The director of the US Secret Service, Kimberly A. Cheatle, has resigned from her position due to her demonstrated inability to protect Donald Trump from the attack. In the congressional hearing, she refused to say how many agents were assigned to protect Trump and why the Secret Service did not guard a nearby warehouse complex, from whose roof the attacker fired despite the complex being guarded by local police. Cheatle did not even explain how it was possible that, when several rally participants warned the Secret Service and police agents of the presence of an armed man on the roof, no one moved. All of this casts a dark shadow over the entire affair, making the official version that the attack was the work of a single person less credible: a twenty-year-old, who had also shown poor skills in his high school shooting class, was killed immediately by police snipers who could have instead stopped him with a non-fatal shot so that he could be questioned in the investigation.

Having emerged alive from the attack, Donald Trump seemed to be the winning candidate in the next presidential elections. However, President Biden’s withdrawal and the entry into the field of vice-president Kamala Harris have given the Democrats new breathing space. In a single day, they collected over 50 million dollars in online donations, the largest in recent years. Making the situation even more uncertain is the US electoral system itself. Over 20% of voters live in jurisdictions that use electronic voting machines without paper trails. These electronic voting machines, operated by private companies, store the votes in their memory.

“The lack of a physical document to support electronic voting means that election officials have to trust that the machines won’t malfunction and change or lose a vote, or that poll workers won’t inadvertently alter votes, or that the machines haven’t been hacked,” warns Douglas Jones, a computer science professor at the University of Iowa who has spent decades studying how computers are used in elections.

What’s more, a record number of voters, more than 65 million, are sending their ballots by mail. Post offices are being clogged with some 130 million mailings of voters’ ballots. Because there are not enough staff, the majority of ballot counting is done by private companies outside the office. That leaves much room for data manipulation, allowing votes to be fraudulently moved from one candidate to another.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Grandangolo, Byoblu TV.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Joe Biden’s ignominious fall from grace was unanticipated and abrupt. It all happened in early June after Russian President Putin made a surprise announcement that a Russian naval fleet would make a port call to Cuba amidst Ukraine’s proxy war as a show of force.

On June 12, a Russian naval fleet comprising a frigate, a nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, an oil tanker and a rescue tug crossed into Havana Bay after drills in the Atlantic Ocean. The next day, on June 13, a U.S. Navy submarine arrived in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a fleet of Russian warships gathered for planned military exercises in the Caribbean.

U.S. Southern Command announced the USS Helena, a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine, pulled into the waters near the U.S. base in Cuba. A Canadian Navy patrol ship also docked in Havana. Ottawa said the ship arrived on June 14 to signal the “capable and deployable” nature of the Canadian military.

The Russian naval fleet left Cuba on June 17 after a five-day stay but Putin’s hawkish maneuver precipitated a rift between the Biden admin and the deep state. The Pentagon’s military brass favored a much forceful response to Russia’s provocation amidst Ukraine’s proxy war but Biden got cold feet because brinkmanship could have led to nuclear standoff with Russia in the election year.

It seems quite “a coincidence” that six weeks before Biden decided to drop out of the presidential race on July 21, his cocaine addicted son Hunter was found guilty by a Delaware jury on June 11 for owning a gun as a user of illegal drugs and lying on paperwork about his drug use when he bought the gun.

Hunter Biden faces a maximum prison sentence of 25 years but is likely to receive a lesser sentence. In addition, Hunter also faces federal criminal charges for failing to pay more than $1.4 million in taxes on time. A trial in that case is scheduled to begin in September in Los Angeles.

What’s even more surprising is the fact that Hunter Biden nearly avoided facing trials on both the gun charges and the tax charges. Last year, prosecutor’s office and Hunter Biden’s legal team struck a tentative plea deal in which Hunter would have pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and submitted to drug testing and other monitoring. Under the deal, prosecutors would have deferred the gun charges and eventually dropped them if Hunter had remained out of trouble.

But the deal “miraculously” fell apart in June after the deep state decided that Joe Biden had become a liability as president and needed to be replaced by a security establishment’s stooge, Kamala Harris. Thus, Joe Biden was literally blackmailed by the deep state to quit the presidential race in exchange for saving the life of his problem child.

Had Joe Biden decided not to quit the race, the security establishment threatened to open host of other criminal cases against Hunter Biden, including the notorious Burisma Holdings case in which Hunter Biden had received millions of dollars in illicit kickbacks from a Ukrainian energy firm from 2013 to 2018 while his father Joe Biden was Obama admin’s vice president.

On the other hand, security establishment via Democratic emissaries assured Biden to use its influence with judiciary to drop all criminal cases against Hunter if Joe Biden agreed to quit the race and kept quiet afterwards.

Reportedly, on the night of presidential debate with Republican contender Donald Trump on June 27, Biden’s cook, an agent of the deep state, had mixed a psychotropic drug in his food, thus he was stoned and couldn’t defend himself against Trump’s onslaught, which became an excuse for dropping out of presidential race.

Kamala Harris, being an Indian immigrant and lacking a significant political constituency in the United States, is an ideal presidential candidate from the perspective of security establishment. During her four-year unremarkable career as vice president and the way she cheered waving Ukrainian flag during President Zelensky’s address to the US Congress, she has proved that she would play into the hands of deep state like a servile puppet.

Although Biden himself is an establishment Democrat and was fully onboard with the Pentagon’s policy of arming Ukraine and waging a protracted proxy war against arch-rival Russia, being a veteran American politician, he had developed an imperious and patronizing attitude during the four-year presidency that was looked down upon by swashbuckling American generals who are accustomed to treating civilian politicians as batmen.

If Kamala Harris wins the presidency, which I’m sure she would with deep state’s unequivocal support, the security establishment’s grip on American politics would be further consolidated and conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are likely to escalate.

Trump’s brush with death on July 13 was only a sequel to the macabre spectacle being orchestrated by the deep state to consolidate its power. On July 31, 2022, while al-Qaeda’s fearsome leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was standing in the balcony of a suburban Kabul house inhaling fresh morning breeze, an American drone fired a R9X Hellfire missile, also referred to as the Ninja Missile, that’s equipped with six large blades flying at high speed to crush and cut the targeted person into smithereens.

At the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on July 13, Thomas Matthew Crooks was simply “a patsy” like Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of John F. Kennedy. Although he borrowed an AR-15 rifle from his father, he only had blank bullets that make an explosive sound without firing a shot.

There was a professional sniper perched on the rooftop of a nearby building who had a rifle equipped with telescope and silencer. But his job wasn’t to shoot at Trump, as expected, but rather to shoot at participants of the rally. In fact, he did kill one person named Corey Comperatore and critically wounded two others.

The victims were intentionally shot because Trump’s powerful adversaries wanted to send a loud and clear message that they mean business and next time it would be Trump lying dead in the pool of blood, though the assassination attempt itself was merely a shot across the bow, meant to petrify rather than kill Trump.


The object that injured Trump’s right ear was actually a miniature drone, the size of a dragonfly and equipped with tiny but sharp blades, that’s developed by DARPA, though still in developmental stages and isn’t available in the market. In fact, Trump did confide to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that it sounded like “the world’s largest mosquito.”

Subsequently, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on July 25 that former President Donald Trump may not have been hit with a bullet but with shrapnel or some other object.

The assassination attempt, meant as a psy-ops tactic, served a two-fold objective. Firstly, it created an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, restricted Trump’s movement during the election campaign, as he has since been advised by the Secret Service not to attend outdoor rallies and conveyed a message that red lines shouldn’t be crossed in political speeches.

Secondly, the drastic measure also managed to send a spine-chilling warning to Trump’s political opponent Joe Biden that the deep state was willing to go to any extent to achieve its objectives, even if it had to assassinate sitting US presidents, such as the brutal murders of the Kennedy brothers following the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Unsurprisingly, panic-stricken Joe Biden decided a week after Trump’s brush with death to leave the White House for his Delaware mansion instead of morgue.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Middle East and Eurasia regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military-industrial complex and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of diligently researched investigative reports to Global Research.

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Video: 23 Year-Old Killed by Pfizer COVID Vaccine

July 29th, 2024 by Children’s Health Defense

“Thank you for allowing us to have a voice,” Kimberly tells CHD.TV viewers.

She and Andy are Trent’s parents — a young man who passed away from a heart condition after receiving two Pfizer COVID shots.

The days and months of pain and suffering that Trent experienced are something they wish for no one to have to undergo.

Many families, however, have already been traumatized by sudden, unnecessary death after the rollout of the COVID countermeasures — deceptively claimed to be “safe and effective.”

Their stories will be told.

Click here to watch the video


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Singapore has approved 16 insects as food for humans — becoming the latest country to authorize insect products for human consumption, in what The Guardian described as a move that “paves the way for plates to become wrigglier, leggier and more sustainable” and as “a sign of things to come.”

In a July 8 announcement, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) approved the 16 insects, which include silkworm pupa and mealworm, “With immediate effect.”

“These insects and insect products can be used for human consumption or as animal feed for food producing animals,” the SFA stated.

Countries and entities such as the United Kingdom (U.K.), Australia and the European Union (EU) have already approved some insects for human consumption. However, in the U.S. existing regulations contain few references specifically addressing insects.

This regulatory gap has enabled an ecosystem of “alternative protein” startups to enter the insect food market — with the backing of figures such as Bill Gates and government agencies including the United Nations (U.N.) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Science Foundation.

“The United Nations Food And Agricultural Organisation (FAO) continues to promote insect consumption as an environmentally friendly way to get protein in your diet — for both humans and their livestock,” The Guardian reported.

Proponents of insects as food for humans, including the FAO, argue this will help combat climate change, as insects produce a smaller carbon footprint than traditional livestock. But critics challenge this view.

“The justification for insects is to produce protein using fewer inputs: to save the planet by reducing climate change, methane from cows, less pollution,” internist Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, told The Defender. “But just because it is protein doesn’t mean it’s good for us.”

Nass cited parasites that could be spread by insects, difficulties in digesting insects, and common allergies to chitin — commonly found on the exoskeleton of insects.

According to Nass, lax U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, under which many insects can be classified as “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS), “means they don’t require testing” and enables the FDA to “look the other way.” This has opened the door for insect foods to reach consumers.

“How long will it take before we learn whether these foods are safe? It could take generations,” Nass said.

“Advocates for mass consumption of insect-based foods would like you to believe that bugs have been a reliable source of protein for thousands of years,” said Seamus Bruner, author of “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.”

Bruner, who also is director of research at the Government Accountability Institute, told The Defender:

“While that is true, malnutrition and disease were also endemic and life expectancies were dramatically lower than they are today. The truth is that beef, pork, poultry and other animal-based foods are the most efficient and healthy sources of protein. These climate fanatics pushing insect-based foods are scaring people into adopting less healthy diets.”

Dutch journalist Elze van Hamelen told The Defender that using insect ingredients for pet food also poses a risk to public health, citing a 2019 study that found parasites in 244 of 300 insect farms and pet stores that were investigated.

“Feeding pets with parasite-infested insects, especially pets that do not have the physiology to digest bugs, may not be such a good idea,” van Hamelen said.

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda,” told The Defender, “The insect craze is intimately connected to the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Rectenwald cited two SDGs: SDG 2, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture” and SDG 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.”

“’Sustainability’ is code language for coerced reductions in consumption and forced behavioral modifications,” Rectenwald said.

Nass said the U.N., along with the World Economic Forum (WEF), “promote the so-called SDGs, which can supposedly be met if we change our diet.” Yet, “We don’t see the WEF or U.N. attendees eating insects at their meetings.”

Nass suggested that one reason behind the shift to insects as food is “to cause emotional harm: to degrade, debase, downgrade human beings” and that beef is “being demonized,” potentially to “weaken the species.”

“The idea seems to be to get rid of small producers and create a fully industrialized system of food production that Cargill, ConAgra, PepsiCo will profit from,” she added.

“Bill Gates claims his investments in alternative proteins are to save the planet,” Bruner said. “What he does not say is that they are part of a strategy to monopolize the protein industry — for profit — as he lobbies to ban animal-based competition.”

Insect Firms in Singapore ‘Educating’ Children About Insects as a Food Source

The 16 insects Singapore’s SFA has approved include “various species of crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, mealworms and silkworms,” The Straits Times reported. According to The Guardian, foods containing insects must clearly label this on the packaging, “to indicate the true nature of the product.”

The Straits Times reported that local restaurant chain House of Seafood is already “cooking up a menu of 30 insect-infused dishes to give customers more choice,” while other firms have begun “educating consumers” — including children — about insects as a food source for humans.

The report cited the example of Altimate Nutrition which, “While waiting for SFA’s regulatory approval … conducted workshops and educational sessions at almost a hundred schools, from pre-schools to institutes of higher learning.”

Surveys conducted after the program found that about 80% of students would be willing to try the insects after they are approved, The Straits Times reported.

But Bruner said other factors are likely at play in Singapore.

The WEF — perhaps the largest driving force behind so-called ‘alternative proteins’ — frequently touts Singapore’s compliance with Agenda 2030, so the decision to prioritize insect-based foods is not surprising,” he said.

EU, U.K., Australia and Other Countries Approve Insects for Consumption

Authorities in the EU, U.K. and Australia, among other countries, have also approved certain insects for human consumption.

Brussels Signal cited Ermolaos Ververis, scientific officer for the European Food Safety Authority Novel Foods Team, who said the EU has authorized six insects: “Alphitobius diaperinus larvae products, dried mealworms, whole and ground yellow mealworms, whole and ground Grasshoppers, whole and ground crickets, and partially defatted Whole Cricket Powder.”

Eight applications are still pending in the EU, where according to EU regulations, foods containing insects must be clearly labeled.

Brussels Signal reported that under Horizon Europe, a European Commission — the executive branch of the EU funding program for research and innovation — “insect-based proteins are considered one of the key areas of research.”

U.K. authorities have approved four insects for human consumption — yellow mealworm, house cricket, banded cricket and black soldier fly, as “novel foods,” while Australia has approved three species: two varieties of mealworm and a cricket.

According to the FAO, there are more than 1,900 “edible insect species.” However, insects don’t appear to be included in the FAO’s Codex Alimentarius — its international food safety guidelines.

‘Nudging’ the Public Toward Acceptance

Several studies, including a 2020 report by the European Consumer Organisation, a 2021 YouGov poll and a 2022 report by UBA, Germany’s environmental agency, suggest low demand among the public for consuming foods containing insects.

Other studies in 2020 and 2022 suggested people would be more willing to shift their attitudes after being told about the “environmental benefits” of eating insects.

The 2020 study suggested that “nudging” — a behavioral science concept supported by the National Science Foundation — could be used to this end. “As humans are a particularly social species, leveraging the social nature may prove particularly useful,” the study said.

In a 2021 European Food Safety Authority report, Giovanni Sogari, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Food and Drug at the University of Parma in Italy, suggested, “There are cognitive reasons derived from our social and cultural experiences, the so-called ‘yuck factor’, that make the thought of eating insects repellent to many Europeans. With time and exposure such attitudes can change.”

And Lies Hackelbracht, the owner of TOR Royal, an insect production company in Belgium, told Euronews in 2021, “When we are 9 billion people, it won’t be possible to let everybody eat meat, so we have to search for other possibilities with a lot of protein and it can be in plants, but it can also be in insects.”


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV’s “Good Morning CHD.”

Featured image is from CHD

Mortality Resulting from Beverages with High Sugar Content. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) “Sweetener”: Profits Over Health. The Ubiquitous Cost Saving Toxin

By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, July 27, 2024

Back in 2015 Tufts University’s department of nutritional sciences conducted a study published by the American Heart Association that documented the annual rates of global deaths directly due to over-consumption of beverages with high sugar content. The results estimated that 184,000 adults die annually from sugary drinks.

Video: Hacked Dutch Government Data Shows Suppressed COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Excess Deaths. “They Knew About Vaccine Injuries”

By Clayton Morris, Wybren van Haga, Wouter Aukema, and Anne Merel Kloosterman, July 29, 2024

In story first reported by the U.K.’s Jim Ferguson, hacked data from the Dutch government shows that the E.U. Globalists went after the children and afterwards hundreds of vaccine injuries were reported all across the Netherlands and the EU. Why didn’t we hear about it?

Vaccine Advocate Peter Hotez Calls for Use of Police, Military Against ‘Anti-vaccine Aggression’

By Michael Nevradakis, July 29, 2024

In an interview removed from YouTube but obtained by The Defender, Dr. Peter Hotez blamed “anti-vaxers” for causing “hundreds of thousands” of deaths during the pandemic. Hotez suggested the WHO, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NATO should target “anti-vaccine aggression.”

The Arctic: Theater of War or Global Cooperation? Film

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 29, 2024

This film showcases how the Arctic represents either a domain of total warfare which is currently the ambition of militarists managing NATO on the one hand, or the basis of a new era technological progress and friendship among world civilizations. This is not a new choice, but one which characterized world history as the US was sliding into its first Civil War prior to 1861.

Leaving Las Vegas. Inside the Last Tortured Days of the Biden Campaign. Seymour Hersh

By Seymour M. Hersh, July 29, 2024

By Saturday, July 20, former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden. It was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just what happened to him in Las Vegas.

China Succeeds in the Middle East While the US Fails

By Steven Sahiounie, July 28, 2024

Once again, China steps on to the global diplomatic stage, in the absence of US involvement, and brokered a ground-breaking agreement between rival factions in Palestine. Following the March 2023 reconciliation between Middle East powerhouse Saudi Arabia and Iran signed in China, now we have the “Beijing Declaration” between Hamas and Fatah signed on July 23.

Video: The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump – Consequences and Perspectives

By Peter Koenig, July 28, 2024

Now that Biden has quit the race for his second-term Presidency – and nominated Kamala Harris  whose nomination still needs to be confirmed by the National Democratic Convention (DNC, Chicago, 19 August 2024) – it seems obvious that the Democrats once more plan to rig the elections and put their candidate into the Presidency, like they did in 2020, with Joe Biden.

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. [Excess mortality resulting from the Covid Vaccine starting in early 2021 is not mentioned] 

This week in gaslighting that will blow your socks off, The Science™ has a conjured a fascinating new scapegoat upon which to heap blame for the growing mountains of dead babies over the past few years.

Via CNN (emphasis added)

The infant mortality rate in the United States rose in 2022, the first jump in 20 years, according to data released Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

More than 20,500 babies died in 2022 before the age of 1, final records show. Overall, there were 5.6 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births, a 3% increase from the year before.

Infant mortality in the US has been generally trending down since at least 1995, when consistent tracking started, but rates are still much higher in the US than they are in many peer nations. There have been some small upticks over that time, but 2022 was the first time there was a statistically significant increase since 2002, according to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.”

Here is CNN, relying for some reason to make this expert assessment on an assistant sociology professor, grasping at straws to blame… drumroll… abortion restrictions for the infant mortality jump, despite the fact that any abortion restrictions due to the overturning of Roe v Wade were instituted in the extreme latter half of 2022 and were only in certain states, whereas this study points to a spike in dead babies across the nation.


Covid-19 also probably played a significant role in the rise in infant mortality in 2022, [demographer and assistant professor of sociology at the University of Colorado Boulder] Stevenson said. Infections in pregnant women who were exposed to the coronavirus during the major surges in 2021 could have affected infants who would be born in 2022…

Recent research has drawn some connections between infant mortality and abortion restrictions, finding that infant deaths spiked in Texas after the state passed a law in September 2021 that banned nearly all abortions beyond about six weeks of pregnancy.”

In unrelated news, none other than Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself recently retweeted one of my articles, which I appreciate greatly and which I view as an inauguration into the big leagues.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

In an interview removed from YouTube but obtained by The Defender, Dr. Peter Hotez blamed “anti-vaxers” for causing “hundreds of thousands” of deaths during the pandemic. Hotez suggested the WHO, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NATO should target “anti-vaccine aggression.”

Vaccine advocate and pharmaceutical industry insider Dr. Peter Hotez, long a proponent of the COVID-19 vaccine, said he favors deploying police and military powers against “anti-vaxers,” whom he blamed for causing hundreds of thousands of deaths during the pandemic.

During an interview July 5 at the Simposio Internacional de Actualización en Pediatría (International Symposium of Pediatric Updates) in Cartagena, Colombia, Hotez suggested organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NATO should target “anti-vaccine aggression.”

Hotez said:

“What I’ve said to the Biden administration is, the health sector can’t solve this on its own. We’re going to have to bring in Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this.

I’ve said the same with — I met with Dr. Tedros [director general of the WHO] last month … to say, I don’t know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations agencies. NATO. This is a security problem because it’s no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression.

“And so, this is now a lethal force … and now I feel as a pediatric vaccine scientist … it’s important, just as important for me to make new vaccines, to save lives. The other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression.”

The full interview was available on YouTube until Wednesday evening, when it was removed. The Defender obtained a video recording of the full interview.

Hotez is dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University College of Medicine and director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, one of the sponsors of the symposium, which was organized by the Colombian Pediatric Society.

Aside from being a vaccine proponent and developer — he helped develop the Corbevax COVID-19 vaccine which was administered in India and has received at least $30 million in vaccine development grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — Hotez has crusaded against so-called “misinformation” about vaccines.

In March, The Hill reported that Hotez has found a “‘parallel career’ fighting misinformation.”

Hotez “finds his efforts to combat misinformation to be ‘meaningful,’” and says “pushing back on the anti-vaccine movement is just as important as developing vaccines,” The Hill wrote.

Hotez also holds six patents on the hookworm (helminth) vaccine, and has several listed patent applications as well, including those for SARS-CoV2 vaccines.

“Peter has cashed in significantly on the COVID-19 pandemic and gets a lot of money when shots go into arms,” said Brian Hooker, Chief Scientific Officer for Children’s Health Defense (CHD).

In his July 5 interview, Hotez called for more stringent action against “anti-vaxers,” whom he connected to entities such as the Russian government, and called for medical schools to educate new doctors about anti-vaccine sentiment.

“‘Anti-science’ and ‘anti-vaxxer’ are propaganda terms Hotez uses to establish a power dynamic over anyone who disagrees with him,” said cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.

“Now Hotez is calling for a security state to enforce his propaganda instead of engaging in much needed dialogue over vaccine safety with a critical appraisal of short- and long-term side effects from the routine childhood vaccine schedule, including the COVID-19 shots,” McCullough added.

According to Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus and senior research scientist in epidemiology (chronic diseases) at the Yale School of Public Health:

“Hotez has spent his entire career developing vaccines which have not achieved success in commercial use. His demands to impose public health martial law are reminiscent of the ‘Comité de salut public’ — ‘Committee of Public Safety’ — that Robespierre used to murder his political opponents [during the French Revolution].”

For Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., professor of international law at the University of Illinois, Hotez’s suggestions are a call to violate established international human rights law.

“Coercing vaccines upon human beings without their informed and voluntary consent violates the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, which is a crime against humanity,” Boyle said. “What we see at work here with Hotez is the Nazi mentality that pervades so many vaccinologists like him. Hotez is revealing his true colors.”

Independent journalist Paul D. Thacker has investigated Hotez for his site, The Disinformation Chronicle. He said,

“This crackpot idea that we should deploy military forces to deal with moms worried about vaccine side effects and children … doesn’t that speak for itself?”

Dr. Sukharit Bhakdi, a microbiologist, questioned Hotez’s scientific credentials:

“Simple fact: Hotez is not a real scientist. He has never published any research article based on true scientific research. His publications transmit his personal opinions and beliefs. He has not conducted a single valid vaccine trial and has zero data to back his claims.

“He has been on the globalist team together with [Dr. Anthony] Fauci et al. and is now turning to violence to silence all dissenters. This very fact disqualifies him as a physician.”

“His evolution over the course of the pandemic is curious as he has become more and more shrill as time goes on,” Hooker said. “It seems he is trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame by ‘jumping the shark’ and inciting gestapo-like measures against ‘anti-vaxers’ and ‘science deniers.’ His definition of science is very ‘Fauci-esque’ indeed.”

Claim That Unvaccinated Caused ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of Deaths ‘an Obvious Untruth’

During his July 5 interview, Hotez asserted that the unvaccinated were responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. He said:

“There’s anti-vaccine activity in every country, and each has its own unique national flavor. But the part that I’m worried about now is something very dark and accelerating in the United States.

“And the most dramatic evidence for that is what happened during the COVID pandemic … My estimate is 200,000 Americans died needlessly because they refused COVID vaccines in 2021, 2022.”

Hotez did not provide evidence supporting this figure, but it was similar to claims made by Dr. Anthony Fauci during Congressional testimony last month. Without citing evidence, Fauci said the unvaccinated are “probably responsible for an additional 200,000-300,000 deaths” in the U.S.”

Risch called this claim “an obvious untruth.”

“In the face of repeated major empirical CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] evidence and CDC’s public acknowledgement that the mRNA vaccines largely failed to reduce COVID transmission, Hotez absurdly claims that people choosing not to vaccinate themselves have contributed more to deaths from COVID than all of the large-scale breakthrough infections among vaccinated people,” Risch said.

McCullough said,

“Hotez presumes COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective as any vaccinologist would dream. Sadly, his fantasy was over before it started. The COVID-19 vaccines were unsafe and failed to reduce hospitalization and death in prospective randomized trials or in valid observational studies. They never stopped transmission.”

“All experts, including Hotez, agreed theoretical protection from COVID-19 vaccines was just a few months, requiring frequent boosters,” McCullough added.

Hotez Calls Parents Who Choose Not to Vaccinate Their Children ‘Victims’

In his interview, Hotez called for action — including more censorship — to counter what he called a “dark and accelerating” and “dangerous” anti-vaccine movement in the U.S. and globally that is “expanding and extending to childhood immunizations in the United States.”

“My worry is that this anti-vaccine movement, and it’s not misinformation or [an] infodemic, as many call it, it’s organized, it’s deliberate, it’s well-financed and it’s politically motivated … I worry that’s now globalizing to other countries on the African continent, in Asia and even Latin America,” he added.

On the topic of childhood vaccinations, Hotez said, “Parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids are victims” of this campaign, and called for medical schools to train doctors on how to respond to parents who oppose vaccinations.

“Pediatricians need to understand what the anti-vaccine ecosystem is, how it’s organized, how it operates, and to get educated about it,” he said. “I think that’s a first step … in our medical schools, in our pediatric residency training, in our conferences like this, being able to describe what this anti-vaccine monster looks like.”

But for journalist Rodney Palmer, formerly of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the increasing reluctance of parents to vaccinate their children is due to mounting concerns about vaccine safety. He said:

“The rising movement questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines appears to be based on mounting evidence from government health data collection agencies and the life insurance industry.

“The fraud and cover-up of ivermectin as an effective prevention and treatment of COVID-19 caused a segment of the population to question the official guidance around vaccines — more so once they were mandated.”

Hotez blamed legacy and traditional media, as well as foreign governments, for fueling anti-vaccine sentiments.

“Fox News is now a source of anti-vaccine disinformation,” Hotez said. “If the parents are watching Fox News every night … They are going to be coming into your practice believing disinformation.”

Turning to social media, Hotez said,

“Twitter, since Elon Musk has taken it over, has become an anti-vaccine site dominated by anti-vaccine groups and individuals who are monetizing the internet. They’re selling fake autism cures because they say vaccines cause autism, which they don’t.”

Hotez continues to be active on Twitter — now known as X.

Adversarial foreign governments are also to blame for propagating anti-vaccine rhetoric, according to Hotez.

“For instance, the Russian government, the Putin government, is spreading anti-vaccine propaganda. The goal of this is to destabilize society and to have caused people to question authority,” he said.

Hotez did not provide any information to support this claim. Russia produces the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, under the auspices of the Russian Direct Investment Fund and The Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology — an arm of the Russian federal government.

Hotez Calls ‘Anti-vaccine Movement’ a Tool of the ‘Far-right’

Hotez also used the interview as an opportunity to plug his upcoming book, “The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science: A Scientist’s Warning.” He said the book “describes [the anti-vaccine] ecosystem and its political leanings in detail.”

According to the book’s publisher, Johns Hopkins University Press, Hotez “explains how anti-science became a major societal and lethal force” and how “the anti-vaccine movement became a tool of far-right political figures around the world.”

In 2022, Hotez fiercely criticized looming Congressional hearings into a possible lab-leak origin of COVID-19 and whether the National Institutes of Health (NIH) prematurely discredited the hypothesis, dismissing this as an “outlandish conspiracy.”

However, Hotez’s own 2012 to 2017 NIH grant — totaling $6.1 million — for the development of a SARS vaccine had the aim of responding to any “accidental release from a laboratory,” in addition to a possible zoonotic (or natural) spillover of the virus.

In a June 2023 interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD’s chairman on leave, podcaster Joe Rogan offered to donate $100,000 to a charity of Hotez’s choice if he agreed to debate Kennedy.

Hotez — with the support of several legacy news media outlets and the American Medical Association — refused Rogan’s offer. He later claimed on social media that a “couple of anti-vaxers” “stalked” and “taunted” him outside his home after he declined the offer to debate Kennedy.


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV’s “Good Morning CHD.”

Featured image: United States Mission Geneva via flickr

In story first reported by the U.K.’s Jim Ferguson, hacked data from the Dutch government shows that the E.U. Globalists went after the children and afterwards hundreds of vaccine injuries were reported all across the Netherlands and the EU.

Why didn’t we hear about it?

Turns out they hid the information and then covered-up the data from the public and then more people were injured.

Dutch Freedom Fighters and Truth Seekers, former Dutch Parliamentarian and business entrepreneur Wybren van Haga, Businessman and Data expert Wouter Aukema and Anne Merel Kloosterman who is representing many vaccine injured join Redacted to share this story.


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Our thanks to Dr. William Makis for bringing this to our attention.

50-year-old CMS teacher shares story after stroke at the Charlotte Marathon

By Claire Kopsky, Feb. 27, 2024 at 3:39 PM MST

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) – After experiencing a stroke moments after finishing his leg of a relay at the Charlotte Marathon, a Charlotte-Mecklenburg English teacher shared his story to educate the community about strokes and remind all every day is a gift.

“The central question for me has been you know, ‘Why?’ Why is a person who is like, eating really healthy, you know, I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I’m exercising more than I ever have been, you know, since I was in high school. It’s just it was pretty confusing for me. Like, why is this happening to me?” 50-year-old stroke survivor Justin Parmenter said.

As an English teacher at the South Academy of International Languages, Parmenter stepped back into running in his late 40s thinking he was healthy.

“I ran in high school many, many years ago. And a couple years ago, my son got interested in running, joined the cross country team. I didn’t want him out running on the Greenway alone,” Parmenter said. “So I started running with him just to support him. It’s about, you know, having this new bond with my son.”

Justin Parmenter and his son who inspired him to step back into running.

His colleagues caught wind of his re-found hobby and he trained to run the Charlotte Marathon as a relay with them in November 2023.

“The legs for the relay was five people running 26 miles so it was around five miles per leg,” Parmenter explained. “I thought, ‘Well, if I start now and build up my mileage, I could probably do that.’”

He was the first runner in his team’s relay on Nov. 4.

“After I was done, I found my teammates you know, the next runner got on the course and started and the rest of us got in the car, drove to the next relay point,” he said. “We were headed towards the third point and I was driving the car when I had a stroke.”

He said he blacked out and had to be told what happened later by his teammates.

Click here to read the full article.


My Take…

Justin is a teacher so he was mandated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines to keep his job.

He had a stroke while running his 5 mile relay portion of a marathon and collapsed while driving to the next portion of the marathon. He then had another stroke 6 weeks later.

If he hadn’t been driving slowly, when he had a stroke, someone may have died.

There are some key takeaways in this story:

  1. COVID-19 Vaccinated are still getting very serious blood clots
  2. COVID-19 Vaccinated are still collapsing while exercising.
  3. COVID-19 Vaccinated are still collapsing while driving – that means the roads are still significantly more dangerous & unpredictable for everyone
  4. Some doctors will try to cover-up COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in creative ways.

Two strokes in a young healthy man is a serious legal liability for his doctor.

What about the mysterious “hole” in his heart that was there and then it was nowhere to be found? As a Radiologist, I find that more than a little suspicious. Incompetence? Coincidence? Or cover-up?

Don’t put it past doctors making up all kinds of bogus “diagnoses” to deflect blame and legal liability for pushing COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

Canadian Doctors:

In late 2021, two young COVID-19 Vaccinated Canadian doctors had fatal car crashes early in the day.

In both cases, they lost control of the vehicle, they were the only fatality, while the other driver walked away with no injuries (highly likely that they had a medical event that led to the crash).

I was viciously attacked online for suggesting the possibility of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury, such as cardiac arrest or blood clots behind the wheel, that led to the crash.

Even Reuters used this to attack me in their hit piece. All the naysayers thought it was a “gotcha” that discredited me somehow.

To me, it always seemed a very reasonable to question such crashes, the ”vaccidents” as they were called.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Identifying Most Significant Indicators of Progress

July 29th, 2024 by Bharat Dogra

Identification of most significant indicators of progress is essential for any country or society, and this should be seen as only a first step towards having the willingness and the ability to examine the state of the society in an unbiased way from the perspective of these indicators.

The first indicator is in terms of meeting basic needs of any people including access to adequate, satisfactory and safe food to meet nutrition and health needs, access to safe water, access to housing that meets all essential requirements of daily life including protection from weather extremes, rest, cooking, sanitation etc. and access to clothes that protect in a dignified way.

All people should have access to basic medicines and health care, as well to at least high school education with opportunities open for various kinds of education in later life too, with education seen more as a continuum in life and as a means also of achieving ethical and socially responsible life.

Secondly, in order to access basic needs for themselves and their families, people should have access to livelihoods that are more or less satisfactory, creative, non-exploitative and do not involve serious health hazards, risks, stress or any element of bonded labor or slavery-like feeling.

There should be a daily time limit of about 8 hours, access to around 100 paid holidays in a year, provision of adequate compensation for occupational injury/disease and for at least some limited pensions for all people after age 60 and opportunities and freedom to take a break without sacrificing pension or related interests. Earnings should be adequate to meet basic needs.

Thirdly, there should be adequate democratic space for everyone, including adequate freedom of expression (as long as this does not insult others). At the level of family, school, college, workplace, village, city and nation, people including children should be able to experience democratic freedom and space.

Fourth. The dignity of all people should be respected, and there should be no discrimination at all on the basis of gender, race, class, caste, color, ethnicity, religion, sect, nationality and other identities, with equal respect for all human beings. However the space for affirmative, supporting actions for those who have suffered historical injustice should remain till such time that this injustice has not been corrected.

Fifth, there should be overall feeling of well-being in society, supported by goodness and stability of close social relationships. There should be high levels of cooperation and helping each other in difficult times, and social stability based on this.  

Sixth, there should be a strong commitment to protection of environment and sustainability. The next generation should inherit a safe world in terms of protection of environment, protection from disasters and also social stability.

Seventh, society and economy should be basically non-exploitative and people should not experience any burden of exploitation at social and economic levels. Excessive, non-sustainable, harmful exploitation of natural resources and nature should be avoided.

Eighth, there should be compassion and protective attitudes towards all other forms of life while any cruel practices should be avoided as much as possible.

Ninth, these should be a commitment to peace ad non-violence at all levels, whether family, community, workplace, village or city or in international relations.

Last but not the least, a country should have relations of cooperation and not exploitation, peace and not aggression or war, towards all other countries. In several contexts, this may turn out to be of the most crucial importance. 


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, A Day in 2071 and India’s Quest for Sustainable Farming and Safe Food. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Aïda Amer/Axios

Russia: Music and Locomotives

July 29th, 2024 by Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin

On a warm sunny day last week in Pavlovsk, the former Russian imperial residence, an orchestra was playing Strauss waltzes in front of the former imperial palace. The event commemorated the inauguration of a concert hall, the vokzal, in 1838. This new Russian word is a phonetic derivative of Vauxhall, a London public garden where people could enjoy themselves and listen to music. The concert hall was attached to the Pavlovsk station of the first Russian railway linking the capital St Petersburg to the imperial summer residence.

The concert hall was conceived as an integral part of the station, and the new word came to designate any railway station. Few Russians remember the musical association of this common word. The idea was to attract customers to the new means of transportation. The Prague engineer Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner (1796-1840) proposed “building a new Tivoli at the terminus. A beautiful vokzal would serve as a gathering place for the capital’s inhabitants, in summer and winter alike; games and dances, fresh air and a sumptuous dining room would attract everyone”. Indeed, the establishment included a gourmet restaurant, spacious guest rooms and, of course, a vast concert hall with panoramic windows.

A few decades later, a theatre was added, which hosted up to 30 opera and ballet performances during the summer season. In 1880, the vokzal acquired an orchestra of eighty musicians. During its first 75 years of existence, the vokzal hosted over a thousand performances, including 600 symphonic concerts. The repertoire was extremely varied, ranging from classical music to popular dances, from gypsy songs to folk music. In 1841, for example, the vokzal welcomed a troupe of forty dancers from the Basque country dressed in traditional costumes.

This summer’s commemorative concert, directed by an Italian, maestro Fabio Mastrangelo, embodied the organic links between Russian culture and Europe. I recently wrote about the reorientation of the country’s economic and political ties towards Asia. But this change, forced by the application of Western sanctions since 2014, has not yet affected culture. It is true that the West has attempted to ‘cancel’ Russian music and literature. Russian music has been withdrawn from the programme, and famous Russian orchestra directors and opera singers have had their contracts terminated by their Western impresarios. The epochal struggle of “good” versus “Evil” has been extended to culture. But no mirrored measures have been taken in Russia to end its membership of European culture.

In the more than a century of its existence, the Pavlovsk vokzal has attracted famous artists from Russia and the rest of Europe, including Johann Strauss junior (1825-1899), who was the vokzal’s musical director for more than ten years. The famous Russian dancer Anna Pavlova (1881-1931) performed at Pavlovsk on the eve of her emigration in 1914. The first concert after the socialist revolution took place in 1918. The tradition continued, but with one change: from then on, Russians of all classes were welcome to attend.

The Pavlovsk vokzal was destroyed during the Nazi occupation in 1941-1944. Volunteers from the Spanish División Azul made up the bulk of the European troops stationed in Pavlovsk. German units went in only for special tasks, such as the massacre of the local Jewish population (a stele has been erected in the park at the site of this execution).

This summer’s concert was to mark the beginning of a renaissance. The Russian Railways (RZhD) sponsored the concert to announce the reconstruction of the Pavlovk vokzal, due to open in 2027 to mark the 250th anniversary of the founding of Pavlovsk. The village was a gift from Catherine II to her son, who was to become Emperor Paul (Pavel in Russian). Hence the name Pavlovsk.

Not far from the park where the concert took place stands a bronze statue of Johann Strauss playing the violin. At the entrance to the St. Petersburg terminal, one notices the elegant figure of von Gerstner holding a model of the first locomotive to take passengers to the Pavlovsk vokzal. Hence the seemingly incongruous association of music and locomotives.


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This article was originally published on Pressenza.

Yakov M. Rabkin is Professor Emeritus of History at the Université of Montréal. His publications include over 300 articles and a few books: Science between Superpowers, A Threat from Within: a Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, What is Modern Israel?, Demodernization: A Future in the Past and Judaïsme, islam et modernité. He did consulting work for, inter alia, OECD, NATO, UNESCO and the World Bank. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Railway station of Pavlovsk (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Arctic: Theater of War or Global Cooperation? Film

July 29th, 2024 by Matthew Ehret-Kump

I am extremely proud to announce the release of our newest Canadian Patriot Feature Film ‘The Arctic: Theater of War or Global Cooperation’ which is now freely available across all Canadian Patriot platforms.

Jason Dahl, Cynthia and I have presented the Arctic frontier as you’ve never imagined it: Both as a strategic battleground over the future of the human species today, and as pivot of world history shaping the Russia-USA partnership that saved the Union during the Civil War.

This film showcases how the Arctic represents either a domain of total warfare which is currently the ambition of militarists managing NATO on the one hand, or the basis of a new era technological progress and friendship among world civilizations. This is not a new choice, but one which characterized world history as the US was sliding into its first Civil War prior to 1861.

If you didn’t know why Russia sold Alaska to the USA, or why Russia saved the Union (twice) or why patriots in Russia and the USA had fought to connect their continents by rail via the Bering Strait (as was planned by Lincoln and Czar Alexander II) then this film is for you.

‘The Arctic: Theater of War or Global Cooperation’ introduces this sweeping history and thereby helps the viewer understand the real reasons Canada remained loyal to the British Empire in 1867. It will help you understand the real reasons Lincoln was murdered (from Montreal Canada), and how the age of assassinations and war overturned that paradigm of cooperation ushering in a war-ravaged 20th century.

This film also introduces the attempted revival of this positive vision in the form of the FDR-Wallace plans to build rail and roads across the Bering Strait during WW2, and Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker’s plans to adopt a northern vision during his short-lived administration. Despite this vision coming undone on multiple occasions, you will discover why this strategic flank has sparked such fear into the hearts of oligarchs for generations, leading all the way up to Donald Trump’s plans to build the Alaska-Canada railway in 2020 and the Russia-China Polar Silk Road today.

Or watch on Rumble here, Bitchute here or Odyssee here.


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This article was originally published on Matthew Ehret’s Insights.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, and Director of The Rising Tide Foundation. He has authored three volumes of the Untold History of Canada book series and four volumes of the Clash of the Two Americas. He hosts Connecting the Dots on TNT Radio, Breaking History on Badlands Media, and The Great Game on Rogue News.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MEI

In late 1967, as the Vietnam War was raging and President Lyndon B. Johnson was becoming increasingly unpopular, I was recruited to handle the press and write speeches for Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota, the only Democrat gutsy enough to run against the Democratic president. 

Months later, working round the clock in a cluttered suite in a New Hampshire motel, I was curious about a courier from New York City who flew up most nights on the last Eastern Airlines flight. The courier would dash to the suite with a canvas bag attached to his wrist and turn it over to one of the campaign’s richest and most enthusiastic benefactors. The guy was a multi-millionaire who ran a major stock market fund but was happy to sit in the suite I was then sharing with Richard Goodwin, a real political pro—unlike me and the college brats on the campaign—and just watch and do the various errands that needed doing.

One night I asked the millionaire what was in the bag. He threw it to me, with a key. I unlocked it and found myself staring at dozens of shiny packages of 100 dollar bills. I had no idea then or now whether the funds were properly reported and did not ask. So that’s how it works, I thought, and I tossed the bag back. I knew then I was not long for the world of presidential politics.

It’s not surprising that the long overdue unraveling of President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign happened when it became impossible to keep his increasing impairment covered up. It was the big-time money backers of the Democratic Party who called off the game of see no evil, hear no evil, after Biden’s shocking performance in his June debate with Donald Trump. They balked at continuing to give millions of dollars to the party now that there was evidence that the president is not always there.

You’d think it would be a vigilant press corps, led by the New York Times and the Washington Post, who first broached the issue of Biden’s impairment, but those papers missed the story. The first significant report came in early June from the Wall Street Journal, whose consistently brilliant news section—considered suspect by the Times and Post and many readers because of the paper’s conservative editorial page and the fact that it is part of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp—broke the story on the front page under the headline, “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.”

The White House press office quickly responded that both of those quoted in the story were Republicans who are supporters of Trump. The strategy somehow worked. Fear of Trump took priority over doing the right thing. Ditto for CNN and MSNBC, whose panels of former White House officials often can be fun to watch, especially while chewing lots of cotton candy. Viewers of the equally biased Fox News undoubtedly had similar candy to crunch. 

Who in Washington didn’t know that Biden was failing? We all did, up to a point. I had learned months earlier from a federal official that those in the front rows of university events where Biden was speaking were warned not to move if the president tripped while walking to the podium. Secret Service agents were on hand to pick him up immediately. There would be no front-page photos of a college valedictorian helping the president climb to his feet. 

The American public could see Biden’s slow decline. The Journal reported that nearly three-fourths of those polled thought Biden was “too old to seek another term.” Cabinet meetings in the past few years largely disappeared or turned into rote sessions, as recorded by the C-SPAN, which faithfully televises all White House events. Biden would join the seated Cabinet heads and read from a prepared text, with each page covered with a plastic sheet. It was far from vibrant television. 

After the debate, there was mounting pressure on Biden to drop out. The White House and the president himself denied that he was suffering from anything more than a bad day, a cold, and jet lag. There were newspaper stories about Hunter Biden, the president’s convicted son, keeping by his side and warning all White House staffers that anyone who even hinted at the truth would be fired. That message quickly was leaked to the press. Soon the White House press corps suddenly discovered that they were being misled by the president’s press secretary. There were lots of tortured questions and broken hearts, but the message was the same: the president is in good health and is going to run for re-election this fall and carry on serving for four more years after he defeats Trump.

On Monday, July 15, Biden took off on Air Force One on a campaign trip to Nevada, a tossup state that Biden won in 2020 by a little more than 30,000 votes. On Tuesday he gave the keynote address to 5,000 members of the NAACP at its annual convention. The next day, the president, apparently stricken while campaigning with a yet-to-be-revealed illness, broke from his schedule and made a police escort race to Air Force One after initially telling police they were heading to the nearest emergency room.

A series of blog posts, local police reports, internet messages, and report in the Daily Mail disclosed further details of Biden’s trip to Las Vegas and his abrupt return home to Delaware. I went over these reports this week with a senior official in Washington who helped me fashion an account of a White House in complete disarray, culminating in the president’s withdrawal from the race. It’s a story not unlike Seven Days in May, the Cold War thriller in which a colonel played by Kirk Douglas foils a coup staged by a general played by Burt Lancaster. None of what you read below comes from an official account by the White House. 

At that point, according to Emily Goodin, a Daily Mail reporter who was in the traveling press pool, the president was “deathly pale” and Air Force One flew at maximum speed to Delaware, where the president has a weekend retreat at Rehoboth Beach. The press pool was told that Biden had COVID. Nothing more was said on Air Force One. After Biden’s return to Delaware, the White House told the public that Biden had contracted a COVID infection and would be in isolation. He was said to have upper respiratory symptoms, a runny nose, a cough, and was fatigued. 

That was the last straw for a core group of Congressional leaders, government officials and some senior Biden funders who were withholding huge amounts of committed contributions. “There was pressure on donors to come across on their pending commitments,” the official told me. “It was understood that Biden had a physical problem in Las Vegas and the family was saying no” to continued pressure from donors and senior Democrats in Congress to withdraw from the presidential campaign. Initially, the president could not be reached.

By Saturday, July 20, former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden. It was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just what happened to him in Las Vegas. “The Big Three,” the official said, referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, continued to be directly involved.

“On Sunday morning,” the official told me, with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, “Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

The amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties.

“It was clear at this point,” the official said, “that she would get the nod”—that is, the support to run for the presidency in the November election. “But Obama also made it clear,” the official said, “that he was not going to immediately endorse her. But the group had decided that her work as a prosecutor would help her deal with Trump in a debate.”

One possible drawback, I was told, was Harris’s sometime disdain for the work of the US Intelligence Community. She is known not to be especially interested in the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of current intelligence that is prepared overnight by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and delivered by hand to the most vital offices in Washington, including the vice president’s. The document, which includes signals intelligence, is to be read by the addressee in the presence of the delivering intelligence officer. I was told that Harris often showed little interest in reading the document and at some point asked the agency to stop delivering it to her. Now, as a presidential candidate, she is being kept up to date on all significant intelligence matters.

A key factor in the decision to force Biden out of office by invoking the 25th Amendment was a series of increasingly negative polls on the president’s standing against Trump that had been commissioned by the funders, the official said. “The downward slope was increasing.” Polling would also be important for the vice president, I was told, and it was agreed that if the polls did not continue to show her gaining traction, other options would be considered, including an open convention. I was unable to learn if Harris was aware of such considerations or whether she intends to abide by them.

The official, who has decades of experience in fundraising, told me that Obama emerged as the strongman throughout the negotiations. “He had an agenda and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected.”

A few days after we talked, with Harris getting off to a solid start, Obama and his wife announced their endorsement of Harris and told her, over the phone in a staged TV event, that they would do all they could to campaign for her and to support her.

But she had better perform.


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We want to update you, the supporters of U.S. Boats to Gaza and the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, on the status of the 2024 Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

The ship Handala of the 2024 Gaza Freedom Flotilla’s mission to challenge the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza has entered a crucial phase of the three-and-a-half-month voyage.

After departing from Norway in May 2024, Handala has traveled across Europe, and making significant stops in 20 ports in Norway, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, France, Spain, and Portugal, with several more countries to come. This journey not only symbolizes solidarity with those in Palestine but also raises awareness about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza due to Israeli genocide in Gaza and 17 years of land, air and sea blockade.

The Gaza Flotilla initiative, led by participants and crew members representing 19 countries, underscores global outrage over the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza. We call for a permanent ceasefire to end the genocide in Gaza, and for an end to the blockade that has severely restricted essential supplies, including food, medicine, and fuel, from reaching Gaza’s two million residents.

Handala has been received in each port by enthusiastic crowds of Palestinian solidarity supporters with cultural and educational community events. Handala is a great vehicle for Palestinian community efforts. See the Gaza Freedom Flotilla website and X account for many photos of the wonderful welcome Handala has received. We will have had a dozen US citizens on Handala by the time the voyage ends. 

As Handala continues toward Gaza in August, it embodies a beacon of hope and determination for advocates of human rights and justice worldwide. The mission seeks not only to deliver tangible aid but also to draw global attention to the urgent need for a sustainable solution to the protracted conflict. Here are some comments from people who have sailed with Handala this summer:

“I wanted to be on Handala because I have always acted to solve problems, help people be healthier and fitter mentally, physically and spiritually. It was a fantastic experience being on the sea from Spain to France with a group of people who are not afraid to call it like it is. People who are willing to go to Gaza and bring much needed awareness despite the serious dangers. We need more people like the people on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza!”—Catherine Waters

“By sailing on Handala I become part of a powerful movement—an international delegation of solidarity activists sailing to bring food, medicine and above all solidarity and support to the people of Gaza. … I am proud to be a passenger aboard Handala, and I want the people of Gaza to know how many of us care about you and stand up for your right to live in freedom and dignity.”—Elizabeth Murray

The Break The Siege (BTS) flotilla continues to have flagging challenges for the three ships. We were hoping that the problems caused by Israeli and US meddling could have been resolved by now. As we work through the obstacles, however, others arise, but we hope that the Break The Siege flotilla may be able to sail in August also.

Join the Flotilla with a Flotilla in Your Community

Please join the Gaza flotilla with Palestinian supporters around the world on Saturday, August 10, and plan a flotilla on a lake or river near you to remind your communities about the ongoing genocide in Gaza and persecution of Palestinians in the West Bank. And please send us photos of your flotillas.

Please continue to support organizations working for Palestinian rights and if you have further funds, we can always use donations to the Gaza flotilla.

Free, Free Palestine!

US Boats to Gaza—Huwaida, Ann, Kit, Alex, Ellen, Sherri, Lori, and Tova


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Suspend Israel from the United Nations!

July 29th, 2024 by CODEPINK

For most normal people, seeing war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu — the man commanding the ONGOING genocide campaign in Gaza — would send them into a fit of rage. U.S. lawmakers, however, rose to their feet with roaring applause to celebrate the slaughter of innocent civilians, mostly women and children, when Netanyahu addressed Congress on July 24. On top of the countless crimes Netanyahu committed in recent months, just last week, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s occupation of Palestine is illegal under international law. How can U.S. lawmakers celebrate a man committing the most reprehensible crimes in recent human history?

U.S. support for the current genocide has been crystal clear for nearly ten months; that’s why CODEPINK was already outside Congress with thousands of others protesting Netanyahu’s visit before it even started. The police reacted as they typically do, with pepper spray, beatings, and arrests. For two days before his address to Congress, we marched through the Capitol building with a depiction of Netanyahu in handcuffs. We protested outside the hotel he was hiding at to show that the war criminal’s presence repulses the American people. Our lawmakers have gone beyond failing us, and we know the only chance of holding this genocidal maniac accountable is by taking action ourselves. 

Imperialist nations are not omnipotent, even when they band together. In 1974, the UN General Assembly suspended South Africa from participating in its work after unrelenting international pressure, even though the U.S. and other Western nations objected. That international isolation forcibly dismantled apartheid in South Africa, and we will do the same in Palestine. We will keep the pressure on until Palestine is free from the river to the sea!

The groundwork has already been laid out for us since the ICJ established a ruling on Israel’s illegal settlements in Palestine. That means, even if the ICJ’s ruling on Israel is “nonbinding,” the UN General Assembly can vote to suspend Israel and send the genocidal state into international isolation. The U.S. and other imperialist nations have no veto power over this vote. We can achieve this win and add to the metaphorical toolbox of “tarakum”[1] that equips our liberation movement for its impending victory!

Sign the Petition to the UN General Assembly Now!

Once the petition has enough support, our team in New York will deliver it to the UN Missions there! Netanyahu and Congress can sit in a literal echo chamber to affirm their support for genocide all they want. Still, I promise you, the power of the thousands of people outside and the millions of people across the globe standing with the people of Palestine will prevail. That is an inevitable outcome. 


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[1] Tarakum is Arabic for “accumulation.” Tarakum in the movement for Palestinian Liberation refers to the accumulation of knowledge, strategies, and tools, often acquired by resisting oppression, which will be used to liberate Palestine from the Zionist colonial regime.

The Olympic Games: Perennially Costly and Always Over Budget

July 29th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Another entertainingly corrupt sporting event has just started in Paris, opening with a barge packed ceremony on the Seine.  Thousands of simpering commentators, paid-up media gawkers and bored influencers have been ready with their computers, phones and confected dreams.  As always, the Olympics throws up the question about how far the host city has managed to come through on the issue of facilities, infrastructure and organisation.  Few would have doubted that Paris has the facilities, but there was always going to be grumbling about the choice of opening, mode of execution and, most importantly, the cost both financial and social.

For the budget-minded types, the Olympics, and analogous monumental sporting events, continue to lose their appeal – along with the finances.  The extortionate strain on the public wallet, the bleeding of funds from budgets, has made them most unattractive propositions for the hosts.  To this can be added the disruptions to commerce, the occupation of valuable real estate along with environmental harm, the forceful displacement of residents, instances of gentrification and the redirecting of labour from vital infrastructure projects.

Even for the sports-crazed Australians, such events as the 2026 Commonwealth Games proved unappetising, with the state Victorian government cancelling the event in July 2023.  The whole matter had been grossly irresponsible on the part of the Andrews government, given its initial praise of the games leading up to their re-election.  The Victorian Auditor General was deeply unimpressed by the episode, subsequently finding that the cancellation had cost A$589 million, comprising A$150 million in terms of employee and operating costs and the A$380 million settlement.

In March this year, there were media rumblings that Brisbane, the planned host city for the 2032 Olympics, was considering a similar response.  The Queensland state government had sought advice about how much it would cost cancelling the entire effort and received an estimate lying anywhere between A$500 million and A$1 billion.  A further $3 billion in federal funding would have also been compromised.  The fractious venture was set to continue.

With six months to go, Paris was awash with the logistical disruptions that come with such an event.  Transit fares had increased.  The bouquinistes with their book stalls along the Seine, a feature made permanent by Napoleon III in 1859, were threatened by the city’s police with closure for the duration of the Games, a threat that President Emmanuel Macron eventually scotched.  Public sector employees demanded pay increases and unions got busy planning strikes.

Image: Bleachers in front of the Musée d’Orsay (Licensed under CC0)


The night before the opening of the Games saw thousands of activists gather at the Place de la République, coordinated by the activist collective La Revers de la Médaille (the Other Side of the Medal). The event, featuring some 80 grassroot organisations, had been billed the “Counter-Opening Ceremony of the Olympics” and inspired by the statement “des Jeux, mai pour qui?” (“Games, but for whom?”)

Representing a broader coalition of groups, La Revers de la Médaille had released a statement in Libération prior to the gathering mocking official claims that Paris 2024 would leave a society more inclusive in its wake.  This could hardly be reconciled with the eviction of some 12,500 vulnerable individuals as part of an effort described as “social cleansing”.

In their “Oxford Olympics Study 2024”, co-authors Alexander Budzier and Bent Flyvbjerg conclude that the Olympics “remain costly and continue to have large cost overruns, to a degree that threatens their viability.”  All Games, “without exception”, run over budget.  “For no other type of megaproject is this the case, not even the construction of nuclear power plants or the storage of nuclear waste.”  For organisers of the event, the budget is an airy notion, “a fictitious minimum that was never sufficient” typical of the “Blank Check Syndrome”.

The authors acknowledge the efforts made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to reform the games through such efforts as Agenda 2020 and Agenda 2020+5 but find their overall efforts patchy and unsuccessful.  Despite these programs, the cost of the Games were “statistically significantly increasing.”  Admittedly, the instances of cost overruns had significantly decreased until 2008, after which the trend was reversed.  The costs for Paris 2024, based on estimates available at the study’s publication, came to $US8.7 billion, a cost overrun of 115% in real terms.  “Cost overruns are the norm for the Games, past, present and future.  The Iron Law applies: ‘Over budget, over and over again.’”

Such events are, however, always attractive to the political classes willing to find some placing in posterity’s shiny ranks.  As the money they play with is almost never their own, expense is less significant than the pyrotechnics, the noisy show, the effort, the collective will that figures such as Albert Speer understood so well when planning the 1936 Berlin Olympics.  Give the public, and the sporting fraternity, flags, standards, pageantry.  Let them perform in large stadia, on pitches, and in water.  The world will soon forget the killjoys worried about money or weepy about the displaced.

It pays remembering those words of lamentation from US foreign correspondent William Shirer in his diary, penned on August 16, 1936:

I’m afraid the Nazis have succeeded with their propaganda.  First, the Nazis have run the Games on a lavish scale never before experienced, and this has appealed to the athletes.  Second, the Nazis have put up a very good front for the general visitors, especially the big businessmen.”

Such a formula has, for the most part, worked for decades, despite the odd hiccup of dissent and forensic critiques of the Blank Check Syndrome.  Be they despotic, authoritarian or democratically elected, if corrupt representatives, this is a show that is bound to go on with profligate persistence.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: The Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

The Health Ministry in Gaza reports that as of the end of July, 2024, more than 39,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been slaughtered in Gaza by the Israeli military using hegemon U.S.A.’s mighty weapons of mass destruction.[1]

A good deal of people in the awakening Global South have learned that those tens of thousands precious Palestinian lives of mostly women and children were ordered taken by the criminally insane Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This week billions of majority Humanity watched on TV or heard of the obnoxious killer Netanyahu being welcomed by the assembled entire U.S. government that provides Israel with the bombs, missiles, guns, planes, tanks, ships, munitions, and diplomatic and military protection that has made the murder of those 39,000 fellow Global South men, women and children possible.[2]

Yes, those 39,000 dead Palestinians are now seen in the ever more sensitive awakening Global South as their fellows, fellows within the nations of the grand Global South of Africa, Asia and the Americas that were once conquered, colonised, enslaved and exploited by racist Europeans, and their overseas offspring. 

Global South Lives Matter 

Today, Global South lives are still considered less important than the lives of white descendants of the conquering colonialists, who have retained a substantial amount of hegemony over most of the planet largely through powerful international reach media.

This difference in the value and importance of lives is apparent in the Middle East now. For example, the lives of a hundred Israeli hostages certainly are being given much more importance than the lives of 39,000 Arabs and the 90,000 injured, including thousands of amputees, and another thousand buried under the ruble of what was the cities of Gaza.

The CIA overseen Western entertainment/news&information conglomerates [3] emphasise this difference with their coverage of the suffering of the families of the hostages, interviewing the family members at length, while rarely interviewing Arabs, many of whom have lost their entire family, and rarely if ever, mention the thousands of Palestinians, including women and children in Israeli prisons the hostages were taken to exchange with.

Whether watching British BBC, German DW, Tokyo’s NHK, French TV, or NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, or PBS, the loss of thousands of Palestinian children’s lives is only occasionally  mentioned within a numerical report of the ever rising statistic of dead Palestinians. 

Those of us who get our news from the Internet have been reading for nine months Aljazeera’s morning report of another 40 or 60 or 80 Palestinians killed overnight during an Israeli bombing of a school or other structure where hundreds of families made homeless had taken shelter with their children. One receives such horrible news with pathos, but as the killing keeps going on and on and on regardless of all outcries (in this writer’s case publishing many articles about it), one fights a  feeling of hopelessness frustrated without any way to stave off the horror and pain of the pitiless attacks of tomorrows stretching out into the future seemingly forever.

Netanyahu Before the U.S. Congress Emphasises the Hostages Without Mentioning the 39,000 Massacred Palestinians [2]

The genocidal level of cruelty of the American government is made clear by its having invited this bloody madman, for whom the UN International Criminal Court has asked for his arrest for crimes against humanity.[4]

The Gaza genocide, so proudly ignored in Washington, will cause the citizenry of the nations of the Global South to remember the U.S./NATO deadly destruction of oil rich Iraq and Libya, the latter having had a higher quality of living standard than nine European countries; the grim perishing of a million Syrians at the merciless hands of Islamic terrorist organisations secretly provisioned by CIA arrangements;[5] in Somaliathe never ending regime change war for a warlord regime replacing a popular Islamic courts government; the decades of U.S. led occupation war in Afghanistan; the millions murdered in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; the massive bloodshed brought about in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, the bombing obliteration of all North Korean cities, and U.S. invasion of the South when the civil war was already over with the North easily prevailing for meeting little opposition; the bombing and invasions of Panama, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Grenada; the ruthless murder of the first President of a free Congo initiating 70 years of hellish civil wars. Not to mention CIA homicidal machinations 

overthrowing governments in Iran in 1953 and Chile in 1973.

As people in the Global South learn of monster killer Netanyahu receiving great applause during a special session of the U.S. Congress while the horrific genocide continues in Gaza, one or more other American crimes against the humanity that is the Global South will come to mind. 

Global South Lives Will Soon Matter

In our now multi-polar world led by a remarkably productive China, the lives of the majority of humanity in the Global South, (until recently disrespectfully called The ‘Third’ World or The ‘Developing’ World, earlier, The ‘Underdeveloped’ World and still earlier The ‘Undeveloped’ World), are restored to the level of the ingenious human species they never were otherwise.

It would appear that the so called Caucasian race might be thought to be on the back foot for much considering  itself of superior worth. 

The lands of the non-White Global South contain the ancient empires of high civilisations of Egypt, China and India, conquered by the more primitive arising empires of the marauding Europeans, whose inhumane racism as practiced for more than five centuries, will become as non-existent as it was before the farm boy soldiers of Portugal, Spain, Holland, France and England, got to bewonder the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Temples of Egypt, Aztec Tenochtitlan and other sights of higher civilisations than their own.

But with the ancient non recriminatory attitude inherent in Chinese culture soon to be influencing life throughout the world, peace and reciprocal admiration should replace today’s and yesterday’s era of confrontation. 


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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist,  musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Greanville Post, Dissident Voice; Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents; Minority Perspective, UK,and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign, contains a history of US crimes in 19 nations from 1945 thru 2012.


1. Israel-Hamas war latest: Israeli military orders evacuation of part of humanitarian zone in Gaza – Associated Press, July, 22, 2024.

2. We’re protecting you: Full text of Netanyahu’s address to Congress, Times of Israel, July 25, 2024

3. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times

4. UK won’t challenge ICC arrest warrant request for Netanyahu, Gallant, Aljazeera, July 26, 2024.

5. Wayne Madsen, John-Paul LeonardWashington’s Blog, Syrian Girl Partisan. ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth: Behind the Army of Terror, Progressive Press, October, 2016, a panel of cutting-edge researchers tell what ISIS really is, Paperback –

Featured image is a screenshot from AP News

Honorable Marie-Josée Hogue and counsel of the commission of the Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions

Thank you for soliciting public consultation so that I can have the opportunity to explain my observation.

My feeling is that the witch hunt of “China interference” is doing more harm than protecting our democracy. I am very scared that the public inquiry concluded that China interfered in our election without providing any substantial evidence. Can our government prosecute dissidents without providing any evidence or saying all evidence is classified? This violates the principle of due process. I believe a good relationship with China is in our national interest. As a patriotic Canadian citizen, can I trust our rule of law and express my political point of view for the benefit of Canada and Canadians? My opinions may be wrong but I should be able to express my conscience without feeling the threat of being framed and prosecuted. The rule of law protects the constitutional rights of Canadian citizens. It is the foundation for our democracy.

I am a physicist. I came to Canada in 1987 and got my Ph.D degree in physics from McGill University. I researched for two years at Queen’s University as a post-doctor. Because of not able to find a job in physics, I went back to school again and got an MBA degree at Queen’s. I had a professional IT career in New York City for a few years. As a contract instructor, I taught a few Computer Science and Business courses at Wilfried Laurier University. I lived more of my life in Canada than in China. I understand both English and Chinese. I know both Canada and China more than many Canadians do. I am trained for scientific research and know how to think objectively to find out the truth. I have been in the democratic process by joining Liberal, Conservative, People’s Party of Canada, and Liberal again since 2007. Most of the time I was a conservative and was fairly active in the local community. In 2018, I was the first to express my intention to Ontario Progressive Conservatives to compete for the candidacy in the Waterloo Riding for the provincial election. I got grassroots support and collected more than enough signatures endorsing my candidacy. Yet, the party never gave me the kit on how to enter the competition. I never got into the process. Was there foreign interference targeting me? I don’t know and it never comes to my mind. Yet I may have a more solid case than Kenny Chiu or Han Dong if you wish. What I want to illustrate here, from my experience, is that the testimonies of Chong and Chiu, and all the allegations of China’s interference are pure immaterial hearsay, circumstantial at most, and can never support the conclusion that China interfered beyond a reasonable doubt.

We have to be on guard against possible foreign interference that changes our national policy for their benefit at the expense of our national interest. What’s our national security? Any policy that can keep Canada in peace is our national security. Has foreign interference changed our national policy and pushed Canada into confrontations and toward wars? What is our national interest? Economic prosperity is our national interest. Those pushing Canada into a trade war against China are detrimental to our national interest. Without demonstrating what foreign interference is aiming at our national policy and how this national policy is for our national interest, we don’t know what should we guard against foreign interference. Separating foreign interference investigations from the national interest context will mislead the investigation to the wrong targets.

According to media reports, the only reason China interfered with our democracy is because Conservatives sponsored the committee accusing China of genocide in Xinjiang.

Based on this accusation, we sanctioned five Chinese officials. In response, China sanctioned Canadian politicians in the committee, including Michael Chong and Kenny Chiu.

Chong’s testimony focuses on China targeting him, though what constitutes the targeting is classified.

The public doesn’t know what Chong’s family goes through in Hong Kong. The accusation of Xinjiang genocide is based on not a report from our Embassy to Beijing, nor our intelligence, but on stories from the members of the World Uyghus Congress, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, the white clove of CIA that carried out many regime change and color revolution operations. As far as my observation, this is Washington’s interference with Canadian politics to make Canada confront China.

This is detrimental to the Canadian national interest because the confrontation disrupts our trade with China the engine of the global economy and two-thirds of our GDP is from trade. The accusation of the Xinjiang Genocide and the sanction on Chinese officials is our interference with China’s domestic affairs. If we want a peaceful and prosperous world, we need global governance according to the rule of law. If we allow our allies to interfere with our policymaking and we interfere with China’s domestic affairs, then we don’t have a rule of law about foreign interference. Rule of law should be equal, all entities should be equal before the law. We cannot say some countries are allowed to interfere with other countries and some countries cannot. So the public inquiry sabotaged the spirit of the rule of law and may have a grave negative impact on our democracy and the morals of our society. As some media reported, our intelligence asked Trudeau not to allow Han Dong to be a candidate. That will violate Dong’s basic constitutional rights. My understanding of Kenny Chiu’s rationale is this: Chiu is anti-China so Chiu’s loss in the election must be China’s interference.

But is anti-China good for our national interest?

Or good for the US strategy of containing China?

Should we sacrifice our national interest to contain China? And what’s the result?

We are a country rich in resources, and our education system provides many talents and innovations. With the rapid advancement of technology, we should have a living standard higher and higher. Yet, since the arrest of Meng, we distant our economy from the largest growing market of the world. As a result, our government debt skyrockets, homelessness increases, and inflation increases, GDP per capita decreases, productivity decreases. Anyway, the allegation of China’s interference has no substantial evidence, so the accusation of China’s interference violates due process.

A foreign country changed our policy of win-win cooperation with China and turned Canada into hostilely confronting China. Because of this foreign interference, many democratically elected MPs, MPPs, and councilors who immigrated from China were put under stress and were kicked out by their party caucus. Among them are the honorable Han Dong, Vincent Ke, and Xixi Li. This foreign interference sabotaged our democracy because our democratically elected officials could not continue their government duties normally, and affected their families. Chinese Canadians are virtually deprived of their constitutional rights because they immigrated from mainland China.

They are the victim of the witch hunt of China Interference because the witch hunt violates the principles of the rule of law. Take Xixi Li for example, when a foreign NGO accuses democratically elected councilor Xixi Li of running a Beijing Police Station without substantial evidence, the rule of law is that the burden of proof is on the accuser. Why our judicial system did not investigate the foreign NGO to prove the case? The city council suspended Xixi Li’s job and banned her from sitting on council meetings. This is an obvious example of foreign interference damaging our democracy. Yet our Foreign Interference Commission doesn’t want to investigate this because the foreign country is our ally. This violates the principle of equality in the rule of law. Our judicial system does not protect Canadians but prosecutes Canadians by yielding to foreign interference.

Why the investigation is a witch hunt? If the investigation is to find out the truth, it should clarify all the allegations of China Interference. The initial allegation of China interference is that China provided $200,000 to 11 candidates in the 2019 election. If the investigation is fair, it should have a conclusion about the allegation, negative or positive. Yet the investigation just avoided this allegation and let the rumors float. The so-called investigation is not to find the truth, but to fetch any possible insinuations to build the predetermined case of China Interference. This is no rule of law. Law has the supremacy in rule of law. Yet the public inquiry manipulates our law as a geopolitical tool to contain China at the expense of the civil rights of Canadian citizens.

The witch hunt of China Interference damaged our democracy and many Chinese Canadians are afraid to participate in our democratic process now. Chinese Canadians are vulnerable because they cannot trust our judicial system as it violates many principles of the rule of law in this witch hunt. Those who make the fake stories are never held accountable, and the phony stories of China’s interference have already destroyed many Chinese Canadians’ careers. They don’t even need to initiate a legal process, just letting the rumors float is enough to prosecute Chinese Canadians who immigrated from China. Canada is entering a McCarthy era. Canada had the head tax and the Chinese Exclusion Act in history, targeting the Chinese specifically. The racism is coming back as the media and politicians can demonize China without being held accountable, and the first causality of the witch hunt is Chinese Canadians. Now Chinese Canadians are second-class citizens. Their civil rights to participate in our democratic process are virtually deprived. Many more encounter discrimination in the job market just because of having a surname that easily be identified as from China.

Canada is wide open to foreign interference. The Foreign Interference Commission investigations violate many principles of the rule of law.

The witch hunt of China’s Interference is itself a result of foreign interference. This is detrimental to our national interest, and our democracy, and violates the civil rights of many Chinese Canadians.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Medium.

Dr. Xiaoming Guo, Ph.D. from McGill University. MBA from Queen’s University. A patriot Canadian believes that a good relationship with China serves our best national interest.

Featured image is from the author

China Succeeds in the Middle East While the US Fails

July 28th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

Once again, China steps on to the global diplomatic stage, in the absence of US involvement, and brokered a ground-breaking agreement between rival factions in Palestine. Following the March 2023 reconciliation between Middle East powerhouse Saudi Arabia and Iran signed in China, now we have the “Beijing Declaration” between Hamas and Fatah signed on July 23.

The agreement calls for a national unity government to govern Gaza jointly after the end of the current conflict which began on October 7, 2023 after Hamas attacked Israel, which resulted in the deaths of 1,197 people. Hamas seized 251 hostages, 116 of who are still in Gaza, including 44 the Israeli military says are dead.

US President Joe Biden promised he could deliver a ceasefire agreement on July 11 at the NATO summit, but soon found Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had reneged on his acceptance of the Biden proposal for peace.

Israel’s revenge attack on Gaza has killed more than 39,000 people, the majority of who are women and children, and the relentless Israeli attacks has plunged Gaza into a severe humanitarian crisis. The UN and other humanitarian groups have labeled the Israeli war on Gaza as genocide.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, hosted a three-day meeting attended by senior Hamas official Musa Abu Marzuk, Fatah envoy Mahmud al-Aloul, along with emissaries from 12 other Palestinian groups and envoys from Egypt, Algeria and Russia.

“The core achievement is to make it clear that the Palestine Liberation Organization is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people,” said Wang Yi during the closing ceremony.

“China sincerely hopes that the Palestinian factions will achieve Palestinian independence at an early date on the basis of internal reconciliation, and is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with relevant parties to jointly work to implement the Beijing Declaration reached today,” said Wang Yi.

“Reconciliation is an internal matter for the Palestinian factions, but at the same time, it cannot be achieved without the support of the international community,” Wang Yi said. China has proved to be the only world power that can engineer a rapprochement between the Palestinian rivals.

Wang Yi also called for a “comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire”, as well as efforts to promote Palestinian self-governance and full recognition of a Palestinian state at the UN.

China is playing the role of a neutral actor on the Israel-Palestinian conflict while maintaining good ties with Israel, and also advocating for a two-state solution.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue the war on Gaza until it destroys Hamas. The US and Israel view Hamas as a terrorist organization, and will not sanction any post-war plan for Gaza which includes Hamas.

Hamas and Fatah have been bitter rivals since Hamas fighters ejected Fatah from the Gaza Strip after Hamas’s resounding victory in a 2006 election.

Fatah controls the Palestinian Authority, which has partial administrative control in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Fatah was formed from the PLO which was founded by Yasser Arafat. In the 1993 Oslo Agreement, the PLO laid down their arms, while Hamas has remained an armed resistance group. The Geneva Convention guarantees the legal right of armed resistance to occupation.

Hamas has recently indicated a willingness to disarm if a Palestinian state were established.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not members of the PLO, the Palestinians’ highest decision-making body, but they demand that any unity deal includes holding an election for the PLO parliament to secure their inclusion.

Prior to October 7, the Israeli military had conducted almost daily attacks in the Occupied West Bank, and after the war on Gaza began the attacks, killings and arrests have mounted. This has led to armed resistance groups in Jenin and Tul Karim.

“Instead of rejecting terrorism, (Fatah leader) Mahmoud Abbas embraces the murderers and rapists of Hamas, revealing his true face. In reality, this won’t happen because Hamas’ rule will be crushed, and Abbas will be watching Gaza from afar. Israel’s security will remain solely in Israel’s hands,” Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on X.

The unity government agreement in Beijing is one step closer to the final solution of the two-state solution. Sultan Barakat, noted authority on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, has said US action is needed immediately as “Gaza is decimated and millions of Palestinians there desperately try to hold on to life without shelter, food, water or adequate medical care, the Israeli cabinet continues to “legalise” settlement outposts in the West Bank – deepening challenges for a viable two-state solution.”

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on June 27 threatened European countries,

“For every country that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state, we will establish a settlement.”

Smotrich is a settler and promotes Israel’s long-term strategy of annexing the Palestinian territory under its occupation.

Palestine was recognized as a sovereign state by 143 of the 193 United Nations members and it is the recognition by European states that most threatens Israel’s colonial settlement project. Israel’s far right religious parties make it impossible for the Palestinians to pursue independence.

Ireland, Norway, Spain and Slovenia have recognized Palestinian statehood based on the 1967 borders following the horrific humanitarian situation in Gaza under siege and unrelenting attacks without a place of refuge. European states recognizing Palestine include Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Sweden, and the total number of UN member states to 147.

In typical blind subjugation to AIPAC, the US vetoed a widely backed UN Security Council resolution that would have paved the way for full UN membership for Palestine on April 17.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said “the only credible path for Israel, Palestine, and their peoples” while referring to the two-state solution.

Northern Ireland and South Africa were conflicts which were resolved by compromise and dialogue.

The British Labour Party has pledged to recognize a Palestinian State “as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution”.

The International Court of Justice ruled last week that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied West Bank is unlawful and should come to an end “as rapidly as possible”.

Settler violence against Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem since October 7 has surged, and serves to prove that continued colonization is incompatible with the creation of a Palestinian state and sustainable peace. France, the UK, the US and later Germany and Poland have applied sanctions against Israeli settlers responsible for such violence.

The China-brokered Saudi-Iran deal signed on March 10, 2023 started a wave of reconciliation across the Middle East.

Wang Yi pledged to “continue to support countries in the Middle East in exploring a development path that suits their own national conditions, strengthening communication and dialogue, adhering to unity and self-improvement, and realising good-neighbourliness and friendship”.

Officials in Tehran and Riyadh have said the two countries’ deteriorating relations with the United States was one of the main reasons for their shift in policy.

Saudi Arabia had lost confidence in any US commitment to shared regional security concerns and wanted to bolster ties with China, which has good relations with Iran.

Full-fledged diplomatic ties were restored, and without any US or European role in what experts call the new “post-American Gulf era.”

The Saudi-Iran relationship has been strengthened during the Israeli war on Gaza, as both sides reaffirm their shared support of the Palestinian people, and call for the end of the war and long-term peace.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

Let me begin with a quote from Charles Kovess, our moderator’s introduction:

“We come with an attitude and perspective of LOVE not FEAR. FEAR is the opposite of LOVE. Fear squashes you, suppresses you, depresses you, and steals your freedom. LOVE, on the other hand, expands you, energizes you, enhances you and inspires you to fight for freedom.”

This says it all.

It is a challenge, and I try to embrace that challenge whenever I feel threatened to deviate from the precept of LOVE over Fear.



Full transcript is below.

So, today the idea is to analyze dissect and reconstruct the multiple dimensions of the assassination attempt of the Republican nominated presidential candidate, Donald Trump

The topic I would like to address is Donald Trump, the assassination attempt, in as many dimensions and ramifications as possible. Because there is much more behind it than a 20-year-old kid who can hardly hold a rifle.

And who has been shot dead so he can no longer speak – probably speak the truth or speak to the truth.

Now that Biden has quit the race for his second-term Presidency – and nominated Kamala Harris  whose nomination still needs to be confirmed by the National Democratic Convention (DNC, Chicago, 19 August 2024) – it seems obvious that the Democrats once more plan to rig the elections and put their candidate into the Presidency, like they did in 2020, with Joe Biden.

Most true analysts are now unanimous – in that Trump won the 2020 elections by a landslide. Remember Trump was ahead on every front until about midnight of election day, November 3, 2020.

Then there was a sudden about 3-hour break in election reporting – never really explained – and in the early morning hours, suddenly Biden was leading. The official explanation was that the mail-in votes made the difference.

What a joke! Still, at first most people believed it.

Should an election fraud happen again this November, it would not be far-fetched to foresee a civil war breaking out.

In fact, what is called “predictive planning” has already been put in place: the non-Hollywood movie, “Civil War” that was released in April 2024 around the world.

It predicts a scenario where the United States is politically divided, by region, and people fight each other, mercilessly.

As you may know, the world is currently pretended to be run by a Cult for many decades. Cult tradition has it that for their often-evil plans to realize, they must warn people in whatever convoluted ways they may choose – movies is one way. 

Image: Leave the World Behind film poster (Licensed under Fair Use)


Remember the also recent film “Leave this World Behind” made by the Obamas, Barack and Michelle Obama — it predicts a monster cyberattack in an unidentified place. Was the recent Microsoft cyber “event” that screwed up flying, brought computers, internet to a halt worldwide just a trial for something much larger to come? 

But back to Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Speculations about who was behind the assassination attempt and why – and why they failed — abound. By the dozens. So, let us not dwell too much on these details, of which right or wrong we may never know – unless a full insider, brave whistleblower comes to the fore and tells the world the truth… possibly risking his or her life. We will see. 

That the Deep State, or whatever you want to call this diabolical globalist “class” intent in taking over the world, is behind this assassination attack is fairly certain.

Evidence emerges that on this crucial day, Saturday, July 13, at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, there were at least three shooters. This according to acoustic analysis presented by Mike Adams and Chris Martenson – the link can be displayed on screen, see this.

And here is another – blurred – video, trying to prove another shooting theory.

… And so on – and so on.

Some say, Trump, an actor, instigated this event himself, to propel his popularity – and the blood was just Hollywood blood…

What about the killed Trump supporter and the badly injured two rally participants?

Would Trump allow somebody to be killed to help boost his popularity?

I believe, I can say with certainty – NEVER.

In addition of his high ethics and love for his country – have you heard his speech at the RNC in Milwaukee? He does not need a popularity boost.

Against what most mainstream has to say, Donald Trump’s popularity is higher than ever. He does not need to boost it with a “fake” event.

At least five shots, probably more, were fired in rapid succession. It is well possible that some of them were blanks, to make believe.

Did the alleged killer, Thomas Matthew Crooks, even fire a shot? There is no proof, and there may never be. The young man, almost a boy, is dead. Silenced, by the sharpshooters, who apparently have known about him, observed him for minutes before, but didn’t do a thing about him.

The usual question is cui bono?

The simple answer is: MANY, but mostly the so-called Deep State, or the diabolical Dark Cult. They are identical and are acting not just in the US, but all over the world, especially for now, the western world.

Trump, of course, does not need the additional publicity.

If elections were held today, mind you, honest elections, he would win by a landslide. 

First the Dems in the US, and so-called socialists throughout the Western world, have sold their soul to the Globalist Agenda.  We are talking about the fake “leaders”, not necessarily the people. There is probably lots of lots of money involved, and – yes, threats, including life threats – as we know from the covid years… when the norm was, “better behave, or else…. 

For the nefarious Globalist clan, there is much at stake with a Trump election, an anti-globalist, nationalist, fighting for a sovereign United States, fighting for MAGA – Make America Great Again. 

Did you know, or do you remember, in his last speech as President of the United States at the 2020 UN General Assembly – he said among many things, something very important that the mainstream tried to ignore:

He pointed to the national leaders in the UN GA Aula, calling upon all of them, to Make Their Country Great Again.  

That, of course did not please the globalists. And the perspective of this principle prevailing in in a new Trump Administration, is for sure not appreciated by those who are aspiring a One World Order, with a One World Government, and with a One World Digital Currency.

All of which the vast majority of people of this world do NOT want. And Trump presents much more the people’s will – worldwide, not just in the US of A – than any other candidate the US could muster.  


  • Trump would be a Peace President. His record of the past indicates as much. He is the only US President who did not start a war during his presidency. To the contrary, he prevented wars, or escalation of wars, which would have been almost for sure blown-up conflicts under a Hillary Clinton presidency.
  • Trump made Peace with North Korea. His surprise visit to the DPRK or North Korea, meeting the President Kim Jong UN, stepping with him, side by side, across the 38th Parallel, separating South from North Korea, are historic events. 

Who knows, they may be the precursor to a re-unification between the two Koreas, under a Trump Presidency.

For certain an idea disliked by the Globalists.

  • Trump also eased the tension in Syria, by withdrawing troops, rather than escalating the ever-ongoing war of attrition, which eventually was brought to a halt through President Putin’s intervention. It would not be far-fetched to speculate that Trump talked to Putin about such an arrangement.
  • Trump avoided other conflicts. And guess who was very unhappy about this? Of course, the war industry. They thrive on wars and conflicts – it is their multi-trillion dollar business perspective for the future. Accumulating huge profits by killing.

That is the globalist agenda. Going to war until the entire world is submissive to the WEF / UN / BlackRock agenda. That will never happen. As we see – wars will be eternal and Peace is an interference in the Globalist Agenda.

But PEACE will prevail.

People do not seem to understand this.

  • Trump is also against NATO – another money-making war machine. He has said on many occasions that NATO’s necessity ceased with the end of the Cold War. So, since 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West had no longer a reason to perpetuate NATO, other than to continue the west’s warrior agenda throughout the world.

There are close to 1,000 US military bases around the world. Most of them surrounding China and Russia. – Imagine Russia and / or China would only have a fraction of those in Mexico or Central America or otherwise close to the US.

  • Presidential candidate Trump is also vehemently against illegal immigration – precisely the thing that President Biden promoted – illegal immigrants have entered the US by the tens of millions during the Biden Administration. Most of them are now given all the rights of American citizens, including the right to vote on 5 November — and guess, whom they are going to vote for?

That is part of the voting scam being prepared by the Democrats. 

  • There are now more sophisticated means of rigging elections. Brain manipulations through 5G and other AI-type means – mostly unnoticed by the voters concerned.

See these two articles:

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective Is “Altering the Human Being”

By Peter Koenig, July 20, 2024

The WEF’s Obsession with AI and Brain Chipping. “We” Can Create an AI System “Where we Don’t even Need Democratic Elections” Klaus Schwab

By Peter Koenig, July 22, 2024

  • Trump has also strong words against the New Green Agenda scam – the mandated electric cars, the waste of energy by abandoning the use of almost endless, the solar-panel fields forever; while quantities of hydrocarbons – which we know will never be abandoned, at least not in the foreseeable future, are readily available. 

As we know, this global warming / climate change hoax started officially at the first international environmental conference, in June 1992, in Rio de Janeiro hosted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).

Since then, the talk about CO2 producing hydrocarbon use was perpetuated until this day: CO2, had to be reduced drastically. 

  • At the time of UNCED, in 1992, 87% of all energy used in the world stemmed from gas and oil; today the percentage has hardly moved – it is officially about 85% – and the difference between then and now, is well within the margin of errors. 

And Donald Trump knows it. The world economy will continue to depend on hydrocarbon for many years to come, unless and until there is a major breakthrough in a so far unknown, or not publicized source of energy.

  •  Presidential candidate Trump also wants to bring back outsourced jobs, car manufacturing was singled out in his Nomination Speech – and many other manufacturing industries, creating jobs at home – all part of the MAGA agenda.
  • The public roared in applause, on many occasions, when Trump spoke for 132 minutes – the historic longest Presidential nomination acceptance speech, in Milwaukee on July 18. The speech was watched in a full RNC arena, close to 100,000 people – and worldwide by 25.4 million on TV and Youtube.

All these Trump ideas, and many more, are contrary to the Globalist agenda of further destroying the world, of forcefully putting the world’s 194 countries under one roof, under one Government, with one eventually digital currency.

This will not happen.

Our collective thinking has enormous power – more power than those “thinkings” bought by money, or coerced by threats. We must remain confident in ourselves, in our power of humanity, in Love that unites us.

All things being equal, not Kamala Harris, nor anybody else has the charisma and the conviction power and – indeed – the love for his country and for humanity, as Presidential nominee Trump does – which is a clear message coming through his acceptance speech. 

Mind you – not all he says is right, far from it – but overall, his body language does not betray, and what he says are, as he calls them rightly – “common sense ideas”.

And that is what the world needs these days. Back to law and order, to a world in equilibrium – away from the infamous “rules-based order”.

Let us hope Donald Trump will be protected from now forward and that the light is indeed overcoming darkness for a more just and balanced world.


Before closing, please allow me to remember Reiner Fuellmich, the German Lawyer, who has been fighting for human freedom, especially against the worldwide Covid tyranny, but also all that followed and is still oppressing humanity.

Reiner is a Humanist. He has been illegally kidnapped in Mexico by the German Government last October and flown to Frankfurt, where he was arrested for no crime at all – just for telling the truth. As of this day, he has not been convicted of anything, but is still in pretrial detention, and in jail in Germany.

Let me call on the world of ethics and justice to call on the German Government to FREE Reiner Fuellmich NOW.

I am ending with this note – and open the floor for questions and comments.

Thank you for listening.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is by Evan Vucci / Fair Use

Foregone Conclusions: Paul Kagame Retains Power in Rwanda

July 28th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Rwanda has become a curiosity as an African state.  The mere mention of its name tugs the memory: colonial tragedy, ethnic violence, genocide.  Then comes stable rule, for the most part.  It is assured, iron fisted, and corporate.  Since being elected in April 2000, the country has known one leader.

Paul Kagame has kept matters running as smoothly much like a well-oiled corporate machine, aided by his Rwandan Patriotic Front.  At times, he treats his country as such.  His model of economic inspiration is no less the city state of authoritarian Singapore, while such think tanks as the Heritage Foundation have found much to praise in terms of “economic freedom”.

The government also impressed officials at the World Bank sufficiently for Rwanda to be ranked above Switzerland and Japan in an Ease of Doing Business Report. The themes are development, returns, benefits, but the questions about how durable the modernisation program is, let alone how tangibly it deals with rural poverty and underdevelopment, remain.

While the Kagame regime is not quite the same as those inspired by the Chicago boys in the Chile of Augusto Pinochet – a monetarist playground of economic development overseen by a brutal authoritarian government – there are some parallels.

Dissenting troublemakers are to be hounded and Kagame’s opponents rarely end up well.  As Michela Wrong has revealed with chilling precision, the president has shown lusty fondness in doing away with his rivals. Even former friends such as Rwanda’s former head of external intelligence, Patrick Karegeya, can be bumped off in retributive extrajudicial assassinations.  (Karegeya’s murder in a hotel room in Johannesburg on January 1, 2014 delighted the then defence minister James Kabarebe: “When you choose to be a dog, you die like a dog, and the cleaners will wipe away the trash so that it does not stink for them.”)

Any semblance of a viable opposition or boisterous civil society has ceased to exist and Kagame’s own wish to “join journalism in my old age”, expressed in April 2023, was barely credible. A far more accurate sentiment was expressed later regarding his intention to run in the July 15, 2024 election. 

“I would consider running for another 20 years.  I have no problem with that.  Elections are about people choosing.”

And some choice it turned out to be.  Kagame eventually received the headshaking share of 99% of the vote.  In the 53-seat Parliament, the Rwandan Patriotic Front secured 69% of the share.

Two candidates were permitted to challenge Kagame: Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Democratic Party and Philippe Mpayimana, who counted as the token independent.  Between them, they got 0.8% of the vote.  Six other contenders had failed to cut the mustard for the electoral commission, which cited procedural grounds for barring them.  Two opposition leaders suffered disqualification by virtue of having criminal convictions.

The Kagame government has spent much time exuding stability and reliability.  It has contributed more troops than any other African state to the peacekeeping operations of the United Nations.  It has held itself out, inaccurately and outrageously, as a safe third country to process unwanted asylum seekers and refugees, despite being itself the producer of asylum seekers.  European governments have been particularly keen to overlook a tatty human rights record in that regard.

The regime’s copy book has been even more blotted of late.  According to a UN report, some 3,000 to 4,000 Rwandan troops have been stationed in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, aiding an insurgency led by the Tutsi-dominated M23 (Mouvement du 23 Mars) rebel group.  (The M23 fighters have been in open rebellion in the eastern part of the DRC since late 2021.)

The summary of the report conveys the violent messiness of the conflict:

“Heavy fighting continued between M23, alongside the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) together with the Wazalendo coalition of local armed groups, the sanctioned Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and Burundi National Defence troops.”

The Ugandan military, deployed as part of a regional force in November 2022 intended to monitor a ceasefire with the M23, has shown itself to be strikingly ineffectual.  In the solemn words of the UN experts,

“Since the resurgence of the M23 crisis, Uganda has not prevented the presence of M23 and Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) troops on its territory or passage through it.”

Having laid waste to any viable, let alone sprouting opposition, the president has created conditions where any transition of power – when it comes – will be monstrously difficult.  The shadow of the 1994 genocide is a long one indeed, and strong man politics is a perilous formula for a smooth succession. Whatever the broader stated goals of Kagame for his country, he remains motivated by a desire to preserve the position of the Tutsis, keeping the rival Hutus in check.  Ethnicity, far from vanishing as a consideration, retains an aggressively beating heart.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“This isn’t an honor given to Netanyahu by the US Congress, this is the US Congress obeying the commands of the man who leads the nation that owns the US Congress,” commented Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, in an interview for Al Mayadeen on Netanyahu’s speech at Congress.

Ritter emphasized that

“This isn’t so much the #US Congress inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to speak, but the Israeli prime minister calling in the duties and responsibilities of the Congress that Israel has bought and paid for over the years.”

He explained that every US presidential candidate “that was backed by the pro-Israeli lobby, AIPAC, won because of the money that was put on the table.”

Consequently, Scott Ritter argued,

“This is the result, where a war criminal, a man who has been accused of genocide, who has arrest warrants being prepared for him by the International Court of Justice, a man who heads a state that has been defined legally as an apartheid state, carrying out an illegal and unjust occupation, and again, genocide of the Palestinian people, has demanded an audience to the Congress that he has bought and paid for.”


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Towards Peace?

On June 15-16, 2024, 2024 delegates from 90 countries met at the Bürgenstock resort near Lucerne, in the context of a Peace Conference organized by the Swiss government to which Russia was not invited.

The so-called Peace Conference was a failure.


The article below focusses on the sabotage of the Istanbul Peace negotiations in March 2022, which took place a couple of weeks after Russia’s February 24th “Special Operation”

Michel Chossudovsky‘s introductory text is followed by the carefully researched article by Nauman Sadiq first published by Global Research on March 31st, 2022 in the immediate wake of the failed peace negotiations in Istanbul. 



Sabotage of the Kiev-Moscow March 2022

Peace Agreement in Istanbul

The End Game is the Destruction and Privatization of Ukraine



Michel Chossudovsky

December 8, 2023 




My first reaction in early March 2022, following Russia’s “Special Operation” initiated on February 24, 2022, was that

The War in Ukraine had “Ended before it Began”. 

The Russians literally destroyed Ukraine’s Air Force and Navy at the very outset in February-March 2022.

Also Russia gained strategic control over a large part of the Black Sea and almost total control of the Sea of Azov. 

Anyone who has a minimal understanding of military strategies, knows that you cannot wage a conventional ground war without a Navy and an Air Force.  

U.S. military strategists were no doubt fully aware at the very outset that Ukraine could not under any circumstances “win the war”. 

Peace negotiations were carried out in early March in Istanbul between Kiev and Moscow.

The organization of these peace negotiations were undertaken prior to the conduct of  the “Special Operation” on February 24, 2022. Moscow’s intent was to coordinate the Special Operation with peace negotiations. 

A  draft agreement was signed by both parties. It was immediately the object of sabotage by Washington.

1. The NeoCons in Washington. Peace is Not An Option

The NeoCons are firmly behind the Ukraine agenda. They were actively involved in the US Sponsored 2014 EuroMaidan Coup d’étatwhich was conducive “in the name of Western democracy” to a “regime change”: namely the instatement of a Neo-Nazi puppet government in Kiev.

US-NATO is firmly embedded in the Kiev regime’s Neo-Nazi project the objective of which is to destroy Ukraine as well wage war on Russia. 

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) dominates US foreign policy on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

The PNAC dispels the planning of “consecutive” military operations: it describes:

America’s “Long War” as follows: 

“fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”

The conduct of  “Simultaneous Theater Wars” in different regions of the World is the backbone of America’s hegemonic Agenda.

It’s a project of global warfare. The PNAC controlled by the NeoCons also dispels the holding of real peace negotiations. 



There is a hidden agenda behind this war. 

Ukraine was slated to be destroyed as a sovereign country and eventually privatized. (see analysis in Section 6 below)

2. Boris Johnson’s Sabotage Mission 

In response to the Istanbul peace agreement,  (Former) U.K. PM Boris Johnson was dispatched in March 2022 on an unannounced special mission to Kiev.

The objective of his assignment was sabotage on behalf of Washington:

“The media had already started to announce the probable success of the peace talks… but…‼️ Boris Johnson suddenly appeared in Kiev with military gifts for Zelensky, after which the Ukrainian delegation did not appear again at the negotiations,” he further tweeted. 

He [Tweet] cited that Zelensky broke his promise when the Russians withdrew their troops from Kiev in view of the peace agreement between the two nations.

It is worth noting that Denis Kireev, who was part of the Kiev negotiating team, “was killed in broad daylight in Kiev after the first round of talks with Russia”. Kireev was subsequently accused in local Ukrainian media of “treason.”

President Volodymyr Zelensky’s statement that “there would be consequences for collaborators” [with Russia] indicates that these atrocities have been sanctioned by the highest levels of government. (See this)

3. President Putin Revealed Details Concerning the Draft Peace Agreement 

At Saint Petersburg (June 19, 2023), President Putin revealed details concerning the draft peace agreement signed in Istanbul by Kiev and Moscow in March 2022.

“initialed by a leader from the negotiation group of Kyiv who even signed the document of ‘security guarantees of Ukraine”. 




Putin also questioned, “Where are the guarantees that they will not renounce any other agreements in the future?” (Live Mint, June 19, 2023)

Bear in mind that this was the THIRD failed initiative on the part of the Kremlin. Recall the earlier Minsk I and II initiatives.

4. Germany’s Former Chancellor G. Schroeder Confirms “Sabotage” of the Peace Agreement 

In October 2023, Germany’s Former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder confirmed in an October 2023 Interview with the Berliner Zeitung that the United States had deliberately sabotaged the Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks.

Below are excerpts of this interview: (Translation from German by Global Research)

Berliner Zeitung

According to Ukraine, the Bucha massacres [allegedly] committed by the Russians led to the end of the negotiations.

G. Schroeder

Nothing was known about Butscha during the [peace] talks on March 7th and 13th.  I think the Americans didn’t want an agreement [compromise] between Ukraine and Russia. The Americans believed that they could keep the Russians down.

Now it is the case that two actors, China and Russia, which are confronted by the USA, are joining forces. Americans believe they are strong enough to keep both sides in check. In my humble opinion, this is a mistake. Just look at how torn the American side is now. Look at the chaos in the U.S. Congress.

Berliner Zeitung 

Do you think the peace plan can be resumed? 

G.  Schroeder

Yes. And the only ones who can initiate this are France and Germany.

Berliner Zeitung

But how can you trust the Russians? In January 2022 it was said that the Russians did not want a war with Ukraine. Then, when the Russians invaded Donbass, it was said that the Russians didn’t want to go to Kiev. All of these promises have been broken. Shouldn’t we be afraid that the Russians might go further and further?

G. Schroeder

There is no threat. This fear of the Russians coming is absurd. How are they supposed to defeat NATO, let alone occupy Western Europe?

They had almost reached Kiev. What do the Russians want? Status quo in Donbass and Crimea. Not more. I think it was a fatal mistake that Putin started the war. It is clear to me that Russia feels threatened.

Look: Turkey is a NATO member. There are missiles that can reach Moscow directly. The USA wanted to bring NATO to Russia’s western border, with Ukraine as a new member. All of this was felt like [interpreted] as a threat to the Russians.

There are also irrational points of view. I don’t want to deny that. The Russians responded with a mix of both: fear and forward defense.

That’s why no one in Poland, the Baltics, and certainly not in Germany – all NATO members, by the way – has to believe they are in danger.

The Russians would not start a war with any NATO member.”

(Berliner Zeitung, translation and minor edits by Global Research, emphasis added)


Of significance Schroeder acknowledges that “the peace plan can be resumed”. He calls upon France and Germany to play a lead role:

And the only ones who can initiate this are France and Germany”.

5. Washington Pressures German Politicians: Defend Your Country against “a Russian Attack” 

Washington is not only behind the sabotage of  peace negotiations –including Minsk 1, 2 and Istanbul– it has also pressured German politicians to defend their country against the possibility of  a “Russian attack”:

“In a confidential strategy paper, General Chief of Staff Zorn swears that the Bundeswehr will face tough years ahead. A conflict with Russia is becoming more likely. The troops must concentrate fully on defence [Abwehr] against an attack”.

What this bold statement suggests is that Germany and its allies should “defend themselves” (plural) against a Russian attack.

Translation of the above (From German by Global Research)

Feared confrontation with Russia   

Preparation for “forced war” – The Bundeswehr must become significantly more powerful”

In a confidential strategy paper, General Chief of Staff Zorn swears that the Bundeswehr will face tough years ahead. A conflict with Russia is becoming more likely. The troops must concentrate fully on defence [Abwehr] against an attack.

What this bold statement suggests is that Germany and its allies should “defend themselves” (plural) against a Russian attack.

See also the contradictory statement of Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who studied foreign policy in Klaus Schwab’s WEF Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL): 

“The most important is that we do it together, we are fighting against Russia

6. The Destruction and Privatization of Ukraine

In retrospect, “this never ending war” (which has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives) has another unspoken objective: 

The destruction and privatization of  an entire country on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

BlackRock, which is the World’s largest portfolio investment company together with JPMorgan have  come to the rescue of Ukraine. They are slated to set up the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.

The stated objective is “to attract billions of dollars in private investment to assist rebuilding projects in a war-torn country”. (FT, June 19, 2023)

“… BlackRock, JP Morgan and private investors, aim to profit from the country’s reconstruction along with 400 global companies, including Citi, Sanofi and Philips. … JP Morgan’s Stefan Weiler sees a “tremendous opportunity” for private investors. (Colin Todhunter, Global Research June 28, 2023)

The Kiev Neo-Nazi regime is a partner in this endeavour. War is Good for Business. The greater the destruction, the greater the stranglehold on Ukraine by “private investors”:

“BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are helping the Ukrainian government set up a reconstruction bank to steer public seed capital into rebuilding projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment.” (FT, op cit)

The Privatization of Ukraine was launched in November 2022 in liaison  with BlackRock’s  consulting company  McKinsey, a public relations firm which has largely been responsible for co-opting corrupt politicians and officials Worldwide not to mention scientists and intellectuals on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

“The Kyiv government engaged BlackRock’s consulting arm in November to determine how best to attract that kind of capital, and then added JPMorgan in February. Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced last month that the country was working with the two financial groups and consultants at McKinsey.

BlackRock and Ukraine’s Ministry of Economy signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2023.

In late December 2022, president Zelensky and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink agreed on an investment strategy.



Michel Chossudovsky. Global Research, December 8, 2023


Below is the detailed report by Nauman Sadiq published by Global Research in March 2022.

The article provides details on the peace negotiations as well as on the political response of the Pentagon, the US State Department and Western media.  




Is Peace on the Horizon?

Russia Wraps Up Military Operation in Ukraine?

by Nauman Sadiq

Global Research, March 31, 2022


Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin, leading the Russian peace delegation in Istanbul talks, told reporters Tuesday:

“In order to increase mutual trust and create the necessary conditions for further negotiations and achieving the ultimate goal of agreeing and signing an agreement, a decision was made to radically, by a large margin, reduce military activity in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions.”  (emphasis added)

Ukrainian negotiators said that under their proposals, Kyiv would agree not to join alliances or host bases of foreign troops, but would have security guarantees in terms similar to Article 5, the collective defense clause of the transatlantic NATO military alliance.

The proposals, which would require a referendum in Ukraine, mentioned a 15-year consultation period on the status of Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014. The fate of the southeastern Donbas region, which Russia demands Ukraine cede to separatists, would be discussed by the Ukrainian and Russian leaders.

Kyiv’s proposals also included one that Moscow would not oppose Ukraine joining the European Union, Russia’s lead negotiator Vladimir Medinsky said. Russia has previously opposed Ukrainian membership of the EU and especially of the NATO military alliance. Medinsky said Russia’s delegation would study and present the proposals to President Vladimir Putin.

The Russian offer scaling back its blitz north of the capital and focusing instead on liberating Russian-majority Donbas region in east Ukraine, a task that has already been accomplished in large measure, was a major concession ending the month-long offensive in Ukraine.

Whereas Ukrainian demands were minor details that can be discussed later, either bilaterally between Russia and Ukraine, or on international forums, such as the UN Security Council or General Assembly.

In any case, Russia has already accomplished its strategic objectives in Ukraine, as the Crimean Peninsula and the Donbas region are now de facto independent territories where Russian peacekeeping forces have been deployed to maintain peace and stability.

“Ukrainian negotiators have essentially agreed to Russia’s principal security demands of rejecting NATO membership and regarding the presence of foreign military bases on its territory,” the Kremlin’s chief negotiator Vladimir Medinsky told Sputnik News.

Zelensky  Contradicts Ukraine Peace Negotiators

Tacitly acknowledging Russian troop withdrawal north of the capital as pledged by the Russian peace delegation in Istanbul, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky referred to Russian troop movements away from Kyiv and Chernihiv in an early morning video address and said that was not a withdrawal but rather “the consequence of our defenders’ work.”

Zelensky added that Ukraine is seeing “a build-up of Russian forces for new strikes on the Donbas and we are preparing for that.”

“The combat potential of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been significantly reduced, which allows us to focus our main attention and efforts on achieving the main goal—the liberation of Donbas,” Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu proudly boasted Tuesday. (emphasis added)

He added that 123 of Ukraine’s 152 fighter jets had been destroyed, as well as 77 of its 149 helicopters and 152 of its 180 long- and medium-range air defense systems, while its naval forces had been totally eliminated.

It’s noteworthy that the Russian special military operation, dubbed “Operation Z” by Vladimir Putin, wasn’t a full-scale war. In fact, the Kremlin strictly forbade Russian media from calling the operation a war. It was a calculated military incursion having well-defined security objectives: the liberation of Donbas and denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine.

Those military objectives have already been achieved in large measure, as not only the Russian-majority Donbas including Kherson and Mariupol in the southeast have been liberated but the battles are ongoing in the adjacent areas in the northeast, Kharkiv and Sumy, that will hopefully fall soon.

Sergey Shoigu has already proved through facts and figures how the country has been demilitarized with the combat potential of Ukraine’s armed forces significantly degraded.


As for denazification, Donbas was the hub of neo-Nazi Azov, Right Sector, Dnipro 1 and 2, Aidar and myriad of other ultra-nationalist militias funded, armed and trained by the CIA since the 2014 Maidan coup toppling Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and consequent annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia.

With the liberation of Donbas and deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces, neo-Nazi militias wouldn’t find a foothold, at least, in east Ukraine bordering Russia’s vulnerable western flank.

As for the “40-mile-long” convoy of battle tanks, armored vehicles and heavy artillery that descended from Belarus in the north and reached the outskirts of Kyiv in the early days of the war without encountering much resistance en route the capital, that was simply a power projection gambit astutely designed as a diversionary tactic by Russia’s cunning military strategists in order to deter Ukraine from sending reinforcements to Donbas in east Ukraine, where real battles for territory were actually fought, and scramble to defend the embattled country’s capital instead.

Except in the early days of the war when Russian airstrikes and long-range artillery shelling targeted military infrastructure in the outskirts of Kyiv to reduce the combat potential of Ukraine’s armed forces, the capital did not witness much action during the month-long offensive.

Otherwise, with the tremendous firepower at its disposal, the world’s second most powerful military had the demonstrable capability to reduce the whole city down to ashes.

What further lends credence to the indisputable fact that the Russian assault on Kyiv was meant simply as a show of force rather than actual military objective to occupy the capital is the fact that Belarusian troops didn’t take part in the battle despite staging military exercises alongside Russian forces before the invasion and despite the fact that Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko is a dependable ally of the Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin.

Although Russia incurred 1,351 fatalities during the war, as candidly admitted by the Russian defense ministry, the myth of countless charred Russian tanks, armored vehicles and artillery pieces littering the streets of Ukraine’s towns and cities is a downright fabrication peddled by the corporate media as a psychological warfare tactic to insidiously portray the losing side in the conflict as a winning side.

Besides the handful of neo-Nazi militias and foreign mercenaries fighting pitched battles against Russian forces in Donbas, the much-touted “resistance” was nowhere to be found in the rest of Ukraine.

The “40-mile-long” column of armored vehicles that created panic in the rank and file of Ukraine’s security forces and their international backers didn’t move an inch further after reaching the outskirts of Kyiv in the early days of the war.

In fact, it wasn’t a fighting force at all. After conducting joint military exercises with Belarussian troops last month, young Russian soldiers, dubbed “conscripts” by the Western media, continued their training exercises on the Ukrainian territory and gained valuable battlefield experience. Now, they would return home and recount their adventures to their families.

Nonetheless, in the parallel reality of the Russo-Ukraine War conjured up by the spin-doctors of foreign policy think tanks and national security correspondents of the corporate media, Russia “failed to achieve” its presumed military objectives of “ransacking the capital Kyiv” and “overrunning the whole territory” of the embattled country, and that the “botched invasion” was thwarted by the “valiant Ukrainian resistance.”

In line with this illusory narrative of the war, the mainstream media is abuzz with fabricated reports, citing “credible Western intelligence,” that President Putin was supposedly “misled by Russia’s military leadership,” and tensions over the military’s alleged “setbacks have strained ties and created a rift” between the Russian strongman and his military.

White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told reporters:

“We believe that Putin is being misinformed by his advisers about how badly the Russian military is performing, and how the Russian economy is being crippled by sanctions because his senior advisers are too afraid to tell him the truth,” Bedingfield said, without providing details on the evidence behind the assessment.

“It is increasingly clear that Putin’s war has been a strategic blunder that has left Russia weaker over the long-term, and increasingly isolated on the world stage.”

Speaking in Algiers, Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged Putin had been given “less than truthful information” from his advisers.

“With regard to President Putin, look, what I can tell you is this, and I said this before, one of the Achilles’ heels of autocracies is that you don’t have people in those systems who speak truth to power or who have the ability to speak truth to power,” Mr. Blinken said. “And I think that is something that we’re seeing in Russia.”

In a news conference on Wednesday afternoon, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that the Defense Department believed that Putin has not had access to an accurate account of his “army’s failures” in Ukraine. “We would concur with the conclusion that Mr. Putin has not been fully informed by his Ministry of Defense, at every turn over the last month,” Kirby said.

“If Mr. Putin is misinformed or uninformed about what’s going on inside Ukraine, it’s his military, it’s his war, he chose it,” Pentagon spokesman said. “And so the fact that he may not have all the context — that he may not fully understand the degree to which his forces are failing in Ukraine, that’s a little discomforting, to be honest with you.”

Other American officials, as reported in the mainstream media, have said that Putin’s rigid isolation during the pandemic and willingness to publicly rebuke advisers who do not share his views have created a degree of wariness, or even fear, in senior ranks of the Russian military. Officials believe that Putin has been getting incomplete or overly optimistic reports about the progress of Russian forces, creating mistrust with his military advisers.

The New York Times reported:

“The Russian military’s stumbles have eroded trust between Mr. Putin and his Ministry of Defense. While Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu had been considered one of the few advisers Mr. Putin confided in, the prosecution of the war in Ukraine has damaged the relationship. Mr. Putin has put two top intelligence officials under house arrest for providing poor intelligence ahead of the invasion, something that may have further contributed to the climate of fear.”

It’s worth pointing out that these misleading news reports are based on declassified Western intelligence. But a question would naturally arise in the minds of perceptive readers that why the intelligence reports are being leaked to news organizations now.

A Reuters report offers a glimpse into the malicious motive for declassifying the intelligence now after Russia has wrapped up its military campaign in Ukraine and claimed victory in achieving security objectives of the intervention: the liberation of Donbas and denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine.

“Washington’s decision to share its intelligence more publicly reflects a strategy it has pursued since before the war began. In this case, it could also complicate Putin’s calculations, a U.S. official said, adding, ‘It’s potentially useful. Does it sow dissension in the ranks? It could make Putin reconsider whom he can trust.’

“There were no indications at the moment that the situation could foster a revolt among the Russian military, but the situation was unpredictable and Western powers would hope that unhappy people would speak up, a senior European diplomat said. Military analysts say Russia has reframed its war goals in Ukraine in a way that may make it easier for Putin to claim a face-saving victory despite a woeful campaign in which his army has suffered humiliating setbacks.”

All the media hype in order to misguide gullible audiences on the eve of impending Russian troop withdrawal from Ukraine aside, the fact remains it’s old wine in new bottles. The intelligence wasn’t declassified now, it was declassified three weeks ago, but nobody paid much attention to the asinine assertion of an alleged rift between Putin and the Russian military leadership.

 Politico reported as early as March 8, in an article titled “Putin is angry,” that the US intelligence heads warned before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence during the panel’s annual hearing on worldwide threats that Russia could “double down” in Ukraine.

The remarks by Director National Intelligence Avril Haines and four fellow intelligence agency leaders — Defense Intelligence Agency Director Scott Berrier, CIA Director William Burns, National Security Agency Director Paul Nakasone and FBI Director Christopher Wray — represented some of the most candid assessments of Moscow’s thinking by US officials since the start of the security crisis in late January.

“Although it still remains unclear whether Russia will pursue a maximalist plan to capture all or most of Ukraine, Haines said, such an effort would run up against what the U.S. intelligence community assesses is likely to be a persistent and significant insurgency by Ukrainian forces.”

Clearly, DNI Avril Haines spilled the secret before the House Select Committee on Intelligence that the US intelligence was in dark whether the Russian forces would overrun the whole of Ukraine, or the Russian blitz north of the capital was only a diversionary tactic meant for tying up Ukrainian forces in the north, while Russia concentrated its efforts in liberating Donbas in the east.

“Burns, the CIA director, portrayed for lawmakers an isolated and indignant Russian president who is determined to dominate and control Ukraine to shape its orientation. Putin has been ‘stewing in a combustible combination of grievance and ambition for many years. That personal conviction matters more than ever,’ Burns said.

“Burns also described how Putin had created a system within the Kremlin in which his own circle of advisers is narrower and narrower — and sparser still because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In that hierarchy, Burns said, ‘it’s proven not career-enhancing for people to question or challenge his judgment.’”

Read the academic-cum-diplomat CIA Director William Burns’ “candid assessments” psychoanalyzing Putin’s mental state amidst the war and the pandemic from early March alongside the recently plagiarized New York Times and Reuters reports asserting that “Putin’s rigid isolation during the pandemic” made him surround himself with “yes-men too afraid to tell him the truth” and consequently he rushed to invade Ukraine to figure out the malicious motive of insidious smear campaign against the Russian peacemaker on the eve of the Russian troop withdrawal from Ukraine as pledged by the Kremlin delegation during the Istanbul peace initiative to Ukraine.

About the author:

Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Af-Pak and Middle East regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military-industrial complex and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of diligently researched investigative reports to Global Research.

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[This video was produced in 2013.]

As the anti-War movement continues to lose ground in the West due to widespread public support for the illegal wars of the Obama administration, an innovative new approach emerges from SouthEast Asia: the creation of student-run organizations designed to energize youth around the concept of criminalizing war. Find out more about this idea in this week’s GRTV Backgrounder.

They say that big ideas start from humble beginnings. In the pantheon of ideas, perhaps there is none bigger than the quest to criminalize war. The concept itself is difficult for many to process at first. It does not mean to uphold some mere code of war conduct, making certain atrocities committed during times of war punishable as “war crimes,” as in the Geneva Convention. Instead, the concept of criminalizing war seeks to make warfare itself a crime, punishable as an offense no matter when or how it is waged or under what pretext.

For many in the anti-war movement in the Western world, completely demoralized by the utter abandonment of the movement by many on the pro-war left who are unwilling or unable to criticize Obama’s avid pro-war policies, the idea of criminalizing war will seem a pipe dream, no more realistic than the idea of stopping all violence in the world or making everyone a millionaire. This is precisely the problem. The long-time activists and campaigners have become so disillusioned that they no longer even try to implement the changes they would really like to see take place in the world. The weight of their experiences has taught them to be grateful for small advances here and there, and to expect that big changes can never happen.

In stark contrast to the jaded views of older generations stands the idealism of youth, an idealism that the older generation, predictably enough, tends to dissuade by urging those youth to “grow up” and “face reality.” However, late last year the first seeds of a new anti-war movement were planted in Malaysia, a movement that seeks to shape the world in the image of that ideal society not by dissuading youthful idealism, but by fostering it.

The concept was unveiled at the International Conference on War-Affected Children which took place at the Putra World Trade Centre on November 22nd last year. Attended by dignitaries including former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and current PM Najib Razak, the event sought to draw attention to the plight of children in war-torn countries around the world.

The event also saw the launch of a new initiative by the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalize War. Called “Criminalise War Clubs,” the aim is to encourage the development of independent, student-run organizations around the idea of criminalizing war. The organization’s charter was formally signed by the Prime Minister and other dignitaries, and the first two chapters of what is planned to be a global phenomenon were started with a reading of the charter.

The charter calls for wars of aggression to be criminalized, for states and governments to protect children in armed conflicts, and for banning the participation of children in wars.

In an exclusive interview with Global Research TV, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad talked about the clubs, and what they hope to achieve.

The clubs are just one program spearheaded by the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War, the non-governmental organization founded by Mahathir Mohamad in 2007. Its other initiatives include the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, comprised of scholars, lawyers and high-ranking officials from around the world, and the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, which successfully prosecuted George Bush, Dick Cheney, and others last year for their participation in war crimes in the war on terror.

Last November I talked to G.S. Kumar, the Editor of Criminalise War, about Mahathir Mohamad’s vision, and the promise that initiatives like the Criminalise War Clubs offer.

There is, of course, no guarantee that initiatives like these will pay off in the future. Whether or not human civilization will ever be able to envision a way to resolve their differences without recourse to war is a question that has yet to be definitively answered. But if we do not continue to pose that question, then surely no answer will be possible. And given the stakes of the conflicts raging across the globe today, and the possibility of nuclear war, or war waged with even more advanced technologies, the need to answer this question has never been greater.

To be sure, there is a vast chasm between the world we currently live in and one in which war itself is outlawed. No one is pretending otherwise. But it is clear at this point that if that ideal is ever to be realized, it will not be presided over by the current generation of disillusioned cynics in the burnt-out wreckage of today’s demoralized anti-war movement, but by a generation yet untouched by that disillusionment.

If it is indeed true that big ideas have humble beginnings, then it would be harder to think of a bigger idea, or a more humble origin.


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There is an unseen culprit hiding in the shadows. It is a toxic poison contained in many of the foods and beverages that we commonly eat. A toxin that has been implicated in causing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lowered cognitive function, addiction, depression, and obesity. The magicians and alchemists of the corporate food industry have cleverly disguised this ingredient and sing its praises. If you are waiting for mainstream media to undertake an in-depth investigative report on this topic, you will be waiting a long time.

Back in 2015 Tufts University’s department of nutritional sciences conducted a study published by the American Heart Association that documented the annual rates of global deaths directly due to over-consumption of beverages with high sugar content. The results estimated that 184,000 adults die annually from sugary drinks. Dr. Gitanjali at Tufts analyzed data documenting sugar-related deaths across 51 countries between 1980 and 2010. Deaths were compiled according to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and various cancers. Based upon the data, the study concluded that sugar contributed to 45,000 annual deaths from cardiovascular disease, 13,000 deaths from diabetic complications, and 6,450 deaths related to cancer. 

Credit Suisse’s Research Institute published a scathing report that brought sugar’s health risks into sharper focus. The study revealed that upward to 40% of American healthcare expenditures could be directly tied to overconsumption of sugar in the average American diet.  Today, the US’ national addiction to sugar contributes to $1 trillion in healthcare costs annually, which includes coronary heart disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. There are numerous studies published in reliable peer-reviewed medical journals associating sugar with each of these life threatening diseases.

As far back as 1971, I began writing about the hazards of sugar. In 2002, my documentary Seven Steps to Perfect Health was premiered on PBS stations. During a special appearance on one station’s fund drive, I poured sugar out of a bag. The amount I poured equaled the number of teaspoons that an average American teenager consumes daily. My general counsel, David Slater, verified the quantity by proper measurement according to scientific food and diet data. 

After the initial airing of this special, I was informed by the station’s program director that they could not rebroadcast the performance, even though it was the most successful program during the fund drive. I was informed that the station had received harsh criticism from the sugar industry. The program director explained that the information I presented about sugar’s dangers, even though I provided full scientific verification of the facts, ran up against the president of the station board Sharon Rockefeller. I was told she had received a phone call from a sugar-lobbying group representing soft drink makers and sugar manufacturers.  Therefore the station made the decision to pull my program. I was never asked to return to the station. Not surprisingly, a subsequent investigation revealed Sharon Rockefeller sat on Pepsi’s board at the time, one of America’s largest manufacturers of sweetened soft drinks.   

That was my first personal encounter with the political forces supporting sugar. I wrote letters to the sugar industry, the station board and Sharon Rockefeller contesting their suppression of my program and their claim that sugar was unrelated to the declining health of Americans. They were presented with dozens of peer-reviewed studies.

However in recent decades, the sweetener industry has undergone a dramatic transformation with the introduction and widespread adoption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) throughout our food system. This shift from traditional cane sugar, which dominated my criticism earlier, to fructose corn sugars has led to deep human health and environmental concerns due to its economic benefits for food manufacturers. 

High fructose corn syrup was developed in the late 1960s by Japanese scientists who discovered a method to convert glucose from cornstarch into fructose using enzymes. This innovation was spurred by the need to find a cheaper and more versatile sweetener as an alternative to the more labor-intensive production of traditional cane sugar. HFCS is made by milling corn to produce cornstarch. The starch is then hydrolyzed into glucose by adding the enzyme alpha-amylase. Finally the glucose is further processed into fructose. The result is a syrup that typically contains 42-55 percent fructose, with the rest being glucose. Some methods can produce fructose as high as 90 percent. 

Today, HFCS production has been so optimized that it has become the most cost-effective and efficient means to produce sweeteners. Monsanto’s genetically modified Round-Up Ready corn, enabling the use of more toxic herbicides and pesticides, has now made HFCS the cornerstone of the sugar industry.  However, the shift to HFCS has been fundamentally driven by economics and the agro-chemical industry and has absolutely nothing to do with creating a healthier sugar.  Since corn is one of the most extensively cultivated crops in the United States, which is heavily subsidized by the government, it has provided an enormous, inexpensive supply of the raw material needed for HFCS production. In addition, the enzymatic conversion process can result in a high yield of sweetener from a relatively small amount of corn. 

HFCS is now a ubiquitous ingredient that permeates our entire modern food supply. Starting in the 1980s, the introduction of HFCS has gradually displaced traditional sweeteners such as natural cane sugar, glucose and honey. According to the USDA, HFCS can cost up to 50% less than cane and other traditional sugars. This cost differential is particularly significant in industries where sweeteners constitute a major portion of production costs such as in soft drinks, artificial fruit juices, sweet baked goods, snack foods and candy, breakfast cereals, condiments and sauces, sweetened dairy products such as yoghurt and ice cream, and a large variety of processed canned and prepared meals. A study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that HFCS accounts for over 40% increase of caloric sweeteners added to foods and beverages.


Screenshot from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Having a purview of the distribution of different sugars in the American diet helps to illustrate the dominance of HFCS in the food system. Approximately 45 percent of added sugars in the American diet come from HFCS and an additional 2 percent from pure fructose. Between 35-40 percent of sweeteners derive from sucrose, the common table sugar made from sugarcane and sugar beets — the latter now being genetically modified. The production process involves crushing the plant material to extract the juice, which is then purified, concentrated, and crystallized to produce table sugar. 

Not to be confused with HFCS, corn syrup is largely glucose and represents about 10-15 percent of the nation’s sugar intake. It is the most common sugar used in baked goods and candy. Lactose and galactose each account for about 4-5 percent of consumed sugars. However they are typically not added sugars to foods but naturally present in all dairy products. 

Finally, honey, which at one time was a common food ingredient, today only accounts for about 1-2 percent of sweeteners.  Moreover, according to FDA testing, a lot of commercial honey found in grocery stores has been adulterated with HFCS and other sweeteners, such sucrose derived from cane and GMO beet sugars and artificial honey-flavored imitators.  A general estimate is that 20-30 percent of honey sold is impure. 

Back in the 1970s and 1980s when I frequently railed publicly against the sugar industry and the health risks of processed table sugar that then completely dominated the food industry, I would never have imagined that sucrose would be gradually replaced by HFCS. This replacement accelerated after the emergence of genetically modified (GM) corn.

As noted above, the vast majority of HFCS produced in the United States, the world’s larger corn producer globally, is derived from genetically modified (GM) corn. Estimates suggest that around 85-90% of the corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. Therefore it is reasonable to infer that approximately 85-90% of HFCS is derived from GM corn.

As many court cases and exposes of corruption in the agro-chemical industry have cone to light, GM corn has dire implications for the production and consumption of HFCS, especially considering the associated health risks linked to the use of toxic herbicides such as glyphosate. Research has linked glyphosate to various health issues, including cancer.

A decade ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen”; today, it is no longer probable but a medical fact. Several studies have detected glyphosate residues in food products containing HFCS. A study published in Environmental Health found glyphosate residues in a variety of food products, highlighting the widespread contamination of the food supply with this herbicide. In addition to glyphosate’s carcinogenic potential, the toxin has also been shown to disrupt endocrine function and it has been implicated in gut dysbiosis, an imbalance in the gut microbiome. This disruption can lead to a range of health problems, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other gastrointestinal disorders. Research published in Current Microbiology indicates that glyphosate exposure can alter the composition of the gut microbiota, leading to adverse health outcomes.

HFCS and traditional sugars like table sugar differ significantly in their composition and metabolic effects. Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of equal parts glucose and fructose, while HFCS is a mixture of free glucose and fructose, with the fructose content higher than that in sucrose. This difference in composition affects how the body metabolizes these sugars. Briefly, HFCS poses more serious health risks than sucrose. The free fructose in HFCS is absorbed more rapidly than the bound fructose in sucrose, leading to quicker spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. In addition, the high fructose content in HFCS places a greater burden on the liver, leading to increased fat production and storage, contributing to fatty liver disease and metabolic disorders. In contrast, the balanced glucose-fructose composition of sucrose is metabolized more evenly, posing lower risks. However, it is crucial to realize that excessive or even moderate consumption of any form of sugar can be detrimental to health.

Extensive research has linked the consumption of HFCS to a range of adverse health effects. Key among these is metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that high consumption of HFCS is associated with an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which includes conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. These conditions collectively elevate the risk of heart disease and stroke.

HFCS has been directly implicated in America’s obesity epidemic due to its high fructose content, which is metabolized differently than glucose. Fructose is primarily processed in the liver, where it can be converted into fat more readily than glucose. This process can lead to increased fat accumulation and insulin resistance, both of which are risk factors for obesity and type 2 diabetes. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlighted that high HFCS consumption is correlated with an increased risk of obesity and diabetes, particularly in children and adolescents.

HFCS intake also leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Unlike glucose, which is metabolized by all cells in the body, fructose is metabolized almost entirely in the liver. High levels of fructose overwhelms the liver’s capacity to process it, leading to fat accumulation and liver damage. Research published in Hepatology has shown a strong correlation between HFCS consumption and the progression to more severe liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Recent evidence reveals that HFCS has detrimental effects on cognitive function and mental health. Studies indicate that fructose impairs insulin signaling in the brain, which is crucial for maintaining cognitive functions. A study in the Journal of Physiology found that high-fructose diets can lead to insulin resistance in the brain, potentially increasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Additionally, high sugar diets, including those high in HFCS, have been linked to mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, as detailed in a review in Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

HFCS and other fructose-rich sugars can have profound adverse effects on the gut and digestive system. These sugars are known to disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to various digestive disorders and altering the gut microbiome. Fructose, unlike glucose, is not directly absorbed by the body. It requires a specific transporter, GLUT5, to be taken up by the intestinal cells. Fructose interferes with these transporters, leading to malabsorption. Unabsorbed fructose travels to the large intestine, where it undergoes fermentation by gut bacteria. This process produces gases such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane, which cause bloating, gas, and abdominal pain leading to malabsorption and the intestine’s inability to absorb fructose efficiently.

The gut microbiome, a complex community of trillions of microorganisms living in the digestive tract, is crucial for maintaining digestive health, immune function, and overall well-being. High intake of fructose negatively affects this delicate balance. Studies have shown that diets high in fructose can lead to an imbalance in the gut microbiota composition. This imbalance is characterized by a decrease in beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli and an increase in harmful bacteria like Clostridia and Enterobacteria. 

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that high fructose levels increase intestinal permeability, also known as “leaky gut.” This condition allows harmful substances, such as toxins and bacteria, to pass from the gut into the bloodstream, triggering inflammation and contributing to the development of various diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Inflammatory bowel disease, which includes conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is exacerbated by promoting inflammation and altering the gut microbiota. A study in the journal Gut reported that reducing fructose intake improved symptoms in individuals with IBS, suggesting a direct link between fructose consumption and IBS symptom severity.

Finally we need to also consider the catastrophic effects of HFCS on children. Children are particularly vulnerable to the health risks associated with HFCS due to their higher consumption levels relative to their body weight. According to data from the CDC, the average American child consumes approximately 12-16 teaspoons of added sugars per day, a significant portion of which comes from HFCS. This high intake is largely driven by the consumption of sweetened beverages, snacks, and processed foods that are marketed specifically to children.

The high consumption of HFCS among children is a major contributor to the rising rates of childhood obesity and metabolic disorders. Studies have shown that children who consume high levels of sugary beverages and snacks are more likely to develop obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. A study published in Pediatrics found that children who consume sugary drinks daily are at a significantly higher risk of developing obesity compared to those who consume them less frequently.

There is also growing concern about the impact of HFCS on children’s cognitive development and behavior. High sugar diets have been linked to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral issues in children. A study in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that excessive sugar consumption, including HFCS, exacerbates symptoms of ADHD and impair cognitive functions such as memory and learning.

A deeper look at the politics of the sugar industry reveals that huge sums are being doled out by the government to support and subsidize sugar companies. Writing for the Wall Street Journal, health journalist Alexandra Wexler explains that American taxpayers are currently responsible for shelling out $280 million to cover the cost of loans from the USDA which sugar producers are unable to pay back. Given the undeniable evidence demonstrating the toxicity of HFCS and other commercial sugars and their enormous toll on the wellbeing of Americans, why is it that our health agencies and elected officials are not calling for an urgent overhaul of existing policies, which graciously support the domestic sugar industry to poison the population? Where is the outrage over bailing out the purveyors of what is likely the most dangerous staple in the American diet? For our answers we must follow the money-trail.


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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The departure of Joe Biden and the possible victory of Donald Trump in the American presidential elections forced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba to change their rhetoric and adopt a more favourable position, but the reality is that the Kiev regime is not ready for peace negotiations with Moscow.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba signalled for the first time during his visit to Beijing on July 24 that his country is ready to negotiate directly with Russia and that these talks should achieve a “just and lasting peace.”

“I emphasized two principles that must be steadfastly upheld. First, no agreements about Ukraine without Ukraine,” he said during his three-hour meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. “Second…full respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. If these two principles are adhered to, we can engage in any discussions and seek any solutions.”

It is recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin said last month that Moscow would immediately end combat operations if Kiev retreated from Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, dropped its NATO ambitions, and recognized Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea, ideas that the Kiev regime rejected as an absurd ultimatum. This suggests that Ukraine is not actually seeking a realistic peace deal and is still holding onto absurd demands but without the military capabilities to fulfil them if Moscow disagrees.

China is clearly advocating for a political solution to this conflict and for negotiations to begin, which is also why Kuleba chose Beijing to announce Kiev’s supposed new position. Although Zelensky recently said Russia might be invited to the second peace summit in November, Kuleba expressed a slightly different point of view, mentioning bilateral negotiations because China is encouraging it.

The first peace conference in Switzerland on Ukraine, which was mainly attended by Kiev’s Western allies, occurred without Russia’s participation. This was the first time in history that so-called peace negotiations were conducted without one side in the conflict and with an illegitimate president, Zelensky, whose mandate expired in May. Zelensky initially opposed Russia’s participation in that conference, even though China, among other countries like India and Brazil, stressed that this issue would not be peacefully resolved without Russia’s involvement.

It is recalled that Beijing invited Kuleba right after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visited the Asian country as part of his “peace mission,” which included meetings with Zelensky in Kiev, Putin in Moscow, Xi Jinping in Beijing, and Donald Trump in Florida. It is not a mistake that Orbán met with Trump since he is the only presidential candidate in the US willing to push Kiev towards the negotiation table.

Another problem is that Kiev does not express consistent rhetoric. Take, for example, the recent speech of Valery Zaluzhny, the current ambassador of Ukraine to the UK and the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who said that it is impossible to reach any agreements and that the war must continue until Ukraine achieves victory.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Secretary Maria Zakharova highlighted that Zelensky’s rhetoric is related to the US election. In other words, Kiev fears it will be left without support and financial and military assistance if Trump comes to power. For this reason, the regime is changing its rhetoric, even if some figures like Zaluzhny continue promoting war.

The Kiev regime has been following Trump’s position, who said that he would try to end the war in Ukraine after winning the November elections. Zelensky cannot do anything about this development. Therefore, it is no coincidence that he will invite Russia to the second peace summit, which, he says, will be held in November, the same month as the US election.

Despite Kiev saying it is open to the possibility of negotiations, which Moscow has repeatedly expressed an interest in, Kiev introduced a ban on negotiations at the legislative level. Russia has always favored negotiations, as seen with the Minsk and Istanbul Agreements, which were destroyed by Ukraine with the help of the West, notably Biden and now former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and not by Russia. This leaves Russia no other option but to continue fighting on the battlefield until Ukrainian forces capitulate entirely.

The Kremlin understands that if Trump returns to the White House, support for Ukraine will completely dry up, forcing the Kiev regime to negotiate with Moscow. But if the Democrats remain in power, support will not halt but will continue to decline as the US simply does not have the resources to save the Ukrainian military from its predicament short of direct intervention.

Zelensky and Kuleba are likely betting that if they appear to be willing to negotiate with Russia, but make no effort and blame Russia for not achieving it, Trump will continue providing weapons and funds to Ukraine. In this way, as the countdown towards the US election begins, we will likely hear more rhetoric of a willingness to negotiate from Kiev but with no serious efforts made.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Anyone who knows anything about missile technology is perfectly aware that Russia is one of the pioneers in this field of military science. Moscow is not only developing and making the world’s best rockets and missiles, but it’s also second-to-none in terms of their usage. Namely, the Kremlin’s doctrine on using long-range strike capabilities is virtually without equal, as it has been leading the world in this regard since the 1950s. After the unfortunate dismantling of the USSR, Russia lost a decade’s worth of research and development in various fields of military high technologies, also losing the precious advantage it had over its adversaries. However, rocket science isn’t one of those, resulting in the development of some of the best and most advanced missile systems even during that period. This included everything from ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) to advanced ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles).

One of the missile systems that was developed during the troubled 1990s is the now legendary “Iskander”. This highly advanced, modular rocket complex (as it’s known in Russian military nomenclature) is arguably the world’s first land-based hypersonic missile platform. Due to its modularity, the 9K720 “Iskander” system has two variants. The first is the “Iskander-M”, armed with the advanced 9M723 quasi-ballistic/hypersonic missiles capable of massive speeds of up to Mach 8.7 and reaching a range of up to 500 km (due to INF Treaty limitations).

Most Western sources classify it as an SRBM (short-range ballistic missile), albeit it’s far more advanced than a regular ballistic missile. The second is the “Iskander-K”, modified to launch cruise missiles such as the 9M728 (essentially the R-500, with a range of up to 500 km) and the Novator’s 9M729 (which Western sources claim has a staggering range of up to 5,500 km).

The most commonly used variant of the missile system is the “Iskander-M” with the 9M723, which has a massive warhead weighing up to 700 kg. It has various types of payloads, including high-explosive fragmentation, submunition, penetration, EMP (electromagnetic pulse), and last but not least, thermonuclear with a yield of up to 50 kt. Due to its high precision, extreme maneuverability and hypersonic speed, the missile is one of the deadliest in the world and is virtually impossible to intercept, as evidenced by its performance during the SMO (special military operation). The “Iskander-M” gives Russia a significant advantage over NATO forces in Eastern Europe and, as of recently, Scandinavia, where the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel is expanding the scope of its crawling aggression. However, the missile is particularly frightening to the Neo-Nazi junta and NATO personnel in Ukraine.

On July 23, military sources reported that a massive munitions storage was destroyed in Nikolayev, while dozens of NATO and Kiev regime personnel were wiped out after their hideout was located in the town of Dergachi in the Kharkov oblast (region). According to military reports, at least 50 NATO operators were obliterated, including nationals from the United States, United Kingdom, Georgia and several other countries. The political West is having trouble hiding such losses, as now even NATO officers themselves are talking about it. For instance, retired Spanish Army Colonel Pedro Bagnos reports that 18 British Special Air Service (SAS) operators, as well as their French counterparts, were neutralized in a single Russian strike on their base of operations in Odessa, with at least another 25 of the SAS members wounded. Official reports are scant, but military sources indicate that this was precisely the “Iskander-M’s” doing.

A day earlier, on July 22, the Russian military published a video showing the destruction of a large warehouse packed with various NATO-sourced weapons and munitions, including the overhyped HIMARS. The strike was conducted by the “Iskander-M”, hitting the area of Novopetrovka in the Nikolayev oblast. This operation was part of the wider hunt for US/NATO-made MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems) such as the HIMARS and M270/MARS, as well as the ATACMS TBMs (tactical ballistic missiles) that these systems can fire. A day before, on July 21, another report surfaced about an “Iskander-M” obliterating a large group of enemy personnel in the DPR. The footage shows the destruction of around 240 troops (including foreigners) and over 60 pieces of equipment. The report mentioned the Neo-Nazi junta’s 41st Mechanized Brigade near Barvenkovo in the border area between the DPR and Kharkov oblast.

A week earlier, another “Iskander-M” strike neutralized a military train in the small town of Budy in Kharkov oblast. The strike soon turned into a double tap after which more hostile personnel were eliminated. First reports about the strike were published on July 14. Just three days earlier, on July 11, military sources reported on the “Iskander-M” destroying two batteries of the grossly overhyped “Patriot” SAM (surface-to-air missile) system. The Russian military reported that the NATO-sourced weapon was stationed near the settlement of Yuzhnoye in the Odessa oblast. Earlier, on July 8, another “Iskander-M” strike destroyed a military column of the Neo-Nazi junta forces in the Sumy oblast. Military sources report that the column was detected near Stetskovka, in the relative vicinity of the city of Sumy, after which 20 vehicles and up to 65 enemy personnel were neutralized. Local sources suggest that this unit also had a number of foreign personnel.

On the same day, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) released footage of the simultaneous destruction of three US-made HIMARS systems. The NATO-sourced weapons were located in a forested area close to Klapaya in the Kherson oblast. The Russian MoD noted that up to a dozen foreigners were eliminated, stressing that these crews were most likely responsible for the terrorist attack on beachgoers in Sevastopol, preventing another strike with the US-made ATACMS missiles. Earlier in July, an “Iskander-M” also obliterated several aircraft in the Mirgorod Air Base in central Poltava oblast, located around 250 km from the border. At least four Su-27 fighter jets were destroyed. The last days of June also saw stellar usage of the “Iskander-M” against the HIMARS and similar systems in Yasenovoe in the DPR and Shevchenkove in the Nikolayev oblast. Video footage shows that at least 20 and 25 enemy troops were neutralized in both areas.

It should be noted that the “Iskander” is not the most capable hypersonic weapon in the Russian arsenal, as there are also the “Zircon” and “Kinzhal” missiles. In the last two years, Moscow drastically expanded the production of these missiles, while there are indicators that it’s also procuring more affordable North Korean copies. The “Iskander-M” itself is a more cost-effective alternative to newer missiles and is regularly augmented by the “Tornado-S” MLRS. The Kiev regime has been unable to locate (let alone reach) the areasfrom which these systems are used, making them the most effective widely-deployed long-range strike platforms in the Russian military. They are particularly efficient when used in combination with military intel and advanced ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, giving the Kremlin unprecedented strike capabilities, a terrifying prospect for any foreign personnel in Ukraine and beyond.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Russian Iskander-M nuclear missile (Source)

Believing that Ukraine can defeat Russia is a “mistake,” said former deputy chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, Major General Leon Komornicki. Yet, despite this reality being highlighted by Komornicki, among other experts, Warsaw and Kiev continue to jointly pursue a policy of war and provocation against Moscow even though they are embroiled in their own issues.

“It’s all nonsense, an endless and boring story, disinformation and propaganda. The talk that Ukraine will win this conflict is just a mistake,” Komornicki said in an interview with WNP. “Ukraine currently does not have the ability to win. It does not have the capabilities that could balance Russia’s potential, which would allow it to seize the strategic initiative and engage in military actions to protect Ukraine from Russian territory. This is impossible.”

He also warned that Poland would not be able to confront Russian forces in a conflict and doubted that NATO would come to the aid of its allies.

“The conflict in Ukraine is an important lesson for us. We must have an offensive defence strategy,” said the retired general, adding that the “question today should not be whether NATO will protect us, but whether Russia will dare to attack us. Because if they attack us, we will suffer defeat.”

Yet, despite the reality that Ukraine, even with Polish assistance, cannot defeat Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk met in Warsaw on July 8 to discuss new ways of shooting down Russian missiles and drones and establishing a new volunteer Ukrainian military unit, the Ukrainian Legion, on Polish territory.

Zelensky posted on X the news of the security agreement, describing it as an “unprecedented document.”

“Thank you for your solidarity with our country and people, and for all your support and assistance,” he added.

Warsaw is among the most ardent backers of the Kiev regime, often sabotaging its own interests due to blind Russophobia and enthusiasm to serve the US. For this reason, the two neighbouring countries are collaborating closely in a vain attempt to defeat Russia despite endless warnings, such as those from Komornicki, that this cannot be achieved.

Nonetheless, despite the common goal of defeating Russia, it has not been enough to fully reconcile the vast differences that still exist between Poland and Ukraine. As recently as July 23, Polish Defence Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz announced that Ukraine would not achieve EU membership without resolving the historical issue of the mass killings of Poles in Volhynia, a region once a part of Poland but now in Ukraine.

The Polish minister was referring to when the Nazi-aligned Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in 1941-43 massacred up to 120,000 Poles in Volhynia and said that although Warsaw supports Ukraine against Russia as much as it can, relations are “not perfect” due to unresolved historical issues.

“Amply documented the [Nazi] OUN-B (Stepan Bandera) and its National Insurgent Army (UPA) were actively involved in the massacres of Jews, Poles, Communists and Roma in major cities including Odessa and Kiev.

On September, 1 1941, the Nazi-sponsored Ukrainian newspaper Volhyn  wrote, in an article titled Let’s Conquer the City, namely Lviv [Lwov in Polish]:

“All elements that reside in our land, whether they are Jews or Poles, must be eradicated.

We are at this very moment resolving the Jewish question, and this resolution is part of the plan for the Reich’s total reorganization of Europe.

The empty space that will be created, must immediately and irrevocably be filled by the real owners and masters of this land, the Ukrainian people”.(emphasis added)

Kosiniak-Kamysz’s emphasis that Ukraine will not join the EU unless the Volhynian issue is resolved follows from what former Polish Undersecretary of State Pawel Jablonski said in November 2023,

“[Ukraine] cannot dream of joining the European Union” without resolving the issue of the exhumation of Volhynian massacre victims’ remains on Ukrainian territory.

Despite several attempts at reconciliation between Poland and Ukraine, such as Zelensky’s promise in 2019 to lift the Ukrainian moratorium on the exhumation of Volhynian victims imposed in reaction to the destruction of UPA memorials in Poland, the matter has not yet progressed after five years.

It is also recalled that Polish farmers staged protests for several months earlier this year against cheap Ukrainian grain flooding the market and EU regulations on pesticide and fertilizer usage, whilst at the same time, the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees continue to be a burning issue and a drain on Polish society.

Although Ukraine and Poland have these issues, among many others, they share a deep-rooted hatred for Russia. Because of this, they can overcome differences and cooperate in the military sector, which is why Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski recently asked EU countries to lift restrictions imposed on Ukrainian strikes against Russia.

“Therefore, I asked my colleagues to lift national restrictions on the use of long-range weapons. Ukraine needs to be able to prevent such attacks in the future by hitting the aircraft that fire cruise missiles and the air bases from which they take off,” he said during a meeting with his EU counterparts in Brussels days ago.

However, Ukraine and Poland’s efforts to escalate the war by convincing EU members to change their position are in vain since Russia’s victory is not a matter of if but when, as Komornicki and other experts stressed. Most European countries are becoming weary of the war and want peace negotiations to begin since they share, at least in private, Komornicki’s assessment that Russia cannot be defeated in this conflict.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Polish retired General Leon Komornicki. Freeze frame:

Hungary and Slovakia React to Ukrainian Hostility

July 27th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

As predicted by several experts, Hungary’s patience with Ukraine has run out. Budapest has announced that it will block EU aid funds to Kiev until the neo-Nazi regime resumes the transit of Russian oil to Hungary and Slovakia. The move is important for the recovery of the sovereignty of some European countries amid the current context of absolute submission to NATO – in addition to further deepening the diplomatic crisis between Kiev and Budapest.

The Hungarian ultimatum was announced by Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto. Previously, Ukraine had interrupted the flow of Russian oil through the Druzhba pipeline, justifying its measure based on Western sanctions against the Russian energy company Lukoil. The move directly affected Hungary and Slovakia, EU member countries that need Russian oil to supply about 40% of their domestic consumption.

As well known, Hungary and Slovakia have been two of the main dissenting countries within the Collective West when it comes to war with Russia. Advocating a foreign policy focused on the protection of Christianity and traditional values, as well as having great humanitarian concerns for ethnic Hungarians in Ukrainian territory, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has used his international influence to ease the anti-Russian atmosphere in Europe. In the same vein, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia, maintains a pragmatic and pro-multipolar foreign policy, acting in accordance with the interests of the Slovak people – known worldwide for having fraternal ties with the Russians.

It is not by chance that the EU wants to create sanctions that will obstruct the energy supply of these countries. With Hungary and Slovakia avoiding imposing sanctions on Russia, the joint maneuver by the EU and Ukraine to affect these countries is through the use of specific sanctions targeting companies that supply oil to these states. Obviously, Budapest did not accept this type of blackmail and responded with an official ultimatum to Ukraine to reverse the coercive measures.

Until Kiev complies with Hungary’s demands, Budapest will block EU funds earmarked for Ukraine. As a result, at least 6.5 billion euros that would be delivered to Kiev will remain frozen, significantly damaging the military assistance program. This is a truly innovative punitive measure, and the first measure of this nature taken by a European country to sanction Ukraine since the start of the special military operation.

“As long as this issue is not resolved by Ukraine, everyone should forget about the payment of the €6.5 billion of the European Peace Facility compensation for arms transfers (…) Ukraine’s decision to not allow Lukoil to transit oil supplies through Ukraine poses a fundamental threat to the security of energy supplies to Hungary and Slovakia (…) (Ukraine’s move is) unacceptable and incomprehensible,” Szijjarto said during his statement on the matter.

Another important point presented by Szijjarto was the fact that Hungary and Slovakia have contributed significantly to Ukraine’s energy stability amid the war. Recently, Kiev has been asking for international aid and importing energy to repair the consequences from Russian attacks on critical Ukrainian infrastructure — which are retaliation for the ongoing terrorist attacks on Russian border cities. In June, for example, Hungary provided 42 percent of Ukraine’s electricity consumption, which shows Budapest’s diplomatic and humanitarian goodwill, despite Ukraine’s hostility toward ethnic Hungarians.

Even though Hungary and Slovakia helped Ukraine in the energy sector, they were met with hostility, and their oil stability was damaged by Kiev’s boycott. Having seen that no diplomatic approach is effective at the present time, Budapest took a significant step and decided to impose direct sanctions on Ukraine. In the same vein, there are rumors that Slovakia has suspended electricity exports to Ukrainian territories. It just remains to be seen whether Kiev will really relinquish its hostile attitudes under such pressure.

Although it is necessary to punish Ukraine, Budapest needs to remember that the Europeans are responsible for Kiev’s crimes. The actions taken by the neo-Nazi regime are done with the consent of the EU, with Kiev being merely a proxy state. Not by chance, Poland, which is the Ukrainian regime’s biggest supporter in the current war, has already spoken out condemning Hungary’s actions, considering the act a “disappointment”. Therefore, Hungary and Slovakia need to be strong in their positions and also impose measures against European countries, if necessary.

The only way to defeat the pro-war lobby in the EU is to react strongly at the diplomatic level, punishing Kiev and its partners for their ongoing crimes and taking the initiative to reconfigure international relations in Europe. Hungary and Slovakia are showing a path that can be followed in the future by other countries interested in peace.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

La direttrice dei Servizi Segreti USA, Kimberly A. Cheatle, si è dimessa dal suo incarico per l’incapacità dimostrata di proteggere Donald Trump dall’attentato. Nell’audizione al Congresso ha rifiutato di dire quanti agenti erano addetti alla protezione di Trump e perché i servizi segreti non presidiassero un limitrofo complesso di magazzini, dal cui tetto ha sparato l’attentatore nonostante il complesso fosse presidiato dalla polizia locale. La Cheatle non ha neppure spiegato come sia stato possibile che, quando vari partecipanti al comizio hanno avvertito gli agenti dei servizi segreti e della polizia della presenza di un uomo armato sul tetto, nessuno si è mosso. Tutto ciò getta un’ombra minacciosa sull’intera vicenda, rendendo poco credibile la versione ufficiale che l’attentato sia opera di una singola persona: un ventenne, che tra l’altro aveva dimostrato scarse capacità al corso di tiro del suo liceo, ucciso immediatamente dai tiratori scelti della polizia che avrebbero potuto invece bloccarlo con un colpo non mortale in modo da poterlo interrogare nell’indagine.

Uscito vivo dall’attentato, Donald Trump appariva ormai il candidato vincente delle prossime presidenziali. Il ritiro del presidente Biden e la scesa in campo della vice Kamala Harris hanno però ridato fiato ai Democratici. Hanno raccolto in un solo giorno oltre 50 milioni di dollari di donazioni online, le più cospicue degli ultimi anni. A rendere la situazione ancora più incerta è lo stesso sistema elettorale statunitense. Oltre il 20% degli elettori vive in giurisdizioni che utilizzavano macchine per il voto elettronico senza tracce cartacee, Queste macchine per il voto elettronico, gestite da società private, memorizzano i voti nella loro memoria.

“La mancanza di un documento fisico a supporto del voto elettronico significa che i funzionari elettorali devono confidare che le macchine non funzionino male e non modifichino o perdano un voto, o che gli operatori elettorali non alterino inavvertitamente i voti, o che le macchine non siano state violate”, avverte Douglas Jones, professore di informatica dell’Università dell’Iowa che ha trascorso decenni a studiare l’uso dei computer nelle elezioni. Per di più, un numero record di elettori, oltre 65 milioni, invia il proprio voto per posta. Gli uffici postali vengono ingolfati da circa 130 milioni di plichi con i voti degli elettori. Non essendoci personale sufficiente, lo spoglio delle schede viene svolto in gran parte da società private esterne. Tale sistema lascia ampi margini alla manipolazione dei dati, permettendo di spostare voti in modo truffaldino da un candidato all’altro.

Manlio Dinucci


Aware that the window of opportunity for destabilizing their country might soon close, the Georgian Legion might desperately try to carry out a high-profile assassination attempt in the near future, even if it isn’t against the ruling party’s founder but someone else like the Prime Minister and they use a patsy instead of their own members.

Georgia’s State Security Service (SSS) informed the public that they’re investigating a criminal group linked to the former government which plotted to assassinate the founder of the ruling Georgian Dream party. According to RT, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze claimed that these are the same forces that were behind the attempted assassinations of his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico and former US President Donald Trump, while Politico cited local media to report that the Georgian Legion is under suspicion.

It was explained in early May why “The Georgian State Security Service & The Georgian Legion Are On The Brink Of War”, namely because that pro-US armed group can play a crucial role in catalyzing a spree of urban terrorism ahead of, during, or right after fall’s parliamentary elections. The preceding analysis followed the failed attempt by rioters to storm the parliament over a week prior in protest of their country’s FARA-inspired foreign agents legislation, which readers can learn more about here.

In brief, although the ruling conservative-nationalist party aspires to join the EU and NATO, it doesn’t want to surrender the country’s sovereignty to the West in exchange and that’s why it’s been targeted for regime change over the past year and a half. The replacement of Georgian Dream with Western puppets would lead to “NGO”-propagated liberalglobalist values destroying their traditional society, hence the need for the foreign agents law, but there are also geopolitical consequences too.

The authorities warned last year that the prior attempt to overthrow them was aimed at opening up a second front against Russia, while there’s also the chance that a puppet regime would allow Georgia to be used by NATO to send more armed aid to Armenia in preparation of another war against Azerbaijan. Georgian Dream wants to stay out of all regional conflicts, so much so that it hasn’t even sanctioned Russia, which is yet another argument against their continued rule from the West’s perspective.

Speaking of Russia, its foreign intelligence service released a statement in early July warning that the West is preparing to exploit fall’s parliamentary elections as the pretext for another regime change attempt, and it’s possible that they shared information about this with their Georgian counterparts. That could explain why the local media cited by Politico said that some Georgian Legion members have been detained for questioning, while their leader claimed that 300 others have been added to the wanted list.

Although comparatively small in number, this pro-US armed group could play a similar role in Tbilisi later this year as the Azov Battalion did in Kiev a little more than a decade ago during “EuroMaidan”, which was explained in the earlier hyperlinked analysis about why they’re on the brink of war with the SSS. The most effective “Democratic Security” policy that Georgian Dream can promulgate right now is banning the Georgian Legion as a terrorist group if the ongoing investigation ties them to the assassination plot.

Allowing them to continue operating inside the country with impunity would constitute an enormous risk to Georgia’s national model of democracy considering the likelihood that they’ll catalyze a spree of urban terrorism ahead of, during, or right after the upcoming elections at the US’ regime change behest. Cracking down on this group ahead of the vote would greatly neutralize their ability to disrupt the democratic process and make associated Hybrid War threats much more manageable for the authorities.

Aware that the window of opportunity for destabilizing their country might soon close, the Georgian Legion might desperately try to carry out a high-profile assassination attempt in the near future, even if it isn’t against the ruling party’s founder but someone else like the Prime Minister and they use a patsy instead of their own members. Everyone should therefore keep a very close eye on Georgia since it’s still a major New Cold War battleground given its geostrategic significance in the broader region’s dynamics.


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Protest held in Tbilisi against the “foreign agent” bill reintroduced by the Kobakhidze government (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Vielleicht erinnern Sie sich an die alternative Friedenskonferenz am 12. Juni 2024 in Flühli, Schweiz, die von einer Gruppe für „Gegenseitiges Friedensengagement“ (“Mutual Peace Engagement”) organisiert wurde, mit wahren Vertretern der USA / NATO, Russlands, Deutschlands und der Schweiz – als Alternative zur infamen, von der Schweizer Regierung organisierten Konferenz vom 15. und 16. Juni 2024, auf dem Luxusresort Bürgenstock am Vierwaldstättersee. Bedauerlicherweise hat die Schweizer Regierung nicht einmal Russland zu ihrer so genannten Friedenskonferenz eingeladen.

Siehe dies, dies und dies.

Diese Gruppe für „Gegenseitiges Friedensengagement“ hat nun die Initiative ergriffen und einen Offenen Brief an den ungarischen Präsidenten Victor Orbán gerichtet, dessen Land derzeit und bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 den Vorsitz der Europäischen Union innehat.

Wir möchten Präsident Victor Orbán unseren Dank und unsere Unterstützung für seine Friedensinitiative aussprechen, die er unmittelbar nach Übernahme der EU-Vorsitzes, mit überraschenden Besuchen in Kiew zu Gesprächen mit Präsident Zelenskyy, dann in Moskau zu Gesprächen mit Präsident Putin, und schließlich in Peking zu Gesprächen mit Präsident Xi Jinping eingeleitet hat.

Obwohl die Einzelheiten der Gespräche und ihre Ergebnisse nicht offiziell bekannt sind, wissen wir, dass es sich um eine mutige Initiative eines Mitglieds der kriegstreiberischen Europäischen Union oder zumindest des kriegslüsternen EU-Rates handelt.

Wir beglückwünschen Herrn Orban und sagen ihm unsere volle Unterstützung für seine Friedensinitiative zu.

Peter Koenig, 26. Juli 2024


Offener Brief an Präsident Viktor Orbán

Lieber Präsident Viktor Orbán,

Sie haben sich die Freiheit genommen, sich aktiv für Frieden zu engagieren. Dafür möchten wir Ihnen – als ein Teil des Schweizer Souveräns – herzlich danken.

Sie haben das Gespräch mit allen Beteiligten des sinnlosen Krieges in der Ukraine und in Russland proaktiv gesucht. Jedes Kind versteht, dass bei Konflikten mit allen Beteiligten gesprochen werden muss. Man sollte so schnell wie möglich handeln, um Leid, Blutvergiessen, Umweltzerstörung und deren langfristige Schäden einzudämmen. All jene, die Sie kritisieren, haben offenbar den inneren ethischen Kompass verloren.

So wie Ihr Verhalten als Ratspräsident der EU, so haben wir als Teil des Souveräns der Schweiz am 12.6.2024, kurz vor der verlogenen Bürgenstockkonferenz, gehandelt. Auch wir haben niemanden gefragt und uns engagiert.

Die Konferenz hat Repräsentanten aus Russland, aus den USA (Nato, CIA), aus Deutschland, der Schweiz, und der Ukraine eingeladen.

Daraus sind kurzfristige und längerfristige Vorschläge für «Waffenstillstand» bis hin zu einem «friedlichen Zusammenleben» entstanden: siehe dies, dies und dies.

Mit diesem Brief möchten wir Sie auf Ihrem Weg unterstützen und stärken. Wenn Sie über die EU-Grenze Support wünschen, engagieren wir uns gerne mit Ihnen zusammen: Vereinigen wir die dringend nötigen Friedenskräfte!

Alle Partizipierenden der Mutual Peace Engagement Conference:

Alec Gagneux (Initiator),

Alexander Peske (representing Russian Federation),

Ray McGovern (representing USA),

Florian D. Pfaff (representing Germany),

Ralf Bosshard (representing Switzerland).

Weitere Unterstützer des Offenen Briefes:

Peter Koenig, former World Bank-economist, journalist, geopolitical analyst

Prof. Dr. Alfred de Zayas, Geneva School of Diplomacy, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, Member of the Geneva International Peace Research Institute

Dr. Eugen Drewermann, German theologian, psychoanalyst and writer.

Christian Oesch, President of the Swiss WIR-Association

Linard Bardill, Singer and Author

Guy M. Mettan, Journalist and Politician

Christoph Pfluger, Journalist and Author

Dr. Jenö Ebert, Author and Medical Doctor (internist) 


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Peter Koenig ist geopolitischer Analyst und ehemaliger leitender Wirtschaftswissenschaftler bei der Weltbank und der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), wo er über 30 Jahre lang in der ganzen Welt tätig war. Er ist Autor von Implosion – Ein Wirtschaftsthriller über Krieg, Umweltzerstörung und Konzerngier und Co-Autor von Cynthia McKinneys Buch „When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis“ (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Er ist auch ein nicht ansässiger Senior Fellow des Chongyang Instituts der Renmin Universität in Peking.

Gekennzeichnetes Bild: Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán (Quelle: NEO)

Open Letter to Hungarian President Viktor Orbán

July 26th, 2024 by Alec Gagneux

You may recall the Alternative Peace Conference on 12 June 2024, in Flühli, Switzerland organized by a Group for “Mutual Peace Engagement”, with real representatives from the United States / NATO, Russia, Germany and Switzerland – and alternative to the infamous Swiss-Government organized Conference of 15 and 16 June in the luxury resort Bürgenstock by the Lake Lucerne. Lamentably, the Swiss Government did not even invite Russia to their so-called Peace Conference.

See this, this and this.

This Group for “Mutual Peace Engagement” has now taken the initiative with an Open Letter to Hungarian President Viktor Orbán, whose country is currently and until 31 December 2024 presiding over the European Union.

We would like to express our gratitude and support in whatever ways we can to President Viktor Orbán for the Peace Initiative he has embarked immediately after taking the EU Presidency, with surprise visits to Kiev for talks with Mr. Zelenskyy, then to Moscow for talks with Mr. Putin, and finally to Beijing to talk with President Xi Jinping.

While the details of the talks and their results are not officially known, we are aware that his was a courageous initiative as a member of the warmongering European Union, or at least the belligerent EU Council.

We congratulate Mr. Orban and pledge our support to his Peace Initiative.

Peter Koenig, July 26, 2024


Open Letter to President Viktor Orbán

Dear President Viktor Orbán,

You have taken the liberty of actively working for peace. As part of the Swiss sovereign, we would like to thank you most sincerely for this.

Your proactive efforts to initiate dialogue with all parties involved in the senseless war in Ukraine and Russia are commendable. Every child understands the necessity of speaking with all sides in a conflict. We must act swiftly to alleviate suffering, prevent bloodshed, and curb environmental destruction along with its long-term repercussions. Those who criticize your actions have evidently lost their inner ethical compass.

Just as you have acted decisively as President of the EU Council, we, as part of the Swiss sovereign, took action on June 12, 2024, just before the shameful Bürgenstock conference. We, too, did not wait for permission – we acted. The conference brought together representatives from Russia, the USA/NATO, Germany, and Switzerland. This gathering produced both immediate and long-term proposals for “ceasefire” and “peaceful coexistence”: see this, this and this.

With this letter, we aim to reinforce and embolden you on your path. The stakes are too high for us to act alone. If you desire support beyond the EU borders, we are ready and willing to collaborate with you: let us unite the forces of peace! Together, we can amplify our efforts and make a significant impact. Your fearless behavior inspires us, and we are committed to standing with you.

All representatives of the Mutual Peace Engagement Conference:

Alec Gagneux (Initiator),

Alexander Peske (representing Russian Federation),

Ray McGovern (representing USA),

Ralf Bosshard (representing Switzerland),

Florian D. Pfaff (representing Germany).

Further supporters of the Open Letter:

Peter Koenig, former World Bank economist, journalist, geopolitical analyst

Prof. Dr. Alfred de Zayas, Geneva School of Diplomacy, former UN Independent Expert on International Order, Member of the Geneva International Peace Research Institute

Dr. Eugen Drewermann, German theologian, psychoanalyst and writer

Christian Oesch, President of the Swiss WIR-Assosiation

Linard Bardill, singer and author

Guy M. Mettan, journalist and politician

Christoph Pfluger, journalist and author

Dr. Jenö Ebert, Author and Medical Doctor (Internal Medicine)


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research  

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Source: NEO)

Povo ucraniano aberto a reconhecer os Novos Territórios Russos.

July 26th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Ao contrário do que afirma a propaganda estatal ucraniana, as pessoas estão realmente cansadas da guerra e prontas para qualquer tipo de concessões para pôr fim às hostilidades o mais rapidamente possível. De acordo com um inquérito recente, o número de ucranianos dispostos a reconhecer os Novos Territórios Russos está a aumentar exponencialmente, o que mostra o elevado nível de insatisfação com as medidas pró-guerra do governo.

O Instituto Internacional de Sociologia de Kiev divulgou recentemente dados de um estudo que mostra que pelo menos 32% dos ucranianos entrevistados estão dispostos a “abrir mão” de territórios para alcançar a paz. No final do ano passado, a mesma pesquisa apontava apenas 19% de aprovação entre os entrevistados. Anteriormente, no primeiro ano da operação militar especial, o índice de aprovação para a reconfiguração territorial da Ucrânia era inferior a 10%. Na prática, este aumento deixa claro que as pessoas estão cansadas do conflito, interessando-se em tomar qualquer medida que pareça eficiente para pôr fim à violência.

Obviamente, a pesquisa foi realizada em áreas sob controle ucraniano, razão pela qual os dados devem ser analisados ​​considerando o elevado nível de perseguição política e censura. É sabido que muitas pessoas evitam dizer o que realmente pensam na Ucrânia para fugir às represálias da ditadura neonazista. Neste sentido, o número real de pessoas a favor da paz deve ser ainda maior.

É também interessante notar que muitos dos entrevistados afirmaram estar genuinamente preocupados com a independência da Ucrânia. Afirmaram que é melhor abrir mão dos territórios já perdidos e assim preservar o que resta do país para evitar que a escalada da guerra gere ainda mais perdas territoriais para Kiev. O Instituto também informou que desde fevereiro, quando os russos libertaram a cidade de Avdeevka, no Donbass, o número de pessoas a favor de concessões territoriais aumentou. Isto mostra que as pessoas comuns estão a fazer uma avaliação correcta do futuro, compreendendo que quanto mais a guerra durar, maiores serão as probabilidades de a Rússia reintegrar ainda mais territórios.

O aumento recente também pode estar relacionado com os avanços russos no norte, na região de Kharkov. Além das Novas Regiões da Rússia, os territórios ucranianos foram libertados nas regiões próximas das fronteiras da Rússia para aliviar a pressão militar em áreas civis. Kiev tem levado a cabo ataques territoriais diários nos oblasts russos de Belgorod e Kursk, o que levou ao lançamento de uma operação militar em Kharkov – que muitos especialistas acreditam que será alargada a Sumy. Obviamente, ao ver estas notícias, as pessoas comuns entendem que a continuação da guerra pode levar à captura de ainda mais cidades, o que faz com que até os cidadãos pró-ucranianos apoiem o fim das hostilidades de acordo com o status quo territorial.

Para a Rússia, tudo o que importa é a garantia da paz. A reintegração de territórios é uma medida excepcional que decorre precisamente da agressividade do inimigo. Para Moscou, o cálculo é simples: tanto território quanto necessário deve ser libertado para evitar que as fronteiras russas sejam atacadas. Se os ucranianos se recusarem a evacuar as tropas das fronteiras, então Moscou será forçado a lançar uma operação militar e capturar estas regiões críticas, criando barreiras contra a infiltração territorial. Por enquanto, os termos russos são claros: Kiev só precisa reconhecer as quatro Novas Regiões e a Crimeia. No entanto, se o regime neonazista insistir na guerra, é possível que uma maior reintegração seja realizada no futuro, a fim de evitar que civis russos sejam atingidos pela artilharia ucraniana.

Na prática, os ucranianos comuns estão a demonstrar uma capacidade analítica mais precisa do que os seus líderes. As pessoas estão a constatar que a melhor forma de evitar novas perdas territoriais para a Ucrânia é precisamente reconhecer o que já foi perdido e não pode ser recuperado – para além, claro, de fornecer sólidas garantias de segurança através da evacuação das tropas e do fim dos laços com a OTAN. Continuar a guerra só levará a ainda mais perdas – tanto de territórios como de vidas.

As forças de Kiev estão fracas e perto do colapso militar completo. Não há qualquer possibilidade de que uma nova “contra-ofensiva” ucraniana seja eficaz na retomada das áreas libertadas pelos russos. Portanto, prolongar as hostilidades é inútil de um ponto de vista pragmático, deixando Kiev com a única escolha entre admitir o que já perdeu ou lutar e perder ainda mais.

O fato de o povo ucraniano já ter compreendido a realidade da guerra é prova de quão impopulares são as medidas pró-guerra da junta neonazista. Se qualquer acordo de paz for submetido a referendo popular, mesmo que envolva grandes concessões territoriais, certamente receberá ampla aprovação. E é precisamente por isso que o governo ucraniano exclui o povo do processo de tomada de decisão.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Ukrainian people open to recognize Russian New Territories, InfoBrics, 25 de Julho de 2024.

Imagem InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress

By Philip Giraldi, July 26, 2024

Polls have shown for months that more Americans disapprove than approve of the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, but Congress and the White House are not interested in the views of the public when they are on the receiving end of hundreds of millions of dollars in “donations” from Jewish billionaires.

Bringing War Back Home: Vietnam and Siege Mentality. “Managing Chaos, Adventures in Alternative Media.” Greg Guma

By Greg Guma, July 26, 2024

It was March, 1968, and the US Senate had opened an investigation on the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, passed four years earlier. The resolution had given President Johnson a blank check to wage war in Vietnam, based on a trumped-up military incident. Half a million troops were mobilized as American leaders used communist fears and falling dominoes to rationalize a major invasion. 

Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy: Presentation by Owen Schalk and Yves Engler

By Michael Welch, Owen Schalk, and Yves Engler, July 26, 2024

In the history book Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, the late great author and journalist William Blum documented more than fifty documented incidences of military or covert U.S. interventions on countries around the world. The book shows that the aim of these many interventions, from Albania to Zaire being in service of democracies is hard to justify, especially as a large percentage of these displays of “the American Way” were actually used against democratic countries.

Gen. Mark Milley: Robots to Imminently Replace Human Soldiers in U.S. Military

By Ben Bartee, July 26, 2024

As all military brass who have ascended to the highest ranks — which are political appointments, not meritocratic ones — tend to do, the pudgy careerist hack who cosplays as soldier, Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been on a cash-grab bonanza since his “retirement” from “public service” last year.

Can the Already Very Serious Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Worsen Further?

By Bharat Dogra, July 26, 2024

On July 23 the UN Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg informed the Security Council that recent developments in the Red Sea, Israel and inside Yemen “show the real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation.” This statement was made in the context of Israel’s air strike on Yemen and the preceding strikes by the Houthi rebels against Israel and ships in the Red Sea.

Ukrainian People Open to Recognize Russian New Territories

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 26, 2024

Contrary to what Ukrainian state propaganda claims, people are really tired of war and ready for any kind of concessions to end hostilities as soon as possible. According to a recent survey, the number of Ukrainians willing to recognize the Russian New Territories is increasing exponentially, which shows the high level of dissatisfaction with the government’s pro-war measures.

Netanyahu: A Standing Ovation

By Danaka Katovich, July 26, 2024

The architect of the genocide against the Palestinian people walked in and out of the “people’s house” to a standing ovation. He was given more time with our lawmakers than any of us will ever get in our lifetime and he used it to insist he was a good man that was commanding a moral army — insisting they have not killed anyone who did not deserve to have their life ended in the blink of an eye.

Around the time I turned 21, Sen. J. William Fulbright described what was taking place across the country as a “spiritual rebellion” of the young against a betrayal of national values. Almost half the US population was under 25 at the time. I’m not sure how spiritual they were, but, speaking personally, I did feel betrayed, conflicted and rebellious. 

It was March, 1968, and the US Senate had opened an investigation on the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, passed four years earlier. The resolution had given President Johnson a blank check to wage war in Vietnam, based on a trumped-up military incident. Half a million troops were mobilized as American leaders used communist fears and falling dominoes to rationalize a major invasion. 

The operative logic was that it might be necessary to destroy the country in order to save it.

For a moment the storm clouds parted. Eugene McCarthy, an ardent opponent of the war, won an encouraging 42 percent of the Democratic Presidential primary vote in New Hampshire. Four days later, Robert Kennedy officially entered the race. By the end of the month Johnson announced that he wouldn’t seek re-election. It felt like history was speeding up and moving forward. But on the same day Kennedy announced his run, American troops lined up hundreds of old men, women and children in a South Vietnamese village, Mai Lai, and killed them. It was one of several massacres that were hidden for two years. 

Just as the country looked for a way out, it was losing its soul.

In the midst of this chaos the prescient muckraker I.F. Stone wrote something in his weekly newsletter that stuck with me. “Everywhere we talk liberty and social reform,” he warned, “but we end up by allying ourselves with native oligarchies and military cliques — just as we have done in Vietnam. In the showdown, we reach for the gun.”

As if hammering that home, a few weeks later, two months before I graduated from Syracuse University, a shot rang out in Memphis and ended the life of Martin Luther King Jr. A political assasination, five years after the death of President Kennedy, this one was possibly linked to a racist (and perhaps FBI) conspiracy. In the days that followed, riots erupted in at least 125 American cities, resulting in more than 20,000 arrests and the mobilization of federal troops and the National Guard. Like millions of others, I was stunned, confused, angry, and scared. Two months later, just after I moved to Vermont, Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles on the night he won the California primary.

The war had come home with brutal violence and death. In the first five months of the year, almost 10,000 soldiers died in Vietnam, more than in all of 1967. By July, there had been over 200 major demonstrations on campuses across the country. Yet despite the obvious signs of domestic unrest, especially about the war, it continued to escalate. And the domestic repression was just beginning.

After my last classes and a few goodbyes, I didn’t even hang around for the graduation ceremonies. Instead, I packed a suitcase, stored my Yamaha bike, and drove to Bennington. Nestled between Albany and Western Mass in southern Vermont, it felt like an escape from the urban rat race, high-energy aggression and ruthless competition, mass anxiety and gnawing fear. 

Out there, but not too far… 


Managing Chaos: Adventures in Alternative Media 

It is an eye-witness account that explores the unique, tumultuous history of Pacifica radio and alternative media in America. Filled with episodes from an eclectic career, Greg Guma’s new book discusses the evolution of radio and television, the impacts of concentrated media ownership, the rise of the alternative press, his complex relationship with Bernie Sanders, his work in Vermont before and during a progressive revolution that changed the state’s power structure, and decades later, what happened while he managed the original listener-supported radio network. Here is another excerpt.

Siege Mentality

In-person meetings of Pacifica’s national board were all-weekend affairs. Really more than a weekend: Managers and staff began arriving Wednesday for a full-day, staff-only summit on Thursday. Held every three months, these quarterly rituals took considerable energy and preparation time.

The location rotated according to a mandated sequence, another bylaw restriction created by the reformers who recaptured the network, evidently designed to equalize local participation. The trouble was that housing dozens of people for days in a venue like New York, plus a meeting space large enough to accommodate an audience and “public comments” from activists, could cost double the price of the same digs in Houston. But a summer session in Texas could be unbearable. It was arbitrary, uncomfortable, and sometimes unnecessarily costly.

On the other hand, the gatherings brought together people from disparate communities and cultures across the country. If the vibe was right, an in-person PNB meeting could build momentum behind new ideas. My plan for the March 2006 session in Los Angeles, two months after I started work, was to lay out problems and win early “buy in” for a network-oriented response. Not to reach consensus. It was more like critical mass.

As Affiliates Program Coordinator Ursula Ruedenberg delicately put it during a “thematic” discussion that weekend, national programming “is very thorny just beneath the surface. It set the stage for what happened in the ‘90s. There began to be pressure to work as a national network,” she recalled, “and that process aroused all sorts of issues.”

The timing and location looked right. The board was about to adopt a National Programming Policy, which would trigger the hiring of a coordinator. Theoretically, he or she could pull together people and programs across the country. Meanwhile, outside the hotel in the streets of Los Angeles, over a half a million people were gathering for “La Gran Marcha,” part of a nationwide protest against a proposed law to raise penalties for illegal immigration and classify the undocumented — or anyone who helped them — as felons. 

Over the next few days hundreds of thousands also showed up for rallies in places like Denver, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, and Nashville. In the wider debate over immigration these protests not only demonstrated opposition to the bill, they called for a “path to legalization” for the millions of people entering the country without documents or permission.

Living in Los Angeles more than a decade earlier, I’d watched immigration politics play a role during the riots of 1992. Border Patrol cops deployed in Latino communities arrested more than 1,000 people. Afterward, the INS began work with the Pentagon’s Center for Low-Intensity Conflict and the line between civilian and military operations was largely erased. Human Rights Watch accused border cops of routine abuse, a pattern of beatings, shootings, rapes, and deaths. In June 1995, detainees in a private jail had rioted after being tortured by guards.

In some ways, Southern California embodied both the American Dream and the right’s cultural nightmare. A confluence of climate, capital and demographics had made it an international zone and the world’s image capital. By the early 21st century, the City of Angels was populated heavily by brown and black residents, many of them recent immigrants. It would soon be more than 40 percent Hispanic, 12 percent Asian, 10 percent Black, and less than 40 percent European-American. As David Rieff noted in his book, Los Angeles: Capital of the Third World, the rest of the country, and possibly the world, would likely follow the L.A. model.

Moving to New Mexico in 1996, I ran a non-profit that provided legal support for both legal and undocumented immigrants. By then the border had become a battlefield. Government strategies for combating undocumented immigration had remilitarized the entire region. The recently-passed North American Free Trade Agreement meshed neatly with more obvious aspects of low-intensity conflict doctrine. The definition of immigration and drug trafficking as “national security” issues brought military thought and tactics into domestic affairs. Just as the projection of a “communist menace” had been a smokescreen for post-war expansionism, a “Brown wave,” the “Drug War” and terrorism were used as pretexts for military-industrial penetration.

Immersing myself in immigration law and regional race politics, I developed a coalition of sympathetic groups to fight back against the most draconian aspects of a new immigration reform law. We staged public rallies in Albuquerque, and brought Latino and Asian spokesmen to Santa Fe to testify at legislative hearings. 

Defending the rights of immigrants was a perfect focus for Pacifica, and the national board promptly took time out to join the march. For KPFK it was a golden programming opportunity. The station went live for five hours that day, airing reports and coverage in Spanish and English, the first show of its kind. Yet the other sister stations didn’t take it as a national feed, preferring local coverage or the usual shows.

Latino programming was at the top of the agenda. Largely at the urging of KPFK, the board had decided that a daily Spanish language news show should be launched nationally. New York and DC Latino activists were lobbying for more airtime. They had a practical point. The demographic trends in signal areas and nationally pointed to a large “under-served” audience. According to Arbitron, Latinos spent more time listening to the radio than any other ethnic group. 

In fact, Spanish-language media — Univision, Telemundo and radio stations — had helped to mobilize people for the immigration protests. In L.A. , Eddie “Piolin” Sotelo, a Spanish radio personality, persuaded friends at other stations to rally listeners and cover the event. But commercial radio’s interest in the issue was likely to fade, while Pacifica, if it made a sustained commitment, could build a large and loyal new listenership.

“I’m feeling a lot of pressure for change,” I told the board, “people waiting to see whether I will take sides, and waiting to judge. I’m bound to disappoint some people. There’s really no way to satisfy all of the expectations.” It might be possible to find common ground, I allowed, but winner-take-all wasn’t the best starting point. 

“What we have, with certain exceptions, is a siege mentality,” I reminded them, “sometimes referred to as protecting turf.”…

From the Epilogue

Pacifica had been through a decade of internal struggle when I arrived in Berkeley. Worried about a possible corporate takeover, members of the staff, board and volunteers at the stations had fought back, and eventually created a new, more democratic governance structure. You might even call it hyper-democratic. But also incomplete, unwieldy and difficult to amend. It didn’t prevent factions from forming at various stations. In fact, it seemed to produce contested board elections and bitter charges that the process was unfair, even rigged. 

In January 2006 the organization was battle-weary, but recovering and financially stable. The next two years were more peaceful than most. But the animosity and tribalism didn’t vanish. Rather than become the center of yet another internal power struggle, I stepped aside to make way for the next chief executive, someone who had been fired years before. 

As it turns out, she didn’t appreciate the new democratic structure and stayed for less than a year. Six years after that, one of her successors barricaded herself inside the national office rather than accept a replacement. The mood had gone from suspicious to openly hostile.

Personally, it was a productive decade. Despite the warning before becoming ED, I did work again. Once back in Vermont, I returned to writing and journalism, and wrote about Burlington and national politics for, a new online platform that established itself as a leading news source. Gannett still owned the Burlington Free Press, but it was no longer a Vermont media leader and not much of a daily. Now a top news source was Seven Days, a robust print weekly that succeeded the Vanguard Press and provided breaking news through an effective online platform. 

After the Democrats resumed control of City Hall, I also ran for mayor, something I had postponed for decades, ever since stepping aside for Bernie. 


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Spread the Truth, Refer a Friend to Global Research 

Greg Guma is author, historian, and former CEO of Pacifica Radio. He chronicled Vermont history in The People’s Republic: Vermont and the Sanders Revolution and Restless Spirits & Popular Movements. His recent book, Prisoners of the Real, looks at the costs of expedient answers, authoritarian strategies, and a preoccupation with control and toward liberated groups that offer new opportunities and real choice.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Vietnam War protestors march at the Pentagon in Washington, DC on October 21, 1967. (Photo credit: Frank Wolfe / LBJ Library / Wikimedia)

Managing Chaos: Adventures in Alternative Media

AuthorGreg Guma


Publisher: ‎Independently published (July 25, 2024)

Paperback: ‎317 pages

ISBN-13:‎ 979-8324478988

An eye-witness account that explores the unique, tumultuous history of Pacifica radio and alternative media in America.

Filled with episodes from an eclectic career, Greg Guma’s 15th book discusses the evolution of radio and television, the impacts of concentrated media ownership, the rise of the alternative press, his complex relationship with Bernie Sanders, his work in Vermont before and during a progressive revolution that changed the state’s power structure, and decades later, what happened while he managed the original listener-supported radio network.

Weaving together an intimate chronicle of what he saw as Pacifica’s post-revolutionary CEO and episodes from his earlier life as a stressed out student, rookie reporter, radical organizer and unconventional editor, Guma explores the challenges of maintaining democratic institutions in a culture of distrust and polarization, of striking the delicate balance between truth and advocacy, observation and participation, and of handling conflicts with persuasion instead of force.

Managing Chaos is a media saga, a personal story, and a cautionary tale.

Click here to purchase.

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In the history book Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, the late great author and journalist William Blum documented more than fifty documented incidences of military or covert U.S. interventions on countries around the world. The book shows that the aim of these many interventions, from Albania to Zaire being in service of democracies is hard to justify, especially as a large percentage of these displays of “the American Way” were actually used against democratic countries. [1]

He, together with figures like Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, and Howard Zinn distinguished himself as a prominent U.S. foreign policy critic and incited both praise and criticism for daring to speak out on a subject that smeared the profile of the world’s biggest champion of “democracy and human rights.” Hence, a lot of listeners out there are prepared to question the latest conflict with another major threat equated with the likes of Adolf Hitler.

Seldom, however, is the country of Canada equated with the U.S. in this regard. Even people who may not be friendly with the Prime Minister of the day are not seen by the people of Canada as launching a war, or aiding in the destruction of a democracy. From a young age, Canadians are trained to see Canada as a champion of democracy that tries through diplomacy and good will to aid nations in their struggles to hold and maintain democracy. And in war, they “punch above their weight” in order to ensure democracy. [2]

But author Yves Engler is one author who continues to relentlessly soil this vision of Canada as the Boy Scouts (and Girl Scouts) on the world stage. Together with his co-author Owen Schalk, Yves takes the Northern community on a discursion similar to William Blum’s epic journey of the more than 20 elected governments around the globe – from Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran to Patrice Lumumba in Congo, to Salvador Allende in Chile to Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti – that has witnessed Canada’s participation in coups and ousting of governments. [3]

The replacing authorities have less to do with the failings of democracy as devotees to traditional imperatives understand them, and more to do with furthering the corporate and imperial goals of the governments in office. Both Liberal and Conservative governments are complicit iin this endeavour.

On this week’s Global Research News Hour, we bring the listeners a talk, organized in the University of Winnipeg campus within the UW Hive on the evening of June 20, 2024. Owen Schalk was present at the talk. Yves Engler appeared via Zoom. The talk was sponsored by Peace Alliance Winnipeg and host station CKUW.

It was recorded with the assistance of videographer Paul Graham. Video of this talk is available here:



Owen Schalk is an independent researcher and writer whose work focuses on domestic and foreign policy. His articles have been published by Alborada, Monthly Review and Protean magazine, and he contributes a weekly column to Canadian Dimension. He is the co-author of Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy, 2024 and also the author of Canada in Afghanistan: A Story of Military, Diplomatic, Political and Media Failure, 2003-2023, James Lorimer & Co., 2023. He lives in Petersfield, Manitoba, Canada.
Yves Engler is one of Canada’s foremost Canadian foreign policy critics and dissidents. He is the author of ten books on Canadian foreign policy including Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy (with Owen Schalk) (2024) and Stand on Guard for Whom?: A People’s History of the Canadian Military (2021). His articles have appeared at,,, and on his own site


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg.

The programme is also broadcast weekly (Monday, 1-2pm ET) by the Progressive Radio Network in the US.

The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs Global Research News Hour excerpts infrequently during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

  1. William Blum (2004), ‘Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II – Updated Through 2003’, Common Courage Press;


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church was the scene of an extended press conference held by the Detroit Coalition for Police Transparency and Accountability (DCPTA) on July 24.

The DCPTA was founded in July 2020 amid the mass demonstrations and rebellions around the United States and the world in the aftermath of the police executions of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Hakim Littleton, among others.

In a memorandum sent to Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice on April 23, the DCPTA once again requested a DOJ investigation of the Detroit Police Department for its use of excessive force, killings, racial discrimination, misconduct and the ineffective oversight by the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners. In earlier years, the Department of Justice conducted a widespread investigation into the DPD between 2000-2003 which resulted in the imposition of two federal consent decrees aimed at reforms related to the use of deadly force and the horrendous conditions then in existence at the police lockups.

The consent decrees were in force during the period of 2003 to 2014. The federal judicial consent judgment which enacted the decrees was lifted during the illegally declared bankruptcy in Detroit during 2013-2014.

Several federally appointed monitors failed to ensure that the measures mandated by the consent decrees were implemented by the DPD. The abuse by police has continued past the era of the consent decrees until the present period.

DCPTA press conference audience

The press conference on July 24 was chaired by Yvonne Jones of the DCPTA. A broad range of speakers detailed their experiences and observations regarding police misconduct in the city over the last four years.

These speakers included representatives from the DCPTA, Detroit Will Breath (DWB), residents of the southwest side of Detroit which is predominantly Latin American, religious leaders and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). The incidents of abuse and police killings have not led to a renewed intervention by the DOJ despite repeated pleas from DCPTA.

A similar press conference was held two years ago outside the Cass Commons in Midtown where the first memorandum was submitted to the DOJ. At the 2022 press conference, DCPTA members warned that the incidents of brutality and killings would continue if the federal and local authorities did not take immediate action.

Image: DCPTA press conference with Nakia Renee-Wallace

At the July 24 press conference, Nakia-Rene Wallace, a co-founder of Detroit Will Breath, spoke to the role of the police in Black and Brown communities in Detroit and around the country. Wallace emphasized that the purpose of the police was to suppress the political and cultural activities of people of color. She cited the violent destruction of the Wayne State University Palestine solidarity encampment which lasted for one week before it was ordered removed by WSU President Espy.

The destruction of the encampment, named by students as the Free University of Gaza, followed a national pattern of repression which could have only been coordinated by the White House and its DOJ. Over 3,000 students, faculty and community activists were arrested during the winter and spring as many were charged with misdemeanors and felonies. Many students were expelled from their campuses, evicted from campus housing and denied their degrees.

Bill Wylie-Kellerman, the retired pastor of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church where the press conference was held, read a letter to WSU President Kimberly Andrews Espy, Provost Laurie M. Lauzon Clabo and the Board of Governors which was signed by 70 clergy and religious leaders on June 26. The letter condemned the actions of the WSU administration for their refusal to negotiate with the Students for Justice in Palestine and other organizations which demanded the full disclosure and divestment from the State of Israel and entities conducting business with the apartheid state.

The letter read in part that:

“We understand the demands of the students—the divestment from war and weapons manufacturing—to be a good and just pursuit for which you should take pride as university leadership. Instead, you authorized the deployment of riot police and the use of brutal force against members of our communities, including the violent removal of a woman’s hijab, a grave violation of the Islamic faith.”

This letter went on to say:

“We write to express our deep disappointment in the decisions that you made as leaders and to ask the following of you:

1. Take meaningful steps toward reconciliation with the students and community members you have harmed, beginning with formal apologies to each.

2. Commit to meeting with members of Students for Justice in Palestine to truly listen to their concerns and hopes for a more just and equitable world.

3. Give a promise to your university community and communities across Southeast Michigan that you will refrain from militarized use of force against students in the future.

Violence against students and community members who peacefully advocate for their belief runs counter to each of our faith traditions, and to the basic tenets of human dignity. As an interfaith group of leaders, we urge the university to uphold the principles of justice, equity, and respect for all individuals.”

Other Recent Incidents of Police Misconduct

On the southwest side of Detroit, police broke up the annual Cinco de Mayo celebrations which have been held for decades. Community members and small businesses were physically attacked and ticketed in early May.

A young woman talked about her abuse at the hands of the police. She was injured on her arms and ticketed by officers. The citation had no charges listed with no court date set for a hearing. Another young person addressed the police harassment of cultural workers preparing for the annual event called “Southwest Fest”.

In the April 23 updated memorandum from the DCPTA to the DOJ it documented additional incidents of misconduct at the hand of the Detroit police. Some of these incidents which occurred during 2023 remain unresolved by the Board of Police Commissioners and the local courts.

These incidents documented include:

“Daryl Vance, 71, on September 1, 2023, was punched in the face by Office Juwan Brown, causing the victim to hit his head on the concrete, resulting in his death. (Later the courts refused to hold the officer over for a trial on murder charges). Just two days earlier, officers assaulted a young man in front of his home which was caught on a body worn camera and home camera. The Assistant Chief reported to the media that it was a traffic stop, then later a different Assistant Chief told the Board of Police Commissioners that it was a pedestrian stop. On July 29 and 30, 2023, two officers were charged in two separate incidents—one for criminal sexual conduct and the other for brandishing a firearm in a road rage. An assaultive rant utilizing profanity was carried out in a city residential home. This officer was placed on administrative duty and returned to full duty on the streets while the investigation remained in progress. The officer was only returned to administrative duty after the Office of the Chief Investigator brought the matter to the Board of Police Commissioners and to the public’s attention in a meeting. A vehicle was illegally searched on May 4, 2023, as efforts were made to obscure the video capture by positioning the subjects of the search. On January 2 of the same year, police shot an animal without cause.”

The officers involved in these incidents have not been properly disciplined by the Board of Police Commissioners or the courts. Consequently, the DCPTA has criticized the failure of the Commission to exercise its authority mandated by the City of Detroit Charter.

Detroit has a long and sordid history of police misconduct. A research project at the University of Michigan Department of History has compiled thousands of pages of files documenting the excesses of the police dating back to 1957. (See this)

These problems related to police misconduct are rooted within the racist capitalist system in the U.S. In order to abolish this process, there must be a frontal assault on the institutions which govern the country aimed at its eradication and complete social transformation.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: DCPTA press conference chair Yvonne Jones (All images in this article are from the author)

As all military brass who have ascended to the highest ranks — which are political appointments, not meritocratic ones — tend to do, the pudgy careerist hack who cosplays as soldier, Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been on a cash-grab bonanza since his “retirement” from “public service” last year.

Via The Intercept (emphasis added):

Since retiring from the military last year, former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley has become a senior adviser to JPMorgan Chase bank, joined the faculties of Princeton and Georgetown, and embraced the lucrative paid speaking circuit. From military pay of $204,000 a year, Milley is sure to skyrocket to compensation in the millions, especially because he is represented by the same high-powered speakers’ agency as Hillary Clinton, who faced criticism in 2016 for her paid speeches to investment bank Goldman Sachs.”

It was at one of these high-powered conferences of corporate state power brokers that Milley predicted, with apparently very limited concern over its devastating implications, that up to a third of U.S. military personnel will be robots in as little as ten years.

Via Natural News (emphasis added):

“The 20th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has predicted that robots and other smart machinery could end up replacing up to one-third of the United States Armed Forces within the next 10 to 15 years.

For years, militaries have been experimenting with various robotic and AI technologies, such as armed drones, robotic dogs and mechanical mules. And now, with advancements in the defense industry, these technologies are now becoming more viable…

During Axios’ Future of Defense event on July 11, retired Army Gen. Mark Milley noted that the number of human troops is likely to decrease as unmanned and artificial intelligence-driven tools become more prevalent in warfare tactics.

Ten to fifteen years from now, my guess is a third – maybe 25 percent to a third of the U.S. military will be robotic,’ said Milley.”

Of course, robot soldiers don’t ask questions; they don’t have moral qualms; they don’t require lifelong healthcare from the VA for PTSD or hazard pay or compensation when their robot limbs get blown off; they don’t have the capacity to say no to unconstitutional orders; indeed, they have no inherent allegiance to the Constitution whatsoever, only to the interests they would be programmed to serve by whomever programmed them.

The advantages to the technocracy of swapping humans out for machines are myriad.

The techno-obsessed Chinese Communist Party — because of course it is — is likewise eager to get in on the robot Rambo action.

Via Futurism (emphasis added):

“Last week, Agence France-Presse reported that China had flaunted the gun-carrying robodogs in a 15-day joint military exercise with Cambodia dubbed the ‘Golden Dragon.’

And if images of the literal killing machines weren’t troubling enough, a new video of the robots released yesterday by the state-owned broadcaster China Central Television shows the killing machine dutifully hopping and diving, leading teams in reconnaissance, and shooting its back-strapped machine gun at targets.

It can serve as a new member in our urban combat operations,’ says a soldier featured in the two-minute clip, ‘replacing our members to conduct reconnaissance and identify [the] enemy and strike the target.’

According to the report, the quadrupedal robodogs — specifically, the China-based robotics firm Unitree’s $2,800 Go2 models — can ‘operate’ on their own from anywhere between two and four hours.”

“It’s only going to get weirder. The level of contradiction is going to rise excruciatingly even beyond the excruciating present levels of contradiction. So, I think it’s just going to get weirder and weirder and weirder and, finally, it’s going to be so weird that people are going to have to talk about how weird it is….” -Terrence McKenna


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

On July 23 the UN Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg informed the Security Council that recent developments in the Red Sea, Israel and inside Yemen “show the real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation.” This statement was made in the context of Israel’s air strike on Yemen and the preceding strikes by the Houthi rebels against Israel and ships in the Red Sea.

Further Grundberg noted with distress, “It is alarming that there are no signs of de-escalation, let alone solution.” While this escalation is deeply worrying in itself, what is no less worrying is the impact this can have on the already very serious humanitarian crisis in the country. While attacks and the resulting damage can deepen the humanitarian crisis, these also increase the possibilities of disruption of humanitarian aid.

In 2020 when the USA had suddenly made big cuts in the humanitarian aid for Yemen, along with cuts made by Saudi Arabia and UAE, this had led to terrible results with sudden big increase in hospital admissions of seriously ill and malnourished children.

So what should be clearly decided now is that regardless of political developments, a clear decision should be taken that no cuts in humanitarian assistance will be made.

Amidst all the worrying news, one good development has been that there are reports of the government and Houthi rebels resolving differences to some extent. At the level of the people also, there are growing signs that they want unity and peace. The southern separatists should also respond to the growing need for peace and unity. If internal peace and unity can increase, then at least the distribution of humanitarian assistance can improve significantly so that those most in need can be assured of this help reaching them in time. 

In addition clearly there is need for increasing humanitarian assistance considerably as funds availability just now is considerable short of real needs.

Yemen has a population of 34.7 million and nearly two-thirds of people are in need of humanitarian assistance, although some estimates mention an even higher number.

Yemen is the poorest country of West Asia with high levels of poverty and malnutrition reported even before the present conflict started. In the course of the nine-year conflict during 2015-24 the humanitarian situation has steadily worsened. Some estimates mention nearly 370,000 conflict-related deaths with a high percentage of child deaths. Over 3 million people have been displaced, several of them multiple times. In addition there are several displaced people and refugees from Somalia staying in Yemen. Disease outbreaks and starvation deaths have been reported from time to time. As the number of hungry and vulnerable people is very high, any further deterioration of food availability can lead to famine conditions on a much larger scale and famine deaths.

Clearly in these conditions there is need for increasing humanitarian assistance, internal peace and unity as well as de-escalation of international conflict. Foreign interventions in Yemen’s conflict had considerably aggravated the distress of the people of Yemen at various stages and attempts should be made to at least partially make up for this by increasing humanitarian assistance.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children, A Day in 2071 and Man over Machine. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is licensed under Creative Commons/Felton Davis

Ukrainian People Open to Recognize Russian New Territories

July 26th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Contrary to what Ukrainian state propaganda claims, people are really tired of war and ready for any kind of concessions to end hostilities as soon as possible. According to a recent survey, the number of Ukrainians willing to recognize the Russian New Territories is increasing exponentially, which shows the high level of dissatisfaction with the government’s pro-war measures.

The Kiev International Institute of Sociology recently released data from a study showing that at least 32% of Ukrainians surveyed are ready to “give up” territories in order to achieve peace.

At the end of last year, the same poll indicated only 19% approval among respondents. Earlier, in the first year of the special military operation, the approval rating for Ukraine’s territorial reconfiguration was less than 10%. In practice, this increase makes it clear that people are tired of the conflict, becoming interested in taking any measure that seems efficient to put an end to the violence.

Obviously, the survey was conducted in areas under Ukrainian control, which is why the data should be analyzed considering the high level of political persecution and censorship. It is well-known that many people avoid saying what they really think in Ukraine to evade reprisals from the neo-Nazi dictatorship. In this sense, the real number of people in favor of peace must be even higher.

It is also interesting to note that many of the interviewees stated that they were genuinely concerned about Ukraine’s independence. They stated that it is better to give up the territories already lost and thus preserve what is left of the country to prevent the escalation of the war from generating even more territorial losses for Kiev. The Institute also reported that since February, when the Russians liberated the Donbass city of Avdeevka, the number of people in favor of territorial concessions has increased. This shows that ordinary people are making a correct assessment of the future, understanding that the longer the war lasts, the greater the chances of Russia reintegrating even more territories.

The recent rise may also be related to Russian advances in the north, in the Kharkov region. In addition to Russia’s New Regions, Ukrainian territories have been liberated in the regions close to Russia’s borders to ease military pressure in civilian areas. Kiev has been carrying out daily territorial attacks in the Russian oblasts of Belgorod and Kursk, which has led to the launch of a military operation in Kharkov – which many experts believe will be expanded to Sumy. Obviously, seeing this news, ordinary people understand that the continuation of the war could lead to the capture of even more cities, which makes even pro-Ukrainian citizens support an end to hostilities in accordance with the territorial status quo.

For Russia, all that matters is the guarantee of peace. The reintegration of territories is an exceptional measure that arises precisely from the enemy’s aggressiveness. For Moscow, the calculation is simple: as much territory as necessary must be liberated to prevent Russian borders from being attacked. If the Ukrainians refuse to evacuate troops from the borders, then Moscow is forced to launch a military operation and capture these critical regions, creating barriers against territorial infiltration. For now, the Russian terms are clear: Kiev only needs to recognize the four New Regions and Crimea. However, if the neo-Nazi regime insists on war, it is indeed possible that further reintegration will be carried out in the future in order to prevent Russian civilians from being hit by Ukrainian artillery.

In practice, ordinary Ukrainians are showing more accurate analytical capacity than their decision-makers. The people are seeing that the best way to avoid further territorial losses for Ukraine is precisely by recognizing what has already been lost and cannot be regained – in addition, of course, to providing solid security guarantees through the evacuation of troops and the end of ties with NATO. Continuing the war will only lead to even more losses – both of territories and lives.

Kiev’s forces are weak and close to complete military collapse. There is no chance that a new Ukrainian “counteroffensive” will be effective in retaking the areas liberated by the Russians. Therefore, prolonging hostilities is useless from a pragmatic point of view, leaving Kiev with the only choice left between admitting what it has already lost or fighting and losing even more.

The fact that the Ukrainian people have already understood the reality of the war is proof of how unpopular the pro-war measures of the neo-Nazi junta are. If any peace agreement is put to a popular referendum, even if it involves major territorial concessions, it will certainly receive widespread approval. And that is precisely why the Ukrainian government excludes the people from the decision-making process.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Netanyahu’s Speech Was As American As It Gets

July 26th, 2024 by Caitlin Johnstone

Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress was everything you’d expect: packed full of lies and propaganda spin, yet simultaneously very illuminating and revealing.

The Israeli prime minister received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine in his conspicuously American accent. Depending on how politically aware you are, this spectacle could be perceived as either deeply un-American, or as American as it gets.

Netanyahu repeated evidence-free atrocity propaganda about what happened on October 7, falsely asserting that Hamas “burned babies alive” and killed two babies in an attic. He falsely claimed that Hamas “butchered 1,200 people”, pretending it’s not a well-established fact that many of the 1,139 Israeli deaths that day came from both indiscriminate IDF fire and deliberate targeting in implementation of the Hannibal Directive.

He made the completely baseless claim that Iran may be paying the anti-genocide demonstrators outside the Capitol Building during his speech, saying,

“When the Tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.”

Netanyahu spent minutes ranting and raving about protests in America against his government’s atrocities in Gaza, during which he received a standing ovation from Congress that went on for nearly a minute.

He accused the International Criminal Court of “antisemitism” and “blood libel” for saying that Israel deliberately targets civilians, as though this hasn’t been conclusively established by mountains of evidence like the IDF’s Lavender AI system and statements from doctors describing what can only be deliberate sniper executions of children in Gaza.

He repeated Israel’s evidence-free claim that the only reason people are starving in Gaza is because Hamas is “stealing” all of the aid Israel allows in for itself.

Netanyahu went out of his way to frame Israel’s plight as civilized people against uncivilized barbarians, which only works if you harbor a supremely racist worldview. He kept repeating the word “civilization”, contrasting this with the “barbarism” of Hamas and its supporters, calling Israel’s US-backed military violence “a clash between barbarism and civilization” and saying “Israel fights on the frontline of civilization”.

He made these appeals to the racism that westerners harbor toward middle easterners in the same speech wherein he decried the “outrageous slanders that paint Israel as racist and genocidal”.

Netanyahu said Israel “must retain overriding security control” over Gaza “for the foreseeable future”, an open admission of plans for indefinite military occupation. 

This deluge of lies and racist invective received dozens and dozens of standing ovations. The same political class that’s spent the last eight years shrieking about the threat of misinformation, disinformation and foreign propaganda just normalized and applauded a foreign genocidal war criminal as he stood before Congress telling lie after lie after lie.

You couldn’t ask for a better example of everything Washington stands for than this. Both houses of Congress rising to feverishly applaud one of history’s worst genocidal monsters dozens of times as he lies over and over again is a much better representation of what the US government is about than anything you’ll see during the presidential race from now until November.

This is everything Israel is, and this is everything the US empire is. They’re showing you who they are. Believe them.


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Featured image is a screenshot from AP News via Caitlin Johnstone

To my surprise, last Thursday morning there was relatively little coverage of the address to the US Congress delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Wednesday afternoon apart from a critical opinion piece that appeared in the New York Times regarding Israel’s war on the Palestinians.

The article, by Megan K. Stack, asserted that

“History will cast Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in deservedly ugly tones. He’s not a guest we should aspire to host, but he is a visitor we deserve. Gaza is our war, too, thanks to the indispensable military aid and political cover the US government has lavished on Israel as the death toll climbs… What exploded as a war of retribution against Hamas has looked increasingly like a broader campaign of annihilation — the slaughter of trapped civilians; the excruciating deaths of thousands of children; the destruction of hospitals, schools and much of the civilian infrastructure.”

Polls have shown for months that more Americans disapprove than approve of the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, but Congress and the White House are not interested in the views of the public when they are on the receiving end of hundreds of millions of dollars in “donations” from Jewish billionaires. Much of the coverage of the Netanyahu appearance in the mainstream media was toothless and even adulatory. It generally reflected what was hailed as Bibi’s “fiery speech” that “did not give an inch” which vowed to continue fighting until “total victory” is achieved. There was some coverage of how Netanyahu went so far as to portray the many thousands of demonstrators, some of whom were pepper-sprayed and arrested, who surrounded the Capitol as “useful idiots paid for by Iran.” The jibe, together with other calls to go to war with Iran, produced cheers and other paroxysms of joy among the leaping and waving Congressmen. Bibi might have been particularly personally aggrieved by Pro-Palestinian protesters successfully having released insects into the Watergate Hotel where he was staying. Online video showed maggots running amok on the dinner table.

The Netanyahu speech was light on serious analysis, but heavy on emotional appeals, repeatedly invoking the assertion that he and the United States, in its “ironclad” support of Israel, are fighting to save “civilization” and that “our enemies are your enemies” and “our victory will be your victory.” Predictably, the Congressmen and guests who filled the chamber bobbed up and down applauding wildly after nearly every sentence, producing 53 standing ovations, far exceeding Netanyahu’s record 29 obtained the last time he addressed Congress in 2015.

Notably some Congressmen with active consciences skipped the event, including Nancy Pelosi, who, after the fact, denounced the address in a post on X:

“Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States. Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings. These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal.”

Only one Republican, Tom Massie of Kentucky, did not participate after observing

“Today Congress will undertake political theater on behalf of the State Department. The purpose of having Netanyahu address Congress is to bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war. I don’t feel like being a prop so I won’t be attending.”

Over 100 Congressional interns also boycotted the speech in a coordinated sick-out.

“In an act of protest, many of us have pledged to call in sick today, the day of Netanyahu’s address,” read a statement from boycott participants. “We stand in full solidarity with the victims of Netanyahu’s actions. We call on all members of Congress to boycott the address and take a unified stand against what we believe is a ‘universal evil.’ We urge our representatives to respond to the collective will of the American people and reject any semblance of endorsement of Netanyahu’s actions.”

A substantial number of progressive and moderate Democrats, possibly as many as 136, also did not attend, suggesting that Netanyahu is not well regarded by many in the Democratic Party. Netanyahu spoke for an hour and the over-the-top reception he received from congress suggested that the government’s true loyalty is not to the voters who elected them but rather to a foreign leader who is a war-criminal, implying to some that Bibi is actually de facto the American president and Israel and the US are in practical terms one country, with Israel as the dominant partner in the arrangement. As an American who is deeply concerned about the US collaboration with Israel in what is indisputably a genocide in Gaza, watching this spectacle unfolding before my eyes was probably the most pathetic and humiliating hour which I have experienced in my lifetime. My country has done many bad things in the past century, but this alliance with unmitigated evil is the equivalent of selling one’s soul.

International lawyer John Whitbeck captured the feeling perfectly, writing how

“After virtually every sentence uttered by the notorious war-criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, no matter how inane or blatantly false, virtually all the attending political prostitutes infesting the US Congress rose (53 times!) in a loud standing grovel of homage to their puppet-master, most long and loudly when he condemned pro-justice and anti-genocide protestors on American campuses and on the streets of Washington during his speech… Anyone watching this obscene spectacle could only conclude that the United States of America has ceased to be a respectable independent country and is now, as, indeed, it has been for many years already, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the State of Israel, with shared values which are rightfully rejected by the overwhelming majority of mankind. By their venality, cowardice, moral bankruptcy and near-treason, the American political class is flushing a once great country down history’s toilet, and the Global West, if it does not soon liberate itself from domination by the Israeli-American Empire, risks a similar fate.”

My particular gripe was over the fact that Netanyahu’s speech was full of uncontested lies and grossly exaggerated assumptions designed to get his audience roaring. The falsehoods were certainly recognizable as such by much of the audience, but Netanyahu was not challenged by anyone save only Representative Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat of Michigan and the sole Palestinian-American member of Congress, who attended the speech while holding up a sign while many of her colleagues applauded Netanyahu’s comments. One side of Tlaib’s sign read “GUILTY OF GENOCIDE” and the other read “WAR CRIMINAL.” Perhaps some dissidents in the crowd were intimidated by the threat by House Speaker Mike Johnson, who describes support of Israel as “one of America’s founding principles.” Johnson strategically stationed extra sergeants-at-arms in the chamber to arrest anyone who tried to interrupt Bibi. It is a unique and almost certainly illegal expedient to manage any pushback against favored and protected speakers like Netanyahu. Interestingly, Capitol police did forcibly removed from the rear of the chamber six relatives of Israeli hostages who reportedly attempted to disrupt the speech. One said “I couldn’t take it anymore,” and Jon Polin, the father of Israeli American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, said to reporters “I came here wanting to hear one sentence: ‘Today I announce that the hostages are coming home,’ and I didn’t hear that once.”

Press TV 🔻 on X: "During Netanyahu's address to the US Congress, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib staged a bold protest, holding up signs labeling him a "war criminal" and "guilty of genocide."" /


Among the lies propagated by Netanyahu was a longish tirade on how humane the Israeli army has been in its conduct of the war, claiming that Hamas

“These monsters raped women, they beheaded men, they burnt babies alive. They killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents.”

As has been confirmed by reliable independent sources, that is all a lie, a piece of Israeli government generated propaganda. And he also claimed falsely that the famine taking place in Gaza is a myth as his government has been allowing so many relief trucks to go into the strip that the average Palestinian is getting 3,000 calories of food per day. But my favorite line was his pledge to live at peace with the Palestinians when they stop wanting to “kill Jews.” The reality is, of course, it is the Jews who are killing Palestinians in large numbers using American supplied weapons. The highly respectable British medical journal The Lancet estimates that Israel has already killed more than 186,000 Palestinians since last October most of whom are still buried under the rubble of their homes, but for Netanyahu only Jewish lives matter. And the unrelenting savagery of the Israeli soldiers has also been confirmed by multiple independent sources. Bibi would also do well to read the new Knesset law passed last week that completely rejects the idea of a unilaterally declared sovereign Palestinian state side-by-side with Israel, confirming that Israel’s intentions do not include living at peace with its neighbors.

And so ends another exciting week in what once passed for the Capital of the United States of America. The visit by Netanyahu benefited certain politicians since to be qualified as an American presidential or vice-presidential candidate, you need to be photographed embracing a grinning genocidal psychopath from Israel. It keeps the cash flowing and the newspapers are empowered to tell lies on your behalf. Unfortunately, when the Israeli monsters are being received by their groveling hosts it also speaks most clearly to what we have become as a country while serving as the Israeli lapdog. Washington must finally confront the reality that its bloody close embrace of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza is not advancing any US interests or promoting regional stability. In fact, it is doing the opposite. What has happened to America is the real tragedy.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TUR

Netanyahu: A Standing Ovation

July 26th, 2024 by Danaka Katovich

There’s no mention of their duty to the people in the oath of office that members of Congress take. It says they will support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Maybe, in some regard defending the Constitution would mean doing their job: representing the people that elected them. But today, the architect of the genocide against the Palestinian people walked in and out of the “people’s house” to a standing ovation. He was given more time with our lawmakers than any of us will ever get in our lifetime and he used it to insist he was a good man that was commanding a moral army — insisting they have not killed anyone who did not deserve to have their life ended in the blink of an eye.

There are one thousand indications that our government has no obligation to us. This moment was just one — but it was one I will never let slip my mind. These people are no different than the settlers that gather in lawn chairs, eat popcorn, and cheer when the Israeli military drops bombs on apartment complexes in Gaza. For as long as they’ve been in office, they’ve had a front row seat to the carnage and all they do is gawk and cheer from the sidelines. Every once in a while, someone they are supposed to work for pesters them about their complacency and we are swatted away like flies.

Image: [Muhammad Bhar |Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un]

The majority opinion in the United States is against continued support for Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. Stories come out every week that push the needle further. Last week, the story of Muhammad Bhar surfaced and was circulated around the world. Muhammad was my age, 24, and had Down Syndrome. The Israeli military raided his home and let their dog attack him, tearing his arm to shreds. They separated him from his family, and left him in a room all by himself. They ordered his family to leave the house and left Muhammad to die — alone, bleeding, and scared. His family found Muhammad starting to decompose in the room the soldiers left him in. He still had a tourniquet on his arm from when they tried to stop the bleeding. And they just left him there, like he was nothing.

The Israeli military confirmed this story days later and Netanyahu gets a round of applause for his courage and leadership. They don’t even feel the need to lie to the world about their atrocities anymore — letting babies suffocate to death in incubators months ago was the litmus test for what the United States would let slide. Ordering an attack dog on a man with Down Syndrome and locking him in a room to die without his loved ones there to console him wasn’t the red line — because there will never be one.

They gave a standing ovation.

If a man like Benjamin Netanyahu had walked through their home and mangled their children’s bodies so much that they could never forget the way they looked afterward — I wonder if they would still applaud. I wonder if the screams of their family members burning alive in tents would potentially interrupt the thought that told them to clap, the thought that told them to give the man a standing ovation for his perfectly executed slaughter of thousands of human beings.

Some part of me still wanted to believe that these people may still be completely misled — that perhaps they don’t know about the 15,000 children that have been killed. Maybe they haven’t seen what I’ve seen — the little girl with her face falling off, the boy with a missing head, the child with no legs, the mother unwilling to wash her children’s blood off her hands because it is all that is left of them. Maybe they haven’t seen it at all. As thunderous applause rang out for the murderer, there were thousands of people outside trying to signal to the millions of people in Palestine that their turmoil isn’t being ignored. They were pepper sprayed, beaten, and arrested by cops that were trained in Israel.

When I saw the video of the standing ovation, something sunk in me — this is where I was born. This is where both of my parents were born. I have no nation to be loyal to but a nation tripping over themselves to kill my friends’ families. There is bloodlust in the US Congress — and bloodlust seems like the only thing they are loyal to. If there are “enemies” foreign and domestic, I fear they view us as the latter.

I clap for my friends at their comedy shows. I clap for people after they finish a speech at a community event. I sometimes clap when the plane lands, if someone else does it first. To clap for an executioner of children, mothers, fathers and friends — how much did they sell their souls for?


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Danaka Katovich is CODEPINK’s National Co-Director. Danaka graduated from DePaul University with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science in November 2020.  This was originally published on Danaka’s Substack, Proof That I’m Alive. You can subscribe here! 

Western-Supported Zionists and the Genocide Toolkit

July 26th, 2024 by Mark Taliano

Genocide takes so many forms.

It is the destruction of water treatment plants and the ensuing diseases which incubate and spread disease thanks to the Zionist-imposed filth.





It is the destruction of hospitals and the on-going Zionist-imposed siege which deprives patients of needed medications and health care for chronic illnesses.

It is the bombs and bullets which kill civilians as policy, buries them alive as policy.[1]

It is the media messaging which counts only civilians who interface with hospitals and necessarily undercounts the dead and dying, and all those killed by the Western-supported Zionist genocide.[2]

But it is also the deliberate attack on universities, none of which exist now in Gaza. Zionists have destroyed all Palestinian universities.

All of this is part of the genocide tool kit.  All of it is designed to eradicate everything Palestinian from Palestine.

All of it is supported by Western governments.

Shame on us.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.


(1) Mark Taliano, “This Is What Genocide Looks Like.” Global Research, 06 July, 2024. (This Is What Genocide Looks Like – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 07 July, 2025.

(2) Mark Taliano, “Western-Supported Zionist Genocide and the Pathology of Evil.” Global Research, 06 July, 2024. (Western-Supported Zionist Genocide and the Pathology of Evil – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 25 July, 2024.

See also:  

All images in this article are from the author

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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“We are progressively moving forward in the disruption of food systems to be able to grow anything anywhere regardless of climate and environment.” – UAE government, 2023[1]

“Logistics is where the Emirates’ commercial and strategic ambitions overlap.” – Financial Times, 2024[2]

While all eyes are on Gaza, further south in Sudan another atrocious conflict is leading to mass starvation.

The fighting that broke out in April 2023 pits a militant faction called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) against rival state militias. Both are vying for control of the country and its rich mineral and agricultural resources. More than 14,000 people have been killed, another 33,000 have been injured, some ten million have been displaced and a situation of generalised famine is setting in.[3] The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is alleged to be arming the RSF. Why? In part, observers say, to protect shipments of gold, livestock and crops.[4] Of course, the UAE rebuffs the claim, but evidence speaks otherwise.

In the pursuit of its own food security, the UAE, like other Gulf states, has been getting control of land to develop farm operations in Sudan. Right now, two Emirati firms –International Holding Company (IHC), the country’s largest listed corporation, and Jenaan – are farming over 50,000 hectares there. In 2022, a deal was signed between IHC and the DAL group – owned by one of Sudan’s wealthiest tycoons – to develop an additional 162,000 ha of farmland in Abu Hamad, in the north. This massive farm project, backed by the UAE government, will connect to a brand-new port on the coast of Sudan to be built and operated by the Abu Dhabi Ports Group. The economic stakes around this project are mammoth. But so are the political ones. The current port of Sudan, which the project will completely bypass, is run by the Sudanese government.

Despite being a tremendously wealthy country, due to its massive oil and gas reserves, the UAE is food insecure and depends on other territories for its food supply. This is not new. The UAE has been leaning on other countries for food for decades, as it grows into a financial powerhouse with a predominantly immigrant population. Ever since the food price crisis of 2007-2008, followed by Covid and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, all of which disrupted supplies for Gulf States, the Emirates have amassed some 960,000 hectares of farms overseas. Now, though, these global farm operations are increasingly being tied to the UAE through a tightly controlled network of ports and logistics platforms, all of which are entwined with security concerns.[5]

Outsourced food production does require logistical prowess to move goods from overseas farms to local consumers, and the UAE, with some of the world’s top port companies, aviation providers and warehouse operators, has the capacity for it. But such a logistical empire brings with it a security dimension, which, in the case of the UAE, overlaps with geopolitical and military interests. This can reinforce unequal power relations or worse, as can be seen in Africa. Moreover, the UAE’s long-term ambition is not only to become food self-sufficient, but also to become a central hub in the world’s changing agrifood trade system. This means becoming a critical shipping or airfreight point between Asia, Africa and Europe, with the technological capacity to move food safely and quickly. Given the UAE’s immense spending power and regulatory laxity – think of tax havens and free zones – towards international investors, it may just succeed.

The growing financial, corporate and political power of the UAE in the global food system needs to be held to account, not least because of its direct implications for local communities.

UAE Agrifood Investors

Food security is a priority agenda of the UAE government since the global food crisis of 2007, when it learned that markets – and therefore its unfathomable oil wealth – were not dependable. It went into high gear to change this, starting off with foreign investment, including a string of controversial land and water grabs.[6] Twenty years later, in 2018, the UAE launched a food security strategy which proposes a mix of overseas and domestic investment.[7] Its aim was to see the UAE in the top ten of the global food security index by 2021 (in reality, it was number 35) and number one by 2051. The plan not only involves more overseas farms but also a ramp up in domestic food production to cut the UAE’s reliance on food imports from the current 90%, at a cost of US$14bn a year, to 50%.[8]

The key actors in this scheme are a mix of public and private corporations, often linked to the royal family and state foreign policy. The most powerful is surely the Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company or ADQ, one of the country’s sovereign wealth funds.[9] Several others are part of the industrial elite of the UAE. The table below highlights notable players in overseas agrifood investment and their larger interests in infrastructure and geopolitics. As the table reveals, these investments are new, interlinked and growing.

Table 1: UAE overseas agrifood investors with links to logistics & security

Click here to read the full sheet

The logistics piece of this food system strategy revolves mainly around ports and processing. Two Emirati companies, Dubai Ports World and Abu Dhabi Ports Group, are among the world’s top seaport operators. They are building an immense network of terminals around the planet that link back to the main ports of the UAE.[10] Of these, Jebel Ali Port, run by the DP World, is the biggest and newest. The government aims to turn Jebel Ali into a vital transshipment port for global food trade in the years ahead.

Underlying the UAE’s food security strategy is a growing concentration of farmland in the hands of a few key players. The data on land holdings, whether through ownership or lease, has been compiled below, into a separate table and map. Many of these land holdings involve privileged access to water sources as well.[11]

Table 2: Farmland holdings by UAE companies in 2024

Click here to read the full sheet

Regional Power Dynamics in Africa

While UAE agribusiness investments span the world, a few countries in North and East Africa are key targets of geopolitically driven initiatives. Take Egypt. Two government-owned Emirati groups – Al Dahra and Jenaan – are particularly invested in agricultural production in Egypt. Al Dahra operates more than 260,000 ha there, producing cereals and fruits, while Jenaan has holdings of more than 52,000 ha of fruits, dairy farms and fodder crops. Another important investor is International Holding Company (IHC), Abu Dhabi’s largest listed company, chaired by Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Emir’s brother and the country’s National Security Advisor. IHC owns Al Hashemaya, with over 4,000 ha of farmland in Egypt.

UAE and Egypt have good political but very unequal economic relations. In 2024, Al Dahra boasted that for the last three consecutive years it has been “the largest producer of Egypt’s most strategic crop: wheat.” The UAE government is also financing Egypt’s own wheat imports, showing a high level of dependency between the two. Given the strategic importance of Emirati control over ports on the Red Sea and Suez Canal, and its new concession along Egypt’s Mediterranean coast, this dependency may only grow.[12]

It’s another story in the Horn of Africa. In 2018, Djibouti kicked DP World out of the Doraleh Container Terminal, a port that is crucial for moving goods in and out of landlocked Ethiopia. Djibouti claimed that the agreement they had unfairly benefited DP World, so it cancelled the deal, nationalised the port and gave China a share instead. DP World then moved to Berbera in Somaliland, where in exchange for being allowed to run a port it promised to build a road to Hargeira, the capital, and to the border of Ethiopia. On top of this, the UAE is ruthlessly suing Djibouti in court for cancelling their deal and raking in enormous fees.[13]

Further south, UAE food security investors are carving space for themselves in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The government of Uganda is reportedly taking advantage of the war in Sudan to become a new hub for UAE investment.[14] “As Uganda is primarily an agricultural country, it can meet the UAE’s food needs and acquire the UAE’s technology to help add value to Uganda’s agricultural produce,” the Foreign Minister recently put it.[15] President Museveni even signed a deal allowing the UAE to build one of the world’s only agricultural free zones. It is a 2,500 ha park that will serve to process and ship food (sugar, tea, beef and maize are on the table) from Uganda to the UAE. He also granted 7,000 ha to Al Rawabi to develop livestock production. Recently, a member of the UAE royal family who is building a major oil refinery in Hoima, announced that he will provide seven cargo planes and a cold storage centre in Entebbe to boost Uganda food exports. Uganda is already scarred by conflicts that emerge around land granted to foreign investors, so the UAE is reportedly treading cautiously. Still, Museveni is determined. He recently gave the UAE majority rights over Uganda’s information and communication technology backbone, which should raise concerns about national security.[16]

In Tanzania, similar projects have caused an uproar. While the violent expulsion of 70,000 Maasai to make way for a game reserve for UAE royals is ongoing, the government has now signed a deal with DP World, giving it the rights to upgrade and exclusively operate Dar es Salaam port for 30 years. This raised enormous opposition from civil society, political parties and even the courts for unfairly benefiting the UAE and trampling national sovereignty.[17] There is no doubt that this facility will boost the leverage of Emirati agri-investors in the region.

UAE companies have launched new agribusiness projects in other African countries as well. The UAE and Kenya just signed a free trade deal, and now ADQ has committed to invest up to $500mn there, including in food production. In Zambia, the UAE and other Gulf investors are looking at acquiring farmland to produce grains, sugar, beans and seeds, as well as dairy and goat farming.[18] In Zimbabwe, UAE companies are producing tobacco, macadamia nuts, bananas, avocados, citrus and berries for export, with further expansion contingent on gaining access to more farmland.[19]

Outsourcing Production in Asia

Significant new opportunities are opening up for UAE agri-investors in Asia, as well. Some Emirati companies, like Elite Agro and Unifrutti, are already vested in the traditional model of building international agribusiness operations in place likes Indonesia and the Philippines – not directly linked to logistics or security agendas. In Indonesia, Elite Agro was granted rights to 18,000 ha in Central Kalimantan a few years ago. The most recent news is that they are considering investing in the government’s food estate programme.[20] Information on this is scant, however, as they want to avoid protests.[21] In the Philippines, Unifrutti – a major fruit producer for the UAE and international markets – produces bananas on 1,700 ha of plantations.[22]

In India, an important new initiative is taking off. In 2022, the governments of the UAE and India agreed to set up a “food corridor” between the two countries. It involves creating a potentially large number of “food parks” in India, starting in Gujarat, where production will be centralised and then processed for shipment to the UAE. The food parks are free zones, where laws like India’s Essential Commodities Act – which regulates food trade in the public interest – will not apply. The government of the UAE has committed $2bn to the project, while a consortium of UAE companies are ploughing in another $7bn to develop logistics, including top-down processes to meet UAE food safety standards. The initial crops being produced are mangoes, chillis, onions, rice and okra.[23]

The potential scope of this project is far reaching. While it stems from earlier plans developed solely between India and the UAE, it has been launched under the umbrella of the quadrilateral India-Israel-UAE-USA alliance, which grew of out of the Abraham Accords. In essence, India is providing the land and farm labour, Israel and the US are providing the technology and the UAE is providing the market, with Jebel Ali as the key port. If it does take off, we could see it serving the UAE’s longer term agenda of becoming a core hub for global food trade between Asia, Europe and Africa.[24] Already this year, the UAE is planning to bring farm workers over from India, to help the Emirates produce more of their own food domestically (especially in vertical farms) and cut imports. The plan is to bring over 20,000 workers at first, and 200,000 over time.[25]

In Pakistan, the UAE is once again looking to set up farm operations. Earlier attempts during the food and financial crisis of 2008 failed. This time, with the war in Ukraine, things may be different. Things started moving in June 2023 after the High Court of Lahore nixed the army’s plan to hand over 400,000 ha of land for corporate farming in Punjab to China. Instead, a 50-year concession at Karachi Port, as well as three logistics agreements, were signed with AD Ports Group. Two months later, Pakistan’s parliament adopted a bill establishing a Special Investment Facilitation Council to seek investment from Gulf states, particularly in food and agriculture. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are both being solicited, with Al Dahra showing a keen interest from the UAE. The proposal is to set up corporate farms on 40,000 ha by 2030, starting with 2,000 in Punjab. Already in December 2023, the UAE signed US$25bn worth of deals with Pakistan, including in agriculture, potentially starting off with halal meat and date palm production for export to the UAE.

It is important to note that in a lot of this deal making, political strings are pulled so that UAE companies get special dispensations. For example, in March 2024, India had a ban on onion exports because of rising prices at home and its huge importance to the Indian people. The UAE got an exception to the ban so that it could export onions from India regardless. Same in Pakistan. The new investment law reportedly provides a “sovereign guarantee” that UAE investors will be able to continue their food security projects despite any change of leadership in Pakistan. Similarly, when the UAE government bought 45% of the Louis Dreyfus Company in 2020, a side agreement was signed guaranteeing food shipments to UAE in times of supply crises.[26]

Global Patterns

A similar pattern is at work in Europe and the Americas. UAE interests have been pursuing a close relation with the government of Serbia that combines farmland investing and arms sales. In 2013, the UAE Development Fund provided an initial US$400 million loan for Serbian agriculture. Soon after, Al Dahra bought eight Serbian farming companies while Elite Agro also started building its own operations there. In 2018, Al Dahra took over the agricultural assets of PKB Korporacija, the former Yugoslavia’s largest farm, despite the opposition of the Serbian military. How is that? The UAE government has a fixer in Serbia facilitating contracts to develop defence systems as well as arms sales to UAE (which end up in the hands of militants fighting in Syria and Yemen).[27]

In the US, the UAE has been investing, alongside Saudi Arabia, in farm production in water-stressed Arizona for several years now. Al Dahra has over 12,000 ha there to grow alfalfa, which is shipped back to the UAE as hay. Communities in Arizona are up in arms about how these investors have been granted unlimited rights to local water supplies, while ordinary people suffer epic and worsening droughts.[28] To their stupefaction, they’ve learned that the Arizona state pension fund is directly involved as an investor in these projects.[29]

In Latin America, UAE is carefully expanding it footprint. Emirati investors are producing poultry in Brazil and fruit in Chile and Peru. Explorations are ongoing to find farm deals in Mexico and Colombia, with free trade agreements on the offer and business coalitions being set up. UAE has even just become an observer to the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, where it plans to help shape the region’s food systems.[30]

Taken as a whole, the UAE is racing ahead to consolidate global farming operations (with secure land and water access, and high food safety standards) connected to sophisticated transport logistics (air, road and sea). Its ambitions are not only to produce its own food but to serve as a global trade hub. The new US$150 million project to expand Jebel Ali port is precisely for this purpose.[31] But even smaller ports like Dubai Creek and Deira play an important role in international rice trade with India and Iran. Thanks to a web of global free trade and tax agreements, traders in the UAE can import and re-export products quickly to other markets, without duties coming into the picture.[32] This combination of logistical might and regulatory freedom make the UAE an attractive transshipment route.

Big Ambitions, Deep Concerns

The UAE’s deepening control over international farmland and water resources, in tight coordination with its logistical power and security agendas, is worrisome. The fact that the government wants to shore up food security through domestic production could be a good turn, if they were able to develop truly sustainable systems. While they’re at it, they should address the country’s abysmal record on food waste, too.[33] But taking over land and water resources – especially without local communities’ explicit consent or in areas where hunger is rife – should simply not be allowed.

Unfortunately, the UAE’s overseas farm ambitions are tightly intertwined with geopolitical and financial incentives. And things could get worse. On the one hand, there is a longstanding rivalry between Saudi Arabia and the UAE that pushes both down this path in parallel and acts as an accelerant.[34] On the other hand, the increasing pressure of climate change is being turned into a cover for Gulf States engaged in outsourced food production. The UAE, an increasing power in international climate discussions, has embraced carbon offsetting as a key path to greenwash its own formidable climate footprint.[35] Carbon deals are being made right and left, especially in Africa, to keep forests intact or grow trees on rural territories so that credits can be sold to global polluters. And the new business of carbon farming can both help to fund the UAE’s overseas farms and offset its companies emissions.[36] This new rush for carbon land deals will rob local communities of their food systems and local livelihoods in yet new and pernicious ways.

The mass starvation being waged in Sudan should be a terrible reminder of why agricultural land deals meshed with geopolitical agendas must end.[37] It’s time to call the UAE, and its allies, to account.


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[1] UAE,

[2] David Pilling et al,

[3] Julian Borger, “‘We need the world to wake up’: Sudan facing world’s deadliest famine in 40 years”, The Guardian, 17 June 2024, For more details, see the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification’s latest alert on Sudan:

[4] The allegation that UAE is arming the Rapid Support Forces has been established by UN expert groups, Human Rights Watch and several governments, although the UAE denies it. The link to gold and food shipments has been advanced by numerous observers. See for example, “Sudan fighting threatens $50bn Gulf investments”, Middle East Monitor, 24 May 2023,

[5] We’re indebted to Christian Henderson and Rafeef Ziadah for making these connections clear. See “Logistics of the neoliberal food regime: circulation, corporate food security and the United Arab Emirates”, New Political Economy, 5 Dec 2022, See also Uusimiir, “One port, one node: The Emirati geostrategic road to Africa”, Somali Forum, Jun 2023,

[6] A compilation of news reports is available here:

[7] See

[8] By comparison, Saudi Arabia is at 75%. See and

[9] For a deep dive into sovereign wealth funds and their investments in global agribusiness, see GRAIN, “Will sovereign wealth funds mean less food sovereignty?”, 2023,

[10] Henderson and Ziadah, op cit.

[11] See GRAIN, “Squeezing communities dry: water grabbing by the global food industry”, 21 Sep 2023,

[12] Patrick Werr and Karla Strohecker, “Egypt announces $35 billion UAE investment on Mediterranean coast”, Reuters, 23 Feb 2024,

[13] Nosmot Gbadamosi, “The UAE faces pushback on African investments”, Foreign Policy, 8 Nov 2023,

[14] “Museveni lends land in bid to make Uganda a regional hub for Emirati trade”, African Intelligence, 10 October 2023,,110064090-art

[15] Gulf Today, “UAE, Kenya finalise Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement”, 23 Feb 2024,

[16] See Giles Muhami, “Museveni: Give UAE investor 60% of Uganda Telecom, ICT backbone for $250m”, Chimpreports, 27 Feb 2024, and George Asiimwe, “UAE prince to provide 7 cargo planes for Uganda’s agro exports”, Chimpreports, 17 Jun 2024, See also EIG website: and Emirates News Agency, “Ugandan FM: Agriculture-tech synergy to help expand ties with UAE”, 24 Feb 2024,

[17] Beverly Ochieng, “DP World in Tanzania: The UAE firm taking over Africa’s ports”, BBC, 23 Oct 2023,

[18] Sarah Townsend, “Seeds of Gulf-Africa agribusiness”, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 11 March 2020,

[19] Elite Agro CEO speaking on 24 Feb 2024:

[20] Jayanty Nada Shofa , “UAE’s Elite Agro mulls investing in food estate, minister says”, 2 Feb 2024,

[21] “Government agrees to develop agriculture farm and plantation with Elite Agro UAE LLC”, Sampit Prokal, 18 Oct 2023,

[22] Unifrutti, “Sustainability report 2022”,

[23] Michaël Tanchum, “The India-Middle East Food Corridor: How the UAE, Israel, and India are forging a new inter-regional supply chain”, Middle East Institute, 27 Jul 2022, and “APEDA facilitates visits of farmer producer organisations (FPOs) to UAE to unlock their export potential”, 7 Mar 2024,

[24] See, for example, the KEZAD project: and Gulf Business, “Dubai breaks ground on mega $150m Agri Terminals facility”, 24 Feb 2024,

[25] Subramani Ra Mancombu, “UAE to recruit agri workers to increase farm production, cut imports”, The Hindu Businessline, 2 Jan 2024,

[26] ADQ, “ADQ enters agreement to acquire stake in Louis Dreyfus Company”, 11 Nov 2020,

[27] Vuk Vuksanovic, “Serbia’s best friend in the Arab world: The UAE”, Middle East Institute, 9 Jul 2021,

[28] Rob O’Dell and Ian James, “Arizona provides sweet deal to Saudi farm to pump water from Phoenix’s backup supply”, Arizona Republic, 9 Jun 2022,

[29] An important film has just been released about this:

[30] See Reuters, “Abu Dhabi-owned Unifrutti eyes further Latam growth after fresh acquisitions”, 9 Mar 2024,; ANI, “UAE invited to join Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture as observer country”, 14 Jun 2024,

[31] See Gulf Today, “Jebel Ali to get new Agri Terminals”, 28 Mar 2024,

[32] US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, “United Arab Emirates: Grain and feed annual”, 5 Apr 2023,

[33] The UAE ranks among the top nations for per capita waste generation. Nearly 40% of the food prepared every day there is wasted, jumping to 60% during Ramadan.

[34] See, for instance, Stratfor, “The Saudi-UAE regional rivalry intensifies”, 27 Jul 2023,

[35] GRAIN, “The Davos-isation of the climate COP”, 15 Feb 2024,

[36] GRAIN, “From land grab to soil grab – the new business of carbon farming”, 24 Feb 2022,

[37] Abubakr Omer Dafallah Omer, “Seeds of sovereignty: reshaping Sudan’s food system”, Nov 2023, Siyada,

Featured image: DP World Facebook account

25-year-old woman loses unborn baby and dies days later after suffering headaches, visiting hospital multiple times

By New York Post, 18 days ago

The family of a young Queensland woman are searching for answers after she lost her unborn baby and died eight days later after suffering headaches.

Olivia Harlow died on June 24 at 25 years old after visiting the hospital multiple times and being sent home, her family say.

Stefanie Harlow, Olivia’s sister-in-law and the creator of a fundraising page on behalf of Olivia’s partner Ryan Stephenson, told Daily Mail she went to Royal Brisbane Hospital with headaches and blurred vision at 34 weeks pregnant.

She was allegedly sent home to rest but rushed back to hospital two weeks later, on June 16, when she realized her baby wasn’t moving, and was tragically told her daughter had died.

Click here to read the full article on NYP.


My Take…

Australia is one of the most COVID-19 Vaccinated countries in the world.

Young vaccinated Australians are dropping dead by the thousands.

Australia has over 50,000 excess deaths since COVID-19 Vaccine rollout.

Many of these news stories don’t make sense until you read them in the context of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury.

  1. A young 25 year old Australian woman, almost certainly COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated (Australians were extremely complaint and women are even more likely to be vaccinated and compliant with government orders)
  2. Her unborn baby dies at 34 weeks – this is never explained but extremely common with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated women (stillbirths are up 55% in Alberta for example)
  3. She is diagnosed with multiple brain tumors at 25 years old – COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause cancer (Turbo Cancer) and Brain cancers are the 2nd most common Turbo Cancer.
  4. She dies within hours of diagnosis as she’s declared brain dead and her life support is turned off.

Note that there is no investigation planned. No investigation of the stillbirth, no investigation of the Turbo Brain Cancer of a healthy 25 year old woman.

This is the new normal in highly COVID-19 Vaccinated countries. We are supposed to accept these deaths as “routine”.



June 2024 Australian Senate Hearing on Excess Deaths: Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan shares how Pfizer manipulated trial results by hiding deaths in the vaccinated arm.

Click here to watch the video

Australia has over 50,000 excess deaths since COVID-19 Vaccine rollout:


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Video: RFK Jr. and His Position on Vaccines

July 26th, 2024 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr

“My position on vaccines has always been that I’m not anti-vaccine, I’ve said that for 20 years. 

The term “anti-vaxx” applied to me is a pejorative — to discredit me, to silence me, to make people not listen.

I’ve got fully vaccinated, I didn’t take the COVID vaccine but apart from that, I’m fully vaccinated. I take the flu vaccine every year. My seven kids are all fully vaccinated. 

My issue has always been that I wanna get the pharmaceutical industry out of the regulatory process. I want to have good science so we have a very good information possible on efficacy issues and safety issues.”

Click the image or link below to watch the video. 

Link to the interview


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A derrota do ocidente

July 25th, 2024 by Jorge Figueiredo

– Se quisermos antecipar as escolhas estratégicas da América devemos abandonar o axioma da racionalidade.

Já não existem estadistas no Ocidente. É preciso procurar no passado remoto para encontrar homens como Bismarck, Pombal, De Gaulle ou Kemal Ataturk. Hoje, na apagada e vil tristeza da União Europeia, o que grassa são vassalos mentecaptos. E nos EUA, indivíduos senis ou demagogos. Agora, para encontrar estadistas é preciso voltar os olhos para o Oriente.

A pergunta que se coloca é o porquê desta situação de facto. É ao que tenta responder Emmanuel Todd ao longo das 372 páginas do seu novo livro, “La défaite de l’occident”. O seu método e argumentação está longe do marxismo. Ainda assim, consegue apresentar respostas engenhosas e insights agudos. Mesmo que não se concorde com as relações de causa e efeito por ele apontadas, o livro pode ser lido com satisfação e proveito. É uma obra estimulante – um autêntico marco no pântano mediático e intelectual europeu, soçobrado no pensamento único, na russofobia, no unanimismo e no servilismo às ordens & modas que vêm do outro lado do Atlântico.

O método marxista privilegia a análise da infraestrutura da sociedade, o modo de produção, as relações de produção, a estrutura de classe e de dominação económica. Isso de certa forma secundariza os fenómenos de superestrutura que, assim, são encarados como uma decorrência dos primeiros. Não é o caso de Todd que, como antropólogo, dá grande ênfase a fenómenos de superestrutura, conseguindo assim uma análise original e criativa. Louve-se também a sua coragem de ir na contra-corrente do atual (medíocre) panorama intelectual europeu.

Na introdução da obra Todd principia por alinhar o que ele considera “as dez surpresas” da guerra, referindo-se à Operação Militar Especial iniciada pela Rússia em Fevereiro de 2022 no território da Ucrânia. Ainda que os factos apontados só fossem surpresa para aqueles desinformados pelos media corporativos, eles na generalidade estão corretos. O mais surpreendente deles é provavelmente o oitavo apontado por Todd:   “a indústria militar americana é deficiente; a superpotência mundial é incapaz de assegurar o aprovisionamento em obuses – ou não importa que outro ítem – ao seu protegido ucraniano”.

Na verdade, conclui Todd, “no fundo é a nossa surpresa que foi surpreendente” pois os russos fizeram aquilo que haviam anunciado, entraram em guerra. Nem todos, recorda, foram surpreendidos. John Mearsheimer, professor da Universidade de Chicago, adepto da escola realista de geopolítica, já havia prevenido deste possível/provável desenlace. No entanto, a vassalização dos países da União Europeia em relação a Washington obnubilava as mentes dos seus governantes (o que continua até hoje, como se verifica com a reeleição da hárpia de Bruxelas).

Até aqui estamos no domínio dos factos, mas o mais interessante é a explicação que Todd apresenta para os mesmos. A sua tese é de que o Estado-nação não existe mais no Ocidente, o que “torna compreensível o comportamento dos ocidentais”. Ele explica em pormenor as razões desta tese e afirma que os Estados Unidos e suas dependências vivem um Estado pós-imperial. “Se a América conserva a maquinaria militar do império, ela não tem mais no seu cerne uma cultura portadora de inteligência e é por isso que se entrega à prática de ações irrefletidas e contraditórias tais como uma expansão diplomática e militar acentuada numa fase de contração maciça da sua base industrial – sabendo que ‘guerra moderna sem indústria’ é um oxímoro”.

Em contraposição na Rússia, no Oriente e no resto do mundo o conceito de Estado-nação continua em vigor e é o pano de fundo que orienta as cabeças pensantes dos seus governantes. Em consequência, considera Todd, este modo de pensar divergente com o Ocidente atual gera muitas contradições e problemas não resolvidos. Ele assinala um deles:   “O que é curioso é a pretensão das elites europeias de fazer coexistir a ultrapassagem da nação e a sua persistência”.

O primeiro capítulo do livro trata da pseudo-surpresa da “estabilidade russa”. Todd faz uma pergunta retórica:   “Como, com uma intelligence community de cem mil pessoas só nos Estados Unidos, puderam eles imaginar que o corte do Swift e as sanções iriam deixar de rastros este país de 17 milhões de km2, dispondo de todos os recursos naturais possíveis e que, desde 2014, se havia abertamente preparado para enfrentar tais sanções?” A enormidade do erro cometido é demonstrada naquilo a que chama “estatística moral” (taxas de homicídios, de corrupção, demográficas, etc); pela recuperação económica russa e – paradoxalmente – pelas próprias sanções! É assim que “em 2012 a Rússia produzia 37 milhões de toneladas de trigo e em 2022 80 milhões, mais do que duplicando em dez anos”. Mas os responsáveis ocidentais permaneceram cegos para a realidade, cegos para a diversidade do mundo.

O capítulo seguinte trata do “enigma ucraniano”. Todd assevera que tanto os russos como os ocidentais consideravam a Ucrânia um “failed state”, corrupto e plutocrático. Isso explicaria que a Operação Militar Especial tivesse começado com apenas 120 mil soldados russos (quando a proporção habitual para uma tropa invasora é três para cada defensor). Ele assinala também que “as classes médias do Leste [da Ucrânia] emigraram para a Rússia” e considera que “a Ucrânia era incapaz de se tornar um Estado-nação”. Com o fim de uma esperança democrática para a Ucrânia, com o golpe do Maidan em 2014, restaram dois polos no país:   um ultra-nacionalista em torno de Lviv, na Galícia, e outro em torno de Kiev onde decorreu a Revolução laranja e o Maidan. Estes lugares foram o caldo de cultura dos neonazis ucranianos, cujas raízes estavam na organização de Stepan Bandera que colaborou com a Wehrmacht e a SS no massacre de judeus e polacos durante a II Guerra Mundial.

O que pedia Moscovo eram três coisas. Primeiro, conservar a Crimeia (estrategicamente vital para a frota do Mar Negro); segundo que as populações russas do Donbass tivessem uma situação aceitável; terceiro que a Ucrânia tivesse um estatuto de neutralidade. Ora, conclui Todd, “uma nação ucraniana segura da sua existência e do seu destino na Europa ocidental teria aceite estas condições; ter-se-ia mesmo desembaraçado do Donbass” – tal como fez pacificamente a República Chéquia em relação à Eslováquia por ela dominada. Mas depois de 2014 Kiev continuou a guerra na vã esperança de reconquistar territórios de população russa como o Donbass e a Crimeia.

No capítulo terceiro Todd analisa a Europa oriental e a sua “russofobia pós-moderna”. Todd classifica o Leste europeu como “nosso primeiro terceiro-mundo”, pois trata-se de uma zona dependente e dominada – exportadora de produtos primários como cereais e madeira. Na Europa do Leste da pré-guerra Todd assinala um “sintoma clássico do subdesenvolvimento educativo:   a sobre-representação dos judeus no seio de classes médias reduzidas”, o que explica também o anti-semitismo na Polónia, Hungria, bálticos, etc. Foi a sua libertação pelo Exército Vermelho que permitiu o florescimento educativo e o desenvolvimento, engendrando novas classes médias. Mas a russofobia prosperou, posteriormente, apesar de a Rússia se ter retirado “sem combater e mesmo com uma certa elegância”. Donde se conclui que não se deve esperar gratidão para com os benfeitores… Segundo Todd, estes países hoje “são dominados por classes médias fabricadas pelo comunismo e que, uma vez libertadas, puseram seus proletariados ao serviço do capitalismo ocidental”.

“O que é o Ocidente?” é a pergunta filosófica que intitula o quarto capítulo. O autor associa a ideia de Ocidente à democracia liberal e, como Weber, ao fator religioso. No entanto, conclui que a democracia liberal redundou em oligarquias liberais, que ignoram as maiorias (a proteção das minorias tornou-se uma obsessão no Ocidente). Assim, muito simplesmente, ainda que subsistam eleições “o povo deve ser mantido afastado da gestão económica e da repartição da riqueza, numa palavra: enganado. Este é o trabalho da classe política, tornou-se mesmo o trabalho ao qual ela se dedica prioritariamente”. Assim, os ditos cujos políticos já “não têm mais tempo para se formarem na gestão das relações internacionais”. Começamos assim, constata, a “perceber a real inferioridade técnica de Joe Biden ou de Emmanuel Macron frente a Vladimir Putin ou a Xi Jinping, e a compreender as razões”.

O outro aspecto que definiria o ocidente, o da religião, também se desvaneceu. Segundo Todd, existem três fases da religiosidade cristã:   a ativa, a zumbi e a zero. Na primeira, o comparecimento ao serviço dominical é forte. Na segunda, a zumbi, este desaparece mas perduram os ritos de passagem que acompanham o nascimento, casamento e morte. Finalmente, “a etapa cristã zero caracteriza-se pelo desaparecimento de batismo e um crescimento maciço da incineração”. Todd considera que o “marcador antropológico que permite fixar o fim absoluto do cristianismo enquanto força social” é o casamento civil, o qual tem a vantagem de ser estatisticamente mensurável. Segundo Todd, pode-se definir de modo preciso e absoluto que os anos 2000 são os do “desaparecimento efetivo do cristianismo no Ocidente”. Isto, considera, resultou numa fuga para frente rumo ao niilismo.

Não se poderia estar mais de acordo com que afirma Todd no quinto capítulo:   “A União Europeia desapareceu por trás da NATO”. O capítulo intitula-se “O suicídio assistido da Europa” e constata que “o eixo Berlim-Paris foi suplantado por um eixo Londres-Varsóvia-Kiev pilotado de Washington, reforçado pelos países escandinavos e bálticos tornados satélites diretos da Casa Branca ou do Pentágono”. Todd informa também da introdução de um neologismo na língua russa:   a palavra macronar, que significa “falar para não dizer nada”. Quanto aos alemães, considera “um ato de submissão prodigioso” terem aceite sem resmungar que o seu protetor dinamite um elemento essencial do seu sistema energético”, o Nord Stream. Em suma, considera que “O projeto europeu está morto” e a Europa do Euro é constituída por “agregados atomisados, povos de cidadãos apáticos e de elites irresponsáveis”. Chega a alertar para a “evolução das elites europeias rumo a uma submissão de tipo latino-americano” diante do servilismo imperante.

Quanto ao belicismo britânico, considera-o “ao mesmo tempo triste e cómico” (cap. 6). As proclamações do seu Ministério da Defesa “dão a impressão de reviver, num modo de paródia, a batalha da Inglaterra ou a do Atlântico”. A sua megalomania cinematográfica recorda velhos filmes do James Bond. Um país em implosão. O seu belicismo concentra-se em instigar os outros, o regime de Kiev no caso. No entanto, só foi capaz de lhe fornecer 14 tanques Challenger 2. “Sente-se sobretudo perfilar-se uma moralidade zero, à qual também poderíamos atribuir a entrega à Ucrânia de munições a urânio empobrecido”, afirma.

Quanto à Escandinávia (cap. 7), a par do fim do protestantismo Todd dá uma explicação psicológica para a adesão da Suécia e da Finlândia à NATO:   “não era a necessidade de serem protegidas contra o russo; era uma necessidade de pertença em estado bruto” (!?).

“É próprio de um império já não poder separar aquilo que, na sua evolução, é interno do que é externo”, reflete Todd acerca dos Estados Unidos. Ali, o fim do Estado-nação redundou na oligarquia e no niilismo, que é o título do capítulo 8. “A sua dependência económica do resto do mundo tornou-se imensa; a sua sociedade decompõe-se”. O autor dá como exemplo do niilismo aplicado a evolução da mortalidade nos Estados Unidos, por alcoolismo, suicídio e adição a opióides, recordando que a alta da mortalidade segue a par com as despesas de saúde mais elevadas do mundo.

Pode-se considerar que Todd faz uma inversão da relação de causa e efeito quando atribui a decadência estado-unidense, assim como o seu declínio intelectual, ao “protestantismo zero” – no entanto, não se pode deixar de considerar como corretas muitas das suas constatações. Tem interesse ver o que ele diz do modo como a classe dominante encara a meritocracria:   “Mas eis que chega a etapa final do apodrecimento da democracia americana, o fim do sistema meritocrático, o encerramento sobre si mesmas das classes superiores, a passagem ao estágio oligárquico. Os privilegiados estão cansados de jogar o jogo da meritocracia, ainda que saiam ganhando. Os mais ricos, qualquer que fosse o nível intelectual dos seus pais, sempre estiveram em condições de comprar lugares em Harvard, Yale ou Princeton. Em contrapartida, os demais das categorias médias superiores deviam sofrer, muitas vezes com êxito, o ritual dos [testes] SAT”.

No capítulo da economia estado-unidense (o nono), Todd trata – corretamente – de “desinchar” o PIB apregoado pelo país. E chega a propor um novo conceito:   o de PIR, ou Produto Interno Real. Assim, menciona as vicissitudes da produção de petróleo e gás no país, com os seus altos (devido ao efémero fracking) e baixos – mas com a incapacidade de preencher o resto do espectro:   “a fabricação de objetos, ou seja, a indústria no sentido tradicional”. Na verdade, está a falar das janelas vazias da matriz de insumo-produto, embora não use expressão. Isto foi posto em evidência, afirma, “por uma muito banal incapacidade de produzir suficientes obuses de 155mm, a norma da NATO”. Compreende-se assim, conclui, porque “nada mais pode ser produzido em quantidade suficiente [nos EUA], mísseis de todos os tipos inclusive”. A guerra é portanto o “grande revelador” que mostra o afastamento cavado entre a percepção que temos da América (e que a América tem de si mesma) e a realidade do seu poder”.

Na realidade, o PIB dos EUA é constituído em grande medida por serviços cuja eficácia ou utilidade nem sempre é perceptível. Ele menciona os remédios por vezes assassinos como no caso no caso do opióides (e acrescento eu as chamadas “vacinas” Covid com tecnologia mRNA), advogados pagos regiamente, financeiros predadores, guardas de presídio, agentes de serviços de inteligência, etc. Assim, será preciso desinchar o PIB dessa massa de rendimentos parasitas para chegar a algum valor real do produto interno. Ele analisa a dependência dos EUA das mercadorias importadas, o acréscimo do défice comercial apesar da orientação protecionista oficial e verifica o “caráter irrevogável do declínio americano”. Todd menciona ainda os “meritocratas improdutivos e predadores”, a multiplicação de diplomados [em coisas inúteis] que cria uma multidão de parasitas, a dependência dos trabalhadores importados e, finalmente, “a doença incurável do dólar”. Assim, conclui que “a América produz a moeda do mundo, o dólar, e a capacidade que ela tem de extrair riqueza monetária do nada paralisa-a”.

O “bando de Washington” merece um capítulo à parte (o décimo). “Vamos agora examinar à lupa e com o olhar de um antropólogo o grupo de indivíduos que, concretamente, conduz a política externa da potência doente em que se tornou a América”, propõe. Tal como se estuda uma comunidade primitiva no seu meio natural, o objeto de estudo será agora a cidade de Washington. Será particularmente o seu establishment geopolítico, popularmente descrito como o “Blob” (que poderia ser traduzido como a “Gosma”).

É aqui que analisa o fim da elite do poder WASP, tão querida de Wright Mills. Basta ver os atuais manda-chuva em Washington (Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, Nuland, Austin), nenhum deles WASP. Nas universidade igualmente os WASP estão sub-representados. “O fim da elite do poder, num clima de moralidade zero, é acompanhado pela volatilização de todo ethoscomum ao grupo dirigente. A elite WASP indicava uma direção, objetivos morais, bons ou maus. O grupo dirigente atual (não ouso chamá-lo elite) não propõe nada disso. No seu seio subsiste só uma dinâmica de poder puro que, projetada sobre o mundo exterior, transmutou-se numa preferência pela potência militar e a guerra”, afirma.

O nome “Blob” designa “um organismo unicelular de aspecto viscoso que se encontra na floresta, onde se multiplica absorvendo as bactérias e os cogumelos que o cercam. Ele é destituído de cérebro”. Assim, “o Blob washingtoniano corresponde à minha visão de um grupo dirigente desprovido de referências intelectuais ou ideológicas externas a si próprio”, explica. Os seus integrantes têm um interesse pessoal em que os EUA tenham uma política mundial ambiciosa pois isso cria mais postos de trabalho. Dele fazem parte, por exemplo, figuras como a Nuland e a família Kagan. No entanto, Todd rejeita a noção de Estado profundo (deep state), propondo em alternativa a de “Estado superficial” (shallow state).Assim, monstros burocráticos como o Exército, a Marinha, a USAF, a CIA, a NSA são povoados pelo pequeno bando de semi-intelectuais que habitam o Blob, uma sub-aldeia de Washington.

O título do capítulo 11 é provocador:  “Porque o resto do mundo escolheu a Rússia”. Como ele destacou a princípio, a Rússia e o resto do mundo mantêm a noção de Estado-nação bem como as noções tradicionais de família. Por outro lado, após a grande recessão de 2007-2008 o Ocidente deixou de ser um vencedor admirável. Além disso, observa, “o narcisismo ocidental, a cegueira que se segue, tornou-se um dos trunfos estratégicos da Rússia”. Isso explicará porque a grande massa dos países do resto do mundo simplesmente não condenou a Rússia. É o caso dos BRICS, refratário à dominação económica americana, constituído em 2009. Mas o campo ocidental continuou a pensar e a agir como se fosse sempre o senhores do mundo e os seus media continuam a considerá-lo como a única “comunidade internacional”.

Assim, “os ocidentais não reconheceram que ao deslocalizar a sua indústria eles se propunham a viver como uma espécie de burguesia planetária, como exploradores do trabalho sub-pago do resto do mundo”, diz Todd. Numa afirmação ousada, considera que “o proletariado laborioso dos anos 1950 transmutou-se na plebe dos anos 2000, por instigação dos teóricos e práticos da economia globalizada”. Isso teve consequências ao nível da superestrutura mental, que ele aponta. Vale a pena citar por extenso a sua explicação:

“Já mencionei o desconcerto moral dos operários americanos. A ablação do seu valor enquanto produtores privou-os de utilidade social e empurrou-os para o alcoolismo, a se encherem de opióides e, no desespero, a suicidarem-se. Resta explicar porque a maioria deles escolheu votar por Trump ao invés de por fim ao seus dias; porque os meios populares da Europa ocidental também tombaram no voto “populista, xenófobo, de estrema-direita” mesmo nos lugares onde uma imigração maciça e descontrolada não os ameaça. Por que as populações que sobreviveram ao desmantelamento da sua indústria são agora de direita? É muito simples:   Os partidos de esquerda, sociais-democratas ou comunistas, apoiavam-se nas classes operárias exploradas. Os partidos populistas apoiam-se nas plebes, cujo nível de vida decorre em grande medida do trabalho sub-pago dos proletários da China, do Bangladesh, do Maghreb ou de alhures. Surpreendo-me pensando o que se segue:   os eleitores populares do Rassemblement national são, ao olhar da teoria marxista mais elementar, extratores de mais-valia à escala mundial. Eles são portanto muito normalmente de direita. Assim como Engels e Lenine haviam pressentido, o livre-comércio (libre-échange)corrompe, mas podemos acrescentar:   o livre comércio absoluto corrompe absolutamente.

“Esta análise cruel permite-nos também compreender porque é tão difícil reindustrializar. Se bem que a deslocalização de numerosas atividades produtivas tenha contribuído para definhar cada vez mais nossas províncias e periferias, o livre-comércio cumpriu sua promessa:   favorecer o consumo a expensas do produtor, transformar o produtor em consumidor e o cidadão produtivo em plebeu parasita, no fundo dificilmente desejoso de reencontrar o caminho e a disciplina da fábrica”.

O fracasso da guerra económica dos Estados Unidos e dos seus vassalos contra a Rússia é notável, embora na Ucrânia haja uma verdadeira guerra e o seu povo sofra um martírio. Mas já na década de 1920, quando a Sociedade das Nações preconizava sanções económica como substituto para a guerra, elas haviam fracassado. Para funcionar, a sanção económica teria de abolir a neutralidade dos não-beligerantes e obter a sua participação – mas isso não se verificou no caso da Rússia. Todd reconhece mesmo que “o resto do mundo apoiou a Rússia no seu esforço para quebrar a NATO”. E com uma agravante de peso:   “A apreensão ilegal dos haveres russos no estrangeiro levantou uma vaga de terror entre as classes superiores do resto do mundo. Ao capturar o dinheiro e os iates dos oligarcas russos, o Estados Unidos (e seus vassalos) ameaçaram, de facto, os bens de todos os oligarcas do mundo”, considera Todd. E conclui ironicamente:   “Saudamos assim o efeito democrático que tiveram as sanções que, na prática, aproximaram o resto do mundo dos seus povos”.

Finalmente, a conclusão do livro analisa “Como os Estados Unidos caíram na armadilha ucraniana, 1990-2022”. Ele considera que a queda da URSS recolocou a história num movimento duplo, desencadeando-se uma vaga de expansão da América para o exterior enquanto no interior dos EUA verificava-se um acréscimo da pobreza e da mortalidade. Ao mesmo tempo, todos os atores da guerra, Rússia inclusive, tendem a um estado de religião zero. Este nem sempre se manifesta pelo surgimento de um estado de espírito niilista (como em França, como ele aponta), que nega a realidade do mundo e conduz a taxas de fecundidade reduzidas entre todos (EUA, RU, França, Escandinávia, Alemanha e Rússia). Quanto aos EUA, “hoje não é mais um Estado-nação”, afirma. É assim que a guerra na Ucrânia “fecha o círculo aberto em 1990. A vaga expansionista, que continua a esvaziar a América da sua substância e energia, veio se embater contra a Rússia, nação inerte mas estável”.

Todd distingue quatro grandes etapas deste período. A Fase 1, nos anos que se seguem à queda da URSS, o ator central, os EUA aceitam a perspectiva de uma paz geral. Na Fase 2 (1999-2010) decorrem dez anos de arrogância, em que a fração destinada às despesas militares aumenta e os EUA põem-se a sonhar com o domínio absoluto sobre o mundo. Nesta fase sucedem-se os fracassos militares (Iraque, Afeganistão). Na Fase 3 vem o tempo do recuo, no tempo da crise das subprimes (2008). Por fim chega a quarta e última fase, que ele intitula “a saída do real”. Os Estados Unidos caem na armadilha da guerra na Ucrânia, arrastado pelo “sonho niilista dos nacionalistas ucranianos”. Ele diz-se convencido de que “os esforços dos Estados Unidos para separar a Alemanha da Rússia – uma das suas obsessões estratégicas desde 1990 – acabarão por fracassar”. Assim, a derrota americano-ucraniana abrirá o caminho para a sua reaproximação (o que explica, em parte, o comportamento fugidio do chanceler Scholz). Por outro lado, afirma, “a expansão da UE é claramente um sub-produto da da NATO”.

O livro conclui com um postscript escrito em 30/Out/23, em que considera Gaza como a confirmação do niilismo americano. “As três semanas que se seguiram à retomada do conflito entre Israel e o Hamas, em 7 de Outubro de 2023, fizeram-nos ver, em estado bruto, como pulsão, a preferência de Washington pela violência. Confrontados com uma guerra que matava sobretudo civis, dos dois lados, os Estados Unidos pesaram imediatamente em favor de um agravamento do conflito”. Deslocaram um primeiro porta-aviões para o Mediterrâneo oriental a fim de apoiar Israel, mas “esta reação instintiva não correspondia a nenhuma necessidade militar”. Biden efetua a seguir uma visita de solidariedade a Tel Aviv e pronuncia no retorno um discurso de uma simplicidade infantil e recusa na ONU uma resolução para instaurar “uma trégua humanitária imediata”. Com este voto “os Estados Unidos decidem, em plena guerra da Ucrânia, alienar-se imediatamente e duravelmente do mundo muçulmano”, observa. E conclui: “Se quisermos antecipar as escolhas estratégicas da América devemos portanto, com toda urgência, abandonar o axioma da racionalidade. Os Estados Unidos não estão em busca de ganhos, avaliando custos. Na aldeia de Washington, no país dos tiroteios em massa, na hora da religião zero, a pulsão primária é uma necessidade de violência”.

Jorge Fifueiredo


O presidente ucraniano, Vladimir Zelensky, parece estar cada vez mais desacreditado entre os políticos do próprio país. Numa declaração recente, o presidente da Câmara de Kiev, Vitaly Klitschko, descreveu as ações do presidente como “suicídio político” e enfatizou o elevado nível de dificuldade para o líder ucraniano continuar a liderar o país no meio do conflito atual, especialmente no que diz respeito a possíveis negociações de paz.

Klitschko afirmou que Zelensky terá muita dificuldade em tentar legitimar qualquer proposta diplomática. Segundo ele, os próximos meses serão extremamente difíceis, pois a pressão pelas negociações de paz aumentará e Zelensky certamente será obrigado a se posicionar sobre o assunto, possivelmente concordando com algumas exigências russas.

O político explica que para finalizar um acordo de paz, Zelensky teria de submeter qualquer proposta a um referendo, o que seria muito complicado, uma vez que a população ucraniana alegadamente não está disposta a aceitar ver o seu país perder territórios. Klitschko acredita que o povo reagirá negativamente a qualquer acordo que resulte na perda dos oblasts ucranianos, razão pela qual Zelensky estaria à beira do “suicídio político”.

Ao mesmo tempo, Klitschko admite que lutar por mais tempo seria catastrófico para a Ucrânia, dados os elevados números de vítimas e a situação social crítica do país. Ele parece ver a situação atual como uma espécie de impasse em que uma negociação é indesejável, ao mesmo tempo que continuar a guerra é também uma opção péssima. Klitschko sublinha também a falta de apoio popular a Zelensky e o fato de o líder ucraniano governar sem legitimidade, uma vez que o seu mandato terminou oficialmente. Klitschko acredita que a melhor coisa que o presidente pode fazer é formar uma coligação de apoio com outros partidos, mas está cético quanto à possibilidade de Zelensky renunciar ao seu poder ditatorial sob a lei marcial.

“Não creio que [Zelensky] possa chegar a acordos tão dolorosos e cruciais sozinho, sem legitimidade pública (…) Como explicar ao país que é necessário desistir de partes do nosso território que custaram a vida de milhares de nossos militares? Seja qual for a decisão que ele tome, ele corre o risco de se matar politicamente. Seria um pesadelo se lutássemos por mais dois anos (…) No entanto, não creio que [Zelensky] esteja disposto a abrir mão do poder concentrado em suas mãos sob a lei marcial”, disse ele durante entrevista ao diário italiano. Corriere della Sera.

Na verdade, há alguns pontos interessantes a serem destacados nas palavras do prefeito. Ele tem razão quando diz que Zelensky se encontra num impasse, mas as suas afirmações de que o povo ucraniano não aceitaria perder territórios parecem não ter base na realidade. O povo ucraniano está cansado da guerra e parece genuinamente interessado em alcançar a paz, apesar dos custos para o “orgulho nacional” ucraniano. Assim, é possível que um referendo mostre um resultado favorável às negociações – e talvez esta seja precisamente uma das razões pelas quais Kiev insiste em agir de forma impopular e ditatorial, excluindo as pessoas comuns do processo de tomada de decisão durante a guerra. .

Por outro lado, deve admitir-se que Zelensky se encontra numa situação política extremamente complicada. Se ele continuar a guerra, o país entrará em colapso; se ele se atrever a negociar a paz, será “removido” pelos seus patrões ocidentais, que querem que as hostilidades aumentem até às últimas consequências. Zelensky não está em condições de tomar qualquer atitude, o que é agravado pelo fato de governar de forma ilegítima, uma vez que o seu mandato terminou oficialmente.

É importante lembrar que esta não é a primeira vez que Klitschko expressa uma opinião crítica sobre o trabalho de Zelensky. O presidente da Câmara de Kiev foi mesmo apontado por vários especialistas como um dos principais nomes para um possível substituto de Zelensky. Quando os EUA começaram a conspirar para tirar Zelensky do poder e eleger um presidente mais “qualificado”, Klitschko mostrou-se um dos maiores entusiastas da “renovação” do cenário político do país, destacando-se como outras figuras públicas ucranianas na corrida para substituir o presidente.

Na época, Zelensky conseguiu neutralizar a ameaça ao seu poder através de expurgos, crimes e prisões de opositores – bem como através do seu principal ato ditatorial, que foi a proibição de eleições. Contudo, tomar medidas autoritárias não libertará Zelensky dos problemas que a presidência lhe traz neste momento. Seu “suicídio político” parece muito próximo, já que todos os seus movimentos o tornam ainda mais impopular e ilegítimo. Com a continuação da guerra e o agravamento da crise de legitimidade, Zelensky não terá definitivamente um bom futuro na política ucraniana.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês : Zelensky close to “political suicide” – Kiev’s politician, InfoBrics, 23 de julho de 2024.

Imagem InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

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[This article was originally published in 2014.]

A 12-year-old Wisconsin girl died just hours after she went to the doctor for a sore throat, and while there, received the HPV vaccine.

Meredith Prohaska died unexpectedly on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 and her family is grasping for answers.

The cause of her death was initially listed as ‘inconclusive’. Three months after her death, the medical examiner determined the HPV vaccine did not cause her death, but instead was caused by a toxic level of an ingredient commonly found in benadryl.

FOX 4 sister station WITI spoke to Meredith’s parents. Her mother recalled the hours before Meredith was found unconscious on the floor.

Click here to view the Fox News Report

That day, Rebecca Prohaska took her daughter to the doctor for a sore throat. While they were there, at about 10:30 or 11:00 a.m., Meredith got her first HPV vaccine.

Rebecca says she remembers getting a handout about possible side effects.

“Thirty minutes later she was trying to sleep. I kept waking her up,” Rebecca Prohaska said.

By 3:30 that afternoon, Rebecca Prohaska went out for a half-hour to get food.

“I came back and I found her on the floor,” Rebecca Prohaska said.

Her mother, who is a 14-year veteran Emergency Medical Technician for the National Guard, performed CPR, but Meredith was pronounced dead at the hospital. She does not agree with the medical examiner’s findings and said she wanted further investigation into Meredith’s allergies and potential reactions.

“The only thing different about that day was that shot. I wish I would’ve known more about it before I agreed to it,” Rebecca Prohaska said.

Prohaska is describes as a girl who loved to be active — swimming and playing basketball while in sixth grade at Butler Middle School.

“I’m a tough guy. I can take a beating — but this has ripped a hole in my heart,” Prohaska’s father, Mark Prohaska said.

The Prohaskas have donated Meredith’s organs and tissue so others can live a healthier life.


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Featured image is from COVID Intel

There is competent analysis on the Internet of acoustic evidence indicating more than one shooter involved in the attempt on Trump’s life. Obviously, what is needed is a credible, brave, credentialed acoustic expert to analyze the acoustic evidence. This should be arranged by committees of the US Congress, such as the committees headed by Jim Jordan and James Comer. It is completely clear that neither the FBI, which has been trying to destroy Trump and his supporters for eight years, nor the Secret Service or Homeland Security can be trusted with the investigation. These agencies have zero credibility.

The challenge for the committees of Rep Jordan and Rep Comer is to find an expert who does not hate Trump, who does not earn his living doing police work, and who is brave and solid enough to withstand the denunciation that will be his if he finds more shooters than Crooks.

Are the Republicans up to their responsibility, or are the Republicans content with Kimberly Cheatle’s resignation and the exposure of the Biden regime’s DEI personnel policy? Are Republicans afraid of hurting America’s reputation by possibly revealing a state plot against a presidential candidate?

America cannot survive another assassination or another 9/11 swept under the rug. This time there must be a real investigation, not another coverup left in the hands of the executive branch. Any investigation by the FBI, Homeland Security, the Secret Service is worthless. These are not agencies capable of speaking truth.

A real investigation is urgent. The official narrative is being formed. The attempt on Trump’s life is going to be blamed on “operational failure” resulting from DEI and an inadequately budgeted Secret Service, and the assassination attempt will disappear into performance and budgetary issues.

If there was a deep state assassination attempt and all evidence is not professionally examined, the deep state will have again succeeded and will continue on its path of frustrating the will of the American people.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Kamala, Heir to the Neoliberal Throne, Promotes Depopulation for Climate Change™

By Ben Bartee, July 25, 2024

The Karamel-uh entity overheard the true impetus of the Climate Change™ hoax at some point and didn’t realize or forgot that she’s not supposed to say the quiet part out loud.

Arrest Bibi Netanyahu, Washington DC, 24 July 2024

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 24, 2024

The battle to define what passes for reality in the world’s most ailing superpower is becoming hotter than Hades. Benjamin Netanyahu, the primary personification of the genocidal convergence currently linking the governments of Israel and the United States, is about to address the US Congress. Many forces are on the rise that are calling for the severance of the genocidal convergence into question.

Britain Funds Nazis, Condones Political Assassinations, the Odessa Trade Union Massacre and Banning Political Parties

By Rodney Atkinson, July 25, 2024

In recent days, as NATO/EU continues to stoke their war against Russia at the cost of some 500,000 Ukrainian dead and wounded, the NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg called Ukraine a “democratic country.”

‘It’s a Disaster’ – Top Japanese Medical Professor Slams Health Officials Over mRNA Jab

By Daily Telegraph New Zealand, July 25, 2024

In professional magazines the misunderstanding has finally come to light, and now it is understood how dangerous it is to wrap the mRNA into nanoparticles. Every cell engulfs it and the cells transform. This is what I know now. The mechanism is clear. Immediately dissolve the Evaluation Committee and investigate all cases. This is the conclusion. An investigation into all cases.

Five Takeaways from Hungary and Slovakia’s Russian Oil Dispute with Ukraine

By Andrew Korybko, July 24, 2024

Ukraine’s decision last month to stop the transit of Russian oil from Lukoil across its territory has hit Hungary and Slovakia, who have EU sanctions waivers to continue purchasing this resource, very hard. They’ve accordingly requested that the European Commission mediate between them and Kiev on the basis that the latter’s actions violate its 2014 Association Agreement with the bloc.

Netanyahu Will Prolong the War on Gaza Until Trump Takes Office

By Steven Sahiounie, July 24, 2024

Netanyahu has successfully postponed the Gaza ceasefire deal he previously agreed to, kept himself in power and out of jail, and contributed to the decision of US President Joe Biden to leave the race for a second term as president. Netanyahu is betting on Trump.

New Book: Beneath the Mountain. An Anti-Prison Reader. “The Impact of State Terror, the Role of Prisons in Maintaining Social Hierarchy”

By Mumia Abu-Jamal and Jennifer Black, July 25, 2024

Beneath the Mountain: An Anti-Prison Reader (City Lights, 2024) is a collection of revolutionary essays providing a vital core of primary texts and insurgent writings by US dissidents and revolutionaries who experienced state terror and incarceration firsthand.

As far as I am concerned, there are two options here, each of which is equally plausible:

  • The Karamel-uh entity overheard the true impetus of the Climate Change™ hoax at some point and didn’t realize or forgot that she’s not supposed to say the quiet part out loud
  • The social engineers are simply getting more brazen in their declaration of intentions, and so these comments were intentionally inserted into the Karamel-uh entity’s speech — later to dismiss it as a “gaffe” — to move the Overton window in the direction of global genocide

Either way, these words escaping the lips of a possible future president (and maybe sooner that we realize if the MIA Brandon entity never resurfaces and is declared dead from COVID or domestic terrorism or whatever) should be front page news everywhere.

What explanation I don’t buy is the framing by the White House, relayed via the New York Post uncritically, that this was a “gaffe.”

Via New York Post (emphasis added)

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the US to ‘reduce population’ in an effort to combat climate change, but she meant to say ‘reduce pollution,’ according to the White House.

The shocking gaffe happened as the 58-year-old vice president delivered remarks at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Md., on the need to build a ‘clean energy economy.’

‘When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,’ Harris said, eliciting applause from the audience.

The official White House transcript of her speech acknowledges and corrects Harris’ disquieting error.*

In the transcript, ‘population’ is crossed out and ‘pollution’ is added in brackets to denote what the VP intended to say.”

*This is gaslighting nonsense; shame on the New York Post for printing it. Transcripts are supposed to reflect what was actually said, not edited later on to say whatever the governing authorities would like them to say.

She declares depopulation as the agenda clear as day in the video below:


Yet, when the transcriptionists got their hands on it, suddenly “population” appears with a strikethrough, replaced with “pollution” in brackets.

Via The White House (emphasis added):

“And so, we set an ambitious goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.  The investment we are announcing today will help us to achieve these goals, and it will do so much more, because think also about the impact on not only the local economy, not only on an investment in the entrepreneurs and innovators from and in the community.  Think about the impact on something like public health.

When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population[pollution], more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.  (Applause.)”

Screenshot of White House document

This, from the self-styled Most Transparent Administration in History™.

Bill Gates — committed eugenicist from a family lineage of eugenicists — committed a similar faux pas in 2010 when he let slip that his actual overriding goal is not merely carbon control for the sake of the environment but reducing global population via vaccine and Climate Change™ deindustrialization:

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

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Joe Biden’s health and a possible coup in the Democratic Party. (0:03)

Assassination with 10 shots fired, gaps between rounds, and updated information on shooter locations. (5:06)

Audio analysis of five rifle shots in Pittsburgh. (10:27)

Secret Service inaction during JFK assassination attempt. (25:27)

Assassination attempt on President Trump, with focus on Secret Service involvement and lack of recordings. (39:08)

Potential cyber attacks and their impact on America’s infrastructure. (51:13)

Joe Biden’s resignation, internal coup speculation, and reference to “Weekend at Bernie’s” movie. (59:09)

Possible motives behind recent political events and assassination attempt on Trump. (1:06:29)

Potential cyber attack on US banking system to reset economy and debt. (1:13:04)

Political lawlessness and potential military intervention. (1:27:45)

Analyzing news and evaluating sources in a world of propaganda. (1:41:09)

Assassination attempt on President Trump, conspiracy theories, and political unrest. (1:44:36)

US political chaos and international implications. (1:51:20)

Joe Biden’s health and potential replacement as president. (1:58:07)


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Featured image is from the Public Domain

Is Kamala Harris the Black Swan of Donald Trump?

July 25th, 2024 by Germán Gorraiz López

After Biden’s forced resignation from the Democratic race, Donald Trump would have woken up with an unexpected black swan that seriously threatens his triumphant return to the White House after the November elections. The new shining star of the Democratic firmament, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Attack on Trump

Biden’s senility signs, the fentanyl crisis, the high cost of living, the increase of the citizen’s insecurity and the issue of immigration would have sunk Biden’s popularity to historical lows and the polls predicted a triumphant return of Donald Trump to the White House. 

Consequently, after the disastrous debate of Biden against Trump and the failure of the judicial offensive against Trump, the globalists proceeded to the gestation of an exogenous plot to neutralize it by expeditious methods (Magnicidio), a plot that materialized in the Pennsylvania rally and after which Trump became a hero and was nominated by acclamation at the Republican convention held in Wisconsin.

Is Kamala the Black Swan of Trump?

However, following Biden’s resignation from the Democratic race, Donald Trump would have woken up with an unexpected black swan that seriously threatens his triumphant return to the White House after the November elections. The term “black swan” designates an unexpected and unpredictable event that produces consequences on a large scale and which is explainable only after the event and in the case of Trump, that black swan would have taken the form of an ugly duckling ignored by the newfound Democratic swans and become the new shining star in the Democratic firmament, Kamala Harris.

Thus, after receiving the blessings of the Party establishment, Kamala has managed to awaken in the electorate the hope of a Democratic victory, The Commission has been working on a number of proposals for the European Commission’s White Paper on Employment and Social Security, which it is proposing to set up He expects to be nominated by acclamation.

Kamala, the True Peon of Globalists 

The US military-industrial complex would profile for the next five years the recovery of the role of the USA as a world gendarme through an extraordinary increase in foreign interventions to regain unipolarity on the global geopolitical board, following the Wolfowitz Doctrine, which drew “a policy of unilateralism” and “preventive military action to suppress possible threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from being elevated to the status of a superpower”.

After several corrections, his idea was taken up in the so-called Bush Doctrine or Positive Aggression Doctrine which implied “the use of military force by the United States and its allies to consolidate governments around the world in accordance with American interests” and of what would be paradigms the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the current war against Russia in Ukraine and whose continuation would be defended to the extreme by Kamala Harris.

However, a victory by Trump in November would represent the end of the Atlanticist strategy of Biden and Soros determined to defend Putin from power as well as the subsequent signing of a Peace agreement in Ukraine and the return to the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence with Russia. This would mean the enthronement of the G-3 (US, Russia and China) as “primus inter pares” in global governance, with the EU, India and Japan remaining stone guests in the new geopolitical scenario.

Accordingly, the upcoming Presidential elections in November will mark the design of the new global geopolitical architecture of the next five-year term, because the victory of Donald Trump would be the return of the US Isolationist Doctrine against the Wolfowitz Doctrine defended by Harris and globalists that emphasizes the supremacy of the European Union and the United States of America.

Harris, the “Tsar of Immigration”

According to the latest monthly Gallup survey, irregular immigration tops the list of concerns for Americans. Specifically, the arrests of immigrants would have gone a crescendo, rising from the figure of 1 million arrests under Trump to 2.47 million in 2023 with Biden, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security. So after the withdrawal of Biden, illegal immigration will be the central axis of Trump’s election campaign.

Thus, Trump on his visit to the border with Mexico, said in Eagle Pass (Texas) that “the United States is being invaded by the migrant crime of Biden.” The issue of illegal immigration and the construction of the Wall will be the central focus of his campaign against the so-called “Tsar of Immigration”, Kamala Harris.

The term “immigration tsar” has been used by Republicans against Harris in a derogatory manner since 2021, with the aim of making it an easy target for criticism of the government’s migration management. But despite its role not being directly linked to daily reality at the border, Trump’s campaign against Vice President Harris will be focused on the narrative of the border crisis.

“Kamala Harris has all the left-wing political history of Joe Biden,” Donald Trump Jr. said in Social Truth. “The only difference is that she is even more liberal and less competent than Joe, which is a lot to say. They put her in charge of the border and we saw the worst illegal invasion in our history!!!” he added.

Also, on the second day of the Republican National Convention, Kamala Harris became a major target of criticism from speakers, by appealing to its role in the migration issue and preparing anti-Harris ads and designing a new line of attack against Trump’s potential rival.

Trump is a specialist in forcing the limits of the Everton window to introduce into it issues located outside the frame and initially considered unacceptable by public opinion and that once within the debate, can be perceived as tolerable and what would be paradigm the construction of the Wall to contain illegal immigrants. Trump’s campaign against Vice President Harris will thus be refocused on the narrative of Kamala’s failure to manage the border.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Flickr

Thousands Evicted in Paris Ahead of Olympics

July 25th, 2024 by Bharat Dogra

At a time when most of the discussion is about who will win most medals, on the margins of the Paris Olympic Games several social groups have intensified efforts to prevent the further eviction of any more people.  RDLM, a collective of over 80 different organizations, has alleged that thousands of the most vulnerable people including homeless and migrant people have already been evicted in a number of different actions. The number is likely to be around 12,500. In June this collective released a 78 page report titled ‘One year of Social Cleansing’. These social organizations are also making efforts to ensure that essential services and needs of the most vulnerable people are not neglected in the middle of the big games.

The government has contested the numbers and stated that not all recent evictions should be linked to the Olympics. This in turn is not accepted by several of the activists opposing evictions who say that having made promises of the most inclusive and socially responsive Olympics the authorities should live up to these.   

Earlier there were protests by environmental groups against the proposed felling of trees in Paris as part of efforts to speed up of redevelopment for Olympic Games.

These recent debated have revived several earlier controversies regarding previous Olympic Games relating to adverse impacts on the green cover, settlements of weaker sections and overall development priorities of host cities. People raised questions like why should spaces meant for housing for the weaker sections and greenery be used up for constructing excessive number of sports stadiums and facilities for which there may be little use after the big games are over within a few days.

The celebrations relating to this biggest sports event cover up increasing problems relating to them due to which a significant number of initial host candidates have been withdrawing voluntarily following local protests. Before the 2024 event was awarded to Paris, for example, there were withdrawals by Boston, Rome, Hamburg and Budapest. In the case of 1976 Games, Denver withdrew even after the city had been officially selected, paving the way for Montreal to emerge as hosts.

One reason for this relates to high costs. The last three summer Olympics, the main Olympic Games, have cost between 13 to 16 billion dollars each, although some of these estimates are considered to be underestimates by others if all costs are included. There have seen cost escalations ranging from 75% to 360%. 

While the Olympic spectacle rolls on, an issue that is increasingly becoming important is that of increasing pressures on host cities with many people complaining about the big events messing up priorities. The host city may end up giving up more essential projects and priorities in favor of huge stadiums and other sports complexes which are likely to remain underutilized later. 

There have been protest movements in several cities hosting Olympics and other big sports events (like the Asian Games and the Commonwealth Games). Such voices of protest and opposition were very much there in Tokyo (2020) and what is more, we can already hear these in the context of the Los Angeles Olympics (2028). 


The newly built Japan National Stadium in Tokyo was the venue for the ceremonies and the athletics events. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)


According to the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, Geneva, nearly 1.5 million people were displaced for Beijing Olympics (2008), preceded by nearly half this number in Seoul. The Asian Games and Commonwealth Games have also led to complaints of big evictions and corruption. The London Olympics in 2012 led to cancelling an important low income housing project.  

Excessive punishment was inflicted on Beijing protestors. In the case of Mexico Olympics, student protestors faced police firing. 30 died. 

The cost of Tokyo Olympics ultimately more than doubled from the original estimate of 7 billion. The Montreal Olympics in 1976 had cost 1.5 billion, which was considered excessive at that time and the debts incurred at that time could be fully paid back only 3 decades later, leading to its big stadiums being renamed ‘the big owes’ instead of the big ones.

Another concern is that the concentration of too many sports and sports events within a very short span of about two weeks makes it difficult for sports enthusiasts to really give proper attention to all of them. Too much appears to be happening at the same time and too quickly. The Tokyo Olympics, involving about 11,000 athletes competing in 339 events of 41 sports, were over in just 17 days. 

To avoid all these problems, the International Olympics Committee has already taken some decisions from time to time, including organizing the Winter Olympics in a different year from the main Summer Olympics. However these reforms do not go far enough and the main Summer Olympics is itself too massive an event for a single place and concentrated within too short a time.

Hence there is a clear need to spread this once-in-four years event of Summer Olympics and Para-Olympics across about 40 countries or so, representing all continents. While one country can be the lead venue, responsible for perhaps one tenth of the overall sports events, its responsibilities for all the various sports will be shared by perhaps about 40 other countries in all parts of the world. This way it can become much more of an all-world event. Costs will be shared. The burden of financial costs and management will not be too heavy on any one country. 

At the same time the main Olympics can be spread all over the Olympic year, depending upon the most appropriate season of the various host countries. Hence sports enthusiasts will have much more to look forward to enjoying all around the year, instead of having too much of sports concentrated in just about 2 to 3 weeks when they cannot really get the full flavor of over 300 sports events.

In this way Olympic Games can become more representative and participative world events while reducing costs. When the scale of the event is much smaller, it becomes easier to avoid evictions and displacements. In addition a clause requiring minimization of social and ecological costs can be written into agreements with all the countries hosting diverse Olympics events, with certain dos and don’ts being worked out by a team of experts and monitored by special teams. This may well be the way forward to reducing problems as well as increasing enjoyment of the Olympic Games. 

At what stage such reforms will be introduced, starting from which Olympics, can be worked out in consultation with various involved parties once the reforms are agreed to in principle.

Somewhat similar reform proposals can also be extended for some other mega sports events, wherever these may be relevant.

These reforms can reduce the burden for a single host while at the same time increasing the enjoyment of sports enthusiasts.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include A Day in 2071, Protecting Earth for Children, Man over Machine and Planet in Peril. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Parc des Princes, Paris, France (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Beneath the Mountain: An Anti-Prison Reader (City Lights, 2024) is a collection of revolutionary essays providing a vital core of primary texts and insurgent writings by US dissidents and revolutionaries who experienced state terror and incarceration firsthand.

Documenting the struggle, beginning with slavery, genocide, and colonization, up to our present day, it imagines a collective, anti-carceral future and centers the experiences and wisdom of those who have lived, and sometimes died, “beneath the mountain.”

These essays point towards the impact of state terror, the role of prisons in maintaining social hierarchy, and how we should build and organize to disrupt the status quo. Beneath the Mountain honors the voices of those too often left out of the public discourse and suggests that their insights, when studied and applied, foster emancipatory consciousness.

Accomplishing such an ambitious project with an incarcerated person is both challenging and humbling all at once. We couldn’t quickly email each other back and forth, or pick up the phone and call when we needed to confer, solve a problem, or ask a question. Working together required a different approach. For example, we developed the Table of Contents while hanging out in the prison visiting room munching on chips, surprisingly fresh mediterranean salad from the vending machine, and a shared chocolate bar.

“Leonard.” Mumia proposed decisively. “Leonard must go in the book.” Of course, I agreed. Leonard Peltier, a native elder and member of the American Indian Movement, who has served 47 years after being unjustly incarcerated, was his very first suggestion. More followed in rapid succession. It wasn’t hard to decide who to put in Beneath the Mountain; the overwhelming challenge was that there was not space for everyone we wanted to include.

Written by the prisoner class, the most structurally dispossessed people on earth, their emancipatory vision inspires the work being done today in the streets, cages, and classrooms. It’s a vision centered on revolutionary love, hope, and solidarity as antidotes to state violence and control. Who better to tell these stories than those who have lived them?

Excerpt from the book:

“Revolutionary love speaks to the ways we protect, respect, and empower each other while standing up to state terror. Its presence is affirmed through these texts as a necessary component to help chase away fear and to encourage the solidarity and unity essential for organizing in dangerous times and places. Its absence portends tragedy. Revolutionary love does not stop the state from wanting to kill us, nor is it effective without strategy and tactics, but it is the might that fuels us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with others regardless. Perhaps it can move mountains.” —Jennifer Black & Mumia Abu-Jamal from the introduction to Beneath The Mountain: An Anti Prison Reader

Many of these essays have been studied throughout the years by generations of revolutionaries. Curated here, along with significant contributions of newly published material, this book is for everyone, inside or outside of prison, interested in developing an anti-carceral, liberatory consciousness. It’s for all of us, but it might be especially useful for independent scholars such as those in prison who don’t have access to the internet, universities, or public libraries. Inspired by the incarcerated radical tradition, we are sending this book to every Prison Radio Correspondent. Thanks to your early support, we have already sent over 20 books into prisons. Please help us send one to every prison in the country! If you are able, we ask that you buy a copy for yourself, and an extra copy so that we can send it inside. May a new generation of leaders be inspired by the arc of anti-prison thought and action!

Finally, this book would not be possible without the sustained effort of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a consummate journalist, writer, activist, revolutionary, and trained academic. In the face of staggering hurdles, he continues to do what he does best: act as a conduit for those who have been silenced. His consistency, commitment, discipline, and tenacity is unparalleled and he remains the “Voice of the Voiceless.” He is a gift to the world and his influence and impact will be felt for a thousand generations. 


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Cover Art Beneath the Mountain MAJ and Jennifer Black City Lights 2024.jpgBeneath The Mountain: An Anti Prison Reader edited by Mumia Abu-Jamal & Jennifer Black (City Lights 2024)

Beneath The Mountain: An Anti-Prison Reader (City Lights, 2024) is a collection of revolutionary essays, written by those who have been detained inside prison walls. Composed by the most structurally dispossessed people on earth, the prisoner class, these words illuminate the steps towards freedom. 

Beneath the Mountain documents the struggle — beginning with slavery, genocide, and colonization up to our present day — and imagines a collective, anti-carceral future. These essays were handwritten first on scraps of paper, magazine covers, envelopes, toilet paper, or pages of bibles, scratched down with contraband pencils or the stubby cartridge of a ball-point pen; kites, careworn, copied and shared across tiers and now preserved in this collection for this and future generations. If they were dropped in the prison-controlled mail they were cloaked in prayers, navigating censorship and dustbins. They were very often smuggled out. These words mark resistance, fierce clarity, and speak to the hope of building the world we all deserve to live in.  

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