Our Final Stand Against the Globalist Powerbrokers

September 21st, 2022 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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In a recent essay on the nature of Power, I posited that the most pressing philosophical and practical question of the day – and, as I now further reflect upon it, the most moral – is what might transpire if no further scientific advances could be made.  If, in fact, humankind would have to make do with only the currently available technology, what would happen? What would happen if we put a halt to the never-ending quest for material control of the natural world?

I personally believe that given the scientific and technological ability we currently possess, which is quite considerable, problems of resource distribution, infrastructure, poverty and malnutrition are perfectly soluble, with determination and work. In short, the resolution of such global problems is contingent only upon human will, not human technological capacity.  After all, we have thousands of sophisticated satellites encircling the globe, all manner of machinery, sources of energy and computing power, and both robotic and human labor. What cannot humankind achieve with such an armamentarium if obstacles inherent in human psychology, group and individual, can be overcome – obstacles such as greed, selfishness and the sadistic use of Power?

In the past, when the world was not so globally united, and when our technological capabilities were much less, the march towards further control via scientific discovery appeared to be essential, and human morality and psychology were weighted perhaps less prominently in this equation.

In the context of pondering these issues I happened to revisit a psychoanalytic classic, a paper which I regard as one of the most significant contributions to psychoanalytic thought after Freud’s own work: “The Fall of Man,” by K. R. Eissler.  Eissler’s essay, published in 1975, ranges from the origins of life to the development and potentialities of the human psyche, and concludes in essence that the twin pillars of aggression and narcissism would overcome the restraint needed to prevent the large-scale deployment of nuclear weapons, making human extinction ultimately unavoidable.

Enveloped as we are within the Corona War in the Age of Covid, nuclear annihilation has been relegated to the shadows while another lethal agenda plays out. Yes, we now find ourselves in the midst of a concerted attempt at genocide at the hands of a cabal – planned purposeful murder – accomplished via a many-pronged and highly sophisticated operation that has kept the global population in thrall, eviscerated individual rights, and that has imposed a lethal and unnecessary injection in violation of body and soul, as part of an even more ambitious plan to control us all with further restrictions, surveillance and social credit systems in an ostensibly ‘new world order’ whose chief characteristic will be depopulation and slavery on a scale never imagined.

Every advance in understanding the natural world has been accompanied by an appropriation of knowledge in the service of Power.  We speak of ‘grasping’ or ‘comprehending’ something, and our very language betrays the aggressive drive inherent in the pursuit of science. The word ‘science’ itself is derived from an Indo-European root meaning ‘to cut, to split’, the psychological implication being that we must take apart the object we study in order to possess it. And for every pacific use of technology, there is a corresponding martial one, inevitably.  Knowledge is pursued, psychically speaking, for purposes of control and possession, even if such possession and control appear to result in no immediately apparent practical benefit other than satisfaction at having solved a riddle.

The penetration of the atom and the exploitation of nuclear forces constituted a watershed moment in the history of the species. The manipulation of the human genome constitutes another. Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed a glimpse of the devastating potential of the former, and the Covid so-called vaccines are showing us, in real time, the destructive capabilities of the latter.

I suspect our world would have been the better if such barriers had never been crossed.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Neurotechnology could help people with disabilities use their thoughts to control devices in the physical world. It may also be useful in weapons systems. Private companies, militaries, and other organizations are funding neurotechnology research. Credit: US Army.

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The gas bill of a bakery in Germany increased by more than 1,200% amid a worsening energy crisis in the country.

The managing director of the Vatter bakery told local media that he was shocked when he received the new gas bill, showing that his monthly bill has risen to €75,000 ($75,000).

“A year ago, it was €5,856 a month for our large ovens and heating. We had a contract with a price guarantee until the end of 2023, but it was suddenly terminated,” Eckehard Vatter, the owner of the family-run business, told Bild daily.

The supplier is now demanding €75,000 a month, and it is an increase of 1,200%, he noted.

The last gas bill for the company amounts to €330,000 for four-and-a-half months, payable in the next 14 days.

The Vatter bakery chain has 35 stores and 430 employees in the northern state of Lower Saxony.

Eckehard Vatter said the family business has weathered every crisis since 1955, but things have never been as bad as they are now.

He also criticized the government for failing to protect them.

As the bakery has several branches, it is considered a craft enterprise, and unlike industrial bakeries that produce cheap bread, it does not receive any subsidies. Yet the company has paid €19.9 million in taxes over the past 10 years, according to its owner.

Skyrocketing energy prices, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, are fueling panic among many German small- and medium-sized enterprises.

On Wednesday, hundreds of bakery owners and employees protested in downtown Hanover to draw attention to their worsening situation.


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Hundreds of the radical Nazis and right-wing extremists online are actually German domestic intelligence agents, and many of them may be responsible for “inciting hatred” and even violence. These agents, who once needed to drink and directly socialize with members of the extreme right to gain information on their targets, are now running right-wing extremist accounts online in Germany.

Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) argues that these accounts are needed to effectively monitor the extreme right, but critics say that they may also be promoting and actively encouraging radicalism, according to a report from German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

“This is the future of information gathering,” an unnamed head of a relevant state office told Süddeutsche Zeitung.

According to research by the newspaper, the authority has invested heavily in “virtual agents” since 2019, which it finances with taxpayers’ money. Both the federal office and the federal states employ spies, who besides right-wing extremists, are also tasked with keeping an eye on left-wing extremists, Islamists, and the “conspiracy-ideological” scene.

However, the activities of the BfV running hundreds of right-wing extremist accounts have come to light at the same time that Germany’s left-wing government has labeled right-wing extremism the biggest threat to the country, despite data showing that left-wing extremists and radical Islam pose bigger threats. The country’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has launched a 10-point plan to fight “right-wing extremism,” and much like the Biden administration in the United States, has turned the domestic security state against political opponents as well as labeling them terrorism threats and a danger to democracy. In Germany’s case, the opposition conservative Alternative for Germany party (AfD) is actively surveilled in certain federal states, with membership in the party the only prerequisite for agents being able to read emails and listen in on telephone calls of these private citizens.

With the BfV operating hundreds of right-wing extremist accounts, the agency argues that it is about “playing a little right-wing radical yourself” in order to gain the trust of other users. The employees of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are likely to conduct “propaganda” for this and sometimes also commit crimes such as “incitement to hatred.”

However, what exactly these extremist accounts are posting that involve “incitement to hatred” is unclear, as there is little to no public oversight regarding these activities.

“In order to be really credible, it is not enough to share or like what others say, you also have to make statements yourself. That means that the agents also bully and agitate,” says the report of an agent who claims to have joined the agency to “do something against right-wing extremists.” This involves actively encouraging people in their worldview, but she says it is her job to “feed” the scene.

In fact, there are now so many accounts operated by different German authorities that a nationwide agreement has become necessary. Otherwise, these different agents would be targeting each other with surveillance and monitoring.

Germany’s new government has taken an aggressive stance against anonymity on the web and free speech, and has targeted apps like Telegram, which is one of the few tech companies openly supporting free speech. Under a new regime, the German government is expected to open thousands of hate speech cases against the public every year.


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The State Department announced in August that it will no longer publish World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT) reports, which have been released by the US government since the 1960s.

The WMEATs detail US global military spending, arms transfers, and related data for each country in the world. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) included an amendment that repealed a 1994 provision requiring the State Department to publish a WMEAT each year.

“Section 5114(b)(4) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 repealed the 1994 statutory provision that required the Department of State to publish an edition of WMEAT every year. Consistent with this repeal, the Department of State will cease to produce and publish WMEAT,” the State Department said on its website.

The State Department said that the report it published in 2021 was the “final edition” of the WMEAT. The 2021 WMEAT covered an 11-year period from 2009 through 2019 and found that the US was by far the world’s largest arms dealer. During that period, about “79 percent of world arms trade by value appears to have been supplied by the United States.”

The discontinuation of the WMEAT reports, which reduces the US government’s transparency, comes as the US is shipping billions of dollars worth of arms into Ukraine with virtually no oversight. Since Russia invaded on February 24, the US has pledged $15.1 billion in weapons for Kyiv.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of Antiwar.com, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

India’s Gaffe at Samarkand

September 21st, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Samarkand on September 16 after the SCO Summit turned into a media scandal. The Western media zeroed in on six words culled out of context in the PM’s opening remarks — “today’s era is not of war”  to triumphantly proclaim that India is finally distancing itself from Russia on Ukraine issue, as the US and European leaders have been incessantly demanding.

Of course, this motivated interpretation lacks empirical evidence and is, therefore, malicious. Besides, Modi also spoke with a rare interplay of emotions by underscoring the quintessence of the Indian-Russian relationship, as well as his two decade-long association with Putin. 

The steamy part cooked up by the US media shows the desperation on the part of the “Collective West” to isolate Russia at a time when even western leaders have candidly admitted that the bulk of the non-western world does not identify with the western narrative on Ukraine and refuses to roll back their relationship with Russia. 

Many countries are, in fact, stepping up their cooperation with Russia —Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, for example. Curiously, even western companies are loathe to leave the highly attractive Russian market where business returns are high. A report in the Atlantic Council magazine on September 18 highlights that although something like 1,000 multinational corporations had announced that they would be leaving Russia in the wake of the western sanctions, “the unfortunate reality is that… three-quarters of the most profitable foreign multinationals remain in Russia.” Thus, statistically, while 106 western companies exited the Russian market, over 1,149 internationals still remain and simply keep silent about it. 

The giant Sakhalin-2 oil-and-natural-gas project in the Russian Far East is a celebrated case where two big Japanese energy investors Mitsui and Mitsublishi, with government support, simply refused to quit, as the Russian project supplies 9 percent of Japan’s energy needs. The G7 has no option but to exempt Japan from the purview of sanctions when it comes to Sakhalin-2! 

Again, the West continues to import fertiliser from Russia and to that end, lifts the restrictions on shipping, insurance, etc. But the restrictions continue against Russia’s exports of food grain and fertiliser to the non-Western world. Russia has now offered to distribute the fertiliser held up in European ports free of charge to the poorest countries in Africa if only the restrictions for exports are waived, but Europe would rather use it for own needs. 

It has recently been exposed that the brouhaha about a “global food crisis” (which India too mouthed) was basically a cheap hoax perpetrated by the Biden Administration to get Russia to allow the sale of wheat held up in Ukrainian silos to the European market by American companies, who have apparently bought up Ukraine’s farm lands and control that country’s grain trade! Only a fraction of the grain shipments from Ukraine went to poor countries threatened by famine. Suffice to say, the US and the European Union pressure on India’s purchase of Russian oil was nothing but bullying.

That said, India should know that in a situation where Russia faces an existential threat to its security, it will not be deterred while firmly, decisively responding, no matter what anybody says. Will India be deterred if any foreign country gets agitated over state repression in Kashmir? Violence and bloodshed are abhorrent features of the contemporary world situation and is a painful reality all over the world. 

That is why, PM Modi’s awkward reference to war and peace in his initial remarks to Putin at Samarkand was way out of place in what turned to be a “wonderful” meeting otherwise. There was simply no need to have characterised, at PM’s level, the Ukraine conflict as a “war”. It betrayed ignorance, since the whole world knows that what is going on is a proxy war between the US and Russia in the Ukrainian arena that had been incubating through the past quarter century ever since NATO began its eastward enlargement with an agenda to encircle Russia. Moscow seriously erred by tolerating the US interference in Ukraine for so very long until NATO appeared on its doorstep. It is doubtful if India would have shown such strategic patience if an adversarial power advances a project to encircle and weaken it. 

Against such a complex backdrop, the litmus test of India’s “neutrality” will, perhaps, lie in EAM Jaishankar at least speaking up on the NATO’s eastward expansion, about the US stoking the fire of conflict by pumping tens of billions of dollars worth weaponry into Ukraine, and with reference to the Biden Administration’s diabolical role in undermining nascent peace moves between Moscow and Kiev. 

If Turkey’s Recep Erdogan and Hungary’s Viktor Orban can speak up, although NATO leaders, why can’t India’s EAM? But, never mind, there is no question of Jaishankar even remotely embarrassing  Biden. 

The big question, nonetheless, remains: Why is it that a country like India has lost its voice? Does it prefer the unipolar world order that the West tries to foist on the world community? Has it forgotten the colonial past? Does it accept that the “rules-based order” means acting the John Wayne way — appropriating other countries’ financial assets entrusted with the Western banks in trust? Does it condone, for whatever reasons, the US’ stated intention to destroy Russia’s economy? If Modi Govt has thought through these issues by now, six months after the sanctions from hell against Russia, does it have any views at all? When India was much weaker, it still had a mind of its own? What happened to India? 

From the Kremlin readout, Putin actually acknowledged right at the outset of the conversation with Modi that Russia and India are not on the same page on Ukraine. To be sure, Putin must be knowing that India’s behaviour is guided by its narrowly defined self-interests and conditioned by an itch to do cherrypicking. He is immensely experienced in diplomacy to know how countries behave in self-interests and how it is necessary to cooperate with such countries.

But Moscow has never been and will never be a demanding partner. Mutual interest and mutual respect are the hall marks of Russian diplomacy toward India. Despite its own reservations over what India was attempting to do by splitting Pakistan into two halves, an unprecedented act by international law, when the crunch time came in 1971, Moscow not only stood by India but even despatched its warships and submarines to guard Indian waters from a potential US military attack against India — and this, while on the diplomatic front, Moscow bought time for India to conclude its military operations to cut  Pakistan down to size. It is, therefore, all the more reason for us to be discreet at the very least. 

India must be one of the few countries that benefits out of the Ukraine conflict. Aside oil, coal and what not at low prices from Russia, paradoxically, even the rupee has commenced its indeterminate journey towards becoming a “world currency.” No patriotic Indian will criticise the Modi government for such sophistry. However, confusion arises when morality is needlessly injected into all this with a tedious attitude of preachiness. 

The meeting in Samarkand took place in the context of the SCO’s annual summit. The summit was not about Ukraine but about the profound issues that have surfaced in its wake that will shape the contours of the world order. This SCO summit was special, as it took place amid large-scale geopolitical changes, triggering a rapid and irrevocable transformation of the entire complex of international ties, relations, policies, economy, when a new model based on the real multi-polarity and dialogue is being built. 

Everyone understands that the SCO, which represents half the world’s population, will help forge the new world order. Unlike the case with NATO, where all decisions are made in Washington and imposed on America’s  “allies”, there is no Pied Piper in the SCO tent. Modi could easily have played a meaningful role at the summit instead of meandering his way aimlessly through the pandemic, supply chains, et al, at a juncture when such profound issues were being discussed by his peer group in Samarkand. 

The word “multipolarity,” which was on everyone’s mind in Samarkand, did not even figure in Modi’s speech at Samarkand. Whoever drafted that speech must have done it with an eye on Washington. Therefore, don’t blame the US media. They happened to notice all these aberrations and decided to cull out those six sharply-etched words to put India on the mat, mocking it for doublespeak and rank opportunism. All that hand-wringing subsequently by the apologists of our government cannot wash away the stain. 


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Featured image: Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 16, 2022 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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First published on September 16, 2022


The push for “green” energy alternatives is causing a shortage of sulfuric acid, a resource critical for the production of food and lithium-ion batteries, according to a new report from the University College London.

The paper, published in Geographical Journal, explains how over 80 percent of the global sulfur supply currently comes from the desulfurisation of fossil fuels. Pushes for decarbonization, however, which seek to ban the use of fossil fuels, will create a “shortfall” in the annual supply of sulfuric acid between 100 and 320 million tonnes by 2040, researchers estimate.

This dramatic decrease would occur, however, amidst a rising demand for sulfuric acid, which could reach up to 400 million tons by 2040.

“With increased farming and the world moving away from fossil fuels, geographers estimate global demand for sulfuric acid will rise to 246 to 400 million tons by 2040. However, depending on how quickly decarbonization happens, there may only be 100 to 320 million tons available for use,” explains the paper.

Shortages of sulfuric acid would have far-reaching ramifications, as it is an essential resource for producing phosphorus fertilizers that help maintain the global food supply.

“Additionally, phosphorus fertilizers are used for extracting rare metals, such as cobalt and nickel. Those metals are used in lithium-ion batteries that power up numerous electronic devices from cell phones to laptops,” explains the paper.

“Our concern is that the dwindling supply could lead to a transition period when green tech outbids the fertilizer industry for the limited more expensive sulfur supply, creating an issue with food production,” adds Simon Day, a researcher at the University College London’s Institute for Risk & Disaster Reduction and study coauthor.

In the study, researchers project three different sulfuric acid demand scenarios occurring from 2021 to 2040. Using data from historic and forecast demand with an annual growth rate ranging from 1.8 percent to 2.4 percent, researchers constructed the graph below, demonstrating how demand for the resource is consistently above the available supply of sulfuric acid.

The findings come amidst concern over groups like the World Economic Forum (WEF) attempting to exploit issues like COVID-19 and climate change to advance their own social and political agenda. Their allies, such as Bill Gates, have also purchased massive amounts of farmland in the U.S. amidst ongoing food shortages.


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Natalie Winters is the Lead Investigative Reporter at the National Pulse and co-host of The National Pulse podcast.

How Billionaires Become Billionaires

September 21st, 2022 by Prof. James Petras

Incisive analysis by James Petras first published by Global Research on October 5, 2017

America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country.

In this essay we will discuss the socio-economic roots of inequalities and the relation between the concentration of wealth and the downward mobility of the working and salaried classes.

How the Billionaires become Billionaires

Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes. The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.

According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.

The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.

Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

The recipient bankers invested their interest-free or low interest US bailout funds and earned billions in profits, most resulting from mortgage foreclosures of working class households.

Through favorable legal rulings and illegal foreclosures, the bankers evicted 9.3 million families. Over 20 million individuals lost their properties, often due to illegal or fraudulent debts.

A small number of the financial swindlers, including executives from Wall Street’s leading banks (Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan etc), paid fines – but no one went to prison for the gargantuan fraud that drove millions of Americans into misery.

There are other swindler bankers, like the current Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin, who enriched themselves by illegally foreclosing on thousands of homeowners in California. Some were tried; all were exonerated, thanks to the influence of Democratic political leaders during the Obama years.

Silicon Valley and its innovative billionaires have found novel way to avoid taxes using overseas tax havens and domestic tax write-offs. They increase their wealth and corporate profits by paying their local manual and service workers poverty level wages. Silicon Valley executives ‘earn’ a thousand times more than their production workers..

Class inequalities are further reinforced by ethnic divisions. White, Chinese and Indian multi-millionaires exploit Afro-American, Latin American, Vietnamese and Filipino workers.

Billionaires in the commercial conglomerates, like Walmart, exploit workers by paying poverty wages and providing few, if any, benefits. Walmart earns $16 billion dollar a year in profits by paying its workers between $10 and $13 an hour and relying on state and federal assistance to provide services to the families of its impoverished workers through Medicaid and food stamps. Amazon plutocrat Jeff Bezos exploits workers by paying $12.50 an hour while he has accumulated over $80 billion dollars in profits. UPS CEO David Albany takes $11 million a year by exploiting workers at $11 an hour. Federal Express CEO, Fred Smith gets $16 million and pays workers $11 an hour.

Inequality is not a result of ‘technology’ and ‘education’- contemporary euphemisms for the ruling class cult of superiority – as liberals and conservative economists and journalists like to claim. Inequalities are a result of low wages, based on big profits, financial swindles, multi-trillion dollar public handouts and multi-billion-dollar tax evasion. The ruling class has mastered the ‘technology’ of exploiting the state, through its pillage of the treasury, and the working class. Capitalist exploitation of low paid production workers provides additional billions for the ‘philanthropic’ billionaire family foundations to polish their public image – using another tax avoidance gimmick – self-glorifying ‘donations’.

Workers pay disproportional taxes for education, health, social and public services and subsidies for billionaires.

Billionaires in the arms industry and security/mercenary conglomerates receive over $700 billion dollars from the federal budget, while over 100 million US workers lack adequate health care and their children are warehoused in deteriorating schools.

Workers and Bosses: Mortality Rates

Billionaires and multi-millionaires and their families enjoy longer and healthier lives than their workers. They have no need for health insurance policies or public hospitals. CEO’s live on average ten years longer than a worker and enjoy twenty years more of healthy and pain-free lives.

Private, exclusive clinics and top medical care include the most advanced treatment and safe and proven medication which allow billionaires and their family members to live longer and healthier lives. The quality of their medical care and the qualifications of their medical providers present a stark contrast to the health care apartheid that characterizes the rest of the United States.

Workers are treated and mistreated by the health system: They have inadequate and often incompetent medical treatment, cursory examinations by inexperienced medical assistants and end up victims of the widespread over-prescription of highly addictive narcotics and other medications. Over-prescription of narcotics by incompetent ‘providers’ has significantly contributed to the rise in premature deaths among workers, spiraling cases of opiate overdose, disability due to addiction and descent into poverty and homelessness. These irresponsible practices have made additional billions of dollars in profits for the insurance corporate elite, who can cut their pensions and health care liabilities as injured, disabled and addicted workers drop out of the system or die.

The shortened life expectancy for workers and their family members is celebrated on Wall Street and in the financial press. Over 560,000 workers were killed by opioids between 1999-2015 contributing to the decline in life expectancy for working age wage and salary earners and reduced pension liabilities for Wall Street and the Social Security Administration.

Inequalities are cumulative, inter-generational and multi-sectorial.

Billionaire families, their children and grandchildren, inherit and invest billions. They have privileged access to the most prestigious schools and medical facilities, and conveniently fall in love to equally privileged, well-connected mates to join their fortunes and form even greater financial empires. Their wealth buys favorable, even fawning, mass media coverage and the services of the most influential lawyers and accountants to cover their swindles and tax evasion.

Billionaires hire innovators and sweat shop MBA managers to devise more ways to slash wages, increase productivity and ensure that inequalities widen even further. Billionaires do not have to be the brightest or most innovative people: Such individuals can simply be bought or imported on the ‘free market’ and discarded at will.

Billionaires have bought out or formed joint ventures with each other, creating interlocking directorates. Banks, IT, factories, warehouses, food and appliance, pharmaceuticals and hospitals are linked directly to political elites who slither through doors of rotating appointments within the IMF, the World Bank, Treasury, Wall Street banks and prestigious law firms.

Consequences of Inequalities

First and foremost, billionaires and their political, legal and corporate associates dominate the political parties. They designate the leaders and key appointees, thus ensuring that budgets and policies will increase their profits, erode social benefits for the masses and weaken the political power of popular organizations.

Secondly, the burden of the economic crisis is shifted on to the workers who are fired and later re-hired as part-time, contingent labor. Public bailouts, provided by the taxpayer, are channeled to the billionaires under the doctrine that Wall Street banks are too big to fail and workers are too weak to defend their wages, jobs and living standards.

Billionaires buy political elites, who appoint the World Bank and IMF officials tasked with instituting policies to freeze or reduce wages, slash corporate and public health care obligations and increase profits by privatizing public enterprises and facilitating corporate relocation to low wage, low tax countries.

As a result, wage and salary workers are less organized and less influential; they work longer and for less pay, suffer greater workplace insecurity and injuries – physical and mental – fall into decline and disability, drop out of the system, die earlier and poorer, and, in the process, provide unimaginable profits for the billionaire class. Even their addiction and deaths provide opportunities for huge profit – as the Sackler Family, manufacturers of Oxycontin, can attest.

The billionaires and their political acolytes argue that deeper regressive taxation would increase investments and jobs. The data speaks otherwise. The bulk of repatriated profits are directed to buy back stock to increase dividends for investors; they are not invested in the productive economy. Lower taxes and greater profits for conglomerates means more buy-outs and greater outflows to low wage countries. In real terms taxes are already less than half the headline rate and are a major factor heightening the concentration of income and power – both cause and effect.

Corporate elites, the billionaires in the Silicon Valley-Wall Street global complex are relatively satisfied that their cherished inequalities are guaranteed and expanding under the Demo-Republican Presidents- as the ‘good times’ roll on.

Away from the ‘billionaire elite’, the ‘outsiders’ – domestic capitalists – clamor for greater public investment in infrastructure to expand the domestic economy, lower taxes to increase profits, and state subsidies to increase the training of the labor force while reducing funds for health care and public education. They are oblivious to the contradiction.

In other words, the capitalist class as a whole, globalist and domestic alike, pursues the same regressive policies, promoting inequalities while struggling over shares of the profits.

One hundred and fifty million wage and salaried taxpayers are excluded from the political and social decisions that directly affect their income, employment, rates of taxation, and political representation.

They understand, or at least experience, how the class system works. Most workers know about the injustice of the fake ‘free trade’ agreements and regressive tax regime, which weighs heavy on the majority of wage and salary earners.

However, worker hostility and despair is directed against ‘immigrants’ and against the ‘liberals’ who have backed the import of cheap skilled and semi-skilled labor under the guise of ‘freedom’. This ‘politically correct’ image of imported labor covers up a policy, which has served to lower wages, benefits and living standards for American workers, whether they are in technology, construction or production. Rich conservatives, on the other hand, oppose immigration under the guise of ‘law and order’ and to lower social expenditures – despite that fact that they all use imported nannies, tutors, nurses, doctors and gardeners to service their families. Their servants can always be deported when convenient.

The pro and anti-immigrant issue avoids the root cause for the economic exploitation and social degradation of the working class – the billionaire owners operating in alliance with the political elite.

In order to reverse the regressive tax practices and tax evasion, the low wage cycle and the spiraling death rates resulting from narcotics and other preventable causes, which profit insurance companies and pharmaceutical billionaires, class alliances need to be forged linking workers, consumers, pensioners, students, the disabled, the foreclosed homeowners, evicted tenants, debtors, the under-employed and immigrants as a unified political force.

Sooner said than done, but never tried! Everything and everyone is at stake: life, health and happiness.

Featured image is from Common Dreams.

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Selected Articles: United Nations, Democracy and Terrorism

September 21st, 2022 by Global Research News

United Nations, Democracy and Terrorism

By Stephen Sefton, September 20, 2022

This week sees the opening of the 77th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization in the most conflict ridden international environment since World War II. In effect, NATO is attacking the Russian Federation in Ukraine and the United States is provoking China over Taiwan.

Jackson Water Crisis Reflective of National Pattern in Urban Racism

By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 21, 2022

Water systems throughout the United States are in serious disrepair and decline while corporate interests continue to dominate the political priorities of municipal and state governments.

More Disinformation From Israel. Biden Caves to Jewish Pressure, As Usual.

By Philip Giraldi, September 21, 2022

To be sure, weakening Iran and possibly even replacing its government is the most compelling issue for Israel and its powerful US domestic lobby, but the Israeli plan is much broader than that, to make the United States the junior partner providing the money and weapons in an effort to militarily dominate the Middle East.

Law of Neutrality: Just When Is a State a Belligerent in a War?

By Michael Doliner, September 20, 2022

The laws of war are to some extent a farce. When states come to the point of war the niceties of codified law will likely influence them very little. Nevertheless, there are such laws and lawyers specializing in such niceties, and this very little might turn out to be a whole lot.

The Netherlands: Government Sponsored Behavioral Control and Social Engineering Experiments

By Elze van Hamelen, September 20, 2022

A government-wide network of behavioral experts – the Behavioral Insights Network Netherlands (BIN NL) – has been supporting all departments in conducting behavioral experiments since 2014. The experiments aim to use behavioral knowledge from the social sciences to steer citizens toward “right” solutions and choices.

1350 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 919 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

By Real Science, September 21, 2022

t is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

Pakistan High Court Drops ‘Terrorism’ Charges Against Ex-PM Imran Khan

By The Cradle, September 21, 2022

On 21 August, on top of the highly controversial charges under section 7 of Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Act, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) banned the transmission of Khan’s speeches for being “prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order and likely to disturb public peace and tranquility.”

Haiti’s January 12, 2020 Earthquake: Disaster Relief Scenario Tested by US Military One Day Before the Earthquake

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 21, 2022

While Environmental modification (ENMOD) techniques have been available to the US military for more than half a century, there is no concrete evidence that these techniques have been used to trigger extreme weather conditions.

The Shelling of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Takes Ukraine Side, Making UN Secretary-General Guterres Either a Liar or a Fool

By John Helmer, September 20, 2022

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) decided this week to take the side of Ukraine in the current war; blame Russia for the shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP); and issue a demand for Russia to surrender the plant to the Kiev regime “to regain full control over all nuclear facilities within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, including the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.”

Dr. Paul Offit, One of the World’s Most Respected Vaccine Experts, Is Now Officially an Anti-vaxxer!

By Steve Kirsch, September 20, 2022

I learned about Paul’s conversion to anti-vaxxer status from reading Brucha Weisberger’s substack article. First, watch this TV news clip paying very close attention starting 50 seconds into the clip.

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Water systems throughout the United States are in serious disrepair and decline while corporate interests continue to dominate the political priorities of municipal and state governments.

Jackson, Mississippi, the capital and the largest municipality in the state which is 83% African American, has been under siege for many years as the water system continues to deteriorate endangering public health and the economic future of the entire region.

Extreme weather events throughout the southern U.S. have adversely impacted many communities as the administration of President Joe Biden has failed to address the infrastructural upgrades needed to both prevent the disastrous impacts and to also rebuild after the damage is done. An infrastructure bill passed by the Congress and signed by the president earlier this year seemed to be designed to provide cash infusions into the private construction industry along with local and state treasuries.

Nonetheless, there needs to be a comprehensive plan to rebuild essential infrastructure in the urban and rural areas of the U.S. as a matter of urgency. The impact of climate change is compounded by the debilitating political divisions within local and national governmental administrative and legislative structures. These circumstances portend much for the capacity of the country to solve its burgeoning problems.

The capital of the state of Mississippi has an estimated population of more than 150,000 people representing a decline over the last several decades. The phenomenon of “white flight” to the suburbs has taken place in various regions of the U.S.

Large amounts of rainfall during August which resulted in flooding from the Pearl River worsened the already existing problems at the water treatment facility. Pressure was lowered to the extent that the composition of the water for public consumption was altered. There was a boil water alert for several weeks while the National Guard was deployed to hand out bottles to the population.

Jackson water treatment plant installs new pump (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Residents in Jackson and its environs served by the treatment plant do not trust the safety of the water for drinking, washing and cooking. Any medium and long-term solutions to the water crisis in Jackson will require billions of dollars in investments to construct a new system and hire technical personnel.

Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba has said that the problems are decades in the making. The state government in Mississippi is almost exclusively white and does not express much sympathy to the residents of Jackson.

After assessing the situation involving strained relations between the state government and Jackson, Lumumba held separate meetings with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to discuss the situation in the city. The mayor says that he was assured by the White House that recently allocated infrastructure funding would be sent to assist in the repair of the water treatment system.

Lumumba noted in a recent statement to the press that:

“Both (Biden and Harris) assured me that the eyes of Washington are watching the city of Jackson. They wanted us to know that we should expect the full arm of support from the federal government in every way that they possibly can. And they assured me their support was going to be demonstrated through long-range and long-term efforts through the EPA. I was delighted to hear that call, it was very encouraging.”

Several civil rights and environmental groups in Mississippi are considering alternative strategies designed to place the federal government as the direct supervisor over the water systems in Jackson and throughout the state. Funding from the infrastructure legislation will undoubtedly be allocated to the state government. Many in Jackson and other majority African American communities feel they have been systematically disenfranchised in regard to the allocation of state and federal funds.

According to an official of the state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Abre Conner, who is director of environmental and climate justice:

“The state is in a place, it’s got a lot of power to either make things easier for Black communities or to make things harder, and what we feel like has happened in Mississippi is that the state has used its power to make things harder for Black folks. This is why there needs to be more effort in order to have funding flow straight into Jackson and for the state to not have complete control over the decisions about federal funding.”

An article in Politico reports that $75 million in funding from the infrastructure bill will be sent to the state of Mississippi. This will be added to another $450 million from previous COVID-19 relief funding from the federal government. However, under the current political situation many African Americans have expressed distrust of the intentions of the Republican-controlled state government.

Class Action Lawsuit Targets City Officials

On September 20, media reports indicated that four residents on behalf of the people of Jackson have filed a class action lawsuit against the current and former city administrations along with the water treatment facility. The legal action appears to disregard the role of the state government in Mississippi in creating the existing crisis.

The private engineering firm Siemens Corporation, which signed a $90 million contract with the City of Jackson to improve its water system and Trilogy Engineering Services LLC, who in 2016 was hired to study the city’s O.B. Curtis treatment facility, are also targets of the litigation.

Jackson water treatment plant (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

The lawsuit claims that the City of Jackson has the responsibility of providing clean and consistent water resources to its residents. The plaintiffs cite damages related to public health, child welfare and economic distress.

An ABC News dispatch on the recent legal developments says:

“Mississippi ended its boil water notice for all of Jackson’s residents on Sept. 15, nearly two weeks after water pressure returned to the state capital’s residents after days of a water shortage crisis that impacted thousands of Jacksonians. The complaint names the City of Jackson; Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba; former mayor Tony Yarber; former public works directors Kishia Powell, Robert Miller and Jerriot Smash; Siemens Corporation, Siemens Industry and Trilogy Engineering Services as defendants. Spokespersons for Lumumba, Powell, Miller, and Siemens declined to comment when reached by ABC News. Yarber, Smash, and Trilogy Engineering did not immediately respond to ABC News’ requests for comment.”

A scandal involving Southern Mississippi University (SMU) alumni and professional football player Brett Favre indicates the level of corruption related to federal funding in the state. Favre, in cooperation with well-connected state officials redirected millions in what was described as “welfare money” to build a volleyball stadium at his alma mater as well as direct cash payments to the sports personality of more than $1 million to make speeches which were never delivered. Although this incident occurred under a previous state administration, many believe that such schemes are commonplace in the state.

The only real solution to the crisis is what local social justice organizations are advocating and that is for a federal government intervention to ensure the rehabilitation of the water system in Jackson. State officials have demonstrated for decades an indifference and hostility towards majority African American municipalities.

National Water Crisis Worsening in the U.S.

What has taken place in Jackson during the last several years is representative of a national problem related to providing clean and affordable water resources for the people. There was much attention focused on the massive water shutoffs in Detroit during the contrived illegal bankruptcy of 2013-2014. During the summer of 2014, the Republican right-wing governor’s appointed emergency manager ordered the termination of water services to tens of thousands of residents in the 80% African American populated municipality over alleged arrears in bill payments.

Flint, Michigan, which had received its water supply from the Detroit Water & Sewage Department (DWSD) for decades, was suddenly disconnected in 2014 under the same emergency management regime. The city’s water supply was then taken from the abandoned industrially contaminated Flint River. What resulted was the poisoning of an entire majority African American municipality where thousands were sickened resulting in numerous deaths.

Several years ago, the Berkey water filter company pointed out that it will require substantial investments by the U.S. to address the national crisis. Already two years behind, Berkey emphasized:

“The American Society of Civil Engineers or the ASCE stated that the government needs to invest around $3.6 trillion in the infrastructure alone by 2020. With such an investment, it can increase the support system of America at the standard levels. This investment can also repair the nation’s stormwater and wastewater systems over the next 20 years. In some parts of America, unmanaged stormwater systems affect the streams and the rivers and cause health problems. Furthermore, the majority of the drinking infrastructure is aging and is almost falling apart. According to studies, there are about 240,000 water main breaks annually in America. For every pipe that needs to be replaced, the cost in the coming years to come can reach up to $1 trillion, according to the American Water Works Association (AWWA).”

The necessity of bringing into existence these infrastructural improvements are a matter of life and death. Such a monumental set of priorities can only be realized through a mass movement which confronts local, state and federal entities in a concerted organized campaign to save and improve the water systems throughout the U.S.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Jackson Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 with a pledge to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, which Donald Trump had withdrawn from in May 2018 under pressure from Republican Party Jewish donors, most notably underwritten by an estimated $100 million coming from now deceased Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas casino fortune. The JCPOA might plausibly be regarded as the only major diplomatic success for the Barack Obama Administration, which featured Biden as Vice President, and it was good for the US due to its curb on proliferation, as well as being a benefit for the entire Middle East region as it made less likely a “weapons of mass destruction” arms race involving the Egyptians and Saudis.

Predictably, however, the pledge did not please the state of Israel. For three decades, Israel has been urging the United States to use force to eliminate what it refers to as the Iranian nuclear weapons program, a program that does not exist and might never have existed. The nuclear weapons threat raised by Israel might be seen as a disinformational wedge issue to bring about the complete destruction of the Iranian military capability by the United States. Israel seeks to exploit its influence over the US government and media to bring that about.

To be sure, weakening Iran and possibly even replacing its government is the most compelling issue for Israel and its powerful US domestic lobby, but the Israeli plan is much broader than that, to make the United States the junior partner providing the money and weapons in an effort to militarily dominate the Middle East. Knowing that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden were willing to concede actual US national interests in response to Israeli pressure, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his replacement Yair Lapid have sent waves of top-level officials to cajole both Congress and the White House into giving Jerusalem whatever it wants.

This flow of “experts” arriving with their maps and charts in hand has increased as the realization that a politically weak and clueless Joe Biden will cave under even the slightest pressure has grown. Biden has demonstrated particular gutlessness in his recent failure to seek a full investigation and consequences for the Israeli Army murder of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, deferring to Israel’s complete unwillingness to establish some form of accountability and Prime Minister Lapid’s declaration that the current level of his army’s use of force against the Palestinians will continue. Biden has also backed down on rejoining the JCPOA, declaring that the issue is now “off the table.” Secretary of State Tony Blinken has confirmed that decision, declaring that any new arrangement with Iran is “unlikely.”

Preceding the Administration’s decision to ignore American interests in deference to Israeli concerns, there were frequent visits to Washington by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz and also by other senior officials who arrived in DC to sell a product. The latest pitch involves the Iranian threat and the continuation of a free hand to attack neighboring Syria but there also has been a bizarre drive to have the US State Department declare that the Palestinian civic and human rights organizations that Israel has been shutting down are “terrorist organizations.” Even though a US intelligence and law enforcement agency review has declared that not to be the case, the Biden team is predictably waffling under Israeli pressure. This is how State Department spokesman Ned “Pencil Neck” Price responded to a question regarding the Israeli claims:

“Our Israeli partners have in recent days provided us with additional information. They provided this information not only to the department but also to a range of our interagency partners. We are continuing to review this and that process is ongoing.”

Price added that he didn’t want to “prejudge” the information. Pretty gutless Ned, huh? Even for you, who also excused the killing of Abu Akleh, saying “it was a horrific tragedy, but not one that should be prosecuted. This was not an intentional, targeted killing. This was the tragic result of a gunfight in the context of an Israeli raid in the West Bank.” Interestingly, Ned surely knew that there was no gunfight anywhere near where she was killed, which makes him a liar as well as a man bereft of any morality. And I love the fact that Ned declares we Americans are “partners” with Israel. Junior partners, clearly.

Israel has never provided any actual hard intelligence to back up its claims, though it has several times been caught fabricating evidence. Senator Bernie Sanders’ Foreign Policy Advisor Matt Duss tweeted after the latest round of pressure to call the Palestinians “terrorists” that

“This isn’t about intel sharing or security. It’s political pressure to justify political repression. The admin knows, as our allies do, that the designations are false. The question is whether [the Biden Administration is] willing to do anything about it.”

One should consider that what for Israel, the United States, Russia, Ukraine and nearly everyone else what is passed off as intelligence is anything but. It is instead more often than not a tightly woven argument to convince other countries, the public and the media that something that is supportive of one’s policies is true and should be considered corroborative. This is how we the people have now come to see global events through the prism of an official lie factory. Another recent ploy by Israel to enable its continued bombardment of neighboring Syria is a tale of how Israeli intelligence has developed information that Iran is using Syria to construct technically sophisticated weapons that will be used against the Israelis. Defense Minister Benny Gantz, speaking in New York City last Monday, claimed that Iran has used “10 military facilities in Syria to produce advanced missiles and weapons for its proxies.”

One might observe that Gantz’s use of a map to show where the alleged facilities are located was convincing of nothing as it was a graphic produced by the Israeli government, somewhat like the dreck that is flowing out of Ukraine at the moment. And there is a bit of logical inconsistency in the tale in that Iran has its own arms industry and does not need to build weapons in Syria. There is also the question of why is Gantz speaking in New York? The answer is obvious. Israel is speaking to a gullible American audience about the alleged Iranian threat and Syrian culpability. Predictably, nothing was said about Israel’s recent war crime bombing of the international airport in Aleppo.

And there’s more, as there always is with Israel. The Israeli government is also running full speed with brand new claims about an alleged secret Iranian nuclear weapons program. The information was presented to the US and German governments by Prime Minister Yair Lapid with the claim that it “proves the Iranians are cheating as we speak.” Lapid told the Germans that the Biden Administration had hardened its stance against Iran vis-à-vis the JCPOA negotiations in response to the new information. What the new intelligence consists of might lead to some speculation, but Israel’s claims along those lines have been frequent for the past twenty years and also regularly found to be both malicious and fabricated.

Finally, who says that the Israelis and their rabid Jewish supporters in the United States don’t have a sense of humor? A story making the rounds in the Jewish media in the US and featured in the Jewish News Syndicate asks the question “[Why] 21 years later, [the] US still doesn’t recognize Iran’s role in 9/11.?” The discussion features Caroline Glick and David Wurmser, two noted neocons and Israel-firsters. Wurmser is of course described as “an expert on Middle East affairs” rather than as a Zionist extremist while Glick, who lives in Israel, is among the most rabid journalists calling for “deterrence and containment” of Iran, with the US military doing the heavy lifting. Glick also recalls 9/11, stating that “America’s willful blindness to Iran’s role in global terrorism, including in the September 11 attacks, is part of the collective amnesia about the events of September 11.” When I stopped laughing, I continued reading to see if the two honorable Zionists would also mention the Israeli art students who were all over the place spying on the US and the five Israeli dancing Shlomo “movers” who clearly had prior knowledge of what was about to take place and were seen celebrating the sight of the burning twin towers. And then there was the quote by then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concerning 9/11 that “We [Israelis] are benefitting from one thing, and that is the attack on the twin towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” So, Israel actually had a motive. Makes you wonder… Who really did 9/11?


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

Philip is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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The Islamabad High Court (IHC) dropped the “terrorism” charges against former Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday 19 September. 

“It only proves that these are trumped-up charges and just a tool for political victimization,” said Babar Awan, one of Imran Khan‘s lawyers.

Awan added that the decision of the IHC is “actually an order to quash the charges.”

Khan was charged with terrorism on 22 August, after he allegedly made threats against police and judicial officers during a rally in Islamabad. 

“We will not spare you … We will sue you,” Khan said during his rally in support of Dr. Shahbaz Gill, a close ally and communications advisor of the 69-year-old head of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party. The rally occurred after Gill was arrested without a warrant and allegedly tortured and sexually assaulted.

On 21 August, on top of the highly controversial charges under section 7 of Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Act, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) banned the transmission of Khan’s speeches for being “prejudicial to the maintenance of law and order and likely to disturb public peace and tranquility.”

“There is no law. They are trying to arrest the leader of the biggest party in the country. They are scared of the popularity of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf,” Khan responded to the charges. 

Imran Khan is the head of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party, and was removed from his office as prime minister in April following a no-confidence motion. The motion passed with a majority of 174 votes out of 342, in what his supporters described as a “parliamentary coup”.

Since his removal from office, Khan gathered his supporters in massive rallies to call for early elections, which are originally scheduled for October 2023.

The former prime minister has described running government authorities as “fascist”, who plotted with “foreign powers” to oust him from his position.

Despite the political persecution, Khan’s PTI party swept local elections in Karachi, causing further concern for his political opponents. 


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While environmental crises are predominantly caused by the West and industrialized countries, vulnerable groups across the whole world are carrying a disproportionately large burden while they lack the power over decisions that affect their lives. This has been coined environmental racism.

Entangled with racism is the problem of speciesism, as there’s a clear classification of animals. Exotic and charismatic wild animals are given a higher precedence, and both humans and other animals make way for their conservation.

The speciesist and racist tendencies get intertwined and become apparent in our dealing with environmental issues. These have been influencing policies, laws, conservation efforts, and funds.

This post is a commentary. The views expressed are those of the author, not necessarily of Mongabay.


The EU and Northern countries tend to push for market-based mechanisms to solve environmental crises while Southern countries emphasize the environmental and social risks of these mechanisms (Global Forest Coallition 2010). We need to emphasize the climate debt of industrialized countries who are responsible for climate change.

I reflected on the unease I felt and came to think that what bothered me about our reactions to the crises we face, is that some of our responses tend to be overarchingly racist and speciesist. The COVID-pandemic is the perfect example. When the news came out about COVID-19 potentially having started in a wet market in China, from a person who ate a bat, there was an international push for an enforcement of the ban on wildlife trade (Gorman 2020; Reuters 2020). There were judgments, because eating bats “is cruel,” and there was disgust, because wild animals were being handled in “unhygienic conditions” at some “shady market.” The reason we felt these things is because we have a belief that we – the “civilized white people” – would never have done such a thing, because eating wild bats is “cruel and disgusting.” I am not suggesting that hunting an animal species that has a superior ability to host a myriad of diseases and selling it at a market with poor hygiene is a great idea, but would we have reacted the same way if the pandemic started at a chicken farm in Switzerland? Would we have judged it so harshly? Would we have advocated for a blanket ban on chicken farming?

Whiteness is the ownership of the Earth (Du Bois 1920). The dominant discourses that drive policies are white. We need to be reflective about understanding which culture is respected above others, and, without romanticizing cultures of the global South as purely ecological, create a diversity-friendly justice.

Entangled with racism is the problem of speciesism, as we surpass our distinction between animals and humans to our distinction between different groups of animals. This explains why some of us will find it intuitively crueler to eat a bat than a chicken. We have a clear classification of animals in the West. Exotic wild animals on top, local wild animals next, farmed animals last.

Exotic wild animals are valued highly. We believe they should have space to live in dignity. We create documentaries on them. Most people have an ambiguous feeling seeing a lion in a small cage. We are uncomfortable with the idea that wild exotic animals are hunted. We try to reintroduce wild animals and enhance their populations by creating national parks and minimizing contact between exotic wild animals and the people who live in or near their habitats. We also try to put laws in place that ban the hunting and trading of these animals, to protect them and to prevent disease transmission between humans and animals. One example of this that I have been exposed to is a gorilla conservation project in Uganda, where a national park was created with complete access restriction for local people to the park so as to protect disease transmission from humans to the endangered gorillas. However, paying tourists, mostly from Europe and North America, were allowed to enter for a 600-dollar fee, to go see the gorillas at close proximity.

Gorilla and tourist.

A gorilla conservation project in Uganda, where a national park was created with complete access restriction for local people so as to protect disease transmission from humans to the endangered gorillas, allows paying tourists, mostly from Europe and North America to enter and see the gorillas at close proximity. Image by futureatlas.com via Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

Local wild animals are also valued, but not as much as exotic wild animals. They are hunted locally, but under certain restrictions. In some cases, disease risks arise from either the facilitation of the hunting and eating the hunted animals itself. Most European predators are extinct because of intensive hunting in the past, but we are hesitant to reintroduce predators, as we need to consider the shepherds and farmers who would experience economic losses if we were to do so. We occasionally farm these wild animals (i.e., deer) for consumption. We try to create wildlife corridors, bridges and tunnels so that wild animals do not get killed on the road. Here, we carefully balance the interest of people with the interest of the animals. My PhD research serves as an example. In the Scottish Highlands, a large portion of the land is owned by individuals who run trophy hunting estates. The managers of these estates feed deer in order to keep their populations artificially high, so that paying customers can shoot deer at a higher success rate. The high deer populations cause tick populations to rocket, and as a result, Lyme disease (which is transferred through ticks to humans) cases have gone up 10-fold in the last decade. There are no predators to keep the deer populations at bay (Yalden 1999), and the reintroduction of the wolf, once part of the landscape but now hunted to extinction, is being debated since the 1960s. That has not happened though, as the few hunting the deer are against it.

Farmed animals are valued for their products. We make regulations for their humane rearing and killing. We understand fully which environmental and disease risks arise from rearing and transporting billions of animals, and we are preventing disease outbreaks by administering high amounts of antibiotics to animals. We are also aware of the environmental hazards of animal consumption, including the water usage, the space needed for their rearing and for their feed and the direct pollution of cows through methane. We are also conscious of the suffering of these animals, but here we also consider our taste buds and nutritional needs. I have not done any personal research in this field, but I have lived through some outbreaks of avian influenza that resulted in the slaughtering of entire farms of chickens. Yet, no bans on chicken farming were introduced as a consequence. Another example is the issue of antimicrobial resistance we are fighting against, which is a direct result of intensive animal farming.

Speciesism is a form of discrimination based on species (Ryder 1970). First it was formulated to show that we as humans find ourselves superior to other animals, but then speciesism also took on board the differences that people attribute to different species (Sueur 2019). Peter Singer, among others, questions the premise that one species should be prioritized above another, stating that all animals are equal meaning that they should have equal rights (Singer 1995).

A deer in the Scottish Highlands

A deer in the Scottish Highlands, where their populations are kept artificially high for trophy hunting. Image via Max Pixel (Public domain).

The speciesist and racist tendencies get intertwined and become apparent in our dealing with environmental issues. We are very comfortable donating money to charities that provide opportunities or money to local people to stop their unsustainable hunting/agricultural practices that threaten wild animals. We think lions should be protected even on the lands of people who live as nomadic shepherds, because wildlife needs space. We do this in the name of conservation and to prevent disease transmission between wildlife and humans. We are less comfortable putting such policies in place locally. There is plenty of evidence of the negative environmental consequences of keeping grazer populations high or breeding and releasing animals to be hunted. We are also fully aware that we hardly have any predators left in Europe and that ecosystem management is compromised. However, here, we value local wildlife less and local people more. We, therefore, give more consideration to local people. In terms of eating animals, we think it is fine for us to eat wild and domestic animals, but not so for people across the globe. We think that just because we breed an animal, it is fine to cause it suffering. However, next to the unjustified suffering, we create environmental problems and potential epidemiological risks due to large-scale animal agriculture.

Our way of thinking is infused by speciesism and racism, which are both a product of our current categorization of the world, our current paradigm. We need to unlearn the concept that there are different cultures that are separate from nature (Kohn 2015; Viveiros de Castro 2014) and the very existence of the culture-nature divide and relearn to see the world as simply a product of many kinds of human and non-human agencies, none of which is necessarily more important than the other (Bryant 2011).

This is a plea to start with ourselves. To use our privileges for something more meaningful than buying a sweater from a company that will plant a tree for us. To push for stricter climate change and conservation policies in our own countries, cities, neighborhoods, families and friend groups. To hold each other and ourselves accountable for the way we think about conservation and climate change. To value all beings on this planet equally and respect their agency, will to live and right to take up space and have a dignified life, including all humans, animals and plants. And to question every point in this article, so you can make up your own mind.


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Adger, W., Paavola, J., Saleemul, H., and Mace, M.J. (2006). Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change. Environmental Science. 140717410. doi:2957.001.0001

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Coallition, Global Forest. 2010. Victory for Developing Countries over Northern Business Interests Biodiversity Summit Adopts Binding Decisions Against Biopiracy and Geo-Engineering.

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Martin, Adrian, Shawn Mcguire, and Sian Sullivan. (2013). Global Environmental Justice and Biodiversity Conservation. Geographical Journal 179(2): 122–31. doi:10.1111/geoj.12018

Martínez-Alier, Joan. (2012). Capitalism Nature Socialism Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements. Capitalism Nature Socialism 23(1): 51–73. doi:10.1080/10455752.2011.648839

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Reed, G. Maureen and George Colleen. (2017). Just Conservation. The Evolving Relationship between Society and Protected Areas. The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice: 463–75. researchgate.net/publication/319130571_The_Routledge_Handbook_of_Environmental_Justice

Reuters. (2020). China Wildlife Crime Prosecutions up Sharply after COVID-19 Outbreak | Reuters.

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Ryder, D. (1970). Speciesism Again: The Original Leaflet. Critical Society 2(1).

Sachs, Wolfgang, and Tilman Santarius. (2008). Fair Future: Resource Conflicts, Security and Global Justice. Books for Change. researchgate.net/publication/321938402_Fair_Future_Resource_Conflicts_Security_and_Global_Justice

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Schlosberg, David. (2007). 9780199286294 Defining Environmental Justice: Theories, Movements, and Nature Defining Environmental Justice: Theories, Movements, and Nature. Oxford University Press.

Shrader-Frechette, Kristin. (2002). Environmental Justice. Oxford University Press. philpapers.org/rec/SHREJC

Singer, Peter. (1995). Animal Liberation. Random House.

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Tumusiime, DavidMwesigye, and Paul Vedeld. (2012). False Promise or False Premise? Using Tourism Revenue Sharing to Promote Conservation and Poverty Reduction in Uganda. Conservation and Society 10(1): 15. doi:10.4103/0972-4923.92189

Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo. (2014). Cannibal Metaphysics. Minnesota University Press. jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctt17xr4vt

Yalden, Derek. (1999). The History of British Mammals. T & A D Poyser.

Young, Iris Marion. (2011). Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton University Press.

Featured image: Earlier this year in northern Tanzania, more than 70,000 Indigenous Maasai residents were evicted from their ancestral lands to make way for trophy hunting and elite tourism. Image by Anita Ritenour via Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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A team of psychological researchers from Australia is delving into the mindset of those who refuse to buy the notion that man-made climate change is quickly creating an unlivable, barren wasteland on Earth. Researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast looked to explain why such “cranks” continue to deny what they call “the reality of climate change, its causes, impacts and the need for mitigatory action.”

The study’s authors — Breanna Fraser, Patrick Nunn, and Rachael Sharman — set out to discover why climate change skeptics think the way they do, beyond what they call “sociodemographic and value factors.” Instead, the study proposed to look at psychological factors involved in climate change skepticism. The study asked 390 Australian participants why they refused to buy the climate change narrative.

“This mixed-methods study investigated whether more malleable psychological factors: locus of control; information processing style; and anti-reflexivity, predicted climate change scepticism above and beyond socio-demographic and value factors,” the study’s abstract declares.

According to the researchers, climate change skeptics were guilty of using “mental gymnastics” in order to deny what they called “the near-universal agreement among scientists on the reality and impact of climate change.”

Near universal? Really? What about the 1,100 scientists — including a Nobel laureate — who recently signed a declaration proclaiming “there is no climate emergency?” Among those scientists were 134 signatories from Australia, the same nation the participants in the survey were from.

The researchers found one very interesting result: Those who actually study an issue instead of blindly relying on government propaganda were actually more likely to be skeptical of so-called climate change.

“Contrary to our predictions, people with high analytical abilities were even more likely to be sceptical about this,” stated study authors Nunn and Sharman in a piece for The Conversation.

Imagine that — people who take the time and effort to study the issue of climate change have a tendency toward skepticism.

Also, in the study’s view, people who value individual liberty are less inclined to buy into the notion of a full-blown climate crisis.

“Those with stronger individualistic worldviews — their priority is individual autonomy as opposed to a more collectivist worldview — were more sceptical about humans causing climate change,” the authors stated.

Or, put in other words, people who are less inclined toward communism and globalism are also less likely to swallow the climate emergency narrative.

Among the study’s other findings:

Older people were more likely to be sceptical of the reality of climate change.

So, older people, set in their ways and unable to change their minds, are a large part of the reason why so-called climate action is taking so long to begin.

Conservatives were more likely to be sceptical of the reality, causes and impacts of climate change.

So, conservatives, in the view of the researchers, are simply unable to see the “reality” of climate change.

Lower environmental values were strongly linked to all types of scepticism.

So, the elderly and the conservatives just care less about the environment, according to the study.

In other words, according to the researchers, a certain amount of naivete among the citizenry is useful when selling the climate crisis narrative.

The study’s authors correctly point out that climate hysterics themselves may bear some of the blame for skepticism. For instance, the climate change community’s practice of making predictions which are observably false leads to skepticism.

The researchers note that skeptics are aware of “predictions not becoming reality [and give] explanations such as ‘seeing climate change alarmists’ predictions being completely false.’” Naturally, this lends credence to skepticism.

The authors believe that such doubts have arisen because skeptics have a “basic misunderstanding” of model-based climate predictions. Is that “misunderstanding” due to the fact that such climate models were never meant to be a predictive tool?

Sky News’ Andrew Bolt made the point that the study was an attempt to classify climate change skepticism as a mental condition. He addressed the study in a very tongue-in-cheek way:

But I do wonder, I have to confess, why people with high analytical abilities, people who are great at analyzing things, are more skeptical of global warming preachers. I’m just sorry that Sharman didn’t actually analyze that bit because I reckon the answer would be fascinating.

And Bolt is correct. While the study doesn’t come right out and say that skeptics of a “climate emergency” have some sort of mental condition, the very existence of the study and its dubious conclusions are meant to plant the seed that, perhaps, people who would drag their feet on destroying the world’s economy and power systems to combat this so-called climate crisis might simply suffer from delusional thinking of some sort.

So, despite the study’s own finding that people with “high analytical abilities were even more likely to be sceptical about” climate change, the study’s authors would have us believe such people are a threat to the Earth.


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James Murphy is a freelance journalist who writes on a variety of subjects with a primary focus on the ongoing anthropogenic climate-change hoax and cultural issues. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image: People hold signs during the March for Science in Melbourne, Australia on April 22, 2017. (Photo: Takver/flickr/ccc)

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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) decided this week to take the side of Ukraine in the current war; blame Russia for the shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP); and issue a demand for Russia to surrender the plant to the Kiev regime “to regain full control over all nuclear facilities within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, including the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.”      

This is the most dramatic shift by the United Nations (UN) nuclear power regulator in the 65-year history of the organisation based in Vienna.

The terms of the IAEA Resolution Number 58, which were proposed early this week by the Polish and Canadian governors on the agency board, were known in advance by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres when he spoke by telephone with President Vladimir Putin in the late afternoon of September 14, before the vote was taken. Guterres did not reveal what he already knew would be the IAEA action the next day.

According to the official IAEA text, the agency

“1. expresses grave concern that the Russian Federation has not heeded the call of the Board to immediately cease all actions against and at nuclear facilities in Ukraine”[and]

2. Deplores the Russian Federation’s persistent violent actions against nuclear facilities in Ukraine, including forcefully seizing of control of nuclear facilities and other violent actions in connection with a number of nuclear facilities and other radioactive materials and the ongoing presence of Russian forces and Rosatom personnel at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, which continue to pose serious and direct threats to the safety and security of these facilities and their civilian personnel, thereby significantly raising the risk of a nuclear accident or incident, which endangers the population of Ukraine, neighbouring States and the international community.”

The IAEA makes no reference to its investigation of the artillery shelling of the ZNPP, or to the evidence presented by Russian and other sources that these attacks, and a attempted commando assault on the plant on September 1, were ordered and carried out by the government in Kiev.

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi speaks to the German, French and US media  at ZNPP on September 1.  The Bloomberg report indicated that Grossi’s visit was “the first time in the IAEA’s 65-year history that monitors crossed an active battlefront in order to carry out an inspection.” Grossi did not make accusations against either Russia or Ukraine, and subsequently proposed instead a no-fire zone around the plant. According to Bloomberg, “Ukraine and Russia have blamed each other for continued fighting in the area, with no way to independently verify their claims.”

The board of governors voted to demand Russia surrender, not only ZNPP, but all nuclear facilities “within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders.”

Map of Ukraine Nuclear Facilities

Photo by Yakiv Gluck, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The IAEA resolution calls “upon the Russian Federation to immediately cease all actions against, and at, the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant and any other nuclear facility in Ukraine, in order for the competent Ukrainian authorities to regain full control over all nuclear facilities within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, including the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, to ensure their safe and secure operation, and in order for the Agency to fully and safely conduct its safeguards verification activities, in accordance with Ukraine’s Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement entered into pursuant to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Statute.”

The agency’s board of governors has 35 members. This year they represent:  Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Burundi, Canada, China, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Ireland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and Viet Nam.

In an opening statement to the board, the IAEA Secretary General Rafaelo Grossi described his inspection visit to Zapoorzhye at the beginning of this month.

“A nuclear safety and security protection zone,” he said, “is urgently needed and I have begun initial consultations with the relevant Parties. The protection zone is essential to end the repeated shelling of the Plant and of the off-site power infrastructure crucial for reactor cooling and systems needed to maintain safety now that all reactors at Zaporizhzhya NPP are in shutdown.”

Grossi stopped short of identifying the source of the artillery attacks on the plant. The only demand he issued to the Russian side was to “recommend that the military vehicles currently present inside the buildings and around the buildings be removed so they do not interfere with the operation of the safety and security systems.”

The vote for the surrender resolution followed three days after Grossi’s speech. The voting rules for the governors can be followed here.  Rules 36 and 37 provide for simple majority and super-majority votes when or if the board decides to apply them. Grossi was asked this morning through his spokesman, Fredrik Dahl, to say what voting rules were adopted for the resolution. Dahl (right) is an Austrian with a long career as a Reuters correspondent working on the NATO side during the war against Serbia and the US and Israeli campaigns against Iran. Dahl refused to answer the telephone or email questions.

Grossi’s press office was also asked to report the roll call on the resolution vote, identifying the countries voting for the resolution, and those voting against or abstaining. Dahl and his associates refused to reply. The IAEA website is not disclosing the vote.

Instead, the Russian representative on the IAEA board and the Embassy in Vienna published a report on Telegram.  This reveals  the 35-member board voted 26 in favour; Russia and China voted against;  Burundi, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Senegal and South Africa voted to abstain. Twenty-six votes amount to 74% of the board;  Rules 36 and 37 require a super majority of two thirds — that’s 23 votes.

In English: “Western countries have voted through an anti-Russian resolution on the Ukrainian issue in the IAEA Board of Governors. The Achilles heel of this resolution is that it does not say a word about the systematic shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP, which is the main problem from the point of view of ensuring nuclear safety and nuclear safety in the world. The reason is simple – the shelling is carried out by Ukraine, which Western countries strongly support and protect. Russia and China voted against this document. Abstaining were Burundi, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Senegal and South Africa. Thus, most of humanity refused to support this project.” Source

In April, during a meeting in Moscow between President Putin and UN Secretary-General  Guterres, he was warned against lying publicly about the sides in the conflict.

At the time and subsequently, Guterres’s spokesman refused to answer questions about what he knew of Ukrainian military use of civilians as shields in the fighting at the Azov steel plant and other war crimes. Russian doubt about Guterres’s neutrality and independence grew with his conduct of the negotiations over release of Ukrainian and Russian grain cargoes and Russian fertilizers for export.

On September 14 the Kremlin has recorded that Putin telephoned Guterres in the late afternoon, Moscow time.

“The primary focus”, according to the Russian communiqué, “was on the implementation of the Istanbul package agreements on Ukrainian grain exports from Black Sea ports and exports of Russian foods and fertilisers. Both leaders emphasised the importance of prioritising the food needs of countries in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.”

Putin then raised the issue of the IAEA and ZNPP.

“The situation around the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) was discussed, including the visit by the IAEA delegation on September 1. Vladimir Putin gave a positive assessment to the constructive cooperation with the agency and told the UN Secretary-General about the measures taken by Russia to ensure the security and physical protection of ZNPP facilities.”

There is no record of what Guterres told Putin in reply. However, in a press conference Guterres held soon after the call in New York, he acknowledged that

“the last time I spoke with President Putin was this morning. That is the reason why I came late to the press conference. And we had the opportunity to discuss the Black Sea Grain Initiative and its extension and expansion, possible expansion.”

He added:

“We discussed Zaporizhzhia, and we discussed all the other aspects that are relevant in the present situation. And I usually do not say what I say in phone calls. My positions are known.”

He was asked what he knew of the situation at Zaporozhye.

“According to the informations I have,” Guterres replied, “electricity is being provided to the reactors for guaranteeing the cooling of those reactors, and other areas that also need the electricity supply are having it. And we hope that it will be able to maintain it, both with generators and through the grid.  The IAEA remains on the site, and the information we have are also that, until now, there was no radiation measured that is worrying. I believe that we have been now three days without bombing. I hope that these kinds of attacks will cease, and I hope that the security of the nuclear power plant will be maintained entirely at all costs and fully respected by the parties.”

A reporter then asked:

“We heard that there are some talks going on between the IAEA chief, Mr. Grossi, and the Ukrainians and the Russians. Is that what you believe has led to the end of shelling for the past three days? Are these talks something the UN is encouraging, involved in, in other ways?”

Guterres replied:

“Those talks are taking place, and I hope they will contribute to quiet things down. I cannot establish a cause-and-effect, but I believe that the IAEA presence is a very important deterrent and that their contacts are a very important deterrent in relation to any kind of attack against the power plant.”

Screenshot from the UN

Later in the press conference Guterres was asked a question about the IAEA’s role in the nuclear negotiations with Iran. He replied:

“I think the IAEA is a very important pillar, and I believe that its independence that exists and must be preserved is essential. The IAEA cannot be the instrument of parties against other parties. And I do believe the IAEA is doing its role based on the technical aspects in which the IAEA is supposed to have the knowledge and the capacity to do.”

Russian sources express scepticism that when Guterres said this, he did not already know that  IAEA resolution Number  58 would become “the instrument of parties against other parties” — exactly what Guterres told the press the IAEA should not do.


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I learned about Paul’s conversion to anti-vaxxer status from reading Brucha Weisberger’s substack article.

First, watch this TV news clip paying very close attention starting 50 seconds into the clip:

Here’s the definition of an anti-vaxxer:

He also said he’s not getting any more COVID shots until he sees more data…


And more vaccine hesitancy…

The question for your blue pilled friends

“So, if Dr. Paul Offit isn’t getting any more shots, why are you? Do you know something he doesn’t?”

How you can help

Ask Paul on his Twitter account if he wants to see the Israeli safety data that they are hiding. You can refer to my article.

I’d do it myself, but I’m banned for life from Twitter as you all know for tweeting that the COVID vaccines cause prion diseases. They do. There is absolutely no doubt about that. But truth isn’t protected speech on Twitter and I don’t think anyone who works at Twitter believes that “true speech” should be protected.

Do you know anyone who works at Twitter in upper management who thinks it’s wrong to ban people for saying things that are true? I haven’t found one…


We now have one more anti-vaxxer in the world.

I just emailed Paul asking him if he wants to join Martin Kulldorff and see the Israeli safety data that the Israeli Ministry of Health does not want anyone to see. Let’s see how red pilled Paul really is. I’ll update this article if he responds. Don’t hold your breath. Apparently, being open to seeing safety data that is counter-narrative is a career limiting move.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now advertising the new COVID booster as an “antibody update” to “recharge your immunity” — as if your immune system were a battery that needs recharging, or your immunity a software system that requires gene therapy “updates.” This is transhumanist lingo that has no bearing on real-world biology or physiology, and proves the FDA is onboard with the transhumanist ideas of technocracy pushed by the globalist cabal

According to a risk-benefit analysis looking at the impact of booster mandates for university students, between 22,000 and 30,000 previously uninfected adults (aged 18 to 29) must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalization

For each hospitalization prevented, the jab will cause 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to three booster-associated myocarditis cases in males.

A small observational study led by neurology researchers at the National Institutes of Health found “a variety of neuropathic symptoms” occurring within three to four weeks of COVID injection.

Naturopath Henry Ealy and two Oregon state senators, Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, are trying to compel the state court in Oregon to order the impaneling of a special grand jury to investigate criminal data fraud by the CDC


Just when you thought the U.S. Food and Drug Administration couldn’t possibly get any worse, they prove you wrong. Here are two recent COVID booster campaign messages tweeted out by the FDA:

recharge your immunity

“It’s time to install that update! #UpdateYourAntibodies with a new #COVID19 booster.”1“Don’t be shocked! You can now #RechargeYourImmunity with an updated #COVID19 booster.”2

FDA Now Pushes Transhumanist Pipe-Dream

That’s right. The FDA now wants you to believe that your immune system is something that needs to be “recharged,” as if it were a battery, or “updated” with mRNA injections like a piece of software.

This is transhumanist lingo that has no bearing on real-world biology or physiology, and proves beyond doubt that the FDA is fully onboard with the transhumanist ideas of technocracy pushed by the globalist cabal. The human body is basically viewed as nothing more than a biological platform equipped with genetic software that can be altered and updated at will.

The problem, of course, is that your body doesn’t work that way. You cannot turn your body into a “bioreactor”3 or an internal “vaccine-production facility”4 and expect it to work as intended. The massive increase in disability and sudden death among COVID jab recipients is a testament to the fact that allowing Big Pharma to play God is a bad idea.

Transhumanism as a whole is a pipe-dream, as it fails to take into account just about everything that actually makes us human, including the nonlocality of consciousness, which they irrationally believe can be uploaded to a cloud-based system and merged with AI, or downloaded into an artificial body construct, such as a synthetic body.

False Advertising

The Federal Trade Commission is responsible for addressing fraudulent advertising. According to law, an ad must be “truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence.”5The FDA itself also requires drug ads to be “truthful, balanced and accurately communicated.”6

“Balanced” refers to promotional materials that include efficacy and benefit claims, which must include a balance between benefit information and information about risks. In my view, the FDA’s most recent COVID booster ads are clear examples of false advertising, because:

  • They’re not truthful and accurate, as there’s no basis for the claim that your antibodies need to be updated with a drug, or the claim that immunity must be recharged at regular intervals
  • They’re not backed by scientific evidence, as the FDA is a) ignoring massive evidence of harm from the original shots, and b) the bivalent boosters are being released based on data from a few mice alone. The FDA is advertising the boosters for the prevention of disease, even though it has zero data to prove it prevents anything
  • They’re not balanced, as the FDA fails to warn people about any of the many side effects reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)7

Was No-Test Drug Approval the Plan All Along?

While I cannot prove it, I suspect Operation Warp Speed (OWS) — devised in the spring of 2020 by a dozen top officials from then-President Trump’s health and defense departments to expedite the development of a COVID-19 vaccine8 — may have been intended to normalize the approval of drugs without proper testing.

Even if the normalization of expedited drug approval wasn’t originally intended, it certainly has been used and abused to that aim since. In June 2022, the FDA quietly implemented a “Future Framework” scheme9 to speed up the delivery of COVID boosters. This is what allows for the authorization of reformulated COVID shots without human trials.10,11,12

The FDA basically rewrote the rules on the fly, deciding that mRNA gene therapies are equivalent to conventional influenza vaccines and can be updated and released without testing.

The idea here is that the safety of the mRNA COVID shots has already been proven by the original shots, which they claim have harmed or killed no one. Hence, safety is a given, and the effectiveness of reformulated boosters can be assessed simply by checking the antibody levels in a few mice, which is what Pfizer and Moderna did.

In reality, however, millions of people around the world have been harmed and killed by the original shots, the human trials for those shots were riddled with fraud, antibody levels tell us nothing about the jab’s ability to protect against infection, and the two technologies (conventional flu vaccines and mRNA gene therapy) have no common ground.

I have no doubt this “Future Framework” will also, over time, be widened to include other vaccines and drugs that drug makers may want to tinker with. It may even lower standards for drug trials in general, which historically have required at least 10 years of multiphase testing.13 The dangers of this trend really cannot be overstated.

Analysis of US Booster Policy

In a September 12, 2022, article, Kaiser Health News raised several questions about the FDA’s authorization of the new bivalent COVID boosters:14

“… in the real world, are the omicron-specific vaccines significantly more protective — and in what ways — than the original COVID vaccines so many have already taken? If so, who would benefit most from the new shots? Since the federal government is purchasing these new vaccines … is the $3.2 billion price tag worth the unclear benefit? …

The FDA could have requested more clinical vaccine effectiveness data from Pfizer and Moderna before authorizing their updated omicron BA.5 boosters. Yet the FDA cannot weigh in on important follow-up questions: How much more effective are the updated boosters than vaccines already on the market? In which populations?

And what increase in effectiveness is enough to merit an increase in price (a so-called cost-benefit analysis)? Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, perform such an analysis before allowing new medicines onto the market, to negotiate a fair national price …

As population immunity builds up through vaccination and infection, it’s unclear whether additional vaccine boosters, updated or not, would benefit all ages equally … The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices considered limiting the updated boosters to people 50 and up, but eventually decided that doing so would be too complicated.”

Shocking Jab Study Decimates Safety Claims

In related news, a shocking risk-benefit analysis15 looking at the impact of booster mandates for university students concluded that:

  • Between 22,000 and 30,000 previously uninfected adults (aged 18 to 29) must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalization
  • For each hospitalization prevented, the jab will cause 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3 “booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities”

That means mandating a third COVID shot for university students will result in “a net expected harm.” The authors also stress that “Given the high prevalence of post-infection immunity, this risk-benefit profile is even less favorable.” The authors go on to state that “University booster mandates are unethical because:”16

“1) no formal risk-benefit assessment exists for this age group;

2) vaccine mandates may result in a net expected harm to individual young people;

3) mandates are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given the modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission;

4) U.S. mandates violate the reciprocity principle because rare serious vaccine-related harms will not be reliably compensated due to gaps in current vaccine injury schemes; and

5) mandates create wider social harms. We consider counter-arguments such as a desire for socialization and safety and show that such arguments lack scientific and/or ethical support.”

Government Study Reveals COVID Jab Problems

A small observational study17,18 led by neurology researchers at the National Institutes of Health also brings bad news, as they found “a variety of neuropathic symptoms” occurring within three to four weeks of COVID injection:

“We studied 23 patients (92% female; median age 40 years) reporting new neuropathic symptoms beginning within 1 month after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. 100% reported sensory symptoms comprising severe face and/or limb paresthesias, and 61% had orthostasis, heat intolerance and palpitations …

Biopsies from randomly selected five patients that were evaluated for immune complexes showed deposition of complement C4d in endothelial cells. Electrodiagnostic test results were normal in 94% (16/17). Together, 52% (12/23) of patients had objective evidence of small-fiber peripheral neuropathy …

This observational study suggests that a variety of neuropathic symptoms may manifest after SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations and in some patients might be an immune-mediated process.”

FDA Refuses to Release Key COVID Jab Safety Analyses

In July 2022, The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release “all analyses performed by the agency for the COVID-19 vaccines using … Empirical Bayesian data mining, which involves comparing the adverse events recorded after a specific COVID-19 vaccine with those recorded after vaccination with non-COVID-19 vaccines.”19

The FDA has so far refused, claiming the data is tied to “internal discussions protected by law.” September 10, 2022, The Epoch Times reported:20

“According to operating procedures laid out by the agency and its partner in January 202121and February 2022,22 the FDA would perform data mining ‘at least biweekly’ to identify adverse events ‘reported more frequently than expected following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines.’ The agency would perform the mining on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

In a recent response, the FDA records office told The Epoch Times that it would not provide any of the analyses, even in redacted form. The agency cited an exemption to the Freedom of Information Act that lets the government withhold inter-agency and intra-agency memorandums and letters ‘that would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency.’

The agency also pointed to the Code of Federal Regulations, which says that ‘all communications within the Executive Branch of the Federal government which are in written form or which are subsequently reduced to writing may be withheld from public disclosure except that factual information which is reasonably segregable in accordance with the rule established in § 20.22 is available for public disclosure.’

It’s not clear why the FDA could not produce copies of the analyses with non-factual information redacted. The Epoch Times has appealed the determination by the records office.”

CDC Also Refuses to Release Its Safety Analyses

According to the VAERS standard operating procedures cited above, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also required to perform data mining analyses, using Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining. PRR23 measures how common an adverse event is for a specific drug compared to all the other drugs in the database.

When The Epoch Times asked the CDC to release its results, it too refused. According to The Epoch Times, the CDC “has also twice provided false information when responding to questions”:24

“The agency initially said that no PRR analyses were done and that data mining is ‘outside of th[e] agency’s purview.’ The agency then said that it did perform PRRs, starting in February 2021. Later, the agency acknowledged that wasn’t true.

The agency did not begin performing PRRs until March 2022, a spokesperson told The Epoch Times. Roger Andoh, a records officer, gave the initial response, citing the CDC’s Immunization and Safety Office. Dr. John Su, a CDC official, gave the second response.

It remains unclear with whom the information originated. The Epoch Times has submitted Freedom of Information Act requests for internal emails that may provide answers.”

So far, the FDA has insisted the data show no evidence of serious adverse effects from the COVID jab. The only possible signal they’d found through April 16, 2021, was for raised body temperature. In the article, The Epoch Times cites several papers in which the FDA and/or CDC claim their data mining efforts have come up empty handed.

But if that’s true, why the reluctance to release the data? Don’t they want us to be reassured that these shots are as safe as they claim them to be? Why sit on exculpatory evidence? Unless, of course, the data proves the FDA and CDC have been lying all along.

Senators Calling for Special Grand Jury

In other related news, naturopath Henry Ealy and two Oregon state senators, Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, have been trying since March 2022 to compel the impaneling of a special grand jury to investigate decisions by federal officials that “significantly compromise[d] the accuracy and integrity of COVID-related data.”25

According to the March 7, 2022, petition,26,27 filed in Portland, Oregon, the 30 defendants manipulated statistics to create “a significant hyperinflation of COVID-19 case, hospitalization and death counts,” which in turn resulted in $3.5 trillion in fraudulent taxpayer expenditures.

Defendants specifically named28 are former CDC director Robert Redfield and current CDC director Rochelle Walensky, former Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Alex Azar, HHS director Xavier Becerra, and National Center for Health Statistics director Brian Moyer.

As explained by Ealy in the video update above, the defendants were given 60 days to reply to the March 7 petition. As it happened, the U.S. Attorney for Oregon, Scott Asphaug, was assigned by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to be the defending attorney — an interesting choice, considering Ealy, Thatcher and Linthicum had in 2021 asked Asphaug to investigate the listed defendants, which he refused to do.

Asphaug immediately filed for an extension, which gave them another 60 days. The defendants now had until August 26, 2022, to respond. Suddenly, July 13, the DOJ reassigned Asphaug to Nairobi, Kenya. Asphaug resigned from his post as U.S. attorney, effective July 17, at which point U.S. Attorneys Natalie Wight and Dianne Schweiner took over the CDC’s defense.

When the defendants missed the August 26 deadline, Ealy, Thatcher and Linthicum filed for default judgment.29 Two days later, August 29, Wight and Schweiner opposed default judgment.30

Schweiner’s excuse for missing the deadline was that she’d been busy caring for her acutely sick dog. As noted by Linthicum in his newsletter,31 “no self-respecting sci-fi editor would allow something this outlandish past his desk when trying to make a story about integrity and transparency sound believable.”

Ealy is now convinced the CDC is feeling the heat, and urges Americans to sign Stand for Health Freedom’s petition to convene a special grand jury to investigate the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19.

The more signatures there are on this petition, the stronger the argument that the court must order a grand jury investigation, as it demonstrates that this investigation is important to the American public, and isn’t just some pet grievance by Ealy, Thatcher and Linthicum.

As noted by Ealy, the CDC has committed criminal data fraud. There are laws prohibiting data manipulation by federal agencies, and laws meant to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The CDC violated those laws, not just once, but repeatedly, and those in charge must be held accountable. We cannot have a public health agency flouting data laws in order to justify harming the public. So, please, add your name to the grand jury petition.


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1 Twitter FDA September 7, 2022

2 Twitter FDA September 9, 2022

3 MIT Technology Review February 5, 2021

4 Nature Biotechnology 2022; 40: 840-854

5 FTC Truth in Advertising

6 Compliance Online Drug Ads


8 Politico January 17, 2021

9 FDA Briefing Document June 28, 2022

10 The Defender June 27, 2022

11 The Epoch Times June 28, 2022 (Archived)

12 New York Times June 27, 2022 (Archived)

13 Phrma.org Biopharmaceutical research and Development

14 KHN September 22, 2022

15, 16 SSRN September 12, 2022

17 medRxiv May 17, 2022

18 Trial Site News September 1, 2022

19, 20, 24 Epoch Times September 10, 2022

21 VAERS Standard Operating Procedures January 2021

22 VAERS Standard Operating Procedures February 2022

23 All About Pharmacovigilance PRR

25, 26, 28 Petition to impanel special grand jury March 7, 2022

27 Stand For Health Freedom

29 Application for entry of default August 27, 2022

30 Opposition to entry of default August 29, 2022

31 Dennis Linthicum Newsletter

Featured image is from Mercola

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

School Shutdowns Leave Children Behind

September 20th, 2022 by Rep. Ron Paul

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A new report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a program of the US Department of Education, confirms what most parents already knew: shutting down the schools because of the panic over covid was a disaster for American schoolchildren. According to the NAEP, since the 2020 school shutdowns the average nine-year-old suffered a decline in reading skills and math skills. The reading skills decline is the largest since 1990. The math skills decline is the first ever reported by NAEP.

What makes this especially tragic is that there was no medical justification for closing the schools. Children are unlikely to either contract or spread covid, so the idea that schools had to close to prevent children from infecting their families may be the most absurd of all the absurd claims made by covid authoritarians like Dr. Anthony “I represent science” Fauci.

It was clear to anyone truly following the science that school shutdowns were unnecessary and harmful. Yet, because of the combined clout of the teachers unions and the cult of Fauci, in many communities schools were among the last institutions to reopen. When the schools did reopen, children were forbidden to sit together at lunch or play together during recess. Children were also forced to wear masks the whole school day, which made many children sick.

The teachers unions’ pernicious role in closing the schools shows a sad disconnection among teachers union bosses (and the politicians that do their bidding) from the promoting of children’s education.

The one positive development from the school closures is that many parents discovered how concepts like critical race theory had been snuck into the government school curriculum. This has led to a parental uprising and a renewed focus on electing individuals to school boards who are committed to stopping government schools from indoctrinating children with political and social beliefs or undermining parents’ values.

Many parents moved their children to homeschooling in reaction to the school closures and the revelations on what was really being taught in government schools. After the school shutdowns, there was a huge increase in the number in homeschooling families. As dissatisfaction with government schools grows, more parents will begin homeschooling.

For almost a decade I have been involved with homeschooling through my Ron Paul Curriculum. Students using my homeschooling curriculum can attain a superior education in comparison to standards set by politicians or bureaucrats. Instead of indoctrinating students with instruction in subjects including critical race theory, the Ron Paul Curriculum provides students with a solid education in history, literature, mathematics, and the sciences. It also gives students the opportunity to create their own websites and internet-based businesses. The curriculum is designed to be self-taught, with students helping and learning from each other via online forums.

Starting in the fourth grade, students are required to write at least one essay a week. Students are required to post their essays on their blogs. Students also take a course in public speaking.

The curriculum does emphasize the history, philosophy, and economics of liberty, but it never substitutes indoctrination for education. The goal is to produce students with superior critical thinking skills who can thrive with their individuality.

If you think my curriculum may meet the needs of your child, please visit www.RonPaulCurriculum.com for more information.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Many Reasons Why Price Cap on Russian Oil Exports Cannot Work

September 20th, 2022 by Prof. Shirin Akhter

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In their ongoing economic war on Russia, the United States and its allies propose a price cap on Russian oil exports. The oil price cap idea promoted by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen suggests that oil-consuming nations organize into a buyer’s cartel to limit Russia’s revenues from oil exports. This proposal follows previous measures against Russia, which have not dented its economy to the extent that it would be induced to change its posture (as the US and its allies desire) concerning the conflict in Ukraine.

Instead, the direct restrictions placed on Russian exports, principally of primary commodities such as oil and natural gas, have increased their world prices. They are so high that Russia’s export earnings have increased even if the volumes of some export have declined.

Russia currently accounts for about 10% of global oil, producing approximately 10 million barrels daily. Of these, Russia exports about 7 million barrels per day. If its exports decline, the resulting demand-supply mismatch will have speculators (principally international finance) bidding oil prices up to astronomical levels. Consequently, the proposed price cap, going by the intentions of the US and its allies, is meant to work by reducing Russian oil export earnings without reducing their magnitude.

Let us examine the US’ plan and that of its “allies” in detail. First, the ceiling price on Russian oil exports will be at a level that exceeds the cost of production of oil but below world oil prices. Second, the cap is meant to be enforced principally through controls over shipping insurance dominated by firms based in the US or its allies. It would be with the hope that if the price cap is successful, world oil prices and traded oil volumes will remain relatively stable, but Russia’s oil export earnings will decline.

If this decline is sufficiently large, the US and its allies can expect Russia to change its posture in the conflict in a way they find acceptable. However, these hopes are unlikely to be realized for several reasons.

The US has failed to convince OPEC to increase oil production, partly because of capacity constraints in coming years. Further, the US currently lacks strategic wherewithal (the “unipolar moment” has passed) to “persuade” OPEC members such as Saudi Arabia to activate their limited spare oil production capacity. Now, Iranian oil exports are part of world trade but outside the framework of the so-called rules-based international order due to unilateral US sanctions. Venezuelan oil production is also constrained by years of unilateral US sanctions. In both countries, markedly increasing production capacity will require years of investment. Moreover, their oil exports will be more expensive for European buyers than Russian oil due to higher transportation costs.

This is why Russian oil exports are irreplaceable in world trade for years to come.

Let us also examine the likely consequences of attempts by the US and its allies to enforce a price cap on Russian oil exports. Firstly, it will require a cartel of most actual and potential importers of Russian oil. China and India have effectively ruled out participating in any such exercise, using different idioms to articulate their reasoning. China is unlikely to accept a negotiation that strategically weakens Russia (the possible result if a price cap is effective) since this would be detrimental to China’s strategic standing vis-a-vis the US.

If India agrees to join this proposed buyer’s cartel, there could be at least two adverse consequences even if the price cap is effective. One, it could undermine India’s defense capacity, which disproportionately depends on Russian imports. Two, it could enhance the strategic proximity between China and Russia. This closeness could become antagonistic to India’s interests. Strategic proximity to the US may not counterbalance it in the future.

Secondly, Russia could respond to attempts to enforce a price cap by partially withholding its oil exports, leading to a rise in world oil prices. If Russian oil prices are below world market prices but above the proposed cap, some countries would find it worthwhile to import Russian oil. It has been argued that stopping oil production may require repairs when production restarts. These expenses may deter Russia from partially curtailing oil production.

However, this would be true only if the difference between Russia’s earnings from oil exports (when selling at an intermediate price between the world and capped prices) and the cost of restarting temporarily unused oil wells is lower than the earnings from oil sold at the capped price. If world oil prices rise adequately because of partial halts in oil production, it would be worthwhile for Russia to refuse to export oil at the capped price.

Thirdly, other countries that export oil or related commodities will rightly apprehend the success of the price cap as a strategy the US and its allies can use against them should they stray from the “rules-based international order.” Therefore, they are unlikely to want to cooperate with the price cap idea. Further, if Russia exports all its oil at the capped price, as long as it is below the world oil prices, any adjustment of oil supply towards demand will involve only non-Russian oil producers.

The increased volatility in the earnings of non-Russian oil-exporting countries would make them not want to cooperate with the proposed price cap.

Fourth, it is unclear how shipping insurance companies based in the US (and its allies) can monitor the actual price at which Russian oil is being exported. Suppose a country imports fertilizer and oil from Russia. The difference between the actual price of Russian oil and the capped price could be recorded in documents as part of the transaction value of fertilizer exports. Further, insurance companies in Russia or countries that import oil from it can provide insurance. It should not be very complicated since shipping insurance companies in the US or its allies primarily provide “expertise” and are not the source of the premiums. It is also possible that oil traders could “blend” oil from Russian and other sources and label it non-Russian to operate outside the framework of any price cap. Further, they could use mid-ocean ship-to-ship oil transfers to mark Russian oil as having originated in other locations, making the price cap inapplicable to such cargo.

Fifth, it is not militarily feasible for the US armed forces to impound ships carrying Russian oil exports since it would invite massive retaliation by the Russian Federation’s armed forces.

Sixth, Russia could retaliate against attempts to enforce a price cap on its oil exports in many other ways besides reducing production. For instance, contrary to reports in the mainstream media, Russia could escalate militarily in Ukraine without using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. The Russian Federation government may conclude that the negative fallout of defeating Ukraine militarily by using overwhelming conventional force is lesser than if it allows itself to be bound by a price cap.

Resisting attempts to enforce the price cap by dropping the relative restraint of its armed forces would lead to a steep rise in casualties and refugee inflows from Ukraine into Europe and the Russian Federation. The latter may calculate that a swift end to the armed conflict will change the “cost-benefit” calculations of the US and its allies, making the proposed price cap lose its raison d’être.

Seventh, Russia is a leading primary commodity exporter. It could institute selective export restrictions of primary commodities against countries that seek to enforce the price cap. If these restrictions involve grains, fertilizers etc., it could greatly aggravate the world food crisis.

So we have a strong likelihood of Russian retaliation, an unwilling India and China, the impossibility of substituting Russian crude and gas, and unilateral sanctions raising rather than lowering Russia’s earnings. The proposed oil price cap does not seem worthwhile for those who propose it. It will likely be a strategic setback to the US, principally reflecting a fundamental feature of the contemporary international political economy—it is not strategically possible for the US to successfully contend simultaneously with China and Russia.


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Shirin Akhter is associate professor, Department of Economics, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi.

C. Saratchand is professor, Department of Economics, Satyawati College, University of Delhi. The views are personal.

Putin: Terrorists Near Russian Nuclear Power Plants

September 20th, 2022 by Ray McGovern

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Corporate media somehow missed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s shocking charge, at his press conference Friday:

“We even see attempts at perpetrating terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation, including – I am not sure if this was made public – attempts to carry out terrorist attacks near our nuclear facilities, nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation. I am not even talking about the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.”

Putin was answering what seemed to be a canned question about Russia’s “restraint” amid, what the questioner called increasing “strikes, raids and acts of terror even on Russian territory. We are hearing all the time very aggressive statements that the final goal of Kiev and the West is Russia’s disintegration. Meanwhile, many think that Russia’s response to all of this is very restrained. Why is that?

Putin addressed the question frontally:

“With regard to our restrained response, I would not say it was restrained … after all, a special military operation is not just another warning, but a military operation. In the course of this, we are seeing attempts to perpetrate terrorist attacks and damage our civilian infrastructure.

“Indeed, we were quite restrained in our response, but that will not last forever. Recently, Russian Armed Forces delivered a couple of sensitive blows in that area [civilian infrastructure]. Let’s call them warning shots. If the situation continues like that, our response will be more impactful. Terrorist attacks are a serious matter. … We see this in the killing of officials in the liberated territories, we even see attempts at perpetrating terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation.”

This is the context in which Putin pointedly included (as cited above) “attempts to carry out terrorist attacks near our nuclear facilities, nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation.” He added:

“We are monitoring the situation and will do our best to prevent a negative scenario from unfolding. We will respond if they fail to realize that these approaches are unacceptable. They are, in fact, no different than terrorist attacks.”

Putin on Western Goals

Responding to the questioner’s allusion to “very aggressive statements that the final goal of Kiev and the West is Russia’s disintegration, Putin added:

“They have always been seeking the dissolution of our country – this is very true. It is unfortunate that at some point they decided to use Ukraine for these purposes. In effect – I am answering your question now … we launched our special military operation to prevent events from taking this turn. This is what some US-led Western countries have always been seeking – to create an anti-Russia enclave and rock the boat, threaten Russia from this direction. In essence, our main goal is to prevent such developments.”

Putin has long been saying that, while the US professes to be concerned about Ukraine’s security, it is using the ex-Soviet country as a “tool” in its efforts to contain Russia. Actually, Putin finds himself in some good company with this assertion. Would you believe that company includes a former Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency?

Following the US orchestrated coup in Kiev in early 2014, the “December 2015 National Security Strategy” (of DIA) said the following:

“The Kremlin is convinced the United States is laying the groundwork for regime change in Russia, a conviction further reinforced by the events in Ukraine. Moscow views the United States as the critical driver behind the crisis in Ukraine and believes that the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych is the latest move in a long-established pattern of U.S.-orchestrated regime change efforts.” LT Gen Vincent Stewart, Director, DIA

Not Fit to Print?

When the President of Russia claims there are attempts to attack nuclear power facilities in Russia – whether true or false – is that not newsworthy? No, says the NY Times. Its lead front-page story Sunday, written by its first-string team of (WMD in Iraq) David Sanger, Julian Barnes, Eric Schmitt, and Anton Troianovski reports copiously on Putin’s Friday press conference, but chooses to omit his charge regarding terrorist planning to sabotage nuclear power plants in Russia. The article explains how President Joe Biden is trying not to provoke Russia into escalating in Ukraine, despite Zelensky being “flush with success in northeastern Ukraine.”

According to these NYT first-string writers on Ukraine, Washington is concerned that Putin might escalate “to compensate for his humiliating retreat … the Russians, for now, are still in disarray.”

Eating Crow?

The coming weeks will show whether crow will be included in the diet of those NYT first-stringers. As for now they are extolling Crow – that is Rep. Jason Crow (D, Colorado), a former Army Ranger who now serves on both the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees.

Crow’s pedigree may be of interest: he is a “Russian specialist” in the manner of former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, who knew the Russians to be “almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever, which is a typical Russian technique.” Crow’s most memorable observation of that kind was: “Vladimir Putin wakes up every morning and goes to bed every night trying to figure out how to destroy American democracy.”

So Rep. Crow was the Times’s go-to guy for comment on whether Biden is being too fearful of possible Russian retaliation if the US provides Ukraine with still longer-range missiles. Said Crow:

“Sure … we have to be mindful of that threat. But I don’t think providing ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile Systems with a range of up to 190 miles) is substantively escalatory. We need to provide what Ukraine needs to win.”

Moscow: Wider War Rather Than Kiev “Win”

Are Russian TV viewers being readied for wider war? Those watching yesterday’s News of the Week program with host Dmitry Kiselyov saw him offering a show tantamount to war preparation. Kiselyov is the top boss of all Russian state news broadcasting – a Kremlin insider, very close to power.

Kiselyov set out to give Russian viewers a description of what the United States and NATO are now up to, namely a ‘war on Russia.’ Ukraine has pretty much slipped out of the picture.

It is a war led by the United States against Russia which now features daily rocket attacks on more and more border towns on the Russian side, with destruction and death and immense flows of refugees from the Kharkov area into Russia. Kiselyov includes horror stories of Ukrainian retribution being carried out on “collaborationists.” These includes teachers in the Kharkov region who were teaching from the Russian state syllabus, who are now liable to execution.

The program reported that 10,000 people have been rounded up, claiming many of them will be slaughtered. The show featured retired US General Ben Hodges, who talks about the coming breakup of Russia, planned “Balkanization” – the US objective – which Russia now needs to plan against. It showed Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warning that if the US gives Ukraine 300-km range missiles, which, for example, can reach the main Russian naval base in Sevastopol, Crimea, if fired from Odessa, then the US becomes a co-belligerent.

The US a “co-belligerent”: in other words Russia becomes officially at war with the USA. We seem to be just a step away.

Putin’s Friday news conference was also shown, including Putin’s comments on terrorist attempts to attack nuclear power plants in Russia. One knowledgeable observer, who watches virtually all Putin’s speeches/press conferences, commented that Putin was twitching this way and that, and seemed very nervous.

President Biden and his sophomore advisers may not be smart enough to be equally nervous. And so catastrophe looms.


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Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. His 27-year career as a CIA analyst includes serving as Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch and preparer/briefer of the President’s Daily Brief. He is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Featured image: Russian president Vladimir Putin (Illustration by TPYXA_ILLUSTRATION/Shutterstock)

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President Joe Biden pushed behind the scenes throughout the first year of his administration to close the Guantanamo Bay torture prison, the Wall Street Journal reports. Established in US-occupied Cuba under the George W. Bush presidency, Gitmo has a cruel legacy of America carrying out barbaric interrogation methods on mostly innocent people. 

Set up in January 2002, the prison population is down to 36 from over 800. Each detainee costs American taxpayers about $15 million each year. However, many of the detainees have the US government in legal limbo. If taken to court, the methods used by the CIA’s torture program could become more public. Both Biden and his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, pledged to close the gulag.

Attempts to close the prison and transfer detainees have been met with persistent hawkish criticisms. Under pressure, Obama ultimately buckled and expanded the prison. To avoid meeting the same fate as his former boss, Biden is attempting a more covert route. However, it is unclear if the current administration will make closing Gitmo enough of a priority to get it done. Biden’s Pentagon is already moving forward with a plan from the Donald Trump administration to build a $4 million courtroom.

The WSJ reports Biden’s covert approach has relegated the official dedicated to closing the facility to a lower office in the State Department. The sources who spoke with WSJ  say the office was more influential during the Obama administration.

Some analysts believe Biden is also concerned about looking soft. According to Harvey Rishikof, a former head of the military-commissions apparatus who helped draft a recent report on closing the facility from the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law, “[t]he administration doesn’t want to look like it’s soft on terrorism and is awaiting a political consensus.”

While Biden may find some support for closing the prison, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused the president of trying to release terrorists.

“The Biden administration wants to free more terrorists, and we know, to an absolute, metaphysical certainty, the results of that will be more Americans murdered,” Cruz said in December.

It is unclear what the additional court facilities will be used for as the White House says most of the men will never face trial. Of the 36 detainees, 20 have been cleared for release. An additional four will remain indefinitely detained at Gitmo, as the US government has no plans to prosecute but also believes the men are too much of a security threat to release.

Three prisoners at Gitmo have already been found guilty, two by plea agreements. Majid Khan’s plea agreement has his release date set for March. Nine remaining men are awaiting trial, including five accused of involvement in the September 11th attacks.


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, assistant editor of Antiwar.com and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter.

Law of Neutrality: Just When Is a State a Belligerent in a War?

September 20th, 2022 by Michael Doliner

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The laws of war are to some extent a farce. When states come to the point of war the niceties of codified law will likely influence them very little. Nevertheless, there are such laws and lawyers specializing in such niceties, and this very little might turn out to be a whole lot.

One of these laws is the law of neutrality. Just when is a state a belligerent in a war? What can neutral states do and yet remain neutral? This question has not been decided all at once but, through history, a number of attempts have been made culminating in the Hague convention of 1907. On October 18, 1907 a number of states whose representatives met in the Hague, signed the “Hague Convention (V) respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land.”

Article 2 states: Belligerents are forbidden to move troops or convoys of either munitions of war or supplies across the territory of a neutral Power.

Article 4 states: Corps of combatants cannot be formed nor recruiting agencies opened on the territory of a neutral Power to assist the belligerents.

Article 5 states: A neutral Power must not allow any of the acts referred to in Articles 2 to 4 to occur on its territory.

It is not called upon to punish acts in violation of its neutrality unless the said acts have been committed on its own territory. The United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France and many other states in Europe and elsewhere signed this Convention.

Since then the United States has claimed that the situation has changed, and neutral states can engage in the above activities without losing their neutral status. It has declared the doctrine of “qualified neutrality.”

15.2.2 Qualified Neutrality. The United States has taken the position that certain duties of neutral States may be inapplicable under the doctrine of qualified neutrality. The law of neutrality has traditionally required neutral States to observe a strict impartiality between parties to a conflict, regardless of which State was viewed as the aggressor in the armed conflict.36 However, after treaties outlawed war as a matter of national policy, it was argued that neutral States could discriminate in favor of States that were victims of wars of aggression. 37 Thus, before its entry into World War II, the United States adopted a position of “qualified neutrality” in which neutral States had the right to support belligerent States that had been the victim of flagrant and illegal wars of aggression.38 This position was controversial.

This new doctrine was not established through any international convention, but simply declared by Attorney General Jackson in 1941 to much disagreement among lawyers. Since just who is the aggressor and who the victim is almost always a matter of debate in any war, the doctrine of qualified neutrality is simply a claim that the United States can violate the Hague convention as it chooses.

Now it is undeniable that, if this is war, the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and several other states have violated the articles of the Hague Convention. Under it they are belligerents. As Russia has already pointed out to Germany, they have crossed “the Rubicon,” or in other words, have chosen to become belligerents in the war.

The others have done what Germany did. It is unlikely that the doctrine of “qualified neutrality” prevents Russia from attacking them, since it doesn’t recognize this doctrine. Far more likely, in my opinion, is Russia’s reluctance to start World War III in earnest. Until now Russia has been very careful to establish a legal basis for its Special Military Operation in Ukraine. Early on they hoped to end it quickly with a peace treaty that Zelensky seemed ready to sign. The United States prevented him from doing so. Such a treaty would have allowed the operation to end without all out war.

Since Russia is engaged in a Special Military Operation they are not at war with Ukraine and the Hague Convention, which applies to war, is not applicable.

Although the Special Military Operation is now in fact a war between NATO and Russia, the fig leaf of the SMO still allows everybody to treat it as if it isn’t. Legal niceties allow a war to not be a war officially and thus a defeat to not be a defeat. Russia cannot lose this war. It is an existential matter for them. If they must, they will throw everything, including atomic weapons, into it. Putin has ominously asked, “who wants a world without Russia?” NATO, as long as they are not officially at war, could lose without officially losing. To be sure, the effect on NATO would likely be catastrophic, in that it would break up. But the states that comprise it, with their rich cultures, would remain unscathed, and the world, especially Europe, would be better off without NATO. They would have avoided all out, perhaps atomic, war.

The notion that Russia has an eye on invading Europe is, in my opinion, ridiculous. Maintaining control of the Warsaw pact bankrupted the Soviet Union. Russia, like all imperial powers before them, has learned that imperialism is a mug’s game. Arms dealers and others of the elite may profit, but empires are a drain that always destroys the imperial state. The United States has completely exhausted its own natural wealth maintaining its military presence around the world. NATO is a tool for imperial exploitation that the world would be far better off without, and its absence will not result in Russian military invasion of Europe. Russia is far too aware that such a waste of resources together with survival is no longer possible. Why invade when you can trade, China proves. A win for Russia is a win for Europe, though a loss for NATO.

NATO’s participation in Ukraine has made it more and more difficult for Russia to keep up the fig leaf of the Special Military Operation. Biden has declared that the goal is to break up Russia. There is now a suggestion that the United States might provide weapons that can reach far into Russia itself. Ukrainian terrorists attack nuclear facilities within Russia. There are those within Russia who criticize Putin’s restraint, a restraint dictated by the limits of the special operation. The recent Ukrainian counteroffensive was a blatant NATO operation using NATO intelligence, command and control, weapons, and NATO troops thinly disguised as mercenaries. The charade becomes ever more a farce. The war between NATO and Russia is obvious to anyone who wants to look, and remains limited only by the legal fig leaf the Special Military Operation became when it did not end quickly.

If these provocations force Putin to widen the scope of his operations, the legal fig leaf that covers NATO’s participation and justifies legal non-belligerence thus shielding European NATO countries, as well as, should I say it, the United States itself, will fall away, and war will begin in earnest. That is what the United States risks to keep its dying empire on life support by engaging in what can only be called shenanigans.


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Michael Doliner studied with Hannah Arendt at the University of Chicago and taught (awhile ago) at Ithaca College and Valparaiso University. He has a degree in Mathematics.

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A government-wide network of behavioral experts – the Behavioral Insights Network Netherlands (BIN NL) – has been supporting all departments in conducting behavioral experiments since 2014. The experiments aim to use behavioral knowledge from the social sciences to steer citizens toward “right” solutions and choices. At their core, they involve large-scale application of manipulation techniques, in policy development, implementation, monitoring and communication. Although much information about this can be found on government websites, most citizens are probably unaware of these social engineering experiments. Nor has there been a public discussion about the desirability of applying this knowledge.

According to BIN NL, “almost all government policy focuses on behavior change.” The network was established in 2014 because the cabinet “would like all ministries to experiment with applying behavioral insights to different policy themes, and a government-wide network to drive this.”

These behavioral insights are based on knowledge from psychology, social science, behavioral science and behavioral economics, and focus on steering people toward desired behavior so that they automatically and unconsciously make the “right” choices. This can be done, for example, through ‘nudge’ in the right direction, without the imposition of coercion or economic incentives. For example, you can encourage healthy eating by presenting the healthy food in the cafeteria first, and the croquettes last. In policy terms, this is called “adjusting the architecture of choice.” There are many methods for directing people’s behavior in this way: by rearranging the environment, by presenting information in a certain way, by playing into feelings of belonging to a group or fear of exclusion, or otherwise by evoking emotions such as fear, shame, pride, guilt, etc. The behavioral sciences specialize in applying these insights.

The interest in applying this knowledge arose in 2004 as a result of experiences of the Dutch army in conducting psychological operations in Afghanistan. The Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), whose task is to advise the government and parliament on social issues, investigates the possibilities for the government to apply behavioral knowledge and issues an opinion in several reports, such as “The human decision maker” (2009), “Making policy with knowledge of behavior” (2014), and “Knowing is not doing” (2017). To this end, she works with government officials, policy makers, politicians, scientists, and the “social field.”

The core idea that emerges in these reports is that citizens have limited rationality and can no longer cope with all the choices and complexity in society. In “Knowing is not yet doing,” the WRR writes: “Today’s society makes high demands on the resilience of citizens, there is quite a difference between what is expected of citizens and what they can actually cope with. The WRR continues: “From the behavioral sciences, it has been shown that people’s ability to weigh information and make rational choices is limited,” namely because of so-called limited “non-cognitive abilities, such as setting a goal and making a plan, taking action, persevering, and being able to deal with temptations and setbacks … these [non-cognitive abilities] are often referred to in everyday life as ‘personality’ or ‘character’.” The non-cognitive abilities or character traits are also referred to as ‘doing abilities’ in policy documents. The government can “help” overcome these “limitations” by guiding behavior. The WRR, in its report “Making policy with knowledge of behavior,” states, “more and more policymakers are exploring how to use choice architecture to compensate for cognitive limitations of citizens.”

The British Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) is cited as an example that is attracting international attention with successes. Author Laura Dodsworth, who wrote the book “State of Fear” about the application of behavioral insights in the UK during the corona crisis, writes of the BIT, “The BIT was established in 2010 by the government of David Cameron. Britain is so good at applying behavioral insights that it has become an export product. The BIT is now a profitable company with a ‘social purpose,’ with offices in London, Manchester, Paris, New York, Singapore, Syndney, Wellington and Toronto. In 2019 alone, they carried out 750 projects in 31 countries worldwide. In total, they trained more than 20,000 public servants in applying behavioral knowledge.” She continues: “Behavioral science and nudges focus on distracting or making certain choices difficult. It is used to avoid discussion and instead manipulate people without them realizing it. It is an attack on people’s ability to decide for themselves what is good for them.”

“Should the Netherlands also have such a team?” the WRR writes, advising the government to respond as a government “to the limited doing abilities of citizens by adapting the choice architecture.” The government followed up on the WRR’s advice, in 2014 by setting up BIN-NL so it can support ministries in conducting behavioral experiments, and in 2018 with integrating behavioral considerations into policy development. In January 2018, then-Minister of Law Sander Dekker and Minister of the Interior Kasja Ollongren wrote in a letter to the House of Representatives that “in principle, the Cabinet sees added value in freedom of choice and that the degree of freedom of choice should be considered on a case-by-case basis.”

The core team of BIN-NL meets monthly and organizes various activities, such as lectures, a training module for government trainees, and the congress Day of Behavior. Every two years, BIN NL issues a report to the Senate and House of Representatives, which reports on the experiments in the areas of health, work, education, finance and more. The idea that behavioral control is necessary to achieve policy goals comes up repeatedly in it, for example for achieving climate goals, the digital transition and the inclusive society.

When developing policy, officials apply the Integral Assessment Framework (IAK), which is a set of questions that must be answered before policy or regulations are submitted to parliament. It provides structure for developing good policy. On June 29, 2018, Minister Dekker wrote to the Senate that in order to “make broader use of behavioral insights,” “the criterion of doability will be included in a number of existing policy instruments,” including the IAK.

How will this work in practice? If there is “reason to correct behavior,” the IAK provides a convenient step-by-step framework for applying behavioral insights. Step one maps out “what current behaviors are perpetuating, exacerbating or improving the undesirable situation. In doing so, also look at what facts and figures are known about the behavior.”

In the next step, the official determines the target group so he knows “which target group you want to change the current behavior.” Step three formulates “the behavior you want to see in your target group”: “Instead of the current behavior, who will exhibit what behavior in the future, where and when?” Step four maps not only the target group, but also the “context, motives and drivers. The next step is to map what process/steps the target group goes through in exhibiting the desired behavior and which parties that person will have to deal with. In what context does the target group find itself? What does someone have to do to exhibit the desired behavior? With which parties does this person come into contact?”.  Based on these steps, an intervention plan (step 5) is developed, with which “people are as it were automatically guided towards a sensible choice”, which is tested in a “pilot or living lab” (step 6). In the last step, effects are evaluated, and there is also a possibility of monitoring for long-term effects. The implication of all these interventions is that a lot of behavior needs to be monitored. Although not referenced, the step-by-step scheme is very similar to the Behavioural Dynamics Methodology (BDM) developed by British SCL group, which is used by defense. The BIN-NL supports civil servants in applying behavioral insights.

Applying behavioral insights

  • Step 1. Map current behavior
  • Step 2. Determine the target group
  • Step 3. Formulate the Desired Behavior
  • Step 4. Context, motives and drivers
  • Step 5. Develop an intervention plan
  • Step 6. Implement the intervention
  • Step 7. Evaluation

In a free society, should governments apply social engineering? 

Most examples of pilots and experiments that BIN-NL reports on every two years seem harmless at first glance: paying off your student debt faster, eating healthier, or setting off fireworks safely. But the underlying assumption is that citizens cannot think for themselves, that the government must then do that for them, and that the government is therefore right in its problem analysis and chosen solution. It ignores the fact that there can be disagreement – discussions for which there is less and less room.

However, other topics are less innocent.  BIN-NL writes: “The Netherlands faces many different transitions. Think of the climate transition and the digitalization transition. They have at least one thing in common: behavioral change is needed to achieve policy goals. This also applies to major policy themes such as health, housing, mobility and an enabling and inclusive society.” Digitalization is strongly related to the prison of air that is being built around us with current technology. Should we allow ourselves to be manipulated in it, or is deliberately choosing analog solutions where possible a way to maintain autonomy and privacy? The government’s ideal image for living seems to be life in a “smart city,” regulated by cameras and sensors, with no room for farmers. The desirability of this is anything but fixed. The “inclusive society” mostly represents a radical “woke” agenda. Should behavioral scientists already be working to get us, through “choice architecture,” to “choose” that dystopia ourselves?

Nor does there seem to be any doubt – is it the government’s job at all to direct the behavior of citizens? In a free society, citizens are allowed to choose how they behave, provided they do not harm others. Is the problem that citizens are “cognitively limited,” or is the problem that we have an out-of-control, opaque, impenetrable byzantine bureaucracy as a government, that tries to micromanage the lives of individuals?  What are the ethical frameworks for large-scale behavioral experiments by government that citizens have not chosen nor been informed about? The BIN-NL website has no information on this. The behavioral experts seem to see mostly the opportunities and benefits.


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This article was previously published in the reader-funded Dutch newspaper De Andere Krant.


Het Behavioural Insights Netwerk Nederland (BIN NL) https://binnl.nl/default.aspx

Met kennis van gedrag beleid maken https://www.wrr.nl/publicaties/rapporten/2014/09/10/met-kennis-van-gedrag-beleid-maken

Kabinetsbeleid Integraal afwegingskader voor beleid en regelgeving (IAK) https://www.kcbr.nl/beleid-en-regelgeving-ontwikkelen/integraal-afwegingskader-voor-beleid-en-regelgeving

Toepassen gedragsinzichten https://www.kcbr.nl/beleid-en-regelgeving-ontwikkelen/integraal-afwegingskader-voor-beleid-en-regelgeving/instrumenten/ondersteunende-instrumenten/toepassen-gedragsinzichten

Featured image is from Pandemic.news

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When, in Fall of 2019, I moved out of what had been my home in the West Village, I thought I was simply moving from one place to another. I was excited to build a home again, this time in the South Bronx. 

Brian and I ultimately lived in the South Bronx for only four months — until March 11 2020, when we looked at one another and realized we had to get into his SUV and keep driving North. As I described in my book The Bodies of Others, when then-Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that Broadway was closing — just like that, a CCP-style state fiat, not an American-style individuals-dealing-with-an-emergency announcement — we both realized that bad things were coming, though whether natural or political we could not yet tell.

So twenty years of my possessions had stayed for the past two and a half years in a storage unit.

I was opening boxes now that were not just from another place — as is usual when you move; not just from another time; but I was opening boxes that were from literally another world. I don’t know that such a thing has happened in quite this way in history before.

Some items memorialized normal losses and change. Others, though, revealed that long-revered institutions had lost all morality and authority.

Here was a grey sweater that had belonged to my father, who had been a writer. It still had the line of loose threads along the clavicle, the little gaps opening up in the sewn-together pieces, that were characteristic of his distinguished-but-absent-minded-professor look. Dr Leonard Wolf could wear a moth-eaten sweater such as that one, on a street in New York City, and still look like a Byronic poet preoccupied with his latest sonnet. He looked stylish even when he was bedridden — even when advancing Parkinson’s meant he could no longer communicate with words, his treasure. He was charismatic even when gestures failed him; when my husband, an Irish raconteur, sat by his bedside, telling stories to make him laugh. He managed to have elan even when Brian had to ask him to make a sound to let him know if he wanted the stories to continue, and my dad could only groan: yes, more stories.

The stories have ended now for my father; at least the earthly ones. But the sweater still carries that wintry, breezy scent that was his while he was on this earth, telling us stories, more stories.

I folded my father’s sweater for the mending pile.

A small brown dog toy surfaced, chewed so thoroughly in one section that the white lining of the toy remained. The little dog who had enjoyed the toy, of course, the much-mourned Mushroom, is no more. His dog tag is nailed to a tree that leans over the river in the woods, near where we now live.

I put the chewed-up toy on the discards pile.

There was the little white wooden armoire I had hand-painted — amateurishly but with love — for a child’s room. The armoire was not needed any more. Everyone had grown up.

There were boxes and boxes of what had once been exciting, culturally meaningful CDs and DVDs. I sighed — what to do with these now? The technology itself was obsolete.

Then there were the pillows. Floral pillows. Tufted pillows. Even I knew these were tasteless, and I’d known that even at the time I had bought them. When my loved ones were old enough to notice aesthetics, they would chorus, when I brought home a new find: “Mom! Please! No more florals!

I saw that I had been obsessed then with accumulating not only florals, but warm colors — cranberry and scarlet, terra-cotta and apricot and peach.

With the eyes of the present, and now in a happy marriage, I realized what had been pushing me to acquire all of these redundant soft florals. I had longed for domesticity and warmth, but had been, as a single mother then, dating the wrong kind of man to get domesticity and warmth. So I had unconsciously kept choosing softness and coziness in decor, because I had missed it in my relationship.

The man, a gifted, mercurial charmer, had also, in the past few years, passed away; young; of a wasting cancer.

I sighed again, and put the floral pillows in the “donations” pile.

Other items in the opened boxes, however, did not speak of organic loss and change but rather of worlds of authority that had seemed sparkling and real in 2019, but that have revealed themselves since then to be seething with rot.

Here, for instance, was the brown, pleated, Grecian-style dress, with the bared arms and gathered waist, that I had worn to a wedding on Martha’s Vineyard in the early 2000s.

Brown is a color I almost never wear, and I had never worn that Grecian style of formal dress briefly fashionable in the Friends era; so I remembered, as I shook it out into the sunlight of two decades later, that I had felt quite daring that night.

The wedding had been in an event hall nestled in the dunes. Local seafood hors d’oeuvres had been passed on silver trays. The bride had been smoldering and lovely in a white lace Vera Wang (always Vera Wang) dress. All was as it should have been.

The wedding had brought together White House politicos, Washington Post op-ed writers and reporters, brash young New York City political speechwriters and campaign managers, and trendy nonfiction writers who were already making names for themselves chronicling the scene. We were all in our mid- to late 30s — we were fomenting change, approving of ourselves, making a difference; we were kind of like The West Wing, we thought — (one of our friends consulted for it) — idealistic, unintentionally a bit chic, madly hopeful.

We were the scene.

I almost recoiled now with sorrow and anger. I folded up that dress, thinking about those institutions that had undergirded our optimism that warm night, when our confidence and certainty had rung out onto the warm, salty breezes, along with the sounds of the ultra-hip blues band.

The major newspapers? The once-young journalists? The last two and a half years showed them to be shills for what have been revealed to be genocidal imperial powers. They became media versions of sex workers, scheduling time to deliver blow jobs to whomever would write them the biggest checks.

The once-young, West-Wing-style politicos? The last two and a half years showed them willing to become policy wonks for a global march to tyranny that instrumentalized a murderous medical experiment on their fellow humans; on their very constituents.

Where now were those institutions that at that wedding in the early 2000s, filled us with pride and a sense of mission as we took part in building them?

Imploded morally; left without a shred of authority or credibility.

I put the brown dress on the Goodwill pile.

I turned to an old scheduling notebook — it recorded some visits to Oxford. We’d been at a dinner party in North Oxford, hosted by the Warden of Rhodes House, attended by the Vice Chancellor of the University, as I recall, and by many other luminaries. Indeed, the evolutionary biologist Dr Richard Dawkins had been a guest, pestered, as he no doubt often was, by a dinner attendee who had wanted to talk to him about his atheism.

It had been a sparkling evening, elegant and urbane. I’d felt privileged to be at a table where some of the greatest of minds of my time were gathered, and where the very leader of a great university was helping to convene us.

I loved Oxford with a pure love. The university had sustained a vibrant commitment to the principles of reason and to freedom of speech, for over nine hundred years. It had supported the asking of questions when it was dangerous to ask questions; from just after what used to be called the Dark Ages; through the High Middle Ages; through the Reformation; through the Enlightenment. It had tended faithfully, through the darkest of times, the bright, unquenchable flame of the wakeful mind of Europe.

That – the legacy of critical thinking of the West – was Oxford’s legacy.

But —in 2021— it had complied with a requirement that its students endure “online learning”— a demand that had no basis in reason or in the natural world.

This damage done to its trusting young people was a travesty, in my mind, of the great innovation that the University of Oxford had given to the world – the tutorial system, in which being physically present with a couple of other students and with a Don (professor) in his or her study, opens up the dimension of rigorous scholarly discourse in a magical and irreplaceable way.

‘Online learning’? In Oxford? An institution that had survived plagues and epidemics that dwarfed the respiratory disease of 2020-2022, that had survived wars and revolutions, and that had taught students nobly in the face of crises of all kinds?

I did not know if I would ever go back to Oxford; and, if I did, what I would find there or how I would feel. I did not even know if today’s Oxford would welcome me back, being, as I was now in 2022, though I had not been in 2019, a “reputational refugee,” having been cancelled institutionally in most of what had been my traditional intellectual homes.

My heart hurt once more. I put the old notebook in the pile for “storage.”

I unfolded a tablecloth I had bought in India. I’d visited a literary conference in Tamil Nadu in about 2005, and had brought the lovely fabric home as a souvenir.

A flood of memories surged as I looked at the once-familiar pattern.

I’d hosted so many parties in my little West Village apartment, centering on that hand-blocked tablecloth. I’d set a big pot of turkey chili — my go-to option, the only dish I could not ruin — pile cut-up baguettes on platters, and assemble bottles of cheap red wine on that tablecloth. Thus I could, as a broke single mom, affordably entertain — and those parties, as I recall them, were fantastic. Crowded, lively, buzz-y, with a sexy, intellectually engaging vibe. Filmmakers, actors, journalists, artists, novelists, academics, poets; a handful of the less-boring venture capitalists; all crowded together, spilling out into the kitchen, the hallways. At a certain point in the evening the noise would crescendo — (my neighbors were tolerant) — into the happy roar of new ideas clashing or merging; new friendships, new contacts, new lovers connecting and engaging.

In 2019, I had been part of the New York City social scene. My life was full of events, panels, lectures, galas, the watching of rehearsals, theatrical opening nights, film premieres, gallery openings. I thought that my place in the society in which I traveled was unquestioned, and that I was in a world in which this calendar of events, these parties, this community, above all this ethos, would last forever.

Where was that society now? Artists, filmmakers, journalists — all of the people who are supposed to say No to discrimination, No to tyranny — they had scattered, had cowered, had complied. They had groveled.

The same people who had been the avant garde of a great city, had, as I have written elsewhere, gone right along with a society in which a person such as I am, cannot enter a building.

And I had fed those people. I topped up their drinks with my affordable red wines.

I had welcomed them into my home.

I had supported their careers. I had fostered connections on their behalf. I had blurbed their books, had promoted their gallery openings, because — because we were allies, right? We were intellectuals. We were artists. We were even activists.

And yet these people — these same people — had complied — eagerly! With zero resistance! Immediately! With a regime that is appearing day by day to be about as bad in some ways as that of Marshal Philippe Petain’s in Vichy France.

Unthinkable now that I had treated them once as colleagues, as friends.

I had been made into a nonperson, overnight. Now it turns out, as America First Legal found via a recent lawsuit, that the CDC had actively colluded with Twitter officials, in reaction to an accurate tweet of mine calling attention to menstrual problems post-mRNA vaccination, to erase me from the worlds of both legacy media and digital discourse. A smear campaign that was global in its dimensions had been orchestrated with Twitter by the CDC’s Carol Crawford, as the internal emails revealed by America First Legal seemed to show. This past week, another lawsuit, by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, revealed that the White House itself colluded with Big Tech to censor American citizens. My truthful tweet was in that tranche as well.

As if we were characters in a Lewis Carroll book, the world of meritocracy had been inverted.

The highest level of government collusion was directed at me the minute I did just exactly what I have done for 35 years; that is to say, the minute I raised, in the summer of 2021, a grave women’s health concern. Confusingly, my advocating in exactly this way for serious women’s health journalism and for proper medical responses to women’s emerging sexual and reproductive health issues, had made me a media darling for 35 years. Indeed, this practice had made me a media darling among those very people, who had eaten my food and drunk my wine, while sitting around this very tablecloth.

But now, when I did the exact same thing for which they had long applauded me, I was cast immediately into social outer darkness.

Why? Because the times had changed.

And because the scale of the revenue generated for them by supporting flat out lies, had changed.

Did any of those right-on people — many of them famous feminists, male and female – speak up for me? Did any of them publicly say, Wait a minute, whatever the truth may turn out to be (and I was right, right, right) – this is a serious women’s health issue? Let’s explore it?

Not. A. One.

The bold, brave, edgy New York City avant-garde, whom I had hosted for twenty years?

They were scared off by Twitter.

That world surely shunned me, and made me a nonperson, overnight. The power of the Federal government is pretty stunning, especially in collusion with the biggest content companies in the world, when you are on the receiving end of being erased by them.

That world rejected me.

But I rejected it right back.

I live in the woods now. Instead of the glitter and din of galas, the chatter of the literati, Brian and I are surrounded by crowds of tall, solemn trees; the excitement of our days centers on sightings of cranes and hawks; the dramas we face involve living near coyotes and rattlesnakes, and evading while yet marveling at the resident adolescent bear. We are making friends with those who grow food, in anticipation of needing to be self-sufficient. We just picked up from farmer acquaintances, to store in a massive freezer, something that was described with a phrase I had never heard in my previous, DoorDash life: our quarter of a cow.

I was gifted a .22 by Brian. He recently bought me a Ruger as well. The world is falling apart even as a new world is emerging. A peaceful person though I am, I realize that we may someday need to hunt for food or perhaps need, God forbid, to defend our home. I am learning to shoot.

The old world, the pre-2019 world, is a scene of wreckage and carnage to me.

The old world I left behind, and that left me behind, is not a post-COVID world.

It is a post-truth world, a post-institutional world.

The institutions that supported the world that existed when these 2019 boxes were packed, have all collapsed; in a welter of corruption, in an abandonment of public mission and public trust. I look at them now the way Persephone looked backward without regret at Hades.

I am living in a new world already — a world that most people can’t see yet as it is still being envisioned and built up – painfully, daringly, laboriously. Though it exists at this point in history more conceptually and even spiritually than it does materially and politically, this new world is my home.

Who else lives in the new world?

My husband, who was not afraid to fight for America, and who is not afraid to defend me.

A new constellation of friends and allies, that have emerged since these boxes were packed away, and since the worlds that are represented as if sealed inside them, collapsed with rot.

I work and party now with people who love their country and tell the truth. The people with whom I spend time now are this era’s versions of Tom Paine, Betsy Ross, Phyllis Wheatley and Ben Franklin. I don’t know how these folks vote. I don’t know that they know how I vote. I don’t care. I know that they are sterling human beings, because they are willing to protect the cherished ideals of this beautiful experiment, our native land.

Life experiences don’t unite these people with whom I hang out now; social status does not unite them — they come from all walks of life, from every “class,” and they pay little or no attention to status or class markers. Politics don’t unite these people. What unites them in my view is the excellence of their characters, and their fierce commitment to liberty; to the ideals of this nation.

Oddly, living now in the purple-to-red rural America that my former “people,” the blue-state elites, are conditioned to view with suspicion and distrust, I also have more personal freedom than I did as a member of the most privileged class. The most privileged class does not have the greatest privilege of all, that of personal liberty: it is a class that is continually anxious and status-insecure, its members often scanning the room for a more important conversation, its collective mind continually exerting subtle control, both socially and professionally, over other members of the “tribe.”

My former elite network paid lip service to “diversity;” but there was a deadening sameness and conformity in our demographics, and that conformity also policed our world views, our voting patterns, even our kids’ schools and our travel destinations.

In contrast, people here in deep purple-red country, the ones whom we know anyway, give each other the assumed permission to differ, to have uncensored opinions, to be free.

Even my social media community is not the world I left behind in 2019; I can’t even get on those platforms any more, as I am extra super duper ultra cancelled.

But I don’t know if I’d even want to be in those conversations now; the discourse of the elite left these days, “my people,” seems fearful and in-lockstep, scolding and rigid, when I hear exchanges of it.

Now, in 2022, my online community is made up of a world of people whom I never knew existed — or rather a world of people I was conditioned ignorantly to stereotype, and to fear; I am in contact now with people who care about America, who believe in God or in a greater meaning in this world, people who put family first, and who turn out — who knew? — to be vastly open-minded, civilized and decent.

I spend time with people who love their communities, speak out for their actual brothers and sisters, meaning humanity; risk themselves to save the lives of strangers; and care about actual fact-based journalism, actual science-based medicine, actual science-based science.

These days I chat online with people who tell me, unfashionably but beautifully, they are praying for me.

In spite of fighting an apocalypse every day, how can I help but be so much happier now?

I no longer want to sit at a table with people who call themselves journalists, but who deny or trivialize injuries to women at a scale that beggars belief; who give Pfizer and the FDA a pass, and ask them no real questions.

These people, “my people,” who were once so erudite, so witty, so confident, so ethical, so privileged – the people of the elite world contained in the 2019-and-before boxes — pretty and well-spoken as they once were, turn out, with the twist of just a couple of years, and just a bucketload or two of bribe money, to be revealed as monsters and barbarians.

I left the rest of the boxes to open another day. There is no rush.

The institutions the boxes memorialize are dead; and maybe they never really existed, as we believed them to be, in the first place.

I put the red, purple and blue tablecloth on the “wash and store to use again” pile. Then I took it home with me.

People who still have their honor intact, will sit around our table.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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United Nations, Democracy and Terrorism

September 20th, 2022 by Stephen Sefton

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This week sees the opening of the 77th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization in the most conflict ridden international environment since World War II. In effect, NATO is attacking the Russian Federation in Ukraine and the United States is provoking China over Taiwan. Many people are concerned about the potential for nuclear disaster. The root cause of these very high levels of insecurity and conflict is the refusal by the United States and its allies to accommodate themselves to the new reality of a multipolar world.

In fact, the elites who govern these countries reject the fundamental principles of the UN and have never respected them. On the contrary, they have undermined and abused international law on the pretext of promoting democracy and freedom. They have committed repeated assaults against legitimately elected governments through the use of illegal coercive measures and outright terrorism . Their primary interest in the UN is the extent to which it allows them to lend a thin layer of legitimacy to their crimes.

This week’s talks at the UN General Assembly will no doubt be focused on this situation, with the United States and its allies increasingly isolated against the views of the majority world. For example, in his speech at the recent summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China commented

“We must stand firm in defending the international system centered on the United Nations and the international order based on international law, practice the common values of humanity, and reject zero-sum games and the policies of blocs.”

At the same summit, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation stated,

“The growing role of new centers of power is coming into sharp focus, and interaction among these new centers is not based on some rules, which are being forced on them by external forces and which nobody has seen, but on the universally recognised principles of the rule of international law and the UN Charter, namely, equal and indivisible security and respect for each other’s sovereignty, national values and interests.”

The Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation has been more explicit, when its spokesperson declared On September 17th that

“Russia is determined to emphasize the fight against attempts to undermine the reputation of the UN and submit it to the will of the collective West… We are fighting for a multipolar world, for the right of sovereign states to live and develop, without being subjected to permanent pressure and threats from the US and its Western allies.”

These statements are very forceful on the part of the two perhaps most important powers in the world, whom, for the moment, the United States has not dared to confront militarily directly. However, the process of co-opting the United Nations by the United States and its Western allies is very advanced and possibly irreversible. This is so to such an extent that, at least at this moment, it is very difficult to see how Russia and China can reverse the current situation without being able to promote, together with the majority world, a genuinely democratic re-founding of the UN.

The UN’s mandate is to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights, facilitate the provision of humanitarian aid, promote economic development and guarantee international law. But the United States and its allies have dominated the UN since its founding in 1945. From the very beginning, the United States has sought to undermine international law and the principles of the UN and to use the organization to launder US crimes and those of its allies around the world. In 1947, two years after the founding of the UN, the United States established the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, precisely in order to actively intervene, on a global basis, in the internal affairs of the countries of the world contrary to the objectives of the Charter of the United Nations.

For example, a few years after its founding, the UN was used to legitimize the destruction of Korea between 1950 and 1953. General Curtis Le May, head of the Yankee military aviation, boasted of having completely destroyed all the cities and towns of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with the loss of millions of civilian lives. In another example, from 1946 to 1954, the CIA and its European allied agencies financed and armed the OUN, a genocidal Ukrainian paramilitary force composed of former collaborators with Nazi Germany, to unleash a terrorist war in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, which cost the lives of more than 400,000 people.

From those origins to date, the United States and its allies have routinely employed military and economic terrorism to destabilize legitimate governments that oppose their will. State terror and terrorism have been and continue to be central features of the foreign policy of the United States, from Vietnam to Chile, from Indonesia to Iraq, examples abound. In Latin America and the Caribbean, Cuba has been the victim for more than sixty years of military aggression, a genocidal economic blockade and persistent terrorist attacks by the United States.

In 1986, the highest judicial instance of the United Nations system, the International Court of Justice, condemned the United States for its terrorism against Nicaragua. However, the United Nations system was incapable of enforcing the sentence. On the contrary, ever since the end of the Cold War, the different offices of the United Nations have been increasingly co-opted to whitewash the terrorist policies of the United States. This process has intensified with the emergence of China and Russia in recent years and what the United States sees as the growing threat of a more equitable and genuinely democratic world.

There are many abuses of the UN system by the Western powers, who do not want to accept that their world domination is over. The missions of the so-called blue helmets, the United Nations peacekeeping forces, have been a very clear example of this. In Haiti they have served as an occupation army to repress the population and impose completely anti-democratic electoral results, to the taste of the United States and its allies.

The same thing happened in Ivory Coast in 2010 when a UN representative, backed by a blue helmets mission composed of French military forces, discarded a ruling by that country’s Supreme Court on an electoral dispute and imposed France’s preferred presidential candidate. The role of the UN military mission in the Congo has also been highly questioned for failing to protect local populations from repeated massacres by aggressor forces from Rwanda and Uganda. Likewise, the UN has been unable to stop the suffering of the Palestinian people and their slow-motion genocide by Israel with the support of the United States and the European Union.

Bad faith and mendacity in favor of the United States characterize not only those overseas missions, but several other important UN organizations. Among many other countries, Nicaragua and Venezuela have been victims of the bad faith reporting by UN offices such as the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, or the  UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Likewise, it has been demonstrated convincingly that the leadership of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons altered the reports of its technical specialists on incidents in Syria in order to falsely blame the government of President Assad for the use of chemical weapons. Another more recent example is the International Atomic Energy Agency’s report on the Zaparozhye nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which completely omitted that all attacks on the nuclear power plant originated from the Ukrainian armed forces, seeking in that way to cast blame for the situation on the Russian Federation.

In effect, these UN organizations are simply extensions of the US State Department, in much the same way as the Organization of American States. Thus, the United States and its allies manipulate, corrupt and deform the UN and its structures in order to achieve their foreign policy objectives and hide the truth of their extensive, multiple crimes around the world. They have done so since the founding of the United Nations Organization. It remains to be seen if it may indeed be possible to rescue the UN and ensure that it fulfills its original objectives, instead of being just one more instrument facilitating dispossession and global terrorism by the Western countries against the majority world.


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This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal, translated from Spanish.

Stephen Sefton, renowned author and political analyst based in northern Nicaragua, is actively involved in community development work focussing on education and health care. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is a UN Photo/Marco Dormino

COVID as a “Political Gift”? Stillborn from COVID-injected Mothers, Heart Attacks in Children…

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“I Do Not Think I Know”: Scott Morrison’s Submarine Deception

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When it was revealed that former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison had not only shown contempt for his own government in secretly appointing himself, via the Governor-General’s approval, to five portfolios, the depths of deception seemed to be boundless.   His tenure had already been marked by a spectacular, habitual tendency to conceal matters.  What else would come out?

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“Nagorno-Karabakh is not the property of the elected elite to be surrendered.” Interview with Abraham Gasparyan

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Queen Elizabeth Declined to Visit Israel Due to Its Violation of Human Rights

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What Roles Do Psychologists and Sociologists Play in the COVID-19 Narrative?

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Biden Signs Executive Order Designed to Unleash “Transhumanist Hell” on America and the World

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US Launched 251 Military Interventions Since 1991, and 469 Since 1798

By Ben Norton, September 19, 2022

The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.

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“I Do Not Think I Know”: Scott Morrison’s Submarine Deception

September 20th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition

September 20th, 2022 by Colin Todhunter

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In recent years, governments have been demonstrating their subservience to their billionaire masters in Big Finance, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, BlackRock and the entire gamut of forces in the military-financial-industrial complex behind the ‘Great Reset’, ‘New Normal’ or whichever other benign-sounding term is used to disguise the crisis and current restructuring of capitalism and the brutal impacts on ordinary people.  

In late 2019 and early 2020 (due to collapsing financial markets immediately prior to COVID) and during COVID (via COVID-relief packages), trillions of dollars were handed over to elite interests while lockdowns and restrictions were imposed on ordinary people and small businesses. The winners were the likes of Amazon, Big Pharma and the tech giants. The losers were small enterprises and the bulk of the population, deprived of their right to work and the entire panoply of civil rights their ancestors struggled for.

In August 2020, a report by the International Labour Organization stated that COVID policies had severely disrupted economies across the world with estimated losses of working hours equivalent to nearly 400 million full-time jobs in the second quarter of 2020.

The restrictions and closure of the global economy impacted the most vulnerable – the 1.6 billion informal (low-income) economy workers, representing half the global workforce.

In India, lockdown pushed around 230 million into poverty. A May 2021 report by Azim Premji University highlights how – to survive lockdown – the poorest 25% of households borrowed 3.8 times their median income, as against 1.4 times for the top 25%.

Meanwhile, the rich were well taken care of.

According to Left Voice:

“The Modi government has handled the pandemic by prioritising the profits of big business and protecting the fortunes of billionaires over protecting the lives and livelihoods of workers.”

But this approach was not limited to India. Between April and July 2020, the total wealth held by billionaires around the world grew from by 25% to $10+ trillion.

Due to financial COVID ‘relief packages’, governments are now under the thumb of global creditors and the post-COVID era is seeing massive austerity measures due to strings-attached loans, especially in Africa and the Global South. This was the inevitable consequence of closing down the world economy. Something that was known beforehand and devised to benefit hegemonic interests and their geopolitical goals.

What we are witnessing is an economic reset – which policies carried out under the guise of preventing  COVID helped set in motion. This reset includes energy and food ‘transitions’ and is tied to a ‘green’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda and emerging green bond financial markets that will be highly profitable for banks and investors. Moreover, current sanctions placed on Russia are helping to disrupt food and energy markets thereby accelerating the planned changes.

As part of the ‘food transition’, we hear much talk of ‘precision’ agriculture driven by AI and cloud technology. Farmerless farms and driverless machines are to become the norm. This transition involves commodity crops – patented, genetically engineered seeds doused with chemicals – cultivated for ‘biomatter’, manipulated by biotech companies and constituted in giant vats into something resembling food.

This is part of the brave new world being promoted by the self-labelled ‘visionaries’ associated with the World Economic Forum – an Orwellian future where capitalist ‘liberal democracy’ has run its course.

To sell this to people, ‘smart’ is key to the sales pitch – smart cities, smart interconnectivity, smart agriculture and so on. A ‘smart’ digital world encompassing almost everything, not least ‘precision’ surveillance of the population – its behaviour, its dissent or conformity, its digital money and its purchasing.

Integral to this is the financialisation of nature and an ESG agenda linked to the ‘green profiling’ of nations, companies and individuals and their carbon footprint. A green imperialism (no doubt forced through on the back of debt-related conditionalities) to ensure countries (and people) comply with sustainability/net-zero goals that are used to facilitate highly profitable technologies and fresh business models.

For instance, how could countries demonstrate their ESG ‘green’ credentials while maintaining their international credit ratings? Perhaps by allowing herbicide-resistant GMO commodity crop monocultures that the strategically influential GM industry and its lobbyists misleadingly portray as ‘climate friendly’.

Or maybe by displacing indigenous peoples and using their lands and forests under the guise of ‘carbon sinks’ for global corporations to ‘offset’ their pollution and claim ‘net-zero’ status.

With this in mind, let us turn to the current farmer protest in the Netherlands, where there is a plan to remove farmers from the land, using concerns over the environment as justification.

On one hand, there is the official government narrative that this ‘transition’ is needed to reduce animal-based agriculture and the meat industry’s dangerous emissions. This is where the ‘food transition’ comes in: ‘precision’ agriculture, fewer farmers and fake-meat made in a lab – sold as climate-friendly which is anything but, given that it will rely on intensive commodity cropping and long-line supply chains for biomatter.

On the other hand, however, the Dutch government’s official narrative of reducing nitrogen and ammonia emissions by transforming farming can easily be used as cover for a standard ‘land grab’ to line the pockets of property developers and investors as part of the vision for a mega ‘tristate’ city – mentioned in the 2017 article Dutch investors launch new marketing programme for NL: Tristate City.

Dutch campaigner Willem Engel is reported on the Rio Times website as saying that, under the guise of climate protection, the way to get there seems to be through forced expropriation. He claims that the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate about a third of its farms for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.

Engel says that the so-called ‘nitrogen crisis’ is fictional, a purely political issue to reshape the country’s landscape. He argues that the largest nitrogen emissions are not caused by agriculture but by industry.

This is not to imply that the Netherlands is to become a country totally buried under concrete. But much farmland is strategically important to industry and housing. The tristate concept is based on a giant unified ‘green’ urban region ‘smart’ enough to compete with the massive metropolises we see in Asia, not least in China.

Of course, the food transition and the tristate concept are not mutually exclusive and can both be regarded as integral to the overall ‘sustainability’ agenda. Either way, the type of corporate environmentalism, economic reset and corporate-led ‘food transition’ currently being promoted globally has little to do with protecting the environment. It is a financially lucrative agenda that has co-opted the terms and concerns of genuine environmentalists.

That much has been made clear by investigative journalist Corey Morningstar who has described the nature of and links between the  corporate-billionaire interests driving this process in her revealing multi-part article ‘The Manufacture of Greta Thunberg’.

In finishing, let’s turn to the official tristate city website where it states:

Dit model heeft geen enkele relatie met het stikstofbeleid van de Nederlandse overheid!”  


“This model has no relation to the nitrogen policy of the Dutch government!”

 And lab-made pigs might one day fly.


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

Featured image is from WION

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

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In Vienna, China’s permanent mission to the United Nations has been rather exercised of late. Members of the mission have been particularly irate with the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Director General, Rafael Grossi, who addressed the IAEA’s Board of Governors on September 12.

Grossi was building on a confidential report by the IAEA which had been circulated the previous week concerning the role of nuclear propulsion technology for submarines to be supplied to Australia under the AUKUS security pact.

When the AUKUS announcement was made in September last year, its significance shook security establishments in the Indo-Pacific.  It was also no less remarkable, and troubling, for signalling the transfer of otherwise rationed nuclear technology to a third country.  As was rightly observed at the time by Ian Stewart, executive director of the James Martin Center in Washington, such “cooperation may be used by non-nuclear states as more ammunition in support of a narrative that the weapons states lack good faith in their commitments to disarmament.”

Having made that sound point, Stewart, revealing his strategic bias, suggested that, as such cooperation would not involve nuclear weapons by Australia, and would be accompanied by safeguards, few had reason to worry.  This was all merely “a relatively straightforward strategic step.”

James M. Acton, co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, was far less sanguine.  “[T]he nonproliferation implications of the AUKUS submarine deal are both negative and serious.”  Australia’s operation of nuclear-powered submarines would make it the first non-nuclear weapon state to manipulate a loophole in the inspection system of the IAEA.

In setting this “damaging precedent”, aspirational “proliferators could use naval reactor programs as cover for the development of nuclear weapons – with the reasonable expectation that, because of the Australia precedent, they would not face intolerable costs for doing so.”  It did not matter, in this sense, what the AUKUS members intended; a terrible example that would undermine IAEA safeguards was being set.

A few countries in the region have been quietly riled by the march of this technology sharing triumvirate in the Indo-Pacific.  In a leaked draft of its submission to the United Nations tenth review conference of the Parties to the Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT RevCon), Indonesia opined that the transfer of nuclear technology for military purposes was at odds with the spirit and objective of the NPT.

In the sharp words of the draft, “Indonesia views any cooperation involving the transfer of nuclear materials and technology for military purposes from nuclear-weapon states to any non-nuclear weapon states as increasing the associated risks [of] catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences.”

At the nuclear non-proliferation review conference, Indonesian diplomats pushed the line that nuclear material in submarines should be monitored with greater stringency.  The foreign ministry argued that it had achieved some success in proposing for more transparency and tighter scrutiny on the distribution of such technology, claiming to have received support from AUKUS members and China.  “After two weeks of discussion in New York, in the end all parties agreed to look at the proposal as the middle path,” announced Tri Tharyat, director-general for multilateral cooperation in Indonesia’s foreign ministry.

While serving to upend the apple cart of security in the region, AUKUS, in Jakarta’s view, also served to foster a potential, destabilising arms race, placing countries in a position to keep pace with an ever increasingly expensive pursuit of armaments.  (Things were not pretty to start with even before AUKUS was announced, with China and the United States already eyeingeach other’s military build-up in Asia.)

The concern over an increasingly voracious pursuit of arms is a view that Beijing has encouraged, with Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian having remarked that, “the US, the UK and Australia’s cooperation in nuclear submarines severely damages regional peace and stability [and] intensifies the arms race.”

Wang Qun, China’s Permanent Representative, told Grossi on September 13 that he should avoid drawing “chestnuts from the fire” in endorsing the nuclear proliferation exercise of Australia, the United States and the UK.  Rossi, for his part, told the IAEA Board of Governors that four “technical meetings” had been held with the AUKUS parties, which had pleased the organisation.  “I welcome the AUKUS parties’ engagement with the Agency to date and expect this to continue in order that they deliver their shared commitment to ensuring the highest non-proliferation and safeguard standards are met.”

The IAEA report also gave a nod to Canberra’s claim that proliferation risks posed by the AUKUS deal were minimal given that it would only receive “complete, welded” nuclear power units, making the removal of nuclear material “extremely difficult.”  In any case, such material used in the units, were it to be used for nuclear weapons, needed to be chemically processed using facilities Australia did not have nor would seek.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning was less than impressed.  “This report lopsidedly cited the account given by the US, the UK and Australia to explain away what they have done, but made no mention of the international community’s major concerns over the risk of nuclear proliferation that may arise from the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation.” It turned “a blind eye to many countries’ solemn position that the AUKUS cooperation violates the purpose and object of the NPT.”

Beijing’s concerns are hard to dismiss as those of a paranoid, addled mind.  Despite China’s own unhelpful military build-up, attempts by the AUKUS partners to dismiss the transfer of nuclear technology to Australia as technically benign and compliant with the NPT is dangerous nonsense.  Despite strides towards some middle way advocated by Jakarta, the precedent for nuclear proliferation via the backdoor is being set.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Sydney anti-AUKUS protest. Photo: Peter Boyle

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Money is the “nothing” that serves only to account for that which is available in the real economy; money is the “hole” that is defined by the “doughnut” of real goods and services. When pseudo-money can be created by fiat, apart from anything of real value, fraud, confusion, and madness ensue. — T. H. Greco, Jr.

The flawed money system

The global system of money, banking, and finance is fatally flawed. The symptoms of that, which have long been present in the form of recurrent cycles of price inflation and economic depression, and increasing indebtedness, have now become painfully obvious and acute.

By the application of various financial and political fixes the system has been propped up in stages to try to manage its ill effects and prevent the worst from happening.

Central bankers and politicians while falsely blamed the problems on labor shortages and workers’ demands for higher wages, have tried to manage the adverse effects by means of interest rate manipulations, restriction or easing of credit, bank bailouts, and government spending on various programs, all of which tend to favor the corporations and wealthy class.

The debt bubble of the early 2000s which culminated in the “bust” of 2007-08 came close to bringing down the entire global financial house of cards. The system has survived only by the application of unprecedented and extreme measures, and it continues to this day on life support.

“Quantitative easing,” bank bailouts, and central bank purchases of securities from the debt and equity markets have been desperate, last gasp measures to try to save this dysfunctional, destructive, and dying system. The inflation that resulted was initially confined to financial assets, particularly corporate stocks, as central banks intervened in the markets on the buying side which drive prices up. Then, with the massive bailouts and government handouts that were doled out during 2020 and 2021, and the accompanying lockdowns and forced closures of small businesses, price inflation shifted over to real estate prices, residential rents, commodities, and consumer goods and services. Central banks are now raising interest rates to try to compensate for that unprecedented inflation of the currency but they know that under this flawed money system they can only choose between inflation and depression. It is only a matter of deciding who will be forced to bear the greatest pain.

The great usury hoax

The world has been suffering for hundreds of years under a grand delusion and has been subjected to what I call “the great usury hoax.” Usury is a word that is not much heard anymore because it calls attention to our greatest problem. When it ismentioned, it is said to mean the charging of “excessive” amounts of interest. But it takes only bit of research to discover the real meaning. When I embarked upon my own study decades ago I discovered a book by Sidney Homer and quoted it in my first book, Money and Debt: A Solution to the Global Crisis. As Homer described it, the Latin words from which these English words are derived are “usura” and “interisse.” This is how he explained it:

“The Latin noun “usura” means the “use” of anything, in this case, the use of borrowed capital; hence usury was the price paid for the use of money. The Latin verb “intereo” means “to be lost”; a substantive form “interisse” developed into the modern term “interest.” Interest was not profit but loss. It was from exceptions to the canon law against usury that the medieval theory of interest slowly developed. Compensation for loans was not licit if it was a gain to the lender, but became licit if the compensation was not a net gain but reimbursement for loss or expense. The doctrine of intention was overriding.” –A History of Interest Rates, Rutgers University Press, 1963.

Of course, ordinary people who seek to save money in this flawed system do suffer loss from the continual inflation that is caused by the usury that is built into the very foundation of the system when banks charge usury by lending into circulation money that they create money out of nothing. Thus, it appears that all interest may be justified, but banks are not people, and inflation is not a natural phenomenon but a result of the very “interest” that banks impose when they create money by lending it out.

Centralized money power

How did this system come about and why has it become so entrenched?

As I described in my book, The End of Money and the Future of Civilization, and going back at least as far as the founding of the Bank of England in 1694, both private bankers and the political authorities have found great advantage in it.

The bankers get a virtual legalized monopoly on the creation of exchange media (money), which they use to enrich themselves by charging usury when they lend money out; while central governments get to spend amounts of money that far exceed the revenues they receive from taxes and fees. This is clearly evident in the long trend of the massive accumulation of wealth in the hands of politicians, bankers and allied corporations, and the enormous growth of government debt of every country around the world.

As I’ve explained in my various books and presentations, the creation of fiat money by banks lending it at usury causes debts to grow exponentially with the passage of time. When private businesses and individuals are no longer able to take on additional debt, central governments that are not limited by their income from taxes and fees must take on the role of “borrower of last resort.” That is why we see the explosion of government debt like that of the United States shown in the accompanying chart.

The last vestiges of budgetary restraint on federal government spending have been eliminated, along with any concern about what ordinary people really need and want. The results have been the ever-increasing centralization of power at the federal level, central planning of the economy, worsening price inflation, declining purchasing power of fiat money, increasing corporate ownership of real assets (especially residential real estate), zero or negative returns on people’s savings, and increasing disparities of income and wealth. The only way this system can be perpetuated is by the complete elimination of any semblance of democratic government. As E. C. Riegel observed almost 80 years ago:

“Society is in the twilight of a passing day. The state now undertakes to finance the economy, and, since a free economy is manifestly impossible where the state assumes the responsibility of supplying the money circulation, the politician is compelled to choose between fascism and communism.”Private Enterprise Money, 1944

The great disconnect

This concentration of power and wealth enables banks to allocate money to those sectors of the economy that further favor the interests of politicians, bankers, and corporatists, and emergence of a “super class” that will own and control virtually everything. In the process, sound principles of money creation that would be necessary in competitive markets, have been largely shunted aside and the connections between the money economy and the real economy, which have long been tenuous, have now been almost completely severed. When those who control banks and governments can create quasi-money out of nothing without any real value basis and allocate it selectively to advance their own narrow political and economic agendas, you know that the end is near. The system is doomed and it is just a question of how will it end, how long it will take, and who will suffer the most from its demise? The super class knows this and they are already taking steps to preserve their wealth and power and to leave the rest of us holding an empty bag of financial promises, while they make plans to replace it with a new system that will remain under their control and perpetuate their privilege.

Whether the emerging government is communist or fascist, it will be despotic and totalitarian, and it will be global. The globalization of banking, finance, economics, and politics, and the development of information and communications technologies have emboldened the global elite to make their big move to achieve total control. The “Great Reset” and “New World Order” are being promoted as the answer to the multi-dimensional mega-crisis that now threatens our civilization, but the vast majority of people will have no say about the specifics of these programs.

The great reconnect

Still, I am optimistic and confident that the old system will ultimately give way to new, more sustainable and equitable systems under popular control, a process that must begin with the emergence of parallel systems of exchange and finance that enable us to circumvent, and eventually replace, the centrally-controlled, usury-based money system. Although barely noticeable, that process has been underway for a long time at the micro level of communities and small businesses where community currency experiments have been popping up around the world, along with a surge in commercial trade exchanges that enable businesses to buy and sell from one another without fiat money by offsetting their purchases against their sales.

Unlike political fiat money which is forced on people through “legal tender” laws, the acceptance of private currency in the market is voluntary. “Private money/currency” must therefore be “honest money/currency.”  It must therefore be a credible promise of being redeemable for some real goods and services. In other words, it must be connected to the “real economy.” Salmon P. Chase, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court under President Abraham Lincoln, had this to say about forced circulation of currency: “The legal tender quality [of money] is only valuable for the purposes of dishonesty.”

Now, the changing geopolitical circumstances are also stimulating major changes at the macro level of national governments and global trade. The connection between the real economy and the money economy must be inherent in any honest and sustainable system of money and finance. The creation of sound exchange media (money) requires that money be spent into circulation by trusted producers of real valuable goods and services that are available in the market and ready to be delivered in the near-term. Money, then, is a mere place-holder for real economic value; as a credible promise it will be widely accepted as a form of payment.

The Banker’s and Politician’s Last Gasp, and the Great Monetary Reset

While the past several decades have seen the emergence of many successful approaches to decentralized control of credit through private currencies and independent commercial credit clearing circles, economic and financial corporatization and globalization have overwhelmed their impact and placed ever tighter control into the hands of the elite class who have used their money power as a weapon of class warfare. The Breton Woods monetary agreement that was established toward the end of World War II made the US dollar the world’s reserve currency and allowed the US and its various allies to dominate and control the machinery of money and finance. But with the breakdown of that agreement and the increasing application of financial and economic sanctions against rivals who challenge the western unipolar world order, we now see that some countries, notably China and Russia, are taking independent action to protect their own currencies, economies, and security interests.

These countries are moving to back their currencies with real commodities as Alasdair Macleod describes in his recent article The Commodity Currency Revolution, and in this YouTube interview Commodity-Backed Currencies to Challenge Dollar Yen & Euro?. This phenomenal shift is further elucidated in other sources, including David Stockman’s Monetary Madness Among the Central Bankers, and Alastair Crooke’s post about the decline of the western financial system and the US dollar as the world reserve currency. The latter makes the point that “… the financial war on Russia gave the West an unmistakable lesson from Moscow that the hardest currencies are not USD or EUR, but rather oil, gas, wheat, and gold. Yes, energy, food and strategic resources are currencies [in the real economy].”

Another sobering thesis is being articulated by Dr. Tim Morgan at his website Surplus Energy Economics, in which he argues that, “the economy is an energy system, not a financial one,” and that, “The concept of limits is replacing the paradigm of ‘infinite growth.’” He rightly points out that, “What lies ahead is a process of adjustment – we might call it realignment – to the new reality of an economy in which the scope for expansion is constrained by limits, both to energy value and to environmental tolerance.”  Morgan’s economic model, which he calls Surplus Energy Economics Data System [SEEDS], is based on the idea that continual economic growth has been possible only through the availability of the surplus energy that comes from fossil fuels. But that surplus, which is the amount of energy obtained minus the amount of energy needed to extract it, is continuing to decline, and that fact suggests that the enormous waste of resources spent on cheap non-durable, non-repairable, and non-recyclable products and weapons of war must be phased out.

This shift toward commodity backed national currencies, while not a total solution to the money problem, is a positive step toward reconnecting the means of payment to real economic value.

This will eventually lead also to the emergence of a new standard of value against which the value of currencies, as well as goods and services, can be measured, not only against one another on foreign exchange markets, but more objectively against the value of real goods and services. That standard will not be gold, as it was in the past, but a wide assortment, or “market basket,” of useful commodities like the commodity standard I’ve been proposing for more than 40 years. History shows that, as exchange systems evolve, credit instruments become the primary payment media because the quantity of credit money is able to expand and contract in step with economic activity and the actual supplies of goods and services. Then, the selected standard commodities serve only as the measure of value and unit of account to quantify credit obligations.

Just as happened in the past with gold, I expect the commodities in a standard “basket” will serve as a new measure of value, but payments will be made using credit instruments and the credit clearing process, with perhaps, occasional settlement of residual account balances by the transfer of actual commodities. As I’ve repeatedly explained in my books and articles, it is crucial that these credit currencies be spent into circulation on the basis of an adequate real value foundation and without interest charges.


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Thomas H. Greco, Jr. is an educator, author, and consultant dedicated to economic equity, social justice, and community empowerment. He specializes in the design and implementation of private and community currencies and mutual credit clearing networks. His latest book is The End of Money and the Future of Civilization. His main website is https://beyondmoney.net/. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Guest is Pierre Kory, pulmonologist, internist & critical care physician. He co-founded an organization called Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a nonprofit organization that dedicated itself to develop the most effective treatment protocols for COVID-19. 

The protocols spread to good portions of the world, were being adopted in some countries, and followed by a minority of doctors. But most people attacked the recommendation.

Watch his interview below.


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On September 12, 2022, clashes erupted between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops along the Armenia–Azerbaijan border resulting in almost 300 deaths and dozens injured, with both sides blaming the other.

US Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Armenia yesterday, leading a congressional delegation in a show of support following the deadly clashes in a decades-old dispute over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, where a truce has been in effect since Wednesday.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Abraham Gasparyan, PhD in Political Sciences, Associated Professor at Yerevan State University, TV Commentator, and Founder and Director of “Genesis Armenia”, a think tank.


Steven Sahiounie (SS):  After a period of calm between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which President Putin of Russia was involved in, we now see a flare of tension. In your opinion, what was the cause of this newest tension?

Abraham Gasparyan (AG):  In the Middle East, Eurasia (Ukraine) and Central Asia, Russia is busy maintaining its own influence in strategic, security, military, political and economic spheres. The South Caucasus has become the weakest and most vulnerable link for Moscow, which is trying to maintain its strategic interests from the Mediterranean and Black Seas to Central Asia. The connecting link of these two regions is the South Caucasus, the most important road of which passes through the Syunik region of the Republic of Armenia. That region borders Iran, which has a pronounced anti-Western stance.

Azerbaijan and Turkey (backing from NATO) want to neutralize Iran and remove Russia’s influence from the South Caucasus. Armenia is the only country here with a Russian military base. The Russians already have a military presence in Azerbaijan, in Aghdam. There is one important circumstance here, regardless of the positions and interests of international actors and decision making centers. Before and after the 2020 September war, Azerbaijan continued to build its political and political narratives on clear messages of Armenophobia and illegal claims to Armenia’s sovereign territories. Unbroken and continuous calls for aggression, making the establishment of relations with Armenia conditional on revanchist war…This was the destructive and hostile approach of official Baku.

During the last Artsakh war, Azerbaijan was unable to solve the military and political problem it faced, that is, to occupy all of Artsakh and depopulate that Armenian territory. Even major states like Turkey and Pakistan helped Azerbaijan, provided huge military, logistical and financial support, bombarded the civilian population of Artsakh with cluster and phosphorus bombs, terrorist groups from Syria and Libya fought in Artsakh, but Artsakh and Armenia were able to resist. Baku is not satisfied with that. The political ideology of that state is built on the Nazi approach of exterminating Armenians and occupying Armenia. They continue that approach after the 44-day war and want to establish a land connection with the Armenian Nakhichevan, which was already seized to Soviet Azerbaijan in 1921, through the Syunik corridor. The ultimate goal is to occupy the Syunik Corridor and create a land link for the Turkish world by annexing the sovereign territory of Armenia.

SS:  The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has affected Europe.  In your opinion, how will this Armenian and Azerbaijan conflict further affect the region?

AG:  The region will face a fundamentally unstable situation, if conflict resolution is accompanied by a zero-sum game or a winner-takes-all mindset, we will witness a re-escalation of this conflict. Conflicts should not be settled militarily.

Azerbaijan has taken possession of its coveted territories, which it captured with the help of Turkey during this last war. Moreover, those territories of Artsakh that do not belong to Baku are under the control of Baku, that is, Azerbaijan has occupied many territories of Artsakh through military aggression. Moreover, after the 44-day war, Azerbaijan occupied more than 150 skm of sovereign Armenia and its Armed Forces are in those territories.

Armenia is ruled by an elite that does not want to expel the aggressor for the sake of regional peace, hoping that the aggressor will leave the territory of Armenia on its own. Now imagine: the government changes in Armenia and a new government is formed, which first of all wants to restore the territorial integrity of the state. It means: new war, new destruction, new victims, instability. The most important component of security and stability is the existence of clear mechanisms for non-violent conflict resolution, political and security guarantees of international actors. If the USA, Russia, China and Europe will not be able to provide these guarantees, then the stability and the economic interests of these states will be under serious attack. And we see it. Europe needs to get out of dependence on Russian gas and reach the gas resources of the Caspian Sea and Central Asian countries through Azerbaijan, and the US wants to sell it and limit Iran’s economic and oil export opportunities. That is, the reason for the outbreak of the conflict in the South Caucasus and the change in the status quo is economic interest, the neutralization of the roles of Iran and Russia, the opening of land routes and the increase of the western sphere of influence through the liberalization of communications. Even if they manage to convince the weak government of Armenia in this matter, forcing regional giants like Iran and Russia is an extremely difficult task, which affects the military and security relief of the South Caucasus.

SS:  The US supports Ukraine against Russia both militarily and ideologically.  Do you feel that the US has a role to play in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

AG:  In addition to the status of the co-chairing country of the OSCE Minsk Group, the United States, as a world superpower, also has an obligation to maintain the commitment to stability, security and democracy, which is one of the vital constitutional, political and propaganda norms of that state. The US has a powerful diplomatic, security, intelligence, and economic toolkit to influence international law violations committed by any state. American interests in the South Caucasus have always clashed with the national interests of Russia and Iran. In the past, it was possible to settle it with bilateral or Washington-Moscow arrangements. After Russia’s military operations in Ukraine, we see an intensification of American diplomacy and operations in the South Caucasus, where Washington did not have a clear and constant policy, except in Georgia. The American offer to Armenia must not be purely anti-Russian in nature, it will be an adventure and fraught with unforeseen dangers.

Regarding Armenia’s security, energy independence and Artsakh issue, clear mechanisms and guarantees are necessary, otherwise Armenia and the Armenian society will consider the American “intervention” as a deliberate subversion. Washington should have a clear position regarding the sovereignty of Armenia and the political fate of Artsakh, that is, any violation of the borders in the region will be met with harsh opposition. There is a need for an American conceptual and strategic approach towards Artsakh conflict, which is an issue of human rights and self-determination. This natural right cannot be subordinated to the principle of territorial integrity. Of course, American oil and gas interests in Azerbaijan are understandable, but we should not forget that the American political value system will collapse if Washington ignores the dossier of democracy and human rights and freedoms. The US must build its political narratives on inviolable values. The change of borders in Ukraine has been a motivation for attempts to change the political map of the world in different regions. The clear evidence of this is Turkey’s behavior in relations with Greece and Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia. Washington marvelously knows the formula of success. Political pragmatism and an arbitrary interpretation of international law prevent the US from simultaneously spreading values and avoid violating the norms of international law.

SS:  There are reports of protests in Yerevan because of a statement by Prime Minister Pashinyan, in which he seems to be ready to cede territory.  In your opinion is he ready to give up Nagorno-Karabakh?

AG:  Any document must go through an internal legal process, that is, any statement, agreement, convention, treaty or document, that the political elite deems appropriate, must be checked and go through internal legal and constitutional process. In such a case, the establishment of diplomatic relations with Azerbaijan, the recognition of mutual borders and not having territorial claims against each other should be discussed in the country’s parliament, then the highest judicial body of the country, the Constitutional Court, should check whether this document is in discrepancy with the Constitution. Armenia has no legal obligation or right to decide the political fate of an entire people. Armenia was only the guarantor of the security of Artsakh people in this conflict. And that approach collapsed after the 44-day war, when Russia assumed that “responsibility”. Nagorno-Karabakh is not the property of any person or even “democratically elected elite” to be donated or surrendered with a single signature. Artsakh is an Armenian land for 5000 years and 140 thousand people live there, who legally decided to live independently 31 years ago during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Armenians of Artsakh know what it is like to live under the political rule of hostile Azerbaijan. Shortly it means genocide. Artsakh has never been part of independent Azerbaijan and cannot come under the vertical influence of Azerbaijan in any capacity and any case. They are very well aware of this in Yerevan, Baku and Ankara, as well as in the political capitals of the world. If Artsakh is annexed and becomes part of Azerbaijan, then international law and the concept of self-determination of nations will become meaningless, and the Westphalian system will become an object of ridicule in international relations. The citizens of Armenia voted for this current government not to hand over territory, but to settle the conflict through diplomatic means. Pashinyan’s government failed to do so by collapsing diplomatic channels and ties with potential allies, lead the country to war and exhausted the diplomatic immunity of the conflict settlement. After that, he has no political and moral right to play the role of an actor in the settlement of the conflict.

SS:  If the Armenian people do remove Prime Minister Pashinyan, will this have a positive effect on Armenia economically, politically, and socially?

AG:  Definitely yes. Pashinyan’s coming to power was the result of the ineffectiveness of the government system in Armenia for years and the interference of external factors. The West has always wanted to push Russia out of the South Caucasus and did not take into account the fact that this mechanism cannot work in a drastic way in Armenia. If there is no alternative, then there will be no positive response either. More than 2.5 million Armenians live in Russia and Armenia cannot be in an anti-Russian position. Besides this, we must take into consideration the deep historical, cultural and political ties between Armenia and Russia.

Armenia cannot pursue a similar policy towards its historical neighbor and brotherly Iran, with which the border has a history of several millennia and with which ties date back to ancient times, when dozens of states did not even exist in this region. The basis of Armenia’s foreign policy is the concept of balancing regional and international interests. To say that Pashinyan’s government did not realize this, would be naive. Knowing this much and distorting the map of relations with neighbors and natural allies means deliberate steps to change the geopolitical balance of the region, which will naturally lead to economic collapse and uncontrollable chaos.

Pashinyan’s ideological and geopolitical, economic and security policy weakened Armenia’s position. Armenia was a security factor in the region. Today it is facing serious security problems. Although it must be admitted that the combat capability of the Armenian armed forces is at a high level and the proof of this was the high fighting spirit and the ability to perform a military task during the last aggression by Azerbaijan. There is social polarization in Armenia and the current government also failed the investment and economic policy. The government succeeding Pashinyan will face a very difficult period. Pashinyan fulfilled the geopolitical task entrusted to him, that is, to hand over the territories outside the borders of the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region (which was under the control of Artsakh) to Azerbaijan and to liberalize land communications in the region, which was in the interests of the states dealing with the settlement of the Artsakh conflict. Pashinyan must go so that Armenia can restore the economy and ensure its own security. This is the expectation of Armenia and the majority of the Armenian people.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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 For all the long years of her reign, Queen Elizabeth II of England refused to visit Israel because of its unacceptable abuse of human rights – during all of which period she visited every other country of the free world, many, many times as an icon of freedom, trust and human dignity.

According to the Jerusalem Post:

In her 70 years on the throne, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth traveled widely and visited many countries – nearly all the countries of the Commonwealth – Canada in particular. She visited Canada as many as 27 times, and after turning 50, she visited 43 different countries for the first time.

She visited Jordan, Egypt and other countries in the Middle East and North Africa – but never Israel.

Following her visit to Jordan in 1984, the queen raised some alarm among British Jews according to a report in The New York Times. Sympathetic comments she had made about the plight of the Palestinians and her seeming disapproval of Israeli actions caused more than a mere flutter among British Jews. (JP, September 9, 2022)

Six Questions for Israel:

  1. As a now undeclared, nuclear weapon state, after the Holocaust of WW2 in which 6 million Jews were murdered, why do you support a government that has deliberately dispossessed and disenfranchised five million indigenous, mainly Muslim Arabs whose families have lived on and worked the land of Palestine for over a millennium?
  2. How can Israelis drink coffee in the bars of Tel Aviv when just kilometres down the road, the indigenous peoples of Gaza, and of the West Bank, starve under a shocking, inhuman, 16-year blockade of essential goods imposed by your government, together with an illegal government-imposed settlement policy that violates the Geneva Conventions on Human Rights?
  3. How do you manage to brainwash your citizens to join the IDF and to harass, bully, humiliate and kill the indigenous people of the West Bank and East Jerusalem and how do you sleep at night knowing that you have been trained to treat ordinary Palestinians as Untermenschen, to be killed and humiliated, at will?
  4. How do you manage to be a major supplier of arms and espionage systems to regimes around the world then claim to be innocent bystanders who merely want to defend your own state? How many more family homes in the West Bank do you want to demolish so that you can obtain yet more land for your illegal settlements?
  5. How does a Jewish demographic constituting less than 2% of the American people, manage to wield such extraordinary influence in the US Congress and how does your AIPAC lobby succeed in persuading 335 million Americans to send billions of tax dollars every year to the state of Israel in order to continue the illegal occupation of Palestinian land – an occupation condemned by UNSCR 2334?
  6. Do you think any of the above facts contribute to the now frightening increase in antisemitism on university campuses in the US, the U.K. and around the world; in schools, offices, homes and workplaces? Or is it purely coincidental?


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Hans Stehling (a pen name) is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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The United States launched at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022.

This is according to a report by the Congressional Research Service, a US government institution that compiles information on behalf of Congress.

The report documented another 218 US military interventions between 1798 and 1990.

That makes for a total of 469 US military interventions since 1798 that have been acknowledged by the Congress.

This data was published on March 8, 2022 by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), in a document titled “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022.”

The list of countries targeted by the US military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single country in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.

From the beginning of 1991 to the beginning of 2004, the US military launched 100 interventions, according to CRS.

That number grew to 200 military interventions between 1991 and 2018.

Countries US military interventions

The report shows that, since the end of the first cold war in 1991, at the moment of US unipolar hegemony, the number of Washington’s military interventions abroad substantially increased.

Of the total 469 documented foreign military interventions, the Congressional Research Service noted that the US government only formally declared war 11 times, in just five separate wars.

The data exclude the independence war been US settlers and the British empire, any military deployments between 1776 and 1798, and the US Civil War.

It is important to stress that all of these numbers are conservative estimates, because they do not include US special operations, covert actions, or domestic deployments.

The CRS report clarified:

The list does not include covert actions or numerous occurrences in which U.S. forces have been stationed abroad since World War II in occupation forces or for participation in mutual security organizations, base agreements, or routine military assistance or training operations.

The report likewise excludes the deployment of the US military forces against Indigenous peoples, when they were systematically ethnically cleansed in the violent process of westward settler-colonial expansion.

CRS acknowledged that it left out the “continual use of U.S. military units in the exploration, settlement, and pacification of the western part of the United States.”

US military interventions era region

Credit: Military Intervention Project at Tufts University

The Military Intervention Project at Tufts University’s Center for Strategic Studies has documented even more foreign meddling.

“The US has undertaken over 500 international military interventions since 1776, with nearly 60% undertaken between 1950 and 2017,” the project wrote. “What’s more, over one-third of these missions occurred after 1999.”

The Military Intervention Project added:

“With the end of the Cold War era, we would expect the US to decrease its military interventions abroad, assuming lower threats and interests at stake. But these patterns reveal the opposite – the US has increased its military involvements abroad.”

US military interventions year region

Credit: Military Intervention Project at Tufts University


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Featured image: A map of countries where the United States has militarily intervened (Source: Congressional Research Service)

Germany Seizes Russian Oil Firm Rosneft’s Refineries

September 19th, 2022 by Al-Jazeera

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Berlin has taken control of the German operations of Russian oil firm Rosneft to secure energy supplies which have been disrupted after Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Rosneft’s German subsidiaries, which account for about 12 percent of oil refining capacity in the country, were placed under the trusteeship of the Federal Network Agency, the economy ministry said in a statement on Friday.

“The trust management will counter the threat to the security of energy supply,” it said.

Later on Friday, Rosneft said in a statement that the move was illegal and that it could go to court to challenge the decision by Berlin.

Disrupted operations

The refineries’ operations had been disrupted as the German government decided to slash Russian oil imports, with an aim to halt them completely by year’s end.

By taking control of the sites, the German authorities can then run the refining operations using crude from countries other than Russia.

Unprecedented step

In early April, the German government took the unprecedented step of temporarily taking control of Gazprom’s German subsidiary, after an opaque transfer of ownership of the company sent alarm bells ringing in Berlin.

Read the full article here.


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Colombia’s Quiet Revolution

September 19th, 2022 by Asad Ismi

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“It was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Guillermo Ramirez told me. He was explaining how Colombia’s affordability crisis led to the election in June of the first leftist government in the country’s 200-year history. Ramirez is Colombian–Canadian and a member of Colombia Action Solidarity Alliance (CASA), a Toronto-based activist group. He has been following Colombian politics for 27 years and visited Colombia in January.

In April 2021, the right-wing government of President Iván Duque announced its intention to increase taxes on food items. This would have affected the poorest Colombians the most—people who were already suffering enormously from the drastic effects of COVID-19 on the economy.

A shocking 40 per cent of Colombians live in poverty, a result of “decades of neoliberal policies which have pushed Colombia into an economic crisis, with unprecedented levels of poverty and inequity,” as Raul Burbano told me. Burbano, also Colombian–Canadian, is program director at Common Frontiers, a Canadian working group composed of labour, faith-based and social justice organizations focused on the Americas. Burbano went to Colombia in June to observe the elections.

According to Colombian researcher Veronica Uribe-Kessler, 20 per cent of the richest Colombians get 55 per cent of the country’s income, while 80 per cent of the people “scramble over the remainder,” as Kessler puts it. This makes Colombia Latin America’s second most unequal nation (after Brazil).

“Colombians barely have enough money to pay for food and cannot afford to spend more, and so the regressive tax proposal sparked a major rebellion against the Duque regime,” says Ramirez.

On April 28, 2021, Colombia exploded into a national strike that enveloped 600 cities and went on for several months, a stunning level of protest not seen in 50 years. The uprising was led by unemployed youth and forced Duque to retract the tax increase—but only after Colombian security forces had killed 45 protestors and “disappeared” 405 others. The violence only increased public anger at the government.

“Many young people in Colombia do not have opportunities to study in universities because they cannot afford the expensive privatized education system,” says Ramirez. He adds that there are no jobs for them. “They don’t even have access to the Internet because they are too poor to pay for this.”

Unemployment in Colombia stands at 15 per cent, according to official figures, but for youth it is close to 24 per cent. More than 63 per cent of the workforce is consigned to the informal sector and only 15 per cent of those earn even the minimum wage.

Ramirez emphasizes that the 2021 national strike led directly to the victory of leftist politician Gustavo Petro and his Afro-Colombian running mate, environmentalist, lawyer and social activist, Francia Márquez, in the June 2022 national elections. This sea change in Colombian politics reflected public determination to address poverty, inequality, unemployment, official corruption and state repression.

Transparency International ranked Colombia at number 87 out of 180 countries on its Corruption Perception Index for 2021. U.S. News declared Colombia the world’s second most corrupt country for 2021. The Borgen Project, a U.S.-based anti-poverty NGO, points out that “corruption exists at every level of government” in the country. And there isn’t much recourse to deal with it because the judiciary, police and military are also corrupt and, as a result, crime in Colombia has become “normalized.”

In terms of official repression, Colombia has long had the worst human rights record in Latin America, with state-linked paramilitary death squads murdering thousands of people a year. This figure has recently come down to about 400 per year, which still makes Colombia the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists and human rights and environmental activists.

A lot of the violence stems from efforts to maintain the skewed distribution of income in favour of the rich. But, in contrast to Duque, the new leftist government intends to tax the wealthy, Colombia’s 4,000 richest families. As Burbano explains, “Through a progressive tax reform, Petro expects to raise $10.9 billion annually with which he plans to pay for pension, health care and education reforms.”

Petro also proposes free higher education, agricultural reforms and giving women heads of families a salary.

“Land reform is another key priority,” says Burbano. “Decades of conflict and government corruption have resulted in Colombia having one of the most unequal land distribution[s] in Latin America. Land redistribu- tion also means recognition of land rights of Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants.”

Three per cent of Colombians own over 70 per cent of arable land and this concentration has long been a major source of poverty.

Although Petro and Márquez’s economic reforms appear modest, one policy stands out as fairly radical: the pair’s determination to wean Colombia off dependence on oil and other mineral exports and put it on the path to a green transition. To this end, Petro has instituted a ban on unconventional oil fields, offshore drilling and fracking, and has stopped new licences for oil exploration.

The new government is also hostile to mining, with Márquez being well-known for her anti-mining activism. Oil and mining are the main official export revenue earners for Colombia (joined by cocaine as the unofficial one), but both have brought massive violence and displacement to many communities all over the country and little benefit to most Colombians.

As Burbano explains, “Vice president-elect Francia Márquez is a human-rights and environmental activist. The new government’s platform is centred on protecting the environment and climate justice. They have promised to gradually reduce Colombia’s dependency on the extractive industry, and oil and coal in particular, replacing these with agriculture, tourism and clean energy.

“Canada is a global leader in mining and I think this will not sit well with Ottawa as it will affect Canadian mining profits. In 2019, according to Natural Resources Canada, 23 Canadian mining companies held assets totaling $1.38 billion in Colombia. In the past, Canada was a staunch ally of Colombia, turning a blind eye to the egregious human rights violations committed by the state. I suspect, going forward, Canadian foreign policy towards Colombia will become much more hostile.”

Francia Márquez has been key to the leftist victory in Colombia, making possible the building of an amazingly diverse coalition called “Historical Pact” that includes the liberal, conservative and communist parties along with Afro-Colombians, Indigenous nations, the environ- mental movement, youth, students, parts of the urban middle class, farmers and 2SLGBTQ+ communities.

It was not Petro who joined the unemployed youth when they led the national strike against Duque, but Márquez who marched with them. Burbano points out that “Márquez has an incredible history of grass- roots struggle to protect the environment and for Afro-Colombian and Indigenous rights. Her position as Vice-President signals to the most marginalized in Colombia that things are finally changing. Her role will be key to ensuring the new government sticks to its promises as it negotiates priorities within the bureaucratic structures. The fear by many is that the government may cede too much space and power to liberal and conserva- tive elements.”

Ramirez agrees on the significance of Márquez’s role: “She was able to bring into politics a lot of groups that had long been isolated and they proved to be a powerhouse. These groups included not only Afro-Colombians and the Indigenous but also women in general who were greatly encouraged to vote due to Francia and that made a big difference in the election.”

As Márquez herself put it in a 2021 interview,

“People want change, in terms of justice, equity and to root out the logics and structures of coloniality, racism, patriarchy. Protests are not just a response to recent events but to the country’s systemic inequality. And that social upheaval led by the youth in 2021—and in which I also took part—is also an example of that historical burnout.”

The left’s unprecedented triumph in Colombia comes as part of a second wave of progressive governments that are gaining power all over Latin America. The first wave took place from 2000 to 2015. There are now nine leftist governments in Latin America, including Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua and Cuba. Brazil is expected to elect a leftist government in October.

As Kyla Sankey, who teaches in the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London, points out in a recent article, “By the end of the year, for the first time in its history, Latin America’s six largest economies—Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru—should all be under left-wing rule of one kind or another.”

Sankey believes that “Latin America’s second wave of left-wing governments could be more powerful than the first” (the title of her article in Jacobin magazine), especially given the greater opportunities this time for leftist governments to build alliances with environmental and social movements.

Ramirez agrees, adding that the United States, traditionally the major imperialist power in Latin America and the violent remover of leftist governments, is in a much weaker position today than it was 15 years ago. Now China holds more sway in South America.

“So many leftist governments will make possible the advance of regional integration in Latin America,” Ramirez says, “which will make the implementation of a green agenda easier across borders. Closer co-operation between Latin America, China and other countries internationally will help displace the U.S.-dominated world order that has impoverished and killed millions of people.”


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This article was originally published on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Monitor, (CCPA Monitor).

Asad Ismi is an award-winning writer and radio documentary-maker. He covers international politics for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Monitor (CCPA Monitor), Canada’s biggest leftist magazine (by circulation) where this article was originally published. Asad has written on the politics of 70 countries. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. For his publications visit www.asadismi.info.

Featured image is from YvesEngler.com

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The Danish Health Authority has announced that just about every young and middle-aged person in Denmark is now prohibited from getting “vaccinated” for covid.

If you are under the age of 50, the Danish government says, then you are not allowed to take the shots. Previously, the Danish government prohibited the drug injections for everyone under the age of 18. (Related: Last fall, Denmark joined Sweden in banning Moderna’s covid injection after it was determined to cause myocarditis in young people.)

The only people under 50 who can receive the shots are those who are deemed to have a “higher risk of becoming severely [emphasis added] [ill] from Covid-19,” the government of Denmark said.

How this will be determined has yet to be fleshed out, but what we know is that the vast majority of Denmark is not only no longer at risk of being forced to get jabbed, but is actually prohibited from ever doing so again.

This is the kind of just say no to drugs campaign that we wish would launch in the United States and elsewhere, but pigs will fly before that ever happens.

Implicit in the Danish announcement is the idea that messenger RNA (messenger RNA) injections specifically come with far greater risks than any purported benefits. The same is true for the non-mRNA covid jabs still being pushed as well.

Denmark expecting another “large wave” of covid over winter, but since the jabs don’t help there is no reason to allow them

To be clear, the Danish Health Authority is not necessarily saying that covid has ended. To the contrary, the government there says it expects “a large wave of [covid] infection” in the coming months.

At the same time, government officials in Denmark are admitting that the jabs have not helped, and will never help, thus the new ban.

“The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people aged under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination,” the Danish Health Authority announcement reads.

The announcement goes on to explain that younger people have an almost zero risk of becoming seriously ill from Chinese Germs, and many of them are already protected anyway – some of them because they “have previously been infected with covid-19.”

In other words, the Danish Health Authority is acknowledging two important things that American health officials deny:

1) Covid injections do not prevent infection – and by the looks of it, they actually cause more infection while increasing the risk of death

2) Natural immunity is real, and those who have previously tested “positive” for the Fauci Flu are now protected against it.

If only we could get these same types of acknowledgements in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many other places that are ruled with an iron fist by globalists with a penchant for unrelenting medical fascism and abuse of citizens.

“The Danish move is particularly significant because Denmark has an excellent national health care system and has aggressively collected data on Covid and vaccines,” wrote Alex Berenson on his Substack about the situation.

“Denmark was among the first countries to stop giving Covid shots to healthy children and teenagers. Now other European countries are beginning to follow, with Britain ending mRNA shots for almost all children 10 and under.”

Big Tech, meanwhile, is already trying to spin the announcement out of Denmark to imply that it has nothing to do with actually stopping the injection of people for the Wuhan Flu.

“Good luck with that,” Berenson joked about the failing agenda of the tech giants.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Russia Won’t Congratulate CIA on Its Diamond Jubilee

September 19th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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In the Russian journal Natsionalnaya Oborona (National Defence), the chief of Russia’s foreign intelligence Sergey Naryshkin has written a riveting essay on the 75th anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency, which falls on Sunday. It is an unusual gesture, especially in the middle of the hybrid war in Ukraine. 

Probably, it serves a purpose? Most certainly, it serves to remind the Russian people and foreigners alike that nothing has been forgotten, nothing forgiven. 

The title of the essay — 75 candles on the CIA Cake — is somewhat misleading, as Naryshkin’s concluding remark is that

“Anniversary congratulations and wishes there will not be. As there can be no compromise in assessing its (CIA’s) role in history and ‘merits’ to humanity.” 

Image: Sergey Naryshkin (Photo by Kremlin.ru, licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Сергей Нарышкин (21-02-2022).jpg

Naryshkin’s essay will be closely studied by the western intelligence  for any “clues.” Indeed, what is he messaging? Naryshkin and President Vladimir Putin go back some 40 years. Naryshkin had just graduated from one of Moscow’s most prestigious institutions, the Felix Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB and  Putin was already working in the foreign intelligence department of the Leningrad KGB when they bumped into each other in the corridors of the Big House (as KGB’s regional headquarters in Leningrad was known).

Unsurprisingly, Naryshkin writes about the CIA with an easy familiarity. As he put it,

“The CIA was created at the beginning of the Cold War era in order to conduct intelligence activities around the world as a tool to counteract the existence and strengthening role of the USSR in the world, the formation of a bloc of socialist states, and the rise of the national liberation movement in Africa, Asia, and South America.” 

Funnily enough, nonetheless, the CIA began with a colossal intelligence failure when it predicted on 20th September 1949 that the first Soviet atomic bomb would appear in mid-1953, when, actually, 22 days before the publication of that forecast, the Soviet Union had already conducted its first test of a nuclear device.  

The CIA was once again clueless when Putin announced in March 2018 in an address to the Russian Parliament that Russia had developed a new hypersonic missile system, which “will be practically invulnerable.” US officials and analysts were taken aback. The CIA has a history of getting Russia all wrong, including about the collapse of the Soviet Union.  

But the CIA had its successes too — for example,  the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1951 after his move to nationalise Iranian oil fields. By the 1950s, CIA already turned into a “multi-disciplinary monster” when besides traditional intelligence activities, it was also “tasked with tracking and suppressing any political, economic, military processes in all parts of the planet that could threaten the world hegemony of the United States and its allies.” Naryshkin gives credit to Allen Dulles for this metamorphosis. Dulles introduced “aggressiveness and lack of morality into the activities” of the CIA. He was just the man to do so, having been station chief of the OSS (CIA’s predecessor) in Bern in 1942-1945, who had clandestine dealings with the Nazis behind the back of the US’ Soviet ally. 

Naryshkin takes us through the chronicle of CIA’s “coups d’etat, direct military interventions, provocations of all kinds, assassinations of objectionable politicians, terror, sabotage, bribery” and all that cloak and dagger stuff, which prompted President Lyndon Johnson’s famous condemnation of the agency as the “damn murder corporation.” Like in Banquo’s ghost scene at Macbeth’s banquet table in Shakespeare’s play, the victims appear — Patrice Lumumba, Salvador Allende …

There are chilling references to the CIA’s practice of using cancer spreading technology to eliminate “objectionable” Latin American leaders — Argentina’s Kirchner (thyroid cancer), Paraguay’s Lugo (lymphoma), Brazil’s Lula da Silva (laryngeal cancer) and D. Dilma Rousseff (lymphoma) — and, of course, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez (tracheal cancer). According to Naryshkin, “In 1955, the CIA attempted to eliminate Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, who was perceived by the Americans as “a maniacal fanatic seeking to take over the world,” but failed miserably. Agents blew up the plane on which Zhou was supposed to fly to a conference of Asian and African leaders in Indonesia.” Thereupon, Dulles developed a plan to poison Zhou but gave up fearing that CIA’s involvement might get exposed!

A US Senate commission in 1975 uncovered and confirmed CIA involvement in contract killings and coup d’état. It counted 8 cases of assassination attempts by CIA agents and mercenaries on Fidel Castro during 1960-1965 alone. Havana later revealed the full tally — from 1959 through 1990, CIA planned 634 assassination attempts on Fidel. To quote Naryshkin,

“With maniacal persistence, the CIA officers developed simply exotic ways to eliminate the Comandante. They tried to kill him with the help of suicide pilots, paratrooper agents, recruited agents from the inner circle, shelling cars and yachts from ships, boats and subversive saboteurs, with the help of scuba gear with a tubercle bacillus brought there, poisoned cigars, poisonous pills for food and much more.”

“The CIA used every opportunity to inflict maximum damage on the Soviet Union, including economic damage. CIA director W. Casey personally addressed the king of Saudi Arabia and persuaded him to sharply increase oil production, which caused world prices for the most important export resources for the USSR to fall by almost three times. For the budget of the Soviet Union, this was a huge loss, which seriously influenced further political events in the USSR.” 

Naryshkin throws some riveting insights into the saga of Ukraine in the 1948-1949 period when the CIA “actively used the experience of Hitler’s special services for launching subversive work against the USSR with recruits in the camps of displaced East Europeans who included quarter of a million Ukrainians. “Almost all the leaders and top functionaries of the Ukrainian nationalists were in one way or another bound by cooperation with the Nazis and therefore were completely controlled” by the CIA and British intelligence. In November 1950, the head of the CIA’s Policy Coordination Office, Frank Wisner bragged that CIA was capable of deploying up to 100,000 Ukrainian nationalists in case of a war with the Soviet Union. 

The U2 incident — shooting down the CIA spy plane — in the Urals on May 1, 1960 was a dramatic incident when Washington accused the USSR of destroying a scientific aircraft and a pilot-scientist, but was profoundly embarrassed when Moscow presented not only the wreckage of the aircraft and spy equipment to the media, “but also the living pilot Francis Gary Powers, who frankly told what he was doing in the sky over the USSR and on whose instructions.”

On the other hand, the masterstroke of a South Korean Boeing entering  Soviet airspace and getting shot down in 1983 provided just the “propaganda basis” for President Reagan “to announce another ‘crusade against communism.’ The policy of detente was thrown aside, and a new round of the arms race began.”  

Naryshkin’s final reflection is calm and collected with no trace of hyperbole:

“Evaluation of the effectiveness of any special service is always relative. The US Central Intelligence Agency, entering its 76th year of existence, has been and remains a zealous executor of the will of the ruling circles of its country. Despite the significant changes taking place, they continue to imagine themselves as the only hegemon in the unipolar world. The organisation is intelligence, based on its name, but with a sensitive focus on conducting subversive actions against sovereign states.” 

To Indians, CIA has become a benign creature, no longer feared. Having links with the CIA carries no stigma among Indian elites. They regard “CIA phobia”  as a legacy of the Indira Gandhi era. And they can be thriving as mainstream columnists and think tankers — and opinion makers. Naryshkin’s essay is a sobering reminder that history has not ended — and it never will. 

The essay (in Russian) is here. 

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Biden Declares COVID Pandemic Is “Over”

September 19th, 2022 by Paul Joseph Watson

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During an appearance on CBS News’ 60 Minutes last night, President Joe Biden declared the COVID-19 pandemic to be “over,” right in time for the mid-terms.

“We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s — but the pandemic is over,” said Biden.

Immediately after Biden’s remarks, Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie insisted that the administration should now relinquish all the emergency powers it has grabbed by hyping the threat of the virus.

“If ‘the pandemic is over’ as Biden says, then all of the President’s emergency powers predicated on a pandemic, all COVID vax mandates, the emergency powers of every governor, Emergency Use Authorizations, and the PREP act should all be voided tomorrow,” said Massie.

Senator Ron Johnson also called for “an end to all vaccine mandates.”

The script appears to have flipped, with the pandemic police state being replaced by permanent war, as Biden pledged to send U.S. troops to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.

Some people whose entire identity seems to be wedded to pandemic paranoia desperately countered Biden’s assertion, with #COVIDIsNotOver trending on Twitter.

While the Biden administration may temporarily declare COVID to be over for the mid-terms, don’t rule out them ramping up the hysteria into December and January as the flu season takes hold.


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Featured image is a screenshot from CBS News via Summit News

Mindspace – A Guide to Behavioral Manipulation

September 19th, 2022 by Elze van Hamelen

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Read Part I:

The Netherlands: Government Sponsored Behavioral Control and Social Engineering Experiments

By Elze van Hamelen, September 20, 2022

The publication of the British report ‘Mindspace. Influencing behavior through public policy’ from 2010 seems to have been the worldwide kickstart of systematic application of knowledge from behavioral science to public policy and implementation. The report summarizes a century of behavioral science research, and provides recommendations on how governments can apply it.

Mindspace was compiled in response to a commission from top British civil servant Sir Gus O’Donnell and Sir Michael Bichard, head of the Institute for Government, a think tank that advises and supports the British government through research. Following this report, the Behavioral Insights Team (BIT, see main article) was formed, and Prof. David Halpern and Dr. Michael Hallsworth, who co-authored the report, later became CEO of BIT and “Managing Director BIT Americas,” respectively.

Mindspace distinguishes two ways of processing information: “reflective processes” and “automatic processes.” Reflective processes are used when we consciously process information, think about it and evaluate facts. Presenting facts so that people can make their own judgments and choices about them is what the report calls the “traditional interventions” of policy. The contrasting model, on which behavioral scientists primarily focus, focuses on automatic processes, which proceed through an already present bias. Messages are shaped to be processed unconsciously. Attention is intentionally shifted from facts and information to influencing the context in which people act.

How does this work in practice?

In the article “MindSpace, Psyops, and Cognitive Warfare: Winning the Battle for the Mind,” which appeared on the site “Canadian Patriot,” poet David Gosselin describes in detail how these kinds of messages to “shift context” are constructed.

One example: The slogan “Stay home, save lives” seems very simple.

But, Gosselin writes, the unconscious message is, “If you don’t stay home, lives may be lost.”

The context or reality is framed as a binary choice – there is no room for the distinction that for most it is not dangerous to go out the door, and that it does not put others at risk. It distracts from facts, while the fear of killing reinforces the unconscious message. The message also reinforces a scapegoating process: those who dare just venture outside have no problem causing deaths! They are almost inhuman. During corona, we have been bombarded by such manipulative slogans and government campaigns that shift attention away from facts and toward an emotion-driven fictional picture of reality.

The word Mindspace is a mnemonic for officials for responding to bias, and automatic and unconscious processes:

Messenger: The messenger greatly influences how we take the message. This is why, for example, the goverment paid influencers to promote vaccination.

Incentives: rewards work strongly to motivate us, such as we can go “back to normal” if you get vaccinated, or “you can sit on the terrace again” if you show your QR-code.

Norms: We are strongly influenced by what others do. Therefore, not wearing a mouth cap when everyone in the supermarket has one on can be perceived as very threatening. Messages like “millions of people took this shot, and trusted the science,” also signal a social norm, fueling a need to join the group.

Defaults: We are quick to follow a preconceived easy choice. A vaccination bus stationed in front of a high school, or other accessible vaccination and testing sites support this.

Salience: Our attention is drawn toward new or salient information. To persistent infections and deaths in the headlines, for example.

Priming: These are small signals or messages, an image (people with mouth masks), feeling (mouth mask), and slogans, creating a subconscious idea that causes us to change our behavior.  For how this works in practice, see this fascinating explanation of stage hypnotist Brian Halliday.

Affect: Emotions have enormous influence on our behavior and choices, communication campaigns therefore deliberately play on fear, shame, guilt, etc.

Commitment: Public commitment increases the likelihood that someone will carry out intentions. The statewide Corona Behavioral Team and the GGD conducted a field experiment to test this – people in a test lane filled out a survey afterward committing to compliance with the stay-at-home rule.

Ego: People like to maintain a good self-image. Speeches by president Mark Rutte: When you comply, you help society, and when you don’t, you choose to perpetuate lockdowns and other measures.

Many people may have felt manipulated. When you see the science and organization behind the communication campaigns in context, it becomes clear how particularly sophisticated this large-scale manipulation campaign is.


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This article was previously published in the reader-funded Dutch newspaper De Andere Krant.

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Doctors predict that by 2030, half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese. An epidemic of obesity is causing a rapid rise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It’s becoming the biggest health challenge worldwide.

Why has no country managed to stop this epidemic? The food industry and government authorities say it’s due to a lack of individual self-discipline. Is this true? Or is it the result of collective failure — a symptom of a liberal society that abhors obesity, yet produces people who are overweight. Is society itself to blame for this situation?

Around the world, politicians, priests, doctors, and average people are standing up to multinational food corporations. They want to take back control of their nutrition and their bodies — and they’re using the law, scientific evidence, and political activism to correct the claim that people who are obese have only themselves to blame. These critics focus on sugary drinks that can be as addictive as some hard drugs; misleading advertising directed at children and low-income people; governments that turn a blind eye to junk-food companies; and lobbying that pushes the limits of legality.

These people say that a “hostile takeover” of our food has been underway for four decades, and they’re demanding new legislation to put a stop to it. This documentary investigates how Chile is leading the way in this struggle.

Which country will be the next to confront the big food corporations in the name of public health?


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Cool Observation of Mass Hysteria. Craig Murray

September 19th, 2022 by Craig Murray

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When the so-called “Leader of the opposition” opposes protest against a new unelected head of state, out of respect for the previous unelected head of state, you know you live under totalitarianism.

Except almost all dictatorships do at least have the form of an election. Indeed, some of the worst dictators in modern history have been genuinely elected, an unfortunate fact we generally prefer to elide.

Over a week of mob hysteria in the UK helps us to understand how.

The psychological phenomenon of societal emotional spasm is fairly well studied but still not necessarily fully explained. How we get to a stage where, in 2022, newspapers are seriously promoting as miraculous clouds that “look like the Queen”, double rainbows or meteors, is a difficult question.

What is not in the doubt is the tendency of deluded mobs to turn on those who do not join in – and the capacity of the unscrupulous to exploit that power.

Attempts to intimidate people out of protesting against the monarchy appear broadly to have succeeded. We saw some hideous attacks on free speech over the last week, including people arrested for holding up placards, for peacefully expressing vocal dissent, or even for carrying eggs or blank pieces of paper.

A number of figures have stood up to come out arguing for freedom of speech – Andrew Marr, Martin Bell, John Sweeney, David Davis, Joanna Cherry, Michael Russell. These are all figures who broadly represent a liberal consensus in society that seems to have gone. As I know all but one of them, I hope they will forgive me for saying they tend to be slightly passé.

Nobody in power, in Westminster or in Scotland, has asserted the importance of freedom of speech, while opposition leader Keir Starmer has done the opposite, emphasising “respect” for authority as more important than freedom of speech, a position taken by anti-democrats everywhere.

There are two arguments used against freedom of speech at present:

1) We should honour the dead, and respect the sanctity of the mourning period.

I do not in general dismiss the value of all societal convention, and I have a certain sympathy for this approach. However, the difficulty is that the accession of a new monarch happens at the moment of death of the old monarch. The latter cannot be used to stifle all protest at the former.

The Establishment quite deliberately conflates the two in order to prevent protest. We have the extraordinary and macabre spectacle of the corpse of the late Queen being carted around the country and her coffin put on public display.

If people really cared for her, I would have thought it much more respectful to bury her, but the monarchist hysteria has to be dialed up past 11 for the longest possible period, and the excuse for suppressing dissent has to be maintained.

Young Rory, who was viciously, physically attacked for heckling sexual abuser Prince Andrew at the Edinburgh procession and then arrested, handcuffed and charged, was widely condemned by the media for disturbing a funeral. But it was not a funeral. That funeral is still not until Monday, when this farce finally ends.

The correct word for what we have witnessed so far is not a funeral but a series of bizarre obsequies. The state is demanding that all citizens be obsequious.

There is a reason that word has such negative connotations, and if the UK had educated journalists rather than state stenographers they might explore it.

So much has been entirely irrational. One moment that stuck in my mind was criticism of Liz Truss for failing to curtsy to the coffin of the Queen when it arrived at RAF Northolt. This was described as “grotesque” – as though curtsying to a corpse were not itself an image straight out of Edgar Allan Poe.

The concomitant of stretching out the period before poor Elizabeth is finally put to rest, is to use that period to maximum political advantage for the introduction of the new King, while his mother’s aura still shines.

We have the deliberate confusion of the two processes. Both the man in Oxford who merely asked “who elected him?”, and the woman in Edinburgh who held the sign saying “Fuck imperialism, abolish the monarchy”, were at the specific proclamation of the accession of King Charles III – events separate to the obsequies. Yet both were condemned for lack of respect for a dead Queen.

We also have the extraordinary spectacle of Charles, immediately after the death of his mother, abandoning his mourning and bottling his grief while shuttling furiously around Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales for entirely political events.

This did not have to happen. This is absolutely not a tradition. Nothing remotely like it has ever happened before.

There was no reason whatsoever why Charles had to visit the Scottish parliament, the Welsh senedd or the assembly in the north of Ireland, now. This could have waited until after the funeral. He could even have had a week of rest and reflection after the funeral before embarking on a tour of the nations.

There was a deliberate decision to hold these political events in Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff, aimed at strengthening the monarchy and union, while the corpse was still metaphorically warm, in order to maximise the political bounce for the monarchy from Elizabeth’s death.

Part of this calculation was that, if Charles’ first visit as King was after the funeral, there would be political protest at the accession in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast, possibly quite substantial.

There is absolutely no modern precedent for a royal tour between the death and the funeral of the previous monarch. It is, when you think about it, disrespectful.

Edinburgh is explicable in terms of Elizabeth dying in Scotland, but Belfast and Cardiff?

Which tells us that “King Charles III” would have still taken advantage of the mourning period to make his power consolidation visit to Edinburgh, no matter where his mother had died.

There is nothing more cynical. We are whipped up to observe emotional mourning, while those who you would expect truly to be in mourning are engaged in cold, political calculation.

One of the darkly amusing things about the last few days was to witness all of the deluded monarchists on social media excusing Charles’ extraordinary tantrum in Northern Ireland about a pen, on the grounds that he must be exhausted making this tour when his mother had just died.

But the answer of course is that he did not have instantly to dash to Northern Ireland at all, leaving behind the rites for his mother. He was doing so for political gain.

It is a capricious God who supports a royal family so much he makes clouds in their image and celebrates them in rainbows and comets, yet makes pens leak on them “every stinking time.”

2) Protest May Cause a Breach of the Peace

This is a truly sinister argument. What it amounts to is this:

The mob is encouraged to beat up dissidents, so the expression of dissent is illegal.

It is quite literal fascism, the exertion of violent force by thugs in the street to quell dissent, with the state backing the thugs and criminalising the dissidents. That is precisely how all fascist regimes operate.

It is now being used shamelessly. None of the thugs who attacked Rory in Edinburgh has been charged. Rory has been charged with a breach of the peace.

If a breach of the peace is an action likely to provoke disorder, then the persons to be charged should be those who decided to put on display in positions of great honour a man who avoided a trial on sex trafficking by payment of £12 million pounds.

One sign of how emboldened the dregs of society are by this period of mob rule, is the quite extraordinary number of people on social media actively defending Prince Andrew, something that was extremely rare before the death of the Queen.

On twitter, it is interesting how many of those defending Andrew show the characteristics I identified of British government troll units. These are very low follower numbers for an account claiming to have been in existence at least ten years, and a timeline consisting entirely of retweets.

The rehabilitation of Andrew is another of the political purposes to which Elizabeth’s death is being put, to which we are not allowed to object on grounds of “decorum” and “respect”.

Now I would not personally have done what Rory did, in the presence of a coffin. But that is a question of etiquette, taste and demeanour, not of the criminal law.

Anybody who had been paying attention ought not be surprised that the Scottish prosecutorial service is happily channeling this fascism and people are coming up for trial for breach of the peace, including the young woman who did nothing but hold up a placard at the outdoor, public proclamation ceremony.

On Sunday, Police Scotland have banned Yestival, an annual Independence rally in George Square, Glasgow, on the grounds that the Queen’s funeral is on the next day, 400 miles away.

The organisers have quietly rescheduled the event, but I shall turn up anyway to bear witness to my beliefs, because I object to being told I may not express my political opinions. I don’t expect there will be more than a dozen of us and nothing in particular is organised to happen – no stage and no microphones. Unless the mere fact of my existence is held by the fascists to be a breach of the peace, I am not sure how it would be illegal. But they may find a way. This is Scotland 2022.

In the long term I am not downhearted. Propaganda works, and I have no doubt whatsoever that monarchism and even unionism will get a measurable opinion poll boost from the current shenanigans.

But it will not be true that the replacement of a popular monarch by an unpopular one will, in the medium term, strengthen the monarchy. Public and press access will be stifled to suppress awareness of Charles’ appalling high-handedness and temper and the way he treats staff

But you can’t make this man popular, and his Queen Consort will be a constant reminder of how he treated his unfortunate first wife.

As for the mob hysteria, I am of the generation that was sent to church every Sunday of my childhood. I recall the sermon every Palm Sunday pointing out that the same rapturous crowd that hailed Jesus into Jerusalem, called for his death five days later.

All the great religions contain a lot of good sense within their mysticism.


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VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,407,409 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 30,935 deaths and 257,227 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,407,409 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 30,935 reports of deaths and 257,227 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.

Of the 30,935 reported deaths, 19,861 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 8,344 cases to Moderna, 2,678 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 865,585 adverse events, including 14,438 deaths and 89,838 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 9, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 14,438 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 9, 7% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 54% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 600 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of Sept. 7, including 361 million doses of Pfizer, 230 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

vaers data vaccine injury september 16

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 39,364 adverse events, including 4,2601 rated as serious and 121 reported deaths.
    According to the CDC, “VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.”
  • 269 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 94% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 1,306 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 646 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 301 reports of blood clotting disorders with 275 cases attributed to Pfizer.
  • 26 cases of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) with all cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Sept. 9, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

CDC reports 5,300 errors in vaccine dose delivery in kids prior to authorization of new boosters

More than 5,300 errors in vaccine dose delivery in children alone were reported to the CDC prior to the authorization of new COVID-19 bivalent booster shots, STAT reported.

Errors include administering the wrong dose or the wrong product for a recipient’s age, using an undiluted vaccine when dilution was needed or administering a vaccine past its expiration date.

According to STAT, a search in VAERS showed reports of toddlers being given 10 times the amount of vaccine they were meant to receive. In at least one report, a child under age 2 was given the full contents of a 10-dose vial in error.

According to the CDC, there is no evidence administration errors have triggered more severe adverse events than are typically reported in children who have been given the correct dose of a vaccine.

Yet, the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel on Sept. 1 “voiced serious concerns” about the difficulties of keeping as many as 11 different brands and formulations of COVID-19 vaccines straight — as doctors’ offices, clinics and pharmacies across the U.S. give a primary series to young children, regular booster shots to older children and new bivalent boosters for people over age 12.

The current COVID-19 vaccine schedule allows doses of multiple vaccines to be administered in different volumes, some after dilution and many not, with intervals between doses ranging from three weeks to several months.

Exclusive: Woman injured by J&J vaccine has ‘never seen such meanness’

Sheila Bath, a 60-something chef and life coach from Connecticut, first suspected she’d been injured by the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine on April 11, 2021 — exactly 14 days after she got the vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Bath said her initial symptoms included a burning sensation running from her legs to her spine and numbness in her feet. The symptoms lasted for two months.

“My legs were burning from my ankle all the way up to my lower spine on both sides. Burning, burning, burning,” Bath said. “My feet were numb. It was burning out the nerves in my legs and in my spine.”

She said she also sustained “terrible bruising” on her extremities, dry mouth, worsening vision, inability to walk, cysts on her kidneys, gallstones in her bladder, calf cramps, muscle spasms, depression, brain fog and 20 lbs. of water-weight gain.

These are “classical Guillain-Barré Syndrome symptoms,” Bath said.

Bath suspected the vaccine triggered the symptoms, but doctors were initially reluctant to draw the same conclusion. She told The Defender:

“I didn’t know what Guillain-Barré was, but it’s a very well-known thing that you have to go directly to the hospital. And [my neurologist] could have sent me directly to the hospital. The neurologist neglected to follow the protocol of getting me into hospital when they could have cured it.”

“Three times I went back to him and he sent me home,” she said, telling her, “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve got neuropathy because you’re older.”

England study confirms deaths from myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccines

As The Defender reported on Thursday, the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

The study, published Aug. 22 in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation,  found more than half (51) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after receiving a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and just under half (49) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

A team of 14 researchers looked at deaths after a hospital stay for myocarditis or with myocarditis listed as a cause of death on a death certificate among 42.8 million vaccinated people in England aged 13 and older between Dec. 1, 2020, and Dec. 15, 2021.

The researchers evaluated the association between vaccination and myocarditis for different ages and sex groups by tracking hospital admissions and deaths from myocarditis by age and gender and in relation to how many doses of a vaccine the person received.

About 20 million people got the AstraZeneca vaccine, 20 million got the Pfizer vaccine, and more than 1 million got the Moderna vaccine. Men under age 40, as a group, showed a heightened increased risk of myocarditis following all three vaccine types.

Although the study concluded the risk of myocarditis from SARS-CoV2 was greater than the risk of myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines, there was no control group of unvaccinated people, the study was limited to the 28 days following vaccination and the conclusion didn’t hold true for all ages or all vaccines.

CDC director admits agency gave false information on COVID vaccine safety monitoring

CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky acknowledged publicly for the first time that the agency gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring.

In a letter made public Sept.12, Walensky said the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it began analyzing such reports in February 2021.

“CDC performed PRR [Proportional Reporting Ratio] analysis between March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022,” Walensky said.

“CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26, 2021, to September 30, 2021.”

The CDC had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to VAERS.

But the agency said in June it did not perform PRRs, and performing them was “outside th[e] agency’s purview.”

Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told The Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and “continues to do so to date.”

But just weeks later, the CDC said Su was wrong.

“CDC performed PRRs from March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022,” a spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in August.

Walensky’s recent letter, dated Sept. 2, shows Walensky is aware her agency gave false information.

Court orders Bill Gates, Indian government to respond to lawsuit involving woman who died after AstraZeneca vaccine

An Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a 33-year-old doctor who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield COVID-19 vaccine.

The High Court of Judicature at Bombay set a Nov. 17 deadline for the responses and scheduled a hearing for the same day.

In a lawsuit filed in February, Dilip Lunawat alleged his daughter, Snehal Lunawat, died on March 1, 2021, of complications arising from the Covishield vaccine. He is seeking compensation of about $126 million.

According to Lunawat, his daughter was compelled as a health worker to get the Covishield vaccine and received assurances the vaccine was entirely safe and posed no risk to her health.

But just days after receiving her first dose on Jan. 28, 2021, Snehal developed severe headaches and vomiting and had to be hospitalized.

Doctors said Snehal was suffering from bleeding in the brain, low platelet count and blood-clot formation. After 14 days elapsed without her condition improving, Snehal’s family transferred her to another hospital, where she died eight days later.

Defendants in the case include Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute; Bill Gates, in his role as a partner in the development of the Covishield vaccine; the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; the Indian State of Maharashtra; India’s drug controller general; the former director of the All India Institute of Medical Science and others.

Rockefeller Foundation, nonprofits spend millions on research to ‘nudge’ people to get COVID Vaccines

The Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into a research initiative “to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other recommended public health measures by countering mis- and disinformation.”

In conjunction with the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), the Rockefeller Foundation last month announced $7.2 million in funding for the Mercury Project,  initially launched in November 2021, under the slogan, “Together, we can build a healthier information environment.”

The funds will support 12 teams of researchers in 17 countries who will conduct studies on “ambitious, applied social and behavioral science to combat the growing global threat posed by low COVID-19 vaccination rates and public health mis- and disinformation,” the Rockefeller Foundation said.

The research will include “interventions that target the producers or the consumers of mis- and disinformation, or that increase confidence in reliable information.”

Some of the “interventions” include “literacy training for secondary school students” to “help students identify COVID-19 vaccine misinformation,” “equipping trusted messengers with communication strategies to increase COVID-19 vaccination demand” and “using social networks to share tailored, community-developed messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccination demand.”

This information will, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, “provide evidence about what works — and doesn’t — in specific places and for specific groups to increase COVID-19 vaccination take-up.”

Some critics described the project as one based on “propaganda” aimed at “nudging” the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.

Senate bill aims to end DC schools COVID vaccine mandate

Two Republican senators on Monday introduced a bill they said is designed to protect 12- to 15-year-old students in Washington, D.C., public schools from mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said their legislation, if enacted, would block a 2021 bill by the D.C. Council that amended a 1979 immunization law to add COVID-19 vaccines to the required list of childhood shots.

The senators said enforcement of the 2021 law would be “particularly harmful” to black students, who are at a lower vaccination rate than other students. Cruz said, in a statement, said the policy blatantly discriminates against black students in the nation’s capital as the vaccination rate for black students between the ages of 12 and 15 in Washington, D.C., is 60% — far lower than the city average.

Under the 2021 law, families are given 20 days from when they’re notified about non-compliance with the mandate to get their child vaccinated, or that student will not be allowed to attend class. Enforcement of the law was slated to begin for the 2022–2023 school year.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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“A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; …. The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.” Independent Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B), March 22, 2020

Governments have always sought to control their populations, but what makes this an issue of such concern right now is that the power to control mass perception is increasing at ‘warp speed’ right along with advances in technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). At the same time, we’re being herded bit-by-bit into the cybersphere. The stated goal is to have humanity confined within a digital medium that, as James Corbett put it, is “somebody else’s computer”. When we’re all there, as the World Economic Forum’s guru Yuval Noah Harari has promised, it will mark the end of free will, as we will be perfectly “hackable”. 

Two things of recent memory call to question the roles being played today by psychologists and sociologists. One is that it was psychologists who refined America’s torture techniques at a reported $80,000,000. The other concerns the curious silence from them as social distancing and masking, known to be useless in preventing viral spread, were suddenly forced on the public. Children  — humanity in its developmental stage — are being trained to fear fellow humans as potentially toxic. What will the lasting impacts on culture be as these psychologically battered young move into the adult ranks of society? Why isn’t this being publicly addressed by the professions most expert?

Meanwhile, there has been the rise of so-called “nudge” organizations geared to influencing public beliefs and behavior toward ends desired by governments. Most notable among nudge units is Britain’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT). Founded in 2010, BIT has since spun off offices in many countries including the U.S. and Canada. A book on the subject by BIT’s CEO puts a positive spin on behavior modification, but in fact it’s a powerful tool for those with malicious intent such as can be found in governmental bureaucracies and the industries that have merged so tightly with them that they function as single blocs.

(Side note: The prominent role of Cass Sunstein in BIT lends insight into the insidious motivations of BIT and groups like it. Sunstein, a Harvard professor of law and coauthor of the book Nudge, won global notoriety in 2008 as first author of Conspiracy Theories, in which the authors found it “worrisome” that many disbelieved the official explanation of the attacks on 9/11. The authors proposed the use of “cognitive infiltration” by governmental agents against citizens and groups skeptical of official narratives, so as to bring their thinking into line with that desired by government.)

Laura Dodsworth has done a book on the issue of governmental use of fear for mass control during the Covid19 Pandemic, and of behavioral scientists who are advisory. While it deals with events in the UK, it describes what has transpired all across the West. Dodsworth quotes Dr. Piers Robinson, Co-director of the Organization For Propaganda Studies: “Propaganda is all about behavioural psychology, manipulation essentially …. The way some behavioural scientists have acted during the Covid19 response runs the risk of unethical conduct. I think we should investigate and hold to account the professionals complicit in this.” Indeed we should, and anyone in doubt about how easily we can be manipulated will want to see what these social experiments revealed about human frailties.

Right now, power brokers that include the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Science Foundation (!!) are mounting a multimillion dollar offensive named the Mercury Project to, among other things, “increase uptake of Covid19 vaccines and other recommended public health measures by countering mis- and disinformation, including interventions that target the producers or the consumers of mis- and disinformation”. At this late date, it’s clear as gin that the so-called “mis- and disinformation” alluded to by the people behind the Mercury Project are actually the truths the pharmaceutical/governmental/media conglomerate struggles to suppress. And the threat implied by “ … interventions that target …”, is real. During the first two years of the manufactured Pandemic, dissenting medical personnel faced only slander and dismissal. Now, the ante is being raised, and forces behind the mass injection offensive (and their enforcers) are known to be ruthless. 

Fundamental to all this is that the Mercury Project, centered as it is on mass behavior modification for “vaccine uptake”, is being driven by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) that includes both the American Sociological Association and the American Psychological Association under its broad umbrella. Here we are, two and a half years into a Pandemic demonstrated to be a fabrication of global scope. Central to it is the demonizing and censuring of any voice, however authoritative, out of step with the rigidly protected, injection-oriented narrative. Amazingly, within this dictatorial environment, the major representative organizations of sociology and psychology have aligned themselves with the organized cast of power players behind the monstrous situation.

When not involved in active service to the Pandemic’s perpetrators, behavioral scientists for the most part appear to have retreated into a kind of academic aloofness. The medical community, for its part, has yielded an amazing array of brave souls during the Pandemic who withstand attack from mainstream media (from Wikipedia too) and official assaults from the likes of state medical boards and their Federation with its history of financial links to the pharmaceutical industry (also see HERE). They include stellar medical figures like Robert McCullough, Simone Gold, Meryl Nass, Pierre Kory, and many more. By contrast, the ranks of psychology and sociology have failed to yield figures willing to stand publicly against the massive Covid-19 fraud. Their professional understanding of “messaging” techniques being used against the public could help a traumatized humanity to understand the enormity of what is being done to them. Instead, their silence is ongoing.


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Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Corona Sleepwalkers Swallow Whatever the Authorities Tell Them

September 19th, 2022 by Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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During the time of the Parliamentary protest here in New Zealand, when the country was split asunder by governmental decree into two camps, the jabbed and the unjabbed, I chanced to meet a friend at the beach. I knew her to be a wonderful musician and, I thought, an intelligent person, and we exchanged pleasantries. Taking her question about my well-being at face value – “How are you doing?” – I replied, “Terribly. I’m not allowed to go to a cafe or restaurant, can’t get a haircut, can’t get into the gym I’ve paid my subscription to, and I never would have believed New Zealand could have become this apartheid dystopia.” 

She brushed me off and muttered something about how the jab would keep everyone safe, and so I engaged a bit more deeply.

“Since when is a healthy person a threat? And why do we need this thing anyway, when there is treatment?”

“Oh, you mean that horse pill?” she replied with a cheerful sneer.

“Ivermectin is much more than a so-called horse pill, it has been helping a lot of people ….”

She interrupted. “I’d like to see some double-blinded randomized controlled trials.”

She, mind you, wonderful musician though she may be, is not exactly a doctor. And I, though not a musician, did indeed study and practice medicine.  I broke off the conversation because I realized she had swallowed the government’s fear-soaked pablum lock, stock and barrel.  She demanded of a medication with promising empirical results in treating Covid and preventing hospitalisation what she failed to demand of an experimental, hastily developed so-called vaccine for which informed consent was, essentially, taboo. She is one of the Sleepwalkers – wilfully ignorant rather than malevolent, but destructive nonetheless.

I didn’t have the time or inclination to tell the Sleepwalker about a healthcare practitioner friend of mine who reluctantly took the jab to keep his job, developed severe myocarditis, applied for an exemption with the help of his rightly concerned cardiologist – and was turned down by the Director General of Health at the time, one Ashley Bloomfield, a physician ‘on paper’.  My friend was given the “choice” to receive a second injection, or stop practicing, by the physician Bloomfield who, when presented with the opportunity to make the easiest and most helpful decision a doctor could make, instead elected to err on the side of Mengele and Fauci.

During this Corona War virtually everything has become topsy-turvy. Doctors are no longer allowed to be real doctors, untested inoculations are accepted unthinkingly, musicians become experts in Medicine and victims of the jab are consigned to silence and submission.

This is a rather lengthy preface to my major points in this essay, which concern the faculty of critical reasoning.  Archimedes famously said that given a lever of the right length he could move the Earth. In the field of ratiocination there is an equivalent ‘lever’ which relies on basic principles, from which one can generally infer significant consequences – if one’s reasoning faculties are not asleep.  I would like to give some examples as I look back over the past two years or so.

  1. Response to a medical emergency

I won’t argue whether or not Covid amounted to a bona fide emergency, but rather what an honest response to a medical emergency should be, namely, “How can we treat people when they are ill and how can we prevent hospitalisation and death?”  Instead we locked people up, kept them apart, allowed those who did contract Covid to suffer until they reached the point of having been hospitalised and then, when hospitalised, subjected them to treatments that made them worse, e.g., ventilators and, later on, Remdesivir.  Those brave and sensible clinicians like Drs. Zelenko and Kory early on acted like real doctors and were subsequently punished by the authorities.

  1. Suspicions about the Covid Jabs

Here too I will confine my remarks to concerns purely about the Jabs’ reported method of working, and here I will concentrate on the Pfizer injection as this was the chosen intervention in New Zealand. It functioned by providing a genetic sequence, mRNA, that would in turn code for the manufacture of many spike proteins, which would in turn create an antibody response.  We were told that the mRNA would dissipate quickly, that the spike proteins would be localised near the injection site, and that the jab would prevent us from getting Covid.

I suspected from the beginning that the mRNA might not dissipate and that it in fact might find its way into the subject’s genome. I suspected that the spike protein might migrate everywhere. I suspected that the spike protein-antibody complex would create autoimmune dangers. I also strongly suspected that these jabs would pose particularly harsh dangers for the elderly and medically compromised. And, finally, I suspected that a jab coding for one particular spike protein would be obsolete as the virus in question began to mutate. I therefore declined to be inoculated, as I also trusted in the developing empirical treatments and natural immunity and health.

Many other doctors (though relatively few overall) expressed similar concerns. Most have acquiesced, either through ignorance, like the sleepwalking musician, or knowing complicity.

We are indeed in a war, and how long this war will last is anybody’s guess. Covid is Phase One of an even larger assault whose aim, ultimately, is total enslavement of subject populations to the Few who now have more power at their fingertips than at any other time in world history. Centralized digital currencies, digital identifications, biological manipulation and social credit scores under near total surveillance loom.  For most of us it’s really and truly just too hard to believe.

But if we step back and reason from basic observation and principles, this truth is inescapable.

Since when do those in Power not wield their power? Since when have they not employed every means available to increase their power? Since when have they ever regarded the lives of others as indispensable and sacred?

History is, in large part, a record of murder. We are now living in a history where the stakes have literally never been higher, within a War whose outcome will ultimately be determined by the tension between sleepwalking and free-thinking.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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Anyone in the UK who imagined they lived in a representative democracy – one in which leaders are elected and accountable to the people – will be in for a rude awakening over the next days and weeks.

TV schedules have been swept aside. Presenters must wear black and talk in hushed tones. Front pages are uniformly somber. Britain’s media speak with a single, respectful voice about the Queen and her unimpeachable legacy.

Westminster, meanwhile, has been stripped of left and right. The Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour parties have set aside politics to grieve as one. Even the Scottish nationalists – supposedly trying to rid themselves of the yoke of centuries of English rule presided over by the monarch – appear to be in effusive mourning.

The world’s urgent problems – from the war in Europe to a looming climate catastrophe – are no longer of interest or relevance. They can wait till Britons emerge from a more pressing national trauma.

Domestically, the BBC has told those facing a long winter in which they will not be able to afford to heat their homes that their suffering is “insignificant” compared to that of the family of a 96-year-old woman who died peacefully in the lap of luxury. They can wait too.

In this moment there is no public room for ambivalence or indifference, for reticence, for critical thinking – and most certainly not for Republicanism, even if nearly a third of the public, mostly the young, desire the monarchy’s abolition. The British establishment expects every man, woman, and child to do their duty by lowering their head.

Twenty-first-century Britain never felt so medieval.

Wall-to-Wall Eulogies

There are reasons a critical gaze is needed right now, as the British public is corralled into reverential mourning.

The wall-to-wall eulogies are intended to fill our nostrils with the perfume of nostalgia to cover the stench of a rotting institution, one at the heart of the very establishment doing the eulogising.

The demand is that everyone shows respect for the Queen and her family and that now is not the time for criticism or even analysis.

Indeed, the Royal Family have every right to be left in peace to grieve. But privacy is not what they, or the establishment they belong to, crave.

The Royals’ loss is public in every sense. There will be a lavish state funeral, paid for by the taxpayer. There will be an equally lavish coronation of her son, Charles, also paid for by the taxpayer.

And in the meantime, the British public will be force-fed the same official messages by every TV channel – not neutrally, impartially or objectively, but as state propaganda – paid for, once again, by the British taxpayer.

Reverence and veneration are the only types of coverage of the Queen and her family that is now allowed.

But there is a deeper sense in which the Royals are public figures – more so even than those thrust into the spotlight by their celebrity or talent for accumulating money.

The British public has entirely footed the bill for the Royals’ lives of privilege and pampered luxury. Like the kings of old, they have given themselves the right to enclose vast tracts of the British Isles as their private dominion. The Queen’s death, for example, means the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have just added the whole of Cornwall to their estate.

If anyone is public property, it is the British Royals. They have no right to claim an exemption from scrutiny just when scrutiny is most needed – as the anti-democratic privileges of monarchy pass from one set of hands to another.

The demand for silence is not a politically neutral act. It is a demand that we collude in a corrupt system of establishment rule and hierarchical privilege.

The establishment has a vested interest in enforcing silence and obedience until the public’s attention has moved on to other matters. Anyone who complies leaves the terrain open over the coming weeks for the establishment to reinforce and deepen the public’s deference to elite privilege.

Continuity of Rule

Undoubtedly, the Queen carried out her duties supremely well during her 70 years on the throne. As BBC pundits keep telling us, she helped maintain social “stability” and ensured “continuity” of rule.

The start of her reign in 1952 coincided with her government ordering the suppression of the Mau Mau independence uprising in Kenya. Much of the population were put in concentration camps and used as slave labour – if they weren’t murdered by British soldiers.

At the height of her rule, 20 years later, British troops were given a green light to massacre 14 civilians in Northern Ireland on a protest march against Britain’s policy of jailing Catholics without trial. Those shot and killed were fleeing or tending the wounded. The British establishment oversaw cover-up inquiries into what became known as “Bloody Sunday”.

And in the twilight years of her rule, her government rode roughshod over international law, invading Iraq on the pretext of destroying non-existent weapons of mass destruction. During the long years of a joint British and US occupation, it is likely that more than a million Iraqis died and millions more were driven from their homes.

The Queen, of course, was not personally responsible for any of those events – nor the many others that occurred while she maintained a dignified silence.

But she did provide regal cover for those crimes – in life, just as she is now being recruited to do in death.

It was her Royal Armed Forces that killed Johnny Foreigner.

It was her Commonwealth that repackaged the jackbooted British empire as a new, more media-savvy form of colonialism.

It was the Union Jacks, Beefeaters, black cabs, bowler hats – the ludicrous paraphernalia somehow associated with the Royals in the rest of the world’s mind – that the new power across the Atlantic regularly relied on from its sidekick to add a veneer of supposed civility to its ugly imperial designs.

Paradoxically, given US history, the special-ness of the special relationship hinged on having a much-beloved, esteemed Queen providing “continuity” as the British and US governments went about tearing up the rulebook on the laws of war in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

Teflon Queen

And therein lies the rub. The Queen is dead. Long live the King!

But King Charles III is not Queen Elizabeth II.

The Queen had the advantage of ascending to the throne in a very different era, when the media avoided Royal scandals unless they were entirely unavoidable, such as when Edward VIII caused a constitutional crisis in 1936 by announcing his plan to marry an American “commoner”.

With the arrival of 24-hour rolling news in the 1980s and the later advent of digital media, the Royals became just another celebrity family like the Kardashians. They were fair game for the paparazzi. Their scandals sold newspapers. Their indiscretions and feudschimed with the period’s ever more salacious and incendiary soap opera plots on TV.

But none of that dirt stuck to the Queen, even when recently it was revealed – to no consequence – that her officials had secretly and regularly rigged legislation to exempt her from the rules that applied to everyone else, under a principle known as Queen’s Consent. An apartheid system benefiting the Royal Family alone.

By remaining above the fray, she offered “continuity”. Even the recent revelation that her son, Prince Andrew, consorted with young girls alongside the late Jeffrey Epstein, and kept up the friendship even after Epstein was convicted of paedophilia, did nothing to harm the Teflon Monarch.

Charles III, by contrast, is best remembered – at least by the older half of the population – for screwing up his marriage to a fairy-tale princess, Diana, killed in tragic circumstances. In preferring Camilla, Charles traded Cinderella for the evil stepmother, Lady Tremaine.

If the monarch is the narrative glue holding society and empire together, Charles could represent the moment when that project starts to come unstuck.

Which is why the black suits, hushed tones, and air of reverence are needed so desperately right now. The establishment is in frantic holding mode as they prepare to begin the difficult task of reinventing Charles and Camilla in the public imagination. Charles must now do the heavy lifting for the establishment that the Queen managed for so long, even as she grew increasingly frail physically.

The outlines of that plan have been visible for a while. Charles will be rechristened the King of the Green New Deal. He will symbolise Britain’s global leadership against the climate crisis.

If the Queen’s job was to rebrand empire as Commonwealth, transmuting the Mau Mau massacre into gold medals for Kenyan long-distance runners, Charles’ job will be to rebrand as a Green Renewal the death march led by transnational corporations.

Which is why now is no time for silence or obedience. Now is precisely the moment – as the mask slips, as the establishment needs time to refortify its claim to deference – to go on the attack.


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Jonathan Cook is a MintPress contributor. Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). His website is www.jonathan-cook.net.

Featured image is from MintPress News

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Former Die Linke co-chair Sahra Wagenknecht, among the German Left Party’s most famous politicians, has accused the government of causing a “social and economic catastrophe” through its sanctions on Russia.

Wagenknecht, writing in the German newspaper Junge Welt, said that one in three German businesses were facing bankruptcy, blackouts could not be ruled out over the winter, “and while oil and armaments companies are reporting record profits, consumers in Germany are supposed to pay even more for a gas surcharge, which Economy Minister Robert Habeck had the energy lobby dictate to him.”

The MP’s article follows a challenge to the government in the Bundestag on Thursday, when she called it “the stupidest government in Europe” for starting an economic war with its main energy supplier.

She wrote, “The traffic light is steering our country” toward economic doom. “Traffic light” refers party colors of the governing coalition of Social Democrats (red), the right-wing Free Democratic Party (yellow), and the Green Party (green).

“The idea that we are punishing Putin by impoverishing millions of families in Germany and destroying our industry while Gazprom is making record profits—how stupid is that?” she asked, calling for Habeck to resign.

Despite a backlash to her speech from some Die Linke politicians, who said the sanctions are an appropriate response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Wagenknecht argued in Junge Welt that “Europe, and Germany in particular, have a bad hand in the sanctions poker with Russia. It would be crazy to keep bidding until China comes into play.

“But anyone who calls for an end to the sanctions spiral and calls for negotiations runs the risk of being defamed as a Kremlin propagandist. The debate is sick.”

She pointed to some of the absurdities currently playing out in Germany’s politics. “Those who support peace are on the right, those who advocate military harshness are on the left?” she asked incredulously.

The former leader of Die Linke questioned why left-wing people are denounced as Putin supporters or for being supposedly close to the extreme right when they demand an end to the failing sanctions regime, but the politicians of the Christian Democratic Union can institute harsher policies toward unemployed people but face no accusations for echoing fascist demands.

Wagenknecht hit out at Green Party foreign minister Annalena Baerbock and CDU leader Friedrich Merz—who have all been enthusiastic in their support for the war—as well as critics in her own party.

“The answer to the ‘America First’ policy of Baerbock, Merz & Co, is not ‘Deutschland Über Alles’ (‘Germany over all,’ Germany’s Nazi-era anthem)—any more than we can support Russian nationalists just because we hate fascists in Ukraine,” she said, in a swipe at the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which her Die Linke critics accused her of assisting because it also backs an end to sanctions.

Entering the debate on whether the left should mobilize for social protests against the government when the far right was also doing so, she said: “We must not leave a day of the week or a good argument to the right. Anyone who gives up correct and popular positions just because some of them are also represented by the AfD has already lost the fight before it even started.”


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Featured image: Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at a conference in 2017. | Die Linke

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Orders for thousands of British flags started to flood into a factory south of Shanghai in China 90 minutes after the Queen died.

More than 100 employees at Shaoxing Chuangdong Tour Articles Company set aside other work and put in 14-hour days starting at 7.30am making nothing but British-themed flags.

They turned out at least 500,000 in the first week, according to general manager Fan Aiping.

Some are British flags to be carried by mourners or hung outside homes.

Others show Elizabeth’s portrait and the years of her birth and death.

They range from 21 to 150 centimetres (8in to 59in) wide and wholesale for about seven yuan (87p) each.

The first customer sent an order at 3am Chinese time for tens of thousands, according to Ms Fan.

She said 20,000 flags that the factory had in stock were sent out that morning.

“The customer came to our factory directly to grab the products,” Ms Fan said.

“Many of the flags weren’t even packaged. They were put in a box and shipped away.”

The factory had been making flags for the football World Cup before the Queen’s death.

Chuangdong has been in the industry since 2005 and produces flags for the World Cup and other sports events or national day celebrations.

It also makes sports-themed scarves and banners.

Employees pay attention to news for events that might bring in orders.

“There is a business opportunity behind every news event,” Ms Fan said.

Ni Guozhen, an employee since 2005, said she has learned about the world through her work.

“I’ve learned a lot about current events,” said Ms Ni, who was sewing flags with the Queen’s portrait.

“My knowledge has grown. Therefore I’m proud and happy that I’m making flags.”

Ms Ni remembers filling orders for British-themed flags for a royal wedding.

“There is a story behind each flag,” Ms Fan said.

“This time it’s about the Queen in the United Kingdom. They are buying these flags to mourn the Queen deeply.”


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Featured image: General manager Fan Aiping holds up flags featuring the Queen’s image at the Shaoxing Chuangdong Tour Articles Company factory (Ng Han Guan/AP)

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The presidential office of Ukraine has changed the images published during Vladimir Zelensky‘s visit to the town of Izium in the country’s east. All outlets have silently removed a photo of one of Zelensky’s armed guards sporting an SS-style patch.

The image, which was first shared on the presidential website, Telegram, and other social media platforms, depicted a soldier holding a stylized skull and crossbones emblem similar to that used by the 3rd SS Panzer Division ‘Totenkopf’.

The insignia, commonly viewed as a hate symbol, is popular among neo-Nazis.

The patch appeared to be a contemporary, “tactical” version of the emblem, with the skull wearing a ballistic helmet and using headphones. The helmet, however, looks to bear the skeleton key symbol, which is the insignia of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

Zelensky guard appears to wear Nazi insignia. File source: Office of the President of Ukraine.

Zelensky’s guard appears to wear Nazi insignia. (Source: Office of the President of Ukraine)

However, the apparent attempt at damage control was only partially effective. The patch may still be seen in part on another shot on one of Zelensky’s social media pages.

Ukrainian officials have frequently denied the presence of neo-Nazis in the country’s military, calling such claims “Russian propaganda”. Despite this, Ukrainian soldiers wearing various neo-Nazi emblems have been shown in official images published by the country’s authorities on numerous occasions.

Zelensky shared this image on Instagram in late August showing a Ukrainian soldier donning the patch of the SS’s 14th Waffen Grenadier Division, commonly known as the 1st Galician Division. The battalion, which was mostly made up of Ukrainian volunteers from the Galicia region, is well known for perpetrating war crimes and slaughtering Polish citizens during WWII.

The President’s office posted a photo of a Ukrainian artilleryman wearing an original ‘Totenkopf’ patch earlier this year. Ironically, the shot was included in a collection of images commemorating WWII Victory Day and was also posted by the country’s Defense Ministry.

Zelensky’s office, in addition to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, released a photo of a Ukrainian troop in May, heavily armed, wearing a ‘death head’ patch on his chest. Russia, in response, highlighted the influence that extremist groups have on Ukraine.

Kiev’s army has openly neo-Nazi battalions operating on the battlefronts against Russia, holding neo-Nazi symbols out in the open, raising questions about Europe’s commitment and claims of combatting Nazism.

The Aidar Battalion’s motto is inspired by the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship state from the 1930s through the 1940s. In 2014, Amnesty International released a report exposing the human rights abuses of the Aidar Battalion, whose actions amount to war crimes, particularly in the Lug\ansk region where the group has carried out abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions.

In March, the National Guard of Ukraine’s Twitter account released a video, boasting about Azov fighters greasing their bullets with lard to be used against Muslim Chechens on the Russian side. The Azov battalion is a part of the Ukrainian National Guard – a wing of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which flaunts its Nazism very openly.

The video came as a direct threat to Muslims who hold the Islamic beliefs that pig is prohibited for their consumption, and that it’s an impure substance.

The Tweet captioned, “Azov fighters of the National Guard greased the bullets with lard against the Kadyrov orcs,” referring to Ramzan Kadyrov, who is the president of the Chechen republic.

The United States and Canada over the years have aided the neo-Nazi units with weapons and training, strengthening their presence in Ukraine.


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Featured image: Zelensky’s visit to Izium in the country’s east. (Source: Office of the President of Ukraine)

History: Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

By Yuri Rubtsov, September 18, 2022

The key structures that defined the post-war development strategy of the West were the central financial institutions of Great Britain and the United States — the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) — and the associated financial and industrial organizations set out as a means to establish absolute control over the financial system of Germany and its ability to control political processes in Central Europe.

Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine

By Michael Nevradakis, September 19, 2022

n Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a woman who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield COVID-19 vaccine.

The Military-Industrial Complex Offensive

By Manlio Dinucci, September 19, 2022

The recent Ukrainian advance was planned months ago by the US, who supplied to the Kyiv forces real-time information on Russian targets to hit: the New York Times reveals according to official sources. This confirms that the Kyiv forces are in fact under US command and are operating according to their strategy.

Assange Awarded the ‘Keys’ to Mexico City in Recognition for Uncovering the Truth

By Morning Star, September 19, 2022

Mr Assange’s family were invited to the country by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to receive the award and attend events today marking Mexico’s independence. Mr Lopez Obrador is a vocal supporter of Mr Assange and has pressed US President Joe Biden to drop efforts to prosecute the journalist.

Laval University Professor Suspended for Child COVID Vaccination Criticism Faces New Disciplinary Threat

By Noé Chartier, September 19, 2022

A Quebec university professor of infectious diseases who was suspended during the summer for calling into question the need to vaccinate children against COVID-19 is facing a new disciplinary threat for similar comments he made on a radio show while under suspension.

Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18, 2022

Canadians have been denied the Right to Informed Consent, in violation of  the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Nuremberg Code. Amply documented (although not revealed by Health Canada to Canadians), the experimental mRNA vaccine has resulted in countless deaths and injuries Worldwide.

Trust in the Feelings of Solidarity of Fellow Human Beings in the Face of “The Demons of Human History”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 16, 2022

Especially people in the formerly prosperous Europe and in the starved “developing countries” are plagued by strong fears of life, hopelessness and fits of despair because of the present and future threat to their life expectancy and their previous lifestyle. With the state-imposed COVID 19 measures, the countries’ economies have already been driven to the wall and their populations reduced with the help of killer vaccines.

Experts: Some Cancers Have Exploded by 1,000% Since the Release of COVID “Vaccines”

By Ethan Huff, September 16, 2022

The Health Ranger sat down recently with Jonathan Landsman to talk about the explosion of cancer cases that many doctors are seeing in the age of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

The Global ‘Green Energy’ Push Is Causing Fertilizer Shortages and Threatening the Human Food Supply

By Natalie Winters, September 16, 2022

The push for “green” energy alternatives is causing a shortage of sulfuric acid, a resource critical for the production of food and lithium-ion batteries, according to a new report from the University College London.

Hollywood’s New Captain America Film that Will Reintroduce Sabra, Marvel’s Israeli Superhero and Mossad Agent

By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 16, 2022

Hollywood rarely disappoints anyone in the propaganda department.  There are people who will be happy to learn that Hollywood’s latest idea of a Jewish superhero who might fight crazed Arabs will delight audiences in Israel and across the Western World who support the Jewish state.

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An Indian court ordered Bill Gates, the Indian government and the Serum Institute of India — the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer — to provide formal responses relating to a case filed by the father of a woman who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield COVID-19 vaccine.

The High Court of Judicature at Bombay set a Nov. 17 deadline for the responses and scheduled a hearing for the same day.

In a lawsuit filed in February, Dilip Lunawat alleged his daughter, Snehal Lunawat, died March 1, 2021, of complications arising from the Covishield vaccine. He is seeking compensation of ₹1000 crores (approximately $126 million).

According to the lawsuit, Lunawat “lost his elder daughter. His loss can neither be explained in words nor can be compensated in terms of money. Only some sort of succour can be done by awarding compensation.”

Defendants in the case include Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute; Bill Gates, in his role as partner in the development of the Covishield vaccine; the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; the Indian State of Maharashtra; India’s drug controller general; the former director of the All India Institute of Medical Science and others.

A lawyer representing Gates reportedly appeared before the High Court to accept the notice.

33-year-old doctor died due to ‘rare blood-clotting event’ following vaccination

Snehal Lunawat was a 33-year-old doctor and senior lecturer at the SMBT Dental College & Hospital in Maharashtra State. According to her father, she was compelled, as a health worker, to get the Covishield vaccine.

On Jan. 28, 2021, Snehal received the Covishield vaccine, which is produced by the Serum Institute. Her father claims his daughter had received assurances the vaccines were entirely safe and posed no risk to her health.

However, her father stated, Snehal developed severe headaches and vomiting while attending a workshop just days after receiving the vaccine, resulting in her hospitalization. There, doctors said that she was suffering from bleeding in the brain, low platelet count and blood clot formation.

After 14 days elapsed without her condition improving, Snehal’s family transferred her to another hospital, where she died eight days later.

Snehal experienced a “rare blood-clotting event,” a complication that resulted in her blood platelet count decreasing due to increased bleeding in her brain.

According to the lawsuit, these adverse reactions have been found to be related to the AstraZeneca and Covishield COVID-19 vaccines in some countries.

Lawsuit claims vaccination occurred based on ‘false narrative’

The lawsuit names the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) for its role in helping to speed up the process of manufacturing and delivering up to 100 million doses of Covishield for distribution in India and various developing countries.

In the lawsuit, Lunawat “blamed the Government and others for misrepresenting the facts about the COVID-19 vaccine by making false claims about its safety and ‘forcing’ medical practitioners to take the vaccine.”

Lunawat said his daughter was convinced to receive the vaccine as a result of an “alleged false narrative.”

The lawsuit characterized interviews given by Indian public health officials in the nation’s media as contributing to this “false narrative,” naming several of these interviews, including one by Dr. VG Somani, drug controller general of India, that was broadcast on Jan. 4, 2021, and during which Somani claimed, “the vaccines are 110 percent safe.”

It was “on the basis of such false narratives and misrepresentation by the senior authorities … and its implementation by the state authorities without any proper verification, [that] health workers like the lawsuiter’s daughter was compelled to get the vaccine,” the lawsuit states.

Aside from the named defendants, the lawsuit also calls for action to be taken against social media platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube, and mainstream media for their role in disseminating the “false narratives” and for allegedly suppressing information about the adverse effects, inefficacy or failure of the vaccines.

The lawsuit requests a declaration that Indian state authorities are responsible for Snehal’s death, calls on authorities to publish the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines and to take steps to stop further deaths of citizens as a result of their adverse effects, and urges the authorities to demand compensation from the Serum Institute.

Lunawat said he is seeking justice for his deceased daughter and for “many more people who are likely to be murdered” due to vaccine injuries.

Doctor’s death was subject of a WHO investigation

This was not the first time that Snehal’s family succeeded in getting the media to tell her story — the incident first became known in India due to her family’s efforts to have an investigation launched regarding her death.

As previously reported by The Defender, Snehal’s family initially reached out to the Indian government and the Serum Institute requesting her death be investigated, as it was registered as an adverse event in India’s “Adverse Event Following Immunisation” (AEFI) database.

However, a satisfactory response was not provided, prompting the family to reach out to the World Health Organization (WHO), which then investigated the incident.

Due to pressure from the family and the intervention of the WHO and the All India Drugs Network, the AEFI committee on Sept. 25, 2021 —  following nearly seven months of delay — accepted the claim that Snehal’s death was vaccine-related. The committee issued a report on Oct. 2, 2021.

This was only the third vaccine-induced death recognized by AEFI. The process of reporting vaccine-related deaths to the AEFI database is reportedly “not easy.”

Other Indian court cases are investigating vaccine injury claims, role of Bill Gates

Snehal’s death is not the only high-profile Indian legal case concerning vaccine injuries or seeking damages against Gates and others.

As reported by The Defender, another case, Yadav v. Maharashtra, also before the Bombay High Court, was filed in late 2021, by the mother of the deceased, Shri Hitesh Kadve, who was “unwillingly” vaccinated on Sept. 29, 2021, and died that same day due to an adverse reaction from the Covishield vaccine.

The family of the deceased is also seeking damages against Indian public health bodies and officials, Poonawalla and Bill Gates, referred to in the complaint as a “mastermind” and as a “habitual offender of mass murder by vaccination in conspiracy with Government officials.”

The Indian Bar Association — an informal group of Indian lawyers (the Bar Council of India is India’s official bar association) — lists several other recent legal developments requiring Indian government and public health officials to respond to claims regarding deaths allegedly resulting from COVID-19 vaccines.

For instance, India’s Supreme Court on Aug. 29 issued notice to the country’s central government, requesting a response in the case of two children said to have died as a result of vaccine adverse effects.

On Aug. 10, the high court of the Indian state of Kerala ordered the Indian government to immediately develop guidelines for the issuance of compensation to the victims of vaccine injuries and side effects, with the government telling the court that such policies are currently in the process of being formulated.

And earlier this year, the Kerala High Court requested a response from the Indian government in the case of a 19-year-old woman who died allegedly as a result of the vaccine.

Indian doctors lead initiative declaring ‘international medical crisis’ due to vaccine injuries, deaths

As lawsuits make their way through India’s courts, a group of Indian doctors are leading an initiative to draw attention to COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries and deaths.

More than 400 doctors and medical professionals from 34 countries on Sept. 10 held a press conference during which they declared an international medical crisis arising from “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines.’”

The declaration, which emerged from concerned doctors and medical professionals in India, makes eight “urgent” demands, including calling for an immediate stop to the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations and the investigation of all deaths involving previously healthy individuals.

The Serum Institute of India is not only the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold, but it also produces more than half of the world’s vaccines that are administered to babies.

The BMGF previously committed, in June 2020, conditional funding of $150 million to the Serum Institute, which also received a $4 million grant from the BMGF in October 2020, to support research and development as part of the COVID-19 response.

In August 2020, the Serum Institute, in partnership with the BMGF and GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance, agreed to produce up to 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for low- and middle-income countries.

In a posting on his official blog in December 2020, Gates wrote that his foundation “took on some of the financial risk” for the vaccine, so that if the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was not approved, the Serum Institute “won’t have to take a full loss.”

Serum CEO Poonawalla previously called for protection from lawsuits alleging COVID-19 vaccine injuries.


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

The Military-Industrial Complex Offensive

September 19th, 2022 by Manlio Dinucci

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The recent Ukrainian advance was planned months ago by the US, who supplied to the Kyiv forces real-time information on Russian targets to hit: the New York Times reveals according to official sources. This confirms that the Kyiv forces are in fact under US command and are operating according to their strategy.

Finmeccanica sede centrale.jpg

In this context, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin convened the “Contact Group defense of Ukraine” to increase arms supplies to the forces of Kyiv. The group is composed of over 50 countries: in addition to those of NATO (including Italy), Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Israel, and Qatar. The number of weapons poured into Ukraine is such as to require a sharp increase in their production. For example, the Pentagon has provided Ukraine with about 800,000 155 mm artillery shells for the 126 long-range M777 howitzers, which are operated by Ukrainian personnel, and fire on targets indicated by US intelligence. The United States has, however, only one factory, the General Dynamics plant in Pennsylvania, which produces such bullets, but is able to manufacture only 14,000 per month. The capacity production of this plant must therefore be increased immediately and open others. Thus, a new colossal business of the military industries in the USA and in the West in general opened.

Image: Leonardo building in Italy (Photo by Carlo Dani, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Among these industries the Italian Leonardo – the Italian Ministry of Economic Development owns the 30% shareholding – climbed to 12th place among the 100 largest war industries in the world, and in the first place in the EU. It increased defense revenues by 24% in one year, reaching approx. 14 billion dollars income. 83% of its turnover derives from the defense sector. Leonardo is integrated into the US giant military-industrial complex headed by Lockheed Martin, the F-35 builder in whose production Leonardo himself participates. Thus, it increases the power of the military-industrial complex, a sprawling organism that, in order to live and develop, needs war like oxygen.


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This article was originally published on byoblu.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Julian Assange has been awarded the “keys” to Mexico City in recognition of his dedication to uncovering the truth.

Gabriel Shipton, the WikiLeaks founder’s brother, accepted the honour on his behalf at a ceremony in Mexico on Wednesday.

He described the award as a “significant” step in the campaign to free his sibling from prison.

Mr Assange’s family were invited to the country by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to receive the award and attend events today marking Mexico’s independence.

Mr Lopez Obrador is a vocal supporter of Mr Assange and has pressed US President Joe Biden to drop efforts to prosecute the journalist.

Mr Shipton said Mexico’s support for the campaign to free his brother is “priceless,” given that it is a close neighbour of the US.

John Shipton and Gabriel Shipton, the father and brother respectively of Julian Assange, participate in an event sponsored by the Mexican ruling party Morena, at the Union Telefonica headquarters, entitled “Freedom for Julian Asange: a global struggle,” in Mexico City, Wednesday, September 14, 2022 (Source: Morning Star)

Speaking about the award, Mr Shipton said that it has reinvigorated the campaign and lifted the spirits of his brother, who remains incarcerated in London’s high-security Belmarsh prison.

“The significance of this is that Mexico understands the importance of Julian’s work,” he said.

“Mexico has been a leading advocate for Julian’s freedom and the president is leading the charge among world leaders to free Julian.”

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum presented the keys to the city to the family, saying:

“For us, Julian represents truth and freedom of expression.

“We are a progressive city that has always defended great freedoms and the right to free access to information.”

Mr Shipton and his father John were invited to Mexico along with the families of Cesar Chavez, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jnr as part of the Independence Day celebrations.

The WikiLeaks founder is fighting a long-running legal battle against extradition to the US, where he faces trial over charges relating to the publication of thousands of secret cables, including on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


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A Quebec university professor of infectious diseases who was suspended during the summer for calling into question the need to vaccinate children against COVID-19 is facing a new disciplinary threat for similar comments he made on a radio show while under suspension.

Patrick Provost, a full professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Laval University, was suspended for eight weeks without pay in June by his employer for comments he made in December 2021.

Provost had said during a public event that the risks of vaccinating children against COVID-19 were greater than the benefits.

While on suspension in mid-July, Provost made similar comments during an interview with Quebec radio station CHOI 98.1 Radio X.

“The effectiveness of vaccines is negative in Quebec since December 2021 (the government deleted this data from its reporting not long after…). This means you have more risk to get infected if you’re vaccinated,” Provost wrote in a Facebook post commenting on his appearance on the show.

“It’s quite the opposite of a traditional vaccine. Why choose vaccination?”

Provost was addressing a common theme across provinces where COVID-19 data by vaccination status has been removed from public view. When still available, Ontario data, for example, suggested that individuals who received a booster were getting infected at twice the rate per 100,000 people as the unvaccinated or those who received two doses.

Epoch Times Photo

Ontario COVID-19 case data per 100,000 people by vaccination status as shown on the now-discontinued Ontario COVID-19 data website on June 6, 2022. The province has since stopped displaying this data. (Ontario COVID-19 data website/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

Health Canada says that “evidence indicates that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines continue to outweigh the risks of the disease.” The statement is not stratified by age group.

Following Provost’s radio appearance, an individual submitted a complaint through the university’s security denunciation portal, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times.

“Decidedly, your professor didn’t learn from his suspension, doubling down with a disinformation interview,” says the complaint. “Especially when he says the vaccine is worse than the disease for children and that they’re not even a vector, among other things.”

On Aug. 4, the university sent a letter telling Provost it deemed the complaint admissible on the grounds it contains an explanation of the accusations, the accusations are related to the teaching functions of the professor, the complaint was signed and dated, and it identifies the respondent.

The letter said that if the complaint is valid, Provost would have broken university policies such as not “respecting academic freedom,” lacking “rigour,” or not sharing research results in a “responsible” manner.

The letter, signed by vice-dean of human resources and finance André Darveau, outlines the steps to process the complaint, including meeting with Provost to hear his version of events and a potential investigation by a committee.

Provost told The Epoch Times in an email that the current process is identical to the previous one that led to his suspension. He says he expects a harsher suspension or dismissal.

“Laval University will accept any kind of complaint to get rid of me… They found a way to do it by following the same recipe…” says Provost.

Academic Freedom

Laval University spokesperson Andrée-Anne Stewart told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that she would not comment on Provost’s personal file.

Stewart said the university leans upon the two “fundamental principles” of the right to academic freedom and freedom of expression to accomplish its mission.

She also highlighted the province’s new law on academic freedom adopted in June, which requires universities to put in place dedicated committees. Stewart said establishing such a committee is in the works.

Provost said that his academic freedom has not been respected.

“Beyond my position against the vaccination of children for COVID-19, it’s the issue of academic freedom that’s in danger,” he says.

Union Backing

Provost has had the backing of his SPUL union on the issue since his first run-in with the administration.

For the latest dispute, SPUL lawyers from the Poudrier Bradet cabinet sent a cease-and-desist letter to Laval Vice-Dean Darveau on Aug. 29 highlighting procedural issues in the way the complaint was submitted.

The lawyers argue the denunciation portal, which is for security-related matters, cannot be used to signal an academic issue. The plaintiff did not sign his complaint, nor did he spell his name correctly.

A review of the family name by The Epoch Times shows two mistakes or typos.

The lawyers are casting doubt on the authenticity of the complaint.

Lawyers also argued that a labour arbitrator has already been appointed to assess the summer suspension, and that Provost filed a psychological harassment grievance on Aug. 25 over the university’s Aug. 4 letter.

University lawyers from the Cain Lamarre cabinet replied on Sept. 1, reiterating the institution’s position that the complaint is admissible and its demand to have Provost deliver his version of events in a meeting. It also acknowledged the grievance filed by Provost.

“Rest assured that our client is attentive to respecting the entirety of its legal obligations in this regard,” says the letter from Cain Lamarre.

Conscientious Objections

Laval University suspended another professor under similar circumstances earlier this year.

Nicolas Derome, a professor of molecular biology, also questioned the need to vaccinate children during a public talk in November 2021.

Derome had presented data showing children are at low risk of COVID-19 complications.

The under-20-years of age category accounts for 0.0 percent of COVID deaths in Quebec as of Sept. 14, according to official data.

Since their suspension, Derome, Provost, and others have co-authored an articlepublished in a medical journal arguing that a conscientious objection to mRNAinjections is valid based on the unknown dose and biodistribution of the product.

“Unlike a drug produced in a pharmaceutical factory and formulated at a known dose and a well-defined protein product profile, the mRNA vaccine acts as a pro-drug encoding for the viral Spike protein of the virus to be produced by our own cells; both the dose and the quality of the proteins produced are unknown,” wrote the authors in the article published on Aug. 23 in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

“We also ignore the distribution of the lipid nanoparticles carrying this mRNA in our body. We consider that the ‘conscientious objection’ raised by the above considerations is a reason enough to refuse mRNA vaccines or similar technologies as a preventive treatment against COVID-19.”

While vaccination of all children over 6 months old with mRNA shots is encouraged by Health Canada, other jurisdictions have started to change their approach.

The UK National Health Service (NHS) says that children who turned 5 after Sept. 1 can only get a COVID-19 vaccine if they’re at high risk due to a health condition or a weakened immune system, or if they live with someone who’s immunocompromised.

Denmark has stopped COVID vaccination of the under-18 since July, saying a very limited number of high-risk individuals could still receive it following the assessment of a doctor.

Denmark has also stopped recommending the injections for those under 50, saying only those above that age and with special circumstances will be offered vaccination.


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Noé Chartier is an Epoch Times reporter based in Montreal. Twitter: @NChartierET Gettr: @nchartieret

Featured image: Patrick Provost, professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Laval University. (Courtesy of Patrick Provost)

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Two outstanding guests on GRTV: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and DrMichael Swinwood on the Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice, interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

First published on September 2, 2022

Video (Bitchute)

Link to Bitchute. *Leave Comment

Video (Odysee)

link to Odysee. Leave Comment


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Featured image is by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0

Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

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First published on September 9, 2022


The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads. 

Nuclear war threatens the future of humanity. We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical scenario. The threat of World War III is real.  

Successive US administrations have contemplated the use of nuclear weapons directed against both nuclear as well as non-nuclear states.  

This article focusses on nuclear war against “non-nuclear states”. 

In  2001, The Pentagon under the presidency of George W. Bush had envisaged a new generation of bunker buster tactical nuclear weapons for use in the Middle East and Central Asia against “non-nuclear states”: 

“Military officials and leaders of America’s nuclear weapon laboratories [had] urged the US to develop a new generation of precision low-yield nuclear weapons… which could be used in conventional conflicts with third-world nations.” (Federation of American Scientists, 2001, emphasis added)

Waging Nuclear War against Non-Nuclear States. “Top Secret Document”

As revealed by William Arkin in early 2002 prior to the release of the historic 2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) , later approved by the U.S. Congress:

“The Bush administration, in a secret policy review… [had] ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the “axis of evil” Iraq, Iran, and North Korea but also China, Libya and Syria. (See

In addition, the U.S. Defense Department has been told to prepare for the possibility that nuclear weapons may be required in some future Arab-Israeli crisis. And, it is to develop plans for using nuclear weapons to retaliate against chemical or biological attacks, as well as “surprising military developments” of an unspecified nature.

Like all such documents since the dawning of the Atomic Age more than a half-century ago, this NPR offers a chilling glimpse into the world of nuclear-war planners: With a Strangelovian genius, they cover every conceivable circumstance in which a president might wish to use nuclear weapons–planning in great detail for a war they hope never to wage.  (William Arkin, “Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable”, Los Angeles Times, 9 March 2002, emphasis added).

I should mention that the preemptive nuclear war doctrine formulated in the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) prevails under the Biden administration. Nuclear war against  “non-nuclear states” in the Middle East has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since the mid-1990s.

The Pentagon’s 1996 Plan to Nuke Libya.“Testing” the B61-11 Nuclear Bomb 

Libya was the first non-nuclear state to be tagged and formally identified by the Department of Defense as a possible target for a US sponsored nuclear attack against a non-nuclear state, using the B61-11 tactical nuclear bomb.  This decision was confirmed five years prior to the adoption of the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review by the Senate in 2002.

B-61-11 tactical nuclear weapon

The Department of Defense’s objective was to fast track the “testing” of the B61-11 nuclear bomb on an actual country and that country was Libya:

“Even before the B61 came on line, Libya was identified as a potential target”. (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – September/ October 1997, p. 27). (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, March 2011)

The 1996 plan to nuke Libya had been announced at a press briefing chaired by Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold P. Smith:

“[The] Air Force would use the B61-11 [tactical nuclear weapons] against Libya’s alleged underground chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah if the President decided that the plant had to be destroyed. ‘We could not take [Tarhunah] out of commission using strictly conventional weapons,’ Smith told the Associated Press. The B61-11 ‘would be the nuclear weapon of choice,’ he told Jane Defence Weekly. (The Nuclear Information Project: the B61-11)

The B61-11 tactical nuclear weapon was slated by the Pentagon to be used in 1996 against the “Qadhafi regime”:

“Senior Pentagon officials ignited controversy last April [1996] by suggesting that the earth-penetrating [nuclear] weapon would soon be available for possible use against a suspected underground chemical factory being built by Libya at Tarhunah. This thinly-veiled threat came just eleven days after the United States signed the African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty, designed to prohibit signatories from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against any other signatory, including Libya.” (David Muller, Penetrator N-Bombs, International Action Center, 1997)

Tarbunah has a population of more than 200,000 people. It is about 60 km East of Tripoli. Had this “humanitarian bomb” (with a “yield” or explosive capacity of two-thirds of a Hiroshima bomb) been launched on this “suspected” WMD facility, it would have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, not to mention the nuclear fallout…

The man behind this diabolical project to nuke Libya was Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold Palmer Smith Jr. 

Harold Palmer Smith had been appointed by President Bill Clinton to oversee nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs with a focus on “the reduction and maintenance of the US arsenal of nuclear weapons”.

From the outset, his actual mandate, was not to “reduce” but to “increase” the nuclear arsenal by promoting the development of a new generation of “harmless” mini-nukes for use in the Middle East war theater.

Harold Palmer Smith Junior

Five months after Harold Smith called for an acceleration of the B61-11 production schedule, “he went public with an assertion that the Air Force would use the B61-11 [nuclear weapon] against Libya’s alleged underground chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah if the President decided that the plant had to be destroyed”.

We could not take [Tarhunah] out of commission using strictly conventional weapons,” Smith told the Associated Press. The B61-11 “would be the nuclear weapon of choice,” he told Jane’s Defence Weekly.

Assistant Secretary of Defense Harold Smith made the above statement at a press briefing “after Defense Secretary William Perry had earlier told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on chemical or biological weapons that the U.S. retained the option of using nuclear weapons against countries armed with chemical and biological weapons.” namely non-nuclear states (emphasis added)

Whereas the Pentagon later denied its intention to bomb Libya’s Tarhunah plant, it nonetheless confirmed that “Washington would not rule out using nuclear weapons [against Libya]”. (Ibid., emphasis added.)

While the 1996 plan to bomb Libya using tactical nuclear weapons was subsequently shelved, Libya was not removed from the “black list”: “The Qadhafi regime” remained a target country for a pre-emptive (“defensive”) nuclear attack. 


Operation Odysee Dawn: The US Bombing Campaign of Libya (2011). The Testing of the B61-11 Nuclear Bomb. 

From Clinton to Joe Biden, there is continuity. The 2001 Nuclear Review had set the state. 

Libya was the chosen country. Nuclear weapons were also contemplated by president Barack Obama under the March 2011 Operation Odysee Dawn.

Shortly after the commencement of the Libya bombing campaign on March 19, 2011,  the US Department of Defense ordered the testing of the B61-11 nuclear bomb. These tests pertained to the installed equipment and weapon ‘s components of the nuclear bomb. The objective was to verify the functionality of  the nuclear bomb. 

B61-11 Simulation bombing 

The announcement of these tests was made public on April 4 2011; the precise date of  the test was not revealed, but one can reasonably assume that it was in the days prior to the April 4 press release by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA. Press Release, NNSA Conducts Successful B61-11 JTA Flight Test, Apr 4, 2011,). Scroll down for further details.

Examine the Command Structure

In late March 2011, the B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber from the 509th Bomber Wing operating out of Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri , was used in the so-called “Joint Test Assembly” (JTA) of the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb.

In other words, the B61-11 was tested using the same B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers out of Whiteman, which were being used routinely to bomb Libya from the very outset of the air campaign on March 19, 2011.

Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri

The B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber out of Whiteman was not only sent on a mission to bomb Libya, it was also used in the testing of the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb. The B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber was the “chosen carrier” of the B61 -11 nuclear bombs.

Why were these tests of the equipment and functionality of a tactical nuclear weapon scheduled shortly after the onset of the Libya bombing campaign?

Was the timing of these tests coincidental or were they in any way related to the chronology of the Libya bombing campaign which started in March 2011?

U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command, which is responsible for the coordination of US bombing operations directed against Libya was also involved in the testing of the B61-11 nuclear bombs.

Categorized as a mini-nuke (‘earth penetrating bomb”, the B61-11 has a variable yield (depending on the model) up to 400 kilotons. (See table below). In comparison, the yield of a Hiroshima bomb is of the order of 15 kilotons. (See Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Planed Nuclear Attack on Libya, Global Research, March 25, 2011)


Source: Nuclear Information Project

The Joint Test Assembly (JTA) of the B61-11 Tactical Nuclear Weapon  

This JTA testing was undertaken by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) together with the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command, which coincidentally was in 2011 responsible for the coordination of US bombing operations directed against Libya as well as ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The JTA was produced by the NNSA in support of the Joint Surveillance Flight Test Program between the Department of Defense and the NNSA” (Press release, op cit)

The Joint Test Assembly (JTA) in the case of  the B61 Mod 11 nuclear bomb, requires testing the equipment of the B61-11 using a proxy conventional non-nuclear warhead. Essentially what was involved was to test all the installed equipment on the nuclear bomb and ensure its functionality without actually having a nuclear explosion.

The JTA test “was built to simulate the actual B61-11 weapon configuration utilizing as much war reserve hardware as feasible.  It was assembled at the Pantex plant in Amarillo, Texas and was not capable of nuclear yield, as it contained no special nuclear materials.”  (Press Release, NNSA Conducts Successful B61-11 JTA Flight Test, Apr 4, 2011)

“JTA tests [are to ensure] that all weapon systems [e.g. B61-11 nuclear bomb] perform as planned and that systems are designed to be safe, secure and effective,”….

A JTA contains instrumentation and sensors that monitor the performance of numerous weapon components [e.g of the B61-11] during the flight test to determine if the weapon functions as designed. This JTA also included a flight recorder that stored the bomb performance data for the entire test. The data is used in a reliability model, developed by Sandia National Laboratories, to evaluate the reliability of the bomb. (Ibid)

B61 Model 11 nuclear bomb at Whiteman Air force base

B61 Model 11 nuclear bomb at Whiteman Air force base

The B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber operating out of the Whiteman Air Force Base was reported to have “delivered and released” the B61-11 JTA at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, which is routinely used to test nuclear ordnance. (See Press Release, op cit.).

The Tonopah Test Range while owned by the US Department of Energy, is managed and operated by Sandia National Laboratories, a division of America’s largest weapons producer Lockheed-Martin (under permit with the NNSA).

Aerial View of Tonopah Test Range where the B61 11 JTA was tested using a B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber. Source NASA.

The Deployment of B-2 Stealth Bombers to Libya in 2011

Why were these JTA tests of the equipment and functionality of a tactical nuclear weapon scheduled shortly after the onset of the Libya bombing campaign?

Was the timing of these tests coincidental or were they in any way related to the chronology of the Libya bombing campaign?

It is worth noting that the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command was in charge of both the JTA tests of the B61-11 as well as the deployment of three B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers to Libya on March 19, 2011 

“Three B-2 Spirit bombers, piloted by two men each, made it back after the 11,418-mile round trip from the Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri – where they are kept in special hangars – to Libya, where they hit targets on forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi and back again.”(Libya-crisis-B2-stealth-bombers-25-hour-flight-Missouri-Tripoli, Daily Mail, March 21, 2011)

In other words, both the deployment of the B-2s to the Libya war theater as well as the JTA  test (using the B-2 bomber for delivery) were coordinated out of Whiteman Air Force base.



“Humanitarian Warfare”

“Humanitarian war” is carried out through a “Shock and Awe” Blitzkrieg. Three B-2 Spirit Stealth bombers were sent on a bombing mission at the very outset of the Libya bombing campaign. According to the reports, they returned to Whiteman Air Force base on March 21st. The reports suggest that the three B-2s were carrying bunker buster bombs with conventional warheads.

The report suggests that the B-2 Stealth bombers dropped 45 one ton satellite guided missiles on Libya, which represents an enormous amount of ordnance:

“At $2.1bn, they are the most expensive warplanes in the world and rarely leave their climate-controlled hangars. But when it does, the B-2 bomber makes a spectacularly effective start to a war – including during this weekend’s aerial attack on Libya’s air defences. (Daily Mail, March 21, 2011, op cit)

While we are not in a position to verify the accuracy of these reports, the 45 one-ton bombs correspond roughly to the B-2 specifications, namely each of these planes can carry sixteen 2,000 pound (900 kg) bombs.

VIDEO: Returning to Whiteman Air force base on March 21, 2011

Concluding Remarks: Nuclear War against Non-Nuclear States

Through a propaganda campaign which has enlisted the support of “authoritative” nuclear scientists, the B61-11 “mini-nuke” is presented as an instrument of peace rather than war.

In an utterly twisted logic, “low yield” tactical nuclear weapons are presented as a means to building peace and preventing “collateral damage”.

In this regard, US nuclear doctrine ties in with the notion that the US-NATO war directed against Libya under Operation Odyssey Dawn was a humanitarian undertaking. The important question addressed in this article was whether the test of a B61-11 was “routine” or was it envisaged by the DoD directly or indirectly in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn directed against Libya.

In retrospect this deployment of nuclear weapons against Libya was a dress rehearsal implying the possible deployment of mini-nukes at some future stage of the Libya bombing campaign.

“Non-Nuclear States” “Allies of America” Slated to Wage Nuclear War against “Non-Nuclear States”, “Enemies of America” 

More recently a modernized version of the B61-11, namely the B61-12 is slated to be deployed in five non-nuclear states (Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey). These countries (allies of America) are slated to wage nuclear war on behalf of Uncle Sam against the enemies of America .

“The will do “dirty work” for us.”

The B61-12 are not intended to attack Russia or China. They are intended to target non-nuclear states in the Middle East, specifically Iran.

It should be emphasized, however, that under the doctrine of “pre-emptive nuclear war” mini nukes are always deployed and  in “a state of readiness” (even in times of peace). Libya was the first “rogue state” to be tagged for a nuclear attack in 1996 prior to the approval of the mini-nukes for battlefield use by the US Senate in 2002.



The Pentagon claims that “mini-nukes” are harmless to civilians because  “the explosion takes place under ground”.  Not only is the claim of an underground explosion erroneous, each of these ‘mini-nukes’,  constitutes – in terms of explosion and potential radioactive fallout – a significant fraction of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

We are at a dangerous crossroads: The rules and guidelines governing the use nuclear weapons have been “liberalized” (i.e. “deregulated” in relation to those prevailing during the Cold War era).

The decision to use low yield nuclear weapons (e.g. against Iran) no longer depends on the Commander in Chief, namely the president of the United States.

The new doctrine states that Command, Control, and Coordination (CCC) regarding the use of nuclear weapons should be “flexible”, allowing geographic combat commanders (e.g Three Star Generals) to decide if and when to use of nuclear weapons. What this signifies is that tactical nuclear weapons have were redefined in 2002 as conventional weapons:

Known in official Washington, as “Joint Publication 3-12”, the new nuclear doctrine (Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations , (DJNO) (March 2005)) calls for “integrating conventional and nuclear attacks” under a unified and “integrated” Command and Control (C2).

It largely describes war planning as a management decision-making process, where military and strategic objectives are to be achieved, through a mix of instruments, with little concern for the resulting loss of human life.

Military planning focuses on “the most efficient use of force”, i.e. an optimal arrangement of different weapons systems to achieve stated military goals. In this context, nuclear and conventional weapons are considered to be “part of the tool box”, from which military commanders can pick and choose the instruments that they require in accordance with “evolving circumstances” in the “war theatre”.

None of these weapons in the Pentagon’s “tool box”, including conventional bunker buster bombs, cluster bombs, mini-nukes, chemical and biological weapons are described as “weapons of mass destruction” when used by the United States of America and its “coalition” partners. (Michel Chossudovsky, Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? Global Research, February 22, 2006)

Author’s note:

Having examined the various facets of US nuclear doctrine for more than 20 years, I have become increasingly aware that the danger of nuclear war is  real.

In researching these issues,  I have attempted to present the documented facts without drawing simple conclusions as to the potential use of nuclear weapons against non nuclear states.

It is my sincere hope that this article will contribute to an understanding of US nuclear doctrine as well as a greater awareness of the impending dangers of nuclear war.

Michel Chossudovsky,  September 9, 2022

Related Articles: America’s Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – 2011-03-30


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First published on August 31, 2022


The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) data for 2020 shows doctors in Canada aged 50 and under die at a rate of about 6 per year.

After the latest booster, 6 Canadian doctors, 50 and under, died within a 15 day period.

Something is very wrong here, but nobody wants to talk about it or look into it. They’d rather look the other way.


Thanks to the brilliant work of Marc Godard and Brent Kievit-Kylar, we now have the CMA death data that I wrote about earlier in Google spreadsheet format where it can be easily analyzed for the first time. Note that the CMA removed entries prior to 2020 because they said it was too resource intensive to maintain this data. That’s hard to believe, but that’s what they said.

The results are stunning if we look at young doctor deaths: it makes the impact of the vaccines much easier to see because there is more signal and less noise since doctors under 50 rarely die.

We find a 23X increase in the rate of all-cause mortality post-vaccine for Canadian doctors aged 50 and under (compared to the young doctor death rates in 2020).

How can they explain that one?

Well, they can’t.

Those Canadian doctors died after the 2nd booster decades earlier than they should have.

I wanted to talk to the CMA about this, but my request to interview the President of the CMA was ignored. They just don’t want to talk about it. I’m sure they hope nobody sees this article.

So if you are reading this now, you know what to do:

You can verify my calculations yourself. All the data is now in plain sight.

Here’s how you can verify this yourself if you were skeptical of my work:

  1. Open the spreadsheet. Using Filter View “50 and under,” you can see that 6 doctors died in 2020 before the vax rolled out in Canada on December 14. So 6 young doctors dead in 348 days is our baseline death rate.
  2. From my article on Canadian deaths, we know of at least 6 Canadian doctors aged 50 and under that died in a 15 day period from July 13 to July 28 after the fourth booster was required. Here they are:

Note that the COVID vaccines are notorious for accelerating existing cancers and causing new cancers and killing people who are under physical stress such as swimming or running.

I’m not being judgmental here. I’m just tallying up all-cause mortality rates post-vaccine compared to average mortality rates of the same age group a year earlier.

So we have 6 deaths/348 days in 2020 vs. 6 deaths/15 days after the second booster.


So doctors who are 50 and under living in Canada are dying after the second booster at over 23X times the normally expected rate.

I found similar elevation in death rates for the vaccinated in my surveys

If you recall, I published an article just 20 days ago on August 10 where I used data submitted by over 600 readers to calculate an increased death rate for vaccinated people compared to the unvaccinated. The calculation was if you were vaccinated, your risk of death was 20.4X higher compared to unvaccinated people. That calculation was for all ages, not for those 50 and under. So they aren’t directly comparable, but 20.4X and 23.2X are pretty similar. They are large signals.

Now, you might ask, “Wow, if the vaccine is elevating death rates by that much, then the mortuary business must be way up.” It is way up, but not by 20X! This is because we are looking at under 50 deaths which are relatively small on an absolute basis.

I thought you should know what the Canadian doctor death data shows and I’m sure there are plenty of biases and confounders that affect this calculation, but even if I’m wrong by an order of magnitude, this should be an extremely troubling result for health authorities everywhere in the world: we should never be giving anyone a shot that is more likely to increase their risk of death than reduce it.

If this were an isolated anecdote and the only piece of negative data, many people would shrug their shoulders and ignore it.

But it’s not an isolated incident. It’s yet another very troubling data point showing the vaccines should be immediately halted.

See these two articles for more examples troubling data points that should not be ignored:

  1. Think we got it wrong?
  2. The safe and effective narrative is falling apart


I’ve been doing this for more than 15 months now and I have yet to find any reliable data points showing the vaccines are either safe or effective.

I’m still looking.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity”

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, Product Type: PDF

Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store!


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“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense, details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s

The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized

The film clearly illustrates the depopulation agenda is not a conspiracy theory. It’s reality, and it’s happening worldwide. The HPV vaccine and the COVID shots also have adverse impacts on fertility that are being ignored

In the decade after the rollout of the HPV vaccine, the teen pregnancy rate dropped by 50%

While VAERS is the only publicly available system to assess COVID jab injuries, the U.S. government has at least 10 other reporting systems they’re not sharing data from. Children’s Health Defense is filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the other systems to get a better idea of the scale of harms, but VAERS and anecdotal reports alone suggest the scale of injuries and deaths is enormous. Data from insurance companies around the world also confirm this


In the interview above, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Mary Holland, president and general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, discuss their new documentary film, “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” which we published yesterday. If you missed it, you can watch it here.

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” is Wakefield’s fourth film. The first was “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis?” followed by “Vaxxed” and “1986: The Act.” This latest film details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used without people’s knowledge or consent since the mid-’90s.

“It’s a very important story, and it’s a story that I’d been aware of for some years,” Wakefield says. “I think a lot of people heard about this intentional infertility vaccine program being conducted, primarily in women in developing countries such as Africa. But it had gone into abeyance so I hadn’t paid due attention.

I should have paid more attention to it, because people had asked me over the years, ‘Do you think there is a population control agenda?’ …

The allegation had been that the World Health Organization, under the guise of a neonatal tetanus prevention program, had been deliberately sterilizing women [in Kenya] — either using a vaccine to abort existing pregnancies or to prevent future pregnancies. They had done this under the guise of protecting children rather than actually reducing the population.”

As explained by Wakefield, it was no secret that the WHO had been working on an anti-fertility vaccine since the 1970s.1 Papers were published, and the WHO itself even admitted it. The real issue here is that of informed consent. The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized. This is an ethical and moral low that is hard to beat.

Covert Sterilization Campaign in the Philippines Revealed

The story detailed in this film begins in 1995, when the Kenyan government launched a WHO vaccination campaign against tetanus among women of childbearing age. Dr. Stephen K. Karanja, former chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, became suspicious of the program when he learned that involuntary sterilization programs posing as tetanus programs had occurred.

That same year, 1995, the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines actually won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine laced with hCG. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries.

This anti-hCG-laced tetanus vaccine perfectly matched the anti-fertility vaccine the WHO had announced in 1993. The paper trail reveals that by 1976, WHO researchers had successfully conjugated, meaning combined or attached, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) onto tetanus toxoid, used in the tetanus vaccine. As a result, when given to a woman, she develops antibodies against both tetanus and hCG.

HCG is a hormone that is produced as soon as the sperm enters the egg and the embryo begins to form. In response to this signal, the woman’s ovaries then produce progesterone, which maintains the pregnancy to term. The conjugated vaccine effectively ends and prevents pregnancy as her own immune system will immediately attack and destroy the hCG as soon as it forms.

At the time, Karanja, who passed away in 2021, convinced leaders of the Catholic Church — one of the largest health care providers in Kenya — to test the tetanus vaccine being given, to make sure there was no foul play. Without explanation, the WHO abandoned the 1995 campaign, but in 2014, they were back with a neonatal tetanus program.

A Diabolical Agenda

Girls and women, 15 to 49 years of age, were instructed to get vaccinated with a series of five injections, six months apart. Suspiciously, this is the exact schedule required for the anti-fertility vaccine to produce sterility. Regular tetanus prevention requires only one injection every five to 10 years, and under no circumstance would you need five of them.

The Catholic Church decided to test the vaccines and collected three sample vials directly from clinics during the 2014 campaign. The samples were tested by three independent laboratories and, as feared, they contained hCG. Another six vials were then collected and tested. This time, half were found to contain hCG.

When the Catholic Church went public with the findings, urging girls and women to not comply with the vaccination campaign, the Kenyan government went on the offensive, insisting there was nothing wrong with the vaccine. Wakefield says:

“They used the media to demonize the Catholic Church and insinuate there had been deliberate contamination of these samples with hCG to produce the result they wanted.

That’s where it remained until — and this is where it gets really interesting and where the film really comes into its own — our cameras were invited back into the laboratory where these tests were done … [and] the truth was revealed.

It came down to a resolution of this key question of who was lying and who was being honest? Who was cheating, who was not? It’s really an extraordinary story that woke me up to the importance of this issue. There is an extraordinary prophetic statement at the end from the late Dr. Karanja, OBGYN from Africa. who was at the heart of all of this.

He said, ‘When they are finished with Africa they’re coming for you’ … That’s probably a pertinent place to hand over to Mary, because never could a prophecy have been more apt, more true.”

Depopulation Agenda Is Now a Conspiracy Fact

Holland continues:

“It’s been very hard to answer … when people would ask us, ‘Is there a depopulation agenda?’ People would point to things Bill Gates said, like how vaccines would reduce the population. There was an interpretation that it was going to make people healthier, and therefore they would choose not to have more children.

It was murky. I think this film really helps us understand that this is not a conspiracy theory. It’s an absolute reality … The film makes that 100% clear. There’s just no question about it. And you see the deceit and deception. Just to point out, the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court that most countries of the world have signed onto … makes forced sterilization a war crime.

This is not a trivial thing, to deprive people of informed consent and to sterilize them. That’s exactly what happened. One of the interviews in the film that is so poignant is of a woman who cannot carry a pregnancy to term. She comes to realize that she has antibodies to hCG, and she realizes that somebody, somewhere, made her infertile. It is, as she calls it, a diabolical agenda …

We can now look back at what happened with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which I co-wrote a book about in 2018. One of the things we saw was that … the teen pregnancy rate dropped 50% from 2007 to 2018 — 50%! Now, whatever one wants to think about unplanned pregnancies, that is a staggering drop over 10 years.

People were reporting extreme reproductive effects from the HPV vaccine. Now we’re hearing the same thing, only much more so, with respect to COVID shots. We’re hearing that women are having miscarriages, babies are literally dying from breastfeeding mothers who have been recently vaccinated.

Congenital deformities are being reported to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS). It’s now, I think, beyond the realm of conspiracy theory to say it is very plausible that these vaccines that are being pushed on the world — particularly the COVID shots — have strong anti-fertility effects.”

Is There Such a Thing as Vaccine Safety?

It’s important to realize that no study has ever proven that any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule are safe, especially when given in various combinations. As noted by Wakefield, vaccine manufacturers and people like Dr. Anthony Fauci present “an almost kindergarten-like approach” to safety.

The blanket statement given is that vaccines in general, and the COVID shots in particular, are “safe and effective,” and that they have no adverse effects on reproduction and fertility. This, despite the fact they’ve done no reproductive studies at all.

Women who hear such assurances will assume the necessary studies HAVE been done when, in fact, that’s a complete lie. The reality is, you cannot find evidence of harm if you’re not looking for it. Another reality is that assumptions and guesses about science are not the same as scientific evidence. One major assumption that has now turned out to be completely wrong is that the mRNA injection stays in the deltoid muscle, the site of injection.

“No one has ever sought to determine whether they remain at the site of injection or not, or whether they disseminate throughout the body, which of course they do,” Wakefield says. “So, it’s a naive and completely inappropriate assumption.

The other assumption that was completely inappropriate was making any assumption at all. You’re going to give this [shot] to seven billion people … and you’re going to assume something about its safety? Then you discover, after giving it to the majority of that seven billion population, that you were completely wrong.

In fact, it goes throughout the body. The spike protein can be found in tissues throughout the body, including and in particular in the ovaries. There it can set up an inflammatory reaction, autoimmunity, damage and infertility. There is no question that is biologically plausible.

So here you have the mentality of these people, that after the horse has bolted, they are trying to shut the gate. If there is going to be damage, then the damage is done and it is too late. That is totally irresponsible and people need to know that.”

Wakefield further points out that no clinical trial for any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule has ever been tested against a true placebo. All have used active placebos, such as an aluminum injection or another vaccine, which effectively hides most of the adverse effects.

Interestingly, in some of the COVID jab trials, they actually used a completely inert placebo (although some vaccine makers used another vaccine). But then note what happened. Before the trial was over, they unblinded everyone and offered the jab to everyone in the placebo group, effectively eradicating the control group altogether! Then, they tried to bury the data under red tape for 75 years. Thankfully, a sensible judge didn’t let them get away with it. Wakefield says:

“They [Pfizer] knew there were problems. They had identified the problems doing the appropriate study, at least to start with, until they gave the placebo group the vaccine, eliminating the opportunity to assess long-term safety. Then they tried to hide the data because they knew it revealed the seriousness of the adverse reactions to their vaccine. The court overruled them and now those data are being analyzed, and they are terrifying.”

Stunning Abdication of Science

What’s worse, government has incentivized ignorance under the law. They have incentivized not knowing what the long-term effects are. Holland adds:

“What’s particularly stunning, in terms of the absolute abdication from science, is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said it’s perfectly fine to co-administer the COVID shots with everything else on the childhood schedule. That is going to have untold horrific likely effects …

Most pediatricians will say ‘Hey, the CDC says it’s fine’ … They are going to be co-administering these shots with other things, and there is no science to back that up. None.”

Unfortunately, the future looks grim in this regard, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now considering a “Future Framework” in which vaccine makers will be allowed to reformulate and release future COVID shots without any additional testing. Clinical trials are easy to rig to begin with, but now they won’t even have to go through the trouble of fabricating desired results.

“And, of course there will be harmful effects on fertility,” Holland says. “I think it’s becoming very clear that we just have to reject all of this. It is corrupted to its core. It’s anti-human, I mean it’s truly anti-human. I think the reality that we’re in is becoming clearer.”

A Hopeful Note

Wakefield adds:

“To follow-up on that, a note of hope … People coming to this anew may think that we’re in a terribly dark time. I see it differently, having been in this now for 30 years. When I started out, a handful of people around the world were prepared to debate the thorny issue of vaccine safety.

Now I read the other day that 70% of American adults have rejected the CDC’s recommended protocol for the COVID vaccine. They either didn’t get the first dose, they didn’t get the second dose, or they have refused to get the boosters, saying this is neither necessary nor is it safe.

Those people — 70% of American adults — according to mainstream media are anti-vaxxers. So, whether they know it or not, they’ve joined our team and the other side has lost.

This is a desperate, desperate measure; one hail Mary pass after another, and it’s failing very, very badly. For those of you who have not seen it from an historical perspective, take heart, because the world really is waking up in an extraordinary way …

The silver lining of the dark cloud of COVID is that it has woken so many people … There is an inevitability to what is happening here, and they will not get away with it for very much longer.”

We’ve Allowed the Creation of an Anti-Human World

As for those who insist they have no objections to childhood vaccines, only the COVID jab, Wakefield warns just about every vaccine safety advocate began by objecting to a single vaccine or single ingredient before realizing it isn’t that simple:

“We all came to the collective realization that this was far more complex than we had previously imagined. They were making it more and more complex by the year, adding more vaccines into the schedule, lumping them all together. As Mary said, the idea of these vaccines being safe in combination was one they’d never tested but merely assumed to be safe …

We came to the realization that it is some cumulative toxicity, some interactive effect, some potentiation that is leading to this massive increase in, for example, neurodevelopmental or immunological disorders.

Had we been allowed to continue the research, any of us, all of us, we would have answers now. But we don’t have answers because the work was sabotaged at every turn, and now we are living in a state of greater ignorance than we were before.

We’re now living in a world of man-made diseases. It’s absolutely staggering. None of this need ever have happened, and yet here we are with all of these new conditions or new variants on an old theme, like regressive autism, that we did not see before. That is something that man has created.

Just as easily man could get rid of it if we took the initiative. That’s what, collectively, we have to do, and that’s what Children’s Health Defense is doing. They’re alerting people to this, waking them up, and it’s working.”

In addition to learning about the dangers of vaccines, people are also starting to learn more about other environmental toxins — pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), air pollution, water pollution, artificial foods, hormone-mimicking plastic chemicals and more, all of which have adverse effects on health and reproductive capacity.

“I think most humans want to live in a pro-human environment,” Holland says. “And I think the corporate government world we’re in right now is genuinely anti-human.”

The Scale of Harm Is Staggering

While VAERS is the only publicly available database collecting adverse vaccine reactions, the U.S. government has at least 10 other adverse event reporting systems that they’re not sharing data from.

Children’s Health Defense is filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the other systems to get a better idea of the scale of harms, but VAERS and anecdotal reports alone suggest the scale of injuries and deaths is enormous. Data from insurance companies around the world also confirm this. Holland notes:

“In 2021, from one life insurance company in the United States, an Indiana company, we know that 18 to 64 year olds suffered a 40% excess death rate. They said a 10% shift would be a 1 in 200-year occurrence. A 40% shift is beyond catastrophic, and that’s what we’re looking at. These are secrets that can’t be hidden.”

Panafrican Congress Is Pushing Back

Another piece of positive news is that a Panafrican Congress that was recently convened is starting to push back against the WHO. And, if the WHO were to be banned from a continent like Africa, it would be game over for them. Holland explains:

“The WHO is following a two-track course to get to what they say, in 2024, will be a new international treaty, which basically will put the WHO at the center of global health and de facto governance. One track was through U.S.-proposed international health regulations.

The U.S. proposed 12 regulations in December 2021 that would put the WHO at the center of these things and put in place very draconian regulations that would allow the WHO to supersede any decisions at the national government level. In a vote on those new international health regulation amendments, 47 African countries rejected all of them.

Africa really led the way in saying ‘No, we don’t trust the WHO, we don’t want the WHO in this role.’ That’s very exciting because Africa absolutely has been exploited in every which way by the WHO and their pharmaceutical industry partners. But, I don’t think the WHO agenda is dead. We still have a lot of work to do.

We did have on June 18 an African sovereignty coalition launch, which you can see on the Children’s Health Defense TV website. There were activists, advocates, physicians, scientists from all over Africa, and then supporters from around the world. It’s very exciting. I think Africa is sending a message loud and clear we will not put up with this …

We’ll take it one day at a time, but I believe the WHO and its backers will fail, and certainly many people around the world, Children’s Health Defense included, are working on lawsuits to prove there’s fraud going on here, this is criminal activity. Certainly, the authorization for young children is a criminal act.

We’re going to amend the lawsuit we have, which is to contest the jabs for 5 to 11-year-olds that the FDA authorized. We’ll just amend that for these younger children. This is devastating, this is a crime against humanity. There is no justification for young children getting these shots. They are not at risk of serious injury or death from COVID, but they certainly are at risk from these shots.”

Can the Judicial System Be Trusted?

Speaking of lawsuits, many legal actions over the past two years have failed, but Holland, who is the general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, is optimistic, because courts tend to shift with public opinion. She’s noticed courts are becoming increasingly receptive to the notion that there may be fraud going on with the COVID jabs, and that conflicts of interest play a role.

For example, two judges in New York who were assigned to cases she was representing were recently forced to recuse themselves, after it became known they owned between $50,000 and $500,000 in Pfizer stock.

“I think we’re likely to see many more successful lawsuits going forward in the next two years than in the last two years,” she says. “I think the population is coming to understand that there are conflicts of interest that prevent these people from being unbiased.

I think it’s a question of time, and I think we’re in a race against time, but I do believe that lawsuits are likely to be more successful as time goes on and I think we’re already seeing that. We struck down the OSHA mandate, we struck down the mask mandates in airline transportation, we got access to the Pfizer documents. I think there’s more good news coming from the courts, I really do.”

The home run, judicially speaking, would be if we could prove vaccine makers committed fraud or “willful misconduct,” as that would eliminate all of their protections against prosecution and liability. The COVID jabs are authorized for emergency use under the 2005 PREP Act — which Holland believes is unconstitutional — and under that law, willful misconduct must be proven by “clear and convincing evidence.”

“I believe that at this point we’re getting very, very close to that threshold where we can prove willful misconduct by clear and convincing evidence,” she says.

“At that point, I think it will be clear to the whole population that it’s the liability protection on the back end and the mandates at the front end that makes this whole enterprise possible. I think there are serious attacks on both of those, and by the time the whole truth comes out, the whole vaccine paradigm disappears.

I think it’s in our sights, I really do. I think the health of the unvaccinated is overwhelmingly superior to the health of the vaccinated, and that story’s coming out. Children’s Health Defense is coming out with a book this fall by Dr. Brian Hooker and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., about the science showing how much healthier unvaccinated people are.

I think the truth is coming out, and I think the stakes are very high for the next couple years. But I really do believe that at the end of these couple years we will be in a whole new paradigm of vaccines and health. People have seen enough about the bad side of COVID shots that they are now open to this. I think we’re likely to see a sea change.”

In closing, if you didn’t watch the film yesterday, set aside 30 minutes to do it now. And, be sure to watch it all the way to the end. The final 10 minutes include an update on the Kenya story, a review of what happened with the HPV vaccine, and an overview of what we know about the COVID shots’ potential impacts on fertility. It’s important to realize that this depopulation agenda didn’t begin and end in Kenya. It’s happening worldwide.

More Movies Are Coming

Wakefield’s fifth film is already in preproduction and should be ready for release next year. This one will be a full-length narrative feature about the childhood vaccination schedule. It was co-written by Terry Rossio, who also wrote “Shrek,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Aladdin” and other well-known movie productions.

“It’s a very powerful film, it will really move the mindset,” Wakefield says. “It will take those who have been awoken by the issue of COVID vaccines across the bridge from the adult vaccine schedule to the realization that this has been happening in the childhood vaccine schedule since the very beginning. It’s a very, very important film.”

Children’s Health Defense will also be coming out with a film version of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” That will be coming out later this year, for which I was interviewed.


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1 Scientific Research October 2017; 4(10)

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Incisive analysis first published on January 13, 2022


After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people.

The mortality rate linked to the vaccines, according to Yeadon, is traceable in terms of lot numbers of the different batches, as some batches appear to be more lethal than others. When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved. Dr Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international law suit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

Citizen Journalist Ulf Bittner from EU/EES Healthcare blog and Sverige Granskas stated in the interview that the situation with traceable lot numbers and injuries and death related to lot numbers is similar in the different health care regions of Sweden. Bittner is in contact with a vaccine coordinator who has provided documents to keep track of how many people have been injured and lost their lives related to the different batches of the so-called vaccines.

01:00 Different numbers on the barcodes on the bottom of the vaccine doses are placebo which has been given to politicians according to a Slovenian chief nurse. Is it the same in other countries?

1:54 Mike Yeadon and the LOT numbers of some shots of the brands Moderna, Johnson& Johnson and Pfizer/Biontech are related to much higher mortality than for the other manufacturers.

3:52 The producers of the so-called vaccines are experimenting with the correct dosages to kill people according to Dr Füllmich. This according to the Corona Investigative Committee, constitute compelling evidence for punitive damages and attempted mass murder. They are intentionally killing people.

08:30 Lawyers from India have filed complaints for premeditative murder.

09:55 Mike Yeadon as a witness for the coming legal action against the perpetrators.

10:44 Everyone who critizises the wrongdoings of the governments of the world is being called a ‘right wing extremist’. This has also happened to the internationally renowned scientist Mike Yeadon.

13:05 CDC withdrew the recommendation for the PCR-tests diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 from 31/12-2021. PCR- tests are the foundation of the pandemic. Why is Anthony Fauci now doing a 180-degree turn?

17:25 At least a million dollars per person will be claimed in punitive damages if the lawsuit is successful.

18:33 Previously only ten percent of all adverse effects were reported. In the situation the world is right now, the team estimated that in fact only one percent of all adverse effects were being reported.

19:25 CEO of Life insurance company from Indiana USA with 100 billions of dollars in assets said: ”Over the span of this past year there has been an excess mortality of 40 percent”. This is believed to be due to the injections.

21:05 What substance in the vials makes them so lethal? Is it Graphene Oxide/graphene hydroxide?

22:37 Any vaccin is a poison, it is the dosage which makes the difference. This is not a vaccine, as a vaccine provides immunity, while these products demand incessant injections. Either a vaccine works or it does not.

24:40 This is not gene therapy either, since a gene therapy means exchanging a broken gene with a fixed one. This is more like experimenting on people, and trying to kill us.

25.15 The doses are not tested by governments, while governments will be keeping the contracts hidden from the public for at least 55 years. How is this affecting the possibility of getting people punished? Dr Füllmich goes through all the lies paving the way for the tyrannical situation the world is now in.

28:25 The vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The producers are experimenting on lethal doses of poison. Everyone now taking part in intentional malicious infliction of harm will be punished.

30:05 How sure are legal experts about the conclusion that Mike Yeadon has drawn from this, that it is all about depopulation and intentionally killing people through injections? If close to 50 lawyers are of the same opinion, it is regarded as “irrefutable proof”.

32:08 Batches of injections in Sweden can be traced by an application.

32:45 Füllmich is in cooperation with people working within the secret service of Germany who do not wish to take the injections.

34:15 Dr Lee Merritt on combat pilots in the USA refusing to get the shots. According to Dr Füllmich, Dr Merrit explained: ”They understood that if they were forced to [get vaccinated] they were going to get killed.”

35:15 Information is being collected on batches in Sweden from every region, the Swedish health authorities (Folkhälsomyndigheten) and medical board (Läkemedelsverket). Every batch is traceable through an application. There is economic reward for the Swedish regions which manage to get more people injected. One of the expert lawyers involved in the upcoming court hearings is a specialist on Nuremberg Trials.

38:45 How will the trials be performed, and through what legal structure? A common design, the same structure as for the Nuremberg trials.

39:40 Free choice should reign for members of the European Union. Consumers of health care have consumer rights. Fraud means misleading the people and consumers of health care.

42:00 The so called vaccines are an adulterated product put on to the market. According to Mike Yeadon there is a law in the US that will make everyone liable for the harms created by the adulterated product. Toxins are being put into the vials other than the known lipids etc, which the people who took the vaccines never consented to.

43:40 The importance of decentralization of power and national independence rather than global organizations such as the European Union telling the people what to do. Disconnecting from the banking system, NGO:s and creating independent and strong agricultural supply chains, energy supply chains etc.

46:15 When are the trials going to take place? How will the indictments happen and how will the trials be held? One of the goals is to inform people and expose the wrongdoings by involving the alternative media so that the mainstream media won’t be able to ignore the trials. The crew is working on a new system of law in the USA, Africa and Germany.

50:48 Dr Füllmich believes the world is close to a tipping point and the whole narrative will fall apart very very soon, maybe in a couple of weeks or months.

54:13 Robert Malone, Robert F Kennedy and Mike Yeadon and others involved in exposing the agenda are in contact with each other, and a tour is planned with these whistleblowers in the USA in March


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Incisive article by Colin Todhunter first published on Global Research on November 30, 2020.

See section below pointing to Western agri-business control over Ukraine agriculture: “the toppling of Ukraine’s government in early 2014 paved the way for foreign investors and Western agribusiness to take a firm hold over the agri-food sector”


The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. Smallholder farmers are being criminalised and even made to disappear when it comes to the struggle for land. They are constantly exposed to systematic expulsion.

In 2014, the Oakland Institute found that institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity and pension funds, are eager to capitalise on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class. Financial returns are what matter to these entities, not food security.

Consider Ukraine. The organisation Grain found that in 2014 small farmers operated 16% of agricultural land in that country, but provided 55% of agricultural output, including: 97% of potatoes, 97% of honey, 88% of vegetables, 83% of fruits and berries and 80% of milk. It is clear that Ukraine’s small farms were delivering impressive outputs.

Following the toppling of Ukraine’s government in early 2014, the way was paved for foreign investors and Western agribusiness to take a firm hold over the agri-food sector. Reforms mandated by the EU-backed loan to Ukraine in 2014 included agricultural deregulation intended to benefit foreign agribusiness. Natural resource and land policy shifts were being designed to facilitate the foreign corporate takeover of enormous tracts of land.

Frederic Mousseau, policy director at the Oakland Institute, stated at the time that the World Bank and IMF were intent on opening up foreign markets to Western corporations and that the high stakes around the control of Ukraine’s vast agricultural sector, the world’s third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat, constitute an overlooked critical factor. He added that in recent years, foreign corporations had acquired more than 1.6 million hectares of Ukrainian land.

Western agribusiness has been coveting Ukraine’s agriculture sector for quite some time, long before the coup. That country contains one third of all arable land in Europe. An article by Oriental Review in 2015 noted that since the mid-90s the Ukrainian-Americans at the helm of the US-Ukraine Business Council had been instrumental in encouraging the foreign control of Ukrainian agriculture.

In November 2013, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation drafted a legal amendment that would benefit global agribusiness producers by allowing the widespread use of genetically modified seeds. When GMO crops were legally introduced into the Ukrainian market in 2013, they were planted in up to 70% of all soybean fields, 10-20% of cornfields and over 10% of all sunflower fields, according to various estimates (or 3% of the country’s total farmland).

Interestingly, the investment fund Siguler Guff & Co acquired a 50% stake in the Ukrainian Port of Illichivsk in 2015, which specialises in agricultural exports.

In June 2020, the IMF approved an 18-month $5 billion loan programme with Ukraine. According to the Brettons Wood Project website, the government committed to lifting the 19-year moratorium on the sale of state-owned agricultural lands after sustained pressure from international finance. The World Bank incorporated further measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine approved in late June. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”

In response, Frederic Mousseau recently stated:

“The goal is clearly to favor the interests of private investors and Western agribusinesses… It is wrong and immoral for Western financial institutions to force a country in a dire economic situation amidst an unprecedented pandemic to sell its land.”

But morality has little to do with it. The September 2020 report on the grain.org website ‘Barbarians at the barn: private equity sinks its teeth into agriculture’ shows that there is no morality where capitalism’s profit compulsion is concerned.

Private equity funds – pools of money that use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals – are being injected into the agriculture sector throughout the world. This money is used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, US-style grain and soybean concerns. The article outlines how offshore tax havens and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has targeted Ukraine.

In addition to various Western governments, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the foundation’s endowment, is also investing in private equity, taking positions in farm and food businesses around the world.

Grain notes that this forms part of the trend whereby the world of finance – banks, funds, insurance companies and the like – is gaining control over the real economy, including forests, watersheds and rural people’s territories.

Apart from uprooting communities and grabbing resources to entrench an industrial, export-oriented model of agriculture, this process of ‘financialisation’ is shifting power to remote board rooms occupied by people with no connection to farming and who are merely in it to make money. These funds tend to invest for a 10-15 year period, resulting in handsome returns for investors but can leave a trail of long-term environmental and social devastation and serve to undermine local and regional food insecurity.

This financialisation of agriculture perpetuates a model of farming that serves the interests of the agrochemical and seed giants, including one of the world’s biggest companies, Cargill, which is involved in almost every aspect of global agribusiness.

Still run as a privately held company, the 155-year-old enterprise trades in purchasing and distributing various agricultural commodities, raises livestock and produces animal feed as well as food ingredients for application in processed foods and industrial use. Cargill also has a large financial services arm, which manages financial risks in the commodity markets for the company. This includes Black River Asset Management, a hedge fund with about $10 billion of assets and liabilities.

A recent article on the Unearthed website accused Cargill and its 14 billionaire owners of profiting from the use of child labour, rain forest destruction, the devastation of ancestral lands, the spread of pesticide use and pollution, contaminated food, antibiotic resistance and general health and environmental degradation.

As if this is not concerning enough, the UN Food and Agriculture is now teaming up with CropLife, a global trade association representing the interests of companies that produce and promote pesticides, including highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs).

In a 19 November press release issued by PAN (Pesticide Action Network) Asia Pacific, some 350 organisations in 63 countries representing hundreds of thousands of farmers, fisherfolk, agricultural workers and other communities, as well as human rights, faith-based, environmental and economic justice institutions, delivered a letter to FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu urging him to stop recently announced plans to deepen collaboration with CropLife International by entering into a formal partnership.

HHPs are responsible for a wide range of devastating health harms to farmers, agricultural workers and rural families around the world and these chemicals have decimated pollinator populations and are wreaking havoc on biodiversity and fragile ecosystems.

Marcia Ishii, senior scientist at PAN North America, explained the serious implications of the proposed collaboration:

“Unfortunately, since Mr. Qu’s arrival at FAO, the institution appears to be opening up to deeper collaboration with pesticide companies, which are likely to exploit such a relationship for bluewashing, influencing policy development and enhancing access to global markets.”

She went on to state:

“It is no surprise that FAO’s recently appointed Deputy Director General, Beth Bechdol, comes to FAO with a history of close financial ties to Corteva (formerly Dow/DuPont).”

The FAO has in recent years shown a commitment to agroecology but, in calling for an independent FAO, Susan Haffmans from PAN Germany, argues:

“The FAO should not jeopardize its successes in agroecology nor its integrity by cooperating with precisely that branch of industry which is responsible for the production of highly hazardous pesticides and whose products contribute to poisoning people and their environment worldwide.”

The July 2019 UN FAO High Level Panel of Experts concludes that agroecology provides greatly improved food security and nutritional, gender, environmental and yield benefits compared to industrial agriculture.

Agroecological principles represent a shift away from the reductionist yield-output chemical-intensive industrial paradigm, which results in among other things enormous pressures on human health, soil and water resources. Agroecology is based on a more integrated low-input systems approach to food and agriculture that prioritises local food security, local calorific production, cropping patterns and diverse nutrition production per acre, water table stability, climate resilience, good soil structure and the ability to cope with evolving pests and disease pressures.

Such a system is underpinned by a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, the right to culturally appropriate food and local ownership and stewardship of common resources, such as land, water, soil and seeds.

However, this model is a direct challenge to the interests of CropLife members. With the emphasis on localisation and on-farm inputs, agroecology does not require dependency on proprietary chemicals, pirated seeds and knowledge nor long-line global supply chains.

By seeking to develop a formal partnership with the FAO, CropLife aims to further entrench its interests while derailing the FAO’s commitment to agroecology. This much has been apparent in recent times with US Ambassador to the FAO Kip Tom having attacked agroecology –  and like CropLife members – he perpetuates the myth (recently debunked by Dr Jonathan Latham in the new book   ‘Rethinking Food and Agriculture’)of impending disaster if we do not accept the chemical-industrial paradigm.

Whether it involves farmers in India recently taking to the streets to protest against legislation that will throw the sector wide open to foreign agricapital, land acquisitions in Ukraine or struggles for land rights and seed sovereignty (etc) elsewhere, it is clear that a small cabal of unscrupulous global agribusiness giants are driving and benefitting from deregulated capital flows, peasant displacement, land acquisitions and decisions made at international and national levels via the IMF, World Bank and WTO.

The web that global capitalism weaves in a quest to seek out new profits, capture new markets and control common resources (commonwealth) is destroying farmer livelihoods, the environment and health under the bogus claim of ‘feeding the world’.

Those farmers who survive the profiteering strategies of dispossession and imperialism are to become incorporated into a system of contract farming dictated by global agri-food giants tied to an exploitative food regime based on market dependency and corporate control. A regime that places profit ahead of biodiverse food security, healthy diets and the environment.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Originally published on June 4, 2022.

“Prices are more or less 78% higher than average in 2021, and this is cracking up the production side of agriculture. In many regions, farmers simply can’t afford to bring fertilizers to the farm, or even if they could, the fertilizers are not available to them…And it’s not just fertilizers, but agrichemicals and fuel as well. This is a global crisis and it requires a global response.”

– Theo de Jager, President of World Farmers Organization [1]

“If you control oil, you control nations. If you control food, you control people.”

– Henry Kissinger [2]


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A major global food shortage is looming. [3]

Director-General Qu Donyu of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented Securing Food Security in Times of Crisis at the Meeting of the G7 Ministers of Agriculture. The FAO’s Food Price Index in March reached 160 points – the highest since its inception in 1990! [4]

The report notes that Russia and Ukraine are “important players in global commodity markets” particularly wheat, maize and oilseed. And this uncertainty comes on top of “already high prices driven by robust demand and high input costs as a result of COVID-19 recovery.” [5]

A number of countries, including Turkey and Egypt, Sub-Saharan African countries like Eritrea, Somalia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Congo and Namibia, will be highly impacted by the shortfalls in wheat from Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The food crises in Yemen and Ethiopia in particular would likewise suffer a blow. [6]

According to a recent CNBC article, fertilizer shortage – a shortage of fertilizer is exacerbating the situation. Russia, together with Belarus, is responsible for 40 percent of potash exports. According to Morgan Stanley, Russia also exports 11 percent of urea, 48 percent of Ammonium nitrate and combined with Ukraine collectively exports 28 percent of fertilizers made with nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as potassium. So farmers abroad will have to make do with lesser or more expensive crops.[7]

There is however a buzz that the world is not responding to the crisis so much as engineering it! Take for example the rail company Union Pacific in the United States mandating that certain shippers reduce their volume of private cars effective immediately. Union Pacific is one of four major rail companies that haul 80 percent of agricultural freight. With this mandate in place in the spring, farmers would be delayed in getting fertilizer resulting in producing even less crops. [8]

Plus, there is word that another virus – this one effecting chickens! To stop the disease from migrating to humans, farmers have culled millions of chickens while authorities state millions have died of this Avian equivalent of COVID. So higher costs and food shortages beleaguers the poultry and egg producers as well! [8]

This week’s Global Research News Hour follows the trail of diminishing food supplies and comes to a startling end-point that could lead to the next major Malthusian drama that awaits our species!

In our first half hour we speak to Monika Tothova of the FAO about some of the specific developments around the new food crisis and what the world will have to do soon to mitigate a representative a worst case scenario. She is followed by Kit Knightly, a journalist who himself is probing the hypothesis of a planned food crisis and connections to the much talked about Great Reset.

Monika Tothova is an economist working with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. She works in the economics and trade division.

Kit Knightly is an editor and journalist with Off-Guardian. He has written several stories so far probing the Food Crisis as another opportunity for an elite power grab.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 358)


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CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. Richard Mills (May 31, 2022), ‘Food, a Global Crisis – How bad is it going to get?’ The Market Oracle; https://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article70265.html
  2. F William Engdahl (2007), p 42. ‘Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation’, The Centre for Research on Globalization
  3. Glenn H. Reynolds (March 17, 2022), ‘Looming food shortages is the next ‘slow-moving disaster’ to hit world’, New York Post; https://nypost.com/2022/03/17/looming-food-shortages-is-worlds-next-slow-moving-disaster/
  4. Qu Donyu (13 May 2022), p. 8, ‘Securing Global Food Security in Times of Crisis’, Food ad Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; https://www.fao.org/3/cc0140en/cc0140en.pdf
  5. ibid
  6. op cit, p 12
  7. Patti Domm (Apr 6, 2022), ‘A fertilizer shortage, worsened by war in Ukraine, is driving up global food prices and scarcity’,,CNBC; https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/06/a-fertilizer-shortage-worsened-by-war-in-ukraine-is-driving-up-global-food-prices-and-scarcity.html
  8. https://www.globalresearch.ca/biden-cynically-uses-ukraine-cover-food-sabotage/5778694