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Roger Waters cried Wednesday. It was on his Twitter page, as he read, on camera, an essay he had read on the Mondoweiss news website the night before. It was about a boy from the Gaza Strip.

“I really wish I could rest, or have some psychologist help me like other people in the world who suffer wars,” said Mohammed. “No one during or after the war asks me or my family ‘How are you doing?’”

He’s the family breadwinner, a boy of 13. And only his crying, wrote Tareq Hajjaj, “melts the manly shield” he is forced to wear. “I do not want my mother to suffer like the mothers of the kids who were killed,” the boy sobbed.

Mohammed wished he could have grown up somewhere else, where he would only die “when his body is fully grown,” Hajjaj wrote. And this is where Waters could no longer restrain his tears and burst out crying. No decent person could remain indifferent to the sight of the musician’s tears. Waters, the great man of conscience.

But for Israelis, this was a performance from a different planet. They have a thousand defense mechanisms against Waters’ tears. Let’s even assume that Waters really is an “antisemite” and “someone who hates Israel” – which he isn’t. But crying over a boy from Gaza? What about the children of Sderot?

Has any Israeli shed tears for a boy from Gaza? Are many Israelis even aware of what happened to children in Gaza during those three days of colossal success that deluged Israel in waves of pride and self-satisfaction such as we haven’t seen here in a long time? There hasn’t been a success like this since Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six-Day War. Another few days of fighting and there would even be albums.

Only the death of Zili, a Border Police dog, in Nablus – which garnered a front-page headline in the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, along with his funeral, the tears, the grave, the eulogies and the official statement of mourning by the prime minister – weighed a bit on the intoxicating mood of victory. It wasn’t disturbed for a second by the scenes from Gaza, because scenes from Gaza were never shown here. Never before has there been such a sterile killing operation here. The Israeli media showed nothing this time, absolutely nothing.

This was one of the most corrupting operations in Israel’s history. Instead of being priced at a steep discount, like its predecessors in Gaza, it was completely free. Not a drop of Israeli blood, not a single destroyed home and no condemnations from the world, not even lame ones. With a zero cost like this, the appetite for further operations will obviously grow. In Nablus on Tuesday, it would at least have been possible to argue about the results.

The usual arrogance was accompanied this time by the addictive feeling of a sweet, easy victory. Just bring us more wars at rock-bottom prices. After all, no one was killed and almost no homes were damaged in last weekend’s Operation Breaking Dawn.

But it’s impossible to ignore another factor that fed these feelings of victory. This time, the operation was launched by the good Israelis. They’re the ones in power now. Look at how they embarked on this war, with flying colors.

Consequently, this was the most political war Israel has ever fought. The right was united; it can never utter a word of criticism about killing Arabs. The center-left was bursting with pride – what a success, what management, what daring. The flattery for the operation’s commanders – Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who are two of “our own” – ran overtime.

Yossi Verter described how Lapid’s wardrobe changed due to this success. His “empty suit has been filled,” he wrote understatedly. And the next day he added, “Without a doubt, this is a feather in the cap” for Lapid (Haaretz, August 8). The suit that was filled (with blood) and the feather in the cap are the real spoils of this war, which ended in “a dream for Israel.” A dream of war.

Verter was soon followed by Uri Misgav, who shed all the disguises. The real victory picture from this war, he wrote, was that of Lapid briefing opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu (Haaretz in Hebrew, August 7). It was worth going to war for this victory picture. For Misgav and his ilk, nothing could be sweeter.

Roger Waters cried. “What is wrong with the fucking Israelis? What is wrong with them?” he asked, in anger and despair. I just wish I knew how to answer him.


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The US has thrown down the gauntlet. A showdown may come “in the coming weeks,” if sanity does not prevail.

White House and Pentagon spokesmen keep insisting, as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl did on Aug. 14:

“What’s important for us right now is to make sure that Beijing understands that our forces in the region will continue to operate, to fly, to sail wherever international waters allows. That includes the Taiwan Strait.

“I think you should expect that we will continue to do Taiwan Strait transits, as we have in the past, in the coming weeks. …”

What About President Biden?

Not to worry. To the degree it matters, he seems relaxed. On Aug. 8, after China announced new post-Pelosi-visit military drills in the seas and airspace around Taiwan, Biden expressed mild concern about China’s deployments, but spoke reassuringly to reporters:

“I’m concerned they (the Chinese) are moving as much as they are,” but I don’t think they’re going to do anything more than they are.”

Is Biden Listening to His Own PR People, and …

Here is White House Strategic Communications Director John Kirby at a briefing on August 1:

“… Nothing has changed – nothing has changed – about our One China policy … Put simply, there is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit [by Pelosi] … into some sort of crisis or conflict, or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait. [Emphasis added.]

“And yet, over the weekend, even before Speaker Pelosi arrived in the region, China conducted a live-fire exercise. China appears to be positioning itself to potentially take further steps in the coming days and perhaps over longer time horizons.

“Now, these potential steps … could also include actions in the diplomatic and economic space, such as further spurious legal claims like Beijing’s public assertions last month that the Taiwan Strait is not an international waterway. [Emphasis added.]

“Some of these actions would continue concerning trendlines … but some could be of a different scope and scale.”

… and is Kirby Listening to the Bobbsey Twins?

Kirby’s boss, whiz-kid national security adviser Jake Sullivan and his elder (but equally innocent twin) Antony Blinken have served Biden poorly. In the fine schools they attended, they seem to have concentrated on courses on US Exceptionalism, skipping over what John Mearsheimer calls “Balance of Power Politics 101.”

On the key question of Sino-Russian relations, they seem to have been operating out of textbooks a half-century old when they told President Biden that China was “squeezing” Russia – the exact opposite of what has been happening for several decades now. Worse still, they seem to have learned close to nothing about what the Soviets used to call the “world correlation of forces.”

In a word, these extremely bright whiz kids have helped drive the Chinese and the Russians into each other’s arms. That’s what has changed – plus China’s recent military buildup that makes it a formidable foe.

Not Hard to See This Coming

On May 25, 2021, when the date of June 16 was announced for the in-person summit between Presidents Biden and Putin, it seemed necessary to warn Biden and his neophyte advisers that a major shift in the “world correlation of forces” was bound to heavily influence the June talks. China, of course, would not be taking part in the bilateral talks, but it would be very much present.

We worried:

“Whether or not Official Washington fully appreciates the gradual – but profound – change in America’s triangular relationship with Russia and China over recent decades, what is clear is that the US has made itself into the big loser. The triangle may still be equilateral, but it is now, in effect, two sides against one. …

“There is little sign that today’s US policymakers have enough experience and intelligence to recognize this new reality and understand the important implications for US freedom of action. Still less are they likely to appreciate how this new nexus may play out on the ground, on the sea or in the air.”

It was clear that the new phenomenon of Russia-China entente would dwarf the significance of less important issues; and we could not be sure Biden would be appropriately informed. He wasn’t.

The Chinese “Squeeze”

President Biden did not get the word. Here is the bizarre way Biden described, at his post-summit presser, his decades-behind-the-times approach to Putin on China:

“Without quoting him [Putin] – which I don’t think is appropriate – let me ask a rhetorical question: You got a multi-thousand-mile border with China. China is seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world.”

At the airport, Biden’s co-travelers did their best to whisk him onto the plane, but failed to stop him from sharing more of his views on China – this time on China’s strategic “squeezing” of Russia:

“Let me choose my words. Russia is in a very, very difficult spot right now. They are being squeezed by China.”

Have Biden’s innocent advisers, by now, sought out new textbooks, updated from the ones they may have read in the 70s and 80s. Have they learned that Russia and China have never been closer – that, indeed, they have what amounts to a virtual military alliance?

Why This Matters

Back to what may be in store for U.S. warships should they try to enter the Taiwan Strait “in the coming weeks.” Will China try to impede or harass them?

Experts on China tell me there is low likelihood of that, and I defer to their judgment. At the same time I cannot banish from memory what they told me before Russia invaded Ukraine; namely, that China’s principled stand against interference in the affairs of other countries would make it impossible for China to support such an invasion. And yet, the Chinese have been in the forefront of defending it, explaining that Russia’s “core interests” are at stake. Bejing is now reminding all that Taiwan is a “core interest” of China.

Would the Chinese expect Russia to have their back, so to speak, if they moved to interdict or harass US warships in the Strait? I believe they would expect that. Russia’s immediate endorsement of China’s policies on the Pelosi visit is one tangible sign pointing in this direction. (Use your imagination and pick the various ways President Putin could up the ante so as to advantage his friend and ally Xi Jinping.)

Is this worth testing by trying to sail into the Taiwan Strait? Only an innocent hawk would think so. And yet the Chinese have every reason to believe that it is the hawks who are calling the shots in Washington – not Biden. (I discuss some of these issues in a short interview I gave early yesterday Sunday, though the connection dropped at minute 8:40.)

Bottom line: The White House has left little incentive for the Chinese to keep pushing what they call a “Win-Win” policy. According to reliable sources, when top Chinese officials pressed the mutual advantages of “Win-Win” with White House National Security Council China guru Kurt Campbell, they were set back at his response. They described it as “Your win-win IS BULLSH*T!.”

Aside from the use of vernacular, this is not difficult to believe, given what is known about Campbell, who very early on said “the era of engagement is over.” Sadly, Campbell is no wiser than the Bobbsey twins with respect to the implications for the US of the virtual alliance that now exists between China and Russia.


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Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. His 27-year career as a CIA analyst includes serving as Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch and preparer/briefer of the President’s Daily Brief. He is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).


Mumia Abu-Jamal Remains the Voice of the Voiceless

August 17th, 2022 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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During the late 1960s, Mumia Abu-Jamal became a youth activist in the city of Philadelphia where a succession of racist police chiefs engaged in widespread abuse against the African American community.

Philadelphia has a centuries-long history of African self-organization dating back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries when the Free African Society, African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) and other institutions were formed by Richard Allen, Sarah Allen and Absalom Jones.

During mid-19th century, the Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society provided avenues for men and women to build support for the Underground Railroad and the movement to completely eradicate involuntary servitude in the antebellum border and deep southern states. By the 1960s, the city became known as one of the first municipalities where African Americans would rise up in rebellion on the north side during the late August 1964.

Max Stanford (later known as Muhammad Ahmed), a co-founder of the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM) in 1962, was from Philadelphia. RAM proceeded the Black Panther Party (BPP) and sought to form an alliance with Malcolm X (also known as El Hajj Malik Shabazz), a leading spokesman for the Nation of Islam and later the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU). RAM advocated for the development of a revolutionary movement in the U.S. and consequently became a target of the Justice Department.

In 1969, Mumia joined the Black Panther Party at the age of 15 when the organization was deemed by the then Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) J. Edgar Hoover as the “greatest threat to national security” in the United States. The Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) had a special division which was designed to monitor, disrupt, imprison and kill various leaders and members of African American organizations from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the BPP as well as a host of other tendencies. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) since the mid-to-late 1970s indicate that the BPP was a principal target of the U.S. government and local police agencies.

Why was the BPP considered so dangerous by the leading law-enforcement agency inside the country? In order to provide answers to this question it must be remembered that between 1955 and 1970, the African American people led a struggle for civil rights and self-determination which impacted broad segments of the population in the U.S. helping to spawn movements within other oppressed communities.

The Black Panther Party was first formed in Lowndes County Alabama in 1965. Its origins grew out of the organizing work of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), whose field organizer, Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture) was deployed to the area in the aftermath of the Selma to Montgomery march in late March of the same year. Working in conjunction with local activists, an independent political party was formed known as the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). The group utilized the black panther as its symbol while rejecting both the Republican and Democratic Party.

In subsequent months, there were other Black Panther organizations formed in several cities including Detroit, Cleveland, New York City and other urban areas. In Oakland, California during October of 1966, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.

This movement represented an emerging phase of the Black liberation struggle where there were calls for armed self-defense, mass rebellion and the political takeovers of major municipalities by those who had been excluded from the reins of official power. Thousands of African American youth flocked to the Black Panther Party viewing the organization as a symbol of uncompromising resistance to racism, national oppression and economic exploitation.

Mumia and the BPP

Although the BPP was projected in the national corporate media as gun toting militants willing to use weapons against the police when they were threatening the Party and the community, most of the work of the organization revolved around distribution of its weekly newspaper, the establishment of free breakfast programs for children, community health clinics for the people in the most oppressed areas of the African American community while building alliances with revolutionary forces among other sectors of the population including, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Asians, Native Americans and whites committed to fundamental change within U.S. society.

Mumia noted the diversity of programmatic work during his tenure in the BPP of the late 1960s and early 1970s in his book entitled “We Want Freedom”:

“As the Breakfast program succeeded so did the Party, and its popularity fueled our growth across the country. Along with the growth of the Party came an increase in the number of community programs undertaken by the Party. By 1971, the Party had embarked on ten distinctive community programs, described by Newton as survival programs. What did he mean by this term? We called them survival programs pending revolution. They were designed to help the people survive until their consciousness is raised, which is only the first step in the revolution to produce a new America.… During a flood the raft is a life-saving device, but it is only a means of getting to higher ground. So, too, with survival programs, which are emergency services. In themselves they do not change social conditions, but they are life-saving vehicles until conditions change.” See this.

On December 4, 1969, the Chicago police under the aegis of the Illinois State’s Attorney Edward V. Hanrahan and the Chicago field office of the FBI, raided the residence of BPP members on the city’s west side. Two Panther leaders, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark were killed while several other occupants of the house were wounded.

These police actions along with hundreds of other attacks on BPP chapters across the country resulted in the deaths of many Panther members and the arrests and framing of hundreds of cadres. Numerous BPP members were driven into exile as others were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.

The Voice of the Voiceless from the Streets to Death Row

On December 9, 1981, Mumia was arrested in Philadelphia and charged with the murder of white police officer Daniel Faulkner. He was railroaded through the courts and convicted on July 3, 1982. The following year, Mumia was sentenced to die by capital punishment. He remained on death row until 2011 after an international campaign to save his life proved successful.

However, his death sentence was commuted to life in prison without parole. Mumia and his supporters have maintained that he is not guilty of the crime of killing a police officer.

After his sojourn in the BPP, Mumia utilized his writing and journalist skills learned in the Party to become a formidable media personality in Philadelphia. He was a fierce critic of police brutality and a defender of the revolutionary MOVE organization which emerged during the 1970s in the city.

Mumia was a co-founder of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) in the 1970s. He worked as a radio broadcaster and writer exposing the misconduct of the police surrounding the attack on the MOVE residence in August 1978. In 1979, he interviewed reggae superstar Bob Marley when he visited Philadelphia for a concert performance.

While behind bars Mumia has become an even more prolific writer and broadcast journalist. He issues weekly commentaries through Prison Radio where he discusses a myriad of topics including African American history, international affairs, political economy, the deplorable conditions existing among the more than two million people incarcerated in the U.S. along with police misconduct. (See this)

A renewed campaign entitled “Love Not Phear” held demonstrations around the U.S. and the world during the weekend of July 3 marking the 40th anniversary of his unjust conviction in 1982. Love Not Phear says that it is committed to the liberation of all political prisoners including Mumia Abu-Jamal.

An entry on their website emphasizes that:

“The landscape has changed over the last 40 years, a time frame that also marks the years Mumia has been incarcerated. The fight for the release of political prisoners requires a recalibration in order to challenge police corruption and racism as they have evolved in this new landscape. We cannot deny the racism, corruption, and misconduct that permeated the so-called ‘Halls of Justice’ during Mumia’s arrest and unjust kangaroo court trial. The people today know the truth; commonplace bribed witnesses, suppressed evidence, biased judges, and backroom deals put Mumia behind bars.” (See this)

Mumia through his attorneys have filed another appeal based upon evidence related to prosecutorial misconduct which has been further revealed over the last four years. The hearing will take place on October 19 in Philadelphia. Supporters of Mumia and other political prisoners will attend the hearing in this latest attempt to win the long-awaited freedom for this activist who is now 68 years old.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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It was a good but bizarre day when the CDC finally reversed itself fundamentally on its messaging for two-and-a-half years. The source is the MMWR report of August 11, 2022. The title alone shows just how deeply the about-face was buried: Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities, and Health Care Systems — United States, August 2022

The authors: “the CDC Emergency Response Team” consisting of “Greta M. Massetti, PhD; Brendan R. Jackson, MD; John T. Brooks, MD; Cria G. Perrine, PhD; Erica Reott, MPH; Aron J. Hall, DVM; Debra Lubar, PhD;; Ian T. Williams, PhD; Matthew D. Ritchey, DPT; Pragna Patel, MD; Leandris C. Liburd, PhD; Barbara E. Mahon, MD.”

It would have been fascinating to be a fly on the wall in the brainstorming sessions that led to this little treatise. The wording was chosen very carefully, not to say anything false outright, much less admit any errors of the past, but to imply that it was only possible to say these things now.

“As SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues to circulate globally, high levels of vaccine- and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools have substantially reduced the risk for medically significant COVID-19 illness (severe acute illness and post–COVID-19 conditions) and associated hospitalization and death. These circumstances now allow public health efforts to minimize the individual and societal health impacts of COVID-19 by focusing on sustainable measures to further reduce medically significant illness as well as to minimize strain on the health care system, while reducing barriers to social, educational, and economic activity.

In English: everyone can pretty much go back to normal. Focus on illness that is medically significant. Stop worrying about positive cases because nothing is going to stop them. Think about the bigger picture of overall social health. End the compulsion. Thank you. It’s only two and a half years late.

What about mass testing?

Forget it: “All persons should seek testing for active infection when they are symptomatic or if they have a known or suspected exposure to someone with COVID-19.”


What about the magic of track and trace?

“CDC now recommends case investigation and contact tracing only in health care settings and certain high-risk congregate settings.”


What about the unvaccinated who were so demonized throughout the last year?

“CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur, though they are generally mild, and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection.”

Remember when 40% of the members of the black community in New York City who refused the jab were not allowed into restaurants, bars, libraries, museums, or theaters? Now, no one wants to talk about that.

Also, universities, colleges, the military, and so on – which still have mandates in place – do you hear this? Everything you have done to hate on people, dehumanize people, segregate people, humiliate others as unclean, fire people and destroy lives, now stands in disrepute.

Meanwhile, as of this writing, the blasted US government still will not allow unvaccinated travelers across its borders!

Not one word of the CDC’s turgid treatise was untrue back in the Spring of 2020. There was always “infection-induced immunity,” though Fauci and Co. constantly pretended otherwise. It was always a terrible idea to introduce “barriers to social, educational, and economic activity.” The vaccines never promised in their authorization to stop infection and spread, even though all official statements of the CDC claimed otherwise, repeatedly and often.

You might also wonder how the great reversal treats masking. On this subject, there is no backing off. After all, the Biden administration still has an appeal in process to reverse the court decision that the mask mandate was illegal all along. “At the high COVID-19 Community Level,” the CDC adds, “additional recommendations focus on all persons wearing masks indoors in public and further increasing protection to populations at high risk.”

The problem from the beginning was that there never was an exit strategy from the crazy lockdown/mandate idea. It was never the case that they would magically cause the bug to go away. The excuse that we would lock down in wait for a vaccine never made any sense.

People surely knew early on of the social, economic, and cultural devastation that would ensue. If they did not, they never should have been anywhere near the control switches of public health. Badges and bureaucracies do not terrify a virus destined to spread to the whole planet. And not one person with even the most casual passing knowledge of coronaviruses could have sincerely believed that a vaccine would magically appear to achieve something never before achieved in the whole history of medicine.

When the Great Barrington Declaration appeared on October 4, 2020, it caused a global frenzy of fury not because it said anything new. It was merely a pithy restatement of basic public-health principles, which pretty much instantly became verboten on March 16, 2020, when Fauci/Birx announced their grand scheme.

The GBD generated mania because the existing praxis was based on preposterously unproven claims that demanded that billions of people buy into complete nonsense. Sadly many did simply because it seemed hard to believe that all world regimes but a handful would push such a damaging policy if it was utterly unworkable. When something like that happens – and there never was the hope that it could work – the regime imperative becomes censorship and shaming of dissent. It’s the only way to hold the great lie together.

So finally, nearly two years later the CDC has embraced the Great Barrington Declaration rather than doing a “quick and devastating takedown” as Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci called for the day after its release. No, they had to try out their new theory on the rest of us. It did not work, obviously. For the authors of the GBD, they knew from the time they penned the document that it was a matter of time before they were vindicated. They never doubted it.

Dr. Rajeev Venkayya is widely credited with coming up with the idea of lockdowns while he was working for the Bush administration back in 2005. He had no training at all in public health or epidemiology. He later marveled that it fell to him, a young desk-dwelling White House bureaucrat, to “invent pandemic planning.” Maybe he should have demurred that day that George W. Bush asked him to lead the charge to inaugurate a new war on pathogens.

Somehow his views gained converts, among whom was Bill Gates, the foundation for whom he worked for years. The rest is history.

In April 2020, Venkayya called me to explain why I needed to stop attacking lockdowns. He said that the planners need a chance to make their scheme work.

On the phone, I asked the same question over and over: where does the virus go? The first two times, he did not respond. I pressed and pressed. Finally he said there will be a vaccine.

It’s hard to appreciate just how preposterous that sounded at the time, and I said something along those lines: it would be a medical miracle never before seen to have a shot for a coronavirus that was sterilizing against wild type and all inevitable mutations, and to do it in a reasonable time so that society and economy had not completely fallen apart.

The whole approach was clearly milliennarian at best and utter madness at worst. And here I was, in the thick of global lockdowns, on the phone with the architect of the whole idea, an idea that had reduced billions to servitude, wrecked schools and churches, and sent communities and countries into complete upheaval. I wondered at the time what it would be like to be Dr. Venkayya that day. After all this ended in disaster, would he take responsibility? His LinkedIn profile today says otherwise: he is prepared to “tackle current and future epidemic & pandemic threats as the CEO of Aerium Therapeutics.”

There never was an exit strategy from lockdowns and mandates but they eventually did find an exit nonetheless. It came in the form of a heavily footnoted and opaquely written reversal, published by the main bureaucracy responsible for the disaster. It amounts to a repudiation without saying so. And thus does the great experiment in mass compulsion come to an intellectual end. If only the carnage could be cleaned up by another posting on the CDC’s website.

By the way, the Biden administration has extended the declaration of Covid emergency. And my unvaccinated friends in the UK still can’t board a plane to come for a visit.

All of this gives rise to the great question: what was the point? Maybe it was all a mistake and now it is gone forever but that’s unlikely. The intellectuals who pushed this project on the world have a view of the world that is fundamentally ill-liberal. They differ among themselves on the details but the general approach is technocratic central planning rooted in deep suspicion of basic tenets of freedom.

How many people on the planet have now been acculturated to top-down control, socialized to live in fear, accept whatever comes down from above, never to question an edict, and expect to live in a world of rolling man-made disasters? And was that the point after all, to cultivate low expectations for life on earth and relinquish the soul’s desire for a full and free life?


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Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute and the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and ten books in 5 languages, most recently Liberty or Lockdown. He is also the editor of The Best of Mises. He writes a daily column on economics at The Epoch Times, and speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

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On the evening of Aug. 10, 2022, the Vietnamese Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) and Vietnamese Military TV held a special event marking the 61st year since the United States military first dropped the chemical weapon known as “Agent Orange” on the people of Vietnam. People’s World was invited to attend this important event. The goal was to raise awareness and funds for Agent Orange clean up and for resources to care for the victims.

The program opened with remarks from Senior Lt. General Nguyen Van Trinh, director of VAVA. The program then shared some success stories, such as the clearing of Da Nang International Airport of the remaining dioxin. Examples of other places still in the process of being cleared were also shared. The program featured interviews with victims, their families, and their caregivers.

The program ended with thanking various people from across Vietnam that have raised funds, donated, or volunteered to help those suffering the ill effects of the toxins. This aid came from across the social and economic spectrum. Philanthropists, students, youth groups, and other grassroots initiatives were all well represented.

Starting in August 1961, until the end of the war in 1973, the U.S. military dropped Agent Orange and similar chemical weapons on 5.6 million acres of Vietnamese land. Over 90% of these lands were poisoned at least twice. By the end of the war, an estimated five million Vietnamese people were poisoned by these illegal weapons.

But the crime didn’t end with the U.S. retreat from Vietnam. The awful effects of Agent Orange have been passed down from parent to child and from child to grandchild. This means that every year there are new victims born. Every year there are new victims that suffer the horrible disabilities and deformities caused by the toxins in Agent Orange and other dioxin weapons. Today, there are nearly 4.8 million Vietnamese still suffering from the toxins first dropped on Vietnam 61 years ago.

Despite many promises made by the U.S. government to help the Vietnamese government and people with the aftermath of the U.S.’ illegal warfare, aid has been lacking. To date, 61 years later, the U.S. government has only ever helped with environmental cleanup and has never provided any help for the millions of people that suffered and continue to suffer from dioxin poisoning.

Today, Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., remains the only consistent voice calling for the U.S. government to take responsibility for its past crimes in Vietnam. Year after year, Lee proposes legislation to help care for the victims of Agent Orange. She is joined by the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign (VAORRC) and other advocacy groups that try and lobby for funding for the victims. Unfortunately, year after year, the rest of Congress fails to give the initiative enough support, leading to its failure.

It is important to note that the victims of Agent Orange were not exclusively those bombed by the U.S. military. Many U.S. veterans who handled and managed the containers of the chemicals and their decedents fell ill due to their handling of the toxins. While some veterans did receive minimal compensation, the chemical companies that made the toxins have been protected by the U.S. courts from having to take any responsibility for their crimes.

Earlier this year, it was revealed that the U.S. government was running biological labs in Ukraine. This horrifying revelation suggests the lessons from history have not been learned. While other countries seek to ban the use of unconventional weapons and create safeguards to deter their use, the U.S. military still goes in the other direction.


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Amiad Horowitz studied history with a specific focus on Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh. He lives in Hanoi, Vietnam.

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A federal jury in New York last month convicted former CIA officer Joshua Schulte on nine felony counts under the Espionage Act for providing information to WikiLeaks that became known as Vault 7.

Schulte has consistently denied that he was the source of the information.

Two years ago, he was convicted on two of the original 11 charges, while the jury hung on the remaining nine.

The most recent trial, in which Schulte represented himself, was on those nine counts, and he now faces as many as 80 years in prison. Schulte is yet to be tried on state child pornography charges.

Prosecutors had literally no evidence that Schulte had taken the data from the CIA and transferred it to WikiLeaks.

But they contended that he was a computer genius who is so brilliant that he was able to cover his tracks.

They alleged that he leaked the information because he was a disgruntled former CIA employee who hated his boss, couldn’t get along with his coworkers, and sought revenge against the Agency.

That was enough for the jury.

CIA Deputy Director for Digital Innovation Sean Roche called the Vault 7 leak “a digital Pearl Harbor.”

Chief prosecutor Damian Williams said the revelations were “one of the most brazen and damaging acts of espionage in American history.” And Vice magazine said it was “the worst leak of CIA information ever.”

The CIA leadership apparently thought the leak was so damaging that then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo ordered the Agency to come up with a plan to kidnap or to kill Julian Assange in London. One former Trump Administration national security official said that Pompeo and other senior CIA leaders, “were completely detached from reality because they were so embarrassed about Vault 7. They were seeing blood.”

All of the major media outlets reported on the finalization of Schulte’s case. What they haven’t reported on, though, is exactly what Schulte was accused of leaking in the first place.

What did we learn from Vault 7?

Vault 7 was a series of 24 collections of documents totaling hundreds of thousands of pages that included the most sophisticated computer hacking, surveillance, and cyberwarfare tools that the CIA ever developed.

WikiLeaks published the first tranche, called “Year Zero,” on March 7, 2017.

Just this first installment contained more information than all of that released by Edward Snowden and included vulnerabilities known to the CIA within web browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera and the operating systems of most of the world’s cellphones, including Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.

The fact that the CIA knew about these vulnerabilities and didn’t inform the companies was a violation of a longstanding policy that the Agency claims to have that it would assist U.S. tech companies with their security if it learned of security weaknesses.

Instead, it exploited those problems in its digital operations. We have no idea if the Agency used these vulnerabilities to spy on Americans. Ashley Gorski, an American Civil Liberties Union staff attorney said at the time, “Our government should be working to help the companies patch vulnerabilities when they are discovered, not stockpile them.”

A second Vault 7 revelation came on March 23, 2017 and included accounts of CIA efforts to hack Apple’s iPhones and Mac computers.

Additional tranches were released every week or two until September 2017.

Their revelations included proof that the CIA was able to hack into cars’ computer systems and could take over control of the vehicle.

Was the purpose of this to force the vehicle off the road? Off a cliff? Into a tree? The CIA never commented.

Still other documents showed how CIA officers could take over an unsuspecting person’s smart TV and turn its speaker into a microphone to surreptitiously bug a room, even while the television appears to be turned off.

Yet other documents showed that the CIA was running digital operations against the National Security Agency (NSA). It is unclear whether this was done as an exercise between the two agencies or if it was something more sinister.

Other revelations were that the CIA had created a program to track documents transferred by would-be whistleblowers to media outlets (the program is called “Scribblers”), malware that can take over and control computers using the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system (called “Athena”), and malware that can be transferred from one “clean” computer to another through internal systems that are otherwise protected by anti-virus software (called “Pandemic”).

Schulte’s revelations were not limited to software. He also revealed a program called “HammerDrill,” that injects a trojan horse onto CDs and DVDs and then documents information on the discs for later transmission to the CIA.

An operation called “Dark Matter” revealed security vulnerabilities unique to Apple operating systems. And Schulte revealed that the CIA had compromised vulnerabilities in a huge range of Cisco Systems router models. Apple and Cisco spent untold millions of dollars to redesign their products and correct the security flaws.

Despite the fact that this was supposedly the worst data breach in the history of the CIA, Schulte and his revelations did not get much press play.

There are several likely reasons for this. First, Schulte claimed innocence. He insisted that he was not a whistleblower and he has maintained throughout his ordeal that he did not provide WikiLeaks with anything.

Second, the state of New York, simultaneously with the federal charges, charged Schulte with multiple counts of child pornography, which has given many of Schulte’s natural supporters pause.

Prosecutors maintained that they only discovered the pornography when they seized the computer hard drives in Schulte’s apartment while looking for Vault 7 information. Schulte’s defense to the child pornography charges will be that he considers himself to be a libertarian anarchist and that he set up a server to allow people unfettered “free speech,” something akin to the 4chan and 8chan servers.

He maintains that he has not “received” or “disseminated” any child pornography personally. However, when child pornographers saw that Schulte’s server supported “unfettered free speech,” they used it to trade illegal images and videos. Schulte is adamant that none of the pornography was his. His protestations likely won’t matter.

I’m of two minds on Joshua Schulte. On the one hand, the American people have a right to know what the government is doing in their name, especially if what the government is doing is illegal. On the other hand, Schulte is adamant that he is not the person who provided WikiLeaks with the information. Does that mean we walk away from Schulte and celebrate an anonymous whistleblower?

Either way, one of the things that I feel strongly about is the treatment that Schulte has endured.

He has been held in barbaric conditions over the past two years, kept in a literal cage in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Brooklyn, New York.

pictures depicting a typical ADMAX SHU cell and show (moving clockwise from top left) the bunk bed, shower, seating area, and combination toilet and sink fixture.

Picture of solitary confinement cell at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center in Brooklyn where Schulte was kept for two years. [Source:]

Now that he has been convicted, he’ll likely be placed in a Special Administrative Unit or a Communications Management Unit in a maximum-security or Supermax penitentiary.

The government will seek to cut him off from the rest of the world for as long as possible. That alone should be worth our interest and disgust.


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John Kiriakou was a CIA analyst and case officer from 1990 to 2004. Kiriakou is the sole CIA agent to go to jail in connection with the U.S. torture program, despite the fact that he never tortured anyone. Rather, he blew the whistle on this horrific wrongdoing. John can be reached at: [email protected].

Featured image: Joshua Schulte is seen using a contraband cell phone while located within the premises of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. (Source: United States District Court – Southern District of New York, licensed under the public domain)

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COINTELPRO, an abbreviation for Counter-Intelligence Program, was the illegal brainchild of the F.B.I.’s first and longest-serving director, J. Edgar Hoover, whose obsession with communism and “subversion” allowed him to justify violating the civil rights and civil liberties of millions of Americans.

Under COINTELPRO, which Hoover initiated in 1956, the F.B.I. surveilled, infiltrated, discredited, disrupted, burglarized and harassed American citizens and organizations as diverse as the Communist Party USA, anti-Vietnam War protestors, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Black Panther Party, the Nation of Islam, the American Indian Movement, environmentalists, animal rights organizations, Puerto Rican nationalists and even the National Lawyers’ Guild.

The program continued until 1971, when a group of progressive activists broke into an F.B.I. field office in Media, Pennsylvania, stole documents related to COINTEPRO, and sent them to the press.  Nobody in the F.B.I. was ever punished for the program’s many illegalities, but the “burglars” who revealed the program were hunted for decades.  None were ever caught.

And now, 51 years after it ended, a bill has been introduced to the U.S. Congress that would expose still classified details of the F.B.I.’s abuse of power.

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) on May 4 sponsored the legislation that would do some exciting things.  The COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Act would require the U.S. federal government to publicly disclose, within six months of being signed into law, all records related to the F.B.I.’s illegal COINTELPRO operation “that would not cause harm” to the national security.

It would also establish something called the “COINTELPRO Records Review Board” to review determinations by government offices that do not fully disclose their records after six months.  To top it off, the bill would also require the removal of J. Edgar Hoover’s name from the F.B.I.’s headquarters building in Washington.

The measure was assigned to the House Oversight and Reform Committee as well as to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  A day later, it was referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management.  There has been no action on the bill since May, and no concurrent bills have been sponsored in the Senate.

The FBI’s Aims

COINTELPRO had specific goals.  According to the book Surveillance and Governance: Crime Control and Beyond by Mathieu Deflam, F.B.I. agents were tasked with creating a negative public image for the groups and people targeted; breaking down the organizations by creating internal conflicts; creating dissension among groups that otherwise might be allied; restricting access to public resources, such as through non-profits; restricting the ability to organize protests, such as by having F.B.I. agents who had infiltrated the groups threaten violence against police or initiate violence; and restricting the ability of individuals to participate in group activities through character assassination, rumor, innuendo, and false arrests.

MIT professor and activist Noam Chomsky told the BBC in 1996,

“COINTELPRO was a program of subversion carried out not by a couple of petty crooks, but by the national political police, the F.B.I., under four administrations.  By the time it got through, it was aimed at the entire New Left, at the women’s movement, at the whole Black movement.  It was extremely broad.  Its actions went as far as political assassination.”

Certainly, the F.B.I. carried out political assassinations against members of the Black Panther Party.  An even better known COINTELPRO target, though, was Martin Luther King.  Immediately following the 1963 March on Washington, F.B.I. Special Agent William Sullivan, the officer in charge of COINTELPRO, wrote to Hoover, saying,

“In light of King’s powerful demagogic speech (the “I Have a Dream” speech), we must mark him now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro, and national security.”

F.B.I. headquarters in Washington. (Gareth Milner, Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Within weeks, the F.B.I. had bugged King’s home and his hotel rooms, they had planted informants around him and they had designated King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference as a “subversive organization.”

Hoover’s most degenerate action within COINTELPRO was a plan in 1964 to try to convince King to commit suicide.  King had begun to criticize the F.B.I. publicly in 1963 for not treating the Ku Klux Klan as a terrorist organization.  In response, Hoover ordered that King’s communications be intercepted.

And on Nov. 21, 1964, just two days after the announcement that King had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the F.B.I. sent him a “suicide package” that contained audio recordings of his liaisons with various women.  An attached letter said,

“There is only one way out for you.  You better take it before your filthy, abnormal, fraudulent self is bared to the nation.”

The letter went on to say that the tapes would be released to the media if he did not kill himself before accepting the Peace Prize.  And, indeed, Hoover ordered that the tapes be sent to Newsweek and Newsday. Even after King was assassinated in 1968, the FBI continued to malign his memory by providing his enemies with information to enable attacks on his character.

This building in Media, Pennsylvania, now known as County Court Apartments, was the site of the March 8, 1971, break in of the local F.B.I. office that resulted in the exposure of the CoIntelPro program. (Smallbones, CC0, Wikimedia Commons)

There was literally nothing good about COINTELPRO.  It was illegal.  It was unethical.  It was immoral.  It was used to prevent Americans from exercising their constitutional rights.  It was a dark period in American history — one of the darkest in modern American history.  Our government owes it to the American people to lay the information bare.  All of COINTELPRO should be declassified.  Bobby Rush’s bill would do that.

I say would, rather than will, because this bill has an almost zero chance of passing through both houses of Congress and being signed into law by the president.  That it was referred to a subcommittee in May and has had no subsequent action is akin to a death notice.

But it is possible to give it life.  I’ve spent years on Capitol Hill, working first for a Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania and later as the senior investigator on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  I can tell you that a letter from a constituent has a great deal of authority, far more so than an email.  Members of Congress really do react to letters from the people they represent.  It may sound quaint, or even a little silly, but that’s democracy at work.   This bill can be discharged from the subcommittee if the public demands it.

Bobby Rush was right to sponsor this bill.  The F.B.I. should have declassified COINTELPRO decades ago.  Remember, the American people own this information.  They deserve to know what their government has done in their name.


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John Kiriakou is a former CIA counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. John became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act—a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of his attempts to oppose the Bush administration’s torture program.

Featured image: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in 1959. (Wikimedia Commons)

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Guest is Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab, lawyer and University Professor.

In this session, he argues that institution-related vaccination obligation should end this year. He presents new mechanism for retirement and nursing homes and its consequences.

Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (RKI) is to “determine the vaccinations, the state of medical science and nursing science”. These measures would be binding for affected service providers.

Consequence: The recommendations (for dealing with unvaccinated staff/visit/patient or client) are likely to be strictly implemented solely out of fear of being held legally responsible later by reference to infringement. (Legislator pulls himself out of the affair by relinquishing responsibility for control).


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The new NATO 2030 Strategic Concept indicates a disturbing change in the Alliance’s strategic orientation. As a result, provocations towards Moscow, as well as Beijing, are escalating, especially after the former was labelled by NATO as “the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.” Under this context, the Atlantic Alliance urged member states to allocate more resources for military purposes, as well as to increase the rapid reaction forces on its Eastern European front from 40,000 troops to a staggering 300,000. This is in addition to escalations in the South China Sea.

NATO’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, explained that, unlike the previous document of the same title, which was adopted in Lisbon in 2010, there are no longer any guidelines on cooperation with Moscow, not even in the areas of arms control, the fight against terrorism or drug trafficking. Relations with Russia are continuously deteriorating as the West instigates less cooperation and more conflict.

The behaviour of NATO’s main members – the US and the United Kingdom, as well as Germany and France, in Ukraine, but also in the Caucasus and Central Asia, signify that Russia is the most direct threat to Western hegemony despite China’s massive economic rise. Therefore, there is nothing epochal about the positioning on NATO’s eastern borders since it is a logical epilogue of a process that has been ongoing since at least 2014. Arguments can be made though that this process began with the Syrian War in 2011, or perhaps even as early as 2008 with the NATO-instigated Russo-Georgia War.

The change in strategic orientation, projected in the medium term, also concerns China’s relations with the West and Russia. The tightening of relations between China and Russia is contrary to the interests of the Alliance because, according to NATO, “China seeks to undermine the current world order by controlling global logistics and its economy,” hence NATO’s strengthening of relations with its Asia-Pacific partners.

It is also for this reason that the US encouraged the dismantling of the EU-China investment agreement, openly supports protesters in Hong Kong and repeats claims of a Chinese-perpetrated genocide against the Uyghurs, escalates tensions in the South China Sea, and helped dismantle the 17 + 1 format, which in practice can no longer function. This is also in addition to Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taipei and the establishment of the AUKUS alliance.

For the most part, in NATO’s new strategic orientation, China could arguably be heading towards a similar situation to that of Russia in 2014. For NATO strategists, China’s response to Pelosi’s visit, manifested by military and naval exercises in the South China Sea, is excessive. They are of this view because China exposed how easily Taiwan could be isolated from the outside world, with the US only able to watch on.

NATO is moving very explicitly and in a targeted manner against China. Perhaps such a step was induced or accelerated by Beijing’s refusal to align itself with the West’s anti-Russian sanctions and condemnation of the demilitarisation of Ukraine.

Proceeding with such provocations and escalations is also very risky for NATO though. A NATO-instigated war against China, just as the Alliance left Russia no choice but to demilitarise Ukraine to ensure its own national security, would reshape the world much faster and fundamentally than what has already occurred due to the war in Eastern Europe. The attempted isolation of Russia not only failed, but in fact accelerated the changing of the global geopolitical and economic system away from Western hegemony.

As China is the largest industrial power in today’s world, as well as a massive market for consumer goods and a key investor and creditor in numerous regions, without a stable China, there is no global stability. If the Alliance was not able to achieve its goal in Ukraine, a region where several NATO members directly border Russia too, there is little prospect that it can make any major achievement on the Asian front.

If the Alliance is not capable of coping with a direct confrontation with Russia in Europe, it raises the question on how it will be able to cope with a direct confrontation on two fronts against a potential Russian-Chinese coalition. NATO’s anti-Chinese and anti-Russian strategic commitment, which has been framed until at least 2030, is a dangerous provocation, and not only for the targeted countries.  The West’s provocations are a danger to the entire world as it can dramatically affect global stability and the quality of life of everyday citizens, hence why the NATO 2030 Strategic Concept is alarming.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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A foreign affairs columnist called the move by the Biden administration a “shortsighted, morally unconscionable, and potentially calamitous decision for a country on the cusp of universal poverty.”

Exactly a year after the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan’s government, the Biden administration said it would not return any of the $7 billion in Afghan central bank assets that it commandeered earlier this year, despite pleas from both human rights groups and economists to help pull the impoverished country out of its economic crisis.

As The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, U.S. envoy Tom Wolf told the newspaper that talks between the White House and the Taliban regarding the release of at least half the funds have ended, following the U.S. drone strike which killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

U.S. officials say al-Zawahiri’s location near a Taliban official’s home shows that officials will not “manage assets responsibly” and will therefore withhold all of the funds as inflation and other factors push the prices of Afghan goods up by nearly 100% in some cases.

The U.S. had been considering placing $3.5 billion in a trust fund for Afghanistan to spend addressing its humanitarian crisis—with the other half of the money being set aside for the families of 9/11 victims, over the objections of some of those family members who believe all the money should be used to benefit Afghan civilians.

The U.S. has pledged more than $774 million in aid to Afghanistan over the past year, but economists including Shah Mehrabi, an economics professor at Montgomery College in Maryland and a board member of Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), have warned that foreign humanitarian assistance “is not a solution” to the widespread suffering that has taken hold across the country.

“Many poor women and children will not be able to buy bread and other necessities of life,” Mehrabi told the Journal. “Those reserves belong to the central bank, and have to be used for monetary policy.”

Anti-war group CodePink added that while the U.S. has criticized the Taliban for keeping women out of government positions over the past year and shutting down schools for girls, withholding funds from the country only gives women “a harder time fighting for their rights.”

As the U.S. announced it had scrapped plans to return any of the seized funds, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) said 97% of the Afghan population is expected to live below the poverty line by the end of 2022 and more than 24 million people—nearly two-thirds of the population—are without enough food to eat each day.

The United Nations has estimated that more than 90% of people in Afghanistan lack sufficient food.

“With each week that goes by, more Afghans are forced to resort to the unimaginable to survive: that means skipping meals, taking on debt, pulling children out of school to save money–and even more extreme measures such as selling young daughters into marriage or selling organs,” said the IRC. “One woman recently told IRC staff that she is forced to pick food from the garbage and if she can get enough of the hair and dirt off, she brings it home for her six children. Otherwise they go days without eating.”

Considering the dire circumstances facing millions of Afghan people, Daniel DePetris of the foreign policy think tank Defense Priorities called the Biden administration’s decision “shortsighted, morally unconscionable, and potentially calamitous.”

The Biden administration has been rebuked by economists and human rights advocates for refusing to release the funds out of the stated fear that the money will go to supporting the Taliban instead of ordinary Afghans.

Michael Galant, secretariat of Progressive International, accused the White House of “starving the Afghan people to avoid a bad PR day” for President Joe Biden.

On “Last Week Tonight” Sunday, host John Oliver acknowledged that releasing the funds carries the risk of inadvertently funding the Taliban.

“The key question here isn’t just what happens if we send Afghanistan money and aid,” said Oliver. “It’s what happens if we don’t. And we know the answer to that: Millions of innocent Afghans will suffer and die under a government they did not choose.”

“The reality is, there is no one simple solution here that is without risk,” he added. “But 38 million people’s lives are at stake.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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The World Economic Forum is becoming a little concerned. Unapproved opinions are becoming more popular, and online censors cannot keep up with millions of people becoming more aware and more vocal. The censorship engines employed by Internet platforms, turned out to be quite stupid and incapable. People are even daring to complain about the World Economic Forum, which is obviously completely unacceptable.

So, WEF author Inbal Goldberger came up with a solution: she proposes to collect off-platform intelligence from “millions of sources” to spy on people and new ideas, and then merge this information together for “content removal decisions” sent down to “Internet platforms”.

To overcome the barriers of traditional detection methodologies, we propose a new framework: rather than relying on AI to detect at scale and humans to review edge cases, an intelligence-based approach is crucial.

By bringing human-curated, multi-language, off-platform intelligence into learning sets, AI will then be able to detect nuanced, novel abuses at scale, before they reach mainstream platforms. Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in. This more intelligent AI gets more sophisticated with each moderation decision, eventually allowing near-perfect detection, at scale.

What is this about? What’s new?

The way censorship is done these days is that each Internet platform, such as Twitter, has its own moderation team and a decision making engine. Twitter would only look at tweets by any specific twitter user, when deciding on whether to delete any tweets or suspend their authors. Twitter moderators do NOT look at Gettr or other external websites.

So, for example, user @JohnSmith12345 may have a Twitter account and narrowly abide by Twitter rules, but at the same time have a Gettr account where he would publish anti-vaccine messages. Twitter would not be able to suspend @JohnSmith12345’s account. That is no longer acceptable to the WEF because they want to silence people and ideas, not individual messages or accounts.

This explains why the WEF needs to move beyond the major Internet platforms, in order to collect intelligence about people and ideas everywhere else. Such an approach would allow them to know better what person or idea to censor — on all major platforms at once.

They want to collect intelligence from “millions of sources”, and train their “AI systems” to detect thoughts that they do not like, to make content removal decisions handed down to the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and so on. This is a major change from the status quo of each platform deciding what to do based on messages posted to that specific platform only.

For example, in addition to looking at my Twitter profile, WEF’s proposed AI would also look at my Gettr profile, and then it would make an “intelligent decision” to remove me from the Internet at once. It is somewhat of a simplification because they also want to look for ideas and not only individuals but, nevertheless, the search for wrongthink becomes globalized.

This sounds like an insane conspiracy theory from hell: WEF collecting information on everyone everywhere, and then telling all platforms what posts to remove, based on a global decision-making AI engine that sees everything and can identify individual people and ideas beyond any given platform.

If someone ever told me that it would be contemplated, I would probably think that this person is insane. It sounds like a sick technological fantasy or a far-fetched conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, this crazy stuff is real, is in a WEF agenda proposal that is officially posted on their website’s “WEF Agenda” section. And WEF is not messing around.

You will have no voice and you will be happy!


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The European Commission is secretly considering the full deregulation of certain types of genetically modified (GM) crops – yet it has not admitted as much publicly. Under such policy scenarios, deregulation could mean scrapping safety checks, traceability, and labelling for GMOs that are claimed to be able to arise naturally – and removing GMO labelling for GM products declared “sustainable”.

The Commission’s detailed policy plans for 2030-35 are revealed for the first time in a targeted survey, which we’ve published in the public interest after it was only sent to certain stakeholders. The survey is being run by consultants to the Commission. These plans are the basis for the impact assessment that will accompany the Commission’s proposal to change the GMO regulations, planned for spring 2023.

In response to the targeted survey, the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament has written a letter to the Commission complaining that its “policy scenarios have not been made public but only released to a select group of individuals” via the survey. The letter continues, “We consider that this is not the appropriate way to ensure participants to the consultation have access to all relevant information to make an informed answer and call on you to publish this survey without delay.”

What has the Commission said publicly?

The Commission has announced a new legal framework for plants obtained by “targeted mutagenesis” (by which it seems to mean gene editing of the SDN-1 and SDN-2 types) and cisgenesis (genetic engineering in which genes are artificially transferred between organisms that could otherwise be conventionally bred). The Commission has said it wants to set up a separate regulatory regime for these GM crops, excluding them from existing EU rules for GMOs. It also wants to promote supposedly “sustainable” GM crops – those that it believes can contribute to the EU’s Green Deal objectives.

So far, little has been known about this new framework. The Commission has only set out certain “policy elements” in a so-called Inception Impact Assessment, published in September 2021:

  • Risk assessment and approval requirements “proportionate to the risk involved”
  • A sustainability analysis
  • “Appropriate traceability and labelling provisions”
  • Mechanisms to be able to rapidly adjust elements of the legislation.

These “policy elements” are not further explained in the Commission’s public consultation, which closes on 22 July (GMWatch has submitted its response).

In line with earlier announcements, the consultation talks about legislation for GM “plants produced by targeted mutagenesis or cisgenesis”. It assumes, without evidence, and ignoring a large pile of evidence showing extensive DNA damage caused by gene editing, that some such GM plants “could have been produced through conventional plant breeding or classical mutagenesis” (questions 3 and 12). “Classical mutagenesis” means the decades-old techniques of radiation- or chemical-induced mutagenesis breeding. The Commission also assumes, again without evidence, that some such GM plants could have “traits contributing to sustainability” (question 7).

The Commission has always rejected the term “deregulation”. It has said it is going to introduce an “appropriate” and fit-for-purpose regulatory framework for certain GM crops derived from new GM techniques, which it calls “new genomic techniques”. It has also said it will not compromise on consumer and environmental safety.

However, the detailed policy scenarios show another picture – that full deregulation of some GM crops is a realistic option.

What are the Commission’s plans?

The Commission’s consultants targeted survey describes seven policy scenarios considered by the Commission – which are not mentioned in the public consultation. These scenarios are important because they form the basis for the upcoming regulatory impact assessment, which compares different policy scenarios with each other and against a baseline scenario (i.e. no policy action).

The seven policy scenarios, A1 to C2, reveal that the Commission is considering scrapping all GMO regulatory requirements for GM crops that “could also be obtained naturally or by conventional breeding”.

The scenarios show that:

  • The Commission wants to distinguish two new categories of GM plants: GM crops that “could also be obtained naturally or by conventional breeding” and GM crops that have “desirable sustainability impacts”.
  • For GM crops that the Commission claims could be obtained naturally or by conventional breeding, the Commission is considering scrapping all GMO regulatory requirements (scenarios A2, B3). This includes the requirements for
    – pre-market safety assessment
    – product traceability across the supply chain
    – GMO detection method supplied by the developer of the GMO in question
    – GMO labelling.

These GM crops would essentially be regulated like non-GM crops, disregarding any risks to public health and the environment, the need of non-GM producers to rule out GM contamination, and the public’s right to know what is in their food.

Commission proposes the “Bayer option”

Commission scenarios A2 and B3 are exactly what Bayer has publicly asked for. In its response to the Commission’s public consultation, Bayer said it wants a screening step in the regulation to decide whether any GMO regulatory steps at all are needed. Bayer said there should be a “first step… assessing whether the changes in the DNA… are similar to the ones that could have been obtained through conventional breeding methods or spontaneous mutation”. According to Bayer, “products with similar safety profiles” should “then be subjected to the same marketing specific regulations” – in other words, there would be no GMO regulation for GMOs that are claimed to have similar changes to what could have happened naturally.

UK Bill

Not coincidentally, this is exactly the same deregulatory scenario that is currently being pursued by the UK Conservative government, in the form of the draft “Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill” that is currently working its way through Parliament. Because the UK is no longer in the EU, the UK government can pass this England-based law unilaterally, aligning England with the USA’s weak standards on GMO regulation. The EU Commission clearly wants the EU to follow England in this “race to the bottom”.

“Sustainable” GMOs

The Commission is also considering the option to scrap the requirement for a GMO label for supposedly “sustainable” GM crops. It also considers lowering the risk assessment requirements for all GM crops engineered with “targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis” (A1). Again, this information has not been presented publicly and is not available to anyone answering the public consultation.

All GM crops must be subject to existing GMO rules

The Greens state in their letter to the Commission, ”As Greens/EFA group, we oppose the introduction of separate legislation for products of new genetic modification (GM) techniques such as targeted mutagenesis (i.e. SDN-1, SDN-2 and ODM [oligo directed mutagenesis]) and cisgenesis. We believe that all genetically modified (GM) crops must be subject to the existing GMO legislation with its requirements for risk assessment, traceability and clear labelling.

”Indeed, the European Court of Justice clarified in 2018 that new GM techniques cannot be excluded from the scope of EU GMO legislation unless they have conventionally been used in a number of applications and have a long safety record. Since this is not the case for gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, these techniques should be regulated under the EU GMO legislation, in order not to undermine the EU’s Precautionary Principle. As Greens/EFA, we fully support the Court’s ruling.”

The Greens make three demands for all GMOs: That they are subjected to a full and robust risk assessment; that no market access should be permitted without traceability and a detection method; and that there should be clear GMO labelling on the final product so that consumers have the choice of whether to buy it.

All these principles are in place under the current GMO legislation – which the Commission is secretly planning to dismantle.

The Greens rightly conclude: “The sustainability of our food system is not a matter of individual products. A plant trait in isolation, without considering the agricultural context in which the plant is grown, is insufficient to draw any meaningful conclusion. Until today, conventional breeding has consistently outstripped genetic engineering techniques (old and new) in producing crops tolerant to stresses such as drought, floods, pests, and diseases.* Claims that GM plants will contribute to improved EU food systems are not supported by current evidence. The European Union should not weaken its GMO regulations to accommodate empty promises of ‘sustainable’ GM plants.”

Commission proposals spell “disaster” for Non-GMO sector

Commenting on the revelations in the targeted survey, Heike Moldenhauer, Secretary General of the Non-GMO industry association ENGA, said: “The deregulation proposals put forward by the Commission aim to remove the labelling of New GMOs. Should a new legal framework abolish traceability and labelling, then New GMOs will effectively become invisible and the Non-GMO sector would run the risk of unknowingly and unintentionally selling New GMO products. In this new world of unregulated GMOs, untested and invisible GMOs will find their way on to European fields, supermarket shelves and on to the plates of consumers – irreversibly.

“Consumers’ right to know what is in their food, via clear labelling, is a key social and political achievement, guaranteed through the currently legally-binding GMO label. To abolish this or replace it with a sustainable label, and therefore making New GMOs invisible, would be an unjustifiable step backwards and would encourage distrust: Why do New GMOs have to be invisible to gain market acceptance?

“For the Non-GMO food sector this move to deregulate and abolish labelling would spell disaster! It effectively removes the sector’s selling point, meaning massive financial setbacks, if not the end of its business entirely.”


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Twenty years after first suggesting it, federal regulators on Monday proposed adding a group of plastic additives common in toys, flooring and fabric coatings to its list of toxic chemicals, concluding that it can “reasonably be anticipated to cause cancer and serious or irreversible chronic health effects in humans.”

The ruling by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency affects DINP, a family of di-ester phthalates widely used as plasticizers. It comes 22 years after the EPA first proposed adding DINP to the list, known as the Toxics Release Inventory.

Manufacturers treat plastics with DINP-category chemicals to provide greater flexibility and softness to the final product, the EPA said.

Toxics Release Inventory

If finalized, the rule will require manufacturers that make or process more than 25,000 pounds of DINP-category chemicals per year – or use more than 10,000 pounds annually – to report certain information to the agency. That data include quantities of DINP-category chemicals released into the environment or otherwise managed as waste.

The Toxics Release Inventory is meant to give the public information about chemicals at facilities in their area, how they are being managed, and if they are being released into the environment. Facilities that make and use the chemicals and the waste sites where the products end up are disproportionately found near impoverished neighborhoods, often home to People of Color.

DINP health risk

DINP-class chemicals are suspected carcinogens. The European Food Safety Authority considers them to be endocrine-disrupting compounds that interfere with testosterone. The EPA attributes exposure to developmental effects and kidney and liver toxicity.

Earlier this year, the Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disrupting Strategies coalition, a group of senior researchers concerned about chemicals that hijack hormonal function, issued a warning about DINP to manufacturers seeking a replacement for other harmful plasticizers such as DEHP.

“Enough is known to classify it as an anti-androgen, a developmental neurotoxicant, and a potential obesogen,” the group said. “Precautionary science argues against that replacement.” HEEDS is a project of Environmental Health Sciences, publisher of

New approach to chemical regulation

Patricia Taylor, former director of the Plastics and Waste Reduction Project at Environment and Human Health, Inc., called this a “possible sea change” for federal chemical management.

“The public will gain access to this information and this will allow them to better protect themselves against exposures and to ask for monitoring, regulations, and restrictions or bans,” she said. That data, she added, can be used by researchers to analyze health and environmental impacts in studies such as health and life-cycle assessments.

Taylor noted two other striking takeaways from Monday’s decision:

First, federal regulators first raised alarm about health impacts associated with the chemical in 2000. “This is a clear example of the glacial pace of the review process at EPA,” she said.

Second, the ruling covers a class of chemicals, rather than a specific one – suggesting the EPA is “inching towards” policies that regulate chemicals by class. “This is something being strongly recommended by independent scientists who research chemicals such as phthalates, bisphenols and other endocrine disruptors used to make plastics,” Taylor said.

“Such restrictions by class would prevent some of the ‘regrettable substitutions'” – many compounds used in “BPA-free” products are just as harmful as BPA, for instance – “which are now standard practice by industries when faced with information that a chemical in their product is harmful to health or the environment.”


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The West continues to insist on indefinitely prolonging the suffering of the Ukrainian people. The policy of sending military aid seems to have no limits. In addition to financial remittances and arms shipments, Western countries are also mobilizing to give military instructions to Kiev. Considering the war crimes and human rights violations repeatedly committed by Ukrainian forces, supporting Kiev militarily means co-participating in the crimes – and the West must be judged responsible for that.

On 12 August, Canada and Sweden announced that they had sent teams of military instructors to participate in a joint program with the UK to train Ukrainian troops. Currently, London leads a project of military assistance to Ukraine by training soldiers with Western instructors. The objective is to pass on the technical and practical knowledge necessary for the Ukrainians to use the military equipment received from the West in the best possible way, thus helping Kiev to continue its “resistance” against the Russian special military operation.

Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand said that 225 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) officers will be sent to the UK to participate in the project. The first phase of participation would consist of a four-month period of joint military actions, in which Ukrainian combatants would be instructed in knowledge “related to frontline combat, weapons handling, first aid, field craft, patrol tactics, and include the law of armed contact “. She also made it clear that, in addition to training soldiers, Ottawa will also be contributing by sending 39 armored vehicles to Kiev.

In the same day, Swedish government also made it clear that it intends to actively participate in this London-led international mobilization. Stockholm announced the deployment of 120 military instructors to participate in the program. The act follows a previous announcement, in which Finland also committed to act in the training, albeit in a more moderate way, sending about 20 instructors. This is just another step towards militarization, revealing the bellicose turn that both countries have taken since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, when Sweden and Finland started to react irrationally to Moscow’s measures, even asking for NATO membership.

In fact, it must be noted that countries like Canada, Sweden and Finland are historically weak nations from a military point of view, whose security has always depended on two key factors: neutrality or automatic alignment. In the case of the Scandinavian nations, neutrality has always been a central factor, which began to be reversed as local governments adopted more favorable stances towards NATO – culminating in the current application for membership. In the Canadian case, however, the pillar of defense policy has always been automatic alignment with the US, complying with all decisions taken by Wasington in exchange for a place in the security umbrella.

These countries remain militarily weak. Their participation in the program does not imply real changes. Most Canadian, Swedish and Finnish military officers do not even have real war experience, which shows the practical irrelevance of being participating in the UK-led project. More than that: the very existence of a training program is of questionable relevance. Although the UK and other NATO countries have great military expertise and undoubtedly have qualified instructors to train their allies, the short training time makes it almost impossible for soldiers to prepare properly.

British military assistance to Kiev with training of personnel is not new. Since 2014 London has been assuming projects to train Ukrainian soldiers. Some of these programs took place publicly, while others were conducted secretly – such as the clandestine “Operation Orbital”, in which more than 22,000 Ukrainian troops were trained by British agents. What the UK is doing now is simply continuing its actions of the last eight years, with the only difference that now NATO’s plans for Ukraine have already failed. The aim is no longer to arm Kiev so that it can become a local power against Russia – it is simply to prolong the conflict indefinitely in order to “postpone” Russian victory.

For the UK, continuing with the instructions is an opportunity to encourage the operation with Western military equipment and thus try to extend the conflict. For Canada, Sweden and Finland, it is a mere gesture of “political goodwill”, without any relevance. But, above all, those involved in these trainings and in all forms of military aid to Kiev share on the fact that they become co-responsible for the Ukrainian atrocities. Since it is proven that Western-trained Ukrainian soldiers use Western weapons against civilians in Donbass, then the West itself is participating in these crimes and should be sanctioned for doing so.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The mobile billboards are a brainchild of standup-comic-turned- activist Randy Credico. Each one is 15 feet long and circulates around DC’s most famous landmarks, skewering the hypocrisy of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Jerald Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats.

D.C. residents and tourists—as many as 40,000 a day—are stopping in their tracks, doing a double take, then breaking into big smiles whenever one of comic-turned-activist Randy Credico’s huge 100-square-foot billboards drives by.

Randy Credico talks about his Assange motorized billboard campaign with Grayzone founder Max Blumenthal.

Publicly shaming government officials this way, with ridicule and sarcasm, is being welcomed by D.C. residents as entertainment, since this is a city where political commentary is usually tedious, boring and ponderous—more likely to put you to sleep than make you perk up and smile.

One billboard features a blow-up of the infamous “fist-bump” that Joe Biden lovingly delivered to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on July 15, nakedly revealing Biden’s hypocrisy to the entire world. The billboard speech balloon has Joe Biden saying:

“Here’s the deal. I won’t mention Khashoggi if you don’t mention Assange.”

This is total moral hypocrisy on Biden’s part.

As the world well knows, after bin Salman masterminded the grisly murder and dismemberment of Saudi Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, Biden called Saudi Arabia a “pariah” state with “no redeeming social value” that murdered “innocent people.

Billboard truck in front of the courthouse for the Eastern District of Virginia, where Assange will be tried if he is extradited, and where so many whistleblowers have been sent to prison by CIA-friendly judges and juries. [Source: Photo Courtesy of Randy Credico]

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden insisted that bin Salman and the Saudis “have to be held accountable,” and that “a Biden-Harris administration will … make sure America does not check its values at the door to sell arms or buy oil.”

Pandering to a Bloody Autocrat for Arms and Oil

But Biden certainly did check America’s values at the door. He gave bin Salman a pass for Khashoggi’s murder—and for hundreds of thousands murdered in Yemen—precisely to buy more oil at lower prices (which, in fact, for all his pandering, he did not succeed in getting, returning home from his Middle East trip embarrassingly empty-handed).

So it is no surprise that Biden caved to pressure from the intelligence community, and is pursuing the same warped vendetta against Julian Assange as Trump’s former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo. The Biden administration is brutally murdering Assange just as deliberately as bin Salman murdered Khashoggi—and for the same reason—because Assange exposed incriminating information that the government wanted to cover up.

In a just world, Assange would be celebrated for exposing deceit, corruption and criminal behavior. Instead, he is being victimized on behalf of the very criminals whose crimes he exposed.

Most upsetting of all is how Assange has been abandoned by his former media partners at The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, El Pais and Der Spiegel. This abandonment is ironic, since the secret documents that Assange gave them to publish—and for which they earned numerous journalistic accolades—are the very documents for which the U.S. is indicting Assange under the Espionage Act.

Assange’s crime was to tell the American public about the evil its government was committing in its name. The public’s crime would be to allow him to be imprisoned for life by the very government that committed those crimes.

Billboard truck driving past Washington Monument. [Source: Photo courtesy of Randy Credico]

That’s what Credico’s giant motorized billboards hope to prevent. They are alerting the public to this parody of justice, and hopefully will pressure Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland to drop the case against Assange.

If the U.S. government succeeds in jailing Assange for revealing its crimes, it will kill independent investigative journalism forever. It will allow any journalist, from any country in the world, who dares to reveal U.S. crimes, to be extradited for treason, dragged to this country, and imprisoned.

If you want to support Credico’s mobile billboard campaign to free Assange (it requires money to keep those trucks rolling), you can make a donation HERE.

NOTE 1: Randy Credico is a recent winner of an “Award for Journalistic Excellence” from the Society for Independent Investigative Journalism. He hosts the influential radio and podcast series Assange: Countdown to Freedom and is a tireless creator of “awareness events” to generate public and political pressure for release of the most important publisher of the 21st century.

NOTE 2: Credico first tried to buy billboard space for his “Free Assange” campaign from Clear Channel, the world’s largest outdoor media company, whose billboards dominate the entire DC area. But Clear Channel is tightly tied to the U.S. extreme right, and–no surprise—refused to run billboards urging (gasp!) freedom for a Hillary-hugging, Russia-loving traitor like Julian Assange. “Your billboards don’t meet our community standards,” he was told.

Fortunately, Randy was rescued by the plucky owner of a one-man outdoor media company called DC Mobile Ads, who convinced Randy to forget about traditional billboards and put his campaign on wheels—which he happily did. The company owner loves the billboards so much that he volunteered to drive one of the trucks all over D.C. himself. An especially nice touch is that the graphic designer for the billboards is an Australian resident named Somerset Bean (@somersetbean), who is delighted to do his part to help an Aussie countryman out of a tough spot.


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Steve Brown is a member of the Editorial Board of CovertAction Magazine. He can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image: Randy Credico’s Billboard truck driving past Capitol Building while House and Senate are in session. [Source: Photo Courtesy of Randy Credico]

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It has been almost one year since the FDA gave full approval to Pfizer’s mRNA COVID injection. Yet many will be surprised to find out that this particular vaccine, in FDA approved form, has never actually existed, and will never exist. The Biden Administration’s highly touted FDA approval was a mere sleight of hand. It was bureaucratic trickery. There remains no FDA approved COVID vaccine that is actually available in the United States, and there may never be one.

On August 23, 2021, the FDA approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty shot, the FDA cleared version of the emergency use authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Marked as a turning point in the battle against the virus, the Biden Administration, Government Health agencies, and Pfizer went on a full PR blitz to crush what they deemed “vaccine hesitancy.” Big Tech and media “fact checkers” also joined in on the mRNA uptake blitz campaign, with all of these forces maintaining a false reality in which FDA approved vaccines were readily available.

Four emergency use authorization shots (and counting) later, It has became very clear, despite shoddy academic papers to the contrary, that the mRNA drug does not work, is particularly risky for young men, and is not in any way, shape, or form a vaccine by its traditional definition. But at the time of the FDA approval, “fully vaccinated” meant just two shots, and the government rubber stamp measure was weaponized to convince Americans to get the shot. “Safe and Effective,” and now, “FDA approved.”

Additionally, the Biden Administration leveraged this fraudulent FDA approved status to pressure private companies into coercing their employees to take the shot, Of course, they did not actually have access to an FDA approved shot. However, the campaign succeeded with flying colors, as millions of Americans were forced to take the shot under duress, as they couldn’t afford to be rendered unemployed by the biomedical security state.

The American government engaged in a pharmaceutical sales campaign, based on polling data, to trick its own citizens into taking a shot that they thought was FDA approved. However, everyone in America was being injected with — and continue to take — the legally distinct emergency use authorization (EUA) version of the shot. The FDA approved Comirnaty shot has never become available to the American public in the United States.

In the months following the initial FDA approval, Pfizer continued to make new excuses for why it was not rolling out the FDA approved version of the mRNA injection. The pharmaceutical company seemed to be playing what amounted to a shell game.

Finally, in June, as reported in The Dossier, Pfizer acknowledged in quiet filings to the CDC that they would never produce the FDA approved version of Comirnaty that was authorized on August 23, 2021.

The Dossier has the full timeline in our piece, “Ghost Shot,” which you can click below.

The Dossier has been “fact checked” by the likes of Politifact and USA Today, which falsely claimed that there was indeed an FDA approved vaccine available to the public, when that is absolutely, provably not the case.

Now, as the one year anniversary for the FDA approval of Comirnaty approaches, we are left with more questions than answers. The Biden Administration, Big Pharma, and Big Tech teamed up to fool Americans into taking a shot that they thought was FDA approved, but it turns out, that shot never actually existed, and will never exist.


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More than 5 billion people could starve to death following a nuclear war between the US and Russia, finds a study published on recently in the journal Nature Food. Ash and soot from cities burning following the war would enter the atmosphere and block out sunlight, consequently leading to crop failure, etc., and death.

The study findings should alert all the people around the world. “The data tell us one thing: We must prevent nuclear war from ever happening”, climate science professor and study co-author Alan Robock said. Robock said: “The five-year-old UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has been ratified by 66 nations, but none of the nine nuclear states. Our work makes clear that it is time for those nine states to listen to science and the rest of the world and sign this treaty.”

Till today, most of the assumptions about nuclear war focus on the deaths and destructions due to the bombing.

But the latest study finds that the real suffering of humanity would come in the years after the war, as there’ll be breakdown of supply chains and devastation of infrastructure, and problems from these will increase with the effect of a nuclear winter on food crops. So, there’s no other option, but oppose war. On the question of nuclear war, imperialism, and economies and politics of interests leading to nuclear armaments are to be opposed.

The study (Xia, L., Robock, A., Scherrer, K. et al, “Global food insecurity and famine from reduced crop, marine fishery and livestock production due to climate disruption from nuclear war soot injection”, Nature Food, 2022, (see this), August 15, (see this) has been conducted by scientists at Rutgers University, US.

In a nuclear war, the cooling effect would be created when the ash from a nuclear devastation would enter the atmosphere, and it would reach a peak within a year or two. The study finds the reduction in temperature would last for over a decade and would also involve reduced precipitation.

The cooling effect of ash entering the Earth’s atmosphere was recorded following major volcanic eruptions including the 1783 Laki eruption in Iceland or the 1815 Tambora eruption in Indonesia. Both of these eruptions led to famines and political upheavals.

Referring to a number of studies, the study report said:

“In a nuclear war, bombs targeted on cities and industrial areas would start firestorms, injecting large amounts of soot into the upper atmosphere, which would spread globally and rapidly cool the planet. Such soot loadings would cause decadal disruptions in Earth’s climate, which would impact food production systems on land and in the oceans.”

“[T]he ozone layer would be destroyed by the heating of the stratosphere, producing more ultraviolet radiation at the surface. We need to understand that impact on food supplies”, said Lili Xia, lead author of the study.

The scientists estimated crop yields by country, changes to livestock pasture and marine fisheries; and analyzed potential mitigation policies including utilizing livestock grains to feed humans and increasing fishing operations. But these factors had a negligible effect on world food supplies.

The study analyzed six nuclear war scenarios including five smaller nuclear conflict scenes while the sixth looked at a large-scale US-Russia conflict. The smaller scenes included Pakistan-India nuclear conflict.

The study report said:

# More than 2 billion people could die from an India-Pakistan nuclear war.

# More than 5 billion could die from a US-Russia nuclear war.

The study report said:

“For a nuclear war, the global cooling would depend on the yields of the weapons, the number of weapons and the targets, among other atmospheric and geographic factors.”

“A war between India and Pakistan, which recently are accumulating more nuclear weapons with higher yield, could produce a stratospheric loading of 5 – 47 Tg of soot. A war between the United States, its allies and Russia — who possess more than 90% of the global nuclear arsenal — could produce more than 150 Tg of soot and a nuclear winter. While amounts of soot injection into the stratosphere from the use of fewer nuclear weapons would have smaller global impacts, once a nuclear war starts, it may be very difficult to limit escalation.”

After a US-Russia nuclear conflict, the study models found, the quantity of global food production would go down by 90% within three to four years, and 75% of the global population would be starving within two years.

The study found: In the case of smallest scale nuclear war scene, the global food supplies would have disastrous effect – the average caloric production would be reduced by 7% globally within five years, which would be the highest change since the Food and Agricultural Organization started keeping records in 1961.

The study report said:

Recent catastrophic forest fires in Canada in 2017 and Australia in 2019 and 2020 produced 0.3–1 Tg of smoke (0.006–0.02 Tg soot), which was subsequently heated by sunlight and lofted high in the stratosphere. The smoke was transported around the world and lasted for many months. This adds confidence to our [the scientists’] simulations that predict the same process would occur after nuclear war.

The study report said: Local radioactive contamination and climate change from nuclear war would impact the insect community.

However, it said, the influence on pests, pollinators and other insects is unclear, and hence further studies are needed.

The study didn’t consider inland fish capture, as inland fish contribute only 7% of total fish production, and inland fisheries would not change the main conclusions of this study.

Direct climate change impacts on livestock and fish, and large-scale use of alternative foods, requiring little-to-no light to grow in a cold environment, reduced human populations due to direct or indirect mortality and possible reduced birth rate were not also considered in the study. However, alternative foods, requiring little-to-no light to grow in cold environment could be a lifesaving source of emergency food if such production systems were operational.

The scientists used a state-of-the-art global climate model to calculate the climatic and biogeochemical changes caused by a range of stratospheric soot injections, each associated with a nuclear war scenario; combined results with assumptions about how other crop, livestock and fish production and food trade could change; and calculated the amount of food that would be available for each country in the world after a nuclear war.

According to the study report, “for a regional nuclear war, large parts of the world may suffer famine. Using crops fed to livestock as human food could offset food losses locally but would make limited impacts on the total amount of food available globally, especially with large atmospheric soot injections when the growth of feed crops and pastures would be severely impaired by the resulting climate perturbation. Reducing household food waste could help in the small nuclear war cases but not in the larger nuclear wars due to the large climate-driven reduction in overall production.”

The scientists found “particularly severe crop declines in major exporting countries such as Russia and the US, which could easily trigger export restrictions and cause severe disruptions in import-dependent countries.” Their “no-trade response illustrates this risk — African and Middle Eastern countries would be severely affected.”

“New Zealand”, according to the study report, “would also experience smaller impacts than other countries”, and “Australia and New Zealand would probably see an influx of refugees from Asia and other countries experiencing food insecurity.”

The study report said:

“Cooling from nuclear wars causes temperature limitations for crops, leading to delayed physiological maturity and additional cold stress. Calorie reduction from agriculture and marine fisheries shows regional differences, with the strongest percentage reductions over high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Even for the India–Pakistan case, many regions become unsuitable for agriculture for multiple years. [….] The nuclear-armed nations in mid- to high latitude regions (China, Russia, United States, France, North Korea and United Kingdom) show calorie reductions from 30% to 86%, and in lower latitudes (India, Pakistan and Israel), the reduction is less than 10%. Impacts in warring nations are likely to be dominated by local problems, such as infrastructure destruction, radioactive contamination and supply chain disruptions, so the results here apply only to indirect effects from soot injection in remote locations.”

“The climatic impacts”, the study found, “would last for about a decade but would peak in the first few years”.

Since many years, scientists are warning about nuclear war/arms. With this latest warning from the scientists, sources creating/engaged with nuclear armaments business, creating conditions for nuclear arms manufacturing and competitions need to be identified; and the information should be disseminated among peoples, so that people raise voices, and oppose these sources of/interests leading to nuclear weapons and threats of nuclear war. This is not a task of only the working classes. It’s a task of all the classes that find its survival threatened with nuclear arms/war, that find no interest in nuclear armaments. It shouldn’t be missed that interests of only a very small coterie is involved with and benefits from nuclear armaments/nuclear war business.

The following figures are from the study report, which help further comprehend the issue the scientists searched.

Fig. 1: Climatic impacts by year after different nuclear war soot injections.


af, Changes in surface temperature (a), solar radiation (c) and precipitation (e) averaged over global crop regions of 2000 and sea surface temperature (b), solar radiation (d) and net primary productivity (f) over the oceans following the six stratospheric soot-loading scenarios studied here for 15 years following a nuclear war […]. These variables are the direct climate forcing for the crop and fishery models. The left y axes are the anomalies of monthly climate variables from simulated nuclear war minus the climatology of the control simulation, which is the average of 45 years of simulation. The right y axes are the percentage change relative to the control simulation. The wars take place on 15 May of Year 1, and the year labels are on 1 January of each year. For comparison, during the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago, global average surface temperatures were about 5 °C cooler than present. Ocean temperatures decline less than for crops because of the ocean’s large heat capacity. Ocean solar radiation loss is less than for crops because most oceans are in the Southern Hemisphere, where slightly less smoke is present.

Fig. 2: Calorie production changes for crops and fish, and accumulated carbon change for grasses following different nuclear war soot injections.


ac, Global average annual crop calorie production changes (%; maize, wheat, rice and soybeans, weighted by their observed production (2010) and calorie content; a), marine fish production changes (%; b) and combined crop and fish calorie production changes (%; c) after nuclear war for the different soot-injection scenarios. d, Grass leaf carbon is a combination of C3 and C4 grasses, and the change is calculated as annual accumulated carbon. For context, the grey line (and shaded area) in a are the average (and standard deviation) of six crop models from the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison (GGCMI […]) under the 5 Tg scenario. CLM5crop shows a conservative response to nuclear war compared with the multi-model GGCMI response.

Fig. 3: Global average human diet and protein composition and usage of crop-based products.


a, Global average human diet composition. Percentages are % of available calories. Veg. is vegetables. b, Global average human protein diet composition. Marine wild capture contributes 75% of marine fish. Percentages are % of dry matter production. c, Distribution of four major cereal crops and marine fish between human food and other uses. Percentages are % of dry matter production. d, Usage of crop-based products in 2010 (% of dry matter crop-based production). The color gradient legend in grey in c illustrates the usage of different crops and fish in colors. While humans consume most of the wheat and rice grown, most maize and soybeans are used for livestock feed.

Fig. 4: Food intake (kcal per capita per day) in Year 2 after different nuclear war soot injections.


The left map is the calorie intake status in 2010 with no international trade; the left column is the Livestock case; the middle column is the Partial Livestock case, with 50% of livestock feed used for human food and the other 50% still used to feed livestock; and the right column is the No Livestock case, with 50% of livestock feed used for human food. All maps assume no international trade and that the total calories are evenly distributed within each nation. Regions in green mean food consumption can support the current physical activity in that country; regions in yellow are calorie intake that would cause people to lose weight, and only sedentary physical activity would be supported; and regions in red indicate that daily calorie intake would be less than needed to maintain a basal metabolic rate (also called resting energy expenditure) and thus would lead to death after an individual exhausted their body energy reserves in stored fat and expendable muscle. 150 Tg + 50% waste is half of the household waste added to food consumption, and 150 Tg + 100% waste is all household waste added to food consumption.

Fig. 5: Overview of global calorie intake and sensitivity to livestock and food waste assumptions.


a, Global average change in calorie intake per person per day in Year 2 post-war under the Livestock case (yellow bars) and for the Partial Livestock case (red bars), assuming that all food and waste is evenly distributed. For the Partial Livestock case, additional calories potentially available by human consumption of animal feed, mainly maize and soybeans, are plotted for various portions of converted animal feed (pink tick marks), and the remaining livestock crop feed is used for raising livestock. Critical food intake levels are marked in the right margin. b, Without international trade, the global population (%) that could be supported, although underweight, by domestic food production at the end of Year 2 after a nuclear war if they receive the calories supporting their regular physical activity and the rest of the population would receive no food, under the Livestock and Partial Livestock cases. The blue line in b shows the percentage of population that can be supported by current food production when food production does not change but international trade is stopped. National data are calculated first and then aggregated to global data.


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Farooque Chowdhury writes from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Note: All quotes, direct/indirect, are from the study report cited in the article.

Featured image is from Countercurrents

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In den siebziger und achtziger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, in einer Zeit materiellen Wohlstands und vielfältiger Zukunftsperspektiven, hat der Autor die Werke des Literaturnobelpreisträgers Albert Camus zwar eifrig gelesen, jedoch ihre historische, philosophische und psychologische Tiefe nicht wirklich erfasst und empfunden.

Ein viertel Jahrhundert später, nach einem „gelebten Leben“ und inmitten finsterer Zeiten (Brecht), möchte er dazu anregen, Camus‘ Dramen, Romane und philosophische Essays wieder zu lesen: Zum einen bieten sie bei der individuellen Bewältigung der absurden Welt Orientierung und Unterstützung, zum anderen – und das ist ebenso wichtig wie das eigene „Überleben“ – bedeuten sie eine Schulung im Geiste der Revolte, jener Geisteshaltung, die die Gerechtigkeit bereits auf dieser Erde, und nicht erst im Himmel verwirklichen will. Es ist schmerzlich, zu erleben, dass sich die Mitmenschen nur sehr schwer dafür gewinnen lassen.

Trotz aller Absurdität des Weltenlaufs und der Dämonie der Menschheitsgeschichte werden Camus‘ düstere Schilderungen von einer großen Liebe zur Welt und zum Mitmenschen überstrahlt. So lautet seine letzte (schriftlich überlieferte) Nachricht: „Geben, wenn man kann. Und nicht hassen, wenn das möglich ist.“ (1)

Die Absurdität der Welt – und der Sinn des Lebens

Das Problem der menschlichen Existenz ist das Grundmotiv des existentialistischen Philosophierens. Die entscheidende Frage, die sich nach Camus jedem Menschen stellen muss, ist die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens. Zuerst müssen die Menschen jedoch wissen, ob sie dieses Dasein rückhaltlos bejahen können. Erst danach können sie sich dazu entschließen, wie sie ihr Leben gestalten wollen.

In der Regel wollen die meisten Menschen diesem wichtigen Problem ausweichen, doch Ausflüchte nützen nichts: man muss ja oder nein sagen. Würde es sich nicht mehr lohnen zu existieren, weil alles als absurd erkannt wurde, scheint es keine andere Lösung mehr zu geben als den Selbstmord. Dem Selbstmord geht eine Verzweiflung voraus: die Überzeugung, dass es keinen Ausweg mehr gibt, keine Zuversicht. Der Entschluss, der in der Stille einer verzweifelten Seele heranreift, ist der absurdeste aller Entschlüsse und daher auch derjenige, der am schwersten zu fassen ist.

Man sollte nicht glauben, dass das Problem des Selbstmordes nur in die „Pathologie“ gehört, in die Lehre von den abnormalen und krankhaften Vorgängen und Zuständen im Körper und deren Ursachen. Auch der „normale“ Mensch kennt – vor allem in finsteren Zeiten – Lebenssituationen, in denen im Menschenherzen der Wunsch aufsteigt, Mühseligkeit und Qual dieses Daseins von sich zu werfen. So nahmen im ersten Corona-Jahr 2020 auch die Selbstmorde unter Jugendlichen stark zu (2).

Nach Camus ist der Selbstmörder jedoch ein Philosoph, dessen Erkenntnishaltung in einem Fehlschlag endet. Der Selbstmörder hält die von ihm erfasste Absurdität der Welt nicht aus und entflieht ihr. Der Einsicht in die Absurdität der Welt vermögen eben nur wenige standzuhalten; die Flucht davon ist die Regel, sowohl im Alltagsleben wie auch in Philosophie, Religion und Wissenschaft. Der religiöse Mensch klammert die Absurdität der Welt durch die Hoffnung aus, dass eine göttliche Instanz einen höheren Sinn verbürge.

Der Mythos von Sisyphos – einem glücklichen Menschen

Der Selbstmord – faktisch oder im philosophischen Sinn – ist nicht die einzig mögliche Haltung des Menschen gegenüber dem Absurden. Wenn das Leben tatsächlich keinen Sinn mehr hat, so bedeutet das noch keine Nötigung, sich umzubringen. Auch die Flucht in irdische oder überirdische Hoffnungen kann vermieden werden. Die Erkenntnis des Absurden enthält in sich die Aufforderung, der Absurdität Herr zu werden.

In der Sage „Der Mythos von Sisyphos“ schildert Camus einen Menschen, der die Absurdität erkannt hat und sich lächelnd in einem illusionslosen Universum zu behaupten versucht. Wie alle Gespenster, so entweicht auch das Gespenst der Absurdität, wenn man nur den Mut aufbringt, es zu stellen. Dies ist nur möglich, wenn die Menschen nicht zu ihren Göttern flüchten, sondern sich daran gewöhnen, einen gleichgültigen Himmel über sich zu sehen, und eine Sonne, die sowohl auf seine Freuden als auch auf seine Leiden unbeteiligt herabscheint. Der Verzicht auf die Götter lehrt die Menschen, den lebenslänglichen Kampf gegen die Absurdität aufzunehmen. Und dies in der Absicht, dieser sinnlosen Welt doch noch ein Maß von Sinn aufzuzwingen.

Die Sage erzählt, dass die Götter Sisyphos verurteilt hätten, in der Unterwelt einen Stein auf einen Hügel zu wälzen, und dies bis in alle Ewigkeit, da der Stein jedes Mal, wenn der Gipfel erreicht wird, den Abhang hinunterrollt. Mit einem Wort: Sisyphos, der Held des Absurden, ist zu ewiger Qual verdammt. Seine Anstrengungen haben keinen Sinn, denn er weiß, dass der Stein immer aufs Neue rollen wird. Die unaufhörliche Mühsal führt zu keinem Erfolg, und die Flucht in die Hoffnung ist Sisyphos versagt. Dennoch wälzt er seinen Stein.

Man kann Sisyphos nur verstehen, wenn man ihn auf dem Weg nach unten zu seinem Stein betrachtet. Der Abstieg ist die Zeit des Bewusstseins. Sisyphos überblickt den nutzlosen Kraftaufwand, an dem er sich verschwendet hat, und er denkt an die vergebliche Bemühung, die wieder auf ihn wartet. Trotzdem ist er weit davon entfernt, den Kampf aufzugeben. Er erkennt, dass das Schicksal vom Menschen abhängt und dass das Leben nur Sinn hat, wenn man die Steine wälzt.

Die schmerzliche Qual, die so lange dauert, wie das Menschenleben selbst, bezieht Sisyphos in sein Dasein ein, ohne dass er gewillt ist, Trost zu suchen. Er bekennt sich zur Erde und verleugnet den Himmel. Er geht seinen Weg durch das Land der Hoffnungslosigkeit, ohne zu fragen, wie weit er sich seinem Ziel genähert habe.

Sisyphos gebührt Ruhm dafür, dass er bereit ist, seine Last bis zum Tode zu tragen. Er jammert auch nicht, weil er weiß, dass das Jammern die Steine nicht bewegt. In seinem frohgemuten Herzen, das sich keinem Gott unterwirft, wächst kein Groll gegen diese Welt, in der das Abenteuer eines Menschenlebens abläuft. Da es nur diese eine Welt gibt, wäre es widersinnig, sie nicht zu bejahen, selbst dann, wenn sie für den Menschen nur die zu wälzenden Steine bereithält. Die Auflehnung und der endlose Kampf von Sisyphos enthalten keine Bitterkeit. Camus sagt: „Man muss sich Sisyphos als einen glücklichen Menschen vorstellen.“

Sisyphos ist nicht nur ein Held der Sage – er ist eine Wirklichkeit des Alltags, sichtbar werdend in ebenso vielen Variationen wie die Absurdität der Welt. In seinem Roman „Die Pest“ hat Camus das Drama von Sisyphos auf die Gegenwart übertragen. Sowohl die Figuren als auch die Szenerie dieses Schauspiels weisen über sich selbst hinaus. Der eigentliche Schauplatz des Dramas ist nicht die Stadt Oran, sondern die Welt – und in verschiedenen Personen, die Camus in ihrem Leben, Lieben und Sterben schildert, erblickt man den lebenden, liebenden und sterbenden Menschen, der im Grunde den Zeitenlauf überdauert.

„Der erste Mensch“: Schreiben für die Mutter und das Mutterland Algerien

Der autobiographische Text „Le premier homme“, an dem Albert Camus nach Verleihung des Nobelpreises im Jahr 1957 bis zu seinem Unfall-Tod 1960 arbeitete, beginnt mit einer Widmung an seine Mutter, die Witwe Camus: „Dir, die Du dieses Buch nie wirst lesen können“. (3) 

Im Roman „Der erste Mensch“ schildet Camus in der dritten Person und unter einem fiktiven Namen die Kindheit eines armen Algerienfranzosen in der kolonialen Stadt Algier und wie die analphabetische Großmutter und die analphabetische Mutter die Familie, deren Vater im Ersten Weltkrieg gefallen war, durchbrachten. Er schreibt von den Leiden und Freuden einer armen Kindheit unter der Sonne Algeriens und der prägenden Rolle, die der verantwortungsvolle Elementarschullehrer Louis Germain im Leben des begabten Kindes spielte.

Camus erzählt von der hart arbeitenden, schweigsamen, schwerhörigen und leicht sprachbehinderten Mutter, deren stiller und rätselhafter Existenz die ganze Liebe des Knaben galt. Als erwachsener und erfolgreicher Schriftsteller sprach und schrieb er für sie, um ihr Schweigen wettzumachen. In der Überlieferung heißt es:

„Was er am meisten auf der Welt ersehnte, dass seine Mutter das, was sein Leben und sein Ureigenstes war, lesen würde, genau das war unmöglich. Seine Liebe, seine einzige Liebe würde auf ewig stumm bleiben.“ (4)

Doch Camus schrieb nicht nur für seine Mutter, sondern auch für sein Mutterland Algerien. Die Verleihung des Nobelpreises und sein Tod fallen in die Jahre, in denen in der französischen Kolonie Algerien, dem Land, in dem Camus geboren wurde und aufgewachsen ist, ein Unabhängigkeitskrieg gegen Frankreich geführt wurde, den das offizielle Frankreich lange nicht als Kriegshandlung des kolonisierten Volkes anerkennen wollte.

Deshalb schrieb Camus in seiner ihm eigenen Sprache und Leidenschaft gegen das Unrecht:

„Gebt das Land zurück. Gebt alles Land den Armen, denen, die nichts haben und die so arm sind, dass sie sich nicht einmal gewünscht haben, etwas zu haben und zu besitzen, denen, die ihr gleichen (der Mutter), der zahllosen Schar der Armen, die meisten von ihnen Araber, manche auch Franzosen, denen, die hier mit Hartnäckigkeit und Ausdauer leben oder vielmehr überleben, mit der einzigen Ehre, die auf der Welt etwas wert ist, die Ehre der Armen.“ (5)

Brief an den Volksschullehrer Louis Germain nach Verleihung des Literaturnobelpreises

In der editorischen Notiz zu Beginn des Romans „Der erste Mensch“ schreibt die Herausgeberin, Camus‘ Tochter Catherine Camus:

„‘Der erste Mensch‘ ist das Werk, an dem Albert Camus bis zu seinem Tod arbeitete. Das Manuskript wurde bei dem tödlichen Autounfall am 4. Januar 1960 in seiner Mappe gefunden. Es besteht aus 144 mit der Hand in einer eiligen, schwer entzifferbaren Schrift heruntergeschriebenen Seiten, manche ohne Punkt und Komma, die nie überarbeitet wurden.


Nach der Lektüre von ‚Der erste Mensch‘ wird man verstehen, weshalb wir auch den Brief Albert Camus‘, den er nach der Verleihung des Literaturnobelpreises an seinen Volksschullehrer Louis Germain schickte, und dessen letzten Brief an ihn im Anhang abdrucken.“ (6) 

Camus selbst charakterisiert seinen ersten Lehrer in seinem autobiographischen Roman folgendermaßen:

„In Monsieur Germains Klasse fühlten sie zum erstenmal, dass sie existieren und Gegenstand höchster Achtung waren: Man hielt sie für würdig, die Welt zu entdecken. Und ihr Lehrer ließ es sich sogar nicht nur angelegen sein, ihnen beizubringen, wofür er bezahlt wurde, er eröffnete ihnen sogar sein Privatleben, er lebte es mit ihnen, erzählte ihnen seine Kindheit und die Geschichte von Kindern, die er gekannt hat, legte ihnen seine Ansichten dar und nicht seine Ideen, denn er war zum Beispiel antiklerikal wie viele seiner Kollegen und sagte im Unterricht doch nie ein einziges Wort gegen die Religion oder gegen etwas, was eine Wahl oder Überzeugung betraf, aber er verurteile umso vehementer, was indiskutabel war, nämlich Diebstahl, Denunziation, Taktlosigkeit, Unanständigkeit. Vor allem aber erzählte er ihnen vom noch ganz nahen Krieg, den er vier Jahre mitgemacht hatte, von den Leiden der Soldaten, von ihrer Tapferkeit, ihrer Geduld und vom Glück des Waffenstillstands.“ (7)

Der Brief Camus‘ an diesen Lehrer und dessen Antwort wurden im Anhang des Romans abgeduckt (8):

„19. November 1957

Lieber Monsieur Germain,

Ich habe den Lärm sich etwas legen lassen, der in diesen Tagen um mich war, ehe ich mich ganz herzlich an Sie wende. Man hat mir eine viel zu große Ehre erwiesen, die ich weder erstrebt noch erbeten habe. Doch als ich die Nachricht erhielt, galt mein erster Gedanke, nach meiner Mutter, Ihnen. Ohne Sie, ohne Ihre liebevolle Hand, die Sie dem armen kleinen Kind, das ich war, gereicht haben, ohne Ihre Unterweisung und Ihr Beispiel wäre nichts von alledem geschehen. Ich mache um diese Art Ehrung nicht viel Aufhebens. Aber diese ist zumindest eine Gelegenheit, Ihnen zu sagen, was Sie für mich waren und noch immer sind, und um Ihnen zu versichern, dass Ihre Mühen, die Arbeit und die Großherzigkeit, die Sie eingesetzt haben, immer lebendig sind bei einem Ihrer kleinen Zöglinge, der trotz seines Alters nicht aufgehört hat, Ihr dankbarer Schüler zu sein. Ich umarme Sie von ganzem Herzen.

Albert Camus“

Volksschullehrer Louis Germain antwortete Camus am 30. April 1939: 

„Mein lieber Kleiner,

(…). Ich finde keinen Ausdruck für die Freude, die Du mir mit Deiner reizenden Geste und der Art, Dich zu bedanken, gemacht hast. Wenn es möglich wäre, würde ich den großen Jungen, der Du geworden, und der für mich immer ‚mein kleiner Camus‘ bleiben wird, fest an mich drücken. (…). Der Pädagoge, der seinen Beruf gewissenhaft ausüben will, lässt keine Gelegenheit aus, seine Schüler, seine Kinder kennenzulernen, und sie bietet sich ständig. Eine Antwort, eine Geste, eine Haltung sind äußerst aufschlussreich. Ich glaube also den netten kleinen Kerl, der Du warst, gut zu kennen, und das Kind enthält im Keim oft den Mann, der es werden wird. Deine Freude an der Schule war überall spürbar. Dein Gesicht verriet Optimismus. (…).

Ich glaube, ich habe während all meiner Berufsjahre das Heiligste im Kinde respektiert: das Recht, seine Wahrheit zu suchen. Ich habe euch alle geliebt und glaube, mein Möglichstes getan zu haben, nicht meine Ideen zu äußern und so eure junge Intelligenz zu belasten. Wenn von Gott die Rede war, (er steht auf dem Lehrplan), sagte ich, dass manche an ihn glauben, andere nicht, und dass jeder im Vollbesitz seiner Rechte machte, was er wollte. Ebenso beschränkte ich mich beim Thema Religionen darauf, die anzugeben, die es gab und denen angehörte, wem es gefiel. Ehrlich gesagt fügte ich hinzu, dass es Menschen gab, die keine Religion ausübten. Ich weiß, das missfällt jenen, die aus den Lehrern Handelsvertreter für Religion machen möchten und zwar, um genauer zu sein, für katholische Religion. (…).

Mit herzlichem Gruß Germain Louis“ 

Die letzte Nachricht von Albert Camus: „Geben, wenn man kann. Und nicht hassen, wenn das möglich ist.“

In Lou Marins (Hrsg.) Veröffentlichung “Albert Camus – Libertäre Schriften (1948-1960)“ wird unter „Abschnitt V. Epilog“ „Die letzte Nachricht von Albert Camus“ veröffentlicht. In der redaktionellen Vorbemerkung der libertären Zeitschrift „Reconstruir“ (Wiederaufbau) (B.P. 320, Buenos Aires) heißt es: „Wir übersetzen hier aus dem Spanischen die Fragen, die ‚Reconstruir‘ gestellt hatte, sowie die geschriebenen Zeilen unseres großen Freundes, dessen Mutter, wie man weiß, selbst Spanierin war. Auf dass diese Nachricht, der aufgrund des Ereignisses ein testamentarischer Wert zukommt, die nachkommende Generation, deren beste geistige Stimme Camus bleibt, inspirieren möge.“ (9)

Die letzte Frage an Camus lautete:

Reconstruir: Wie sehen Sie die Zukunft der Menschheit? Was müsse man tun, um zu einer Welt zu kommen, die weniger von der Notwendigkeit unterdrückt und freier wäre?

Albert Camus: Geben, wenn man kann. Und nicht hassen, wenn das möglich ist.“ (10)

In einer unautorisierten Fassung, die dem Autor vorliegt, heißt es ergänzend:

„Soviel Kraft wie möglich wiederfinden, nicht um zu beherrschen, sondern um zu geben.

Sich nicht beklagen. Nicht herausstellen, was man ist oder was man tut.

Wenn man gibt, bedenken, dass man empfangen hat.“  


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Lehrer (Rektor a. D.), Doktor der Pädagogik (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych. mit Schwerpunkt: Klinische-, Pädagogische-, Medien- sowie Individual-Psychologie). Viele Jahrzehnte unterrichtete er, bildete bei der BAYER-AG in Leverkusen Hochschulabsolventen fort, gründete in Köln zusammen mit Kollegen eine Modellschule für ehemalige Schulversager und leitete sie. An der Bayerischen Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung war er als Instituts-Rektor für die Ausbildung von Beratungslehrkräften für alle Schularten zuständig. Am Ende seiner Berufslaufbahn war er Staatlicher Schulberater für die Landeshauptstadt München. Als Pensionär arbeitete er viele Jahre als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung und eine Erziehung zum Gemeinsinn und Frieden.


(1) Marin, Lou (Hrsg,). (2013). Albert Camus – Libertäre Schriften (1948-1980). Hamburg, 363


(3) Camus, Albert (1995). Der erste Mensch. Reinbek bei Hamburg, S. 11

(4) Bouchentouf-Siagh, Zohra / Kampits, Peter (2001). Zur Aktualität von Albert Camus. Wien, S. 17

(5) A. a. O., S. 17 f.

(6) Camus, Albert (1995). Der erste Mensch. Reinbek bei Hamburg, S.7 f.

(7) A. a. O., S. 168

(8) A. a. O., S. 376 ff.

(9) Marin, Lou (Hrsg,). (2013). Albert Camus – Libertäre Schriften (1948-1980). Hamburg, S. 363

(10) A. a. O., S. 364

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A group of journalists and lawyers, who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was living under political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, sued the CIA and former CIA director Mike Pompeo. They allege that the agency under Pompeo spied on them in violation of their privacy rights.

Undercover Global S.L., a private security company in Spain, and the company’s director David Morales are also named as defendants. UC Global ramped up surveillance against Assange and shared audio and video footage from the embassy with “American intelligence.”

“The United States Constitution shields American citizens from US government overreach even when the activities take place in a foreign embassy in a foreign country. Visitors who are lawyers, journalists and doctors frequently carry confidential information in their devices,” declared Richard Roth, who is the lead attorney representing the plaintiffs.

“They had a reasonable expectation that the security guards at the Ecuadorian embassy in London would not be US government spies charged with delivering copies of their electronics to the CIA,” Roth added.

Two of the plaintiffs are attorneys who have represented Assange—Margaret Rather Kunstler, a civil rights activist and human rights attorney, and Deborah Hrbek, a media lawyer.

The other two plaintiffs are journalists Charles Glass and John Goetz, who worked for Der Spiegel when the German media organization first partnered with WikiLeaks to publish documents on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

The lawsuit comes around two months after United Kingdom Home Secretary Priti Patel approved the US extradition request against Assange. His legal team has submitted two separate appeals in the UK courts, yet it is increasingly evident that Assange could be flown to the US to face Espionage Act charges that civil liberties, human rights, and press freedom organizations around the world have condemned.

According to the complaint [PDF] filed in a US court in the Southern District of New York, Glass, Goetz, Hrbek, and Kunstler, like all visitors, were required to “surrender” their electronic devices to UC Global employees hired by Ecuador to provide security for the embassy. What they did not know is that UC Global “copied the information stored on the devices” and allegedly shared the information with the CIA. Pompeo allegedly authorized and approved the action.

Security required plaintiffs to leave their devices with them, which contained “confidential and privileged information about their sources or clients. This information was copied and allegedly shared with the CIA.

It is estimated that “well over 100 American citizens who visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy” had their privacy rights violated. This includes attorneys who were there to represent Assange, journalists who traveled to interview him, and even doctors who came to the embassy to assess and treat his deteriorating health. Their privileged communications stored on electronic devices were compromised.

The CIA-backed spying operation began around January 2017 and lasted until UC Global’s contract was terminated around April 2018. By that time, the Justice Department under President Donald Trump already had a sealed indictment against Assange.

Pompeo allegedly approved the placement of hidden microphones in new cameras at the embassy. He allegedly approved bugging the embassy with hidden microphones. He allegedly signed off on a plan to allow the CIA to “observe and listen to Assange’s daily activities at the embassy.”

Also, the complaint claims Pompeo approved the copying of visitors’ passports, “including pages with stamps and visas.” He ensured that all “computers, laptops, mobile phones, recording devices, and other electronics brought into the embassy,” were “seized, dismantled, imaged, photographed, and digitized.” This included the collection of IMEI and SIM codes from visitors’ phones.

Morales did not speak very good English, yet as further evidence that UC Global was working for the CIA, the complaint notes that UC Global employees were given “written technology instructions” for live streaming and audio associated with the surveillance” that were in “perfect English.”

There was an “external streaming access point” for “American intelligence” sent from the “Venetian Hotel,” or the Las Vegas Sands, the complaint asserts.

Around January 2017, Morales traveled to the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor (SHOT) convention at Las Vegas Sands. The convention was an expo for the private security industry. Security personnel for Las Vegas Sands spoke with Morales and reportedly recruited Morales to spy on Assange for the CIA. (The Las Vegas Sands was owned by Sheldon Adelson, the late billionaire who bankrolled Trump’s campaign.)

When Morales returned to Spain, at least one whistleblower from UC Global has said Morales told employees the company was now “in the big league,” and they would be working for the “dark side.” He indicated “the Americans” would help UC Global secure major contracts throughout the world.

The complaint says former UC Global employees believe the “deal included selling information obtained through the illegal surveillance of Assange to the CIA.”

Additionally, the complaint claims that CIA handlers in the US were collecting recordings from Morales either through delivery to Las Vegas, Washington, DC, or New York or through transfers on an FTP server at UC Global offices that gave CIA personnel external access to the material.

Reporting from the Spanish newspaper El País previously corroborated many of the claims in the complaint. Their journalism was based upon primary source materials shared with them by whistleblowing UC Global employees.

Some of these revelations were part of Assange’s challenge to the US extradition request, but a UK magistrates’ court dismissed the allegations as irrelevant to the indictment from the US Justice Department.

There is a criminal case in a Spanish court against Morales and UC Global associates. US officials have refused to cooperate with requests from a Spanish judge for information about the CIA’s alleged involvement.

Pompeo was summoned by the Spanish court to provide testimony back in June.

In September 2021, Yahoo! News published a bombshell report on “secret war plans” against Assange that involved proposals for kidnapping and assassinating Assange after Pompeo became obsessed with the WikiLeaks founder following the media organization’s publication of CIA hacking materials that became known as the “Vault 7” materials.

Pompeo labeled the organization a “non-state hostile intelligence agency,” and in April 2017, he made it the focus of his first speech as CIA director. “The one thing [current] whistleblowers don’t need is a publisher,” since the internet already enables enough sharing of information.

During the speech, Pompeo called Assange a “coward,” a “fraud,” and a “narcissist.” He pledged to pursue a “long term” campaign to neutralize WikiLeaks.

“Assange remained in the embassy in London for 7 years, believing he would face extradition to the US if he left the building,” stated Deborah Hrbek. “He was pilloried as a paranoid narcissist for this belief. As it turns out, he was right.”

The lawsuit is a Bivens action, which stems from a precedent-setting case that established the ability of US citizens to sue US government officials.

US courts have been historically reluctant to allow plaintiffs to pursue damages, especially if it involves sensitive national security or foreign policy matters.


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Kevin Gosztola is Managing editor of Shadowproof, host of the “Dissenter Weekly,” co-host of the podcast “Unauthorized Disclosure,” and member of Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).

Featured image is from LobeLog

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Digital Identity – Absolute and Total Control via the QR Code: Open Letter to the Swiss Federal Council

By Peter Koenig, August 15, 2022

Am 7. März 2021 hat das Schweizer Stimmvolk ein Gesetz über ein geplantes elektronisches Identitätssystem verworfen. Das Ergebnis war ein Rückschlag für die Pläne von Parlament und Regierung. Es geht um den Datenschutz.

Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass Bern die digitale Kontrolle buchstäblich privatisieren wollte. Als mögliche Verwalter wurden das Schweizer Banken- und/oder Versicherungssystem vorgeschlagen.

Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass der Vorschlag einer Privatisierung über das ohnehin schon Misstrauen weckende Finanzsystem das negative Abstimmungsergebnis noch verstärkt hat.

Das Endergebnis zeigte, dass 64,4 % der Wähler – fast zwei Drittel – sich gegen das geplante Gesetz für eine sogenannte digitale ID, auch bekannt als ID2020, aussprachen.

Die Regierung, vor allem das Justizdepartement des Bundesrates, hatte in einer heruntergespielten Propaganda Campagna die Notwendigkeit eines einzigen Zugangspunkts zur Vereinfachung der Nutzung von Online-Diensten, die von kommerziellen Unternehmen angeboten werden, sowie des Kontakts mit öffentlichen Einrichtungen über E-Government-Kanäle propagiert.

Weshalb dann die Auslagerung und Privatisierung der hochsensiblen Aufgabe des Identitätsmanagements von Personen?

In der heutigen Welt wissen wir, was Identität bedeutet. Sie umfasst alle möglichen Daten und Informationen über jede Bürgerin und jeden Bürger, wie z.B. Gesundheitsdaten, Strafregister, Finanz- und Bankinformationen, Einkaufs- und Reisegewohnheiten, mit wem und wann man sich trifft – und vieles mehr.

Das Markt- und Forschungsinstitut gfs.bern kommentierte nach der Abstimmung pointiert: “Das Misstrauen gegenüber privaten Unternehmen war dominant und hat zum Abstimmungsresultat beigetragen.”

In einer Pressekonferenz nach der Abstimmung räumte Justizministerin Karin Keller-Sutter “ein gewisses Unbehagen” bei den Stimmberechtigten ein. Sie rief das Parlament und die Kritiker der gescheiterten Vorlage auf, nun zusammenzuarbeiten, um einen Stillstand zu vermeiden.

“Wir haben keine Wahl und müssen auf eine neue Lösung hinarbeiten, auch wenn es mehrere Anläufe braucht”, sagte sie an einer Pressekonferenz. “Es ist wichtig, dass die Schweiz bei der Digitalisierung den Anschluss an andere Länder findet.”

Das heißt im Klartext: “Wir werden die digitale ID so oder so durchsetzen, auch wenn es dem demokratisch geäußerten Willen des Volkes widerspricht.”

An dieser Stelle ist es vielleicht angebracht zu erwähnen, dass die Schweiz stolze Gastgeberin ist und ihr finanzielles Paradies solch dubiosen Organisationen wie dem Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF), der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) und der Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ) in Basel zur Verfügung stellt – alles steuerbefreite Organisationen.

Die BIZ ist eine privat geführte Institution. Sie ist als Zentralbank aller Zentralbanken bekannt, die im Wesentlichen den internationalen Geldfluss zwischen den meisten Zentralbanken der Welt kontrolliert und / oder überwacht.

Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs leitete die BIZ US-Gelder von der Federal Reserve an Hitlers Deutsche Bundesbank weiter, um seinen Krieg gegen die damalige Sowjetunion zu finanzieren.

Die Schweiz beherbergt auch ein internationales Bankenkartell, das dem der City of London gleichkommt, oder es sogar übertrifft.

Die “neutrale Schweiz” hat den Glanz ihrer verfassungsmäßigen Neutralität längst verloren, indem sie blind oder unterwürfig dem Diktat, wenn nicht der USA, dann der Europäischen Union, hauptsächlich der nicht-gewählten Europäischen Kommission, folgt.


Sprung nach vorne – Frühjahr – Sommer 2022.

Es sieht so aus, als ob sich der undemokratische Wille von Frau Karin Keller-Sutter durchgesetzt hätte, und das Schweizer Volk forciert wird, und zwar durch den von den Banken aufgezwungenen QR Code, sich einer totalen digitalen ID-Kontrolle zu untersetzen.

Der QR Code ist ein verheerendes Mittel. Es dient zur Total-Digitalisierung und zur absoluten Kontrolle – jede Bewegung, die Sie machen, jeden Schritt, den Sie tun, jeden Arzt, den Sie konsultieren, jeden Ort, den Sie besuchen; und viel mehr.

Der QR Code hat die Freiheit der Weltbevölkerung immer stärker eingeengt. Aber in der Schweiz wird es jetzt noch schlimmer.

Der QR Code-Zwang, alias digitaler Ausweis, findet über das Bankensystem statt – genau der private Sektor, dem die Schweizer Bevölkerung misstraut und den sie vehement ablehnt.

Hat die Schweizer Regierung, der Bundesrat, mit dem Bankensystem konspiriert, um die digitale ID durch den QR Code – und durch Bankgeschäfte – zu erzwingen?

Geehrte Bundesräte, wollen Sie tatsächlich das letzte bisschen Vertrauen, das Sie noch haben aufs Spiel setzen – nach den Fiaskos mit Covid-Management, mit dem rückgratlosen Befolgung der EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland – und jetzt mit der Abschaffung der Demokratie, indem Sie genau das durchsetzen, was die Schweizer Bevölkerung vor einem Jahr mit einer Zweidrittelmehrheit abgelehnt hat?

Ab dem 1. Oktober 2022 verlangen alle Banken und Finanzinstitute die Verwendung eines QR Codes für jede Bank- oder Postfinanz-Zahlung. Es scheint keinen Ausweg mehr zu geben. Ob der Bürger es will oder nicht, uns wird ein System aufgedrängt, das auf eine absolute Überwachung und Kontrollversklavung abzielt.

Schon heute kann der QR Code mindestens 30.000 Daten von jedem Bürger speichern – und dieses Potenzial kann nach Belieben auf eine praktisch unbegrenzte Kapazität erweitert werden.

Das bedeutet, dass die Banken, die Verwalter des Systems, die jeden einzelnen QR kodifizierten Menschen besser kennen als er sich selbst, können je nach gutem oder schlechtem Verhalten eines Bürgers sein Geld sperren oder die Verwendung seines Geldes einschränken, vorübergehend oder für immer.

Sie erinnern sich vielleicht an den Fichenaffäre-Skandal, der die Schweiz 1989 erschütterte, als bekannt wurde, dass die Schweizer Bundesbehörden und die kantonale Polizei ein illegales System zur Massenüberwachung der Bevölkerung eingerichtet hatten. Damals wurden geheime Dateien von etwa 900.000 Schweizer Bürgern und Ausländern angelegt.

Mit dem QR Code wird der Geheimdatenskandal von 1989 auf die Spitze getrieben – und vom Bundesrat legalisiert.

Oder ist etwa die praktisch klandestine Einführung der digitalen ID, sogar noch über den QR Code – nach dem übermäßigen Nein-Referendum vom 7. März 2021 – legal?


Sehr geehrte Mitglieder des Bundesrates, ich bitte Sie – im Namen aller meiner Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger – uns eine Alternative zur Erfüllung unserer Zahlungsverpflichtungen anzubieten, die nicht die Verwendung eines QR Codes erfordert.

Und am wichtigsten: Verlassen Sie die Idee einer digitalen ID ein für alle Male. Das Schweizer Volk hat am 7. März 2021 demokratisch, mit fast zwei-drittel Mehrheit dagegen gestimmt.

Der QR Code, der bereits in jeden Winkel unseres Lebens eingedrungen ist, wurde nun für das elektronische Banking vom privaten, alias Bankensektor eingeführt. Es handelt sich also nicht um ein Bundesgesetz.

Daher ist es die Pflicht der Bundesregierung, ihren Bürgern eine alternative Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihren Zahlungsverpflichtungen nachzukommen – eine, die nicht den QR Code verwendet.

Wir danken Ihnen.


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Peter Koenig ist Ökonom und geopolitischer Analyst, vormals bei der Weltbank und WHO.  Peter ist ein Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Er ist auch ein nicht-residenter Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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The Psychological Warfare Apparatus Creates False Beliefs

August 16th, 2022 by Stephen Sefton

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An increasingly large number of people now agree that information of all kinds in the countries of North America, Europe and their Pacific allies is deployed overwhelmingly to serve the interests of Western corporate oligarchs and the politicians who front for them. Outlets including news media and NGOs, academic and scientific journals as well as international institutions have practically all been fully integrated now into the long standing, global psychological warfare offensive of the West’s ruling classes. At home, they work relentlessly to control the perceptions and behavior of their countries’ populations. Overseas, they seek constantly to mobilize international opinion against countries like Russia and China, governments from Syria to Venezuela, political movements like Hezbollah, and even individuals, like Julian Assange, who resist them.

The main purpose of this vast psychological warfare apparatus is to create false beliefs which over time harden into false memories. The process consolidates ruling class control domestically while also facilitating their present and future crimes of aggression around the world. Populations in the West are deliberately misinformed and misled by means of plausible misrepresentation, blatant distortion, systematic omission and downright lies. Categories of information such as journalism, academic and scientific research, investigation by NGOs or briefings from international institutions have all been deformed, distorted and devalued by their abuse so as to further the domestic and global interests of the Western oligarchies.

Since long before 20th Century public relations and psychology, the fundamental way to manipulate mass consciousness, from the Holy Inquisition to the enthronement of Science, has been to encourage submission to authority. The Milgram experiment is a notorious example, although, in one respect, itself a cause for optimism. Other more insidious means sow ruling class messaging among otherwise trusted contrary sources. Concentrated corporate control of information and communications resources has made possible mutual constant universal reinforcement between all varieties of mass media and information outlets. Like magicians, governments and corporations understand very well that suppressing resistance depends on disappearing contrary information by every means possible, including censorship, mass distraction and sensory overload.

An apparently hardly noticed corollary of this systematic perversion of good faith reporting, research and investigation has been a collapse of rationality. In Western public life, it is now effectively forbidden to compare and contrast rival versions of events which contradict the general received wisdom propagated by Western government and corporate approved information outlets. So political and intellectual argument in North America and Europe has become ever more narcissistic, self-serving and ultimately irrational. This applies also to supposedly progressive or even radical outlets which in their coverage of international affairs still depart from essentially neocolonial assumptions of Western superiority.

Over the last fifteen years or so a growing number of independent writers and reporters have sought to challenge the false information spread by well coordinated and concentrated corporate and government controlled networks of mutually reinforcing information outlets. This development has notably sharpened the relation between information and class. More clearly than ever the production and distribution of information has become a vast theater of propaganda operations controlled by a multinational intellectual managerial class with shared imperatives. They promote and enforce a class monopoly of access to information outlets for producers of information and similarly a corresponding monopoly of distribution outlets, both mainstream and ostensibly alternative, for its consumption.

All production and distribution of information involves some variety of reporting which, like any other human activity, can be good or bad. Reporting in general has always been an arena of competing interests and rationalities. But, even so, fundamental components of competent reporting have generally been held to include, among other things, recording first hand accounts of events, clearly sourcing those accounts, presenting trustworthy data and documentary evidence, offering provenance of those sources, acknowledging loyalties and bias while considering competing rival versions, making the reporting accessible and frankly submitting all this material to free and open scrutiny.

It is certainly debatable when contemporary reporting began its categorical collapse into the current gross, unrelenting pyschological warfare offensive by North American and European oligarchies against their own peoples and the majority world. However, the rapidly increasing numbers of independent reporting outlets signal the reality of that collapse and also help reveal its class nature, its class nuances and its irrationality. The currently developing fierce efforts by the West’s ruling oligarchs to repress and censor independent reporting confirm the wholesale abandonment of rationality by Western societies and their leaders. A principal criterion for appraising rationality in an individual or a society is precisely their ability and self-confidence in making a case against rival arguments.

Attempts at outright censorship, or the many other kinds of arbitrary intellectual and cultural repression deployed, represent a failure to be able to reason effectively, to promote consensus or to accommodate legitimate dissent. This collapse of reason and its accompanying deformation of self-confidence into dismissal and exclusion are self-evident in the routine reporting practice and editorial policies of the managers controlling academic and scientific production and the propaganda theater most people still like to call journalism, among the board members and staff of influential non governmental organizations, among the personnel of international institutions and also among the managerial class controlling artistic and cultural production.

Given the intense concentration of political and economic power among the Western oligarchs who have successfully conspired to control all these sectors, the resulting general unanimity of presuppositions among their respective subaltern intellectual and cultural managerial classes is as much to be expected as their complete lack of accountability. Anyone openly challenging or contradicting received wisdom is marginalized and ostracised in what is a truly authentic class warfare waged by North American and European oligarchs against their own peoples and the majority world.

In response, as a class phenomenon, the proliferation of independent reporting outlets reflects not just underlying genuine popular outrage at being permanently misled. It is also a correspondingly authentic, resilient grass roots challenge to the status quo. Conventional liberal or social democrat opinion gauges the authenticity of independent reporting by the criteria of financial and/or editorial independence. But a low budget is no guarantee of integrity and a genuinely independent information outlet may or may not be ideologically aligned with a foreign political movement or government. Under contemporary conditions a more authentic criteria of reporting independence is the degree of legitimate defence of governments and peoples who are victims of the crimes of Western ruling elites.

Truly independent reporting takes this position while at the same time using conventional reporting norms to cover issues and events Western mainstream and alternative media obfuscate or conceal. Doing so necessarily endows genuinely independent reporting outlets, regardless of their political allegiances, with class characteristics by the very nature of their readiness to expose contradictions in accounts of events and issues produced by corporate capitalist information outlets. Paradoxically or not, class solidarity with the victims of imperialist crimes becomes the principal criteria of reporting independence both in terms of what is reported and too how it is reported. For the moment, that means being in solidarity with the world’s peoples defending their basic rights against Western ruling class aggression.


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This text was produced by Stephen Sefton with research by Lauren Smith and comments from others.

This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal.

Stephen Sefton, renowned author and political analyst based in northern Nicaragua, is actively involved in community development work focussing on education and health care. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image is from TCS

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I often complain that Washington’s heavily lopsided relationship with Israel is an arrangement that brings absolutely no benefit to the American people, and even less to our national security as it has involved the US in an endless series of completely avoidable conflicts. But there is one exception to that generalization, though one hesitates to call it a benefit, consisting of the White House’s adoption of the Israel practice of referring to opponents as “terrorists.” Israel uses it as a generic cover designation to denigrate and humiliate the Palestinians while also delegitimizing their resistance, permitting them to torture and kill Arabs at will, destroy their homes, and bomb them mercilessly. Washington, which claims to be the font of a “rules based international order” as well as the defender of global “democracy” and “freedom,” has developed since 9/11 an unfortunate tendency to do the same thing as the Israelis to justify its attacks on civilians and its brutal assassination policies.

In fact, the US and Israel are generally speaking the only two countries that openly use “targeted assassination” as a political tool without even bothering to fall back on “plausible denial” to conceal their actions. Israel only last week, initiated a politically motivated bombing attack on Gaza, which killed 45 civilians, including seventeen children and destroyed numerous homes. No Israelis were killed or even injured when the Gazans struck back with their home-made rockets. Both the White House and leaders in the US Congress congratulated the Israelis for “exercising their right to defend themselves.”

The principal targets of the Israeli onslaught were two Islamic Jihad leaders whom both Israel and the international media have described as “terrorists” and “militants.” The Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid described the operation as successful as the two men were reported killed. A retired Israeli general went so far as to describe the massacre as “really clean, very nice” and an “exceptional achievement.”

The Israeli action recalls the recent assassination of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The media coverage described how the Agency relentlessly stalked al-Zawahiri, described as the mastermind of 9/11, eventually learning that the 71-year-old was living in a house in an upscale Kabul neighborhood. It was also determined that he spent most days sitting on a terrace at the top of the house. The hellfire drone that killed him targeted the terrace at the time of day when he was normally sitting outside. Taliban sources report that his body was torn apart and incinerated by the two missiles that apparently struck him.

The White House is, of course, framing the assassination as a great success, a major blow in the war against terror. Joe Biden is hoping that it will improve the administration’s dismal approval ratings in the lead-up to the November elections, but the information given to the media regarding the incident praising the CIA’s tenacity and professional expertise is perhaps a bit over the top. Alternative reports from Afghanistan suggest that al-Zawahiri was living quite openly in Kabul and that he has not been active in any presumably radical activities for many, many years beyond making a number of “conspiracy theory” videos. Both al-Zawahiri and al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden were, at the times when they were assassinated by the US, leading quiet lives with little protection even though they allegedly continued to be nominal leaders of al-Qaeda, an organization that had lost its raison d’etre years before.

Al-Zawahiri’s record as a terrorist comes largely from US and UK intelligence sources as well as media innuendo, which should be automatically considered unreliable. Recall for a moment the lying that the George W. Bush administration engaged in to go to war with Iraq, with folks like Condoleezza Rice speaking of mushroom clouds spewing radiation over the US and a shop in the Pentagon run by a group of neocons producing fabricated intelligence reports. What has been confirmed from independent sources is that al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian medical doctor, was savagely tortured by the secret police during a crackdown on political dissidents initiated by US puppet President Hosni Mubarak. The torture reportedly radicalized him, and he joined Osama bin Laden’s underground group, later apparently becoming its nominal leader after bin Laden was himself killed in May 2011 by US Navy Seals. Much of the rest of al-Zawahiri’s presumed biography relies on little in the way of actual evidence.

What actually happened on 9/11 and who was behind it remains somewhat a mystery as all the apparent perpetrators of which might have occurred are dead. Consider for a moment that Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri never actually admitted that their group al-Qaeda was the perpetrator of the attack. In fact they denied it, sometimes attributing it to other radicalized Saudi Arabian underground groups. Nor is there any actual evidence that they planned the attack. They were accused because they had the claimed track record, resources, motive and possible access to carry out the incident, not because there was any real evidence that they had done the deed. When the US approached the Taliban government of Afghanistan in late 2001 and demanded that bin Laden be turned over to American law enforcement, the Afghans responded that bin Laden was a guest in their country, but they would surrender him if Washington could demonstrate that he had organized and ordered the attacks. George W. Bush’s Pentagon and the CIA apparently could not make that case based on actual evidence, leading to the decision to go to war instead.

Also, of all the hundreds of “terrorist” prisoners that have been recycled through the US military prison at Guantanamo only five have ever been charged with any involvement in 9/11. They are still being held but have never been tried and it is quite possible the case against them can never be made. They might even be completely innocent.

And there is more to the story. Bin Laden could have been arrested and tried but the Barack Obama administration decided to kill him and dump his body at sea, presumably to avoid a courtroom drama that would reveal government malfeasance. And then there are Anwar Nasser al-Awlaki and his son Abdulrahman, both of whom were American citizens killed by CIA drones in Yemen, where their family originated. The al-Awlakis may or may not have been actual members of al-Qaeda, but the elder al-Awlaki’s sermons and writings certainly inspired groups that opposed US foreign policy’s hostility towards Muslims. It is widely believed that Anwar al-Awlaki could have been captured and tried in the US if an attempt to do so had been pursued, but instead the Obama Administration again decided that he should be killed.

Finally, there is the death by drone of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in January 2000 under President Donald Trump. In a recent book, Trump’s Defense Chief Mark Esper claims that Trump lied after the assassination was criticized by saying that Soleimani was actively preparing “terror” attacks on four American Embassies in the Mideast region. Esper confirms that there was no intelligence to back up that claim, but interestingly goes beyond that to make clear that there was no specific intelligence at all suggesting that such an attack was imminent or even being planned. There were only generic regional security threats that many embassies in the world respond to and make preparations to defend against.

The Esper claim is supported by the Iraqi government itself, which declared that Soleimani, widely regarded as the second most powerful official in Iran after the Ayatollah, was in Baghdad to discuss peace arrangements and that the US Embassy had been informed of his planned trip and had raised no objection to it. Instead, the US used the opportunity to launch an armed drone to kill him and nine Iraqi militia members that were accompanying him from the airport. In other words, there was no imminent threat, nor even a plausible threat, and the US went ahead anyway and killed a senior Iranian government official in a targeted assassination.

So, the United States and Israel have a formula down pat whereby they can kill anyone anywhere without any due process or rule of law, even if they don’t know who you are as in the cases of the “signature” or “profile” executions by drone in Afghanistan. And all the presidents and senior officials know that no matter what they do there will be no accountability. All one has to do is call it terrorism prevention, which might include citing terrorist attacks that can in no way be linked by way of actual evidence to the person being killed. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist, repeat as needed, and the public and media will swoon with pleasure at being so well-protected. And, as the Israeli general described it, the end result will be “really clean, very nice” an “exceptional achievement.”


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

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US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi flew into Taiwan ruffling many a Chinese feathers. The Chinese state media called it an “open salvo of war”, and the country has reportedly sent over two dozen fighter jets into Taiwan’s air defence zone. 

The situation is more than just a regular geopolitical escalation in some remote part of the world. For if it escalates, it is highly likely that the prices of all electronic appliances, including the much-sought after Apple products would go up.

TSMC, the world’s largest chip manufacturer, has called it a “lose-lose situation” for all. In an interview with CNN, TSMC chairman Mark Liu said, “Nobody can control TSMC by force. If you take a military force or invasion, you will render the TSMC factory inoperable.”

TSMC manufactures Apple’s A- and M-series chips along with the chips of Qualcomm and several other companies. It accounts for over 50% of global semiconductor production.

Since there is a possibility of China attacking Taiwan, it’s natural to wonder how it will impact the world semiconductor industry and whether the prices of devices on which you’re reading this article are going to rise.

According to a Goldman Sachs analysis, the world chip shortage has already affected 169 industries, and we’re not talking about electronics anymore. Industries like steel and concrete production and even soap manufacturing are already affected.

Reports suggest that mobile phones are going to get costlier. In a conversation with The Sun, Dan Ives, a tech analyst, has already warned that Apple might increase the price of the upcoming iPhone 14 by $100! According to him, “Prices have been increasing across the whole supply chain, and Apple needs to pass these costs to the consumer on this release.”

Not just Apple, a report by Counterpoint confirms that almost 90% smartphone brands were affected due to the global chip shortage. In 2021, only 70% of the requested components were made available to mobile phone manufacturers. Counterpoint suggested that companies like Samsung, Oppo and Xiaomi were more affected than Apple.

Previous problems with Taiwan

The meeting with Pelosi and China’s escalation is only an addition to the chain of events Taiwan has faced these past couple of years. The Covid-19 outbreak and the work-from-home culture saw an exponential increase in the demand for semiconductors which started the disruption in the industry.

However, Mark Liu believes otherwise.

In an interview with Time, Liu mentioned that more chips were exported to the factories than were coming out as products. He said, “There were people definitely accumulating chips who-knows-where in the supply chain.”

Apart from that, Taiwan also witnessed the most severe drought in the last 50 years. In 2021, the country received no rainfall and since semiconductor manufacturing requires huge amounts of water, companies had to face difficulties. TSMC had to fetch water via tanks from the water-heavy side of the country to feed its manufacturing plants.

Team T5, a Taiwanese cyber security firm has also observed that apart from the threat of military attacks, China is actively executing cyber-attacks on the semiconductor industry of Taiwan. To tackle this, the Semiconductor Cybersecurity Committee, introduced by SEMI Taiwan, is working to develop a cybersecurity standard for the semiconductor industry of Taiwan.

What’s Next?

The global mobile semiconductor industry alone is expected to reach more than $80 billion by the end of 2027. On the other hand, the market share of the automotive semiconductor industry is expected to reach $115 billion by 2030 from around $43 billion in 2021.

According to data shared by Mckinsey & Company, industries like automotive, computation & data storage and wireless will be driving the 70% growth.

Credit: Mckinsey & Company

However, if TSMC’s threat comes true, we’ll see computers, laptops, mobiles, and automobiles getting costlier and harder to get by. People still can’t seem to get their hands on the PS5 – a product launched in November 2020! A shortage in chips due to Covid-19 resulted in Jaguar-Landrover producing around 1.70 lakh fewer cars than expected. While US-based car automobile company General Motors reported 16% of cars being unsold due to a global chip shortage.

It doesn’t take much to predict what might happen if the country producing 63% of total semiconductors stops producing them. The situation will be grave and it will take us not years, but several decades to recover from it.

What other countries are doing

According to the Semiconductor Industry Association, the industry has already announced $80 billion in investment in the US. This includes the upcoming $17 billion Samsung factory and $30 billion Texas Instrument’s investment in Texas.

Recently, the USA introduced the CHIPS Act, which is poised to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to America. The $52-billion package under this act aims to attract companies to manufacture semiconductors in the US. Out of $52 billion, $39 billion are to be directed towards giving financial assistance to companies looking to build a manufacturing plant. Also, $11 billion are supposed to be allocated toward research and development.

Maryam Rofougaran, CEO of 5G startup Movandi said making chips in the US will help companies get them consistently and will create well-paying jobs, which will be good for the economy (as reported by CNN).

The US, India, Australia and Japan already have a QUAD alliance to counter China in the Indo-pacific region. Recently, at an annual meet, the countries signed a pact to work together to make the semiconductor supply chain more diverse. Since Japan has previous experience in semiconductor manufacturing, Australia is enriched with minerals required for the production and India has a skilled workforce required for the semiconductor industry, they all can come together with the USA, which has capital and research facilities to make this alliance a success.

According to ISAS, “Each QUAD member enjoys a comparative advantage in a specific sub-domain of the semiconductor supply chain” and hence “should make semiconductors a focus area”.


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Lokesh is an avid reader and considers himself an armchair Technology Journalist. He loves telling stories around the tech world. The linguistic background as a field of study did not restrict him from exploring the AI and Data Science fields.

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Amid heightened global fears of a nuclear war or accidental catastrophe, Veterans for Peace this week urged President Joe Biden to review its recommendations for U.S. policy related to weapons of mass destruction.

Highlighting a Veterans for Peace (VFP) report published earlier this year, the group’s message to Biden—spelled out in an open letter sent to the White House—is: “Read our Nuclear Posture Review before releasing yours.”

“The product of many months of research and writing, our Nuclear Posture Review is a blueprint for a world of peace and cooperation—a world that uses its precious resources for global uplift rather than mutual annihilation,” the VFP letter states.

“These are not pie-in-the-sky ideas, but rather well-developed proposals from nuclear disarmament experts,” the letter continues. “It is our deep hope that you will take our approach to heart for the benefit of our country and of all humanity worldwide.”

As Common Dreams previously reported, VFP’s January report argues that

“what we need now is a ‘nuclear posture’ that enables us to reduce the real risk of nuclear confrontation through accidental launch or miscalculated escalation, and to accelerate a global reduction and rapid elimination of nuclear weapons.”

A Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) details the current administration’s policies on such weapons. A classified version of Biden’s document was sent to Congress in March and at the time the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) summarized key takeaways in three short paragraphs.

“The NPR underscores our commitment to reducing the role of nuclear weapons and reestablishing our leadership in arms control,” the DOD fact sheet says. “We will continue to emphasize strategic stability, seek to avoid costly arms races, and facilitate risk reduction and arms control arrangements where possible.”

The DOD summary adds that Biden believes “the fundamental role of U.S. nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear attack,” and the president would only consider using such arms “in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.”

Air Force Magazine reported last week that Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl said the current NPR maintains the U.S. policy of “flexible deterrence” but Biden hopes to eventually shift to “sole purpose,” or only having nuclear arms to deter or respond to an attack.

Kahl—who was speaking at a side event of an ongoing United Nations conference about the nonproliferation of nuclear arms—also said that an unclassified version of the NPR will be released “in the relatively near future.”

While encouraging Biden to hold off on his release until reviewing its proposals, Veterans for Peace, in the letter, also emphasized that the group’s members are “eager” to see his policy, especially considering how Russia’s February invasion of Ukraine and the response by Western powers have ratcheted up concerns of a nuclear conflict.

“We deserve a full accounting of your nuclear planning,” VFP wrote. “We want to know what you and your advisers consider reasonable during this time of confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, which between them hold the lion’s share of the world’s 15,000 nuclear weapons.”

The letter to Biden continues:

We need to know if you will be keeping nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert. Will you forswear the first use of nuclear weapons?

We need to know if you will rejoin the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, unilaterally abandoned by President George W. Bush, and the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, unilaterally abandoned by President Donald Trump.

Will you contribute to an era of peaceful relations, or will you pursue antagonistic polices toward China and Russia? Will you continue investing billions of dollars on new nuclear weapons?

Are you willing to risk a civilization-ending apocalypse by playing nuclear chicken with other nuclear-armed nations? Or will you lead us toward a planet that is free of nuclear weapons? We urge you to acknowledge and sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force last year but lacks the support of the world’s nine nuclear powers—and, as anti-war campaigners pointed out at the beginning of the U.N. summit earlier this month, nuclear-armed nations already refuse to abide by their existing treaty obligations.

As activists kicked off the conference by urging countries with nuclear weapons to comply with treaties they’ve signed, support the TPNW, and work toward global disarmament, the U.N. chief issued a chilling reminder of what is at stake.

“Today,” warned U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, “humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Featured image is from ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Did the Syrian Revolution Have Popular Support?

August 16th, 2022 by William Van Wagenen

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In the mainstream view, the armed groups fighting the Syrian government since 2011, collectively known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA), were part of a Syrian revolution that represented the Syrian people. At the same time, the Syrian government, or Assad regime, allegedly represented only a small number of loyalists, in particular from President Assad’s minority Alawite community. Such a view undergirded demands by Western and Gulf-funded think tank scholars, who claimed that the Syrian people wished for FSA groups to be armed, and even for Western military intervention on behalf of the FSA, whose fighters they sympathetically described as rebels.

For example, Shadi Hamid of the Brookings Institution claimed in February 2012 that

“…we find ourselves in an odd but increasingly common situation, where Syrians themselves are more enthusiastic about foreign military intervention than Americans are. It is, in this sense, the reverse of Iraq, which was rightly seen by many as a tragic Western imposition.”

However, there is no evidence that the FSA ever enjoyed significant popular support among Syrians, including among Syria’s Sunni community, the FSA’s presumed demographic base. Instead, Syrians broadly feared the FSA groups, which invaded town after town and city after city over the course of the war.

Syrians widely hated and feared the so-called rebels because, contrary to the mainstream narrative, the armed groups comprising the FSA were not secular and democratic, nor comprised primarily of army defectors. As I have shown elsewhere, the early earliest and strongest FSA factions were primarily comprised of civilians-turned-fighters from Syria’s Salafist community, which in turn served as auxiliaries for foreign jihadist groups, namely the al-Qaeda offshoots of the Nusra Front, Ahrar al-Sham, and ISIS.

Once the Salafist orientation of the early FSA groups is acknowledged, this helps explain why Syria’s armed opposition groups enjoyed such little popular support from the civilians they claimed to want to liberate from Assad’s rule. The Salafist orientation of the major FSA groups, with its religious intolerance and sectarian motivated hatred of religious minorities, was simply at odds with Syrian culture broadly, including Syrian Muslim religious culture, which was largely Sufi in orientation. Only through massive military and financial support from the U.S., Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, was the FSA, along with the Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham, able to pose a serious threat to the Syrian army and government.

In the remainder of this essay, I discuss the evidence showing that most Syrians rejected the FSA, and in turn either wished to remain neutral in the conflict or supported the Syrian government in combating the foreign-sponsored Salafist insurgency that plunged Syria into chaos starting in 2011.

The Spread of Black Flags

The first reason Syrians broadly rejected the FSA is an intuitive one, namely that Syrians living in a stable, religiously tolerant society simply feared the sectarian Salafist armed groups invading their towns and cities. Acknowledging this, opposition supporter and prominent al-Jazeera contributor Azmi Bishara wrote in 2013 that, “Islamic jihadist groups were part of the Free Army” and that their “presence aroused significant fear among Syrians,” due to the “spread of black Islamic flags making reference to al-Qaeda, and the appearance of religious sharia courts.”

That Syrians broadly feared the FSA is also not surprising given the brutal tactics used by these groups. Writing for al-Quds al-Arabi, journalist Wael Essam notes that, “Many believe that what distinguishes ISIS is the role of foreign jihadists and the practices of its extremist elements in beheading, for example,” however, “the moderate Islamic factions and the Free Army carry out many similar practices…but the difference is advertising.”

While most Syrians are religious, the majority are of course not sectarian religious extremists. They therefore did not want the FSA invading their towns and cities and raising the black flag of al-Qaeda, as quickly happened after a coalition of so-called rebel groups, including FSA brigades, Ahrar al-Sham, and the Nusra Front captured Raqqa, the first provincial capital to come fully under opposition control during the war, in March 2013.

“It Has Always Been That Way”

The case of Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, clearly indicates that the FSA did not enjoy broad popular support. The FSA and Nusra Front invaded Aleppo in July 2012. The beginning of the campaign to capture the city was announced by prominent FSA leader Abdel Qadar al-Saleh in a video alongside a Nusra commander.

After the invasion, an FSA commander acknowledged to The Guardian that, “Yes it’s true…Around 70% of Aleppo city is with the regime. It has always been that way. The countryside is with us and the city is with them.” Journalist Rania Abouzeid, who reported from on the ground in Syria for years, wrote that what she called the revolution, “had devolved into anarchy,” and that “Perhaps nowhere was the chaos more evident than in the great northern metropolis of Aleppo,” which was “dragged into the uprising in July 2012 like a hostage” by men who “weren’t welcomed by locals—men with little camaraderie, undisciplined groups, some of which looted the homes of civilians they claimed to be protecting.”

Additionally, if the FSA groups invading Aleppo had enjoyed broad popular support, their fighters would have largely come from the most populated cities in Syria. Instead, most came from the less populated countryside. For example, Abouzeid noted in December 2012 that, “At the same time as announcing plans for an Islamic state in Aleppo, Jabhat al-Nusra has begun undertaking relief efforts in the neighborhoods of the city it is based in, seeking a stronger foothold in the local community, even though paradoxically like many rebel groups operating in Aleppo, its fighters are largely not from the city.”

Given the poverty prevalent in the Syrian countryside, many young men joined FSA groups for financial as much as ideological reasons. Funding from Salafist networks and intelligence agencies in the Gulf created the demand for the formation of armed groups to fight the government, whose demand was filled by entrepreneurs-cum-warlords. This led to many FSA groups in Aleppo becoming notorious for their criminal activities, which damaged the already limited popularity of these groups still further. Syrian journalist Edward Dark noted for example that in Aleppo, “Some rebel groups are no more than organized crime syndicates, opportunistically engaging in kidnapping, extortion and large-scale looting of factories and warehouses. The fact that the ‘good guys’ in the rebels haven’t been able to stop them casts a very dark shadow on all the rebels here.”

Additionally, many insurgents invading Aleppo were not from Syria at all. One Nusra commander in Aleppo told The Washington Post in July 2012 that his men were fighting as part of the FSA’s Liwa al-Tawhid, and that “his contingent included men from Morocco, Libya, Tunisia and Lebanon, as well as one Syrian who had fought in Iraq against the Americans.” In August 2012, correspondents from The Guardian also observed seeing anti-government fighters from other parts of the Islamic world, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Algeria and Senegal.

The heavy al-Qaeda presence within the Syrian opposition groups was acknowledged by CIA case officer Douglas Laux, who operated undercover in Syria and observed that as of February 2013, the Syrian opposition was “chock full of al-Qaeda under the banner ISI,” referring to the Islamic State of Iraq, which founded Nusra and which shortly thereafter became ISIS.

Author Nu’man Abd al-Wahid observes that despite the obvious jihadist presence within the FSA, Western-based opposition activist Robin Yassin-Kassab nevertheless bizarrely sought to portray the Salafist invasion and looting of Aleppo as a socialist revolution led by freedom fighters struggling on behalf of Syria’s working class. That FSA fighters were looting Aleppo’s factories, selling the equipment to capitalists in Turkey, and thereby destroying Syria’s industrial base, rather than seizing factories to be owned and managed by Syrian workers, appeared not to concern Yassin-Kassab. Nor was he concerned when FSA groups and Nusra looted Syria’s state-owned oil resources in April 2013, and sought to sign contracts with Western oil firms to export Syria’s oil for their own, rather than the Syrian people’s benefit.

An Alawite Regime?

It is often claimed that the Alawite-dominated Syrian government is waging a war against Syria’s Sunnis, and that therefore the country’s Sunnis universally support the FSA’s fight against the government. Aleppo, however, is a majority Sunni city, and most of its residents nevertheless sided with the government and the Syrian army. This should not be surprising, given that, as Roland Popp of the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich observes;

“Asad is by no means the head of a ‘minority regime,’ as is often argued. The religious group of the Alawites (which accounts for about 12 per cent of the population), to which Asad’s family belongs, is certainly over-represented in the country’s leadership and particularly in the officer corps. But this is mainly due to a system of rule which is based on patronage and clientelism. The large majority of Alawites has hardly benefited from Asad’s rule at all. Indeed, important parts of the Sunni-Arab majority, who make up about two-thirds of the population, have been integrated into the Asad system and constitute an important part of the economic elites in the country’s major cities. Asad will strive to keep at least parts of these groups on his side, although this is becoming increasingly difficult as the fighting spreads to the country’s economic centres and the sectarian antagonism becomes increasingly aggravated.”

Falsely casting the conflict as between Alawites on the one hand, and all of Syria’s Sunnis on the other, was a deliberate strategy employed by the opposition in the hope of encouraging Sunni Syrian soldiers to defect from the army. Popp notes further that, “Some rebels believe that by recasting the conflict as a sectarian antagonism between the Sunni majority and pro-regime minorities—which include not only Alawites, but also Christians, Ismailis, and Druze—they can accelerate the disintegration of the armed forces.” Stoking a sectarian civil was therefore to the advantage of the opposition, not the Syrian government, as is often claimed. It is also consistent with a Salafist worldview, with its sectarianism dating back to the thought of the medieval theological innovator, Ibn Taymiyyah.

Such an outcome, a Sunni-Alawite civil war and the collapse of the Syrian state and army, was viewed positively by elements of the Israeli intelligence community, because such a scenario would “obstruct Iran from its nuclear activities for a good deal of time,” and possibly “even prove to be a factor in the eventual fall of the current government of Iran.” The desire to weaken Iran explains in part why not only Israeli, but also U.S. planners supported the Syrian opposition, of which al-Qaeda constituted “a big chunk,” as acknowledged by Barack Obama’s deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes.

“They Know What They Don’t Want”

Fear of the Salafist-dominated FSA groups meant that many Syrians critical of the government and hopeful of reforms therefore had no choice but to support the government and look to the Syrian army for protection once the prospect of heavily armed Salafist armed groups invading their cities, towns, and villages became clear.

For example, Robert F. Worth of The New York Times quoted one Aleppo resident as explaining why he no longer considers himself a member of the opposition: “No one is 100 percent with the regime, but mostly these people are unified by their resistance to the opposition…They know what they don’t want, not what they want.”

Edward Dark similarly explained that “People here don’t like the regime, but they hate the rebels even more…I, and many other residents of Aleppo saw firsthand how the armed rebels were acting on the ground, and the various crimes and looting they were committing with impunity. Another reason is that there are foreign jihadi fighters with extremist ideologies here. This wasn’t what we revolted for, to replace one group of criminals with another.”

Even those Syrians supportive of the opposition often did not want the FSA in their cities and towns because they knew that the fighting between the FSA and Syrian army would come to them. For example, pro-opposition media outlet Al-Dorar Al-Shamiyya acknowledged that, “At the beginning of the revolution, there were some reservations from the people of Aleppo about the entry of Liwa al-Tawhid [a prominent FSA group] into the city, fearing the response of the strong Syrian regime and its impact on it.” The head of the FSA’s Liwa al-Tawhid, Abd al-Qader al-Saleh, dismissed these fears, and justified the civilian suffering and destruction that resulted from the presence of the FSA in Aleppo. Al-Saleh explained that this was the “price of freedom” required to “liberate” the people “from the regime of Bashar al-Assad,” without stopping to wonder whether the people of Aleppo actually wanted to be liberated, and if so, by him and his U.S. and Gulf-funded Salafist fighters.

Robert Worth also quotes a Syrian engineer from Aleppo who explained, in contrast to al-Saleh, that, “Look, people consider me opposition…But the way I see opposition—it doesn’t mean I must destroy my country and put us back 100 years. That kind of opposition is a betrayal of the country, a betrayal of the ideals I’ve grown up with…Freedom doesn’t come from destroying the country.”

Millions of Syrians of course fled their homes to escape the fighting, whether traveling abroad to become refugees, or to other areas under government control. While the Western and Gulf press continually laid blame for the displacement of civilians solely on the Syrian government, a detailed study carried out by American academics Max Abrahms, Denis Sullivan, and Charles Simpsonare indicates that a large majority of Syrian refugees were “fleeing not only, or primarily, from Assad, but from a complex civil war with multiple belligerents who all pose a threat to the population. The ‘blame-Assad only’ narrative may resonate, but most refugees count him as one of several culprits, alongside the rebels [FSA, Nusra Front] and ISIS.”

This supports the common-sense conclusion that millions of Syrians fled their homes simply to escape the violence, which often came at them from all sides. When the fighting came to their city or town, each family had to make the difficult decision of whether to flee their homes or to remain and hope for the best.

A Duel Victory

And what happened when Syrian government forces finally defeated the Salafist militias, including the Nusra Front and FSA factions, and re-took control of eastern Aleppo in December 2016? Predictably, the majority of civilians in eastern Aleppo welcomed the Syrian army as liberators.

Journalist Tim Ripley of Jane’s Defence Weekly described how during the offensive;

“Social media was soon full of pictures and videos of thousands of civilians coming out of their homes to greet the advancing Syrian troops. The vast majority of the population of this part of the city did not flee with the retreating rebels. A significant chunk—maybe 8,000—opted to head into a nearby Kurdish neighbourhood; but the vast majority appeared to decide to stay put in the territory newly controlled by the Damascus government’s troops.”

Ripley explains further:

“Pictures also emerged of Syrian soldiers guarding groups of cold and sullen-looking young men [captured opposition fighters]. Then a torrent of more civilians began to emerge from their houses. This looked like tens of thousands of people, who were carrying all their worldly possessions. They began to walk out of the city in huge columns towards government- and Russian Army-run refugee shelters. They looked shell-shocked and exhausted but seemed happy to be alive…For Syria’s president, it was a dual victory. Not only had the rebel fighters been driven from the city but the vast majority of the population of the enclave had opted to stay with the government troops. According to ICRC monitors, some 34,000 civilians and rebel fighters had boarded the green buses for the journey to rebel territory around Idlib. Yet in January 2017, the United Nations was reporting that 110,000 civilians from the enclave had gone over to the government side. President Assad also won the battle for the hearts and minds of Aleppo’s citizens.”

Other Western journalists visiting Aleppo after the Syrian government took control largely described how civilians were doing their best to rebuild their lives and return the city to a state of normality. On December 21, 2016, as the last Salafist militants were being evacuated from Aleppo, the Los Angeles Times described a “carnival like atmosphere” as “large crowds had filled the Basel stadium in Aleppo” to attend a celebration of the Syrian government’s victory.

U.S. government-funded Voice of America reported on December 23;

“Hundreds of Syrians returned to Aleppo on Friday to check on their homes after the last rebels left the city Thursday. Residents wrapped in heavy coats crossed into neighborhoods that had recently been dangerous front lines during the battle for Aleppo, sorting through the wreckage for personal belongings. Some of them had not been able to reach their homes for five years.”

Time Magazine reported how Aleppo’s Christians were busy celebrating Christmas in the Saint Elias Cathedral for the first time in five years, and that, “Hundreds of people danced and celebrated in the Azizya neighborhood, where the public Christmas tree had gone unlit since rebels took the eastern half of the city in 2012.” Reuters reported a month later how “Some semblance of normality returned to battle-scarred Aleppo for a few hours on Saturday as local soccer clubs Al Ittihad and Horiyah met in the first derby in the city for five years.”

One Turkish journalist visiting Aleppo after the government recaptured the eastern part of the city suggested that Assad was largely still popular, despite the destruction resulting from the war against the so-called rebels. He quoted a professor from Aleppo University as saying: “I oppose the regime, but I have to admit Assad managed the crisis well. At the moment, we have no alternative to him. If there were an election today, he would get more than 70% of the vote. Of course, my criticism of the regime hasn’t changed. People put their criticisms on the back burner temporarily because they realized the country was about to disintegrate. It wasn’t the right time to settle scores with the regime.”

Such a view was perplexing both to Western observers and to many Syrians long living abroad, who had been subject to a torrent of pro-opposition propaganda in the western press suggesting that Assad was committing horrific crimes, including an effort to commit genocide against Sunnis.

For example, The Washington Post published an op-ed in October 2016 in the run up to the Syrian army’s liberation of the city contending that Syrian and Russian forces were carrying out the “genocide of our time” in Aleppo. In November 2016, The Washington Post published an op-ed which was co-written by Raed Saleh, the head of the White Helmets, which made the claim that “More than 250,000 in Eastern Aleppo could die after the next 20 days” due to “mass starvation and restricted access to lifesaving medical care.” In December 2016, The Daily Beast published an article with a headline claiming that women in eastern Aleppo were choosing “suicide over rape,” and that the Syrian Army was carrying out “mass executions,” and, most fantastically, that children were being “burned alive” by the Syrian Army, based on information solely from a spokesperson from the Salafist militias. These claims, taken seriously by Western observers, could not have been farther from reality.

In contrast, Robert Worth further quotes an Aleppo resident as explaining “Syrians abroad who believe in the revolution would call me and say, ‘We lost Aleppo.’ And I would say, ‘What do you mean?’ It was only a Turkish card guarded by jihadis.” Worth notes further that, “For these exiled Syrians, he said, the specter of Assad’s crimes looms so large that they cannot see anything else. They refuse to acknowledge the realities of a rebellion that is corrupt, brutal, and compromised by foreign sponsors. This is true. Eastern Aleppo may not have been Raqqa, where ISIS advertised its rigid Islamist dystopia and its mass beheadings. But as a symbol of Syria’s future, it was almost as bad: a chaotic wasteland full of feuding militias—some of them radical Islamists—who hoarded food and weapons while the people starved.”

Shilling for Imperialists

The lack of popular support of the FSA, including the foreign jihadists embedded in its ranks, was obscured for many observers by Western and Gulf-funded think tank scholars, who claimed, without evidence, that the “Syrian people” wished for Western military intervention.

As mentioned above, Shadi Hamid of the Brookings Institution claimed in February 2012 that “…Syrians themselves are more enthusiastic about foreign military intervention than Americans are.”

While claiming to speak for Syrians, Hamid provided no evidence that anything nearing a majority of of the population wished for foreign intervention in support of the FSA. He noted only that the Syrian political opposition abroad, which like the FSA was completely dependent on the foreign powers seeking to destroy Syria, had requested it. Hamid writes only that “In December [2011], the Syrian National Council ‘formally endorsed’ foreign intervention. If they formally request military assistance—presumably the next step—we have a moral responsibility to take it seriously.” Such a claim could only be taken as seriously as the suggestion that the Iraqi people had wanted the U.S. military to invade and occupy their country in 2003, simply because the neoconservative stooges from the Iraqi National Congress (INC) led by Ahmed Chalabi had demanded it.

Even after the FSA and Nusra invasion of Aleppo had clearly illustrated the so-called rebels had little popular support and were widely feared, pundits like Hamid refused to walk back their pro-FSA advocacy. Instead, Hamid and others simply doubled down.

In September 2013, Hamid argued the Western powers must continue working with the so-called rebels, even though the major original FSA groups had just formed an “Islamic Alliance” which included al-Qaeda (in the form of the Nusra Front) and which Hamid himself acknowledged “would be considered ‘extreme’ by U.S. standards insofar as their commitment to applying sharia law and anti-minority rhetoric are concerned.” Hamid continued to advocate for the so-called rebels despite even the warnings from Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey in the summer of 2013, namely that any Western intervention against the Syrian government would at the same time be an intervention on behalf of al-Qaeda, because Nusra fighters dominated the rebel ranks.

Though Aleppo was liberated in December 2016, large parts of Syria remained “a chaotic wasteland” full of “radical Islamists.” This was particularly true of Idlib province, which had become “al-Qaeda’s largest safe haven since 9/11,” in the words of U.S. official Brett McGurk. Despite this, Hamid refused to show remorse for his advocacy for the al-Qaeda dominated Salafist insurgency, stating in 2022 that he was “extremely proud” of his calls to aid the so-called rebels a decade earlier, and that “subsequent events vindicated the argument” he made at the time.

Hamid’s stealth advocacy for al-Qaeda is not surprising, given that the Brookings Institution for which he worked received significant funding from the government of Qatar, which was itself the al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra Front’s strongest state sponsor. That the Brookings Institution is also fundedby the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, known fronts for CIA cultural projects, as well as by weapons manufacturers Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin, further points to Hamid’s role as a prostitute for imperialist interests.

Hamid was also an early advocate for U.S. and Qatari intervention in Libya in 2011, and was equally as unapologetic when Libya similarly became a failed state dominated by Islamist militias and a safe haven for ISIS. Shilling for imperialist interventions of this sort, which leave heaps of dead Muslim corpses in their wake, provides an indication of why Hamid continues to receive his Brookings paycheck. Hamid’s claim to speak on behalf of the Syrian and Libyan people, while actually speaking on behalf of his imperialist sponsors, explains why his writings have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Policy, and why he regularly appears on television, including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and PBS.


More than ten years after the start of the Syrian conflict, it is still not widely understood that the “Syrian revolution” was no popular revolution at all, and that the Free Syrian Army was in no way a people’s army enjoying wide popular support. Instead, the so-called Syrian revolution was a U.S.-executed regime change operation planned long before 2011, while the FSA was comprised of local sectarian Salafists and foreign jihadists who were widely feared and hated by the majority of Syrians, including by most of Syria’s Sunni community and by many opponents of the Syrian government generally.

Without billions of dollars in weapons supplied by U.S. planners and their counterparts in allied intelligence agencies, the FSA would have had no ability to challenge the Syrian government. This financial and military support, for what were effectively mercenaries in the service of Western imperialism, was in turn only made possible by propaganda spread by Western and Gulf think tank pundits, who performed the mental gymnastics necessary to portray the sectarian Salafist militants of the FSA as “moderate.” Both the allure of money and the prestige of publishing in the most prominent Western media outlets was easily enough for such pundits to enthusiastically perform the function demanded of them by their imperialist sponsors, regardless of how much bloodshed and suffering among Syrians their actions caused as a result.


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William Van Wagenen has a BA in German literature From Brigham Young University and an MA in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. You can read his other writings on Syria for the Libertarian Institute here. Follow him on Twitter @wvanwagenen.

Featured image is from TLI

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West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin recently claimed the 15 percent corporate minimum tax contained in the Inflation Reduction Act, which should be called the Inflation Creation Act, is not a tax increase. Instead, he claimed, the bill simply closes a loophole that allows corporations to avoid paying all the taxes they owe. Despite what Senator Manchin says, the fact is the new minimum tax increases the amount of money some corporations must hand over to the government; in other words, it increases their taxes.

It is common for politicians, policy wonks, and even some libertarians to demonize loopholes for making the tax system too complex, but loopholes are simply ways that individuals can keep more of their money. Loopholes are thus pro-liberty and pro-sound economics.

In addition to raising taxes, the Inflation Reduction Act provides 80 billion dollars to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Some of the money will go to improving taxpayer services so, for example, taxpayers may actually talk to a real person who can provide information about the tax law when they call the agency. But, over 50 percent will be spent on enforcement.

The IRS is expected to hire approximately 87,000 new agents. Supporters of the expansion say the IRS will use the enhanced enforcement capacity to target only “the rich.” However, it is not necessary to massively increase the IRS’s enforcement capacity just to go after “rich tax cheats.”

Furthermore, rich people and big corporations can hire attorneys and accountants to make sure they limit their tax liability while staying within the legal limits. They can also fight any attempt by the IRS to make them pay more. Middle- and working-class Americans are unable to afford legions of attorneys and accountants to limit their tax liability or fight the IRS, so they are more likely to pay whatever the IRS demands.

The IRS has a history of disrespecting due process rights of Americans, so creating a new army of IRS agents with a mission to extract more money will lead to massive liberties violations. Given the IRS’s shameful history of harassing the political enemies of whoever holds power at the moment, we should expect the new agents to target opponents of US foreign policy, gun control, government promotion of green energy, and other policies of the current administration.

The IRS recently ran an ad seeking agents who are willing to carry a firearm and use deadly force. This comes after the tax agency’s purchase this year of 700,000 dollars worth of ammunition. Perhaps the agency is worried that the latest attempt to get more taxes from Americans already suffering from the inflation tax will lead to violence, or perhaps the IRS wants its agents to carry firearms to remind taxpayers that the tax laws are backed by the threat of government violence.

The premise behind the income tax is that the government is the true owner of all property and thus has the right to take as much from the people as it desires. Therefore, the income tax, like the other monstrosity created in 1913 — the Federal Reserve, is incompatible with a free society but necessary for an authoritarian welfare-warfare state. To avoid 1984, repeal 1913.


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Britain has played a key role in NATO forward troop deployments and training exercises on Russia’s borders. With war underway, the UK sends billions in arms, special forces, and volunteers to ensure escalation.

In an effort to evade his domestic woes, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson—who may soon be replaced—has spent much time toing and froing to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has described the buffoonish British PM as one of Ukraine’s closest allies. If and when Johnson leaves office, he is tipped for a role as Ukraine Envoy.

The Johnson-Zelenskyy relationship contrasts sharply with Zelenskyy’s experiences with French President Emmanuel Macron, who has warned the European Union (EU) and the US not to “humiliate” Russian President Putin and instead to seek diplomatic over military solutions to the conflict.

But Johnson’s pastiche of Churchillian resolve has deeper roots in the Anglo-American alliance when it comes to Ukraine, and is heavily informed by Britain’s membership of the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). His impulses are also dictated by Britain’s post-World War Two-era role in the global order: to serve the interests of the US state. From 2015 to this year, the UK has trained over 22,000 Ukrainian military personnel as part of the Maritime Training Initiative and Operation Orbital.

The UK pushes Ukraine as a gateway to NATO

In my book Britain’s Secret Wars, I documented how the UK spent years training the Ukrainian military, long before the 2014 coup, and even when the Ukrainian military was under the command of Russian-oriented governments.

“We believe that Ukraine, as a European country, should have the right, under existing treaties, to join the EU once it has fulfilled the criteria for accession.” These are the words spoken in 2011 by Leigh Turner, Ambassador to Austria and the UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Turner went on to say: “I’ve actually spent several chunks of my career in and around Central and Eastern Europe, starting off with a year in 1980 as a civil servant at the headquarters of the British Northern Army Group in Rheindahlen in Germany.”

Turner continued: “We always used to joke nervously that this would be the target of the first Soviet tactical nuclear missile to launch hostilities in Europe.” Nothing quite puts you in the mood for political work like a few wisecracks about the apocalypse. Turner said that the UK should continue to focus on Ukraine as a weapon against Russia: “Ukraine could have a big demonstration effect in the region.  Indeed, there is an argument that a successful Ukraine could be a swing-state for the whole of the FSU [former Soviet Union].”

“Conversely, if Ukraine fails, it would be easy for unelected or undemocratic leaders in the region to claim that ‘western’ style governance has no place around here.” Turner and his colleagues hoped that they could nudge Yanukovych in the pro-Western direction. “Before the election of President Yanukovych, he was often depicted as being ‘pro-Russian’.  This is too simple,” Turner explained before laying out the economic “reforms” being undertaken.

To quicken the process, Turner saw the UK’s role as Ukraine’s gateway to NATO: to establish Ukraine as a NATO proxy but without giving it the benefits and collective protection guarantees of NATO members. As he said, “There’s a lot the UK can continue to do to work closely with Ukraine to help its armed forces to reform and to make them more capable of integrating into, and working with, NATO forces.”

British proposals included appointing a special Defense Adviser, providing language training, and naval integration. Turner’s follow-up statement, also in 2011, noted that 17 staff and students from the UK Royal College of Defence Studies visited Ukraine, while 20 personnel from the Ukrainian National Defense University came to Britain. As part of so-called Partnership for Peace programmes, British paratroopers trained their Ukrainian counterparts.

But according to John Kampfner, this was not enough. “When Russia invaded Donbas and annexed Ukraine in 2014, the UK was happy to fall in behind efforts by France and Germany to negotiate a settlement with Moscow and Kyiv under the Normandy Format, which ultimately failed,” writes the journalist and author, who neglects to mention why the negotiations failed. Kampfner is now Executive Director of the UK in the World Programme: a project of the Royal Institute for International Affairs think tank that seeks to formulate Britain’s neocolonial doctrines.

A House of Commons research briefing states that, at the time, the EU’s major powers, France and Germany, opposed sending military equipment to Ukraine. This was in contrast to the US position under US President Barack Obama. Britain bolstered the US position while compromising with its European neighbors by sending so-called non-lethal equipment.

“Win-wins for NATO”

In 2015, Britain established Operation Orbital to train Ukrainian forces. From 2017 to 2020, various branches of the government, including the Foreign Office and Department for International Development (which later merged), spent over £30 million of taxpayers’ money on the so-called Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). In addition to Orbital, the funds contributed to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine.

The House of Commons research briefing says that a year later, Ukraine and Britain signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue military training and arms exports. “In 2018 training teams consisting of Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel were deployed to deliver training to the Ukrainian Navy.” In late-2020, it was reported that 100 soldiers from the 3rd Rifles and 4thBattalion Royal Regiment of Scotland (4 Scots) “are in Ukraine providing training to Ukrainian Force.”

In 2021, the UK pledged £1.7bn in financing to support the Ukrainian Naval Capabilities Enhancement Programme. In June of that year, the military contractor Babcock signed a tripartite memorandum of understanding with the UK and Ukrainian governments to regenerate Ukraine’s naval ports. “Babcock will be supported by several other companies with a strong UK presence, including MBDA, Thales, and Royal Haskoning DHV.”

In August 2021, Soldier magazine reported that British forces had “been training with their Ukrainian counterparts as part of a multinational package that also involved Canadian, US and Swedish personnel.” The 400 person battle group mainly consisted of personnel from 4 Scots who were deployed to Ukraine “with the aim of developing mutual relations, joint planning and battalion and tactical operations.” The report notes how personnel practiced live-fire drills with Ukraine’s 54th Mechanized Brigade, “which has completed multiple tours in the volatile Donbas region.”

Commenting on Exercise Cossack Mace, Lt. Col. Alasdair Hempenstall of 4 Scots said of his men: “They have learnt how the Ukrainians operate from a military perspective, as well as experiencing a taste of their culture and heritage.”

A British Army Review publication from summer 2021 states: “Ukraine and Estonia have evolved more from support to (UK) Operations ORBITAL and CABRIT”, the UK deployment to Estonia as part of NATO’s Forward Presence. “These are also win-wins for NATO, which is coming neatly into alignment.”

Lt. Col. Glen Grant (ret.) is a Riga (Latvia)-based British military advisor in Ukraine and graduate of various institutions, including the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. A Northern Ireland war veteran (i.e., counterinsurgency specialist) and military-intelligence operative in 1990s’ Bosnia and Iraq, Grant has advised most of the militaries of Eastern Europe/the Baltic and Balkans regions.

Consider the background: In the 2010s, the US Agency for International Development – the State Department’s privatization and astroturf wing – helped Ukraine’s so-called Democratic Alliance; one of many groups pushing for pro-Western “reforms” and an entity prominent in the Euromaidan protests that escalated into the 2013-14 coup. One prominent Democratic Alliance leader was politician and advisor Victor Andrusiv, who went on to lead an entity called the Ukrainian Institute for the Future (UIF), founded by figures like ex-military officer and businessman, Anatoliy Amelin, founder of one of Ukraine’s largest investment companies, Altani Capital.

Another UIF founder, Taras Berezovets, is a graduate of Britain’s Royal College of Defence Studies who became head of the UIF’s National Security and Defense section. The late Oleksiy Skrypnyk was Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, who during the Trump years successfully “lobbied the United States to supply Ukraine with sophisticated Javelin anti-tank missiles.”

Lt. Col. Grant works as a security and defense expert at the UIF, “where he is supporting the Parliamentary Defence Committee” and leads military volunteers and army officers. Grant is also a senior fellow at the Institute for Statecraft (IfS): the notorious military-intelligence front organization set up in 2005 and registered to a derelict-looking mill in Scotland. As has been well-documented elsewhere, the IfS spun out a British Foreign Office-funded organization called the Integrity Initiative, which created covert “clusters” of journalists, academics, and other anti-Russian influencers.

Earlier in 2022, the UK-led Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) completed its year-long tenure as NATO’s combat corps headquarters. Training teams later deployed to Estonia and Ukraine. The ARRC also partners with the Romanian-led Multinational Corps South-East.

This March, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) said that Britain deployed to Poland the Sky Sabre medium-range, anti-aircraft system, which consists of radar and trucks carrying missiles, including 100 personnel. Troops from the 16th Regiment Royal Artillery operate the weapon. Others from the Regiment have been at a base on Baker Barracks, Thorney Island (on the English Channel), ready to deploy to Poland. Starstreak, meanwhile, is described as a high velocity anti-craft missile, which was sent to Ukraine.

“Diplomacy is the only path,” UK Defense Secretary declares while promising escalation in Ukraine

In September 2021, MoD personnel met with the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU), a wing of the Ukrainian military providing the umbrella for notorious battalions of neo-Nazi activists and criminal elements.  Operation Orbital’s Lt. Col. Andy Cox Deputy commander said: “We will start this work with the inclusion of NGU representatives in the training activities that are already being conducted by British instructors in some units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.” Classified in the UK, the information was posted on the NGU website, prompting denials from the MoD.

In February 2022, the Royal Welsh Battlegroup left its base in Germany to travel to Estonia as part of Operation Iron Surge, which included a convoy of Warrior infantry fighting vehicles and Challenger 2 main battle tanks. Other entities involved included the 1st Aviation Brigade Combat Team of the Army Air Corps. Britain’s daffy Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, who later fell for a state secret-spilling prank, said: “Alongside our NATO Allies, we are deploying troops and assets on land, sea and air to bolster European defences in response to the build-up of Russian military forces on the border of Ukraine.” He added: “De-escalation and diplomacy remain the only path out of this situation,” as he continued to escalate the situation and quash efforts to negotiate a settlement.

Also in February, it was reported that a team of Special Air Service (SAS) veterans who had fought in Afghanistan and Iraq were receiving money funneled through an unnamed private company via an unnamed European country. Veterans include warrant officers, sergeants, corporals, and snipers who will reportedly kill Russian spotters. The veterans are expert Javelin and Stinger missile operators, suggesting that they training the Ukrainians how to use such weapons. In addition, the US Joint Special Operations Group and SAS reportedly have an evacuation plan for high-ranking politicians, including Zelenskyy.

A month later, four British soldiers went AWOL to fight Russians. This prompted an official ban on personnel traveling to Ukraine. In April, the UK hosted the Ukrainian delegation to the Salisbury Plain Training Area. Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister, Volodymyr Havrylo, witnessed the British Army’s 3rd Division and Royal Marines demonstrating “a range of equipment and options for further military support, including defensive missile systems and protected mobility vehicles.”

James Heappey, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defense, confirmed that 120 armored vehicles were being manufactured/sent to Ukraine and that Ukrainian forces would be trained to use them in the UK. Special Forces arrived in Obolon, Kyiv, to train the Ukrainian 112th Battalion in how to use NLAW anti-tank missiles.  Later that month, it was alleged that around 20 sabotage experts from the SAS had arrived in Lviv, western Ukraine. The Mirror reported that a squadron of serving SAS troops in Poland trained Ukrainians in sabotage.

By May, Britain had sent Ukraine 4,000 NLAWs, an undisclosed number of Javelin missiles, 3,000 sets of body armor, 2,000 helmets, and 4,000 (presumably pairs of) boots. Thousands of grenades, claymore anti-personnel devices, heavy machine guns, high-velocity sniper rifles, and 66mm anti-tank weapons had been sent via NATO countries.

And by the end of that month, the UK taxpayer had forked out a stunning £2.8 billion to Ukraine in so-called aid programs and military equipment, including 6,500 anti-tank missiles.

In June, reservists from the UK’s 4th Battalion, Mercian Regiment, trained with the Lithuanian Army’s Iron Wolf Brigade. The 3,500-troop exercises included forces from 14 different countries, including Ukraine. The 1st Regiment Army Air Corps provided four Wildcat helicopters. Heappey, the Under-Secretary of State for Defense, said: “The UK plans to deploy 1,050 UK Service personnel to facilitate the training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is estimated that 900 of these will be responsible for the training aspect of the programme.”

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss encourages British citizens to fight in Ukraine

In October 2015, Foreign Policy reported: “When separatists started a war in eastern Ukraine, hundreds of Russians, Belarusians, and other foreigners came to Kiev’s defense. Now they’ve been abandoned.” Flash forward to the present, and the British government and elements of the media are openly encouraging volunteers to kill and die in Ukraine, even though young men are returning and warning others that they are being used for “suicide mission[s].”

In April, when asked by the BBC about British people volunteering in Ukraine, Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, who is likely to replace Johnson as PM, said: “I do support that, and of course, that is something that people can make their own decisions about.” It was reported that Truss’s comments provoked Russia to put its nuclear weapons on high-alert.

The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, immediately contradicted Truss: “We’ve been very clear that it’s unlawful as well as unhelpful for UK military and for the UK population to start going towards Ukraine in that sense.”  Johnson’s spokesperson said: “We currently advise against travelling to Ukraine.”

By June, a reported 20,000 volunteers were fighting in Ukraine, of whom 3,000 were British. Up to 80 percent pass through the Georgian Legion, which operates under Ukrainian command where the volunteers are supposedly vetted. “You’re more of a hindrance than a help,” says veteran Martin Dunwoody, who went to give humanitarian aid but ended up advising the inexperienced combat volunteers he encountered.

Former soldier Matthew Robinson travelled to Ukraine’s Yavoriv over the nearby Polish border in transport arranged by the International Legion. On March 9, the base was hit and 35 people killed, including three former British Special Forces operatives. Robinson trained and vetted volunteers. Ex-Royal Marine Scott Sibley died and volunteer Andrew Hill was captured and paraded on Russian TV. Aiden Aslin and ex-Royal Anglian soldier, Shaun Pinner, were captured and sentenced to death. Having fought ISIS on the side of Kurds, an alleged Conservative Councillor and city trader “Macer Gifford” (nom de guerre) went to fight in Ukraine.

Former Royal Navy engineer, “Curtis,” joined other foreign fighters via the base in Yavoriv, explaining: “There was absolutely no structure to it at all, nothing at all.” He fought in Irpin, near Kyiv City. “Most of the ex-serving, whether it’s Navy, Army, Marines, even the Air Force, some guys were there – they were within a decent age, 30 and above, but there were a lot of young guys who had never been in any serving military, had no  military training at all, kind of Call of Duty-type people.” Curtis reckoned that over 20 Britons had already died in Ukraine: “We were using essentially supermarket radios, which are not at all decent for fighting with, Russians can listen to everything we were saying and it was highlighted many times.”

Anton Vybornyi, a British citizen and businessman, was pictured in Korczowa, Poland, on the border with Ukraine with his van full of military equipment. “It includes body armour” and his team, Alexei Kalmikov and Andrius Dargis. Vybornyi raised £25,000 to assist the volunteers.

Conclusion: Truth in the Records

As usual, government and military records reveal the opposite of statements by politicians and their media echo-chambers about the events that precipitated the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine.

A British House of Commons research briefing contains a timeline which notesthat in February 2019, Ukraine’s constitution was amended to set its NATO membership application into motion. In June 2020, Ukraine was granted NATO Enhanced Opportunity Partner status. In September, President Zelenskyy adopted a National Security Strategy, which included provision for joining NATO.

In April 2021, Russia announced a troop build-up and exercises on the border. Notice the chronology. Later that month, Russia “re-deployed its forces back to their home bases.” In October of that year, the Ukrainian military used a drone in eastern Ukraine, “angering Russia.” After amassing troops on the border, Russia in December 2021 demanded security guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO. Putin then presented draft proposals to the United Nations Security Council. The House of Commons briefing makes no reference to Britain or America’s responses – or lack thereof – to the proposals. In January this year, US President Biden seemed to invite Russia’s invasion by referring to the impending events as a potential “incursion” not invasion, which Putin took to be a signal that the US would not react harshly.

Another House of Commons Library research briefing states: “Russia is seeking longer term security guarantees from the Alliance that Ukraine will not be admitted as a Member State and that NATO military infrastructure will not be deployed in the country.” The briefing paper also notes that NATO had escalated around Ukraine: “NATO allies have moved to shore up the defence of eastern Europe with the deployment of additional ships and fighter aircraft to the region.” The 2014-15 Minsk Agreements remain “largely unimplemented by both sides.”

The combination of hubris, intransigence and militarism reflected in these official UK documents helps explain how the stage was set for a mad confrontation between nuclear powers.


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T.J. Coles is a postdoctoral researcher at Plymouth University’s Cognition Institute and the author of several books, the latest being We’ll Tell You What to Think: Wikipedia, Propaganda and the Making of Liberal Consensus.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

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Russia in Africa: Connecting Continents with Soft Power

August 16th, 2022 by Matthew Ehret-Kump

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The oft-repeated western claim of Russia’s isolation as a pariah state is starting to wear thin.

While the Trans-Atlantic community may loyally follow the directive to cut ties with Russia – despite the economic backlash on their own citizens – other nations, including most of Asia and Africa, don’t appear to be taking this call very seriously.

On 19 July, Russian President Vladimir Putin conducted a successful trilateral meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts in Tehran which demonstrated a degree of coherence in foreign policy agendas among the three strategic powers (including one relatively renegade NATO member).

Putin followed that tripartite meeting with an important phone call two days later with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, only days after Biden ended his fruitless mission to the kingdom.

Shortly after, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov kicked off a four day diplomatic tour of African nations, beginning with Egypt on July 24, followed by visits to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Ethiopia. These trips set the stage for the upcoming 2nd Russian-African Summit to be held later this year in Addis Ababa.

Beyond re-assuring African partners of guaranteed shipments of Russian and Ukrainian wheat and other goods so desperately needed by the continent, Lavrov’s tour laid out a broad grand strategy of African and Southwest Asian development that will see the creation of vast free trade zones to facilitate extensions of the New Silk Road and North South Transportation Corridors financed increasingly outside the bankrupt western order. It should be noted that 40 of 55 African states (including the African Union) have signed memoranda of understanding with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), joining 20 Arab states.

Lavrov and the Arab League

During the first phase of his trip, Lavrov was warmly greeted by permanent representatives of 23 nations at the Arab League HQ in Cairo where a wide array of issues tackling food, economic, diplomatic, and security matters were discussed. During his speech to the Arab League which can here be listened to in full, Lavrov stated:

“We are at the beginning of a new era, which would be a movement towards real multilateralism, not to the multilateralism which the west tries to impose on the basis of the exceptional role of the western civilization in the modern world. The world is much richer than just western civilization. Who but not many of you representing the ancient civilizations should know this? And I think the movement is unstoppable. Trying to put it on breaks is going against objective process of history. This would only delay for some time the eventual formation of the true multipolar democratic world.”

SEZs and New Free Trade Zones

Egypt is seen by Russia as a gateway to Africa connecting West Asian, African and European worlds. In recent years, Moscow has worked tirelessly to ensure a strategic relationship with Cairo on a multitude of levels, which will play an increasingly important role in the battle going forward.

For one thing, Egypt has signed a number of agreements with Russia to build Special Economic Zones (SEZs), with the largest found in Port Said where automotive parts will be produced in a 7.23 square kilometer area on the tip of the Suez Canal. These SEZs (which Russia has also built up in Mozambique and Namibia) have several strategic and economic advantages.

First, they help to bypass European sanctions, which prevent European automobile companies from providing supplies to Russia, by sending them to African SEZs where they are assembled and sent as finished goods to Russia.

Second, they provide an increased incentive for reduced labor costs. And finally, they facilitate a broader stimulus for an African industrial boom which has long been handicapped by western financiers preferring to keep Africa poor, at war, and thus more easily exploitable.

De-dollarizing Africa

A major component to this strategy involves the successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which went into effect in January 2021. Up until recently, the lack of economic standards, combined with lack of viable infrastructure has kept Africa at war with itself.

All that has changed with the AfCFTA, which eliminated 95 percent of tariffs on inter-African trade. In addition, a unified passport for travel between African nations has also been established as part of the Africa Development Agenda 2063.

Dovetailing the alt-SWIFT payment systems set up by Russia and China, it is noteworthy that as of 13 January, 2022 a Pan African Payments and Settlements System was created which empowers African nations to settle their trade balances in local currencies rather than the US dollar.

Returning to Egypt, the Russia-Chinese sponsored SEZ at Port Said will become the most concentrated point of unified sourcing for goods produced throughout Africa and destined for export to Russia – and also Russian goods (especially wheat) to Africa.

Egypt is in the final stages of negotiating an Egyptian-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement (which has been seven years in the making, and has also made its intention to join the BRICS known (along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey) on 14 June this year. In 2021, Egypt became a full member of the BRICS Development Bank.

From the standpoint of physical economic development, Moscow has made it widely known to all African nations that accessing advanced nuclear energy produced by Rosatom (Russia’s state nuclear giant) will be a high priority. This is especially significant since western powers have essentially banned nuclear technology from “dark” Africa for generations under a policy of technological apartheid.

An African railway renaissance advances

On the issue of transportation and connectivity, Egypt has begun constructing a 1000 km high speed railway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas starting in Ain Sokhna on the Gulf of Suez in the east, moving through the new Administrative capital (being constructed with large assistance from China, located 45 km east of Cairo), and ending at the El Alamin Port on the Mediterranean.

Other legs of this development will see the main Red Sea Port connected with Alexandria and the Port of Matrouh Gargoub, followed by a connection between the cities of Hurghada and Safaga with Qena and Luxor. The last phase will see the connection of Six October City with Luxor and Aswan.

While this is one of the few rail projects on earth not being directly funded by China, Russia is supplying the rail cars while German and Egyptian rail companies build the rail lines. When completed, this system will cut travel time by half, and reduce the congested freight traffic of the Suez Canal by at least 15 percent.

An agreement to build the long awaited 570 km Egypt-Sudan Railway, first proposed in 2010, was finally signed in April 2021 and will be built by Egyptian and Kuwaiti companies.

This rail line will link Aswan in Egypt to Sudan’s Wadi Halfa and accommodate both passenger and freight traffic boosting industrial growth in both nations. Although plans to build a much more expansive 6000 km Egypt-Sudan railway was on the agenda in 2019, the coup which overthrew former president Omar al-Bashir froze that initiative. There is no reason that this bolder program cannot be revived if Chinese-modelled funding mechanisms were adopted by the African Union in the coming period ahead.

Despite the tensions caused over Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD) which both Sudanese and Egyptian governments irrationally fear will reduce their water availability, cooperation for East African integration is advancing speedily ahead.

Spearheading this positive dynamic of cooperation between Ethiopia and its northern neighbors is a new 1522 km standard gauge railway connecting Addis Ababa, Khartoum and the Port of Sudan on the Red Sea.

Since the coup, Sudan has seen the implementation of a $640 million rail program with a majority of the funding coming from China’s State Construction Engineering firm, African Development Bank, and several Persian Gulf companies. This initiative will not only rehabilitate Sudan’s 4725km rail network (half of which has fallen into complete disuse), but will connect the Port of Sudan to Darfur and thence into Chad in the west.

The case of Ethiopia

Below Sudan, Ethiopia has been the most active (and most sovereign) of all nations bordering on the Red Sea.

Having valiantly survived a CIA-led color revolution via Tigray terrorist proxies in the north, and having established an important peace deal with neighboring Eritrea, Ethiopia has shown the greatest capacity of self-direction of all African states in recent years.

Ethiopia has not only managed to reach the final stages of a self-financed 6200 MW Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD), but has also signed military and economic cooperation agreements with China which is the primary investor in the 480 km Addis Ababa-Djibouti standard gauge railway completed in 2017 [see map].

Railway lines in the African continent (Source: The Cradle)

Russia has been instrumental in helping to resolve the GERD dispute between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia and on 12 July, 2021 an agreement was finalized guaranteeing Russian technology and training to Ethiopia’s military.

In January 2022, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced Beijing’s support for a massive extension of Kenya’s 578 km Mombasa-Nairobi railway to Uganda, South Sudan, and the DR Congo. Under this design which is estimated to cost $5.2 billion, rail will be linked to the Addis Ababa line, and thence Djibouti and Eritrea.

There are many similar clusters of rail and energy corridors being built up across Africa and many critics still mistakenly treat these regional integration clusters as if they were simply piecemeal projects disconnected from any broader coherent vision.

Yet this myopic error is as foolish as it is wrong.

Although Russia, China and partner states across the Arab and African worlds must keep their cards close to their chests knowing that openly stating their aims will result in increased chances of sabotage by the west, a clear strategic vision for Africa’s deep integration into the evolving New Silk Road becomes visible when approached from a top-down perspective. One of the most inspiring programs uniting these thousands of projects is the often-overlooked Trans-African Railway.

Complete continental integration

In December 2018, the Russia-Sudan Intergovernmental Commission agreed on Russia’s participation in the construction of the Trans-African railway stretching 8600 km between Dakar, Port Sudan and Djibouti. When completed, this line will pass directly through ten African nations, most of which are landlocked (Senegal, Mali, Niger Chad, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti). China has already begun with a $2.2 billion phase one of the program, with upgrades to 1228km of rail connecting Dakar in Senegal with Bamako in Mali.

The Trans-African Railway will provide a backbone for the much larger African Integrated High Speed Railway Network (AIHSRN) first outlined in the African Union’s 2014 Development Agenda for 2063.

Within this program for total continental connectivity, nine rail links (some high speed and others standard gauge) would unite every nation in a coherent and efficient mode of transport, while stimulating the growth of new industries, parts suppliers, manufacturing sectors and training academies.

Hundreds of bridges, tunnels, ports, and new roads would also be built, including the 56,600 km Trans-African Highway system which has already seen tens of thousands of miles of paved roads and highways where only dirt roads or wilderness existed not long ago.

Already, China has signed an agreement to rehabilitate all former colonial railroads between Dakar and Djibouti, most of which have fallen into disrepair.

West Asia-East Africa connectivity

Within this broad vision, it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to envision the extension of a Trans-African railway across the 29km Bab el-Mandeb Strait on the Red Sea, which currently sees the transit of 30 percent of all maritime cargo globally.

A rail/highway connecting Djibouti to Yemen would be an incredible driver for an economic renaissance and peaceful coexistence for both the African and Arab worlds.

Railway lines in the Arabian Peninsula (Source: The Cradle)

Revisiting the Horn of Africa bridge project

Over 14 years ago, studies for this project were carried out by Al Nour Investment Holdings and the project was approved by the governments of Djibouti, Saudi Arabia and Yemen with Djibouti’s President Ismael Omar Guelleh granting 500 square kilometers of land for the construction of a modern city called “Al Nour” whose sister city (also named Al Nour) would be built in Yemen located on the other end of the bridge.

Under the original 2010 design, the project was to involve a six-lane causeway, with four light rail tracks, gas pipeline and freshwater pipeline. These lines would cross a 5 km suspension bridge making it the longest in the world at a cost of $20 billion for the first phase of construction, and $200 billion once the entire project was completed in… 2020. Over 50,000 cars and 100,000 rail passengers were expected to flow across this route daily and by 2025, Yemen’s Al Nour City was anticipated to host 4.5 million citizens while Djibouti’s Al Nour would be home to 2.5 million.

Unfortunately, the Arab uprisings derailed the project and after the war with Yemen broke out in 2015, this megaproject fell to the wayside.

At the time of the inception of the ‘Bridge of the Horn of Africa’, the Belt and Road Initiative was still four years from being born and Russia was still not sufficiently strong enough to play any meaningful role in obstructing the Anglo-American regime change program that has lit the Arab world and Africa on fire for decades.

Today however, the BRI and broader integration of Iran into the Multipolar Alliance has changed the rules of the game dramatically and a renewal of this program with Iranian participation would be a welcomed development. Without real economic development of this nature, it were impossible that the wounds caused by years of bad blood and death between Yemen and her Gulf neighbors to be healed.

Persian Gulf-Red Sea High Speed Railway

Recent breakthroughs on the southern route of the Belt and Road Initiative have also provided a new impetus for the Persian Gulf-Red Sea high speed rail line first proposed in 2009. As of 2021, all six Gulf Cooperation Council members agreed to activate this 2100 km megaproject across the Arabian desert at a cost of $200 billion which could easily extend into Yemen and thence into both Africa from the south and Egypt in the north where an agreement to build a bridge connecting the Saudi Kingdom to Egypt in the Red Sea was signed in 2016 although international factors have stalled it thus far.

Today, a new epoch of development corridors has come alive driven by the growing Eurasian Partnership which has not only begun to bring a new viable financial system online, but has presented a vision to all of humanity which is entirely based upon the mutual interest of all cultures, religions and nations under a commitment for total development.

Historic enemies of Iran among Arab states have increasingly come to recognize that their self interest were best maintained by breaking away from their roles as puppet states of the west. States like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Qatar have begun re-building bridges with Iran and other Arab partners which is a very good thing for both Eurasian integration and world peace more generally.


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Matthew Ehret the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

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Let me introduce you to Barbara Baarsma. Barbara is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank. Yes, you read that right. Not Rabo Bank but Rabo Carbon Bank. In this 53 second video interview below she is advocating for a “Personal Carbon Wallet”. That may not seem like a big deal but when you hear what she has to say you should be concerned, very concerned in fact.

I’ve transcribed the interview as it is in Dutch. It contains critical information. If you prefer to watch the video with subtitles by all means please do so.

“Let’s ensure that every household or every citizen of the Netherlands receives a certain amount of carbon emission rights. This way we can ensure that we do not emit more than our yearly limit. Your emission rights will be stored in a carbon wallet. So if I wanted to fly, I would buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can’t afford to fly. For example this way this poor person can earn some extra money.

Or if someone lives in a small house, he can sell his emission rights to someone who lives in a big house, this way poor people can benefit from the green economy”

Wow. Quite something isn’t it. Let’s pick it apart and then look at how they are probably going to implement it.

You could argue that it’s just another level of taxation which the globalists will take. I think it runs far deeper. When Bankers start using expressions like rights, poor people and green economy you can be sure that they are envisaging a world for the elite. They don’t give a fig about anyone else.

So in its most basic form, you’ll have no fun and won’t be allowed to travel anywhere. But don’t worry the elites will have the fun for you.

This is nothing more than Totalitarianism.

Did I forget to mention that Rabobank and Baarsma are both in the World Economic Forum. See this and this.

When most people think of carbon emissions and carbon footprints they think it only refers to travel, fuel, gas and electricity all under the guise of emissions. I hate to break it to you but it runs far deeper than that.

Let me now introduce you to Doc Ono, a company you may never have heard of.

Doconomy is a “credit card” endorsed by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum.

In May 2019 an article appeared on the WEF site called “This credit card has a carbon-emission spending limit”.

In the article it says

“Swedish fintech company Doconomy has launched a new credit card that monitors the carbon footprint of its customers – and cuts off their spending when they hit their carbon max”

Yikes, cuts off their spending.

It continues

“The DO card tracks the CO2 emissions linked to purchases to calculate the carbon impact of every transaction. The aim is to encourage people to actively reduce their carbon footprint and demonstrate the impact that small changes can have on the environment.

The card uses the Aland Index as the basis on which it calculates the carbon footprint of each product purchased. Users can set a maximum value for their carbon spend and learn how to compensate for their carbon footprint by contributing towards schemes to reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions”

Now we are getting closer to the truth of how this is going to operate. It isn’t just travel, it will be for everything.

See this.

In February 2019 Mastercard published an article called Mastercard and Doconomy Launch the Future of Sustainable Payments where they say

“Doconomy and Mastercard announce their joint effort to combat climate change by enabling DO – a free and easy-to-use mobile banking service that lets users track, understand and reduce their CO2 footprints through carbon offsetting”

See this.

Isn’t it fascinating that they emphasise it will allow the users to track everything. It would never be used for nefarious purposes such as banks and governments tracking everything. Of course not.

Mastercard is also a WEF partner.

See this.

The United Nations also got on board in May 2019. They published an article called Innovative Climate Action – New Credit Card Limits Climate Impact of Users.

See this.

Patrica Espinosa, the UN Climate Change Executive Secretary couldn’t get enough of the concept, singing its praises.

And yes, you guessed it, Espinosa and UN are also WEF partners. We are beginning to see a trend here yet again, aren’t we.

See this and this.

The big banks also see this as a massive opportunity. In 2021 Barclays hopped into bed with MasterCard and Doconomy.

Seems like full on surveillance and socialism to me. And you probably don’t need me to tell you by this stage that Barclays is also a WEF member.

See this.

But that’s not even close to what the WEF, Mastercard, UN and all these globalist bodies have planned. You are only being told a fraction of the story.

Let me paint you a picture of how this might play out. In Ireland, back in March of this year, Marc Ó Cathasaigh who is a Green Party TD (MP) paid a visit to a pub called Brew Dog in Dublin. He showed an image of the menu which had CO2 (carbon dioxide) labelling beside every food item on the menu and asked the question.

Would this influence what you would order?

On the left side of the menu is your standard chicken, beef, lamb etc whilst on the right is your ‘plant-based’ food including the lab processed ‘Beyond Meat’. Bill Gates is also an investor in ‘Beyond Meat’.

See this.

There isn’t much difference in the outrageous Dublin prices between the two food types. There is however a massive difference in the CO2 levels.

The other point which is important to mention is that a seed is being planted in people’s minds about the different CO2 levels. They are trying to influence people into the hands of plant based foods and Beyond Meats. There is no doubt about it that there is an agenda at play.

I have no idea what the criteria was that they used for measuring the CO2 levels but the point is restaurants are beginning to trial this. I read all the comments below the thread with some saying it was a good idea and some said it wasn’t. The problem though was that everyone responding totally missed the point.

Here is what is probably going to happen. When you go out to a restaurant depending on what your “carbon footprint” has been, will determine what you can and cannot order off the menu.

Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it ? Depending on how many points you have left for that month will determine whether you are allowed to eat “proper food” or “lab food”.

If you’ve been a bold boy or girl you’ll only be allowed to eat the lab grown plant-based food so you don’t surpass your carbon quota. If you try to order beef which apparently has high CO2 levels you won’t be allowed to.

This will also be the case when you go to supermarkets to do your weekly shop. Every item you buy will be assigned a CO2 number.

It gets even more ridiculous though. Within the last month Eamonn Ryan who is a WEF member and leader of the Green Party in Ireland has advocated for the reduction in the numbers of Irish cattle. Instead we will import cattle from Brazil. I like to call this the work of the “Ruminati”. If you know, you know.

How do you think the carbon footprint of importing beef from Brazil would look like on a menu now. It would be off the charts. Do you see what they are trying to achieve and where this is going ?

The whole thing sounds ridiculously Dystopian, doesn’t it ? That would never happen. It’s so 1984, I hear you shout. If you have been paying attention to the last 2.5 years then you will realise it’s not remotely far-fetched at all.

We are being told how this is going to pan out. All you have to do is watch an episode of Black Mirror called Nosedive where the topic is social credit scores. Just substitute social credit score with carbon footprints and you will understand. Digital IDs and Currency, Social Credit Scores and Carbon Footprints will all work in tandem in the future.

I mentioned earlier Doc Ono. On their own site they give another example of how this would work for clothing. Let’s say you wanted to buy a pair of jeans.

On their web site they say

“Consumers could cut their carbon footprint in half by choosing lower impact products”

See this.

Imagine going shopping and having to whip out your “carbon calculator” and realise you only have 10 points to play with. You won’t be able to buy the 21.45 CO2 jeans, you’ll have to plump for the 8.98 CO2 jeans. After all, you won’t be allowed to go over your quota or your card will stop working and your digital payment will be declined.

I just mentioned a “carbon calculator”. It just so happens that Mastercard have already developed it.

In a 2021 press release on their site they say

Mastercard unveils new Carbon Calculator tool for banks globally, as consumer passion for the environment grows.

Guess who they have collaborated with. Doconomy. Go Figure.

See this.

This will be rolled out in the shape of an app so you can check your carbon footprint which will determine what you can and can’t buy.

See this.

But it isn’t just any old “carbon calculator” it’s a 2030 carbon calculator, as in Agenda 2030. If you look closely enough at the top left hand corner of the image you can see the transition from 2020 to 2030.

It will eventually take the shape of an app that covers all the bases of Digital ID, Digital currency, social credit score etc. Basically a total control and surveillance grid which there will be no escape from. Welcome to Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” and George Orwell’s “1984” rolled into one.

Now whether this happens in reality or not is another story entirely. These are not the rantings of some mad, conspiracy theorist. I’ve tried to provide proof of what is going on in the real world. It’s up to you whether you want to believe it or not and whether we let it happen….


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Why the sharp intake of breath, the tingling shock?  In one of the world’s most secretive liberal democracies, the revelation that the previous Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison ran a shadow government overseen by personal quasi-despotic whim spanning several ministerial positions has caused chill and consternation.  That’s not the way we do things – except when we do.

Such consternation, in a country that tolerates secret trials only revealed by accident, raids upon journalists and the headquarters of the national broadcaster, full-throated prosecutions of whistleblowers, the torture-tinged indefinite detention of refugees, and brazen immunities for intelligence officers engaged in alleged criminal activity.

Such consternation, in a country that mandates data retention by telecommunication companies for up to two years and disruptive warrants in violation of privacy, a country that gives government ministers, notably immigration ministers, God-like powers (in a secular sense, revolting) to determine the fate of individuals and, most unappealingly for believers in natural justice, rejects a bill of rights or a human rights charter.  With these monstrous realities, Morrison’s conduct and his shady actions indicate an almost mild consistency.

Given that Australia’s Pentecostal former PM has openly expressed his contempt for government and international institutions, almost in inverse proportion to a professed love of God, the hunky-dory afterlife and all matters divine, the assumption of extra duties, the encroachment, as it were, upon such ministerial portfolios as health and finance, was as natural as it was distasteful.  It may explain, in some measure, why he did not perform his mini-dictatorial duties with any degree of competence.  He could barely manage the prime ministerial portfolio, let alone any other duties.

The current volcanic fuss over Morrison is something to behold.  It was outrageous, say critics, because it was secret, given that such appointments are normally published in the never read Commonwealth Gazette.  For one thing, it brought in the Governor-General, David Hurley, representative of Queen Elizabeth II.  Hurley confirmed that he signed the relevant documents enabling Morrison to assume control over other portfolios “consistent with section 64 of the constitution.”  Hurley also confirmed that it was not an unusual process – in a fashion.  “The Governor-General signs an administrative instrument on the advice of the prime minister.”  Whether that decision was publicised or not was up to the relevant government of the day.

At the time, health minister Greg Hunt was one of the few who knew and agreed to the expansion as a measure to cope with possible COVID-19 incapacitation and turn the country into Fortress Australia.  Few would have noticed the difference, but it was good to cover the contingency.  However, the then finance minister Mathias Cormann, currently OECD Secretary-General, was not told that the Prime Minister had also appointed himself as joint holder of the role.  In such measures, the spirit of Caligula groaned and rumbled upon a horse he teasingly might have made consul.

Other members of the cabinet were also kept in blissful, mushroom-fecund darkness.  “I wasn’t part of that decision-making process and they’re decisions that are within the domain of the prime minister,” current opposition leader Peter Dutton stated, betraying a slight twinge of envy.

The leader of the Nationals, David Littleproud, who was also a member of the previous government, was less impressed.  “That’s pretty ordinary, as far as I’m concerned.”  In his view, “If you have a cabinet government, you trust your cabinet.”

Such a self-arrogation of power was also used to quash the controversial petroleum exploration permit known as PEP 11.  The then resources minister, Nationals MP Keith Pitt, was bemused by the whole matter, though he claimed no knowledge of Morrison’ usurpation of the Industry, Science, Energy and Resources portfolio.  “I certainly found it unusual, but as I said I worked very closely with Scott through a very difficult period through COVID.”

Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, in casting an eye over the affair, was adamant that, “The people in Australia were kept in the dark as to what the ministerial arrangements were.” It was “very contrary to our Westminster system.  It was cynical and it was just weird that this has occurred.”

“Weird” is a term abuzz in the commentary.  The other is “bizarre”.  Former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull even called it “sinister”, wondering why the cabinet and the Governor-General went along with it.  Sinister, perhaps, but why so weird or bizarre?  There is no express provision preventing it, no law banning it, no figure halting it – necessarily.  This is the glorious, colonial relic known as the Australian constitution, plastered over by rusted practices born in the days of the old country when beheading was not frowned upon and conquering the swarthy races was deemed a good thing.

Of interest is the legal commentary, which has been prickly, picky and sometimes missing the point.  Constitutional law high priestess Anne Twomey reproaches those who err in claiming that Morrison swore himself in.  He could not do so – only the Governor-General can.  She also points out that the statutory landscape permits ministers to confer power on others.  What was unusual here was that powers of such sort are exercised by other ministers when the figure in question is unavailable. And that it was kept secret, which was “inappropriate”.  This “lack of transparency” showed a disregard for “the institutions of government and for the general public who have a right to know how power is allocated.”

Constitutional law academic Kim Rubenstein also shows a faith in the very system that produced such daring subversion on the part of Morrison.  On Australia’s Radio National, she offered the view that collective government responsibility and the Westminster system has a certain admirable accountability that, say, the US system lacks.  This is parochial nonsense, given that the prime minister is drawn from Parliament and not directly elected by the voters.  The US system may have appointed, unelected cabinet ministers, but the Westminster system comprising parliament, not the general voter, appoints the prime minister who, in turn, appoints the ministers who are then sworn in by the monarch’s representative, the Governor-General.  Hardly the paragon of accountable democracy.

The next step is to make a balanced assessment about a form of government that can so easily fall to usurpations of power by the executive.  It throws up other vital matters: how war is declared; how military agreements can be made without public or parliamentary scrutiny; and how decisions affecting sovereignty are implemented at enormous cost.

The chances of having that broader debate are minimal.  Albanese and his hounds smell blood, but the stains are not going to be that revealing.  The Westminster model will be praised and defended; Morrison will be dismissed as pettily dictatorial.  The fatuous notion of convention, the false assumption of gentlemanly conduct – for women do not feature in this – says everything about what is wrong about this rotten state of affairs.  Inadvertently, Morrison acted consistently with, and enacted his belief: government cannot be trusted.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Guests are:

Christian Beer, founder, owner and CEO of the Heron Innovations Factory, originally on the development and construction of customized assembly machines. Now they have five independent subsidiaries.

Axel Turck, Managing Director of Emil Turck GmbH which manufactures precision (customers from the lighting industry, the electronics industry to mechanical engineering).

This session is about:

Christian Beer: Corona crisis since 2020 from the perspective of an Austrian entrepreneur and what consequences the measures have had for his company. He also talks about the foundation and his engagement in the network (an initiative of more than 8,800 AU companies), its goals and activities.

Axel Turck: On the threat of insolvencies of companies in the manufacturing industry, the gas shortage situation and gas apportionment, the importance of short or medium-term gas supply restrictions or stoppages for metal-processing companies.
Also on the ailing infrastructure and bridge damage as a result of blatant policy failure in the Lüdenscheid area.


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Worldwide Monkeypox Health Emergency (PHEIC): For Bill Gates, It’s “Moneypox”: Simulation of Fictitious Monkeypox Virus Pandemic in March 2021, Goes Live in May 2022

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 15, 2022

Is Dr. Tedros in conflict of interest, going against a committee of medical doctors and scientists?  The WHO is funded by the Gates Foundation. And Bill Gates is centrefold. He has been pushing for the monkeypox scenario since 2017. And guess what: it’s the Real Time PCR test which the CDC declared invalid for detecting SARS-CoV-2 (effective December 31 2021) which is now being used to “detect the monkeypox pathogen”.

Video: “The Psychiatry of COVID-19”. A Conversation with Dr. Emanuel Garcia

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 16, 2022

Now that monkeypox has been declared a global health emergency, let’s not forget how the last health “emergency” was handled. Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a New Zealand psychiatrist and medical freedom advocate who emigrated from the United States in 2006, reports on the stages of the absurd and yet all too familiar COVID response in his adopted country.

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports Prove Hundreds of Thousands of People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination

By The Expose, August 16, 2022

You were instructed to stay at home to protect the healthcare system. But while you did so, hospitals essentially had a holiday, and this is backed up by official data. You were told the answer to everyone’s prayers was to get the Covid-19 injection. But now that you have done so, the healthcare system is on the brink of collapse.

Video: Sinjajevina, A Plateau in the Mountains of Montenegro Which Has Become a Military Base for NATO

By Pablo Dominguez, Milan Sekulović, and PANGEA, August 16, 2022

In this special Pangea’s Grandangolo episode, Jean Marazzani Visconti interviews Pablo Dominguez, an eco-anthropologist specialized on traditional pastoral mountain commons, and Milan Sekulović, president of the Association for the Defence of Sinjajevina, to discuss what is happening in Sinjajevina and their desperate defence of this precious territory.

Korea as Commons. Where Is the Peninsula Heading in the Political, Economic and Cultural Senses

By Layne Hartsell and Emanuel Pastreich, August 16, 2022

Could an emergent North Korea provide the world with a new, from-scratch benchmark of sustainable, collaborative economic and social development? With geopolitical change and emerging technologies, the idea of a national “commons” now looks increasingly feasible.

Losing Battle with IDF, Palestinians in Firing Zone Face Largest Expulsion Since ’67

By Aaron Boxerman, August 16, 2022

In a cluster of dusty hamlets south of Hebron, a decades-long contest of wills between Palestinians and the Israeli government may be coming to an end. After a legal battle lasting over 20 years, the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled in early May that the army could evict over 1,300 Palestinians living inside a military training zone that covers miles of rolling hilltops.

White House Says US to Conduct ‘Air and Maritime Transits’ in the Taiwan Strait

By Dave DeCamp, August 15, 2022

President Biden’s top Asia official on the National Security Council said the US will be conducting “air and maritime transits” in the Taiwan Strait in the coming weeks in response to China’s military exercises that were a consequence of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

Over 70 Economists Call for Biden Administration to Return Afghanistan’s Central Bank Reserves

By Center for Economic and Policy Research, August 15, 2022

More than 70 economists sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen today urging them to allow the central bank of Afghanistan access to $7 billion in foreign reserves that the Biden administration blocked access to last year following the Taliban takeover of the Afghan government and the US military withdrawal from the country.

17 Republican Governors Ask Biden to Drop COVID Jab Mandate for Foreign Travelers

By Joseph Summers, August 15, 2022

A group of 17 Republican governors, including Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Brian Kemp of Georgia, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, sent a letter to President Joe Biden Wednesday asking him to lift COVID jab requirements for foreign travelers entering the United States.

Coordination of Censorship: United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Elitist Takeover

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 15, 2022

In response to the growing truth movement that warns against a totalitarian, tyrannical takeover, the United Nations has now declared war on “conspiracy theories” that suggest world governments are anything but honest and ethical, and have published a comprehensive guide on how to debunk and strike down claims to the contrary. According to the U.N., world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent”.

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Now that monkeypox has been declared a global health emergency, let’s not forget how the last health “emergency” was handled. Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a New Zealand psychiatrist and medical freedom advocate who emigrated from the United States in 2006, reports on the stages of the absurd and yet all too familiar COVID response in his adopted country.

Applying a psychiatric lens to the public health disasters of masks, lockdowns, and coerced injections, Dr. Garcia’s analysis helps fortify us against the next assault on human dignity, health and freedom.


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This interview was produced by Perspectives on the Pandemic.

Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.

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Political imprisonment in the United States exists primarily as a tool of racist repression. It is aimed disproportionately at people of color, as well as others engaged in anti-racist struggle. Whether in the fight against racism at home or against racist foreign policies, wars, occupation and colonialism, the overarching purpose of political imprisonment is to intimidate and try to crush militant forms of anti-racist struggle.

By treating U.S. political prisoners as “common criminals,” the criminal justice system individualizes each case as if they are somehow separate from their social contexts. This ignores root causes and impedes the development of political solutions to the underlying issues for which people have been arrested.

Readers can discern for themselves what is revealed in the findings presented here, and in the US Political Prisoner list this article analyzes. The large number of people of color and others involved in the anti-racist struggle arrested for their activities is sadly predictable. Our entire history and existing political and economic institutions are founded and advanced squarely on the foundations of racism.

The problem is the entire U.S. social, political and economic apparatus. It’s the system that must change. Only when that happens will political prisoners find justice and true liberation in the U.S. We fight for the liberation of Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal. But as wonderful as winning freedom for individuals may be, without a political solution, little is accomplished regarding the causes for which these prisoners have sacrificed their freedom.

A poster with a group of people

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Not all U.S. political prisoners are in jail for explicitly anti-racist struggles. There are those in prison for opposing the whole fabric of militarism and war, women who have defended their bodies from abuse, striking blows against patriarchy, and eco-defenders.

Recognizing the racism that permeates U.S. political imprisonment does not diminish the validity of the struggles for which they were arrested. Without exception, racism and anti-racism is a factor in every facet of U.S. popular movements. For instance, all anti-war and anti-imperialist struggle has a fundamentally anti-racist aspect. The one existing imperial power in the world today is the U.S./NATO Empire, an Empire centered among mostly White nations, in service to global capitalism and western geopolitical hegemony. That Empire is the primary global purveyor of the exploitation and dispossession of Black, Indigenous, and other colonized peoples in the nations of the Global South.

We further recognize that we can and must look to anti-racist struggles, especially Black and Indigenous liberation, for guidance, lessons, and leadership, regardless the area of activity. The Alliance for Global Justice analysis published August 5, 2020 (which this paper updates), explains that,

“…We are convinced that African people, including the African diaspora, play a leading role in all revolutionary and transformational struggles. African and Indigenous peoples have been specially targeted for repression and exploitation from the very beginning days of the global spread of capitalism. Today, in the U.S., the movement for the rights and self-determination of Black people has, above all else, shown that it is not a temporary struggle but that it has staying power.

There is a thread that connects the struggles of the very first enslaved people through the historic Civil Rights Movement to the… Black Lives Matter uprisings today. The struggle for Black liberation in the U.S. is huge, mature yet young: multigenerational, experienced, politically savvy, and enduring. The successes of Black liberation struggles have always, in every instance, opened the way for other struggles. The struggles against slavery and for Black voting rights led directly to the women’s suffrage movement. The Civil Rights Movement was a foundation for an endless list of struggles, including anti-war, anti-poverty, women’s rights, Latin American and Asian liberation movements, disability rights, gay rights, and more. (Indigenous defense of the land and its people is, of course, the oldest movement in resistance to Empire in the Americas.) Thus, we can say that the prominence of African heritage political prisoners in the U.S. is a situation that concerns all of us.”

AFGJ has maintained a list of U.S. Political Prisoners since 2013, when Stan Smith of the Chicago Committee to Free the [Cuban] Five put that list together for the first time, counting 38 U.S. Political Prisoners. Due to a lack of capacity at the time, we did not undertake an update again until 2018, when we were able to hire Nasim Chatha to help us organize a new comprehensive and updated list. Nasim had been our intern in 2012 and had written some of our pioneering work on the related theme of Prison Imperialism. (Prison Imperialism focuses on the export of the US mass incarceration model to other countries.)

Ours is not the only political prisoner list, and we have always consulted the work of others while augmenting those with our research. We have especially relied heavily on the advice and feedback of Claude Marks from the Freedom Archives and have regularly referenced the Jericho Movement, the Nuclear Resister, Earth First!, and the Anarchist Black Cross.

How we define who is a “political prisoner” is a classification always open to debate. We note that some organizations, such as the Jericho Movement, do not list people as political prisoners unless they have asked or agreed to be so listed. As we noted in our 2020 report,

“There is a concern that prisoners may experience further targeting and harassment as a result of attention brought by well-meaning supporters. We very much respect that. For our purpose, we are trying to build a comprehensive list that reflects the overall extent and reality of politically motivated arrests in the United States. We are not involved in direct advocacy. For political prisoners who have specific solidarity campaigns, we have tried to provide links. If there are no advocacy organizations linked, they may not exist or be wanted.”

We are not attempting to maintain a complete list of all U.S. political prisoners. Instead, our list is of U.S. political prisoners who are also prisoners of Empire (PP/POEs). There are, for instance, animal rights activists whom we do not include. A person arrested for direct action against the inhumane conditions suffered under the conditions of factory farming, or to liberate animals from pens where there is no freedom of movement, is not included, unless there is some element directly related to the struggle against the underpinnings of Empire.

Home | Jericho Movement


Even under socialism, under nations in resistance to Empire, sometimes even under locally autonomous communities, there are animals kept and exploited under conditions that can only be described as cruel. But one cannot simply blame Empire for this, even when and if it exacerbates the problem.

How, then, do we define political prisoners who are also prisoners of Empire? Our August 5, 2020 report on political prisoners states:

“Our definition of political prisoners refers to people who are incarcerated for alleged crimes related to resistance and liberation from repression. We believe that these cases should not be treated as isolated, ‘common’ crimes, but [cases that] require a political solution. In many cases, those in jail are there because of false allegations or because they were framed and railroaded through the courts. Our list is not only of political prisoners, but also of what we term “prisoners of Empire.” By that, we mean people who are jailed because of activities that constitute a direct challenge to the national and international dominance of U.S., NATO, and transnational capitalist imperialism.”

We also note in our listing that,

“…political prisoners […] require a political solution […] Whether the circumstances of the alleged crimes are true or false, we strenuously reject the individualized and out-of-context treatment of these cases as simply ‘common crimes.’ Our listing of these prisoners does not constitute an endorsement of the tactics or immediate goals of every individual. We also recognize that people have a right to resist oppression, and the failure to do so can be, itself, a crime against the people. In many cases, those arrested have been set up, falsely accused, railroaded, and/or denied adequate defense and basic human rights. More often than not, they have received harsher sentences than usual because of the political nature of their activities.”

Although the origins of our PP/POEs list date back to 2013, this is only the second comprehensive analysis we’ve published. The first analysis was in response to the 2020 uprising sparked by the extrajudicial killing of George Floyd. We admit that what we have could be significantly augmented.

We need another major and exhaustive review of the definitions, criteria, and categories we employ. Towards that end, we’ve established a committee that will spend the next year revising all aspects of the list. This is an ongoing process, and if you have suggestions for improvements, we want to hear what you have to say. Feel free to send your suggestions to [email protected].

One must also look at the back stories behind the numbers and trends. For instance, in 2018, we listed 50 political prisoners. After several minor revisions in the interim, in which the total was steady, we published a major update in August of 2020, following the peak of the 2020 uprising. We found that after the 2020 uprising, the number of PPs/POE had risen by 12.28% to 57.

As of the present moment, the number has diminished to a count of 55 U.S. PP/POEs, as of August 10, 2022. The decline in the overall number can be attributed to paroles, completed sentences, as well as deaths, of several PP/POEs. Especially, over the past two years, several Black PP/POEs arrested in crackdowns during the previous century have died in prison or been released after decades behind bars. These include the MOVE 9 and participants in historic Black liberation struggles, both armed and unarmed.

In 2020, we found 38.60% of PPs/POE were Black, and just over 72% were people of color. Today, the percentage of Black PP/POEs has dropped to 34.55% (19), while the overall number of people of color who are PPs/POE has dropped to 69% (38). Of the other PP/POEs who are people of color, 10.9% (6) are Latino; 5.45% (3) are North “American” Indigenous; 3.64% (2) are Asian-American (non-Arab, Middle Eastern, or Central Asian); and 16.36% (9) are Arab, Middle Eastern, African Muslim, or Central Asian (one PP/POE is of Pakistani heritage, and one PP/POE is included under both Latino and Arab, ME, etc.-heritage categories).

As for the last category, we have included these together because we’ve found it difficult to find statistics related to these specific ethnic groups. Instead, we find the closest readily available statistics have to do with Muslims in prison—and Muslim is not an ethnicity and can include people from all over the world, including those who are not necessarily people of color.

Although Muslim or perceived-as-Muslim peoples are not ethnicities, they are discriminated against as if they were, targeted as a class because of their actual or perceived religious identification. Similarly, prison population statistics regularly confuse the count of Latino prisoners by counting most of them simply as “white.”

To understand the racism revealed in these percentages, we must compare them to the demographic percentages of the US population as a whole. Respectively, we find that the U.S. general population is 13.6% Black, 18.9% Latino, 1.3% Indigenous, and 1.1% “Muslim.”

The racist application of the “criminal justice” system is a feature of the entire system, not just of political imprisonment, which itself reflects a larger reality. For instance, we find that Black persons are incarcerated at a rate 3.5 times higher than that of Whites.

Progression from slavery to mass incarceration in US history


We need to place the differences and the total number of PP/POEs within context. Among the U.S. PP/POEs, it is significant that just over 14.55% (8) of the total are those incarcerated for their activities during the 2020 Uprising. There are also still two PP/POEs that remain in jail for activities related to the Ferguson uprising in 2014, following the extrajudicial killing of Michael Brown. If we add those together, we find that 18.18% of U.S. PPs/POE have been jailed in relation to charges stemming from the birth and continued growth of the Black Lives Matter movement.

How do we determine who and how many are PPs/POE because of anti-racist struggle? We count 22 of 55 PPs/POE, or 40%, arrested for domestic anti-racist actions. As an international solidarity organization, AFGJ is keenly aware that U.S. foreign policies and international relations are extensions of the same policies, attitudes, and actions that drive domestic racism. U.S. wars, sanctions, blockades, and Prison Imperialism are overwhelmingly wielded against nations with a large majority of people of color, countries of the Global South. We find that 11 PPs/POE are in jail for actions of international solidarity with specific nations targeted by Empire (as Noam Chomsky defines it, “an integrated policy of U.S. military and economic supremacy”).

Another 8 are people involved in activities of self-determination, liberation, and defense of their territories from occupation, war, sanctions, and blockades.

Among them are Simon Trinidad from Colombia, Ivan Vargas from Colombia, Alex Saab from Venezuela, the Virgin Island Three, Mun Chol, Myong, and Leonard Peltier (in defense of the Lakota nation in occupied South Dakota). Together, these represent 34.55% (19) of those engaged in struggle directly against the international application of U.S. racist and political repression. When we combine those arrested for domestic and international resistance to U.S. racism, we find that 42 of 55 PPs/POE, 76.36%, are incarcerated for acts of anti-racist resistance.

In other words, more than three quarters of US/POEs are in jail for activities that can be described as anti-racist.

We also count 5.54% (three) PP/POEs jailed for eco-defense. 7.27% (four) were arrested for activities generally or directly opposed to U.S. militarism and wars. 7.27% (the Cleveland Four) are in prison for generalized resistance to the U.S. political system and global capitalism. 3.64% (two) women are in jail for defending themselves from their abusers or rapists.

As for the last category, the reality is that there are hundreds if not thousands we might include in that category. We need to pose several questions and investigations to determine who and how many of these there are and who, if not all, could be considered Prisoners of Empire. We ask the reader to be patient with us as we delve into this complex and challenging area of research for next year’s report.

For now, we include Maddesyn George and Fran Thompson as emblematic cases for which we know there is a much higher total.

We also note that there is overlap in some of these categories. For instance, Fran Thompson is included as a woman arrested for self-defense and an eco-defender, exacerbating her prosecution and sentencing. There are other cases where people are counted in more than one category.

At the 2013 Tear Down the Walls conference in Tucson, Arizona, Margaret Prescod of Global Women’s Strike argued that all those interned under the inherently racist and classist U.S. model of mass incarceration are political prisoners. That may not be our definition, but who can honestly claim she was wrong?

In our list of classes of political imprisonment, we include those held in immigrant detention centers and those still held in occupied Cuba at the Guantánamo prison. But they are not counted among the 55 PPs/POE that we document.

We do know this—even if we added the 36 inmates in Guantánamo, the thousands held in immigrant detention centers, the many women jailed for defending themselves against their rapists and abusers, and, therefore, in resistance to the patriarchal underpinnings of the Empire, these inclusions would only underscore what we already know: political imprisonment in the U.S. is a tool of racist as well as other easily identified forms of repression both at home and abroad, and all of these cases require political solutions, not individualized and decontextualized punishment.

Ultimately, systemic change is needed, which is another way of saying revolution.


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Natalia Schuurman and Eduardo García contributed to this article.

James Patrick Jordan is National Co-Coordinator for the Alliance for Global Justice and is responsible for its Colombia, labor, and ecological solidarity programs. He lives in Tucson, Arizona and is a student and occasional presenter at Salt of the Earth Labor College. He can be reached at [email protected].

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In this special Pangea’s Grandangolo episode, Jean Marazzani Visconti interviews Pablo Dominguez, an eco-anthropologist specialized on traditional pastoral mountain commons, and Milan Sekulović, president of the Association for the Defence of Sinjajevina, to discuss what is happening in Sinjajevina and their desperate defence of this precious territory.

Sinjajevina is a plateau in the mountains of Montenegro where families of shepherds have lived and protected the territory for centuries. Sinjajevina was about to become a World Heritage Site for the world and Europe, when Montenegro joined NATO and they decided to use Sinjajevina as a shooting range and international military base.


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Could an emergent North Korea provide the world with a new, from-scratch benchmark of sustainable, collaborative economic and social development? With geopolitical change and emerging technologies, the idea of a national “commons” now looks increasingly feasible.

Relations between North and South Korea are changing so rapidly, the pressing question is no longer what the next step in this process of reconciliation will be, but rather where the peninsula is heading in the political, economic and cultural senses.

A door is opening for the institutional transformation of the “Hermit Kingdom” with new concepts and technologies. The implementation of new approaches to government and the building of new infrastructure could make North Korea an inspiring experiment that other nations can model.

However, amid promising developments on the Korean Peninsula, media report that multinationals are planning to establish an extractive economy that will generate quick wealth from the exploitation of North Korea’s rich mineral resources and cheap labor.

The profits will not benefit impoverished North Koreans, but rather international investors. This suggests that Wall Street, or its Japanese or Chinese equivalents, will develop North Korea’s economy according to the blueprint offered by postwar Iraq.

But North Korea does not have to choose between following the backward economic policies of North Korea’s Labor Party, which have produced stagnation and poverty, nor must it embrace a consumption-based neoliberal “development” policy run by global investment banks and the consulting firms that they fund.

There is an alternative: a third way for North Korea to leapfrog dirty and exploitative “growth” but still reach sustainable economic and political success.

Embracing the 21st-century commons

This “third way” for North Korea is a collaborative economy and society. This means embrace of the emerging global commons in education, politics, manufacturing and economics made possible by P2P (peer-to-peer) systems and commons-oriented production (for example Linux, Wikipedia). Because North Korea is, in essence, starting from scratch, it can adopt the Internet of Verification (such as blockchain and holochain) in a more comprehensive manner than has been done elsewhere.

Such economic innovations will be shared and participatory, in the sense that socialist economies were, but the decision-making process will be distributed throughout society so as to avoid authoritarian politics, and thereby empower communities to set priorities.

Such economic innovations will be shared and participatory, in the sense that socialist economies were, but the decision-making process will be distributed throughout society so as to avoid authoritarian politics, and thereby empower communities to set priorities.

This approach will allow North Korea to benefit from the advantages of internationalization without allowing international finance to dictate what North Korea will become. Concrete proposals for such a sharing economy that are viable alternatives to exploitative and extractive market economies have been made by the P2P Foundation in Amsterdam and the Commons Foundation in Seoul.

North Korea can empower its people by integrating them into the global P2P economy that links individuals with their peers in South Korea and around the world, so that they can realize their full potential through commons-based micro-manufacturing controlled by neither the state nor by Wall Street. Rather than being exploited for cheap labor, or cheap mineral resources, North Korea can develop a model for positive globalization powered by people, not by capital.

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In a cluster of dusty hamlets south of Hebron, a decades-long contest of wills between Palestinians and the Israeli government may be coming to an end.

After a legal battle lasting over 20 years, the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled in early May that the army could evict over 1,300 Palestinians living inside a military training zone that covers miles of rolling hilltops.

“They’re trying to remove us from here, once and for all,” said school principal Haytham Abu Sabha, who says he has lived in this village his entire life.

If carried out, it would be the largest single eviction in the West Bank since Israel captured the territory in the 1967 Six Day War, according to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

Fakhit is just one of nearly two dozen Palestinian hamlets that dot Masafer Yatta, the Arabic name for the sprawling hills south of Hebron. About eight would be cleared under the ruling. Local Palestinians work as herders and farmers, raising goats and sheep, who graze on the scrubby hillsides.

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Featured image: Separation wall between Israel and the West Bank near Jerusalem. Photo by Mazur Travel/Shutterstock.

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The Ukrainian Boondoggle as a Black Hole

August 15th, 2022 by William J. Astore

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Back on June 1st, I noted that Ukraine couldn’t possibly absorb more than $54 billion in U.S. aid, most of it related to weaponry and munitions, given the country’s lack of infrastructure as well as the chaos inherent to a shooting war.

As I wrote back then:

The entire defense budget of Ukraine before the war was just under $6 billion. How can Ukraine possibly absorb (mostly) military “aid” that represents NINE TIMES their annual defense budget? It simply can’t be done…

From a military perspective, the gusher of money and equipment being sent to Ukraine makes little sense because there’s no way Ukraine has the infrastructure to absorb it and use it effectively. The U.S. approach seems to be to flood the zone with weaponry and assorted equipment of all sorts, irrespective of how it might be used or where it might ultimately end up. I can’t see how all this lethal “aid” will stay in the hands of troops and out of the hands of various criminal networks and black markets.

And so it goes. Recent reports suggest that only 30-40% of U.S. military aid is actually reaching Ukrainian troops. The rest is being siphoned off, lost, stolen, what-have-you. The response in U.S. media is to suppress this truth, per dictates from Ukraine!

Caitlin Johnstone does an excellent job of summarizing the case, and since she generously encourages her readers to share her posts, I thought I’d avail myself of her generosity. Without further ado:

Caitlin Johnstone, CBS Tries Critical Journalism; Stops After Ukraine Objects

Following objections from the Ukrainian government, CBS News has removed a short documentary which had reported concerns from numerous sources that a large amount of the supplies being sent to Ukraine aren’t making it to the front lines.

The Ukrainian government has listed its objections to the report on a government website, naming Ukrainian officials who objected to it and explaining why each of the CBS news sources it dislikes should be discounted. After the report was taken down and the Twitter post about it removed, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said this was a good start but still not enough.

“Welcome first step, but it is not enough,” Kuleba tweeted. “You have misled a huge audience by sharing unsubstantiated claims and damaging trust in supplies of vital military aid to a nation resisting aggression and genocide. There should be an internal investigation into who enabled this and why.”

The CBS News article about the documentary was renamed, from “Why military aid to Ukraine doesn’t always get to the front lines: ‘Like 30% of it reaches its final destination’” to the far milder “Why military aid in Ukraine may not always get to the front lines.” An editor’s note on the new version of the article explicitly admits to taking advisement on its changes from the Ukrainian government, reading as follows:

“This article has been updated to reflect changes since the CBS Reports documentary ‘Arming Ukraine’ was filmed, and the documentary is also being updated. Jonas Ohman says the delivery has significantly improved since filming with CBS in late April. The government of Ukraine notes that U.S. defense attaché Brigadier General Garrick M. Harmon arrived in Kyiv in August 2022 for arms control and monitoring.”

CBS News does not say why it has taken so long for this report to come out, why it didn’t check to see if anything had changed in the last few months during a rapidly unfolding war before releasing its report, or why it felt its claims were good enough to air before Kyiv raised its objections but not after.

Someone uploaded the old version of the documentary on YouTube here, or you can watch it on Bitchute here if that one gets taken down. It was supportive of Ukraine and very oppositional to Russia, and simply featured a number of sources saying they had reason to believe a lot of the military supplies being sent to Ukraine aren’t getting where they’re supposed to go.

The original article quotes the aforementioned Jonas Ohman as follows:

“All of this stuff goes across the border, and then something happens, kind of like 30% of it reaches its final destination,” said Jonas Ohman, founder and CEO of Blue-Yellow, a Lithuania-based organization that has been meeting with and supplying frontline units with military aid in Ukraine since the start of the conflict with Russia-backed separatists in 2014.

“30-40%, that’s my estimation,” he said in April of this year.

“The US has sent tens of thousands of anti-aircraft and anti-armor systems, artillery rounds, hundreds of artillery systems, Switchblade armored drones, and tens of millions of rounds of small arms ammunition,” CBS’s Adam Yamaguchi tells us at 14:15 of the documentary. “But in a conflict where frontlines are scattered and conditions change without warning, not all of those supplies reach their destination. Some also reported weapons are being hoarded, or worse fear that they are disappearing into the black market, an industry that has thrived under corruption in post-Soviet Ukraine.”

“I can tell you unarguably that on the frontline units these things are not getting there,” the Mozart Group‘s Andy Milburn tells Yamaguchi at 17:40. “Drones, Switchblades, IFAKs. They’re not, alright. Body armor, helmets, you name it.”

“Is it safe to characterize this as a little bit of a black hole?” Yamaguchi asked him, perhaps in reference to an April report from CNN whose source said the equipment that’s being sent “drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.”

“I suppose if you don’t have visibility of where this stuff is going, and if you’re asking that question, then it would appear that it’s a black hole, yeah,” Milburn replied.

“We don’t know,” Amnesty International’s Donatella Rovera tells Yamaguchi at 18:45 when asked if it’s known where the weapons being sent to Ukraine are going.

“There is really no information as to where they’re going at all,” Rovera says. “What is more worrying is that at least some of the countries that are sending weapons do not seem to think that it is their responsibility to put in place a very robust oversight mechanism to ensure that they know how they’re being used today, but also how they might and will be used tomorrow.”

A news outlet pulling a report because their own government didn’t like it would be a scandalous breach of journalistic ethics. A news outlet pulling a report because a foreign government didn’t like it is even more so.

We’ve already seen that the western media will uncritically report literally any claim made by the government of Ukraine in bizarre instances like the recent report that Russia was firing rockets at a nuclear power plant it had already captured, or its regurgitation of claims that Russians are raping babies to death from a Ukrainian official who ended up getting fired for promoting unevidenced claims about rape. Now not only will western media outlets uncritically report any claim the Ukrainian government makes, they will also retract claims of their own when the Ukrainian government tells them to.

It’s not just commentators like me who see the western press as propagandists: that’s how they see themselves. If you think it’s your job to always report information that helps one side of a war and always omit any information which might hinder it, then you have given yourself the role of propagandist. You might not call yourself that, but that’s what you are by any reasonable definition of that word.

And a great many western Zelenskyites honestly see this as the media’s role as well. They’ll angrily condemn anyone who inserts skepticism of the US empire’s narratives about Ukraine into mainstream consciousness, but then they’ll also yell at you if you say we’re not being told the truth about Ukraine. They demand to be lied to, and call you a liar if you say that means we’re being lied to.

You can’t have it both ways. Either you want the mass media to serve as war propagandists or you want them to tell the truth. You cannot hold both of those positions simultaneously. They are mutually exclusive. And many actually want the former.

This can’t lead anywhere good.


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President Biden’s top Asia official on the National Security Council said the US will be conducting “air and maritime transits” in the Taiwan Strait in the coming weeks in response to China’s military exercises that were a consequence of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

“We will ensure that our presence, posture, and exercise account for China’s more provocative and destabilizing behavior towards guiding the situation in the western Pacific towards greater stability,” Kurt Campbell, the NSC’s coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, told reporters on Friday.

Campbell said that the stepped-up US presence in the region “includes conducting standard air and maritime transits through the Taiwan Strait in the next few weeks.” The US typically sails a single destroyer through the Taiwan Strait about once a month, but it’s possible the US could go for a bigger show of force after China conducted its largest-ever military drills around Taiwan in response to Pelosi’s visit.

When asked what type of warships the US might send through the Strait, Campbell declined to share details.

“We don’t make any comments about either the nature of our crossings or the timings across the Taiwan Strait,” he said.

Campbell said that China “overreacted” to Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and claimed it had a precedent and that the US does not want to change the “status quo” across the Taiwan Strait. Newt Gingrich visited Taiwan as House speaker in 1997, but he also stopped in China as part of his Asia tour, and US-China relations were much better than they are today. Pelosi’s visit also followed a pattern of increasingly frequent congressional delegations to the island.

China’s military is also much more advanced today than it was in the 1990s. In the weeks leading up to Pelosi’s visit, China made it clear that it would view her trip as a provocation and warned that it would respond strongly. After the visit, China launched its largest-ever military exercises around Taiwan, simulated blockading the island, and fired missiles over Taiwan for the first time.

Campbell also revealed that the US plans to increase trade relations with Taiwan, another thing Beijing has warned against. “We’re developing an ambitious roadmap for trade negotiations, which we intend to announce in the coming days,” he said.

Campbell is the co-founder of the hawkish Center for a New American Security (CNAS) think tank and worked in the State Department during the Obama administration, where he led the policy known as the “pivot” to Asia. Last year, Campbell set the tone for the Biden administration’s China policy by saying the era of engagement with Beijing was over and that the two countries’ relationship will now be defined by competition.


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It is increasingly clear that Gaza paid the price for an Israeli military campaign in the West Bank that has little to do with it.

In an orgy of violence, Israel reversed a strategy – which it has been pursuing for decades – of dividing the Palestinians into different camps. It is now forcing them to reunite.

Israel clearly intended to provoke a wave of missile strikes with the arrest of Bassam al-Saadi, a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group (PIJ). For three days, the PIJ did not react. Saadi had been arrested seven times before and even leaked footage of him being dragged by soldiers did not ignite passions. There were no protests in the West Bank.

Israel then launched its attack on Friday afternoon, killing Taiseer al-Jabari, the commander of the northern division of al-Quds Brigades (Saraya al-Quds), the military wing of the PIJ, along with five-year-old Alaa Qaddoum, a 23-year-old woman, and seven other Palestinian men.

By the standards of this long and bitter conflict, Israel’s attack on Gaza was unprovoked. There is no evidence to support the contention that Jabari was preparing an attack on Israeli tanks.

Only three hours after the strikes on Gaza did the PIJ unleash a rocket barrage, but Hamas’s much larger rocket force remained in its silos.

All of the targets of this campaign are local commanders and relative unknowns, even to Ran Kochav, the spokesperson for the Israeli army who forgot Jabari’s name on live television on Saturday.

But if the campaign to defang the West Bank is clear, it is equally the case that such an operation would provoke the very uprising it is designed to stem. An armed uprising in the West Bank is no longer a matter of if, only when. This is not just a consequence of the collapse of the Palestinian Authority, whose writ no longer runs in Jenin, or indeed Nablus. Both cities have formed their own brigades.

A leadership deficit

The formation of new armed cells in territory which has largely eschewed armed resistance since 2007 reflects not only the collapse of the PA, but a leadership deficit within all Palestinian factions, PIJ and Hamas included.

The cells themselves may be “inspired” by the Islamic Jihad movement but their members come from all groups, including Fatah, Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Put simply, the West Bank is bristling with guns, most of which can be acquired easily on the Israeli market. A new generation of Palestinians is trading in their cars, careers and, ultimately, their own lives for them.

This decision has little to do with the weight of history. It has more to do with the burden of the present.

If recognising Israel does not work; if Israel is disinterested in talks that lead to a Palestinian state; if every time Israeli forces attack, the outside world commends it for doing so; if vigilante gangs of settlers destroy your olive trees and your houses under the armed protection of Israeli soldiers; if the law that applies to those gangs is civilian, but the law applying to you, who are unarmed, is military; if your own leaders are corrupt, and refuse to hold elections for decades for fear of the popular vote: what else is there left for you to do? Surrender? Leave for London?

Israel is under a profound delusion if it thinks that Palestinians will just melt away. This is the last thing on this generation’s mind. They will stand and fight. It’s not flight they are thinking of, but liberation.

Global abandonment

Palestinians are as globally connected as any other generation of youths around the world. What exactly is the message world leaders are giving them in their fact-free reactions to the latest bombardments?

US President Joe Biden reacted as follows:

“My support for Israel’s security is long-standing and unwavering – including its right to defend itself against attacks.

“Over these recent days, Israel has defended its people from indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the United States is proud of our support for Israel’s Iron-Dome, which intercepted hundreds of rockets and saved countless lives. I commend Prime Minister Yair Lapid and his government’s steady leadership throughout the crisis.”

The statement, which is worth reading in full, had no expression of concern about Israel shooting first. Lapid’s actions were commendable.

Or what about Britain’s prime minister to be, Liz Truss? As these events were unfolding, Truss addressed Conservative Friends of Israel with these words:

“The UK stands by Israel and its right to defend itself.” In her letter to the group, she added: “We condemn terrorist groups firing at civilians and violence which has resulted in casualties on both sides.”

To rub salt into the wound, Truss promised to review the location of Britain’s embassy, which is currently in Tel Aviv – an act which would consign what small role the UK had as a peacemaker or mediator in this conflict to the ashes. There is no domestic pressure for her to do this.

The EU acknowledged that the escalation had already led to “a number of casualties” but did not say who they were and which side caused them. France “deplored” the Palestinian civilian casualties, but condemned “the firing of rockets into Israeli territory and reiterates its unconditional commitment to the security of Israel”.

Only the UN and the Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney broke ranks – by inches, not feet. Ireland said it was “deeply concerned” by the impact of Israeli strikes on civilians.

What message do these statements send to the families of the 45 Palestinians who have been killed in these attacks, 16 of them children? What message goes through to the hundreds injured?

In this case, Israel clearly fired first not because a Palestinian militant group had reacted. But because it did not react. That is something of a first in this conflict.

And it is applauded for doing so by the very same leaders who are arming Ukrainian resistance fighters against Russian occupiers.

A dangerous message

There can be no clearer demonstration of the hollowness of western values than in their persistent, cynical and criminally responsible failure to bring Israel to book for its actions.

This is a dangerous message to be sending both sides in the conflict, not least Israel itself.

Lapid is unlikely to lead public opinion in Israel. Israel’s next generation of soldiers are not following him, rather the likes of the Kahanist Itamar Ben-Gvir, who took part in the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque along with his supporters.

If Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in forming the next government later this year, the extreme right – and from a group once classed by the US and Israel as terrorists – could well be in his cabinet.

By giving Lapid the greenest of green lights to kill Palestinians at will, western leaders are sending an even more dangerous message to the next generation of Israeli leaders who are openly talking of killing Arabs come what may. They openly threaten Palestinians with another Nakba.

The latest target of Israel’s operation in the West Bank is described as Israel’s most wanted man in Nablus. But Ibrahim al-Nabulsi was only 19 years old. Before the final firefight of his life, Nabulsi made an audio recording that went viral: “Preserve the homeland after me, and my commandment is for no one to leave gunpowder. I am besieged, and I am going to be martyred,” he said.

Huge crowds attended his funeral, and those of Islam Sabbouh and 16-year-old Hussein Taha, who died in the same Israeli raid.

The relief for Israel in his death will be strictly temporary. The obvious fact is that the more Palestinians Israel kills the more they provide a recruiting platform for fighters to replace them.

Elaine Abu-Shaweesh is all of five or six years old. She was injured in bombings in Rafah on Saturday. Hani Alshaer, a journalist from Gaza, caught her on video with a bloody bandage on her head, and saying: “Israel is not a state, and they are under, under, under my feet. And they are on the ground and are trash and they are not. They are bombing kids and maybe right now they have destroyed our house, because last time they did, last war.”

No one taught this little girl what to say. But come what may she will grow up to resist what is happening all around her. This is Israel’s work. It is also the world’s responsibility.


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David Hearst is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye. He is a commentator and speaker on the region and analyst on Saudi Arabia. He was The Guardian’s foreign leader writer, and was correspondent in Russia, Europe, and Belfast. He joined the Guardian from The Scotsman, where he was education correspondent.

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More than 70 economists sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen today urging them to allow the central bank of Afghanistan access to $7 billion in foreign reserves that the Biden administration blocked access to last year following the Taliban takeover of the Afghan government and the US military withdrawal from the country. The economists write that the reserves are crucial for Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), as the central bank is called, to function. And, without an operational central bank, the Afghan economy is not able to work properly, with many unable to receive salaries and the government unable to perform basic monetary duties and limited in paying for imports.

“As economists — and, among us, former central bankers — we are deeply concerned by the compounding economic and humanitarian catastrophes unfolding in Afghanistan, and, in particular, by the role of US policy in driving them,” the letter states. “We write today to urge you to take immediate action to confront this crisis, above all by allowing the central bank of Afghanistan, Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) to reclaim its international reserves.”

Signers to the letter include the Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, Jayati Ghosh, Linda Bilmes; Sir Richard Jolly of the University of Sussex; Dean Baker, Eileen Appelbaum, and Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research; and Heidi Shierholtz, Jeff Faux, John Schmitt, and Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute, among many others.

Andrés Arauz, formerly general director for the central bank in Ecuador, also signed the letter. Arauz recently wrote from his experience as a central banker to explain why the reserves are vital to the Afghan central bank’s functioning.

“Without access to its foreign reserves, the central bank of Afghanistan cannot carry out its normal, essential functions,” the letter states. “Without a functioning central bank, the economy of Afghanistan has, predictably, collapsed. The people of Afghanistan have been made to suffer doubly for a government they did not choose. In order to mitigate the humanitarian crisis and set the Afghan economy on a path toward recovery, we urge you to allow DAB to reclaim its international reserves.”

Previously, the UN Secretary-General, leading UN human rights experts, US lawmakers, families of the victims of the September 11 attacks, Afghan women’s groups and feminist leaders, leading human rights organizations, civil society organizations, and others have called for the release of the Afghanistan Central Bank’s assets.


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Featured image: US President Biden enters Roosevelt Room in the White House to give a statement on US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Aug 24, 2021

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A group of 17 Republican governors, including Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Brian Kemp of Georgia, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, sent a letter to President Joe Biden Wednesday asking him to lift COVID jab requirements for foreign travelers entering the United States. 

“Over the last several months, countries around the world dropped mandatory vaccine requirements for visitors from Australia to Israel to almost every country in Europe,” the letter states. “In total, as of July 2022, 72 countries dropped all COVID-19 testing and vaccination requirements for travelers.” 

“The continued requirements, even as other countries are moving in the opposite direction, put us at a competitive disadvantage as our states work to welcome international travelers, attract foreign business prospects, and host global athletic competitions,” the letter continues.  

Your actions are hurting our states’ economies and unnecessarily hampering our economic growth as a nation.

The governors also point to an apparent contradiction in Biden’s policy regarding COVID mandates. The governors noted that while the administration has expanded jab requirements for entry into the United States, the administration has attempted to repeal Title 42, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rule that says the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can deport illegal aliens for reasons of public health. A judge ruled in May that the administration could not repeal Title 42. 

“As COVID-19 vaccination rates remain high and hospitalization levels remain manageable, continuing your international travel vaccine mandate becomes indefensible,” the letter concludes. “The rest of the world is moving on from the COVID-19 pandemic and returning to normal. It is time for your Administration to do the same.” 

Biden announced jab requirements for foreign entry into the United States in October. The requirements mandated that noncitizen nonimmigrant travelers to the United States over the age of 18 must show proof of vaccination to enter the United States by air. In January, the DHS imposed a “temporary rule” that extended the mandate to land and ferry entries. The rule became indefinite in April. Former President Donald Trump had originally closed the borders to non-U.S. citizens at the start of the COVID-era in 2020. 

Last week, a handful of GOP Congressmen sent a similar letter to Joe Biden, also asking him to end the foreign jab mandate, and highlighting the example of other countries. “In maintaining societies open to lawful commerce and travel, these nations affirmed that Covid-19 is not a legitimate reason to arbitrarily shut down healthy, constructive interactions among the human race,” the Congressmen stated.  

“By failing to similarly affirm this reality, your administration is coercively forcing noncitizens to choose between their own bodily autonomy and pursuing their lawful interests,” they added. 

However, the jabs have been linked to severe side effects, ranging from heart inflammation to infertility and even death. 

In March, it was found that 11,289 cases of pericarditis/myocarditis after COVID vaccination were reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database between January 1 and February 25 of this year, which is already 47% of the 24,177 reports for the same submitted in all of 2021. An April study out of Israel indicates that COVID infection alone cannot account for such cases, despite claims to the contrary. 

Data from the Pentagon’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) has been similarly alarming, showing that 2021 saw drastic spikes in a variety of diagnoses for serious medical issues over the previous five-year average, including hypertension (2,181%), neurological disorders (1,048%), multiple sclerosis (680%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer, (487%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism (468%), migraines (452%), ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), and tachycardia (302%).

A total of 1,371,474 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines have now been submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 29, 2022, to VAERS. This includes 29,981 reports of deaths. 

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Coordinated censorship is occurring globally

In response to the growing truth movement that warns against a totalitarian, tyrannical takeover, the United Nations has now declared war on “conspiracy theories” that suggest world governments are anything but honest and ethical, and have published a comprehensive guide on how to debunk and strike down claims to the contrary. According to the U.N., world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent”

According to the U.N., a story only qualifies as truthful if “The sources are backed by fact-checking sites” — which we now know are all bought and paid for by the cabal that is conspiring to create a One World Government through a “Great Reset”

To stop the spread of “conspiracy theories” about a global technocratic cabal hell-bent on stealing all private wealth and centralizing world governance, UNESCO, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress have launched a joint Twitter campaign with the hashtag, #ThinkBeforeSharing

Documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) show the U.S. government colluded with Big Tech to censor on its behalf

The Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana have filed a lawsuit against the federal government and have been granted discovery. Several officials from the Biden administration are being subpoenaed, as are several social media companies. The documents obtained by AFL are also being used in this lawsuit. Subsequent to the AFL’s document release, several scientists who were censored by Big Tech at the behest of the federal government have joined the AG’s lawsuit


There’s clear coordination, globally, of censorship. With few exceptions, countries have taken action to criminalize free speech, and they have done so in lockstep with each other. It began in earnest with censorship of theories about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and grew from there to include anything COVID related.

Still, the truth could not be contained. People started abandoning mainstream media in droves — which have clearly been lying to us on behalf of the globalist cabal — flocking instead to alternative news sources.

In response to the growing truth movement that warns against a technocratic, anti-human takeover, the United Nations has now declared war on “conspiracy theories” that suggest world governments are anything but honest and ethical, and have published a comprehensive guide1 on how to debunk and strike down claims to the contrary.

Not surprisingly, a story only qualifies as truthful if “the sources are backed by fact-checking sites.” As detailed in other articles, so-called “fact checking” organizations are all bought and paid for by the same cabal that is conspiring to create a One World Government through a “Great Reset.”

So, no wonder they’re designated as the sole arbiters of truthfulness. They’re part and parcel of the propaganda machine. How convenient for the globalists.

Stop the spread of conspiracy theories

Source: UNESCO #ThinkBeforeSharing

UN Takes Aim at Globalist Takeover ‘Conspiracies’

To stop the spread of “conspiracy theories” about a global technocratic cabal hell-bent on stealing all private wealth and centralizing world governance, UNESCO, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress have launched a joint Twitter campaign with the hashtag, #ThinkBeforeSharing.2

According to the U.N., world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent,” and if you come across people who think a global cabal is conspiring to consolidate power unto themselves, you must act as a good citizen and debunk their claims.

Journalists are also told to report alleged conspiracy theorists to social media and their local press council or press ombudsman. The People’s Voice (TPV) report (video above) goes into additional details.

Operation Mockingbird Never Stopped. It Merely Morphed

TPV also provides a quick review of Operation Mockingbird, a CIA operation in which journalists were recruited and paid to distribute fake news stories and CIA propaganda. Interestingly, the Mockingbird op was launched in 1948, the same year the U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act (aka the Smith-Mundt Act) became law, which forbade the U.S. government from pushing propaganda onto the U.S. population.

This anti-propaganda law was repealed in 2013 by then-President Barrack Obama. So, since July 2013, the U.S. government and CIA have been legally permitted to propagandize U.S. citizens.

Ironically, the dismissal of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists as mentally unstable crackpots was a tactic invented by the CIA. Its intent is to marginalize and demoralize anyone who dares question the official narrative. In the video above, media analyst Mark Dice provides a slightly more in-depth summary of Operation Mockingbird.

According to the U.N., “true conspiracies” — which they admit can and do exist — are only ever unearthed and revealed by mainstream media, and true conspiracies are almost always limited in scope. Neither is true, of course.

Mainstream journalists are shackled by the will of owners and advertisers, which are the very same people and organizations involved in this global takeover, and the conspiracy that is The Great Reset is the largest, most comprehensive conspiracy in human history (that we know of). The fact that this is now a new focus of censorship just shows we’re right on target.

We also have plenty of evidence that mainstream media are still, to this day, being paid to publish selective propaganda, as detailed in “Reuters and BBC Caught Taking Money for Propaganda Campaign.” In fact, mainstream media are more controlled and clandestinely directed today than ever before.

They are not acting as a check on power at all, but rather as an indoctrination arm of the New World Order cabal. As such, it’s impossible for a legacy media journalist to break a real conspiracy theory open. So, the fact that the U.N. is telling you to listen only to the mainstream media and its bought-and-paid-for “fact checkers” is rather telling.

Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, it’s become quite clear that most legacy media are in the business of publishing fake news, and that “fact checking” is nothing but a sham supporting and reinforcing their lies. Basically, the U.N. is simply doing its part in trying to prop up the globalists crumbling propaganda infrastructure.

Illegal Collusion Between Government and Big Tech

The technocratic takeover and the implementation of a One World Government has been “announced” and detailed in a variety of different reports over the decades. Today, we also have evidence in the form of internal documents obtained through lawsuits. As reported by America First Legal, July 27, 2022:3

“Today, America First Legal (AFL) released shocking documents4 it obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealing concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech and promote Biden Administration propaganda.

These documents are only the latest examples of this Administration’s blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Last July, then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted5 that the White House was working with social media companies to identify ‘misinformation.’

Specifically, she said, ‘we’re regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives, dangerous to public health that we and many other Americans are seeing across all of social and traditional media. And we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies.’

AFL immediately submitted FOIA requests to the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health to uncover the degree to which the CDC and the White House have been censoring content that it has deemed ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation.’”

When they failed to comply with the FOIA request, AFL sued the CDC to compel the release of the requested information. It took a year, but they’ve now received the first tranche of documents, which show the CDC has been working with social media platforms and the Census Bureau to “leverage their infrastructure to identify and monitor social media for vaccine information.”

In one instance, the CDC sent Twitter officials a chart of sample tweets it deemed to be vaccine misinformation to be censored. The CDC also held regular “be on the lookout” (BOLO) meetings with Twitter and Facebook during which the CDC instructed the social media giants on what to take down.

CDC Has Coordinated Censorship Across Platforms

The CDC also instructed Twitter on language to be used to “debunk” Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data. Specifically, the CDC told Twitter to highlight the fact that anyone can file a VAERS report, and that “VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event.”

While both statements are true, they in no way eradicate the value of VAERS data, as VAERS is designed to be an early warning system. When many reports of like kind start to amass for a given vaccine — that’s a warning signal that something is wrong and further investigation is warranted. The problem we have is that both the FDA and CDC, which share responsibility for VAERS, refuse to do so.

Correspondence also reveals the CDC and HHS received $15 million dollars’ worth of Facebook advertising credits as a non-monetary gift, which appears to be a “violation of the Antideficiency Act’s limitation on voluntary services,” AFL notes.

The CDC has also coordinated the censorship of vaccine information with Google, while asking Google to promote its own vaccine page in search results. Emails even reveal that the CDC was allowed to edit Google’s Knowledgebase code directly.

“The records AFL finally received from the CDC reveal the extent to which the Biden Administration is willing to engage in unconstitutional and otherwise unlawful activities in total disregard for the rights of American citizens,” AFL writes.6

“AFL continues to file crucial oversight requests with the Biden Administration to reveal to the American people the actions this Administration is taking on a daily basis which undermine the rule of law and the liberties of American citizens. AFL has made clear that any corrupt government agency that attempts to conceal records should be prepared to face legal action.”

In a public statement, AFL president Stephen Miller added:7

“These explosive smoking-gun documents, obtained as a result of America First Legal’s litigation against the Biden Administration, conclusively demonstrate that Big Tech has unlawfully colluded with the federal government to silence, censor, and suppress Americans’ free speech and violate their First Amendment rights.

Government is expressly prohibited from censoring competing or dissenting viewpoints or from silencing its political opponents whether it does so directly or whether it uses an outside corporation to achieve its draconian, totalitarian ends. AFL will not rest in the fight against illegal collusion between Big Tech and Big Government to trample on your voices and the Bill of Rights.”

Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit Underway

The documents obtained by AFL will also be used in other free speech lawsuits underway, including one filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana. As reported by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, July 12, 2022:8

“Today, the United States District Court, Western District of Louisiana granted Missouri and Louisiana’s motion for discovery in their lawsuit against top-ranking Biden Administration officials for allegedly colluding to suppress freedom of speech, paving the way for the attorneys general to collect discovery and documents from both top-ranking Biden Administration officials as well as social media giants like Twitter, Meta, and others …

The lawsuit … alleges that the Biden Administration … both pressured and colluded with social media giants Meta, Twitter, and YouTube to censor free speech in the name of combating so-called ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation,’ which led to the suppression and censorship of truthful information on several topics, including COVID-19 …

The lawsuit incorporates four counts: (1) Violation of the First Amendment, (2) Action in Excess of Statutory Authority, and (3) Administrative Procedure Act Violations by HHS officials, and (4) Administrative Procedure Act violations by DHS officials.”

Specific individuals named in the lawsuit include President Biden, former press secretary Jen Psaki, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Nina Jankowicz (former director of the now-defunct Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’), Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, just to name a few.

Indeed, several of these, including Biden, Psaki and Murthy, have publicly targeted me specifically and demanded be banned from social media for the crime of sharing published science and the educated viewpoints of myself and other medical experts.

Scientists Join AG’s Lawsuit Against the Federal Government

Examples of free speech suppression listed in the AG’s complaint include:

  1. The Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election
  2. The lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin
  3. The efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns
  4. Election integrity and the security of voting by mail

The fact that these AGs are now able to subpoena U.S. officials and Big Tech is really important because subpoenaed information cannot be redacted at will, as is the case with most FOIA requests. Only the judge can decide if certain information is to be redacted and not released for public consumption.

In a July 19, 2022, Twitter thread,9 Schmitt detailed some of the documentation they’re demanding, and from whom. Links to the discovery requests and subpoenas can be found on Schmitt’s AG website.10 One concern right now is the fact that Schmitt is also running for Senate. If he wins that seat, he may remove himself from the case, which would be a terrible loss. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens, in that regard.

Several Scientists Join AG’s Lawsuit Against Federal Government

In the meantime, the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), representing several scientists, have joined the AG’s lawsuit.11

Scientists represented by NCLA include two of the co-authors of The Great Barrington Declaration — Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University, Martin Kulldorff, former professor of medicine at Harvard University — as well as Dr. Jill Hines, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and a former member of the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Subgroup.

As noted by the NCLA,12 “Government censorship can take several forms like shadow bans, de-platforming, de-boosting, restricting access to content, demonetizing, requiring users to take down content, and imposing warning labels requiring click-through to access content,” and its plaintiffs have all been “censored and/or shadow banned as a result of Defendants’ actions.”

Government-Sponsored Censorship in the Limelight

The history of collusion between government, media, the CIA and other operatives is a long one. The main difference between the propaganda and censorship of yesteryear and today is that it’s now blatant and in your face.

It’s also documented to a degree we’ve not seen before — and government is even trying to make government-sponsored censorship into accepted rule, even though it’s a blatant violation of the First Amendment (free speech). That’s what the Disinformation Governance Board was all about.

So, the timing of the U.N.’s decision to take a decisive role in global censorship is not likely accidental. The U.S. government is failing in its attempt to eradicate free speech, so the U.N. is stepping in as a “superior” international power to push that agenda forward. It’s worth noting that they’re counting on previous brainwashing to achieve this aim.

They’re basically enlisting the brainwashed masses to strike down the truth tellers on their behalf. Not only is having populations police each other an effective control strategy, but as long as citizens are turned against each other, they’re also not paying attention to who the real enemy is and what they’re up to.

Essentially, what we have here is a conspiracy to hide the biggest conspiracy in the history of mankind, namely the implementation of global totalitarianism by a secretive “elite” that has never been legally empowered to lord over a single soul, let alone the global population as a whole.

So, what’s the answer? Do the opposite of what the U.N. is demanding and never, ever stop sharing truth and different opinions and viewpoints. Freedom of speech — whether you’re right or wrong in your assessment — is foundational for freedom, and any infringement on speech freedom is a direct attack on human freedom and liberty and must never be tolerated in a free society.


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Read the original English version:

When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon: The Assassination of Shinzo Abe

By Emanuel Pastreich, July 23, 2022

지난 7월 8일, 일본의 옛 수도는 후덥지근했습니다. 일본 정계의 최고 권력자인 아베 신조(安倍晋三) 전총리가 나라 긴테쓰 철도역 앞에서 지역 자민당 후보를 위한 유세 연설을 하고 있는데 갑자기 쾅 하는 큰 소리가 나더니, 그 뒤로 희한한 연기구름이 나타났습니다.

반응은 엄청났습니다. 유난히 많은 군중 속에 모인 사람들 가운데 단 한 사람도 피신하려고 뛰거나, 공포에 질려 도망치지 않았습니다.

유세 도중 유난히 멀찍이 떨어져 서 있던 아베 전 총리의 경호원들은 그를 보호하려는 노력도, 안전한 장소로 끌어내려는 노력도 하지 않은 채 무표정하게 지켜봤습니다.

몇 초 후, 아베는 늘상 입던 파란색 재킷, 이제 피로 얼룩진 흰 셔츠, 그리고 납북 일본인과의 연대를 상징하는 파란색 배지를 찬 채로 쓰러져 그 땅바닥에 눕게 됐습니다. 아마 즉사했을 것입니다.

그제서야 경호원들은 아베의 뒤에 서 있던 용의자 야마가미 토루야 (山上徹也)를 붙잡았습니다. 야마가미와의 몸싸움은 전문적인 기습 체포가 아닌 TV 시청자들을 위해 안무가 된 듯한 댄스 형태를 취했습니다.

언론이 즉시 확인한 결과 야마가미는 아베 전 총리에 대해 개인적 불만을 가진 41세의 전 해상자위대 대원으로 밝혀졌습니다.

야마가미는 주저 없이 모든 것을 경찰에게 말했습니다. 현장에서 도망치려고도 하지 않았고 경호원들이 그를 붙잡았을 때 여전히 그 우스꽝스러운 수제 총을 들고 있었습니다.

아베가 보도 위에 눕혀진 후에도, 군중들 중 단 한 명도 피신하려고 뛰지 않았고, 심지어 어디에서 총격이 왔는지 알아보고자 주위를 둘러보지도 않았습니다. 모든 사람들이 사격이 끝났다는 것을 마술처럼 알고 있는 것 같았습니다.

그러더니 코미디가 시작되었습니다. 아베를 리무진에 태우고 휙 가버린 것이 아니라 주변에 서있던 사람들이 행인들에게 “의사 없냐?”고 소리치기만 했습니다.

언론은 이 공격에 대해 즉시 “외로운 총잡이”라는 결론을 받아들였고, 야마가미가 카리스마 넘치는 무속인 카와세 카요(川瀬カヨ), 새로운 종교인 토이츠 쿄카이 (世界平和統一家庭連合)와 어떻게 연관되었는지, 그리고 왜 그가 그 단체와 교류를 가진 아베를 어머니의 문제로 비난했는지에 대한 재미있는 이야기를 되풀이했습니다.

토이츠 쿄카이에는 문선명 목사가 세운 통일교 신도들이 있기 때문에, 언론인 마이클 펜 (Michael Penn)은 아베의 죽음으로 이어진 음모가 문선명 추종 세력과의 협력의 결과라고 속단했습니다.

비록 주류 언론은 이 환상적인 이야기를 받아들였지만, 일본 경찰과 보안 기관은 대안적인 해석을 가까스로 억누르는 데 실패했습니다. 블로거인 기타가와 다카하시(北川高嗣)씨는 7월 10일, 아베 총리가 야마가미가 서 있는 뒤쪽이 아닌 앞쪽에서 총을 쐈고, 총격이 역 광장 건너편 사거리 양쪽에 있는 높은 건물 중 하나 또는 양쪽에서 비스듬히 발사됐을 것이라는 자료를 올렸습니다.

키타가와 다카하시의 게시물:   ©브레이크뉴스

키타가와 다카하시의 게시물:

기타가와의 탄환 경로에 대한 분석은 아베가 그날 저녁 의사가 두 발의 탄환이 있었다고 발표하기 전까지 단 한 발의 총을 맞았을 뿐이라고 근거 없이 주장했던 언론이 내놓은 그 어떤 것보다 더 과학적이었습니다. 군중 속에서 떨어진 곳에 서서 어색한 사제총을 든 남성이 아베를 두 번 쐈을 가능성은 낮습니다. 방송인이자 총기 전문가인 코조노 히로미 (小園浩己)는 자신의 (7월 12일자) 방송 “수끼리”에서 그런 위업은 못 믿을 것이라고 했습니다. 영상을 주의 깊게 보면, 소음기가 달린 소총에 의해 이웃 건물 꼭대기에서 여러 발의 탄알이 발사되었다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

세상에 전하는 메시지

일본의 가장 유력한 정치인이자 일본의 정치인들과 관료들이 현재의 지정학적 위기에서 탄생한 전례 없는 불확실성에 대응하여 결집한 인물인 아베 신조와 같은 인물이 주변의 심각한 안보 정보 없이 총살되는 것은 말이 되지 않습니다. 아마도 그 메시지는 국내 시청자들에게서 잊혀졌을 지 모르지만, 다른 정치인들에게는 아주 분명했습니다. 그 문제에 관해, 메시지는 아베가 총살된 거의 같은 순간에 권좌에서 쫓겨난 보리스 존슨에게, 또는 우버에 대한 영향력 행사 스캔들로 갑자기 기소되고 몇 달간의 대규모 시위에도 흔들리지 않자 지난 7월 11일 퇴진 요구에 직면했던 에마뉘엘 마크롱에게 분명한 것이었습니다.

이 메시지는 아베의 흰 셔츠 전체에 붉은색으로 쓰여져 있었습니다. 글로벌리스트 체제에 굴복하고 코로나19 체제를 홍보하는 것은 G7 국가의 지도자의 안전 보장에도 충분치 않다는 것입니다.

아베는 지금까지 전 세계 국가의 통치를 갉아먹은 암의 최상위 피해자였습니다. 이 암덩어리는 국가 정부로부터 의사결정을 개인 소유의 슈퍼컴퓨터 은행, 사모펀드 그룹, 텔아비브, 런던, 레스턴의 고용정보회사들의 네트워크로 옮기는 제도적 질병입니다. 억만장자들이 세계 경제 포럼, NATO, 세계은행 그리고 다른 권위 있는 한 기관들에서 고용해온 전략적 사상가들입니다.

4차 산업혁명은 중앙정부를 위한 모든 정보의 통제권을 효율성의 이름으로 페이스북, 아마존, 오라클, 구글, SAP 등으로 이전하기 위해 이용되었습니다. J. P. 모건이 말했듯, “모든 것에는 좋은 이유와 진짜 이유, 두 가지가 있습니다.”

아베의 암살로, 이 기술 폭군들과 그 마스터들은 국가 권위로 포장한 사람들은 명령을 따르지 않으면 처벌받지 않고 베어버릴 수 있다고 선언하여, 루비콘 강을 건넜습니다.

키타가와 다카하시의 게시물    ©브레이크뉴스

일본의 문제

일본은 “서구”에 합류할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 발전한 유일한 아시아 국가로서, 독점적인 G7 클럽의 회원이 될 수 있고, 최고의 정보 공유 프로그램인 “파이브 아이즈 5개국”과 협력할 수 있는 자격을 갖춘 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 일본은 계속해서 세계 금융가들, 그리고 월가의 신세계 질서 설계자들의 기대와 요구를 무시해왔습니다.

비록 미국 정부로부터 아시아에서 일본 수준에 미치지 못하는 동맹국이라고 끊임없이 비난 받아온 한국이지만, 펜타곤과 세계 경제 전체를 장악하느라 바쁜 초부자들이 일본의 신뢰성에 대해 의구심을 품기 시작하고 있다는 것이 현실입니다.

세계 은행, 골드만 삭스, 또는 하버드 대학교의 벨퍼과학국제문제연구소의 글로벌리스트 시스템에는 “선진국” 출신의 가장 잘 나고 똑똑한 사람들을 위한 정해진 길이 있습니다.

프랑스, 독일, 노르웨이 또는 이탈리아에서 온 엘리트들은 유창한 영어를 배우고, 워싱턴, 런던, 또는 제네바에서 싱크탱크나 대학교에서 시간을 보내고, 좋은 수입을 보장하는 은행, 정부 기관, 또는 연구소에서 한직을 확보하며, <이코노미스트> 지가 제공하는 상식적이고 친금융적인 관점을 채택합니다.

그러나 일본은 선진적인 은행 시스템이 있음에도, 또한 선진적인 기술을 구사하는 것이 독일 전동 공구의 유일한 라이벌임에도, 그리고 수많은 노벨상 수상자를 배출할 수 있는 정교한 교육 시스템을 갖췄음에도, “선진” 국가를 위해 이 모델을 따르는 지도자를 양성하지는 않습니다.

일본 엘리트들은 대부분 해외에서 공부하지 않고, 일본은 해외 학술이나 언론에서 가져온 정보에 의존하지 않는 세련된 지식인층을 형성하고 있습니다.

다른 국가들과 달리, 일본인들은 일본 전문가들만 인용하여 정교한 언론 기사를 전부 일본어로 작성합니다. 실제로 식물학과 세포생물학 등 분야에서, 일본은 완전히 일본어로 쓰여진 세계적인 학술지를 보유하고 있습니다.

마찬가지로, 일본은 다국적 기업이 아무리 시도해도 쉽게 침투하지 못하는 수준 높은 국내 경제를 갖추고 있습니다.

지난 10년간 막대한 부의 집중은 초(超)부자들이 세계 경제 포럼의 젊은 글로벌 리더 프로그램과 슈바르츠만 장학생 프로그램으로 대표되는, 비밀 글로벌 거버넌스를 위한 보이지 않는 네트워크를 만들 수 있게 해줬습니다. 이러한 증가하는 정책 수치는 글로벌리스트 의제가 방해 받지 않고 진행되도록 하기 위해 각국의 정부, 산업 및 연구 기관에 스며듭니다.

일본은 이러한 교활한 형태의 글로벌 거버넌스에 영향을 받아 왔습니다. 그러나 영어를 잘하거나 하버드에서 공부하는 일본인들이 일본 사회에서 반드시 탄탄대로를 걷게 되는 것은 아닙니다.

일본의 외교와 경제는 완고 하도록 독립적인데, 이는 코로나19 캠페인 동안 다보스 군중들 사이에서 우려를 불러일으켰습니다.

비록 아베 정권과 그 이후의 기시다 정권은 백신과 사회적 거리두기에 있어 세계 경제 포럼과 세계보건기구의 지시에 따랐지만, 일본 정부는 대부분의 국가들보다 시민들의 삶에 덜 간섭했고, 조직들이 백신을 요구하도록 강요하는 데 덜 성공적이었습니다.

예방접종을 받지 않은 인구에 대해 서비스를 차단하기 위한 QR 코드의 사용은 다른 “선진국”에 비해 일본에서의 구현에 한계가 있었습니다.

게다가, 일본 정부가 요구된 디지털화 의제를 완전히 이행하기를 거부하여, 다국적 기술 대기업들이 다른 국가에서 행사하는 통제권을 거부하고 있습니다. 일본 디지털화의 지연으로 인해 워싱턴 D.C.의 윌슨 센터는 일본 디지털 에이전시의 장관인 카렌 마키시마(2021년 9월 글로벌 금융의 압력으로 출범)를 초청하여 일본이 왜 디지털화가 그렇게 늦었는지 설명하게 되었습니다(7월 13일).

일본인들은 디지털화, 정부와 대학교의 기능을 다국적 기술 대기업에 아웃소싱 하는 것, 그리고 정보의 민영화에 대한 자신들의 저항이 스스로의 이익에 부합하지 않음을 점점 더 깊이 인식하고 있습니다.

일본은 기록물을 사용하는 등 옛 관습을 따르는 일본어 교육기관을 계속 운영하고 있습니다. 일본인들은 여전히 책을 읽고 있고, 한국인이나 중국인만큼 AI에 매료되어 있지 않습니다.

일본의 저항은 1867년 메이지 유신 (明治維新)으로 거슬러 올라갈 수 있습니다. 일본은 복잡한 국내 담론을 만들기 위해 서양 사상을 일본어로 번역하고 일본 개념과 결합하여 동서융합의 정부 시스템을 만들기 시작했습니다. 메이지 유신 당시 수립된 통치 체계는 일본과 중국의 과거, 그리고 19세기 프로이센과 영국에서 나온 전근대적 원칙에 기초한 통치 모델을 사용한 것으로, 상당 부분이 아직도 남아 있습니다.

그 결과, 장관들이 각 부서 예산을 신중하게 지키고 내부 지휘 계통을 유지하며 관료들의 영지를 감독하는 봉건주의적 통치 방식이 생겨났습니다.

아베의 문제

아베 신조는 우리 시대의 가장 세련된 정치인 중 한 명으로, 미국이나 다른 국제기구와 항상 거래를 트지만, 일본을 글로벌리스트들이 지시하는 대상으로 삼는 것에 관해서는 늘 신랄합니다.

아베는 일본을 제국의 지위로 되돌리려는 꿈을 품었고, 자신이 메이지 천황의 환생이기를 상상했습니다.

아베 전 총리는 실제 일본 내 의사결정 과정을 통제하는 것만큼 TV 출연에 관심이 없다는 점에서 존슨이나 마크롱과 달랐습니다.

몇몇 사람들이 그러려 했던 것처럼 아베의 통치를 미화할 필요는 없습니다. 그는 정부의 위험한 민영화, 교육의 공동화를 추진했고 중산층에서 부유층으로 자산을 대거 이전하는 것을 추진했던 부패한 내부자였습니다.

극우 성향의 니혼카이키(日本会議)포럼을 이용해 극우적인 어젠다를 홍보하고, 일본 제국주의 과거의 가장 모욕적인 측면을 미화하는 것은 심히 불온했습니다. 아베는 아무리 어리석더라도 모든 군사비 지출에 대해 주저하지 않고 지지했고, 사실상 미국의 어떤 뻘 짓도 기꺼이 지지했습니다.

그런 면을 염두에 두고 볼 때, 기시 노부스케(岸信介)총리의 손자이자 아베 신타로(安倍晋太郎) 외상의 아들로서, 아베 신조 전 총리는 어린 시절부터 빈틈없는 정치인이라는 것을 보여주었습니다. 자신의 의제를 진척시키기 위해 광범위한 정치적 도구를 사용하는 데 창의적이었고, 다른 아시아 정치인들이 가질 수 없는 편안함으로 전 세계의 기업 및 정부 지도자들을 부를 수 있었습니다.

저는 아베를 직접 만난 두 번의 자리에서 받은 인상을 생생하게 기억합니다. 어떤 냉소적인 정치를 추진했든지 간에, 그는 일본인들이 “수나오”라고 부르는 순수함과 소박함을 청중들에게 발산했습니다. 매혹적이었습니다. 그의 태도는 추종자들 사이에 충성심을 고취시키고 그의 정책에 적대적인 사람들을 압도하는 수용성과 개방성을 암시했습니다.

요컨대, 아베는 자민당 내에서, 그리고 국제 사회 내에서, 사려 깊고 자애로운 지도자로 보이면서도 상대와 맞설 수 있는 세련된 정치인이었습니다.

이러한 이유로, 아베의 민족주의에 적대적인 일본인들도 그를 기꺼이 지지했습니다. 글로벌한 정치 지도력을 일본에 회복시켜줄 수 있는 유일한 정치인이라고 보았기 때문입니다.

일본의 외교관들과 군 장교들은 비전의 부재에 대해 끝없이 걱정하고 있습니다. 일본이 강대국이 되기 위한 모든 자격을 갖추고 있지만, 여전히 고시에는 능하지만 위험을 무릅쓰기를 꺼리는 사람들 즉 특별할 것 없는 일련의 도쿄 대학 졸업생들이 운영하는 나라라고 생각하는 것입니다.

일본은 푸틴이나 시진핑 같은 존재를 낳지 않으며, 마크롱이나 존슨 같은 사람도 배출하지 않습니다.

아베는 지도자가 되기를 원했고, 세계무대에서 그 역할을 하기 위해 필요한 연줄, 재능, 그리고 무자비함을 가지고 있었습니다. 이미 일본 역사상 가장 오래 재임한 총리였고, 실각했을 때도 총리로서 세 번째 도전 계획을 가지고 있었습니다.

말할 필요도 없이, 세계 경제 포럼의 배후에 있는 부자들은 아베와 같은 국가 지도자들을 원하지 않습니다. 그들이 국제적인 의제에 순응한다고 할지라도, 국가 내에서 저항을 조직할 능력이 있기 때문입니다.

무엇이 잘못됐는가?

아베 전 총리는 중국 및 러시아와의 경제적 유대가 강화됨에 따라 지난 10년간 일본이 직면했던 불가능한 딜레마를 전통적인 국정 운영 기술로 해결할 수 있었지만, 미국, 이스라엘, NATO와의 정치 및 안보적 통합은 빠르게 진행되었습니다.

일본이 러시아, 중국과 우호적인 관계를 유지하면서 미국과 동맹국들과 그렇게 친해지는 것은 불가능했습니다. 하지만 아베는 거의 성공했습니다.

아베는 집중력을 잃지 않고 냉정을 유지했습니다. 일본을 위한 독특한 자리를 개척하기 위해 모든 기술과 연줄을 이용했습니다. 그러는 동안, 아베는 일본이 해 아래서 제자리를 찾을 수 있도록 하기 위해 외교부의 전략 사상가 야치쇼타로(谷内正太郎)의 정교한 외교에 눈을 돌렸습니다.

아베와 야치는 서로 모순되지만 효과적인 지정학적 전략을 사용하여 동서양을 모두 관여 시켰고, 비밀 외교를 충분히 활용하여 일본을 강대국 게임의 자리에 복귀시키는 장기적 협정을 타결시켰습니다.

한편, 아베는 오바마와 트럼프에게 미국 정부의 입장을 지지하는 데 있어서 한국, 호주 또는 다른 인도보다 더 멀리 갈 의향이 있는 일본을 제시했습니다. 아베는 미국의 동아시아 계획에 맞는 재(再)군비화를 추진한 것에 대해 국내의 엄청난 비난을 기꺼이 감수했습니다.

무기 시스템의 구매에 더해, 열광적이도록 친미적인 언사로 워싱턴 정치인들에게 깊은 인상을 주었던 동시에, 아베는 중국과 러시아를 최고 수준으로 끌어들였습니다. 그것은 하찮은 기술로 이뤄진 것이 아니라, 미국 내부와 중국 및 러시아 정부에 대한 정교한 로비를 수반했습니다.

러시아의 경우 아베 총리는 2019년 러시아와 관계를 정상화하고 북방영토(러시아어식 표현으로 쿠릴 열도)에 관한 분쟁을 해결하는 복잡한 평화협정을 성공적으로 이뤄냈습니다. 미국이 일본 정부에 제재를 가하도록 압박하는 동안에도 일본 기업들에 대한 에너지 계약을 확보하고 러시아에서 투자 기회를 찾을 수 있었습니다.

다나카 사카이(田中境)기자는 러시아 정부가 일본 정부의 다른 모든 대표들의 입국을 금지한 이후에도 아베 총리는 러시아 입국을 금지 당하지 않았다고 지적합니다.

아베는 또한 중국을 진지하게 끌어들여 장기적인 제도적 유대를 공고히 하고, 제15차 회담(2019년 4월 9일~12일)에서 돌파구를 마련한 자유무역협정 협상을 추구했습니다. 아베는 중국 정치인들과 접촉할 준비가 되어 있었고, 비록 그의 언사가 거칠게 반중국적이었음에도 불구하고 중국 입장에서는 아베는 신뢰할 수 있고 예측 가능한 정치인으로 여겨졌습니다.

아베의 암살로 이어지는 과정을 촉발시킨 중요한 사건은 마드리드에서 열린 NATO 정상회담(6월 28일~30일)이었습니다.

NATO 정상회의는 막후의 숨은 참가자들이 새로운 세계질서를 위해 법을 내려놓는 순간이었습니다. NATO는 유럽을 방어하기 위한 동맹을 넘어, 책임 없는 병권으로 발전하기 위해 빠른 속도로 나아가고 있으며, 세계 경제 포럼, 세계의 억만장자, 은행가들과 함께 “세계 군대”로 일하며, 영국 동인도 회사가 과거에 했던 것과 같은 기능을 하고 있습니다.

NATO 정상회의에 일본, 한국, 호주, 뉴질랜드의 지도자들을 초청하기로 한 결정은 NATO 개혁의 중요한 부분이었습니다.

이들 4개국은 (다국적 기술 대기업에 아웃소싱) 정보 공유, (록히드 마틴과 같은 다국적 기업의 직원이 관리해야 하는) 첨단 무기 시스템의 사용, (압박적 결정의 선례가 되는) 합동 훈련, 국가 내에서 명령 계통을 훼손하는 기타 “협조적” 접근 방식 등 전례 없는 수준의 안보 통합에 초청되었습니다.

7월 1일, 기시다 총리가 도쿄로 돌아왔을 때, 첫 만남을 가진 상대 중 하나가 아베였다는 것에는 의심의 여지가 없습니다. 기시다 총리는  아베 전 총리에게 바이든 행정부가 일본에 요구한 불가능한 조건을 설명했습니다.

그런데, 백악관은 이제 전적으로 빅토리아 눌랜드 정무 차관과 같은 글로벌리스트들 및 부시 일족에 의해 훈련받은 다른 이들의 도구입니다.

일본에 대한 요구는 본질적으로 자살행위였습니다. 일본은 러시아에 대한 경제 제재를 강화하고, 러시아와의 전쟁 가능성에 대비하며 중국과의 전쟁에 대비하는 것이었습니다. 일본의 군사, 정보, 외교 기능은 NATO 주변에서 잔치를 벌이기 위해 모이는 민간 계약자들의 신흥 세력으로 옮겨질 예정이었습니다.

아베가 죽기 전 1주일 동안 무엇을 했는지 우리는 모릅니다. 아마도 워싱턴 D.C., 베이징, 모스크바뿐만 아니라 예루살렘, 베를린, 런던에 있는 자신의 모든 자산을 사용하여, 세계에 일본이 바이든의 모든 배후에 있다는 인상을 주는 다층적인 대응을 고안해내면서도 일본이 부정한 방법으로 중국과 러시아와의 데탕트를 추구할 수 있음을 보여주는 정교한 정치 놀이를 시작했을 것입니다.

이 대응의 문제점은 다른 나라들이 폐쇄된 상태였기 때문에, 그러한 정교한 플레이가 일본을 주요 국가 중 유일하게 반(半) 기능적인 행정부를 가진 나라로 만들었다는 것입니다.

아베 전 총리의 죽음은 아베가 암살되기 정확히 2년 전인 2020년 7월 9일 실종된 박원순 서울시장과 거의 비슷합니다. 박원순 전 서울시장은 중앙 정부에 의해 실시되고 있는 코로나19 사회적 거리두기 정책을 위해 서울시청에서 조치를 열심히 취하지 않았습니다.

그의 시신은 산에서 발견되었고, 직원을 성희롱한 혐의에 대한 괴로움으로 인한 자살로 사인이 즉시 결정되었습니다.

이제 어떡해야 할까?

현 상황의 위험성을 과소평가해서는 안 됩니다. 다나카 사카이 기자가 시사하듯, 점점 더 많은 일본인들이 미국이 리더십에 대한 자신들의 가장 큰 희망을 파괴했고, 글로벌리스트들은 일본이 미국 정부 및 다른 기생충 계급의 숨겨진 플레이어들에게 의지하고 있는, 끝도 없이 약한 생각을 가진 총리들 밑에서 살게 되기를 원한다고 인식하게 된다면, 그러한 전개는 일본과 미국 사이의 완전한 단절을 가져올 수 있고, 이는 또한 정치적-군사적 충돌로 이어질 수 있습니다.

이는 워싱턴의 일본 최고 책임자인 마이클 그린(Michael Green)이 본거지인 전략-국제문제연구소(CSIS) 홈페이지에 게재된 아베 전 총리 추모 초고를 작성하지 않았다는 것입니다.

부시 정부 국가안전보장회의의 베테랑인 그린과 CSIS 아시아 프로그램 의장 헨리 A. 키신저 석좌 의장는 <우위의 선: 아베 신조 시대의 일본의 대전략>의 저자입니다. 그린은 아베의 가까운 동료였고, 아마도 미국인들 중 가장 가까웠을 것입니다.

그러나 아베에 대한 헌사는 크리스토퍼 존스톤 Christopher Johnson (CSIS의 일본 의장이자 전 CIA 장교)이 초안을 작성했습니다. 이 이상한 선택은 그린이 본능적으로 초기 반응을 보이는 것을 피하고 전문 공작원에게 맡기고 싶어할 정도로 암살이 매우 민감한 사건임을 암시합니다.

워싱턴, 도쿄, 또는 다른 지역의 책임 있는 지식인과 시민들에게는 이 모호한 암살에 있어 단 한 가지 실행 가능한 대응이 있습니다. 바로 국제적인 과학 조사에 대한 요구입니다.

그 과정이 고통스러울지 모르지만, 그것은 우리 정부들이 보이지 않는 힘에 의해 어떻게 장악되어 왔는지에 대한 현실을 직시하게 해줄 것입니다.

하지만 배후세력의 실체를 파악하지 못하면 국가원수에게 책임을 떠넘기고 세계 금융의 죄를 감추기 위해 각국이 충돌하는 갈등으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

지난번 군부에 대한 일본 정부의 통제력 상실은 1932년 5월 15일 이누카이 쓰요시 (犬養毅)총리의 암살과 1936년 2월 26일 사이토 마코토 (斎藤実)총리의 암살에 부분적으로 기인할 수 있습니다.

그러나 국제사회에 있어서, 더 적절한 사례는 로스차일드, 워버그, 그리고 다른 은행업자들이 공동으로 일으킨 세계 경제 조작이 1914년 6월 28일 오스트리아-헝가리의 프란츠 페르디난트 대공 암살로 야기된 긴장감이 어떻게 세계 대전으로 흘러 번졌는지에 대한 것입니다.


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This Korean translation was first published on Break News.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Image from video footage shows former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivering a stump speech in Nara on July 8, 2022, shortly before he was shot by a gunman. (Kyodo)

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Social media giant Meta has been censoring posts referencing the recent killing of a prominent Palestinian resistance fighter, mainly targeting journalists based in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, activists claim.

Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, a senior commander of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, was killed on 9 August by Israeli forces during an army raid in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus and subsequent exchanges of fire, along with Islam Sobhi and Hussain Jamal Taha.

Images of Nabulsi went viral following the news of his death. Yet, a number of Palestinian journalists and activists who shared photos and videos of Nabulsi said their posts were banned on Meta-affiliated social media platforms.

They said Instagram and Facebook began deleting and censoring photos of the “martyrs” and their families following the killings. Posts that mentioned Nabulsi, Sobhi and Taha were blocked, as well as any content that mourned their death.

Meta also censored videos of Nabulsi’s mother speaking to crowds and carrying her son’s body during his funeral.

Meta Inc owns Facebook, the world’s largest social media website, as well as the popular apps Instagram and WhatsApp.

According to Sada Social, an initiative that records and monitors the suspension of Palestinian content and accounts on social media platforms, the Meta campaign mainly targets journalists and activists based in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

Its data showed that within 24 hours of Nabulsi’s death, at least 75 activist and journalist accounts were restricted or deleted on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.

‘Double standards’

Sada Social also claims that Meta has “double standards’ when it comes to content censorship.

“It launched an intensive campaign against Palestinian journalists by restricting [social media] posts reporting breaking news from Palestine, but it did not restrict the Israeli forces’ video showing them raiding Nablus and killing Palestinians,” Nidaa Bassoumi, the media coordinator at Sada Social, told Middle East Eye.

According to Bassoumi, Meta has been restricting references to various figures and concepts associated with the Palestinian resistance as “violating community standards,” including the Palestinian prisoners who escaped from Israel’s Gilboa prison in 2021 and now Nabulsi.

The practice is nothing new, Bassoumi pointed out, as an agreement has been in place since 2016 between the Israeli government and major social media platforms, including Facebook, to control Palestinian content.

Palestinian contents on social media is also closely monitored within Israel. As of April 2022, the Israeli cyber unit received complaints on 5,815 social media posts by Palestinian users that had been accused of online incitement or support for “terrorism”.

“Imagine Instagram deleted a journalist’s Instagram account because she posted a photo of a Palestinian killed by Israeli forces,” Bassoumi said.

Silencing Palestinian voices

Palestinian journalist Aseel Sulieman‘s Instagram account was suspended after he posted three photos of Nabulsi and a video of Palestinians and Israeli special forces exchanging fire.

Sulaiman, who has more than 51,000 followers on the image-sharing app, was accused of violating the “Community Guidelines” for posting photos of Nabulsi, and his account was no longer visible to Instagram users.

Palestinian journalists and activists share screengrabs showing their social media posts being banned on Meta-owned platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Palestinian journalists and activists share screengrabs showing their social media posts being banned on Meta-owned platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

“Israel has been punishing users who post Palestinian-related content by reducing and limiting their engagement and interaction,” Suliman told MEE.

Sulieman said that during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza last week, in which at least 44 Palestinians were killed and more than 360 were wounded, she noticed her Instagram account’s engagement and reach had been restrained. However, the suspension of her account came as a surprise.

“In other words, they use the ‘feel free to post about Palestine’ tactic with some accounts, but at the same time they also limit the reach of the content,” said the Roya TV news reporter.

I thought I would grieve the loss of my 51K Instagram account to be honest, but the death of three Palestinian heroes was my real loss. I can always start a new Instagram account, but how will Palestine revive the souls of the three freedom fighters who were brutally killed by Israeli?”

‘Digital massacre’

Under Meta’s censorship, Abdalafo Bassams 436,000 Instagram followers pose little value these days.

“I am one of the victims of the digital massacre by Meta,” Bassam, one of the most prominent activists from Jerusalem during the Sheikh Jarrah and Gaza 2021 aggression, told MEE.

“This is a digital Israeli aggression. While Palestinians on the ground are injured by bullets and shrapnel, we are wounded online by restricting and silencing our voices,” he said.

Bassam joined Instagram and Facebook in 2010, and he highlighted how the algorithms have evolved over time to suppress Palestinian content.

Despite attempts to bypass censorship on Facebook by stripping out phrases such as “Shahid, Muqawameh” (martyr, resistance), Bassam said he had previously been barred from posting stories, pictures, and videos on the website.

For months, he had been barred from using Instagram Live, the app’s livestream feature.

A photo showing Nabulsi’s mother smiling as she held her son’s body at his funeral with the caption: “A great mother, holding [her son],” was removed from his Instagram account.

“I did not mention Nabulsi, I mentioned his mother was great, so how did I violate Instagram’s rules?” he asked.

Instagram accused Bassam of using the platform to promote “terrorism”.

During the first half of 2022, Sada Social Center documented around 425 digital violations against Palestinian content on social media.

Mind Force, an Israeli PR firm now banned from Meta platforms, had spent about $12,000 on Facebook and Instagram ads and reportedly ran anti-Hamas political campaigns in the Gaza Strip.

Some of its accounts posed as freelance local journalists, the vast majority of the profiles used pictures stolen from other sites, and a few appeared to have been made with artificial intelligence.

These pages and accounts bought fake “likes” to make their content appear popular and followed.

The group was identified in the Facebook Quarterly Adversarial Threat Report released in August 2022 as part of a network “originated in Israel and targeted Angola, Nigeria and the Gaza region in Palestine”.

Facebook said it removed over 250 Facebook accounts and over 100 Instagram accounts for violating its policy against “coordinated inauthentic behaviour”.


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Featured image is from Black Agenda Report

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High-ranking US officials claim China’s “provocations” in the South China Sea are increasing and have warned that it is only a matter of time before such “aggressive and irresponsible behaviour” results in a major incident.

The frequency and intensity of dangerous incidents between the US and China militaries in the area are indeed increasing. And the possibility of an escalation is certainly higher following the visit to Taiwan by second in line to the US presidency Nancy Pelosi. But the US needs to pause and examine just who is provoking whom.

Jung Pak, of the US State Department’s bureau of East Asia and Pacific affairs said recently there was “a clear and upward trend of PRC provocations against South China Sea claimants and other states lawfully operating in the region”– which means the US and its allies.

Ely Ratner, Assistant Secretary of Defence for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, went further by declaring that “Beijing is systematically testing the limits of our collective resolve”, implying that this has become China’s policy.

Click here to read the full article.


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Featured image: The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114) steams near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. July 14, 2020 © U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Anthony Collier

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The COVID-19 Attack on the Integrity of Knowledge

By Emanuel Pastreich, June 08, 2021





1) この「コロナワクチン」を開発したすべての製薬会社、「新型コロナウイルス感染症」のデマを広めたすべての多国籍メディア企業、デマを広めた企業に投資したブラックロック、ゴールドマン・サックス、バンク・オブ・アメリカなどのすべての投資銀行やプライベート・エクイティ・ファンド、そして秘密裏に このプロジェクトに出資したビル・ゲイツやジェフ・ベゾスをはじめとするすべての超富裕層の資産を没収して、一般市民の生活を破壊することを目的としたコロナワクチン、PCR検査、違法な監禁、ソーシャルディスタンスを置く措置によって被害を受けた人々への賠償金に充当すること。 その他、これらの勢力に支配された企業、政府、病院、研究機関などによる犯罪行為も処分します。

2) ゲイツ財団(ビル・ゲイツとメリンダ・ゲイツを含む)、世界経済フォーラム(クラウス・シュワブを含む)、DARPA(米国の国防高等研究計画局)、ファイザーやモデナなどの大手多国籍製薬企業で、これらの致命的な「コロナワクチン」の開発と販売促進を担当した主要人物が逮捕され、その罪で裁かれること。


3) 新型コロナウイルス感染症のデマを広めた政治家や政府関係者、企業の責任者からの命令に従った者、超富裕層の手下からの指示に従った者は、職を解かれ、その多くを投獄すること。

4) メッセンジャーRNAを注射された人の症状を長期的に治療する方法の開発を重要な医学研究課題とし、責任者から差し押さえた資産をもとに多額の資金を投入すること。



5) 日本において、医薬品や医療から企業が利益を得られないための新しい医療政策が採用され、危険である医薬品を宣伝するための不正な資料を配布したことや、国会やその他の政府機関で虚偽の証言を行ったことにより、製薬ロビーが閉鎖され、その指導者が投獄されること。


6) この新型コロナウイルス感染症のデマがどのようにして企てられ、世界規模で実行されたのか、その真相と全貌は、入念に調査された記事やアクセス可能な本に詳細に記述されており、それらの資料は学校で採用されている歴史教科書に不可欠なものとなっています。






























2019年 2月 1日




マスコミが特定の政策を「進歩」または「保守」と規定すれば、大多数の人々は、メディアの判断をそのまま受け入れる。プリンストン大学シェルドン・ウォルリン(Sheldon Wolin)教授が「逆さまの全体主義(inverted totalitarianism)」と呼んでいるものとは、商業メディアや広告主の圧力などの隠された力によって、日常的な問題の言説が厳しく制限されている政治的な状況で、服従を強要する独裁者がいなくても、全体主義的システムが定着する。利益を追求する企業の力は、私たちの時代の最も重要な問題を自然に無視する風土を作り上げた。一例として、我々はもはや本を読まない。 10分以上集中できない人が多い。商業メディアは情報取得の場となり、ソーシャルメディアは猫とデザートの写真を提示したり、時折、商業メディアが作り出したイメージを披露するだけである。


内容自体はすべて肯定的である。ただし、これを説明する過程で、世界と断絶、閉鎖された封建 – 社会主義国家に生きなければならなかった北朝鮮の住民が今では消費社会の喜びを享受し、はるかに裕福な韓国の兄弟姉妹のように楽しみながら生きることができるようになることを暗に述べている。しかし、韓国も楽園ではない。韓国はかなりの社会的、文化的、経済的な力を持っているが、その中で多くの人々が深い疎外感を感じ、これにより高い自殺率、日常的な自己虐待と他人虐待を招いている。強欲な雇用システムも外せない。現在、韓国では若者たちが苦労して仕事を探すも、社会に奉仕し、高度な訓練を受けることが出来たり、真の人生の決定を下すことができる機会はおろか、コーヒーショップやコンビニで働くことになる場合が多い。生活のあらゆる側面が利益を追求するショーに変質し、人々はこれに疲れてしまった。



マスコミが北朝鮮に導入される巨大な市場経済を語るまさにその瞬間、市場経済は、韓国、フランス、または米国で消滅している。ピーター・フィリップス(Peter Phillip)が熟考の研究を通じて発行した著書「ジャイアント:グローバルパワーエリート(Giants:The Global Power Elite)」で描写するように、スーパーリッチ層とその補助者は現在、お互いの株式を購入して、低金利のお金を貸すようにお互いを保護する彼らだけの社会を構成している。これに対し、一般人は低賃金の仕事であっても掴むために残酷な競争を続けなければならない。この搾取型システムは、「第4次産業革命」の産物である。第4次産業革命の時代には、(グローバル機関投資家の意志ではなく、ただ、天の意に沿って)技術により、労働者の地位が大きく脅かされるものと言われている。



北朝鮮に工場を建てる計画がある場合、次の質問をしてみなければならない。誰が工場にお金を出すのか、収益金は誰の元に行くのか、誰が工場を所有するのか、その工場の労働者が持つ権利は何であり、彼らは収益金のどの程度を受け取るのか、これらの労働者の健康を保護するために、または、環境に及ぼす植物の影響を評価するためにどのような手順を実行するのか? 北朝鮮は石炭、金、鉄、レアメタルを採掘することの環境への影響を評価する専門知識がないため、専門家やNGOが、これらの評価プロセスに必ず参加しなければならない。ところが、今、これらの機構は、北朝鮮訪問ビザすら受けることができない。






より大きな問題がある。トマ・ピケティ(Thomas Piketty)が「21世紀の資本論(Capital in the Twenty-First Century)」で説明したように、少数の手に、より多くの富が集中されるようになると、朝鮮半島の分断は、貧しい北朝鮮と豊かに暮らす韓国との間の分断ではなく、韓国と北朝鮮の平凡な市民はより貧しくなり、ごく少数の選ばれた者だけがスーパーリッチになるという分断になる可能性が大きい。現在、韓国と北朝鮮の間に存在する巨大な格差を否定しようとするものではない。ただ、富の集中による経済的歪みがはるかに深刻であることを指摘したい。




















比較的最近に大規模な経済的、政治的統一プロジェクトの先例があった。1936年、日本人の朝鮮総督によって締結された「第1次満州 – 朝鮮協力協定(第一次満朝協定)」である。この協定は、満州と朝鮮の両方の迅速な工業化と効果的な経済文化の統一のために「満州と朝鮮は一つ(満朝一如)」と呼ばれるビジョンに始動をかけた。1930年代後半の朝鮮の新聞は、朝鮮企業は安い満州労働力を活用して、満州の天然資源(石炭、鉱物、肥沃な土壌)を用いて迅速に富を生み出すことができる巨大な機会を得たと報道することに忙しかった。


朴前大統領は、自分の父である朴正煕元大統領から政治と経済を学び、父が野心的な若者として経済ブームに乗って満州に行って権力を得たことに注目したのである。19世紀の多くのアメリカ人が「Go West」という致命的な誘惑に駆られたように、1930年代の朝鮮人たちも、1930年代の満州という広い土地に走って行った。今韓国人たちに北朝鮮の開発がどのように写っているのか、そして1930年代満州の開発がどのように人々の心を引き付けたのかを見ると、驚くほどに類似している。




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Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine

August 15th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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John D. Rockefeller was instrumental in reshaping American medicine to scientific medicine which sidelined holistic medicine. This started in 1910 with the Flexner Report. Before that time, naturopathic medicine — using herbs, homeopathic remedies and general nutrition from food were very popular

The Flexner Report, commissioned by Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation, led to a complete and radical overhaul of the medical system. It criminalized natural therapies and forced about half of all medical schools to shut down. Natural medicine practitioners were put out of business and replaced with “scientific” doctors trained in the use of petrochemical-derived drugs. This was the genesis of Fauci’s motto, “Trust the science”

To this day, the Rockefeller family owns about 50% of all drug companies, and The Rockefeller Foundation has played a central role in the global cabal’s effort to impose worldwide totalitarianism

Understanding how medicine was corrupted can help us understand current-day events better. In many ways, it’s a repeat of the basic process — identify a problem or shortcoming (whether true or fabricated), pronounce a solution, then tear down the old system and replace it with a new one

In July 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation published “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System.” According to the Foundation, the pandemic revealed problems in the food system that need to be “reset,” much in the same way that the Flexner report found problems in the medical system that needed to be fixed by changing it from the ground, up. Seeing how the Foundation promotes synthetic foods as an equitable answer, the end results on public health are bound to be the same


In a recent interview with Roman Balmakov from “Facts Matter,”1 a podcast by The Epoch Times, I discuss how American medicine was reshaped and holistic medicine sidelined by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, starting in 1910. Before that time, natural medicine — using herbs, homeopathic remedies and general nutrition from food were very popular.

trends and disparities in cardiometabolic health

I believe it’s fairly easy to see that the transition from holistic medicine, which treats the cause, to synthetic drugs that only treat symptoms, has been a driving factor behind the rise in metabolic diseases. But before I get into the history I want to share an incredible study published last month that shows 14 out 15 people in the United States are metabolically unfit. This shocking analysis was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

I am currently writing a new book, and the first chapter details how Rockefeller captured the U.S. medical system through a clever campaign that had his foundation strategically invest $150 million from 1920 to 1930 in medical schools and hospitals. While this may not sound like much today, adjusting for inflation that is between $4 and 5 billion dollars today.

This investment secured his ability to control the entire medical school curriculum. After 1910 all natural medical therapies were eliminated and replaced with teaching about drugs. Many may not realize that most drugs are derived from petrochemicals2 and oil was what Rockefeller was known for.

Understanding how medicine was corrupted in the first place can help us understand current-day events as well. In many ways, it’s a repeat of the basic process — identify a problem or shortcoming (whether true or fabricated), pronounce a solution, then tear down the old system and replace it with a new one.

The Intentional Suppression of Health

Statistics reveal 14 out of 15 American adults are metabolically unhealthy, which is a staggering realization. As I explain in the interview, I’ve spent the last 25 years educating people about the foundations of good health, and warning against that which undermine it, which includes environmental, dietary and pharmaceutical toxins.

While I’ve been disparaged as a “top misinformation spreader” about COVID, the attacks against me started long before the pandemic, so this is nothing new for me. The fact of the matter is that holistic health and nutrition have been the top threats to allopathic medicine ever since its inception, 112 years ago.

They’ve been suppressing knowledge about nutrition and natural health ever since they successfully banished these concepts from the medical schools. What’s new is that we now have technologies that greatly facilitate the suppression and censorship of information on the one hand, and allow Big Pharma to blanket the information space with its propaganda on the other.

The end result is an echo chamber with no diversity of opinion. This is dangerous in any circumstance, but in particular when it comes to health. These technological advancements have also facilitated what professor Matthias Desmet refers to as “mass formation hypnosis,” a psychological condition required for totalitarianism to truly take hold.

Google is a major player in this social engineering project; 93% of online searches in the entire world are done using Google. But this doesn’t include the dozens of other search engines that use Google’s application programming interface (API) to access the results, which means that number is likely north of 95 to 96%. Indeed, a 2022 report showed that 94% of all mobile and tablet searches are using Google.3

That number is beyond shocking. Virtually anyone using the internet is relying on Google’s search engine. Please understand that all the information on censored sites still exist but if you don’t have an index or key to locate it, it is the same as if it never existed. Google has very cleverly silently implemented the 21st century version of the burning of the Library of Alexandria.

Until 2016, it was relatively easy to find information online. Very little was censored. But, over time, and especially over the past six years or so, Google started tweaking algorithms to suppress certain kinds of information that are in competition with Big Pharma, Big Food and other globalist interests.

Today, that information restriction has reached a zenith. It can be very difficult to get to certain kinds of information, and sometimes you have to bypass labels warning you that you’re about to read something that has been “debunked” and could harm you if followed, and redirectional messages telling you where to go and what to read instead.

How the Medical System Was Hijacked

As mentioned, Standard Oil mogul John D. Rockefeller was instrumental in corrupting the medical system, turning it from a focus on health to a focus on treating symptoms with petrochemical-derived pharmaceuticals, thereby ensuring that people remain sick — sometimes for life.

John’s father was William Avery Rockefeller, an authentic “snake oil salesman” who impersonated physicians and conned people into buying his useless “Rock Oil” tonic for cancer — a mixture of laxative and petroleum. Avery once admitted he would cheat his children every chance he got, in order to “make ‘em sharp.”4 Evidently, John D. learned the lessons of duplicity and fraud well.

In 1901 — after dismantling the public transportation system in the U.S. and taking over the public education system — Rockefeller set his sights on the medical industry. He founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and appointed Dr. Simon Flexner, a professor of experimental pathology at the University of Pennsylvania, to head it up.

Flexner’s brother, Abraham, was commissioned by Rockefeller and Henry Pritchett, then-president of the Carnegie Foundation,5 to write a report on the state of the American medical education system. One of the goals of this study, which became known as The Flexner Report,6 was to improve the credibility of the medical profession.

The now infamous term “trust the science” that Fauci and others famously promoted has its roots in this report, which was published in 1910, as it sought to impress the importance of scientific medicine. It’s really impossible to overstate the impact the Flexner report had on medicine, as it led to a complete and radical overhaul.

Virtually every natural medical therapy was criminalized and about half of all medical schools were forced to shut down. Natural medicine practitioners were put out of business and replaced with doctors who practiced scientific medicine. Natural remedies and ancient effective cures were dismissed as quackery.

The only medicines deemed reputable were patentable synthetic drugs, invented in the oil cartel’s own research centers. The new system also put into place barriers for Blacks and women, making it very difficult for them to get into medical school. Similar changes took place in hospitals.

Rockefeller Yesterday and Today

Through the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the Flexner report, extravagant donations to strategic partners and investments in the pharmaceutical industry, Rockefeller gained unprecedented control over the entire medical system, from education and science to hospitals and the drug companies themselves.

John D. died in 1937 (actually about a mile from where I currently live), but his legacy lives on. To this day, the Rockefeller family owns about 50% of all drug companies, and The Rockefeller Foundation has played a central role in the global cabal’s effort to impose worldwide totalitarianism.

For example, the Rockefeller Foundation was part of Event 201,7 in which the authoritarian response to COVID was laid out, and in July 2020, it published “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,”8 which calls for a restructuring of the entire food system to make it more “fair and equitable.”

According to the Foundation, the pandemic revealed deep problems in the U.S. food system that need to be “reset,” much in the same way that the Flexner report found problems in the medical system that needed to be fixed by changing it from the ground up.

So, the Rockefeller Foundation is now leading the charge toward a new food system centered around synthetic and lab-grown foods, which will have the same effects on health as the late John D.’s “new and improved” allopathic medical system.

They’ve Declared Their Plan for a Food Crisis

As I mention in the interview, the globalist cabal, which includes The Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and many other entities and individuals, are not necessarily shy about telling us their plans.

It’s detailed in publicly available reports, in interviews, mainstream media articles and during the annual meeting in Davos. So, if you’re observant, and believe what they’re actually saying, you can know what’s coming. Right now, we’re repeatedly told that the food system is not working, climate change is destroying food production and that to survive, we need to get used to eating insects and drinking reclaimed sewage.

Gates is calling on the Western world to abandon real meat and transition to lab-grown meat which he, of course, is invested in. The Netherlands and Canada are now imposing nitrogen restrictions that will result in farmers being put out of business, and food distribution centers are mysteriously burning down around the world.

All the signs for a manufactured food crisis are here. I was a Boy Scout as a youth, and their motto, “Be Prepared,” has served me well. And, certainly, if there ever was a time to get prepared, it’s now.

They’re dismantling the food system in order to replace it with patented foods, in the same way Rockefeller replaced natural herbs and nutrition with patentable synthetic chemicals a century ago. So, if you can, you’d be wise to stock up on food to last three to six months, or more.

A Global Genocide?

On top of the intentional destruction of our food supply to justify the “build back better” agenda, which is basically code for the implementation of worldwide tyranny, we’re also facing a worldwide agenda that appears intent on taking as many lives as possible in coming years.

And that includes children. In late June 2022, the United States became the first country in the world to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. The Food and Drug Administration issued the EUA June 17,9 and the very next day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended all toddlers get the shot as soon as possible.10

The sad reality is that our regulatory authorities are an absolute sham. They want you to believe there are agencies looking out for your best interest, but they’re actually fronts for the drug industry. Shockingly, they’re not even above sacrificing children in their efforts to generate maximum profits for their masters pulling the strings.

As I’ve described in other articles, the apparent reason for why they’re doing this is because the COVID jab makers want the jab to be put on the childhood vaccination schedule. When that happens, they’ll have permanent immunity against lawsuits for any injuries and deaths that happen and will not have to rely on the EUA any longer.

This is the same kind of liability shield they have under EUA, but to breach the gap from EUA liability shield to permanent liability shield, they need to get it onto the childhood vaccination schedule. The EUA for young children and toddlers was a necessary step toward that. Time will tell how many children end up injured or killed by this decision.

If the adverse event profile is anything like that of adults, we’ll be looking at tens of thousands of dead children within a year or two. Fortunately, so far, only 2% of young children in the U.S. have received the jab. So, even many parents who gladly got the shot themselves now realize that there’s something wrong here.

FDA and CDC Are Corrupt Beyond Repair

In my view, giving the COVID jab to children is the most egregious and outrageous decision ever reached in American medicine. It’s just beyond shocking. But it’s not surprising.

In fact, it was anticipated, for the simple fact that these agencies have been thoroughly corrupted and had, all throughout the COVID pandemic, demonstrated that that corruption. Bioethics are nonexistent. Human morals are out the window.

All that matters, it seems, is the reign of Big Pharma’s latest innovation, this gene transfer technology, which the transhumanist cabal intends to play with over time to usher in their nonhuman utopia. They want humans merged with machines.

They want our brains hooked up to the cloud so our thoughts can be monitored and, undoubtedly, “corrected” from an external source. The Great Reset is not only a reset of our financial system and our food system; it’s the reinvention of the human species.

Evidence of Fraud

Now, as I mention in the interview, one of the things that gives me hope is that we’re now seeing clear evidence of fraud, which is the only thing that might break the iron clad liability shield these companies have been given.

In September 2021, a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FDA to obtain the documentation used to approve Comirnaty, including safety and effectiveness data, adverse reaction reports and lists of active and inactive ingredients.

When, after a month, the FDA still had not responded to the FOIA request, the PHMPT sued.11 The FDA and Pfizer asked the court to grant them, first for 55 years and then 75 years, to release it all, but they were overruled. As a result, we’re getting around 55,000 pages or so per month. You can find them all on

A tranche of Pfizer documents released in March 2022 included a whopping nine pages of recorded side effects — 158,000 in all! They knew the jab caused heart problems, myocarditis, stroke, blood clots, neurological problems — you name it, it’s there. Yet they didn’t tell the public, and neither did the FDA.

Murder for Profit

This is in some ways similar to the case of Vioxx. Merck knew the drug was causing lethal heart problems but suppressed the information for years — for financial reasons. Vioxx was a blockbuster drug, pulling in $2.5 billion a year.13 By the time the FDA took the drug off the market, it had already killed at least 60,000.

The COVID jabs, meanwhile, are the biggest blockbusters in medical history. In 2021, Pfizer made $36.7 billion from its shot, Moderna made $17.7 billion. Combined, they project $51 billion in sales for 2022.14

Merck was willing to sacrifice 60,000 lives for an annual profit of $2.5 billion, which is downright paltry in comparison to the COVID jabs. Is it any surprise then that the accepted number of injuries and deaths from the COVID jabs appear to be unlimited? In short, these self-serving, profit-at-any-cost decisions are nothing new. It’s just on a scale we’ve never seen before.

Pfizer far exceeds Merck’s crimes and profits as they forecast $32 billion in revenue for their COVID jab in this year alone and another $22 billion for oral COVID 19 treatment Paxlovid. And, this year, the company expects to rake in more than $50 billion in global revenue from just those two medications to treat COVID 19. But, get this, their total revenue for 2022 will likely be over $100 billion!

Unfortunately, our justice system is nearly as perverted as our regulatory system, but if we were somehow to get an impartial court, and Pfizer were to be convicted of fraud, they would lose all their liability protection and could be held financially liable for every injury and death from their COVID jab, the damages for which would probably run in the trillions of dollars.

Join the Great Rejection

In the meantime, I believe we’re in for hard times. Government will likely continue pushing for more mRNA jabs, the WHO will continue its power grab to control health decisions worldwide, food shortages will likely become reality, the censoring of truth will continue and people we know and love who took the jabs may suffer and die.

It could continue getting worse for two or three years, maybe longer. So, prepare for all of it, mentally, emotionally, physically and materially. As intent as the global cabal is on a Great Reset, we need to be just as intent on a Great Rejection of their plans.

Many systems do need to be dismantled and rebuilt, especially our regulatory, financial, educational and medical systems, but they need to be rebuilt by us, the citizens of each nation, not the technocratic, transhumanist billionaires who believe the right to rule is theirs alone.

As for our so-called health agencies, they’ve demolished every ounce of trust there ever was, and I suspect the only way the American people will ever accept advice from them again is if there’s a complete reboot. Not a single administrator or adviser from the old guard can be left. Not a single process can be left unrevised. Missions need to be revamped and oaths to protect public health need to be written and sworn.

All of this will take time and effort, but it can be done. So, I encourage you to search your heart to determine what role you may be able and willing to play once the antihuman globalists are knocked off their pedestal and the true rebuilding begins.


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1 The Epoch Times July 29, 2022

2 Context Energy Examined. Petroleum in Real Life: Pills. November 23, 2019

3 SMA Marketing. November 4, 2021 with 2022 Update

4 Corbett Report October 6, 2017

5 Carnegie Foundation History

6 The Flexner Report 1910

7 Event 201

8 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table

9 FDA June 17, 2022

10 Tablet July 5, 2022

11 The Defender November 19, 2021

12 Pfizer Documents

13 The Pharma Letter March 10, 2004

14 CNBC March 3, 2022

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On March 7, 2021, voters in Switzerland have thrown out a law governing a proposed electronic identity system. The result is a blow for plans by parliament and the government amid fears about data protection.

What made it even worse is that Bern intended to literally privatize the digital control. Suggestions for possible administrators were the Swiss banking and/or insurance systems.

It is likely that the proposal of privatization via the already mistrusted financial system enhanced the negative vote.

Final result showed 64.4% of voters – almost two-thirds – came out against the planned law of a so-called digital ID, also known as ID2020.

In a downplaying propaganda stunt, the government, mainly the Justice Department of the Federal Council, was pushing the need for a single access point for simplifying the use of online services offered by commercial businesses, as well as contact with public institutions via e-government channels.

If so, why then outsourcing and privatizing the highly sensitive task of people’s identity management?

In today’s world, we know what identity means. It includes every possible point of data and information about every citizen, such as health records, criminal records, financial/banking information, shopping and travel habits, with whom and when you meet – and much, much more.

The gfs.bern market and research institute pointedly commented after the vote: “Mistrust in private companies was dominant and helped to tip the vote.” 

In a press conference following the vote, Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter acknowledged “a certain unease” among voters. She called on parliament and critics of the failed plan to now cooperate to avoid a standstill.

“We have no choice and must work towards a new solution, even if it takes several attempts,” she told a news conference. “It is key for Switzerland to catch up with other countries when it comes to digitalization.”

This means in clear text – “We will push the digital ID through in one way or another, even if it counters the peoples democratically expressed will.”

At this point it may be appropriate to mention that Switzerland is proud host and offering her financial paradise to such dubious organizations as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel – all tax-exempt organizations.

Today the BIS, a privately-run institution, is known as the Central Bank of all central banks, basically controlling and/or monitoring the international flow of funds between most central banks of the world. During WWII the BIS was channeling US funds from the Federal Reserve to Hitler’s Deutsche Bundesbank for financing his war against the then Soviet Union.

Switzerland is also host to an international banking cartel that equals or surpasses that of the City of London.

“Neutral Switzerland” has long lost the luster of her Constitutional Neutrality, by blindly or submissively following the dictate, if not of the US, then of the European Union, mainly of the unelected European Commission.

Fast forward to Spring-Summer 2022.

It looks like Madame Karin Keller-Sutter’s undemocratic will has come through and is being imposed on the Swiss people, through the forced QR code, a devastating means of digitizing and controlling everything – every move you make, every step you take, every doctor you consult, every place you visit.

The QR code has been tightening the grip around the freedom of the world population. But it is now getting worse in Switzerland.

The QR code coercion, alias digital ID, is happening through the banking system – precisely the private sector that the Swiss people mistrust and vehemently rejected.

Has the Swiss government, the Federal Council, colluded with the banking system to impose the digital ID through the QR code – and through banking transactions?

Are you, Federal Councilors, risking the last bit of trust that you still may enjoy – after the fiascos with COVID management, with spinelessly following EU sanctions on Russia – and now by abolishing democracy altogether by imposing precisely what the Swiss public rejected a year ago with a two-thirds majority?

As of 1st October 2022, every bank and financial institution requires the use of a QR code to make a bank or ‘Postfinanz’ payment. There seems to be no escape. Whether citizens want it or not, we are being imposed a system which is aimed at becoming an absolute surveillance and control enslavement.

As it stands today, the QR code has a capacity to store at least 30,000 points of information about every citizen – and that potential may be expanded at will to practically unlimited capacity. That means that eventually the banks, managers of the system, will know you better than you know yourself. Depending on a citizen’s good or bad behavior, the banks may block your money or curtail the use of your money, temporarily or for good.

You may recall the Fichenaffäre or Secret Files Scandal that shook Switzerland in 1989, when it was revealed that the Swiss Federal Authorities, as well as the cantonal police forces, had put in place an illegal system of mass surveillance of the population. Secret files of some 900,000 Swiss citizens and foreigners were then established.

What the QR code will do is the Secret Files Scandal of 1989 on steroids – and legalized by the Swiss Federal Council. Or, is it legal – after the landslide No-Vote Referendum of 7 March 2021?

Esteemed members of the Federal Council, may I kindly ask you – on behalf of all my fellow citizens – to offer us an alternative way to comply with our payment obligations, one that does not require the use of a QR code. And most importantly, abandon the digital ID idea, once and for all. The Swiss people have democratically voted against it, with almost two-thirds majority on 7 March 2021.

The QR code, already encroaching every corner of our lives, has now for electronic banking been imposed by the private, alias banking sector.

It is not a federal law. Therefore, it is an obligation of the federal government to offer its citizens an alternative mode of complying with their payment obligations – one that does not use the QR code.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

World Economic Forum Adviser Claims the Planet No Longer Needs the ‘Vast Majority’ of the Population

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Donald Trump, The Manchurian Candidate: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency. Regime Change in America

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In the light of recent events pertaining to the FBI raiding of  Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. it is important to carefully reflect on the history of the Trump presidency and its aftermath. According to reports: the FBI had a search warrant for Mar-a-Lago. Some 30 to 40 FBI agents and around 10 to 15 FBI vehicles.

The Start of World War III? Things You Don’t Know About Russia and Ukraine

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Putin’s Syrian Peace Plan with Erdogan

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Why Was Former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Estate Raided?

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CDC Drops Quarantine, Distancing Recommendations, as 1.3 Million COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,379,438 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Aug. 5, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 7,964 adverse events over the previous week.

Europe Dries Up

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 14, 2022

Scenes and pictures have been circulating of broken earth, lacking moisture, cracked and yearning.  But these are not from traditional drought-stricken parts of the planet, where the animal carcass assumes near totemic power amidst dry riverbeds or desert expanses.  Neither Australia nor Africa feature on these occasions – at least in a prominent way.  Europe, continent of historical arable sustainability, is drying up.

Biden’s Assassination of al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Was Illegal

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 14, 2022

President Joe Biden’s assassination of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan was illegal under both U.S. and international law. After the CIA drone strike killed Zawahiri on August 2, Biden declared, “People around the world no longer need to fear the vicious and determined killer.” What we should fear instead is the dangerous precedent set by Biden’s unlawful extrajudicial execution.

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Guest is Dr. Josef Thoma, specialist for ear, nose and throat medicine, with practice in Berlin.

The topic is on “Who is allowed to not wear a mask?”

  • Insights into the everyday life of mask-exempt patients
  • In general about the concept of “disease”
  • On the necessity of a relationship of trust between doctor and patient with regard to the patient’s descriptions which must always complement a competent objective examination.
  • Mask attestations against the background of data protection


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Despite the fact that no one asked, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.

A report published to the official WEF website ominously warns about the peril of “the dark world of online harms.”

But the globalist body, run by comic book Bond villain Klaus Schwab, has a solution.

They want to merge the ‘best’ aspects of human censorship and AI machine learning algorithms to ensure that people’s feelings don’t get hurt and counter-regime opinions are blacklisted.

“By uniquely combining the power of innovative technology, off-platform intelligence collection and the prowess of subject-matter experts who understand how threat actors operate, scaled detection of online abuse can reach near-perfect precision,” states the article.

After engaging in a whole host of mumbo jumbo, the article concludes by proposing “a new framework: rather than relying on AI to detect at scale and humans to review edge cases, an intelligence-based approach is crucial.”

“By bringing human-curated, multi-language, off-platform intelligence into learning sets, AI will then be able to detect nuanced, novel abuses at scale, before they reach mainstream platforms. Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in,” the article rambles.

In other words, your free speech will probably get censored before you’re even able to post it on social media sites. Some are calling it “preemptive censorship.”

Or as the WEF puts it, “Trust and safety teams can stop threats rising online before they reach users.”

No doubt that a central part of such “misinformation” will be strident denunciation of the WEF itself, given that the organization is notorious for blocking its critics on Twitter.

Many would ask why the World Economic Forum, amidst a cost of living crisis, upcoming energy rationing and a global recession, is concerning itself with any of this.

Why don’t they just stick to the economy?

“It’s never a sure bet if this Davos-based elite’s mouthpiece comes up with its outlandish “solutions” and “proposals” as a way to reinforce existing, or introduce new narratives; or just to appear busy and earn its keep from those bankrolling it,” writes Didi Rankovic

“No – it’s not the runaway inflation, energy costs, and even food security in many parts of the world. For how dedicated to globalization the organization is, it’s strangely tone-deaf to what is actually happening around the globe.”


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Originally published January 15, 2022

“We are closer to WW III then we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Now is the time to let US-NATO know that we DO NOT support the provocative military encirclement of Russia.”

– statement from Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space [1]


As a meeting of rival delegations came to a close this week, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issued an ultimatum to the United States demanding that the West provide a concrete answer to it’s security concerns. These include the threat of NATO embracing Ukraine and of the military alliance moving closer to the Russian border: [2]

“We have run out of patience…The West has been driven by hubris and has exacerbated tensions in violation of its obligations and common sense.” [3]

Additionally, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov had pointed out that he could “neither confirm nor exclude” the prospect of dispatching military assets to Venezuela and Cuba if the U.S. and its allies did not refrain from further building its own fortifications ever closer to the Russian border![4]

From the stand-point of the U.S. and its allies, this incident is largely instigated by Russian soldiers massing tens of thousands of troops at the border with Ukraine – an ominous sign that after “annexing” Ukraine after the political changeover in 2014, the plan was an illegal invasion of the country. A U.S. Bill, backed by Senate Democrats and the White House would impose sweeping sanctions on the Russian Government, military officials, key banking institutions and President Putin himself if the State engaged in hostilities toward Ukraine.[5]

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said in reply that such a move would be “ comparable to a break in relations,” and that ties between the U.S. and Russia would completely unravel. [6]

It was definitely Russia that declared that the Ukraine joining NATO would be a “red line” that would provoke severe consequences if crossed. After three decades of the hostile alliance sneaking closer and closer to the Great Bear, these words seem to be real, the likes of which we haven’t heard throughout the entire end of the Soviet Union. If the U.S. sticks to its rhetoric as well, are we then looking at a third world war? Possibly leading to nuclear annihilation!

The threat at stake, possibly even on a par with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 seems very evident, although the consequences haven’t quite dawned on much of the West. We will however make it a priority on this week’s episode of the Global Research News Hour.

In our first half hour, Glenn Michalchuk of Peace Alliance Winnipeg drops by to articulate the demands of his and similar groups across the country relating to Canada’s role in restoration of peace. We also play part of an interview recorded last week with geopolitical analyst and investigative journalist Pepe Escobar about the direction this stand-off was headed and about the role of Kazakhstan as playing a sneaky behind the scenes role in the chaos. Finally in our second half hour we have a talk with the long time foreign correspondent in Russia John Helmer about the larger context and the factors giving Russia an edge.

Glenn Michalchuk is Chair of Peace Alliance Winnipeg

Pepe Escobar born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture in Moscow. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok.  His most recent book is entitled Raging Twenties: Great Power Politics Meets Techno-Feudalism. He is also a frequent contributor to Global Research.

John Helmer is the longest continuously serving foreign correspondent based in Moscow, and directs his own independent bureau there. He has been a professor of political science, sociology and journalism, and has advised government heads in Greece, the United States and Asia. Helmer’s blog ‘Dances with Bears’ can be found at

(Global Research News Hour 339)


The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. From email statement.

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Originally published March 5, 2022.

Context, kän-ˌtekst, n: 1. the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning. 2. the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning [1]


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The Russian move beginning February 24, 2022 was a full-scale assault on several Ukrainian cities. It took control of the remnants of the now decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear power plant and has taken over the largest nuclear plant Zaporizhzhia supplying a fifth of the nation’s power needs. [2]

The UN Refugee Agency reports that the operation generated one million refugees in seven days. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said that in almost forty years working on refugee emergencies, “rarely have I seen an exodus as rapid as this one.” [3]

President Joe Biden referred to Putin in his State of the Union Speech as “a Russian dictator, invading a foreign country.” He is “enforcing powerful economic sanctions” on the state and promises that “when the history of this era is written Putin’s war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger.” [4]

While the Russian invasion is arguably illegal, the popular messaging about the war both in the corridors of power and in major media reports has been far too simplistic. Are we the ‘allies’ of Ukraine truly reacting to a move by Russia that Biden referred to as “unprovoked?” Was the messaging about Nazis in Ukraine and the tyranny of the Ukrainian government against the people of the Donbass just made up in order to brainwash his own citizens into going along with the crusade of war?

It is said repeatedly that “in times of war, truth is the first casualty.” With the high stakes in this drama, the Global Research News Hour will attempt to find the context to the facts of the invasion of Ukraine that we have been allowed to verify, and put forward proposals that could relieve Ukraine of an escalating slaughter.

In our first half hour, Dr Leon Tressell a writer and analyst based in the United Kingdom talks at length about the reality of the repression of people in the Eastern-most region of Ukraine by the Ukrainian government and the demonstrable reality of Nazis serve to provide more background of the motives of President Putin’s planning. In our second half hour, peace activist Bruce Gagnon talks about long-standing plans by the U.S. to “overextend” and “unbalance” Russia, justifying to some extent Russian feelings of being cornered. Finally, Tamara Lorincz as a member of the Voice of Women for Peace focused on the need for Canada to back out of NATO and promote certain moves to de-escalate the situation.

Dr Leon Tressell is a historian of geopolitics and writes for

Bruce Gagnon is a long time peace activist and coordinates the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

Tamara Lorincz is a member of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, a PhD candidate, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University, and a fellow with the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.

For more information on the March 6 list of events promoting a World-wide Global Day of Action for Peace in Ukraine check out the site

(Global Research News Hour Episode 346)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.




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On May 13th, 2022 for the first time, Russia used its S-300 air defense system against Israel, firing at Israeli jets after an air strike in northwestern Syria. In 2015 Putin had come to the defense of Syrian ally President Assad, requesting Russian military assistance against US-Turkey-Saudi backed ISIS terrorists, successfully securing Assad from yet another illegal US coup insurgency. Recall that

Syria was among the targeted nations per the infamous Bush-Cheney-neocon takedown list of 7 nations in 5 years, disclosed by General Wesley Clark. But with Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia all now arguably left failed states, compliments of US unipolar aggression and imperialistic wars clearly fought for Israel’s Yinon plan, only Iran still stands intact militarily unattacked. But unhappy over the latest developments and concessions after a Russian brokered new US-Iran deal in March, in response Israel has acquired new capabilities ramped up for launching a potential attack against Iran.

Click here to watch the video.

Like Syria, Iran has sought security in a strengthened alliance with both Russia and China, and currently on a waiting list to join BRICS. Thus, with US humiliatingly losing all its wars in the Middle East, combined with Trump’s troop withdrawal and diminished US role in the conflicted region, Israel has become more active, both in trade selling its weapons and technology to “friendly” Arab Gulf States and even more militarilyaggressive against its Arab enemies, at will violating Syrian airspace taking out Iranian targets and/or interdicting weapon supplies intended for Hezbollah.

Firing on Israeli fighter jets in May was Russia’s first shot across the bow, in an instant crumbling years-in-the-making bromance brewing between the now finally deposed Netanyahu and Putin. The two strongmen are now just one still standing tall, all 5’ 2” to 5’5” of him, increasingly against a Jewish State fretting over losing its important strategic ally that Rothschild controlled Israel worked so hard acquiring. Is the economic alliance between Israel, Russia and China still intact, including their infrastructure partnership of the Belt and Road Initiative complete with smart cities digital super-surveillance? Complete with the long dreamt one world government capital of Jerusalem?

A half decade ago Israel and Russia were becoming the best of friends, or so it seemed. Zionist Israel, owned and operated by the Rothschild banking cartel that for centuries backs both sides to every global conflict it subversively creates and promotes, had Benjamin Netanyahu making his fourth visit to Moscow by June 2016 to meet with Putin, followed by a parley with Russia’s chief [Chabad] Rabbi Berel Lazar, remarking at the time “Russian-Israeli relations have never been closer,” as a consequence of both countries feeling “snubbed” by the same powerful Western allied nations.

But everything changed this year starting with Putin’s intervention in Ukraine, followed in May by Russia’s S-300 chasing away Israeli fighter jets from an airstrike in Syria.

Russia’s latest jolt hitting Israel below the belt arrived in early July 2022, when Moscow officials ordered the nonprofit Jewish Agency in Russia to shut down its services, facilitating Russian Jews to emigrate to Israel, after the last 33 years of its near century long worldwide operation.

This week alarmed Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid sent an emergency delegation to Moscow for the July 28th hearing at a Moscow district court. Earlier in July the Russian Justice Ministry filed a preliminary injunction appeal calling for the Jewish Agency’s “dissolution” of its operations in Russia. Moscow’s legal reason for requesting a court order to, in effect, cut off the exodus of Russian Jews emigrating with Israeli citizenship is legally based on Russia’s allegations that the Jewish Agency systematically breached private confidentiality rights of its Jewish Russian citizens. Obviously, the real reason is both political and pragmatic, using a legal technicality that Israel already promptly paid fines to ostensibly ameliorate. Despite Israel’s standard policy to simply throw cash out to sidestep any obstacle or issue making it go away, this time it didn’t work.

From the start, Russia’s objective in Ukraine has been to de-Nazify the nation whose national hero – Stepan Bandera, was a hardcore Nazi collaborator who murdered up to 100,000 Jews in Ukraine during World War II. Many Ukrainian Jews openly support the neo-Nazism hatred openly displayed toward ethnic Russians living in the Donbas region, where since the illegal US coup in 2014, at least 14,000 civilians have been killed mostly by Ukraine’s National Guard, the infamous neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.

In May Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov intentionally stirred up a hornet’s nest, simply mentioning Hitler may have had Jewish blood, insinuating that Ukrainian Jews like President Zelensky are zealously supporting Nazis in Ukraine. Though irritated by Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s reaction, calling Lavrov’s words “unforgiveable” and “outrageous,” it’s an understatement to say the Kremlin is angry over Lapid falsely accusing Russia of committing war crimes in Ukraine, disappointed and disgusted over Israel escalating global tensions as a vassal succumbing to the West’s bandwagon demonizing Russia, fully backing Kiev lies after it likely staged the Bucha false flag, blaming Russians for Ukraine murdering its own civilians.

As a Russian ally, Israel was initially slow to condemn Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine. But it ultimately folded, giving its full loyalty to fellow Jew Zelensky and the West’s team of suicidal losers (per elite design of course), to further dampen, if not permanently sour and freeze, the previous decade’s ultra-cozy Israeli-Russian relations. Obviously, closing the Jewish Agency is Russia’s payback punishment behind suddenly halting its operation in Russia after a third of a century. Since 1989 one million Russian Jews have moved or taken up dual citizenship residence in Israel, leaving only about an estimated half million Jews still left in Russia.

An April 13th New York Times article reported that within just days after the Russian military entered Ukraine, planeloads of computer specialists as part of a well-organized massive brain drain from Russia were leaving their homeland, headed for safer ground in other countries.

Israel and many former Soviet Republics like Armenia, Georgia, Eurasian and European nations recognized Russia’s talent pool loss was their gain. Up to70,000 hi tech workers had already packed their bags within the first five weeks of Russia’s special military operation. Astute Putin quickly took steps to slow the exodus down, offering all Russian information technology workers a free pass on paying income tax until 2024. Thousands of Russian software engineers, developers and tech entrepreneurs have fled to greener pastures, of course an inordinate number of Russian Jews having already relocated to Israel in what has become a mass exodus from Russia until its abrupt halt this month.

According to Israeli Integration Ministry, “nearly 17,000 people have left Russia for Israel this year so far, more than twice as many as last year.”Times of Israel reported that since the February 24th incursion began, over 10,000 Russian Jews found new homes in Israel and thousands more are now waiting in the lurch, their path to Israeli citizenship now derailed by the legal drama unfolding in a Moscow courtroom that Israel is calling a national crisis. The July 28th hearing simply deferred the matter until August 19th. Meanwhile, everything’s on hold with tensions mounting daily between Israel and Russia. It’s safe to say their “honeymoon” is officially over.

Just as this decision went public in early July, Putin traveled to Tehran to confer with Israel’s archrival  enemy, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, whose tweet afterwards has to be taken as a snub:

Recent stances taken by the President of Russia against the Zionists are commendable. 

Closing off access for Jews to leave Russia for a new life in Israel is the latest Cold War déjà vu flashback, where people’s lives are held in hostage by the shifting winds of the geopolitical chessboard. It’s also been said that Moscow’s shutdown of Jewish Agency services in Russia could be to ward off yet another Jewish brain drain since only about a third of the Russian Jews are still living in Russia. The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quick to deny that closing Jewish Agency services in Russia has anything to do with stopping a brain drain exodus.

In any case, the next wave of young recruited Unit 8200 cyberwizard kids plucked from Russian immigrant families for Israel’s Talpiot Program in service to the Jewish State, busily stealing yet more Silicon Valley secrets, further compromising the national security of the entire world, may not be arriving for duty from motherland Russia any time soon… but there’s a surplus of war refugees from the home of the Khazars in Ukraine still to tap, what’s left of it anyway.

Of course, this ruffled feathered “crisis” might just be sleight of hand misdirection to obscure less transparent, less visible happenings behind the scenes, perhaps a “lovers’ spat” if you will. After all, over the recent decades Israel has forged friendly trade relations with both Russia and China. The enduring globalist bond between Israel/Rothschild controllers and the Soviet Union-turned-Federation still [waters] runs deep.

All this East versus West WWIII showdown tensions may simply be chessboard drama staged by controlled opposition actors Putin and China’s Xi Jinping and the bloodline controllers’ Israel-Russia-China axis may well still be intact as the West gets thrown under the bus.


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Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

As an independent journalist for over 8 years, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global and currently As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)

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Putin’s Syrian Peace Plan with Erdogan

August 14th, 2022 by Steven Sahiounie

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Russian President Vladmir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan held a four-hour meeting on August 5 in Sochi which may change the course of the Middle East, and end the US occupation of Syria.

Putin asked Erdogan to work with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resolve the Syrian crisis.  Erdogan assured Putin that the Turkish intelligence service is already coordinating with Syrian intelligence. Erdogan explained on the flight back to Turkey, “As long as the two intelligence services are working on the matter, we need Russia’s support, and there are agreements and understandings between the two countries in this regard.”

On August 9, Turkish state media reported that Putin had suggested a phone call between Erdogan and Assad.

On July 27, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, said Ankara is prepared to work alongside Damascus against the PKK and was willing to give “all kinds of political support for the work of the Syrians in this regard.”

“We have to somehow bring opposition and the regime in Syria together to reach an agreement. Otherwise, there will be no lasting peace,” he added.

On April 20, Cavusoglu suggested the possibility of security talks with the Syrian government. However, the Syrian government denied such cooperation saying,

“There can be no cooperation in the fight against terrorism with a terrorist regime that supports, trains and spreads terrorism in the region and the world,” said SANA, the Syrian news agency on April 22.

“The Turkish regime, which occupies many cities, towns, and villages in northern Syria, has previously repudiated all its obligations under the understandings reached with the Russian side, which call in particular to respect Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity,” al Watan newspaper in Syria reported.

Moscow has rejected Ankara’s proposed military incursion into northern Syria, instead encouraging direct communication between the two neighbors. Erdogan has appreciated Putin’s “fair approach” to Turkey’s position on the Syrian issue and shares Turkey’s fight against terrorism.

On October 11, 2021 Cavusoglu met with the Syrian Foreign Minister, Faisal Mekdad, during the meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement meeting in the Serbian capital Belgrade.

Assad has been steadily gaining regional acceptance among Syria’s neighbors and some of the Arab Gulf.  The next step is expected re-admission into the Arab League. The leader in Damascus is in a stable political position, but Erdogan is standing on shaky ground.  He faces a presidential election in June 2023, less than a year away.  His economy is almost collapsed, the currency devalued, people are hungry and suffering, and the Turkish people are tired of putting up with 3 million Syrian refugees who do not share their language, or their culture.  Erdogan needs to make peace with Assad in order to win in 2023, which will depend on a boost in imports of products to Syria and sending the Syrians back home.

Before the US-NATO attack on Syria for the purpose of ‘regime change’, Erdogan and Assad, including their families, had enjoyed a warm friendship. Erdogan publicly called Assad “my brother” when addressing him.

President Barak Obama planned and executed a US-led attack on Syria using Radical Islamic terrorists as foot soldiers, and with the Syrian political opposition housed in Istanbul and comprised of almost exclusively followers of the Muslim Brotherhood. Trump finally shut down the CIA project supporting the terrorists in Turkey in 2017. The US-NATO war on Syria had failed.

In 2004, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey and the Syrian Arab Republic entered into a free trade agreement which stated, “…the will of their peoples who are bound together with exceptional ties of common history, culture and geography.”  This was economic integration of Turkey and Syria, and included not only products, but visa-free travel between the two countries as well.

However, in December 2011, Syria decided to suspend the free trade agreement and impose a tariff of 30 percent on all Turkish imports and prohibitive duties on fuel and freight. Previously, Ankara had announced economic sanctions against the Syrian government.  Later, as the Turkish involvement in the US-NATO war on Syria grew deeper, the Syrian government banned all Turkish products entering Syria, and a closure to all borders.

Turkish Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan said in December 2011,

“This year, the amount Turkey will have lost in terms of (decreased) exports to Syria is equal to the total amount of exports to the world for a single day. In other words, it is a figure that can be ignored.”

Erdogan chose to abandon his business community in favor of the US plan to overthrow his “brother” in Damascus.  It is no wonder that Turkey’s economy is near collapse.  He chose a Muslim Brotherhood project over his economy, and the livelihoods of the Turkish people.  He threw out Turkey’s single biggest market in favor of following the orders of Washington, DC. who have repeatedly turned their back on Turkish interests, supported the Kurdish terrorists, and were directly involved in a coup attempt against Erdogan.

The US supported the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in north east Syria, who are a para-military group opposed to Turkey and the Syrian government.  The SDF is directly linked with the PKK, a terrorist group who have killed thousands in Turkey over decades.  The US used the SDF and YPG to fight ISIS, but that war is long over.  The Kurds were never promised a homeland by Washington, DC. and in fact James Jeffrey, the US envoy to Syria, repeatedly advised the SDF to go to Damascus and make a deal.

Now, after Erdogan has threatened to invade further into Syria, the SDF are on the road to Damascus.  Putin has advised Erdogan to cooperate with Assad to stop the separatist ambitions of the SDF and YPG.

Once the SDF are integrated into the Syrian National Army, they will cease to be a threat to the security of Turkey.  This will also signal the time for the US to withdraw from their illegal occupation of Syria, as well as the occupation by Turkish troops.

If Ankara and Damascus resume their relationship it will call an end to the Al Qaeda occupation of Idlib.  The terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), formerly the Al Qaeda branch in Syria, will have lost their Turkish support.  The three million civilians living under the Islamic State of Idlib will be free at last. Protests in Idlib began once the reports of a possible re-set between Erdogan and Assad.  Turkish flags were burned, and the HTS clerics preached that Turkey is a “Kaffir nation” because they are not an Islamic Republic, even though Turkey has supported them with food, cash, and weapons since 2011.  Terrorists have short memories and are short on loyalties.

Erdogan’s foreign minister is urging a deal between the Syrian opposition and the Syrian Government .  The question is, who is the Syrian opposition?  They used to be an assortment of Muslim Brotherhood members living in Istanbul and on the US payroll.  Next, they morphed into a group of Muslim Brotherhood members living in Doha, Qatar.  Later, there was a group ensconced in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  A peaceful solution between the Syrian opposition and the Syrian government is possible, but who are they, and who is paying their salaries?


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

War Propaganda About Ukraine Starting to Wear Thin

August 14th, 2022 by Chay Bowes

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As Amnesty International confirms the inconvenient truths, which many independent journalists and political observers already knew, about the Ukrainian army’s behavior in Donbass, it’s worth examining how manipulating the truth has become—not only as an everyday occurrence but as a central element of the West’s proxy war in Ukraine.

An increasing number of mainstream journalists, commentators and ordinary individuals who had rushed to “Stand with Ukraine ” are finding the inconvenient truths about the Zelensky regime and its Army harder and harder to ignore.

It was the icon of American democracy, President Abraham Lincoln that said

“You can fool part of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.”

Of course, even though Lincoln’s astute observation has been widely misquoted, it certainly has a particular resonance when we consider the recent misadventures and persistent foreign policy failures of his beloved United States.

Most particularly are American efforts to maintain an increasingly skeptical public’s support for its faltering and hugely costly geopolitical ambitions in Ukraine.

So far it hasn’t been too difficult to package a message for general consumption, a drive-through narrative if you will, that is easily accessible and digestible by a trusting public, particularly when that same public has been globally denied key factual insights into the background of a long running complex conflict into which they have been seduced as blindfolded supporters.

The current crisis in Ukraine is however different; it has seen the pro-Western media machine cultivate and disseminate disinformation, propaganda and fake news on a previously unseen scale. While the U.S. and its NATO allies prosecute their proxy conflict on the ground, in the air, and at sea, another illicit battle is being fought on social media, TV and radio.

Of course, propaganda and the winning of “hearts and minds” is nothing new when it comes to conflict. As far back as the 19th century Governments were aware of how important the narrative was at home, they actively sought to suppress details which they thought may be offensive or unhelpful to the home audience.

In the second Boer war in South Africa (1899-1902), when the British Army’s colonial war was failing it resorted to imprisoning Boer Women and children in vast ill equipped concentration camps where a stunning 26,000 of them would die from starvation, ill treatment and disease. The British actively considered creating a publicity campaign to hide the true horror of the hellish camps, including false reports and newspaper stories.

Black woman in British concentration camp in the Boer War. Images like this were not publicized by the British media during the war. [Source:]

Again, during World War I the gruesome details of mass casualties in the horrendous and inhumane trenches of the western front were also sterilized and minimized for the home audience. As far as the public were concerned the Kaiser was the killer, the Germans ate Belgian babies and the repulsive Teutonic octopus had to be stopped at all costs.

Of course, the fact that the entire conflict was about imperial power, commerce and competition between the three grandchildren of the British Queen Victoria was conveniently ignored. In July 1916 British newspaper reports on the Battle of the Somme, one of the bloodiest battles in human history, famously read “Our casualties are not heavy,” an utterly misleading headline which sounds disturbingly familiar today.

When we consider Americas most recent large-scale military misadventures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya these ill-advised and bloody failures have yet again been portrayed as the “good guys against the bad guys”, it’s the Cowboys against the Indians, the dangerous and untrustworthy Muslim savages against the very existence of Western civilisation.

The immeasurable human suffering that these wars have visited on the innocent populations seldom features. American complicity and responsibility for creating the very problems they now seek to “solve” is bizarrely entirely ignored in its client media.

Today’s conflict in Ukraine is no exception, a similar narrative is peddled with the historical truths about where conflict grew from remaining unreported. Some of the most critical facts relating to Ukraine are routinely and conveniently rendered invisible by the mainstream media, such as when this civil war began and most crucially, who paid for and built the scaffolding on which it is now burning.

It is of course unpopular in any instance to swim against the flow of the tide, to be the child suggesting the emperor has no clothes, and to challenge “realities” that have been broadly accepted by a trusting public. Despite the gross imbalance in the presentation of the facts, up to now at least dissent was something accepted as a privilege of western democratic society, that freedom of speech and opinion is however in grave danger, particularly if it is based on inconvenient truths.

The “Absolute Truth”

When it comes to Ukraine a new, dangerous and lavishly funded weapon in the counter truth war has been deployed by western governments and media, I call it “Absolute Truth”. The Absolute truth doesn’t tolerate any challenges, when its allegations are proven false those realities are suppressed and ignored.

It immediately and efficiently targets any dissent from the prescribed narrative and brands challengers as “enemies,” “foreign agents,” or “useful idiots.” Critically there is no room for debate of any kind, there is no analysis of facts, there is only their Absolute Truth.

Should a journalist, State or individual question this Absolute Truth or merely suggest an objective analysis of the facts they are immediately and brutally marginalised and then targeted for retribution. This determined and choreographed punishment can range from the loss of a job to the isolation of an entire nation with threats of violence commonplace.


The fact that the West’s “Absolute Truth” narrative relies implicitly on mass censorship and the wholesale destruction of freedom of speech is apparently irrelevant to its architects and disciples, if these pillars of liberal democracy must be abandoned in this war against the facts, so be it.

Absolute truth also has a selective attitude when it comes to the behavior of its idols, when Mr Zelensky’s election with the assistance, cash and muscle of a corrupt oligarch is highlighted this is ignored, when his antidemocratic banning of all opposition and the imprisonment of its leaders comes up, its fine. if the Absolute Truth requires the acceptance and deployment of brutal Nazi militias against civilians, (previously designated by the west as terrorists) that is again entirely acceptable.

Indeed, the Absolute truth brigade have a magical ability to erase history, assign hero status to mass murders (Stepan Bandera) and demonise those that defeated Nazism in Europe. The Absolute Truth now defines the narrative, the facts do not, facts and independent evidence will be selectively deployed if at all, those that challenge this are immediately designated as collaborators, war mongers and enemies of democracy.

Another sinister element of the cult of Absolute Truth is the reluctance to correct the record or admit when you get it wrong, from the “massacre” at Snake Island that never happened to the fake headlines about the Mariupol maternity hospital to name but a few, there is never any attempt to correct the record which begs the question how sincere were the allegations in the first place?

How the War in Ukraine Is Being Covered (Up) on Russian TV


Interestingly, when the internationally respected Amnesty international bravely countered the Absolute truth with indisputable facts, it was itself attacked by an increasingly paranoid Zelensky. There is now a distinct element of “the boy who cried wolf” about Zelensky’s persistent and now routine allegations of genocide, targeting of civilians and the apparent desire to “erase Ukraine from the map”.

Any cursory examination of the facts around the Ukrainian Army’s “counter terrorist” operation against its own people in 2014 in Donbas would suggest it was an increasingly radicalised Ukrainian military that first assaulted the ethnic Russian populations in the east in 2014.

As NATOs exceptionally costly and increasingly destructive proxy war against Russia grinds on, the prospect of any military victory for Ukraine fades almost hourly, the likelihood that Russia will seek settlement also fades by the day, any incentive to do so now strategically valueless.

Western support for Zelensky’s seemingly rudderless and incompetent regime is privately wavering as the impact of ham-fisted sanctions against Russia threatens social cohesion in Europe and America alongside a global energy crisis.

Promised counter offensives in the south have not materialized, the much vaunted “Million-man army” has failed to appear and yet again, the American and European press that presented this as fact have not rowed back on their outlandish claims.

The harsh reality of war is seemingly lost on the “absolute Truth” brigade who are happmericy to “stand with Ukraine” but will never stand in Ukraine.

The western public are a fickle audience, given the lack of initial scrutiny generally applied to the mainstream narrative on Ukraine it’s likely that as more of the inconvenient truths about Zelensky, his junta and the realities of this conflict appear, more and more westerns will be creeping into their yards in the dead of night to take down their hastily hoisted Ukrainian flags.

Contrary to the best efforts of those that have funded, molded and justified this proxy war the truth has a habit of resurfacing. It will be impossible to “manage” the oncoming tide of reality that will gush out of Ukraine as the western powers refocus on their self-inflicted domestic troubles this winter, Zelensky himself may become the fall guy for the failed NATO escapade in Ukraine.

That’s the thing about those inconvenient facts, they keep persisting under the surface, the truth doesn’t have a sell by date, and it is patient, the memory of the countless dead demands it to be.

And of course, as good old Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool part of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.”


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Chay Bowes is a campaigner, for independent journalism, entrepreneur and writer from Ireland. Chay is interested in geopolitics and history and has a masters degree in strategic studies. Chay can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image: Magazine covers demonizing Vladimir Putin. [Source:]

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“With all of the uninvestigated and unpunished crimes that Hillary and the Clintons have committed; with all of the uninvestigated suspected insider trading that Pelosi has committed; with all of the KNOWN crimes of the Biden Family; Trump gets raided?” – Cynthia McKinney, former member of US Congress

In a press conference on Wednesday 10 August, former President Donald Trump said that on Monday, two days earlier, more than 30 FBI agents raided his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. The FBI refused to allow Mr. Trump’s attorney or any other witnesses to be present during the razzia which lasted over 9 hours.  Mr. Trump was suggesting they might have used the opportunity to plant evidence against him.

And why not?

It is clear that the Trump residence Mar-a-Lago raid was not about a bunch of documents that he may have taken with him from the White House. It was about much more. And it is not over yet. US Attorney General Merrick Garland, has intimated that never before in the Justice Department’s 152-year history, was such an extensive investigation of a former President carried out.

“These are dark times for our nation,” former President Trump declared in response to the FBI’s  Monday morning raid on his Mar-a-Lago private residence. He compared the event to “an assault” that “could only take place in broken, Third-World countries.”

The President of the Palm Beach Freedom Institute, Paul du Quenoy, calls the The Mar-a-Lago Raid a Desperate Act of a Corrupt Establishment.

The former President remains a political force to be reckoned with, as he claims the 2020 elections were stolen and he allegedly has proof that it was. Yet, the documented proof was not even admitted to be examined in any of the State Courts, to which he presented it, nor by the Supreme Court.

Whether Trump’s case was right or wrong is of lesser importance. The outright rejection of looking at a case presented by a former President is so unusual that it raises a myriad of questions.

Donald Trump’s 2016 election win took many by surprise. How can the public elect such a clown, was the general mainstream media reaction. Throughout his Presidency – and even before – he was lambasted in the US and around the world in ways no former US President was dealt with by international diplomacy and media.

Is it because Mr. Trump, against all odds and against the past and present wannabe world trend, is not a globalist, but a staunch nationalist?

It is the times of the Globalists. There is no more left and right, socialism and communism, Democrats and Republicans. There are only globalists and anti-globalists.

The World Economic Forum, or WEF-driven global agenda – under the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030 drives towards a One World Order (OWO), run by a small elite.

The WEF’s eternal CEO, Klaus Schwab, has made it clear during the last WEF Conference in May 2022 in Davos, that “We have the Means to Improve the State of the World.” What he really meant to say is that, we this small but important group of people in this room have the power to impose the shape of the world. See this.

This concept of taking full control of the world, is one of the corporate financial giants of the sorts of BlackRock, Vanguard, StateStreet and more of Wall Street banking titans and private billionaire oligarchs. The WEF, generously funded by them, represents their extremely powerful interests around the globe. See WEF Leadership and Governance – Board of Trustees and more.

This One World Globalist concept is diametrically opposed to the world vision of Donald Trump. He is a nationalist à la “Make America Great Again” and wants the US to continue in a leading role in the world. But contrary to what the media have been indoctrinating the world at large with, not as a sole empire, but rather as a key player in a multi-polar world.

During the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2020, Mr. Trump called upon the leaders of all countries, recommending to them to do likewise for their countries, make them strong, independent, as autonomous sovereign nations. This is not precisely a globalist view. But it is a view liked by most countries – and even more so by the people around the world.

By now, most everybody knows that a One World Order would be equal to a One World Tyranny, an OWT.  For that reason, in the hearts of people and many politicians in the US and around the world, Mr. Trump is very popular.

Of course, most of them don’t dare to say so, because the media has slandered Trump and his, as well as any non-globalist views to such an extent, that openly admitting a sovereign nationalist opinion, would be looked at as utterly shameful.

It is therefore no coincidence that last Wednesday, 10 August 2022, just two days after the FBI raid on his residence, the former President was subpoenaed to appear before the New York State Attorney General (AG), Letitia James, for a six-hour deposition on his real estate company’s business practices. Except for stating his name, Trump repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Other than that, not much transpired to the public from this deposition.

What is interesting is not the deposition in itself, but the two apparently independent parallel events against a former President, the FBI raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, and the six-hour questioning by the New York State Attorney General

These legal actions against the former President will be blown out of proportion by the media, so as to diminish his power and chances to run again for President in 2024; and they are also aiming at preventing the Republicans – most of whom support Trump – to take over both the House and the senate in the Mid-Term Elections this coming fall.

Although Trump said he would announce in September 2022 whether he plans to run for President in 2024, this recent video looks like “candidate” Trump is already on his campaign trail – on Telegram channel, sounding like a Trump Comeback Speech.

If elections were held today, Trump would beat Biden by a landslide of 45 to 32, or by a margin of 40%. See Newsweek poll.

It is clear, these legal fiascos – and there may be more to come – are last-ditch efforts to prevent the WEF’s Globalists House of Cards Would-be-Empire from further disintegrating. The crumbling Globalist Cult will do whatever they can to prevent Donald Trump from running for President in 2024.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

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