural rights.

Professor Murray Rothbard examined all this under his non-aggression principle (NAP): Initiating or threatening force or deception against a person or his rights is always morally illicit. This applies to all aggression, even — and especially — from the government. The folks building a house in your backyard have either used force or deception to get there. Both violate your natural rights and the NAP.

Now, back to the Fourth Amendment and privacy. In a famous dissent in 1928, which two generations later became the law of the land, the late Justice Louis Brandeis argued that government surveillance constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment and thus, per the express language of the amendment, cannot be conducted by the government without a warrant issued by a judge. He famously called privacy the right most valued by civilized persons and described it as “the right to be let alone.”

Today, this is the most violated of personal rights; not by judges signing search warrants for surveillance, but by government officials — local, state and federal — ignoring and evading the natural right to privacy and pretending that the Fourth Amendment does not apply to them. The linchpin of the amendment is the judicial determination of the existence of probable cause — meaning that it is more likely than not that a crime has been committed, and that there is evidence of that crime in the place to be searched and in the things to be seized.

Today, the feds, and this has been picked up and mimicked by local and state police, have told themselves that so long as they are not looking for evidence of crimes, they needn’t follow the Fourth Amendment.
Today, the government rarely bothers to obtain a search warrant for surveillance because it is cumbersome to do so and because it is so easy to surveil folks on a massive scale without one.

Today, the National Security Administration — America’s 60,000-person strong domestic spying apparatus — captures every keystroke on every desktop and mobile device, and every conversation on every landline and mobile device, and all data transmitted into, out of or within the United States.

Moreover, you’d be hard-pressed to find a geographic area that is not covered by police using hardware that tracks the movement and use of mobile phones. When Edward Snowden passed on to journalists the facts of massive warrantless spying in the Bush and Obama administrations, he had the journalists put their mobile devices where his was — in his refrigerator, as anywhere else would have alerted his former colleagues of their collective whereabouts.

The government spends hundreds of billions of dollars annually just to watch and follow us. Who authorized this? Why do we tolerate a society where we have hired a government to secure our rights and instead it engages in aggression against them?


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Featured image is from Judge Napolitano

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When the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to the public began in late 2020, medical professionals, public health agencies, and government spokespeople all assured the American public that the novel mRNA vaccines did not cause negative systematic effects to human bodies. They promised the public, many of whom were skeptical about the safety of a drug brought to market at “warp speed,” that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” [“Operation Warp Speed: Accelerated Covid-19 Vaccine Development Status and Efforts to Address Manufacturing Challenges.” Operation Warp Speed: Accelerated COVID-19 Vaccine Development Status and Efforts to Address Manufacturing Challenges | U.S. GAO, U.S. Government Accountability Office, 11 Feb. 2021, see this] [“Safety of Covid-19 Vaccines.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 Aug. 2022, see this]

As we know, those who questioned or challenged the “safe and effective” assurances were dismissed as  “anti-vaxxers” and accused of wanting to kill others, especially the elderly. [Gostin, Lawrence O., and Eric A. Friedman. “This Is the Best Evidence Yet That Anti-Vaxxers Kill.” Yahoo! News, Yahoo!, 23 June 2022]

Due to this pressure, during the push to vaccinate everyone against COVID-19, few medical and public health experts spoke out about the need for long-term studies to protect Americans against possible catastrophic vaccine-related outcomes, including against possible negative impacts on fertility.

This attack on challengers to public health’s all out push, and the resulting censorship of the emerging problem, resulted in catastrophic harms to male fertility.

Pfizer’s own documents and other medical studies show:

  1. mRNA vaccine ingredients can be transferred from one person to another via skin-to-skin contact, inhalation and via “sexual intercourse,” through bodily fluids. That is to say, vaccine “shedding” can occur via sexual contact, including via exposure to semen. [“A Phase 1/2/3, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Dose-Finding Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals,” Protocol Amendment 14, pp. 213, 246, 398, 431, 575, 607, 751, 783, 918, 948, 1073, 1103, 1226, 1255, 1378, 1406, 1522, 1549, 1663, 1688, 1813, 1836, 1949, 1969, 2081, 2100, 2211, 2228, and 2337.] In other words, according to Pfizer’s own internal documents, a vaccinated man can expose his sexual partner to the vaccine ingredients, via ejaculation.
  1. Pfizer did not test “male reproductive toxicity”. Male reproductive toxicity is defined as adverse effects (negative impacts) related to sexual function and fertility in adult male [“Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech.” GOV.UK, GOV.UK.]
  1. Pfizer also did not test for adverse effects from vaccinated men’s semen, on the development of their offspring. [“Reproductive Toxicity March 2017 – SCHC.” org, SCHC-OSHA Alliance GHS/HazCom Information Sheet Workgroup, Mar. 2017]
  2. mRNA vaccine ingredients travel throughout the body and gather in organs, including in the testes. [“A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following Intramuscular Administration in Wistar Han Rats,” see this, p. 24.]
  1. mRNA vaccines resulting in “anti-sperm antibodies” – that is to say, antibodies that treat sperm as an “invader”, and damage or kill it – is a known adverse event related to this form of vaccination. [“5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021,” see this, p. 30.] [Salvador, Zaira, and Sandra Fernández. “What Are Antisperm Antibodies? – Causes & Treatment.” InviTRA, 8 Jan. 2019]
  1. mRNA vaccines cause a staggering drop in semen concentration and total motile count. [Gat, Itai, et al. “Covid-19 Vaccination BNT162B2 Temporarily Impairs Semen Concentration and Total Motile Count among Semen Donors.” Wiley Online Library, Andrology, 17 June 2022]
  1. By suppressing discussion of this information, public health agencies, medical professionals, and governments globally denied and continue to deny men true informed consent.

Transfer of mRNA Vaccine Ingredients Between Humans

We stated above that Pfizer knew that men can transmit the vaccine ingredients to their partners via sexual intercourse. Pfizer’s clinical trial protocol shows the company suspected that negative fertility impacts may occur in men, from its vaccine. Male trial participants had to follow specific “Male Participant Reproductive Inclusion Criteria.” These were spelled out in all fourteen versions of Pfizer’s protocol:

“Male participants are eligible to participate if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period and for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention, which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)”

The inclusion criteria requirements stated that men must:

  • Refrain from donating sperm.

In addition, the men in the Pfizer trials must either:

  • Abstain from heterosexual intercourse with a female of childbearing potential as their preferred and usual lifestyle. They must be abstinent from heterosexual intercourse with a female of childbearing age on a long-term and persistent basis and they must agree to remain abstinent.

OR the men in the Pfizer trial:

  • Must agree to use a male condom when engaging in any activity that allows for passage of ejaculate to another person.
  • In addition to male condom use, a highly effective method of contraception may be considered in WOCBP (women of childbearing age) partners of male participants.” [“A Phase 1/2/3, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Dose-Finding Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals,” Protocol Amendment 14, pp. 213, 246, 398, 431, 575, 607, 751, 783, 918, 948, 1073, 1103, 1226, 1255, 1378, 1406, 1522, 1549, 1663, 1688, 1813, 1836, 1949, 1969, 2081, 2100, 2211, 2228, and 2337.]

In other words, the men in the Pfizer trial agreed to abstain from heterosexual intercourse with childbearing age women or else, if they did have intercourse with women who could bear children, they agreed to use a condom and were advised to add an effective additional method of contraception. Reassuring, right? The Pfizer study constructs regarding total abstinence from sex with women who could bear children, or else the use of both condoms and other contraception,   suggest that Pfizer suspected that vaccinated men’s ejaculate could affect both women and unborn children conceived during the trial or after.

Pfizer’s protocol documents also explain:

“An EDP (Exposure During Pregnancy) occurs if:

  • …A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
  • A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
    • …A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.” [Protocol Amendment 14, pp. 111, 319, 501, 677, 848, 1009, 1162, 1314, 1461, 1603, 1747, 1889, 2023, 2153, 2279, and 2346.]

Clearly, Pfizer showed strong concern about and precautions against exposure to the “study intervention”  – that is, the mRNA vaccine – via bodily fluids contact such as exposure to ejaculate, and via skin-to-skin contact.

Yet as recently as July 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assured Americans that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine shedding – “the release or discharge of any of the vaccine components in or outside of the body” – is a “myth.” [“Myths and Facts about Covid-19 Vaccines.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 July 2022] Indeed a recent FOIA via America First Legal reveals that Carol Crawford of the CDC coordinated with Twitter employees to target tweets (including one by Dr. Naomi Wolf) about “shedding,” as an example, as CDC put it,  of “misinformation.” But it was not, per Pfizer’s own documents, disinformation at all. According to the manufacturer, “shedding” was a real concern.

mRNA Vaccines’ Adverse Effects on Male Reproduction

National Institutes of Health (NIH) boldly stated on February 1, 2022, “COVID-19 vaccination does not reduce chances of conception…” [“Covid-19 Vaccination Does Not Reduce Chances of Conception, Study Suggests.” National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1 Feb. 2022] However,  the NIH’s statement was and is false.

Pfizer did not initially evaluate its vaccine’s male “reproductive toxicity” – i.e., adverse effects on fertility in adult males – during clinical trials because the company was in a rush: “The absence of reproductive toxicity data is a reflection of the speed of development to first identify and select COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 for clinical testing and its rapid development to meet the ongoing urgent health need.” [“Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech.” GOV.UK, GOV.UK]

But when Pfizer eventually did look at the mRNA vaccine’s impact on male fertility, the company used “untreated male” rats for its “Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity” studies. The untreated males mated with female rats that had been dosed with BNT162b2, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. [2.4 Nonclinical Overview, p. 29.]

In other words, Pfizer tested fertility effects on female mammals dosed with its mRNA product but left the males undosed.

Throughout the Pfizer documents, the issue arises that studies were constructed so that Pfizer (and the FDA) did not find what it chose not to look for.

How do scientists determine a new drug’s adverse effects on male fertility if they give only one-half of the reproducing population – the females – the treatment in question?

That same Pfizer document goes on to say, “Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of male and female reproductive tissues from the repeat-dose toxicity studies with BNT162b2 showed no evidence of toxicity.” [see this, p. 30.]

This statement seems to indicate that the study sought to evaluate whether the vaccine was passed through bodily fluids and/or skin contact during intercourse between the treated females and untreated males.

But how convenient – the male rats’ reproductive tissues were declared free of toxicity; but the male rats had never been vaccinated at all.

developmental toxicity

Figure 1: Untreated Male Rates in Pfizer’s 2.4. Nonclinical Overview.

Since there were no vaccinated male rats at all in the Pfizer reproductive studies during its internal trials, it appears Pfizer, and since the human males in the Pfizer study had to promise to abstain from intercourse with childbearing age women or else use a condom PLUS another effective contraceptive – it appears that Western public health agencies decided to test the effects of mRNA vaccines on men’s reproduction simply by using the “intervention” – the mRNA vaccine  – on human subjects, male as well as female, during a mass vaccination campaign.

mRNA Vaccine Ingredients Travel Throughout the Body and Gather in Organs

As we have seen in other DailyClout/War Room Pfizer Documents Research Volunteer Reports, medical and public health agency professionals assured the U.S. public that the COVID vaccine ingredients remained in the deltoid muscle when injected and did not disperse throughout the body. [Chandler, Robert W. “Pfizer Used Dangerous Assumptions, Rather than Research, to Guess at Outcomes.” DailyClout, DailyClout, 9 Aug. 2022]

However, the FDA received the Pfizer document,” A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following Intramuscular Administration in Wistar Han Rats,” on November 9, 2020, over a month before Pfizer’s vaccine received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and began to be injected into humans worldwide. The document shows shocking biodistribution results.  [“A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following Intramuscular Administration in Wistar Han Rats,” see this, p. 24.]

“Biodistribution” is a method of tracking where given ingredients travel in the body of an experimental animal or a human subject.The document clearly demonstrates that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine contents – including lipid nanoparticles – enter the bloodstream, travel throughout the body, and accumulate in organs, including in the testes. Reference Table 1, “Mean (Sexes-Combined) Concentration of Total Radioactivity in Whole Blood, Plasma and (Continued) Tissues Following Single Intramuscular Administration of [3H]-08-A01-C01 to Wistar Han Rats – Target Dose Level: 50 µg mRNA/Animal; 1.29 mg Total Lipid/Animal – Results expressed as total lipid concentration (µg lipid equiv/g (mL)) and % of administered dose,” shown below. [“A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following Intramuscular Administration in Wistar Han Rats,” see this, p. 24.]

table 1

How did medical and public health leaders remain so staunchly firm in their position that mRNA vaccination did not impact male fertility, even as they had access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study?

These experts who were swearing that the mRNA vaccine  ingredients did not leave the injection site also had access to a 2018 NIH-published paper that clearly shows that nanoparticles — of which lipid nanoparticles are subtype [Murthy, Shashi K. “Nanoparticles in Modern Medicine: State of the Art and Future Challenges.” International Journal of Nanomedicine, Dove Medical Press, June 2007, see this] — could pass into the testes from the blood and cause male reproductive harm. The 2018 study showed that NPs accumulate in the testes to damage sperm quality and amount, as well as their “motility”, or ability to move effectively, a requirement of conception:

“NPs [nanoparticles] can pass through the blood-testis barrier…then accumulate in reproductive organs. NP accumulation damages organs (testis, epididymis…) by destroying Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells, causing reproductive organ dysfunction that adversely affects sperm quality, quantity, morphology, and motility…”? [Wang, Ruolan, et al. “Potential Adverse Effects of Nanoparticles on the Reproductive System.” International Journal of Nanomedicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 11 Dec. 2018, see this]

To appreciate fully how NPs harm key components of healthy male sexual development and function, one must understand the roles of the damaged organs and cells, all crucial to male sexual health and even to male sexual development, mentioned above.

  • The “epididymis” is involved in transporting sperm from the testes. [Boskey , Elizabeth. “Anatomy and Function of the Epididymis.” Verywell Health, Verywell Health, 30 June 2022]
  • “Sertoli cells” are vital to the development of the testes. “Sertoli cells are of critical importance for testis development…[and] are the master regulators of testis development…” [Pelosi, Emanuele, and Peter Koopman. “Development of the Testis.” Sertoli Cell – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, Science Direct, 2017] “During [the sperm developmental process], developing sperm cells are closely linked with the Sertoli cells.” [Carlson, Bruce. “Gametogenesis.” Sertoli Cell – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, Science Direct, 2014]
  • “Leydig cells” are present in the testicular interstitial tissue. Their main function is to produce testosterone for the maintenance of sperm creation and development and male body development. [Huhtaniemi, Ilpo, and Katja Teerds. “Leydig Cell.” Leydig Cell – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, Science Direct, 2018] Thus, when Leydig cells are damaged, one could say that physical masculinity itself is damaged. This is especially urgent to consider when we reflect on the fact that small boys and teenagers, who have not reached or completed puberty, are being injected with mRNA vaccines containing lipid nanoparticles.
  • “Germ cells” “are…precursors of…sperm cells. [“Germ Cells – Definition, Embryonic to Gametes, vs Somatic Cells.” MicroscopeMaster,]

Thus, these excerpts and citations show that:

  1. lipid nanoparticles gather in human organs including the testes,
  2. nanoparticles are detrimental to normal male reproduction, and
  3. Big Pharma and public health agencies knowingly gambled with harms to boys’ and male teens’  sexual development, and with all ages of males’ testosterone levels, older males’ sperm counts, and male fertility.

A Sperm-Related mRNA Vaccine Adverse Event That Causes Male Infertility

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More than 55 percent of children ranging in age between 6 months and 2 years had a “systemic reaction” after their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Sept. 1.

In addition, almost 60 percent had a reaction to the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, in the CDC survey of more than 13,000 children.

A systemic reaction is a response beyond the injection site. While the most common systemic reactions were fatigue, fever, irritability, and crying, parents of more than 6 percent of the children in the study said their child was unable to perform normal activities after the second dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine.

The CDC collected the data through a program called V-Safe—a smartphone-based monitoring system that operates through an app that parents download to their phones.

Between June 18 and Aug. 21, parents of more than 10,000 young children reported reactions to the CDC through V-Safe in the seven days after their child had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

Parents of 8,338 children ages 6 months to 2 years who received the Moderna vaccine reported information through V-Safe, with 55.7 percent reporting a systemic reaction after the first dose and about 58 percent after the second dose. For the Pfizer vaccine, parents of 4,749 children ages 6 months to 2 years submitted reports showing that 55.8 percent had a systemic reaction after the first dose and about 47 percent after the second dose of the vaccine.

Epoch Times Photo

The most frequently reported reactions for children 6 months to 2 years were irritability or crying, sleepiness, and fever. The most common reactions for children aged 3 to 5 years were injection site pain, fatigue, and fever.

Epoch Times Photo

Health Impacts

The data also showed a more serious reaction category labeled “any health impact.”

About 10 percent of all children 6 months to 2 years were reported to have a “health impact” after getting their first dose of either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. For the Moderna vaccine, slightly more children had a health impact after the second dose; for the Pfizer vaccine, it was slightly less.

The information was presented to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on Sept. 1 as part of an overview of all data related to the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

In addition to V-Safe, data was presented summarizing reports from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the Vaccine Safety Data Link (VSD), which includes data from several large health maintenance organizations in the United States.

All three systems look at the safety of vaccines after they’ve already gone to market and have been administered to large numbers of people.

Tom Shimabukuro, the head of the CDC’s vaccine safety team, headed the presentation and told committee members that no “statistical signals” of COVID-19 vaccine reactions were found for young children in the VSD data.

Shimabukuro also said that systemic reactions were “commonly reported” following vaccines.

However, other medical professionals such as Dr. Meryl Nass of Children’s Health Defense have expressed caution over the reported reactions, pointing to the high number of systemic reaction reports among very young children.

She told The Epoch Times on Sept. 2 that she was questioning why the government doesn’t collect and present more information on these cases.

“That stuff is not considered by the CDC to be very important … It’s assumed that all those side effects go away after a few days and leave the people perfectly well,” she said, mentioning the fevers and fatigue. “Those reactions may, in fact, be harbingers of more serious reactions, but nobody to my knowledge has published anything looking at whether these acute local or systemic reactions are indicators of a later problem.”

The FDA approved the emergency-use authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 6 months to 5 years on June 17. According to the CDC, about 599,460 children in that age group have received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and about 440,770 have received the Moderna vaccine.

From June 18 through Aug. 31, about 1 million doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were administered to children in this age group.

In a review of the VAERS data on young children from June 18 to Aug. 31, the CDC had 496 reports of adverse events for children aged 6 months to 4 years who received the Pfizer vaccine and 521 for children aged 6 months to 5 years who received the Moderna shot, with an adverse event defined as a possible side effect.

More than 98 percent of reports were for what the CDC considers non-serious events.

There are 220 reports of persons aged 5 months to 5 years of age being taken to the emergency room following a COVID-19 vaccine. In one case involving a 2-year-old boy in Arizona, the VAERS report says he was given the Pfizer vaccine on July 29 and on July 30 had a “life-threatening episode.”

The report lists his symptoms as “clammy skin and vomiting leading (8 minutes) to difficulty breathing.” The boy “turned blue,” was “limp” and “non-responsive,” and “fully stopped breathing for two minutes,” according to the report.

He was revived after chest compressions.


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Syria Is Key to Turkey’s Future, Economically and Politically

September 8th, 2022 by Steven Sahiounie

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Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan told reporters recently, that Ankara needs to “secure further steps with Syria.” He added, “You have to accept that you cannot stop political dialogue and diplomacy between countries. There should always be such dialogue.” Ankara’s goal, he added, was not to defeat Syrian President Bashar Al Assad.  

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu disclosed previously that he spoke with his Syrian counterpart, Faisal Mekdad, at a Non-Aligned Movement summit held in Belgrade in October 2021, in the first public high-level meeting between Turkish and Syrian government officials since 2011.  In that meeting, Cavusoglu reportedly told Mekdad that “we need to somehow come to terms with the opposition and the regime in Syria. Otherwise, there will be no lasting peace”.

Over the past year, Turkey has also mended fences with the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Although Turkey backed the deposed Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt, former President Morsi, Turkish officials also appear to be working towards restoring ties with Egypt. This comes after several Arab states have restored relations with Damascus and have begun a process of bringing Assad in from the cold.

Erdogan’s AKP party and his opposition have called for normalization with Damascus to deal with the Syrian refugee issue which is being used as a political tool.

In the last meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Erdogan in Sochi, Putin urged Erdogan to reach out to Assad and restore relations to solve a long list of issues affecting the two neighbors, with security issues being at the top of the list. This would propel the political solution to the Syrian crisis after years of stalemate.

Both Turkey and Syria want to see US troops withdraw from Syria, and neither wants an independent, Kurdish-dominated state in northeast Syria.

The US is dead-set against restoring relations with Damascus and has advised Ankara to not move forward in a peace effort.  Washington’s policy on Syria is to keep the stalemate.

Turkish election June 2023

In June 2023 Erdogan will face a re-election vote, and his poll numbers are dismal, while the Syrian refugee issue is one of the top concerns for Turkish voters, regardless of their party. Erdogan’s ruling party, AKP (Islamist Justice and Development), is under threat from other parties, as Erdogan is losing support even among his base.

Turks are unemployed, inflation is at 80%, the currency is devalued, and they see the 3.7 million Syrian refugees as the cause of their suffering.  Erdogan is being blamed for the economic mismanagement of the country and the opposition parties promise economic reforms. Syrian refugees are only under ‘temporary protection status in Turkey.  Erdogan’s pledge to return the millions of refugees to Syria was designed to gain support and votes and matches the promises made by his opposition.

There are now calls to exclude Syrians who have received Turkish citizenship from voting.  Even if that were to be approved, it won’t help the Syrians in Turkey, because virtually every party has promised to send them home, such as Ümit Özdağ, founder of the far-right Zafer (Victory) Party.  Seeing the writing on the wall, social media videos show thousands of Syrians in Turkey are now migrating to Europe in scenes reminiscent of summer 2015.

The US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change

In March 2011 US President Obama and NATO began a regime change project directed at Syria.  Turkey was a US ally, and member of NATO, and was tasked with a huge role in the war.  The tents were up on the border in Turkey even before the first refugee walked in.  By May 2011, Syrian opposition activists convened in Istanbul and set up their headquarters to support the destruction of Syria.  The opposition was made up almost entirely of Muslim Brotherhood members who had not lived in Syria in decades and received the full support of Erdogan.

The National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces commonly named the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) has reacted to the Turkish overtures of reconciliation by claiming they are just rumors, but sources have reported they are in a panic to lose their funding and status.

The Free Syrian Army began in July 2011 with the CIA and the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) funding, training, and arming fighters who sought to establish an Islamic State in Syria, while following the Muslim Brotherhood ideology of Radical Islam.  In 2017, President Trump cut off the CIA program to support the terrorists, who the western media had at first dubbed “freedom fighters”, which prompted Erdogan to establish the Syrian National Army, which are Radical Islamic terrorists left over from the CIA program. According to a 2019 poll, 47.5% of Turks see the Free Syrian Army as an “enemy”.

The Syrian refugees in Turkey

Syrians are stereotyped in Turkish media as either backward religious extremists, or as cowards for not fighting to defend their country from terrorism and invasion.

Syrians who have obtained Turkish citizenship still face discrimination in the workforce and social life.  The official policy was never to integrate them into society, but to go home as soon as possible.

Racist attacks and hate speech have been on the rise as the economic situation worsens.  In 2020, 17-year-old market worker Hamza Ajan was beaten to death, in 2022, 22-year-old Sherif Khaled al-Ahmed was killed by six young Turkish men in Istanbul, also in 2022 in Istanbul Sultan Abdul Baset Jabneh was killed.  In 2022 in Gaziantep, 70-year-old Leila Muhammad was videoed being kicked in the face and insulted by a Turkish man in the street.  The video was seen online by millions and portrayed the unwelcome existence in Turkey. The UN refugee agency said that an estimated 800 refugees are returning to Syria each week from Turkey.

The Turkish protected Idlib

The last remaining terrorist-controlled area in Syria is the province of Idlib in the northwest.  Hayat Tahir al-Sham (HTS) is holding about 3 million persons as human hostages, while the Turkish military protects them from attack by either the Syrian or Russian military.

HTS was formed named Jibhat al-Nusra, which was the Al Qaeda branch in Syria. The HTS routinely aligns with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS).  Almost every IS leader killed by the US in airstrikes has been in Idlib.

If Turkey renews its relationship with Syria, HTS will disappear, and their foreign fighters from Central Asia and China will have to go home, even after it was fake Turkish passports issued by Erdogan which moved them from their Uyghur homes to Idlib

The US-Kurdish alliance against ISIS

The US military invaded Syria to fight ISIS, and though ISIS are defeated, the US never left. The US partnered with a renegade Kurdish militia, SDF and YPJ, who are affiliated with the international terrorist group PKK, which has killed thousands in Turkey over three decades.

The Turkish invasion to push back the Kurds

In August 2016, Turkey invaded northern Syria.  The objective was to push back and contain, the SDF and YPJ, who they consider to be terrorists and the enemy of Turkey.  The fact that Turkey’s enemy is the partner of the US has strained relations to the boiling point.  Damascus shares a common interest with Ankara in stopping Kurdish separatist ambitions which will return the northeast to the central government and create a security zone along the border.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad has called for Turkey to withdraw its military from Syria, to stop supporting terrorism, stop interfering in Syrian domestic issues, and solve the water issues between them.

Erdogan and Assad are both invited to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in September and there exists the opportunity for a continuation of the Turkish moves toward Syria.

In the past, Erdogan vowed to pray in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, and that might happen.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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William J. Perry, the U.S. Secretary of Defense during Bill Clinton’s first term (ending 20 January 1997), issued an article on September 5th, “How the U.S. Lost Russia”, whose concluding paragraph opened with “There is no organic reason why Russia should be our enemy. Putin is the enemy, not Russia.” In other words, he’s advocating for regime-change in Russia, like America did with regards to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, Salvador Allende in Chile, Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran, Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine, and also leaders in many other countries — leaders virtually all of whom had had good relations with Russia’s or the prior Soviet Government, even if not outright favorable toward Russia. (Perhaps their refusals to join the U.S. regime’s organizations against Russia constituted actually the main reason why the U.S. regime sought to overthrow and replace each one of these rulers.)

However, Bill Perry himself, while he was in power, as the SecDef, was working to lay foundations for America’s ultimate conquest of Russia that were already building upon the foundation that Clinton’s immediate predecessor, GHW Bush, had started laying when, on 24 February 1990, Bush secretly informed German Chancellor Helmut Kohl that after the Soviet Union would break up and its communism end, and its military alliance the Warsaw Pact that had been established in response to Truman’s having created America’s military Alliance NATO would likewise end, America and its NATO allies would continue forward with the objective now being ultimately to conquer Russia itself.

Shortly thereafter, Bush communicated essentially this same message, likewise privately, to the heads of the other key nations that were in NATO.

As regards those leaders’ objections that they all, like GHW Bush’s own Administration, had already promised to Gorbachev that if the Soviet Union would break up, then NATO would not be expanded “one inch to the east” (i.e., toward Russia’s border), Bush told the leader, in response, that he had given this instruction to them all only in order to fool Gorbachev, but that, in fact, as regards actually delivering on that promise, they wouldn’t do that: “To hell with that! We prevailed, they didn’t.”

In other words, he was instructing each of them that America continues actually with much the same objective that Hitler had had toward Russia in WW II: to conquer that nation, which had (and, even after the U.S.S.R’s breakup, still has) by far the largest landmass (and thus the most natural resources) of any nation on Earth. This was his instruction to them, and they all followed through on it: all of them, now under Bill Clinton, and subsequently under other U.S. Presidents, would and did vote in favor of admitting into NATO all of the former Warsaw Pact countries that they could (via bribe or otherwise) get to apply for membership into America’s anti-Russian military alliance. They all did it.

However, the perfidy of Perry’s lies didn’t stop there. His entire article ignores that when Perry was in power (and afterward) the Harvard Economics Department, and USAID, and the entirety of the U.S. Government, and World Bank, carried-out a program, as welcomed economic advisors to Yeltsin’s Russian Government, to mire the new Russia so deeply in corruption and looting from its Government, so as to set the stage for the U.S. ultimately to swallow it all up, with U.S. billionaires in partnerships with their newly created Russian ones, so as to bleed the Russian people economically to death and so grab direct control of their government.

Furthermore, the IMF, which is, essentialy, a U.S. Government front, was also part of this government-heisting operation. Though Yeltsin objected to Clinton’s anti-Russia actions, such as Clinton’s bringing into NATO the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland in 1999, it was already too late; and, then, in 2004, Bush Junior brought in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia; and, in 2009, Obama brought in Albania and Croatia — all being violations of the verbal condition by the U.S., under which Gorbachev had ended the Soviet Union (i.e., that the U.S. would NOT expand NATO towards Russia).

The U.S. National Security Archives has an article, “The Clinton-Yeltsin Relationship in Their Own Words”, and it opens:

“President Bill Clinton saw Russian leader Boris Yeltsin as indispensable for promoting American interests following the collapse of the Soviet Union, often prompting him to take controversial steps to ensure Yeltsin’s political survival, according to top-level memoranda of conversation[s] just released from the Clinton presidential library.”

Of course, Putin was the immediate successor to Yeltsin, and as unwelcomed as Yeltsin was welcomed. Instead of trying to overthrow Yeltsin, the U.S. Government helped to keep Yeltsin in power there.

As regards whether Putin has been better for the Russian people than Yeltsin was: Putin became Russia’s leader in 2000, and here is the answer: Russia’s economy sunk under Yeltsin and soared under Putin; and, starting in 2005 — when regulations against alcohol kicked in — male life-expectancies also soared in Russia.

Putin’s job approval-ratings amongst Russians have almost always been far higher than that of America’s Presidents’ since 2000 have been at the comparable time. This fact greatly disturbs America’s ‘news’-media, so that, for example, on 6 March 2016, the Washington Post headlined “How to understand Putin’s jaw-droppingly high approval ratings” and closed by saying, “‘Switch off the television, and this popularity would go away in two months,’ said Mikhail Kasyanov, a former prime minister who is now a leading opposition politician.”

In other words: Russian propaganda does it. On 22 March 2022, CNN bannered “Former Russian TV host explains surprising Putin poll”, and presented a former Russian journalist who described Russia as a dictatorship, but who might have left Russia for the U.S. in order to make more money trashing his home-country in its main enemy nation than continuing to be a journalist in his home-country.

However that may be (and I won’t speculate about that), these U.S. propaganda-agencies against Russia haven’t yet succeeded in providing any other reason to explain Putin’s job-performance-approval among his fellow-Russians than to insinuate that, somehow, it provides yet further evidence against (and so might help to ‘justify’ the U.S. regime’s constant efforts to overthrow and replace) Putin, while they also allege, like the liar Bill Perry does, that “There is no organic reason why Russia should be our enemy. Putin is the enemy, not Russia.”

No, it’s not true: the fact is that the U.S. regime is Russia’s enemy, not merely Putin’s enemy.

The U.S. regime demands nothing less than to take over Russia. Putin fights against that; and that fact could be the best possible single explanation why his job-approval ratings are, and have been, vastly higher than those of his American counterparts have been. It’s a possibility that America’s propaganda-agencies (alias ‘news’-media) never even so much as consider.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Perry at a conference in Stockholm in 2014 (Photo by The Official CTBTO PhotostreamFormer U.S. Secretary of Defense William Perry, licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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After Russia launched its counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe, the US-led political West vowed to “isolate“ Russia and “cripple“ its economy. Yet, the Eurasian giant didn’t only weather the storm largely unscathed, but it even managed to profit while the sanctions boomerang started ravaging Western economies. Russia has been able to maintain its economic strength, powering through the sanctions and even establishing alternative payment systems with major global powers such as China and India. And yet, the US, as the leading Western power, the one which pushed its European and other vassals into an economic war with Russia, with devastating consequences for the EU and other economies, continues doing business with Moscow.

The US is currently importing over $1 billion per month in Russian wood, metals, food and other goods. More than 3,600 ships from Russia have arrived at American ports since February 24, according to statistics cited by the Associated Press. While that is nearly 50% less in shipments over the same period compared to last year, it still amounts to over $6 billion in imports. The sheer quantity of goods and commodities from Russia entering the US suggests the troubled Biden administration is directly involved in a failure to “isolate“ the Russian economy, as the US incumbent president promised in late February. Due to so-called “wind down“ periods that allow companies to complete previous deals, many of the products and commodities continue to be imported into the US long after the Biden administration imposed sanctions on those goods, including Russian oil and natural gas.

However, there are exceptions to this as well. The import of other crucial Russian commodities, such as fertilizer, came at the request of the Biden administration itself, which has urged US companies to make up for shortages. Although the US has ordered the seizure of luxury yachts owned by rich Russians with supposed “ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin“, the AP found that many companies from the US and EU are still importing millions of dollars in metal from a Russian firm that makes parts for VKS (Russian Aerospace Forces) fighter jets, highlighting yet another hypocritical discrepancy in Western sanctions campaign. And yet, Washington is trying to exert diplomatic pressure on others to stop doing business with Moscow. While many have followed the US diktat, others are not only keeping their economic ties with Russia, but are even expanding them. For instance, Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, has doubled its oil imports from Russia this year.

This hypocritical approach has made many other countries, including major global powers, such as India, frustrated, as they are being criticized for their ties with Russia, while the US gets to cherry pick which ties with Moscow it can keep in order to prevent disruptions to its economy. This has nearly nullified the US attempts to strengthen ties with India and get New Delhi into its fold, despite the fact that American troops are currently engaged in military exercises with their Indian counterparts. And yet, just like Turkey, New Delhi has similarly significantly increased energy imports from Russia, despite US pressure not to do so. In addition, the Indian rupee has become a major currency for the diamond trade, allowing buyers to bypass anti-Russian sanctions, pushing India even closer to Moscow in this regard.

Although the failed economic siege of Russia was also meant to diminish the Eurasian giant’s nearly unmatched military might (which only the US can compare to), it has so far been completely inconsequential. Worse yet, it even had an opposite effect, as Russia is now expanding and strengthening its military, including the increase in production of weapons such as the Su-57, which has proven itself in the special military operation against the Kiev-based Neo-Nazi junta. This resilience isn’t limited to the Russian military. With Russian energy exports far exceeding last year’s levels in recent months and the Russian ruble rallying against the US dollar, the Eurasian giant’s economy is also faring far better than those of the EU members.

Still, the question remains, what will the EU and other US vassals do when the winter comes? Will Washington send food, oil, gas and other essential commodities? How will the “moral highground“ of “sticking it to Putin“ help heat homes, feed hundreds of millions of hungry (and angry) citizens and power entire economies and countries? How will the EU and other governments explain to their voters that all this is “worth doing“ so that the “young, vibrant democracy in Kiev“ can survive the “unprovoked brutal Russian invasion“?

And what will Europe look like in 2023 after it goes through a complete political unraveling? Whatever happens to Europe and other US vassals, one thing is certain – America will keep importing essential commodities from Russia while pressuring others not to do it. However, this isn’t necessarily bad, as it will be a perfect litmus test of sovereignty for many around the globe and an excellent indicator of who will get the privilege of joining the new multipolar world of sovereign nations.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. 

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Three months from now, an EU-wide embargo on Russian crude oil imports will kick in, shutting off almost all shipments of the commodity from Russia to Europe. But right now, Europe is importing over 1 million barrels of Russian crude daily and has been doing so for the last month. Someone is stocking up before the taps turn dry.

While they publicly condemn Russia for its actions in Ukraine and equally publicly assure their constituents that sanctions are working, European (and other) politicians make no mention of the continuing Russian oil purchases.

Yet, Russia is exporting some 3.32 million barrels of crude daily by sea, Bloomberg calculations have shown, which means Europe is buying a third of that, while it still can. And this means that nothing has changed since June when the embargo was approved, and Europe will have to find alternative oil suppliers at a time of likely higher prices.

Right now, prices are slumping because of new lockdowns in China and expectations of rate hikes by central banks, but once the embargo door shuts, chances are that prices will rebound just when Europe finds it most painful. And that is exactly why it’s stocking up now on the oil it’s about to ban.

It’s not only oil that Europe is stocking up on, either. All fossil fuels are in greater and more urgent demand on the continent than they have been for years. The FT called it “the unavoidable evil of wartime fossil fuels” in a recent report and the European Union has kept repeating that the emission reduction plans are still in place although it is increasingly looking like they’ve taken the back seat to energy security.

Exports of oil from Russia to northern Europe rose particularly markedly in the first week of this month, the Bloomberg calculations showed, suggesting India’s Petroleum Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, who told CNBC this week that “I said the Europeans buy more in one afternoon than I do in a quarter. I’d be surprised if that is not the condition still.”

Puri’s comments came in response to a question about criticism leveled at India for continuing to buy crude from Russia despite Western sanctions and condemnation for the invasion of Ukraine.

The Indian top oil official took things a step further, as well. Asked about whether he had any moral qualms about importing oil from Russia, he said “No, there’s no conflict. I have a moral duty to my consumer. Do I as a democratically elected government want a situation where the petrol pump runs dry?”

It would be difficult to argue this point for any politician, even a European one.

One might reasonably argue that the European Union is not an authoritarian state in which the government tells commodity traders where to buy their oil from. However, one could equally argue that the bloc is trying to turn into precisely that sort of an authoritarian state.

Earlier this month, the FT reported that the European Commission had drafted a document seeking sweeping powers over European businesses. The sweeping powers, if approved, would include the “powers to require businesses to stockpile supplies and break delivery contracts in order to shore up supply chains in the event of a crisis such as the coronavirus pandemic.”

Deciding what constitutes a crisis would also be the prerogative of the European Commission under this draft document. Businesses have not exactly welcomed the suggestion that they could be told what to produce, stockpile, and who they trade with by the EC, so the sweeping powers are far from a certain thing. Yet, there is more than one signal the EU is moving into a more centralized-intervention style of government amid the energy crisis.

Right now, Brussels is mulling over direct intervention into energy markets because of the tidal wave of margin calls looming over an already struggling energy industry. Bloomberg reported earlier this month that the suspension of power derivatives was among the options, along with a cap on the price of gas used for power generation.

The power market has a lot more to do with the price of gas than oil, but it’s worth recalling that some European utilities switched from gas to oil for power generation when gas prices skyrocketed earlier this year. Prices have not exactly returned to normal yet, so oil continues to be a viable alternative for power generation. And in three months, imports are going to take a 1-million-bpd dive. Unless, of course, buyers find an alternative.

In all fairness, alternative sources of crude oil are abundant. Middle Eastern producers, for example, would be only too happy to sell their oil to Europe. So would Nigeria and Angola. Yet they would be setting the price. One cannot help but wonder if the European Union will start threatening OPEC with a price cap, too.


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Irina is a writer for with over a decade of experience writing on the oil and gas industry.

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(The title “Money is no Mystery” is adopted from the famed speech by that title delivered by Charles E. Coughlin on December 30th, 1934)

Read Part I, II and III:

The Origins of the Money Crisis. “Money is Printed by the Fed., Using Black Magic, Doled out to the Rich for Free”.

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 06, 2022

Propping Up the Wobbly Dollar: “Addicted to the Dollar Economy as it Collapses”, The Decadence of Wealth and Power

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 07, 2022


Digital Currency Leads Us by the Hand Down the Primrose Path to Slavery

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 07, 2022



We cannot stop this silent takeover of the American economy, and of the Earth’s economy, a takeover making use of the covert devaluation of money, the reduction of the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury to agents for the rich, unless we confidently and bravely propose an alternative and simultaneously declare that the monetary and currency policies of the “public private partnership” of the billionaires are illegal and immoral.

The rich have any number of tricks to fool us into accepting the false idols that they have prepared so lovingly, to cajole us into welcoming the Trojan horse of digital currencies, just as we were forced to accept COVID payouts that made us dependent on an unconstitutional government, a United States of multinational private equity following a classified constitution for the few.

Creating false money and branding it as our currency is an act of counterfeiting, even if that act is undertaken by firms with fancy Wall Street offices run by gentlemen wearing three-piece suits.

That act in itself, even if covered over with the thin veneer of government institutions, is grounds to arrest the stakeholders (not just the CEOs) of these banks and to seize their assets.

But there are a few steps that must come first.

We must face the reality of contemporary America as it is, not as we wish it were.

That brave act will lead us to the painful conclusion that the takeover of the Executive and Legislative branches is so complete that lobbying against, advocacy against, the rule of money by the banks is not the first step towards our liberation.

No, we must first establish a currency which will serve as the foundation for a productive, not speculative, moral, not extractive, economic system that follows the Constitution and natural law, one that is independent of the poisoned Federal Reserve, one that offers a full-formed alterative to the slavery that awaits us.

The transformation of money must be revolutionary. Progressive change is no longer possible. But it must be revolutionary in a sense that appeals to the better angels of our citizens, not the dogs of war who bay at our doorstep.

A revolutionary dollar in five easy steps

1) Education for the citizens about money

Economics is the most corrupt and purposely obscure field of pseudoscience, a devious practice run by high priests who attribute the purposeful destruction of our economy by billionaires to science, suggesting that hyperinflation and overproduction are the equivalent of the snow and rain, proposing that the raising or lowering of interest rates, and the doling out of money to multinational corporations, is the way to relieve the suffering of the common man, the common woman.

Our children are taught horrid falsehoods from elementary school on, told that the destruction of their futures is the result of forces beyond their control, the product of a temporary setback, when laceration of their dreams is the explicit goal of rich and powerful.

The first step in our resistance is to educate citizens about what the economy is and how it truly works.

We must go to the streets, go door to door, and we must explain logically, scientifically, and patiently what is going on behind the screaming headlines.

There is no need for juicy donations to the Harvard Business School, or funding for the Economist Magazine from billionaires, in order for the man in the street to understand how the economy runs, how money is created for the billionaires, and how debt is created to enslave us.

We must tell them the truth about digital currencies, the stock market, derivatives and other frauds, explaining how these cooked-up indicators of growth are unrelated to our economy.

We must explain to the citizens how banks create money out of thin air, and how the digital currencies and cryptocurrencies are but a trap meant to trick them into surrendering the last traces of real ownership to faceless AI.

Citizens must grasp that this digital money, is not money at all, but an IOU note to them from unaccountable powers, a note that can be cancelled at any moment for bad behavior, for no reason at all.

They must understand that its value is determined by computer banks owned by multinational corporations. Digital currency is, in other words, a weapon of mass destruction.

2) Denounce the fiat currency dollar controlled by multinational banks and launch the revolutionary dollar

The collapsing dollar system threatens to take us down with it, be we white collar or blue color, man or woman, black or white. But corporate media tries to divide us against each other using ethic and identity conflicts of its own creation.

Just as other nations must free themselves from the dollar-dominated economic system, so also must the citizens of the United States declare their independence from this banker-driven Titanic.

Taking the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as our sword and our shield, we will bravely assert the true relationship of the citizen to the federal government, insisting that only we the people have the right to issue currency through a Congress that is accountable, in word and deed, to us.

We will assert that the value of the dollar must be determined in a transparent and accountable manner, in accord with the Constitution.

If that is not the case, and it most obviously IS not the case, then it CANNOT be considered as a currency. It is but pretty printed paper.

We will assert that the new digital currency, and the Federal Reserve’s fiat currency dollars, now controlled by multinational banks, are by their self-evident nature unconstitutional, illegitimate, and criminal.

We will refuse to use them for economic transactions and we will allow citizens to convert their fiat dollars for our substantial revolutionary dollars in accord with the true needs of the working people of our country, not the greed of the moneychangers and the speculators.

The “Revolutionary Dollar” will support an accountable and transparent monetary system that is based on value, not forced debt, not the threat of military force, and not chimeric digits floating in cyberspace.

You heard right. The revolutionary dollar will be a democratic currency that is issued directly to citizens following the Constitution.

This new democratic economy will be local in nature, but will include transparent and verifiable systems for national and international exchange that are independent of the casinos run by the gamblers and tricksters.

That independent economy will be based on concrete contributions from the citizens, and will offer a clear alternative to the rotten globalist economy that drags us towards slavery.

3) Establish the value of the revolutionary dollar

The revolutionary dollar will be grounded at the local level in credible agreements among citizens that determine its value with regards to concrete goods and services. The revolutionary dollar will go hand in hand with a transparent, accountable, and democratic banking system, banks that are run as cooperatives by the members of the immediate community first.

But even more important than establishing a free and democratic dollar, we must help the citizen to reduce his or her dependency on money and encourage self-sufficiency, local barter, and cooperation within the community.

Turn strangers into neighbors and you will magically find solutions to many economic needs. It is because you do not know your neighbor, do not trust the man passing you on the street, and have grown distant from your son and daughter that you must conduct all actions via money. That is no accident. That was the plan all along.

The revolutionary dollar will permit a true market economy in which the currency is tied, through participatory discussions, to a set value for three kilos of tomatoes grown in your garden, for two hours of babysitting, for fixing a sink, or for walking a dog every day for a month.

That is to say that the currency will return to the original function of money, a marker in our shared society that allows for a transparent barter system wherein we can cover most needs without ever turning to a multinational corporation or bank.

Trust between neighbors, and between family members, will allow us to govern ourselves, to create an organic system wherein we set the value of money in response to the needs of the citizens in the local economy.

Money will be tied to goods, services, objects and other substantial things, tangible or intangible, through a participatory process wherein citizens set prices through discussion, and establish markets based on real demand.

That process of determining value through open debate between citizens will mean the restoration of politics in the original sense of the word, not the debased Los Vegas strip show to which we are subject today.

The goods and services essential to life: food, tools, housing, transportation, energy, as well as the fundamentals of civilization: rigorous science, moral education, profound intellectual engagement, and the philosophical, aesthetic and spiritual practices that define humanity, will be assigned value within the revolutionary dollar.

The will be no space in this democratic economy for the conversation to revolutionary dollars of ill-got digital fortunes, narco-riches accumulated by billionaires and their intelligence lackeys, money now recorded in the bankrupt fiat currency. The extra billions claimed by multibillionaires by adding a few zeros to the figures in their Amazon, or Google supercomputers, will also vanish.

Inflation will be vanquished by the revolutionary dollar. In addition, no individual, no one family, no class of privileged people, will be permitted to monopolize money, goods or other assets beyond the bounds of fundamental social justice.

So also the debt owed by citizens in that fiat dollar cannot be converted into revolutionary dollars. The revolutionary dollar will be jubilee in every sense of the word.

4) Creation of local banks for the people

The fiat currency dollar has become a tool for the rich to buy up assets from ordinary citizens using phony money that is backed by the authority of the federal government.  This scheme has worked because the commercial media gave this “money” undue legitimacy, and because the dollar was no longer backed by precious metals, and because there were no longer local banks granting meaningful loans to local citizens based on the actual money deposited, to stand in opposition to the international banks.

We must establish local banks that are committed by their charters to being run as cooperatives, committed to investing entirely in the local community, and committed to basing their loans on the money they actually have, that is tied to real objects, to real labor, or to real institutions of substance.

The loans offered by these banks must be for ordinary people, in real money, and they must be for productive and helpful activities.

Those banks must focus on the local, must focus on the long-term wellbeing of the community, the environment, and the future of the nation.

Long-term low interest (30 year loans) and micro-loans, will allow the citizen to purchase high quality, locally handmade pairs of shoes that will last for 30 years, or tables that will last for 100 years, for less money than would cost a shoddy set of imported shoes, or an imported fiberboard table sold by criminal distributor like Walmart.

5) A global monetary system for the people

Ultimately a new international, and not globalist, financial and trade system must be built from the bottom up, one that permits for healthy and constructive economic interactions starting from the local community, expanding across the nation, and finally reaching out to the citizens (not the corporations) of other nations.

No part of that financial and monetary system will be controlled by the multinational logistics and shipping companies, the large-scale marketing and retail firms, that are run by Wall Street, and the financial monopolies like BlackRock and Vanguard, and the families like the Houses of Saud and Windsor, the Waltons and the Rothchilds, the Kochs and the Mars, who hide behind them.

A healthy, citizen-centered, financial and trade system for the Earth requires transparent and reliable currencies that are outside of the reach of globalists.

We will bypass the poisoned economic system of the globalists entirely.

The sad state of our economy

The bankers, and their friends at the Treasury Department work day and night to put off the inevitable bursting of the bubble, and they will use any means, even if that means the destruction of our nation. The United States resembles the train in the Marx Brothers film “Go West!” the cars of which were chopped to pieces to feed the locomotive’s engine, leaving behind a wreck.

Money without value is the only thing keeping the ship of state afloat. But over time, creating money without value is a horrific ritual of self-cannibalism for a civilization.

Fear of war, fear of pandemics is essential to keeping the population from understanding how the economy, and the culture, is destroyed.

The critiques of this criminality offered by true conservatives like Ron Paul have been replaced with faux conservatives like Donald Trump created by the banks.

The trenchant critique of markets and global finance offered by Marxists and socialists in a previous age have been supplanted by the indulgent chatter about gender and race offered by the so-called “left.”

Enough is enough! Over the last fifty years, the Federal debt has increased 75-fold from $400 billion to $30 trillion, thus rendering your money nearly worthless. The elite have grown wealthy; the citizen has been driven into poverty.

Verily, it is a sordid, vicious racket that poisons the very life blood of the nation. Truly this market, now a corpse, demands at least, an honorable burial.

Affirm the real economy and denounce the fake economy

Personal morality, the needs of local communities, transparency and accountability, local banks and local finance, are concepts alien to the discourse on money promoted in the gaudy media today.

We cannot purchase a solution to this problem with the dollars that are created, regulated, and controlled by the private multinational banks.

Remember that degradation of money is inseparable from the decay of personal ethics, and of the sense of citizenship at the local and the national level.

We can have healthy food, potable water, quality tools and furniture, livable housing, meaningful education and a profound intellectual, cultural and spiritual experience which will make life worth living. That is our goal. Money can help to achieve that goal by setting up equivalencies for exchange, but money itself can never be the solution to the problem.

When the ancients said that money is root of all evil, they had their reasons.

The trust between citizens is the skeleton to which the muscles of the revolutionary dollar will be attached. The revolutionary dollar will be the base on which an independent and moral economy is built.

No longer must our citizens dive into an immoral and parasitic economy in order to obtain the filthy dollars need to feed their children. Such contradictions, such abominations, must be abolished.

Remember that we are fighting a techno-fascist global system that will try to outsmart us, to overwhelm us, by creating false value using its fiat currencies and digital currencies.

That global system uses algorithms calculated by supercomputers, and bribes any number of authority figures, to convince us of its legitimacy.

Yet ultimately we will win because the value of our money, our revolutionary dollars, will be rooted in human interactions, in actual value.

The revolutionary dollar backed by the Constitution, and supported by concrete economic transactions between citizens, will allow us to say to the billionaires like Bill Gates that when they bought up farmland in Montana or Minnesota using the money printed up at their request by the Federal Reserve, that they did not gain ownership in any sense and that their fiat money, their digital currency, shall have no value.

In addition, take notice! The financial crimes of promoting poisonous vaccines are more than enough to justify the seizure of all the assets of these criminals.

Our revolutionary dollar, in other words, will be the wooden stake driven through the heart of the zombie economy, will be the swift sword that strikes down the vampire market, will be the silver hammer that knocks over the rotten casino set up by the money changers of Wall Street.

What will they do, when their goose is cooked, when their money is worthless and their fake assets have evaporated?  That is not our concern.

Our nation belongs to its citizens. Our rivers and fields, mountains and oceans, cannot be owned by anyone but remain our cherished common legacy to be preserved far, far into the future, long after the parasitic billionaires are safely entombed in their gaudy graves.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Pixabay

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President Biden’s campaign to banish (or maybe outlaw) political paranoia took a wallop last spring. In April, the Department of Homeland Security proudly announced that it had created a new Disinformation Governance Board. The following month, the board’s chairman resigned, and Biden administration officials claimed the board was being “paused.” But it remains in the wings awaiting the White House summons for an encore performance.

Thought police by another name

From the start, the Disinformation Governance Board looked like a political caricature dreamed up by people who never appreciated either Monty Python or Orwell’s 1984. Given the Biden record, it was unclear whether the new board will be fighting or promulgating “disinformation.” After controversy erupted, an unnamed DHS spokesperson told the Washington Post: “The Board’s purpose has been grossly mischaracterized; it will not police speech…. Its focus is to ensure that freedom of speech is protected.” Geez, why didn’t the Founding Fathers think of adding a clause to the First Amendment creating a nefarious-sounding government agency to ride shotgun on the nation’s media?

Team Biden expected applause and deference when they announced the first disinformation czar for the board, Nina Jankowicz, a 33-year-old Bryn Mawr college graduate who was hailed as an “information warfare expert.” Jankowicz had the type of resume that made the Washington Post swoon — a Fulbright scholar, a graduate degree from Georgetown University, and “stints at multiple nonpartisan think tanks” — all of which were coincidentally progovernment — thus proving that Jankowicz herself was trustworthy.

Team Biden’s vetting operations didn’t win any kudos on this appointment. They failed to ask a critical question: Does she sing? After Jankowicz’s name hit the headlines, activists were soon whooping up some of her greatest performances discovered online. There was her TikTok version of a “Mary Poppins” song warning “Information laundering is really quite ferocious.” More surprising was her YouTube Christmas parody song performance, “Who do I f–k to be famous and powerful?”

More troubling was her long record of cheerleading for political propaganda. Jankowicz previously worked for StopFake, a federally funded media-influence operation that in 2018 “began aggressively whitewashing two Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups with a long track record of violence, including war crimes,” even dabbling “with Holocaust distortion, downplaying WWII-era paramilitaries who slaughtered Jews as mere ‘historic figures’ and Ukrainian nationalist leaders,” as The Nation reported. She also worked for the National Democratic Institute, which is heavily funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which has spurred perennial controversy for interfering in foreign elections.

A long record of censorship

When Jankowicz testified in Britain on the UK’s Online Safety Bill, which entitled the government to ban any content with “the potential to cause harm,” she endorsed banning “misogyny” (bad news for old videos of Benny Hill shows). She also derided free speech as on par with “fairy dust.” As Paul Joseph Watson reported in Summit News, “Jankowicz asserted that social media platforms should utilize algorithms that would ‘allow us to get around some of the free speech concerns’ by demoting content so few people saw it.” Jankowicz assured the legislators: “You can shout in the black void, but you do not get a huge audience to do that.” And people like her should have the prerogative to covertly determine how much audience each idea deserves, right?

Jankowicz believes that “trustworthy experts” such as herself (she boasts that she is “verified” by Twitter) should be empowered to “edit” other people’s tweets to “add context.” She denounced Loudoun County, Va., parents who complained about left-wing school curriculum for “disinformation” and “weaponizing people’s emotion.”

In October 2020, after the New York Post exposed damning emails and other information in Hunter Biden’s laptop, Jankowicz scoffed at the laptop controversy: “We should view it as a Trump campaign product.” She supported the 50 former intelligence officials and other honchos who vouched that the laptop should not be trusted, thereby helping Biden win the 2020 election (according to former attorney general Bill Barr).

Jankowicz never complained when Twitter suppressed all links to New York Post articles before the 2020 election. But when rumors circulated in April that Elon Musk might buy Twitter, she fretted to National Public Radio: “I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms.”

That line is the Rosetta stone for understanding the new Disinformation Governance Board. The goal is not “truth” — which could arise from the clash of competing opinions. Instead, political overlords need power to exert pressure and pull to shape Americans’ beliefs by discrediting, if not totally suppressing, disapproved opinions.

The swamp circles the wagons

When DHS revealed that the disinformation board was being placed on hold, it also announced that former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff was brought in to review and assess the board’s mission. Chertoff was assistant attorney general helping organize the mass roundup of 1,200 Muslims after the 9/11 attacks. On November 28, 2001, Chertoff testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Nobody is held incommunicado. We don’t hold people in secret, you know, cut off from lawyers, cut off from the public, cut off from their family and friends.” That was total disinformation, and the Bush administration’s secrecy was later condemned. In August 2002, Chertoff condemned Bush administration critics: “You should not think you’re dealing with a bunch of barbarians….We need to be sober about what is a threat to civil liberties.” But, as The Nation magazine noted, “Chertoff is notorious for enabling some of the most egregious offenses of the War on Terrorism — from federal surveillance, to unlawful detention, to torture. Indeed, his previous governmental appointments were met with vociferous opposition from groups like Human Rights Watch and the ACLU.” When he was DHS boss, Chertoff championed REAL ID and portrayed it as a total surveillance system — even for babysitters. The Nation magazine declared that placing “a man as deeply tainted as Chertoff into a leadership position smacks of a particularly indolent kind of contempt.”

Disinformation a longtime tool of the state

“Disinformation” is often simply the lag time between the pronouncement and the debunking of government falsehoods. In early 2003, anyone who denied that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction was guilty of disinformation — until after George W. Bush’s Iraq invasion found no WMDs. It was disinformation that Obama’s drone assassination program was killing large number of innocent civilians — until Daniel Hale courageously leaked internal documents proving the killing spree. (Hale will spend years in federal prison as a reward for undermining the credibility of this particular disinformation.)

Federal agencies have deluged Americans with malarkey for decades. We don’t need a disinformation czar to hector us to submit to the latest Washington catechism.

The core of the media defense of Jankowicz was that only right-wing nuts fear the U.S. government would censor Americans. But it is already happening. The Biden White House threatened antitrust investigations against social media companies that failed to suppress “disinformation” about COVID vaccines. On March 3, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy “demanded that the tech companies turn over information about individuals who spread” COVID “misinformation,” the New Civil Liberties Alliance reported. Last year, it was “disinformation” to claim that vaccines fail to prevent contracting or transmitting COVID. But after the Omicron wave, the phrase “breakthrough infection” became almost redundant.

The Disinformation Governance Board debacle could not have occurred unless many policymakers felt entitled to control the information Americans receive. Jankowicz’s arrogance was invisible to the Biden team because that arrogance is shared by them. She is part of a niche that assumes they are so superior that they have the right to censor — or at least the right to control what other people think. In the 1960s, the “best and the brightest” had the right to lie Americans into the Vietnam War — for the good of the world. The same type of people now infest Washington and believe they have the right to censor.

The new Cold War — in Ukraine

Targeting Russian issues would have been a prime topic for the new board. After she resigned, Jankowicz touted the disinformation fight by other federal agencies: “Take a look at the recent work to prebunk [pre-debunk] Russian narratives about Ukraine. It focused on raising awareness of the falsities coming out of the Kremlin so Americans wouldn’t buy into them. It worked.”

It “worked” in the sense that the vast majority of the American media has uncritically recited what they have been told about the conflict by U.S. government and Ukrainian officials. But the U.S. government has withheld almost all information it possesses on the battlefield losses of the Ukrainian army, thus helping perpetuate “Ghost of Kiev” types of fantasies about how the conflict is going. On May 27, the Washington Post reported that Ukrainian military “casualties here are largely kept secret to protect morale among troops and the general public” — and American citizens. U.S. officials have also passed on information to the media regarding the conflict that was unverified or even doubtful. At the same time, many politicians have joined a media chorus to denounce as Russian propaganda any suggestion that the war is something less than a glorious triumph of good over evil.

U.S. government agencies poured money into the coffers of Ukrainian government agencies, including the office of Lyudmila Denisova, the commissioner for human rights. Denisova spurred hundreds of lurid western media reports about Russian troops on rape rampages, targeting even young babies. But on May 30, the Ukrainian parliament tossed her out of her job because there was no evidence for many of her allegations. Until the moment that Denisova was fired, denying Russian troops were mass raping Ukrainian females was “disinformation.”

Few Americans recognize how surreal the notion of “truth” has become inside the Beltway. On April 28, the White House appealed to Congress to provide another massive aid package to Ukraine, including hefty provisions to “support activists, journalists, and independent media to defend freedom of expression.” And how can we be sure that Ukrainian journalists are independent? Because U.S. government officials retain the sales receipt for their purchase. Unfortunately, the State Department, the National Endowment for Democracy, and other agencies have been avidly subsidizing “independent media” in foreign nations for years, assuring that there will be an “amen chorus” for U.S. intervention in their nations if deemed necessary. The absurdity of such grants doesn’t register in D.C., in part because so many policymakers are blinded by the presumed righteousness of U.S. policy. As Secretary of State Madeline Albright said, “We are the indispensable nation…. We see further into the future.” Thus, handouts from the U.S. government are the truest source of independence — or some such hokum.

It remains to be seen if Biden’s disinformation campaigns on Ukraine and Russia succeed in dragging our nation into World War Three. The United States funds foreign propaganda operations that echo in American newspapers and cable news, and the White House exploits those stories to drag this nation further into an East European border dispute.

The federal government has long been the most dangerous source of disinformation threatening Americans. The trillions of pages of new secrets that the U.S. government creates each year is a disinformation entitlement program. In a city that already had hundreds of full-time political appointees whose task is to lie to the America public, why was another board needed? Admittedly, calling it the Disinformation Governance Board is more palatable than naming it the Keep Damn Federal Lies Sacrosanct Panel.


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James Bovard is a policy adviser to The Future of Freedom Foundation. He is a USA Today columnist and has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, New Republic, Reader’s Digest, Playboy, American Spectator, Investors Business Daily, and many other publications. He is the author of Freedom Frauds: Hard Lessons in American Liberty (2017, published by FFF); Public Policy Hooligan (2012); Attention Deficit Democracy (2006); The Bush Betrayal (2004); Terrorism and Tyranny (2003); Feeling Your Pain (2000); Freedom in Chains (1999); Shakedown (1995); Lost Rights (1994); The Fair Trade Fraud (1991); and The Farm Fiasco (1989). He was the 1995 co-recipient of the Thomas Szasz Award for Civil Liberties work, awarded by the Center for Independent Thought, and the recipient of the 1996 Freedom Fund Award from the Firearms Civil Rights Defense Fund of the National Rifle Association. His book Lost Rights received the Mencken Award as Book of the Year from the Free Press Association. His Terrorism and Tyranny won Laissez Faire Book’s Lysander Spooner award for the Best Book on Liberty in 2003. Read his blog. Send him email.

Featured image is from Multipolarista

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With the passage of the 2022 Defense Authorization Act giving the executive branch sweeping powers over the use of the military in all domestic affairs, and with the obvious obsession by a supranational deep state technocracy intent on imposing a final endgame scenario onto the United States, it is important to recognize the historical precedent of the attempted Bankers’ Coup of 1934 that sought to impose a fascist puppet dictator into the White House. Unfortunately for the JP Morgan network managing this coup, the puppet they selected for their “American Mussolini” was a patriotic retired General named Smedley Darlington Butler.

In this new Canadian Patriot Review film based upon the essay “Why Assume There Will be a 2024 Election?” produced/narrated by Jason Dahl, you will be introduced to this dense period of history beginning with the orchestrated demolition of the financial system in 1929, the Wall Street/London fueled “economic miracle solution” of fascism and eugenics between 1930-1934, and the story of FDR’s war with the financier oligarchy’s London and Wall Street tentacles. From this vantage point, we are then thrust into a deep dive into the person of Smedley Butler and his courageous defense of the republic.

Watch the film on Rumble, Bitchute and Youtube.


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This article was originally published on The Canadian Patriot.

Matthew Ehret the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Canadian Patriot

The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken


First came 9/11, which the government used to transform itself into a police state.

Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, which the police state used to test out its lockdown powers.

In light of the government’s tendency to exploit crises (legitimate or manufactured) and capitalize on the nation’s heightened emotions, confusion and fear as a means of extending the reach of the police state, one has to wonder what so-called crisis it will declare next.

It’s a simple enough formula: first, you create fear, then you capitalize on it by seizing power.

Frankly, it doesn’t even matter what the nature of the next national emergency might be (terrorism, civil unrest, economic collapse, a health scare, or the environment) as long as it allows the government to lockdown the nation and justify all manner of tyranny in the so-called name of national security.

Cue the Emergency State.

Terrorist attacks, mass shootings, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”: the government has been anticipating and preparing for such crises for years now.

As David C. Unger writes for the New York Times:

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been shouldered aside by the kind of imperial presidency our constitutional system was explicitly designed to prevent.”

Here’s what we know: given the rate at which the government keeps devising new ways to establish itself as the “solution” to all of our worldly problems at taxpayer expense, each subsequent crisis ushers in ever larger expansions of government power and less individual liberty.

This is the slippery slope to outright tyranny

You see, once the government acquires (and uses) authoritarian powers—to spy on its citizens, to carry out surveillance, to transform its police forces into extensions of the military, to seize taxpayer funds, to wage endless wars, to censor and silence dissidents, to identify potential troublemakers, to detain citizens without due process—it does not voluntarily relinquish them.

The lesson for the ages is this: once any government is allowed to overreach and expand its powers, it’s almost impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. As Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe recognizes, “The dictatorial hunger for power is insatiable.

Indeed, the history of the United States is a testament to the old adage that liberty decreases as government (and government bureaucracy) grows. To put it another way, as government expands, liberty contracts.

In this way, every crisis since the nation’s early beginnings has become a make-work opportunity for the government.

Each crisis has also been a test to see how far “we the people” would allow the government to sidestep the Constitution in the so-called name of national security; a test to see how well we have assimilated the government’s lessons in compliance, fear and police state tactics; a test to see how quickly we’ll march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, no questions asked; and a test to see how little resistance we offer up to the government’s power grabs when made in the name of national security.

Most critically of all, it has been a test to see whether the Constitution—and our commitment to the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights—could survive a national crisis and true state of emergency.

Unfortunately, we’ve been failing this particular test for a long time now.

Indeed, the powers-that-be have been pushing our buttons and herding us along like so much cattle since World War II, at least, starting with the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, which not only propelled the U.S. into World War II but also unified the American people in their opposition to a common enemy.

That fear of attack by foreign threats, conveniently torqued by the growing military industrial complex, in turn gave rise to the Cold War era’s “Red Scare.” Promulgated through government propaganda, paranoia and manipulation, anti-Communist sentiments boiled over into a mass hysteria that viewed anyone and everyone as suspect: your friends, the next-door neighbor, even your family members could be a Communist subversive.

This hysteria, which culminated in hearings before the House Un-American Activities Committee, where hundreds of Americans were called before Congress to testify about their so-called Communist affiliations and intimidated into making false confessions, also paved the way for the rise of an all-knowing, all-seeing governmental surveillance state.

By the time 9/11 rolled around, all George W. Bush had to do was claim the country was being invaded by terrorists, and the government used the USA Patriot Act to claim greater powers to spy, search, detain and arrest American citizens in order to keep America safe.

By way of the National Defense Authorization Act, Barack Obama continued Bush’s trend of undermining the Constitution, going so far as to give the military the power to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, label them extremists, and detain them indefinitely without trial, all in the name of keeping America safe.

Despite the fact that the breadth of the military’s power to detain American citizens violates not only U.S. law and the Constitution but also international laws, the government has refused to relinquish its detention powers made possible by the NDAA.

Then Donald Trump took office, claiming the country was being invaded by dangerous immigrants and insisting that the only way to keep America safe was to expand the reach of the border police, empower the military to “assist” with border control, and essentially turn the country into a Constitution-free zone.

That so-called immigration crisis then morphed into multiple crises (domestic extremism, the COVID-19 pandemic, race wars, civil unrest, etc.) that the government has been eager to use in order to expand its powers.

Joe Biden, in turn, has made every effort to expand the reach of the militarized police state, pledging to hire 87,000 more IRS agents and 100,000 police officers. Read between the lines and you’ll find that Biden has all but declared war on the American people.

What the next crisis will be is anyone’s guess, but you can be sure that there will be a next crisis.

So, what should you expect if the government decides to declare another state of emergency and institutes a nationwide lockdown?

You should expect more of the same, only worse.

More compliance, less resistance.

More fear-mongering, mind-control tactics and less tolerance for those who question the government’s propaganda-driven narratives.

Most of all, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, you should expect more tyranny and less freedom.

There’s every reason to worry about what comes next.

Certainly, the government’s past track record and its long-anticipated plans for instituting martial law (using armed forces to solve domestic political and social problems) in response to a future crisis are cause enough to worry about the government’s handling of the next “crisis.”

Mark my words: if and when another nationwide lockdown finally hits—if and when we are forced to shelter in place— if and when militarized police are patrolling the streets— if and when security checkpoints have been established— if and when the media’s ability to broadcast the news has been curtailed by government censors—if and when public systems of communication (phone lines, internet, text messaging, etc.) have been restricted—if and when those FEMA camps the government has been surreptitiously building finally get used as detention centers for American citizens—if and when military “snatch and grab” teams are deployed on local, state, and federal levels as part of the activated Continuity of Government plans to isolate anyone suspected of being a threat to national security—and if and when martial law is enacted with little real outcry or resistance from the public—then we will truly understand the extent to which the government has fully succeeded in acclimating us to a state of affairs in which the government has all the power and “we the people” have none.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Mercola

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The Argentine judicial system and parts of its national press are co-opted by the US to advance its objectives in the New Cold War through an intensification of Hybrid Warfare with elements of piracy and Lawfare. These tools of neo-colonial control are a negation of the entire system of international law, and whose long-term objective is to neutralize the sovereign forces within the states of Latin America and the Caribbean. The article focuses on the legal implications of the hijacking of the Empresa de Transporte Aerocargo del Sur (Emtrasur SA) plane and its crew as a clear escalation of the US Hybrid War against Venezuela – and against Argentina – as part of the New Cold War to resist the global transition to multipolarity and the fortification of the sovereignty of the countries of the Global South. 

The international legal framework has been violated since June 8, 2022, the day on which the events of the hijacking of a Venezuelan airplane in Argentina at the request of the United States took place. This transport aircraft originally belonged to Air France, being later sold to Mahan Air of Iran, and these in turn subsequently sold it to the Venezuelan government, which deploys it through the governmental project, Empresa de Transporte Aerocargo del Sur (Emtrasur SA). This aircraft was purchased between 2020 and 2021 from the Republic of Iran by the Venezuelan Government and by February 2022 the aircraft arrives in Venezuela starting its cargo operations to and fro Asia, the Middle East and the Latin American region. Therefore, the aircraft is Venezuelan, it is not Iranian, it has Venezuelan acronyms and Venezuelan flag whose Venezuelan registration number is YV-3531.

The Emtrasur SA transport aircraft traveled to Mexico where it picked up a load of auto parts as part of an order placed by a transnational vehicle company. Afterwards, it went to Argentina to deliver the cargo, but after finishing the process, it turned out that the Venezuelan aircraft was not refueled at that stop, alleging that it could not be refueled due to US sanctions. The crew of the plane tried for hours to get the Argentinean airport authorities to sell them fuel, which they were unable to do. For this reason, they decided to take a risk and with little fuel remaining, they flew to Uruguay, since they had all the necessary permits to trade for the fuel they needed. However, on the way, the Uruguayan aeronautical authorities revoked the landing permits and the aircraft had to make an emergency return to Argentina. The aviation authorities of both South American nations broke aviation safety protocols in terms of access to fuel and landing permissions.

The United States through Hybrid Warfare seeks to implement a “divide and conquer” strategy, so in its chaotic ingenuity it instrumentalizes nations in the Global South vulnerable to co-optation and wields them against a third nations in order to create enmity and chaos in their day-to-day relations. Each state is composed of a series of internal tensions derived from its own circumstances and contexts therefore the US disposes submission of Global South countries by hacking internal legal and political processes to co-opt control of the white state circuit by circuit.

The situation is configured as an entrapment, or a kind of ambush to trap the Venezuelan aircraft willing to so many irregularities driven by the Rule-Based Order deployed in the Lawfare strategies of the US empire. From there begins a framework that shows us a breach of the Chicago Convention in which the states must favor the actions of civil aviation in terms of collaborative security. Argentina and Uruguay play the role of privateers using lawfare and infowar in an anti-commercialist manner against Venezuela, facilitating a new chapter of piracy and economic sabotage in the US Hybrid War against the entire region.

The international legal framework of civil aeronautical law classifies these actions of piracy and hijacking as conducts that violate international regulations and international treaties on civil aeronautics, such as the aforementioned Chicago Convention. The Charter of the United Nations is also violated by not respecting the sovereignty of the states, understanding that this is a unilateral coercive measure that is being applied by the US in collusion with Argentina, harming not only the sovereign rights of Venezuelan civil aeronautics – which had all the rights and all the permits for air traffic – but also the safety of the hijacked crew, still at risk due to the uncertainty. We are talking about the crew members of Venezuelan nationality and the crew members of Iranian nationality who were at that time carrying out a specialized but daily and lawful task within the international legal framework.

The denunciation by the state of Venezuela should be supported by all lovers of freedom and of free trade between entities that agree to carry out an objective, transactions or exchanges in a sovereign manner as free people of the Global South. These acts of piracy are made viable through a de facto right-wing judicial dictatorship in Argentina to stop the global transition to multipolarity as part of a New Cold War. The judicial apparatus co-opted through Legal Warfare and the elements of the press serving as US proxies in Argentina both want to create a negative aura about the business dealings of the plane and its crew.

In the Argentine media there is an infowar campaign sowing half-truths and false news when talking about the current situation where unfounded allegations are made of supposed links between the company and irregular groups such as Hezbollah. In a sinister way it merges the Hybrid War that Washington and Tel Aviv have been waging for decades against the Islamic Republic of Iran and Lebanon. The infowar campaign repeats that the plane is not Venezuelan but that it is an ‘Iranian Venezuelan’ plane, which is another piece of false news, part of the propaganda seeking to confuse about the plane’s data and at the same time to increase the racist anti Iranian propaganda within the Argentine society, whose press acts as a proxy of the US through the years spreading xenophobic false news that equates being Iranian with being a terrorist.

There are several points to analyze in this violation of international law. In the first place, the situation of whether the merchandise was legally received, as well as the situation of the 19 crew members of that airplane, whose passports were taken away without their being legally detained. The crew members of the aircraft are in a situation of limbo with no legal basis; this is precisely how Lawfare is designed to condemn without a proper process. Judicially, Argentina did not have any cause, nor did they have any arrest warrant, nor did they have any investigation order, however, the crew is suffering as if they had been convicted.

The press that serves as a US proxy in the infowar inside Argentina judges with racism the fact that 5 members of the crew of Emtrasur SA are Iranian. However, regardless of the fact that there are nationals of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they are Venezuelan crew members because they are working a contract under Venezuelan flag and Venezuelan registered aircraft. This situation of piracy, of hijacking of the assets of a company, which has all the legality for its international performance and the hijacking of the freedom of the crew is an affront to the sovereignty of the nations of the Global South.

This plane performed a lawful act that is intended both for acts of commerce and also to transport to Venezuela much needed health supplies: the importation of insulin, COVID vaccines and specialized medical equipment. According to the United Nations, there should be no action to restrict access to COVID vaccines because the pandemic has gone from being a global problem to being a problem of those nations that cannot procure the specific supplies to treat this disease due to a clumsy and disorganized response of the international community.

There was a surrender of Argentine sovereignty by the federal judge of Lomas de Zamora, Federico Villena, who granted the request of the United States to seize the Venezuelan aircraft held in Argentina for three months. This surrender of sovereignty by one of the branches of the Argentine state is the result of the Argentine resolutions on the case of mid-August, which orders the seizure of the aircraft but does not even maintain for it the custody of the property, it is not even that court alone, it is the judge who says that the property is seized in favor of an Argentine court and a U.S. court, so the custody corresponds to the FBI, which would then raid the aircraft. The co-opted legal apparatus in making this decision displaces Argentine national law and international law in favor of a sub-legal instrument of the United States, such as sanctions, to treat Venezuela in a way that does not recognize a basic principle of the United Nations Charter, such as the legal equality of states. The substitution of authentic international law by the imperial verbiage of the Rules Based Order denies Venezuela of the freedoms to relate with the rest of the members of the international community and hinders its duty to carry out trade actions, exchange actions that allow the entry of resources that guarantee access to human rights within Venezuela.

Emtrasur SA offers a service that is more cost effective than other similar companies in the region, although it is a recent company they provide a very decent cargo capacity thanks to their aircraft – now hijacked by the FBI – and mostly because of the fuel prices they have access to in Venezuela. In the world of aeronautical transport, the contracting price is set by fuel, so due to the current circumstances in Ukraine since the Russian special operation there, a series of conditions have been created that have caused the prices of oil and its derivatives to shoot up in the region, with aeronautical fuel being one of the most affected. On the other hand, Venezuela has one of the lowest prices in the world and in addition to that, Emtrasur SA, being a governmental company, receives a discount in itself. So, in that sense they were offering a service at enviable prices in the region, making it possible for them to compete highly commercially while supplying Venezuela with what it needs.

It becomes evident that by denying Venezuelan sovereignty one is achieving, in turn, the denial of Argentine sovereignty itself, hence the historical efficacy of “divide and rule” implicit in the legal war. It is a double division, not only dividing the nations of a given region from each other, but also creating internal chaos within each nation as a whole, dividing and breaking down each state into more manageable institutional subcomponents. This security failure within the apparatus of the Argentine Republic effectively expresses itself as an interstate security failure by denying two nations, both Venezuela as a buyer and Iran as a seller, their ability to engage in acts of commerce on the basis of a third US state in this case being the one empowered by its own ‘Rules Based Order’ to determine who may or may not enter into the normal actions enunciated in international law.

These serious threats to the mercantile system are caused by the arbitrary weapon of Lawfare which from an illegitimate Rules Based Order guarantees the denial of Venezuela’s right to property as well as a denial of Venezuela’s ability to acquire property. This is fundamental because the actions of the United States, together with Argentina and Uruguay, are treating Venezuela, a sovereign state, as if it were a person that does not even have the legal capacity with its own person to process an act of purchase and sale of certain goods, something that can be done by any person without having to present much documentation.

The joint actions of the United States, Argentina and Uruguay have broken the principles of the United Nations Charter recognizing the dignity of the peoples and consequently the dignity of the inhabitants of these countries, as peoples with individuals capable of jointly creating the conditions to improve their societies. Venezuela, a sovereign republic that makes its procedures endorsed by the international instances that certify the information of its aircrafts, is left without the power to buy an airplane or to provide first class services in air cargo transport by the grace of the U.S. Rules Based Order that seeks to falsify the authentic international law.


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Miguel Santos García is a Puerto Rican writer and political analyst who mainly writes about the geopolitics of Neocolonial conflicts and Hybrid Wars within the 4th Industrial Revolution and the ongoing New Cold War.

Featured image is from Airways Magazine

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Liz Truss will be sworn in as the new UK Prime Minister today. As the successor to Boris Johnson who quit after an historic number of ministerial resignations, Truss is also a member of the Tory party and will be the third female prime minister to lead the country.

Truss appears to have garnered little support in the UK. According to a poll taken by YouGov, only 12 percent of UK respondents think she will make a “good” or a “great” prime minister. Where 55 percent of respondents said they thought Johnson was a “poor” or “terrible” PM, Truss has fared little better with 52 percent holding the view. Looking back beyond Johnson, a majority of Britons said Truss would be worse than every past leader going back to Thatcher. This includes 34 percent of respondents saying she would be worse than Theresa May.

The survey also found that while on the whole people have not made their mind up about the incoming PM, 38 percent of people agreed that she was “hardworking” and 65 percent of people said she was “out of touch with ordinary people.”

Infographic: Only 12% Of Brits Have Trust in Truss | Statista


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Israel Should be Demoted From Full UN Membership

September 8th, 2022 by Michael Jansen

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The Palestinian Authority has once again called for the admission of Palestine to full United Nations membership and has been warned off by the US which says it would veto a Security Council resolution proposing this upgrade. 

On November 29, 2012, the General Assembly voted to grant Palestine non-member observer status. The resolution was adopted by 138 with nine against and 41 abstentions. As could be expected the naysayers were the US,  Canada, the Czech Republic, Israel and US hangers on — the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Panama. Among the abstainers were Australia, Germany, Holland, and, of course, Britain, the colonial power responsible for the Palestinians’ dire fate.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made the point that UN membership would be a significant step towards rectifying the “unprecedented historical injustice” suffered by the Palestinian people since Israel’s establishment in 1948.

But, really, injustice has afflicted the Palestinians since 1917 when Britain promised to facilitate the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Then as now Britain regarded the indigenous Muslim and Christian people of Palestine as “non-Jewish communities”. Most of the West has adopted this view and continues to act in accordance with it.

It is bitterly ironic that on that same date in 1947, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 which partitioned Palestine into two states, one Jewish, the other Arab. However, the vote was meant to take place on the evening of the 26th when the US, which strongly backed partition, did not have the 32 votes needed to approve the resolution. Under US pressure the vote was postponed because the 27th was the US festival of Thanksgiving and was conducted only when Washington had leaned on several opponents of the plan to vote yes. The deciding vote was 33 in favour, 13 against, and 10 abstentions. It must be pointed out that the General Assembly has the power to recommend a course of action, therefore the resolution was not mandatory and was vehemently rejected by the Palestinians and Arabs.

Although the Zionists considered the partition resolution as the foundation document of their state,  they promptly violated the lines delineating Israel by conducting military operations to cleanse Palestinians from the Arab state. Consequently, instead of 45 per cent of their homeland allocated to the Arab state, Palestinians emerged at end of 1948-1949 with only 22 per cent of their country, including occupied East Jerusalem, which had been defended effectively by Jordan’s Arab Legion.  West Jerusalem had been targeted early on by the Zionist underground army, the Haganah and cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants although all of Jerusalem was meant to be a corpus separatum (separate area) under international administration.

By the time Israel had proclaimed its independence in mid-May 1948, Palestine was in the throes of a brutal war which drove 750,000 of the 1.2 million Palestinians from their homes and villages. On May 20th, the UN appointed as its mediator Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte who achieved the first ceasefire in the conflict. As he was critical of Israel’s ethnic cleansing and grab for all of Jerusalem, he was assassinated in September by members of the Zionist terrorist Stern Gang, which had a four-man leadership including Yitzak Shamir, who became an Israeli prime minister.

The UN Security Council promptly condemned the murder and the General Assembly, on December 11th, adopted resolution 194 which in paragraph 11 called for the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes when “practicable” and for compensation for their losses and the losses of Palestinians who did not seek to return.  Palestinians regard this resolution as the basis of their “right to return” which has never been regarded as “practicable” by Israel and its allies.

The third UN resolution was adopted by the Security Council rather than the General Assembly. This was Resolution 242 of November 22nd, 1967. This resolution, once again, emphasised “the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war” and called for, “Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces occupied in the recent conflict.” These territories were occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the Syrian Golan Heights conquered by Israel that June.

As this resolution was adopted by the Security Council it was meant to be obeyed. While the  US and the international community came to regard this as the “land for peace” formula which could resolve the “Palestine Problem”, by the time the Council adopted this resolution, which should have been mandatory, Israel had begun to colonise the conquered territories in violation of international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. Although Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, UN special rapporteur Michael Lynk estimated that 700,000 Israelis now live in the occupied Palestinian territories. Some 25,000 dwell in the Golan. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who pulled out of Gaza, declared Israel will offer only “peace for peace”.

Why discuss these long dead resolutions? Because, in fact, they are very much alive. Palestine as a cause and an issue has not gone away and the virtual Palestine that exists today despite Israeli colonisation has just as much right as Israel to be a UN member. Israel became a UN member on May 11th, 1949, but its membership was conditional on Israel’s adherence to and implementation of Assembly resolutions 181 and 194. Of course, Israel’s conditionality was ignored since to abide by these resolutions, it would have had to retreat into the 55 per cent of Palestine awarded to the Jewish state by 181 and allow the return of Palestinian refugees under 194. As Israel has not done either, the Palestinian Authority should demand Israel be demoted from full UN membership or even kicked out of the organisation.


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UN Backs US Propaganda of Chinese Abuses Against Uyghurs

September 8th, 2022 by Peter Symonds

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The US and Western media have seized on a UN report published last week on human rights in China’s Xinjiang region to again denounce Beijing for its treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim groups. The accusations of China’s abuse of Uyghurs are a prominent feature in the propaganda constantly broadcast by the US and its allies as they ramp up their provocations and preparations for war against China.

The report produced by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is a threadbare document that relies on the same paucity of evidence as Western propaganda—Chinese government documents, public and leaked, satellite images of alleged detention centres in Xinjiang, the biased reports and studies of anti-China academics and journalists and “eyewitness” accounts of individuals, unnamed in the case of this report, often connected to CIA-funded Uyghur exile organisations.

UN Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet, whose term of office ran out last week, conducted a six-day mission to China in May that included a visit to Xinjiang where she raised concerns over the broad use of counter-terrorism measures against the Muslim population of the region.

Despite the lack of evidence, the report concluded that “interlocking patterns of severe and undue restrictions on a wide range of human rights” are evident in Xinjiang. It claimed there has been “the large-scale arbitrary deprivation of liberty of members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities” and credible allegations of “torture or ill-treatment” and of “individual incidents of sexual and gender-based violence.” It alleged broader discrimination against Uyghurs and other Muslim groups, including “the coercive and discriminatory enforcement of family planning and birth control policies” and “indications” of forced labour.

What is striking about the UN report is the lack of any substantive evidence and what it omits, rather than what it cautiously concludes. It puts no figure on the number of Uyghurs allegedly held in prisons, vocational education facilities and detention centres, whereas Western politicians and media commonly declare as fact their unsubstantiated claims that a million or even two million are being imprisoned.

Moreover, the report acknowledged that “the available information at this stage does not allow OHCHR to draw firm conclusions regarding the exact extent of such abuses.” Nevertheless, it concluded that “the highly securitised and discriminatory nature” of the detention facilities, “provide fertile ground for such violations to take place on a broad scale.” In reality, this statement rests on the biased accounts of individual exiles.

The most significant absence is the lack of any claim of the “genocide” of China’s Uyghur population which is central to Washington’s propaganda as it prepares for war against China. This blatant lie, which rests on a gross distortion of China’s One Child policies, is recycled as fact by Uyghur exile organisations and has been taken up by the Biden administration as a key element of its list of accusations against China.

Not content that the report declared that China’s actions “may constitute… crimes against humanity,” the failure of the UN report to include any reference to “genocide”—for which there is no basis in evidence—has been criticised by various Uyghur advocates and organisations. Rahima Mahmut, UK director at the CIA-funded World Uyghur Congress, declared that she was disappointed that UN had not “called this what it is: genocide.”

Nevertheless, these same advocates recognise the importance of the UN report for adding weight to the farrago of lies and distortions on which their organisations rely. The well-heeled American Uyghur spokeswoman, Rushan Abbas, who is very well connected in Washington, told the New York Times: “It is imperative that nations take this report and make concrete steps toward stopping these crimes against humanity and holding China accountable for them.”

China has predictably denounced the UN report. Liu Yuyin, spokesperson for the Chinese mission to the UN in Geneva, branded the “so-called ‘assessment’ on Xinjiang” as a “farce,” declaring it to be “completely a politicised document that disregards facts, and reveals explicitly the attempt of some Western countries and anti-China forces to use human rights as a political tool.”

An annex to the report by the Chinese mission in Geneva stated it was based on “disinformation and lies fabricated by anti-China forces and out of presumption of guilt.” It went on to declare that “all ethnic groups in Xinjiang” were living a “happy life” because of the government’s measures to “fight terrorism and extremism.”

The flat denials of any abuse of the democratic rights are no more credible than the sweeping and unsubstantiated allegations made by the US and its allies against China. The Chinese regime relies heavily on repressive measures to stamp out any sign of opposition—above all from the working class.

In Xinjiang, the Chinese Communist Party has confronted a rising tide of opposition which its policies have generated. Its measures are justified as a response to terrorist acts carried out by militant Uyghur separatists who have their roots in the CIA funded and armed “jihad” in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. Beijing, which backed Washington’s “secret war,” experienced its own “blowback” in the form of the rise of Uyghur extremism in Xinjiang, and is carrying out its own crackdown on “terrorism” and “extremism”.

The US, however, has cynically seized on the alleged abuses of Uyghurs for its own predatory purposes. It is no defender of “human rights” in Xinjiang, nor for that matter in Tibet or Hong Kong, and certainly not of the Chinese working class. Once again Washington and its allies are raising the phony banner of human rights as the justification for the preparations for war, while ignoring the gross abuse of democratic rights of its strategic partners and allies such as the Saudi monarchy.

The very fact that the OHCHR has chosen to focus on alleged human rights abuses in China, while turning a blind eye to the crimes of the US speaks volumes about the role of the United Nations as a tool of imperialism. No such UN investigation has been carried out into the criminal US-led invasion and occupation of Afghanistan or Iraq, despite a mountain of evidence of war crimes, torture, arbitrary killings and wanton destruction.

The UN is a “den of thieves,” to use Lenin’s phrase regarding its predecessor, the League of Nations—a clearing house for the intrigues, provocations and conflicts of the major imperialist powers where they can haggle over the spoils.


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In 2017, US and allied Kurdish forces bombarded the city of Raqqa, the bastion of ISIS in Syria and the de-facto capital of the terror group’s self-proclaimed caliphate.

Concurrent to this, US forces conducted massive air strikes on the Iraqi city of Mosul, to support Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces against ISIS there too.

But the US-led campaigns in Mosul and Raqqa falsely suggest that the US and ISIS were implacable enemies. These battles created the perception that the US was committed to fighting Al-Qaeda and its various splinter groups, in a continuation of the so-called “War on Terror” begun by the Bush administration in the wake of 9/11.

Supporting ISIS’ territorial advances

However, a closer look at events in both Iraq and Syria paints a very different picture: The US and its allies, both directly and indirectly, colluded with ISIS to attain specific geopolitical objectives. The terror group that captured the world’s attention in 2014 was in fact a vital and valuable tool for US policy planners.

Evidence of this is rife. In June 2014, when ISIS fighters swept across the Syrian border to first capture Mosul, the largest city of its caliphate, the US military monitored the ISIS convoys crossing from Syria using drones and satellite systems, but took no action to bomb them.

Earlier, in an October 2013 visit to the White House, then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had warned Obama administration officials that, “The weapons provided to those killers in Syria have been smuggled to Iraq, and those wolves that came from different countries to Syria are now sneaking into Iraq.”

Maliki’s warnings were spot on. He took his case to Washington because it was clear – even then – that weapons the US and its allies were the pumping into Syria were being passed from so-called “moderate rebels” to Al Qaeda and other extremist militants.

Then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brett McGurk, who worried about a possible ISIS advance even on Baghdad at the time, described fellow US officials advocating the policy of allowing ISIS to take Mosul as “completely out of their minds.”

Two months later, ISIS fighters coming from Syria in the west, and Mosul in the east, assaulted the Sinjar region of Iraq, home to the Yazidi religious minority. Within the course of a few days, ISIS fighters massacred thousands of Yazidi men and boys, while enslaving some 7,000 Yazidi women and children.

The US looks the other way

At the time, US President Barack Obama claimed he would act to avert a “potential act of genocide” against the Yazidis, but then turned a blind eye to the ensuing ethnic cleansing.

Although the US president approved limited air strikes to reverse ISIS’ advance on Erbil – the capital of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Northern Iraq (where US oil companies and diplomats were based) – Obama simultaneously refused to bomb ISIS militants to prevent the massacre of Yazidis in the village of Kocho, despite desperate pleas from US-based Yazidi activists to do so.

In yet another example of blatant US military inaction, on 20 May, 2015, ISIS conquered the Syrian city of Tadmur at the site of ancient Palmyra, famous for its Roman ruins, thereby paving the way for the terrorist organization to push closer to Damascus.

Once again, US military planners had ample opportunity to bomb ISIS convoys advancing across the open desert from Raqqa on route to assault the UNESCO World Heritage Site, but chose to watch instead.

The following year, the LA Times reported that:

“As Islamic State [ISIS] closed in on Palmyra, the U.S.-led aerial coalition that has been pummeling Islamic State in Syria for the past 18 months took no action to prevent the extremists’ advance toward the historic town — which, until then, had remained in the hands of the sorely overstretched Syrian security forces. The U.S. approach in Palmyra contrasted dramatically with the very proactive U.S. bombardment of Kobani during 2014-15 on behalf of U.S.-allied Kurdish militias fending off a furious Islamic State offensive.”

How can these contradictions be explained? Why did US planners allow ISIS to grow and expand in Mosul, Sinjar, and Palmyra for 18 months between 2014 and 2015, only to conduct two brutal military campaigns, causing massive civilian suffering, to defeat the terror group in Raqqa and Mosul in 2017? In the fight against ISIS, whose side was the US really on?

Backing terrorists to regime-change Syria

The answer lies partly in US policy toward the Syrian government of President Bashar Al-Assad. Washington initially wished to use ISIS as leverage to oust Assad from power, as part of a broader effort at regime change that had started long before. Once ISIS was no longer useful to this end, US planners turned against the group, as has been the norm whenever US assets pass their expiry date.

To accomplish this regime-change, the US and its allies partnered with Jihadi-Salafis, including from Al-Qaeda in Iraq, to launch a dirty war on the Syrian state in 2011, attacking Syrian police, soldiers and security forces under the cover of the anti-government protests that initially appeared to be part of broader region-wide Arab uprisings.

The early anti-government protests in Syria, including the first protests in Deraa in March 2011, were also orchestrated by US planners, with assistance from activists of both liberal and Islamist orientation, including from the Muslim Brotherhood and the Sarouri trend.

With the help of allied intelligence agencies in the region, the US pumped billions of dollars of weapons and aid to Salafist militant groups in Syria in subsequent years, hoping these militants could successfully topple the Assad government on the US and Israel’s behalf.

Achieving this goal relied in part on establishing what US intelligence analysts described as a “Salafist principality” in the majority Sunni regions of eastern Syria (Raqqa and Deir Ezzor) and western Iraq (Mosul). Destroying the Baathist Syrian state by dividing the country along ethnic, religious and tribal lines had been a goal of US neoconservative planners since at least the 1990’s.

After an intra-jihadi civil war, ISIS as an organization emerged as the most powerful faction in the broader US-backed Salafist insurgency, and in 2014 established the desired Salafist principality, or caliphate, with Raqqa and Mosul as its two main strongholds.

Funneling weapons to terrorists

Though US-backed Persian Gulf sheikhdoms supported ISIS directly, according to admissions from US Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, Washington’s support for the terror group, and its sister organization, the Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda’s Syrian subsidiary), was indirect.

US support for ISIS (and Nusra) came in the form of money and weapons channeled through what was formally known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Weapons were then passed on to, or captured by, ISIS and Nusra. US planners simply had to flood the country with weapons, then turn a blind eye to where the weapons would certainly end up.

Though allegedly composed of deserters from the Syrian army fighting to establish a secular, democratic state, in fact the FSA never existed as a real army, but instead functioned largely as brand adopted by many of the Salafist militant groups fighting on the ground. The most capable of the Salafist militants fighting under the FSA banner would then graduate to fight for the more respected Jihadi groups, whether ISIS or Nusra.

Prominent FSA groups whose fighters eventually defected to ISIS in significant numbers include the Farouq Brigades in Homs, Liwa al-Hajar al-Aswad in Yarmouk camp, the Ahfad al-Rasoul Brigades, the Military Council, the Revolutionary Council, and Liwa al-Sa’qa in Deir al-Zour, and Saqour al-Sham in Idlib.

Fighters from these Salafist groups, and the western and Gulf weapons funneled to them through the FSA leadership, therefore formed the foundation upon which both ISIS and the Nusra Front were built, and which finally enabled ISIS to establish the Salafist principality in Iraq and Syria desired by US planners.

The FSA brand provided a secular facade to the Salafist and Al-Qaeda dominated insurgency, allowing US and allied countries to publicly justify providing military support to the insurgency, while feigning opposition to the Al-Qaeda groups.

Western media and think tank analysts claimed this military aid was going to help the “Syrian people” resist a dictator, even though the groups comprising the insurgency had little popular, support, generally fought alongside and in support of the Al-Qaeda groups, and broadly terrorized most Syrians with their sectarian ideology and hatred of religious minorities.

Assisting ISIS in Syria

After conquering Mosul in June 2014, ISIS crossed back into Syria to conquer Deir Ezzor province, with the help of local FSA brigades.

According to Samer al-Ani, an opposition media activist from Deir Al-Zour, several fighting groups affiliated to the US-backed Military Council quietly assisted ISIS in the assault on the province. Al-Ani warned that “money being sent through members of the [US-backed] National Coalition to rebels in Deir Ezzor risks going to ISIS,” and that “these groups pledged loyalty to ISIS four months ago, so this was not forced as a result of ISIS’s latest push, as happened elsewhere. Such collaboration was key to the takeover of Deir Ezzor in recent weeks, especially in areas where ISIS could not defeat the local forces so easily.”

Assistance from local FSA factions allowed ISIS to quickly capture a string of strategic towns and cities along the Euphrates River, including Al-Bukamal on the Iraqi border, followed by Al-Shuhayl (known as Nusra’s capital), Al-Mayadeen, and much of Deir Ezzor city itself. This allowed ISIS to expel Nusra from the province.

ISIS relied on FSA factions not only for manpower but also for weapons. Newsweek reports that according to a report by UK-based Conflict Armament Research, ISIS obtained much of their “arsenal as a result of former President Barack Obama’s support for rebels in Syria,” and that these weapons “included a powerful anti-tank missile launcher bought from a Bulgarian manufacturer by the U.S. Army and wielded by ISIS only weeks later.”

Al-Jazeera reported in July 2013 that according to the ISIS commander for Aleppo province at the time, Abu Atheer, “we are buying weapons from the FSA. we bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti-tank weapons. We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA.”

Konkurs missiles were provided to FSA groups via the CIA’s regional allies, while the US intelligence agency trained FSA fighters in the use of these weapons in Jordan and Turkey starting in November 2012. When asked about the CIA training, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney simply said, “We have stepped up our assistance, but I cannot inventory for you all the elements of that assistance,” and that “We have provided and will continue to provide substantial assistance to the Syrian opposition, as well as the Supreme Military Council.”

ISIS was able to acquire US and Gulf supplied weapons so quickly because, in many instances, FSA commanders had secretly pledged allegiance to ISIS. Such FSA commanders were therefore able to deliver weapons from the US-backed Supreme Military Council (SMC) to ISIS almost immediately upon receiving them.

Syrian oppositionist news website Deir Ezzor 24 notes for example that FSA commander Abu Seif Al-Shaiti of Ahfad Al-Rasoul attended a meeting in Turkey with western and Gulf intelligence officials where he pledged to fight ISIS in exchange for a large shipment of new weapons.

ISIS then put him on a wanted list as a result. Instead of fighting ISIS, Abu Seif simply pledged allegiance to the organization and delivered all the weapons to the ISIS leadership that he had received from his former western and Gulf sponsors.

US policy makers were aware of this phenomenon, but chose to look the other way, suggesting they were satisfied that their weapons were ending up with jihadists, be they Nusra or ISIS.

In 2015, The Cradle columnist Sharmine Narwani asked US Central Command spokesman Lieutenant Commander Kyle Raines about why Pentagon-vetted fighters’ weapons were showing up in Nusra’s hands. Raines responded: “We don’t ‘command and control’ these forces—we only ‘train and enable’ them. Who they say they’re allying with, that’s their business.”

A full year after Obama declared the US military would “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS, the organization was at the height of its power, controlling some 50 percent of Syrian territory, including the strategically important Yarmouk refugee camp at the door step of Damascus.

Patrick Coburn of the Independent reported in September 2015 that “the majority of the 17 million Syrians still in the country live in government-controlled areas now threatened by ISIS. These people are terrified of ISIS occupying their cities, towns and villages because of its reputation for mass executions, ritual mutilation and rape against those not obedient to its extreme variant of Sunni Islam.”

Russian airpower obstructs US plans

In the fall of 2015, both ISIS (from its strongholds in Deir Al-Zour and Raqqa) and Nusra (in Idlib and Aleppo) were threatening to conquer Damascus and raise their respective black flags over virtually the entire country.

At this critical juncture, the Syrian government formally requested intervention from Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to help thwart ISIS’ significant advances by directing Russia’s Air Force to strike the terror group’s capabilities and manpower.

Despite accelerated CIA shipments of TOW missiles to the FSA and Nusra, it quickly became clear that the tide of the war would soon turn as a result of Russian airpower. The Russian bombing campaign targeted the Salafist insurgency broadly, including ISIS, enabling the Syrian army and allied Iranian-backed ground forces to make crucial gains.

Had Washington been serious about fighting ISIS, US warplanes would have unleashed a massive bombing campaign against ISIS in 2014 and 2015, as the danger of Damascus falling, and the possible massacre of large numbers of its inhabitants, both religious minorities and Sunnis who supported the government, was very real.

Instead, despite the terror felt by millions of Syrians, US planners showed their real intentions by viewing the brutal ISIS advance toward Damascus with approval. In a private meeting with members of the Syrian opposition, Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged that the US had welcomed the 2015 ISIS advance on Damascus, to use it as leverage to force Assad step down from power.

As Kerry explained, “that is why Russia came in. They didn’t want a Daesh [ISIS] government and they supported Assad. And we know this was growing. We were watching. We saw that Daesh [ISIS] was growing in strength. And we thought Assad was threatened. We thought we could manage that Assad might then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.”

US policy pivots

Shortly after the announcement of the September 2015 Russian intervention, US planners realized that any effort to topple the Syrian government via their jihadi proxies would now likely fail. The leverage that the ISIS threat gave US planners against the Syrian government would soon dissipate due to Russian bombs. Washington had few options left and quickly pivoted, abandoning their ISIS card.

The US bombing campaign which was previously limited to blocking any ISIS advance only in Kurdish areas, now intensified and transformed into a concerted effort to defeat ISIS militarily.

The US began to heavily invest in their budding partnership with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) to give the US new boots on the ground in the conflict. Rebranded by the Pentagon as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), these US-backed Kurdish forces agreed to participate in Washington’s campaign to conquer as much territory (then under ISIS control) as possible, before Russian and Syrian forces were able to do so.

This arguably created a “race to Berlin” dynamic resembling the competition between Allied and Soviet forces to conquer Germany from the Nazis in the Second World War.

While initiating the campaign to defeat ISIS in Raqqa, the US still welcomed any progress the terror group might make against the Syrian government.

As an example, when Russian and Syrian forces were able to retake Palmyra and liberate it from ISIS in March 2016, the LA Times noted this of White House officials:

“[They have] difficulty publicly lauding advances against Islamic State by Assad and his allies, including the Russians and Iranians, after years of calling for Assad’s fall” and that the Russian success in combating ISIS created a “dilemma” for US planners, because “Washington has endeavored to portray the battle against Islamic State as a project of the United States and its allies, while accusing Moscow of attacking ‘moderate’ rebels instead of the extremists. Palmyra seems to embody an alternative narrative.”

US dissatisfaction at the defeat of ISIS in Palmyra was also expressed by State Department spokesperson Mark Toner at a press briefing in March 2016, when Toner refused “to laud” the Syrian and Russian effort to liberate the city.

With ISIS in decline, the US decided instead to take over large swathes of northeastern Syria from the terror group, including the country’s major energy and grain producing regions, to provide Washington with new leverage against Damascus, which desperately needed these resources to successfully govern and rebuild the country once the war ended.

US control of these crucial areas would also exacerbate and help maintain the already existing and crushing US economic sanctions on Syria, in the hope of impoverishing Syrians to spur them to turn against the Assad government.

Conquest masked as liberation

US and Kurdish forces ultimately succeeded in capturing Raqqa from ISIS in October 2017 while effectively destroying the city and killing large numbers of civilians in one of the most vicious military assaults in recent memory.

The US military-funded think tank, the Rand Corporation, noted the “shocking level of destruction” caused by the US-SDF assault on Raqqa. As a result, in only four months of fighting, “Raqqa endured the most structural damage by density of any city in Syria,” while “60 to 80 percent of it was estimated to be uninhabitable.”

According to the Rand researchers, “the battle for Raqqa is a cautionary tale about civilian harm in 21st-century conflicts.” Much of the death and destruction resulted from the decision to encircle the city, which prevented the creation of civilian exit corridors, followed by airstrikes and artillery bombardment of heavily populated urban areas, effectively burying civilians in the basements of their destroyed homes.

When a ceasefire was finally reached, causing civilians to think they would be evacuated in bus convoys, US planners allowed the remaining ISIS militants to be evacuated instead, after any benefit to civilians by allowing the ISIS fighters to escape had largely already been lost.

The BBC reported on a “secret deal that let hundreds of IS [ISIS] fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city,” and which included some of ISIS’ “most notorious members.” Presumably, this would allow US planners to resurrect the ISIS card if needed in the future.

US and Kurdish forces then pushed to the eastern side of the Euphrates River, blocking the advance of the Syrian army, which had successfully defeated ISIS with Russian help in Deir Ezzor and reached as far as the western side of the river.

US and Kurdish forces continue to occupy Raqqa and northeast Syria at the time of this writing in 2022. The US military presence on Syria’s eastern borders also replaces ISIS’ role to impede Iraqi-Syrian relations, and importantly, to impede an Iranian land route all the way to the borders of occupied Palestine.

ISIS’s invasion and occupation of key swathes of territory across northern Syria and Iraq served to delineate the borders of areas Washington seeks to control. The US then championed its Kurdish allies to “liberate” those territories.

“This is conquest masquerading as liberation,” writes Assyrian writer Max Joseph.

The US military presence also allows Washington to directly control Syria’s strategically important agriculture, oil, and electricity producing regions previously under ISIS control. In this way, the Syrian government is still denied crucial access to the resources needed to rebuild the country and feed its population in the face of crippling US-imposed economic sanctions.

And the US plunders those resources liberally, in broad daylight. In August, the Syrian oil ministry reported that the US and its Kurdish foot soldiers “steal up to 66,000 barrels every single day from the fields occupied in the eastern region,” accounting for 83 percent of the country’s daily production.

Pressure from Washington against the Syrian government has therefore been maintained, with the Kurdish-led SDF now fulfilling ISIS’ previous role in implementing US foreign policy in West Asia.


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Featured image is from The Cradle

In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by “Islamic terrorists”.  Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the  “war on terrorism” is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

Selected Articles: The High-Speed Bivalent COVID Boosters Are Here

September 8th, 2022 by Global Research News

The High-Speed Bivalent COVID Boosters Are Here

By Dr. Meryl Nass, September 07, 2022

On Wednesday, August 31, the FDA issued emergency use authorizations for new Pfizer and Moderna mRNA booster vaccines for COVID.  The next day, September 1, the CDC’s advisory committee and CDC Director approved the immediate rollout of the new vaccines. They will be administered in the US starting this week.

Dunderheaded Diplomacy: Australia’s Funding Offer to the Solomon Islands

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 08, 2022

What is it about Australian diplomacy that makes it so clumsy and dunderheaded?  Is it the harsh delivery, the tactless expression, or the inability to do things with subtle reflection?  On September 6, Australian diplomacy gave another display of such form with Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s remarks about the Solomon Islands elections.

Dutch Farmers Topple Agriculture Minister Leading Radical Climate Agenda

By Frank Bergman, September 08, 2022

The Netherlands’ agricultural minister Henk Staghouwer has been forced to resign following widespread protests from Dutch farmers over his radical climate agenda that seeks to destroy their livelihoods. Staghouwer was leading the Dutch agriculture ministry’s climate policy that involved confiscating farms in a forced government buy-out scheme.

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis”: Review of Michel Chossudovsky’s Book

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, September 07, 2022

The Corona War, as I shall name it, involved casualties: people were injured and people died.  Winston Churchill famously said that in wartime “truth is so precious she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” The precious truth in the Corona War, which we all continue to endure, is that it was indeed all founded on a lie.

Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 07, 2022

From the very outset, I questioned the official story, which described nineteen Al Qaeda sponsored hijackers involved in a highly sophisticated and organized operation. Something was not quite right: Al Qaeda was a creation of the CIA. Osama bin Laden had been recruited by the CIA. Yet barely a few hours after the attacks, CIA Director George Tenet was pointing his finger at Al Qaeda.

Digital Currency Leads Us by the Hand Down the Primrose Path to Slavery

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 07, 2022

The decay of values, the decline of crafts, of art, of literature, and, above all, of intellectual inquiry in the United States leaves us facing a wasteland wherein money is the only sentient beast, demanding due worship by all.

Nord Stream I Disruption: Europe’s Panicking Ahead of the Coming Winter

By Andrew Korybko, September 07, 2022

The absolute last thing that Poland wants right now is for everyone to remember how actively its leadership lobbied for exactly this outcome that’s since brought so much hardship to hundreds of millions of people, which is why it’s so important right now for activists to prioritize raising awareness of this “politically inconvenient” fact.

More Thoughts on the International War Crimes Tribunal. The Case of Ukraine

By Stephen Karganovic, September 07, 2022

As we approach the official convening of the International Tribunal for the (are we now allowed to say: Former?) Ukraine, or perhaps initially it will just be a Donetsk/Lugansk tribunal, we are still largely in the dark about some fundamental issues. Clarity on those issues would be helpful because the convening of this tribunal is a singular opportunity not just for justice to be done but also to be seen by almost the entire world to be done.

Is Russia Limiting Gas Flows to Europe? Five Gas Pipelines out of Service

By Swiss Policy Research, September 07, 2022

Many people in Europe and beyond seem to believe that Russia, in response to Western sanctions, has been limiting gas flows to Europe. Yet this is not the case, as the following analysis shows.

Former Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based on False Narratives

By Dr. Patrick Moore and Lee Yun-Jeong, September 07, 2022

When asked how Greenpeace utilizes its massive donations, Moore said it was used to pay for “a very large staff” (likely over 2,000), extensive advertisements, and fundraising programs. And virtually all of the organization’s ads for fundraising are based on false narratives, which he had thoroughly disproven in his books, one example being the polar bears.

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Canada’s Pro-Israel Voting Record at the UN Contradicts Its Own Values and Interests, According to GAC Officials

September 8th, 2022 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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Canada’s career foreign affairs officials admit that Canada’s staunchly pro-Israel voting record at the United Nations contradicts its own values and interests and harms its international reputation, according to documents released under the Access to Information Act and obtained by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME). The released documents cover the period leading up to Canada’s 2019 decision to resume its support for Palestinian self-determination at the UN, and reveal how Canadian officials critically view Canada’s voting record. CJPME urges the Canadian government to use the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly as an opportunity to reorient its approach, and to start supporting resolutions which aim to uphold Palestinian human rights.

Read the full analysis in CJPME’s report, “Voting Against Its Own Interests”.

“Canada’s automatic opposition to anything unflattering of Israel at the UN has made Canada an embarrassment – both on the world stage and within its own public service,” said Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME. “We’ve been arguing for years that Canada’s votes against Palestinian rights are inconsistent with Canada’s own official policies, and the released documents show that Canadian officials actually agree with this analysis,” added Woodley.

The released documents include a memo from Global Affairs Canada officials which recommends that Canada end its uniformly pro-Israel approach at the UN. In that memo, officials admit that Canada has been voting against UN resolutions on Palestinian rights “without considering the specific merits of each resolution,” and “despite their alignment with Canadian values, interests, and standard positions.” The memo identified several votes on Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, and Palestinian refugees, that would likely change if Canada were to adopt a “merit-based approach” rather than automatically opposing such motions as a package.

Officials also describe Canada’s pro-Israel voting record as a liability to its international reputation, noting that it has “has set us apart from like-minded countries” and attracts criticism from UN member states. Canada’s representatives to the UN in New York, as well as officials working on UN Security Council issues, had been pushing for Canada to adopt an entirely “merit-based approach” to resolutions on this issue, which would have resulted in more votes in support of Palestinians. CJPME notes that this push came amid Canada’s campaign for a UNSC seat, lending evidence to claims that its voting record on Palestinian issues was a contributing factor in the failure of its bid.

There are 10-16 standing resolutions on Palestinian human rights which are considered by the UN General Assembly each year. Although in the early 2000s Canada voted in support of nearly all of them, this approach radically changed under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who in 2011 began voting against nearly every one of these resolutions as a package. In 2019, Trudeau made a small shift by resuming Canada’s vote in favour of a single resolution on Palestinian self-determination. CJPME’s UN Dashboard is an interactive resource which shows how Canada’s votes on these motions have changed from 2000 to the present.


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Featured image is from The Canadian Jewish News

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The Netherlands’ agricultural minister Henk Staghouwer has been forced to resign following widespread protests from Dutch farmers over his radical climate agenda that seeks to destroy their livelihoods.

Staghouwer was leading the Dutch agriculture ministry’s climate policy that involved confiscating farms in a forced government buy-out scheme.

In the wake of the huge protests from farmers, Staghouwer has now been forced to step down.

He told the Dutch cabinet that pushback from farmers had meant he would not be able to meet a September deadline for rolling out the government’s radical green policy, the AP reported.

The climate agenda involves cutting nitrogen emissions from the nation’s farming sector to the point where it made it impossible for farms to continue operating.

The initiative includes a $24.2 billion scheme to buy out local farmers and facilitate the transition away from intensive farming practices.

The push provoked mass demonstrations by farmers across the continent.

“Farmers and fishermen need certainty,” Staghouwer said in a statement to his ministry Monday evening, NL Times reported.

The farming sector faced a massive upheaval due to emissions reduction goals, he added.

In July, over 40,000 farmers took to the streets in protest of the policy, blocking roads with tractors and defacing government officials’ homes.

Sympathizers elsewhere in Europe staged protests in solidarity with the Dutch farmers, arguing that such a policy is counterproductive amid highly elevated inflation levels and food shortages.

“I asked myself the question, ‘Am I the right person as Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality to lead the tasks that lie ahead?’,” Staghouwer said after nine months in office, according to NL Times.

“Last weekend, I came to the conclusion that I am not that person.”

Staghouwer said he required more time to develop proposals for a future sustainable agriculture industry ahead of the government’s budget formation earlier on Monday.

He added that he wanted to wait until ongoing talks between his office and industry representatives had come to a conclusion, NL Times reported.

Staghouwer faced criticism from the parliament for failing to develop a concrete plan to help the sector transition to farming practices that lower nitrogen emissions, according to

Officials within his department also resisted plans to revamp the farming industry.

The Dutch government mandated a 50% reduction in nitrogen emissions by 2030, tasking individual municipalities to figure out how best to meet that goal, Deutsche Welle reported.

Livestock farming accounts for 40% of emissions in the country.

The policy could see up to a third of livestock farmers put out of business.

The Netherlands is the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products and the European Union’s largest meat exporter, according to CBS News.

Protests continued through July.

Bart Kemp, the foreman of the farmers’ interest group Agractie Nederland, told NL Times that farmers said Staghower had “little concrete vision in him” and “faced an impossible task.”

Staghouwer’s predecessor, Carola Schouten, temporarily took over his position while a replacement is determined from Staghouwer’s party.

“Schouten has never attached any value to a good relationship with the farmers,” Kemp told NL Times.


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Featured image is from Slay News

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Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD, FACC, FAAP Medical Director for Heart and Souls speaking about Covid-19 vaccines in children.

Are they safe? What are we to believe?’


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Featured image is from Health Impact News

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Two and a half years ago I had the inkling that we were in a war the likes of which had not been waged or experienced before. A war unlike the one in which my father participated in the 1940s in France, and unlike the war from which older kids returned to the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia with broken bodies and souls in the 1960s and early 1970s, if they returned at all.  

The Corona War, as I shall name it, involved casualties: people were injured and people died.  Winston Churchill famously said that in wartime “truth is so precious she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” The precious truth in the Corona War, which we all continue to endure, is that it was indeed all founded on a lie.

Michel Chossudovsky, in his book “The Worldwide Corona Crisis” describes in clear and concise and unabashed language the origins of this war, its conduct and its goals.

He calls a spade a spade and, unlike some in the so-called resistance movement, he is unafraid to expose the conspirators that have engineered this war against humanity.

He is unafraid to pierce through the fog of this war – a fog that has been universally oppressive, relentless, a smothering and infinite barrage of threats and calculated feints and deceptions from the beginning – to demonstrate the truth.

Yes, it is a globally coordinated effort by the Few (World Economic Forum, World Health Organisation, Billionaires) to control the Many, whose endgame, via the manufactured COVID-19 crisis, is eugenics and depopulation.

Living as we do in the ongoing history of this crisis still, it is especially valuable to have a resource that provides a critical timeline of the various events leading up to and throughout the battle, and to learn in substantial detail about

  • Big Pharma and Big Money;
  • the drumbeat of fear;
  • the consequences of the global shutdown on world economy and personal health;
  • the fraudulence of the PCR test;
  • the campaign against hydroxychloroquine;
  • the lack of evidence to support claims to have isolated the actual virus;
  • the severe impact of the derogation of rights and forced lockdowns on mental health;
  • the death jabs masquerading as vaccines;
  • and, of course, the Great Reset with its concomitant goal of universal digital IDs and a world populated by far fewer people living in subservience to the Global Elite.

The final chapter speaks about a road ahead and a need for “a degree of solidarity, unity and commitment unparalleled in world history” in the battle against tyranny, in the fight to reclaim the lives to which we are entitled, with their unalienable rights.

No book of this kind can be infinitely comprehensive, nor should it aspire to be. But in this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight.

Every day I awaken and ask myself the question “Can this really be happening, and on such a scale, can they really be doing this?”  And every day I acknowledge the fact that indeed it is and indeed they are.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

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Read Part I and II:

The Origins of the Money Crisis. “Money is Printed by the Fed., Using Black Magic, Doled out to the Rich for Free”.

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 06, 2022

Propping Up the Wobbly Dollar: “Addicted to the Dollar Economy as it Collapses”, The Decadence of Wealth and Power

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 07, 2022

The decay of values, the decline of crafts, of art, of literature, and, above all, of intellectual inquiry in the United States leaves us facing a wasteland wherein money is the only sentient beast, demanding due worship by all.

This horrific change was accompanied by the hollowing out of the economy. We went from agriculture in which there is a clear relationship between labor, product, and the moral and physical wellbeing of the family, to manufacturing in which production was cut off from daily life and monopolized by global capital, to a consumption and the service economy which is mediated by computers, creating online platforms controlled behind the curtains by unaccountable multinational technological monopolies.

And now, in the last stage of the decay of the angel, we are encouraged to welcome as a sign of advancement the replacements of humans with robots, drones, and AI systems. Citizens have no role in this alien economy and we can only feed our families by engaging in some banal activity at a tremendous distance from family and neighbors, and then bringing back the dollars so earned to purchase products sold retail by multinational corporations.

When family farms were replaced with factory farms, when local manufacturing was replaced with imports from China and Thailand, when local businesses were ruthlessly exterminated by monster outlets funded by private equity in the name of efficiency and free trade, when the banks stand triumphant on the ruins of what was once America, they will unfurl a new slavery, dressed up as fashion, safety, and identity awareness, that will crush what remains of our selves. Fascism will come to America when it is downloaded from an I-phone, or posted on Facebook.

Corporate media networks keep repeating the same fraudulent reports about how technological progress had ushered in a better world. Hapless students are taught from elementary school that money is the highest priority, that new technology is required, as is competitiveness, in order to secure a happy future.

Because all aspects of human experience have been farmed out to multinational corporations like Amazon, WalMart, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Disney, organizations that function like governments but that are not subject to the Constitution, organizations that keep their finances offshore, we have lost the ability to assess what is true; we have been blinded physically and spiritually.

The private banks ran the show under Presidents Clinton, Bush, Trump, and Biden. They offered us a brave new world in which the stock market determined the health of the economy, a stock market that was inflated by stock buybacks using fake money generated by quantitative easing.

Citizens were forced by their retirement plans to put their money into this ponzi scheme. The corporate media encouraged them to think that funny money printed up by the Federal Reserve was real and that farm land, natural assets, universities and research institutes, even government institutions like the Center for Disease Control that the billionaires had bought with that fake money actually belongs to them.

Derivatives (futures, options, and swaps) are the most abominable of the wretched creatures unleashed on the working people. Derivatives form a system wherein multinational investment banks can claim to have a financial interest in goods they never own using the Mickey Mouse games cooked up by IT experts. The profits from derivatives, in the trillions of dollars, have nothing to do with the real world, but are created out of whole cloth for the billionaire class through the manipulation of information.

Another monster is cryptocurrency, and other forms of digital coinage that crawl the floors of the putrid seas of greed and fraud in search of innocents and fools. These want-to-be currencies follow the primary directive laid down by the grandfather of modern economics P.T. Barnum, “There is a sucker born every day.”

These cryptocurrencies are promoted as a form of money more stable than the bedridden dying dollar, but the metrics that determine the value of BitCoin or Ethereum are rigged by bankers stringing along the little man until he can be wiped out in 9.11 financial disaster.

That final day of reckoning is not far away. Already trillions of dollars of our money was doled out to billionaires through qualitative easing, dumping our money into rigged markets for stocks and bonds, and of course the grotesque ladling out of trillions more during the 2020 COVID crisis.

We cannot know where that money went.

Why? Because the role of intelligence organizations (now run as for-profit corporations) has been vastly expanded over the last two decades. Along the way, they have merged with international investment banks and private equity to become essentially one, a dark octopus colored by greed and fraud that encircles the Earth in its stranglehold, then led by Goldman Sachs, now led by BlackRock and friends, the name does not matter much. What is certain is that its tentacles are wrapped around the neck of every local economy.

The thickest tentacle encircles the Capitol, the United States Congress.

The result? Fiscal and monetary policies are made classified; it is crime to disclose to the public the crimes of global capital. Congress has passed legislation known as “secret law” which has the effect of Federal statutes, but that cannot be made public.

I would love to explain to you this process, with concrete examples of how BlackRock, the Houses of Saud and Windsor, private equity firms, and other entities behind which the super-rich hide, have used secret and top-secret classification to hide their theft of your money; but if I did, I would go to jail and this speech would come to an abrupt end.

The zombie becomes a vampire

The clammy hand of digital currency reaches from the grave to seize us

Now that they have sufficiently degraded our thinking with childish entertainment and a culture driven by narcissistic impulses to keep us unfocused, distracted, and naïve, the time has come for them to launch the final incarnation of money, the vampire that will suck all remaining value out of us, leaving us spiritually and physically impoverished.

I am speaking about the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).

We shall not allow the American worker to be crucified on a cross of ones and zeros.

For yes, verily, the CBDC is the final stage in the decay of the dollar.

President Biden issued an executive order, not a law, entitled “Ensuring responsible development of digital assets” –that means the opposite of its name. This order hands over the treasury to the bankers.

Everyone knew that a law creating a digital currency could not be passed, even in this corrupt Congress. Only the doddering, tottering, Biden could try to make this power grab seem legitimate.

This digital currency will move your savings from your bank to the Federal reserve where it will be used by such monsters as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and be unrelated to any aspect of the economy as we know it.

The billionaires must push through digital currency quickly, before any organized resistance is possible. Citizens who are not billionaires must be deprived of the ownership of property, of their labor and their thinking, and even of their own bodies. The right to travel, or to communicate, must be ended so that the billionaires can rule with absolute dominion.

Digital currency will also be linked to a carbon credit system whereby the invisible hands of the World Economic Forum, not those with moral or scientific credibility, will determine what you can buy.

The Federal Reserve, now but an appendage of the financial blob encircling the Earth, will be empowered by digital currency to turn off your access to money, to freeze the money held in your name, before you can call a lawyer, or make any appeal, and to do so through multinational IT intelligence firms accountable to no one.

You will not have any right to contest the seizure of your money, or your possessions. Your appeal will not go to a judge in a human-based constitutional system, but will be handled by smiling and uncaring AI systems.

In the name of sustainable development, under a United Nations that has become the play toy of billionaires, your money—and NOT the money of billionaires–can be designated as legitimate for buying candy bars, but not for buying nails and lumber, legitimate for buying silly Netflix films, but not for purchasing forbidden books. You will be able to purchase food imported from Mexico at WalMart, but will not be able to buy the lettuce and cucumbers grown by your neighbor.

You will be prohibited from travelling abroad, but those with private planes, those involved in high level public-private partnerships, will be free to do so.

This digital money will be under the control of the Federal Reserve, tracked by corporations on government contracts, and protected by the FBI, Secret Service and other federal agencies that are now on permanent loan to multinational corporations.

Needless to say this action is a violation of the United States Constitution which grants Congress authority to borrow money, and to “coin money and regulate the value thereof” (Article I, section 8). But if no one stands his or her ground, the constitution will be used to mop the floor.

Increasingly, we cannot conduct the transactions of daily life using cash. Already, the United Kingdom, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and China are well on their way to eliminating cash. They say it is in the interest of convenience, modernity, and safety. But in fact they are opening the gates of hell, paving the road to tyranny.

All we need is a crisis that will force us to embrace this new digital currency. Already they are planting the thermite of hyperinflation in the wobbly columns supporting the dollar. As I speak, they are preparing a controlled demolition that will have us all on our knees when the cardboard messiah of digital currency manifests itself after the crash.


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This article was originally published on US Provisional Government.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The absolute last thing that Poland wants right now is for everyone to remember how actively its leadership lobbied for exactly this outcome that’s since brought so much hardship to hundreds of millions of people, which is why it’s so important right now for activists to prioritize raising awareness of this “politically inconvenient” fact.

The entire US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) went wild on Friday after Gazprom announced the indefinite suspension of supplies through Nord Stream I due to technical malfunctions that were only just discovered. The Golden Billion’s perception managers speculated that Russia was weaponizing the export of gas to Europe as punishment for the bloc complying with the US’ counterproductive sanctions demands. The prevailing theory is that President Putin wants to exacerbate the EU’s impending energy crisis ahead of the coming winter in an attempt to pressure its leaders to coerce Kiev into concessions.

Whatever one’s views may be about that interpretation of events, there’s no denying that Europe’s in an unprecedented state of panic, especially considering the very likely possibility of large-scale socio-political unrest the longer that its systemic economic crisis lasts. To remind everyone, this crisis was brought about by the combination of complying with the US’ sanctions and Nord Stream I’s unexpected indefinite disruption. Likewise, there’s also no denying the following “politically incorrect” fact that’s being desperately suppressed by the MSM because it raises too many questions at this sensitive time.

Few folks remember it, but Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki demanded in late May ahead of the World Economic Forum in Davos that Germany unilaterally shut down Nord Stream I by the end of the year. Prior to that, he proposed including that pipeline in the Golden Billion’s sanctions package right after the latest US-provoked phase of the Ukrainian Conflict began over half a year ago. It’s now known just how disastrous the disruption of Russian exports through that route has been for European stability, which wasn’t unexpected but should make observers wonder why Poland wanted this predictable outcome.


From the get-go, this aspiring Central & Eastern European (CEE) hegemon has pushed for the most radical anti-Russian policies possible, with its leadership even going as far as boasting that they set the global standard for Russophobia. Part of the reason is due to the “negative nationalism” that’s regrettably come to influence the formation of Polish nationalism in recent years wherein Poles obsess over what supposedly differentiates themselves from Russians instead of embracing “positive nationalism” which refers to pride in what one is without comparing themselves to others.

The other reason is much more strategic and related to the desire to sabotage leading European countries’ efforts to maximize their strategic autonomy. In particular, Poland fears that a strong Germany will impose its envisioned continental hegemony onto all others, beginning with its eastern neighbor. Its leadership therefore decided to pursue a dual policy of presenting itself as the US’ leading anti-Russian force in Europe so as to become that declining unipolar hegemony’s top partner on the continent in parallel with trying to trick Germany into committing economic suicide.

The first-mentioned was achieved through its rabidly Russophobic policies while the second was advanced by consistently pushing for Berlin to unilaterally shut down Nord Stream I on the false basis of “solidarity with its fellow democracies”, the manipulative rhetoric of which the Polish Ambassador to India just referenced while trying to pressure Delhi into condemning and sanctioning Moscow. Even though shutting down that pipeline would damage Poland’s own interests, Warsaw wagered that its people won’t protest all that much since they’re so indoctrinated with “negative nationalism”.

That aspiring hegemon’s grand strategic interests with respect to undercutting Germany’s rise as a global power through the aforementioned means are regarded as much more important than its short-term ones connected with the disruption of the continent’s Russian energy supplies. What Poland has plotted all along is to mislead Germany into promulgating counterproductive policies that would irreversibly weaken its strategic autonomy vis a vis the US and thus enable Washington to restore its declining unipolar hegemony over Berlin and the bloc that it unofficially leads more broadly.

The purpose behind doing so is for the US to privilege Poland over Germany as its top European vassal as a reward for Warsaw perfectly marching in lockstep with Washington’s anti-Russian demands and tricking Berlin into irreversibly weakening its strategic autonomy to the point where America could successfully reassert its hegemonic control over the continent. The euro has dropped to its lowest rate against the dollar in two decades as a result of the joint US-Polish Hybrid War on Germany, which means that it’s unlikely that this aspiring global power can ever economically compete with the US again.

This outcome would have happened even sooner had Germany gone along with Poland’s ill-intended plan to sanction Nord Stream I half a year ago prior to announcing in late May like Morawiecki demanded at the time that it’ll unilaterally stop importing gas from this pipeline by the end of the year. The whole point behind pursuing these destabilizing objectives was for Poland to get Germany to weaken itself and the EU by none other than its own hand so as to ensure the successful reassertion of US hegemony over the continent in order to forever avert a rapprochement with Russia.

For as distant as that second scenario might have seemed up until recently, it was still possible in theory for a strategically autonomous Germany to eventually repair its relations with Russia after some time so long as the economic foundation of the bloc’s de facto leader remained comparatively stable and it was thus able to retain some degree of independence from the declining American hegemony. That’s precisely why Poland wanted Germany to get rid of Nord Stream I in order for its Hybrid War target to sabotage its own objective national interests.

Regardless of whatever one thinks about Nord Stream I’s latest disruption and whether it’s truly related to technical malfunctions or whatever else, this development dooms Germany to vassalhood status vis a vis the US in full accordance with the grand strategic outcome that Poland’s been pursuing for the past half-year already as was earlier explained. The unprecedented socio-economic hardships that the unexpectedly exacerbated energy crisis is bound to inflict on hundreds of millions of people in the EU makes this latest event extremely unpopular though, which risks making its Polish mastermind look bad.

Even though Poland ultimately wasn’t responsible for the outcome that it’s pursued for so long after it ended up officially occurring due to technical malfunctions and not Germany’s own hand, Warsaw still doesn’t want to be associated with the immense hardships that this development has inflicted on the European people. It intended for Berlin to be blamed for this, which would have destroyed its target’s soft power once and for all, but now the MSM’s perception managers can conveniently blame Moscow while simultaneously trying to make everyone forget that Warsaw’s wanted this all along.

The absolute last thing that Poland wants right now is for everyone to remember how actively its leadership lobbied for exactly this outcome that’s since brought so much hardship to hundreds of millions of people, which is why it’s so important right now for activists to prioritize raising awareness of this “politically inconvenient” fact. Europeans deserve to know that this is all part of the joint US-Polish Hybrid War on Germany for the earlier explained grand strategic aims even though the climax thus far was due to technical malfunctions and not Berlin being tricked into shutting down the pipeline.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is taken from OneWorld

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The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, contradicted Ukrainian authorities on August 31 by stressing that his visit to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was a “technical mission” that aimed to prevent a nuclear accident. His comments came as Kiev claimed his visit was a step towards “de-occupying” the power plant from Russian control.

Grossi, who led the mission, arrived on August 31 to the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia, near the powerplant. Asked about whether the plant could become a demilitarised zone, he said that “this is a matter of political will”, adding: “But my mission – I think it’s very important to establish (this) with all clarity – my mission is a technical mission.”

“It’s a mission that seeks to prevent a nuclear accident. And to preserve this important (nuclear power plant),” he said.

On August 31, Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko told Reuters that the IAEA mission to the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant was a step towards “deoccupying and demilitarising” the site, prompting Grossi to stress that it was just purely a “technical mission”.

The nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, was captured by Russian forces in March but is still operated by Ukrainian staff. The site is less than 10 km away from Ukrainian positions across the Dnipro River and has come under repeated shelling over the past month, with Ukraine and Russia accusing each other of being responsible.

Many are finding it hard to believe that Russia is responsible for the shelling as it has nothing to gain by destroying vital infrastructure that it already controls. Meanwhile, Ukraine could be motivated to shell the plant as it can continue manipulating Western audiences via its intense media campaign by denying such attacks and claiming that Russia will soon be responsible for a nuclear catastrophe.

Arriving at the site, Grossi said

“The difference between having the IAEA at the site and not having us there is like day and night. I remain gravely concerned about the situation at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant – this hasn’t changed – but the continued presence of the IAEA will be of paramount importance in helping to stabilise the situation. I’m immensely proud of the critically important and courageous work the IAEA team is now able to perform at the ZNPP.”

Although Kiev attempted to manipulate such statements to mean that Russia will soon abandon the site, it also means that there will be neutral observers to any future attack against the power plant. Despite it not being the IAEA’s mission to hold anyone accountable for attacks as their focus is purely technical, they will be eyewitnesses to any strikes, and Kiev might want to avoid another fiasco like the uncovering of the “Ghost of Kiev” and “Snake Island” myths.

Explaining the nature of his trip, Grossi said:

“Our team on the ground received direct, fast and reliable information about the latest significant development affecting the plant’s external power situation, as well as the operational status of the reactors. We already have a better understanding of the functionality of the reserve power line in connecting the facility to the grid. This is crucial information in assessing the overall situation there.”

With Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant working at limited capacity, it also means that Ukraine misses out on potential new opportunities for revenue, especially at a time when Europe hopes nuclear energy can help offset the loss of oil and natural gas imports from Russia that were imposed through self-destructive sanctions, which are now massively backfiring.

Although Germany planned to close all of its nuclear reactors by the end of the year, there is debate on whether to keep them open as the country faces an economic crisis not seen since last century’s two world wars. Neighbouring Belgium, which was planning to close two reactors by 2025, has decided to keep them operating until at least the 2030’s. France, going in the complete opposite direction to Germany and Belgium, is looking to build an additional 14 reactors over the coming decades, as are the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Poland and others.

None-the-less, Kiev’s attempt to politicise the IAEA mission completely failed as the agency made it clear that its only intentions are technical in nature. This will not deter Kiev from continuing such attempts of politicising the agency, and it remains to be seen whether the IAEA will go down the path of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which was humiliating caught-out covering up a damning report regarding Syria and lost its credibility.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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As we approach the official convening of the International Tribunal for the (are we now allowed to say: Former?) Ukraine, or perhaps initially it will just be a Donetsk/Lugansk tribunal, we are still largely in the dark about some fundamental issues. Clarity on those issues would be helpful because the convening of this tribunal is a singular opportunity not just for justice to be done but also to be seen by almost the entire world to be done. It is a brilliant opportunity to lay bare collective West’s moral turpitude before the remaining 85% of the world that is happily situated outside its autistic confines and not susceptible to its distortions of reality. Morally and politically, this is a unique opportunity that must not be forfeited.

It is the prosecutors, of course, who will select the legal framework under which they will act in presenting their case. They alone will ultimately determine what Ukrainian or foreign individuals and entities will be put in the dock, and based on what legal theories. Nevertheless, some useful suggestions can perhaps still be made to assist the tribunal in fulfilling its important task.

[1] Ground rules. This is basic and refers to the tribunal’s fundamental charter, or Statute, and its Rules of procedure and evidence. These documents define the tribunal’s mission and prescribe how it goes about it. It is the general road map for the proceedings, governing their scope and operational methodology. For credibility that is indispensable.

A political decision may have been taken to conduct the first phase of the proceedings under the aegis of the judicial systems of the two Donbass republics, presumably for reasons of territorial jurisdiction to handle locally captured suspects from Nazi and foreign mercenary outfits. A plausible argument to that effect could be ventured, but that is the extent and no further that local courts should be involved.

The international tribunal that is being set up is a major legal undertaking. It has much larger issues to deal with and bigger fish to fry than local outrages committed by pathological misfits. There are vital and complex legal issues that require adjudication, including the planning of aggressive war, genocide, and grave crimes against humanity, to name just a few, which local, provincial courts clearly lack the capacity to deal with. The catalogue of potential high value culprits encompasses officials and institutions greatly superior hierarchically to mere foot soldiers and field executioners, disgusting as their atrocities may be. A tribunal seen to be endowed with competence and professional distinction is expected to hear evidence and pass judgment on the overarching crimes and on their suspected perpetrators. It is primarily high value suspects, in person or in absentia, Ukrainian or foreign, that must be identified and indicted.  They should be brought to answer charges before an institutionally and professionally credible body with precise ground rules and impeccable international credentials.

[2] Establishing context. Context is a key dimension of the contemplated proceedings. Its importance cannot be overestimated but could easily be overlooked by tribunal organisers with a parochial perspective and scant experience. Their natural inclination, especially if they come from pre-modern, non-Western legal systems, is to focus narrowly on individual guilt, disregarding a broader analysis of the origin and rationale of the criminal conduct under review. However, in dealing with the Ukrainian conflict, legal and political considerations intersect. The criminal behaviour the court will deal with is not merely individual but also institutional and systemic. Properly presented contextual background is therefore decisive for the correct judicial assessment of the evidence.

The creators of the Hague Tribunal were keenly aware of their project’s political implications; they consequently laid great stress on the elaboration of contextual issues. But like practically everything in that failed tribunal, that also was done with disregard for sound judicial practice. ICTY chambers allowed much allegedly contextual evidence to be introduced primarily for its propaganda effect but with little regard to whether it was genuinely probative or relevant.

The prosecution of the Ukrainian tribunal has no need to resort to skulduggery in order to make its case. The context of the Kiev regime’s criminality can be easily and compellingly demonstrated by voluminous and unimpeachable evidence of its Nazi affiliations and of the hospitality extended by its foreign sponsors to hard-core World War II Nazi collaborators whose ideological progeny now constitute the regime’s backbone. There is abundant evidence that over a decades long period descendants of wartime Nazi helpers were groomed and kept in reserve to be subsequently sent en masse to Ukraine and installed in key positions after the 2014 Maidan coup. Absent the presentation of this incriminating contextual background of long-term preparation and planning, each separate crime committed by tattooed Nazi thugs, no matter how appalling and thoroughly documented, will be swept under the rug by Western narrative spinners as just the solitary act of deranged individuals.

[3] Expert witnesses. For the crimes which are the subject of these proceedings to be treated as more than just incidents perpetrated by individuals the prosecution must connect the dots and provide a comprehensive overview of the criminal design. Skilled and experienced expert witnesses are required for that purpose. A competent expert witness interprets and gives coherence to disparate ground-level facts. He assists the chamber and the public to better understand how the crimes came to be committed. ICTY practice in this area is instructive, but only as a negative example not to be followed.

ICTY prosecutors were in the habit of bringing “experts” with dubious qualifications to elaborate tendentious narratives. Many of them were destroyed on the witness stand. These and other debacles, however, had little impact on the outcome of ICTY’s staged trials, though they did bring great discredit upon the court and its proceedings. Precautions can and should therefore be taken to ensure that the Hague Tribunal’s foolish blunders are not repeated by the Ukraine tribunal.

Qualified experts are opinion as opposed to fact witnesses. In a criminal trial they offer important assistance to the court by presenting an independent technical interpretation of the factual evidence. They should be used where appropriate in the Ukrainian criminal trials. Their input would benefit both the judges and international public opinion by shedding light on the many technical and forensic issues that will arise in the course of the proceedings.

[4] Genocide. It has been suggested that the charge of genocide would feature prominently in the Ukraine indictments. The opportunity to apply the Genocide Convention to the factual matrix of the Ukrainian conflict and to develop case law in that important legal area should not be passed over. However, the genocide argument must be thought through carefully to avoid pitfalls, such as basing the contention of genocide mainly on numbers. Genocide indictments, if issued, must be aligned closely with the conceptual scheme of the Convention, bearing in mind also that this area of international law is still largely uncharted territory. There is presently little case law on the subject to assist prosecutors in framing a genocide case, if we disregard (as we should) the politically corrupted and intellectually dishonest practice and pronouncements of the Hague Tribunal.

The key point to remember is that the Convention emphasises deliberate infliction on the targeted group of conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part. It nowhere mentions a specific number of victims as a threshold for proving genocide. The 14,000 civilian shelling victims in the Donbas since 2014 certainly are a factor that should be cited in support of the prosecution’s genocide case, but this allegation must be complemented with additional evidence to flesh out the legal argument and to keep it from becoming a numbers game. In addition to the large number of civilian victims, other prima facie elements consistent with the Convention’s conceptual scheme should also be highlighted. Suppression of Russian language and culture, widespread intimidation of Russian speakers and social and economic discrimination designed to encourage their “voluntary” departure, forced re-education of Russian children with the clear objective of changing their identity, open appeals by Ukrainian officials and regime connected public figures for the extermination of Russian speakers  – these are some of the elements in thecampaign conducted by Kiev authorities and aimed against a protected group, namely those who consider themselves ethnically and culturally Russians. There is thus a strong presumptive case that the provisions of the Genocide convention have been systematically violated by Ukraine. For the case to be successfully made, the evidence must be properly assembled, presented to the court and made accessible to world public opinion.

The forthcoming Ukrainian War Crimes Tribunal is an exciting experiment in dispassionate justice in a still ongoing conflict that from the beginning has been mired in deliberate lies and deceptive hyperbole. While many of the perpetrators will undoubtedly be identified and punished, it is likely that many more will slip through the cracks if for no other reason than because they are so numerous. That unavoidable fact should not discourage anyone. If the Tribunal manages to calmly and methodically document the horrors inflicted on the people of Ukraine of all persuasions it will have done its job, and with honour.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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In 2020, prior to COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Brighton Collaboration created a priority list, endorsed by the World Health Organization, of potential adverse events relevant to COVID-19 vaccines. We adapted the Brighton Collaboration list to evaluate serious adverse events of special interest observed in mRNA COVID-19 vaccine trials.


Secondary analysis of serious adverse events reported in the placebo-controlled, phase III randomized clinical trials of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in adults (NCT04368728 and NCT04470427), focusing analysis on Brighton Collaboration adverse events of special interest.


Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 (95 % CI −0.4 to 20.6 and −3.6 to 33.8), respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated (95 % CI 2.1 to 22.9); risk ratio 1.43 (95 % CI 1.07 to 1.92). The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group; risk difference 18.0 per 10,000 vaccinated (95 % CI 1.2 to 34.9); risk ratio 1.36 (95 % CI 1.02 to 1.83). The Moderna trial exhibited a 6 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group: risk difference 7.1 per 10,000 (95 % CI –23.2 to 37.4); risk ratio 1.06 (95 % CI 0.84 to 1.33). Combined, there was a 16 % higher risk of serious adverse events in mRNA vaccine recipients: risk difference 13.2 (95 % CI −3.2 to 29.6); risk ratio 1.16 (95 % CI 0.97 to 1.39).


The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes. These analyses will require public release of participant level datasets.


In March 2020, the Brighton Collaboration and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations partnership, Safety Platform for Emergency vACcines (SPEAC), created and subsequently updated a “priority list of potential adverse events of special interest relevant to COVID-19 vaccine trials.” [1] The list comprises adverse events of special interest (AESIs) based on the specific vaccine platform, adverse events associated with prior vaccines in general, theoretical associations based on animal models, and COVID-19 specific immunopathogenesis. [1] The Brighton Collaboration is a global authority on the topic of vaccine safety and in May 2020, the World Health Organization’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety endorsed and recommended the reporting of AESIs based on this priority list. To our knowledge, however, the list has not been applied to serious adverse events in randomized trial data.

We sought to investigate the association between FDA-authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and serious adverse events identified by the Brighton Collaboration, using data from the phase III randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials on which authorization was based. We consider these trial data against findings from post-authorization observational safety data. Our study was not designed to evaluate the overall harm-benefit of vaccination programs so far. To put our safety results in context, we conducted a simple comparison of harms with benefits to illustrate the need for formal harm-benefit analyses of the vaccines that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes. Our analysis is restricted to the randomized trial data, and does not consider data on post-authorization vaccination program impact. It does however show the need for public release of participant level trial datasets.

Click here to read the full article.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

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Price: $11.50 

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Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings.

Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021.

It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different.

The Epoch Times received additional videos and photos of the anomalous clots, but could not upload them due to the level of gore.

Mike Adams, who runs an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas, analyzed clots in August and found them to be lacking iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Adams’s lab uses inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, usually testing food for metals, pesticides, and glyphosate.

“We have tested one of the clots from embalmer Richard Hirschman, via ICP-MS. Also tested side by side, live human blood from an unvaccinated person,” Adams told The Epoch Times.

He found that the clots are lacking key elements present in healthy human blood, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium, suggesting that they are formed from something other than blood.

Adams is joining analytic forces with more doctors and plan to invest out of their own pocket in equipment in order to further determine their composition and probable causation.

The string-like structures differ in size, but the longest can be as long as a human leg and the thickest can be as thick as a pinky finger.

Drastic Increase in Clots

Richard Hirschman, a licensed funeral director and embalmer in Alabama, recalled that he has been in the trade since the tragedy of 9/11.

“Prior to 2020, 2021, we probably would see somewhere between 5 to 10 percent of the bodies that we would embalm [having] blood clots,” Hirschman told The Epoch Times.

“We are familiar with what blood clots are, and we’ve had to deal with them over time,” he said.

He says that now, 50 percent to 70 percent of the bodies he sees have clots.

“For me to embalm a body without any clots, kind of like how it was in the day, prior to all of this stuff … It’s rare,” Hirschman said.

“The exception is to embalm a body without clots,” he noted.

Clot Analysis

The chart below shows the differences between the blood of the unvaccinated and the clot tested with ICP-MS, according to Adams’s analysis.

“Notice that the key elemental markers of human blood such as iron are missing in the clot (which is just at 4.4 percent of blood). Similar story with magnesium, potassium, and zinc. These are clear markers for human blood. Live human blood will always have high iron, or the person would be dead. These clots have almost no iron, nor magnesium, etc.,” Adams told The Epoch Times.

Wade Hamilton, a cardiologist who is familiar with clots, told The Epoch Times:

“The fact that the magnesium, potassium, and iron are very low in the samples could suggest that they are not the usual post-mortem clots, that in fact there was no blood flow in these vessels. These structures raise but do not totally answer some interesting questions.”

“The combination of the low electrolytes and the novel very strong string-like structures suggests that these areas where the string-like structures are seen in the blood vessels did not receive circulation. They are not ‘normal’ post-mortem findings according to experienced embalmers bent on obtaining total body vascular access from one site, which because of the unusual ‘clots,’ they were unable to do,” he added.

“They are not normal post-mortem clots but rather the long tiny strings may have been etiologic in the deaths, preventing circulation to those regions. Others have shown that the spike protein can and does unfold and form a different configuration, contributing to tight string-like bonded structures with longitudinal twisting as well as cross binding, visible by microscopy, each one measuring angstroms in diameter—it takes 25,400,000 angstroms to make an inch—a typical capillary is around 5 microns, so many strings are needed to occlude a vessel.”

The embalming process has become much more difficult too, causing some embalmers to have to drain the blood via multiple points instead of a single spot.

‘Never Seen’ Before

“In 20 years of embalming, I had never seen these white fibrous structures in the blood, nor have others in my field. In the past year, I have seen these strange clots in many different individuals, and it doesn’t seem to matter what they die of, they often have similar substances in their blood. This makes me very concerned because if something is wrong in the blood, it begs the question: is something causing people to die prematurely?” Hirschman said.

“As the summer [of 2021] went on, COVID deaths were on the decline, but these clots were increasing in number. My suspicion is that the vaccine may be the cause of these strange clots. I realize that I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist, but I do know what blood looks like and I am very familiar with the embalming process that I have been doing for two decades. I do not know 100 percent what causes these clots, but I do know from my experience and through speaking with several other embalmers and funeral directors none of us had seen this strange clotting before.”

Hirschman sent the clots to a few pathologists and claims that some of them have “overlooked” them, probably due to fear of retaliation.

He has embalmed thousands of bodies and is very familiar with blood, and he feels that the blood of most of the bodies he has seen in the last two years “has changed.”

Hirschman is not afraid to lose his job because he’s a trade embalmer and not employed by a funeral home, but is also cautious not to reveal where exactly he works.

“They’re not even dead from COVID. They’re dying of sudden heart attacks, strokes, cancers. It doesn’t seem to matter what these people die of nowadays, so many of them have the same anomalies in their blood.”

“The blood is different. Something is causing the blood to change. And the whole purpose of me trying to come out was to try to say: look, something’s wrong. Let’s figure out what it is so that maybe we can find a way to help break this stuff down and save people’s lives,” Hirschman said.

“If it’s not the vaccine, fine! What is it? Let’s figure it out, because something is causing it and it can’t be healthy.”

Vaccination Status

Hirschman is not always able to talk to the families but has been diligently trying to confirm if the bodies of the people with clots had been vaccinated.

The funeral house sometimes knows the vaccination status of the deceased person and tells him; sometimes it may also be that the person got vaccinated and did not tell the family.

“I had a 49-year-old, was totally healthy getting ready for work, collapses dead. Next thing you know, I’m embalming him, and guess what I’m pulling out of him? The same stuff. Same stuff! He was totally fine, totally healthy. Shocked everybody. Find out, oh, yeah. Not only was he vaccinated, he was boosted,” Hirschman recalled.

He also stated that he found the “same stuff” in a man who had a stroke while sleeping and who died of cancer.

“I spoke with an embalmer in Louisiana and she said the same thing,” Hirschman said. “Sometimes they’re not huge, there are other varieties of anomalies, some of them were small, sometimes they’re little specks, like pieces of sand or coffee grounds.”

Hirschman annotated the details of bodies he has embalmed in the last few years:

  • 2018 total bodies: 410
    1st Quarter 90
    2nd Quarter 77
    3rd Quarter 110
    4th Quarter 133
  • 2019 total bodies: 439
    1st Quarter 95
    2nd Quarter 76
    3rd Quarter 101
    4th Quarter 167
  • 2020 total bodies: 572
    1st Quarter 130
    2nd Quarter 60
    3rd Quarter 166
    4th Quarter 216
  • 2021 total bodies: 632
    1st Quarter 198
    2nd Quarter 91
    3rd Quarter 164
    4th Quarter 179 (Nov. 9/19 Clotted; Dec. 19/40 Clotted)
  • 2022 total bodies so far: 364
    1st Quarter 146 (38 not clotted, 67 heavy clots, 20 confirmed vaccinated)
    2nd Quarter 90 (11 not clotted, 38 heavy clots, 21 confirmed vaccinated)
    3rd Quarter 128 (19 not clotted, 51 heavy clots, 15 confirmed vaccinated)

Other Embalmers

Wallace Hooker is an expert embalmer who lectures on a national level as well as internationally. He has a significant presence on social media, especially on some private embalming websites.

Hooker sees about 300 bodies a year, and has seen numerous clots of the same kind Hirschman has.

He told The Epoch Times that “people are seeing these [clots], it’s just not Richard and me and Anna [Foster],” another embalmer.

“I have people sending me photos almost every week of what they’re seeing,” Hooker said.

After he stated that he suspected the vaccines could have something to do with the clots, he was dismissed by some people who said he wasn’t a qualified doctor who could comment on the cause.

Hooker also suspects that the so-called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome could have some relation to these clots.

Hooker lives in a conservative, rural area, and from his observation, fewer of the people there have been vaccinated compared to those in big cities.

“At least 25 percent of what I was embalming would display a significant amount of clotting,” Hooker said.

He also noted that some embalmers with lesser skill might not find the clots after draining and that pathologists who do autopsies on the bodies might not do a full check on the vascular system.

“Some embalmers are not being thorough embalmers. Many work for corporate firms that absolutely do not allow a cell phone in the embalming room. They do not allow photos to be taken, and it’s grounds for immediate dismissal. I’ve talked to these people that work for these firms,” he further stated.

Anna Foster, a licensed funeral director from Missouri, explained that she started seeing more frequent and larger clots after the COVID pandemic started.

“I often sit with the families to make the arrangements. Families tend to tell us about the lead-up to the individual’s death, and knowing I embalmed the person the night before led me to keep track of these cases,” Foster told The Epoch Times.

“In the beginning, none had ever been diagnosed with COVID, but they had all been vaccinated. Later, a couple had had COVID but not recently, and they were also vaccinated,” she continued.

“Most of the individuals I embalmed and saw these changes were over the age of 75 and lived in nursing facilities, except for two men in their early fifties. One of these men was a friend of ours, and he had the vaccination, and after his second dose, he began to feel ill. His wife took him to their family doctor, and the doctor immediately sent him to the ER because he was showing signs of a thrown clot or a heart attack. He went into cardiac arrest while transferring, and he died shortly after. He was embalmed right after death, and the clotting was by far unexplainable, and this is when I began to feel very concerned about this vaccination and canceled my thoughts of receiving the vaccination myself,” Foster said.

In one case, she pulled out clots that were 2 feet in length and “several more” that were at least 12 inches—from the same body.

“I know before the vaccination, my embalming cases did not have the amount of clotting I see now, and very rarely would you find many with fibrin attached; now, it is at least ten times the amount, if not more,” she said.

Strange Clots

Larry Mills, a licensed embalmer and funeral director in the state of Alabama, has been in the funeral business since 1968 and has been involved with the embalming procedure since the beginning of his career.

“We as embalmers are seeing some strange clots since the COVID outbreak. These clots are very rubbery feeling and very long as they exit the veins that we use during the embalming procedure. They really appear to be like earthworms. I have never seen this in my career until now,” Mills told The Epoch Times.

Other funeral directors or embalmers wanted to maintain anonymity, because they don’t know how the funeral houses would react.

“I can tell you with certainty that the clots Richard has shown online are a phenomenon that I have not witnessed until probably the middle of last year. That is pretty much all I have to say about it. I have no knowledge as to what is causing the clots, but they did seemingly start showing up around the middle of 2021,” another embalmer, licensed since around 2001, told The Epoch Times.

“You can rest assured that the clots we are seeing are not something we ever saw prior to last year,” he added.

A licensed funeral director and apprentice embalmer who has been in the funeral industry for over 3 years has participated in over 200 embalmings.

“During May of 2021, the embalming process became more difficult. The normal draining of the blood was almost halted by thick, jelly-like blood. Instead, of the blood flowing normally down the table, it was very viscous. So thick, that it would not wash down the table without assistance,” she told The Epoch Times.

As time has passed since the vaccines were distributed she has seen more of the “thick blood” as well as “thick, fibrous-like clots.”

The clots are not only clotting the veins but the arteries as well.

She explained that normal embalming usually takes around two hours, but now it can take up to four hours.

“The distribution of the arterial fluid is being blocked by these clots and making my job more difficult. The clots are so large and thick that with the flow of arterial solution, massage and manipulation of the artery or vein is necessary for removal,” she continued. “I am able to assist some of the large clots with forceps.”

“Many families have reported their loved one’s death as a sudden heart attack, embolisms, and blood clots. Many families have stated, that their family members had no health issues prior to receiving the vaccine. I myself am vaccinated, as well as my parents. My father was vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, two weeks later he had emergency surgery for blood clots in his popliteal artery. After his second vaccine dose, he was hospitalized with more clots, he had surgery a second time, and the third time he almost died. My father had to have a complete bypass in his leg,” she said.

“During my father’s hospitalization, my best friend’s father was having emergency surgery at the same hospital for a massive heart attack, which he suffered weeks after receiving his vaccine.”

“My father now suffers from nerve damage and loss of usage in his leg. After my mother received her Moderna vaccine, she has suffered complications of heart valve failure, and surgery for blood clots in her arteries. I have been diagnosed, with pericardial effusion of the tricuspid valve and I also have myocarditis. I started having sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, and it has progressively become worse. I went to the emergency room and followed up with a cardiologist, who diagnosed me. My blood pressure is at an all-time high. I was a very healthy person until I received the Moderna vaccine,” she added.

The Epoch Times reached out to Moderna for comment.

Three other embalmers also confirmed over the phone having witnessed anomalous clots.

Possible Explanations: Doctors

“The very large blood clots that are being removed before and after death are unlike anything we have ever seen in medicine,” Dr. James Thorp, a maternal-fetal medicine expert who has been observing anomalies in pregnant women and fetuses, told The Epoch Times.

“The COVID-19 vaccine diverts energy away from the physiologic processes in the body towards the production of the toxic spike protein,” Thorp said. “This directs energy away from the normal process of internal digestion also known as autophagy. This results in protein misfolding and propagation of large intravascular blood clots and also a variety of related diseases including prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, amyloidosis, and dementias including Alzheimer’s and others. While it is possible that COVID-19 illness in itself could potentially contribute to these diseases, it is unlikely and if so the effect of the vaccine would be 100- to 1,000-fold greater than that of COVID-19 disease.”

Epoch Times Photo

Figure 1 Proper 3D conformation of a protein is dependent on available energy in the cellular milieu. Protein misfolding is more likely to occur during periods of impaired mitochondrial function and oxidative stress. (Courtesy of James Thorp)

Hamilton added:

“Another possible explanation of the low electrolytes is that they have been taken up and bound to the toxin as part of a failed process to get rid of the ‘toxin,’ as when Vitamin B-12 is lowered in patients on anti-psychotic medications as the body attempts to get rid of the medication, bound to B-12 as a step in elimination. Every toxin has to be bound to an electrolyte to leave the body.”

Hamilton thinks that the overwhelming accumulation of these strings that have “nearly the strength of steel” could have caused multi-organ failure and death.

“The term amyloid has previously been employed to describe a number of pathological conditions in diseased organs and is the cause of death in the rare genetic condition amyloidosis. It is never normal. Whether a partial accumulation of thousands of the string-like structures can cause fatigue based on decreased blood flow, brain fog, or sudden adult death is speculative, but certainly possible,” Hamilton said.

“The pathologists will need to do more detailed examinations than are routinely done to answer this question. This process, for example, could lead to an acute myocardial infarction with enzyme elevation in a young soccer player with no gross anatomical findings.”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has been analyzing vaccine adverse reactions for about three decades, also thinks the clots have to do with amyloid proteins.

“It appears the answer is coming directly through that needle. Spike protein disease, leading to the deposition of amyloid in organs and filling up arteries and veins,” Tenpenny told The Epoch Times.

“The spike protein also interacts with platelets and fibrinogen, interfering with blood flow, also leading directly to hypercoagulation. When the spike protein was mixed with other blood proteins, the combined amyloid-like structure was resistant to the enzymes that would normally break down the clot (called impaired fibrinolysis),” she added.

“This leads to the persistence of a voluminous number of microclots in small blood vessels throughout the body called capillaries. Millions of these tiny clots effectively block the passage of red blood cells into tissues, decreasing oxygen exchange and leading to multiorgan system failure.”


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Featured image: Fibrous clots found in corpses by Richard Hirschman. (Courtesy of Richard Hirschman)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Many people in Europe and beyond seem to believe that Russia, in response to Western sanctions, has been limiting gas flows to Europe. Yet this is not the case, as the following analysis shows.

There are currently five major pipelines that supply – or could supply – Russian gas to Europe: Nord Stream I and Nord Stream II through the Baltic Sea to Germany; the Jamal pipeline through Poland to Germany; the Soyuz and Brotherhood pipelines through Ukraine; and the TurkStream pipeline through the Black Sea and Turkey to Southeast and Central Europe (see the map above).

All of these pipelines are currently out of service or run at limited capacity – though not because of Russian retaliation, but because of Western sanctions or political decisions:

  • The Jamal pipeline is closed because Poland has terminated the operational agreement with Russia (after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and to become independent of Russian gas).
  • The Soyuz pipeline – which accounts for about one third of the gas delivered through Ukraine – has been closed by Ukraine after LPR forces took control of the gas compressor station.
  • Nord Stream I runs at limited capacity because Canadian and EU sanctions have prevented the maintenance and return of several Siemens gas compressor turbines.
  • Nord Stream II was completed in late 2021 but has never entered service due to US political pressure on Germany; Germany canceled certification of the pipeline on February 22.
  • TurkStream – which in 2014 replaced the South Stream project – remains operational, but because of EU sanctions, Bulgaria has denied euro payment to the Russian Gazprom Bank. In contrast, Hungary has defied EU sanctions and continues to receive gas through TurkStream.

Source: Swiss Policy Research

Another widespread misconception is that Russia demanded “payment in rubles” to retaliate against Western sanctions. Yet this is not the case, either. Instead, after Western sanctions against the Russian central bank froze about $300 billion in Russian foreign exchange reserves, Russia decided that euro and dollar payments for gas have to be made to an account at Russian Gazprom Bank and will then be converted into rubles by the Russian central bank (to avoid seizure by the US/EU).

Why is Russia not (yet) actively limiting or stopping gas flows to Europe? Simply because Russia is interested in earning revenue from gas exports, being seen as a reliable supplier, and avoiding further escalation of the Ukraine conflict and direct confrontation with NATO countries. However, Russia did put pressure on Kazakhstan to prevent Kazakh oil exports via Turkey instead of Russia.

Why then is Europe jeopardizing its own gas supply through sanctions against Russia? The initial goal likely was to cripple Russian export revenues and the Russian economy. Yet this has largely failed as international oil and gas prices have risen to record highs. Thus, Russian oil and gas revenue has actually increased since the outbreak of the Ukraine war (though tech sanctions are still biting).

However, the Western response can only really be understood from a US perspective, not from a European perspective. From a US perspective, cutting off Russian gas flows to Europe is a means to isolating Russia, pressuring Europe into supporting the US proxy war in Ukraine, and forcing Europe to switch to American or Arab LNG gas supplies. The most obvious example of this strategy is the Nord Stream II pipeline, which the US blocked despite a German-Russian agreement.

Moreover, the US strategy in Ukraine has to be seen in the context of the broader US strategy in Eurasia. Back in June, former US Secretary of State and former CIA director, Mike Pompeo, explained in a speech at the Hudson Institute: “By aiding Ukraine, we undermined the creation of a Russian-Chinese axis bent on exerting military and economic hegemony in Europe, in Asia and in the Middle East. () Indeed, by empowering Ukraine, we demonstrate to China the cost of invading Taiwan. () We must prevent the formation of a Pan-Eurasian colossus incorporating Russia, but led by China.”

Nevertheless, most European countries – including Germany – will still reach their gas storage target levels for the winter season and may be able to partially replace reduced Russian gas supplies with supplies from other countries, though at significantly higher market prices. This has already led to some bizarre situations, such as Germany’s largest fertilizer producer having to halt production, while German fertilizer shortfalls are being replaced by imports from – Russia.

Update: Still no Russian energy war

On September 5, the British Financial Times published a craftily worded article that has received worldwide attention: “Russia halts gas supplies to Europe until western sanctions lifted” (later changed to “Russia switches off Europe’s main gas pipeline until sanctions are lifted.”).

The article once again suggested that Russia was deliberately “halting gas supplies” to retaliate against Western sanctions. In reality, the Russian government stated that they “remain committed to their obligations and contracts”, but that they cannot operate Nord Stream I as long as the technical equipment of that pipeline remains sanctioned.

In particular, the six Nord Stream I gas turbines, maintained by a British division of German energy company Siemens, remain sanctioned under British law – four of them are still in Canada, one has been transferred to Germany instead of Russia, and the last one is affected by a minor oil leak that Siemens is not allowed to repair due to British and EU sanctions.

The Financial Times later added a quote from the energy spokesman of the European Commission, according to whom Russia was “unwilling to deliver gas to Europe through other pipelines”. Yet as seen above, those “other pipelines” have been closed by Poland, Ukraine, and Germany.

That Russia is still not waging an “energy war” against Europe can be seen by the following facts:

  1. Russia continues to deliver gas through the Brotherhood pipeline to Ukraine (!) and to Europe as well as through the TurkStream pipeline to parts of southeastern Europe;
  2. Russia is ready to supply gas through the Nord Stream II pipeline, whose turbines are maintained by Russia itself, as soon as Germany (and the US) would open that pipeline;
  3. Russia continues to deliver oil via Ukraine to Europe through the Druzhba pipeline, even though Ukraine had temporarily closed this pipeline in August. However, an EU embargo against Russian oil imports was agreed upon in June and will come into effect in January 2023.

The British BBC was more accurate, this time, when they titled their article: “Russia blames sanctions for gas pipeline shutdown”. Indeed, the decision to decouple Europe from Russian energy supplies remains an entirely Western geostrategic decision, yet Western leaders and Western media, understandably, would like to blame Russia for that decision (and the consequences).


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This article was originally published on Swiss Policy Research.

Kiev Tried to Capture IAEA Delegation to Make Human Shield

September 7th, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Once again, reports indicate that the Kiev regime acts in a destabilizing way in Zaporozhye. Local officials informed that Ukrainian agents had recently attacked the region with the aim of capturing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team, which would allow them to keep international officials hostage in a human shield. This type of tactic is absolutely condemned according to international humanitarian standards, which reveals the criminal praxis of the Ukrainian forces.

In an interview to Russian media, Vladimir Rogov, a member of the top council of Zaporozhye’s civil-military administration, claimed that Ukrainian saboteurs had tried to hold IAEA officials hostage to gain an advantage in Kiev’s planned military “counteroffensive.” According to Rogov, the attacks in the region were strongly intensified during the inspection, and at least two dozen high-speed military boats with several armed soldiers on board were disembarked in the area of ​​the Kakhovka Reservoir. The reservoir is close to the nuclear plant, being a strategic position for the grouping of troops that would be mobilized for the operation in the facilities.

“In the event of a successful capture of the nuclear power plant, the goal of the Ukrainian saboteurs was to take hostage the IAEA delegation and the employees of the nuclear power plant in order to use them as a human shield to establish control over the nuclear power plant, which would allow blackmailing Russia and the whole world with a nuclear threat”, Rogov told media in a recent interview.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry had already said that at least 60 Ukrainian paratroopers had taken part in an operation to occupy the ZNPP before the arrival of the delegation. Most of the soldiers were neutralized by Russian forces in the surrounding area of the Kakhovka reservoir, preventing the Ukrainian plan from materializing. Now, however, more recent information makes it clear that Kiev has continued to insist on its plan to seize the plant despite the presence of international inspectors, putting civilians’ lives unnecessarily in danger.

More serious than the mere attempt of irresponsible capture of the ZNPP, however, is the fact that there was possibly a plan to capture and hold as hostage innocent employees of an international inspection mission, whose purpose in the region is absolutely peaceful. The attempt to capture civilians in order to obtain military advantages through human shielding and intimidation is a real crime, which violates the most basic principles of international law. Although this was not the first attitude of this type on the part of Kiev, the case is especially serious as it shows how anti-Russian forces act in a destabilizing and anti-humanitarian way, targeting civilians.

As far as the IAEA’s work is concerned, the results of the inspection are yet to be announced. More likely, Rafael Grossi, director general of the IAEA, will publicly present a report in the third week of August. In fact, there is still the possibility of starting a permanent mission, with part of the delegation remaining at the ZNPP for continuous inspection. There is great expectation on the part of both sides about what will be said by the Agency’s representatives, as the Western side fears that its narrative about Russian attacks in the region will be denied and, in the same sense, Moscow expects the delegation to act with sincerity and report what actually happened in the region during the inspection.

Rogov, for example, commented that IAEA agents simply cannot say they did not see Ukrainian bombings in the region, as it was quite clear that it was the Kiev side that attacked the plant many times during the inspection. The western side, however, puts pressure on IAEA agents to confirm their narrative, as the current program of military aid to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia would lose support from public opinion if it were revealed by the agency that Kiev really attacks the plant. It remains to be seen what the official assessment will be and whether the report will be done in a truly neutral and apolitical manner.

In any case, the data from the Russian authorities about the attempt to capture civilians to form a human shield cannot be ignored. Once again, Kiev appears to be the side responsible for serious and extremely dangerous crimes. Coercive measures against the Ukrainian regime are necessary, as the country seems willing to disobey all international norms. And, certainly, the first step to be taken is to stop the Western military support that allows Kiev to continue committing such crimes.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Corona Investigative Committee interviewed Vera Sharav (Human Rights Activist and Holocaust Survivor) and Uwe Alschner (Business Consultant and Blogger).


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

  • Posted in English
  • Comments Off on Video: The Rule of Law and Nuremberg: The Current Threat against our Civilization. Vera Sharav and Uwe Alschner, Corona Investigative Committee

The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating

September 7th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Smart meters measure and record electricity usage at least every hour, if not more, and provide the data to the utility company and consumer at least once a day

The data from smart meters reveal far more than you might think — and could even be used against you to control your individual energy use or, one day, to help ensure “net zero” compliance

Smart meters do more than measure your energy usage; they’re also capable of distinguishing what type of energy you’re using, such as doing laundry or watching TV

It’s an intensely personal form of surveillance — one that could easily be used against you, including to scrutinize your energy usage and even ration your energy

Smart meters should also be avoided because they’re yet another source of electromagnetic fields, which include radio frequencies from smart meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi, and dirty electricity

If you can, opt out of receiving a smart meter; be aware that you will likely be charged an extortion fee, in the form of one-time and monthly charges, to do so


Many people have embraced the convenience of wireless devices in their homes, but these devices come at a price — your privacy and your health. With each smart device that you welcome to your home — such as connected alarm clocks, vehicles, refrigerators and doorbells — another layer of your personal life is revealed and your health is sabotaged by the EMFs.

This is certainly true of smart meters, which are officially known in the U.S. as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) installations. In 2020, 102.9 million such smart meters were installed by U.S. electric utilities, about 88% of them in personal residences.1 AMI meters measure and record electricity usage at least every hour, if not more, and provide the data to the utility company and consumer at least once a day.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, “AMI installations range from basic hourly interval meters to real-time meters with built-in two-way communication that is capable of recording and transmitting instantaneous data.”2

What could be wrong with transmitting every last detail about your real-time energy usage to an energy company? Those data reveal far more than you might think — and could even be used against you to control your individual energy use or, one day, to help ensure “net zero” compliance.

Smart Meters Aren’t There for Your Benefit

Before smart meters were widely available, your electricity usage was recorded by a meter reader, who would visit your property once a month and manually record your energy usage. Now, this data is tracked at hourly or half-hour intervals, which energy companies are billing as a way to save you, the customer, money. The U.K.’s Shell Energy, which describes smart meters as “the future of energy,” notes:3

“Smart meters bring a whole host of benefits: they’ll tell you how much you’re spending in real time, which means there are no nasty surprises when your bill turns up … But, perhaps best of all, smart meters give you real-time information on your energy use.

They let you know exactly how much it’s costing you to boil that kettle or charge your phone. Armed with this knowledge, you can make a more informed decision about whether to turn up the heating, or put another load in the tumble dryer.

… Smart meters are set to revolutionize the way we use electricity. They make it easier for suppliers like us to offer cheaper, off-peak rates for, say, charging your electric car. They tell us more about how you use your energy, which means we can offer you more suitable tariffs. It may be that, one day, you’re offered cheaper electricity on sunny or windy days, when clean energy is easier to come by.”

Smart Energy International also describes Comarch’s smart metering systems as a solution for “remote and automatic measurement of media consumption.” Note that their smart meters once only measured electricity and now are available for other utilities, including water, gas and heat, “the consumption of which should be constantly monitored.”4

Using the tactic of manufacturing fear, they spin smart meters as a necessity so that energy companies can keep close tabs on consumption and step in when needed:5

“A whole new era of readings has come. Smart metering systems provide companies in the utilities sector with the ability to monitor media supply networks and efficiently respond to current events. Data can be obtained even from meters that are difficult to access and those located at long distances from each other. They are sent periodically, informing the end-user about the reading, transmission data, and possible failures and errors.

This makes it possible to send teams almost immediately where they are needed at any given time. All this is to respond as quickly as possible if a problem arises.”

If They Control the Energy, They Control You

The technocratic elite, including both BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and Bill Gates, are pushing for “net zero” carbon emissions.6 While BlackRock is busy buying up houses, Gates is hard at work amassing farmland and is now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S.7

Gates is pushing for drastic, fundamental changes by 2030, including widespread consumption of fake meat, adoption of next generation nuclear energy and growing a fungus as a new type of nutritional protein.8 The deadline Gates has given to reach net zero emissions is 2050,9 and smart meters are already being positioned as an essential part of this plan. According to Shell Energy:10

“Indeed, the government considers smart meters key to the UK cutting its emissions and reaching net-zero by 2050. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has worked out that, if we all switch to smart meters, the UK can knock 45 million tonnes off its carbon emissions — the equivalent of taking 26 million cars off the road for a year.”

But according to many experts, including Vandana Shiva, new conditionalities are being created through net zero “nature-based” solutions in order to force the world to accept a new food and agricultural system, along with a new wave of colonization in the name of sustainability. Navdanya’s report, “Earth Democracy: Connecting Rights of Mother Earth to Human Rights and Well-Being of All,” explains:11

“… ‘Net Zero’ is a new strategy to get rid of small farmers … through the burden of fake carbon accounting. Carbon offsets and the new accounting trick of ‘net zero’ does not mean zero emissions. It means the rich polluters will continue to pollute and also grab the land and resources of those who have not polluted — indigenous people and small farmers — for carbon offsets.”

In other words, the elite will continue to consume resources as always, including indulgences like polluting private jets, but will be able to purchase carbon credits to offset the emissions they create.12 Meanwhile, the average person will face increasing scrutiny of their energy usage, to the point that it may one day be rationed in the name of “climate compliance.”

Will Smart Meters Be Used to Ration Energy Use?

Smart meters do more than measure your energy usage. They’re also capable of distinguishing what type of energy you’re using. So they know if you’re doing a load of laundry, watching TV or have left your home for the day. While this might not sound nefarious on the surface, it’s an intensely personal form of surveillance — one that could easily be used against you, including to ration your energy. Journalist Abby Martin explains:13

“If the notion about what you are doing and when you are doing isn’t disturbing enough — it’s worse. These devices are capable of regulating, controlling and even rationing your energy use. Take this example, you are running your fans in the hot summer months and the power company decides you are using too much power, they will take it upon themselves to lower it regardless of the consumer willing to pay for the extra usage.

A point to consider is what these companies will do with this information. Once this is shared with law enforcement, it can and it will be used against you. Cops will be able to know what you are doing in the privacy of your own home.

Secondly these companies can sell this information of our daily lives for data mining and advertising. It is disturbing at so many levels but these little surveillance units are being implemented across the country without the public’s consent and in many cases without their knowledge of being installed.”

It’s Time to ‘Think the Unthinkable’

It’s unthinkable that the powers that be could be intent on increasing surveillance and control, to the point that even your energy usage is under their thumb, but as GBNews host Neil Oliver put it in the video above, it’s time to “think the unthinkable”:14

“People raised to trust the powers that be, who have assumed, like I once did, that the state, regardless of its political flavor at any given moment, is essentially benevolent and well meaning, will naturally try to keep that assumption of benevolence in mind to make sense of what’s going on around them.

People like us, you and me, raised in the understanding that we are free, that we have inalienable rights and that the institutions of this country have our best interests at heart will tend to tie ourselves in knots rather than contemplate the idea those authorities may actually be working against us now.

… We are no longer being treated as individuals entitled to make the most of our lives, but as a barn full of battery hens — just another product to be bought and sold, sold down the river … treat yourself to the gift of understanding that the powers that be fully intend we should have less heat and less fuel, and that in the planned future only the rich will have cars anyway. The plan is not to fix it. The plan is to break it and leave it broken.

… If net zero and the rest was about the good of the planet and not about clearing the beaches and skies of scum like us, don’t you think those sainted politicians and A-listers would be lighting the way for us by their own example?”

Another Problem With Smart Meters — EMFs

Even if you put aside the surveillance and privacy issues and their potential for abuse, smart meters should be avoided because they’re yet another source of electromagnetic fields, which include radio frequencies from smart meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi. Smart meters also have the additional challenge of emitting dirty electricity which consists of transient voltage spikes as a result of switching mode power supplies. Adverse health effects linked to these EMF exposures include:15

  • Excess oxidative stress
  • Opening your blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins to enter your brain
  • DNA damage and altered microbiome
  • Impaired proton flow and ATP production
  • Altered cellular function due to excessive charge

One way to reduce your exposure is to refuse smart meters as long as you can. Note that some states already prohibit opt-outs while others allow them but will charge you an extortion fee, in the form of one-time and monthly charges, to do so. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures:16

“In almost every case, customers who elect to opt-out of smart meter installation are charged to do so — often through a one-time “set-up fee,” followed by monthly fees associated with the cost of sending out meter-readers. The fees can vary considerably. A utility in Rhode Island charges a one-time fee of $27, while a Texas utility’s one-time fee is $171. The monthly fees range from around $9 to $32.”

If you can afford to do so, opting out will protect both your privacy and your health from this unnecessary intrusion. Alternatively, you can shield the meters with kits available online but those will not reduce the dirty electricity produced by the meters.


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1, 2 U.S. Energy Information Administration, FAQs

3, 10 Shell Energy, Smart meters and the future of energy

4, 5 Smart Energy International May 15, 2020

6 YouTube June 25, 2021

7 Fortune March 13, 2021

8 ZeroHedge February 16, 2021

9 Fox Business February 21, 2021

11 Navdanya, Earth Rights Are Human Rights

12 Forbes January 21, 2020

13 Matthew Bell August 24, 2016

14 GBNews, Neil Oliver August 14, 2022, 1:00 to 4:44

15, Electromagnetic Fields: Modern Health Hazard? (PDF)

16 National Conference of State Legislatures, Smart Meter Opt-Out Policies August 20, 2019

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The sailboat Golden Rule will embark on a 15-month, 11,000 mile voyage near Stillwater, Minnesota this September to raise awareness about the growing danger of nuclear war and build support for abolishing nuclear weapons.

Referred to as the Great Loop, the crew will make 100 ports of-call along the Mississippi River, coastal cities and around the Great Lakes before heading back to San Francisco through the Panama Canal. Planned community events that link environmental, and peace and justice concerns to anti-war issues will include school visits, seminars and venues for speakers.

While in Stillwater, anyone interested can meet the crew and learn more about the project:

  • September 17, 3-5 p.m. at Stillwater Library, 224 3rd St N. Stillwater, MN 55082, Margaret Rivers Room and Terrace
  • September 18, 2-4 p.m. at Lowell Park South, Sam Bloomer, Stillwater, MN 55082

The Golden Rule will be docked at St. Croix Dock & Packet in Stillwater September 16-19.

“We are sailing for a nuclear-free world and a peaceful sustainable future” says Golden Rule Project Manager Helen Jaccard. “Our mission is all the more urgent now that two nuclear powers are confronting one another in Ukraine which greatly increases the chances of nuclear war.”

While the Golden Rule’s primary message about nuclear war and what can be done to prevent it is crucial, there was controversy about how that message would be delivered. The idea of having a 36 foot Ketch hauled 2,000 miles overland from San Francisco to Minnesota had critics questioning the expense of such an endeavor and wondering if the money might be better spent elsewhere. In spite of the seriousness of this campaign, visions of peaceniks floating down river sipping wine or eating THC gummies danced in the heads of skeptics.

Those more familiar with the project scoffed and pointed to the dedication of national organizers and the vast amounts of work and money already invested in the legendary boat that made a trip like this possible. In 2010 the Golden Rule (affectionately called Goldie) was a submerged wreck in California’s Humboldt Bay until it was pulled ashore. As the story goes, the harbor master, along with a bottle of whiskey and some friends, planned to make a bonfire out of her until they were told about the sailboat’s historical significance.

The vessel made headlines in 1958 when four Quaker activists tried sailing her from Los Angeles to the Marshall Islands to interfere with nuclear testing after traditional methods of protesting failed. The crew never made it and were jailed after stopping in Honolulu. The upside, however, is their arrests created global buzz and not long after, records of nuclear pollution along with reports of radiation in mother’s milk began to surface. In 1963, President Kennedy, along with leaders of the UK and the USSR, signed the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty which banned nuclear testing in air, water and space.

After five years of restoration, the Golden Rule set sail again in 2015 and has since plied the West Coast waters from Mexico to British Columbia and visited all of the Hawaiian Islands. Now owned, maintained and sometimes sailed by members of Veterans For Peace (VFP), she’s rigged and ready for a new adventure. But the challenges of keeping and operating a sailboat remain.

The old mariner adage “a boat is a hole in the water you throw money into” is only one of the headaches. Long-distance sailing can be nerve wracking and sometimes surprising. Jaccard talked about how water from a fuel tank rusted out the boat’s engine while at sea and how bad judgment calls about weather can make landings dangerous. There’s no escaping inconvenience and discomfort.

With waves sometimes almost as high as the 35 foot mast and feeling like she was in a washing machine, Jaccard recounted sailing 17 hours from Honolulu to the port of Nawiliwilli on Kauai with four of the seven crew so seasick they stayed below deck.  “I eventually took the helm and wouldn’t let go. The two other healthy crew kept a lookout on each side because the spray made my glasses unusable. As we approached the harbor, they would shout “Turn Left” or “Turn Right” after catching a brief peek at a buoy before it disappeared behind the next wave. Then the sun went down, visibility even worse. It was impossible to figure out the distance from us to the buoy and the entrance to Nawiliwili is very curvy. We finally got in after 10 pm, exhausted and greatly relieved! The high waves lasted right into the harbor entrance and the wind continued to hammer us long after we docked.”

Golden Rule protesting at Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) — the world’s largest international maritime war exercise in 2020. The event is held biannually near Diamond Head. (Photo: Kate Thompson of Honolulu)

She spoke solemnly about the wet chill and sleep deprivation sailors live with between ports. It takes about three to four weeks each way to sail between California and Hawaii. The journey to New Orleans won’t be brunch and white deck shoes either. There are 29 locks and dams between the Twin Cities and St. Louis and beyond that, opportunities to refuel, buy provisions, take a shower or empty waste are scarce. It can take days or a week or more to reach a Marina. Then there’s debris and ocean freighters to dodge and scenery that’s sometimes less than charming.

Still, the crew along with its supporters, believe enough in the importance of the project to endure the hardships, setbacks and economic uncertainty. Jaccard is determined to follow the Golden Rule throughout North America noting that “it’s not always easy connecting with community organizers and media by sailboat.”

Church, school and civic groups are welcome to schedule educational presentations by contacting Golden Rule Project Manager Helen Jaccard at or 206-992-6364

In addition to educational outreach programs, there will be fundraisers. The cost of boat insurance alone can be staggering. “It’s a lot of money” said Jaccard “but look at how much money we put into a nuclear weapon we can never use.” According to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the nine nuclear-armed countries of the world spent 82.4 billion on nuclear weapons in 2021. The U.S. plans to spend an additional 494 billion on nuclear programs over the next decade.

Undaunted by detractors, this little sailboat, which once lost its mast, was twice sunk and nearly burned for firewood, remains steadfast with her original mission to rid the world of nuclear weapons.


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A shorter version of this article appeared in The Stillwater Gazette.

Craig Wood is a Minneapolis writer and member of Veterans For Peace. He can be reached at [email protected]

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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The recent attack on the Russian embassy in Kabul was another shocking episode in the current wave of assaults against Russian civilians around the world. Daesh claimed responsibility for the crime, which raises a number of suspicions about possible cooperation between anti-Russian groups abroad, considering the links between Islamic terrorists, Western intelligence and Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

On August 5, the Russian Embassy in Afghanistan was the target of a terrorist attack. A suicide bomber approached the entrance to the Embassy facility and operated the explosion, killing two Russian diplomatic staff’s employees, as well as at least six Afghan citizens who were nearby. The Embassy’s guards even shot down the terrorist, but the action was not fast enough to prevent self-detonation, which culminated in the tragedy. Several people remain hospitalized, and the number of deaths could increase in the coming days.

Although several hostilities against Russians have already taken place in Afghanistan in the past, this is the first time that such an attack has taken place since the Taliban took Kabul, after the American defeat in 2021. According to local sources, Daesh, which is an enemy of the Taliban and has acted intensively in the country to harm the new government, claimed responsibility for the attack. In fact, the incident was characterized by a number of similarities with Daesh’s praxis in other assaults, which would raise suspicions about the group’s involvement even if responsibility had not been assumed.

Russia is one of the few countries to maintain an embassy in Kabul after the Taliban took over the country. Although Moscow still does not officially recognize the Taliban government, Russian diplomats are talking to local authorities in order to advance bilateral negotiations, having currently plans to improve supply of fuel and other commodities. The Russian government is working to overcome old rivalries with the Taliban and reach a positive agreement for all sides, as the Afghan situation currently appears to be between a stable government with the Taliban or the absolute chaos of the civil war operated by terrorist organizations, such as Daesh. The mere fact of maintaining bilateral dialogue with the de facto government of the Taliban seems to be reason enough for terrorists to target Russian citizens.

However, it would be naive to think that the reasons for this attack are limited to pragmatic Moscow-Kabul relations. If this were the only reason, certainly other episodes of terrorism would have already occurred at the Embassy at other times. There is undoubtedly something specific motivating this violence at this time. The main suspicion is that the attack is related to the publication by the Russian Embassy of a list of names of Afghan citizens who had applied to receive student visas in Russia. But it is possible that there are even more issues involved in this case.

One of the most neglected topics about the Ukrainian conflict is that since 2014 there has been vast cooperation between Kiev’s neo-Nazis and foreign terrorists, including members of Daesh. Many Daesh leaders and fighters migrated to Ukraine, especially after the defeat of terrorists in Syria with the Russian military intervention in 2015. More than that, saboteurs affiliated with the Islamic State and Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias allegedly had already conspired together to carry out terrorist attacks within Russian territory itself, according to FSB data published in 2017.

With the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the situation may have become more serious. In June, the Syrian government provided Russia with intelligence data proving the collaboration of Western powers and Turkey to send Daesh fighters to Ukraine. There is no precise information on the number of fighters and their identities, but it seems quite evident that Daesh members have been in Ukraine over the last eight years and that they are now continuing there, fighting Russian forces. And that brings up a series of suspicions about what may have happened in Kabul.

Apparently, the attack on the Embassy was just another typical episode of the criminal cowardice that has been seen in the praxis of anti-Russian forces. Saboteurs have operated to kill Russian civilians in various parts of the world. The murder of Daria Dugina in the middle of the Moscow oblast was a clear example of this. In the same vein, what happened in Kabul, whether or not there was foreign participation, seems to be related to this wave of violence against Russian civilian targets.

Deeper investigations are needed to conclude what actually motivated the attack and whether there was participation or sponsorship by Western or Ukrainian groups. However, the main fact is that who attacked the Embassy was Daesh – and Daesh fights Russia in Ukraine.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The US military will test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile on Wednesday, the Pentagon announced, in the second such practice operation of the country’s nuclear defense in less than a month.

“There will be an operational test launch of an Air Force Global Strike command unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile early tomorrow morning, September 7, from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California,” Pentagon Spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said Tuesday.

The announcement ahead of the launch was unusual; the Pentagon has not confirmed recent tests until after they take place.

Ryder stressed the test would be “routine,” adding that it had been long-scheduled and that the US had notified Russia and other countries of the plans.

The aim of the test “is to demonstrate the readiness of US nuclear forces and provide confidence in the security and effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear deterrent,” Ryder told reporters.

The US Air Force successfully launched a Minutemen III ICBM August 16, after having postponed the test twice to avoid stoking tensions over Ukraine and Taiwan.

The missile carried a test re-entry vehicle, which in a strategic conflict could be armed with a nuclear warhead.

The re-entry vehicle traveled about 4,200 miles (6,760 kilometers) to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the western Pacific.

Ryder said the two tests were scheduled long in advance and are occurring close together because of the first one’s postponement.


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Featured image: Cape Canaveral – February 20, 1958. The launch of a U.S. Air Force Atlas missle, test number 449, takes place from the Air Force Missle Test Center. 

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In a blatant violation of international law and its 1947 hosting agreement, the US government has blocked numerous countries from participating in events at the UN headquarters in New York City.

The Biden administration is banning Russian diplomats, while the Trump administration illegally prohibited top officials from Venezuela and Iran.

Reuters reported on September 2 that Russia has filed a formal complaint with the United Nations, after the US government has “been constantly refusing to grant entry visas” to Russian diplomats to participate in events at the UN headquarters, Moscow’s ambassador said.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his delegation have been denied entry to the United States, barring them from the UN.

This Joe Biden administration policy, which flagrantly violates international law, was likewise implemented by the Donald Trump administration.

In January 2020, Foreign Policy reported that Trump had banned Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif from addressing the UN Security Council in New York, after Washington assassinated top Iranian official Qasem Soleimani, in an illegal act of war.

Foreign Policy wrote,

“The Iranian government was awaiting word on the visa Monday (January 6) when a Trump administration official phoned U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres to inform him that the United States would not allow Zarif into the country.”

The outlet noted that this US policy violates “the terms of a 1947 headquarters agreement requiring Washington to permit foreign officials into the country to conduct U.N. business.”

In April 2020, the US government similarly barred Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro from speaking at the United Nations.

A Justice Department spokesperson told CNN that Maduro would be “arrested immediately” if he stepped foot on US territory.

“Nicolás Maduro will be arrested if he is in the United States,” the spokesperson said, in remarks reported in the Spanish-language press. “The government of the United States does not recognize him as head of state. Executive immunity does not apply to him.”

The Justice Department spokesperson threateningly added that “Maduro would face a mandatory minimum sentencing of 50 years in prison and a maximum of life in prison.”

This policy also blatantly violated international law. The United Nations always recognized Maduro as the one and only legitimate president of Venezuela.

Moreover, even at the peak of the US-led coup attempt against Venezuela in 2019, more than two-thirds of UN member states – the vast majority of the international community – still recognized Maduro as Venezuela’s president, not US-appointed coup leader Juan Guaidó.

Foreign Policy magazine made it clear that this illegal US behavior is official, systematic government policy, in another report published in November 2019.

Titled “Trump Turns U.N. Visas, Travel Restrictions Into Foreign-Policy Cudgel,” the article noted, “If you’re deemed hostile to U.S. interests, you may face travel limitations, arbitrary visa denials, sudden airport checks, and other forms of harassment, diplomats say.”

Foreign Policy wrote:

The decision to withhold federal protection for a senior Syrian official is just one among a growing number of diplomatic slights experienced by delegates from a handful of countries with poor relations with the United States during their travels to New York City for United Nations meetings. It reflects the punitive nature of U.S. foreign policy under President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought myriad ways to sanction or penalize individuals and countries that are viewed as hostile to the United States, or that simply refuse to comply with U.S. demands. It reinforces the perception among some diplomats that the United States has contempt for the United Nations.

“Not exactly a high point in U.S. diplomacy,” said Larry Johnson, an American lawyer who previously served as the U.N. assistant secretary-general for legal affairs.

Johnson, an adjunct professor at Columbia University Law School, said it’s not the first time the United States has “resorted to delaying tactics and harassment” to keep unwanted foreigners out of the country. But he said Washington has acted under “weak or no legal grounds” in denying access to U.N. headquarters.

Representatives from the U.N. delegations of China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, and Syria say their diplomats and support staff are subjected to increasingly restrictive travel limitations, arbitrary denial of visas and driver’s licenses, additional airport security checks, and curtailed access to banking services needed to conduct their diplomatic work and pay their dues at the U.N., according to a report by a U.N. committee that monitors U.S. dealings with the U.N.’s 192 other states.

Those measures, they contend, violate the host country treaty, or Headquarters Agreement, signed by the United States in 1947. In many cases, the U.N.’s lawyers agree. In an Oct. 15 statement, the U.N. legal counsel told the committee that U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres is “concerned” by recent measures, including the rejection of a visa for a Russian national hired by the United Nations and new travel restrictions imposed on the Iranian delegation and foreign minister after Tehran refused to participate in talks with Washington. The statement said the U.N. was maintaining its long-standing position that the United States lacks legal authority to impose travel restrictions on states in retaliation for restrictions on U.S. diplomats serving in those countries. “There is no room for the application of measures based on reciprocity,” according to the statement.

The lengthy claims of diplomatic retaliation are included in a 64-page report of the U.N. host committee that details a range of matters that bear on U.S. relations with the diplomatic community in New York.


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On Wednesday, September 7 at 11 a.m. EDT, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) is hosting an international press conference on its just released reports, “Kiev’s ‘Info Terrorist’ List: ‘Global NATO’ Issues Hit on Advocates of Peace,” and follow-up article, “Ukraine’s Deathlist Database:,” by an EIR Investigative Team.

Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, Col. Richard Black (ret.), Diane Sare, candidate for U.S. Senate, and other Americans targeted by Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), who have also demanded Congressional action to stop the U.S. funding of the CCD, will be available to speak to the media. Simultaneous interpretation will be available for several languages (for more information concerning interpretation, contact us by email).

The EIR report states that, “Rapid, decisive international action is required to force the closure of the [Orwellian-named] Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), which operates under and answers to Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council. A blacklist issued by the CCD July 14, 2022, naming more than 70 leading journalists, academics, politicians, military, and other professionals from 22 countries, as ‘Kremlin propagandists,’ is a hitlist, posing a grave threat to the personal security of those named therein.”

Meantime, the mainstream media, when they are not busy posturing as antiNazis or ignoring this huge elephant in the room, are busy demonising the few voices who dare stand up to denounce what Washington and its vassals are doing.

And that EIR report further states that it has now confirmed that at least five of those fingered by the CCD are included in the list of “criminals to be eliminated” published by the avowedly fascist “Myrotvorets” gang in Ukraine: Schiller Institute founder and leader Helga Zepp-LaRouche; Schiller Institute spokesman Harley Schlanger; former CIA officer and active anti-war activist Ray McGovern, the co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), who has participated in Schiller Institute conferences; former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter; and former U.S. Congresswoman and Democratic presidential pre-candidate Tulsi Gabbard. The Myrotvorets list is reported to have accumulated nearly 200,000 names since it was started in 2014 and, given the difficulties in using its search engine, others from the CCD blacklist may also be on the Myrotvorets hitlist.

The report documents that, “Although the CCD operates under the Office of the Presidency, it is not Ukraine’s “Ministry of Truth”; it is, rather, Global NATO’s. It is funded and closely advised by the U.S. State Department, British intelligence, and NATO in every step it takes.”

Responsibility for the CCD/Myrotvorets hits, both those which have occurred and those threatened, will rest squarely on those international sponsors—including members of the U.S. Congress who vote in support of continued funding for the CCD operation.

To join the press conference as a journalist with the possibility of posing questions to the panelists, please RSVP by emailing EIR at [email protected] with your name, country, affiliation, and phone number. You will receive a special Zoom link.

For all others: The press conference is available live for view-only access at this link.

Read a full report on Ukraine/NATO’s “deathlist” HERE.


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Last month, Western University announced that not only were they reinstating their vaccine mandate for the Fall academic year, they were also going to require that all students, staff, and faculty get at least one booster. This was the first such “booster” mandate in Canada at a post-secondary institution.

In stark contrast to Summer 2021, civil society immediately pushed back. Western University students created the #enoughisenough campaign and drew support from independent media, professors, scientists and doctors, even politicians and various public figures.

In particular, Canada’s freedom organizations, including TBOF, immediately rallied to the aid of Western students. TBOF Advisor, Dr. Julie Ponesse gave an impassioned speech at a protest on Western’s campus (Dr. Ponesse is herself an ethics professor at Western that was let go on account of refusing to be coerced into disclosing her vaccination status).

Among other efforts, TBOF partnered Vaccine Choice Canada, the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, and countless other organizations to write an open letter to Western University calling on them to immediately rescind their vaccine and booster mandates (we also wrote Queens, Toronto, Guelph, Ontario Tech, Seneca, Waterloo and York universities and colleges).

You may view our open letter here: Open Letter Queen’s 08.30.22V2

Facing incredible national and international backlash, including even from legacy media, Western University announced on September 6 that they are delaying the mandate until January 2023. They cited the ridiculous justification that because Health Canada announced new boosters, students should have more time to get the booster (are they implying that the current booster, which they were dead-set to mandate a week ago, is ineffective or unsafe?).

Our read is that Western’s administration refuses to capitulate at this time and embarrassingly admit they instituted this policy maliciously, recklessly, and without any regard to the actual science, morality, ethics, or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Instead, it seems they will rag the puck and quietly end the policy in a way that looks like “they are in control”.

Regardless, although TBOF and other organizations see this as an important victory, we will not settle for anything less than a complete revocation of Western’s policy. A “delay” will not cut it.

This small victory could not have been possible without the support, advocacy, and donations from millions of Canadians like yourself.

We push forward!


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Featured image is from TBOF

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace, said in an email obtained by The Epoch Times that his reasons for leaving Greenpeace were very clear:

“Greenpeace was ‘hijacked’ by the political left when they realized there was money and power in the environmental movement. [Left-leaning] political activists in North America and Europe changed Greenpeace from a science-based organization to a political fundraising organization,” Moore said.

Moore left Greenpeace in 1986, 15 years after he co-founded the organization.

“The ‘environmental’ movement has become more of a political movement than an environmental movement,” he said. “They are primarily focused on creating narratives, stories, that are designed to instill fear and guilt into the public so the public will send them money.”

He said they mainly operate behind closed doors with other political operatives at the U.N., World Economic Forum, and so on, all of which are primarily political in nature.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] is “not a science organization,” he said. “It is a political organization composed of the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program.

“The IPCC hires scientists to provide them with ‘information’ that supports the ‘climate emergency’ narrative.

Their campaigns against fossil fuels, nuclear energy, CO2, plastic, etc., are misguided and designed to make people think the world will come to an end unless we cripple our civilization and destroy our economy. They are now a negative influence on the future of both the environment and human civilization.”

“Today, the left has adopted many policies that would be very destructive to civilization as they are not technically achievable. Only look at the looming energy crisis in Europe and the UK, which Putin is taking advantage of. But it is of their own making in refusing to develop their own natural gas resources, opposing nuclear energy, and adopting an impossible position on fossil fuels in general,” Moore wrote.

The Left ‘Hijacked’ Greenpeace

He said “green” for the environment and “peace” for the people were the organization’s founding principles, but peace was largely forgotten, and green had become the sole agenda.

“Many [so-called] ‘environmental’ leaders were now saying that ‘humans are the enemies of the Earth, the enemies of Nature.’ I could not accept that humans are the only evil species. This is too much like ‘original sin,’ that humans are born with evil, but all the other species are good, even cockroaches, mosquitos, and diseases,” Moore argued.

He said the new dominant philosophy is that the world would be better if fewer people existed.

“But the people who said this were not volunteering to be the first to go away. They behave as if they are superior to others. This kind of ‘pride’ and ‘conceit’ is the worst of the Cardinal Sins,” Moore said.

Environmental Activist

As a prominent scholar, ecologist, and long-time leader in the international environmental field, Patrick Moore is widely regarded as one of the world’s most qualified experts on the environment. He is also a founder of Greenpeace, the world’s largest environmental activist organization.

Moore received his Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of British Columbia in 1974 and an Honorary Doctorate of Science from North Carolina State University in 2005.

Image: Patrick Moore, Canadian Ecologist, Chair of CO2 Coalition, and Co-Founder of Greenpeace. (Courtesy of Patrick Moore)

Epoch Times Photo

He co-founded Greenpeace in 1971 and served as president of Greenpeace Canada for nine years. From 1979 to 1986, Moore served as the Director of Greenpeace International, a driving force shaping the group’s policies and directions. During his 15-year tenure, Greenpeace became the world’s largest environmental activist organization.

In 1991, Moore founded Greenspirit, a consultancy focusing on environmental policies, energy, climate change, biodiversity, genetically modified food, forests, fisheries, food, and resources.

Between 2006 and 2012, Moore served as co-chairman of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition, a U.S.-based environmental advocacy group.

In 2014, he was appointed Chairman of Ecology, Energy, and Prosperity of Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a non-partisan Canadian public policy think tank.

In 2019 and 2020, Moore served as the Chair of CO2 Coalition, a U.S.-based nonprofit environmental advocacy group dedicated to disputing false claims on CO2 as relates to climate change.

False Narrative on Chlorine

“At the time I decided to leave Greenpeace, I was one of 6 Directors of Greenpeace International. I was the only one with formal science education, BSc Honors in Science and Forestry, and Ph.D. in Ecology. My fellow directors decided that Greenpeace should begin a campaign to ‘Ban Chlorine Worldwide.’”

Moore said it is true that elemental chlorine gas is highly toxic and was used as a weapon in World War I. However, chlorine is one of the 94 [naturally-ocurring] elements on the Periodic Table and has many roles in biology and human health. For example, table salt (NaCl or Sodium Chloride) is an essential nutrient for all animals and many plants. It is impossible to “ban” NaCl.

He pointed out that adding chlorine to drinking water, swimming pools, and spas was one of the most significant advances in public health history in preventing the spread of water-borne communicable diseases such as cholera. And about 85 percent of pharmaceutical drugs are made with chlorine-related chemistry, and about 25 percent of all our medicines contain chlorine. All halogens, including chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are powerful antibiotics; without them, medicine would not be the same.

“Greenpeace named chlorine ‘The Devil’s Element’ and calls PVC, polyvinyl chloride, or simply vinyl, ‘the Poison Plastic.’ All of this is fake [and] to scare the public. In addition, this misguided policy reinforces the attitude that humans are not a worthy species and that the world would be better off without them. I could not convince my fellow Greenpeace directors to abandon this misguided policy. This was the turning point for me,” Moore said.

False Narrative on Polar Bears

When asked how Greenpeace utilizes its massive donations, Moore said it was used to pay for “a very large staff” (likely over 2,000), extensive advertisements, and fundraising programs. And virtually all of the organization’s ads for fundraising are based on false narratives, which he had thoroughly disproven in his books, one example being the polar bears.

“The International Treaty on Polar Bears, signed by all polar countries in 1973, to ban unrestricted hunting of polar bears, is never mentioned in the media, Greenpeace, or politicians who say the polar bear is going extinct due to melting ice in the Arctic. In fact, the polar bear population has increased from 6,000 to 8,000 in 1973 to 30,000 to 50,000 today. This is not disputed,” Moore said.

“But now they say the polar bear will go extinct in 2100 as if they have a magic crystal ball that can predict the future. In fact, this past winter in the Arctic saw an expansion of ice from previous years, and Antarctica was colder during the last winter than in the past 50 years.”

Moore said that he does not pretend to know everything and predict the future with confidence like many in the “climate emergency” business claim they can do.

The Goal of the ‘Environmental Apocalypse’ Theory

“I believe the human population has always been vulnerable to people who predict doom with false stories,” Moore said.

“The Aztecs threw virgins into volcanos, and the Europeans and Americans burned women as witches for 200 years claiming this would ‘save the world’ from evil people. This has been [referred to as] ‘herd mentality,’ ‘groupthink,’ and ‘cult behavior.’ Humans are social animals with a hierarchy, and it is easiest to gain a high position by using fear and control.”

Moore said the environmental apocalypse theory is mostly about “political power and control,” adding that he is dedicated to showing people that the situation is not as negative as they are told.

“Today, in the richest countries, our descendants are making decisions that our grandchildren will have to pay for,” he said. “Predictions that the world is coming to an end have been made for thousands of years. Not once has this come true. Why should we believe it now?”

“People are naturally afraid of the future because it is unknown and full of risks and difficult decisions. I believe there is also an element of ‘self-loathing’ in this apocalypse movement.”

Moore said the young generation today is taught that humans are not worthy and are destroying the earth. This indoctrination has made them feel guilty and ashamed of themselves, which is the wrong way to go about life.

The Demonization of Carbon Dioxide

“Very few people believe the world is not warming. The record is clear that the world has been warming since about the year 1700, 150 years before we were using fossil fuels. 1700 was the peak of the Little Ice Age, which was very cold and caused crop failures and starvation. Before that, around 1000 A.D. was the Medieval Warm period when Vikings farmed Greenland. [And] before that, around 500 A.D. were the Dark Ages, and before that, the Roman Warm Period when it was warmer than today, and the sea level was 1–2 meters higher than today,” Moore said.

“Even until about 1950, the amount of fossil fuel used and CO2 emitted were very small compared to today. We do not know the cause of these periodic fluctuations in temperature, but it was certainly not CO2.”

Moore clarified that the “minority opinion” is not about the history of the Earth’s temperature, but it is the relationship between the temperature and CO2 that is at the center of the dispute.

“In this regard, I agree that many believe CO2 is the main cause of warming. CO2 is invisible, so no one can actually see what it is doing. And this ‘majority’ are mainly scientists paid by politicians and bureaucrats, media making headlines, or activists making money. [The rest are] the public who believe this story even though they can’t actually see what CO2 is doing,” Moore said.

Moore provided a graph of temperature continuously measured over 350 years (from 1659 to 2009) in central England. “If carbon dioxide was the main cause of warming, then there should be a rise in temperature along the carbon dioxide curve, but it doesn’t,” he explained.

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1659–2009 Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Central England. (Courtesy of Patrick Moore)

Moore described the demonization of CO2 as “completely ridiculous.” He added that CO2 is the basis of all life on Earth and its concentration in the atmosphere today, even with the increase, is lower than it has been for a large majority of life’s existence.

Rising CO2 Correlates With Increased Plantation: Study

A study in 2013 found that increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have helped boost green foliage across the world’s arid regions over the past 30 years.

Epoch Times Photo

The Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU), found the distribution area of ​​vegetation increased by 11 percent due to the effect of carbon dioxide fertilization in arid areas of the world between 1982 and 2015 through satellite observations. (Courtesy of Patrick Moore)

The Australian government agency CSIRO conducted the research in collaboration with Australian National University (ANU). The data was based on satellite observations from the year 1982 to 2010 across parts of the arid areas in Australia, North America, the Middle East, and Africa.

It found an 11 percent increase in foliage cover in the studied area due to what’s called “CO2 fertilization.”

The study said a fertilization effect occurs when elevated CO2 levels enable a leaf during photosynthesis—the process by which green plants convert sunlight into sugar—to extract more carbon from the air or lose less water to the air or both.

“If elevated CO2 causes the water use of individual leaves to drop, plants in arid environments will respond by increasing their total numbers of leaves. These changes in leaf cover can be detected by satellite, particularly in deserts and savannas where the cover is less complete than in wet locations,” according to Randall Donohue, the CSIRO research scientist.

Breaking the Global Warming Narrative

“Climate alarmists prefer to discuss climate knowledge only since 1850. The time before this they referred to as the pre-industrial age. This ‘pre-industrial age’ was more than 3 billion years when life was on the Earth. Many climate changes [occurred during that period], including Ice Ages, Hothouse Ages, major extinctions due to asteroid impacts, and other unknown causes,” Moore said.

“Today, the Earth is in the Pleistocene Ice Age, which began 2.6 million years ago. … So, the most recent major glaciation, which peaked 20,000 years ago, was not the end of the Ice Age. We are still in the Pleistocene Ice Age no matter how the climate alarmists wish to deny this.”

He said the great irony of the present panic about the climate is that the Earth is colder today than it was for 250 million years before the Pleistocene Ice Age set in. And CO2 is lower now than in more than 95 percent of Earth’s history.

“But you would never know this if you listen to all the people who benefit from the lie that the Earth will soon be too hot for life and that CO2 will become higher than in Earth’s history,” Moore said.

‘More CO2 Is Beneficial to the Environment and Humans’

According to Moore, nearly all commercial greenhouse farmers worldwide buy CO2 to inject into their greenhouses to realize up to 60 percent higher crop yields.

“I was impressed when flying over South Korea [and seeing] how many greenhouses there are in the valleys. Like British Columbia, Korea has a lot of mountains and not so much flat fertile farmland.

“I am sure the greenhouse farmers are putting more CO2 in their greenhouses, up to double and triple what it is in the atmosphere today. This is because nearly all plants growing outside in the natural atmosphere are starved for CO2, and it is what limits them from growing faster,” Moore added.

“Please refer to the chapter titled ‘Climate of Fear and Guilt’ in my book, [Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom], if you wish to gain a full understanding of these facts,” he said.

Moore said that most environmental activists, politicians, and so-called experts know that we cannot stop increasing the use of fossil fuels or reducing CO2 emissions within their proposed schedule.

“In 2015, while attending the COP (Conference of the Parties) in Paris, I offered a public bet for $100,000 in a broadcast media release which went out on more than 200 media feeds, that by 2025 global CO2 emissions would be higher than in 2015. I did not receive one taker, not even from the ‘greens,’” Moore said.

“I know that more CO2 is entirely beneficial to both the environment and human civilization. I am proud to be a director of the CO2 Coalition.”

The Irony of ‘Carbon Neutrality’

Moore said “carbon neutrality” is a political term, not a scientific one.

“It is simply wrong to call CO2 ‘carbon.’ Carbon is an element that is what diamonds, graphite, and carbon black (soot) are composed of. [And] CO2 is a molecule that contains carbon and oxygen and is an invisible gas that is the primary food for all life. [Likewise], it is incorrect to refer to NaCl (table salt) as ‘chlorine,’ even though NaCl contains chlorine,” Moore said.

“He said when elements (atoms) combine with each other to form compounds (molecules), they always have very different properties than the elements they are made from.

“‘Net-Zero’ is also a political term made-up by activists who are not scientists. For example, the top leaders of this crusade are people like Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Greta Thunberg, none of whom are scientists.”

According to Moore, Russia, China, and India are 40 percent of the human population, and they do not agree with this anti-fossil fuel agenda.

“If we add Brazil, Indonesia, and most African countries, it is a majority of the population who are not climate fanatics,” Moore added.

“Another great irony is that many countries with the coldest climates, such as Canada, Sweden, Germany, and the UK, are the most concerned about warming. For example, the average annual temperature in Canada is -5.35 degrees Celsius.”

Moore also said that fumes from engines are not CO2; they are other substances, as CO2 is invisible and odorless. Dust is also not CO2; it is soot and can be controlled with present technology. And coal plants built today are much cleaner than ones built 20 years ago.

‘Wind and Solar Power Are Parasites on the Economy’

“Solar and wind power are both very expensive and very unreliable. It is almost like a mental illness that so many people have been brainwashed to think entire countries can be supported with these technologies,” Moore said.

“I believe wind and solar energy are parasites on the larger economy. In other words, they make the country poorer than if other more reliable and less costly technologies were used.”

Moore said that wind and solar providers rely heavily on government subsidies, tax write-offs, and mandates, where citizens are forced to buy wind and solar power even if it is more expensive, on the pretext that it is “environmentally friendly.”

“Millions of people pay more for wind and solar energy while a few people make millions of dollars, marks, pounds, etc. It is a bit like a Ponzi scheme in the stock markets,” Moore added.

“They require vast areas of land, are not available most of the time, and require reliable energy such as nuclear, hydroelectric, [coal, and natural] gas to be available when wind and solar are unavailable.”

According to Moore, the construction of wind and solar farms uses vast amounts of fossil fuels for mining, transportation, and construction. And in many locations, they don’t produce nearly enough energy in their lifetimes as is required to build and maintain them.

“Why not use reliable energy [such as nuclear, hydroelectricity, natural gas, etc.] as the primary source?” Moore questioned, adding if that were the case, “then wind and solar would be unnecessary.”

‘Plastic Is Not a Toxic Substance’

“Plastic is not a toxic substance. That is why we package and wrap our food in it, to prevent it from becoming contaminated. Plastic does not magically become toxic when it enters the ocean,” Moore said.

“Of course, they say on one hand that plastic will never break down, and then, on the other hand, they say it will quickly decay into ‘microplastics,’ which, of course, are conveniently invisible so no one can observe or verify this for themselves. How clever!”

According to Moore, our digestive system can tell the difference between “food” and plastic or tiny particles of sand. Our body does not ingest sand into our bloodstream, no matter how microscopic the sand is.

He said plastic floating in the ocean is like a tiny floating reef, the same as driftwood. It provides a surface for marine species to lay their eggs on, attach themselves to, and eat things that are attached to it.

“Pollution is usually toxic or causes harm to life. Plastic is simply ‘litter’ beside the road. It is not hurting anything. One exception is discarded fishing nets, not because they are plastic but because they are shaped to catch fish. The environmental community should work with the fishing industry to stop throwing damaged nets in the sea and bring them back to the dock, where they can be recycled, used in a waste-to-energy plant, or discarded safely,” Moore added.


This interview is a compilation of an email exchange between Moore and South Korean Professor Seok-soon Park, professor of environmental science and engineering at Ehwa Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, in November of 2021. It was provided to The Epoch Times by Park with the permission of Moore on July 7, 2022.

Both he and Moore are among the 1,100 scientists and professionals that signed the World Climate Declaration (WCD), stating that there’s no climate emergency.

Professor Park is a World Climate Declaration Ambassador at CLINTEL and a member of the CO2 Coalition. He translated “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know (by Gregory Wrightstone)” and “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom (by Patrick Moore)” into Korean. Deeply impressed by these books, he founded the “Korea Alliance of Freedom and Environmental Groups,” dedicated to enlightening people on the truth of climate change, the eco-friendliness of nuclear power energy, the environmental advantage of a liberal democratic market economy, and sensible environmentalism.

Park received his B.S. in Zoology from Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea) in 1980 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey) in 1983 and 1985. Before joining as one of the founding professors at Ewha’s Environmental Science and Engineering Department in 1996, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Rutgers University, visiting professor at Princeton University, and a tenured professor at Kangwon National University (Chuncheon, South Korea).

He served as the President of the Korean Society of Environmental Education, President of the National Institute of Environmental Research, and a Presidential Advisory Committee member on Science and Technology. He has published over 150 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and has written more than 20 books. He received the Best Scientist and Engineer Award from Korea Science Foundation in 2007 and a Presidential Commendation in 2013.


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Read Part I:

The Origins of the Money Crisis. “Money is Printed by the Fed., Using Black Magic, Doled out to the Rich for Free”.

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 06, 2022

The Federal government gave up all pretentions that money is backed by the gold held at the Federal Reserve, or backed by anything concrete, in 1972. The dollar became a fiat currency, money that is not tied to anything but reputation. Since that fatal day, the powers behind the curtains have maintained the value of the dollar in various ways.

The legitimacy of the dollar was tied to the legitimacy of the United States and its strength as a cultural, educational, scientific, technological, and sadly military, power. This approach worked until the 1990s, but the decay of the angel was inevitable.

As the value of the United States has decreased because of corruption and decadence, and because of the inevitable rise of the other nations devastated in the Second World War, increasingly devious means were employed to assure dollar’s value.

Covert efforts were launched to undermine the authority of other nations, whether Russia and China, or Germany and Japan. Perhaps it seemed like a good idea on Wall Street, but the result was the creation of a brutal winner-takes-all global economy—and the same covert means would be used finally against Americans themselves to keep them addicted to the dollar economy as it collapsed.

The United States slipped into a malignant culture. The decadence of wealth and power meant that innovation was stifled by conceited men like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates who pretended to be the inventers of things they stole and were enshrined in a handful of paralyzed institutions.

The quality of literature and art, of film and music, declined. American universities ceased to strive for truth and for science. Instead they crawled into bed with private equity and billionaire philanthropists, using advertising, rather than education, to prop up their global status.

The strategy of using culture to hold up the value of the dollar ceased to be effective.

Another approach was to tie the dollar’s value to the sale of petroleum, a product that everyone needs in our over-industrialized society.

The United States used its diplomatic, financial and military power to make sure that petroleum was only sold in dollars, thereby establishing a clear value for that fiat currency—that almost was equal to being backed by gold.

But that value was added to the dollar at a horrific price.

Many nations saw the value of selling petroleum in their own currencies, and they tried to do so. Those countries had to be infiltrated, undermined, intimidated, or bought off. In some cases, they had to be invaded and overthrown. The process has reached a crescendo in recent months, auguring for world war as the final consequence of this crusade to save the dollar.

You see, the United States had to control the Middle East, and to have its long fingers deep in the politics of nations around the world, in order to keep this petroleum system going. The cost of holding up the dollar was horrific, and bit by bit, the United States was corrupted beyond recognition.

Wars for oil, and other natural resources, became the primary concern in foreign policy, not peace. As a result, militarism sunk its roots deep in the economy, deep into the very spirit of the nation. There was no space left to seek for cooperation and accommodation. Any threat to the dollar had to be beaten down brutally.

At the same time, it was necessary to promote petroleum, and a consumer culture that demanded petroleum usage, at every level in America, and around the world. Automobiles were glorified, cities were designed to make automobiles necessary, oil-based fertilizers, and pesticides were sprinkled on industrialized farms. Oil companies and auto makers became all powerful because they helped to prop up the value of the dollar and forced petroleum on the common man.

The other device for backing the dollar was the promotion of global free trade, a system wherein products that could be made locally by neighbors are shipped halfway around the world, burning fuel all the way, so as to make sure that most everything on your plate, on your table, on your back, has passed through the logistics monopolies who take their cut.

This global “free” trade destroys local economies and renders citizens dependent on multinational corporations like WalMart and Amazon that take their money and do nothing to help the local economy.

The dollar was placed at the center of this closed trade system—anything but “free.”

Average Americans were impoverished even as the dollar was promoted in our name. Our republic was transmogrified into a ruthless empire that demanded everything be bought and sold in dollars.

The cancerous military economy also served a critical role in propping up the dollar as the other sources of power faded in the 1990s.

Nations could be invaded, or sanctioned, if they did not accept the dollar as the global currency.

Military equipment became a form of meta-currency—nations were compelled to purchase overpriced, and often worthless, military systems for billions of dollars as a way of propping up the dollar. Those designated as allies of the United States were expected to purchase fighter planes and tanks, drones and missiles at exorbitant prices. The most notorious example is the F-35 stealth fighter which costs around 80 million US dollars each and is barely functional. These devices, bulky tokens, force the large transfer of foreign capital into dollars in the name of security.

With trillions of dollars unaccounted for, the Pentagon has become the primary money laundering operation for the world, taking in money from billionaires, drug dealers, and just about anyone else and paying them off with money from the defense budget, and from weapons purchases from around the world.

Of course the threat of force makes the fiat currency stronger—but the cost is endless war.

Another ingenious way of propping up the dollar is to force debt on our citizens, making them scramble to obtain the dollars to pay off debts incurred in the process of trying to stay alive and to meet the criteria demanded by corporations for employment.

The cost of healthcare has skyrocketed, as has the cost of education. We find ourselves hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt just for being born, educated, treated for illness, and buried—let alone more serious challenges. And the banks drive up the cost of a home through their endless speculation with the fraudulent money they have printed up.

Chase Manhattan and Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and BlackRock, using their pay-to-play authority figures who appear on TV, or at Harvard University, set the value of everything in society, justifying why it must be so expensive.

How many times have you heard your friends talking about money, about how much money they have in their pensions, how much their houses are worth, how much they spend for their children’s educations? Money has been made the primary topic of discussion for our people because the media, the entertainment complex, and the educational system make it that way. The questions: How can I be a good person? What is the truth? What is justice? What does the Constitution say? These questions have disappeared from our discourse.

The Bretton Woods complex, centered around the World Bank and the IMF, and linked to central banks around world, was flawed from the start, but recently it has degenerated much further into a Disneyland of make-believe value wherein human endeavors can only be assessed according to the Procrustean metrics of growth, production, consumption, exports and imports. The rise and fall of the stock market, the bond market, and other fantastic ephemera is considered the determining factor for the well-being of mankind by every newspaper or magazine from the fascists to the socialist, and these metrics of growth and consumption are cited in the university, the government, and the corporation.

In a horrific farce, the fundamental values of humanity: modesty, honesty, sincerity, chastity and humility are treated as at best as hobbies for the leisure class after they have accumulated wealth, but are frequently presented as obstacles to economic growth that requires waste and impulse.

Frugality, is the greatest sin, believing that one can live a spiritually and mentally healthy life without waste is an insult to the beastly ritual of consumption that is held up for all to worship.

Caring for your ill parents, helping your neighbor to repair her window, growing potatoes, or teaching your children to be ethical and to distinguish the truth from falsehood, all these actions are negatives for the gross domestic product, negatives for your standing in society.

Along the way, we drifted from a cooperative economy into a predatory economy, into a parasitic economy.

That process was linked to the two most horrific traumas that shook us to the core.

The only way to cover up the frauds of 9.11 and of COVID-19 over the last twenty years is to silence citizens by making them an offer they cannot refuse: chose money or truth.

The truth is that the billionaires own nothing except a bankrupt and covetous ideology of money.

The purchase of farmland by Bill Gates, the paving over of priceless farmland to erect pointless shopping malls, highways, and highrises by construction firms and real estate speculators, all this was done using the bogus money printed for them by their lackeys at the Federal Reserve.

That land belongs to all of us. The parasites who have murdered our people so viciously with COVID-19 weapons, or poisonous processed foods, or chemicals dumped in our rivers and lakes, those parasites shall hold no dominion.

The first step for addressing the money issue is to give the land back to the people and allow them to grow their own food, make their own furniture, and be independent of the covert stranglehold of the multinationals.

Similarly, we can write our own music, hold our own concerts, make our own art, put on our own theatre, and thereby leave behind the decadent Hollywood culture of sexual titillation and momentary narcissism.

Take away the imperative to collect money at all costs so as to meet artificially created need to consume, and many social ills will be cured. The institutions regulating money have been turned against the citizens whom they should be protecting.

Multinational corporations, and their puppets, flush with our money, lecture us about recycling and sustainability, about how we must tighten our belts, but they will pull every punch to make sure that no one threatens the plastic and paper packaging systems they have set up to extract profit from us at every turn.

We are not citizens empowered by a contractual relationship with each other using money as determined by Constitution, but rather we have been reduced to consumers who can conceive of value only in terms of dollars because Madison Avenue advertising and public relations firms have indoctrinated us to embrace the false values of the cult of the self.

Because we have been reduced from citizens of a republic with a sense of civic responsibly to consumers of the gaudy wares laid out to distract us, we are led forward not by a clarion call, but by a ring through the nose. We are not masters of our fates; we are no captains of our souls. We are but products to be processed and then disposed of like the ragdolls littering the squalid cage of an idle ape.

No! Our eyes must turn to the hope of a new nation coming.

We must trample those hideous grapes of wrath, unloosing the terrible swift sword of truth; like lightening, that the truth may go marching on.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

9/11 Unanswered Questions: Mysterious September 11, 2001 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 06, 2022

While the Joint inquiry (under the helm of Bob Graham and Porter Goss)  had collected mountains of intelligence material, through careful omission, the numerous press and intelligence reports in the public domain (mainstream media, alternative media, etc), which confirm that key members of the Bush Administration were involved in acts of political camouflage, were carefully removed from the Joint inquiry’s hearings.

New Study of Pfizer and Moderna Data Suggests Vaccine Harm Outweighs Benefit

By Rav Arora, September 07, 2022

The researchers conducted a secondary analysis of randomized, controlled data from Pfizer and Moderna’s phase III clinical trials, focusing on “adverse events of special interest (AESIs)” as listed by the Brighton Collaboration—a “global authority” on vaccine safety. As the authors write, this World Health Organization-approved priority list of adverse vaccine events hasn’t been used to examine side effects in COVID-19 vaccine trial data.

Was the Kremlin’s “Limited Military Operation” in Ukraine a Strategic Blunder?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 06, 2022

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Arms Transfers to Ukraine. Detailed Overview of Deliveries, Timeline

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By Rafid Sadeq and Steven Sahiounie, September 06, 2022

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The Restoration of Russia-Africa Relations: Social, Economic and Geopolitical implications

By Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 06, 2022

Russian Presidential Special Representative for Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, in an April interview to Interfax news agency, offered an insight into aspects of Russia’s policy objectives, initiatives and future prospects in Africa. He highlighted a few obstacles for Russia’s inability to realize its set goals and tasks during the past several years.

Peace Talks Essential as War Rages on in Ukraine

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 06, 2022

Western sanctions have had mixed results, inflicting severe economic damage on Europe as well as on Russia, while the invasion and the West’s response to it have combined to trigger a food crisis across the Global South. As winter approaches, the prospect of another six months of war and sanctions threatens to plunge Europe into a serious energy crisis and poorer countries into famine.

Phony Covid Narrative: The Anatomy and Physiology of Power. “Digitization is innately a Form of Dehumanization”

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, September 06, 2022

One may view every scientific advance as a means towards approximating and recreating the infantile environment of omnipotence.  When the stimulus of hunger, with its accompanying representation in thought and feeling, is sated by a caring parent, the association is then made between that complex of sensation and ideation and the ensuing gratification. In other words, the wish to be fed is sufficient in and of itself to ensure that feeding takes place: the wish alone makes it happen and the child is godlike in his or her power.

Terrorism, Repression and Julian Assange – Imperialist Doubletalk

By Stephen Sefton, September 06, 2022

Among the many diverse reasons for the emergence of a multipolar world, currently occurring at this historical moment, is the demand on the part of the majority world for justice and equity in international relations and its institutions.

The Origins of the Money Crisis. “Money is Printed by the Fed., Using Black Magic, Doled out to the Rich for Free”.

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 06, 2022

That pretty printed paper in your wallet, that stuff called money, where does it come from? What gives it value, and why can you buy things with it? The question is not an idle one, nor is it a cynical one, but rather ultimately practical. And yet, this essential question is never asked by the authorities who lecture us on economics, nor the politicians who grace us with their precious opinions from their gilt offices.

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A new study published on Aug. 31 after being peer reviewed in the journal Vaccine—known for publishing the highest quality vaccinology research—contains inconvenient findings about the safety of mRNA vaccines.

The researchers conducted a secondary analysis of randomized, controlled data from Pfizer and Moderna’s phase III clinical trials, focusing on “adverse events of special interest (AESIs)” as listed by the Brighton Collaboration—a “global authority” on vaccine safety. As the authors write, this World Health Organization-approved priority list of adverse vaccine events hasn’t been used to examine side effects in COVID-19 vaccine trial data.

The stunning finding was as follows: The risk of serious adverse events from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine exceeds the benefit of reduction of COVID-19 hospitalization. In the analysis, Moderna caused higher adverse events than Pfizer, but both were elevated compared to the placebo arm:

“Higher risk of serious AESI was observed in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine group relative to placebo in both the Pfizer and Moderna adult phase III trials, with 10.1 (Pfizer) and 15.1 (Moderna) additional events for every 10,000 individuals vaccinated.”

The average risk difference across both vaccines was 12.5 serious AESIs per 10,000 individuals vaccinated. As the authors write, these results “raise concerns that mRNA vaccines are associated with more harm than initially estimated at the time of emergency authorization.”

One of the key differences between the authors’ analysis of the Pfizer trial and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA’s) is, the FDA calculated the number of participants with serious adverse events (SAEs), whereas the authors calculated the total number of SAEs (many vaccinated participants experienced multiple SAEs). Another difference between the two is the criteria for including participants. The FDA’s analysis (126 SAEs per 21,621 vaccinated participants) strangely included those with only one dose across a wide range of post-injection follow-up times. The researchers’ review used a “study population with median follow-up ≥ 2 months after dose 2 (minus 120 HIV-positive participants), of which 98.1% had received both doses.” They comparatively found 127 SAEs per 18,801 vaccine recipients.

“The FDA’s analysis of SAEs thus included thousands of additional participants with very little follow-up, of which the large majority had only received 1 dose,” the authors wrote.

The authors also highlighted the differential risk-reward propositions based on a variety of factors, including age, sex, and comorbidities. The calculus for younger, healthier, and previously infected individuals would “shift towards harm,” while older, more overweight, and vitamin D-deficient individuals would have more to gain from vaccination. The most common adverse events in the Moderna and Pfizer trials were “coagulation disorders.”

The authors are also honest about the limitations of their study, stating:

“First, Pfizer’s trial did not report SAEs occurring past 1 month after dose 2. This reporting threshold may have led to an undercounting of serious AESIs in the Pfizer trial. Second, for both studies, the limited follow up time prevented an analysis of harm-benefit over a longer period.”

All these limitations stem from the public unavailability of raw data from the vaccine trials, the authors added.

The most conservative, minimalist conclusion one can draw from this study is that vaccines may not confer net benefit to everyone, and, therefore, universal mandates are dangerous, unscientific, and unethical. They led to marginalization and systemic discrimination of the unvaccinated and untold preventable vaccine injuries among healthy people in particular. Not to mention all the economic, cultural, and political divisions that were exacerbated.

Prior to this study, numerous real-world case studies and informal analyses by observers indicated that vaccine risks exceeded benefits. Other data—advertised by governments and media organizations—pointed in the opposite direction.

However, this robust study—even if limited and flawed—has cast doubt on the indisputable religious truth that getting vaccinated is in everyone’s best interest. Unlike other analyses where critics come after “fringe” and “conspiratorial” scientists, this study was led by epidemiologists working at prestigious institutions such as UCLA and Stanford. Notably, Sander Greenland, one of the leading epidemiologists and biostaticians in the United States, co-authored the study.

When citing sources for one’s rational vaccine hesitancy (assuming a relatively young age and negligible risk factors), one need not reference blog posts or highly confounded real-world data. Greenland and colleagues have set a precedent for honest vaccine research, and a much more rigorous study needs to be conducted before making further extrapolations.


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Rav Arora is an independent journalist based in Vancouver, Canada. He has appeared on The Ben Shapiro Show, Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, The Hill, and other programs. His Substack newsletter on mental health, spirituality, and vaccine side effects is “Noble Truths with Rav Arora.” Follow him on Twitter at @ravarora1

Featured image is from The Vaccine Reaction

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,371,474 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,981 deaths and 249,116 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,371,474 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 13,534 adverse events over the previous week.

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 29,981 reports of deaths — an increase of 191 over the previous week — and 249,116 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,430 compared with the previous week.

Of the 29,981 reported deaths, 19,348 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,981 cases to Moderna, 2,603 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 851,372 adverse events, including 13,894 deaths and 87,050 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 13,894 U.S. deaths reported as of July 29, 7% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 54% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 603 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of July 27, including 357 million doses of Pfizer, 227 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

vaers data vaccine injury august 5

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

The most recent report of a death in the 12- to 17-year-old age group was that of a 17-year-old male from Pennsylvania (VAERS I.D. ​2396146) who died from lymphocytic myocarditis approximately five months after receiving his first dose of Pfizer. The patient had no relevant medical history, according to the report.

The report states the “patient was just hanging with buddies at a soccer game, patient just collapsed, just died right there, EMT rushed patient to hospital and tried 42 minutes of CPR — nothing happened. Once autopsy was done, the patient definitely had myocarditis, and think it was lymphocytic myocarditis.”

The patient did not receive any other vaccine within four weeks of his first dose of Pfizer. The batch and lot number have been requested and “will be submitted if and when received.” However, this information will not be available to the public.

According to the CDC, “VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.”

  • 63 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 97% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 658 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 645 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 165 reports of blood clotting disorders with all cases attributed to Pfizer.
  • 20 cases of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) with all cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

South Africa confirms first death caused by J&J shot

South Africa’s health regulator on Thursday confirmed a person died from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) caused by J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine. It is the country’s first death officially attributed to a COVID-19 vaccine, officials said.

GBS is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system, the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord.

GBS symptoms can range from mild, brief muscle weakness to paralysis, leaving the patient unable to breathe independently.

According to South African health authorities, the person who died developed symptoms shortly after receiving J&J’s vaccine, which led to prolonged hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, further infections and death. No other cause for the GBS could be identified.

To protect patient confidentiality, no patient details, including the province where the death occurred, will be made public.

Family of 27-year-old who died after AstraZeneca shot weighs legal action

The UK family of a 27-year-old engineer who died from catastrophic brain bleeds after receiving AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine is considering legal action, pending an upcoming preliminary review of their son’s case.

Jack Last, who was vaccinated March 30, 2021, died three weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca jab. A CT scan on April 10, 2021, revealed Last had developed a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, which occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses and prevents blood from draining out of the brain.

Last died at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, UK, on April 20, 2021 — 11 days after he sought medical treatment for severe headaches.

His family retained legal counsel after raising concerns about the circumstances leading to Jack’s death, the East Anglian Daily Times reported.

A pre-inquest review will be held on August 11, after which a full inquest will be scheduled. An inquest is a formal investigation conducted by a coroner in order to determine how someone died. The purpose of an inquest is limited to establishing the identity of the deceased individual as well as where, when and how they died.

Woman feels ‘like the walking dead’ after COVID vaccine injuries

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Catherine Parker, 48, said she had a complete and fulfilling life prior to receiving her first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine on April 1, 2021.

Within two weeks of receiving the J&J shot, Parker said she began to have chronic fatigue and insomnia, but doctors said her symptoms were related to menopause. After receiving a Pfizer booster on Nov. 9, 2021, her symptoms worsened. Her hair began to fall out, she had brain fog and she developed uncontrollable tremors, spasms and migraines to the point she couldn’t walk or communicate.

Parker developed a “laundry list of ailments” and tested positive for the Epstein-Barr virus, despite “never [having] had mono in my entire life,” and for antinuclear antibodies and kidney abnormalities.

Parker’s symptoms — and the dismissive attitude of much of the medical establishment — led her to start the Vaccine Injury/Side Effects Support Group on Facebook earlier this year.

In addition, Parker has presented her personal story on social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube and TikTok, and launched an online crowdfunding campaign to help support her rising medical costs.

The Defender interviewed three other people injured by COVID-19 vaccines who are members of Parker’s group. Read their stories here.

EMA says Novavax COVID vaccine must carry warning for heart inflammation 

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) Wednesday recommended adding a warning for two types of heart inflammation to Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine, marketed under the brand names Nuvaxovid and Covovax, based on a small number of cases reported in those who received the vaccine.

According to a statement, the EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee — responsible for assessing and monitoring the safety of human medicines — concluded that “myocarditis and pericarditis can occur following vaccination with Nuvaxovid.”

“The Committee is therefore recommending listing myocarditis and pericarditis as new side effects in the product information for Nuvaxovid, together with a warning to raise awareness among healthcare professionals and people receiving this vaccine,” the statement said.

The committee also requested the “marketing authorization holder of Nuvaxovid provides additional data on risk of side effects occurring.”

According to Reuters, the FDA flagged Novavax’s risk of heart inflammation in early June. Yet, the agency on July 13 granted Novavax’s request for Emergency Use Authorization of the vaccine for adults 18 and over in the U.S.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Editor’s Note

This paper was presented by the late Sean Gervasi at the Conference on the Enlargement of NATO in Eastern Europe and the Mediterrenean, Prague, 13-14 January 1996. It was published on Global Research when our website was launched on September 9, 2001.

The late Sean Gervasi had tremendous foresight. He understood the process of NATO enlargement several years before it actually unfolded into a formidable military force.  

Sean Gervasi passed away unexpectedly in Belgrade in July 1996.

He had predicted the breakup of Yugoslavia as part of a US-NATO project. 

Sean Gervasi’s Legacy will Live

Michel Chossudovsky, September 7, 2022



The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has recently sent a large task force into Yugoslavia, ostensibly to enforce a settlement of the Bosnian war arrived at in Dayton, Ohio at the end of 1995. This task force is said to consist of some 60,000 men, equipped with tanks, armor and artillery. It is backed by formidable air and naval forces. In fact, if one takes account of all the support forces involved, including forces deployed in nearby countries, it is clear that at least two hundred thousand troops are involved. This figure has been confirmed by U. S. defense sources. [ 1 ]

By any standards, the sending of a large Western military force into Central and Eastern Europe is a remarkable enterprise, even in the fluid situation created by the supposed end of the Cold War. The Ball:an task force represents not only the first major NATO military operation, but a major operation staged “out of area”, that is, outside the boundaries originally established for NATO military action.

However, the sending of NATO troops into the Balkans is the result of enormous pressure for the general extension of NATO eastwards.

If the Yugoslav enterprise is the first concrete step in the expansion of NATO, others are planned for the near future. Some Western powers want to bring the Visegrad countries into NATO as full members by the end of the century. There was resistance to the pressures for such extension among certain Western countries for some time. However, the recalcitrants have now been bludgeoned into accepting the alleged necessity of extending NATO.

The question is: why are the Western powers pressing for the expansion of NATO? Why is NATO being renewed and extended when the “Soviet threat” has disappeared? There is clearly much more to it than we have so far been told. The enforcement of a precarious peace in Bosnia is only the immediate reason for sending NATO forces into the Balkans.

There are deeper reasons for the dispatch of NATO forces to the Balkans, and especially for the extension of NATO to Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary in the relatively near future. These have to do with an emerging strategy for securing the resources of the Caspian Sea region and for “stabilizing” the countries of Eastern Europe — ultimately for “stabilizing” Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. This is, to put it mildly, an extremely ambitious and potentially selfcontradictory policy. And it is important to pose some basic questions about the reasons being given for pursuing it.

For the idea of “stabilizing” the countries which formerly constituted the Socialist bloc in Europe does not simply mean ensuring political stability there, ensuring that the regimes which replaced Socialism remain in place. It also means ensuring that economic and social conditions remain unchanged. And, since the so-called transition to democracy in the countries affected has in fact led to an incipient deindustrialization and a collapse of living standards for the majority, the question arises whether it is really desirable.

The question is all the more pertinent since “stabilization”, in the sense in which it is used in the West, means reproducing in the former Socialist bloc countries economic and social conditions which are similar to the economic and social conditions currently prevailing in the West. The economies of the Western industrial nations are, in fact, in a state of semi-collapse, although the governments of those countires would never really acknowledge the fact. Nonetheless, any reasonably objective assessment of the economic situation in the West leads to this conclusion. And that conclusion is supported by official statistics and most analyses coming from mainstream economists.

It is also clear, as well, that the attempt to “stabilize” the former Socialist bloc countries is creating considerable tension with Russia, and potentially with other countries. Not a few commentators have made the point that Western actions in extending NATO even raise the risks of nuclear conflict. [2]

It is enough to raise these questions briefly to see that the extension of NATO which has, de facto, begun in Yugoslavia and is being proposed for other countries is to a large extent based on confused and even irrational reasoning. One is tempted to say that it results from the fear and willfulness of certain ruling groups. To put it most bluntly, why should the world see any benefit in the enforced extension to other countries of the economic and social chaos which prevails in the West, and why should it see any benefit in that when the very process itself increases the risks of nuclear war?

The purposes of this paper are to describe what lies behind the current efforts to extend NATO and to raise some basic questions about whether this makes any sense, in both the narrow and deeper meanings of the term.

NATO in Yugoslavia

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in 1949 with the stated purpose of protecting Western Europe from possible military aggression by the Soviet Union and its allies.

With the dissolution of the Communist regimes in the former Socialist bloc in 1990 and 1991, there was no longer any possibility of such aggression, if there ever really had been. The changes in the former Communist countries made NATO redundant. Its raison d’etre had vanished. Yet certain groups within the NATO countries began almost immediately to press for a “renovation” of NATO and even for its extension into Central and Eastern Europe. They began to elaborate new rationales which would permit the continuation of business as usual.

The most important of these was the idea that, with the changes brought about by the end of the Cold War, the Western countries nonetheless faced new “security challenges” outside the traditional NATO area which justified the perpetuation of the organization. The spokesmen for this point of view argued that NATO had to find new missions to justify its existence.

The implicit premise was that NATO had to be preserved in order to ensure the leadership of the United States in European and world affairs. This was certainly one of the reasons behind the large-scale Western intervention — in which the participation of US NATO partners was relatively meagre — in Kuwait and Iraq in 1990 and 1991. The coalition which fought against Iraq was cobbled together with great difficulty. But it was seen by the United States government as necessary for the credibility of the US within the Western alliance as well as in world affairs.

The slogan put forward by the early supporters of NATO enlargement was “NATO: out of area or out of business”, which made the point, although not the argument, as plainly as it could be made. [3]

Yugoslavia has also been a test case, and obviously a much more important one. The Yugoslav crisis exploded on the edge of Europe, and the Western European nations had to do something about it. Germany and the United States, on the other hand, while seeming to support the idea of ending the civil wars in Yugoslavia, in fact did everything they could to prolong them, especially the war. in Bosnia. t41 Their actions perpetuated and steadily deepened the Yugoslav crisis.

It is important to recognize that, almost from the beginning of the Yugoslav crisis, NATO sought to involve itself. That involvement was obvious in 1993 when NATO begari to support UNPROFOR operations in Yugoslavia, especially in the matter of the blockade against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the enforcement of a no-fly zone in Bosnian airspace.

That involvement, however, had much smaller beginnings, and it must be remembered that NATO as an organization was involved in the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina at a very early stage. In 1992, NATO sent a group of about 100 personnel to Bosnia-Herzegovina, where they established a military headquarters at Kiseliak, a short distance from Sarajevo. Ostensibly, they were sent to help United Nations forces in Bosnia.

It was obvious, however, that there was another purpose. A NATO diplomat described the operation to INTELLIGENCE DIGEST in the following terms at the time:

This is a very cautious first step, and we are definitely not making much noise about it. But it could be the start of something bigger…You could argue that NATO now has a foot in the door. Whether we manage to open the door is not sure, but we have made a start. [4]

It seems clear that NATO commanders were already anticipating the possibility that resistance to US and German pressures would be overcome and that NATO’s role in Yugoslavia would be gradually expanded.

Thus NATO was working to create a major “out of area” mission almost from the time that the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina began. The recent dispatch of tens of thousands of troops to Bosnia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia is thus simply the culmination of a process which began almost four years ago. It was not a question of proposals and conferences. It was a question of inventing operations which, with the backing of key countries, could eventually lead to NATO’s active engagement “out of area”, and thus to its own renovation.

The Eastward Expansion of NATO

NATO had never carried out a formal study on the enlargement of the alliance until quite recently, when the Working Group on NATO Enlargement issued its report. No doubt there were internal classified studies, but nothing is known of their content to outsiders.

Despite the lack of clear analysis, however, the engines for moving things forward were working hard from late 1991. At the end of that year, NATO created the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. NATO member nations then invited 9 Central and East European countries to join the NACC in order to begin fostering cooperation between the NATO powers and former members of the Warsaw Pact.

This was a fìrst effort to offer something to East European countries wishing to join NATO itself. The NACC, however, did not really satisfy the demands of those countries, and in the beginning of 1994 the US launched the idea of a Partnership for Peace. The PFP offered nations wishing to join NATO the possibility of co-operating in various NATO activities, including training exercises and peacekeeping. More than 20 countries, including Russia, are now participating in the PFP.

Many of these countries wish eventually to join NATO. Russia obviously will not. join. It believes that NATO should not be moving eastwards. According to the Center for Defense Infromation in Washington, a respected independent research center on military affairs, Russia is participating in the PFP “to avoid being shut out of the European security structure altogether.” [5]

The movement toward the enlargement of NATO has therefore been steadily gathering momentum. The creation of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council was more or less an expression of sympathy and openness toward those aspiring to NATO membership. But it did not carry things very far. The creation of the Partnership for Peace was more concrete. It actually involved former Warsaw Pact members in NATO itself. It also began a “two-track” policy toward Russia, in which Russia was given a more or less empty relationship with NATO simply to allay its concerns about NATO expanslon.

However, despite this continous development, the public rationale for this expansion has for the most part rested on fairly vague premises. And this leads to the question of what has been driving the expansion of NATQ during the last four years. The question must be posed for two areas: the Balkans and the countries of Central Europe. For there is an important struggle going on in the Balkans, a struggle for mastery of the southern Balkans in particular. And NATO is now involved in that struggle. There is also, of course, a new drift back to Cold-War policies on the part of certain Western countries. And that drift is carrying NATO into Central Europe.

The Struggle for Mastery in the Balkans

We have been witnessing, since 1990, a long and agonizing crisis in Yugoslavia. It has brought the deaths of tens of thousands, driven perhaps two million people from their homes and caused turmoil in the Balkan region. And in the West it is generally believed that this crisis, including the civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, was the result of internal Yugoslav conflicts, and specifically of conflicts between Croats, Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. This is far from the essence of the matter.

The main problem in Yugoslavia, from the first, was foreign intervention in the country’s internal affairs. Two Western powers, the United States and Germany, deliberately contrived to destabilize and then dismantle the country. The process was in full swing in the 1 980s and accelerated as the present decade began. These powers carefully planned, prepared and assisted the secessions which broke Yugoslavia apart. And they did almost everything in their power to expand and prolong the civil wars which began in Croatia and then continued in Bosnia-Herzegovina. They were involved behind the scenes at every stage of the crisis.

Foreign intervention was designed to create precisely the conflicts which the Western powers decried. For they also conveniently served as an excuse for overt intervention once civil wars were under way.

Such ideas are, of course, anathema in Western countries. That is only because the public in the West has been systematically misinformed by war propaganda. It accepted almost from the beginning the version of events promuligated by governments and disseminated through the mass media. It is nonetheless true that Germany and the US were the principal agents in dismantling Yugoslavia and sowing chaos there.

This is an ugly fact in the new age of realpolitik and geo-political struggles which has succeeded the Cold War order. Intelligence sources have begun recently to allude to this reality in a surprisingly open manner. In the summer of 1995, for instance, INTELLIGENCE DIGEST, a respected newsletter published in Great Britain, reported that:

The original US-German design for the former Yugoslavia [included] an independent Muslim-Croat dominated BosniaHerzegovina in alliance with an independent Croatian and alongside a greatly weakened Serbia. [6]

Every senior official in most Western governments knows this description to be absolutely accurate. And this means, of course, that the standard descriptions of “Serbian aggression” as the root cause of the problem, the descriptions of Croatia as a “new democracy”, etc. are not just untrue but actually designed to deceive.

But why? Why should the media seek to deceive the Western public? It was not simply that blatant and large-scale intervention in Yugoslav affairs had to be hidden from public view. It was also that people would ask questions about why Germany and the US deliberately created havoc in the Balkans. They wanted inevitably to know the reasons for such actions. And these had to be hidden even more carefully than the destructive actions of great powers.

At root, the problem was that the United States had an extremely ambitious plan for the whole of Europe. It is now stated quite openly that the US considers itself a “European power”. In the 1980s, this assertion could not be made so easily. That would have caused too much dissension among Western allies. But the US drive to establish its domination in Europe was nonetheless a fact. And the United States was already planning what is now openly talked about.

Quite recently, Richard Holbrooke, the Assistant Secretary of State for European affairs, made the official position clear. In a recent article in the influential journal FOREIGN AFFAIRS, he not only described the United States as a “European power” but also outlined his government’s ambitious plans for the whole of Europe. Referring to the system of collective security, including NATO, which the US and its allies created after the second world war, Mr. Holbrooke said:

This time, the United States must lead in the creation of a security architecture that includes and thereby stabilizes all of Europe — the West, the former Soviet satelIites of Central Europe and, most critically. Russia and the former republics of the Soviet Union. [7]

In short, it is now official policy to move towards the integration of all of Europe under a Western political and economic system, and to do so through the exercise of “American leadership”. This is simply a polite, and misleading, way of talking about the incorporation of the former Socialist countries into a vast new empire. [8]

It should not be surprising that the rest of Mr. Holbrooke’s article is about the necessity of expanding NATO, especially into Central Europe, in order to ensure the “stability” of the whole of Europe. Mr. Holbrooke states that the “expansion of NATO is an essential consequence of the raising of the Iron Curtain ” [9].

Thus, behind the repeated interventions in the Yugoslav crisis, there lay long-term strategic plans for the whole of Europe.

As part of this evolving scheme, Germany and the US originally determined to forge a new Balkan order, one based on the market organization of economies and parliamentary democracy. They wanted to put a definitive end to Socialism in the Balkans. [10] Ostensibly, they wanted to “foster democracy” by encouraging assertions of independence, as in Croatia. In reality, this was merely a ploy for breaking up the Balkans into small and vulnerable countries. Under the guise of “fostering democracy”, the way was being opened to the recolonization of the Balkans.

By 1990, most ofthe countries of Eastern Europe had yielded to Western pressures to establish what were misleadingly called “reforms”. Some had accepted all the Western conditions for aid and trade. Some, notably Bulgaria and Rumania, had only partically accepted them.

In Yugoslavia, however, there was resistance. The 1990 elections in Serbia and Monetenegro kept a socialist or social-democratic party in power. The Federal government thus remained in the hands of politicians who, although they yielded to pressures for “reforms” from time to time, were nevertheless opposed to the recolonization of the Balkans. And many of them were opposed to the fragmentation of Yugoslavia. Since the third Yugoslavia, formed in the spring of 1992, had an industrial base and a large army, that country had to be destroyed.

From the German point of view, this was nothing more than the continuation of a policy pursued by the Kaiser and then by the Nazis.

Once, Yugoslavia was dismantled and thrown into chaos, it was possible to begin reorganizing this central part of the Balkans. Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina were to be brought into a German sphere of interest. Germany acquired access to the sea on the Adriatic, and potentially, in the event that the Serbs could be overwhelmed, to the new :Rhine-Danube canal, a route which can now carry 3,000 ton ships from the North Sea into the Black Sea. The southem reaches of Yugoslavia were to fall into an American sphere of interest. Macedonia, which commands the only east-west and north-south passages across the Balkan Mountains, was to be the centerpiece of an American region. But the American sphere would also include Albania and, if those regions could be stripped away from Serbia, the Sanjak and Kosovo. Some American planners have even talked of the eventual emergence of a Greater Albania, under US and Turkish tutelage, which would comprise a chain of small Muslim States, possibly including BosniaHerzegovina, with access to the Adriatic.

Not surprisingly, Germany and the US, although they worked in concert to bring about the dismantlement of Yugoslavia, are now struggling for control of various parts of that coubtry, notably Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In fact, there is considerable jockeying for influence and commercial advantage throughout the Balkans. [11] Most of this competition is between Germany and the US, the partners who tore Yugoslavia apart. But important companies and banks from other European countries are also participating. The situation is similar to that which was created in Czechoslovakia by the Munich Agreement in 1938. Agreement was reached on a division of the spoils in order to avoid clashes which would lead immediately to war.

The New “Great Game” in the Caspian Sea

Yugoslavia is significant not just for its own position on the map, but also for the areas to which it allows access. And influential American analysts believe that it lies close to a zone of vital US interests, the Black Sea-Caspian Sea region.

This may be the real significance of the NATO task force in Yugoslavia.

The United States is now seeking to consolidate a new European-Middle Eastern bloc of nations. It is presenting itself as the leader of an informal grouping of Muslim countries stretching from the Persian Gulf into thje Batkans. This grouping includes Turkey, which is of pivotal importance in the emerging new bloc. Turkey is not just a part of the southern Balkans and an Aegean power. It also borders on Iraq, Iran and Syria. It thus connects southern Europe to the Middle East, where the US considers that it has vital interests.

The US hopes to expand this informal alliance with Muslim states in the Middle East and southern Europe to include some of the new nations on the southern rim of the former Soviet Union.

The reasons are not far to seek. The US now conceives of itself as being engaged in a new race for world resources. Oil is especially important in this race. With the war against Iraq, the US established itself in the Middle East more securely than ever. The almost simultaneous disintegration of the Soviet Union opened the possiblity of Western exploitation of the oil resources of the Caspian Sea region.

This region is extremely rich in oil and gas resources. Some Western analysts believe that it could become as important to the West as the Persian Gulf

Countries like Kazakhstan have enormous oil reserves, probably in excess of 9 billion barrels. Kazakhstan could probably pump 700,000 barrels a day. The problem, as in other countries of the region, at least from the perspective of Western countries, has been to get the oil and gas resources out of the region and to the West by safe routes. The movement of this oil and gas is not simply a technical problem. It is also political.

It is of crucial importance to the US and to other Western countries today to maintain friendly relations with countries like Kazakhstan. More importantly, it is important to know that that any rights acquired, to pump petroleum or to build pipelines to transport it, will be absolutely respected. For the amounts which are projected for investment in the region are very large.

What this means is that Western producers, banks, pipeline companies, etc. want to be assured of “political stability” in the region. They want to be assured that there will be no political changes which would threaten their new interests or potential ones.

An important article in THE NEW YORK TIMES recently described what has been called a new “grea’: game” in the region, drawing an analogy to the competition between Russia and Great Britain in the northwest frontier of the Indian subcontinent in the nineteenth century. The authors of the article wrote that,

Now, in the years after the cold war, the United States is again establishing suzerainty over the empire of a former foe. The disintegration of the Soviet Union has prompted the United States to expand its zone of military hegemony into Eastern Europe (through NATO) and into formerly neutral Yugoslavia. And — most important of all — the end of the cold war has permitted America to deepen its involvement in the Middle East. [12]

Obviously, there have been several reasons which prompted Western leaders to seek the expansion of NATO. One of these, and an important one, has clearly been a commercial one. This becomes more evident as one looks more closely at the parallel development of commercial exploitation in the Caspian Sea region and the movement of NATO into the Balkans.

On May 22, 1992, the North Atlantic Treay Organization issued a remarkable statement regarding the fighting then going on in Transcaucasia. This read in part as follows:

[The] Allies are profoundly disturbed by the continuing conflict and loss of life. There can be no solution to the problem of Nagomo-Karabakh or to the differences it has caused between Armenia and Azerbaijan by force. “Any action against Azerbaijan’s or any other state’s territorial integrity or to achieve political goals by force would represent a flagrant and unacceptable violation of the principles of international law. In particular we [NATO] could not accept that the recognized status of Nagorno-Karabakh or Nakhichevan can be changed unilaterally by force. [13]

This was a remarkable statement by any standards. For NATO was in fact issuing a veiled warning that it might have to take “steps” to prevent actions by govemments in the Caspian Sea region which it construed as threatening vital Westem interests.

Two days before NATO made this unusual declaration of interest in Transcaucasion affairs, an American oil Company, Chevron, had signed an agreement with the government of Kazakhstan for the development of the Tengiz and Korolev oil fields in the Westem part of the country. The negotiations for this agreement had been under way for two years prior to its being signed. And reliable sources have reported that they were in danger of breaking down at the time because of Chevron’s fears of political instability in the region. [14]

At the time that NATO made its declaration, of course, there would have been little possibility of backing up its warning. There was, first of all, no precedent at all for any large, out-of-area operation by NATO. NATO forces, furthermore, were far removed from Transcaucasia. It does not take a long look at a map of the Balkans, the Black Sea the Caspian Sea to realize that the situation is changing.

The Next Stage: “Stabilizing” the East

The current pressure for the enlargement of NATO to Central and Eastern Europe is part of an effort to create what is mistakenly called “the new world order”. It is the politico-military complement of the economic policies initiated by the major Western powers and designed to transform Central and East European society.

The United States, Germany and some of their allies are trying to build a truly global order around the North Atlantic Basin economy. There is actually nothing very new about the kind of order which they are trying to establish. It is to be founded on capitalist institutions. What is new is that they are trying to extend “the old order” to the vast territories which were thrown into chaos by the disintegration of Communism. They are also trying to incorporate into this “order” countries which were previously not fully a part of it.

In a word, they are trying to create a functioning capitalist system in countries which have lived under Socialism for decades, or in countries, such as Angola, which were seeking to break free of the capitalist system.

As they try to establish a “new world order”, the major Western powers must also think about how to preserve it. So, in the final analysis, they must think about extending their military power toward the new areas of Europe which they are trying to attach to the North Atlantic Basin. Hence the proposed role of NATO in the new European order.

The two principal architects of what might be a new, integrated and capitalist. Europe are the United States and Germany. They are working together especially closely on East European questions. In effect, they have formed a close alliance in which the US expects Germany to help manage not only West European but also East European affairs. Germany has become, as George Bush put it in Mainz in 1989, a “partner in leadership”.

This close relationship ties the US to Germany’s vision of what German and American analysts are now calling Central Europe. It is a vision which calls for: 1 ) the expansion of the European Union to the East; 2) German leadership in Europe; and 3) a new division of labor in Europe.

It is the idea of a new division of labor which is particularly important. In the German view, Europe will in the future be organized in concentric rings around a center, which will be Germany. The center will be the most developed region in every sense. It will be the most technically developed and the wealthiest. It will have the highest levels of wages, salaries and per capita income. And it will undertake only the most profitable economic activities, those which put it in command of the system. Thus Germany will take charge of industrial planning, design, the development of technology, etc., of all the activities which will shape and co-ordinate the activities of other regions.

As one moves away from the center, each concentric ring will have lower levels of development, wealth and income. The ring immediately surrounding Germany will include a great deal of profitable manufacturing and service activity. It is meant to comprise parts of Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and northern Italy. The general level of income would be high, but lower than in Germany. The next ring would include the poorer parts of Western Europe and parts of Eastern E:urope, with some manufacturing, processing and food production. Wage and salary levels would be significantly lower than at the center.

It goes without saying that, in this scheme of things, most areas of Eastern Europe will be in an outer ring. Eastern Europe will be a tributary of the center. It will produce some manufactured goods, but not primarily for its own consumption. Much of its manufacturing, along with raw materials, and even food, will be shipped abroad. Moreover, even manufacturing will pay low wages and salaries And the general level of wages and salaries, and therefore of incomes, will be lower than they have been in the past.

In short, most of Eastern Europe will be poorer in the new, integrated system than it would have been if East European countries could make their own economic decisions about what kind of development to pursue. The only development possible in societies exposed to the penetration of powerful foreign capital and hemmed in by the rules of the International Monetary Fund is dependent development.

This will also be true of Russia and the other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. They will also become tributaries of the center, and there will be no question of Russia pursuing an independent path of development. There will obviously be some manufacturing in Russia, but there will be no possibility of balanced industrial development. For the priorities of development will be increasingly dictated by outsiders. Western corporations are not interested in promoting industrial development in Russia, as the foreign investment figures show.

The primary Western interest in the Commonwealth of Independent States is in the exploitation of its resources. The breakup of the Soviet Union was thus a critical step in opening the possibility of such exploitation. For the former republics of the USSR became much more vulnerable once they became independent. Furthermore, Western corporations are not interested in developing CIS resources for local use. They are interested in exporting them to the West. This is especially true of gas and petroleum resources. Much of the benefit from the export of resources would therefore accrue to foreign countries. Large parts of the former Soviet Union are likely to find themsevles in a situation similar to that of Third World countries.

What Germany is seeking, then, with the support of the US, is a capitalist rationalization of the entire European economy around a powerful German core. Growth and high levels of wealth in the core are to be sustained by subordinate activities in the periphery. The periphery is to produce food and raw materials, and it is to manufacture exports for the core and for overseas markets. Compared to the (Western and Eastern) Europe of the 1980s, then, the future Europe is to be entirely restructured, with lower and lower levels of development as ones moves away from the German center.

Thus many parts of Eastern Europe, as well as much of the former Soviet Union, are meant to remain permanently underdeveloped areas, or relatively underdeveloped areas. Implementation of the new dvision of labor in Europe means that they must be locked into economic backwardness.

Thus, for Eastern Europe and the countries of the CIS, the creation of an “integrated” Europe within a capitalist framework will require a vast restructuring. This restructuring could be very profitable for Germany and the US. It will mean moving backwards in time for the parts of Europe being attached to the West.

The nature of the changes under way has already been prefigured in the effects of the “reforms” implemented in Russia from the early 1990s. It was said, of course, that these “reforms” would eventually bring prosperity. This was, however, a hollow claim from the beginning. For the “reforms” implemented at Western insistence were nothing more than the usual restructuring imposed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on Third World countries. And they have had the same effects.

The most obvious is the precipitous fall in living standards. One third of the population of Russia is now trying to survive on income below the official poverty line. Production since 1991 has fallen by more than half. Inflation is running at an annual rate of 200 per cent. The life expectancy of a Russian male fell from 64.9 years in 1987 to 57.3 years in 1994. [15] These figures are similar to those for countries like Egypt and Bangladesh. And, in present circumstances, there is really no prospect of an improvement in economic and social conditions in Rússia. Standards of living are actually likely to continue falling.

Clearly, there is widespread, and justified, anger in Russia, and in other countries, about the collapse of living standards which has accompanied the early stages of restructuring. This has contributed to a growing political backlash inside Russia and other countries. The most obvious recent example may be found in the results of the December parliamentary elections in Russia. It is also clear that the continuing fall in living standards in the future will create further angry reactions.

Thus the extension of the old world order into Eastern Europe and the CIS is a precarious exercise, fraught with uncertainty and risks. The major Western powers are extremely anxious that it should succeed, to some extent because they see success, which would be defined in terms of the efficient exploitation of these new regions, as a partial solution to their own grave economic problems. There is an increasingly strong tendency in Western countries to displace their own problems, to see the present international competition for the exploitation of new territories as some kind óf solution to world economic stagnation.

Western analysts rightly suppose that the future will bring political instability. So, as Senator Bradley put it recently, “The question about Russia is whether reform is reversible”. [ 16] Military analysts draw the obvious implication: the greater the military power which can potentially be brought to bear on Russia, the less the likelihood of the “reforms” being,reversed. This is the meaning of the following extraordinary statement by the Working Group on NATO Enlargement:

The security task of NATO is no longer limited to maintaining a defensive military posture against an opposing force. There is no immediate military security threat to Western Europe. The political instability and insecurity in Central and Eastern Europe, however, greatly affect the security of the NATO area. NATO should help to fulfill the Central and Eastern European desires for security and integration into Western structures, thus serving the interests in stability of its members. [17]

This represents an entirely new position on the part of NATO. It is a position which some NATO countries thought imprudent not long ago. And it is alarming, because it does not confront the real reasons behind the present pressure for NATO’s extension. However evasive and sophistical the reasoning of the Working Group may be, it appears that the debate in many countries is now closed. It would, of course, be much better if the real issues could be debated publicly. But for the moment they cannot be, and the pressure for NATO enlargement is going to continue.

The Dangers of Extending NATO

The current proposal to expand NATO eastward creates many dangers.

It should be statedl that many leaders in Western countries oppose the expansion of NATO, and they have repeatedly explained the dangers of such expansion. It is important to recogruze, that despite the official position of NATO and the recent report of the Working Group, there is strong opposition to NATO’s moving eastward. Nonetheless, for the moment, those in favor of NATO expansion have won the day.

Four dangers of NATO expansion in particular require discussion here.

The first is that the expansion of NATO will bring new members under the NATO umbrella. This will mean, for instance, that the United States and other Western members are obliged to defend, say, Slovakia against an attack. Where will an attack come from? Is NATO really prepared to defend Slovakia in the event of a conflict with another East European country?

In a country like the United States, this would be very unpopular. As Senator Kassebaum put it in October of last year:

Are the American people prepared to pledge, in the words of the North Atlantic Treaty, that an armed attack against one or more of these potential new members will be considered an attack against all? [18]

The issue of extending the umbrella is a critical one. For the NATO powers are nuclear powers. The Working Group report stated that, in appropriate circumstances, the forces of NATO allies could be stationed on the territory of new members. And the Working Group did not rule out, as it should have, the stationing of nuclear wepons on the territory of new members. The failure to rule out such a possibility means that NATO is embarking on a dangerous path, a path which increases the risks of nuclear war.

The Working Group’s silence on this matter cannot fail to be taken as a threat by those who are not joining NATO. And, clearly, the most important of these is Russia, because it, too, posseses nuclear weapons — as do the Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The second danger is that expansion will jeopardize relations between the United States and Russia, or even lead to a second Cold War. While NATO countries present the organization as a defensive alliance, Russia sees it quite differently. For more than forty years, the Soviet Union considered NATO as an offensive alliance aimed at all the members of the Warsaw pact. The general opinion in Russia is still that NATO is an offensive alliance. The former Foreign Minister, Mr. Kozyrev, made this quite clear to NATO members. How can Russia possibly see things differently in the future?

The expansion of NATO is inevitably perceived by Russia as encirclement. It is seen as assuming that Russia will inevitably again become an aggressive state. This, however, is much more likely to push Russia toward belligerence than to do anything else. It will certainly not calm its fears about the intentions of NATO in moving into Eastern Europe. Referring to the recent NATO decision on expansion, the Director of the Institute of USA and Canada Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stated recently that:

Russia is still a military superpower with a huge area and a large population. It is a country with enormous economic capabilities which has extraordinary potential for good or ill. But now it is a humiliated country in search of identity and direction. To a certain extent, the West and its position on NATPO expansion will determine what direction Russia chooses. The future of European Security depends on this decision.” [19]

The third danger in extending NATO is that will undermine the implementation of the START I Treaty and the ratification of the START II Treaty, as well as other arms control and arms limitation treaties designed to increase European security. The Ruyssians, for instance, have made it clear that they will go ahead with the implementation of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty “if the situation in Europe is stable”. The expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe, however, significantly changes the present equilibrium in Europe. So NATO countries are risking many of the achievements of the last 25 years in the field of disarmament. Some argue convincingly that NATO expansion will undermine the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Such consequences will hardly make Europe, or the globe, a safer place in the future.

The fourth principal danger in NATO expansion is that it will unsettle the situation in Eastern Europe. NATO claims that its expansion will help to ensure stability. But Eastern Europe, particularly after the changes of the last five years, is already an unstable place. The piecemeal expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe will increase tensions between new members and those left outside. It cannot fail to do so. Those left outside NATO are bound to feel more insecure when NATO has established itself in a neighboring country. This would place place them in a buffer zone between an expanding NATO and Russia. They are bound to react in a fearful, and even hostile manner. The piecemeal expansion of NATO could even trigger an arms race in Eastern Europe.

The Weakness of the Western Position

When closely considered, the proposal to extend NATO eastward is not just dangerous. It also seems something of a desperate act. It is obviously irrational, for it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It can lead to a second Cold War between the NATO powers and Russia, and possibly to nuclear war. It must be assumed that no one really wants that.

Why, then, would the NATO countries propose such a course of action? Why would they be unable to weigh the dangers of their decision objectively?

Part of the answer is that those who have made this decision have looked at it in very narrow terms, without seeing the larger context in which NATO expansion would take place. When one does look at the larger context, the proposal to expand NATOis obviously irrational.

Consider the larger context. NATO proposes to admit certain countries in Central Europe as full members of the alliance in the near future. Other East European countries are being considered for later admission. This extension has two possible purposes. The fìrst is to prevent “the failure of Russian democracy”, that is, to ensure the continuation of the present regime, or something like it, in Russia. The second is to place NATO in a favorable position if a war should ever break out between Russia and the West.

In an age of nuclear weapons, pursuing the second purpose is perhaps even more dangerous than it was during the years of the Cold War, since there are now several countries with nuclear weapons which would potentially be ranged against NATO. The argument that NATO should be expanded eastward in order to ensure the West an advantage in the event of a nuclear war is not a very convincing one. And it would certainly not be convincing to Central European countries if it were openly spoke of. Those would be the countries most likely to suffer in the first stages of such a war. Their situation would be similar to that of Germany during the Cold War, as the German antiwar movement began to understand in the 1980s.

The main purpose of expanding NATO, as almost everyone has acknowledged, is to make sure that there is no reversal of the changes which have taken place in Russia during the last five years. That would end the dream of a three-part Europe united under the capitalist banner and close a very large new space for the operation of Western capital. A NATO presence in Central and Eastern Europe is simply a means of maintaining new pressure on those who would wish to attempt to change the present situation in Russia.

However, as has been seen, this also means locking Russia, and other countries of the CIS, into a state of underdevelopment and continuous economic and social crisis in which millions of people will suffer terribly, and in which there is no possibility of society seeking a path of economic and social development in which human needs determine economic priorities.

What is horribly ironic about this situation is the the Western countries are offering their model of economic organization as the solution to Russia’s problems. The realist analysts, of course, know perfectly well that it is no such thing. They are interested only in extending Western domination further eastward. And they offer their experience as a model for others only to beguile. But the idea that “the transition to democracy”, as the installation of market rules is often called, is important in the world battle for public opinion. It has helped to justify and sustain the policies which the West has been pursuing toward the countries of the CIS.

The Western countries themselves, however, are locked in an intractable economic crisis. Beginning in the early 1970s, profits fell, production faltered, long-term unemployment began to rise and standards of living began to fall. There were, of course, the ups and downs of the business cycle. But what was important was the trend. The trend of GDP growth in the major Western countries has been downward since the major recession of 1973-1975. In the United States, for instance, the rate of growth fell from about 4 per cent per year in the 1950s and the 1960s, to 2.9 per cent in the 1970s and then to about 2.4 per cent in the 1980s. Current projections for growth are even lower.

The situation was not very different in other Western countries. Growth was somewhat faster, but unemployment was significantly higher. The current rates of unemployment in Western Europe average about 11 per cent, and there is more unemployment hidden in the statistics as a result of various government pseudoemployment plans.

Both Western Europe and North America have experienced a prolonged economic stagnation. And capitalist economies cannot sustain employment and living standards without relatively rapid growth. In the 25 years after the second world war, most Western countries experienced rapid growth, on the order of 4 and 5 per cent per year. It was that growth which made it possible to maintain high levels of employment, the rise in wages and the advance of living standards. And there is no doubt that, in the postwar period, the Western countries made great advances. Large numbers of working class people were able to achieve decent living standards. The middle and upper classes prospered, indeed, many of them reached a standard of living which can only be called luxurious.

The postwar honeymoon, however, is clearly over. The great “capitalist revolution” touted by the Rockefellers is no more. “Humanized capitalism” is no more. Declining growth has now returned us to the age of “le capitalisme sauvage”. It has triggered economic and socil crisis in every Western country. It is undermining the principal achievements of the postwar period. In Europe, the Welfare state has been under attack for fifteen years by those who would shift the burden of crisis onto the shoulders of the less fortunate. In the United States, a relatively meagre “social net” to protect the poor is now being shredded by the aggressive and ignorant defenders of corporate interests, whò also want to be sure that those who can least afford it bear the brunt of the system’s crisis of stagnation.

The West, then, is itself locked in crisis. This is not a transient crisis or a “long cycle”, as academic apologists would have it. It is a systemic crisis. Thje market system can no longer produce anything like proesperity. The markets which drove the capitalist economy in the postwar period, automobiles, consumer durables, construction, etc. are all saturated, as sheaLs of government statistics in every country demonstrate. The system has not found new markets which could create an equivalent wave of prosperity. Moreover, the acceleration of technical progress in recent years has begun to eliminate jobs evetywhere at a staggering rate. There is no possible way of compensating for its effect, for creating new employment in sufficient quantity and at high wage levels.

Government and industry leaders in the West are fully aware of the situation in one sense. They know what the statistics are. They know what the problems are. But they are not able to see that the source of the problem is the fact that, having achieved very high levels of production, income and wealth, the present capitalist system has nowhere to go. Half-way solutions could be found, but Western leaders are unwilling to make the political concessions which they would require. In particular, the large concentrations of capital in Western countries are led by people who are constitutionally incapable of seeing that something fundamental is wrong. That would require them to agree to the curtailing of their power.

Therefore, the leaders of government and industry drive blindly on, not wishing to see, not prepared to accept policies that might set the present system on a path of transition to some more rational and more human way of organizing economic life. It is this blindness, grounded in confusion and fear, which has clouded the ability of Western leaders to think clearly about the risks of extending NATO into Eastern Europe. The Western system is experiencing a profound economic, social and political crisis. And Western leaders apparently see the exploitation of the East as the only large-scale project available which might stimulate growth, especially in Western Europe.

They are therefore prepared to risk a great deal for it. The question is: will the world accept the risks of East-West conflict and nuclear war in order to lock into one region economic arrangements which are already collapsing elsewhere?


  1. DEFENSE NEWS, 25 November 1995; see also Gary Wilson, “Anti-War Activists Demand: No More US Troops to the Balkans”, Workers World News Service, December 7, 1995.
  2. See for instance: “NATO Expansion: Flirting with Disaster”, THE DEFENSE MONITOR, November/December 1995, Center for Defense Information, Washington, D.C.
  3. Senatore Richard Lugar, “NATO: Out of Area or Out of Business”, Remarks Delivered to the Open Forum of the US State Department, August 2, 1993, Washington, D.C.
  4. “Changing Nature of NATO”, INTELLIGENCE DIGEST, 16 October 1992.
  5. THE DEFENSE MONITOR, loc. cit., page 2.
  6. “Bonn’s Balkans-to-Teheran Policy”, INTELLIGENCE DIGEST, 11 – 25 August 1995.
  7. Richard Holbrooke, “America, A European Power”, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, March/April l995, page 39.
  8. The crucial point is that Eastern Europe and the countries of the former USSR are to adopt the institutions prevailing in Western Europe, i.e., capitalism and parliamentary democracy.
  9. Holbrooke, loc. cit., page 43.
  10. See National Security Decision Directive, “United States Policy toward Yugoslavia”, Secret Sensitive, (declassified), The White House, Washington D.C., March 14, 1984.
  11. Joan Hoey,”The U.S.’Great Game’ in Bosnia”, THENATION, January 30, 1995.
  12. Jacob Heilbrunn e Michael Lind, “The Third American Empire”, THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 2, 1996.
  13. “The Commercial Factor Behind NATO’s Extended Remit”, INTELLIGENCE DIGEST, May 29, 1992.
  14. Idem.
  15. Senator Bill Bradley, “Eurasia Letter: A Misguided Russia Policy”, FOREIGN POLICY, Winter 1995-1996, page 89.
  16. Ibid. page 93.
  17. Draft Special Report of the Working Group on NATO Enlargement, May 1995.
  18. Quoted in THE DEFENSE MONITOR, loc. cit., page 5.
  19. Dr. Sergei Rogov, Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of USA and Canada Studies, quoted in DEFENSE MONITOR, loc. cit. page 4
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I hate to hear “I told you so” and here I am using those words.

As readers know, I have been concerned for many years that Russia’s toleration of endless insults and provocations would continue to encourage more and worst provocations until red lines are crossed that result in direct conflict between the two major nuclear powers.

All these years the Kremlin, unable to understand, or to accept, that its role as Washington’s enemy #1 was set in stone, relied on a strategy of zero to minimal responses in order to undercut the image of a “dangerous and aggressive Russia” set on restoring the Soviet Empire.

This diplomatic strategy, like Russia’s Ukraine strategy, has completely failed.

The Kremlin’s disastrous Ukraine strategy began when the Kremlin paid more attention to the Sochi Olympics than it did to Washington’s overthrow of the Ukraine government.

The Kremlin’s mistakes were put on an accelerating path when the Kremlin refused the Donbass’ request to be reunited with Russia like the former Russian province of Crimea. This left the Donbass Russians, formerly a part of Russia, to suffer persecution by Ukraine’s Nazi militias, shelling of civilian areas, and partial occupation by Ukrainian forces from 2014 until February, 2022 when the Russian Army began clearing Donbass of Ukrainian forces in order to prevent a prepared Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass republics. Having waited 8 years to act, the Kremlin now faced a large, western trained and equipped army plus fanatical Nazi regiments.

One would have thought that by this time the Kremlin would have learned from its extraordinary mistakes and realized that, finally, it needed to demonstrate that it was provoked. Without any question, what was called for was a Russian attack that closed down Ukraine, destroying the government, all civilian infrastructure and ending the conflict immediately. Instead, the Kremlin compounded its mistakes. It announced a limited intervention, the purpose of which was to clear Ukrainian forces out of Donbass. It left the government and civilian infrastructure of its enemy untouched, thereby enabling its enemy to resist the intervention on highly favorable terms.

To be clear, there is no doubt that the Russians can clear Donbass of Ukrainian forces and have about completed the task. The Kremlin’s mistake was not realizing that the West would not permit the intervention to be limited.

The Kremlin warned the West about interfering in the operation, declaring that if the US and NATO got involved, Russia would regard those countries as “combatants.” But the West got involved, slowly and carefully at first to test the waters and then more and more aggressively as what the West originally expected would be at most a week long conflict is now in its seventh month with the Kremlin again talking about negotiation with Zelensky and the Russian advance apparently on hold.

Far from treating the NATO countries as combatants, the Kremlin still provides Europe with energy to the extent that Europe permits Russia to do so. High Russian officials have spoken as if proving Russia to be a reliable energy supplier is more important than the lives of its soldiers fighting against western trained and equipped Ukraine forces supplied by European countries whose armaments industries are running on Russian energy.

I correctly predicted that Russian half measures would result in the widening of the war.

The correctness of my analysis has now been confirmed by a report in The Hill, a Washington publication read by insiders. The report is titled: “Why the US is becoming more brazen with its Ukraine support” and can be read here. Here is the opening sentence of the report and some excerpts:

The Biden administration is arming Ukraine with weapons that can do serious damage to Russian forces, and, unlike early in the war, U.S. officials don’t appear worried about Moscow’s reaction.”

“’Over time, the administration has recognized that they can provide larger, more capable, longer-distance, heavier weapons to the Ukrainians and the Russians have not reacted,’ former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor told The Hill.

“’The Russians have kind of bluffed and blustered, but they haven’t been provoked. And there was concern [over this] in the administration early on — there still is to some degree — but the fear of provoking the Russians has gone down,’ added Taylor, who is now with the U.S. Institute of Peace.”

“’We were a bit more careful at first … not knowing if Putin would find and attack supply lines and convoys, not being sure if he would escalate, and also not being sure if Ukraine could use what we have [given] them or hold out for long against Russia,’ said Michael O’Hanlon, a military analyst at the Washington, D.C.-based think tank Brookings Institution.”

“Since June, the U.S. has steadily been increasing High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems to the country, which American service members have trained Ukrainian troops to use in batches. 

“Looking ahead, multiple reports have indicated that the U.S. plans to soon send Excalibur precision-guided artillery munitions — weapons that can travel up to 70 kilometers and would help the Ukrainians target dug-in Russian positions and command posts.

“Part of the shift in messaging can be attributed to the fact Kyiv defied international expectations and did not quickly fall when Russia first attacked, according to Nathan Sales, a former State Department official who most recently served as the acting undersecretary for civilian security, democracy and human rights.”  (emphasis added by GR)

As I said would be the case, the Kremlin’s limited operation was seen in the West as a half measure that provided the West with the opportunity to widen the war. Now with winter approaching the conflict is widening with shipments of long range powerful weapons capable of attacking Donbass, Crimea, and other parts of Russia from western Ukraine that was spared by the Russian invasion.

As I also said would be the case, by lengthening the war with its go-slow tactics in order to minimize civilian casualties, a noble intent, Russia gave the West the opportunity to characterize the Russian intervention as running out of steam from exhausted munitions and high Russian casualties.

The picture of Russian failure has had the effect I expected of making the West more confident about its combatant role. Here are excerpts from The Hill’s report confirming that:

“Another part of the equation: Recent intelligence that indicates Russia is feeling the sting of Western-imposed sanctions and a military service force that is dwindling in power as the war wears on.

“Last month, Reuters reported that major Russian airlines such as Aeroflot have grounded their planes so they can be stripped for spare parts, taking components from some of their planes to keep others airworthy.

“And facing losses on the battlefield, Putin last month sought to boost Russia’s combat personnel by more than 130,000 troops by eliminating the upper age limit for new recruits and encouraging prisoners to join.

“U.S. officials think the effort is ‘unlikely to succeed.’”

“Taken altogether, the intelligence paints a picture of a country [Russia] struggling to maintain its own institutions, much less fire back at Western nations for aiding Ukraine.

“’I think the instincts of the people in the departments and agencies, particularly State and Defense and the intelligence community, I think their instincts are to be more forward leaning and more aggressive,’” one former senior government official said.

“’We have a lot more space on our side, I think, to take actions that will assist Ukraine without being unjustifiably afraid of how Putin is going to respond,’ they added.”

One can reason that the Kremlin made all these mistakes because it did not want to scare more of Europe into NATO by demonstrating its military prowess in a lightening conquest of Ukraine.

But it is Russia’s halfway measures that have given Finland and Sweden the confidence to join NATO as they see no threat to themselves from being NATO members. A devastating Russian blow to Ukraine would have caused all of Europe to rethink NATO membership as no European country would want to face the prospect of war with Russia. Instead, what the Kremlin has produced is a British prime minister who is prepared to engage Russia in nuclear war, and a NATO that intends to keep the Ukrainian conflict going.

A careless or hostile reader might conclude from my article that I am an advocate of Russian military success. To the contrary, I am an advocate of minimizing the risk of nuclear war. Steven Cohen and I are the two who from the beginning saw how Washington’s interference in Ukraine with the overthrow of the government charted a course that could end in nuclear Armageddon. Cohen was reviled by his own liberal-left, and I was declared a “Putin dupe/agent.”

The name calling we suffered proved our point. The Western world is blind to the potential consequences of its provocations of Russia, and the Kremlin is blind to the potential consequences of its toleration of provocations. As we can see, neither side has yet come to this realization. The Hill’s report demonstrates the correctness of my analysis of the situation and my prediction that the outcome would be a widening of the war and a greater likelihood of miscalculations that could result in nuclear war.


Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

First published on August 27, 2022, updated September 6, 2022

It’s official, Liz Truss will replace Boris Johnson as Britain’s Prime Minister. 

On Tuesday September 6, she was confirmed after meeting with the H.M Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral, who asked her to “form a government”.

Nuclear War against both China and Russia is contemplated

“At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable. All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have been scrapped”. 

Russia is tagged as  “Plausible” but “Not Expected”. That was back in 2002.

Today at the height of the Ukraine war, a Preemptive Nuclear attack against Russia is on the drawing of the Pentagon. It has also been endorsed by Britain’s Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative 
Party Liz Truss

Blow Up The Planet to “Defend Democracy”. Liz Truss: “I’m Ready to Do That” 

Nuclear War was part of  Liz Truss’ campaign for the Conservative Party leadership. She spoke at a Conservative party event in Birmingham, The host of the event John Pienaar asked her if she would give the order “to unleash nuclear weapons” from Trident.

He added: “It would mean global annihilation… “How does that thought make you feel?” 

Truss replied:

“I think it’s an important duty of the prime minister and I’m ready to do it. I’m ready to do that.”

“Big Money” and “Big Ignorance”

Political opportunism in support of the Nuclear Weapons Aerospace Complex: There is “Big Money” and “Big Ignorance” behind Truss’  bold statement. Her Conservative Party audience applauded in chorus.

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss hasn’t the foggiest idea regarding the nature of nuclear weapons and their devastating impacts.

Moreover, she does not know the geography of the Russian Federation, claiming that Rostov on the Don as well as Voronezh belong to Ukraine; it’s like saying that Manchester belongs to Scotland:

“… during their closed-door meeting on Thursday [February 11, 2022] Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov had asked Truss if she recognised Russian sovereignty over Rostov and Voronezh – two regions in the south of the country where Russia has been building up its forces.”

… Truss replied that Britain would never recognise them as Russian, and had to be corrected by her ambassador.” (Reuters report)


Truss, … told the BBC’s Sunday Morning show that “we are supplying and offering extra support into our Baltic allies across the Black Sea”.

Zakharova noted that the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania lie off the Baltic Sea, not the Black Sea, which is hundreds of miles to the south.

“The Baltic countries are called so because they are located precisely off the coast of this [Baltic] sea. Not the Black [Sea],” the Russian official wrote on Facebook.

“If anyone needs to be saved from anything, then it is the world from the stupidity and ignorance of Anglo-Saxon politicians.”

“Humanitarian Nuclear Bombs”

Liz Truss is not the only ignorant Western politician in high office which favours the use of nuclear weapons. In recent years, “Many high-ranking military and civilian officials, politicians and experts are openly talking about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in a first strike attack against any nation under many pretexts with low-yield or high-yield nuclear charges” ( No Guerra No NATO).

A commitment to blowing up the planet preemptively with “humanitarian nukes”, which are “safe for civilians” has become part of a political narrative. We recall Hillary Clinton’s statement during the 2016 election campaign:

the nuclear option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently.” (ABC News, December 15, 2015)

“A Nuclear War is Winnable”? Humanitarian Bombs

We recall Reagan’s earlier historic statement: “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. The only value in our two nations possessing nuclear weapons is to make sure they will never be used.”

Nonetheless, there are powerful voices and lobby groups within the US establishment and the Biden administration that are convinced that “a nuclear war is winnable”. Liz Truss is part of this dangerous consensus. 

The focus of US military doctrine since the George W. Bush administration has been on the development of so-called “more usable nuclear weapons”.

George W. Bush’s 2001 Nuclear Posture Review, which was adopted by the US Senate in late 2002. envisaged the development of “a generation of more useable nuclear weapons.” namely tactical nuclear weapons (B61-11 mini-nukes) with an explosive capacity between one third and 6 times times a Hiroshima bomb.

The term “more usable” emanates from the debate surrounding the 2001 NPR, which justified the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the conventional war theater on the grounds that tactical nuclear weapons, namely bunker buster bombs with a nuclear warhead are, according to scientific opinion on contract to the Pentagon “harmless to the surrounding population because the explosion is underground.”

The cost of America’s “peace-making” nuclear weapons program is of the order of 1.3 trillion dollars, extending to $2 trillion in 2030.

And there is Big Money behind Jo Biden’s $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program:

“But, what I don’t understand is this mad lunacy of killing and death, except it gives the corporations who make these weapons huge amounts of money.  And it was Obama who agreed to spend 1.7 trillion dollars in the next 30 years replacing every single nuclear weapon, missile, ship, plane. And rebuild them all new ones, for what reason? No reason! It’s sheer nuclear madness. It’s nuclear lunacy!” (Helen Caldicott)

Of relevance to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, is the Biden Administration committed to the use of nuclear weapons as an instrument of peace?

Peace-making nuclear weapons have become a talking point among ignorant and corrupt politicians, who have been led believe that preemptive nuclear war is a humanitarian undertaking which protects democracy.

Flash Back. Another Liar and Ignoramus. It Started with Harry Truman

“We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark…. This weapon is to be used against Japan … [We] will use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old capital or the new. …  The target will be a purely military one… It seems to be the most terrible thing ever discovered, but it can be made the most useful.”

(President Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945)

Remember Hiroshima: “A Military Base” according to Harry Truman

“The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians..” (President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).

[Note: the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945; the Second on Nagasaki, on August 9, on the same day as Truman’s radio speech to the Nation]

The Unthinkable: Mistakes are a Driving Force behind World History

“Offensive” military actions using nuclear warheads are now described as acts of “self-defense”.

An accidental nuclear war attributable to ignorant, stupid and corrupt politicians cannot be excluded.

“The threat of an all-out nuclear war that can erupt very easily either due to deliberate actions of any nuclear weapons state or because of unintentional, human, technical or other mistake.

Do not vote for Ignoramus Liz who could lead Britain and the World into the unthinkable, a nuclear war which threatens the future of humanity.


Michel Chossudovsky, August 26, 2022

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Arms Transfers to Ukraine. Detailed Overview of Deliveries, Timeline

September 6th, 2022 by Forum on the Arms Trade

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As tensions mounted in late 2021 and into 2022 concerning a Russian invasion of Ukraine, many countries announced arms transfers to Ukraine. As the invasion began in late February, this resource page was launched to track developments related to such transfers, which thus far includes pledges and/or deliveries from more than 25 countries plus the European Union. 

Overview of pledged and/or delivered weapons (see timeline below for more details and links)[1]

  • AustraliaM113 armored personnel carriers, Bushmaster protected mobility vehicles, missiles, and weapons – AUD $285 million ($200 million), six M77 155mm howitzers, four 14 M113AS4 Armored Personnel Carriers; drones and 34 armored vehicles (valued $68 million)
  • Belgium:  200 anti-tank weapons and 5,000 automatic rifles/machine guns
  • Canada: 8 armored vehicles, M777 howitzers, 4500 M72 rocket launchers and up to 7500 hand grenades, 20,000 155mm artillery shells, as well as $1 million dollars for the purchase of commercial satellite high resolution and modern imagery​, machine guns, pistols, carbines, 1.5 million rounds of ammunition, sniper rifles, and various related equipment ($7.8 million), plus additional $20 million in military aid (CAD $25 million – details undisclosed)– CAD $118 million total (as of April 22) — and an additional CAD $500 million on May 8 (undefined), 39 armoured combat support vehicles (ACSVs)
  • Croatia:  rifles and machine guns, protective equipment valued at 124 million kuna (€16.5 million)
  • Czech Republic: T-72 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles; attack helicopters (Mi-24); rocket systems; 400 million koruna ($18.23 million) of non-light weapons, including 160 shoulder-fired MANPADS systems (probably 9K32 Strela-2), 20 light machine guns, 132 assault rifles, 70 submachine guns, 108,000 bullets, 1,000 tactical gloves, all worth 17 million crowns ($756,000), and an earlier 188 million koruna ($8.6 million) worth of 4,000 mortars, 30,000 pistols, 7,000 assault rifles, 3,000 machine guns, a number of sniper rifles, and one million bullets. 
  • Denmark: Harpoon anti-ship launcher and missiles, 2,700 anti-tank weapons, 300 Stinger missiles (returned to United States to be made operational), protective vests
  • Estonia: Javelin anti-tank missiles; nine howitzers (with German permission)
  • European Union:  €2 billion for military supplies, €500 million in military aid
  • Finland: 2,500 assault rifles and 150,000 cartridges for them, 1,500 single-shot anti-tank weapons, and combat ration packages
  • France: MILAN anti-tank guided missile systems and CAESAR artillery howitzers, plus “additional defense equipment,” 6 CAESAR howitzers (June)
  • Germany:  50 Cheetah anti-aircraft systems, 56 PbV-501 IFVs, 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger anti-aircraft defense system, plus permission for select other countries to send weapons controlled by Germany, three M270 Mittleres Artillerie Raketen System (MARS) launchers and GMLRS ammunition, 100 tank howitzers, 16 Biber bridge-layer tanks (official page)
  • Greece: portable rocket launchers, ammunition, and Kalashnikov rifles
  • Ireland: 200 units of body armor, medical supplies, fuel, and other non-lethal aid
  • Italy: Cabinet approved transfer of military equipment, pending Parliamentary approval.- reported to include Stinger surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank weapons, heavy machine guns, MG-type light machine guns and counter-IED systems
  • Japan: bulletproof vests, helmets, and other non-lethal military aid
  • Latvia: six 155mm self-propelled Howitzers, four helicopters, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles
  • Lithuania: Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems and ammunition, M113 and M577 armored personnel carriers and ammunition
  • Luxembourg100 NLAW (Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon), Jeep Wrangler 4×4 vehicles, 15 military tents, and additional non-lethal equipment
  • Netherlands: 200 Stinger missiles, 3000 combat helmets and 2000 fragmentation vests with accompanying armor plates, one hundred sniper rifles with 30,000 pieces of ammunition, plus other equipment; 400 rocket-propelled grenade launchers (with German permission), heavy weapons, self-propelled howitzers, armoured vehicles
  • North Macedonia: unspecified military equipment, unspecified number of soviet-era tanks
  • Norway: 100 Mistral air defense missiles, 4,000 anti-tank weapons, helmets, bulletproof vests, other protection equipment, 22 M109 155m tracked self-propelled howitzers and related materials, three MLRS long-range rocket artillery (joint donation with UK)
  • Poland: 200+ T-72 tanks, other approved delivery of Piorun (Thunderbolt) short-range, man-portable air defense (MANPAD) systems and munition; Defense Minister expressed readiness to supply several dozen thousand rounds of ammunition and artillery ammunition, air defense systems, light mortars, and reconnaissance drones, three Krab 155m self-propelled howitzer squadrons (worth $700M)
  • Portugal: grenades and ammunition, G3 automatic rifles, and other non-lethal equipment
  • Romania: €3 million of fuel, bulletproof vests, helmets, ammunition, military equipment, and medical treatment
  • Slovakia: S-300 air defense system, eight self-propelled Zuzana 2 howitzers.
  • Slovenia: T-72 tanks (reported), undisclosed amount of Kalashnikov rifles, helmets, and ammunition
  • Spain: 1,370 anti-tank grenade launchers, 700,000 rifle and machine-gun rounds, and light machine guns, 20 tons of medical supplies, defensive, and personal protective equipment composing of helmets, flak jackets, and NBC (nuclear-biological-chemical) protection waistcoats
  • Sweden: 10,000 AT4 anti-tank weapons, helmets, and body shields; anti-tank weapons and machine guns (valued $40 million)
  • Turkey: co-production of Bakar Bayraktar TB2 armed drones​
  • United Kingdom: anti-aircraft capabilities (Stormer), 10,000 short-range and anti-tank missiles (including NLAWs and Javelins), Saxon armored vehicles, Starstreak air defence systems, loitering munitions, radar, heavy lift drones — with aid at £200 million, to rise to as high as £500m as of April 25 (note: on April 8, reports indicated aid already at £350 million)– on May 2, an additional £300 million announced, M270 multiple-launch rocket systems (quantity to be announced), $1.2 billion (air defense systems and other technologies), three MLRS long-range rocket artillery (joint donation with Norway); 50,000 artillery shells, artillery guns, drones, anti-tank weapons, additional MLRS, precision guided M31A1 missiles
  • United States: Howitzers and artillery rounds; laser-guided rocket systems; Switchblade, Puma, and Counter-Unmannered Aerial systems​; about 700 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; counter-artillery radars; 16 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and HIMARS ammunition; eight Surface-to-air Missile Systems (NASAMS); 1400 Stinger and 8500 Javelin missiles; 20 Mi-17 helicopters; ​anti-armor systems, small arms and various munitions; more than 59 millions rounds of small arms ammunition; body armor; hundreds High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs). Total $13.5 billion in security aid since the Biden Administration began, as of August 24, 2022. Factsheet (August 24)

Select Timeline



Image: Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System. (Photo by Soldatnytt, licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System.jpg

On Wednesday, August 24, the United States announced $2.98 billion in additional security assistance to Ukraine including National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and ammunition, 155mm and 120mm Howitzer ammunition, unmanned aerial systems and more (see official press release).

On Friday, August 19, the United States announced $775 million in additional security assistance to Ukraine including more HIMARS, 105mm Howitzers and artillery ammunition, Javelin and other missiles, and Humvees (see official source).

On Tuesday, August 16, Latvia clarified that it had deliver six 155mm self-propelled Howitzers in accordance with a July 28 decision, and had on August 15 announced the delivery of four helicopters – two Mi-17 and two Mi-2 to Ukraine. (see official source)

On Thursday August 11, the United Kingdom pledged to give Ukraine more MLRS and a “significant number” of precision guided M31A1 missiles (see official source).

On Monday August 8, the United States announced $1 billion in additional security assistance to Ukraine including more ammunition for HIMARS and 155mm artillery ammunition (see official press release).

On Monday August 1, the United States announced $550 million in additional aid to Ukraine including additional ammunition (see US Department of Defense).


On Friday July 29, Germany announced the donation of 16 Biber bridge-layer tanks to Ukraine on top of the recent howitzer announcement (see media). North Macedonia announced they would send soviet-era tanks of an unknown quantity to Ukraine (see media).

On Wednesday July 27, Germany announced a sale of 100 tank howitzers to Ukraine, reportedly worth 1.7 billion euros (see news).

On Friday, July 22, the United States announced $270 million in additional security assistance for Ukraine (see US Department of Defense news, factsheet).

On Thursday July 21, the United Kingdom announced they would send 50,000 artillery shells, artillery guns, drones, and more anti-tank weapons to Ukraine numbering the hundreds (see UK government resource). Lithuania announced it would send M113 and M577 armored personnel carriers and ammunition to Ukraine (see media source).

On Wednesday July 20, the United States announced four more additional HIMARS would be sent to Ukraine, totalling 16 HIMARS sent to Ukraine by the United States (see US Department of Defense news).

On Monday July 18, the European Union announced an additional 500 million euros in military aid to Ukraine (see media source).

On Monday July 11, Netherlands Prime Minister stated they would provide “heavy weapons, armored vehicles and self-propelled howitzers” to Ukraine (see news).

On Friday July 8, the United States announced $400 million in aid to Ukraine. This drawdown package included four additional HIMARS, precision artillery rounds, 126 155mm Howitzers, 20 Mi-17 helicopters, and numerous other munitions, systems, and other materials (see Department of Defense factsheet, news, and press release).

On Monday July 4, upon a visit to Kyiv, Australia’s Prime Minister announced they would pledge $68 million to Ukraine, which would include drones and 34 armored vehicles (see media source). 

On Friday July 1, the United States announced an additional $820 million to Ukraine. This aid is set to include HIMARS ammunition, two Surface-to-air Missile Systems (NASAMS), four counter-artillery radar systems, as well as 155m artillery ammunition (see US Department of Defense press release).


Image: GDLS Armored Combat Support Vehicles (ACSV) (Photo by MilitaryLeak)

GDLS Armored Combat Support Vehicles (ACSV)

On Thursday June 30, Sweden announced they would send additional anti-tank weapons as well as machine guns valued at $49 million (see media source). Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced at the NATO summit in Madrid Canada would send thirty-nine armoured combat support vehicles (ACSVs) (see media source).

On Wednesday June 29, the United Kingdom and Norway announced a joint donation of initially three MLRS long-range rocket artillery (see Norwegian government statement).

On Wednesday June 29, the United Kingdom announced an additional $1.2 billion to Ukraine to support defense including air defense systems and other defense equipment and technology (see media source).

On Thursday June 23, US President Joe Biden authorized an additional $450 million drawdown to Ukraine (See U.S. Department of Defense news).

On Monday June 20, Australia announced it would send four 14 M113AS4 Armored Personnel Carriers to Ukraine (see media source).

On Thursday June 16, French President Macron announced France would send six more Caesar long-range self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine (see media source).

On Wednesday June 15, more than 50 countries pledged more military aid to Ukraine at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group according to the U.S. Secretary of Defense (See U.S. Defense Department news). The United States announced a $1 billion security assistance package to include multiple launch rocket system munitions, 18 more 155 mm M777 towed howitzers and the tactical vehicles to tow them, and 36,000 rounds of 155 mm ammunition. (See Defense Department announcement.) Germany’s Minister of Defense announced a transfer of three M270 Mittleres Artillerie Raketen System (MARS) launchers and GMLRS ammunition from Bundeswehr stocks to Ukraine. (See joint statement from United States, Germany, and United Kingdom)

On Wednesday June 8, Norway announced that they have donated 22 M109 155mm tracked self-propelled howitzers. Alongside this, Norway included other relevant materials such as gear, parts, ammunition with the howitzers (See official government press release). Poland announced they will sell Ukraine three Krab 155m self-propelled howitzer squadrons reportedly worth $700M (See English and Polish Media). 

On Monday June 6, the United Kingdom announced that they will send M270 multiple-launch rocket systems to Ukraine. The exact number remains unknown, however, the BBC reports that there will be three of these systems (See BBC).

On Thursday June 2, Slovakia indicated a commercial deal with Ukraine to send eight self-propelled Zuzana 2 howitzers. This announcement was made by the Defense Ministry (See media source).

On Wednesday June 1, the United States Department of Defense authorized a Presidential Drawdown of military assistance worth $700 million, making the total value of US military assistance to Ukraine $5.3 billion since the start of the Biden Administration. Notable weapons in this package include; High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition, five counter-artillery radars, two air surveillance radars, four Mi-17 helicopters and more. (See Department of Defense resource). German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, additionally promised an air defense system as well as a tracking radar system to Ukraine from Germany (See New York Times and German resource).


On Tuesday May 31, United States President Biden said in a New York Times op-ed “I’ve decided that we will provide the Ukrainians with more advanced rocket systems and munitions that will enable them to more precisely strike key targets on the battlefield in Ukraine…. We will continue providing Ukraine with advanced weaponry, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, Stinger antiaircraft missiles, powerful artillery and precision rocket systems, radars, unmanned aerial vehicles, Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition,” with indications that the “advanced” weaponry would include multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) that Ukraine had agreed not to use to strike into Russia. (See  New York Times and other media.   Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, announced that Germany “will provide Greece with German infantry fighting vehicles,” with the presumption that older Greek military vehicles would be transferred to Ukraine. Soviet-style BMP IFVs are one of the reported Greek weapons that would be transferred to Ukraine. (See media source.)

On Tuesday, May 24, Canada‘s Defense Minister indicated that it will donate 20,000 155mm artillery shells. (See official government resource page and media.)

On Monday, May 23, during a press conference after the second Contact Group meeting, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said “I’m especially grateful to Denmark, which announced today that it will provide a Harpoon launcher and missiles to help Ukraine defend its coast. I’d also like to thank the Czech Republic for its substantial support, including a recent donation of attack helicopters, tanks and rocket systems.  And today, several countries announced new donations of critically needed artillery systems and ammunition, including Italy, Greece, Norway and Poland.” (See transcript and Defense Dept news.) Media reports indicate the attack helicopters from the Czech Republic were Soviet-designed Mi-24s (see Wall Street Journal and Air Recognition).  The European Union adopted two measures under the European Peace Facility (EPF) to create a “fourth tranche [that] will add €500 million to the resources already mobilised under the EPF for Ukraine, thereby bringing the total amount to €2 billion.” (See EU press release.)

On Saturday, May 21, United States President Joe Biden sign the $40 billion Ukraine supplemental appropriations act into law. (See White House notice and official legislation.)

Image: Mountain howitzer firing (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

On Thursday, May 19, the United States announced an additional $100 million drawdown for Howitzers and counter-artillery radar. (See Defense Department statement.)   Australia announced an additional  AUD$60.9 million in new support for Ukraine including 14 M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers and a further 20 Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles. (See Defense Minister Dutton’s website.)

On Monday, May 9, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 into law, giving him abilities to lend equipment to Ukraine (See White House note, remarks, and Defense Department factsheet on all security assistance as of May 10.)

On Sunday, May 8, The Canadian Prime Minister announced that the additional $500 million for further military aid to Ukraine announced “has begun to roll out” (See official government resource page.)

On Friday, May 6, the United States announced another $150 million drawdown for assistance, including 25,000 155 mm artillery rounds, 3 counter-artillery radars, and other spare parts and field equipment. (See official President statement and Pentagon statement.)

On Monday, May 2, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced  £300 million in new aid including radars, heavy lift drones, and thousands of night vision devices. (See official transcript.)


On Thursday, April 28, U.S. President Joe Biden asked Congress for an additional $33 billion for Ukraine-related efforts, including  $5 billion in additional drawdown authority, $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, and $4 billion for the State Department’s Foreign Military Financing program. (See White House factsheet.)

On Tuesday, April 26, more than three dozen countries met in at Ramstein air base in Germany to discuss Ukraine, with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin thanking Germany for committing to send 50 Cheetah anti-aircraft systems and Canada eight armored vehicles. (See U.S. Defense Dept official transcript.) Australia announced they would send six M777 155mm howitzers to Ukraine (see news). 

On Monday, April 25, Poland announced that it had delivered tanks to Ukraine (see media) that later stories indicated was 200+ T-72 tanks, plus previously included infantry fighting vehicles and missiles for MiGs. (See media.) The United Kingdom announced it would send additional anti-aircraft capabilities (See U.S. Defense Dept official transcript and media and additional media)

On Sunday, April 24, the United States Secretary of State declared an emergency need to sell $165 million in ammunition via the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, bypassing Congressional review. (See official notification.)

On Friday, April 22, Canada announced that it had delivered M777 howitzers and associated ammunition, with commitments since January 2022 of more than $118CAD million (see official release). In a media interview. President Emmanuel Macron confirmed that France provided MILAN anti-tank guided missile systems and CAESAR artillery howitzers. (See media.) Media reported that Slovenia would deliver T-42 tanks to Ukraine in exchange for Germany to give Slovenia Marder and Fuchs tanks. (See media.

On Thursday, April 21, the United States authorized another $800 million in security assistance, including seventy-two (72) 155mm Howitzers and 144,000 artillery rounds. This brings US military assistance to Ukraine to more than $4 bllion, $3.4 billion of which has been committed since the invasion. (See official release.)

On Wednesday, April 20, Norway announced it would donate 100 Mistral air defense missiles (See official story.)

On Wednesday, April 13, the United States authorized an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine. This brings US military assistance to Ukraine to more than $3 billion. (See official press statement and release.) 

On Friday, April 8, Slovakia announced that is has provided Ukraine with its S-300 air defense system after preliminary agreeing to do so if a replacement system was secured. (See media and Prime Minister of Slovakia tweet.) The United Kingdom announced an additional £100 million in aid to include more than 800 NLAW anti-tank missiles, Javelin anti-tank systems, loitering munitions, Starstreak air defence systems, and additional non-lethal aid. (See official news story.)

On Tuesday, April 5, the Czech Republic became the first country to send tanks to Ukraine, including T-72 tanks and armored personnel carriers. (See media.) The United States announced an additional $100 million for anti-armor systems to Ukraine. This additional security assistance under the Biden administration brings the U.S. security commitment to Ukraine to more than $2.4 billion. (See official press statement.) 

On Friday, April 1, the DoD announced it will provide up to $300 million in security assistance to Ukraine, including Laser-guided rocket systems, Switchblade, Puma, and Counter-Unmannered Aerial systems, and more capabilities. (See release.)
Media reported that the United States would facilitate the transfer of Soviet-made tanks to Ukraine, as an intermediary for unnamed countries. Germany also approved the sale of 
dozens of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) formerly belonging to East Germany to Ukraine, according to media.


On Thursday, March 31, the Norwegian government announced its delivery of 2,000 M72 light anti-armor weapons to Ukraine following an earlier shipment of the same weapons. (See official website.)

On Wednesday, March 30, President Biden informed President Zelenskyy of the United States‘ intent to provide $500 million in direct budgetary aid that media reported the Ukrainian government could use for military purposes. (See official readout). In an interview with NPR, Sen. Bob Casey revealed that “another 2,000 [Javelins] are on the way” to Ukraine along with 800 Stingers; this follows an earlier delivery of 2,600 Javelin and 600 Stinger missiles. 

On Saturday, March 26, the United States announced its intent to provide $100 million in civilian security assistance, including armored vehicles and field gear. (See official press release.)

On Thursday, March 24, Boris Johnson announced the United Kingdom will provide a package of 6,000 missiles, including anti-tank and high explosive weapons, and £25 million in financial backing for the Ukrainian military. (See official press release.) Sweden also announced it will send an additional shipment of 5,000 AT4 anti-tank weapons. (See local media.)

On Thursday, March 17, in a joint news conference with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Slovakia Minister of Defense Jaroslav Nad’, the Minister preliminarily agreed to send S-300 strategic air defense systems to Ukraine on the condition Western allies provide Slovakia with a “proper replacement” to avoid a “security gap” within NATO. (See joint news conference video.)

On Wednesday, March 16, following an address by Ukraine’s president to the United States Congress, President Biden promised $800 million in additional weapons, including 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems; 2,000 Javelin, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons, and 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems, as well as restated previously supplied five Mi-17 helicopters and 70 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs). (White House factsheet). Media indicated that the transfers would also include Switchblade drones.

On Monday, March 14, Irish 
Minister for Defence Simon Coveney approved to provide 10 tonnes of ready-to-eat meals (MRE), 200 units of body armor, medical supplies, fuel, and other non-lethal aid in line with Ireland’s policy of military non-alignment. (See official press release and local media.)

On Saturday, March 12, the United States approved another $200 million in arms transfers, reported to include Javelin antitank missiles and Stinger antiaircraft missiles. (White House notification and media.)

On Wednesday, March 9, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the United States will not send fighter jets to Ukraine.

On Tuesday, March 8, Poland offered to donate its MiG jets to the United States, for it to transfer them to Ukraine. (Poland’s official website and media). Feasibility and timing of this plan unclear, with indications that the Pentagon did not see as feasible (Pentagon statement). Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Hayashi Yoshimasa, signed a grant to provide Ukraine with bulletproof vests, helmets, and other non-lethal military aid. (See official press release.)

On Monday, March 7, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, sent a letter to President Biden encouraging the United States to facilitate European countries transferring fighter aircraft to Ukraine. (A day earlier, U.S. officials indicated their support for Poland to do so, according to media interviews.)

On March 6, Antony Blinken stated that the United States has given “the green light” to Poland to send fighter jets to Ukraine, according to a media interview. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that discussions regarding the possibility of the United States providing fighter jets to Poland and other NATO allies are still ongoing, according to media

On Saturday, March 5, Ukraine’s President Zelinsky met with member of the U.S. Congress via Zoom and asked for additional fighter jets and a no-fly zone, according to media.

On March 3, according to media, Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said the Netherlands will no longer publicly share specific details about arms deliveries to Ukraine. The United Kingdom’s House of Commons Library published a reportdetailing military assistance to Ukraine from many countries. Canada announced its intent to provide 4500 M72 rocket launchers and up to 7500 hand grenades, as well as $1 million dollars for the purchase of commercial satellite high resolution and modern imagery, according to an official news release. The Czech Republic also authorized the transfer of 20 light machine guns, 132 assault rifles, 70 submachine guns, 108,000 bullets, 1,000 tactical gloves, all worth 17 million crowns ($756,084) (see resolution 160 on the Czech Government website). 

On March 2, Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov posted on Facebook that “New bayraktars have already arrived in Ukraine and are on combat duty. There will be more stingers and javelins.” Spain also announced it will send a shipment of 1,370 anti-tank grenade launchers, 700,000 rifle and machine-gun rounds, and light machine guns directly to Ukraine (see media.)

On March 1, Australia said “it will provide around $70 million in lethal military assistance to support the defence of Ukraine, including missiles and weapons.” (Approx $50 million, see official press release, and related media.) New statements from multiple officials drew into question whether EU countries will be providing fighter jets to Ukraine. (See NATO/Poland statement, and media reporting.) At a House Armed Services Committee hearing in the United States, officials confirmed that Stinger missiles and many other U.S. weapons had been delivered since September (see video, approx 41 minute mark). In early March, Ukraine also received a shipment of Turkish-made Bakar Bayraktar TB2 armed drones according to a Facebook post made by Ukraine’s Minster of Defense. 


On February 28, Finland said it would deliver 2,500 assault rifles, 150,000 cartridges for the attack rifles, 1,500 single-shot anti-tank weapons and 70,000 combat ration packages. (Ministry of Defense press release.) Norway decided to donate up to 2,000 M72 anti-tank weapons. (Government press release.) Media reported that the Italian cabinet recommended the transfer of military equipment to Ukraine, pending Parliamentary approval, reported to include Stinger surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank weapons, heavy machine guns, MG-type light machine guns and counter-IED systems. Croatia will send rifles and machine guns, plus protective equipment sufficient for four brigades valued at 124 million kuna (€16.5 million), said Defence Minister Mario Banožić. (Government tweet, see also media.) Canada committed another 25 million in undefined military aid ($20 million USD, Canadian government.) Deputy Prime Minister François Bausch also announced Luxembourg will provide Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal equipment including 100 NLAW (Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon), Jeep Wrangler 4×4 vehicles, 15 military tents, as well as logistical and financial support. (See official press release.) The North Macedoniangovernment also announced its decision to donate unspecified military equipment to Ukraine (see media).

On Sunday, February 27, the European Union said it would “purchase and delivery” weapons to Ukraine. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said this will be done via the European Peace Facility for € 500 million and include “…arms and even fighter jets. We are not talking just about ammunition; we are providing the most important arms to go to war. Minister Kuleba has been asking us that they need the type of fighter jets that the Ukrainian army is able to operate. We know what kind of planes and some Member States have these kinds of planes.”  (EU statements and transcripts.) According to media reports, Belgium‘s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo indicated it would send an additional 3,000 automatic rifles and 200 anti-tank weapons (on top of 2000 machine guns announced a day earlier). According to media, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced that Denmark will donate 2,700 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. It will also return parts for 300 Stinger missiles to the United States for possible future donation to Ukraine (see additional media). Sweden‘s Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said her country will send 5,000 anti-tank weapons, helmets and body shields, plus 135,000 field rations. (See official government tweet and other media.) Norway decided to send 1,500 bulletproof vests, 5,000 helmets and other equipment (which appears to have been delivered February 28, Government press release, media.)The government of Greece delivered portable rocket launchers, ammunition, and Kalashnikov rifles according to local media. (See Minister of Defence tweet). According to local media, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala announced an additional 400 million koruna ($18.23 million) of “not light weapons” including 160 shoulder-fired MANPADS systems (probably 9K32 Strela-2) with equipment (total price 38.5 million crows), and the rest is unknown (see Prime Minister’s tweet and resolution 137 on the Czech Government website); this follows an earlier shipment of 4,000 mortars, 30,000 pistols, 7,000 assault rifles, 3,000 machine guns, a number of sniper rifles, and one million bullets worth 188 million koruna ($8.6 million). In addition, the Spanish government has sent 20 tons of medical supplies, defensive, and personal protective equipment composing of helmets, flak jackets, and NBC (nuclear-biological-chemical) protection waistcoats to a Polish airport close to the Ukrainian border. (See official Spanish government website and tweet.) In a tweet, Portugal said it would provide “military equipment such as vests, helmets, night vision goggles, grenades and ammunition, portable radios, analogue repeaters, and G3 automatic rifles, as well as hospital support” (see also media). In a press statement, Government spokesperson Dan Cărbunaru announced that Romania would send €3 million consisting of fuel, bulletproof vests, helmets, ammunition, military equipment, and medical treatment. 

On Saturday, February 26, Germany indicated it would send lethal military aid to Ukraine. This includes 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger anti-aircraft defense systems; plus permission from Germany for the Netherlands to send 400 rocket-propelled grenade launchers and Estonia nine howitzers. (See official tweet, and media reports.) Separately, it was announced that the Netherlands agreed to send 200 Stinger missiles, and 50 Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank weapons (see media, official letter). In a tweet, Belgium‘s Prime Minister said his country would supply 2000 machines guns. According to mediareports, France’s President Emmanuel Macron indicated that his country would “deliver additional defense equipment to the Ukrainian authorities as well as fuel support” without given specific weapon details. Denmark‘s armed forces indicated that trucks had left the day prior to deliver 2000 protective vests and related equipment.

On Friday, February 25, U.S. President Joe Biden authorized $350 million in security assistance for Ukraine. (White House memorandum.) A press statement from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on February 26 indicated “This brings the total security assistance the United States has committed to Ukraine over the past year to more than $1 billion.” A Department of Defense statement indicated it would include “anti-armor, small arms and various munitions, body armor, and related equipment in support of Ukraine’s front-line defenders facing down Russia’s unprovoked attack.” Media later reported this will also include Stinger anti-aricraft missiles.

On Thursday, February 24, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, which it called a “special military operation.”

On Wednesday, February 23, a second shipment of Canadian military aid was received in Ukraine.

On Tuesday, February 22, Latvia was scheduled to deliver Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine after a Latvian foreign ministry spokesperson informed Reuters the evening of Monday February 21. Media reported that Belgium had thus far refused requests for helmets and other supplies.

On Monday, February 21, Defence Minister Matej Tonin revealed that Slovenia had delivered an undisclosed amount of Kalashnikov rifles, helmets, and ammunition to Ukraine, according to local media.

On February 18, the Republic of Estonia delivered Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. (Republic of Estonia’s Ministry of Defence) The Netherlands announced a plan to provide “3000 combat helmets and 2000 fragmentation vests with accompanying armor plates, thirty metal detectors and two wire-guided detection robots for (sea) mine detection, two battlefield surveillance radars and five weapon location radars, and one hundred sniper rifles with 30,000 pieces of ammunition.”

On Monday, February 14, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that Canadian officials had authorized $7.8-million worth of arms transfers, described as “lethal equipment and ammunition” to Ukraine. The transfers were to include “machine guns, pistols, carbines, 1.5 million rounds of ammunition, sniper rifles, and various related equipment.” (Canadian Ministry of Defense. See additional reporting.)

On February 12 and 13, Lithuania delivered Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems and ammunition to Ukraine as part of its continuing military assistance. (Ukrainian Ministry of Defence)

Image: Bayraktar TB2 Runway (Photo by Bayhaluk, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Bayraktar TB2 Runway.jpg

In early February, Turkey and Ukraine agreed to coproduce Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drones. Ukrainian Defence Minister Olesii Reznikov informed reporters in Kyiv that Ukrainian pilots would be trained in the coproduction compound. This agreement follows sales of these drones to Ukraine in 2019, which Ukraine has deployed in Donbas in recent months.

On February 1, Poland approved the delivery of Piorun (Thunderbolt) short-range, man-portable air defense (MANPAD) systems and munition; Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated that Poland is ready to supply “several dozen thousand rounds of ammunition and artillery ammunition, air defense systems, and also light mortars and reconnaissance drones.” (See media.) Poland has functioned as a logistical hub for countries sending military aid and equipment from sending countries and dispatching them to Ukraine.


On January 26, Canada announced it would transfer non-lethal military aid to Ukraine. (Canadian Ministry of Defense)

On January 20, the United States State Department issued a revised factsheet on security assistance to Ukraine; as the United States also directly delivered military assistance to the country. This included some of a $200 million in Department of Defense stocks, a drawdown that was authorized in December 2021. The factsheet detailed that since 2014, the United States had provided $2.7 billion in training and equipment, and particularly highlighted “the 2018 sale of 210 Javelin anti-armor missiles, which has provided Ukraine with a critical anti-armor capability; the 2019 sale of 150 additional Javelins; and the 2020 Mark VI patrol boats sale” (see notifications). The U.S. also permitted U.S.-origin equipment to be transferred from regional allies. 

In January, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht claimed Germany wants to “de-escalate” the crisis and will not supply weapons to Ukraine, but will instead co-finance 5.3 million euros for a military field hospital. In cooperation with Germany, Estonian Defence Forces were organizing a 13-day training course for Ukrainian military medical instructors provided by the Estonian company Semetron. (Embassy of Estonia in Kyiv)

In mid-January, the United Kingdom supplied 2,000 short-range and anti-tank missiles, Saxon armored vehicles, as well as British specialists to deliver training in Ukraine.



In December 2021, Lithuania sent its first delivery of military aid composed of bulletproof vests and ballistic belts to Ukraine since the beginning of the crisis. 


Civil Society

Select Media Articles

Additional Data

TIV (Trend Indicator Value) of major arms exports to Ukraine (2016-2021), from SIPRI database. See file (overview) and trade register of specific items transferred.



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[1] this list is primarily meant to indicate lethal weapons, but does include some non-lethal weapons (non-comprehensively)

Featured image is from Forum on the Arms Trade

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Thousands of Iraqis flooded the streets on Friday demanding a political overhaul.  In scenes reminiscent of similar past protests in Lebanon, the Iraqi people are frustrated by the endemic corruption of political leaders.  This anti-government protest began in October 2019 and has remained a constant source of unrest in Iraq.  As in Lebanon, the corrupted ruling elite failed to form a government, which left the country in stagnation, and the people’s feelings on the boiling point.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Rafid Sadeq, well known Iraqi journalist and political talk show host, to get to the back story of the current crisis and its implications for the Middle East.

Steven Sahiounie (SS):   There have been massive protests in the streets of Iraq and political tension. In your opinion, what is the cause of this political tension? Is it really over corruption, or is it foreign intervention?

Rafid Sadeq (RS):  It’s not possible to limit the developments to the current protests that Iraq is witnessing; rather, it is necessary to return to what happened in 2019, when October protests erupted calling for comprehensive political reform. Back then, the events came to an end with calls for holding early elections and forming a new government after Abdul-Mahdi resigns.

Following that, the results of the elections came in a way that confused the balance. The law came in favor of some political powers, whereas it disadvantaged others. However, these forces that consider themselves to be unprivileged due to the nature of the law have a political and social influence. Therefore, the political situation became confused; influential forces were underrepresented while politically and socially uninfluential forces became the representative.

Winning the elections in our country is not sufficient; one needs to have a political heritage and social influence that come in support of the winner’s votes numbers.

Protests were divided one time in favor of this and another for that and each calls for fighting corruption and system reform… All parties had enough corruption suspicions. The loudest anti-corruption shouts may be the most complicit ones, where they are loud to cover the embroilment. Unless we return to true representativeness and political balance, we will not witness stability in Iraq.

SS:  The political parties in Iraq are talking about new elections and a new constitution.  In your opinion, will this solve the problem?

RS:  Elections, on their terms and conditions, are a fair law that achieves good representation for all arenas and forces, an independent commission, a new government represented with full legitimacy, without compromise and not a caretaking one, and then the Parliament is dissolved.

As for the constitution, it is circumstances-oriented where it was written in circumstances that don’t belong to the current ones neither in terms of time nor of generation. Iraq has a youthful community, most of it born after 2003, which means that the existing people didn’t participate in the process of drawing up the constitution or voting for it, which constitutes a problem. Amending some of the constitution articles such as the ones on treasury and deciding on the largest bloc may denote an introduction to larger reforms that may touch on the form of the political system, to say the least.

SS:  The United States and Iran are getting ready to sign a new nuclear deal. This could mean the tension between Washington and Tehran will decrease.  In your opinion, will this new relationship between the US and Iran help Iraq and the Iraqis?

RS:  One of the most important problems of the regions was overthrowing Saddam’s regime without looking for an alternative one. Parallel to that, Iran’s nuclear program came to light to confuse the region’s balances i.e., Iran picked the right time for that.

In Iraq, attention was paid to the importance of a US-Iran dialogue to divide the spheres of influence restoring Iran to a normal state.

Iraq has 1300km of land borders with Iran and it Affects and is being affected by the Iranian situation. Moreover, settling the nuclear file would leave a positive effect on everyone’s interests. I think that the region’s states are now convinced that the agreement is about to be reached, evidence that the gulf ambassadors to Iran have been reinstated.

SS:  The Syrians accuse the US of stealing oil and transporting it in tankers to Iraq. What has the Baghdad government said about this?

RS:  In this region, oil wells comply with the communicating vessels principle. That is, the upper pour on the lower. Contrariwise, Iraq suffers from oil products being smuggled into Syria to take advantage of the price differences.

As for the crude oil, both Iraqi and Syrian crudes find their way to Turkey, which is a well-known fact confirmed by international reports and even in the statements and data of the leaders of some states.

I think that the USA wants to control the oil and deprive Damascus of an important economic resource.

SS:  President Al-Kadhimi had tried to improve the relationship between Tehran and Riyadh. What is the status on that effort?

Al-Kadhimi is trying to play a balanced role between Tehran and Riyadh and it seems that he was largely successful in this mission.

This mission began when Al-Kadhimi was the head of the security service and I think that al-Abadi and Abdul-Mahdi also paved the way for that.

Iraq’s position towards the parties is neutral and every success in the fence-mending mission is to a high extent related to the desire of the converging parties.

SS:  Moktada Al-Sadr announced that has resigned political life for life.  In your opinion why did he resign and was he under foreign pressure.

RS:  Al-Sadr resigned because of the statement of the religious authority, Al-Haeri. Here, it is a must to define the nature of the relationship between the religious authority and the political party. No Islamic party is authorized to be engaged in politics without permission from an all-inclusive religious authority. However, I don’t think that it’s Al-Sadr’s end as he is politically and socially influential. I think he will seek new authorization from a religious authority in Qom or Najaf or will have a special independent opinion.


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Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Russian Presidential Special Representative for Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, in an April interview to Interfax news agency, offered an insight into aspects of Russia’s policy objectives, initiatives and future prospects in Africa. He highlighted a few obstacles for Russia’s inability to realize its set goals and tasks during the past several years. What is spectacularly interesting in the interview text concerns Soviet and Russian education for Africans.

Bogdanov authoritatively told the interviewer, Ksenia Baygarova, that Africa has always been an important region from the point of view of foreign policy of the Russian Federation. “This cooperation is very multidimensional. For instance, how many Africans have studied at our universities? Back at the end of 1950s-1960s, the Soviet Union played the most important historical role for African peoples in getting their statehood and independence during their fight against colonial rule. Of course, these historical ties give a solid basis for cordial relationships. Many generations of politicians and diplomats have changed but it is good that continuity and solidarity between our country and Africa has been upheld,” he narrated about the past historical records.

Understandably, now is the time to restore Russia-African ties after a pause linked to domestic problems in the country. The collapse of the Soviet Union pushed cooperation with Africa into the background. “Some of our embassies in African countries were closed. Regrettably, much has been lost over this period, and as they say, nature abhors a vacuum. Others, western countries, China, Turkey, and India, filled the vacuum that emerged after our ‘retreat’ from Africa,” he convincingly explained.

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website indicates that during the past years, there have been several top-level bilateral meetings, signing of MoUs and bilateral agreements. In November 2021, a policy document titled the ‘Situation Analytical Report’ presented at the premises of TASS News Agency was very critical about Russia’s current policy towards Africa.

While the number of high-level meetings has increased, the share of substantive issues and definitive results on the agenda remains small. Apart from the absence of a public strategy for the continent, there is the lack of coordination among various state and para-state institutions working with Africa.

Russia grossly lacks public outreach policies that could help form good perception and build image especially among the youth and the middle-class that form the bulk of Africa’s 1.3 billion population.

Researchers have been making tangible contributions to the development of African studies in Russia. The Moscow-based Africa Studies Institute has a huge pack of research materials useful for designing an African agenda. In an interview, Professor Vladimir Shubin at the Institute for African Studies under the Russian Academy of Sciences reiterated that Russia is not doing enough to communicate to the broad sectors of the public, particularly in Africa, true information about its domestic and foreign policies as well as the accomplishments of Russia’s economy, science and technology to form a positive perception of Russia within the context of the current global changes of the 21st century.

Under the geopolitical changes and circumstances, Russia would have to open-up more especially working with strategically chosen social groups and business associations in Africa. China has such a strategy and resultantly has excellent footprints. While Deputy Minister Mikhail Bogdanov is still talking about Soviet Union education in 1950s-1960s, China’s current focus is on different forms of education, ranging from short-term, requalification courses and academic fellowships to the regular intake of African students.

With far-sightedness and long-term strategy, Beijing is very desirous to win the hearts and minds of Africa’s future leaders and influencers by offering them educational opportunities in China. It is investing and exercising soft power in the education sector, and it is reported that China provided 12,000 scholarships to African students in 2021, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. 

China has been training African civil servants and runs the Confucius Institute in some 20 African countries. It recently opened the first Party School and admitted the first batch of 120 participants from African ruling parties at the US$40 million facility in Tanzania funded by the Chinese Communist Party. There is now a total of 81,562 African students this 2022/23 academic year in China, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education.

The data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics shows that Asian countries have become the second most popular destination for African students studying abroad with China being number one followed by the likes of India, Japan, Korea, and Israel, among others. Judging from our monitoring and research, India has also taken steps aimed at building a more practical partnership in a number of spheres in the continent. New Delhi has a new set of opportunities in human resources development, information technology and education. 

While Indian companies rely more on African talent, they do capacity building of the local population. The India diaspora plays its own bridging role between India and Africa. India offers many academic fellowship and internship opportunities for young Africans.

The United States and European countries train thousands yearly, ranging from short-term courses to long-term academic disciplines. During the tenure of Barak Obama, the White House created the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). It brings 500 Africans to the White House in Washington and runs various academic and training programmes for Africans. Before the Covid-19, The Times Higher Education index indicated that approximately 43,000 Africans enrolled into American universities. Many African universities and institutes jointly run programes, including fellowships, together with Westerners and Europeans. Compare this with Russia’s annual scholarship of about 1,800.

In August 2022, the EU offered postgraduate scholarships to over 200 young Nigerians in top European universities. France, a member of the European Union, is collaborating with French-speaking African countries to offer an intensive orientation and educational training for 10,000 French teachers in Africa. Besides training French teachers, it has regular students’ intake from Africa. France, like any other foreign player, has been looking for effective ways of improving its public diplomacy especially in French-speaking African countries. 

From the Arab world and Gulf region, Turkey has been making inroads into Africa. It has shifted direction and now pursues a more diversified, multidimensional foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. Turkey was accorded an observer status by the African Union. In a reciprocal move, the AU declared Turkey its strategic partner in 2008, and since then relations between Africa and Turkey is still gaining momentum. It trains more and more agricultural specialists for Africa.

In 2009, there were only 12 Turkish embassies in African countries, with five of them in North Africa. Now, there are 43. With tourism promotion at the hotspot, Turkish Airlines has flights to 60 different destinations in 39 countries on the continent while the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) has nearly 30 coordination centers throughout Africa. 

Arguably, the Presidential Special Representative for Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, most probably understands all this when he said in his Interfax interview that other foreign players are active and operating in Africa. Statistics on African students are, in fact, still staggering. Russia’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education, citing confidentiality, declined to give the current figure for Africa.

For the coming years, Russia needs a model template of social policy for Africa. With the emerging new world order which invariably incorporates in its fold education and cultural influence – the importance soft power – for making alliances and inroads, networking and collaborating with institutions, in Africa. Chairman of the State Duma, Viacheslav Volodin, is convinced that cultural and educational cooperation could be equally important areas needed to be developed and intensified in Russia-African relations.

Professor Vladimir Filippov, former Rector of the Russian University of People’s Friendship (RUDN), popularly referred to as Patrice Lumumba Friendship University, has underscored the fact that social attitudes toward foreigners first have to change positively, the need to create a multicultural learning environment, then the need to expand educational and scientific ties between Russia and Africa. Established in 1960 to provide higher education to Third World students, it later became an integral part of the Soviet cultural offensive in non-aligned countries. His university has gained international popularity as an educational institution located in southwest Moscow.

“The present and the future of Russia-Africa relations is not about charity, it’s about co-development,” states Evgeny Primakov, Head of the Russian Federal Agency for International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) and member of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum. The Secretariat has, under its aegis, three coordination councils namely business, public and scientific councils. Primakov heads the humanitarian council that deals with education and humanitarian questions for the Foreign Ministry. Primakov underlines that the number of Russian state scholarships for African citizens – for the whole continent made up of 54 African countries – has increased from 1765 in 2019 to 1843 in 2020.

The Russian system of higher education needs to adapt to the new realities, to gain more value on the international market especially for Africa’s middle class whose kids could study on contracts in the Russian Federation. This is strictly not humanitarian aid as perceived by Mikhail Bogdanov and Evgeny Primakov.

Similarly at the Valdai Discussion Club, academic researchers from the Institute for African Studies and policy observers held discussions on current Russia’s policy, emerging opportunities and possibilities for partnerships in Africa. Quite interestingly, majority of them acknowledged the need for Russia to be more prominent as it should be and work more consistently to achieve its strategic goals on the continent.

While Russia claims to have trained thousands of Africans from 1950s and 1960s as emphatically explained by Deputy Minister Bogdanov, the African youth and the middle class, African NGOs and the civil society, are remote in Russia’s policy towards Africa.

Gordey Yastrebov, a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Institute for Sociology and Social Psychology at the University of Cologne (Germany), argues in an email interview discussion that “education can be a tool for geopolitical influence in general, and for changing perceptions specifically, and Russia (just like any other country) could use it for that same purpose. However, Russia isn’t doing anything substantial on this front, at least there is no consistent effort with obvious outcomes that would make me think so. There are no large-scale investment programmes in education focusing on this.” 

Western educational and scientific paradigm embraces cooperation and critical independent thinking, whereas this is not the case with the Russian paradigm, which is becoming more isolationist and authoritarian. Obviously by now, Africa should look up to more successful examples elsewhere, perhaps in the United States and Europe.

Professor Natalia Vlasova, Deputy Rector at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the Ural State University of Economics (USUE) in Yekaterinburg, explains that many African countries are developing rapidly. The African elites and the growing middle-class are great potentials for sponsoring their children’s education abroad. She explains the necessity to develop bilateral ties not only in the economic sphere but also in education and culture, promote exchange of people and ideas in the social sphere. 

She concludes: “In times of Soviet Union, African countries were strategic partners, and now we should reactivate these relations because in the nearest future they will have big economic and political power. This could, indeed, be a huge market and has potential basis for future diversified business.”

Sergey Lavrov and Mikhail Bogdanov at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and top officials at the Ministry of Higher Education and related agencies have to work more on opportunities and diverse ways to increase the number of students, especially tuition paying agreements for children of the growing elite families and middle-class from African countries. It has to review its cultural component in its current foreign policy, undoubtedly, be directed at strengthening relations. It is certainly true that western and European system classically appeal more to Africans. If Russia’s ultimate interest is to lead a fairer and more stable global system, then it is necessary to share these interests through educational sphere in sub-Saharan Africa.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a widely circulated Russian daily newspaper, also reports that Russia has to focus on the young population from developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. It has to target the elite and middle class in these markets for the export of education which has great potential. The paper notes that Africa’s fast-growing population is a huge potential market for knowledge transfer and export education. 

Beyond all these trends in the Russia-African relations discussed above, it is necessary here to recall that President Vladimir Putin particularly notes the good dynamics of specialist training and education in Russian educational institutions for African countries. Putin, however, suggests that Russian and African participants should map out broad initiatives in the sphere of education and culture.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), is now a regular contributor to Global Research. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

Featured image is from the author

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The self-sustaining cycle of socio-economic and political unrest triggered by European leaders complying with the US’ demands to promulgate counterproductive policies is expected to continue for the indefinite future.

A large-scale protest took place in the Czech capital of Prague on Saturday involving an estimated 70,000-100,000 people who came out en masse to peacefully raise maximum awareness of their government’s policies that have drastically worsened their living standards over the past half-year. Instead of acknowledging their legal dissent despite disagreeing with the causes behind their socio-economic suffering, Prime Minister Petr Fiala attempted to discredit the protest by falsely claiming that it “was called by forces that are pro-Russian”, adding that “It is clear that Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns are present on our territory and some people simply listen to them.”

His reaction appears to have been influenced by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s latest remark completely discrediting the entire concept of Western Democracy after she insisted that her government will cling to its illegal anti-Russian sanctions policy despite it being directly responsible for her people’s socio-economic suffering. Like her, Fiala also refuses to change course, let alone recognize that his government’s same policy is responsible for triggering the same reaction from his people as Baerbock’s has already triggered from her own. The identical nature of these neighboring governments’ policies and their responses to the popular discontent that they provoked exposes a large trend.

To elaborate, the European elite were ordered by their American patrons into promulgating counterproductive policies that tanked their economies and provoked political unrest, both consequences of which have absolutely nothing to do with so-called “Russian propaganda” and everything to do with the US’ meddling in their sovereign affairs. Had these politicians retained even a semblance of policymaking independence, then they’d have at least countenanced the benefits inherent in acknowledging their people’s peacefully expressed and legitimate frustrations along with possibly scaling back some of these same counterproductive policies for politically self-serving reasons.

Instead, these same leaders are clinging to the policies that are responsible for destabilizing their countries by none other than their own hand for reasons that are clearly connected to the debts that they owe their American patrons for putting them in power in the first place. It’s one thing to be thrown out of office after the next election, exactly as President Putin predicted in mid-June during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) could very well happen across the entirety of the EU in the coming future in order to bring about what he described as “a change in elites” (which is a clever play on the US’ policy of regime change), and another entirely to be taken out by the US as revenge.

Source: OneWorld

By “taken out”, what’s being implied here isn’t just that American intelligence could orchestrate the sequence of political events leading to their replacement by a more pliable puppet, but perhaps even advancing the worst-case scenario that could remove the targeted politican for good. It’s with these fears in mind, the credibility of which is unquestionable considering the CIA’s track record over the decades, that politicians like Baerbock and Fiala continue clinging to their counterproductive policies in spite of them having totally destabilized their own countries. Attempting to blame everything on so-called “Russian propaganda” will only provoke their people even more.

The EU’s censorship of publicly financed Russian international media flagships RT and Sputnik means that neither of them (which are just publicly financed and not “state-controlled” unlike the BBC and their other Western analogues) has any realistic chance of influencing Czechs, Germans, or the bloc’s many other people into protesting against their governments even if they tried (which hasn’t happened nor will it). Their citizens know this too, hence why their authorities’ false claims are rightly interpreted as insults to their intelligence and desperate smears to discredit their genuinely grassroots and purely peaceful expression of their constitutionally enshrined political rights, thus provoking more protests.

The self-sustaining cycle of socio-economic and political unrest triggered by European leaders complying with the US’ demands to promulgate counterproductive policies is expected to continue for the indefinite future. The end result is that the EU will continue being destabilized per America’s Machiavellian grand strategy of weaponizing chaos in an attempt to create opportunities that it can consequently exploit in order to indefinitely prolong the decline of its unipolar hegemony. Millions of people will suffer, US influence will surge throughout the bloc, and Europe will never be able to collectively compete with America again.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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European solidarity continues cracking amid growing protests in different corners of the EU, with citizens angry at the collective policy of “standing up to Russia” in support of Ukraine at all costs. For example, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock days ago openly expressed that she’s committed to support Ukraine “no matter what German voters think.”

But elsewhere, Italy’s League party leader Matteo Salvini, (which the mainstream media consistently dubs as “far-right wing” – though he would describe his party as the government of “good sense”) on Sunday broke ranks with other European leaders who have lately seemed to echo some form of this ‘Ukraine first’ policy.

On Sunday Salvini urged an end to Russia energy sanctions which are only leaving Europeans “on their knees” due to higher energy bills and lack of supply. “Several months have passed and people are paying two, three, even four times more for their bills,” he said in an interview RTL radio. “And after seven months, the war continues and Russian Federation coffers are filling with money.”

He explained that not only are the sanctions not working, but they hit Italy harder. While saying he stands in solidarity with Ukraine, he’s not willing to stick with something obviously counterproductive where the blowback is felt more in Europe, Italy in particular with its soaring energy import prices, and not the intended target of the Putin government.

This was the same message he issued to a gathering of Italy’s political leaders on Lake Como, where he stressed that Russia’s export surplus of $140 billion is the direct result of these backfired sanctions.

“Do we have to defend Ukraine? Yes,” Salvini said. “But I would not want the sanctions to harm those who impose them more than those who are hit by them.” Politico meanwhile noted his coalition is expected to win big in late September national elections:

Salvini’s remarks come just weeks before Italians head to the polls on September 25 in a national election in which a right-wing coalition that includes the League is expected to win. His comments could therefore raise concerns about the future government’s resolve against Russia among other EU politicians, especially given one of Salvini’s allies in the coalition, Brothers of Italy leader Giorgia Meloni, has vowed to stand firm with NATO on tough measures against Moscow.

Salvini called for a rethinking of current tactics, but still vowed that if in power his League party won’t stop backing Ukraine. “If we get into government will we change alliances? No. We remain deeply, proudly and firmly rooted in a free and democratic West that opposes war and aggression,” he explained. “But if we adopt an instrument to hurt the aggressor and after seven months of war it has not been hurt, at least considering a change seems legitimate to me.”

“We certainly need a European shield, like during COVID,” Salvini said of collective measures which could be more sensible in lowering energy prices and saving jobs:

“In place of sanctions, which were supposed to hurt the Russians, it would be better to protect the Italians and Europeans with a shield, a parachute,” Salvini said on the stump for the September 25 general election in the northern town of Bolzano.

“The only emergency in this moment are electricity and gas bills. It is serious that one side of politics does not understand this,” he said referring primarily to the center left. “It is a continental and national problem”.

Naturally (and just like is typical in US political discourse), the mere suggestion of backing down from any sanctions currently on the table resulted in his political opponents labeling Salvini essentially a Putin puppet.

Meanwhile, in the UK, where leaders have long demanded the population “sacrifice” for the sake of Ukraine

Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio of the Together for the Future party charged that Salvini’s comments stem ultimately from wanting to “do [Vladimir] Putin a favor.” Di Maio said in a Sunday media interview: “The issue of sanctions is very clear in the Italian right: They don’t have a line,” while at the same time Enrico Letta, the leader of the center-left Democratic Party, quipped: “I don’t think Putin could have said it better.”

But underscoring that the proverbial chickens are about to come home to roost, Reuters on Monday writes in the wake of Salvini’s warnings that “Italy’s net energy import costs are set to more than double this year to nearly 100 billion euros ($99.5 billion), the economy minister said, warning Rome could not spend indefinitely to cushion the blow on the economy.”


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Physicians in Italy studied the blood of patients who had been injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and found foreign matter long after vaccination, a new study shows.

The three doctors, all of whom are surgeons—Franco Giovannini, M.D., Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, M.D., and Giampaolo Pisano, M.D.—examined freshly drawn blood of more than a thousand patients using direct observation under microscopes to see what was happening in the blood.

Their results were published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research in August 2022.

For this study, the Italian doctors used optical microscopy, that is, regular light microscopes, to examine the blood. Blood cells are easily visible under a microscope. Their shape, type, and how and if they are aggregated—clumped together—can help the skilled physician better understand the patient’s health.

In their 60-page peer-reviewed study, the Italian researchers did not draw any conclusions. They just reported case studies from their observations. Although they could not explain what they observed, they noted in the study that what they saw was so strange that they felt the need to alert the medical community.

Dark-Field Microscopy

The light or optical microscope uses visible light and a series of lenses to magnify small images.

Unlike electron microscopy, light microscopy provides a direct image of what is under the lens. With light microscopy, scientists can either use a bright white background behind the cells, with the light shining from behind the slide, or they can use a dark background.

This technique, which is called dark-field or dark-ground microscopy, works by blocking the backlighting and bouncing the light around from the side in order to make the slide stand out from the dark background. Dark-field microscopy uses a special aperture to focus the light so the background stays dark. The light will not pass directly through the sample, and no staining is required, so living cells do not need to be killed to be studied. For this research, the doctors used dark-field microscopy.

Abnormal Blood

Of the 1,006 patients, 426 were men and 580 were women. One hundred and forty-one received only one dose of an mRNA vaccine, 453 got two doses, and 412 received three doses in total. The patients ranged in age from 15 to 85. The average age of the patients was 49. All 1,006 patients were seeking healthcare because they were not feeling well: presenting with a wide variety of health issues.

On average, the patients whose blood was examined had been vaccinated about one month prior.

Of the 1,006 patients, after vaccination, only about 5 percent—just 58 people—had blood that looked normal.

The doctors were able to examine the blood of 12 of the patients before they had received any vaccines. At that time, previous to being vaccinated, all 12 patients presented with normal, healthy blood, according to the researchers.

The authors did not reveal how many people were vaccinated in total, so the percentage of vaccinated people who developed abnormal blood is unknown. This is a shortcoming of their research. What is known, however, is that 94 percent of the patients surveyed in this study, who developed subsequent symptoms, had abnormal blood.

Each of the patients was being reviewed for symptoms, a wide range of which had arisen since their vaccinations.

The images are dramatic. Side-by-side pictures of a patient’s blood before and after vaccination show stark differences. Before vaccination, the red blood cells are separate from each other and are round, while the blood drawn after vaccination shows red blood cells that are deformed, and that cluster in coagulation around visible foreign matter that was not present before.

Foreign Material Aggregated in the Blood

This foreign material seemed to collect itself into structures, sometimes forming crystals and other times forming long tubes or fibers.

The foreign-body structures in the patients’ blood, which had not been there before vaccination, certainly look unusual in the photos included in the study.

The large shapes seemed to the doctors to have aggregated in the blood, and they observed shapes that suggest the way graphene can self-assemble into structures.

Graphene is a form of carbon that occurs when the atoms are arranged in hexagons, making a flat crystal, like a sheet. In this form, though the carbon is not a metal, it behaves chemically like a metallic compound.

The two shapes they noticed in the blood stream were crystal-like chunks and tube-like lengths. While the researchers could not confirm that what they saw was graphene, they pointed out that graphene can aggregate into shapes similar to those the doctors observed.

Is It Graphene?

Graphene has been used in nasal-delivery flu vaccinations, and is being developed for use in other medicines. However, it is not listed as an ingredient in any of the mRNA vaccines.

The Italian doctors did not chemically test for graphene. They only speculated that graphene may be a component of the structures. Graphene can self-assemble tiny nano-structures, making it useful for carbon nanotubes and carbon fiber. However, as the authors mentioned, graphene self-assembling into structures in the bloodstream could provide something for blood to clot on, potentially causing large-scale blood clots.

These speculations raise more questions than answers, as neither graphene nor other metallic compounds were supposed to have been used in the vaccines. So why did over 950 people experiencing post-vaccination health issues present with foreign material in their blood?

This is not the only study to find blood abnormalities post-mRNA vaccination.

In a previously published study in the same journal, a Korean team also showed that mRNA-vaccinated blood contained metallic objects that should not have been there. The Korean scientists analyzed samples of centrifuged blood from eight people who had received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against two people who did not receive any COVID-19 vaccines.

The team of three South Korean medical doctors, Young Mi Lee, Sunyoung Park, and Ki-Yeob Jeon, explained that:

“The preponderance of evidence suggests that the foreign materials found in the COVID-19 vaccine recipients … were injected into their bodies when they received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccines.”

According to this study:

“From the 8 COVID-19 vaccine recipients: 6 plasma samples contained a multilayered disc of unidentified composition; 3 samples contained beaded coil-like materials; 1 plasma sample contained a fibrous bundle of similar appearing beaded foreign material; and a different group of 3 samples had crystal-like formations of foreign material. The various shapes and sizes of foreign materials in the centrifuged plasmas of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals closely resembled the shapes and sizes of foreign materials previously observed directly in the vaccines themselves.”

The Italian study, which analyzed over 10 times as many blood samples, appears to confirm the findings from Korea. However, it is difficult to extrapolate from their findings. It would be easier to confirm that the vaccines were indeed the cause of the blood abnormalities if the Italian researchers had also analyzed the blood of a control group of patients presenting with similar unusual symptoms (or lack thereof) who had not been previously vaccinated.

Clotting Problems

Clotting problems are one of the hallmark complications seen after COVID-19 vaccination.

As the subject pool was of people who had been recently vaccinated and subsequently had health problems arise, this new science suggests that these structures in the blood and the abnormal clotting behavior of the blood cells could be a major part of why clinical doctors are seeing so many unusual health issues consequent to mRNA vaccination.

Indeed, large clots have even been found in the bodies of the deceased since the vaccine program started. An embalmer in Alabama noticed that large clots of a sort he had never seen in his 20-year career started to become commonplace once the vaccine program started, according to a non-profit Alabama news agency.

Richard Hirschmann told 1819 News that he has collected pictures of over a hundred cases of these blood clots. Hirschmann also alerted local labs and has been working with a radiologist, Phillip Triantos, M.D., to better understand why and how patients are presenting with large-scale slow-forming blood clots.

Other doctors, including Ryan Cole, M.D., a dermatopathologist (which is a doctor who uses a microscope to examine samples of skin, hair, and nails to diagnose diseases) and founder of the Idaho-based company, Cole Diagnostics, have also seen large blood clots becoming an emerging phenomenon since widespread vaccination campaigns started, according to 1819 News.

Microscopes in Medicine

It used to be common for medical doctors to have microscopes in their offices and to examine their patients’ blood (and other bodily fluids) themselves, according to Barron Lerner, M.D., author of “The Good Doctor: A Father, a Son, and the Evolution of Medical Ethics.”

While medical doctors today, with some exceptions, almost always send tests off to outside laboratories for analysis, Barron Lerner described how senior physicians used to feel it was their duty to teach their younger colleagues and medical students how to do testing themselves: Gram stains to test for bacterial infections, urine analysis under the microscope, and centrifuging blood to check for anemia and other issues.

Akin to medical doctors of past eras, the Italian team of doctors who published these new findings explained that they have looked at the blood of patients over their entire careers, including after every other sort of vaccination. But they have never seen foreign bodies of this sort before.

Post-market surveillance of medical devices, new medications, and vaccinations is of the utmost importance to ensure safety. These unusual and widespread findings of abnormalities in the blood post-mRNA vaccination should be of global concern. If 94 percent of patients with adverse health problems have occlusions in their blood that were not present before they were vaccinated, these scientists may have uncovered an unanticipated and dangerous side effect of mRNA vaccines.


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Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning journalist and author of “Your Baby, Your Way: Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting Decisions for a Happier, Healthier Family.” A Fulbright awardee and mother of four, she has worked on a child survival campaign in West Africa, advocated for an end to child slavery in Pakistan on prime-time TV in France, and taught post-colonial literature to non-traditional students in inner-city Atlanta. Learn more about her at

Joe Wang, Ph.D., was a lead scientist for Sanofi Pasteur’s SARS vaccine project in 2003. He is now the president of New Tang Dynasty TV (Canada).

Featured image:  A hand holding an mRNA vaccine vial. (Spencer Davis / Unsplash)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page! (NOTE: User-friendly)

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A brand new video from the World Economic Forum’s agenda article! The agenda is to stop growth and decide what industries to shut down.

Some very juicy quotes from the video (with timestamps)

4.23: Some economists think the solution is to reengineer our economies completely. They make the case that what we should really be doing is weaning ourselves from the addiction to growth and shifting to a post-growth economy (later defined as liquidation of various industries — I.C)

Instead of growing, WEF wants us to focus on what we “really need” (according to WEF)

4:46 things like renewable energy, healthcare, and public transportation. To do that, economists think that rich countries should do something like guarantee living wages.

They are talking about unearned “universal basic income” because the next cut shows a sad-looking lonely person spending a day not working. It promises that people will not be needing jobs to “earn their living or get healthcare”:

What is the goal? To scale down production of things deemed less necessary! (sic)

WEF asks if we could “do away with entire industries”, showing an anxious, sweaty man worried about his industry being shut down:

How would we decide what is unnecessary, asks the voice prompter. How would we resolve our disagreements? How to make these decisions?

The answer is, says WEF, is that we need to enlist help from AI systems, in order to answer the questions such as which industries to do away with.

WEF loves AI!

The WEF deciding what industries to do away with, using WEF-sponsored AI, may sound insane and stupid like a half-baked, paranoid conspiracy theory of a delusional hillbilly.

But I did not come up with any of it! I just retold the WEF article and the WEF video. I am not sure if they are serious or are just trolling us, but in the past, they were dead serious about their agenda.

What do you think?


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Veteran Intelligence Professionals: Ukraine Decision Time for Biden

September 6th, 2022 by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

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September 5, 2022

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Ukraine Decision Time
REF: Nukes Cannot be Un-Invented, VIPS

Mr. President:

Before Defense Secretary Austin flies off to Ramstein for the meeting Thursday of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group we owe you a few words of caution occasioned by our many decades of experience with what happens to intelligence in wartime. If he tells you Kyiv is beating back the Russians, kick the tires – and consider widening your circle of advisers

Truth is the coin of the realm in intelligence analysis. It is equally axiomatic that truth is the first casualty of war, and that applies to the war in Ukraine as well as earlier wars we have been involved in. When at war, Defense Secretaries, Secretaries of State, and generals simply cannot be relied upon to tell the truth – to the media, or even to the President. We learned that early – the hard and bitter way. A lot of our comrades in arms did not come back from Vietnam.

Vietnam: President Lyndon Johnson preferred to believe Gen. William Westmoreland who told him and Defense Secretary McNamara in 1967 that South Vietnam could win – if only LBJ would supply an additional 206,000 troops. CIA analysts knew that to be untrue and that – worse still — Westmoreland was deliberately falsifying the number of forces he faced, claiming there were only “299,000” Vietnamese communists under arms in the South. We reported the number was 500,000 to 600,000. (Sadly, we were proven right during the countrywide communist Tet offensive in early 1968. Johnson quickly decided not to run for another term.)

All being fair in love and war, the generals in Saigon were determined to offer a rosy picture. In an August 20, 1967 cable from Saigon, Westmoreland’s deputy, Gen. Creighton Abrams, explained the rationale for their deception. He wrote that the higher enemy numbers (which were supported by virtually all intelligence agencies) “were in sharp contrast to the current overall strength figure of about 299,000 given to the press.” Abrams continued: “We have been projecting an image of success over recent months.” He cautioned that if the higher figures became public, “all available caveats and explanations will not prevent the press from drawing an erroneous and gloomy conclusion.”

The Demise of Imagery Analysis: Until 1996, CIA had an independent capability to do unencumbered military analysis enabling it to speak the truth – even during war. One key arrow in the analysis quiver was its established responsibility to perform imagery analysis for the entire Intelligence Community. Its early success in pinpointing Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962 had earned the National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) a solid reputation for professionalism and objectivity. It helped considerably in our analysis of the Vietnam war. And later, it played a key role in assessing Soviet strategic capabilities and in verifying arms control agreements.

In 1996, when NPIC and its 800 highly professional imagery analysts were given, kit and kaboodle, to the Pentagon, it was goodbye to impartial intelligence.

Iraq: Retired Air Force General James Clapper was eventually put in charge of NPIC’s successor, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and thus was well positioned to grease the skids for the “war of choice” on Iraq.

Indeed, Clapper is one of the few senior functionaries to admit that, under pressure from Vice President Cheney, he was “leaning forward” to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; could find none; but went along anyway. In his memoir Clapper accepts part of the blame for this consequential fraud – he calls it “the failure” – in the quest to find the (nonexistent) WMD. He writes, we “were so eager to help that we found what wasn’t really there.”

Afghanistan: You will recall the extreme pressure on President Obama coming from Defense Secretary Gates, Secretary of State Clinton, and generals like Petraeus and McCrystal to double down in sending more troops to Afghanistan. They were able to push aside Intelligence Community analysts, relegating them to strap-hangers at decision-making meetings. We recall U.S. Ambassador in Kabul Karl Eikenberry, a former Army Lieutenant General who had commanded troops in Afghanistan, appealing plaintively for an objective National Intelligence Estimate on the pros and cons of doubling down. We are also aware of reports that you demurred, sensing that deepening US involvement would be a fool’s errand. Remember when Gen. McChrystal promised, in February 2010, a “government in a box, ready to roll” into the key Afghan city of Marja?

The President, as you well know, deferred to Gates and the generals. And, last summer, it was left to you to pick up the pieces, so to speak. As for the fiasco in Iraq, the “surge” that Gates and Petraeus were picked by Cheney and Bush to implement brought almost a thousand additional “transfer cases” to the mortuary in Dover, while allowing Bush and Cheney to go West without having lost a war.

As for former Defense Secretary Gates’s undented Teflon coat, after his doubling-down advice on Iraq and Afghanistan, he had the chutzpah to include the following in a speech at West Point on Feb. 25, 2011 shortly before he left office:

“But in my opinion, any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should ‘have his head examined,’ as General [Douglas] MacArthur so delicately put it.”

Syria – Austin’s Reputation Not Without Blemish: Closer to home, Secretary Austin is no stranger to accusations of politicizing intelligence. He was commander of CENTCOM (2013 to 2016) when more than 50 CENTCOM military analysts, in August 2015, signed a formal complaint to the Pentagon Inspector General that their intelligence reports on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria were being inappropriately manipulated by the top brass. The analysts claimed their reports were being changed by higher-ups to dovetail with the administration’s public line that the US was winning the battle against ISIS and the al-Nusra Front, al Qaeda’s branch in Syria.

In February 2017, the Pentagon Inspector General found that allegations of intelligence being intentionally altered, delayed or suppressed by top CENTCOM officials from mid-2014 to mid-2015 were “largely unsubstantiated.” (sic)

In Summary: We hope you take the time to review this history – and to take it into account before sending Secretary Austin off to Ramstein. In addition, today’s announcement that Russia intends to cut off gas through Nord Stream 1 until Western sanctions are removed is likely to have a significant impact on Austin’s interlocutors. It may even make European government leaders more inclined to carve out some sort of compromise before Russian forces advance farther and winter arrives. (We hope you have been adequately briefed on the likely outcome of the recent Ukrainian “offensive”.)

You may also wish to seek counsel from CIA Director William Burns and others with experience in the history of Europe – and particularly of Germany. Media reports suggested earlier that in Ramstein Secretary Austin will commit to providing Ukraine with still more weaponry and will encourage his colleagues to do the same. If he follows that script, he may find few takers – particularly among those most vulnerable to winter cold.

FOR THE STEERING GROUP: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

  • William Binney, NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (ret.)
  • Marshall Carter-Tripp, Foreign Service Officer (ret.) and Division Director, State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research
  • Bogdan Dzakovic, former Team Leader of Federal Air Marshals and Red Team, FAA Security (ret.) (associate VIPS)
  • Graham E. Fuller, Vice-Chair, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
  • Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.)
  • Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)
  • Larry Johnson, former CIA Intelligence Officer & former State Department Counter-Terrorism Official (ret.)
  • John Kiriakou, former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former senior investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
  • Karen Kwiatkowski, former Lt. Col., US Air Force (ret.), at Office of Secretary of Defense watching the manufacture of lies on Iraq, 2001-2003
  • Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)
  • Edward Loomis, Cryptologic Computer Scientist, former Technical Director at NSA (ret.)
  • Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst; CIA Presidential briefer (ret.)
  • Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council & CIA political analyst (ret.)
  • Pedro Israel Orta, former CIA and Intelligence Community (Inspector General) officer
  • Todd Pierce, MAJ, US Army Judge Advocate (ret.)
  • Scott Ritter, former MAJ., USMC, former UN Weapon Inspector, Iraq
  • Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)
  • Sarah G. Wilton, CDR, USNR, (Retired)/DIA, (Retired)
  • Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret.); Foreign Service Officer (resigned in opposition to the war on Iraq)


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Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs) is made up of former intelligence officers, diplomats, military officers and congressional staffers. The organization, founded in 2002, was among the first critics of Washington’s justifications for launching a war against Iraq. VIPS advocates a US foreign and national security policy based on genuine national interests rather than contrived threats promoted for largely political reasons.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

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Peace Talks Essential as War Rages on in Ukraine

September 6th, 2022 by Medea Benjamin

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Six months ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. The United States, NATO and the European Union (EU) wrapped themselves in the Ukrainian flag, shelled out billions for arms shipments, and imposed draconian sanctions intended to severely punish Russia for its aggression.

Since then, the people of Ukraine have been paying a price for this war that few of their supporters in the West can possibly imagine. Wars do not follow scripts, and Russia, Ukraine, the United States, NATO and the European Union have all encountered unexpected setbacks.

Western sanctions have had mixed results, inflicting severe economic damage on Europe as well as on Russia, while the invasion and the West’s response to it have combined to trigger a food crisis across the Global South. As winter approaches, the prospect of another six months of war and sanctions threatens to plunge Europe into a serious energy crisis and poorer countries into famine. So it is in the interest of all involved to urgently reassess the possibilities of ending this protracted conflict.

For those who say negotiations are impossible, we have only to look at the talks that took place during the first month after the Russian invasion, when Russia and Ukraine tentatively agreed to a fifteen-point peace plan in talks mediated by Turkey. Details still had to be worked out, but the framework and the political will were there.

Russia was ready to withdraw from all of Ukraine, except for Crimea and the self-declared republics in Donbas. Ukraine was ready to renounce future membership in NATO and adopt a position of neutrality between Russia and NATO.

The agreed framework provided for political transitions in Crimea and Donbas that both sides would accept and recognize, based on self-determination for the people of those regions. The future security of Ukraine was to be guaranteed by a group of other countries, but Ukraine would not host foreign military bases on its territory.

On March 27, President Zelenskyy told a national TV audience, “Our goal is obvious—peace and the restoration of normal life in our native state as soon as possible.” He laid out his “red lines” for the negotiations on TV to reassure his people he would not concede too much, and he promised them a referendum on the neutrality agreement before it would take effect.

Such early success for a peace initiative was no surprise to conflict resolution specialists. The best chance for a negotiated peace settlement is generally during the first months of a war. Each month that a war rages on offers reduced chances for peace, as each side highlights the atrocities of the other, hostility becomes entrenched and positions harden.

The abandonment of that early peace initiative stands as one of the great tragedies of this conflict, and the full scale of that tragedy will only become clear over time as the war rages on and its dreadful consequences accumulate.

Ukrainian and Turkish sources have revealed that the U.K. and U.S. governments played decisive roles in torpedoing those early prospects for peace. During U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s “surprise visit” to Kyiv on April 9th, he reportedly told Prime Minister Zelenskyy that the U.K. was “in it for the long run,” that it would not be party to any agreement between Russia and Ukraine, and that the “collective West” saw a chance to “press” Russia and was determined to make the most of it.

The same message was reiterated by U.S. Defense Secretary Austin, who followed Johnson to Kyiv on April 25th and made it clear that the U.S. and NATO were no longer just trying to help Ukraine defend itself but were now committed to using the war to “weaken” Russia. Turkish diplomats told retired British diplomat Craig Murray that these messages from the United States and United Kingdom killed their otherwise promising efforts to mediate a ceasefire and a diplomatic resolution.

In response to the invasion, much of the public in Western countries accepted the moral imperative of supporting Ukraine as a victim of Russian aggression. But the decision by the U.S. and British governments to kill peace talks and prolong the war, with all the horror, pain and misery that entails for the people of Ukraine, has neither been explained to the public, nor endorsed by a consensus of NATO countries. Johnson claimed to be speaking for the “collective West,” but in May, the leaders of France, Germany and Italy all made public statements that contradicted his claim.

Addressing the European Parliament on May 9, French President Emmanuel Macron declared,

“We are not at war with Russia,” and that Europe’s duty was “to stand with Ukraine to achieve the cease-fire, then build peace.”

Meeting with President Biden at the White House on May 10, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi told reporters,

“People… want to think about the possibility of bringing a cease-fire and starting again some credible negotiations. That’s the situation right now. I think that we have to think deeply about how to address this.”

After speaking by phone with President Putin on May 13, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz tweeted that he told Putin,

“There must be a cease-fire in Ukraine as quickly as possible.”

But American and British officials continued to pour cold water on talk of renewed peace negotiations. The policy shift in April appears to have involved a commitment by Zelenskyy that Ukraine, like the U.K. and U.S., was “in it for the long run” and would fight on, possibly for many years, in exchange for the promise of tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons shipments, military training, satellite intelligence and Western covert operations.

As the implications of this fateful agreement became clearer, dissent began to emerge, even within the U.S. business and media establishment. On May 19, the very day that Congress appropriated $40 billion for Ukraine, including $19 billion for new weapons shipments, with not a single dissenting Democratic vote, The New York Times editorial board penned alead editorial titled, “The war in Ukraine is getting complicated, and America isn’t ready.”

The Times asked serious unanswered questions about U.S. goals in Ukraine, and tried to reel back unrealistic expectations built up by three months of one-sided Western propaganda, not least from its own pages. The board acknowledged, “A decisive military victory for Ukraine over Russia, in which Ukraine regains all the territory Russia has seized since 2014, is not a realistic goal.… Unrealistic expectations could draw [the United States and NATO] ever deeper into a costly, drawn-out war.”

More recently, warhawk Henry Kissinger, of all people, publicly questioned the entire U.S. policy of reviving its Cold War with Russia and China and the absence of a clear purpose or endgame short of World War III.

“We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it’s supposed to lead to,” Kissinger told The Wall Street Journal.

U.S. leaders have inflated the danger that Russia poses to its neighbors and the West, deliberately treating it as an enemy with whom diplomacy or cooperation would be futile, rather than as a neighbor raising understandable defensive concerns over NATO expansion and its gradual encirclement by U.S. and allied military forces.

Far from aiming to deter Russia from dangerous or destabilizing actions, successive administrations of both parties have sought every means available to “overextend and unbalance” Russia, all the while misleading the American public into supporting an ever-escalating and unthinkably dangerous conflict between our two countries, which together possess more than 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons.

After six months of a U.S. and NATO proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, we are at a crossroads. Further escalation should be unthinkable, but so should a long war of endless crushing artillery barrages and brutal urban and trench warfare that slowly and agonizingly destroys Ukraine, killing hundreds of Ukrainians with each day that passes.

The only realistic alternative to this endless slaughter is a return to peace talks to bring the fighting to an end, find reasonable political solutions to Ukraine’s political divisions, and seek a peaceful framework for the underlying geopolitical competition between the United States, Russia and China.

Campaigns to demonize, threaten and pressure our enemies can only serve to cement hostility and set the stage for war. People of good will can bridge even the most entrenched divisions and overcome existential dangers, as long as they are willing to talk – and listen – to their adversaries.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, which will be available from OR Books in October/November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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