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VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,407,409 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 30,935 deaths and 257,227 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,407,409 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 30,935 reports of deaths and 257,227 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.

Of the 30,935 reported deaths, 19,861 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 8,344 cases to Moderna, 2,678 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 865,585 adverse events, including 14,438 deaths and 89,838 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 14,438 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 9, 7% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 54% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 600 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of Sept. 7, including 361 million doses of Pfizer, 230 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

vaers data vaccine injury september 16

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 39,364 adverse events, including 4,2601 rated as serious and 121 reported deaths.
    According to the CDC, “VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.”
  • 269 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 94% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 1,306 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 646 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 301 reports of blood clotting disorders with 275 cases attributed to Pfizer.
  • 26 cases of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) with all cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

CDC reports 5,300 errors in vaccine dose delivery in kids prior to authorization of new boosters

More than 5,300 errors in vaccine dose delivery in children alone were reported to the CDC prior to the authorization of new COVID-19 bivalent booster shots, STAT reported.

Errors include administering the wrong dose or the wrong product for a recipient’s age, using an undiluted vaccine when dilution was needed or administering a vaccine past its expiration date.

According to STAT, a search in VAERS showed reports of toddlers being given 10 times the amount of vaccine they were meant to receive. In at least one report, a child under age 2 was given the full contents of a 10-dose vial in error.

According to the CDC, there is no evidence administration errors have triggered more severe adverse events than are typically reported in children who have been given the correct dose of a vaccine.

Yet, the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel on Sept. 1 “voiced serious concerns” about the difficulties of keeping as many as 11 different brands and formulations of COVID-19 vaccines straight — as doctors’ offices, clinics and pharmacies across the U.S. give a primary series to young children, regular booster shots to older children and new bivalent boosters for people over age 12.

The current COVID-19 vaccine schedule allows doses of multiple vaccines to be administered in different volumes, some after dilution and many not, with intervals between doses ranging from three weeks to several months.

Exclusive: Woman injured by J&J vaccine has ‘never seen such meanness’

Sheila Bath, a 60-something chef and life coach from Connecticut, first suspected she’d been injured by the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine on April 11, 2021 — exactly 14 days after she got the vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Bath said her initial symptoms included a burning sensation running from her legs to her spine and numbness in her feet. The symptoms lasted for two months.

“My legs were burning from my ankle all the way up to my lower spine on both sides. Burning, burning, burning,” Bath said. “My feet were numb. It was burning out the nerves in my legs and in my spine.”

She said she also sustained “terrible bruising” on her extremities, dry mouth, worsening vision, inability to walk, cysts on her kidneys, gallstones in her bladder, calf cramps, muscle spasms, depression, brain fog and 20 lbs. of water-weight gain.

These are “classical Guillain-Barré Syndrome symptoms,” Bath said.

Bath suspected the vaccine triggered the symptoms, but doctors were initially reluctant to draw the same conclusion. She told The Defender:

“I didn’t know what Guillain-Barré was, but it’s a very well-known thing that you have to go directly to the hospital. And [my neurologist] could have sent me directly to the hospital. The neurologist neglected to follow the protocol of getting me into hospital when they could have cured it.”

“Three times I went back to him and he sent me home,” she said, telling her, “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve got neuropathy because you’re older.”

England study confirms deaths from myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccines

As The Defender reported on Thursday, the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

The study, published Aug. 22 in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation,  found more than half (51) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after receiving a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and just under half (49) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

A team of 14 researchers looked at deaths after a hospital stay for myocarditis or with myocarditis listed as a cause of death on a death certificate among 42.8 million vaccinated people in England aged 13 and older between Dec. 1, 2020, and Dec. 15, 2021.

The researchers evaluated the association between vaccination and myocarditis for different ages and sex groups by tracking hospital admissions and deaths from myocarditis by age and gender and in relation to how many doses of a vaccine the person received.

About 20 million people got the AstraZeneca vaccine, 20 million got the Pfizer vaccine, and more than 1 million got the Moderna vaccine. Men under age 40, as a group, showed a heightened increased risk of myocarditis following all three vaccine types.

Although the study concluded the risk of myocarditis from SARS-CoV2 was greater than the risk of myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines, there was no control group of unvaccinated people, the study was limited to the 28 days following vaccination and the conclusion didn’t hold true for all ages or all vaccines.

CDC director admits agency gave false information on COVID vaccine safety monitoring

CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky acknowledged publicly for the first time that the agency gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring.

In a letter made public Sept.12, Walensky said the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it began analyzing such reports in February 2021.

“CDC performed PRR [Proportional Reporting Ratio] analysis between March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022,” Walensky said.

“CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26, 2021, to September 30, 2021.”

The CDC had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to VAERS.

But the agency said in June it did not perform PRRs, and performing them was “outside th[e] agency’s purview.”

Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told The Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and “continues to do so to date.”

But just weeks later, the CDC said Su was wrong.

“CDC performed PRRs from March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022,” a spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in August.

Walensky’s recent letter, dated Sept. 2, shows Walensky is aware her agency gave false information.

Court orders Bill Gates, Indian government to respond to lawsuit involving woman who died after AstraZeneca vaccine

An Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a 33-year-old doctor who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield COVID-19 vaccine.

The High Court of Judicature at Bombay set a Nov. 17 deadline for the responses and scheduled a hearing for the same day.

In a lawsuit filed in February, Dilip Lunawat alleged his daughter, Snehal Lunawat, died on March 1, 2021, of complications arising from the Covishield vaccine. He is seeking compensation of about $126 million.

According to Lunawat, his daughter was compelled as a health worker to get the Covishield vaccine and received assurances the vaccine was entirely safe and posed no risk to her health.

But just days after receiving her first dose on Jan. 28, 2021, Snehal developed severe headaches and vomiting and had to be hospitalized.

Doctors said Snehal was suffering from bleeding in the brain, low platelet count and blood-clot formation. After 14 days elapsed without her condition improving, Snehal’s family transferred her to another hospital, where she died eight days later.

Defendants in the case include Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute; Bill Gates, in his role as a partner in the development of the Covishield vaccine; the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; the Indian State of Maharashtra; India’s drug controller general; the former director of the All India Institute of Medical Science and others.

Rockefeller Foundation, nonprofits spend millions on research to ‘nudge’ people to get COVID Vaccines

The Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into a research initiative “to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other recommended public health measures by countering mis- and disinformation.”

In conjunction with the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), the Rockefeller Foundation last month announced $7.2 million in funding for the Mercury Project,  initially launched in November 2021, under the slogan, “Together, we can build a healthier information environment.”

The funds will support 12 teams of researchers in 17 countries who will conduct studies on “ambitious, applied social and behavioral science to combat the growing global threat posed by low COVID-19 vaccination rates and public health mis- and disinformation,” the Rockefeller Foundation said.

The research will include “interventions that target the producers or the consumers of mis- and disinformation, or that increase confidence in reliable information.”

Some of the “interventions” include “literacy training for secondary school students” to “help students identify COVID-19 vaccine misinformation,” “equipping trusted messengers with communication strategies to increase COVID-19 vaccination demand” and “using social networks to share tailored, community-developed messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccination demand.”

This information will, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, “provide evidence about what works — and doesn’t — in specific places and for specific groups to increase COVID-19 vaccination take-up.”

Some critics described the project as one based on “propaganda” aimed at “nudging” the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.

Senate bill aims to end DC schools COVID vaccine mandate

Two Republican senators on Monday introduced a bill they said is designed to protect 12- to 15-year-old students in Washington, D.C., public schools from mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said their legislation, if enacted, would block a 2021 bill by the D.C. Council that amended a 1979 immunization law to add COVID-19 vaccines to the required list of childhood shots.

The senators said enforcement of the 2021 law would be “particularly harmful” to black students, who are at a lower vaccination rate than other students. Cruz said, in a statement, said the policy blatantly discriminates against black students in the nation’s capital as the vaccination rate for black students between the ages of 12 and 15 in Washington, D.C., is 60% — far lower than the city average.

Under the 2021 law, families are given 20 days from when they’re notified about non-compliance with the mandate to get their child vaccinated, or that student will not be allowed to attend class. Enforcement of the law was slated to begin for the 2022–2023 school year.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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“A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; …. The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.” Independent Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B), March 22, 2020

Governments have always sought to control their populations, but what makes this an issue of such concern right now is that the power to control mass perception is increasing at ‘warp speed’ right along with advances in technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). At the same time, we’re being herded bit-by-bit into the cybersphere. The stated goal is to have humanity confined within a digital medium that, as James Corbett put it, is “somebody else’s computer”. When we’re all there, as the World Economic Forum’s guru Yuval Noah Harari has promised, it will mark the end of free will, as we will be perfectly “hackable”. 

Two things of recent memory call to question the roles being played today by psychologists and sociologists. One is that it was psychologists who refined America’s torture techniques at a reported $80,000,000. The other concerns the curious silence from them as social distancing and masking, known to be useless in preventing viral spread, were suddenly forced on the public. Children  — humanity in its developmental stage — are being trained to fear fellow humans as potentially toxic. What will the lasting impacts on culture be as these psychologically battered young move into the adult ranks of society? Why isn’t this being publicly addressed by the professions most expert?

Meanwhile, there has been the rise of so-called “nudge” organizations geared to influencing public beliefs and behavior toward ends desired by governments. Most notable among nudge units is Britain’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT). Founded in 2010, BIT has since spun off offices in many countries including the U.S. and Canada. A book on the subject by BIT’s CEO puts a positive spin on behavior modification, but in fact it’s a powerful tool for those with malicious intent such as can be found in governmental bureaucracies and the industries that have merged so tightly with them that they function as single blocs.

(Side note: The prominent role of Cass Sunstein in BIT lends insight into the insidious motivations of BIT and groups like it. Sunstein, a Harvard professor of law and coauthor of the book Nudge, won global notoriety in 2008 as first author of Conspiracy Theories, in which the authors found it “worrisome” that many disbelieved the official explanation of the attacks on 9/11. The authors proposed the use of “cognitive infiltration” by governmental agents against citizens and groups skeptical of official narratives, so as to bring their thinking into line with that desired by government.)

Laura Dodsworth has done a book on the issue of governmental use of fear for mass control during the Covid19 Pandemic, and of behavioral scientists who are advisory. While it deals with events in the UK, it describes what has transpired all across the West. Dodsworth quotes Dr. Piers Robinson, Co-director of the Organization For Propaganda Studies: “Propaganda is all about behavioural psychology, manipulation essentially …. The way some behavioural scientists have acted during the Covid19 response runs the risk of unethical conduct. I think we should investigate and hold to account the professionals complicit in this.” Indeed we should, and anyone in doubt about how easily we can be manipulated will want to see what these social experiments revealed about human frailties.

Right now, power brokers that include the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Science Foundation (!!) are mounting a multimillion dollar offensive named the Mercury Project to, among other things, “increase uptake of Covid19 vaccines and other recommended public health measures by countering mis- and disinformation, including interventions that target the producers or the consumers of mis- and disinformation”. At this late date, it’s clear as gin that the so-called “mis- and disinformation” alluded to by the people behind the Mercury Project are actually the truths the pharmaceutical/governmental/media conglomerate struggles to suppress. And the threat implied by “ … interventions that target …”, is real. During the first two years of the manufactured Pandemic, dissenting medical personnel faced only slander and dismissal. Now, the ante is being raised, and forces behind the mass injection offensive (and their enforcers) are known to be ruthless. 

Fundamental to all this is that the Mercury Project, centered as it is on mass behavior modification for “vaccine uptake”, is being driven by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) that includes both the American Sociological Association and the American Psychological Association under its broad umbrella. Here we are, two and a half years into a Pandemic demonstrated to be a fabrication of global scope. Central to it is the demonizing and censuring of any voice, however authoritative, out of step with the rigidly protected, injection-oriented narrative. Amazingly, within this dictatorial environment, the major representative organizations of sociology and psychology have aligned themselves with the organized cast of power players behind the monstrous situation.

When not involved in active service to the Pandemic’s perpetrators, behavioral scientists for the most part appear to have retreated into a kind of academic aloofness. The medical community, for its part, has yielded an amazing array of brave souls during the Pandemic who withstand attack from mainstream media (from Wikipedia too) and official assaults from the likes of state medical boards and their Federation with its history of financial links to the pharmaceutical industry (also see HERE). They include stellar medical figures like Robert McCullough, Simone Gold, Meryl Nass, Pierre Kory, and many more. By contrast, the ranks of psychology and sociology have failed to yield figures willing to stand publicly against the massive Covid-19 fraud. Their professional understanding of “messaging” techniques being used against the public could help a traumatized humanity to understand the enormity of what is being done to them. Instead, their silence is ongoing.


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Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Corona Sleepwalkers Swallow Whatever the Authorities Tell Them

September 19th, 2022 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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During the time of the Parliamentary protest here in New Zealand, when the country was split asunder by governmental decree into two camps, the jabbed and the unjabbed, I chanced to meet a friend at the beach. I knew her to be a wonderful musician and, I thought, an intelligent person, and we exchanged pleasantries. Taking her question about my well-being at face value – “How are you doing?” – I replied, “Terribly. I’m not allowed to go to a cafe or restaurant, can’t get a haircut, can’t get into the gym I’ve paid my subscription to, and I never would have believed New Zealand could have become this apartheid dystopia.” 

She brushed me off and muttered something about how the jab would keep everyone safe, and so I engaged a bit more deeply.

“Since when is a healthy person a threat? And why do we need this thing anyway, when there is treatment?”

“Oh, you mean that horse pill?” she replied with a cheerful sneer.

“Ivermectin is much more than a so-called horse pill, it has been helping a lot of people ….”

She interrupted. “I’d like to see some double-blinded randomized controlled trials.”

She, mind you, wonderful musician though she may be, is not exactly a doctor. And I, though not a musician, did indeed study and practice medicine.  I broke off the conversation because I realized she had swallowed the government’s fear-soaked pablum lock, stock and barrel.  She demanded of a medication with promising empirical results in treating Covid and preventing hospitalisation what she failed to demand of an experimental, hastily developed so-called vaccine for which informed consent was, essentially, taboo. She is one of the Sleepwalkers – wilfully ignorant rather than malevolent, but destructive nonetheless.

I didn’t have the time or inclination to tell the Sleepwalker about a healthcare practitioner friend of mine who reluctantly took the jab to keep his job, developed severe myocarditis, applied for an exemption with the help of his rightly concerned cardiologist – and was turned down by the Director General of Health at the time, one Ashley Bloomfield, a physician ‘on paper’.  My friend was given the “choice” to receive a second injection, or stop practicing, by the physician Bloomfield who, when presented with the opportunity to make the easiest and most helpful decision a doctor could make, instead elected to err on the side of Mengele and Fauci.

During this Corona War virtually everything has become topsy-turvy. Doctors are no longer allowed to be real doctors, untested inoculations are accepted unthinkingly, musicians become experts in Medicine and victims of the jab are consigned to silence and submission.

This is a rather lengthy preface to my major points in this essay, which concern the faculty of critical reasoning.  Archimedes famously said that given a lever of the right length he could move the Earth. In the field of ratiocination there is an equivalent ‘lever’ which relies on basic principles, from which one can generally infer significant consequences – if one’s reasoning faculties are not asleep.  I would like to give some examples as I look back over the past two years or so.

  1. Response to a medical emergency

I won’t argue whether or not Covid amounted to a bona fide emergency, but rather what an honest response to a medical emergency should be, namely, “How can we treat people when they are ill and how can we prevent hospitalisation and death?”  Instead we locked people up, kept them apart, allowed those who did contract Covid to suffer until they reached the point of having been hospitalised and then, when hospitalised, subjected them to treatments that made them worse, e.g., ventilators and, later on, Remdesivir.  Those brave and sensible clinicians like Drs. Zelenko and Kory early on acted like real doctors and were subsequently punished by the authorities.

  1. Suspicions about the Covid Jabs

Here too I will confine my remarks to concerns purely about the Jabs’ reported method of working, and here I will concentrate on the Pfizer injection as this was the chosen intervention in New Zealand. It functioned by providing a genetic sequence, mRNA, that would in turn code for the manufacture of many spike proteins, which would in turn create an antibody response.  We were told that the mRNA would dissipate quickly, that the spike proteins would be localised near the injection site, and that the jab would prevent us from getting Covid.

I suspected from the beginning that the mRNA might not dissipate and that it in fact might find its way into the subject’s genome. I suspected that the spike protein might migrate everywhere. I suspected that the spike protein-antibody complex would create autoimmune dangers. I also strongly suspected that these jabs would pose particularly harsh dangers for the elderly and medically compromised. And, finally, I suspected that a jab coding for one particular spike protein would be obsolete as the virus in question began to mutate. I therefore declined to be inoculated, as I also trusted in the developing empirical treatments and natural immunity and health.

Many other doctors (though relatively few overall) expressed similar concerns. Most have acquiesced, either through ignorance, like the sleepwalking musician, or knowing complicity.

We are indeed in a war, and how long this war will last is anybody’s guess. Covid is Phase One of an even larger assault whose aim, ultimately, is total enslavement of subject populations to the Few who now have more power at their fingertips than at any other time in world history. Centralized digital currencies, digital identifications, biological manipulation and social credit scores under near total surveillance loom.  For most of us it’s really and truly just too hard to believe.

But if we step back and reason from basic observation and principles, this truth is inescapable.

Since when do those in Power not wield their power? Since when have they not employed every means available to increase their power? Since when have they ever regarded the lives of others as indispensable and sacred?

History is, in large part, a record of murder. We are now living in a history where the stakes have literally never been higher, within a War whose outcome will ultimately be determined by the tension between sleepwalking and free-thinking.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Anyone in the UK who imagined they lived in a representative democracy – one in which leaders are elected and accountable to the people – will be in for a rude awakening over the next days and weeks.

TV schedules have been swept aside. Presenters must wear black and talk in hushed tones. Front pages are uniformly somber. Britain’s media speak with a single, respectful voice about the Queen and her unimpeachable legacy.

Westminster, meanwhile, has been stripped of left and right. The Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour parties have set aside politics to grieve as one. Even the Scottish nationalists – supposedly trying to rid themselves of the yoke of centuries of English rule presided over by the monarch – appear to be in effusive mourning.

The world’s urgent problems – from the war in Europe to a looming climate catastrophe – are no longer of interest or relevance. They can wait till Britons emerge from a more pressing national trauma.

Domestically, the BBC has told those facing a long winter in which they will not be able to afford to heat their homes that their suffering is “insignificant” compared to that of the family of a 96-year-old woman who died peacefully in the lap of luxury. They can wait too.

In this moment there is no public room for ambivalence or indifference, for reticence, for critical thinking – and most certainly not for Republicanism, even if nearly a third of the public, mostly the young, desire the monarchy’s abolition. The British establishment expects every man, woman, and child to do their duty by lowering their head.

Twenty-first-century Britain never felt so medieval.

Wall-to-Wall Eulogies

There are reasons a critical gaze is needed right now, as the British public is corralled into reverential mourning.

The wall-to-wall eulogies are intended to fill our nostrils with the perfume of nostalgia to cover the stench of a rotting institution, one at the heart of the very establishment doing the eulogising.

The demand is that everyone shows respect for the Queen and her family and that now is not the time for criticism or even analysis.

Indeed, the Royal Family have every right to be left in peace to grieve. But privacy is not what they, or the establishment they belong to, crave.

The Royals’ loss is public in every sense. There will be a lavish state funeral, paid for by the taxpayer. There will be an equally lavish coronation of her son, Charles, also paid for by the taxpayer.

And in the meantime, the British public will be force-fed the same official messages by every TV channel – not neutrally, impartially or objectively, but as state propaganda – paid for, once again, by the British taxpayer.

Reverence and veneration are the only types of coverage of the Queen and her family that is now allowed.

But there is a deeper sense in which the Royals are public figures – more so even than those thrust into the spotlight by their celebrity or talent for accumulating money.

The British public has entirely footed the bill for the Royals’ lives of privilege and pampered luxury. Like the kings of old, they have given themselves the right to enclose vast tracts of the British Isles as their private dominion. The Queen’s death, for example, means the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have just added the whole of Cornwall to their estate.

If anyone is public property, it is the British Royals. They have no right to claim an exemption from scrutiny just when scrutiny is most needed – as the anti-democratic privileges of monarchy pass from one set of hands to another.

The demand for silence is not a politically neutral act. It is a demand that we collude in a corrupt system of establishment rule and hierarchical privilege.

The establishment has a vested interest in enforcing silence and obedience until the public’s attention has moved on to other matters. Anyone who complies leaves the terrain open over the coming weeks for the establishment to reinforce and deepen the public’s deference to elite privilege.

Continuity of Rule

Undoubtedly, the Queen carried out her duties supremely well during her 70 years on the throne. As BBC pundits keep telling us, she helped maintain social “stability” and ensured “continuity” of rule.

The start of her reign in 1952 coincided with her government ordering the suppression of the Mau Mau independence uprising in Kenya. Much of the population were put in concentration camps and used as slave labour – if they weren’t murdered by British soldiers.

At the height of her rule, 20 years later, British troops were given a green light to massacre 14 civilians in Northern Ireland on a protest march against Britain’s policy of jailing Catholics without trial. Those shot and killed were fleeing or tending the wounded. The British establishment oversaw cover-up inquiries into what became known as “Bloody Sunday”.

And in the twilight years of her rule, her government rode roughshod over international law, invading Iraq on the pretext of destroying non-existent weapons of mass destruction. During the long years of a joint British and US occupation, it is likely that more than a million Iraqis died and millions more were driven from their homes.

The Queen, of course, was not personally responsible for any of those events – nor the many others that occurred while she maintained a dignified silence.

But she did provide regal cover for those crimes – in life, just as she is now being recruited to do in death.

It was her Royal Armed Forces that killed Johnny Foreigner.

It was her Commonwealth that repackaged the jackbooted British empire as a new, more media-savvy form of colonialism.

It was the Union Jacks, Beefeaters, black cabs, bowler hats – the ludicrous paraphernalia somehow associated with the Royals in the rest of the world’s mind – that the new power across the Atlantic regularly relied on from its sidekick to add a veneer of supposed civility to its ugly imperial designs.

Paradoxically, given US history, the special-ness of the special relationship hinged on having a much-beloved, esteemed Queen providing “continuity” as the British and US governments went about tearing up the rulebook on the laws of war in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

Teflon Queen

And therein lies the rub. The Queen is dead. Long live the King!

But King Charles III is not Queen Elizabeth II.

The Queen had the advantage of ascending to the throne in a very different era, when the media avoided Royal scandals unless they were entirely unavoidable, such as when Edward VIII caused a constitutional crisis in 1936 by announcing his plan to marry an American “commoner”.

With the arrival of 24-hour rolling news in the 1980s and the later advent of digital media, the Royals became just another celebrity family like the Kardashians. They were fair game for the paparazzi. Their scandals sold newspapers. Their indiscretions and feudschimed with the period’s ever more salacious and incendiary soap opera plots on TV.

But none of that dirt stuck to the Queen, even when recently it was revealed – to no consequence – that her officials had secretly and regularly rigged legislation to exempt her from the rules that applied to everyone else, under a principle known as Queen’s Consent. An apartheid system benefiting the Royal Family alone.

By remaining above the fray, she offered “continuity”. Even the recent revelation that her son, Prince Andrew, consorted with young girls alongside the late Jeffrey Epstein, and kept up the friendship even after Epstein was convicted of paedophilia, did nothing to harm the Teflon Monarch.

Charles III, by contrast, is best remembered – at least by the older half of the population – for screwing up his marriage to a fairy-tale princess, Diana, killed in tragic circumstances. In preferring Camilla, Charles traded Cinderella for the evil stepmother, Lady Tremaine.

If the monarch is the narrative glue holding society and empire together, Charles could represent the moment when that project starts to come unstuck.

Which is why the black suits, hushed tones, and air of reverence are needed so desperately right now. The establishment is in frantic holding mode as they prepare to begin the difficult task of reinventing Charles and Camilla in the public imagination. Charles must now do the heavy lifting for the establishment that the Queen managed for so long, even as she grew increasingly frail physically.

The outlines of that plan have been visible for a while. Charles will be rechristened the King of the Green New Deal. He will symbolise Britain’s global leadership against the climate crisis.

If the Queen’s job was to rebrand empire as Commonwealth, transmuting the Mau Mau massacre into gold medals for Kenyan long-distance runners, Charles’ job will be to rebrand as a Green Renewal the death march led by transnational corporations.

Which is why now is no time for silence or obedience. Now is precisely the moment – as the mask slips, as the establishment needs time to refortify its claim to deference – to go on the attack.


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Jonathan Cook is a MintPress contributor. Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). His website is

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Former Die Linke co-chair Sahra Wagenknecht, among the German Left Party’s most famous politicians, has accused the government of causing a “social and economic catastrophe” through its sanctions on Russia.

Wagenknecht, writing in the German newspaper Junge Welt, said that one in three German businesses were facing bankruptcy, blackouts could not be ruled out over the winter, “and while oil and armaments companies are reporting record profits, consumers in Germany are supposed to pay even more for a gas surcharge, which Economy Minister Robert Habeck had the energy lobby dictate to him.”

The MP’s article follows a challenge to the government in the Bundestag on Thursday, when she called it “the stupidest government in Europe” for starting an economic war with its main energy supplier.

She wrote, “The traffic light is steering our country” toward economic doom. “Traffic light” refers party colors of the governing coalition of Social Democrats (red), the right-wing Free Democratic Party (yellow), and the Green Party (green).

“The idea that we are punishing Putin by impoverishing millions of families in Germany and destroying our industry while Gazprom is making record profits—how stupid is that?” she asked, calling for Habeck to resign.

Despite a backlash to her speech from some Die Linke politicians, who said the sanctions are an appropriate response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Wagenknecht argued in Junge Welt that “Europe, and Germany in particular, have a bad hand in the sanctions poker with Russia. It would be crazy to keep bidding until China comes into play.

“But anyone who calls for an end to the sanctions spiral and calls for negotiations runs the risk of being defamed as a Kremlin propagandist. The debate is sick.”

She pointed to some of the absurdities currently playing out in Germany’s politics. “Those who support peace are on the right, those who advocate military harshness are on the left?” she asked incredulously.

The former leader of Die Linke questioned why left-wing people are denounced as Putin supporters or for being supposedly close to the extreme right when they demand an end to the failing sanctions regime, but the politicians of the Christian Democratic Union can institute harsher policies toward unemployed people but face no accusations for echoing fascist demands.

Wagenknecht hit out at Green Party foreign minister Annalena Baerbock and CDU leader Friedrich Merz—who have all been enthusiastic in their support for the war—as well as critics in her own party.

“The answer to the ‘America First’ policy of Baerbock, Merz & Co, is not ‘Deutschland Über Alles’ (‘Germany over all,’ Germany’s Nazi-era anthem)—any more than we can support Russian nationalists just because we hate fascists in Ukraine,” she said, in a swipe at the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which her Die Linke critics accused her of assisting because it also backs an end to sanctions.

Entering the debate on whether the left should mobilize for social protests against the government when the far right was also doing so, she said: “We must not leave a day of the week or a good argument to the right. Anyone who gives up correct and popular positions just because some of them are also represented by the AfD has already lost the fight before it even started.”


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Featured image: Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at a conference in 2017. | Die Linke

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Orders for thousands of British flags started to flood into a factory south of Shanghai in China 90 minutes after the Queen died.

More than 100 employees at Shaoxing Chuangdong Tour Articles Company set aside other work and put in 14-hour days starting at 7.30am making nothing but British-themed flags.

They turned out at least 500,000 in the first week, according to general manager Fan Aiping.

Some are British flags to be carried by mourners or hung outside homes.

Others show Elizabeth’s portrait and the years of her birth and death.

They range from 21 to 150 centimetres (8in to 59in) wide and wholesale for about seven yuan (87p) each.

The first customer sent an order at 3am Chinese time for tens of thousands, according to Ms Fan.

She said 20,000 flags that the factory had in stock were sent out that morning.

“The customer came to our factory directly to grab the products,” Ms Fan said.

“Many of the flags weren’t even packaged. They were put in a box and shipped away.”

The factory had been making flags for the football World Cup before the Queen’s death.

Chuangdong has been in the industry since 2005 and produces flags for the World Cup and other sports events or national day celebrations.

It also makes sports-themed scarves and banners.

Employees pay attention to news for events that might bring in orders.

“There is a business opportunity behind every news event,” Ms Fan said.

Ni Guozhen, an employee since 2005, said she has learned about the world through her work.

“I’ve learned a lot about current events,” said Ms Ni, who was sewing flags with the Queen’s portrait.

“My knowledge has grown. Therefore I’m proud and happy that I’m making flags.”

Ms Ni remembers filling orders for British-themed flags for a royal wedding.

“There is a story behind each flag,” Ms Fan said.

“This time it’s about the Queen in the United Kingdom. They are buying these flags to mourn the Queen deeply.”


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Featured image: General manager Fan Aiping holds up flags featuring the Queen’s image at the Shaoxing Chuangdong Tour Articles Company factory (Ng Han Guan/AP)

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The presidential office of Ukraine has changed the images published during Vladimir Zelensky‘s visit to the town of Izium in the country’s east. All outlets have silently removed a photo of one of Zelensky’s armed guards sporting an SS-style patch.

The image, which was first shared on the presidential website, Telegram, and other social media platforms, depicted a soldier holding a stylized skull and crossbones emblem similar to that used by the 3rd SS Panzer Division ‘Totenkopf’.

The insignia, commonly viewed as a hate symbol, is popular among neo-Nazis.

The patch appeared to be a contemporary, “tactical” version of the emblem, with the skull wearing a ballistic helmet and using headphones. The helmet, however, looks to bear the skeleton key symbol, which is the insignia of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

Zelensky guard appears to wear Nazi insignia. File source: Office of the President of Ukraine.

Zelensky’s guard appears to wear Nazi insignia. (Source: Office of the President of Ukraine)

However, the apparent attempt at damage control was only partially effective. The patch may still be seen in part on another shot on one of Zelensky’s social media pages.

Ukrainian officials have frequently denied the presence of neo-Nazis in the country’s military, calling such claims “Russian propaganda”. Despite this, Ukrainian soldiers wearing various neo-Nazi emblems have been shown in official images published by the country’s authorities on numerous occasions.

Zelensky shared this image on Instagram in late August showing a Ukrainian soldier donning the patch of the SS’s 14th Waffen Grenadier Division, commonly known as the 1st Galician Division. The battalion, which was mostly made up of Ukrainian volunteers from the Galicia region, is well known for perpetrating war crimes and slaughtering Polish citizens during WWII.

The President’s office posted a photo of a Ukrainian artilleryman wearing an original ‘Totenkopf’ patch earlier this year. Ironically, the shot was included in a collection of images commemorating WWII Victory Day and was also posted by the country’s Defense Ministry.

Zelensky’s office, in addition to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, released a photo of a Ukrainian troop in May, heavily armed, wearing a ‘death head’ patch on his chest. Russia, in response, highlighted the influence that extremist groups have on Ukraine.

Kiev’s army has openly neo-Nazi battalions operating on the battlefronts against Russia, holding neo-Nazi symbols out in the open, raising questions about Europe’s commitment and claims of combatting Nazism.

The Aidar Battalion’s motto is inspired by the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship state from the 1930s through the 1940s. In 2014, Amnesty International released a report exposing the human rights abuses of the Aidar Battalion, whose actions amount to war crimes, particularly in the Lug\ansk region where the group has carried out abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions.

In March, the National Guard of Ukraine’s Twitter account released a video, boasting about Azov fighters greasing their bullets with lard to be used against Muslim Chechens on the Russian side. The Azov battalion is a part of the Ukrainian National Guard – a wing of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which flaunts its Nazism very openly.

The video came as a direct threat to Muslims who hold the Islamic beliefs that pig is prohibited for their consumption, and that it’s an impure substance.

The Tweet captioned, “Azov fighters of the National Guard greased the bullets with lard against the Kadyrov orcs,” referring to Ramzan Kadyrov, who is the president of the Chechen republic.

The United States and Canada over the years have aided the neo-Nazi units with weapons and training, strengthening their presence in Ukraine.


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Featured image: Zelensky’s visit to Izium in the country’s east. (Source: Office of the President of Ukraine)

History: Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

By Yuri Rubtsov, September 18, 2022

The key structures that defined the post-war development strategy of the West were the central financial institutions of Great Britain and the United States — the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) — and the associated financial and industrial organizations set out as a means to establish absolute control over the financial system of Germany and its ability to control political processes in Central Europe.

Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine

By Michael Nevradakis, September 19, 2022

n Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a woman who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield COVID-19 vaccine.

The Military-Industrial Complex Offensive

By Manlio Dinucci, September 19, 2022

The recent Ukrainian advance was planned months ago by the US, who supplied to the Kyiv forces real-time information on Russian targets to hit: the New York Times reveals according to official sources. This confirms that the Kyiv forces are in fact under US command and are operating according to their strategy.

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Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18, 2022

Canadians have been denied the Right to Informed Consent, in violation of  the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Nuremberg Code. Amply documented (although not revealed by Health Canada to Canadians), the experimental mRNA vaccine has resulted in countless deaths and injuries Worldwide.

Trust in the Feelings of Solidarity of Fellow Human Beings in the Face of “The Demons of Human History”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 16, 2022

Especially people in the formerly prosperous Europe and in the starved “developing countries” are plagued by strong fears of life, hopelessness and fits of despair because of the present and future threat to their life expectancy and their previous lifestyle. With the state-imposed COVID 19 measures, the countries’ economies have already been driven to the wall and their populations reduced with the help of killer vaccines.

Experts: Some Cancers Have Exploded by 1,000% Since the Release of COVID “Vaccines”

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Hollywood’s New Captain America Film that Will Reintroduce Sabra, Marvel’s Israeli Superhero and Mossad Agent

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Hollywood rarely disappoints anyone in the propaganda department.  There are people who will be happy to learn that Hollywood’s latest idea of a Jewish superhero who might fight crazed Arabs will delight audiences in Israel and across the Western World who support the Jewish state.

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An Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a woman who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield COVID-19 vaccine.

The High Court of Judicature at Bombay set a Nov. 17 deadline for the responses and scheduled a hearing for the same day.

In a lawsuit filed in February, Dilip Lunawat alleged his daughter, Snehal Lunawat, died March 1, 2021, of complications arising from the Covishield vaccine. He is seeking compensation of ₹1000 crores (approximately $126 million).

According to the lawsuit, Lunawat “lost his elder daughter. His loss can neither be explained in words nor can be compensated in terms of money. Only some sort of succour can be done by awarding compensation.”

Defendants in the case include Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute; Bill Gates, in his role as partner in the development of the Covishield vaccine; the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; the Indian State of Maharashtra; India’s drug controller general; the former director of the All India Institute of Medical Science and others.

A lawyer representing Gates reportedly appeared before the High Court to accept the notice.

33-year-old doctor died due to ‘rare blood-clotting event’ following vaccination

Snehal Lunawat was a 33-year-old doctor and senior lecturer at the SMBT Dental College & Hospital in Maharashtra State. According to her father, she was compelled, as a health worker, to get the Covishield vaccine.

On Jan. 28, 2021, Snehal received the Covishield vaccine, which is produced by the Serum Institute. Her father claims his daughter had received assurances the vaccines were entirely safe and posed no risk to her health.

However, her father stated, Snehal developed severe headaches and vomiting while attending a workshop just days after receiving the vaccine, resulting in her hospitalization. There, doctors said that she was suffering from bleeding in the brain, low platelet count and blood clot formation.

After 14 days elapsed without her condition improving, Snehal’s family transferred her to another hospital, where she died eight days later.

Snehal experienced a “rare blood-clotting event,” a complication that resulted in her blood platelet count decreasing due to increased bleeding in her brain.

According to the lawsuit, these adverse reactions have been found to be related to the AstraZeneca and Covishield COVID-19 vaccines in some countries.

Lawsuit claims vaccination occurred based on ‘false narrative’

The lawsuit names the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) for its role in helping to speed up the process of manufacturing and delivering up to 100 million doses of Covishield for distribution in India and various developing countries.

In the lawsuit, Lunawat “blamed the Government and others for misrepresenting the facts about the COVID-19 vaccine by making false claims about its safety and ‘forcing’ medical practitioners to take the vaccine.”

Lunawat said his daughter was convinced to receive the vaccine as a result of an “alleged false narrative.”

The lawsuit characterized interviews given by Indian public health officials in the nation’s media as contributing to this “false narrative,” naming several of these interviews, including one by Dr. VG Somani, drug controller general of India, that was broadcast on Jan. 4, 2021, and during which Somani claimed, “the vaccines are 110 percent safe.”

It was “on the basis of such false narratives and misrepresentation by the senior authorities … and its implementation by the state authorities without any proper verification, [that] health workers like the lawsuiter’s daughter was compelled to get the vaccine,” the lawsuit states.

Aside from the named defendants, the lawsuit also calls for action to be taken against social media platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube, and mainstream media for their role in disseminating the “false narratives” and for allegedly suppressing information about the adverse effects, inefficacy or failure of the vaccines.

The lawsuit requests a declaration that Indian state authorities are responsible for Snehal’s death, calls on authorities to publish the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines and to take steps to stop further deaths of citizens as a result of their adverse effects, and urges the authorities to demand compensation from the Serum Institute.

Lunawat said he is seeking justice for his deceased daughter and for “many more people who are likely to be murdered” due to vaccine injuries.

Doctor’s death was subject of a WHO investigation

This was not the first time that Snehal’s family succeeded in getting the media to tell her story — the incident first became known in India due to her family’s efforts to have an investigation launched regarding her death.

As previously reported by The Defender, Snehal’s family initially reached out to the Indian government and the Serum Institute requesting her death be investigated, as it was registered as an adverse event in India’s “Adverse Event Following Immunisation” (AEFI) database.

However, a satisfactory response was not provided, prompting the family to reach out to the World Health Organization (WHO), which then investigated the incident.

Due to pressure from the family and the intervention of the WHO and the All India Drugs Network, the AEFI committee on Sept. 25, 2021 —  following nearly seven months of delay — accepted the claim that Snehal’s death was vaccine-related. The committee issued a report on Oct. 2, 2021.

This was only the third vaccine-induced death recognized by AEFI. The process of reporting vaccine-related deaths to the AEFI database is reportedly “not easy.”

Other Indian court cases are investigating vaccine injury claims, role of Bill Gates

Snehal’s death is not the only high-profile Indian legal case concerning vaccine injuries or seeking damages against Gates and others.

As reported by The Defender, another case, Yadav v. Maharashtra, also before the Bombay High Court, was filed in late 2021, by the mother of the deceased, Shri Hitesh Kadve, who was “unwillingly” vaccinated on Sept. 29, 2021, and died that same day due to an adverse reaction from the Covishield vaccine.

The family of the deceased is also seeking damages against Indian public health bodies and officials, Poonawalla and Bill Gates, referred to in the complaint as a “mastermind” and as a “habitual offender of mass murder by vaccination in conspiracy with Government officials.”

The Indian Bar Association — an informal group of Indian lawyers (the Bar Council of India is India’s official bar association) — lists several other recent legal developments requiring Indian government and public health officials to respond to claims regarding deaths allegedly resulting from COVID-19 vaccines.

For instance, India’s Supreme Court on Aug. 29 issued notice to the country’s central government, requesting a response in the case of two children said to have died as a result of vaccine adverse effects.

On Aug. 10, the high court of the Indian state of Kerala ordered the Indian government to immediately develop guidelines for the issuance of compensation to the victims of vaccine injuries and side effects, with the government telling the court that such policies are currently in the process of being formulated.

And earlier this year, the Kerala High Court requested a response from the Indian government in the case of a 19-year-old woman who died allegedly as a result of the vaccine.

Indian doctors lead initiative declaring ‘international medical crisis’ due to vaccine injuries, deaths

As lawsuits make their way through India’s courts, a group of Indian doctors are leading an initiative to draw attention to COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries and deaths.

More than 400 doctors and medical professionals from 34 countries on Sept. 10 held a press conference during which they declared an international medical crisis arising from “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines.’”

The declaration, which emerged from concerned doctors and medical professionals in India, makes eight “urgent” demands, including calling for an immediate stop to the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations and the investigation of all deaths involving previously healthy individuals.

The Serum Institute of India is not only the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold, but it also produces more than half of the world’s vaccines that are administered to babies.

The BMGF previously committed, in June 2020, conditional funding of $150 million to the Serum Institute, which also received a $4 million grant from the BMGF in October 2020, to support research and development as part of the COVID-19 response.

In August 2020, the Serum Institute, in partnership with the BMGF and GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance, agreed to produce up to 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for low- and middle-income countries.

In a posting on his official blog in December 2020, Gates wrote that his foundation “took on some of the financial risk” for the vaccine, so that if the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was not approved, the Serum Institute “won’t have to take a full loss.”

Serum CEO Poonawalla previously called for protection from lawsuits alleging COVID-19 vaccine injuries.


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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The Military-Industrial Complex Offensive

September 19th, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

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The recent Ukrainian advance was planned months ago by the US, who supplied to the Kyiv forces real-time information on Russian targets to hit: the New York Times reveals according to official sources. This confirms that the Kyiv forces are in fact under US command and are operating according to their strategy.

Finmeccanica sede centrale.jpg

In this context, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin convened the “Contact Group defense of Ukraine” to increase arms supplies to the forces of Kyiv. The group is composed of over 50 countries: in addition to those of NATO (including Italy), Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Israel, and Qatar. The number of weapons poured into Ukraine is such as to require a sharp increase in their production. For example, the Pentagon has provided Ukraine with about 800,000 155 mm artillery shells for the 126 long-range M777 howitzers, which are operated by Ukrainian personnel, and fire on targets indicated by US intelligence. The United States has, however, only one factory, the General Dynamics plant in Pennsylvania, which produces such bullets, but is able to manufacture only 14,000 per month. The capacity production of this plant must therefore be increased immediately and open others. Thus, a new colossal business of the military industries in the USA and in the West in general opened.

Image: Leonardo building in Italy (Photo by Carlo Dani, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Among these industries the Italian Leonardo – the Italian Ministry of Economic Development owns the 30% shareholding – climbed to 12th place among the 100 largest war industries in the world, and in the first place in the EU. It increased defense revenues by 24% in one year, reaching approx. 14 billion dollars income. 83% of its turnover derives from the defense sector. Leonardo is integrated into the US giant military-industrial complex headed by Lockheed Martin, the F-35 builder in whose production Leonardo himself participates. Thus, it increases the power of the military-industrial complex, a sprawling organism that, in order to live and develop, needs war like oxygen.


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This article was originally published on byoblu.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Julian Assange has been awarded the “keys” to Mexico City in recognition of his dedication to uncovering the truth.

Gabriel Shipton, the WikiLeaks founder’s brother, accepted the honour on his behalf at a ceremony in Mexico on Wednesday.

He described the award as a “significant” step in the campaign to free his sibling from prison.

Mr Assange’s family were invited to the country by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to receive the award and attend events today marking Mexico’s independence.

Mr Lopez Obrador is a vocal supporter of Mr Assange and has pressed US President Joe Biden to drop efforts to prosecute the journalist.

Mr Shipton said Mexico’s support for the campaign to free his brother is “priceless,” given that it is a close neighbour of the US.

John Shipton and Gabriel Shipton, the father and brother respectively of Julian Assange, participate in an event sponsored by the Mexican ruling party Morena, at the Union Telefonica headquarters, entitled “Freedom for Julian Asange: a global struggle,” in Mexico City, Wednesday, September 14, 2022 (Source: Morning Star)

Speaking about the award, Mr Shipton said that it has reinvigorated the campaign and lifted the spirits of his brother, who remains incarcerated in London’s high-security Belmarsh prison.

“The significance of this is that Mexico understands the importance of Julian’s work,” he said.

“Mexico has been a leading advocate for Julian’s freedom and the president is leading the charge among world leaders to free Julian.”

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum presented the keys to the city to the family, saying:

“For us, Julian represents truth and freedom of expression.

“We are a progressive city that has always defended great freedoms and the right to free access to information.”

Mr Shipton and his father John were invited to Mexico along with the families of Cesar Chavez, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jnr as part of the Independence Day celebrations.

The WikiLeaks founder is fighting a long-running legal battle against extradition to the US, where he faces trial over charges relating to the publication of thousands of secret cables, including on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


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A Quebec university professor of infectious diseases who was suspended during the summer for calling into question the need to vaccinate children against COVID-19 is facing a new disciplinary threat for similar comments he made on a radio show while under suspension.

Patrick Provost, a full professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Laval University, was suspended for eight weeks without pay in June by his employer for comments he made in December 2021.

Provost had said during a public event that the risks of vaccinating children against COVID-19 were greater than the benefits.

While on suspension in mid-July, Provost made similar comments during an interview with Quebec radio station CHOI 98.1 Radio X.

“The effectiveness of vaccines is negative in Quebec since December 2021 (the government deleted this data from its reporting not long after…). This means you have more risk to get infected if you’re vaccinated,” Provost wrote in a Facebook post commenting on his appearance on the show.

“It’s quite the opposite of a traditional vaccine. Why choose vaccination?”

Provost was addressing a common theme across provinces where COVID-19 data by vaccination status has been removed from public view. When still available, Ontario data, for example, suggested that individuals who received a booster were getting infected at twice the rate per 100,000 people as the unvaccinated or those who received two doses.

Epoch Times Photo

Ontario COVID-19 case data per 100,000 people by vaccination status as shown on the now-discontinued Ontario COVID-19 data website on June 6, 2022. The province has since stopped displaying this data. (Ontario COVID-19 data website/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

Health Canada says that “evidence indicates that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines continue to outweigh the risks of the disease.” The statement is not stratified by age group.

Following Provost’s radio appearance, an individual submitted a complaint through the university’s security denunciation portal, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times.

“Decidedly, your professor didn’t learn from his suspension, doubling down with a disinformation interview,” says the complaint. “Especially when he says the vaccine is worse than the disease for children and that they’re not even a vector, among other things.”

On Aug. 4, the university sent a letter telling Provost it deemed the complaint admissible on the grounds it contains an explanation of the accusations, the accusations are related to the teaching functions of the professor, the complaint was signed and dated, and it identifies the respondent.

The letter said that if the complaint is valid, Provost would have broken university policies such as not “respecting academic freedom,” lacking “rigour,” or not sharing research results in a “responsible” manner.

The letter, signed by vice-dean of human resources and finance André Darveau, outlines the steps to process the complaint, including meeting with Provost to hear his version of events and a potential investigation by a committee.

Provost told The Epoch Times in an email that the current process is identical to the previous one that led to his suspension. He says he expects a harsher suspension or dismissal.

“Laval University will accept any kind of complaint to get rid of me… They found a way to do it by following the same recipe…” says Provost.

Academic Freedom

Laval University spokesperson Andrée-Anne Stewart told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that she would not comment on Provost’s personal file.

Stewart said the university leans upon the two “fundamental principles” of the right to academic freedom and freedom of expression to accomplish its mission.

She also highlighted the province’s new law on academic freedom adopted in June, which requires universities to put in place dedicated committees. Stewart said establishing such a committee is in the works.

Provost said that his academic freedom has not been respected.

“Beyond my position against the vaccination of children for COVID-19, it’s the issue of academic freedom that’s in danger,” he says.

Union Backing

Provost has had the backing of his SPUL union on the issue since his first run-in with the administration.

For the latest dispute, SPUL lawyers from the Poudrier Bradet cabinet sent a cease-and-desist letter to Laval Vice-Dean Darveau on Aug. 29 highlighting procedural issues in the way the complaint was submitted.

The lawyers argue the denunciation portal, which is for security-related matters, cannot be used to signal an academic issue. The plaintiff did not sign his complaint, nor did he spell his name correctly.

A review of the family name by The Epoch Times shows two mistakes or typos.

The lawyers are casting doubt on the authenticity of the complaint.

Lawyers also argued that a labour arbitrator has already been appointed to assess the summer suspension, and that Provost filed a psychological harassment grievance on Aug. 25 over the university’s Aug. 4 letter.

University lawyers from the Cain Lamarre cabinet replied on Sept. 1, reiterating the institution’s position that the complaint is admissible and its demand to have Provost deliver his version of events in a meeting. It also acknowledged the grievance filed by Provost.

“Rest assured that our client is attentive to respecting the entirety of its legal obligations in this regard,” says the letter from Cain Lamarre.

Conscientious Objections

Laval University suspended another professor under similar circumstances earlier this year.

Nicolas Derome, a professor of molecular biology, also questioned the need to vaccinate children during a public talk in November 2021.

Derome had presented data showing children are at low risk of COVID-19 complications.

The under-20-years of age category accounts for 0.0 percent of COVID deaths in Quebec as of Sept. 14, according to official data.

Since their suspension, Derome, Provost, and others have co-authored an articlepublished in a medical journal arguing that a conscientious objection to mRNAinjections is valid based on the unknown dose and biodistribution of the product.

“Unlike a drug produced in a pharmaceutical factory and formulated at a known dose and a well-defined protein product profile, the mRNA vaccine acts as a pro-drug encoding for the viral Spike protein of the virus to be produced by our own cells; both the dose and the quality of the proteins produced are unknown,” wrote the authors in the article published on Aug. 23 in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

“We also ignore the distribution of the lipid nanoparticles carrying this mRNA in our body. We consider that the ‘conscientious objection’ raised by the above considerations is a reason enough to refuse mRNA vaccines or similar technologies as a preventive treatment against COVID-19.”

While vaccination of all children over 6 months old with mRNA shots is encouraged by Health Canada, other jurisdictions have started to change their approach.

The UK National Health Service (NHS) says that children who turned 5 after Sept. 1 can only get a COVID-19 vaccine if they’re at high risk due to a health condition or a weakened immune system, or if they live with someone who’s immunocompromised.

Denmark has stopped COVID vaccination of the under-18 since July, saying a very limited number of high-risk individuals could still receive it following the assessment of a doctor.

Denmark has also stopped recommending the injections for those under 50, saying only those above that age and with special circumstances will be offered vaccination.


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Noé Chartier is an Epoch Times reporter based in Montreal. Twitter: @NChartierET Gettr: @nchartieret

Featured image: Patrick Provost, professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Laval University. (Courtesy of Patrick Provost)

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Two outstanding guests on GRTV: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and DrMichael Swinwood on the Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice, interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

First published on September 2, 2022

Video (Bitchute)

Link to Bitchute. *Leave Comment

Video (Odysee)

link to Odysee. Leave Comment


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Featured image is by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

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First published on September 9, 2022


The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads. 

Nuclear war threatens the future of humanity. We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical scenario. The threat of World War III is real.  

Successive US administrations have contemplated the use of nuclear weapons directed against both nuclear as well as non-nuclear states.  

This article focusses on nuclear war against “non-nuclear states”. 

In  2001, The Pentagon under the presidency of George W. Bush had envisaged a new generation of bunker buster tactical nuclear weapons for use in the Middle East and Central Asia against “non-nuclear states”: 

“Military officials and leaders of America’s nuclear weapon laboratories [had] urged the US to develop a new generation of precision low-yield nuclear weapons… which could be used in conventional conflicts with third-world nations.” (Federation of American Scientists, 2001, emphasis added)

Waging Nuclear War against Non-Nuclear States. “Top Secret Document”

As revealed by William Arkin in early 2002 prior to the release of the historic 2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) , later approved by the U.S. Congress:

“The Bush administration, in a secret policy review… [had] ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the “axis of evil” Iraq, Iran, and North Korea but also China, Libya and Syria. (See

In addition, the U.S. Defense Department has been told to prepare for the possibility that nuclear weapons may be required in some future Arab-Israeli crisis. And, it is to develop plans for using nuclear weapons to retaliate against chemical or biological attacks, as well as “surprising military developments” of an unspecified nature.

Like all such documents since the dawning of the Atomic Age more than a half-century ago, this NPR offers a chilling glimpse into the world of nuclear-war planners: With a Strangelovian genius, they cover every conceivable circumstance in which a president might wish to use nuclear weapons–planning in great detail for a war they hope never to wage.  (William Arkin, “Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable”, Los Angeles Times, 9 March 2002, emphasis added).

I should mention that the preemptive nuclear war doctrine formulated in the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) prevails under the Biden administration. Nuclear war against  “non-nuclear states” in the Middle East has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since the mid-1990s.

The Pentagon’s 1996 Plan to Nuke Libya.“Testing” the B61-11 Nuclear Bomb 

Libya was the first non-nuclear state to be tagged and formally identified by the Department of Defense as a possible target for a US sponsored nuclear attack against a non-nuclear state, using the B61-11 tactical nuclear bomb.  This decision was confirmed five years prior to the adoption of the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review by the Senate in 2002.

B-61-11 tactical nuclear weapon

The Department of Defense’s objective was to fast track the “testing” of the B61-11 nuclear bomb on an actual country and that country was Libya:

“Even before the B61 came on line, Libya was identified as a potential target”. (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – September/ October 1997, p. 27). (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, March 2011)

The 1996 plan to nuke Libya had been announced at a press briefing chaired by Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold P. Smith:

“[The] Air Force would use the B61-11 [tactical nuclear weapons] against Libya’s alleged underground chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah if the President decided that the plant had to be destroyed. ‘We could not take [Tarhunah] out of commission using strictly conventional weapons,’ Smith told the Associated Press. The B61-11 ‘would be the nuclear weapon of choice,’ he told Jane Defence Weekly. (The Nuclear Information Project: the B61-11)

The B61-11 tactical nuclear weapon was slated by the Pentagon to be used in 1996 against the “Qadhafi regime”:

“Senior Pentagon officials ignited controversy last April [1996] by suggesting that the earth-penetrating [nuclear] weapon would soon be available for possible use against a suspected underground chemical factory being built by Libya at Tarhunah. This thinly-veiled threat came just eleven days after the United States signed the African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty, designed to prohibit signatories from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against any other signatory, including Libya.” (David Muller, Penetrator N-Bombs, International Action Center, 1997)

Tarbunah has a population of more than 200,000 people. It is about 60 km East of Tripoli. Had this “humanitarian bomb” (with a “yield” or explosive capacity of two-thirds of a Hiroshima bomb) been launched on this “suspected” WMD facility, it would have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, not to mention the nuclear fallout…

The man behind this diabolical project to nuke Libya was Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold Palmer Smith Jr. 

Harold Palmer Smith had been appointed by President Bill Clinton to oversee nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs with a focus on “the reduction and maintenance of the US arsenal of nuclear weapons”.

From the outset, his actual mandate, was not to “reduce” but to “increase” the nuclear arsenal by promoting the development of a new generation of “harmless” mini-nukes for use in the Middle East war theater.

Harold Palmer Smith Junior

Five months after Harold Smith called for an acceleration of the B61-11 production schedule, “he went public with an assertion that the Air Force would use the B61-11 [nuclear weapon] against Libya’s alleged underground chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah if the President decided that the plant had to be destroyed”.

We could not take [Tarhunah] out of commission using strictly conventional weapons,” Smith told the Associated Press. The B61-11 “would be the nuclear weapon of choice,” he told Jane’s Defence Weekly.

Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold Smith made the above statement at a press briefing “after Defense Secretary William Perry had earlier told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on chemical or biological weapons that the U.S. retained the option of using nuclear weapons against countries armed with chemical and biological weapons.” namely non-nuclear states (emphasis added)

Whereas the Pentagon later denied its intention to bomb Libya’s Tarhunah plant, it nonetheless confirmed that “Washington would not rule out using nuclear weapons [against Libya]”. (Ibid., emphasis added.)

While the 1996 plan to bomb Libya using tactical nuclear weapons was subsequently shelved, Libya was not removed from the “black list”: “The Qadhafi regime” remained a target country for a pre-emptive (“defensive”) nuclear attack. 


Operation Odysee Dawn: The US Bombing Campaign of Libya (2011). The Testing of the B61-11 Nuclear Bomb. 

From Clinton to Joe Biden, there is continuity. The 2001 Nuclear Review had set the state. 

Libya was the chosen country. Nuclear weapons were also contemplated by president Barack Obama under the March 2011 Operation Odysee Dawn.

Shortly after the commencement of the Libya bombing campaign on March 19, 2011,  the US Department of Defense ordered the testing of the B61-11 nuclear bomb. These tests pertained to the installed equipment and weapon ‘s components of the nuclear bomb. The objective was to verify the functionality of  the nuclear bomb. 

B61-11 Simulation bombing 

The announcement of these tests was made public on April 4 2011; the precise date of  the test was not revealed, but one can reasonably assume that it was in the days prior to the April 4 press release by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA. Press Release, NNSA Conducts Successful B61-11 JTA Flight Test, Apr 4, 2011,). Scroll down for further details.

Examine the Command Structure

In late March 2011, the B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber from the 509th Bomber Wing operating out of Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri , was used in the so-called “Joint Test Assembly” (JTA) of the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb.

In other words, the B61-11 was tested using the same B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers out of Whiteman, which were being used routinely to bomb Libya from the very outset of the air campaign on March 19, 2011.

Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri

The B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber out of Whiteman was not only sent on a mission to bomb Libya, it was also used in the testing of the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb. The B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber was the “chosen carrier” of the B61 -11 nuclear bombs.

Why were these tests of the equipment and functionality of a tactical nuclear weapon scheduled shortly after the onset of the Libya bombing campaign?

Was the timing of these tests coincidental or were they in any way related to the chronology of the Libya bombing campaign which started in March 2011?

U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command, which is responsible for the coordination of US bombing operations directed against Libya was also involved in the testing of the B61-11 nuclear bombs.

Categorized as a mini-nuke (‘earth penetrating bomb”, the B61-11 has a variable yield (depending on the model) up to 400 kilotons. (See table below). In comparison, the yield of a Hiroshima bomb is of the order of 15 kilotons. (See Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Planed Nuclear Attack on Libya, Global Research, March 25, 2011)


Source: Nuclear Information Project

The Joint Test Assembly (JTA) of the B61-11 Tactical Nuclear Weapon  

This JTA testing was undertaken by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) together with the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command, which coincidentally was in 2011 responsible for the coordination of US bombing operations directed against Libya as well as ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The JTA was produced by the NNSA in support of the Joint Surveillance Flight Test Program between the Department of Defense and the NNSA” (Press release, op cit)

The Joint Test Assembly (JTA) in the case of  the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb, requires testing the equipment of the B61-11 using a proxy conventional non-nuclear warhead. Essentially what was involved was to test all the installed equipment on the nuclear bomb and ensure its functionality without actually having a nuclear explosion.

The JTA test “was built to simulate the actual B61-11 weapon configuration utilizing as much war reserve hardware as feasible.  It was assembled at the Pantex plant in Amarillo, Texas and was not capable of nuclear yield, as it contained no special nuclear materials.”  (Press Release, NNSA Conducts Successful B61-11 JTA Flight Test, Apr 4, 2011)

“JTA tests [are to ensure] that all weapon systems [e.g. B61-11 nuclear bomb] perform as planned and that systems are designed to be safe, secure and effective,”….

A JTA contains instrumentation and sensors that monitor the performance of numerous weapon components [e.g of the B61-11] during the flight test to determine if the weapon functions as designed. This JTA also included a flight recorder that stored the bomb performance data for the entire test. The data is used in a reliability model, developed by Sandia National Laboratories, to evaluate the reliability of the bomb. (Ibid)

B61 Model 11 nuclear bomb at Whiteman Air force base

B61 Model 11 nuclear bomb at Whiteman Air force base

The B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber operating out of the Whiteman Air Force Base was reported to have “delivered and released” the B61-11 JTA at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, which is routinely used to test nuclear ordnance. (See Press Release, op cit.).

The Tonopah Test Range while owned by the US Department of Energy, is managed and operated by Sandia National Laboratories, a division of America’s largest weapons producer Lockheed-Martin (under permit with the NNSA).

Aerial View of Tonopah Test Range where the B61 11 JTA was tested using a B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber. Source NASA.

The Deployment of B-2 Stealth Bombers to Libya in 2011

Why were these JTA tests of the equipment and functionality of a tactical nuclear weapon scheduled shortly after the onset of the Libya bombing campaign?

Was the timing of these tests coincidental or were they in any way related to the chronology of the Libya bombing campaign?

It is worth noting that the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command was in charge of both the JTA tests of the B61-11 as well as the deployment of three B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers to Libya on March 19, 2011 

“Three B-2 Spirit bombers, piloted by two men each, made it back after the 11,418-mile round trip from the Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri – where they are kept in special hangars – to Libya, where they hit targets on forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi and back again.”(Libya-crisis-B2-stealth-bombers-25-hour-flight-Missouri-Tripoli, Daily Mail, March 21, 2011)

In other words, both the deployment of the B-2s to the Libya war theater as well as the JTA  test (using the B-2 bomber for delivery) were coordinated out of Whiteman Air Force base.



“Humanitarian Warfare”

“Humanitarian war” is carried out through a “Shock and Awe” Blitzkrieg. Three B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers were sent on a bombing mission at the very outset of the Libya bombing campaign. According to the reports, they returned to Whiteman Air Force base on March 21st. The reports suggest that the three B-2s were carrying bunker buster bombs with conventional warheads.

The report suggests that the B-2 Stealth bombers dropped 45 one ton satellite guided missiles on Libya, which represents an enormous amount of ordnance:

“At $2.1bn, they are the most expensive warplanes in the world and rarely leave their climate-controlled hangars. But when it does, the B-2 bomber makes a spectacularly effective start to a war – including during this weekend’s aerial attack on Libya’s air defences. (Daily Mail, March 21, 2011, op cit)

While we are not in a position to verify the accuracy of these reports, the 45 one-ton bombs correspond roughly to the B-2 specifications, namely each of these planes can carry sixteen 2,000 pound (900 kg) bombs.

VIDEO: Returning to Whiteman Air force base on March 21, 2011

Concluding Remarks: Nuclear War against Non-Nuclear States

Through a propaganda campaign which has enlisted the support of “authoritative” nuclear scientists, the B61-11 “mini-nuke” is presented as an instrument of peace rather than war.

In an utterly twisted logic, “low yield” tactical nuclear weapons are presented as a means to building peace and preventing “collateral damage”.

In this regard, US nuclear doctrine ties in with the notion that the US-NATO war directed against Libya under Operation Odyssey Dawn was a humanitarian undertaking. The important question addressed in this article was whether the test of a B61-11 was “routine” or was it envisaged by the DoD directly or indirectly in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn directed against Libya.

In retrospect this deployment of nuclear weapons against Libya was a dress rehearsal implying the possible deployment of mini-nukes at some future stage of the Libya bombing campaign.

“Non-Nuclear States” “Allies of America” Slated to Wage Nuclear War against “Non-Nuclear States”, “Enemies of America” 

More recently a modernized version of the B61-11, namely the B61-12 is slated to be deployed in five non-nuclear states (Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey). These countries (allies of America) are slated to wage nuclear war on behalf of Uncle Sam against the enemies of America .

“The will do “dirty work” for us.”

The B61-12 are not intended to attack Russia or China. They are intended to target non-nuclear states in the Middle East, specifically Iran.

It should be emphasized, however, that under the doctrine of “pre-emptive nuclear war” mini nukes are always deployed and  in “a state of readiness” (even in times of peace). Libya was the first “rogue state” to be tagged for a nuclear attack in 1996 prior to the approval of the mini-nukes for battlefield use by the US Senate in 2002.



The Pentagon claims that “mini-nukes” are harmless to civilians because  “the explosion takes place under ground”.  Not only is the claim of an underground explosion erroneous, each of these ‘mini-nukes’,  constitutes – in terms of explosion and potential radioactive fallout – a significant fraction of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

We are at a dangerous crossroads: The rules and guidelines governing the use nuclear weapons have been “liberalized” (i.e. “deregulated” in relation to those prevailing during the Cold War era).

The decision to use low yield nuclear weapons (e.g. against Iran) no longer depends on the Commander in Chief, namely the president of the United States.

The new doctrine states that Command, Control, and Coordination (CCC) regarding the use of nuclear weapons should be “flexible”, allowing geographic combat commanders (e.g Three Star Generals) to decide if and when to use of nuclear weapons. What this signifies is that tactical nuclear weapons have were redefined in 2002 as conventional weapons:

Known in official Washington, as “Joint Publication 3-12”, the new nuclear doctrine (Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations , (DJNO) (March 2005)) calls for “integrating conventional and nuclear attacks” under a unified and “integrated” Command and Control (C2).

It largely describes war planning as a management decision-making process, where military and strategic objectives are to be achieved, through a mix of instruments, with little concern for the resulting loss of human life.

Military planning focuses on “the most efficient use of force”, i.e. an optimal arrangement of different weapons systems to achieve stated military goals. In this context, nuclear and conventional weapons are considered to be “part of the tool box”, from which military commanders can pick and choose the instruments that they require in accordance with “evolving circumstances” in the “war theatre”.

None of these weapons in the Pentagon’s “tool box”, including conventional bunker buster bombs, cluster bombs, mini-nukes, chemical and biological weapons are described as “weapons of mass destruction” when used by the United States of America and its “coalition” partners. (Michel Chossudovsky, Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? Global Research, February 22, 2006)

Author’s note:

Having examined the various facets of US nuclear doctrine for more than 20 years, I have become increasingly aware that the danger of nuclear war is  real.

In researching these issues,  I have attempted to present the documented facts without drawing simple conclusions as to the potential use of nuclear weapons against non nuclear states.

It is my sincere hope that this article will contribute to an understanding of US nuclear doctrine as well as a greater awareness of the impending dangers of nuclear war.

Michel Chossudovsky,  September 9, 2022

Related Articles: America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – 2011-03-30


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First published on August 31, 2022


The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) data for 2020 shows doctors in Canada aged 50 and under die at a rate of about 6 per year.

After the latest booster, 6 Canadian doctors, 50 and under, died within a 15 day period.

Something is very wrong here, but nobody wants to talk about it or look into it. They’d rather look the other way.


Thanks to the brilliant work of Marc Godard and Brent Kievit-Kylar, we now have the CMA death data that I wrote about earlier in Google spreadsheet format where it can be easily analyzed for the first time. Note that the CMA removed entries prior to 2020 because they said it was too resource intensive to maintain this data. That’s hard to believe, but that’s what they said.

The results are stunning if we look at young doctor deaths: it makes the impact of the vaccines much easier to see because there is more signal and less noise since doctors under 50 rarely die.

We find a 23X increase in the rate of all-cause mortality post-vaccine for Canadian doctors aged 50 and under (compared to the young doctor death rates in 2020).

How can they explain that one?

Well, they can’t.

Those Canadian doctors died after the 2nd booster decades earlier than they should have.

I wanted to talk to the CMA about this, but my request to interview the President of the CMA was ignored. They just don’t want to talk about it. I’m sure they hope nobody sees this article.

So if you are reading this now, you know what to do:

You can verify my calculations yourself. All the data is now in plain sight.

Here’s how you can verify this yourself if you were skeptical of my work:

  1. Open the spreadsheet. Using Filter View “50 and under,” you can see that 6 doctors died in 2020 before the vax rolled out in Canada on December 14. So 6 young doctors dead in 348 days is our baseline death rate.
  2. From my article on Canadian deaths, we know of at least 6 Canadian doctors aged 50 and under that died in a 15 day period from July 13 to July 28 after the fourth booster was required. Here they are:

Note that the COVID vaccines are notorious for accelerating existing cancers and causing new cancers and killing people who are under physical stress such as swimming or running.

I’m not being judgmental here. I’m just tallying up all-cause mortality rates post-vaccine compared to average mortality rates of the same age group a year earlier.

So we have 6 deaths/348 days in 2020 vs. 6 deaths/15 days after the second booster.


So doctors who are 50 and under living in Canada are dying after the second booster at over 23X times the normally expected rate.

I found similar elevation in death rates for the vaccinated in my surveys

If you recall, I published an article just 20 days ago on August 10 where I used data submitted by over 600 readers to calculate an increased death rate for vaccinated people compared to the unvaccinated. The calculation was if you were vaccinated, your risk of death was 20.4X higher compared to unvaccinated people. That calculation was for all ages, not for those 50 and under. So they aren’t directly comparable, but 20.4X and 23.2X are pretty similar. They are large signals.

Now, you might ask, “Wow, if the vaccine is elevating death rates by that much, then the mortuary business must be way up.” It is way up, but not by 20X! This is because we are looking at under 50 deaths which are relatively small on an absolute basis.

I thought you should know what the Canadian doctor death data shows and I’m sure there are plenty of biases and confounders that affect this calculation, but even if I’m wrong by an order of magnitude, this should be an extremely troubling result for health authorities everywhere in the world: we should never be giving anyone a shot that is more likely to increase their risk of death than reduce it.

If this were an isolated anecdote and the only piece of negative data, many people would shrug their shoulders and ignore it.

But it’s not an isolated incident. It’s yet another very troubling data point showing the vaccines should be immediately halted.

See these two articles for more examples troubling data points that should not be ignored:

  1. Think we got it wrong?
  2. The safe and effective narrative is falling apart


I’ve been doing this for more than 15 months now and I have yet to find any reliable data points showing the vaccines are either safe or effective.

I’m still looking.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!


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“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense, details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s

The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized

The film clearly illustrates the depopulation agenda is not a conspiracy theory. It’s reality, and it’s happening worldwide. The HPV vaccine and the COVID shots also have adverse impacts on fertility that are being ignored

In the decade after the rollout of the HPV vaccine, the teen pregnancy rate dropped by 50%

While VAERS is the only publicly available system to assess COVID jab injuries, the U.S. government has at least 10 other reporting systems they’re not sharing data from. Children’s Health Defense is filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the other systems to get a better idea of the scale of harms, but VAERS and anecdotal reports alone suggest the scale of injuries and deaths is enormous. Data from insurance companies around the world also confirm this


In the interview above, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Mary Holland, president and general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, discuss their new documentary film, “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” which we published yesterday. If you missed it, you can watch it here.

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” is Wakefield’s fourth film. The first was “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis?” followed by “Vaxxed” and “1986: The Act.” This latest film details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used without people’s knowledge or consent since the mid-’90s.

“It’s a very important story, and it’s a story that I’d been aware of for some years,” Wakefield says. “I think a lot of people heard about this intentional infertility vaccine program being conducted, primarily in women in developing countries such as Africa. But it had gone into abeyance so I hadn’t paid due attention.

I should have paid more attention to it, because people had asked me over the years, ‘Do you think there is a population control agenda?’ …

The allegation had been that the World Health Organization, under the guise of a neonatal tetanus prevention program, had been deliberately sterilizing women [in Kenya] — either using a vaccine to abort existing pregnancies or to prevent future pregnancies. They had done this under the guise of protecting children rather than actually reducing the population.”

As explained by Wakefield, it was no secret that the WHO had been working on an anti-fertility vaccine since the 1970s.1 Papers were published, and the WHO itself even admitted it. The real issue here is that of informed consent. The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized. This is an ethical and moral low that is hard to beat.

Covert Sterilization Campaign in the Philippines Revealed

The story detailed in this film begins in 1995, when the Kenyan government launched a WHO vaccination campaign against tetanus among women of childbearing age. Dr. Stephen K. Karanja, former chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, became suspicious of the program when he learned that involuntary sterilization programs posing as tetanus programs had occurred.

That same year, 1995, the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines actually won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine laced with hCG. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries.

This anti-hCG-laced tetanus vaccine perfectly matched the anti-fertility vaccine the WHO had announced in 1993. The paper trail reveals that by 1976, WHO researchers had successfully conjugated, meaning combined or attached, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) onto tetanus toxoid, used in the tetanus vaccine. As a result, when given to a woman, she develops antibodies against both tetanus and hCG.

HCG is a hormone that is produced as soon as the sperm enters the egg and the embryo begins to form. In response to this signal, the woman’s ovaries then produce progesterone, which maintains the pregnancy to term. The conjugated vaccine effectively ends and prevents pregnancy as her own immune system will immediately attack and destroy the hCG as soon as it forms.

At the time, Karanja, who passed away in 2021, convinced leaders of the Catholic Church — one of the largest health care providers in Kenya — to test the tetanus vaccine being given, to make sure there was no foul play. Without explanation, the WHO abandoned the 1995 campaign, but in 2014, they were back with a neonatal tetanus program.

A Diabolical Agenda

Girls and women, 15 to 49 years of age, were instructed to get vaccinated with a series of five injections, six months apart. Suspiciously, this is the exact schedule required for the anti-fertility vaccine to produce sterility. Regular tetanus prevention requires only one injection every five to 10 years, and under no circumstance would you need five of them.

The Catholic Church decided to test the vaccines and collected three sample vials directly from clinics during the 2014 campaign. The samples were tested by three independent laboratories and, as feared, they contained hCG. Another six vials were then collected and tested. This time, half were found to contain hCG.

When the Catholic Church went public with the findings, urging girls and women to not comply with the vaccination campaign, the Kenyan government went on the offensive, insisting there was nothing wrong with the vaccine. Wakefield says:

“They used the media to demonize the Catholic Church and insinuate there had been deliberate contamination of these samples with hCG to produce the result they wanted.

That’s where it remained until — and this is where it gets really interesting and where the film really comes into its own — our cameras were invited back into the laboratory where these tests were done … [and] the truth was revealed.

It came down to a resolution of this key question of who was lying and who was being honest? Who was cheating, who was not? It’s really an extraordinary story that woke me up to the importance of this issue. There is an extraordinary prophetic statement at the end from the late Dr. Karanja, OBGYN from Africa. who was at the heart of all of this.

He said, ‘When they are finished with Africa they’re coming for you’ … That’s probably a pertinent place to hand over to Mary, because never could a prophecy have been more apt, more true.”

Depopulation Agenda Is Now a Conspiracy Fact

Holland continues:

“It’s been very hard to answer … when people would ask us, ‘Is there a depopulation agenda?’ People would point to things Bill Gates said, like how vaccines would reduce the population. There was an interpretation that it was going to make people healthier, and therefore they would choose not to have more children.

It was murky. I think this film really helps us understand that this is not a conspiracy theory. It’s an absolute reality … The film makes that 100% clear. There’s just no question about it. And you see the deceit and deception. Just to point out, the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court that most countries of the world have signed onto … makes forced sterilization a war crime.

This is not a trivial thing, to deprive people of informed consent and to sterilize them. That’s exactly what happened. One of the interviews in the film that is so poignant is of a woman who cannot carry a pregnancy to term. She comes to realize that she has antibodies to hCG, and she realizes that somebody, somewhere, made her infertile. It is, as she calls it, a diabolical agenda …

We can now look back at what happened with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which I co-wrote a book about in 2018. One of the things we saw was that … the teen pregnancy rate dropped 50% from 2007 to 2018 — 50%! Now, whatever one wants to think about unplanned pregnancies, that is a staggering drop over 10 years.

People were reporting extreme reproductive effects from the HPV vaccine. Now we’re hearing the same thing, only much more so, with respect to COVID shots. We’re hearing that women are having miscarriages, babies are literally dying from breastfeeding mothers who have been recently vaccinated.

Congenital deformities are being reported to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS). It’s now, I think, beyond the realm of conspiracy theory to say it is very plausible that these vaccines that are being pushed on the world — particularly the COVID shots — have strong anti-fertility effects.”

Is There Such a Thing as Vaccine Safety?

It’s important to realize that no study has ever proven that any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule are safe, especially when given in various combinations. As noted by Wakefield, vaccine manufacturers and people like Dr. Anthony Fauci present “an almost kindergarten-like approach” to safety.

The blanket statement given is that vaccines in general, and the COVID shots in particular, are “safe and effective,” and that they have no adverse effects on reproduction and fertility. This, despite the fact they’ve done no reproductive studies at all.

Women who hear such assurances will assume the necessary studies HAVE been done when, in fact, that’s a complete lie. The reality is, you cannot find evidence of harm if you’re not looking for it. Another reality is that assumptions and guesses about science are not the same as scientific evidence. One major assumption that has now turned out to be completely wrong is that the mRNA injection stays in the deltoid muscle, the site of injection.

“No one has ever sought to determine whether they remain at the site of injection or not, or whether they disseminate throughout the body, which of course they do,” Wakefield says. “So, it’s a naive and completely inappropriate assumption.

The other assumption that was completely inappropriate was making any assumption at all. You’re going to give this [shot] to seven billion people … and you’re going to assume something about its safety? Then you discover, after giving it to the majority of that seven billion population, that you were completely wrong.

In fact, it goes throughout the body. The spike protein can be found in tissues throughout the body, including and in particular in the ovaries. There it can set up an inflammatory reaction, autoimmunity, damage and infertility. There is no question that is biologically plausible.

So here you have the mentality of these people, that after the horse has bolted, they are trying to shut the gate. If there is going to be damage, then the damage is done and it is too late. That is totally irresponsible and people need to know that.”

Wakefield further points out that no clinical trial for any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule has ever been tested against a true placebo. All have used active placebos, such as an aluminum injection or another vaccine, which effectively hides most of the adverse effects.

Interestingly, in some of the COVID jab trials, they actually used a completely inert placebo (although some vaccine makers used another vaccine). But then note what happened. Before the trial was over, they unblinded everyone and offered the jab to everyone in the placebo group, effectively eradicating the control group altogether! Then, they tried to bury the data under red tape for 75 years. Thankfully, a sensible judge didn’t let them get away with it. Wakefield says:

“They [Pfizer] knew there were problems. They had identified the problems doing the appropriate study, at least to start with, until they gave the placebo group the vaccine, eliminating the opportunity to assess long-term safety. Then they tried to hide the data because they knew it revealed the seriousness of the adverse reactions to their vaccine. The court overruled them and now those data are being analyzed, and they are terrifying.”

Stunning Abdication of Science

What’s worse, government has incentivized ignorance under the law. They have incentivized not knowing what the long-term effects are. Holland adds:

“What’s particularly stunning, in terms of the absolute abdication from science, is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said it’s perfectly fine to co-administer the COVID shots with everything else on the childhood schedule. That is going to have untold horrific likely effects …

Most pediatricians will say ‘Hey, the CDC says it’s fine’ … They are going to be co-administering these shots with other things, and there is no science to back that up. None.”

Unfortunately, the future looks grim in this regard, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now considering a “Future Framework” in which vaccine makers will be allowed to reformulate and release future COVID shots without any additional testing. Clinical trials are easy to rig to begin with, but now they won’t even have to go through the trouble of fabricating desired results.

“And, of course there will be harmful effects on fertility,” Holland says. “I think it’s becoming very clear that we just have to reject all of this. It is corrupted to its core. It’s anti-human, I mean it’s truly anti-human. I think the reality that we’re in is becoming clearer.”

A Hopeful Note

Wakefield adds:

“To follow-up on that, a note of hope … People coming to this anew may think that we’re in a terribly dark time. I see it differently, having been in this now for 30 years. When I started out, a handful of people around the world were prepared to debate the thorny issue of vaccine safety.

Now I read the other day that 70% of American adults have rejected the CDC’s recommended protocol for the COVID vaccine. They either didn’t get the first dose, they didn’t get the second dose, or they have refused to get the boosters, saying this is neither necessary nor is it safe.

Those people — 70% of American adults — according to mainstream media are anti-vaxxers. So, whether they know it or not, they’ve joined our team and the other side has lost.

This is a desperate, desperate measure; one hail Mary pass after another, and it’s failing very, very badly. For those of you who have not seen it from an historical perspective, take heart, because the world really is waking up in an extraordinary way …

The silver lining of the dark cloud of COVID is that it has woken so many people … There is an inevitability to what is happening here, and they will not get away with it for very much longer.”

We’ve Allowed the Creation of an Anti-Human World

As for those who insist they have no objections to childhood vaccines, only the COVID jab, Wakefield warns just about every vaccine safety advocate began by objecting to a single vaccine or single ingredient before realizing it isn’t that simple:

“We all came to the collective realization that this was far more complex than we had previously imagined. They were making it more and more complex by the year, adding more vaccines into the schedule, lumping them all together. As Mary said, the idea of these vaccines being safe in combination was one they’d never tested but merely assumed to be safe …

We came to the realization that it is some cumulative toxicity, some interactive effect, some potentiation that is leading to this massive increase in, for example, neurodevelopmental or immunological disorders.

Had we been allowed to continue the research, any of us, all of us, we would have answers now. But we don’t have answers because the work was sabotaged at every turn, and now we are living in a state of greater ignorance than we were before.

We’re now living in a world of man-made diseases. It’s absolutely staggering. None of this need ever have happened, and yet here we are with all of these new conditions or new variants on an old theme, like regressive autism, that we did not see before. That is something that man has created.

Just as easily man could get rid of it if we took the initiative. That’s what, collectively, we have to do, and that’s what Children’s Health Defense is doing. They’re alerting people to this, waking them up, and it’s working.”

In addition to learning about the dangers of vaccines, people are also starting to learn more about other environmental toxins — pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), air pollution, water pollution, artificial foods, hormone-mimicking plastic chemicals and more, all of which have adverse effects on health and reproductive capacity.

“I think most humans want to live in a pro-human environment,” Holland says. “And I think the corporate government world we’re in right now is genuinely anti-human.”

The Scale of Harm Is Staggering

While VAERS is the only publicly available database collecting adverse vaccine reactions, the U.S. government has at least 10 other adverse event reporting systems that they’re not sharing data from.

Children’s Health Defense is filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the other systems to get a better idea of the scale of harms, but VAERS and anecdotal reports alone suggest the scale of injuries and deaths is enormous. Data from insurance companies around the world also confirm this. Holland notes:

“In 2021, from one life insurance company in the United States, an Indiana company, we know that 18 to 64 year olds suffered a 40% excess death rate. They said a 10% shift would be a 1 in 200-year occurrence. A 40% shift is beyond catastrophic, and that’s what we’re looking at. These are secrets that can’t be hidden.”

Panafrican Congress Is Pushing Back

Another piece of positive news is that a Panafrican Congress that was recently convened is starting to push back against the WHO. And, if the WHO were to be banned from a continent like Africa, it would be game over for them. Holland explains:

“The WHO is following a two-track course to get to what they say, in 2024, will be a new international treaty, which basically will put the WHO at the center of global health and de facto governance. One track was through U.S.-proposed international health regulations.

The U.S. proposed 12 regulations in December 2021 that would put the WHO at the center of these things and put in place very draconian regulations that would allow the WHO to supersede any decisions at the national government level. In a vote on those new international health regulation amendments, 47 African countries rejected all of them.

Africa really led the way in saying ‘No, we don’t trust the WHO, we don’t want the WHO in this role.’ That’s very exciting because Africa absolutely has been exploited in every which way by the WHO and their pharmaceutical industry partners. But, I don’t think the WHO agenda is dead. We still have a lot of work to do.

We did have on June 18 an African sovereignty coalition launch, which you can see on the Children’s Health Defense TV website. There were activists, advocates, physicians, scientists from all over Africa, and then supporters from around the world. It’s very exciting. I think Africa is sending a message loud and clear we will not put up with this …

We’ll take it one day at a time, but I believe the WHO and its backers will fail, and certainly many people around the world, Children’s Health Defense included, are working on lawsuits to prove there’s fraud going on here, this is criminal activity. Certainly, the authorization for young children is a criminal act.

We’re going to amend the lawsuit we have, which is to contest the jabs for 5 to 11-year-olds that the FDA authorized. We’ll just amend that for these younger children. This is devastating, this is a crime against humanity. There is no justification for young children getting these shots. They are not at risk of serious injury or death from COVID, but they certainly are at risk from these shots.”

Can the Judicial System Be Trusted?

Speaking of lawsuits, many legal actions over the past two years have failed, but Holland, who is the general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, is optimistic, because courts tend to shift with public opinion. She’s noticed courts are becoming increasingly receptive to the notion that there may be fraud going on with the COVID jabs, and that conflicts of interest play a role.

For example, two judges in New York who were assigned to cases she was representing were recently forced to recuse themselves, after it became known they owned between $50,000 and $500,000 in Pfizer stock.

“I think we’re likely to see many more successful lawsuits going forward in the next two years than in the last two years,” she says. “I think the population is coming to understand that there are conflicts of interest that prevent these people from being unbiased.

I think it’s a question of time, and I think we’re in a race against time, but I do believe that lawsuits are likely to be more successful as time goes on and I think we’re already seeing that. We struck down the OSHA mandate, we struck down the mask mandates in airline transportation, we got access to the Pfizer documents. I think there’s more good news coming from the courts, I really do.”

The home run, judicially speaking, would be if we could prove vaccine makers committed fraud or “willful misconduct,” as that would eliminate all of their protections against prosecution and liability. The COVID jabs are authorized for emergency use under the 2005 PREP Act — which Holland believes is unconstitutional — and under that law, willful misconduct must be proven by “clear and convincing evidence.”

“I believe that at this point we’re getting very, very close to that threshold where we can prove willful misconduct by clear and convincing evidence,” she says.

“At that point, I think it will be clear to the whole population that it’s the liability protection on the back end and the mandates at the front end that makes this whole enterprise possible. I think there are serious attacks on both of those, and by the time the whole truth comes out, the whole vaccine paradigm disappears.

I think it’s in our sights, I really do. I think the health of the unvaccinated is overwhelmingly superior to the health of the vaccinated, and that story’s coming out. Children’s Health Defense is coming out with a book this fall by Dr. Brian Hooker and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., about the science showing how much healthier unvaccinated people are.

I think the truth is coming out, and I think the stakes are very high for the next couple years. But I really do believe that at the end of these couple years we will be in a whole new paradigm of vaccines and health. People have seen enough about the bad side of COVID shots that they are now open to this. I think we’re likely to see a sea change.”

In closing, if you didn’t watch the film yesterday, set aside 30 minutes to do it now. And, be sure to watch it all the way to the end. The final 10 minutes include an update on the Kenya story, a review of what happened with the HPV vaccine, and an overview of what we know about the COVID shots’ potential impacts on fertility. It’s important to realize that this depopulation agenda didn’t begin and end in Kenya. It’s happening worldwide.

More Movies Are Coming

Wakefield’s fifth film is already in preproduction and should be ready for release next year. This one will be a full-length narrative feature about the childhood vaccination schedule. It was co-written by Terry Rossio, who also wrote “Shrek,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Aladdin” and other well-known movie productions.

“It’s a very powerful film, it will really move the mindset,” Wakefield says. “It will take those who have been awoken by the issue of COVID vaccines across the bridge from the adult vaccine schedule to the realization that this has been happening in the childhood vaccine schedule since the very beginning. It’s a very, very important film.”

Children’s Health Defense will also be coming out with a film version of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” That will be coming out later this year, for which I was interviewed.


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1 Scientific Research October 2017; 4(10)

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Incisive analysis first published on January 13, 2022


After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people.

The mortality rate linked to the vaccines, according to Yeadon, is traceable in terms of lot numbers of the different batches, as some batches appear to be more lethal than others. When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved. Dr Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international law suit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

Citizen Journalist Ulf Bittner from EU/EES Healthcare blog and Sverige Granskas stated in the interview that the situation with traceable lot numbers and injuries and death related to lot numbers is similar in the different health care regions of Sweden. Bittner is in contact with a vaccine coordinator who has provided documents to keep track of how many people have been injured and lost their lives related to the different batches of the so-called vaccines.

01:00 Different numbers on the barcodes on the bottom of the vaccine doses are placebo which has been given to politicians according to a Slovenian chief nurse. Is it the same in other countries?

1:54 Mike Yeadon and the LOT numbers of some shots of the brands Moderna, Johnson& Johnson and Pfizer/Biontech are related to much higher mortality than for the other manufacturers.

3:52 The producers of the so-called vaccines are experimenting with the correct dosages to kill people according to Dr Füllmich. This according to the Corona Investigative Committee, constitute compelling evidence for punitive damages and attempted mass murder. They are intentionally killing people.

08:30 Lawyers from India have filed complaints for premeditative murder.

09:55 Mike Yeadon as a witness for the coming legal action against the perpetrators.

10:44 Everyone who critizises the wrongdoings of the governments of the world is being called a ‘right wing extremist’. This has also happened to the internationally renowned scientist Mike Yeadon.

13:05 CDC withdrew the recommendation for the PCR-tests diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 from 31/12-2021. PCR- tests are the foundation of the pandemic. Why is Anthony Fauci now doing a 180-degree turn?

17:25 At least a million dollars per person will be claimed in punitive damages if the lawsuit is successful.

18:33 Previously only ten percent of all adverse effects were reported. In the situation the world is right now, the team estimated that in fact only one percent of all adverse effects were being reported.

19:25 CEO of Life insurance company from Indiana USA with 100 billions of dollars in assets said: ”Over the span of this past year there has been an excess mortality of 40 percent”. This is believed to be due to the injections.

21:05 What substance in the vials makes them so lethal? Is it Graphene Oxide/graphene hydroxide?

22:37 Any vaccin is a poison, it is the dosage which makes the difference. This is not a vaccine, as a vaccine provides immunity, while these products demand incessant injections. Either a vaccine works or it does not.

24:40 This is not gene therapy either, since a gene therapy means exchanging a broken gene with a fixed one. This is more like experimenting on people, and trying to kill us.

25.15 The doses are not tested by governments, while governments will be keeping the contracts hidden from the public for at least 55 years. How is this affecting the possibility of getting people punished? Dr Füllmich goes through all the lies paving the way for the tyrannical situation the world is now in.

28:25 The vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The producers are experimenting on lethal doses of poison. Everyone now taking part in intentional malicious infliction of harm will be punished.

30:05 How sure are legal experts about the conclusion that Mike Yeadon has drawn from this, that it is all about depopulation and intentionally killing people through injections? If close to 50 lawyers are of the same opinion, it is regarded as “irrefutable proof”.

32:08 Batches of injections in Sweden can be traced by an application.

32:45 Füllmich is in cooperation with people working within the secret service of Germany who do not wish to take the injections.

34:15 Dr Lee Merritt on combat pilots in the USA refusing to get the shots. According to Dr Füllmich, Dr Merrit explained: ”They understood that if they were forced to [get vaccinated] they were going to get killed.”

35:15 Information is being collected on batches in Sweden from every region, the Swedish health authorities (Folkhälsomyndigheten) and medical board (Läkemedelsverket). Every batch is traceable through an application. There is economic reward for the Swedish regions which manage to get more people injected. One of the expert lawyers involved in the upcoming court hearings is a specialist on Nuremberg Trials.

38:45 How will the trials be performed, and through what legal structure? A common design, the same structure as for the Nuremberg trials.

39:40 Free choice should reign for members of the European Union. Consumers of health care have consumer rights. Fraud means misleading the people and consumers of health care.

42:00 The so called vaccines are an adulterated product put on to the market. According to Mike Yeadon there is a law in the US that will make everyone liable for the harms created by the adulterated product. Toxins are being put into the vials other than the known lipids etc, which the people who took the vaccines never consented to.

43:40 The importance of decentralization of power and national independence rather than global organizations such as the European Union telling the people what to do. Disconnecting from the banking system, NGO:s and creating independent and strong agricultural supply chains, energy supply chains etc.

46:15 When are the trials going to take place? How will the indictments happen and how will the trials be held? One of the goals is to inform people and expose the wrongdoings by involving the alternative media so that the mainstream media won’t be able to ignore the trials. The crew is working on a new system of law in the USA, Africa and Germany.

50:48 Dr Füllmich believes the world is close to a tipping point and the whole narrative will fall apart very very soon, maybe in a couple of weeks or months.

54:13 Robert Malone, Robert F Kennedy and Mike Yeadon and others involved in exposing the agenda are in contact with each other, and a tour is planned with these whistleblowers in the USA in March


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Incisive article by Colin Todhunter first published on Global Research on November 30, 2020.

See section below pointing to Western agri-business control over Ukraine agriculture: “the toppling of Ukraine’s government in early 2014 paved the way for foreign investors and Western agribusiness to take a firm hold over the agri-food sector”


The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. Smallholder farmers are being criminalised and even made to disappear when it comes to the struggle for land. They are constantly exposed to systematic expulsion.

In 2014, the Oakland Institute found that institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity and pension funds, are eager to capitalise on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class. Financial returns are what matter to these entities, not food security.

Consider Ukraine. The organisation Grain found that in 2014 small farmers operated 16% of agricultural land in that country, but provided 55% of agricultural output, including: 97% of potatoes, 97% of honey, 88% of vegetables, 83% of fruits and berries and 80% of milk. It is clear that Ukraine’s small farms were delivering impressive outputs.

Following the toppling of Ukraine’s government in early 2014, the way was paved for foreign investors and Western agribusiness to take a firm hold over the agri-food sector. Reforms mandated by the EU-backed loan to Ukraine in 2014 included agricultural deregulation intended to benefit foreign agribusiness. Natural resource and land policy shifts were being designed to facilitate the foreign corporate takeover of enormous tracts of land.

Frederic Mousseau, policy director at the Oakland Institute, stated at the time that the World Bank and IMF were intent on opening up foreign markets to Western corporations and that the high stakes around the control of Ukraine’s vast agricultural sector, the world’s third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat, constitute an overlooked critical factor. He added that in recent years, foreign corporations had acquired more than 1.6 million hectares of Ukrainian land.

Western agribusiness has been coveting Ukraine’s agriculture sector for quite some time, long before the coup. That country contains one third of all arable land in Europe. An article by Oriental Review in 2015 noted that since the mid-90s the Ukrainian-Americans at the helm of the US-Ukraine Business Council had been instrumental in encouraging the foreign control of Ukrainian agriculture.

In November 2013, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation drafted a legal amendment that would benefit global agribusiness producers by allowing the widespread use of genetically modified seeds. When GMO crops were legally introduced into the Ukrainian market in 2013, they were planted in up to 70% of all soybean fields, 10-20% of cornfields and over 10% of all sunflower fields, according to various estimates (or 3% of the country’s total farmland).

Interestingly, the investment fund Siguler Guff & Co acquired a 50% stake in the Ukrainian Port of Illichivsk in 2015, which specialises in agricultural exports.

In June 2020, the IMF approved an 18-month $5 billion loan programme with Ukraine. According to the Brettons Wood Project website, the government committed to lifting the 19-year moratorium on the sale of state-owned agricultural lands after sustained pressure from international finance. The World Bank incorporated further measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine approved in late June. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”

In response, Frederic Mousseau recently stated:

“The goal is clearly to favor the interests of private investors and Western agribusinesses… It is wrong and immoral for Western financial institutions to force a country in a dire economic situation amidst an unprecedented pandemic to sell its land.”

But morality has little to do with it. The September 2020 report on the website ‘Barbarians at the barn: private equity sinks its teeth into agriculture’ shows that there is no morality where capitalism’s profit compulsion is concerned.

Private equity funds – pools of money that use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals – are being injected into the agriculture sector throughout the world. This money is used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, US-style grain and soybean concerns. The article outlines how offshore tax havens and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has targeted Ukraine.

In addition to various Western governments, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the foundation’s endowment, is also investing in private equity, taking positions in farm and food businesses around the world.

Grain notes that this forms part of the trend whereby the world of finance – banks, funds, insurance companies and the like – is gaining control over the real economy, including forests, watersheds and rural people’s territories.

Apart from uprooting communities and grabbing resources to entrench an industrial, export-oriented model of agriculture, this process of ‘financialisation’ is shifting power to remote board rooms occupied by people with no connection to farming and who are merely in it to make money. These funds tend to invest for a 10-15 year period, resulting in handsome returns for investors but can leave a trail of long-term environmental and social devastation and serve to undermine local and regional food insecurity.

This financialisation of agriculture perpetuates a model of farming that serves the interests of the agrochemical and seed giants, including one of the world’s biggest companies, Cargill, which is involved in almost every aspect of global agribusiness.

Still run as a privately held company, the 155-year-old enterprise trades in purchasing and distributing various agricultural commodities, raises livestock and produces animal feed as well as food ingredients for application in processed foods and industrial use. Cargill also has a large financial services arm, which manages financial risks in the commodity markets for the company. This includes Black River Asset Management, a hedge fund with about $10 billion of assets and liabilities.

A recent article on the Unearthed website accused Cargill and its 14 billionaire owners of profiting from the use of child labour, rain forest destruction, the devastation of ancestral lands, the spread of pesticide use and pollution, contaminated food, antibiotic resistance and general health and environmental degradation.

As if this is not concerning enough, the UN Food and Agriculture is now teaming up with CropLife, a global trade association representing the interests of companies that produce and promote pesticides, including highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs).

In a 19 November press release issued by PAN (Pesticide Action Network) Asia Pacific, some 350 organisations in 63 countries representing hundreds of thousands of farmers, fisherfolk, agricultural workers and other communities, as well as human rights, faith-based, environmental and economic justice institutions, delivered a letter to FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu urging him to stop recently announced plans to deepen collaboration with CropLife International by entering into a formal partnership.

HHPs are responsible for a wide range of devastating health harms to farmers, agricultural workers and rural families around the world and these chemicals have decimated pollinator populations and are wreaking havoc on biodiversity and fragile ecosystems.

Marcia Ishii, senior scientist at PAN North America, explained the serious implications of the proposed collaboration:

“Unfortunately, since Mr. Qu’s arrival at FAO, the institution appears to be opening up to deeper collaboration with pesticide companies, which are likely to exploit such a relationship for bluewashing, influencing policy development and enhancing access to global markets.”

She went on to state:

“It is no surprise that FAO’s recently appointed Deputy Director General, Beth Bechdol, comes to FAO with a history of close financial ties to Corteva (formerly Dow/DuPont).”

The FAO has in recent years shown a commitment to agroecology but, in calling for an independent FAO, Susan Haffmans from PAN Germany, argues:

“The FAO should not jeopardize its successes in agroecology nor its integrity by cooperating with precisely that branch of industry which is responsible for the production of highly hazardous pesticides and whose products contribute to poisoning people and their environment worldwide.”

The July 2019 UN FAO High Level Panel of Experts concludes that agroecology provides greatly improved food security and nutritional, gender, environmental and yield benefits compared to industrial agriculture.

Agroecological principles represent a shift away from the reductionist yield-output chemical-intensive industrial paradigm, which results in among other things enormous pressures on human health, soil and water resources. Agroecology is based on a more integrated low-input systems approach to food and agriculture that prioritises local food security, local calorific production, cropping patterns and diverse nutrition production per acre, water table stability, climate resilience, good soil structure and the ability to cope with evolving pests and disease pressures.

Such a system is underpinned by a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, the right to culturally appropriate food and local ownership and stewardship of common resources, such as land, water, soil and seeds.

However, this model is a direct challenge to the interests of CropLife members. With the emphasis on localisation and on-farm inputs, agroecology does not require dependency on proprietary chemicals, pirated seeds and knowledge nor long-line global supply chains.

By seeking to develop a formal partnership with the FAO, CropLife aims to further entrench its interests while derailing the FAO’s commitment to agroecology. This much has been apparent in recent times with US Ambassador to the FAO Kip Tom having attacked agroecology –  and like CropLife members – he perpetuates the myth (recently debunked by Dr Jonathan Latham in the new book   ‘Rethinking Food and Agriculture’)of impending disaster if we do not accept the chemical-industrial paradigm.

Whether it involves farmers in India recently taking to the streets to protest against legislation that will throw the sector wide open to foreign agricapital, land acquisitions in Ukraine or struggles for land rights and seed sovereignty (etc) elsewhere, it is clear that a small cabal of unscrupulous global agribusiness giants are driving and benefitting from deregulated capital flows, peasant displacement, land acquisitions and decisions made at international and national levels via the IMF, World Bank and WTO.

The web that global capitalism weaves in a quest to seek out new profits, capture new markets and control common resources (commonwealth) is destroying farmer livelihoods, the environment and health under the bogus claim of ‘feeding the world’.

Those farmers who survive the profiteering strategies of dispossession and imperialism are to become incorporated into a system of contract farming dictated by global agri-food giants tied to an exploitative food regime based on market dependency and corporate control. A regime that places profit ahead of biodiverse food security, healthy diets and the environment.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Originally published on June 4, 2022.

“Prices are more or less 78% higher than average in 2021, and this is cracking up the production side of agriculture. In many regions, farmers simply can’t afford to bring fertilizers to the farm, or even if they could, the fertilizers are not available to them…And it’s not just fertilizers, but agrichemicals and fuel as well. This is a global crisis and it requires a global response.”

– Theo de Jager, President of World Farmers Organization [1]

“If you control oil, you control nations. If you control food, you control people.”

– Henry Kissinger [2]


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A major global food shortage is looming. [3]

Director-General Qu Donyu of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented Securing Food Security in Times of Crisis at the Meeting of the G7 Ministers of Agriculture. The FAO’s Food Price Index in March reached 160 points – the highest since its inception in 1990! [4]

The report notes that Russia and Ukraine are “important players in global commodity markets” particularly wheat, maize and oilseed. And this uncertainty comes on top of “already high prices driven by robust demand and high input costs as a result of COVID-19 recovery.” [5]

A number of countries, including Turkey and Egypt, Sub-Saharan African countries like Eritrea, Somalia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Congo and Namibia, will be highly impacted by the shortfalls in wheat from Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The food crises in Yemen and Ethiopia in particular would likewise suffer a blow. [6]

According to a recent CNBC article, fertilizer shortage – a shortage of fertilizer is exacerbating the situation. Russia, together with Belarus, is responsible for 40 percent of potash exports. According to Morgan Stanley, Russia also exports 11 percent of urea, 48 percent of Ammonium nitrate and combined with Ukraine collectively exports 28 percent of fertilizers made with nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as potassium. So farmers abroad will have to make do with lesser or more expensive crops.[7]

There is however a buzz that the world is not responding to the crisis so much as engineering it! Take for example the rail company Union Pacific in the United States mandating that certain shippers reduce their volume of private cars effective immediately. Union Pacific is one of four major rail companies that haul 80 percent of agricultural freight. With this mandate in place in the spring, farmers would be delayed in getting fertilizer resulting in producing even less crops. [8]

Plus, there is word that another virus – this one effecting chickens! To stop the disease from migrating to humans, farmers have culled millions of chickens while authorities state millions have died of this Avian equivalent of COVID. So higher costs and food shortages beleaguers the poultry and egg producers as well! [8]

This week’s Global Research News Hour follows the trail of diminishing food supplies and comes to a startling end-point that could lead to the next major Malthusian drama that awaits our species!

In our first half hour we speak to Monika Tothova of the FAO about some of the specific developments around the new food crisis and what the world will have to do soon to mitigate a representative a worst case scenario. She is followed by Kit Knightly, a journalist who himself is probing the hypothesis of a planned food crisis and connections to the much talked about Great Reset.

Monika Tothova is an economist working with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. She works in the economics and trade division.

Kit Knightly is an editor and journalist with Off-Guardian. He has written several stories so far probing the Food Crisis as another opportunity for an elite power grab.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 358)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

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CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

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  1. Richard Mills (May 31, 2022), ‘Food, a Global Crisis – How bad is it going to get?’ The Market Oracle;
  2. F William Engdahl (2007), p 42. ‘Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation’, The Centre for Research on Globalization
  3. Glenn H. Reynolds (March 17, 2022), ‘Looming food shortages is the next ‘slow-moving disaster’ to hit world’, New York Post;
  4. Qu Donyu (13 May 2022), p. 8, ‘Securing Global Food Security in Times of Crisis’, Food ad Agricultural Organization of the United Nations;
  5. ibid
  6. op cit, p 12
  7. Patti Domm (Apr 6, 2022), ‘A fertilizer shortage, worsened by war in Ukraine, is driving up global food prices and scarcity’,,CNBC;

In the course of the rigged presidential election of 2020 Jane Fonda declared “COVID is God’s Gift to the Left.” See this.

Will Jane Fonda’s “Left” own God’s Gift of COVID now that there is so much news associating COVID injections with large multitudes of deaths, injuries, and the pervasive assault on the natural biology of human immunity? See this.

What is to be said of the “Gift” of scores of stillborn births from COVID-injected mothers, heart attacks in children, or increased rates of infertility in young people. Were these outcomes the result of incompetence, malfeasance, or part of a plan for reducing the population? See this.

Why have society’s youngest members so consistently been brutalized in the pandemic of child abuse especially at school?

When Hiding the Truth Facilitates Injection Deaths and Injuries

In the thousands of essays dealing with injection deaths and injuries, there is very little attention devoted to worldwide patterns of harm. For instance in the statistics accompanying the iconic COVID map of the John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, we are shown the number of worldwide deaths attributed to the COVID virus and the 12.5 billion COVID jabs administered so far to about 5.5 billion of the world’s 8 billion inhabitants. There is, however, no space allocated to show the number of deaths and injuries from the COVID shots. See this.

Few attempts have been made to make knowledgeable estimates of the total number of lives lost and incapacitated throughout the globe because of the COVID jabs. Steve Kirsch authored one such attempt. He looked at the available evidence to make an educated estimate that the number of global deaths so far is about 12,000,000.

For every injection death reported in the purposely-flawed systems of national and regional reporting and record keeping, a very conservative estimate is that, on average, 20 serious injuries also find their way into the official reporting. Many of those experiencing these serious injuries are facing much suffering within significantly shortened lifespans. See this.

Accordingly, the number of casualties from injections might well rise far above the 60,000,000 people that died on all sides as a result of the Second World War. There are many ironies that arise from the vast scale of the lockstep violations, including in Israel, that transgress the criminal provisions outlined in the Nuremberg Code. See this.

For the practitioners of COVID Officialdom to so consistently violate all the provisions of the Nuremberg Code implies a wanton expression of callous disregard for the history that led up to the German Doctors’ Trial. Its verdict in 1947 led to the Nuremberg Code, a10-point outline of international law principles for “Permissible Medical Experiments” on human subjects.

See this and this.

Much of the literature on injection deaths and so-called “adverse effects” highlights the United States, UK, Europe, and Israel. In these countries the propensity of COVID Officialdom has been to greatly overinflate the number of deaths attributed to the COVID virus and to dramatically underestimate, hide, deny, or misrepresent the deaths and injuries from the COVID shots.

The government of my home province of Alberta made something of a laughing stock of itself when it presented the finding that the biggest reason for the death of Albertans in 2021 was from “unknown causes.” See this.

This effort to look away from the reality of injection deaths and injuries is especially marked in Canada. Steve Kirsch has taken data from the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to show that “young doctors in Canada are dying at 23 times the normally expected rate after the second booster.” Apparently no one at the CMA is willing even to talk about this matter.

See the following analysis of Stephen Kirsch:.

“From my article on Canadian deaths, we know of at least 6 Canadian doctors aged 50 and under that died in a 15 day period from July 13 to July 28 after the fourth booster was required. Here they are:

Note that the COVID vaccines are notorious for accelerating existing cancers and causing new cancers and killing people who are under physical stress such as swimming or running. (Stephen Kirsch)

Questions concerning the evidence of deaths and injuries turned a major corner when in the second half of 2021, many actuaries in life insurance companies began pointing to unprecedented rises in all-cause mortalities of their main clientele, namely the families of gainfully employed working people aged 18 to 64.

These deaths were described by the agencies that released the data as being unrelated to illness from COVID. They showed increases in overall death rates in late 2021 and early 2022 somewhere in the range 20% to 40%. Many commentators noted that this kind of supposedly unexplained rise in all-cause death rates is unprecedented. See this.

Also coming into view are statistics from the US Bureau of Labor showing that since May of 2021 the number of newly disabled people living at home grew by about 4 million people. This change draws attention to the large costs of many injection injuries not only on the victims themselves but society and families. See this.

In bringing this information to light, former BlackRock money manager, Edward Dowd piled on yet more superlatives calling the COVID crimes the “biggest fraud in the history of the world.” He drew special attention to the “tech giants” who have been “censoring life-saving information on purpose.”

Hospitals as Primary Scenes of the COVID Crimes

A main site of the physical crimes that continue to take place is the hospitals where so many of the COVID dirty deeds happen. Beginning in 2020 these institutions were by and large quickly transformed into factories devoted primarily to the miraculously-well-funded COVID industry. Within this industry the value of death seems to have become far more precious than the cost of life.

The remuneration forwarded to for-profit hospital corporations in the United States has been setting basic patterns of payment for COVID care throughout much of the world. According to Dr. Elizabeth Vliet and Ali Schultz, payments to hospitals include

  • A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
  • Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
  • Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
  • A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
  • Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
  • More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
  • A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

See this.

The economics of life and death under the banner of COVID care have been the subject of a video exchange between Steve Kirsch and Dr. Ryan Cole. In their exchange Dr. Cole asserted that “its time to stop incentivising hospitals to kill people.” See this.

Vliet and Schulz cite Attorney Tom Renz who calculates that, on average, every COVID patient treated in a US hospital generates about $100, 000 in payments to the care providers. The COVID patients who die on ventilators apparently form an especially lucrative category for reimbursement to hospitals.

Minnesota state Senator and Family Physician, Dr. Scott Jensen, looked at the distortions created by wrongheaded approaches to rewarding hospitals for COVID care. He asked legitimate questions about the widespread pattern of pushing up COVID death numbers by adding casualties often wrongfully attributed to COVID-19. The inflation of death numbers and case numbers have been an undeniable tactic throughout much of the world in inculcating fear so that most people will simply stand aside and ignore the COVID-19 power grab.

Dr. Jensen has been one of those elected officials who assertively broke the pattern identified by EU parliamentarian Christine Anderson. Dr. Jensen was not one of those elected officials who failed to protect their own constituents from various forms of COVID harm and tyranny.

Dr. Jensen in fact sued officials in the US Department of Health and Human Services in an effort to prevent children from receiving COVID injections. He then became the Republican candidate for the job of Minnesota Governor in the 2022 election. See this.

COVID-19 and Nursing Homes

Some contend that the manufactured COVID crisis not only includes measures aimed at inflating COVID death statistics but at actually causing deaths that are attributed to COVID. Such suspicions have been aroused, for instance, by controversies involving the corrupt usages of ventilators and the mismanagement of care facilities for the elderly.

Veteran investigative reporter Jon Rappoport has highlighted the central role of nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the genesis of the manufactured COVID crisis. See this.

He writes, “to an astounding extent COVID-19 is a nursing home disaster.” In 2020 most of the reported deaths from COVID were of elderly people in care. In Canada, for instance, in mid-2020 fully 80% of the recorded COVID deaths were in nursing homes or seniors’ homes. See this.

Concurrently the WHO found that over half of European COVID deaths were of the elderly. In Italy early reports showed the average age of COVID deaths was 79.5 years old. As Rapport explains, the death of many elderly nursing home wards was helped along by subjecting much of the targeted population to useless PCR tests that produced abundances of false positive findings.

The next step was to cut off those deemed afflicted with COVID from all contact with family and friends. In Rappoport’s opinion, many seniors were “killed prematurely” with “terror and isolation.”

Sometimes the death process was helped along by liberal doses of midazolam, a drug associated with euthanasia and “respiratory depression.” As Rappoport sees it, by bringing about this lethal expedient governments and insurance companies saved $billions by shortening the period of their financial obligations to the elderly.

Rappoport alleges that this episode constitutes “mass murder by cruelty,” surely a characterization that lies well within the criteria of organized crime and crimes against humanity.

Rappoport’s understanding of the “evil that permeates the COVID operation” is very much in line with some aspects of the opinions developed by the likes of Dr. Mike Yeadon, the late Dr. Mugufuli, Christine Anderson, Reiner Fuellmich, and many more. Moreover, millions of people on all sides of many COVID controversies will agree that Andrew Cuomo and several other North American leaders were negligent or worse when they sent thousands of coronavirus-infected patients to reside with the residents of nursing homes. See this.

There is an obvious need for investigations on a global basis into the nature of COVID treatment provided in nursing homes as well as the methods for evaluating and reporting deaths in these facilities. A related issue concerns the concerted effort made by many in COVID officialdom to block and discourage autopsies of those reported as having died from COVID. See this.

Contrary to the requirements of science, when it comes to sorting out fact from fiction on the subject of COVID deaths as well as on deaths and injuries caused by COVID injections, it seems that many of the responsible authorities would prefer to hide themselves away from the relevant evidence. How many are trying to distance themselves from any information that might expose their own involvements in the lies and crimes of Operation COVID-19?

Children Are Jabbed So That Vaccine Companies Can Avoid Being Sued

Much changed in 2021 when it started to be noticed that a surge of younger people in the prime of their lives were being reported as COVID infected, COVID hospitalized and COVID dead. It remains to be seen if some diagnoses of COVID infections in injected people of all ages are in fact injection injuries. This question applies especially to those thought to be suffering from so-called “long-haul COVID.” See this.

Especially in 2022, the ubiquitous media meme of “COVID as a pandemic of the unvaccinated” began to lose traction as some of the COVID lies started to collapse under the weight of evidence-based interpretations. See this.

In spite of the growing revelation that COVID shots are bad medicine, very young children and even toddlers were being set up as the next targets for injections.

The primary reason for this targeting of children is extremely sinister. Robert F. Kennedy has explained the mercenary character of Big Pharma’s preoccupation with getting mRNA-spouting needles into as many juvenile arms as possible.

Concluding Remarks 

It all has to do with the economics of a business that has been very successful in gaining legal protections against being sued by the families of those killed or injured by vaccines as well as by COVID injections consistently misrepresented as vaccines.

R. F. Kennedy (Jr) explains,

“So long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. [the vaccine makers and their government regulators]. Once [the vaccine] gets approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children, get [permanent] liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine.” See this.

The laws and policies exempting injection makers from being sued for faults in their products is a significant part in the holocaust of injected catastrophe currently underway.

There is too much silence in the face of this contemporary holocaust

The ethos of “never again” is conspicuously failing to arouse sufficient indignation to stop this unfolding crime against humanity.

The requirements of getting Emergency Use Authorization for releasing COVID jabs to the public lay behind the sidelining of cheap, safe and effective remedies like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The requirement of moving beyond EUA to obtain permanent liability protection for the COVID shots necessitates pushing the tainted injections on children.

The COVID fiasco is spotlighting the legal and regulatory mess that has long been permeating Big Pharma and pretty much Big Everything Else in the culture of Big Business.

This culture of Big Business consistently favours the imposition of monopolies limiting competition throughout whole industrial sectors and monopolies over the actions and policies of government in associated zones of industrial activity. It favours the monopolization of influence over public perceptions, attitudes and behaviour through the unrelenting messaging of Big Media and Big Tech.


Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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The basis for forcing an experimental gene therapy on everyone was that it would end the COVID pandemic by preventing infection and spread. Real-world reality has since proven this to be a false justification

Authoritarian rulers claim to act from deep concern for public health and the greater good of society. Historically, however, invoking “the greater good” principle has always been about disenfranchising citizens in order to consolidate and concentrate power

Throughout the pandemic, governments, employers, NGOs and media have argued that the social responsibility to “protect others” is so paramount that it negates all other considerations

But unless everyone has bodily autonomy, no one has bodily autonomy, and without it, everyone, including the most vulnerable, are put at risk. Hence, the rationale to “protect the vulnerable” falls apart unless everyone is allowed to make their own decisions

When everyone has to sacrifice themselves for others, then everyone’s autonomy is violated — including that of the most vulnerable. The COVID vaccination campaign is a glaring example of this. Many who got the shots are still getting sick, many have been injured or died from the side effects, while those who refused to comply lost their jobs and, in some areas, can’t even enter a store. Everyone has lost protection rather than gained it


Government officials, public health officials, media and a whole host of other talking heads that parrot official talking points have repeatedly lied to us. We knew this, but now — without apology — they’re all starting to “admit” it by subtly changing the narrative.

As noted by comedian Jimmy Dore in the August 3, 2022, episode of “The Jimmy Dore Show” (video above):

“This story is very close to my heart, because it exonerates me. They’ve been lying about COVID, they’ve been lying about the vaccines, they’ve been lying about herd immunity, they’ve been lying about natural immunity, they’ve been lying about masks.

They’ve been lying about children — they’ve been lying about everything! Who’d have thunk the government and Big Pharma would lie to us? For profit? I am flummoxed. I am beside myself with slack-jawedness.”

Now, They’re Eating Their Own Words

He goes on to review specific examples, such as President Biden claiming “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” Or Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said “When they are vaccinated, they can feel safe they are not going to get infected.”

Or Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who stated, “If you’ve done the right thing and gotten vaccinated, you deserve the freedom to be safe from COVID-19.” (Word salad aside — can you “deserve freedom to be safe” from an infection? — nevertheless, he makes the point that you supposedly won’t get COVID if you got the jab.)

Vice President Kamala Harris said, “If you are vaccinated, you are protected.” Daniel Andrews, premier in Victoria, Australia, claimed that with three doses, you would be “prevented not only from serious illness, but from getting this virus, this Omicron variant, and therefore giving it to others.”

Victoria chief health officer professor Brett Sutton, who got the AstraZeneca jab, insisted it was a “very effective vaccine” that reduced “risk of transmission.” Every one of these officials has now contracted COVID, some two or three times.

We Knew the Shots Were Leaky

A primary objection to vaccine mandates was, as Dore points out, that a leaky “vaccine” — one that doesn’t actually prevent infection and spread — cannot protect anyone other than the one getting the shot. So, the argument that COVID jab refusers were killing people was false. The notion that getting the jab would protect people around you was rubbish.

“These were lies,” Dore says, “they were not making a mistake. They were lying.” What’s the incentive for lying about an injection that clearly cannot do what you say it can? Dore suggests they were lying on behalf of their donors — Pfizer, Moderna, et. al. Of course, the National Institutes of Health,1,2 for example, also owns patents related to these jabs, so they make money from them directly.

So, with the truth now being self-evident, why aren’t media asking why Fauci, Biden, Harris, Trudeau and the rest were spreading misinformation? Where’s the follow-up? And where are the apologies? Rachel Maddow, would you like to revise this proven-untrue statement, made on “The Rachel Maddow Show?”

“Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, spreading and spreading … now we KNOW that the vaccines work well enough; that the virus STOPS with every vaccinated person.

A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus can then not use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccination person as a host to get more people. That means the vaccines will get us to the end of this.”

This propaganda did not age well, and that’s putting it mildly. Now, they’re trying to sidestep the landmines of truth — real-world realities — and claim that the shots were never intended to prevent infection, it was always about preventing serious illness and keeping you out of the hospital. But the statements quoted above, which is just a small sampling, prove otherwise.

The very basis and justification for forcing an experimental gene therapy on everyone was that it would end the pandemic by preventing infection and spread. People lost their jobs over that fraudulent justification. Friendships have been lost and family ties broken because people believed the propaganda that said if you don’t get the shot, you don’t care about others. Your very presence could be lethal to them. So, if you care about others, you will get the shot.

Do Authoritarians Care About You?

That brings us to a more important question, and that is, do these authoritarians actually care about any of us? They claim the reason for their actions is their deep concern for public health and the good of society. But is that really the case? Or is it just a PR strategy?

After all, coming out and saying you want to reduce the population by some percentage, or eliminate the financial drain by the elderly and the handicapped, isn’t going to encourage compliance with the strategies intended to bring about those effects, is it. It would make more sense to tell people to comply “for their own good, and the good of others.” Then, the intended effect — depopulation — is brought about by voluntary sacrifice.

Totalitarianism as ‘Care’

In “Totalitarianism as ‘Care,'”3 political commentator Elena Louisa Lange dissects the biomedical regime’s moral imperative to “protect the vulnerable,” which in 2020, for the first time, came to mean that everyone, regardless of personal risk, had to isolate, wear a mask and get an experimental gene therapy, “regardless of the price in bodily integrity and autonomy.”

In a show of solidarity never before seen, hundreds of companies changed their logos and brand slogans to promote the COVID jabs. Political parties, schools, media, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) also told us to just get the jab — or else. The following extract from Lange’s article is a bit longer than usual, but the expanded context is what makes Lange’s point clear. Beyond this, I recommend reading her article in its entirety:4

“The rhetoric of ‘vulnerability’ and ‘care’ bullied the masses into accepting a string of human- and civil-rights violations, such as being imprisoned in our own homes, the oxymoronic ‘social distancing,’ masking, and, above all, mandated vaccinations unprecedented in their severity and global scale.

Yet the left’s pretense of ‘protecting the vulnerable’ is not only politically and socially corrosive. It also rests, philosophically, on an indefensible and authoritarian rationale.

The exclusive attention given to the abstract framework of ‘vulnerability’ and ‘solidarity,’ ‘community’ and ‘care’ — always ‘for others,’ never for oneself — served to disguise the loss of income and psychological damage caused by large-scale civil-rights suspensions …

The idea of vulnerability as a guiding political principle of the left goes back to the birth of social-democratic and labor parties in the early 20th century. It was the working class that needed protection from the cruel vicissitudes of the market …

But since the emergence of the neoliberal consensus in the 1970s, a remarkable shift has taken place … It is no longer the working class … but specific identity groups, the racially marginalized and the sexually excluded, who became ‘vulnerable subjects’ …

What really cemented the PMC [professional-managerial class] left’s rise to power, however, was a more fundamental epistemic shift. The left … usually busy declaring everything to be a ‘social construct,’ suddenly proclaimed the novel coronavirus to be a ‘natural phenomenon,’ a ‘challenge by uncontrollable natural forces’ … the virus was to be seen as a self-acting agent with its own subjective intent, motives, even political agenda.

This fetishistic inversion — ascribing autonomous powers to a lifeless thing — legitimated technocratic solutions like lockdowns and the feverishly promoted mass vaccinations, no matter the social costs. Moreover, turning the virus into an intentional agent shifted the blame for suicides and domestic violence, the loss of income, and extreme police violence against protesters, away from the politicians and bureaucrats, and onto ‘nature.’

A pathogen … is only as severe as the social response to it. If the response, justified as an ‘objective constraint’ of the virus, is more lethal than the cause, then we are dealing with a disastrous fallacy …

‘[V]ulnerability’ in the PMC’s imagination had to be shifted from vulnerable groups in the precise sense (the elderly, children, precarious service workers, etc.) to an undifferentiated whole under constant attack from the enemies of civil society, which happened to be the professionals’ own political enemies.

This move conveniently enabled the identification of the ‘fight against the virus’ with the ‘fight against fascism,’ conflating questions of medical hygiene with those of ‘social hygiene.’

The vocal denunciation of critics of the biopolitical security state as ‘right-wingers,’ conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, and so on was only legible, and consequential, against the backdrop of this conflation, for it put the question of the defeat of the virus on par with the victory of the left.”

Transhistorical Rationale of Civil-Rights Violations

How are “vulnerable” people “protected” by the destruction of lives and livelihoods, and the removal of basic civil rights and Constitutional freedoms? Our authoritarian leaders have yet to explain this self-defeating rationale. All we get is Orwellian double-speak, where war is peace and slavery is freedom.

Lange points out that once you go beyond political motives, the argument against forced vaccinations tells us a lot about the transhistorical rationale of civil-rights violations by the state.

Throughout history, the driving objective of power-hungry elites is the disenfranchisement of ordinary citizens. And how do you disenfranchise people? By taking away basic rights, such as the right to drink a cup of coffee or eat a meal you’re willing and able to pay for in a restaurant, lest you first submit to medical experimentation.

And how do you get people to submit to medical experimentation? By shaming them as egotists who care nothing for society. In a fiery speech, 23-year-old Green Member of the German Bundestag, Emilia Fester (quoted in full by Lange), argued that:

“It is not mandated vaccination that is the imposition, but no mandated vaccination — an imposition for the solidarity-based majority … Getting vaccinated can no longer be an individual decision!”5

Violation of Physical Boundaries Protects No One

Throughout the pandemic, governments, employers, NGOs and media have argued that the social responsibility to “protect others” is so paramount that it negates all other considerations. According to them, one individual’s freedom and bodily autonomy ends where the freedom and autonomy of another begins.

Rather than being sovereign individuals who make decisions for ourselves, we are to view ourselves as links in a never-ending chain, where every decision you make will impact the people around you, and if your decision has even so much as the potential to restrict their freedom and autonomy — such as, for example, if you make them sick so they can’t work or socialize — then you “don’t have the right” to make that decision.

As noted by Lange, the moral imposition can be summarized as: “Give up your bodily integrity to protect the bodily integrity of others.” But rather than protecting others, the end result is the opposite, because it creates “infinite regress.”

In other words, if I give up my bodily integrity for you, then you have to give up yours for others, who also have to give up theirs, and so on. So, in the end, no one has the right to, ever, say no to anything, even if what’s asked might cause injury or death.

Since there’s no backstop, and everyone has to sacrifice themselves for others, no one is actually protected. Instead, everyone’s at risk. Everyone’s autonomy has been violated — including that of the most vulnerable. The COVID vaccination campaign is a glaring example of this.

Many who got the shots are still getting sick, many have been injured or died from the side effects, while those who refused to comply lost their jobs and, in some areas, can’t even enter a store. Everyone has lost rather than gained, and in more ways than one.

Bodily Integrity for All Is the Best Protection

Not only does the demand of self-sacrifice for others put the most vulnerable at risk of injury and death, since they too must roll the dice with risky medical interventions in order to “protect others,” but it also eliminates our moral ability to defend and protect the physical autonomy of others. If we cannot defend our own boundaries, how can we defend the boundaries of others?

Sadly, we now have real-world examples of where this all leads. Children and adults in need of organ transplants, for example, are being denied life-saving procedures for lack of COVID injection, even though the shot is more likely to kill them than protect anyone around them (supposedly the already COVID-jabbed and boosted hospital staff). We’ve entered a state of such massive moral degradation that it hardly seems human anymore.

The only way to actually protect people and minimize harm is by allowing everyone to do what they think is best for themselves. As noted by Lange:6

“In consequence, either there is general physical autonomy for each and every single individual, implying mutual respect for one’s physical boundaries, or there is none. The violation of physical boundaries … is never in the interest of the ‘vulnerable,’ because the protection of bodily integrity itself is already the best guarantee for the protection of ‘others,’ as well as oneself: It is, in fact, the only guarantee of physical protection for everyone.

This becomes even more apparent in the COVID case when we consider that the vaccinated can be infected and can infect others, and, therefore, potentially hurt them. In this sense, the logical framework for COVID mass vaccinations in the name of ‘vulnerability’ is self-defeating.”

‘Social Care’ Narrative Is About Consolidation of Power

One of the key take-home messages in Lange’s article is that this “social care” and “responsibility for others” paradigm is a ploy used to consolidate power. In her words:7

“In sum, the claim to ‘protect the vulnerable’ is the more or less direct demand to yield to political disenfranchisement under the guise of the honorable project of care … The left’s political project of ‘protecting the vulnerable’ is nothing short of window-dressing authoritarianism.”

The authoritarians don’t actually care about people and their health. Anyone can realize this simply by analyzing their actions, rather than their words. They care about controlling people as a means to gain more power. Of course, the more power they get, the more they need to control you, lest you rise up and strip them of that power.

The hallmark call of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes is to “serve the greater good” by sacrificing selfhood. Everything is about the collective. There’s no room for individuality. In my interview with psychologist Mattias Desmet, he explains the psychology of totalitarianism, and the conditions that precede the rise of totalitarian systems.

The same “care” narrative is also being used to prop up the “climate emergency.” We’re now told we have to sacrifice our standard of living because we have a responsibility for others and for the earth. We have to rein in our personal carbon footprint because pollution is deadly, and if you don’t, you’re — again — responsible for widespread death.

While pollution is a reality that needs to be addressed, the solutions the totalitarian cabal is offering is a gigantic scam designed to disempower and control everyone but the ones at the very top of the power pyramid, while accomplishing little in terms of producing a cleaner environment.


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1 Nature December 2021; 600(7888): 200-201

2 CBS News November 15, 2021

3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Compact Magazine July 15, 2022 (Archived)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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The British Monarchy is one of the world’s more malignant forces and we are thoroughly entitled to say so. Quite contrary to its micromanaged image of a kindly benefactor, serving the best interests of the people, it is the apotheosis of rot, corruption and evil, an outdated institution harking back to the middle ages, steeped deep in scandal, nepotism, toxic entitlement. Accountability is absent. Its preening pageantry is bombastic yet dull. It is a bastion of elitism and intolerance, yet, despite being evidently malignant, criticising it is frowned upon.

You haven’t seen reactionary patriotism until you’ve seen a nation mourning a deceased queen. And I am standing in the middle of it, feeling somewhat confused and perplexed by endless pronouncements on the Queen’s honor and integrity, knawing at my ears. It has knawed right through to the brain of some people, their central nervous system hijacked and programmed to feel in some way indebted to a woman who sat on a throne funded by taxpayers, the people autonomically performing heart-rending tributes.

Properly adhering to the rules of democracy, monarchies are illegitimate and basically illegal. Indeed, illegality is a running theme with the British royals, some characterised by their rancid crimes, such as Prince Andrew, clinging to his privilege to evade punishment for paedophilia and networking with sex traffickers. Despite the royals embodying scandal of this enormity there are, nonetheless, very few avenues left for criticising them.

Contractually obliged by virtue of their status as leaders of the institution of British Empire, the Royal family are the galvanising force of colonialism. The concept of empire sits in existence next to cancer, insofar as they are both forces for malignant growth. Bursts of enthusiasm for them are like cheering on your murderer. Down in their dirty secrets, past their disgraceful treatment of Diana, the Royal family were in cahoots with serial child abuser and rapist Jimmy Saville, who was so far in with the royals they used him as a mediator with Diana, who naturally loathed him.

In conclusion, the British monarchy is hells answer to how to govern a country.


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Megan Sherman is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The High-Speed Bivalent COVID Boosters Are Here

September 17th, 2022 by Dr. Meryl Nass

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First published on September 7 2022


On Wednesday, August 31, the FDA issued emergency use authorizations for new Pfizer and Moderna mRNA booster vaccines for COVID.  The next day, September 1, the CDC’s advisory committee and CDC Director approved the immediate rollout of the new vaccines. They will be administered in the US starting this week.

Fastest vaccine rollout in world history

Surprisingly, more than a month before either agency had given its okay to the entirely new formulation, the federal government ordered 105 million doses from Pfizer and 66 million doses from Moderna.

The desired composition of the vaccine had only been formally determined by FDA after its advisory committee had met on June 24, 2022. The vaccines contain a mix of the old, original Wuhan strain vaccine mRNA (now also referred to as the ancestral vaccine) and a new omicron BA.4/5 mRNA coding for the omicron spike protein.

The total amount of mRNA for the Pfizer and Moderna booster vaccines is the same as before:  30 mcg for Pfizer and 50 mcg for Moderna.  Each is composed of 50% omicron mRNA and 50% ancestral mRNA, and they are termed bivalent vaccines.  The new vials and their boxes do not list the dose, hinting that the decision regarding how much to use was made very recently.  Even the members of the CDC’s advisory committee did not know the dosage of the new bivalent vaccines until their September 1 meeting.

“When the NY Times asked the CDC what was causing the delays in sharing its information, “Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time…” Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.”

This is the fastest rollout of a new vaccine in world history.  How did it happen? Instead of this being a tale of human grit and ingenuity, it is a tale of human weakness and recklessness. Let me ask again:  how did such a rapid vaccine rollout occur?

It occurred the only way it could possibly occur:  by bending the rules, creating a new regulatory playbook and failing to obtain any human data for the new vaccines.  The manufacturers did not have to go through months-long trials, and FDA did not have to pore over any human trial data, because there weren’t any. Let that sink in:  the new BA.4/5 bivalent vaccines have only been tested in mice, not humans.

Unexpected international coordination

Here is an amazing fact:  On the same day that the CDC gave its approval to start the vaccine program, September 1, health agencies in Canada, Switzerland and the European Union’s FDA (the European Medicines Association) also rolled out new, bivalent booster shot programs.  Almost simultaneously, the UK authorized 2 different bivalent boosters on August 15 and September 3.

The UK has told people to expect the largest rollout in history for the new bivalent boosters.  And it has started the program by promising large bonuses to doctors if they manage to vaccinate every single resident of a nursing home by October 23.

These other countries are using an earlier omicron mRNA as the template for their omicron-ancestral bivalent vaccines, while the US is using the mRNA code for the later omicron variant BA.4/5 spike.

How can you get complete information on these boosters?

How are the mainstream media telling this story? With their usual spin, avoiding the sticky parts.  Instead of helping you understand what just happened, the New York Times asks, “When should you get yours?”  Not should you get it, just when should you get it. The Herald Tribune tells you why you should get it. STAT News says it answers your questions, but it never asks the relevant questions about why such a rapid, unprecedented rollout occurred–especially when we are at practically historic lows for deaths and ICU stays due to COVID.

The Associated Press did slightly better, at least posing the question of whether you should get a new booster.  But then its answers don’t dig any deeper than its fellow media outlets.

It looks like you won’t be getting the information you need to understand the boosters and the process by which they were ushered in from the major media. So the Defender has reviewed FDA documents, attended the all day CDC advisory committee meeting on September 1, studied a review of the boosters published in the New England Journal of Medicine on August 31, and evaluated a study of omicron boosters that were tested in non-human primates by Dr. Fauci’s Vaccine Research Center. We will provide you real science.

What did FDA say about its Emergency Use Authorization for the new boosters?

FDA did not convene its advisory committee before issuing the authorizations, and it is not hard to guess why.  Last year, its advisors voted against authorizing the ancestral boosters, because the data they were given indicated the old vaccines were continuing to work well.  Two top officials at FDA who disagreed with the 2021 booster rollout resigned, hinting that the decision to issue boosters had been imposed on the FDA.

This year, FDA’s VRBPAC (Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) members have been complaining about being given less and less data as they are asked to sign off on vaccine programs for younger and younger ages.  VRBPAC member Dr. Paul Offit, a professor of pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Pennsylvania and coinventor of a Rotavirus vaccine said last month that “the fix was in,” implying that the committee’s deliberations were a sham, because the White House announced it was purchasing the vaccine right after the meeting ended.

Dr. Offit was quoted last week as saying the mouse data were not sufficient to roll out the new boosters. So FDA chose not to give him and the other members a public venue where they would predictably complain about FDA’s laxity–what some might call recklessness, insubordination or even gross malfeasance.  After all, according to the FDA’s mission statement, FDA “is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.”  Not rubberstamping untested vaccines.

The FDA justified its authorizations using language that was probably intended to confuse the public.  Here are several examples.

  1. Everyone knows the term “safe and effective,” which is an official FDA stamp of approval for licensed drugs and vaccines.However, by law the term cannot be used by FDA to refer to unlicensed, experimental products, which is what all emergency use authorized drugs and vaccines are.  So FDA tried to hint at the desired terminology without using it.

In its press release on the new boosters, FDA used almost, but not quite identical terminology, quoting Dr. Peter Marks, the director of FDA’s vaccine center:  “We have worked closely with the vaccine manufacturers to ensure the development of these updated boosters was done safely and efficiently.”

  1. Dr. Marks also said, “The public can be assured that a great deal of care has been taken by the FDA to ensure that these bivalent COVID-19 vaccines meet our rigorous safety, effectiveness and manufacturing quality standards for emergency use authorization.”Again, ‘safe and effective’ is implied but not exactly stated.
  2. What Dr. Marks expects the public to miss is the fact that there are no quality standards for emergency use authorizations (EUAs). The statute authorizing EUAs simply requires that the known and expected benefits outweigh the known and expected risks of the product.  There are no quality requirements at all, and FDA is not even required to inspect the factories where EUA products are manufactured, as it must do for licensed products. Nor is it required to inspect the final product.  So the FDA is fooling us when it claims the standards are rigorous.  Furthermore, Dr. Marks and the FDA know that all EUA products have been granted an extremely broad waiver of liability that coversDr. Marks, the FDA, CDC, HHS, the manufacturers, distributors, doctors, pharmacists, and everyone involved in the vaccine program.  So they can tell us anything, because the public has no recourse to the courts to bring suit when an EUA product is involved.
  3. FDA justifies its assessment that the untested vaccines are safe using the following argument:”The safety data accrued with the bivalent vaccine (original and omicron BA.1) and with the monovalent Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine are relevant to the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent because these vaccines are manufactured using the same process.”

This is the same as claiming that almond butter is safe, so peanut butter is safe too because it is manufactured using the same process.  Is that really the best excuse for failing to perform its regulatory functions that FDA can offer?

What happened at the CDC ACIP (advisory committee on immunization practices) meeting on September 1? 

CDC knew that it would have a hard time convincing the public to take these vaccines, since almost everyone has already had COVID, the earlier vaccine benefits were overpromised, the disease has become milder, the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission and the fearfulness around COVID is mostly gone. Therefore, CDC needed to employ new strategies.

One strategy was to invoke the ‘bandwagon effect.’  You try to convince the public that everyone else is getting the shot, so they too should jump on the bandwagon.  A poll was presented at the ACIP meeting that claimed that 72% of people that were eligible planned to get the new boosters.  How likely is that to be true?  Only 33% of the population has already gotten a first booster, while 65% have said, ‘No thanks.’  And the interest in COVID jabs is way down. Under 5% of preschoolers have received a COVID vaccine in the 3 months since they were authorized.

CDC implied to the ACIP that 49% of the public had been boosted, while its own statistics in the NY Times say the actual number is 33%.  Here is how CDC performed the calculation to make it appear the boosters are more popular than they are:  sixty-seven per cent of the public is ‘fully vaccinated’ according to the CDC.  Forty-nine percent of those 67% (those who are fully vaccinated) is 33%.

The federal government allocated a billion dollars to buy advertising and guarantee positive news coverage (and suppress bad news) to push the earlier COVID vaccines. One wonders how much will be spent to push the new boosters.

CDC says that 224 million Americans are ‘fully vaccinated.’  The ACIP members were told that of this number, 210 million are already eligible for the new boosters. The government has bought 171 million bivalent booster doses so far (105 million from Pfizer and 66 million from Moderna) which can be used for those aged 12 and up.

FDA and CDC have yet to allow the rollout of new bivalent boosters for children under twelve, who have in the past received lower dose COVID vaccines than adults.  But the agencies said they plan to do so within weeks.

Another testy issue for the ACIP committee was the question of how long these boosters will work, and how frequently they will be recommended.  The ACIP members are responsible for giving advice on all vaccines, and they don’t want the COVID vaccines to sour the public on other vaccines.

Although a recommendation to give the bivalent boosters 4 months after an earlier dose had once been floated, the ACIP committee was asked to approve the boosters when at least 2 months had passed since a prior dose.  CDC’s Dr. Twentyman said that CDC is no longer counting the total number of doses.  She said that even if a person has received 4 or 5 prior COVID vaccinations, a new bivalent booster “should not be denied,” as long as 2 months have passed since the last dose.

How long will it work? 

According to this week’s NEJM article,

“increased neutralizing antibody titers, as well as clinical effectiveness, have been shown to wane by four months after a third messenger RNA immunization. After a fourth messenger RNA immunization, protection against infection with SARS-CoV-2 omicron has been reported to wane after just 4 weeks, although protection against severe disease lasts longer. Hybrid immunity from both vaccination and infection provides greater and more durable protection than either alone.”

Four weeks!  Antibody titers sink 4 weeks after the 4th dose.  No wonder CDC is allowing, and may encourage, such frequent boosters.

The COVID vaccinators have coined a new term, hybrid immunity, riffing off hybrid electric cars. It refers to the improved immunity a vaccinated person has if they also got the disease!  As if being vaccinated but getting the disease anyway is to be normalized as desirable.  After CDC spent two years denying that natural immunity–the kind people get after infection–even exists, CDC is now trying to take a lemon vaccine, add natural immunity, call it hybrid immunity and make lemonade!

How was this rollout justified?

Omicron variants have been present since last November, and it was soon discovered that both vaccine-induced and natural immunity due to earlier variants were very limited for omicron variants, because they are so different from the ancestral strain.  The health agencies and manufacturers have been testing omicron vaccine prototypes for up to 9 months.  Most of those tests involved BA.1 and BA.2 omicron strains.  However, 90% of current cases are caused by omicron BA.5, which is genetically far from BA.1 and BA.2.

But there was some human data (involving a few hundred subjects each) for several of the earlier omicron vaccine prototypes, so the health agencies decided to simply pretend that mRNA designed for BA.1 and BA.2 was close enough to BA.5 that the data were comparable.

Since 50% of the vaccine contents would be the old vaccine, FDA claimed it had already established the safety and efficacy of that half.  Then, to round things out, there were data from mice, which generated comparable antibody levels to the new vaccines as they had to older vaccines.  And of course, we can rely on mice to behave exactly like people, right?  After all, they have been ‘humanized’ to contain a human ACE-2 receptor.

No, we cannot rely on mice.  We cannot even rely on nonhuman primates as a model for vaccines, as every species reacts uniquely and unpredictably to infections and to vaccinations.  But mice data do bulk up FDA’s authorization ‘package’ so it looks like FDA did a more thorough review.

Having discussed how long this booster might last, one needs to ask how well it might work

Predictions from Nature magazine and Dr. Fauci’s NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at the NIH are that the new vaccines will not improve on the old vaccines.

According to the VRC, “a study in nonhuman primates showed that an omicron specific messenger RNA vaccine was not better than the original messenger RNA-1273 [ancestral Moderna] vaccine for protection against omicron challenge.”

Nature notes, “an analysis [posted August 26] suggests that updated boosters seem to offer much the same protection as an extra dose of the older vaccines — particularly when it comes to keeping people out of hospital.”

Neither of these studies was discussed at the ACIP meeting.  No discussion was provided regarding why and how the bivalent vaccines were chosen.

The reason why the omicron vaccines won’t stimulate a good omicron response is attributed by the NIAID VRC authors to antigenic priming, also known as original antigenic sin.  This means that the immune system has been programmed to respond over and over again to the first coronavirus infection or vaccine it encountered, even when it encounters different coronavirus antigens later.

How well did the old vaccine work?  The CDC slide below, presented by CDC’s Dr. Link-Gelles, is not well labeled, but it shows that whether you got two or three doses of the old vaccine, during the omicron period efficacy in all age groups was under 40% at three months.  By six months it hovered around zero efficacy (no benefit), and after that it was negative (harmful) for most ages.

Negative efficacy means that the vaccinated are more prone to being infected with COVID than the unvaccinated.  This is consistent with what we are seeing from the UK and some other countries:  the vaccinated become more likely to get COVID. And it is this effect that the public health agencies are probably trying to stave off, or hide, with perpetual boosters.

It appears the public here and in many other countries is being misled to receive an untested (or in other countries a BA. 1 or 2 minimally tested) shot on the false promise it will be so much better than the older vaccine.  The regulators know it is unlikely to be better, but their public relations engines are revved up to convince us otherwise.

How safe are the new vaccines? 

That is anybody’s guess, because you cannot assess human safety from animal models, since they don’t predict the human response.  What was done to evaluate the safety of the bivalent vaccines?

“Current vaccines may not provide high level, sustained protection against infection or transmission with omicron, even after multiple boosts and also after the introduction of updated omicron specific vaccines. Instead, the most important goal of COVID-19 vaccination should be to provide long-term protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death from current and future variants…. clinical benefits of the updated boosters as compared with the current vaccines are not clear…. Plans for boosters should therefore be based on robust scientific data that shows substantial and sustained increases in prevention of severe disease rather than on short-term increases in neutralizing antibody titers.”  NEJM Barouch


Reactogenicity is a word that refers to short term vaccine adverse reactions, like fever, redness, fatigue or muscle aches.  According to the CDC briefers, the degree of reactogenicity from the omicron prototype vaccines was comparable to that from the older, ‘ancestral’ COVID vaccines.  There were no data on more serious side effects, and Dr. Shimabukuro of CDC said there was no way to assess the risk of myocarditis due to the small number of subjects who received the prototype vaccines.

However, if you look at Pfizer’s chart prepared for the ACIP members below, you will notice that there was greater reactogenicity (more acute side effects) seen after the omicron prototype vaccines than seen after the older vaccines.  This may be a signal that more severe reactions will result from the newer vaccines, but there is no way to be sure.


Presenters to the ACIP claimed that myocarditis was less common after booster shots of the old vaccine than after the second dose of the initial series.  However, slide 39 shown by Dr. Shimabukuro, which was quickly passed over, showed the opposite. For 16-17 year-old boys and girls, and for men aged 30-39, the chance of myocarditis was increased after a booster. (See below.)  So there is no reason to think the boosters will be any safer than the second dose, in terms of myocarditis.  That risk, by the way, was about 1 in 2,000 young men aged 18-24 after their second dose in one Kaiser study.

Dr. Shimabukuro also said that if you get vaccinated soon after recovering from COVID, increased side effects, at least short-term, are to be expected–but “there is a lack of evidence that it places you at increased risk of myocarditis.”  I am not reassured by the lack of evidence.  In fact, pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan last week reviewed all the evidence that Dr. Shimabukuro couldn’t find. Getting vaccinated soon after recovering from COVID is foolhardy, and any officials mandating the shots after recovery are putting those in their charge at even greater risk of adverse reactions, including myocarditis.

Some scientists, including Dr. Barouch in last week’s NEJM, assert that myocarditis is “far more frequent” after a case of COVID than it is after vaccination. But he cited not a single source for this claim.

Pediatric cardiologist Kirk Milhoan reviewed all the recent literature on the question of myocarditis rates after infection versus after vaccination.  It appears that the vaccine puts you at more risk of myocarditis than a COVID infection does, but there are many different factors that influence risk, including age, gender, whether you already had COVID and how recently, and the type of vaccines received.  Moderna vaccines are more likely to cause myocarditis than Pfizer. Receiving a Moderna vaccine after an initial Pfizer vaccine raises the risk even more than getting 2 Moderna vaccines. See Table 2 from an important study of myocarditis in 4 Nordic countries.

France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland have all halted Moderna COVID vaccinations for young males.

An ACIP member asked whether the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine, which can also induce myocarditis, could be given together with the new bivalent vaccines?  Would this increase the myocarditis risk?  The surprising response was, “Read the briefing book,” which may have meant that this was not to be discussed in public.

Speaking of what could be discussed in public, any discussion of pregnancy and COVID vaccination was forbidden at the ACIP meeting. Multiple committee members asked for information on pregnancy, but the briefers steadfastly refused to provide any. Nothing on hospitalizations, deaths, fetal outcomes.  The ACIP members were told they would be briefed on this at a future meeting.  Dr. Miller, representing Moderna, said they were in the process of enrolling a total of 800 pregnant women in a study.  Which would someday be completed. The only conclusion I can draw is that the CDC  doesn’t like the results they have now.  And they plan to delay providing them to the public for as long as possible.

Yet CDC established a pregnancy registry for the COVID vaccines nearly 18 months ago. CDC and FDA must have data on many thousands of pregnancies.  Every woman who receives a COVID vaccine dose must provide information on whether she is pregnant before she can be vaccinated, and CDC collects all this information. Furthermore, there are thousands of VAERS reports on adverse pregnancy outcomes.

FDA required Pfizer/BioNTech to study the effect of the vaccine in pregnancy when it issued a license for Comirnaty on August 23, 2021. FDA also required additional vaccine safety studies in children and additional studies of myocarditisat the same time.  The problem is that these studies won’t be completed for up to five years, long after billions of doses have been given and the vaccines will be long out of date.  It is difficult to justify why FDA would ask for these studies to take so long.  Was FDA requesting such long study durations in order to delay its vaccine safety assessment until after the vaccines are no longer in use?

The only conclusion I can draw is that FDA and CDC don’t like the safety results they already have.  And they plan to withhold the bad news for as long as possible.


The committee was also interested in long COVID.  Might the vaccines prevent this dread complication?  CDC was mum.  The CDC briefer claimed that CDC does not have “systematic data” on long COVID. Nor has CDC developed a case definition for long COVID.  Why has CDC delayed investigating this critically important complication?

The NY Times revealed in February 2022 that CDC conceals the bulk of the public health data it collects. According to the Times, “Much of the withheld information could help state and local health officials better target their efforts to bring the virus under control.”

You are not going to find a more public indictment from the NY Times of our Centers for Disease Control than that.

Does vaccination fail to prevent long covid?  Does it cause long covid?  FLCCC founder and esteemed intensive care physician Dr. Paul Marik has postulated that both long COVID and many COVID vaccine injuries are due to the same thing:  the prolonged presence of spike proteins in the circulation.  If true, there may be considerable overlap between the symptoms and pathology of long COVID and vaccine injuries, and CDC may be trying to conceal this, or perhaps be seeking a way to claim that all the vaccine injuries are due to COVID.

FDA revoked all Pfizer and Moderna emergency use authorizations for the old boosters on August 31

This was sudden and unexpected.  Appointments had to be cancelled, because starting on August 31 the old vaccines were limited to use in only young children or for the initial series. The FDA did not withdraw or recall the licensed Comirnaty and Spikevax vaccines, which have also been approved as a booster dose. Is this a tacit acknowledgement that there is no licensed Comirnaty or Spikevax available in the US?

Might the FDA have rolled out the new vaccines so quickly to justify removing most of the old vaccines from use, soon after reports began circulating about their contents containing undisclosed and possibly harmful materials?


  1. The FDA and CDC have cooporated to issue emergency use authorizations and rollout new, bivalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines this week, without any human trials, which is unprecedented.
  2. These vaccines continue to enjoy extraordinary protection from liability, while the recipient has no access to the legal system in the case of injury.
  3. There is no evidence that the new vaccines are safe, while there is limited evidence that they may be more harmful than earlier COVID vaccines–but in the absence of human testing, there is no way to truly predict their safety. Safety data are being concealed by the federal health agencies. Messaging by them is misleading.
  4. There is no evidence the new bivalent vaccines will be more effective than the older vaccines, and existing evidence suggests that any efficacy they provide will persist no longer than 1 to several months.
  5. COVID vaccines appear to increase susceptibility to COVID infections, on average starting 6 months after an inoculation.
  6. Perpetual boosters briefly stave off the negative efficacy that develops a few months after a COVID vaccination. This may be why frequent boosters are being pushed. But frequent boosters may also weaken overall immunity and may even contribute to rising mortality rates in the US and UK.
  7. There is international coordination regarding bivalent boosters, and a major effort will be undertaken to get them into arms, despite historically low levels of severe COVID. Why?


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Meryl Nass, M.D., ABIM, is an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, fibromyalgia and toxicology.

She is frequent contributor to Global Research

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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First published by Global Research on September 8, 2022


“This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history, … moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity.” –MP Christine Anderson, Member of the European Parliament, July 2022

Yes, It’s a killer vaccine. That message should be loud and clear. This is happening all over the world: children and adolescents are dying. Crimes against humanity, crimes against our children.


In this interview, Michel Chossudovsky outlines recent developments pertaining to the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine.

Video: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux

To access Odysee, leave a comment


For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky’s recently released book entitled:

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky



From the very outset in January 2020, people worldwide were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic. Media disinformation and the fear campaign were instrumental in sustaining the COVID-19 narrative.Scientific lies and falsehoods have been used to sustain the legitimacy of the COVID-19 policy mandates including lockdowns, the imposition of the face mask, social distancing and the suppression of fundamental human rights.

People worldwide were led to believe that Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccine injections were the “solution”.

A structure of  “Global Governance” dominated by powerful financial interests is unfolding which undermines democracy and the institutions of civil society.  More than 7 billion people worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis and the destructive mandates implemented by morally depraved national governments. The entire planet is in state of economic and social chaos.

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.  

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity” by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, pdf Ebook,

15 Chapters, 164 pages, Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from Global Research Online Store

or Click here to order the book as well support Global Research’s “Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity” Campaign 

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The COVID-19 Power Grab: “Our Governments are Working to Harm Us”

September 16th, 2022 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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Read Part I:

The COVID-19 Power Grab as “Organized Crime”. A Multi-faceted Deception

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 07, 2022

COVID-19 can be understood as the basis for a power grab implemented by a global financial syndicate whose activities include elaborate and novel forms of criminal manipulation. I base this conclusion on many sources of evidence and interpretation which I introduced and discussed in Part I of this essay.

One of the keys to my analysis presented in this three-part series is drawn from Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer VP with a long history as a successful developer of commercial drugs.

In Part 1 I examined Dr. Yeadon’s succinct explanation of “The COVID Lies” and the objectives he attributes to those behind this weave of purposeful deceptions. See this.

Dr. Yeadon has continued along this road of calling attention to the urgent need for concerted resistance to the juggernaut of “terrifyingly horrible” assaults that continue to be pointed our way. He writes,

“OUR GOVERNMENT IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO HARM US, TO DISMANTLE MODERN SOCIETY & ENSLAVE ALL PEOPLE IN A DIGITALLY CONTROLLED TOTALITARIAN WORLD… I am certain it’s true… I am certain because this all started with a scientific fraud relating to a virus, augmented it with a relentless campaign of fear, imposed measures known to be useless, which wrecked the economy and smashed civil society, then coerced most to accept useless, unnecessary, ineffective and deliberately dangerous injections. Obviously, this is an odious crime. Nothing like it has ever happened.”

Some of the key platforms where  “odious crimes” and “scientific fraud” have been hosted, include

  • the World Health Organization (WHO),
  • the Bill Gates “philanthropies,”
  • the World Economic Forum (WEF),
  • Most of the world’s biggest media cartels,
  • The international pharmaceutical industry, part of the medical profession as well as scholars and academics ,
  • The Pentagon,
  • Western intelligence agencies,
  • Hollywood,
  • The Wellcome Trust,
  • The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund,
  • The private proprietors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
  • The City of London, and the Federal Reserve’s proxy, BlackRock Inc.
  • Formal and informal agents of the Chinese government are sprinkled throughout many of these agencies.

Tens of thousands of government officials (Worldwide) have participated in the activities of the COVID “crime syndicate” whose apex of command and control is situated in the upper echelons of global high finance.

Some of the very few government leaders who did not go along with implementing the COVID narrative have suspiciously died while in office. This fate was visited upon, for instance, the presidents of Haiti, Burundi and Tanzania. See this and this.

In the spring of 2020 Tanzania’s former president, the late John Pombe Mugufuli (Ph.D., Industrial Chemistry), set a pioneering example of non-compliance with the agenda of COVID Officialdom. His sceptical resolve encouraged millions to follow his example. One of Dr. Mugufuli’s acts of resistance to the incursions of the COVID cartel involved his satirical account of the laughable inaccuracies of the WHO’s PCR test.


See this and this.

Dr. Mugufuli explained to his own people that the COVID syndicate then colonizing the Tanzanian health care system was extremely untrustworthy. He explained that the syndicate operated on the basis of fraud disguised as science.

Dr. Mugulfuli attracted international attention with his forensic approach to testing the reliability of the COVID test. When he discovered that the WHO’s diagnostic system found that a goat and a papapya fruit both tested positive for COVID, Dr. Mugufuli did not hold back from announcing his discovery with satirical verve.

The implication of the revelation was that the worldwide COVID care infrastructure was then being speedily constructed on the basis of a foundational fraud.

Reiner Fuellmich took into the realm of jurisprudence the findings of Dr. Mugufuli and other early critics of the PCR system of testing for COVID-19 infection. One of these early critics was Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Fuellmich is one of the leaders in the worldwide coalition of lawyers and scientists who share the intention of proving in court the guilt of prominent members of the COVID crime syndicate. This very accomplished lawyer envisages the culmination of this quest for justice in an event he sometimes pictures as Nuremberg 2.0.

Fuellmich has widely stated his contention, “Its not a Corona Pandemic. It’s a PCR Test Pandemic.”

“And Do Not Tell Me You Didn’t Know. Because Anyone Could Have Known”

Christine Anderson continued along the path of resistance pioneered by Dr. Mugufuli and the Doctors 4 COVID Ethics. An outspoken member of the EU Parliament, Anderson went beyond Dr. Yeadon’s unmasking of the criminal intent behind the COVID power grab.

Anderson first captured international attention in the Spring of 2022 when this EU parliamentarian condemned Justin Trudeau to his face as a “disgrace to any democracy.” See this.

Anderson continued her reflections on the requirements of democracy after predicting that the COVID injection campaign “will become known as the biggest crime ever committed in history on humanity.” See this.

Anderson presented this startling prediction while chairing a EU-related event highlighting the chaos imposed by injection mandates on the aviation industry and especially on pilots. In introducing this subject, Anderson surprised the delegates by shifting focus to collectively address “each and every elected representative of the people in every Western democracy.” She asked, “What have you done”? Anderson then rhetorically answered her own question, asserting,

“You didn’t do your job. And do not tell me you didn’t know. Because anyone could have known. And if you had bothered enough to care about your own people, if you had bothered enough to do your job you should have known. And moreover it is your damn job to know. It is your job to protect the people that you were elected by and that your job is to represent. What have you done?”

Anderson’s criticism is apt and well deserved. Very few elected officials have acted proactively to protect their constituents from injection harm. Why might this be? How much bribery, kickbacks, blackmail and other forms of political skulduggery have been applied by the COVID syndicate in order to bring about such devastating failures of representation when and where it was needed the most?

What other categories of civil servants, public service workers and professional groups have been pressed into subjugation by similar forms of temptation, intimidation, and degradation. What was done to flip possible resistors so that they would join, rather than resist, the COVID power grab?

Why was it left to Christine Anderson to point out the widespread failures of our elected officials in Parliaments, legislatures and other embodiments of national sovereignty? Most parliamentarians held back from even asking questions about the possibility that bodily and psychological harm was being inflicted on their own local voters at the behest of distant unaccountable globalists?

What have they done? What have we done? Does anything like democracy even exist any more after the PCR test fraud opened the way to the mass injections, the essential element of the COVID-19 power grab?

Has the precedent been now set that all human beings can be transformed without their informed consent into subjects for dangerous medical experiments?

Has the eugenic culling of the human population been adopted as an acceptable feature of twenty-first century medical practice and health care? See this.

Some would say that the role of the officers in charge of interlocking media, intelligence, military, and search engine cartels have been more instrumental than politicians in expanding the frontiers of the COVID-19 organized crime spree. After all, politicians who seek to be elected or re-elected have little choice but to dance to the tunes created by the owners and operators of the big media cartels.

This censorship of information vital to our individual health and collective wellbeing is helping to snuff out the last gasps of democratic life in the selection and operations of our governments. Elections have no legitimacy if citizens are defrauded of the information that we require to formulate reasonable and informed electoral decisions.

Relegated to obsolescence is the crucial principle that government actions need the backing of the informed consent of the governed. Increasingly almost everything important is decided in secret while citizens get fraudulent cover stories to disguise many of the most important underlying realities. The central dramas of what is actually taking place in our times is veiled by fabricated media legends created in the name of serving the cause of “national security” and anti-terrorism.

Increasing Enfeeblement, Impoverishment, and the Drive Towards Submission 

The usual practice in investigating and litigating criminal activities, but especially highly organized criminal activities, is to follow the money trail. Much depends on developing the forensic means of tracing the worldwide flows of money through mainstream and tributary networks in order to finance the myriad aspects of the COVID-19 power grab.

These financial transactions, many of them criminal in nature, have already radically transformed the very form of the global economy and the global community. These transformations are not random and accidental but rather premeditated and purposeful. Indeed, the drive to crash existing systems in order to further centralize control over the structuring of economic interaction is the core agenda of the Great Reset.

The drive to crash many intertwined aspects of the existing system is to force on humanity many extreme forms of disastrous dislocation.

We are being pushed towards submission as, one by one, our systems of survival are being assaulted to augment mortality and increase enfeeblement, impoverishment, and dependency to the point of enslavement.

Starting with doctors and their professional associations, the scale of the financial incentives to break and compromise a long list of professional people beggars the imagination. How much is it costing to buy control of thousands of media outlets as well as the newsreaders and journalists that have been rewarded for leaving behind their professional ethics? Stephen Colbert has made himself a fitting personification of the disgrace adhering to media hucksters who push the lethal COVID lies.

As the genuine investigative journalism of Whitney Webb and others have demonstrated, the field of mass communications is presently plagued by ruthless content regulation run by “private sector” corporatists. The military-intelligence-AI complex continues to animate the Black ops and psychological warfare that runs through the operations of Facebook, Google, and the other Big Tech companies.

Accordingly, a major theatre of activity where the COVID lies and crimes have been doing their damage is in the mental battlefield of human perception. The invasive brutality of the assault on consciousness has been rapidly accelerating ever since Madison Avenue began to transfer its Edward Bernaysian tradition of exercising control over thought and behaviour to the denizens of Silicon Valley.

Professional Sell-Outs

During the Covid crisis there have been many reports of the large amounts of money directed by Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates at a large cadre of professors on-the-take. An iconic personification of the payola professors is Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College in London, England. See this.

Ferguson serves as an example of the bought-and-paid-for status of many thousands of compromised academics. Some have been engaged in, for instance, expertly helping to cripple the public’s mentality through media generation of panic. Or they have profited from discrediting safe, effective and cheap COVID remedies like Ivermectin. Other academic bottom feeders have been engaged in outlawed gain-of-function research activities including genetic engineering of organisms to multiply their pathogenic infectiousness and lethality.

Such activities have taken place in hundreds of settings including the interlocked labs at the Wuhan Virology Institute, Ralph Baric’s gain-of-function operations at the University of North Carolina, and suspicious activities that take place in secret at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg Manitoba. See this.

Peter Daszak, one of Fauci’s bagman and disinformation agents, made himself rich by serving an industry where military, intelligence, and medical experts often collaborate. They frequently work together on the development of bioweapons and the vaccines meant to counteract the effects of the bioweapons. See this.

With all the well-documented publicity surrounding his role in the COVID lies and cover ups, why has Daszak, prominent on the list of “COVID’s Most Wanted,” not yet been charged and required to give testimony under oath? See this.

After the 9/11 false flag, one of its main inside operatives, US Vice-President Dick Cheney, elevated Anthony Fauci to oversee the political interactions between the civil and military sides of the new structures of so-called “biodefense” against “bioterrorism.” This veiled aspect of Fauci’s career formed a major element of the power and wealth he derived as the pharmaceutical industry’s main mob boss inside the federal government. See this.

Tony Fauci’s decision to step aside from his federal job as one of the world’s main distributors of funding for “medical research” is indicative of similar decisions being made by many public officials. They are jumping the ships of the now-disgraced regulatory agencies. As el gato malo observes,

“When an entire public health edifice suddenly wants to retire (possibly to spend more time exploring non-extradition countries) it certainly raises some questions.

Seeing the chefs who cooked it all flee the restaurant before the meal they made finishes arriving at the table should make patrons VERY nervous about what they have been served.”

See this.

What’s waiting in store for the cooks of the poisonous injection soup? How much further will the professional disgrace extend concerning “COVID origin, vaccine origin, trial fraud, wilful misrepresentation of data, and the utter and complete lack of scientific backing or efficacy for these policies.” See this.

Facing the Power of “A Federated Mega-Monopoly”

The intertwined leadership of a conglomeration of monopolies has joined forces to create a new kind of federated megamonopoly to plan and implement the COVID-19 power grab. This attempt to cull, alter and subjugate most of humanity draws on many trajectories of history including those describing the building of empires and the genesis warfare.

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 is a landmark in the history of US government initiatives aimed, often half-heartedly, at breaking up monopolies. Between 1998 and 2002 Bill Gates and Microsoft put up a concerted legal defense against the charge that he and his controversial company had violated the Sherman Act. Google is currently facing a similar charge. See this.

Probably the scenario we are currently living through would not have come to pass if Bill Gates had failed to withstand the anti-trust lawsuit aimed at dividing his company into smaller units. Gates kept Microsoft intact and he retained the basis of his enormous wealth.

This outcome put Gates in a strong position to build on his role as software business mogul as well as a builder and defender of a notorious monopoly. This trajectory brought Gates to his current role as a primary public face in the project to impose through stealth a worldwide bio-digital operating system on a diminished and transhumanized population of homo sapiens.

The criminal character of the COVID-19 power grab presently underway makes the Watergate scandal look puny by comparison. Similarly, the personal fortune of Bill Gates, said to be counted in the $hundreds of billions, is small compared to the amount of money changing hands throughout the entire network of participants in the COVID-19 power grab.

This amount is being kept well hidden from public view. It probably involves many $tens of trillions at the very least. Only forensic accountants armed with subpoena powers will be in a position to determine the precise numbers in a follow-the-money investigation of this cutting-edge operation of organized crime.

At the core of the financial aspect of the crime is the engineered financial depression presently engulfing much of humanity. This depression was maliciously set in motion to accelerate the creation of new money by the world’s primary central banks.

The aims include the elimination of people and small businesses as well the imposition of new forms of financial dependence on the survivors. Dependence on government counters freedom and independence. The ducks to be shot continue to be set up in a row. Life support support systems are being crashed by our own treasonous governments in the prelude to some kind of “reset.”

As Prof. Michel Chossudovsky outlines Chapter 4 of his new bookThe Worldwide Corona Crisis, global lockdowns were a key device in causing the economic depression sought by the global financial establishment. Their real purpose was not to stop the spread of a coronavirus infection but to engineer irreversible economic ruin meant to accompany the destruction of civil society.

Paying Off the Worldwide Network of Collaborators in the COVID-19 Power Grab

In August of 2019 many of the macroeconomic dimensions of the COVID-19 power grab were put on the table to be discussed by representatives of the central banks in the G7 countries. The host of the meeting at Jackson’s Hole Wyoming was the BlackRock Investment Institute.

BlackRock was elevated to a quasi-official government entity during the financial fiasco of 2008-2010 when $29 trillion of bailout money from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was distributed. It went largely to Wall Street financial entities deemed “too big to fail.” These firms were largely the culprits responsible for creating the financial debacle with their excessive speculation in various kinds of financial derivatives. See this.

The Jackson’s Hole assembly together with the “Going Direct” document issued at the meeting were part of the preparatory work anticipating the upcoming plandemic. On the financial side, the “Going Direct” meeting served a similar introductory function to Event 201. Event 201 took place in October of 2019. It was organized by the WEF, the Bill Gates “philanthropies,” and the Bloomberg School of Public Health. See this.

The Jackson’s Hole assembly emphasized the need to integrate monetary policy and fiscal policy in preparation for an anticipated financial emergency that in fact was already gathering momentum.

Generally speaking monetary policy is the domain of central bankers. Since 1913 in the USA and earlier in Europe, central bankers conduct monetary policy by setting interest rates and using their powers to create new money which they lend at compound rates of interest. Fiscal policy is generally the domain of governments that decide the amounts and the nature of public spending. See this.

The banking establishment represented by the BlackRock megacorp pointed out that the bankers’ latitude for the further stimulation of economic growth was largely tapped out. The Federal Reserve had already been setting interest rates close to zero.

The proposed solution was to deal the bankers into the process of fiscal stimulation, the formal jurisdictional domain of elected governments. The concept of Going Direct was for the central banks to stimulate fiscal expansion by creating and circulating so-called “helicopter money.” Playing on the imagery of manna from heaven, helicopter money is sometimes described as being “money-based, not debt-financed based.”

The authors of BlackRock’s proposal to the central bankers explains, “Helicopter money puts central bank-created money directly in the hands of spenders – whether households, businesses or the government – rather than relying on indirect injections or incentives, such as lower interest rates.” This approach of going direct with payments to households, businesses and government seems to demote government to just another supplicant dependent on the powers of private central bankers.

What checks are there to prevent central banks from seizing some of the helicopter money for their own purposes, like, for instance, secretly financing a big portion of the enormous cost of paying off the worldwide network of collaborators in the COVID-19 power grab?

The authors of the Go Direct document propose ways of using fiscal policy to increase the level of inflation that they believed in August of 2019 was far too low. They proposed the creation of something they describe as a “standing emergency fiscal facility (SEFF).” They write, “The central bank would calibrate the size of the SEFF based on what is needed to achieve its inflation target.”

The bankers also proposed the creation of “central-bank created electronic money (not cryptocurrencies).” In the course of the COVID debacle the understanding grew that the COVID culprits could promote total dependence on cashless money systems in enforcing punishments on those deemed “non-compliant” dissidents in social credit scoring.

By March of 2020 BlackRock was reinstated to a rough approximation of its role on the bailouts of 2008-10 as the US governments marched to the tune created by the central bankers. BlackRock was also hired by the central banks of Canada and Sweden to perform similar functions.

Looking at the system, Canadian journalist Peter Ewart concluded that “classical capitalism” is no more. Instead the system that has emerged is “state monopoly capitalism, where giant enterprises are regularly backstopped with public funds and the boundaries between the state and the financial oligarchy are virtually non-existent.” See this.

I would add that the boundaries may be porous but the “financial oligarchies” represented in, say, BlackRock, the WEF, or the pharmaceutical industry have long been gaining the upper hand over governments and the people that vote for the hollowed out systems of defunct national sovereignties.

Once the Jackson’s Hole meeting was done, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York turned on the money spigot. In the final four months of 2019 the money-generating NY Fed injected $6 trillion of new “liquidity” into Repo Market. The Repo Market is Wall Street’s primary venue for short-term lending and borrowing of large amounts. The trillions in new money was created months before the WHO’s pronounced that the supposedly new COVID-19 coronavirus formed the basis of a global pandemic. See this.

Since then, governments and even central banks have cited the existence of COVID-19 to justify all manner of bloops and ad hoc arrangements. Much of the kleptocracy and chicanery takes place outside the boundaries of the law.

The media are often involved as advocates and promoters of illegal actions, large and small. A very large neglect of their legal obligations involves their across-the-board contempt for the Nuremberg Code. The media mafia has been denying their audiences the information they need to safeguard the lives and wellbeing of both themselves and their dependent families. The censorious and crime-ridden media has been purposely denying people access to the information they need to give “informed consent” to participating in the biggest medical experiment in world history.

To reiterate, much of the ongoing extrajudicial activity is taking place not to fight a viral illness but to advance a grab for power of unprecedented magnitude. Thoroughgoing criminal investigations are required if humanity is to avoid being pulled yet more deeply into further quagmires of depravity on the basis of unfounded claims that emergency measures of unknown merit always require unquestioning compliance.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

L’offensiva del complesso militare-industrial

September 16th, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

La recente avanzata ucraina è stata pianificata mesi fa dagli USA, che hanno fornito alle forze di Kiev in tempo reale le informazioni sugli obiettivi russi da colpire: lo rivela il New York Times in base a fonti ufficiali. Ciò conferma che le forze di Kiev sono di fatto sotto comando USA e operano secondo la loro strategia.  In tale quadro, il segretario USA alla Difesa Lloyd Austin ha convocato in Germania il “Gruppo di contatto di difesa dell’Ucraina” per accrescere le forniture di armi alle forze di Kiev. Il Gruppo è composto da oltre 50 Paesi: oltre quelli della NATO (Italia compresa), ne fanno parte il Giappone,

l’Australia, la Nuova Zelanda, la Corea del Sud, Israele, Qatar. La quantità di armi riversata in Ucraina è tale da rendere necessario un forte aumento della loro produzione. Ad esempio, il Pentagono ha fornito all’Ucraina circa 800.000 proiettili di artiglieria da 155 mm per i 126 obici M777 a lunga gittata che, azionati da personale ucraino, sparano su obiettivi indicati dall’intelligence USA.  Gli Stati Uniti hanno però una sola fabbrica che produce tali proiettili, l’impianto della General Dynamics in Pennsylvania, in grado di fabbricarne solo 14.000 al mese. Occorre quindi accrescere immediatamente la capacità produttiva di questo impianto e aprirne altri. Si apre così negli USA e in generale in Occidente un nuovo colossale business delle industrie belliche.

Tra queste l’italiana Leonardo – di cui il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico possiede il 30% dell’azionariato – salita al 12° posto tra le 100 maggiori industrie belliche del mondo, al primo posto nella UE.  Essa ha accresciuto i ricavi del settore Difesa del 24% in un anno, raggiungendo circa 14 miliardi di dollari. Dal settore difesa deriva l’83% del suo fatturato. La Leonardo è integrata nel gigantesco complesso militare-industriale USA capeggiato dalla Lockheed Martin, costruttrice dell’F-35 alla cui produzione partecipa la stessa Leonardo. Cresce in tal modo il potere del complesso militare-industriale, un organismo tentacolare che, per vivere e svilupparsi, ha bisogno come ossigeno della guerra.

Manlio Dinucci


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Colombia and Venezuela Announce Reopening of Border

September 16th, 2022 by Peoples Dispatch

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Diplomatic relations between the two nations were broken in February 2019 after Colombia’s former president recognized Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed “president,” as Venezuela’s legitimate leader.

On Friday, September 9, the governments of Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro simultaneously announced that they will reopen the common land border and resume commercial flights between the two countries on September 26, in a new step towards restoring the bilateral relations broken in February 2019.

“I am very pleased to announce that starting September 26, we will jointly open the borders between Venezuela and Colombia. We will also resume flights between Caracas-Bogotá and Valencia-Bogotá. The exchange and cooperation between our peoples are starting off on the right foot,” President Maduro tweeted.

“We aim at an economic alliance of respect and cooperation, with the aim of guaranteeing the well-being of the two peoples of (Liberator Simón) Bolívar. May the Venezuela-Colombia union strengthen!,” he wrote in another tweet.

President Petro, confirming the same, tweeted that

“on September 26, we will open the border between Colombia and Venezuela. As a first step, air travel and freight transport between our countries will resume. We confirm the government’s commitment to restore brotherly relations.”

The announcement came two days after the neighboring countries formally re-established political and diplomatic relations after over three years of broken ties. Last month, on August 12, Maduro and Petro appointed ambassadors to each other’s countries. On August 29, President Maduro received credentials from Colombian ambassador Armando Benedetti. This Wednesday, on September 7, Venezuelan ambassador Félix Plascencia presented his credentials to President Petro, formalizing ties and sealing a new diplomatic stage.

Additionally, on Thursday, September 8, Colombian Commerce, Industry and Tourism Minister, Germán Umaña, traveled to Caracas and held a meeting with President Maduro and his team to discuss a common road map to activate cooperation for mutual benefit.

Likewise, the same day, the Colombian foreign ministry also installed the Inter-institutional Unit for the Reactivation of Relations with Venezuela. According to a press release from the ministry, “the unit was established with the purpose of coordinating the actions of national entities in the face of the reopening of the border and the reactivation of relations with Venezuela in a progressive manner, organized at all levels of the Government.”

The border between Colombia and Venezuela has been closed on and off since August 2015 due to security reasons and reportedly as a part of Venezuela’s strategy to fight against drug trafficking, paramilitarism and smuggling. Meanwhile, the diplomatic relations between the two nations were broken in February 2019 after the former conservative Colombian President Iván Duque, recognized self-proclaimed “president” Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate leader and assisted him to enter into the country with so-called “humanitarian aid.”

Colombia and Venezuela are linked by strong business, cultural, ethnic, and family ties. The closure of the border disrupted the transportation of various goods and caused great distress to the population living in border areas on both sides. During his election campaign, Petro, who was inaugurated as Colombia’s first left-wing president on August 7, had pledged to resolve the border crisis in the Norte de Santander department, by renewing relations with Venezuela. Since assuming the presidency, Petro has been steadily working with his Venezuelan counterpart on improving relations.


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Featured image: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro receiving credentials from Colombian ambassador Armando Benedetti. (Photo: Colombia Presidency/Twitter)

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Vor allem Menschen im ehemals wohlhabenden Europa und in den ausgehungerten „Entwicklungsländern“ werden wegen der gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Bedrohung ihrer Lebenserwartung und ihres bisherigen Lebensstils von starken Lebensängsten, von Hoffnungslosigkeit und Verzweiflungsanfällen geplagt. Mit den staatlich aufoktroyierten COVID 19-Maßnahmen wurde die Wirtschaft der Länder bereits an die Wand gefahren und mithilfe von Killer-Impfstoffen ihre Bevölkerung reduziert. 

Die gegenwärtige Machtdemonstration schwerstkrimineller, mitleidloser „Weltenlenker“ ist zwar bedrohlich, aber durchschaubar. Aufgeklärte Zeitgenossen wissen sehr wohl, welche „dämonischen Kräfte“ hinter der teuflischen Agenda stehen, die die Welt in eine Katastrophe treibt – vergleichbar mit der des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

Verzweifelte Menschen können Trost, Mut und Hoffnung schöpfen, wenn sie sich auf die naturgegebenen Gefühle der Solidarität und Kooperation ihrer Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger abstützen. Das wird ihnen helfen, in der menschlichen Gemeinschaft ein Zuhause zu finden und die Absurdität des Weltenlaufs zu überwinden.

Vertrautheit mit dem Diesseits als höchstes Ziel

Von großer Bedeutung ist die Tatsache, dass immer mehr Menschen hellsichtig werden und sich als Herren ihres Schicksals sehen. Da sie auf den Himmel verzichtet haben, wird die Vertrautheit mit dem Diesseits zu ihrem höchsten Ziel. Sie richten ihre Liebe nur noch auf die Erde und die Mitmenschen – das ist ihr Glaube, ihre Leidenschaft, ihre Zukunft. Sie schaffen sich in der menschlichen Gemeinschaft eine Heimstätte, die ihnen aus ihrer Anteilnahme an den Freuden und Leiden der Mitmenschen erwächst. Auf sie kann man sich abstützen und Über-Lebenshilfe erwarten.

Wunsch zu helfen und dem anderen nützlich sein wollen

Die Kooperation ist ein Verhalten zwischen zwei oder mehreren Individuen, bei dem die Interaktion von der gegenseitigen Hilfe bei der Verfolgung eines gemeinsamen Zieles geprägt ist. In der phylogenetischen (stammesgeschichtlichen) Entwicklung des Menschen spielte die Kooperation eine herausragende Rolle, wie anthropologischen Fakten bestätigen (Wissenschaft vom Menschen). Die Schwäche des Menschen bei seiner Geburt und sein Mangel an instinktiven Verhaltensweisen zwingen ihn dazu, mindestens 15 bis 20 Jahre in Abhängigkeit von seinen Mitmenschen zu leben (1).

Obwohl die gegenseitige Hilfe in der heutigen Gesellschaft nicht viel gilt, ist sie naturgegeben vorhanden und „abrufbar“. Kooperation und gegenseitige Hilfe sind eben nur möglich, wenn die Kinder eine Erziehung erhalten, die ihrer Natur entspricht. Sie haben dann den Wunsch zu helfen und wollen dem anderen nützlich sein. Sie möchten ihm vermitteln, was dieser noch nicht weiß („Was ich weiß, wirst du auch wissen – ich sag es dir!“).

Als Erwachsene haben sie Mitleid mit der ganzen Welt, mit dem ganzen Um und Auf der Menschheit. Der andere ist dann die Sorge des menschlichen Individuums. Auf seine Solidarität und Kooperation kann man sich abstützen, ihr vertrauen.

Verkündung der „absoluten Wahrheit“, wonach Menschen zusammengehören und unter dem Gesetz stehen, zusammenzuwirken und einander die Hände zu reichen

Seit Jahrtausenden arbeiten die ethischen Führer der Menschheit daran, den Irrtum der Ideologie der Macht und der Herrschsucht deutlich zu benennen und stattdessen jene „absolute Wahrheit“ zu verkünden, wonach die Menschen zusammengehören und unter dem Gesetz stehen, zusammenzuwirken und einander die Hände zu reichen.

Die Vorrechte der Regierenden und die Verblendung der Regierten ermöglichen aber ständig Rückfälle in die kriegerische Gesinnung, die im Leben des Einzelnen wie der Völker unsägliches Leiden verursacht.

Gleichzeitig kann man feststellen, dass es immer mehr Intellektuelle, Philosophen und freie Geister wie Albert Camus gibt (2), die uns lehren, was Wahrheit und was Lüge ist und die für andere Menschen mitdenken und mit der Freiheit des Denkens die Freiheit überhaupt proklamieren. Sie werden den Mitbürgern helfen, die menschlichen Belange auf diesem Erdball zu regeln und sie lehren, ohne Knechtschaft und in Frieden zu leben.

Folgende Fragen haben sie zu beantworten:

Wie können Kriege verhindert werden? Wie kann die Tyrannei aus der Welt geschafft werden? Wie kann die soziale Gerechtigkeit verbessert werden? Wie können alle Menschen an den Gütern dieser Erde teilhaben? Wie können die menschlichen Beziehungen im Großen wie im Kleinen geregelt und durch welche Erziehung können die Menschen zur „Menschlichkeit“ beziehungsweise zum Gemeinschaftsgeist herangebildet werden?

„Ich empöre mich, deshalb sind wir!“

Die Absurdität der Welt zur Kenntnis zu nehmen heißt: sich gegen sie aufzulehnen. In diesem Akt der Empörung findet der Mensch zu sich selbst – in Abwandlung der Formel von Descartes: Ich empöre mich – deshalb bin ich! Die Auflehnung im Namen von Menschenrecht und Menschenwürde kann jedoch nie für den einzelnen allein geschehen – sie geschieht für alle Menschen: „Ich empöre mich, deshalb sind wir!“

Auf dem Standpunkt der Revolte stehend erblickt der Mensch in seinen Mitmenschen Bedrückte seiner Art, sieht sich in der Gemeinschaft der Leidenden, zu der er sich selbst als zugehörig betrachtet und lässt sich ein auf den notwendigen Kampf mit der ungerechten Welt (3).


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Lehrer (Rektor a. D.), Doktor der Pädagogik (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych. mit Schwerpunkt: Klinische-, Pädagogische-, Medien- sowie Individual-Psychologie). Viele Jahrzehnte unterrichtete er. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung und eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Sein Wahlspruch nach Albert Camus: Geben, wenn man kann. Und nicht hassen, wenn das möglich ist.


1. Portmann, Adolf (19693). Zoologie und das neue Bild des Menschen. Biologische Fragmente zu einer Lehre vom Menschen. Hamburg


3. a. O.

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Especially people in the formerly prosperous Europe and in the starved “developing countries” are plagued by strong fears of life, hopelessness and fits of despair because of the present and future threat to their life expectancy and their previous lifestyle. With the state-imposed COVID 19 measures, the countries’ economies have already been driven to the wall and their populations reduced with the help of killer vaccines.

The current show of force by the most criminal, compassionless “world leaders” is threatening but transparent. Enlightened contemporaries are well aware of the “demonic forces” behind the diabolical agenda that is driving the world into disaster – comparable to that of World War II.

Desperate people can draw comfort, courage and hope by drawing on the nature-given feelings of solidarity and cooperation of their fellow citizens. This will help them to find a home in the human community and to overcome the absurdity of the course of the world.

Familiarity with this world as the highest goal

Of great significance is the fact that more and more people are becoming clairvoyant and see themselves as masters of their destiny. Since they have renounced heaven, familiarity with this world becomes their highest goal. They direct their love only towards the earth and their fellow human beings – that is their faith, their passion, their future. They create a home for themselves in the human community, which grows out of their sympathy for the joys and sufferings of their fellow human beings. They can lean on them and expect help in surviving.

Desire to help and be useful to the other

Cooperation is a behaviour between two or more individuals in which the interaction is characterised by mutual help in the pursuit of a common goal. In the phylogenetic development of man, cooperation played a prominent role, as anthropological facts confirm (Science of Man). Man’s weakness at birth and his lack of instinctive behaviour force him to live in dependence on his fellow man for at least 15 to 20 years (1).

Although mutual help does not count for much in today’s society, it is naturally present and “callable”. Cooperation and mutual help are only possible if children receive an education that corresponds to their nature. They then have the desire to help and want to be useful to the other. They want to teach them what they do not yet know (“What I know, you will know – I’ll tell you!”).

As adults, they have compassion for the whole world, for all the ups and downs of humanity. The other is then the concern of the human individual. Its solidarity and cooperation can be relied upon, trusted.

Proclaiming the “absolute truth” that human beings belong together and are under the law to cooperate and reach out to each other

For millennia, the ethical leaders of humanity have been working to clearly identify the error of the ideology of power and domination and instead to proclaim the “absolute truth” that human beings belong together and are under the law to cooperate and reach out to one another.

The prerogatives of the rulers and the delusion of the ruled, however, constantly enable relapses into the warlike mentality that causes untold suffering in the lives of individuals and peoples alike.

At the same time, we can see that there are more and more intellectuals, philosophers and free spirits like Albert Camus (2), who teach us what is truth and what is a lie and who think for others and proclaim freedom in general with the freedom of thought. They will help fellow citizens to regulate human affairs on this globe and teach them to live without bondage and in peace.

They have to answer the following questions:

How can wars be prevented? How can tyranny be eradicated? How can social justice be improved? How can all people share in the goods of this earth? How can human relations be regulated on a large and small scale and through what education can people be trained to be “human” or to have a community spirit?

“I am outraged, that is why we are!”

To take note of the absurdity of the world is to rebel against it. In this act of indignation, man finds himself – in a variation of Descartes’ formula: I revolt – therefore I am! However, revolt in the name of human right and human dignity can never happen for the individual alone – it happens for all human beings: “I revolt, therefore we are!”

Standing on the standpoint of revolt, the human being sees in his fellow human beings oppressed people of his own kind, sees himself in the community of sufferers to which he considers himself to belong and engages in the necessary struggle with the unjust world (3).


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a teacher (retired headmaster), doctor of education (Dr. paed.) and graduate psychologist (Dipl.-Psych. with specialisation in clinical, educational, media and individual psychology). He taught for many decades. As a retiree he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral values education and an education for public spirit and peace. His motto according to Albert Camus: Give when you can. And not to hate, if that is possible.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research


(1) Portmann, Adolf (19693). Zoology and the New Image of Man. Biological Fragments on a Doctrine of Man. Hamburg


(3) op. cit.

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Massive Human Rights Abuses in America’s Prison System

September 16th, 2022 by Lauren Smith

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While U.S. leaders denounce Russia and China, and other official enemies for alleged human rights violations daily, they are silent about the massive human rights abuses that occur routinely in the U.S. prison system—the largest and most oppressive in the world.

Jonny, a pseudonym for a 45-year-old man currently being held in pretrial detention in Miami’s Federal Detention Center (FDC Miami), believes that prison authorities are trying to kill him. Maria, Jonny’s partner of three years, tells me in a series of interviews translated by her teenage daughter that she is also concerned for his life, given FDC Miami’s cruel mismanagement of his grave medical condition.

As a pretrial detainee, Jonny’s innocent until proven guilty and protected by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, but you wouldn’t know this from the inhumane treatment he receives at the prison. Jonny’s detention should not deprive him of life, liberty, or property without due process, and it certainly shouldn’t subject him to punishment since he has not been convicted of a crime.

Yet, medical neglect and solitary confinement become punishment and a death sentence for the incarcerated. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), in their December 2021 report, the number of federal prisoners who died in the custody of a facility operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) was 381 in 2019, and almost 89% of the 7,125 federal prisoners who died in custody from 2001 to 2019 died of illness.

Defense attorneys and union leaders agree that severe understaffing, staff augmentation (where employees such as teachers and counselors must substitute as correctional officers), critical supply shortages, and an overall poor response to Covid-19 can be blamed for recent inmate and correctional officer deaths and the life-threatening conditions found at prisons managed by the BOP.

However, prison insiders also view this extreme level of disorganization as a way to hide unscrupulous methods of coercion which are used to elicit confessions, incentivize inmates into tacitly becoming jailhouse informants, eliminate targeted inmates, or satisfy sadistic impulses. Regardless of the cause, keeping necessary medicines and treatment from inmates, whether it be intentional or unintentional, is at best an insidious form of torture and at worst outright murder.

War on Drugs Results in 700% Increase in Incarcerations

Criminal justice system reformists question the fiscal logic of tying staffing levels to an out-of-control incarceration rate. Not only does the U.S. have the largest number of prisoners per capita in the world, but between 1972 and 2009, there was nearly a 700% increase in the prison population. This skyrocketing increase can be attributed to changes in sentencing and the war on drugs that have, in effect, targeted minorities. BOP’s statistics list drug offenses for 45% of their inmate population.

All other categories range from 0% to 21%, with most under 5%. Florida’s incarceration rate exceeds that of the U.S. and founding NATO countries, as shown on the below-listed graph, with 795 people incarcerated out of 100,000.

graphic comparing the incarceration rates of the founding NATO members with the incarceration rates of the United States and the state of Florida. The incarceration rate of 664 per 100,000 for the United States and 795 for Florida is much higher than any of the founding NATO members


This aberrant incarceration rate is particularly reprehensible in a wealthy country that claims the moral high ground to justify imposing unilateral economic coercive measures (sanctions) on other nation-states for alleged human rights violations.

Not only has the U.S. criminal justice system ruined entire communities with the scourge of absentee parenting and lost family wages—leading to intergenerational incarceration, abject poverty, and the proliferation of involuntary servitude (a modern-day form of slavery)—but it fails to rehabilitate prisoners and wastes taxpayer funds.

The cost to U.S. taxpayers for its mass incarceration system, with its high recidivism rate, is $182 billion annually (without adjustments for inflation), as detailed in a 2017 report by the Prison Policy Initiative.

Within this daunting criminal justice system, Maria struggles to keep Jonny, age forty-five, alive by sending money for his commissary use, which costs $200 per month. Outrageously overpriced Ramen noodles, cookies, and chips not only supplement the often-inedible prison food but can also be used as currency, for example, to obtain a better place in the queue for making phone calls.

Impact of Pandemic, Jonny’s Health Conditions & Lack of Treatment

Under cover of the pandemic, the abuse of the incarcerated is further exacerbated and concealed due to visitor restrictions. When prison operations are set at level 3, as they are at the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Miami, where Jonny is an inmate, even attorney visits can be suspended until further notice.

Defense attorney, Paul D. Petruzzi, explains that when visitation hours are limited to mornings and early afternoons by the warden, access to legal representation for inmates is negatively impacted since “most attorneys spend the first half of their days in court.”

He also finds the level 3 setting to be at odds with the prison’s daily operations as “masks are not used, and social distancing is not maintained.” While Jonny is not his client, many of the inmates he represents have also been denied necessary medical treatment, like Ulysses Cabrera. Cabrera’s pleas to see a neurologist were denied for over eighteen months. This resulted in the “once-brawny 32-year-old to decline quickly. He is now in a wheelchair, experiencing facial paralysis and going blind in both eyes,” according to Petruzzi.

Jonny’s physical suffering and anxiety break Maria’s heart during the two, seven-minute phone calls they share most days since his arrest in December 2021. Stress takes its toll, and Maria has been sick for weeks. Prison not only punishes inmates and fails to rehabilitate them, but it turns their families into collateral damage.

Jonny suffers from meningitis, an inflammation of the membrane surrounding his brain that causes fluid to accumulate in his head. As a result, he experiences fevers, severe headaches, dizziness, and confusion. Before Jonny’s arrest, a metal plate and shunt (drainage tube) were placed in his skull by a neurosurgeon.

Shunting allows the fluid in Jonny’s head to drain out into his body, so his brain is not crushed by the buildup of pressure in his skull. However, shunts are tricky to maintain. They are highly susceptible to infection and, in Jonny’s case, require that he ingests a daily cocktail of antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal medications.

Additionally, Jonny has undiagnosed gastrointestinal problems that result in relentless bouts of vomiting. But Jonny is not treated for his illness. Instead, Jonny tells Maria that “the guards put him in isolation [solitary confinement] to punish him because he cannot stop throwing up.” In April, Jonny said he was also “stripped naked and put under 24-hour supervision in a cold cell.” According to Maria, “isolation is sometimes a week, other times it’s a few days.” Jonny reports to Maria that since April, “he has lost over thirty pounds.” Solitary confinement is considered torture by human rights advocates.

When Maria doesn’t hear from Jonny for a few days, she assumes he is in isolation—which has become a more comforting thought to her than acknowledging he might be dead. Maria said Jonny calls her crying and tells her, “other prisoners have to help him because he has no strength.” Sometimes, “he even has trouble standing,” Maria’s daughter explained.

Maria believes “he is dying in there” and “Jonny thinks the prison is trying to kill him.” Often, “the guards claim a doctor is coming to see him, but no one arrives.” On the rare times he is given medication, “it’s half the quantity he needs.” Maria said Jonny is “terrified of the guards and a few prisoners.” Zoukis Consulting Group reports that violence is high at the FDC Miami facility. According to one inmate, “there is an altercation every day, and the use of weapons (e.g., knives, locks, etc.) are not uncommon.”

FDC Miami is a BOP facility. Attorney General Merrick Garland named Colette Peters as its head administrator on August 2nd to stem systemwide allegations of poor management by former director Michael D. Carvajal. Notwithstanding, attorney Petruzzi finds the FDC Miami particularly mismanaged by warden Eugene K. Carlton.

While he doesn’t negate the overall issues of staff shortages and augmentation faced by all federal prisons as reasons for inmate neglect and abuse, he views warden Carlton’s recent bonus, which he believes is based on his medical cost-cutting initiatives, to be “blood money.”

Warden Carlton was not available for comment. However, BOP has stated that bonuses are “based upon work performance.” Yet, BOP won’t define the criteria or indicators used to measure performance.

Seemingly, BOP hides behind an opaque excuse that their decision is for “safety and security reasons,” which angers critics who view these bonuses as “a reward for negligence and incompetence” and an outright waste of taxpayer money.

Need for Civil Rights Lawsuits

Litigation against BOP facilities is happening nationwide, and attorney Petruzzi seeks to organize a similar effort at FDC Miami.

He is encouraged by the litigation put forth by the Federal Defenders of New York against the Metropolitan Detention Center, a federal jail located in Brooklyn, New York (where Jeffrey Epstein was killed), and its warden for violating the inmates’ Sixth Amendment right to Counsel and its own Administrative Procedure Act; the Federal Class-Action lawsuit filed against a federal prison located in Danbury, Connecticut, to protect prison inmates from Covid-19; and, the many lawsuits filed for sexual abuse against a federal prison in Dublin, California.

Maria and Jonny’s surnames are not used to protect them from possible retaliation.

Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn - Wikipedia

Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn where Jeffrey Epstein was killed. [Source:]


Elected officials must ensure prisons are staffed with properly trained correctional officers and that inmates receive necessary medications and treatments, as is their constitutional right.

In addition, taxpayer dollars should be spent wisely through changes in mandatory sentencing for drug-related offenses—to reduce the prison population, reunite families, and end intergenerational incarceration—and not be misused to expand a failing prison system and chase a skyrocketing incarceration rate.

Countries in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!


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Lauren Smith writes for the Alliance for Global Justice, Black Agenda Report, Common Dreams, Counterpunch, Global Research, Monthly Review, and Telesur. She holds a BA in Politics, Economics, and Society from SUNY at Old Westbury and an MPA in International Development Administration from New York University. Ms. Smith is also a member of the Green Party and

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US Pledges New $600 Million Weapons Package for Ukraine

September 16th, 2022 by Dave DeCamp

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On Thursday, the Biden administration announced a new weapons package for Ukraine worth $600 million, bringing the total US military aid pledged to Kyiv since Russia invaded on February 24 to $15.1 billion.

The new package is being sent to Ukraine through the presidential drawdown authority, which allows President Biden to send arms directly from US military stockpiles. The White House said it was the 21st time that it pulled from US stockpiles to arm Ukraine.

According to the Pentagon, the new arms package includes:

  • Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)
  • 36,000 105mm artillery rounds
  • 1,000 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds
  • Four counter-artillery radars
  • Four trucks and eight trailers to transport heavy equipment
  • Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems
  • Mine clearing equipment
  • Claymore anti-personnel munitions
  • Demolition munitions and equipment
  • Small arms and ammunition
  • Night vision devices, cold weather gear, and other field equipment

The $600 million is being pulled from the $40 billion Ukraine aid bill that President Biden signed back in May, but those funds are running out, and the administration has asked Congress for more.

The administration has requested $13.7 billion in new Ukraine aid, more than half of which will go toward spending on weapons. The new request includes $4.5 billion for the Pentagon to replenish stockpiles sent to Ukraine, $2.7 billion for direct military and intelligence support for Kyiv, and $4.5 billion in economic support for the Ukrainian government. The remaining $2 billion will go toward energy spending to support the sanctions campaign against Russia.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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While Palestinians are forced off buses for being Arab, apartheid Israel now requires foreigners to notify the regime if they fall in love with a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank. If they marry, they must leave Palestine for a 6-month “cooling-off period.”

The Israeli apartheid regime is cracking down even harder on the approximately 3 million Palestinians who live in the West Bank, which has been illegally militarily occupied by Israel since 1967.

The BBC reported this September: “Foreigners must tell the Israeli defence ministry if they fall in love with a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank, according to new rules.”

“If they marry, they will be required to leave after 27 months for a cooling-off period of at least half a year,” the BBC wrote.

The report added that “foreigners [must] inform the Israeli authorities within 30 days of starting a relationship with a Palestinian ID holder.”

Just a few weeks before, in August, the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that “about 50 Palestinian workers were made to get off the bus in the city of Bnei Brak area in order to accommodate three Jewish passengers who refused to ride with them and demanded the driver to force them off.”

A Palestinian passenger recalled to the outlet, “After a few buses went by and didn’t stop – because Bus 288 is reserved for Jews only – one that was empty of Jews stopped for us and we got on.” Then, “Three Jews boarded in Bnei Brak and demanded that all the Arabs be taken off.”

“The driver told us to ‘get off and figure it out’ who then drove off with the settlers,” the Palestinian said.

On September 3, journalist Asa Winstanley reported that the Israeli apartheid regime sentenced a Palestinian aid worker to 12 years in prison “based on a sham conviction in a kangaroo court which relied on entirely fictional charges.”

Mohammed El Halabi, the former director in Gaza of the international Christian charity World Vision, was convicted, but the Israeli court refused to made its ruling public, designating the 254-page document “classified.”

In May, a mob of Israeli far-right extremists threatened Palestinians at Tel Aviv University, waving flags and chanting “death to the Arabs.”


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The Health Ranger sat down recently with Jonathan Landsman to talk about the explosion of cancer cases that many doctors are seeing in the age of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Landsman is a natural health veteran who has been focused on cancer for some years now, observing details that often fall through the cracks linking the disease to modern medicine.

In this case, Fauci Flu shots were unleashed under Operation Warp Speed, and now some cancers are raging at rates 1,000 percent higher than previously. (Related: Covid jab spike proteins destroy human DNA, paving the way for the growth and spread of cancer cells.)

“What’s happening is, the spike proteins … are attaching and decreasing the ACE2 receptor expression,” Landsman explained to the Health Ranger, emphasizing that ACE2 receptors are located all throughout the body.

“These spike proteins are spreading and infecting all the cells in the body. And what’s happening is this is allowing those infections to attach to the outside of the cell, and then inject themselves inside the cell, causing organ damage and severe illness … and is especially increasing the risk of advanced-stage cancers.”

You can watch the full interview from below:

It is only a matter of time before every fully jabbed person experiences the consequences of the shots

Landsman says he gets emails every single day from people who are concerned that covid jabs are causing themselves and their loved ones to get sick, including with cancer.

Cancer patients who were previously in remission are now seeing their cancers reappear post-injection, which only further supports the notion that the jabs are responsible.

Landsman describes the vaccine spike proteins as the key, and the body’s ACE2 receptors are the doorway through which disease and ultimately death are delivered to a “fully vaccinated” person’s body.

Both the government and the corporate-controlled media still insist that mRNA (messenger RNA) technology – this is what replicates spike protein production throughout the body, just as a reminder, turning it into a spike protein factory – is not permanent and does not affect DNA. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Dr. Judy Mikovits told the Health Ranger in a previous interview that the presence of glyphosate inside the body – and most people today have this deadly chemical circulating in their bloodstream – only amplifies the damage caused by vaccine spike proteins.

“Because of the presence of glyphosate, and the fact that there’s a phosphate group in that … it potentiates the cell membrane pathway that is used by mRNA to enter the cells,” the Health Ranger explained during his interview with Landsman.

“What that means is … one of the explanations for why some people are more damaged than others is that some people are eating non-organic foods.”

This and so much more is discussed in the interview, which you will not want to miss.

“People I know are battling breast and brain cancers since they took the Jaberwalkie!” wrote a commenter at, affirming what Landsman and the Health Ranger are saying.

“Cancer came back in one person and a relative went to three funerals in one week, but didn’t realize the cause,” added another.

“Roundup is everywhere, including in corn syrup, which is used in candy and soda,” added another. “It is also sprayed on corn, wheat, oats, peanuts, beans, canola oil, and more.”

Be sure to check out the Stop Cancer Class, which is Landsman’s docu-class for avoiding and overcoming cancer, to learn more. (NOTE: This Stop Cancer affiliate link benefits and supports


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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Trilogy of Disaster – The Global Reset on Display

September 16th, 2022 by Peter Koenig

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What we are living these days – the last 2 1/2 years – may be culminating in the “Corona Crisis” and what follows the corona crisis during the coming some eight years to completion of UN Agenda 2030, alias the Great Reset.

It started out with a fake virus, never isolated, a tremendous fear campaign, lockdowns, forced wearing of dangerous, denigrating, face-disfiguring masks, social separation and division of societies, families and kins, followed by a coerced “vaccination” campaign, better called forced “vaxxing” – injection of a poisonous killer substance under the pretext of preventing a pandemic that never was a pandemic, but rather a “plandemic” – designed for a massive population decimation program.

Simultaneously it was a test to what extent people may be manipulated to obey, when exposed to fear-fear-fear and coercion. Lying has become the “rule of law”. As we are witnessing, the combination of fear and threat is quite successful.

People out of fear and total submission accepted basically a “suicide vaxxination”, beginning with the elderly and infirm – those who are an “unproductive burden” on society – or as Klaus Schwab’s top advisor, the Israeli “genius” Yuval Noah Hariri calls them, including most of Us, The People, the “Useless Eaters”.

The first article, short whistleblower videos and interview with Reiner Fuellmich, of the German “Corona Ausschuss” (Corona Commission), deals with the extreme form of vaxx eugenics which is clearly homicide, or first-degree murder.

Video: The Corona Crisis: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”, Forced Vaccines in Nursing Homes

By Peter Koenig and Reiner Fuellmich, September 13, 2022

The second article attempts to provide a historic perspective on mind manipulation. It is going back more than hundred years – demonstrating on how our minds were consistently and persistently maneuvered to allow this Diabolical Cult to finally carry out their – what they would like to see – Final Agenda, or Great Reset – a new One World Order, a society reigned by a small ultra-wealthy elite, served by chipped and 5G-controlled, insect-eating transhuman serves, who own nothing but are happy.

That’s their vision – the WEF’s Schwab cum Hariri couldn’t present it better. They clearly show us, what they are up to – and this in full execution of their sinister program – and a vast majority of Us, the People, still ignore it. Look the other way. Can’t accept the hard and miserable truth.

Torn Jeans and “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation

By Peter Koenig, September 13, 2022

The third article is about the up-and-coming Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) – “Owning the Weather”, causing severe and lasting droughts, hurricanes and floods of never-before seen proportions and ice-age type cold spells – massively destroying food crops, infrastructure and human lives. This has been in the making for the last at least 60 years.

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) constitute instruments of “weather warfare”. They are an integral part of the US military arsenal. A 1996 Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025 – says it all.  

Although plenty of publications on the subject, including by the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), are available, the topic is taboo among environmentalists and Climate Change freaks. As you may imagine, they are an integral part of the intense and ongoing mind manipulation.

Does the US Military “Own the Weather”? “Weaponizing the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 31, 2022


Time is running out! WAKE UP, People!


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from OffGuardian

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Hollywood rarely disappoints anyone in the propaganda department.  There are people who will be happy to learn that Hollywood’s latest idea of a Jewish superhero who might fight crazed Arabs will delight audiences in Israel and across the Western World who support the Jewish state. 

Walt Disney company will produce the character who is called Sabra, an Israeli-born superhero and a police officer who also works for Israel’s infamous spy agency, Mossad.

An article by The Times of Israel ‘Shira Haas to join next ‘Captain America’ film as Israeli superhero Sabra’ said that the film will reintroduce Sabra to an international audience which will surely be controversial.

The article however does say that the plot to the film is still a mystery, “Further details on Haas’s role in the upcoming 2024 film “Captain America: New World Order” are currently unknown.” The New York Post published an article based on Hollywood’s announcement of the film, ‘Disney to roll out Israeli superhero in ‘Captain America’ film — irking Arabs’ said that “The Walt Disney Company is planning to introduce an Israeli comic book superhero in Marvel’s next installment of its “Captain America” film franchise — prompting worry among Arabs that it will reinforce negative stereotypes to a mass audience.”  So who is Sabra and what does she represent?

Sabra, also known as Ruth Bat-Seraph, is a fictional “human mutant” superheroine who moonlights as a Mossad agent and a police officer. She possesses great strength and stamina.  The character, whose costume includes the blue Star of David that is emblazoned on Israel’s national flag, has made occasional cameos in comic book versions of the “Incredible Hulk” as well as the “Amazing Spider-Man” and “X-Men.”

“Sabra” is the Hebrew slang term for a native-born Israeli Jew. A sabra is a prickly pear cactus fruit and it is used to metaphorically describe Israelis as rough and sharp on the outside but soft on the inside.

Will Hollywood show Sabra and her Mossad handlers as the hero?  Most likely.

What is interesting is that the “Incredible Hulk” comic book series from 1981 had a scene which Sabra is on her knees overlooking a dead Palestinian boy who was killed by “Arab terrorists” as the Hulk says to Sabra “Boy died because boy’s people and yours both want to own land! Boy died because you wouldn’t share!”

The New York Post does mention an interview conducted by CNN with Yousef Munayyer, a Palestinian-American writer at a DC-based think tank who said, “that comic doesn’t suggest anything positive about how this film will play out,” and that “the concept” of romanticizing Israeli spies “is insensitive and disgraceful.”  Munayyer went on to say that “the glorification of violence against Palestinians specifically and Arabs and Muslims more broadly in mass media has a long and ugly history in the West and it has remarkable staying power.” Munayyer also mentioned how the release of Captain America falls on the 40th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre of the Palestinians and the Lebanese Shi’ites in Beirut which took place in 1982 after Israel invaded Lebanon to destroy the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and overthrow the Lebanese government.

The New York Post article went on to describe what happened at Sabra and Shatila in West Beirut on September 16, 1982, “In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon to dislodge the Palestine Liberation Organization from the country and install a friendly government in Beirut, which would ostensibly be amenable to signing a peace agreement.” The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Mossad presided over the Phalange militia, a Lebanese “Christian” militia who went on to kill thousands of Palestinian refugees displaced from their homes in Palestine by the Israelis.  The NY Post mentioned how senior Israeli officials including Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Defense Minister at the time was “indirectly” responsible for the massacre:

As Israeli forces ringed the Lebanese capital, an Israel-allied Lebanese Christian militia slaughtered thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese Shi’ite Muslims at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.  An Israeli commission of inquiry determined that senior Israeli government figures bore indirect responsibility for the massacre

The Phalange militia was a known enemy of the Palestinians who was controlled by the Israelis.  It was even reported that the Israelis had fired flares to light up the areas at night so that the militia could continue the massacre.  Israel even provided the bulldozers to dig up graves for those who were murdered that included men, women, and children.  In 1982, Sean MacBride was the chairman of the International Commission along with Richard Falk, Kader Asmal and others concluded that the government of Israel had “committed acts of aggression contrary to international law.”  Although I do not know how significant it was, Israel’s own Kahan commission concluded that Israeli Defense minister, Ariel Sharon was personally responsible “for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge” and not taking appropriate measures for preventing the massacre.   According to Yousef Munayyer, “Given all of this, it is hard not to conclude that the people at Marvel are either abjectly ignorant about the region, its history and the Palestinian experience, or that they deliberately aimed to kick a people living under apartheid while they were down.”  I believe it’s the latter, Hollywood is controlled by Zionists and its supporters.  In 2008, The Los Angeles Times published an article by Joel Stein ‘Who runs Hollywood? C’mon’ which clearly tells you who really controls Hollywood:

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood

In July of this year, The Times of Israel had published ‘Hollywood and Israel, a love story: How the Jewish state met the silver screen’ based on a book about the relationship between Hollywood and the state of Israel titled “Hollywood and Israel: A History” by professors Tony Shaw and Giora Goodman.  Goodman said that “It’s not just film production, but also philanthropy, diplomacy and celebrity advocacy, the whole kind of relationship that can be built between the global entertainment capital and a state, Israel.” Shaw and Goodman claimed that they took an objective approach when it came to tensions in the Middle East that included the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) and the 2014 Gaza War, “We really worked hard on making sure the vocabulary we used couldn’t be interpreted as being pro- or anti-Israel,” Shaw said. “We are historians, after all. We don’t have an angle or ax to grind.”  Shaw recognized that people in Hollywood became more critical of the situation in Israel “Yet, he notes, just a few years later, in 2018, another birthday celebration for Israel took place in Hollywood — a 70th-anniversary gala. It was private this time, but it still drew a crowd of key players from Billy Crystal to Noa Tishby.”  Although a small number of people in Hollywood do criticize Israel, the majority are pro-Israel:

“Many Israelis are coming over to Hollywood, making that relationship between Israel and the American film industry that much closer,” Shaw said. “On the one hand, overt criticism of Israel has increased, certainly compared with the ‘70s. But in many ways, the substructure of Hollywood is still very pro-Israel”

Hollywood has been pro-Israel since the 1920s and especially during the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.  One of the most famous movies from Hollywood was “The Ten Commandments” which was filmed in Egypt during Gamal Abdel Nasser’s time in power.  The film was released during the Suez Crisis in 1956, so Nasser’s government banned the film for its anti-Egyptian plot to the story.  Over the years Hollywood produced numerous pro-Israel films including the 2005 film ‘Munich’ that was based on Mossad’s mission to find and kill Arab terrorists behind the 1972 Summer Olympics massacre of the Israeli Olympic team.  Another film that was released in 1994 was ‘True Lies’ with Arnold Schwarzenegger based on Arab terrorists who threatened to use stolen nuclear warheads on US cities if Washington did not remove all US military forces from the Persian Gulf.  Hollywood produced many films based on Middle East conflicts between Israel and in some cases, with the US, and the Arab world with several more films based on the Holocaust.

The release of Captain America: New World Order and the plot of the movie will be interesting to see, my guess is that Hollywood will continue its pro-Israel theme that will make the Israelis and its supporters satisfied regardless of the most-likely critical response by the international audience it will receive.  Perhaps, Hollywood executives don’t care what the world thinks, maybe they follow what French Novelist Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, the author of Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) who was quoted as saying, “all publicity is good publicity.”


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Israeli Actress Shira Haas will play Sabra (Source: Silent Crow News)

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich brings scientific evidence that the Covid-19 shots are a crime against humanity.

He’s been tracking the surge in young people dropping dead out of the blue ever since the “vaccine” madness roll-out started.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Ukraine Sliding Into a Real War

September 16th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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A recurring feature of the Cold War was that the United States almost always placed great store on the optics of a Soviet-American affair while Moscow chose to concentrate on the end result. The Cuban Missile Crisis is the best known example where the denouement was about the publicised abandonment of the planned Soviet deployment of missiles in Cuba and a US public declaration and agreement not to invade Cuba again. But it later came to be known that there was also  an unpublicised part, namely, the dismantling of all of the Jupiter ballistic missiles that had been deployed to Turkey.  

The behavioural pattern remains the same in Ukraine. Per the western narrative, Russia is staring at the abyss of defeat amidst the “rout” in Kharkov Region. Interestingly, though, at the responsible levels in the Beltway, there is noticeable reticence about beating the drums presumably because of their awareness that the Ukrainian forces simply re-entered the Balakleysko-Izyum direction to occupy areas that Russians had planned to vacate. 

Moscow is once again leaving the optics almost entirely to the American journalists while Moscow concentrates on the end result, which has had three dimensions: one, complete the ongoing evacuation from the Balakleysko-Izyum direction without loss of lives; two, exploit the Ukrainian troop movements to target the forces that came out into the open from well-fortified positions in the Kharkov Region; and, three, concentrate on the campaign in Donetsk. 

The last part is becoming very sensitive for Moscow, as a significant section of Russian “war correspondents” carried sensational reports that it is apocalypse now. Even senior politicians such as Gennady Zyuganov, General Secretary of the Communist Party, and a powerful voice in the State Duma, feels agitated. 

Zyuganov said at the first plenary meeting of the Russian State Duma’s fall session on Tuesday that the “special operation”  has grown into a full-fledged war and the situation on the front has “changed drastically” in the past couple of months.  

A fragment of the speech, posted in the Communist Party’s website also quoted Zyuganov as saying that “every war requires a response. First and foremost, it requires maximum mobilisation of forces and resources. It demands social cohesion and clear prioritisation.”

Although intended as constructive criticism, Zyuganov’s advice will almost certainly be passed over by the Kremlin. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has responded with alacrity, saying,“At this moment — no, it (full or partial mobilisation) is not on the agenda.” 

President Putin’s support base remains as strong as ever. The recent Russian regional and local elections partly turned into a “referendum” on the Ukraine situation. And the fact that the ruling party received one of the best results in its history by winning about 80 percent of the mandates in regional and local parliaments shows a resounding vote of confidence in Putin’s  leadership. 

That said, the “angry patriots” pose a headache. That is why the latest  situation around Bakhmut in Donetsk assumes particular significance. Bakhmut is undoubtedly the lynchpin of the entire fortification that Kiev erected in Donbass in the past 8 years. It is a strategic communication junction with roads in many directions —  Lysychansk, Horlivka, Kostiantynivka, and Kramatorsk — and control of the city is vital for establishing full supremacy over Donetsk Region.

The Russian troops and allied militia groups have been trying since August 3 to break into the Ukrainian defences in the Bakhmut-Soledar direction but with patchy success. Now comes reports that the Russians have entered Bakhmut city and taken control of the industrial zone in the northeastern parts. 

Some reports say the Russian military contractors known as the Wagner Group have been deployed in Bakhmut. These are highly trained ex-military personnel. 

The stakes are exceedingly high. For Kiev, the entire logistics of the operations in Donetsk can unravel if it loses control of Bakhmut. As for the Russians, the breakthrough in the Bakhmut-Soledar direction will clear the main hurdle for the crucial offensive toward the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk axis to the west, the last conglomeration of Ukrainian forces in Donetsk. Bakhmut is only 50 kms from Slavyansk-Kramatorsk. 

Speaking about the Ukrainian “counteroffensive” last weekend to National Public Radio, General Mark Milley, US chairman, Chiefs of Staff, had made some interesting points:  

  • Ukraine has amassed a good amount of combat power. How they use that will now be the determining factor. Things will clarify “in the coming days and weeks.”
  • Ukrainian military so far fought extraordinarily well in defence. Defence has always been the stronger form of war. 
  • Ukraine is now moving into offensive operations where it is critical to integrate fire power into their manoeuvre in order to achieve superiority. 
  • Therefore, “it remains to be seen” what is happening in the next few weeks. “It is a very, very difficult task that the Ukrainians are undertaking” — combining their offence with manoeuver.

The Ukrainian offensive in Kharkov was planned as a flank attack to encircle and destroy the Russian groupings in the area of Balakleya, Kupyansk and Izyum. But the Russian command anticipated such an attempt, as its frontline had thinned out lately. The Ukrainian forces outnumbered the Russians by almost 4-5 times. 

Interestingly, in anticipation of a Ukrainian offensive, civilians who agreed to leave the region for Russia were evacuated from the threatened settlements in military convoys. Using mobile defence tactics under the cover of specially organised units, Russians finally succeeded in withdrawing their forces. 

In effect, the Ukrainian/US/NATO plan to manoeuvre a flank attack and encircle the Russian troops was thwarted with minimal losses. On the other hand, Ukrainians also admit that Russians inflicted significant losses of manpower on their opponents (who included a big chunk of fighters from NATO countries.)   

But the Russian military also made mistakes. Thus, their forward positions were not mined — inexplicably enough; frontline intelligence gathering was deficient; and, the residual Russian troops (drawn down to one-third of full strength) were not even equipped with anti-tank weapons. 

The single biggest outcome of the past week’s happenings is that the conflict has assumed the nature of a full-fledged war. Zyuganov was not off the mark when he said in his Russian state Duma speech:

“The military-political operation… has escalated into a full-fledged war, which has been declared against us by the Americans, NATO members, and a unified Europe. 

“A war is fundamentally different from a special operation. A special operation is something you announce — and something you can choose to put an end to. A war is something you can’t stop even if you want to. You have to fight to the end. War has two possible outcomes: victory or defeat.” 

Putin has a big decision to make now. For, while the good part for the Russian military may be that the frontline has been straightened and large Russian reserves are being transferred to the battlefields, de facto, a state of war exists now between Russia and NATO. 

The recent phone calls to Putin in quick succession by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, after an interlude of months, signals that an exigency may have arisen to re-engage the Kremlin leader. 


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The eastern Ukrainian countryside is being littered with Ukrainian Army mines while some towns have been abandoned as residents had to escape Ukrainian Army shelling.

Residents consider Americans who send money to the Ukrainian government in the belief that they are protecting them from the Russians to be “idiotic” and “foolish.”

The third part of an eyewitness report. (See Part 1; and Part II)

From May 1 to May 12, I traveled to both Russia and the Lugansk People’s Republic, an independent republic in the Donbas region, formerly part of eastern Ukraine. The purpose of this fact-finding mission initiated by the Socialist Unity Party and was to report the suppressed information challenging the narrative of NATO and its member states, led by the U.S., in this proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

My visit to Lugansk was made possible with the assistance of Borotba (Struggle), a socialist political organization in Ukraine and Donbas that we have worked with for many years. Alexey Albu, one of the leaders of Borotba, also provided translation for me during interviews. This is the third part of my report.

On May 8, two days after we visited the Rubizhne shelter, we made our way from Lugansk city to the villages of Sokilnyky and Krymske. Both had recently been taken over by the joint forces of the Lugansk People’s Militia (LPM) and the Russian military.

After the 2014 U.S.-sponsored coup in Ukraine that brought to power a pro-Washington, anti-Moscow regime partnering with fascist forces, the majority Russian-speaking people of the Donbas region decided they did not want any part of this backsliding of history.

Dramatic evidence of the new coup government’s fascist leanings came in its support for the neo-Nazis who burned alive activists at Odessa’s House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014. To this day, none of the perpetrators has been charged with any crime. Given that incident, the people of the Donbas region declared themselves the independent Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR). They voted by 89% in Donetsk and 96% in Lugansk for that change.

Instead of honoring the wishes of the people of Donbas, Kyiv labeled them terrorists and sent armed forces with heavy artillery and aircraft against civilians, threatening to wipe out the population. The Lugansk People’s Militia was organized to defend the area.

Valery Bolotov proclaims the Act of Independence of the Lugansk People’s Republic, May 12, 2014. [Source:]

When the Minsk II cease-fire agreements took effect in 2015, the opposing sides’ positions were drawn. Sokilnyky was controlled by the Lugansk People’s Republic. Krymske was occupied and controlled by the Ukrainian military.

If the cease-fire stipulations under the Minsk II agreements were adhered to by the Ukrainian military, it would have protected this community. Instead, the agreement was used by Ukraine to create a one-sided shooting range against civilians in Sokilnyky. Today no one lives there and the homes and buildings have been destroyed.

Political Map of Ukraine with Crimea and Eastern Ukraine under Russian control


The road that runs between Sokilnyky and Krymske is called Vulytsya Horkoho, named for the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky. Google also translates it as “Bitter Street.” The name is fitting since less than a quarter-mile north runs the Siverskyi Donets River—the border between two conflicting sides in a war.

When you travel along this road toward Sokilnyky, you see idle and broken-down Ukrainian tanks that were used against the villagers after 2014, when no military force was there to protect those communities.

From left: Alexey Albu of Borotba; John Parker of Socialist Unity Party; and Evgeniy Miroshnichenko, member of the Youth Parliament, State Duma of Russia. [Source: Photo courtesy of John Parker]

Ukraine continued war after Minsk II

The 122-mm shells from the Ukrainian government’s arsenal rained down on villagers from the north of the river’s edge and west of Sokilnyky, aimed at anyone driving along this road or just relaxing at home. These shells are capable of stopping tanks, penetrating bunkers and taking down aircraft. And as we could see along the way, many homes were blown to bits or barely left standing.

The 2015 Minsk II agreements were negotiated by Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France and the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, allowing for some self-determination of the Donbas regions and the right to be protected by their own military forces—the Lugansk People’s Militia and the Donetsk People’s Militia.

By 2017, however, most residents on this road east of Krymske who survived left the area since it was too dangerous.

Although the Minsk agreements forbade attacks within this area, our guide told us that, after 2015, the Lugansk militia forces began calling this street the “Road of Life,” where LPR forces had to travel fast to keep from being shot at. “For seven years Nazis violated the Minsk agreements…They attacked peaceful people who lived in this village during those Minsk violations,” explained our LPM guide, who led us to our next location further west toward Krymske.

We saw further evidence of houses resembling Swiss cheese rather than safe spaces for families. We stopped on the edge of Zynamyanka village, where a monument commemorating fallen World War II soldiers was located. We had to follow the steps of the person in front since the area was filled with unexploded shells dropped by the Ukrainian forces.

We reached an administrative building that was now more cinder block pieces than structure. Two wires strewn across our path warned us not to go any further since that area was not partially cleared of unexploded shells or mines.

Against the advice of our guide, a very brave journalist from the news service Izvestia continued walking and laying a path for us. Why would he take such a risk? Because, he said, he felt it was important for us to see up close the monument with the names of those from this and nearby villages of both Ukrainian and Russian Soviet soldiers killed fighting the Nazi threat during World War II—so we could appreciate the respect these residents had for their relatives who fought fascists. And to appreciate their suffering in being targeted by those who adhere to that same fascist ideology.

My comrades insisted they walk in front of me, following the soldier from the LPM. Then it hit me hard. From our friends in Borotba to the guides from the Lugansk People’s Militia and brave journalists dedicated to telling the truth—they were all here assisting me, putting their bodies on the line to keep me safe, because they believed the message I would relay back to the U.S. was that important.

I truly wish the U.S. anti-war movement that has so cynically and arrogantly dismissed any facts or testimony coming from the people in Lugansk and Donetsk, who refuse to acknowledge their experiences or even existence, could feel just one-tenth of what I felt in that moment.

When we reached the monument, carefully, the words with the hundreds of names of buried soldiers read: “Your Heroism Is Immortal and Your Glory Is Eternal.”

Or watch the video here.

Sister towns separated by war

The once Ukrainian-held territory in and around Krymske, just west of us, included areas within eyeshot of the LPR-held Sokilnyky village. In 2014 almost 2,000 people lived in Krymske, and 1,000 lived in Sokilnyky. They lie about five minutes from each other by car.

In fact, the communities were very close. One of the Izvestia reporters with us wrote: “If a guy from Krymske married a girl from Sokilnyky, the wedding was played in two villages at once.” But after the battles in 2014 and by 2015, the two communities remained separated with blocks of concrete and barbed wire.

After passing the town of Sokilnyky, we drove about a quarter mile to where the Ukrainian military had installed bunkers and barracks to target that village, using these places to launch missiles and those 122-mm shells against the LPR-held territories, even in the years when civilians were still there.

The south side of this “Bitter Street” had been swept for mines but the north side had not, so to remain relatively safe we stayed on the south side. On the ground were strewn Kalashnikov 5.45 caliber bullets and casings leading into an eight-foot dugout to tunnels of dirt and darkness protected by sandbags from retaliatory fire.

The Ukrainian forces were routed after the February operation by the Russians and the LPM so, undoubtedly, gunfire was exchanged. But even if there was activity targeting this compound in response to shelling, it lies more than a quarter-mile from 99% of the homes in the Krymske village.

In other words, the civilian population living in Krymske village was only victimized by the Azov, Aidar or Right Sector fascist regiments leading the Ukrainian military occupation there. This is according to the residents we spoke to, who also verified that those leading these soldiers were wearing Nazi regiment colors and fascist symbols.

About 100 feet down the road from the bunker, taking us to the eastern edge of Krymske, we observed on the side of the road a leftover decoy that had been used to frighten the Lugansk militia forces, mimicking a Swedish surface-to-air missile. The threat would have been believable since those real missiles and other military aid totaling $102 million was promised to Ukraine from Sweden on June 2—this on top of the other anti-armor weaponry already delivered.

Sweden’s AT4 anti-armor weapon

My photo of a decoy surface-to-air missile weapon by a bunker near Sokilnyky. [Source: Photo courtesy of John Parker]

Nazi symbols

Due to the actual weapons present at that moment, the most common phrase I heard observing these sites was again, “Don’t step there”—not only because of the unexploded shells on this side of the river but also because the Ukrainian military would “sow” the area with mines that could not be seen in the grass.

We then drove a few feet further to a complex that was part of a tuberculosis clinic. The Ukrainian forces retrofitted this clinic for war by evicting the patients and health-care staff. In one of the buildings, the Ukrainian soldiers felt comfortable enough to scrawl in large letters the word representing a fascist soccer team in Ukraine, the ULTRAS—a team, we were told by one of the journalists with us, that is owned by an oligarch who funds Nazi regiments.

Something that seemed out of place, given the graffiti praising Nazi symbols and organizations, was a letter shaped as a heart with the colors of the Ukrainian flag from a child thanking these Nazi-led Ukrainian forces for keeping them safe. That is not surprising, since the Azov Battalion set up children’s “educational” facilities. According to a Time article from January 7, 2021, the battalion even has an entire building lent to them by the Zelensky government in Kyiv that serves such a purpose.

In addition to general misinformation passed on in their libraries, this facility raises funds by selling key chains, t-shirts and other items adorned with swastikas and other Nazi symbols. Again, this building is on loan from the Ukrainian government, supporting what goes on there.

In another building here, 122-mm shells were stacked on top of each other. Their presence in this room seemed to be a testament to the threat against humanity symbolically displayed over half of one of the walls with drawings of a swastika and a Black Sun or Sonnenrad.

Or watch the video here.

It should be noted that this Azov identifier is the same symbol used by the white supremacist shooter who recently targeted Black shoppers in Buffalo, New York. He was inspired by a white supremacist in New Zealand who murdered 51 Muslim worshippers in two mosques there. That New Zealand killer said he was in contact with the Azov Battalion and planned to go to Ukraine for military training.

As shocking as this is, it should not be too surprising that young people are falling into the hands of these unchecked fascist movements. In the 2021 report “Like, Share, Recruit: How a White-Supremacist Militia Uses Facebook to Radicalize and Train New Members,” Time explained how Azov’s use of Facebook’s algorithm drives white supremacists and disaffected youth toward them, allowing Azov exponential visibility growth.

Just a few steps away, another building turned military bunker contained lookout holes punched through the walls, with coordinates written in pen giving targeting coordinates for the LPM positions and civilians when they lived there. On another wall the words “No One But Us” were written in Ukrainian in blue and yellow.

Military-industrial profits

We were accompanied by more than one camera crew with journalists representing various media from Ukraine and Russia. During our inspection of this site, one of the journalists from a Russian news agency found a container that once held explosive materials. This object, the journalist said, came from either the U.S. or a Western European country.

Of course, this is not surprising given that U.S. military aid to Ukraine, as reported in the May 20 New York Times, amounts to more money than given in any kind of aid to any country in the last decade. “It is roughly two times the amount given in 2011 to Afghanistan, the largest U.S. foreign aid recipient until now,” reported the Times.

The U.S. had already surpassed the entire defense budget of Russia back in May. Perhaps the reason for this unprecedented funding, in addition to world domination, also has to do with profits. Business Insider reported on May 23: “One of the largest defense contractors in the nation donated to nearly 150 members of Congress as they debated Ukraine military aid.”

On May 3, President Joe Biden went to Lockheed Martin’s Pike County Operations facility in Troy, Alabama, and did a photo op at the Javelin missile production facility.

And the top member of Congress in charge of the military budget, Democratic Representative Adam Smith from Washington State is also the top recipient of money from the weapons makers.

In its 2010 Citizens United decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that corporations may spend unlimited amounts on elections. When the selfish ambitions of bought-and-paid-for politicians coincide with the goals of the ruling class, even the sky is not the limit. The death and fear created are of no consequence to them.

Speaking of fear, while exploring this hospital complex I heard a constant buzzing, like a flying bee with a megaphone. When I asked what that sound was, I was told it was from a drone overhead. This caused me some concern, knowing that in April the U.S. had been training Ukrainian soldiers in the use of a very advanced drone called the Switchblade Drone 600.

By that month, two of the lethal aid packages for Ukraine of more than $1 billion included those drones, capable of flying 24 miles. That distance was well within the area between us and the current Ukrainian positions. In fact, I could see with my own eyes the plume of smoke from recent targets hit by either the Ukrainian or Russian and Lugansk forces. And these drones carry warheads that can take out tanks.

With the recent memory of Ukrainian forces bombing an apartment building near the shelter where we were conducting interviews in Rubizhne, I felt a bit uneasy about that noise overhead and was therefore happy when we later returned to the cars to continue on our way.

As we continued to Krymske, the site of almost all of the homes intact was a startling contrast to Sokilnyky. Although a relatively small percentage of those homes were damaged, according to our LPM guide, it was due to fighting that occurred in 2014, when they were also being shelled by the Ukrainian military.

Even if those homes destroyed in 2014 were mistakenly said to come from the more recent hostilities, the comparison of the two villages makes clear that neither the LPM forces during the Minsk Agreements to the present time, nor the Russian military that came in February, carried out any bombing campaign against Krymske.

Or watch the video here.

“Everything Zelensky says is a lie”

When we arrived in Krymske there were a few children running around and playing—finally.

A stark difference from the situation at the Rubizhne shelter, where kids could not play for any significant length of time due to their proximity to the front lines and therefore within reach of the Ukrainian delivery of shells.

The only deliveries now being made are those of food and other humanitarian aid coming from the city of Lugansk. It is received at the former village council building.

With the exception of one person, all the residents I interviewed were very glad about the presence of Russian soldiers and the Lugansk People’s Militia and the absence of the Ukrainian military.

Local resident Irina said: “In 2014, the Nazi Aidar and Right Sector battalions came to us. They entered houses and fired over our heads.”

One person did complain about the military presence. He was upset with the sentencing of his son by the Lugansk People’s Militia. His son was accused of collaborating with the Ukrainian troops. In spite of that, he still desired the protection of the military forces here now.

I was able to catch up to one of those children running around the overgrown playground, whose grass had not been cut during the Ukrainian occupation.

Eleven-year-old Ivan told me that his family left in 2014 when the Ukrainian military began attacking civilians here. His mother told him: “The windows in our house shattered, but I stayed asleep and my mom had to wake me up. Then we left.” As he spoke I saw him looking at a dog nearby. When I told him about my dogs and asked him if he had any pets, he sadly said his dog had to be left behind.

On this day, however, he seemed happy. He said that he was glad to be back since this is where his grandparents live as well. I asked him what he studies in school and he said math and science, but now school is only open two days per week.

After talking about his favorite exercise and sports—basketball and football (soccer)—I moved on to more serious topics. I told him how the newspapers and TV news in the U.S. describe the Russians as hurting the people of Ukraine and that the Ukrainian government and its military are protecting people. “What do you think?” I asked.

He told me he strongly disagreed. “It is completely untrue that Russia attacks peaceful people. Russia protects civilians and their interests. Everything Zelensky says is a lie because when he says that this is a Russian occupation it is completely untrue, it is completely a lie, Russia protects civilians.”

I figured that was enough war talk for a child and that I’d give him a break and go back to my previous challenge to race him to the edge of the building. But instead of wanting to lighten the conversation or go play like most children his age in the U.S., he wanted to give some advice to the Ukrainian military and Zelensky: “Now the Ukrainian forces hide in Donetsk, but it will be better if they give up, because the peace will come sooner and we can repair our cities.”

After thanking him for helping me get the message to people in the U.S., he said, “Yes, I told you because I understand that my words can have a little influence on people in the world and maybe peace will come more quickly here.”

Although they may run around in a playground when war is present, children are forced to ponder things they should not have to. But when war comes knocking at their door—or shattering their windows—they have no choice.

Or watch the video here.

Laughter and solidarity

I then approached a few elderly women sitting on a bench. I asked about the situation here under Ukrainian military occupation. They all described the military as being led by the Aidar Battalion, which they could tell by the colors of their patches and Nazi symbols they wore.

Neo-Nazi Aidar Battalion.

Members of Pro-Nazi Aidar Battalion who are hated by the people of eastern Ukraine. [Source:]

They said that, although not all of the soldiers were Nazis, their leadership was. “They would make them get down on their knees and hit and humiliate them,” said one of the women about the treatment of rank-and-file soldiers who were not Nazis by their superior officers. They all assumed that this was designed to indoctrinate them.

When I asked one woman what it was like during the occupation, her eyes quickly darted down and her head gestured “no.” This made me wonder how horrible an experience she may have had, given the documented war crimes of the Aidar Battalion during this conflict, especially against women. So out of compassion for her, I did not ask again. If they humiliated their own troops, what might they have done to these civilians?

When I asked the women what they thought about people in the U.S. who send money to the Ukrainian government in the belief that they are protecting them from the Russians, one exclaimed: “Duratskiy!” A few of the definitions for that Russian word are “foolish,” “fatuous” and “idiotic.”

When Alexey told me it meant “stupid” and I repeated it in Russian, they all started laughing—first shyly, then out loud when they saw I joined them. I was glad our shared laughter communicated better than words my solidarity with their struggles here today.

Watch the video here.

The last interview in Krymske was with a member of the Communist Party. He explained the situation in 2014, when the people here demanded their governor reject the coup government in Kyiv. But, he said, the governor sided with the coup and left.

After we talked, he walked me to an area where two monuments commemorated all of the people from the village who were killed fighting the Nazis during World War II and another honoring the soldiers who were not from that village, but died there fighting the German fascist military. This individual said he was very thankful that the Ukrainian occupiers did not destroy these two monuments as they had done in other parts of the Lugansk region.

Watch the video here.

The visit to Krymske was inspiring. From the determination and wit of the women on the bench, to the 11-year-old willing to take time out from the playground for important matters, to the passion of the communist who was so proud of the monuments with names of his own family members inscribed on one of them—and all of this community’s unceasing commitment to fight fascism if it rises here once again.

It is also clear that, here, the military that is despised is the Ukrainian one. When we first arrived, we noticed people walking around as if life were normal—although it is not. But now, for the remaining residents in Krymske—no longer threatened by the Ukrainian soldiers—cessation of the worst horrors of war and occupation allows them to take a breath.

Fire in the sky

The day before we visited Krymske, Alexey Albu and Evgeniy Miroshnichenko, a member of the Youth Parliament under the State Duma of Russia, invited me on a tour of Lugansk, the capital city of the LPR. We observed the monuments and met with officials from the Lugansk city administration. We were, however, momentarily interrupted by the sight of smoke in the sky, coming from either a drone or rocket that had been intercepted by a Russian missile.

As we walked further I saw a playground and happier thoughts took over.

Playgrounds are wonderful. They are a place where children go to socialize and spend their energy with such excitement and joy. However, given the proximity of shelling or the very recent liberation of areas once occupied by the Ukrainian military, the priorities of food and shelter forced a lack of maintenance in those areas.

However, there in the city of Lugansk, which had been mostly free of attack for some time, I saw a beautiful playground full of children on the swings and slides and varied apparatus designed for the sole purpose of making joyful noises.

But what I had just seen threatening the skies above this well-attended and most precious sanctuary was a killer of children—thankfully destroyed, this time. What would have happened to this playground had the Ukrainian military, now armed with even more sophisticated weaponry thanks to the Biden administration and every other complicit politician, been successful?

The new reality we face as activists and members of organizations promoting social justice and peace is that the propaganda of the ruling class has become so capable, so well-funded, so fluid in its use of social media and Hollywood, that most, including many in the movement for social justice, are not even aware of its effects in molding our own opinions and distorting our sense of reality.

This three-part series began solely as an attempt to expose the fact that the war in Ukraine has been manufactured to further the expansion of U.S.-led NATO, targeting Russia and China. But perhaps the more important story is how the State Department and its right hand—the corporate media—are today able to so effectively use false information manufactured in such a consistent and frequent manner and build on those past prejudices against Russian people.

The political left in the U.S. and Europe has a big problem that comes from a cultural disease developed especially by U.S. capitalism’s history of racism. Not only is there class bias, but the added dehumanization with all its arrogant trappings intrinsic to the system of racism carries over to anyone deemed as “the other.”

In the U.S., the “other” is usually anyone who is non-white and is therefore not taken as seriously, not as believable, not as legitimate and reliable a source of information, and definitely not due as much empathy. This is even carried over to certain white people deemed as the other. And we are told by the U.S. government who the latest other is—sometimes it is the Iraqis and their leaders, or it is the Syrians and their leadership, or the Libyans and their leadership.

Despite the fact that information that comes from the U.S. corporate media during a U.S. war drive is consistently false—from the Lusitania incident in 1915 or the Gulf of Tonkin lie pushing the U.S. into war with Vietnam or the lies pushing war in Iraq and Libya—we are supposed to accept it as gospel and reject all information coming from the official or unofficial sources from the latest target of U.S. imperialism.

Iraq War | claytoonz


This is why the sources of information that comes directly from white supremacist neo-Nazi military organizations in Ukraine is more trusted than those in the Donbas region—because the people of Donbas, in Lugansk and Donetsk, are now among the other.

My friends from Borotba, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the United Communist Party—the other; the 82-year-old woman from the shelter in Rubizhne, who was crying over the bombing of her home by Ukrainian tanks and the loss of all her belongings; and the women in Krymskoye who identified the Right Sector and Aidar Batallion as their occupiers and torturers; the entire political and religious leadership in Lugansk; the Lugansk People’s Militia members—all the other.

And even to much of the “left” in the U.S. and Western Europe, who refused to even acknowledge their existence, they are deserving of neither an ear nor a heart for empathy.

Is the history of the Soviet Union or Russia, before this current conflict, filled with the intentional targeting of civilians in any degree close to that of the U.S. military and NATO?

Did the Soviet Union yesterday, or Russia today, participate in European and U.S. colonialism or neocolonialism, or have a worldwide troop deployment and military bases anywhere near that of the U.S. or NATO?

Some will say that Russia is not the Soviet Union and it is now capitalist. Well, so are Finland and Sweden. But because years of Cold War propaganda did not target the integrity of the people of Finland and Sweden, folks see them in a different light—even though those governments said nothing about the NATO expansion for the past 20 years that caused this crisis and are now enabling and actively expanding the most belligerent military alliance in history at this critical and dangerous moment in time.

Accusations that are today thrown against Russia, if thrown against their people or soldiers, would not be so easily believed, even though the people of Sweden and Finland did not play the deciding role in defeating fascism in World War II that the people of Russia heroically played.

Hopefully, this information countering the lies of the ruling class will help to refocus our attention on the reality that the U.S. and its imperialist allies are driving us not toward fighting runaway inflation that threatens to impoverish us all, and not toward solutions stopping life-threatening climate change, but are instead driving us toward World War III. And that is a very bad thing.

So let’s refocus, quickly.


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John Parker is a 2022 Socialist Unity Party and Peace and Freedom Party candidate for the U.S. Senate from California. Parker has been a union organizer, public school teacher, and is the Coordinator of the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice. John can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image: John Parker walking through a Ukrainian bunker west of Sokilnyky. [Source: Photo courtesy of John Parker]

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“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln

It’s easy to become discouraged about the state of our nation.

We’re drowning under the weight of too much debt, too many wars, too much power in the hands of a centralized government, too many militarized police, too many laws, too many lobbyists, and generally too much bad news.

It’s harder to believe that change is possible, that the system can be reformed, that politicians can be principled, that courts can be just, that good can overcome evil, and that freedom will prevail.

So where does that leave us?

Benjamin Franklin provided the answer. As the delegates to the Constitutional Convention trudged out of Independence Hall on September 17, 1787, an anxious woman in the crowd waiting at the entrance inquired of Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” Franklin replied, “if you can keep it.”

What Franklin meant, of course, is that when all is said and done, we get the government we deserve.

Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. It is there to protect, defend and even enhance our freedoms, not violate them.

Unfortunately, although the Bill of Rights was adopted as a means of protecting the people against government tyranny, in America today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned.

“We the people” have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance by a government that cares nothing for our lives or our liberties.

The bogeyman’s names and faces have changed over time (terrorism, the war on drugs, illegal immigration, a viral pandemic, and more to come), but the end result remains the same: in the so-called name of national security, the Constitution has been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded with the support of Congress, the White House, and the courts.

A recitation of the Bill of Rights—set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and the like (all sanctioned by Congress, the White House, and the courts)—would understandably sound more like a eulogy to freedoms lost than an affirmation of rights we truly possess.

What we are left with today is but a shadow of the robust document adopted more than two centuries ago. Sadly, most of the damage has been inflicted upon the Bill of Rights.

Here is what it means to live under the Constitution, twenty-plus years after 9/11 and with the nation just emerging from two years of COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates.

The First Amendment is supposed to protect the freedom to speak your mind, assemble and protest nonviolently without being bridled by the government. It also protects the freedom of the media, as well as the right to worship and pray without interference. In other words, Americans should not be silenced by the government. To the founders, all of America was a free speech zone.

Despite the clear protections found in the First Amendment, the freedoms described therein are under constant assault. Increasingly, Americans are being persecuted for exercising their First Amendment rights and speaking out against government corruption. Activists are being arrested and charged for daring to film police officers engaged in harassment or abusive practices. Journalists are being prosecuted for reporting on whistleblowers. States are passing legislation to muzzle reporting on cruel and abusive corporate practices. Religious ministries are being fined for attempting to feed and house the homeless. Protesters are being tear-gassed, beaten, arrested and forced into “free speech zones.” And under the guise of “government speech,” the courts have reasoned that the government can discriminate freely against any First Amendment activity that takes place within a so-called government forum.

The Second Amendment was intended to guarantee “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” Essentially, this amendment was intended to give the citizenry the means to resist tyrannical government. Yet while gun ownership has been recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court as an individual citizen right, Americans remain powerless to defend themselves against red flag gun laws, militarized police, SWAT team raids, and government agencies armed to the teeth with military weapons better suited to the battlefield.

The Third Amendment reinforces the principle that civilian-elected officials are superior to the military by prohibiting the military from entering any citizen’s home without “the consent of the owner.” With the police increasingly training like the military, acting like the military, and posing as military forces—complete with heavily armed SWAT teams, military weapons, assault vehicles, etc.—it is clear that we now have what the founders feared most—a standing army on American soil.

The Fourth Amendment prohibits government agents from conducting surveillance on you or touching you or encroaching on your private property unless they have evidence that you’re up to something criminal. In other words, the Fourth Amendment ensures privacy and bodily integrity. Unfortunately, the Fourth Amendment has suffered the greatest damage in recent years and has been all but eviscerated by an unwarranted expansion of governmental police powers that include strip searches and even anal and vaginal searches of citizens, surveillance (corporate and otherwise), and intrusions justified in the name of fighting terrorism, as well as the outsourcing of otherwise illegal activities to private contractors.

The Fifth Amendment and the Sixth Amendment work in tandem. These amendments supposedly ensure that you are innocent until proven guilty, and government authorities cannot deprive you of your life, your liberty or your property without the right to an attorney and a fair trial before a civilian judge. However, in the new suspect society in which we live, where surveillance is the norm, these fundamental principles have been upended. Certainly, if the government can arbitrarily freeze, seize or lay claim to your property (money, land or possessions) under government asset forfeiture schemes, you have no true rights.

The Seventh Amendment guarantees citizens the right to a jury trial. Yet when the populace has no idea of what’s in the Constitution—civic education has virtually disappeared from most school curriculums—that inevitably translates to an ignorant jury incapable of distinguishing justice and the law from their own preconceived notions and fears. However, as a growing number of citizens are coming to realize, the power of the jury to nullify the government’s actions—and thereby help balance the scales of justice—is not to be underestimated. Jury nullification reminds the government that “we the people” retain the power to ultimately determine what laws are just.

The Eighth Amendment is similar to the Sixth in that it is supposed to protect the rights of the accused and forbid the use of cruel and unusual punishment. However, the Supreme Court’s determination that what constitutes “cruel and unusual” should be dependent on the “evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society” leaves us with little protection in the face of a society lacking in morals altogether.

The Ninth Amendment provides that other rights not enumerated in the Constitution are nonetheless retained by the people. Popular sovereignty—the belief that the power to govern flows upward from the people rather than downward from the rulers—is clearly evident in this amendment. However, it has since been turned on its head by a centralized federal government that sees itself as supreme and which continues to pass more and more laws that restrict our freedoms under the pretext that it has an “important government interest” in doing so.

As for the Tenth Amendment’s reminder that the people and the states retain every authority that is not otherwise mentioned in the Constitution, that assurance of a system of government in which power is divided among local, state and national entities has long since been rendered moot by the centralized Washington, DC, power elite—the president, Congress and the courts.

Thus, if there is any sense to be made from this recitation of freedoms lost, it is simply this: our individual freedoms have been eviscerated so that the government’s powers could be expanded.

It was no idle happenstance that the Constitution opens with these three powerful words: “We the people.” As the Preamble proclaims:

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America.

In other words, it’s our job to make the government play by the rules of the Constitution.

We are supposed to be the masters and they—the government and its agents—are the servants.

We the American people—the citizenry—are supposed to be the arbiters and ultimate guardians of America’s welfare, defense, liberty, laws and prosperity.

Still, it’s hard to be a good citizen if you don’t know anything about your rights or how the government is supposed to operate.

As the National Review rightly asks, “How can Americans possibly make intelligent and informed political choices if they don’t understand the fundamental structure of their government? American citizens have the right to self-government, but it seems that we increasingly lack the capacity for it.”

Americans are constitutionally illiterate.

Most citizens have little, if any, knowledge about their basic rights. And our educational system does a poor job of teaching the basic freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For instance, a survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that a little more than one-third of respondents (36 percent) could name all three branches of the U.S. government, while another one-third (35 percent) could not name a single one.

A survey by the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum found that only one out of a thousand adults could identify the five rights protected by the First Amendment. On the other hand, more than half (52%) of the respondents could name at least two of the characters in the animated Simpsons television family, and 20% could name all five. And although half could name none of the freedoms in the First Amendment, a majority (54%) could name at least one of the three judges on the TV program American Idol, 41% could name two and one-fourth could name all three.

It gets worse.

Many who responded to the survey had a strange conception of what was in the First Amendment. For example, a startling number of respondents believed that the “right to own a pet” and the “right to drive a car” were part of the First Amendment. Another 38% believed that “taking the Fifth” was part of the First Amendment.

Teachers and school administrators do not fare much better. A study conducted by the Center for Survey Research and Analysis found that one educator in five was unable to name any of the freedoms in the First Amendment.

Government leaders and politicians are also ill-informed. Although they take an oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution against “enemies foreign and domestic,” their lack of education about our fundamental rights often causes them to be enemies of the Bill of Rights.

So what’s the solution?

Thomas Jefferson recognized that a citizenry educated on “their rights, interests, and duties”  is the only real assurance that freedom will survive.

As Jefferson wrote in 1820: “I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of our society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”

From the President on down, anyone taking public office should have a working knowledge of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and should be held accountable for upholding their precepts. One way to ensure this would be to require government leaders to take a course on the Constitution and pass a thorough examination thereof before being allowed to take office.

Some critics are advocating that students pass the United States citizenship exam in order to graduate from high school. Others recommend that it must be a prerequisite for attending college. I’d go so far as to argue that students should have to pass the citizenship exam before graduating from grade school.

Here’s an idea to get educated and take a stand for freedom: anyone who signs up to become a member of The Rutherford Institute gets a wallet-sized Bill of Rights card and a Know Your Rights card. Use this card to teach your children the freedoms found in the Bill of Rights.

A healthy, representative government is hard work. It takes a citizenry that is informed about the issues, educated about how the government operates, and willing to do more than grouse and complain.

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, “we the people” have the power to make and break the government.

The powers-that-be want us to remain divided over politics, hostile to those with whom we disagree politically, and intolerant of anyone or anything whose solutions to what ails this country differ from our own. They also want us to believe that our job as citizens begins and ends on Election Day.

Yet there are 330 million of us in this country. Imagine what we could accomplish if we actually worked together, presented a united front, and spoke with one voice.

Tyranny wouldn’t stand a chance.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Denmark will bar people under 50 from receiving the COVID vaccine.

In July 2022, it was no longer possible for children and adolescents aged under 18 to get the first COVID vaccine injection and, after September 1, 2022, it was no longer possible for them to get the second injection.

Alex Berenson reported:

Denmark will bar almost everyone under 50 from receiving more mRNA Covid jabs, the Danish Health Authority said yesterday.

Denmark had already ended Covid shots for nearly everyone under 18. The new rules go much further.

Danes under 50 will only be allowed to receive the shots if they are “higher risk of becoming severely [emphasis added] from Covid-19.”

The Danish Health Authority has not yet defined those groups, but they will likely include only a handful of people, such as those receiving cancer treatments that suppress their immune systems. Pregnant women are unlikely to be included.

Denmark did not explicitly say the risks of mRNA jabs now outweigh their benefits for healthy people under 50.

But that view is implicit in the announcement, which does not merely discourage but actually bans shots for those people, even though Denmark expects “a large wave of [Covid] infection” in the next few months.

The Danish government released this statement.



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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Federal officials in the Biden administration have held secret and illegal censorship meetings with social media companies to suppress Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech, and to ban or deplatform those who share unauthorized views about COVID and vaccines

The evidence for this comes out of a lawsuit brought by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana (Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry) against President Biden, filed in May 2022

Monthly, a Unified Strategies Group (USG) meeting took place — and may still be taking place — between a wide variety of government agencies and Big Tech companies, during which topics to be censored and suppressed were/are discussed

Censored topics included stories involving COVID jab refusal, especially those involving military refusals and consequences thereof, criticism against COVID restrictions and their effects on mental health, posts talking about testing positive for COVID after getting the jab, personal stories of COVID jab side effects, including menstrual irregularities, and worries about vaccine passports becoming mandatory

Discovery documents obtained so far have identified more than 50 federal employees across 15 federal agencies, engaged in illegal censorship activities. Emails from the strategic communications and marketing firm Reingold also reveals outside consultants were hired to manage the government’s collusion with social media to violate Americans’ Constitutional free speech rights


In a September 1, 2022, article,1 the Post Millennial reveals how federal officials in the Biden administration have held secret censorship meetings with social media companies to suppress Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech, and to ban or deplatform those who share unauthorized views about COVID and vaccines.

The evidence for this comes out of a lawsuit2 brought by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana (Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry) against President Biden, filed in May 2022.

During the discovery process, the plaintiffs sought to identify “all meetings with any social media platform relating to content modulation and/or misinformation,” which is how we now know that such illegal meetings did, in fact, take place.

Illegal Collusion to Suppress Free Speech

Monthly, a Unified Strategies Group (USG) meeting took place — and may still be taking place — between a wide variety of government agencies and Big Tech companies, during which topics to be censored and suppressed were/are discussed.

Censored topics included stories involving COVID jab refusal, especially those involving military refusals and consequences thereof, criticism against COVID restrictions and their effects on mental health, posts talking about testing positive for COVID after getting the jab, personal stories of COVID jab side effects, including menstrual irregularities, and worries about vaccine passports becoming mandatory.3 According to the New Civil Liberties Alliance:4

“… scores of federal officials … have secretly communicated with social-media platforms to censor and suppress private speech federal officials disfavor. This unlawful enterprise has been wildly successful.

Under the First Amendment, the federal government may not police private speech nor pick winners and losers in the marketplace of ideas. But that is precisely what the government has done — and is still doing — on a massive scale not previously divulged.

Multiple agencies’ communications demonstrate that the federal government has exerted tremendous pressure on social-media companies — pressure to which companies have repeatedly bowed …

Communications show these federal officials are fully aware that the pressure they exert is an effective and necessary way to induce social-media platforms to increase censorship. The head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency even griped about the need to overcome social-media companies’ ‘hesitation’ to work with the government …

This unlawful government interference violates the fundamental right of free speech for all Americans, whether or not they are on social media. More discovery is needed to uncover the full extent of this regime — i.e., the identities of other White House and agency officials involved and the nature and content of their communications with social-media companies.”

Jenin Younes, litigation counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance added:5

“If there was ever any doubt the federal government was behind censorship of Americans who dared to dissent from official COVID messaging, that doubt has been erased. The shocking extent of the government’s involvement in silencing Americans, through coercing social-media companies, has now been revealed …”

Federal Agencies Involved in Free Speech Suppression

Documents obtained so far have identified more than 50 federal employees across 15 federal agencies, who participated in these censorship meetings or otherwise engaged in illegal censorship activities.6 This includes officials from:

Emails from a strategic communications and marketing firm called Reingold7 also reveals that outside consultants were hired to manage the government’s collusion with social media to censor Americans. For example, Reingold set up a “partner support portal” for the CDC so that CDC officials could link emails to the portal for easier flagging of content it wanted censored by social media companies linked to the portal.

Big Tech Companies Involved in Government Censorship

On the private industry side, notable tech participants in the censorship meetings include:

While some social media companies may have “hesitated” to censor on the government’s behalf at times, Facebook was certainly an eager beaver from the get-go. As early as February 2020, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was in contact with the State Department, offering its services to help “control information and misinformation related to coronavirus.”8

Biden Administration’s ‘Executive Privilege’ Denied

As you might expect, the White House has not cooperated with discovery and have fought to keep communications secret — especially with regard to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s correspondence — claiming all White House communications as “privileged.”

However, executive privilege does NOT apply to external communications, so the plaintiffs called on the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana to “overrule the government defendants’ objections and order them to supply this highly relevant, responsive and probative information immediately.”

September 7, 2022, Judge Terry Doughty did just that. The Biden administration’s claim of executive privilege was rejected and Doughty ordered the White House to hand over any and all relevant records.9 That includes correspondence to and from Fauci, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and many others. According to the judge’s order, they have three weeks to comply.

Examples of Illegal Government Censorship

On Twitter,10 Missouri AG Schmitt has shared a long list of examples of government censorship, including one document in which Clarke Humphrey, COVID-19 response digital director at the White House, asked Facebook to take down the Instagram account “anthonyfauciofficial,” a parody account dedicated to making fun of Fauci.11 Facebook complied.

Schmitt also shared emails12,13 between a senior Facebook official and the surgeon general, stating, “I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.” This email came on the heels of the surgeon general’s July 2021 “misinformation health advisory.”

The CDC also coordinated with Facebook, providing them with talking points to debunk various claims, including the claim that spike protein in the COVID shots is dangerous and cytotoxic. In a July 28, 2021, email, a CDC official provided Facebook with the following counter-narrative, taken straight from the “How mRNA Vaccines Work” section on the CDC website:14

“Messenger mRNA [sic] vaccines work by teaching our cells to create a harmless spike protein …” (Emphasis in the original.)

Fast-forward to mid-June 2022, and the CDC was suddenly less sure about the harmlessness of the spike protein.

Up until then, the words “harmless spike protein” had always been bolded, but in this June revision, they removed the bolding, along with an entire section in which they’d previously claimed that mRNA was rapidly broken down and spike protein did not last more than a few weeks in the body.15 Clearly, the truth was catching up to them and certain lies were getting too risky to hold on to.

CISA also reached out to Google, Meta (Facebook’s parent company), Microsoft and Twitter for help, shortly after the DHS’s Disinformation Governance Board was announced.16 Fortunately, public outcry put an end to this Orwellian Ministry of Truth before it got started.

When Censorship Becomes Election Interference

According to The Washington Times:17

“Details about the Biden administration’s conduct raised the hackles of Republican lawmakers. ‘Confirming that this is the most dangerously anti-free speech administration in American history AND that Facebook … is nothing but an appendage of the deep state,’ Sen. Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican, said on Twitter as he shared news of the court filing.”

Other lawmakers are also getting involved. In an August 29, 2022, letter18,19 to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Republican Sens. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin requested records of the government’s contacts with social media companies to ascertain whether the FBI and/or DOJ did, in fact, instruct them to censor information about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal by falsely referring to it as “Russian disinformation.”20

Zuckerberg has also been asked21 to provide any correspondence involving the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, especially as it pertains to the FBI’s instructions to censor this political hot potato — something he openly admitted in a recent Joe Rogan interview (see video above).22

Lawmakers Pursue Legislation to Penalize Gov’t Censorship

Three Republican House Representatives on the House Oversight and Reform, Judiciary, and Commerce committees — Reps. James Comer of Kentucky, Jim Jordan of Ohio, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington — have also introduced the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act23 (HR.8752), aimed at preventing federal employees from using their positions to influence censorship decisions by tech platforms.

The bill would create restrictions to prevent federal employees from asking or encouraging private entities to censor private speech or otherwise discourage free speech, and impose penalties, including civil fines and disciplinary actions for government employees who facilitate social media censorship.

While the U.S. Constitution clearly forbids government censoring and restricting free speech, HR. 8752 could be a helpful enforcement tool, as people might tend to think twice when they know there’s a real and personal price to pay.


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1, 3, 8 Post Millennial September 1, 2022

2 State of Missouri and State of Louisiana Against President Joseph Biden, Civil Action No. 22-cv-1213

4, 5 New Civil Liberties Alliance September 1, 2022

6 NTD September 1, 2022

7 Reingold

9 Washington Times September 7, 2022

10, 13 Twitter Eric Schmitt September 1, 2022 thread

11, 16, 17, 20 Washington Times September 1, 2022

12 Twitter, Eric Schmitt, Emails Between FB and SG

14 CDC emails to Facebook July 2021

15 AIER September 1, 2022

18 Chuck Grassley Letter to Garland and Wray August 29, 2022

19 Chuck Grassley August 30, 2022

21 Chuck Grassley Letter to Mark Zuckerberg August 29, 2022

22 Spotify Joe Rogan Experience, Episode 1863

23 HR 8752 — Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Over the last few months Syria’s northeast has been spiraling downwards to chaos amid the surge of violence and terror attributed to Islamic State (IS). After almost five years of dormant existence the terror group is once again making its way to prominence in Syria. With the so-called territorial califate no longer viable, the IS members have switched to hit-and-run attacks on remote outposts and prolific use of improvised explosive devices (IED) against vehicles. These attacks target both US-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian army units operating in the northeastern provinces of Raqqa and Deir Ezzor. At the same time the terrorists managed to restore a financial safety net by extorting money from local professionals, including small business owners, doctors and teachers. Those who refuse to pay are subjected to threats and torture. The resulting insecurity enables the terror group to widen the scope of its activities even further.

The deterioration of the security situation in Syria went almost unnoticed by the international community distracted by the Ukrainian conflict. Under these circumstances the U.S. has a window of opportunity to curb the Russian influence in Syria and undermine the image of power projected by Moscow in the Middle East.

Indeed, the areas held by the Russians and the Syrian army in Deir Ezzor and Homs have witnessed an increase in bloody attacks, supposedly carried out by IS fighters. The terrorists were able to avoid retaliation by retreating to no man’s land in the areas abutting the U.S. bases, namely Al-Shadadi, the Green Zone near Abu-Kemal border crossing and Al-Tanf base. Moreover, previously each IS attack in US-controlled areas had been followed by joint raids of SDF and US special forces. It is no longer so. Considerable resources that might otherwise have been used for counterinsurgency operations are allocated to maintaining security in Al-Hol camp, where some 12,000 IS fighters and their family members are held. Add to that the imminent threat of Turkish invasion from the north. The SDF was led into a deadlock and is loosing the grip on the region. Meanwhile IS sleeper cells exploit the situation to their advantage and infiltrate territories controlled by the Syrian army.

These suspicions are confirmed by a high-ranking source in the Syrian intelligence. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source claimed that the U.S. helicopters transported 200 former IS fighters from prisons in Haseke to the 55-km security zone around Al-Tanf. The terrorists will be split up into groups of 10 – 15 people. These groups will be then sent to provinces with Russian presence including Homs, Latakia, Tartus and Damascus with the task of conducting terror attacks with IEDs at the Russian military sites. Most of the selected militants originate from Northern Caucasia or Central Asia and therefore are fluent in Russian.

The source added that the list of the primary targets of the terrorists includes the phosphate mines in Hneifis guarded by Russian security companies as well as Russian military bases in Lattakia, Tartus, Damascus and Aleppo.

Ultimately, the recruitment of IS members to create disturbance for the Russians would only become a logical development of the proxy policy adopted by the U.S. in Syria. After all, Washington is killing two birds with one stone by destabilizing the area of Russian influence and making use of the IS prisoners. However, there is another conclusion to be made: Washington has failed in its initial mission to defeat IS and is now resorting to the use of terror group splinters in its political power games.


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Ahmad al-Khaled is a Syrian journalist with four years of experience in covering the Syrian conflict and ME politics in general. His articles are published in leading regional and global media (Youm7, Ahl Masr, Rai Al Youm, Al Masdar, Ahval, Jerusalem Post, etc.)

Featured image is from Syria News

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The Halton District Catholic School board added Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS) to their list of medical conditions that parents ought to be concerned with regarding their children.

The warning about SADS is listed on the board’s website and is grouped together with other conditions such as anaphylaxis and asthma.

The board wrote,

“SADS refers to a variety of cardiac arrhythmia disorders which are often genetic and can be responsible for sudden death in young, apparently healthy people.  An arrhythmia usually causes the heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. It is usually caused by a heart condition that affects the heart’s electrical system.”

The inclusion of SADS as a condition to worry about in young children raises questions about whether it may be connected with COVID jabs in students.

SADS also refers to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, and has been used to describe when young adults and teenagers suddenly fall ill or die with the same sort of heart conditions described by the Halton school board.

Concerns about the sudden emergence of SADS have spread throughout the world as uncharacteristic deaths have taken place in large numbers since the jabs have been rolled out, while dangers of heart problems have been associated with the jabs.

In the Canadian province of Alberta, more people died suddenly of “unknown causes” than for COVID associated reason in 2021 – the same year that the majority of citizens were jabbed with an experimental COVID shot.

This led Conservative Party of Canada MP to write a blog post on her website titled “Will they give us answers on SADS?”

Of SADS, she wrote, “This recently emerged mysterious affliction manifests itself in healthy young adults who suddenly drop dead.”

“We were quickly told that this wasn’t vaccine-related. But that is not good enough. If three young women go missing in your neighbourhood, and the police response was, ‘Well, it is probably not a serial killer’, that wouldn’t be good enough,” she noted.

In addition, Lewis said she had received a “steady flow” of testimony from doctors and nurses who attest that SADS is jab-related, but that they are afraid to speak out as they might most their jobs and licenses.

In Australia, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world where greater than 95% of those over 16 are deemed “fully vaccinated,” doctors are now urging young people to get their hearts checked because of their risk of suddenly dying without warning.

Healthy athletes have uncharacteristically died at alarming rates as well. Cardiovascular deaths catalogued by FIFA, the international governing body of association football, quadrupled the average since 2009 last year alone.

Data from Israel raises questions about the links between sudden heart issues and young people being fully vaccinated with a COVID shot as well. A 25% spike in EMS calls due to acute heart issues was noted in residents ages 16-29 in 2021 compared with previous years. Israel was one of the first countries to implement a COVID jab certification system and one of the earliest to roll out the shots to the general population.

LifeSiteNews reached out via email to the Halton Catholic District School Board to inquire if the addition of SADS to the boards health page was done as a result of vaccine reactions, but has received no response.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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It has been more than 50 years since Congress repealed an authorization for the use of military force (AUMF)—the legal mandate our legislative branch adopts to allow presidents to conduct combat operations abroad. 

The last time Congress revoked an AUMF was in 1971, when public opinion had turned decisively against the Vietnam War. President Nixon had ordered the gradual withdrawal of U.S. forces and the “Vietnamization” of the conflict. He signed the repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, content in his capacity as commander-in-chief to protect American combat troops that were then drawing down.

Since that time, Congress has ratified three subsequent AUMFs. In 1991, the Authorization for Military Force Against Iraq initiated Operation Desert Storm.

The Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 commenced the invasion of Afghanistan and has, henceforth, undergirded the Global War on Terrorism. Finally, the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 sanctioned a “shock and awe” campaign and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

For the fourth time in as many years, the House of Representatives has moved to repeal the 2002 Iraq War authorization. The legislation now sits in the Senate, where a companion bill passed with bipartisan backing from the Foreign Relations Committee. Now, 49 co-sponsors—including 11 Republicans—support rescinding the authority. Last June, President Biden’s White House also signaled its support for the repeal in a formal Statement of Administration Policy.

Repeal of the 2002 AUMF would represent a modest but nonetheless historic step toward congressional reclamation of its constitutional prerogative to initiate, oversee, and ultimately end foreign conflicts. It would also remind the executive branch and its sprawling national-security state that our legislators hold ultimate sway in matters of war and peace.

No ongoing military operations rely on the 2002 AUMF as their primary legal justification. Rather, the expansive 2001 AUMF provides broad statutory authority for the prosecution of force against Al Qaeda and its affiliates. The current U.S. troop presence in Iraq performs its “advise, assist, and enable” responsibilities at the invitation of the government in Baghdad, with which Washington enjoys diplomatic, if tense, relations.

That our uniformed men and women stationed in Iraq still take incoming fire from hostile factions should hasten congressional deliberation about the purpose, efficacy, and duration of their deployment. But the president’s Article II prerogative to protect Americans from actual and imminent threats offers broad leeway to strike in self-defense.

Meanwhile, all key enemies whom the 2002 AUMF was drafted to defeat are dead and buried. Saddam Hussein met the end of the hangman’s rope in 2006. His sons, Uday and Qusay, were slain in a shootout with American forces in 2003. The Ba’ath Party has been driven deep underground.

So why has this authorization outlived its adversaries?

Put plainly, Congress is comfortable deferring to the executive branch when it comes to war. Having repeatedly failed to bring a vote to the floor in the Senate, the “world’s greatest deliberative body” has proved reluctant to assert its Article I birthright and treasured claim as a coequal branch of government.

Thus, a matter of basic constitutional hygiene—in this case, the repeal of an obsolete war authorization—has been neglected and the legal debate warped. In its deference to the executive, the august upper house has allowed successive administrations to concoct bold new interpretations of the 2002 AUMF. Sometimes it has been cited as an “alternative statutory basis” to operations conducted under the 2001 authorization. More imaginatively, it “reinforces” combat operations beyond the sovereign boundaries of Iraq.

Congress should seize this opportunity to remove an open-ended authorization that may be subject to future executive mischief. Further dereliction of their constitutional duty would be more evidence that our elected officials have little interest in the conduct and conclusion of our wars.

Consecutive administrations came to power promising a change of strategy. As President Donald Trump remarked at the West Point commencement in 2020, “We are ending the era of endless wars…. It is not the duty of U.S. troops to solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands that many people have never even heard of.” President Joe Biden echoed this sentiment when he promised an end to our “forever wars.”

Now, the Senate is presented with an opportunity to make history. Repealing the 2002 Iraq War authorization would be the first action of its kind in half a century. It would begin to restore the Congress’s function as a vital check on executive power and the unelected national-security bureaucracy that boosts these wars. Most importantly, it would exercise legislative muscle that has atrophied over these past 20 years.

Let Congress begin with the low-hanging fruit: end an ended war. Repeal the 2002 AUMF, reclaim some congressional dignity, and perhaps weigh the past and present of America’s long saga in Iraq.


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Reid Smith is director of foreign policy at Stand Together.

Featured image: U.S. Army guarding Rumaylah Oil Fields, Southern Iraq, 2003. Photo credit: U.S. Navy via WikiMedia Commons

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The Swedish Prime Minister, the Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson, announced her resignation following her party’s defeat in the recent general election to select the 349 members of the Riksdag, the national parliament of Sweden. It is evident that ultra-conservatism is gaining more strength in Europe. The final result of the elections left the centre-left bloc with three seats less than those obtained by the conservative group, made up of three right-wing parties and one far-right party.

With 20% of the vote, the second most popular political force was the far-right Sweden Democrats (DS), which describes itself as ultra-conservative and nationalist. Their proposals and speeches commune with anti-immigrant ideas —especially against Muslims— and Eurosceptic thoughts. This is the polar opposite to the Social Democrats, which has pushed Sweden to NATO and welcomes open border ideals.

Since 2005, Jimmie Akesson has been the leader of DS. The 43-year-old in the last fifteen years has moderated the narrative of his party, which has a direct legacy from the neo-Nazi group Bevara Sverige Svensk. One of his tasks was to end neo-Nazi speeches and, instead, focus on anti-migration policies.

Given the advance of the extreme right, Magdalena Andersson has preferred to resign her mandate after losing the legislative majority as it is now virtually impossible for any of her policies to be approved.

“So tomorrow [September 15] I will request to resign from my duties as prime minister and, after that, the responsibility will fall on the president of Parliament,” said Andersson, who has held the highest position in the Nordic country since November 30, 2021.

One of the strongest criticisms against the DS is that its transformations has only been superficial and cosmetic, since, beyond seeking a more open and contemporary ideology, the party only seeks a bit of political correctness to attract more voters. None-the-less, Akesson expelled known neo-Nazi figures from the party and changed the logo. Instead of a torch with a Swedish flag – a symbol alluding to various neo-Nazi movements in Europe – he placed a blue and yellow flower. In addition, his carefree appearance, exempt from formalities, positioned him as an atypical leader, far removed from the stereotype of the traditional European right-winger.

Despite this, data from Acta Publica, whose head office is located next to the Stockholm Central Mosque, believes that at least 214 candidates from DS for legislative and regional positions have or had direct or indirect links with neo-Nazi organisations. Political extremism today is an unquestionable reality in the Nordic countries. Many Swedes are fed up with migrant groups refusing to integrate and are also disproportionately committing crimes compared to the general Swedish population.

Although the DS’ position on migration is known, it does raise the question on their foreign policy outlook.

Last August, the new Defence Minister of nearby Estonia, Hanno Pevkur, made a statement that intensified tensions in Eastern Europe, and more alarmingly, was said at a time when Russia and Ukraine are in a geopolitical conflict, whose consequences have been felt around the world. Pevkur assured that one of his immediate plans is to use the Baltic Sea as a strategic space to benefit NATO. And for this, he said, the role of Sweden and Finland will be fundamental.

“The Baltic Sea will be NATO’s internal sea once Finland and Sweden have joined it. The situation will change compared to the current one,” said the head of the Estonian Defence Ministry in an interview with the local media Iltalehti.

Days before Pevkur’s declaration, US President Joe Biden signed the ratification of admission for both Scandinavian countries to become NATO members. However, the election of DS has the potential to ruin all the plans NATO and the EU concocted for Sweden.

“When you are holding on to power with one seat, it’s a cause of instability,” said Eric Adamson, a Stockholm-based project manager at the Atlantic Council’s northern Europe office. “This may make it harder for Sweden to take on a leadership role in northern Europe, in the E.U. or in NATO.”

Although the SD were once sceptical toward NATO membership, the majority of the party are now in favour. Despite this, with Sweden chairing the EU presidency during the first six months of 2023, they may set up roadblocks toward greater EU cooperation at a time when all efforts are being made to economically cripple and isolate Russia.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is by the U.S. Department of State, licensed under the Public Domain

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Over the past two years, there have been thousands of stories, cases, studies and adverse events reported regarding horrific “side effects” and health detriment caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Most people have heard about, read about, experienced, or had a loved one experience physical damage from the Fauci Flu jabs, including the most popular kind, including blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and SADS (sudden adult death syndrome). Yet, there is more, and much more damage going on than all of that, unfortunately.

Though the vaccine industry and pharma in general are protected from liability of their health-decimating “medicines,” and though mainstream media never publishes anything negative about vaccines, there are many adverse events happening that you probably don’t know about, and many of the victims are spreading the word, and even winning settlements and lawsuits.

Here are the top 7 most UNEXPECTED adverse events from the toxic spike protein injections, and the attributed/linked very serious health consequences

#1. Shingles develops (even in the eye)

#2. Sciatica shooting pains (often down the center of legs)

#3. Restless leg syndrome (RLS)

#4. Loss of motor skills and critical nerve damage

#5. Catch COVID multiple times after the shots

#6. Going blind, including developing optic neuritis (inflammation damages the optic nerve that sends visual info from the retina to the brain)

#7. Long, fibrous clots that lack post-mortem characteristics (not same as blood clots)

COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to the reactivation of the virus that causes shingles

New studies suggest a link between the Fauci Flu jabs and REACTIVATION of the shingles virus. This happens after the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), that can happen several times for some people. Several case reports indicate these shingles “flare-ups” and “eruptions” are happening shortly after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. In 2021, and article published by Trusted Source via NIH reported several cases of shingles eruptions after vaccination with mRNA jabs.

Serious nerve damage becoming a much more common “side effect” from the Fauci Flu stabs

There are two main types of nerve cells: sensory nerves (carry messages of pain, pressure, sensations) and motor nerves (tell muscles to move). These nerves are fragile and can be damaged rather easily, including by spike proteins blocking the flow of blood and neurons to key areas, plus damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) of nerves, leading to weakness and sometimes paralysis.

Certain vaccines, like the COVID jabs, can cause acute nerve damage by causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (ADEM). Since the spike proteins travel throughout the body, polluting vital organs, other nerve damage gets done, and some of it is irreversible.

COVID “vaccines,” as they are mislabeled, can also cause brachial neuritis (a.k.a. Parsonage-Turner syndrome) that affects nerves that control muscles in the shoulders, arms, and hands. Symptoms include burning sensations, pins and needles feeling, and loss of function after the vaccine.

Blood clots caused by COVID jabs can result in devastating injuries, including permanent blindness and deafness

Blood clots can result in devastating injuries just about anywhere in the vasculature of the body. When clots occur in the brain in microvasculature (tiny blood vessels that distribute blood within tissues) of the eye, the person can experience impairment or total loss of vision. This is known to happen following vaccines, including COVID jabs.

Though the mass media and social media remain quiet about these events (ban, censor and delete posts as “misinformation” or “disinformation”), that does not mean they are not happening, and more often than one may think.

As it turns out, a quite large number of these incidents have been reported to government regulatory agencies, including VAERS (US system), the UK “Yellow Card” system, and Europe’s “EudraVigilance” database. In other words, mass numbers of visual injuries from COVID jabs are being reported worldwide. It’s actually a hot topic, and investigations are underway. Plus, add to that chaos sudden hearing loss followed by deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms cause by the Fauci clot shots.

Restless Leg Syndrome – Pilot study from 2021 reveals as much as 7% of those who receive COVID-19 vaccinations suffer from RLS

Nearly 3/4ths of those injected with spike proteins who suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) afterwards had NEVER had RLS before in their lives. More than 13 percent of these victims of vaccine violence say that RLS did not go away after the first few days, meaning RLS for them could be long-term or even permanent. The conclusion of the pilot study also reveals that COVID-19 vaccination “may have provoked or lowered the threshold for RLS symptoms” in participants with previous RLS.

Triple-vaccinated for COVID show highest rate for catching COVID, repeatedly

Reports worldwide reveal that COVID-19 “vaccine” effectiveness continues to drop, even though the effectiveness was very weak to begin with. Now, studies show that humans who are TRIPLE-INJECTED are now three to five times more likely to become infected with Wuhan “gain-of-function” disease than the unvaccinated. Let that sink in for a moment.

These results are evident for all age groups, not just the elderly or immune-compromised.

What’s worse is that deaths are skyrocketing for the fully injected, meaning they’re either dying from the virus or from the toxic jabs, that cause blood clots and heart stress.

“The figures show that the case-rates are highest among the triple vaccinated in all age groups,” reports Daily Exposé (of the UK)… “But not just by a little bit, instead by a million miles. And the gap between the unvaccinated and triple vaccinated has been getting worse by the month.”

Do you believe you were injured by the toxic Fauci Flu jabs? Maybe you have strange, long, fibrous clots that no doctor has ever seen before. These are most likely from the Fauci Flu jabs, that collect heavy metals and form nano-particle clots that can be fatal.

Take the Vaccine Injury Claim Eligibility Quiz now to see if you are eligible to file a claim for compensation for a vaccine injury. It’s quick and easy. Then, bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis, and severe, chronic inflammation.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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During a UN committee meeting, the head of the legal section of Russia’s Permanent Mission to the UN, Sergey Leonidchenko, said Russia expects US visas will be provided immediately to the Russian delegation to participate in the High-Level Week of the UN General Assembly session. According to him, the delegation has not yet received visas.

“This is an unprecedented situation… We expect the host state to issue visas to the minister, his delegation, and all accompanying persons as soon as possible, as envisioned by the agreement,” Leonidchenko said.

He further stated that due to the US visa policy, 34 Russian Permanent Mission UN diplomats and members of their families are unable to travel to their motherland, including for humanitarian reasons.

The only solution to resolve the issue of non-issuance of US visas to Russian diplomats is for UN Secretary-General António Guterres to initiate an arbitration procedure, according to Leonidchenko.

European Council fully suspends visa facilitation for Russians

Only last week, the European Council announced that it has fully suspended visa facilitation between the EU and Russia, thus reversing the agreement that served to simplify visa applications for Russian citizens.

The council, in a statement on its website, explained that the decision will entail increasing visa fees from €35 to €80 – more than double the initial agreement. More restrictive rules will also be implemented regarding multiple-entry visas.

It is worth noting that the EU will lose around €21 billion ($20.97 billion) if it bars Russian tourists from entering the bloc, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin wrote on his official Telegram channel, commenting on what he called “the frenzy of proposals to ban our citizens from entering the EU continues.”

“Today’s decision is a direct consequence of Russia’s actions and further proof of our unwavering commitment to Ukraine and its people,” said Vit Rakusan, Czech Interior Minister, in a statement.

Last month, the Russian administration sent a notice letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres concerning the United States’ neglect of its responsibilities as the host country of the organization’s headquarters, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Lavrov stated that with the US being the host country of the UN Headquarters, it has the legal obligation to all members of the organization to take the extra mile so work can proceed smoothly and participation among all members is equal, adding that Russia sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General Guterres, calling attention to his responsibility to require the US to “behave decently”.

This comes after the United Nations Human Rights Council attempted to suspend Russia’s membership in the sub-organization per US Secretary of State Antony Blinken‘s request.

In response to a question regarding Russia’s participation in the UN General Assembly this September, Lavrov stressed that “Russia cannot be unrepresented at the UN, and Western countries are not allowed to decide these issues,” adding, “As for the level of our presence there – whether it will be a delegation from Moscow or, as you said, our American colleagues will prohibit the arrival of our delegation in the spirit of their liberty – we’ll see.”


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Unnamed American officials, according to the New York Times, have admitted that the explosives fired against Ukraine’s nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia have been fired against the plant by Ukraine’s Government, not by Russia’s Government, and furthermore these officials make clear that Ukraine’s attacks against the plant are a key part of Ukraine’s plan to win its U.S.-backed-and-advised war against Russia, on the battlefields of Ukraine, using Ukrainian soldiers.

Zaporizhzhia is a city in Ukraine that is in Russian-controlled territory, and Ukraine’s strategy is to destroy the ability of the plant to function, so that areas controlled by Russia will no longer be able to benefit from that plant’s electrical-power output. The United States Government helped Ukraine’s Government to come up with this plan, according to the New York Times.

This information was buried by the Times, 85% of the way down a 1,600-word news-report they published on September 13th, titled “The Critical Moment Behind Ukraine’s Rapid Advance”, in which it stated that, “Eventually, Ukrainian officials believe their long-term success requires progress on the original goals in the discarded strategy, including recapturing the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia, cutting off Russian forces in Mariupol and pushing Russian forces in Kherson back across the Dnipro River, American officials said.”

When IAEA inspectors arrived at that plant on September 1st, after a lengthy period of trying to get there to inspect it but which was blocked by Ukraine’s Government, and the IAEA started delivering reports regarding what they were finding at the plant, no mention has, as-of yet, been made concerning which of the two warring sides has been firing those bombs into the plant. Even when the IAEA headlined on September 9th “Director General’s Statement on Serious Situation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant”, and reported that the plant’s ability to operate “has been destroyed by shelling of the switchyard at the city’s thermal power plant, leading to a complete power black-out in” the entire region, and that “This is completely unacceptable.

It cannot stand.”, and closed by saying they “urgently call for the immediate cessation of all shelling in the entire area,” no mention was made as to which of the two sides was shooting into the plant in order to disable it, and which of the two sides was firing out from the plant in order to protect it against that incoming fire.

Previously known was only that the city of Zaporizhzhia has been and is under Russian control ever since March 4th. Consequently, all news-media and reporters have known that (since Russia was inside and Ukraine was outside) Russia has been defending the plant and Ukraine has been attacking it, but until “American officials” let slip, in this news-report, the fact that this has indeed been the case there, no Western news-medium has previously published this fact — not even buried it in a news-report.

So, although nothing in this regard may yet be considered to be official, or neutral, or free of fear or of actual intent to lie, there finally is, at the very least, buried in that news-report from the New York Times, a statement that is sourced to “American officials,” asserting that this is the case, and the Times also lets slip there that this “shelling” of that plant is an important part of the joint U.S.-Ukraine master-plan to defeat Russia in Ukraine.

It is part of the same master-plan, which the U.S. Government recommended to Ukraine’s Government, and which also included the recent successful retaking by Ukraine of Russian-controlled land near the major Ukrainian city of Kharkov, which city’s recapture by Ukraine is also included in the master-plan. Both operations — the shelling of the nuclear power plant, and the recapture of that land near Kharkov — were parts of that master-plan, according to the New York Times.

The Times report asserts that

Long reluctant to share details of their plans, the Ukrainian commanders started opening up more to American and British intelligence officials and seeking advice. Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, and Andriy Yermak, a top adviser to Mr. Zelensky, spoke multiple times about the planning for the counteroffensive, according to a senior administration official. Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and senior Ukrainian military leaders regularly discussed intelligence and military support.

And in Kyiv, Ukrainian and British military officials continued working together while the new American defense attaché, Brig. Gen. Garrick Harmon, began having daily sessions with Ukraine’s top officers.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from New Scientist

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African nations are preparing for the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27) scheduled to take place in the Egyptian resort area of Sharm-el-Sheikh from November 6-20.

This gathering is taking place during a period of rising uncertainty due to burgeoning food deficits along with the crisis of accumulation and distribution related to agricultural products in general.

Energy costs have skyrocketed due to several important factors including the Pentagon-NATO war in Ukraine; the failure of the United States government to curtail inflation through price controls utilizing higher taxation rates against corporations; and the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which disrupted production and supply chains internationally. The last quarter of 2022 will be marked by increased military spending and a further decline in investor confidence due to the overall downturn within stock markets around the world.

Although the administration of President Joe Biden has been able to pass a so-called anti-inflation, prescription drug and climate change bill, these measures will not address the inability of working people, the oppressed and impoverished, to pay higher prices for food, rent and transportation in the coming months. In Europe, the president of France stated several weeks ago that it will be a cold winter on the continent.

Consequently, the COP27 Summit in Egypt will be compelled to counter the arguments of Washington on behalf of Wall Street and the Pentagon, by blaming other geo-political regions for the worsening effects of climate change. At present the U.S. capitalist system is preoccupied with maintaining the profitability and stability of multinational corporations.

Yet, the U.S. must at least pay lip service to the realities of climate change. Within its territorial boundaries, there has been drought, fires, floods and other extreme weather events where millions of people have been negatively affected. It was the U.S. which was the most severely impacted during the last two years by the pandemic. In excess of a million people perished as a result of one infectious disease since the early months of 2020. These developments placed extreme pressures on the healthcare system which is privately-owned and operated as well as the overall labor market where illness, death, family and community disruptions have hampered the capacity of the capitalist system to supply goods and services to the public absent an inflationary spiral.

An entry on the UN website for the COP27 event notes that:

“[T]he incoming Egyptian COP27 Presidency has identified a range of topics focused on enhancing implementation and raising ambition on a broad range of issues related to climate change. Egypt has further designated several thematic days for focused discussions, including through side events, panel discussions, round tables and other interactive formats to deliberate on and share with the wider audience…. The Glasgow outcomes also highlighted the centrality of urgently scaling up support, including appropriate finance, capacity building and technology transfer, to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change in line with the best available science, considering the priorities and needs of developing country Parties.”

These principles which the Egyptian government wants to guide the COP27 proceedings cannot be viewed independently of the national and class interests of the U.S. and its allies within the European Union (EU). The war in Ukraine has shifted the focus in the EU to energy sufficiency in light of the actions taken by Moscow to restrict natural gas supplies to those states which have imposed sanctions against the government of President Vladimir Putin.

Africa and the Crisis of Climate Change

A pre-conference meeting occurred during early September in Cairo, Egypt where many leaders and officials within the African Union (AU) member-states debated and discussed their positions related to the upcoming COP27. During this gathering, several leaders criticized the western imperialist governments for their failure to reduce CO2 emissions while simultaneously reneging on commitments to provide assistance to lesser developed states which have the least ability to counter the effects of climate change.

These disagreements over apportioning blame for severe weather events and other environmental problems have been going on for decades. At the last UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, the COP26, due to the influence of the imperialist states, was hampered in mandating the necessary reforms to improve the environmental quality of the earth.

In various states and regions in Africa severe weather events and drought have imperiled large population groups. In Mozambique and other Southern African countries, cyclones during 2021 turned hundreds of thousands of people into internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The Republic of South Africa in the KwaZulu-Natal province was hit by major flooding around the port city of Durban earlier this year resulting in the homelessness of thousands. In Ethiopia, Somalia and areas within Kenya in the Horn of Africa have not experienced normal rain patterns in several years. These events in Somalia and Ethiopia are compounded by intersectional conflicts which have been fueled by Washington and its NATO allies.

A report on the September conference in Egypt attended by AU leaders stated:

“The leaders of two dozen African countries have urged wealthier nations to uphold their aid pledges so the continent can tackle climate change effects for which it shares little blame. African ministers made their call in a communique at the close of a three-day forum in the Egyptian capital Cairo on Friday (Sept. 9) and two months before Egypt hosts the crucial COP27 climate conference in Sharm El-Sheikh in November…. We urge ‘developed countries to fulfil their pledges in relation to climate and development finance, and deliver on their commitments to double adaptation finance, in particular to Africa,’ the 24 leaders said in a closing statement. The African continent emits only some three percent of global CO2 emissions, former UN chief Ban Ki-moon noted this week. And yet African nations are among those most exposed to the effects of climate change, notably worsening droughts and floods. The African leaders said the financial aid was needed in view of ‘the disproportionate impact of climate change and nature loss on the African continent’.”

Prior to the meeting in Egypt, there was the convening of Africa Climate Week 2022 in Libreville, Gabon. This conference also put forward proposals for the reduction of environmental pollutants and the need for the industrial states to take responsibility for the damage done throughout the globe.

The Africa Climate Week began on August 29 and was attended by 1200 delegates from around the continent and other geo-political regions. African leaders were provided a platform to voice their concerns and to discuss various projects which have been implemented in recent years.

This event was held within the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The meeting was opened by the President Ali Bongo Ondimba who emphasized:

“For more than ten years, we have intensified our efforts to protect our remarkable forestry heritage and build a low-carbon economy. Consequently, Gabon, which has already achieved the objectives set by the Paris Agreement, is considered the most carbon-positive country in the world.”

These steps by AU member-states will inevitably clash with the objectives of the Biden administration. The initiatives put forward by the U.S. president are designed to curtail any mass movement demanding radical environmental policy changes. Moreover, the latest legislation signed during September is designed to win electoral support in the upcoming November midterms.

Before the advent of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S., a growing movement led by youth was emerging to demand climate action. A debate surfaced even within the Democratic Party where the progressive wing attempted to advance a program for a “Green New Deal.”

The 2020 pandemic coupled with the presidential elections of the same year obliterated the hopes of environmentalists in regard to the Biden administration. A leading Democratic Senator Joe Manchin along with others blocked any legislative attempts to pass green energy policies.

Any debate involving policy matters related to climate change must take into strong consideration the role of the Pentagon in causing environmental damage around the world. The refusal by some elements within the environmental movement in the U.S. to link the question of climate change to the imperialist war machine has undermined the effectiveness of their campaigns. There can be no denying that Pentagon-instigated wars of regime-change and conquest are the major source of carbon dioxide emissions internationally. See this.

These conferences held in Egypt and Gabon provide a glimpse into the debates now underway among peoples represented by their governments and non-governmental organizations. The environmental movement in the U.S. should express their solidarity with governments and non-governmental groupings which are challenging the status-quo imposed by their own ruling class and state entities upon the majority of humanity.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Abayomi Azikiwe

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Azerbaijan’s undeclared special military operation against Armenia is the most destabilizing development to happen along Russia’s periphery since the latest US-provoked phase of the Ukrainian Conflict began in February. It could even ultimately prove to be a game changer in the worst way possible for Russian interests at the most sensitive time for its own special military operation considering last weekend’s setback in Ukraine.

Armenia and Azerbaijan blamed one another for reigniting hostilities along their shared border on Tuesday, the related tensions of which are connected to the Karabakh Conflict that has yet to be fully resolved despite November 2020’s Moscow-mediated ceasefire, which resulted in Baku reportedly attacking targets inside of its neighbor’s universally recognized territory. A mission led by the CSTO’s Secretary General will be sent to Armenia to investigate what just happened, but fighting still continues as of Wednesday morning local time. For all intents and purposes, it appears as though Azerbaijan is conducting is own “special military operation” against Russia’s mutual defense ally.

The exact sequence of events leading up to this latest violence has yet to be determined, but it’s still possible to piece together what happened. Prior to doing so, some context should be shared. First, Russian peacekeepers deployed to the parts of Karabakh that remain outside Baku’s control as a result of November 2020’s ceasefire, but armed Armenian groups have yet to vacate the area in accordance with that pact. Second, political unrest rocked Armenia after the ceasefire was agreed to. Third, Azerbaijan signed a declaration on allied cooperation with Russia in February 2022. Fourth, the CIA chief visited Yerevan in July. And fifth, Russia just accused the EU of wanting to push it out of the region.

The abovementioned facts reveal several relevant trends. First, Armenia remains reluctant to fully comply with the November 2020 ceasefire, but this procrastination hasn’t saved the government from becoming the object of many people’s fury. Second, the targeted authorities – just like any their peers whenever they come under significant pressure – might have calculated that they can distract the population on a patriotic basis. Third, Armenia re-embraced Russia after the November 2020 ceasefire following recent years of courting the West but still remains unreliable. Fourth, Azerbaijan has also since moved closer to Russia, but fifth, Baku still has close ties with Ankara, Brussels, and Washington.

This lead-up to the latest violence therefore suggests that Russia’s historical position in the South Caucasus has become much more complicated since the November 2020 ceasefire. Far from being the indisputable regional leader like it used to be, its influence is now being challenged by Turkey and the West. The first-mentioned and Azerbaijan are mutual defense allies since the June 2021 Shusha Agreement while the second is equally courting Baku and Yerevan through various outreaches by the EU and the US. The latter observation likely contributed to Russia’s inability to convince Armenia to fully comply with the November 2020 ceasefire.

Against this backdrop, it becomes comparatively clearer what probably transpired earlier this week. Azerbaijan apparently lost its patience with Armenia’s refusal to withdraw its unconventional forces from Karabakh, which Baku considers to be terrorists but Yerevan praises as patriotic defenders of their historical land. Accordingly, Azerbaijan concluded that the only way to force Armenia to comply with its legal obligations is to strike targets within its universally recognized territory that are considered to be supporting those same unconventional forces in some capacity or another. Regardless of the legal basis upon which Baku presumably planned to build its case, this still represents a significant escalation.

Unlike Russia which made a final diplomatic push for peace ahead of its own special militaryoperation that it commenced in Ukraine in order to restore the integrity of its national security red lines that NATO had crossed, Azerbaijan chose not to draw attention to the fact that it was planning to commence unilateral military action in defense of what it considers to be its interests. Furthermore, the perceived threat posed by Armenia to Azerbaijan is nowhere near the existential one that NATO latently posed to Russia in Ukraine ahead of Moscow’s military intervention there. Not only that, but Baku also clearly waited until Moscow experienced a military setback in Ukraine before launching its operation.

All of this suggests that Azerbaijan’s actions, for as legally justified as it might compellingly argue that they are, went against the spirit of its allied cooperation pact with Russia that was agreed to a little over half a year ago. After all, Moscow was clearly caught off guard by Baku’s preplanned escalation, which also cleverly carried with it some superficial similarities to its own special military operation in Ukraine so as to preemptively deflect criticism from the Kremlin. In spite of these optics, however, the West’s response has largely been muted. That in turn led to some speculating that Baku coordinated its military actions with Brussels and Washington, or at least tipped them off ahead of time.

In reality, the West is likely just behaving in as strategically opportunistic of a manner as possible since its leaders probably calculated that any outbreak of violence along Russia’s periphery is advantageous to their larger interests of dividing Moscow’s military focus. The US would silently celebrate a larger conflict in the South Caucasus no matter what it publicly says to the contrary since that development could distract Russia from Ukraine. In the worst-case scenario, it might be forced to dispatch more troops to its mutual defense allies in Armenia so as to preserve the integrity of the CSTO’s raison d’être, thus limiting the reserves that it could send to Ukraine and therefore weakening its position here.

Nevertheless, even though Azerbaijan’s actions are unfriendly to Russian interests and clearly play into the West’s, it still probably didn’t coordinate or even telegraph its intentions to the latter. More than likely, Azerbaijan only informed Turkey about this ahead of time and those two agreed to Baku’s unprecedented military escalation in order to put maximum pressure on Yerevan for the purpose of finally coercing it into fully complying with the November 2020 ceasefire. Both would have obviously predicted how the optics would be interpreted by Russia but still went ahead with it anyhow since they likely calculated that Moscow wouldn’t preemptively thwart their plans nor stop them afterwards.

That said, there are clear limits to how far Azerbaijan can go with its undeclared special military operation against Russia’s mutual security allies in Armenia before Moscow is compelled to intervene irrespective of the consequences that this could have for its ongoing mission in Ukraine in order to uphold the integrity of the CSTO’s raison d’être. Failing to do so and thus possibly allowing Azerbaijan (and potentially also NATO-member Turkey) to occupy parts of Armenia’s universally recognized territory (even if only temporarily) would result in Russia’s Central Asian partners losing faith in this Kremlin-led alliance, which could lead to a chain reaction of security crises in that strategic region.

Although Azerbaijan probably doesn’t have any such intentions of catalyzing those grand strategic consequences and might therefore wisely decide not to cross Russia’s red lines in Armenia, it shouldn’t automatically be assumed that its Turkish ally shares the same possible respect for Moscow’s regional security interests. In fact, Ankara might have cynically calculated that encouraging Baku to cross those same red lines or possibly even doing so itself could restore Turkey to its wayward Western allies’ good graces ahead of next summer’s general election. This could preempt their predictable meddling against President Erdogan if he proves himself capable of so seriously damaging Russian interests before then.

With this scenario in mind, which can’t be credibly dismissed considering the confluence of strategic factors at play, it can be concluded that Azerbaijan’s undeclared special military operation against Armenia is the most destabilizing development to happen along Russia’s periphery since the latest US-provoked phase of the Ukrainian Conflict began in February. It could even ultimately prove to be a game changer in the worst way possible for Russian interests at the most sensitive time for its own special military operation considering last weekend’s setback in Ukraine. If diplomatic means don’t successfully resolve this latest crisis, then it could quickly escalate in very unpredictable and dangerous ways.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Pakistan Copes with Unprecedented “Natural Catastrophe”

September 15th, 2022 by Sajjad Shaukat

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The unprecedented deadly floods and extraordinary monsoon rains which began in June, this year has destroyed lives, livelihoods and infrastructure in various regions of Pakistan, leaving one-third of the country underwater.

Media reported that owing to the floods, more than 2000 persons have died; more than 30 million of people have been affected. More than two million homes, 2 million acres of crops and some 3,000 miles of roads have been damaged. Half a million people were in displacement camps and many others were without shelter.

Officials say this year’s floods are comparable to 2010—when over 2,000 people died and nearly a fifth of the country was under water.

Foreign media called Pakistan’s flood as a result of climate change with a serious climate catastrophe.

The rain spell and floods have negative effects on the people in the flood-ravaged areas also from the pandemic diseases—as some persons have died.

Talking cognisance of large scale devastation, the Pakistan Government has declared a state of emergency. The government has established a flood relief fund, namely, Prime Minister’s Flood Relief Fund, 2022 for providing relief and rehabilitation to the flood-affected persons. The Fund accepts donations and contributions both from domestic and international sources.

Meanwhile, in a live telethon on August 29, 2022, Chairman of Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former Prime Minister Imran Khan raised funds for victims of devastating rains and floods, and  received amount to over Rs. 5.5 billion…donated by overseas and domestic Pakistanis. In a second telethon held on September 11, this year, Khan collected approximately Rs.5 billion for the flood-victims.

Besides requesting other countries, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on July 2, 2022 appealed to the countrymen, including overseas Pakistanis, philanthropists and organisations to donate money in the relief fund for the help of flood affected people.

Country’s three armed forces, the entire Pakistani nation, civil society and humanitarian organisations (NGOs) have stepped forward to assist in the rescue and relief efforts which continue in the flood-ravaged regions, while the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is also playing its role in this regard.

In fact, whenever the nation of Pakistan faces a major challenge, people look at armed, naval and air forces for support. It is quite true in case of the current flood circumstances, which have wreaked havoc in almost all provinces of the country. The Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force are all actively participating in flood rescue and relief operations.

These forces have established relief funds for the victims of the flooding areas. In this spirit, all the general officers of the army have also donated their one-month salary to help the victims. Apart from this, other officers are also giving financial donations on a voluntary basis. Even, the Pakistan Air Force Women’s Association (PAFWA) has collected cash donations amounting to more than Rs 14 million.

And besides monetary assistance, all three branches of the country’s defence are distributing rations on-ground. Army has established more than 200 relief collection points across the country and Air Force has also set up camps. Donations by various segments of society are being dispatched to these flood relief camps.

Nevertheless, these three forces have been pounding and distributing packages—basic needs of life such as ration, cooked food packs, fresh drinking water, blankets, clothing items, tents etc. These armed forces have also set up medical camps which are providing with medical treatment and medicine to the flood-affected patients.

Particularly, the Pakistan Army is engaged in a massive rescue and relief operations in the areas affected by torrential rains and flash floods. Army has established a Relief and Rescue Organisation under Headquarters Army Air Defence Command to manage these operations. Army’s teams rescued a number of people stranded in the flood-affected areas, including women and children along with their belongings and shifted them to safer places. An example of the relentless bravery shown by the Army is that of Lieutenant General Sarfaraz Ali, Commander Engineers 12 Corps Brigadier Muhammad Khalid, Major Saeed Ahmed, Major Muhammad Talha Manan and Naik Mudassir Fayyaz who embraced martyrdom after their helicopter crashed during en route from Quetta to Karacha in relation to a rescue operation.

An arial view of Shahdadkot city covered with floods water in September 2022. (Photo by Ali Hyder Junejo, licensed under CC BY 2.0)

While, the fleet of helicopters of Army Aviation, the Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force were deployed in flood-stricken areas. Their emergency response teams are also assisting civil administration in rescue and relief efforts of South Punjab, Balochistan and Sindh. Thus, these forces have also saved the life of thousands of individuals.

Notably, Director General (DG) of Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj-Gen. Babar Iftikhar on September 1, 2022 stated that the nation was generously contributing to the relief efforts of the Army to support the people affected by the floods. He elaborated: “Since the beginning of the crisis caused by the recent monsoon rains, the armed forces were working day and night in the affected areas for the last 2 months”.

He added: “Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa had made detailed visits to the flood-affected areas of Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Punjab and reviewed the ongoing relief operations on ground.

It is mentionable that on non-official level, donations have poured in Pakistan’s flood-ravaged regions from some western countries especially from British citizens of Pakistani origin and UK-based charities.

In this respect, The Guardian pointed out August 30, this year: “Aleena Khan, a Pakistani living in London who has family living in north-western Pakistan, where flooding from the Swat River has affected tens of thousands of people, began fundraising on Instagram. Khan planned to raise funds to send to her family…so that they could work on relief efforts directly or pass them on to organisations working in Pakistan. What started as a small appeal on Instagram…exploded into donations pouring in from all over the world…the UK [and from] across Europe…Yasrab Shah, the director of fundraising for British charity, Muslim Hands, confirmed the charity had raised at least £200,000 in emergency relief funds.”

The Guardian added: “In a letter addressed to [The then Prime Minister] Boris Johnson, Yasmin Qureshi, the Labour MP for Bolton South East and chair of the all party parliamentary group on Pakistan, said about £1.5m of financial aid pledged by the UK government to assist with the immediate aftermath of the floods was “insufficient”.

It is notable that many individuals, NGOs, welfare groups, including political and religious entities set ups camps in various cities and towns of Pakistan to collect basic necessities of life and have been dispatching to the floods-hit areas.

For instance, based in Lahore, Asani Trust and Bahria Town Housing Society have collected basic needs of life, including mosquito nets and sent to the victims of floods.

Another Lahore-based renowned NGO, Custom Health Care Society led by Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah, dispatched various goods as well as mobile health care vehicle with medical equipments to help the deserving persons, while he himself visited the flood-destructive places and provided the patients with medical consultation, including medicines.

In the meantime, many civilian volunteers of Pakistan are working on the frontlines to conduct rescue operations and deliver emergency relief. In this connection, a journalist of the Morning Edition spoke with one of them: Dr. Imran Lodhi, a climate activist and university teacher who led a group of students to deliver tents and food in Punjab province. Volunteer groups like his have been helping to mobilise people in communities who are trying to reach the affected areas.

2022 Pakistan Floods - August 27, 2021 vs. August 27, 2022 in Sindh.jpg

2022 Pakistan Floods – August 27, 2021 vs. August 27, 2022 in Sindh Source: Corrected Reflectance (Bands 7-2-1) Aqua / MODIS (Licensed under the public domain)

In this context, Faiz Paracha on the Website of Care International Org wrote on September 1, 2022: “Working with CARE international, I visited one of the worst affected areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa–Nowshehra and Charsada. Both districts have been devastated severely by the flood. Care has established a camp with its local partner (IDEA). This camp is accommodating some 400 families…provided tents, food items, kitchen utensils and hygiene kits. Drinking water tanks are provided twice a day…Fazilat, a 48-year-old Female Health Visitor in a small village in Upper Swat is working relentlessly in order to help the people in need”.

Pakistanis’ philanthropist contributions to the flood-affected people could be judged from another instance. A woman donated her entire gold jewellery to them.

Taking note of the drastic effects of the deadly floods and extraordinary monsoon rains, UN agencies and many western countries, including China, Japan and Islamic countries like Turkey have sent several planes loaded with aid, while the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been one of the most generous contributor, and sent so far 33 flights carrying aid for flood victims. Numerous rich countries as well as the European Union (EU) have also announced financial support. For example, the EU is providing €350,000, and the US just will provide $30 million in humanitarian aid to respond to the floods.

But, this financial assistance is not enough, as Islamabad requires $30bn to respond to the massive losses because of extraordinary floods and rains.

In this regard, during a two-day visit to Pakistan, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres appealed to the international community on September 9, 2022  for massive financial support—flood-hit impoverished Pakistan needs about $30bn to recover from the floods, which he, himself assessed by surveying these areas through helicopter.

It is noteworthy that during his repeated trip to the flood-affected areas of Sindh on September 10, this year, talking to the media, army chief Gen. Bajwa urged the people of the country to help the flood victim generously and stated that the world will help to some extent.

Nonetheless, apart from the services of the armed forces, Pakistan has a tradition of volunteer help to cope with a catastrophe. This has been seen in case of the current sea-like flood waters which ravaged Pakistan; affecting millions of people.


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Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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What started as a one-man “shame-on-you” protest against the Justice Department—launched by comedian-activist Randy Credico—has gone viral as “Buy-a-Billboard-for-Julian” Campaign supported by activists worldwide

Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Ben Cohen, pledged: “I’ll Match Each and Every Donation to The Julian Assange Mobile Billboard Campaign”


Two weeks ago CovertAction Magazine reported on the 15-foot-wide satirical billboards mounted on trucks and driven all over the nation’s capital to publicly shame the Justice Department and Democratic Party leaders for their illegal and immoral persecution of Julian Assange.

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Randy Credico addresses Assange Billboard Rally in front of Justice Department, August 17, 2022. [Source: Photo courtesy of Steve Brown]

Randy Credico never dreamed that his personal “poke-in-the-eye” campaign against the Justice Department would catch on the way it has. He had started with just one truck and one driver for a few hours a day—which was all he could afford. But suddenly, after CovertAction Magazine broke the story and posted photos of Credico’s billboards popping up all over Washington D.C., other news organizations started covering the story.

Then activist journalists like John Pilger, Max Blumenthal, John Kiriakou and many others began writing about the billboard campaign, praising it for the hope it inspired in so many who fervently campaigned and prayed for Assange’s release.

John Pilger—”When people ask, ‘What can I do?’, my response is to point to the billboard campaign created by the ever-imaginative direct action of one man, Randy Credico.”

Stefania Maurizi—”We need people taking to the streets to protest against the horrific treatment of Julian Assange. The Billboard project does a valuable work.”

Gabriel Shipton (Julian Assange’s brother)—”A billboard cruising the streets of D.C. with pictures of imprisoned and murdered journalists? This brainchild of Randy Credico is a powerful in-your-face message to those who decide who lives or dies.”

John Kiriakou—”I don’t usually experience ‘joy’ when walking the streets of Washington D.C.. But joy is what I felt when I saw a truck urging support for Julian Assange. I first saw it on Capitol Hill in front of of the Senate office buildings—then later in Chinatown, outside the Capital Arena where Roger Waters was performing—and then again the next day at Farragut Square, arguably the most heavily trafficked place in all of D.C., I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Thousands of Washingtonians did. And if it made even one go home and research Julian’s case, it was worth it. I can’t wait to see that truck again.”

After that, the dam broke, as the thousands who follow those journalists began reposting and retweeting the billboard photos to their thousands of friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter.

As a result, many who may never have heard of Julian Assange were now, at least, aware of him. And some—or, hopefully, many—might even look him up on their computers and smart phones, and start wondering exactly what kind of justice our Justice Department was really pursuing.

To top it off, Roger Waters, founder of Pink Floyd and longtime Assange supporter, showed up at the August 17 street rally for Assange in front of the Justice Department and delivered a resounding thumbs up to Credico’s billboard campaign.

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Roger Waters gives a thumbs up to Assange mobile billboard campaign in front of the Justice Department on August 17, 2022. [Source: Photo courtesy of Steve Brown]

Waters also plans to deliver an ear-splitting, 100-decibel shoutout for Assange to more than 400,000 cheering fans during his “This Is Not a Drill” concert tour, a radical political rock extravaganza he is taking to more than 20 major U.S. and Canadian cities, including Washington D.C., New York City, Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake City, Portland, Las Vegas, Dallas, San Francisco and Los Angeles, Montreal and Toronto.

Like those at Waters’ sold-out Washington D.C. concert on August 16 (which this writer attended), his fans around the country will hear songs such as “The Bravery of Being Out of Range,” accompanied by 30-foot-high video-wall images of U.S. presidents, with captions like (under Ronald Reagan), “War criminal—killed 30,000 innocents in Guatemala.” And under Barack Obama, “War criminal—normalized the use of drone strikes.” And finally, under Joe Biden, the caption, “War criminal—just getting started.”

The cascading publicity and media attention now focused on Credico’s mobile billboards have sparked an international fundraising campaign to “BUY A BILLBOARD FOR JULIAN.” Its intent is to keep Credico’s trucks rolling, and keep the pressure on Joe Biden, and on Attorney General Merrick Garland, day after day, until they cease their illegal persecution of Julian Assange.

Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Pledges: “I’ll Match Each and Every Donation to the Julian Assange Mobile Billboard Campaign”

Ben Cohen, activist co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, intends to make sure that the provocative giant billboards calling for Julian Assange’s freedom continue to roll up and down the streets of Washington DC.

In a recent message to Randy Credico (the radio journalist and political satirist who created the Julian Assange Mobile Billboard Campaign), Cohen pledged to match—not only the donations already given to the campaign—but also to personally match every new donation going forward.

Cohen urges, “If you haven’t given yet, please chip in what you can HERE to help FREE ASSANGE NOW—and I will double it.”

Credico’s brilliant idea for a mobile billboard campaign started small; it was his own one-man “shame-on-you” protest against the Biden Justice Department for its persecution of Julian Assange. But it soon went viral, inspiring donations from all over the world that have helped increase the frequency of the billboards.

They now show up and draw crowds at every iconic site in the nation’s capital—from the Department of Justice to the Washington Monument to the Capitol Building to the White House. Thousands of residents and visitors to the nation’s capital have seen them.

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Billboard truck driving past Washington Monument. [Source: Photo courtesy of Randy Credico]

Ben Cohen is waiting to personally match your donation

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Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, founders of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. [Source:]

It costs $500 a day to keep a truck and driver patrolling the streets of D.C. with Julian Assange billboards. If you would like to join those who are helping to keep those billboard trucks rolling, you can donate to buy all–or part–of a Julian Assange billboard HERE.

Further, don’t let Ben’s generous offer go to waste. It costs a lot of money to keep trucks and drivers patrolling the streets of DC every day of the week with Julian Assange billboards. You can help keep them rolling by donating HERE. Ben Cohen will be delighted to match your donation.


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Steve Brown is a member of the Editorial Board of CovertAction Magazine. He can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image: Assange billboard in front of the Capitol Building. [Source: Photo Courtesy of Randy Credico]

The Kharkov Game-Changer

September 15th, 2022 by Pepe Escobar

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Wars are not won by psyops. Ask Nazi Germany. Still, it’s been a howler to watch NATOstan media on Kharkov, gloating in unison about “the hammer blow that knocks out Putin”, “the Russians are in trouble”, and assorted inanities.

Facts: Russian forces withdrew from the territory of Kharkov to the left bank of the Oskol river, where they are now entrenched. A Kharkov-Donetsk-Lugansk line seems to be stable. Krasny Liman is threatened, besieged by superior Ukrainian forces, but not lethally.

No one – not even Maria Zakharova, the contemporary female equivalent of Hermes, the messenger of the Gods – knows what the Russian General Staff (RGS) plans, in this case and all others. If they say they do, they are lying.

As it stands, what may be inferred with a reasonable degree of certainty is that a line – Svyatogorsk-Krasny Liman-Yampol-Belogorovka – can hold out long enough with their current garrisons until fresh Russian forces are able to swoop in and force the Ukrainians back beyond the Seversky Donets line.

All hell broke loose – virtually – on why Kharkov happened. The people’s republics and Russia never had enough men to defend a 1,000 km-long frontline. NATO’s entire intel capabilities noticed – and profited from it.

There were no Russian Armed Forces in those settlements: only Rosgvardia, and these are not trained to fight military forces. Kiev attacked with an advantage of around 5 to 1. The allied forces retreated to avoid encirclement. There are no Russian troop losses because there were no Russian troops in the region.

Arguably this may have been a one-off. The NATO-run Kiev forces simply can’t do a replay anywhere in Donbass, or in Kherson, or in Mariupol. These are all protected by strong, regular Russian Army units.

It’s practically a given that if the Ukrainians remain around Kharkov and Izyum they will be pulverized by massive Russian artillery. Military analyst Konstantin Sivkov maintains that, “most combat-ready formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are now being grounded (…) we managed to lure them into the open and are now systematically destroying them.”

The NATO-run Ukrainian forces, crammed with NATO mercenaries, had spent 6 months hoarding equipment and reserving trained assets exactly for this Kharkov moment – while dispatching disposables into a massive meat grinder. It will be very hard to sustain an assembly line of substantial prime assets to pull off something similar again.

The next days will show whether Kharkov and Izyum are connected to a much larger NATO push. The mood in NATO-controlled EU is approaching Desperation Row. There’s a strong possibility this counter-offensive signifies NATO entering the war for good, while displaying quite tenuous plausible deniability: their veil of – fake – secrecy cannot disguise the presence of “advisers” and mercenaries all across the spectrum.

Decommunization as de-energization

The Special Military Operation (SMO), conceptually, is not about conquering territory per se: it is, or it was, so far, about protection of Russophone citizens in occupied territories, thus demilitarization cum denazification.

That concept may be about to be tweaked. And that’s where the tortuous, tricky debate on Russia mobilization fits in. Yet even a partial mobilization may not be necessary: what’s needed are reserves to properly allow allied forces to cover rear/defensive lines. Hardcore fighters of the Kadyrov contingent kind would continue to play offense.

It’s undeniable that Russian troops lost a strategically important node in Izyum. Without it, the complete liberation of Donbass becomes significantly harder.

Yet for the collective West, whose carcass slouches inside a vast simulacra bubble, it’s the pysops that matters much more than a minor military advance: thus all that gloating on Ukraine being able to drive the Russians out of the whole of Kharkov in only four days – while they had 6 months to liberate Donbass, and didn’t.

So, across the West, the reigning perception – frantically fomented by psyops experts – is that the Russian military were hit by that “hammer blow” and will hardly recover.

Kharkov was preciously timed – as General Winter is around the corner; the Ukraine issue was already suffering from public opinion fatigue; and the propaganda machine needed a boost to turbo-lubricate the multi-billion dollar weaponizing rat line.

Yet Kharkov may have forced Moscow’s hand to increase the pain dial. That came via a few well-placed Mr. Kinzhals leaving the Black Sea and the Caspian to present their business cards to the largest thermal power plants in northeast and central Ukraine (most of the energy infrastructure is in the southeast).

Half of Ukraine suddenly lost power and water. Trains came to a halt. If Moscow decides to take out all major Ukraine substations at once, all it takes is a few missiles to totally smash the Ukrainian energy grid – adding a new meaning to “decommunization”: de-energization.

According to an expert analysis, “if transformers of 110-330 kV are damaged, then it will almost never be possible to put it into operation (…) And if this happens at least at 5 substations at the same time, then everything is kaput. Stone age forever.”

Russian government official Marat Bashirov was way more colorful: “Ukraine is being plunged into the 19th century. If there is no energy system, there will be no Ukrainian army. The matter of fact is that General Volt came to the war, followed by General Moroz (“frost”).

And that’s how we might be finally entering “real war” territory – as in Putin’s notorious quip that “we haven’t even started anything yet.”

A definitive response will come from the RSG in the next few days.

Once again, a fiery debate rages on what Russia will do next (the RGS, after all, is inscrutable, except for Yoda Patrushev).

The RGS may opt for a serious strategic strike of the decapitating kind elsewhere – as in changing the subject for the worse (for NATO).

It may opt for sending more troops to protect the front line (without partial mobilization).

And most of all it may enlarge the SMO mandate – going to total destruction of Ukrainian transport/energy infrastructure, from gas fields to thermal power plants, substations, and shutting down nuclear power plants.

Well, it could always be a mix of all of the above: a Russian version of Shock and Awe – generating an unprecedented socio-economic catastrophe. That has already been telegraphed by Moscow: we can revert you to the Stone Age at any time and in a matter of hours (italics mine). Your cities will greet General Winter with zero heating, freezing water, power outages and no connectivity.

A counter-terrorist operation

All eyes are on whether “centers of decision” – as in Kiev – may soon get a Kinzhal visit. This would signify Moscow has had enough. The siloviki certainly did. But we’re not there – yet. Because for an eminently diplomatic Putin the real game revolves around those gas supplies to the EU, that puny plaything of American foreign policy.

Putin is certainly aware that the internal front is under some pressure. He refuses even partial mobilization. A perfect indicator of what may happen in winter is the referenda in liberated territories. The limit date is November 4 – the Day of National Unity, a commemoration introduced in 2004 to replace the celebration of the October revolution.

With the accession of these territories to Russia, any Ukrainian counter-offensive would qualify as an act of war against regions incorporated into the Russian Federation. Everyone knows what that means.

It may now be painfully obvious that when the collective West is waging war – hybrid and kinetic, with everything from massive intel to satellite data and hordes of mercenaries – against you, and you insist on conducting a hazily-defined Special Military Operation (SMO), you may be up for some nasty surprises.

So the SMO status may be about to change: it’s bound to become a counter-terrorist operation.

This is an existential war. A do or die affair. The American geopolitical /geoeconomic goal, to put it bluntly, is to destroy Russian unity, impose regime change and plunder all those immense natural resources. Ukrainians are nothing but cannon fodder: in a sort of twisted History remake, the modern equivalents of the pyramid of skulls Timur cemented into 120 towers when he razed Baghdad in 1401.

If may take a “hammer blow” for the RSG to wake up. Sooner rather than later, gloves – velvet and otherwise – will be off. Exit SMO. Enter War.


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Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from South Front

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On September 12, US President Joe Biden issued yet another Executive Order illuminating the extent of the depravity that has taken hold of the US Executive Branch. In the face of overwhelming evidence pointing to the misnamed pandemic as the greatest medical scandal in history– even as the biggest crime ever committed against humanity– Joe Biden has labelled the COVID-19 fiasco a great display of Yankee knowhow in applied science.  He declares, 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the vital role of biotechnology and biomanufacturing in developing and producing life-saving diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that protect Americans and the world.”

Through federal agencies like the HHS, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH and the Pentagon, the US Executive Branch has major legal and moral responsibilities for safeguarding the public from lethal and injurious attributes that might arise from the design, manufacturing, and dissemination of new medical products like the COVID injections. On a monumental scale, the Biden administration has failed to protect its own citizens from the often lethal and crippling attributes of the COVID-19 clot shots. This American failure is having horrendous global ramifications.

The Biden administration simply looked the other way as Pfizer and other companies well known for their criminal records pushed ahead a totally experimental process of genetic modification through mRNA injections.

These injections included lipid nanoparticles that are instrumental in facilitating the bodywide replication of pathogenic spike proteins, including in the brain. The wanton destruction of natural human immunity forms an added feature of the damage purposely being wrought by these biological time bombs injected on the false pretext that they would stop the spread of COVID-19. Among the outcomes are new epidemics of cancer and still-born births. Another ironic outcome is that “COVID-19” continues as a disease mostly hosted and spread by those who have received COVID injections.

The Biden administration’s announcement of its intentions for the “American Bioeconomy” is telling. It can be seen as an indicator that Team Biden has every intention of continuing to stonewall and censor all the news that does not fit the original fairy tale that the COVID injections are “safe and effective.” The current custodians of the White House have no intention, it seems, of initiating much-needed federal investigations and studies to understand what went wrong and who is responsible?

In this case we are talking about something much more significant than a single elephant in the single room. We are looking at whole herds of dying and grievously wounded elephants passing away all over world in the full light of day. Under current circumstances it is increasingly clear that those like Biden, Trudeau and Macron who choose not to see the obvious have made a conscious decision to pretend they are still in the dark.

To continue this lie in the face of the well-documented worldwide information now available on the lethal and injurious effects of the injections, amounts to participation in premeditated murder. Of course much irony arises in applying the charge of murder to the operatives of the White House’s Oval Office, the worldwide headquarters of MURDER INC following the demise of the British and German Empires.

Instead of taking stock of the medical cataclysm still in its early stages, the preferred scenario for those in power is to continue to push the agenda of the power elites forward by avoiding any reckoning with questions like: Who did what to whom? Why? And what is to be done about it?

When it comes to dealing with the most vicious top dogs overseeing the really big crimes against all of humanity, the response always seems to be… . move along ladies and gentlemen…..Nothing to see here…..

The Democratic Party’s leadership is anxious to use this occasion to continue running with the political economy of the GMO effect. According to the White House, the accelerated production of Genetically Modified Organisms is a technological boon with widespread applications to many facets of its national policies. The new Executive Order proclaims, “Although the power of these technologies is most vivid at the moment in the context of human health, biotechnology and biomanufacturing can also be used to achieve our climate and energy goals, improve food security and sustainability, secure our supply chains, and grow the economy across all of America.”

The history of genetically modified seeds, “suicide seeds,” has a terrible record epitomized by the role of Round Up and its core ingredient, the herbicide glyphosate, in stimulating epidemics of cancer in humans as well as assaults on biodiversity. With his controlling interest in Monsanto, Bill Gates was only warming up for his notorious present role in the production of genetically modified human organisms. (GMHO)

There is nothing in the Executive Order promoting the takeoff of an American Bioeconomy that addresses the need to enforce the legal provisions of the Nuremberg Code. This Code outlaws medical experiments on human subjects without the informed consent of those subjects. Is the implication that the US White House is now giving a green light to any and all medical experiments on people who do not agree to be experimented upon? The new rule seems to be that it is not even necessary to tell us we are to be used as guinea pigs for experiments on our own persons.

There is lots of reference in the Executive Order to the need for respecting the principles of “equity” and “diversity” in the implementation of the new policies on biotechnology and biomanufacturing. No serious lip service is given, however, to the need to respect the most basic level of human rights and civil liberties. Rather it is made to seem that by mandating the loss of bodily autonomy, the way has essentially been opened to the engineering of transhumanism for the survivors of the depopulation scheme that has unfolded under the watch of the decrepit Biden regime.

Read the Executive Order here.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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The United States and 11 NATO members have started large-scale military drills in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Dubbed “Dynamic Mariner,” the war games will put several NATO ships in a region with a major Russian military presence, at a time of soaring tensions between Moscow and the West. 

The war games are led by NATO Allied Maritime Command, or MARCOM, and will begin Tuesday and run through September 22. It is unclear how many American soldiers are a part of the 1,500 NATO sailors taking part. At least the USS Forrest Sherman is participating.

Dynamic Mariner includes 50 surface ships, five submarines, five patrol planes and helicopters from the United States, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey.

MARCOM Deputy Commander French Navy Vice Admiral Didier Piaton said this year’s war games are the largest in the Dynamic Mariner series. “This year’s event includes more assets than ever before, facilitating increased interoperability between our nations and enhancing operational readiness,” he said.

According to a press release from the US Navy, Dynamic Mariner will engage in cross-exercises with Turkish forces to conduct “surface, air, anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASuW), mine countermeasures, amphibious, hybrid, and force protection operations.”

The war games put dozens of NATO vessels in a region with a heavy Russian naval presence. Tensions between Brussels and Moscow are soaring as the West attempts to weaken Russia in Ukraine. The alliance’s provocative war games last year played a significant role in the escalation spiral which ultimately led to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Some of the largest war drills seen since the previous Cold War era were held for months throughout eastern Europe, including on Russia’s doorstep. Most critically, Kiev became a de facto NATO state and hosted major alliance exercises. Washington was deliberately crossing Moscow’s “brightest of all redlines.”

In the midst of the Ukraine war, NATO continues to hold major exercises, some even with Kiev’s participation, in member states like Estonia on Russia’s borders, simulating war with Moscow.


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor at the Libertarian Institute, assistant editor at and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.

Connor Freeman is a writer and assistant editor at the Libertarian Institute, and co-hosts Conflicts of Interest.

Featured image: NATO exercise Dynamic Mariner begins in the Mediterranean. Image by NATO/Twitter