This Week’s Most Popular Articles

October 7th, 2022 by Global Research News

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination

The Expose, September 17, 2022

Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written

Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 2, 2022

The Practice of Lying: The Psychopathic Nature of the U.S. Government

Eric Zuesse, October 2, 2022

“EU Harakiri”on Behalf of Washington. The Nord Stream Destruction, Is the EC Planning to Destroy the European Union?

Peter Koenig, September 30, 2022

More Evidence Points to US-NATO Sabotage of Nord Stream

Kurt Nimmo, September 30, 2022

Germany and EU Have Been Handed Over a Declaration of War

Pepe Escobar, September 29, 2022

Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas

Mark Steele, October 2, 2022

Doctor Claims 50% of Children Who Suffer Myocarditis Due to COVID Vaccination Will be Dead Within 5 Years

The Expose, October 3, 2022

Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda. “Believing in the Unbelievable”

Edward Curtin, September 30, 2022

Weather Warfare

Peter Koenig, October 4, 2022

“Gone in 30 Minutes” – Next on Europe’s Doomsday List: Collapse of Cell Phone Networks

Zero Hedge, October 4, 2022

Germany Spends 2.5 Billion Euros on 100 Million Bivalent Boosters Only to Discover That Nobody Wants Them

eugyppius, October 3, 2022

More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab “Does More Harm Than Good”

Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 4, 2022

Pipeline Terror Is the 9/11 of the Raging Twenties

Pepe Escobar, October 5, 2022

“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity

Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 6, 2022

US, UK Behind Nord Stream Sabotage? Military Expert

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 4, 2022

How a U.S. Colony Works: The Case of Germany

Eric Zuesse, October 4, 2022

Americans Find Gangsters Suitable to Lead the Country

Eric Zuesse, October 3, 2022

The 70 Seconds That Shook the World

Jeffrey A. Tucker, October 4, 2022

Fake Reporting on the Blown-up Pipelines and Russia’s “Annexation” of Donbas

Peter Koenig, September 30, 2022

All of Us Are in Danger: When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 06, 2022

In more and more cases, the government is declaring war on what should be protected political speech whenever it challenges the government’s power, reveals the government’s corruption, exposes the government’s lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.

Justice for the Vaccinated

By Dr. Mark Trozzi, October 06, 2022

Bright Light News Reports: Drs. Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse, Canadian doctors vilified for daring to uphold their oath and share the truth about Covid-19 “vaccines,” join co-founder Cris Vleck,, to give a voice and support to those who did what they were asked: get “vaccinated” to protect themselves and others to stop the “pandemic.”

Defeat or Victory? The War on Afghanistan (2001-2021)

By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. John Ryan, and Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, October 06, 2022

On this sad anniversary week, the Global Research News Hour intends to reflect on the origins behind the chaos which seems to be as remote now as it was back in 2001 when the venture against terror was established. We’ll also look to the future of the country with the U.S. and company hi-tailing it away from there.

Russia Officially Claims Ownership of Ukraine Nuclear Plant

By Charles Kennedy, October 06, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin has decreed Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is a Russian federal asset, absorbing all facilities and employees as the Kremlin’s push in the east loses momentum against Ukrainian forces.

Video: Threat for Russian Military on Ukrainian Front Lines

By South Front, October 06, 2022

Fighting reached the territory of the LPR. The Ukrainian Army is advancing on the left bank of the Oskol River. Most recently, they claimed control of the villages of Borovskaya Andreevka and Boguslavka which is a clear sign that they are strengthening their foothold for an attack in the eastern direction.

Kosovo and Metochia: Who Was Suppressing Whom?

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 06, 2022

Southern Serbia’s autonomous province of Kosovo and Metochia (KosMet) has been subject to a gradual, but a permanent change of its demographic content during the time of Titoslavia (Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945−1991). Three principal factors were crucial to the drastic demographic change in this Serbian province in favor of ethnic (Muslim) Albanians and at the expense of ethnic (Christian Orthodox) Serbs and Montenegrins.

Kharkov and Mobilization: “Tactical Victory for Ukraine, Strategic Victory for Russia”. Jean Baud

By Jacques Baud, October 06, 2022

The recapture of the Kharkov region at the beginning of September appears to be a success for Ukrainian forces. Our media exulted and relayed Ukrainian propaganda to give us a picture that is not entirely accurate. A closer look at the operations might have prompted Ukraine to be more cautious.

The Liz Truss Disaster Show

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 07, 2022

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini-Budget” delivered on September 30, designed to evade the eagles at the Office of Budget Responsibility, was greeted with shock from the market boys and girls to the chattering classes.  The Bank of England took it upon itself to exercise some sober restraint in the face of rampant fiscal recklessness.

Three New Studies Add to Mounting Evidence That COVID Vaccines May Not be Worth the Risk

By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, October 06, 2022

Two new studies  — one about thyroid eye disease and one about encephalitis —  highlighted negative health outcomes associated with COVID-19 vaccination, and a third study suggested the COVID-19 vaccine provided only 15% protection against the risk of “long COVID.” Taken together, the studies highlight the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with serious risks for some, while their protective benefit has been overestimated.

US Officials Admit Weapons Supplied to Kiev Could Reach Russian Territory

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 06, 2022

The US insists on escalating the situation in Ukraine and deteriorating the global security crisis. On October 4, the US government announced another package of military aid to Kiev, valued at more than 625 million dollars.

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Humanity has reached a tipping point. It is time for governments, international institutions and people everywhere to take stock and act with renewed urgency.

The Ukraine conflict is inflicting death, injury, displacement and destruction, exacerbating a global food crisis, driving Europe into recession, and creating shock waves across the world economy.

The Taiwan conflict is threatening to escalate into outright war that would devastate Taiwan and turn East Asia into a powder keg.

More troubling still is the toxic relationship between the United States on the one hand and China and Russia on the other. Here lies the key to both conflicts.

What we are seeing is the culmination of decades of gross mismanagement of global security. The United States has been unwilling to accept, let alone adapt to, the rise of China and the re-emergence of Russia. It remains unwilling to break with outdated notions of global dominance – a legacy of the Cold War and the triumphalism that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union.

A global power shift is taking place. The West-centric world, in which first Europe and then the United States held sway, is giving way to a multi-centric, multi-civilisational world in which other centres of power and influence are demanding to be heard.

Failure to accept this new reality spells immense danger. A new Cold War is now in full swing, which can at any moment mutate into a hot war. In the words of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, “humanity is one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation”.

Even if nuclear apocalypse is averted, discord between nuclear armed states inhibits cooperative problem-solving, the provision of global public goods and an effective and independent UN system.

To rise to the challenge we need a coherent, sustained and multifaceted response by governments and international institutions, inspired and driven by an ever watchful and engaged civil society. Several steps suggest themselves, some immediate, others longer term.

The first steps must aim to end the conflict in Ukraine and defuse the tensions over Taiwan. More substantial efforts are needed to foster a framework of cooperative coexistence between the United States, Russia and China – an essential building block for peace across both Europe and Asia.

To this end, we believe the UN Secretary-General or a group of middle powers acting – ideally the two acting in concert – could set in train a multi-pronged initiative aimed at securing an effective and durable ceasefire in Ukraine and the relaxation of tensions over Taiwan.

In the case of Ukraine, the aim must be to secure the cessation of all combat by Russian and Ukrainian forces and separatist groups based in the Donbas region. This would be a ceasefire monitored by a United Nations team reporting regularly and directly to the UN Secretary-General.

A ceasefire, however, is unlikely to hold for long without a durable settlement of the Ukraine-Russian conflict. This will in turn depend on bringing to an end the cynical use of the Ukraine war by great powers intent on pursing their geopolitical ambitions. Only then will it be possible to achieve:

  • the phased withdrawal of Russian military forces; 
  • an end to the delivery of lethal military aid to Ukraine;
  • a constitutionally enshrined policy of neutrality for Ukraine;
  • the resolution of jurisdictional issues, notably Crimea and the Donbas region, coupled with a process aimed at healing regional, ethnic and religious animosities within Ukraine.
  • All prisoners of war, refugees, and civilians in captivity to be returned to their respective countries and all their rights respected as provided by the Geneva Conventions.

These arrangements will need to be complemented by a wider agreement involving other interested parties, with a view to securing: an adequately funded international program to address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine; international guarantees to safeguard Ukraine’s independence, neutrality and territorial integrity; and the removal of all sanctions placed against Russia and the restoration of normal trade relations.

In the case of the Taiwan conflict, the first step must be to defuse the current level of tension. To this end, the international community should reaffirm the principles set out in the Shanghai communiqué of 1972, notably the ‘one China’ principle which now commands widespread international support. In line with this principle, the international community must use all means at its disposal to dissuade Taiwan from making any unilateral declaration of independence. The UN Secretary-General in tandem with ASEAN is well placed to spearhead such a course of action.

These relatively short-term initiatives must pave the way for a series of interlinked consultations, culminating in an international conference, whose primary purpose would be to frame a new global security architecture, sustained by appropriate reforms in global governance and designed to:

  1. Stop the march to nuclear oblivion, and set in motion an ambitious program for nuclear disarmament, beginning with a series of arms control and disarmament agreements and leading within a specified timeframe to universal membership of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
  2. Reflect the reality of a multi-centric, multi-civilisational world which respects the independence and legitimate rights of all sovereign nations, and in which no actor seeks to exercise imperial or hegemonic ambitions. 
  3. Enshrine the principles of common, cooperative and comprehensive security, and translate these into effective regional arrangements, especially in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region;
  4. Initiate a series of measures that can reverse the militarisation of the international system, including limitations on the reach and scope of military alliances and overseas deployments of military forces, as well as a progressive reduction of national military budgets, thereby redirecting resources to areas of pressing social, economic and environmental need;
  5. Set in motion the far-reaching reform of international institutions, especially the UN system, so that they can more effectively mount the necessarily cooperative response to existential threats, notably climate change, biodiversity loss, and present and future pandemics.

None of this will happen without a massive global awakening of human wisdom and energy. Important as governments and international institutions are, the initiative for a coherent response to the challenges we face lies largely with the people, with civil society.

Leadership of various kinds is needed. Which is why this message is also addressed to intellectuals, artists, scientists, journalists, religious leaders, advocates and other engaged citizens.

Equally, we have in mind groups working on the rights of indigenous peoples, aid and development, conflict resolution, civil liberties and human rights, violence against women, refugees and asylum seekers, climate change and other threats to our environment, public health (not least Covid), justice for the poor and marginalised, and ethnic, religious and cultural diversity.  ALL are adversely affected by great power confrontation, oppressive security laws, rising military budgets and destructive military activities, not to mention the prospect of nuclear catastrophe. ALL have a crucial part to play.

Trade unions, professional networks (in education, law, medicine, nursing, media, communications), farmer organisations, religious bodies, human-centred think tanks and research centres have also much to contribute to the conversation for a habitable future.

It is time for people everywhere to take the initiative personally and collectively – to set in motion conversations, small and large, formal and informal, online and in person, using the written and spoken word, as well as the visual and performing arts. This is a moment for collective reflection on where we’re at, where we should be heading and the steps needed to get us there.

The stakes are high. We need bold thinking that connects people and issues within and between countries. We must revive and reframe the global security conversation. There is not a moment to lose.

Click here to sign the petition.

Prepared by

Richard Falk, Emeritus Professor of International Law, Princeton University; Chair of Global Law, Queen Mary University London; Research Associate UCSB

Joseph Camilleri, Professor Emeritus, La Trobe University, Melbourne; Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; President, Conversation at the Crossroads

Chandra Muzaffar, Former Professor of Global Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang; President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

Endorsed by

Prof. Abdelllah Hammoudi, Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus; Founding Director of the Transregional Institute, Princeton University

Ajarn Sulak Sivaraksa, Co-founder and Chairperson of Advisory Committee of International Network of Engaged Buddhists

Ashis Nandy, Homi Bhabha Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies

Brad Wolf, Executive Director of Peace Action Network of Lancaster.

Prof. Alfred de Zayas, Professor of international law, Geneva school of diplomacy; Former UN Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18)

Dr. Arujunan Narayanan, Academic teaching International Relations, International Law and Western Philosophy – UKM, UM, HELP University, Armed Forces Defence College, Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.

Prof. Assaf Kfoury, Professor of Computer Science, Boston University

Prof. Azyumardi Azra (deceased), Rector of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia (1998-2006); Professor of History, State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia (1997-on)

Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim, Former Foreign Minister; Former Defense Minister, Brazil

Prof. Chaiwat Satha-Anand, Former President of Social Science Association of Thailand; Former Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Thammasat University; presently Expert, Toda Peace Institute, Prof. of Politcal Science, Thammasat University; Thammasat University Distinguished Scholar

Chris Hedges, American Journalist, Author and Commentator

David Swanson, Author, Executive Director of World BEYOND War

Prof. Farish A. Noor, Professor, Department of History, University Malaya

Fredrik S. Heffermehl, Lawyer and Author, Norway, Nobel Peace Prize Watch.

Prof. Ilan Pappe, Director of European Center for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, Britain

Ivana Nikolic  Hughes, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Columbia University

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, University Professor, Columbia University

Jorge Casteneda, Former Foreign Minister of Mexico, New York University

(Rt Hon.) Jeremy Corbyn, Independent MP for Islington North

John K. Stoner,

Prof. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Professor Emeritus, Economics, University Malaya

Prof. Junaid S. Ahmad, Director, Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality, Islamabad, Pakistan

Dr. Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Kathy Kelly, Board President, World BEYOND War

Kishore Mahbubani, Founding Dean, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS.

Prof. Kevin Clements, Director, The Toda Peace Institute, Tokyo Japan

Dr. Lim Teck Ghee, Policy Analyst

Prof. Mahmood Mamdani, Herbert Lehman Professor of Government, Columbia University, NYC

Mairead Maguire, Peace Laureate; Co-founder Peace People; Northern Ireland

Prof. Maivan Clech Lam, Emeritus Professor of International Law, Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Maung Zarni, Burmese Dissident & Co-founder of FORSEA.

(Tan Sri.) Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, Adjunct Professor, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya; Former Chairman and Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

Dr. Ramzy Baroud, Center for Islam and Global Affairs, Zain University, Istanbul

Prof. Shad Saleem Faruqi, Emeritus Professor at Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya; Chair Holder, Tunku Abdul Rahman Foundation

Shahanaaz Habib, Ex journalist, The Star

Susan Wright, Ph.D., Research Scientist and Lecturer Emerita, History of Science, University of Michigan

Victoria Brittain, Journalist and Author

Yanis Varoufakis, Member of Greek Parliament and MeRA25 leader, DiEM25 co-founder; Professor of Economics – University of Athens ; Honorary Professor of Political Economy –  University of Sydney ; Honoris Causa Professor of Law, Economics and Finance – University of Torino ; Distinguished Visiting Professor of Political Economy, Kings College, University of London

Hans von Sponeck, UN Assistant Secretary-General (ret.)

Dr. Michael Jeyakumar, Chairperson of Socialist Party of Malaysia

Noam Chomsky, American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historical essayist, social critic, and political activist

Phyllis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies

Ronnie Kasrils, Retired South African Minister, Activist and Author.


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The Liz Truss Disaster Show

October 7th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Never underestimate the power of failure.  As the Liz Truss Disaster Show demonstrates, the next pitfall is probably just around the corner.  The UK Prime Minister has shown, along with her distinctly oblivious Chancellor of the Exchequer, how to ballsup the economy in the shortest timeframe imaginable.

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini-Budget” delivered on September 30, designed to evade the eagles at the Office of Budget Responsibility, was greeted with shock from the market boys and girls to the chattering classes.  The Bank of England took it upon itself to exercise some sober restraint in the face of rampant fiscal recklessness.

The ailing British pound received another battering on October 5 after Truss’s speech at the Conservative Party conference.  It had risen relative to the US dollar on October 3 in response to the decision to abandon the policy of removing the top 45p tax rate, only to suffer another precipitous decline.

Her comically abysmal, half-hour speech, delivered to party members increasingly unsettled by her recent performances, was peppered with ideological dross and economic denialism.  Conservatism, she stated, was about “a belief in freedom, in fair play and the great potential of the British people.”  She was “not interested in how many two-for-one offers” a person bought from the supermarket or “how you spend your spare time, or in virtue signalling.”

What did interest her was attacking the “anti-growth coalition”, a mysterious cabal that has it in for the British economy.  They comprised Labor, the Liberal Democrats, and the Scottish Nationalist Party, not to mention the unions, the talking heads, the Brexit deniers, Extinction rebellion and “some of the people we had in the hall earlier.”

This was a coalition on the warpath, spreading its wings, busying itself wanting more taxes and restraining economic gain.  And they would dare express such views in the BBC offices.  To combat such forces, she offered an unconvincing, managerially massaged formula: growth, growth and growth.  Explaining the decision to reverse the scrapping of the 45p rate of income tax as something of a distraction, Truss insisted that low taxes was the way to go.  Stamp duty, the basic rate of income tax, and the corporate tax rate would be cut, while the rise in national insurance would be reversed.

In trying to sound chummier with voters, she went for the personal touch. “I have fought to get where I am today.”  She had “juggled” her career while raising her two daughters.  She had “seen people left with no hope turning to drugs” and “families struggling to put food on the table.”  Interestingly enough, the period during which these things took place was one marked by divisive, ruinous Tory rule.

A peculiar touch came with recalling what seemed to be a particularly scarring incident.  Poor Liz recalled “as a young girl being presented on a plane with a ‘Junior Air Hostess’ badge.  Meanwhile, my brothers were given ‘Junior Pilot’ badges.  It wasn’t the only time in my life that I have been treated differently for being female or for not fitting in.”  Never fear, it made the psychologically wounded aspirant “determined”.

The awfulness of the dull display would have been more complete had it not been interrupted by two young boisterous women from Greenpeace holding the yellow sign sporting the words “Who Voted For This?”  This galvanised the conference attendees, who managed to turn on the protestors with envigored venom.

In the end, the words from Truss hardly mattered, their inconsequential sprinkles vanishing down the drainpipe of vacant rhetoric.  There was no plan for generating actual economic growth.  There was nothing to address the one fundamental problem the UK faces: that it invests too little.

For Iain Martin, writing in The Times, it would have made little difference even if the speech had been the movingly equivalent version of the Gettysburg Address, or something like the Sermon on the Mount.  “[I]t would not have shifted the underlying reality.”  That reality entailed one unmissable fact: the new Conservative leader is simply not liked.

Senior market analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, Susannah Streeter, humourlessly suggested that Truss’s mention of one word three times did little to sway things.  “She may have hoped that her triple promise of growth would have calmed markets further but with nothing new to offer on the table, her words have not had the desired effect so far.”

The Truss Disaster Show has even left a number of conservatives worried, even panicked.   According to Paul Goodman, editor of Conservative Home, she has been left with no good options.  Sticking to her mini-Budget measures would guarantee defeat in the Commons, thereby eroding her authority.  Abandoning them would have much the same effect.

The Spectator has also been running a number of querying meditations and the decline and fall of the new PM.  “There’s something not entirely grown up about the Prime Minister,” Lloyd Evans suggests. “She has a permanent air of naïve euphoria – like a bouncy new teacher taking the class on a jolly exciting trip.”

Barely into her prime ministership, Truss has laid the basis for its demise.  When she and her party return to Westminster, the sense of vultures circling will be palpable.  While recent years tell us that polls are nonsensical excursions of fancy, rarely to be trusted, it is hard to sense that the current figures are off.  Should they remain at their current levels, a massacre at the ballot box is in the making.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Kosovo and Metochia: Who Was Suppressing Whom?

October 6th, 2022 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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Southern Serbia’s autonomous province of Kosovo and Metochia (KosMet) has been subject to a gradual, but a permanent change of its demographic content during the time of Titoslavia (Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945−1991). Three principal factors were crucial to the drastic demographic change in this Serbian province in favor of ethnic (Muslim) Albanians and at the expense of ethnic (Christian Orthodox) Serbs and Montenegrins.

Demographic explosion

First and the most important has been the demographic explosion, due to the enormous birth rate of Albanians. In the situation when this trend on the global scale was in the opposite direction, with even African countries diminishing their birth rate, the only European regions with breeding out of all proportions, have been Albania and KosMet. In a comprehensive article in Newsweek,[1] entitled “Demographic Bomb Is No Longer As It Used To Be”, it has been estimated that by 2050 the only regions with more than 2 children per woman will be the Caribbean Islands, Pakistan, Eastern Guinea, and African countries (except for North and South Africa). And one region in Europe – KosMet.

Analyzing the world situation, the author writes:

“If the figures are correct, they signify that almost half of the world population lives in the countries whose demographic regime is situated below the replacement level: comments Ebershtadt”.

Nevertheless, there are noticeable exceptions. In Europe, Albania and Kosovo make even more children. Asia has the pockets of the large natality, with Mongolia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia represents the birth rate largest in the world (5.7), after Palestinian Territories (5.9) and Yemen (7.2). However, some countries have some surprises in store: an Arab Muslim state Tunisia has fallen below the reproduction threshold.

It is noticed that during Titoslavia, the birthrate in Albania was noticeably lower than on KosMet. How to explain this, since in both regions ethnic Albanians constitute the overwhelming majority?

Albania is an independent state, responsible for her own wellbeing. The uncontrollable rise in population implies more hungry mouths, more unemployed, more public expenditures for social needs, etc. But what is unfavorable for a responsible, sovereign state appears favorable for the society which relies on the rest of the state it lives in. The more populous the ethnic minority is, the more convincing demands for financial and other supports are. The more children in the family, the less income per capita is, and again the more justifiable demands for public financial help. However, this cannot continue ad infinitum, of course.  Once the final goal has been achieved, the secession realized (in the case of KosMet in 1999), the logic takes the opposite direction – family planning. The logic: “make children in the evening and submit the bill to the state in the morning” does not work any longer, for this is your own state. That is exactly what is going on in present-day Albania.

Immigration from Albania & emigration to Central Serbia

Second, it was the influx (illegal) of ethnic Albanians from neighboring Albania into KosMet (and partially into Yugoslav Macedonia), both the migrant slow and steady and those termed as metanastatic movements. The first immigrant phenomenon appears slow and has effects which reveal along centuries, just like the high-rate natality effect. The second is noticeable and has profound psychological effects on the indigenous population, in this case, the Serbs and Montenegrins. It provokes massive moving out of the autochthonous inhabitants, mainly into Central Serbia. The rate of this migration deserves particular attention, for this reveals more than any of the political and demagogical “explanations”.

It has been noticed since this phenomenon has been observed and followed statistically that the rate of outflow migration appears constant in time. What does this fact signify? Central Serbia outnumbers the Serb population on KosMet by more than an order of magnitude. Equally, the area of Serbia is almost an order of magnitude larger than KosMet. Now, suppose that all Serbs (and non-Albanians, for that matter) were willing to quit KosMet (voting by feet, as some Western political commentators were eager to emphasize while describing emigration from Milošević’s Serbia), their number on KosMet would diminish exponentially, for the number of emigrants would depend solely on the number of the existing at the spot. However, the number of emigrants depends on the possibility of the external reservoir to absorb the influx, too. The constant rate of emigration means that Central Serbia cannot absorb the immigrants all at once, but only gradually since its capacity is large but finite. That is, had Serbia been many times larger, the number of non-Albanians on KosMet would have been zero by now.


Third, the question arises naturally, the question above questions, as legitimate as forbidden: Which kind of people were those “suppressed” on KosMet when the other population flees from them? Or put it in this way: Who was suppressing whom?

It is so far presented the global phenomena, as the general frame for the depopulation of KosMet from non-Albanians and overpopulation of the ethnic-Albanians (the Shqiptars as the Albanians are calling themselves). Now it has to be turned to the mechanism which is responsible for this effect as the third and probably the focal reason for the drastic demographic change in KosMet during the lifetime of Titoslavia – suppression. For the sake of clarity, it has to be distinguished two principal strategies, as used by the (newcomers) Albanians (Shqiptars) for taking over land and estate from the rest of KosMet (autochtonous) population – the Serbs and the Montenegrins (in fact, ethnolinguistic Serbs).

We start with quasi-violent tactics. In the villages with a mixed population, non-Albanian houses, or families, adjacent to Albanian ones, are living under constant pressure, even fear from their neighbors. Any conflict, however innocent, may easily pass into a dangerous one, regarding the nature of the Albanian ethos and their social units, tribe (fis) or otherwise. Since the members of the latter outnumber the former, and Albanians are, as a rule, well equipped with arms, ready to use them, the neighboring (non-Albanian) houses live in a permanent fear from eventual conflict and, therefore, the use of the arms by neighboring Albanians. The latter may arise for various reasons. Trespassing, livestock damages, “wrong look” at Albanian wife or daughter, etc., as the case in any rural community may arise. Any serious conflict may initiate a blood feud and this may be resolved by leaving the area only.[2]  Whatever the surface outlook may be, the relationship between populations who do not share the same ethos and are endowed with a different mentality is anything, but relaxed. It is the neighborhood where jokes have no place, since the sensitivity of Albanians, even regarding their own compatriots, is pathologically pronounced. Many families, finding this environment unsupportable simply sell the estate and move away (in Serb case to Central Serbia).

If it is not found in the above example any bad intentions, the other causes of emigration are not that innocent. The most frequent cause of moving away is a combined physical pressure and financial “encouragement” (in sum, suppression). As mentioned before, many inhabitants of underdeveloped and even moderately advanced economic regions in the former Yugoslavia used to work in West Europe, as “Gastarbeiter(s)” (guest workers). If one is traveling through Serbia’s countryside, for instance, he/she will notice a high percentage of new houses, usually unfinished. They are property of the Gastarbeiter(s), who plan to complete those constructions when returning definitely to the homeland (with cash and pensions). The rationale for this economic mismatch between the homeland and advanced Western society is mainly the disproportion between the nominal and real values of the currencies. One Deutsche Mark – DM (now one Euro) in West Europe, values in Serbia, for instance, as five DM (Euros) or something like that. This disproportion appears considerably more pronounced on KosMet. Since the most vigorous members of non-Albanian families have already left their homes, either moving to towns or simply to Central Serbia, the remaining Serbs are not in a position to compete with Albanians (i.e., KosMet’s Albanian Gastarbeiter(s) and their families) in financial terms.

The general stratagem

The general stratagem for overtaking non-Albanian land in KosMet appeared, in fact, like this:

  • Initial stage: If the village appears purely non-Albanian, several Albanian families join the money and offer to the most prominent house in the village a considerable amount, exceeding several times its real economic value at that time on the market. The target family resists for some time, but after persistent offerings and usually psychological and even physical suppression, it usually gives up and sells the estate, moves to Central Serbia, and buys a much bigger estate.
  • Middle stage: The next target house is offered a somewhat smaller amount and the procedure is repeated with an increased level of suppression.
  • Final stage: As the number of remaining (Serb and Montenegrin) families diminishes, the (Albanian) buyers offer ever less amount and the price goes below the economic one that is followed by in many cases very brutal suppression. In the final stage, estates are sold for symbolic prices, and the village is emptied from the “alien peasants” (of Serb and Montenegrin origin). Consequently, the larger part of KosMet has been evacuated from the “undesirable inhabitants” (who moved to Central Serbia).

It is needless to say that in the case of places with already mixed populations the process is much easier and faster. In fact, in many cases, it was a spontaneous leaving homes and moving away from the troublesome environment. It is the common case that when talking with Albanians, ordinary people, and political activists alike, that the evacuation of KosMet by the indigenous (Serbo-Montenegrin) population is explained by the desire of the latter to move to the more prosperous regions (of Central Serbia), for purely economic reasons.  In this way, two aims are achieved. First, it implies the poverty of KosMet, and second the free choice of those who leave the region. Since such an explanation has been on the market for decades, it obviously sells well among the “international community”. Otherwise, such a cynical argument would be cut off by any serious interlocutor. However, none of the latter has asked those Albanians, who keep on blaming non-Albanians in Serbia for suppression, even torture as: Why don’t they (Albanians) leave KosMet for a better place of life, like their country of origin, Albania? Of course, none has illusions that the attitude of the foreign leaders is based on insufficient acquaintance with the actual situation.

This stratagem has been applied not only on KosMet, but everywhere in Serbia where ethnic Albanians are present in rural areas, including the so-called Preševo valley (Bujanovac, Preševo, and Medveđa in Central Serbia neighboring North-East KosMet). All these counties were predominantly inhabited by non-Albanians, in 1945, when KosMet was constituted as the autonomous region, but now only in Medveđa the Serbs are still the majority. The state of Serbia tried to prevent this illegitimate taking over of non-Albanian (Serbian) land by posing in the 1980s and 1990s the law of non-transfer of the real estate property (the land) between different ethnic partners (Serb-Albanian), but this measure has had little effect. Many non-Albanians simply take money without recording the transfer before the court. At the moment it is almost impossible to estimate whose legally is the land on KosMet and in the Preševo valley. Presumably, this domino effect is operative in other regions where ethnic Albanians live in noticeable numbers, as in the western parts of North Macedonia. Persistent bargain offers combined with intimidations, like burning haystacks, killing live stocks, dogs, etc., cannot fail to produce desired effect – moving away from wild (Albanian) neighbors.


Moving where to? Living in such an environment, isolated from the rest of the world, including Central Serbia, those unfortunate people have acquired many attributes of Albanians themselves. Settling down in Central Serbia, by buying land or house/flat, they find themselves apart from the local population, who treat them as alien elements.[3] The principal effect of the isolation at KosMet has been the conservation of the ethos and folklore. In fact, these Serbs from KosMet represent the best-preserved traditional autochthonous culture of the Slavic population in Serbia and around. KosMet has proved to be the largest enervate of Serbian folklore and tradition in general. It is presumably this fact that makes the local population in Central Serbia suspicious, concerning the manner of the KosMet immigrants. This conservation phenomenon appears common to all Dinaric regions, but KosMet was the national, cultural, political, and historic core of Serbia and it was not for the physical geography that the retardation took place, but due to the human extraneous element, as mentioned above.

We should stress here that this effect hits not only Serbs but any non-Albanian ethnicity in KosMet. The latter have been moving from KosMet continuously, as well as from the western parts of North Macedonia. A typical example is the village of Janjina, very near to Priština and Gračanica, inhabited entirely by the Croats. The later have completely abandoned the village at the beginning of the Albanian (the Kosovo Liberation Army) rebellion (terrorism acts) in February 1998 and have moved to Croatia. The same applies to Roma and other “ethnic minorities”, like the so-called Egyptians,[4] Ashkalias, Turks, and Muslim Bosniaks.[5]  It is the xenophobia that is creating a driving force of the Albanians (in Albania, North Macedonia, and KosMet alike) that is feeling uneasy in the close contact with other nationalities.

Nevertheless, the situation in urban areas is technically different but equally uneasy. The older Albanian generations, aware of the historicity of their non-Albanian neighbors and cultural heritage it implies, are reluctant to mix with the human environment. The young generations, on their part, rising with the meteoric speed in number, experience the rest of the non-Albanian urban population as an unpleasant perturbation. It was a stunning impression for the European visitors to KosMet to see the segregation between Albanian and non-Albanian youth walking in the evening on the streets (the so-called “Corso”) in KosMet towns, including very Priština. The same applied to cafes, pubs, etc., where “ethnically pure public” was present only. As the number of non-Albanians decreased, the ever-smaller communities in towns found themselves isolated and “stranger at home”. It was this psychological pressure that prompted non-Albanian youth to leave KosMet, even before the open hostilities started in February 1998 – the Kosovo War.



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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a Former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] Translated from Courrier International, No. 149, March 2005, p. 44.

[2] In fact, many families in Central Serbia have arrived there from Dinaric regions (Montenegro, Herzegovina) in order to escape blood feud, especially in the 19th century.

[3] The same was and is with the Serb refugees from Croatia to Central Serbia from 1971 onward. They are in many cases called “Croats” by autochthonous people of Central Serbia. However, the Serbs from KosMet are never called “Albanians” by the local authochthonous population of Central Serbia but rather “Kosovars”.

[4] What relationship is of this minority (in fact, Roma) with the Egyptians proper is difficult to determine now, but this is of minor importance to us here.

[5] The Balkans is not only the melting pot of various ethnicities but also the rich source of new ones, real and imaginary.

COVID Jab mRNA Detected in Human Breastmilk

October 6th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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As recently as late September 2022, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed it’s perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing women, and those planning a pregnancy, to get the COVID jab. According to Walensky, “There’s NO bad time to get a COVID vaccine”

Meanwhile, Pfizer’s data show the risk of miscarriage could be as high as 87.5%

Safety for nursing mothers was not evaluated in the initial clinical trials, and subsequent investigations have been scarce. In mid-July 2021, a small study found no trace of mRNA vaccine in breastmilk, but a September 2022 study did find mRNA in breastmilk for up to 48 hours post-jab

These studies did not analyze the breastmilk for the presence of spike protein. Even if the mRNA is only transferable during the first 48 hours post-jab, that does not mean it’s safe to breastfeed thereafter. The breastmilk could potentially also transfer spike protein produced by the mother’s body, and that production, we know, can continue for at least four months, and likely longer

Walensky also continues to claim the COVID shots have no adverse effects on fertility, even though birth rates have plummeted since the rollout of the shots, raising alarm across the world. A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study found the injection more than doubled the incidence of infertility


Despite mountains of evidence showing the COVID jabs are a lethal disaster that shouldn’t be given to anyone, let alone pregnant women, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky continues to spread the death cult gospel, boldly claiming:1 2

“There’s NO bad time to get a COVID vaccine. Whether you’re thinking about having a baby, currently pregnant, recently delivered your baby, or are breastfeeding, it is safe for you to get vaccinated. Protect yourself and your growing family.”

In that same interview, Walensky also spoke out of both sides of her mouth when she added that pregnant women who develop COVID symptoms should get monoclonal antibodies to prevent severe infection. If that’s the case, why do they need the mRNA jab, which we know doesn’t prevent infection?


The fact that Walensky keeps insisting pregnant women get this experimental injection is beyond unconscionable. In her interview,3 she insists the data supports it, but where is that data? They must be hidden somewhere, because the data that are actually available to the public tell a very different story.

Pfizer’s own data show the risk of miscarriage could be as high as 87.5% — a shocking conclusion reviewed in an August 20, 2022, Substack article4 by Dr. Pierre Kory.

Kory, after diving into one of the Pfizer data dumps, brought attention to Section 5.3.6, Page 12, of a document called “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports,” which states there were 270 pregnancies in vaccinated women during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine campaign.

No outcome was provided for 238 of those women, which leaves 32 pregnancies for which the outcome was reported. However, even for those 32, outcomes were only specified for 29: 26 ended in some form of miscarriage, two were premature births with neonatal death (meaning the babies died shortly after being born early), and one birth was normal.

Kory points out that the report is nebulous and unclear about the other three pregnancy outcomes, but were we to count those as live births, we’re looking at 28 deaths out of 32 pregnancies, which means 87.5% of pregnant women (for whom they had data) lost their babies.

For the record, the failure to record and report the outcomes of 238 out of 274 pregnancies during a drug trial is simply unheard of. It’s shockingly unethical and criminally fraudulent. And the fact that both the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC accepted this, and claim there’s “no evidence” of harm to pregnant women and their babies is proof positive of reprehensible malfeasance.

2021 — ‘No mRNA Found in Breastmilk’

I also sincerely doubt the FDA and CDC have corroborating data to support the COVID jab for nursing mothers, seeing how that was not part of the initial clinical trials, and follow-up has been scarce.

In mid-July 2021, Reuters reported5 that “no trace of mRNA vaccine” could be found in breastmilk, according to one small study.6 Based on analysis of 13 breastmilk samples obtained from seven breastfeeding women who had received an mRNA COVID jab, the researchers concluded that while antibodies are known to pass from mother to child via breastmilk, no mRNA is transferred through this route. As reported by Reuters at the time:7

“The World Health Organization recommends that breastfeeding mothers be vaccinated against COVID-19 and does not advise stopping breastfeeding afterward.

Many mothers have declined vaccination or discontinued breastfeeding due to concern that the vaccine may alter breast milk. Writing in JAMA Pediatrics,8 the authors of the new study said more data is needed to better estimate the vaccines’ effect on breastfeeding.

But the new results ‘strengthen current recommendations that the mRNA vaccines are safe in lactation, and that lactating individuals who receive the COVID vaccine should not stop breastfeeding,’ coauthor Dr. Stephanie Gaw of the University of California, San Francisco, said in a statement.”

2022 — mRNA Found in Breastmilk

Fast-forward to September 22, 2022, and mRNA has been — you guessed it — detected in breastmilk or 48 hours post-jab. The study, also published in JAMA Pediatrics, notes:9

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends offering the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to breastfeeding individuals, although the possible passage of vaccine mRNAs in breast milk resulting in infants’ exposure at younger than 6 months was not investigated.

This study investigated whether the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA can be detected in the expressed breast milk (EBM) of lactating individuals receiving the vaccination within 6 months after delivery.”

Here, 11 lactating mothers were enrolled. The first breastmilk samples were collected before getting the shot, to establish a baseline control. Samples were then collected after receiving either the Moderna or Pfizer shots, for up to six months post-delivery. As explained by the authors:

“A total of 131 EBM [expressed breastmilk] samples were collected 1 hour to 5 days after vaccine administration. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) were isolated in EBM using sequential centrifugation, and the EV concentrations were determined by ZetaView (Analytik).

The presence of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA in different milk fractions (whole EBM, fat, cells, and supernatant EVs) was assayed using 2-step quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction. The vaccine detection limit was 1 pg/mL of EBM.

Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours postvaccination.

The mean (SD) yield of EVs isolated from EBM was 9.110 (5.010) particles/mL, and the mean (SD) particle size was 110.0 (3.0) nm. The vaccine mRNA appears in higher concentrations in the EVs than in whole milk. No vaccine mRNA was detected in prevaccination or postvaccination EBM samples beyond 48 hours of collection …

The limitations of this study include the relatively small sample size and the lack of functional studies demonstrating whether detected vaccine mRNA is translationally active. Also, we did not test the possible cumulative vaccine mRNA exposure after frequent breastfeeding in infants.

We believe it is safe to breastfeed after maternal COVID-19 vaccination. However, caution is warranted about breastfeeding children younger than 6 months in the first 48 hours after maternal vaccination until more safety studies are conducted.

In addition, the potential interference of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA with the immune response to multiple routine vaccines given to infants during the first 6 months of age needs to be considered. It is critical that lactating individuals be included in future vaccination trials to better evaluate the effect of mRNA vaccines on lactation outcomes.”

Does Spike Protein Transfer Through Breastmilk? 

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that mRNA and spike protein are two different things. The mRNA is what instructs your cells to produce the spike protein. When a mother breastfeeds in the days after her injection, she may be transferring the actual mRNA into her newborn infant, whose cells might then begin to produce spike protein.

However, this study did not analyze the breastmilk for the presence of spike protein. Even if the mRNA is only transferable during the first 48 hours post-jab, that does not mean it’s safe to breastfeed thereafter.

The breastmilk could potentially also transfer spike protein produced by the mother’s body, and that production, we know, can continue for at least four months, and likely longer.

Spike Antibodies Transfer and That Could Be a Bad Thing

Studies10 have shown SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, i.e., antibodies against the spike protein being produced by the COVID jab, do transfer through breastmilk, and contrary to popular belief, that may not be a good thing. Why?

Because it may trigger immune imprinting. As discussed in “Original Antigenic Sin — The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots,” immune imprinting, also known as original antigenic sin, describes a process in which the first antibodies produced against a given virus starts to predominate, making antibodies against newer strains less and less effective at neutralizing the virus.11

In short, the fear is that repetitive boosting might make you less and less able to ward off new variants, and thus more prone to symptomatic infection. If a baby is exposed to anti-spike antibodies every day for months on end, will that render them more prone to infection as the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates? We don’t know, but it’s a concern that can’t simply be dismissed with a shoulder shrug.

Fertility Is Clearly Being Impacted 

Walensky also continues to cling to the claim that the COVID shots have no adverse effects on fertility, even though real-world data from around the world are screaming that something has gone terribly wrong. Birth rates have plummeted since the rollout of the shots, raising alarm across the world.

In Germany, birth rates were 10% below the annual norm during the first quarter of 2022.12 Sweden was a 14% drop that same quarter.13 14 According to Gunnar Anderson, a Swedish professor in demographics at Stockholm University, “We have never seen anything like this before, that the bottom just falls out in just one quarter.”15

Between January and April 2022, Switzerland’s birth rate was 15% lower than expected, the U.K.’s was down by 10% and Taiwan’s was down 23%.16 17 18 Hungary saw a 20% drop in birth rate during January 2022, compared to January 2021.19

In a July 5, 2022, Counter Signal article, Mike Campbell reported that in the five countries with the highest COVID jab uptake, fertility has dropped by an average of 15.2%, whereas the five countries with the lowest COVID jab uptake have seen an average reduction of just 4.66%. Below is a chart from Birth Gauge20 on Twitter comparing live birth data for 2021 and 2022 in a large number of countries.

birth data 2022

Click here to enlarge

Similar trends are seen in the U.S. as well, which Walensky ought to be well aware of. Provisional data from North Dakota show a 10% decline in February 2022, 13% reduction in March and an 11% reduction in April, compared to the corresponding months in 2021.21

Other Disturbing Evidence

In addition to real-world data showing fertility is suddenly in freefall, there’s scientific evidence suggesting the shots could affect fertility in both women and men.

“A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study found the injection more than doubled the incidence of infertility.”

For example, a Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab showed the spike protein from the shots accumulate in female ovaries and male testes,22 23 and there’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.

A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study24 found the injection more than doubled the incidence of preimplantation loss (i.e., the risk of infertility), and led to mouth/jaw malformations, gastroschisis (a birth defect of the abdominal wall) and abnormalities in the right-sided aortic arch and cervical vertebrae.25 26

We’re also seeing a sudden uptick in infant mortality. The Exposé27 recently highlighted data from Scotland, showing neonatal deaths in March 2022 were 119% higher above the annual norm.

Male fertility is also under attack by these bioweapons. Israeli research28 29 published in the journal Andrology found the Pfizer COVID jab temporarily but significantly impairs male fertility, dropping sperm concentration by 15.4% and total motile count by 22.1%, compared to baseline pre-jab.

Both eventually recovered, some three months after the last jab, but if you destroy a man’s sperm for three months every time he gets a COVID shot, you’re significantly reducing the probability of him fathering a child for a good part of any given year and the stats reviewed above support this.

Remember, the mRNA shots are recommended at three-month intervals for the original series, and boosters are now being recommended at varying intervals thereafter. In the video below, Amy Kelly, project director for the Daily Clout’s Pfizer document analysis team, reviews this study and other post-jab male fertility concerns.30

End the COVID Shots Now, Before It’s Too Late to Recover 

As noted by Kory in his August 20, 2022, Substack article:31

“… when a new medicine or device is introduced, you must first assume any adverse effects or deaths reported to be related to the intervention until proven otherwise …

We must assume the vaccines are impacting fertility unless some other provable or credible explanations for a sudden drop in month to month birth rates. So stop the shots until you can prove they are not …

Too many young people dying,32 too many becoming disabled, too many pregnancies resulting in fetal or neonatal death … and now we find out that if we continue with this vaccine obsession, they will not be replaced. This is a humanitarian catastrophe heaped atop the one caused by dangerous gain-of-function research.

When will the world wake up to this rapidly unfolding horror? For those of us who know what is going on, it is hard not to feel helpless as we are forced to watch increasingly apparent and widespread needless death. But we will continue to try to get these truths out despite the massive censorship and propaganda overwhelming the globe.

We have a moral and ethical obligation and take that responsibility seriously no matter what befalls us. Stop the vaccines, now. And if we can’t stop them, we must try to convince everyone we know to no longer agree to get vaccinated. Their lives and our future depend on it.”

At this point, it appears we’re looking at a certain depopulation event. The question then is, are you willing to accept the risks? Are you willing to risk your fertility, even if only temporarily? Are you willing to risk the life of your baby? Are you willing to risk your own? If not, the answer is simple. Don’t take the jab, and if you’ve already taken one or two (or three), never take another.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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Guest is Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, former pharmaceutical industry executive with 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical research and development. She started a number of successful companies — primarily focused on creating and reviewing clinical trials. She was born in Ukraine and moved to the United States in the 1990s.

This session is about all safeguards and regulations that the public has relied on for years and assumed to be in place for pharmaceutical products that have been effectively removed for mRNA-based vaccines. She found the reason how this is even possible: she obtained Department of Defense contracts for COVID vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and all related products.

Pfizer and Moderna violated all rules because the products they are making are, according to the contracts, manufactured under defense prototype agreements, with no accountability and no real requirements for safety or efficacy. The DOD contracts remove all liability as long as manufacturers and everyone involved “follow orders” under PREP Act.


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Featured image is a screenshot from the video

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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  • Comments Off on Video: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccines Are Manufactured “Without Accountability and No Real Requirements for Safety or Efficacy”. Corona Investigative Committee with Alexandra Latypova

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Two new studies  — one about thyroid eye disease and one about encephalitis —  highlighted negative health outcomes associated with COVID-19 vaccination, and a third study suggested the COVID-19 vaccine provided only 15% protection against the risk of “long COVID.”

Taken together, the studies highlight the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with serious risks for some, while their protective benefit has been overestimated.

Dr. Peter Kally reported on a small case series at last month’s American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery’s fall scientific symposium.

Kally, of Consultants in Ophthalmic and Facial Plastic Surgery and Beaumont Eye Institute in Michigan, concluded ophthalmologists should monitor patients with thyroid eye disease if they receive a COVID-19 vaccine because the shot may trigger thyroid eye disease flare.

“It stands to reason that the immune response that you may get from a COVID vaccine or any vaccination may also trigger an autoimmune response,” Kally said, adding, “COVID vaccination is possibly associated with thyroid eye disease reactivation.”

The case series, Kally said, involved five patients — four women and one man, average age of 60.2 years — who were seen between March 2020 and March 2022 at a single medical center for thyroid eye disease reactivation following their COVID-19 vaccination.

Three patients received the Pfizer shot, one received the Moderna vaccine and one received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The patients, who had received prior evaluations, including thyroid-specific tests and examinations, presented with worsening thyroid eye disease after their vaccinations.

The average presentation was 43 days after vaccination, with a range of 10-65 days, he noted.

The post-vaccination labs showed elevation of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) with an average increase of 5 points. “TSI was a marker for current disease activity,” Kally explained.

“Correlation does not prove causation with any of this,” he added … “but this report is in alignment with other reports we have seen.”

Vaccine-related encephalitis and myocarditis contributed to man’s death, autopsy shows

A case report published Oct. 1 in the journal Vaccines presented the autopsy results of a 76-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease who died three weeks after his third COVID-10 shot. The autopsy showed that vaccine-related encephalitis and myocarditis were “contributors to the death.”

Report author Dr. Michael Mörz, of the Georg Schmorl Institute of Pathology at the Municipal Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Germany, said, “The stated cause of death appeared to be a recurrent attack of aspiration pneumonia, which is indeed common in Parkinson’s disease.”

However, the detailed autopsy — done at the request of the patient’s family due to his “ambiguous symptoms” — revealed additional pathology, in particular necrotizing encephalitis and myocarditis.

Mörz added:

“A causal connection of these findings to the preceding COVID-19 vaccination was established by immunohistochemical demonstration of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.”

The patient’s histopathological signs of myocarditis were “comparatively mild,” Mörz noted, however, the patient’s encephalitis had resulted in “significant multifocal necrosis and may well have contributed to the fatal outcome.”

Encephalitis often causes epileptic seizures — and the autopsy found the patient was biting his tongue at the time of death, suggesting he may have suffered a seizure. Prior research on other cases of COVID-19 vaccine-associated encephalitis with status epilepticus reported this occurring in other patients.

But Mörz’s case report, he said, was the first to show there was spike protein within the encephalitic lesions of the patient that could only be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccine — and not a possible COVID-19 infection.

If a person suffers a COVID-19 infection, two proteins show up in the tissue: spike protein and nucleocapsid protein.

“During an infection with the [COVID-19] virus, both proteins should be expressed and detected together,” Mörz explained.

“On the other hand, the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines encode only the spike protein and therefore, the presence of spike protein only (but no nucleocapsid protein) in the heart and brain of the current case can be attributed to vaccination rather than to infection,” he concluded, noting that this matched the patient’s health history, which included three COVID-19 vaccinations but no positive COVID-19 lab tests or clinical diagnoses of a COVID-19 infection.

Mörz added:

“Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to [COVID-19] viral infection.”

Mörz also noted that the clinical history of the case showed “some remarkable events” in correlation to his COVID-19 vaccinations, further suggesting that the vaccine-related encephalitis and myocarditis contributed to the man’s death.

Upon receiving a first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine May 2021, the man “experienced cardiovascular symptoms which needed medical care and from which he recovered only slowly.”

Then in July 2021, the man received a second COVID-19 shot — this time with the Pfizer vaccine — and suffered a “sudden onset of marked progression” of his Parkinson’s disease symptoms, leading to “severe motor impairment” and a recurrent need to use a wheelchair from which he “never fully recovered.”

Finally, in December 2021, the man received his third COVID-19 vaccination — again with the Pfizer shot. Two weeks later while eating dinner, he “suddenly collapsed.”

“Remarkably,” Mörz said, “he did not show any coughing or other signs of food aspiration but just fell from his chair. This raises the question of whether this sudden collapse was really due to aspiration pneumonia.”

Mörz continued:

“After intense resuscitation, he recovered from this more or less, but one week later, he again suddenly collapsed silently while taking his meal. After successful but prolonged resuscitation attempts, he was transferred to the hospital and directly set into an artificial coma but died shortly thereafter.”

Commenting on Kally’s case series report and Mörz’s case report, Dr. Madhava Setty, senior science editor for The Defender, said,

“We are still in an embryonic stage when it comes to understanding how the SARS-COV-2 virus and the mRNA ‘vaccines’ affect our physiology. This is why these kinds of case series and reports are important.”

Setty added:

“In medicine, it is the ‘anecdotal’ stories that lead to case reports and series which lead to larger observational studies that help assess risk vs. benefit.

“With regard to thyroid eye disease ‘flare-ups’ following COVID-19 vaccination, this potential correlation would be vital to those who suffer these conditions.

“The case of encephalitis and myocarditis has unequivocally demonstrated that the vaccine was responsible for this patient’s death. The risks of post-jab sequelae like these are still impossible to quantify even nearly two years out from the vaccine roll-out because of the lack of any long-term safety data from the trials.”

Additionally, Setty said — referencing a study published May 25 in Nature Medicine — that the “potential risks of non-COVID-19 complications from the vaccine must be weighed against the still unknown benefit of the vaccine in preventing ‘long COVID,’ which may be more meager than advertised.”

Vaccine provides only 15% likelihood of protection against long COVID

The Nature Medicine study involved more than 13 million people and reported that vaccination against COVID-19 appeared to lower the risk of “long COVID” after infection by only about 15%.

“Long COVID” refers to illness that persists for weeks or months after a COVID-19 infection.

The study authors, Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a nephrologist at Veteran Affairs (VA) Saint Louis Health Care System in St Louis, Missouri, and his colleagues, examined VA health records from January to December 2021 of three groups of people: about 34,000 vaccinated people who had breakthrough COVID-19 infections, about 113,000 people were infected but did not receive the vaccine and more than 13 million people who were not infected — making this the largest cohort study on long COVID to date, reported Nature.

Based on their analyses, the authors said that vaccination seemed to reduce the likelihood of long COVID for those who were vaccinated and had a breakthrough infection by only about 15%. That number is substantially lower than smaller previous studies showed.

It’s also much lower than a U.K. study that used data from 1.2. Million U.K. smartphone users and reported the odds of having COVID symptoms for 28 days or more after a post-vaccination infection were roughly halved by getting two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The authors compared symptoms such as brain fog and fatigue in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people for up to six months after they tested positive for COVID-19 and found no difference in type or severity of symptoms between the vaccinated versus unvaccinated.

“The findings suggest that vaccination before infection confers only partial protection in the post-acute phase of the disease,” the authors concluded.

Reliance on the vaccine as “a sole mitigation strategy may not optimally reduce long-term health consequences” of COVID-19 inflection, they added.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (2021), and a master’s degree in communication and leadership from Gonzaga University (2015). Her scholarship has been published in Health Communication. She has taught at various academic institutions in the United States and is fluent in Spanish.

Featured image is from CHD

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Amid the upcoming Russian winter military campaign, the Kiev regime is in a hurry to advance and repel Russian units from strategically important settlements.

In the north-east of the country, the advance of Ukrainian forces has almost stopped in recent days.

Fighting reached the territory of the LPR. The Ukrainian Army is advancing on the left bank of the Oskol River. Most recently, they claimed control of the villages of Borovskaya Andreevka and Boguslavka which is a clear sign that they are strengthening their foothold for an attack in the eastern direction.

At the moment, the main target of the Ukrainian military is the town of Svatovo. In the case of success, they are expected to move forward to the east towards Starobelsk and then attack the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk agglomeration.

The town of Kremennaya remains under Russian control as well as the road leading to Svatovo. The Russian military is preparing for defense, reinforcing protective constructions near the town as well as around the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk agglomeration.

In the south of Ukraine, Ukrainian forces have forced Russian units to leave their positions in the northern part of the Kherson region. Russian forces in Olgino and adjacent settlements came under the threat of encirclement. Also, Russian troops left Davydov Brod, where there were fierce battles for two months.

The Russian Army is creating a new line of defense, avoiding the threat of falling into the cauldron due to the tactically successful Ukrainian offensive. The defensive positions of the Russian Army now pass along the Kostromka — Bruskinskoye — Borozenskoye— Mylovoye line.

Along the Dnieper River, Ukrainian units managed to reach the village of Dudchany where clashes are ongoing. Russian units blew up the bridge over the local reservoir and retreated to the southern part of the village. The main target of the Ukrainian military are the towns of Berislav and Novaya Kahovka located 50 kilometers to the north-east of the city of Kherson.

At the same time, Ukrainian forces continue probing actions west of the capital of the region, attacking in small groups the Russian positions near Posad-Pokrovskoe.

Ukrainian forces are also preparing an offensive in the Snigerevka area, transferring reinforcements there.

In an attempt to disrupt Russian military communications in the region, Ukrainians continued shelling the Antonovsky Bridge across the Dnieper River. On October 4, 6 missiles launched with Us-made HIMARS MLRS hit the bridge.

So far, the Ukrainian military has not begun a large-scale offensive on the city of Kherson. They are currently strengthening their positions, transferring reserves to the newly occupied areas. However, new large-scaled offensive operations are expected in the coming days, as Kiev has to hurry up amid reinforcement of the Russian grouping in the region by hundreds of recently mobilized servicemen.


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Ukraine’s Revenge on the West

October 6th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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Vector politics in Ukraine has added new dimensions to the 222 day-old conflict.

Typically, any conflict behavior should end when a new balance of powers has been determined. But the ‘balancing of powers’ will not end until a balance is actually achieved – and evidence abounds that Ukraine is about to enter yet another ‘re-balancing.’ 

Russian Duma’s ratification of the annexation of four regions of Ukraine (Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions), and the adoption of the relevant laws thereof, creates a new dynamic and will take some time to create a new balance of forces on the ground within Ukraine. 

Meanwhile, the external environment is also phenomenally transforming. The deepening energy crisis in Europe following the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines becomes a serious contradiction. There is no knowing how it can be reconciled. 

Thus, a complex situation presents itself, as all this is also happening against the backdrop of a massive Russian military build-up around Ukraine in the Kharkov region and in the southern Black Sea region, with long convoys of armor reportedly heading toward Crimea from Russia.

Russia’s new borders

The Duma’s unanimous ratification of the accession of four regions to Russia on Monday was to be expected, the relevant legislation was duly ratified on Tuesday by the Federation Council (the upper house of the parliament), and possibly, President Putin too will sign off on the documents today, following which it will come into force. That is to say, as of October 5, the annexed Ukrainian regions will have become part of Russia. 

Importantly, the Duma has approved the government’s proposals on the establishment of the new regions’ borders, based on the delimitation of territories which “existed on the day of their establishment and accession to Russia.”

The relevant treaties outline that the borders adjacent to the territory of a foreign country will be Russia’s new state border. Plainly put, the old boundaries of the Soviet era are being restored in those regions. 

The determination of the Russian state boundaries has security implications. In the Donbass and Zaporozhye Regions, there are vast areas that still remain under the control of the Ukrainian forces. Liman city in Donetsk Republic was captured by the Ukrainian forces only three days ago. The Ukrainian incursions into Kherson continue. Heavy fighting is reported.  

Evidently, much unfinished business remains for Moscow to bring under control the “occupied” territories that previously formed part of Donetsk and Lugansk. The Zaporozhye Region (which also happens to be an important littoral region on the Azov Sea and forms a part of what Russians historically call “Novorossiya”), is another priority where the capital city of the oblast itself is not yet under Russian control. 

‘Nyet’ from NATO

In the emergent situation, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky formally applied for Ukraine’s NATO membership on an expeditious basis, but within hours, the alliance poured cold water on that request, explaining that any decision will require support from all 30 member states.

It signals that there isn’t going to be any NATO intervention in Ukraine. Moscow will take note. The recent “loud thinking” about the use of nuclear weapons seems to have served its purpose. 

The US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meeting with the head of Ukraine’s presidential office Andriy Yermak in Istanbul on Sunday was a low-key affair. The White House said Sullivan pledged Washington’s steadfast support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and discussed with Yermak the situation at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and Ukraine’s continued work with the United Nations to export food to the world.

The White House readout on President Joe Biden’s call with Zelensky on Monday mentioned a new $625 million security assistance package by Washington that includes additional weapons and equipment, including HIMARS, artillery systems and ammunition, and armored vehicles. Biden “pledged to continue supporting Ukraine as it defends itself from Russian aggression for as long as it takes.” 

Later, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the recent aid delivery would bring the overall cost of US military aid to Ukraine to more than $17.5 billion.

“Recent developments… only strengthens our resolve,” Blinken said in a statement on Tuesday. “We will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine.”

“The capabilities we are delivering are carefully calibrated to make the most difference on the battlefield and strengthen Ukraine’s hand at the negotiating table when the time is right,” he added. 

Revamping Russia’s strategy

On the other hand, the Russian military command will probably have to reset the parameters of the special military operations, since its forces will henceforth be safeguarding the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. What form its takes remains to be seen.

So far, the actual Russian deployment has been less than 100,000 troops. Most of the fighting was done by the militia groups such as fighters from Donbass and Chechnya and the Wagner Group of ex-special services personnel and other volunteers from Russia. 

Certainly, the induction of 300,000 troops with previous military experience will impact the overall military balance to Russia’s advantage. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has said that another 70,000 men have also volunteered, which will put the total strength of the additional forces at around 370,000.

Now, that is a huge increase. To get a sense of proportions, at the peak of the Vietnam War, the US deployment stood at around half a million troops. For the first time, Russia will have vast numerical superiority over Ukrainian forces. Therefore, it is entirely conceivable that the old pattern of “grinding” the Ukrainian forces may change and the objective will be to end the war quickly and decisively. 

The US decision to set up a command centre outside Ukraine (in Germany) seems to anticipate Russian attacks on command centres in Kiev and elsewhere with much bigger use of airpower, as in Syria. In fact, the new commander of the Western Military District Lt. Gen. Roman Berdnikov previously led the Russian intervention in Syria. 

Military experts anticipate that once autumn rains give way to the winter and the ground hardens, the Russian operations will intensify. Voices of dissent are heard lately within Russia that the war is meandering with no timeline as such. This may change. 

Plainly put, the point of no return is fast approaching from where Russia will have no alternative but to push for a regime change in Kiev and pave the way for an altogether new Ukrainian leadership that shakes off the vice-like Anglo-American grip, and is willing to settle with Russia. 

A Kafkaesque moment   

Unsurprisingly though, the attention in Europe is turning more and more towards the economic crisis with looming double-digit inflation and recession, which can lead to social unrest and political turmoil all across the continent. The growing public discontent is turning into protests in many European countries already. The crisis can only deepen once winter sets in. 

Conceivably, the shift in the popular mood may prompt the European governments to concentrate on their domestic issues rather than dabble in the Ukraine war. The most ardent votary of open-ended war with Russia is Britain, but even London is caught up in massive economic (and political) crises of its own. Prime Minister Liz Truss is fighting for political survival. The Conservatives have practically forfeited their mandate to rule. 

Germany’s predicament

Again, the centre-right Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union opposition bloc in the German Bundestag stalled a motion urging the government to “immediately” allow the export of German battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine. Politico reported that “A vote on weapons deliveries in the Bundestag would have risked revealing fatal cracks in the government unity and could even have led to a defeat of (Chancellor Olaf) Scholz in parliament.”

On the other hand, the German government also faces mounting pressure from the Eastern European allies in recent weeks to drastically increase the scale and type of Berlin’s military support to Ukraine. 

The influential Foreign Policy magazine in Washington wrote last week,

“In the eyes of Berlin’s NATO allies in Eastern Europe, particularly the countries that border Russia, Germany, the economic and political power centre of Europe, isn’t doing nearly enough. And the longer it delays, the more it risks a long-term diplomatic fracture with those allies in the East.” 

But despite this pressure tactic, polls show that while some 70 percent of Germans are supportive of Ukraine generally, only 35 percent endorse stronger military support. 

In this situation, the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline dovetails into the energy crisis in Europe and threatens European countries with “de-industrialization.”

For Germany, in particular, the country’s economic model is riveted on the availability of abundant gas supplies from Russia, per long-term contracts, at cheap prices, through pipelines. Clearly, the sabotage of the Nord Stream has monumental implications. 

To be sure, whoever perpetrated that terrorist attack calculated shrewdly that Russian gas should not flow to Europe for the foreseeable future. The perennial fear in Washington is that a German-Russian proximity may develop if energy ties are restored. Besides, today, US oil companies are having a huge windfall of profits in the European energy market, replacing Russia, by selling LNG at five to six times the US domestic price. 

Preventing Russian-German reconciliation

What complicates matters is that Europe needs energy security in the short and medium term without also wrecking climate targets. It means heightened geopolitical sensitivity. The point is, Europe’s orderly energy transition away from fossil fuels critically needs Russian gas and was built on the earlier assumption that there would be cheap and plentiful natural gas. 

Arguably, Moscow kept hoping that Nord Stream would eventually be a catalyst to heal the rupture in German-Russian energy ties. Interestingly, on Monday, Russian energy giant Gazprom proposed to European gas customers that part of the damaged Nord Stream network could still transport fuel — but only on the newly constructed Nord Stream 2. Nord Stream 1 is virtually destroyed.  

A Gazprom statement in its Telegram account said that one of the three lines of the Nord Stream 2 remains unaffected and the gas giant has lowered the pressure to inspect the link for damage and potential leaks. Nord Stream 2 has a shipment capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year, which means its line B could deliver as much as 27.5 billion cubic meters per year to Germany across the Baltic Sea.

However, the Nord Stream 2 requires EU approval, which is problematic given the tensions between Brussels and Moscow. These tensions may only increase if the EU approves the US-led decision by the G7 countries to impose a price cap on Russian oil. 

Most certainly, that is also Washington’s calculus — pin down Germany and keep Russia out. The spectre that haunts Washington is that Berlin may lose interest in the Ukraine war. The ascendancy of the Atlanticists in the echelons of power in Berlin in the most recent years – and their nexus with the virulently Russophobic EU bureaucrats in Brussels – has so far worked splendidly in Washington’s favor.

The EU is effectively over

But the ground beneath the feet is shifting, as the dramatic turn in Sweden and Italy’s politics has shown. 

Do not underestimate the “Meloni effect.” The heart of the matter is that the far-right forces invariably have more to offer to the electorate in times of insecurity and economic hardship.

In France too, President Macron is immobilized, lacking a parliamentary majority to legislate, and is being worn down by serial crises. As for Britain, the financial crisis triggered by the Chancellor of Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng’s budget highlights fundamentally the scarcity of feasible alternative economic models. Sterling is in free fall. Two consecutive Tory administrations failed to come up with a post-Brexit model, while Labour never wanted Brexit. The Truss government is the last chance to get Brexit really done, but no-one is holding their breath. And then, the Deluge — events will intrude. 

What all this means is that the three main power centers within the Eurozone and Britain are finding it hard to escape the old, dying industrial world of the 20th century and this is not the best of time to take on the half-million strong Russian allied forces in Ukraine, the Biden Administration’s bravado notwithstanding. 

Do not lend credence to the inaugural summit of the European Political Community (EPC) in Prague on Wednesday bringing together the leaders of 27 EU member states and up to 17 non-EU countries – namely, the UK, Turkey, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Israel. 

The plain truth is that the European integration project is over and done with. Any attempt to impose it will produce severe backlash. Looking back, therefore, the rupture with Russia has ushered in a new geopolitical landscape in Europe where Brussels’ conundrum regarding EU expansion stands exposed. The EPC is nothing but a disguised French ploy to slow down actual EU membership for countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. 

The EPC summit at the Prague Castle only serves to highlight that this is a Kafkaesque moment in European politics. This must be Ukraine’s revenge on Europe for staging such a cynical, violent coup in 2014 to cut its umbilical cord with Russia. 


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Ministers from a group of oil exporting countries led by Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed on Wednesday to slash output by two million barrels a day, prompting pushback from the US and igniting fears that it could propel global inflation higher. 

The decision came despite heavy lobbying by Washington in Gulf capitals against the move.

“It’s clear that Opec+ is aligning with Russia with today’s announcement,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said aboard Air Force One.

“The president is disappointed by the shortsighted decision of Opec+,” national security advisor Jake Sullivan and top economic advisor Brian Deese said in a statement.

The cut, equivalent to two percent of daily global supply, was proposed by the Saudi-led Opec+ meeting in Vienna on Wednesday. It is substantially higher than the one million barrels analysts had expected, and the biggest cut since April 2020.

Saudi Arabia and Russia aim to support prices amid signs that the global economy is slowing, with the possibility of a recession on the horizon. Oil prices usually drop when global economic growth slows.

The decision to cut production is likely to put pressure on relations between the US and Saudi Arabia, with Wednesday’s move seen as a win for Russia, particularly as it has faced battlefield losses in Ukraine, and reduced revenue from falling oil prices in recent weeks.

‘Technical and not political?’

US President Joe Biden visited Saudi Arabia in July in a bid to repair strained ties with Saudi Arabia. Shortly after meeting with Saudi rulers, including Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Biden said he expected Riyadh to take “further steps” to boost oil supply.

The backlash against Wednesday’s production cut has already appeared in some quarters of Washington.

US Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, a noted critic of Saudi Arabia, said the Opec+ decision should lead to “a wholesale re-evaluation of the US alliance with Saudi Arabia”.

Gulf states are pushing back against that narrative.

“Tell me where is the act of belligerence,” Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said during a news conference at Opec’s headquarters in Vienna, when asked if the cut would strain ties with the US.

“We shall act and react to what is happening to the global economy in the most responsible and responsive way.”

The energy minister of the United Arab Emirates, Suhail al-Mazrouei, said the cut in production was “technical and not political”.

OPEC Secretary-General Haitham Al Ghais, from Kuwait, said the cartel was trying to ensure “security [and] stability to the energy markets.”

“Everything has a price,” Ghais said. “Energy security has a price as well.”

Recession headwinds

Oil prices skyrocketed above $100 a barrel earlier this year after Russia invaded Ukraine.

While they have fallen about 32 percent from their highs over the past four months, the drop has been due mainly to fears of slowing economic growth – particularly in China – as opposed to increased production.

Some say Riyadh needs little motivation outside of economics to back the production cut.

“Saudi Arabia sees a recession coming next year and they don’t want to be stuck with millions of barrels of cheap oil. They see now as the time to get the best price,” a former senior US official told Middle East Eye, on condition of anonymity.

The kingdom’s coffers have been buoyed by high crude prices. Earlier this year, Saudi Aramco overtook Apple as the world’s most valuable company.

Saudi Arabia is expected to be one of the world’s fastest-growing economies this year, and is using its oil wealth to push ahead with pro-business reforms and mega-projects such as Neom, designed to wean the country off its reliance on petrodollars.

And with an inflation rate of 2.8 percent, the oil-rich kingdom has also been more insulated from the price rises that are sweeping the globe – a hot-button political issue for Biden’s party in the November midterm elections.

‘Reduce Opec’s control’

In response to Wednesday’s decision, Biden called on his administration and US Congress to explore ways to “boost US energy production and reduce Opec’s control over energy prices,” the White House said.

The statement said Biden was ordering another dip into the country’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, with 10 million barrels set to be put on the market next month in an attempt to dampen price rises.

However, those reserves are fast emptying after record withdrawals were ordered by the administration, starting back in March. The reserves are now at their lowest level since July 1984, and it is not clear when the administration plans to purchase a refill.

Oil prices had risen about five percent since Friday, in anticipation of Wednesday’s meeting. International benchmark Brent was up 1.86 percent, at $93.47 a barrel on Wednesday morning.

Analysts say the cut was likely to hinder western countries’ efforts to cut Russia’s profits on oil sales. The European Union has moved towards agreeing a G-7 plan to cap the price paid for Russian oil.

Also on Wednesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for EU countries to make deeper cuts to gas demand, while proposing a raft of price cap measures designed to protect consumers and businesses.

In September, Russia cut gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in response to Western sanctions. Soaring energy prices have prompted Europe to look to alternative suppliers of gas, including Israel, Egypt, Algeria and Qatar to fill the void left by Russia.


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The US insists on escalating the situation in Ukraine and deteriorating the global security crisis. On October 4, the US government announced another package of military aid to Kiev, valued at more than 625 million dollars. Despite the country being under a serious political, social, and economic crisis, with the public debt exceeding 30 trillion dollars, supporting Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime is the number one priority of the unpopular Biden administration.

However, more serious than the mere act of helping Ukraine is the type of assistance that has been provided. A few months ago, the US began sending M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) to Ukraine, ignoring several Russian requests that such weapons not be supplied to Kiev. At the time, American officials stated that such weapons would be used by their partners only within Ukrainian territorial limits, not hitting targets in Russia.

The problem is that the US does not recognize Russian sovereignty over the recently reintegrated regions and not even over Crimea, which in 2014 was admitted as part of Russia after the popular will in this sense was attested by referendum. With that, the impasse remains: for the US, weapons can be used within the entire territorial limit that Kiev claims to have, which includes Russian areas.

Shortly after the announcement of the latest aid package by the Biden government, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian and European Affairs, Laura Cooper, commented on the case and emphasized the ability of the weapons provided to reach Russian Crimea:

“It’s our assessment that with the existing GMLRS [Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System] capability that they have on the HIMARS and that we’re providing more of, with this package, that they can reach the vast majority of targets on the battlefield, including Crimea (…) [This package is] valued at up to $625 million [and] will contribute to meeting Ukraine’s critical defense needs”.

It is well known that such weapons, depending on where they are located, could reach Crimea. What was expected was the American willingness to demand from its Ukrainian proxies a rational posture, limiting the use of lethal equipment to zones within the disputed territory. Crimea is not even a conflict zone, as Russian sovereignty in the region has been pacified since 2014. Hitting Crimea, as Ukrainian forces have already done several times and Russia ignored in order to avoid escalation, is an offensive on Russian territory. And Cooper’s words at this point sound like a kind of “authorization” on the part of Washington for this type of conduct to be carried out by Kiev.

In fact, the situation is more serious than that. The very justification for this recent package was the “need” to react to the Russian referenda, considered by the West as an illegal maneuver. This was confirmed by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken himself, who commented on the package stating:

“Recent developments from Russia’s sham referenda and attempted annexation to new revelations of brutality against civilians in Ukrainian territory formerly controlled by Russia only strengthens our resolve”.

In practice, the statements by Cooper and Blinken only confirm that the US will not respect the popular decision of the peoples of those regions to be part of Russia, and therefore there is no requirement on the part of Washington for Kiev to limit its attack capacity. Bombings against Kherson, Zaparozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk and even Crimea are “authorized” and are even encouraged by the West as a way of ending what is considered an “illegal Russian occupation”.

A more flexible stance on the part of the West could be achieved if there was a diplomatic disposition. Not having recognition does not mean allowing bombings and encouraging destabilization. It would be absolutely possible for Washington, even not recognizing the legitimacy of Russian sovereignty in these regions, to prevent Kiev from bombing them, just in order to avoid an even greater military escalation. However, for the US and NATO, decelerating the conflict and seeking peace was never a priority. The West seems really ready to take the fighting to its ultimate consequences, as long as Russia continues to be confronted and attacked in every possible way.

The conflict radically changes its nature from the moment the Russian Federation becomes the target of attacks. The special military operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine now coexists with an operation for the territorial defense of regions that are part of Russia. Protecting territorial integrity is a top priority for any national state and Moscow will certainly take all necessary measures to prevent its reintegrated regions from being bombed by foreign regimes.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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Iraq remains in turmoil three years after mass protests erupted across the country. Thousands of Iraqis gathered last Saturday in Tahrir Square in Baghdad to mark the anniversary of demonstrations against mismanagement, corruption and the sectarian regime imposed on Iraq by the US occupation regime. They chanted, “Ash-sha’b yurid isqat an-nizam,” “The people want to bring down the regime.” This was the chant adopted by Egyptians in their Tahrir Square during the 2011 Arab Spring of discontent.

Iraqi security forces responded with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets, injuring dozens, and arresting scores. Protests also erupted in the south, including Nasiriya, Diwaniya and Basra.

News of the September 19th killing of Iraqi teenage girl, Zeinab Essam, allegedly, by gunfire from US military Camp Victory near Abu Ghraib has also stirred resentment over the residual US presence in Iraq.  Reports of her death been widely circulated on social media and prompted pro-Iran Shia militias to demand the expulsion of all US troops from the country.

Her demise has enraged her parents and other farming families living near the camp. They had previously complained about stray bullets. Amwaj media reported that US Baghdad operations command has pledged to carry out an investigation into the incident. Amwaj has pointed out that some Iraqis using Twitter have criticised the limited reporting on [her] killing compared to the media focus on Mahsa Amiri, a young Iranian woman who recently died in custody after being detained by morality police in Iran for failing to wear her headscarf properly.

The 2019 demonstrators not only demanded a new secular political system but also called for an end to US and Iranian interference in Iraq’s affairs. More than 560 people were killed before COVID cancelled mass demonstrations in 2020. They brought down Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi but not the dysfunctional system which decrees that the president must be a Kurd, the prime minister a Shiite and the assembly speaker a Sunni. His successor Mustafa Kadhimi has also failed to meet the protesters’ demands and is now a caretaker premier. Last October’s parliamentary election was meant to clarify and improve the situation but, instead, exacerbated political turmoil.

Meanwhile, the high price of oil has provided increased revenue to the Iraqi government but has not benefitted the population which continues to suffer from higher costs of essential imports and rising inflation.  Due to multiple crises which have afflicted Iraq since Daesh occupied Mosul and much of the north, the poverty rate has risen from 19 to 30 per cent.  Unemployment and food insecurity are driving household and child poverty. Five years after Daesh was driven from its false “caliphate”, 1.2 million Iraqis remain in displacement camps, due to the destruction of their homeowns and villages, rejection by Iraqis now living there, and exclusion by Shiite militias in control of the areas where they once lived.

Sweden’s International Development Cooperation Agency reports that the situation in Iraq has deteriorated dramatically because of “climate change, coupled with severe environmental degradation and mismanagement of natural resources”, creating “a very real danger for ecosystem collapse in Iraq, specifically threatening biodiversity, water and food security as well as long term stability.”

The 2021-2022 drought has dried Iraq’s ancient rivers, agricultural production and turned the country into a dust bowl. The temperature is rising and heatwaves last longer. In August this year, Basra recorded a temperature of 51.8ºC, the highest in the world to date.  Once considered the Venice of the region, Basra has long been afflicted with power cuts and water shortages, making it one of the most unliveable cities on earth.

Compounding misery with illness, the BBC has revealed that communities living near the oil fields in Basra province are at risk of suffering leukaemia because the burning of gas released in oil drilling which emits pollutants that cause cancer. The BBC reports that British Petroleum and Italy’s multi-national ENI are the main firms present in the Basra area. The Iraqi health ministry blamed flaring for a 20 per cent increase in cancer between 2016-2018. Farmers interviewed by the BBC said they also have kidney disease and breathing problems. Children have been particularly susceptible but have not been offered compensation to provide them with health care. Iraq, of course, depends on these companies and has not raised legal cases.  There are five major oil fields in Basra province. The largest, Rumaila is the chief polluter.

When I was a child living in the US mid-west, Iraqi dates were an annual Christmas treat in our household. As far as I knew at that time, Iraq was the world’s main source of dates. Indeed, I later learned Iraq did export most of the dates reaching world markets. The war with Iran (1980-1988) and the 2003-2011 US occupation reduced by half Iraq’s 30 million date palms. Consequently, Iraqi date exports are only 5 per cent of global consumption. Shortage of water, disease, and lack of care have taken their toll among date palms although the trees are said to be making a comeback in leafy suburbs of Baghdad. The tall palms in the large garden of my friends, Suad, Selma, Nuha and Abbad al-Radi were ailing when I last visited the compound in 2004 and the Radis did not know if they could be saved. Perhaps they have. The date palm has been a symbol of Iraq long before oil rigs sprouted in its deserts.

Oil-rich Iraq should be flourishing but is, instead, floundering on the edge of collapse thanks to internal disputes and the never-ending politico-military-economic interventions of Western and regional powers.


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Featured image: U.S. Army guarding Rumaylah Oil Fields, Southern Iraq, 2003. Photo credit: U.S. Navy via Wikimedia Commons

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has decreed Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is a Russian federal asset, absorbing all facilities and employees as the Kremlin’s push in the east loses momentum against Ukrainian forces.

The nuclear facility, the largest in Europe, was captured by Russian forces in March, with Ukrainian employees running day-to-day operations under siege conditions that have the world’s nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, concerned about the facility’s vulnerability to disaster.

In a decree published Wednesday by Russia’s Tass news agency, Putin ordered the official takeover of Zaporozhye nuclear assets, stating:

“The Russian government shall take measures to establish federal ownership of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and other facilities necessary for its operation.”

According to Tass, Putin also instructed the government to set up the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant federal state unitary company, granting “the joint-stock company the Operator of the Zaporozhye NPP the status of an organization with operations in the area of nuclear energy”.

Ukraine’s state energy agency has responded with a categorical rejection of Putin’s decree, announcing that its state energy agency head was taking over the plant.

“All further decisions regarding the operation of the station will be made directly at the central office of Energoatom,” Ukraine state energy chief Petro Kotin said in a video address posted on Telegram, as reported by Reuters.

“We will continue to work under Ukrainian law, within the Ukrainian energy system, within Energoatom,” Kotin said.

The plant is located in Zaporizhzhia, a region that Putin officially integrated into Russia on Wednesday, following sham referendums. Russia has now annexed four partially Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine.

Moscow formally annexed the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions into the Russian Federation earlier on Wednesday.

Three weeks ago, Ukraine was forced to shut down the nuclear facility amid heavy shelling. At the time of Putin’s decree, Ukraine was considering whether to restart Zaporozhye to ensure the equipment is not undermined.


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Polish President Andrzej Duda said in an interview published Wednesday that Poland is open to hosting US nuclear weapons and has approached Washington about the idea.

Currently, NATO members Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey host US nuclear weapons under NATO’s nuclear sharing program. The US and NATO have previously said that they wouldn’t place nuclear weapons in countries that joined the alliance after the Cold War, but Duda said discussions on the issue are happening.

“There is always a potential opportunity to participate in the nuclear sharing program,” Duda told the newspaper Gazeta Polska. “We have spoken with American leaders about whether the United States is considering such a possibility. The issue is open.”

The provocative statements from Duda come amid soaring tensions between the US and Russia that largely stem from NATO expansion east of Germany since the end of the Cold War and the alliance’s promise to eventually absorb Ukraine.

The US recently announced it was building a permanent military base in Poland, breaking from an agreement with Russia known as the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act. Under the act, the US and NATO agreed not to establish permanent bases east of Germany.

The US argues that the base in Poland doesn’t violate the act because troops will be deployed to the facility on a rotational basis, but it’s unlikely Moscow will see it that way.


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Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

Defeat or Victory? The War on Afghanistan (2001-2021)

October 6th, 2022 by Michael Welch

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First published on by Global Research on October 8 2021


“But again, the thing to emphasize here is that we’re not eager to have the United States come in and become an occupying power in Afghanistan… At the same time, we want to see to it that what is left behind gives the Afghan people the opportunity to develop a strong representative government, a government that can guarantee that in the future, no terrorists will once again find sanctuary or safe harbor in Afghanistan.”

– U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney (December 9, 2001)[1]


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On October 7, 2001 military strikes over Afghanistan were launched by U.S. and British forces – the long awaited other shoe to drop following the 9/11 terrorism attacks. [2]

NATO was also involved, responding to the Article Five call to retaliate collectively against an attack by the country in question (which was never proven.) Over time, the Taliban was routed from power and a new supposedly democratic government put in place. [3][4][5]

It was the starting pistol marking the war “which would not end in our lifetimes.”

Ten years later, Osama Bin Laden, the lead man behind the 9/11 attacks (though his involvement was never actually established) was allegedly found, killed and thrown into the sea – truly a testament to the dedication of legality and due process! Yet it would be another ten years before the forces dispatched to the West Asian country would finally be withdrawn.[6]

And what was upshot of two decades of occupation, nearly a trillion dollars in military power and the deaths and injuries of over 100,000 civilians? Afghanistan is once again in the hands of the Taliban![7]

The sad factor is that this tragedy started not with the September 11 attacks, but more than twenty years previously to that when it was a secular country already exciting much of the populace with reforms and constitutional change, including more equal rights for women! U.S. actions initiated the violent measures that essentially created the Taliban and all the other Mujahedin fighters determined to replace progressive developers with brutal killers.

On this sad anniversary week, the Global Research News Hour intends to reflect on the origins behind the chaos which seems to be as remote now as it was back in 2001 when the venture against terror was established. We’ll also look to the future of the country with the U.S. and company hi-tailing it away from there.

Our first guest, Professor John Ryan, looks at Afghanistan’s history by examining his own visit in November 1978 and the sequence of U.S. covert operations which led to the downfall of the Afghan of a progressive government and the rise of Islamic jihadists. He is followed by Professor Rodrigue Tremblay who reflects on the reasons why the U.S. essentially lost the war, and what this decision enacted under President Biden would mean in the foreseeable elections. Our final guest, Professor Michel Chossudovsky expresses the informed viewpoint that the U.S. withdrawal was in fact a victory with respect to some of the real reasons for attacking the country in the first place.

John Ryan is a retired Professor of Geography and Senior Scholar of Geography at the University of Winnipeg. He is also a long-time socialist. He was one of the few Western academics to visit and report on his experiences in Afghanistan in a unique period in the late 1970s.

Rodrigue Tremblay is an International economist, is the author of the book about morals “The code for Global Ethics, Ten Humanist Principles” of the book about geopolitics “The New American Empire“, and the recent book , in French, “La régression tranquille du Québec, 1980-2018“. He holds a Ph.D. in international finance from Stanford University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Michel Chossudovsky is Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization in, Montreal, and Editor of Global Research. He is Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, and award wining author of 11 books including The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015) .

(Global Research News Hour Episode 327)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. NBC News Transcripts SHOW: Meet the Press – NBC December 9, 2001 ;
  3. Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Defence Committee (2006). The UK Deployment to Afghanistan: Fifth Report of Session 2005–06; Report, Together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence. The Stationery Office. p. 39
  5. Press for Conversion Issue #59, (September 2006), p. 5, ‘The New Face of Terror in Afghanistan: How so-called “Democracy” Empowered our Allies: the Fundamentalists, Warlords and Drug Barons’

Justice for the Vaccinated

October 6th, 2022 by Dr. Mark Trozzi

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Bright Light News Reports: Drs. Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse, Canadian doctors vilified for daring to uphold their oath and share the truth about Covid-19 “vaccines,” join co-founder Cris, to give a voice and support to those who did what they were asked: get “vaccinated” to protect themselves and others to stop the “pandemic.”

Instead, they suffered injuries and were then ignored and ridiculed for making such claims. The U.S. OPENVAERS system reporting over 1.4 million adverse events and 31,000 deaths is small testament to the incontrovertible fact that something seriously dangerous and unjust is afoot.

Join Drs. Hoffe and Malthouse and Vleck, as they discuss the 10-day touring campaign to bring Justice for the Vaccinated and visit if you or somebody you know has been injured to make a report and/or to receive support or to make a donation.

The Justice for the Vaccinated BC Bus Tour Has Launched

The pilot launch for Justice for the Vaccinated campaign kicked off on Wednesday, Sept 28th in Kamloops BC. The tour will run in select BC cities until its final date on Oct 7th where we will take part in the rally at the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

The Justice tour has 3 objectives.

  1. Educate communities about the COVID -19 “vaccine” harms and raise the concerns surrounding the lack of informed consent.
  2. Create videos and testimonials to share from peer to peer to warn of the potential harms caused by the COVID-19 “vaccine”
  3. Gather evidence through testimonials as well as record vaccine injuries to be compiled in the Vaxxtracker database in order to create a more accurate reporting system. This will also be used as an evidentiary package for future legal and prosecutorial projects.

The BC tour will include events at venues featuring talks by Dr. Stephen Malthouse and Dr. Charles Hoffe. There will also be a time for people who have been affected by COVID -19 “vaccine” harms to share their stories, get help making testimonials, and to have their injury reports added to the Vaxxtracker database. A tour schedule poster is included in this release. For more information, please go to the Justice for the Vaccinated website at


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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“If you can’t say ‘F@#k’ you can’t say, ‘F@#k’ the government.’”— Lenny Bruce, comedian

Anti-government speech has become a four-letter word.

In more and more cases, the government is declaring war on what should be protected political speech whenever it challenges the government’s power, reveals the government’s corruption, exposes the government’s lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.

Indeed, there is a long and growing list of the kinds of speech that the government considers dangerous enough to red flag and subject to censorship, surveillance, investigation and prosecution: hate speech, conspiratorial speech, treasonous speech, threatening speech, inflammatory speech, radical speech, anti-government speech, extremist speech, etc.

Things are about to get even dicier for those who believe in fully exercising their right to political expression.

Indeed, the government’s seditious conspiracy charges against Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, and several of his associates for their alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots puts the entire concept of anti-government political expression on trial.

Enacted during the Civil War to prosecute secessionists, seditious conspiracy makes it a crime for two or more individuals to conspire to “‘overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force’ the U.S. government, or to levy war against it, or to oppose by force and try to prevent the execution of any law.”

It’s a hard charge to prove, and the government’s track record hasn’t been the greatest.

It’s been almost a decade since the government tried to make a seditious conspiracy charge stick—against a small Christian militia accused of plotting to kill a police officer and attack attendees at his funeral in order to start a civil war—and it lost the case.

Although the government was able to show that the Hutaree had strong anti-government views, the judge ruled in U.S. v. Stone that “[O]ffensive speech and a conspiracy to do something other than forcibly resist a positive show of authority by the Federal Government is not enough to sustain a charge of seditious conspiracy.”

Whether or not prosecutors are able to prove their case that Rhodes and his followers intended to actually overthrow the government, the blowback will be felt far and wide by anyone whose political views can be labeled “anti-government.”

All of us are in danger.

In recent years, the government has used the phrase “domestic terrorist” interchangeably with “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” to describe anyone who might fall somewhere on a very broad spectrum of viewpoints that could be considered “dangerous.”

The ramifications are so far-reaching as to render almost every American with an opinion about the government or who knows someone with an opinion about the government an extremist in word, deed, thought or by association.

You see, the government doesn’t care if you or someone you know has a legitimate grievance. It doesn’t care if your criticisms are well-founded. And it certainly doesn’t care if you have a First Amendment right to speak truth to power.

What the government cares about is whether what you’re thinking or speaking or sharing or consuming as information has the potential to challenge its stranglehold on power.

Why else would the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies be investing in corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?

Why else would the Biden Administration be likening those who share “false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information” to terrorists?

According to the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorism bulletin, “[T]hreat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

By the government’s own definition, America’s founders would be considered domestic extremists for the heavily charged rhetoric they used to birth this nation.

Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would certainly be placed on a terrorist watch list for suggesting that Americans should not only take up arms but be prepared to shed blood in order to protect their liberties.

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms,” declared Jefferson. He also concluded that “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Observed Franklin: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”

Thomas Paine, Marquis De Lafayette, John Adams and Patrick Henry would certainly be labelled domestic extremists for exhorting Americans to defend themselves against the government if it violates their rights.

“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government,” insisted Paine.

“When the government violates the people’s rights,” Lafayette warned, “insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.”

Adams cautioned, “A settled plan to deprive the people of all the benefits, blessings and ends of the contract, to subvert the fundamentals of the constitution, to deprive them of all share in making and executing laws, will justify a revolution.”

And who could forget Patrick Henry with his ultimatum: “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Conduct your own experiment into the government’s tolerance of speech that challenges its authority, and see for yourself: stand on a street corner—or in a courtroom, at a city council meeting or on a university campus— and try denouncing the government with some of the founders’ rhetoric.

My guess is that you won’t last long before you get thrown out, shut up, threatened with arrest or at the very least accused of being a radical, a troublemaker, a sovereign citizen, a conspiratorialist or an extremist.

Or maybe you’ll just be fined.

It’s happening all across the country.

In Punta Gorda, Florida, for instance, two political activists were fined $3000 for displaying protest flags with political messages that violated the city’s ordinance banning signs, clothing and other graphic displays containing words that the city deems “indecent.”

During the first month of the new ordinance being enacted, Andrew Sheets was cited four times by police for violating the ordinance by displaying phrases which said “F@#k Policing 4 Profit,” “F@#k Trump,” and “F@#k Biden.” Richard Massey was cited for violating the ordinance by displaying a sign which proclaimed, “F@#k Punta Gorda, trying to illegally kill free speech.”

Coming to the defense of the two activists, The Rutherford Institute challenged the City of Punta Gorda’s ban on indecent speech as unconstitutionally vague and a violation of the First Amendment’s safeguards for political speech that may not be censored or punished by the government.

We won the first round, with the Charlotte County Circuit Court ruling against the City, noting that the ordinance was “designed to cause the preemptive self-silencing of speakers whose messages are entitled to constitutional protection.”

In other words, as the court recognized, the ordinance was clearly designed to chill political speech, which is protected under the First Amendment.

You see, the right of political free speech is the basis of all liberty.

No matter what one’s political persuasion might be, every American has a First Amendment right to protest government programs or policies with which they might disagree.

The right to disagree with and speak out against the government is the quintessential freedom.

Every individual has a right to speak truth to power using every nonviolent means available.

This is why the First Amendment is so critical. It gives the citizenry the right to speak freely, protest peacefully, expose government wrongdoing, and criticize the government without fear of reprisal.

Americans of all stripes would do well to remember that those who question the motives of government provide a necessary counterpoint to those who would blindly follow where politicians choose to lead.

We don’t have to agree with every criticism of the government, but we must defend the rights of allindividuals to speak freely without fear of punishment or threat of banishment.

This is how freedom rises or falls.

As comedian Lenny Bruce, a lifelong champion of free speech, remarked, “If you can’t say ‘F@#k’ you can’t say, ‘F@#k’ the government.’”

Bruce, foul-mouthed, insightful, irreverent, and incredibly funny, was one of the First Amendment’s greatest champions who dared to “speak the unspeakable” about race, religion, sexuality and politics. As Village Voice writer Nat Hentoff attests, Bruce was “not only a paladin of free speech but also a still-penetrating, woundingly hilarious speaker of truth to the powerful and the complacent.”

Bruce died in 1966, but not before being convicted of alleged obscenity for challenging his audience’s covert prejudices by brandishing unmentionable words that, if uttered today, would not only get you ostracized but could get you arrested and charged with a hate crime.

Hentoff, who testified in Bruce’s defense at his trial, recounts that Lenny used to say, “What I wanted people to dig is the lie. Certain words were suppressed to keep the lie going. But if you do them, you should be able to say the words.”

Not much has changed in the 50-plus years since Bruce died. In fact, it’s gotten worse.

What we’re dealing with today is a government that wants to suppress dangerous words—words about its warring empire, words about its land grabs, words about its militarized police, words about its killing, its poisoning and its corruption—in order to keep its lies going.

What we are witnessing is a nation undergoing a nervous breakdown over this growing tension between our increasingly untenable reality and the lies being perpetrated by a government that has grown too power-hungry, egotistical, militaristic and disconnected from its revolutionary birthright.

The only therapy is the truth and nothing but the truth.

If the government censors get their way, there will be no more First Amendment.

There will be no more Bill of Rights.

And, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, there will be no more freedom in America as we have known it.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

Featured image is from City News Service

Bosnia Herzegovina: In the Republic of Srpska, So Far Another Orange Revolution Falls Flat

By Stephen Karganovic, October 05, 2022

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Local and National organizations Call Upon the City of Calgary to “Keep CAF Out of Calgary”

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The campaign is intended to pressure Mayor Gondek, Calgary City Council, and the Green Line Board to terminate their contract with CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), the Basque multinational corporation that the Green Line Board awarded the light rail vehicle (LRV) procurement contract to, with construction set to begin in 2023.

Rethinking the Second Amendment

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Human Chain for Julian Assange this Saturday, October 8

By Don’t Extradite Assange, October 05, 2022

The assembly time is 1pm but we expect people to start arriving from 12.30. Our stewards will direct you to the end of the chain and ask you to take your place. There will be some travel disruptions on the rail network due to strike action on 8 October so please check your travel for the day and plan accordingly: (nearest tube: Westminster / buses: 12,159,453)

Property “Personal”: “Freedom and Personal Property Lost in the Last 2 1/2 Years”

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Moldovan President Sandu Cares Little for Her Country’s Sovereignty

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Will Biden Know When to Stop?

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Ukraine and the Balkans. US-NATO Flagrant Violations of Human Rights

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India Can Live with US-Pakistan Makeover

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The US state department spokesman Ned Price has put External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on the mat as regards the latter’s remarks questioning the raison d’etre of the US-Pakistan relationship. 

The Coutts Four: Alberta Is Home to Political Prisoners

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, October 04, 2022

The Coutts Four, convicted so far of nothing, are being held in custody until their trial begins sometime in mid-to-late 2023. Being made to suffer in prison for a year and a half before they can face their accusers in open court is sufficient justification for advancing the case that Alberta is now home to political prisoners.

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Local and National organizations Call Upon the City of Calgary to “Keep CAF Out of Calgary”

October 6th, 2022 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

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On October 5th, 2022 at 12:00 pm, Justice for Palestinians (JfP) and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) will be launching a campaign called “CAF out of Calgary”, to take place in front of the Calgary Municipal Building. The campaign is intended to pressure Mayor Gondek, Calgary City Council, and the Green Line Board to terminate their contract with CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), the Basque multinational corporation that the Green Line Board awarded the light rail vehicle (LRV) procurement contract to, with construction set to begin in 2023.

CAF is a company that has deep relations with Israeli companies involved in the construction of the Jerusalem rail line which is in the process of being expanded to connect illegal Israeli settlements to Jerusalem, as part of the larger annexation of occupied East Jerusalem. This is a continuation of the land theft that has been occurring in the neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan, which has been thoroughly documented and continues to be covered by the media in recent years.

“It is critical that Calgarians and Canadians are made aware of the types of relationships their city leadership is fostering, especially with a $5.5 billion investment from our local, municipal,l and federal governments,” said Saba Amro of Justice for Palestinians in Calgary.

CAF’s complicity with and profiteering from Israeli apartheid, illegal annexation of Palestinian land, and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population has been well researched and documented by activists in Calgary and across the globe. This campaign is a call to action to urge the City of Calgary to drop this contract as long as CAF is involved in the expansion of the Jerusalem Light Rail into Occupied Palestine.

“Awarding a large contract to CAF is unethical, and turns a blind eye on CAF’s involvement with Israeli institutions and companies which have been repeatedly and harshly condemned for their human rights violations against Palestinians,” said Thomas Woodley with CJPME, adding that “publicly funding CAF for the Calgary Green Line is tantamount to putting a stamp of approval on Israel’s policies, laws, and practices that oppress and harm Palestinians.” The October 5th noon hour launch will include music, local and national speakers, and media, followed by detailed actions that can be taken to continue the work that activists in Calgary began after Mayor Jyoti Gondek announced this deal in November 2021.


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Featured image: Graffiti on the Israeli separation wall dividing the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis (Photo: Ryan Rodrick Beiler via

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday signed a decree that ruled out any talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, declaring they would be an “impossibility.”

The decree was first put forward by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian newspaper Ukrainska Pravda, the decree states “the impossibility of holding negotiations with the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.”

The move formalized comments that Zelensky made on Friday following Putin’s approval of annexing four Ukrainian territorites.

“He does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for a dialogue with Russia, but with another president of Russia,” Zelensky said.

Responding to Zelensky’s move, the Kremlin said it would wait until he changes his position or until there’s a new president in Kyiv to hold talks. “We will now wait either until the incumbent Ukrainian president changes his position, or until there is another president in Ukraine who will change his position for the sake of the Ukrainian people,” Peskov said.

During his speech Friday, Putin said he was open to talks with Ukraine but said the status of the territories Russia is annexing is not up for discussion.

“We call on the Kyiv regime to immediately cease fire and all hostilities; to end the war it unleashed back in 2014 and return to the negotiating table,” he said.

“We are ready for this, as we have said more than once. But the choice of the people in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson will not be discussed,” Putin added.

The US has shown no signs of supporting a diplomatic solution and the Biden administration has no plans to back down on their support for Ukraine despite the risk of provoking Moscow.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Rethinking the Second Amendment

October 5th, 2022 by Emanuel Pastreich

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As we struggle to bring Americans together from across the political spectrum, to form substantial and committed institutions that will support the battle for freedom and equality, the struggle against slavery and corporate governance by the billionaires, the Second Amendment of the Constitution, the right to bear arms, keeps coming up as a point of contention, of division, in our discussions.

Although there are real differences of opinion, some based on profound philosophical divergences, the crux of the issue has been intentionally obscured by the corporate powers who have manipulated the public for their own benefit and who block any serious debate about the nature of this amendment to the Constitution from seeing the light of day.

We are drowned in incomplete arguments on all sides about the Second amendment that mislead us and that confuse us.

On the one hand, we have those (largely, but not exclusively, people we call progressives) who point to the horrific levels of gun violence in the United States, and who compare the number of gun deaths in the United States with those in just about any other country, thus demonstrating that the United States has a run-away problem with guns. They then suggest that this problem originates with the Second Amendment which the conservatives have misinterpreted as giving the citizen a carte blanche to possess weapons and to use them.

This side of the debate advocates strict regulations on the possession of guns as Federal policy as the best way to end this nightmare.

On the other hand, we have those, for the most referred to as conservatives, who hold that citizens have the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution, and who hold that 1) if firearms are made illegal then only criminals will have firearms; 2) arming of the citizens is necessary to resist the tyranny of the government.

Both sides of this argument have been distorted and misused by powerful corporate interests who control the message that is put out in the media and who create needless conflicts and unnecessary misunderstandings as part of their strategy of confusion.

That is no surprise. The corporate sponsors of these defending the right of the citizens to bear arms and of those calling for its restriction have their own agendas.

Part of that agenda is forcing citizens to support either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party in order to move forward. This intentional misdirection of political power towards the whores of the corporations is a big business in itself. But corporations have other reasons for wanting to create this conflict, and to encourage it, as I will detail below.

Let me also tell you how I feel about the Second Amendment. I felt that the unlimited sales of firearms and the culture of guns had created untold tragedy in the United States and that the mindless loyalty of certain Americans to the broad interpretation of the Second Amendment was responsible for this sad state of affairs. I supported gun control measures and also wanted the end of the glorification of gun culture (which I still do).

The growing institutional and political chaos that I witnessed in the United States over the last twenty years, however, which has taken an ominous turn for the worse over the last two years, led me to reconsider the Second Amendment. I came to realize that the steady state of accountable governance in the United States was far from certain and that the tyranny that the founders of the United States feared is now knocking at the door.

Is necessary to have local militias in place to defend us against a rotten Federal Government possessed by the globalists, the minutemen of our age?

The Federal Government that played a vital role in the fight against slavery under Lincoln, in the fight against fascism under Roosevelt, and in the fight against racial discrimination under Truman and Kennedy has vanished and in its place stands a lumbering monster, supported by multinational investment banks, military contractors, real estate speculators, and energy monopolies, a monster that is leading us to our doom.

There are quite a few good people still left in that Federal Government, but the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and local and state police have been deeply corrupted as the institutions of the United States decayed following the 9.11 incident, COVID19, and other on-going crimes.

Let us read the Second Amendment, and read it carefully. None of those talking heads, branded “progressive” or “conservative,” actually does so.

I am not reading the Second Amendment for you because I assume it is sacred, or because I assume the Constitution is perfect.

Rather, just as was the case in 1860, it is critical in this moment of chaos that we start from our philosophical and moral foundations. The Constitution forms common ground and it defines what is, and what is not, government. Interpreting the Constitution in a manner that addresses the current crisis is the best way to form consensus. It does not mean that we cannot modify the Constitution, or the Second Amendment, in the future.

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Like psalms, so much meaning is compressed in this short phrase.

The emphasis of the passage is not on the right of anyone to own any weapon and shoot it off at will for his or her pleasure. The right of the citizen to “keep and bear,” to own and to employ, arms is protected in that it is related to a larger, more critical, project.

The violence porn, gun worship, and the horrific promotion of violence in the media that has encouraged such broad ownership and use of firearms is not a product of the second amendment. It is a byproduct of the military industrial complex and the cult of war promoted in a decadent empire.

The fortunes made by the gun manufactures who sprinkle money on the National Rifle Association to promote a reckless vision of the American dream are the result of the pursuit of profit at the expense of the citizen.

Let us read that text again.

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The first part is clearly the primary clause that necessitates the right to keep and bear arms mentioned in the second part.

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state” resonates for us in this age of chaos.

There are three elements missing in the United States of America today that are mentioned therein. Let us consider each one.

The first is “a well-regulated militia.”

The current militia, the military, is an unregulated monster that has merged with criminal forces around the world and has devolved into a mercenary power which strives to extract wealth for the rich and powerful through the use of force, and to generate revenue through the sale of weapons, the enforcement of sanctions, and other services for pay.

Such a “militia” is not well regulated; it is suicidal.

The second word is “security.” The current military, industrial, financial, intelligence, medical, trade complex has nothing to do with security for the citizens of our nation. Of course there are groups in the military who are serious about security, who remain loyal to the Constitution and to the people of our nation. But they are not the dominant force.

We need a system for national and regional security that is focused on real security, not threats made up for profit. If we do not have such a system, then the current military is a clear and present danger in that it grants multinational criminal operations access to the full range of weapons, starting with mass psychological manipulation, while the citizens are left unarmed.

The third phrase is “a free state.”

It would be hard to call the current government of the United States, a toy of multinational corporations and billionaires, a “free state.” For that reason alone, addressing the question of who will have the right to bear arms is pressing.

We are looking at a collapsing empire with a military out of control. There is no Republic left—although one could be established again.

To promote guns and the culture of guns for profit, either profits for gun manufacturers or for police and private security corporations, is horrible and must be stopped.

On the other hand, to leave the citizens unarmed if they face a predatory Federal government is also unacceptable.

The stress in the second amendment falls on keeping the military accountable to the people, and not on the sale of weapons to citizens for profit.

Thus, our primary concern must be with getting back to a democratic, participatory, and transparent system for security that includes the citizens and that assures that a tyranny cannot emerge from the military or from the police, one taken over by private interests, one that uses the state’s weapons to oppress the citizens of the nation, the citizens with whom sovereignty rests.

The answer is to end the mercenary military.

We should not be so naïve as to think that eternal peace is possible. Militias and police are necessary. But standing armies that are not composed of the citizens doing their service, but of men and women who are paid to fight, forced to fight to survive economically, who report to generals who then report to corporate CEOs, such armies are threat to us all.

We must create an accountable military that is linked to us, the citizens, at the local level. If the government is to exercise deadly force, then citizens must know what those weapons are and how they are used.

If deadly force is used, it should be used by trained citizens who are trusted by their neighbors, and not by strangers who are distant from us.

But what if there is a war? You ask.

First, note that the United States is full of weapons at every level that are held in a non-transparent manner by government agencies whose actions are classified so as to make them unaccountable.

That unaccountable military and police are already at war with us.

The next war may not be like the wars we prepared for. It may be a world war, or a civil war, or something hybrid, a matching of likes with likes around the world.

That could mean that you, the citizen, must be armed and ready to defend yourself.

I think that it was such a crisis that the founding fathers imagined back then. They did not adhere to the cult of guns, the sick culture that surrounds weapons today. But they knew that no political system will be stable forever and it is a mistake to have the state in control of all forms of deadly force.

It is also clear that many of the efforts to promote gun control in recent days are fundamentally different from what came before.

Today much of gun control legislation is not about reducing the deaths from gun violence, but rather about extending the authority of the Federal government to do whatever it pleases to citizens without accountability. I watched, sadly, this shift over the last twenty years.

We need to simultaneously combat the sick culture of guns and to reduce the number of guns on the street while at the same time raising the understanding of weapons on the part of citizens, and creating a military that is participatory and that is run by citizens, one committed to the long-term interests of our nation. We need citizens who can handle weapons and who can participate in the local militia while condemning the cult of guns, while being committed to peace.

There will be no room for military contractors, for investment banks, or for the promoters of the cult of guns in such a vision for our country.


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This article was originally published on US Provisional Government.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Ancient Woods Foundation, a Lithuanian non-profit organization that preserves biologically diverse forests, saved a unique forest parcel, preserving the only habitat of a rare endangered fungus Lavender Baeospora in the country. This is a scientifically valid finding at both national and global levels, as the habitat could have been destroyed by deforestation, and there are only 400 of them worldwide.

Lithuanian non-profit organization the Ancient Woods Foundation, which takes firm steps in reducing deforestation in the country by preserving biologically unique old-growth forest parcels, has discovered a rare mushroom type in one of the forests under the organization’s protection—Lavender Baeospora (Baeospora myriadophylla).

According to Dr. Reda Iršėnaitė, a mycologist who discovered the fungus and works closely with the Foundation, this is a scientifically momentous finding since it is the only known habitat of the fungus in Lithuania and one of the only 400 habitats in the world—several of which are drastically decreasing due to deforestation and climate change.

The rare mushroom habitat in Lithuania could have been easily destroyed by logging. The Ancient Woods Foundation bought out the almost 50-acre Moniškis forest parcel just in time to save it, meanwhile, another valuable parcel next to it was entirely cut down.

Lavender Baeospora. © Rimantė Paulauskaitė-Digaitienė

Incentive for forest preservation at the national level

The Ancient Woods Foundation is preserving biologically valuable forest parcels with all life forms in them. The organization is creating an ancient wood that allows a variety of organisms—over 15k—to live and prosper unobstructed by human activity.

“A multitude of trees of varied ages and kinds grow in the ancient woods, creating an ideal habitat for thousands of species which need different conditions to live. Only biodiversity found in old-growth forests can ensure an “evolution reactor” that would allow the forests to change, adapt, and survive even with climate change happening right now,” Mindaugas Survila, a renowned documentary filmmaker, who co-founded the Ancient Woods Foundation, said.

According to Mr. Survila, the sixth mass species extinction has already started, and the loss of ancient woods has caused fungi like Lavender Baeospora to become extremely rare.

“Lithuania has many biologically valuable forest parcels, which create conditions for species like this to prosper. The rapid deforestation might further cause many of the endangered species to go fully extinct if no action is taken. Therefore, the Foundation hopes to buy out as many such parcels as possible and let them be untouched,” he added.

Mixed forests protect endangered species

The fungi variety is extremely important for all ecosystems because it interacts with other organisms like mycorrhizal and endofit fungi and provides food and water to humans. Baeospora myriadophylla is a saprotrophic fungus that feeds on wood and grows on giant decomposing firs, maples, alders, or, in some cases, on decomposing aspen trunks.

The species has been listed as endangered on national Red Lists of ten European countries while its habitats decreased by 15-25% within the last 50 years due to old-growth wood destruction. Scientists presume this decrease will continue in the future, therefore highly endangering the fungus. The last example of this species in Lithuania was found 50 years ago.

Dr. Reda Iršėnaitė says that Moniškis forest parcel had ideal unique conditions for the Lavender Baeospora to grow. There are many old aspen trees, which are especially valuable for decomposers like fungi, insects, and animals.

“The fungus is small but exceptional and very important to the forest ecosystem that takes a million years to develop. The decomposing aspen trunks preserved are a biodiversity treasure. The fungus probably would not have survived had the Ancient Woods Foundation not preserved this forest parcel. It is not included in the Lithuanian Red List as there have been no remaining examples of its habitat up until now,” she added.

The Foundation notes that large old mixed wood plots full of dead wood and organism variety may slow down biodiversity loss. For instance, Moniškis parcel has 130-year-old oaks, dead wood, and rare flora, fauna, and fungi species: a beaver house, signs of ungulate activity, and the habitats of white-backed woodpeckers and grey-headed woodpeckers listed as endangered species. The mycologist also found a crown-tipped coral (Artomyces pyxidatus), which grows on old decomposing aspens, tree lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria), thriving on steady habitat conditions and clean air, as well as other kinds of lichen, moss, and fungi.


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Featured image: Lavender Baeospora. © Mindaugas Survila

Human Chain for Julian Assange this Saturday, October 8

October 5th, 2022 by Don't Extradite Assange

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Dear Attendees,

Thank you for pledging to join the human chain this Saturday, we are hoping more of you will join who haven’t signed up yet. Here’s just a few notes to let you know what to expect when you arrive in Parliament Square, London, GB SW1P.

The assembly time is 1pm but we expect people to start arriving from 12.30. Our stewards will direct you to the end of the chain and ask you to take your place. There will be some travel disruptions on the rail network due to strike action on 8 October so please check your travel for the day and plan accordingly: (nearest tube: Westminster / buses: 12,159,453)

A team of stewards will be at Westminster station to direct people to the chain.

When everyone has arrived and it’s time to link arms and form the chain megaphone sirens and air horns will give the signal. Another signal will sound to bring the protest to a close after Stella Assange and others have made statements to the press. The protest will be finished after our video team has had the opportunity to film the whole chain.

Please feel free to bring Free Assange banners, wear Assange t-shirts etc.

And remember it’s not too late to contact more people and bring them along!

Thank you and see you on Saturday.

Source: Don’t Extradite Assange


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Featured image: Julian Assange was secretly recorded while living at the Ecuadorean embassy in London. (Source: EPV)

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“Belief in a bigger and better future is one of the most powerful enemies of present freedom.” – Aldous Huxley, author of the 1932 novel Brave New World, now considered visionary.

The question of what is property and what is possession arises for me from a philosophical-human analysis. It shows that property is closely connected with freedom. So, it is intimately linked with “today”, the time in which every day more of our freedom – and by association — of our personal property, is taken away.

To start with, let’s separate “property” from “possession”. Possession is what one appropriates: house, car, bicycle, television, etc.

Property is what we are born with. Namely, our body; our freedom; free thought, free written, oral expression; to move freely – and the right to have a say in government, to participate actively in a democracy, or at least in what we now call “democracy”.

One of the most important properties I have, if not the most important one, is my body. This means that I can decide about my body, that I can decide about what to do for my health.

It is also important to be able to decide about our individual incomes, our individual money. This supposes cash. No digital money that is controlled by the banks, the authorities; and, depending on our behavior, can be blocked or even expropriated. What I create is my property – which I may freely share, if I so decide – not the government or another “superior” authority.

Digitalization is based on linear thinking. But life is not linear, it is dynamic. A digital world is an unnatural world. It destroys our property to be able to lead a dynamic life.

Introducing digital money is outright criminal.

Total digitalization, as envisaged by the “Great Reset”, the UN Agenda 2030, and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, is mankind’s demise. Hardly anyone, who can see the consequences, desires an electronic world. Although, younger generations, brainwashed by the mainstream media 24/7, still embrace the short-sighted convenience of a digital world. We have to shake them awake.

We must also vehemently oppose the very Engine of Digitization – the ultra-short waves 5G. Lest we will lose personal and social property through total surveillance.

The ultra-shortwave, 5G – and soon 6G – drives the 4th Industrial Revolution. It is also destroying our physical and spiritual health. The around-the-globe bought governments of the entire 193 UN member countries are watching, as we humans are destroyed. With deliberate lies and brain manipulation, our property, our lives, our humanity is being transformed into transhumanity.

How much longer will it take, until a majority will wake up and scream STOP, and act to save our humanity, our lives, our most valuable property? Our sovereign selves.

Freedom and personal property have been largely lost in the last 2 1/2 years. If not yet completely, all roads point in that direction – for a dictatorial world government, with censorship, digital surveillance, an all-encompassing digital identity. We must and we shall STOP it.

What we are facing, if we as people worldwide do not join hands in solidarity and spirituality to avoid over the next eight years – UN Agenda 2030 – the incorporation into a totally digital world order planned by a small global financial elite, we will soon find ourselves without individual, social, political, cultural sovereignty and autonomy.

This would be the fulfillment of the “Great Reset.” Human individuals would be transformed into a chipped transhuman society where no one owns anything – physically or spiritually – and all think robotically, are controlled by algorithms – but are happy.

We are threatened with complete deprivation of freedom, of our personal property. This is what is coming to us, if we do not wake up from our comfort slumber, and in solidarity and spiritually, without hatred – but always accompanied by The Light, free ourselves from this diabolical cult, to regain our personal property, our absolute human freedom, with which we were all born.

It may require creating life in a new parallel society.

It takes courage to begin.

We can do it. Once begun, with our positive spirit and vision – human and societal dynamics may lead our way.

We are many – “they” are few.

“They” have money and capital. We have an absolute solidary and willpower to regain our freedom, our bodily and spiritual property.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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In the midst of several geopolitically important elections (Brazil, Bulgaria) which all took place on Sunday, the one in the Republic of Srpska may have gone somewhat under the radar. Arguably, however, it was no less important. The Republic of Srpska is the Serbian entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it wields considerable influence and veto power over key policies (generally exercised to the detriment of Western objectives). In the latest confrontation arising from the conflict in Ukraine, it has taken a strongly pro-Russian position, preventing the creation of a solid anti-Russian front of satellite statelets in the Balkans and vetoing imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation by Bosnia.

For all these, as well as a number of other compelling reasons, Srpska’s government has been targeted for destruction by the West. Destruction in this particular case is not an exaggeration since the ultimate goal is more than mere regime change. In the estimate of Western powers and their intelligence apparatus (correct in this case) the Serbian population which under the terms of the Dayton Agreement controls slightly under half of Bosnia is overwhelmingly pro-Russian and intuitively anti-NATO.  Therefore, Western thinking goes, nothing approaching even limited statehood should be permitted to them, strategically situated as they are deep in the rear of the Western alliance.

The government in the Republic of Srpska, which since 2006 has been overseen in various capacities by Milorad Dodik, has no doubt been an irritant to the collective West, and it was often targeted for replacement by compliant local Serbian collaborators. While regime change in the Republic of Srpska was always the minimal objective, Western policy makers regarded systemic change as by far the preferred option.

In the Bosnian context, for Western powers that means the dismantlement of the system of governance enshrined in the Dayton Agreement which in 1995 ended the armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Dayton agreement provided for two autonomous ethnically defined entities, the Serb Republic and the Muslim-Croat Federation, and a weak central administration in Sarajevo with few effective powers assigned to it. Clearly, Western governments had viewed Dayton from the start as merely a transitional and not a permanent arrangement, leading relatively soon thereafter to the establishment of a strong central government, which they could more easily control, and with greatly weakened and diminished constituent entities.

The steadfast opposition of the Dodik government to these planned encroachments over the last decade and a half has been the central political drama in Bosnia. In seeking to preserve the status of the Republic of Srpska as provided by the Dayton Agreement, Dodik has sought political allies, and he found them in the Russian Federation and lately also in Orban’s Hungary.

For the collective West, this stance of the Republic of Srpska leadership is intolerable. In order to remedy the situation, it has used the standard instruments at its disposal to instigate an “orange revolution” at least twice around election time, in 2014 and 2018. The current attempt is the third in the series.

In order to accomplish their maximum objective, the abolishment of the Republic of Srpska, Western policymakers have relied on two principal tools. Firstly, they have used Hague Tribunal judgments about Srebrenica to argue that the Republic of Srpska is a “genocidal entity” which does not have the moral right to exist in the modern world. In addition, they have engineered a judgment in the international court at Strasbourg convenient to their objectives. The judgment overrides the Dayton Agreement and holds that ethnically based internal distribution of powers, even if originally agreed to by the parties, is discriminatory and therefore unacceptable. (Belgium’s strikingly similar constitutional arrangements are never cited as a problem.) The Strasbourg decision, enshrined in the Sejdic and Finci case, aims to overturn Dayton’s principal restraining provisions and impose the one man – one vote principle, which obviously would favor Bosnia’s more compliant non- Serbian majority.

Enter Jelena Trivić, candidate for president of the coalition of Republic of Srpska’s main opposition parties, whose common denominators are close and frequent social contacts with principal Western embassies in Sarajevo and strident anti-corruption rhetoric of the sort that in Gene Sharp’s playbook usually sets the stage for orange revolutions. Never mind that many of these “anti-corruption” champions are recycled operatives of former West-friendly or at least cooperative regimes who are themselves waist-deep in corruption.

Apparently, allegations of such nature have not bypassed Mrs. Trivić herself because two weeks ago a letter emerged, composed in fairly decent (though not impeccable) English and on what purports to be official US government letterhead, requesting a transfer of the equivalent of about $10 million to the Trivić campaign. The jury may still be out on the authenticity of the compromising letter, but it fits in neatly with the known modus operandi in similar situations.

The color revolution playbook was followed faithfully on Sunday evening when Mrs. Trivić, not bothering to wait for the votes to be counted, unilaterally declared victory and proclaimed herself the next President of the Republic of Srpska. This-in-your-face Balkan Guaido moment was greeted approvingly by her followers who poured into the street from her campaign headquarters to celebrate victory.

As election results were coming in, it soon became apparent that the victory celebration was a bit premature and that Dodik in fact held a comfortable lead. It should be recalled that according to Gene Sharp’s ideal contested election scenario there should be a tight race in which the opposition candidate favoured by Western interests could plausibly be portrayed as the real winner, inflaming the outraged masses to demand he or she be immediately installed regardless of the actual vote count.

It seems that the plausibility of Mrs.Trivić’s asserted victory soon became questionable over the course of the election night, so much so that the victory parade was mysteriously called off shortly after it began. The following morning, on Monday 3 October, the main opposition figures from Mrs. Trivić’s camp congregated at the British embassy in Sarajevo. Presently, there is no reliable information about the topics they discussed with the deputy ambassador, but it may plausibly be surmised that tactics to jump start the stalled orange revolution in the Republic of Srpska may have been high on the agenda.

Things appear to be quiet in the streets of Republic of Srpska’s main cities and towns at the time this is being written. A plausible electoral theft narrative has not yet been formulated but it should not be discarded that British specialists might come up with a storyline sufficient to inflame the discontented masses. The third time may not be a charm, but further developments in the Republic of Srpska should be carefully monitored.

Both the Dodik government and its Western backed and financed opponents (judgement still being reserved on the now famous $10 million letter, but there is plenty of other evidence of foreign interference and financial corruption of the political process) are plagued by low quality cadres. The Dodik administration’s lacklustre performance in most fields other than vociferous nationalist rhetoric and its inability to attract to its ranks young, educated, and competent persons who could infuse a new life into the institutions of government and help move the Serb entity forward has alienated large segments of the population. On the other hand, what passes for the opposition also consists of familiar old faces of ambitious but incompetent politicians who have nothing to show for their long-time parasitism in public life. They are being embraced and financed by Western interests only as a stepping stone to the destruction of the Republic of Srpska, after which they will be discarded like the used toilet paper that they are, to be replaced by the crop of subservient WEF “young leaders” who are undoubtedly being trained to take over a centralised Bosnia and neutered Republic of Srpska as this is being written.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin, 22 September 2016 (Photo by, licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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Moldovan President Maia Sandu told Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, in thinking she was speaking to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, about her willingness to transfer the southern town of Giurgiulești to Kiev for several years.

“When I was in Kiev, we discussed the issue of the village of Giurgiulești and made a proposal. Its people came and inspected the territory, which we are ready to give them while we are still trying to resolve the legal problems with the port as a whole. But we can offer them land for years to come,” Sandu said during the prank, which was posted on the Vovan and Lexus Telegram channel. However, she continued by saying that after the technicians arrived and inspected the territory, the Moldovan authorities received no further response.

“So, I wonder if he is still interested in this proposal or if he has already found other solutions,” Sandu said, referring to the Ukrainian prime minister.

None-the-less, the Presidential Administration of Moldova declared that the video recording of the conversation between Sandu and the Russian pranksters is a fake. The denial is because giving away Giurgiulești would be a major scandal as it is the home of Moldova’s only port that is accessible to seagoing vessels.

The prank, which demonstrates that Sandu is ready to throw away Moldova’s sovereignty to Ukraine, comes as a security aide claimed that Moldova can no longer rely only on its neutral status and must ramp up its defensive military power. This is despite the country being one of the poorest in Europe, reflected in the fact that it can allocate only 0.45% of GDP for defence spending despite war waging in neighbouring Ukraine.

Moldova applied for European Union membership this year and strongly condemned Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. However, the country also contends with the fact that Russian peacekeepers are based in its breakaway Transnistria region and relies heavily on Russia for energy.

“Moldova can no longer rely exclusively on foreign policy instruments, one of which is its neutral status, to ensure state stability,” said Dorin Recean, the security aide. “Moldova must start work on increasing its defence potential… The authorities need to obtain the conscious support of citizens who should understand it is critical to the state’s survival.”

For his part, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Nicu Popescu, said during a press conference that the strengthening of partnerships in the field of security and defence with states and organisations is a key objective. These partnerships will continue and even be strengthened, he added.

Asked if the authorities in Chisinau intend to take steps to strengthen relations with NATO, Popescu stated that the authorities in Chisinau want to modernise their defence capabilities to the highest international standards, and this implies strengthening external partnerships, including in the field of security and defence.

“This involves strengthening our partnerships with Great Britain, but also other states and organisations. You know very well that we have defence partnerships with the United States of America and the European Union through the European peace initiative. We have a partnership with NATO, for a very long time, based on the individual action plan initiated in 2006,” declared Popescu.

Given that Ukraine has humiliatingly lost Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye to Russia, it must be questioned whether Giurgiulești, situated on the border of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, might be a pathetic appeasement for Kiev and perhaps be a condition for Moldova to one day join NATO.

It also comes as protests against Sandu increase, especially as energy prices are sky-rocketing. Moldova’s gas regulator raised prices by 27% for households on September 21. Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă said earlier this month that there were discussions with the Moldovan Prime Minister to deliver gas to Moldova, but this cannot be more than five million cubic metres of gas per day.

“I discussed with Prime Minister Gavriliţa, 150 million cubic metres… We still have to see what quantities we can secure in the next period. In warehouses today, we have stored… about 87%, which means that if we manage to have contracts signed for the winter period, to maintain the balance in the system and to have the necessary quantities on cold days, we can ensure the respective quantity,” the Romanian Prime Minister declared to the press.

At the same time, Ciucă stated that Romania cannot provide Moldova with the necessary gas if Russia stops deliveries.

In this way, Moldova finds itself in a difficult position as its pro-Western president is even willing to sacrifice sovereignty for the sake of Ukraine. Now there are discussions of Moldova growing its military budget with the aim of eventually joining NATO despite the fact that Moldova is already one of the poorest countries in Europe, which is amplified as living costs are soaring.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

How to Turn the Tables on Tyrants Waging the Economic War

October 5th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The Federal Reserve recently ordered another “super-sized interest hike” — the fifth rate hike this year — in what appears to be a hopeless effort to contain runaway inflation. Additional rate hikes are also anticipated. Some fear the Federal Reserve may be pushing us too hard, which could bring us from recession into deflation

Data from the Bureau of Labor statistics report the highest annual increase in food prices since the 1970s, with the cost of food rising 10.9% in the last 12 months. Overall, energy prices have seen the highest increases, rising by 41.6% between June 2021 and June 2022. For comparison, the Federal Reserve’s annual inflation target is 2%

As bad as the economic trend appears, that’s not all we have to contend with. Financial crisis historian Adam Tooze predicts several crises may converge over the next six to 18 months, including food crises, energy crises, pandemic outbreaks, stagflation, a Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and potential nuclear war

Our current situation is not accidental. It’s not even the result of pure ineptitude. Once you understand the globalist cabal’s plan for a Great Reset, you realize that all of these things need to happen in order for The Great Reset to be implemented. The rational conclusion, then, is that our food, energy, medicine and financial systems are being dismantled and hobbled on purpose

We can’t stop these crises from happening, but we can prepare to survive the destruction and then rebuild systems to our own liking, rather than accept their slave systems


While the White House administration has tried to downplay the seriousness of inflation, reality has a stubborn way of paying no attention to fantasies and make-believe.

As reported by several news outlets in recent days,1 the Federal Reserve (which is not federal at all but rather a private entity that prints and lends fiat currency to the government) has ordered another “super-sized interest hike” — the fifth rate hike this year — in what appears to be a hopeless effort to contain runaway inflation. As reported by NPR, September 21, 2022:2

“The Federal Reserve ordered another super-sized jump in interest rates today, and signaled that additional rate hikes are likely in the coming months, as it tries to put the brakes on runaway prices.

The central bank raised its benchmark interest rate by 0.75 percentage points Wednesday, matching hikes in June and July. The Fed has been boosting borrowing costs at the fastest pace in decades. But so far, its actions have done little to curb the rapid run-up in prices.”

‘Exceptional Level of Economic Uncertainty’ Ahead

Higher interest rates, of course, increase the cost of borrowing, making home mortgages, car loans and credit card balances more expensive and, for many, unaffordable. And we haven’t even seen the worst of it yet. According to MSN,3 the Federal Reserve anticipates additional rate hikes after this, in the hopes of limiting stagflation, a situation in which prices rise and employment goes down.

Some, however, fear the Federal Reserve may be pushing us from recession into deflation. As reported by MSN September 21, 2022:4

“The World Bank last week raised the specter of a global recession, driven by higher rates in the U.S. and abroad. Investors are increasingly worried that disruption in the U.S. government debt market could worsen as the Fed raises borrowing costs.

The housing and stock markets are reeling. And some executives like Tesla CEO Elon Musk even say the economy is in danger of entering a period of deflation … the Fed’s policies take time to feed through the economy, meaning the central bank could end up depressing economic activity more than necessary before realizing it, given the sheer speed at which it’s jacking up rates — the fastest pace in three decades.

‘There’s the old expression that sometimes they’ll tighten until something breaks,’ said Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. ‘It’s a legitimate concern at this point.’ The predicament creates an exceptional level of economic uncertainty for the country … Also at stake is the central bank’s own credibility as the nation’s chief inflation-fighting authority.”

Record Inflation in 2022

In early August 2022, President Biden claimed the U.S. had “zero-percent inflation” in the month of July. Alas, boasting about a single-month index change was a Jedi mind trick that didn’t work on most people. The federal Consumer Price Index earlier that day published data showing an annual inflation rate of 8.5% for July, down from 9.1% in June, which was the highest rate since 1981.5

Data from the Bureau of Labor statistics also reported the highest annual increase in food prices since the 1970s, with the cost of food rising 10.9% in the last 12 months. Overall, energy prices have seen the highest increases, rising by 41.6% between June 2021 and June 2022. For comparison, the Federal Reserve’s annual inflation target is 2%.6

Later in that same speech, Biden “proceeded to accidentally step on his own message,” to quote the New York Post,7 by urging Congress to pass his Inflation Reduction Act.

Putting his foot even further down his own throat, Biden added the bill would “keep inflation from getting better.”8 Clearly, what he meant to say was that the bill would keep it from getting worse, but he spoke the truth in this instance nonetheless.

The better-titled Inflation Act is strongly biased toward financing of “green” programs, which will be funded by additional taxes, including a new 15% minimum corporate tax and massively increased IRS enforcement. Commenting on the bill shortly after it passed the Senate, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis, said:9

“The Orwellian named ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ will do no such thing, as a number of prominent experts and economic policy groups have indicated. The Penn Wharton Budget Model,10 the Tax Foundation,11 and the Congressional Budget Office12 all found the bill won’t lower inflation and may make it worse.

The IRS would more than double in size, unleashing 87,000 new enforcement agents on American families … [and the] nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation says that 78% to 90% of the revenue raised from misreported income would likely come from those making under $200,000.”

Impending Polycrisis

As bad as the economic trend appears, that’s not all we have to contend with in coming days. As detailed in “Economy Expert Explains the Impending Polycrisis of Doom,” global citizens are currently facing a whole host of intersecting and interconnected crises.

Adam Tooze, a financial crisis historian and director of the European Institute at Columbia University, predicts several crises may erupt and converge over the next six to 18 months, including food crises, energy crises, pandemic outbreaks, stagflation, a Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and potential nuclear war.

As explained by Tooze, “polycrisis” is not merely the presence of several crises at once. Rather, it’s “a situation … where the whole is even more dangerous than the sum of the parts.”13 These crises are hitting us all at once, and several of them reinforce and worsen each other. Also notable is the fact that there’s great uncertainty associated with some of them, making it extremely difficult to make predictions.

Beyond the influences highlighted by Tooze, others could also be added into the mix, such as the weaponization of the U.S. dollar, which is encouraging countries to de-dollarize and create alternative reserve currencies, NATO and U.S. meddling in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the push to expand NATO, and allowing health agencies to dictate economic policy, just to name a few.

These Crises Are Not Accidental

What’s perhaps most infuriating about our current situation is that it’s not accidental. It’s not even the result of pure ineptitude. Once you understand the globalist cabal’s plan for a Great Reset, you realize that all of these things need to happen in order for The Great Reset to be implemented. Since the reset can’t happen unless all of the old systems are first destroyed, the rational conclusion is that they’re being dismantled and hobbled on purpose.

The global economic system is being dismantled to bring in a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC), so they can monitor and control your spending from a centralized location.

The energy grids of the Western world are being dismantled and incapacitated in order to justify a new “green” economy based on carbon credits. It will also push people to the brink of despair, which makes them more likely to accept “solutions” that would normally be rejected as unacceptable.

A “green” all-electric vehicle society — were it even possible, which it’s not — would also dramatically limit your ability to travel and, in fact, all travel could then be monitored and restricted from a central location, just like your bank account. Both CBDCs and electric vehicles are tools through which a centralized cabal can control your every move.

Agriculture and the food industry, meanwhile, are being crippled in part by irrational nitrogen reduction laws that will result in less food being grown and fewer livestock being raised, and in part by no longer coincidental fires, so that a new food system can be introduced — one based on “micro livestock,” i.e., insects, cultured meat, plant-based meat alternatives and GMO plant foods.

The common denominator is that all foods need to be patentable. Lack of food, like lack of energy, also makes people more “malleable” and willing to give up rights and liberties to survive.

Health care is also being undermined and getting more dangerous by the day as doctors are being muzzled through new laws, and the World Health Organization is pushing — using biosecurity as its justification — to grant itself the power to dictate and control health care worldwide. I think the reason for centralizing health care under the WHO is to make the transition to transhumanism easier.

The WHO is diligently working on a global vaccine passport, and President Biden recently signed an executive order14 that fast-tracks mRNA shots and other gene therapies “to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.” So, it’s no longer a stretch to imagine a world in which you have to get regular gene therapy injections in order to be able to function in society.

And, between Biden’s executive order and the Food and Drug Administration’s new “future framework” that allows reformulated mRNA shots to be rolled out without testing, it seems humanity at large will be the guinea pigs for untold numbers of genetic experiments to see what works and what doesn’t.

In the end, the transhumanist cabal intends to make themselves immortal super-humans. But they need test subjects to perfect these radical technologies — and that’s going to be all of us. I could go on, but I think you get the gist. The breakdowns we’re experiencing are not by chance. They’re intentional.

The goal is to break everything apart, and then roll out a “new and improved” society consisting of a ruling class, and disposable masses that will be controlled through technology-driven social engineering and control mechanisms like surveillance, “biosecurity,” CBDCs, electric cars, gene therapies, carbon credits and social credit scores.

What You Can Do to Prepare 

The central banking cabal and its many allies have infiltrated governments and institutions across the world for many decades, slowly turning the systems against us. We are now in the final chapter of their technocratic, transhumanist takeover.

They’ve told us their plans. It’s all spelled out in white papers, reports, books and on websites. The Great Reset is the overarching plan for the global takeover, previously referred to as the New World Order. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the transhumanist piece of that plan, and the Green Agenda is the piece that will usher in essential control mechanisms.

Without a doubt, they wield formidable weapons. But before you drown in despair, remember that we still outnumber these megalomaniacs by tens of millions to one, if not more. And, believe it or not, they need our cooperation. If enough of us withhold our cooperation, their plans start falling apart. I’m not saying it will be easy. It’ll require sacrifice. But that’s nothing new. Freedom has always required sacrifice.

Two of the most important things everyone can do right now is 1) prepare ourselves and our families for hard times (if you were not a prepper before, now’s the time), and 2) start building parallel structures and systems to replace the ones that are being dismantled.

The idea is to survive and rebuild a world of our own choosing rather than being forced to accept theirs out of sheer desperation. Strategies that can strengthen individual and local resilience to the stresses facing us include the creation of local food systems15 and the strengthening of neighborhood and community connections.

By building a strong local food system, you reduce food insecurity, and by building a community network of specialists, you reduce the effects of a crumbling financial system as you can simply barter goods and services. For those who aren’t skilled at growing food it is wise to align with local farmers that you resonate with and can add complementary skill sets. Remember it takes a community to get through this.

Social cohesion also offers many psychological benefits.16 Local food systems and community networks both also reduce individuals’ reliance on government handouts, and by extension, they’re less likely to be forced into these new Great Reset slave systems. A 2017 StrongTown article17 provides several excellent suggestions for those willing to spearhead a local food movement in their own hometown.

Additional Suggestions

It’s important that you continue to prepare for the inevitable financial catastrophe and become as independent and resilient as possible. Shore up supplies and figure out how to live in an “off grid” scenario, in case daily conveniences suddenly vanish. This year I have offered many articles on how you can prepare for food, water and other crises, which you can find in my Substack library.

Aside from “investing” in storable food, a water catchment system and other essentials that will only go up in price or become unobtainable, you may also consider buying physical precious metals, which can help protect against currency devaluation. Investing in real assets, such as land could be another.

It’s hard to make definitive recommendations, as your strategy will depend on your personal situation, so take some time to think things through. If you do nothing to hedge your bets, you may one day find yourself left with nothing — which is precisely what the World Economic Forum has declared will be our lot.

It’s also essential to become as healthy as possible. A recent study showed that 93% of U.S. adults are metabolically unhealthy, and those stats were four years old. It’s likely that number is now over 95%. You want to be the 1 person in 20 who is healthy. Make it your goal to be in that group.

This is so important that I’m devising a poll to find out what that percentage is for our subscribers. It would be a bit more accurate as I’ll include metrics like vitamin one hour a day of sun exposure and exercise. So, start getting metabolically fit now.

Also prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually for what could be stressful and challenging times as the globalist cabal continues to push The Great Reset forward, which will require more “emergencies.”


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2 NPR September 21, 2022

3 MSN September 21, 2022

4 MSN Money September 21, 2022

5 NY Post August 10, 2022

6 NY Post August 10, 2022

7 NY Post August 10, 2022

8 NY Post August 10, 2022

9 NY Post August 10, 2022

10 Penn Wharton Budget Model

11 Tax Foundation August 12, 2022

12 Congressional Budget Office August 4, 2022

13 Adam Tooze Substack June 24, 2022

14 Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy

15 Treehugger October 11, 2018

16 NPR January 3, 2013

17 StrongTown August 7, 2017

Featured image is from Mercola

Former CIA Director Petraeus Threatens Russia

October 5th, 2022 by Drago Bosnic

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On October 2, during an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” retired United States Army general and former Director of the CIA David Petraeus stated that if Russian President Vladimir Putin used nuclear weapons against the Kiev regime, the United States would “quickly intervene to take out Russian forces in Ukraine, including Crimea.” He added that this would also be a collective US-led NATO response.

The retired general claims that “direct US involvement is necessary in that scenario” and that “the political West must take the Kremlin’s latest nuclear rhetoric seriously.”

Petraeus thinks that this is what the US government has in mind when it comes to the recent statements of “catastrophic consequences” for Moscow. Lately, the belligerent thalassocracy has ramped up its unfounded rhetoric that Russia was supposedly planning on using tactical nuclear weapons against the Kiev regime forces. The narrative has been heavily (ab)used by the mainstream propaganda machine.

“And what would happen?” show co-anchor Jonathan Karl asked Petraeus.

“Well, again, I have deliberately not talked to Jake [Sullivan] about this. I mean, just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a NATO, a collective effort, that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea,” former CIA chief stated.

Then, the “This Week” anchor mentioned the scenario in which the radiation fallout from the supposed Russian nuclear strike could directly impact much of Eastern Europe, including nearby NATO member states.

“Yes. And perhaps you can make that case. The other case is that this is so horrific that there has to be a response, it cannot go unanswered. But it doesn’t expand, it doesn’t — it’s not nuclear for nuclear,” Petraeus claimed. “You don’t want to, again, get into a nuclear escalation here. But you have to show that this cannot be accepted in any way,” the retired general said.

While the retired US Army general and former CIA director is not speaking from a position of legal authority, as he is not officially part of the troubled Biden administration or in any capacity as an active government official, his opinion can still be considered a reflection of what the US foreign policy and military establishment think, especially considering the positions he held in the past. The very idea that such a high-ranking (former) official thinks that Russia would stand idle while NATO targets its forces is quite indicative of the deteriorating state of America’s top brass, both political and military. This is also quite terrifying for the rest of the world, as it is expected that the US, which operates the second most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world, is led by at least somewhat reasonable people whose main concern should be not to lead the world into thermonuclear annihilation.

Petraeus further explained his view that Putin has “no qualms” about surrounding European countries and Western backers of Ukraine suffering too.

“Well, he’s trying to cast this in any way that he can in a way to appear threatening, to be threatening, to try to get Europe to crack. He thinks he can out-suffer Europe, if you will,” he continued. “And, you know, the Russians have out-suffered Napoleon and the Nazis and so forth. But I don’t think he’s going to out-suffer Europe. Europe’s going to have a tough winter, there’s going to be very reduced flow of natural gas, but they’ll get through it and I don’t think they’ll crack on the issue of support for Ukraine,” Petraeus stated and then went on with claims that the battlefield situation was “deteriorating for Russian forces” and that if they “continue to be backed into a corner” this would supposedly “make Putin more unpredictable and dangerous.”

In recent weeks, the propaganda machine of the political West has been producing a flurry of ominous headlines based on a false narrative that Russia is threatening everyone with nuclear weapons.

On September 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the Russian military would use everything at its disposal to defend the country and its territorial integrity, adding that the warning wasn’t a bluff. Although Putin never mentioned nuclear weapons, it’s clear that Russia could deploy them if the US tried to escalate. The statement was immediately taken out of context and the mainstream media started constructing the narrative that Russia would supposedly resort to using nuclear weapons against Kiev regime forces.

Standing at approximately 6,200 warheads, the Russian military is well-known for possessing the world’s most powerful nuclear arsenal. However, unlike the US, Russia never used these weapons in war. Its nuclear weapons serve as a deterrent and this was exactly what Russian President Vladimir Putin had in mind when giving the statement. Moscow has also announced low-level mobilization, clearly implying that the Russian military doesn’t plan on using nuclear weapons, as it would make no sense to send hundreds of thousands of soldiers into an area subjected to their use.

In addition, according to Pentagon sources, there have been no observed changes in Russian nuclear posture or any significant movement of the country’s nuclear forces. US intelligence services claim they have “stepped up their surveillance and monitoring“, but this has not led to any changes in America’s nuclear posture either, clearly implying that the whole narrative is a scare tactic aimed at galvanizing even more Russophobia.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

Will Biden Know When to Stop?

October 5th, 2022 by Alastair Crooke

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The meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Samarkand has prompted a geo-economic earthquake – as did President Putin’s subsequent announcement of a partial mobilisation and referenda in four oblasts (provinces) of Ukraine, which almost certainly will result in their lightening integration into Russia.

The aftershocks are being felt everywhere, but particularly in Washington and Brussels.  All wait to see what happens next.

The West chose to leap upon Russia’s very limited Ukraine operation – the SMO (Special Militarily Operation) – to brand it: “an invasion of Ukraine”, which it was not (any more than Russian support in Syria constituted an invasion).

For, like its Syrian prototype, the SMO was crafted as the minimum of Russian military support that might provoke and catalyse a negotiated settlement along Minsk II lines. The perfect fit of the SMO to Russia’s Syria ‘footprint’ makes it clear — it was aimed to elicit a political settlement; one which so nearly occurred in Istanbul in March — until nixed by Britain and the US.

One may imagine, however, that in opting for such a restrictive posture, the Russian High Command may not have counted on Kiev’s willingness to throw so many of its soldiers’ lives into defending indefensible positions, or the abandonment by which the West would throw money and weapons at the Kiev forces.

It was not money and weapons alone: The West escalated its psyops deceptions to unheard-of heights of fantasy. It flooded the media with stories of the ‘invasions’ slow progress, claiming that this portrayed Russian weakness and failure.

All this taken together represents a crucial and deliberate choice of optics over real strategy, which has painted Washington into today’s dangerous corner.

That is to say that since the go-slow nature of the Russian offensive was intended essentially to minimize the impact on civilian lives and infrastructure — and also to give the parties plenty of time in order to reach the conclusion that negotiations were required before events turned existential, for one side or the other.

Unfortunately, the propaganda flooding the media has been so successful – touching on neuralgic and deeply layered currents of Russophobia – that western leaders have become hostage to this contrived ‘staging’ of a ‘panicked, faltering and weak Russia’.

Thus, against such an adverse backdrop, the Kremlin finally opted to incorporate culturally-Russian parts of Ukraine into Russia.

It is a gamble. The force of logic here is clear:  The conflict then would either have to cease, as Russia commits to defending those annexed territories as ‘Mother Russia’ — a game-changing shift that implies irresistible force mounted against Kiev, were it to further assault these territories. Or alternatively, the West must escalate further.

Putin’s gamble posits therefore the ending of conflict, and therefore the threat of nuclear conflict, or else continuing the (problematic) NATO war against Russia which more directly does risk nuclear war: Team Biden’s choice.

However, Biden – though he says he has no stomach for a war with Russia and will not permit one – likes to tout the idea that “our democracy” is under threat. “We have an obligation, a duty, a responsibility to defend, preserve, and protect ‘our democracy’”, he says.

Biden is not referring to generic democracy as a whole, but specifically to America’s liberal-élite hegemony (aka ‘our democracy’), and to its predilection for forever wars abroad being under threat — not just in Ukraine, but in Samarkand where the Eurasian giants such as China, India, Russia, Pakistan and Iran are integrating their economies to new levels and promising to create rival trading and communications system (away from the dollar).

In a speech made in Philadelphia recently, Biden – speaking in an eerie set-up at Independence Hall – extended threats to ‘our democracy’ from those abroad to warn against the threat of a different terror, closer to home — from “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans” who “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic”.

Arta Moeini and Professor Carment argue that US politics have moved a complete circle: From Bush’s initial warning to the external world that, in the War on Terror, you are either ‘with us or against us’ — to Biden “weaponising the mythos of our democracy for partisan gains”.

Seen together, Biden’s rhetoric depicts his administration’s war against the amorphous specter of “MAGA fascism” at home and its stated goal of militarily defeating autocracies abroad as being but two sides of the same coin.

This doctrine ensnares all sides of the spectrum — by enmeshing them in false equivalencies: Deny the Establishment’s liberal interventionist foreign policy (in say, Ukraine) and be branded as an ‘extremist’ or even a ‘traitor’ – as Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán has been labeled in the European parliament, for taking Russia’s side in EU deliberations. Or, defend America’s civil liberties and due process toward participants in the 6 January demonstrations, and (then again) you are tarred as being in league with Putin.

So here is the rub: The Biden Administration still exhibits decidedly hawkish attitudes in respect to toppling Putin; to defending Taiwan; and containing Iran, in order to save ‘our democracy’. And he now uses this existential framing to attack his American political opponents at home, and to coerce American support for his agenda: “A battle for the soul” of the United States and the “challenge of our time” (autocracies).

But by linking them, were he to walk back one, he would undermine the other. Can Biden afford to see the Ukraine war end on terms favourable to President Putin, without it also being perceived as undermining his war on Trumpist ‘authoritarianism’ too? Is Biden trapped by his own ‘clever’ language game, one that was predicated on the expectation of Putin losing in Ukraine?  Yet, dare he risk nuclear escalation to maintain the ideological equivalence?

Moeini and Carment have noted:

“This logic has now become the operating principle behind what may be called the Biden Doctrine, which is expected to be unveiled in the administration’s forthcoming National Security Strategy. It holds that the fight for democracy is incessant, totalising, and all-encompassing. That neutralising the alleged threat of fascism at home, personified by MAGA and former president Trump, is part of a larger apocalyptic struggle to defend the liberal international order abroad.”

The West and its delusions are deeply entrenched. It can end as a débacle for the Biden ‘doctrine’.


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Alastair Crooke is Director of Conflicts Forum; Former Senior British Diplomat; Author.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

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Auch wenn die Überlebensfrage der Menschheit angesichts eines möglichen präventiven Atomkriegs (1) gegenwärtig im Zentrum aller Überlegungen steht, sollten weise Aufklärer „über den Tag hinaus“ denken und überlegen, wie die Mitmenschen in einer Neuen Weltordnung asiatischer Prägung leben wollen. Frieden, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit sind weiterhin erstrebenswerte Ziele aller Menschen. 

Wie auch immer sich die Welt entwickeln wird – ohne die Erkenntnisse der wissenschaftlichen Psychologie wird die Menschheit nicht weiterkommen. Als langjähriger Psychologe und Psychotherapeut steht der Autor zu seiner Prognose. Im Folgenden soll die Entwicklung der modernen Psychologie kurz dagestellt werden.

Es wird nicht leicht sein, Mitbürgern mit verschiedenem Bildungsgrad sowie Jung und Alt das Wissen über sich selbst und die Menschen generell zu vermitteln. Bis heute werden sie von Eltern, Kirche und Staat autoritär und religiös erzogen und so programmiert, dass es schwer sein wird, sie auf ihre Probleme aufmerksam zu machen.

Doch Bildung bedeutet, den Menschen zu vermitteln, wie sie ihre Probleme lösen und wie sie leben können. Auch sollten sie erfahren, welche Meinung sie über sich selbst, ihre Partner, Nachbarn, über den Staat und die Gemeinde und welche Haltung sie gegenüber ihren Kindern haben sollen.

Erst in der Neuzeit begannen die Menschen, sich zu erkennen

Vor dem Zeitalter der Psychologie herrschte im Gegensatz zur auf Kausalität beruhenden Wissenschaft die magische Weltanschauung des Mittelalters und der Religion, die die Menschen fest im Griff hatte. Man war der Meinung, dass die Seele des Menschen hier auf dieser Welt nur eine Prüfung durchmacht und dass der Mensch in den Himmel gehört; dort sei das ewige Leben.

Erst Ludwig Feuerbach hat dieses Problem erschüttert, indem er aufzeigte, dass dem nicht so ist (2). Doch seine Erkenntnis wird immer noch bekämpft und nicht weitervermittelt. Noch heute gilt in den Schulen das alte Prinzip der Religion, der übernatürlichen Bestimmung des Menschen. Auch die Gefühle der Menschen durften nicht erforscht werden; die Kirche war dagegen. Naturforscher waren deshalb auf dem falschen Weg, wenn sie andere Völker – die sogenannten Wilden – beobachtet haben.

Erst durch die materialistische Geschichtsauffassung im vorletzten Jahrhundert haben die Menschen angefangen, sich mit sich selbst zu befassen. Sie begannen, den Menschen zu erkennen, zu deuten und sich zu erklären, warum er sich so verhält. Das war der Beginn der Neuzeit.

Die materialistische Geschichtsauffassung war ein großer Einbruch in die Gefühlswelt der Menschen. Karl Marx und die freiheitlichen Sozialisten haben angefangen, den Menschen richtig zu sehen. Wären diese Gedanken nicht bekämpft worden, wäre die Menschheit bereits viel weiter; die Menschen könnten sich das Leben in jeder Beziehung besser einrichten. Dabei hatte Marx den deutschen Philosophen Wilhelm Hegel als Vorbild. Und der hatte noch Gott und das Absolute in der Natur gesehen.

Karl Marx stützte sich jedoch auf Feuerbach ab, lehnte die übernatürliche Tendenz ab und fand heraus, dass die Haltung des Menschen geändert werden kann. Die Tiefenpsychologie bestätigt das. Marx war der Auffassung, dass das Bewusstsein des Menschen durch die Verhältnisse geprägt wird (Das Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein.). Er hat den Menschen zurückgeholt auf die Erde. Auch hatte er Recht, dass sich die Menschen ändern, wenn ihr Leben gesichert ist, wenn sie einen gedeckten Tisch haben. Sie haben dann andere Gedanken, andere Gefühle und eine andere Beziehung zu den Mitmenschen. Solange die Menschen Angst haben, glauben sie. In der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung hörte der Glaube an Götter und übernatürliche Wesen auf.

Wenn die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse die Menschen ändern, assoziieren sie sich mit ihren Mitmenschen, glauben an sie und fühlen sich in sie ein, indem sie an sie appellieren. Der andere Mensch will so gut leben wie ich, er will ein Dach über dem Kopf haben. Er macht mit, sagten die freiheitlichen Sozialisten, die Anarchisten. Vor den anderen Menschen muss man keine Angst haben und in ihrer Freiheit keine Gefahr sehen. Die freiheitlichen Sozialisten wollten eine Gemeinschaft haben, wo jeder Mensch entscheidet, welchen Weg er wählen, mit wem er sich assoziieren, wie er leben will. Diese Freiheit sollte man allen Menschen geben.

Freiheit bedeutet, dass der Mensch seine Sicherheit hat und nicht um die Kirchensuppe betteln muss. Das Prinzip der Freiheit sollte so verstanden werden, dass jeder arbeitende Mensch weiß, dass wenn er nicht mehr arbeiten kann, wenn er erkrankt, dass er dann dieselbe Möglichkeit hat zu leben, dass er den Lohn, den er heute hat, weiter haben wird, dass er seine Wohnung behalten, dass er weiterleben kann.

Doch eines hat Karl Marx den Menschen nicht zugemutet: dass man sie sofort freilassen kann. Er hatte es sich so vorgestellt, dass Revolutionäre die Macht und den Staat übernehmen und diese dann Gerechtigkeit und das Recht auf Leben, Grund und Boden schaffen. Wenn in den Fabriken Arbeiterräte das Sagen hätten, würde der Staat absterben, sich zurückziehen. Doch das hat sich als Irrtum erwiesen, weil sich Menschen unter dem Prinzip der Gewalt und Autorität nicht entwickeln können, sondern korrupt werden.

Wenn das Sein das Bewusstsein bestimmt, wie Marx sagte, dann beginnt das Sein, wenn den Menschen die Freiheit gegeben wird – und zwar sofort! Nicht der Staat, sondern die Gemeinschaft der Menschen entscheidet: der Bauer, der Angestellte, der Arbeiter in der Fabrik und die Gemeinde. Es muss kein Kommissär oder Städter kommen und Anordnungen treffen. Was will jemand, der das Problem nicht kennt, dem Bauern beibringen?

Die Tiefenpsychologie – ein Kind der Naturwissenschaft

Ohne materialistische Geschichtsauffassung wäre die Psychologie in ihrer Forschung nicht auf dem heutigen Stand. Die Psychologie ist eine Wissenschaft über das Wesen des Menschen, über die menschliche Natur. Als empirische Wissenschaft erforscht sie das geistige und seelische Leben des Menschen mittels systematischer Beobachtung und aufgrund von Erfahrungen: wie wird der Mensch, wie wächst er heran, welche Erlebnisse macht er und wie findet er sich in seinem Leben zurecht.

Naturwissenschaftlich orientierte Psychologen beobachten, messen und analysieren mit dem Ziel, Regelmäßigkeiten zu erkennen und ihre Forschungsergebnisse allen Menschen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Damit kann die Psychologie den Menschen vermitteln, wie sie naturgemäß leben und ihre Lebensprobleme lösen können. Auch lernen sie, die eigenen Gefühle und Reaktionsweisen und diejenigen der anderen Menschen zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Wenn sie die Gefühlswelt der Mitmenschen kennen lernen, dann können sie auch ihre Taten und Handlungsweisen einschätzen – diejenigen ihrer Mitbürger und diejenigen von Politikern und Machthabern.

Leider wird die Wissenschaft der Psychologie in vielen Ländern immer noch unterschätzt oder falsch eingeschätzt. Es gibt nämlich keine Politik ohne Psychologie und auch die Tatsache, dass Kriege geführt werden, ist auf den Mangel an psychologischer Erkenntnis zurückzuführen. Während des deutschen und weltweiten Faschismus haben die meisten Psychologen kläglich versagt und sich für mörderische Kriege einspannen lassen (3).

Der entscheidende Durchbruch in den intellektuellen Gesellschaftsschichten gelang den Naturwissenschaften erst im 17. Jahrhundert. Das löste im Zusammenhang mit der Aufklärung eine wissenschaftliche Revolution aus. Über zwei Jahrhunderte später entdeckte und erforschte der österreichische Arzt, Tiefenpsychologe, Kulturhistoriker und Religionskritiker Sigmund Freud das Unbewusste im Menschen und begründete die Psychoanalyse.

Freud war der Auffassung, dass die ganze Welt ein Spital sei, ein Kranken- oder Irrenhaus. Es gäbe keinen Menschen, der seine Probleme lösen könne. Wenn wir uns heute in der Welt umschauen, stellen wir fest, dass alle Menschen ohne Ausnahme durch die traditionelle Erziehung nicht gesund, sondern psychisch irritiert sind. Erfahrene Psychotherapeuten bestätigen dies. Aus diesem Grunde sind Aufklärung und Bildung der Menschen von großer Bedeutung. Wichtiger jedoch ist das Problem der Erziehung, welches – nach dem deutschen Schriftsteller Jean Paul – den eigentlichen Hebelarm der Kultur darstellt.

Die Bedeutung der Erziehung für eine lebenswerte Zukunft

Wenn es uns ein Anliegen ist, dass alle Bürger zukünftig in einer friedlichen, freien und gerechten Welt leben, dass die Menschen sich und ihre Mitmenschen verstehen und dass Gewalt, Kriege und die Herrschaft von Menschen über den Menschen ein ende finden, dann müssen wir uns dem Erziehungsproblem zuwenden und über die vergangenen und zukünftigen Erziehungsmethoden sprechen.

Die neuere tiefenpsychologische Forschung hat Eltern, Lehrkräften, Pädagogen, Psychologen und allen anderen Interessierten bewusst gemacht, dass der Mensch in einem derartigen Maße das Produkt seiner Erziehung ist, dass man die Hoffnung haben darf, durch bessere, das heißt psychologische Erziehungsmethoden Menschen heranbilden zu können, die gegen die Verstrickungen des Machtwahns gefeit sein werden.

Die Erziehungsmethoden der Vergangenheit schufen einen Menschentypus, der die Tragödie der Geschichte verursachen konnte. Das autoritäre Prinzip, jahrhundertelang als fraglos-gültige Grundlage des erzieherischen Verhaltens angesehen, drosselte bereits in den Kindheitsjahren das Gemeinschaftsgefühl der Menschen und stattete sie mit jener Aggressionsbereitschaft aus, durch die eine gewalttätige Welt im Zustand der Gewalttätigkeit verharren konnte.

Indem die Pädagogik in Elternhaus und Schule auf unangemessenes Autoritätsgebaren und auf Gewaltanwendung verzichtet und sich mit wahrem Verständnis dem kindlichen Seelenleben widmet, wird sie einen Menschentypus hervorbringen, der keine „Untertanen-Mentalität“ besitzt und darum für die Machthaber in der Welt kein gefügiges Werkzeug mehr sein wird.

Die Demokratisierung der Erziehung im Sinne der Achtung vor der kindlichen Persönlichkeit und die freundschaftliche Zuwendung des Erziehers zu seinem Zögling auf der Grundlage einer konsequenten zwischenmenschlichen Anti-Autorität wird den wertvollsten Beitrag zum Aufbau einer humanen Gesellschaftsordnung leisten.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist Lehrer (Rektor a. D.), Doktor der Pädagogik (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych. mit Schwerpunkt: Klinische-, Pädagogische-, Medien- sowie Individual-Psychologie). Viele Jahrzehnte unterrichtete er und bildete Fachkräfte fort. Als Pensionär arbeitete er als Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Fachartikeln fordert er eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung und eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Sein Lebensmotto (nach Albert Camus): Geben, wenn man kann. Und nicht hassen, wenn das möglich ist.



2. Feuerbach, Ludwig (1994). Das Wesen des Christentums. Stuttgart

3. Baumgarten, Franziska (1949). Die Deutschen Psychologen und die Zeitereignisse. Zürich

Featured image: BAZA Productions, courtesy of ShutterStock.

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During her campaign for the leadership of the British Conservative Party, Liz Truss told the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) that, if elected, she would consider relocating the British embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. At a subsequent meeting at the UN, Prime Minister Truss repeated the promise of a review to her “good friend” Yair Lapid, the interim Israeli prime minister. 

The status of Jerusalem is the thorniest issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the most bitter, prolonged and intractable international conflicts of modern times. East Jerusalem, along with the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, were captured by Israel in the June 1967 war and have ever since been viewed by the international community as occupied territory.

Israel claims the entire city as its eternal, undivided capital, while the Palestinians claim the eastern part as the capital of their hoped-for future state.

Israeli officials were naturally delighted that Truss floated the idea of moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and thereby recognising Israeli sovereignty over the city, as one of her first foreign policy moves as prime minister.

Palestinian leaders have warned that moving the embassy would undermine the two-state solution and destroy their relations with Britain. Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian ambassador to the UK, said it was “extremely unfortunate” that Truss used her first appearance at the UN as prime minister to “commit to potentially breaking international law”.

Violating UN resolutions

It is difficult to think of a foreign policy issue that is less in need of a review than the location of the British embassy in Israel. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would violate a raft of UN resolutions and amount to an abrupt reversal of British policy since 1967. This policy, part of a broad international consensus, has held that all embassies should stay in Tel Aviv until a comprehensive peace agreement is reached between Israel and the Palestinians, with Jerusalem as the shared capital of two states.

During her tenure as foreign secretary, Truss made no attempt to relocate the embassy. One can only speculate that she instigated the review for reasons of political expediency: to ingratiate herself with Israel and its supporters in Britain, and more specifically, with the CFI, whose membership includes most of the cabinet and around 80 percent of Tory backbenchers.

One Israeli newspaper recently described Truss as potentially the “most pro-Israel British prime minister ever”. This was no doubt intended as praise, but it ignores Britain’s historic responsibility for creating the problem in the first place.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was made in Britain. It all began with the Balfour Declarationof 1917 in support of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, although the Jews were only 10 percent of the country’s population at that time. The commitment that this would not be at the expense of “non-Jewish communities” was completely ignored by successive British governments. The declaration thus enabled a systematic Zionist colonial takeover of Palestine, a process that is still ongoing.

In June 1967, Israel completed the takeover of the whole of historic Palestine. Two weeks after the guns fell silent, Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem and merged it with West Jerusalem. The UN Security Council immediately denounced these measures as unlawful and invalid.

In 1980, when the Knesset formally annexed East Jerusalem, the Security Council censured Israel “in the strongest terms”. The United Kingdom voted for all of these resolutions.

Outrage and condemnation

US President Donald Trump was first world leader to break the long-standing agreement of the international community not to base embassies in Jerusalem until a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is reached. His decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem in 2018 was met with outrage across the Arab world and provoked widespread international condemnation. It also led to a flareup of violence in which dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. Theresa May, the British prime minister at the time, criticised the move.

Trump’s much-vaunted “deal of the century” was a crude attempt to redefine the two-state solution as Greater Israel, including about a third of the West Bank and the whole of Jerusalem, and a fragmented Palestinian mini-state surrounded by Israeli settlements and military bases. It was promptly and contemptuously rejected by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Despite Trump’s best efforts, only three states have followed his example of moving their embassies to Jerusalem: Kosovo, Guatemala and Honduras. All other 82 countries with diplomatic missions in Israel opted to keep their embassies in Tel Aviv. Some of these countries, including Britain, also have a consulate general in East Jerusalem, which serves as a channel of communication with the PA in Ramallah.

In her singularly pro-Israel stance and apparent indifference to Palestinian rights, Truss belongs to the mainstream of her party. All three prime ministers under whom she served have been staunch supporters of Israel. David Cameron described himself as a “passionate friend” of Israel and insisted that nothing could break that friendship.

Theresa May was probably the most pro-Israel leader in Europe during her premiership. In an address to the CFI in 2016, she described Israel as a “remarkable country … a thriving democracy, a beacon of tolerance, an engine of enterprise and an example to the rest of the world”. She furiously rejected a public petition, of which I was one of the signatories, to issue an official apology for the Balfour Declaration.

Strained relations

Boris Johnson carried the Israel-first Conservative policy a step further by placing Israel above international law. He resisted attempts to call it to account for its illegal actions and war crimes. In 2021, he announced that he opposed an International Criminal Court investigation into alleged war crimes in the occupied territories, noting in a letter to the CFI that while his government respected the independence of the court, it opposed this particular inquiry.

“This investigation gives the impression of being a partial and prejudicial attack on a friend and ally of the UK’s,” he wrote. The perverse logic of this statement is that being a friend and ally of the UK places Israel beyond international law and international scrutiny.

Like Johnson, Truss is a passionate proponent of post-Brexit Global Britain. Breaking international law, however, will do nothing to promote this brand – nor will it help to get a trade agreement with the US, which was touted as one of the major benefits of an independent foreign policy.

Truss’s loudly proclaimed intention, when she was foreign secretary, to unilaterally scrap the agreement with the European Union on Northern Ireland had already strained her relations with US President Joe Biden because of the peril he thought this would pose to the Good Friday agreement.

Following Trump’s example by moving the British embassy to Jerusalem would not go down well in the White House. Although Biden has not reversed the move of the American embassy, he has undertaken a series of measures to limit the damage done by his predecessor, and he has reverted to working with allies through the UN.

To move the British embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would be morally indefensible, legally questionable and politically damaging. It would be one of the most savage British blows to Palestinian statehood since the Balfour Declaration. It would also encourage Israel to continue to act with impunity, reinforcing the arrogance of power.

Israel and its supporters in this country would surely welcome the move, despite the damage to Britain’s standing in the world.

Rather than review the location of its embassy, the British government should reassess its relationship with Israel in light of present-day realities. In the last two years, reports by three major human rights organisations have concluded that Israel has become an apartheid state. These reports carefully document Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing, land confiscations, house demolitions, persecution of human rights defenders, detention of minors and tolerance of settler violence.

The sad truth is that since 1967, Israel has become addicted to occupation. A true friend does not indulge an addiction but tries to wean the addict from it.


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Avi Shlaim is an Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford University and the author of The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (2014) and Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations (2009).

Featured image is from Clicksbox / Shutterstock

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Even if the question of humanity’s survival in the face of a possible pre-emptive nuclear war (1) is currently at the centre of all considerations, wise Enlightenment thinkers should think “beyond the day” and consider how fellow human beings want to live in an Asian-style New World Order. Peace, freedom and justice remain desired goals of all human beings.

No matter how the world develops, humanity will not advance without the insights of scientific psychology. As a psychologist and psychotherapist of many years’ standing, the author stands by his prognosis. In the following, the development of modern psychology will be briefly presented.

It will not be easy to teach fellow citizens with different levels of education as well as young and old the knowledge about themselves and people in general. Up to now, they have been brought up in an authoritarian and religious way by parents, church and state and they are programmed in such a way that it will be difficult to make them aware of their problems.

But education means teaching people how to solve their problems and how to live. They should also learn what opinion they should have about themselves, their partners, neighbours, about the state and the community, and what attitude they should have towards their children.

It was not until the modern era that people began to recognise themselves

Before the age of psychology, in contrast to science based on causality, the magical worldview of the Middle Ages and religion held a firm grasp on people. It was believed that man’s soul was only undergoing a trial here in this world and that man belonged in heaven; there was eternal life.

It was Ludwig Feuerbach who shook up this problem by showing that this was not so (2). But his insight is still fought against and not passed on. Even today, the old principle of religion, the supernatural destiny of man, is still valid in schools. Even people’s feelings were not allowed to be researched; the Church was against it. Naturalists were therefore on the wrong track when they observed other peoples – the so-called savages.

It was only through the materialistic view of history in the century before last that people began to concern themselves with themselves. They began to recognise and interpret human beings and to explain to themselves why they behave the way they do. That was the beginning of the modern age.

The materialist conception of history was a great incursion into the world of people’s feelings. Karl Marx and the liberal socialists began to see man in the right way. If these thoughts had not been fought, humanity would already be much further ahead; people would be able to arrange life better for themselves in every respect. Marx had the German philosopher Wilhelm Hegel as his model. And he still saw God and the Absolute in nature.

Karl Marx, however, based himself on Feuerbach, rejected the supernatural tendency and found that man’s attitude can be changed. Depth psychology confirms this. Marx believed that man’s consciousness is determined by conditions (Being determines consciousness.). He brought man back to earth. He was also right that people change when their lives are secure, when they have a laid table. They then have different thoughts, different feelings and a different relationship with their fellow human beings. As long as people are afraid, they believe. In the materialistic view of history, belief in gods and supernatural beings ceased.

When social conditions change people associate with their fellow human beings, believe in them and empathise with them by appealing to them. The other person wants to live as well as I do, he wants to have a roof over his head. He joins in, said the liberal socialists, the anarchists. One must not be afraid of other people and see no danger in their freedom. The liberal socialists wanted to have a community where each person decides which way he wants to choose, with whom he wants to associate, how he wants to live. This freedom should be given to all people.

Freedom means that man has his security and does not have to beg for church soup. The principle of freedom should be understood in such a way that every working man knows that if he can no longer work, if he falls ill, that he will then have the same opportunity to live, that he will continue to have the wage he has today, that he can keep his home, that he can continue to live.

But there is one thing Karl Marx did not demand of people: that they could be set free immediately. He had envisaged revolutionaries taking over power and the state and then establishing justice and the right to life, land and property. If workers’ councils were in charge in the factories, the state would die off, withdraw. But this has proved to be a mistake, because people cannot develop under the principle of violence and authority, but become corrupt.

If consciousness is determined by being, as Marx said, then being begins when people are given freedom – and immediately! It is not the state that decides, but the community of people: the peasant, the employee, the worker in the factory and the community. There is no need for a commissioner or a city official to come and issue orders. What does someone who does not know the problem want to teach the farmer?

Depth psychology – a child of natural science

Without a materialistic view of history, psychology would not be at its present level of research. Psychology is a science about the being of human beings, about human nature. As an empirical science, it investigates the mental and spiritual life of man by means of systematic observation and on the basis of experience: how does man become, how does he grow up, what experiences does he have and how does he find his way in life.

Scientifically oriented psychologists observe, measure and analyse with the aim of recognising regularities and making their research results available to all people. In this way, psychology can teach people how to live naturally and solve their life problems. They also learn to recognise and understand their own feelings and ways of reacting and those of other people. When they learn about the emotional world of fellow human beings, they can also judge their deeds and ways of acting – those of their fellow citizens and those of politicians and those in power.

Unfortunately, the science of psychology is still underestimated or misjudged in many countries. Indeed, there is no politics without psychology, and the fact that wars are fought is also due to the lack of psychological knowledge. During German and worldwide fascism, most psychologists failed miserably and allowed themselves to be used for murderous wars (3).

The decisive breakthrough in the intellectual circles of society was only achieved by the natural sciences in the 17th century. This triggered a scientific revolution in connection with the Enlightenment. More than two centuries later, the Austrian physician, depth psychologist, cultural historian and religious critic Sigmund Freud discovered and researched the unconscious in humans and founded psychoanalysis.

Freud believed that the whole world was a hospital, a sick or insane asylum. There would be no human being who could solve his problems. If we look around the world today, we see that all people without exception are not healthy but psychologically irritated by traditional education. Experienced psychotherapists confirm this. For this reason, enlightenment and education of people are of great importance. More important, however, is the problem of education, which – according to the German writer Jean Paul – is the real lever arm of culture.

The importance of education for a future worth living

If we are concerned that all citizens live in a peaceful, free and just world in the future, that people understand each other and their fellow human beings, and that violence, wars and the domination of people over people come to an end, then we must turn to the problem of education and talk about past and future methods of education.

Recent research in depth psychology has made parents, teachers, pedagogues, psychologists and all other interested parties aware that man is the product of his upbringing to such an extent that we can hope that better, i.e. psychological, methods of upbringing will be able to train people who will be immune to the entanglements of the mania for power.

The educational methods of the past created a type of human being that could cause the tragedy of history. The authoritarian principle, for centuries regarded as the unquestionably valid basis of educational behaviour, already throttled people’s sense of community in their childhood years and equipped them with that readiness for aggression through which a violent world could persist in a state of violence.

By renouncing inappropriate authority and the use of violence in the parental home and school and devoting itself with true understanding to the child’s soul, pedagogy will produce a type of human being that does not have a “subject mentality” and will therefore no longer be a docile tool for those in power in the world.

The democratisation of education in the sense of respect for the child’s personality and the friendly devotion of the educator to his pupil on the basis of a consistent interpersonal anti-authority will make the most valuable contribution to the building of a humane social order.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a teacher (retired headmaster), doctor of education (Dr. paed.) and graduate psychologist (Dipl.-Psych. with specialisation in clinical, educational, media and individual psychology). He taught and trained professionals for many decades. As a retiree, he worked as a psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral values education and an education for public spirit and peace. His motto in life (after Albert Camus): Give when you can. And not to hate, if that is possible.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.



(2) Feuerbach, Ludwig (1994). The essence of Christianity. Stuttgart

(3) Baumgarten, Franziska (1949). The German Psychologists and the Events of the Times. Zürich

Featured image: BAZA Productions, courtesy of ShutterStock.

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US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday will host Pakistan Army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa at the Pentagon for talks amidst signs of enhanced military engagement between the two countries.

Last week, Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was in the town meeting top officials of the Biden Administration, including Secretary of State Tony Blinken.

Bajwa will be accorded an “enhanced honour cordon” at the riverside entrance of the Pentagon by Austin following which the two will be holding a meeting on bilateral and regional issues.

America’s engagement with Pakistan, in particular with its military, has increased in recent months. Last month, the US announced a $450 million F-16 fighter jet sustenance package for Pakistan — a move that was widely speculated as retaliation of India’s reluctance to criticise Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.

The F-16 package drew criticism from Indian external affairs minister S. Jaishankar, who called on the US to reflect on its relationship with Pakistan, and observed it ‘is not fooling anyone’ by claiming support for Pak’s F-16 was meant for counter-terrorism.

“At the end of the day… to say I am doing it for ‘counterterrorism’… you are talking of an aircraft of the capability of a F-16 (and) everyone knows where they are deployed. You are not fooling anybody by saying these things,” he said.

The US state department spokesperson Ned Price defended the decision.

“We don’t view our relationship with Pakistan… our relationship with India… in relation to one another… both partners of ours with different points of emphasis…” he said, responding to Jaishankar’s criticism.

“We look to both as partners, because we do have in many cases shared values. We do have in many cases shared interests. And the relationship we have with India stands on its own. The relationship we have with Pakistan stands on its own,” he said.


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Ukraine and the Balkans. US-NATO Flagrant Violations of Human Rights

October 5th, 2022 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The long-term crisis in the relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine entered its final – war phase on February 24th, 2022. The official reactions to the latest dramatic events in East Europe, which come from the Westerners, including the most important overseas Western political address, are usually dominated by two phrases:

“flagrant violation of international public law” and “violation of the territorial integrity of an internationally recognized state”.

The perpetrator of the acts is, of course, Russia, and, as it is claimed, the innocent victim is neighboring Ukraine.

However, the same Westerners do not want to see either flagrant violations by the Kiev regime of human rights in the Donbass Region since 2014 onward or flagrant violations of international public law and territorial integrity of the internationally recognized state in the case of the Balkans (Yugoslavia) in the 1990s. 

The ignorant attitude towards the provisions of international public law relevant to the Balkan case resulted, therefore, in the break-up of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the long wars in its two former federal units (Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) that took about 150,000 lives, produced more than two million displaced people and left behind a region to this day, almost three decades later, it has not politically stabilized and consolidated.

The West demonstrated an identical attitude towards the branch of law that it is ardently calling for these days concerning Ukraine, several years after the end of those wars, when it decided to actively engage in “protecting the endangered human rights of Kosovo Albanians” and “stopping the humanitarian catastrophe to which they were exposed”, as the official Western narrative was, explaining 78 days of the barbaric campaign of bombing Serbia and Montenegro in the spring of 1999. As we know, it ended with the complete physical destruction of the country and the de facto exclusion of Kosovo from its constitutional and legal framework of the Republic of Serbia. The self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo in February 2008 was, as well as the aggression against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999 contrary to all relevant customs of international public law. However, Western countries that today are leading in condemning similar Russian acts in Ukraine, were among the first to recognize the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo.

The policy of “double standards” in international relations and global politics used by great powers is not unknown and unrecorded in history.

However, after the Cold War 1.0 (1949−1989) up today, the absence of any Western standards in the practice of generally accepted and binding rules of the international “game”, however, is one of the focal dimensions of the international relations in the world politics.

The well-known dictum that sums up that insight – “The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they have to” – came from the pen of the famous ancient Greek historian and military leader from Athens – Thucydides (c. 460−c. 400 BC). Thus, almost two and a half millennia ago, the great historian taught that justice and rights, as its codified forms, exist in international relations and can only be among equals (inter pares). Major disagreements in this regard, which are the basis of what is happening today in Ukraine with potentially catastrophic consequences, occur when this “equal”, in this case, the great and powerful Russia, is not recognized as such and is not as such respected. Today, the Western policymakers made a crucial mistake with Russia as thinking this is the same state as it was in the 1990s during the wars of the Yugoslav succession. Unfortunately for them, today’s Russian Federation is not a Western puppet state from the Yeltsin’s period – it is today at least equal with the Western great powers including NATO as well. Those Western actors in global politics who would continue to overlook this “hard” fact concerning Russia and her role in the politics of the contemporary world, would lead the world to the dangerous edge of the abyss and push the world into it very quickly with their indolence and old policy of gangsterism in international relations.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic, former University Professor, a Research Fellow at Centre for Geostrategic Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, [email protected]

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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Participation of almost 208,000 Sikhs in the Khalistan referendums held in four countries to demand the liberation of Indian Punjab show that Sikhs have accelerated their movement.

So far, four referendums have been held in UK, Geneva, Italy and Canada in which the Sikh community actively participated in a huge number and favoured an independent Khalistan.

The first Khalistan referendum was held on October 31, 2021 in the UK, in which 30,000 Sikhs participated. On December 10, last year, over 6,000 people took part in referendum in Geneva and in Italy 62,000 Sikhs participated on July 4, 2022 in referendum. But, the huge turnout for the Sikh referendum, organised by the pro-Khalistani advocacy group Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) was held on September 18, this year in Brampton city-in the Canadian province of Ontario, which depicted that the issue of the Sikh independence movement is becoming a mainstream movement, as it was an unprecedented show of power, in which more than 110,000 Canadian Sikhs participated.

During the referendum, the Sikh community raised anti-India and pro-Khalistan slogans, while more than 2,000 cars took part in the pro-Khalistan rally.

Organisers of the SFJ, and Canada’s Member of Parliament for Niagra West for the Conservative party said: “Amazing turnout at Gore Meadows community centre in Brampton…attendance in Ontario for Khalistan voting has broken all previous records of voting in UK, Italy and Geneva.”

In interaction with media entities, Sikh leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun-General Counsel to SFJ displayed a proposed Khalistan Map with Shimla as its capital. He elaborated that referendum in Canada was organised in a peaceful and democratic way.

Gurpatwant Singh added: “Today, Canadians voted in the independence referendum to reclaim Shimla as the capital once Punjab is liberated from the Indian occupation. The voting in Punjab for the Khalistan referendum will start from January 26, 2023, coinciding with India’s 74th Republic Day.”

Undoubtedly, the referendum campaign by the SFJ has raised awareness in a global community regarding atrocities committed against Sikhs by New Delhi. It will also further pressurise India to hold an official referendum.

Notably, Sikhs’ referendum campaign is in accordance with the UN article which gives people the right to self-determination—stating that a referendum for independence in a peaceful and democratic way is the right of everyone.

Using its typical shrewd diplomatic tactics, India issued multiple requests to the Canadian government to stop the Khalistan referendum.

But, the Canadian government refused to stop the SFJ from holding a referendum and categorically informed the Indian rulers that it was held in a peaceful and democratic way within the legal parametres of Canadian Law.

And the Indian Ministry of External Affairs strongly objected to the referendum, terming it as a “farcical exercise held and supported by politically motivated extremist elements.”

Even, the Indian leading media outlets did not cover the peaceful demonstration of Sikh community and instead negatively covered the entire event.

In fact, India which, apparently, claims to be the largest democracy, acting upon the principles of liberalism and secularism has broken all the records of mistreatment of religious and ethnic minorities by acceleration of violence, genocide and massacre, perpetrated on them.

Since Narendar Modi, the leader of the fanatic ruling party BJP became the Indian Prime Minister, he started implementing ideology of Hindutva ((Hindu Nationalism). Under his regime, persecution of religious minorities such as Christians and particularly Muslims and Sikhs, including even of lower cast-Hindus have been intensified by the extremist Hindus.

In this respect, in its annual report of 2017, Human Rights Watch which conducted investigative work in 2016 pointed out Indian government’s failure to control growing attacks on Dalits and religious minorities—Sikh community.

The report explained: “Authorities continue to use sedition and criminal defamation laws to prosecute citizens who criticise government officials or oppose state policies. In rare cases in 2016, police were held accountable for abuses. In April, 47 policemen were sentenced to life in prison for involvement in the killing of 11 Sikhs in 1991 in the Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh state. Despite calls for repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, soldiers continue to have immunity from prosecution when deployed in areas of internal conflict.”

However, the Sikhs are fighting for a separate homeland since 1947, but the movement attained impetus by the efforts of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, which in 1984 resulted in most brutal operation against a highly sacred Sikh religious place-the Golden Temple complex (Harmandir Sahib) in Amritsar, Punjab, which resulted in killings of thousands of Sikhs.

In this connection, Indian Army led by General Kuldip Singh Brar, supported by troops and armoured vehicles had broken all records of the state terrorism and extra-judicial killings through the barbaric Operation Blue Star which occurred between 3–8 June 1984, ordered by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to control over the Harmandir Sahib complex.

In this context, in their book, “The Sikh Struggle”, Ramnarain Kumar and George Sieberer writes, “The army killed every Sikh who could be found inside the temple-complex. They were hauled out of rooms, brought to corridors on the circumference of the temple and with their hands tied behind their back, were shot in cold blood. Among the victims were many old men, women and children…However, all visitors were locked up in rooms for two days without any food, water, or electricity and were starved to death. Besides, the Harmandir Sahib remained under the army control for many months”.

The brutality of the Operation was not confined to the Harmandir Sahib. Indian armed forces simultaneously attacked 40 other historical gurdwaras all over East Punjab. When Sikhs in other states came to know about the desecration of the Harmandir Sahib and massacre of their brethren, they quickly left for Punjab. New Delhi tried to stop them before they could reach Punjab. Many Sikhs were assassinated on the way and many others were arrested.

In the same year of November, two dedicated Sikhs named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh who were posted at Premier Indira Gandhi’s residence in New Delhi, assassinated her. Then Hindu riots erupted in the capital and other cities in which more then 15,000 Sikhs were murdered in broad daylight by the supporters of Indira Gandhi, while police watched silently so as to provide the Hindus with free hand to massacre Sikhs.

Nevertheless, the attack on the Harmandir Sahib and genocide of Sikhs accelerated the liberation movement for Khalistan, as Bhindrenwale became a folk hero.

To maintain its control over the Harmandir Sahib, another attack was launched on the Temple in 1987, called ‘Operation Black Thunder’. That time only Sikh resistance which was natural outcome of the tragedy was the main target. Afterwards, ‘Operation Woodrose’ and ‘Operation Black Thunder-II’ were conducted against the Sikh community, which also killed them extra-judicially.

After these barbaric operations, Sikhs organised themselves into an armed power in order to fight the Indian state terrorism. Many Sikhs left India to escape religious persecution. Sikhs have spread out all over the world to keep the struggle for Khalistan alive.

It is of particular attention that New Delhi and Indian intelligence agency RAW is trying to create division between the Sikh community-platforms in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and Pakistan etc. In this context, a deliberate campaign has been launched to ban or disallow Indian diplomats or officials’ entry to gurdawaras for misusing them for their ulterior motives so as to divide the Sikh community.

In a statement, Gopal Singh Chawla leader of the Khalistan movement for independence had announced that “Peace for Sikhs” has stepped up registration process for the Khalistan referendum. He has asked the other Sikhs to resign and join the movement and revealed that 11000 to 13000 Sikh have already left Indian Army without any benefits and joined Khalistan movement—have reiterated that from now onward Sikhs will not fight for India. He pointed out that the Sikhs leaders have realised that Indian military leadership always post Sikh outfits on borders to meet any operation confrontation and it is either Sikhs or low caste Hindus who lay their lives for India, from now onwards Sikhs will only lay their lives for Khalistan.

Referring to the promise of Gandhi made with Sikhs in 1947 for Khalistan, which was never fulfilled by cunning Hindu rulers; Gopal Singh claimed that “Khalistan is the basic right if Sikh nation and Sikhs will now create Khalistan at any cost.”

Nonetheless, the timeline of various Khalistan referendums and rapid increase in the number of Sikhs who voted in favour of Independent Khalistan reflect that Sikhs have accelerated the movement for the liberation of Indian Punjab.


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Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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India Can Live with US-Pakistan Makeover

October 5th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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How Cuba Is Dealing with the Devastation of Hurricane Ian

October 5th, 2022 by Prof. Vijay Prashad

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On September 27, 2022, a tropical cyclone—Hurricane Ian—struck Cuba’s western province of Pinar del Río. Sustained winds of around 125 miles per hour lingered over Cuba for more than eight hours, bringing down trees and power lines, and causing damage not seen during previous tropical cyclones. The hurricane then lingered over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, picking up energy before striking the U.S. island of Cayo Costa, Florida, with approximately 155 mph winds. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) called it “one of the worst hurricanes to hit the area in a century.”

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center said that this year will be the “seventh consecutive above-average hurricane season.” Both Cuba and Florida have faced the wrath of the waters and winds, but beneath this lies the ferocity of the climate catastrophe. “Climate science is increasingly able to show that many of the extreme weather events that we are experiencing have become more likely and more intense due to human-induced climate change,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.

Prepare and Relieve

Cuba, said the WMO, is one of the “world leaders in terms of hurricane preparedness and disaster management.” This was not always the case. Hurricane Flora hit the eastern coast of the island on October 4, 1963. When news of the approaching hurricane reached Fidel Castro, he immediately ordered the evacuation of the homes of people who lived in the projected path of the storm (in Haiti, former dictator François Duvalier did not call for an evacuation, which led to the death of more than 5,000 people). Castro rushed to Camagüey, almost dying in the Cauto River as his amphibious vehicle was struck by a drifting log. Two years later, in his Socialism and Man in Cuba, Che Guevara wrote the Cuban people showed “exceptional deeds of valor and sacrifice” as they rebuilt the country after the devastation caused by Flora.

In 1966, the Cuban government created the Civil Defense System to prepare for not only extreme weather events such as hurricanes but also the outbreak of epidemics. Using science as the foundation for its hurricane preparedness, the Cuban government was able to evacuate 2 million people as Hurricane Ivan moved toward the island in 2004. As part of disaster management, the entire Cuban population participates in drills, and the Cuban mass organizations (the Federation of Cuban Women and the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution) work in an integrated manner to mobilize the population to respond to disasters.

The day before Hurricane Ian hit Cuba, 50,000 people were evacuated and taken to 55 shelters. No private vehicles or public transportation was visible on the streets. Work brigades were mobilized to work on the resumption of electricity supply after the storm had passed. In Artemisa, for instance, the Provincial Defense Council met to discuss how to react to the inevitable flooding. Despite the best efforts made by Cubans, three people died because of the hurricane, and the electrical grid suffered significant damage.


The entire island—including Havana—had no power for more than three days. The electrical grid, which was already suffering from a lack of major repairs, collapsed. Without power, Cubans had to throw away food that needed to be refrigerated and faced difficulty in preparing meals, among other hardships. By October 1, less than five days after landfall, 82 percent of the residents of Havana had their power restored with work ongoing for the western part of the island (the amount of time without power in Puerto Rico, which was hit by Hurricane Fiona on September 18, is longer—a quarter of a million people remain without power more than two weeks later).

The long-term impact of Hurricane Ian is yet to be assessed, although some believe the cost of damages will surpass $1 billion. More than 8,500 hectares of cropland have been hit by the flooding, with the banana crop most impacted. The most dramatic problem will be faced by Cuba’s tobacco industry since Pinar del Río—where 5,000 farms were destroyed—is its heartland (with 65 percent of the country’s tobacco production). Hirochi Robaina, a tobacco farmer in Pinar del Río, wrote, “It was apocalyptic. A real disaster.”


Mexico and Venezuela immediately pledged to send materials to assist in the reconstruction of the electrical grid on the island.

All eyes turned to Washington—not only to see whether it would send aid, which would be welcome, but also if it would remove Cuba from the state sponsors of terrorism list and end sanctions imposed by the United States. These measures cause banks in both the United States and elsewhere to be reluctant to process any financial transactions, including humanitarian donations. The U.S. has a mixed record regarding humanitarian aid to Cuba. After Hurricane Michelle (2001), Hurricane Charley (2004), and Hurricane Wilma (2005), the U.S. did offer assistance, but would not even temporarily lift the blockade. After the fire at a Matanzas oil storage facility in August 2022, the U.S. did offer to join Mexico and Venezuela to help the Cubans put out the fire. Cuba’s Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Fernández de Cossio offered “profound gratitude” for the gesture, but the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden did not follow through.

Rather than lift the sanctions even for a limited period, the U.S. government sat back and watched as mysterious forces from Miami unleashed a torrent of Facebook and WhatsApp messages to drive desperate Cubans onto the street. Not a moment is wasted by Washington to use even a natural disaster to try to destabilize the situation in Cuba (a history that goes back to 1963, when the Central Intelligence Agency reflected on how to leverage natural disasters for political gains). “Most people don’t shout out freedom,” a person who observed one of these protests told us. “They ask for power and food.”


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This article was produced by Globetrotter.

Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor, and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter. He is an editor of LeftWord Books and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He is a senior non-resident fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He has written more than 20 books, including The Darker Nations and The Poorer Nations. His latest books are Struggle Makes Us Human: Learning from Movements for Socialism and (with Noam Chomsky) The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S. Power.

Manolo De Los Santos is the co-executive director of the People’s Forum and is a researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He co-edited, most recently, Viviremos: Venezuela vs. Hybrid War (LeftWord Books/1804 Books, 2020) and Comrade of the Revolution: Selected Speeches of Fidel Castro (LeftWord Books/1804 Books, 2021). He is a co-coordinator of the People’s Summit for Democracy.

Featured image is from Countercurrents

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Pipeline Terror Is the 9/11 of the Raging Twenties

By Pepe Escobar, October 05, 2022

There’s no question that future unbiased historians will rank Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address on the Return of the Baby Bears – Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia – on September 30 as a landmark inflection point of the Raging Twenties.

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Pipeline Terror Is the 9/11 of the Raging Twenties

October 5th, 2022 by Pepe Escobar

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There’s no question that future unbiased historians will rank Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address on the Return of the Baby Bears – Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia – on September 30 as a landmark inflection point of the Raging Twenties.

The underlying honesty and clarity mirror his speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, but this time largely transcending the trappings of the geopolitical New Great Game.

This was an address to the collective Global South. In a key passage, Putin remarked how “the world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, which are fundamental in nature. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority.”

As he made the direct connection between multipolarity and strengthening of sovereignty, he took it all the way to the emergence of a new anti-colonial movement, a turbocharged version of the Non-Aligned Movement of the 1960s:

“We have many like-minded people all over the world, including in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. A liberating, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is already developing in various countries and societies. Its subjectivity will only grow. It is this force that will determine the future geopolitical reality.”

Yet the speech’s closure was all about transcendence – in a spiritual tone. The last full paragraph starts with “Behind these words stands a glorious spiritual choice”.

Post-post-modernism starts with this speech. It must be read with utmost care so its myriad implications may be grasped. And that’s exactly what tawdry Western spin and a basket of demeaning adjectives will never allow.

The speech is a concise road map to how we got to this incandescent historical crossroads – where, to venture beyond Gramsci, the old order refuses to acknowledge its death while the new one is inexorably being born.

There’s no turning back. The key consequence of a largely documented fact – “a hybrid war is being waged against Russia because it stands in the way of the neocolonial world order” – is that Russia is getting ready for an all-out collision with the Empire of Lies.

Alongside top Eurasian powers China and Iran. Imperial vassals in this case are at best collateral damage.

Moreover, it’s quite telling that Putin’s speech followed India’s External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, stressing the “pillaging of India by the colonial power” at the UN General Assembly.

Putin’s speech and Russia’s resolve to fight the – hybrid and otherwise – war against the collective West set up the Macro Picture.

The Micro Picture regards the see-saw in the battlefields in Ukraine, and even the blow-up of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines: a desperate gambit, a few days before the result of the referendums and their official recognition on September 30.

Where’s Osama when we need him?

As working hypotheses swirl on how the deed was done, a few things are quite clear.

Russia had absolutely no motive to destroy billions of dollars of Gazprom’s energy infrastructure: they could always use it as leverage; and they could just turn it off – as they did, because of the sanctions dementia – and re-route the gas to Asian customers.

A White House “led” by a senile teleprompter reader, mired in a black politico-economic void, was most certainly clueless.

The prime suspect is a rogue National Security/State Department faction – part of what is known in the Beltway as The Blob. Call them Straussians or neo-con fanatics, these are the players who are conducting a US foreign “policy” whose central premise is the destruction of Russia – with the European “allies” as collateral damage.

An inevitable – certainly unforeseen – consequence is that in this new twist in the War of Economic Corridors, all bets are off: no pipeline or undersea cable, anywhere in the world, is now safe and may become fair game in retaliation.

So the blow-up of the twin pipes – NS and NS2 – is 9/11 remixed Pipeline Terror. With no Islamist with a Kalashnikov hiding in an Afghan cave to take the fall.

Financial losses will involve quite a few weighty players. The shareholders of Nord Stream AG are Gazprom (51%); Wintershall Dea AG (15.5%); PEG Infrastruktur AG, a subsidiary of E.ON Beteiligungen (15.5%); N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie (9%) and Engie (9%).

So this is an attack not only against Russia and Germany but also against major European energy companies.

NS2 is an engineering marvel: over 200,000 pipe segments coated with 6” of concrete, each weighing 22 tons, laid out on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

And just when it seemed that all was lost, well, not really. The engineering marvel theme resurfaced: the pipes are so strong they were not broken, but merely punctured. Gazprom revealed there’s an intact string of NS2 that may “potentially” be used.

The bottom line is that reconstruction is possible, as Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak stressed: “There are technical possibilities to restore the infrastructure, it requires time and appropriate funds. I am sure that appropriate opportunities will be found.”

But first, Russia wants to conclusively identify the perpetrators.

Henry Kissinger, sore loser

US establishment oracle cum notorious war criminal, Henry Kissinger, could not get rid of his trademark Return of the Living Dead act, saying Russia has “already lost the war” because its capacity to threaten Europe with conventional attacks, which it had enjoyed for decades or even centuries, “has now been demonstrably overcome.”

Moscow was not “threatening” Europe with anything conventional or otherwise; it was trying to do business, and the Americans blocked it with a vengeance, even resorting to Pipeline Terror.

This American tactical victory was achieved in only seven months, and cost next to nothing. The results may seem impressive: US hegemony over the whole EU spectrum is now undisputed, as Russia lost its economic leverage. But that will only deepen Moscow’s resolve –as stressed by Putin’s speech – to take the fight against the Empire and its vassals to the limit.

On the Ukraine battlefields, that means forcing them to the negotiating table on Russia’s terms. And then force them to agree to a new European “indivisibility of security” arrangement.

And to think that all that could have been accomplished with a simple phone call in late 2021, when Moscow sent letters to Washington proposing a serious discussion.

In fact, it’s the US that has “already lost the war”: at least 87% of the world – including virtually the whole Global South – has already concluded this is a rogue, rudderless empire.

“Losing”, Kissinger-style, also means that in only 7 months, Russia annexed 120,000 km2 – or 22% of Ukrainian territory – that produces nearly 90% of GDP and has over 5 million citizens. Along the way, the allied forces basically destroyed the Ukrainian army, which they continue to do 24/7; billions of dollars of NATO equipment; accelerated the demise of most Western economies; and evaporated the notion of American hegemony.

As for Stupidistan Unplugged, the Oscar goes to Secretary Blinken, who gave away the game by saying the blow-up of the twin pipelines was a “tremendous strategic opportunity”.

Just like 9/11 was a “tremendous strategic opportunity” for indiscriminate invasion/bombing/killing/plunder across the lands of Islam.

Shock’n Awe is back

The EU is on the way to surefire Trade Devastation. From now on, any possibility of energy trade with Russia would have to be a consequence of the collapse of both NATO and the EU. That may happen, but it will take time. So what next?

The EU cannot rely on Asia: far away and impossibly expensive in terms of LNG liquefaction and re-gasification costs. Any pipeline – for instance, from Kazakhstan – would be crossing Russia or coming from China via Russia. Forget about Turkmenistan; it already ships its gas to China.

The EU cannot rely on West Asia. Turk Stream is fully booked. The whole production of the Persian Gulf is already bought. If – and that’s a major “if” – there was more gas available, it would be a small amount from Azerbaijan (and Russia might disrupt it). Iran remains sanctioned by the Empire – a fabulous own goal. Iraq and Syria are still plundered by the US.

That leaves Africa – where, as it stands, France is being unceremoniously kicked out, nation after nation. Italy may eventually pipe gas to German industry from Algeria, Libya and the Cyprus-Israel fields. There will be an absolutely mad scramble for Saharan gas fields and gas in central Africa – from Uganda to South Sudan.

The Baltic may be a NATO lake, but Russia could easily decide to make waves, for instance transporting LNG in barges to German ports via Kaliningrad – which is ice-free during winter. If Lithuania would try to block it, Mr. Khinzal could settle the issue by presenting his business card. Russia could also use the Gulf of Finland, not a problem for those massive Russian icebreakers.

This means Russia could easily destroy the competition – as in absurdly expensive LNG coming from the US. After all, St. Petersburg to Hamburg is only about 800 nautical miles; and from Kaliningrad, only 400 nautical miles.

The whole chessboard is about to be radically changed before the arrival of General Winter. 9/11 led to the bombing, invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Pipeline 9/11 is leading to a Shock’n Awe on NATO – to take place in Ukraine. Blowback is back – with a vengeance.


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Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst and author. His latest book is Raging Twenties. He’s been politically canceled from Facebook and Twitter. Follow him on Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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US, UK Behind Nord Stream Sabotage? Military Expert

October 4th, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Western media have tried to suggest that the Nord Stream pipeline incident was the result of a Russian sabotage operation, but this narrative does not seem to convince even Western experts. Recently, a former Pentagon adviser stated that the US and UK appear to be responsible for the operation that led to the Nord Stream 1 and 2 explosions. The evident Western involvement in this crime should be reason for condemnation by international society.

Participating in an episode of the Judging Freedom podcast with host Andre Napolitano, former US Secretary of Defense’s advisor Douglas Macgregor stated that the US and UK could be the countries behind the recent pipeline explosion. Macgregor has categorically stated that the Russians did not participate in such an operation and that an eventual German self-sabotage plan also sounds very unlikely. For him, the US and UK are the countries that not only seem more interested in this type of attitude, but also with the greatest technical and operational capacity to conduct this type of work.

Macgregor, as expected, did not speak in an accusatory manner, and made it clear that he does not have concrete data to say who is behind the crime, but he stated emphatically that only Americans and British seem to have the technical and material conditions necessary to meet the demands of this type of operation.

“The Russians did not do this (…) You have to look at who are the state actors that have the capability to do this. And that means the [UK’s] Royal Navy and the United States’ Navy (…) I think that’s pretty clear”, he said during the interview with Napolitano.

He also commented on how the circumstances lead to believe that the US actually participated in the act, remembering, for example, the post by Poland’s former foreign minister, European parliament member Radoslaw Sikorski on his social network literally thanking the US for the attack against the Nord Stream. Considering Sikorski’s position as a high-ranking European official, it is likely that he does have concrete information that legitimizes this conclusion. Although Mcgregor did not comment in detail on the case, it is even possible to think of some degree of Polish participation in this type of attack, as Poland is one of the most interested parties – both politically and economically – in the end of the Nord Stream project.

In fact, the opinion of a former Pentagon advisor is absolutely devoid of any pro-Russian ideological stance. McGregor is analyzing the case in a technical, impartial way, truly committed to the truth. Many western media outlets are claiming that believing the US carried out the Nord Stream attack would be some sort of “pro-Russian conspiracy theory”, but this is not true. Circumstances suggest an American participation, as claimed by Western military experts themselves. This is not a war of narratives about who would or would not have done the sabotage, but a simple analytical conclusion: the US and UK have political and economic interests in destroying Russian gas pipelines, as wells as the material conditions and technical apparatus necessary to do so.

In this sense, Russia has encouraged the advancement of investigations, including within the scope of the UN. Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya told the UNSC that his country defends a thorough investigation into the sabotage against the gas pipelines and made it clear that Moscow does not believe in the hypothesis that the attack was organized by conventional terrorists, suggesting that it was planned by professional intelligence agencies.

“Russia calls for a thorough investigation to find out the real cause of what happened (…) It is absolutely clear to us that ordinary terrorists aren’t capable of carrying out sabotage activities of this complexity and scale. We view actions aimed at damaging the gas pipelines as a deliberate act of sabotage against Russia’s crucial energy facility (…) We will certainly establish all those involved in this act of sabotage”, Nebenzia said during the UNSC meeting.

It is necessary that the entire international society mobilizes to demand the same as Russia, that the truth about the case be revealed through the advancement of investigations. It is unacceptable that international organizations, especially those directly affected, such as the EU, remain silent in the face of this crime. If the experts’ suspicions about US and UK (and possibly Poland’s) participation are proven, these countries should be brought to responsibility.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter.

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A peer-reviewed scientific review in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, written by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good

Data from Israel shows myocarditis post-jab is occurring at a rate of 1 in 6,000. Hong Kong data from male children and teens found a rate of 1 in 2,700

Data from the British Yellow Card system shows 1 in 120 people who have received at least one mRNA injection suffer an adverse event “that is beyond mild.” In Norway, the rate of serious adverse events post-jab is 1 in 1,000 after two doses of Pfizer

Researchers looking at data from the FDA, Health Canada and the Pfizer and Moderna trials concluded the absolute risk of a serious adverse event from the mRNA shots was 1 in 800, which massively exceeds the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization found in randomized controlled trials

Leaked audio from a June 2022 meeting between Israeli researchers and the Israeli Ministry of Healthy reveals the Pfizer jab causes long-term adverse effects and is associated with more severe side effects upon rechallenge (i.e., with repeated doses). While the researchers wanted to warn the public, the Ministry altered their final report to say that adverse effects are mild and short-lived. The government then canceled any further research into adverse effects


The COVID jabs are an absolute disaster, with injuries and deaths piling up by the day. Yet so-called health authorities, doctors, media, drug makers and many of the jabbed themselves claim there’s nothing to see here. Ever since their release, brave medical professionals have spoken out against them, calling for a more cautious approach.

Now, a peer-reviewed scientific review,1 2 3 published in two parts4 5 in the Journal of Insulin Resistance calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good.

According to this paper, “Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Through Real Evidence-Based Medicine,” authored by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra:

“In the non-elderly population the ‘number needed to treat’ to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalized from COVID-19.

Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety.

Mirroring a potential signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was seen in 2021, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group.

Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.”

COVID Jab Boomerang 

In recent months, disability, excess mortality and live birth statistics all point in the same direction. Something horrific started happening around April 2021, and continues to get worse. Something is killing an extraordinary number of people in the prime of their life, who should have decades left to live. Something is causing people to file for permanent disability in numbers we’ve not seen before.

What changed in the world, in 2021? That is the question. The answer is ridiculously simple to answer, yet many choose to drive their heads deeper into the sand than face plain facts. The COVID shots, using mRNA technology to trigger antibody production in a way that had never been used before, were rolled out in 2021 under emergency use authorization. That’s what changed.

At the time of their rollout, human trials were far from finished, and much of their value had already been destroyed by unblinding the trials and offering the real injection to everyone in the placebo groups.6

This year, we’ve also come to realize that Pfizer, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all repeatedly lied about the safety and effectiveness of the shots, as Pfizer’s own trial data show they’re about as dangerous as they come.

The only reason we now know this is because the FDA was sued and forced by a judge to release the trial data they initially wanted to keep hidden for 75 years. Pfizer data is now being released at a pace of 55,000 pages per month,7 and these batches have proven to be a treasure trove of bad and worse news.

Pfizer hid serious injuries, falsely categorizing almost all of them as unrelated to the shot without investigation, and misrepresented data showing massive risks as being of no concern. Participants who suffered serious injuries were often simply withdrawn from the trial, and their data excluded from the results.8

Real-world data now conclusively show these risks are extremely real. For example, Pfizer’s Phase 3 clinical trial showed an increased risk for cardiac problems, and during 2021, U.K. ambulance services recorded an extra 27,800 cardiac arrest calls above the national average in previous years, or about 500 per day9 10 — and disproportionally among the young.11 Importantly, COVID-19 cannot account for this rise, as the relevant increase began in the spring of 2021.

A Change of Heart

Aseem Malhotra new peer reviewed paper

In his paper, Malhotra details his personal journey from staunch COVID jab proponent to concerned questioner. He got Pfizer’s two-dose regimen at the end of January 2021. You can see more of Maholtra’s efforts in the lecture he recently gave captured in the video above.

A few months later, his father, who also got the shot, suffered cardiac arrest six months after his second dose. The post-mortem findings were “shocking and inexplicable,” Malhotra writes, and got him to take another look at the data.

“After six months of critically appraising the data myself, speaking to eminent scientists involved in COVID-19 research, vaccine safety and development, and two investigative medical journalists, I have slowly and reluctantly concluded that contrary to my own initial dogmatic beliefs, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is far from being as safe and effective as we first thought,” Malhotra writes.12

He goes on to review how post-mortem examination revealed his father, who was extremely active and fit, had severe blockages in two of the three major arteries. His left anterior descending artery was 90% blocked and his right coronary was 75% blocked. The last scan, “a few years earlier,” according to Malhotra, had revealed perfect blood flow and no obstructions. He continues:13

“I couldn’t explain his post-mortem findings, especially as there was no evidence of an actual heart attack … This was precisely my own special area of research. That is, how to delay progression of heart disease and even potentially reverse it … Then, in November 2021, I was made aware of a peer-reviewed abstract published in Circulation, with concerning findings.

In over 500 middle-aged patients under regular follow up, using a predictive score model based on inflammatory markers that are strongly correlated with risk of heart attack, the mRNA vaccine was associated with significantly increasing the risk of a coronary event within five years from 11% pre-mRNA vaccine to 25% 2–10 weeks post mRNA vaccine.

An early and relevant criticism of the validity of the findings was that there was no control group, but nevertheless, even if partially correct, that would mean that there would be a large acceleration in progression of coronary artery disease, and more importantly heart attack risk, within months of taking the jab.

I wondered whether my father’s Pfizer vaccination, which he received six months earlier, could have contributed to his unexplained premature death and so I began to critically appraise the data.”

Data Points to Consider 

Malhotra reviews a number of data points in the paper, including:14

  • Pfizer data showing there were four cardiac arrests in the injection group and only one in the placebo group.
  • The misleading use of relative risk reduction (95%) when speaking of effectiveness, rather than absolute risk reduction, which was only 0.84%.
  • 119 people would have to be injected to prevent one positive test, which may or may not be indicative of infection.
  • Pfizer’s trial found no statistically significant reduction in serious illness or COVID mortality from the injection over the course of six months (the length of the trial). Moreover, the risk of serious COVID-19 infection in the placebo group was only 0.04%, showing just how low the risk of serious illness was in the first place, and this despite the fact that the regions chosen for the trial were chosen for their perceived high prevalence of infection.
  • While there were two deaths from COVID in the placebo group and only one COVID death in the injection group, all-cause mortality over a longer period revealed 19 deaths in the injection group and 17 deaths in the placebo group.
  • The pediatric trial used a surrogate measure of antibody levels rather than reduction in symptomatic infection, even though there was no known correlation between antibody levels and protection from infection. The FDA even warns that: “[R]esults from currently authorized SARS-COV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate a person’s level of immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination.”

Extrapolating Data to Determine Protection Against Death

Malhotra goes on to describe how he extrapolated data to determine the level of protection these mRNA shots provide against COVID-related death:15

“Now that we know what the published trial did and did not show in terms of the vaccine efficacy, we can attempt to extrapolate what the effect of the vaccine would be in reducing mortality or any other adverse outcome from the virus.

If there is a 1 in 119 chance the vaccine protects you from getting symptomatic infection from ancestral variants, then to find the protection against death, this figure (n = 119) must be multiplied by the number of infections that lead to a single death for each age group.

This would give (for up to two months after the inoculation) the absolute risk reduction (for death) from the vaccine. For example, if my risk at age 44 from dying from Delta (should I get infected with it) is 1 in 3,000, then the absolute risk reduction from the vaccine protecting me from death is 1 over 3,000 multiplied by 119, that is, 1 per 357,000 …

From observational data it is possible to calculate the number who would need to be vaccinated to prevent a COVID-19 death. For example, comparing the population death rates during the Delta wave gives 230 for people over 80s needing to be vaccinated to prevent a single death in that period with that number rising to 520 for people in their 70s and 10,000 for people in their 40s …

Depending on your age, several hundreds or thousands of people like you would need to be injected in order to prevent one person from dying from the Delta variant of COVID-19 over a period of around three months.

For the over 80s, this figure is at least 230, but it rises the younger you are, reaching at least 2,600 for people in their 50s, 10,000 for those in their 40s, and 93,000 for those between 18 and 29 years. For omicron, which has been shown to be 30% – 50% less lethal, meaning significantly more people would need to be vaccinated to prevent one death.”

What Are the Harms? 

Next, Malhotra reviews the hams, noting that one of the most common side effects reported is myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, especially among young men. He rejects health authorities’ claim that myocarditis is far more prevalent in those who suffer serious COVID infection, stating:16

“Incidence of myocarditis rocketed from spring 2021 when vaccines were rolled out to the younger cohorts having remained within normal levels for the full year prior, despite COVID-19.

With the most up-to-date evidence, a paper from Israel found that the infection itself, prior to roll- out of the vaccine, conferred no increase in the risks of either myocarditis or pericarditis from COVID-19, strongly suggesting that the increases observed in earlier studies were because of the mRNA vaccines, with or without COVID-19 infections as an additional risk in the vaccinated …

Although vaccine-induced myocarditis is not often fatal in young adults, MRI scans reveal that, of the ones admitted to hospital, approximately 80% have some degree of myocardial damage. It is like suffering a small heart attack and sustaining some — likely permanent — heart muscle injury.”

Data from Israel shows myocarditis post-jab is occurring at a rate of 1 in 6,000. Hong Kong data from male children and teens found a rate of 1 in 2,700. Data from the British Yellow Card system shows 1 in 120 people who have received at least one mRNA injection suffer an adverse event “that is beyond mild.”

In Norway, Malhotra notes, the rate of serious adverse events post-jab is 1 in 1,000 after two doses of Pfizer. These are injuries that are life changing for the worse.

In all, nearly 500,000 adverse events had been reported to the Yellow Card system when Malhotra wrote this paper, which he points out is “unprecedented in the modern medical era and equals the total number of reports received in the first 40 years of the Yellow Card reporting system (for all medicines — not just vaccines) up to 2020.”

What VAERS Data Tell Us 

The same trend is seen in the U.S., where the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received more adverse event reports for the COVID jabs than all other vaccines over the last 30 years combined. Malhotra writes:

“As with the UK’s system, the level of reports — including serious ones — associated with COVID-19 vaccines is completely unprecedented. For example, over 24,000 deaths have now been recorded in VAERS as of March 2, 2022; 29% of these occurred within 48 h of injection, and half within two weeks.

The average reporting rate prior to 2020 was less than 300 deaths per annum. One explanation often given for this is that the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out is unprecedented in scope; however, this is not valid, since (for the last decade at any rate) the United States has administered 150 million – 200 million vaccinations annually.”

Another criticism of VAERS is that ‘anyone can make an entry,’ yet, in fact, an analysis of a sample of 250 early deaths suggested that the vast majority are hospital or physician entries, and knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law punishable by fine and imprisonment.

Given that VAERS was set up to generate early signals of potential harm for new vaccines, and was instrumental in doing so for several products, it seems perverse to only now criticize it as unreliable when there seem to have been no changes in the way it operates.”

It has been estimated that serious adverse effects that are officially reported are actually a gross underestimate, and this should be borne in mind … For example, a paper by David Kessler (a former FDA Commissioner) cites data suggesting that as few as 1% of serious adverse events are reported to the FDA. Similarly, in relation to the Yellow Card scheme in the United Kingdom, it has been estimated that only 10% of serious adverse effects are reported.”

1 in 800 Absolute Risk of Serious Side Effect

Malhotra also cites a recent study17 “coauthored by some of the most trusted medical scientists in the world in relation to data transparency,” which looked at data from the FDA, Health Canada and the Pfizer and Moderna trials.

“Researchers looking at data from the FDA, Health Canada and the Pfizer and Moderna trials concluded the absolute risk of a serious adverse event from the mRNA shots was 1 in 800, which massively exceeds the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization found in randomized controlled trials.”

They concluded the absolute risk of a serious adverse event from the mRNA shots was 1 in 800, which massively exceeds the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization found in randomized controlled trials.

“Given these observations, and reappraisal of the randomized controlled trial data of mRNA products, it seems difficult to argue that the vaccine roll-out has been net beneficial in all age groups … and when the possible short-, medium- and unknown longer-term harms are considered (especially for multiple injections, robust safety data for which simply does not exist), the roll-out into the entire population seems, at best, a reckless gamble,” Malhotra writes.18

“It’s important to acknowledge that the risks of adverse events from the vaccine remain constant, whereas the benefits reduce over time, as new variants are (1) less virulent and (2) not targeted by an outdated product.

Having appraised the data, it remains a real possibility that my father’s sudden cardiac death was related to the vaccine. A pause and reappraisal of vaccination Policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.”

The Israeli Cover-Up

israeli ministry of health caught lying and manipulating expert report

In related news, leaked audio from a June 2022 meeting between Israeli researchers and the Ministry of Healthy reveals the researchers knew the COVID shots were associated with serious risks and wanted to alert the public.

However, whereas the researchers pointed out evidence showing the Pfizer jabs cause long-term adverse effects and are associated with more severe side effects upon rechallenge (i.e., with repeated doses), the Ministry altered the researcher’s final report to say that adverse effects are mild and short-lived. The government then canceled any further research into adverse effects.

At the end of September 2022, GB News interviewed Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz, who broke the story internationally19 (see video above for leaked audio and GB’s report).20 21 Importantly, the researchers noted the phenomenon of rechallenge is very strong evidence of causality, meaning the shots are definitely causing the problems reported.

However, they also warned the Ministry of Health that they’d have to be careful with the wording and think “medical-legal,” as the evidence would expose the government to liability, since they’d not been upfront with the risks and had endorsed the shots. The Ministry, apparently, decided to simply alter the conclusions of the study and close down further investigation rather than risk liability.

COVID Jab Makers Seek Authorization for Child Boosters 

At the same time as more and more damning data are coming to light, Pfizer and Moderna are both seeking emergency use authorization for their bivalent COVID boosters for children. Moderna is seeking authorization for children ages 6 through 17, while Pfizer’s shot is for children aged 5 through 11.22 As reported by Reuters September 23, 2022:23

“… the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it expects COVID-19 vaccine boosters targeting circulating variants of the virus to be available for children aged 5-11 years by mid-October.

Moderna’s mRNA-1273.222, a bivalent booster shot, contains the dominant BA.4/BA.5 variants along with the original coronavirus strain. The updated vaccine is already authorized for adults, while rival Pfizer’s bivalent vaccine is authorized as a booster dose for children over 12 years of age.”

Follow the Data and Think for Yourself

Considering how reckless the FDA and CDC have been so far, there’s little doubt they’ll authorize these reformulated boosters for children, even though they’ve only been tested for antibody levels in mice. Meanwhile, in the real world, the injuries and deaths continue to pile up.

Were there any sanity and humanity left inside the walls of our health agencies, these shots would be pulled from the market without delay. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case, which means We the People are the ones who must put a stop to the carnage by educating each other and simply saying “NO” to these and all future mRNA shots.


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Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71

2 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper

3 Daily Sceptic September 25, 2022

4  Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper Part 1

5 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper Part 2

6 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 5

7 FDA News January 10, 2022

8 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 5

9 Emergency-Live March 17, 2022

10 Maajid Nawaz Substack September 26, 2022

11 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 6

12 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 2

13 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 2

14 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper

15 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 4

16 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 5

17 Vaccine September 22, 2022; 40(40): 5798-5805

18 Journal of Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1): a71 Full paper, Page 7

19 Brownstone September 20, 2022

20 Twitter Efrat Fenigson September 24, 2022

21 COVID Truths

22 CNN September 26, 2022

23 Reuters September 23, 2022

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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How a U.S. Colony Works: The Case of Germany

October 4th, 2022 by Eric Zuesse

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On 15 July 2022, Britain’s Reuters news agency headlined “70% of Germans back Ukraine despite high energy prices, survey shows”, and reported that “Some 70% of those polled backed Germany’s support for Ukraine, … found the survey conducted between July 12-14 by broadcaster ZDF.” ZDF is funded by the German Government — German taxpayers. 

Germany’s AfD Party is one of the two Parties in Germany that are less than enthusiastically backing Germany’s anti-Russia position, the other such Party being “Die Linke” or “The Left” Party, which is Germany’s only socialist democratic Party, despite West Germany’s “Social Democratic Party” calling itself “democratic socialist” while being neither. 

The AfD Party issued a press release, on 25 August 2022, “Stephan Brandner: Skandalöse „Politische Filter“ beeinflussen NDR-Berichterstattung” or “Stephan Brandner: Scandalous ‘political filters’ influence NDR reporting.” It reported that Mr. Brandner, who is an AfD Member of the German Parliament, said that

After the self-service affair about the now hated RBB director Schlesinger, reminiscent of feudal structures, an online magazine now reports that employees on North German radio complain about ‘political filters’ from their superiors. According to the report …, public service broadcasting executives act like ‘ministerial press officers’. … 

As an AfD politician I am not surprised. After all, ARD and ZDF only report on the AfD with a ‘political filter’ and, for example, no longer invite AfD politicians to talk shows. … Compulsory contributions [by taxpayers, to ‘public broadcasting’] should be abolished.

Mr. Brandner provided no evidence for any of his allegations. (That’s the way politics is in a dictatorship. How can the public vote intelligently if they are routinely accepting allegations that are being made without supplying documentation? That’s a dictatorship by lies and liars, and no democracy-capable public would accept it. In science, what is not documented to be true is assumed to be false — not assumed to be true. A democratic country operates on the basis of science, not on the basis of faith.)

However, this doesn’t mean that Mr. Brandner’s allegations there are necessarily false. One reason why they could very well be true is that there are six Parties in Germany, and the current governing coalition consists of the three that take the hardest line against Russia, and for America, and for the post-2014, U.S.coup, anti-Russian, Ukrainian Government.

The ruling coalition, those three Parties, are called the “traffic-light coalition”, and include the rabidly neoconservative (or pro-U.S.-empire) anti-Russian Green Party, plus the U.S. Democratic Party-allied so-called “Social Democratic Party,” plus the rabidly libertarian or “neoliberal” (pro-free-market, anti-regulation, and generally U.S.-Republican-Party-allied) Free Democratic Party; and they EXCLUDE (or give the red light to, and prevent from participating in the Government) the three least-anti-Russian Parties, which are The Left Party (the authentic democratic socialists, or progressives, ideologically opposed to any imperialism), the AfD Party (nationalists), and the U.S.-Republican-Party-allied CDU/CSU Christian Democratic and Christian Social Union Party. 

Brandner raised an important question, without providing any evidence regarding its solution. But here are some relevant facts, regarding the extent to which Germany’s Government tolerates corruption (which includes corruptness of a Government and of its ‘news’-media):

On 14 December 2021, I did an analysis comparing the anti-corruption laws in three nations, and headlined “Political Corruption in U.S., Germany, and Russia”. I concluded that 

Although this is a very incomplete indicator of a country’s corruptness, it does present the U.S. in a very favorable light, and present Germany (11 out of 12 “No”s [meaning no law against corruption]) as being rather astoundingly corrupt. Russia is midway between those two, perhaps because after Yeltsin’s abominable rule, Putin cleaned up Russia’s Government, but a lot of that job still remains undone, even after 21 years.

Germany’s Government was more shaped by Truman than perhaps any in the world except America’s own Government. But, from the present indicator, America’s vassal nations would appear to be even more corrupt than the imperial center, the U.S., itself, is — at least insofar as their political campaign-finance laws (“what’s written in black and white” in the lawbooks) are concerned.

Here was the summary, specifically regarding Germany:

Following here will be answers that are solidly grounded in the written laws of each of these three countries (though not necessarily reflecting how those laws are enforced — or not), regarding the 12 most clearly important questions that were studied. I present those dozen questions in the order that seems to me to provide the clearest sequence in order for the reader to interpret them, not in the order that was employed by the source:


“8. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“2. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“10. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“4. Is there a ban on corporate donations to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“6. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to candidates?” “There are no explicit provisions regarding donations to candidates.”

“5. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties?” “There are [is] no explicit … ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties”

“3. Is there a ban on corporate donations to political parties?” “Ban on donation from corporate bodies, but accepted if it is a business enterprise, of whose shares more than 50 per cent of shares are owned by Germans …”

“9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?” “No.”

“14. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period?” “No.”

“16. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election?” “No.”

“27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?” “No.”

Consequently, Brandner’s allegations might be expected to be true, simply because Germany, especially after the U.S. Government blew up the Russian gas pipelines to Germany and yet Germany’s Government continues to be a U.S. vassal-nation, despite that U.S. act of war against both Germany and Russia. This indicates Germany’s Government to be extremely corrupt, willing to ditch its own population in order to please its U.S. masters.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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A consortium of four private groups worked with the departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and State to censor massive numbers of social media posts they considered misinformation during the 2020 election, and its members then got rewarded with millions of federal dollars from the Biden administration afterwards, according to interviews and documents obtained by Just the News.

The Election Integrity Partnership is back in action again for the 2022 midterm elections, raising concerns among civil libertarians that a chilling new form of public-private partnership to evade the First Amendment’s prohibition of government censorship may be expanding.

The consortium is comprised of four member organizations: Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and social media analytics firm Graphika. It set up a concierge-like service in 2020 that allowed federal agencies like Homeland’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and State’s Global Engagement Center to file “tickets” requesting that online story links and social media posts be censored or flagged by Big Tech.

Three liberal groups — the Democratic National Committee, Common Cause and the NAACP — were also empowered like the federal agencies to file tickets seeking censorship of content. A Homeland-funded collaboration, the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center, also had access.

In its own after-action report on the 2020 election, the consortium boasted it flagged more than 4,800 URLs — shared nearly 22 million times on Twitter alone — for social media platforms. Their staff worked 12-20 hour shifts from September through mid-November 2020, with “monitoring intensif[ying] significantly” the week before and after Election Day.

The tickets sought removal, throttling and labeling of content that raised questions about mail-in ballot integrity, Arizona’s “Sharpiegate,” and other election integrity issues of concern to conservatives.

The consortium achieved a success rate in 2020 that would be enviable for baseball batters: Platforms took action on 35% of flagged URLs, with 21% labeled, 13% removed and 1% soft-blocked, meaning users had to reject a warning to see them. The partnership couldn’t determine how many were downranked.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits Congress from passing any laws that abridge free speech, and courts have ruled that prohibition extends to federal agencies funded by the legislative branch. Participants were acutely aware that federal agencies’ role in the effort strayed into uncharted legal territory.

For instance, SIO’s Renee DiResta said in a CISA Cybersecurity Summit video in 2021 that the operation faced “unclear legal authorities” and “very real First Amendment questions.” She joined SIO from a firm exposed by The New York Times for creating “a ‘false flag’ operation” against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Mike Benz, an ex-State Department official who was slated to be the department’s first-ever digital freedom ambassador if President Donald Trump had won a second term, discovered much of the consortium’s work in research for his new Foundation for Freedom Online, a nonprofit which advocates for free speech globally while monitoring growing U.S. censorship.

He told Just the News the consortium was the largest federally-sanctioned censorship operation he had ever seen, a precursor to the now-scrapped Disinformation Governance Board and one that is likely to grow in future elections.

“If you trace the chronology, you find that there was actually 18 months’ worth of institutional work to create this very apparatus that we now know played a significant role in the censorship of millions of posts for the 2020 election and has ambitious sights for 2022 and 2024,” he said.

“Amazingly, there are now so many Ministry of Truth functionaries within the Department of Homeland Security,” he added.

“There are so many Ministry of Truth tasks, so many Ministry of Truth points of contact, so many different Ministry of Truth, policies for whether to remove something, reduce it, slap a fact checking label on it.”

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, called the revelations “stunning” and said the 2020 operation amounted to the federal government sanctioning and outsourcing censorship.

“The government knows that they cannot do it by themselves because of the First Amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits it,” Clyde told the “Just the News, Not Noise” television show. “And then they decide to partner with another entity, a private entity. a social media platform or university.

“And then they say, ‘Hey, we’re going to feed you information that we think is disinformation, or we want to be disinformation. And then you go ahead and you do the de-platforming. You label it as misinformation, or disinformation.'”

Clyde said he expects Republicans to investigate the consortium next year if they gain control of Congress and that he is drafting legislation called the Free Speech Defense Act to address censorship issues.

“This bill would prevent the federal government from labeling anything through a proxy entity, like a social media company, as disinformation, labeling it as misinformation or labeling it as true,” he explained. “And then it would also give an opportunity for those people who have been injured by it to take legal action.”

Homeland Security, CISA, EIP and the Stanford and UW projects did not immediately respond Thursday to a request for comment from Just the News.

It wasn’t just blogs and individual social media users whose content was targeted for removal and throttling as “repeat spreaders” of misinformation. News and opinion organizations, including the New York Post, Fox News, Just the News and were also targeted.

The partnership’s members published the 292-page public report in March 2021, though the most recent version is dated June 15, 2021. The launch webinar featured former CISA Director Christopher Krebs, “who led the effort to secure electoral infrastructure and the response to mis- and disinformation during the election period.”

“I think we were pretty effective in getting [platforms] to act on things they haven’t acted on before,” both by pressuring them to adopt specific censorship policies and then reporting violations, SIO founder and former Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos told the launch webinar. (He and Krebs started their own consultancy after the election.)

“Platform interventions” in response to “delegitimization of election results,” for example, went from uniformly “non-comprehensive” in August 2020 to “comprehensive” by Election Day, the report says.

The partnership has not drawn widespread attention, however. Congressionaltestimony has approvingly cited the report, which was also filed as evidence in a lawsuit against Massachusetts officials for allegedly deplatforming a Twitter user.

Benz’s Foundation for Freedom Online brought new scrutiny on the partnership in August and shared its own summary of the report with Just the News, with links to primary documents and background on CISA and its private partners.

FFO spent “16 weeks mapping virtually every element of DHS partnerships and operations connected to Internet censorship,” including the partnership’s report, Benz wrote, pledging to dribble out “revelations” from FFO’s research over several months. It has already published assorted video evidence.

“DHS’s Ministry Of Truth has evaded public attention for so long [because] it acts like a coordinator of a censorship network, rather [than] an implementer of specific censorship acts,” similar to how the CIA and Pentagon “outsource” wars to private military contractors, he said.

SIO officially launched the partnership 100 days before the election, “in consultation with CISA and other stakeholders,” the partnership report says. It attributes the idea to SIO-funded interns at CISA, noting that censorship by that agency and domestic social media monitoring by intelligence agencies would likely be illegal.

“This limited federal role reveals a critical gap for non-governmental entities to fill,” the executive summary says. “Increasingly pervasive mis- and disinformation, both foreign and domestic, creates an urgent need for collaboration across government, civil society, media, and social media platforms.”

The partnership said it limited itself to flagging social media content “intended to suppress voting, reduce participation, confuse voters as to election processes, or delegitimize election results without evidence,” the latter cited in 72% of all tickets.

It wasn’t enough to be provably false, however. Simply “exaggerating [the] impact” of factual information was enough to be reported. The flagged content most likely to draw action by tech platforms was “misleading statistics.”

A graphic on “cross-platform participatory misinformation” suggests the purpose was to stop content from reaching a “virality threshold” where it could lead to “IRL [in real life] actions”: protests, legal action and “mainstream coverage.”

"IRL actions" graphic

“IRL actions” graphic / Election Integrity Partnership

During the launch webinar, the Atlantic Council’s Emerson Brooking said they wanted to stop the “amplification and legitimation” of “far-right influencers [who] would be doing all they could to try to catch the eye of a Fox News producer,” making it likely that President Trump, “the social media death star,” would see their content.

Government entities were involved in real-time chats with the partnership and social media platforms over specific content under review.

A chat screenshot in the report shows an unidentified government partner rejecting the Sharpiegate claim that “sharpies aren’t read at all” by ballot-counting machines, and a platform provider responding that it was now reviewing those claims.

The partners all received federal grants from the Biden administration in the next two years.

The National Science Foundation awarded the Stanford and UW projects $3 million in August 2021 “to study ways to apply collaborative, rapid-response research to mitigate online disinformation.”

UW’s press release about the award noted their earlier work on the partnership and praise for the report from ex-CISA director Krebs, who called it “the seminal report on what happened in 2020, not just the election but also through January 6.”

Graphika, also known as Octant Data, received its first listed federal grant several weeks after the 2020 election: nearly $3 million from the Department of Defense for unspecified “research on cross-platform detection to counter malign influence.” Nearly $2 million more followed in fall 2021 for “research on co-citation network mapping,” which tracks sources that are cited together.

The Atlantic Council, which hosted then-Vice President Joe Biden for a keynote address at its 2011 awards dinner, has received $4.7 million in grants since 2021, all but one from the State Department. That far exceeds the think tank’s federal haul in previous years, which hadn’t approached $1 million in a single year since 2011.

Those figures don’t include the federal contracts for each partnership member. Graphika/Octant, for example, received nearly $100,000 in 2021 for its “Contagion Monitor” surveillance and services that use “advanced network science to analyze PRC [Chinese] influence.”

UW’s project, SIO and Graphika also collaborated on the Virality Project, which tracks and analyzes purported “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and social media narratives related to vaccine hesitancy.”

The government “consultation” on censorship stands in stark contrast to recent media coverage of SIO and Graphika.

The Washington Post said an August report by the two organizations exposed years of “covert campaigns” to promote American interests abroad by fake social media accounts, which Facebook and Twitter had repeatedly taken down for alleged U.S. military ties. The Pentagon is reportedly auditing its “internet information operation” in response.

Graphika and its cadre of former U.S. intelligence agents was the subject of a critical profile in February by The Washington Standard, which dubbed it “The Deep State’s Beard for Controlling the Information Age.”

The report also noted Graphika’s work on the election partnership with the other organizations, and that SIO’s founder Stamos is an adviser to NATO’s Collective Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.

The Department of Homeland Security, CISA, Election Integrity Partnership and its two leaders, the Stanford Internet Observatory and UW’s Center for an Informed Public, didn’t respond to queries about the new scrutiny.


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It’s not just heating that could be missing across Europe this winter: cell phones may be the next to go. That’s because if power cuts or energy rationing knocks out parts of the mobile networks across the region, mobile phones could go dark around Europe this winter according to the latest doomsday reporting from Reuters.

While everyone knows by now that Europe’s chances of rationing and power shortages have exploded ever since Moscow suspended gas supplies, in France, the situation is even worse as several nuclear power plants are shutting down for maintenance. And the cherry on top: telecom industry officials told Reuters they fear a severe winter will put Europe’s telecoms infrastructure to the test, forcing companies and governments to try to mitigate the impact (i.e., more bailout demands).

The problem, as four telecoms executives put it, is that currently there are not enough back-up systems in many European countries to handle widespread power cuts, raising the prospect of mobile phone outages. Realizing that in just weeks Europe could be cell phone free, countries including France, Sweden and Germany, are scarmbling to ensure communications can continue even if power cuts end up exhausting back-up batteries installed on the thousands of cellular antennas spread across their territory.

Alas, like with everything else in Europe, it’s too little, too late and Europe is facing a truly historic cell phone black out because while Europe has nearly half a million telecom towers, most of them have battery backups that last around 30 minutes to run the mobile antennas. After that they go dark.

One of the alternatives being discussed is pushing Europe back to communist era blackout regimes: In France, a plan put forward by electricity distributor Enedis, includes potential power cuts of up to two hours in a worst case scenario, two sources familiar with the matter said.

The general black-outs would affect only parts of the country on a rotating basis. Essential services such as hospitals, police and government will not be impacted, the sources said. And now, it appears that cell phones are considered essential too: the French Federation of Telecoms (FFT), a lobby group representing Orange, Bouygues Telecomand Altice’s SFR, put the spotlight on Enedis for being unable to exempt antennas from the power cuts.

Enedis said it was able to isolate sections of the network to supply priority customers, such as hospitals, key industrial installations and the military and that it was up to local authorities to add telecoms operators infrastructure to the list of priority customers.

“Maybe we’ll improve our knowledge on the matter by this winter, but it’s not easy to isolate a mobile antenna (from the rest of the network),” said a French finance ministry official with knowledge of the talks.

Telcos in Sweden and Germany have also raised concerns over potential electricity shortages with their governments, several sources familiar with the matter said. Swedish telecom regulator PTS is working with telecom operators and other government agencies to find solutions, it said. That includes talks about what will happen if electricity is rationed. PTS is financing the purchase of transportable fuel stations and mobile base stations that connect to mobile phones to handle longer power outages, a PTS spokesperson said.

The Italian telecoms lobby was even more forceful, and told Reuters it wants the mobile network to be excluded from any power cut or energy saving stoppage and will raise this with Italy’s new government. The power outages increase the probability of electronic components failing if subjected to abrupt interruptions, telecoms lobby chief Massimo Sarmi said in an interview.

Until a solution is reached, to save power, telecom companies are using software to optimise traffic flow, make towers “sleep” when not in use and switch off different spectrum bands, Reuters sources said. The telecom operators are also working with national governments to check if plans are in place to maintain critical services. In Germany, Deutsche Telekom has 33,000 mobile radio towers and its mobile emergency power systems can only support a small number of them at the same time, a company spokesperson said.


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The 70 Seconds That Shook the World

October 4th, 2022 by Jeffrey A. Tucker

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On March 16, 2020, following a long weekend of negotiations and deals about the coronavirus, Donald Trump, Deborah Birx, and Anthony Fauci spoke at a White House press conference for the first time about nationwide lockdowns.

They handed out a sheet of paper – it mostly consisted of conventional health advice – that said in tiny print:

“bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”

Shut it all down. Everything. Everyone. As if the whole economy were a nightclub closing early.

This amounted to a full repudiation of not only the Constitution but also freedom itself. At the very least, it was a fundamental attack on the First Amendment guarantees of the freedom of religion because it attacked the rights of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and everyone.

All evidence suggests that Trump did not know that the tiny text was in there.

The reading of the text was left to the question and answer session.

Even when it was read by Fauci from the podium, Trump seemed distracted by something else, almost as if he did not hear or did not want to hear it. Later he bragged that the whole thing was his doing, but looking back at the history of that day, it is not so clear.

Let’s take this apart frame by frame to understand what happened in these 70 seconds as part of the Q&A session. A reporter starts by asking whether the federal government is telling people to “avoid restaurants and bars” or if the government is saying that “bars and restaurants should shut down over the next 15 days.”

Both Fauci and Birx knew for sure that the guidelines were calling for them to shut down.

After a long and tedious press conference about not much, following a very precise question, Trump turns to Fauci to have him answer. This might be because he wasn’t listening carefully and did not know how to respond. Fauci then motions to Birx, who rises to the podium. Fauci probably believed that she would be the one to do the dirty work of announcing the lockdowns. Fauci is clearly egging her on: now is your time.

Birx begins her answer with a strategic deflection, speaking tendentiously about how long the virus lives on surfaces. It was nothing but smokescreen, and there is every reason to believe that she knew it. She pointedly was not answering the question. She chickened out at the last moment.

A possibly frustrated Fauci interrupts her with a hand signal from the side. Birx immediately realizes what he was going to do: he was going to read the order that Trump did not know was there. So she decides to pass the buck. She gets giddy and silly with excitement, adrenaline flowing. She starts stumbling around with her words, and says in a faux-girlish way that she will let Fauci speak because he is her mentor.

This was her way of saying that she would gladly pass this hot potato onto him.

She likely knew that this was the great moment they had all been waiting for. She was mad with excitement. Oddly, Trump was smiling too but possibly because of her antics, not because of what was about to happen.

Fauci steps up to the microphone. He does not personally call for lockdowns. Instead he reads the guidance word for word.

Dr. Fauci: The small print here. It’s really small print. “In states with evidence of community transmission, bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”

As he reads, Birx herself is smiling from ear to ear, as if the words were poetry to her. It was not an unfamiliar text. She had been working on these words the entire weekend. Finally all her work had come to fruition.

Even better, she didn’t have to read it. Fauci did.

What was Donald Trump doing during this time? He got distracted by someone in the audience who got his attention. He smiles and points a finger. One wonders who and why. Here is a screenshot.

Was someone assigned to do the job of distracting him? One cannot rule it out. This was the most significant moment of all. The big reveal had come. And Trump’s attention was clearly elsewhere. To whom was he pointing and smiling?

Was he just pretending not to hear?

Who can say?

Fauci reads the text and then he steps away from the microphone. He had just read what is in fact the most totalitarian instruction ever given by any government in the history of the world – I can’t think of another case of such a thing – that all human interaction must stop from sea to shining sea. After all, all congregate places include homes too. Then Fauci steps away from the microphone.

Trump then comes back to the podium. He briefly rolls his eyes, as if to say “There he goes again” but without a conception of what was just read or what it meant.

At this point, what happens? Birx is gleaming, internally cheering. The deed has been done. It’s over. They worked for many weeks to pull off this caper and in an instant it was done.

Notice here that Fauci catches Birx’s eye and gives a little nod. She smiles back. They were giving visual affirmations to each other.

It was then that Trump clarified that he is not telling anyone or anything to shut down, but this statement contradicts what was just read a few seconds ago.

The exchange went as follows:

Reporter: So Mr. President, are you telling governors in those states then to close all their restaurants and their bars?
Trump: Well we haven’t said that yet.
Reporter: Why not?
Trump: We’re recommending but-
Reporter: But if you think this would work.
Trump: … we’re recommending things. No, we haven’t gone to that step yet. That could happen, but we haven’t gone there yet.

This was another strange moment because Trump explicitly contradicted the words that were just read. The paper reporters were looking at were clearly a lockdown order. Any astute reporter would have seen the huge chasm separating the edict from Trump’s own words or understanding.

Here you can watch the full 70 seconds. Deconstruct it yourself. See what you think. It was momentous, probably the most significant in American history, the culmination of weeks of persuasion and planning.

Everything followed from that brief moment: lockdown chaos, the closed schools and churches, the end of basic rights, the wrecking of business, and then began the spending, inflating, mad welfare checks, and the demoralization of the population that continues to this day.

The population now subjected to shock and awe, the mask and vaccine mandates seemed minor by comparison.

All of it unfolded in 70 seconds on March 16, 2020. So far as I know, this is the first and only article written so far to reconstruct this brief moment in time.

Watch the video here.


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Jeffrey A. Tucker, Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute, is an economist and author. He has written 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He writes a daily column on economics at The Epoch Times, and speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

All images in this article are screenshots from the PBS News Hour video

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Elon Musk Suddenly Became Kiev Regime’s Enemy No. 1

October 4th, 2022 by Drago Bosnic

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Ever since the Kiev regime’s actions in Donbass forced Russia’s hand in late February, the Neo-Nazi junta in power has been expecting nothing but full support. Anything less than that and one might as well be a “Kremlin bot”, “Russian troll” or any other Russophobic slur normalized by the mainstream propaganda machine.

This is precisely what happened to Elon Musk, the somewhat eccentric multibillionaire who has even supported the Kiev regime forces through his SpaceX Starlink network. And yet, all it took for the Kiev regime to accuse him of supposedly “supporting Russia” and even hurl insults at him was a tweet that Musk posted on October 3. The tweet boiled down to a four-point peace plan:

 – Redo the referendum [in the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions] under UN supervision, with Russia agreeing to leave if that’s what the people decide;

 – Crimea formally part of Russia, as it has been since 1783 (until Khrushchev’s mistake);

 – Water supply to Crimea assured;

 – Ukraine remains neutral.

“This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end – just a question of how many die before then,” Musk added, also noting “that a possible, albeit unlikely, outcome from this conflict is nuclear war.”

The plan could hardly ever be considered pro-Russian, and yet, it sent the Kiev regime into a raging frenzy, with Volodymyr Zelensky himself claiming that Elon Musk was now “supportive of Russia.” Others, such as the controversial Neo-Nazi junta’s ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, infamous for his defense of Neo-Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, showed much less restraint.

“F**k off is my very diplomatic reply to you Elon Musk,” Melnyk said on Twitter. “The only outcome is that now no Ukrainian will EVER buy your f…ing Tesla c**p. So good luck to you,” he added.

As previously mentioned, Elon Musk, the owner of SpaceX, is known (or rather infamous) for sending thousands of Starlink satellite network kits, which the Kiev regime openly boasted about and admitted using for military purposes.

“SpaceX has sent thousands of Starlink satellite internet kits to Ukraine,” company President Gwynne Shotwell told CNBC in late March. “I’m proud that we were able to provide the terminals to folks in Ukraine. It’s been enormously helpful, I think, to ensure people are still communicating,” Shotwell added.

In June, Musk himself claimed that over 15,000 kits were sent to the Neo-Nazi junta and that they were “helping fight Russian forces”. The admission that a supposedly “commercial satellite network” such as Starlink could be used in military operations sets a dangerous precedent that further blurs the line between civilians and the military. With SpaceX admitting the use of their products and services to help the Kiev regime forces target Russian and the Donbass republics troops, the company has effectively exposed itself as a party to the conflict, prompting Russia to contemplate using its anti-satellite weapons, both missiles and directed energy weapons such as lasers, microwaves, etc.

Thus, Musk risked one of his most prominent companies and its assets to aid the Kiev regime, and yet, he is now considered “pro-Russian”, with the Neo-Nazi junta’s “diplomatic elite” throwing insults and profanities at him for even suggesting that a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis should ever be considered. Nothing seems to be enough for the Kiev regime’s corrupt oligarchs and Neo-Nazi radicals. It seems the very concepts of common sense and basic gratitude are entirely unknown in Kiev.

In addition, Musk’s proposal isn’t very different from what Russia has been suggesting for years. Trying to avoid direct confrontation, Moscow attempted to come to a mutually acceptable agreement that would guarantee Ukraine’s neutrality, while respecting the will of the people of Crimea. The Donbass republics of DNR and LNR were supposed to keep a special status within Ukraine, while the country’s constitutional reform would guarantee the Russian-speaking population their basic human rights.

Still, neither the political West nor their favorite Neo-Nazi puppet regime wanted to even consider the possibility of a peaceful settlement that would prevent further bloodshed. Instead, the regime chose escalation and continued its shelling of the Donbass. The moment Russia decided it had had enough, the solution proposed by Musk became all but impossible.

Moscow is well aware of the fact that it cannot trust anything the political West claims. After decades of outright lies and arbitrary violations of existing treaties, be it political or military/arms control agreements, the Russian leadership realized that the only guarantees they could possibly have are those provided by the military. As it has been forced to directly intervene for the last 7 months, Moscow’s red lines are extremely unlikely to go back where they were before February 24. As stated by its top officials, Russia will fulfill all of the goals set by the special military operation.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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First published on September 21, 2022

The Covid Pandemic was a Fraud from the Outset

On March 11 2020, a worldwide lockdown was declared: there were 44,279 cumulative confirmed cases (January-March 2020) Worldwide outside of China.  That was the justification for triggering economic and social chaos Worldwide. 

On September 18th 2022, Joe Biden stated with authority that the pandemic is over opening the door towards complete normalization.

One day later, on September 19, 2022, 1,241,693 new “Confirmed Cases” Worldwide were recorded by the WHO. That was the justification to declare that the pandemic was over. 


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Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries was presented as the “solution” to combating the deadly virus. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. 

And now we have reached a new climax: 

President Biden has stated emphatically that the pandemic is over. 

“We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. But the pandemic is over. If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it’s changing.”  (September 18, 2022)

What was the “scientific basis” for making this far-reaching statement? 

On September 21, 2022, at the time of writing there were according to the WHO:

  • More than 610 million PCR cumulative “confirmed cases” Worldwide,
  • Almost half a million new cases (468,763) recorded in the last 24 hours, which suggests “an upward movement in the disease”;
  • In the United States, there were more than 94 million cumulative confirmed cases on September 21, 2022 
  • 57,676 new cases were recorded in the US in the last 24 hours. 
  • 13,810 new cases recorded in the U.S. the previous day (September 20, 2022)

The above data are fully endorsed by the Biden Administration.

Since Biden’s statement (18 September), there have been more than 71,000 new confirmed cases in the U.S. And he tells us the “pandemic is over”.

This is either sheer incompetence on the part of President Biden and/or a tacit (and corrupt) acceptance that the official PCR Covid-19 “confirmed cases” used to justify the pandemic and sustain the fear campaign are invalid (“Fake”).

The Biden Administration has from the outset been instrumental in spearheading an upward movement in “Covid-19 confirmed cases”. And now Biden is faced with an uncomfortable dilemma. The continued rising tide of fake data (PCR, antigen, home tests) is at odds with Biden’s “pandemic is over” narrative.

Almost half a million new cases (468,763) have been recorded Worldwide (September 21) in the last 24 hours, coinciding with Biden’s “End of Pandemic” narrative. 

(see WHO diagrams below)

official WHO figures:  468,763 confirmed cases (Worldwide) in the last 24 hours. (September 21, 2022)

In the U.S.

U.S. more. than 94 million cumulative cases and 57,676 new cases in the last 24 hours (see WHO diagram above).

57, 676 cases (recorded on September 21, 2022) in the US in the last 24 hours does not under any circumstances confirm that the pandemic is over in the U.S., unless one acknowledges that the PCR test used to generate these numbers is flawed and totally invalid.

Very fishy: There are substantially more confirmed cases today (including a “recorded” upward trend of the disease) following Biden’s “pandemic is over” statement when compared to the data pertaining to the Covid-19 pandemic when it was first launched in March 2020. See data below.

Embarrassing Political Dilemma: “Decision to Launch the Pandemic” vs. “Pandemic is over”

Coinciding with Biden’s September 18 “Pandemic is Over” statement, the “Covid Confirmed Cases” are “VERY HIGH” (exceedingly high) when compared to the VERY LOW number of confirmed cases used to justify the “Launching of the pandemic” in March 2020. (see below)

44,279 cumulative confirmed cases Worldwide outside of China (January 7 to March 11, 2020) used to justify the “Decision to Launch the Pandemic” on March 11, 2020


468,783 cases Worldwide recorded in the last 24 hours (on September 21, 2022) to justify Biden’s “Pandemic is Over Decision” 

On the day following Biden’s statement (19 September, 2022) there were  1,241,693 new “Confirmed Cases” Worldwide

It’s Topsy Turvy. Draw your own conclusions.

These are all official figures compiled by the WHO. 

Flash Back to January-March 2020.

Fake science was supportive of a devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and Repetitive “Covid alerts” in the course of more than two years.

Let us compare the “pandemic is over” figures to the ridiculously low numbers used to justify the pandemic in the first place.

The January 30 2020 Covid Public Health Emergency

The initial phase of this crisis was the launching of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the WHO on January 30th, 2020: 83 Cases Worldwide outside China, 5 in the U.S, 3 in Canada. And the following day President Donald Trump discontinued air travel with China.

There was no “scientific basis” to justify the launching of the PHEIC 

Screenshot of WHO table, January 29, 2020,

March 11, 2020: The Lockdown. 

44,729 “Cumulative Confirmed Cases” (PCR positive) Worldwide (excluding China), namely 6.5 billion people was used as a Justification to declare a Worldwide Pandemic leading to the Lockdown imposed on 190 countries.


According to the WHO,  on March 9 2020 there were 3457 cases in the US. out of a population of  329.5 million people (see below)

Screenshot of WHO graph Interactive WHO graph


In Canada on March 9, 2020, there were 125 “confirmed cases” out of a population of 38.5 million people

  Screenshot of WHO graph Interactive WHO graph.

The figures speak for themselves.

Today, there are more new recorded cases following Biden’s statement than those recorded when the pandemic was first launched in March 2020.

Moreover, the official figures (September 2022) indelibly suggest an upward movement of the disease, which visibly contradicts the substance of Biden’s statement.

In some regards, “Joe Biden is right”. He did not consult or quote the official data prior to making his historic statement: “The pandemic is over”.

The evidence amply confirms, based on extensive research: The PCR test and its home/antigen tests ARE INVALID.  There never was a pandemic.

The March 11, 2020 number of PCR “confirmed cases” is not only invalid, it is ridiculously low.

Dear Readers, I am much indebted for your support.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État Against Humanity

Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression

By Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0Year: 2022

Product Type: PDF File

Pages: 164 (15 Chapters)

Price: $11.50 

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Michel Chossudovsky,  September 21, 2022

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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a malaria vaccine trial study that used genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to “vaccinate” humans.

A team of researchers at the University of Washington conducted the study, which was published in the Science Translational Medicine journal.

The study involved 26 participants who received three to five “jabs” — or bites from a small box containing 200 GM mosquitoes — over a 30-day period.

Sanaria, a company funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), is closely connected to the research, and the researchers involved in the trial use a gene-editing technology heavily promoted by Bill Gates.

Genetically modified mosquitoes used as ‘flying syringes’

The trial used malaria-causing Plasmodium mosquitoes that were genetically modified to avoid causing sickness in humans to infect participants with a “minor” version of malaria — insufficient to cause severe illness, but enough to make the humans create antibodies.

Dr. Sean Murphy, lead author of the study, told NPR, “We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes.”

Despite the publicity generated by this study, however, results appear to have been mixed.

Of the 14 trial participants exposed to malaria, seven contracted the disease. For the remaining seven, the protection conferred by the “vaccine” did not last more than a few months and eventually dissipated.

According to the study:

“Half of the individuals in each vaccine group did not develop detectable P. falciparum infection, and a subset of these individuals was subjected to a second [Controlled Human Malaria Infection] 6 months later and remained partially protected.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “infections caused by P. falciparum are the most likely to progress to severe, potentially fatal forms” of malaria.

Adverse reactions in trial participants reportedly were “what one would expect after getting bit by hundreds of mosquitoes and nothing more.”

For example, trial participant Carolina Reid told NPR her entire forearm “swelled and blistered.”

Despite the study’s mixed results, the researchers claimed the “results support further development of genetically attenuated sporozoites as potential malaria vaccines.”

The researchers suggested several reasons for using live mosquitoes rather than a vaccine that could be delivered via a syringe, including that the use of live insects made sense, as the P. falciparum parasite quickly matures inside the mosquito.

In addition, the process of developing a version of the parasite that could be delivered via a syringe was described as “costly and time consuming.”

Nevertheless, according to Murphy the study will not be used for the mass vaccination of humans. However, the researchers involved in the trial said they believe the approach they used can eventually result in the development of a “substantially more effective” malaria vaccine.

At present, only one malaria vaccine is in use. The RTS,S vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline was approved by the World Health Organization in October 2021, but reportedly has an efficacy rate of only 30-40%.

Dr. Kirsten Lyke, a vaccine researcher at the University of Maryland, described the use of a genetically modified live parasite as a vaccine as “a total game changer,” saying the team of researchers “went old school with this one.”

“All things old become new again,” Lyke told NPR.

Lyke, who was not involved in the GM mosquito malaria trial, led the Phase 1 trials for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and also served as co-investigator for COVID-19 vaccine trials administered by Moderna and Novavax.

Stefan Kappe, a parasitologist at the University of Washington and the Seattle Children’s Research Institute — who was one of the authors of the study — said that the approach described by Lyke is already being worked on by the team, adding that the team believes “we can obviously do better.”

However, according to Kappe, “increasing production capability to scale up manufacturing will require investment.”

The research team said that the vaccine developed from this process will eventually be administered via syringes, in order to administer a “more accurate dosage.”

According to Lyke, the use of a slightly more mature version of the GM parasite used during this trial could better equip the human body to prepare an immune response.

Murphy added that his team’s approach utilizes a whole weakened parasite rather than one of the proteins the parasite produces, as with the RTS,S vaccine.

Gates-linked firm provided GM parasites used in trial

According to NPR, the University of Washington partnered with Sanaria, a “small company” that produces the modified parasites.

According to its website, Sanaria is “a biotechnology company developing vaccines protective against malaria,” and its “vaccines have proven highly protective against Plasmodium falciparum infection in humans.”

The company also said it developed “an innovative approach to malaria using Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoites (SPZ) as the platform technology for immunizing people against malaria infection.”

Two of Sanaria’s listed donorsPATH MVI and the Institute for OneWorld Health — are beneficiaries of funding from the BMGF.

PATH, which founded the Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI), describes itself as “an international nonprofit organization that drives transformative innovation to save lives and improve health,” working “with partners in private industry, government, and academia to develop malaria vaccines.”

PATH MVI said it advises and partners with “public institutions, businesses, grassroots groups, and investors to tackle the world’s toughest global health problems — which includes malaria, a notoriously complex parasite.”

As far back as 2008, when it received a $168 million grant, PATH MVI has received funding from the BMGF.

Aside from the BMGF, other PATH MVI donors include Chevron, the ExxonMobil Foundation, the USAID Malaria Vaccine Development Program and Open Philanthropy.

As Open Philanthropy — one of whose main funders is Dustin Moscovitz, co-founder of Facebook along with Mark Zuckerberg — funded a monkeypox tabletop simulation that  “predicted” a global monkeypox pandemic in May 2022, the same month an outbreak occurred.

Open Philanthropy has, over the past decade, provided hundreds of millions of dollars in donations and grants for “global health,” “biosecurity and pandemic preparedness” and “global catastrophic risks.”

In turn, the Institute for OneWorld Health, which claims it “partner[s] with communities in developing countries to bring permanent, sustainable healthcare to the chronically underserved,” has received multiple grants from the BMGF, including a 2004 grant for the development of a malaria vaccine.

Other Sanaria donors include the NIH and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Center for Infectious Disease Research, the National Institute of Standards, the Military Infections Disease Research Program and the European Vaccine Initiative.

Gates’ enthusiasm for gene-editing technology ‘off the charts’

One of the novel aspects of the University of Washington trial was that the parasites used were “disarmed” using CRISPR — or Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats — gene editing tools.

CRISPR is described as “a component of bacterial immune systems that can cut DNA” that “has been repurposed as a gene editing tool,” acting “as a precise pair of molecular scissors that can cut a target DNA sequence, directed by a customizable guide” — a piece of RNA with a “guide” sequence that attaches to the target DNA sequence.

According to

“When it comes to fighting malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases … CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene-editing tools are being used to change the insects’ genome to ensure that they can’t pass along the parasites that cause those diseases.”

Gates — an enthusiastic proponent of CRISPR — previously suggested CRISPR could be used to eliminate mosquitoes that transmit malaria.

According to a 2018 Business Insider report:

“Gates has long been supportive of using genetic editing tools. He was one of the early investors in Editas Medicine, one of the first companies to start trying to use CRISPR to eliminate human diseases.

“Gates Foundation researchers have worked for nearly a decade on ways to use genetic editing to improve crops and to wipe out malaria-carrying mosquitoes.”

In a 2018 Foreign Affairs article written by Gates, he specifically addressed CRISPR’s potential malaria-related applications:

“Scientists are also exploring other ways to use CRISPR to inhibit mosquitoes’ ability to transmit malaria — for example, by introducing genes that could eliminate the parasites as they pass through a mosquito’s gut on their way to its salivary glands, the main path through which infections are transmitted to humans.”

In a 2021 blog post addressing recent CRISPR-related developments, Gates said his “excitement about CRISPR has grown from super high to off the charts.”

And in a July tweet commemorating the 10th “birthday” of CRISPR, Gates described it as “one of the most important inventions in medicine, biology, and agriculture.”

Gates also helped fund the currently approved RTS,S malaria vaccine — as did Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, with which the BMGF is a partner.

Some scientists, however, are less enthusiastic about CRISPR’s gene-editing applications, warning they may result in unintended, harmful consequences.

For instance, in testimony submitted to the British Parliament in 2020, scientists Claire Robinson of GMWatch and Michael Antoniou of King’s College London warned:

“GM (including gene editing) of crops, animals and foods leads to several different types of unintended genetic mutations, which unpredictably alter the function of multiple gene systems of the organism.

“Altered patterns of gene function will unpredictably change the biochemistry of the organism.”

And even Gates, in his 2018 Foreign Affairs article, could not ignore the myriad of ethical controversies associated with CRISPR.

Nevertheless, Gates and the BMGF have been proponents of GM mosquitoes even beyond CRISPR.

For instance, the BMGF provided funding to Oxitec, a firm that has conducted pilot projects in Florida and Brazil using GM mosquitoes, purportedly with the aim of reducing the spread of mosquito-borne viruses.

In Brazil, the GM mosquitoes that were released were said to lack the ability to produce offspring — but were nevertheless found to have reproduced.

The BMGF also reportedly was “heavily involved” in trials using GM mosquitoes in India — and even went as far as to propose, in 2017, alongside the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, the development of a mosquito emoji, to be “used for public health campaigns.”


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

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Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) denied a legal petition by Center for Food Safety (CFS), Pesticide Action Network of North America, and others, demanding that the agency fix its failure to regulate pesticide-coated seeds, which are known to be widely harming bees and other pollinators. These crop seeds are coated with systemic insecticides known as neonicotinoids, the most widely used insecticides, and have devastating environmental effects. CFS filed the rulemaking petition in 2017 that would close the loophole. When EPA failed to answer the petition as of late 2021, CFS was forced to take them to court. Today’s response is issued pursuant to a court-set deadline.

“We gave EPA a golden chance and a blueprint to fix a problem that has caused significant harm to people, bees, birds, and the environment — and it stubbornly refused,” said Amy van Saun, senior attorney with the Center for Food Safety. “It’s extremely disappointing and we’ll be exploring all possible next steps to protect communities and the environment from the hazard of pesticide-coated seeds, including a lawsuit challenging this decision.”

Crops grown from pesticide-coated seeds, such as corn, soybean, and sunflower seeds cover over 150 million acres of U.S. farmland each year. Neonicotinoids are taken up into the plant’s circulatory system as the plant grows, permeating leaf, pollen, nectar, and other plant tissues. Neonicotinoids affect the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. Sublethal impacts include impaired navigation and learning. As a result, beneficial insects, valuable pollinators, and birds—including threatened and endangered species protected under the Endangered Species Act—are killed or injured. For songbirds, ingesting just one neonic coated seed can cause serious harm or death. Additionally, more than eighty percent of the pesticide coating can leave the seed, contaminating the air, soil, and waterways of surrounding environments. Most notably, clouds of neonicotinoid-laced dust released during planting operations has caused mass die-offs of honeybees and wild native bees.

Earlier this year, EPA admitted grave harm to hundreds of endangered species from the pesticide active ingredients that coat these treated seeds. On June 16, 2022 EPA released its final biological evaluations for clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and imidacloprid (three major neonic active ingredients), as required by a settlement in an earlier CFS case. EPA found that each neonic is likely to adversely affect from two-thirds to over three-fourths of America’s endangered species—1,225 to 1,445 species in all.

These pesticidal seeds also pose danger to communities. For example, the devastation caused in the village of Mead, Nebraska from the fumes and runoff of an ethanol plant using coated seeds as feedstock. The pollution has caused bee dieoffs and even eye and throat irritation and nosebleeds to local residents from the neurotoxins coating the corn seeds.

The 2017 petition demanded EPA close the regulatory loophole that allows seeds coated with systemic pesticides (coated seeds) to evade the registration and labeling requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). EPA currently exempts coated seeds from FIFRA’s registration requirements and has failed to assess the risks of these unregulated seeds—while never providing the public with any justification for this exemption.

In EPA’s response denying the petition, the agency instead stated that it would “continue to review labeling instructions for pesticides registered for seed treatment” to ensure those instructions are “complete” for the seeds ultimately coated with these biocides. EPA also promised to issue an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking “to seek additional information on pesticide seed treatment and to explore the option of issuing a rule pursuant to FIFRA section 3(a) to regulate the use of pesticide-treated seed.”

CFS, through its Pollinators & Pesticides program, has long advocated for thorough, science-based safety testing and proper regulation of new pesticide product uses prior to any marketing and cultivation of crops, in a manner that minimizes lethal and sublethal effects on non-target species.


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A mild flutter ensued after External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar’s recent meeting with his Turkiye counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York on September 21 when it came to be known that Cyprus figured in their discussion. Jaishankar highlighted it in a tweet.  

The Indian media instinctively related this to Turkish President Recep Erdogan making a one-line reference to the Kashmir issue earlier that day in his address to the UNGA. But Jaishankar being a scholar-diplomat, would know that Cyprus issue is in the news cycle and the new cold war conditions breathe fresh life into it, as tensions mount in the Turkish-Greek rivalry,  which often draws comparison with the India-Pakistan animosity, stemming from another historical “Partition” — under the Treaty of Lausanne (1923) that ended the Ottoman Empire. 

The beauty about peace treaties is that they have no ‘expiration date’ but the Treaty of Lausanne was signed for a period of a hundred years between Turkiye on one side and Britain, France, Italy, Greece, and their allies on the other. The approaching date heightens the existential predicament at the heart of Turkiye’s foreign policy. 

The stunning reality is that by 24th July 2023, Turkey’s modern borders become “obsolete”. The secret articles of the 1923 Treaty, signed by Turkish and British diplomats, provide for a chain of strange happenings — British troops will reoccupy the forts overlooking the Bosphorus; the Greek Orthodox Patriarch will resurrect a Byzantine mini state within Istanbul’s city walls; and Turkey will finally be able to tap the forbidden vast energy resources of the East Mediterranean (and, perhaps, regain Western Thrace, a province of Greece.) 

Of course, none of that can happen and they remain conspiracy theories. Nonetheless, the “end-of-Lausanne” syndrome remains a foundational myth and weaves neatly into the historical revisionism that Ataturk should have got a much better deal from the Western powers. 

All this goes to underline the magnitude of the current massively underestimated drama, of which Cyprus is at the epicentre. Suffice to say, Turkey’s geometrically growing rift with Greece and Cyprus over the offshore hydrocarbon reserves and naval borders must be properly understood in terms of the big picture.

Turkiye’s ruling elite believe that Turkey was forced to sign the Treaty of Sevres in 1920 and the “Treaty of Lausanne” in 1923 and thereby concede vast tracts of land under its domain. Erdogan rejects any understanding of history that takes 1919 as the start of the 1,000-year history of his great nation and civilisation. “Whoever leaves out our last 200 years, even 600 years together with its victories and defeats, and jumps directly from old Turkish history to the Republic, is an enemy of our nation and state,” he once stated. 

The international community has begun to pay attention as Turkiye celebrates its centenary next year, which also happens to be an election year for Erdogan. In a typical first shot, the US State Department announced on September 16 — just five days before Jaishankar met Cavusoglu — that Washington is lifting defence trade restrictions on the Greek Cypriot administration for the 2023 fiscal year. 

Spokesman Ned Price said,

“Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken determined and certified to Congress that the Republic of Cyprus has met the necessary conditions under relevant legislation to allow the approval of exports, re-exports, and transfers of defence articles.” 

The US move comes against the backdrop of a spate of recent arms deals by Cyprus and Greece, including a deal to purchase attack helicopters from France and efforts to procure missile and long-range radar systems. Turkiye called on the US “to reconsider this decision and to pursue a balanced policy towards the two sides on the Island.” It has since announced a beefing up of its military presence in Northern Cyprus.  

To be sure, the unilateral US move also means indirect support for the maritime claims by Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration, which Turkiye, with the longest continental coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, rejects as excessive and violates its sovereign rights and that of Turkish Cypriots. 

Whether these developments figured in Jaishankar’s discussion with Cavusoglu is unclear, but curiously, India too is currently grappling with a similar US decision to offer a $450 million military package to Pakistan to upgrade its nuclear-capable F-16 aircraft. 

Indeed, the US-Turkey-Cyprus triangle has some striking similarities with the US-India-Pakistan triangle. In both cases, the Biden administration is dealing with friendly pro-US governments in Nicosia and Islamabad but is discernibly unhappy with the nationalist credo of the leaderships in Ankara and New Delhi. 

Washington is annoyed that the governments in Ankara and New Delhi preserve their strategic autonomy. Most important, the US’ attempt to isolate Russia weakening due to the refusal by Turkiye and India to impose sanctions against Moscow. 

The US is worried that India and Turkiye, two influential regional powers, pursue foreign policies promoting multipolarity in the international system, which undermines US’ global hegemony. Above all,  it is an eyesore for Washington that Erdogan and Prime Minister Modi enjoy warm trustful personal interaction with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

The photo beamed from Samarkand during the recent SCO summit showing Erdogan arm in arm with Putin must have infuriated President Biden. Modi too displayed a rare moment of surging emotions when he told Putin at Samarkand on September 16, 

“The relationship between India and Russia has deepened manifold. We also value this relationship because we have been such friends who have been with each other every moment for the last several decades and the whole world also knows how Russia’s relationship with India has been and how India’s relationship with Russia has been and therefore the world also knows that it is an unbreakable friendship. Personally speaking, in a way, the journey for both of us started at the same time. I first met you in 2001, when you were working as the head of the government and I had started working as head of the state government. Today, it has been 22 years, our friendship is constantly growing, we are constantly working together for the betterment of this region, for the well-being of the people. Today, at the SCO Summit, I am very grateful to you for all the feelings that you have expressed for India.” 

Amazingly, the western media censored this stirring passage in its reports on the Modi-Putin meeting! 

Notably, following the meeting between Modi and Erdogan in Samarkand on Sept. 16, a commentary by the state-owned TRT titled Turkiye-India ties have a bright future ahead signalled Erdogan government’s interest to move forward in relations with India. 

India’s ties with Turkiye deserve to be prioritised, as that country is inching toward BRICS and the SCO and is destined to be a serious player in the emerging multipolar world order. Symptomatic of the shift in tectonic plates is the recent report that Russia might launch direct flights between Moscow and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a state supported and recognised only by Ankara. (Incidentally, one “pre-condition” set by the Biden administration to resume military aid to Cyprus was that Nicosia should roll back its relations with Moscow!)  

Without doubt, the US and the EU are recalibrating the power dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean by building up the Cyprus-Greece axis and sending a warning to Turkiye to know its place. In geopolitical terms, this is another way of welcoming Cyprus into NATO. Thus, it becomes part of the new cold war. 

Can South Asia’s future be any different? Turkiye has so many advantages over India, having been a longstanding cold-war era ally of the US. It hosts Incirlik Air Base, one of the US’ major strategically located military bases. Kurecik Radar Station partners with the US Air Force and Navy in a mission related to missile interception and defence. Turkey is a NATO power which is irreplaceable in the alliance’s southern tier. Turkey controls the Bosphorus Straits under the Montreux Convention (1936).

Yet, the US is unwilling to have a relationship of mutual interest and mutual respect with Turkiye. Pentagon is openly aligned with the Kurdish separatists. The Obama administration made a failed coup attempt to overthrow Erdogan. 


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By infusing tens of billions of dollars’ worth of military aid into Ukraine, NATO produced a “game-changing” dynamic designed to throw Russia off balance. By undertaking the referendums in Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, and Lugansk, Russia changed the game altogether.

The ancient Greeks spoke of lemma as representing a logical premise, a matter taken for granted. This contrasted with a dilemma, or “dual premise”, where one would be presented with an either/or proposition. The Romans furthered this notion, referring to a “double premise” as argumentum cornutum, of the “horned argument,” because by answering one argument, an individual would be impaled by the logic of the second. Thus are the ancient roots of the modern idiom, “on the horns of a dilemma.”

This is the ultimate objective of maneuver warfare, for example: to position your forces in such a manner as to present the enemy with no good option – should they react to one pressing threat, they would find themselves overwhelmed by the other.

The Russian military operation that has been underway in Ukraine for more than seven months now has provided ample examples of the military forces of both sides being confronted with a situation that compelled them to alter their preferred course of action; the Russian “diversion” against Kiev early on in the SMO prevented the Ukrainians from reinforcing their forces in eastern Ukraine, and the recently concluded Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kharkov compelled a hasty Russian withdrawal from a significant swath of previously occupied Ukrainian territory.

Both examples cited presented one side with a lemma, or a single problem, which needed to be addressed. But neither was able to put its opponent “on the horns of a dilemma,” forcing a response which would result in impalement regardless of the option chosen. The reason for this is simple – very rarely will competent military commanders allow themselves to be presented with a military problem for which there is no viable response. War, it seems, is hard work, and dilemmas don’t fall from trees.

Or do they? Ever since Boris Johnston flew to Kiev in April to convince Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to pull out of peace talks then ongoing with Russia in the Turkish city of Istanbul, NATO has embarked on a program designed to provide Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in military and financial assistance, including the transfer of modern heavy weapons and the use of facilities on Western soil where tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops could be trained and organized without fear of Russian intervention.

The purpose behind the NATO infusion of weaponry into Ukraine was straightforward – to empower Ukraine to not only lengthen the conflict, but also to undertake offensive military operations designed to evict Russia from what Kiev and its backers consider occupied Ukrainian territory, including the Donbass and Crimea. The counteroffensive in Kharkov in early September underscored the serious consequences of NATO’s actions – even though, given the massive loss of life and material suffered by the attacking Ukrainian forces, made the Kharkov victory Pyrrhic in nature, it was a Ukrainian victory, and one which compelled a Russian retreat.

By transforming the Ukrainian army into a NATO army which was manned by Ukrainians, the US-led bloc had, in fact, changed the nature of the game from a straightforward Russia-versus-Ukraine “special military operation” into a “Russia-versus-the collective West” struggle where the military resources originally allocated by Moscow to the fight were now insufficient to the task.

Russia, however, was not taking the game-changing actions of NATO standing still. Responding to the new reality on the ground in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin opted not to simply up the ante in this new NATO-driven game of increasing military power but change the game altogether. Not only did he order the partial mobilization of some 300,000 Russian reservists to reinforce the troops currently committed to the SMO, Putin also approved referendums in the four territories where Russian forces are presently fighting – Kherson and Zaporozhye (formerly occupied Ukrainian regions), and Donetsk and Lugansk (former regions of Ukraine, de-facto independent since 2014). These referendums asked the citizens of these four territories one simple question: do you wish to become part of Russia?

After five days of voting, the results from all four territories were clear – by an overwhelming majority, the participants in the referendums approved the proposition. Shortly thereafter, they were incorporated into the Russian Federation. What was once Ukraine has now become Mother Russia.

Russia didn’t just change the rules of the game – it changed the game itself. Instead of Ukrainian forces fighting Russian forces on the territory of Ukraine, any future combat carried out by Ukraine against Russian forces would represent an attack on the Russian homeland itself.

Where does this leave NATO? The bloc’s leadership has made it clear from day one that it is not seeking direct confrontation with Russia. While its members have poured in tens of billions of dollars of material into Ukraine to help reconstitute its military, and provided critical logistics, intelligence, and communications support to Ukraine, it has repeatedly and insistently stated that it has no desire to fight a war with Russia directly and has made it clear that it would rather have the Ukrainians serve as a de facto NATO proxy in resisting Moscow.

NATO has gone “all in” both economically and politically when it comes to supporting Ukraine, to the extent that some of its members, having stripped their respective military structures of equipment and material, have nothing left to give. Despite this, European political and economic elites continue to articulate their strong support for Ukraine going forward.

This support, however, was predicated on the fundamental assumption that by providing Ukraine with this massive level of support, NATO would not get directly involved in a conflict with Moscow. But Russia, by transforming the battleground from one being fought on Ukrainian soil to one where it’s now defending its own land, has flipped the script.

NATO, having overcommitted to Ukraine, now finds itself “on the horns of a dilemma” – if it continues to provide massive material and financial support to Ukraine, it will, in effect, become a direct party to the conflict, something no one in the bloc wants. However, if it backs away from supporting Ukraine, the various Western political leaders and institutions which have made support for Kiev a sacred obligation will be seen as going back on their word.

How NATO opts to proceed has yet to be manifest, but indications are that it will not be in a manner which continues to double down on supporting Ukraine no matter what. Secretary General Stoltenberg’s tepid speech condemning Russia while showing no enthusiasm for Zelensky’s “accelerated application” for membership is indicative of the less-than-resolute nature of its support for Kiev.

NATO now will find its role diminished by the consequences of the Russian mobilization and referendums. Years from now, when the history of the conflict is finally written, the decision by President Putin to simultaneously mobilize the Russian reserves while absorbing the territory of southern and eastern Ukraine into the Russian Federation will serve as one of the premier modern-history examples of putting an adversary “on the horns of a dilemma.” The effective neutering of NATO by this action will more than likely be seen as a turning point in the conflict, one which sealed the fate of Ukraine in the face of an inevitable Russian victory.


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, served in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991 to 1998 served as a chief weapons inspector with the UN in Iraq. Mr Ritter currently writes on issues pertaining to international security, military affairs, Russia, and the Middle East, as well as arms control and nonproliferation. Follow him on Twitter @RealScottRitter and on Telegram @ScottRitter

Featured image is from Internationalist 360

The Coutts Four: Alberta Is Home to Political Prisoners

October 4th, 2022 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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Mr. Ryan Turner,
General Manager and Circulation Manager,
Lethbridge Herald

Dear Mr. Turner;

Below please find the text of a lengthy article from the New York Times. The essay is entitled “‘Somebody Planted The Guns:’ In Canada a Raided, Distrusting Village Blames the Police.”  This NYT article presents an interpretation of the case that basically offers consistent support for the position of the Crown in the genesis of a show trial being planned for the Lethbridge Court House sometime next year.

The four men that are the subject of this trial were charged last February 14 with “conspiracy to commit the murder” of RCMP officials. As evidenced by the New York Times’ interest, these charges, as well as the collective failure of the Coutts Four to receive bail, are attracting worldwide attention. The ante is being raised this October 4 as the Crown brings new charges against three leaders of the Coutts action. So far 17 individuals have been charged by the RCMP unit and the Crown prosecutors involved in the Coutts investigation.

The Coutts Four, convicted so far of nothing, are being held in custody until their trial begins sometime in mid-to-late 2023. Being made to suffer in prison for a year and a half before they can face their accusers in open court is sufficient justification for advancing the case that Alberta is now home to political prisoners.

The bias of the NYT story is consistent with the notorious bias of the regime media. Since 2020 the regime media have been hellbent on making history replete with wholesale deceit, fraud and censorship embedded in much of its reporting on the manufactured COVID crisis.

The New York Times like the Lethbridge Herald consistently lied to its audiences reassuring us that the COVID injections were safe and effective. They were, in fact, no such thing. Both media venues supported the likes of Prime Minister Justin Tudeau in giving credence to his injection policies that have resulted in many deaths and injuries of large numbers of victims. The same pattern is being re-enacted in county after country where significant portions of the population have been jabbed with the clot shots.

Since mid-2021 these victims have been showing up in statistical abundance in a variety of ways in spite of the ongoing efforts of the media and their captive governments to continue to hide and downplay the reality of what is actually going on. Within this framework of misrepresentation the Alberta government made a laughing stock of itself with its report that the highest death rate in the province in 2021 was due to “unknown causes.” The cause is only “unknown” among those who have been shielding themselves from one of the most significant news developments of the twenty-first century.

The big news is still being obscured. Its essence is that the real plague of mortality and crippling injury overtaking us emanates from the needles of gene-modifying injections that do not prevent the spreading of COVID or infection by COVID. We have been lied to and thereby put in harm’s way by the governments and media that still insist on trying to silence, discredit and deplatform those endeavouring to insert scientific methodology into the poisonous mix of deadly disinformation.

In the case of Catherine Porter’s version of the regime media’s disinformation, the biases in her story have been fashioned into personal attacks that are meant to be unflattering to the culture and prevailing mentality of those of us who wear our identity as Albertans proudly. The subtext is that the Canadian Freedom Convoy movement that largely took shape in this province as well as in the broadly-based constituency that converged at Coutts are intellectually and academically substandard.

The failure of the NY Times to do justice to this story of the Truckers and especially the Coutts contingent of dissidents should be addressed by the Lethbridge Herald. After all, a major portion of the Lethbridge Herald’s readership showed up by the tens of thousands at Coutts in a very active period when demonstrators came and went for 17 days. The demonstrators included some elected officials of the Alberta provincial government. Why can’t this important chapter in Alberta’s history find fair and balanced representation in our own Albertan mainstream media?

Perhaps the attention being directed this way by the New York Times forms a fitting demonstration that important things can and do happen in this region. In my view our community, including our local media, sometimes drop the ball by failing to take proper ownership of the important controversies that sometimes unfold in this locale. What is to be said about our local paper dropping the ball to the NY Times? Its reporter, Catherine Porter, plays to all the worst caricatures and stereotypes in depicting Alberta as some sort of reactionary ghetto far from what she probably considers the woke wonders of New York.

In her bias, Porter embraces the so-called Canadian Anti-Hate Network whose highly politicized spokespeople often assert that those who question, for instance, injection mandates are motivated by an urge “to dismantle democracy.”

In fact it is the government of Justin Trudeau that seems most contemptuous of democracy. He is trying to fulfill his vaccine fixation by denying constructive consultation with his own constituents in order to please his real masters including those in Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. We need a Canadian government based in Parliament, not in Davos.

Trudeau in fact was tagged as an enemy of democracy by several elected members of the European Parliament. His effort to wrongfully criminalize his political opponents in order to drag them through the mud of terrorist accusations was specifically noted by MEP Christine Anderson.

See this.

Trudeau is no democrat when it comes to the disproportionate amount of effort he and his government have invested in legal processes to charge, imprison, and return dissident Albertans to jail. Ms. Porter, for instance, did not address the case of Tamara Lich from Medicine Hat Alberta. This founder of the Freedom Convoy movement was re-jailed supposedly because she broke bail by appearing with a friend in a photograph during an awards ceremony where she was being honoured.

The number of those charged at Coutts has recently risen to 17 as Marco Van Huigenbose, Alex Van Herk, and George Janzen appear in court on 4 October to face $5,000 fines for mischief.

The membership of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police conducts activities that are deeply intertwined with those of the FBI in the United States. In Alberta the RCMP doubles as both the federal police force and a provincial police so it is sometimes difficult to know what jurisdiction is responsible for any particular police action.

In this instance there is little doubt that the Trudeau government was shopping through the RCMP at Coutts for some reference it could make to Trucker “terrorism.” The PM needed such a reference in order to give the appearance of substance, especially to his government’s outrageous break and entry without any judicial order into the internal security of Canada’s banking system on 14 February. This intervention was justified on the basis of the Emergency Act introduced just as the “conspiracy to commit murder” charges were being made public throughout Canada and around the world.

The Anti-Hate Network is itself deeply bound up with its own mispresentations of the 9/11 crimes and of the RCMP’s history of entrapping Islamic patsies with the goal of providing propaganda to demonize Muslims and thereby advance government agendas in the “War on Terror.” See this.

The Anti-Hate Network has imported all this controversy into the treatment of those 17 individuals criminalized at Coutts by employing Mubin Shaikh as an expert concerning the details of the case.

Shaikh worked closely with CSIS and the RCMP between 2006-2010 in setting up the entrapment/conviction of the “Toronto 18” as part of Canada’s original demonstration of the required spectacle meant to arouse fear of “homegrown Islamic terrorism.” Shaikh’s central role on this fiasco has been highlighted by Prof. Michael Kiefer’s “The Toronto 18 Frame-Up: Fraud and Fear-Mongering in the War on Terror.” Ms. Porter’s essay returns us to the paradigm of fear mongering as a staple in mainstream journalism. See this.

Catherine Porter repeats the strategy of lazy journalists working for the most discredited agencies in the regime media by merely declaring that those who agree with her and her backers are honest truth tellers and that those who disagree are despicable conspiracy theorists. The question of what the actual evidence does or does not support, however, almost never comes up with her. It almost never comes up because the point of the whole exercise, it seems, is not to get at the truth but rather to convict those already injected into trial-by-media procedures.

This trial-by media is intended to deprive the accused of fair hearings. Increasingly court processes, many of them palpably corrupt while in the pocket of those possessing high accumulations of wealth and power, count for much less than the media trials that precede them and often predetermine their outcomes.

In the title of her New York Times article Ms. Porter indicates that almost everyone in the town of Coutts came to a similar conclusion that the RCMP somehow staged the photograph of the weapons arsenal to set in motion a spurious process that has been playing itself out for several months now largely in the Lethbridge court house. Why not wait for the trial before pronouncing on such a crucial matter as the background of how the widely-distributed picture said to depict the Coutts weapons arsenal actually came to be?

Doesn’t such a widespread suspicion among so many of the people most close to the Coutts debacle merit some closer investigation? Or does Ms. Porter simply disqualify those who have made their lives in Coutts from having sufficient sophistication and insight to weigh in on such a grave matter.

Maybe the Lethbridge Herald would serve its home audience better by initiating some genuine investigation that takes its readers beyond the predictable stigmatization of one side and the automatic lionization of those that support the establishment narrative of the COVID debacle.

The failure of the regime media to show balance and objectivity in delving into the distinction between fact and fiction in the manufactured COVID crisis is holding us back from resolving a variety of contentions. These contentions have discredited many of our major institutions including government, media, the medical profession, universities, schools, churches, courts and banks.

It is time to put a stop in the COVID crisis to the disqualification from equitable representation of the large component of society who have done their own independent research with the goal of working towards a more healthy society. In such a society debate would be welcomed and embraced, not smeared and subjected to criminalizing processes such as those unfolding at the Lethbridge court house.

Yours Sincerely,

Anthony James Hall,
Professor Emeritus, University of Lethbridge

From The New York Times

“Somebody Planted The Guns:” In Canada a Raided, Distrusting Village Blames the Police” 

By Catherine Porter

Published Sept. 24, 2022, Updated Sept. 30, 2022

COUTTS, Alberta — The village’s only restaurant offers smiles and two pamphlets, one denouncing Covid-19 vaccines for children, the other saying the United Nations’ mission includes creating a “microchipped society” for “tracking and controlling.”

So pervasive is the belief here that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a dictator-in-the-making that even a top official in the village admits she “may have” a flag telling Canada’s leader where to go — rudely.

And many residents of the village, Coutts, Alberta, think the biggest event that occurred here in recent memory — when the police raided a local home in February and revealed a frightening cache of weapons — was a hoax perpetrated by the police to silence an antigovernment protest.

Read the full article here.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Last Refuge

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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The China Coup Dupes

October 4th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It all caused a flutter amongst the ignorant and expectant on September 21.  China, it was said, was in the grip of an intriguing internal crisis. Air traffic had dramatically altered, with some 9,583 flights cancelled.  There were talking heads aflame with interest on the latest social media morsel, minute and yet profound.

The issue of flight cancellations was then spuriously linked to claims that President Xi Jinping had gone absent on his return from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Uzbekistan.  To this could be added two unconnected facts.  General Li Qiaoming, after having occupied his post for five years, was moving on, though where was not certain.  There were also the remarks of a retired centurion, a 105-year-old former politician, who spoke about respecting elders.

The media rush to tie the string around these events was aggressive.  It involved Gordon Chang, infamous proponent of the “collapse of China” theory, being consulted for expert advice by such outlets as Newsweek.  Chang’s tweets were generously quoted as sagacious observations:

“[W]hatever happened inside this #Chinese military during the last three days – evidently something unusual occurred – tells us there is turbulence inside the senior #CCP leadership.”

Another gem from Chang was the view that much smoke had been detected, suggesting that “there is fire somewhere.  We don’t think there has actually been a coup, but at this point there have been some extremely troubling developments at the top of the Communist Party as well as the top of the People’s Liberation Army, which reports to the party, so something is terribly wrong.”

From this failed soothsayer, the “decision to cancel 60 per cent of its flights on Wednesday” and a “widely shared video” shared on social media showing “a line of military vehicles up to 80 kilometres long heading into Beijing” were key indicators that something was amiss in the centre of power.

Going further back the line of disinformation, one finds the channel New Tang Dynasty TV taking interest in the opinions of a dissident Zhao Lanjian, who made much of the flight cancellations.  That particular assessment was always going to be influenced by the fact that New Tang Dynasty is an important platform for the views of the religious group Falun Gong.  The group has, as its primary ambition, the elimination of the Chinese Communist Party.  The network also fanned the disappearance narrative regarding Xi and his apparent house arrest.

Then came the role of Jennifer Zeng, a New York-based Falun Gong blogger, asking the question whether Xi had been arrested and whether three senior anti-Xi officials had been sentenced to death.  Her efforts, according to The Print, were part of a “sprawling media ecosystem” backed by Falun Gong.

The rumour mill began to move at giddying speed.  India became the hotspot of dissemination.  The Noida-based Hindi news channel India TV was an avid enthusiast of the coup conspiracy theory.  The Indian politician Subramanian Swamy, with a Twitter following of 10 million, also got busy with tweeting on September 24, wondering about the “rumour” that the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party had “removed Xi from the Party’s in-charge of Army.  Then House arrest followed.”

By September 26, flights had resumed their merry way, with that occasionally useful tracking site flightradar24 showing a resumption of traffic from the Beijing Daxing International Airport.  But that did not get away from the other fact missed by the starry-eyed coup assessors: that the previous three weeks had also seen high cancellation rates for flights.  These included 60.1 per cent, 69 per cent and 64.1 per cent respectively.

The evidence supposedly mounted in favour of a coup began to look sketchy and even absurd.  There was no evidence of a military convoy stretching 80km entering the capital, despite the excitement caused by a video purporting to make that claim.  Logically, a British tech company that claims to “tackle” the harms arising from “misleading and deceptive online discourse”, found that the coverage in question related to a military convoy on the move last year.

Another video claiming to show an explosion that had supposedly taken place in the course of the alleged coup was from 2015, identifiable on Daily Motion and titled “Huge Explosion in Tianjin, China, 200 Tons TNT Equivalent.”  That particular conflagration was distinctly not fictional.  In the course of the explosion, 700 tonnes of sodium cyanide kept at the facilities of Ruihai International Logistic caught fire, leading to 173 fatalities.

The China Coup episode deserved a good mocking and Georg Fahrion of Der Spiegel was happy to do so. “Today in Beijing,” he noted with chirpy promise, “I investigated the China coup so you don’t have to.  At considerable personal risk, I ventured out to some neuralgic key points in the city.  Disturbing finds.  Brace yourself.”

Fahrion went on to talk about the main entrance to Zhongnanhai compound, “where the entire central leadership works, including Xi Jinping.”  Mockingly, he tells us that paratroopers of elite grade “have wrested control over the gate, cunningly disguised as the five middle-aged dudes who always stand there.”

The logic and strength of a lie is its fecund, reproductive power.  Mentioned constantly, reiterated and spread, it grows the legs of truth, and does a merry dance.  Sometimes, that dance is innocent enough; often, it’s not.  When it comes to speculating about coups and plots in such centres of power as China, the implications of getting that wrong are too grave to contemplate.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from TheAltWorld

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Weather Warfare

October 4th, 2022 by Peter Koenig

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“He who controls the weather controls the world” – Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962

Watch video below.


What we are seeing these days with hurricane “Ian” ravaging the Caribbean, the Florida coasts and inland, then all the way up to South Carolina – causing massive destruction of infrastructure, cropland, death of animals and people, as well as cancellations of all flights from NYC to Florida, this is a state of war.

It is also called geoengineering.

In the last couple of years it has become common place.

“Chemtrails”, the by now common term for spraying the higher atmosphere by airplanes literally with tons of tens of thousands of different chemical particles, has become a technology covered by hundreds if not thousands of patents. Not just US patents. Patents from countries around the world.

Did you know that Spain along with over 50 countries are currently carrying out “activities to artificially change the weather”. So said recently the Spanish weather agency AEMET and speaks of “chemical contrails” or “chemtrails”. See this.

To get a full picture of what geoengineering is all about, its history – back to at least 1947, probably longer – its scientific background, secrecy – and power – war power, literally to be used for weather warfare, you ought to watch “The Dimming” (linked below).

Geoengineering may be similar to Project Manhattan (The Manhattan Project was the code name for the American-led effort to develop a functional atomic weapon during World War II), see this “The Dimming” – Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary (, 10 March 2021)

According to Florida’s meteorological stations, Ian is the worst hurricane hitting Florida in decades, possibly ever.

Ian’s devastation – the extent of which cannot yet be measured – is leaving behind damage, requiring possibly years of clean-up and reconstruction work.

See this 3-min tell-it-all video.

Like the hot and dry summer – in Europe and North America almost two months without a drop of rain and record temps – killing harvests, animals, food stocks, even people, those vulnerable to heat and the poor. The poor are always in the first line to be hit and hurt by misery.

Of course, the scenario fits perfectly into the objectives of the Great Reset and of UN Agenda 2030. It fits the Big Picture – which we should never forget, when we look at single disaster events. All we have to do is connect the dots.

In a conference in Davos, Switzerland, at the end of August 2022, a meteorology professor of one of Europe’s foremost technical universities, addressed the audience by saying, “There is no need to tell you that our weather is engineered. Its obvious. But I will explain to you how it’s done.”

Then he proceeded explaining the different processes, the thousands of different chemicals that are released int the atmosphere, what they do – and how they are patented – and how these poisonous particles, many containing heavy metals and toxic chemicals are ending up in water streams, lakes and groundwater . It is weaponizing the weather. The devastation of it may be almost as destructive as a nuclear bomb. Severe storms, droughts floods, colds – ice storms – and more can be applied anywhere in the world.

With the “Greens” massive and relentless propaganda it simply will be ascribed to “climate change”. Scared and indoctrinated people – still a vast majority – will not question the climate change dictum. They nod and accept, and hope to be able to survive and rebuild. Those who lose loved ones, will blame it on man-made “climate change”.

Yes, man-made it is. But it has nothing to do with the “excessive release of carbon dioxide”, or CO2. It is geoengineering weather into a deadly war-weapon. See this.

In many places, or entire countries, water was rationed this summer 2022.

Wrongly so, because there were years in recent history, where the water tables were lower throughout Europe and North America, and no water rationing occurred.

Water rationing is an intimidating tactic. Everybody knows that water is essential for life. Rationing it spreads fear and incites submission to the authorities who decide over your access to water. It is part of fearmongering, subduing peoples’ minds into a dependency on authority.

Authorities will allow you to use or not to use water and / or energy and / or food. You are told there are shortages. These shortages will be complemented by other shortages. They are causing panic and famine, particularly in the vulnerable segments of populations.

Nobody tells you that all these shortages – mostly blaming Russia for them, falsely of course – are made artificially – all with the purpose of controlling humanity – the playbook of the WEF’s Great Reset, aka UN Agenda 2030.

The combination of all, including the earlier poisonous mRNA multiple-vaxx-shots, weakening the human autoimmune system, may also cause massive deaths from famine, a multitude of diseases and sheer misery-related causes, including massively increasing, but nor reported, suicides.

Again, nobody tells you – these are artificial shortage, wantonly man-made shortages with the purpose of creating harm, severe harm – and advancing the Reset’s eugenist agenda.

The point is, geoengineering is advanced to a level where Washington easily can say “by 2025 we own the weather”. See this and this.

Owning the weather, for the Pentagon means, weaponizing the weather.

Possibly using it instead of – or in parallel with – nuclear weapons; targeted small radius nuclear blasts.


Only when a critical mass of people is aware of what is going on – and what this could mean for the future of mankind, can we, the people, counteract these diabolical control mechanisms of an obscure cult and its goal of a One World Order – total digitization, robotization and globalization of the surviving world population.

They will not achieve it.

Because we awakened humans will not allow it. Our spirit, dynamics and quantum physics, seeking out the light, our vibration with the light, will prevent the dark cult from succeeding.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

If Kennedy Hadn’t Listened to Khrushchev

October 4th, 2022 by Ted Snider

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This horrible war that could have been avoided, shouldn’t have been launched and could have been ended early through a negotiated settlement has reached an unimagined brink. The major parties to the war, Russia, Ukraine and the US, can continue on the path of escalation and go over the brink, or they can start to talk and to listen to each other.

Russia has been brought to the realization that there will be no negotiations with the West. Putin’s December 2021 requests for negotiations before the war and Russia’s accompanying proposal on mutual security guarantees were spurned by the US. At the start of the war, the State Department discouraged Ukraine from pursuing its interests and negotiating an end to the war in favor of continuing the war to fight for broader US interests. When a negotiated settlement was within reach, and it appeared that the war would not last much longer, the foreign minister of Turkey, the nation that hosted the promising Istanbul talks, charged that the promise of peace had been killed by “countries within NATO who want the war to continue.”

On September 21, Putin said that he “would like to make public for the first time” that “After the start of the special military operation, in particular after the Istanbul talks, Kiev representatives voiced quite a positive response to our proposals. These proposals concerned above all ensuring Russia’s security and interests. But a peaceful settlement obviously did not suit the West, which is why, after certain compromises were coordinated, Kiev was actually ordered to wreck all these agreements.” Russia had realized that there would likely not be a negotiated end to the war.

Russia also realized that they were no longer fighting the regional war against Ukraine they had launched. Ukraine’s response had been hijacked by the US, turning the war into a wider war between Russia and the US and NATO. The scale of the West’s provision of weapons, combined with training and targeting intelligence had already led Russia to see the US as risking crossing that line. Already by the end of April, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov had said that “NATO, in essence, is engaged in a war with Russia through a proxy and is arming that proxy.”

But from Russia’s perspective, the crossing of the line could no longer be denied after the September Ukraine counteroffensive that exposed direct US involvement that included intelligence sharing that, according to New York Times reporting, “allowed the United States to provide better and more relevant information about Russian weaknesses” and to increase “feeds of intelligence about the position of Russian forces, highlighting weaknesses in the Russian lines.” The US then war-gamed the counteroffensive with the Ukrainian military and advised them on “avenues for a counteroffensive [that] were likely to be more successful than others.” The US was providing everything but the soldiers who would die: they were providing the weapons, the training, the intelligence and the plan.

Russia had realized “that it is now in a direct war with the US, that this is now an American war.” On September 21, Putin said that Russia is fighting “the entire Western military machine.” And for Russia that meant that, even if Ukraine wasn’t in NATO, the existential threat that had long before Putin been Russia’s red line, NATO was in Ukraine. That conclusion was only reinforced by Zelensky’s September 30 statement that “De facto, we have already made our way to NATO.”

NATO is in Ukraine, and Ukraine is “de facto” in NATO. In 2008, when NATO promised at its Bucharest summit that Ukraine would become a NATO member, Russia declared it an existential threat that it would stop. According to Russian reporting at the time, Putin “flew into a rage” and promised that “if Ukraine joins NATO, it will do so without Crimea and the eastern regions.”

On September 30, an official signing ceremony was held in Moscow, following the referendums in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, that began the process of absorbing those four eastern regions into Russia.

Russia has promised to use any weapons necessary to defend its territory. The eastern regions of Ukraine are now seen by Russia as its territory. To ensure the manpower to keep the promise to defend its expanded territory, Russia simultaneously ordered a partial mobilization of up to 300,000 reserves.

The war has now escalated to the brink. The two sides have pushed as far as they can without risking going over. Though Ukraine is not officially in NATO, NATO is in Ukraine, completing the push east to Russia’s borders that Moscow has long feared. Russia has now annexed the eastern regions as they promised they would in 2008 if NATO came to Ukraine and consistently with their stated goal to protect Russian nationals in the Donbas whether through autonomy, independence or ascension to Russia. Having reached this pivotal point, Russia now called for the resumption of talks. On September 30, in a line in his speech at the signing ceremony that has gone unreported in the West, Putin called on Kiev to return to talks: “We call on the Kiev regime to immediately cease fire, all hostilities, to stop the war that Kiev started back in 2014, and to return back to the negotiating table.”

There is a brief window for Russia, Ukraine and the US to act on that moral responsibility and turn back from the brink and return to talks.

This is not the first time that it has come to Russia’s perceived need for nuclear threats. In 1962, Russia famously placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. Less famously, in April 1999, in a furious phone call as the NATO bombing of Kosovo came to a head, Boris Yeltsin warned President Clinton, “Don’t push Russia into this war? You know what Russia is, you know what Russia has at its disposal!”

The US and Russia that time talked and listened. It took time, and the relationship was, perhaps, irreparably damaged, but a compromise agreement was reached. NATO stopped its bombing of Kosovo, Serbian forces withdrew and a NATO and Russian peacekeeping forces were deployed to Kosovo under the banner of the UN.

In 1962, Kennedy and Khrushchev also listened and talked—if secretly. In 1962, Khrushchev feared American aggression in Cuba. Kennedy’s Operation Mongoose had the explicit goal of overthrowing Castro. When Edward Lansdale, who was running the operation, drew up the timeline for the coup, he said that “final success will require decisive US military intervention”. Equally importantly, Khrushchev feared American aggression in Russia: the US had Jupiter missiles in Turkey and Italy complete with nuclear warheads. Kennedy and Khrushchev stepped back from the brink. Exchanged secret messages led to negotiations. Russia would remove its nuclear missiles if the US would remove its nuclear missiles. To feel safe removing the missiles from Cuba, Khrushchev further demanded guarantees that the US would not invade Cuba. Kennedy agreed to provide an informal promise not to invade.

The US and NATO broke their promise not to expand NATO east of Germany and mocked Russia’s security concerns and red lines as they moved closer to Russia’s borders. Russia escalated by launching a war on Ukraine. The US continued the escalation by deeper and more direct involvement in the war. Russia further escalated by annexing the eastern regions. Now is the moment to end the escalation and urgently begin to listen and to return to talks.

What would have happened if Kennedy had not listened to Khrushchev and if the two had not secretly talked?


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Ted Snider has a graduate degree in philosophy and writes on analyzing patterns in US foreign policy and history.

Featured image: 03 June 1961  President Kennedy meets with Chairman Khrushchev at the U. S. Embassy residence, Vienna. U. S. Dept. of State photograph in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston.

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The UK anticipated a “serious confrontation between Russia and Ukraine” as far back as 1992, declassified files show. One senior official even questioned whether Ukraine was “a real country”.

When British intelligence warned that Vladimir Putin was about to attack Ukraine earlier this year, the spooks’ foresight won many plaudits. Yet their prediction mirrored a scenario Whitehall had long known might unfold.

In May 1992, just six months after the Soviet Union broke up, Britain’s then Prime Minister John Major was being briefed by his staff. They were concerned about a potential clash between Russia and Ukraine over Crimea.

The peninsula in the Black Sea had belonged to Russia until the Soviet Union gifted it to Ukraine in 1954. For the rest of the Cold War, Crimea retained a significant Russian presence, including a strategically important warm water port for the Kremlin’s navy.

Such was the strength of Russia’s legacy in the area that during the 1990s local politicians wanted a referendum on independence from Ukraine. “Most of the population in Crimea is Russian,” an advisor told Major in a handwritten note.

They warned:

“If Crimea becomes independent, Ukraine’s ability to control the Black Sea fleet – based at Sevastopol – goes with it.”

Gordon Barrass, a senior UK intelligence official, added:

“The Ukrainians will try to prevent the referendum from being held…The issue will arouse passions among nationalists in Kiev and Moscow and could stir up inter-ethnic conflict within Crimea.”

Among those living in Crimea were the Tartars, an historic Muslim community that had been brutally oppressed under Soviet rule and wanted to remain part of Ukraine.

Percy Cradock, a veteran British diplomat and intelligence supremo, warned the situation “excites strong emotions in Crimea and amongst the powerful nationalist lobby in Kiev (as well as in Moscow).”

He believed:

“There must be a real possibility that the situation will slip out of control. That could mean violence in Crimea, and serious confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.”

Ukraine’s sovereignty questioned

In the event, there was a messy compromise. Crimea’s parliament declared independence, while also acknowledging Ukraine’s authority. Yet the situation remained volatile.

Major’s foreign policy advisor and former ambassador to Moscow, Rodric Braithwaite, wrote a confidential background note that would today be considered heretical.

“It is not entirely clear, even to the Ukrainians, still less to the Russians, that Ukraine is a real country,” Braithwaite noted. “Hence the tensions between the two.”

Braithwaite, who went on to chair the Joint Intelligence Committee later in 1992, gave the Prime Minister a potted history of the region, stretching back to the middle ages. He highlighted the “artificial famine which [Soviet leader Joseph] Stalin imposed on the Ukraine in 1930-31, when many millions of peasants were deported or starved to death.”

“So it was not surprising then very many Ukrainians greeted the Germans as liberators in 1941, and that large numbers agreed to join the German army”, Braithwaite reasoned, referring to Nazi collaborators during World War II.

‘An integral part of Russia’

Although these resistance groups were ultimately defeated by Stalin, Ukrainian nationalism survived as a political movement.

“Throughout 1990 the number and size of popular demonstrations for independence swelled,” Braithwaite noted, adding that Russia looked like an “empire” to Ukrainians.

On the other hand, he said:

“Russians would simply not recognise the picture. For Russians, the Ukraine is an integral part of Russia, its history and its culture. The Ukrainian language is no more than a dialect”.

He went on:

“I have not met a single Russian, even among the most sophisticated, who really believes that the Ukraine is now permanently severed from the motherland.”

In a candid remark, Braithwaite said:

“The Ukrainians know that. They also know that Ukraine itself is divided: between the ultra-nationalist…Western Ukraine…and the East which is predominantly inhabited by ethnic Russians.”

As tensions escalated, a confidential Whitehall planning paper warned: “We need to pay more attention to Ukraine.” It noted there were “fears over long term allegiance of ethnic Russian minority (22% of population)” and concerns that President Yeltsin “will be replaced by nationalists/neo-imperialists” in the Kremlin.

‘Reabsorbed by Russia’

At the end of 1993, Foreign Office planners thought “Ukraine might be reabsorbed by Russia unless it faced up to the need for painful economic and political reforms” to make it less dependent on money from Moscow.

Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister, Borys Tarasyuk, did not dispute the analysis when British diplomats came to Kiev to meet him in early 1994 for “some six hours of confidential exchanges”.

Tarasyuk believed Moscow “was determined to try to assert as much control as possible over all the republics of the former Soviet Union”, and would “use the well tried strategy of destabilising their neighbours in order to justify intervention”.

The Ukrainian politician was apparently “particularly exercised about the Crimea where recent elections have demonstrated the strength of pro-Russian separatist feeling.”

Roger Bone, a senior British diplomat who would later run arms giant Boeing, “reassured Tarasyuk that the West was very much alive to the risk of a shift in Russian foreign policy” and “would not acquiesce in the re-establishment of a Russian sphere of influence.”

Battle for influence

Plans were made to bring Ukraine’s economy into the Western orbit, through promoting privatisation and engagement with the International Monetary Fund. Financial aid was to be conditional on Ukraine restructuring its economy towards a free market model.

It would take another 20 or 30 years for the significance of these discussions to become fully apparent. In 2014, Ukraine’s democratically elected president was toppled in a popular “coup”, after he opted for an economic deal with Russia instead of the European Union.

Russia, now led by the nationalist Vladimir Putin, reacted to the loss of his ally by annexing Crimea. Residents supposedly voted by 97% to join Russia in a referendum, which was boycotted by Tartars and not recognised by Britain.

Meanwhile, Moscow helped destabilise Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, by backing separatist rebels in Donetsk and Luhansk. Peace talks failed and the conflict dramatically escalated this February when Putin launched a full scale invasion of Ukraine.

Putin is now repeating his referendum tactic by holding disputed polls in the Donbas, despite the ongoing war. While British intelligence has recently won credit for predicting the conflict, the declassified files make clear this was a risk Whitehall had long known about.


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Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo.

Featured image is from New Eastern Outlook

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The Ukrainian government is prepared to give the Joe Biden administration virtual control over its selection of Russian targets. Kiev made the proposal in a bid to receive longer-range weapons from the White House, according to multiple sources speaking with CNN.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will provide a full list of possible targets while allowing the White House to veto any of the potential sites. Kiev is hoping the increased transparency will pave the path to Biden authorizing more weapons transfers. Zelensky made the offer to Washington to alleviate concerns in the Biden administration that new weapons will be used to target Russian territory.

However, Kiev, Washington and Moscow currently have different views on what is Russian versus Ukrainian territory. After a 2014 coup in Ukraine that saw US-backed elements overthrow a democratically elected government, Russia annexed the Crimea peninsula. Last week, Moscow claimed four additional regions of Ukraine as its own.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to defend all of his country’s territory with the full arsenal at his disposal. The Kremlin stated that it considers its newly added regions as it would the rest of Russia. On Sunday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin acknowledged the possibility that Putin could order a nuclear strike in Ukraine, defending these new regions. The Pentagon chief then vowed Washington would support Kiev’s “efforts” for “as long as it takes” to “take back all of the territories” within its “sovereign borders.”

Concurrently, Moscow claims there has been an increase in Ukrainian attacks within Russia proper, encouraged by NATO. During a recent press conference, Putin publicly noted, for the first time, attempted Ukrainian attacks on Russia’s nuclear power plants.

The US has provided Ukraine with 16 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), and authorized sending over a dozen more to Kiev in an arms package last week. So far, the White House has only sent Ukraine with munitions for HIMARS that can travel 50 miles. Kiev is seeking Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) surface-to-surface missiles that can fly around 200 miles by the HIMARS. When the Biden administration began providing HIMARS to Ukraine, it was insisted that Kiev had provided “assurances” that these weapons would not be used to target Russian territory. In June, contacted the State Department to ask if this condition applied to the Crimean Peninsula, a department spokesman replied “Crimea is Ukraine.”

The White House has made clear that they will not recognize the new Russian territories, and NATO has said they will escalate their support for the proxy war.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has previously said that if the West provides Kiev with longer-range weapons, then the Kremlin would expand its war goals in Ukraine. In July, Lavrov wrote an article claiming NATO was already on the battlefield coordinating attacks on Russian targets using the rocket systems.

NATO instructors and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems aimers are, apparently, already directing the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and nationalist battalions on the ground,” Lavrov said.

In addition to the CIA presence on the ground in Ukraine, NATO commandos from Lithuania, Canada, Britain, and France are also present. Notably, there are several Donald Trump-aligned Republicans in the legislature, including Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) eager to “[go] for the kill” and overtly deploy American military advisors to Ukraine. Former US special operators are already on the ground near the contact line, training Kiev’s forces and developing battle plans.

Harry Kazianis wrote in Responsible Statecraft that in multiple war game simulations, Washington sending advanced weapons led to nuclear war.

I have fought more than thirty combat simulations in wargames under my own direction for a private defense contract…In every scenario I tested, the Biden Administration slowly gives Ukraine ever more advanced weapons like ATACMS, F-16s, and other platforms that Russia has consistently warned pose a direct military threat…In fact, in 28 of the thirty scenarios I have run since the war began, some sort of nuclear exchange occurs.

Kazianis does report that in some of the war games, diplomacy, rather than escalation prevailed, and nuclear conflict was averted.

The good news is there is a way out of this crisis — however imperfect it may be. In the two scenarios where nuclear war was averted, direct negotiations led to a ceasefire. The Biden Administration and its NATO allies should be testing Putin’s recent comments about a ceasefire to test his seriousness.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, America’s top diplomat, has declared Washington’s goal is to see Russia suffer a “strategic defeat” in Ukraine. During the war, he spoke to Lavrov once and for only 25 minutes, they merely discussed a potential bilateral prisoner exchange. Likewise, UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has ruled out diplomacy until Moscow is “defeated.”


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor at the Libertarian Institute, assistant editor at and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.

Connor Freeman is a writer and assistant editor at the Libertarian Institute, and co-hosts Conflicts of Interest.

Featured image is from TLI

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