Stepan Bandera and Neo-Nazism: Why US-NATO Needs “Banderistan Ukraine”?

October 10th, 2022 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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At the first glance, an ordinary citizen of the globe can think that probably it must be that everything that is now happening in Banderistan Ukraine and around, including and reconstruction of international relations and reformulation of the global order in politics, is just a big misunderstanding. For the same people, probably NATO’s constant expansion to the east since 1999, i.e., to the direction of Russia, has nothing to do with the attempt to subdue and tear Russia apart as wanted the same both Napoleon (in 1812) and Hitler (in 1941).

They will tell you that instead of a war against and occupation of Russia, the goal of NATO’s enlargement is to make the strongest possible global defense alliance for the sake that the people of the world would be ready to resist the alien attack from the cosmos, once it happens. Finally, who will defend our planet if not NATO, and in that alliance, Ukraine is irreplaceable.

Without Banderistan Ukraine, we are going to be unable to efficiently defend our planet from bad guys from the cosmos. Therefore, this is not about NATO’s campaign in the east against Russia and has nothing to do with some earlier in history, bloody attempts of a similar kind (Napoleon & Hitler). Allegedly, this is a misreading of real Western intentions (USA, NATO, EU). In other words, this is a classic case of Russian paranoia, which sees a threat and a conspiracy against Russia in everything, even in foreign (NATO) bases and rockets right next to the Russian western borders (from Estonia to South Ukraine and across the Black Sea in Turkey).

To put aside the irony and cynicism from the previous paragraph as it is not appropriate for a situation in which the people of Ukraine are suffering and whose lives are falling apart in a thousand ways since 2014. However, how to hide the disappointment from the crocodile tears that are shed over the fate of Ukraine by those who, in fact, have been constantly pushing Ukrainians into the war since 2014?

The question became how to react to the diabolical hypocrisy of those who have been systematically destroying foreign countries and making their citizens unhappy for decades, not caring about international law or elementary norms of civilization, and who suddenly, right now in Ukraine, discovered that international law exists? For instance, to remind ourselves, from 1945 to 2001, there were 81% of wars launched by the USA and only 19% by others.

The Russian special military intervention in Ukraine or according to the Western Russophobic media, the 2022 Russian-Ukrainian War was, in fact, inevitable, as it was planned by NATO and consequently, step by step, led to such an outcome. Nevertheless, it has to be quite clear that the plan for the war was not made either in Ukraine or Russia. Both countries are tragic objects of the Western geopolitical plans and their own weaknesses. All we are looking at is a crescendo of processes that began long before 2022. It did not take much intelligence to predict what would happen. The triumph of evil and madness is always more clearly seen in retrospect, always when it is too late. Never since the end of the Second World War has madness ruled Europe as it does today. Europe is reminiscent of a puppet show run by an invisible (USA) hand.

After this conflict, the ethnic Ukrainians will lose the most, regardless of the saying that there is no winner in a war.

Who does not believe, let him ask the former Yugoslavs.

History has not forgiven the Yugoslavs for their stupidity, so neither will the Ukrainians.

Russia’s suicidal pro-Western policy of Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s is only now gaining its full meaning. It is not worse to repeat – history does not forgive stupidity. The only visible winners, at least for short time, are the United States as the global power at sunset of its influence manages to slow down its descent from the throne, it manages to weaken both Europe and Russia at the same time, preparing itself for the great Chinese final.

Today in Ukraine we are witnessing a tragedy of two close Slavic peoples who were in the same state until 1991, which after that just changed the name (from the USSR to the CIS). And when they parted peacefully in 1991, everyone went their own way, bravely, headlong, straight into economic and social chaos. They were led in both economy and politics by foreign advisers who have been showing them the way to “transition”. On that path, Ukraine managed to go much worse even than Yeltsin’s Russia.

Today, Ukraine is the country with the lowest gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Europe and has just lost the battle for the penultimate place from Moldova. This sad staggering cannot be explained by political reasons and conflicts in East Ukraine. The Ukrainians cannot blame the Russians for their economic ruin.

Even before 2014, Ukraine was constantly falling on the ranking list of European countries. At the beginning of the “transition” in 1991, Ukraine had a GDP per capita higher than Belarus by about 63%, higher than Poland by about 37%, and higher than Albania by about 293%. However, before the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine in 2013, its GDP per capita was lower than Poland’s by about 51%, Belarus’ by about 33%, and higher than Albania’s by only 8%. No country in Europe has fallen so badly in “transition” as Ukraine did.

Finally, a long-term economic and financial exploitation of Ukraine’s rich Russian-speaking eastern regions by the administration in Kiev led inevitably in 2014 parallel with the Russophobic Nazification of ethnic Ukrainians to the separation of the Russian-speaking eastern provinces which voluntarily and democratically rejoined their ethnohistoric motherland of Russia in October 2022 for the very reason to avoid further military terror by Banderistan Ukraine and her Western sponsors.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a Former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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High energy costs continue to wreak havoc in Europe, with Britain being no exception to the crisis. British companies are becoming bankrupt at a rapid rate, one not seen since the peak of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2009. The Europe-wide crisis is mostly attributed to economic problems stemming from their own sanctions against Russia, which as a result has made energy prices skyrocket.

The most recent quarterly report by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics found company closure figures are similar to those reported in 2009 at the peak of the GFC. According to the British agency, 5,629 companies collapsed and became insolvent throughout England and Wales during the second quarter of 2022, a figure not seen since the third quarter of 2009.

Although the figure is still far from the highest peak recorded during the GFC, with a total of 6,943 firms closed, the trend for the following months is not encouraging.

British government statistics from August show that 1 in 10 local businesses face a moderate to severe risk of insolvency. Although the reasons for the insolvency are various, they are all related to the difficulties that the sanctions against Russia have caused for European trade, supply chains and the energy market, whose historical inflation has brought several problems to British authorities.

According to the Office for National Statistics, 22% of the companies that are at moderate risk of closure put the increases in electricity rates as their main concern, 7% more than in February of this year. In small companies (from 10 to 49 employees), the percentage increases to 30%.

Other companies say that their biggest concerns are their inability to pay their debts, the increase in raw material prices, as well as the interruption of the supply chain. According to the British government, of the more than 5,600 companies that declared themselves insolvent, 20% correspond to construction companies, while 14% are in wholesale and retail market firms.

Asked in an interview published on October 4 by Germany’s RND media network on whether EU countries would need disaster relief due to the energy crisis, EU Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič responded: “Yes, that is quite possible.”

He added that EU member states could face a “black out” due to the energy crisis, but described this as only a “minor incident” despite the fact it would lead to other member states needing to deliver power generators.

Britain is facing a very similar crisis, with the National Grid operator saying people would receive advance notice as electricity cuts will occur in rotations to avoid mass black out.

“This would be necessary to ensure the overall security and integrity of the electricity system,” according to its recently published winter outlook report.

This comes as analysts at Deutsche Bank said the British GDP would not return to the level of December 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, until 2024. This means that there will only be limited economic progress by the time of the next election in January 2025.

According to official figures, the British economy remained 0.2% smaller than pre-Covid levels at the end of June. The Bank of England said the economy is close to recession and on course for limited progress next year, with most of this attributed to soaring energy prices and weaker global growth.

Sanjay Raja, a senior economist at Deutsche, said:

“Household spending and business investment are likely to track a little lower than we previously anticipated, especially with unemployment expected to rise from next year.”

He explained that the UK GDP growth was now forecast to slow to 3.5% this year and that the economy is expected to shrink by 0.5% next year before rebounding to 1% growth in 2024. The expert also stressed that stronger growth might not be seen until “the second half of the decade” as it will for now have to settle on 1.25% growth per year, a short cry to Truss’s growth target of 2.5% a year.

The British economic decline also coincides with its lowering prestige across the world. Despite its reputation being affected, Britain continues to behave in a hegemonic manner without having the means to enforce it. Take for example that Britain has spent billions of pounds propping up the Kiev regime to fight Russia despite the eventual realisation of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye being completely liberated from Ukrainian occupation. This money could certainly have been better spent saving British businesses and families from economic ruin.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Watch What They Do Instead of What They Say

October 10th, 2022 by Michael Snyder

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Actions speak louder than words.  Let me put it another way.  Most of the time, what people do is so much more important than what they say.  This is especially true when it comes to government officials, because many government officials lie as easily as they breathe.  Over and over again, we are being told that there is nothing to be concerned about and that our leaders have everything under control.  But then we keep getting more signs that more war is coming.  In fact, it appears that preparations are being made for scenarios that would have once been unthinkable.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.  On Thursday, we learned that the U.S. government is spending almost 300 million dollars to buy radiation sickness drugs

The US has stocked up on radiation sickness drugs just weeks after Vladimir Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons against the West.

Officials said the deal — worth $290 million — was ‘part of ongoing work’ and ‘has not been accelerated’ by the Kremlin leader’s escalating rhetoric.

The drug that is being purchased is known as Nplate, and it is used “to reduce bleeding caused by acute radiation syndrome”.

This is not a cheap medication at all.  It is being reported that a single dose can cost “between $1,000 and $2,500”

However, the timing will likely raise questions given that this is the first time the US Government has bought Nplate.

It is unclear how many doses the order covers, but the drug normally fetches between $1,000 and $2,500 per dose.

A nuclear war would be the only reason why we would ever need such a high number of doses.

So why is such a large purchase being made if Biden administration officials are assuring us that there is almost zero chance of a nuclear conflict with Russia?

Something doesn’t add up.

Meanwhile, both sides continue to escalate the conflict in Ukraine.

The mainstream media keeps telling us that the “Ukrainian Army” is whipping the Russians right now, but that is not exactly accurate.

The Ukrainian Army that existed at the beginning of the war was largely decimated as the Russians steadily gained territory for months.

But now a new “Ukrainian Army” is pushing the Russians back, and it turns out that this new “Ukrainian Army” has a very high percentage of foreign mercenaries

Mercenaries from Eastern Europe account for 60%-70% of the Ukrainian army’s manpower near Lugansk, an aide to the LPR’s interior minister, Vitaly Kiselyov, said on Wednesday.

“In practice, 60%, in some cases, 70% of Ukraine’s military personnel are mercenaries from Eastern Europe,” he said on Russia’s TV Channel 1.

A lot has been made of the fact that there are English-speaking mercenaries involved in the offensive against the Russians, but the truth is that most of the mercenaries are not from wealthy western nations.

Our money is certainly paying for them, but most of the troops are actually coming from the poor countries of eastern Europe.

If you can believe it, some are actually making as much as $3,000 a day

Kiselyov also added that Albanian mercenaries were paid $2,000-$3,000 a day and mercenaries from European countries, $35,000-$40,000 a month.

If you can stay alive, it is a way to make a lot of money in a short period of time.

And to a large extent, the American taxpayers are footing the bill.

Another thing that we are being told that is not exactly true is that we are not likely to go to war with China.

We are being told this over and over again, but meanwhile it is being reported that U.S. officials “are intensifying efforts to build a giant stockpile of weapons in Taiwan”

American officials are intensifying efforts to build a giant stockpile of weapons in Taiwan after studying recent naval and air force exercises by the Chinese military around the island, according to current and former officials.

The exercises showed that China would probably blockade the island as a prelude to any attempted invasion, and Taiwan would have to hold out on its own until the United States or other nations intervened, if they decided to do that, the current and former officials say.

Why would we build a giant stockpile of weapons in Taiwan if there was no threat of invasion?

Actually, by arming Taiwan so heavily we are making an invasion more likely.  The Chinese are getting angrier and angrier, but we just keep provoking them.

Before I end this article, I want to talk about the rising tensions between North Korea and South Korea.

The North Koreans really do not like the new South Korean leader, and on Thursday there was an incident that made international news

An unusually large number of South Korean fighter jets were scrambled today in response to reported air-to-surface firing exercises flown by North Korean warplanes, on the other side of the border. The incidents add to tensions around Korea, where a tit-for-tat campaign of surface-to-surface missile launches continues, as part of potentially provocative exercises on both sides of the Korean Demilitarized Zone as well as in the waters off the peninsula.

The South Korean Yonhap news agency reported that a formation of at least 12 North Korean warplanes “presumably conducted a firing exercise” today, with aerial activity “north of the inter-Korean air boundary.” The location of the drills took the North Korean aircraft from Koksan County to Hwangju County in North Hwanghae Province, a process that took around an hour, according to the Korea Herald. North Hwanghae Province is situated on the western end of the border between the two Koreas.

Of course this wasn’t the first time that the North Koreans have done something provocative this week.

On Wednesday evening, they fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan

North Korea fired a ballistic missile that likely flew over Japan, the militaries of South Korea and Japan said Wednesday evening.

The unidentified ballistic missile was fired into the Sea of Japan, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed to NBC News.

Things with North Korea seemed to be getting better during the Trump era, but now there has been a complete reversal.

The North Koreans have conducted dozens of missile launches in 2022, and there are rumors that they may soon resume their nuclear tests for the first time in quite a few years

As for the North Korean missile launches, these are only the most recent within a growing total, with the tally for this year so far having reached around 40, including a “super-large” intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), back in March. At the same, there are continued concerns among officials in both Washington and Seoul that North Korea could be poised to conduct a nuclear test — its first since 2017.

I do not believe that a North Korean invasion of South Korea is imminent.

But if China invades Taiwan, I think that the North Koreans will be extremely tempted to make a move.

While the U.S. is preoccupied with Russia and China, it would be a golden opportunity for the North Koreans to pour across the border.

The South Korean military would be completely outmatched, and only massive U.S. intervention could save the day.

Hopefully such a scenario will not play out any time soon.

But without a doubt, more war is coming.

A war between Israel and Iran is far closer than most people would dare to imagine, the Russians will be moving a lot more troops into Ukraine to bolster their existing forces, and I am convinced that the Chinese will move against Taiwan at some point.

There is no peace on the horizon.

The third world war has begun, but for now it is still only in the very early stages.

Unfortunately, politicians all over the globe are determined to show how tough they are, and that is really bad news for all of us.


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Michael Snyder has published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, which are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. 

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
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Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


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Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute  

Unsettling Research Links COVID Vaccine to Parkinson’s

October 10th, 2022 by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

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The list of complications, conditions, and diseases resulting from the COVID shots is nearly endless and can affect any organ system in the body. Pfizer knew. Here’s their document.

Look at the last 8 pages, which lists more than 1100 serious side effects and life-threatening illnesses Pfizer knew would happen from the first shot. We posted an article on The Tenpenny Reports about it: They All Knew.

Neurologic Injury

This study published by Philip Oldfield in January 2022, is eye-opening. Here is the abstract, edited lightly for clarity:

“This mini-review focuses on the mechanisms of how SARS-CoV-2 affects the brain, with an emphasis on the role of the spike protein in patients with neurological symptoms.

“Following infection, patients with a history of neurological complications may be at a higher risk of developing long-term neurological conditions associated with the alpha-synuclein prion, such as Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia.

“Compelling evidence has been published to indicate that the spike protein, which is derived from SARS-CoV-2 and generated from the vaccines, is not only able to cross the blood–brain barrier but may cause inflammation and/or blood clots in the brain.

“Consequently, should vaccine-induced expression of spike proteins not be limited to the site of injection and draining lymph nodes there is the potential of long-term implications following inoculation [vaccination] that may be identical to neurological complications seen in patients who were infected with SARS-CoV-2.”

It is important to mention, we now know the spike proteins do  not remain localized in the arm.

Let’s drill down on this article, starting with some definitions:

Alpha-Synuclein: These are the major component of Lewy bodies, which are characteristic of Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia. There is much speculation on what the primary function of alpha-synuclein may be under healthy conditions. However, the accumulation of this protein when it has folded abnormally seems to be central to neurodegeneration. Since the culprit of chronic illness has been widely described as being the spike protein, a 2021 study of monkeys provided compelling evidence that the spike protein associated with SARS-CoV2 is responsible for Lewy body formation.

Parkinson’s disease: A long-term degenerative disease of the central nervous system, affecting the motor system. The most obvious early signs are resting tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty walking.

Lewy body dementia: This type of dementia is associated with difficulty thinking, slowed movement along with changes in behavior and mood. Lewy body dementia is one of the most common causes of dementia, affecting more than 1 million individuals in the United States and millions more around the world.

Both Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia are characterized by groups of misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins in brain. The two diseases together are the second most common cause of neurodegenerative dementia, only surpassed by Alzheimer’s disease.

The Oldfield article goes on to say:

“…many of the serious neurological symptoms associated with COVID-19 are due to hypoxia, cytokine storms, and blood clots, all of which contribute to damaging neurons in the brain. Some of the symptoms of brain injury include loss of smell and taste (anosmia), severe headaches, debilitating fatigue, trouble thinking clearly (brain fog), seizures, strokes, and various degrees of paralysis.”

We know that these symptoms can be attributed to the spike protein, which can enter the brain by two primary entryways:

  • Through the Vasculature: All of the blood vessels in the brain have ACE2 receptors. The spike protein binds to this receptor, which essentially ‘opens the door’ and allows the spike protein to enter. Once inside the cell, the spike proteins promote and contribute to micro-thrombi, leading to small and large blood clots.
  • By directly damaging the blood brain barrier: The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is part of the microvasculature of the central nervous system. The tight junctions in these specialized blood vessels control what is allowed to pass from the general circulation into the brain. The BBB protects the central nervous system from toxins, pathogens, and other pro-inflammatory molecules. Spike proteins tested in vitro caused significant changes to the properties of the BBB with loss of barrier integrity. When the BBB is destabilized, the spike protein—and many other destructive substances—can freely pass into the brain, leading to the neurological complications seen in both those who have experienced the infection and those who have received a COVID vaccine.

A separate mouse study showed that spike (S1) proteins tagged with iodine (I-S1) crossed the BBB very quickly. In fact, more than 50 percent of I-S1 proteins crossed the capillary wall and entered into the brain and interstitial fluid spaces within 30 minutes of the IV injection. The spike protein was taken up by all 11 areas of the brain that were tested, which could explain the wide variety of different neurological symptoms that are observed clinically.

This article, “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients” clearly lays out the ramification of the COVID shots on brain tissue:

“These data show that S1 antigen production after the initial vaccination can be detected by day one and is present beyond the site of injection site and the associated regional lymph nodes.”

“It was observed that the spike protein S1 subunit was detectable in the systemic circulation up to approximately two weeks post-injection in eleven out of thirteen healthcare workers. Although concentration of the S1 subunit was low, this study provides proof-of-principle that spike proteins can get into circulation following inoculation.”

Can it be any clearer that the pathology observed after a COVID injection is from the spike proteins produced by the mRNA, gene-modification technology that came through that needle?

Will those who had the shots and experienced now immediate side effects be at greater risk of Parkinson’s disease or Lewy body dementia in 10 or 20 years? Is brain dysfunction already starting to appear?

Although it seems we’ve been talking about this pandemic and its shots forever, the Pfizer and Moderna shots were unleashed on the world December 2020; the J&J and AstraZenca shots were released in February 2021. In reality, it’s been less than two years. We are in the middle of a great experiment, and the final results will not be known for many years.


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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is a board-certified osteopathic medical doctor. She is the founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center,  Tenpenny Health Restoration Center, LLC, medical clinics located near Cleveland, Ohio and several online educational businesses that can be found at DrTenpenny.comShe writes two Substacks per week. The first, EyeOnTheEvidence are educational pieces to help the general public understand complex medical concepts. The second, released on Sundays, are inspiration pieces OnWalkingWithGod.

Featured image: Studies suggest that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines may lead to neurological issues in the brain like Parkinson’s disease. (CGN089/Shutterstock)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

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“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Russia Not Ruling Out Repair of Nordstream Gas Pipelines

October 10th, 2022 by Julianne Geiger

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Russia is not ruling out the possibility of repairing the Nordstream gas pipelines, the Russian Embassy in Denmark said in a statement on its website on Friday.

The Russian embassy criticized the efforts to investigate the pipelines following four explosions that took them offline—some say indefinitely—because the Russian side was excluded from the investigations.

“The Danish side’s reluctance to involve Russia’s representatives in the ongoing investigation undermines its credibility. Limiting the circle of participating states, which are either already members of NATO, or on the way to this alliance, turns the study into politically preconceived,” the statement read, adding that it would investigate the possibility of conducting an investigation on the site of the explosions itself.

“The Russian side does not rule out the possibility of repairing gas pipelines, but a decision on this can be made after examining the site and assessing the extent of damage to gas pipelines.”

Russia also said it was ready to supply gas to Europe through the undamaged line of the Nordstream 2 pipeline. The $11 billion contentious Nordstream 2 pipeline, however, failed to receive certification from Germany to start the flow of gas. Germany halted the project, which sought to double the amount of gas flowing from Russia to Germany, in February after Russia recognized as independent two breakaway territories in Ukraine.

The Swedish Security Service found on Thursday that detonations caused the explosion that damaged the pipelines, “strengthening the suspicions of serious sabotage.”

The Nordstream 1 pipeline has the capacity to send 59 billion cubic meters of gas from Russia to Europe each year. Russia had stopped the flow of gas into Europe via Nordstream 1 prior to the explosion, stating that flows would not resume until sanctions were lifted.


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Julianne Geiger is a veteran editor, writer and researcher for, and a member of the Creative Professionals Networking Group.

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Why Zelensky’s World War III Gambit Will Fail

October 10th, 2022 by Jordan Schachtel

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A continually unhinged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spent the past year trying to draw NATO powers into direct conflict with Russia, and he has yet to achieve success, despite many attempts to do so. While the rhetoric between D.C., Brussels, and Moscow has certainly become more fiery, the kinetic pieces on the geopolitical chessboard have remained steadily in place, because the major parties to the conflict do not want to witness World War III breaking out.

On Thursday, Zelensky ramped up the rhetoric even further, calling on NATO forces to bomb Russia and try to eliminate their nuclear arsenal.

Of course, such a mission, which would launch WWIII, is not even possible, as Moscow retains the nuclear triad and thousands of nuclear weapons at their disposal.

Zelensky, an actor by trade, doesn’t seem to care about the details. He just wants NATO/US forces on the ground in Ukraine, and he’s willing to accept World War III to make that happen.

Last week, Zelensky signed an expedited NATO application.

The good news, at least for now, is that none of the major parties involved in this conflict want nuclear armageddon via WWIII.

NATO powers certainly do not want to get thrown into a direct skirmish with Russia. As the past several months have shown, they are only content to pursue the arming and funding of Ukraine from the sidelines of the war.

These powers remain committed to propping up Kiev as the tip of the spear in what they hope is a long, drawn out conflict with Moscow. They do not seek a Ukrainian victory over Russia, but an Afghanistan-like perpetual war that acts both to weaken their foe and facilitate several forms of laundering for the global elite.

Thankfully, the leaders of Western powers don’t actually believe the hysterical nonsense about Putin being some kind of imperial Hitler-like figure who seeks to conquer the entirety of Europe.

The Russians don’t want World War III either. Their overt goal, as articulated by the Kremlin, is to eliminate the threats to their territorial integrity. Their more unspoken goal, as proven by Russia’s political and military actions, is to secure territory that is both strategically valuable and populated by citizens who welcome or are indifferent to the idea of switching sovereigns. Russia is a minimally expansionist power, in a limited setting that targets friendly populations.

Zelensky has miscalculated, badly, because none of the internationalist players involved in propping up Kiev actually care about Ukraine. If they truly did care about Ukraine, they would seek a cessation to hostilities. Instead, the direct opposite is happening, and Ukraine has become the new gold mine for the military industrial cartel.

Zelensky and his more recent predecessors have completely botched realpolitik. Instead of harnessing Ukraine’s power as a neutral buffer state, his government went all-in on becoming subservient to one coalition while antagonizing its more powerful neighbor. This has had devastating consequences for the Ukrainian people.

While Ukraine’s political class, headed by Zelensky, is happy to enrich themselves by consuming small drops from the proxy war spigot, the Ukrainian nation is being torn apart by war, and its people remain impoverished.

While it would certainly be a setback for the NATO coalition if Kiev was lost to Russia’s sphere of influence, their actions showcase that it is not something worth fighting World War III over. This concerns Zelensky, because the game would be up for him and his allies in government. Therefore, hoaxing the world into World War III is the go-to strategy for Kiev. Luckily, for now at least, no major power wants to pursue that route.


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Who Deserves a Nobel Peace Prize in Ukraine?

October 10th, 2022 by Medea Benjamin

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In what was described as a harsh rebuke of Russia, the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Ukrainian human rights organization Center for Civil Liberties, along with Belarusian human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski and the Russian human rights organization Memorial. While at first glance, the Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties might sound like a group that is well deserving of this honor, Ukrainian peace leader Yurii Sheliazhenko wrote a stinging critique.

Sheliazhenko, who heads up the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement and is a board member of the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, accused the Center for Civil Liberties of embracing the agendas of such problematic international donors as the U.S. Department of State and the National Endowment for Democracy. The National Endowment for Democracy supports NATO membership for Ukraine; insists that no negotiations with Russia are possible and shames those who seek compromise; wants the West to impose a dangerous no-fly zone; says that only Putin violates human rights in Ukraine; never criticizes the Ukrainian government for suppressing pro-Russian media, parties, and public figures; never criticizes the Ukrainian army for war crimes and human rights violations, and refuses to stand up for the human right, recognized under international law, to conscientious objection to military service.

Supporting conscientious objectors is the role of Sheliazhenko and his organization, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement (UPM). While we hear a lot about Russian war resisters, as Sheliazhenko points out even inside Ukraine, which is portrayed in Western media as a country entirely united in its war with Russia, there are men who don’t want to fight.

The Ukrainian Pacifist Movement was founded in 2019 when fighting in the separatist-ruled Donbas region was at a peak and Ukraine was forcing its citizens to participate in the civil war. According to Sheliazhenko, Ukrainian men were “being given military summonses off of the streets, out of night clubs and dormitories, or snatched for military service for minor infractions such as traffic violations, public drunkenness, or casual rudeness to police officers.”

To make matters worse, when Russia invaded in February 2022, Ukraine suspended its citizens’ right to conscientious objection and forbade men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country; nevertheless, since February, over 100,000 Ukrainian draft-eligible men managed to flee instead of fight. It’s estimated that several thousand more have been detained while trying to escape.

International human rights law affirms peoples’ right, due to principled conviction, to refuse to participate in military conflict and conscientious objection has a long and rich history. In 1914, a group of Christians in Europe, hoping to avert the impending war, formed the International Fellowship of Reconciliation to support conscientious objectors. When the U.S. joined WWI, social reformer and women’s rights activist Jane Addams protested. She was harshly criticized at the time but, in 1931, she became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

In Russia, hundreds of thousands of young men are refusing to fight. According to a source inside Russia’s Federal Security Service, within three days of Russia’s announcement that it was drafting 300,000 more recruits, 261,000 men fled the country. Those who could booked flights; others drove, bicycled, and walked across the border.

Belarusians have also joined the exodus. According to estimates by Connection e.V., a European organization that supports conscientious objectors and deserters, an estimated 22,000 draft-eligible Belarusians have fled their country since the war began.

The Russian organization Kovcheg, or The Ark, helps Russians fleeing because of anti-war positions, condemnation of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, and/or persecution they are experiencing in Russia. In Belarus, the organization Nash Dom runs a “NO means NO” campaign to encourage draft-eligible Belarusians not to fight. Despite refusing to fight being a noble and courageous act for peace—the penalty in Russia for refusing the draft is up to ten years in prison and in Ukraine, it is at least up to three years, and likely much higher, with hearings and verdicts closed to the public—neither Kovcheg, Nash Dom nor the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, were announced as Nobel Peace Prize winners yesterday.

The U.S. government nominally supports Russia’s war resisters. On September 27, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared that Russians fleeing Putin’s draft were “welcome” in the U.S. and encouraged them to apply for asylum. But as far back as last October, before Russia invaded Ukraine, amid tit-for-tat U.S.-Russia tensions, Washington announced it would henceforth only issue visas to Russians through the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, 750 miles away from Moscow.

To put a further damper on Russian hopes of refuge in the U.S., on the same day as the White House held its press conference where it encouraged draft-eligible Russians to seek U.S. asylum, the Biden administration announced that it would be continuing into fiscal year 2023 its FY2022 global refugee cap of 125,000.

You would think that those resisting this war would be able to find refuge in European countries, as Americans fleeing the Vietnam war did in Canada. Indeed, when the Ukraine war was in its early stages, European Council President Charles Michel called on Russian soldiers to desert, promising them protection under EU refugee law. But in August, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked his Western allies to reject all Russian emigres. Currently, all non-visa travel from Russia to EU countries is suspended.

As Russian men fled after Putin’s draft announcement, Latvia closed its border with Russia and Finland said it was likely going to be tightening its visa policy for Russians.

Had the Nobel Peace Prize awardees been the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian organizations that are supporting war resisters and peacemakers, it would have drawn global attention to the courageous young men taking this stand and perhaps opened more avenues for them to get asylum abroad. It could have also initiated a much-needed conversation about how the U.S. is supplying Ukraine with an endless flow of weapons but not pushing for negotiations to end a war so dangerous that President Biden is warning of “nuclear Armageddon.” It certainly would have been more in line with Alfred Nobel’s desire to bring global recognition to those who have “done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies.”

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Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK: Women for Peace, is the author of the 2018 book, “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Her previous books include: “Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection” (2016); “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control” (2013); “Don’t Be Afraid Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks from the Heart” (1989), and (with Jodie Evans) “Stop the Next War Now (Inner Ocean Action Guide)” (2005). 

Ariel Gold is the executive director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation – USA, the oldest peace and justice organization in the U.S. Previously, she was the national co-director of CODEPINK, where she helped manage the Peace in Ukraine coalition

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According to a new survey of Americans, a growing majority desire negotiations with Washington’s enemies. For example, nearly 80% of people polled said they want the White House to continue nuclear talks with Iran. 

The Eurasia Group Foundation released a new survey asking Americans if our government should negotiate with adversaries. Nearly twice as many Americans said they want more talks compared to those calling for less diplomacy.

Since Joe Biden became president, Washington’s relationship with Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang and Tehran has become more contentious. However, the increasingly hostile White House is not reflective of the American public. Year-over-year the poll shows an increase in Americans favoring diplomacy over isolation.

The pollsters also found overwhelming support for negotiations with Iran. When asked, “Do you think the US should continue to pursue negotiations to prevent Iran from obtaining or developing a nuclear weapon in the near future?” 78.8 of Americans said yes, including over 70% of Republicans.

polling iran

Source: EGF via The Libertarian Institute

Biden campaigned on engaging Tehran and returning to the nuclear agreement that President Barack Obama helped create. President Donald Trump illegally exited in 2018. The Biden White House has largely adopted the hardline position of the Trump administration, expanding the “maximum pressure” campaign, piling on additional sanctions, and preventing the US from reentering the nuclear deal.

While Americans prefer engagement with adversaries, politicians in Washington largely advocate for an isolationist path Republican Senator from North Carolina Thom Tillis recently said talking with Iran was ill-advised. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez is a well-known Iran hawk and has repeatedly expressed his opposition to a diplomatic agreement with Tehran.


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor at the Libertarian Institute, assistant editor at and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.

Connor Freeman is a writer and assistant editor at the Libertarian Institute, and co-hosts Conflicts of Interest.

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Russia says the United States’ decision to ship more weapons to Ukraine poses an “immediate threat” to Moscow’s interests and hikes the risk of a direct military confrontation between Russia and the West.

“The supply of military products by the US and its allies not only entails protracted bloodshed and new casualties, but also increases the danger of a direct military clash between Russia and Western countries,” Russia’s Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said on the Telegram messaging app on Wednesday.

“We perceive this as an immediate threat to the strategic interests of our country,” he said, after US President Joe Biden pledged a new $625-million military aid package to Ukraine on Tuesday.

The US package would include High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers, reportedly used in Ukraine’s recent counter-offensives against Russian forces, leading to their withdrawal.

Last week, Washington also unveiled a $1.1-billion arms package for Ukraine, which included 18 HIMARS launcher systems, accompanying munitions, various types of counter drone systems and radar systems.

But last week’s weapons package was funded by the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), meaning the government has to procure the weapons from industry, rather than pulling them from existing US weapons stocks.

The latest announcement would mark more than $16.8 billion worth of US security military aid to Kiev since Russia began what it calls a “special military operation” in Ukraine back in February, citing the failure of the US-led NATO military alliance and Kiev to offer Moscow security guarantees it sought in connection with NATO’s eastward expansion.

The aid package is the first since the accession to Russian Federation of four former Ukrainian territories — namely Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia — after holding referendums that Russia said overwhelmingly favored the move.


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Attack on Crimean Bridge Exposes Kiev as Terrorist State

October 10th, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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On October 8, the Kerch Bridge, also known as “Crimean Bridge”, was partially damaged after a terrorist attack. The bridge connects Crimea to the Krasnodar region and is extremely strategic for Russian logistics, since it is the main transport infrastructure point between Crimea and the rest of the Federation. The attack was aimed only on civilian targets on the Bridge, with no Russian military vehicle operating in the region at the moment.

The attack took place in the morning when a truck was passing by the Bridge and exploded. The fire hit fuel tanks that were circulating on the railway part of the Bridge. Currently, investigations are being carried out by Russian authorities in order to clarify the details of the attack and the exact way in which the sabotage was planned and conducted. There are suspicions of remote detonation. The damage affected a considerable part of the motorway sections but did not totally collapse the general functioning of the 19km long Bridge. On the same day of the explosion, vehicles returned to normal circulation in the stretches that were not destroyed, and the regularity of services has been maintained.


Source: Russia Briefing

Ukrainian authorities have claimed responsibility for the attack. An adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office, Mykhailo Podolyak, posted on his social media account:

“Crimea, the bridge, the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything occupied by Russia must be expelled”.

In the same vein, the official page of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense published:

“The guided missile cruiser Moskva and the Kerch Bridge – two notorious symbols of russian power in Ukrainian Crimea – have gone down. What’s next in line, russkies?”.

Also, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelesky himself wrote:

“Today was not a bad day and mostly sunny on our state’s territory. Unfortunately, it was cloudy in Crimea. Although it was also warm”, in what appeared to be a reference to the Crimea Bridge attack case.

In response, several Moscow’s officials made statements about the incident. Russian President Vladimir Putin himself commented on the case stating that “this was a terrorist attack aimed at destroying critical Russian civilian infrastructure” and that “the Ukrainian special services were the authors, perpetrators and customers”.

In the same vein, Russian Investigative Committee head Alexander Bastrykin made it clear that although investigations are still ongoing, there is no doubt that it was a deliberate terrorist act that targeted civilian infrastructure:

“We are continuing our investigation into the goals and objectives of this bombing. It undoubtedly carries a terrorist character. This was an act of terrorism. All our data allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion – this was a terrorist attack prepared by the Ukrainian special services. The purpose of this terror attack was to destroy a large piece of civilian infrastructure which has a great importance for Russia”.

Indeed, the Russian response began on October 10, when Russian tactical attacks were launched against Kiev and other major Ukrainian cities. The main targets were strategic points such as intelligence agencies’ headquarters and critical infrastructure. The objective also was to neutralize Ukrainian forces by directly hitting the decision-making centers.

On the same day, Putin made new public statements, claiming that Kiev has initiated terrorist acts that cannot be left unanswered. The Russian president also emphasized how the Ukrainian regime has also initiated actions of nuclear terrorism, attacking power plants and creating risks of radioactive leakage. He promised that Russian responses could become even tougher.

In fact, the special military operation is acquiring the character of an anti-terrorist operation. The Ukrainian regime has already made it clear that terrorism is its usual praxis. The murder of Daria Dugina, the attacks on Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and the explosion on the Crimean Bridge show that terrorists are in leading the government in Kiev.

In an ideal scenario, not only Russia but the entire international society would mobilize to solve the Ukrainian terrorist problem. But on the contrary, the western world continues to finance Kiev and support these illegal acts perpetrated by the local regime. In practice, NATO has acted as an organization sponsor of terrorism by sending money and weapons to Ukraine. More than that, some Western powers seem to be involved even in direct terrorism, considering the possible American and British participation in a boycott of Russian-European cooperation through the attacks on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines.

It also shows how the western narrative of the “global war on terror” has always been a fraud, whose objective is only to attack countries considered enemies. When allied nations use terrorism, NATO’s attitude is one of support, not condemnation.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegra/m.

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Hundreds of tech employees have been protesting against Google and Amazon signing a deal with the Israeli government to develop artificial intelligence tools under the so-called Nimbus project which will be used to trace and control Palestinian movements

Hundreds of employees of the world’s biggest tech companies have joined together to prevent their employers’ collaboration with the state of Israel. The movement called ‘No Tech for Apartheid’ raises questions related to big tech companies such as Google and Amazon’s disregard for ethical standards and their growing complicity with the Israeli occupation and apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories.

A joint statement issued with the consent of over 1,000 Google and Amazon employees on the dedicated website of the movement asserts that “technology should be used to bring people together, not enable apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler colonialism.” The movement claims to be inspired by the successful fight against apartheid in South Africa.

The movement has pointed that Google and Amazon’s joint project with the state of Israel, called project Nimbus, is nothing new but part of a long list of similar previous collaborations like with the US Department of Defense, Immigrants and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and various State and local police departments to provide different types of data and processing tools. These technologies have sharpened the effectiveness of the state’s repressive capacities by making it easier for organizations such as ICE to target vulnerable groups like immigrants.

A dangerous project 

The Israeli Finance Ministry announced last year that it has signed a USD 1.2 billion deal with these companies to jointly develop an advanced cloud computing system, Project Nimbus, to provide artificial intelligence tools to the Israeli government and military.

Google and Amazon went ahead with the deal with Israel despite reports of Blue Wolf facial recognition technology and the Pegasus spyware grabbing global headlines amid last year’s deadly assaults on Gaza, which led to over 250 deaths.

A report published in July in The Intercept details the dangerous role project Nimbus could play in the persecution of Palestinians. It notes that the project will be used for carrying out surveillance and control of Palestinians activities and to sustain the Israeli occupation. It also talks about how the cloud system, once completed, will allow the Israeli authorities to pool and analyze data on a very large scale.

The No Tech for Apartheid campaign acknowledges that the project is “dangerous” and underlines that “when technology is used to harm communities, they make the world less safe for us all.” The movement declares that these tech companies are “helping to make Israeli apartheid more efficient, more violent, and even deadlier for Palestinians.”

Gabriel Schubiner, part of the Alphabet Workers Union, said in an interview to Democracy Now that “cloud technology is extremely powerful and providing that power to a violent military and to an apartheid government is not a neutral act,” as claimed by these companies.

Such campaigns have had a mixed impact so far. Microsoft, another technology giant, was forced to pull out all its funding from Israeli facial recognition firm AnyVision in 2020 under popular pressure. Google was also forced to stop its so-called “project Maven” with the US Ministry of Defense for similar reasons in 2018. Project Maven used to provide the US Department of Defense artificial intelligence technology to help detect targets captured by drone images. However, there are no other major examples to show that tech companies are ready to respond to concerns raised by their employees or the general public. On the contrary, big corporations often try to silence opposition.

Culture of retaliation 

Google is accused of a culture of retaliation against its employees. Workers raising questions of ethics are oppressed and forced to go quiet or leave, according to several former employees. The recent example of Ariel Koren, a product marketing manager at Google who was forced to resign, is a case in point. Koren was critical of project Nimbus and had played a significant role in mobilizing her colleagues to raise the issue. She resigned in July claiming that she was transferred without consent from her current location in San Francisco to Brazil, as retaliation to her activism.

Most of the signatories of a statement issued by the No Tech for Apartheid campaign last year have remained anonymous, fearing retaliation from their employer and the prospect of losing their job.

Nevertheless, a large number of tech workers have come out in public and participated in a couple of nationwide demonstrations held last year in cities in the US. They proudly held the banners declaring ‘No tech for apartheid’ and demanding that Google and Amazon drop the project with Israel.

It is clear that movements such as No Tech for Apartheid have created some pressure on these companies and their collaborators. The Israeli government has also been forced to seek additional safeguards to protect the project from eventual shut down.

Talking about the significance of No Tech of Apartheid, Apoorva Gautam, South Asia and Asia Pacific coordinator of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, notes that “it is an intersectional campaign” which responds to the concerns raised by the “Palestinian civil society, tech workers, students, teachers, digital rights and Palestine solidarity activists,” asking tech companies to end “their complicity in apartheid.” She asserts that “apart from defending Palestinian human rights, this campaign also stands with struggles against digital colonialism and militarization of our societies through technology.”


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Ammar al-Baluchi, who has spent close to two decades at Guantanamo, has been for years suffering from severe brain damage as a result of his treatment at CIA black sites.

And despite Guantanamo Bay’s chief medical officer noting earlier this year that the facilities at the detention centre are inadequate in providing complex treatments for the prison’s ailing and ageing population, the Biden administration is continuing to oppose Baluchi’s requests for an independent commission of medical experts to come to the prison and assess his condition.

Alka Pradhan, Baluchi’s defence lawyer who returned from Guantanamo last week, told Middle East Eye that during her last session with the detainee, his condition was so bad he wasn’t able to read or form complete thoughts.

“Ammar has brain damage, stemming from his time in the black sites – and the effects of that brain damage have become really pronounced in his cognitive abilities,” Pradhan said.

“His ability, for example, to read documents, his ability to put together complex thoughts that would contribute to his defence, his ability to sit with us and strategise are really compromised at this point.”

She added that when it comes to Guantanamo,

“there is just no hope in sight for the sort of complex medical care that he needs, both psychological and physical”.

For the past few months, Pradhan has been petitioning the US District Court in Washington DC to grant a mixed medical commission (MMC) – a panel of independent experts made up of a medical officer from the US military and two doctors from a neutral country chosen by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

If granted, the panel could ultimately conclude that Baluchi’s condition requires him to be transferred out of the prison.

The Department of Justice has resisted the MMC request, stating in a September filing that an MMC would not lead to Baluchi’s transfer and that he “will continue to have comprehensive medical care available to him, administered by qualified military staff duty-bound to protect his physical and mental health”.

“Notably, Petitioner’s motion does not describe any actual medical emergency or even a condition for which urgently necessary treatment is not available at Guantanamo,” the administration’s filing said.

On Monday, Pradhan submitted a pleading in Baluchi’s case that called into question the Biden administration’s opposition to the request, saying the Department of Justice had failed to respond to the actual petition.

“I don’t want to say that they’re lying, but they have at every stage avoided responding to the specific facts of his case and instead has put forward these affidavits saying, ‘no, no, everything is fine at Guantanamo’,” Pradhan said.

In June, the detention centre’s chief medical officer offered testimony to the military commissions, in which he said that, while primary care was readily available to the prison population, many more specific procedures or treatments were not possible at the base:

“Where you’re going to find difficulties and breakdowns and pinch points are the, you know, when we need to see, for instance, this special study or this special provider.”

Steve Xenakis, a retired US Army brigadier-general and psychiatrist who has been advising on Baluchi’s case for the past decade, said the conditions faced by the detainee were complex and deteriorating.

“He clearly needs very sophisticated treatment and care for a condition that may end up being very chronic. It’s a problem he’s had for some time and it’s a progressive deterioration,” Xenakis told MEE.

He added that, for many detainees including Baluchi, “the equipment that you would need, and the other capabilities to both evaluate them and treat them are not here on the island”.

Why put up a fight?

Baluchi’s lawyers argue that a military ruling, titled Army Reglation 190-8, requires any prisoners be granted an MMC when requested.

The detainee’s defence team also cites a landmark 2020 ruling by Judge Rosemary Collyer of the US District Court for the District of Columbia, who concluded that another detainee, Mohamed al-Qahtani, was allowed an MMC to determine whether he was eligible for repatriation based on his medical condition.

However, a Trump administration filing in Qahtani’s case – described as “sloppy” and “hastily written” by Pradhan – asserted that the detainees at Guantanamo were not subject to regulation 190-8, and therefore could not receive an MMC.

The Biden administration ultimately mooted the court’s decision in that case by transferring Qahtani to Saudi Arabia, but Pradhan says Judge Collyer’s ruling already sets the precedent for Baluchi to be independently evaluated by an outside medical team.

The administration has signalled it will not interfere with plea negotiations that could resolve the long-stalled prosecution of alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four co-defendants.

But despite this messaging, as well as the recent appointment of an official to oversee the transfers out of Guantanamo, Biden’s government has continued to push against fulfilling Baluchi’s request.

“I really do not understand why they are putting up such a fight on this which really undermines what the left hand is doing, trying to very slowly find a way to close Guantanamo,” Pradhan said.

Scott Roehm, Washington director of the Center for Victims of Torture, similarly questioned the administration’s approach.

“If the goal is to close Guantanamo, and a mixed medical commission is to conclude that this person is so sick, debilitated, injured, etc, that they have to be repatriated, that facilitates closure,” he told MEE.

Thirty-six men remain held at Guantanamo Bay, 20 of whom have been approved for transfer. Five are currently in indefinite detention and not approved for transfer, ten are awaiting trial and two have been convicted, including Majid Khan, who has finished his sentence and is in need of a country to be transferred to.

The Department of Justice declined to comment on the case.

Baluchi’s severe brain damage

Baluchi, a 44-year-old Kuwaiti national also known as Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, spent more than three years in CIA custody and was moved between a total of six “black sites” before being transferred in 2006 to Guantanamo Bay.

His case has been in pre-trial hearings for a decade, with delays over the legal admissibility of testimony obtained after his torture.

According to Pradhan, a neuropsychologist carried out an MRI of Baluchi’s head in October 2018 and found “abnormalities indicating moderate to severe brain damage” in the parts of his brain affecting memory formation, retrieval, and behavioural regulation.

According to another neuropsychologist’s evaluation of Baluchi in early 2020, the Guantanamo detainee’s psychological functioning had “seriously diminished” as a result of the torture, leaving him with a host of issues including traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Another MRI scan was taken of Baluchi in 2021, revealing that a spinal lesion in his back had grown at an alarming rate, according to Pradhan. However, with the base’s MRI machine now broken, medical staff are not able to assess the condition or diagnose the lesion.

Earlier this year, newly declassified documents revealed that during his time at a black site in Afghanistan, Baluchi was used as a “prop” and training tool for trainee interrogators to practice torture techniques.

The documents revealed that interrogators-in-training lined up to take turns experimenting on him, including one CIA-approved technique called “walling”, in which the detainee’s heels are placed against a plywood wall “which had flexibility to it”, and a rolled-up towel was put around their neck. The detainee is then repeatedly slammed into the wall by their collar. Baluchi was naked during the interrogation.

Rights groups and civil society organisations have for years criticised the US government for the lack of medical facilities provided to properly treat many of the detainees at Guantanamo.

A 2019 report by The Center for Victims of Torture and Physicians for Human Rights found that medical equipment and expertise available on-site were “increasingly insufficient to address detainees’ health needs”.

“As they get older, I mean, we have to recognise that they’re going to need all sorts of different sophisticated treatments,” said Xenakis. “And we’re gonna have to figure out how that’s going to be set up.”


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Dr. E. Michael Jones issued a disturbing warning on this week’s False Flag Weekly News:

Col. (Douglas) MacGregor was on some platform yesterday saying that there is no evidence whatsoever that the Russians are planning to use nuclear weapons. They don’t need to. They have overwhelming military superiority at the moment as they’re building up for the fall offensive. So it seems to me what we’re really talking about here is America setting off a nuclear bomb and attributing it to Russia. In case you didn’t notice, they did this already with the pipeline, so why wouldn’t they do it with a nuclear weapon?

Jones’ warning comes amid signs that the US leadership is actively considering nuclear war. Joe Biden recently announced that the world is on the brink of nuclear apocalypse. His government seems to be preparing for that eventuality:

On Wednesday, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it would spend $290 million to secure an undisclosed quantity of Amgen’s blood disorder drug Nplate, which has been approved to treat blood cell injuries caused by acute radiation syndrome (ARS) in both children and adults.

The Union of Concerned Scientists agrees that a civilization-ending nukefest is closer than ever. Their Doomsday Clock is currently set to “doom’s doorstep”— 100 seconds from midnight. That is the worst “doom setting” since the Doomsday Clock was inaugurated in 1947.

Biden and the mainstream media are pre-emptively blaming Putin. They say that Russia is losing, growing desperate, and likely to resort to a nuclear strike.

But militarily experienced analysts like Col. Douglas MacGregor and Larry Johnsonbeg to differ. They point out that the vaunted Ukrainian advances are relatively insignificant. As Johnson writes:

Rolling across wide open plains represents a feel good moment, but this territory is not defensible once Russia decides to counter attack…Russia is baiting Ukraine to take territory and then face the task of trying to take a city Russia holds, such as Kherson…Ukraine will have to conduct a frontal assault on the city of Kherson and, in order to do this, will have to mass troops and equipment that will be easy targets for Russian artillery, missiles and bombs.

If Russia were really losing, wouldn’t the sanctions-flouting nations representing 85% of Earth’s population quickly capitulate to the US, cut off their trade with Russia, and beg for Uncle Sam’s forgiveness? And wouldn’t the Saudis and the rest of OPEC+ side with Biden rather than Putin? But that isn’t happening. On the contrary, it seems that most world leaders are betting on the Russians, not the Americans. They know the actual military score. They know that the pre-war Ukrainian military is mostly destroyed, that Ukraine has taken atrocious losses, and that the mad dashes against undefended empty plains are a desperate PR stunt, not a real threat to the success of the Russian SMO. The Russians are currently massing for their winter offensive, and when it comes, Ukraine will lose everything it has gained and then some, setting the stage for a decisive resolution to the conflict.

So it is the Ukrainians and their American neocon backers—not the Russians—who are desperate. How desperate? Well, Zelinsky wants to the US to pre-emptively nuke Russia, that’s how desperate.

But the Americans know that’s impossible. You can’t just pre-emptively nuke the biggest nuclear power on earth without destroying yourself in the process.

There are signs that American officials are annoyed with Ukrainian loose cannons like “nuke ‘em first and ask questions later” Zelinsky. The New York Times recently published a barely-coherent article headlined “U.S. Believes Ukrainians Were Behind Darya Dugina Assassination” that appeared to be some kind of CIA message to the Russians, or the Ukrainians, or US vassals, or some combination thereof, insisting that “we Americans are really, really mad at the Ukrainian hotheads who killed Darya Dugina, and we’re worried about the Ukrainians doing more recklessly stupid things.”

The US government is the last entity on Earth that should be telling other people not to do recklessly stupid things. But this time they might have a point.

One extremely recklessly stupid thing Ukrainian hotheads might do is set off a nuclear false flag designed to be blamed on Russia. Maybe there is a faction of the CIA that doesn’t like that idea, and the New York Times article is a sort of pre-emptive strike against it.

In any case, if one or more radioactive mushroom clouds arises over Ukraine or its general vicinity, regardless of whether it was done by Ukrainian hotheads or US special operatives or their Polish stooges or Blackwater or the same guys who blew up Nordstream or the team that murdered Darya Dugina or the liars who dreamed up the Ghost of Kiev and the Foul-Mouthed Martyrs of Snake Island, it won’t really matter, because we all know the hysterical neocon propaganda media will blame Putin and bay in unison for his blood; Zelensky will demand immediate Armageddon; and generally all hell will break loose, figuratively and perhaps literally. If people believe the propaganda, we’ll be facing a World War III scenario.

That’s why it’s important to share this article and spread the news far and wide that if and when a nuke goes off, it will be the American-Ukrainian side, not the Russian side, that did it.


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Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID

By Jonas Vesterberg, October 09, 2022

As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines.

Western World Propaganda and Nuclear War Threat in Ukraine

By Irwin Jerome, October 09, 2022

The year 2022 has been an ideologically-deafening Tower of Babel year, not unlike that described in the Bible in Genesis 11:1, where, since the beginning of human existence, human language, thought and conflict has been forever victimized by a constant babble of falsities & half-truths.

The Jabs, Are the Kids OK?

By Mark Taliano, October 09, 2022

The evidence is in. They are willfully killing and maiming and sterilizing us with these jabs. Some of us know this. Most remain unconvinced. All holocausts are enabled by fence-sitters, willful ignorance etc., and it is happening now. Never again is now.

US Troops in Dispute with Their Terrorist Mercenaries in Syria

By Steven Sahiounie, October 09, 2022

The US-employed terrorists, Maghawir al-Thawra (MaT), have turned against their partners, the US Army, stationed at al-Tanf base in the eastern Syrian desert.  On October 4, the terrorists, who are employed as mercenaries by the US military, attempted to break out of the illegal US base using a large-caliber machine gun on the pickup truck they were driving.

Kyiv Nazis Manage to Blow Hole in Crimean Bridge

By Kurt Nimmo, October 09, 2022

The corporate propaganda media in the West is celebrating the death of three people on the Kerch Bridge, partially disabled last night in what might be described as a suicide bombing.

Zelensky’s Call for NATO “Preemptive Strikes” on Russia an Attempt to Spark WW3: Kremlin

By Zero Hedge, October 09, 2022

The Kremlin blasted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s “preemptive strikes” on Russia remarks from the day prior, accusing him of trying to start a world war. Zelensky had in a virtual address to Australia’s Lowy Institute urged US-led allies to conducted preventative strikes on Russia so that “knows what to expect” if it used nuclear weapons.

The Devotees of Data Retention and Mass Surveillance

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 09, 2022

It is a stinker in terms of policy, and unconvincing in effect, but the wholesale, indiscriminate retention of telecommunications data continues to excite legislators and law enforcement.  In the European Union, countries continue to debate and pursue such measures, despite legal challenges.

Nord Stream Sabotage − ‘Cui Bono’? Who Benefits?

By Sara Flounders, October 09, 2022

Even though the pipelines were a joint Russian-German effort costing $23 billion, Ukrainian and U.S. politicians and media immediately blamed Russia for the destruction. That this charge is ridiculous is only obscured by the last decades of fever-pitch propaganda slandering Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Drawing the Russians Into the Afghan Trap…

By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, October 08, 2022

Despite the fact that the secret program had already been revealed by the CIA’s former chief of the directorate of Operations for the Near East and South Asia Dr. Charles Cogan and former CIA Director Robert Gates and was largely ignored, Brzezinski’s admission brings attention to a glaring misconception about Soviet intentions in Afghanistan that many historians would rather leave unexplained.

U.S. Buying $290M Worth of “Anti-Radiation Drugs” for Use in ‘Nuclear Emergency’. “Billions in High-tech Weaponry to Ukraine to Strike Inside Russia”

By Chris Menahan, October 08, 2022

While Russia has issued statement after statement warning the US they will use nuclear weapons to defend their territory and are “not bluffing,” the US has been shipping billions in high-tech weaponry to Ukraine to attack Russian forces and strike inside of Russia.

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“Most people seem to get off on the fact that it’s escalating,” said socialist MEP Clare Daly, who condemned the E.U. for doing nothing to prevent Russia’s war from becoming “a wider horror.”

Two Irish members of the European Parliament on Thursday voted against a resolution calling for a massive increase in weapons shipments to Ukraine and blasted E.U. member nations over their refusal to pursue diplomatic initiatives to end Russia’s devastating war.

In a fiery floor speech ahead of Thursday’s vote on the resolution—which ultimately passed by an overwhelming margin of 504 to 26, with 36 abstentions—Irish MEP Clare Daly lamented that “practically nobody in this chamber is doing anything to prevent” the war in Ukraine from “quickly escalating into a wider horror,” a nod at the growing risk of nuclear catastrophe as Russian President Vladimir Putin ramps up his threatening rhetoric.

“In fact, most people seem to get off on the fact that it’s escalating,” said Daly, an Independent. “And at this precise moment, of course, as usual, the voices challenging the rush to war are attacked and silenced, smeared as traitors, cronies, Putin puppets, Kremlin stooges, Russian agents.”

“Frankly, it’s pathetic,” she continued. “And I don’t make the comparison lightly, but the crudeness and cynicism of these slurs coming from mainstream E.U. parties might as well have been written by [Nazi war criminal] Hermann Göring, who infamously said that even though people never want war, they can be brought to war with threats and smears.”

“This house should be ashamed of this debate,” Daly added. “Words are being twisted, meanings subverted, and the truth turned on its head. Opposing the horrible madness of war is not anti-European, it’s not anti-Ukrainian, it’s not pro-Russian: it’s common sense. The working class of Europe has nothing to gain from this war and everything to lose. And I find it laughable that those calling for arms to Ukraine never call for arms for the people of Palestine, or for the people of Yemen. Unlike you, I oppose all war. I want it stopped. I make no apology for that.”

In addition to calling on nations backing Ukraine to “massively increase their military assistance,” the newly approved resolution condemned “in the strongest possible terms the unjustified, unprovoked, and illegal Russian war of aggression against Ukraine” and denounced as “illegal and illegitimate” the “sham referendums conducted at gunpoint to annex the oblasts of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia.”

Daly and fellow Independent Irish MEP Mick Wallace emphasized following Thursday’s vote that they have consistently opposed Russian aggression in Ukraine and that they rejected the resolution because of its calls for more arms deliveries and its “bellicose, escalatory language.”

“We don’t believe that pouring more weapons into Ukraine is a good idea,” Wallace said in a radio interview Friday. “We think more Ukrainians will die and it’s going to have a terrible impact on an awful lot of people.”

Since Russia’s invasion began in February, E.U. member countries have provided billions of euros worth of military assistance to Ukraine.

Earlier this week, Daly and Wallace teamed up with Independent Irish MEP Luke Ming Flanagan—who abstained from the resolution—to introduce an amendment decrying the “absence of E.U. diplomatic initiatives” and advocating “negotiations and dialogue to achieve a cease-fire” and a peaceful end to the war.

The Irish Times reported that the amendment “was rejected by the majority of MEPs.”

In an explanation of her vote Thursday, Daly wrote that while she condemns “the illegal aggression of Russia,” she also disagrees with a “one-sided narrative that excuses the Western role in what is now happening.”

“I urge a cease-fire, negotiations, and genuine E.U. efforts to secure a peace,” Daly continued. “I oppose the policy of collective punishment, sanctions that also hurt European citizens, the flooding of Ukraine with weapons, and other actions that escalate the war and run the risk of igniting a direct conflict between NATO and Russia.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Featured image: Clare Daly, an Irish member of the European Parliament, delivers a speech on October 5, 2022. (Photo: Clare Daly/Facebook Screengrab)

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How or When Did this Potentially-Fatal Road to Nuclear War in Ukraine Begin?

The year 2022 has been an ideologically-deafening Tower of Babel year, not unlike that described in the Bible in Genesis 11:1, where, since the beginning of human existence, human language, thought and conflict has been forever victimized by a constant babble of falsities & half-truths.

With the ever-escalating War in Ukraine, potentially leading towards an ultimate nuclear confrontation, the Western press continues to pummel the world with a withering barrage of official party line propaganda, creating a simplistic false narrative of the complex, decades-long, geo-politics that underlie this war. Parroted, at the same time, is the ideology of the elite within the Dark State who continue to direct, from behind the scenes, the American national security state’s unrelenting vehement ideological assault against Russia and its ultimate desire, at all costs, to not only bring about a regime change in Russia but, ultimately, once-and-for-all crush its Empire for the American-led Western Empire’s own gain.

The architects of the Project for a New American Century are among those who have long had a goal of planning, in one fashion or another, extending America’s long-held philosophy of Manifest Destiny into a wider expanse of world conquest and domination. The result has been a never-ending Cold War Redux with Russia, Ukraine’s Civil War now its epicenter of a Hot War, about to perhaps get even nuclear hotter, sooner rather than later, if those military analysts are correct who now suggest the hands of the Doomsday Clock should be more accurately moved up to one minute before midnight.

Either Way Ukraine’s Civil War Goes, It Will be a Long-Drawn Out “Savage Affair”

An unmistakably-telltale signal of what the West has all along intended, since day one, to do this time to Russia in the war in Ukraine is the clear message it consistently has given to Russia and the world that this time it isn’t prepared, one iota, to diplomatically negotiate with or back down in the stance it has taken over the crisis in Ukraine. This cold, hostile, frightful and frightening, turning-of-the-back on meaningful negotiations by the U.S. and its allies is another, gob-smacking classic example of the old saying “War is the failure to communicate”.

The heavy metal rock group Guns N’ Roses in 1991 produced the album Use Your Illusions that contained the track “Civil War” that was included in their Greatest Hits album in 2004. The lyrics speak to the never-ending absurdity of this current war that asks, “So what’s so civil about war anyway?”

Axel Rose’s words are worth reminding one’s self at this point:

What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate. Some men, you just can’t reach. So, you get what we had here, last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it And I don’t like it any more than you or me. Look at your young men. Look at your women crying. Look at your young men dying. The way they’ve always done before. Look at the hate we’re breeding Look at the fear we’re feeding. Look at the lives we’re leading, the way we’ve always done before. My hands are tied. The billions shift from side to side. An’ the wars go on with brainwashed pride. For the love of God and our human rights. An’ all these things are swept aside by bloody hands time can’t deny an’ are washed away by your genocide. An’ history hides the lies of our civil wars. D’you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said peace could last forever? An’ in my first memories, they shot Kennedy. I went numb when I learned to see. So I never fell for Vietnam. We got the wall in D.C. to remind us all that you can’t trust freedom when it’s not in your hands. When everybody’s fightin’ for their promised land.

And I don’t need your civil war. It feeds the rich, while it buries the poor. Your power hungry, sellin’ soldiers in a human grocery store. Ain’t that fresh? I don’t need your civil war. Ooh, no, no, no, no, no, no! Look at the shoes you’re filling. Look at the blood we’re spilling! Look at the world we’re killing, the way we’ve always done before. Look in the doubt we’ve wallowed! Look at the leaders we’ve followed! Look at the lies we’ve swallowed! An’ I don’t want to hear no more! My hands are tied. For all I’ve seen has changed my mind. But still, the wars go on, as the years go by. With no love of God or human rights. An’ all these dreams are swept aside by bloody hands of the hypnotized who carry the cross of homicide. And history bears the scars of our civil wars. We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials to create a vacuum. Then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, Peace is closer. I don’t need your civil war! It feeds the rich, while it buries the poor. Your power hungry, sellin’ soldiers in a human grocery store. Ain’t that fresh? I don’t need your civil war! No no no no no no no no no no no no! I don’t need your civil war! I don’t need your civil war! Your power hungry, sellin’ soldiers in a human grocery store! Ain’t that fresh? I don’t need your civil war! No no no no no no no no no no, no, no! I don’t need one more war! Ooh, I don’t need one more war! No no no, no! whoa, no! whoa! What’s so civil ’bout war anyway?

The Long Road to Now in Ukraine’s Human Grocery Store Is a Painful One

Axel’s words are profound! Short of ending the war with an all-out quick-strike nuclear confrontation, the already existing complexities behind the Civil War in Ukraine already includes too many ugly soldiers and military doing what they always do in the human grocery store. Behind-the-scenes meddling by Washington and other Western governments and their collective military intel forces have long been in operation, plotting and planning, before Ukraine’s Civil War ever began in earnest.

For starts, depending upon your political and ideological beliefs, if you’re a Russian-speaking Eastern Ukrainian, the origins of this civil war are described as the 2014 Maidan coup d’ etat, when U.S. State Department officials supported the radical Azov and Right Sector neo-Nazi nationalists overthrow of the democratically-elected, Russian-leaning government of Viktor Yanukovych.

The Maidan false flag operation by fascist snipers of protestors in Kiev’s Independence Square, gleefully backed by Washington and oligarch nationalists, are what triggered the Maidan coup and set off the domino effect of: the subsequent annexation of the Crimea by the Russians; the commencement of the war in the Donbas and; renewed Cold War between Russia and the West. Once Ukraine’s civil war is over and won by Russia, which it indubitably will, it’s expected President Putin will return deposed President Viktor Yanukovych back in power to replace President Zelensky.

Whereas, Ukrainian-speaking Western Ukrainian’s who lean towards the European vector and EU Free-Trade Zone for development, are among those who backed the coup in 2014, which they instead call a Revolution of Dignity. The 108 protestors who were massacred, under false flag operations, by nationalist snipers or burned alive in barricaded buildings by their own right-wing thugs, are still referred to as the Heavenly Hundred Heroes.

The complexity of what all has transpired in Ukraine over the past eight years since 2014 seems too much for the outside amnesiac world to comprehend. To begin with, the majority of the citizenry in the West are either just: too busy with their own lives; too intelligently ill-equipped; too poorly-ill-informed by choice or by design, or; too disinterested to even try to remember or understand the complexities of the decades-long causes that underlie the historical hostilities between the American and Russian Empires. The masses just aren’t that interested, beyond being fed a steady diet of war news over their next meal, coffee and dessert; unquestioningly willing to accept as gospel, whatever is fed them by whatever national or international Western propaganda news feed or affiliate. It’s how World War’s I & II, and every other war in the world before or since, was ever started.

Both sides in this conflict now have been led to believe they must be totally prepared to knock out the other, once and for all, if ever there is to be any kind of resolution to this untenable situation. The Russians realize they are going to have to totally wipe out the Ukrainian Army to successfully end the conflict. While the West, as the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton broadcasted early in March, at the start of this renewed civil war, if the West is ever to win they must be prepared to give their nuclear knockout punch or fight a long, brutal, bloody insurgency war like the CIA did in Afghanistan, with neo-Nazi elements continuing to fight a clandestine ethnic cleansing war of Russian-speaking Ukrainians and occupying Russian troops; with a right-wing government in-exile to serve as a figurehead high command. But this insane option only makes some kind of quick -fix nuclear strike even more desirable on either side.

To make matters worse, almost every major airwave and journalistic platform in the West now is under the unofficial command: of America’s national security state; its multitude of Intel agencies and; their battalions of skilled wordsmiths, visual media artists, talking heads and tacticians of all manner of psychological warfare, who deftly or clumsily, only spin the story in Ukraine one way. This includes all those broadcasting networks who, collectively, who rightly could be characterized as ‘Radio Free Ukraine’, or their WWII, Cold War predecessors: Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and Voice of America.

Forever absent is the ‘equal time’ space allotted to opposing independent media anti-war sources who challenge the validity of the primary argument that Ukraine, rather than a country with a long-standing history of frustrated democratic principles and longings, instead is one who, in the Western region of Ukraine, clearly has long had strong neo-Nazi sentiments, held since WWII and before, that has led to an unbridgeable ideologically-divide and Civil War-mentality between its Western and Eastern regions.

Not surprisingly, The Americans, true to form, have chosen to protect the Western region’s Ukrainian-speaking people, while Russia, based on a democratic vote taken in a war-zone under extremely trying conditions, has chosen now to place the Eastern Ukraine’s four regions of Russian-speaking people – in Zaporizhzia, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk – back under the protection of Mother Russia.

By so doing, the hands of the Doomsday clock have now moved even dangerously closer to midnight, while the United States and its Western European allies refuse to accept the validity of the democratic vote in Eastern Ukraine and are now preparing to provide the Western regions with the latest, cutting-edge battlefield nuclear weaponry, while Russia and its allies have also declared their readiness to use nuclear weapons to protect the four annexed regions that now are part of the greater Mother Russia.

The Hands of the Doomsday Clock Move Ever Closer to Midnight

Ukraine’s pro-Western region, now is being used by the American national security state as a pawn to ram through a fully-fledged NATO Army in Ukraine, with which to ostensibly defend itself from its Eastern, pro-Russian side; with the additional collective military might of the West’s NATO nations unequivocally backing them up to the hilt at the cost of even every NATO country’s citizenry. It’s a recipe for disaster.

Whereas many alternative peace-prone, anti-war media sources, left out of the conversation, instead contrarily hold that Ukraine is a country in need of a new identity for itself with the world’s collective help; not to fuel yet another world war but to find non-violent ways to protect and grow the desired freedoms of the Ukraine people, and, by inference, all the rest of the citizenry in the free world, from the unwarranted aggressions of whatever born and bred evil Empire at home or abroad.

A brilliant counterbalance to the massive ideological conformity and dissonance of the dominant war mentality that now flourishes in Ukraine, is the wide spectrum of countervailing voices of the alternative press that already can readily be found on the opposite side of the Tower of Babel’s constant blare of war, conquest, empire-building and genocide. This would be the Tower of Babel’s social media platform to be found in places like: that offers a rich source of contrary voices to the War that serve as antidotes to the West’s mainstream media’s crisis of self-censorship.

Cherry-Picking Voices From Youtube.Com to Counter Western Propaganda

One sterling voice taken from the Tower of Babel, that sheds more light and truth on this nuclear crisis, is Scott Ritter and his Scott Ritter Report. This regularly updated report, is an excellent source that and can always be counted on to provide as honest, truthful and accurate an accounting as one can expect of the rapidly unfolding and evolving situation in Ukraine.

Ritter, born into an American military family, is a former U.S. Marine Corp intelligence officer who served as a military advisor during Operation Desert Storm and following that war in Iraq served as a weapons inspector who oversaw the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) from 1991 to 1998. Rittter is a superb author of numerous books: “Shifting Sands: The Truth About Unscom and Disarming of Iraq”; “Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & Selling of American Empire”; “Dangerous Ground: America’s Failed Arms Control Policy from FDR to Obama”; “Scorpion King: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump”, and; “Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union”.

In one of his latest reports on YouTube, Ritter provides a fascinating and informative interview with the Russian military leader and political statesman Andrey Gurulyov about Russia’s recent annexation of the four regions in Eastern Ukraine and what his prognosis is for the future conduct of the war.

For the sake of this piece of reporting, this writer has further chosen to cherry-pick another important report by Ritter about the recent annexation by Russia of the four regions of Russian-speaking  Eastern Ukraine that have democratically-voted to return under the protection of Mother Russia.

Click here to watch Brink of Nuclear War by Scott Ritter.

Still to follow are a few of the many representative examples of the rich wealth of healthy, balanced, open voices of debate to be found  through You Tube’s social media platform. In the face of the West’s reticence to open up the debate on its airwaves, the selections that follow lend themselves to expand the dialogue between all those truly interested in listening to the many challenging critics who endeavor to speak truth to power about the War in Ukraine and the extremely dangerous situation in which the world now finds itself tottering.

Crisis of Media Censorship & Ideological Conformity

Since the inception of the shooting war began some eight months ago, The Chris Hedges Report, is another sterling voice of anti-war and anti-imperialism, that always provides an excellent perspective on war.

Chris Hedges, is an award-winning American journalist, Presbyterian minister and author of over 50 books who arguably is the world’s most influential social media star. A longtime host of the Emmy-nominated program On Contactfor the Russia Today America television show, Hedges was the one-time Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief of the New York Times during the wars in Afghanistan and the then Yugoslavia. He is also the author of over 50 books (“Empire of Illusion”, “American Fascists, the Christian Right and War on America”). Yet since the war broke out in Ukraine, six years (the entire archive) of his RT On Contact program have simply mysteriously “disappeared”, deleted without notice or explanation, when You Tube unilaterally decided, or perhaps was forced, to do so because of Hedge’s opposition to NATO warmongering in Ukraine his criticisms of the war actions by both the Democrats and Republicans.

Hedges co-host on this still available segment in You Tube’s archive is Patrick Lawrence, author, columnist essayist for The Nation magazine, foreign correspondent (who wrote under the name Patrick Smith) for the Far Eastern Economic Review, International Herald Tribune and The New Yorker. Hedges enters into an enlightening dialogue with Patrick Lawrence about media censorship and ideological conformity in general in the American press vs a vis war reporting during wartime.

How did all this press censorship Hedges and Lawrence speak about first happen? Even though Ukraine possesses its own undeniable history of Nazi affiliations, Fascist, Anti-Russian, Anti-Communism sentiments? Yet, in spite of the horrendously-ugly, vicious Maidan coup d’etat in 2014, it now suddenly, seemingly overnight, has become a democratic country who now needs its own fully-fledged, cutting-edge NATO Army and trillions of defense dollars from tax payers around the world to properly outfit it with the latest cutting-edge, even nuclear. war materials, along with the immediate total military, political, logistical protections and defenses of the entire U.S. dominated and led NATO nations that already encircle the Russian land mass.

It’s like say what? It would seem the Americans and their allies clearly are now prepared to do to the Russians what the European invaders once did in the New World, following the so-called Age of Discovery that more rightly should be deemed the Age of Conquest, when they themselves ruthlessly “annexed”, willy-nilly, all its territories and First Nation peoples, and then for the next five hundred years murdered or subjugating them by putting the survivors onto reservations and reserves (i.e. “concentration camps” or “Stalags”), totally surrounding them with troops and restricting their movements so they no longer could threaten the conquering, colonizing immigrant masses in their midst. While, at the same time, all their wordsmiths set out to rewrite all the history books and create a different spin to New World history.

RT America Is Dead! Long Live RT America

In 2017, RT America won 9 awards, 2 Gold, One Silver and Bronze, 19 awards in all, at the prestigious New York Festival of the World’s Best TV. RT America in that year was nominated in 18 categories, including war zone coverage and documentaries, beating out Germany’s Deutsche Welle & Voice of America. But just like Chris Hedges brilliant archives of RT On Contact mysteriously disappeared when the war in Ukraine broke out, so too did all the airwave providers, that, one by one, black listed RT America.

Direct TV immediately distanced itself from RT America by removing all its programming, curtly stating, “We are accelerating this year’s contract expiration timeline with RT America and will no longer offer its programming effective immediately”. FoxTel in Australia soon followed suite as did Canadian broadcasters who were no longer allowed to distribute Russia’s state-run RT America broadcasts when Canada’s regulators found its programming had in some way targeted Ukrainians during the on-going war. Canada’s CRTC and PM Trudeau also immediately took steps to combat what they and he called Russian “disinformation”. Even the satellite carrier Roku, a major television provider in the US banished RT America from its platform. RT America also was pulled from YouTube and RT America soon ceased production and was forced to lay off all its employees. So much for democracy in action and the rule of law in the West. It was a clear sign, early on, that the fix against Truth was in!

Now, with Western Ukraine in the war camp of the West, NATO’s ploy is to get as many client states positioned as close as possible on the actual physical border with Russia, literally everywhere in its face, as it were, with a full-compliment of nuclear weapon systems at the ready, with fingers poised on the buttons.

But if this were yet another Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and President Kennedy was caught on the prongs of the same dilemma as President Putin, Kennedy no doubt would be taking far more aggressive actions than Vladimir Putin so far has done with his “Special Military Action”, in order to back-off NATO’S war-mongering, imperialism. But with the latest annexations of territories in Eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has now just done exactly that when he issued the same ‘hands off’ ultimatum to the West and its Ukrainian Zelensky puppet that President Kennedy once gave to Cuba’s Castro and Russia’s President Khrushchev, OR ELSE! Yet by President Biden and his Western NATO ally’s arrogant responses to Putin’s dire warning it’s clear that Western ideology in Ukraine now, clearly, seems to be a struggle to the death to bring into alignment the West’s deceitful ‘Master Plan’ for the future of the world.

Sabotage of Nordstrom Pipeline: A Classic Case of Western Deceit & Subterfuge

What the Americans and their NATO allies, or whomever is involved in the sabotage of Russia’s Nordstrom Pipeline to Germany, has in mind is another crystal-clear example of how insidious and flagrant the West’s leaders of the so-called “Free World” are in carrying out their Machiavellian Master Plan to ultimately defeat Russia..

Without getting into a host of contentious, pusillanimous details of the whodunnit’s and why’s of it all, there’s the curious fact that at the time of the sabotage, the USS Kearsarge, a U.S.  amphibious assault ship, apparently was in the area conducting military underwater demolition exercises, okay. Yet President Biden and the Western press immediately jumped on the bandwagon, screaming “IT WAS THE RUSSIANS!” The whole matter ugly and nauseating.

Video of Biden Saying He’d ‘End’ Nord Stream Resurfaces After Pipeline Leak (

One need only recall past comments made by the then U.S. Sect. of State Condoleezza Rice to sense where the smoking gun indeed lies behind this incident and the war itself. Rice queried, “Do you want to change the structure of energy dependence? Do you want to depend more on the North America energy platform that don’t have pipelines that don’t go through Ukraine & Russia?”

Europe, and especially Germany’s industry obviously depends upon cheap energy from Russia. Without it Germany would end up de-industrialized and financially broke. But at the outset of the war, Biden clearly threatened to disable the pipelines connecting Europe to Russia if and when they became operational.

But when Biden remarked at the outset of the war, “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it”. Yet, when a reporter at the time repeatedly asked the President: “But how will you do that, exactly, since the project is in Germany’s control?” Biden’s simply smugly repeated several times, with a Cheshire cat smile, “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”

Hello! Is anyone listening? Clearly, are these remarks by Biden not now a clear bellicose open declaration of war against not only Russia but against Germany and any other European country that considers doing business using Russia’s oil and gas? The sabotage of Russia’s Nordstrom is yet one more example of the harsh reality of what now is afoot in the world, that could be summed up with a line from Shakespeare, “Something is rotten in Denmark!”

Lordy, what the world is witnessing in slow motion is a classic textbook case of ruthless 21st century empire-building like what, for centuries, occurred over and over again in Western & Eastern Europe, and throughout the America’s, during the bogus ‘Age of Discovery’ in the New World, that back then also clearly had the full religious, moral and military support and approval of Catholicism, Europe’s other major religions and all of Europe’s feudal lords and leaders. It’s just a repeat of the same old ugly imperialism.

Every World Citizen Must Listen to Their Favorite Voices in the Tower Of Babel

The time is long since passed that the citizenry of the world should have already totally turned their backs on all the West’s propagandists and their endless clamor and drone of intellectually-suffocating, ideologically-imperialist world press that intentionally stifles and smothers whatever independent thought ever seeks to break through it all.

This time around, The West’s diabolical geo-political chess masters, with their strategic Project for a New American Century (PNAC) blueprint already carefully laid out, continues to engage Russia in their long-awaited WWIII nuclear chessboard. Now, with all the final pieces and checkmate strategies almost all meticulously set in place; while exploring ways to maneuver Russia to move into the final trap that a host of military strategists, fascist politicians, corporate kingpins and warmongers have been plotting long before even the U.S.-master-minded own Maidan coup d’etat became operational.

The Doomsday clock now should perhaps be reset at one minute before Midnight as world events continue to speed up, exponentially. But before that moment of truth arrives, it behooves every citizen of the world to refresh their memory of what the actual substance and underlying intentions are of those imperialists who originally authored the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Once the reader has digested their intentions, it would be worth while to listen to the writer-author David Swanson.

David Swanson is an author, Green Party activist, journalist, director of World Beyond War, a global non-violent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. His books include, “War is a Lie” and “When the World Outlawed War”. Swanson also hosts Talk World Radio and is a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.

Undaunted by the truth, Western NATO countries and NATO commands continue to press their ‘hot war’ rhetoric while they up the ante, stock-piling Ukraine with the latest armaments, logistics, military intelligence and strategic support by the U.S. and other Western nations who, for their own maniacal, unipolar view of world history, duplicitously continue to use Ukraine as a proxy spearhead to, once and for all, finally pierce the heart of their historically-hated Russian Empire nemesis.

For decades, American and European imperialists have sought to create one international crises after another between Ukraine, Russia, America or whomever. But even the controversial right wing talk show hosts, like Tucker Carlson. now get the incredulity and insanity of it all.

Click here to watch Tucker Carlson: This is insane

But Will the Insanity Ever End

Whether right or left-wing, fascists or democrats, many voices, past and present, continue to speak out from their Tower of Babel perch about the craziness of what all is going on in the world.

One of them is the late Professor Stephan Cohen, one-time professor emeritus at New York University and Princeton University who, when he was alive, brilliantly countered the American government and its State Department’s anti-Russian hostility. Even in death, Professor Cohen offers the kind of sober-minded balance that needs to be brought to the table about the war in Ukraine and America’s right wing political leaders, and especially to those who only listen to the Western world’s right-wing mainstream press, to the exclusion of alternative sources of media in both the Western and Eastern press, Cohen’s wisdom in regard to Russia and America relations knows no equal. The books he authored:” War with Russia”; “Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History since 1917” still stand alone without equal.

During the Cold War, Cohen was critical of both Western war hawks and the Soviet Government. He said Bill Clinton backtracked on the promise of his predecessors not to extend NATO eastward. In 2014, he wrote that President Obama had unilaterally declared a Cold War against Russia and that the Washington Beltway was complicit in it by their silence. In 2014, Cohen said the crisis in Ukraine also came about as a result of complicit U.S. actions, started by Bill Clinton and completed by George Bush to expand NATO’s sphere of influence to the borders of Russia.

In relation to Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Cohen said, “any Russian leader who has legitimacy at home would have had to do the same version of what Putin is now doing. They’d push back!”

Click here to watch Stephen F. Cohen: The Ukrainian Crisis – It’s not All Putin’s Fault (Recorded in 2015)

One last voice to be selected from the Tower of Babel is that of Jeffrey Sachs who speaks to U.S. Policy and and how the West’s false narrative has continued to stoke the tensions with Russia and China.

Jeffrey Sachs is a renowned Harvard economic professor that some contend is possibly the most important economist in the world because he has worked between Russia and the United States and as an advisor to reform-minded governments from Bolivia to Slovenia to Poland, where Poland now is one of the fastest-growing economies in Eastern Europe. Says Sachs, “If Poland can do it, so can Russia.” Sachs, as well, is the former director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and its Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He also is President of the UN Sustainable Developed Solutions Network and co-founder and chief strategist of Millennium Promise Alliance dedicated to ending extreme poverty and hunger.

Sachs declares, “The world is on the edge of nuclear catastrophe in no small part because of the failure of Western political leaders to be forthright about the causes of the escalating global conflicts. The relentless Western narrative about the West while Russia and China are evil is simple-minded and extraordinarily dangerous. It is an attempt to manipulate public opinion, not to deal with the very real and pressing diplomacy.”

Click here to watch Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Policy & “West’s False Narrative” Stoking Tensions with Russia, China

Will the Hope & Challenge of a New Direction & Purpose for Humankind Ever Come to Pass

The abuse of the planet’s natural world and its indigenous inhabitants by aggressive homo sapiens in every nation continues at a record pace and pitch greater perhaps than what ever occurred in the past. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize what the end result will be if the so-called ‘Age of Discovery’, that began in the New World 500 years ago, follows the same pattern for another five centuries, with the: decimation of its First Nation peoples; their natural worlds, ancient endemic species of life, natural resources and rare earth minerals; not to mention the out-of-control disastrous effects of ever-greater populations of immigrants, refugees and displaced peoples from other parts of the globe, devastated by war and famine, that continue, wherever they go, to stretch all life-support systems far beyond their coping capacities.

In the 21st century and beyond, the Western World’s historical track record of the past five centuries suggests what the most likely continued trajectory in the future will be, if left unattended, for because of war in places like Ukraine or Russia, or because of one planetary climatic calamity after another. Given the same propaganda of world domination by the same dominant powers in the West and East, they all point in the inexorable direction of some eventual human-made conflagration, or climate crisis of yet unknown cataclysmic consequences. “There But for the Grace of God!”, as that old saying goes.

Meanwhile, the unabated rape and pillage of everything by the corporate world in the Old & New Worlds continues to feed the mayhem that leads ever closer towards yet another, possibly fatal, world war, that threatens not only humankind’s fate but that of all living things on Mother Earth.

This disaster-in-progress between the West and East’s, is like a Damocles sword coming everywhere closer one looks. The choice is clear: peaceful Evolution or violent Revolution for all of Humankind & Mother Earth alike. CLEARLY, another different way forward must be found.

To put it bluntly, without listening to and taking into account the wisdom of critics like those in the Tower of Babel featured here and many other like-minded ones can only lead humanity to becoming as if partially brain-dead or, to put it yet another way, to end up being left with one sandwich-short-of-a-picnic, when it comes to clearly understanding the whys and wherefores of the War in Ukraine or so many of the other man-made or natural  crises that now threaten the earth and humanity with extinction..


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Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who, for decades, has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

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ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
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Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
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“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

The Jabs, Are the Kids OK?

October 9th, 2022 by Mark Taliano

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The evidence is in. They are willfully killing and maiming and sterilizing us with these jabs. Some of us know this. Most remain unconvinced. All holocausts are enabled by fence-sitters, willful ignorance etc., and it is happening now. Never again is now.

People who share the truth, especially about the jabs, are censored in myriad ways. Dr. McCullough was just removed from Twitter, apparently for posting the brilliant “Are the Kids OK?” video.

The aforementioned video demonstrates first that “COVID-19” does not cause myocarditis and pericarditis, but that the experimental jabs do. (1)

Second, that mainstream messaging, including “fact-checkers”, were wrong to label jab-related myocarditis as “COVID misinformation.” (2)

Finally, that the catastrophic jab-related mortalities and morbidities are actually considerably under-estimated. (3)

Fatal Lockdowns are coming back to Canada, land of the unfree. Do what you can to beat the censorship, the logorithms, the smears etc.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


(1) “Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults: Suspected Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination.” National Library of Medicine, 6 december, 2021 (Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults: Suspected Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination – PubMed ( ) Accessed 07 October, 2022

(2) Sophia Corso, “CDC Admits Post-Vaccine Myocarditis Concerns That Were Labeled Covid Misinformation Are Legit.” The Federalist, 09 September 2022. (New CDC Data Shows Covid Shot Myocarditis Concerns Are Legit ( ) Accessed 07 October, 2022.

(3) J. Rose, ” Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System?” Science, Public Health Policy and the Law (2021) (Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System? | BibSonomy ) Accessed 07 October, 2022

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

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Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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The US-employed terrorists, Maghawir al-Thawra (MaT), have turned against their partners, the US Army, stationed at al-Tanf base in the eastern Syrian desert.  On October 4, the terrorists, who are employed as mercenaries by the US military, attempted to break out of the illegal US base using a large-caliber machine gun on the pickup truck they were driving.  However, their break out was thwarted by the Syrian Arab Army who hold positions nearby and returned fire causing the MaT to retreat into the US base.

Russian Major General Oleg Yegorov, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, reported the incident on Wednesday.

The US military had cordoned off al-Tanf base in the 55-kilometer deconfliction zone, shut down the internet, and ordered all mercenaries to lay down their arms and leave the base at once on foot.   On September 27, to reinforce the message, US coalition aircraft flew over the area and broke the sound barrier to drive home their insistence that mercenaries who refuse US military orders must leave.

The military council of the MaT has rejected the US military’s decision to remove the former commander of the MaT and replace him with a man who is not a member of the MaT.  The US-employed terrorists stated, “… that it rejects any foreign intervention in the appointment of its revolutionary leadership.”  The MaT must not have understood that when you are on the payroll of the US military you are obliged to follow their orders. Equally, the US Army must not have understood that when you partner with Radical Islamic terrorists you cannot expect them to follow orders.  As the saying goes, “When you feed a monster, it can turn to bite you.”

Al-Tanf is an illegal US military base in Homs province on the M2 Baghdad–Damascus Highway in the Syria-Jordan-Iraq border triangle.  The outpost began in early 2016 under the command of the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR).  The MaT consists of at least 300 terrorists partnered with at least 200 US troops.  The Syrian government has demanded the US leave its occupation of several bases in Syria.

According to Israeli defense sources, al-Tanf hosts around 350 military personnel and civilians, “including some British and French forces that were described as ‘intelligence experts.”   CNN reported in August 2022, that there are approximately 900 US troops in Syria, with most of them split between the al-Tanf base and Syria’s eastern oil fields.

On September 29, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights sources reported that dozens of residents gathered near al-Tanf base to protest the coalition’s decision and called on its command to appoint any other officer from the faction instead of an outsider.

The previous leader

Brigadier General Muhannad al-Talaa was removed from his position by the US-led coalition late last month.  The former colonel, who defected from the Syrian Arab Army, was the founder of the MaT in 2016. Without explicitly charging al-Talaa with any crimes, local speculation points to the former commander’s involvement in instances of corruption, weapon and drug trafficking, and other violations.

Sources say he was removed from his command because he had traveled to Turkey, where he has family living, and while there met with Turkish Intelligence officials.  This would be an obvious violation of the chain of command in US military protocol and would border on spying charges.

However, the same sources point to al-Talaa’s dismissal of corruption, smuggling weapons, and drug trafficking crimes.  Al-Talaa worked with a core of corrupt terrorists within MaT, and if they were exposed by the US forces red-handed for weapons and drug smuggling, he would arrange for them to lay low for a period, and then he would engineer their return to full pay in the MaT.  Al-Talaa became an expert at manipulating the system whereby every six months there is a change of American officers at al-Tanf.

Jordan had demanded that the US remove al-Talaa from command of the MaT, but their pleas were not heeded until now.  The Jordanians became aware that it was al-Talaa and his group of criminal terrorists who were in control of the drug trade plaguing Jordan. This became a security threat to Jordan and its war on drugs. During al-Talaa’s final meeting with Jordanian military intelligence officers, they directly accused him of being a drug dealer.  They had arrested Abu Hamza al-Khudair, a well-known drug dealer, who admitted that al-Talaa was aware of the drug smuggling to Jordan.

Jordan formally cut off humanitarian support to the Rukban refugee camp next to al-Tanf because of al-Talaa’s drug trafficking, but he remained in his post until he was recently removed.

The new leader

Al-Talaa was replaced by Muhammad Farid al-Qassem, a former captain who defected from the Syrian Arab Army and formed the al-Qaryatayn Martyrs Brigade with support from the US.

Al-Qassem, who is a violent radical, has never been a member of the MaT. According to people from the al-Qaryatayn area, his hometown, he is a “cruel person” and will not be suitable to manage the civilians living in desperate conditions in the squalor of the Rukban camp.

A former MaT commander at al-Tanf said, “There are suspicions that al-Qassem is also involved in smuggling operations through his deployment points.”  The media source close to the coalition agreed, adding that the new commander is also accused of involvement in “a murder and other violations.”

Sources close to the base thought that al-Qassem was chosen because he is an outsider, and will not support the criminal activity his predecessor was involved in, and the Jordanians would accept working with him. However, he has a troubled past with the US military when he was kicked out of the Pentagon training program in 2017 for violations.  After that, he began working with the CIA on another program that dealt with terrorist training for the US-led coalition and American military forces in Syria.

Rukban camp

The Rukban refugee camp for internally displaced Syrians is located within the de-confliction zone which includes the al-Tanf base.  Camp residents are split on their acceptance of the decision to remove al-Talaa.  Citizens of the camp live in deplorable conditions and are dependent on the MaT for supplies after humanitarian aid was cut off in 2019.  The US, Syria, and Jordan all have fallen short in supplying aid to the thousands of men, women, and children at Rukban suffering in the desert.

Camp residents who had survived depending on the smuggling activities of al-Talaa are protesting his removal, while others who suffered from his command are accepting the US decision to remove him, and the rest are quietly trying to survive without taking one side or the other.

On September 29, the local council of Rukban published on Facebook, photos, and videos showing protests in which dozens of camp residents participated inside the walls of Tanf, in opposition to the isolation of al-Talaa.

Al-Qassem is said to have a better working relationship with Jordan, which supplies water to the Rukban camp.  However, his appointment is not likely to change Jordan’s policy towards the camp, which does not support aid to the camp other than water.

Pentagon and CIA terrorist training in Syria

In October 2019, President Trump ordered the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, but the Pentagon would allow his order to stand, and in the end, the US military won the day.  The US involvement in Syria began in March 2011 in Deraa, and the CIA began its program, Timber Sycamore, in 2012 to provide training and weapons to thousands of terrorists following Radical Islam in their effort to overthrow the secular government in Damascus.  A parallel program run by the Pentagon began in 2014 called Train and Equip, which was a covert program to train terrorists.  In 2017, President Trump shut down the billion-dollar CIA program.

When President Obama designed the 2011 regime change war in Syria, military experts warned that US weapons could fall into the hands of Al Qaeda or other similar terrorist groups.  Obama’s Free Syrian Army died off years ago and morphed into Jibhat al-Nusra, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, who today occupy Idlib, the last remaining terrorist-controlled territory and are holding three million people as human shields.  Al-Talaa was an American-backed terrorist who pulled in a monthly paycheck from Uncle Sam and supplemented his US dollars by selling US weapons to other terrorist groups and smuggling drugs into Jordan.  The US tax-payer-voter should be questioning why the US partners with Radical Islamic terrorists, and perhaps demanding a change in command in the US coalition in Syria.  “When you feed a monster, it can turn to bite you.”


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Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

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ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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Kyiv Nazis Manage to Blow Hole in Crimean Bridge

October 9th, 2022 by Kurt Nimmo

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The corporate propaganda media in the West is celebrating the death of three people on the Kerch Bridge, partially disabled last night in what might be described as a suicide bombing.

According to Reuters,

“Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and the 19-km (12-mile) bridge linking it to Russia’s transport network was opened with great fanfare by President Vladimir Putin four years later.”

Propagandists love to use misleading and deflective language. For instance, the verb “seized” in the above sentence. Trained propagandists (otherwise known as establishment journalists) would have the ignorant, which comprise the majority of the American people, believe Russia violently “seized” (take over, conquer, subjugate are related words) the Crimean Peninsula, described as forever part of Ukraine. In fact, the majority of ethnic Russians living there have long attempted to place distance between themselves and the neo-Nazi worshippers in Kyiv. It was also known as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea after Victoria Nuland and her band of saboteurs overthrew the elected government and installed a neo-Nazi-influenced government.

If we are to believe the pathological USG liars and their war propaganda media, Crimea was “seized” from people who want to remain a part of a coup regime and kleptocracy that hates them and thinks nothing of burning them to death.

Source: Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics

Headline-skimming Americans know virtually nothing about Crimea. Since the late 1700s and the reign of Katherine the Great, Crimea has been Russian in population and culture. The peninsula was administratively transferred to Ukraine under the rule of Nikita Khrushchev. He was born on the border of Ukraine and later worked in the Donbas.

Here in the West, the state and its media say the vote was illegal because the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe didn’t monitor it. The OSCE “partners” include NATO, the Council of Europe (enforcers of neoliberal “rule of law”), the unelected European Union, and the United Nations. It is not difficult to guess what they would conclude (and the UN eventually did).

PR Newswire reported in 2014:

A group of international observers from Israel, Spain, Italy, USA, UK, Latvia, Moldova and Serbia, which were invited by the Central Electoral Commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, visited the largest cities of Crimea – Simferopol, Yalta, Evpatoria, Alushta, Saki, as well as many villages in the countryside… All observers unanimously noted that the referendum was held in full compliance with international standards. (Emphasis added.)

However, according to the fake upholders of “democracy” at the United Nations, it does not matter over 90% of the people of Crimea no longer want to be associated with Kyiv-Ukraine, now effectively Ukronaziland, and soon to be a landlocked rump state, thanks to Vicky Nuland and her neo-Nazi co-conspirators.

For the UN, NATO, and USG, the will of the people is irrelevant, only the skewed “rule of law” mandates handed down arrogantly by a mega-state are legitimate. The ethnic Russians of Crimea, having lived there for centuries, are expected to obey the UN-EU-NATO authoritarians and allow sadistic neo-Nazis to rape, torture, and kill them.

That’s how mob rule—what is pleasantly referred to as the will of the people—works: 50.0001% can demand, at gun or drone point, what the “losers” do, say, and think. That’s how it works in theory. In reality, the ruling elite, through propaganda and other forms of manipulation (including dramatic false flags), shape the opinions and emotions of a vast number of Americans.

So now, we are told the secret service of Ukraine blew a hole in the 19-kilometer bridge spanning the Kerch Strait from Crimea to Russia. The bridge remains operational, especially its train route, and will be repaired in short order. The bomb was supposedly ferried by a suicide driver. Sensationalistic videos of the explosion are proliferating on corporate media websites.

Zelenskyy and his neo-Nazi collaborators no doubt consider this incident, which did not disable to bridge, a major propaganda victory. Maybe it is for the Nazi flag saluting miscreants in Kyiv. Russian munitions and troops will continue to be moved into Crimea over the bridge in preparation for the planned—no doubt with assistance from NATO, the Pentagon, and the CIA—neo-Nazi invasion of the peninsula.

If Russia is going to put an end to the genocidal insanity of Vicky Nuland’s installation of Nazi ultranationalists and their sworn mission to torture and kill all Russians (in addition to others considered sub-human, including Jews, for instance, Nuland herself, of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry), it will need to get serious in Ukraine. That will require at a minimum taking out all the bridges on the Dnieper River, including the old Darnytskyi bridges in Kyiv.


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Kurt Nimmo writes on Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics

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The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine next week will hold a hearing related to the board’s Jan. 12 suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass’s medical license.

CHD.TV will livestream Nass’s hearing on Oct. 11, 1 p.m. Eastern. You can watch here.

Nass’s original suspension order included accusations of spreading “misinformation.” However, the board on Sept. 26 withdrew six of those accusations and, on Sept. 30, withdrew more of its factual allegations related to “misinformation.”

Next week’s hearing will focus on Nass’s prescribing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID-19 and on record-keeping issues.

There are no patient complaints for the board to review.

According to her opening statement, Nass will introduce 286 pages of e-mails and letters from her patients and others, attesting to her competency, care and responsiveness to patient needs.

You can read two of the board’s recent notices withdrawing various complaints (second and third notices), Nass’s opening statement to the board and defense counsel’s timeline of events that led to her suspension.

Commenting on Nass’s suspension, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President and General Counsel said:

“The Board’s attempts to censor physicians like Nass have no role in medicine or science. They present a grave danger to the health and human rights of all Americans.”

CHD is supporting Nass’s defense. Testifying experts will include: Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus in epidemiology at Yale University; Dr. Paul Marik, pulmonary and critical care specialist; Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology; Dr. Pierre Kory, intensive care specialist; Dr. Steven Katsis, surgeon and member of the Oklahoma Medical Board.

Prior to her suspension, in November 2021, Nass wrote to the board asking it to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions.

Nass wrote the letter after the board issued a position statement in which it said:

“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”

The board did not respond to her letter, Nass told The Defender today.

Suspended without a hearing

The board suspended Nass, an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, a biological warfare epidemiologist and member of the CHD scientific advisory committee, after accusing her of “unprofessional” and “disruptive” behavior based on her public criticism of government COVID-19 policies and early treatment of the virus.

Prior to her suspension, throughout her 40 years of practicing medicine, Nass never had a malpractice case or a prior board action taken against her.

However, between October and December 2021, the board received four complaints against her.

Two of the complaints came from strangers who cited “misinformation” they saw on the internet, one came from a physician who accused Nass of prescribing “deworming medication” (ivermectin) and one came from a midwife regarding Nass’ prescribing hydroxychloroquine.

Without a hearing, the board ordered her license immediately suspended, demanded a neuropsychological evaluation and implied that she was mentally impaired or a substance abuser and incompetent to practice medicine.

Nass’s Maine counsel, Gene Libby and Tyler Smith, moved to dismiss all charges and asked the board to apologize to Nass for what they characterized as its unfounded case, intended to silence Nass and like-minded physicians who used effective early treatments for COVID-19 instead of advising their patients to do nothing until or unless they became ill enough to require hospitalization.


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The Kremlin blasted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s “preemptive strikes” on Russia remarks from the day prior, accusing him of trying to start a world war. Zelensky had in a virtual address to Australia’s Lowy Institute urged US-led allies to conducted preventative strikes on Russia so that “knows what to expect” if it used nuclear weapons.

“What should NATO do? Eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons,” Zelensky said in the provocative Thursday remarks. “I once again appeal to the international community, as it was before February 24: preemptive strikes so that they [Russia] know what will happen to them if they use it, and not the other way around.”

“Don’t wait for Russia’s nuclear strikes, and then say, ‘Oh, since you did this, take that from us!’ Reconsider the way you apply pressure. This is what NATO should do – reconsider the order in which it applies pressure [on Russia],” the Ukrainian leader added.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday responded by saying the statements mark “are nothing but a call to start a world war,” which would result in “unforeseeable disastrous consequences.”

And separately Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova charged Zelensky with seeking nuclear escalation:

…”every person on the planet” should recognize that the “unbalanced” Ukrainian leader had turned into “a monster, whose hands can destroy the planet”, reported state-run news outlet RT.

Additionally, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday pointed out that Zelensky’s remarks confirmed and justified the need for Russia to pacify Ukraine. Referencing the request for a NATO preemptive attack on Russia, Lavrov explained,

“By doing so, (he) essentially presented the world with further evidence of the threats posed by the Kyiv regime,” adding that “This is why a special military operation was launched to neutralize them.”

President Biden last month in a CBS “60 Minutes” interview warned Putin to not “change the face of war” by employing either tactical nuclear or chemical weapons against Ukraine. But more recently and importantly, on the same day as Zelensky’s call for a preemptive strike, Biden said that the threat of nuclear “Armageddon” is at its highest level since the Cuban missile crisis, and that the US is trying to find an “off-ramp” for Russia before they begin the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

“We’re trying to figure out what is Putin’s off-ramp? Where does he get off? Where does he find a way out?” Biden said at a Thursday fundraiser in New York City for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee at the New York home of James Murdoch, the son of News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch. “Where does he find himself in a position that he does not, not only lose face but lose significant power in Russia?”

He is not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological and chemical weapons, because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming,” Biden added, according to Bloomberg. “I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily use tactical nuclear weapons and not end up with Armageddon.”

Following all of this, Zelensky’s office attempted an awkward walk-back, issued a statement seeking to clarify that he…

“did not call on NATO countries to pre-emptively use nuclear weapons against the Russian Federation — he spoke about the period before the start of a full-scale invasion.”

“Colleagues, you have gone a little far with your nuclear hysteria and now you hear nuclear strikes even where there are none,” Zelensky’s press secretary Serhiy Nikiforov said. “The President spoke about the period until February 24. Then it was necessary to take preventive measures to prevent Russia from starting a war. Let me remind you that the only measures discussed at that time were preventive sanctions.”

International headlines warning about nuclear Armageddon have been on the rise over the last month, especially as Ukrainian forces began making rapid gains against Russian front lines in the east and south. The thinking among Western pundits tends to be that the more Moscow feels cornered and is losing ground in its “special operation” – the more unpredictable and desperate Putin’s decision-making grows, leading to the possibility of a tactical nuke or other WMD deployment in Ukraine.


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Featured image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky seen earlier this year. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Service)

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Judicial Watch announced today that it received 249 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing the extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine.

The records were received in response to an August 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after HHS failed to respond to an April 19, 2021 request for records related to the Biden HHS’ “COVID-19 Community Corps” program (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:22-cv-02315)).

Judicial Watch is asking for all records regarding the application process; all organizations asking to be chosen to participate; all grants; and all communications of representatives of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding the program.

PGS 30- 34 The newly released records include a document titled “PEC [Public Education Campaign] Plan April 19 -May 31 [2021],” which includes the following media plans and action items:

Major [Public Education] Projects in April

  • Vaccine engagement package to all entertainment talent and management agencies
  • Vaccine engagement package to all media companies and show producers
  • Outreach to major culture event producers
  • Outreach with WCDT [likely We Can Do This] brand and engagement ideas to major businesses and associations
  • Launch Community Corps Business Chapter
  • Start celebrity Share the Mics


POTUS May 1-31

  • Late night hosts vaccination video.


Additional Ideas to be Considered

Digital Media

  • Produce HHS question-and-answer videos featuring local Black doctors discussing the vaccines, how they work, and why the public should get vaccinated
  • Request that Tom Brady create a video with his parents encouraging vaccination (his parents had COVID last year and he has talked about their tough recovery).
  • Create custom partnerships with the social media platforms with algorithms to hit the audience.
  • Launch Hollywood comedy writers video content.


  • Work with YouTube on an original special about vaccinations targeted to young people (similar to the YouTube’s Dear Call of 2020 special).
  • Work with Instagram to produce a series about vaccines for @Instagram (the largest social media account in the world, 387 million followers). Feature young creators doing in-depth pieces about young people’s questions. Request a Stories Highlight on Vaccines on @Instagram to stay on the account through 2021.
  • Request major TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram influences to create videos of themselves being vaccinated and start a special campaign of funny and/or musical videos about being vaccinate to encourage others to create content and post.

Earned Media

  • Request a vaccination special on Christian Broadcast Network featur[ing] Evangelical leaders.
  • Request that the major live TV entertainment shows feature hosts being vaccinated on air (ex: the hosts of The Voice).
  • Request that the TV morning and daytime talk shows feature special vaccination reunion moments with everyday Americans talking about what this means to them (ex: hugging grandma for the first time).
  • Convene an editorial meeting with the publishers of Catholic newspapers and newsletters across the country (ex: America Magazine, Florida Catholic, The Catholic Spirit, The Tablet).
  • Dr. Biden interview with Chip and Joanna Gaines for Magnolia.
  • Request vaccination specials with BET, The Undefeated, Desus & Mero, Sneaker Shopper. Hot Ones.
  • Request a vaccination special With Christian Broadcasting Netflix and Evangelical leaders.
  • Place a trusted messenger on the Joe Rogan Show and Barstool Sports to promote vaccination (work with outside expert to identify who will be most effective).


  • Work with the NFL, NASCAR, MLB, CMA to request they create content with their talent and release through their broadcast and social channels.  Also create a Share the Mic program where the talent elevates public health voices.
  • Work with all major sports leagues to send vaccination information to ticket holders
  • Work with ESPN for hosts to provide vaccination information.
  • Partner with Disneyland Parks for vaccination events when the amusement parks reopen.
  • Work with the Hollywood guilds to work vaccination messaging into scriped and reality TV shows (ex: Writers Guild, Directors Guild.)

“These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!”

Through FOIA, Judicial Watch has uncovered a substantial amount of information about COVID-19 issues:

  • Recently, NIH records revealed an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial bat coronavirus grant tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The records also show National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) officials were concerned about “gain-of-function” research in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2016. The Fauci agency was also concerned about EcoHealth Alliance’s lack of compliance with reporting rules and use of gain-of-function research in the NIH-funded research involving bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China.
  • HHS records revealed that from 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research by the NIAID.
  • NIAID records showed that it gave nine China-related grants to EcoHealth Alliance to research coronavirus emergence in bats and was the NIH’s top issuer of grants to the Wuhan lab itself. The records also included an email from the vice director of the Wuhan Lab asking an NIH official for help finding disinfectants for decontamination of airtight suits and indoor surfaces.
  • HHS records included an “urgent for Dr. Fauci ” email chain, citing ties between the Wuhan lab and the taxpayer-funded EcoHealth Alliance. The government emails also reported that the foundation of U.S. billionaire Bill Gates worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chinese-produced medications to be sold outside China and help “raise China’s voice of governance by placing representatives from China on important international counsels as high level commitment from China.”
  • HHS records included a grant application for research involving the coronavirus that appears to describe “gain-of-function” research involving RNA extractions from bats, experiments on viruses, attempts to develop a chimeric virus and efforts to genetically manipulate the full-length bat SARSr-CoV WIV1 strain molecular clone.
  • HHS records showed the State Department and NIAID knew immediately in January 2020 that China was withholding COVID data, which was hindering risk assessment and response by public health officials.
  • University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) records show the former director of the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), Dr. James W. Le Duc warned Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology of potential investigations into the COVID issue by Congress.
  • HHS records regarding biodistribution studies and related data for the COVID-19 vaccines show a key component of the vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), were found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries of test animals, eight to 48 hours after injection.
  • Records from the Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP) reveal safety lapses and violations at U.S. biosafety laboratories that conduct research on dangerous agents and toxins.
  • HHS records include emails between National Institutes of Health (NIH) then-Director Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), about hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19.
  • HHS records show that NIH officials tailored confidentiality forms to China’s terms and that the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted an unreleased, “strictly confidential” COVID-19 epidemiological analysis in January 2020.
  • Fauci emails include his approval of a press release supportive of China’s response to the 2019 novel coronavirus.


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Featured image is from Judicial Watch

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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Nord Stream Sabotage − ‘Cui Bono’? Who Benefits?

October 9th, 2022 by Sara Flounders

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Underwater explosions Sept. 26 severely damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines from Russia to Germany. 

World leaders, technical experts and engineers are nearly unanimous that the pipelines were attacked by a planned powerful underwater explosion of a highly complex nature.

Such industrial sabotage will impact millions of people, raise prices and seriously undermine Germany and other EU countries’ industrial capacity.

Source: Gazprom/BBC

German officials fear that both Nord Stream pipelines could be permanently unusable, depending on the amount of salt water that has entered and corroded their insides, the newspaper Tages Spiegel explained. Others predict months to years to repair.

And the ruptures further threaten the global climate. These pipeline leaks are the largest single release of methane — a powerful climate-damaging, greenhouse gas — ever recorded, the United Nations Environment Program said.

The gas pipelines, each four feet wide, consist of concrete-coated, reinforced steel pipes laid on the seabed. They are designed to last 50 years under harsh conditions and very high operating pressures and to withstand sabotage, earthquakes, landslides and other disruptions. The seas are full of sensors and monitors.

Who is responsible?

In an insurance investigation or a crime novel, the first question the investigator should ask is a centuries-old Latin phrase: Cui bono; or who benefits? Look first to those who stand to gain from a crime and who has a motive for committing that crime.

Even though the pipelines were a joint Russian-German effort costing $23 billion, Ukrainian and U.S. politicians and media immediately blamed Russia for the destruction. That this charge is ridiculous is only obscured by the last decades of fever-pitch propaganda slandering Russia and Vladimir Putin.

The continued delivery of gas to the EU was Russia’s most valuable bargaining chip for resolving the war in Ukraine, ending sanctions and arriving at a negotiated agreement. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of gas and oil. While new markets opened, with many countries in the Global South buying Russia’s energy products, Russia’s largest market remains in Europe. Russia has no motive to destroy its own valuable, long-term assets.

However, any investigation controlled by NATO member countries is likely to find only Russia guilty.

On the other hand, U.S. imperialism can benefit from this crime, and the U.S. military has the equipment and access to the pipelines. Washington has both motive and means.

This widespread conclusion that the destruction of the pipelines was planned by the U.S. was captured by pro-NATO former Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorsky, who tweeted immediately after the explosions: “Thank you, USA.”

U.S. opposition to pipelines 

Both the Trump and the Biden administrations have publicly and in the strongest terms opposed these gas pipelines from their inception, because they integrate the economy of Russia and the European Union.

Demonstrations in Germany, calling for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to be opened and sanctions lifted before winter, have had growing mass support, as well as reflecting German industrial interests.

Nord Stream 1 had accounted for 40% of the European Union’s gas supplies via Germany, keeping energy costs low in the EU’s largest economy, for the last 10 years. Nord Stream 2 was due to double export capacities to 110 billion cubic meters.

The project began in 1998 with seabed studies and complex financing and technical expertise, involving many European countries. Nord Stream 1 opened November 2011; Nord Stream 2 was due to open February 2022.

U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland warned on Nov. 13, 2018, that then-President Donald Trump had many ways to stop Nord Stream 2:

“We have not deployed the full set of tools yet that could significantly undermine if not outright stop the project.” (Reuters, Nov. 13, 2018)

And U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell sent openly threatening letters to German companies working on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Grenell reportedly warned:

“We emphasize that companies involved in Russian energy exports are taking part in something that could prompt a significant risk of sanctions.” (Bild am Sonntag, Jan 13, 2019)

Germany is a member of the NATO military alliance, and it is the country with the strongest economy in the EU. For U.S. imperialism to openly threaten its German imperialist ally with economic sanctions was a brazenly aggressive act.

President Joe Biden repeated these open threats, even as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stood by his side during a February 2022 state visit. At a White House press conference, Biden boasted that the U.S. was “able” to shut down Nord Stream 2 in the Baltic Sea if Russia invaded Ukraine.

As shown on a Feb. 7 video that was reposted on Twitter, a reporter asked Biden, “But how will you do that, exactly, since . . . the project is in Germany’s control?” Biden said,

“I promise you; we will be able to do that.”

Sanctions failed to collapse Russia

Last winter Washington promised that the hundreds of economic sanctions imposed on Russia would lead to hyperinflation, shortages and massive unemployment, and this would lead to regime change. This stated goal never happened.

The Russian economy is self-sufficient in grain, energy and other essential products, and it has access to global markets. China and the whole Global South in Africa, Latin America and Asia have refused to comply with U.S.- and European-imposed sanctions on Russia.

Washington understood that only by prolonging the war in Ukraine could the sanctions on Russia last. Thus, billions in weapons and growing numbers of trainers, advisors and contractors have continued to pour in.

The corporate media in Germany and throughout the EU reported that U.S. opposition to the pipelines was rooted in U.S-based companies anxious to sell liquid natural gas (LNG) obtained from fracking to EU countries. LNG is far more expensive than Russian gas.

U.S. naval operations above pipelines

Numerous social media posts have pointed to the highly suspicious role of U.S. naval operations in the immediate area of the explosions. The Baltic Sea is controlled by NATO.

The BALTOPS 22, a Naval Strike Force Exercise, held 13 days of naval maneuvers in the area of the pipelines, with 47 ships, 89 aircraft and 7,000 personnel, in June, joined by 16 NATO-allied nations. The exercises centered on exercises in new technology, including submarine and mining and demining operations.

The U.S. 6th Fleet, led by the USS Kearsarge, coordinated BALTOPS 22. The Kearsarge remained in the immediate area for months after BALTOPS 22 ended. The USS Kearsarge tested special drone underwater-vehicle, mine-hunting technology in the Baltic Sea, just off the coast of Danish island of Bornholm, near the Nord Stream pipelines. (, June 14)

Investigative journalist Diana Johnstone examined the political significance of the sabotage and how a major state actor could carry out a naval operation in the middle of a densely monitored area, full of countless sensors and monitors. The presence of the USS Kearsarge until just days before the explosions is highly suspicious. Modern explosive devices can be detonated remotely.

Johnstone points out:

“By an odd coincidence, only a few hours after the sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2, ceremonies began opening the new Baltic Pipe carrying gas from Norway to Denmark and Poland.”

The most ominous result of the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines was that until the explosion, the pipelines remained ready for use as soon as an agreement was reached on Ukraine. But now, Johnstone writes,

“The sabotage has virtually announced that the war can only intensify with no end in sight.”

U.S. strategy aims to close off every possibility of negotiations in Ukraine and to pull every country in Europe into the war against Russia. Closing off any possibility of negotiations makes the European countries more dependent on U.S. energy supplies, and this forcibly dismantles European industry.

In the U.S., endless funds to continue the war mean escalating inflation and economic insecurity for millions of working people and the growing danger of wider war.


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This article was originally published on Workers World.

Sara Flounders is an American political writer active in progressive and anti-war organizing since the 1960s. She is a member of the Secretariat of Workers World Party, as well as a principal leader of the International Action Center. Sara can be reached at [email protected].

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

The Devotees of Data Retention and Mass Surveillance

October 9th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It is a stinker in terms of policy, and unconvincing in effect, but the wholesale, indiscriminate retention of telecommunications data continues to excite legislators and law enforcement.  In the European Union, countries continue to debate and pursue such measures, despite legal challenges.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), passed in 2016, limits the ways personal data is collected in terms of legitimate purposes.  The European Court of Justice has also made it clear that the mass retention of phone and location data violates the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Human Rights.

Despite this, EU member states continue to subvert, by varying degrees, such protections.  Fixated by notions of protecting society from the unsavoury and the criminal, lawmakers continue to flirt and court the mass surveillance properties inherent in such regulations.

A neatly grim example of this arose in July, when the Belgian parliament passed laws mandating the retention of user data by telecommunications and internet providers.  This was a second run by the parliament, given the invalidation in April 2021 by the Belgian Constitutional Court of the previous data retention law.  That particular statute permitted the storage of every Belgian’s telecom, location and internet metadata for up to 12 months.  Those behind the new law, such as the Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne, claim it to be a targeted measure that preserves privacy; in truth it permits general data surveillance.

In Germany, the debate has been particularly strident.  In 2010, the Constitutional Court annulled the first data retention law.  Five years later, data retention was re-introduced, though not implemented given court rulings.

Despite arguments favouring its implementation, the investigation and prosecution of crime could still take place with high degrees of success without any such regime in place.  In January this year, the statistics on crime clearance rates published by the German government revealed than a mere 3% of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) investigations between 2017 and 2021 could not be pursued for want of records of IP addresses.

The current coalition agreement, while supporting the retention of communications data, specifies that it be done “on an ad-hoc basis” and only via judicial order.  But the Social Democratic Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, is a steadfast devotee of such retention, a fan of indiscriminate surveillance.

Faeser and her surveillance fan club got an answer last month with the ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that Germany’s general data retention law breached EU law.  The case was triggered by action taken by Deutsche Telekom unit Telekom Deutschland and the internet service provider SpaceNet AG.  The CJEU’s opinion was duly sought by the German court.  The judges duly found that “EU law precludes the general and indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data, except in the case of a serious threat to national security.”

The court took issue with the law’s “broad set of traffic and location data” retention requirements to be kept over periods of 10 weeks and four weeks respectively.  This could lead to “very precise conclusions to be drawn concerning the private lives of persons whose data are retained, such as habits of everyday life, permanent or temporary places of residence, daily or other movements, the activities carried out, the social relationships of those persons and the social environments frequented by them and, in particular, enable a profile of those persons to be established.”

The CJEU did not do away with the idea of bulk data retention, merely noting a growing list of exceptions that states are bound to exploit.  In the German case, specific contexts might involve a grave threat to national security.  There would also have to be court oversight, discrimination in terms of targeting, and a specific period of time.

In another joined case, the CJEU found that financial market regulators cannot use EU laws to target insider dealing and market manipulation by forcing telecom providers to supply the personal data of suspect traders to the authorities.  The French law in question, justified on the basis of fighting crime, permitted the retention of such traffic data for up to one year from the day of its recording.

National legislation requiring telecommunications operators “to retain generally and indiscriminately the traffic data of all users of means of electronic communication, with no differentiation in that regard or with no provision made for exceptions and without establishing the link required […] between the data to be retained and the objective pursued” fell outside what was “strictly necessary and cannot be considered to be justified, in a democratic society”.

While European judicial bodies with teeth rein in the way data retention is used, when and if it should even be permitted, countries such as Australia continue to show faith in the very idea.  Last month’s hack of the country’s second largest telecoms company, Optus, was a reminder that unnecessary data retention measures are an incitement for unlawful access.

In 2015, when the Data Retention Bill was introduced, advocates and those in the telecommunications industry had reason to be worried.  In testimony to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Telstra Director of Government Relations, James Shaw, noted that the telco’s practice over peak times such as New Year’s Eve was to only retain some data for a few hours before being overwritten. This was markedly shorter than the Bill’s proposed two-year retention period.

Telstra’s Chief Information Security Officer Michael Burgess also issued a warning that such legislative requirements would embolden hackers. “We would have to put extra measures in place … to make sure that data was safe from those that should not have access to it.”

Electronic Frontiers Australia Executive Office Jon Lawrence was even more trenchant in explaining to the Joint Committee that such data retention requirements were an “unnecessary and disproportionate invasion of privacy” and would “literally be a honeypot to organised crime, to any sort of person who can potentially access it”.

Despite such warnings, the Joint Committee approved the bill, subject to a number of vague and ineffectual recommendations about security and appropriate data use.  This has left those in Australia vulnerable to data loss and unprotected by the woefully inadequate Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).  But even the European example shows us that the forces of law and order remain attritive in their efforts to undermine rights and liberties via requirements for data storage. Even in the face of judicial rulings and precedents, the attempt to maintain mass surveillance through data retention regimes remains a burning, threatening issue.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Quando questa puntata era già stata registrata, è apparsa sul

Quando questa puntata era già stata registrata, è apparsa sul New York Times la seguente notizia: “Le agenzie di intelligence degli Stati Uniti ritengono che parti del governo ucraino abbiano autorizzato l’attentato con autobomba nei pressi di Mosca, avvenuto ad agosto, che ha ucciso Daria Dugina, I funzionari americani hanno anche detto di non essere stati informati in anticipo dell’operazione e che si sarebbero opposti all’uccisione se fossero stati consultati”. Abbiamo per questo aggiunto all’inizio della puntata un nostro commento intitolato “L’assassinio di Daria Dugina secondo la narrazione della CIA”.

Chi abbia effettuato il sabotaggio dei gasdotti Nord Stream 1 e 2 dalla Russia alla Germania è lo stesso presidente Biden a indicarlo, quando in una intervista dichiara: “Non ci sarà più un Nord Stream. Noi porremo fine a questo progetto. Vi prometto che saremo in grado di farlo.” Lo conferma il fatto che, il giorno stesso in cui è stato sabotato il Nord Stream, è stato aperto il gasdotto alternativo: il Baltic Pipe, che trasporta il gas dalla Norvegia alla Polonia e ai paesi limitrofi attraverso la Danimarca. La guerra dei gasdotti fa parte della strategia con cui gli USA e la NATO, con il pieno sostegno della UE, vogliono spezzare ogni rapporto dell’Europa con la Russia e fare dell’Europa la prima linea della guerra contro la Russia.

A tal fine la spesa militare USA è stata portata dal Congresso a oltre 800 miliardi di dollari annui, 37 miliardi in più di quelli richiesti dal presidente Biden, mentre Il debito USA, raddoppiato in dieci anni, supera per la prima volta i 31 mila miliardi di dollari. Ciò permette a Washington di fornire a Kiev crescenti quantità di armi, provenienti non solo dalle riserve del Pentagono ma direttamente dalle industrie belliche USA. In tal modo Washington alimenta in Europa “una guerra contro la Russia a tempo indeterminato”, con in prima fila i capi nazisti dell’Azov, rilasciati dalla Russia, ai quali la Presidenza ucraina è andata a rendere omaggio in Turchia.

Manlio Dinucci

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Twenty-one Years Ago: US Invasion of Afghanistan

October 8th, 2022 by Shane Quinn

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First published on October 7, 2021


More than two decades ago on 7 October 2001 the United States, backed by its close allies Britain, Canada and Australia, began a military invasion of Afghanistan in south-central Asia. The US offensive started with aerial bombing raids over Afghanistan’s capital and largest city, Kabul, while American air attacks were simultaneously launched against targets in the country’s second biggest city Kandahar, 300 miles south-west of Kabul, and Jalalabad, less than 100 miles east of Kabul.

The opening air raids were carried out by 15 American B-1 and B-52 heavy bombers, which descended upon Afghanistan from a US military base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Around the same time, more than two dozen American F-14 and F-18 fighter aircraft entered Afghan air space, having flown from US naval carriers in the Arabian Sea to the south. A pair of B-2 Spirit stealth bombers flew all of the way from the Whiteman Air Force Base, in Missouri, to join in the air raids against Afghanistan. (1)

About 50 cruise missiles were fired at targets in Afghanistan from US Navy destroyers, cruisers and British Royal Navy submarines. From 18 October 2001, landing on Afghan soil were hundreds of special forces soldiers from the US Army and Air Force, supported by SAS commandos of the British Army.

CIA personnel were present in Afghanistan on 26 September 2001, just 15 days after what can be called the second 9/11 (the first 9/11 being the US-backed coup in Chile on 11 September 1973, which per capita was much more destructive). The CIA operatives in Afghanistan were quickly joined by Anglo-American special forces contingents, who supplied military equipment, arms and advice to local militants opposed to the Taliban (2). US-British covert operations commenced from late September 2001, and these elite units assisted in co-ordinating the bombing of Afghanistan a few days later.

Major aid and relief organisations, greatly concerned about the effects of the US air attacks, agreed with academic specialists that the bombings posed a “grave risk” of starvation for millions of Afghans (3). Three weeks into the invasion, in late October, 1,000 anti-Taliban Afghan leaders convened a meeting across the border in Peshawar, northern Pakistan. They could not see eye-to-eye on various subjects, but were unanimous in their belief that the US-British air strikes over Afghanistan were harmful, and they appealed to the international media to demand an end to the “bombing of innocent people”. (4)

In years to come, the offensive was termed by the mainstream press as one of the US’s “forever wars”. However, since America’s official foundation on 4 July 1776, the US Armed Forces have been waging war in one form or another almost uninterrupted: for 93% of the country’s near 250-year long existence. (5)

Afghanistan as a nation had committed no aggression against America or its military; unlike say Imperial Japan, in their December 1941 bombing of the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii, which killed nearly 2,500 Americans; but this attack took place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, over 2,000 miles from the American mainland. Furthermore, Hawaii had been taken over by America in the late 19th century, without the consent of the island’s native population.

Seldom mentioned is that the Japanese bombing, though clearly a criminal action, was scarcely an unprovoked one. The attack on Pearl Harbor came as a response to ongoing US expansion in the Eastern hemisphere, and therefore encroachment into Japan’s sphere of interest. There was no Japanese presence in the Western hemisphere, nor would it have been tolerated; while the Roosevelt administration had applied other pressures on Tokyo prior to Pearl Harbor, such as an oil embargo instituted in July 1941 which immediately wiped out 90% of Japan’s oil imports (6), a very serious matter for a resource-poor country like Japan.

Image on the right: Robert Mueller

Meanwhile, 8 months after the bombing of Afghanistan had started, in June 2002 the FBI Director Robert Mueller, after leading a rigorous investigation, said that “investigators believe the idea of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon came from Al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan… We think the masterminds of it were in Afghanistan, high in the Al Qaeda leadership” (7). One can take note of Mueller’s use of the words “believe” and “think”, indicating the FBI’s suspicions in mid-2002 on who the 9/11 terrorists were.

Mueller was unable to furnish solid proof about those that had committed the terrorist acts. He could not say for certain that the Al Qaeda boss, Osama bin Laden, was personally responsible for organising it. Leading historian and analyst Noam Chomsky wrote,

“If the indirect responsibility of Afghanistan could only be surmised in June 2002, it evidently could not have been known eight months before, when President Bush ordered the bombing of Afghanistan. According to the FBI, then, the bombing was a war crime, an act of aggression, based on mere supposition”. (8)

The invasion of Afghanistan was concerned partly with restoring US prestige after the 9/11 atrocities against America, which had shocked much of the world and drawn ample pity. Other key factors included taking control of Afghanistan for geostrategic purposes, with oil rich Iran and Iraq nearby in mind; and for matters relating to the flow of raw materials via pipelines through Afghan terrain, which would be protected by US and NATO troops.

The Bush administration was steeped in the oil business, with the president, his vice-president (Dick Cheney) and National Security Advisor (Condoleezza Rice) among others having long-held links to the American oil industry. Veteran US author Gore Vidal insisted,

“the conquest of Afghanistan had nothing to do with Osama. He was simply a pretext for replacing the Taliban with a relatively stable government that would allow Union Oil of California [UNOCAL] to lay its pipeline for the profit of, among others, the Cheney-Bush junta”. (9)

Bush and company were planning to invade Afghanistan by at least mid-July 2001, according to experienced Pakistani diplomat Niaz Naik, who said so a week after the 9/11 attacks on America (10). In July 2001, Naik was told by senior American officials at a UN-sponsored gathering in Berlin that their intervention “would go ahead by the middle of October”. Naik was informed that US advisers were then already stationed in Tajikistan, which borders Afghanistan to the north.

Bush’s plan to move on Afghanistan may well have been developing as early as March 2001. That month, vice-president Cheney’s Energy Task Force was sketching Iraq’s oil fields to be exploited by fossil fuel companies (11). The attack on Afghanistan was indeed part of a broader strategy, by which Washington hoped in the short-term to conquer Iraq, whose plentiful and cheap oil sources meant that country was of greater importance to the White House than Afghanistan. The conquest of Iraq, so it was expected, would allow the Americans to tighten the noose on old enemy Iran.

The Taliban itself had been viewed with initial favour by Washington. Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid, an expert on Afghanistan, explained how

“The Clinton administration was clearly sympathetic to the Taliban, as they were in line with Washington’s anti-Iran policy, and were important for the success of any southern pipeline from Central Asia that would avoid Iran. The US Congress had authorised a covert $20 million budget for the CIA to destabilize Iran, and Tehran accused Washington of funnelling some of these funds to the Taliban”. (12)

At the beginning, military action against Afghanistan was hugely supported by the American population. A few hours after the bombing was unleashed, a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll stated that 90% of respondents approved of a US military assault on Afghanistan “in retaliation for the terrorist attacks that occurred in the US on September 11th” (13). The American public’s majority backing (77%) extended to their wish to see US ground forces deployed, with somewhat less people consenting (65%) if it meant that Afghan civilians were to be killed.

Significant support from the American people (78%) was also forthcoming, should the Pentagon decide to “take military action against other countries that the US believes are harbouring terrorists”. The public approval in America for military operations, can be explained by anger and a desire for revenge amongst ordinary Americans, regarding the callous nature of the 9/11 attacks on their country. Moreover, the sense of outrage was manipulated by falsehoods and presumptions spread by government officials and the media.

Most British people polled early on likewise supported the bombing of Afghanistan. Three or four days after the attack, 74% of Britons questioned said they approved of the offensive, in the first national opinion poll conducted since the bombing began (14). Across most of the rest of the world, support for US military action was meagre – especially in Latin America – where people are all too familiar with US interventionism.

Only 11% of those questioned in Venezuela and Colombia, in late September 2001, backed military means over diplomacy “Once the identity of the [9/11] terrorists is known” in the country or countries where they are based. As little as 2% of Mexicans said they would support a US armed attack in such an event. Throughout Latin America, the highest level of backing for a US military intervention was recorded in Panama, where 16% said they would agree with military action and 80% preferred the peaceful route. This Gallup poll was completely ignored by the US media. (15)

Chomsky wrote, “Notice that even this very limited support for the bombing was based on a crucial presupposition: that those responsible for 9/11 were known” (16). President Bush was undeterred by having no evidence regarding the 9/11 perpetrators. He declared in his Address to the Nation (on 7 October 2001) that he had just ordered US forces to attack “Al Qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. These carefully targeted actions are designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a terrorist base of operations, and to attack the military capability of the Taliban regime”. (17)

Image below: Donald Rumsfeld

Yet by the second half of 2001, the Taliban were a beaten docket – demoralised, weakened and asking for amnesty (18). US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld stressed, “We don’t negotiate surrenders”. A week after the bombing started, the Taliban tentatively offered to hand Bin Laden over “to a third country” (19). They would do so on condition “the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved” in the 9/11 attacks, a high-ranking Taliban member said, Haji Abdul Kabir, while another condition was that the US air raids be stopped.

Even before the bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban had asked for proof of Bin Laden’s guilt, and they offered to make him stand trial in an Islamic court in Afghanistan. This was rejected by the Americans. It was hardly within president Bush’s own interests, that Bin Laden be captured alive or placed before a court.

There had been business ties between the wealthy Bush and Bin Laden families. On the actual day of the 9/11 atrocities in America Bush’s father, George Senior, was due to meet one of Osama bin Laden’s brothers, Shafiq bin Laden, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington. Bush Senior had met Shafiq bin Laden at the same location the day before, 10 September 2001. (20)

Several Bin Laden family members invested millions of dollars in the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based private equity corporation involved in the weapons and fossil fuel industries. For five years until late 2003, Bush Senior had a highly paid advisory role with the Carlyle Group – and through this position the elder Bush for a time was a consultant to the Bin Ladens (21). His son Bush Junior, president from 2001 to 2009, was a director at the Carlyle Group in the early 1990s. (22)

Other prominent politicians held roles with the Carlyle Group like Bush Senior’s former Secretary of State, James Baker, ex-CIA Deputy Director and Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci, and also John Major, the British prime minister and Conservative Party leader for most of the 1990s. Bush Junior established an oil company in Texas in 1978 with Salem bin Laden, Osama’s eldest brother (23). Gary Berntsen, the CIA commanding officer in eastern Afghanistan, said that Bin Laden was allowed to evade capture by the Americans in December 2001, as the Saudi-born extremist departed the Afghan mountains and arrived in Pakistan’s tribal region.


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky. 

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


1 Micah Zenko, Amelia M. Wolf, “Tracking Eight Years of Airstrikes in Afghanistan”, Council on Foreign Relations, 8 January 2015

2 Griff Witte, “Afghanistan War, 2001-2014” Britannica, 16 August 2021

3 Noam Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance (Penguin, 1 January 2004) p. 202

4 Ibid., p. 201

5 Washington’s Blog, “America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 years – Since 1776”, Global Research, 20 February 2015, Republished 20 January 2019

6 Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985) p. 412

7 C. J. Polychroniou, “Noam Chomsky: The US-Led ‘War on Terror’ Has Devastated Much of the World”, Global Policy Journal, 24 September 2021

8 Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival, p. 200

9 Gore Vidal, “UQ Wire: Gore Vidal’s The Enemy Within”, Scoop – New Zealand News, 30 October 2002

10 George Arney, “US ‘planned attack on Taleban’ [Afghanistan]”, BBC News, 18 September 2001

11 Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, The Second Cold War: Geopolitics and the Strategic Dimensions of the USA, (Springer 1st ed., 23 June 2017) p. 81

12 Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia (Yale University Press, 8 Feb. 2001) p. 46

13 David W. Moore, “Public Overwhelmingly Backs Bush in Attacks on Afghanistan”, Gallup, 8 October 2001

14 Alan Travis, “Bombing gets support of 74%”, The Guardian, 11 October 2001

15 Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival, p. 200

16 Ibid.

17 The University of Chicago Press, “George W. Bush, Address to the Nation, October 7, 2001, Osama bin Laden, Videotaped Address, October 7, 2001”

18 Deepak Vohra, “The new great game has begun in Afghanistan”, Awaz The Voice, 5 September 2021

19 The Guardian, “Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over”, 14 October 2001

20 Greg Schneider, “Connections And Then Some”, Washington Post, 16 March 2003

21 John Pilger, The New Rulers Of The World (Verso Books, 20 Feb. 2003) p. 113

22 Sydney Morning Herald, “Carlyle Group to open Sydney Office”, Bloomberg, 11 March 2005

23 Cindy Rodriguez, “Bush ties to Bin Laden haunt grim anniversary”, Denver Post, 11 September 2006

waronterrorism.jpgby Michel Chossudovsky
ISBN Number: 9780973714715
List Price: $24.95
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In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by “Islamic terrorists”.  Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the  “war on terrorism” is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

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Conor Tobin’s January 9, 2020 Diplomatic History[1] article titled: The Myth of the ‘Afghan Trap’: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan[2] attempts to “dismantle the notion that President Jimmy Carter, at the urging of National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, aided the Afghan Mujahedin intentionally to lure the Soviet Union into invading Afghanistan in 1979.” As Todd Greentree acknowledges in his July 17, 2020 review of Tobin’s article, the stakes are high because the “the notion” calls into question not just President Carter’s legacy, but the conduct, the reputation and the “strategic behavior of the United States during the Cold War and beyond.”[3]

Central to the issue of what Tobin refers to as “the Afghan Trap thesis,” is French journalist Vincent Jauvert’s infamous January 1998 Nouvel Observateur interview with Brzezinski in which he brags about a secret program launched by him and President Carter six months before the Soviet invasion “that had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap…”

“According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise.”

Brzezinski is on record as saying.

“Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”[4]

Despite the fact that the secret program had already been revealed by the CIA’s former chief of the directorate of Operations for the Near East and South Asia Dr. Charles Cogan and former CIA Director Robert Gates and was largely ignored, Brzezinski’s admission brings attention to a glaring misconception about Soviet intentions in Afghanistan that many historians would rather leave unexplained. From the moment Brzezinski’s interview appeared in 1998 there has been a fanatical effort on both the left and the right to deny its validity as an idle boast, a misinterpretation of what he meant, or a bad translation from French to English. Brzezinski’s admission is so sensitive amongst the CIA’s insiders, Charles Cogan felt it necessary to come out for a Cambridge Forum discussion of our book on Afghanistan (Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story)[5] in 2009 to claim that even though our view that the Soviets were reluctant to invade was authentic, Brzezinski’s Nouvel Observateur interview had to be wrong.

Image: An Afghan mujahid carries a Lee–Enfield No. 4 in August 1985 (Photo by Erwin Franzen, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Tobin expands on this complaint by lamenting that the French interview has so corrupted the historiography as to have become the almost sole basis to prove the existence of a plot to lure Moscow into the “Afghan Trap.” He then goes on to write that since Brzezinski asserts the interview was technically not an interview but excerpts from an interview and was never approved in the form it appeared and that since Brzezinski has subsequently repeatedly denied it on numerous occasions—“the ‘trap’ thesis has little basis in fact.”[6]

Tobin then proceeds to cite official documents to prove “Brzezinski’s actions through 1979 exhibited a meaningful effort to dissuade [emphasis added] Moscow from intervening… In sum, a Soviet military intervention was neither sought nor desired by the Carter administration and the covert program initiated in the summer of 1979 is insufficient to charge Carter and Brzezinski with actively attempting to ensnare Moscow in the ‘Afghan trap.’”

So what does this reveal about a secret U.S. government operation taken six months prior to the Soviet invasion of December 1979 and not bragged about by Brzezinski until January of 1998?

To summarize Tobin’s complaint; Brzezinski’s alleged boast of luring the Soviets into an “Afghan trap” has little basis in fact. Brzezinski did say something but what—is not clear, but whatever he said, there is no historical record of it and anyway it wasn’t enough to lure the Soviets into Afghanistan because he and Carter didn’t want the Soviets to invade anyway because it would jeopardize détente and the SALT II negotiations. So what’s all the fuss about?

Tobin’s assumption that the President of the United States and his CIA would never intentionally set out to exacerbate the Cold War in the middle of such a hostile environment, may reveal more about Conor Tobin’s bias than his understanding of what Brzezinski’s strategy of confrontation was all about. To read his article is to step through the looking glass into an alternative universe where (to paraphrase T.E. Lawrence) facts are replaced by daydreams and the dreamers act-out with their eyes wide open. From our experience with Afghanistan and the people who made it happen, Tobin’s “valuable service of traditional diplomatic history” (as quoted from Todd Greentree’s review) does no service to history at all.

Looking back at what Brzezinski admitted to in 1998 doesn’t require a top secret clearance to verify. The Great Game-like motivations behind the Afghan trap thesis were well known at the time of the invasion to anyone with an understanding of the history of the region’s strategic value.

M.S. Agwani of the Jawaharlal Nehru School of International Studies stated as much in the October-December 1980 issue of the Schools Quarterly Journal citing a number of complicating factors that support the Afghan trap thesis: “Our own conclusion from the foregoing is twofold. First, the Soviet Union had in all probability walked into a trap laid by its adversaries. For its military action did not give it any advantage in terms of Soviet security which it did not enjoy under the previous regimes. On the contrary, it can and does affect its dealings with the Third World in general and the Muslim countries in particular. Secondly, the strong American reaction to Soviet intervention cannot be taken as proof of Washington’s genuine concern about the fate of Afghanistan. It is indeed possible to argue that its vital interests in the Gulf would be better served by an extended Soviet embroilment with Afghanistan inasmuch as the latter could be taken advantage to ostracize the Soviets from that region. The happenings in Afghanistan also seem to have come in handy for the United States to increase its military presence in and around the Gulf substantially without evoking any serious protest from the littoral states.”[7]

Whenever questioned over the nearly two decades after the Nouvel Observateur article appeared until his death in 2017, Brzezinski’s responses to the accuracy of the translation often varied from acceptance to rejection to somewhere in between which should raise questions about relying too heavily on the veracity of his reflections. Yet Conor Tobin chose to cite only a 2010 interview with Paul Jay of the Real News Network [8] in which Brzezinski denied it, to make his case. In this 2006 interview with filmmaker Samira Goetschel[9] he states that it’s a “very free translation,” but fundamentally admits the secret program “probably convinced the Soviets even more to do what they were planning to do.” Brzezinski defaults to his long held ideological justification (shared with neoconservatives) that since the Soviets were in the process of expanding into Afghanistan anyway as part of a master plan for achieving hegemony in Southwest Asia and the Gulf oil-producing states, [10] (a position rejected by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance)  the fact that he might have been provoking an invasion was of little significance.

Having dispensed with the implications of Brzezinski’s exact words, Tobin then blames the growth and acceptance of the Afghan trap thesis largely on an over-reliance on Brzezinski’s “reputation” which he then proceeds to dismiss by citing Brzezinski’s “post-invasion memos [which] reveal concern, not opportunity, which belies the claim that inducing an invasion was his objective.”[11] But to dismiss Brzezinski’s well known ideological motivation to undermine U.S./Soviet relations at every turn is to miss the raison d’être of Brzezinski’s career prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Accepting his denials at face value ignores his role in bringing the post-Vietnam neoconservative agenda (known as Team B) into the White House not to mention the opportunity to permanently shift American foreign policy into his anti-Russian ideological world view by provoking the Soviets at every step.

Anne Hessing Cahn, currently Scholar in Residence at American University who served as Chief of the Social Impact Staff at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency  from 1977–81 and Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense 1980–81, had this to say about Brzezinski’s reputation in her 1998 book, Killing Détente: “When President Carter named Zbigniew Brzezinski as his national security advisor, it was foreordained that détente with the Soviet Union was in for rough times. First came the March 1977 ill-fated arms control proposal, which departed from the Vladivostok Agreement[12] and was leaked to the press before it was presented to the Soviets. By April Carter was pressing NATO allies to rearm, demanding a firm commitment from all NATO members to start increasing their defense budgets by 3 percent per year. In the summer of 1977 Carter’s Presidential Review Memorandum-10[13]called for an ‘ability to prevail’ if war should come, wording that smacked of the Team B view.” [14]

Within a year of taking office Carter had already signaled the Soviets multiple times that he was turning the administration away from cooperation to confrontation and the Soviets were listening. In an address drafted by Brzezinski and delivered at Wake Forest University on March 17, 1978,

“Carter reaffirmed American support for SALT and arms control, [but] the tone was markedly different from a year earlier. Now he included all the qualifiers beloved by Senator Jackson and the JCS… As for détente—a word never actually mentioned in the address—cooperation with the Soviet Union was possible to meet common goals. ‘But if they fail to demonstrate restraint in missile programs and other force levels or in the projection of Soviet or proxy forces into other lands and continents then popular support in the United States for such cooperation with the Soviets will certainly erode.’”

The Soviets got the message from Carter’s address and immediately responded in a TAAS News Agency editorial that: “‘Soviet goals abroad’ had been distorted as an excuse to escalate the arms race.’” [15]

At a Nobel conference on the Cold War in the fall of 1995, Harvard/MIT Senior Security Studies Advisor, Dr. Carol Saivetz addressed the tendency to neglect the importance of Brzezinski’s ideology in the Cold War decision-making process and why that led to such a fundamental misunderstanding of each side’s intentions.

“What I learned over the last couple of days was that ideology—a factor which we in the West who were writing about Soviet foreign policy tended to dismiss as pure rationalization… To some extent, an ideological perspective—an ideological world view, let us call it—played an important role… Whether or not Zbig was from Poland or from someplace else, he had a world view, and he tended to interpret events as they unfolded in the light of it. To some extent, his fears became self-fulfilling prophecies. He was looking for certain kinds of behaviors, and he saw them—rightly or wrongly.”[16]

To understand how Brzezinski’s “fears” became self-fulfilling prophecies is to understand how his hard line against the Soviets in Afghanistan provoked the results he wanted and became adopted as American foreign policy in line with Team B’s neoconservative objectives; “to destroy détente and to steer U.S. foreign policy back to a more militant stance viz-à-viz the Soviet Union.”[17]

Afghan guerrillas that were chosen to receive medical treatment in the United States, Norton Air Force Base, California, 1986 (Photo by T.Sgt. Bob Simons, licensed under the Public Domain)

Although not generally considered a neoconservative and opposed to linking Israel’s objectives in Palestine with American objectives, Brzezinski’s method for creating self-fulfilling prophecies and the neoconservative movement’s geopolitical aims of moving the U.S. into a hardline stance against the Soviet Union found a common objective in Afghanistan.

Their shared method as Cold warriors came together to attack détente and SALT II wherever possible while destroying the foundations of any working relationship with the Soviets. In a 1993 interview we conducted with SALT II negotiator Paul Warnke, he affirmed his belief that the Soviets would never have invaded Afghanistan in the first place had President Carter not fallen victim to Brzezinski and Team B’s hostile attitude toward détente and their undermining of Soviet confidence that SALT II would be ratified.[18]

Brzezinski saw the Soviet invasion as a great vindication of his claim that the U.S. had encouraged Soviet aggression through a foreign policy of weakness which therefore justified his hardline position inside the Carter administration. But how could he claim vindication for Soviet actions when he had played such a crucial role in provoking the circumstances to which they reacted?[19]

President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s science advisor George B. Kistiakowsky and former deputy director of the CIA, Herbert Scoville answered that question in a Boston Globe Op-ed barely two months after the event.

“In reality, it was actions by the President designed to appease his hardline political opponents at home that destroyed the fragile balance in the Soviet bureaucracy… The arguments that stilled the voices of the Kremlin moderates grew out of the approaching demise of the SALT II treaty and the sharply anti-Soviet drift of Carter’s policies. His increasing propensity for accepting the views of National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski led to the anticipation of dominance in the United States by the hawks for many years to come…”[20]

In an April 1981 article in the British journal The Round Table, author Dev Murarka reveals that the Soviets had refused to intervene militarily on thirteen separate occasions after being asked by the Afghan government of Nur Mohammed Taraki and Hafizullah Amin—knowing a military intervention would provide their enemies with exactly what they had been seeking. Only on the fourteenth request did the Soviets comply “when information was received in Moscow that Amin had made a deal with one of the dissident groups.” Murarka observes that “A close scrutiny of the circumstances of the Soviet decision to intervene underlines two things. One, that the decision was not taken in haste without proper consideration. Two, that an intervention was not a predetermined inevitable consequence of growing Soviet involvement in Afghanistan. In different circumstances it could have been avoided.”[21]

But instead of being avoided, the circumstances for a Soviet invasion were fostered by covert action taken by Carter, Brzezinski and the CIA directly and through proxies in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Egypt ensuring that Soviet intervention was not avoided but encouraged.

Additionally absent from the Tobin analysis is the fact that anybody who tried to work with Brzezinski at the Carter White House—as testified to by SALT II negotiator Paul Warnke and Carter CIA Director Stansfield Turner—knew him as a Polish nationalist and a driven ideologue.[22] And even if the Nouvel Observateurinterview did not exist it wouldn’t alter the weight of evidence that without Brzezinski and Carter’s covert and overt provocations, the Soviets would never have felt the need to cross the border and invade Afghanistan.

In a January 8, 1972 article in the New Yorker Magazine, titled Reflections: In Thrall To Fear,[23] Senator J. William Fulbright described the neoconservative system for creating endless war that was keeping the U.S. bogged down in Vietnam.

“The truly remarkable thing about this Cold War psychology is the totally illogical transfer of the burden of proof from those who make charges to those who question them… The Cold Warriors, instead of having to say how they knew that Vietnam was part of a plan for the Communization of the world, so manipulated the terms of the public discussion as to be able to demand that the skeptics prove that it was not. If the skeptics could not then the war must go on—to end it would be recklessly risking the national security.”

Fulbright realized that Washington’s neoconservative Cold Warriors had turned the logic for making war inside out by concluding,

“We come to the ultimate illogic: war is the course of prudence and sobriety until the case for peace is proved under impossible rules of evidence–or until the enemy surrenders. Rational men cannot deal with each other on this basis.”

But these “men” and their system were ideological; not rational and their drive to further their mandate to defeat Soviet Communism only intensified with the official loss of the Vietnam War in 1975. Because of Brzezinski, U.S. policy formation surrounding the Carter administration on Afghanistan, SALT, détente and the Soviet Union lived outside the realm of what had passed for traditional diplomatic policy-making in the Nixon and Ford administrations while succumbing to the toxic neoconservative influence of Team B that was gaining control at the time.

Tobin ignores this glaring historical conjunction of likeminded ideologists. He insists on relying on the official record to come to his conclusions but then ignores how that record was framed by Brzezinski and influenced by Washington’s cult of neoconservatives to deliver on their ideological self-fulfilling prophecy. He then cherry-picks facts that support his anti-Afghan trap thesis while ignoring the wealth of evidence from those who opposed Brzezinski’s efforts to control the narrative and exclude opposing points of view.

National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski accompanying President Jimmy Carter during a visit to Strategic Air Command’s Headquarters in Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. (Photo by United States Air Force Archive, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

According to numerous studies Brzezinski transformed the role of national security advisor far beyond its intended function.

In a planning session with President Carter on St. Simon Island before even entering the White House he took control of policy creation by narrowing access to the president down to two committees (the Policy Review Committee PRC, and the Special Coordinating Committee SCC). He then had Carter transfer power over the CIA to the SCC which he chaired. At the first cabinet meeting after taking office Carter announced that he was elevating the national security advisor to cabinet level and Brzezinski’s lock on covert action was complete. According to political scientist and author David J. Rothkopf, “It was a bureaucratic first strike of the first order. The system essentially gave responsibility for the most important and sensitive issues to Brzezinski.” [24]

According to one academic study,[25] over the course of four years Brzezinski often took actions without the knowledge or approval of the president; intercepted communications sent to the White House from around the world and carefully selected only those communications for the president to see that conformed to his ideology. His Special Coordinating Committee, the SCC was a stovepipe operation which acted solely in his interest and denied information and access to those who might oppose him, including Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and CIA Director Stansfield Turner. As a cabinet member he occupied a White House office diagonally across the lobby from the Oval Office and met so often with the President, the in-house record-keepers stopped keeping track of the meetings.[26] By agreement with President Carter, he would then type up three page memos of these and any meetings and deliver them to the president in person.[27]He used this unique authority to single himself out as the primary spokesman for the administration and a barrier between the White House and the president’s other advisors and went so far as to create a press secretary to convey his policy decisions directly to the Mainstream Media.

He was also on the record as singlehandedly establishing a rapprochement with China in May of 1978 on an anti-Soviet basis which ran counter to U.S. policy at the time while renowned for misleading the president on critical issues to falsely justify his positions.[28]

So how did this work in Afghanistan?

Tobin rejects the very idea that Brzezinski would ever advise Carter to actively endorse a policy that would risk SALT and détente, jeopardize his election campaign and threaten Iran, Pakistan and the Persian Gulf to future Soviet infiltration—because  to Tobin “it is largely inconceivable.”[29]

As proof of his support for Brzezinski’s belief in the Soviet’s long term ambitions to invade the Middle East through Afghanistan, Tobin cites how Brzezinski “reminded Carter of ‘Russia’s traditional push to the south, and briefed him specifically on Molotov’s proposal to Hitler in late 1940 that the Nazis recognize the Soviet claims of pre-eminence in the region south of Batum and Baku.’” But Tobin fails to mention that what Brzezinski presented to the president as proof of Soviet aims in Afghanistan was a well-known misinterpretation[30] of what Hitler and Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentropp had proposed to Molotov—and which Molotov rejected. In other words, the very opposite of what Brzezinski presented to Carter—yet Tobin ignores this fact.

From the moment Afghanistan declared its independence from Britain in 1919 until the “Marxist coup” of 1978 the main goal of Soviet foreign policy had been to maintain friendly but cautious relations with Afghanistan, while preserving Soviet interests.[31]

U.S. involvement was always minimal with the U.S. represented by allies Pakistan and Iran in the region. By the 1970s the U.S. considered the country to already be within the Soviet sphere of influence having defacto signed on to that arrangement at the start of the Cold War. [32] As two long term American experts on Afghanistan explained quite simply in 1981, “The Soviet influence was predominant but not intimidating until 1978.”[33]

Contrary to Brzezinski’s claim of a Soviet grand design, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance saw no evidence of Moscow’s hand in the 78’overthrow of the previous government but much evidence to prove the coup had caught them by surprise.[34] In fact it appears the coup leader Hafizullah Amin feared the Soviets would have stopped him had they discovered the plot. Selig Harrison writes,

“The overall impression left by the available evidence is one of an improvised ad hoc Soviet response to an unexpected situation… Later, the KGB ‘learned that the Amin’s instructions about the uprising included a severe ban on letting the Russians know about the planned actions.’”[35]

Moscow considered Hafizullah Amin to be aligned with the CIA and labelled him

“‘a commonplace petty bourgeois and extreme Pashtu nationalist… with boundless political ambitions and a craving for power,’ which he would ‘stoop to anything and commit any crimes to fulfill.’”[36]

As early as May 1978 the Soviets were engineering a plan to remove and replace him and by the summer of 1979 contacting former non-communist  members of the King and Mohammed Daoud’s government to build a “non-communist, or coalition, government to succeed the Taraki-Amin regime,” all the while keeping U.S. embassy charge d’affaires Bruce Amstutz fully informed.[37]

To others who had a personal experience in the events surrounding the Soviet invasion, there is little doubt that Brzezinski wanted to raise the stakes for the Soviets in Afghanistan and had been doing it at least since April of 1978 with the help of the Chinese. During Brzezinski’s historic mission to China only weeks after the Marxist takeover in Afghanistan, he raised the issue of Chinese support for countering the recent Marxist coup. [38]

In support of his theory that Brzezinski was not provoking a Soviet invasion, Tobin cites a memo from NSC director for South Asian Affairs, Thomas Thornton on May 3, 1978 reporting that “the CIA was unwilling to consider covert action”[39] at the time and warned on July 14, that “no official encouragement” be given to “coup plotters.”[40] The actual incident to which Thornton refers regards a contact by the second highest Afghan military official who probed the U.S. embassy chargé d’Affaires Bruce Amstutz on whether the U.S. would support overthrowing the newly installed “Marxist regime” of Nur Mohammed Taraki and Hafizullah Amin.

Tobin then cites Thornton’s warning to Brzezinski that the result of “giving a helping hand… would likely be an invitation for massive Soviet involvement,” and adds that Brzezinski wrote “yes” in the margins.

Tobin assumes the warning from Thornton is further evidence that Brzezinski was discouraging provocative action by signaling a “yes” to his warning. But what Brzezinski meant by writing in the margin is anybody’s guess, especially given his bitter policy conflict over the issue of destabilizing the regime with the incoming U.S. ambassador Adolph Dubs who arrived that July as well.

“I can only tell you that Brzezinski really had a struggle for American policy toward Afghanistan in 1978 and 79 between Brzezinski and Dubs” journalist and scholar Selig Harrison told us in an interview we conducted in 1993.

“Dubs was a Soviet specialist… with a very sophisticated conception of what he was going to do politically; which was to try to make Amin into a Tito – or the closest thing to a Tito – detach him.  And Brzezinski of course thought that was all nonsense… Dubs represented a policy of not wanting the U.S. to get involved with aiding antagonistic groups because he was trying to deal with the Afghan Communist leadership and give it off-setting and economic help and other things that would enable it to be less dependent on the Soviet Union… Now Brzezinski represented a different approach, which is to say was all part of a self-anointed prophecy. It was all very useful to the people who, like Brzezinski had a certain conception of the overall relationship with the Soviet Union.”[41]

In his book with Diego Cordovez Out of Afghanistan, Harrison recalls his visit with Dubs in August of 1978 and how over the next six months his conflict with Brzezinski made life extremely difficult and dangerous for him to implement the State Department’s policy. “Brzezinski and Dubs were working at cross purposes during late 1978 and early 1979.” Harrison writes.

“This control over covert operations enabled Brzezinski to take the first steps toward a more aggressive anti-Soviet Afghan policy without the State Department’s knowing much about it.”[42]

According to the State Department’s 1978 “Post Profile” for the ambassador’s job, Afghanistan was considered a difficult assignment subject “to unpredictable – possibly violent – political developments affecting the stability of the region… As Chief of mission, with eight different agencies, almost 150 official Americans, in a remote and unhealthful environment,” the ambassador’s job was dangerous enough. But with Ambassador Dubs directly opposed to Brzezinski’s secret internal policy of destabilization it was becoming deadly. Dubs was clearly aware from the outset that the ongoing program of destabilization might cause the Soviets to invade and explained his strategy to Selig Harrison. “The trick for the United States, he [Dubs] explained would be to sustain cautious increases in aid and other links without provoking Soviet counter pressures on Amin and possibly military intervention.”[43]

According to former CIA analyst Henry Bradsher, Dubs attempted to warn the State Department that destabilization would result in a Soviet invasion. Before leaving for Kabul he recommended that the Carter administration do contingency planning for a Soviet military response and within a few months of arriving repeated the recommendation. But the State Department was so out of Brzezinski’s loop, Dubs’ request was never taken seriously.[44]

By early 1979 the fear and confusion over whether Hafizullah Amin was secretly working for the CIA, had so destabilized the U.S. embassy, Ambassador Dubs confronted his own station chief and demanded answers, only to be told Amin had never worked for the CIA.[45] But rumors that Amin had contacts with Pakistan’s Intelligence Directorate the ISI and the Afghan Islamists backed by them, especially Gulbuddin Hekmatyar are most likely true.[46] Despite the obstacles Dubs persisted in advancing his plans with Hafizullah Amin against the obvious pressure coming from Brzezinski and his NSC. Harrison writes.

“Dubs meanwhile was arguing vigorously for keeping American options open, pleading that destabilization of the regime could provoke direct Soviet intervention.”[47]

Harrison goes on to say;

“Brzezinski emphasized in an interview after he left the White House that he had remained strictly within the confines of the President’s policy at that stage not to provide direct aid to the Afghan insurgency [which has since been revealed as not true]. Since there was no taboo on indirect support, however, the CIA had encouraged the newly entrenched Zia Ul-Haq to launch its own program of military support for the insurgents. The CIA and the Pakistani Interservices Intelligence Directorate (ISI) he said, worked together closely on planning training programs for the insurgents and on coordinating the Chinese, Saudi Arabian, Egyptian and Kuwaiti aid that was beginning to trickle in. By early February 1979, this collaboration became an open secret when the Washington Post published [February 2] an eyewitness report that at least two thousand Afghans were being trained at former Pakistani Army bases guarded by Pakistani patrols.”[48]

David Newsom, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs who’d met the new Afghan government in the summer of 1978 told Harrison,

“From the beginning, Zbig had a much more confrontational view of the situation than Vance and most of us at State. He thought we should be doing something covertly to frustrate Soviet ambitions in that part of the world. On some occasions I was not alone in raising questions about the wisdom and feasibility of what he wanted to do.”  ‘CIA Director Stansfield Turner, for example,’ “was more cautious than Zbig, often arguing that something wouldn’t work. Zbig wasn’t worried about provoking the Russians, as some of us were…”[49]

Although noting Ambassador Dubs’ subsequent murder on February 14 at the hands of the Afghan police as a major turning point for Brzezinski to shift Afghan policy further against the Soviets, Tobin entirely avoids the drama that led up to the Dubs’ assassination, his conflict with Brzezinski and his overtly expressed fear that provoking the Soviets through destabilization would result in an invasion.[50]

By the early spring of 1979 the “Russia’s Vietnam” meme was circulating widely in the international press as evidence of Chinese support for the Afghan insurgency began to filter out. An April article in the Canadian MacLean’s Magazine reported the presence of Chinese army officers and instructors in Pakistan training and equipping “right-wing Afghan Moslem guerillas for their ‘holy war’ against the Moscow-back Kabul regime of Noor Mohammed Taraki.”[51] A May 5 article in the Washington Post titled “Afghanistan: Moscow’s Vietnam?” went right to the point saying, “the Soviets’ option to pull out entirely is no longer available. They are stuck.”[52]

But despite his claim of responsibility in the Nouvelle Observateur article, the decision to keep the Russians stuck in Afghanistan may already have become a fait accompli that Brzezinski simply took advantage of.  In his 1996 From the Shadows, former CIA director Robert Gates and Brzezinski aid at the NSC confirms that the CIA was on the case long before the Soviets felt any need to invade.

“The Carter administration began looking at the possibility of covert assistance to the insurgents opposing the pro-Soviet, Marxist government of President Taraki at the beginning of 1979. On March 9, 1979, CIA sent several covert action options relating to Afghanistan to the SCC… The DO informed DDCI Carlucci late in March that the government of Pakistan might be more forthcoming in terms of helping the insurgents than previously believed, citing an approach by a senior Pakistani official to an Agency officer.”[53]

Aside from the purely geopolitical objectives associated with Brzezinski’s ideology, Gates’ statement reveals an additional motive behind the Afghan trap thesis: The long term objectives of drug kingpins in the opium trade and the personal ambitions of the Pakistani General credited with making the Afghan trap a reality.

In 1989 Pakistan’s Lieutenant General Fazle Haq identified himself as the senior Pakistani official who’d influenced Brzezinski into backing the ISI’s clients and to get the operation to fund the insurgents underway. “I told Brzezinski you screwed up in Vietnam and Korea; you’d better get it right this time” he told British journalist Christina Lamb in an interview for her book, Waiting for Allah.[54]

Far from absolving Brzezinski of any responsibility for luring the Soviets into an Afghan trap, Haq’s 1989 admission combined with the Gates 1996 revelation confirm a premeditated willingness to use destabilization to provoke the Soviets into a military response and then use that response to trigger the massive military upgrade that was referred to in the Soviet reaction to Carter’s Wake Forest address in March of 1978. It also links Fazle Haq’s motives to President Carter and Brzezinski and in so doing, makes both witting accessories to the spread of illicit drugs at the expense of Carter’s own “Federal strategy for prevention of drug abuse and drug trafficking.”

In late 1977 Dr. David Musto, a Yale psychiatrist had accepted Carter’s appointment to the White House Strategy Council on Drug Abuse. “Over the next two years, Musto found that the CIA and other intelligence agencies denied the council—whose members included the secretary of state and the attorney general—access to all classified information on drugs, even when it was necessary for framing new policy.”

When Musto informed the White House about the CIA’s lying about their involvement  he got no response. But when Carter began openly funding the mujahideen guerrillas following the Soviet invasion Musto told the council.

“‘[T]hat we were going into Afghanistan to support opium growers in their rebellion against the Soviets. Shouldn’t we try to avoid what we had done in Laos? Shouldn’t we try to pay the growers if they eradicate their opium production? There was silence.’ As heroin from Afghanistan and Pakistan poured into America throughout 1979, Musto noted that the number of drug-related deaths in New York City rose by 77 percent.”[55]

Golden Triangle heroin had provided a secret source of funding for the CIA’s anti-communist operations during the Vietnam War.

“By 1971, 34 percent of all US soldiers in South Vietnam were heroin addicts – all supplied from laboratories operated by CIA assets.”[56] Thanks to Dr. David Musto, Haq’s use of the Tribal heroin trade to secretly fund Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s rebel forces was already exposed, but because of Fazle Haq, Zbigniew Brzezinski and a man named Agha Hassan Abedi and his Bank of Commerce and Credit International, the rules of the game would be turned inside out. [57]

By 1981, Haq had made the Afghan/Pakistan border the world’s top heroin supplier with 60 percent of U.S. heroin coming through his program[58]and by 1982 Interpol was listing Brzezinski’s strategic ally Fazle Haq as an international narcotics trafficker.[59]

In the aftermath of Vietnam, Haq was positioned to take advantage of an historic shift in the illicit drug trade from Southeast Asia and the Golden Triangle to South Central Asia and the Golden Crescent, where it came to be protected by Pakistani intelligence and the CIA and where it thrives today.[60]

Haq and Abedi together revolutionized the drug trade under the cover of President Carter’s anti-Soviet Afghan war making it safe for all the world’s intelligence agencies to privatize what had up to then been secret government-run programs. And it is Abedi who then brought in a retired President Carter as his front man to legitimize the face of his bank’s illicit activities as it continued to finance Islamic terrorism’s spread around the world.

There are many who prefer to believe that President Carter’s involvement with Agha Hassan Abedi was the result of ignorance or naiveté and that in his heart President Carter was just trying to be a good man. But even a cursory examination of BCCI reveals deep connections to Carter’s Democratic Party circle that cannot be explained away by ignorance.[61] It can however be explained by a calculated pattern of deception and to a president that to this day refuses to answer any questions about it.

To some members of the Carter White House who interacted with Brzezinski during his four years at the wheel from 1977 to 1981 his intention to provoke the Russians into doing something in Afghanistan was always clear. According to John Helmer a White House staffer who was tasked with investigating two of Brzezinski’s policy recommendations to Carter, Brzezinski would risk anything to undermine the Soviets and his operations in Afghanistan were well known.

“Brzezinski was an obsessive Russia-hater to the end. That led to the monumental failures of Carter’s term in office; the hatreds Brzezinski released had an impact which continues to be catastrophic for the rest of the world.” Helmer wrote in 2017,

“To Brzezinski goes the credit for starting most of the ills – the organization, financing, and armament of the mujahideen the Islamic fundamentalists who have metastasized – with US money and arms still – into Islamic terrorist armies operating far from Afghanistan and Pakistan, where Brzezinski started them off.”[62]

Helmer insists that Brzezinski exercised an almost hypnotic power over Carter that bent him towards Brzezinski’s ideological agenda while blinding him to the consequences from the outset of his presidency.

“From the start… in the first six months of 1977, Carter was also warned explicitly by his own staff, inside the White House… not to allow Brzezinski to dominate his policy-making to the exclusion of all other advice, and the erasure of the evidence on which the advice was based.”

Yet the warning fell on Carter’s deaf ears while the responsibility for Brzezinski’s actions falls on his shoulders. According to Carter’s CIA Director Stansfield Turner; “The ultimate responsibility is totally Jimmy Carter’s. It’s got to be the Presidentwho sifts out these different strains of advice.” [63] But to this day Carter refuses to address his role in creating the disaster that Afghanistan has become.

In 2015 we began work on a documentary to finally clear the air on some of the unresolved questions surrounding America’s role in Afghanistan and reconnected with Dr. Charles Cogan for an interview. Soon after the camera rolled, Cogan interrupted to tell us he had talked to Brzezinski in the spring of 2009 about the 1998 Nouvel Observateur interview and been disturbed to learn that the “Afghan trap thesis” as stated by Brzezinski was indeed legitimate.[64]

“I had an exchange with him. This was a ceremony for Samuel Huntington. Brzezinski was there. I’d never met him before and I went up to him and introduced myself and I said I agree with everything you’re doing and saying except for one thing. You gave an interview with the Nouvel Observateur some years back saying that we sucked the Soviets into Afghanistan. I said I’ve never heard or accepted that idea and he said to me, ‘You may have had your perspective from the Agency but we had our different perspective from the White House,’ and he insisted that this was correct. And I still… that was obviously the way he felt about it.  But I didn’t get any whiff of that when I was Chief Near East South Asia at the time of the Afghan war against the Soviets.

In the end it seems that Brzezinski had lured the Soviets into their own Vietnam with intent and wanted his colleague—as one of the highest level CIA officials to participate in the largest American intelligence operations since WWII—to know it. Brzezinski had worked the system to serve his ideological objectives and managed to keep it secret and out of the official record. He had lured the Soviets into the Afghan trap and they had fallen for the bait.

For Brzezinski, getting the Soviets to invade Afghanistan was an opportunity to shift the Washington consensus toward an unrelenting hard line against the Soviet Union. Without any oversight for his use of covert action as chair of the SCC, he’d created the conditions needed to provoke a Soviet defensive response which he’d then used as evidence of unrelenting Soviet expansion and used the media, which he controlled, to affirm it, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, once his Russophobic system of exaggerations and lies about his covert operation became accepted, they found a home in America’s institutions and continue to haunt those institutions to this day. US policy since that time has operated in a Russophobic haze of triumphalism that both provokes international incidents and then capitalizes on the chaos. And to Brzezinski’s dismay he discovered he couldn’t turn the process off.

In 2016, the year before his death Brzezinski delivered a profound revelation in an article titled “Toward a Global Realignment” warning that “the United States is still the world’s politically, economically, and militarily most powerful entity, but given complex geopolitical shifts in regional balances, it is no longer the globally imperial power.” But after years of witnessing American missteps regarding its use of imperial power, he realized his dream of an American-led transformation to a new world order would never be. Though unapologetic at using his imperial hubris to lure the Soviets into Afghanistan, he did not expect his beloved American Empire to fall into the same trap and ultimately lived long enough to understand that he had won only a Pyrrhic victory.

Why would Conor Tobin eradicate critical evidence regarding the US role in the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan NOW?  

In light of what’s been done to the historical record through Conor Tobin’s effort to debunk “the Afghan Trap thesis” and clear Zbigniew Brzezinski and President Carter’s reputations the facts of the matter remain clear. Discrediting Brzezinski’s Nouvel Observateur interview is insufficient to his task in view of our 2015 interview with former CIA chief Charles Cogan and the overwhelming body of evidence that totally disproves his anti “Afghan Trap” thesis.

Were Tobin a “lone scholar” with an obsession to clean up Brzezinski’s reputation for posterity on a school project his effort would be one thing. But to position his narrow thesis in a mainstream authoritative journal of international studies as a definitive rethinking of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan beggars the imagination. But then, the circumstances surrounding the Soviet invasion, President Carter’s premeditated actions beforehand, his overtly duplicitous response to it and his post-presidency participation with the CIA’s covert funder Agha Hassan Abedi, leave little to the imagination.

Of all the evidence disproving Tobin’s anti-Afghan Trap thesis, the most accessible and problematic for the managers of the ‘official narrative’ regarding the U.S. role in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan remains journalist Vincent Jauvert’s 1998 Nouvel Observateur interview. Whether this effort to wipe the record clean is the motive behind Conor Tobin’s essay remains to be determined. It is likely that the distance between now and Brzezinski’s death signaled that the time was right for redefining his public statements for the official record.

It was fortunate that we were able to discover Conor Tobin’s effort and correct it as best we could. But Afghanistan is only one instance of where Americans have been misled. We all must become far more aware of how our narrative-creation process has been coopted by the powers-that-be from the start. It is critical that we learn how to take it back.

Bertolt Brecht, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

“If we could learn to look instead of gawking,
We’d see the horror in the heart of farce,
If only we could act instead of talking,
We wouldn’t always end up on our arse.
This was the thing that nearly had us mastered;
Don’t yet rejoice in his defeat, you men!
Although the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again.”


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This article was originally published on World BEYOND War.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are the authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire and The Voice. Visit their websites at invisiblehistory and grailwerk.


[1] Diplomatic History is the official journal of Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). The journal appeals to readers from a wide variety of disciplines, including American studies, international economics, American history, national security studies, and Latin-American, Asian, African, European, and Middle Eastern studies.

[2] Diplomatic History, Volume 44, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 237–264,

Published: 09 January 2020

[3] H-Diplo Article Review 966 on Tobin.: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan, 1978-1979.”  Review by Todd Greentree, Oxford University Changing Character of War Centre

[4] Vincent Jauvert, Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur (France), Jan 15-21, 1998,  p.76  *(There are at least two editions of this magazine; with the perhaps sole exception of the Library of Congress, the version sent to the United States is shorter than the French version, and the Brzezinski interview was not included in the shorter version).

[5] Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 2009).

[6] Conor Tobin, The Myth of the ‘Afghan Trap’: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan, 1978—1979 Diplomatic History, Volume 44, Issue 2, April 2020.  p. 239

[7] M.S. Agwani, Review Editor, “The Saur Revolution and After,” QUARTERLY  JOURNAL OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY (New Delhi, India)  Volume 19, Number 4  (October-December 1980) p. 571

[8] Paul Jay interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brzezinski’s Afghan War and the Grand Chessboard (2/3)  2010  –

[9] Samira Goetschel interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Our Own Private bin Laden 2006 –

[10] Diego Cordovez, Selig S. Harrison, Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p.34.

[11] Tobin “The Myth of the ‘Afghan Trap’: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan,” p. 240

[12] Vladivostok Agreement, November 23-24, 1974, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev and President of the USA Gerald R. Ford discussed in detail the question of further limitations of strategic offensive arms.

[13] PRM 10 Comprehensive Net Assessment and Military Force Posture Review, February 18, 1977

[14] Anne Hessing Cahn, Killing Détente: The Right Attacks the CIA (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998), p.187.

[15] Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1994 Revised Edition), p. 657

[16] Dr. Carol Saivetz, Harvard University, “The Intervention in Afghanistan and the Fall of Détente” conference, Lysebu, Norway, September 17-20, 1995 p. 252-253.

[17] Cahn, Killing Détente: The Right Attacks the CIA, p. 15.

[18] Interview, Washington D.C. , February 17, 1993.


[20] G.B. Kistiakowsky, Herbert Scoville, “The Kremlin’s lost voices,” The Boston Globe , February 28, 1980, p. 13.


[22] Interview with Paul Warnke, Washington, D.C., February 17, 1993. Admiral Stansfield Turner, Former Director of Central Intelligence, “The Intervention in Afghanistan and the Fall of Détente” conference, Lysebu, Norway September 17-20 p. 216.

[23] J. William Fulbright, “Reflections in Thrall To Fear,” The New Yorker, January 1, 1972 ( New York, USA),  January 8, 1972 Issue p. 44-45

[24] David J. RothKopf – Charles Gati Editor,  ZBIG: The Strategy and Statecraft of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Johns Hopkins University Press 2013), p. 68.

[25] Erika McLean, Beyond the Cabinet: Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Expansion of the National Security Advisor Position, Thesis Prepared for the Degree of Master of the Arts, University of North Texas, August 2011.

[26] Ibid  p. 73

[27] Betty Glad, An Outsider in the White House: Jimmy Carter, His Advisors, and the Making of American Foreign Policy (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University, 2009), p.  84.

[28] Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1994 Revised Edition), p 770.

[29] Tobin “The Myth of the ‘Afghan Trap’: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan,” p. 253

[30] Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation, (Revised Edition), p. 1050. Note 202. Garthoff later describes the incident as Brzezinski’s “misbegotten history lesson on the Molotov-Hitler talks in 1940.” (Which Carter made the mistake of accepting at face value) p. 1057.

[31] Rodric Braithwaite, Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-89, (Oxford University Press, New York 2011), p. 29-36.

[32] Dr. Gary Sick, Former NSC staff member, Iran and Middle East expert, “The Intervention in Afghanistan and the Fall of Détente” conference, Lysebu, p. 38.

[33] Nancy Peabody Newell and Richard S. Newell, The Struggle for Afghanistan,  (Cornell University Press 1981), p. 110-111

[34] Rodric Braithwaite, Afgantsy, p. 41

[35] Diego Cordovez, Selig S. Harrison, Out of Afghanistan, p. 27 Citing Alexander Morozov, “Our Man in Kabul,” New Times (Moscow), September 24, 1991, p. 38.

[36] John K. Cooley, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism, (Pluto Press, London 1999)  p. 12 citing Kremlin senior diplomat Vasily Safronchuk, Afghanistan in the Taraki Period, International Affairs, Moscow January 1991, pp. 86-87.

[37] Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation, (1994 Revised Edition), p 1003.

[38] Raymond L. Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation, p. 773.

[39] Tobin “The Myth of the ‘Afghan Trap’: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan,” p. 240.

[40] Ibid p. 241.

[41] Interview with Selig Harrison, Washington, D.C., February 18, 1993.

[42] Diego Cordovez – Selig Harrison, Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal (New York, Oxford: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1995), p. 33.

[43] Ibid.

[44] Henry S. Bradsher, Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, New and Expanded Edition, (Durham: Duke University Press, 1985), p. 85-86.

[45] Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (Penguin Books, 2005) p. 47-48.

[46] Authors’ conversation with Malawi Abdulaziz Sadiq, (a close friend and ally to Hafizullah Amin) June 25, 2006.

[47] Diego Cordovez – Selig Harrison, Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal, p. 34.

[48] Cordovez – Harrison, Out of Afghanistan p. 34 Citing Peter Nieswand, “Guerillas Train in Pakistan to oust Afghan Government,” Washington Post, February 2, 1979, p. A 23.

[49] Ibid. p. 33.

[50] Ibid.

[51] Peter Nieswand, “Peking’s finest fuel a holy war,” MacLean’s,  (Toronto, Canada)  April 30, 1979 p. 24

[52] Jonathan C. Randal, Washington Post, May 5, 1979 p.  A – 33.

[53] Robert M. Gates, From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of five Presidents And How They Won the Cold War (New York, TOUCHSTONE, 1996),  p.144

[54] Christina Lamb, Waiting for Allah: Pakistan’s Struggle for Democracy (Viking, 1991),  p. 222

[55] Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade,  (Harper & Row, New York – Revised and Expanded Edition, 1991),  pp. 436-437 Citing New York Times, May 22, 1980.

[56] Alfred W. McCoy, “Casualties of the CIA’s war against communism,” Boston Globe, November 14, 1996, p. A-27

[57] Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade,  (Expanded Edition), pp. 452-454

[58] Alfred W. McCoy, “Casualties of the CIA’s war against communism,” Boston Globe, November 14, 1996, p. A-27

[59] Alfred W. McCoy and Alan A. Block (ed.) War on Drugs: Studies in the Failure of U.S. Narcotics Policy,  (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1992), p. 342

[60] Catherine Lamour and Michel R. Lamberti, The International Connection: Opium from Growers to Pushers, (Penguin Books, 1974, English Translation) pp. 177-198.

[61] William Safire, “Clifford’s  Part In Bank Scandal Is Only Tip Of Iceberg,” Chicago Tribune, July 12, 1991

[62]  John Helmer, “Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Svengali of Jimmy Carter’s Presidency is Dead, But the Evil Lives On.”

[63] Samira Goetschel – Our own Private bin Laden, 2006. At 8:59


Featured image: “On watch”. A Soviet soldier-internationalist guards the Afghan roads. (Photo by RIA Novosti, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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First posted on Global Research on February 13, 2022, prior to the Russian invasion


“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they’re the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn’t happen.” George Friedman, STRATFOR CEO at The Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs

The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. Even so, Nord Stream has pushed ahead and is now fully-operational and ready-to-go. Once German regulators provide the final certification, the gas deliveries will begin. German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean and inexpensive energy while Russia will see a significant boost to their gas revenues. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

The US Foreign Policy establishment is not happy about these developments. They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO.

There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in.

Warmer relations between Germany and Russia signal an end to the “unipolar” world order the US has overseen for the last 75 years. A German-Russo alliance threatens to hasten the decline of the Superpower that is presently inching closer to the abyss. This is why Washington is determined to do everything it can to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany within its orbit. It’s a matter of survival.

That’s where Ukraine comes into the picture. Ukraine is Washington’s ‘weapon of choice’ for torpedoing Nord Stream and putting a wedge between Germany and Russia. The strategy is taken from page one of the US Foreign Policy Handbook under the rubric: Divide and Rule.

Washington needs to create the perception that Russia poses a security threat to Europe. That’s the goal. They need to show that Putin is a bloodthirsty aggressor with a hair-trigger temper who cannot be trusted. To that end, the media has been given the assignment of reiterating over and over again, “Russia is planning to invade Ukraine.” What’s left unsaid is that Russia has not invaded any country since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and that the US has invaded or toppled regimes in more than 50 countries in the same period of time, and that the US maintains over 800 military bases in countries around the world. None of this is reported by the media, instead the focus is on “evil Putin” who has amassed an estimated 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border threatening to plunge all of Europe into another bloody war.

All of the hysterical war propaganda is created with the intention of manufacturing a crisis that can be used to isolate, demonize and, ultimately, splinter Russia into smaller units. The real target, however, is not Russia, but Germany. Check out this excerpt from an article by Michael Hudson at The Unz Review:

“The only way left for U.S. diplomats to block European purchases is to goad Russia into a military response and then claim that avenging this response outweighs any purely national economic interest. As hawkish Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, explained in a State Department press briefing on January 27: “If Russia invades Ukraine one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.” (“America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies”, The Unz Review)

There it is in black and white. The Biden team wants to “goad Russia into a military response” in order to sabotage NordStream. That implies there will be some kind of provocation designed to induce Putin to send his troops across the border to defend the ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country. If Putin takes the bait, the response would be swift and harsh. The media will excoriate the action as a threat to all of Europe while leaders around the world will denounce Putin as the “new Hitler”. This is Washington’s strategy in a nutshell, and the whole production is being orchestrated with one goal in mind; to make it politically impossible for the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to wave NordStream through the final approval process.

Given what we know about Washington’s opposition to Nord Stream, readers may wonder why earlier in the year the Biden administration lobbied Congress NOT to impose more sanctions on the project. The answer to that question is simple: Domestic politics. Germany is currently decommissioning its nuclear power plants and needs natural gas to make up for the energy shortfall. Also, the threat of economic sanctions is a “turn-off” for Germans who see them as a sign of foreign meddling. “Why is the United States interfering in our energy decisions,” asks the average German. “Washington should mind its own business and stay out of ours.” This is precisely the response one would expect from any reasonable person.

Then, there’s this from Al Jazeera:

“Germans in the majority support the project, it is only parts of the elite and media who are against the pipeline

“The more the US talks about sanctioning or criticizes the project, the more it becomes popular in German society,” said Stefan Meister, a Russia and eastern Europe expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations.” (“Nord Stream 2: Why Russia’s pipeline to Europe divides the West”, AlJazeera)

So, public opinion is solidly behind Nord Stream which helps to explain why Washington settled on a new approach. Sanctions are not going to work, so Uncle Sam has flipped to Plan B: Create a big enough external threat that Germany will be forced to block the opening of the pipeline. Frankly, the strategy smacks of desperation, but you have to be impressed by Washington’s perseverance. They might be down by 5 runs in the bottom of the 9th, but they haven’t thrown in the towel just yet. They’re going to give it one last shot and see if they can make some headway.

On Monday, President Biden held his first joint-press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House. The ballyhoo surrounding the event was simply unprecedented. Everything was orchestrated to manufacture a “crisis atmosphere” that Biden used to pressure the chancellor in the direction of US policy. Earlier in the week, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki repeatedly said that a “Russian invasion was imminent.” Her comments were followed by State Department flak Nick Price opining that the Intel agencies had provided him with details of an alleged Russian-backed “false flag” operation they expected to take place in the near future in east Ukraine. Price’s warning was followed on Sunday morning by national security advisor Jake Sullivan claiming that a Russian invasion could happen at any time maybe “even tomorrow.” This was just days after Bloomberg News agency had published its sensational and utterly-false headline that “Russia Invades Ukraine”.

Can you see the pattern here? Can you see how these baseless claims were all used to apply pressure to the unsuspecting German chancellor who seemed oblivious to the campaign that was aimed at him?

As one might expect, the final blow was delivered by the American president himself. During the press conference Biden stated emphatically that,

“If Russia invades … there will no longer [be] a Nord Stream 2.. We will bring an end to it.”

So, now Washington sets policy for Germany???

What insufferable arrogance!

The German chancellor was taken aback by Biden’s comments which clearly were not part of the original script. Even so, Scholz never agreed to cancel Nord Stream and refused to even mention the pipeline by name. If Biden thought he could sandbag the leader of the world’s third biggest economy by cornering him in a public forum, he guessed wrong. Germany remains committed to launching Nord Stream regardless of potential flare-ups in far-flung Ukraine. But that could change at any time. After all, who knows what incitements Washington might be planning in the near future? Who knows how many lives they are prepared to sacrifice in order to put a wedge between Germany and Russia? Who knows what risks Biden is willing to take to slow America’s decline and prevent a new “polycentric” world order from emerging? Anything could happen in the weeks ahead. Anything.

For now, Germany is in the catbird seat. It’s up to Scholz to decide how the matter will be settled. Will he implement the policy that best serves the interests of the German people or will he cave in to Biden’s relentless arm twisting? Will he chart a new course that strengthens new alliances in the bustling Eurasian corridor or will he throw his support behind Washington’s crazed geopolitical ambitions? Will he accept Germany’s pivotal role in a new world order— in which many emerging centers of power share equally in global governance and where the leadership remains unflinchingly committed to multilateralism, peaceful development and security for all– or will he try to prop up the tattered post-War system that has clearly outlived its shelf-life?

One thing is certain; whatever Germany decides is bound to affect us all.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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The Biden regime is buying up $290 million in anti-radiation drugs for use in “nuclear emergencies” amid escalating tensions with Russia and heightened threats of a nuclear war.

From Health and Human Services:

October 4, 2022

Contact HHS Press Office
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Twitter: @HHSgov

HHS purchases drug for use in radiological and nuclear emergencies

As part of long-standing, ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is purchasing a supply of the drug Nplate from Amgen USA Inc; Nplate is approved to treat blood cell injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome in adult and pediatric patients (ARS).

Amgen, based in Thousands Oaks, California, developed Nplate for ARS with support from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the HHS Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), as well as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.

BARDA is using its authority provided under the 2004 Project Bioshield Act and $290 million in Project BioShield designated funding to purchase this supply of the drug. Amgen will maintain this supply in vendor-managed inventory. This approach decreases life-cycle management costs for taxpayers because doses that near expiration can be rotated into the commercial market for rapid use prior to expiry and new doses can be added to the government supply.

ARS, also known as radiation sickness, occurs when a person’s entire body is exposed to a high dose of penetrating radiation, reaching internal organs in a matter of seconds. Symptoms of ARS injuries include impaired blood clotting as a result of low platelet counts, which can lead to uncontrolled and life-threatening bleeding.

To reduce radiation-induced bleeding, Nplate stimulates the body’s production of platelets. The drug can be used to treat adults and children.

Nplate is also approved for adult and pediatric patients with immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder resulting in low platelet counts. Repurposing drugs for acute radiation syndrome that also are approved for a commercial indication helps to sustain availability of the product and improves healthcare provider familiarity with the drug.

“The US government said the procurement of Nplate was not in response to the war in Ukraine,” The Telegraph reported.

“An [HHS] spokesman told The Telegraph: ‘This is part of our ongoing work for preparedness and radiological security. It has not been accelerated by the situation in Ukraine.'”

The State Department last week urged all Americans to leave Russia “as soon as possible” in the wake of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines.

The official reasoning they gave was to avoid getting conscripted in their mobilization effort but that logic only applied to dual citizens and their advisory was for all Americans.

As I noted at the time, the real reason they told everyone to leave is more likely the risk of a full-blown war breaking out due to the US, Ukraine or Poland being responsible for the belligerent bombing of the Nord Steam pipelines.

While Russia has issued statement after statement warning the US they will use nuclear weapons to defend their territory and are “not bluffing,” the US has been shipping billions in high-tech weaponry to Ukraine to attack Russian forces and strike inside of Russia.

Just last week, Congress voted to send another $12.3 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine.

Biden said in February after the war broke out that Americans should not be worried about a nuclear war then spent the next eight months antagonizing Russia (and China) with endless provocations to make nuclear war more likely than ever.


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President Joe Biden’s litigation opponents are seizing on his remark that the pandemic is “over” as they challenge policies adopted in response to the public health crisis.

Republican attorneys general in six states noted Biden’s comment to “60 Minutes” last month in a Sept. 29 suit challenging his plan to eliminate federal student loan debt for more than 40 million Americans. Similarly, a federal appeals court judge asked during oral arguments on Sept. 21 how it could impact a case challenging the government’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors.

Litigants say Biden’s remark bolsters their argument that the administration is using the pandemic purely to service his political agenda.

“It is a huge game changer for all of us,” said Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at the Liberty Justice Center. The group represented parties in cases challenging the vaccine mandate for private sector workers, which the Supreme Court blocked in January, and the vaccine mandate for Head Start teachers, which a federal judge in Louisiana permanently blocked in 24 states on Sept. 21.

The government has been arguing judges need to defer to its public health judgment in these and other cases and Suhr said “that’s just no longer true if the president is saying the pandemic is over.”

Pandemic Protocols

During the interview, Biden acknowledged Covid-19 is still a problem that the US is working on but said the pandemic is over. Sara Rosenbaum, a health law and policy professor at George Washington University, contends he was talking as a person not as the president.

“He was not declaring the public health emergency over, which is a technical legal matter that must be done according to certain procedures and must be done by certain officials, and that has not happened,” she said. “What he was trying to say, of course, is having to live in pandemic conditions, meaning as another American citizen living in pandemic conditions, is past us.”

Still, Rosenbaum acknowledged some courts may see it differently.

“A court that is grasping for reasons to rule for the plaintiffs in these cases will hold that somehow the president made law and there’s just no basis for finding that the president made law,” she said.

The White House didn’t respond to a request for comment. But Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, and his chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, sought to clarify Biden’s remark days later. While speaking at the Atlantic Festival, Fauci said Biden was making the point that we’re in a very different place in the pandemic but that his next words were “we still have a problem with Covid.”

Courts have previously signaled they’re paying attention to what’s said by administration officials and staff.

In November 2021, the New Orleans-based US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit cited a retweet by White House Chief of Staff Ron Klein in its reasoning for reaffirming its decision to block the Occupational Safety and Health Administration mandate that required workers at companies with more than 100 employees to get the Covid-19 vaccine or test weekly.

That tweet, originally posted by an MSNBC anchor, said, “OSHA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.”

Government Credibility

The Justice Department is fighting in the Atlanta-based US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to have the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) mask mandate on planes and other mass transit reinstated. While Biden’s comment is not part of the legal record in that case, the attorney for the Health Freedom Defense Fund and two Florida residents challenging the mandate said it helps his clients’ case.

The president’s comment “adds to the impression that this Administration does not regard COVID-19 as a serious threat to public health,” Florida lawyer Brant Hadaway said in an email.

The DOJ declined to comment. In court filings, the agency argued preventing the spread of communicable disease falls squarely within the CDC’s statutory powers.

“Indeed, prevention is so central to the CDC’s mission that Congress took the trouble to amend the agency’s official name to add the words ‘and Prevention,’” DOJ said.

Beyond masking mandates and vaccine requirements, Biden is relying on the pandemic for other major policy priorities. In August, he cited the public health crisis as justification for his plan to relieve federal student loan debt. That was backed by a legal opinion from DOJ declaring the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 gives the education secretary the power to provide this relief in a national emergency.

The six states challenging the debt relief plan cited Biden’s “60 Minutes” interview in their complaint as proof the administration’s reliance on Covid-19 “is disingenuous—a mere pretext and post hoc rationalization.”

“Biden’s the president of the United States,” said Robert Henneke, executive director and general counsel at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, which has its own case challenging the government’s vaccine mandate for federal workers.

“What he says is policy for the country and given that the basis for this student loan forgiveness policy is premised on the justification of the continued Covid disaster that the president said doesn’t exist anymore, that, I think, is going to be something the courts will factor in.”


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“I suggest that US foreign policy can still be defined as “kiss my ass or I’ll kick your head in.” But of course, it doesn’t put it like that. It talks of “low intensity conflict…” What all this adds up to is a disease at the very centre of language, so that language becomes a permanent masquerade, a tapestry of lies.”

Harold Pinter (1990) [1]

It is more than a century since Edward Bernays, the father of spin, invented “public relations” as a cover for war propaganda. What is new is the virtual elimination of dissent in the mainstream.”

John Pilger (February 2022) [2]


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In the spirit of the German pastor Martin Niemöller who’s famous “First They Came” quote is now on display in the Permanent Exhibition of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, I wonder how many other independent reporting outlets saw similar fates of removal as well after InfoWars got shut off from YouTube, Apple and Facebook in August of 2018. [3]

Indeed, when the world witnessed a “Special Military Operation” being waged against Ukraine in February of this year, we started to see the victims of the independent media round-up really kicking into gear.

Consortiumnews, Mint Press News, The Corbett Report, TheGrayZone, and even Global Research are being targeted for daring – for having the unmitigated GALL – to correct all the assumptions about U.S. Foreign Policy, particularly in Ukraine! And at levels I personally have not seen in my 14 years as a journalist!

Private and public agencies are closing in on these nefarious “truth tellers” on the internet by not only threatening to close access to the major social media channels, but also by smears and threats to de-platform them altogether.

In spite of the public’s appetite for mainstream media being near an all-time low, it will be a major feat for the press propaganda to remain virtually unchallenged, really for the first time since the Second World War! At least! [4]

For journalists seeing their craft dying, we need to know more about the forces at work, and whether or not their own days may be numbered. On that note, we introduce you to a very special episode of the Global Research News Hour focusing on the drive toward making ALL MEDIA vehicles of raw propaganda as we veer toward what may be a terminal moment for the history of humanity.

In our first half hour, we bring on the highly revered journalist and film-maker John Pilger who has been covering wars since Vietnam, has reported for a number of mainstream media outlets and amassed a vast string of awards since 1966. He will give his assessment of how far today’s reporting has fallen from grace, the degree to which news today is contaminated by Propaganda, and to what extent today’s honest reporters will have to go to reverse this bitter journey.

In our second half hour, we are joined again by Max Blumenthal of TheGrayZone. In the duration of the show, he will talk about the work of his outlet not only being subjected to pressure, but also to the proven record of some of the “disinformation guardians” actually being networked with British Intelligence, the connections with the attack on Jeremy Corbyn and Stop The War, and the efforts of his own team to correct the records of well intention journalists still in the mainstream media.

John Pilger is a world-renowned journalist and filmmaker. The author of several books and maker of over 60 documentaries (the latest being The Coming War on China and The Dirty War on the NHS), Pilger has won dozens of prestigious awards and has been honored by several universities

Max Blumenthal is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Gray Zone. He is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican GomorrahGoliathThe Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. .

(Global Research News Hour Episode 364)


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Transcript of John Pilger. October 5, 2022.

Global Research: The mainstream press has gone from prioritzing the facts needed to propel wars to eliminating the opposition views altogether. Some very established award-winning journalists have also commented and lamented the downward spiral of the news that has been taken in the last decade. John Pilger is an Australian-British journalist and filmmaker based in London. In 2017, the British Library announced a John Pilger Archive of all his written and filmed work. The British Film Institute included his 1979 film Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia among the 10 most important documentaries of the 20th Century. John Pilger has twice won Britain’s highest award for journalism and has been International Reporter of the Year, News reporter of the Year, and Descriptive Writer of the Year. He has made 61 documentary films and has won an Emmy, a BAFTA, and the Royal Television Society Prize. He has contributed to BBC Television Australia, BBC Radio, BBC World Service, London and Broadcasting, as well as The Guardian, The Independent, New Statesman, The New York Times. And of course, he’s also contributed to the independent news sites, including: Information Clearing House, Truthout, CNET, Common Cause, Truthdig, and of course, Global Research.

John Pilger, welcome to the Global Research News Hour.

John Pilger: Thank you, Michael. Interesting, in that biography of me you read, really the newspapers that I used to write for, I no longer write for, —

GR: Uh-huh.

JP: — because they are no– they just – they’re a part of our – I think what we’re going to discuss. They are no longer open to journalists like myself, and my work now is almost exclusively on the Net. And I think that shift really says a great deal about, first of all, the Internet has provided some – itself – some extraordinary opportunities in journalism. But it’s also provided a refuge for those like myself who spent entire careers in the mainstream media and find they are no longer wanted in the mainstream media. That’s really, I think, probably an indication of the seriousness of the closing down of a pluralistic media – a genuinely democratic media, if it ever existed – than anything else. You simply can’t get a say anymore.

GR: I remember some aspects of the Iraq war and the Afghan war. And they were relaying some misleading information, but it’s nothing compared to what we are experiencing today with regard to the NATO-Ukraine-Russia war. You have reported through, what, seven or eight different wars, shooting wars, if I’m not mistaken. I think you commented that the distortion is now worse than ever. Could you give an account of why this reporting has gotten so bad? Is it a product of the government censors figuring out how to change media to their satisfaction, or is it something else going on altogether?

JP: The voices are being silenced, as I was saying. I mean, even as recently as the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the invasion even more recently, the invasion and destruction of Libya in 2011, or even the real beginning of the Ukraine war, which was in 2014, there were journalists in the mainstream, across the mainstream, very few, small minority, but who were questioning the official narrative. The official narrative now rules supreme. There are no more dissenters. Those who put their hand up to dissent are quickly silenced. The most extreme case of this, of course, is Julian Assange. Julian Assange, the impact of Wikileaks and its revelations on the so-called narrative, were so dramatic, so traumatic, it turned it inside-out. That rather trite expression “truth to power,” well there you had truth as a tsunami to power. And of course, the result of that has been the persecution of Julian Assange to the point where he’s now awaiting extradition to the United States where he will be tried on bogus charges. Tried for the crime of journalism, in fact.

GR: We’re hearing that our reporting is devolving essentially to the point of – would you say – maybe 1930’s propaganda in Germany? I thought we had overcome that, but you know, as we had racism and anti-Semitism and sexism in other matters, it seems that we’re sliding back, or perhaps, we’re experiencing a cycle of some sort. I mean, do you think that fear of the public, and I suppose, journalist’s fear, is essentially an accomplice of the state. And if so, what are the key events that helped mould us into this new McCarthyistic paradigm?

JP: Well, I mean, essentially, of course, not a lot has changed. Journalists have always been compliant. Most censorship has been – has come from compliant journalists, those who will go along with the system. Those who don’t go against the grain, those who just don’t do their job, don’t question power, they’ll only question power as long as it’s an official enemy or something that the prevailing order doesn’t like. But it will never look in the mirror. The difference today is, compared with a few years ago, a few years ago there was a scattering of journalists who did have spaces, one of the precarious spaces within the media to question, to do their job as real journalists. Those spaces have closed, they’ve shut down completely. I mean, you mentioned the ‘30s, there was more outspokenness in the ‘30s than there is now. There’s more media now. And I suppose the comparison itself is not completely valid, because we now have this extraordinary phenomenon: the Internet. Which, if you really want to find out something, you can, but you have to know how to navigate through the Internet. But the mainstream media, comparing the two, there were outspoken voices in the 1930s. The newspaper I used to work for in London, The Daily Mirror, had the most extraordinary editorial writers, a popular newspaper, which were blowing whistles on practically everything they wrote. And when the war began, they turned those whistles around on the British High Command and started to blow whistles on incompetent generals. Would we have anything like that today? Most certainly not.

GR: What strikes you as the most significant omission in terms of the Ukraine war or anything else that demonstrates just how bad we’ve become?

JP: I’ll give you an example. Somebody I know with whom I’m quite friendly has sent me an article he’s written, he’s very pleased with it. I don’t think he’ll be listening to this. But I read this article with dismay. It was about the Ukraine war and how it started. And it’s a collection of all the assumptions that have been accepted without any real critical discussion in the West about the Ukraine war. The fact is, it did not start with Vladimir Putin’s invasion in February, it started in 2014, there’s no question about that. And unless we understand the context of why it started, then almost any opinion on it doesn’t hold a great deal of worth. But the media today is awash with these – with much worse than the article I’ve just read, I have to say. Well, like a kind of unfettered, puerile, patriotism straight out of the 19th Century. You can imagine people sitting there in their pith helmet plumes writing it. Just – some of it is laughable. But the anti-Russia sense – which has a very powerful and very interesting and very tragic history itself – but the Russia hating has almost come to a head. And that Russian hating, of course, goes right back to 1917. Talking of invasions, it was the invasion the other way, in 1918, 1919. But the sense of – it’s almost as if the West is reclaiming the history that it’s felt rather insecure about. Now that is, who won the Second World War? The decisive winner of the Second World War was the Red Army. I don’t think there’s any doubt statistically and in every other way. Without the Red Army’s victory over Hitler, the war would not have been won as conclusively. As a pause, that’s not what we’re told in the West. And since 1945, much of the coverage of the wars of Western politicians, especially Anglo-American politicians, has been drawn from this other great ethical invention, that this was the pure war which was won by the United States and won by Britain, and somehow, the real enemy was the Soviet Union, and today is Russia. That Russia hating, which has a racist tone about it, can never be underestimated. And it runs through everything now, to the point where it’s just irrational. Much of the coverage.

GR: The late Robert Parry, while he was alive, was an astounding reporter. But the material he submitted with Consortium News on Ukraine, while accurate, has been the source of a lot of controversy, and the disinformation identifiers out there, the agencies and such, has targeted the work of Consortium News and other independent outlets as being either misinformation or being a propagandist for Vladimir Putin. I mean, this is the degree of control they have now. I mean, dare I ask how much worse this can get? I mean, will we see independent journalists, you know, I mean, possibly even yourself disagreeing with the Western narrative on Ukraine actually being jailed?

JP: Well, I think we’re dealing with one who is jailed at the moment. And getting him out of jail is really where our efforts are. But yes, that’s at the end of the road, whether people like myself and others who simply do our jobs find ourselves threatened like that. Well, we’re threatened at the moment, of course, we’re threatened by silence. It’s very difficult to have work published, and there’s no greater sanction than that. So, you know, Parry told the truth and the people you – you, well, you didn’t quote them but you refer to them – are nobodies. Parry was a very distinguished journalist who was largely responsible for the revelations about Irangate, and founded in the 1990s, Consortium News, which was following his death under its editor, Joe Lauria, has carried on that tradition. And yes, it has been threatened because we have a form of insidious McCarthyism which runs through everything today. Journalists are watched, and unless they obey, unless they put out the so-called narrative, they will probably in the first instant find myselfs out. Or if not, they will be harassed in the way that Consortium News has. It’s a very bad situation, and one that should be taken out of the area of the media. And I think the public needs to understand that it concerns them, because it is about illegitimate power, dark power, power from behind the facade of democracies, reaching out and silencing. History has plenty of precedents about that.

GR: Finally, I mean with everything that – I mean, you have the incarceration of Julian Assange, and he was not publishing anything that Daniel Ellsberg did, isn’t doing anything that Daniel Ellsberg did – didn’t do. He was just publishing leaked information, yet he’s being put through hell. Now I’m wondering, like, how can we turn this around as journalists or how can we recreate a more civil and – a society in which journalism, true journalism, is being practised and not just propaganda?

JP: Well, Robert Parry didn’t – he wasn’t just a side-player, he also interpreted these events. And some of his best work has been an interpretation, explanation, which is the job of a journalist. Not just simply to be the message carrier, but also to explain it. And that’s what Robert Parry did which made him such an excellent journalist. And an answer to your broader question: look, for as long as I’ve been alive, media has been an arm of the prevailing order, of power. When I first went to work as a correspondent in the United States in the 1960s, I was struck by how all the newspapers, which were then descended of television and there was no social media, of course. And they all agreed with each other. And there’s a rather amusing story of a lot of Russians arriving from the Soviet Union, absolutely stunned that they – that in the United States they could pull off this uniformity without shoving people in prison, as they didn’t do in those days. It’s the same thing in this country and Britain, the media has always been an empire of powerful, wealthy interests, corporations. And that’s true today and so is social media. So, in many ways, real journalism is an aberration. It breaks the mould. So, a system was setup already, and it didn’t – it wasn’t a good system that’s gone bad. The system always was as it is today, but it is the gaps in it in which independent journalistic voices could be heard have closed. That’s the point.

GR: Mr. Pilger, we are out of time, but your voice is a rare and pivotal one. I thank you, again, very, very much for sharing your thoughts on this subject with the Global Research News Hour.

JP: You’re very welcome. Bye.

Transcript of Max Blumenthal. September 27, 2022.

Global Research: My guest is Max Blumenthal. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Gray Zone. He’s an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including the best-selling “Republic Gomorrah,” “Goliath,” “The 51-Day War,” and “The Management of Savagery.” In recent months, his group, The Gray Zone, has been facing a campaign to de-platform them, along with MintPress News, Consortium News, and other independent media presenting alternative facts in a war of lies. The authorities say that, knowingly or unknowingly, these media outlets are putting out “false facts,” and “disinformation” at the behest of Russia President Vladimir Putin. So, the art of presenting them this way is the best method to make their discoveries melt without being subject to good, old-fashioned debate. Max Blumenthal, however, goes one step further insofar as he exposes the exposers and found out that these transparent journalists and disinformation-detectors are running their info in touch with – and, in fact, at the behest of British intelligence. Max Blumenthal joins us right now to describe what he has found. It’s a pleasure having you back, Max. Welcome to the Global Research News Hour.

Max Blumenthal: Thanks for having me back, Michael.

GR: Now, how long ago did you realize these people were targeting your journalism?

MB: Well, we’ve been targeted ever since the Syrian Dirty War, which was around the time we came out as The Gray Zone Project at Alternet under the umbrella of a more mainstream, progressive publication. That publication tanked, it went under like so many progressive institutions because of dysfunctional culture inside the institution, to put it lightly. And we went independent, continued to challenge the Syrian Dirty War, and I became the target of what was, obviously, a coordinated campaign that did involve lease contractors for British intelligence that were involved in the Dirty War. And we go on to explain this at-length at The Gray Zone. But, what we were able to do, finally, and what I had always dreamed of doing, was – as you put it – exposing the exposers, obtaining hard evidence of coordination and collusion between individuals who appeared to be acting in an independent fashion as journalists and social media influencers, and the intelligence services. And we got that hard evidence in the form of a tranche of e-mails. That actually followed a separate tranche on British intelligence intrigues and illegal activity by people in high positions in the British state as well as NATO. We got – we obtained a tranche through an anonymous e-mail account that pertained to the supposedly leftist British journalist Paul Mason, a veteran Trotskyist, who was coordinating a campaign, in his words, to “relentlessly de-platform The Gray Zone.” That was actually – those are – no, I’m sorry. Those are actually the words of someone he was working with named Amil Khan, who was one of these contractors. He ran a firm that had contracted with the British Foreign Office and had even embedded with jihadist elements in Syria, and was deeply involved in setting up media fronts inside Syria to push the anti-Assad narrative and drive the campaign for regime change for several years. We exposed him for a separate operation. And so, he got together with Paul Mason and then they went to a person who appears to have been Paul Mason’s handler, named Andy Price, who exists within the Foreign Office, which – as scholars of British intelligence know – is basically the overt umbrella, or parent organization of the MI5, MI6 and hosts many people who are working within the intelligence services. And Andy Price, actually held a post that was dedicated to supposed counter disinformation operations. These were intelligence operations, absolutely, and he is someone who has the power to go to YouTube, to go to social media platforms and instruct them on who to de-platform. I’ll get to how I think this played out. But what we found was that, first, Paul Mason and Amil Khan, the British contractor, British intelligence contractor, proposed hosting an anti-Gray Zone summit in London with figures and organizations including Bellingcat, which poses as an open-source, grassroots media organization taking on bad actors in Russia, in Syria, but which Paul Mason correctly identified as “intelligence services-by-proxy.” In other words, they’re a cut-out for the British intelligence and US intelligence services. And as we know, this is just an established fact, it’s on Bellingcat’s financial disclosures. They’re funded primarily by the US Government through the National Endowment for Democracy, the regime-change arm of the US Government. So, they are proposing this summit also with someone at the BBC named Chloe Hadjimatheou, who was a producer on several specials attacking those who exposed the Syrian White Helmets, attacking me, painting me as a Russian agent, and so on. I don’t think this summit ever happened, but it was very revealing. And what they were planning to do was to dig up the true Russian links between The Gray Zone and, you know, Putin’s FSB, or the military intelligence GRU. They had this theory – Paul Mason, primarily, identified it – that anyone who criticized him, or who publicly criticized the Ukraine proxy-war, must have been a Russian agent. And so, they thought that if they held this summit they would find out the truth about us, which was actually a gigantic lie and libel. And then, they would – in the words of Amil Khan – relentlessly de-platform us, stage lawsuits against us, and they also had planned a phony sting operation to kind of embarrass me and other people affiliated with The Gray Zone, which —

GR: (inaudible) —

MB: — I think – I’ll just kind of elude to it vaguely, I think they’ve already attempted this and they’re not very smart. But, — so, that’s the over-arching attack on us and you know, it played out in various ways after we exposed them.

GR: I mean, you mentioned Amil Khan. Was there a particular story that you were working on that seems to have invoked the wrath, and they say, “Hey, we got to go after this guy.” I mean, it’s not just – I mean, it’s not just that they’re – The Gray Zone is being targeted among others, I mean, they seem to have a particular emphasis on The Gray Zone. So, what was the story that you were working on would you say?

MB: Well, we’ve exposed a lot of shady characters over the years, so they all have their knives out for us. Paul Mason was actually someone who we just – I and Aaron Mate – criticized or mocked on Twitter. He held this leftist rally in support of the Ukraine proxy-war demanding direct military intervention by NATO with, you know, labour unionists, and we kind of made fun of him and that triggered him. But, then there’s Amil Khan, who we actually exposed – not we, but Kit Klarenberg and myself. Kit is one of the best journalists working today on British intelligence affairs from a critical angle. Unlike other British journalists, he’s not a stenographer for the intelligence services, he actually exposes what they do. And we reported that Amil Khan was contracted through the Royal Institution, which was funded under the watch of then-Prince Charles, now King Charles, to AstroTurf a media propaganda campaign to take on critics of COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. And they recruited a self-styled socialist influencer on YouTube who was very popular and did these high-production – high production value history lessons and also what were considered de-radicalisation seminars to help pull people away from the extreme left and the extreme right, particularly the extreme right. And Amil Khan, with money through the Royal Institution, which was itself funded by the British state under the watch of then-Prince Charles setup an entire channel for this YouTube influencer to pose as grassroots and organic and they are basically – so, basically the British state was funding YouTube influencers to attack critics of COVID restrictions inside the UK and paint them as extremists and try to turn people away from that line of thinking. And we got the documents – Kit Klarenberg had the documents, he had all the files showing that this took place. This is – I mean, it’s not illegal, but it’s obviously a kind of Operation Mockingbird-style manipulation of the public by the state, working through a series of cut-outs, making it seem like, “Oh, we’re just being influenced by people who aren’t being incentivised in any particular way and have no connection to any government.” And that triggered him, so that’s what brought him together, somehow, with Paul Mason. We don’t know how they got together. But it’s just – there are just layers and layers here of illicit activities of intelligence, intrigue, and basically of the covert subversion of the public by people who pose as journalists and democratic actors and who are anything but.

GR: Yeah, I’ve read through a lot of your work. I mean, I know that in his own account, Paul Mason presented an epic list of connections that resemble a spider web of sources and associations and influencing. I note that Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader now – now he’s with the Stop the War – he’s an immense target on that radar screen. Where does he fit into all of this do you think?

MB: Well, he’s at the centre of this Paul Mason mind-map that Kit Klarenberg turned up in one of the e-mails we obtained. Paul Mason drew, what he called, a mind-map illustrating Russian and Chinese influence on the anti-war left, particularly the British left. And this is an absolutely bonkers chart. It starts with the Russian and Chinese state to the left, then moves through the anti-war movement through a series of lines and connections. I don’t know who drew it, I don’t think Paul Mason has the technical wherewithal to do it, but he had someone produce it as kind of a professional-looking document. And you’d see figures like Medea Benjamin or the Morningstar UK, which is a socialist paper in the UK, connected between the Russian or Chinese state and then another line pointing to Dianne Abbott, who is a top supporter of Jeremy Corbyn in the British Parliament. And as you move right, it moves towards the centre and Jeremy Corbyn is sitting right there at the centre, which is highly disturbing and revealing because Paul Mason posed as one of the top supporters of Corbyn and Corbynism within the British media. And all along, he saw Jeremy Corbyn as an agent of Russian influence, apparently. So, was he infiltrating Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign? Then, the map moves further to the right to show who this influences within British society, and all the way to the right you have the black community. You have the young, networked left, you know, the laptop class of left – left-wing socialists whose, you know, behind Corbyn-mania. You have Scottish nationalists, labour unions. And basically, Paul Mason was pointing to all of these key constituencies of Jeremy Corbyn – and Labour in general – as vehicles for Russian influence and Chinese influence. That’s what he thinks of the left. So, was Paul Mason an infiltrator all along? And it does appear pretty clear that he is, at the very least, a security state collaborator, from these e-mails. And there’ another e-mail that’s very revealing, where Paul Mason briefs the person who appears to be his handler in the Foreign Office, Andy Price, on a conference of Podemos, the sort of social-democratic Spanish party that they convened with many more left-wing or Marxist elements against the Ukraine proxy-war. And Mason provided a briefing that he found encouraging, that the conference failed, that their calls for, you know, not sending arms to Ukraine fell on deaf ears in the Spanish government and that it was nothing to worry about. But, I don’t think anyone at that conference who encountered Paul Mason knew that he was there to report back to one of the countries that is engaged in a proxy-war with Russia to an official of that country. So, it does appear he was infiltrating.

GR: I don’t know if he actually believes all this stuff or not. But, in any case, he’s got all these connections. And I note that he’s also going after anti-war academics. Maybe you can maybe describe his, like – or, have we seen this sort of attack before? Is it like the return of – what was it – McCarthyism?

MB: Well, it’s McCarthyism, but not carried out in the open. Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn and their team at HUAC were not exactly hiding what they were trying to do. Paul Mason is, and he’s saying in private to Andy Price, who appears to be his handler, that he – it’s the “rogue academics” that he’s after, those are his words. And by “rogue academics,” he means the group of – the propaganda working-group that consisted of a handful of British academics who were critical of the Syrian Dirty War, and who published exposes of the various propaganda machinations waged by the British intelligence services to cultivate support among the British public for the war and to essentially create the Syrian White Helmets as an information operation. They examined the various claims of chemical attacks in Syria and exposed holes in the official narrative, and they fell under enormous attack. Front page of the Times of London featured a blistering and falsehood-laden attack on these academics. And Mason has extended the attack, apparently, with various collaborators as Kit Klarenberg exposed at The Gray Zone, relying on leaked e-mails, hard evidence, showing that Mason was working through this pipeline of figures that went all the way into the BBC to attack academics who criticized the Ukraine proxy-war, Justin Schlosberg being one, who actually managed to force the BBC to issue an apology and various corrections in its smear-laden report. Now who produced that? It’s the producer that I mentioned before who smeared me as a Russian agent on Syria, who smeared all the critics of the Syrian Dirty War, her name is Chloe Hadjimatheou. And she’s someone Kit Klarenberg has also exposed as having a close, long-term working relationship with ARK, which is a British intelligence contractor that was active in the Syrian Dirty War. So, what we’re exposing here is much bigger than all the names you’re hearing. We’re exposing a new kind of Operation Mockingbird where the media is acting as the publicity arm for the intelligence services which are waging these various proxy wars and covert wars and destabilizing entire regions of the Middle East. And this is a war on the minds of the – on the cognition, on the critical thinking of ourselves and our friends and our neighbours and that’s why I think it’s so important to expose. And it is a war, nonetheless.

GR: Why do you think British intelligence – it seems to be very much, you know, at the heart of this. But, do you know anything about operations in the United States where – are they doing something similar?

MB: Well, of course, and we just haven’t obtained the hard evidence to just produce a suite of stories exposing it, but know that to be the case. Politico EU published a hit-piece on Kit for exposing all of this anti-democratic behaviour and activity on the part of not just Paul Mason and all the characters I’ve listed, but on other figures like former MI6 Chief, Richard Dearlove. We did a series on him and his, you know, friends within NATO and the British Civil Service on how they sought to sabotage Theresa May because they wanted a hard-Brexit, and you know… These are just stories that I think are in the public interest. The public deserves that level of transparency about these major issues like Brexit or Ukraine and we’re providing that to them whether you agree with us or not. And Politico attacked him for providing – for literally just doing journalism, and smeared him, smeared us. They called in all of their counter-disinformation pseudo-experts who are all funded by the British state and have called for us to be de-platformed. People like Ross Burley from this phony cutout called the “Centre for Information Resilience.” And what was so interesting about that article – of course, it primarily involves the UK, Kit Klarenberg is British. One of the first accounts, if not the first account, to tweet it out was the cyber warfare division of the US Army. So, I mean, I assume we’re on their radar, they took a great interest in this.

But with the Ukraine war, I mean, it – we know that the US is taking the lead, but the British state, at least under Boris Johnson and I assume under Liz Truss, they are always trying to push the boundaries and expand the parameters of what NATO and the US are doing there. And I think that, you know, that has to do with a historical relationship between the UK and Russia and the UK’s desperation to restore its, kind of, neo-colonial influence.

GR: One final point, Max: you were in Canada earlier this year as part of a meeting of mainstream media outlets. Tell us about some of the things that you said and the responses you got from colleagues.

MB: Yeah, it was called “Collision,” and – I, actually, when my seminar took place with Aaron Mate we got like 15 minutes on stage. We had to miss a Q&A with Eric Schmidt, one of the founders of Alphabet Google, who is working with the Pentagon on its fourth offset to produce an AI weapon to use against China. And I’d seen him speak earlier that day, and Eric Schmidt was predicting – and actually touting a future in which all of us will have an AI twin that will guide us through our lives. Deeply dystopian conference, but very educational for me and interesting. And, you know, you also had the Obama Foundation pushing their counter-disinformation agenda the day before. You had people from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue which had labelled my colleague, Aaron Mate, the “Number one propagator of disinformation on Syria.” They are funded by the State Department in the UK Foreign Office. These are the kind of people on stage at the conference. So, Aaron and I got 15 minutes to just go nuts on them. And we packed in as much as we could, along with a call for the freedom of Julian Assange and emphasizing the importance of his – of combating his persecution. And I warned the people who attended our seminar who were – many of them were young people who were seeking investment for their start-ups. Others were just looking for gigs doing coding. And not everyone there was some reptilian transnational elite. I told them that the policies of people like Eric Schmidt or the Biden Administration and the Trudeau Administration were pursuing, whether in Taiwan or Ukraine, we’re going to do them, and their start-ups would not be starting up and they will not be able to be homeowners and they will not be able to afford to heat their homes, in any case, and they will suffer. And that they need to stop following the corporate media that is trying to redirect their outrage at their own situation to phony villains, and to see that their enemy wasn’t some Trumper in the barroom. It was some heartless suit in the boardroom. That was kind of the message I wanted to send there. We – because the sessions were running like 15 minutes, you had another session coming up with top ABC executives, people from Reuters to talk about, I don’t know, “disinformation.” The panel before us was about January 6th, and it was the lead ABC producer discussing how they were doing everything within their power to maximize the impact of the January 6th hearings, so that the public absorbs it as much as possible. And I was saying, ‘Why are we still focusing on January 6th when the US is waging January 6th on steroids across the world? Like, do we ever hear about that?’ and that really offended people. The green room afterwards was tense, I got icy glares from mainstream media colleagues. One person from ABC, I heard her kind of ranting about us in the corner of the room and we were shuffled out immediately. Then a number of media personnel went to the planners of the conference and complained about us and were really upset. So, that made me feel good, that was a (inaudible, 24:38).

GR: Heh heh!

MB: And outside the room, I invited everyone outside the room to come have an informal Q&A with me, anyone who wanted to yell at me or express disagreement, I would wait in the hall for them. And what we got were a handful of young people who attended the conference. All of whom were of immigrant backgrounds, mostly from the Middle East, also from South Asia, who told us they identify with our perspective and it’s really, you know, upsetting to see what’s happening in these countries that their families now call home.

GR: Wow, that’s interesting. You know, Gandhi famously said that, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.” So, it seems these people wanting to preserve the Western-friendly media narrative are at Stage 3. Max, —

MB: Yeah.

GR: — it’s been – it’s been a pleasure having you on, technicalities aside. Thank you for joining us on the Global Research News Hour.

MB: Well, I look forward to joining you again when we’re still in Stage 3!

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  1. “Oh, Superman”, broadcast for Opinion, Channel 4, 31 May 1990; Various Voices: Prose, Poetry, Politics 1948-2005, rev. ed. (1998; London: Faber and Faber, 2005) 198-99.

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“It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”― J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit

The U.S. government has become a master of deceit.

It’s all documented, too.

This is a government that lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks the laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn; treats its citizens like faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, bartered, traded, and tracked; and wages wars for profit, jails its own people for profit, and has no qualms about spreading its reign of terror abroad.

Worse, this is a government that has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity.

With every passing day, it becomes painfully clear that this is not a government that can be trusted with your life, your loved ones, your livelihood or your freedoms.

Just recently, for example, the Pentagon was compelled to order a sweeping review of clandestine U.S. psychological warfare operations (psy ops) conducted through social media platforms. The investigation comes in response to reports suggesting that the U.S. military has been creating bogus personas with AI-generated profile pictures and fictitious media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to manipulate social media users.

Psychological warfare, as the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group explained in a recruiting video released earlier this year, enables the government to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

Of the many weapons in the government’s vast arsenal, psychological warfare (or psy ops) can take many forms: mind control experiments, behavioral nudging, propaganda.

In the 1950s, MK-ULTRA, the mind control program developed under CIA director Allen Dulles as part of his brain warfare Cold War campaigns, subjected hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel to doses of LSD, some having the hallucinogenic drug slipped into their drinks at the beach, in city bars, at restaurants. For Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA hired prostitutes to lure men into a bugged room, where they would be dosed with LSD and observed having sex.

As Brianna Nofil explains, “MK-Ultra’s ‘mind control’ experiments generally centered around behavior modification via electro-shock therapy, hypnosis, polygraphs, radiation, and a variety of drugs, toxins, and chemicals.”

The CIA spent nearly $20 million on its MKULTRA program, reportedly as a means of programming people to carry out assassinations and, to a lesser degree, inducing anxieties and erasing memories, before it was supposedly shut down.

As one study reported, detainees held in CIA safe-houses abroad “were literally interrogated to death in experimental methods combining drugs, hypnosis and torture, to attempt to master brainwashing techniques and memory erasing.”

Similarly, the top-secret Montauk Project, the inspiration for the hit Netflix series Stranger Things, allegedly was working to develop mind-control techniques that would then be tested out on locals in a nearby village, triggering crime waves or causing teenagers to congregate.

As journalist Lorraine Boissoneault concludes, “Despite MK-ULTRA violating ethical norms for human experiments, the legacy of brainwashing experiments continued to live on in U.S. policy. The same methods that had once been used to train American soldiers ended up being used to extract information from terrorists in Abu Ghraib, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.”

Fast forward to the present day, and it’s clear that the government—aided and abetted by technological advances and scientific experimentation—has updated its psy ops warfare for a new era. For instance, the government has been empowered to use its ever-expanding arsenal of weapons and technologies to influence behaviors en masse and control the populace.

It’s a short hop, skip and a jump from a behavioral program that tries to influence how people respond to paperwork to a government program that tries to shape the public’s views about other, more consequential matters. Thus, increasingly, governments around the world—including in the United States—are relying on “nudge units” to steer citizens in the direction the powers-that-be want them to go, while preserving the appearance of free will.

Back in 2014, for example, a Fusion Center in Washington State (a Dept. of Homeland Security-linked data collection clearinghouse that shares information between state, local and federal agencies) inadvertently released records on remote mind control tactics (the use of “psycho-electronic” weapons to control people from a distance or subject them to varying degrees of pain).

Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic could easily be considered psychological warfare disguised as a pandemic threat. As science writer David Robson explains: “Fears of contagion lead us to become more conformist and tribalistic… Daily reminders of disease may even sway our political affiliations… Various experiments have shown that we become more conformist and respectful of convention when we feel the threat of a disease… the evocative images of a pandemic led [participants in an experiment] to value conformity and obedience over eccentricity or rebellion.”

This is how you persuade a populace to voluntarily march in lockstep with a police state and police themselves (and each other): by ratcheting up the fear-factor, meted out one carefully calibrated crisis at a time, and teaching them to distrust any who diverge from the norm.

This is not a new experiment in mind control.

Add the government’s inclination to monitor online activity and police so-called “disinformation,” and you have the makings of a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.

This “policing of the mind” is exactly the danger author Jim Keith warned about when he predicted that “information and communication sources are gradually being linked together into a single computerized network, providing an opportunity for unheralded control of what will be broadcast, what will be said, and ultimately what will be thought.”

We’ve already seen this play out on the state and federal level with hate crime legislation that cracks down on so-called “hateful” thoughts and expression, encourages self-censoring and reduces free debate on various subject matter.

The end goal of these mind-control campaigns—packaged in the guise of the greater good—is to see how far the American people will allow the government to go in re-shaping the country in the image of a totalitarian police state.

The government’s fear-mongering is yet another key element in its mind-control programming.

It’s a simple enough formula. National crises, global pandemics, reported terrorist attacks, and sporadic shootings leave us in a constant state of fear. The emotional panic that accompanies fear actually shuts down the prefrontal cortex or the rational thinking part of our brains. In other words, when we are consumed by fear, we stop thinking.

A populace that stops thinking for themselves is a populace that is easily led, easily manipulated and easily controlled whether through propaganda, brainwashing, mind control, or just plain fear-mongering.

Fear not only increases the power of government, but it also divides the people into factions, persuades them to see each other as the enemy and keeps them screaming at each other so that they drown out all other sounds. In this way, they will never reach consensus about anything and will be too distracted to notice the police state closing in on them until the final crushing curtain falls.

This Machiavellian scheme has so ensnared the nation that few Americans even realize they are being brainwashed—manipulated—into adopting an “us” against “them” mindset. All the while, those in power—bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations—move their costly agendas forward.

This unseen mechanism of society that manipulates us through fear into compliance is what American theorist Edward L. Bernays referred to as “an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

It was almost 100 years ago when Bernays wrote his seminal work Propaganda:

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, to this invisible government of rulers who operate behind the scenes—the architects of the Deep State—we are mere puppets on a string, to be brainwashed, manipulated and controlled.

For years now, the powers-that-be—those politicians and bureaucrats who think like tyrants and act like petty dictators regardless of what party they belong to—have attempted to brainwash us into believing that we have no rights: to think for ourselves, make decisions about our health, protect our homes and families and businesses, act in our best interests, demand accountability and transparency from government, or generally operate as if we are in control of our own lives.

Well, the government is wrong.

We have every right, and you know why? Because, as the Declaration of Independence states, we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights—to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness—that no government can take away from us.

It’s time we started reminding the government that “we the people” are the ones in charge.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann declare that for them, “this is a new Holocaust,” in face of Israeli authority pressure to vaccinate citizens; Pfizer and Bourla did this to Israel, a 2021 ‘KILLING FIELDS

A re-analysis of published data from the Israeli Health Ministry by Dr. Hervé Seligmann, a member of the faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University, and engineer Haim Yativ reveal, in short, that the mRNA experimental vaccine from Pfizer killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period. Among the younger class, these numbers are compounded to death rates at 260 times what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.’

Source 1

Source 2

‘Their findings are:

  • There is a mismatch between the data published by the authorities and the reality on the ground.
  • They have three sources of information, besides the emails and adverse event reports they receive through the Internet. These three sources are Israeli news site Ynet, the Israeli Health Ministry database, and the U.S. federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.
  • In January 2021, there were 3,000 records of vaccine adverse events, including 2,900 for mRNA vaccines.
  • Compared to other years, mortality is 40 times higher.
  • On February 11, a Ynet article presented data related to vaccination. The authors of the Nakim article claim to have debunked this analysis based on data published by Ynet itself: “We took the data by looking at mortality during the vaccination period, which spans 5 weeks. By analyzing these data, we arrived at startling figures that attribute significant mortality to the vaccine.”
  • The authors say “vaccinations have caused more deaths than the coronavirus would have caused during the same period.”
  • Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann declare that for them, “this is a new Holocaust,” in face of Israeli authority pressure to vaccinate citizens.

They also invite specialists to complete their analyses, and intend to pursue legal follow-up to their discovery. The Health Ministry was not available for comment on a France Soir query regarding the findings.

The authors also deplored “the fact of not being able to communicate on this vital information” to their fellow citizens.’


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

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The twists and turns of the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) saga have yielded yet another stunning game-changer.

It started with Gazprom revealing that the Line B string of NS2 is intact; not only it escaped Pipeline Terror but may “potentially” be used to pump gas to Germany.

That confirms once again that NS2 is an engineering marvel. In fact the whole system: the pipes are so strong they were not broken, but merely punctured.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak followed up, with a caveat: restoration of the whole system, including NS, is possible, and “requires time and appropriate funds”. But first, in Russia’s order of priorities, the perpetrators must be conclusively identified.

Sources in Moscow confirmed Gazprom’s assessment of NS2. Even Bloomberg had to report it.

Subsequently in Vienna, attending the Opec+ meeting, Novak remarked the Russian Federation is “ready to supply gas through the second line of Nord Stream 2. This is possible if necessary”.

So we know it’s possible. “Necessary” will depend on a political decision by Germany.

Novak also sharply noted that neither Russia nor the Nord Stream operators are allowed to investigate Pipeline Terror. Russia insists that without its participation the investigation is flawed.

Whatever the modus operandi of Pipeline Terror, incompetence was part of the package. No explosive charges were placed or detonated on Line B of NS2.

That means, as Novak said, it’s virtually ready for business. Line B is capable of pumping 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas a year, which happens to be half of the total capacity of NS.

NS’s capacity had been reduced to 20%, due to the interminable turbine saga, before it was completely shut down. Crucially, Line B of NS2 would still pump 2.75 times the capacity of the recently inaugurated Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland via Denmark. Which basically profits Poland, unlike NS2 servicing several EU customers.

NATO investigates NATO

In a rational world, Berlin would scrap the Russian sanctions pile up and immediately order the start of forever-delayed NS2, guaranteed to at least attenuate the ongoing process of de-energization, de-industrialization and deep socio-economic crisis imposed by the usual suspects on Germany.

But the collective West remains enslaved by geopolitical psychopaths guided by irrationality. So that’s not likely to happen.

For starters, the “investigation” of how Pipeline Terror happened feels like Kafka rewritten by NATO.

The operators of NS and NS2 – Nord Stream AG and Swiss-based Nord Stream 2 AG – cannot reach the scene of the crime because of absurd restrictions imposed by the Danes and the Swedes. The operators need no less than 20 working days to obtain the “permits” to carry out their own inspections.

Copenhagen police is handling the crime scene near the Danish exclusive economic zone (EEZ), in parallel to the Swedish Coast Guard around the Swedish EEZ.

If this looks like one of those Scandinavian noir series popular on Netflix, that’s because it is. With a crucial twist: it’s NATO investigating itself – Sweden is about to enter NATO – with no Russians allowed. All top working hypotheses on Pipeline Terror point to an intra-NATO dirty op against NATO member Germany.

So any disturbing evidence pointing to NATO actors may conveniently “disappear” or be tampered with during these long 20 days necessary for the “permits” to be issued.

Meanwhile, the consequences of the energy war imposed by the US on Europe against Russia will keep piling up, and cost the EU up to a whopping 1.6 trillion euros, according to a report by Yakov & Partners, the former division of McKinsey in Russia.

Considering a NS2-deprived EU plus non-stop rising energy prices on the spot market, the EU GDP may decrease by as much as 11.5% (1.7 trillion euros), with about 16 million people thrown into unemployment.

EU gas storage at current high levels (90%) does not mean having enough gas for the winter. Total gas storage amounts to about 90 days of demand. The EU could easily be out of gas by March or even earlier at the current pace of just a trickle of gas flowing.

This means that the EU will have to cut gas consumption by at least 20% overall. And never forget that imported Norwegian or American gas is ridiculously more expensive than fixed-contract Russian gas.

The Return of the Morgenthau Plan

The sanctions dementia never stops though. The G7, in three subsequent stages, will target Russian crude, diesel and naphtha, according to the US Treasury. They still insist on an oil price cap – which neither Russia nor several Global South customers will follow.

The Big Picture remains the same. Pipeline Terror was a desperate gambit to keep Germany from concluding a sanctions carve-out for the Nord Streams with Russia.

A secret channel of negotiation was in effect. It’s enlightening to consider that all previous actions by Berlin and Moscow, delaying and restricting the gas flow, were carried out to keep the Empire from following through on its threat of terminating NS2.

Then the Empire made its move.

From Moscow’s point of view, that changes nothing in the Grand Chessboard. The Kremlin has manipulated Washington’s absolute desperation in refusing to admit to the greatest foreign policy debacle since Vietnam; the Russians meanwhile keep pursuing the objectives of the Special Military Operation (SMO), which is about to metastasize into a Counter-Terrorist Operation (CTO).

As it stands, Moscow is not affected by the interconnected energy, fuel and resource crises coupled with immense, worldwide supply chain disruptions.

Russians are essentially bemused spectators contemplating the slowdown of industrial production in the eurozone coupled with capital outflows, the rise of inflation and the about-to-explode social protests.

There’s a dangerous window for irrational imperial actions from now to the G20 next month in Bali. Afterwards we will have a completely different ball game, not only in the Ukrainian battlefields but mostly across a mired in distress EU.

The Morgenthau Plan after WWII was concocted to literally starve Germany to death via the destruction of the Ruhr coalmines. It’s strikingly similar to the Straussian plan by American neocon psychos to cut Germany off from Russian natural gas by bombing NS and NS2.

The first Morgenthau Plan would have led to the deindustrialization of Germany. According to Clause 3, the entire Ruhr “should not only be stripped of all…existing industries but so weakened and controlled that it cannot for the foreseeable future become an industrial area.”

The ending of Germany as an industrial state would have created massive, permanent unemployment affecting 30 million people, according to Henry Stimson, the US Secretary of War. Morgenthau’s response was that the surplus population could be dumped on North Africa.

US intel was very much aware of the rapprochement between Berlin and Moscow. Striking NS and NS2 was the signature gambit of the Morgenthau Plan remixed by the Straussian/neocon combo.

Yet it ain’t over till the Wagnerian lady sings. No need for Gotterdammerung: Germany may have its own destiny on its hands after all. Just turn on the switch on NS2.


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This article was originally published on PressTV.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from PressTV

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Two days later, the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago hosted another Azov charity auction, co-sponsored by the Banderite-led Illinois Division of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. Its most influential member, Pavlo Bandriwsky, an OUN-B leader in Chicago (aka “the Strategist”), took pictures with the Azov veterans. This event featured a battle flag of the Azov Regiment that was apparently auctioned off with the promise that every surviving member will sign it after the war is won. The Consul Generals of Germany and Poland also spoke at the event.

Left to right at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago: Wolfgang Mössinger, German Consul General; Paweł Zyzak, Polish Consul General; and Giorgi Kuparashvili (Source: Ukes, Kooks & Spooks)

On Saturday, October 1, after returning to Washington, the full delegation, except for Kateryna Prokopenko, who left to be reunited with her husband in Turkey, made an appearance at Stanford University. Yulia Fedosyuk concluded her remarks, “Glory to the Azov Regiment.” At some point, Stanford professor Michael McFaul, the dangerously foolish former US Ambassador to Russia (2012–14), stopped by to offer words of support for Ukraine, if not the Azov Regiment itself.

Source: Ukes, Kooks & Spooks


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Some interpreted the Ukrainian leader’s statement as implying some desire on behalf of his American patron, seeing as how he functions as its proxy. That’s an inaccurate reading of what just happened, however.

Russian presidential spokesman Peskov slammed Zelensky on Thursday after the Ukrainian leader told Australia’s Lowy Institute that the West should launch a so-called “preemptive strike” against that newly restored world power in order to deter it from using nuclear weapons. The Kremlin’s stance is that this amounts to an irresponsible demand for World War III, though Zelensky’s press secretary later walked back his boss’ remarks by claiming that he was supposedly referring to “preemptive sanctions” only.

Some interpreted the Ukrainian leader’s statement as implying some desire on behalf of his American patron, seeing as how he functions as its proxy. That’s an inaccurate reading of what just happened, however, since it ignores his press secretary walking back the remark in question. Furthermore, the US could convey its nuclear first-strike intentions through established military, intelligence, and/or diplomatic channels instead of resorting to that former actor doing so while talking to a think tank.

On the topic of Zelensky’s past, it’s actually pretty relevant to understanding what most likely just happened. As an actor, some might be inclined to think that he was indeed just reading lines that his American patron passed along to him, but another way of looking at this is that he decided to improvise exactly as those in his profession are known to do. In this case, he probably thought that Kiev’s interests would be best served by making a dramatic demand, or he might have got carried away in the moment.

In any case, there are logical reasons other than the previously mentioned for why he almost certainly was acting in a personal capacity unrepresentative of his American patrons. After all, using the Ukrainian leader to publicly convey this supposed intent on behalf of the US during his address to a think tank is much more obtuse than simply relying on the earlier described established channels. The only purpose it could presumably have is to manipulate the public’s perceptions, but that motive is meaningless.

To explain, the only potential impact it could have had is to provoke large-scale protests in the West against the Golden Billion’s US-led NATO proxy war on Russia through Ukraine, though no such developments transpired. In fact, the public didn’t even hear about what he said for the most part unless they consume censored Russian media or came across Ukrainian officials’ so-called “clarification” of his remarks on social media. Generally speaking, they didn’t even seem to care, which was expected.

Observers should also ask themselves why the US would want to inform the public of a nuclear first strike against Russia anyhow since all that it could possibly do is prompt protests and possibly even panic about the apocalypse. With all due respect to those readers who might have considered this indirect public messaging theory to be credible, it doesn’t make any sense from the perspective of America’s soft power and strategic interests, hence why that interpretation should be discounted.

There also isn’t any credibility to Zelensky’s irresponsible demand either. He not only isn’t in a position to influence America’s decision-making in this respect, but also wouldn’t be informed if such a decision was made in order to maintain operational security considering the extremely high likelihood that the presidential administration is bugged and/or infiltrated by Russian spies (irrespective of these two tactics’ ultimate effectiveness or lack thereof this far).

The New York Times also just cited unnamed US intelligence officials in their report about their conclusion that Kiev assassinated Darya Dugina to claim that there exist “competing power centers within the Ukrainian government” between his administration, military, and security services. This reinforces the argument that Zelensky wouldn’t be informed of the US’ first strike plans against Russia, let alone ordered to indirectly convey them to the public while talking to an Australian think tank.

There’s also the “inconvenient” fact to consider of Biden fearmongering about Russia supposedly being the first to use nukes in the Ukrainian Conflict and thus allegedly risking World War III on the same day that Zelensky shared his irresponsible remark. If the US truly intended for its Ukrainian proxy to initiate a shift in the official narrative from warning about Russia using nukes first to preconditioning the public for the first strike that America might be planning, then it follows that Biden would have built upon this.

Instead, the American leader clung to the narrative that’s circulated for the past few weeks, which is inaccurate in any sense since Russia would only employ tactical nukes in self-defense as an absolute last resort and not against NATO unless it was attacked first. Regarding the second scenario, this Eurasian Great Power’s global leadership of hypersonic technology means that its rival’s so-called “missile defense shield” has been neutralized, which ensures the integrity of Russia’s second-strike capabilities.

Considering these military-strategic dynamics, the US couldn’t get away scot-free with a first-strike against Russia anyhow, thus drastically decreasing the likelihood that it would ever consider this. Remembering that Zelensky’s staff walked back his irresponsible remark shortly after he made it, one can safely assume that their American patron ordered them to do so in order to dispel any misperceptions that he was speaking on behalf of the US, which could prompt Russia to overreact.

The reality is therefore the opposite of what some in the public have imagined it to be. Far from functioning as an American proxy when he made his demand, Zelensky was acting in his own personal capacity, either by reading prepared remarks that he wrongly expected to advance his side’s larger interests or improvising on the spot like all actors do after getting carried away playing his role. The bottom line is that while his nuclear first strike demand was irresponsible, it wasn’t credible at all.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Critical EU-Pfizer Agreement Leaked

October 7th, 2022 by Dr. Robert Malone

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Italian activists sent me the signed November 2020 Advance Purchase Agreement (APA) between the EU member states and Pfizer/BioNTech. This appears to be genuine, but has not been independently verified.

The 59 page contract and the 45 pages of attachments can be found here.

Due to the vast amount of information in this document, I am not going to try to analyze it all today. In fact, I am hoping that my readers, other reporters, attorneys and analysts will help with this task. I do ask (not required in any way) that if you write up your results and want to link the document, that you link back to the Malone Institute landing page and the PDF documents found there.

Please use this document responsibly – I have not altered anything in it.

Rather than try to recreate what is in the document, please read for yourself. Over the course of time, expect more analysis.


Quoted text directly from the Agreement:

1.1.1 Quality tests and checks The Contractor shall perform all bulk holding stability, manufacturing trials, validation (including, but not limited to, method, process and equipment cleaning validation), raw material, in-process, bulk finished product and stability (chemical or microbial) tests or checks required to assure the quality of the Product and tests or checks required by the Specifications and Good Manufacturing

11.6.4 Limits on liability

(i)             Taking into account the unprecedented nature of the current COVID-19 situation and the exceptional circumstances under which the Vaccine shall be delivered, the parties explicitly agree that the Contractor and its Affiliates cannot be held liable for any damages except for proven damages which are suffered by the Commission or the Participating Member States as a direct consequence of a breach by the Contractor or its Affiliates of its obligations under this APA or a Vaccine Order Form, and that the Contractor and its Affiliates shall in any case not be liable for late deliveries (subject to the Contractor’s obligation to use Best Reasonable Efforts as contained in Article 1.6.3), loss of revenue, loss of anticipated savings, loss of business, loss of profit, loss of goodwill, reputational damages, loses from economic disruption or cost of alternative supply.

11.6.4         No limitation of liability

(i)             Nothing in this APA excludes or limits the liability of either party for:

(a)                       wilful intent, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;

(b)                      any breach of Article 11.9 (Confidentiality);

(i)             Nothing in this APA excludes or limits the liability of either party for:

(a)                       wilful intent, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;

(b)                      any breach of Article 11.9 (Confidentiality);

(1.12.1) The Commission, on behalf of the Participating Member States, declares that the use of Vaccines produced under this APA will happen under epidemic conditions requiring such use, and that the administration of Vaccines will therefore be conducted under the sole responsibility of the Participating Member States. Hence, each Participating Member State shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, their Affiliates, sub­ contractors, licensors and sub-licensees, and officers, directors, employees and other agents and representatives of each (together, the “Indemnified Persons”) from and against any and all liabilities incurred, settlements as per Article I.12.6, and reasonable direct external legal costs incurred in the defence of Third Party Claims (including reasonable attorney’s fees and other expenses) relating to harm, damages and losses as defined in Article I.12.2 (together, the “Losses”) arising from or relating to the use and deployment of the Vaccines in the jurisdiction of the Participating Member State in question.    

1.12.8 The parties explicitly agree that:

(i)             any warranties given by the Contractor, whether express or implied, under this APA as regards compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice or conformity of the Product with the Specifications shall be without prejudice to the provisions of this Article I.12, which shall apply independently of and prevail over such warranties, including any (claimed) breach of such warranty; and

a Participating Member State does not have the right to suspend and/or otherwise not perform its obligations under this clause

except where the Participating Member State puts forward reasonable evidence that one of the situations listed in this Article I.12.1(i) and (ii) is applicable and the matter is brought for dispute resolution under Article I.13


Germany France Italy Spain Austria Greece Cyprus Malta Denmark Sweden Finland Ireland Portugal Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Romania Bulgaria Slovenia Croatia, Czech Republic Hungary Slovakia Lithuania Latvia Estonia


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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The sabotage of the two Nord Stream pipelines leaves Europeans certain to be much poorer and colder this winter, and was an act of international vandalism on an almost unimaginable scale. The attacks severed Russian gas supplies to Europe and caused the release of enormous quantities of methane gas, the prime offender in global warming.

This is why no one is going to take responsibility for the crime – and most likely no one will ever be found definitively culpable.

Nonetheless, the level of difficulty and sophistication in setting off blasts at three separate locations on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines overwhelmingly suggests a state actor, or actors, was behind it.

Western coverage of the attacks has been decidedly muted, given that this hostile assault on the globe’s energy infrastructure is unprecedented – overshadowing even the 9/11 attacks.

The reason why there appears to be so little enthusiasm to explore this catastrophic event in detail – beyond pointing a finger in Russia’s direction – is not difficult to deduce.

It is hard to think of a single reason why Moscow would wish to destroy its own energy pipelines, valued at $20 billion, or allow in seawater, possibly corroding them irreversibly.

The attacks deprive Russia of its main gas supply lines to Europe – and with it, vital future revenues – while leaving the field open to competitors.

Moscow loses its only significant leverage over Germany, its main buyer in Europe and at the heart of the European project, when it needs such leverage most, as it faces down concerted efforts by the United States and Europe to drive Russian soldiers out of Ukraine.

Even any possible temporary advantage Moscow might have gained by demonstrating its ruthlessness and might to Europe could have been achieved just as effectively by simply turning off the spigot to stop supplies.

Media Taboo

This week, distinguished economist Jeffrey Sachs was invited on Bloomberg TV to talk about the pipeline attacks. He broke a taboo among Western elites by citing evidence suggesting that the US, rather than Russia, was the prime suspect.

Western media like the Associated Press have tried to foreclose such a line of thinking by calling it a “baseless conspiracy theory” and Russian “disinformation”. But, as Sachs pointed out, there are good reasons to suspect the U.S. above Russia.

There is, for example, the threat to Russia made by U.S. president Joe Biden back in early February, that “there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2” were Ukraine to be invaded. Questioned by a reporter about how that would be possible, Biden asserted: “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”

Biden was not speaking out of turn or off the cuff. At the same time, Victoria Nuland, a senior diplomat in the Biden administration, issued Russia much the same warning, telling reporters: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

That is the same Nuland who was intimately involved back in 2014 in behind-the-scenes maneuvers by the U.S. to help overthrow an elected Ukrainian government that led to the installation of one hostile to Moscow. It was that coup that triggered a combustible mix of outcomes – Kyiv’s increasing flirtation with NATO, as well as a civil war in the east between Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and ethnic Russian communities – that provided the chief rationale for President Vladimir Putin’s later invasion.

And for those still puzzled by what motive the U.S. might have for perpetrating such an outrage, Nuland’s boss helpfully offered an answer last Friday. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken described the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, and the consequent environmental catastrophe, as offering “tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come”.

Blinken set out a little too clearly the “cui bono” – “who profits?” – argument, suggesting that Biden and Nuland’s earlier remarks were not just empty, pre-invasion posturing by the White House.

Blinken celebrated the fact that Europe would be deprived of Russian gas for the foreseeable future and, with it, Putin’s leverage over Germany and other European states. Before the blasts, the danger for Washington had been that Moscow might be able to advance favorable negotiations over Ukraine rather than perpetuate a war Biden’s defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, has already stated is designed to “weaken” Russia at least as much as liberate Ukraine. Or, as Blinken phrased it, the attacks were “a tremendous opportunity once and for all to remove the dependence on Russian energy, and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs.”

Though Blinken did not mention it, it was also a “tremendous opportunity” to make Europe far more dependent on the U.S. for its gas supplies, shipped by sea at much greater cost to Europe than through Russia’s pipelines. American energy firms may well be the biggest beneficiaries from the explosions.

Meddling in Ukraine

U.S. hostility towards Russian economic ties with Europe is not new. Long before Russia’s invasion, Washington had been quite openly seeking ways to block the Nord Stream pipelines.

One of Blinken’s recent predecessors, Condoleezza Rice, expressed the Washington consensus way back in 2014 – at the same time as Nuland was recorded secretly meddling in Ukraine, discussing who should be installed as president in place of the elected Ukrainian government that was about to be ousted in a coup.

Speaking to German TV, Rice said the Russian economy was vulnerable to sanctions because 80% of its exports were energy-related. Proving how wrong-headed American foreign policy predictions often are, she asserted confidently:

“People say the Europeans will run out of energy. Well, the Russians will run out of cash before the Europeans run out of energy.” Breaking Europe’s reliance on Russian energy was, in Rice’s words, “one of the few instruments we have… Over the long term, you simply want to change the structure of energy dependence.”

She added:

“You [Germany] want to depend more on the North American energy platform, the tremendous bounty of oil and gas that we’re finding in North America. You want to have pipelines that don’t go through Ukraine and Russia.”

Now, the sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2 has achieved a major U.S. foreign-policy goal overnight.

It has also preempted the pressure building in Germany, through mass protests and mounting business opposition, that might have seen Berlin reverse course on European sanctions on Russia and revive gas supplies – a shift that would have undermined Washington’s goal of “weakening” Putin. Now, the protests are redundant. German politicians cannot cave in to popular demands when there is no pipeline through which they can supply their population with Russian gas.

‘Thank You, USA’

One can hardly be surprised that European leaders are publicly blaming Russia for the pipeline attacks. After all, Europe falls under the U.S. security umbrella and Russia has been designated by Washington as Official Enemy No 1.

But almost certainly, major European capitals are drawing different conclusions in private. Like Sachs, their officials are examining the circumstantial evidence, considering the statements of self-incrimination from Biden and other officials, and weighing the “cui bono” arguments.

And like Sachs, they are most likely inferring that the prime suspect in this case is the U.S. – or, at the very least, that Washington authorized an ally to act on its behalf. Just as no European leader would dare to publicly accuse the U.S. of carrying out the attacks, none would dare stage such an attack without first getting the nod from Washington.

That was evidently the view of Radek Sikorski, the former foreign and defence minister of Poland, who tweeted a “Thank you, USA” with an image of the bubbling seas where one pipeline was ruptured.

Sikorski, it should be noted, is as well-connected in Washington as he is in Poland, a European state bitterly hostile to Moscow as well as its pipelines. His wife, Anne Applebaum, is a staff writer at The Atlantic magazine and an influential figure in U.S. policy circles who has long advocated for NATO and EU expansion into Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

Sikorski hurriedly took down the tweet after it went viral.

But if Washington is the chief suspect in blowing up the pipelines, how should Europe read its relations with the U.S. in the light of that deduction? And what does such sabotage indicate to Europe’s leaders about how Washington might perceive the stakes in Europe? The answers are not pretty.

Demand for Fealty

If the U.S. was behind the attacks, it suggests not only that Washington is taking the Ukraine war into new, more dangerous territory, ready to risk drawing Moscow into a round of tit-for-tats that could quickly escalate into a nuclear confrontation. It also suggests that ties between the U.S. and Europe have entered a decisive new stage, too.

Or put another way, Washington would have done more than move out of the shadows, turning its proxy war in Ukraine into a more direct, hot war with Russia. It would indicate that the U.S. is willing to turn the whole of Europe into a battlefield, and bully, betray and potentially sacrifice the continent’s population as cruelly as it has traditionally treated weak allies in the Global South.

In that regard, the pipeline ruptures are most likely interpreted by European leaders as a signal: that they should not dare to consider formulating their own independent foreign policy, or contemplate defying Washington. The attacks indicate that the US requires absolute fealty, that Europe must prostrate itself before Washington and accept whatever dictates it imposes.

That would amount to a dramatic reversal of the Marshall Plan, Washington’s ambitious funding of the rebuilding of Western Europe after the Second World War, chiefly as a way to restore the market for rapidly expanding U.S. industries.

By contrast, this act of sabotage strangles Europe economically, driving it into recession, deepening its debt and making it a slave to U.S. energy supplies. Effectively, the Biden administration would have moved from offering European elites juicy carrots to now wielding a very large stick at them.

Pitiless Aggression

For those reasons, European leaders may be unwilling to contemplate that their ally across the Atlantic could behave in such a cruel manner against them. The implications are more than unsettling.

The conclusion European leaders would be left to draw is that the only justification for such pitiless aggression is that the U.S. is maneuvering to avoid the collapse of its post-war global dominance, the end of its military and economic empire.

The destruction of the pipelines would have to be understood as an act of desperation: a last-ditch preemption by Washington of the loss of its hegemony as Russia, China and others find common cause to challenge the American behemoth, and a ferocious blow against Europe to hammer home the message that it must not stray from the fold.

At the same time, it would shine a different, clearer light on the events that have been unfolding in and around Ukraine in recent years:

  • NATO’s relentless expansion across Eastern Europe despite expert warnings that it would eventually provoke Russia.
  • Biden and Nuland’s meddling to help oust an elected Ukrainian government sympathetic to Moscow.
  • The cultivation of a militarized Ukrainian ultra-nationalism pitted against Russia that led to bloody civil war against Ukraine’s own ethnic Russian communities.
  • And NATO’s exclusive focus on escalating the war through arms supplies to Ukraine rather than pursuing and incentivizing diplomacy.

None of these developments can be stripped out of a realistic assessment of why Russia responded by invading Ukraine.

Europeans have been persuaded that they must give unflinching moral and military support to Ukraine because it is the last rampart defending their homeland from a merciless Russian imperialism.

But the attack on the pipelines hints at a more complex story, one in which European publics need to stop fixing their gaze exclusively at Russia, and turn round to understand what has been happening behind their backs.


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Jonathan Cook is a MintPress contributor. Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). His website is

Featured image is from Indian Punchline

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The European Commission is hoping to impose a cap on gas prices as the current energy crisis will inevitably deepen over the winter. However, European Union member states are divided over the proposed measures, which are designed to lower soaring inflation amid Moscow’s response to sanctions imposed for its military operation in Ukraine. 

Although France, Italy, Poland and 12 other EU countries urged the Commission to propose a broader price cap targeting all wholesale gas trade, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany – Europe’s biggest gas buyer – are among those opposed against the measure as they believe capping prices could endanger the security of supply as it undermines the EU’s ability to attract gas deliveries.

It is recalled that in early September, Russian President Vladimir Putin described the idea of a price cap as “stupid”, highlighting that the EU was “in no position to dictate”. After warning that the EU would “freeze” if such a cap was imposed, Putin said:

“We will not supply gas, oil, coal, heating oil – we will not supply anything.”

While EU leaders are doggedly and obsessively calling for a price cap, industry experts show their scepticism, and in some cases concern on the repercussions of such an action. It is already noted that EU sanctions imposed against Russia are already affecting European economies far worse than the Russian economy.

In this light, chairman and CEO of French energy major TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné, said on October 5:

“Honestly, I am not sure that a price cap on Russian oil is a good idea.”

“What I am sure is that if we do that (cap), then Putin will say that ‘we don’t sell my oil’ – and the price will not be at $95, it will be at $150,” Pouyanné said.

For her part, Elisabetta Cornago, a senior energy researcher at the Centre for European Reform, explained that “It’s hard to picture such a level of market intervention. This is uncharted territory.” Another expert, Bram Claeys, a senior advisor at the Regulatory Assistance Project, said that the energy price cap would “quickly start costing billions” because it would force governments to continually subsidise the difference between the real market price and the artificially capped price.

Despite the scepticism from energy experts, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, maintains the need to introduce a ceiling on the price of Russian gas. At the end of August, she announced that the European Commission was taking quick and long-term measures to improve the situation amid rising electricity prices in the EU.

However, it appears that Russia is already pre-emptively responding to price cap suggestions by convincing its partners in OPEC+ (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) to reduce oil production by 2 million barrels per day from November. This will cause a severe crisis, which will reverberate in Europe and the United States, especially as the OPEC+ decision was made just weeks before the US midterm elections.

For this reason, the White House angrily said in a statement that Biden was “disappointed by the shortsighted decision by OPEC+ to cut production quotas while the global economy is dealing with the continued negative impact of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”

OPEC+ comprises of 24 members, many of them close partners with Russia, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Venezuela, and not a single member is Western. In addition, the most influential members have significant differences with Washington, and unlike in decades past, are not afraid to pushback to defend their own interests.

Washington is trying to impose the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels, or NOPEC bill, which is designed to protect US consumers and businesses from oil spikes. However, OPEC’s most influential members have warned that this legislation would cause chaos in the energy market.

Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on October 5:

“We will continuously prove that OPEC+ is here not only to stay but here to stay as a moderating force to bring about stability.”

It is recalled that when Biden arrived in Saudi Arabia earlier this year on a mission to urge one of the world’s largest oil exporters to ramp up production in a bid to help bring down gasoline prices, OPEC+ raised oil output by a minuscule 100,000 barrels per day in what was widely seen as an insult to Biden.

In this way, it is demonstrated that Western influence over energy is waning and that OPEC+ members are behaving more confidently in protecting their own interests. Putin has delivered on every warning he has made whenever a red-line was crossed, and there is little doubt that if Europe imposes a cap, he will counteract Europe’s economic aggression by significantly cutting energy flows, which will make prices soar. There is effectively very little Europe and the US can do to stop this and must accept the fact they are at the mercy of OPEC+ and can no longer impose their condescending and hegemonic demands over the organisation and its member states.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

The Imminent Danger of Nuclear War

October 7th, 2022 by IPPNW

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Global Research Editor’s Note

Important statement  by IPPNW: “By accident or miscalculation”.  

The emphasis on the nine countries is misleading:

“broken system which allows nine nations to hold the world hostage with their genocidal weapons.”

Moreover it casually places the blame on Russia without acknowledging that the major danger comes from the U.S. and it’s 1.3 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program, which is slated to increase to $2 trillion in 2030.

The statement fails to address America’s preemptive nuclear doctrine, which repeals the Cold War Doctrine of “Mutually Assured Destruction”.

Nor does it address the history of nuclear war. On record, the Manhattan Project was intent upon waging a nuclear war against the Soviet Union.

The US threat of nuclear war against Russia was formulated more than 76 years ago in September 1945, when the US and the Soviet Union were allies. It consisted in a “World War III Blueprint” of nuclear war against the USSR, targeting 66 cities with more than 200 atomic bombs. This diabolical project under the Manhattan Project was instrumental in triggering the Cold War and the nuclear arms race.

Michel Chossudovsky, October 7, 2022



Honorable President, Distinguished Delegates, and friends,

I join you as a representative of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and a young person inheriting the world you are building in these very halls. Today, on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, 77 years after the world stumbled into the nuclear age, we stand on the precipice of nuclear annihilation. 

If action is not taken, it is only a matter of time until nuclear weapons are used, whether on purpose, by accident or miscalculation. Studies show that a nuclear war using less than 3% of the world’s nuclear weapons could kill up to every 3rd person on earth. A full-scale nuclear war between Russia and the United States would threaten human survival.

Despite their empty promises, all nine nuclear weapon states are enhancing, modernizing, and increasing their nuclear arsenals. These deadly investments take precious resources away from addressing the other existential threat to our future: the climate crisis. Climate justice cannot be reached while nuclear weapons continue to plague our planet.

Recent nuclear threats are a symptom of a broken system which allows nine nations to hold the world hostage with their genocidal weapons. We call on all nations to condemn all threats to use nuclear weapons. But condemnation is not enough. The only way we can step back from the brink of disaster is by eliminating these weapons.

Distinguished Delegates,

A world without nuclear weapons is possible.

A new generation of changemakers — many of whom are witnessing the climate crisis first hand — are waking up to the shocking reality of our global nuclear architecture for the first time. We demand action be taken before our future is ripped out from under our feet. We reject the complacency of nuclear-armed states and their allies, and thank those who have paved the path to abolition.

The abolition of nuclear weapons is not an abstract goal. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted by this UN General Assembly in 2017 and held its first Meeting of States Parties earlier this year in Vienna. With the landmark Vienna Declaration and a growing number of supportive states, the TPNW is a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

Distinguished Delegates,

As the threat of nuclear war grows, so does the global opposition to nuclear weapons. In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one million people worldwide signed IPPNW’s petition with 16 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates calling on Russia and NATO to renounce any use of nuclear weapons in this conflict and urging all countries to support the TPNW.

While nuclear sabers are rattling, I stand with the support of over one million individuals and once again urge Russia and NATO to use the 77th General Assembly to heed our call and renounce the use of nuclear weapons. To the Member States who have not signed or ratified the TPNW: do not delay your support until it is too late.

Distinguished Delegates,

The time for rhetoric is over. If we survive this moment, we must learn from our worldwide near-death experience and never again find ourselves on the edge of a precipice of our own making.

It is either the end of nuclear weapons, or the end of us. The choice is yours.


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Featured image: The world’s first nuclear explosion – the U.S. ‘Trinity’ atomic test in New Mexico, July 16, 1945. If a nuclear war breaks out today, the devastation caused by modern nuclear weapons would make Trinity’s power look small by comparison. Most life on Earth would likely be wiped out. | U.S. Department of Energy

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Although the African continent has about 9% of the world’s natural gas reserves and 12% of its oil, most of the continent’s countries have been struggling with energy issues for years, including power and fuel shortages. Even oil-producing nations such as some Central African States have capacity issues and lack financing, which makes them dependent on imported refined products. Many such states have focused mostly on crude sales and several energy projects have failed to come through. The 4,128 km-long Trans-Saharan gas pipeline (which involves Algeria, Niger, and Nigeria) was planned and agreed upon in 1970 and still exists only on paper. But other projects are moving forward.

In early September the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Congo Republic, as well as Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, and Chad (all Central African nations) signed an agreement to create, by 2030, their own regional gas and oil pipeline network and hub infrastructures to reduce dependence on imports of refined energy sources. Such a project in this case requires foreigner know-how. According to NJ Ayuk, CEO of pan-African corporate conglomerate Centurion Law Group, and African Energy Chamber executive chairman,

“Russians are the best when it comes to pipelines”, and African leaders were inviting Russian energy players to have bilateral talks on “how to use Russian or Chinese expertise to make this work”.

In addition, in mid-September, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) signed a memorandum of understanding with Morocco to start building a 7,000-kilometer offshore gas pipeline which is to run across 13 African nations. The Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline (NMGP) can boost economic integration in the continent, reliably and sustainably supply gas, and can also improve overall living conditions. Once completed, it could supply approximately three billion standard cubic feet of gas per day across the West African Coast, while also delivering gas to northern Morocco, where it can be connected with the Maghreb European Pipeline (MEP), from which it could supply gas to Spain too. Another such project is the Tanzania and Uganda’s East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).

Could these projects fly? If the US-led West has its way, the answer is no. In fact, local African energy projects have been facing strong Western opposition which has been voiced in terms of the climate agenda. For example, on September 15, the EU Parliament passed a resolution stating that the Uganda-Tanzania EACOP project, might pose “social and environmental risks.”  The European Parliament has thus advised its member states not to support Uganda’s gas and oil projects – either financially or diplomatically. Uganda’s Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa responded to that by describing the resolution as the “highest level of neocolonialism and imperialism” against Uganda’s and Tanzania’s sovereignty.

Another interesting example: last month, the US special presidential envoy for climate (often informally called the “Climate Czar”) John Kerry warned investors against funding the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project which could benefit Africa and also Europe – he casted doubts on its long-term viability. In fact, Washington’s foreign policy on Morocco, particularly regarding the Western Sahara issue, is not in Europe’s best interests: the US recognition of Western Sahara has increased tensions in the region, which has been a kind of “protective barrier” for the European continent.  Moreover, while speaking to Reuters on the sidelines of the 18th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) in Dakar, Senegal, on October 3, Kerry in fact discouraged investing in long-term gas projects in the African continent in general.

Ironically, Africa in 2020 accounted for merely 3.8% of the worlds’ CO2 emissions from industry and fossil fuels. As of now, EU nations (the most vocal promoters of green energy and economy) are resurrecting coal-fired electricity plants amid the global energy crisis. According to Mamdouh G. Salameh, global energy expert and international oil economist, oil and gas should still drive the global economy throughout the 21st century, and the EU and the US won’t abandon their own gas and oil projects. Thus, Western environmental agendas might mask veiled interests in maintaining the continent energy-starved with its energy resources kept underground so that they may be used in the future for the West’s own needs.

Sudanese-British billionaire Mo Ibrahim recently attacked the hypocrisy of the Global North in preventing African countries from developing their own hydrocarbon gas reserves over climate change concerns, while at the same time seeking to explore African resources themselves.

In this regard, from an African perspective, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and  Russia can offer countries in this region a much better deal. Last month, the Russian Ministry of Energy signaled that the Russian Federation is willing to develop joint projects with African nations to boost energy supplies to their markets.

Another case in point is Egypt’s Russian-built nuclear plant, which has placed Cairo into the global nuclear club. The project marks the advancement of Russian-Egypt collaboration in spite of intense American pressures and is yet another sign of the new age of non-alignment and multi-alignment.

Geoenergetic interests thus remain one of the main issues and driving forces of the 21st century. The irony is that the US-led West’s “Green Agenda” hampers African energy security but also even Europe’s. While European powers might have their interests in Africa resources (which are often described as “neocolonial”), Europe itself has been played by Washington’s interests to the detriment of its own energy security.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday called for NATO to launch a “preventative strike” on Russia to prevent Moscow from using nuclear weapons, a move that would almost certainly spark World War III and possibly nuclear war.

“What should NATO do? Exclude the possibility of use of nuclear weapons by Russia,” Zelensky said via video link at an event hosted by the Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank.

“But the most important, I’m again addressing the international community, is how it was before February 24: preventative strikes, so that they know what will happen if they use [a nuke],” he said. “And not the opposite, waiting for Russia to strike and then saying ‘oh, that’s how you are, now you can take it from us.’ Reconsider how you apply pressure, the order of application.”

The Kremlin jumped on the comments and said that Zelensky was trying to spark a world war. Ukrainian officials tried to downplay what Zelensky said, with his advisor Mykhailo Podolyak insisting that Zelensky “said nothing about a preventive nuclear strike” on Russia.

Serhii Nikiforov, Zelensky’s press secretary, also said that the Ukrainian leader was not calling for a nuclear strike and claimed he was talking about other actions, such as sanctions. “The president was speaking about the period before February 24. Preventative measures should have been used at that time to prevent Russia from unleashing a war. I will remind you that the only measures discussed at that time were preventative sanctions,” he said.

But Zelensky has previously called for direct US and NATO military intervention in the conflict. Earlier in the war, Zelensky pushed hard for the Western powers to impose a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine, which would have required shooting down Russian warplanes and bombing surface-to-air missile systems inside Russia.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Misinformation and outright lies are at the base of elections in the United States. Following the FBI-staged post-election “insurrection” at the Capitol, it has become tantamount to an act of treason to discuss the possibility the election was in some way rigged or stolen.

Politics, circa 2022, is a chaotic three-ring circus with lies, card tricks, and drama taking center stage. For instance, in August of 2021, the FBI concluded that neither Trump nor his supporters organized an attempt to overturn the election result.

Naturally, it didn’t get a lot of play.

In a court filing in April, the attorney representing nearly a dozen members of the Oath Keepers discovered evidence of government infiltration and possible agent provocateur behavior during the protest.

Just the News reported,

“At least 20 FBI and ATF assets were embedded around the Capitol on J6,” a footnote in the motion reads. The motion also states that attorneys “combed through a mountain of discovery” including summaries of interviews conducted by FBI agents and that members of the Oath Keepers, a far-right group, were “being monitored and recorded prior to J6.”

The attorney, David Fischer, wrote in the brief “that despite carefully inspecting a significant amount of evidence during discovery, he has not found ‘one iota of proof’ that the defendants pre-planned or had any ‘intention, design, or scheme to specifically enter the Capitol Building on J6.’”

The FBI, America’s political police apparatus, doesn’t take kindly to narrative-busting information leaking out of the agency. For instance, veteran agent Steve Friend was suspended last month, stripped of his gun and badge, and escorted out of the FBI field office in Daytona Beach, Florida, for exposing a number of FBI dirty tricks in relation to the fake narrative that American “democracy” is threatened by right-wing extremists.

Friend alleges the “Washington, DC, field office is ‘manipulating’ FBI case management protocol and farming out J6 cases to field offices across the country to create the false impression that right-wing domestic violence is a widespread national problem that goes far beyond the ‘black swan’ event of Jan. 6, 2021.”

The suspended agent also claims

“FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages. These tips are turned into investigative tools called ‘guardians,’ after the FBI software that collates them.”

No doubt, however, the allegations only scratch the surface. It has been known for decades the FBI, most notably under the illegal COINTELPRPO, provoked violence during demonstrations, entrapped nonviolent activists, engineered the destruction of careers, and even stand accused of political assassination (of Martin Luther King, Fred Hampton, and Malcolm X, among others of less repute). It spied on and closely followed the entirely constitutional activity of thousands of Americans. For instance, the FBI collected a 1,884-page file detailing the activities of the author and activist James Baldwin. As a comparison, consider that one of the longest works of literary fiction, “War and Peace,” by Leo Tolstoy, is just over a thousand pages.

The FBI’s favorite tactic, beyond destroying political organizations from the inside out, is inventing terror groups out of whole cloth and then entrapping victims, many of them mentally ill.

“In all these law enforcement schemes the alleged terrorists masterminds end up seeming, when the full story comes out, unable to terrorize their way out of a paper bag without law enforcement tutelage,” writes Rick Perlstein for Rolling Stone. A CBS website page detailing a pattern of entrapment since September 11, 2001 has since disappeared.

Entire books and documentaries have been written and produced on the illegal political deeds of the FBI—and yet millions of Americans, deluged their entire lives with tidal waves of propaganda and official lies, unquestioningly believe whatever falsehoods the national security state’s political police enforcers invent. Millions of Americans actually believe unruly demonstrators on January 6 were somehow able to overthrow the government and thus solitary confinement is an appropriate response to wrongthink.

News that is politically disadvantageous for the state is successfully suppressed. For instance, the case of Hunter Biden, the degenerate son of the president.

Emily Crane writes:

FBI officials told agents not to investigate first son Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop for months — vowing that the bureau was “not going to change the outcome of the election again,” according to whistleblower claims made public Wednesday by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop,” Johnson wrote in a letter to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

According to the senator, “individuals with knowledge” had told his office that “local FBI leadership” had slow-walked the laptop investigation after the computer was recovered from a Wilmington, Del. repair shop in December 2019.

In other words, a supposed agency established to fight crime has itself engaged in massive criminality, including withholding information that would have undoubtedly influenced how Americans voted. This is exactly what the state and its media did with the widely debunked and quite frankly absurd “Russian collusion” accusations against Trump. The infamous Steele Dossier is a work of fiction, and a vulgar one at that.

“A cursory examination of the Steele Dossier should have convinced the CIA or the FBI that it was fake news,” writes Paul R. Gregory for the Hoover Institution.

Any residual doubt would have vanished after learning that its author, Christopher Steele, was an opposition researcher paid by the Democrats to dig up dirt on Trump. That our most sophisticated government officials acted as if the Dossier were legitimate leads to only one conclusion. They were a knowing and willing  part of the Democratic and media smear of a presidential contender, and then president, that paralyzed U.S. politics for three years.

In short, the Democrats fed an unrelenting mountain of lies into the eager megaphone of the corporate media, and this did in fact warp the election (although it may have taken election tampering to achieve the final result of a senile old man becoming president).

The vast majority of the “fake news” came from Democrats desperate to prevent the American people from voting for the wrong candidate. Russia’s supposed disinformation campaign paled in comparison. Russia, like much of the rest of the world, was reporting on the election from its perspective. In the United States, this is considered subversion.

Now that the midterm elections are upon us, it’s time to ramp up the discredited old lies, throw them against the wall, and see what sticks. Once again, the FBI is instrumental.

FBI officials warn that Russia and China are working to interfere in November’s midterm elections in the U.S. by amplifying misinformation that’s already been floating around.

The feds expressed their concerns to state and local officials last month, according to an unclassified intelligence advisory. Russian operatives hope to further sow doubt in election integrity, while China is working to “hinder candidates perceived to be particularly adversarial to Beijing,” the FBI says.

Because so many Americans are little more than headline skimmers, there is a reduced chance they will arrive at the third paragraph, which states no “credible threats to election infrastructure have so far been detected by intelligence officials,” however insisting “U.S. adversaries in 2016 used social media to confuse and misinform voters. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook later took measures to fact-check information being posted online prior to the 2020 election.”

Left unsaid is the fact the USG and its conspiratorial media are permitted, even encouraged, to twist facts and pass off easily debunked lies as truth on all of its platforms, including and especially Facebook and Twitter.

Obviously, the “adversaries” are the American people, who may wander from the strict confines of official narratives, many debunked in short order, and vote for yet another outlier. The midterms will decide which “party” controls congress and if the president will be a “lame duck,” to match his lame cognitive ability.

All of this is an ongoing effort to tighten up a dysfunctional voting system. For decades, it has been little more than a meaningless ritual. This video reveals—admittedly with a hard partisan twist and a Fox News hoofprint—that it is indeed possible to rig voting machines.

However, to now even insinuate as much will get you investigated (or taken down) by the FBI.

“A U.K. based company that has provided voting machines for 16 states, including important battleground states like Florida and Arizona, has direct ties with billionaire leftist and Clinton crusader George Soros,” reports  Joe Jankowski for The Last American Vagabond.

With recent WikiLeaks emails showing that Hillary Clinton received foreign policy directives and coordinated on domestic policy with Soros, along with receiving tens of millions of dollars in presidential campaign support from the billionaire, concerns are growing that these shadowy players may pull the strings behind the curtains of the [2016] presidential election.

The hysterical and irrational response by the state and its media to the American people voting Trump into office—a man obviously not educated on policy and with at best a sketchy grasp of geopolitics—is evidence enough elections are meaningless unless the vetted and establishment elected candidate wins.

It was apparently so serious, they had to have a Brit cook up a “dossier” of lies, the most notorious and tawdry being Trump supposedly urinating on a bed where Obama once slept. No obscenities or absurdities are beyond these people.

Meanwhile, the current president’s son illegally cavorted with prostitutes, smoked crack cocaine “every fifteen minutes,” and worst of all, entered into secret business deals with China and Ukraine. We knew this before the election, and yet it was scrubbed from the corporate and social media to make certain Biden would be clean as a whistle when duped voters performed their “democratic duty” ritual.


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Kurt Nimmo writes on Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics

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The New York Times reported on Wednesday that US intelligence agencies believe parts of the Ukrainian government were behind the slaying of Darya Dugina, the daughter of the prominent Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin.

Dugina, who was a political scientist and journalist, was killed by a car bomb outside of Moscow back in August while driving a car owned by her father, who is suspected to have been the ultimate target of the blast. The Times report said that US officials “admonished” Ukrainian officials over the killing and that the US didn’t take part in the assassination.

The US officials said they fear Ukraine’s covert operations inside Russia could escalate the war in Ukraine to a wider conflict. But Dugina’s killing hasn’t changed Washington’s policy as the report said the US concerns had “not prompted any known changes in the provision of intelligence, military and diplomatic support to Mr. Zelensky’s government or to Ukraine’s security services.”

Russia has blamed Ukraine’s intelligence services for the killing and named two Ukrainian suspects. For their part, the Ukrainian government has denied any role in the murder, a position that Ukrainian presidential advisor Mykhailo Podolyak reiterated to the Times.

Like her father, Dugina supported Russia’s war in Ukraine and she was placed on the infamous Ukrainian website Myrotvorets, known as the Ukrainian “kill list.” Since her death, Dugina has been listed as “liquidated.” Thousands of people are listed on the site as “enemies of Ukraine,” including prominent Westerners.

Pope Francis commented on Dugina after her killing, describing her as an innocent victim of the war, which drew backlash from Ukraine.

“I think of that poor girl blown up by a bomb under the seat of her car in Moscow,” the pope said. “Innocents pay the price of war.”

The pope’s comments drew a rebuke from Ukraine’s envoy to the Vatican and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

“I will say frankly that the Ukrainian heart is torn by the pope’s words. It was unfair,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said after summoning Pope Francis’ envoy to Ukraine.


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Michael Hudson: A Roadmap to Escape the West’s Stranglehold

October 7th, 2022 by Prof Michael Hudson

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It is impossible to track the geoeconomic turbulence inherent to the “birth pangs” of the multipolar world without the insights of Professor Michael Hudson at the University of Missouri, and author of the already seminal The Destiny of Civilization.

In his latest essay, Professor Hudson digs deeper into Germany’s suicidal economic/financial policies; their effect on the already falling euro – and hints at some possibilities for fast integrating Eurasia and the Global South as a whole to try to break the Hegemon’s stranglehold.

That led to a series of email exchanges, especially about the future role of the yuan, where Hudson remarked:

“The Chinese whom I’ve talked to for years and years did not expect the dollar to weaken. They’re not crying about its rise, but they are concerned about flight capital from China as I think after the Party Congress [starting on October 16] there will be a crackdown on the Shanghai free-market advocacy. Pressure for the coming changes has been long building up. The spirit of reform to rein in ‘free markets’ was spreading among students over a decade ago, and they have been rising in the Party hierarchy.”

On the key issue of Russia accepting payment for energy in rubles, Hudson touched upon a point rarely examined outside of Russia:

“They don’t really want to be paid just in rubles. That’s the one thing Russia doesn’t need, because it can just print them. It only needs rubles to balance its international payments to stabilize the exchange rate – not to push it up.”

Which brings us to settlements in yuan:

“Taking payment in yuan is like taking payment in gold – an international asset that every country desires as a non-fiat currency that has a value if one sells it (unlike the dollar now, which may simply be confiscated, or ultimately left abandoned). What Russia really needs are critical industrial inputs like computer chips. It could ask China to import these with the yuan Russia provides.”

Keynes is back

Following our email exchanges, Professor Hudson gracefully agreed to answer in detail a few questions about the extremely complex geoeconomic processes in play across Eurasia. Here we go.

The Cradle: The BRICS are studying the adoption of a common currency – including all of them and, we expect, the expanded BRICS+ as well. How could that be practically implemented? Hard to see the Brazilian Central Bank harmonizing with the Russians and the People’s Bank of China. Would that involve only investment – via the BRICS development bank? Would that be based on commodities + gold? How does the yuan fit in? Is the BRICS approach based on the current Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) discussions with the Chinese, led by Sergey Glazyev? Did the Samarkand summit advance, practically, the interconnection of BRICS and the SCO?

Hudson: “Any idea of a common currency has to start with a currency-swap arrangement among existing member countries. Most trade will be in their own currencies. But to settle the inevitable imbalances (balance-of-payments surpluses and deficits), an artificial currency will be created by a new Central Bank.

This may look superficially like the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), largely to fund the US deficit on military account and the rising debt service owed by Global South debtors to US lenders. But the arrangement will be much more like the ‘bancor’ proposed by John Maynard Keynes in 1944. Deficit countries could draw a specified quota of bancors, whose valuation would be set by a common selection of prices and exchange rates. The bancors (and their own currency) would be used to pay countries in surplus.

But unlike the IMF’s SDR system, the aim of this new alternative Central Bank will not be simply to subsidize economic polarization and indebtedness. Keynes proposed a principle that if a country (he was thinking of the United States at the time) ran chronic surpluses, that would be a sign of its protectionism or refusal to support a mutually resilient economy, and its claims would begin to be extinguished, along with the bancor debts of countries whose economies prevented their ability to balance their international payments and support their currency.

Today’s proposed arrangements would indeed support lending among the member banks, but not for the purpose of supporting capital flight (the main use of IMF loans, when “left-wing” governments seem likely to be elected), and the IMF and its associated alternative to the World Bank would not impose austerity plans and anti-labor policies on debtors. The economic doctrine would promote self-sufficiency in food and basic essentials, and would promote tangible agricultural and industrial capital formation, not financialization.

It is likely that gold also would be an element of international monetary reserves by these countries, simply because gold is a commodity that hundreds of years of world practice already have agreed on as acceptable and politically neutral. But gold would be a means of settling payments balances, not defining domestic currency. These balances would of course extend to trade and investment with western countries that are not part of this bank. Gold would be an acceptable means of settling western debt balances to the new Eurasian-centered bank. That would prove a vehicle for payments that western countries could not simply repudiate – as long as the gold was kept in the hands of the new bank members, no longer in New York or London as has been the dangerous practice since 1945.

In a meeting to create such a bank, China would be in a similar dominant position to that which the United States enjoyed in 1944 at Bretton Woods. But its operating philosophy would be quite different. The aim would be to develop the economies of bank members, with long-term planning or trade patterns that seem most appropriate for their economies to avoid the kind of dependency relationships and privatization takeovers that have characterized IMF and World Bank policy.

These development objectives would involve land reform, industrial and financial restructuring, and tax reform, as well as domestic banking and credit reforms. Discussions at the SCO meetings seem to have prepared the ground for establishing a general harmony of interests in creating reforms along these lines.”

Eurasia or bust

The Cradle: In the medium term, is it feasible to expect German industrialists, contemplating the coming wasteland, and their own demise, to revolt en masse against the NATO-imposed trade/financial sanctions against Russia, and force Berlin to open Nord Stream 2? Gazprom guarantees the pipeline is recoverable. Don’t need to join the SCO to make that happen…

Hudson: “It is unlikely that German industrialists will act to prevent their country’s de-industrialization, given the US/NATO stranglehold on Eurozone politics and the past 75 years of political meddling by US officials. German company heads are more likely to try and survive with as much personal and corporate wealth intact as they can in the wake of Germany being turned into a Baltic-state-type economic wreckage.

There already has been talk of shifting production – and management – to the United States, which will block Germany from obtaining energy, metals and other essential materials from any supplier not controlled by US interests and their allies.

The great question is whether German companies would emigrate to the new Eurasian economies whose industrial growth and prosperity seem likely to far overshadow that of the United States.

Of course the Nord Stream pipelines are recoverable. That is precisely why US political pressure from Secretary of State Blinken has been so insistent that Germany, Italy and other European countries double down on isolating their economies from trade and investment with Russia, Iran, China and other countries whose growth the US is trying to disrupt.”

How to escape “There Is No Alternative”

The Cradle: Are we reaching the point when the key players of the Global South – over 100 nations – finally get their act together and decide to go for broke and stop the US from keeping the artificial neoliberal global economy in a state of perpetual coma? This means the only possible option, as you have outlined, is to set up a parallel global currency bypassing the US dollar – while the usual suspects float the notion of a Bretton Woods III at best. Is the FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate) financial casino omnipotent enough to smash any possible competition? Do you envisage any other practical mechanisms apart from what is being discussed by BRICS/ EAEU/ SCO? 

Hudson: “A year or two ago it seemed that the task of designing a full-fledged alternative world currency, monetary, credit and trading system was so complex that the details hardly could be thought through. But US sanctions have proved to be the needed catalyst to make such discussions pragmatically urgent.

The confiscation of Venezuela’s gold reserves in London and its US investments, the confiscation of $300 billion of Russia’s foreign-exchange reserves held in the United States and Europe, and its threat to do the same to China and other countries resisting US foreign policy has made de-dollarization urgent. I have explained the logic in many points, from my Valdai Club article (with Radhika Desai) to my recent book on The Destiny of Civilization, the lecture series that I prepared for Hong Kong and the Global University for Sustainability.

Holding securities denominated in dollars, and even holding gold or investments in the United States and Europe, is no longer a safe option. It is clear that the world is breaking into two quite different types of economies, and that US diplomats and their European satellites are willing to tear up the existing economic order in hopes that creating a disruptive crisis will enable themselves to come out on top.

It also is clear that subjugation to the IMF and its austerity plans are economic suicide, and that following World Bank and its neoliberal doctrine of international dependency is self-destructive. The result has been to create an unpayable overhead of debts denominated in US dollars. These debts cannot be paid without borrowing credit from the IMF and accepting terms of economic surrender to US privatizers and speculators.

The only alternative to imposing economic austerity on themselves is to withdraw from the dollar trap in which US-sponsored “free market” economics (markets free from government protection, and free from government ability to recover the environmental damage from US oil companies, mining companies and the associated industrial and food dependency) is to make a clean break.

The break will be difficult, and US diplomacy will do everything it can to disrupt the creation of a more resilient economic order. But US policy has created a global state of dependency in which literally there is no alternative but to break away.”


The Cradle: What is your analysis on Gazprom confirming Line B of the Nord Stream 2 was not touched by Pipeline Terror? This means Nord Stream 2 is practically ready to go – with a capacity to pump 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas a year, which happens to be half of the total capacity of – damaged – Nord Stream. So Germany is not doomed. This opens a whole new chapter; a solution will depend on a serious political decision by the German government.   

Hudson: “Here’s the kicker: Russia certainly won’t bear the cost again, only to have the pipeline blown up. It will be up to Germany. I bet the current regime says “No.” That should make for an interesting rise of the alternative parties.

The ultimate problem is that the only way Germany can restore trade with Russia is to withdraw from NATO, realizing that it is the major victim of NATO’s war. This could only succeed by spreading to Italy, and also to Greece (for not protecting it against Turkey, ever since Cyprus). That looks like a long fight.

Maybe it’s easier just for German industry to pack up and move to Russia to help modernize its industrial production, especially BASF for chemistry, Siemens for engineering, etc.. If German companies relocate to the US to get gas, this will be perceived as a US raid on German industry, capturing its lead for the US. Even so, this won’t succeed, given America’s post-industrialized economy.

So German industry can only move eastward if it creates its own political party as a nationalistic anti-NATO party. The EU constitution would require Germany to withdraw from the EU, which puts NATO interests first at the federal level. The next scenario is to discuss Germany’s entry into the SCO. Let’s take bets as to how long that will take.”


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This article was originally published on The Cradle.

Michael Hudson is an American economist professor of economics at the university of Missouri Kansas City and a researcher at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College. He’s a former Wall Street analyst political consultant commentator and journalist. He identifies himself as a classical economist. Michael is the author of J is for Junk Economics, Killing the Host, The Bubble and Beyond, Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, Trade Development and Foreign Debtand The Myth of Aid, among others. His books have been published translated into Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish and Russian.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

Did Uncle Sam Blow Up the Wrong Pipeline?

October 7th, 2022 by Kevin Barrett

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After “parties not-so-unknown” bombed the Nordstream gas pipeline, Anthony Blinken celebrated the “tremendous opportunity.” He assumed the whole Nordstream operation was out of commission. That would have given US producers the chance to make billions of dollars robbing Europe blind selling overpriced gas.

But Blinken may have celebrated too soon. According to Bloomberg News:

After the suspected sabotage of the network last week in a series of explosions, Gazprom said on Monday three of the lines were affected and one wasn’t. The gas giant has lowered pressure on the unaffected line B of Nord Stream 2 to inspect the link for damage and potential leaks, it said in a statement on its Telegram account.

An Unz Review commenter explained:

“The vaunted US Navy screwed up. In the murky depths of the Baltic Sea they planted their explosives to blow up the ***FOUR*** pipes of the NS 1 & NS2 gas pipelines. (You didn’t know there were four pipes, did you? Neither did I.) But they appear to have screwed up and placed two of the explosive packages on one of the NS2 pipes — line A — leaving the other pipe — line B — with no explosive charge, and subsequently ***NO DAMAGE***. Line B is therefore ***READY TO GO*** with a capacity of 27.5 billion cubic meters per year … which for comparison is 50% of total capacity of Nordstream 1, which as you may recall was recently reduced to 20% capacity before being shut down completely. (2.75 times the capacity of the newly-opened Norway-to-Poland gas pipeline).”

So if Germany gets annoyed at the arrogant American terrorists’ attempt to loot and wreck their economy, all the Germans have to do is cancel their sanctions on Russia and ask Putin to turn on the spigot, which could cause NATO to quickly unravel. If that happens, the Nordstream terror attack will turn out to be one of the worst own goals in strategic history.

Even if this worst-case scenario (from the US perspective) fails to quickly materialize, the botched Nordstream bombing could rebound disastrously against the perpetrators. Cutting Germany’s Russian gas lifeline and replacing it with inadequate quantities of overpriced US gas may have sounded like a good idea in the short term, since it will butress the dollar against the euro and keep the EU tethered to its US vassal status, cut off from the vast resources of Russia. But over the medium term, as non-Western nations continue to gain ever-greater shares of global GDP while the West declines, sabotaging the economy of your biggest vassal seems self-defeating, even in the unlikely event that the Europeans never decide to push back.

The Nordstream terror fiasco takes its place in a long series of stunningly stupid moves by the world’s erstwhile hegemon. The US could have thrived in the post-Cold-War environment by making win-win deals with all major nations and civilizations. Instead, as Putin observed in last week’s speech, it has managed to alienate most of the world with its psychopathic arrogance and blood-splattering vandalism. By looting Russia and pushing NATO eastward in the 1990s, launching a false flag war on Islam in 2001, and more recently alienating Russia, China, Iran, and the whole Islamic world simultaneously, the strategic geniuses running America’s national security state seem to be deliberately creating the mother of all anti-Western coalitions.

Does the Empire harbor a secret death wish? Is unconscious guilt (at betraying the American Republic and mass murdering millions abroad) driving the national security brain trust to self-destruct? Maybe. But first let’s consider two other explanations, one obvious, the other conspiratorial.

First the obvious one: The permanent US national security state has been absolutely corrupted by absolute power. When the Cold War ended and the US emerged as a unipolar hegemon, the managers of empire started to believe “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” That’s hubris at best, psychosis at worst. They started to think they could get away with just about anything. Such delusions of grandeur unleashed a feeding frenzy among those who gorge themselves at the military-industrial-complex trough. Corruption and incompetence danced off together in a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop. Nobody had to worry much about the real-world consequences of bad decisions, because “we” lived in “our own reality” of apparent omnipotence.

But US policy has been so conspicuously self-destructive that it’s hard not to wonder whether it might be intentional. Could some hostile power have taken over the American brain and driven the nation to self-destruction, the way toxoplasmosis parasites take over the brains of mice and make them fall in love with cats?

The nation poised to gain the most from self-defeating US policies is China. Whoever decided to export American manufacturing to China, then waste more than $7 trillion fighting Muslims for no particular reason, then pick a fight with Russia in Ukraine, might as well have been a Chinese sleeper agent. Even the belated anti-China trade war launched in 2019, followed by the apparent COVID attack on Wuhan, were so insanely ineffective that they could easily have been scripted by a CCP version of Dr. Fu Manchu.

But there is no evidence that the CCP is secretly running US foreign policy. If there is a toxoplasmosis type parasite steering Uncle Sam’s brain, it would be the Zionist neocons. These people are drunk on Leo Strauss’s self-styled philosophy of evil. The whole notion of win-win give-and-take diplomacy and negotiation is foreign to them. They never met an act of extreme imperial chutzpah they didn’t like. From 9/11 and the wars it was designed to spark, to the 2014 de facto declaration of war on Russia through the coup in Kiev, to the late autumn 2019 COVID attack on Wuhan and Qom, to the recent blundering attempt to take Nordstream permanently off-line, the neocons keep doing insane things ostensibly designed to strengthen the US empire, but covertly undermining it.

Are the Zio-cons scheming to destroy the US and then dominate the New World Order that arises from its ashes? Or are they merely so unhinged and fanatical in their pro-US-imperial hubris that they keep doing insanely counterproductive things?


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As Moscow’s envoy addressed the United Nations, the Pentagon announced a list of new weapons for Kyiv. This is seen as provocation and advancement of war on the part of the United States, and one Russia warns could result in a “direct military clash.”

Diplomat Konstantin Vorontsov told the UN General Assembly on Tuesday that the U.S.’s continued supply of weapons to Ukraine will only be tolerated for so long.  Moscow’s envoy was speaking after the Pentagon announced the contents of another military shipment to Ukraine, valued at $625 million.

“The US is increasing the deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, providing its military with intelligence information, ensuring the direct participation of its fighters and advisers in the conflict,” Vorontsov, who is the deputy head of the Russian delegation, told the General Assembly’s First Committee, a body charged with arms control and security issues. This “not only prolongs hostilities and leads to new casualties, but also brings the situation closer to the dangerous line of a direct military clash between Russia and NATO,” Vorontsov added.

The latest batch of weapons and equipment, valued at $625 million, includes four High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and ammunition for them, 16 each of the 155mm and 105mm howitzers, 75,000 rounds for artillery ammunition – including guided rounds and remote mine-laying ones – small arms and mortar rounds, and 200 MRAP armored vehicles. –RT

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc including NATO. Kyiv insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked yet has recently applied for fast-tracked approval to join NATO.

While it appears that a world war is quickly approaching, some say we are already in the third world war.

With the amount of involvement the U.S. has in supplying Ukraine with weapons, it does appear that the pope may be correct. It will take very little at this point to ignite a direct conflict with the U.S.


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Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Humanity has reached a tipping point. It is time for governments, international institutions and people everywhere to take stock and act with renewed urgency.

The Ukraine conflict is inflicting death, injury, displacement and destruction, exacerbating a global food crisis, driving Europe into recession, and creating shock waves across the world economy.

The Taiwan conflict is threatening to escalate into outright war that would devastate Taiwan and turn East Asia into a powder keg.

More troubling still is the toxic relationship between the United States on the one hand and China and Russia on the other. Here lies the key to both conflicts.

What we are seeing is the culmination of decades of gross mismanagement of global security. The United States has been unwilling to accept, let alone adapt to, the rise of China and the re-emergence of Russia. It remains unwilling to break with outdated notions of global dominance – a legacy of the Cold War and the triumphalism that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union.

A global power shift is taking place. The West-centric world, in which first Europe and then the United States held sway, is giving way to a multi-centric, multi-civilisational world in which other centres of power and influence are demanding to be heard.

Failure to accept this new reality spells immense danger. A new Cold War is now in full swing, which can at any moment mutate into a hot war. In the words of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, “humanity is one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation”.

Even if nuclear apocalypse is averted, discord between nuclear armed states inhibits cooperative problem-solving, the provision of global public goods and an effective and independent UN system.

To rise to the challenge we need a coherent, sustained and multifaceted response by governments and international institutions, inspired and driven by an ever watchful and engaged civil society. Several steps suggest themselves, some immediate, others longer term.

The first steps must aim to end the conflict in Ukraine and defuse the tensions over Taiwan. More substantial efforts are needed to foster a framework of cooperative coexistence between the United States, Russia and China – an essential building block for peace across both Europe and Asia.

To this end, we believe the UN Secretary-General or a group of middle powers acting – ideally the two acting in concert – could set in train a multi-pronged initiative aimed at securing an effective and durable ceasefire in Ukraine and the relaxation of tensions over Taiwan.

In the case of Ukraine, the aim must be to secure the cessation of all combat by Russian and Ukrainian forces and separatist groups based in the Donbas region. This would be a ceasefire monitored by a United Nations team reporting regularly and directly to the UN Secretary-General.

A ceasefire, however, is unlikely to hold for long without a durable settlement of the Ukraine-Russian conflict. This will in turn depend on bringing to an end the cynical use of the Ukraine war by great powers intent on pursing their geopolitical ambitions. Only then will it be possible to achieve:

  • the phased withdrawal of Russian military forces; 
  • an end to the delivery of lethal military aid to Ukraine;
  • a constitutionally enshrined policy of neutrality for Ukraine;
  • the resolution of jurisdictional issues, notably Crimea and the Donbas region, coupled with a process aimed at healing regional, ethnic and religious animosities within Ukraine.
  • All prisoners of war, refugees, and civilians in captivity to be returned to their respective countries and all their rights respected as provided by the Geneva Conventions.

These arrangements will need to be complemented by a wider agreement involving other interested parties, with a view to securing: an adequately funded international program to address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine; international guarantees to safeguard Ukraine’s independence, neutrality and territorial integrity; and the removal of all sanctions placed against Russia and the restoration of normal trade relations.

In the case of the Taiwan conflict, the first step must be to defuse the current level of tension. To this end, the international community should reaffirm the principles set out in the Shanghai communiqué of 1972, notably the ‘one China’ principle which now commands widespread international support. In line with this principle, the international community must use all means at its disposal to dissuade Taiwan from making any unilateral declaration of independence. The UN Secretary-General in tandem with ASEAN is well placed to spearhead such a course of action.

These relatively short-term initiatives must pave the way for a series of interlinked consultations, culminating in an international conference, whose primary purpose would be to frame a new global security architecture, sustained by appropriate reforms in global governance and designed to:

  1. Stop the march to nuclear oblivion, and set in motion an ambitious program for nuclear disarmament, beginning with a series of arms control and disarmament agreements and leading within a specified timeframe to universal membership of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
  2. Reflect the reality of a multi-centric, multi-civilisational world which respects the independence and legitimate rights of all sovereign nations, and in which no actor seeks to exercise imperial or hegemonic ambitions. 
  3. Enshrine the principles of common, cooperative and comprehensive security, and translate these into effective regional arrangements, especially in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region;
  4. Initiate a series of measures that can reverse the militarisation of the international system, including limitations on the reach and scope of military alliances and overseas deployments of military forces, as well as a progressive reduction of national military budgets, thereby redirecting resources to areas of pressing social, economic and environmental need;
  5. Set in motion the far-reaching reform of international institutions, especially the UN system, so that they can more effectively mount the necessarily cooperative response to existential threats, notably climate change, biodiversity loss, and present and future pandemics.

None of this will happen without a massive global awakening of human wisdom and energy. Important as governments and international institutions are, the initiative for a coherent response to the challenges we face lies largely with the people, with civil society.

Leadership of various kinds is needed. Which is why this message is also addressed to intellectuals, artists, scientists, journalists, religious leaders, advocates and other engaged citizens.

Equally, we have in mind groups working on the rights of indigenous peoples, aid and development, conflict resolution, civil liberties and human rights, violence against women, refugees and asylum seekers, climate change and other threats to our environment, public health (not least Covid), justice for the poor and marginalised, and ethnic, religious and cultural diversity.  ALL are adversely affected by great power confrontation, oppressive security laws, rising military budgets and destructive military activities, not to mention the prospect of nuclear catastrophe. ALL have a crucial part to play.

Trade unions, professional networks (in education, law, medicine, nursing, media, communications), farmer organisations, religious bodies, human-centred think tanks and research centres have also much to contribute to the conversation for a habitable future.

It is time for people everywhere to take the initiative personally and collectively – to set in motion conversations, small and large, formal and informal, online and in person, using the written and spoken word, as well as the visual and performing arts. This is a moment for collective reflection on where we’re at, where we should be heading and the steps needed to get us there.

The stakes are high. We need bold thinking that connects people and issues within and between countries. We must revive and reframe the global security conversation. There is not a moment to lose.

Click here to sign the petition.

Prepared by

Richard Falk, Emeritus Professor of International Law, Princeton University; Chair of Global Law, Queen Mary University London; Research Associate UCSB

Joseph Camilleri, Professor Emeritus, La Trobe University, Melbourne; Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; President, Conversation at the Crossroads

Chandra Muzaffar, Former Professor of Global Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang; President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

Endorsed by

Prof. Abdelllah Hammoudi, Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus; Founding Director of the Transregional Institute, Princeton University

Ajarn Sulak Sivaraksa, Co-founder and Chairperson of Advisory Committee of International Network of Engaged Buddhists

Ashis Nandy, Homi Bhabha Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies

Brad Wolf, Executive Director of Peace Action Network of Lancaster.

Prof. Alfred de Zayas, Professor of international law, Geneva school of diplomacy; Former UN Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18)

Dr. Arujunan Narayanan, Academic teaching International Relations, International Law and Western Philosophy – UKM, UM, HELP University, Armed Forces Defence College, Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.

Prof. Assaf Kfoury, Professor of Computer Science, Boston University

Prof. Azyumardi Azra (deceased), Rector of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia (1998-2006); Professor of History, State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia (1997-on)

Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim, Former Foreign Minister; Former Defense Minister, Brazil

Prof. Chaiwat Satha-Anand, Former President of Social Science Association of Thailand; Former Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Thammasat University; presently Expert, Toda Peace Institute, Prof. of Politcal Science, Thammasat University; Thammasat University Distinguished Scholar

Chris Hedges, American Journalist, Author and Commentator

David Swanson, Author, Executive Director of World BEYOND War

Prof. Farish A. Noor, Professor, Department of History, University Malaya

Fredrik S. Heffermehl, Lawyer and Author, Norway, Nobel Peace Prize Watch.

Prof. Ilan Pappe, Director of European Center for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, Britain

Ivana Nikolic  Hughes, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Columbia University

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, University Professor, Columbia University

Jorge Casteneda, Former Foreign Minister of Mexico, New York University

(Rt Hon.) Jeremy Corbyn, Independent MP for Islington North

John K. Stoner,

Prof. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Professor Emeritus, Economics, University Malaya

Prof. Junaid S. Ahmad, Director, Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality, Islamabad, Pakistan

Dr. Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Kathy Kelly, Board President, World BEYOND War

Kishore Mahbubani, Founding Dean, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS.

Prof. Kevin Clements, Director, The Toda Peace Institute, Tokyo Japan

Dr. Lim Teck Ghee, Policy Analyst

Prof. Mahmood Mamdani, Herbert Lehman Professor of Government, Columbia University, NYC

Mairead Maguire, Peace Laureate; Co-founder Peace People; Northern Ireland

Prof. Maivan Clech Lam, Emeritus Professor of International Law, Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Maung Zarni, Burmese Dissident & Co-founder of FORSEA.

(Tan Sri.) Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, Adjunct Professor, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya; Former Chairman and Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

Dr. Ramzy Baroud, Center for Islam and Global Affairs, Zain University, Istanbul

Prof. Shad Saleem Faruqi, Emeritus Professor at Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya; Chair Holder, Tunku Abdul Rahman Foundation

Shahanaaz Habib, Ex journalist, The Star

Susan Wright, Ph.D., Research Scientist and Lecturer Emerita, History of Science, University of Michigan

Victoria Brittain, Journalist and Author

Yanis Varoufakis, Member of Greek Parliament and MeRA25 leader, DiEM25 co-founder; Professor of Economics – University of Athens ; Honorary Professor of Political Economy –  University of Sydney ; Honoris Causa Professor of Law, Economics and Finance – University of Torino ; Distinguished Visiting Professor of Political Economy, Kings College, University of London

Hans von Sponeck, UN Assistant Secretary-General (ret.)

Dr. Michael Jeyakumar, Chairperson of Socialist Party of Malaysia

Noam Chomsky, American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historical essayist, social critic, and political activist

Phyllis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies

Ronnie Kasrils, Retired South African Minister, Activist and Author.


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The Liz Truss Disaster Show

October 7th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Never underestimate the power of failure.  As the Liz Truss Disaster Show demonstrates, the next pitfall is probably just around the corner.  The UK Prime Minister has shown, along with her distinctly oblivious Chancellor of the Exchequer, how to ballsup the economy in the shortest timeframe imaginable.

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini-Budget” delivered on September 30, designed to evade the eagles at the Office of Budget Responsibility, was greeted with shock from the market boys and girls to the chattering classes.  The Bank of England took it upon itself to exercise some sober restraint in the face of rampant fiscal recklessness.

The ailing British pound received another battering on October 5 after Truss’s speech at the Conservative Party conference.  It had risen relative to the US dollar on October 3 in response to the decision to abandon the policy of removing the top 45p tax rate, only to suffer another precipitous decline.

Her comically abysmal, half-hour speech, delivered to party members increasingly unsettled by her recent performances, was peppered with ideological dross and economic denialism.  Conservatism, she stated, was about “a belief in freedom, in fair play and the great potential of the British people.”  She was “not interested in how many two-for-one offers” a person bought from the supermarket or “how you spend your spare time, or in virtue signalling.”

What did interest her was attacking the “anti-growth coalition”, a mysterious cabal that has it in for the British economy.  They comprised Labor, the Liberal Democrats, and the Scottish Nationalist Party, not to mention the unions, the talking heads, the Brexit deniers, Extinction rebellion and “some of the people we had in the hall earlier.”

This was a coalition on the warpath, spreading its wings, busying itself wanting more taxes and restraining economic gain.  And they would dare express such views in the BBC offices.  To combat such forces, she offered an unconvincing, managerially massaged formula: growth, growth and growth.  Explaining the decision to reverse the scrapping of the 45p rate of income tax as something of a distraction, Truss insisted that low taxes was the way to go.  Stamp duty, the basic rate of income tax, and the corporate tax rate would be cut, while the rise in national insurance would be reversed.

In trying to sound chummier with voters, she went for the personal touch. “I have fought to get where I am today.”  She had “juggled” her career while raising her two daughters.  She had “seen people left with no hope turning to drugs” and “families struggling to put food on the table.”  Interestingly enough, the period during which these things took place was one marked by divisive, ruinous Tory rule.

A peculiar touch came with recalling what seemed to be a particularly scarring incident.  Poor Liz recalled “as a young girl being presented on a plane with a ‘Junior Air Hostess’ badge.  Meanwhile, my brothers were given ‘Junior Pilot’ badges.  It wasn’t the only time in my life that I have been treated differently for being female or for not fitting in.”  Never fear, it made the psychologically wounded aspirant “determined”.

The awfulness of the dull display would have been more complete had it not been interrupted by two young boisterous women from Greenpeace holding the yellow sign sporting the words “Who Voted For This?”  This galvanised the conference attendees, who managed to turn on the protestors with envigored venom.

In the end, the words from Truss hardly mattered, their inconsequential sprinkles vanishing down the drainpipe of vacant rhetoric.  There was no plan for generating actual economic growth.  There was nothing to address the one fundamental problem the UK faces: that it invests too little.

For Iain Martin, writing in The Times, it would have made little difference even if the speech had been the movingly equivalent version of the Gettysburg Address, or something like the Sermon on the Mount.  “[I]t would not have shifted the underlying reality.”  That reality entailed one unmissable fact: the new Conservative leader is simply not liked.

Senior market analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, Susannah Streeter, humourlessly suggested that Truss’s mention of one word three times did little to sway things.  “She may have hoped that her triple promise of growth would have calmed markets further but with nothing new to offer on the table, her words have not had the desired effect so far.”

The Truss Disaster Show has even left a number of conservatives worried, even panicked.   According to Paul Goodman, editor of Conservative Home, she has been left with no good options.  Sticking to her mini-Budget measures would guarantee defeat in the Commons, thereby eroding her authority.  Abandoning them would have much the same effect.

The Spectator has also been running a number of querying meditations and the decline and fall of the new PM.  “There’s something not entirely grown up about the Prime Minister,” Lloyd Evans suggests. “She has a permanent air of naïve euphoria – like a bouncy new teacher taking the class on a jolly exciting trip.”

Barely into her prime ministership, Truss has laid the basis for its demise.  When she and her party return to Westminster, the sense of vultures circling will be palpable.  While recent years tell us that polls are nonsensical excursions of fancy, rarely to be trusted, it is hard to sense that the current figures are off.  Should they remain at their current levels, a massacre at the ballot box is in the making.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is licensed under Fair Use

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Kosovo and Metochia: Who Was Suppressing Whom?

October 6th, 2022 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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Southern Serbia’s autonomous province of Kosovo and Metochia (KosMet) has been subject to a gradual, but a permanent change of its demographic content during the time of Titoslavia (Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945−1991). Three principal factors were crucial to the drastic demographic change in this Serbian province in favor of ethnic (Muslim) Albanians and at the expense of ethnic (Christian Orthodox) Serbs and Montenegrins.

Demographic explosion

First and the most important has been the demographic explosion, due to the enormous birth rate of Albanians. In the situation when this trend on the global scale was in the opposite direction, with even African countries diminishing their birth rate, the only European regions with breeding out of all proportions, have been Albania and KosMet. In a comprehensive article in Newsweek,[1] entitled “Demographic Bomb Is No Longer As It Used To Be”, it has been estimated that by 2050 the only regions with more than 2 children per woman will be the Caribbean Islands, Pakistan, Eastern Guinea, and African countries (except for North and South Africa). And one region in Europe – KosMet.

Analyzing the world situation, the author writes:

“If the figures are correct, they signify that almost half of the world population lives in the countries whose demographic regime is situated below the replacement level: comments Ebershtadt”.

Nevertheless, there are noticeable exceptions. In Europe, Albania and Kosovo make even more children. Asia has the pockets of the large natality, with Mongolia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia represents the birth rate largest in the world (5.7), after Palestinian Territories (5.9) and Yemen (7.2). However, some countries have some surprises in store: an Arab Muslim state Tunisia has fallen below the reproduction threshold.

It is noticed that during Titoslavia, the birthrate in Albania was noticeably lower than on KosMet. How to explain this, since in both regions ethnic Albanians constitute the overwhelming majority?

Albania is an independent state, responsible for her own wellbeing. The uncontrollable rise in population implies more hungry mouths, more unemployed, more public expenditures for social needs, etc. But what is unfavorable for a responsible, sovereign state appears favorable for the society which relies on the rest of the state it lives in. The more populous the ethnic minority is, the more convincing demands for financial and other supports are. The more children in the family, the less income per capita is, and again the more justifiable demands for public financial help. However, this cannot continue ad infinitum, of course.  Once the final goal has been achieved, the secession realized (in the case of KosMet in 1999), the logic takes the opposite direction – family planning. The logic: “make children in the evening and submit the bill to the state in the morning” does not work any longer, for this is your own state. That is exactly what is going on in present-day Albania.

Immigration from Albania & emigration to Central Serbia

Second, it was the influx (illegal) of ethnic Albanians from neighboring Albania into KosMet (and partially into Yugoslav Macedonia), both the migrant slow and steady and those termed as metanastatic movements. The first immigrant phenomenon appears slow and has effects which reveal along centuries, just like the high-rate natality effect. The second is noticeable and has profound psychological effects on the indigenous population, in this case, the Serbs and Montenegrins. It provokes massive moving out of the autochthonous inhabitants, mainly into Central Serbia. The rate of this migration deserves particular attention, for this reveals more than any of the political and demagogical “explanations”.

It has been noticed since this phenomenon has been observed and followed statistically that the rate of outflow migration appears constant in time. What does this fact signify? Central Serbia outnumbers the Serb population on KosMet by more than an order of magnitude. Equally, the area of Serbia is almost an order of magnitude larger than KosMet. Now, suppose that all Serbs (and non-Albanians, for that matter) were willing to quit KosMet (voting by feet, as some Western political commentators were eager to emphasize while describing emigration from Milošević’s Serbia), their number on KosMet would diminish exponentially, for the number of emigrants would depend solely on the number of the existing at the spot. However, the number of emigrants depends on the possibility of the external reservoir to absorb the influx, too. The constant rate of emigration means that Central Serbia cannot absorb the immigrants all at once, but only gradually since its capacity is large but finite. That is, had Serbia been many times larger, the number of non-Albanians on KosMet would have been zero by now.


Third, the question arises naturally, the question above questions, as legitimate as forbidden: Which kind of people were those “suppressed” on KosMet when the other population flees from them? Or put it in this way: Who was suppressing whom?

It is so far presented the global phenomena, as the general frame for the depopulation of KosMet from non-Albanians and overpopulation of the ethnic-Albanians (the Shqiptars as the Albanians are calling themselves). Now it has to be turned to the mechanism which is responsible for this effect as the third and probably the focal reason for the drastic demographic change in KosMet during the lifetime of Titoslavia – suppression. For the sake of clarity, it has to be distinguished two principal strategies, as used by the (newcomers) Albanians (Shqiptars) for taking over land and estate from the rest of KosMet (autochtonous) population – the Serbs and the Montenegrins (in fact, ethnolinguistic Serbs).

We start with quasi-violent tactics. In the villages with a mixed population, non-Albanian houses, or families, adjacent to Albanian ones, are living under constant pressure, even fear from their neighbors. Any conflict, however innocent, may easily pass into a dangerous one, regarding the nature of the Albanian ethos and their social units, tribe (fis) or otherwise. Since the members of the latter outnumber the former, and Albanians are, as a rule, well equipped with arms, ready to use them, the neighboring (non-Albanian) houses live in a permanent fear from eventual conflict and, therefore, the use of the arms by neighboring Albanians. The latter may arise for various reasons. Trespassing, livestock damages, “wrong look” at Albanian wife or daughter, etc., as the case in any rural community may arise. Any serious conflict may initiate a blood feud and this may be resolved by leaving the area only.[2]  Whatever the surface outlook may be, the relationship between populations who do not share the same ethos and are endowed with a different mentality is anything, but relaxed. It is the neighborhood where jokes have no place, since the sensitivity of Albanians, even regarding their own compatriots, is pathologically pronounced. Many families, finding this environment unsupportable simply sell the estate and move away (in Serb case to Central Serbia).

If it is not found in the above example any bad intentions, the other causes of emigration are not that innocent. The most frequent cause of moving away is a combined physical pressure and financial “encouragement” (in sum, suppression). As mentioned before, many inhabitants of underdeveloped and even moderately advanced economic regions in the former Yugoslavia used to work in West Europe, as “Gastarbeiter(s)” (guest workers). If one is traveling through Serbia’s countryside, for instance, he/she will notice a high percentage of new houses, usually unfinished. They are property of the Gastarbeiter(s), who plan to complete those constructions when returning definitely to the homeland (with cash and pensions). The rationale for this economic mismatch between the homeland and advanced Western society is mainly the disproportion between the nominal and real values of the currencies. One Deutsche Mark – DM (now one Euro) in West Europe, values in Serbia, for instance, as five DM (Euros) or something like that. This disproportion appears considerably more pronounced on KosMet. Since the most vigorous members of non-Albanian families have already left their homes, either moving to towns or simply to Central Serbia, the remaining Serbs are not in a position to compete with Albanians (i.e., KosMet’s Albanian Gastarbeiter(s) and their families) in financial terms.

The general stratagem

The general stratagem for overtaking non-Albanian land in KosMet appeared, in fact, like this:

  • Initial stage: If the village appears purely non-Albanian, several Albanian families join the money and offer to the most prominent house in the village a considerable amount, exceeding several times its real economic value at that time on the market. The target family resists for some time, but after persistent offerings and usually psychological and even physical suppression, it usually gives up and sells the estate, moves to Central Serbia, and buys a much bigger estate.
  • Middle stage: The next target house is offered a somewhat smaller amount and the procedure is repeated with an increased level of suppression.
  • Final stage: As the number of remaining (Serb and Montenegrin) families diminishes, the (Albanian) buyers offer ever less amount and the price goes below the economic one that is followed by in many cases very brutal suppression. In the final stage, estates are sold for symbolic prices, and the village is emptied from the “alien peasants” (of Serb and Montenegrin origin). Consequently, the larger part of KosMet has been evacuated from the “undesirable inhabitants” (who moved to Central Serbia).

It is needless to say that in the case of places with already mixed populations the process is much easier and faster. In fact, in many cases, it was a spontaneous leaving homes and moving away from the troublesome environment. It is the common case that when talking with Albanians, ordinary people, and political activists alike, that the evacuation of KosMet by the indigenous (Serbo-Montenegrin) population is explained by the desire of the latter to move to the more prosperous regions (of Central Serbia), for purely economic reasons.  In this way, two aims are achieved. First, it implies the poverty of KosMet, and second the free choice of those who leave the region. Since such an explanation has been on the market for decades, it obviously sells well among the “international community”. Otherwise, such a cynical argument would be cut off by any serious interlocutor. However, none of the latter has asked those Albanians, who keep on blaming non-Albanians in Serbia for suppression, even torture as: Why don’t they (Albanians) leave KosMet for a better place of life, like their country of origin, Albania? Of course, none has illusions that the attitude of the foreign leaders is based on insufficient acquaintance with the actual situation.

This stratagem has been applied not only on KosMet, but everywhere in Serbia where ethnic Albanians are present in rural areas, including the so-called Preševo valley (Bujanovac, Preševo, and Medveđa in Central Serbia neighboring North-East KosMet). All these counties were predominantly inhabited by non-Albanians, in 1945, when KosMet was constituted as the autonomous region, but now only in Medveđa the Serbs are still the majority. The state of Serbia tried to prevent this illegitimate taking over of non-Albanian (Serbian) land by posing in the 1980s and 1990s the law of non-transfer of the real estate property (the land) between different ethnic partners (Serb-Albanian), but this measure has had little effect. Many non-Albanians simply take money without recording the transfer before the court. At the moment it is almost impossible to estimate whose legally is the land on KosMet and in the Preševo valley. Presumably, this domino effect is operative in other regions where ethnic Albanians live in noticeable numbers, as in the western parts of North Macedonia. Persistent bargain offers combined with intimidations, like burning haystacks, killing live stocks, dogs, etc., cannot fail to produce desired effect – moving away from wild (Albanian) neighbors.


Moving where to? Living in such an environment, isolated from the rest of the world, including Central Serbia, those unfortunate people have acquired many attributes of Albanians themselves. Settling down in Central Serbia, by buying land or house/flat, they find themselves apart from the local population, who treat them as alien elements.[3] The principal effect of the isolation at KosMet has been the conservation of the ethos and folklore. In fact, these Serbs from KosMet represent the best-preserved traditional autochthonous culture of the Slavic population in Serbia and around. KosMet has proved to be the largest enervate of Serbian folklore and tradition in general. It is presumably this fact that makes the local population in Central Serbia suspicious, concerning the manner of the KosMet immigrants. This conservation phenomenon appears common to all Dinaric regions, but KosMet was the national, cultural, political, and historic core of Serbia and it was not for the physical geography that the retardation took place, but due to the human extraneous element, as mentioned above.

We should stress here that this effect hits not only Serbs but any non-Albanian ethnicity in KosMet. The latter have been moving from KosMet continuously, as well as from the western parts of North Macedonia. A typical example is the village of Janjina, very near to Priština and Gračanica, inhabited entirely by the Croats. The later have completely abandoned the village at the beginning of the Albanian (the Kosovo Liberation Army) rebellion (terrorism acts) in February 1998 and have moved to Croatia. The same applies to Roma and other “ethnic minorities”, like the so-called Egyptians,[4] Ashkalias, Turks, and Muslim Bosniaks.[5]  It is the xenophobia that is creating a driving force of the Albanians (in Albania, North Macedonia, and KosMet alike) that is feeling uneasy in the close contact with other nationalities.

Nevertheless, the situation in urban areas is technically different but equally uneasy. The older Albanian generations, aware of the historicity of their non-Albanian neighbors and cultural heritage it implies, are reluctant to mix with the human environment. The young generations, on their part, rising with the meteoric speed in number, experience the rest of the non-Albanian urban population as an unpleasant perturbation. It was a stunning impression for the European visitors to KosMet to see the segregation between Albanian and non-Albanian youth walking in the evening on the streets (the so-called “Corso”) in KosMet towns, including very Priština. The same applied to cafes, pubs, etc., where “ethnically pure public” was present only. As the number of non-Albanians decreased, the ever-smaller communities in towns found themselves isolated and “stranger at home”. It was this psychological pressure that prompted non-Albanian youth to leave KosMet, even before the open hostilities started in February 1998 – the Kosovo War.



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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a Former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] Translated from Courrier International, No. 149, March 2005, p. 44.

[2] In fact, many families in Central Serbia have arrived there from Dinaric regions (Montenegro, Herzegovina) in order to escape blood feud, especially in the 19th century.

[3] The same was and is with the Serb refugees from Croatia to Central Serbia from 1971 onward. They are in many cases called “Croats” by autochthonous people of Central Serbia. However, the Serbs from KosMet are never called “Albanians” by the local authochthonous population of Central Serbia but rather “Kosovars”.

[4] What relationship is of this minority (in fact, Roma) with the Egyptians proper is difficult to determine now, but this is of minor importance to us here.

[5] The Balkans is not only the melting pot of various ethnicities but also the rich source of new ones, real and imaginary.

COVID Jab mRNA Detected in Human Breastmilk

October 6th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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As recently as late September 2022, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed it’s perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing women, and those planning a pregnancy, to get the COVID jab. According to Walensky, “There’s NO bad time to get a COVID vaccine”

Meanwhile, Pfizer’s data show the risk of miscarriage could be as high as 87.5%

Safety for nursing mothers was not evaluated in the initial clinical trials, and subsequent investigations have been scarce. In mid-July 2021, a small study found no trace of mRNA vaccine in breastmilk, but a September 2022 study did find mRNA in breastmilk for up to 48 hours post-jab

These studies did not analyze the breastmilk for the presence of spike protein. Even if the mRNA is only transferable during the first 48 hours post-jab, that does not mean it’s safe to breastfeed thereafter. The breastmilk could potentially also transfer spike protein produced by the mother’s body, and that production, we know, can continue for at least four months, and likely longer

Walensky also continues to claim the COVID shots have no adverse effects on fertility, even though birth rates have plummeted since the rollout of the shots, raising alarm across the world. A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study found the injection more than doubled the incidence of infertility


Despite mountains of evidence showing the COVID jabs are a lethal disaster that shouldn’t be given to anyone, let alone pregnant women, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky continues to spread the death cult gospel, boldly claiming:1 2

“There’s NO bad time to get a COVID vaccine. Whether you’re thinking about having a baby, currently pregnant, recently delivered your baby, or are breastfeeding, it is safe for you to get vaccinated. Protect yourself and your growing family.”

In that same interview, Walensky also spoke out of both sides of her mouth when she added that pregnant women who develop COVID symptoms should get monoclonal antibodies to prevent severe infection. If that’s the case, why do they need the mRNA jab, which we know doesn’t prevent infection?


The fact that Walensky keeps insisting pregnant women get this experimental injection is beyond unconscionable. In her interview,3 she insists the data supports it, but where is that data? They must be hidden somewhere, because the data that are actually available to the public tell a very different story.

Pfizer’s own data show the risk of miscarriage could be as high as 87.5% — a shocking conclusion reviewed in an August 20, 2022, Substack article4 by Dr. Pierre Kory.

Kory, after diving into one of the Pfizer data dumps, brought attention to Section 5.3.6, Page 12, of a document called “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports,” which states there were 270 pregnancies in vaccinated women during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine campaign.

No outcome was provided for 238 of those women, which leaves 32 pregnancies for which the outcome was reported. However, even for those 32, outcomes were only specified for 29: 26 ended in some form of miscarriage, two were premature births with neonatal death (meaning the babies died shortly after being born early), and one birth was normal.

Kory points out that the report is nebulous and unclear about the other three pregnancy outcomes, but were we to count those as live births, we’re looking at 28 deaths out of 32 pregnancies, which means 87.5% of pregnant women (for whom they had data) lost their babies.

For the record, the failure to record and report the outcomes of 238 out of 274 pregnancies during a drug trial is simply unheard of. It’s shockingly unethical and criminally fraudulent. And the fact that both the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC accepted this, and claim there’s “no evidence” of harm to pregnant women and their babies is proof positive of reprehensible malfeasance.

2021 — ‘No mRNA Found in Breastmilk’

I also sincerely doubt the FDA and CDC have corroborating data to support the COVID jab for nursing mothers, seeing how that was not part of the initial clinical trials, and follow-up has been scarce.

In mid-July 2021, Reuters reported5 that “no trace of mRNA vaccine” could be found in breastmilk, according to one small study.6 Based on analysis of 13 breastmilk samples obtained from seven breastfeeding women who had received an mRNA COVID jab, the researchers concluded that while antibodies are known to pass from mother to child via breastmilk, no mRNA is transferred through this route. As reported by Reuters at the time:7

“The World Health Organization recommends that breastfeeding mothers be vaccinated against COVID-19 and does not advise stopping breastfeeding afterward.

Many mothers have declined vaccination or discontinued breastfeeding due to concern that the vaccine may alter breast milk. Writing in JAMA Pediatrics,8 the authors of the new study said more data is needed to better estimate the vaccines’ effect on breastfeeding.

But the new results ‘strengthen current recommendations that the mRNA vaccines are safe in lactation, and that lactating individuals who receive the COVID vaccine should not stop breastfeeding,’ coauthor Dr. Stephanie Gaw of the University of California, San Francisco, said in a statement.”

2022 — mRNA Found in Breastmilk

Fast-forward to September 22, 2022, and mRNA has been — you guessed it — detected in breastmilk or 48 hours post-jab. The study, also published in JAMA Pediatrics, notes:9

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends offering the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to breastfeeding individuals, although the possible passage of vaccine mRNAs in breast milk resulting in infants’ exposure at younger than 6 months was not investigated.

This study investigated whether the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA can be detected in the expressed breast milk (EBM) of lactating individuals receiving the vaccination within 6 months after delivery.”

Here, 11 lactating mothers were enrolled. The first breastmilk samples were collected before getting the shot, to establish a baseline control. Samples were then collected after receiving either the Moderna or Pfizer shots, for up to six months post-delivery. As explained by the authors:

“A total of 131 EBM [expressed breastmilk] samples were collected 1 hour to 5 days after vaccine administration. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) were isolated in EBM using sequential centrifugation, and the EV concentrations were determined by ZetaView (Analytik).

The presence of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA in different milk fractions (whole EBM, fat, cells, and supernatant EVs) was assayed using 2-step quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction. The vaccine detection limit was 1 pg/mL of EBM.

Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours postvaccination.

The mean (SD) yield of EVs isolated from EBM was 9.110 (5.010) particles/mL, and the mean (SD) particle size was 110.0 (3.0) nm. The vaccine mRNA appears in higher concentrations in the EVs than in whole milk. No vaccine mRNA was detected in prevaccination or postvaccination EBM samples beyond 48 hours of collection …

The limitations of this study include the relatively small sample size and the lack of functional studies demonstrating whether detected vaccine mRNA is translationally active. Also, we did not test the possible cumulative vaccine mRNA exposure after frequent breastfeeding in infants.

We believe it is safe to breastfeed after maternal COVID-19 vaccination. However, caution is warranted about breastfeeding children younger than 6 months in the first 48 hours after maternal vaccination until more safety studies are conducted.

In addition, the potential interference of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA with the immune response to multiple routine vaccines given to infants during the first 6 months of age needs to be considered. It is critical that lactating individuals be included in future vaccination trials to better evaluate the effect of mRNA vaccines on lactation outcomes.”

Does Spike Protein Transfer Through Breastmilk? 

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that mRNA and spike protein are two different things. The mRNA is what instructs your cells to produce the spike protein. When a mother breastfeeds in the days after her injection, she may be transferring the actual mRNA into her newborn infant, whose cells might then begin to produce spike protein.

However, this study did not analyze the breastmilk for the presence of spike protein. Even if the mRNA is only transferable during the first 48 hours post-jab, that does not mean it’s safe to breastfeed thereafter.

The breastmilk could potentially also transfer spike protein produced by the mother’s body, and that production, we know, can continue for at least four months, and likely longer.

Spike Antibodies Transfer and That Could Be a Bad Thing

Studies10 have shown SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, i.e., antibodies against the spike protein being produced by the COVID jab, do transfer through breastmilk, and contrary to popular belief, that may not be a good thing. Why?

Because it may trigger immune imprinting. As discussed in “Original Antigenic Sin — The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots,” immune imprinting, also known as original antigenic sin, describes a process in which the first antibodies produced against a given virus starts to predominate, making antibodies against newer strains less and less effective at neutralizing the virus.11

In short, the fear is that repetitive boosting might make you less and less able to ward off new variants, and thus more prone to symptomatic infection. If a baby is exposed to anti-spike antibodies every day for months on end, will that render them more prone to infection as the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates? We don’t know, but it’s a concern that can’t simply be dismissed with a shoulder shrug.

Fertility Is Clearly Being Impacted 

Walensky also continues to cling to the claim that the COVID shots have no adverse effects on fertility, even though real-world data from around the world are screaming that something has gone terribly wrong. Birth rates have plummeted since the rollout of the shots, raising alarm across the world.

In Germany, birth rates were 10% below the annual norm during the first quarter of 2022.12 Sweden was a 14% drop that same quarter.13 14 According to Gunnar Anderson, a Swedish professor in demographics at Stockholm University, “We have never seen anything like this before, that the bottom just falls out in just one quarter.”15

Between January and April 2022, Switzerland’s birth rate was 15% lower than expected, the U.K.’s was down by 10% and Taiwan’s was down 23%.16 17 18 Hungary saw a 20% drop in birth rate during January 2022, compared to January 2021.19

In a July 5, 2022, Counter Signal article, Mike Campbell reported that in the five countries with the highest COVID jab uptake, fertility has dropped by an average of 15.2%, whereas the five countries with the lowest COVID jab uptake have seen an average reduction of just 4.66%. Below is a chart from Birth Gauge20 on Twitter comparing live birth data for 2021 and 2022 in a large number of countries.

birth data 2022

Click here to enlarge

Similar trends are seen in the U.S. as well, which Walensky ought to be well aware of. Provisional data from North Dakota show a 10% decline in February 2022, 13% reduction in March and an 11% reduction in April, compared to the corresponding months in 2021.21

Other Disturbing Evidence

In addition to real-world data showing fertility is suddenly in freefall, there’s scientific evidence suggesting the shots could affect fertility in both women and men.

“A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study found the injection more than doubled the incidence of infertility.”

For example, a Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab showed the spike protein from the shots accumulate in female ovaries and male testes,22 23 and there’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.

A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study24 found the injection more than doubled the incidence of preimplantation loss (i.e., the risk of infertility), and led to mouth/jaw malformations, gastroschisis (a birth defect of the abdominal wall) and abnormalities in the right-sided aortic arch and cervical vertebrae.25 26

We’re also seeing a sudden uptick in infant mortality. The Exposé27 recently highlighted data from Scotland, showing neonatal deaths in March 2022 were 119% higher above the annual norm.

Male fertility is also under attack by these bioweapons. Israeli research28 29 published in the journal Andrology found the Pfizer COVID jab temporarily but significantly impairs male fertility, dropping sperm concentration by 15.4% and total motile count by 22.1%, compared to baseline pre-jab.

Both eventually recovered, some three months after the last jab, but if you destroy a man’s sperm for three months every time he gets a COVID shot, you’re significantly reducing the probability of him fathering a child for a good part of any given year and the stats reviewed above support this.

Remember, the mRNA shots are recommended at three-month intervals for the original series, and boosters are now being recommended at varying intervals thereafter. In the video below, Amy Kelly, project director for the Daily Clout’s Pfizer document analysis team, reviews this study and other post-jab male fertility concerns.30

End the COVID Shots Now, Before It’s Too Late to Recover 

As noted by Kory in his August 20, 2022, Substack article:31

“… when a new medicine or device is introduced, you must first assume any adverse effects or deaths reported to be related to the intervention until proven otherwise …

We must assume the vaccines are impacting fertility unless some other provable or credible explanations for a sudden drop in month to month birth rates. So stop the shots until you can prove they are not …

Too many young people dying,32 too many becoming disabled, too many pregnancies resulting in fetal or neonatal death … and now we find out that if we continue with this vaccine obsession, they will not be replaced. This is a humanitarian catastrophe heaped atop the one caused by dangerous gain-of-function research.

When will the world wake up to this rapidly unfolding horror? For those of us who know what is going on, it is hard not to feel helpless as we are forced to watch increasingly apparent and widespread needless death. But we will continue to try to get these truths out despite the massive censorship and propaganda overwhelming the globe.

We have a moral and ethical obligation and take that responsibility seriously no matter what befalls us. Stop the vaccines, now. And if we can’t stop them, we must try to convince everyone we know to no longer agree to get vaccinated. Their lives and our future depend on it.”

At this point, it appears we’re looking at a certain depopulation event. The question then is, are you willing to accept the risks? Are you willing to risk your fertility, even if only temporarily? Are you willing to risk the life of your baby? Are you willing to risk your own? If not, the answer is simple. Don’t take the jab, and if you’ve already taken one or two (or three), never take another.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

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Guest is Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, former pharmaceutical industry executive with 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical research and development. She started a number of successful companies — primarily focused on creating and reviewing clinical trials. She was born in Ukraine and moved to the United States in the 1990s.

This session is about all safeguards and regulations that the public has relied on for years and assumed to be in place for pharmaceutical products that have been effectively removed for mRNA-based vaccines. She found the reason how this is even possible: she obtained Department of Defense contracts for COVID vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and all related products.

Pfizer and Moderna violated all rules because the products they are making are, according to the contracts, manufactured under defense prototype agreements, with no accountability and no real requirements for safety or efficacy. The DOD contracts remove all liability as long as manufacturers and everyone involved “follow orders” under PREP Act.


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Featured image is a screenshot from the video

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

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  • Comments Off on Video: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccines Are Manufactured “Without Accountability and No Real Requirements for Safety or Efficacy”. Corona Investigative Committee with Alexandra Latypova

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Two new studies  — one about thyroid eye disease and one about encephalitis —  highlighted negative health outcomes associated with COVID-19 vaccination, and a third study suggested the COVID-19 vaccine provided only 15% protection against the risk of “long COVID.”

Taken together, the studies highlight the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with serious risks for some, while their protective benefit has been overestimated.

Dr. Peter Kally reported on a small case series at last month’s American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery’s fall scientific symposium.

Kally, of Consultants in Ophthalmic and Facial Plastic Surgery and Beaumont Eye Institute in Michigan, concluded ophthalmologists should monitor patients with thyroid eye disease if they receive a COVID-19 vaccine because the shot may trigger thyroid eye disease flare.

“It stands to reason that the immune response that you may get from a COVID vaccine or any vaccination may also trigger an autoimmune response,” Kally said, adding, “COVID vaccination is possibly associated with thyroid eye disease reactivation.”

The case series, Kally said, involved five patients — four women and one man, average age of 60.2 years — who were seen between March 2020 and March 2022 at a single medical center for thyroid eye disease reactivation following their COVID-19 vaccination.

Three patients received the Pfizer shot, one received the Moderna vaccine and one received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The patients, who had received prior evaluations, including thyroid-specific tests and examinations, presented with worsening thyroid eye disease after their vaccinations.

The average presentation was 43 days after vaccination, with a range of 10-65 days, he noted.

The post-vaccination labs showed elevation of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) with an average increase of 5 points. “TSI was a marker for current disease activity,” Kally explained.

“Correlation does not prove causation with any of this,” he added … “but this report is in alignment with other reports we have seen.”

Vaccine-related encephalitis and myocarditis contributed to man’s death, autopsy shows

A case report published Oct. 1 in the journal Vaccines presented the autopsy results of a 76-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease who died three weeks after his third COVID-10 shot. The autopsy showed that vaccine-related encephalitis and myocarditis were “contributors to the death.”

Report author Dr. Michael Mörz, of the Georg Schmorl Institute of Pathology at the Municipal Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Germany, said, “The stated cause of death appeared to be a recurrent attack of aspiration pneumonia, which is indeed common in Parkinson’s disease.”

However, the detailed autopsy — done at the request of the patient’s family due to his “ambiguous symptoms” — revealed additional pathology, in particular necrotizing encephalitis and myocarditis.

Mörz added:

“A causal connection of these findings to the preceding COVID-19 vaccination was established by immunohistochemical demonstration of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.”

The patient’s histopathological signs of myocarditis were “comparatively mild,” Mörz noted, however, the patient’s encephalitis had resulted in “significant multifocal necrosis and may well have contributed to the fatal outcome.”

Encephalitis often causes epileptic seizures — and the autopsy found the patient was biting his tongue at the time of death, suggesting he may have suffered a seizure. Prior research on other cases of COVID-19 vaccine-associated encephalitis with status epilepticus reported this occurring in other patients.

But Mörz’s case report, he said, was the first to show there was spike protein within the encephalitic lesions of the patient that could only be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccine — and not a possible COVID-19 infection.

If a person suffers a COVID-19 infection, two proteins show up in the tissue: spike protein and nucleocapsid protein.

“During an infection with the [COVID-19] virus, both proteins should be expressed and detected together,” Mörz explained.

“On the other hand, the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines encode only the spike protein and therefore, the presence of spike protein only (but no nucleocapsid protein) in the heart and brain of the current case can be attributed to vaccination rather than to infection,” he concluded, noting that this matched the patient’s health history, which included three COVID-19 vaccinations but no positive COVID-19 lab tests or clinical diagnoses of a COVID-19 infection.

Mörz added:

“Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to [COVID-19] viral infection.”

Mörz also noted that the clinical history of the case showed “some remarkable events” in correlation to his COVID-19 vaccinations, further suggesting that the vaccine-related encephalitis and myocarditis contributed to the man’s death.

Upon receiving a first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine May 2021, the man “experienced cardiovascular symptoms which needed medical care and from which he recovered only slowly.”

Then in July 2021, the man received a second COVID-19 shot — this time with the Pfizer vaccine — and suffered a “sudden onset of marked progression” of his Parkinson’s disease symptoms, leading to “severe motor impairment” and a recurrent need to use a wheelchair from which he “never fully recovered.”

Finally, in December 2021, the man received his third COVID-19 vaccination — again with the Pfizer shot. Two weeks later while eating dinner, he “suddenly collapsed.”

“Remarkably,” Mörz said, “he did not show any coughing or other signs of food aspiration but just fell from his chair. This raises the question of whether this sudden collapse was really due to aspiration pneumonia.”

Mörz continued:

“After intense resuscitation, he recovered from this more or less, but one week later, he again suddenly collapsed silently while taking his meal. After successful but prolonged resuscitation attempts, he was transferred to the hospital and directly set into an artificial coma but died shortly thereafter.”

Commenting on Kally’s case series report and Mörz’s case report, Dr. Madhava Setty, senior science editor for The Defender, said,

“We are still in an embryonic stage when it comes to understanding how the SARS-COV-2 virus and the mRNA ‘vaccines’ affect our physiology. This is why these kinds of case series and reports are important.”

Setty added:

“In medicine, it is the ‘anecdotal’ stories that lead to case reports and series which lead to larger observational studies that help assess risk vs. benefit.

“With regard to thyroid eye disease ‘flare-ups’ following COVID-19 vaccination, this potential correlation would be vital to those who suffer these conditions.

“The case of encephalitis and myocarditis has unequivocally demonstrated that the vaccine was responsible for this patient’s death. The risks of post-jab sequelae like these are still impossible to quantify even nearly two years out from the vaccine roll-out because of the lack of any long-term safety data from the trials.”

Additionally, Setty said — referencing a study published May 25 in Nature Medicine — that the “potential risks of non-COVID-19 complications from the vaccine must be weighed against the still unknown benefit of the vaccine in preventing ‘long COVID,’ which may be more meager than advertised.”

Vaccine provides only 15% likelihood of protection against long COVID

The Nature Medicine study involved more than 13 million people and reported that vaccination against COVID-19 appeared to lower the risk of “long COVID” after infection by only about 15%.

“Long COVID” refers to illness that persists for weeks or months after a COVID-19 infection.

The study authors, Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a nephrologist at Veteran Affairs (VA) Saint Louis Health Care System in St Louis, Missouri, and his colleagues, examined VA health records from January to December 2021 of three groups of people: about 34,000 vaccinated people who had breakthrough COVID-19 infections, about 113,000 people were infected but did not receive the vaccine and more than 13 million people who were not infected — making this the largest cohort study on long COVID to date, reported Nature.

Based on their analyses, the authors said that vaccination seemed to reduce the likelihood of long COVID for those who were vaccinated and had a breakthrough infection by only about 15%. That number is substantially lower than smaller previous studies showed.

It’s also much lower than a U.K. study that used data from 1.2. Million U.K. smartphone users and reported the odds of having COVID symptoms for 28 days or more after a post-vaccination infection were roughly halved by getting two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The authors compared symptoms such as brain fog and fatigue in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people for up to six months after they tested positive for COVID-19 and found no difference in type or severity of symptoms between the vaccinated versus unvaccinated.

“The findings suggest that vaccination before infection confers only partial protection in the post-acute phase of the disease,” the authors concluded.

Reliance on the vaccine as “a sole mitigation strategy may not optimally reduce long-term health consequences” of COVID-19 inflection, they added.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (2021), and a master’s degree in communication and leadership from Gonzaga University (2015). Her scholarship has been published in Health Communication. She has taught at various academic institutions in the United States and is fluent in Spanish.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

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Amid the upcoming Russian winter military campaign, the Kiev regime is in a hurry to advance and repel Russian units from strategically important settlements.

In the north-east of the country, the advance of Ukrainian forces has almost stopped in recent days.

Fighting reached the territory of the LPR. The Ukrainian Army is advancing on the left bank of the Oskol River. Most recently, they claimed control of the villages of Borovskaya Andreevka and Boguslavka which is a clear sign that they are strengthening their foothold for an attack in the eastern direction.

At the moment, the main target of the Ukrainian military is the town of Svatovo. In the case of success, they are expected to move forward to the east towards Starobelsk and then attack the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk agglomeration.

The town of Kremennaya remains under Russian control as well as the road leading to Svatovo. The Russian military is preparing for defense, reinforcing protective constructions near the town as well as around the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk agglomeration.

In the south of Ukraine, Ukrainian forces have forced Russian units to leave their positions in the northern part of the Kherson region. Russian forces in Olgino and adjacent settlements came under the threat of encirclement. Also, Russian troops left Davydov Brod, where there were fierce battles for two months.

The Russian Army is creating a new line of defense, avoiding the threat of falling into the cauldron due to the tactically successful Ukrainian offensive. The defensive positions of the Russian Army now pass along the Kostromka — Bruskinskoye — Borozenskoye— Mylovoye line.

Along the Dnieper River, Ukrainian units managed to reach the village of Dudchany where clashes are ongoing. Russian units blew up the bridge over the local reservoir and retreated to the southern part of the village. The main target of the Ukrainian military are the towns of Berislav and Novaya Kahovka located 50 kilometers to the north-east of the city of Kherson.

At the same time, Ukrainian forces continue probing actions west of the capital of the region, attacking in small groups the Russian positions near Posad-Pokrovskoe.

Ukrainian forces are also preparing an offensive in the Snigerevka area, transferring reinforcements there.

In an attempt to disrupt Russian military communications in the region, Ukrainians continued shelling the Antonovsky Bridge across the Dnieper River. On October 4, 6 missiles launched with Us-made HIMARS MLRS hit the bridge.

So far, the Ukrainian military has not begun a large-scale offensive on the city of Kherson. They are currently strengthening their positions, transferring reserves to the newly occupied areas. However, new large-scaled offensive operations are expected in the coming days, as Kiev has to hurry up amid reinforcement of the Russian grouping in the region by hundreds of recently mobilized servicemen.


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Ukraine’s Revenge on the West

October 6th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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Vector politics in Ukraine has added new dimensions to the 222 day-old conflict.

Typically, any conflict behavior should end when a new balance of powers has been determined. But the ‘balancing of powers’ will not end until a balance is actually achieved – and evidence abounds that Ukraine is about to enter yet another ‘re-balancing.’ 

Russian Duma’s ratification of the annexation of four regions of Ukraine (Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions), and the adoption of the relevant laws thereof, creates a new dynamic and will take some time to create a new balance of forces on the ground within Ukraine. 

Meanwhile, the external environment is also phenomenally transforming. The deepening energy crisis in Europe following the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines becomes a serious contradiction. There is no knowing how it can be reconciled. 

Thus, a complex situation presents itself, as all this is also happening against the backdrop of a massive Russian military build-up around Ukraine in the Kharkov region and in the southern Black Sea region, with long convoys of armor reportedly heading toward Crimea from Russia.

Russia’s new borders

The Duma’s unanimous ratification of the accession of four regions to Russia on Monday was to be expected, the relevant legislation was duly ratified on Tuesday by the Federation Council (the upper house of the parliament), and possibly, President Putin too will sign off on the documents today, following which it will come into force. That is to say, as of October 5, the annexed Ukrainian regions will have become part of Russia. 

Importantly, the Duma has approved the government’s proposals on the establishment of the new regions’ borders, based on the delimitation of territories which “existed on the day of their establishment and accession to Russia.”

The relevant treaties outline that the borders adjacent to the territory of a foreign country will be Russia’s new state border. Plainly put, the old boundaries of the Soviet era are being restored in those regions. 

The determination of the Russian state boundaries has security implications. In the Donbass and Zaporozhye Regions, there are vast areas that still remain under the control of the Ukrainian forces. Liman city in Donetsk Republic was captured by the Ukrainian forces only three days ago. The Ukrainian incursions into Kherson continue. Heavy fighting is reported.  

Evidently, much unfinished business remains for Moscow to bring under control the “occupied” territories that previously formed part of Donetsk and Lugansk. The Zaporozhye Region (which also happens to be an important littoral region on the Azov Sea and forms a part of what Russians historically call “Novorossiya”), is another priority where the capital city of the oblast itself is not yet under Russian control. 

‘Nyet’ from NATO

In the emergent situation, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky formally applied for Ukraine’s NATO membership on an expeditious basis, but within hours, the alliance poured cold water on that request, explaining that any decision will require support from all 30 member states.

It signals that there isn’t going to be any NATO intervention in Ukraine. Moscow will take note. The recent “loud thinking” about the use of nuclear weapons seems to have served its purpose. 

The US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meeting with the head of Ukraine’s presidential office Andriy Yermak in Istanbul on Sunday was a low-key affair. The White House said Sullivan pledged Washington’s steadfast support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and discussed with Yermak the situation at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and Ukraine’s continued work with the United Nations to export food to the world.

The White House readout on President Joe Biden’s call with Zelensky on Monday mentioned a new $625 million security assistance package by Washington that includes additional weapons and equipment, including HIMARS, artillery systems and ammunition, and armored vehicles. Biden “pledged to continue supporting Ukraine as it defends itself from Russian aggression for as long as it takes.” 

Later, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the recent aid delivery would bring the overall cost of US military aid to Ukraine to more than $17.5 billion.

“Recent developments… only strengthens our resolve,” Blinken said in a statement on Tuesday. “We will continue to stand with the people of Ukraine.”

“The capabilities we are delivering are carefully calibrated to make the most difference on the battlefield and strengthen Ukraine’s hand at the negotiating table when the time is right,” he added. 

Revamping Russia’s strategy

On the other hand, the Russian military command will probably have to reset the parameters of the special military operations, since its forces will henceforth be safeguarding the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. What form its takes remains to be seen.

So far, the actual Russian deployment has been less than 100,000 troops. Most of the fighting was done by the militia groups such as fighters from Donbass and Chechnya and the Wagner Group of ex-special services personnel and other volunteers from Russia. 

Certainly, the induction of 300,000 troops with previous military experience will impact the overall military balance to Russia’s advantage. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has said that another 70,000 men have also volunteered, which will put the total strength of the additional forces at around 370,000.

Now, that is a huge increase. To get a sense of proportions, at the peak of the Vietnam War, the US deployment stood at around half a million troops. For the first time, Russia will have vast numerical superiority over Ukrainian forces. Therefore, it is entirely conceivable that the old pattern of “grinding” the Ukrainian forces may change and the objective will be to end the war quickly and decisively. 

The US decision to set up a command centre outside Ukraine (in Germany) seems to anticipate Russian attacks on command centres in Kiev and elsewhere with much bigger use of airpower, as in Syria. In fact, the new commander of the Western Military District Lt. Gen. Roman Berdnikov previously led the Russian intervention in Syria. 

Military experts anticipate that once autumn rains give way to the winter and the ground hardens, the Russian operations will intensify. Voices of dissent are heard lately within Russia that the war is meandering with no timeline as such. This may change. 

Plainly put, the point of no return is fast approaching from where Russia will have no alternative but to push for a regime change in Kiev and pave the way for an altogether new Ukrainian leadership that shakes off the vice-like Anglo-American grip, and is willing to settle with Russia. 

A Kafkaesque moment   

Unsurprisingly though, the attention in Europe is turning more and more towards the economic crisis with looming double-digit inflation and recession, which can lead to social unrest and political turmoil all across the continent. The growing public discontent is turning into protests in many European countries already. The crisis can only deepen once winter sets in. 

Conceivably, the shift in the popular mood may prompt the European governments to concentrate on their domestic issues rather than dabble in the Ukraine war. The most ardent votary of open-ended war with Russia is Britain, but even London is caught up in massive economic (and political) crises of its own. Prime Minister Liz Truss is fighting for political survival. The Conservatives have practically forfeited their mandate to rule. 

Germany’s predicament

Again, the centre-right Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union opposition bloc in the German Bundestag stalled a motion urging the government to “immediately” allow the export of German battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine. Politico reported that “A vote on weapons deliveries in the Bundestag would have risked revealing fatal cracks in the government unity and could even have led to a defeat of (Chancellor Olaf) Scholz in parliament.”

On the other hand, the German government also faces mounting pressure from the Eastern European allies in recent weeks to drastically increase the scale and type of Berlin’s military support to Ukraine. 

The influential Foreign Policy magazine in Washington wrote last week,

“In the eyes of Berlin’s NATO allies in Eastern Europe, particularly the countries that border Russia, Germany, the economic and political power centre of Europe, isn’t doing nearly enough. And the longer it delays, the more it risks a long-term diplomatic fracture with those allies in the East.” 

But despite this pressure tactic, polls show that while some 70 percent of Germans are supportive of Ukraine generally, only 35 percent endorse stronger military support. 

In this situation, the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline dovetails into the energy crisis in Europe and threatens European countries with “de-industrialization.”

For Germany, in particular, the country’s economic model is riveted on the availability of abundant gas supplies from Russia, per long-term contracts, at cheap prices, through pipelines. Clearly, the sabotage of the Nord Stream has monumental implications. 

To be sure, whoever perpetrated that terrorist attack calculated shrewdly that Russian gas should not flow to Europe for the foreseeable future. The perennial fear in Washington is that a German-Russian proximity may develop if energy ties are restored. Besides, today, US oil companies are having a huge windfall of profits in the European energy market, replacing Russia, by selling LNG at five to six times the US domestic price. 

Preventing Russian-German reconciliation

What complicates matters is that Europe needs energy security in the short and medium term without also wrecking climate targets. It means heightened geopolitical sensitivity. The point is, Europe’s orderly energy transition away from fossil fuels critically needs Russian gas and was built on the earlier assumption that there would be cheap and plentiful natural gas. 

Arguably, Moscow kept hoping that Nord Stream would eventually be a catalyst to heal the rupture in German-Russian energy ties. Interestingly, on Monday, Russian energy giant Gazprom proposed to European gas customers that part of the damaged Nord Stream network could still transport fuel — but only on the newly constructed Nord Stream 2. Nord Stream 1 is virtually destroyed.  

A Gazprom statement in its Telegram account said that one of the three lines of the Nord Stream 2 remains unaffected and the gas giant has lowered the pressure to inspect the link for damage and potential leaks. Nord Stream 2 has a shipment capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year, which means its line B could deliver as much as 27.5 billion cubic meters per year to Germany across the Baltic Sea.

However, the Nord Stream 2 requires EU approval, which is problematic given the tensions between Brussels and Moscow. These tensions may only increase if the EU approves the US-led decision by the G7 countries to impose a price cap on Russian oil. 

Most certainly, that is also Washington’s calculus — pin down Germany and keep Russia out. The spectre that haunts Washington is that Berlin may lose interest in the Ukraine war. The ascendancy of the Atlanticists in the echelons of power in Berlin in the most recent years – and their nexus with the virulently Russophobic EU bureaucrats in Brussels – has so far worked splendidly in Washington’s favor.

The EU is effectively over

But the ground beneath the feet is shifting, as the dramatic turn in Sweden and Italy’s politics has shown. 

Do not underestimate the “Meloni effect.” The heart of the matter is that the far-right forces invariably have more to offer to the electorate in times of insecurity and economic hardship.

In France too, President Macron is immobilized, lacking a parliamentary majority to legislate, and is being worn down by serial crises. As for Britain, the financial crisis triggered by the Chancellor of Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng’s budget highlights fundamentally the scarcity of feasible alternative economic models. Sterling is in free fall. Two consecutive Tory administrations failed to come up with a post-Brexit model, while Labour never wanted Brexit. The Truss government is the last chance to get Brexit really done, but no-one is holding their breath. And then, the Deluge — events will intrude. 

What all this means is that the three main power centers within the Eurozone and Britain are finding it hard to escape the old, dying industrial world of the 20th century and this is not the best of time to take on the half-million strong Russian allied forces in Ukraine, the Biden Administration’s bravado notwithstanding. 

Do not lend credence to the inaugural summit of the European Political Community (EPC) in Prague on Wednesday bringing together the leaders of 27 EU member states and up to 17 non-EU countries – namely, the UK, Turkey, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Israel. 

The plain truth is that the European integration project is over and done with. Any attempt to impose it will produce severe backlash. Looking back, therefore, the rupture with Russia has ushered in a new geopolitical landscape in Europe where Brussels’ conundrum regarding EU expansion stands exposed. The EPC is nothing but a disguised French ploy to slow down actual EU membership for countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. 

The EPC summit at the Prague Castle only serves to highlight that this is a Kafkaesque moment in European politics. This must be Ukraine’s revenge on Europe for staging such a cynical, violent coup in 2014 to cut its umbilical cord with Russia. 


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Ministers from a group of oil exporting countries led by Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed on Wednesday to slash output by two million barrels a day, prompting pushback from the US and igniting fears that it could propel global inflation higher. 

The decision came despite heavy lobbying by Washington in Gulf capitals against the move.

“It’s clear that Opec+ is aligning with Russia with today’s announcement,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said aboard Air Force One.

“The president is disappointed by the shortsighted decision of Opec+,” national security advisor Jake Sullivan and top economic advisor Brian Deese said in a statement.

The cut, equivalent to two percent of daily global supply, was proposed by the Saudi-led Opec+ meeting in Vienna on Wednesday. It is substantially higher than the one million barrels analysts had expected, and the biggest cut since April 2020.

Saudi Arabia and Russia aim to support prices amid signs that the global economy is slowing, with the possibility of a recession on the horizon. Oil prices usually drop when global economic growth slows.

The decision to cut production is likely to put pressure on relations between the US and Saudi Arabia, with Wednesday’s move seen as a win for Russia, particularly as it has faced battlefield losses in Ukraine, and reduced revenue from falling oil prices in recent weeks.

‘Technical and not political?’

US President Joe Biden visited Saudi Arabia in July in a bid to repair strained ties with Saudi Arabia. Shortly after meeting with Saudi rulers, including Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Biden said he expected Riyadh to take “further steps” to boost oil supply.

The backlash against Wednesday’s production cut has already appeared in some quarters of Washington.

US Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, a noted critic of Saudi Arabia, said the Opec+ decision should lead to “a wholesale re-evaluation of the US alliance with Saudi Arabia”.

Gulf states are pushing back against that narrative.

“Tell me where is the act of belligerence,” Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said during a news conference at Opec’s headquarters in Vienna, when asked if the cut would strain ties with the US.

“We shall act and react to what is happening to the global economy in the most responsible and responsive way.”

The energy minister of the United Arab Emirates, Suhail al-Mazrouei, said the cut in production was “technical and not political”.

OPEC Secretary-General Haitham Al Ghais, from Kuwait, said the cartel was trying to ensure “security [and] stability to the energy markets.”

“Everything has a price,” Ghais said. “Energy security has a price as well.”

Recession headwinds

Oil prices skyrocketed above $100 a barrel earlier this year after Russia invaded Ukraine.

While they have fallen about 32 percent from their highs over the past four months, the drop has been due mainly to fears of slowing economic growth – particularly in China – as opposed to increased production.

Some say Riyadh needs little motivation outside of economics to back the production cut.

“Saudi Arabia sees a recession coming next year and they don’t want to be stuck with millions of barrels of cheap oil. They see now as the time to get the best price,” a former senior US official told Middle East Eye, on condition of anonymity.

The kingdom’s coffers have been buoyed by high crude prices. Earlier this year, Saudi Aramco overtook Apple as the world’s most valuable company.

Saudi Arabia is expected to be one of the world’s fastest-growing economies this year, and is using its oil wealth to push ahead with pro-business reforms and mega-projects such as Neom, designed to wean the country off its reliance on petrodollars.

And with an inflation rate of 2.8 percent, the oil-rich kingdom has also been more insulated from the price rises that are sweeping the globe – a hot-button political issue for Biden’s party in the November midterm elections.

‘Reduce Opec’s control’

In response to Wednesday’s decision, Biden called on his administration and US Congress to explore ways to “boost US energy production and reduce Opec’s control over energy prices,” the White House said.

The statement said Biden was ordering another dip into the country’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, with 10 million barrels set to be put on the market next month in an attempt to dampen price rises.

However, those reserves are fast emptying after record withdrawals were ordered by the administration, starting back in March. The reserves are now at their lowest level since July 1984, and it is not clear when the administration plans to purchase a refill.

Oil prices had risen about five percent since Friday, in anticipation of Wednesday’s meeting. International benchmark Brent was up 1.86 percent, at $93.47 a barrel on Wednesday morning.

Analysts say the cut was likely to hinder western countries’ efforts to cut Russia’s profits on oil sales. The European Union has moved towards agreeing a G-7 plan to cap the price paid for Russian oil.

Also on Wednesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for EU countries to make deeper cuts to gas demand, while proposing a raft of price cap measures designed to protect consumers and businesses.

In September, Russia cut gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in response to Western sanctions. Soaring energy prices have prompted Europe to look to alternative suppliers of gas, including Israel, Egypt, Algeria and Qatar to fill the void left by Russia.


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The US insists on escalating the situation in Ukraine and deteriorating the global security crisis. On October 4, the US government announced another package of military aid to Kiev, valued at more than 625 million dollars. Despite the country being under a serious political, social, and economic crisis, with the public debt exceeding 30 trillion dollars, supporting Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime is the number one priority of the unpopular Biden administration.

However, more serious than the mere act of helping Ukraine is the type of assistance that has been provided. A few months ago, the US began sending M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) to Ukraine, ignoring several Russian requests that such weapons not be supplied to Kiev. At the time, American officials stated that such weapons would be used by their partners only within Ukrainian territorial limits, not hitting targets in Russia.

The problem is that the US does not recognize Russian sovereignty over the recently reintegrated regions and not even over Crimea, which in 2014 was admitted as part of Russia after the popular will in this sense was attested by referendum. With that, the impasse remains: for the US, weapons can be used within the entire territorial limit that Kiev claims to have, which includes Russian areas.

Shortly after the announcement of the latest aid package by the Biden government, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian and European Affairs, Laura Cooper, commented on the case and emphasized the ability of the weapons provided to reach Russian Crimea:

“It’s our assessment that with the existing GMLRS [Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System] capability that they have on the HIMARS and that we’re providing more of, with this package, that they can reach the vast majority of targets on the battlefield, including Crimea (…) [This package is] valued at up to $625 million [and] will contribute to meeting Ukraine’s critical defense needs”.

It is well known that such weapons, depending on where they are located, could reach Crimea. What was expected was the American willingness to demand from its Ukrainian proxies a rational posture, limiting the use of lethal equipment to zones within the disputed territory. Crimea is not even a conflict zone, as Russian sovereignty in the region has been pacified since 2014. Hitting Crimea, as Ukrainian forces have already done several times and Russia ignored in order to avoid escalation, is an offensive on Russian territory. And Cooper’s words at this point sound like a kind of “authorization” on the part of Washington for this type of conduct to be carried out by Kiev.

In fact, the situation is more serious than that. The very justification for this recent package was the “need” to react to the Russian referenda, considered by the West as an illegal maneuver. This was confirmed by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken himself, who commented on the package stating:

“Recent developments from Russia’s sham referenda and attempted annexation to new revelations of brutality against civilians in Ukrainian territory formerly controlled by Russia only strengthens our resolve”.

In practice, the statements by Cooper and Blinken only confirm that the US will not respect the popular decision of the peoples of those regions to be part of Russia, and therefore there is no requirement on the part of Washington for Kiev to limit its attack capacity. Bombings against Kherson, Zaparozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk and even Crimea are “authorized” and are even encouraged by the West as a way of ending what is considered an “illegal Russian occupation”.

A more flexible stance on the part of the West could be achieved if there was a diplomatic disposition. Not having recognition does not mean allowing bombings and encouraging destabilization. It would be absolutely possible for Washington, even not recognizing the legitimacy of Russian sovereignty in these regions, to prevent Kiev from bombing them, just in order to avoid an even greater military escalation. However, for the US and NATO, decelerating the conflict and seeking peace was never a priority. The West seems really ready to take the fighting to its ultimate consequences, as long as Russia continues to be confronted and attacked in every possible way.

The conflict radically changes its nature from the moment the Russian Federation becomes the target of attacks. The special military operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine now coexists with an operation for the territorial defense of regions that are part of Russia. Protecting territorial integrity is a top priority for any national state and Moscow will certainly take all necessary measures to prevent its reintegrated regions from being bombed by foreign regimes.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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Iraq remains in turmoil three years after mass protests erupted across the country. Thousands of Iraqis gathered last Saturday in Tahrir Square in Baghdad to mark the anniversary of demonstrations against mismanagement, corruption and the sectarian regime imposed on Iraq by the US occupation regime. They chanted, “Ash-sha’b yurid isqat an-nizam,” “The people want to bring down the regime.” This was the chant adopted by Egyptians in their Tahrir Square during the 2011 Arab Spring of discontent.

Iraqi security forces responded with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets, injuring dozens, and arresting scores. Protests also erupted in the south, including Nasiriya, Diwaniya and Basra.

News of the September 19th killing of Iraqi teenage girl, Zeinab Essam, allegedly, by gunfire from US military Camp Victory near Abu Ghraib has also stirred resentment over the residual US presence in Iraq.  Reports of her death been widely circulated on social media and prompted pro-Iran Shia militias to demand the expulsion of all US troops from the country.

Her demise has enraged her parents and other farming families living near the camp. They had previously complained about stray bullets. Amwaj media reported that US Baghdad operations command has pledged to carry out an investigation into the incident. Amwaj has pointed out that some Iraqis using Twitter have criticised the limited reporting on [her] killing compared to the media focus on Mahsa Amiri, a young Iranian woman who recently died in custody after being detained by morality police in Iran for failing to wear her headscarf properly.

The 2019 demonstrators not only demanded a new secular political system but also called for an end to US and Iranian interference in Iraq’s affairs. More than 560 people were killed before COVID cancelled mass demonstrations in 2020. They brought down Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi but not the dysfunctional system which decrees that the president must be a Kurd, the prime minister a Shiite and the assembly speaker a Sunni. His successor Mustafa Kadhimi has also failed to meet the protesters’ demands and is now a caretaker premier. Last October’s parliamentary election was meant to clarify and improve the situation but, instead, exacerbated political turmoil.

Meanwhile, the high price of oil has provided increased revenue to the Iraqi government but has not benefitted the population which continues to suffer from higher costs of essential imports and rising inflation.  Due to multiple crises which have afflicted Iraq since Daesh occupied Mosul and much of the north, the poverty rate has risen from 19 to 30 per cent.  Unemployment and food insecurity are driving household and child poverty. Five years after Daesh was driven from its false “caliphate”, 1.2 million Iraqis remain in displacement camps, due to the destruction of their homeowns and villages, rejection by Iraqis now living there, and exclusion by Shiite militias in control of the areas where they once lived.

Sweden’s International Development Cooperation Agency reports that the situation in Iraq has deteriorated dramatically because of “climate change, coupled with severe environmental degradation and mismanagement of natural resources”, creating “a very real danger for ecosystem collapse in Iraq, specifically threatening biodiversity, water and food security as well as long term stability.”

The 2021-2022 drought has dried Iraq’s ancient rivers, agricultural production and turned the country into a dust bowl. The temperature is rising and heatwaves last longer. In August this year, Basra recorded a temperature of 51.8ºC, the highest in the world to date.  Once considered the Venice of the region, Basra has long been afflicted with power cuts and water shortages, making it one of the most unliveable cities on earth.

Compounding misery with illness, the BBC has revealed that communities living near the oil fields in Basra province are at risk of suffering leukaemia because the burning of gas released in oil drilling which emits pollutants that cause cancer. The BBC reports that British Petroleum and Italy’s multi-national ENI are the main firms present in the Basra area. The Iraqi health ministry blamed flaring for a 20 per cent increase in cancer between 2016-2018. Farmers interviewed by the BBC said they also have kidney disease and breathing problems. Children have been particularly susceptible but have not been offered compensation to provide them with health care. Iraq, of course, depends on these companies and has not raised legal cases.  There are five major oil fields in Basra province. The largest, Rumaila is the chief polluter.

When I was a child living in the US mid-west, Iraqi dates were an annual Christmas treat in our household. As far as I knew at that time, Iraq was the world’s main source of dates. Indeed, I later learned Iraq did export most of the dates reaching world markets. The war with Iran (1980-1988) and the 2003-2011 US occupation reduced by half Iraq’s 30 million date palms. Consequently, Iraqi date exports are only 5 per cent of global consumption. Shortage of water, disease, and lack of care have taken their toll among date palms although the trees are said to be making a comeback in leafy suburbs of Baghdad. The tall palms in the large garden of my friends, Suad, Selma, Nuha and Abbad al-Radi were ailing when I last visited the compound in 2004 and the Radis did not know if they could be saved. Perhaps they have. The date palm has been a symbol of Iraq long before oil rigs sprouted in its deserts.

Oil-rich Iraq should be flourishing but is, instead, floundering on the edge of collapse thanks to internal disputes and the never-ending politico-military-economic interventions of Western and regional powers.


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Featured image: U.S. Army guarding Rumaylah Oil Fields, Southern Iraq, 2003. Photo credit: U.S. Navy via Wikimedia Commons

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