Governor DeSantis, Ban the Covid mRNA Jab!

November 17th, 2022 by Dr. Joseph Sansone

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Dear Governor DeSantis and Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo,

You must act decisively and prohibit Covid gene therapy shots and mRNA injections in the state of Florida. The clinical data from February 28th of 2021 appear to have demonstrated that Covid shots were both, ineffective at stopping transmission, while at the same time posing a risk to those receiving Covid shots and those around them. Pfizer’s data revealed that ingredients of the shots could be transmitted via respiratory and skin contact and even posed a risk to pregnant women having a miscarriage after having skin contact with a recently injected person. There were over 42,000 adverse cases and 158,000 adverse incidents, 1223 deaths, and over 1000 side effects during this clinical trial. Although, the study claims the deaths are not due to Covid shots, time has certainly increased suspicion on the validity of that claim. This information that Covid shots were unsafe and ineffective was available to government agencies and withheld from the public. This constitutes fraud on the part of the federal government.

As governor and surgeon general you have a fiduciary responsibility to protect the public from dangerous biological agents. The ingredients of these shots are unknown and kept secret. However, physicians and researchers from around the world have reported what appears to be self assembling nano particles apparently utilizing artificial intelligence and computer circuitry, and unknown materials in these shots.

Birthrates are down and miscarriages are up. People are literally dropping dead and sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) is becoming commonplace. Research shows that Covid gene therapy shots may alter human DNA. There is no way to measure the long-term impact this will have on the human race. Doctors have stated that it is possible that if this is a gene editing program, the human race may become extinct in a few generations.

The obvious deaths may be reported, but those dying of diseases that may be attributed to spike proteins from the shots are not being considered as potential Covid shot deaths. All cause mortality continues to rise. Increasingly, there appears to be a correlation between vaccination and an increase in all cause mortality.

Physicians from around the world have been warning that cancer, heart attacks, strokes, autoimmune diseases, and neurological disorders, are resulting from these shots. DOD data obtained by Renz law showed increases in these diseases, and others, among those in the military, and was reported in Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing earlier this year.

A recent peer reviewed article of an autopsy demonstrated brain and heart damage caused by the C19 shot. Embalmers are reporting blood clots that have never been seen before and world renowned physicians are reporting that these blood clots appear semisynthetic, and that the Covid vaccination program may be a DARPA program. As governor you must immediately direct medical examiners from across the state to perform autopsies on anyone that dies that previously received a Covid 19 injection. Arguably, the law requires it.

You must also begin a longitudinal study, examining health outcomes of the vaccinated and unvaccinated, matching groups by age and sex. This study must monitor all cause mortality, and various diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, strokes, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and so on.

VAERS data shows Covid 19 shots are responsible for more deaths and injuries than all prior vaccines combined. VSAFE data, which was a voluntary program of 10 million participants, also shows that there are an enormous number of injuries from Covid shots. Approximately 7.7% required medical attention after getting the shots, 25% missed work or school, and 40% had joint pain, which is a concerning autoimmune signal. There is no way to know the long-term effects.

Estimating the true number of deaths is difficult. If we go by the VAERS data, and the previous factor of only 1% getting reported, then we are looking at around a million and a half Americans dead. However, the number is potentially much higher. Only obvious cases will get reported. A person getting cancer or a heart attack a year or two after the shots will not likely draw the association to the shots.

In May of this year, at The Global Covid Summit, 17,000 of the world’s leading scientists and physicians called for Covid gene therapy mRNA shots to be pulled off the market because they pose a public health risk. It was stated that Covid shots are in violation of the Nuremberg Code and constitute crimes against humanity.

It is not enough for the state of Florida to simply recommend against these shots. They must be prohibited. They pose a danger to those that get the shots, and also to those around them. This statement is based on the Pfizer clinical data asserting material transmission from vaccinated to unvaccinated, and the evidence that people that get Covid shots are getting graphene oxide in their blood, and the fact that those that didn’t get these shots are now often showing graphene oxide in their blood. A phenomenon never seen prior to the rollout of these mRNA gene therapies.

The state of Florida must act, or risk becoming complicit in the crime. I strongly urge you to follow the guidance of the Global Covid Summit, and prohibit Covid shots and all mRNA shots in the state of Florida.

It appears that the plan is to introduce mRNA shots widely into other vaccines. Taking action to prohibit Covid shots and all mRNA shots in the state of Florida could save millions of lives, as there may be a domino effect across the nation and the world, as other states will be forced to follow suit.

Governor DeSantis, after your unconstitutional government lockdown, you admitted that you were wrong and that the lockdown caused harm, and apologized for it. In the past, you and your administration promoted these dangerous gene therapy shots. Governor, I am assuming that you, and Surgeon General, Dr. Ladapo, were not privy to the clinical trial data that was available in April of 2021 to the federal government. Whether my suspicion that these shots are a biological weapon is correct, or not, is irrelevant. The data appears to demonstrate that these shots are a biological hazard and there is no informed consent.

Now, you must immediately cease and desist all compliance with these dangerous shots, and ban them in the state of Florida, to prevent further harm and injury.

Governor, you must impanel a grand jury to investigate hospital administrators across the state, pharmaceutical employees and executives, federal government employees, and anyone else that is responsible for these crimes against humanity, that may fall within the jurisdiction of the state of Florida.

I, like most in this state, voted for your reelection. I assure you that part of that mandate is to ban the jab! I am sure the same advisors that would advise against this action are the same advisors that told you to do the lockdown.

Respectfully, Floridians deserve immediate action. Start by hosting a roundtable of the experts that attended the Global Covid Summit. I implore you to do everything humanly possible to protect the public from these shots.


Joseph Sansone, PhD


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Featured image is from The Ron Paul Institute

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

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GEOFOR: Sir, what’s your view of the prospects of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine?

Dr. Roberts: The future prospects depend entirely on the Kremlin. The situation in Ukraine can radically change if the Kremlin realizes it is at war and not involved in a limited operation and makes the decision to win the war.

So far the Kremlin maintains, despite extensive US and NATO involvement, that Russia is conducting a limited military operation to protect Donbass Russians from being slaughtered by Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

Consequently, the Kremlin has done very little to prevent Kiev and its Western allies from conducting war against the Russian forces and attacking the territories recently reincorporated into Russia. So the Kremlin is now fighting on Russian territory.

Not long ago Putin said that Russia would never again fight on her own territory. Yet Russia is.

As long as the Kremlin refrains from attacking Kiev’s ability to wage war, the war will continue, and it will continue to widen.

Already the war has gone from the West supplying weapons and financial aid to intelligence and targeting information, to US troops deployed on Ukraine’s border, to the attack on the Crimea bridge, to the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, to the addition of Finland and Sweden to NATO, to the reformulation of US nuclear doctrine to permit first use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear threat. Clearly, the mistaken attempt to limit the war has greatly expanded it by allowing the conflict to drag on and on, thus enabling increasing Western involvement.

GEOFOR: What are the consequences of the conflict being dragged out, and was the revision in US nuclear doctrine permitting the use of nuclear weapons in the absence of a nuclear threat one consequence?

Dr. Roberts: In my considered opinion the purpose of loosening Washington’s constraints on the use of nuclear weapons is to put more pressure on the Kremlin. The purpose of the revision is to tell Russia that if the US decides a Russian victory in Ukraine is a threat to US national interest, the US can use nuclear weapons to prevent a Russian victory. Washington has seen so much of what Washington regards as Kremlin hesitancy, unpreparedness, and half-hearted commitments to the conflict, such as too few troops and no reserves, that Washington has decided to apply more pressure on the Kremlin. By permitting a long drawn-out conflict, the Kremlin gave the West the time it needed to take the initiative in the conflict. The West now sees Russia as reacting to Western propaganda and initiatives. When the attacking party loses the initiative defeat follows.

GEOFOR: In view of the vast superiority of Russian military capability over the Ukraine, what, in your opinion, explains the length of the conflict and the Russian withdrawals from Kherson and the Kharkov areas?

Dr. Roberts: The Kremlin’s basic mistake was to regard its intervention as a legalistic rather than a strategic matter. The Kremlin was concerned not to open itself to being labeled a war criminal by attacking Ukraine. Therefore, Russia went to the aid of the independent republics who were under attack. The purpose was to protect the Donbass populations, not to defeat Ukraine. This is permissible and is not considered an attack on Ukraine. It is unclear why the Kremlin thought the West would refrain from calling Russia’s intervention an “invasion of the Ukraine.”

The limited intervention was a strategic mistake. The Kremlin somehow overlooked that Washington, having forced the Russian intervention, would not allow the conflict to be limited. Much had been said and written in US foreign policy circles about involving Russia in a “Vietnam” in the Ukraine in order to break off European business deals with Russia and growing energy dependence, both of which threatened Washington’s hold on its European empire.  Apparently, the Kremlin paid no attention to this dimension of the situation.

Additionally, the Kremlin intervened with insufficient forces and no reserves, leaving the Russian forces with insufficient troops to hold existing lines and continue the offensive. This mistake permitted the Ukraine to seize the initiative and launch counter-offensives that have been presented in the West as Russian defeats. These “defeats” have emboldened more crossings of Russian red lines and more serious provocations.

What the Kremlin needed was a quick decisive victory over the Ukraine with a Russian imposition of peace terms dividing the country as the winner–Russia–saw as necessary for Russian security. Such a clear decisive victory would have deprived Washington of the opportunity to get the West involved and most likely would have discouraged Europe from contemplating military conflict with Russia. Indeed, I suspect NATO would have broken up instead of expanding. Instead, what the West has seen is unenforced Russian red lines, indecision, and a Russian military that can be defeated. And still the Kremlin fails to see the impracticality of its “limited operation.”

It is the limited operation that is the cause of an ever widening war.

A new development might cause the war to widen into a direct US/Russia conflict. The small number of soldiers with which the Kremlin entered Donbass and the extraordinary amount of time it is taking to reinforce these troops is causing Washington to wonder if Russia really has a standing army. The Russian military must have known for some time that Russia had insufficient troops in the field to both defend existing lines and continue its offensive. Yet, in place of reinforcements, there are embarrassing withdrawals and retreats. Kherson, an important city of psychological value, now a Russian city, had to be given up to the Ukrainian Nazis. Russia’s loss of Kherson has made Washington much more confident that the Russian military can be defeated on the battlefield. Washington is no longer certain that Russia even has a one million man standing army or any defense of her homeland other than nuclear weapons.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, US economist and ex-Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.  He was a senior member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a member of the Cold War  Committee on the Present Danger, consultant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, and advisor to President Reagan on achieving the end of the Cold War. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Serge Duhanov is a journalist, specializing in international relations and national security issues. Не worked as the NOVOSTI Press Agency’s own correspondent in Canada (Ottawa, 1990-1992) and the US Bureau Chief (Washington, 1996-2001) of the newspapers Business MN, Delovoy Mir and Interfax-AiF.

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The Government of Ethiopia, civil society (especially Tigrayans), and their supporters abroad must prepare for defending against this impending scenario, though if the latest conflict is anything to go by, then they’ll certainly succeed.

Ethiopia Had A Good Reason To Vote Against The UN Resolution On Ukrainian Reparations”, namely to preemptively defend itself from the “lawfare” scenario of further US meddling in its domestic affairs through the creation of similar mechanisms as those that’ll be created against Russia on that pretext. That sequence of Hybrid War events is no longer the realm of speculation after an unnamed senior State Department official told the media on Tuesday that the US might sanction Ethiopia yet again.

That figure threatened to wield these economic weapons if non-ENDF forces like Afar militias, Amhara special forces, and Eritrean troops don’t withdraw from the Tigray Region per their commitment as enshrined in this month’s peace agreement between the Government of Ethiopia (GOE) and the TPLF. They also added that this could be pursued to “hold actors accountable for human rights violations or for the purposes of trying to ensure that this agreement is respected and abided.”

On that topic, the unnamed source said that while the US hasn’t yet made a determination on the atrocities allegedly committed throughout the course of the Northern Ethiopian Conflict, it’s still “absolutely committed to ensuring that those who are responsible for gross violations of human rights are held accountable”. This very strongly hints that sanctions could be wielded against those that it determines are supposedly responsible for committing war crimes.

It should also be pointed out that “The US Continues To Disrespect Ethiopia By Playing Word Games With The TPLF’s Name” after the unnamed official referred to that group as the “Tigrayan Defense Forces” and its TDF acronym a total of three times.  State Department spokesman Ned Price had earlier done the same and even doubled down upon being challenged about this by a journalist, thus confirming that it’s the US’ unofficial policy to provocatively use these terms interchangeably.

By contrast, that same unnamed official only used the proper TPLF terminology twice, meaning that the improper one that isn’t mentioned anywhere in the recently signed peace agreement was employed one time more. Considering this tacit signal of support for that group as well as its sanctions threats that it plans to wield as a Damocles’ sword over the heads of the GOE, irrespective of whether they’re implemented on a similar pretext as the Ukrainian reparations one, it’s clear that the US is meddling.

This illegal interference in Ethiopia’s domestic affairs amounts to a violation of both conflicting parties’ will with respect to the part of their joint statement calling on everyone across the world to support their fledgling peace process. Provocatively employing wartime terminology and preparing to wage another form of Hybrid Warfare against the GOE is unfriendly to the extreme and suggests that America plans to complicate the peace process as revenge for the very fact that it was agreed to in the first place.

The US planned to fight the GOE to the last Tigrayan as punishment for the former’s independent foreign policy and attendant decision to remain neutral in the New Cold War between that declining unipolar hegemon and its vassals on one side and the rising multipolar Great Powers of China and Russia on the other. Ethiopia’s defeat was supposed to serve as a powerful example deterring all other Global South countries and especially those in Africa from following in its footsteps.

Instead, Ethiopia’s victory resulted in the opposite outcome in the sense that all other Global South countries and especially those in Africa now see that it’s possible to winagainst seemingly insurmountable odds so long as society remains united and stands in solidarity with their armed forces. The powerful example set by Ethiopia therefore works against the US’ hegemonic interests, hence why it’s once again conspiring to destabilize that rising African leader through “lawfare”.

Raising awareness of this plot, the existence of which is unquestionably confirmed by the unnamed State Department official’s own statement of intent with respect to once again sanctioning Ethiopia on human rights and military pretexts, is meant to ensure that it fails. The GOE, civil society (especially Tigrayans), and their supporters abroad must prepare for defending against this impending scenario, though if the latest conflict is anything to go by, then they’ll certainly succeed.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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“For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.” – John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, Washington, DC, January 20th, 1961


As the 21st century unfurls its harrowing shadow, a moldering American republic groans in its agonizing death throes. Its heritage, collective memory, and canon lie in ruins. Its ties to reason, the rule of law, and the intellect rest in ashes. For the avarice of empire has hollowed out once noble institutions, and the voracious hunger for hegemony increasingly wields no other tool but the bloody truncheon.

This rapaciousness has, even with regard to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, squandered trillions of dollars on barbaric wars of imperial conquest. Moreover, this relentless, brutal, and self-destructive ideology that seeks to subjugate the planet to the whims and dictates of a ruthless cabal has put us on a path to a third world war, a war in which the predator will perish along with the prey.

“She goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy” said John Quincy Adams when addressing the subject of US foreign policy in a speech to the House of Representatives on July 4th, 1821. Over two hundred years have passed since these words reverberated in the House Chamber, their echo ringing alongside the ghosts of history. How many bombs have been dropped? How many governments overthrown? How many innocents slaughtered in the pursuit of phantom monsters?

While Americans drown in joblessness, mass incarceration, tribalism, atomization, medical mandates, and substance abuse both neocons and neolibs continue to clamor for more war. That they pursue this perilous path threatens not only the survival of our civilization, but of humanity. The growing censorship, glaringly on display with regard to both the Ukraine war and the Covid psyop, is intertwined with the dark shadow that has enveloped journalism and academia in an increasingly authoritarian discourse devoid of any fact-based analysis. Both deceivers and deceived, the priests of neoliberalism knowingly and unknowingly foment authoritarianism.

Unconcerned that tens of billions of taxpayer dollars are being used to fund a murderous Kiev junta, congressman Jamie Raskin writes on his website that Moscow “is a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export.” Of the totalitarian Banderite state notorious for torturing dissidents and militiamen, he writes that “a Ukrainian victory would give us an opening to a much better future for all humanity.”

The idea that the Russian military will be driven from Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Crimea, territories where they have the support of the overwhelming majority of the locals, is no less delusional, and yet this is clearly one of NATO’s principal goals in its proxy war against Russia.

Ignoring the fact that the war in Ukraine began with the ultranationalist Maidan putsch in February of 2014, and that the primary objective of the Russian military is to protect Russian speaking Ukrainians from persecution and genocide at the hands of the Banderite entity, NBC informs us, in what is clearly a fabricated story, that Russian soldiers have raped Ukrainian children. How many Ukrainian children have been raped by neo-Nazi gangs and death squads? Quite a few I would imagine, yet that is the real war which the presstitutes have no interest whatsoever in either learning about or discussing. The article offers a photo of a Russian soldier standing guard in Mariupol, implying that the Russian military committed war crimes there, when the city was held hostage to the Azov battalion for eight years.

If the Russian military had such contempt for Russian speaking Ukrainians – and indeed, they are operating exclusively in Russian language dominant oblasts – then why not simply leave the locals to the savagery of Azov, Aidar, and Right Sector? Such a question invariably falls on deaf ears in a dystopian technocracy where logic and reason have all but ceased to exist. The NBC stenographers go on to tell us that these atrocities have been confirmed by United Nations “experts.” Replace the UN with the WHO and we could be talking about Hydroxychloroquine.

Enclosed are some headlines taken from Google which embody the deplorable state of the media generally, and its coverage of the Ukraine war in particular:

  • “Madmen like Putin who sanction killing of children shouldn’t be appeased,” by Trey Gowdy (Fox News)
  • “1 in 5 Russians want Gays and Lesbians ‘eliminated,’ survey finds,” by Elizabeth Kuhr (NBC News)
  • “Why Russia’s War in Ukraine is a Genocide,” by Kristina Hook (Foreign Affairs)
  • “Women who were raped by Russian soldiers yearn for justice,” by Valerie Hopkins (The New York Times)
  • “Russia using rape as ‘military strategy’ in Ukraine: UN envoy,” by Philip Wang, Tim Lister, Josh Pennington and Heather Chen (CNN)
  • “How Moscow Grabs Ukrainians Kids and Makes them Russians,” by Sarah El Deeb, Anastasiia Shvets, and Elizaveta Tilna (Associated Press)
  • “Russia is depopulating parts of eastern Ukraine, forcibly removing thousands into remote parts of Russia,” by Katie Bo Lillis, Kylie Atwood, and Natasha Bertrand (CNN)
  • “Female Fighters Detail Russian Atrocities in Ukraine,” by Nike Ching (Voice of America)
  • “Mad Vlad is likely to use nukes – we have to stop him,” by Tony Parsons (The US Sun)

Where are all the plucky “fact checkers” condemning these spreaders of “misinformation” and “disinformation?” Replace “Russians” with “Jews” and this language bears an eerie resemblance to anti-Semitism in the Third Reich.

Washington’s Russophobia and its loathing of the Putin government constitute almost insurmountable obstacles towards achieving a negotiated settlement at this time. (Consider Biden referring to Putin as “a murderous dictator” and “a pure thug,” language which would have been unthinkable during the Cold War). Clearly, the ultimate goal of the American ruling establishment is the breaking up of the Russian Federation and the total degradation of the Russian people. This desire to bully Russia as if she were no different than Libya or Somalia is indicative of an American exceptionalism that has lost all touch with reality.

The Pentagon has accelerated the delivery of upgraded nuclear weapons to its European vassals, and the 101st Airborne Division is training in Romania, replete with copious quantities of bravado and preposterous boasting. The Kremlin wouldn’t go to war with the US over eastern Syria, but can the same be said with regard to Odessa, a Russian speaking oblast inextricably linked with centuries of Russian culture and founded in 1794 by Catherine the Great?

In an Atlantic Council memo to the president of the United States, the think tank nonchalantly suggests that if the Kremlin decides to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine (for which there would presently be no justification vis-à-vis the Russian nuclear doctrine), one option is that “The United States could conduct a limited conventional strike on the Russian forces or bases directly involved in the attack.”

Retired Army General David Petraeus, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have reiterated this position in even more threatening language. In conjunction with this madness, the Pentagon is planning to send nuclear-capable bombers to the Tindal air base in northern Australia, yet another provocation meant to antagonize China and which threatens to further destabilize the region.

Having lost all moral, political, and legal credibility, the United States no longer has anything to offer the world except violence, anarchy, and unfettered capitalism. Barring the annihilation of China and Russia and the breaking up of BRICS (which the Saudis have notably asked to join), nothing can stop the inevitable disintegration of US imperial power, and yet the destruction of these two titans could only be achieved with a nuclear war which would irrevocably hurl humanity towards the abyss of extinction.

Nevertheless, the destruction of Russia and China is precisely what Pentagon war planners have on their minds right now; hence the interminable, almost hypnotic, calls to defend the “rules-based order.” As retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor points out in “Will Biden Gamble on a Ukraine Coalition,” any attempt on the part of the United States and its allies to directly enter the conflict is ill-conceived and fraught with tremendous danger.

The Biden administration’s recent Nuclear Posture Review significantly lowers the threshold for a nuclear first strike, and there is a chance that Finland and Poland may host nuclear weapons – likewise incredibly reckless provocations.

What makes the proxy war in Ukraine so volatile, is that while Russia is firmly committed to denazification and to protecting Russian speaking Ukrainians and Ukrainians of ethnic Russian origin from the Banderite entity, Washington is increasingly alarmed by the waning of American power and the rise of an increasingly multipolar world. Scott Ritter writes in Consortium News that “Should the US opt to resist the tides of history, the temptation to use the final weapon of existential survival — America’s nuclear arsenal — will be real.”

Image: President Dwight D. Eisenhower (National Archives)

The US must free itself from the cannibalistic maws of the military industrial complex and its insatiable lust for endless conflict. Speaking to the American Society of Newspaper Editors on April 16, 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of an America in a state of permanent war:

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.

It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities.

It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population.

It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway.

We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat.

We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people….

This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”

All empires eventually wither and die, yet no dying empire ever possessed thousands of nuclear weapons before. Where is the fear of Armageddon from our leaders, the dread crossing of the final Rubicon?

Unlike World War I, once coined “the war to end all wars,” a nuclear war truly would constitute such a cataclysm. Indeed, following the apocalyptic conflagration of a third world war, due to pollution and disease and an annihilated infrastructure, the survivors would be physically incapable of fighting another.


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David Penner’s articles on politics and health care have appeared in Dissident Voice, CounterPunch, Global Research, The Saker blog, OffGuardian and KevinMD; while his poetry has been published with Dissident Voice and Mad in America. Also a photographer, he is the author of three books of portraiture: Faces of The New Economy, Faces of Manhattan Island, and Manhattan Pairs. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image is from Struggle-La Lucha

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Den Kriegstreibern in den Arm fallen Neuer “Krefelder Appell”

November 17th, 2022 by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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Immer offensichtlicher wird das Treiben derer, die das Leben auf unserem Planeten gefährden und schon in erheblichem Umfang zerstört haben. Weltweit gehörten und gehören Kriege, strangulierende Sanktionen, Embargos und Hunger-Blockaden zum Agieren des US-Machtkomplexes. Die USA haben wichtige Abrüstungsverträge wie ABM, INF und OpenSkies aufgekündigt. Die gegen Russland und China gerichteten Manöver werden immer aggressiver. Die Gefahr eines Atomkriegs nimmt bedrohlich zu.

Aber die Machthaber dieser Welt führen Kriege auch an neuen, andersartigen Fronten. Unter dem Deckmantel der Pandemie-Bekämpfung wird das Leben von Milliarden Menschen gefährdet. Das betrifft vor allem Länder der so genannten “Dritten Welt”. Allein in Indien hat der Lockdown nach Angaben der “World Doctors Alliance” Millionen Menschenleben gekostet. Eine noch größere Gefahr geht von der “Impf”-Kampagne aus – für Milliarden von Menschen. Dahinter steht die Strategie des “Great Reset” des Forums der Superreichen, das sich “Weltwirtschaftsforum” nennt, mit dem der Kapitalismus über einen gezielten Zusammenbruch und einen “Neustart” auf eine noch perversere Stufe gehoben werden soll – unter weitergehender Verletzung der bürgerlichen Rechte, der Menschenrechte und des Völkerrechts – d.h. mit weniger Rechten und mehr Überwachung für den überwiegenden Teil der Menschheit.

Es sind die gleichen Kräfte, die hinter den verschiedenen Formen von Krieg stehen. Ein Beispiel: einer der Drahtzieher der Operation 9/11 und des nachfolgenden “Kriegs gegen den Terror”, Ex-US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, war Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender und Aktionär des Pharma-Unternehmens Gilead Sciences, das im Jahr 2005 mit Tamiflu aus der Angst vor der Vogelgrippe seinen Profit schlug. Ein weiteres Beispiel: die Carlyle Group mit Sitz in Washington ist gleichzeitig im Rüstungs- wie im Pharma-Geschäft aktiv. Es gilt, dem Krieg in all seinen Formen zu begegnen – dem militärischen wie auch dem mit wirtschaftlichen, biologischen und psychologischen Mitteln geführten.

Die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner dieser Erklärung fordern daher – insbesondere von der deutschen Bundesregierung – sich von einer Politik der Kriege abzuwenden. Es gilt, den Kriegstreibern in den Arm zu fallen. Alle Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger werden aufgerufen, diesen Appell zu unterstützen, um durch unablässigen und wachsenden Druck der öffentlichen Meinung eine Politik herbeizuführen,

  • die es nicht zulässt, dass das US-Imperium inkl. Deutschland und der anderen NATO-Staaten die Welt weiter mit Kriegen überzieht,
  • die zu Frieden und Freundschaft mit allen Staaten bzw. Völkern der Welt führt,
  • die US- und NATO-Truppen verbannt – aus Deutschland mit 2-Jahresfrist durch Kündigung des Truppenstationierungsvertrags,
  • die zum Austritt aus der NATO führt – in allen NATO-Staaten mit 1-Jahresfrist durch Kündigung des NATO-Vertrags,
  • die sich verweigert, unter dem Deckmantel der Pandemie-Bekämpfung Milliarden Menschenleben zu gefährden und die Überlebenden einer Totalkontrolle zu unterwerfen,
  • die der Maxime folgt: Nicht Einschränkung, sondern Sicherung und Erweiterung der demokratischen Grundrechte ist das Gebot der Stunde.

Wir, die wir zur Unterstützung dieses Appells aufrufen, kommen aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft – insbesondere aus der Friedensbewegung und der Bewegung zur Wiedererlangung unserer Grund- und Menschenrechte. In diesem Sinne rufen wir auch zur Überwindung der gesellschaftlichen Spaltung auf, die in vielen Ländern in den vergangenen 18 Monaten systematisch erzeugt worden ist. Wir haben nur dann eine Chance, wenn wir den Bedrohungen gemeinsam begegnen.

Dieser Aufruf ist initiiert von Mitgliedern der Kampagne “NATO raus – raus aus der NATO”, inspiriert vom “Krefelder Appell” vom 16. November 1980. V.i.S.d.P: Anneliese Fikentscher, Köln


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel ist promovierter Pädagoge (Dr. paed.) und Diplom-Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych.). Er war jahrzehntelang als Lehrer (Schulleiter im Ruhestand) und als Psychotherapeut im Ruhestand in eigener Praxis tätig. In seinen Büchern und pädagogisch-psychologischen Artikeln plädiert er für eine bewusste ethisch-moralische Werteerziehung sowie für eine Erziehung zu Gemeinsinn und Frieden. Er ist regelmäßiger Mitarbeiter von Global Research.

Das Bild stammt aus The Transnational

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False flag or accidental missile strike on Polish border identified in 2019 simulation as possible spark for a nuclear war with Russia. Do the hawks in Washington want nuclear war?

On March 4, 2022, Harry J. Kazianis—director of defense studies at the Center for the National Interest in Washington DC—wrote a provocative piece in the Federalist titled, “Nato Intervention in Ukraine Could Spark Nuclear War. Here’s How It Could Happen.”

Yesterday I was reminded of this article when I saw reports of a purportedly Russian missile strike just inside of Polish territory. Though I sensed that this report was probably false, I still found it frightening, because it is precisely such an attack that was identified as THE SPARK for nuclear war in a 2019 simulation described by Mr. Kazianis.

The Spark

Here is where things take a turn for the worst. A Russian ballistic missile’s guidance system fails and crash-lands into NATO member Poland, killing 34 civilians as it tragically lands into a populated village along the Polish-Ukraine border. While the missile was not directed at Poland intentionally, pictures on social media show children crying for their mothers and bodies left unrecognizable, and demands for justice and revenge mount.

From here the situation rapidly escalates, leading inexorably to a nuclear exchange that kills a billion people.

As I suspected, the AP Report was false, as AP admitted in today’s Correction (see below).

I wasn’t at all surprised to read in the correction that the missile was “most likely fired by Ukraine in defense against a Russian attack.” The question of why Ukrainian forces fired a missile towards Poland without proper guidance is apparently not being asked by our mainstream media, and perhaps not even by whoever is calling the shots of US-Nato policy in Ukraine.

What concerns me is that THE SPARK identified in the 2019 simulation is well-known to people in Ukraine who seem to be doing everything in their power to induce direct Nato involvement in the war with Russia.

I also question the wisdom of printing such highly inflammatory reports based on the verbal assurances of “a senior American intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity.”

Aren’t WE THE PEOPLE tired of being misinformed and manipulated by senior intelligence officials who speak on condition of anonymity?

After the abysmal performance of our intelligence and military establishments in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya, aren’t WE THE PEOPLE tired of our country being dragged into wars thousands of miles from our territory—wars that kill and maim hundreds of thousands, achieve nothing, and even make matters worse?

Now we’re not talking about ISIS maniacs being unleashed on Iraq after the US pulls out, or Afghanistan given back to the Taliban after twenty years of US blood and treasure was spilled in that godforsaken country. Now we’re talking about the dramatically elevated risk of nuclear war with Russia.

Is it possible that certain hawks in Washington want nuclear war with Russia?


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John Leake is a True Crime Writer. Coauthor with Dr. Peter McCullough of “The Courage to Face COVID-19.: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Biopharmaceutical Complex.”

Featured image is from Countercurrents

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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A class action lawsuit has been filed against the US state of Massachusetts for what the plaintiffs claim is a case of covert mass surveillance carried out via “Covid spyware” installed on over one million phones.

The complaint asks for declaratory and injunctive relief (a bid to legally compel the defendants to fulfill their mandatory duties) and nominative damages, and was filed on November 14, 2022, by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) non-profit.

We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here.

It names the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and Commissioner Margret Cooke as the defendants.

The US District Court for the District of Massachusetts will consider the case.

The complaint consists of nine counts against the DPH, citing violations of Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights (protections against unlawful searches, and rights pertaining to criminal and civil legal proceedings). Moreover, the DPH/ activities are said to have violated Articles X and XIV of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights.

According to the filing, the DPH teamed up with Google and proceeded to install spyware on more than one million phones in “auto-install” mode, without giving the users a chance to consent to this action, and even without informing them about it.

The justification was to combat the pandemic by introducing the Covid tracing app, in a way that the NCLA says violates not only the state’s but the US Constitution as well, blasting it as a brazen disregard for civil liberties that “cannot stand.”

The assertion is that this way of warrantless tracking and surveillance of people and of gaining access to their location and personal contacts by a government agency represents a breach of the right to privacy and property.

The lawsuit, Wright v. Massachusetts Department of Public Health, et al., alleges that the contentious app tracked and recorded the phone owners’ movements and their contacts, all the while keeping them in the dark – “without their permission or awareness.”

According to the class action lawsuit, which cites Massachusetts residents and Android phone users Robert Wright and Johnny Kula as the plaintiffs, the DPH and Google started engaging in this secret activity in July 2021.

The filing further explains how the covert app behaved, once “auto-installed” without the device owner’s consent or knowledge: it would not – as is otherwise the case with newly installed Android apps – appear on one of the home screens.

Instead, a user could only become aware of its existence if they dug deep into the “settings”: first accessing it, then going to the “view all apps” feature, and finding it listed there. In other words, the plaintiffs allege, not something a typical user does.

The allegations get worse, claiming that if a user went to the trouble of reviewing all their installed apps, and decided to delete the Covid tracing one installed in collaboration with Google – the Massachusetts DPH would “simply re-install it.”

It appears that initially, the DPH offered the app to Massachusetts residents openly, and “a few” decided to install it, knowing what it was and what it entails. And then, this apparently led the agency down the path of secretly installing it on the phones of more than one million more people.

In a press release announcing the class action, the NCLA stresses the importance of obtaining consent and making sure that Covid tracing apps are only installed voluntarily – this is “necessary in a free society,” even if it may be the less easy way of going about it, NCLA Litigation Counsel Sheng Li noted.

The non-profit’s Peggy Little, who acts as Senior Litigation Counsel, remarked that the Massachusetts DPH, being a government agency, is legally constrained by its actions by both the US Constitution and state rules.

Little further describes the situation with the secretly installed app as an “Android attack” that was deliberately designed to trump citizens’ rights, including to privacy and freedom from government intrusion. And according to the counsel – it not only “reads like dystopian science fiction” – but must also be “swiftly invalidated” by the court.

The DPH is accused of having no statutory authority to do what it has done, particularly in light that Massachusetts has in the meanwhile put an end to its contact tracing scheme.

The lawsuit also notes that “it appears” iPhone users were asked to consent before having the same app installed on their devices.

Regardless, “No law or regulation authorizes DPH to secretly install any type of software – let alone what amounts to spyware designed specifically to obtain private location and health information – onto the Android devices of Massachusetts residents,” reads a statement sent to Reclaim The Net.


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Featured image is from Reclaim the Net

The “Fact Check” Scam. Who Checks the “Fact Checkers?”

November 17th, 2022 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Last Monday I received an email from  NewsGuard, “an independent organization that rates and reviews news outlets based on nine apolitical journalistic criteria.”

The analyst asked me to comment on two statements in my columns  in which I am accused of “advancing false and unsupported claims.”

One  false and and unsupported claim is “a March 2022 article titled ‘Ukraine Hosted Illegal US Biowarfare Laboratories,’ repeated Russian and Chinese propaganda about the presence of U.S.-run bioweapons labs in Ukraine, which has been repeatedly debunked by fact-checking organizations and refuted by U.S. government officials.”

The alleged “fact checker’s” claim that I made a false and unsupported claim is incorrect for two reasons.  One is the fact that a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency produced official US government documents that state that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. The US government’s records also show over $11 million in funding for the Ukraine biolabs program in 2019. See this.

See also this.

Apparently, it never occurred to the dumbshit “fact checker” that relying on assurances from a proven liar such as the US government is no way to check a fact.

How, “fact checker,” does the government refute its own admission?

Notice also that the “fact checker” thinks that a statement by the Russian government is  “unsupported,”  but a statement by the US government is considered “supported.”  How does this obvious bias serve to verify any fact?

The second reason the “fact checker” is incorrect indicates that the “fact checker” is incapable of understanding that to report what the Russian government claims to have discovered in Ukraine is not misinformation or propaganda. It is correct information reporting Russian claims.

What we see here is a “fact checker” who thinks or has been trained to see any report, whether or not endorsed by the reporter, of an item in the “impermissible to be mentioned” category as a “false and unsupported claim.”  In other words, all is false except official narratives.

My other “false and unsupported claim” is that 100,000 vote spikes are indications of fraud, a conclusion endorsed by numerous experts.

The “fact checker” alleges that vote spikes “are commonplace and due to the release of large batches of results all at once from solidly Democratic or Republican districts, or from mailed ballots.” What the “fact checker” does not account for is the extreme unlikeliness of a vote dump of 100,000 or more ballots that is all for one candidate, or how votes were mailed in such a way that all Democrat votes arrived in the same delivery.  Perhaps it is statistically possible for 100,000 votes to arrive in an unbroken stream all for the same person, but the probability of such an event is far too low to account for the large number of times it throws a close election to a Democrat. Are there that many voting precincts in which not a single Republican voter lives?  Republican vote spikes are rare and seem to happen when the algorithm of the voting machines has created an unbelievable margin of Democrat victory and has to be narrowed.

In my opinion, “fact checkers” are unintelligent people devoid of integrity who are hired to support official narratives by stamping out truth and dissenting opinion.

Who checks the “fact checkers?”

There is no reason to trust a “fact checker.”

Anyone can set up a “fact check” site to protect any material or ideological interest from examination.

Note that “fact checkers” appeared only after the official narratives became so blatantly false that they had to be protected from examination.  Never before did we have an industry of censors employed to protect official narratives.  “Fact checkers” are the true enemies of truth.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Search Engine Journal

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Privacy Woes: Google’s “Location History” Settlement

November 17th, 2022 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It all speaks to scale: the attorney generals of 40 states within the US clubbing together to charge Google for misleading users.  On this occasion, the conduct focused on making users assume they had turned off the location tracking function on their accounts even as the company continued harvesting data about them.

The $391.5 billion settlement was spearheaded by Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and Nebraska Attorney General Doug Petersen.

“For years Google has prioritized profit over their users’ privacy,” stated Rosenblum.  “They have been crafty and deceptive.  Consumers thought they had turned off their location tracking features on Google, but the company continued to secretly record their movements and use that information for advertisers.”

The investigation was prompted by revelations in a 2018 Associated Press article “that many Google services on Android devices and iPhones store your location data even when you’ve used a privacy setting that says it will prevent Google from doing so.”

Despite Google’s claim that the Location History function could be turned off at any time, thereby not storing the data, the report found this assertion to be false.  “Even with Location History paused, some Google apps automatically store time-stamped location data without asking. (It’s possible, though laborious, to delete it.)”  As Jonathan Mayer, a Princeton computer scientist and former chief technologist for the Federal Communications Commission’s enforcement bureau reasoned, “If you’re going to allow users to turn off something called ‘Location History,’ then all the places where you maintain location history should be turned off.”

What the company failed to explain was that another account setting, the Web & App Activity, was automatically switched on the setting up of a Google account, irrespective of activating the “off” function in Location History.

Google’s explanation at the time proved typically unpersuasive.

“There are a number of different ways that Google may use location to improve people’s experience, including: Location History, Web and App Activity, and through device-level Location Services,” a company spokesperson said in a statement to AP.  “We provide clear descriptions of these tools, and robust controls so people can turn them on or off, and delete their histories at any time.”

Since then, the company’s misleading approach to location data has been found wanting by the Australian Federal Court.  The case, brought against Google by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC), noted that the account setting “Web & App Activity” allowed the tech giant “to collect, store and use personally identifiable location data when it was turned on, and that setting turned on by default.”

Last month, the Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich entered an $85 million settlement with Google for allegedly using “deceptive and unfair” practices regarding location tracking.  It was the outcome of a lawsuit inspired by the Associated Press repot from 2018.

The settlement, the largest internet privacy settlement in US history, makes it clear that Google must make its disclosures on location clearer starting next year.  Additional information for users must be made whenever a location-related account setting is “on” or “off”.  Tracking location that is unavoidably gathered must be made clear, along with the types of location data Google collects and that data is used “at an enhanced ‘Location Technologies’ webpage.”

It also signals the growing scrutinising role played by states in the US unhappy with lax federal approaches to Silicon Valley.  The state of Oregon, to cite an example, set up a dedicated Consumer Privacy Task Force in 2019, and consumer data privacy legislation is promised for the 2023 legislative session.  Privacy breaches is one of a number of areas of focus, including harmful speech, illegal labour practices and antitrust violations.

In response to the settlement, Google spokesperson José Castañeda did what those of his ilk do: minimise the conduct, and cloak it in inoffensive garble.

“Consistent with improvements we’ve made in recent years, we have settled this investigation, which was based on outdated product policies that we changed years ago.”

The entire profit-making premise of most big tech companies lies in using personal data.  It’s the digital world’s fossil fuel, buried in unmolested reserves – till they are extracted.  Location data is, to that end, invaluable, being, the Oregon Department of Justice notes, “among the most sensitive and valuable personal information Google collects.”  A limited amount of location data is sufficient to “expose a person’s identity and routines and can be used to infer personal details.”

The ignorant and those labouring under the false assumption they have consented to the exercise are merely told they are dealing with products of sophistication.  It’s all about the experience, and such abstract notions as privacy are duly treated as old hat and tat.

Millions have been expended by tech giants via their platoons of lobbyists to battle the trend towards greater privacy protections, notably those blowing in stern judgment from the European Union.  Key targets have been the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA), notably in the areas of surveillance advertising and access to platform data.  The intent here, as Natasha Lomas writes, is one of “shielding their processes and business models from measures that could weaken their market power.”

According to lobbying documents obtained by Corporate Europe Observatory and Global Witness via freedom of information applications, the tech behemoths expended $30 million alone in 2020.

The Google Settlement may well be the largest of its type in the United States, but it hardly gets away from the central premise of why such companies exist.  Apple has been particularly keen to throw cash at the effort.  The lobby tally bill is striking: 3.5 million euros in 2020, followed by 6.5  million euros in 2021.  The runner-up so happens to be Facebook (Meta), which added half a million euros to its EU lobbying budget for 2021.  The previous year, the total was 5.5 million euros.

Such efforts show that the lawmakers within the United States and beyond can hardly afford to be too self-congratulatory.  The battle is very much in progress, and Google, while bruised, is hardly defeated.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Pixabay

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When does activism for a cause turn into a narcissistic agenda for attention and self gratification?  There’s a fine line, and the Extinction Rebellion movement has surely crossed it with their incessant and self-indulgent drama.

This week, motorists in France were greeted with yet another Extinction group trying to glue themselves to the pavement of a major thoroughfare to block traffic in the name of stopping climate change.  However, this time drivers did not simply sit around waiting for the police to arrive; instead, they began dragging the activists off the road by force.

This incident is part of a growing frustration among normal people in response to climate cultism, with the Extinction Rebellion movement making up the bulk of the worst events.  In the past several months there have been an increasing number of traffic disruptions and acts of vandalism.  The most prominent actions include the attempted destruction of major works of art in national museums, many of them painted centuries before carbon “pollution” was an issue.

This too has prompted museums to become more aggressive in stopping activists from using vandalism as a means to get attention.

The inevitable outcome is obvious – The activists are going to start getting hurt.  If the cause was based in reality then the hostility from the public might be diminished, but the cause is fraudulent.  There is no man-made global warming and carbon pollution is not a threat to the future of the planet.

All the talk of global warming in the media might make people believe that the Earth is rapidly plunging into a hot cauldron of doom, but the truth according to the numbers of climate scientists is that the Earth’s temperature has risen less than 1°C  in the past 100 years.

That’s right, the Earth is supposed to be on the verge of Apocalypse because of less than ONE DEGREE of heat.


But what about context?  Has the Earth ever been this hot before?  And if so, what caused it?

In fact, the Earth has been much hotter in the past, and there is no evidence that carbon pollution was a singular trigger.  Certainly, man-made carbon was not a factor in any previous heating event in the Earth’s history.


So what is climate change hysteria and the Extinction Rebellion really all about?  In the case of activists the issue is a need for rebellion and desperation for a cause.  These are people who have far too much time on their hands and a feeling of inadequacy in life.  In order to bring meaning to their hapless existence, they have attached themselves to the climate agenda without researching the circumstances and data.

In the case of the corporate media and global climate institutions funded by the UN and various governments, the issue is control.  Climate change legislation along with carbon taxation gives the establishment the ability to micromanage almost all food production, manufacturing, resource development and energy usage.  Not to mention, it creates an excuse for the implementation of population controls.

In a world where the UN and Extinction activists get their way, there might be a very real extinction involving mass reduction in energy output, the decline of the global economy and available agriculture.  The world cannot sustain on green technology which is highly inefficient and incredibly costly.  Oil, gas coal and perhaps nuclear power are the only practical resources to maintain our current civilization.  But maybe that’s the point?

Maybe the ultimate goal is to create a production environment that is so restrictive that only governments can manage it, while private businesses are forced out of the market.  Maybe the goal is to make production and economy into a point of leverage that can be used to muscle the public into compliance with more authoritarian designs.  Maybe climate change is nothing more than a springboard for tyranny.

As The Club Of Rome, a group of globalists sponsored by the UN, once stated in their book ‘The First Global Revolution’:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The quote comes from Chapter 5 of the treatise titled The Vacuum, which covers the concept of global government.  It suggests that global warming and environmental hysteria are not actual threats, but fabricated dragons created for gullible activists to slay.  Not only that, but these dragons are creations of human existence and subsistence.  The only way to kill these paper thin dragons is total centralization, giving governments and global institutions ultimate power to “save humanity from itself.”  How convenient for the globalists.

The activists on the the other hand as simply useful idiots being used to set fires to western civilization, to create havoc and inspire a sense of impending climate catastrophe that will never come.  They might believe that once carbon controls are put in place they will have earned a seat a the table, or that their future’s within the establishment edifice are assured.  This is probably not the case.  As history often shows with these kinds of movements, once the activists have served their purpose the elites do away with them.


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Featured image is from Julia Hawkins/Flickr

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The FBI and “Zero-Click”. Surveillance Software Called Pegasus

November 17th, 2022 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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During the Trump administration, the FBI paid $5 million to an Israeli software company for a license to use its “zero-click” surveillance software called Pegasus. Zero-click refers to software that can download the contents of a target’s computer or mobile device without the need for tricking the target into clicking on it. The FBI operated the software from a warehouse in New Jersey.

Before revealing any of this to the two congressional intelligence committees to which the FBI reports, it experimented with the software. The experiments apparently consisted of testing Pegasus by spying — illegally and unconstitutionally since no judicially issued search warrant had authorized the use of Pegasus — on unwitting Americans by downloading data from their devices.

When congressional investigators got wind of these experiments, the Senate Intelligence Committee summoned FBI Director Christopher Wray to testify in secret about the acquisition and use of Pegasus, and he did so in December 2021. He told the mostly pliant senators that the FBI only purchased Pegasus “to be able to figure out how bad guys could use it.” Is that even believable?

In follow-up testimony in March 2022, Wray elaborated that Pegasus was used “as part of our routine responsibilities to evaluate technologies that are out there, not just from a perspective of could they be used someday legally, but also, more important, what are the security concerns raised by those products.” More FBI gibberish.

Last week, dozens of internal FBI memos and court records told a different story — a story that has caused Sen. Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to question the veracity of Wray’s testimony. Wyden’s healthy skepticism caused the FBI reluctantly to reveal that it had ordered its own version of Pegasus, called Phantom, which the Israelis tailor-made for hacking American mobile devices.

Here is the backstory.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution was written to preserve the natural right to privacy and to cause law enforcement to focus on crimes, not surveillance. The instrument of these purposes is the requirement of a judicially issued search warrant before the government can engage in any surveillance.

A search warrant can only be issued based on probable cause of crime demonstrated under oath to the issuing judge and a showing that the place to be searched or person or thing to be seized is more likely than not to reveal evidence of crime. As well, the warrant must specifically describe the place to be searched and things to be seized. Warrants can only be issued for investigations of actual crimes that have already occurred, not for experiments.

The Fourth Amendment contains some of the most precise language in the Constitution, as it was written intentionally to thwart the rapacious appetite of governments to snoop, which the British did to the colonists using general warrants.

General warrants were not based on probable cause of crime and lacked all specificity. Rather, they were based on government need — a totalitarian standard because whatever the government wants it will claim it needs — and they authorized the bearer to search wherever he wished and seize whatever he found.

The Fourth Amendment was intended to put a stop to general warrants. As we know from the wildly unconstitutional FISA court and the NSA’s secret criminal spying on all Americans, that amendment, like much of the Constitution, has failed abysmally to restrain the government.

Now back to the FBI and Phantom.

In July 2021, President Joseph Biden personally put a stop to the FBI’s use of Phantom, and the congressional intelligence committees assumed that that was the end of it.

Yet, last week, when reporters revealed the results of Freedom of Information Act requests for memos and court documents pertaining to Phantom, a different story emerged. The documents that the FBI furnished show a vast determination by FBI management to showcase and deploy Phantom to FBI agents and other federal law enforcement personnel.

The procedures under which the House and Senate Intelligence Committees operate require that secrets be kept secret. Thus, when the FBI director testifies before those committees, the representatives and senators who hear the testimony may not reveal what they heard to the press or even to their congressional colleagues. Wyden has apparently had enough of law enforcement deception and secrecy. Hence his complaints in letters to Wray — letters that more or less tell us what’s going on.

All of this leaves us with an FBI out of control and run by a director who has been credibly accused of misleading Congress while under oath — a felony — and whose agents have been credibly accused of conspiracy to engage in computer hacking — also a felony. Who knows what other liberty-assaulting widgets the FBI has in its unconstitutional toolbox about which Wyden and his investigators have yet to learn?

When Daniel Ellsberg courageously removed the Pentagon Papers from his office and gave them to reporters from The New York Times and The Washington Post, he was charged with espionage. The papers revealed that Pentagon generals were lying to President Lyndon B. Johnson and Johnson was lying to the public about the Vietnam war.

During Ellsberg’s trial, FBI agents broke into the office of his psychiatrist and stole his medical records so as to use them at the trial. The federal judge presiding at the trial was so outraged at the FBI’s misconduct that he dismissed the indictment against Ellsberg, and the government did not appeal the dismissal.

The Ellsberg break-in took the FBI a few hours and was destructive and dangerous.

Today’s FBI could have done the Ellsberg heist remotely in a few minutes. Today’s FBI has agents who are the bad guys they have warned us about. Today’s FBI has morphed from crime fighting to crime anticipating. Today’s FBI is effectively a domestic spying operation nowhere sanctioned in the Constitution. It should be defunded and disbanded.


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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is backed by many globalist billionaires at war against America First, and they will certainly be cashing in their favors if DeSantis decides to run for president.

A Twitter user, calling themselves Traditional Catholic, posted an informative thread about the people behind DeSantis. It is a who’s who of America Last financiers who see DeSantis as their vessel to derail Trump populism and return the GOP to the feeble politics of old.

“”60% of Ron DeSantis’ donations have come from donations of $50,000 or more. 54% of Donald Trump’s donations have come from donations of less than $200. Just 6% of these donations went to DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is backed by billionaires and the establishment,” Traditional Catholic wrote.

He highlighted venture capitalist Ken Griffin, who has given an incredible $5 million to DeSantis. Griffin is a fierce opponent of America First policies and does not like DeSantis’ populist moves as Florida governor. Still, Griffin thinks he can control DeSantis if he is able to defeat Trump and be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024.

WeatherTech founder David MacNeil also gave $800,000 to DeSantis, and his biggest issue is giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. He opposed Trump in 2020 because of Trump’s immigration patriot stance on stopping illegal immigration.

Wall Street hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones is a billionaire DeSantis backer who has given $1 million to the Florida governor. He is a close friend of convicted Democrat sex offender Harvey Weinstein and helped to fundraise for Barack Hussein Obama back in 2008.

Big League Politics reported on how DeSantis implemented authoritarian lockdown tyranny during the COVID-19 pandemic:

“A common trope from supporters of the likely presidential run of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is that he stopped COVID lockdowns in his state during the height of the pandemic while President Donald Trump was pushing them from the White House.

But the record shows that this is not what occurred. DeSantis used his authority as governor to enforce lockdowns, shuttering businesses, and use the power of the state to punish noncompliance with his edicts.

Video from June 2020 shows DeSantis threatening bars with revoking their liquor licenses unless they abided by his arbitrary restrictions enacted supposedly in the name of science:

Additionally, pastors were arrested and thrown in jail because they held services during DeSantis’ lockdown. The DeSantis administration grotesquely infringed upon religious liberty and made a mockery of the 1st Amendment during the pandemic:

DeSantis, like Trump, has shilled hard for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines as well, assuring the public that they were safe for usage and would stop transmission when that turned out to be a lie.

“If you’re vaccinated and you test positive but you don’t get sick, well the name of the game is to keep people out of the hospital,” DeSantis said in July 2021. “Seventy-five percent of Floridians over the age of 50 have gotten shots, so we think that’s really, really positive.”

“If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chance of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero,” he said. “If you look at the people that are being admitted to hospitals, over 95% of them are either not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated at all. And so these vaccines are saving lives. They are reducing mortality.”‘

There are too many problems with DeSantis for him to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. He needs to stay in Florida so Trump can remedy his unfinished business on a national level in 2024.


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Deliberate murder and genocide across the board is what is going on. They are still doing this to us. Spread this information. People need to know. Parents need to know so they don’t help murder their children.

Watch the video below of Ask Dr. Drew with Kelly Victory and Ed Dowd.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Video: Suddenly Changed? Personality Changes After mRNA Injection

November 17th, 2022 by International Crimes Investigative Committee

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In the first session Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss reported about new findings concerning the effects of the mRNA-vaccine technologies, which are according to the other sides plan – Mister Global´s plan – supposed to be used for all so-called vaccines, including for example: measles, the flu, etc.

They do not only cause physical damages but they also damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier and leads to massive personality changes. Literally breaking the will of some of those receiving the shots.

Author and Journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf explains what this looks like in real life and Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin explains how there are disturbing parallels to the effects of lobotomy, which most people only know from the movie: „One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest“ and which is beyond any doubt one of the most brutal, yes savage crimes against humanity ever committed.

This session is not necessarily fun to watch, but it is very important for all of us to know and understand what this mRNA-Injection is doing to those who get the shots.

Only then will we be able to understand why so many people who received these shots, simply cannot be reached by us anymore.


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Featured image is from FiercePharma

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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My name is Tamara Lich.

I’m a Canadian of Métis heritage, born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I’m a mother, and a grandmother, and I now live in Medicine Hat, Alberta.

On February 17, I was placed under arrest in downtown Ottawa for peacefully protesting Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandate.

I was denied bail, held for 17 nights in an Ottawa jail cell, and released on March 7 on the conditions that I refrain from using social media, that I do not have contact with other protest organizers, and that I am not allowed to speak critically of government COVID-19 mandates or in support of the Freedom Convoy. I’m also restricted from being involved in organizing, participating in, or promoting any protests.

On June 27, I was re-arrested by the RCMP for allegedly breaching my bail conditions, and I was held in jail for another 30 days until I was released on July 26.

In total, I’ve spent 49 days in jail. I’ve been persecuted for months by our federal government. And I’ve been branded by the mainstream media as an extremist.

However, if you follow Rebel News, you know that I’m a peaceful, freedom-loving Canadian, who just wants the country I know and love back.

I’ve been trying to keep a low profile for the last few months.

But now, it’s finally time for me to break my silence, and I’ve decided that there is no better place to do that than at Rebel News LIVE! Toronto this Saturday, November 19.

Click here to find out more about Rebel News LIVE! and to get your ticket….

I’m so grateful for the incredible support I’ve received from Ezra Levant and the whole team at Rebel News, for standing up for freedom, and for telling my side of the story.

They created a petition in support of my freedom at that garnered over 50,000 signatures, and they’ve crowdfunded millions of dollars to help fund the legal defence of freedom protestors like me.

Ever since the convoy departed Alberta for Ottawa, to this day, I’ve felt protected, and guided – I have faith that this will all work out one way or another.

My message has always been one of peace, love, and helping the less fortunate.

I do think we’re in trouble as a country, but I don’t think we’re past the point of no return.

But the only way we will get our country back is if like-minded, freedom-loving Canadians like yourself get involved in every level of politics, speak up and take action.

Well, there’s no better place than Rebel News LIVE! Toronto to get more involved and join the coast-to-coast effort to stand up for our rights and freedoms.

Please, get your ticket now.

I’ll be there on Saturday, November 19 and believe me when I tell you: I’ll have a lot to say.

I hope to see you there.

Sincerely and with gratitude,

Tamara Lich

P.S. Rebel News LIVE! Toronto is a full-day conference on Saturday, November 19. There’ll be a breakfast and a lunch, and a dozen or so speakers, including me, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Dr. Julie Ponesse, Maxime Bernier, Ezra Levant, Andrew Lawton, and other independent journalists, doctors, and freedom experts. Click here to get your ticket before they run out!


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Featured image is from Rebel News

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Rashid Kawazba, 41, and his brothers were excitedly awaiting the day the electrical company would turn on the electricity, so they could move into their new homes, which they built neighbouring each other in the Al-Maniya village, southeast of Bethlehem.

However, the 25 family members never got to experience their first night in the three adjacent three-storey buildings.

At around 5am on Monday morning, Israeli army forces raided the village and surrounded the Kawazba family homes. They had brought several bulldozers along with them.

“While I was on my way to work, my family called to tell me that dozens of Israeli soldiers accompanied by bulldozers and military jeeps were raiding the neighbourhood,” Kawazba told Middle East Eye, standing near the ruins of what was to be his new home.

Kawazba said that the military shut down the entire neighbourhood, and began demolishing the buildings almost immediately.

“All we could do was watch. I can’t even describe how I felt; I almost wish I didn’t see the demolition. I felt defeated. Everything my brothers and I worked for was gone instantly,” he recounted.

“We were already picturing our lives in those houses, we couldn’t wait to move in, but the Israelis came and destroyed everything. They didn’t even let us take anything out of the house,” he said.

“They killed our dream. Everything I did and all the money I paid was for nothing.”

Asked to pay for cost of demolition

Last year, the family received a letter from the Israeli Civil Administration, which enforces home demolitions in the occupied West Bank, stating its plan to demolish their homes within 96 hours. The family immediately hired a lawyer to appeal the case.

The appeal had been moving through the courts for months, and the family’s lawyer had told them things were going well, but there were no new decisions or developments recently. That’s why Kawazba said he was shocked to see the army at his doorstep Monday morning.

“The military appeared out of nowhere, with no notice, and demolished our house,” he said.

Kawazba told MEE that after the demolition, Israeli army officials gave the families a ticket to pay Israeli authorities for the cost of demolition, approximately $18,000.

“It’s ridiculous that now they are demanding we pay for demolishing our house. If we refuse, we have no idea what they will do,” Kawazba said.

“And it doesn’t stop there,” he continued, explaining how much money they have already put into constructing these buildings.

“I have to pay even more money for something that we can’t even live in,” he said, going on to explain that the total cost of the construction was about $730,000, and he was still in debt for about $292,000.

“Financially, this is terrible. I have lost a lot of money in construction. My brothers and I must continue working for the next two years to pay off a debt for houses that no longer exist and we never got to live in.”

Palestinians banned, settlers allowed

The Kawazba family homes are located in Area C of the West Bank, which makes up more than 60 percent of the territory. Area C is under full Israeli security and civilian control; as a result, Palestinians who live there are required by Israeli military law to receive permission from Israel’s Civil Administration in order to build, even if the land is privately owned.

The Civil Administration, however, rarely approves Palestinian building permit applications, forcing many people to build on their land without permission, thus subjecting them to home demolition.

During the first eight months of 2022, 590 Palestinian-owned structures across the West Bank and East Jerusalem were demolished or seized, displacing 707 people.

Kawazba said he tried to get permission from the Israeli Civil Administration, giving them “everything they asked for” throughout the application process. But the family’s applications were still denied, affirming his belief that “Israel doesn’t want any Palestinians to have land and houses.”

He also told MEE about a nearby settlement that cuts into land owned by the Palestinian village, “We cannot build on our land, but the Israeli settlement three or four kilometres away can build on our land.”


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Featured image: Rashid Kawazba standing in front of the rubble that remains of the homes that he and his brothers spent two and a half years building in Al-Maniya village, southeast of Bethlehem (Akram Al-Waara)

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Norway Signs Arms Trade with US in Anti-Russian Paranoia

November 17th, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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A recent agreement between the Norwegian armed forces and the US for the purchase of missiles starts a new stage in bilateral military cooperation. Although it is a Norway’s right to seek better equipment for its troops, it is undeniable that such an initiative arises as a response to the fallacious discourse about the existence of a supposed “Russian threat”, which may sound dangerous in the midst of the current global wave of tensions.

Both sides signed an agreement for the acquisition by Norway of medium-range AMRAAM-D aerial missiles. The aim would be to improve the performance of Norwegian F-35 fighters. These fighters are widely recognized as one of the main pillars of the country’s armed forces, but they need to be modernized in their equipment to continue executing a satisfactory combat function. It is estimated that the value of the agreement exceeds 500 million dollars, which makes this the largest military contract ever made by the Norwegian state in its entire history.

During a press conference, spokespersons for the Norwegian Ministry of Defense praised the agreement. They said that Oslo’s military authorities hope this cooperation will make the new Norwegian fighters fleet the country’s main weapon for the decades to come. Eivind Byre, lieutenant colonel and head of the Air Force’s communication center, stated that the fighters will now carry out their activities with maximum operational capability, considering the high power represented by the AMRAAM-D missiles.

“We are very pleased that Norway now also has access to such advanced missiles”, Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram himself emphasized to Norwegian media, adding that, in his opinion, acquiring such weapons is “particularly important in light of the current security policy situation”.

It is important to mention that these missiles until then had only been exported from the US to extremely close partners, such as Canada, Australia and the UK. The fact that Norway was able to successfully negotiate these weapons demonstrates that Washington currently sees Oslo as an important and reliable ally, thus justifying the sending of some of its most important equipment.

The AMRAAM-D missiles are an improved version of the projectiles previously used by the F-16 and NASAMS air defense systems. With more advanced engineering, the AMRAAM-D includes better data control, sensors, and range. The weapons are expected to act incisively against targets such as modern drones, cruise missiles and other combat aircraft.

In addition to the AMRAAM-D agreement, an industrial cooperation pact was also signed between the American military company Raytheon and several private Norwegian defense groups. The contract will significantly boost the Scandinavian country’s military industry, creating new production and value-adding facilities for military items.

This deepening of the countries’ bilateral military relations has been happening in a notorious way in recent times, considering that previously Norway had already bought dozens of F-35 fighters from the US, promoting the almost total replacement of its aging F-16 fleet – which is about to be completed by 2025. Now, with the agreement for the sale of the missiles that will equip such aircraft, it is possible to see that there is indeed an American willingness to improve the Norwegian military power, which is possible to be understood when we analyze the current international situation.

As well as other European countries – and mainly Scandinavian ones -, Norway has strongly adhered to the anti-Russian paranoia encouraged by the US. Discourses such as the one about a “Russian threat” or the unfounded belief in the existence of a “Russian expansionism” in Western Europe have already become commonplace among authorities in most European countries, including Norway. This leads them to take “preventive” measures, seeking to raise their military potential to face these supposed (non-existent) risks.

Norway has repeatedly demonstrated this willingness to increase cooperation with the US in order to neutralize the “Russian threat”. This is particularly evident with the high level of US-Norway cooperation in the Arctic, a region of high strategic interest to NATO and where Russia has historically maintained military hegemony. In fact, as Norway is a partner country geographically close to Arctic Russia, it is advantageous for the US to place the largest possible number of weapons and troops there, advancing its project of “encirclement” against the Russian strategic environment.

As Norway prepares to face non-existent dangers, it becomes a real danger itself. The more NATO weapons and troops occupy the country, the more unsafe it becomes for Russia and will force Moscow to increase its deterrence activities. In fact, for peace to reach Europe, the most interesting thing is for local countries to significantly reduce their cooperation with the US and adopt a neutral stance towards Russia.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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“Ecomodernists offer no solutions to contemporary problems other than technical innovation and further integration into private markets which are structured systematically by centralized state power in favour of the wealthy… ” – Chris Smaje

In 2017, the then Monsanto Chief Technology Officer Robb Fraley argued that his company made a mistake in not reaching out to the public about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) when they first appeared on the market in the 1990s. He felt consumers had been unduly swayed by an anti-GMO movement and the industry got its PR campaign wrong first time around.

Fraley said the industry and universities currently involved in rolling out genome editing technology have done a much more extensive communication to both the public and key regulatory and policy makers. The industry’s message is that gene editing can precisely delete and insert genes in an organism’s DNA and presents no risks.

However, there is sufficient research indicating that the technology is error prone, the effects of editing are not controllable and there is no simple pathway between gene and trait. Gene editing has unexpected outcomes and risks, and unintended mutations and off-target effects occur.

These issues have been noted in various articles, reports and papers which are listed on the GMWatch website. Even intended modifications can result in traits which could raise food safety, environmental or animal welfare concerns.

Various scientific publications show that new GM techniques allow developers to make significant genetic changes, which can be very different from those that happen in nature. These new GMOs pose similar or greater risks than older-style GMOs. Despite gene editing being touted by the industry as ‘precision breeding’, it is anything but.

In addition to these concerns, researchers say that what we can expect is just more of the same – GM herbicide-tolerant crops and increased herbicide use.

However, the industry is seeking the unregulated commercial release of its new technologies.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that organisms obtained with new genetic modification techniques must be regulated under the EU’s existing GMO laws. But there has been intense lobbying from the agriculture biotech industry to weaken the legislation.

Since the ECJ decision in 2018, top agribusiness and biotech corporations have spent almost €37 million lobbying the EU. They have had 182 meetings with European Commissioners, their cabinets and director generals. More than one meeting a week.

Little surprise then that the EU Commission’s secret policy scenarios show full GMO deregulation is on the cards with the commission considering ending safety checks, traceability and GMO labelling for GM foods, seeds and crops.

Regardless of this, is there any need for GMOs in the first place? It seems to be a technology in search of a problem. An important article by PC Kesavan and MS Swaminathan in the journal Current Science says there is sufficient evidence to question the efficacy of GM crops in terms of yields, pesticide usage, the effects on farmers and on the environment, etc.

An important article not only because of the evidence it drew upon but also because of the status of both authors, especially that of Swaminathan, considered the father of the Green Revolution in India.

The two scientists argue that GM technology is supplementary and must be need based. In more than 99% of cases, therefore, they say there is no need – time-honoured conventional breeding is sufficient.

Dystopian vision  

We need to bear this in mind because there is a disturbing view emerging of a future based on a ecomodernist perspective and a techno-utopia founded on GM crops, lab-engineered ‘food’ and 90 per cent of humanity being crammed into mega-cities.

Academics write reports and books on this vision, but among the high-profile foot soldiers promoting it are the likes of The Guardian’s George Monbiot and industry-funded GMO lobbyist Mark Lynas.

The following forms an ecomodernist vision of the future (translated from Dutch) and appears on the website:

“In 2100, the planet is home to around ten billion people. More than 90 per cent of these live and work in the city, compared to 50 per cent in 2000. Around the city are large farms full of genetically modified crops that achieve four times as high a yield as at the beginning of the 21st century.”

It goes on to state:

“Beyond the farmland begins nature, which now occupies most of the surface of our planet. Whereas in 2000 half of the earth’s surface was still in use by humans, today that is only a quarter. The rest has been returned to nature. Both biodiversity and CO2 emissions are back to pre-1850 levels. Hardly anyone is in extreme poverty anymore.”

Those pushing for this transition want large-scale government interventions to help ‘the market’ achieve the goals set out, including massive government investment in “game-changing innovations in precision fermentation and biotech” (precision fermentation = lab engineered ‘food’).

Very much like the type of ‘stakeholder capitalism’ we hear so much about from the World Economic Forum and like-minded bodies when they discuss the ‘climate emergency’ and ‘resetting’ economies and societies in line with market-driven ‘economic, social and corporate governance’ targets.

What this really means is governments becoming junior stakeholders and facilitators, paving the way for private capital to carve up the planet as it sees fit – imperialism repackaged and rebranded with a veneer of ‘green’, or in this case – feeding the world.

The ecomodernists regard their solutions as ‘progress’ – as progressive – as if their vision is the only vision worth considering because it somehow represents the pinnacle of human evolution. Such a view of human development is arrogant, ahistorical and unilinear.

If history teaches us one thing, it is that humanity ended up at its current point due to a multitude of struggles and conflicts, the outcomes of which were often in the balance. In other words, as much by chance as design.

We need look no further than Robert Brenner (Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-industrial Europe, 1976) and Barrington Moore (Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: lord and peasant in the making of the modern world, 1966) to appreciate this. Their research was based on broad comparative sociological analyses of the cultural, historical, agrarian and economic factors and (class) conflicts that led to the rise of different forms of modernity and social structures.

Their work has important implications: the ecomodernist vision for the future should not be accepted as a given – as some predetermined fixed endpoint. There are alternative visions, potential outcomes and resistance that can challenge the world these elitists have in mind.

In 2021, for instance, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems released a report with ETC Group, which set out a very different future for food systems, people and the planet.

The report asks: what if the initiative is reclaimed by civil society and social movements – from grassroots organisations to international NGOs, from farmers’ and fishers’ groups to cooperatives and unions?

It imagines what a ‘long food movement’ could achieve by 2045 if these movements succeed in collaborating more closely to transform financial flows, governance structures and food systems from the ground up.

The ecomodernist vision is ahistorical in another way too. Back in 2015, farmer and writer Chris Smaje wrote that a word you will not find in the ecomodernist vocabulary is inequality. While there are glancing references to poverty, poor people and poor nations, in the ecomodernist vision of modernity, poverty is equated with a lack of modernisation.

He says:

“There is no sense that processes of modernisation cause any poverty… There’s nothing on uneven development, historical cores and peripheries, proletarianisation, colonial land appropriation and the implications of all this for social equality. The ecomodernist solution to poverty is simply more modernisation.”

Smaje also explains why the ecomodernist notion that nobody wants to farm, and everybody wants to move to the city meshes neatly with neoliberal ideology.

He also argues that alternative visions are not about ‘oppressing’ people by keeping them in villages and engaging in subsistence farming:

“It’s about choosing policies that best support people’s realistic aspirations – all people’s, both rural and urban. The EM, and other keystone ecomodernist works like Brand’s Whole Earth Discipline, are conspicuously silent on global economic governance policies. They say nothing about the IMF, the WTO, the free flow of global capital and the constrictions on the flow of global labour.”

In other words, if you deliberately run down the farming sector, say via trade policies, and withdraw key extension service that support farmers and do away with guaranteed minimum support prices for crops, then there’s a good chance rural dwellers will flow to cities to live in a slum in the hope of a better life.

People do not necessarily ‘choose’ to move out of farming. They are very often forced out and their land appropriate. We see this in India at this time, where resistance is already fertile.

And it has to be because the intention by global agricapital and the World Bank is to displace hundreds of millions from the countryside, amalgamate their land and move them into cities. The nation’s agri-food sector is to be restructured for the needs of global supply chains and global agricapital.

In 2016, UN reporter Felix Creutzig said Delhi’s population will be 37 million by 2030:

“The emerging mega-cities will rely increasingly on industrial-scale agricultural and supermarket chains, crowding out local food chains.”

If unchallenged, the outcome will be a country reliant on industrial agriculture and all it entails – lab engineered items, denutrified food, monolithic diets, the massive use of agrochemicals and food contaminated by hormones, steroids, antibiotics and a range of chemical additives.

A cartel of seed, chemical and food manufacturing and processing companies with total control over the food production and supply chain in India and throughout the globe.

And it will be total. Big global biotech corporations like Bayer and Corteva are extensively patenting plants. Such patents on plants would restrict farmers’ access to seeds and impede breeders from developing new plants as both would have to ask for consent and pay fees to the biotech companies.

Mute Schimpf, food campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe, says of the big biotech giants:

“They will be lining their pockets from farmers and plant breeders, who in turn will have a restricted access to what they can grow and work with.”

This is ‘ecomodernism’ in action. It goes hand-in-hand with elite interests who will rake in enormous profit as they seek to control every aspect of food, farming and, indeed, life.

In India, we see various tactics at work to bring this about – the deliberate strategy to make smallholder farming financially nonviable (depopulating the countryside), attempts to dismantle public distribution systems and minimum support prices, the relentless drive to get GM food crops cultivated, the data-gathering Agristack initiative overseen by Microsoft and the increasing capture of the retail sector by Walmart, Amazon, Facebook and Google (all described in the ebook mentioned at the end of this article).

Mumbai-based Research Unit for Political Economy says the Indian government is trying to establish a system of ‘conclusive titling’ of all land in the country, so that ownership can be identified and land can then be bought or taken away. As farmers lose access to land or can be identified as legal owners, predatory institutional investors and large agribusinesses will buy up and amalgamate holdings, facilitating the further roll out of industrial agriculture.

The Agristack (data-gathering) initiative will be key to the formation of a land market.

In this brave new world, notions of food sovereignty and seed sovereignty have no place. A case of you will own nothing, be happy and eat a diet of genetically and biochemically engineered ‘food’ – junk food to complement existing junk food that claims hundreds of thousands of lives across the globe annually.

‘Food’ courtesy of giant ‘fermentation’ vats and farms manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce crops from patented GM seeds for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be engineered, processed and constituted into something edible. An AI-driven, corporate-controlled ‘solyent green’ dystopia where the marketplace has been eradicated and a handful of companies and e-commerce platforms control the global economy.

But resistance is fertile. The farmers’ protest in India led to the repeal of corporate-backed legislation that would have accelerated the trends described above, and, as Vandana Shiva notes, more than 150 community seed banks have been established in the country – local seeds, adapted to local cultures which provide better nutrition and are more resilient to climate change.

Shiva says:

“At the Navdanya Farm and Earth University, we have trained more than one million farmers who now practice organic agriculture based on biodiversity and without the use of synthetic chemicals. The shift from globalisation driven by multinational corporations to a progressive localisation of our economies has become an ecological and social imperative, essential for food sovereignty.”

She concludes:

“Food sovereignty means feeding ourselves real, genuine, biodiverse food and freeing ourselves from the false promises of artificial food.”

Of course, Monbiot, Lynas and the agri biotech sector are dismissive of the ability of organic agriculture to feed the world and of a world described by Shiva, which rejects corporate dominance and new forms of imperialism.

Their anti-organic, pro-synthetic food stance should be seen for what it is – fearmongering (the world will starve without GM agriculture) and pro-corporate ideology and an adherence to centralised power, which flies in the face of firm evidence that indicates organic supported by an appropriate policy framework is more than capable of addressing the challenges ahead.


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Colin Todhunter writes on food, agriculture and development issues and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). The ebook referred to in the article can be read here for free.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

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Swedish MPs to vote on changed ‘free press’ rights in constitution
By The Local, November 16

Sweden’s parliament is set to vote on Wednesday on a new law on “foreign espionage” which will limit the constitutional rights to press freedom and free expression for media organisations and individuals which publish “secret information”.

To change the constitution in Sweden, parliament must vote through the proposal twice, once on either side of a general election. As parliament already passed the controversial law for the first time back in the spring, Wednesday’s vote, if it (as seems likely) is in favour, will mean the changes take place.

Under the new law, ‘gross foreign espionage’ comes with a potential jail sentence of up to eight years….

Under the new proposal, publications which reveal secret data which impacts on Sweden’s relationships with international organisations such as the UN, or Nato….could be viewed as guilty of foreign espionage.


[T]he press freedom group Svenska Pen, Swedish Union of Journalists, the heads of SVT and SR, and representatives for other publications, said that the new law “risked having an inhibitory effect on whistleblowers and other important sources for investigative journalists”.

They named the decision of the Swedish UN diplomat Anders Kompass to blow the whistle on UN troops raping children in the Central African Republic, the SVT investigation on UN troops torturing prisoners in the Congo, and SR’s story revealing the Swedish Defence Research Agency’s plans to help Saudi Arabia build a weapons factory as stories which might not have been possible if the new law had been in place.

“With a change in the constitution like this, even Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would be able to dictate what the Swedish media can publish or not publish,” they wrote.


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Blame the Deep State for Carnage in Ukraine

November 17th, 2022 by George D. O’Neill, Jr.

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From the onset of the Ukraine war, the corporate media, politicians, and all the controlled NGOs throughout America and Western Europe were lockstep in their claim that the Russian military action in eastern Ukraine was unprovoked and unjustified—an act of aggression that could not be allowed to stand. 

There was one problem with this propaganda blitz: it was totally untrue. The Deep State—the  government elites, intelligence community, and the military establishment—has spent decades threatening and provoking Russia by pushing NATO up against their border.

You do not have to like Russia to see this, and you can detest Vladimir Putin until the cows come home. The fundamental issue remains the same: the Russians view NATO on their border as an act of aggression and a threat to their national security, and we have known this for decades.

The record is clear and unassailable.

In 1990, as the Soviet Union was beginning to break apart and the possibility of peace throughout most of the world was in sight, the United States—in no less a personage than James Baker, U.S. secretary of State—pledged that NATO would not move eastward toward the Russian border. That promise was central to enabling the withdrawal of the Soviet military divisions from East Germany to facilitate the unification of the country. This commitment also provided the security necessary for the dissolution of power inside the Soviet Union. Without such a guarantee, the resistance to the breakup would have been intense and almost certainly violent.

At that point, it had been less than 50 years since Russia had been invaded. The horror of the Second World War cost the Russian people an estimated 25 to 35 million lives. In addition to the unimaginable sea of blood from that war, Russians well remember the many other invasions that have caused death, sorrow, and brokenness for an incalculable number of their fellow citizens. Since Americans have never experienced a foreign invasion, they have no concept of that horror. (The war of 1812 was a brief and small fight.)

Secretary of State Baker did the right thing to assuage a legitimate fear and facilitate the breakup and the freeing of hundreds of millions of people captive in the Soviet system. But before the ink was dry, the U.S. foreign policy establishment as expressed in NATO and the E.U. began breaking its word.

As post-Soviet Russia went through a serious economic depression unknown to most in the West, the elites in the U.S. and Europe put together a plan to expand NATO all the way to the borders of Russia. This cynical move openly ignored and violated the West’s pledge. In early 1997 George Kennan, the foreign policy lion of much of the 20th century, warned in an op-ed in the New York Times:

In late 1996, the impression was allowed, or caused, to become prevalent that it had been somehow and somewhere decided to expand NATO up to Russia’s borders.

But something of the highest importance is at stake here. And perhaps it is not too late to advance a view that, I believe, is not only mine alone but is shared by a number of others with extensive and in most instances more recent experience in Russian matters. The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.

A year later, in May 1998, following a vote by the U.S. Senate to expand NATO, Kennan again warned the Western policy elites of the danger in an interview with Thomas Friedman of the New York Times.

”I think it is the beginning of a new cold war,” said Mr. Kennan from his Princeton home. ”I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn over in their graves. We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way. [NATO expansion] was simply a light-hearted action by a Senate that has no real interest in foreign affairs.”

Kennan’s warnings were ignored. A year later, in 1999, NATO engaged in military action against the newly formed nation of Serbia. To this day, you can see the damage of the bombings in Belgrade, the Serbian capital.

Serbia has been an ally of Russia since the time of the First World War. This was viewed in Russia as a warning that NATO intended to do as it pleased and that anyone who stood up to them could count on the same treatment. This calculated insult led directly to the rise of a nationalist leader in Russia. In 2000, Vladimir Putin was elected president. Since the bombing of Serbia, America and NATO’s participation in wars and the willful wreckage of other countries such as Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and a number of countries in Africa, Central, and South America, has not gone unnoticed by the Russian leadership.

No serious person in Washington can say they were not warned of the impact of their power-lust in expanding NATO. But the lie continues. The top foreign policy leaders who spoke up over the years against the destructive interventions were ignored.

William Burns, Biden’s director of the CIA—the agency charged with knowing how other nations will act and react—has had a ringside seat on Russian and NATO policy for more than 30 years. In 1990, Burns served under Secretary of State James Baker in a planning role during the period when Baker made the pledge to Russia that NATO would not advance past the borders of the newly reunited Germany.

Burns’s career as an anointed cardinal of the Deep State is well documented. In fact, he is a bit of a legacy. Burns’s father, a major general in the Army, was deeply involved in intelligence work and served Reagan and Bush I on the Disarmament Councils. Burns himself was a Clinton appointee in 1995 when he wrote, while serving as counselor for political affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, that “hostility to early NATO expansion is almost universally felt across the domestic political spectrum here.”

The intensity of Russia’s antipathy to the expansion of NATO toward their border, and Ukraine in particular, was accentuated in a 2008 report by Burns—at that time U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation—to Bush II Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two and a half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests. 

Even if Biden’s CIA director was not able to bring his extensive experience to bear this year, others in the State Department knew full well how Russia would react to open moves to add Ukraine to the membership rolls of NATO. Yet Victoria Nuland, mandarin in the neocon ranks of the foreign policy establishment and State Department, in 2013 boasted that the U.S. had spent more than $5 billion promoting pro-Western “civil society” groups in Ukraine since the end of the Cold War.

In 2014 the United States assisted, if not outright directed, a coup d’état against an elected government in Ukraine because that government wanted friendly relations with Russia—a larger neighbor with a shared history stretching back centuries. The Deep State could not tolerate that friendship. An infamous leaked call between then Assistant Secretary of State Nuland and former U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt discussing helping “midwife” the February 2014 revolution can be heard here. University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer gave a 2015 lecture in which he warned about the problems and dangers wrought by the 2014 U.S.-engineered Ukraine crisis.

After numerous rebuffed Russian diplomatic overtures to resolve the dangers posed by an unfriendly and NATO-armed Ukraine, Russia did act—as Kennan, Burns, and others predicted. The Russians moved in 2014 to defend their southern border. By supporting local Russian-speaking separatists, Russia was able to secure Crimea, a peninsula that had been central to the Russian Navy for 300 years. Did they go further? No. Did they start a full-on war?  No. But they did as they had promised and moved to defend their nation’s southern front. As Professor John Mearsheimer pointed out in a June 6, 2022, lecture, there was a long list of provocations by the U.S. and NATO leading up to that.

Many of these provocations were outlined in the 2019 Rand Corporation report entitled Extending Russia. The Rand Corporation is a Deep State think tank which has helped engineer most of the U.S. foreign interventions since its founding in 1948. But even the Rand report summary warns against going so far as to precipitate military action. Apparently the brain-trust of Nuland, Biden, and Blinken didn’t read that part. For years, they have made Ukraine a de facto member of NATO, a neutral nation in name only. Since the 2015 Minsk treaty, they have poked the bear—and they kept poking until the bear lashed out. How does that serve America’s interests?

If you are interested in having a glimpse into the thoughts and designs of our Deep State toward Russia, read the whole Extending Russia Rand Corporation report. It is a chilling litany of the United States’ intentional interference in sovereign nations in Russia’s neighborhood to injure and provoke Russia. U.S. policy has been, apparently: instigate hostilities between Ukraine and Russia at all costs. Why did leadership refuse to negotiate in good faith with Russia? They knew the Russians would react as they have. What did U.S. policymakers hope to gain?

These are the questions that must be answered. Foreign policy and military elites must be held to account for the death and destruction their antagonistic policies have unleashed. They can pretend they didn’t know what would happen, but serious foreign policy experts outside the Washington bubble know better.


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George D. O’Neill, Jr., is a member of the board of directors of the American Ideas Institute, which publishes The American Conservative, and an artist who lives in rural Florida.

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At approximately 1 pm EST yesterday, reports emerged that a pair of rockets had slammed into a quiet farming town in Poland. The tragic blast killed two locals, marking the first time that the war in Ukraine bled over into NATO territory.

Western officials now widely agree that the Russian-made S-300 rockets were launched by Ukrainian forces as part of their ongoing effort to counter Russia’s attacks on their infrastructure. But that conclusion came after a long day of finger-pointing, with many leaders in politics and media using the blast as an opportunity to condemn Moscow and call for a swift response, up to and including the invocation of NATO’s collective defense pledge.

To put it more bluntly, a lot of people spent yesterday calling for war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers.

The incident gives a unique glimpse into how moments of crisis, which are often marked by limited information and strong emotions, create the conditions for rapid escalation, according to George Beebe of the Quincy Institute.

“We’re all walking close to the edge of a disaster, and the United States should not be confident that we won’t be pushed over that edge by forces we can’t control,” said Beebe, who previously led the CIA’s Russia Analysis Group.

In order to better understand this dynamic, it is helpful to take a closer look at yesterday’s events.

The first indication that something had gone wrong in Poland came at 12:38 pm EST, when Reuters reported that Polish Prime Minister ​​Mateusz Morawiecki had called an emergency meeting of his national security team. Shortly after 1 pm, a flurry of Polish media outlets revealed that the rockets were the reason for the emergency gathering.

The first images of the blast quickly started to emerge, prompting some analysts to point out that the debris looked an awful lot like an S-300 rocket, part of a Soviet-era missile defense system that Kyiv continues to use today.

But at 2 pm, just as it had started to become clear that Russia was an unlikely culprit, AP News published a one-sentence, one-source story that would prove remarkably consequential: “A senior U.S. intelligence official says Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people.”

Within minutes, prominent media personalities had already started to call on NATO to invoke Article V, which mandates that member states meet to determine a collective response whenever one of them is attacked. (It is worth noting that, contrary to popular belief, Article V does not prescribe a rapid response, and Congress would likely have to approve such a move.)

At 2:10 pm, Nika Melkozerova, a Ukrainian journalist with a significant following in the West, tweeted “So.. article 5?” Melkozerova softened her comment 20 minutes later, calling on concerned parties to “wait for official information.”

But Lesia Vasylenko, a member of Ukraine’s parliament, had no such compunction. The lawmaker simply tweeted out the phrase “Article 5” at 2:29 pm, adding later that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “testing the limits” with the strikes and that “reaction=appeasement.”

Paul Massaro, a prominent American supporter of Ukraine and member of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, said around the same time that “Russian terrorism” had reached Poland, adding shortly after that it was “[h]ard to believe this was an accident.”

Some NATO leaders seemed to follow in Massaro and Vasylenko’s footsteps. “Very concerned by Russian missiles dropping in Poland,” tweeted Slovakian Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad at 2:46 pm. “Will be in close contact with [NATO allies] to coordinate [a] response.”

A “senior European diplomat” echoed Nad in a Politico piece, saying that it was “appalling to see a desperate regime attacking critical infrastructure of Ukraine and hitting allied territory with victims.” (The diplomat did hedge by noting that the author of the attack was not yet confirmed.)

The Pentagon’s spokesman had the misfortune of having already scheduled a press conference for 2 pm, when little was known about the blast. “I don’t want to speculate when it comes to our security commitments and Article 5,” Patrick Ryder said, noting that he could not confirm AP’s report. “But we have made it crystal clear that we will protect every inch of NATO territory.”

The boilerplate promise to defend “every inch of NATO territory” earned an outsized response.

Given Russia’s purported senseless attack on NATO, nothing less than the organization’s very credibility as a collective defense organization was at stake.

Or at least that is what Anders Aslund of the Atlantic Council argued at around 3:30 pm. In a message aimed directly at President Joe Biden, Aslund said, “You have promised to defend ‘every inch of NATO territory.’ Are you going to bomb Russia now?” He added that Biden’s first move should be to establish a no-fly zone in Ukraine before “clean[ing] out the Russian Black Sea fleet.”

At the same time, Sergej Sumlenny, a prominent European policy expert, implied in a viral tweet that the attack was an intentional extension of Russia’s assault on Ukrainian infrastructure.

Shortly after, Mykhailo Podolyak, one of the top advisors to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, declared that the strikes were “not an accident, but a deliberately planned ‘hello’ from [Russia], disguised as a ‘mistake.’”

Russia denied the claim, saying that “[n]o strikes on targets near the Ukrainian-Polish state border were made by Russian means of destruction.” But, somewhat understandably for many of Ukraine’s supporters, Russia’s word no longer holds much purchase.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba responded at 4:35 pm that Moscow “promotes a conspiracy theory that it was allegedly a missile of Ukrainian air defense” that hit Poland. “No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages,” Kuleba added. Around the same time, Zelensky tweeted that the “Russian attack on collective security in the Euro-Atlantic is a significant escalation” of the conflict.

Luckily, the Biden administration didn’t take the bait. Despite the sharp words from Kyiv, U.S. and Polish officials maintained that the origin of the missiles was unclear and insisted that they needed more time to investigate the incident. At 7 pm, Biden, who is currently in Bali for the G20 conference, offered “full support” for Warsaw’s investigation following a call with Polish President Andrzej Duda.

Speculation and calls for escalation continued to run rampant as officials from across the West held emergency meetings. It took until nearly midnight for AP News to finally report that “[t]hree U.S. officials said preliminary assessments suggested the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian one amid the crushing salvo against Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure Tuesday.”

Even after this news emerged, Podolyak maintained that NATO should enact a no-fly zone in Ukraine, which would likely require Western pilots to fight their Russian counterparts directly, putting four nuclear-armed nations at war. Kyiv continues to deny that it fired the missiles.

This morning, Biden disputed Ukraine’s line, saying it was “unlikely” that the missiles came from Russia. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also declared that there is “no indication this was the result of a deliberate attack” but added that Russia holds ultimate responsibility for the attack given Moscow’s invasion and continued attacks on Ukrainian cities.

The trajectory of events starting from the initial report about the missiles hitting inside Poland highlights the difference between U.S. and Ukrainian interests when it comes to direct NATO involvement in the conflict, according to Beebe.

“There is a clear divergence of interests on that score, and the Biden team was appropriately cautious about gathering the facts about what happened and not rushing to judgment about potential retaliation,” he said.

In the end, the voices calling for calm won out over their more hawkish counterparts. But the incident serves as a stark reminder that misinformation spreads fast in moments of crisis, which can result in dangerous escalation. This makes it all the more important that major outlets like AP News get the story right the first time, as journalist Ken Klippenstein argued on Twitter.

“This is why journalists are supposed to verify information before they report it,” Klippenstein wrote.


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Italian police announced a series of raids against the neo-Nazi Order of Hagal organization. Accused of stockpiling weapons and planning terror attacks, the group has established operational ties to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion.

Five members of an Italian neo-Nazi organization known as the “Order of Hagal” were arrested on November 15th while an additional member remains wanted by authorities. He happened to be in Ukraine, fighting Russian forces alongside the Azov Battalion, which has been formally integrated into the Ukrainian military.

The “Hagal” members are accused of plotting terrorist attacks on civilian and police targets. A sixth member of the Hagal group, now considered a fugitive, is in Ukraine and embedded with the Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi paramilitary group that has been incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard.

Members of the Order of Hagal reportedly maintained “direct and frequent” contacts over Telegram with not just the Azov Battalion, but also the neo-Nazi Ukrainian military formations Right Sector and Centuria, “probably in the view of possible recruitment into the ranks of these fighting groups,” according to Italian media.

The police investigation was launched in 2019 and has included extensive computer searches and wiretapping; tactics which have revealed members of the group’s intent on carrying out violent acts in Italy.

One of the arrested members, Giampiero Testa, was reportedly “dangerously close to far-right Ukrainian Nationalist groups” and was planning an attack on a police station in Marigliano in Naples, according to wiretaps. The fugitive Azov fighter, Anton Radomsky, is a Ukrainian citizen who has lived in Italy but is currently fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian armed forces. Authorities say Radomsky planned to attack the “Volcano Buono” shopping mall in Naples.

In a January 2021 wiretap, Testa said he “would make a massacre like the one in New Zealand, but I wouldn’t go to the blacks, I would go to the barracks in Marigliano.” He was referring to the New Zealand mosque shooter who claimed to have visited Ukraine and wore a Nazi Sonnenrad, or “black sun” patch on his flak jacket as he slew 51 worshippers. The symbol, as the New York Times noted in 2019, is “commonly used by the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary organization.”

In February 2021, Testa ranted over the phone, stating “Like [racist Christchurch mass shooter] Tarrant… tututututu. In the Marigliano barracks. Boom boom, I killed them all.”

Around the same time, police monitoring the Order of Hagal organization seized ”soft air weapons” that could be “easily modified to fire authentic bullets,” ammunition, tactical gear, and even a grenade launcher. The group is also accused of conducting paramilitary trainings in Naples and Caserta as well as seminars promoting white supremacy and Holocaust denial.

Footage of the arrests broadcast by the news channel Sky Tg24 shows long knives, a Nordic-style axe, a bat emblazoned with the words “Leader Mussolini,” a swastika flag, a gas mask, an Azov Battalion t-shirt and “Valhalla Express,” a memoir by an Azov fighter.

The TG24 report is below.

But Ukraine is not the only country to have been visited by members of the Order of Hagal; “some members” also traveled to Israel to train in Krav Maga and the use of long and short weapons,” according to police officials. In fact, they were even given diplomas for completing the training.

The police operation spanned thirteen provinces in Italy and has included “26 personal, home and computer searches,” according to the police press releaseannouncing the arrests.

Among those arrested for “the crime of association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order” are Maurizio Ammendola, the founder of the group, its vice president Michele Rinaldi, and members Giampiero Testa and Massimiliano Mariano.

The fifth arrested member, Fabio Colarossi, is accused of spreading neo-Nazi propaganda.

While Nazism has found a safe space in the Ukrainian armed forces, the arrests and warrants against the members of the Order of Hagal that planned terror attacks suggests the potential for blowback from NATO’s Ukraine proxy war, as battle-hardened, ideologically extreme veterans encouraged by Western governments and supported with US and EU aid return home to cities across Europe.

“The high availability of weapons during the current conflict will result in the proliferation in illicit arms in the post-conflict phase,” Interpol Secretary General Juergen Stock has warned.

As The Grayzone has reported, a 2022 Department of Homeland Security document acknowledged that “Ukrainian nationalist groups including the Azov Movement are actively recruiting racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist white supremacists to join various neo-Nazi volunteer battalions in the war against Russia” but noted a key intelligence gap: “What kind of training are foreign fighters receiving in Ukraine that they could possibly proliferate in US based militia and white nationalist groups?”


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Featured image is from The Grayzone

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U.S. “Weaponized” Dollar Economics. “This Global Instrument of Fraud and World Dominance Must be Broken Once and For All”

By Peter Koenig, November 16, 2022

For decades the world has been exposed to US-weaponized dollar-economics – US sanctions dished out left and right, whenever an autonomous, sovereign regime refuses to do Washington’s bidding.

Stop the Warmongers. The New “Krefeld Appeal”. “NATO Out – Out of NATO”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 16, 2022

The activities of those who endanger life on our planet and have already destroyed it to a considerable extent are becoming more and more obvious. Worldwide wars, strangulating sanctions, embargoes and hunger blockades were and are part of the actions of the US power complex.

World War I, History of the Kingdom of Serbia: The First Defeat of the Central Powers in the Great War: The 1914 Battle of Cer

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, November 16, 2022

It passed more than the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War in 1914−1918. Proportionally, in the war, Serbia suffered mostly among all countries involved in the conflict as it lost ¼ of its population followed by 50% of industrial destruction.

An Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming, and Africa

By Community Alliance for Global Justice and Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, November 16, 2022

We, 50 organizations focused on food sovereignty and justice worldwide, want you to know there is no shortage of practical solutions and innovations by African farmers and organizations. We invite you to step back and learn from those on the ground.

Russia Strategises with Iran for the Long Haul in Ukraine

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 16, 2022

Ignoring the hype in the US media about White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Kissingerian diplomacy over Ukraine, the secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, former KGB counterintelligence officer and longstanding associate of President Putin, travelled to Tehran last Wednesday in the equivalent of a knockout punch in geopolitics. 

Israeli Nuclear Arsenal Condemned by World’s Governments in Overwhelming UN Vote

By Sameena Rahman, November 16, 2022

In an overwhelming vote, the United Nations General Assembly declared last week that apartheid Israel must immediately cease operations of all its nuclear weapons, get rid of the ones that exist, and place all its nuclear sites under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine

By Judicial Watch, November 16, 2022

Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018.

Biden Says It’s ‘Unlikely’ Missile that Hit Poland Was Fired from Russia

By Dave DeCamp, November 16, 2022

President Biden told reporters in Indonesia on Wednesday that it’s “unlikely” the missile that hit a village in Poland Tuesday near the Ukrainian border was fired by Russia and that “preliminary” information indicates otherwise.

“The US is a Paper Tiger where Saudi Arabia is concerned”: Interview with Ambassador Peter Ford

By Peter Ford and Steven Sahiounie, November 16, 2022

Israel is already viciously attacking Lebanon – economically. The Israeli/US strategy is to avoid war, which they would lose, but instead to create enough suffering in Lebanon to make the Lebanese people turn against Hezbollah. In particular, they are trying to block oil reaching Lebanon from Iran. This is similar to their strategy towards Syria.

U.S. Will Have Spent $100 Billion on Ukraine this Year

By Eric Zuesse, November 16, 2022

On November 15th, U.S. President Joe Biden requested Congress to allocate another $37.7 billion to Ukraine, and the Democratic Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the neoconservative Gregory Meeks of New York, said it was “urgent to make sure that we get them everything that we can … so that they have the weapons to continue the momentum moving through the winter,” against the Russians.

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The activities of those who endanger life on our planet and have already destroyed it to a considerable extent are becoming more and more obvious. Worldwide wars, strangulating sanctions, embargoes and hunger blockades were and are part of the actions of the US power complex. The USA have cancelled important disarmament treaties such as ABM, INF and OpenSkies. The manoeuvres directed against Russia and China are becoming increasingly aggressive. The danger of nuclear war is growing threateningly.

But the world’s rulers are also waging wars on new, different fronts. Under the guise of fighting pandemics, the lives of billions of people are being endangered.

This mainly affects countries in the so-called “Third World”. In India alone, the lockdown has cost millions of lives, according to the “World Doctors Alliance”. An even greater danger emanates from the “vaccination” campaign – for billions of people. Behind this is the strategy of the “Great Reset” of the forum of the super-rich, which calls itself the “World Economic Forum”, aimed at raising capitalism to an even more perverse level via a targeted collapse and a “new start” – with further violation of civil rights, human rights and international law – i.e. with fewer rights and more surveillance for the vast majority of humanity.

They are the same forces that are behind the various forms of war. One example: one of the masterminds of Operation 9/11 and the subsequent “war on terror”, ex-US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, was chairman of the board and shareholder of the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, which made its profit from the fear of bird flu with Tamiflu in 2005. Another example: the Washington-based Carlyle Group is active in both, the arms and the pharmaceutical business. It is important to confront war in all its forms – military as well as economic, biological and psychological.

The signatories of this declaration therefore demand – especially from the German government – to turn away from a policy of wars. It is a matter of stopping the warmongers. All fellow citizens are called upon to support this appeal in order to bring about a policy through incessant and growing pressure of public opinion,

  • will not allow the US empire, including Germany and the other NATO countries, to continue to overrun the world with wars,
  • that leads to peace and friendship with all countries respectively peoples of the world,
  • which banishes US and NATO troops – from Germany with 2 years’ notice by terminating the troop-stationing treaty,
  • which leads to leaving NATO – in all NATO countries with 1-year notice by denouncing the NATO treaty,
  • which refuses to endanger billions of lives under the guise of fighting a pandemic and subjecting the survivors to total control,
  • which follows the maxim: Not restricting, but safeguarding and expanding basic democratic rights is the order of the day.

We, who call for support of this appeal, come from all parts of society – especially from the peace movement and the movement to regain our fundamental and human rights. In this sense, we also call for overcoming the social division that has been systematically created in many countries over the past 18 months. We only have a chance if we confront the threats together.

This appeal is initiated by members of the campaign .(*) (, inspired by the “Krefeld Appeal” of 16 November 1980.

I call for the end of all wars. That’s why I sign the appeal “Stop the warmongers”.


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Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel holds a doctorate in education (Dr. paed.) and a degree in psychology (Dipl.-Psych.). He was a teacher for many decades (retired headmaster) and as a retired psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral values education as well as an education for public spirit and peace. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Transnational

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It passed more than the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War in 1914−1918. Proportionally, in the war, Serbia suffered mostly among all countries involved in the conflict as it lost ¼ of its population followed by 50% of industrial destruction. The first war crimes or even the genocide occurred on the territory of Serbia but on other hand, the first allied victory on the battlefield against the Central Powers happened as well as in Serbia – the 1914 Battle of Cer in the Machva District with the administrative center of Shabac. Before and during the Great War, the town of Shabac and the district of Machva have been bordering Bosnia-Herzegovina, at that time Austria-Hungary, on the Drina River being situated in the north-western part of the Kingdom of Serbia). Before the war, the area of Machva District was developed in both industrial and cultural aspects in many features according to the Central European pattern (for instance, the first piano in Serbia appeared in the town of Shabac in the 19th century).

However, in the district, everything changed when the Great War broke out with Austro-Hungarian military aggression on the Kingdom of Serbia in August 1914. The town of Shabac fell into the hands of the Dual Monarchy on August 12th, 1914. From August 16th to August 20th, 1914 Cer Mt. nearby the town of Shabac became the place where the first battle has been fought in the Great War against the Central Powers. The operations of the Austro-Hungarian-Balkan troops started on August 12th, 1914 with the aim to in a raped action crush Serbian resistance and occupy Serbia in order to ensure overland links with the Ottoman Empire. General Oscar Potiorek decided to use the Fifth Army to carry out the attack on Serbia, without waiting for the Sixth Army to be ready for these operations. However, the operation was to start, and even to end, before the Second Army of Austria-Hungary could move from the Sirmium region (today in Serbia), headed to Galicia.

In the battle of Cer, the Second Serbian Army under the command of the General (later Voyvoda, i.e., Field Marshal) Stepa Stepanovic succeeded to defeat the Fifth and segments of the Sixth Austro-Hungarian Army (commanded by General Oscar Potiorek – a Slovene by his ethnic origin) in which many Croats, Bosniaks, and Slovenes have been fought as well as Serbs from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia as mobilized by force. Some military detachments fighting in West Serbia have included ¼ of the Serbs and some 50% of the Croats from Austria-Hungary. Therefore, as a result, the war involved the conflict between Serbia and the South Slavs in the Dual Monarchy and in such a way caused long-term discord and animosity. Nevertheless, a well-equipped and armed Austro-Hungarian army sent to Serbia to punish it for its alleged participation in the Sarajevo Assassination (June 28th, 1914) simply ceased to exist. That was, in other words, the first victory of the Entente Powers Allies in the war (Serbia was an associate member of the Entente Powers).

The Serbian army in the Battle of Cer lost 260 officers and around 16.000 non-commissioned officers and soldiers. However, the losses suffered by Austria-Hungary were some 600 officers and some 23.000 non-commissioned officers and soldiers. Around 5.000 Austro-Hungarian soldiers were taken, prisoner. The Austro-Hungarian army left behind circa 50 guns and howitzers and a great many light weapons, ammunition, and equipment. The victory won as the Battle of Cer ended also the Austro-Hungarian military operations on the front in Montenegro (Crna Gora). Following the occupation of Pljevlja in Montenegro, the Austro-Hungarian troops were forced to retreat.

Unfortunately, during the time of the Cer Battle, the whole Macva District witnessed the most monstrous crimes against the Serbian civilian population committed by the army of Austria-Hungary – crimes to be labeled as genocide. Especially the brutal Austro-Hungarian military unit in these crimes was the Croatian 42nd Division called “Devil Division” which has been serving among others the future leader of Socialist Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito (1892−1980). Part of the civilians of Machva District was brutally executed and another part was taken into captivity in prisoner-of-war- camps in Austria-Hungary. The town of Shabac was barbarically destroyed by bombings and sacked by soldiers.

An additional aspect of the war in West Serbia in 1914 was that the Austro-Hungarian army did not pay any respect to any laws of war or provisions of the Hague Conventions concerning the conduct of war. On entering West Serbia, the Austro-Hungarian troops left total devastation in their wake and treated the civil population living in rural and urban areas extremely cruelly. Already in their first attack, in August 1914, they executed some 4.000 elderly people, women, and children, in the regions of Machva, Jadar, and Posavina. For example, in August 1914 (during only 12 days) the Austro-Hungarian army massacred at least 3.000 civilians in the Machva District which was at the forefront of the enemy’s attack. The town of Shabac had before the war in 1914 a population of some 14.000 people but in 1918 after the war, it had only 7.000 (50% lesser). After the Great War, due to a large number of human and material losses, the town of Shabac received three military decorations: 1) The Croix de Guerre with a palm branch; 2) The Czechoslovak War Cross; and 3) The Order of the Star of Karadjordje with swards of the fourth grade.

It deserves to be mentioned that the orders given to the Austro-Hungarian soldiers and their brutality are giving true evidence that the war was not waged just against Serbia as a state, but, however, against its citizens and even more, against the entire Serbian nation. For instance, proof of this is the order given by General Horstein, Commander of the Ninth Army Corps of Austria-Hungary, issued upon the entry of his troops into Serbia.

Finally, the 1914 Battle of Cer, as the first Serbian and, in fact, Allied military victory in the Great War, increased the confidence and faith of Serbia and the Entente in further victories and the final defeat of the Central Powers that happened in November 1918.


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Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović is a Former university professor in Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Geostrategic Studies. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

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In Charlottesville, Virginia, a twenty-two-year-old student at the University of Virginia has been arrested and charged with second degree murder for the shooting deaths of three fellow students. In Moscow, Idaho, an unknown assailant used an edged weapon to kill four students at a home across the street from the University of Idaho.

The shooting at UVA took place near an on-campus parking garage late Sunday, as students returned from a field trip to Washington DC to watch a play. The three victims, Devin Chandler, Lavel Davis, Jr. and D’Sean Perry were all members of the football team.

Two other students were shot and taken to the hospital, including Mike Hollins, another football team member, who was shot in the back, with the bullet lodged in his stomach. Hollins had a second surgery on Tuesday morning and remains in critical condition as of this writing.

On Monday around 11 a.m., police arrested and charged Christopher Darnell Jones, Jr with the shootings. Jones was on the football team in 2018.

Jones’ father, Chris Jones Sr. explained to a local NBC affiliate that about a month ago his son told him that people had been picking on him and he “didn’t know how to handle it.” He advised his son to ignore it and go back to school. “What happened? Why did it have to get this far?’ his father said. “I don’t know what to say except I’m sorry on his behalf, and I apologize. He’s not a bad kid. He really isn’t.”

According to the UVA football website, in high school Jones, Jr. was a member of the National Honor Society, president of the Key Club and student of the year as both a freshman and sophomore.

In the University of Idaho incident, the four victims, Ethan Chapin, Madison Mogen,  Xana Kernodle, and Kaylee Goncalves, were found dead shortly before noon on Sunday after police responded to a call regarding an unconscious individual. Art Bettge, the Mayor of Moscow, told ABC News that the deaths occurred between three and four in the morning.

On Tuesday, police said the students were killed in “an isolated, targeted attack” with an “edged weapon” like a knife. As of this writing, the weapon has not been recovered and no arrests have been made or suspects publicly identified.

Predictably, in the wake of these latest killings, the usual empty statements from politicians of both parties were issued. As the WSWS noted less than six months ago, in the wake of the Uvalde massacre, “Depending on party affiliation and the level of individual ignorance, [politicians] advocate gun control, more police repression or a return to godliness.”

On Monday, Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin tweeted,

“We had a horrific tragedy overnight at UVA, lives were lost and families changed forever. Due to the diligence and commitment of our law enforcement, the suspect is in custody. While there are still many details to uncover, let us lift up the entire community in prayer.”

Virginia’s US Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner chimed in with the usual Democratic talking points about gun violence while offering no real solution to the ongoing and escalating crisis of mass violence.

Kaine tweeted on Monday,

“Heartbroken to hear of another Virginia community devastated by gun violence. Praying for the UVA community and closely monitoring the situation…We must take further action to make our communities safer.”

On Tuesday, Warner tweeted,

“Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Gun violence continues to take too many lives. I strongly support honoring the lives lost to gun violence with action, and passing additional commonsense gun safety laws.”

No bourgeois politician or media outlet is capable of seriously examining the underlying social conditions that produce the everyday eruptions of mass violence in America. To do so would call into question the capitalist system which, with its brutality and violence, produces socially estranged individuals capable of carrying out terrible crimes.

As Democratic Party officials make their ritual statements about gun control and “senseless violence” the party simultaneously continues to carry out and escalate a proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia that has already killed thousands and threatens to descend in a catastrophic nuclear war, not to mention their support for every war carried out by US imperialism in the last 30 years, with the death toll in the millions.

According to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), there have been 599 mass shootings so far this year in the United States. The GVA defines a mass shooting as “four or more [people] shot and/or killed in a single event, at the same general time and location not including the shooter.” Another website, the Mass Shooting Tracker, records 701 mass shootings thus far in 2022, which it defines as “a single outburst of violence in which four or more people are shot”, with an astonishing 5,083 total mass shootings since 2013. Using the latter figure, the United States has averaged 1.40 mass shootings per day for the last decade.

Incidents of mass violence are on a rapid rise. According to the GVA, since 2014, the number of such events has more than doubled. That year, the archive documented 269 incidents. As of 2020, the number had increased to 611. This year will break that appalling record.

School shootings are also on the rise. CNN has documented 68 school shootings this year, involving at least one person being shot, with 15 occurring on college campuses. According to the network, school shootings have more than doubled since 2018.

Extreme social inequality, an ongoing pandemic which has killed more than 1 million Americans, and a ruling elite that glories in military and police violence have all played their part in stoking the escalating crisis of mass shootings. For young people in particular these deteriorating social and economic conditions have produced an unprecedented mental health crisis.

Last December, the Surgeon General of the United States issued a report warning that “the challenges today’s generation of young people face are unprecedented and uniquely hard to navigate. And the effect these challenges have had on their mental health is devastating.”

The report noted that “the pandemic era’s unfathomable number of deaths, pervasive sense of fear, economic instability, and forced physical distancing from loved ones, friends, and communities have exacerbated the unprecedented stresses young people already faced.” The report found that symptoms of depression and anxiety have doubled during the pandemic, with 25 percent of youth experiencing depressive symptoms and 20 percent experiencing anxiety symptoms.

Economic insecurity is also a major problem for American college students. A survey from the end of 2020 found that 29 percent of college students missed a meal at least once a week since the onset of the pandemic, with 35 percent reporting that hunger had impacted their ability to study at some point.

In the last thirty years, adjusted for inflation, tuition at public four-year colleges grew from $4,160 to $10,740 and from $19,360 to $38,070 at private schools, far outstripping wages which have remained nearly stagnant over the same time period. As a result, total student debt in the United States is now $1.75 trillion, with the average borrower owing $28,950.

Sunday’s killings and the ongoing daily occurrence of mass violence is the most extreme product of a society riven by class divisions. It is only by ending the capitalist system which produces individuals capable of carrying out such actions that such “senseless” mass killings will end.


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Russia Strategises with Iran for the Long Haul in Ukraine

November 16th, 2022 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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Ignoring the hype in the US media about White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Kissingerian diplomacy over Ukraine, the secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, former KGB counterintelligence officer and longstanding associate of President Putin, travelled to Tehran last Wednesday in the equivalent of a knockout punch in geopolitics. 

Patrushev called on President Ebrahim Raisi and held detailed discussions with Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the representative of the Supreme leader and secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. The visit marks a defining moment in the Russia-China partnership and plants a signpost on the trajectory of the war in Ukraine. 

The Iranian state media quoted Raisi as saying, “The development of the extent and expansion of the scale of war [in Ukraine] causes concern for all countries.” That said, Raisi also remarked that Tehran and Moscow are upgrading relations to a “strategic” level, which is “the most decisive response to the policy of sanctions and destabilisation by the United States and its allies.” 

The US State Department reacted swiftly on the very next day with spokesman Ned Price warning that “This is a deepening alliance that the entire world should view as a profound threat… this is a relationship that would have implications, could have implications beyond any single country.” Price said Washington will work with allies to counter Russian-Iranian military ties. 

Patrushev’s talks in Tehran touched on highly sensitive issues that prompted President Vladimir Putin to follow up with Raisi on Saturday. The Kremlin readout said the two leaders “discussed a number of current issues on the bilateral agenda with an emphasis on the continued building up of interaction in politics, trade and the economy, including transport and logistics. They agreed to step up contacts between respective Russian and Iranian agencies.” 

In this connection, Patrushev’s exceptionally strong support for Iran over the current disturbances in that country must be understood properly. Patrushev stated: “We note the key role of Western secret services in organising mass riots in Iran and the subsequent spread of disinformation about the situation in the country via Persian-language Western media existing under their control. We see this as overt interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.” 

Russian security agencies share information with Iranian counterparts on hostile activities of western intelligence agencies. Notably, Patrushev sidestepped Iran’s suspicions regarding involvement of Saudi Arabia. Separately, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also publicly offered to mediate between Tehran and Riyadh. 

All this is driving Washington insane. On the one hand, it is not getting anywhere, including at President Biden’s level, to raise the spectre of Iran threat and rally the Arab regimes of the Persian Gulf all over again. 

Most recently, Washington resorted to theatrics following up an unsubstantiated report by Wall Street Journal about an imminent Iranian attack on Saudi Arabia in the coming days. The US forces in the West Asian region increased their alert level and Washington vowed to be ready for any eventuality. But, curiously, Riyadh was unmoved and showed no interest in the US offer of protection to ward off threat from Iran.

Clearly, Saudi-Iranian normalisation process, which has been front-loaded with sensitive exchanges on their mutual security concerns, has gained traction neither side gets provoked into knee-jerk reaction.

This paradigm shift works to Russia’s advantage. Alongside its highly strategic oil alliance with Saudi Arabia, Russia is now deepening its strategic partnership with Iran.

The panic in spokesman Price’s remarks suggests that Washington has inferred that the cooperation between the security and defence agencies of Russia and Iran is set to intensify.  

What alarms Washington most is that Tehran is adopting a joint strategy with Moscow to go on the offensive and defeat the weaponisation of sanctions by the collective West. Despite decades of sanctions, Iran has built up a world class defence industry on its own steam that will put countries like India or Israel to shame. 

Shamkhani underscored the creation of “joint and synergistic institutions to deal with sanctions and the activation of the capacity of international institutions against sanctions and sanctioning countries.” Patrushev concurred by recalling the earlier agreements between the national security agencies of the two countries to chart out the roadmap for strategic cooperation, especially in regard of countering western economic and technological sanctions.

Shamkhani added that Tehran regards the expansion of bilateral and regional cooperation with Russia in the economic field as one of its strategic priorities in the conditions of US sanctions, which both countries are facing. Patrushev responded, “The most important goal of mine and my delegation in traveling to Tehran is to exchange opinions to speed up the implementation of joint projects along with providing dynamic mechanisms to start new activities in the economic, commercial, energy and technology fields.” 

Patrushev noted, “Creating synergy in transit capacities, especially the rapid completion of the North-South corridor, is an effective step to improve the quality of bilateral and international economic and commercial cooperation.” 

Patrushev and Shamkhani discussed a joint plan by Russia and Iran “to establish a friendship group of defenders of the United Nations Charter” comprising countries that bear the brunt of illegal western sanctions. 

With regard to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Shamkhani said the two countries should “intelligently use the exchangeable capacities” of the member countries. He said the danger of terrorism and extremism continues to threaten the security of the region and stressed the need to increase regional and international cooperation. 

Patrushev’s visit to Tehran was scheduled in the run-up to the conference on Afghanistan being hosted by Moscow on November 16. Iran and Russia have common concerns over Afghanistan. They are concerned over the western attempts to (re)fuel the civil war in Afghanistan. 

In a recent op-Ed in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Russian Special Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov alleged that Britain is financing a so-called “Afghan resistance”  against the Taliban (which is reportedly operating out of Panjshir.) Kabulov wrote that the US is baiting two Central Asian states by offering them helicopters and aircraft in lieu of cooperation in covert activities against the Taliban. 

Kabulov made a sensational disclosure that the US is blackmailing the Taliban leaders by threatening them with a drone attack unless they broke off contacts with Russia and China. He said, specifically, that the US and Britain are demanding that Kabul should refrain from restricting the activities of Afghanistan-based Uyghur terrorists. 

Interestingly, Moscow is exploring the creation of a compact group of five regional states who are stakeholders in Afghanistan’s stabilisation and could work together. Kabulov mentioned Iran, Pakistan, India and China as Russia’s partners. 

Iran is a “force multiplier” for Russia in a way no other country — except China, perhaps — can be in the present difficult conditions of sanctions. Patrushev’s visit to Tehran at the present juncture, on the day after the midterms in the US, can only mean that the Kremlin has seen through the Biden administration’s dissimulation of peacemaking in Ukraine to actually derail the momentum of the Russian mobilisation and creation of new defence lines in the Kherson-Zaporozhya-Donbass direction. 

Indeed, it is no secret that the Americans are literally scratching the bottom of the barrel to deliver weapons to Ukraine as their inventory is drying up and several months or a few years are needed to replenish depleted stocks. (here, here  ,here and here) 

Suffice to say, from the geopolitical angle, Patrushev’s talks in Tehran — and Putin’s call soon after with Raisi — have messaged in no unmistaken terms that Russia is strategising for the long haul in Ukraine. 


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In an overwhelming vote, the United Nations General Assembly declared last week that apartheid Israel must immediately cease operations of all its nuclear weapons, get rid of the ones that exist, and place all its nuclear sites under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. 

These stipulations against Israel were outlined in a resolution submitted by Egypt on behalf of the UN-member countries that are also a part of the Arab League, including the Palestinian Authority, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

The resolution was approved by 152 countries — 79% of UN member states — with five votes against, unsurprisingly the United States and Israel, and also Canada, Micronesia and Palau. Some 24 abstentions were composed of European Union members, NATO allies and India.

Resolution calling for an end to Israel’s illegal nuclear stockpile

The resolution, titled “The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East,” highlighted the risks of unsafeguarded nuclear facilities in the Middle East and demanded that Israel follow the principles of universal adherence to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, adopted in the region in 1995. Since then, Israel has been the only entity in the region that has repeatedly refused to sign the treaty and has spent the last few decades hypocritically denying the existence of its nuclear weapons.

A recent United Kingdom Parliamentary report states “that Israel possesses a nuclear weapons capability, outside of the framework of the NPT,” after specific details were revealed by whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu in 1988. Israel is believed to have at least 90 nuclear warheads, according to the report, and continues to produce weapons-grade plutonium.

Israel, hiding behind its imperial backer, the United States, continues its stockpiling of nuclear weapons in an extensive threat to the geopolitical stability in the Middle East. Documents from the early 1960’s, revealed in 2014, show that Washington played a key role in building Israel’s nuclear arsenal in secret while publicly denying any knowledge and adopting a line of ambiguity on nuclear power and weapons. Numerous reports since then established that the United States knew of and supported Israel’s nuclear capabilities in gross violation of international law and while punishing countries like Iran and North Korea for having or developing defensive weapons.

U.S. and Israel’s hypocritically label Iran as a nuclear threat

In the last few decades, the United States and Israel consistently labeled Iran as a nuclear threat to peace and stability in the Middle East despite Israel itself invading all bordering countries. Of note, Iran has no nuclear weapons, and signed on to the NPT as well as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which the United States pulled out of. Meanwhile, Israel remained in flagrant violation of international law.

Israel violated international law on numerous occasions by blatantly attacking Iran’s nuclear power plants used to generate energy, plunging the many areas of the country already suffocated by sanctions into darkness. In April last year, senior Israeli officials hinted at Mossad’s culpability for an attack on Iran’s key nuclear site Natanz, a heinous act of nuclear terrorism. Israel has also carried out the targeted assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadh and other Iranian scientists. Israel also admitted to attacking what it called “suspected” nuclear reactors in other neighboring countries, like Syria in Operation Outside the Box.

Nasser Kanaani, spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign ministry, said in a social media post,

“The advanced nuclear military program of the apartheid regime of Israel and the regime’s continued reluctance to put its nuclear facilities under comprehensive safeguards and not to join the non-proliferation treaty is a serious threat to international security and the non-proliferation regime.”

 Environmental fallout in Palestinian Occupied Territory

Israel’s criminal behavior is also significantly harming Palestinians in the West Bank. In 2021, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh accused Israel of storing lethal radioactive waste in the West Bank and sickening Palestinians living in the area. He also linked high cancer rates in Hebron to the nearby Israeli Negev nuclear reactor, Dimona. Palestine currently suffers from major climate issues due to Israel’s seven-decade long occupation and the fallout from Israel’s military proliferation.

U.S. corporate media silence

While the UN and the international community have repeatedly pointed to and labeled Israel as a major threat to geopolitical stability in the Middle East, there has been a critical lack of coverage by the western mainstream corporate media. It is clear that the fog of fear of the United States and Israel is lifting in the international community as governments are more empowered to label Israel for what it is: an apartheid state and a gross violator of human rights in Palestine and elsewhere. The recent vote is an important recognition that Israel is the major threat to peace and stability in the Middle East.


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Featured image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech on Iran’s nuclear programme at the defence ministry in Tel Aviv on 30 April 2018 (Source: Middle East Eye)

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The US and Japan are set to kick off large-scale joint war games on Thursday. The military drills will involve over 35,000 troops and take place just days after President Joe Biden met with Chinese President Xi Jinping aimed at lowering tensions.

Dubbed ‘Keen Sword 23,’ the war games will run for three days and are being held amid increasing worries in Japan over China’s growing presence in the region. The exercises simulate the defense of Tokunoshima Island, located in the East China Sea. Biden’s administration has previously pledged to defend Japanese claims to the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, which are also claimed by Beijing and Taipei.

Military activity in the region has spiked in recent months., with Chinese warplanes carrying out unprecedented drills in the airspace and waters surrounding Taiwan after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the island in August.

‘Keen Sword 23’ will see 26,000 Japanese troops and 10,000 American soldiers join servicemen from Canadian, British and Australian forces for days of drills. Voice of America – Washington’s primary state-funded media outlet – reported that 370 aircraft and 30 ships will be mobilized for the exercises.

The war games are taking place in the wake of Biden’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the sit-down, Biden declared that Washington would “continue to compete vigorously” with Beijing, though said relations should not “veer into conflict” and stressed that “the United States and China must manage the competition responsibly and maintain open lines of communication.”

The Chinese Defense Ministry recently said that if the United States wanted to resume regular dialogue, especially on military matters, Washington must “respect China’s interests and major concerns, and remove the negative factors that impede the development of ties.” Echoing the same sentiment, Xi told Biden “the Taiwan question” is at the “the very core of China’s core interests, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed.”

Since taking office, Biden has escalated tensions with China to unprecedented levels. Last year, Biden’s military flew more than 2,000 sorties with spy planes in the South China Sea, East China Sea and Yellow Sea, while the number of US aircraft carrier strike groups deployed to the South China Sea has nearly doubled. Despite near-constant warnings by Beijing, US officials and lawmakers continue to make high-profile visits to Taiwan, and Biden has repeatedly said the US has a defense commitment to the island – defying the ‘One-China’ Policy under which the United States has agreed to treat Taiwan as part of China-proper. With Washington reportedly seeking to turn Taipei into a “giant weapons depot,” US troops are openly deployed to the island training local forces, and American warships have transited the Taiwan strait on a near-monthly basis since Biden took power.


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor at the Libertarian Institute, assistant editor at and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.

Connor Freeman is a writer and assistant editor at the Libertarian Institute, and co-hosts Conflicts of Interest.

Featured image is from The Libertarian Institute

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Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. Dozens of pages are completely redacted, and many others are heavily redacted. The records show over $11 million in funding for the Ukraine biolabs program in 2019.

The records were obtained in response to a February 28, 2022, Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency for records regarding the funding of Black & Veatch involving work of any manner with biosafety laboratories in the country of Ukraine.

Three phases of work are discussed in the records, several of which are indicated to have occurred “on site” at the Ukrainian labs.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency provided a report titled “PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] at the [redacted (b)(3), which exempts information from disclosure when a foreign government or international organization requests the withholding, or the national security official concerned has specified in regulations that the information’s release would have an adverse effect on the U.S. government’s ability to obtain similar information in the future] Phase 2 On-the-Job Training Report, December 11-13/December 26, 2018” The Executive Summary includes information regarding “on-site” activities, likely referring to a Ukrainian biolab:

  • PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] on-the-job training was conducted for users of the [redacted (b)(3)] on December 11-13, under Phase 2 implementation activities, Anthrax Laboratory activities were conducted on December 28, 2018.
  • PACS existing configuration and customization were checked jointly with the on-site PACS Working Group
  • Phase 1 implementation activities including progress and current status were reviewed; issues and problems discussed and resolved;
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for PACS use at [redacted (b)(3)] was updated to include Subculturing Operation process – the updated SOP submitted to the on-site Working Group.

The report provides a list of titles of “OJT [on-the-job training] Participants” with all participants names from Black & Veatch redacted, citing exemptions (b)(6) for personal privacy and (b)(3).

  • Senior Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections
  • Leading Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections
  • Senior Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections
  • Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections
  • Leading Veternarian Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections
  • Senior Researcher Laboratory of Bacterial Animal Diseases
  • Head of Anthrax Laboratory
  • Researcher Anthrax Laboratory
  • Senior Research Scientist Laboratory of Mycotoxicology
  • Leading Veternarian Laboratory of Mycotoxicology
  • Junior Researcher Laboratory of Leptospirosis
  • Laboratory Assistant Neuroinfection Laboratory
  • Research Scientist Sector of International Relationships and Geoinformation

A section titled “Future Activities” notes: “Phase 3 implementation agreed for March 2019.”

Included in the records is an Order for Supplies or Services dated August 1, 2019, is issued by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to Black and Veatch Special Projects Corp. The total amount of the contract award is $11,289,142.00. The order contains approximately 35 contract line items set forth in a statement of work (SOW), dated March 5, 2019, titled: “Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance (EIDSS) and Pathogen Asset Control (PACS) Implementation” The statement of work, consisting of 24 pages, was not provided, nor was there an explanation for the withholding.

A report titled “PACS [Pathogen Asset Control] Implementation at the [redacted (b)(3)]. Phase 3 On-the-Job Training Report, November 28-29.2018” states in its Executive Summary:

  • B&V has completed the final stage of PACS implementation at the [redacted (b)(3)]. The site has been fully commissioned in operations of PACS functionality.
  • PACS on-the-job training and on-site activities were conducted for users on November 28-29, 2018 under Phase 3 implementation activities
  • PACS existing configuration and customization were checked jointly with the on-site PACS Working Group
  • Phase 2 implementation activities were reviewed; issues and problems discussed and resolved;

A report titled “PACS [Pathogen Asset Control] Implementation at the [redacted (b)(3)]. Phase 3 On-the-Job Training Report, April 3-5, 2019” has its Executive Summary and other portions redacted, citing FOIA exemptions (b)(4) trade secrets, (b)(5) interagency or intra-agency communications and/or attorney-client privilege.

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency also provided a 2018 report titled “PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] Implementation Plan at [redacted (b)(3)]. Phase 2 On-the-Job Training Report, September 25-27, 2018.” The Executive Summary includes: “PACS on-the-job training was conducted for users of the [redacted (b)(3)] on September 25-27, 2018, under Phase 2 implementation activities.”

A list of “OJT [on-the-job-training] Participants” from contractor Black & Veatch includes job descriptions but all names have been redacted through exemptions (b)(6) personal privacy and (b)(3). Some of those job descriptions include:

  • Head of Laboratory Virology
  • Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Control
  • Researcher of Pigs Diseases Research Laboratory
  • Scientist of Laboratory of Virology
  • Department of Avian Diseases
  • Researcher of Department of Avian Diseases
  • Laboratory for Biosafety, Quality Management
  • Engineer of the Laboratory for Biosafety, Quality Management
  • Laboratory of Biotechnology
  • Researcher of the Laboratory of Biotechnology
  • Head of the Brucellosis Laboratory
  • Senior Researcher of the Brucellosis Laboratory
  • Head of the Molecular Diagnostics and Control
  • Head of the Tuberculosis Laboratory
  • Researcher of Tuberculosis Laboratory
  • Researcher of the Laboratory of Virology

The report also contains a section titled “Future Activities:”

PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] users to continue with material registration, moving and destruction operations.

PACS users to reflect the process of Subculturing in PACS.

B & V to update Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to include the Subculture operations process.

[Redacted (b)(3)] to perform check of PACS interface and provide feedback (if any).

Phase 3 implementation agreed for December 2018.

A December 19-21, 2018, Pathogen Asset Control System report begins with an Executive Summary that states: “B & V has completed the final stage of PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] implementation at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) of the Ukraine. The site has been fully commissioned in all operations of PACS functionality.”

In a report titled “PACS Implementation Plan at the [redacted (b)(3)]” has the subtitle “Phase 3 On-the-Job Training Report, October 30 – 31, 2018 / November 14, 2018” The Executive Summary provides in part:

B & V has completed the final stage of PACS implementation at the [redacted (b)(3)]. The site has been fully commissioned in all operations of PACS functionality.

PACS on-the-job training and on-site activities were conducted for users on October 30 – 31, 2018, under Phase 3 implementation activities. Virology Department “activities” were conducted on November 14.

A section of the order titled “Special Contract Requirements” cites the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act and states the contractor “shall not engage in activities that incur expenditures in the Russian Federation, such as project management activities, procurement and shipping activities, travel or direct and indirect cost incurrences.” The contractor may, however, procure Russian-origin equipment from a Russian or non-Russian vendor located outside of Russia.

The records include 10 reports titled “Report of Transfer of U.S. Government Property Ownership.” between the Defense Threat Agency and the [redacted (b)(3)]. All of the property listed in the reports is redacted, citing exemptions (b)(3) and (b)(6). The total value of the property is $20,293.05

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine claims the U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program is purely for bio-threat reduction:

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases.  The program accomplishes its bio-threat reduction mission through development of a bio-risk management culture; international research partnerships; and partner capacity for enhanced bio-security, bio-safety, and bio-surveillance measures. The Biological Threat Reduction Program’s priorities in Ukraine are to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern and to continue to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats.

“These new documents shed needed light on U.S. involvement in the management and handling of pathogens in Ukrainian biolabs,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

On March 8, 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned that Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach.”

On March 26, 2022, the New York Post reported that Hunter Biden helped secure funds for a U.S. biolab contractor in Ukraine.

According to a webpage expunged from the website of the State Department:

PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] was first installed in Ukraine in test mode in November 2009 at the Interim Central Reference Laboratory of the Especially Dangerous Pathogens (ICRL). Since then, Sanitary-Epidemiological Department (SED) of the Medical Command of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense received four mobile laboratories from DTRA with the goal of reinforcing the system of epidemiological surveillance in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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Featured image is from Judicial Watch

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President Biden told reporters in Indonesia on Wednesday that it’s “unlikely” the missile that hit a village in Poland Tuesday near the Ukrainian border was fired by Russia and that “preliminary” information indicates otherwise.

“There is preliminary information that contests that,” Biden said when asked by reporters if the missile was fired by Russia. “I don’t want to say until we completely investigate. It’s unlikely in the minds of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia.”

After Biden’s comments, three US Officials told The Associated Press that “preliminary assessments” suggest the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces and was meant to intercept a Russian missile.

Biden is in Indonesia for the G20 summit and held an emergency meeting of NATO and G7 leaders over the news that a missile fell in Poland, killing two people. He said that the allies agreed to find out exactly what happened and make a decision together from there.

“Then we’re going to collectively determine our next step as we investigate and proceed. There was total unanimity among folks at the table,” Biden said.

Over in Poland, President Andrzej Duda told reporters that there’s no clear evidence of who fired the missile. “We do not for the moment have unequivocal evidence of who fired the missile. An investigation is ongoing,” he said.

Duda said the missile was likely “Russian-made,” but Ukraine’s armed forces use a lot of older Russian-made equipment, including S-300 air defense systems. The munition landed in Poland as Russia launched massive missile strikes on energy infrastructure across Ukraine.

The Polish president also said that he believes it was an “isolated” incident and that he doesn’t expect more missiles to hit Polish territory.

Poland is considering holding consultations with NATO members under Article 4 of the alliance’s treaty. NATO’s Article 4 states:

“The parties will consult together whenever any of them have the opinion that the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any party is threatened.”

Since Poland is a NATO member, there has been concern that the country may ask to invoke Article 5, which states that “an armed attack on any party is an attack on them all.” But so far, there is no sign that Poland is looking to escalate the situation, and there’s no evidence that Russia launched the missile.

When news of the missile landing in Poland first broke, a US official told The Associated Press that Russian missiles hit Polish territory. But when asked about the situation, the Pentagon said it could not corroborate the claim, and Russia issued a strong denial.

The lack of evidence has not stopped Ukrainian officials from accusing Russia of hitting Poland. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on Twitter that he spoke with Duda and expressed “condolences over the death of Polish citizens from Russian missile terror.”


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

Is this the Time for Peace?

November 16th, 2022 by Ted Snider

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For months, the US refused to hold any diplomatic talks with Russia. Then, suddenly, on November 6, it was revealed that National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan “has been in contact with Yuri Ushakov, a foreign-policy adviser to Mr. Putin” and with Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev.

Sullivan then went to Kiev for talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. At those talks, Sullivan “raised the need for a diplomatic resolution to the war” and privately pushed Zelensky to “signal an openness to negotiate with Russia and drop their public refusal to engage in peace talks unless President Vladimir Putin is removed from power.”

On November 8, in a sudden reversal of his decree banning negotiating with Putin, Zelensky announced that he is open to peace talks with Putin. Zelensky urged the international community to “force Russia into real peace talks.” Zelensky insisted that his preconditions for talks are “restoration of (Ukraine’s) territorial integrity … compensation for all war damage, punishment for every war criminal and guarantees that it will not happen again.”

Those preconditions are near impossible. But in another sudden change of tone, Washington has begun signaling that “they believe that Zelensky would probably endorse negotiations and eventually accept concessions, as he suggested he would early in the war. They believe that Kyiv is attempting to lock in as many military gains as it can before winter sets in, when there might be a window for diplomacy.”

Then on November 7, what those “military gains” might be began to leak out. According to reporting in La Repubblica, “The US and NATO think that launching peace talks on Ukraine would be possible if Kiev takes back Kherson.” Washington believes that retaking Kherson could be strategically and diplomatically significant enough “to hold negotiations from the position of force.”

That this may be the “window for diplomacy” is also suggested by an NBC report that “U.S. and Western officials” have said that “If Ukraine wins in Kherson, it could put the Zelensky government in a better position to negotiate.” According to La Repubblica, the US has not only discussed this possibility with NATO and its allies, but is “instilling this idea into the mind of the Kiev regime.”

Then, on November 9, reports broke that Russia seemed to be withdrawing from Kherson City.

All of these events happened within a few days. Could this sequence of events be the result of secret talks? If the US was holding talks with Russia, they would want them – like during the Cuban missile crisis – to be secret. Neither side would want to be seen as abandoning their promised goals, and neither side would want concessions to be seen as weakness. US and Ukrainian officials have also said that “The US and its allies do not want to be seen as pushing Ukraine into diplomacy, especially if that involves a formal arrangement that Russian-occupied areas in eastern Ukraine become Russian territory.”

Though Russia seems to have been preparing for a strategic withdrawal from Kherson for weeks, they could have taken advantage of the situation to fit the diplomatic situation.

Putin’s sudden announcement that he will not attend the upcoming G-20 summit in Indonesia, taking pressure and attention off a potential meeting with Biden, and the sudden simultaneous announcement that Biden will meet Russia’s strategic partner, Chinese President Xi Jinping, on the sidelines of the summit could also suggest secret backchannel discussions.

Could Zelensky be agreeing to talk if he gets a victory in Kherson, and is Russia agreeing to withdraw from Kherson to get talks?

Some military analysts say that Ukraine will face tougher ground and greater logistical challenges as they move further east and that Kherson is likely the last Russian held ground that Ukraine will be able to retake in the foreseeable future.

Is this the moment at which the war stalls into a stalemate or Russia decides to escalate? Could the US be pushing for diplomacy at the strongest moment and at the moment before a huge Russian push comes?

Could Putin be looking for a way to return Kherson without going back on his post-referendum promise that he wouldn’t return the annexed territories and settle for negotiating for the Donbas as he wanted to in the first place?

That this intriguing chain of events suggest backchannel diplomacy is pure speculation. Though all of the events are factual, they are likely not connected. I am told that there is no hint of it in the Russian media.

But for the first time since the war began, everyone seems to be willing to talk. At the start of the war, Ukraine and Russia were willing to talk, but the US and UK prevented it. The US closed all channels of communication with Russia, and Zelensky prohibited negotiations with Russia until there was a new president in the Kremlin.

There is mounting pressure to start negotiations. There are now many in the Biden administration who want negotiations for a ceasefire. That Sullivan is “known within the administration as pushing for a line of communication with Russia, even as other top policy makers feel that talks in the current diplomatic and military environment wouldn’t be fruitful” may explain why he, and not Secretary of State Antony Blinken as would be expected, went to Moscow and Kiev.

The Pentagon seems to be pushing for talks. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said on November 10 that the Russian withdrawal from Kherson coupled with the current stalemate “could provide both countries an opportunity to negotiate peace.” “When there’s an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved,” Milley said, “seize it.”

Even the UK has recently stated that it “stands ready to assist” if “Ukraine and Russia seek a resolution to the war.” Germany and France have also been pushing Ukraine to be more flexible, and Zelensky has repealed his ban on talking to Putin and is willing to have “real peace talks.” On November 14, Kremlin spokesman Dmotry Peskov confirmed that talks between Russia and the US took place that day.

Putin’s BRICS partners are supportive of talks. Xi has recently called on Europe to facilitate peace talks. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India is prepared to mediate in peace efforts. Brazil’s newly elected president, Lula da Silva, has indicated a willingness to play a role in negotiations.

Pressure and momentum is building for those negotiations. The solidity of the Western coalition is eroding. A harsh winter is coming to Europe. The war is seemingly grinding to a stalemate. The Pentagon’s concern about a decisive, game changing Russian advance on Odessa has, at least for now, disintegrated with the loss of Kherson.

The next move is either a protracted stalemate or a devastating Russian escalation. Ukraine may be in the strongest position on the battlefield it will be able to achieve going into negotiations. The US had signaled that the retaking of Kherson could be the moment. Russia could be willing to give up Kherson without breaking its promise and negotiate an end to the war with Ukraine out of NATO and the Donbas and Crimea in Russia.

If secret talks are not already underway, hopefully, they will be soon.


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Ted Snider has a graduate degree in philosophy and writes on analyzing patterns in US foreign policy and history.

Featured image: A Ukrainian soldier holding a Javelin missile system. (Image via the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)

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Germany and Spain are planning to train thousands of Ukrainian troops under an EU program to help bolster Kyiv’s fightback against Russia, officials said Tuesday.

Their assistance adds to announcements already given by other EU countries that they will train Ukrainian soldiers on their territories.

The European Union is launching its largest-ever military training mission aimed at preparing an initial 15,000 Ukrainian troops for the battlefield.

The main hub for the mission will be in Ukraine’s EU neighbor Poland, with a secondary headquarters set up in Germany.

Germany’s Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said at a meeting of EU counterparts in Brussels that Berlin was planning to train 5,000 Ukrainians “in a wide range of skills” by next June.

Click here to read the full article on The Defense Post.


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The Aviano Air Base was employed for NATO’s first air wars, those in Bosnia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The F-35 is capable of delivering B61-12 nuclear bombs. (See videos below.)


U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa
November 15, 2022

See this: 555th FS F-16 Fighting Falcons take off for Falcon Strike 2022

Exercise Falcon Strike 2022 – an Italian Air Force training exercise which focuses on fifth and fourth-generation integration between NATO Allies operating the advanced F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter – kicked off today, continuing through Nov. 28, at Italy’s Amendola Air Base.

U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa has routinely supported the annual exercise, which, for the first time, will incorporate the 48th Fighter Wing’s F-35 aircraft from the 495th “Valkyries” Fighter Squadron, the first organically available fifth-generation assets within U.S. European Command’s area of responsibility. RAF Lakenheath continually supports training and operations across the theater since their F-35s initial arrival in December 2021.

Aviano Air Base’s 31st Fighter Wing will also support the exercise from the 555th “Triple Nickel” Fighter Squadron flying the F-16 Fighting Falcon, which will support fourth-generation fighter air warfare training.

Falcon Strike 2022 provides our Airmen and Allies critical opportunities to train how we fight – together,” said Gen. James Hecker, USAFE-AFAFRICA commander. “Any opportunity to train and operate as a coalition force strengthens the Alliance as we face more dynamic threats in highly contested environments.” [Hecker is also top commander of NATO’s Allied Air Command.]


During Falcon Strike, Hecker will also host the F-35 European Air Chiefs Meeting, which brings together fifth-generation Allies to discuss F-35 interoperability, opportunities, and challenges in a dynamic theater.

Terrible: USAF drop B61-12 missile using B-2 Bomber & F-35 Is Literally Earth Shattering


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Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is considering billions worth of cuts in public spending while the Ministry of Defence, with Labour’s support, plans to spend vast sums on just two hugely expensive military projects.

We are in the midst of an extraordinary, indeed perverse, new round of austerity cuts.

The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, is reported to be looking for £35 billion across government in cuts. While vital services will continue to be deprived of urgently-needed resources, the government seems set to give the military a budget rise in cash terms from £47.9bn this year to £48bn in 2023 and £48.6bn in 2024.

Liz Truss, backed by defence secretary Ben Wallace, wanted to award the armed forces even more – an increase close to £200bn by 2030, the biggest rise in the military budget since the start of the Cold War. By then UK military spending would have doubled to £100bn a year.

Rishi Sunak and Hunt have realised that such increases would be so unjustified and extravagant that they are reportedly ditching promises in the Conservatives 2019 manifesto and will actually cut the defence budget in real terms, that is with inflation taken into account.

However, the government’s spending on the military means that it will still be wasting vast resources on weapons systems that are unuseable in any foreseeable conflict.

Its planned public spending cuts are a small percentage of the amount the Ministry of Defence will be spending, with Labour’s enthusiastic support, on just two hugely expensive projects – the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons arsenal and a fleet of 48 American F35B fighter jets for the navy’s two large aircraft carriers.

‘Persistent engagement overseas’

The government had set out Britain’s role and military posture in an ‘Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development, and Foreign Policy’ and a report called ‘Defence in a Competitive Age’.

The documents are full of platitudes, vague promises and hollow claims. The review says Britain will be a “force for good”, “defending human rights”, avoiding any reference to Britain’s biggest market for arms sales – the Gulf states that are among the world’s worst abusers of human rights.

The refusal of the government to account to parliament about arms exports was sharply criticised by a cross-party Commons committee.

The defence report states that Britain will conduct “persistent engagement overseas”, including “further investment in Oman” demonstrating Britain’s “long-term commitment to the Gulf’s stability and prosperity, in addition to our presence in the British Indian Ocean Territory”.

This is an unstated reference to the US bomber base on Diego Garcia on the Chagos archipelago whose entire indigenous population was expelled by Britain.

The report refers to Britain’s “long standing relationships with Saudi Arabia…in support of shared security and prosperity objectives”. Saudi Arabia recently demonstrated its own priorities by siding with Vladimir Putin at the expense of consumers in the west by capping oil production.

‘Soft power superpower’

Ironically, the “integrated review” emphasises Britain’s potential role as a “soft power superpower” referring to the BBC and development aid, both of which are the victims of government cuts.

It emphasises the importance of the need to defend British interests against cyber attacks and to invest in unmanned drones. Yet the potential threat posed by cyber warfare and the opportunities presented by unmanned drones were ignored for many years by the Ministry of Defence.

The defence paper promises more investment in “autonomous platforms including swarming drones”, and says “Special Forces are at the heart of our approach to modernisation”.

The recognition of the importance of relatively cheap drones and special forces units is in marked contrast to the much more expensive and more vulnerable weapons systems including aircraft carriers and tanks.

There is no mention in the review or defence paper of how to make special forces and drone warfare more accountable.

Indeed, Britain’s special forces are protected even more than the security and intelligence agencies by official secrecy. Their operations, and the use of drones, also raise unacknowledged questions about rules of engagement and the laws of armed conflict.

Wasted billions

The lack of effective scrutiny of the armed forces and their expenditure has allowed the Ministry of Defence to waste tens of billions of pounds of public money on extravagant weapons systems irrelevant to modern conflict.

The results of infighting between cabinet ministers will be announced at the delayed and long-awaited “fiscal event” – or budget, as they used to be called – scheduled for 17 November.

Threatening to resign – along with his boss, defence secretary Ben Wallace – if the armed forces did not get the huge increases they are demanding, defence minister James Heappey says: “There is no prosperity without security”.

The reverse is true; there is no security without prosperity. Influence in today’s world, as one of Britain’s most senior diplomats has said, is composed of many things, notably a strong economy. And nuclear weapons are among the least relevant.

If Jeremy Hunt wants to seek “efficiency savings” in government, he does not have far to look. I have estimated, taking into account National Audit Office and Public Accounts Committee reports that at least £300bn over the past 20 years has been wasted on disastrous defence and military decisions, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The figures below do not take into account the hidden costs of a skilled workforce diverted from military projects to more sustainable and useful products that benefit civil society. Nor do they take into account direct government support for arms exports and exporters – or bribery.

The MOD’s £300bn wasteful spending


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Richard is a British editor, journalist and playwright, and the doyen of British national security reporting. He wrote for the Guardian on defence and security matters and was the newspaper’s security editor for three decades.

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The events of the last two years have ravaged us, have shaken us to the core, have broken our relationships and crushed our souls. Those facts are so obvious and so devastating that it almost feels irreverent to mention them. But, at the same time, something miraculous has happened: a battalion of the world’s brightest, most persistent and courageous voices has emerged to speak to the hysteria of our time.

I came across one of these voices a few months ago after a friend sent me an article called “What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated.”

If this sounds familiar to you, then you might already be a follower of Susan Dunham. It wasn’t too long before I became one of Susan’s loyal acolytes, giddily ready to devour anything with her name on it.

Her writing always strikes a cord, always says exactly what I have, more subconsciously, been thinking and feeling. Susan explores themes to do with COVID, yes, but in the course of doing so, she drops a number of other pearls of wisdom. One of my favourites is: “Since 9/11, every threat to come down the mainstream news cycle seemed to huddle us around the same consensus, that some fresh element of our liberty was making the world hurt —and that we were selfish to hold on to it.” (From “For the common good: How Covid exposed the war on liberty”).

I pretty quickly became curious about who Susan is, what underpins such sharp, observant writing. Where is she from? What is her story? How is she so brave? Is she vaccinated? I had to know.

A Google search didn’t yield anything satisfying. Her “Medium” page doesn’t list a website. She has no Twitter page (potentially telling in itself) and her Instagram bio is relatively unilluminating. It says she is from Toronto but other internet searches suggest she is Australian so that didn’t do much to dissolve the mystery. Her name, of course, is just common enough to make it impossible to pinpoint which “Susan Dunham” she might be: the North Toronto teacher, the New York State REMAX agent, the woman whose obituary appears on a Watertown, Ontario Funeral home page?

So, who is the real Susan Dunham? The answer might surprise you. (It will also explain why this interview is done in print.)

I hope you will enjoy my interview with the curious, mysterious, and always compelling Susan Dunham.


Dr. Julie Ponesse (DJP): I have been following you on Instagram, under the name “susankaydunham,” for several months now. You describe yourself as a “Writer and promoter of courageous critical thinking in times of hysteria.” It is some of the best writing about the pandemic (and related issues) I have seen. You have a way of distilling what I have been thinking, cutting right to the heart of the issues, and expressing yourself with beautiful, poetic prose. Let’s start by setting the stage for readers.

Why do you say we are living in times of hysteria?

Susan Dunham (SD): Thank you for arranging this interview, Julie. It’s really a great honour. The last few years have left many of us with the feeling that something isn’t right, and while there’s a lot of information out there that can be argued over, what we all agree upon is that the collective response to the COVID pandemic points to a problem that is much bigger than the virus itself. I try to capture with as much precision as I can what exactly that is, and—most importantly—help others to see it too.

The first red flag has been the hysteria. We’ve all seen the popular phrase on t-shirts and tote bags, “Keep Calm and Carry On.” That came from an unused WW2 English poster design in the event that Germany invaded London. So even in a situation like that, calm would’ve been the order. And we’ve been used to that being the message from government during large-scale crises: stay cool. Because whatever the threat may be, erratic overreactions from an oversensitive public can cause more damage than the threat itself. It was common sense, no matter the issue.

But with COVID, overreaction was all we got, and it was all we were encouraged to do. The public health institutions whose job it is to assess risk and issue balanced guidance based on cost and benefit abandoned any such duty and went whole hog on prevention. They signalled to the world that no cost is too high to prevent a single COVID infection. And this created a hysterical population that became fixated on COVID mitigation to the exclusion of all reason and proportionality. I wrote about it at length in my first article, “Moral Blinding: How the COVID Prevention Fetish Killed Critical Thinking.” That is still, I think, my best article, even though my later ones are much more popular. In it I tackle how all the safety rituals right down to the constant well-wishing to “be safe,” threw us into a type of cult-like trance.

 Susan Dunham/medium

And because of it, we saw all the asinine behaviour we’ve become all too acquainted with: yelling at the unmasked, hugging family members through plastic sheets, vilifying the unvaccinated, jumping into moving traffic to avoid someone on a sidewalk—not to mention, shutting down the entire economy for weeks on end and heroizing couch vegetation. The messaging we got only brought out the worst from a scared public, and it was no accident. 

DJP: Would you ever have thought we could get to the point in Canada where critical thinking requires so much courage?

SD: Actually, yes. After the election of Donald Trump, I saw something being rolled into place in the US that didn’t bode well for outlier thinkers anywhere in the west. There was this push to psychoanalyze the Trump voter like they were all maniacs who had fallen victim to bad thinking. Any actual reasons they gave for how they voted got pried open by countless commentators and stuffed with anything that could make those ideas toxic.

And I don’t think we can overstate the effect of this. It was almost a kind of alchemy, whereby innocuous words and ideas got turned into this blank canvas for anything that could make them ugly. “Make America Great Again” became one and the same with “Make America White Again,” and it was because of the work—day in and day out—of pundits, celebrities, talk show hosts, journalists, and editors who were incentivized to redefine meaning.

Words became modelling clay, and mainstream media used the same kind of artistry that gets taught in classes on poetry studies in representing the views of our fellow countrymen. This made it incredibly easy to totally control the views of the people. Simply define all opposition as morally repugnant, and only the brave will defy.

So it wasn’t going to matter anymore whether it was through critical thinking and sound reasoning that you might one day adopt an unsanctioned viewpoint; your neighbours and peers would be made to hate you for it, so you better think twice.

DJP: Let’s talk about some of the specific issues that have come up in your writing. You have written some powerfully incisive words about masking, for example: “The mask functioned like a visible record of one’s goodwill, which became eerily compulsory to demonstrate in order to be left unmolested in public…” Why do you think masking became such a powerful virtue signal? What was happening culturally (prior to the lat two years) to get us to the point where masks have such power? And how would you respond to those who say that at least masks do no harm?

SD: I’m laughing! I love this question because I can tell that you know the answer, and it’s somewhere I haven’t had a chance yet to go in my writing. The truth is, we had been perfectly groomed years in advance for the mask to function, socially, the way it did. History will compare notes on this, but I think it started on Yale campus during the fall semester of 2015.

Susan Dunham/medium

A video came out showing a group of students encircling the husband of a dormitory faculty resident. They were yelling at him for his wife’s response to student complaints about offensive Halloween costumes. Rather than supporting a campus ban on offensive dress as they wanted, she welcomed anyone who might take offence with another’s costume to deal with it themselves. The students accused her of failing to make them safe and wanted (I suppose) to send her husband home with the message. I think some heads rolled, faculty-side, because of it. But that to me was the birth of the “safe space,” when all the back-corner discussions about the new imperative to shelter “marginalized identities” from the offence of “micro-aggressions” truly broke into the collective consciousness.

The mask then came along in 2020 in front of this backdrop of safety and comfort. We had already been well-acquainted with our responsibility as citizens to make the vulnerable feel safe. Not necessarily to be safe, but to feel safe. We had been learning to tiptoe around language, which by the day was revealing new landmines and trap doors. All the good-hearted among us were already so used to tripping over their own tongues to keep others feeling safe that when a visible signifier came along in the form of the mask that could outwardly demonstrate one’s willingness to make others feel safe, it took like kindling.

DJP: Now that the scientific evidence is mounting in support of those who opposed the mandates, we are seeing some significant reversals (e.g. very few universities and employers now impose vaccine mandates, ArriveCAN is about to become optional). But this makes it seem like mandates were wrong only because they weren’t supported by science. Is that the only reason they were wrong, in your view?

SD: No, and in fact, it really worries me that a whole year of unwarranted medical discrimination can be absolved of all guilt because the science changed. I cringe when I read opinions about the vaccine mandate being wrong because the shot was leaky. It could have been the perfect pumpkin pie, and it would still be wrong to coerce a medical treatment.

And in Canada, we were more than coerced; we were bullied by our own Prime Minister, who actively encouraged Canadians to fear and despise anyone who did not want the shot. That is psychological warfare, not public health, and if we’re going to pretend that only “the science” made it wrong, then we’re admitting that it can happen again tomorrow if new science demands it. And if that’s ok, then we’re not a functioning democracy, but a dictatorship under science.

We have long talked about a separation between church and state so that religious institutions couldn’t impose edicts that would usurp human rights, but we need to consider how the church has recently been swapped out with science. It has its own high priests, its symbols and sacraments of worship, and its own hunger for our trust. Just like the good book, it’s man that interprets science and squeezes from it oppressive policy.

So, no — we can’t give a hall pass to the people who chose to choke us with “the science,” who hid behind the shield of its objectivity in order to set up a system of perfect social control that enriched the wealthy, impoverished the poor, divided families, and made us slaves to drug and tech companies. We need to be very clear to the people who think that all of this went away because we either complied enough or because the science changed: it didn’t. It went away because men and women who were brave enough to stand up and say no did precisely that. Mark my words that history will yet sing their praises.

DJP: To me, one of the most fascinating groups in society these days, small though it is, is made up of those who chose to be vaccinated but who refused to participate in the vaccine passport system to go to restaurants, to travel, etc. You wrote: “Every time we produced our vac/cine passport to have a meal, or to board a plan, we were voting yes, that our bodies are indeed public property—available to be pried into and regulated, the moment health policy can justify it.” What do you have to say about (and to) these people?

SD: I don’t think there’s anyone who exposes the corruption of the system better than them. They’re totally impervious to any of the labels that get assigned to the rest of the resistors. They can’t be called conspiracy theorists, because most of that group tends to believe there is something nefarious about the vaccine itself, so didn’t take it. And you can’t call them selfish or inconsiderate, because they “stepped up” and did that thing which was supposed to be our duty to do. You certainly can’t call them anti-science or anti-vax—obviously.

They are, in the simplest and most crass terms, anti-bullshit. They took the shot and left on the table all the authoritarian stuff that tried to piggyback onto it. To them, getting vaccinated meant getting vaccinated, not subscribing to a system of compliance, tracking, and surveillance. Those are, in fact, two completely separate things, and the mere fact that we’re expected to accept them as one and the same exposes what the go-along-get-alongs deny is staring them in the face: a deliberate agenda for power and control.

DJP: The most common explanations I hear from those who follow the narrative are “all these experts can’t be wrong” and “if you can’t trust MSM, who can you trust.” How do you think these ideas came to such prominence, causing us even to discount our own critical thinking and ignore evidence to the contrary?

SD: The expert, as an archetype, is an interesting thing because they live and breathe their work, but at the same time are stuck inside a bubble of incestuous ideas, taking in the same recycled air as all of the others in their field. In practice, they don’t each go out and get their own information from first principles, but read and disseminate a handful of accepted studies. So we can already see how little work needs to be done in order to exert the right influence onto a pool of experts. A finger can be put on the scale in just the right place and suddenly a whole field of professionals are parroting a manipulated message with “expert authority.”

Separate, but a part of this: we want a guru. And that might be part of human nature because we’re all put on this planet not having a clue, so we seek that sherpa in the flesh. In the past, we found that figure within religion—maybe a pastor, a Rabi, an imam, a yogi, or whatever. Now that we’re by and large an atheistic, unspiritual society, we fill that gap with the science and the tech expert, in other words, the high priests of a “Technotronic era.”

Susan Dunham/medium

So we fauned over Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, the way we worshipped Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg, or Elon Musk—these Promethean figures who bring fire to the people. We’re conditioned, now in the absence of spirituality to cede all better judgement to the figure of the professional expert. And this virtually guarantees that to control the public, one must control the experts. So it’s a two-part dynamic.

DJP: You wrote something very poignant in one of your recent articles:

“Since 9/11, every threat to come down the mainstream news cycle seemed to huddle us around the same consensus, that some fresh element of our liberty was making the world hurt—and that we were selfish to hold on to it.”

There is something hauntingly beautiful about the way you put this: “making the world hurt.” That’s exactly what it feels like.

Can you elaborate?

SD: I think we’ve all felt a push into a new mode of global citizenry, in which the individual is increasingly being called into awareness of the world’s problems, rather than the problems that might be unique to their country, or to themselves. We’ve been forced to listen, finally, to the world’s heartbeat — and this, I think, can be beautiful in theory, but it doesn’t feel authentic.

Global leaders inflate us with all the emotions of a world melting under the heat of our greed, centuries of colonialism, and the latest proxy war effort abroad. And all it does is puts out a haze of constant, circulating guilt, which becomes a pretext for all these various things that a good global citizen needs to do.

We’re given “easy” local solutions, like considering insect protein instead of meat, scoring one another based on skin colour, and in Europe today, making do with “a little less” energy in your home. The list goes on. It makes us wonder whether all of these solutions are truly a means to an end, or simply the end in and of themselves. Does the world truly hurt in the way we’re being told it does, or is this knock-off brand of global empathy just an effective emotional pretext for bringing gradual pain upon the people?

Trauma, guilt, atonement: it seems like a cyclical formula for hammering our thoughts and actions into formation. Global citizenship starts to feel more like an enrolment into a global infantry class, and it’s all terribly creepy.

DJP: In various ways, our lives, emotions, and decisions are being managed like never before. Your recent piece on the Georgia Guidestones addresses this issue. You say,

“The Georgia Guidestones offered a modern-day ‘Ten Commandments’ for achieving a civilization in balance with nature. But their first requirements called for strict maintenance of our population at 500 million and a eugenics program to select only the best progeny.

The Guidestones made a confident case that the human race needs to be managed, thinned, and controlled in order to survive itself and preserve the planet….Today we have thoroughly normalized the Georgia Guidestones’ idea that we are dirty and poisonous to the Earth.”

This will sound like the stuff of grand conspiracy theories to many and yet we are now seeing increasing rates of all-cause mortality, globally. Is population reduction a real concern to you? Can you elaborate?

SD: I think population reduction certainly is the greatest hope of the Guidestone makers, along with everyone in their circle. But I don’t think they’ll get their way in the end. I think they’ve tried and may continue trying. But I think humanity has some secrets we’ve yet to discover.

Susan Dunham/medium

I can’t shake the analogy that we are collectively like a child with so much potential, but we’re in the custody of a guardian who is something like the evil stepmother of fairy tales, filling our heads with all the ideas necessary to justify their treatment of us. It seems like a deeply resonant archetype, and we know how the story ends.

DJP: What do you think is going on in the minds of people today we might describe as ‘waking up’? That seems to me to be the least enviable position to be in right now, to feel the ground falling out from under your feet and taking with it all you thought you could rely on (the beliefs that government is good, the media are honest, mass consensus can’t be wrong.)

SD: They’re very angry. And I suspect it’s mostly directed for now at the people who haven’t yet opened their eyes as they have. The first shock is to wake up and see everyone else still in the trance, to shake them by the shoulders in panic, and then with horror get attacked for it.

They’re used to the truth being something that is easy to say and are running miles of catch-up to connect all the dots in figuring out why that isn’t the case.

DJP: Is “Sue Dunham” your real name?

SD: No. It’s a “pseu-donym.” Nobody gets it. I’m a bit disappointed but recognize that I buried it a bit by using the long form of “Susan.” Sue Dunham was the most honest fake name I could come up with: literally pseu-donym. I imagined people seething with anger over my writing, then getting even more upset halfway through their Google search when the phonetics finally hit them. Oh, it makes me giddy! …But I think it was too subtle.

DJP: This is fascinating to me — troubling but fascinating — that someone feels the need to be anonymous to express opinions counter to the accepted narrative. Why did you feel the need to be anonymous? What do you think that says about the current state of civil liberty in Canada?

SD: Being an outlier in one’s thinking used to be an easy thing. It was welcomed by some and either made one a maverick or a curiosity. And that was certainly true for me. But there’s been this case building in the court of the public opinion that, more and more, it’s critical for the safety of others that we toe the line on an increasing number of subjects.

COVID couldn’t have been better timed to explode this trend. Suddenly the wrong kinds of words could pack the ICUs. When I decided to start writing under a pseudonym, it was at the height of COVID hysteria. People not only blamed “COVIDIOTS” (anyone unwilling to cower in total fear of the virus) for reckless endangerment but for prolonging the pain of lockdown. Even after learning how selective and oftentimes mild the virus could be, people still took the side of our captors, urging compliance if for no other reason than to regain our freedom. And course that’s completely backward.

So I had a pretty negative view of the public when I first started writing. I didn’t trust the world at large to know my real name. And it all got confirmed once the vaccines came out along with new levels of vitriol.

But I think that anonymous writing has been an effective way to keep discussions about my work focused on the issues rather than my personality, which so often ends up distracting from a speaker’s message. I often tell the people who know me that I have nothing unique to say, no uniquely personal story, only a unique way of saying what people are already thinking. So perhaps Susan Dunham is the people’s ghostwriter, and it makes total sense that nobody knows the real Sue.

DJP: What advice do you have for those who regrettably compiled over the last two years, who remained silent when they wanted to speak out? Is it just a matter of courage? How can we encourage ourselves to do what we believe to be right? What are some little steps we can take?

SD: I have the feeling there will be other opportunities for them to stand up and be counted. And if they’re angry with themselves for giving in this time, that should inspire the next fight.

I don’t think they have to be courageous as much as they have to be proud. They should take pride in their convictions because those define who they are.

If they had to compromise—for whatever reason—then that gives them a unique and powerful voice. They should use it and share how they felt, being steamrolled by peer pressure and government propaganda. They don’t need to write erudite essays or long posts on social media. It can be a spoken comment when the moment strikes. Nobody will fault them for their feelings, and they might find their thoughts becoming contagious.


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Dr. Julie Ponesse is the Ethics Scholar for The Democracy Fund and author of the new book: My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid19 Vaccine Mandates. Dr. Ponesse’s focus is on educating Canadians about civil liberties.

All images in this article are from The Democracy Fund / Susan Dunham

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey are neighbors in an increasingly unstable Middle East, in which Saudi Arabia plays a key role.  

The US has meddled in the Middle East for decades and is responsible for the destruction of several countries who have not recovered from failed American policies.  

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Ambassador Peter Ford to take his expert analysis of important issues developing in the region.

Peter Ford served as the British ambassador to Bahrain from 1999 to 2003 and Syria from 2003 to 2006, and is currently the London-based Co-Chairman of the British Syrian Society. He is an Arabist with long established expertise in the Middle East.


Steven Sahiounie (SS):  Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies recently came back to power in “Israel”.  In your opinion what does this mean for the Palestinians?

Peter Ford (PF):   It makes no difference. Those who believe that one Israeli government is different from another are fools. Every Israeli government supports the occupation and practices repression. Any differences are purely optical.

That said, the participation of overt racists in Netanyahu’s government increases the chances that the US will distance itself from Israel in matters of secondary importance.

SS:  Lebanon is in the midst of a financial and social collapse. In your opinion, will the Israeli regime take advantage of the crisis and attack Lebanon?

PF:   Israel is already viciously attacking Lebanon – economically. The Israeli/US strategy is to avoid war, which they would lose, but instead to create enough suffering in Lebanon to make the Lebanese people turn against Hezbollah. In particular, they are trying to block oil reaching Lebanon from Iran. This is similar to their strategy towards Syria.

SS:  The UN Special Rapporteur has called for the end of sanctions on Syria because of the continuing suffering. Do you think there is any hope in removing the sanctions which are crippling the daily life of Syrians?

PF:  Sadly I see no prospect of sanctions on Syria being lifted or eased in the foreseeable future. It costs the US nothing to apply them and the US against all evidence persists in believing that sanctions weaken popular support for the Syrian government, or pretending to believe they weaken the government simply because it would be embarrassing to lift them. Lifting sanctions would look like an admission of failure and a concession to Russia and Iran.

Sanctions on Syria cannot be analyzed without taking the geopolitical situation into account. To some degree Syria is paying part of the price for US mishandling of its relations with Russia and Iran.

SS:  Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has not bowed down to pressure by US President Joe Biden. In your opinion, what will be the cost that Saudi Arabia has to pay?

PF:  The cost will be zero. On the contrary, Saudi defiance of the US over oil prices shows that the balance of power between the two has shifted and that the US is a paper tiger where Saudi Arabia is concerned. Let us not forget that the US arms industry has become highly dependent on sales to the Gulf, and the US has invested heavily in keeping Saudi Arabia away from rapprochement with Iran. Its leverage is minimal. It was different when MBS was an international pariah over Khashoggi, but time has done its work of prompting amnesia if not forgiveness. I expect to see more Saudi defiance of the US.

SS:  For the past few months, we have been hearing reports from the Turkish side of overtures at repairing the relationship between Turkey and Syria. In your opinion, will this have an effect on ending terrorist control in Idlib?

PF:   I am more optimistic about Idlib today than I have been for ages. Time has also doing its work here – demonstrating to the Turks that their Syria policy has been a total failure. That policy has failed to remove the Syrian government, failed to establish stability on Turkey’s border and failed to create conditions for the return of Syrian refugees. The burden of those refugees is felt especially acutely with the approach of presidential elections in Turkey. Whether Erdogan is serious about rapprochement with Syria remains however to be seen.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist and chief editor of MidEastDiscourse. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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It has been said that power and control in the new world order lie not in preserving territorial integrity, but in the ability to control information; therefore, military psychological operations (PSYOP) are a vital component of national security and they allow the military to more effectively achieve its strategic and tactical goals while minimizing loss of life.

For this reason, PSYOP, which is branded nowadays as the “Like War” because of the dominance of social media,  plays a larger role in today’s conflicts and it is a more attractive option to leaders and politicians. It is based on letter,  word, photo and body language.

Traditionally, PSYOPS soldiers drop messages in the form of leaflets on the battlefield or broadcast messages through speaker systems on jeeps  or broadcast directly into the homes via TV or radio, the voice of America, which is a classic propaganda campaign.

In 1991, PSYOP units dropped over 29 million leaflets to Iraqi soldiers encouraging them to surrender, usually by stressing the inevitability of their defeat. Estimates show that “nearly 98% of all Iraqi prisoners acknowledged having seen a leaflet; 88% said they believed the message; and 70% said the leaflets affected their decision to surrender.” Of the estimated 100,000 soldiers who deserted or surrendered, many were found carrying leaflets in their hands or carrying them in their clothes.

Unhealthy emphasis on feelings

Mr. Scott Bennett, former US psychological warfare officer, told Syria Times:

“The mission of psychological warfare is to persuade change and influence peoples behaviors by communicating specific thoughts, ideas, feelings to them.  The medium today is television, newspapers, magazines, mainstream media, television and also the Internet platforms of social media including Facebook, Twitter,  YouTube, etc.”

The basic aspects of modern psychological operations  have been known by other names and terms including military information support operations (MISO), political warfare (Hearts and Minds), PSYOPS, propaganda.

One of the reasons for the effectiveness of influencing society today is a combination of decadent culture and poor education in America and much of Europe, according to Mr. Bennett., who holds Ph.D. is in Political Theory.

“Education institutions have become indoctrinations centers rather than academies for the exploration of ideas or the free exchange of research. There is an unhealthy emphasis on feelings and emotional issues rather than focusing on concrete disciplines and science or skills such as reason, philosophy, law architecture, mathematics, science, education, etc., as a result culture has become warped and softened people’s minds in America.  This has also led to an abandonment of religion and moral values and substituted it humanism, which is inherently mentally destabilizing. This mental instability cultivates violence and aggression, and for that reason there is a moral recklessness and blind superiority the west is becoming toxic with which is leading it to these endless conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Bolivia and other countries as well as waging war against its own citizens who espouse traditional family values and conservative religious identity.  so in short there is a Civil War brewing in the United States.”

Depending on Psychological warfare has been increased after the former US President Barack Obama signed in 2012 an executive order that allows propaganda to be used on American citizens, which means allowing media to purposely lie to the American people.

“We are now at a time where technology is for outpacing morality in the United States….The last 20 years of the war on terror in the empire expansion, which the United States is done in the name of human rights and liberation and other terms of propaganda, are unable to be abandoned, and therefore the US political establishment is media and its military have fully vested themselves in extending and continuing this empire building through information warfare…We see the control of social media companies like YouTube Twitter and Facebook manipulating peoples opinions and attitudes and behaviors….We also witnessed the development of politically correct language and the violent rejection and ostracism and canceling of anyone that contradicts or does not submit to this new ideology of political correctness and wokeism, which includes fanatical ideas on climate change homosexuality and experimentation on children,” Mr. Bennett clarified.

American delusion

He underscored that the foundation of the American delusion that it has a moral and spiritual right and duty to change governments, people, and cultures anywhere, anytime that it suits the interests of the United States  has been the driving force behind the American military juggernaut in Afghanistan and Iraq and other countries, including Syria.

“Syria was the last nation that America tried to overthrow until Russia and Iran stopped America’s regime change.  From the very beginning we heard the US-NATO- European slogans of saving the Syrian people from President Bashar Al-Assad; and the psychological war that was waged was waged against the American people and the European people.  The purpose was to brainwash the world  into the false understanding that President Bashar Al-Assad was a cruel torture and dictator, which was a complete lie,” Mr. Bennett said.

In this context, the activist and writer Sue Ann Martinson, wrote on December 5, 2016:

“An example from October of 2016 of using mass communication as a weapon of psychological warfare is the work of the public relations company, Syria Campaign, which was created to garner support for U.S. involvement in Syria. Max Blumenthal describes the Campaign: “Posing as a non-political solidarity organization, the Syria Campaign leverages local partners and media contacts to push the U.S. into toppling another Middle Eastern government.”

“As part of the campaign, the White Helmets were promoted as international heroes helping civilian victims, particularly in Aleppo. In this extremely slick campaign, they were featured in the mainstream corporate media, including TIME magazine and on the major TV and radio networks, and even on the alternative news program, Democracy Now! The idea was to win the “hearts and minds” of the American people who are drawn to “do-gooders” or “shining knights.” But as Max Blumenthal notes, this seemingly impartial group was funded by the U.S. to create sympathy for U.S. military intervention and regime change in Syria.”

Mr. Bennett described what happened in Syria as a great tragedy because it was a wonderful country , an innocent country and highly developed country that included among its population, Christians , Jews and Muslims. “ It was a crime against humanity for the west to attempt to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and wreak the plague of Wahhabi Fanatics and other mercenaries ‘down upon the good people of Syria. It’s the greatest crime America has committed in my opinion because Syria was the most advanced country in the Middle East in many ways. ISIS and  Al-Qaeda terrorists have been funded financed and trained by the United States and The US government has lied to the American people,”

Religious ideology  that intoxicate the military political class in America

Moreover, Mr. Bennett declared that he has no doubt that the current events in Iran are fermented by the US, CIA, MI6, Mossad.

“US is using mercenaries and it often brainwashes these mercenaries and make them  addicted to cut off their  morals and restricts and unleash them a far beyond the land, and we have seen that this is becoming the new strategies for low intensity conflict and Ukraine Is a perfect example. The US brainwashed with the help of Israel and Britain the  Ukrainians to become Nazis, cover themselves with tattoos and engage in a war against Russia and against their families.”

He affirmed that military components used a lot of different  images and sensibilities to weaponize against soldiers  and they were convinced that they have to fight in other countries to protect their women and families.

“This ideology is permeated into almost a blind religion and this is where things get quite  dangerous because you no longer have professional military experts in the US  understanding that the nature of propaganda is a tool of war. It is now becoming a religious ideology  that intoxicate the military political class in America, they believe their own lies, a self- brainwashing… Joe Biden and his government, who are inappropriate for any political position, have weaponized information against US public and foreign publics so that they can unleash this military conquest of the  world.”

Truth is the most powerful weapon in psychological warfare

Concerning how do misinformation and disinformation function on the internet, Mr. Bennett clarified that there are computer systems that specifically create Algorithms using language , topics and tonality. This very advanced computer system weaponize language, imagery and locations to formulate carefully crafted paragraphs that mention just the right word at just the right time and just the right reflection point to have positive connection to check the box and say Like. For example: You want the poor Ukrainian children to live, do not you ? Yes of course and they lead them to other choices. Then vote to support Ukraine…and so on.

He commented on a question about the best and effective way to confront the PSY warfare by saying:

“Truth is the most powerful weapon in psychological warfare. lies cannot stand against it, nor can deceptive bullying or aggressive commentators cannot defend against it.  Truth resonates in the hearts and minds of independent thinkers. The alternative to main stream media (government focused propaganda) is alternative voices, platforms, and media that are speaking the opposite of the propaganda; and showing facts and figures and examples…..As a result of cancel culture and the shutting down video platforms of independent journalists and people speaking the truth about various subjects, new platforms are rising such as odyssey rumble Radion and others….. These new mediums and new leaders rising up will be the front lines of the new information war that is evolving in America.”

The years between 1945 at the end of World War II through the early 1950s were seminal in the development of mass communication in the social sciences and psychological warfare in U.S. government.

The seeds were planted early in 1942 during the war when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed Wall Street lawyer William “Wild Bill” Donovan, director of the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Donovan was “among the first in the United States to articulate a more or less unified theory of psychological warfare.” He called it the “engineering of consent” with the idea peacetime propaganda campaigns could effectively be adapted to open warfare.

Christopher Simpson, the author of many books concerning the history and politics of mass media and Cold War and national security agencies, has described the term “psychological warfare” as being derived from a German word Weltanshauungkrieg (literally worldview warfare) created by the Nazis that meant a scientific application of propaganda, terror, and state pressure to secure ideological victory over enemies. Donovan understood Nazi psychological tactics as a vital source of ideas and use of the term spread throughout the U.S. intelligence community.


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Featured image: Servicemembers participating in “Cyber Flag,” a weeklong cyber exercise in July 2019. (U.S. Cyber Command Public Affairs). Source: Lawfare Blog

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Poland’s president has said a missile blast that killed two people near its border with Ukraine appears to have been an “unfortunate accident”, not an “intentional attack”.

It comes after the Kremlin accused some Western countries of reacting “hysterically” to the missile strike, but said the United States had shown restraint.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said several countries had made “baseless statements” about Russia‘s involvement “without having any idea of what had happened.”

“We have witnessed another hysterical, frenzied Russophobic reaction, which was not based on any real data,” Peskov told reporters.

“Such a frenzied reaction shows that there is never a need to rush to judgement, with statements that can escalate the situation. Especially at such crucial moments,” he said.

Click here to read the full article on The Independent.


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Russia, India, China, Iran: The Quad that Really Matters

November 16th, 2022 by Pepe Escobar

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Southeast Asia is right at the center of international relations for a whole week viz a viz three consecutive summits: Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom Penh, the Group of Twenty (G20) summit in Bali, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok.

Eighteen nations accounting for roughly half of the global economy represented at the first in-person ASEAN summit since the Covid-19 pandemic in Cambodia: the ASEAN 10, Japan, South Korea, China, India, US, Russia, Australia, and New Zealand.

With characteristic Asian politeness, the summit chair, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (or “Colombian”, according to the so-called “leader of the free world”), said the plenary meeting was somewhat heated, but the atmosphere was not tense: “Leaders talked in a mature way, no one left.”

It was up to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to express what was really significant at the end of the summit.

While praising the “inclusive, open, equal structure of security and cooperation at ASEAN”, Lavrov stressed how Europe and NATO “want to militarize the region in order to contain Russia and China’s interests in the Indo-Pacific.”

A manifestation of this policy is how “AUKUS is openly aiming at confrontation in the South China Sea,” he said.

Lavrov also stressed how the West, via the NATO military alliance, is accepting ASEAN “only nominally” while promoting a completely “unclear” agenda.

What’s clear though is how NATO “has moved towards Russian borders several times and now declared at the Madrid summit that they have taken global responsibility.”

This leads us to the clincher: “NATO is moving their line of defense to the South China Sea.” And, Lavrov added, Beijing holds the same assessment.

Here, concisely, is the open “secret” of our current geopolitical incandescence. Washington’s number one priority is the containment of China. That implies blocking the EU from getting closer to the key Eurasia drivers  – China, Russia, and Iran – engaged in building the world’s largest free trade/connectivity environment.

Adding to the decades-long hybrid war against Iran, the infinite weaponizing of the Ukrainian black hole fits into the initial stages of the battle.

For the Empire, Iran cannot profit from becoming a provider of cheap, quality energy to the EU. And in parallel, Russia must be cut off from the EU. The next step is to force the EU to cut itself off from China.

All that fits into the wildest, warped Straussian/neo-con wet dreams: to attack China, by emboldening Taiwan, first Russia must be weakened, via the instrumentalization (and destruction) of Ukraine.

And all along the scenario, Europe simply has no agency.

Putin, Raeisi and the Erdogan track

Real life across key Eurasia nodes reveals a completely different picture. Take the relaxed get-together in Tehran between Russia’s top security official Nikolai Patrushev and his Iranian counterpart Ali Shamkhani last week.

They discussed not only security matters but also serious business – as in turbo-charged trade.

The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will sign a $40 billion deal next month with Gazprom, bypassing US sanctions, and encompassing the development of two gas fields and six oilfields, swaps in natural gas and oil products, LNG projects, and the construction of gas pipelines.

Immediately after the Patrushev-Shamkhani meeting, President Putin called President Ebrahim Raeisi to keep up the “interaction in politics, trade and the economy, including transport and logistics,” according to the Kremlin.

Iranian president reportedly more than “welcomed” the “strengthening” of Moscow-Tehran ties.

Patrushev unequivocally supported Tehran over the latest color revolution adventure perpetrated under the framework of the Empire’s endless hybrid war.

Iran and the EAEU are negotiating a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in parallel to the swap deals with Russian oil. Soon, SWIFT may be completely bypassed. The whole Global South is watching.

Simultaneous to Putin’s phone call, Turkiye’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan – conducting his own diplomatic overdrive, and just back from a summit of Turkic nations in Samarkand – stressed that the US and the collective West are attacking Russia “almost without limits”.

Erdogan made it clear that Russia is a “powerful” state and commended its “great resistance”.

The response came exactly 24 hours later. Turkish intelligence cut to the chase, pointing out that the terrorist bombing in the perpetually busy Istiklal pedestrian street in Istanbul was designed in Kobane in northern Syria, which essentially responds to the US.

That constitutes a de-facto act of war and may unleash serious consequences, including a profound revision of Turkiye’s presence inside NATO.

Iran’s multi-track strategy

A Russia-Iran strategic alliance manifests itself practically as a historical inevitability. It recalls the time when the erstwhile USSR helped Iran militarily via North Korea, after an enforced US/Europe blockade.

Putin and Raeisi are taking it to the next level. Moscow and Tehran are developing a joint strategy to defeat the weaponization of sanctions by the collective West.

Iran, after all, has an absolutely stellar record of smashing variants of “maximum pressure” to bits. Also, it is now linked to a strategic nuclear umbrella offered by the “RICs” in BRICS (Russia, India, China).

So, Tehran may now plan to develop its massive economic potential within the framework of BRI, SCO, INSTC, the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), and the Russian-led Greater Eurasia Partnership.

Moscow’s game is pure sophistication: engaging in a high-level strategic oil alliance with Saudi Arabia while deepening its strategic partnership with Iran.

Immediately after Patrushev’s visit, Tehran announced the development of an indigenously built hypersonic ballistic missile, quite similar to the Russian KH-47 M2 Khinzal.

And the other significant news was connectivity-wise: the completion of part of a railway from strategic Chabahar Port to the border with Turkmenistan. That means imminent direct rail connectivity to the Central Asian, Russian and Chinese spheres.

Add to it the predominant role of OPEC+, the development of BRICS+, and the pan-Eurasian drive to pricing trade, insurance, security, investments in the ruble, yuan, rial, etc.

There’s also the fact that Tehran could not care less about the endless collective West procrastination on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as Iran nuclear deal: what really matters now is the deepening relationship with the “RICs” in BRICS.

Tehran refused to sign a tampered-with EU draft nuclear deal in Vienna. Brussels was enraged; no Iranian oil will “save” Europe, replacing Russian oil under a nonsensical cap to be imposed next month.

And Washington was enraged because it was betting on internal tensions to split OPEC.

Considering all of the above, no wonder US ‘Think Tankland’ is behaving like a bunch of headless chickens.

The queue to join BRICS

During the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Samarkand last September, it was already tacit to all players how the Empire is cannibalizing its closest allies.

And how, simultaneously, the shrinking NATO-sphere is turning inwards, with a focus on The Enemy Within, relentlessly corralling average citizens to march in lockstep behind total compliance with a two-pronged war – hybrid and otherwise – against imperial peer competitors Russia and China.

Now compare it with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Samarkand presenting China and Russia, together, as the top “responsible global powers” bent on securing the emergence of multipolarity.

Samarkand also reaffirmed the strategic political partnership between Russia and India (Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called it an unbreakable friendship).

That was corroborated by the meeting between Lavrov and his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar last week in Moscow.

Lavrov praised the strategic partnership in every crucial area – politics, trade and economics, investment, and technology, as well as “closely coordinated actions” at the UN Security Council, BRICS, SCO and the G20.

On BRICS, crucially, Lavrov confirmed that “over a dozen countries” are lining up for membership, including Iran: “We expect the work on coordinating the criteria and principles that should underlie BRICS expansion to not take much time”.

But first, the five members need to analyze the ground-breaking repercussions of an expanded BRICS+.

Once again: contrast. What is the EU’s “response” to these developments? Coming up with yet another sanctions package against Iran, targeting officials and entities “connected with security affairs” as well as companies, for their alleged “violence and repressions”.

“Diplomacy”, collective West-style, barely registers as bullying.

Back to the real economy – as in the gas front – the national interests of Russia, Iran and Turkiye are increasingly intertwined; and that is bound to influence developments in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, and will be a key factor to facilitate Erdogan’s re-election next year.

As it stands, Riyadh for all practical purposes has performed a stunning 180-degree maneuver against Washington via OPEC+. That may signify, even in a twisted way, the onset of a process of unification of Arab interests, guided by Moscow.

Stranger things have happened in modern history. Now appears to be the time for the Arab world to be finally ready to join the Quad that really matters: Russia, India, China, and Iran.


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Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok. 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from PressTV

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It is reported two stray Russian missiles crossed over into Poland and hit the town of  Przewodów, killing two people.

This may turn out to be the excuse the USG and the “West” have been looking for in order to invoke Article 5 of the NATO charter.

In June, the USG Army V Corps became a permanent fixture in Poland. In January, prior to Russia’s special operation to denazify Ukraine, Biden announced USG troops and war materiel would be sent to Poland and other “partner” Eastern European countries.

“The Polish Ministry of Defense confirmed on its Twitter account Friday that preparations are underway to receive the basic forces within a brigade-sized combat group of the US 82nd Airborne Division,” Al Mayadeen reported on February 5.

Biden said “[w]e’re gonna step up,” the New York Post reported on June 29, and the administration announced “the US will boost its long-term military presence in Europe to counter the threat of Russian expansion—including creating a permanent headquarters for American troops in Poland,” according to the Post.

Russia is not interested in expanding its borders. In the case of Ukraine, it is attempting to protect Russians in eastern Ukraine from neo-Nazis that have viciously bombarded cities in Donbas following the USG-sponsored Maidan “color revolution” that overthrew an elected president.

The neo-Nazis have made it perfectly clear they harbor a visceral and violent hatred of all things Russian and are determined to ethnically cleanse the Donbas and take back Crimea—not that the corporate “news” media is reporting on this or the real reason for the special operation.

For headline skimmers in the “West,” the Russian “invasion” is a brutal attempt to reclaim territory lost when the Soviet Union fell. For the “journalists” in the “West” reading and regurgitating government scripts, Putin is a fascist monster determined to put Europe under its tyrannical thumb. This is nonsense.

It really doesn’t take much work to discover the truth. Millions of Americans are not interested in the truth. It is easier and requires less intellectual strain to take the government at face value and put a yellow and blue flag on social media “in support” of Ukraine and not think about what that means (mindless support for neo-Nazi thugs disappearing and assassinating journalists, death squads torturing and killing ethnic Russians).

For instance, minus the NYT or other script-reading war propaganda “news,” there are real journalists reporting on the criminal bombardment of innocent civilians (Patrick Lancaster reported from Gorlovka in May).

For the lying and omissive corporate war propaganda media, the “top line is quite simple.”

America has a significant national security interest in Ukraine’s defeat of this egregious Russian invasion. Generous American support, both financial and military, should continue flowing to Kyiv in that pursuit (though Biden should hammer the Western Europeans for doing so little). But Zelensky should not imagine an American blank check. The U.S. signed up for the liberation of Kherson and Kharkiv. It did not sign up to be associated with car bombs and civilian killings in Moscow.

The US has zero “national security interest” in Ukraine beyond agitating and threatening Russia on its western border. The USG, dominated by the national security state, is attempting to get a new Cold War going as the old post-Bretton Woods neoliberal scheme crumbles and nations begin to build alternatives threatening USG dominance and hegemony. Biden and Congress have thus far committed tens of billions of dollars to keep the slaughter going—and push the value of death merchant stocks to new highs.

The rockets landing in Poland—this needs to be verified by independent sources—may very well be the match that ignites a thermonuclear war.

The elite behind the push to reformulate a “new world order” and impose self-serving neoliberal “rules” on humanity will not be asked or expected to sacrifice. Suffering is reserved for serfs, those who dutifully line up at the local elementary school to vote for the same uniparty opportunists they voted for two years ago. This fealty and blindness has led to endless war, inflation, and societal and political division driven by toxic narratives.

The alleged rocket incident in Poland will be exploited. It remains to be seen if Article 5 will be invoked and NATO sent into Ukraine. For the warmongers, however, the rocket mishap, if indeed true, is the best they can hope for, likely more effective than a dirty bomb or chemical weapons false flag.

Russia considers the “annexed” republics in Donbas and the Crimea as Russian Federation territory, as do the people who live there (they fear and hate the ultranationalist neo-Nazis in Kyiv, and thus voted to secede in referenda monitored by over 20 countries).

If NATO arrogantly encroaches on the separatist republics of Luhansk and Donetsk, now legally part of Russia, it will be considered an existential threat by Russia. Blinken and the interventionists and neocons have flatly stated the endgame is the dissolution of the Russian Federation and the overthrow of Putin.

It’s not going to happen, not without an exchange of ICBMs, and the possibility, increasing with every day, of nuclear winter and the extinction of life on planet Earth.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.

Kurt Nimmo is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Al Mayadeen English

U.S. Will Have Spent $100 Billion on Ukraine this Year

November 16th, 2022 by Eric Zuesse

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On November 15th, U.S. President Joe Biden requested Congress to allocate another $37.7 billion to Ukraine, and the Democratic Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the neoconservative Gregory Meeks of New York, said it was “urgent to make sure that we get them everything that we can … so that they have the weapons to continue the momentum moving through the winter,” against the Russians. According to the AP’s report, \

“U.S. aid to Ukraine has already included tens of thousands of missiles and rockets for air defense and anti-armor systems, and more than 84 million rounds of ammunition, as well as drones, tanks, trucks, radars, body armor and other gear.”

Calculations published on October 11th by the the Kiel Institute for World Economy’s “Ukraine Support Tracker” totaled up $52B from the U.S. to Ukraine this year, as-of that time, and by now around $60B has been allocated, so that if the current request for $37.7B is granted — which seems almost certain (since the U.S. Congress is now virtually 100% neoconservative and never turns down an opportunity to spend more money for weapons and warfare) — America will have spent this year on helping Ukraine defeat Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine, something in the neighborhood of $100 billion.

Russia is likewise planning to intensify its military operation in Ukraine. A Russian news-report that is censored-out in The West but available in Russia, is dated November 15th and headlines “EW specialists continue to carry out tasks within special military operation” and says that Russia’s electronic warfare devices in Ukraine have “already neutralized around 50 AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] drones.” That seems inconsequential in comparison with the immense flood of U.S. weaponry that is pouring into Ukraine.

Also on November 15th, CEPA, the neoconservative Center for European Policy Analysis in Washington DC, bannered “Doomed to Failure — Russia’s Efforts to Restore its Military Muscle”, and reported that “Much is revealed by examining Russia’s defense budget. The planned 2022 national defense (ND) budget was 3.51 trillion rubles ($57.4bn), which rose to 3.85 trillion rubles after the all-out invasion began.” So: Russia’s total military spending now, which includes both personnel (troops) and weapons, might be less than what America is spending on weapons for Ukraine plus only training of Ukraine’s troops.

Nonetheless, CEPA says that in Russia, “Officials and defense sector managers declare that the defense industry is ready to make up all losses as the government increases its arms procurement budget.” The report says that achieving that will be virtually impossible, not only because Russia can’t afford unlimited military expenditures such as are routine in America, but because, due to America’s anti-Russia sanctions, “[Russian] officials are now traveling intensively from one defense factory to another trying to manage multiple problems arising on production lines. … As a result, the losses of Russia’s military during its invasion of Ukraine are irreversible.”

Whereas Russia normally would be spending around $60B per year on its military, America has been spending over $1.2 trillion per year (some of it in non-military federal departments, such as the Treasury Department, so as to hide from the public the roughly $400 billion per year of America’s military spending that ISN’T being paid from the “Defense Department”). So: in a normal year, the U.S. spends about 20 times what Russia spends on its defense.

Perhaps the Biden Administration’s main strategy to defeat Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine, and so to overthrow Vladimir Putin (which is Washington’s step-one to conquering Russia and making it another part of the U.S. empire), is precisely that 20-to-1 military spending advantage.

Russia’s great advantage is the enormous amount of sheer corruption that is in America’s $1.2T+ annual military spending. That, for example, is the reason why “U.S. GAO Finds Failure Is the Norm in U.S. Military Aircrafts”. No nation can compete with America in the category of the corruptness of its military spending. But since Russia spends only about 5% per year as much as America does on the military, the U.S. regime’s plan to conquer Russia might not be unrealistic, after all. Whatever will be coming in this war will contain some big surprises, and a WW III that obliterates all life as we know it might be one of them.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, left, shakes hands with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during their meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, October 19, 2021. [Source:]

Selected Articles: Analysis on the US Midterm Elections. Voter Fraud?

November 16th, 2022 by Global Research News

Analysis on the US Midterm Elections. Voter Fraud?

By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, November 15, 2022

So far, to the surprise of most people, there are no clear results yet of the US Midterm Elections. The Republicans have won the House of representatives, where they already had a majority before, but the Senate is not decided yet. In three States, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada, the ballots are still being counted, or they will head for a run-off on 6 December 2022.

Attempt to Try Russian Leaders for War Crimes Is Part of the West’s Weaponization of the International Criminal Court

By Robin Philpot, November 15, 2022

International Criminal Court (ICC) continues to serve as a “battering ram for U.S. and NATO policy,” as the former U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes in the Clinton administration defined it.

Latin America and the Caribbean: A Destabilized Region Stifled by Political Chaos, Mounting Debt and Aggressive US Interference

By Stephen Sefton, November 15, 2022

The electoral victories of Gustavo Petro and Inacio Lula da Silva this year in Colombia and Brazil have raised hopes for a new strong impulse towards the full emancipation of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Europe Arrests Russian Fertilizers, Damaging Food Security

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 15, 2022

Once again, anti-Russian Western policies are impacting the international supply. According to a recent report by Russian authorities, thousands of tonnes of Russian fertilizers are being seized by the European Union, prevented from being used for food production. This type of measure is extremely dangerous for food security and worsens the global supply crisis.

Video: Amid Russian Retreat in Kherson Region, Ukrainian Offensive Operations Continue

By South Front, November 15, 2022

After the recent retreat of the Russian military in the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continued occupying the new settlements and secure their positions on the western bank along the Dnieper River and near the city of Kherson.

The USA’s Military Empire: A Visual Database. World Beyond War

By World Beyond War, November 15, 2022

The United States of America, unlike any other nation, maintains a massive network of foreign military installations around the world. How was this created and how is it continued? Some of these physical installations are on land occupied as spoils of war. Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them brutal and oppressive governments benefiting from the bases’ presence.

10-Year-Old Boy Died of Cardiac Arrest 7 Days After Moderna Shot, VAERS Data Show

By Megan Redshaw, November 15, 2022

The latest death reported in this age group was that of a 10-year-old boy who died suddenly six days after receiving a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. According to the report, “It is unknown if an autopsy was performed.”

CIA Director Burns Meets with Russian Spy Chief in Ankara

By Dave DeCamp, November 15, 2022

CIA Director William Burns met with the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) in Ankara, Turkey, on Monday, marking the highest-level face-to-face meeting between US and Russian officials since the February 24 invasion of Ukraine.

A Tale of Two Midterms

By Rep. Ron Paul, November 15, 2022

Those searching for an explanation of why there was no “red wave” giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year’s midterm election should compare this year’s election with the midterm election of 2010. In 2010, Republicans gained a net 63 House seats. While Republicans then did not gain control of the US Senate, they did gain six Senate seats.

Doctors Fight Back Against Law that Punishes Them for Diverging from ‘Contemporary Scientific Consensus’

By Matt Agorist, November 15, 2022

As TFTP has reported, Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, who has sponsored a slew of mandatory vaccine laws throughout his career came out in 2019 to threaten the speech of those who question forced vaccination. Throughout the pandemic, Pan has been staunchly opposed to free speech and advocated for silencing anyone and everyone who doesn’t worship at the altar of Big Pharma and TheScience(TM).

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UN Member States Fall Short on Accountability for Philippine Mass Killings

November 16th, 2022 by International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines

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The Zelensky-Bush War Rally

November 16th, 2022 by Caitlin Johnstone

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The way the U.S. provoked and now sustains its Ukraine proxy war is no more ethical than its invasion of Iraq. If people can’t see this, it’s because the propaganda around the latest war hasn’t cleared from the air yet.  

War criminal George W. Bush and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be appearing at an event on Wednesday at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, in partnership with the U.S. government-funded narrative management operations Freedom House and National Endowment for Democracy.

The goal of the presentation will reportedly be to address the completely fictional and imaginary concern that congressional Republicans won’t continue supporting U.S. proxy war efforts in Ukraine.

CNN reported last week:

“Former US President George W. Bush will hold a public conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky next week with the aim of underscoring the importance of the US continuing to support Ukraine’s war effort against Russia.

The event, which will take place in Dallas and be open to the public, comes amid questions about the willingness of the former president’s Republican Party to maintain support for Ukraine.

‘Ukraine is the frontline in the struggle for freedom and democracy. It’s literally under attack as we speak, and it is vitally important that the United States provide the assistance, military and otherwise to help Ukraine defend itself,’ David Kramer, the managing director for global policy at the George W. Bush Institute, told CNN. ‘President Bush believes in standing with Ukraine.’ “

To be clear, there is absolutely no reality-based reason to believe Republicans will meaningfully shy away from full-scale support for arming and assisting the Ukrainian military. The proxy war has only an impotent minority of opposition in the party and every bill to fund it has passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. Some “MAGA” Republicans have claimed that funding for the war would stop if the GOP won the midterm elections, but they were lying; there was never the slightest chance of that happening.

Bush, you may remember, drew headlines and laughter earlier this year with his Freudian confession in which he accused Vladimir Putin of launching “a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq — I mean, of Ukraine.” The fact that the president who launched a full-scale ground invasion which destabilized the entire region and led to the deaths of over a million people is now narrative managing for the U.S. empire’s current aggressively propagandized intervention says everything about the nature of this war.

Also appearing with Bush will be the leader who’s slated to become the face of the U.S. empire’s next proxy war, Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan. CNN says:

“Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen will also take part in the event next week. She will deliver a recorded message, in which she is expected to underscore that the struggle for freedom is a global challenge.”

And sure, why not. If you’re going to manufacture consent for proxy warfare against multiple powersas your empire flails around frantically scrambling to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world, you may as well save time and promote them all on the same ticket.

Many people who support the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine now recognize that the Iraq war was a horrific disaster, but Ukraine isn’t the good war, it’s just the current war.

Western propaganda means people always oppose the last war but not the war that’s currently being pushed. The U.S. provoking and sustaining its Ukraine proxy war is no more ethical than its invasion of Iraq; it just looks that way due to propaganda.

It is only by the copious amounts of propaganda our civilization is being hammered with that this is not immediately obvious to everyone. In the future (assuming we don’t annihilate ourselves first), the propaganda will have cleared from the air enough for people to look back with clarity on 2022 and realize that they were lied to, yet again.

It’s easy to oppose the last war. It’s hard to oppose current wars as the propaganda machine is shoving them down our throats. Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts.


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Featured image: Nov. 27, 2003: President George W. Bush paying a surprise visit to Baghdad International Airport. Later in his trip he gave a Thanksgiving Day address to U.S. troops at the Bob Hope dining facility. (U.S. Air Force, Reynaldo Ramon)

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First published on July 20, 2022


When Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s president, invaded Iran on September 22, 1980, he was a “good” dictator. His invasion of the neighboring country was not only approved by the United States and its Western satellites, but also universally supported by them. Unlike secular Iraq, Iran was led by so-called vicious Islamic clerics.

They had committed the crime of spearheading a popular movement to overthrow Shah Reza Pahlavi, who had been swept into power by the Americans and the British but was abhorred by the Iranians. In the eyes of the American and British governments, however, Pahlavi was a “good” dictator.

His predecessor Mohammed Mossadegh, a democratically elected president, who they hounded out of office, was regarded as “very bad” because he defended the interests of his own country and tried to nationalize its oil. Saddam’s “good,” eight-year war against “evil” Iran was the deserved punishment for the misdeed of the insurgent Iranian clerics.

Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) - Causes, Summary & Facts »


Even the use of chemical weapons, with their horrendous consequences, against Iran did not cross any “American red line” because Saddam was a “good” guy at the time. Unlike, say, Syria, with “evil” dictator Assad in charge, which was bombed by America because of chemical weapons use by someone else.

Unlike the Iranian theocrats, the Afghan Taliban were God’s Warriors for many years, doing good according to the name: Thanks to more than $2 billion in weapons, logistical support and training the CIA channeled to the mujahideen between 1979 and 1989, they defeated the “evil empire” (according to U.S. President Reagan), i.e., the Soviet Union (Russia from 1991), in Afghanistan.

The fact that in the process they also overthrew and murdered the Afghan president, who advocated a multi-party system and built schools for girls throughout the country, had not bothered governments and media figures in the West. After all, he was a “bad” guy because he did not turn down material support from the “evil empire.”

The tide turned for the formerly “good” Taliban after the 9/11 terrorist attack. Washington condemned them as irresponsible and evil, although they were not involved in the terrorist attack themselves and even offered the U.S. government extradition of those al-Qaeda terrorists who were in Afghanistan. The U.S. government and its Western aides did not accept the offer, preferring to carry out an undoubtedly “good” NATO invasion of Afghanistan, albeit one that violated international law, because of the Taliban, now perceived as entirely evil.

Even the formerly “good” dictator Saddam was amazed when his status metamorphose into “evil” dictator almost overnight—after he invaded Kuwait, with U.S. encouragement! Perhaps he overlooked the fact that his intention to sell oil in currencies other than the American monopoly currency was totally heinous. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, American intelligence agencies accused him of running a secret program to develop weapons of mass destruction. The accusations turned out to be bare-faced lies, which America and its vassals (also called the “coalition of the willing”) used as a pretext to carry out a “good” invasion of Iraq, although illegal under international law, in order to get rid of a now evil dictator.

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Not sure which invasion is good and which one is bad? Don’t worry. The Western mainstream media will always give you the politically correct answer. [Source:]

Wars, including proxy wars, are not “evil” per se; they can be “very good” and useful. This is universally true if they are led or supported by the West, and for which Washington and its allies always put forward good reasons. Since 2015, for example, “good” Saudi Arabia has been waging a “good,” albeit very dirty, proxy war in neighboring Yemen against its regional rival Iran (still “very bad”!). Saudi Arabia, which is far less democratic and a lot more inhumane than Iran, has been massively armed by the self-proclaimed bulwarks of democracy and human rights, the U.S., UK and France.

According to the UN, this war is the biggest humanitarian catastrophe of this century. It has already claimed hundreds of thousands of victims and 20 of the 30 million Yemeni inhabitants are starving in the war-ravaged country. Had the West preferred it that way, this war would never have transpired or would have ended long ago with the stroke of a pen. The “good” Saudi regime could not have survived for two weeks without American support, as then-U.S. President Trump told his hosts in Saudi Arabia in his own very direct way. Because the people of Yemen have the misfortune of not being “good” Ukrainians, they are subjected to a “good” war driven by the liberal democratic West. Western media barely reported on the massacre. Expressions of solidarity from politicians and celebrities have been sparse compared to those heaped on Ukraine, and sanctions against the perpetrators and supporters of this “good” war, which claims many more lives than Russia’s evil Ukraine war, are not being sought.

Of course, the U.S. has always been in favor of “good,” overt invasions and wars, such as in Vietnam, and “good,” covert ones, such as in East Africa, regardless of how many millions of innocent lives are lost. The American war, as the Vietnamese call the Vietnam War, cost the lives of at least three million Vietnamese alone.

Driven by a vast, untamable war industry, they will probably never stop aspiring to make the whole world happy with their great “values.” Propaganda and economic wars, subversion and clandestine operations, and overt use of force are the “good” tools of the American establishment to achieve “good” all over the world. In any case, these efforts have given American corporations—not only those producing weapons—mostly only favorable results.

Of course, there have always been “good” and “bad” dictatorships since World War II, even in Europe. The “good” ones were helped, the “bad” ones were contested. The former dictatorships in Salazar’s Portugal, Franco’s Spain and the military junta’s in Greece, which were perceived by their citizens as brutal and bloodthirsty, enjoyed support and sympathy from Western democratic governments because they were good and a bulwark against the “evil empire.”

Then, of course, there were the “evil” dictatorships, especially in Eastern Europe, as in contemporary Russia, which is being oppressed by “Vladimir the Terrible.” In the latter case, there is also the fact that Putin’s Russia represents its own interests, independent of those of the United States, which Washington regards as genuinely evil and therefore worth combatting.

There are also “good” and “bad” independence movements

It is not only the separatists in Tibet or in China’s Xinjiang province, but also the glorious independence fighters in Taiwan, a Chinese province also recognized by the United States and the rest of the West, that are supported by the West in every plausible way. It is simply a matter of the “good” Chinese on the island being threatened by the “evil” Chinese on the mainland and therefore best supported in another “good” war, ideally provoked by the West.


Surround Russia? That has already been done, including five rounds of NATO eastward enlargements. Now it is a matter of surrounding China and, if possible, provoking another good war. The next “Cuban missile crisis” is already in the making, but this time rapidly and crudely: The U.S. wants to spend $27.4 billion to encircle China with missiles along the “first island chain,” including Taiwan.

Encircling China | Peace News

U.S. military encirclement of China. [Source:]

The West and the U.S.-led NATO alliance also supported another “good” secession, that of Kosovo from Serbia, with a uniquely “good” war that they even called “humanitarian.” The territorial integrity of Yugoslavia, of which Serbia is the legal successor, was guaranteed by a UN resolution, but the otherwise “good” international order based on the rule of law, which is so highly praised by the USA and which it decisively coined, was in this case rather a hindrance and therefore somewhat “evil.” It is clear that the Serbs were not choirboys and did not shy away from atrocities. But the West behaved not only in violation of international law, but also in a war-criminal manner: NATO planes bombed infrastructures, schools, hospitals and even the embassy of China, which resisted the secession. For this, three Chinese diplomats paid with their lives.

In addition to the “good” independence movements in Serbia, China and elsewhere, there are also the vicious ones: The People’s Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, founded in 2014 by Russian-speaking Ukrainians seeking autonomy from the UKrainian government, have been considered particularly brutal as they were portrayed in the West as a bad, Russia-instigated conspiracy.

Yet this comes with a caveat: Jacques Baud, a former colonel and Policy Chief for United Nations Peace Operations and a former NATO official, participated in programs to assist the new government in Ukraine that rose to power after a Western-supported regime-changeoperation in 2014, explains: “The referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in May 2014, were not referendums of ‘independence’ (независимость), as unscrupulous journalists have claimed, but referendums of ‘self-determination’ or ‘autonomy’ (самостоятельность).”

He adds: “The qualifier ‘pro-Russian’ suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term ‘Russian speakers’ would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin.”

However, Kyiv’s war against these “evil” Ukrainian secessionists was hugely supported by the West with NATO equipment and many years of training. Only recognized by Russia in 2022, it has been raging since 2014, claiming thousands of lives. Unsurprisingly, however, the Western mainstream media have not featured this “good,” unofficial war against the separatists and the war atrocities committed by Kyiv. The possibility that the Ukrainian war would not have started in February 2022, but as far back as 2014, by Kyiv and the Western powers behind it, the good Western string-pullers, of course, reject far away.

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Let’s take a brief look at how American and other Western media portrayed Ukraine before the Russian invasion. [Source:]

In 2014, long before Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s hero-worshipped president in the West, became president, he declared,

“In the east and in Crimea, people want to speak Russian. Leave them alone, just leave them alone. Give them the legal right to speak Russian. Language should never divide our country….We are of the same color, the same blood, regardless of language.”

Since then, new laws discriminating against Russian-speaking Ukrainians have been passed in the country. In addition, Zelensky censored Russian-speaking Ukrainian journalists and banned all opposition parties, most of which represented Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Apparently, these were all “good” measures, because they did not bother anyone in the West, where Zelensky is hailed as a defender of democracy and freedom of expression.

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The U.S. president and commander-in-chief in front of his troops in Poland: America’s “organizing principle” is to be enforced not only in Ukraine but also worldwide, including by force of arms.

Of “good” and “evil” war criminals

President Biden called Putin an evil war criminal. Western politicians of all stripes and the media, who are also at war, naturally agree with him. The U.S. government would prefer to put the criminal before a war crimes tribunal. Putin is really unfortunate: He has a “bad” Russian passport instead of a “good” American one, which would protect him from all evil.


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When “good” American soldiers blow up innocent families, bomb hospitals or cause a new My Lai massacre, they are never tried for war crimes. Only America’s evil enemies, such as Putin, are deemed punishable for their crimes.

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A hero celebrated in the West (“Winston Churchill of our time”), who is currently fighting an invader, gladly accepts the expression of solidarity from former U.S. President George W. Bush, himself a notorious invader. Unlike Putin, Bush, who has millions of innocent people on his conscience, is a truly “good” war criminal. [Twitter screen shot by Felix Abt]

During the Vietnam War not only Vietnamese but also some U.S. soldiers were sprayed with dioxin poison by the U.S. Air Force. A settlement from 1984 onward paid out the pittance sum of $200 million in compensation to some 52,000 U.S. veterans or their survivors.

The Vietnamese victims, on the other hand, have received nothing. A corresponding class action lawsuit in the USA was dismissed in 2005. Additionally, victorious North Vietnam was forced to assume South Vietnam’s debt in order to obtain international credit and end the trade embargo of the United States.

This does not justify Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine. But the demand for war crimes tribunals in Ukraine compared to U.S. crimes in North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba and elsewhere, which remain unpunished to this day, illustrate the hypocrisy, double standard, one-sidedness and selective memory of history.

Of “good” and “bad” oligarchs

Everyone knows it: Russian oligarchs are “evil,” so evil that the rule of law had to be overturned in Western countries because of them. The esteemed noble principles of property guarantee, presumption of innocence and proof in court against accused persons do not apply to Russian oligarchs. The only sure proof of their crimes according, apparently, to Western authorities is that they have or had the same passport as the belligerent Russian president. There may also be footage showing them in a photo with Vladimir the Terrible. That’s enough to seize their yachts, planes, villas and money. “Seize,” here, is a useful euphemism for “steal.”

Law was replaced by a simple pronouncement from the American leader. In his much applauded State of the Union address to the U.S. Congress on March 1, 2022, President Biden addressed the Russian oligarchs directly: “We will join with our European allies to find and seize your yachts, your luxury homes, and your private jets. We will take your ill-gotten gains.”

Fortunately, in addition to the evil Russian oligarchs, there are also the good ones who are protected by the rule of law. These include, for example, the Ukrainian oligarchs, who are politically a lot more powerful in their country than the Russian ones are in Russia. For example, with extensive help from the most controversial oligarch in Ukraine, Ihor Kholomoisky, Volodymyr Zelensky, a man who hid his ill-gotten millions in secret offshore bank accounts, was enabled to become president of Europe’s most corrupt country. A nation that got a worse “democracy” ranking in 2022 by the majority U.S. government-funded “Freedom House” than Hungary, a target of vitriolic criticism by the same Western politicians and journalists who are so apologetic about Ukraine.

Oligarchs generally started almost from scratch and became rich through connections to Ukraine’s highly corrupt but democratically elected government during the transition from a state to a market-based economy. It was not so different in Russia: When state resources were sold off at ridiculously low prices to private parties under Russian President Boris Yeltsin, his chums were in the forefront, and have quickly become nouveau riche oligarchs.

The then-Russian president was a “good” president because he opened the doors wide to the corporations of American oligarchs; American and Russian oligarchs also became firm business partners in Russia. However, Vladimir Putin, President Yeltsin’s successor, dared to limit the scope of Russian and American oligarchs. Therefore, Washington considered him a bad guy and began to work toward weakening Russia and regime change in Moscow.

Ironically, in the process, even “good” President Yeltsin’s former cronies were transformed into “Putin’s oligarchs” by the West. This maneuver served as justification for Russia’s enemies, who are engaged in economic warfare against Russia, to take away the property and residence permits of Russian oligarchs in the new Wild West, to restrict their freedom of movement, and to thwart their ability to conduct legal business.

The U.S. Pentagon (Department of Defense) is the largest and most powerful organization in the world, both now and historically. It is also the largest employer in the world, with 3.2 million men and women on its payrolls; and since these are evidently insufficient, it hires large numbers of mercenaries, known as “private contractors” for its wars.

In addition, America’s elephantine private-war industry accounts for 20% of all U.S. manufacturing jobs (Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Carlyle Group, and many more). It also provides thousands of other jobs in high-profile technology companies also owned by American oligarchs, such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Palantir, which receive billions of dollars in contracts from the U.S. military. American oligarchs, who benefit handsomely from American wars and with blood on their hands, are “good” oligarchs, however, because they support and profit from the wars of America, God’s own country. That distinguishes them from the “bad” Russian oligarchs who don’t make money from Russian wars.

The U.S. Center for Responsive Politics reports that, over the past two decades, the defense industry’s extensive network of lobbyists and donors has used “$285 million in campaign contributions and $2.5 billion in lobbying expenditures” to influence defense policy.

A rare, shocking moment of honesty from Senator Joe Biden, who admits here that the system is corrupt: “I don’t think you should assume I’m not corrupt. It takes a lot of money to get into office. And the people with that money always want something.”

Unlike the powerful war industry, the innumerable homeless have no lobby in Washington. It is therefore not surprising that, while the U.S. recently transferred another $3.3 billion in lethal aid to Ukraine and now spends more than $200 million a day for the Ukraine war, countless Americans, including a quarter of students living on the street in many areas, are forced to somehow survive like stray dogs, instead of being allowed to enjoy life as dignified citizens in the U.S.—the richest nation in the world.

For fiscal year 2023 Washington has earmarked $813 billion to spend on the military, or more than the next nine countries, including China and Russia, combined.

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Twitter screen shots by Felix Abt

On the other hand there is no program to feed the 17 million children who go to bed each night hungry, nor is there any relief for $1.7 trillion in student debt or a minimum wage of $15 an hour to counter 44 years of wage stagnation. As Chris Hedges explains, “the permanent war economy, implanted since the end of World War II, has destroyed the private economy, bankrupted the nation, and squandered trillions of dollars of taxpayer money. The monopolization of capital by the military has driven the U.S. debt to $30 trillion, $6 trillion more than the U.S. GDP of $24 trillion. Servicing this debt [interest payments] costs $300 billion a year.”

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“More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members,” explains the Scientific American. Not just in the United States: Arms control experts decry global slaughter by American weapons. The world’s only country with almost daily mass shootings is more interested in getting involved in new “good” wars abroad than in addressing the root causes for the rampant violence at home.

A 2014 book published by Cambridge University Press showed that government actions almost always conform to the wishes of wealthy and powerful U.S. elites. It concluded with the following central finding: “Business elites and interest groups can influence U.S. government policy—but Americans who are less well off have essentially no influence over what their government does,” co-authors Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page summarize.

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What should be added is that, in the United States, political opposition also exists in name only. The same phenomenon is not limited to the U.S. as it is also prevalent in other Western countries such as Australia, Britain and Germany. When America’s political parties—in this de-facto one-party state with two brands and oligarchs being the controlling paymasters for both brands—play their game every few years with, in essence, the same economic, social and war-making policies to convince voters that they are different, the outstanding window-dressing is presented by its beneficiaries as an exceptional “democracy.”

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Australian writer, scholar and documentary filmmaker John Pilger exposes a political scam called “democratic elections.”

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Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos meets Defense Secretary Ash Carter, a major customer, at the Pentagon on May 5, 2016. [Photo: Department of Defense/Senior Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz]

Jeff Bezos is one of the richest oligarchs in America and, indeed, the world. He built his Amazon empire on his ability to sell products online without paying sales taxes, in contrast to his competitors who ran stores. He also paid low wages, and almost no income taxes, unlike his employees, as well as the many shop owners he forced out of business. Bezos also profits massively from the gigantic military-industrial complex, from which he receives billions in contracts.

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Bezos also supports the spy organizations: Recently, he received a US$10 billion contract to implement a large cloud project. His client is the National Security Agency (NSA), the American government organization that spies not only on French presidents and German chancellors, but also on you and me. NSA needs huge cloud-storage capacity to effectively monitor the world’s population on behalf of the American government, and this is now being developed for them by “good” oligarch Bezos.

Of course, there is hardly an American oligarch who has not benefited from the U.S. government. For example, Elon Musk has received billions in subsidies and contracts for his automotive and space projects. When Musk and his SpaceX were both virtually out of cash before Christmas in 2008, NASA made him a huge gift, in the form of a juicy contract that saved his venture. Bill Gates has also profited from government contracts. His Microsoft was the first company to participate in the PRISM surveillance program, according to leaked NSA documents obtained by The Guardian. In addition, he parlayed aggressive patent strategies and shameless business practices to achieve his own oligarchic status.

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An oligarch, representative of other American oligarchs, not only makes money with wars but also influences the pro-war narrative with his own media. And, as this example shows, his journalists use the media to defend his personal interests (in this case not to pay a fair share of taxes) with shamelessly gross PR-like texts.

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Twitter systematically warns against accounts that allegedly spread propaganda for evil Russia, evil China, and other real or perceived enemies of America, and systematically deletes them. However, Western propaganda is tolerated as part of the free-speech concept. [Tweet from a Twitter critic. Screenshot by Felix Abt]

The anti-Russian Cancel Culture also bans famous Russian writers, musicians and other artists who had lived and died long before Putin was even born. Its latest hate object is two centuries-old Russian trees.

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Of “good” and “bad” propaganda: In the West, Russian news outlets have been prohibited for spreading propaganda. On the other hand the good Ukrainian regime can make any claim and the Western mainstream media will, without verification, publish it as a news story. Even the Ukrainian parliament is more skeptical of Ukrainian claims, disagreed with Ms. Denisova, the source of these and many other stories about alleged Russian atrocities, and fired her as she had no evidence to support her claims.

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Illustration by Felix Abt

There is even an “extremely bad” and a “much less bad” standard for police brutality, defined by the self-proclaimed, self-righteous “International Community” and its Western-media echo chamber: the genocidal one for bad China and the occasionally abusive one for the U.S.

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Are you surprised when mainstream media tell you that Christian Ukrainians are “better refugees” than non-Christian, non-Ukrainian ones? Luckily, they teach you to be able to clearly distinguish between superior religions and races (the “good” ones), and inferior religions and races (the “bad” ones).

What and who is “good” and what and who is “bad” was determined long ago: in Washington!

Interestingly, the authors of this book, published seven years before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, prophetically foresaw the bellicose development. Rather than dissolve NATO after the dissolution of its Soviet counterpart, former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and other influential U.S. hawks wanted to use NATO to expand U.S. global dominance and not only maintain but accelerate arms purchases and sales. Thus, Brzezinski proclaimed that “an expanded NATO will serve well both the short-term and longer-term goals of U.S. policy.” Significantly, he “designated” Ukraine as the pivotal country to defeat Russia. It appears that this very gambit is now being vigorously implemented.

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As a comedian at the time Barack Obama was president of the U.S., Volodymyr Zelensky echoed this bitter truth here: “Today our president—the most important one, Barack Obama—promised that we will join NATO as an American stooge. Please send copies of ‘Mein Kampf,’ it’s sold out here.” The irony of history is that he, of all people, as the current president of Ukraine, has now been squeezed into this very role as America’s myrmidon.

Is this an evil pope with very politically incorrect beliefs who could become a legitimate target for assassination or attempted overthrow by the CIA?

Decades before the Ukraine war, leading American politicians warned of NATO’s eastward expansion and the fierce reaction to be expected from Russia as a result. Among them was Robert McNamara, who as Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War achieved the deplorable record of making Vietnam the most bombed country in human history. At least three million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans lost their lives. Henry Kissinger, who supported the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, one of the most bloodthirsty in human history, also spoke up against NATO expansion. They sullied their hands with blood for the glory and honor of the American Empire and are certainly undeniably American patriots who cannot be suspected of being traitors because they opposed NATO’s eastward expansion.

U.S. President Joe Biden strongly condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine as “unprovoked” and therefore announced and unleashed massive retaliation. Yet he belonged to the same group of U.S. politicians who had warned against the disastrous U.S. policy of Russia and NATO expansion.

As early as 1997, Senator Joe Biden, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, predicted that NATO expansion to the Baltic states would provoke a “forceful and hostile” Russian military response. Instead of preventing that response with a security guarantee for Russia, which would have been low-cost and painless for all parties involved, he proactively helped provoke it!

What more can be added when the self-confessed corrupt and warmongering Democrat Joe Biden is praised, even by his Republican rivals, as so “good a man as God ever created”?

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Creating the conditions for a new good, i.e., useful, war.

U.S. political elites like Henry Kissinger, who wanted to avoid provoking an armed conflict with Russia and who had solid arguments against the aggressive NATO expansion, were sidelined by the super-hawks of U.S. politics.

Knowing full well that it would constitute a very serious provocation for Russia, NATO, led by President Clinton, a hawk, accepted the Baltic states, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary into its alliance in 1999. Moscow declared it a red line against Georgia and Ukraine also joining NATO. Unlike the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) that, historically, were independent states, Ukraine and Georgia were Russian state provinces.

Today’s Ukraine was historically also a marching-in and marching-through area for aggressors from the West against Russia. At the 2007 Munich Security Conference, President Vladimir Putin made his concern and anger public. He also reminded that the OSCE’s Charter for European Security commits states “to respect each other’s security interests and not to strengthen security at the expense of other states.”

Putin made it clear: NATO’s eastward expansion is a threat to Russia’s national security. NATO missiles along its long borders were not acceptable. William J. Burns, who was U.S. Ambassador to Russia and is currently CIA Director, wrote in 2008 that he knew no Russian who disagreed with Putin on this. Yet Putin’s words went unheeded.

So NATO did not accept Russia’s red line and instead made Ukraine an offer of membership. Ukraine even wrote the goal of NATO accession into its constitution. In response, Russia classified NATO and Ukraine as a threat to Russian security in a new military doctrine. Russia remembered the NATO attack on Serbia in 1999, the NATO bombing of Libya in 2011 and the war NATO had been waging in Afghanistan for many years.

In 2014 a U.S.-instigated and EU-supported coup (called “revolution”) drove democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych from office. The smoking gun proving U.S. involvement in the coup in Kyiv was recently removed from YouTube after eight years.

In the aftermath of the violent “revolution” Crimea, with two-thirds of its population being ethnic Russians, was annexed by Russia. Although Ukraine’s accession to NATO was only a mutually announced but not yet realized intention, Ukraine’s new government had the Ukrainian military trained and rearmed by NATO and participated in NATO maneuvers. Since 2014 the U.S. has spent more than three billion dollars on training and equipping Ukraine’s armed forces. Unsurprisingly, Russia had to fear that Ukraine would try to take back Crimea and the separatist areas in the Donbas militarily.

NATO-backed Ukraine was now perceived as a threat coming too close to Russia in the east and driving out the Russians in the Black Sea.

For Russia, the red line had been crossed.

Russia had no desire to wait until Ukraine was fully armed. And even less did Russia want to wait until nuclear-tipped missiles and missile defense systems were operational on the Ukrainian side of the 2,000-kilometer (1,243-mile) common border.

Russia finally decided to adopt a threatening posture with large-scale military maneuvers on the border with Ukraine. Putin set an ultimatum, demanded and waited for weeks that Ukraine renounce joining NATO. He also demanded that Ukraine put an end to the Nazi battalion, which has been rampaging through the Donbas with the blessing of the Kyiv government, and to the neo-Nazi group C14. Zelensky and NATO did not respond to either demand, but incessantly repeated that every country has the right to join NATO. But from Russia’s point of view, NATO, with missile sites on its borders, is an existential threat.

Propaganda megaphones of the U.S. Empire:

“Eastward expansion has been the most successful thing in U.S. foreign policy in the last thirty years.” – Historian Anne Applebaum

“NATO’s eastward expansion has saved the Baltic states and probably all of Eastern Europe from Russia.” – Hillary Clinton, March 28, 2022, in The New York Times

America brutally defending its large hemisphere’s a good thing, Russia trying to merely protect its borders is a bad thing

No great power accepts a policy of encircling by an adversary directly on its national borders, especially, with the most modern weapons. For two hundred years, the U.S. has enforced the Monroe Doctrine: No enemy missile is tolerated not only in neighboring states, but throughout Central and South America.

The U.S. would not wait if Cuba, or even faraway Venezuela, allowed Russia or China to station missiles in their country.

Even without the threat of hostile missiles, the U.S. punishes countries in its hegemonic sphere for behaving in a challenging manner (e.g., when they want to carry out nationalizations) and for not granting unlimited access to U.S. corporations. The UN General Assembly condemns the U.S. blockade and sanctions against Cuba year after year, voting 184 to 2 in 2021, with only the U.S. and Israel voting in favor. These votes are barely worth a passing mention in the Western-leaning media. The U.S. even overthrew democratically elected governments, such as the ones in Chile and Panama, replacing them with military dictatorships.

Over more than half a century U.S. presidents have behaved like emperors, including the outlier Donald Trump who was feared to be a dangerous isolationist by the defenders of the empire. They were worried that he would stop warring abroad and re-allocate some of the huge resources used by the military to fix America’s domestic problems. Yet Trump not only had the military budget massively increased but resorted to the traditional coercive empire tools too:

His White House was, for example, considering a blockade on Cuba and a war against Venezuela and he was bombing Syria with cruise missiles under a false pretext. He even attempted to provoke another war against Iran by carrying out the public assassination of Iran’s top military commander when the latter was on a peace mission in neighboring Iraq, additionally, and recklessly, violating Iraq’s sovereignty! An act of war that Iran didn’t rise to.

This makes it clear that the U.S. would not pull back one inch from its Monroe Doctrine no matter who is its president. It wants to keep rival troops and missiles far from its borders despite the extensive protection afforded by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, thus making it a lot less vulnerable than Russia and China which are both surrounded by many countries, some of which the U.S. uses as military bases. The same United States that claims that Ukraine and any other country in Russia’s proximity is entitled to join its NATO alliance goes as far as to threaten military action against the Solomon Islands if it established a security pact with China. These tiny islands are more than 7,000 miles away from the United States!

Whereas it considers “bad” troops and missiles near (or even very far) from its borders as unacceptable, it feels entitled to station its “good” troops and missiles in countries neighboring its rivals and perceived enemies, from the Korean peninsula to Poland. One U.S. missile base in Poland is just 115 miles from Russia.

Outside the immediate U.S. hemisphere, in Germany, the G7 declared at its latest meeting that it “will never recognize borders changed by force.” This selectively refers to Russia in Ukraine and not to NATO member Turkey, which has annexed parts of Syria. In addition, Ankara has been using the cover of the Ukraine war to intensify its incursions into Syria, drive Kurds from their land and slaughter them. As this is a good Turkish instead of an evil Russian aggression, it is, naturally, not a subject of G7 discussions and mainstream reporting and condemnation.

C:\Users\Felix Abt\Desktop\Rubbish\Palestine.png

Selective accountability U.S. government-style: “Bad” atrocities by Russia in Ukraine have to be held to account; “good” atrocities by Israel in Palestine do not.

The G7 policy of “never recognizing borders changed by force” applies even less to Israel, which expanded its national borders, not entirely peacefully, and has made the theft of Palestinian land a state maxim, which is not, apparently, sanction-worthy for the supportive U.S.-led G7.

“Good” and “bad” money launderers

Because of America’s smart war against Russia allowing it to “wage war by proxy without losing soldiers” on Ukrainian soil, far from its own lands, and the West’s deafening howl of war, leading Swiss politicians may have felt under pressure or saw an opportunity for themselves to join America’s and its European satellites’ all-out economic war against Russia. This move will, above all, hurt ordinary Swiss citizens rather than Russia’s elites.

Even Washington was surprised when they sided with the U.S. against Russia. Seemingly no longer caring about the constitutional guarantee of “comprehensive, armed neutrality,” a centuries-old survival strategy of a small state, surrounded by major European powers. They appeared to forget that neutrality had also prevented the division of the German-, French-, and Italian-speaking groups that make up Switzerland in conflict situations between its large neighbors, the “parents” of these disparate language groupings.

These politicians flirt with the idea of joining the increasingly warmongering U.S. empire-serving European Union (EU). This would open new career opportunities, as Eurocrats in distant Brussels. Harbingering elevated power and prestige, a higher income and a lot less accountability than in their home country, characterized by political neutrality and independence, federalism and direct democracy including proportional representation, the latter giving its citizens a sway over them which politicians perceive as inconvenient. It is a unique privilege Swiss citizens would lose if their self-serving leaders could persuade them to become EU citizens.

Direct Democracy

Swiss citizens vote three to four times a year on a wide range of national, cantonal (states) and municipal issues. At the municipal level, for example, they decide on education (kindergarten and elementary school), waste management, municipal roads, local infrastructure, cultural and sports centers, municipal police, spatial planning and forest management, citizenship and municipal taxes.

The Swiss also have the right of referendum, which allows them to confirm or overturn decisions of parliament, and with the additional right of popular initiative they can push through amendments to the constitution. A recent popular initiative, for example, to prohibit tobacco advertisements wherever they are visible to children and young people was approved by a popular vote of 56%. These two central political civil rights in Switzerland allow its citizens to exert direct influence on politics by preventing or obtaining changes in the law.

In addition, any constitutional amendment proposed by Parliament must be approved by a majority of the people and the cantons in order to take effect.

Direct democracy has limited centralization and power accumulation, leading to moderate and better targeted public spending and a small, more citizen-friendly bureaucracy.

Irene Kälin, President of the Swiss National Council (right), a politician of the Green Party (now NATO Green) went to Kyiv herself to express her sincere “solidarity” and “to set an example.” Upon her return she was not ashamed to be photographed next to the Azerbaijani parliament speaker and to welcome her with warm words in the Swiss parliament. Unlike Russia, Azerbaijan was another “good” country, even though it has waged a dirty and bloody war against Nagorno-Karabakh, complete with cluster bombs, war crimes and all that one might expect in that style of conflict. But, where is that again? Who is that? It is all far away, no cameras there, why travel there or even say a word about it. [Source:]

The world’s biggest bully had used coercive policies, directly and indirectly, against diminutive Switzerland: Under massive American pressure, Switzerland had given up its infamous banking secrecy, while at the same time America became by far the largest paradise in the world for all those who seek and require secrecy in their financial dealings. The South American drug mafias appreciate the fact that they can safely stash their dirty money in their neighborhood.

The United States also forced Switzerland to become a member of AIA, an agreement adopted by the G20 member states, to automatically exchange financial account information with the U.S. and other countries aimed at improving international tax compliance. However, the U.S. itself refused to become a member of AIA or to reciprocate financial information with Switzerland and the other 90 AIA member nations. On the contrary, with its own Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), it demands extraordinarily intrusive and costly extra-territorial information from Switzerland, and other countries around the world, regarding anyone who is, or could be, liable for tax in the United States. And woe to any Swiss or other financial institution that overlooks something.

It cannot be repeated often enough, so that perhaps everyone will get the message: Most of the black money in the world is in the USA. Not just bank secrecy but the most opaque company constructions including “creative” real estate acquisition schemes for the purpose of concealing the real owner, have been set up in the “United States of Dirty Money.”

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“Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming have all spent years marketing themselves around the world as a welcome home for anonymous shell companies, providing legal secrecy and protection to anyone looking to bury their finances away from investigators and authorities,” writes The Atlantic. South Dakota alone “is sheltering billions of dollars in wealth linked to individuals previously accused of serious financial crimes.” According to the Pandora Papers South Dakota trusts now host some $360 billion in anonymous, untraceable assets. So the largest and safest haven for all criminal money in the world, from drug trafficking, human trafficking, prostitution, slavery and exploitation of children, have never been in bad Switzerland, Singapore or Panama, but in the great U.S. of A.

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Headline in Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger: “Emigrants suddenly without bank account.”

Swiss expats were suddenly perceived with general suspicion of laundering and depositing dishonestly earned money in Swiss bank accounts. As a Swiss citizen living abroad, banks in Switzerland had closed my decades-old bank accounts almost overnight some years ago, as they did to all other Swiss expats, for fear of American “sanctions.” If I really had had illegally acquired money and would have wanted to hide it, I would not have done it in “bad” Switzerland, but in much safer and good Delaware instead.

Might makes right

When Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, said that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” he expressed his observation that a person’s sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases. In the case of the world’s only superpower its leaders and supporters believe that their immense power entitles them to do whatever serves the empire while self-righteously believing it is morally just.

And from what we have seen “good” is first and foremost what the powerful elites, in particular those of that superpower, consider as good and just; and “bad” or evil is what they consider as bad for their own interests.

Greek philosopher Thrasymachus (c. 459 – c. 400 B.C.E.) put it into context: “Justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger” and “justice is obeying the laws of the ruler(s).” It is “really someone else’s good, the advantage of the man who is stronger and rules.” He made it plain that laws and policies are made in the interest of the powerful: for the tyrant in a tyranny as much as for the oligarchs in an oligarchy or “democracy.” At least as long as those ruled by them accept their fate.


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Felix Abt is the author of A Capitalist in North Korea: My Seven Years in the Hermit Kingdom. He can be reached at: [email protected]

Featured image: Ihor Kholomoisky and Volodymyr Zelensky. [Source:]

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Countless people have called in the last few days to ask me if Kari Lake or Blake Masters or Adam Laxalt or Lauren Boebert— and all the rest of the midterm candidates in “stalled” races— will ultimately prevail.

My answer is always the same: no. No, I don’t think they’re going to prevail. They’re going to lose. In fact, they’re being cheated out of their victories right now.

My rule of thumb is simple: if you’re a Trump-aligned Republican and your election results were not released within 24 hours of Election Day, then you’re toast.

The entire point of “slow-rolling” vote-counting is that it gives the cheaters the necessary time to count how many ballots they need to beat the Republican candidate and then to manufacture those ballots — or to disappear the necessary number of GOP ballots by “abjudication.”

Didn’t the GOP learn any of these lessons from the 2020 election? Of course not.

No gang of white-show lawyers is ready and waiting in Maricopa County to shut down the steal when Democrats tell people on Election Day to put their ballots in a trash-bin marked Door #3.

On November 9th, Senate candidate Adam Laxalt (R- NV) reassured his voters that his opponent needed 63% of the remaining 84,000 votes in Clark County, Nevada to catch up with him in the vote-count.

So it was strange, and a little disconcerting, to see that Laxalt’s opponent got exactly 63% of those remaining 84,000 votes two days later.

Laxalt’s confidence was gone today — as he realized that Democrats have no problem posting literally unbelievable vote margins in order to win.

Senate candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ) also seemed to share the view that ultimately he would be victorious in his race against Mark Kelly — because he too believed that the remaining 500,000 votes to be counted there heavily favored him.

Why would anyone believe such things after living through the 2020 election? Why did the electronic voting machines stop in at least 5 states on Election Day this week? What do they think is really going on?

It’s almost like they don’t understand how cheating works.

Do they think the machines malfunctioned and the vote-counting stopped in Arizona, California, and Nevada by accident or something?

David Cross already has the receipts for the Warnock-Walker race — just look at the counties and precincts in Georgia breaking 96% and 97% and 98% for Warnock!

Why do you think Fox News has called the race for Mark Kelly over Blake Masters even though only 85% of the vote has been counted? What’s with the rush now? There’s 400,000 votes left to be counted after all — right?

Meanwhile, why do you think that nobody has called the race for Lauren Boebert in Colorado — even though 99% of the vote has been counted? That same thing happened a few days ago with Ron Johnson in Wisconsin — he was ahead by 30,000 votes with 99% of the votes already counted and no corporate media outlet would call the race for Johnson.

It’s almost like you don’t understand how elections work in America now.


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International Criminal Court (ICC) continues to serve as a “battering ram for U.S. and NATO policy,” as the former U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes in the Clinton administration defined it.

The quote above does not come from President Putin of Russia or from President Xi of China. It comes from David Scheffer, former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues (1997-2001) in the Clinton administration and lead negotiator for the United States during the creation of not fewer than five international criminal tribunals, namely for ex-Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Scheffer used the battering-ram image while talking about the first international criminal tribunal established in May 1993, the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia. He said:

“By then, the tribunal was a potent judicial tool, and I had enough support from President Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and other top officials in Washington to wield it like a battering ram in the execution of U.S. and NATO policy.” (All the Missing Souls, A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals, Princeton University Press, 2012)

This quote is important today as calls resound to bring Russian citizens and the president of Russia before international criminal courts, whether they exist or are being planned. The calls are being issued by NATO countries, the European Union as well as by UN organizations and by the obedient Western media.

NATO and European Union strategy is becoming clear. Their goal is to weaponize international criminal justice and human rights, today against Russia, today and tomorrow against China or any other country that dares to say NO to what the United States and its allies or vassals are trying to impose—or save. Here are a few examples:

  • The ICC has declared itself to have jurisdiction over Russia even though Russia is not a member. According to ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, that is not a problem, “Legally yes it wouldn’t represent an obstacle to our jurisdiction.” Prosecutor Khan travels to Ukraine under the benevolent and totally impartial protection of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, whose many documented crimes committed since 2014 are of course not mentioned.

In March 2022, the UN Human Rights Council appointed Judge Erik Møse to head the UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine that would investigate alleged crimes in Ukraine that could lead to indictment of Russians. Møse was judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda from 1999 to 2009. (see below)

Møse’s Commission also conducted its investigation under the very kind protection of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It produced a report on September 23 that quite predictably concluded that Russians had committed war crimes. Unsurprisingly, it also concluded that Russians had committed sexual crimes and that the victims were 4 to 82 years old.

Equally unsurprisingly, no mention was made about the well-documented crimes of the Ukrainian Army from 2014 on, particularly in the Donbas.

  • The International Bar Association is working closely with the Ukrainian Bar Association to prepare for criminal trials to be conducted in Ukraine or before the ICC. Mark Ellis, Executive Director of the IBA, recently declared that the fact that Russia is not a member of the ICC is not a problem. Russian political and military authorities could be indicted, tried and, in the case of a conviction and regime change, could be arrested wherever they are.

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in charge of issues related to sexual violence, Pramila Patten, declared at a Paris press conference on October 14 that acts of rape, mutilation and sexual aggression were part of the Russian military strategy. She also claimed that Russian soldiers were equipped with Viagra. She presented no evidence, but simply parroted the report of the Commission of Inquiry led by Judge Møse referred to above.

Pramila Patten [Source:]

  • Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, takes every possible occasion to threaten Russia militarily while at the same time boasting about how great international criminal justice is. Borrell is the man who says Europe is a garden while the rest of the world is a jungle that is threatening to invade the garden. He also calls on the European gardeners to go and show the backward peoples of the jungle how they should live.

The product of a unipolar world order

The fact that the first international criminal tribunals after Nuremberg were created in the 1990s is significant. It would not have been possible before 1990.

According to the late Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General,

“There would be no UN had it been implied in any way in the Charter that there would be a criminal tribunal. If it had been put in directly, the meeting would have been over. People would have packed their bags in Washington before the San Francisco meeting and left. The United States would have been the first to leave.” (Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa, p. 171)

The tribunals established in the 1990s are a pure product of the New World Order announced by George H. W. Bush after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was to be a unipolar world order led by the United States. The U.S. would control the international institutions, make the laws, identify the guilty people, indict, try and punish them, while remaining unaccountable for their own acts. The Clinton administration took over in 1993 to lead the creation of the tribunals that his negotiator boasted about as a “battering ram in the execution of U.S. and NATO policy.”

Ramsey Clark insisted:

“I wouldn’t underestimate the central wrong of selecting people for prosecution. It’s enemies they’re choosing. It really is war by other means and it’s very cruel.” (Ibid., p. 185)

That is how the tribunals operated. In ex-Yugoslavia, mainly Serbs were indicted, but not a word was mentioned about NATO’s massive bombing and destruction of ex-Yugoslavia.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | United Nations<br /> International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) was reminiscent of a Stalinist show trial where mainly Serbs, but no U.S. or NATO officials, were prosecuted. [Source:]

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was probably the worst case of victors’ justice. Whereas war raged when the events in question took place, only members of the former government or opponents of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and its leader Paul Kagame, who was backed by the U.S. and UK, were indicted.

Court hearing during the "Butare case"

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was as heavily politicized if not more than the tribunal for Yugsolavia. [Source:]

Despite irrefutable evidence of crimes committed by the RPF and by Paul Kagame himself—who triggered the mass killings in Rwanda by invading the country illegally from Uganda, and as evidence indicates, shot down the airplane of Hutu president Juvenal Habyarimana—he and his entire army have enjoyed total impunity.

What has happened to the people the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda acquitted, sentenced or sentenced and eventually freed? In short, some of the acquitted or “freed” people are still under house arrest in Niger years after they were acquitted or “freed,” stateless, without papers, without the right to join their families, and/or abandoned by an international kangaroo court.

Others are sent to 21st century penal colonies in Benin, Mali, and Senegal, but not to The Hague, headquarters of the ICC. It is a judicial apartheid for Africans. The question arises: How could the UN High Commission on Human Rights entrust the inquiry into crimes in Ukraine to a judge like Erik Møse who left such a flagrant violation of human rights in his wake and who has been silent about solving the problem?

Is the ICC Racist? | Justice in Conflict


Déjà vu all over again

The current calls to indict Russian authorities, citizens and the president of Russia resemble exactly what NATO did in 2011 to Libya and to Muammar Gaddafi.

In March 2011, shortly after U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice declared that Qaddafi was providing Libyan troops with Viagra to help them rape women, the very obedient ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo, upped the ante, saying that Qaddafi had ordered that hundreds of women be raped and that Gaddafi himself “decided to rape.” He produced no evidence.

The UN Commission on Human Rights also quickly sent investigators to identify the crimes committed, including rape and the use of Viagra by the Libyan Armed Forces. When their report came out in March 2012, the investigators concluded that there was no evidence of any systematic policy of sexual violence.

Nonetheless, Moreno Ocampo insisted that the new Libyan authorities had irrefutable evidence to that effect. He appeared to want to provide more propaganda to justify the destruction of Libya and the assassination of Muammar Qaddafi on October 21, 2011. (Source: Slouching Towards Sirte: NATO’s War on Libya and Africa, Maximilian Forte, Baraka Books, 2012, pp. 253-256.)

Russia is not Libya

Fortunately, Russia is not Libya and the unipolar world is sputtering out. Yet old habits die hard and can continue to destroy people and lives.

Although the promoters of so-called international criminal justice are going to have a hard time making their dreams come true, they can still score propaganda points, especially when most of the Western media are satisfied to parrot NATO and EU spokespeople.


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Robin Philpot is a graduate of the university of Toronto and founder of Baraka Books in Montreal. He is author of A People’s History of Quebec, with Jacques Lacoursière (Baraka Books, 2009); and Rwanda and the New Scramble For Africa: From Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction (Baraka Books, 2013), among other works. Robin can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image is from ICC

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Analysis on the US Midterm Elections. Voter Fraud?

November 15th, 2022 by Peter Koenig

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GEOFOR: How do you see the outcome of the elections: is this a victory for the Republicans or a failure for the Democrats?

Peter Koenig: So far, to the surprise of most people, there are no clear results yet of the US Midterm Elections. The Republicans have won the House of representatives, where they already had a majority before, but the Senate is not decided yet. In three States, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada, the ballots are still being counted, or they will head for a run-off on 6 December 2022.

The results are too close to call a winner. There will be run-off elections on 6 December 2022. It is still possible that the Republicans may win a razor-thin majority in the Senate. That would mean, taking over both Chambers and putting Joe Biden in a “lame duck” position.

For the past two years the Senate was evenly divided 50:50, with a “majority” for the Dems, because the Vice-President (Democrat) may cast the deciding vote.

What can clearly be said, there was no “Wave of Red” – Red standing for Republicans, as was expected and was unfailingly indicated by all the predictive polls.

In that sense – just looking at the surface – the elections were a victory for the Dems.

But there is more to it. This “victory” is more than surprising. Many serious analysts and particularly Republican politicians, as well as independent media and journalists are talking about voter fraud.

Former President Trump was the first to express his doubts about fair elections. Frankly, judging by the election preceding polls, they may have a point. Problems with voting equipment have been reported from Arizona and Michigan. Voter intimidation was also reported from several States, including Georgia and Michigan.

More may surface as time goes by.

It is highly unusual that predictive polls are so far from the actual vote.

Voter fraud was also an issue in the 2020 Presidential Elections. It is said, that President Trump and his lawyers have proof, that Trump won by at least 2 million votes. Some put the figures much higher.

Interestingly, none of the State Courts where Trump’s lawyers attempted to present his case – nor the US Supreme Court, accepted even to look at his documentation. This is more than strange, suspicious.

Also, the very unusual refusal by a State or even Supreme Court not even looking at a former President’s case, has never been heard of before.

GEOFOR: What role was played by the administration and personally by President Joe Biden in the defeat of the Democrats?

PK: That will be an interesting question to answer, when the final results will be in, three weeks from now.

What can already be said – Biden is a “non-President”. Unfortunately, he is not apt for this position. He is often confused, doesn’t know what he is talking about – and even at this point, with two years into his Presidency, he is hinting at running again in 2024.

Mind you, this had all been planned. The Globalists, those who believe, or dream, they will eventually run the world under a One World Order (OWO), those even behind and above the Washington Government, needed a hapless Joe Biden, who will do the bidding of those who call the shots.

Therefore, it would be a miracle, if the run-off elections would favor the Republicans, hence giving both Senate and House of Representatives to the Republicans.

And that even with a majority of Democrats, of the American public – and European, for that matter – because the vast majority of the people do not agree with an OWO, they do not approve of the tyrannical dictatorship behind Globalism.

This applies to the entire world.

Allow me to talk from my experience as a World Bank economist, having worked in many countries around the globe, mostly the Global South, Globalization has done a lot of harm to them, to the majority of people, has indebted them, made them vulnerable for ever-more and ever unfairer deals of exploitation. Globalisation has impoverished people – everywhere – and is hellbent to continue doing so.

Therefore, the Democrats in the US and the [alleged] “socialists or left-leaning parties” around the globe, have all been sold to globalism. As Klaus Schwab, eternal CEO of the WEF proudly says, “with our Young Global Leaders (YGL) Program we were able to infiltrate every Government of the world”.

Unfortunately, he is right. Take Justin Trudeau, one of Schwab’s darlings, a YGL graduate, was elected under a social-democrat ticket. Look at him today. He is the worst neoliberal tyrant Canada has ever known.

The same all over Europe. Literally every “leader” of EU member countries, is a YGL graduate. And they, the WEF scholars, will do whatever it takes to avoid a nationalist – usually right-wing, or center-right, in any case not a Globalist, to take over.

Most of the Social-Democrats in Europe, or the Democrats in the US, have no clue that their party has been hijacked by the Globalists. In essence, there is no longer a “left” or “right”- there are only Globalists and non-Globalists.

GEOFOR: The new congressional configuration is unlikely to allow the President to be impeached, which some influential Republicans are talking about. But can the situation of the “lame duck” lead to the voluntary resignation of the incumbent President in order not to create problems for the party in future elections?

PK: Never. President Biden will never be impeached. Even if a majority in Congress would vote for it. Biden is a needed puppet for those who call the shots, who have designed the Great Reset, and the UN Agenda 2030 – and all the dictatorial calamities that go with it.

Without naming names, it is fair to say that Big, HUGE Capital is behind this absolute and total control of the population, of capital – as well as the entire production apparatus, meaning food, climate, or as the going narrative says, “man-made climate change”, by excessive CO2 emissions.

Never mind that these are all lies, thick lies, surprisingly that by now a majority of the world populace has not caught up to it, or if they did, they look-on and let it happen. COP after COP after COP (COP = Conference of the Parties), the same dialogues, the same promises, the same indecisions, the same non-adherence to their promises.

It takes another puppet, UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres – who sometimes doesn’t know what meeting he is addressing – to spell out the same sloganizing narratives about stopping the world from getting warmer than 1.5 degrees C.

Isn’t it extremely arrogant of humans, believing they can influence the temperatures of Mother Earth?

We are now at COP27 at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, ongoing, where delegates will talk and celebrate and live in luxury and glamour for two weeks, with execs arriving in private jets – similar to those who talk the same lingo arriving in Davos every January for Klaus Schwab’s despicable “world commanding” event, the World Economic Forum.

To answer the “lame duck” question – that’s precisely what they want. A leader who doesn’t lead, who doesn’t think much, who is happy with people who think for him, while he bathes in the presidential glory.

Since the Globalists are determined to never give up and to prevail over the world order, they are not worried about creating problems for the party in future elections.

GEOFOR: In an interview with the National Interest magazine Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, made it clear that if the Republicans win, they will reconsider the issue of supporting Kiev. In our opinion, the intention is good.

However, will the majority of Congress be able to really influence the process of pumping the Ukraine with weapons? After all, the growing workload of the American military-industrial complex is an increase in the number of jobs…

PK: Of course, Republicans would reconsider supporting Kiev. Most would stop the “blank checks” giveaways-for-naught immediately.

They recognized the corrupt scam from day one. They might consider initiating job-creation programs in the US, where poverty is rampant and on the rise.

So far, between the US and Europe, close to US$ 100 billion have been flowing into Kiev, in weaponry and “budget support” operation (a euphemism for corruption); much of it disappeared into thin air, while Washington and Brussels are just onlooking, or – rather – are closing their eyes.

In Europe like in the US – the majority of people want sovereign countries, with their sovereign governments, culture, education systems, their sovereign autonomous values, their countries – a country that does not have to bend to the orders of some self-imposed supremacy.

This war was made by Washington and NATO and bought and corrupted European leaders – again – made by the WEF’s academy for YGLs. It was provocation after provocation since 1991, since the collapse by the Soviet Union (to be frank, also bought and corrupted by the west), including the US funded some 20-30 deadly bio-labs in Ukraine.

President Putin warned them many times, and when they didn’t stop at the Red Line, Putin had to intervene. Avoiding a war would have been easy – by sheer adherence to the German and French sponsored Minsk I and II, especially Minsk II of spring 2015.

But Kiev knew from the get-go, that they would never have to adhere to the Minsk Accords, that Brussels would turn a blind eye and eventually both, Brussels and Washington, would support them fighting Russia.

US Republicans and the majority of the western people – and you may say, the majority of the Global South are non-Globalists. They do not want a war anywhere. Not in Ukraine, not in Syria, not in Yemen, not in Somalia – no war. Period.

So yes, for the Washington NATO war machine and their European vassals, the war in Ukraine is a lucrative win-win situation. Highly profitable weapon-manufacturing, job creation – and even more important, bashing President Putin and weakening Russia.

Russia is by far the largest and richest country in the world. Controlling Russia, would help the unipolar OWO controlling the world.

The west needs wars, especially the US, not only because the US GDP depends on close to 60% on the conflict cum war machine and associated industries and services, but also because being war-master inflicts fear and obedience.

Isn’t it telling, under President Trump, the US didn’t start any new war. By contrast, Obama inherited two, and added four more on his own during his two 4-year terms.

Let’s hope for a miracle – that the Republicans win both Houses of the US Congress on 6 December 2022.

If they don’t, and voter fraud becomes apparent – the US might risk a civil war.

See this, just one reference to potential voter fraud.


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This interview was originally published by GEOFOR.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: Picture from 2018

Europe Arrests Russian Fertilizers, Damaging Food Security

November 15th, 2022 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Once again, anti-Russian Western policies are impacting the international supply. According to a recent report by Russian authorities, thousands of tonnes of Russian fertilizers are being seized by the European Union, prevented from being used for food production. This type of measure is extremely dangerous for food security and worsens the global supply crisis.

In a recent statement, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said that more than 280,000 tonnes of Russian mineral fertilizers remain detained in European ports. The number is the result of a long process of retention in recent months. Moscow would have negotiated the export of these fertilizers with partner countries around the world, mainly Africa, in the context of recent Russian policies of free shipping of goods to emerging states, in order to contribute to combating the supply crisis. However, Europeans would be arresting the goods and preventing them from leaving the continent’s ports.

“Up to 280,000 tonnes of Russian mineral fertilizers have been under arrest in a number of European countries over recent months (…) It is that part of the mineral fertilizers which were seized in European ports and which we are able to export at our expense. The fertilizers will also go free of charge to those African countries. In addition, we are engaged in a number of projects with other countries (…)”, he said.

The deputy minister also emphasized the importance of sending fertilizers in large scale to poor countries as a guarantee of food security, stating that without such products there will be no grains in the coming seasons, generating a widespread problem. In the West, the importance of grain distribution to combat hunger is always mentioned, but the relevance of fertilizers is neglected – perhaps deliberately, in order to affect Russian agricultural industry, since Russia is one of the world’s main fertilizer producers.

“In general, it is evident to everybody that when it comes to grains, it is food security. But in my opinion, food security is no less affected by fertilizer exports, as the next year’s crops will be called into question without fertilizers”, he added.

Vershinin also commented on how the European policy of blocking Russian exports is one of the reasons why Russia was extremely dissatisfied with the management of the Grain Deal. Although new negotiations have taken place recently, with the western side making firmer commitments, little has been seen in the sense of actually implementing the agreed measures. So far, the general situation of the food crisis remains the same: the West causes shortages and blames Russia for it.

Moscow continues to maintain its normal flow of grain and fertilizers through the Black Sea and hopes that the shipped containers are correctly redistributed to the emerging countries to which they are destined. However, when such products arrive in Europe, instead of being redirected, they are held indefinitely. The western media plays its role in this operation against Russia by mobilizing public opinion, as the major western newspapers describe the absence of agricultural commodities in emerging countries as a “Russian crime” and simply ignore that it is the European Union that is illegally arresting goods in their ports and increasing world hunger.

According to Vershinin, this situation is reaching a dangerous point, as the longer the West delays in fulfilling its obligations, the more emerging countries worsen their food security conditions. He called on the entire international society to work together so that the case is resolved as quickly as possible, before social disasters become inevitable.

“There is extremely little time left. I have told you about the circumstances we take into account in decision-making. And here, as they say, every day is precious. That is why, our message to the UN representatives, so to speak, was that we should not waste time, but should use every day to achieve meaningful results. It is all the more important that we work to ensure food security, and we are doing our job (…)”, he stated.

In fact, the position of international organizations cannot be silent in the face of this type of scenario. The UN, and even more specifically the FAO, must officially speak out to condemn the West – or at least start investigations focused on attesting to the veracity of data reported by the Russian government. It is unacceptable for an organization so publicly committed to democratic and humanitarian values as the EU to act so perversely against poor countries and vulnerable populations, just with the interest of harming Russia’s international image.

Furthermore, it is clear how such policies generate a reverse effect: the more the EU and the West try to blame Russia for their own crimes, the more emerging countries tend to distance themselves from the West itself, as it is clear in the current situation which side is really cooperating against hunger and which side is acting in a destabilizing way.


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Lucas Leiroz is a researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from © Kirill Kukhmar/TASS

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After the recent retreat of the Russian military in the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continued occupying the new settlements and secure their positions on the western bank along the Dnieper River and near the city of Kherson. Top Ukrainian military commanders and foreign journalists came to the city in order to cover the situation inside the city. The media continue to ignore the Ukrainian nazism and atrocities against the civilians. They are glorifying Ukrainian servicemen and activists who hunt for the alleged Russian collaborators in the recently taken settlements, as a result, innocent civilians are tortured without any trial.

Busy fighting the civilians, the Ukrainian military reportedly attempted new offensive operations in the region which however are not aimed at any military gains but are yet another media campaign. On November 11, a Ukrainian sabotage group reportedly attempted to carry out a landing operation near the village of Pokrovka located on the Kinburn spit. As a  result of the  failed operation, the Ukrainian grouping of the 73rd Gomorsk Center of Special Operations was destroyed. 4 Ukrainian small vessels and about 20 servicemen were reportedly destroyed. The reports of the military operations on the spit are yet to be officially confirmed.

The spit is located in front of Ukrainian port of Ochakov and remains under Russian control. It is very thin and neither of the warring sides can deploy heavy military equipment in the area.

So far, the Russian and Ukrainian militaries are strengthening their military positions on the banks of the Dnieper River and continue heavy artillery duels.

In the Ugledar region, Russian forces managed to take control of the village of Pavlovka located on the southern outskirts of the city and as a result cut off the road located in the area. Ukrainian units launch counter attacks near Pavlovka and Nikolskoe in an attempt to stop the advancing Russian units. So far, all Ukrainian attacks have been repelled.

The situation on the Donbass front lines has not changed in recent days. After Russian-led forces took control of the village of Opytnoe, they continue the mop up operation to the west of the settlement. Russian assault continues in Vodyanoe and Pervomaiskoe in order to surround the Ukrainian grouping in Avdeevka. In their turn, Ukrainian forces are heavily shelling the outskirts of Donetsk in an attempt to stop the Russian advance.

The Wagner fighters are advancing deep into the city of Bakhmut on the southeastern outskirts. Ukrainian forces are attempting to stop them, equipping additional strong points on the way of the offensive of the Russian forces.

To the west of Lisichansk, Russian-led forces are fighting in Belogorovka. Some of the Ukrainian units reportedly retreated to reserve positions waiting for help.

On the northern front lines of the LPR, the situation remains unchanged. The warring sides launch offensive operations but neither of them has achieved any successes.


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The United States of America, unlike any other nation, maintains a massive network of foreign military installations around the world.

How was this created and how is it continued? Some of these physical installations are on land occupied as spoils of war. Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them brutal and oppressive governments benefiting from the bases’ presence. In many cases, human beings were displaced to make room for these military installations, often depriving people of farmland, adding huge amounts of pollution to local water systems and the air, and existing as an unwelcome presence.

To explore the World beyond War database,  click on map markers on the interactive version here

The data base lists 865 US military bases Worldwide categorized by country


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Being Skeptical About Medical Skepticism

November 15th, 2022 by Dr. Gary Null

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Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic physicians and health authorities repeatedly tried to convince that every measure to battle the spread of the SARS-2 virus was based upon science.  Hospital administrators and clinicians treating patients unquestionably followed whatever guidelines were decreed from above. As it turned out, the consensus that was built around guidelines and protocols was never based upon irrefutable scientific facts. Rather it was a consensus solely based upon obedience by the majority. The question before us is whether it is wise to accept every official health announcement as unbiased and scientifically objective.

As the pandemic progressed, a growing number of doctors and medical professionals observed gaping flaws in the government’s arguments. If the medical establishment is wrong then so are its policies and guidelines.  Moreover the mainstream media speaking on behalf of medical authorities is equally wrong, and this has had catastrophic consequences.  Yet what we witnessed was a full frontal assault against medical professionals who criticized government wrong-headed pandemic measures.

Increasingly, those who advocate non-conventional medical therapies, such as naturopathy, homeopathy, traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, a plant based diet, nutrient supplementation, etc, are labeled ignorant. Natural medical modalities are accused of quackery and charlatanry.

There are powerful contingents within the medical establishment that want the public to believe that alternative treatments to drug-base regimens have absolutely no science to support them.  Despite these absurd claims, anyone can go to the National Library of Medicine’s website and search for a wide variety of natural therapies and quickly discover tens of thousands of studies giving legitimacy to these modalities for specific diseases, infectious pathogens and health conditions.  Therefore why have we reached a crossroads where natural healing is detested despite the scientific evidence to the contrary? And why are there extreme factions, notably Skeptic physicians and medical professors, who want to ban civil debate and deprive citizens from acting on their freedom of choice to choose medical treatments they see fit for themselves?  For the past two decades the Skeptic pogrom against non-conventional medical modalities has become more aggressive and has left the public deeply confused.

Modern day Skepticism is one of those annoying contagions that won’t go away. It is rather like a persistent herpes infection. It flares up when you least expect it. On the internet, and especially on Wikipedia, its ideology and propaganda go largely unnoticed. It has successfully infiltrated many college campuses. Often required courses in “critical thinking” are simply taught by Skeptic missionaries pushing their materialist doctrine.

We have no reservations in stating that Skepticism is extreme scientific reductionism, and it is very pernicious in the biological, brain, evolutionary, and medical sciences. It is a serious threat to medical innovation, scientific discovery and in the long term to public health and a healthy society at large.

Although modern Skepticism has been a worldview dating back to the nineteenth century, today’s Skepticism is far more radicalized. Because Skeptics believe they represent the pinnacle of scientific materialism, many of the movement’s celebrity gurus feel they are the entitled saviors to redeem modern civilization from thousands of years of past history when human societies utilized medicinal plants and ancient mind-body practices to treat illnesses and the role of religion, spiritual practices, faith and belief to promote a sense of well being and psychological wholeness. As with so much of our dysfunctional postmodern world, Skepticism is a natural outgrowth of white-dominant, patriarchal entitlement that continues to plague the halls of science. It is another perversion of identity politics however disguised under the banner of science.

Within the larger Skeptic movement is a medical faction that goes under the name of Science Based Medicine (SBM). Since the latter half of the 1990s, modern medicine has been steered by what is commonly known as Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), a widely accepted theory that sound clinical decision making for treating diseases should rely upon reliable evidence from randomized clinical trials and high quality published papers and meta-analyses.

The corporate capture of EBM by private pharmaceutical interests has been setting back medical discovery innovation decades.

In principle, Science Based Medicine largely supports Evidence Based Medicine. To its credit, SBM also recognizes EBM’s shortcomings, including the epidemic of erroneous research being published in medical journals, the increasing trends in confirmation bias in clinical trials and their results, and financial incentives to publish junk studies in professional journals. However, considering EBM’s flaws and failures, SBM perceives itself as the next great leap for modern medicine in order to establish scientific consensus on medical discovery and therapeutic practices by including the “plausibility principle”. Repeatedly, without any sound understanding for why a certain alternative health therapy either succeeds or fails, Skeptics invoke plausibility as the only necessary criteria to discard outright non-conventional practices and therefore to advocate against funding research to investigate any promises natural therapies may hold.

Relying upon the plausibility argument is a lazy-person’s way to deceive oneself and to reinforce firmly established prejudices.  Skeptics are easily outraged whenever they are accused of entertaining subjective biases that taint their evaluation of medical therapies outside their rigid reductionist belief system.  Whenever Skeptics are confronted with a scientific or medical narrative that is contrary to their own biases, and in the absence of a scientifically valid argument based upon strong evidence to support Skepticism’s counter-narrative, the Skeptic mind simply fills in the blank with the “plausibility” argument.  Plausibility thereby is conflated with reality. For example, among the many screeds against homeopathy, Skeptics make long-winded attempts to discredit the evidence that they are culprit to “plausibility bias,” also known as “belief bias.” It is not surprising therefore that SBM’s most militant voices convey a brutally amateurish understanding of human psychology.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia and Yale reported in their paper “The Curse of Knowledge in Reasoning About False Beliefs” that there can be a “curse of knowledge bias” that contributes to false beliefs used by young children. That is, the researchers report, “adults’ own knowledge of an event’s outcome can compromise their ability to reason about another person’s beliefs about that same event. The curse of false beliefs as contingent upon the plausibility argument goes to the heart of the “science wars” between Skeptical materialist views of medical science and advocates of non-conventional medical practices, including nutrition, naturopathy, Chinese and Ayurveda medicine, etc., whose world view is less narrowly linear and more akin to modern systems theory and the empirical evaluation of cause and effect relationships. What some psychologists call the “plausibility fallacy” is when someone is convinced about an irrational assumption that a plausible explanation is a conclusive proof. Aside from exaggerating its belief in the power and value of science, Skepticism in the biological and medical sciences can more accurately be described as nihilistic skepticism, a penchant to assert impossibility a priori and to convert reasonable doubts into unreasonable incredulity. When understood in this manner, SBM can be viewed as a kind of skeptical medical imperialism, an excess of science that muddles its own subjective and biased values with being scientifically factual. Do not schizophrenics also apply twisted reasoning and logic in order to convince themselves about the truth in their hallucinations?

From the standpoint of quantum physics, which may arguably be acknowledged as a gold standard among modern hard sciences, implausibility is never a certainty. Nor should it be used as a yardstick to banish and ignore something that might only have a slight possibility of being true. In physics, it is always worth pursuing further. But rules of proof in Skepticism do not follow sound scientific inquiry.

We can review a case of applying the Skeptics own “plausibility” criteria to a medical legal decision that SBM proponents have fervently criticized.  It is an excellent example of how Skeptics’ irrational beliefs in fact trump rational plausibility.

Skeptics and pro-vaccine advocates alike were appalled at the US Court of Federal Claims’ August 2007 decision to award damages for vaccine-induced autism to the family of Hannah Poling, a 19 month old toddler who received five vaccines during a single pediatrician visit.  Prior to the case, the Court’s rulings under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program relied solely on the “preponderance of evidence” (i.e., EBM’s criteria) for assessing causation for vaccine-injuries. In other words, subjective testimonies, for example by the parents of vaccine-injured children, were excluded from the evidence. However, the Court changed its rules to include “plausibility,” and this is what led to the Court’s conclusion that it is biologically “plausible” that vaccines and their toxic ingredients can trigger adverse conditions leading to autism. This was the Court’s ruling regarding Hannah Poling.

To further appreciate Skepticism’s culture, we might wish to consider the words and writings of former Skeptics who have turned against the movement and its underlying New Atheism, which popular Skeptic organizations including SBM have aligned themselves with.

PZ Myers, a biologist at the University of Minnesota, has a reputation for being one of the more belligerent militant celebrities in the Skeptic movement.  Myers along with Skeptic Jerry Coyne and astrophysicist Sean Carroll were largely responsible for the censoring of biologist Rupert Sheldrake and alternative-historian Graham Hancock from the TED talks.  However even the Skeptic movement has become too much for Myers. In his public statement on Free Thought Blogs to announce his resignation from the movement, he wrote, “it is clear that ‘scientific skepticism’ is simply a crippled buggered version of science with special exemptions to set certain subjects outside the bounds of its purview.”

“Skepticism has no sacred cows, “ writes Myers, “I was also annoyed by the skeptic movement’s appropriation of the term “scientific” all over the place… except that it’s a “science” that doesn’t make use of accumulated prior knowledge, that abandons the concept of the null hypothesis [the assumption that there is no relationship between variables in a population selected for statistical data collection], and that so narrowly defines what it will accept as evidence that it actively excludes huge domains of knowledge. It is toothless science that fetishizes “consumer protection” over understanding.”

In effect, Myers is accusing the Skeptics of “false-belief” reasoning, the curse of their perception of plausibility.

Massimo Pigliucci, an evolutionary biologist and philosopher now teaching at City College of New York, is a former prominent Skeptic and columnist for the Skeptical Inquirer magazine. Pigliucci too has withdrawn from the “skeptic and atheist movements (SAM)”. He notes that the movement “has become a somewhat inhospitable environment for philosophical dialogue.”  It “worships celebrities who are often intellectual dilettantes, or at the very least have a tendency to talk about things of which they manifestly know very little.”  He also accuses the movement for having been saturated with “groupthink” and a narcissistic regard for its own intellectual stubbornness “that is trumped only by religious fundamentalists.”  Finally, Pigliucci identifies a crucial problem that we too have encountered in Skeptic websites, blogs and notably Wikipedia, which is an atmosphere of “public shaming and other vicious social networking practices any time someone says something that doesn’t fit [their] own opinions all the while of course claiming to protect “free speech” at all costs.”

Fortunately, SBM literature has been for the most part unsuccessful in breaching the halls of the medical establishment.  One of SBM’s early projects was the Commission for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health (CSMMH), which published the Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine.  The journal, which claimed to be “the only peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to objectively analyzing the claims of alternative medicine,” a statement repeated in its entry on Wikipedia, has nevertheless been ruled as extremely one-sided and biased by the National Library of Medicine. Based on a Freedom of Information request we filed with the National Library of Medicine to acquire correspondence between the journal’s editors and the NIH, we learned that at least on three separate occasions the journal was denied inclusion into the National Institutes of Health’s Medicine/PubMed registry of reliable medical and healthcare publications. Consequently, SBM’s attempts to keep its public relations hoax of “scientific evidence” through a journal were short-lived. The Commission seems to now be defunct and no longer operative.

Careful readings of SBM diatribes, essays and opinion pieces raises serious doubts about the sanity of its authors. During a talk at a National Capital Area Skeptics’ gathering, when asked by an audience member why a Skeptic lecturer defended genetically modified foods, the speaker made the disingenuous reply that “all foods are genetically modified” — a likely reference to the now fully discredited and fallacious “substantial equivalence” hypothesis made in the 1990s, which argues that genetically engineered crops are no different than their natural counterpart.

There are many positions that SBM authors take that are simply negligent to the extreme. Many of these views are mere blindness and a biased stubbornness to deal with the reality of the nation’s health crises.  It is always easier to remain ignorant than to learn something outside your church or belief system. One in particular is SBM’s strong support for opioid medications. Although, SBM proponents acknowledges the opioid crisis as a horrible failure of the drug industry and federal regulators, their only solution is for more responsible usage of these life-threatening drugs. This was stated in Skeptic diatribe against an effort by Oregon State’s Health Authority to counter the opioid epidemic of injury and death by having Medicaid cover non-drug based treatments for pain relief such as “acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy and other alternative treatments.” This was a clear example of SBM supporting the drug industry’s financial interests. Two years earlier SBM Skeptics criticized similar efforts in Ohio to combat its opioid crisis. Although there is an enormous body of peer-reviewed literature clearly proving the efficacy of non-pharmaceutical therapies to substantially reduce pain, because these therapies are outside Skepticism’s very narrow view of accepted medical practice, state health officials’ efforts to find a way to counter this national catastrophe are being chastised for having been seduced by quackery.

During the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, SBM authors have walked consistently in goose-step with Anthony Fauci and the federal health agencies and sometimes seemingly acting as the government’s medical shock troops. They regard themselves as the watchdogs to safeguard institutionalized medical tyranny from its retractors. SBM denounces outright Ivermectin’s effectiveness in treating early SARS-2 infections despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In fact, SBM proponents have even questioned the ethics for conducting clinical trials using Ivermectin. They support Covid-19 vaccination across all age groups and undermine mRNA vaccine’s adverse effects, rising myocarditis rates, sudden heart attacks, the documented cases threatening pregnancy. And despite a Pfizer executive admitting before a European Union commission hearing that the company never tested its vaccine for the presentation of viral transmission, the SBM blogosphere continues to promulgate the dangerous myth of the vaccine’s ability to do so. Reading SBM literature is the classic story of garbage in, garbage out.

Aside from SBM’s dogmatic war against non-conventional medicine, there is a more disturbing goal in SBM’s agenda.

Lecturing at the 2015 annual Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, SBM founder Steve Novella outlined the definition and mission of Science Based Medicine and its standards for determining the legitimacy of medical therapeutic protocols. Among SBM’s goals, Novella listed 1) lobbying efforts and advocacy for “science-based” legislation, 2) to better market SBM on the internet, and 3) educational efforts to inform the public about science-based medicine in general and “skepticism.”

SBM also sees itself in the business of consumer protection. In an article entitled “SBM on Wikipedia in Every Language,” the author introduces the Society for Science-Based Medicine (SfSBM) initiative to create an SBM Wiki on the internet that would complement Wikipedia. The society’s strategy is clearly intended to function as an offensive propaganda machine to proselytize its stark materialistic ideology.  SBM has had extraordinary success in making its presence felt on the internet, particularly on Wikipedia entries. SBM-affiliated groups such as the Guerrilla Skeptics on Wikipedia have composed approximately nearly 1,000 entries infused with classical Skeptic derogatory language and content that are viciously biased against non-conventional medicine and natural medicine’s leading proponents. Equally worrisome is SBM’s close kinship towards Wikipedia’s founder Jimmy Wales’ Skeptical disdain towards alternative medicine.

Despite SBM’s many efforts to become more effective in converting mainstream media and social networks to its version of extreme medical reductionism, it has remained marginal and unrecognized by the major conventional medical associations and institutions. With very few exceptions, SBM’s leaders are intellectual lightweights with unimpressive publishing histories. Outside of the Skeptic community, They are largely ignored as invited keynote speakers at professional medical or scientific conferences outside of the Skeptic community. Their message is too extreme and regressive for medical authorities and prominent medical journals.  Perhaps because of its many internal fallacies and flaws, SBM has had no other alternative for making its presence felt except to take advantage of the internet’s weaknesses to get its message out to the public.

But it is SBM, and now also Skepticism in general’s entry into consumer advocacy that should most outrage the public. In 2018, Skepticism’s flagship organization the Center for Inquiry filed a lawsuit against CVS pharmacies in the District of Columbia for presumably deceiving customers by selling homeopathic remedies, notably the cold/flu remedy Osciloccinum. The suit, which continues in the court, sets a dangerous precedent that we would expect from an ideology that embraces a doctrine of scientific materialism and is determined to replace the freedom of medical choice with a homogeneous regime advocating for a one-size-fits pharmaceutical-based structure for treating all disease.

There is evidence that SBM operates under the disguise of a “consumer protection” organization. One of SBM’s founders serves as a scientific advisor for the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH). ACSH calls itself a consumer advocacy organization and claims to support evidence-based science.  However, its platforms and projects are radically pro-industry and advocate for genetically modified foods, nuclear power, vaccine mandates, natural gas and the deregulation of toxic chemicals. Practically every Trustee member has direct ties to large corporations. Attorney Gary Ruskin at US Right to Know identified the ACSH as a front group for the “tobacco, chemical, fossil fuel, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.” A Mother Jones report uncovered that in 2012, ACSH donors included Chevron, Coca-Cola, Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation, Bayer Cropscience, Procter and Gamble, Syngenta, 3M, McDonald’s, and tobacco giants such as Altria and Phillip Morris. The Council has also cemented ties with the Koch family, the owners of Koch Industries and the major funders of the Randian pro-industry American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC.   Consequently, the most radicalized contingent of SBM Skepticism is an informational enterprise acting on behalf of ACSH’s efforts to protect and secure the corporate financial interests that are being threatened by cheaper and natural health practices.

We need to ask why SBM spends most of its attention on discrediting and disparaging alternative medicine and making attempts to lobby against funding for these therapeutic modalities, including common sense nutrition. In the meantime, billions of dollars are wasted annually by the insurance industry and a medical cartel that wants to keep patients dependent upon prescription drugs, many of which have little scientific basis for being statistically effective, let alone safe. How many herbs have received black box warnings compared to corporate drugs? This is one reason why SBM’s pretension to be a responsible consumer advocate is a ruse. SBM, as with modern Skepticism in general, is a scam ideology with all of the familiar anthropological trappings of a religious cult. If SBM placed more attention on the serious health risks of just a single common over the counter drug, acetaminophen or Tylenol, imagine how many people it would save compared to its fear mongering about supplements such as Vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Fortunately, scientific discovery will eventually pass by Skeptical medicine as non-conventional medical practices not only become more popular among patients, but also more widely accepted by the next generations of physicians. While Skeptical science grips American medicine in a deathly vice, this is not the case in most of the world.

Indeed, SBM’s mission may remind us of the ancient Greek story about Sisyphus — a mythological moron, so filled with his own intellectual hubris and skills at trickery that Zeus condemns him to eternally roll a boulder up a hill in the depth of Hades. Sisyphus is a fitting mascot for the SBM cult. But don’t credit us with this analogy. In fact, SBM has rightfully referenced Sisyphus as a worthy logo for its movement. Our mission is to continue to debunk SBM’s Skeptical intentions thereby adding more weight to its boulder. In time Sisyphus will hopefully be exhausted and roll back into the fires of the underworld.


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Health Impact News

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,458,322 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 4, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 31,961 reports of deaths and 265,274 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.

There were a total of 7,783 reports of adverse events following the new COVID-19 bivalent booster as of Nov. 4, 2022, with 45% attributed to Moderna’s booster and 55% attributed to Pfizer/BioNTech’s booster. The data included a total of 61 deaths and 434 serious injuries.

As of Nov. 10, 31.4 million people have received the updated bivalent booster dose.

Of the 31,961 reported deaths, 20,381 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 8,696 cases to Moderna, 2,773 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and no cases yet reported for Novavax.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 894,850 adverse events, including 15,096 deaths and 93,362 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 4, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 15,096 deaths reported as of Nov. 4, 7% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination and 15% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination.

In the U.S., 640 million COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered as of Nov. 2, including 381 million doses of Pfizer, 241 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of J&J.

vaers data vaccine injury 11-14-22

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Nov. 4, 2022, for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds show:

The CDC uses a narrowed case definition of “myocarditis,” which excludes cases of cardiac arrest, ischemic strokes and deaths due to heart problems that occur before one has the chance to go to the emergency department.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Nov. 4, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

The latest death reported in this age group was that of a 10-year-old boy who died suddenly six days after receiving a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. According to the report, “It is unknown if an autopsy was performed.”

According to the company (Moderna) comment included in the report, “Cause of death was reported as cardiorespiratory arrest. Information regarding clinical evaluation, diagnostic tests, treatment provided, or autopsy reports has not been disclosed.”

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Nov. 4, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

According to the CDC, “VAERS data available to the public include only the initial report data to VAERS. Updated data which contains data from medical records and corrections reported during follow up are used by the government for analysis. However, for numerous reasons including data consistency, these amended data are not available to the public.”

  • 269 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death.
  • 27 cases of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) with all cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.

VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Nov. 4, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

Pfizer, Moderna developing combined mRNA Omicron-flu vaccine

Pfizer and Moderna are developing a combination COVID-19 and flu injection utilizing mRNA coding for the BA4/BA5 Omicron subvariant and new mRNA coding for antigens contained in the influenza virus.

Because the COVID-19 component, which is under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), has failed in animal studies and no human trials have been reported, that component should be off the table from the start, according to Dr. Peter A. McCullough.

Combining the genetic code for both the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and conserved proteins of influenza A and B would mean installation of the long-lasting genetic code for multiple foreign proteins in the human body.

Production of these proteins will induce an ongoing multi-pronged immune response that could create amplified side effects. mRNA coding for influenza would be a new biological product not under EUA and should have to go through the full five-year regulatory development cycle for genetic biologicals.

However, it looks like vaccine companies are trying the shortcut this development cycle by combining the non-emergency flu shot with the EUA COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer press release on new bivalent booster raises questions

On Nov. 4, Pfizer announced what some media outlets called “good news” about its COVID-19 bivalent booster, for which the FDA in August granted EUA on the basis of testing conducted on eight mice.

In a press release, Pfizer summarized the updated data from its phase 2/3 clinical trial on the Pfizer-BioNTech Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine.

In simplest terms, the bivalent booster increased antibodies to the Omicron sublineages by a factor of 13.2, whereas the original booster increased them by a factor of only 2.9. The increase was seen only in people over age 55.

Although the new booster produced a more modest increase (9.5 fold) in antibodies in the younger age group (18-55), Pfizer chose not to report what the response was in the age-matched group who received the original booster.

Pfizer provided no comparative results in the 18-55 group and no clinical outcome differences in terms of COVID-19 infections — either in the Nov. 4 press release or in a previous Pfizer press release summarizing preliminary data.

At what point does an “increase in the neutralizing antibody response” confer “stronger protection?”

Neither BioNTech, who co-produced the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, nor the FDA knows — despite insisting the agency has enough grounds to cajole/compel/coerce those who acquired SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from a previous bout with COVID-19 to get jabbed anyway.

Rutgers announces COVID vaccine trial with Pfizer, as CHD lawsuit against Rutgers advances

CHD on Nov. 7, filed a summary of its appeal in a lawsuit against Rutgers University over the university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

The attorney representing CHD and 13 Rutgers University students in the lawsuit said the District Court of New Jersey didn’t follow the legal standard when it dismissed CHD’s case.

In an interview this week with The Defender, Julio C. Gomez of Gomez LLC, lead counsel in the case, said U.S. District Judge Zahid N. Quraishi’s argument for granting the university’s motion to dismiss “failed to accept the facts as alleged in the plaintiffs’ complaint as true,” as required under the legal standard on a motion to dismiss.

CHD on Oct. 19 appealed the decision and on Nov. 7 filed a summary of its appeal.

Gomez also spoke with The Defender about Rutgers’ Nov. 4 announcement that it is partnering with Pfizer on a new clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine in children under age 5.

The new clinical trial is the latest evidence of Rutgers’ conflicts of interest related to its COVID-19 vaccine policies, Gomez said.


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Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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As TFTP has reported, Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, who has sponsored a slew of mandatory vaccine laws throughout his career came out in 2019 to threaten the speech of those who question forced vaccination. Throughout the pandemic, Pan has been staunchly opposed to free speech and advocated for silencing anyone and everyone who doesn’t worship at the altar of Big Pharma and TheScience(TM).

With the passage of Assembly Bill 2098 in August, this tyrannical state senator has finally gotten his way and even doctors who question the safety of a product from a company with a known history of criminal behavior — will be punished by the state for doing so.

The new law is set to go into effect on January 1 and doctors who disseminate information that diverges from the “contemporary scientific consensus” will face persecution. Now, some of them are fighting back.

A group of doctors has filed a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical administration, asking the court to block the law from taking effect. The group accurately points out the chilling effect this law has on the right to free speech.

The complaint argues that the new law “impedes their ability to communicate with their patients in the course of treatment.”

“In safeguarding Americans’ rights to free speech and expression, the First Amendment applies not only to expression of majority opinions, but to minority views as well,” the complaint states. The minority views, according to the doctors, include the very real and documented adverse effects of vaccination and mask efficacy for example.

The doctors argue that “contemporary scientific consensus” is “undefined in the law and undefinable as a matter of logic.”

“No one can know, at any given time, the ‘consensus’ of doctors and scientists on various matters related to prevention and treatment of COVID-19,” the complaint adds. “And even if such a poll could theoretically be taken, who would qualify to be polled? Only those doctors treating COVID-19 patients? All doctors and scientists, or only those in certain fields?”

TFTP predicted this Orwellian nightmare was coming years ago after a letter Pan wrote to the Attorney General of the United States, claiming that the “deliberate spread of vaccine information discouraging vaccination” requires the surgeon general to “stop this attack on our nation’s health by addressing the spread of vaccine misinformation.”

He literally advocated for people to be jailed for questioning vaccines — and now he’s gone even further.

But is questioning the safety of the COVID-19 jab really misinformation? According to the bill’s text:


SECTION 1.The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:

(a) The global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or COVID-19, has claimed the lives of over 6,000,000 people worldwide, including nearly 90,000 Californians.

(b) Data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that unvaccinated individuals are at a risk of dying from COVID-19 that is 11 times greater than those who are fully vaccinated.

(c) The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the vaccines continue to undergo intensive safety monitoring by the CDC.

Aaron Kheriaty, a licensed medical doctor in the state of California points out, all three of these statements are demonstrably false:(a) The death count figures cited are grossly overestimated by hospitals failing to distinguish dying from covid vs. dying with covid and the financial incentives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to overestimate covid deaths;

(b) the efficacy of vaccines has declined with time and new variants, so the statistic cited here is no longer true of the vaccines against omicron;

(c) the CDC has consistently failed to follow-up on serious safety signals, apart from myocarditis, and the post-marketing surveillance data acquired from our FOIA request showed serious safety issues in the first three months of vaccine rollout.

Now, however, any physician who raises these or other inconvenient scientific facts or study findings could be disciplined by the medical board, as the text of the law explains:

“It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

If this is the case and they will apply this equally, will they go back and punish all the doctors who told the country for months that the vaccines are 100 percent effective? Will those who claimed that should you receive a COVID-19 vaccine you will not catch the virus and will not get sick, which is now a demonstrably false statement, be punished?

According to former CDC director Dr. Deborah Birx, this was a statement that they knew was false from the beginning.

In early 2021, CDC director Rochelle Walensky had no problem going on national television and declaring to the world that if you took the covid-19 vaccine “you will not get or spread covid.” Within weeks, this was found to be entirely untrue.

The CDC also changed positions on masks several times, claimed you can catch covid from touching surfaces, and continues to recommend cloth masks, despite the massive pile of data showing they do absolutely nothing.

Dr. Anthony Fauci also spread the exact same misinformation, telling Americans that they had nothing to worry about once they took the shots. Yet hundreds of thousands of people who took the shots, got sick and died.

Instead of holding these state actors and mass purveyors of misinformation accountable, this bill and others like it will target the folks responsible for proving these state actors wrong and getting us out of this mess. This is as shameful as it is dangerous.

This bill will inevitably stifle medical progress by silencing anyone who challenges The Science(TM). But as we’ve seen over the last two-and-a-half years, those who challenged the consensus on COVID-19 have helped usher in new treatments, policies, and programs that have saved lives. It was the establishment “consensus” that refused to change and adapt, especially when it came to children — causing immeasurable suffering — the likes of which we are only just realizing.

As Yahoo News reports:

Dr. Tracy Hoeg, a plaintiff in the suit who has been the senior author of nine epidemiological analyses, said in the complaint that she is “afraid of saying something to my patients that I know is consistent with the current scientific literature but may not yet be accepted by the California Medical Board.”

Six of the nine epidemological analyses were published in peer-reviewed journals and covered topics including the efficacy of mask mandates and the risks and benefits of Covid-19 vaccines for children.

Physicians must “feel free to speak truthfully with their patients if they wish to gain and maintain their trust,” she said.

Jenin Younes, counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan civil rights firm that is representing the doctors, said in a statement that the law is the “the result of an increasingly censorious mentality that has gripped many lawmakers in this country.”

“That this shocking bill passed through the state legislature and was signed into law by Governor Newsom demonstrates that far too many Americans do not understand the First Amendment,” Younes said.


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Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

A Tale of Two Midterms

November 15th, 2022 by Rep. Ron Paul

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Those searching for an explanation of why there was no “red wave” giving Republicans huge gains in Congress in this year’s midterm election should compare this year’s election with the midterm election of 2010. In 2010, Republicans gained a net 63 House seats. While Republicans then did not gain control of the US Senate, they did gain six Senate seats.

These Republican victories in 2010 were propelled by the Tea Party and the liberty movement. These movements became prominent during the waning days of the Bush administration. The liberty movement was advanced by grassroots supporters of my 2008 presidential campaign. The liberty movement’s focus was, and is, on restoring constitutional government in all areas, ending our interventionist foreign policy, and changing our monetary policy by auditing and ending the Federal Reserve and legalizing alternative currencies. Early on, the Tea Party largely focused on opposition to the 2008 bank bailouts.

There was overlap between the liberty movement and the Tea Party as many members of both groups fought for auditing and ending the Fed, ending bailouts, and preventing Congress from passing Obamacare.

Many Republican candidates in 2010 appealed to Tea Party voters by not just promising to repeal Obamacare. They also promised to work to restore limited, constitutional, fiscally responsible government in all areas. In contrast, in 2022 the average Republican candidate offered little in the way of a substantive agenda. In fact, few Republicans called for reversing President Biden’s massive spending increases, much less for restoring the federal government to its constitutional limitations. Despite the controversy over new critical race theory and transgender related policies in government schools, there has not been a renewed push to shut down the Department of Education.

Many Republican candidates in the 2022 midterm election also failed to make an issue out of their Democratic opponents’ support for mask and vaccine mandates and other instances of covid tyranny. Those who did oppose the covid tyranny, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and my son Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, won landslide victories.

The Tea Party’s success in forcing the Republican Party to focus on a more pro-liberty, limited government agenda was short lived. Soon after the 2010 election, the Republican establishment returned to its big spending ways. Spending and debt continued to rise under President Trump and a Republican Congress. Republicans even failed to deliver on their signature promise: repealing Obamacare.

The 2010 midterm election showed that people will respond to candidates offering serious pro-liberty ideas and policies. However, the Tea Party’s rise and fall also shows the danger facing ideological movements that become too close with one political party. These movements will start pulling their punches when one of “our team” begins casting bad votes. The argument goes that we must support big government Republicans or we get REALLY big government Democrats.

Fortunately, the liberty movement has remained committed to principles. As the failure of the welfare-warfare state to deliver peace and property — and the failure of the Federal Reserve to fulfill its mandate of ensuring stable prices and low unemployment — become clear, more Americans will join the liberty movement. Support for the liberty movement will accelerate when the inevitable economic meltdown occurs. This meltdown will be precipitated by a collapse in the dollar’s value and the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. It will bring the end of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system. Hopefully, the liberty movement will ensure the welfare-warfare state and fiat money system are replaced by a return to limited constitutional government, individual liberty, and peace.


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Featured image: Voters at a polling location in Londonderry, New Hampshire. The Senate seat of the state was tightly contested. (Photo by Sdkb, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Whatever Happened to the Antiwar Left?

November 15th, 2022 by Sohrab Ahmari

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On Feb. 15, 2003, 14 million people poured into the streets of 800 cities worldwide to oppose the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. It was a preemptive response to the preemptive war hatched by Bush administration, and according to the Guinness Book of World Records, it was the largest protest ever in human history. Yet the 2003 protest was also a swan song of sorts: the movement that gave rise to it is now all but defunct—namely, the antiwar left.

Two decades later, as U.S. hawks press for relentless escalation against nuclear Russia, and as European leaders unfailingly toe Washington’s line, there is no major movement of the left to channel dissent. Nor are there commanding antiwar figures comparable in stature to the likes of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Labour M.P. Tony Benn, who spoke for the movement in 2003. Old antiwar groups, like the ANSWER Coalition, are either silent or struggling to be heard.

Some two-dozen House progressives on Monday called for diplomacy, but antiwar leftists who championed the likes of Sen. Bernie Sanders and The Squad must surely be disappointed, as the few elected socialists on Capitol Hill dutifully voted “Yes” on one massive Ukraine military-aid package after another. Some veteran left-of-center restrainers, meanwhile, such as former Ploughshares Fund boss Joe Cirincione, sound downright Kristolian, what with the calls to smoke out a “pro-Putin axis.”

The post-9/11 atmosphere of pro-war conformity has returned—only, instead of dour “security moms,” it’s enforced by irony bros with Ukraine flags and pronouns in their bios. As I noted in these pages soon after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the same simplistic moral binaries that had been used to demand obeisance to the Covid regime were transferred to the war. Suddenly, progressives who were supposed to be post-nationalist became the most ardent nationalists, prepared to ignore even the most unsavory aspects of Ukrainian nationalism. Meanwhile, the street theatrics that used to be hallmarks of left-wing antiwar agitation are now used to promote no-fly zones (i.e., World War III).

Were leftists always this uncritical of the claims of NATO and the military-industrial complex? Was the early post-9/11 era a grand hallucination? What changed? The answer proffered by defenders of the progressive status quo is that there has been no change at all. The left was right to oppose America’s unjustified wars after 9/11, just as it is right to oppose Russia’s war of aggression today. Sancta simplicitas!

But this is painfully glib. A progressive can condemn the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine without signing up for the everything-but-troops response adopted by hawks in Washington and London. Yet that is exactly what many on the left have signed up for. Flooding Europe with weapons, fighting Moscow to the last Ukrainian, contemplating another endless war, fantasizing about inflicting a “strategic defeat” on the Russians, potentially at the cost of a nuclear exchange—all this runs contrary to progressive principle, if anti-imperialism and anti-militarism remain progressive principles.

The real answer lies elsewhere. Three explanatory factors stand out:

The first is the shifting nature of the American and Western way of war. As Yale Law School’s Samuel Moyn documented in his illuminating book Humane, published last year, precisely by seeking to bring war within the ambit of liberal norms, the United States has made it possible to wage more war with a clean conscience. To this fact we might add the shift toward proxy wars fought by foreign clients and mercenaries, rather than “our boys (and girls).” This has removed the domestic sting of armed conflict—again, making it easier than ever to call for escalation without feeling unduly bothered by the thought of unclean hands.

Second, there is cultural progressives’ conquest of America’s security apparatus (along with most other elite institutions). It is true that the business end of American empire has been “woke” for a very long time—that is, it has always reflected the liberal cultural preferences of U.S. elites, as the writer River Page has brilliantly argued. Still, there is something genuinely novel about our moment, when the CIA publishes recruitment videos touting intersectional spooks with Latinx grievance politics and anxiety disorders worn as badges of honor. The counterculture of yesteryear has fully come to dominate the culture, but this has come at a price for old-left commitments. You take over the Pentagon, and you own the thing; that means you operate it, and operating it means waging war.

And whom do you wage war against? Here, we come to the third factor: the recasting of non-Western powers like Russia and China as reactionary forces to be stamped out by U.S. and Western power. Whatever remained of the Vietnam left’s cynicism about the dark undercurrents of American power in relation to the non-Western world is now gone. The world “out there” is bestrode by avatars of patriarchy and repression, who impose modesty on womenrestrict reproductive freedom, and limit LGBTQ representation. Similar elements are resurgent back home. Progressives are confronted with a single battle line: the Dnieper flowing into the Potomac, and enemies foreign and domestic blurring into each other.

Against these belligerent and apocalyptic tendencies, it is up to the rest of us, including the remnants of the old left, to resist the logic of total ideological war, of conflicts waged to advance simplistic moral binaries. In doing so, we might take up one of the great slogans of the 2003 protest: “Not In Our Name.”


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Sohrab Ahmari is a founder and editor of Compact magazine, a contributing editor of The American Conservative, and a visiting fellow of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University. His books include From Fire, by Water: My Journey to the Catholic Faith (Ignatius, 2019) and The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos (Convergent/Random House, 2021). He is currently writing a book about privatized tyranny in America.

Featured image: Brendan Bell-Taylor, Action Corps Idaho organizer, and Laura Burton protest the war on Yemen in front of the Idaho State Capitol, in Boise, on January 25, 2021, as part of a Global Day of Action: World Says No to War on Yemen. Sen. Jim Risch, U.S. senator from Idaho, is the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [Source:]

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Washington Keeps Alienating Its Policy Partners

November 15th, 2022 by Ted Galen Carpenter

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A top priority for the Biden administration when the Russia-Ukraine War erupted was to secure maximum international support for a strategy to penalize and isolate Moscow. It is clear that the strategy has failed outside of NATO and Washington’s string-of-pearls military alliances in East Asia. The “Global South” has been spectacularly unreceptive to taking sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, much to the administration’s frustration.

U.S. officials have not reacted well to the wary, quasi-neutral stance adopted by key powers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Instead, administration leaders (as well as key members of Congress) have become ever more insistent, angry, and even vengeful, thereby further alienating those countries. Washington’s handling of relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Saudi Arabia, and Turkey highlights the policy clumsiness.

The biggest blow to the administration’s goal of gaining international support for sanctions and other forms of coercion against the Kremlin was the inability to gain the cooperation of China and India. Escalating pressure (and even implied threats) did not budge those governments. Indeed, the PRC’s level of cooperation, including joint military exercises, with Moscow has increased. True, President Xi Jinping has admonished the Kremlin to cease making even vague threats about the possible use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. However, despite growing annoyance with Russian president Vladimir Putin’s disruptive conduct, Beijing shows no signs of joining the U.S.-led sanctions regime.

Logically, the United States should have moved to put other quarrels it had with the PRC on the back burner if Washington wanted to gain greater cooperation on the Russia problem. Instead, the administration and its congressional allies have exacerbated bilateral tensions on multiple issues. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan this summer was one incident. President Joe Biden’s repeated statements that the United States has a commitment (indeed, an obligation) to come to Taiwan’s defense if the island is attacked—even though the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act contains no such commitment—also riled bilateral relations. The United States has not even paused its rapid buildup of air and naval forces in the Western Pacific to help reduce tensions.

As if those measures weren’t enough to alienate Beijing, the administration concluded in early October that it was an appropriate time to launch a salvo against China’s economy by imposing sweeping tech restrictions. The new measure included a provision barring China from using semiconductor chips made with U.S. tools anywhere in the world. It constituted by far the harshest economic measure ever leveled against Beijing since the normalization of diplomatic relations. A Bloomberg analysis described it as “a kneecapping of the Chinese tech industry, depriving it of the advanced chips—and the means of making them—vital for everything from smartphones to self-driving cars.”

It is not clear that these hostile steps were solely in response to the PRC’s refusal to join the anti-Russia coalition, since bilateral frictions had been rising for years. However, the annoyance with Beijing’s neutrality on the Russia-Ukraine War almost certainly was at least one factor. In any case, the timing was horrible, and reduced rather than increased the prospect that China might decide to tilt against Putin.

Washington’s handling of relations with Saudi Arabia regarding Riyadh’s policy toward Russia has been no more adept. In the summer of 2022, Biden personally pressed the Saudi government to increase oil production to ease the upward pressure on already sky-high energy prices that were disrupting the economies of NATO’s European members. (A collateral benefit of an increased oil flow from Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations was the likelihood that step would help keep gasoline prices in the United States from spiking just before the midterm congressional elections.) Instead of increasing output, though, Riyadh and its OPEC partners decided to cut production by 10 percent in early October.

Both the administration and Riyadh’s critics in Congress were furious, with the Biden foreign policy team accusing Saudi Arabia of “aligning” with Russia. In mid-October, Biden warned that the Saudis would face “consequences” for defying Washington’s call for increased oil output. Some of the president’s allies in Congress proposed legislation to retaliate by terminating U.S. arms sales to the kingdom. Unlike the punitive measures imposed against China, where the mixture of motives was not entirely clear, the surge of anti-Saudi sentiment in both the White House and Congress was explicitly linked to the adverse impact that a production cut would have on the U.S.-led policy against Russia. “There must be consequences for fleecing the American people in order to support Putin’s unconscionable war,” Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA), one of the co-sponsors of the coercive legislation, said in a statement.

Washington’s deepest annoyance regarding a perceived partner’s betrayal has been directed against fellow NATO member Turkey. Ankara’s deviation from the policy Washington seeks amounts to outright apostasy, especially with respect to sanctions on Russian energy exports. Almost from the beginning, Turkey has given higher priority to ending the war in Ukraine as soon as possible through negotiations rather than trying to coerce, weaken, and humiliate Russia. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly offered to play the role of mediator.

Erdogan has become increasingly outspoken in his criticism of the U.S.-NATO approach to dealing with Russia. In early September, he railed against Turkey’s fellow alliance members for engaging in repeated provocations toward Moscow. Conversely, he hailed and stated his intent to continue his country’s more “balanced” policy. One manifestation of the continuing flirtation with Moscow was the decision in early October to invite Russia to build a second nuclear plant in Turkey, in direct defiance of U.S. wishes.

Ankara also is not above profiting from the soaring energy prices caused by Western sanctions. Turkey has positioned itself to be a crucial player in energy matters, especially by acting as the middleman in marketing Russia’s oil exports—frequently selling them to fellow NATO members at a substantial markup. The Biden administration continues to ratchet up pressure on the Erdogan government to cease undermining NATO sanctions against Russia, with little apparent effect.

Most of the blame for the ongoing policy frustration lies at the feet of the administration itself. The president and his advisers failed to take the necessary steps during the weeks immediately before and after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to make certain that key regional actors would be on board with a call from Washington to sanction and isolate Russia. The lack of support outside of the NATO bloc seemed to blindside U.S. officials.

Instead of subtly courting such important players as China, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, the administration and its congressional allies have petulantly demanded that those countries comply with U.S. wishes. Administration leaders have not even been willing to place ongoing grievances with Beijing, Riyadh, and Ankara on the back burner to improve prospects for getting them to be more cooperative on the Russia issue. Instead, both the White House and congressional leaders have taken measures that exacerbated tensions with those governments. The process has been a textbook example of foreign policy incompetence.


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Ted Galen Carpenter, a senior fellow in defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute and a contributing editor at the National Interest, is the author of thirteen books and more than 1,100 articles on international affairs. His latest book is Unreliable Watchdog: The News Media and U.S. Foreign Policy (2022).


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Canadian Journalist Added to Ukrainian Hitlist

November 15th, 2022 by Deborah Armstrong

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Not everyone looks forward to Mondays.

The end of the weekend. That alarm which always comes too early. The coffee which never seems like enough to prepare you for the piles of work awaiting you after your stressful commute.

But for one Canadian journalist, Monday came with a much more unpleasant surprise.

Imagine how Guy Boulianne felt when he woke up last Monday, November 7, to find that he had been added to a hitlist. Yes, you read that correctly. He was added to a kill list.

It’s no secret that Ukraine’s so-called “Center to Control Disinformation” operates a database which publicizes the private information of thousands of journalists worldwide. The site, called “Mirotvorets” (also spelled “Myrotvorets”), means “Peacemaker” in Ukrainian. In the fascist lexicon, “peace” is “made” by killing anyone not in lockstep with Ukraine’s goals of securing a pure ethno-state purged of all untermenschen such as the Roma people, LGBTQ and the most hated minorities of all — “Moskals,” a Ukrainian slur for Russians.

Why would a Canadian journalist, from Quebec, be targeted by a country more than 7,000 kilometers away from where he lives? Boulianne believes he was selected for “liquidation” because he has written about Faina Savenkova, a 14-year-old girl from Lugansk who has also been added to Mirotvorets.

“You know,” Boulianne wrote in an article published in French, “there is something very abnormal when I see a ‘thumbs down’ 👎at the bottom of an article I published which simply mentions the first children’s congress, entitled ‘Children for Peace!’, the main purpose of which was to draw public attention to the increased supply of high-powered weapons to Ukrainian military personnel, which is why the small inhabitants of Donbass are suffering.”

“After all,” he continued, “not only enemy soldiers die, but also children. When I see this ‘thumb down’ 👎under this article, it means to me that the individual who did it is completely against the protection of children in the Donbass!”

Young Faina Savenkova was added to this hitlist, which is open to anyone who wants to see it online, at the age of 12, after she appeared before a UN security council in a video-taped message, in which she tried to bring awareness about the plight of civilians in Eastern Ukraine to the international body of lawmakers.

Faina Savenkova’s profile at Mirotvorets includes her street address and multiple screenshots of her writing.

Because she lives in the breakaway Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), now claimed as Russian territory, and because she does not support the fascist-friendly regime in Kiev, the teenager is considered a “Russian separatist” and now also a “Russian propagandist” — which makes her, under Ukrainian law, an “info-terrorist” worthy of death.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice, a Russian human rights organization, has investigated Mirotvorets and publicized its crimes against humanity. A number of the more than 4,000 journalists added to the blacklist have already been “liquidated.” People such as Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli, Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzyna, former Ukrainian MP Oleg Kalashnikov, and war correspondent Daria Dugina. All of them were added to the list and then murdered. Their profiles at Mirotvorets proudly confirm that fact in bold red letters: “Liquidated.”

Italian Journalist Andrea Rocchelli listed as “liquidated” at “Mirotvorets”

Daria Dugina, Russian war correspondent, is listed as “liquidated” on Mirotvorets site.

Mirotvorets is an open-source website and NGO which publicizes a running list of “enemies of Ukraine,” or, as the website itself declares, those “whose actions show signs of crimes against Ukraine’s national security, peace, human security and international law.” In other words, having opinions counter to Ukraine’s official narratives, or opposing the Nazi-worshipping regime in Kiev, qualifies as such a threat under Ukrainian law.

The website, which was first launched in December 2014 by Ukrainian politician and activist Georgy Tuka, has remained online all this time despite repeated requests from the UN, G7 ambassadors, the EU and various human rights groups to shut it down. In 2018, the German Foreign Office asked the Ukrainian government to take the website down. In response, the Security Service of Ukraine issued a statement that Mirotvorets had not violated Ukrainian law.

On May 7, 2016, the website published the personal data of 4,508 journalists and other members of the international media who had either worked or been given permission to work in the Donbass region, thereby having “cooperated with terrorists” under Ukrainian law. Mirotvorets published their phone numbers, e-mail addresses, cities and countries of residence, information which was obtained by hacking the database of the Donetsk People’s Republic’s Ministry of State Security.

According to Yulia Gorbunova, senior researcher for Human Rights Watch, the implications of this list for press freedom are serious and the very existence of such a list puts lives at risk. Then-President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, called the leak of people’s private information a “big mistake.” Now he, too, is listed at Mirotvorets where he is described as “an accomplice of Russian terrorists and invaders” and accused of “participation in the propaganda activities of Russia (the aggressor country) against Ukraine” as well as “participation in information operations of Russia (aggressor country) aimed at destroying evidence of the crimes of the Russian aggressor and his accomplices against Ukraine.”

The Mirotvorets Center also advises law enforcement “to consider this publication on the website as a statement about the commission by this citizen of deliberate acts against the national security of Ukraine, peace, security of mankind, and international law and order, and other offences.”

So… Speak your mind, do some time.

Or, maybe they’ll just execute you. It costs less than prison.

Orwell must be spinning in his grave.

“Should I be worried and feel in danger?” Boulianne wondered. “You have to be aware that there is a very large Ukrainian-Canadian community. According to the 2016 census, 1,359,655 Canadians (or 3.8% of the population) are of Ukrainian origin.”

A 1995, Toronto Star article reports that a Canadian mining company, INCO, utilized Ukrainian Nazi collaborators to crush leftist labour organizing in the early 1960s. Photo: The Canada Files

Boulianne quotes Aidan Jonah, who wrote the following at The Canada Files: “Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s former foreign minister and current deputy prime minister knows all about the glorification of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators. Freeland is also deeply connected to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and the League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC), which glorify the fascist Ukrainian Nationals Union group and Ukrainian Nazi collaborators. The UCC considers fascist Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, the fascist political and military leader of the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, OUN, as one of Ukraine’s greatest national heroes. They both honor Yaroslav Stetsko, Bandera’s right-hand man, who said in his 1941 autobiography: ‘I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the advisability of introducing the German methods of extermination of the Jews in Ukraine, preventing their assimilation and the like.’”

The LUC’s youth organization commemorated an anniversary of Yaroslav Stetsko in 2012. Photo: The Canada Files

In 2014 and 2016, Boulianne writes, Freeland paraded and promoted the Toronto Ukrainian Festival , including the fundraising efforts of Right Sector Canada, a neo-Nazi group. Their goal was to buy military equipment for their fighters in Ukraine.

“If I were to suddenly disappear, you would know in which sector to begin your investigation,” the French-speaking journalist continued.

A Right Sector Canada leader speaks to CBC News, in 2014. Photo: The Canada Files

Ultra-Nationalist group “Right Sector” fundraises in Toronto

It’s ironic to note that the database was previously illegal under Ukrainian law. On May 10, 2016, Mirotvorets published the private information of journalists including reporters from AFP, Al Jazeera, LeMonde, BBC, Reuters and Forbes. That provoked an outcry from the international legal community which opposed the publication of personal data. Valeria Lutkovskaya, Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, even released a statement that the database violates human rights and should be shut down. On may 13, 2016, there was an announcement that the website was closed. Six days later the database was back online and by May 20th, it had published an updated list of media members accredited for work in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). And Lutkovskaya was threatened with her resignation. Her term ended in 2017 and she was replaced.

Originally, the personal data of the “7500 terrorists, separatists and their accomplices” was collected by volunteers led by Georgy Tuka. By January 9, 2015, the website already had more than 9,000 entries. In fact, the first person named in the database was Eduard Matyukha, known as “the people’s mayor” in Gorlovka from 2014–2019. However, this “people’s mayor” turned out to be a Ukrainian spy, who was providing intelligence about Russian operations in the DPR directly to Kiev. Even his wife was unaware of his clandestine activities, according to one article. His addition to the list was nothing more than a psy-op, which, according to him, made him a hero in the two breakaway republics of Donbass.

Ukraine’s Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko is believed to have initiated Mirotvorets. Ironically, in 2019 Gerashchenko announced at a Free Speech Committee hearing, that he was named “journalist safety point person” by the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Tweet by Christopher Miller

This “safety,” however, only applies to journalists supportive of Ukraine’s fascist-loving government. Any journalists with independent minds need not apply. Indeed, on August 16, 2016, the BBC reported on a statement made by the Mirotvorets Center on Facebook: “As of today, the website and all its mirrors are considered electronic mass media.” And, as Radio Svoboda reported in 2017, after surviving an alleged assassination attempt, Gerashchenko vowed that Mirotvorets will never be taken down. “The ‘Mirotvorets’ project, which is like a bone in the throat of all of you, will work regardless of whether I am alive or not. And you will not be able to destroy it under any circumstances,” the Verkhovna Rada deputy wrote on Facebook on January 22.

One month prior, in December of 2016, the Mirotvorets database already included more than 100,000 records of individuals from around the world. All of them, including children as young as 9 years old, are considered “enemies of Ukraine” who should be “liquidated.”

Boulianne wrote that the Mirotvorets site is registered in his home country, Canada. “The server appears as NATO HPWS/2.1, when parsing from April 6 to April 22, 2015, it returned the address as a reverse domain name, i.e. a subdomain of the official site of the NATO military bloc, while the main NATO domain,, knows nothing about it. The PTR record provided in response to a reverse DNS query typically points to a location of the site in the domain name space. The PTR record is entered into the master DNS zone file when the domain system is configured. Thus, the creators of the site specifically imitated the link to NATO.”

And, as I reported last month, the site is protected by Cloudflare, a company based in California. In fact, it receives funding from the United States, approved by US Congress under HR7691, known as the “Additional Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022.” And despite appeals to the UN by human rights organizations such as the Schiller InstituteMirotvorets remains.

Mirotvorets’ WHOIS record shows that they are using CloudFlare. Photo: Deborah L. Armstrong

On August 7, 2016, a lawyer from Kharkov named Aleksey Romanov revealed the name of the owner of the site, Oksana Sergeevna Tinko, who wrote on Facebook, “Yes, I took over the domains, because if something happens I have vast experience both in dealing with complaints about domains and with the closure of domains, I know this process from all sides and if something happens I can take adequate measures. And in case of any naughty person, I am ready to take the first blow and give the Peacekeepers time to solve the problem with minimal losses for themselves.” The quote and her account are no longer available on Facebook. Romanov received death threats immediately after naming Tinko as the site’s owner, and he complained to the UN.

And still, Mirotvorets remains.

It seems as though no one on the planet has the power, or the guts, to shut down this kill list even though it violates the law of every civilized country in the world, and people exposed on the list continue to be murdered.

I asked Boulliane if he had spoken to any authorities in Canada. It was a rhetorical question, as you probably know if you’ve read this far.

“I haven’t asked and I won’t ask, because I don’t have time to waste,” he replied with a smiley face 😊. “I consider that what protects me the most is to make the case public.”


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Deborah Armstrong currently writes about geopolitics with an emphasis on Russia. She previously worked in local TV news in the United States where she won two regional Emmy Awards. In the early 1990’s, Deborah lived in the Soviet Union during its final days and worked as a television consultant at Leningrad Television.

Featured image: Guy Boulianne of Quebec targeted by “Mirotvorets” (Source: Internationalist 360)